b m bn 7^ The Social Sciences FINDING LIST CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914 The Social Sciences FINDING LIST CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1914 w x ; G* Note. This is a new and completely revised edition of the Finding List entitled : Political Science; Social Science; Education, the seventh edition of which, is- sued in 1893, has long been out of print. The subject of Law has been added and all of the subjects included have been greatly amplified so that the list is very much larger in size and scope than its predecessors. It is not, however, a complete catalogue of all the resources of the Library in these classes, but a list of the books, only, omitting reference to periodicals, collections and other analytical material, which is made accessible through the card catalogue. On the other hand, it is somewhat fuller than the ordinary class list as many books, dealing with more than one subject, have been entered in more than one place, following the practice of the card catalogue upon which this compila- tion is based. In some cases, also, titles of books which were clearly out of date and had ceased to be of value even from a historic point of view have been excluded, but this has been done sparingly, and, it is hoped, without in- jury. The Table of Contents gives an outline of the classification of the list. So far as practicable it follows the admirable and exhaustive schemes of the Library of Congress. Alphabetical subject and author indexes are appended, beginning at page 333. Table of Contents Page Sociology, General and Intro- ductory 7-20 Bibliography 7 Social Theory 7 Textbooks, Compends, Outlines.... 9 Civilization 9 Social Ethics 13 Social Psychology 13 Social Problems, Essays, Miscellanies 14 Periodicals and Societies 15 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias.... 16 Statistics 16-19 Population 19-20 Economics 20-121 Bibliography 20 General Works, Systems, Treatises. 20-23 Compends, Outlines, Textbooks.... 25 Essays 26 History of Economics 27 Periodicals and Societies 28 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias 29 Economic Theory 29 Theory of Value 29 Wealth 29 Capital, Income Profit 31 Property 31 Economic History 32-37 Land, Land Tenure 38-42 Agriculture 42-43 Forestry, Reclamation 43-44 Industry, Production 44-51 Factories, Factory System 45 Corporations 45-47 Trusts, Monopolies 47-48 Competition 48 State Aid and Interference, Indus- trial Liberty 48 Prices 49 Panics 50 Cost of Living 51 Co-operation, in Production and Dis- tribution 51 Mutual Benefit Associations 52 Public Utilities, Public Ownership.. 53 Labor 54-70 Labor and Capital 55 Industrial Arbitration 55 Wages 57 Labor Systems 58 Laboring Classes 60-64 Hours of Labor 64 Associations 64 Strikes and Lockouts 64 Boycott, Injunction 65 Labor Unions 65 Closed vs. Open Shop 66 Page Syndicalism 66 Unemployment 67 Housing, Tenements 67 Welfare Institutions 68 Industrial Diseases 68 Employers' Liability 68 Labor Legislation 69 Transportation, Communication . 70-77 Ocean Transportation 70 Inland Waterways 70 Canals, Panama Canal 71 Ships and Shipping, Merchant Marine 72 Ship Subsidies 7,3 Railroads 73 Railroad Law 74 Public Relations and Control 74 Express Service 75 Postal Service 75 Philately 75 Parcel Post 76 Railway Mail Service 76 Street Railroads 76 Telegraph 77 Telephone 77 Commerce, Business 77-85 History of Commerce 79 Commercial Law 80 Interstate Commerce 80 Commerce by Countries 81 Famines 83 Trading Companies 83 Gilds 84 Weights and Measures 84 Metric System 85 Finance 85-92 Money 86 Gold and Silver. . 87 Free Coinage of Silver 88 Bimetallism 89 Mints 90 Paper Money 90 Currency by Countries 90 Banks and Banking 92 History of Banking 93 Banking by Countries 95 Savings Banks 98 Postal Savings Banks 99 People's Banks 99 Pawnbroking 99 Saving, Thrift 99 Safe-Deposit Companies 99 Trust Companies 99 Clearing Houses 100 Exchange 1°° Banking Law 100 Building and Loan Associations. .. .100 Counterfeiting 101 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Page Stocks and Bonds 101 Stock Exchange 1°1 Wall Street 102 Investments 102 Speculation 103 Lotteries 103 Financial Credit 103 Interest, Usury 104 Insurance 104-108 Old Age Pensions 107 Workingmen's Insurance 107 Public Finance, Taxation. . . .108-121 Local and Municipal Finance 115 National and State Debts 116 Public Accounting 116 Tariff, Customs, Duties 117 Reciprocity HO Tariff by Countries 119 Socialism, Communism, Anarch- ism 121-130 Utopias, Ideal Commonwealths 128 Nihilism 130 Political Science 130-220 Bibliography 130 Political Theory, Textbooks. 130 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias. .. .133 History of Political Science 134 Form of State 135 Ancient State 135 Medieval State 136 Federal Government 136 Imperialism, World State, Empire.. 137 Monarchy 137 Tyranny, Despotism 137 Democracy • • • 138 State and Individual, Civil Lib- erty 139-144 Initiative, Referendum, Recall 140 Public Opinion 141 Liberty of the Press 141 Liberty of Conscience 141 Church and State 142 Citizenship, Duties, Ethics 142 Naturalization 143 Suffrage, Elections 144-147 Troportional Representation 144 Ballot I 45 Gerrymander 145 Election Expenditures 145 Corrupt Practices 145 Bossism 145 Nominating Systems 145 Woman Suffrage 146 Negro Question, Negro as Citi- zen 147-149 Slavery 149-155 Colonies and Colonization. .. 155-159 Foreigners in the U. S 157 Chinese Question 159 Page Legislation, Legislative Assem- blies 159-165 U. S. Congress 160 Direct Election of Senators 162 Confederate States, Congress 162 England, Parliament 162 Germany, Parliaments 164 Politics 165-173 U. S. Politics 165 Political Parties, U. S 171 Conventions and Platforms 17.1 Separate Parties 171 Political Parties, England 173 Government, Administration. 173-212 Constitutional Law and History 173 U. S. Constitutional History 174 U. S. Constitution, Text and Criticism. 17.6 State Constitutions, U. S 180-181 European Constitutions and Const. History 181 U. S. Government 184 U. S. President and Cabinet 186 England, King and Council 187 Civil Government Textbooks. . .187-188 Colonial and Territorial Government. 189 U. S. Government Employees-. 189 Civil Service . 190 Civil Service Examinations 190 State Governments 190-193 Government and Politics of Euro- pean Countries 193-204 Other Foreign Countries 204-206 Local Government 206-212 Municipal Government 206 Commission Government 209 Government of Chicago 209 Government of New York 210 European Cities 211 City Planning 211 International Relations 212-219 U. S. Foreign Relations 212 Monroe Doctrine 214 Other Countries 215 Eastern Question 216 Nationalism, Nationality 219-220 Flags, Seals, Arms 219 Patriotism, Jingoism 220 Law, Jurisprudence 220-240 Theory and Philosophy of Law 220 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias 221 Periodicals and Societies 222 History of Law, Ancient Law 222 International Law 223-229 Treaties 2 ~* Neutrality 2 ~ 5 Aliens ***] Passports, Extradition 2~b Law of War 23(i Peace 226 International Arbitration 227 CONTENTS Page Alabama Claims 228 Diplomacy, Diplomatic Service. .. .2^8 Criminal Law 229 Maritime Law 229 Medical Law 229 Military Law, Martial Law 229 Statute Law 230-232 Private Law 232-234 English and American Common Law.. 232 Personal Rights, Contracts 233 Probate Law, Wills 233 Legal Procedure, Pleading and Prac- tice 234 Trials 235 Popular Manuals 236 Legal Forms 236 Notaries Public 236 Courts of Law 237 Legal Ethics, Miscellanea 238 Foreign Law 239 Canon Law 240 Roman Law 240 Practical Sociology 241-266 Social Problems, Social Politics, So- cial Welfare 241 Christian Sociology 243 Social Service 244 Social Surveys 244 Social Settlements, Social Centers.. 245 Social History and Condition. . .246 United States 246 Chicago 247 Other Countries 247-248 Charity, Organization, Principles.248 History of Charity 249 Charities by Countries 249 Salvation Army 250 Red Cross 250 Dependents, Defectives and De- linquents 250 Children, Child Welfare 250 Boys' Clubs 251 Girls' Clubs 252 Feeble-Minded Children 252 Fresh Air Charities 252 Pauperism 252 Defectives, Blind, Deaf and Dumb.. 254 Criminology 255 Criminal Anthropology and Psy- chology 256 Criminal Anthropometry 256 Crimes and Criminals 257-259 Liquor Problem, Temperance . 259-262 Police, Detectives 262 Penology 263-266 Punishments 264 Prisons, Prison Life 265 Page Juvenile Offenders .......266 Reformatories, Reformation 266 Education 267-308 Bibliography 267 General Works, Theory 267 Encyclopedias 271 Periodicals, Societies 273 History of Education 274 Teachers, Professional, Personal, Social 275 Training of Teachers 275 Normal Schools 276 Teachers' Salaries, Pensions, Insti- tutes 276 Pedagogics 276 Psychology of Education 278 School Management 280 Curriculum 281 Textbooks and Pedagogics of Spe- cial Subjects 281 Kindergarten 285 Occupations, Busy Work 286 Story Telling 287 Primary Education 287 Object Teaching . . 288 Secondary Education 289 The State and Education 289 Laws and Legislation 290 School Funds and Taxation 290 Public School Government 290 Education and Schools by Coun- tries 291-295 Country Schools, District Schools.. 295 Systems of Education 295 Industrial Education 295 Manual Training 296 Vocational Education 297 Vocational Guidance 297 Continuation Schools 298 Education of Special Classes. . . .298 Auxiliary Education 298 Defectives and Dependents 298 Moral and Religious Education. .299 Education and the Church 300 The Bible in the Schools 300 Roman Catholic Education 300 Social Aspects of Education 300 Education and Crime 301 Education and Heredity 301 School Architecture 301 School Hygiene 301 Open Air Schools 302 School Books 302 School Gardens 302 School Life 302 Self Education 303 Conversation 303 Courses of Study 303 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Page University Extension 303 Mechanics' Institutes 304 Educational Foundations 304 Rhodes Scholarships 304 Education of Women and Girls. .304 Co-Education 305 Higher Education 305-308 Colleges and Universities 305 Curriculum 306 Academic Degrees 307 Student Life and Customs 308 Fraternities and Sororities 308 Social Relations, Social Life. 309-331 The Family, Marriage, Divorce 309 Motherhood 310 Children 311 Woman 313 History of Woman 315 Economic, Social and Political Status. 315 Employment, Professions 317 Page Home Occupations 318 Woman in Various Countries 318 Domestic Life, The Home 320 Social Life 320 Social Customs 320 Costume, Fashion 321 Holidays 324 Fasts, Feasts, Festivals 324 Eating and Drinking Customs 324 Court Customs 325 Duelling 325 Etiquette 325 Associations, Societies, Clubs... 327 Secret Societies 327 Clubs 330 Social Classes 330-331 Aristocracy, Leisure Class 330 Middle Class 330 Peasantry 330 Country Life 331 City Life 331 The Social Sciences All books are for home circulation except those marked with a star (*) in the call number The terms "Doc." and "Civics Dept." indicate public documents and other books available only in the Civics Department. "Ser." represents serials which do not circulate. Sociology General and Introductory Bibliography Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaften: Bibliographic des sciences sociales: Bib- liography of social science herausgegeben von Dr. H. Beck. *0 2507 Continued from 1905. Bowker, R. R. and lies, G-, ed. The reader's guide in economic, social and political science. 1891. L 3444, 27 (Economic tracts). Same. *0 564 Current events index; a guide to material in the daily press. *R 732 Continued from 1909. Social subjects supplement; a select bib- liography. *R 733 Continued from 1910. Fabian Society, London, comp. What to read on social and economic subjects; an interleaved bibliography. 5th ed. 1910. Civics Dept. "Includes 'More books to read' the supplement to the last edition." Contents: Social and economic history; Econ- omic theory; Political science and government; Social and industrial problems; Socialism; Mis- cellaneous. Harvard University. A guide to reading in social ethics and allied subjects. 1910. *Ol583 Imhoff, O. M., comp. The library and social movements; a list of material obtainable free or at small expense. 1911. *0 2696 John Crerar Library, Chicago. A list of books on the history of science. 1911. *Ol336 Social sciences, p. 69-100. Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions, with selected lists of references. 1905. L6616 Same. *R 1500 Thomas, VV. I., ed. Source book for social origins. 1909. L 8692 Bibliographies at the end of each chapter. Sup- plementary bibliography, p. 871-915. Social Theory Social Philosophy General Works on Sociology Baldwin, J. M. Individual and society; or, Psychology and sociology. 1911. L 8723 "The French edition bears the title, 'Psychologie et sociologie (l'lndividu et la societe)'." One chapter (VI) has been added to the book in the English form. '' Tn .e material of the book has also served as a basis for a course of twenty-five lectures on Fnyscho-sociology,' delivered in the National Uni- versity of Mexico, October to December, 1910." Bascom, J. Social theory, a grouping of social facts and principles. 1895. L 8547 (Lijrary of economics and politics). Sociology. 1887. L 4052 Brinton, D. G. The basis of social rela- tions; a study in ethnic psychology. 1902. , T . . L8528 tine science series, v. 10). Brown, E. W. The life of society; a gen- eral view. 1885. L4019 Carver, T. N., comp. Sociology and social progress. 1905. L 8558 Selected readings compiled from authorities. Comte, A. Early essays on social philos- ophy. A new ed. with notes and an intro- duction by Frederic Harrison. 1911. L8918 System of positive polity. 4v. 1875-77. q ♦!. ^ , L1972 hee the- card catalog for a complete list ol Comte s writings. Cooley, C. H. Human nature and the social order. 1902. L 8572 Social organization; a study of the larger mind. 1909. L 8656 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Coste, A. Les conditions du bonheur et de la force pour les peuples et les individus. 1879. C 4381 Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. fitudes sur la science sociale. 1862. C 12663 Crozier, J. B. Sociology applied to prac- tical politics. 1911. L8712 Denslow, Van B. Modern thinkers, prin- cipally upon social science: what they think and why. 1880. L633 Contents: Emanuel Swedenborg, and the origin of the Christian ideas, of heaven, hell and virtue; Adam Smith, founder of the school of economics; Jeremy Bentham, the apostle of law reform, and of utilitarianism in morals; Thomas Paine, the apostle of chronic revolution, in his relations to the Declaration of Independence, and democracy in America; Charles Fourier, the philosopher of passional harmony and co-operative association; Herbert Spencer, a review of his theories of evolution and of morals; Ernst Haeckel, the demonstrator of the doctrine of evolution; Auguste Comte, founder of the positive philosophy, and pontiff of the religion of humanity; The authorship of Junius, a sequel to the critique on Thomas Paine; Wealth, a sequel to the critique on Adam Smith. Dickinson, G. L. A modern symposium. 1906. L6467 Ellwood, C. A. Sociology and modern social problems. 1910. L 8704 Sociology in its psychological aspects. 1912. L 8737 "Select bibliography"; p.397-[404]. Fouillee, A. J. £. La science sociale con- temporaine. 1885. C 12406 Giddings, F. H. Sociology [a lecture de- livered at Columbia University in the series on science, philosophy and art, Feb- ruary 26, 1908]. K 15830 The theory of sociology (Supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, July 1894). 1894. L8583 Hamilton, R. S. Present status of social science. 1874. L 4482 Hughes, H. Treatise on sociology, theo- retical and practical. 1854. L 3986 Huth, H. Soziale und individualistische Auffassung im 18 Jahrhundert. 1907. D 4785, 27 Lang, A. Social origins, by Andrew Lang. Primal law by J. J. Atkinson. 1903. L8613 Loria, A. The economic foundations of society. 1899. L 8612 Mayr, G. v. Die Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesell- schaftsleben. 1877. D 416, 23 Parsons, J. Each for all and all for each; the individual and his relation to the so- cial system. 1909. L 8697 Passy, H. P. L'histoire et les sciences sociales et politiques. 1878. C6171 Patten, S. N. The theory of social forces. 1896. L6388 Supplement to the annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Paulsen, F. System der Ethik mit einem Umriss der Staats-und Gesellschaftslehre. 1894. D 3274 Payson, E. P. Suggestions towards an ap- plied science of sociology. 1898. L 8618 Ross, E. A. Foundations of sociology. 1905. L 8556 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Ross, E. A. and Aleworth, E. Social con- trol, a survey of the foundations of order. 1901. L8634 (Citizen's library). Samter, A. Social-Lehre. 1875. D 4747 Schaeffle, A. E. F. Bau und Leben des socialen Korpers. 4v. 1875-80. D 4752 Schmoller, G., -ed. Staats-und socialwissen- schaftliche Forschungen. 36v. 1879-1912. D4785 Schoenlank, B. Sociale Kampfe vor drei- hundert Jahren. 1894. D 7065 Simmel, G. Uber sociale Difterenzierung; sociologische und psychologische Unter- suchungen. 1890. D 4785, 10 Small, A. W. Adam Smith and modern sociology; a study in the methodology of the social sciences. 1907. L8644 General sociology; an exposition of the main development in sociological theory from Spencer to Ratzenhofer. 1905. L8560 The meaning of social science. 1910. L8698 Snider, D. J. Social institutions in their origin, growth, and interconnection, psy- chologically treated. 1901. L 8653 Spencer, H. Descriptive sociology; or, Groups of sociological facts. 8v. 1874-81. *R 4889 The principles of sociology. 3v. 1877- 97. L 776 Social statics. 1868. L 792 Same. 1897. L 791 Same. 1903. L 3890 The study of sociology. 1874. L 790 Einleitung in das Studium der Sociol- ogie. 1875. D 415, 14-15 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Sociology, the sci- ence of human society. 2v. 1903. L 8647 Tarde, G. The laws of imitation. 1903. L8655 Social laws; an outline of sociology. 1899. L 8549 Treitschke, H. G. v. Die Gesellschaftswissen- schaft; ein kritischer Versuch. 1859. D4669 Vierkandt, A. Naturvolker und Kultur- volker; ein Beitrag zur Socialpsychologie. 1896. D4609 Ward, L. F. Applied sociology. 1906. L8672 SOCIAL SCIENCES Dynamic sociology. 2v. 1883. L 666 Pure sociology. 1903. L 8675 Wright, R. J. Principia; or, Basis of social science. 1875. L4487 Textbooks of Sociology Compends and Outlines Blackmar, F. W. The elements of sociol- ogy. 1908. . L 8701 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Dealey, J. Q. Sociology, its simpler teach- ings and applications. 1909. L8703 Dealey, J. Q. and Ward, L. F. A text-book of sociology. 1905. L 8640 Fairbanks, A. Introduction to sociology; third edition revised and in part rewritten. 1901. L8545 Giddings, F. H. The elements of sociology. 1905. L 8557 Inductive sociology. 1901. L 8586 The principles of sociology. 1896. L8584 Readings in descriptive and historical sociology. 1906. L 8635 Sociology. 1908. K 15830 Granger, F. S. Historical sociology, a text-book of politics. 1911. L 8757 Bibliography, p. 229-232. Gumplowicz, L. The outlines of sociology. 1899. L8582 (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Pub. [no. 253]). Lewis, A. M. An introduction to sociology. 1913. L8760 Schaeffle, A. E» F. Abriss der Soziologie. 1906. D 7133 Small, A. W. and Vincent, G. E. An intro- duction to the study of society. 1894. L4455 Stuckenberg, J. H. W. Introduction to the study of sociology. 1902. L 8648 Ward, L. F. Outlines of sociology. 1898. L8674 Wright, C. D. Outline of practical sociol- ogy, with special reference to American conditions. 1899. L8730 Civilization Laws and Factors of Social Progress Biological and Anthropological Sociology Adams, B. The law of civilization and de- cay, an essay on history. 1895. A 2163 Alison, A. Philosophy and history of civ- ilization. 1860. L4178 Armstrong, A. C. Transitional eras in thought, with special reference to the present age. 1904. L5166 Arnot, W. This present world; sketches from nature and art. 1873. E 788 The world created, fashioned and furnished by God; The world as it has been occupied, cultivated and improved by the industry of man. Arnott, N. A survey of human progress, towards higher civilization. 1862. L4534 Babington, W. D. Fallacies of race theories as applied to national characteristics; es- says. 1895. K7893 Bagehot, W. Physics and politics; or, Thoughts on the application of the prin- ciples of "natural selection" and "inher- itance" to political society. 1873. L 95 Der Ursprung der Nationen; Betracht- ungen iiber den Einfluss der natiirlichen Zuchtwahl und der Vererbung auf die Bildung politischer Getneinwesen. 1874. ' D415, 4 (Internationale wissenschaftliche Bibliothek.) Balfour, A. J. A fragment on progress: inaugural address. 1892. L4523 Brunnhofer, G. H. Culturwandel und Volk- erverkehr. D 3098 Bryan, W. J. Letters to a Chinese official; being a western view of eastern civiliza- tion. 1906. L8837 Carpenter, E. Civilisation, its cause and cure, and other essays. 1889. L4187 Same. K 7232, 15 (In Humboldt library of science, v. 15, no. 144). Carriere, M. Die Kunst im Zusammenhang der Culturentwickelung und die Ideale der Menschheit. 5v. 1871-73. D 459 Chamberlain, H. S. The foundations of the nineteenth century. 1911. A 2230 Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts. 1906. D 13303 Condor, C. R. The rise of man. 1908. L8803 Crozier, J. B. Civilization and progress; being the outlines of a new system of political, religious, and social philosophy. 1885. L 4065 History of intellectual development: on the lines of modern evolution. 2v. 1897- 1901. L 5205 Cunningham, W. Modern civilization in some of its economic aspects. 1896. L8767 (Social questions of today.) Delmar, A. Money and civilization; or, A history of the monetary laws and sys- tems of various states since the dark ages and their influence upon civilization. 1886. L3782 Demoor, J. and others. Evolution by atro- phy in biology and sociology. 1899. K7763 Dove, P. E. The theory of human progres- sion, and natural probability of a reign of justice. 1850. L3370 Ferguson, J. H. The philosophy of civiliza- tion; a sociological study. 1890. L4174 Forrest, J. D. The development of western civilization; a study in ethical, economic and political evolution. 1907. L 8806 10 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Fullom, S. W. The human mind. 2v. 1858. L2193 Garvey, M. A. The silent revolution; or, The future effects of steam and elec- tricity upon the condition of mankind. 1852. L4466 Gladden, W. Social facts and forces, the factory, the labor union, the corporation, the railway, the city, the church. 1895- 96. L 8588 Gobineau, J. A., comte de. Essai sur l'in- egalite des races humaines. 2v. 1884. C5001 The moral and intellectual diversity of races, with particular reference to their respective influence in the civil and po- litical history of mankind. 1856. K 7798 Versuch iiber die Ungleichheit der Menschenracen. 5v. in 4. 1898-1904. D6686 Gurewitsch, B. Die Entwicklung der Menschlichen Bediirfnisse und die sociale Gliederung der Gesellschaft. 1901. D 4.785, 19 Harris, G. Civilization considered as a science, in relation to its essence, its ele- ments, and its end. 1861. L950 Henderson, C. R. Social elements, institu- tions, character, progress. 1898. L 8602 The social spirit in America. 1897. L8603 Herter, C. A. Biological aspects of human problems. 1911. K 17901 Hertzka, T. Die Gesetze der sozialen Ent- wickelung. 1886. D4787 Hobhouse, L. T. Social evolution and polit- ical theory. 1911. L 7558 Huxley, T. H. Evolution and ethics. 1906. L 2617a (In his: Collected works. Vol. IX). Same. 1897. L 2617c Same 1897. *R 1104, 33 (Appleton's scientific library.) Kelly, E. Evolution and effort, and their relation to religion and politics. 1895. L8580 Government or human evolution. 2v. 1900-1901. L 6432 v. 1. Justice. 2. Individualism and collectivism. Kidd, B. Principles of western civilization. 1902. L8834 Social evolution. 1894. L 4517 Klemm, G. F. Allgemeine Culturwissen- schaft. 1855. D 4701 Krapotkin, P. A. Mutual aid a factor of evolution. 1902. L 7643 Letourneau, C. J. M. Sociology based upon ethnography. 1881. L 663 McDougall, C. G. The Creator's plan and man's work; or, The foundation and con- struction of the universal civilization. 1911. L8/17 Mackintosh, R. From Comte to Benjamin Kidd, the appeal to biology or evolution for human guidance. 1899. L 8597 Massart, J. and Vandervelde, £. Parasitism, organic and social; tr. by W. Macdonald. 1895. L 8595 "A concrete instance of the practical union of biology and sociology" (pref.). Mitchell, A. The past in the present; what is civilization? 1881. K 3601 Mivart, St. G. Contemporary evolution; an essay on some recent social changes. 1876. L781 Moore. J. H. The universal kinship. 1906. L8617 Evolution and ethics. Morgan, L. H. Ancient society; or, Re- searches in the lines of human progress from savagery through barbarism to civ- ilization. 1877. L 769 Morman, J. B. The principles of social progress; a study of civilization. 1901. L8622 Morris^ C. Civilization; an historical review of its elements. 2v. 1890. L4177 Patten, S. N. The development of English thought, a study in the economic interpre- tation of history. 1899. A 2189 The new basis of civilization. 1907. L8745 The Kennedy lectures for 1905, in the School of philanthropy conducted by the Charity Organiza- tion Society of New York. Petrie, W. M. F. The revolutions of civ- ilization. 1911. L8817 "Aim of the author is to prove that there is a succession of waves of civilization, now developed and now degraded, as shown in the products of art, particularly sculpture." Richards, E. H. S. "Mrs. R. H. Richards." Euthenics, the science of controllable en- vironment; a plea for better living condi- tions as a first step toward higher human efficiency. 1910. N 1549 Riehl, W. H. v. Culturstudien aus drei Jahrhunderten. 1859. D 4705 Ritchie, D. G Darwinism and politics. 2d. ed., with two additional essays on human evolution. 1891. ^ K 7885 (Social science series). Rossbach, J. J. Geschichte der Gesell- schaft. 8v. in 4. 1868-75. D 4715 Seaman, E. C. Essays on the progress of nations, in civilization, productive indus- try, wealth and population. 2v. 1868. L75 Shaler, N. S. The neighbor; the natural history of human contacts. 1904. L 8552 Contents: On the nature of the individual; On certain conditions of man; On the nature ot hatred; On the nature of the tribe; Nature and value of ethnic motives; The Hebrew problem; The problem of the African; The categoric motive SOCIAL SCIENCES 11 in human relations; The conditions of the con- tacts of men; The significance of variety and species in organic life; The way out. Sparkes, G. Man considered socially and morally. 1805. L 601 Spencer, H. Progress; its law & cause; with other disquisitions. K 7232, 2 (In Humboldt lib. of pop. sci. lit., v.2). Sprague, F. M. The laws of social evolu- tion; a critique of Benjamin Kidd's "So- cial evolution" and a statement of the true principles which govern social pro- gress. 1895. L 8645 Sumner, W. G. Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages, man- ners, customs, mores, and morals. 1907. L8646 Tayler, J. L. Aspects of social evolution. 1904. L 6007 Taylor, W. C. The natural history of so- ciety in the barbarous and civilized state. 2v. 1840. L 949 Thomas, W. I., ed. Source book for social origins. 1909. L 8692 Tylor, E. B. Anthropology; an introduction to the study of man and civilization. 1907. K7804 (International scientific ser.). Ward, L. F. The psychic factors of civiliza- tion. 1893. L5319 Wilson, J. Studies of modern mind and character at several European epochs. 1881. E 6411 Elements of Social Progress Equality, Inequality, Aristocracy, Leadership Ghent, W. J. Mass and class; a survey of social divisions. 1904. L 8607 Harris, G. Inequality and progress. 1897. L8601 Lafitte, P. Les grandes types de l'hu- manite; appreciation systematique des principaux agents de revolution humaine. 3v. 1875-1897. C 12568 Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and evolution, a study of the rights, the origin, and the social functions of the wealthier classes. 1898. L 8663 Patterson, J. S. Class interests; their rela- tions to each other and to government. 1886. L3251 Sumner, W. G. What social classes owe to each other. 1883. L 3965 Willisford, E. H. Some aspects of the social power of wealth. 190G. L 8667 Heredity and Social Progress Biichner, F. C. C. L. Die Macht der Verer- bung und ihr Einfluss auf den moralischen und geistigen Fortschritt der Menschheit. 1882. D3111 No. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets. Galton, F. Hereditary genius. 1869. L2187 Haycraft, J. B. Darwinism and race pro- gress. 1895. K7895 (Social science series). Hill, G. C. Heredity and selection in so- ciology. 1907. K 17709 McKim, W. D. Heredity and human pro- gress. 1900. L 9893 Patten, S. N. Heredity and social progress. 1903. L 8578 Whetham, W. CD. The family and the nation; a study in natural inheritance and social responsibility. 1909. K 17718 Heredity and society. 1912. K 17720 Individualism Fite, W. Individualism; four lectures on the significance of consciousness for social relations. 1911. L 11054 Contents: The conception of the individual; The individual as a conscious agent; Individuality and social unity; Individual rights and the social prob- lem. Huth, H. Soziale und individualistische Auffassung im 18. Jahrhundert, vornehm- lich bei Adam Smith und Adam Ferguson. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte der Soziologie. 1907. D 4785, 27 (Staats- und sozialwissenschaftliche Forschungen. hft. 125). Degeneration Nordau, M. S. Degeneration; tr. from the 2d ed. of the German work. 1895. L 5285 Entartung. 2v. 1892-93. D 7050 Regeneration; a reply to Max Nordau. 1896. L5284 History of Civilization Note: Works on the history of civilization, in general as well as in separate countries and pe- riods, have been classed under History and will be found in the catalog of that subject. Contemporary Civilization Criticism Die allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart von W. Lexis; and Anderen. 1906. D 19544, 1 (Die Kultur der Gegenwart, hrsg. von P. P. Hinneberg). Bang, G. Vor tid; det moderne samfunds- og kulturliv i fortsellinger for folket. 2v. 1908. CC 14530 Cunningham, D. Conditions of social well- being; or, Inquiries into the material and moral position of the population of Eu- rope and America. 1878. L 630 Cunningham, W. Modern civilization in some of its economic aspects. 1896. L8767 (Social questions of today, ed. by H. de B. Gibbons [17] ). Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. The man made world; or, Our androcentric culture. 1911. L9239 1? CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Contents: As to humanness; The man-made family; Health and beauty; Men and art; Mascu- line literature; Games and sports; Ethics and relig- ion; Education; "Society" and "fashion"; Law and government; Crime and punishment; Politics and warfare; Industry and economics; A human world. Gorren, A. Anglo-Saxons and others. 1900. L856? Gumprecht, R. Modernes Seelenleben. 1891. D3110 Hartmann, K. R. E. Tagesfragen. 1896. D3186 "Jemand." Das Maschinenalter; Zukunfts- vorlesungen iiber unsere Zeit. 1891. D6482 Jung, A. Moderne Zustande. 1880. D 2882 Mahaffy, J. P. What have the Greeks done for modern civilization? The Lowell lec- tures of 1908-09. 1909. L 8814 Mantegazza, P. Das heuchlerische Jahr- hundert; aus dem italischen. 1889. D 4798 Das nervose Jahrhundert. 1888. D 4797 Messer, M. Die moderne Seele. 1901. D3252 Mivart, St. G. Contemporary evolution; an essay on some recent social changes. 1876. L 781 Morison, G. S. The new epoch as devel- oped by the manufacture of power. 1903. L 8815 Contents: General conditions; Business; Capi- tal; Government; Civil engineering; The univer- sity; Education; Conclusion. Nordau, M. S. Die conventionellen Liigen der Kulturmenschheit. 1884. D 4709 The conventional lies of our civiliza- tion; from the German. 1884. L324 Die Krankheit des Jahrhunderts. 1888. D7951 The malady of the century. 1896. F5474 Norstrom, J. V. A. Den nyaste manniskan; vyer ofver var kultur. 1906. CC 10957 Reich, E. Success among nations. 1904. A 2180 Samuelson, J., ed. The civilization of our day. 1896. L 8690 Schaffle, A. E. F. Deutsche Kern- und Zeitfragen. 1894-95. D 7063 Stead, W. T. The Americanzation of the world; or, The trend of the twentieth century. 1902. L 6368 Stein, L. An der Wende des Jahrhunderts; Versuch einer Kulturphilosophie. 1899. D 13114 Tenney, E. P. Contrasts in social progress. 1907. L8621 Contents: The time-test in comparative social evolution; Contrasts in civic condition; Contrasts in home building; Contrasts in education; Con- trasts in literature; Contrasts in moral thought; Contrasts in altruistic service; Parallels and con- trasts in self-extending altruistic power; The time element in the future of man's moral evolution. Vaughan, R. The age of great cities; or, Modern society viewed in its relation to intelligence, morals and religion. 1843. L3983 Future Civilization Social Forecasts and Prophecies Croly, D. G. Glimpses of the future; sug- gestions as to the drift of things. 1888. E2229 Guyau, M. J. L'irreligion de l'avenir; etude sociologique. 1890. C 12543 Laing, S. Problems of the future. 189? K 7232, 17 (In Humboldt library of science, v. 17, no. 166- 168). Lane, M. A. The level of social motion; an inquiry into the future conditions of hu- man society. 1902. L8611 Lazarus, H. The English revolution of the 20th century. 1894. L 6606 Lilienfeld, P. v. Gedanken iiber die Social- wissenschaft der Zukunft. 5v. in 3. 1873- 81. D 3236 Mendes, H. P. Looking ahead; twentieth century happenings. 1899. E4487 Molinari, G. de. The society of to-morrow; a forecast of its political and economic or- ganization; with an appendix containing tables on the cost of war, from 1898 to 1904. 1904. L 6436 Pearson, C. H. National life and character; a forecast. 1893. L4535 Prittwitz, M. K. E. v. Andeutungen iiber die kimftigen Fortschritte und die Gren- zen der Civilisation. 1855. D 155 Bound with Kortum, F. Geschichtliche For- schungen des Alterthums, des Mittelalters und der Neuzeit. 1863. Richter, E. Pictures of the socialistic fu- ture, freely adapted from Bebel. 1893. L9050 Tarde, G. Underground man. 1905. L8731 Contents: Dedication; Preface, by H. G. Wells; Introductory; Prosperity; The catastrophe; The struggle; Saved! Regeneration; Love; The aesthetic life; Note on Tarde, by Joseph Manchon. Taylor, I. Ultimate civilization, and other essays. 1860. E 5888 Towards Utopia, being speculations in so- cial evolution. 1894. L 4529 Wells, H. G. Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress upon human life and thought. 1902. L8828 Contents: Locomotion in the twentieth century; The probable diffusion of great cities; Developing social elements; Certain social reactions; The life- history of democracy; War in the twentieth cen- tury; The conflict of languages; The larger synthe- sis; Faith, morals and public policy in the twen- tieth century. SOCIAL SCIENCES 13 Mankind in the making. 2d ed. 1903. L8732 "Presents a general theory of social development and of social and political conduct." (Pref.). Social Ethics Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics. 1902. L 8542 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Altgeld, J. P. The cost of something for nothing. 1904. E 1782 Caro, E. M. Problemes de morale sociale. 1887. C 12129 Cuthbert, Father. Catholic ideals in social life. 1905. M 8824 Dole, C. F. The coming people. 1897. L8575 Griggs, E. H. The new humanism; studies in personal and social development. 1900. L6102 Hadley, A. T. Standards of public morality. 1907. L 8746 (American social progress series, v. 2). Hall, B. Things as they are. 1899. E3454 Jenks, J. W. Life questions of high school boys. 1908. L 11419 (Young Men's Christian Association. Bible Study courses, advanced). Maurice, J. F. D. Social morality. 1872. L813 Meakin, F. Function, feeling, and conduct; an attempt to find a natural basis for ethical law. 1910. L 11426 Ostrander, D. Social growth and stability 1895. L 8530 Peabody, F. G. The approach to the social question; an introduction to the study of social ethics. 1909. L8683 Potter, H. C. The citizen in his relation to the industrial situation. 1902. L6881 The scholar and the state. 1897. E 5146 Read, C. Natural and social morals. 1909. L 11435 Richmond, E. Through boyhood to man- hood; a plea for ideals. 1900. L 11421 Richmond, W. Christian economics. 1888. L3492 Ritchie, D. G. Studies in political and so- cial ethics. 1902. L 6382 (Ethical library). Schorb, G. The golden rule and the rule of gold, concerning the cause and cure of our social evils. 1899. L 9064 Stephen, L. Social rights and duties. 2v. 1896. L2632 (Ethical library). Thompson, D. G. The problem of evil, an introduction to the practical sciences. 1887. L 1948 Social progress; an essay. 1889. L 8658 Thompson, H. M. The purse and the con- science. 1891. L3900 (Social science series). Tucker, W. J. Public mindedness. 1910. L 11550 Yale University. Sheffield scientific school. Every-day ethics; addresses delivered in the Page lecture series, 1909. 1910. L 11440 Ziegler, T. Die soziale Frage eine sittliche Frage. 1891. D 3400 Social Psychology Adams, E. K. The aesthetic experience: its meaning in a functional psychology. 1907. L 11121 Baldwin, J. M. The individual and society; or, Psychology and sociology. 1911. L8723 Social and ethical interpretation in mental development, a study in social psy- chology. 1897. L 5208 Davis, M. M. Psychological interpretations of society. 1909. L 6589, 3311 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Dorman, M. R. P. Ignorance; a study of the causes and effects of popular thought; with some educational suggestions. 1898. L5204 Ellwood, C. A. Sociology in its psycholog- ical aspects. 1912. L 8737 "Select bibliography"; p. 397-[404]. Kerr, J. Essays on castism and sectism; or, Some aspects of human nature. 1879. L3963 King, I. The development of religion; a study in anthropology and social psy- chology. 1910. M 9365 Le Bon, G The crowd, a study of the popular mind. 1897. L5188 The psychology of peoples. 1898. L8614 The psychology of revolution. 1913. A 5715 The psychology of socialism. 1899. L9046 McDougall, W. An introduction to social psychology. 1908. L 11162 O'Shea, M. V. Social development and ed- ucation. 1909. L 10276 Reich, E. Studien tiber die Volksseele aus dem Gesichtspunkte der Physiologie und Hygiene. 1879. D 2502 Ross, E. A. Social psychology; an outline and source book. 1908. L6027 Sidis, B. The psychology of suggestion, a research into the subconscious nature of man and society. 1898. L 5202 Tarde, G. L'opinion et la foule. 1904. CC 1642 14 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Vierkandt, A. Naturvolker und Kultur- volker; ein Beitrag zur Socialpsychologie. 1896. D 4609 Vincent, G. E. The social mind and edu- cation. 1897. L 8666 Wallas, G. Human nature in politics. 1908. L7598 Ward, L. F. The psychic factors of civiliza- tion. 1893. L 5319 Social Ideals in Literature Buck, P. M. Social forces in modern litera- ture. 1913. J 4820 Crotch, W. W. Charles Dickens, social re- former. The social teachings of Eng- land's great novelist. 1913. C 21603 Francke, K. Social forces in German liter- ature, a study in the history of civilization. 1896. J 1923 Gordon, W. C. The social ideals of Alfred Tennyson as related to his time. 1906. L8608 Scudder, V. D. Social ideals in English let- ters. 1898. J 5136 Social Problems Including Miscellaneous Essays in Sociology Andrews, E. B. Wealth and moral law. 1894. L 3594 Batchelor, G. Social equilibrium and other problems ethical and religious. 1887. E1967 Berkowitz, H. Judaism on the social ques- tion. 1888. L4092 Beveridge, A. J. The meaning of the times, and other speeches. 1908. E 1941 Blakiston, P. Modern society in its re- ligious and social aspects. 1877. L907 Brown, E. E. Government by influence and other addresses. 1910. L 8695 Carnegie, A. The empire of business. 1902. L4789 The gospel of wealth, and other essays. 1900. L 6609 Problems of to-day: Wealth — labor — socialism. 1908. L 6584 Caro, E. M. Problemes de morale sociale. 1887. C 12129 Carpenter, E. England's .ideal and other papers on social subjects. 1887. L 3909 Chesterton, G. K. What's wrong with the world. 1910. E2336 Cook, T. C. C, lady. Essays on social topics. 1898. *L8553 Crooker, J. H. Problems in American so- ciety; some social studies. 1889. L4169 Davis, C. G. Why not now? 1909. L 8724 Dawbarn, C. Y. C, Liberty & progress. 1909. L 7383 —The social contract. 1910. L 7205 Eeden, F. W. v. Happy humanity. 1912. L8715 Ellero, P. La questione sociale. 1889. C9174 Ellis, H. The problem of race-regenera- tion. 1911. L8771 The task of social hygiene. 1912. L8770 Ellwood, C. A. Sociology, and modern social problems. 1910. L 8704 Eulalia, infanta of Spain. The thread of life. 1912. L8716 Fitzsimmons, O. K. Metamorphose, involv- ing regeneration of individual and race, and also the great problem of poverty. 1906. L6713 Gardener, H. H. Facts and fictions of life. 1893. L4512 George, H. Social problems. 1884. L 3979 Same. 1898. *J 125, 3 Gladden, W. The new idolatry, and other discussions. 1905. M 3544 Grinnell, W. M. Social theories and social facts. 1905. L 8565 (Questions of the day). Harrison, F. National and social problems. 1908. E 3298 Hartmann, C. R. E. v. Moderne probleme. 1888. D3113 Die sozialen Kernfragen. 1894. D 3227 Harvey, G. B. M. The power of tolerance, and other speeches. 1911. L 8743 Contents: The power of tolerance; The soldiers of two republics; Conserve common sense; Journalism and the university; The country press; The magazines; The South and the nation; A government of laws; Woe to thee, O land! For president: Woodrow Wilson; The problem, the solution, and the man; The inherent right; An American individual; Vermont and Peacham; The pilgrim son; The city titanic; Lord North- cliffe; Days like these; The civil engineer; To His Majesty the Czar! Athletics; Have women souls? Esau. Helps, Sir A. Social pressure. 1875. L 788 Kimball, H. A. Yours Truly. Socio-eco- nomic mythes and mythe-makers. 1896. L8581 Knighton, W. Struggles for life. 1885. L4116 Loane, M. E. Neighbours and friends. 1910. L9771 "Social problems connected with poverty," pre- sented by a supervisor of visiting nurses. Lodge, Sir O. J. Modern problems. 1912. L8758 Contents: Free will and determinism; The nature of time; Halfour and Rergson; Huxley on man's place in nature; The position of woman in the state; The responsibility of authors; Universal arbitration and how far it is possible; The irration- ality of war; The functions of money; The pursuit of wealth; Public wealth and private expenditure; Some social reforms; Poor law reform; Charity organization; Squandering a surplus; The produc- SOCIAL SCIENCES 15 tion and sale of drink; The smoke nuisance; Com- petition v. co-operation; Ruskin's political economy; Huxley's lay sermons; The attitude of Tennyson towards science. Lorimer, G. C. Studies in social life. 1886. L4039 Lydston, G. F. The diseases of society (the vice and crime problem). 1904. *L9938 McDougall, C. G. The Creator's plan and man's work. 1911. L8717 Mathews, S. The making of to-morrow; interpretations of the world today. 1913. L8756 Meath, R. B., 12th earl of. Social ar- rows. 1886. L4096 Meric, fi. Les erreurs sociales du temps present. 1884. C 5821 Mills, W. T. Evolutionary politics; ad- dresses and essays. 1898. L 8599 Montgomery, H. E. Vital American prob- lems. 1908. L 6582 Newton, R. H. Social studies. 1887. L 4050 Petrie, W. M. F. Janus in modern life. 1907. L 8600 (Questions of the day). Post, L. F. Ethics of democracy; a series of optimistic essays on the natural laws of human society. 1903. L 6670 Social service. 1909. L 8685 Talks on social economics having as their ulti- mate aim single tax as a practical method of social readjustment. Re-Bartlett, Mrs. L. The coming order. 1911. L9288 Revolutionary tendencies of the age; their cause and their ultimate aim. 1897. L6418 Roosevelt, T. African and European ad- dresses. 1910. L7582 Realizable ideals. 1912. M 4629, 1911 (The Earl lectures). Ross, E. A. Latter day sinners and saints. 1910. L 11467 Schaeffle, A. E. F. Deutsche Kern-und Zeitfragen. 1894-95. D 7063 Gesammelte Aufsatze. 1885-86. D 7063 Scheel, H. v. Die Theorie der sozialen Frage. 1871. D 7078 Schmoller, G. Zur Social-und Gewerbepoli- tik der Gegenwart. 1890. D 7082 Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. v. Zum socialen Frieden; 1890. D 7081 Shaw, A. The outlook for the average man. 1907. L6693 Contents: The average man under changing economic conditions; Present economic problems; Our legacy from a century of pioneers; The busi- ness career and the community; Jefferson's doc- trines under new tests. Smith, G. Essays on questions of the day, political and social. 1893. E 5854 The Social horizon, by the author of Life in our villages. 1893. L 8641 St ™ n -\ L ' ^ ie sozial e Frage im Lichte der Philosophic 1903. D 18235 Stelzle, C. The workingman and social problems. 1903. L8551 Sumner, W. G. War, and other essays. 19 1L L8719 Contents: War; The family and social change; Ine status of woman in Chaldea, Egypt, Tudea and Greece to the time of Christ; Witchcraft; Religion and the mores; The mores of the present and future; Sociology; The absurd effort to make the world over; State interference; Do we want industrial peace? On the case of a certain man who is never thought of; The case of the for- gotten man further considered; The proposed dual organization of mankind; The fallacy of territorial extension; The conquest of the United States by ^pain; The predominant issue; Our colleges before the country. Thomson, J. T. Social problems; an in- quiry into the law of influences. 1878. L 3990 Trine, R. W. In the fire of the heart. 1906. L8657 The land of living men. 1910. L 8693 Vaughan, D. J. Questions of the day, so- cial, national and religious. 1894. L 4555 Veron, P. Ohe! vitrier! 1880. C 13317 Waldeck-Rousseau, P. M. Questions so- ciales. 1900. c 5439 Wallace, A. R. Studies scientific and so- cial. 2v. 1900. K 7347 Whitby, C. J. Triumphant vulgarity. 1911. L8739 Wynter, A. Peeps into the human hive. 2v 1874 - L 798 Periodicals and Societies American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals, 1890-date. *Ser. Library has also the Supplements, since 1890. American journal of sociology, 1896-date *Ser. American Sociological Society. Papers and proceedings, 1906-date. L 8680 Archiv fiir Sozialwissenschaft und Social- politik. Neue Folge des Archivs fur so- ziale Gesetzebung und Statistik begriindet von Heinrich Braun. 1888-date. *Ser. Charities and The Commons, v.6-21, 1901- 1909. * Ser . Continued as the Survey. Chicago— World's Columbian Exposition. Sociology in institutions of learning; be- ing a report of the seventh section of the International Congress of Charities, Cor- rection and Philanthropy, Chicago, Tune 1893. ^ L 8620 Humanitarian, The; a monthly review of sociological science. 1892-date. *Ser. Journal of social science. 1869-71, 73-96. 98-date. *Ser. Containing the transactions of the American As- sociation. 16 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Lend a hand; a record of progress, by Ed- ward Everett Hale, v.1-18, 1886-97. *Ser. Merged with Charities review, 1897. Meliora; a quarterly review of social science. 12v. in 6. 1859-69. *Ser. National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Translations, 1859-84. (London). *Ser. Nationalist, The. v.1-3, 1889-91. *Ser. New time, The; a magazine of progress, v.l- 3, 1897-'98. (Chicago). *Ser. Soziale Praxis. 1892-date. *Ser. Subjects of the day. No. 1-4, 1890-91. *Ser. No more published. Survey, The, 1909-date. *Ser. Continuation of Charities and The Commons. Zeitschrift fur Social- und Wirthschaftsge- schichte. v.1-7, 1893-1900. *Ser. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Bliss, W. D. P., ed. The new encyclopedia of social reform. 1910. *R 1601 Social progress; a year book and encyclo- pedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics, 1904-1906. L 9990 Discontinued. Collections and Series Columbia University. Studies in history, economics and public law. 1891-date. L.6589 See Card Catalog for detailed contents. Iowa. University. Bulletin; new series: Studies in sociology, economics, politics and history, v.l. 1899. L 5837 Johns Hopkins University. Studies in his- torical and political science. 1883-date. *L 3201 Same. Extra volumes. 20v. 1886-1908. L3200 See Card Catalog for detailed contents. Pennsylvania. University. Publications. Political economy and public law series. 1887-1907. *L 6696 Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissen- sc'haftliche Forschungen. D 4785 Continued from v.l, 1879. Library has com- plete set. Statistics General Statistics, Statistical Method Bourne, S. Trade, population, and food; a series of papers on economic statistics. 1880. L 1051 Bowley, A. L. Elements of statistics. 1902. L 9982 (Studies in economics and political science, ed. by W. A. S. Hewins). Gannett, H. Statistical abstract of the world. 1907. L9981 Great Britain and Ireland. Board of Trade. Statistical abstract for the principal and other foreign countries, 1893-1908. 5v. 1905-1910. *Doc. Gryzanovski, E. G. F. On collective phe- nomena and the scientific value of statis- tical data. 1906. *L 3516, 20 (Publications of the American Economic As- sociation. Third series, vol. VII, no. 3). King, W. I. The elements of statistical method. 1912. L 9987 Kolb, G. F. The condition of nations, so- cial and political; with complete compara- tive tables of universal statistics. 1880. L1580 Handbuch der vergleichenden Statistik der Volkerzustands- und Staatenkunde, fiir den allgemeinen praktischen Gebrauch. 1879. D 4725 Longstaff, G. B. Studies in statistics, so- cial, political and medical. 1891. L 1562 Mayr, G. von. Die Gesetzmassigkeit im Gesellschaftsleben; statistische Studien. 1877. D 416, 23 (In Naturkrafte. v. 23). Theoretische Statistik. 1895. *D 7277, Ov (In Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Ge- genwart. Einleitungsbd. 5. Abth.). Also pub. as vol. i of: Statistik und Gesell- schaftslehre.). Meitzen, P. A. History, theory, and tech- nique of statistics; tr. by R. P. Falkner. 1891. L6385 (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals; supplement, 1891). Another copy. L 1565 Same. *Ser. Mulhall, M. G. Balance-sheet of the world for ten years; 1870-80. 1881. L 3926 Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. L 10001 The progress of the world in arts, agri- culture, commerce, since the beginning of the 19th century. 1880. L3927 Pidgin, C. F. Practical statistics; a hand- book for the use of the statistician at work. 1888. L 1567 Prescott, T. H. The volume of the world; embracing the geography, history and sta- tistics of the earth, with complete statis- tical tables. 1854. A 2203 Smith, R. M. Statistics and economics, an outline of statistical science with especial reference to the use of statistics in po- litical economy and social science. 1888. *L3516, 3 American Economical Assoc. Pub. v. S, p. 237- 363. Statistics and sociology. 1895. L9980 (Science of statistics, pt. 1). STATISTICS 17 Thorndike, E. L. An introduction to the theory of mental and social measure- ments. 1904. .„ \ 59 ZQ (Library of psychology and scientific methods). Walker, F. A. Discussions in economics and statistics. 2v. 1899. L6607 Westergaard, H. Die Grundziige der The- orie der Statistic. 1890. D 7104 Yule, G. U. An introduction to the theory of statistics. 1912. L. 10013 Bibliographies, p. 356-360. Dictionaries of Statistics Mulhall, M. G. Mulhall's dictionary of sta- tistics. 1884. L1581 Same entitled: The dictionary of statis- tics. 4th ed. revised to Nov., 1898. 1899. *R881 Ritter, K. Geographisch-statistisches Lexi- kon. 7te Aufl. 2v. 1883. *R 708 Webb, A. D. The new dictionary of statis- tics, a complement to the fourth edition of Mulhall's "Dictionary of statistics." 1911. Feriodicals and Societies American Statistical Association. Publica- tions. v.1-10. (no. 1-80): 1888-1907. lOv. 1889-1908. *L 1568 Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Social- politik. 1888-date. *Ser. Vol. 1-18 entitled: Archiv fur soziale Gesetzge- bung und Statistik. Royal Statistical Society, London. Journal. vl-69. 1838-39-1906. 69v. 1839-1906. *Ser. Statistician and economist, The; 1876-1905- 06 23v. 1876-1905-06. *L 1576 Vols, for 1876-79 entitled Annual statistician, 1880-87 McCarty's annual statistician, 1888-92 The annual statistician and economist. Statistical Almanacs and Year Books Almanach national; annuaire officiel de la republique franchise. 1898-date. *R 3994 The American almanac, year-book, cyclo- pedia and atlas, 1903, 1st ed. 1902. F *L 9964 Another copy. 2v. 1903-1904. *R 3561 American statesman's year-book, From offi- cial reports of the United States govern- ment, state reports, consular advices, and foreign documents. 1912. *R 3566 (Continued from vol. 1). American year book, The; a record of events and progress. 1910-date. *R 3565 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de l'in- dustrie, de la magistrature et de 1' ad- ministration; ou, Almanach des adresses de Paris, des departements, des colonies et des pays etrangers, 65, 84e, lOOe, lOle, 103e, annee de la publication, 1862, '81, '97-'98, 1900 (le partie). 8v. *R 1787 Annuaire des deux mondes; 1850-1867. 14v. 1851-1867. *Ser. Forms a supplement to the Revue des deux mondes. Annual register. London, 1759-date. *Ser. The British almanac and family cyclopaedia. 1828-date. *L 1607 British empire year book, The. An annual statistical volume of reference compiled with the assistance of H. M. imperial and colonial governments by E. G. Wall. 1903. *R 3562 Brooklyn daily eagle almanac, 1899, 1905- 1911. 8v. 1889-1911. *L9966 The business almanac; a guide for the everyday use of the investor and busi- ness man. 1912. L 7869 Chicago daily news almanac and political register. 1885-date. L 1573 Another copy. *R 3849 Constitutional year book for 1898, 1900, '02, '07, '10. 5v. 1910. L9971 Financial reform almanac, 1878-date. *L 1592 Fisher, R. S. and Colby, C., comp. Ameri- can statistical annual, 1854. 1854. L1575 Hazell's annual. 1886 to date. *R3850 International year book, 1898-1902. 5v. 1899-1903. *R 50, 1898-1902 Continued as the New international year book. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Sta- tistik. 1863-T9. 34 v. in 28. 1900-1912. *Ser. Neue Folge, 1880-90. 21 v. in 13. Supplements 1878-92. 20 v. in 5. Dritte Folge, 1891-1912. 44 v. Volkswirtschaftliche Chronik. 1899-1912. New international year book; a compen- dium of the world's progress, 1907-date. *R 50, 1907 Siglo, El Montevidio, Uruguay. Gran al- manaque-guia de "El Siglo" para 1911. Ano XLIX. 1910. *R 1938 Social progress; a year book and encyclo- pedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics, 1904-06. 3v. 1905-06. L9990 1868-date. *L1602 Timbs, J. The year-book of facts in science and art. 34v. 1839-72. 13800 The year-book* of facts in the great ex- hibition of 1851. 1851. 13801 The year-book of facts in the interna- tional exhibition of 1862. 1862. 13802 Tribune almanac and political register, 1838-date. *L 1605 Previous to 1856 entitled: Whig almanac. United States insurance almanac for the year 1856-1869; ed. by G. E. Currie. 1856-69. Statesman's year-book. v. 5. L1589 18 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Whitaker's almanack for 1872, '73, '75, '77, '95, '98, to date. 1872. *L 1612 International Whitaker, The; a statis- tical, historical, geographical and com- mercial handbook. 1913. *L 10009 Supplements Whitaker's almanac. Who's who year-book for 1904-1910, 1912- date. *R284 World almanac and encyclopedia, The. 1904-date. * L 1593 Library has also vols, for 1870-1873, '93, '95, '97, '99-1902. Vital Statistics Arner, G. B. L. Consanguineous marriages in the American population. 1908. L 6589, 31 III (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Bailey, W. B. Modern social conditions; a statistical study of birth, marriage, di- vorce, death, disease, suicide, immigra- tion, etc., with special reference to the United States. 1906. L 8559 Corbaux, F. On the natural and mathe- matical laws concerning population, vital- ity, and morality. 1833. L4017 Farr, W. Vital statistics: a memorial vol- ume of selections from the reports and writings of W. Farr. 1885. N 1034 Fay, E. A. Marriages of the deaf in Amer- ica; an inquiry concerning the results of marriages of the deaf in America. 1898. N926 Massachusetts — Secretary of the Common- wealth. Reports of births, marriages, and deaths in Massachusetts. Returns of libels for divorce, and returns of deaths investigated by the medical examiners. *Doc. Mass. Public Documents since 1857 (No. 1). New England Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany. Female life mortuary experience of the New England Mutual Life Insur- ance Company of Boston, Mass., 1863- 1892. 1893. *V 1954 Newman, G. Infant mortality; a social problem. 1906. L 9736 (The new library of medicine, ed. by C. W. Saleeby). Newsholme, A. The declining birth-rate: its national and international significance. 1911. L9993 (New tracts for the times). The elements of vital statistics. 1892. L1564 Phelps, E. B. The mortality of alcohol, a statistical approximation of the deaths in the United States in which alcohol may figure as a causative or contributory fac- tor. 1911. L9992 Seutemann, K. Kindersterblichkeit sozial- er Bevolkerungsgruppen, insbesonderc. [m preussischen Staate und seinen Provin- zen. 1894. D 7048, 5 (In Neumann, F. J., ed. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte der Bevolkerung in Deutschland: v. 5). Thorns, W. J. Human longevity; its facts and its fictions. 1873. K 2906 Statistics by Countries United States Donnant, D. F. Statistical account of the United States of America. 1805. 15204 Hewes, F. W. and Gannett, H. Scribner's statistical atlas of the United States. 1883. *R4928 Ouseley, Sir W. G. Remarks on the sta- tistics and political institutions of the United States. 1832. L 1691 Seybert, A. Statistical annals; embracing views of the population, commerce, navi- gation, fisheries, and public lands of the United States of America. 1818. *V 143 Spaulding, M. C. Handbook of statistics of the United States. 1874. L 1617 United States. Census Office. Census re- ports. Twelfth census of the United States taken in the year 1900. 1901-02. *R 4536 Return of the whole number of per- sons within the several districts of the United States, 1790-1800. 1802. *L 116 {In Duane, W., ed. Select pamphlets, no. 1). Statistical atlas of the United States, based upon results of the eleventh cen- sus. 1898. *R4972 First census, 1790. Heads of families at the first census of the United States taken in the year 1790. 1907-08. *Doc. Twelfth census, 1900. Abstract of the twelfth census of the United States. 1900-1902. *R4536 Census reports. Twelfth census of the United States, taken in the year 1900. 1901-02. *R4536, 1-10 Special reports; employees and wages. 1903. *R 4536,11 Special reports; mortality statistics; 1900 to 1904. 1906. *R 4536,14 Special reports; occupations at the twelfth census. 1904. *R 4536,12 Special reports; supplementary analy- sis and derivative tables. 1906. *R 4536,13 Special reports; statistics of cities hav- ing a population of over 30,000. 1905- 1907. *Doc. Statistical atlas; prepared under the supervision of H. Gannett. 1903. *R4536 — — Thirteenth census, 1910. Publications in progress The library has a complete file of the 13th census bulletins as issued. They may be con- sulted in the Civics Dept., where descriptive STATISTICS 19 lists and catalogs are also available. Library also has most of the publications of all pre- ceeding censuses. Walker, F. A. Statistical atlas of the United States, based on the results of the 9th census, 1870; comp. under the author- ity of Congress. 1874. *R4924 Willcox, W. F. Area and population of the United States at the eleventh census. 1897. L 6695,2 (American Economic Association. Economic studies, v. 2 p. 199-257). Brazil. Brazilian year book, The; issued under the patronage of the Brazilian government. 1908. *R 3564 Canada Canada Census and Statistics Office. The Canada year book, 1905-1908. 1906-09. *Doc. Canadian almanac, The, and repository of useful knowledge, 1883-87. 2v. 1883-97. L9970 Canadian year book, The, for 1900-03, 05,06. 6v. 1900-06. L 9969 Heaton's annual; the commercial handbook of Canada, and boards of trade register. lv. 1908-1911. L9983 England Bevan, G. P. The statistical atlas of Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland. 1882. *R4935 British Empire year book, The; 1903. An annual statistical volume of reference compiled with the assistance of H. M. im- perial and colonial governments. 1903. *R3562 Great Britain and Ireland. Board of Trade. Statistical abstract for the several British colonies, possessions and protectorates, in each year from 1889 to 1908. 8v. 1904-1911. *Doc. McCulloch, J. R. A descriptive and statis- tical account of the British empire. 2v. 1854. A 427 France France. Annuaire-almanach du commerce, de l'industrie de la magistrature et de l'administration. 8v. 1882-1900. *R 1787 Germany Bockh, R. Der deutschen Volkszahl und Sprachgebiet in den europaischen Staaten. 1869. D 5576 Frantz, A. Oesterreich, Preussen, Deutsch- land, und die Schweiz; Handbuch der Statistik nach den neuesten und besten Quellen. 1864. D 4724 Kurschner, J., ed. Staats-, Hof-und Kom- munal-Handbuch des Reichs und der Ein- zelstaaten; zugleich statistisches Jahr- buch, 1888. 1888. *R 3863 Prussia. Konigliches Statistisches Bureau. Preussische Statistik. 1886. *V 980 Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Stadte. XI. Jahrg. 1903. *R883 Mexico Mexican year book, The, 1908. Comprising historical, statistical & fiscal informa- tion, compiled from official and other records. 1908. *R51 Romero, M. Geographical and statistical notes on Mexico. 1898. I 5667 Norway Norges statskalender for aret 1892-97, 1904-09. 4v. 1891-1909. *R3843 Sweden Wallis, C. Dodlighetens aftagande i Sve- rige och orsakerna dartill. 1888. CC 11739,1 (Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter). Population Alison, Sir A. Principles of population. 2v. 1840. L 624 Baltisch, F. Eigenthum und Vielkinderei. 1846. D 4687 Bertheau, C. Essai sur lois de la popula- tion. 1892. C 12645 Die Bevolkerung der Erde. Jahrliche Ueber- sicht uber neue Arealberechnungen, Ge- bietsveranderungen, Zjihlungen und Schatz- ungen der Bevolkerung auf der gesamm- ten Erdoberflache. Hrsg. von E. Behm, Dr. H. Wagner. 1872-1909. *Ser. (7n Petermanns Mitteilungen. 1872-1909 Ergan- zungsbde). Bonar, J. Malthus and his work. 1885. C2833 Carey, H. C. The past, present and future. 1859. L442 Views on land, food, etc., adverse to Malthu- sianism. Doubleday, T. The true law of population shewn to be connected with the food of the people. 1842. L 621 Gamier, C. J. Du principe de population. 1885. C 12533 Godwin, W. Of population: an inquiry concerning the power of increase in the numbers of mankind. 1820. L 3996 Hansen, G. Die drei Bevolkerungssufen; ein Versuch, die Ursachen fiir das Bliihen und Altern der Volker naehzuweisen. 1889. D 7186 Hawley, F. B. Capital and population. 1882. L928 Jarrold, T. Dissertations on man, phdo- sophical, physiological, and political, in answer to Mr. Malthus's "Essay on the principle of population." 1806. L400O Kautsky, K. Der Einfluss der Volksver- mehrung auf den Fortschritt der Gesell- schaft. 1880. D4736 20 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Malthus, T. R. An essay on the principle of population. 2v. 1826. L 606 Essai sur le principe de population; tr. de l'anglais par P. et G. Prevost. 1852. *C 12205 (In Col. des principaux economistes. v. 7). Mayr, G. von. Bevolkerungsstatistik. 1897. *D 7277 (In Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart. Einleitungsbd. 6. Abth.). Also pub. as vol. 2 of: Statistik und Gesell- schaftslehre. Mirabeau, V. R., comte de. L'ami des hom- ines; ou, Traite de la population. 1883. C5897 General treatise on economics, the first part devoted to population. Nitti, F. S. Population and the social sys- tem. 1894. L4526 (Social science ser.). Reich, E. Pathologie der Bevolkerung. 1879. D 2499 Sadler, M. T. The law of population. 2v. 1830. L 3949 Schmoller, G. Ueber die Resultate der Be- volkerungs- und Moral-Statistik. 1871. *D 382,6 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. no. 123). Soetbeer, H. Die Stellung der Sozialisten zur Malthusschen Bevolkerungslehre. 1886. *V977 Thornton, W. T. Over-population and its remedy. 1846. L 4495 Votsch, W. Die Vertheilung der Men- schen iiber die Erde, und die Ursachen der verschiedenartigen Volksverdichtung in den einzelnen Erdtheilen. 1884. *D 382, 19 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. v. 19. no. 450). Wallace, R. A dissertation on the numbers of mankind in ancient and modern times. 1809. K7814 Weyland, J. The principles of population and production as they are affected by the progress of society. 1816. L4527 Wicksell, J. G. K. Laran om befolkningen; dess sammansattning och forandringar. 1910. CC 11739, 21 (Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter. 170). Population by Countries United States Blum, R. Die Entwicklung der Vereinig- ten Staaten von Nordamerika; Nach den amtlichen Berichten iiber die Volkszahl- ungen der Vereinigten Staaten von 1880, 1890 und 1900 und zum Teil zuriick bis 1790. 1903. *Ser. (Petermann's Mitteilungen. Erghft. 142). Statistics of the Jews of the United States. 1880. L 1619 Willcox, W. F. Area and population of the United States at the 11th census. 1897. L6695, 2 (In American Economic Association. Economic studies, v. 2, no. 4). Density and distribution of population in the United States at the 11th census. 1897. L 6695, 2 (In American Economic Association. Economic studies, v. 2, no. 6). Germany Brentano, L. Die heutige Grundlage der deutschen Wehrkraft. 1900. D 7128, 35 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien, 35. Stuck). Neumann, F. J., ed. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Bevolkerung in Deutschland seit dem Anfange dieses Jahrhunderts. 7v. in 5. 1883-1903. D 7048 Economics Bibliography Baer & Co., J. Economics. *0 2927 Catalog of a German antiquarian bookseller. Bowker, R. R. and lies, G., cd. The reader's guide in economic, social and political science. 1891. *L 3444, 27 (Economic tracts). Same. . *0 564 Journal of political economy. Bibliography of economics for 1909. 1910. *0 2702 McCulloch, J. R. The literature of political economy. 1845. *0 287 Economics General Works, Systems, Treatises American Economic Association. Economic studies. 4v. 1896-99. L 6695 No more published. Publications. 25v. 1887-1911. *L3516 Bagehot, W. Postulates of English polit- ical economy. 1885. L3438 I. The transferability of labour. II. The transferability of capital. (Questions of the day). Bastiat, F. ■ Harmonies of political econ- omy; tr. with a notice of the life and writ- ings of the author, by P. J. Stirling. 2v. 1860. L447 Bastiat, F. (Euvres completes. 7v. 1862- 73. C 4135 v.l. Correspondance; Premiers ecrits; Melanges. 2. Le libre-echange. :>,. Cobden et la ligue. A-U. Sophismes economiques. fi. Harmonies economiques. 7. Essais; Ebauches; Correspondance. Bechaux, A. fi. J. L'ecole economique fran- chise. 1902. CC 1453 (Les ccoles economiques an XXe aiecle). ECONOMICS 21 Bolles, A. S. Chapters in political economy. 1874. L 439 Bourguin, M. Les systemes socialistes el revolution economique. 1906. CC 1401 Bowack, W. M. Another view of industrial- ism. 1903. L 6591 Bowen, F. American political economy. 1874. L440 Byles, Sir J. B. Sophisms of free-trade and popular political economy examined. 1849. L 3498 Cairnes, J. E. The character and logical method of political economy. 1875. L451 Some leading principles of political economy. 1874. L444 Carey, H. C. Manual of social science. 1888. L4104 Condensed from his Principles of social science. Miscellaneous works. 2v. 1883, 1865- 80. L 3479 Principles of social science. 3v. 1858. L595 Chalmers, T. On political economy in con- nection with the moral state and moral prospects of society. 1832. L 407 Cherbuliez, A. E. Precis de la science economique et de ses principales applica- tions. 2v. 1862. C 12228 Chevalier, M. Cours d'economie politique fait au College de France. 3v. 1855-66. C4357 Chiozza-Money, L. G. Riches and poverty. 1906. L6679 Clark, J. B. Essentials of economic theory as applied to modern problems of industry and public policy. 1907. L 6688 Cohn, G. System der Nationalokonomie. 3v. 1885-98. D 3450 Collection des principaux economistes. 15v. in 16. 1841-52. *C 12205 v. 1. Daire, E., ed. Economistes financiers: Vau- ban, S. le P. de. Projet d'une dime royale; Bois- Guillebert, P. le P. de. Detail de la France; Fac- tum de la France; Opuscules divers; Law, J. Con- siderations sur le numeraire et le commerce; Memoires et lettres sur les banques; Opuscules divers; Melon, J. F. Essai politique sur le com- merce; Dutot, S. Reflexions politiques sur le com- merce et les finances. 2. Daire, E. ed. Physiocrates: Quesnay. Dupont le Nemours; Mercier de la Riviere; Baudeau, N. Le Trosne. 3-4. Turgot, A. R. J. CEuvres; ed. par E. Daire. 5-6. Smith, Adam. Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations. 7. Malthus, T. R. Essai sur le principe de pop- ulation. 8. Principes d'economie politique. 9. Say, J. B. Traite d'economie politique. 10-11. Cours complet d'economie politique. 12. CEuvres diverses. 13. Ricardo, D._ CEuvres completes. 14. Melanges d'economie politique. I. Hume, D. Essais sur le commerce, le luxe, l'argent, l'interet de l'argent, les impots, le credit public, etc.; Forbon- nais, F. V. de. Principes economiques; Condillac, E. B. de. Le commerce et le gouvernement; Con- dorcet, M. J. A. N. C. de. Melanges d'economie politique; Lavoisier, A. L. De la richesse terri- toriale du royaume de France; La Grange, J. L., comte de. Essai d'aiithmetique; Franklin, B. La science du Bonhomme Richard. 15. Melanges politiques. II. Necker, J. Sur le legislation et le commerce des grains; Galiani, F. Dialogues sur le commerce des grains; Montyon, A. J. B. R. A. de. Quelle influence ont les diverses especes d'impots sur la moralite des peuples; Ben- tham, J. Lettres sur la defense de l'usure. Columbia University. Studies in history economics and public law. 47v. in 55. 1891-to date. L 6589 Continued from vol. 1, 1891. Consult the card catalog for detailed contents. Condorcet, M. J. A. N. C, marquis de. Economie politique. 1847-49. C 12207, 7-10 Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. Traite theorique et pratique d'economie politique. 2v. 1867. C6760 Davenport, H. J. Outlines of economic theory. 1896. L 6682 Denslow, Van B. Principles of the eco- nomic philosophy of society, government and industry. 1888. L 3489 Devas, C S. Groundwork of economics. 1883. L 3456 Dillon, W. The dismal science; a criticism on modern English political economy. 1882. L485 Donisthorpe, W. Principles of plutology. 1876. L6663 Diihring, E. K. Cursus der National-und Socialokonomie einschliesslich der Haupt- punkte der Finanz-Politik. 1876. D 4741 Economic monographs. *L469 no. 1. Why we trade and how we trade, by D. A. Wells. 1878. 3. The tariff question and its relation to the present commercial crisis, by H. White. 1877. 4. Friendly sermons to the protectionist manu- facturers of the U. S., by J. S. Moore. 1877. _ 5. Our revenue system and the civil service, shall they be reformed, by A. L. Earle. 1878. 6. Free ships, by J. Codman. 1878. 7. Suffrage in cities, by S. Sterne. 1878. 8. Protection and revenue in 1877, by W. G. Sumner. 1878. 9. France and the U. S., papers by M. Menier and others. 1878. 10. An essay on free trade, by R. Hawley. 1878. 11. Honest money and labor, by C. Schurz. 1879. 12. National banking, by M. L. Scudder, jr. 1879. 13. Hindrances to prosperity, by S. Sterne. 1879. 14. Proposed legislation on the adulteration of food and medicine, by E. R. Squibb. 1879. 15. International copyright, by G. H. Putnam. 1879. 16. Free trade as promoting peace and good will among men, by C. L. Brace. 1879. 17. Bi-metallism, by H. McCullough. 1879. 18. Labor-making machinery, by F. P. Powers. 1880. 19. Andrew Tackson and the bank of the U. S., by W. L. Royall. 1880. 22 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Economic tracts. *L3444 no. 2. Political economy and political science, a priced and classified list of books recommended for general reading and as an introduction to special study; comp. by VV. G. Sumner and others. 1881. See no. 27. 3. See no. 28. 4. Usury laws, their nature, expediency and in- fluence. 1881. 5. Political economy in one lesson, by A. Cour- tois. 1882. 6. Money and its substitutes, By H. White. 1882. 7. Paper money inflation in France, by A. D. White. 1882. 8. The caucus system, by F. W. Whitridge. 1883. 9. Taxation, a plain talk for plain people, by J. C. Canfield. 1883. 10. Of work and wealth, a summary of economics, by R. R. Bowker. 1883. 11. Repudiation, by G. W. Green. 1883. 12. The work of a social teacher, by E. M. Shepard. 1884. 13. The standard silver dollar and the coinage law of 1878. by W. C. Ford. 1884. 14. The competitive test and the civil service of states and cities, by E. M. Shepard. 1884. 15. The standard dollar, by H. W. Richardson. 1884. 16. The progress of the working classes in the last half century, by R. Giffen. 1885. 17. References to the history of presidential administrations, by W. E. Foster. 1885. 18. Patriotism and national defence, by C. H. Hall. 1885. 19. The railway, the farmer and the public, by E. Atkinson. 1885. 20. Labor differences and their settlement, a plea for arbitration and conciliation, by J. D. Weeks. 1886. 21. Primer for political education, by R. R. Bowker. 1886. 22. Civil service examinations, by R. R. Bowker. 1886. 23. The shop council, by J. C. Bayles. 1886. 24. Labor a hundred years ago, by T. Williams. 1888 2s! Electrical reform. 1889. 26. The liquor question in politics, by G. lies. 1889. . 27. The reader's guide in economic, social and political science [a rev. ed. of no. 2], by R. R. Bowker and G. lies. 1891. 28. Questions for debate in politics and economics, an enl. and rev. ed. of no. 3. 1889. 29. References to the constitution of the U. S., by W. E. Foster. 1890. 30. Prison science, by E. Smith. 1890. 31. Civil service reform; its later aspects, by W. D. Foulke. 1890. Effertz, O. Arbeit und Boden; Grundlinien einer Ponophysiokratie. 1890-91. D 7009 Elder, W. Conversations on the principal subjects of political economy. 1882. L3488 Ely, R. T. The past and the present of political economy. 1884. *L 3201, 2 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Fetter, F. A. The principles of economics. 1907. L 6720 Source book in economics. 1912. L6773 Garnier, C. J. Traite d'economie politique. 1880. C 5058 The science of political L6602 *J125 George, Henry, economy. 1897. Writings. 8v. 1898. v.l-2. Progress and poverty. 3. Social problems. 4. The land question; property in land; The condition of labor. 5. Protection or free trade. 6. A perplexed philosopher. 7. The science of political economy. 8. The science of political economy. "Moses," a lecture. Gibson, A. H. Human economics. 1909. L6636 Gide, C Principes d'economie politique. 1889. C 12434 Principles of political economy. 1892. L6603 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. Women and eco- nomics. 1898. L8610 Gray, J. The social system: a treatise on the principle of exchange. 1831. L4103 Title is misleading; essentially a treatise on sup- ply and demand with the author's theories on eco- nomics in general. Gronlund' L. The new economy, a peace- able solution of the social problem. 1898. L6343 Gunton, G. Principles of social economics inductively considered and practically ap- plied; with criticisms on current theories. 1891. Guyot, Y. Economic prejudices. -Principles of social economy. L4195 1910. L6752 1884. L4166 Hadley, A. T. Economics, an account of the relations between private property and public welfare. 1896. L 6700 Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. E. The com- ing individualism. 1895. L 6705 Halbert, W. M. An exposition of economic & financial science, based upon a cycle of seasons in each decade. 1878. L 956 Hasbach, W. Die allgemeinen philoso- phischen Grundlagen der von F. Quesnay und A. Smith, begriindeten politischen Oekonomie. 1890. D 4785, 10 Hawley, F. B. Enterprise and the produc- tive process; a theory of economic pro- ductivity, based upon definitions secured through deductions, of the scope and fun- damental terms of the science of eco- nomics. 1907. L 6728 Hearn, W. H. Plutology; or, The theory of the efforts to satisfy human wants. 1864. L 488 Hermann, F. B. W. v. Staatswirthschaft- liche Untersuchungen. 1870. D 7032 Hillier, A. P. The commonweal; a study of the federal system of political economy. 1909. L6619 Hirst, M. E. Life of Friedrich List and selections from his writings. 1909. C 23001 ECONOMICS S3 Hollander, J. H. David Ricardo, a centen- ary estimate. 1910. *L 3201, 28 Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Series XXVIII, no. 4. Jentsch, C. Grundbegriffe und Grundsatze der Volkswirtschaft. 1895. D 7254 . evons, W. S. The theory of political economy. 1871. L420 Xautz, G. Theorie und Geschichte der Na- tional-Oekonomik. 2v. 1858-60. D 3406 Kenworthy, J. C. The anatomy of misery, plain lectures on economics. 1901. L6613 Keynes, J. N. The scope and method of political economy. 1891. L3524 Knies, K. Die politische Oekonomie vom geschichtlichen Standpunkte. 1883. D4684 Le Rossignol, J. E> Orthodox socialism. 1907. L 8624 Contents: The creed of socialism; The labor- cost theory of value; The iron law of wages; Sur- plus value; Machinery; Industrial crises; The economic interpretation of history; The class strug- gle; The social revolution; Selected list of books in English (p. 141-144 )-Index. Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Precis d'economie politique. 1889. C 5552 Traite theorique et pratique d'economie politique. 4v. 1896. C 12696 Loria, A. The economic foundations of so- ciety. 1899. L 8612 Lunt, E. C. The present condition of eco- nomic science and the demand for a radical change in its methods and aims. 1888. L3491 Macleod, H. D. On the modern science of economics. 1891. *Ll028,2 The principles of economical philos- ophy. 1872. L423 McVey, F. L. Modern industrialism. 1904. L4796 Makato, T. Japanese notions of European political economy. 1900. L 6692 Malthus, T. R. Definitions in political economy. 1827. L 3406 Principes d'economie politique, con- sidered sous le rapport de leur applica- tion pratique. 1846. # *C 12205, 8 {In Col. des principaux economistes). Principles of political economy. 1836. L489 Mario, K. Untersuchungen iiber die Or- ganisation der Arbeit; oder, System der Weltokonomie. 4v. in 2. 1885-86. D7043 Marshall, A. The present condition of economics. 1885. L 3624 Principles of economics. 5th ed. 1907. L3521 Same. 1st ed. 1890. Marshall, A. and Marshall, Mrs. M. P. M. The economics of industry. 1890. L454 Marx, K. A contribution to the critique of political economy. 1911. L 6776 The poverty of philosophy; being a translation of the Misere de la philosphie (a reply to La philosophic de la misere of M. Proudhon). 1910. L7325 Maurus, H. Die Grundsatze der Volks- wirthschafslehre, vom Standpunkte der socialen Reform gemeinverstandlich ent- wickelt. 1868. D 4731 Menier, £. J. L'avenir economique. 2v. 1875-80. C 5807 Mill, J. Elements of political economy. 1844. L490 Mill, J. S. Principles of political economy. 2v. 1865. Same. 2v. 1897-99. Same; abr. by Laughlin. 1884. Mongredien, A. Wealth-creation. L424 L425 L3418 1883. L491 Studien. D7128 Munchener volkswirthschaftliche 115v. in 114. 1893-1911. For detailed contents see card catalog. Nathan, Sir N. Economic heresies; being an unorthodox attempt to appreciate the economic problems presented by "things as they are." 1909. L6617 Newcomb, S. Principles of political econ- omy. 1886. L 3437 Newman, F. W. Lectures on political econ- omy. 1869-91. E4710 (In his Miscellanies, v. 4). Nicholson, J. S. Principles of political econ- omy. 3v. 1893-1901. L3562 Osborne, G. P. Principles of economics. 1893. L3563 Pantaleoni, M. Pure economics; trans, by T. B. Bruce. 1898. L 6702 Patten, S. N. The premises of political economy; being a re-examination of cer- tain fundamental principles of economic science. 1885. L 3522 The theory of dynamic economics. 1892. *L 6696 Pennsylvania. University. Publications: Political economy and public law series. 7v. 1887-1908. *L 6696 Perry, A. L. Principles of political econ- omy. 1891. L 3523 Phillippovich, E. v. P. Grundriss der polit- ischen Oekonomie. 2v. in 3. 1897-1907. *D 7277, O iii-iv (In Handbuch des Oeffentlichen Rechts). Pierson, N. G. Principles of economics. 2v. 1902. L 6596 Proudhon, P. J. System of economical con- tradiction; or, The philosophy of misery. 1888. L 3622 24 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Systeme des contradictions econom- iques; ou Philosophic de la misere. 184i>. C6280 Rae, J. The sociological theory of capital; being a complete reprint of the New prin- ciples of political economy. 1905. L 6733 Ricardo, D. (Euvres completes; tr. en Franqais. 1847. *C 12205, 13 {In Col. des principaux economistes). The first six chapters of the principles of political economy and taxation. 1895. L6614 (Economic classics). Principles of political economy and taxation. 1821. L 3487 Works on political economy. 1846. L428 Rogers, J. E. T. Social economy. 1872. L 4023 Roscher, W. Principles of political econ- omy. 2v. 1878. L468 System der Volkswirthschaft. 4v. 1888-92. D 7067 Rossi, P. L. O., conte. Cours d'economie politique. 4v. 1884. C 6344 Sargant, W. L. Recent political economy. 1867. L 3402 Sargent, A. J. The economic policy of Col- bert. 1899. L6735 (Studies in economics and political science). Say, J. B. A treatise on political economy. 1869. L435 Schaeffle, A. E. F. Das gesellschaftliche System der menschlichen Wirtschaft. 2v. 1873. D 4749 Schmoller, G. Die Entvvicklung der deutschen Volkswirthschaftlehre im 19ten Jahrhund- ert. 2v. 1908. D 18190 Schoenberg, G. F. v. Die Volkswirth- schaftslehre. 1873. *D 382, 8 Seager, H. R. Economics [a lecture deliv- ered at Columbia University, Jan., 1908]. 1908. K 15830 Selections and documents in economics: Bullock, comp. Selected readings in eco- nomics. 1907. L6782 Selected readings in public finance. 1906. L7808 Callender, ed. Selections from the eco- nomic history of the United States, 1765-1860. 1909. L 6783 Carver, comp. Sociology and social pro- gress. 1905. L 8558 Commons, ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. 1905, L 7502 Ripley, cd. Railway problems. 1907. L6781 Trusts, pools and corporations. 1905. L6780 Seligman, E. R. A. Principles of economics, with special reference to American con- ditions. 1907. L 7015 Senior, X. W. Political economy. 1850. L455 Shadwell, J. E. L. A system of political economy. 1877. L 461 Sherwood, S. Tendencies in American eco- nomic thought. 1897. *L 3201, 15 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Shirres, L. P. An analysis of the ideas of economics. 1893. L 3629 Sidgwick, H. The principles of political economy. 1883. L431 The scope and method of economic sci- ence. 1885. L 3449 Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Nouveaux principes d'economie politique. 2v. 1827. C 13169 Smith, A. An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations. 2v. 1887. 1 2930 (Bohn ed.). Same; ed. by Rogers. 2v. 1880. L 3457 Same; ed. by Rogers. 2v. 1869. *P290 Same; ed by M'Culloch. 1863. L416 Recherches sur la nature et les causes de la richesse des nations. 2v. 1843. *C 12205, 5-6 {In Col. des principaux economistes). Smith, E. P. A manual of political econ- omy. 1873. L 436 Sombart, W. Die Juden und das Wirt- schaftsleben. 1911. D 13423 Stein, L. v. Lehrbuch der Nationalokonomie. 1887. D 7088 Steuart, Sir J. An inquiry into the prin- ciples of political economy. 2v. 1767. *V291 Sturtevant, J. M. Economics; or, The sci- ence of wealth. 1877. L 463 Sumner, W. G. and others, comp. Political economy and political science. 1881. *L 3444, 2 Syme, D. Outlines of an industrial science. 1877. L462 Taussig, F. W. Principles of economics. 2v. 1911. L6757 Vethake, H. The principles of political economy. 1838. L 3431 Walker, A. The science of wealth. 1871. L998 Same. 1874. L 999 Walker, F. A. The tide of economic thought. 1891. *L3516, 6 Wells, D. A. Practical economics. 1885. L3439 Whately, R. Introductory lectures on polit- ical economy. 1831. L 483 Same. 1832. L 472 ECONOMICS 25 Wicksteed, P. H. The common sense of political economy, including a study of the human basis of economic law. 1910. L6758 Willoughby, W. W. Social justice, a crit- ical essay. 1900. L 6365 Wirth, M. Grundziige der National-Oekon- omie. 1856. D 4685 Wisconsin. University. Bulletin: Econom- ics and political science series. 6v. 1906- 10. L 6697 Wood, H. The political economy of natural law. 1899. L3605 Compends, Outlines, Textbooks About, E. F. V. ABC du travailleur. 1869. C4001 Handbook of social economy; or, The worker's ABC. 1873. L 795 Andrews, E. B. Institutes of economics. 1891. L3621 Baudrillart, H. J. L. ficonomie politique populaire. 1883. C 12059 Berens, L. H. Toward the light; elementary studies in ethics and economics. 1903. L6583 (Social science series). Blackmar, F. W. Economics. 1900. L 6654 Economics, for high schools and acad- emies. 1907. L 6725 Bonar, J. Elements of political economy. 1903. L 6656 Bowker, R. R. Economics for the people. 1886. L 3451 Of. work and wealth; a summary of economics. 1883. *L 3444, 10 (Economic tracts). Bullock, C. J. Introduction to the study of economics. 1908. L.6691 Selected readings in economics. 1907. L 6782 (Selections and documents in economics). Burch, H. R. and Nearing S. Elements of economics, with special reference to American conditions, for the use of high schools. 1912. L6761 Cannan, E. Elementary political economy. 1888. L 6660 Champlin, J. T. Lessons on political econ- omy. 1875. L 3427 Chapin, A. L. First principles of political economy. 1879. L3619 Chapman, S. J. Political economy. 1912. • • L6760 (Home university library of modern knowledge). "Note on books": p. 254-255. Chase, C. H. Elementary principles of eco- nomics. 1899. L6611 Courtois, A. C. Political economy in one lesson. 1882. *L 3444, 5 (Economic tracts). Daniels, J. An outline of economics. 1908. L6717 Danson, J. T. The wealth of households. 1886. L 3452 Davenport, H. J. Outlines of elementary economics. 1897. L 6683 Devas, C. S. Political economy. 1892. L3533 (Manuals of Catholic philosophy). Devine, E. T. Economics. 1898. L 6605 Ely, R. T. and Wicker, G. R. Elementary principles of economics. 1911. L 6766 Ely, R. T. An introduction to political economy. 1892. L 3508 Outlines of economics. 1893. L 6681 (Chautauqua reading circle literature). Fawcett, H. Manual of political economy. 1874 - .L413 Fawcett, M. G. "Mrs. Henry Fawcett." Po- litical economy for beginners. 1889. L3625 Tales in political economy. 1874. L 414 Fisher, I. Elementary principles of eco- nomics. 1911. L 6767 Gregory, J. M. A new political economy. 1882. L3401 Jevons, W. S. Political economy. 1878. L421 (Science primers). Johnson, A. S. Introduction to economics. 1909. L6778 Knight, C. Knowledge is power. 1866. 13272 Laughlin, J. L. The elements of political economy with some applications to ques- tions of the day. 1887. L3529 Laveleye, £. L. V. de. Elements d'economie politique. 1884. C 5659 The elements of political economy. 1884. L 3422 Levasseur, P. fi. Elements of political economy. 1905. L 6672 Leverson, M. R. Common sense; or, First steps in political economy. 1876. L457 McCulloch, J. R. The principles of political economy. 1825. L.402 Same. 1878. L 3627 Macleod, H. D. Economics for beginners. 1888. L3628 The elements of economics. 2v. 1881-86. L427 Macvane, S. M. The working principles of political economy in a new and practical form. 1893. L 3531 Marcet, Mrs. J. H. Conversations on po- litical economy. 1821. L 3414 Marriott, W. F. A grammar of political economy. 1874. L 458 26 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J. J. The primer of political economy. 1875. L453 Miller, Mrs. F. F. Readings in social econ- omy. 1883. L3960 Nicholson, J. S. Elements of political economy. 1903. L 6598 Noel, O. Autour du foyer; causeries econ- omique et morales. 1881. C 6055 Patton, J. H. Political economy for Amer- ican youth, written from an American standpoint. 1892. L 3530 Perry, A. L. Elements of political econ- omy. 11th ed., rev. and enl. 1874. L 432 An introduction to political economy. 1877. L459 Potter, A. Political economy, its objects, uses and principles considered with ref- erence to the American people. 1841. 13771 Raper, C. L. The principles of wealth and welfare; economics for high schools. 1906. L6676 Rogers, J. E. T. A manual of political economy for schools and colleges. 1869. *P 234 Ruskin, J. Munera pulveris; six essays on the elements of political economy. 1872. K140 Unto this last: four essays on the first principles of political economy. 1888. K 13 (Consult the card catalog for other editions of Ruskin's works). Scrope, G. J. D. Political economy for plain people, applied to the past and present state of Britain. 1873. L 3404 Seager H. R. Economics, briefer course. 1909. L 6739 Introduction to economics. 1904. L6657 Shadwell, J. E. L. Political economy for the people. 1880. L 484 Steele, G. M. Outline study of political economy. 1889. L 3620 Sumner, W. G. Problems in political econ- omy. 1889. L3616 Thompson, R. E. Elements of political economy. 1882. L 467 Thurston, H. W. Economics and industrial history for secondary schools. 1908. L6585 political L3618 L487 political Walker, F. A. First lessons in economy. 1892. Political economy. 1888. Wayland, F. The elements economy. 1853. Same. 1880. White, G. Political economy of L434 L433 1888. L3617 Worms, £. Expose elementaire de l'econ- omie politique. 1880. C 6983 Essays in Economics Atkinson, E. Distribution of products; or, The metaphysics and mechanism of ex- change. 1885. L 3423 Industrial progress of the nation; con- sumption limited, production unlimited. 1890. L3512 Bagehot, W. Economic studies edited by Richard H. Hutton. 1895. L 6690 Bastiat, F. Essays on political economy. 1874. L 448 Buecher, K. Die Enstebung der Volkswirt- schaft. 1901. D6995 Industrial evolution. 1901. L 7408 Cairnes, J. E. Essays in political economy, theoretical and applied. 1873. L 443 Cannan, E. The economic outlook. 1912. L6775 Contents: Introduction; Economics and social- ism; Ricardo in Parliament; The stigma of pauper- ism; Ought municipal enterprises to be allowed to yield a profit? The practical utility of economic science; Colonial preference; The division of in- come; Must a poor law pauperise? The economic ideal and its application to countries or nations; The incompatibility of socialism and nationalism; Equity and economy in the remuneration of labour. Carey, H. C. The past, the present and the future. 1859. L442 Carey, M. Essays on political economy; or, The most certain means of promoting the wealth, power, resources and happi- ness of nations. 1822. L.452 Chadwick, E. The health of nations. 2v. 1887. L4101 Clarke, C. B. Speculations from political economy. 1886. L 3461 Cobden Club publications: Essays. 2d ser. 1871-72. L 55 Cohn, G. Volkswirtschaftliche Aufsatze 1882. D 4779 Dunbar, C. F. Economic essays. 1904. L6595 Elder, W. Questions of the day, economic and social. 1871. L36 Ely, R. T. Problems of today; a discus- sion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. 1888. L 3463 Farnam, H. W. The economic utilization of history, and other economic studies. 1913. L6793 Contents: The economic utilization of history; Some questions of methodology; Economic experi- mentation in the United States; The pathology of progress; Economic progress and labor legislation; Fundamental distinctions in labor legislation; Pur- poses of labor legislation; Practical methods in labor legislation; Acatallactic factors in distribu- tion; A socialized business enterprise; Social myopia; Signs of a better social vision. Giffen, Sir R. Economic inquiries and studies. 2v. 1904. L6699 ECONOMICS 27 Greeley, H. Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy, while serving to explain and defend the policy of protection to home industry. 1874. L438 Hamilton, R. The resources of a nation; a series of essays. 1863. L 3430 Hibernicus, pseud. Essays on economical subjects. 1885. L 3454 Jones, R. Literary remains, consisting of lectures and tracts on political economy. 1859. L429 Kelley, W. D. Speeches, addresses, and letters on industrial and financial ques- tions. 1872. L3432 Laveleye, £. L. V. de. Luxury. 1891. L3896 (Social science series). Leslie, T. E. C. Essays in political and moral philosophy. 1879. E 1322 Levy, J. H. Short studies in economic sub- jects. 1903. L 6703 Longfield, M. Lectures on political econ- omy. 1834. L 3597 Loria, A. Contemporary social problems. 1911. L6650 (Social science series). Mallet, Sir L. Free exchange: papers on political and economical subjects. 1891. L3543 Mill, J. S. Essays on some unsettled ques- tions of political economy. 1844. L 479 Musgrave, Sir A. Studies in political econ- omy. 1875. L 460 Petty, Sir W. The economic writings of Sir William Petty. 2v. 1899. L 6615 Price, B. Chapters on practical political 1882. L3628 economy. Ricardo, D. Letters of David Ricardo to Hutches Trower and others, 1811-1823. 1899. Letters to Thomas 1823. 1887. R. C 18844 Malthus, 1810- C776 Rodbertus-Jagetzow, J. C. Aus dem liter 7 arischen Nachlass. 3v. in 2. 1878-85. D7062 Ruskin, J. The crown of wild olive-Munera pulveris- Pre-Raphaelitism-Aratra pente- lici, etc. K 12 Munera pulveris. 1872. K 140 Unto this last; four essays on the first principles of political economy. 1888. K13 Same. 1876. K 140 Schaeffle, A. E. F. Gesammelte Aufsatze. 1885-86. D 7072 Seaman, E. C. Essays on the progress of nations, in civilization, productive indus- try, wealth and population. 2v. 1868. L75 Seyfferth, R. F., ed. Staatswirthschaftliche Abhandlungen. 1880-81. Shriver, E. J. Want and wealth. (Questions of the day). Smart, W. Studies in economics D4646 1890. L6321 1895. L6740 Contents: Studies in wages; Studies in cur- rency; Studies in consumption. Stirling, P. J. The philosophy of trade. 1846. L381S Sumner, W. G. What social classes owe to each other. 1883. L 3965 Torrens, R. An essay on the production of wealth. 1821. L 482 Walker, F. A. Discussions in economics and statistics. 2v. 1899. L 6607 Study and Teaching of Economics Brookings, W. DuB. and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, eco- nomical and social topics. 1896. L 6610 Carpenter, O. C. Debate outlines on pub- lic questions. New ed. 1912. L 10916 Chicago. University. Dept. of Political Econ- omy. Outlines of economics, prepared by members of the Department of Political Economy of the University of Chicago. 1910. L6751 Clow, F. R. Economics as a school study. 1899. L 6695, 4 (American economic association). Cossa, L. Guide to the study of political economy. 1880. L 408 Same. 1893. L 3561 Hodgson, W. B. On the importance of the study of economic science. 1870. *E 1205 lies, G. Questions for debate in politics and economics. 1889. *L 3444, 28 (Economic tracts). Laughlin, J. L. The study of political econ- omy. 1885. L 3435 Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions. 1905. L6616 Same. 1906. *R 1500 Sumner, W. G. Problems in political econ- omy. 1889. L3616 History of Economics Argyll, G. D. C,. eighth duke of. The un- seen foundations of society. 1893. L3610 Ashley, W. J. Surveys, historical and eco- nomic. 1900. L6689 Bagehot, W. Economic studies. 1895. L6690 Blanqui, J. A. History of political econ- omy in Europe. 1880. L397 Histoire de l'economie politique en Eu- rope. 1882. C 4129 Block, M. Les progres de la science econ- omique depuis Adam Smith. 2v. 1890. C 11998 28 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Bucher, K. Die Entstehung der Volks- wirthschaft; Vortrage und Versuche. 1901. D6995 Cannan, E. History of the theories of pro- duction and distribution in English polit- ical economy, from 1776-1848. 1893. L3606 Cohn, G. A history of political economy. 1894. L6387 Duhring, E. K. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalokonomie und des Socialismus 1871. D4773 Eisenhart, H. Geschichte der Nationalo- konomik. 1891. D 7173 Haney, L. H. History of economic thought. 1911. L6771 Higgs, H. The physiocrats, six lectures on the French economistes of the 18th cen- tury. 1897. L6729 Ingram, J. K. A history of political econ- omy. 1909. L 3490 Kautz, G. Theorie und Geschichte der Na- tional-Okonomik. 2v. 1858-60. D 3406 Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Les economistes francais du 18e siecle. 1870. C 5684 Leser, E. Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Nationalokonomie. 1881. D 4645 List, F. National system of political econ- omy. 1856. L 410 LowenthaL, E. The Ricardian socialists. 1911. L 6589, 46 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Macleod, H. D. The history of economics. 1896. L6701 Price, L. L. F. R. A short history of polit- ical economy in England, from Adam Smith to Arnold Toynbee. 1903. L 6658 Roscher, W. Geschichte der National-Oe- konomie in Deutschland. 1874. D 6704, 14 Salz, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Kritik der Lohnfondstheorie. 1905. D 7128, 70 (Munchener volkswirthsch. Studien, 70). Sargent, A. J. The economic policy of Col- bert. 1899. L6735 (Studies in economics and political science). Schmoller, G. The mercantile system and its historical significance, illustrated chiefly from Prussian history. 1884. L 6736 (Economic classics). Zur Geschichte der englischen Volks- wirthschaftslehre. 1851. D 4664 Senior, N. W. Four introductory lectures on political economy, delivered before tha University of Oxford. 1852. L 3623 Sewall, IT. R. The theory of value before Adam Smith. 1901. *L3516, 15 (American economic association). *Ser. 1892- *Ser. *Ser. Twiss, Sir T. View of the progress of po- litical economy in Europe since the six- teenth century. 1847. L 3565 Villeneuve-Bargemont, J. P. A., vicomte de. Histoire de l'economie politique. 2v. 1841. C 13277 Wygodzinski, W. Wandlungen der deut- schen Volkswirtschaft im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 1907. D 6981 Periodicals and Societies American Economic Association. Economic studies. 4v. 1896-99. L 6695 Publications. 25v. 1887-1911. *L3516 Continued in The American economic review. Report of the proceedings at the 1st- 7th annual meetings, 1885-1894. *L3516 Reports of the proceedings at the 8th-llth meet- ings, 1895-1898 are included in the Economic stud- ies, v. 1-4, 1896-1899. The later reports are con- tinued in the Publications. American economic review, v. 1. 1911. American journal of politics. 5v. 1894. Economic bulletin. 3v. 1908-1910. Continued in The American economic review. Economic journal, 1891-date. *Ser. Economic review; published quarterly by the Oxford University branch of the Christian Social Union. 1891-date. *Ser. Economist, The. v. 3, 1890-date. (Chicago). *Ser. Economist, The, v.32, 1874-date. (London). *Ser. Eras, W., ed. Jahrbuch fur Volkswirth- schaft. 1868-69. D 4671 Gunton's magazine. 27v. 1891-1904. *Ser. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung. Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. 4v. in 3. 1871-76. *Ser. Continued as Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirthschaft. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirthschaft. 1877-date. *Ser. Jahrbucher fur Nationalokonomie und Stat- istic 1863-date. *Ser. Journal des economistes, revue mensuelle de la science economique et de la statis- tique. 1842-date. *Ser. Journal of political economy, 1892-date *Ser. Pennsylvania. University. Publications: Political economy and public law series. 15 nos. in 7v. 1887-1907. *L 6696 Quarterly journal of economics. 1887-date. *Ser. Soziale Praxis, 1892-date. *Ser. Yale review. The; a quarterly journal for the scientific discussion of economic, po- litical and social questions. 19v. 189:5- 1911. *Ser. Continued as Yale review (new series). ECONOMICS 29 Yale review (new series). 1912-date. *Ser. Zeitschrift fiir Social-und Wirtschaftsge- schichte. 7v. 1893-1900. *Ser. Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Bliss, W. D. P., and others, ed. The new encyclopedia of social reform. 1910. *R 1601 Bower, F. A dictionary of economic terms for the use of newspaper readers and stu- dents. 1905. L 6724 (Miniature reference library). Same. *R 1409, 11 Coquelin, C. and Gillaumin, U. G., ed. Dic- tionnaire de l'eeonomie politique. 2v. 187o. *R 1676 Lalor, J. J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the political history of the United States. 3v. 1881-84. *R 1678 Macleod, H. D. A dictionary of political economy, biographical, bibliographical, historical, and practical. 1863. *R 1674 Palgrave, R. H. I., ed. Dictionary of politi- cal economy. 3v. 1894-99. *R 1681 Schoenberg, G. F. v., ed. Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie. 3v. 1890-91. D7076 Social progress; a year book and encyclo- pedia of economic, industrial, social and religious statistics, 1904-06. 3v. 1905-1906. L9990 Standard library cyclopaedia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge. 4v. I860. *R 1680 Economic Theory Anderson, B. M. Social value; a study in economic theory, critical and constructive. 1911. L6838 Buechler, M. Johann Heinrich von Thiinen und seine nationalokonomischen Haupt- lehren. 1907. D 7242 Chen Huan-Chang. The economic princi- ples of Confucius and his school. 2v. 1911. L 6589, 44-45 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Davenport, H. J. Outlines of economic theory, 1896. L 6682 De Quincey, T. The logic of political econ- omy, and other papers. 1868. E 1027 Logic of political economy. 1875. E1024 Die Entwicklung der deutschen Volkswirt- schaftslehre im 19ten Jahrhundert. 2v. 1908. D 18190 Higgs, H. The physiocrats, six lectures on the French economistes of the 18th cen- tury. 1897. L 6729 Macfarlane, C. W. Value and distribution, an historical, critical and constructive study in economic theory. 1898. L 6608 Veblen, T. B. The theory of business en- terprise. 1904. L4737 The theory of the leisure class, an economic study in the evolution of insti- tutions. 1899. L 7441 Theory of Value Anderson, B. M. Social value. 1911. L6838 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Boehm-Bawerk, E. v. Karl Marx and the close of his system, a criticism. 1898. L7481 Dabos, J. H. La theorie de la valeur. 1879. C4402 Theorie et plan d'un etalon invariable de la valeur. 1878. C 4401 Davenport, H. J. Value and distribution. 1908. L6586 Macfarlane, C. W. Value and distribution. 1899. L 6608 Mallet, Sir L. Free exchange: papers on political and economical subjects. 1891. L3543 Muensterberg, H. The eternal values. 1909. L6712 Scudder, M. L., jr. The labor-value fallacy. 1884. L3412 Sewall, H. R. The theory of value before Adam Smith. 1901. *L 3516, 15 Smart, W. An introduction to the theory of value on the lines of Menger, Wieser, and Boehm-Bawerk. 1891. L 3550 Sprague, R. F. The true nature of value. 1907. L7783 Urban, W. M. Valuation, its nature and laws. 1909. L 6714 Walsh, C. M. The measurement of general exchange-value. 1901. L 6820 Wieser, F. v. Natural value. 1893. L 3566 Wealth General Works on the Nature, Consumption and Distribution of Wealth Carver, T. N. The distribution of wealth. 1904. L 6659 Chiozza-Money, L. G. Elements of the fis- cal problem. 1903. L 7103 Riches and poverty. 1906. L 6679 Clark, J. B. The distribution of wealth; a theory of wages, interest and profits. 1899. L 6662 The philosophy of wealth; economic principles newly formulated. 1886. L 3678 30 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Clark, J. B. and Giddings, F. H. The mod- ern distributive process; studies of com- petition and its limits, of the nature and amounts of profit, and of the determina- tion of wages in the industrial society of today. 1888. L4098 Commons, J. R. The distribution of wealth. 1893. L 3564 Cope, R. The distribution of wealth; or, The economic laws by which wages and profits are determined. 1890. L 3930 Cournot, A. A. Principes de la theorie des richesses. 1863. C 12664 Hobson, J. A. The economics of distribu- tion. 1900. L6726 (Citizen's library). The science of wealth. 1911. J 327, 11 (Home university library of modern knowledge). Johnston, A. K. The geographical distribu- tion of material wealth. 1861. L 3510 Jones, R. An essay on the distribution of wealth, and the sources of taxation. 1831. L481 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Essai sur la reparti- tion des richesses et sur la tendance a une moindre inegalite des conditions. 1888. C 5551 MacCasland, C. O. Right and riches. 1908. L6718 The nation as a business L7397 Our irrational distribu- 1908. L6732 The economy of consump- L449 The consumption of wealth. *L 6696, 1 An essay on the present dis- tribution of wealth in the United States. 1896. L 6665 Thompson, W. An inquiry into the prin- ciples most conducive to human happi- ness. 1850. L778 Turgot, A. R. J., baron de I'Aulne. Reflec- tions on the formation and distribution of riches, 1770. 1898. L 6671 (Economic classics). Walras, L. Theorie mathematique de la richesse sociale. 1883. C 13303 Wells, D. A. Recent economic changes and their effect on the production and distri- bution of wealth and the well-being of society. 1897. L3511 Same. 1899. *R 1104, 73 (Appleton's scientific library). Private Wealth, Fortunes Ethics of Wealth Hillis, M. S. Concentrated wealth; a bibli- ography. 1909. *0 2745, 5 (Wisconsin free library commission. American social questions no. 5). Mallock, W. H. firm. 1910. Mathews, B. C. tion of wealth. Moffat, R. S. tion. 1878. Patten, S. N. 1889. Spahr, C. B. Bancroft, H. H. Achievements of civiliza- tion; the book of wealth. 1896-1900. *P2500 Baudrillart, H. J. L. Histoire du luxe prive et public depuis l'antiquite jusqu'a nos jours. 1880-81. C 12970 Black, W. N. Ultimate finance; a true the- ory of wealth. K 7232, 10 (/n Humbolt library of popular science litera- ture). Carnegie, A. The gospel of wealth and other timely essays. 1900. L 6609 Danson, J. T. The wealth of households. 1886. L 3452 Davis, W. S. The influence of wealth in imperial Rome. 1910. A 2775 Draper, G. O. More; a study of financial conditions now prevalent. 1908. L 6687 Ehrenberg, R. Grosse Vermogen, ihre Entstehung und ihre Bedeutung. 1902. D7172 Eliot, C. W. Great riches. 1906. L 6673 Ferris, A. J. Pauperizing the rich; an in- quiry into the value and significance of unearned wealth to its owners and to society. 1899. L 6666 Fortunes made in business; a series of orig- inal sketches, biographical and anecdotic, from the recent history of industry and commerce. 2v. 1884. " C 1701 George, H., jr. The menace of privilege; a study of the dangers to the republic from the existence of a favored class. 1905. L 6686 Holloway, Mrs. L. C. Famous American fortunes and the men who have made them. 1884. C 2272 Hutchinson, A. L. The limit of wealth. 1907. L6694 Lee, G. S. Inspired millionaires; an inter- pretation of America. 1908. E 4325 McCabe, J. D. Great fortunes and how they were made. 1871. C 1461 McCasland, C. O. Right and riches; being a scientific study of wealth and its rela- tions to producer, consumer and society. 1908. L6718 Martin, F. T. The passing of the idle rich. 1911. L8718 Mulhall, M. G. Industries and wealth of nations. 1896. L 10001 Myers, G. History of the great American fortunes. 1911. L 6802 Remsen, D. S. Post-mortem use of wealth, including a consideration of ante-mortem gifts. 1911. L7308 Richardson, C. Large fortunes; or, Chris- tianity and the labor problem. 1888. L4109 ECONOMICS 31 Schmidt-Weissenfels, E. Geschichte des modernen Reichthums. 1893. D 7093 Van Dyke, J. C. The money god. 1908. L 6741 Watkins, G. P. The growth of large for- tunes; a study of economic causes affect- ing the acquisition and distribution of property. 1907. *L 3516, 21 Willisford, E. H. Some aspects of the so- cial power of wealth. 1906. L 8667 Yale University. Sheffield scientific school. Morals in modern business. 1909. L 8225 Youngman, A. The economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. L6756 Capital, Income, Profit Atkinson, E. Margin of profits. 1887. L4059 (Questions of the day). Aveling, E. B. The students' Marx; an in- troduction to the study of Karl Marx' Capital. 1895. L 7381 (Social science series). Avenel, G. d', vicomte. Histoire ecomonique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees, et de tous les prix en general, depuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800. 4v. 1894-98. *V2138 Boehm-Bawerk, E. v. Capital and interest. 1890. L 3710, 1 Einige strittige Fragen der Capitals- theorie. 1900. D 6992 Kapital und Kapitalzins. 1884-89. D7003 Karl Marx and the close of his system. 1898. L 7481 The positive theory of capital. 1891. L3525 Recent literature on interest (1884-1899) a supplement to "Capital and interest." 1903. L 3710, 2 Brockhage, B. Zur Entwicklung des preus- zisch-deutschen Kapitalexports. 1910. D 4785, 33 Clark, J. B. Capital and its earnings. 1888. *L 3516,3 Cunningham, W. The use and abuse of money. 1891. L 3526 Fisher, I. The nature of capital and income. 1906. L 6678 Giffen, Sir R. The growth of capital. 1889. L3517 Hadley, A. T. Population and capital. 1894. *L3516, 9 Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. Free trade in capital; or, Free competition in the supply of capital to labor, and its bearings on the political and social questions of the day. 1890. L3540 Capital and population. L928 Hawley, F. B. 1882. Hobson, J. A. The evolution of modern capitalism. 1894. L4554 (Contemporary science series). The industrial system; an inquiry into earned and unearned income. 1909. L6637 Janet, C. Le capital, la speculation et la finance au 19e siecle. 1892. C 5317 Jourdan, A. Epargne & capital. 1879. C5350 Kellogg, E. Labor and other capital. 1849. L3433 Marx, K. Capital; a critique of political economy. 3v. 1909. L 3459b Contents: Vol. 1. The process of capitalist pro- duction; tr. from the 3d German ed., by S. Moore and E. Aveling; rev. and amplified according to the 4th German ed. by E. Untermann. Vol. 2. The process of circulation of capital, tr. from the 2d German ed., by E. Untermann. Vol. 3. The process of capitalist production as a whole, tr. from the 1st German ed., by E. Untermann. Library has also 12th edition, 1908, L 3459a. Das Kapital; Kritik der politischen Oekonomie. 3v. in 4. 1890, 1885-94. D4739 The people's Marx; a popular epitome by Deville. 1900. L 7380 Meyer, R. H. Der Capitalismus fin de siecle. 1894. D 7054 Minton, F. Capital and wages. 1888. L3947 Patten, S. N. The theory of prosperity. 1902. L 6593 Robertson, J. M. The fallacy of saving. 1892. L 3615 Rodbertus-Jagetzow, J. C. Das Kapital. 1884. D 7062, 2 Smart, W. The distribution of income. 1899. L 7373 Sombart, W. Der moderne Kapitalismus. 2v. 1902. D 7171 Streightoff, F. H. The distribution of in- comes in the United States. 1912. L 6589, 52 II (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law. Vol. 52, no. 2). "Bibliography," p. 167-171. Untermann, E. Marxian economics. 1907. L7324 Property Avenel, G. d'. Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees, et de tous les prix en general, depuis l'an 1200 jusqu' en l'an 1800. 4v. 1894-98. *V 2138 Chleborad, F. L. Der Kampf um den Be- sitz. 1885. D4770 Clark, E. H. G. Man's birthright; or, The higher law of property. 1886. L3460 Comte, F. C. L. Traite de la propriete. 2v. 1834. C 12273 32 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Engels, F. The origin of the family, pri- vate property and the state. 1902. L 8684 Godwin, W. Godwin's "Political justice"; a reprint of the essay on property. 1890. L3912 Laboulaye, E. R. L. Histoire du droit de propriete fonciere en Occident. 1839. C 12715 Lafargue, P. The evolution of property, from savagery to civilization. 1890. L 3903 (Social science ser.). Laveleye, E. L. V. de. De la propriete et de ses formes primitives. 1891. C 12722 •Primitive property. 1877. L 52 Letourneau, C. J. M. L'evolution de la pro- priete. 1889. C 5534 (Bibliotheque anthropologique). Property: its origin and development. 1892. L 3579 (Contemporary science series). Lieber, F. Essays on property and labour. 1856! 1 3752 Mallock, W. H. Property and progress; or, A brief inquiry into contemporary social agitation in England. 1884. L4034 Parsons, T. The personal and property rights of a citizen of the United States; how to exercise and to preserve them. 1876. N 4802 Proudhon, P. J. What is property? 1876. L4067 Schneider, F. A. H. Die eheliche Giiter- gemeinschaft nach franzosischem Recht. 1853. D 3430 Simcox, E. J. Primitive civilizations; or Outlines of the history of ownership in archaic communities. 2v. 1894. L4557 Thiers, M. J. L. A. De la propriete. 1848. C 13195 Economic History Boeckh, A. Public economy of the Athen- ians. 1857. L405 Brentano, L. J. The relation of labor to the law of today. 1891. L4194 Biicher, K. Industrial evolution. 1901. L7408 Cunningham, W. An essay on western civ- ilization in its economic aspects, ancient times. 1898. A 2448 (Cambridge historical series). Dyer, II. The evolution of industry. 1895. L6667 Ely, R. T. Studies in the evolution of in- dustrial society. 1903. L 6680 Hapgood, N. Industry and progress. 1911. L7306 Hobson, J. A. The evolution of modern capitalism, a study of machine produc- tion. 1894 L4554 (Contemporary science series). McCullagh, W. T. Industrial history of free nations. 1846. A 8 Rand, B., comp. Selections illustrating eco- nomic history since the Seven years' war. 1888. L 3494 Same. 1895. L 6722 Rogers, J. E. T. The economic interpreta- tion of history. 1888. L3483 Seligman, E. R. A. The economic inter- pretation of history. 1902. L6710 Stimson, F. J., /. S. of Dale. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. 1896. L7368 Labor in its relations to law; four lec- tures delivered at the Plymouth school of ethics, July, 1895. 1895. L 7422 Torrens, W. T. M. The industrial history of free nations, considered in relation to their domestic institutions and external policy. 1846. A 8 Wells, D. A. Recent economic changes and their effect on the production and distribution of wealth. 1897. L3511 Same. 1899. *R 1104, 73 Economic History by Countries United States Hasse, A. R. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: California, 1849-1904. 1908. *Doc (Carnegie Institution of Washington, tion). Delaware, 1789-1904. 1910. Illinois, 1809-1904. 1909. Kentucky, 1792-1904. 1910. Maine, 1820-1904. 1907. Massachusetts, 1789-1904. 1908. New Hampshire, 1789-1904. 1907. *Doc. New York, 1789-1904. 1907. *Doc. Rhode Island, 1789-1904. 1908. *Doc. Vermont, 1789-1904. 1907. *Doc. Publica- *Doc. *Doc. *Doc. *Doc. *Doc. Abbott, E. Women in industry; a study in American economic history. 1910. L 7446 Adam, P. Vues d'Amerique. 1906. CC 542 Adams, B. America's economic supremacy. 1900. L 6298 Allen, N. B. Industrial studies, United States. 1910. K 12490 Atkinson, E. Industrial progress of the nation; consumption limited, production unlimited. 1890. L3512 Babson, R. W. Business barometers used in the accumulation of money; a text-book on applied economics for merchants, bankers and investors. 1911. L 7821 ECONOMIC HISTORY 33 Baker, R. S. Our new prosperity. 1900. L6762 Bogart, E. L. The economic history of the United States. 1907. L 8162 (Longman's Commercial text-books). Brooks, J. G. The conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. L6719 (Barbara Weinstock lectures on the morals ot trade). Burch, H. R. and Nearing, S. Elements of economics, with special reference to American conditions, for the use of 'high schools. 1912. L6761 Callender, G. S. Selections from the eco- nomic history of the United States, 1765- 1860, with introductory essays by G. S. Callender. 1909. , L 6783 (Selections and documents in economics). Carnegie, A. The empire of business. 1902. L4789 Coman, K. Economic beginnings of the far West; how we won the land beyond the Mississippi. 2v. 1912. L 6772 Contents: I. Explorers and colonizers. II. American settlers. The industrial history of the United States. New and rev. ed. 1912. Hughes Room Library has also edition of 1905. Call no. L6588a. Cronau, R. Our wasteful nation; the story of American prodigality and the abuse of our national resources. 1908. L 8054 Day, J. R. The raid on prosperity. 1907. L6706 Documentary history of American industrial society; edited by J. R. Commons, U. B. Phillips, E. A. Gilmore, H. L. Sumner and J. B. Andrews; prepared under the auspices of the American Bureau of In- dustrial Research, with the co-operation of the Carnegie Institution of Washing- ton. lOv. in 11. 1910-1911. *L 7290 "Finding list of sources quoted," v. 10, p. 137- 155. Fite, E. D. Social and industrial conditions in the North during the civil war. 1910. B6159 Gephart, W. F. Transportation and indus- trial development in the Middle West. 1909. L 6589, 34 I (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Ghent, W. J. Our benevolent feudalism. 1902. L 6768 Gibbins, H. de B. Economic and industrial progress of the century. 1903. L 8125 (Nineteenth century series). Giddings, F. H. Democracy and empire, with studies of their psychological, eco- nomical and moral foundations. 1900. L6361 Goldberger, L. M. Das Land der unbe- grenzten Moglichkeiten. Beobachtungen iiber das Wirtschaftslcben der Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1903. D 7151 Gregory, M. H. Checking the waste; a study in conservation. 1911. L8047 Grinnell, W. M. The regeneration of the United States. 1899. L 6770 (Questions of the day). Halle, E. L. v. Amerika; seine Bedeutung fur die Weltwirtschaft und seine wirt- schaftlichen Beziehungen zu Deutschland, insbesondere zu Hamburg. 1905. D 7155 Hammond, M. B. The cotton industry; an essay in American economic history. [C1897]. *L 3516, 12 Henkle, J. F. The [national] peacemaker; a treatise on present conditions in the United States. The social, economic, political, labor and other problems which confront the citizens of this country, and the only solution thereof. 1904. L 6396 Hill, J. J. Highways of progress. 1910. L6753 Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. L 6651 Hutchinson, A. L. The limit of wealth. 1907. L 6694 "What was required was a means of showing the actual conditions of things in the United States itself under a system of government in which the central idea was the limitation of the wealth which a man might accumulate and control as he pleased." — Post-statement, p. 271. La Follette, R. M., ed. The making of America. lOv. 1905. *I 4241 Lauck, W. J. The causes of the panic of 1893. 1907. L 6831 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Laughlin, T. L. Industrial America; Berlin lectures of 1906. 1906. L 6594 Lawson, W. R. American industrial prob- lems. 1903. L 6669 Leclerc, M. Choses d'Amerique; les crises economiques et religieuses aux fitats-Unis en 1890. 1891. C 12703 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. The United States in the twentieth century. 1906. L 6599 Lewis, A. The rise of the American prole- tarian. 1907. L7323 (International library of social science). Lloyd, H. D. Lords of industry. 1910. L6774 Lord, E. L. Industrial experiments in the British colonies of North America. 1898. L 3200, 17 McPherson, L. G. Railroad freight rates in relation to the industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. L8010. Moore, J. R. H. An industrial history of the American people. 1913. L 6795 Miinsterberg, H. Die Amerikaner. 2v. 1904. D 18166 34 CHICK, O I'VIUJC LIBRARY The Americans. 1904. I 4265 Rogers, J. M. The development of the North since the civil war. 1906. *B 5216,13 (The history of North America). Russell, C. E. Business; the heart of the nation. 1911. L 6779 Shaw, A. The outlook for the average man. 1907. L 6693 Simons, A. M. Social forces in American history. 1911. B 5999 Spahr, C. B. An essay on the present dis- tribution of wealth in the United States. 1896. L 6665 Stead, W. T. Chicago today; or, The labour war in America. 1894. B 3199 Thompson, H. From the cotton field to the cotton mill; a study of the industrial transition in North Carolina. 1906. L7454 Van Dyke, J. C. The money god; chapters of heresy and dissent concerning business methods and mercenary ideals in Ameri- can life. 1908. L6741 Van Hise, C. R. The conservation of natural resources in the United States. 1910. L8057 Wells, D. A. Practical economics; a col- lection of essays respecting certain of the recent economic experiences of the United States. 1885. L 3439 Weyl, W. E. The new democracy; an essay on certain political and economic tenden- cies in the United States. 1912. L 11694 Wheeler, D. H. Our industrial Utopia and its unhappy citizens. 1895. L 6810 Youngman, A. The economic causes of great fortunes. 1909. L 6756 England Abram, A. Social England in the fifteenth century; a study of the effects of eco- nomic conditions. 1909. A 5267 (The research library). Arnold, R. A. History of the cotton fam- ine, from the fall of Sumter to the passing of the "Public works act." 1865. L 3945 Ashley, W. J. Introduction to English eco- nomic history and theory. 2v. 1888-93. L3493 v. 1. The middle ages. 2. The end of the middle ages. Blacker, W. The claims of the landed in- terests to legislative protection consid- ered. 1836. L3587 Blatchford, R. Alcrrie England. 1895. L9015 British trade book; covering the years 1880-1911, and showing the course of British and international commerce, with its bearing upon our internal trade and in- dustries, etc., by H. H. Schooling. 2d-4th issue. 3v. 1906-1911. L 9967 "Issued at intervals of two or three years." Burness, W. Essay on the elements of British industry; comprising remarks on the cause of our present depressed state, together with suggestions for its removal. 1848. L4537 Chalmers, G. An historical view of the domestic economy of Great Britain and Ireland from the earliest to the present times. 1812. L 6601 Cheyney, E. P. An introduction to the in- dustrial and social history of England. 1901. A 3473 Cunningham, W. The growth of English industry and commerce. 2v. 1882-92. L486 Politics and economics; an essay on the nature of the principles of political econ- omy, together with a survey of recent legislation. 1885. L.3499 Cunningham, W. and McArthur, E. A. Out- lines of English industrial history. 1895. A 3390 (Cambridge historical series). Dean, G. A. Fallacies and tendencies of the age. 1871. L 640 Gibbins, H. de B. Economic and industrial progress of the century. 1903. L 8125 (The nineteenth century series). Industry in England; historical outlines. 1897. L 6653 Giffen, Sir R. Economic inquiries and studies. 2v. 1904. L 6699 The growth of capital. 1889. L3517 Gleig, C. When all men starve; showing how England hazarded her naval suprem- acy and the horrors which followed the interruption of her food-supply. 1898. A 3467 An account of imaginary future evils, chiefly economic. Goadby, E. and Watt, W. The present de- pression in trade; its causes and reme- dies. 1885. L3765 Greg, W. R. Essays on political and social science. 2v. 1853. L 60S Rocks ahead; or, The warnings of Cas- sandra. 1875. L612 ( ontents: Political rock; Economic rock; Relig- ious rock. Grupp, G. Englische Wirthschaftsentwicke- lung im Mittelalter; mit Beriicksichtigung der deutschen Verhaltnisse. 1898. *D 382, 32 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. ser. 12, Heft 2 S3). Innes, A. D. England's industrial develop ment; a historical survey of commerce and industry. 1912. L6821 ECONOMIC HISTORY 35 Jeans, J. S. England's supremacy; its sources, economics and dangers. 1885. L3482 Jenkins, J. E. Glances at inner England; a lecture. 1874. L 632 Langenbeck, W. Englands Weltmacht, in ihrer Entwicklung vom 17. Jahrhundert bis auf unsere Tage. 1907. D 18282 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt. 174 Bd.). Ledru Rollin, A. A. L. The decline of England. 1850. A 574 Lester, C. E. The condition and fate of England. 1845. E 1332 The glory and shame of England. 2v. 1866. E 1331 Levi, L. History of British commerce and of the economic progress of the British nation, 1763-1870. 1872. L 1050 Levy, H. Monopoly and competition, a study in English industrial organisation. 1911. L 8062 Die Not der englischen Landwirte zur Zeit der hohen Getreidezolle. 1902. D 7128, 56 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien 56. Lohmann, F. Die staatliche Regelung der englischen Wollindustrie vom XV. bis zum XVIII. Jahrhundert. 1900. D 4785, 18 (In Schmoller, G., cd. Staats- und socialwissen- schaftliche Foorschungen. v. 18). Lubbock, Sir J., ist baron Avebury. On municipal and national trading. 1907. L7054 An essay on present commercial conditions in Great Britain. Mallock, W. H. The nation as a business firm; an attempt to cut a path through jungle. 1910. L 7397 "An examination of the resources of the nation, the income of the poorer classes since 1800, the distribution of the incomes of the richer classes, the economic origins of the respective classes of the population," etc. Nathan, Sir N. Economic heresies; being an unorthodox attempt to appreciate the economic problems presented by "things as they are." 1909. L 6617 Nicholson, J. S. A project of empire; a critical study of the economics of im- perialism with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith. 1909. L 6754 Patten, S. N. The development of English thought, a study in the economic inter- pretation of history. 1899. A 2189 Petty, Sir W. The economic writings of Sir William Petty; together with the Ob- servations upon the bills of mortality, more probably by Captain John Graunt; ed. by C. H. Hull. 2v. 1899. L6615 Plener, E. v. The English factory legisla- tion; tr. from the original German. 1873. L657 Porter, G. R. The progress of the nation, in its various social and economical re- lations, from the beginning of the 19th century. 1851. L418 Price, L. L. F. R. A short history of political economy in England from Adam Smith to Arnold Toynbee. 1903. L 6658 Reitzenstein, F. v. and Nasse, E. Agra- rische Zustande in Frankreich und Eng- land. 1884. D 7060 Rogers, J. E. T. The industrial and com- mercial history of England. 1892. L 6721 Roscher, W. Zur Geschichte der englischen Volkswirthschaftslehre. 1851. D 4664 Sanders, W. The political reorganisation of the people. 1902. L6455 Say, J. B. De l'Angleterre et des anglais. 1848. *C 12205, 12 (In his CEuvres. 1848. p. 205-223). Schon, H. T. v. Studienreisen eines jungen Staatsmanns in England am Schlusse des vorigen Jahrhunderts. 1891. D 5892 Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. v. Social peace; a study of the trade union movement in England. 1893. L4518 (Social science ser. Double v., 5). Smart, W. Economic annals of the nine- teenth century, 1S01-1820. 1910. L6755 Tallerman, D. Agricultural distress and trade depression; their remedy in the commercial realization of home-grown produce. 1889. L 3571 Tille, A. Aus Englands Flegeljahren. 1901. D 13173 Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution in England. 1884. L3434 Lectures on the industrial revolution of the 18th century in England. K 7232, 18 (In Humboldt library of popular science litera- ture, v. 18). Urquhart, D. The sulphur monopoly. 1840. *L 69, 1 Vinogradov, P. G. English society in the eleventh century; essays in English me- diaeval history. 1908. A 3566 Villainage in England; essays in Eng- lish mediaeval history. 1892. A 3268 Wakefield, E. G. England and America; a comparison of the social and political state of both nations. 1833. L4163 Wallace, A. R. Bad times; an essay on the present depression of trade. 1885. L 3445 Warner, G. T. Landmarks in English in- dustrial history. 1909. L 6822 Welsford, J. W. W. The strength of Eng- land; a politico-economic history of Eng- land from Saxon times to the reign of Charles the First. 1910. A 5324 "List of works consulted," p. 353-355. Williams, E. E. G. "Made in Germany." 190G. L8089 36 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY France Araskhaniantz, A. Die franzosische Getrei- dehandelspolitik bis zum Jahre 1789 in ihrem Zusammenhange mit der Land, Volks-und Finanzwirthschaft Frankreichs. 1882. D 4785, 4 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissensch. Forschungen. v. 4). Berenger, H., and others. Les proletaires intellectuels en France. 1901. CC 1387 Farnam, H. W. Die innere franzosische Gewerbepolitik von Colbert bis Turgor. 1878. D 4785, 1 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissensch. Forschungen. v. 1). Lamprecht, K. Beitrage zur Geschichte des franzdsischen Wirthschaftslebens in elften Jahrhundert. 1878. D 4785, 1 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissensch. Forschungen. v. 1). Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de. Les economistes frangais du lSe siecle. 1870. C 5684 Mehrens, B. Die Entstehung und Entwick- lung der grossen Franzdsischen Kredil- institute mit Beriicksichtigung ihres Ein- flusses auf die Wirtschaftliche Entwick- lung Frankreichs. 1911. D 7128, 107 (Miinchener Volkswirtschaftliche Studien). "Literaturiibersicht," p. 357-360. Reinaud, E. Les syndicats professionnels; leur role historique et economique avant depuis la reconaissance legale, la loi du 21 mars, 1884. 1886. C 6345 Reitzenstein, F. V. and Nasse, E. Agrar- ische Zustande in Frankreich und Eng- land. 1884. D 7060 Sargent, A. J. The economic policy of Colbert. 1899. L 6735 (Studies in economics and political science). Bibliography, p. 118-133. Toussenel, A. Les juifs, rois de l'epoque; histoire de la feodalite financiere. 2v. 1888. C 13227 Young, A. Travels during the years 1787, 1788 and 1789; undertaken more particu- larly with a view of ascertaining the cul- tivation, wealth, resources and national prosperity of the kingdom of France. 2v. 1793. *I 6681 Germany Allmers, R. Die Unfreiheit der Friesen zwischen Weser und Jade. Eine wirt- schaftsgeschichtliche Studie. 1896. D 7128, 19 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 19. Stiick). "Quellen," p. ix-x. Balcke, T. Bilder aus der Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft. 3v. 1876-77. D543 v. 1. Von r >- of the accession of public lands by the old confederation. 1877. *B 1643, 1 LAND 39 Bohm, E. F. C. The Carey act; how to ac- quire title to public lands under the act; a comprehensive survey of the regulations in force in the various states. 1911. K 13328 Copp, H. N. The American settler's guide; a brief exposition of the public land sys- tem of the United States. 1880. N 5081 Donaldson, T. The public domain; its his- tory with statistics. 1884. *B 823 Same. *Doc. (In U. S. — House. Misc. docs., 47th Cong., 2d sess. no. 45, pt. 4). Ford, A. C. Colonial precedents of our na- tional land system as it existed in 1800. 1910. A 2175, 2 Herrick, S. Herrick's manual of the United States homestead and other public land laws. 1909. N 5313 Hill, R. T. The public domain and democ- racy; a study of social, economic and po- litical problems in the United States in relation to western development. 1910. L 6589, 38 Sanborn, J. B. • Congressional grants of land in aid of railways. 1899. L 6604, 2 Schafer, J. The origin of the system of land grants for education. 1902. A 2175, 1 Swift, F. H. A history of public permanent common school funds in the United States, 1795-1905. 1911. L 10989 Treat, P. J. The national land system, 1785- 1820. 1910. L6633 United States. General land office. Vacant public lands in the United States. 1910. *Doc. Wyman, G., comp. Public land and mining laws of Alaska, the Northwest Territory and the province of British Columbia. 1898. N 5220 Real Estate History and Law of Land Tenure By Countries United States Black, G. A. The history of municipal own- ership of land on Manhattan Island to the beginning of sales by the commis- sioners of the sinking fund in 1844. 1891. L 6589, 1 (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). Ford, A. C. Colonial precedents of our na- tional land system as it existed in 1800. 1910. A 2175, 2 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 352. History series). Thesis (PH.D.) University of Wisconsin. Bibliography: p. 147-157. Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the United States. 1883. L 386 Sato, S. History of the land question in the United States. 1886. *L3201.4 England Andrews, C. W. The old English manor; a study in English economic history. 1892. L 3200, 12 (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science). Arnold, R. A. Free land. 1880. L 384 "Suggested reform in English land laws." Banfield, F. Great landlords of London; with maps showing the estates. 1888. L3942 Bateman, J. The acre-ocracy of England; a list of all owners of 3000 acres and up- wards. 1876. L 3582 Bear, W. E. A study of small holdings. 1893. L3591 Bird, S. S. S., ed. Custumals of Battle Ab- bey, in the reigns of Edward I and Ed- ward II, 1283-1312, from mss. in the Public Record Office. 1887. *A 1077 (In Camden Soc. Pub.). Birkbeck, W. L. Historical sketch of the distribution of land in England, with sug- gestions for some improvement in the law. 1885. L 3290 Same. K 7232, 7 (In Humboldt library of popular science liter- ature). Broadhurst, H. and Reid, Sir R. T. Lease- hold enfranchisement. 1896. L 6477 (The imperial Parliament). Brodrick, G. C. English land and English landlords; an enquiry into the origin and character of the English land system, with proposals for its reform. 1881. L389 Caird, Sir J. The landed interest and the supply of food. 1878. L 6644 Caswall, A. A treatise on copyholds, con- taining the practical duties of the steward bailiff and other memorial officers and re- marks on copyhold enfranchisement. 1840. *E5041, 10 Pamphlets. Cheyney, E. P., ed. English manorial docu- ments. 1896. *A3022, 3 (Penn. University. Dept. of History). Corbet, H. Tenant right; on the necessity of some legislative enactment to secure the tenant farmer the benefit of his im- provements. 1848. *E5041, 2 Pamphlets. Cunningham, W., ed. Common rights at Cot- tenham & Stretham in Cambridgeshire. 1910. *A 809, 12 (Camden miscellany). Domesday book, ed. by A. Farley. 2v. 1783. *P 922, 1-2 Domesday of inclosures. The Domesday of inclosures, 1517-1518. 2v. 1897. *A 755 (In Royal Hist. Soc. Pub.). Earle, J. A hand-book to the land-charters, and other Saxonic documents. 1888. A 3444 40 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Evans, H. Our old nobility, by Noblesse Oblige, pseud. C 1567 History of the different landed estates, advocating land reforms. Fisher, J. The history of the landholding in England. K 7232, 3 (In Humboldt library of popular science liter- ature ). Gamier, R. M. History of the English landed interest; its customs, laws, and agriculture. 2 v. 1892-93. L 3592 Gomme, G. L. The village community; with special reference to the origin and form of its survivals in Britain. 1890. L 4188 (Contemporary science series). Gonner, E. C. K. Common land inclosure. 1912. L6641 Great Britain and Ireland. Master of the Rolls. A descriptive catalogue of ancient deeds in the Public Record Office. 3v. 1890-1900. *Doc. Inquisitions and assessments relating to feudal aids; with other analogous docu- ments preserved in the Public Record Office, A. D. 1284-1431. 5v. 1899-1908. *Doc. Green, J. L. Allotments and small hold- ings. 1896. L6634 Hoskyns, C. W. The land-laws of England. 1870. L60 (In Cobden Club. Systems of tenure). Howard, J. The tenant farmer. 1881. L 188 (In Practical politics). Impey, F. Three acres and a cow; success- ful small holdings and peasant proprie- tors. 1885. L3284 Jenks, E. Modern land law. 1899. L 6629 Jessopp, A. The land and its owners in past times. 1893. E 3764 (In hit Studies of a recluse). Johnson, A. H. The disappearance of the small landowner. Ford lectures, 1909. 1909. L 6642 Kay, J. Free trade in land. 1885. L 3574 Kemble, J. M. Godex diplomaticus aevi Saxonici. Gv. 1839-48. *A 1066, 5-10 (English Hist. Soc. Pub.). Kirkby, J. de. The survey of the County of York, commonly called Kirby's inquest; also inquisitions of knights' fees, the nom- ina villarum for Yorkshire. 1807. *A 1051 (Surtees Soc. Pub.). Leslie, T. E. C. Land systems and indus- trial economy of Ireland, England, and continental countries. 1870. L 6643 Macdonell, J. The land question; with par- ticular reference to England and Scotland. 1873. L383 Madox, T. Baronia Anglica; an history of land-honors and baronies and of tenure in capite. 1741. *R 4370 Maitland, F. W. Domesday book and beyond; three essays in the early history of England. 1897.. A 3512 Moore, H. E. Back to the land. 1893. L6626 (Social questions of to-day). Onslow, Sir W. H. O., 4th earl of. Land- lords and allotments; the history and present condition of the allotment sys- tem. 1886. L3937 Ouvry, H. A. Stein and his reforms in Prussia, with reference to the land ques- tion in England. 1875. L 350 Page, T. W. The end of villainage in Eng- land. 1900. *L 3516, 14 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub.). Pollock, Sir F. The land laws. 1883. L 189, 10 (The English citizen). Remedy for landlordism; or, Free land ten- ure, with an imperial land fund and pro- vincial government. 1889. L3939 Robertson, E. W. Historical essays in con- nexion with the land, t"he church &c. 1872. E5484 Round, J. H. Feudal England; historical studies on the Xlth and Xllth centuries. 1895. A 3535 Ft. 1. Territorial studies from Domesday book to Henry II. Seebohm, F. The English village com- munity examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of hus- bandry. 1884. L 3257 Taylor, H. C. The decline of landowning farmers in England. 1904. L 6697, 1 (University of Wisconsin. Econ. and pol. science ser.). Thackeray, S. W. The land and the com- munity. 1889. L 3938 Vinogradov, P. G. English society in the eleventh century; essays in English medi- eval history. 1908. A 3566 Yorkshire (England). Pedes nnium Ebor. regnante Johanne. A. D. MCXCIX-A. D. MCCXIV. 1897. *A 1065, 94 (Surtees Soc. Pub.). Ireland Becker, B. H. Disturbed Ireland, being the letters written during the winter of 1880- 81. 1881. A 1298 Butt, I. The Irish people and the Irish land; a letter to Lord Lifford; with com- ments on the publications of Lord Duf- ferin and Lord Rosse. 18G7. A 1318 Case of Ireland stated historically, from the earliest times to the present; with a gazetteer. 1880. A 1276 Conyngham, D. P. Ireland past and pres- ent; embracing a complete history of the land question, also a history of the penal laws. 1884. A 1470 LAND TENURE 41 Cusack, M. F. The present case of Ireland plainly stated. 1881. A 1304 Davitt, M. The fall of feudalism in Ireland; or, The story of the land league revolu- tion. 1904. A 1359 Dufferin and Ava, Sir F. T. H.-T.-B., ist marquis of. Contributions to an inquiry into the state of Ireland. 18G6. A 1285 Dun, F. Landlords and tenants in Ire- land. 1881. 1 6405 George, H. The Irish land question. 1881. L132 Gladstone, W. E. A correct report of His speech on proposing the "Irish land bill," Feb. 15, 1870. 1870. L 125 (No. 9 of a v. of pamphlets). Godkin, J. The land-war in Ireland; a his- tory for the times. 1870. A 1242 Grousset, P. Ireland's disease; notes and impressions by Philippe Dary, pseud. 1888. A 1348 Hardinge, W. H. On the Irish transplanta- tion of 1653-54. 1866. *V 550 Healy, T. M. Why there is an Irish land question and an Irish Land League. 1881. L3286 Heygate, Sir F. W. Ireland since 1850, and her present difficulty. 1880. *A 191 Hussey, S. M. The reminiscences of an Irish land agent. 1904. 16428 Jones, W. B. The life's work in Ireland of a landlord who tried to do his duty. 1880. A 1299 Kautsky, K. Irland; kultur-historische Skizze. 1880. D 133 Leslie, T. E. C. Land systems and indus- trial economy of Ireland, England, and continental countries. 1870. L 6643 Macdevitt, E. O. Popular exposition of the new land act; the land law, Ireland, act, 1881, explained. 1881. L 349 Mill, J. S. Chapters and speeches on the Irish land question. 1870. L 130 Montgomery, W. E. The history of land tenure in Ireland. 1889. L 3578 (List of statutes cited, p. 182-185). Morris, W. O'C. Letters on the land ques- tion of Ireland. 1870. L 141 Murphy, J. N. Ireland, industrial, political, and social. 1870. A 1198 Norman, H. Bodyke; a chapter in the his- tory of Irish landlordism. 1887. L3291 (Questions of the day). O'Flynn, J. Extracts from a pamphlet on the present state of the Irish poor. 1836. *E 5041, 6 (No. 8 of a v. of pamphlets). Prendergast, J. P. The Cromwellian settle- ment of Ireland. 1870. A 1209 (Apx. contains list of English adventurers for lands in Ireland). Redpath, J. Talks about Ireland. 1881. A 1290 Richey, A. G. The Irish land laws. 1881. A 1303 Russell of Killowen, Sir C. R., ist baron. New views on Ireland; or, Irish land; grievances; remedies. 1880. A 1300 Samuelson, Sir B. Studies of the land and tenantry of Ireland. 1870. L 131 Sigerson, G. History of the land tenures and land classes of Ireland. 1871. L 6632 Sullivan, Mrs. M. F. B. Ireland of to-day; the causes and aims of Irish agitation. 1881. A 1283 Sutherland, H. Ireland yesterday and to- day. 1909. I 10275 "This book is made up from letters written by the associate editor of the North American, of Philadelphia, and published in that newspaper in 1902 and 1909." Fref. Thornton, W. T. A plea for peasant pro- prietors, with the outlines of a plan for their establishment in Ireland. 1874. L3581 Wall, E. C. Ireland under the Land act. 1882. 1 6402 France Demolin, E. Les Frangais d'aujourd'hui. 1898. CC 501 Foville, A. de. Etudes economiques et sta- tistiques sur la propriete fonciere: le mor- cellement. 1885. C 12418 Germany Aal, A. Das preussische Rentengut, seine Vorgeschichte und seine Gestaltung in Gesetzgebung und Praxis. 1901. D 7128, 43 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Allmers, R. Die Unfreiheit der Friesen zwischen Weser und Jade. Eine wirt- schaftsgeschichtliche Studie. 1896. D 7128, 19 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Balcke, T. Bilder aus der Geschichte der deutschen Landwirtschaft. 3v. 1876-77. D543 Baschwitz, K. Die Organisation der stadt- ischen Haus- und Grundbesitzer in Deutschland. 1909. D 7128, 88 Bohme, K. Gutsherrlich-bauerliche Verhalt- nisse in Ostpreus-sen wahrend der Re- formzeit von 1770 bis 1830. 1902. D 4785, 20 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Braunagel, E. Zwei Dorfer der badischen Rheinebene unter besonderer Beriicksicht- igung ihrer Allmendverhaltnisse. 1898. D 4785, 16 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Fick, L. Die bauerliche Erbfolge im rechts- rh»inischen Bayern. 1895. D 7128, 8 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). 42 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Inama-Sternegg, C. T. v. Die Ausbildung der grossen Grundherrschaften in Deutsch- land wahrend der Karolingerzeit. L878. D 4785, 1 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Kaerger, K. Die Arbeiterpacht, ein Mittel zur Losung der landlichen Ar-beiterfrage. L893. D3462 Maurer, G. L. v. Geschichte der Fronhofe, der Bauernhofe und der Hofverfassung in Deutschland. 4v. 1862-63. D 5673 Ross, D. W. The early history of land- holding among the Germans. 1883. L3573 Rothkegel, W. Die Kaufpreise fur landliche Besitzungen im Konigreich Preussen von 1895 bis 1906. 1910. D 4785, 33 India Caird, Sir J. India, the land and the peo- ple. 1884. I 8210 Phear, Sir J. B. The Aryan village in India and Ceylon. 1880. I 1540 Powell, B. H. B. The Indian village com- munity examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic, and historical con- ditions of the provinces, chiefly on the basis of the revenue settlement records and district manuals. 1896. L 6500 The land-systems of British India; be- ing a manual of the land-tenures and of the systems of land-revenue administra- tion prevalent in the several provinces. 3v. 1892. L6630 The origin and growth of village com- munities in India. 1899. L 6501 (Social science series). Italy Eheberg, K. T. Agrarische Zustande in Italien. 1886. D 7008 Russia Eckardt, J. v. Modern Russia. 1870. A 2001 Contents: Russia under Alexander II.; Russian communism; The Greek orthodox church of Russia and its sects; The Russian Baltic provinces.. Loutchisky, I. Etudes sur la propriete com- munale dans la petite Russie. 1895. CC 1265 (No. 2 of a v. of pamphlets). Real Estate Law Chadman, C. E. Principles of the law of real property and the law of pleading and practice at common law. 1906. N 5321, 10 (Home law school series, no. 10). Digby, EC. E. An introduction to the his- tory of the law of real property, with orig- inal authorities. 1884. N 4928 Purple, N. II., ed. A compilation of all the general laws concerning real-estate, and the title thereto in the state of [llinois. is pi. *Doc. Warvelle, G. W. Principles of the law of real property for the use of student-. L896. N5284 Title Registration Torrens System Dumas, J. Registering titles to land. 1900. N5312 Niblack, W. C. The Torrens system, its cost and complexity. 1903. L 6631 Olmstead, D. H. Land transfer reform; or, The free transfer of land; scientific regis- tration and indexing of land records. 1887. L6648 Torrens, Sir R. An essay on the transfer of land by registration, under the dupli- cate method operative in British colonies. 1882. L 3580 Yeakle, M. M., ed. The Torrens system of registration and transfer of the title to real estate; its principles explained and its methods set forth. 1894. L 6620 Real Estate Business Bolton, R. P. Building for profit; principles governing the economic improvement of real estate. 1911. K 13441 How to sell real estate at a profit; proved methods for starting and conducting a real estate business. 1909. L 8234 International library of technology, vol. 40. 1907.-1911. K 12625, 40 Contents: Principles of law; Law in general; Personal rights; Property; Wills; Contracts. Morris, L. R. Instruction in real estate and fire insurance. 1907. L 6638 Orr, E. G., comp. The real estate broker's cyclopedia. A compilation of selling plans, advertising phrases, practical meth- ods, general information. 1911. *L 8214 Practical real estate methods for broker, op- erator and owner; thirty experts on how to buy, sell, lease, manage, appraise, im- prove and finance real estate. 1910. L8235 Real-estate and building journal, The. v. 29-39. llv. 1887-97. *Ser. Real estate news. vols. 1-2, 1906-07. 2v. L906-07. *Ser. Rothkegel, W. Die Kaufpreise fiir landliche Besitzungen im Konigreich Preussen von Preussen von 1895 bis 1906. 1910. D 4785, 33 Agriculture Economic Aspects Note: Works on practical agriculture and on the practical side of all of the following subjects are classed in Useful Arts. Adams, E. F. The modern farmer in his business relations. 1899. L 6742 Bailey, L. H. The state and the fanner. L908. K 15372 AGRICULTURE 43 Baker, T. H. Records of the seasons, prices of agricultural produce and phenomena observed in the British Isles. 1883. L3480 Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in rural prog- ress. 1908. L 8642 Card, F. W. Farm management, including business accounts, suggestions for watch- ing markets, time to market various prod- ucts, adaptation to local conditions, etc. 1907. K 15663 (The farm library). Carver, T. N. Principles of rural economics. 1911. L8045 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare, economic principles illustrated and ap- plied in farm life. 1900. K 15246 (Rural science series). Johnson, A. H. The disappearance of the small landowner. Ford lectures, 1909. 1909. L 6642 McCabe, J. D. History of the Grange movement; or, The farmer's war against monopolies, by E. W. Martin, pseud. 1874. L4611 Quaintance, H. W. The influence of farm machinery on production and labor. 1904. *L 3516, 18 (American Economic Association). Seibels, W. T. Produce markets and mar- keting. 1911. K 16875 Simons, A. M. The American farmer. 1908. L6747 (Standard socialist series). Socialism and agriculture, by E. Carpenter, T. S. Dymond, D. C. Pedder and the Fabian society. 1908. L 9014, 2 (Fabian socialist series). Tallerman, D. Agricultural distress and trade depression; their remedy in the commercial realization of home-grown produce. 1889. L3571 Torrens, R. A letter on the state of the agriculture of the United Kingdom. 1816. *L3560 Waltz, W. Vom Reinertrag in der Land- wirtschaft: ■ ine Historischkritische Stu- die. 1904. D 7128, 69 History of Agriculture Note: Works on economic conditions of agri- culture in the several countries will be found under Economic Condition and History, above. Copland, S. Agriculture, ancient and mod- ern. 2v. 1866? *V307 Cowdin, E. C. Agriculture, its dignity and progress; an address. 1866. *K 1100 Daubeny, C. G. B. Lectures on Roman hus- bandry. 1857. K 6848 Fraas, K. N. Geschichte der Landbau- und Forstwissenschaft; seit dem 16ten Jahr- hundert bis zur Gegenwart. 1865. D 6703 Massachusetts. Board of Agriculture. His- tory and progress of agriculture for the first quarter of a century with a report on fruits. 187.8. *Doc. Mulhall, M. G. The progress of the world in arts, agriculture, commerce, since the beginning of the 19th century. 1880. L3927 Agricultural Labor Dareste de La Chavanne, A. E. C. His-, toire *des classes agricoles en France. 1858. C4417 Doniol, J. H. A. Histoire des classes ru- rales en France. 1867. C 12299 Dyhrenfurth, G. Ein schlesisches Dorf und Rittergut. Geschichte und soziale Ver- fassung. 1906. D 4785, 25 Haggard, Sir H. R. Rural England; being an account of agricultural and social re- searches carried out in the years 1901 and 1902. 2v. 1906. K 15653 Hasbach, W. A history of the English agri- cultural labourer. 1908. L 6749 (London School of Economics and Political Science). Kebbel, T. E. The agricultural labourer; a short summary of his position. 1893. L3586 (Social science ser. no. 63). Trzcinski, J. v. Russisch-Polnische und gal- izische Wanderarbeiter in Grossherzog- tum Posen. 1906. D 7128, 79 Whitehead, C. F. L. S. Agricultural la- bourers. 1870. L4171 Co-operative Agriculture Coulter, J. L. Co-operation among farmers, the keynote of rural prosperity. 1911. K 16863 Stubbs, C. W. The land and the labourers; facts and experiments in cottage farming and co-operative agriculture. 1891. L 3899 (Social science series). Agricultural Colonies Hough, E. The sowing; a "Yankee's" view of England's duty to herself and to Can- ada. 1909. L6567 Kelly, E. The elimination of the tramp by the introduction into America of the la- bour colony system. 1908. L 7468 (Questions of the day). Kriwtschenko, G. Die landlichen Kreditge- nossenschaften in Russland. 1910. D 7128, 100 (Munchener volkwirtschaftliche Studien). Meline, J. The return to the land. 1907. L6635 Takaoka, K. Die innere Kolonisation Ja- pans. 1904. D 4785, 23 44 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Forestry Economic Aspects American Forest Congress, 1905. Forest preservation and national prosperity. Portions of addresses delivered at the American Forest Congress, January 2 to 6, 1905, by President Roosevelt, Ambas- sador Jusserand, Secretary Wilson and others. 1905. *Doc. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest service). Ammons, E. M. Forest reservations 1910. *Doc. Fernow, B. E. Economics of forestry; a reference book for students of political economy and professional and lay students of forestry. 1902. K 8844 Facts. and figures regarding our forest resources briefly stated. 1896. *Doc. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Division of forestry). Zon, R. The future use of land in the United States. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest service). Reclamation United States. Department of Interior. Reclamation service. Annual report, 1902 to date. *Doc. Conservation of Natural Resources American Academy of Political and Social Science. Conservation of natural re- sources. 1909. L7576 Conference on Conservation of Natural Re- sources. Declaration of governors for conservation of natural resources. 1908. *Doc. Cronau, R. Our wasteful nation; the story of American prodigality and the abuse of our national resources. 1908. L 8054 Gregory, M. H. Checking the waste; a study in conservation. 1911. L 8047 Hill, f. J. Highways of progress. 1910. L6753 North American Conservation Conference. (Washington). Message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting the declaration of principles adopted by the North American conservation confer- ence. 1909. *Doc. Pinchot, G. The conservation of natural resources. 1908. *Doc. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Farmers' bulletin 327). The fight for conservation. 1910. L8055 Van Hise, C. R. The conservation of nat- ural resources in the United States. 1910. L8057 Vrooman, F. B. Theodore Roosevelt, dynamic geographer. 1909. L 8056 Zon, R. The future use of land in the United States. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Forest service). Industry, Production. Note: History of industry and accounts of separate industries will be found with Useful Arts. Abbott, L. The industrial problem; being the William Levi Bull lectures for the year 1905. 1905. L 7281 Contents: The industrial problem; The political solution — Regulation; The economic solution — Re- organization; The ethical solution — Regeneration. Ashley, W. J., ed. British industries; a se- ries of general reviews for business men and students. 1903. L 8080 Brentano, L. J. Hours and wages in rela- tion to production. 1894. L4514 (Social science series). Bucher, K. Industrial evolution. 1901. L7408 Hapgood, N. Industry and progress; ad- dresses delivered in the Page lecture series, 1910, before the Senior class of the Shef- field scientific school, Yale University. 1911. L7306 Krapotkin, P. A. Fields, factories and workshops. 1899. L 6612 Macgregor, D. H. The evolution of indus- try. 1911. J 327, 28 "Note on books"; p. 253-254. Miller, T. S. The American cotton system historically treated. 1909. L 8049 Ure, A. The philosophy of manufactures. 1861. 1 3291 Young, T. M. The American cotton indus- try, a study of work and workers. 1902. K 13984 Machinery in Industry Babbage, C. On the economy of machinery and manufactures. 1832. K 639 Brown, F. K. Man or machine — which? or, An interpretation of ideals at work in in- dustry, by Al Priddy, pseud. 1912. L 7339 Crabtree, J. B. The marvels of modern mechanism and their relation to social betterment. 1901. K 5027 "List of authorities," p. 13-16. Fischer, G. Die sociale Bedeutung der Maschinen in der Landwirtschaft. 1902. D 4785, 20 {In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und social- wissenschaftliche Forschungen). Garvey, M. A. The silent revolution; or, The future effects of steam and electricity upon the condition of mankind. 1852. L4466 Gaskell, P. The manufacturing population of England; its moral, social, and physi- cal conditions, and the changes which have arisen from the use of steam ma- chinery. 1833. L4525 Hobson, J. A. The evolution of modern capitalism, a study of machine production. 1894. L4554 (Contemporary science ser.). INDUSTRY, CORPORATIONS 45 Maass, L. Der Einfluss der Maschine auf das Schreinergewerbe in Deutschland; ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis des Kampfes der gewerblichen Betriebsformen. 1901. D 7128, 44 (Miienchner volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Nicholson, J. S. The effects of machinery on wages. 1892. L 7401 Powers, F. P. Labor-making machinery; an essay. 1879. *L469, 18 (Economic monographs). Quaintance, H. W. The influence of farm machinery on production and labor. 1904. *L 3516, 18 (American Economic Association publications). Wells, H. G. Anticipations of the reaction of mechanical and scientific progress, upon human life and thought. 1902. L8828 Factories, Factory System Cadbury, E. Experiments in industrial or- ganization. 1912. L 8208 International Association of Factory In- spectors. Seventh annual convention held at Chicago, 1893. L 4553 Ireland, G. H. The preventable causes of disease, injurv and death in American manufactories and workshops, and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoiding ther 1886. N 1325, 4 (American Public Health Association. Lomb prize essay). Levenstein, A. Die Arbeiterfrage mit be- sonderer Berucksichtigung der sozialpsy- chologischen Seite des modernen Gross- betriebes und der psycho-physischen Einwirkungen auf der Arbeiter. 1912. D 18192 Lincoln, J. T. The factory. 1912. L 7307 Contents: The industrial revolution; Sir Richard Arkwright; Mechanical inventions; The factory system; The factory towns; Chartism; The factory and social progress. Massachusetts. State Board of Health. Report of the State Board of Health upon the sanitary condition of factories, work- shops and other establishments where persons are employed. 1907, L 7387 Redfield, W. C. The new industrial day, a book for men who employ men. 1912. L8217 Contents: Wealth and waste; The days of the rule of thumb; "What have we got to do with abroad?"; Costs and their causes; Half way on the industrial road; The rise in human values; The scientific spirit in management; "The new in- dustrial day." Robinson, Mrs. H. H. Loom and spindle; or, Life among the early mill girls, with a sketch of the "Lowell offering" and some of its contributors. 1898. L 7388 Early factory labor in New England; from the 14th annual report of the Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor, for 1883. 1889. *L4140 No. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets. Shuey, E. L. Factory people and their em- ployers, how their relations are made pleasant and profitable; a handbook of practical methods of improving factory con- ditions and the relations of employer and employe. 1900. L 7391 (Handbooks for practical workers in church and philanthropy). Sinzheimer, L. Ueber die Grenzen der Wei- terbildung des fabrikmasigen Grossbe- triebes in Deutschland. 1893. D 7128, 3 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Taylor, R. W. C. The factory system and the factory acts. 1894. L 7390 (Social questions of today). Introduction to a history of the factory system. 1886. K 4344 The modern factory system. 1891. L4227 Van Vorst, B., "Mrs. John Van Vorst" and Van Vorst, M. The woman who toils; being the experience of two ladies as fac- tory girls. 1903. L 7449 Sweating System Banks, L. A. White slaves; or, The oppres- sion of the worthy poor. 1892. L3906 Chicago Industrial Exhibit, 1907. Handbook of the Chicago Industrial Exhibit, Brooke's Casino, March 11th to 17th, 1907. K 12620 Hobson, J. A. Problems of poverty; an in- quiry into the industrial condition of the poor. 1891. L4501 Malkiel, T. S. The diary of a shirtwaist striker, a story of the shirtwaist makers' strike in New York. 1910. L 7437 Willoughby, W. F. Regulation of the sweating system. 1900. L 6590 Corporations N?te: Economic and social aspects only. Tech- nical and practical works on coporation manage- ment &c, are classed in Useful Arts. American Academy of Political and Social Science. Corporations and public wel- fare; addresses at the annual meeting, Philadelphia, April 19 and 20, 1900. 1900. L6391 Baldwin, S. E. American business corpora- tions before 1789. 1903. *B 2127, 1902, pt.I (American Historical Association. Annual re- port for 1902). Blum, L. Die steuerliche Ausnutzung der Aktiengesellschaften in Deutschland. 1911. D7128, 108 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). "Literaturverzeichnis"; p. 182-187. Bridge, J. H. The history of the Carnegie Steel Company; an inside review of its humble origin and impressive growth. 1903. L 4743 46 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Burton, T. E. Corporations and the state. 1911. L7954 Cook, W. W. The corporation problem; the public phases of corporations, their uses, abuses; with a discussion of the questions to which they have given rise. 1891. L 3905 Davis, J. P. Corporations; a study of the origin and development of great business combinations and of their relation to the authority of the state. 2v. 1905. L4736 Day, J. R. The raid on prosperity. 1907. L6706 Contents: The new age; New proportions; The citizen; The rights of speech; Reactionaries; Stretching the Constitution; Rights of corporate business; The corporations; The Standard Oil Company; Standard Oil defended by economic writers; The Standard Oil Company in court; Ex- act justice; Swollen fortunes; Charitable trusts; Tainted money; Labor unions; Workingmen; The remedy; Men for the times. Fay, C. N. Big business and government. 1912. L 7950 Illinois — Secretary of State. Certified list of Illinois corporations and supplemental list of foreign corporations, filed with the Recorder of Deeds. 5v. 1901-1911. *Doc. Massachusetts — Secretary of the Common- wealth. Abstracts of certificates of cor- porations organized under the general laws of Massachusetts, 1866-1904. 38v. 1867-1905. *Doc. (Massachusetts Public Documents, 1866-1904). Tax Commissioner. Reports (including list of corporations subject to taxation, assets and liabilities of municipalities, etc.). *Doc. (Massachusetts Public Documents since 1877). National corporation reporter. 1890 to date. *Ser. Roosevelt, T. The Roosevelt policy; speeches, letters and state papers, relating to corporate wealth and closely allied topics. 2v. 1908. L7005 Tarbell, I. M. The history of the Standard Oil Company. 2v. 1904. L 8288 United States. Bureau of Corporations. De- partment of Commerce and Labor. Taxa- tion of corporations. 1909. *Doc. Pt. 1 New England. Wilgus, H. L. A study of the United States steel corporation in its industrial and legal aspects. 1901. L8116 Corporation Finance Bentley, H. C. Corporate finance and ac- counting; treating of the corporate finan- ces and securities; the corporate books of account; reports; negotiable instruments; and the powers, duties and relations of the corporation treasurer; with forms. 1908. N 5224 Grabower, R. Die finanzielle Entwicklung der Aktiengesellschaften der deutschen Chemischen Industrie ind ihre Bezieh- ungen zur Bankwelt. 1910. D 4785, 32 Greene, T. L. Corporation finance, a study of the principles of the management of the finances of corporations in the United States. 1897. L 4744 Lyon, W. H. Capitalization; a book on cor- poration finance. 1912. L 7873 Marsh, C. C. The theory and practice of bank bookkeeping and joint stock ac- counts; embracing the routine of business from the organization of a company to the declaration of a dividend. 1884. *V 798 Meade, E. S. Corporation finance. 1910. L8233 Trust finance; a study of the genesis, organization, and management of indus- trial combinations. 1903. L4793 (Appleton's business series). Corporation Law Bays, A. W. The law of private business corporations, with questions, problems and forms. 1912. Civics Dept. {His American commercial law series, vol. v.). Boisot, L. The law of by-laws of private corporations. 1892. N 5091 Another copy. *R 3972 Chadman, C. E. Principles of the law of private and public corporations; includ- ing the history, formation, creation and classification of corporations; corporate powers and liabilities; municipal corpora- tions; administrative corporations, etc. 1905. N 5321, 9 (Home law school series). Foote, A. R. and Everett, C. E. Law of incorporated companies operating under municipal franchises. 3v. 1892-93. *N 5265 Frank, R. J. Commentary on the science of organization and business development. 1911. L8137 A treatise on the law and science of the pro- motion, organization, reorganization and manage- ment of business corporations. Frost, T. G. A treatise on the incorpora- tion and organization of corporations created under the "business corporation acts" of the several states and territories of the United States. 1905. N 5266 Illinois. General Assembly. Laws. The law of corporations, containing the gen- eral statutes of the state of Illinois on the subject, with decisions of the courts construing the provisions of the law. L895. N5227 International library of technology, vol. 41. 1907-11. K 12625, 41 Contents: Principles of law; Commercial paper; Hanks and banking; Partnership; Corporations; Building associations; Beneficial associations. CORPORATIONS. TRUSTS 47 New Jersey. Department of State. The general corporation act of New Jersey; being "An act concerning corporations," revision of 1896; including the amend- ments and supplements to the end of the legislative session of 1899. 1899. N 5229 Another copy. *Doc. Overland, M. U. A manual of statutory corporation law; classified corporation laws of all the states containing a digest of the general corporation laws of every state and territory of the United States. 1905. N 5263 Parker, J. S., ed. The corporation manual; statutory provisions relating to domestic business corporations, with annotations and commentaries, in the several states and territories of the United States. 1908. *R3379 Rahill, J. J. Corporation accounting and corporation law; a manual of corporate organization and management. Account- ing in theory and practice. Banking, with special reference to the national banking system, and a treatise on stock exchanges. 1906. L 8329 Sullivan, J. J. American corporations; the legal rules governing corporate organiza- tion and management, with forms and il- lustrations. 1910. N 5275 Trustees Birrel, A. The duties and liabilities of trus- tees. 1896. N 5166 Trusts Borden, F. Monopolies and trusts in America, 1895-99, a bibliography. 1901. *0 2459, 3 (New York State Library. Bulletin 67, October, 1901). Flint, C. R. and others. A list of books re- lating to trusts. 1902. L8113 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on federal control of interstate corporations. 1911. L 7951 United States — Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to trusts. 1907. *0 2100, 1907. Select list of references on federal con- trol and corporations. 1903. *0 2104, 89 American Academy of Political and Social Science. Corporations and public welfare; addresses at the annual meeting, Phila- delphia, April 19 and 20, 1900. 1900. L6391 Baumgarten, F. and Meszling, A. Kartelle und Trusts. 1906. - D 7137 Bolen, G. L. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the railroad problem and municipal monopo- lies. 1902, L8114 Bonham, J. M. Railway secrecy and trusts. 1890. L 3832 (Questions of the day). Chicago Conference on Trusts. Speeches, debates, resolutions, list of the delegates, committees, 1899. 1900. L 8102 Clark, J. B. The control of trusts; an argu- ment in favor of curbing the power of monopoly by a natural method. 1901. . L8111 Collier, W. M. The trusts; what can we do with them? what can they do for us? 1900. L 8099 Cook, W. W. "Trusts," the recent com- binations in trade, their character, legality, and mode of organization, and the rights, duties and liabilities of their managers and certificate-holders. 1888. L 3846 Damon, P., pseud. The king, the knave and the donkey. 1897. L 6355 Day, J. R. The raid on prosperity. 1907. L6706 Dos Passos, J. R. Commercial trusts, the growth and rights of aggregated capital; an argument delivered before the Indus- trial commission at Washington, D. C, Dec. 12, 1899. 1901. L 8098 (Questions of the day). Ely, R. T. Monopolies and trusts. 1900. L8104 (Citizen's library). Problems of to-day; a discussion of protective tariffs, taxations and monopo- lies. 1888. L3469 Fleming, R. Depraved finance. 1904. L7809 Flint, C. R. and others. The trust: its book; being a presentation of the several aspects of the latest form of industrial evolution. 1902. L8113 Ghent, W. J. Our benevolent feudalism. 1902. L 6768 Grunzel, J. Ueber Kartelle. 1902. D 7182 Cunton, G. Trusts and the public. 1899. L8103 "A vigorous defense of these great corpora- tions." Halle, E. v. Trusts; or, Industrial combina- tions and coalitions in the United States. 1895. L 6652 Harper, W. H. Restraint of trade; pros and cons of trusts in facts and principles. 1900. L 8101 Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. L 6651 Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools, and corners as affecting commerce and industry; an in- quiry into the principles and recent oper- ation of combinations and syndicates to limit production and increase prices. 1894. L4764 (Social questions of to-day). 48 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Jenks, J. W. The trust problem. 1900. L8109 Lauer, S. Social laws. 1901. L 7416 An argument against socialism, in the form of a defense of trusts and capitalism. Lawson, T. W. Frenzied finance. 1905. L780O Lawson, W. R. American industrial prob- lems. 1903. L 6669 Lloyd, H. D. Lords of industry. 1910. L6774 Wealth against commonwealth. 1894. L4S59 "An arraignment of trusts." Macgregor, D. H. Industrial combination. 1906. L 8127 Macrosty, H. W. The trust movement in British industry. 1907. L 8071 Trusts and the state; a sketch of com- petition. 1901. L70O1 (The Fabian series). Montague, G. H. The rise and progress of the Standard Oil Company. 1903. L 82S9 Montgomery, H. E. Vital American prob- lems, an attempt to solve the "trust," "la- bor," and "negro" problems. 1908. L 6582 (Questions of the day). Moody, J. The truth about the trusts; a description and analysis of the American trust movement. 1904. L8117 National Anti-Trust Conference. Official report, 1900. 1900. L 8106 Nettleton, A. B., ed. Trusts or competition? both sides of the great question in busi- ness, law and politics. 1900. L 8107 Nolan, E. J. Combinations, trusts and mo- nopolies; a discussion of the origin, de- velopment, and treatment of the modern industrial combination. 1904. L 8097 Parsons, F. The railways, the trusts, and L8013 1907. L7141 in the L8078 the people. 1905. Pierce, F. The tariff and the trusts. The greatest trust Russell, C. E world. 1905 The beef trust. Spelling, T. C. Bosssism and monopoly. 1906. L 8075 Stevens, W. S., ed. Industrial combinations and trusts. 1913. L 7956 Presents "the original documents themselves: pooling, trust, factors and international agreements; court decisions and laws against trusts; trust meth- ods of fixing prices, eliminating competition and restraining trade; the dissolution plans of dissolved trusts; lease and license agreements of repn tive patent monopolies; and the views of eminent business and professional men as to the proper methods of handling this gigantic problem." — Pref. United States. Congress. Bills and debates in Congress relating to trusts; 50th Con- gress to 57th Congress 1st session inclu- sive; prepared by direction of the attor- ney-general. 1903. *R3251 Scuiic. *Doc. (In U. S. — 57th Cong. 2d sess. — Senate. Doc. no. 147). Industrial Commission. Report of the industrial commission, 1900-1902. 19v. 1900-1902. L 7300, 1-2 Same. *Doc. Preliminary report on trusts and industrial com- binations. Van Hise, C. R. Concentration and control; a solution of the trust problem in the United States. 1912. L 7952 Walker, A. H. History of the Sherman law of the United States of America. 1910. L 8052 Wyman, B. Control of the market; a legal solution of the trust problem. 1911. L8046 Yuille, G. A. The confession of a trust magnate. 1911. L 8076 Standard Oil Company Hubbard, E. The Standard Oil Company. 1910. L 8287 Lawson, T. W. Frenzied finance. 1905. L7800 Montague, G. H. The rise and progress of The Standard Oil Company. 1903. L8289 Tarbell, I. M. The history of the Standard Oil Company. 2v. 1904. L 8288 United States. Industrial Commission. Pure Oil Trust vs. Standard Oil Com- pany, being the report of an investiga- tion by the United States Industrial Commission. 1901. N 5400 Monopolies Baker, C. W. Monopolies and the people. 1889. L 3509 (Questions of the day). Brooks, J. G. The conflict between private monopoly and good citizenship. 1909. L6719 (Barbara Weinstock lectures on the morals of trade). Clark, J. B. The problem of monopoly; a study of a grave danger and of the natural mode of averting it. 1904. L 8091 (Columbia University lectures). Hewins, W. A. S. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. 1892. L 3785 (University extension ser.). Le Rossignol, J. E. Monopolies, past and present. 1901. L 8108 (Library of economics and politics). Levy, H. Monopoly and competition, a study in English mdustrial organization. 1911. L8062 Price, W. II. The English patents of mo- nopoly. 1906. L6587, 1 (Harvard economic studies). COMPETITION, INDUSTRIAL LIBERTY t'.i Schaeffle, A. E. F. Die nationalokonom- isc'he Theorie der ausschliessenden Absaz- verhaltnisse. 1867. D 4750 Walker, F. Monopolistic combinations in the German coal industry. 1904. *L 3516, 18 (American Economic Association publications). Competition Clark, J. B. and Giddings, F. H. The mod- ern distributive process; studies of com- petition and its limits, of the nature and amounts of profits, and of the determina- tion of wages in the industrial society of to-day. 1888. L 4098 Eddy, A. J. The new competition; an ex- amination of the conditions underlying the radical change that is taking place in the commercial and industrial world — the change from a competitive to a co- operative basis. 1912. L 8059 Reeve, S. A. The cost of competition; an effort at the understanding of familiar facts. 1906. L 6685 State Aid and Interference United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of more recent works on federal control of commerce and corporations. 1907. *0 2104, 36 Cunningham, W. Politics and economics; an essay on the nature of the principles of political economy, together with a sur- vey of recent legislation. 1885. L 3499 Farrer, Sir T. H. The state in its rela- tion to trade. 1883. L 189, 8 (The English citizen), Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. 1898. L 6510 Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and liberty. 2v. 1898. L 6248 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. L'etat moderne et ses fonctions. 1890. C 5595 The modern state in relation to society and the individual. 1891. L 4456 (Social science ser.). Chiefly treats the economic relations of the state. Author takes the "Laisser-faire" view. Powell, Sir G. S. B. State aid and inter- ference; illustrated by results in com- merce and industry. 1882. L 3416 Against government interference. Reeves, W. P. State experiments in Aus- tralia & New Zealand. 2v. 1902. L 6485 Ritchie, D. G. The principles of state inter- ference; four essays on the political phi- losophy of Mr. Herbert Spencer, J. S. Mill, and T. H. Green. 1891. L 3383 (Social science ser.). Roberts, E. Monarchical socialism in Ger- many. 1913. L6817 Smith, B. Liberty and liberalism. 1887. L3182 A protest against state interference. Stickney, A. State control of trade and commerce by national or state authority. 1897. L 8094 Strachey, J. St. L. The problems & perils of socialism; letters to a working man. 1908. L9051 Arguments against socialism and state inter- ference. Industrial Liberty American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Industrial com- petition and combination. 1912. L 7953 Atkinson, E. Facts and figures the basis of economic science. 1904. L 7085 Bonham, J. M. Industrial liberty. 1888. L4113 Crosbie, G. V. Observations on the emanci- pation of industry. 1892. L3534 Mackay, T., ed. A policy of free exchange; essays by various writers on the eco- nomical and social aspects of free ex- change and kindred subjects. 1894. L 3568 Means, D. M. Industrial freedom. 1897. L7457 Molinari, G. de. The society of to-morrow; a forecast of its political and economic organization. 1904. L 6436 Troup, C. E. The future of free trade in English legislation. 1884. L3411 Prices United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on the cost of living and prices. 1910. *0 2104, 501 -Additional references on the cost of liv- ing and prices. 1912. *0 2104, 5011 Avenel, G. d', vicomte. Histoire economique de la propriete, des salaires, des denrees, et de tous les prix en general, despuis l'an 1200 jusqu'en l'an 1800. 4v. 1894-98. *V 2133 Benner, S. Benner's prophecies of future ups and downs in prices. 1899. L 4768 Bidwell, C. T. The cost of living abroad. 1876. I 2166 Bonn, M. J. Spaniens Niedergang wahrend der Preisrevolution des 16. Jahrhunderts. Ein induktiver Versuch zur Geschichte der Quantitatstheorie. 1896. D 7128, 12 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Brace, H. H. Gold production and future prices, an inquiry into the increased pro- duction of gold and other causes of price changes with a view to determining the future of prices. 1910. L 8042 Fernley, T. A. Price maintenance. 1912. L9161 50 CHICK, () PUBLIC LIBRARY Fisher, I. The purchasing power of money; its determination and relation to credit, interest and crises. 1911. L 7816 Kemmerer, E. W. Money and credit instru- ments in their relation to general prices. 1909. L 7572 (Cornell studies in history and political science). Layton, W. T. An introduction to the study of prices, with special reference to the history of the nineteenth century. 1912. L 8043 Lee, J. M. Manual of financial values and fluctuations. 1896. *R 3746 Mulhall, M. G. History of prices since the year 1850. 1885. L 3455 Patten, S. N. The stability of prices. 1889. *L3516,3 (American Economic Association publications). Price, L. L. Money and its relation to prices. 1896. L 8041 Ricardo, D. Essay on the influence of a low price of corn on the profits of stock. 1815. *L3560 Rogers, J. E. T., comp. A history of agri- culture and prices in England, from 1259 to 1793. 7v. 1866-1902. *P 304 Schoenhof, J. A history of money and prices, being an inquiry into their rela- tions from the thirteenth century to the present time. 1896. L4769 (Questions of the day). Scudder, M. L., jr. Congested prices. 1883. L3413 Tooke, T. A history of prices and of the state of the circulation from 1793 to 1837. 4v. 1838-48. *P 284 Thoughts and details on the high and low prices of the last thirty years. 1823. L3514 United States. Bureau of Statistics. Money and prices in foreign countries. 1896-97. *Doc. (Special consular reports, v. 13). Movement of prices, 1840-1894. 1895. *Doc. Industrial Commission. Report. 1900- 02. L 7300, 13 Same. *Doc. Walsh, C. M. The measurement of general exchange-value. 1901. L 6820 Wright, C. D. Comparative wages, prices, and cost of living. 1889. L3959 Panics Commercial Crises Baxter, R. The panic of 1866, with its les- sons on the currency act. 1866. L 3766 Burton, T. E. Financial crises and periods of industrial and commercial depression. 1902. L 7691 Conant, C. A. A history of modern banks of issue, with account of the economic crises of the present century. 1896. L7771 Crocker, U. H. The cause of hard times. 1895. L6664 Evans, D. M. The commercial crisis, 1847- 48. 1849. L 3759 The history of the commercial crisis, 1857-58, and the stock exchange panic of 1859. 1859. L 3760 Gibson, T. The cycles of speculation. 1907. L7817 Goadby, E. and Watt, W. The present de- pression in trade; its causes and remedies. 1885. L3765 Halbert, W. M. An exposition of economic and financial science, based on a cycle of seasons in each decade. 1878. L 956 Hull, G. H. Industrial depressions; their causes analysed and classified with a prac- tical remedy for such as result from in- dustrial derangements; or, Iron the barometer of trade. 1911. L 8044 Hyndman, H. M. Commercial crises of the 19th century. 1892. L 4763 (Social science series). Jones, E. D. Economic crises. 1900. L 6597 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). Juglar, C. A brief history of panics and their periodical occurrence in the United States. 1893. L 3757 (Questions of the day). Des crises commerciales et de leur re- tour periodique en France, en Angleterre, et aux fitats-Unis. 1889. C 5386 Lauck, W. J. The causes of the panic of 1893. 1907. L6831 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Laveleye, E. L. V. de. Le marche mone- taire et ses crises depuis cinquante ans. 1865. C 12723 Moffatt, W. Land and work; an examina- tion into the depression of the agricul- tural, manufacturing, and commercial in- dustries of the United Kingdom. 1888. L 3941 Mongredien, A. Trade depression, recent and present. 1885. L 3797 Rodbertus-Jagetzow, J. C. Overproduction and crises. 1898. L 6708 Sprague, O. M. W. History of crises under the national banking system. 1910. *Doc. Tallerman, D. Agricultural distress and de- pression; their remedy in the commercial realization of home-grown produce. 1889. L3571 Wallace, A. R. Bad times; an essay on tne present depression of trade. 1885. L 3445 Wirth, M. Geschichte der ITandelskrisen. 1883. D 4683 PANICS, CO-OPERATION 51 Wright, C. D. Industrial depressions. 188C. L4173, 1 Same. *Doc. (In United States. Bureau of Labor. First annual report). Cost of Living Bidwell, C. T. The cost of living abroad. 1876. 1 2166 Bruere, M. B. and Bruere, R. W. Increas- ing home efficiency. 1912. K 18316 Canada. Parliament. House of_ Commons. Wages and prices of commodities. 1910. *Doc. (U. S. 61st Cong. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. 537). Chapin, R. C. The standard of living among workingmen's families in New York City. 1909. L 7284 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Clark, Mrs. S. A. and Wyatt, E. F. Making both ends meet; the income and outlay of New York working girls. 1911. L 7350 Gantt, H. L. Work, wages, and profits; their influence on the cost of living. 1910. L8032 Great Britain & Ireland. Board of Trade. Cost of living of the working classes. 1908. *Doc. How to invest when prices are rising; a scientific method of providing for the in- creasing cost of living. (Irving Fisher and others). 1912. L 7866 Lewis, S. E. The river of money and the influence of the money trust system upon the increased cost of living. 1912. L 7902 Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of La- bor. Graded prices: Massachusetts, other United States, and foreign countries. 1816-1891. 1900. *Doc. (Mass. Public Documents for 1900, v. 11). Prices and the cost of living; 1872, 1881. 1897 and 1902. 1904. *Doc. (In its 32d Annual report, p. 239-314). Mass. Public Documents for 1901, v. 11. More, Mrs. L. B. Wage-earners' budgets; a study of standards and cost of living in New York City. 1907. L 8619 (Greenwich house series of social studies, no. 1). Streightoff, F. H. The standard of living among the industrial people of America. 1911. L 6836 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). United States. Bureau of Labor. Bulletins. *Doc. No. 49, Nov., 1903. Cost of living in the United States. No. 53, July, 1904. Wages and cost of living in the United States. No. 54, Sept , 1904. Cost of living and retail prices 1890 to 1903, Wholesale prices 1890 to 1903. No. 64, May, 1906. Conditions of living among the poor of the District of Columbia, by S. E. Forman. No. 63. July, 1906. Retail prices of food, 1890 No. 66, Sept., 1906. Cost of living in Hawaii. No. 71, July, 1907. Retail prices of food, 1890 to 1906. No. 77, July, 1908. Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of Great Britain. No. 78, Sept., 1908. Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of the German empire. No. 83, July, 1909. Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of France. No. 87, March, 1910. Cost of living of the working classes in the principal industrial towns of Belgium. No. 88, May, 1910. Cost of living of families of moderate income in Germany in 1907-8. Wages and prices of commodities. Wages and hours of labor of union car- penters in the United States and in Eng- lish-speaking foreign countries during the first quarter of 1910. 1910. *Doc. (61st Congress, 2d session. Senate. Doc. 630). Navy Department. Prices of commodi- ties in the navy. 1910. *Doc. (61st Congress, 2d session. Senate. Doc. 483). Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. The living wage of women work- ers; a study of incomes and expenditures of four hundred and fifty women workers in the city of Boston. 1911. L 9304 (Supplement to the Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science). Co-operation Co-operative Societies, Production and Distribution A., M. Co-operation in land tillage. 1881. K6878 Acland, A. H. D. and Jones, B. Working- men co-operators. 1884. L 3995 Ashley, O. D. Railways and their em- ployees. 1895. L4802 Barnard, C. Co-operation as a business. 1881. L925 Bartnett, W. J. The federation of the world. 1906. L 7597 Fay, C. R. Co-operation at home and abroad; a description and analysis. 1908. L7633 Contents: Banks; Agricultural societies; Work- ers' societies; Stores. "List of authorities": p. 381-392. Ford, J. Co-operation in New England, urban and rural. 1913. L 7644 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Bibliography: p. 215-219. Goldschmidt, C. Backereigewerbe und Konsum-Vereine. 1910. D 7128, 101 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Holyoake, G. J. The co-operative move- ment to-day. 1891. L 4469 (Social questions of today). The history of co-operation in England. 2v. 1875-79. L843 Self-help a hundred years ago. 1888. L4117 52 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY • Self-help by the people; the history of the Rochdale pioneers, 1844-92. 1893. L7642 (Social science series). Hubert-Valleroux, P. Les associations co- operatives en France. 1884. C 5271 'Les associations ouvrieres et les asso- ciations patronales. 1899. CC 1379 Hughes, T. and Neale, E. V., ed. Manual for co-operators. 1881. L 3972 Jones, B. Co-operative production. 1894. L4556 Kelly, E. A practical programme for work- ing men. 1906. L 7443 Lloyd, H. D. Labor copartnership, notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, fac- tories and farms in Great Britain and Ireland. 1898. L 7645 Marken, J. C. van. Industrial social organi- zation. 1900. L 7654 (Sketches the work of some model industrial establishments in Holland). Myrick, H. Co-operative finance; an Amer- ican method for the American people, to encourage business, farming, home-own- ing, individual and corporate success, so- cial justice and national prosperity. 1912. L7655 How to cooperate. 1898. L 7653 Pizzamiglio, L. Distributing co-operative societies. 1891. L 7641 Russell, G. W. Co-operation and national- ity; guide for rural reformers from this to the next generation. 1912. L 7634 Sugden, F. H. Co-operative societies' ac- counts. 1902. L 8326, 6 (The Accountants' library). Vigano, F. La fraternite humaine. 1880. *V1111 Webb, Mrs. B. P. The co-operative move- ment in Great Britain. 1891. L 3875 (Social science series). Wolff, H. W. Co-operative banking. 1907. L7897 Wright, C. D. A manual of distributive co-operation. 1885. L 7657 Mutual Benefit Associations Ansell, C. Treatise on friendly societies in which the doctrine of interest of money, and the doctrine of probability, are applied to the affairs of such societies. 1835. L4085 Baernreither, J. M. English associations of workingmen. 1889. L 3868 Grandhantz-Loiseau, E. Les societes de sauvetage, humanitaires, philanthropiques et litteraires. 1884. C 5162 James, J. H. A guide to the formation and management of friendly societies for as- surance, investment & emigration. 1881. L3876 Jones, E. F. Friendly societies' and trade unions' accounts. 1904. L 8326, 28 ("The Accountants' library"). Landis, A. Analyses of fraternal societies and illustrations of premium computa- tions. 1906. L 8454 Friendly societies and fraternal orders. 1900. L 8452 Laurent, J. E. Le pauperisme et les asso- ciations de prevoyance. 2v. 1865. C 12728 Scratchley, A. A practical treatise on friendly societies for sickness-pay, life- assurance, and pensions. 1885. L 4083 Wilkinson, J. F. The Friendly Society movement. 1891. L 3630 Mutual thrift. 1891. L 8765 (Social questions of today). Public Utilities Lindholm, M. F. Brief list of references on public utilities with especial reference to state supervision. 1909. *0 2705 United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on government ownership of rail- roads. 1903. *0 2104, 29 Floy, H. Valuation of public utility prop- erties. 1912. L 7051 Foote, A. R. and Everett, C. E. The law of incorporated companies operating un- der municipal franchises. 3v. 1892-93. *N 5265 Foster, H. A. Engineering valuation of public utilities and factories. 1912. L7053 Jephson, A. W. Municipal work from a Christian standpoint. 1912. L 7981 King, C. L. The history of the government of Denver with special reference to its relations with public service corporations. 1911. L 11895 The regulation of municipal utilities. 1912. L 7980 Mulhall, J. F. J. Quasi-public corporation accounting and management. 1905. L4733 Poor's manual of industrials; street rail- way, light, water, power, mining, tele- phone, telegraph, manufacturing and mis- cellaneous corporations. 3d annual no., 1912. *R3577 Stone & Webster public service journal. L907 to date. *Ser. Whitten, R. H. Valuation of public serv- ice corporations; legal and economic phases of valuation for rate making and public purchase. 1912. L 7955 Wilcox, D. F. Municipal franchises; a de- scription of the terms and conditions PUBLIC OWNERSHIP, LABOR 53 upon which private corporations enjoy special privileges in the streets of Amer- ican cities. 2v. 1911. L 7985 Public Ownership Corporations and the State Academy of Political Science, New York. Business and the public welfare. 1912. L7286 (Its Proceedings, vol. II, no. 2). Baylies, E. L. Pacific cable; an argument in favor of private ownership versus gov- ernment ownership. 1900. *Doc. (In United States. 56th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 87). Burton, T. E. Corporations and the state. 1911. L7954 Cowles, J. L. A general freight and pas- senger post; a practical solution of the railroad problem. 1896. L 4785 (Questions of the day). Farrer, Sir T. H. The state in its relation to trade. 1883. L 189, 8 (The English citizen). Gillette, K. C. "World corporation." 1910. L7648 Herold, R. Der Schweizerische Bund und die Eisenbahnen bis zur Jahrhundert- wende. 1902. D 7128, 49 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Holcombe, A. N. Public ownership of tele- phones on the continent of Europe. 1911. L 6587, 6 (Harvard economic studies). Lloyd, H. D. A sovereign people; a study of Swiss democracy. 1907. L 7616 Meyer, H. R. The British state telegraphs. 1907. L6I59 Public ownership and the telephone in Great Britain. 1907. L 6160 Micheli, H. State purchase of railways in Switzerland. 1898. L 6695, 3 (American economic association). Montgomery, H. E. Vital American prob- lems. 1908. L6582 Myers, O. A. Questions national and of na- tional importance to every American citi- zen. 1896. L6264 Parsons, F. Public ownership. 1900. *Doc. (In United States. — 56th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 69). Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on federal control of interstate corporations. 1911. L7951 (Debaters' handbook series). Prentice, E. P. The federal power over carriers and corporations. 1907. L 8123 Roszner, J. Soil der Staat Industrie betrei- ben? 1872. D 4654 Smith, O. J. The coming democracy. 1900. L6326 Stickney, A. State control of trade and commerce by national or state authority. 1897. L 8094 Todd, Mrs. M. Railways of Europe and America; or, Government ownership. 1893. L 4776 United States. Interstate Commerce Com- mission. Reports. Decisions. Reported by the commission. 1887 to date. *Doc. Municipal Ownership Brooklyn. Public Library. Books on mu- nicipal ownership. 1906. *0 2565 American Academy of Political and Social Science. Municipal ownership and mu- nicipal franchises. 1906. L 6162 (In its Annals, v. 27, no. 1). Bemis, E. W., ed. Municipal monopolies. 1899. L6165 Bolen, G. L. The plain facts as to the trusts and the tariff, with chapters on the rail- road problem and municipal monopolies. 1902. L8114 Bradford, E. S. Municipal electric lighting. 1906. L 6791, 5 Darwin, L. Municipal ownership. 1907. L7052 Municipal trade. 1903. L 6171 Dolman, F. Municipalities at work. 1895. L6209 Foote, A. R. Economic value of electric light and power. 1889. K 7638 Municipal public service industries. 1899. L6169 Francisco, M. J. Municipal ownership vs. private corporations; with legal and edi- torial opinions, tables and cost of lights as furnished by private companies and municipal plants. 1898. L 6170 King, C. L., ed. The regulation of municipal utilities. 1912. L 7980 Lubbock, Sir J. On municipal and national trading. 1907. L 7054 Meyer, H. R. Municipal ownership in Great Britain. 1906. L 6163 Morgan, J. E. and Bullock, E. D., comp. Se- lected articles on municipal ownership. 1911. L7975 (Debaters' handbook series). National Civic Federation Commission on Public Ownership and Operation. Mu- nicipal and private operation of .public utili- ties. 3v. 1907. L7057 Parsons, F. The city for the people. 1899. L6183 Porter, R. P. The dangers of municipal ownership. 1907. L 7064 Shaw, G. B. The common sense of mu- nicipal trading. 1908. L 9014, 5 Same. 1904. L 6192 54 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Wells, D. A. The relation of the govern- ment to the telegraph. 1873. L 3528 Whipple, F. H. Municipal lighting. 1889. K7709 Wisconsin. University. Municipalization of street railways. 1898. L 7050 Labor Marot, H., comp. A handbook of labor liter- ature. 1899. *0 2447 True, E. I. The labor problem: a bib- liography. 1909. *0 2745, 3 United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. Select list of books (with references to periodicals) on labor. L903. *0 2104, 29 Adams, T. S. and Sumner, H. L. Labor problems; a text book. 1905. L 7405 Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. L8700 Anitchkow, M. War and labour. 1900. L6427 Aveling, E. B. and Aveling, Mrs. E. M. The working class movement in America. 1891. L7382 Barns, W. E., ed. The labor problem. 1886. L4036 Bolen, G. L. Getting a living; the problem of wealth and poverty. 1903. L 7429 Brassey, Sir T. B. Lectures on the labor question. 1878. L 4443 Papers and addresses: work and wages. 1894. L 6441, 6 Work and wages practically illustrated. 1872. L816 Same. 1883. L 816b Brooks, J. G. The social unrest. 1903. L7430 Chapman, S. J. Work and wages, in con- tinuation of Lord Brassey's 'Work and wages' and 'Foreign work and English wages.' 2v. 1904-08. L 7413 Clark, J. B. and Giddings, F. H. The mod- ern distributive process; studies of com- petition and its limits, of the nature and amounts of profit, and of the determina- tion of wages in the industrial society of today. 1888. L 4098 Collins, J. H. The art of handling men. 1910. L 11452 Commons, J. R., ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. 1905. L 7502 Daily Mail, London. What the worker wants; the Daily Mail enquiry, by H. G. Wells, Norman Angell, Lord Hugh Cecil, H. M. Hyndman, Prof. Ashley, Stephen Reynolds, Sidney Low, Vernon Harts- horn, Seebohm Rowntree, Sir A. C. Doyle, John Galsworthy, Earl Grey, Duke of Marlborough, Philip Snowden, G. N. Barnes, Frederic Harrison, Sir Walter • Runciman, Geoffrey Drage, Dr. Shadweil and others. 1912. L 7295 Drage, G. The labour problem. 1896. L7404 Fawcett, H. The economic position of the British labourer. 1865. L3640 Galton, F. W., cd. Workers on their indus- tries. 1896. L 7450 (Social science series). Contents: The need and value of technical edu- cation, by Millis; Dressmakers and tailoresses, by Hicks; Workers in precious metals, by Stewart; Shipbuilding, by Steadman; Wood engraving, by Crossfield; Corn-milling, by Salmon; Engineer- ing, by Swift; Cask making, by Crooks; The art of bookbinding, by Rogers; The agricultural labour- er, by Yerinder; Bricklayers, by Taylor; Pottery, by Thomas; The need of organization among women, by Holyoake; The need of labour repre- sentation, by Tillett. George, H. The condition of labor; an open letter to Pope Leo XIII; with encyclical letter of Pope Leo XIII on the condition of labor. 1891. L3917 Gohre, P. Three months in a workshop; a practical study. 1895. L 8529 (Social science series, no. 79). Gompers, S. Labor in Europe and America. 1910. L7423 Gunton, G. Wealth and progress; a critical examination of the labor problem. 1887. L4073 Herboldshimer, J. B. The enslavement and emancipation of the people. 1900. L7412 Hobhouse, L. T. The labour movement. 1893. L4492 Howell, G. Labour legislation, labour move- ments and labour Leaders. 1902. L 7369 Irvine, L. The problem of distressed labor. 1885. L4051 Jevons, W. S. The state in relation to labour. 1882. L 189, 9 Jones, S. M. Letters of labor and love. 1905. L7377 Toslyn, R. W. The rights of labor. 1894. L7378 Karoly, A. The dilemmas of labour and education. 1884. L4114 Kelly, E. A practical programme for work- ing men. 1906. L 7443 Lange, F. A. Die Arbeiterfrage. 1879. D4689 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. La question ouvriere au XIXe siecle. 1881. C 5744 Levenstein, A. Die Arbeiterfrage mit besonderer Berucksichtigung der sozial- psychologischen Seite des modernen LABOR AND CAPITAL 55 Grossbetriebes und der psycho-physischen Einwirkungen auf die Arbeiter. 1912. D 18192 Lloyd, H. D. Men, the workers. 1909. L7411 Mallock, W. H. Labour and the popular welfare. 1893. L4511 Newcomb, S. A plain man's talk on the labor question. 1886. L 4044 Philip, A. The function of labour in the production of wealth. 1890. L4446 Rees, W. L. From poverty to plenty; or, The labour question solved. 1888. L 4452 Roadmaker, A., pseud. A new gospel of labor, the only peaceable and practical solution of the labor question and thor- ough remedy against hard times. 1894. L7386 Rogers, J. E. T. Eight chapters on the his- tory cf work & wages. 1891. L 3897 Six centuries of work and wages; the history of English labour. 1884. L4020 Ruskin, J. Fors clavigera; letters to the workmen and labourers of Great Britain. 9v. 1871-87. K 124 Ruskin, J. Time and tide. 1868. K 16 Schaffner, M. A. The labor contract from individual to collective bargaining. 1907. L 6697, 2 (Bulletin Of the University of Wisconsin, no. 182. Economics and political science series, vol. 2, no. 1). Schellwien, R. Die Arbeit und ihr Recht. 1882. D 4691 Smith, S. G. The industrial conflict. 1907. L7444 Spyers, T. G. The labour question. 1894. L4546 (Social science series). Stelzle, C. The church and labor. 1910. M9631 Letters from a workingman, by an American mechanic. 1908. L 7420 Thompson, P. The politics of labor. 1887. L3296 Thornton, W. T. Die Arbeit. 1870. D 4690 On labour; its wrongful claims and rightful dues; its actual present and pos- sible future. 1870. L 810 Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution in England. 1884. L 3434 Trumbull, M. M., Wheelbarrow. Articles and discussions on the labor question. 1890. L 3933 Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. P. Problems of modern industry. 1898. L 7467 The public organization of the labour market. 1909. L 9768, 2 Winship, A. E. The shop. 1889. L3946 Wright, C. D. The industrial evolution ot the United States. 1895. *L4141 Some ethical phases of the labor ques- tion. 1902. L7371 Wright, H. B. A practical treatise on labor. 1871. L814 Young, E. Labor in Europe and America; a special report. 1875. L4108 Labor and Capital American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. The outlook for in- dustrial peace. 1912. L 7292 (Its Annals, vol. XLIV [whole no. 133]). Atkinson, E. Labor and capital allies not enemies. 1877. L4070 Bitzer, F. Arbeit und Kapital. 1871. D 4734 Bolles, A. S. The conflict between labor and capital. 1876. L 784 Duhring, E. K. Capital und Arbeit. 1865. D4740 Gibbons, J. Tenure and toil; or, Rights and wrongs of property and labor. 1888. L3940 Hobson, J. A. The evolution of modern capitalism. 1894. L4554 Howell, G. The conflicts of capital and labour. 1878. L 911 Same. 1890. L 3931 Lieber, F. Essays on property and labour. 1856. 1 3752 Makepeace, F. Capital and labour. 1881. L4112 Menger, A. The right to the whole produce of labour. 1899. L9048 Morrison, C. An essay on the relations be- tween labour and capital. 1854. L 751 Peters, J. P., ed. Labor and capital. 1902. L7461 (Questions of the day). Schaeffle, A. E. F. The theory and policy of labour protection. 1893. L 4503 (Social science series). Spahr, C. B. An essay on the present dis- tribution of wealth in the United States. 1896. L 6665 Watney, C. and Little, J. A. Industrial war- fare; the aims and claims of capital and labour. 1912. L 7342 Industrial Arbitration Beman, L. T., comp. Selected articles on the compulsory arbitration of industrial disputes. 1911. L 7287 (Debaters' handbook series). United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on industrial arbitration. 1903. *0 2104, 29 Bahr, R. Gewerbegericht, Kaufmanns- gericht, Einigungsamt ; ein Beitrag zur Rechts-und Sozialgeschichte Deutschlands im XIX Jahrhundert. 1905. D 4785, 23 5G CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Bayles, T. C. The shop council. 1886. *L 3444, 23 (Economic tracts, no. 23). Crompton, H. Industrial conciliation. 1876. L623 Gilman, N. P. Methods of industrial peace. 1904. L 7409 Hiiglin, A. Der Tarifvertrag zwischen Ar- beitgeber und Arbeitnehmer. 1906. D 7128, 76 Illinois — State Board of Arbitration. 3 rd- 11th annual report, 1898-1908. *Doc. Jeans, J. S. Conciliation and arbitration in labour disputes. 1894. L 7361 Justi, H. Papers and addresses on phases of the labor problem. 1905. L 7374 Lloyd, H. D. A country without strikes, a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zealand. 1900. L 7365 Lowell, J. S. Industrial arbitration and con- ciliation; some chapters from the indus- trial history of the past thirty years. 1893. L 4493 (Questions of the day). Massachusetts — Board of Arbitration and Conciliation. Annual reports. 1889-1910. *Doc. Morris, R. C. International arbitration and procedure. 1911. N 5238 National Conference on Industrial Concilia- tion (New York, 1901). Report. 1902. L7460 (Questions of the day). Price, L. L. F. R. Industrial peace. 1887. L4478 Ryan, D. J. Arbitration between capital and labor; a history and an argument. 1885. L4031 Weeks, J. D. Labor differences and their settlement. 1886. *L 3444, 20 Weigert, M. Arbeitsnachweis, Einigung- samt und Tarifgemeinschaft. 1907. D 4785, 28 Wright, C. D. Industrial conciliation and arbitration. 1881. *L4141 History of Labor Avenel, G.d', vicomtc. Paysans et ouvriers, depuis sept cents ans. 1899. CC 1376 Beard, C. The industrial revolution. 1901. L7407 Commons, J. R. Documentary history of American industrial society, llv. 1910- 11. *L7290 Davidson, J. M. The annals of toil; being labour-history outlines, Roman and Brit- ish. 1896. L 7403 Drumann, W. K. A. Die Arbeiter und Communisten in Griechenland und Rom, 1860. D 4688 Dyer, H. The evolution of industry. 1895. L6667 Ely, R. T. Studies in the evolution of in- dustrial society. 1903. L 6680 Felix, L. Die Arbeiter und die Gesell- schaft. 1874. D 4743 Giffen, Sir R. The progress of the working classes in the last half century. 1885. L 3260, 2 (Questions of the day). Same. 1885. *L 3444, 16 (Economic tracts). Granier de Cassagnac, A. History of the working and burgher classes. 1871. L3982 Hauser, H. Ouvriers du temps passe (XVe- XVIe siecles). 1899.. C 12587 Howell, G. The conflicts of capital and la- bour historically and economically con- sidered. 1878. L911 Same. 1890. L 3931 Levasseur, P. f£. Histoire des classes ouv- rieres en France. 4v. 1859-67. C 5532 Meyer, R. H. Der Emancipationskampf des vierten Standes. 2v. 1875-82. D 4732 Der Emancipationskampf des vierten Standes in Deutschland. 1874. D 4733 Mummenhoff, E. Der Handwerker in der deutschen Vergangenheit. 1901. D 7113, 8 Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte). Nadaud, M. Histoire des classes ouvrieres en Angleterre. 1872. C 5999 Rosemeier, H. Die Arbeiter im neunzehn- ten Jahrhundert. 1900. D 13530, 18 Rogers, J. E. T. Eight chapters on the his- tory of work and wages. 1891. L3897 (Social science series). Schoenlank, B. Sociale Kampfe vor drie- hundert Jahren; alt nurnbergische Stu- dien. 1894. D 7065 Simonds, J. C. and McEnnis, J. T. The story of manual labor in all lands and ages. 1887. L4110 Singer, R. Das Recht auf Arbeit, in ge- schichtlicher Darstellung. 1895. D 3471 Tarle, E. V. Studien zur Geschichte der Arbeiterklasse in Frankreich wahrend der Revolution. 1908. D 4785, 29 Tuckett, J. D. A history of the past and present state of the labouring population. 1846. L 4480 Ward, C. O. A history of the ancient work- in- people. 1889-1900. L 4185 Weinhold, J. M. Geschichte der Arbeit. L869. D4694 Williams, T. Labor a hundred years ago < Philadelphia, 1787). 1888. *L 3444, 24 (In his Economic tracts, no. 24). Reports and Statistics Association of Officials of Bureaus of La- bor Statistics of America. Proceedings, 1886-1895, 1897- 1 '.to::. L 4172 LABOR, WAGES 57 Germany. Kaiserliches Statistisches Amt. Reichs-Arbeitsblatt, 1903-04. 1904. *Ser. Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. ■ Annual reports. 1870-1910. *Doc. New Jersey Bureau of Statistics, Mono- graphs on economic subjects. 1901-1907. L 6704 United States. Bureau of Labor. Annual report of the commissioner, 1886-1889, 92, 1901. L4173 Same. 1886-date. *Doc. Bulletins, 1896-date. *Doc. Industrial Commission. Report. 19v. 1900-02. L 7300 Same. *Doc. Periodicals American federationist, 1900 to date. *Ser. Germany — Kaiserliches Statistisches. Amt. Reichs-Arbeitsblatt. 1903-04. *Ser. Held, A. Die deutsche Arbeiterpresse der Gegenwart. 1873. D 4738 International Labour Office. Bulletin, 1906, to date. *Ser. Knights of Labor, 1886-87. *Ser. Wages The adjustment of wages to efficiency. 1896. L 6695, 1 Ashley, W. J. The adjustment of wages; a study in the coal and iron industries of Great Britain and America. 1903. L 7396 Atkinson, E. Distribution of products. 1885. L3423 Contents: What makes the rate of wages? What is a bank? The railway, the farmer and the public. Big wages and how to earn them; by a foreman. 1887. L 4069 Boehmert, C. V. Die Gewinnbetheiligung. 2v. 1878. D 415, 32-33 Bowley, A. L. Wages in the United King- dom in the nineteenth century. 1900. L6677 Brassey, Sir T. B. Work and wages prac- tically illustrated. 1872. L 816 Same. 1883. L 816b Brentano, L. J. Hours and wages in rela- tion to production. 1894. L4514 (Social science ser.). Chapman, S. J. Work and wages, in con- tinuation of Lord Brassey's 'Work and wages' and 'Foreign work and English wages.' 2v. 1904-8. L 7413 Chevallier, E. Les salaires au XIXe siecle. 1887. C 12194 Clark, Mrs. S. A. and Wyatt, E. Making both ends meet; the income and outlay of New York working girls. 1911. L 7350 Davidson, J. The bargain theory of wages. 1898. L 7402 Emerson, H. Efficiency as a basis for oper- ation and wages. 1909. L 8031a Same. 1912. L 8031c Engel, E. Der Preis der Arbeit. 1872. *D 382, 1 Gantt, H. L. Work, wages, and profits; their influence on the cost of living. 1910. L8032 Hartshorn, E. A. Wages, living and tariff. 1884. L 3446 Hiiglin, A. Der Tarifvertrag zwischen Arbeitgeber und Arbeitnehmer. 1906. D 7128, 76 Lawrence, F. W. Local variations in wages. 1899. *V 2824 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. De l'etat moral et intellectual des populations ouvrieries et de son influence sur le taux des salaires. 1868. C5525 Levi, L. Wages and earnings of the work- ing classes. 1885. L 4474 Work and pay; or, Principles of indus- trial economy. 1877. L 7394 McCulloch, J. R. A treatise on the circum- stances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes. 1854. L 793 McDonnell, W. D. History and criticism of the various theories of wages. 18S7. L4475 Mallock, W. H. Classes and masses; or, Wealth, wages and welfare in the United Kingdom. 1896. L 6731 Moore, H. L. Laws of wages. 1911. L7332 Morehouse, W. A. R. The universal table of wages. 1870. K 528 Nearing, S. Wages in the United States, 1908-1910; a study of state and federal wage statistics. 1911. L 7333 Nicholson, J. S. The effects of machinery on wages. 1892. L 7401 Roesler, C. F. H. Zur Kritik der Lehre vom Arbeitslohm. 1861. D 7064 Ryan, J. A. A living wage, its ethical and economic aspects. 1906. L 7398 Salomon, A. Die Ursachen der ungleichen Entlohnung von Manner- und Frauenar- beit. 1906. D 4785, 27 Salz, A. Beitrage zur Geschichte und Kritik der Lohnfondstheorie. 1905. D 7128, 70 Schaffner, M. A. Exemption of wages. 1906. L 6791, 4 Schloss, D. F. Methods of industrial re- muneration, 1892. L3919 Schoenhof, J. The economy of high wages. 1892. L3555 (Questions of the day). 58 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY The industrial situation and the ques- tion of wages. L886. L4118 (Questions of the day). Wages and trade in manufacturing in- dustries in America and in Europe. L884. L 3205, 4 Taussig, F. W. Wages and capital, an ex- amination of the wages fund doctrine. 1897. L 7427 Same. *R 1104, 69 Thompson, H. M. The theory of wages and its application to the eight hours ques- tion and other labour problems. 1S92. L4472 United States. Bureau of labor. Wages and prices of commodities. 1910. *Doc. 61st Congress, 2d sess. Senate. Wages and prices of commodities. 1910. *Doc. Villey, E. La question des salaires. 1887. C 13280 Walker, F. A. The wages question. 1876. L799 Ward, J. Workmen and wages at home and abroad. 1868. L 4448 Weeks, J. D. Report on the statistics of wages in manufacturing industries. 1886. *R 4533, 20 Wells, D. A. Relation of the tariff to wages. 1888. L350O West, Sir E. Price of corn and wages of labour. 1826. L 3417 Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. Dept. of research. The living- wage of women workers. 1911. L9304 Wright, C. D. Comparative wages, prices, and cost of living. 1889. L 3959 Profit Sharing Bushill, T. W. Profit-sharing and the la- bour question. 1893. L 7406 Dolge, A. The just distribution of earn- ings, so-called "profit sharing." 1889. *V 1883 Frommer, H. Die Gewinnbetheiligung. 1886. D 4785, 6 Gilman, N. P. Profit sharing between em- ployer and employee. 1889. L 3943 Rawson, H. G. Profit-sharing precedents. 1891. L7656 Taylor, S. Profit-sharing between capital and labour; six essays. 1884. L 3421 Wright, C. D. Profit sharing. 1886. *L4141 Labor Systems Note: Slave labor will be found under the subject: Slavery. Contract Labor Indentured Labor, White Servitude Ashton, J. Redemptioners. 1887. E 1836 hi his Eighteenth century waifs, p. 11:.' L81). Ballagh, J. C. White servitude in the col- ony of Virginia, a study of the system oi indentured labor in the American col- onies. L895. *L 3201, 13 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Diffenderffer, F. R. The German immigra- tion into Pennsylvania through the port of Philadelphia from 1700 to 1775: pt. 2. The redemptioners, 1900. B 4328, 10 (In Pennsylvania — German Society. Proceedings and addresses, v. 10). McCormac, E. I. White servitude in Mary- land, 1634-1820. 1904. _ *L 3201, 22 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Mantero, F. Manual labour in S. Thome and Principe. 1910. L 7331 Pennsylvania. German Society. Publication Committee, cd. Record of indentures of individuals bound out as apprentices, serv- ants, etc., and of German and other re- demptioners in the office of the mayor of the city of Philadelphia, Oct. 3, 1771-Oct. 5, 1773. 1907. B 4328,16 (In Pennsylvania — German Society. Proceedings and addresses, v. 16). Coolie Labor Beaumont, J. The new slavery; an account of the Indian and Chinese immigrants in British Guinea. 1871. L 170 Creswell, F. H. P. The Chinese labour question from within; facts, criticisms and suggestions; impeachment of a dis- astrous policy. 1905. L 7385 Jenkins, J. E. The coolie, his rights and wrongs. 1871. L 750 Apprentice Labor Bray, R. A. Boy labour and apprentice- ship. 1911. L7294 Dunlop, O. J. English apprenticeship and child labour; a history by O. J. Dunlop, with a supplementary section on the mod- ern problem of juvenile labour by O. J. Dunlop and R. D. Denraan. 1912. L 7293 Motley, J. M. Apprenticeship in American trade unions. 1907. *L 3201, 25 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Wright, C. D. The apprenticeship system in its relation to industrial education. 1908. *Doc. (United States Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1908. no. 6). Prison Labor Falkner, R. P. Die Arbeit in den Gefang- nissen. 18S8. D 7014 Felton, C. E. Prison labor. 1886. *L 3205, 11 Henderson, C. R., cd. Outdoor labor for convicts; a report to the governor of Illinois. 1907. v L9831 Consists of extracts from the Bulletin de la Commission penitentiare Internationale, 1908, by mi authors. LABOR SYSTEMS 59 Massachusetts. General superintendent of prisons. Annual reports concerning prison labor. 1889. *Doc. Meriwether, L. Atloat and ashore on the Mediterranean. 1892. I 5973 Investigation of the laboring classes and of prison labor in Europe. National committee on prison labor. Penal servitude, by E. S. Whitin. 1912. L 7483 "Brief summary of the findings of the National committee on prison labor." — Pref. Ohio. — State Bureau of Labor Statistics. Ohio special report on prison labor by the State Bureau of Labor Statistics, 1910. 1911. *Doc. Perry, J. S. A few considerations in respect to prison labor. 1878. L 930 United States. Bureau of Labor. Bulletin No. 5, July, 189G. *Doc. Industrial Commission. Report of the industrial commission. 1900. L 7300, 3 Same. 1900-02. *Doc. Same. 1900-02. L 7300, 5 Wright, C. D. Convict labor. 1887. L 4173, 2 Same. 1887. *Doc. {In United States. Bureau of Labor. 2d an- nual report). Some ethical phases of the labor ques- tion. 1902. L7371 Woman Labor Abbott, E. Women in industry. 1910. L7446 Adams, T. S. and Sumner, H. L. Labor problems; a text book. 1905. L 7405 Ames, A. Sex in industry; a plea for the working-girl. -1885. L497 Brandeis, L. D. In the supreme court of the state of Illinois. On the women's ten-hour law. 1909. N 5372 Women in industry; decision of the United States Supreme court in Curt Mul- ler vs. state of Oregon, upholding the constitutionality of the Oregon ten hour law for women and brief for the state of Oregon. 1908. N 5371 Bulley, A. A. and Whitley, M. Women's work. 1894. L 9212 Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on the employment of women. 1911. L 9324 (Debaters' handbook series). Butler, E. B. Saleswomen in mercantile stores. 1912. L 7349 Butler, E. B. Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. 1909. L 7283, 1 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Cadbury, E. Women's work and wages. 1907. L9211 Campbell, Mrs. II. S. \V. Prisoners of pov- erty; women \\ a,ne-worker>, their trades and their lives. 1887. L 4053 Women wage-earners; their past, their present and their future. 1893. L4415 Clark, Mrs. S. A. Making both ends meet; the income and outlay of New York working girls. 1911. L 7350 Collet, C. E. Educated working women. 1902. L9223 Dall, Mrs. C. W. H. "Woman's right to labor"; or, Low wages and hard work. 18G0. L 563 Dodge, G. H. and others. What women can earn. 1899. L9218 Genna, E., pseud. Irresponsible philanthro- pists; being some chapters on the em- ployment of gentlewomen. 1881. L 664 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. Women and eco- nomics. 1898. L8610 Gonnard, R. La femme dans l'industrie. 1906. CC 1490 Hauff, L. Die Entwickelung der Frauen- berufe in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten. 1911. D 18733 Haussonville, J. O. B. de C, comte d'. Sal- aires miseres de femmes. 1900. C 12583 Herron, B. M. The progress of labor or- ganization among women. 1905. L 10702, 1 Higgs, Mrs. M. and Hayward, E. E. Where shall she live? The homelessness of the woman worker. 1910. L 9769 Kentucky— Commission to Investigate the Conditions of Working Women in Ken- tucky. Report. December, 1911. *Doc. Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Le travail des femmes au XIXe siecle. 1873. C 5745 The long day; the story of a New York working girl, as told by herself. 1905. L7448 MacLean, A. M. Wage-earning women. 1910. L9231 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). National Women's Trade Union League. Convention at Chicago, 1909. L 7515 Otto, R. Ueber Frabrikarbeit verheirateter Frauen. 1910. D 7128, 104 Richardson, A. S. The girl who earns her own living. 1909. L 9286 Robinson, Mrs. H. J. H. Loom and spindle; or, Life among the early mill girls. 1S93. L7388 Salomon, A. Die Ursachen der ungleichen Entlohnung von Manner- und Frauenar- beit. 1906. D 4785,27 Schreiner, O. Woman and labor, 1911. L9272 60 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Swett, M. Summary of labor laws in force 1909; woman's work. 1909. *L 7299, 7 (American association for labor legislation). Tonna, Mrs. C. E. B. The wrongs of wo- man. 1844. L 558 Van Kleeck, M. Women in the bookbind- ing trade. 1913. L 7347 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Van Vorst, B. "Mrs. John Van Vorst." The woman who toils; being the experi- ences of two ladies as factory girls. 1903. L7449 Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston. Department of research. The liv- ing wage of women workers. 1911. L9304 Wright, C. D. The working girls of Boston. 1889. *L4140 Working women in large cities. 1889. *Doc. -Same. 1889. L 4173, 4 Child Labor United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of books (with references to periodicals) relating to child labor. 1906. *0 2104,4 Bray, R. A. Boy labour and apprentice- ship. 1911. L 7294 "List of authorities": p. 241-244. Brown, F. K. Through the mill, the life of a mill-boy, by Al Priddy, pseud. 1911. L7484 Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on child labor. 1911. L 7485 (Debaters' handbook series). Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Dept. of social investigation. Finding em- ployment for children who leave the grade schools to go to work. 1911. L7352 Deutsch, J. Die Kinderarbeit und ihre Be- kampfung. 1907. D 7136 Dunlop, O. J. English apprenticeship and child labour; a history, with a supple- mentary section on the modern problem of juvenile labour. 1912. L 7293 Bibliography: p. 355-363. Field, A. S. The child labor policy of New Jersey. 1909. *L 3516, 24 (American Economic Association quarterly). Gorst, Sir J. E. The children of the nation; how their health and vigour should be promoted by the state. _ 1907. N 1384 (The new library of medicine). Greenwood, A. Juvenile labour exchanges and after-care. 1911. L 7498 Bibliography: p. [101] -112. Hird, F. The cry of the children. L898. L7452 National Child Labor Committee, New York. Child labor. 1905. L 7486 Child labor, a menace to industry, edu- cation and good citizenship. 1906. L 7487 Child labor and social progress. Pro- ceedings of the fourth annual meeting of the National Child Labor Committee. 1908. L 7492 Child labor and the republic. 1907. L7488 The child workers of the nation. Pro- ceedings of the fifth annual conference, 1909. 1909. L 7493 Nearing, S. The solution of the child labor problem. 1911. L 7497 Ogburn, W. F. Progress and uniformity in child-labor legislation; a study in statis- tical measurement. 1912. L 6589, 48 II (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). "A description of the child-labor laws of the United States during the past third of a century." Published also as thesis (ph. d.) Columbia Uni- versity, 1912. Robinson, C. C. The wage-earning boy. 1912. L8786 Bibliography: p. [106]-108. Scott, L. Summary of laws in force 1910; child labor. 1910. *L 7299, 8 (Legislative review no. 5. American Association for Labor Legislation [Pub. no. 8]). Smith, G. The cry of the children from the brickyards of England. 1871. L602 Spargo, J. The bitter cry of the children. 1906. L 9788 Tuckwell, G. M. The state and its children. 1894. L 8652 (Social questions of today). Van Vorst, B. "Mrs. J. Van Vorst." The cry of the children; a study of child-labor. 1908. L 7456 Domestic Service Banks, E. L. Campaigns of curiosity: journalistic adventures of an American girl in London. 1894. L 8539 Experiences in domestic service of a young woman journalist working up "copy." Pettengill, L Toilers of the home; the record of a college woman's experience as a domestic servant. 1903. L 8609 Salmon, L. M. Domestic service. 1897. L8540 United States. Industrial Commission. Special report on domestic service. 1901. L 7300, 14 (In its Report, v. 14). Laboring Classes Social and Economic Condition Adler, P. Die Lage der Handlungsgchilfen LH-mass den Erhebunijen der Kommis- sion fur Arbeiterstatistik. 1900. D 7128, 39 LABORING CLASSES 61 Aveling, E. B. and Aveling, Mrs. E. M. The working class movement in Amer- ica. 1891. L 7382 Banks, L. A. White slaves; or, The op- pression of the worthy poor. 1892. L3906 Barrau, T. H. Conseils aux ouvriers sur les moyens d'ameliorer leur condition. 1884. C 12044 BeU, F. E. E. O., lady. At the works, a study of a manufacturing town. 1907. L7447 Bevan, G. P. The industrial classes and industrial statistics. 1876. K 801, 13 Blackley, W. L. Thrift and independence; a word for working men. 1885. L 7652 (The people's library). Boch, R. von. Geschichte der Tdpferar- beiter von Staffordshire im 19 Jahrhun- dert. 1899. D 7128, 31 Booth, C. and others. Life and labour of the people in London. 17v. 1889-1902. L3916 Booth, W. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. L 3928 Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. B. Bosanquet." Rich and poor. 1908. L 9764 Brassey, Sir T. B. Foreign work and English wages, considered with refer- ence to the depression of trade. 1879. L4510 Bromme, M. W. T. Lebensgeschichte eines modernen Fabrikarbeiters. 1905. D 13909 Brown, F. K. Man or machine — which? or, An interpretation of ideals at work in industry, by A! Priddy, pseud. 1912. L7339 Buchanan, J. R. The story of a labor agi- tator. 1903. L 7433 Burness, W. Essay on the elements of British industry. 1848. L4537 Butler, E. B. Saleswomen in mercantile stores, Baltimore, 1909. 1912. L 7349 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Women and the trades, Pittsburgh, 1907-1908. 1909. L 7283, 1 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Byington, M. F. Homestead; the house- holds of a mill town. 1910. L 7283, 3 Chicago Industrial Exhibit, 1907. Hand- book. 1907. K 12620 Clark, V. S. The labour movement in Aus- tralasia. 1906. L7424 Clayden, A. The revolt of the field; a sketch of the rise and progress of the movement among the agricultural labour- ers, known as the National Agricultural Labourers' Union. 1874. L 3955 Cobbett, W. Letters to the journeymen and labourers of England, Wales, Scot- land and Ireland. 1892. L 3393 Dawson, W. H. The German workman; a study in national efficiency. 1906. L 7414 Social Switzerland; studies of present- day social movements and legislation in the Swiss republic. 1897. L 8574 Documentary history of American indus- trial society. lOv. in 11. 1910-1911. *L 7290 Ebner, T. Vom deutschen Handwerk und seiner Poesie. 1895. *D 382, 30 Eden, Sir F. M. The state of the poor; or, An history of the labouring classes in England from the conquest to the pres- ent period. 1797. *V 1950 Ehrenberg. H. Die Eisenhiittentechnik und der deutsche Hiittenarbeiter. 1906. D 7128, 80 Ely, R. T. The labor movement in Amer- ica. 1886. L4038 Engels, F. The condition of the working class in England in 1844. 1887. L4062 Fagan, J. O. Labor and the railroads. 1909. L 8017 Fawcett, H. The economic position of the British labourer. 1865. L3640 Fischer, C. Denkwiirdigkeiten und Erin- nerungen eines Arbeiters. 2v. 1903-04. D 13883 Fitch, J. A. The steel workers. 1910. L 7283, 2 Fougerousse, A. Patrons et ouvriers de Paris. 1880. C 4975 Gamier, R. M. Annals of the British peasantry. 1895. L 8533 Gaskell, P. The manufacturing population of England; its moral, social, and phys- ical conditions, and the changes which have arisen from the use of machinery. 1833. L 4525 Gillette, J. M. Culture agencies of a typi- cal manufacturing group; South Chicago. 1901. L8679 Gladden, W. The labor question. 1911. L7442 Working people and their employers. 1876. L 779 Goehre, P. Three months in a workshop. 1895. L8529 (Social science series). Gottheiner, E. Studien uber die Wupper- taler Textilindustrie und ihre Arbeiter 'in den letzten zwanzig Jahren. 1903. D 4785, 22 Gould, E. R. L. The social condition of labor. 1893. *L 3201, 11 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Great Britain & Ireland — Board of Trade. Cost of living of the working classes; re- port of an enquiry by the Board of Trade 62 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY into working class rents, housing and re- tail prices. 1908. *Doc. Royal Commission on the Poor Laws. The minority report of the Poor Law Commission. 2v. 1909. L 9768 Greg, W. R. Mistaken aims and attainable ideals of the artizan class. 1876. L 633 Halpern, G. Die judischen Arbeiter in Lon- don. 1903. D 7128, 60 Hapgood, H. The spirit of labor. 1907. L7425 Hasbach, W. A history of the English ag- ricultural labourer. 1908. L6749 Haw, G. From workhouse to Westminster; the life story of Will Crooks, M. P. 1907. C 21430 Christianity and the working classes. 1906. M9150 Heath, F. G. The English peasantry. 1S74. L625 Held, M. Das Arbeitsverhaltnis im Niirn- berger Handwerk von der Einverleibung der Stadt in Bayern bis zur Einfiihrung der Gewerbefreiheit. 1909. D 7128, 97 Herrmann, K. Wohlfahrt; oder, Der Weg zu Wohlstand und Reichtum. 1881. D4667 Hobson, J. A. Problems of poverty; an in- quiry into the industrial condition of the poor. 1891. L4501 Howell, G. Labour legislation, labour movements and labour leaders. 1902. L7369 Hull-House, Chicago. Hull-House maps and papers. 1895. L 8536 Hyndman, H. M. The historical basis of socialism in England. 1883. L 3999 Jelley, S. M., ed. The voice of labor. 1888. L4111 Keller, J. Das deutsche Handwerk und praktische Vorschlage zur Hebung desscl- ben. 1878. D577 Keyser, H. A. Bishop Potter, the people's friend. 1910. C 23831 Kolb, A. Als Arbeiter in Amerika; unter deutsch-amerikanischen Grossstadt Prole- tariern. 1905. D 18165 Lavollee, R. Les classes ouvriers en Eu- rope. 2v. 1884. C5678 LePlay, P. G. F. Les ouvrieres europeens. Ov. 1877-79. C 12686 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. De l'etat moral et intellectuel des populations ouvrieres. 1868. C 5525 Levasseur, P. fi. The American workman. 1900. L7418 Levenstein, A. Die Arbeiterfrage mit be- sonderer Beriicksichtigung der sozialpsy- logischen Seite des modernen Gross- ing riches und der Psycho-physischen ein- wirkungen auf die Arbeiter. 1912. D 18192 Levine, L. The labor movement in France; a study in revolutionary syndicalism. 1912. L 6589, 46-111 (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). Lewis, A. The rise of the American prole- tarian. 1907. L 7323 (International library of social science). Contents: The growth of industrial organiza- tion; Instruments of production; The factory sys- tem; Early industrial history of the United States; The civil war period; The rise of the greater capitalism; Oligarchy and imperialism; The period of corruption. Lincoln, J. T. The city of the dinner-pail. 1909. L 7426 Contents: The city of the dinner-pail; The average citizen and the labor problem; The man and the machine; The time-clock; Trade-unionism and the individual worker; The city of luxury. A living without a boss. 1911. L 7337 Lloyd, H. D. A country without strikes, a visit to the compulsory arbitration court of New Zealand. 1900. L 7365 Labor copartnership, notes of a visit to co-operative workshops, factories and farms in Great Britain and Ireland. 1898. L7645 Men, the workers. 1909. L7411 Loane, Miss M. E. The common growth. 1911. L9780 London, J. People of the abyss. 1903. L8630 McCulloch, J. R. A treatise on the circum- stances which determine the rate of wages and the condition of the labouring classes. 1854. L 793 McNeill, G. E. and others, cd. The labor movement. 1887. L 4550 Mallock, W. H. Classes and masses; or, Wealth, wages and welfare in the United Kingdom. 1896. L 6731 Mayhew, H. London labour and the Lon- don poor. 3v. 1861? L 803 Same. 1862? *L 804 Meriwether, L. Afloat and ashore on the Mediterranean. 1S92. I 5973 Labor conditions in Mediterranean countries. The tramp at home. 1889. I 5184 A tramp trip; how to see Europe on fifty cents a day. 1887. 15944 Mombert, P. Die deutschen Stadtgemein- den und ihre Arbeiter. 1902. D 7128, 50 Montgomery, H. E. Vital American prob- lems. 1908. L 6582 Moody, W. G. Land and labor in the United States. 1883. L 386 Oldenberg, K. Der Kellnerberuf ; cine so- ciale Studie. 1893. D 4293 LABORING CLASSES 63 Paris, L. P. A d' O., comte de. De la situ- ation des ouvriers en Angleterre. 1873. C6110 Paygert, C. v. Die sociale und wirthschaft- liche Lage der galizischen Schuhmacher; eine Studie iiber Hausindustrie und Hand- werk auf Grund eigener Erhebungen. 1891. D4785.ll Payne, E. G. An experiment in alien labor. 1912. L 7334 Petrenz, O. Die Entwicklung der Arbeit- steilung im Leipziger Gewerbe, von 1751 bis 1890. 1901. D 4785, 19 Porter, R. P. Bread-winners abroad. 1885. L4045 Pratt, E. E. Industrial causes of conges- tion of population in New York City. 1911. L 6589, 43 Riehl, W. H. v. Die deutsche Arbeit. 1862. D4692 Riis, J. A. The battle with the slum. 1902. L8632 How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. . 1890. L3929 A ten years' war, an account of the battle with the slum in New York. 1900. L8631 Roberts, P. Anthracite coal communities; a study of the demography, the social, educational and moral life of the anthra- cite regions. 1904. K 4818 The anthracite coal industry; a study of the economic conditions and relations of the co-operative forces in the develop- ment of the anthracite coal industry of Pennsylvania. 1901. K4773 Robinson, Mrs. H. J. H. ' Early factory labor in New England; from the 14th annual report of the Mass. Bureau of Statistics of Labor for 1883. 1889. *L4140 Robinson, Mrs. H. H. Loom and spindle; or, Life among the early mill girls. 1888. L 7388 Rogers, J. E. T. Six centuries of work and wages; the history of English labour. 1884. L 4020 Rosenhaupt, K. Die Nurnberg-Fiirther Metallspielwarenindustrie in geschicht- licher. und sozialpolitischer Beleuchtun^. 1907. D 7128, 82 Rowe, R. How our working people live. 1882. L 3993 Rowntree, B. S. Poverty, a study of town life. 1902. L9776 Samuelson, J. The German working man. 1869. ' L821 Senior, N. W. Statement of the provision for the poor, and of the condition of the labouring classes in a considerable por- tion of America and Europe. 1835. L456 Shadwell, A. Industrial efficiency; a com- parative study of industrial life in Eng- land, Germany and America. 2v. 1906. L7421 Sherard, R. H. The white slaves of Eng- land. 1898. L7451 Shuey, E. L. Factory people and their em- ployers, how their relations are made pleasant and profitable. 1900. L 7391 Simmons, G. The working classes. 1S49. L4547 Souvestre, £. Confessions d'un ouvrier. 1856. C 6583 Spahr, C. B. America's working people. 1900. L 7419 Spyers, T. G. The labour question; an epitome of the evidence and the report of the Royal commission. 1894. L 4546 (Social science series). Stead, W. T. Chicago today; or, The labour war in America. 1894. B 3199 Steele, H. The working classes in France. 1904. L 7445 Stelzle, C. Letters from a workingman. 1908. L 7420 The workingman and social problems. 1903. L 8551 Stephens, W. W. Higher life for working people. 1899. L 8532 Streightoff, F. H. The standard of living among the industrial people of America. 19-11. L6836 Stubbs, C. W. Village politics; addresses and sermons on the labour question. 1878. L 622 Studnitz, A. v. Nordamerikanische Arbei- terverhaltnisse. 1879. D 3907 Thissen, O. Beitrage zur Geschichte des Handwerks in Preussen. 1901. D 7048, 6 Thompson, C. B. The churches and the wage earners. 1909. L 3651 Tolstoi, L. N., Graf. The slavery of our times. 1900. L 6801 Toynbee, A. Lectures on the industrial revolution in England. 1884. L 3434 United States. Bureau of Statistics. Indus- trial education and industrial conditions in Germany. 1905. *Doc. Walcker, K. Die Arbeiterfrage. 1881. D4693 Ward, J. Workmen and wages at home and abroad. 1868. L 4448 Ware, F. A. G. The worker and his country. 1912. L 7341 Washington, B. T. The man farthest down; a record of observation and study in Europe. 1912. L 7340 Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. P. Problems of modern industry. 1896. L 7467 64 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Willoughby, W. F. State activities in rela- tion to labor in the United States. 1901. *L 3201, 19 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Wright, T. The great unwashed. 1868. L819 Our new masters. 1873. L 801 ■ Some habits and customs of the work- ing classes. 1867. L 800 Wyckoff, W. A. A day with a tramp, and other days. 1901. L 7472 The workers, an experiment in reality; the East. 1896-97. L 7470 The workers, an experiment in reality; the West. 1898. L 7471 Young, E. Labor in Europe and America. 1875. L4108 Hours of Labor United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of books, with references to periodicals, relating to the eight-hour working day and to limitation of working hours in general. 1908. *0 2104, 38 Bernhard, E. Hohere Arbeitsintensitat bei kurzerer Arbeitszeit. 1909. D 4785, 30 Brentano, L. J. Hours and wages in rela- tion to production. 1894. L4514 (Social science series). Goldmark, J. C. Fatigue and efficiency; a study in industry. 1912. L 7348 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Hadfield, R. A. and Gibbins, H. de B. A shorter working day. 1892. L 7410 Moffat, R. S. The principles of a time pol- icy. 1878. L450 Rae, J. Eight hours for work. 1894. L4551 Robertson, J. M. The eight hours ques- tion. 1893. L4488 (Social science series). United States Bureau of Labor. Wages and prices of commodities. Wages and hours of labor of union carpenters. 1910. *Doc. Webb, S. and Cox, H. The eight hours day. 1891. L4560 Wright, C. D. Uniform hours of labor. 1889. *L4140 Associations Baernreither, J. M. English associations of working men; tr. by Alice Taylor. 1889. L3863 Englander, S. Geschichte der franzosischen Arbeiter-Association. 4v. in 2. 1864. D4742 Huber, V. A. Genossenschaften der arbei- tenden Classen in England, Frankreich, und Deutschland. 1860. D 4745 Hubert- Valleroux, P. Les associations ou- vrieres et les associations patronales. 1899. CC 1379 Les corporations d'arts et metiers et les syndicats professionnels en France. 1885. C 12622 Reinaud, E. Les syndicats professionnels. 1886. C 6345 Samuelson, J. The German workingman; his institutions for self-culture and his unions for material progress. 1869. L821 Seilhac, L. de. Les congres ouvriers en France de 1876 a 1897. 1899. CC 1381 Solly, H. Working men's social clubs and educational institutes. 1867. L4441 Strikes and Lockouts United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. Select list of books (with references to periodicals) on labor, particularly relating to strikes. 1903. *0 2104, 29 Bayly, Mrs. M. Workmen and their diffi- culties. 1861. L4445 Buchanan, J. R. The story of a labor agi- tator. 1903. L 7433 Carwardine, W. H. The Pullman strike. 1894. L 7436 Cogley, T. S. The law of strikes, lockouts and labor organizations. 1894. L 4549 Crosby, O. T. Strikes; when to strike, how to strike; a book of suggestion for the buyers and sellers of labour. 1910. L 7435 Crouzel, A. fitude historique, economique et juridique sur les coalitions et les greves dans l'industrie. 1887. C 12653 Dacus, J. A. Annals of the great strikes in the United States. 1877. L4477 Headley, J. T. Pen and pencil sketches of the great American riots. 1882. L 4061 Holbrook, Z. S. The American republic and the Debs insurrection. 1895. L 7363 Horsley, A. E. The confessions and auto- biography of Harry Orchard, pseud. 1907. C 18149 Langdon, Mrs. E. F. The Cripple Creek strike, 1903-1904. 1904. L 7431 Lloyd, H. D. A strike of millionaires against miners; or, The story of Spring valley. 1890. L 3934 Malkiel, T. S. The diary of a shirtwaist striker, a story of the shirtwaist makers' strike in New York. 1910. L 7437 National Association for the promotion of Social Science. Committee on Trades' So- cieties. Trades' societies and strikes; re- port. 1860. L 920 Nicholson, J. S. Strikes and social prob- lems. 1896. L 7364 STRIKES, LABOR UNIONS 65 Price, L. L. F. R. Industrial peace; its ad- vantages, methods, and difficulties. 1887. L4478 Renault, C. Histoire des greves. 1887. C6380 Smith, H. L. and Nash, V. The story of the dockers' strike. 1889. L4476 Smith, L. Les coalitions et les greves, d'apres l'histoire et l'economie politique. 1886. C 6833 Swinton, J. A momentous question; the respective attitudes of labor and capital. 1895. L 7375 United States. Bureau of Labor. Report on labor disturbances in the state of Col- orado, from 1880-1904. 1905. *Doc. Industrial Commission. Report of the industrial commission. 19v. 1900-02. L7300 Strike Commission. Report on the Chicago strike of June-July, 1894. 1895. L7362 Ward, J. Workmen and wages at home and abroad; or. The effects of strikes, com- binations and trades' unions. 1868. L4448 Wright, C. D. The battles of labor. 1906. L7372 (The William Levi Bull lectures). Strikes and lockouts. 1888. L4173, 3, 16 Same. 1888. *Doc. Boycott United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on boycotts and injunctions in labor disputes. 1911. *0 2104, 51 Huebner, G. G. Boycotting. 1906. L 6791, 9 (Wisconsin free library commission. Legislative reference department). Government by Injunction Dunbar, W. H. Government by injunction. 1898. L 6695, 3 (American economic association). Labor Unions Barnett, G. E., ed. A trial bibliography of American trade-union publications. 1904. *L 3201, 22 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Same. *0 2564 Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on trade unions. 1913. L 7504 (Debaters' handbook series). Aldrich, M. A. The American federation of labor. 1898. L 6695, 3 (American economic association). Applegarth, R. Minutes of evidence of, be- fore the Royal Commission appointed to inquire into the Trades' unions and other associations. 1867. L 820 Ashley, W. J. The adjustment of wages. 1903. L 7396 Baernreither, J. M. English associations of working men. 1889. L 3868 Barnett, G. E. The printers; a study in American trade unionism. 1909. *L 3516, 23 (American economic association quarterly). Brentano, L. J. The history and develop- ment of gilds and the origin of trades- unions. 1870. L817 Die Arbeitergilden der Gegenwart. 1871-72. D4735 Buchanan, J. R. The story of a labor agi- tator. 1903. L 7433 Carlton, F. T. The history and problems of organized labor. 1911. L 7501 Casson, H. N. Organized self-help. A his- tory and defence of the American labor movement. 1901. L 7506 Chamberlin, E. M. The sovereigns of in- dustry. 1875. L 4449 Chevalier, M. Lettres sur l'organisation du travail. 1848. C 12660 Chicago union labor directory and business guide, 1904-05. L 7510 Clay, Sir A. T. F. Syndicalism and labour. 1912. L7507 Clifford, E., comp. Union label laws. 1911. N5386 Cogley, T. S. The law of strikes, lockouts, and labor organizations. 1894. L4549 Commons, J. R., ed. Trade unionism and labor problems. 1905. L 7502 Crouzel, A. fitude historique, economique et juridique sur les coalitions et les greves dans l'industrie. 1887. C 12653 Defence of trades unions. 1857. *E 1085 Eliot, C. W. The future of trades-unionism and capitalism in a democracy. 1910. L6764 Frisch, W. Die Organisationsbestrebungen der Arbeiter in der deutschen Tabakin- dustrie. 1905. D 4785, 24 Galton, F. W. Select documents illustrat- ing the history of trade unionism; I, The tailoring trade. 1896. L 7503 (Studies in economics and political science). Gladden, W. The labor question. 1911. L7442 Gompers, S. Labor in Europe and America. 1910. L 7423 Groat, G. G. Attitude of American courts in labor cases. 1911. L 6589, 42 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Contents: Introduction; Union activities; Legis- lation. Grunzel, J. Ueber Kartelle. 1902. D 7182 Haneld, F. Das englische Gewerkvereins- recht nach 1870. 1909. D 4785, 30 Herron, B. M. The progress of labor or- ganization among women. 1905. L 10702, 1 (University of Illinois. Bulletin). 66 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hollander, J. H. and Barnett, G. E., ed. Studies in American trade unionism. 1906. L7508 Howell, G. The conflicts of capital and labour historically and economicallycon sidered. 1878. Same; new ed. 1890. Trade unionism, new and old L911 L3931 1891. L4473 (Social questions of today). Hubert-Valleroux, P. Les corporations d' arts et metiers et les syndicats profes- sionnels en France et a l'estranger. 1885. C 12622 International Labour Office. Bulletin. 1906. to date. *Ser. Justi, H. Papers and addresses on phases of the labor problem. 1905. L 7374 Kelley, F. Some ethical gains through leg- islation. 1905. L6395 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). Kennedy, J. B. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. 1908. *L 3201, 26 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Kirk, W. National labor federations in the United States. 1906. *L 3201, 24 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). LePlay, P. G. F. L'organisation du travail. 1893. C 12688 The organization of labor. 1872. L 644 Levine, L. The labor movement in France. 1912. L 6589,46 III (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). McNeill, G. E. and others, ed. The labor movement, the problem of today. 1887. L4550 Martin, W. A. A treatise on the law of labor unions. 1910. N 5387 Mitchell, J. Organized labor, its problems, purposes and ideals and the present and future of American wage earners. 1903. L7434 Motley, J. M. Apprenticeship in American trade unions. 1907. *L 3201, 25 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). National Association for the Promotion of Social Science. Committee on Trades' So- cieties. Trades' societies and strikes: re- port. 1860. L 920 National Women's Trade Union League. Convention at Chicago, Sept. 27 to Oct. 2, 1909. 1909. L7515 Paris, L. P. A. d'O., comic de. The trades' unions of England. 1869. L918 Les associations ouvrieres en Angle- terre: trades-unions. 1869. C 6329 Peters, J. P., ed. Labor and capital. 1902. L7461 Portenar, A. J. Organized labor: its prob- lems and how to meet them. 1912. L7516 Powderly, T. V. Thirty years of labor, 1859-1889, in which the history of the at- tempts to form organizations of work- ingmen is traced. 1889. L4198 Reinaud, E. Les syndicats professionnels. 1886. C 6345 Sakolski, A. M. The finances of American trade unions. 1906. *L 3201, 24 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. v. Social peace; a study of the trade union movement in England. 1893. L4518 (Social science series). Zum socialen Frieden. 1890. D 7081 Smith, L. Les coalitions et les greves, d'apres l'histoire et l'economie politique. 1886. C 6833 Somers, R. The trade unions; an appeal to the working classes and their friends. 1876. L 3889 Spedden, E. R. The trade union label. 1910. *L 3201, 28 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Stirling, J. Mr. Mill on trades unions. 1870. E 1139 Thurlow, T. J. H. Trade unions abroad and hints for home legislation. 1870. L 4447 Warne, F. J. The coal-mine workers; a study in labor organization. 1905. K 12732 Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. P. The his- tory of trade unionism. 1894. L4548 Industrial democracy. 2v. 1897. L7466 Wright, C. D. An 'historical sketch of the Knights of Labor. 1887. L 7370 Closed vs. Open Shop Robbins, E. C, camp. Selected articles on the open versus closed shop. 1911. L 7309 (Debaters' handbook series). Stockton, F. T. The closed shop in Ameri- can trade unions. 1911. *L 3201, 29 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Wisconsin. University — University Exten- sion Division — Dcpt. of Debating and Pub- lic Discussion. Closed vs. open shop. 1910. L 10902, 395 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, serial). Another copy. *Doc. Syndicalism Brooks, J. G. American syndicalism; the 1 . W. W. 1913. L 7505 Clay, Sir A. T. F., bart. Syndicalism and labour; notes upon some aspects of social and industrial questions of the day. L912. L7507 HOUSING, TENEMENTS 67 Harley, J. H. Syndicalism. 1913. L7511 (The people's books). "Bibliography," p. 92. Levine, L. The labor movement in France; a study in revolutionary syndicalism. 1912. L 6589, 461 1 1 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Lewis, A. D. Syndicalism and the general strike, an explanation. 1912. L 7513 Macdonald, J. R. Syndicalism, a critical examination. 1912. L 7509 Portenar, A. J. Organized labor; its prob- lems and how to meet them. 1912. L7516 Spargo, J. Syndicalism, industrial union- ism and socialism. 1913. L7518 "Bibliographical notes," p. 234-243. Contents: The preamble of the I. W. W. ; Editorial from Social Justice calling for sabotage; The Jena resolution on the general strike; August Bebel on the general strike; Kautsky on violence; Attitude of French syndicalists toward parliamen- tary action, etc. Ware, F. A. G. The worker and his coun- try. 1912. L 7341 Unemployment Bilgram, H. Involuntary idleness. 1889. L3557 Drage, G. The unemployed. 1894. L 4552 Hobson, J. A. The problem of the unem- ployed, an inquiry and an economic pol- icy. 1904. L8766 (Social questions of today). Leigh, L. "Brother East and Brother West"; a searchlight on the unemployed. 1905. L 8605 Mills, H. V. Poverty and the state; or. Work for the unemployed. 1886. L 4107 Rowntree, B. S. and Lasker, B. Unemploy- ment; a social study. 1911. L7310 Salter, W. M. What can be done for the unemployed? 1894. *E 5695 Solenberger, Mrs. A. W. One thousand homeless men; a study of original records. 1911. L9781 Employment Agencies Beveridge, W. H. Unemployment; a prob- lem of industry. 1909. L 8673 Booth, W. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. L3928 Devine, E. T. Report on the desirability of establishing an employment bureau in the city of New York. 1909. L 7285 (Russell Sage foundation). Kellor, F. A. Out of work; a study of em- ployment agencies. 1904. L 8531 Sweden. Kungl. Kommerskollegium. 'Af- delning for Arbetsstatistik. Arbetslosheten i Sverige under vintern 1908-09. 1910. CC 10969 (Arbetsstatistik. H:l). Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. M. P. The public organization of the labour market; being part two of the Minority report of the Poor Law Commission. 1909. L 9768, 2 Housing, Tenements Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. The housing problem; literature in cen- tral Chicago libraries. 1912 ['13]. *0 2672 Betts, L. W. The leaven in a great city. 1902. L 8569 Bogart, E. L. The housing of the working people in Yonkers. 1898. L 6695, 3 (American Economic Association). City Homes Association, Chicago. Tene- ment conditions in Chicago. 1901. L9792 De Forest, R. W. and Veiller, L., ed. The tenement house problem, including the report of the New York State Tenement House Commission of 1900. 2v. 1903. L6174 Dinwiddie, E. W. Housing conditions in Philadelphia. 1904. L 8519 Fuchs, C. J. Zur Wohnungsfrage; Vortrage und Aufsatze. 1904. D 7146 Hale, E. E. and others. Workingmen's homes; essays and stories. 1874. E 1160 Hill, O. Homes of the London poor. 1875. L626 Hole, J. The homes of the working classes. 1866. K 188 Lette, W. A. Die Wohnungsfrage. 1866. *D 382, 1 Manega, R. Die Anlage von Arbeiterwohn- ungen. 1883. D 518 Same. Atlas. 1883. *V 1031 Meakin, J. E. B. Model factories and vil- lages; ideal conditions of labour and housing. 1905. L 7393 New York (state). Tenement House Conv mission. Tenement house legislation in New York, 1852-1900. 1900. L 9793 Riis, J. A. The battle with the slum. 1902. L8632 Another ed. entitled: A ten years' war, account of the battle with the slum in New York. 1900. L8631 How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. 1890. L3929 Sax, E. Die Wohnungszustande der arbei- tenden Classen und ihre Reform. 1869. D4748 Thompson, W. The housing handbook. A practical manual for the use of officers, members and committees of local author- ities, ministers of religion, members of Parliament and all social or municipal reformers interested in the housing of the working classes. 1903. L 7255 6S CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY United States. President's Homes Commis- sion. Reports. 1909. *Doc. Vaughan, V. C. Healthy homes and foods for the working classes. 1886. N 1325, 1 (American Public Health Association. Lomb prize essay, no. 1). Veiller, L. Housing reform, a hand-book for practical use in American cities. 1910. L7259 A model tenement house law. 1910. L7260 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Tenement house legislation in New York, 1852-1900. L 9793 Contains also: Housing conditions and tenement laws in leading American cities. White, A. T. Improved dwellings for the working classes. 1879-90. K 3744 Worthington, T. L. The dwellings of the poor and weekly wage-earners in and around towns. 1893. L 4496 (Social science series). Welfare Institutions Dammer, O., ed. Handbuch der Arbeiter- wohlfahrt. 1902-03. Patrons et D7168 ouvriers de C4975 Meininghaus, A. Die sozialen der industriellen Arbeitgeber. 2v Fougerousse, A. Paris. 1880. George, W. L. Engines of social progress. 1907. L 8659 Gilman, N. P. A dividend to labor, a study of employers' welfare institutions. 1899. L7649 Guenther, A. und Prevot, R. Die Wohl- fahrtseinrichtungen der Arbeitgeber in Deutschland und Frankreich. 1905. D 18184 Aufgaben 1889. D7044 Poinsard, L. La guerre de classes. 1898. C6335 Samuelson, J. The German workingman: his institutions for self-culture and his unions for material progress. 1869. L 821 Shuey, E. L. Factory people and their em- ployers, how their relations are made pleasant and profitable. 1900. L 7391 Industrial Diseases Dangerous and Injurious Occupations Accidents Barnett, H. X. Accidental injuries to work- men, with reference to Workmen's com- pensation act, 1906. 1909. L7384 British. Geigel, A. H. F. and Merkel, G. TTandbuch der oeffentlichen Gesundheits-PllcLiv und der Gewerbe-Krankheiten. 1875. D 2508 Hard, W. and others. Injured in the course of duty. 1910. L7400 Hirt, L. Die Krankheiten der Arbeiter. 1871-75. D 2463 Ireland, G. H. The preventable causes of disease, injury, and death in American manufactories and workshops, and the best means and appliances for preventing and avoiding them. 1886. N 1325, 4 Knox, T. W. Underground; or, Life below the surface. 1873. E 1307 Massachusetts. State Board of Health. Report of the State Board of Health upon the sanitary condition of factories, work- shops and other establishments where persons are employed. 1907. L 7387 Moffett, C. Careers of danger and daring. 1901. K 12590 National Conference on Industrial Diseases. 1st, Chicago, 1910. First national confer- ence on industrial diseases, Chicago, June 10, 1910. 1910. *L 7299, 10 (Publication no. 10. American Association for Labor Legislation). Oliver, Sir T. Dangerous trades. 1902. K 12592 Diseases of occupation from the leg- islative, social and medical points of view. 1908. N 1401 Parry, L. A. The risks and dangers of various occupations and their prevention. 1900-. K 12591 Reich, E. Arbeit und Lebensnoth, aus dem Gesichtspunkte der Gesundheitspflege und des Humanismus betrachtet. 1881. D 4761 Sherard, R. H. The white slaves of Eng- land. 1897. L7451 Employers' Liability United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of works relating to employers' liability. 1906. *0 2104, 8 Barnett, H. N. Accidental injuries to workmen, with reference to Workmen's compensation act, 1906. 1909. L 7384 British. Boyd, J. H. A treatise on the law of com- pensation for injuries to workmen under modern industrial statutes. 1913. Civics Dept. Campbell, G. L. Industrial accidents and their compensation. 1911. L 6837 Deiser, G. F. and Johnson, F. W. Claims; fixing their values. 1911. L 7289 Doherty, P. J. The liability of railroads to interstate employees; a study of certain aspects of federal regulation of the rem- edy for death or injury to employees in the service of interstate railroads. 1911. L7291 Eastman, C. Work-accidents and the law. L910. L 7283, 5 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Elliott, A. The workmen's compensation acts. 1900. L 8461 LABOR LEGISLATION 69 Fall, C. G. Employers' liability for per- sonal injuries to their employees. 1889. *L4140 Reprinted from the 14th annual report of the Mass. Bur. of Statistics of Labor, for 1883. Great Britain and Ireland. Accidents Com- mittee. Report of the Departmental Committee on Accidents in Places under the Factory and Workshop Acts. Min- utes of evidence and appendix. 1911. Civics Dept. Hill, W. E. The Workmen's compensation act, 1906. 1907. L 7298 Illinois. Employers' Liability Commission. Report of the Employers' Liability Com- mission of the state of Illinois. 1910. L7399 United States. Dept. of Commerce and La- bor. Opinions of the Solicitor for the Department of Commerce and Labor dealing with workmen's compensation under t'he act of Congress granting to certain employees of the United States the right to receive from it compensa- tion for injuries sustained in the course of their employment, approved May 30, 1908. 1912. *Doc. "Text of legislation": p.13-16. Labor Legislation Including Factory Laws American Association for Labor Legisla- tion. Publications, no. 1, 4-16. 14v. 1907- 1912. *L7299 American labor legislation review. 1911-12. *L 7299, 12-16 Austin, C. B. Summary of labor laws in force 1909; administration of labor laws. 1909. *L 7299, 6 (Legislative review, no. 3, American Association for Labor Legislation; pub. no. 6). Barnard, J. L. Factory legislation in Penn- sylvania: its history and administration. 1907. L 6696, 19 Brooke, E. F. A tabulation of the factory laws of European countries in so far as they relate to the hours of labour and to special legislation for women, young per- sons and children. 1898. L7417 Clark, L. D. The law of the employment of labor. 1911. L 7301 Clifford, E., comp. Union label laws, com- prising in full or in substance the stat- utes, state and federal registration, digest of court decisions, imitations, civil and criminal remedies, search warrants and applications of the several states and ter- ritories. 1911. N 5386 Cogley, T. S. The law of strikes, lockouts and labor organizations. 1894. L4549 Davis, J. E. The labour laws. (England). 1875. N 4844 Edwards, A. M. The labor legislation of Connecticut. 19$?. *L 3516, 21 Fairchild, F. R. The factory legislation of the state of New York. 1905. *L3516, 19 (Publications of the American Economic Asso- ciation). Frankenberg, S. v. Die Stellung des deutsch- en Arbeiters nach dem burgerl. Gesetz- buche. 1900. *D 382, 35 Groat, G. G. Attitude of American courts in labor cases; a study in social legisla- tion. 1911. L 6589, 42 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Haneld, F. Das englische Gewerkvereins- recht nach 1870. 1909. D 4785, 30 Hill, W. E. The Workmen's compensation act, 1906. 1907. L 7298 British. Howell, G. A handy-book of the labour laws; being a popular guide to the Em- ployers and workmen act, 1875; Trade union acts, 1871, 1S76, and 1893; the Re- corder's act, 1868; the Employer's lia- bility act, 1880; Arbitration act, 1872, etc. 1895. L 7367 British. Labour legislation, labour movements and labour leaders. 1902. L 7369 Illinois. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Bulle- tin. Labor legislation in the forty-sixth general assembly of Illinois. 1909. *Doc. International Labour Office. Bulletin, 1906- to date. *Ser. Kingsbury, S. M. Labor laws and their en- forcement, with special reference to Mas- sachusetts, by C. E. Persons, M. Parton, M. Moses and three "fellows"; ed. by Susan M. Kingsbury. 1911. L 9237, 2 Lohner, O. Bauarbeiterschutz und Baupol- izei in Bayern. 1907. D 7128, 84 Markham, V. R., comp. The factory and shop acts of the British dominions. 190S. L7389 Martin, W. A. A treatise on the law of labor unions. 1910. N 5387 Plener, E. v. The English factory legisla- tion. 1873. L657 Scott, L. Summary of laws in force 1910; child labor. 1910. *L 7299, 8 (Legislative review no. 6. American Association for Labor Legislation, Pub. no. 8). Stimson, F. J. Handbook to the labor law of the United States. 1896. L 7368 Labor in its relation to law. 1895. L7422 Swett, M. Summary of labor laws in force 1909; woman's work. 1909. *L 7299, 7 (American Association for Labor Legislation. Legislative summary, no. 1). 70 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Tait, W. C. Die Arbeiter-Schutzgesetzge- bung in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1884. D7080 Towles, J. K. Factory legislation of Rbode Island. 1908. *L 3516, 22 (American Economic Association quarterly). United States. Bureau of Labor. United States Department of Labor exhibit, Pan- American Exposition, 1901. 1901. L 7428 Wright, C. D. Labor laws of the various states, territories, and the District of Co- lumbia. 1892. *Doc. (7n U. S. Bureau of Labor. Second special report). Transportation, Communication Note: Economic material only. Technical works are classed in Useful Arts. Dixon, F. H. A traffic history of the Mis- sissippi River system. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. National Waterways Commission. Doc. no. 11). Dunn, S. O. The American transportation question. 1912. L 8027 Foville, A. de. La transformation des moyens de transport et ses consequences economiques et sociales. 1880. C 12417 Geistbeck, M. Der Weltverkehr; Tele- graphic und Post; Eisenbahnen und Schiffahrt in ihrer Entwickelung darge- stellt. 1887. D6801 Gephart, W. F. Transportation and indus- trial development in the Middle West. 1909. L 6589, 34, I (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Huber, F. C. Die geschichtliche Entwicke- lung des modernen Verkehrs. 1893. D7033 Johnson, E. R. Elements of transportation; a discussion of steam railroad, electric railway, and ocean and inland water trans- portation. 1909. L 7994 McCain, C. C, ed. Compendium of trans- portation theories; a compilation of es- says upon transportation subjects by emi- nent experts. 1893. L 4731 (Kensington ser.). McPherson, L. G. Transportation in Eu- rope. 1910. L 7995 Pratt, E. A. A history of inland transport and communication in England. 1912. L7996 Priestley, J. Historical account of the navigable rivers, canals and railways of Great Britain. 1831. K 5901 Rankin, G. A. An American transportation system; a criticism of the past and the present, and a plan for the future. 1909. L8018 (Questions <>f the day). United States. Bureau of Statistics. High- ways of commerce, the ocean lines, rail- ways, canals, and other trade routes of foreign countries. 1895. *Doc. (Special consular reports, v. 12). Industrial Commission, Report, 1900- 02. L 7300 v. 4. Report on transportation, including re- view of evidence, topical digest of evidence, and testimony so far as taken May 1, 1900. 9. Report on transportation (second vol. on this subject) inluding testimony taken since May 1, 1900, review and topical digest of evidence, and special reports on railway legislation and taxation. Same. *Doc. Willson, B. The story of rapid transit. 1903. L 4783 Ocean Transportation Hannay, D. The sea trader, his friends and enemies. 1912. L 7989 The development of sea-trade, particularly British trade, "the story of the sailor of commerce," with chapters on ships, pirates, and the slave-trade. Ingersoll, E. The book of the ocean. 1898. K7382 Old ocean. 1883. K 7384 International Navigation Company. The American line, New York to Southamp- ton, the Red Star line, New York to Antwerp. 1895. K 5821 Smith, J. R. The ocean carrier; a history and analysis of the service and a discus- sion of the rates of ocean transportation. 1908. L 8073 The organization of ocean commerce. 1905. *L 6696, 17 (Publications of the University of Pennsylvania. Series iri political economy and public law). Contents: Introduction; pt. 1. Traffic pt. 2. Routes and shipping; pt. 3. Harbors and port facilities; Conclusion. Wright, B. C. San Francisco's ocean trade, past and future; a story of the deep water service of San Francisco, 1848 to 1911. Effect the Panama canal will have upon it. 1911. L8061 Inland Waterways Rivers United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of Bibliography. List of works relat- ing to deep waterways from the Great Lakes to the Atlantic Ocean, with some other related works. 1908. *0 2104, 42 Another copy. *Doc. Cooley, L. E. The lakes and gulf water- way, as related to the Chicago sanitary problem. 1891. *V 1746 Cords, T. M. Die Bedeutung der Binnen- schiffahrt. 1906. D 7128, 81 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Forbes, U. A. and Ashford, W. H. R. Our waterways; a history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conserv- ancy. 1906. K 13604 TRANSPORTATION, WATERWAYS 71 Great Britain. Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways. Summary of the report on canals and waterways of Great Britain. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. National Waterways Commission. Doc no. 9). Illinois. General Assembly, 1909. Deep wa- terway debates of the 46th General as- sembly of the state of Illinois. 1910. *Doc. Jeans, J. S. Waterways and water trans- port in different countries with a descrip- tion of the Panama, Suez, Manchester, Nicaraguan, and other canals. 1890. K5605 Johnson, E. R. Inland waterways; their re- lation to transportation. 1893. L 6386 (Supplement to the annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science. Sept., 1893). Mathews, J. L. Remaking the Mississippi. 1909. L 8067 Moulton, H. G. Waterways versus rail- ways. 1912. L 6828 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays, xiii). "Bibliography": p. [459]-465. National Rivers and Harbors Congress, 1907. Proceedings, third annual conven- tion, 1907. 1908. *Doc. Quick, H. American inland waterways, their relation to railway transportation and to the national welfare; their crea- tion, restoration and maintenance. 1909. L 7997 United States. National Waterways Commis- sion. Questions showing the scope of the work of the National Waterways Com- mission, including inquiries transmitted to consular and engineer officers of the United States. 1909. *Doc. (Document no. 6). Tabulated statement relating to inter- nal waterways improved by the United States government. (Revised and cor- rected to January 1, 1910.). 1910. *Doc. (Document no. 10). Department of State. European water- ways. Reports of consular officers of the United States, located in Germany, Aus- tria-Hungary, France, Belgium, and the Netherlands, on river and harbor im- provements in their respective districts. 1909. *Doc. (National Waterways Commission. Doc. no. 7). Weber, A. H. The waterways of the United States: actual expenditures and results to navigation and commerce. 1910. *Doc. (U. S. National Waterways Commission. Doc. no. 15). Canals Forbes, U. A. and Ashford, W. H. R. Our waterways; a history of inland navigation considered as a branch of water conserv- ancy. 1906. K 13604 Great Britain. Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways. Summary of the report of the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways of Great Britain. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. National Waterways Commission. Docu- ment no. 9). Hepburn, A. B. Artificial waterways and commercial development (with a history of the Erie canal). 1909. L 8065 Loewe, C, ed. Geschichte des Nord-Ostsee- Kanals. 1895. *V 1477 Merchant, E. O. Participation in the ex- pense of waterway improvements in Ger- many by the localities interested. 1910. *Doc. (U. S. National Waterways Commission. Docu- ment no. 13). Moulton, H. G. Waterways versus rail- ways. 1912. L 6828 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Nimmo, J., jr. The proposed American inter-oceanic canal in its commercial aspects. 1880. L 1068 Toeche-Mittler, K. H. E. S. Der Fried- rich-Wilhelms-Kanal und die Berlin-ham- burger Flussschiffahrt; zwei Beitriige zur preussischen Strompolitik des 17 und 18 Jahrhunderts. 1891. D 4785, 11 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissensch- Forschungen). Ward, G. W. The early development of the Chesapeake and Ohio canal project. 1899. *L 3201, 17 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Panama Canal Arias, H. The Panama canal, a study in international law and diplomacy. 1911. L7617 Bates. L. W., jr. The crisis at Panama. 1906. *V 2694 The Canal record. Ancon, Canal Zone. 1907 to date. 3 *Doc. (Published under the authority and supervision of the Isthmian Canal Commission). Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on the fortification of the Panama canal. 1912. 7623 Garella, N. Project d'un canal de jonction de l'ocean Pacifique et de l'ocean Atlan- tiaue a travers l'lsthme de Panama. 1845. C5048 Gause, F. A. and Carr, C. C. The story of Panama; the new route to India. 1912. B4904 72 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Johnson, W. F. Four centuries of the Panama canal. 1906. I 5872 Lindsay, C. H. A. F. Panama and the canal today; an historical account of the canal project from the earliest times, with special reference to the enterprises of the French company and the United States, with a detailed description of the water- way as it will be ultimately constructed. 1910. 1 5883 Pan American Union, JVashington, D. C. Panama canal; what it is, what it means. 1913. 1 5797 United States. House. Committee on Inter- state and Foreign Commerce. Hearings on New Panama Canal Company, The Mari- time Company and The Nicaragua Canal Company (Grace-Eyre-Craigan syndicate), held Jan., 1899. *Doc. In United States 56th Cong., 1st session. Senate. Isthmian Canal Commission. Annual report, 1906 to date. *Doc. Manual of information concerning em- ployments for service on the Isthmus of Panama. 1908. *Doc. Panama canal. Official handbook. [3d ed., rev. and enl.]. 1913. ' *Doc. Compiled by the secretary of the Isthmian Canal Commission. Report of the Isthmian Canal Commis- sion, 1899-1901. 1901-02. 15646 Same. *Doc. (In United States. 57th Congress. 1st session. Senate). Treaties. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a con- vention between the United States and the Republic of Panama for the construc- tion of a ship canal to connect the waters of the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, 1903. 1903. *Doc. ■ Senate. Committee on Interoceanic Canals. Hearings before the Senate Com- mittee on Interoceanic Canals on H. R. 3110, 1st session, 57th Congress. 1902. 15645 Same. *Doc. Department of State. Correspondence and other papers relating to the proposed interoceanic ship canal; being a reprint of an executive document of the special ses- sion of Mar. 4, 1857. 1900. *Doc. (In U. S. 66th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 161). Correspondence in relation to an inter- oceanic canal between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, the Clayton-Bulwcr treaty and the Monroe doctrine and the treaty between the United States and New Granada of Dec. 12, 1846. 1900. *Doc. (In U. S. 56th Cong., 1st sess. Senate. Doc. no. 237). Ships and Shipping Note: Economic side only. Technical tinder Useful Arts; historical in History. Clapp, E. J. The navigable Rhine; the de- velopment of its shipping, the basis of the prosperity of its commerce and its traffic in 1907. 1911. L6839 The port of Hamburg. 1911. L 7991 Curwood, J. O. The Great Lakes, the vessels that plough them: their owners, their sailors, and their cargoes; together with a brief history of our inland seas. 1909. 1 4942 Mills, J. C. Our inland seas, their shipping & commerce for three centuries. 1910. L8068 Peabody, R. E. Merchant venturers of old Salem; a history of the commercial voy- ages of a New England family to the In- dies and elsewhere in the xviii century. 1912. L 7998 Merchant Marine Abbot, W. J. American merchant ships and sailors. 1902. L4781 Bates, W. W. American navigation; the political history of its rise and ruin and the proper means for its encouragement. 1902. L 6925 Blackmore, E. The British mercantile ma- rine. 1897. K 13631 Blue book of American shipping. 2v. 1900- 1910. *R 3906 Brassey, Sir T. B. Papers and addresses: Mercantile marine and navigation from 1871 to 1894. 1894. L 6441, 4 Bullen, F. T. The men of the merchant service; being the polity of the mercan- tile marine for 'long shore readers. 1900. K 13602 Cleveland, R. J. Voyages of a merchant navigator of the days that are past. 1886. 12118 With notes on the commerce of Salem (Mass.). Hill, C. S. Our merchant marine. 1877. L971 Kelley, J. D. J. The question of ships; the navy and the merchant marine. 1884. L3810 Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant ship- ping and ancient commerce. 4v. 1874-76. L977 Marvin, W. L. The American merchant ma- rine; its history and romance from 1620 to 1902. 1902. L8096 National Business League of America. A comprehensive plan for the creation and maintenance of an American merchant marine. 1911. L 8063 RAILROADS 73 Paine, R. D. The ships and sailors of old Salem; the record of a brilliant era of American achievement. 1909. L 8074 First pub. as a serial in Outing Jan., 1908-Apr. 1909 r under the title Old Salem ships and sailors. Spears, J. R. The story of the American merchant marine. 1910. L 8069 Wells, D. A. The decay of our ocean mer- cantile marine. 1890. L6321 (Questions of the day). Our merchant marine. 1882. L 1045 Ship Subsidies United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on mer- cantile marine subsidies. 1900. *0 2103a Same. 2d ed. 1903. *0 2103b Additional references. 1911. *0 2103c Bacon, E. M. Manual of ship subsidies; an historical summary of the systems of all nations. 1911. L 7990 Codman, J. Shipping subsidies and boun- ties. 1S90. L6321 Dunmore, W. T. Ship subsidies; an eco- nomic study of the policy of subsidizing merchant marines, 1907. L 6834 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Railroads Note: Economic material only. Technical works are classed in Useful Arts. Cotterell, S., comp. A handbook to various publications, documents and charts con- nected with the rise and development of the railway system, chiefly in Great Britain and Ireland. 1893. *0 163 Leland Stanford Junior University. Library. Catalogue of the Hopkins Railway Li- brary. 1895. *0 1694 United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of Bibliography. List of books and of articles in periodicals relating to oceanic canal and railway routes: 1900. *0 2104, 39 Select list of references on the valua- tion and capitalization of railroads. 1909. *0 2104, 47 Cowles, J. L. A general freight* and pas- senger post, a practical solution of the railroad problem. 1896. L4785 Dunn, S. O. Current railway problems. 1911. L 8025 Engel, E. Eisenbahnreform. 1888. D 7012 Fagan, J. O. Labor and the railroads. 1909. L8017 Flint, H. M. The railroads of the United States; their history and statistics. 1868. L1654 Hadley, A. T. Railroad transportation; its history and its laws. 1885. K 5770 Haines, H. S. Railway corporations as pub- lic servants. 1907. L 8005 Johnson, E. R. American railway trans- portation. 1903. L4794 Larrabee, W. The railroad question. 1893. L4730 McDermott, E. R. Railways. 1904. L 8024 National Association of Railway Commis- sioners. Proceedings. 5th, 1893 to date. *Doc. Parsons, F. The heart of the railroad prob- lem; the history of railway discrimina- tion in the United States, the chief efforts at control, and the remedies proposed. 1906. L4815 The Railway library. A collection of note- worthy chapters, addresses and papers relating to railways. 3v. 1909-11. L 8020 Contains: Statistics of American railways, for the year ending June 30, 1911. Railway statistics of the United States of America, for the year ending June 30, 1908-June 30, 1909, compared with the offi- cial reports of 1907-1908, and recent sta- tistics of foreign railways. 2v. 1909-10. L8019 Vol. for 1908, 2d ed. Vol. for 1908-1909 ed. by S. Thompson. Continued in: The Railway library as: Statistics of American railways. RapeY, C. L. Railway transportation; a his- tory of its economics and of its relation to the state, based, with the author's per- mission, upon President Hadley's "Rail- road transportation: its history and its laws." 19}2. L4813 Stickney, A. B. The railway problem. 1891. L3837 United States. Interstate Commerce Com- mission. Annual report of the statistics of railways in the United States. 1888 to date. *Doc. Vrooman, C. S. American railway prob- lems in the light of European experience. 1910. L 8021 Railroad Employees Ashley, O. D. Railways and their em- ployees. 1895. L4802 Schaffner, M. A. Railway coemployment. 1905. L6791, 1 (Wisconsin Free Library Commission). Fares and Tariffs Acworth, W. M. The railways and the traders; a sketch of the railway rate ques- tion. 1891. L 3878 Clark, J. M. Standards of reasonableness in local freight discriminations. 1910. L 6589, 37 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). 74 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Grierson, J. Railway rates, English and for- eign. 1886. L 3799 Hammond, M. B. Railway rate theories of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 1911. L 8028 Johnson, E. R. and Huebner, G. G. Rail- road traffic and rates. 1911. K 13418 Kirkman, M. M. Railway rates and govern- ment control. 1892. L 3879 McPherson, L. G. Railroad freight rates in relation to the industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. L 8010 Merritt, A. N. Federal regulation of rail- way rates. 1907. L 6833 Meyer, H. R. Government regulation of railway rates. 1905. L4809 Newcomb, H. T. The facts about railroad rates. 1905. L 4812 Railway world, The. Depreciated currency and diminished railway rates. 1909. L8015 Ripley, W. Z. Railroads; rates and regula- tion. 1912. L 11871 Strombeck, J. F. Freight classification. 1912. L6829 Ulrich, F. Das Eisenbahntarifwesen im Allgemeinen. 1886. D 7094 Weyl, W. E. The passenger traffic oLrail- ways. 1901. *L 6696, 16 (University of Pennsylvania publications. Series in political economy and public law). Railroad Law Beale, J. H., jr. and Wyman, B. The law of railroad rate regulation, with special reference to American legislation. 1906. N5341 Goodeve, L. A. Railway passengers and railway companies. 1880. N 4810 Meyer, B. H. Railway legislation in the United States. 1903. L 8121 Contents: pt. 1. Introduction; pt. 2. The progress of railway legislation; pt. 3. The past and future of the Interstate Commerce Commission. Public Relations and Control United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of Bibliography. A list of books with references to periodicals, relating to railroads in their relation to the govern- ment and the public. 1907. *0 2104, 22 Select list of books on railroads in for- eign countries. Government regulation. 1905. *Q 2104, 23 Armour, J. O. The packer, the private car lines, and the people. 1906. L8077 Atkinson, E. The railway, the farmer and the public. 1885. *L 3444, 19 (Economic tracts). Blanchard, G. R. Argument before the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives in opposition to the pend- ing bill for the regulation of interstate commerce. 1882. L3825 Bonham, J. M. Railway secrecy and trusts. 1890. L3832 Dabney, W. D. The public regulation of railways. 1889. L 3829 Davis, J. P. The Union Pacific Railway; a study in railway politics. 1894. L 4773 Dixon, F. H. State railroad control, with a history of its development in Iowa. 1896. L4787 Economic Club of Boston. President Roose- velt's railroad policy; report of a discus- sion before the Economic Club of Boston, March 9, 1905. 1905. L 8000 Edwards, C. Railway nationalization. 1898. L8763 Haines, H. S. Problems in railway regula- tion. 1911. L 8026 Railway corporations as public servants. 1907. L 8005 Haney, L. H. Congressional history of rail- ways in the United States, 1850-1887. 1910. L 6697, 6 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Economics and political science series). Continuation of Ids: Congressional history of railways in the United States to 1850. 1908. L 6697, 3 Hendrick, F. Railway control by commis- sions. 1900. L4788 (Questions of the day). Hole, J. National railways; an argument for state purchase. 1893. L 4775 Hudson, J. F. The railways and the re- public. 1886. K5771 Kent, P. H. Railway enterprise in China. 1907. L 8006 Lewis, G. H. National consolidation of the railways of the United States. 1893. L3891 Merritt, A. N. Federal regulation of rail- way rates. 1907, L 6833 Meyer, H. R. Government regulation of railway rates. 1905. L 4809 Morgan, J. A. The people and the railways. 1888. L3815 Parsons, F. The railways, the trusts, and the people. 1905. L 8013 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on government ownership of railroads. 1912. L 11869 (Debaters' handbook series). Bibliography: p. [xxi]-xxxi. Sterne, S. Railways in the United States; their history, their relation to the state, and an analysis of the legislation in re- POSTAL SERVICE 75 gard to their control, with supplementary notes continuing the record to 1911. 1912. L 11875 The present volume is made up of three papers on the subject of railroad management and of the relations of railways to the community; an impor- tant division is made up of an article on "Rail- ways" contributed by Mr. Sterne to the Cyclopaedia of political science. Todd, Mrs. M. Railways of Europe and America; or, Government ownership. 1893. L 4776 Vrooman, C. S. American railway problems in the light of European experience; or, Government regulation vs. government operation of railways. 1910. L 8021 Waring, C. State-purchase of railways. 1887. L3310 Weber, C. P. M. M. Freiherr v. Nationali- st und Eisenbahn-Politik. 1876. D 7103 Populare Erorterungen von Eisenbahn- Zeitfragen; Privat,- Staats- und Reichs- Bahnen. 1876. D 7105 Express Stimson, A. L. History of the express busi- ness; including the origin of the railway system in America. 1881. K 5800 Postal Service Fischer, P. D. Post und Telegraphie im Weltverkehr; eine Skizze. 1879. D 4708 Frank, O. Das Buch von der Weltpost; Entwickelung und Wirken der Post und Telegraphie im Weltverkehr, von O. Ver- edarius, pseud. 1885. *V 899 Hemmeon, J. C. The history of the British post office. 1912. L 6587, 7 (Harvard economic studies). Hyde, T. W. Post in grant and farm. 1894. L4766 Royal mail. 1885. L 3806 Joyce, H. History of the post office from its establishment down to 1836. 1893. L4767 Koenig, B. E. Geschichte der deutschen Post, von ihren Anfangen bis zur Gegen- wart. 1889. D 7040 Lewins, W. Her Majesty's mails. 1865. L219 Norway, A. H. History of the post-office packet service between the years 1793- 1815. 1895. L4828 O'Reilly, J. J. E The postal service. 5th ed. 1912. L4830 Rothschild, A. de. Histoire de la poste aux lettres et du timbre-poste depuis leur origines jusqu' a nos jours. 2v. 1876. C6349 Stamp Collecting, Philately Albrecht & Co., R. F., pub. Catalog of all postage stamps and envelopes in the United States; including all governmental issues and local stamps of the Confeder- ate States. 2v. 1895-96. *L 10201, 1-2 (Philatelic literature). Bogert and Durbin Co. Descriptive cata- logue of the postage stamps and stamped envelopes of all nations. 1893. *L 1080 Cleaver, G. E. lst-5th auction sale of phila- telic literature, Feb.-May, 1896. 1896. *0 496 American journal of philately, v.2-9. 1889- 96. *L 10201, 3-10 (Philatelic literature). Burroughs, W. D. Wonderful stamps. 1910. L 8149 Daniels, J. H. A "history of British post- marks. 1898. L 4825 Earee, R. B. Album weeds; or, How to detect forged stamps. 1882. L 1078 Evans, E. B. Philatelic handbook. 1887. L1077 Mekeel, C. H. History of the postage stamps of the St. Louis postmaster, 1845- 47. 1895. *V 2006 Mekeel's stamp collector. 1885-1905. *Ser. Melville, F. J. Chats on postage stamps. 1911. L8151 Metropolitan philatelist, v.l, 2 (no. 1-4, 7- 12), v.3 (no. 1-5, 7-12), v.4 (no. 1-5, 8-12), v.5-10 (no. 1-20), v.11-24, Apr. 1890-Dec. 1906. 1890-1906. *Ser. Vol. 9-10 pub. weekly. Vol. 1-10 numbered. *L 10201, 74-78 Montresor, C. A. Some hobby horses; or, How to collect stamps, coins, seals, crests and scraps. 1890. E 4636 Philatelic bulletin and Eastern philatelist, The. v.1-19, v.20 (no. 1-4, 6), v.22-24, Dec. 1887-97, Feb. 1898, Sept. 1898-Aug. 1901. 1887-1901. *Ser. Vol. 1-22 (no. 9) called: The Eastern philatelist; with v. 22 (no. 10) the Philatelic bulletin was in- corporated with the Eastern philatelist and en- titled : The Philatelic bulletin and Eastern philatelist. Vol. 1-20 numbered. *L 10201, 47-51 Philo, pseud. Bluffton stamp society. 1887. H2085 Quaker City philatelist; a monthly journal. v.l, v.2 (no. 1-7, 9-12), v.3-8, v. 9 (no. 1-4, 6). 1886-94. *L 10201, 140-142 (Philatelic literature). Robie, L. Stamp hunting. 1898. L8150 Scott Stamp and Coin Co. Scott's standard postage stamp catalogue. 7v. 1901-1912. L8152 Smith, B. T. K. How to collect postage stamps. 1907. L 8154 Stanley Gibbons monthly journal, v.l (no. 8), v.2 (no. 17, 20), v. 3 (no. 35-36), v.4 76 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY (-no. 37, 40-48), v. 5, v. 6 (no. 61, 66), v. 11- 14, Feb. 1891-Dec. 1895, Jul. 1900-June 1904. 1894-1904. *Ser. Vol. 1-6 numbered. *L 10201, 173-174 Warhurst, B. W. Colour dictionary for stamp collectors. 1899. *K 14340 Weekly philatelist era. v.5-7, 8 (no. 3-12), v. 9-18, Sept. 1891-Feb. 1894, Apr. 1894- Mar. 1904. 1891-1904. *Ser. Vol. 5-8 entitled: The philatelic era; v. 5-6 pub. monthly, v. 7-8 semi-monthly. Vol. 5-7, S (no. 3-12;, v. 9-12 numbered. *L 10201, 97-103 Western philatelist. 2v. 1887-88. *Ser. Westoby, W. A. S. Adhesive postage stamps of Europe. 1898. L4832 Parcel Post. Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on the parcels post. 1911. L 4829 (Debaters' handbook series). Wisconsin University. University Exten- sion Division. Dept. of Debating and Public Discussion. The parcels post. 1908. *Doc. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. Ex- tension series). Railway Mail Service Armstrong, G. B., jr. The beginnings of the true railway mail service and the work of George B. Armstrong in founding it. 1906. L 4827 Carr, C. E. The railway mail service, its origin and development. 1909. L 4824 Tunell, G. G. Railway mail service; a com- parative study of railway rates and serv- ice. 1901. L 4826 White, J. E. A life span and reminiscences of railway mail service. 1910. L 4<423 Street Railroads Elevated Railroads, Subways Kollmann, J. Der Grossstadt-Verkehr; modernes Verkehrswesen der Grossstadte, dargestellt an der Reichshauptstadt Ber- lin. 1905. D 6961, 3 (Moderne Zeitfragen). Pamphlets on street railways. 1898-1905. L8012 Wisconsin. University. Municipalization of street railways; twenty-ninth annual joint debate of the University of Wisconsin, held at Liberty Hall, December 16, 1898. L7050 "Bibliography," p. 82-97. Chicago Street Railroads Arnold, B. J. Report upon methods for increasing the capacity and reducing the noise of the Union Elevated Railroad of Chicago, submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation of the Chicago City Council. 1905. *K 13394 Reports on the Chicago transportation problem, submitted to the Committee on Local Transportation of the Chicago City Council. 3v. 1902-06. *K 13393 y. 1. no. 1. Report on the engineering and oper- ating features of the Chicago transportation prob- lem, submitted Nov. 1902. v. 2, no. 2. Report upon methods for increas- ing the capacity and reducing the noise of the Union Elevated Railroad of Chicago, submitted Mar. 1905. No. 3-5. Reports on through routes and loops for the Chicago street railway companies, submitted Nov. 1905. No. 6. Report on the probable gross earnings and division of profits between the Chicago street railway companies and the city of Chicago, sub- mitted Nov. 8, 1905. No. 7. Report giving specifications for recon- struction and extension of the properties of the Chi- cago street railway companies, submitted Nov. 21, 1905. v. 3. Maps. No. 8. Report upon the reduction of rates of the Chicago Edison Company, and the Common- wealth Electric Company, submitted to the Com- mittee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light, March 16, 1906. No. 9. Report relating to trolley construction, underground conduit construction and subways, submitted July 2, 1906. Chicago. City Council. Committee on Local Transportation. Recommendations and general plans for a comprehensive pas- senger subway system for the city of Chi- cago. 1911. ' K 13392 Report on transportation subways. 3v. 1909. *Doc. v 1. General elements. 2. Public service utilities. 3. Water supply analysis; High pressure wa- ter systems. Chicago. Traction Valuation Commission. Detailed exhibits of the complete physical properties and intangible values of the Southern Street Railway Company. 1908. *K 13403 Detailed exhibits of the physical prop- erty and intangible values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company. 1908. *K 13404 Detailed exhibits of the physical prop- erty and intangible values of the South Chicago City Railway Company. 1908. *K 13402 Detailed exhibits of the tangible prop- erty of the Chicago City Railway Com- pany. 1906. *K 13405 Detailed exhibits of the tangible prop- erty of the street railway system in the possession of and operated by the re- ceivers of the Chicago Union Traction Company. 1906. *K 13406 Report on the physical properties and intangible values of the Calumet Electric Street Railway Company, and the South Chicago City Railway Company. 1908. *K 13397 Report on the physical property and in- tangible value of the Southern Street Railway Company. 1908. *K 13396 Report on the values of the properties of the Chicago Consolidated Traction TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE 77 Company inside the city limits. 1910. *K 13407 Report on the values of the tangible and intangible properties of the Chicago City Railway Company and the Chicago Union Traction Company. 1906. *K 13395 Chicago. City Club. Committee on Traffic and Transportation. Report on passenger subway and elevated railroad development in Chicago. 1912. K 13428 Prepared by Charles K. Mohler. Civic Federation. The street railways of Chicago. 1901. ^Doc. West Chicago Protective League. Op- position to elevated railroads; speeches by Wm. H. Thompson and others, 1887. 1888. *Doc. Chicago Union Traction Company and others vs. The City of Chicago. Pro- ceedings in the United States Supreme Court. Ninety-nine year act cases; briefs and record. 4v. 1905. *N 4183 Cook County Real Estate Board. Committee on Transportation. The transportation problem of Chicago. Report. 1912. *Doc. Guaranty Trust Company of New York vs. Chicago Union Traction Company and others. In the circuit court of the United States, northern district of Illinois, north- ern division; briefs and records. 15v. 1903-05. *N 4182 Documents in the Union Traction Company re- ceivership litigation. Heilman, R. E. Chicago traction; a study of the efforts of the public to secure good service. 1908. *L 3516, 22 (American Economic Association quarterly). Jackson, G. W. Reports relative to the con- struction of subways and lowering and re- construction of the La Salle and Washing- ton streets tunnels to the Committee on Local Transportation of the City Coun- cil, city of Chicago. 1904. B 3065 Mohler, C. K. Report on the Union Ele- vated Railroad of Chicago, covering the causes of congestion, noise in operation, unsightly appearance, obstruction to light and suggested remedies, submitted to the Loop Protective Association. 1908. K 13411 Norton, S. W. Chicago traction, a history, legislative and political. 1907. B 7870 Wright, A. W. Horse railroads; a paper read before the Western Society of En- gineers, Chicago, Sept. 7, 1880. *B 1368, 1 (No. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets). Telegraph Wireless Telegraph Note: Economic aspects only. Technical ma- terial in Useful Arts. Fischer, P. D. Post and Telegraphie in Weltverkehr; eine Skizze. 1879. D 4708 Geistbeck, M. Der Weltverkehr; Telegra- phic und Post; Eisenbahnen und Schif- fahrt in ihrer Entwickelung dargestellt. 1887. D 6801 Meyer, H. R. The British state telegraphs; a study of the problem of a large body of civil servants in a democracy. 1907. L6159 Schottle, G. Der Telegraph in administra- tiver und frnanzieller Hinsicht. 1883. D7077 United States. Bureau of Equipment. List of wireless-telegraph stations of the world, including shore stations, merchant vessels, and vessels of the United States navy. 1907.. *Doc. Wells, D. A. The relation of the govern- ment to the telegraph. 1873. L3528 Telephone Chicago. City Council. Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light. Telephone service and rates; report of the Committee on Gas, Oil and Electric Light to the City Council of Chicago, Sept. 3, 1907. 1907. *B 7850 Holcombe, A. N. Public ownership of tele- phones on the continent of Europe. Awarded the David A. Wells prize for the year 1909-10. 1911. L 6587, 6 (Harvard economic studies). Meyer, H. R. Public ownership and the telephone in Great Britain, restriction of the industry by the state and the munici- palities. 1907. L 6160 New York (city). Merchants' Association. Inquiry into the telephone service and rates in New York city by the Merchants' Association of New York. 1905. *V 1974 Poor's manual of industrials; street railway, light, water, power, mining, telephone, telegraph, manufacturing and miscel- laneous corporations. 1912. *R3577 Commerce, Business. Note: Only books on the economic or sociologi- cal phases of commerce are here listed. Technical treatises on all branches of commerce and business are classed in Useful Arts. Bastable, C. F. Theory of international trade. 1887. L 3495 Bonnassieux, L. J. P. M. Les grandes com- pagnies de commerce. 1892. C 12961 Clow, F. R. Introduction to the study of commerce. 1901. L8119 Cohn, G. Nationalokonomie des Handels und des Verkehrswesens. 1885-98. D 3450, 3 Fay, C. N. Big business and government. 1912. L 7950 Gambaro, R. Lessons in commerce. 1892. L3839 78 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hatfield, H. R., cd. Lectures on commerce. 1904. L 8087 Hervey, M. H. The trade policy of Im- perial Federation from an economic point of view. 1892. L3569 Hill, J. J. Highways of progress. 1910. L 6753 Murhard, J. K. A. Theorie und Politik des Handels. 2v. 1831. D 6830 Osiander, H. F. Ueber den Handelsverkehr der Volker. 1840. D 4790 Phear, Sir J. B. International trade, and the relation between exports and im- ports. 1881. L477 Roscher, W. Nationalokonomik des Han- dels und Gewerbfleisses. 1888-92. D 7067, 3 Scherer, H. Allgemeine Geschichte des Welthandels. 2v. 1852-53. D 4791 Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. v. The cotton trade in England and on the continent. 1895. L8050 Scott, W. A. Trade and letters; their jour- neyings round the world. 1856. L 3817 Smithy J. R. The organization of ocean commerce. 1905. L 6696, 17 (University of Pennsylvania publications. Se- ries in political economy and public law). Turner, B. B. Commerce and banking; an introductory handbook. 1891. L 3866 Vanderlip, F. A. Business and education. 1907. L 6765 Veblen, T. B. The theory of business enter- prise. 1904. L4737 Contents: Introductory; The machine process; Business enterprise; Business principles; The use of loan credit; Modern business capital; The the- ory of modern welfare; Business principles in law and politics; The cultural incidence of the machine process; The natural decay of business enterprise. Wakefield, C. C. Future trade in the Far East. 1896. L 8100 Warren, M. The trade of the great nations. 1903. L 4819 Whitfield, E. E. Introduction to the com- mercial sciences. 1900. L4742 Wilson, A. J. The resources of modern countries. 2v. 1878. L 1062 Yeats, J. The golden gates of trade with our home industries; introductory to a study of mercantile economy and of the science of commerce. 1890. L 3864 Commercial Periodicals Societies and Congresses Board of trade journal and tariff and trade notices, v.l, 1886 to date. *Ser. Bradstreet's. v. 9, 1884 to date. *Ser. British trade journal, The. 4v. 1882-85. *Ser. Chamber of commerce journal, The. v.6, 1887. *Ser. Chicago daily commercial report. llv. 1872-89. *Ser. Commercial and financial chronicle and Hunt's Merchant's magazine. 17v. in 25. 1874-1908. *Ser. De Bow's review. 34v. 1846-64. *Ser. After the war series. 8v. 1866-70. New ser. lv. 1879. Interstate commerce reports. 3v. 1887-92. *Ser. Investor's review, The. v.7, 1896 to date. *Ser. Journal of commerce and commercial bulle- tin. 5v. 1896-1900. *L8086 Manufacturers' record. See Southern States Merchants' magazine and commercial re- view. 63v. 1840-70. *Ser. For continuation see Commercial and financial chronicle and Hunt's merchant's magazine. National Commercial Convention. Proceed- ings: Feb., 18G8. 1868. L 963 National provisioner. The, v.22, 1900 to date. *Ser. Paris. Exposition Universelle de 1878. Congres et Conferences. Comptes rendus stenographiques. 1879-80. *C 6314, 11 Congres international du commerce et de l'in- dustrie. Pit and post. 2v. 1904-05. *Ser. Preussisches Handelsarchiv. 2v. 1873. *Ser. Society for the Encouragement of Arts, Commerce and Manufactures. See So- ciety of Arts Society of Arts. Journal. 41v. 1853-93. *Ser. *Ser. Transactions. 56v. 1783-1847. Southern States. 5v. 1893-98. Continued as Southern farm magazine, v. 6-10. 1S98-1904. Welthandel, Der. lOv. 1869-7.8. *Ser. Western journal of agriculture, manufac- tures and general literature. 14v. 1849- 55. . . *Ser. v.7-14 entitled: Western journal and civilian. Western trade and export journal, v.8. 1881. *Ser. Commercial Directories Blue book of American shipping. 2v. 1900- 1910. *R3906 Bullinger, E. W., comp. The Mercantile agency special ed. of Bullinger's Postal and shippers' guide for the United States and Canada. 1881. *R3733 Buyers and traders guide of the principal cities in the United States. 1894-95. *R3668 Campbell, J. D., comp. Shipping gazeteer fur Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Kentucky and Tennessee. 1870. *R 1805 COMMERCE 79 Hendricks' commercial register of the United States. 1906 to date. *R 1909 Kelly's directory of merchants, manufac- turers and shippers. 1903 to date. *R 3650 Knauer's manufacturers of the United States. 1905. *R 1910 McKenney's business directory of the prin- cipal towns of California, Nevada, Utah, Wyoming, Colorado and Nebraska. 1882. *R 1827 Martindale, J. B. Commercial and legal guide, 1883. 1883.. *R 3996 Mercantile register for business reference. 1891. *R1857 N'orth-western shippers' assistant, The. 1871. *R3732 Real estate and investment brokers' direc- tory of Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis. 1890. *R 1774 Southern business guide, alphabetical and classified, 1893-94. 1894. *R 1877 Thomas' register of American manufactur- ers and first hands in all lines. 1907 to date. *R 3651 History of Commerce Anderson, A. J. Historical and chronolog- ical deduction of the origin of commerce, from the earliest accounts. 4v. 1787-89. *V943 Bourne, H. R. F. The romance of trade. 1871. L 1030 Biichele, C. Geschichte des Welthandels. D6766 Cheyney, E. P. European background of American history, 1300-1600. 1904. B 2280, 1 (The American nation). Day, C. A history of commerce. 1907. L8161 (Longman's commercial text-books). East India Company. The dawn of British trade to the East Indies, as recorded in the court of minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603. 1886. L3820 Endemanri, W. Die Entwicklung der Han- delsgesellschaften. 1872. *D382,8 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Fyfe, J. H. Merchant enterprise; or, Pic- tures of the history of commerce from the earliest times. L 979 Gibbins, H. de B. The history of commerce in Europe. 1891. L3867 Heyd, W. v. Geschichte des Levantehandels im Mittelalter. 2v. 1879. D 3970 Histoire du commerce du Levant au moyen age ; 2v. 1885-86. C 12595 (In Societe de l'Orient Latin). Huet, P. D. The history of the commerce and navigation of the ancients. 1717. L3831 Korner, F. Industrie- und Handelsge- schichte. 1875. D 4793 Lindsay, W. S. History of merchant ship- ping and ancient commerce. 4v. 1874-76. L977 Macpherson, D. Annals of commerce, manufactures, fisheries and navigation; from the earliest accounts to 1801. 4v. 1805. *V478 Marchant, J. R. V. Commercial history; an introductory treatise for the use of advanced classes in schools. 1901? L8165 (Pitman's commercial series). Mas Latrie, J. M. J. L., comte de. Traites de paix et de commerce, et documents divers, concernant les relations des Chre- tiens avec les Arabes de l'Afrique septen- trionale au moyen age. 2v. 1866-72. *V371 Mulhall, M. G. The progress of the world in arts, agriculture, commerce; since the beginning of the 19th century. 1880. L3927 Noel, O. Histoire du commerce du monde depuis les temps les plus recules. 2v. 1891-94. *V2131 v. 1. Temps anciens; Moyen age. 2. Depuis les decouvertes maritimes de XV siecle jusqu' a la revolution de 1789. Oxley, J. M. The romance of commerce. 1896. L4741 Perigot, C. Histoire du commerce fran- <;ais. 1884. C 6159 Pfannschmidt, V. Entwicklung des Welt- handels. 1887. *D382, 22 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Philippson, F. C. Handel und Verkehr im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. 1899. D 13530, 7 (In Bornstein, P., ed. Am Ende des Jahr- hunderts). Pigeonneau, H. Histoire du commerce de la France. 2v. 1887-89. C 6086 Raynal, G. T. F. A philosophical and polit- ical history of the settlements and trades of the Europeans in the East and West Indies. 6v. 1798. A 345 Schaube, A. Das Konsulat des Meeres in Pisa; ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des See- wesens, der Handelsgilden und des Han- delsrechts im Mittelalter. 1888. D 4785, 8 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und socialwis- sensch. Forschungen). Scherer, H. Allgemeine Geschichte des Welthandels. 2v. 1853-53. D 4791 Sestier, J. M. La piraterie dans l'antiquite. 1880. C 6758 80 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Speck, E. Handelsgeschichte des Alter- tums. 3v. 1900-06. D 13108 v. 1. Die orientalischen Volker. 2. Die Griechen. 3. Die Karthager; Die Etrusker; Die Romer bis 265 v. Chr; Die Romer von 265 v. Chr. bis 476 n. Chr. Stevenson, W. Historical sketch of the progress of discovery, navigation, and commerce from the earliest records to the beginning of the 19th century. 1824. I 2243, 18 Un Kerr, R., ed. General hist, and col. of voya- ges). Torrens, \V. T. M. The industrial history of free nations, considered in relation to their domestic institutions and external policy. 1S46. A 8 Contents: The Greeks; The Dutch. Vincent, W. The periplus of the Erythrean sea. 2v. 1800-1805. *V 599 Webster, W. C. A general history of com- merce. 1903. L8115 Yeats, J. Technical, industrial and trade education; a manual of recent and exist- ing commerce from the year 1789 to 1872. 1878. L 1059 Technical, industrial, and trade educa- tion: the growth and vicissitudes of com- merce from B. C. 1500 to A. D. 1789. 1878. L 1058 Technical, industrial and trade educa- tion: the growth and vicissitudes of com- merce in all ages. 1887. L 3795 Commercial Law Bolles, A. S. The elements of commercial law. 1896. N 5141 Brennan, B. A., comp. Brennan's handbook. 1907. N5131 Bryant, H. B. and Stratton, H. D. Commer- cial law for business men. 1874. N 4910 Burdick, F. M. The essentials of business law. 1906. L8142 (The office library). Chapman, C. The law of advertising and sales, and related general business law. 2v. 1908. N 5380 Clark, A. B. L.L.L. ; or, Fifty law lessons, embracing all the technical points of bus- iness law. 1882. N 4871 The commercial laws of the world, com- prising the mercantile, bills of exchange, bankruptcy and maritime laws of all civ- ilized nations. 9v. 1911. Civics Dept. Douglas, A. H. The elements of commer- cial law. 1909. N 5381 (Pitman's practical primers of business). Green, J. B. Law for the American farmer. 1911. N 5285 (The rural science series). New York journal of commerce. Commer- cial precedents selected from the column of replies and decisions. 1882. N 4870 Nixon, A. and Richardson, G. H. Secre- tarial work and practice; also Company law, by T. Price. 1906. L 8300 (Longman's commercial series). Norfolk, E. W. Licensing points. 1886. N5087 Spencer, E. W. A manual of commercial law. 1898. N 5276 Stephen, Sir G. The principles of commerce and commercial law. 1858. L 978 Sullivan, J. J. American business law, with legal forms. 1909. N 5273 Weed, A. R. Business law; a manual for schools and colleges and for every day use. 1901. N 5262 Interstate Commerce United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. List of references on federal control of commerce and cor- porations. 1913. *0 2104, 56 Blanchard, G. R. Argument before the Committee on Commerce of the House of Representatives in opposition to the pending bill for the regulation of inter- state commerce: Washington, D. C, March 14-17, 1882. 1882. L 3825 Brown, D. W. The commercial power of Congress, considered in the light of its origin. The origin, development, and contemporary interpretation of the coui- merce clause of the federal constitution, from the New Jersey representations, of 1778, to the embargo laws of Jefferson's second administration, in 1809. 1910. L 11646 Doherty, P. J. The liability of railroads to interstate employees; a study of certain aspects of federal regulation of the rem- edy for death or injury to employees in the service of interstate railroads. 1911. L7291 Dos Passos, J. R. The inter-state commerce act. 1887. L3813 (Questions of the day). Fink, A. The railroad problem and its solu- tion. 1880. K5743 No. 1 of a vol. of pamphlets. Haines, H. S. Problems in railway regula- tion. 1911. L8026 Harlow, R. P. The regulation of inter-state railroads by the national government; an essay. 1881. *L 3205, 2 No. 10 of a vol. of pamphlets. Interstate Commerce Law Convention. In- terstate Commerce Law Conventions, held at Chicago, October 26 and 27, 1905; com- prising the sessions of the Interstate Commerce Law Convention, at Steinway Hall, and the Federal Rate Regulation Association, at Music Hall, Fine Arts Building. L 8129 COMMERCE 81 Interstate commerce reports. 3v. 1887-92. *Ser. Judson, F. N. The law of interstate com- merce and its federal regulation. 1905. N5148 McPherson, L. G. Railroad freight rates in relation to the industry and commerce of the United States. 1909. L 8010 Morgan, J. A. The people and the rail- ways; a popular discussion by way of an- swer to "The railways and the republic," by J. F. Hudson. 1888. L3815 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on federal control of interstate corporations. 1911. L7951 (Debaters' handbook series). "Bibliography"; p. xv-xxvi. Pierce, F. Federal usurpation. 1908. L6970 This book is a plea for the sacredness of the Con- stitution of the United States. United States. Interstate Commerce Com- mission. Annual report. 1887 to date. *Doc. Annual report on the statistics of rail- ways in the United States. 1888 to date. *Doc. Reports. Decisions reported by the commission. 1S87 to date. *Doc. Commerce by Countries United States United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. List of references on reciprocity. 1910. *Q 2102 Almeida, A. G. de. Trade relations between United States and Brazil and Brazilian resources. 1913. Civics Dept. Ashburton, A. B., ist baron. An inquiry into the causes and consequences of the orders in council and an examination of the con- duct of Great Britain towards the neu- tral commerce of America. 1808. L 3836 Bates, W. W. American marine; the ship- ping question in history and politics. 1893. K 5802 Brissot de Warville, J. P. The commerce of America with Europe. 1794. L 1053 Brown, D. W. The commercial power of Congress. 1910. L 11646 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade be- tween the United Kingdom and the United States, with special reference to the effect of tariffs. 1899. L 8088 Claviere, fi. and Brissot de Warville, J. P. Considerations on the relative situation of France and the United States shew- ing the importance of the American revo- lution to the welfare of France, the re- ciprocal advantages which may be drawn from their commercial connexions. 1788. L3816 Curtis, W. E. Trade and transportation between the United States and Spanish America. 1889. L 3828 Same. *Doc. Depew, C. M., ed. 1795-1895; one hundred years of American commerce; a history of American commerce by one hundred Americans. 1895. *V 2007 Engelbrecht, T. H. Die geographische Ver- teilung der Getreidepreise in den Ver- einigten Staaten von 1862 bis 1900. 1903. D7174 Fisk, G. M. International commercial poli- cies. 1907. L 8163 France and the United States; their present commercial relations considered with ref- erence to a treaty of reciprocity. 1878. *L 469, 9 (Economic monographs). Franco-American commerce. Statements and arguments. 1879. L 252 Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 1890. L 1040, 2 Foreign trade of the United States. Great Britain and Ireland. Privy Council. Report of a committee of the lords of Privy Council on the trade of Great Britain with the United States, Jan., 1791. 1888. L 1079 Halle, E. L. v., ed. Amerika; seine Bedeut- ung fur die Weltwirtschaft. 1905. D 7155 Kelley, J. D. J. The question of ships; the navy and the merchant marine. 1884. L3810 Kettell, T. P. Southern wealth and north- ern profits. 1860. L3453 Kitchell, J. G. American supremacy. 1901. L8079 Kreuter, F. Die osterreichische Hoch- miillerei. 1884. D 669 McKenzie, F. A. The American invaders; • their plans, tactic and progress. 1901. L809O Marvin, W. L. The American merchant marine. 1902. L 8096 National Business League of America, The. A comprehensive plan for the creation and maintenance of an American mer- chant marine. 1911. L 8063 Suggestions for the enlargement of American foreign trade through a per- manent exposition of American products in Paris, France. 1911. L 8064 Pitkin, T. A statistical view of the com- merce of the United States of America. 1816. L1054 Savage, T., ed. Manual of industrial and commercial intercourse between the United States and Spanish America, for 1889. 1889. L3830 82 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Schuyler, E. American diplomacy and the furtherance of commerce. 1886. L 3258 United States. Bureau of Statistics. For- eign markets for American cotton manu- factures. 1905. *Doc. Foreign markets for American fruits. 1904. *Doc. Macaroni wheat in foreign countries. 1904. *Doc. Marketing goods in foreign countries. 1905. *Doc. Vanderlip, F. A. Business and education. 1907. L 6765 Wells, D. A. The decay of our ocean mer- cantile marine; its cause and cure. 1890. L6321 (Questions of the day). England Andrews, C. M. British committees, com- missions and councils of trade and plan- tations, 1622-1675. 1908. *L 3201, 26 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Ashley, W. J., cd. British dominions: their present commercial and industrial condi- tion; a series of general reviews for busi- ness men and students. 1911. L 6533 Contents: The empire, by A. Lyttelton; Aus- tralia. I. By Sir G. Reid; Australia. II. By Sir A. Spicer; New Zealand, by W. P. Reeves; South Africa. I. By Sir W. Hely-Hutchinson; South Africa. II. By H. Birchenough; The West Indies, by Sir D. Morris; Note on the oil resources of the West Indies, by J. Cadman; Canada. I. By W. L. Griffith; Canada. II. By Sir E. Walker; Appendix by the editor. Baines, T. History of the commerce and town of Liverpool. 1852. A 3345 Bourne, H. R. F. English merchants; memoirs in illustration of the progress of British commerce. 2v. 1866. C 97 Bowley, A. L. Short account of England's foreign trade in the 19th century. 1893. L4762 (Social science series). British trade book, The; covering the years 1880-1911. 3v. 1906-1911. L9967 Buchanan, D. Inquiry into the taxation and commercial policy of Great Britain. 1S44. L3609 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade be- tween the United Kingdom and the United States with special reference to the effect of tariffs. 1899. L 8088 A complete collection of the treaties and conventions, and reciprocal regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and foreign powers. 25v. 1835-1910. *L3367 Craik, G. L. The history of British com- merce, from the earliest times. 1844. L8082 Cunningham, W. The growth of English industry and commerce. 2v. 1882. L 486 Davidson, J. Commercial federation and colonial trade policy. 1900. L 6468 (Social science series). East India Company. The dawn of the British trade to the East Indies, 1599-1603. 1886. L3820 Edmundson, G. Anglo-Dutch rivalry dur- ing the first half of the seventeenth cen- tury, being the Ford lectures delivered at Oxford in 1910. 1911. A 5311 Farrer, Sir T. H. The state in its relation to trade. 1883. L 189, 8 (The English citizen). Gee, J. The trade and navigation of Great Britain considered. 1738. L4779 Grant, D. Home politics; or, The growth of trade considered in its relation to la- bour, pauperism & emigration. 1870. L3819 Great Britain and Ireland. Privy Council. Report of a committee of the lords of the Privy Council on the trade of Great Britain with the United States, Jan., 1791. 1888. L 1079 Hanway, J. An historical account of the British trade over the Caspian sea. 4v. 1753. *V61 Hervey, M. H. The trade policy of Imperial Federation from an economic point of view. 1892. L 3569 Hewins, W. A. S. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. 1892. L 3785 (University extension series). Hochstetter, F. Die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Motive fiir die Abschaffung des britischen Sklavenhandels im Jahre 1806-1807. 1905. D 4785, 25 (Schmoller, G. ed. Staats- und soziahvissensch. Forschungen). Kreuter, F. Die osterreichische Hochmiil- lerei. 1884. D 669 Levi, L. History of British commerce and of the economic progress of the British nation, 1763-1870. 1872. L 1050 McKenzie, F. A. The American invaders; their plans,' tactics & progress. 1901. L8090 Mun, T. England's treasure by forraign trade. 1664. L 4810 Murray, A. E. A history of the commer- cial and financial relations between Eng- land and Ireland, from the period of the restoration. 1903. L 7104 (Studies in economics and political science). Price, L. L. F. R. A short history of Eng- lish commerce and industry. 1900. L8120 Richelot, II. Histoire de la reforme com- merciale en Angleterre. 2v. 1853. C6378 COMMERCE B3 Root, J. W. The trade relations of the British empire. 1903. L 7105 Sargent, A. J. Anglo-Chinese commerce and diplomacy (mainly in the nineteenth century). 1907. L 8072 Shillington, V. M. and Chapman, A. B. W. The commercial relations of England and Portugal. 1907. L 8164 Simmonds, P. L. Science and commerce; their influence on our manufactures. 1872. L1073 Simonin, L. L. Les ports de la Grande- Bretagne. 1881. C 6750 Tipper, R. England's attainment of com- mercial supremacy. 1897. L 8180 Turner, F. S. British opium policy and its results to India and China. 187G. L 238 Wagemann, E. Britisch-Westindische Wirt- schaftspolitik. 1909. D 4785, 30 (Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und sozialwissensch. Forschungen). Warner, G. T. Landmarks in English in- dustrial history. 1909. L 6822 Warren, M. The trade of the great na- tions; an epitome of statistics, showing the comparative growth of the foreign trade of the great nations during a quar- ter of a century. 1903. L4819 Webster, R. G. The trade of the world; our present system of commerce ex- plained. 1880. L 1064 Famines Walford, C. The famines of the world, past and present. 1879. L 1563 India Digby, W. C. I. E. The famine campaign in southern India, 1876-1878. 2v. 1878. A 993 Dutt, R. C. Open letters to Lord Curzon on famines and land assessments in India. 1900. A 3759 Frere, Sir H. B. E. On the impending Bengal famine, a lecture. 1874. A 969 Hunter, Sir W. W. Famine aspects of Bengal districts. 1874. A 959 Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund, 1897- 1900. Report of the central executive committee; with complete accounts and proceedings. 3v. 1898-1901. *Doc. Merewether, F. H. S. A tour through the famine districts of India. 1898. 18294 Nash, V. The great famine and its causes. 1900. A 3757 Scott, J. E. In famine land; observations and experiences in India during the great drought of 1899-1900. 1904. I 8306 Ireland O'Brien, W. P. The great famine in Ireland and a retrospect of the fifty years, 1845-95. 1896. A 1363 O Rourke, J. The history of the great Irish famine of 1847, with notices of earlier Irish famines. 1874. A 1238 Trading Companies Note: Economic material only. Historical ac- counts of the trading companies and their ex- plorations are classed in History. Biggar, H. P. The early trading companies of New France; a contribution to the his- tory of commerce and discovery in North America. 1901. B 2105 "The sources," apx. p. 171-296. Bonnassieux, L. J. P. M. Les grandes cora- pagnies de commerce; etude pour servir a l'histoire de la colonisation. 1892. C 12961 Cawston, G. and Keane, A. H. The early chartered companies, 1296-1858. 1896. L8084 Endemann, W. Die Entwickelung der Handelsgesellschaften. 1872. *D 382,2 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). East India Company, English Crawshay, G. The catastrophe of the East India Company. 1858. *L 346, 2 Prinsep, C. C, comp. Record of services of the Honourable East India Company's civil servants in the Madras presidency, from 1741 to 1858. 1885. A 3762 Robinson, F. P. The trade of the East In- dia Company from 1709 to 1813. 1912. L8060 ' The Le Bas prize essay 1911." "List of authorities": [181J-186. Hudson Bay Company Bryce, G. The remarkable history of the Hudson's Bay Company, including that of the French trappers of north-western Canada and of the North West, XY and Astor fur companies. 1900. B 4792 Laut, A. C. The conquest of the great Northwest; being the story of the adven- turers of England known as the Hud- son's Bay Company. 2v. 1908. 14949 Martin, A. The Hudson's Bay Company's land tenures and the occupation of Assini- boia by Lord Selkirk's settlers, with a list of grantees under the Earl and the com- pany. 1898. B 4796 Willson, B. The great company; being a history of the honourable company of merchants-adventurers trading into Hud- son's bay. 1899. B 4794 Virginia Company of London Neill, E. D. History of the Virginia Com- pany of London; with letters to and from the first colony, never before printed. 1869. B 1629 84 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Virginia Company of London. The records of the Virginia Company of London; the Court book, from the manuscript in the Library of Congress. 2v. 1906. *V 1912 Gilds Gross, C. A bibliography of British munic- ipal history including gilds and parlia- mentary representation. 1897. B 2260, 5 (Harvard historical studies). Arundell, T. Historical reminiscences of the city of London and its livery com- panies. 1869. A 571 Bain, E. Merchant and craft guilds; a his- tory of the Aberdeen incorporated trades. 1887. L3860 Brauns, C Kurhessische Gewerbepolitik im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert. 1911. D 4785, 35 Brentano, L. J. Die Arbeitergilden der Ge- genwart. 1871-72. . D 4735 The history and development of gilds and the origin of trades-unions. 1870. L817 Cheyney, E. P., ed. English towns and gilds. 1895. *A 3022, 2 Colston, J. The Guildry of Edinburgh, is it an incorporation? 1887. L 3861 Doren, A. Entwickelung und Organisa- tion der florentiner Ziinfte im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert. 1897. D 4785, 15 Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Kaufmannsgilden des Mittelalters. 1893. D 4785, 12 Eberstadt, R. Magisterium und Fraterni- tas. 1897. D 4785, 15 Eckert, C. Das mainzer Schiffergewerbe in den letzten drei Jahrhunderten des Kur- staates. 1898. D 4785, 16 Firth, J. F. B. Reform of London govern- ment and of city guilds. 1888. L 6479 Franklin, A. L. A. Les corporations ouvri- eres de Paris. 1884. *V 2236 Gilbert, W. The city; an inquiry into the corporation, its livery companies and the administration of their charities and endow- ments. 1877. L614 Gross, C. The gild merchant; a contribu- tion to British municipal history. 2v. 1890. L3859 Hazlitt, W. C. The livery companies of the city of London. 1892. *A3321 Hegel, K. Stadte und Gilden der german- ischen Volker im Mittelalter. 1891. D 12904, Herbert, W. The history of the twelve great livery companies of London. 2v. 1836-37. L 4080 Hostmen, Company of. Extracts from the records of the Company of Hostmen of Kewcastle-on-Tyne. 1901. *A 1065, 105 Hubert- Valleroux, P. Les corporations d'arts et metiers et les syndicats pro- fessionnels en France et a l'etranger. 1885. C 12622 Kaizl, J. Der Kampf um Gewerbereform und Gewerbefreiheit in Bayern von 1799- 1868. 1879. D 4785, 2 Lambert, J. M. Two thousand years of gild life. 1891. L3888 Mackie, A. K. Historical notes as to the Merchant Company of Edinburgh. 1862. L3510 Morse, H. B. The gilds of China, with an account of the gild merchant or co-hong of Canton. 1909. L 7524 Needlemakers, Worshipful Company of. The Worshipful Company of Needlemak- ers of London; with a list of the court of assistants and livery. 1876. A 3315 Nicholl, J. Some account of the Worship- ful Company of Ironmongers. 1851. A 3314 Penty, A. J. The restoration of the guild system. 1906. L 7521 Reinaud, E. Les syndicats professionnels. 1886. C 6345 Schaube, A. Das Konsulat des Meeres in Pisa. 1888. D 4785, 8 Schmoller, G. Die Strassburger Tucher- und Weberzunft. 1879. D 6882 Schoenlank, B. Sociale Kampfe vor drei- hundert Jahren. 1894. D 7065 Staley, E. The guilds of Florence. 1906. L7522 Stoeckle, A. Spatromische und byzantin- ische Ziinfte. 1911. D 13285, 9 Unwin, G. The gilds and companies of London. 1909. L 7523 Walford, C. Gilds; their origin, constitu- tion, objects and later history. 1888. L3847 Way, T. R. The ancient halls of the city guilds; drawn in lithography. 190:?. *V 2353 Wilda, W. E. Das Gildenwesen im Mit- telalter. 1831. D4729 Weights and Measures Alexander, J. H. Universal dictionary of weights and measures. 1861. *R 852 Brooke, M. W. H. L. The great pyramid of Gizeh; its riddle read, its secret metrol- ogy fully revealed as the origin of British measures. 1908. L 8404 Chisholm, H. W. On the science of weigh- ing and measuring and standards of measure and weight. 1877. K 418 (Nature series). Hallock, W. and Wade, H. T. Outlines of the evolution of weights and measures and the metric system. 1906. L 8415 FINANCE 85 Hayes, R. The negociator's magazine; or, The most authentik account yet published of the monies, weights and measures of the principal places of trade in the world. 1740. L 4704 Holman, S. W. Discussion of the precision of measurements. 1892. K 4142 Jackson, L. D'A. Modern metrology; a manual of the metrical units and systems of the present century. 1882. L 8401 Merchant and seaman's expeditions meas- urer; containing a set of tables^ which show the solid contents of all kinds of packages and casks. 1869. L 8419 Nicholson, E. Men and measures; a history of weights and measures, ancient and modern. 1912. L 8420 Oldberg, O. A manual of weights, meas- ures and specific gravity. 1885. L 3887 Patitz, J. F. R. Entwicklung und Bedeu- tung der Zahl und des Masses. 1896. D4336 Ridgeway, W. Origin of metallic currency and weight standards. 1892. L3714 Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights, and moneys of all nations. 1872. K 1633 Metric System Metric system of weights 1872. K415 L3881 Barnard, F. A. P. and measures. Same. 1879. Colin, A. Universal metric system. 1876. K416 Davies, C. The metric system, considered with reference to its introduction into the United States. 1871. K 483 Forster, H. O. A. The coming of the kilo- gram; or, The battle of the standards; a plea for the adoption of the metric sys- tem of weights and measures. 1898. L8410 Halsey, F. A. The metric fallacy. 1904. L8425 Metric primer; a text book for beginners. 1878. L3883 Putnam, J. P. The metric system of weights and measures. 1874. *R 847 Same. 1877. L 3882 Sawyer, H. E. Metric manual for schools 187.7. L 3884 Smith, J. H. An elementary treatise on the metric system of weights and measures. 1897. L 8424 Thomson, J. B. Unification of weights and measures; the metric system, its claims as an international standard of metrology. 1874. *L 3886 1893. financiers. 1893. Cleveland, F. A. Finance General Works Adams, H. C. The science of finance. 1899. L7659 Bergius, C. J. Grundsatze der Finanzwis- senschaft. 1865. D4686 Bolles, A. S. Money, banking and finance. 1903. L 7723 Brough, W. Open mints and free banking. 1898. L 7661 Carroll, E., jr. Principles and practice of finance. 1895. L7701 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, World's congress of bankers and L7775 Funds and their uses. 1902. L 4791a Same entitled First lessons in finance. 1907. L 4791b Cohn, G. The science of finance. 1895. L7692 System der Finanzwissenschaft. 1885- 98. D 3450, 2 Dicksee, L. R. Depreciation, reserves and reserve funds. 1903. L 8326, 26 (The accountants' library). Financial encyclopaedia, The; a comprehen- sive exposition of all departments of finance, its leaders, institutions, histories, events and subjects, an invaluable refer- ence work for bankers, brokers, investors, lawyers, and all students of financial mat- ters. C. A. Shea, editor-in-chief. 2v. 1911. *R4446 Fournier de Flaix, E. Traite de critique et de statistique comparee des institutions financieres. 1889. C 12416 Foyot, L. and Lanjally, A. Dictionaire des finances. 2 v. 1889-94. *R873 Giffen, R. Essays in finance. 2v. 1880-90. L1040 Jannet, C. Le capital, la speculation et la finance au 19e siecle. 1892. C 5317 Lawson, T. W. Frenzied finance. 1905. L7800 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Traite de la science des finances. 2v. 1879. C 5703 Same. 2v. 1891-92. C 5554 McCulloch, J. R. Essays on exchange, in- terests, money and other subjects. 1850. L982 Norton, S. F. Ten men of Money island; or, The primer of finance. 1892. L 7688 Palgrave, R. H. I. Bank rate and the money market in England, Germany, Holland and Belgium, 1844-1900. 1903. L 7689 Plehn, C. C. Introduction to public finance. 1896. L7810 Rollins, M. Money and investments; a reference book for the use of those de- 86 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY siring information in the handling of money or the investment thereof. 1907. 7828 Roscher, W. System der Finanzwissen- schaft. 1888-92. D 7067, 4 Stein, L. von. Lehrbuch der Finanzwissen- schaft. 4v. in 3. 1885-86. D 4776 Turner, B. B. Commerce and banking. 1891. L3866 Walker, J. H. A few facts and suggestions on money, trade, and banking. 1882. L1043 Wilson, J. Capital, currency and banking. 1 847 ** 989 Money Theory, Standard of Value Monetary Systems Bagehot, W. Practical plan for assimilat- ing the English and American money as a step towards a universal money. 1889. L 3790 Barclay, R. The disturbance in the stand- ard of value. 1896. L7703 Brough, W. The natural law of money. 1894. L 4689 Carlile, W. W. The evolution of modern money. 1901. L7729 Monetary economics. 1912. L 6769 Cheap-money experiments in past and pres- ent times. 1892. L 3787 Conant, C. A. The principles of money and banking. 2v. 1905. L 7786 Cunningham, W. The use and abuse of money. 1891. L3526 Delmar, A. Money and civilization. 1886. L3782 The science of money. 1885. L3728 Farrer, Sir T. H., ist baron. Studies in cur- rency, 1898. 1898. L7815 Fullarton, J. On the regulation of curren- cies. 1845. L4681 Gray, J. Lectures on the nature and use of money. 1848. L4697 Hamilton, R. Money and value. 1870. L1037 Haupt, O. The monetary question in 1892. 1892. L 3783 Hazlitt, W. C The coinage of the Euro- pean continent. 1893. L 4690, 1 Supplement. 1897. L 4690, 2 Helfferich, K. Studien fiber Geld- und Bankwesen. 1900. D 7188 Hertzka, T. Wahrung und Handel. 1876. D6818 "The best book on the operation of depreciation in the currency" (R. T. Ely). Hildebrand, R. Die Theories des Geldes. 1883. D7029 Hill, ?». A. Absolute money; a new system of national finance under a co-operative government. 1875. L 7732 Hill, E. Principles of currency. 1856. L3733 Howe, J. B. The common sense, the math- ematics, and the metaphysics of money. 1881. L 959 Monetary and industrial fallacies. 1878. L465 The political economy of Great Britain, the United States, and France, in the use of money. 1878. L466 Hull, W. H., ed. Practical problems in banking and currency. 1907. L 7900 International library of technology. K 12625 v. 99. Foreign exchange, Money and currency, Canadian banking. 1908. Jevons, W. S. Geld und Geldverkehr. 1876. D 415, 21 Investigations in currency and finance. 1884. L 3784 Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1896. L993 (International scientific series). Jordan, W. L. The standard of value. 7th ed. 1896. L 3736b Same. 5th ed. 1888. L 3736a Kinley, D. Money; a study of the theory of the medium of exchange. 1904. L 7677 Kitson, A. A scientific solution of the money question. 1895. L 7681 Knies, K. Geld und Credit. 1876-85. D7039 Laughlin, J. L. The principles of money. 1903. L 7721 Lewis, S. E. The river of money and the influence of the money trust system upon the increased cost of living. 1912. L 7902 Miller, H. A. Money and bimetallism, a study of the uses and operations of money and credit. 1898. L 7770 Mills, R. H. The principles of currency and banking. 1857. L 3635 Moran, C. Money. 1863. L 988 Nicholson, J. S. Bankers' money, a sup- plement to a treatise on money. 1902. L7679 A treatise on money, and essays on present monetary problems. 1888. L3731 Overstone, S. J. L., ist baron. Tracts and other publications on metallic andj>aper currency. 1857. Parsons, F. Rational money. 1898. Piatt, J. Money. 1889. Poor, H. V. Money and its laws. L3719 L7774 L3738 1877. L3776 1876. L1007 1869. L1008 Ridgeway, W. Origin of metallic currency and weight standards. 1892. L3714 Price, B. Currency and banking. The principles of currency. MONEY 87 Rothwell, R. P. Universal bimetallism and an international money clearing house, together with a record of the world's money. 1893. L3632 Scott, W. A. Money and banking. 1903. L7678 Seyd, E. Bullion and foreign exchanges theoretically and practically considered; followed by a defence of the double val- uation, with special reference to the pro- posed system of universal coinage. 1868. L 7782 Simmel, G. Philosophic des Geldes. 1900. D7108 Tooke, T. An inquiry into the currency principle. 1844. L3653 Trenholm, W. L. The people's money. 1893. L 7707 Waldron, G. B. A handbook on currency and wealth. 1896. L 7795 Walker, F. A. Money. 1878. L 1036 Walsh, C. M. The fundamental problem in monetary science. 1903. L 7735 The measurement of general exchange- value. 1901. L 6820 Wells, D. A. Robinson Crusoe's money; or The remarkable financial fortunes and misfortunes of a remote island commun- ity. 1876. L 1025 White, H. Money and banking. 1895. L7718 Willson, B. Currency; or, The funda- mental principles of monetary science postulated. 1882. L 1044 Wilson, A. J., ed. A glossary of colloquial, slang and technical terms in use on the stock exchange and in the money mar- ket. 1895. L 7797 Withers, H. The meaning of money. 1909. L7822 Wolowski, L. F. M. R. La monnaie; entre- tien sur le Traite de la monnaie de Coper- nic. 1864. C 13274 Money in Relation to Trade and Industry Davies, A. E. The money, and the stock and share markets. 1909. L 7829 [Pitman's practical primers of business.] Price, L. L. F. R. Money and its relations to prices. 1896. L 8041 Schoenhof, J. A history of money and prices. 1896. L4769 Walker, F. Money in its relation to trade and industry. 1879. L1035 History of Money Breckenridge, S. P. Legal tender; a study in English and American monetary his- tory. 1903. L 7719 (Chicago. University. The decennial publica- tions). Chalmers, R. A history of currency in the British colonies. 1893. L 7854 History of monetary systems. L7693 Delmar, A. 1896. A history of money in ancient coun- tries. 1885. L3727 Dodd, A. F. History of money in the British empire & the United States. 1911. L7814 Shaw, W. A. The history of the currency, 1262-1894. 1895. L 7790 Sherwood, S. The history and theory of money. 1893. L 3775 Monetary Systems Michels, I. C. The current gold and silver coins of all nations. 1880. *R4224 Muhleman, M. L. Monetary systems of the world. 1895. L 7704 The world's principal monetary sys- tems; a concise review of the monetary systems of the leading nations of the world, illustrating the fundamental differ- ences between the various systems. 1912. L7857 Norman, J. H. Complete guide to the world's 29 metal monetary systems. 1892. L3786 Woolhouse, W. S. B. Measures, weights, and moneys of all nations. 1872. K 1633 Monetary Conferences Cernuschi, H. Le diplomatic monetaire en 1878; articles publies dans le Siecle. 1878. C4307 International Monetary Conference. Brus- sels, 1892. Report to the commissioners on behalf of the United States, and jour- nal of the sessions of Nov. 22, 1892, to Dec. 17, 1892. 1893. *Doc. Paris, 1878. Proceedings. 1879. L 3744 Another copy. *Doc. Another copy, quarto. *Doc. Paris Exposition Universelle de 1878 — Con- grcs ct Conferences. Comptes rendus stenographiques. 1879-80. *C 6314, 12 Congres International pour l'unification des poids, mesures et monnaies. Russell, H. B. International monetary con- ferences, their purposes, character and results. 1896. L 7673 Gold and Silver Economic Aspects of Precious Metals Bonn, M. J. Die Vorgange am Edelmetall- markte in den Jahren 1870-1873. 1900. D 7128, 40 Brace, H. H. Gold production and future prices; an inquiry into the increased pro- duction of gold and other causes of price changes with a view to determining the future of prices. 1910. L 8042 Chevalier, M. On the probable fall in the value of gold. 1859. L 980 Koch, F. Der Londoner Goldverkehr. 1905. D 7128, 73 88 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Launay, L. de. The world's gold, its geol- ogy, extraction, and political economy. 1908. K 12816 Patterson, R. H. The new golden age, and influence of the precious metals upon the world. 2v. 1882. L 3644 Rath, G. v. Ueber das Gold. 1879. *D 382, 14 (In Saraml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage No. 324-325). Seyd, E. Bullion and foreign exchanges. 1868. L 7782 Simonin, L. L. L'or et l'argent. 1877. C 6774 (Bibl. des merveilles). Soetbeer, G. A. Edelmetall-Produktion und Werthverhaltniss zwischen Gold und Sil- ber seit der Entdeckung Amerika's bis zur Gegenwart. 1879. *Ser. i (In Petermann, A. Mittheilungen. Erganzung- shefte, v. 13, no. 57). Studnitz, A. v. Gold; or, Legal regulations for the standard of gold and silver wares in different countries of the world. 1877. L3657 Wolowski, L. F. M. R. L'or et l'argent. 1870. C 13397 Gold Currency Gold Standard Adams, B. The gold standard; an historical study. 1895. L 7696 Bain, F. W. The corner in gold; its his- tory and theory. 1893. L 4682 Bodicker, T. Die gesetzliche Regelung des Feingehalts der Gold- und Silberwaaren. I860. D 4785, 6 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwis- sensch. Forschungen). Fawcett, W. L. Gold and debt; an Ameri- can hand-book of finance. 1877. L 1022 Jackson, C. C. Has gold appreciated? 1894. L4702 Silver Currency Silver Standard Bagehot, W. Some articles on the depre- ciation of silver and on topics connected with it. 1877. L 3774 Crump, A. An investigation into the causes of the great fall in prices which took place coincidently with the demonetisa- tion of silver by Germany. 1889. L3944 Ellstaetter, K. Indiens Silberwahrung. 1894. D 7128, 4 Horton, S. D. Silver in Europe. 1890. L3742 Root, J. W. Silver up to date. 1894. L4716 Suess, E. Future of silver. 1893. L4685 Die Zukumft des Silbers. 1892. D 6739 Free Coinage of Silver Boissevain, G. M. The monetary situation in 1897. 1897. L 7726 Hepburn, A. B. History of coinage and currency in the United States and the perennial contest for sound money. 1903. L7682 Horr, R. G. and Harvey, W. H. The great debate on the financial question. 1895. L7716 Laughlin, J. L. Facts about money, includ- ind the debate with W. H. Harvey ("Coin"), May 17, 1895. 1895. L7801 Works for Free Coinage Berry, W. H. Restricted industry; its ef- fect, its cause, the remedy. 1900. L7658 Grier, J. A. Our silver coinage and its relation to debts and the world-wide de- pression in prices. 1889. L 7780 Griffin, A. The key note; substitute honest money for fictitious credit. 1896. L7765 Harvey, W. H. Coin's financial school. 1894. L 4708 — —Coin's financial school up to date. 1895. L771d Hill, N. P. Speeches and papers on the silver, postal telegraph, and other eco- nomic questions. 1890. L3527 Leavitt, S. Our money wars; the example and warning of American finance. 1894. L4710 Lowry, R. Shall the United States under- take alone the free coinage of silver at the ratio of sixteen to one? 1896. L 7674 Miller, H. G. Chapters on silver; as pub- lished in the Chicago Times in the sum- mer of 1894. 1894. L7698 Milne, J. M. Bi-metallism as social evolu- tion at the tri-millenial, 1900. 1897. L776S Smith, W. H. The effects of the gold stand- ard; or, Bimetallists' catechism. 1896. L7671 Wakely, E. The gentile ass and the Judean monetary establishment, advocating pure bimetallism. 1895. L 7710 Wilcox, W. D. Letters from Jimtown, showing how its people grappled with the silver question. 1895. L 7675 Willson, M. The road to prosperity and philosophy of bimetallism. 1896. L7683 Against Free Coinage Atkinson, E. Taxation and work; a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency. 1892. L3535 Base "Coin" exposed. 1895. L 7669 Cargill, J. F. A freak of finance; or, The boy teacher taught. 1895. L 7700 Cheap-money experiments in past and pres- ent times. 1892. L 3787 MONEY 89 Coffin, G. M. Silver and common sense. 1895. L 7699 Cornwell, W. C. Sound money mono- graphs. 1897. L 7805 Cowperthwait, J. H. Money, silver, and finance. 1892. L3761 (Questions of the day). Ehrich, L. R. The question of silver. 1892. L3762 (Questions of the day). Gibbons, R. The physics and metaphysics of money. 1886. L 3260, 2 (Questions of the day). Greene, J. L. Our currency problems. 1896. L7779 Laughlin, J. L. Facts about money, includ- ing the debate with W. H. Harvey ("Coin"). 1895. L 7801 McClung, D. W. Money talks, some of the things it says when it speaks. 1894. L7702 Mitchell, W. B. Dollars, or, what? a little common sense applied to silver as money. 1895. L 7706 Nelson, H. L. The money we need, a short primer of money and currency. 1895. L7685 Roberts, G. E. Coin at school in finance. 1895. L7708 Shibley, G. H. The money question. 1896. L7672 Sound currency, 1895, 96, a compendium of accurate and timely information on cur- rency questions. 2v. 1895-96. L 7868 Taussig, F. W. The silver situation in the United States. 1893. L3791 (Questions of the day). Tourgee, A. W. The war of the standards. 1896. L7788 Upton, J. K. A coin catechism. 1895. L7793 Walker, A. H. The Jennings-Mack debate and the resulting Melville decision on silver coinage. 1896. L 7764 Waterloo, S. Honest money; "Coin's" fal- lacies exposed. 1895. L 7717 Wheeler, E. P. Real bi-metallism; or. True coin versus false coin. 1895. L7711 White, H. Coin's financial fool. 1895. L7713 The silver question. 1876. L 1020 Wisner, E. Cash vs. Coin; an answer to "Coin's financial school." 1895. L 7714 Bimetallism Andrews, E. 3. An honest dollar. 1894. L4709 Same. *L 3516, 4 Barbour, D. The theory of bimetallism and the effects of the partial demonetisation of silver on England and India. 1886. L4707 Barclay, R. The disturbance in the stand- ard of value. 1896. L7703 The silver question and the gold ques- tion. 1894. L 7697 Barker, W. Bimetallism; or, The evils of gold monometallism and the benefits of bimetallism. 1896. L 7762 Cernuschi, H. Le bimetallisme en Angle- terre. 1879. C 4309 La diplomatic monetaire en 1878. 1878 C4307 Nomisma; or, "Legal tender." 1877. L3666 Or et argent. 1874. C 4308 Darwin, L. Bimetallism. 1898. L 7767 Edgcumbe, Sir R. P. Popular fancies re- garding bimetallism. 1896. L 7777 Fonda, A. I. Honest money. 1895. L 4713 An argument for the multiple standard. Gibbs, H. C. A bimetallic primer. 1894. L4711 Helm, E. The joint standard, a plain expo~ sition of monetary principles and of the monetary controversy. 1894. L 4699 Howe, J. B. Mono-metalism and bi-metal- ism. 1879. L 1026 Jordan, W. L. The standard of value. 1888. L3736 McCulloch, H. Bi-metallism. 1879. *L469 (Economic monographs, no. 17). Pullan, R. B. Currency and coin. 1907. L7813 Rothwell, R. P. Universal bimetallism and an international money clearing house. 1893. L 3632 Seyd, E. J. F. Bimetallism in 1886, and the further falltin silver. 1886. L3717 Smith, S. The bi-metallic question. 1887. L3712 Stokes, A. P. Joint-metallism. 1895. L 4691 (Questions of the day). Walker, F. A. International bimetallism. 1896. L7763 Walsh, W. J. Bimetallism and monomet- allism. 1893. L7712 Wolowski, L» F. M. R. La question mone- taire. 1869. C 13400 Against Bimetallism Cornwell, W. C. Sound money mono- graphs. 1897. L 7805 The author opposes both free silver in the U. S. and international bimetallism. Farrer, Sir T. H. Studies in currency, 1898; or, Inquiries into certain modern prob- lems connected with the standard of value and the media of exchange. 1898. L 7815 Opposes both national and international bimetal- lism. Giffen, R. The case against bimetallism. 1895. L 7761 90 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Haupt, O. The monetary question in 1892. 1892. L3783 Laughlin, J. L. The history of bimetallism in the United States. 1886. L 3672 The author maintains that the coinage of silver dollars should cease. Same. 1898. *R 1104, 63 (Appleton's scientific library). Macleod, H. D. Bimetallism. 1894. L4706 Bibliography, pref. p. 12-13. Mints Evans, G. G., ed. Illustrated history of the United States Mint, with a complete de- scription of American coinage. 1886. L4701 Heaton, A. G. A treatise on the coinage of the United States branch mints. 1893. L4715 Mazerolle, F. L'Hotel des monnaies: les batiments — le musee — les ateliers. 1907. CC 1347 (Les grandes institutions de France). "Bibliographic sommaire": p. 175-176. Paper Money Credit Currency Brown, W. The labour question; thoughts on paper currency and lending on inter- est, as affecting labour, commerce and manufactures. 1872. L 3556 Conant, C. A. A history of modern banks of issue. 1896. L 7771 Congleton, H. B., 1st baron. Observations on paper money; banking and overtrad- ing. 1828. L 3722 Cooper, P. Ideas for a science of good gov- ernment. 1883. L 3204 Cornwell, W. C. The currency and the banking law of the Dominion of Canada considered with reference to currency re- form in the United States. 1895. L 4717 Fullarton, J. On the regulation of curren- cies. 1845. L4681 Godet, M. Das Problem der Zentralisation des schweizerischen Banknotenwesens. 1902. D 4785, 21 Gouge, W. M. A short history of paper money and banking in the United States. 1833. L 1031 Harvey, J. Paper money, the money of civilization. 1877. L 7847 Heath, B. S. Labor and finance revolution. 1891. L3780 Hildreth, R. Banks, banking, and paper currencies. 1840. L3660 Hill, B. A. Absolute money; a new system of national finance under a co-operative government. 1875. L 7732 Horton, S. D. Bank-note currency in Great Britain and in the United States. L876. L1016 Hughes, R. W. A popular treatise on the currency question. 1879. L 1023 Logue, W. A. The ounce of gold. McAdam, G. An alphabet in finance. Jones, C. Letter to Charles Wood in reply to the doctrine of G. W. Norman "On money, and the means of economizing the use of it." 1841. L3740 Kellogg, E. A new monetary system. 1875. L964 Knox, J. J. United States notes. 1884. L3659 1900. L7670 1876. L1010 Mann, C. A. Paper money, the root of evil. 1872. L 3664 Mitchell, W. C. A history of the green- backs. 1903. L7720 Richardson, H. W. Paper money. 1879. L3671 Spaulding, E. G. History of legal tender paper money issued during the rebellion. 1869. L3673 Takaki, M. The history of Japanese paper currency (1868-1890). 1903. *L 3201, 21 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). White, A. D. Paper-money irtflation in 1876. L 1021 1882. *L 3444, 7 The financial philosophy. 1896. L7791 L. F. M. R. La question des 1864. C 13272 France. Same. Wilson, G. Wolowski, banques. Currency by Countries United States Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on a central bank of the United States. 1910. L7894 (Debaters' handbook series). United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of books with references to periodicals, relating to currency and banking. 1908. *0 2104, 41 Blake, G. H. United States paper money. 1908. L 7848 Davis, A. M. Tracts relating to the cur- rency of the Massachusetts Bay, 1682- 1720. 1902. L7855 Dodd, A. F. History of money in the British empire & the United States. 1911. L7814 Foote, A. R. A sound currency and bank- ing- system, how it may be secured. 1895. L7686 (Questions of the day). Hasenkamp, A. Die Geldverfassung und • las Notenbankvvesen der Vereinigten Staaten. 1907. D 7243 Hepburn, A. B. History of coinage and currency in the United States and the per- ennial contest for sound money. 1903. L7682 MONEY 91 Kickcox, J. H. An historical account of American coinage; with plates. 1858. *L7860 Knox, J. J. United States notes. 1884. L3659 Mitchell, W. C. A history of the green- backs. 1903. L 7720 Moran, C. Money. 1863. L 988 Morawetz, V. The banking & currency problem in the United States. 1909. L7892 Poor, H. V. Money and its laws. 1877. L3776 Prager, M. Die Wahrungsfrage in den Ve- reinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. 1897. D 7128, 28 Preston, R. E. History of the monetary legislation and currency system. 1896. L7694 Pullan, R. B. Currency and coin. 1907. L7813 Shaw, L. M. Current issues. 1908. L 6734 Sound currency, 1895, 96. 2v. 1895-96. L7868 Sumner, W. G. History of American cur- rency. 1876. L 1000 Upton, J. K. Money in politics. 1884. L3663 White, H. Money and banking. 1895. L7718 Wildman, M. S. Money inflation in the United States. 1905. L 7803 England Baxter, R. The panic of 1866, with its les- son on the Currency act. 1866. L 3766 Bowring, Sir J. The decimal system in numbers, coins, and accounts; especially, with reference to the decimalisation of the currency and accountancy of the United Kingdom. 1854. L 3690 Cernuschi, H. Le bimetallisme en Angle- terre. 1879. C 4309 Dodd, A. F. History of money in the Brit- ish empire & the United States. 1911. L7814 "List of authorities": p. 345-347. Fullarton, J. On the regulation of curren- cies. 1845. L4681 Graham, W. The one pound note in the rise and progress of banking in Scotland and its adaptability to England. 1886. L3699 Horton, S. D. The silver pound and Eng- land's monetary policy since the restora- tion. 1887. L4718 Huskisson, W. The question concerning the depreciation of our currency stated and examined. 1819. L958 Liverpool, C. W., 1st earl of. A treatise on the coins of the realm: in a letter to the king. 1860. L 3681 Macdonald, J. H. Letters on the bank char- ter act of 1844, and the currency in reply to Mercator, the Times, and the Econo- mist. 1867. L 4732 Maclaren, J. A sketch of the history of the currency; comprising a brief review of the opinions of the most eminent writers on the subject. 1856. L1011 Nicholson, N. A. Observations on coinage, and our present monetary system. 1869. *L972 No. 1 of a v. of pamphlets. Overstone, S. J. L., ist baron. Tracts and other publications on metallic and paper currency. 1857. L3719 Sealy, H. N. A treatise on coins, currency, and banking. 2v. 1858-67. L 1013 Seyd, E. Reform of the Bank of England note issue; statistical critique on the op- eration of the bank charter act of 1844. 1873. L 3758 Taylor, J. The mystery of money explained and illustrated by the monetary history of England. 1862. L3643 Thornton, H. An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. 1802. L 4694 Tooke, T. Considerations on the state of the currency. 1826. L4705 An inquiry into the currency principle; the connection of the currency with prices and the expediency of a separation of issue from banking. 1844. L 3653 Torrens, R. The principles and practical operation of Sir Robert Peel's act of 1844 explained and defended. 1857. L3716 Yates, J. A. Essays on currency and circu- lation, and on the influence of our paper system on the industry, trade and revenue of Great Britain. 1827. L3636 France White, A. D. Paper-money inflation in France. 1882. *L 3444, 7 (In Economic tracts). Same. 1876. L 1021 Germany Eheberg, K. T. Ueber das altere deutsche Miinzwesen und die Hausgenossenschaften, besonders in volkswirthschaftlicher Bezie- hung; mit einigen bisher ungedruckten Urkunden iiber die strassburger Haus- genossen. 1879. D 4785, 2 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und socialwis- sensch. Forschungen. v. 2). Germany — Kommission behufs Erorterung von Massregcln znr Hcbnng und Befestigiaig dcs Silberwcrths. Verhandlungen. Amt- liche Ausgabe. 2v. 1894. *V 1644 92 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hamberger, L. Zur deutschen Mfintzge- setzgebung. 1872. *D 382, 7 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. v. 7, no. 161). Weinhagen, N. Die Wechselstempelsteuer im Gebiete des Norddeutschen Rundes. 1870. D 3405 Russia Fajans, W. Die russische Goldwahrung. 1909. D 4785, 30 (Staats- und socialwissenschaftliche. Forschungen. hft. 141). "Literatur-Verzeichnis": p. xiii-xv. India Bothe, M. Die indische Wahrungsreform seit 1893. 1904. D 7128, 67 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Ellstaetter, K. Indiens Silberwahrung; Eine wirtschaftsgeschichtliche Studie. 1894. D 7128, 4 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Macleod, H. D. Indian currency. 1898. L7856 Japan Takaki, M. The history of Japanese paper currency (1868-1890). 1903. *L 3201, 21 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Mexico Hegemann, W. Mexikos Uebergang zur Goldwahrung. 1908. D 7128, 86 Banks and Banking Banking Practice United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliograpliy. A list of the more impor- tant books in the Library of Congress on banks and banking. 1904. *O2104,2 Select list of books, with reference to periodicals, relating to currency and banking. 1908. *0 2104, 41 Barrett, A. R. Modern banking methods and practical bank bookkeeping. 1902. L7722 Bell, G. M. The philosophy of joint-stock banking. 1840. L 965 Same. 1855. L3720 Bolles, A. S. Bank officers; their authority, duty, and liability. 1890. L3715 Money, banking, and finance. 1903. L7723 The national bank act and its judicial meaning. 1888. L 3745 Practical banking. 1892. L 3662 Brough, W. Open mints and free banking. 1898. L7661 Cleveland, F. A. The bank and the treas- ury. 1905. L 7884 Coffin, G. M. The A B C of banks and banking. 1901. L 7796, 4 Hand-book for bank officers. 1891. L3747 Handbook for national bank share-hold- ers. 1891. L 3748 Conant, C. A. The principles of money and banking. 2v. 1905. L 7786 Congleton, H. B. P., 1st baron. Observa- tions on paper money, banking and over- trading. 1828. L3722 Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G. Traite theorique des operations de banque. 1876. C 12246 Crump, A. The English manual of banking. 1879. L3789 — A practical treatise on banking. rency and the exchanges. 1866. Dunbar, C. F. Chapters on the and history of banking. 1892. Economic essays. 1904. Easton, H. T. The work of a bank. cur- L4693 theory L3753 L6595 1898. L7772 Eaton, S. Banking, transportation, insur- ance and foreign trade. 1897. L 8136, 2 Eckardt, H. M. P. A rational banking sys- tem. 1911. L7891 Fiske, A. K. The modern bank. 1904. L4795 Foote, A. R. A sound currency and bank- ing system, how it may be secured. 1895. L7686 (Questions of the day). Gilbart, J. W. The history, principles, and 1882. 1 3298 practice of banking. 2v Bohn's economic library. — The logic of banking. 1859. — A practical treatise on banking L1006 1851. L1002 A practical treatise on banking. 1865. Gilman, T. 1898. Hake, A. E. in capital. Hankey, T. A graded bankim L1005 system. L7885 and Wesslau, O. Free trade 1890. L3540 The principles of banking, with remarks on the Bank of England. 1867. L3746 Helfferich, K. Studien fiber Geld-und Bank- wesen, 1900. D 7188 Hildreth, R. Banks, banking, and paper currencies. 1840. L 3660 Hill, T. E. Money found, recovered from its hiding-places and put into circulation through confidence in government banks. 1893. L3633 Horn, I. La liberte des banques. 1863. C 12609 Hfibner, O. Die Banken. 1854. D 7028 Hull, W. H., cd. Practical problems in banking and currency. 1907. L 7900 BANKS AND BANKING 93 Hutchison, J. The practice of banking. 1881. L3650 International library of technology, v. 89. K 12625, 89 History of banking; National and state banks; National bank supervision; Savings banks; Trust companies. Investment Bankers' Association of Amer- ica. Proceedings of the organization meeting, and of the 1st annual convention of the Investment Bankers' Association of America. 1912. *Ser. Ireton, R. E. A central bank. 1909. L 7887 Laughlin, J. L., ed. Banking reform. 1912. L7899 Macleod, H. D. The elements of banking. • 1878. L 1012 The theory and practice of banking. 2v. 18G6. L 1001 McPherson, L. G. The monetary and bank- ing problem. 1896. L 7785 Marsh, C. C. The theory and practice of bank book-keeping and joint stock ac- counts. 1884. *V 798 Meelboom, J. A. Bank bookkeeping and ac- counts. 1904. L8526, 1 (•'The accountants' library"). Morison, F. R. Banking publicity; a manual on the art of advertising the business of financial institutions. 1904. L 7893 Neal, E. V. and Moore, J. H. Modern illus- trative banking. 1902. L 7680 Nicholson, J. S. Bankers' money. 1902. L7679 Nixon, A. Accounting and banking. 1907. L8301 Norman, J. H. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges. 1893. L4684 Palgrave, R. H. I. Notes on banking in Great Britain and Ireland, Sweden, Den- mark and Hamburg. 1873. L 3648 Patten, C. B. The methods and machinery of practical banking. 1891. L 3749 Pereire, I. Principes de la constitution des banques et de l'organisation du credit. 18G5. C 6342 Price, B. Currency and banking. 1876. L1007 Rae, G. The country banker; his clients, cares, and work. 1886. L3676 Richardson, H. W. The national banks. 18S0. L3778 Schulze-Delitzsch, H. The people's banks of Germany. 1870. L 3655 Vorschuss-und Credit-Vereine als Volks- banken. 1873. D 7079 Scott, W. A. Money and banking. 1903. L7678 Scudder, M. L., jr. National banking: a dis- cussion of the merits of the present sys- tem. 1879. L 469, 12 Sprague, O. M. W. History of crises under the national banking system. 1910. *Doc. Tennant, C. The bank of England and the organisation of credit in England. 1866. L3729 Walker, J. H. A few facts and suggestions on money, trade, and banking. 1882. L1043 Warren, H. Banks and their customers. 1901. L 7736 White, H. Money and banking illustrated by American history. 1895. L 7718 Wolff, H. W. Co-operative banking. 1907. L7897 People's banks; a record of social and economic success. 1893. L 3631 Wolowski, L. F. M. R. La question des banques. 1864. C 13272 History of Banking General and by Countries Banquiers et les quatre canges a Liege avant 1468. 1881. C 4231 Chase, F. L. and Allen, J. K. Banking; a short history. 1888. *V 432 Conant, C. A. A history of modern banks of issue. 1896. L 7771 Dean, S., ed. History of banking and banks from the bank of Venice to the year 1883, including the establishment and progress of the present national banking system of the United States. 1884. *V 799 Dunbar, C. F. Chapters on the theory and history of banking. 1892. L 3753 Easton, H. T. History and principles of banks and banking. 1904. L 7739 Gilbart, J. W. The history, principles and practice of banking. 2v. 1882. 1 3298 Goddard, T. H. A general history of the most prominent banks in Europe. 1831. L3696 Journal of commerce and commercial bul- letin. A history of banking in all the leading nations. 4v. 1896. *V 1923 Lawson, W. J. The history of banking. 1852. L 984 Martin, F. Stories of banks and bankers. 1865. L4687 Schneider, G. Die finanziellen Beziehungen der florentinischen Bankiers zur Kirche von 1285 bis 1304. 1S99. D 4785, 17 United States Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on a central bank of the United States. 1910. L7894 (Debaters' handbook series). Bolles, A. S. American finance, with chap- ters on money and banking. 1901. L 7738 Brown, J. C. A hundred years of merchant " banking. 1909. L 7882 94 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Bryan, A. C. History of state banking in Maryland. 1899. *L 3201, 17 California. Legislature. Sections of the constitution and the codes of California, and amendments thereto, relating to banks and banking. 1892. *Doc. Catterall, R. C. H. The second bank of the United States. 1903. L 7804 Cleaveland, J. The banking system of the state of New York; with notes and refer- ences to adjudged cases. 1864. L 3769 Cleveland, F. A. The bank and the treasury. 1905. L7884 Eckardt, H. M. P. A rational banking system; a comprehensive study of the ad- vantages of the branch bank system. 1911. L 7891 Eliason, A. O. The rise of commercial banking institutions in the United States. 1901. L7731 Gibbons, J. S. The banks of New York. 1S73. L992 Harper, W. H. and Revell, C. H. Fifty years of banking in Chicago, 1857-1907. 1907. B 7868 (A history of the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company). Hasenkamp, A. Die Geldverfassung und das Xotenbankwesen der Vereinigten Staaten. 1907. D 7243 Keyes, E. W. A history of savings banks in the United States, from their inception in 1816 down to 1877. 2v. 1876-78. L3779 Kinley, D. The history, organization and influence of the independent treasury of the United States. 1S93. L 3767 (In Library of economics and politics). Knox, J. J. A history of banking in the United States. 1900. L 7662 Lewis, L., jr. A history of the Bank of North America, the first bank chartered in the United States. 1882. *V 1922 Morawetz, V. The banking & currency problem in the United States. 1909. L7892 Morris, H. C. The history of the First Na- tional Bank of Chicago, preceded by some account of early banking in the United States. 1902. B 3058 Scudder, M. L., jr. National banking: a discussion of the merits of the present system. 1879. L 469, 12 (Economic monographs). Sumner, W. G. A history of banking in the United States. 1896. " *V 1923, 1 Townsend, J. P. A history of savings- banks in the United States. 1896. *V 1923, 2 Wright, P.. C. Banking in California, 1S49- 1910. 1910. L 7898 Australasia Baxter, A. B. Banking in Australasia. 1883. L 3754 Canada Cornwell, W. C. The currency and the banking law of the Dominion of Canada considered with reference to currency re- form in the United States. 1895. L4717 France Bousquet, G. La Banque de France et les institutions de credit. 1885. C 12111 Courtois, A. C. Histoire des banques en France. 1881. C 12665 Demachey, E. Banque de France. 1896. C 12431 Mehrens, B. Die Entstehung und Entwick- lung der grossen franzosischen Kredit- institute. 1911. D 7128, 107 Germany Buff, S. Das Kontokorrentgeschaft im deutschen Bankgewerbe. 1904. D 7128, 61 Ehrenberg, R. Das Zeitalter der Fugger; Geldkapital und Creditverkehr im 16. Jahrhundert. 1896. D 4783 Hecht, F. Die Mannheimer Banken, 1870 bis 1900. 1902. D 4785, 20 Hoffmann, M,. Der Geldhandel der deutschen Juden wahrend des Mittelalters bis zum Jahre, 1350. 1910. D 4785, 34 Jeidels, O. Das Verhaltnis der deutschen Grossbanken. 1905. D 4785, 24 Krakenberger, W. Das Kassen-und Zahl- ungswesen des Staates und der Kom- munen im konigreiche Bayern. 1909. D 7238, 96 Meyer, A. Die deutschen Borsensteuern 1881-1900. 1902. D 7128, 52 Simon, H. A. Die Banken und der Ham- burger tiberseehandel. 1909. D 7128, 91 Wallich, P. Die Konzentration im deutschen Bankwesen. 1905. D 7128, 74 Great Britain and Ireland Bagehot, W. Lombard street; a descrip- tion of the money market. 1874. L 990 Brown, J. C. A hundred years of merchant banking. 1909. L 7882 Cobb, A. S. Banks' cash reserves; Thread- needle street. 1897. L7883 Collins, C. M. The law and practice of banking in Ireland. 1880. L3755 Congleton, H. B. P., rst baron. Observa- tions on paper money, banking and over- trading, including the Scotch system of banking. 1828. L 3722 Jaffe, E. Das Englische Bankwesen. 1904. D 4785, 23 BANKS AND BANKING 95 Kerr, A. W. History of banking in Scot- land. 1884. L 3634 Koch, F. Der Londoner Goldverkehr. 1905. D 7128, 73 Lewins, W. A history of banks for savings in Great Britain and Ireland. 1866. L1004 Martin, J. B. "The Grasshopper" in Lom- bard street. 1892. *V 1985 Mitchell, W. Our Scotch banks, their posi- tion and their policy. 1879. L 7890 Page, R. Banks and bankers. 1843. L3732 Price, F. G. H. A handbook of London bankers. 1S76. L3739 Skinner, T. The London banks and kindred companies and firms, May, 1893. 1893. L4683 Somers, R. The Scoter" banks and system of. issue. 1873. L3756 Wilson, A. J. Banking reform. 1879. L952 Japan Collection of pamphlets on the financial and banking system of Japan. L7811 Russia Claus, R. Das Russische Bankwesen. 1908. D 4785, 29 Switzerland Godet, M. Das Problem der Zentralisation des Schweizerischen Banknotenwesens. ' 1902. D 4785, 21 Periodicals and Societies American Bankers' Association. Proceed- ings of the Convention, 1877-1903. 1878- 1903. *L 3647 Banker's almanac. 1869-1874. 2v. 1869, 1874. L997 Bankers encyclopedia, 1902-to date. 19v. *R4445 Bankers', insurance managers', and agents' magazine, 1844-to date. *Ser. Bankers' magazine, 1846-to date. *Ser. Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's congress of bankers and financiers. 1893. L 7775 Chicago banker, 1899-to date. " *Ser. Institute of bankers. Journal, 1879-to date. *Ser. Rand, McNally & Company. The Rand Mc- Nally bankers' directory and list of at- torneys' "blue book." 1905. 1906. *R 1913 Rand-McNally bankers' monthly, 1889-to date. *Ser. Banking by Countries United States United States. Library of Congress, Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of books, with references to periodicals relating to currency and banking, with special regard to recent conditions. 1908. *0 2104, 41 Aldrich, N. W. The Aldrich plan for bank- ing legislation, submitted to the National Monetary Commission. 1911. Civics Dept. (Bankers handy series). Barnett, G. E. State banking in the United States since the passage of the national bank act. 1902. *L 3201, 20 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Bolles, A. S. American finance with chap- ters on money and banking. 1901. L 7738 Brown, J. C. A hundred years of merchant banking, a history of Brown brothers and company, Brown, Shipley & company and the allied firms, Alexander Brown and sons, Baltimore; William and James Brown and company, Liverpool; John A. Brown and company, Browns and Bowen, Brown brothers and company, Philadel- phia; Brown brothers and company, Bos- ton. 1909. L 7882 Bryan, A. C. History of state banking in Maryland. 1899. *L 3201, 17 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). California. Legislature. Sections of the constitution and the codes of California, and amendments thereto, relating to banks and banking. 1892. *Doc. Catterall, R. C. H. The second bank of the United States. 1903. L 7804 (Chicago. University. The decennial publica- tions). Cleaveland, J. The banking system of the state of New York; with notes and refer- ences to adjudged cases. 1864. L3769 Cleveland, F. A. The bank and the treas- ury. 1905. L7884 Davis, A. McF. Currency and banking in the province of the Massachusetts Bay. 2v. 1901. *L 3516, 14-15 Pt. 1 in American Economic Association, pub.: 3d ser.,v. 1, No. 4; Pt. 2 in American Economic Association, pub.: 3d ser., v. 2, No. 2. Eckardt, H. M. P. A rational banking sys- tem; a comprehensive study of the ad- vantages of the branch system. 1911. L7891 Eliason, A. O. The rise of commercial banking institutions in the United States. 1901. L7731 "Bibliography," p. 66-69. Foote, A. R. A sound currency and bank- ing system, how it may be secured. 1895. L7686 Gibbons, T- S. The banks of New York. 1873. L 992 96 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Gilman, T. Federal clearing houses. 1899. L7845 "The object of this book is to present the rea- sons why the clearing houses of our country should be incorporated under a federal law." pref. Also proposes a clearing house currency. Harper, W. H. and Ravell, C. H. Fifty years of banking in Chicago, 1857-1907. 1907. ** 7868 A history of the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company, including a sketch of banking in Illinois. Hasenkamp, A. Die Geldverfassung und das Notenbankwesen der Vereinigten Staaten. 1907. D 7243 Hull, W. H., ed. Practical problems in banking and currency; being a number of selected addresses delivered in recent years by prominent bankers, financiers and economists. 1907. L 7900 Ireton, R. E. A central bank. 1909. L 7887 Keyes, E. W. A history of savings banks in the United States, from their incep- tion in 1816 down to 1877. 2v. 1876-78. L3779 Knox, J. J. A history of banking in the United States, rev. and brought up to date by B. Rhodes and E. H. Youngman. 1900. L7662 Laughlin, J. L., ed. Banking reform. 1912. L 7899 Lewis, L., jr. A history of the Bank of North America, the first bank chartered in the United States. 1882. *V 1922 Morawetz, V. The banking & currency • problem in the United States. 1909. L7892 Morris, H. C. The history of the First Na- tional Bank of Chicago, preceded by some account of early banking in the United States, especially in the West and at Chicago. 1902. B 3058 Myrick, H. Co-operative finance; an Amer- ican method for the American people, to encourage business, farming, home-own- ing, individual and corporate success, so- cial justice and national prosperity. 1912. L7655 Scudder, M. L., jr. National banking; a discussion of the merits of the present system. 1879. L 469, 12 (Economic monographs). Sumner, W. G. A history of banking in the United States. 1896. *V 1923, 1 (In Journal of commerce. History of bank- ing, v. 1). Wisconsin. University. University exten- sion division. Dept. of debating and public discussion. Guaranty of bank deposits. 1909. *Doc. (Wisconsin. University. Bulletin). Wright, B. C. Banking in California 1849- 1910. 1910. L7898 Bank of the United States United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. A list of works re- lating to the first and second banks of the United States, with chronological list of reports, etc., contained in the American state papers and in the Congressional documents. 1908. *l>anken zur Industrie mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Eisenindustrie. 1905. D 4785, 24 (Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Krakenberger, W. Das Kassen- und Zahl- ungswesen des Staates und der Kommu- nen im Konigreiche Bayern, unter beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Tatigkeit von Banken im Dienste der behordlichen Kas- senverwaltung. 1909. D 7128, 96 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Meyer, A. Die deutschen Borsensteuern 1881-1900; ihre Geschichte und ihr Ein- fluss auf das Bankgeschaft. 1902. D 7128, 52 Simon, H. A. Die Banken und der Ham- burger Ueberseehandel. Studien zur Frage der Zahlungsabwicklung und Kred- itgewahrung. 1909. D 7128, 91 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliclie' Studien). Wallich, P. Die Konzentration im deut- schen Bankwesen. Ein Beitrag zur Ge- schichte der Gegenwartigen Wirtschafts- organisation. 1905. D 7128, 74 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Russia Claus, R. Das russische Bankwesen. 1908. D 4785, 29 (Schmoller, G., ed. Staats und sozialwissen. Forschungen). .Sweden Key-Aberg, K. Svenska aktiebolag och enskilda banker; handbok for affarsvarl- den. 1908. *R 1914 Switzerland Godet, M. Das Problem der Zentralisation des schweizerischen Banknotenwesens. 1902. D 4785, 21 (Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Australasia Baxter, A. B. Banking in Australasia, from a London official's point of view; with some remarks on mortgage and hnance companies. 1883. L 3754 Japan Collection of pamphlets on the financial and banking system of Japan. L 7811 Savings Banks Bowery Savings Bank, New York. Manual of the Bowery Savings Bank, containing the history of the institution, original charter, general savings bank law, by- laws, etc. 1876. L7727 Hamilton, J. H. Savings and savings insti- tutions. 1902. L7733 "Partial list of authorities consulted": p. 429-433. Keyes, E. W. A history of savings banks in the United States, from their inception in 1816 down to 1877. 2v. 1876-78. L3779 Kniffin, W. H. The savings bank and its practical work; a practical treatise on sav- ings banking, covering the history, man- agement and methods of operation of mu- tual savings banks, and adapted to savings departments in banks of discount and trust companies. 1912. L 7904 BANKS AND BANKING 99 Lewins, W. A history of banks for savings in Great Britain and Ireland. 1866. L1004 Massachusetts — Board of Commissioners of Savings Banks. Annual reports. *Doc. Massachusetts Public Documents since 1876. (No. 8). Supplementary report relating to un- claimed deposits. *Doc. Massachusetts Public Documents 1888, 1892, 1897. Townsend, J. P. A history of savings-banks in the United States. 1S96. *V 1923, 2 (In Journal of commerce and commercial bulle- tin. History of banking, v. 2, p. 437-467). Vigelius, C. Handbuch fur Sparkassen, zum praktischen Gebrauch bearbeitet. 1902. D7164 Williams, J. E Save the savings banks. 1876. *L 3680,1 No. 12 of a vol. of pamphlets. Postal Savings Banks Note: The material on postal savings banks is at present nearly all in the form of reports and discussions in U. S. government publications for which the reader is referred to the Document Dept. Wisconsin. University — University Exten- sion Division — Dept. of Debating and Pub- lic Discussion. Postal savings banks. 1909. L 10902, 281 Another copy. *Doc. Peoples Banks Hiernaux, L. Organisation du credit au tra- vail. 1884. C 5226 Schulze-Delitzsch, H. The people's banks of Germany. 1870. L3655 Vorschuss- und Credit- Vereine als Volksbanken. 1876. D 7079 Wolff, H. W. People's banks; a record of social and economic success. 1893. L3631 Pawnbroking Thornton, F. Pawnbrokers' accounts. 1902. L 8326, 13 "The Accountants' library." Saving Academy of Political Science, New York. Business and the public welfare. 1912. L7286 Fowler, N. C. How to save money; the care of money — plain facts about every kind of investment — an expose of the prevalent fraudulent and get-rich-quick schemes — valuable and authentic informa- tion for all moderate money-savers and small investors. 1912. L7871 Gonner, E. C. K. Interest & saving. 1906. L6738 Contents: pt. 1. Interest and saving, pt 2. Interest and the theory of distribution. Hamilton, J. H. Savings and savings insti- tutions. 1902. L7733 "Partial list of authorities consulted": p. 429-432. John, E. M. Saving. 1904. L 7737 Jourdan, A. fipargne & capital. 1879. C5350 Lyman, E. W. Financial independence through saving and the right use of money. 1909. L 7874, "List of authorities": p. 6. Manteuffel, K. v. Das Sparen. Sein Wesen und seine Volkswirtschaftliche Wirkung. 1900. D 6999 (Sammlung nationalokonomischer und statistischer Abhandlungen. 26. bd.). Parmelee, H. Home ledger and accountant, 1907. L7875 Robertson, J. M. The fallacy of saving: a study in economics. 1892. L3615 (Social science series). Thrift Blackley, W. L. Thrift and independence; a word for working men. 1885. L 7652 (The people's library). Brown, M. W. The development of thrift. 1899. L 7366 Fowler, N. C. How to save money; the care of money — plain facts about every kind of investment — an expose of the prevalent fraudulent and get-rich-quick schemes — valuable and authentic informa- tion for all moderate money-savers, and small investors. 1912. L 7871 Smiles, S. Thrift. 1876? E 1513 Die Sparsamkeit. 1876. D 2949 Safe-Deposit Companies Carter, J. P. In the cave of Aladdin; a little narrative of the safe deposit vault. 1911. L7901 Trust Companies Cator, G. Trust companies in the United States. 1902. *L 3201, 20 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). International library of technology, vol. 89. 1902-11. K 12625, 89 History of banking; National and state banks; National bank supervision; Savings banks; Trust companies. Jdrgens, M. Finanzielle Trustgesellschaften. 1902. D 7128, 54 Kirkbride, F. B. and Sterrett, J. E. The modern trust company, its functions and organization. 1905. L 8131 Schaffner, M. A. Taxation of trust com- panies. Prepared with the co-operation of the Political science department of the University of Wisconsin. 1906. L 6791, 7 (Wisconsin free library commission. Legis- lative reference dept. Comparative legislative bulle- tin No. 7). 100 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Trust company reserves. Prepared with the co-operation of the Political science dept. of the University of Wis- consin. 1906. L 6791, 6 (Wisconsin free library commission. Legis- lative reference department Comparative legis- lative bulletin No. 6). Clearing Houses Cannon, J. G. Clearing-houses, their his- tory, methods and administration. 1900. L7728 Gilman, T. Federal clearing houses. 1899. L7845 "The object of this book is to present the rea- sons why the clearing house's of our country should be incorporated under a federal law." pref. Also proposes a clearing house currency. A graded banking system, formed 'by the incorporation of clearing houses un- der a federal law, with power to issue a clearing house currency secured by pledge of bank assets. 1898. L 7885 Exchange Bond, Sir T. A digest of foreign exchanges ; containing an abstract of the existing laws and custom of merchants relative to bills and notes. 1795. L 4692 Brooks, H. K. Foreign exchange; tables converting foreign money into United States money and United States money into foreign money, including an explana- tion of the various forms of foreign com- mercial paper and terms used in connec- tion with same. 1900. *R 1620 Clare, G. The A. B. C. of the foreign exchanges; a practical guide. 1911. L3788 Dubost, C. The elements of commerce. 1818. L4740 A treatise on operations of exchange. Escher, F. Elements of foreign exchange; a foreign exchange primer. 1910. L7888 Goschen, G. J. The theory of the foreign exchanges. 1876. L 1027 Hatfield, H. R., ed. Lectures on commerce. 1904. L8087 Contains: Foreign exchange, by H. K. Brooks. International library of technology, vol. 99. 1907. K 12625, 99 ( ontents: Foreign exchange; Money and cur- rency; Canadian banking. Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism <.f exchange. 1896. L 993 (International scientific series). Same. 1897. *R 1104, 62 (Appleton's scientific library). Geld und Geldverkehr. 1876. D 415, 21 (Internationale wissensch. Bibliothek). Koch, l\ Der Londoner Goldverkehr. (sine volkswirtschaftliche Studie. L905. D 7128, 73 Levi, I. Taboas de cambio. 1839. *V 1986 McCulloch, J. R. Essays on exchange, in- terest, money and other subjects. 1850. L982 Margraff, A. W. International exchange; its terms, parts, operations and scope; a practical work on the foreign banking de- partment and its administration by Amer- ican bankers. 1908. L 7889 Nicholson, N. A. The science of exchanges. 1873. L3667 Norman, J. H. A ready reckoner of the world's foreign and colonial exchanges. 1893. L 4684 Prion, W. Das deutsche Wechseldiskont- geschaft. Mit besondrer Beriicksichtigung des Berliner Geldmarktes. 1907. D 4785, 28 Banking Law Bolles, A. S. Law relating to banks and their depositors and to bank collections. 1887. L3679 Cleaveland, J. The banking system of the state of New York. 1864. L3769 Hoyt, J. T., comp. The collection laws, special, exemption, property, banking and interest laws of Illinois, Indiana, Michi- gan, Iowa, Wisconsin and Minnesota. 1859. N 5274 Morse, J. T., jr. A treatise on the law relating to banks and banking. 1870. N5084 United States. Congress. Laws. Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance and banking from 1789-1891. 1891. L3777 Building and Loan Associations American building association news, 1892 to date. *Ser. Connecticut — Commissioner of Building and Loan Associations. Report of the com- missioner of building and loan associa- tions to the governor. 2v. 1897-98. *Doc. Davis, H. F. A. Building societies. 1887. L3845 Dexter, S. A treatise on co-operative sav- ings and loan associations. 1889. L 3869 Endlich, G. A. The law of building associa- tions. 1886. *N 5050 Same. 1895. *R 3975 Hamilton, J. H. Savings and savings in- stitutions. 1902. L7733 International library of technology, v. 41. K 12625, 41 The law of building associations, section 27. James, J. 11. A guide to benefit building societies. 1849. L 3874 Rosenthal, H. S. Building, loan and savings associations, how to organize and suc- cessfully conduct them. 3d ed. 1911. L4088 id ed. entitled Manual for building and loan as. sociations. 1891. STOCK EXCHANGE. 101 Scratchley, A. Building societies; their prin- ciples and practice. L3870 A further treatise on building societies; being a continuation of the "Practical treatise on building societies." 1883. L3871 -A practical treatise on building socie- ties and average investment societies or trust associations investing in public se- curities. 1886. L3870 Mr. Scratchley's form of account books and registers suitable for a building so- ciety. 1884. L 3870 Smith, W. C. G. Building societies' ac- counts. 1903. L 8326, 25 ("The Accountants' library"). Thompson, C. N. A treatise on building as- sociations; adapted to the use of lawyers and officers. 1892. N 5108 White, N. A handy book on the law of friendly, industrial and provident building and loan societies. 1867. K 1622 (Weale's rudimentary series). Counterfeiting Burnham, G. P. American counterfeits; how detected and how avoided. 1875. L4137 Heath, L. Greatly improved and enlarged infallible government counterfeit detector. 1873. *L 3682 Stocks and Bonds American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Stocks and the stock market. 1910. L 7836 Babson, R. W. Business barometers used in the accumulation of money; a text- book on applied economics for merchants, bankers and investors. 1911. L7821 Bond, F. D. Stock prices; factors in their rise and fall. 1911. L 7839 Brockhage, B. Zur Entwicklung des preus- sisch-deutschen Kapitalexports. 1910. D 4785 33 Callaway, W. D. Stockbrokers' accounts. 19 02. L 8326, 9 ( the accountants' library). Chamberlain, L. The principles of bond in- vestment. 1911. L 7834 Appendix: The gamble in "governments" by national banks, by W. H. Lyon: p. 523-530. Dale, J, P. The American bond detector; and complete history of the United States government securities. 1889. *R4421 Dana, W. B. and Co., comp. Value of rail- road securities; an analysis of debt, in- terest charges and earnings in the past four years. 1881. L 3646 Day, J. E. Stock-broker's organisation, management and accounts. 1912. L 7820 Deutscher Borsen-Kalender und Effekten- Handbuch, 1900, '02-03, '08-09, 11-12 1900-1912. *R 3335 Giffen, R. Stock exchange securities. 1879. L3677 Lester, F. M. Chicago securities; a manual for bankers, brokers and investors. 1888. L3701 Lownhaupt, F. Investment bonds, their issue and their place in finance. 1908. L7833 Manual of statistics; stock-exchange hand- book, 1906; railroad securities, stock ex- change quotations, mining, grain and pro- visions, cotton, money, bank and trust companies. 1906. L 7806 Moody's manual of railroads and corpora- tion securities. 1900-to date. *R3570 Nelson, S. A. The bond buyers' dictionary. 1907. L 7789 Poor's handbook of investment securities, for the use of bankers, investors, trust institutions and railroad officials. 1891. *R 3744 Supplement to: Poor's manual of railroads. Rollins, M. Municipal and corporation bonds, terms, customs and usages. 1910. *L 7818 Stocks and their market-places; terms, customs and usages. 1911. L7838 Tables showing the net return from bonds and stocks and other investments. 1905. L 7827 Smythe, R. M., comp. Obsolete American securities and corporations. 1904. *R 3572 United States. Treasury dept. Tables show- ing the prices of 2, 3 and 4 per cent bonds (interest payable quarterly). 1908. *Doc. Withers, H. Stocks and shares. 1910. L7823 Stock Exchange American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Stocks and the stock market. 1910. L 7836 Boudon, G. La bourse et ses hotes. 1896. C 12607 Boyard, N. J. B. La bourse et ses specula- tions. C 6513, 2^0 Brockhage, B. Zur Entwicklung des preus- sisch-deutschen Kapitalexports. 1910. D 4785, 33 The brokers' and promoters' hand book. 1906. L8178 Cohn, G. Die Borse und die Spekulation. 1872. D382,3 Crump, A. Theory of stock exchange specu- lation. 1875. L966 The theory of stock speculation. 1901. L 7796, 3 (Nelson s Wall street library, v. 3). 10S llilCAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY and the stock L7829 business). Davies, A. E. The money, and share markets. 1909. (Pitman's practical primers of "Bibliography", p. 113-114. Francis, j. Chronicles and characters of the stock exchange. 1851. L 1003 Gibson, G. R. The stock exchanges of London, Paris, and New York; a com- parison. 1889. L3735 Giffen, R. Stock exchange securities. 1879. L3677 Heavingham, E. L. Routledge's discount commission and brokerage tables. 1904. *R 1409, 10 (Miniature reference library). Hirst, F. W. The stock exchange; a short study of investment and speculation. 1911. J 327, 5 (Home university library of modern knowledge, no. 3). "Bibliography": p. 255-256. King, M., ed. King's views of the New York Stock Exchange; a history and de- scription. 1897. *V 2820 Lawson, T. W. Frenzied finance. 1905. L 7800 Manual of statistics, The; stock-exchange handbook, 1906. L 7806 Martin, J. G. Twenty-one years in the Boston stock market. 1856. L 3669 Moody, J. The art of Wall street investing. 1906. L 7794 Nelson, S. A. The A B C of options and arbitrage. 1904. L 7796, 6 (The Wall street library, v. vi). The A B C of stock speculation. 1902. L 7796, 5 (Nelson's Wall street library, v. 5). The consolidated stock exchange of New York, its history, organization, ma- chinery and methods. 1907. L 7835 Pinto, E. Ye outside fools! Glimpses in- side the stock exchange. 1877. L3730 Pit and post. 2v. 1904-05. *Ser. Pratt, S. S. The work of Wall street. 1903. L4792 Rahill, J. J. Corporation accounting and corporation law; a manual of corporate organization and management. 1906. L8329 Reynolds, M. M. The investor's catechism. 1909. L 7831 Rouge et Noir, pseud. The gambling world, anecdotic memories of personal expe- rience in the temples of hazard and specu- lation, with some mysteries and iniquities of stock exchange affairs. 1898. L 9584 Schilling, T. London als Anlcihemarkt der englischen Kolonien. 1911. D 7128, 110 Selden, G. C. Psychology of the stock mar- ket. 1912. L 7865 Stock exchange investments; history, prac- tice and results. 1899. L.7837 "Bibliographical list", p. xvii-xx. Struck, E. Die Effektenborse; eine Ver- gleichung deutscher und englischer Zu- stande; nebst einem Anhange iiber die Ent- wickelung des Instituts der beeidigten Handelsmakler in Deutschland wahrend des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1881. D 4785, 3 Van Antwerp, W. C. The stock exchange from within. 1913. L 7867 "Appendix: The report of the Hughes commis- sion of 1909": p. [4131-440. Contains bibliographies. Williams, H. M.. pseud. The key to Wall street's mysteries and methods. 1904. L7798 Wilson, A. J., cd. A glossary of colloquial, slang and technical terms in use on the stock exchange and in the money market. 1895. L 7797 Wall Street Clews, H. The Wall street point of view. 1900. L 7730 ■ Fifty years in Wall street. 1908. L7787 Conant, C. A. Wall street and the country; a study of recent financial tendencies. 1904. L 7773 Garrett", G. Where the money grows. 1911. L7840 Medbury, J. K. Men and mysteries of Wall street. 1871. L 994 Nelson, S. A., ed. The A B C of Wall street. 1900. L 7796, 1 Pratt, S. S. The work of Wall street. 1903. L4792 Train, G. F. Young America in Wall street. 1857. L 3642 A Week in Wall street; by one who knows. 1841. L3792 Williams, H. M., pseud. The key to Wall street's mysteries and methods. 1904. L7798 Investments Art of investing, by a New York broker. 1901. L 3698 Babson, R. W. Business barometers used in the accumulation of money; a text- book on applied economics for merchants, bankers and investors. 1911. L 7821 The Babson system. Stock dept. Invest- ments: what and when to buy; the use of statistics in accumulating a fortune. 1907. L7825 Chamberlain, L. The principles of bond investment. 1911. L 7834 INl'ESTMENTS, CREDIT. 103 Cromwell, J. H. The American business woman; a guide for the investment, pres- ervation and accumulation of property. 1910. L4747 Library has also cd. of 1900. L 4747a Fowler, N. C, jr. How to save money; the care of money — plain facts about every kind of investment — an expose of the prevalent fraudulent and get-rich-quick schemes. 1912. L 7871 Freedley, E. T. Opportunities for industry and the safe investment of capital. 1859. L1041 Hall, H. How money is made in security investments; or, A fortune at fifty- five. 1908. L 7826 How to invest when prices are rising; a scientific method of providing for the increasing cost of living. (Irving Fisher and others). 1912. L 7866 Marcosson, I. F. How to invest your sav- ings. 1907. L7870 Moody, J. The art of Wall street invest- ing. 1906. L 7794 Moody, J. and Hume, J. F., comp. The art of wise investing; a series of short ar- ticles on investment values. 1904. L 7799 Nicholas, F. C. Mining investments and how to judge them. 1907. L 7832 Playford, F. Practical hints for investing money; with an explanation of the mode of transacting business on the Stock ex- change. 1856. K 1545 Real Estate and investment brokers' direc- tory of Chicago, Minneapolis, St. Louis. 1890. *R 1774 Reynolds, M. M. The investor's catechism. 1909. L7831 Rollins, M. Money and investments; a ref- erence book for the use of those desiring information in the handling of money or the investment thereof. 1907. L 7828 Scratchley, A. On average investment trusts and companies dealing with stock exchange securities. 1875. L 3870 Sprague, C. E. Text-book of the account- ancy of investment. 1910. L 8085 Stock exchange investments; history, prac- tice and results. 1899. L 7837 Swann, J. An investor's notes on American railroads. 1886. K 5772 Walker and Watson, J. D. Investor's and shareholder's guide. 1894. L 4746 Ward, R. A. A treatise on investments. 1852. L3654 Speculation City editor, A., pseud. The rationale of market fluctuations. 1876. L 3656 Crump, A. The theory of stock speculation. 1901. L 7796, 3 (Nelson's Wall street library). Theory of stock exchange speculation. 1875. L966 Drew, D. The book of Daniel Drew; a glimpse of the Fisk-Gould-Tweed regime from the inside. 1910. C 21641 Evans, D. M. Speculative notes and notes on speculation, ideal and real. 1864. L3772 Gibson, T. The cycles of speculation. 1907. L7817 — — The pitfalls of speculation. 1906. L7792 Greene, A. The perils of Pearl Street; in- cluding a taste of the dangers of Wall Street. 1834. L 1015 Jannet, C. Le capital, la speculation et la finance au 19e siecle. 1892. C 5317 Jeans, J. S. Trusts, pools and corners as affecting commerce and industry. 1894. L4764 (Social questions of today). Lawson, T. W. Frenzied finance. 1905. L7800 Smith, C. W. Commercial gambling, the principal cause of depression in agricul- ture and trade. 1893. L4761 South sea bubble and the numerous fraud- ulent projects to which it gave rise in 1720. 1825. L 3844 Lotteries Ashton, J. History of English lotteries. 1893. L4245 Gataker, T. Of the nature and use of lots. 1627. E 3093 Stiness, J. H. A century of lotteries in Rhode Island, 1744-1S44. 1896. *B 4374, 2d Ser., 6 {In Rhode Island historical tracts). Tyson, J. R. Brief survey of the extent, and evil tendencies of the lottery in the United States. 1833. E 1581 Financial Credit Credit Systems Atkinson, E. Distribution of products; or, The metaphysics and mechanism of ex- change. 1885. L3423 Carey, H. C. The credit system in France, Great Britain and the United States. 1838. L957 Cleveland, F. A. The bank and the treas- ury. 1905. L7884 Colwell, S. The ways and means of pay- ment; a full analysis of the credit sys- tem, with its various modes of adjust- ment. 1859. L 7841 104 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Cicwford, J. B. The Credit Mobilier of America; origin and history. 18S0. L366 Ehrenberg, R. Das Zeitalter der Fugger; Geldkapital und Creditverkehr ini 16. Jahrhundert. 1896. D 4783 Favarel, C. Theorie du credit. 3v. 1875- 79. C4850 Hazard, R. The Credit Mobilier of Amer- ica. 1881. L 84 Hiernaux, L. Notions generates sur le credit. 1884. C 5226 (In his Organisation du credit au travail). Jevons, W. S. Money and the mechanism of exchange. 1896. L993 Geld und Geldverkehr. 1876. D 415, 21 Kemmerer, E. W. Money and credit in- struments in their relation to general prices. 1909. L7572 Knies, K. Geld und Credit. 1876-85. D7039 Macleod, H. D. The theory of credit. 2v. 1889-90. L3513 Margraff, A. W. International exchange. 1908. L 7889 Mehrens, B. Die Enstehung und Entwick- lung der grossen Franzosischen Kreditin- stitute, mit Beriicksichtigung ihres Ein- flusses auf die Wirtschaftliche Entwick- lun'g Frankreichs. 1911. D 7128, 107 Oexmann, H. Barzahlung und Kreditver- kehr in Handel und Gewerbe. 1906. D 7128, 78 Pereire, I. Principes de la constitution des banques et de l'organisation du credit. 1865. C6342 Tennant, C. The bank of England and the organisation of credit in England. 1866. L3729 Thornton, H. An inquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. 1802. L4694 Walsh, C. M. The measurement of general exchange-value. 1901. L 6820 Interest, Usury Blissard, W. The ethic of usury and inter- est; a study in organic socialism. 1892. L8541 (Social science series). Bohm von Bawerk, E. Recent literature on interest (1884-1899), a supplement to "Capital and interest." 190:i. L 3710, 2 Caro, L. Der Wucher; eine socialpolitische Studie. 1893. D 7161 Cassel, G. The nature and necessity of in- terest. 1903. L 6744 Coffin, F. II. and Moore, 1). !1. Bankers' and merchants' interest tables. L901. *R3258 Corbaux, F. The doctrine of compound in- terest, illustrated and applied to perpetual annuities. 1825. K 525 Fisher, I. The rate of interest; its nature, determination and relation to economic phenomena. 1907. L6737 Gonner, E. C K. Interest and saving. 1906. L6738 Hucke, J. Die Geld-Verrichtungen in der Preis-, Lohn- und Zinsgestaltung. 1897. D3460 Kelly, J. B. A summary of the history and law of usury, with a col. of statutes. 1835. L4698 McCulloch, J. R. Essays on exchange: in- terest money, and other subjects. 1850. L982 Murray, J. B. C. The history of usury, 1866. N4938 Mutual Life Insurance Company (N. Y.). Interest tables used by the Mutual Life Insurance Company for the calculation of interest and prices of stocks and bonds for investment. 1889. *R921 Thoman, F. Theory of compound interest and annuities; with a series of logarithmic tables. 1877. K 1604 (Weale's rudimentary series). Insurance General Works Insurance Library Association of Boston. Catalogue. 1899. *0 1016 Spectator Company, New York. Catalogues of insurance publications, American and foreign. 1896. *0 323 Speiser, W. Bankwesen, Handelsstatistik, . Versicherungswesen. 1893. *O2510,v.9. ge,pt. 1 United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of works relat- ing to government regulation of insur- ance, United States and foreign countries. 1908. *Q 2104, 16 Best's insurance reports. 1902-to date. *R3790 Bodiker, T. Die Reichs-Versicherungsge- setzgebung. 1898. D 4785, 16 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und sociahvis- sensch. Forschungen. v. 16). Campbell, A. C. Insurance and crime. 1902. L8442 Eaton, S. Banking, transportation, insur- ance and foreign trade. 1897. L 8136, 2 (Success in business). Eke, J. A. The elements of insurance. 1911. L8479 (Pitman's practical primers of business). Hoffman, F. L. Insurance science and eco- nomics. 1911. L8476 INSURANCE. 105 Huebner, S. S. Property insurance, com- prising fire and marine insurance, corpo- rate surety bonding, title insurance, and credit insurance. 1911. L 8433 James, J. H. A practical treatise on life and tire assurance. 1868. L 4087 Montgomery, T. H., comp. A history of the Insurance Company of North America, of Philadelphia. 1885. L 8448 Spicer, E. E. and Pegler, E. C. Under- writers' accounts. 1903. L 8326, 22 (The accountants' library). Tyler, E. A. Insurance companies' ac- counts. 1905. L 8326, 36 (The accountants' library). The underwriter; life and casualty; the men who take risks. 1896. *V 1936 Vance, W. R. Handbook of the law of in- surance, 1904. N5420 (The hornbook series). Young, T. E. Insurance. 1903. L 8463 Dictionaries and Cyclopedias Annual cyclopedia of insurance in the United States, 1891-1901. 6v. L4724 Le Chartier, E. Dictionnaire international des assurances. 1909. *R925 Walford, C. The insurance cyclopaedia. 5v. 1871-78. *R1673 Who is who in insurance. 1908. *R 1491 Periodicals and Societies American underwriter, The. Tenth anni- versary, special vellum number, 1894-1904. 1904. *V2828 Argus, The. 1901-to date. *Ser. Insurance monitor, The, and Wall street review. 6v. 1866-76. *Ser. Market World and Chronicle, v.27. 1881-to date. *Ser. National Convention of Insurance Commis- sioners of the United States. Proceedings of the 42d National Convention, Milwau- kee, 1911. 2v. 1911. L8434 National Convention of Mutual Life and Accident Underwriters. Proceedings of the 17th annual convention, Buffalo, 1892. L 8445 Northwestern review, The. 1S73-74. *Ser. Spectator, The. 1867-69. *Ser. Almanacs, Yearbooks Insurance year book. 22v. 1874-1901. L1582 Post magazine almanack, The; the insur- ance directory, reference and year book. 1901. L 8459 United States insurance almanac for the years 1856-69. 14v. L 1589 Fire Insurance Bunyon, C. J. The law of fire insurance. 1867. N 4942 Chronicle fire tables for 1901- ; a record of the fire losses in the United States during 1900. 1901. K 6203 Critchell, R. S. Recollections of a fire in- surance man. 1909. C 21426 Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest. Proceedings of the lst-8th annual meeting, 1871-77. 8v. in 2. 1891- 92. L 3873 Hine, C. C. Fire insurance. 1866. K 863 Letters to an agent, from the patriarch. 1871. L4721 How to sell more fire insurance, 67 busi- ness getting plans used and proved by 3S agents. 1910. Civics Dept. Ingle, Herbert and Ingle, Harry. The chem- istry of fire and fire prevention; a hand- book for insurance surveyors, works' managers, and all interested in fire risks & their diminuation. 1900. K 9184 Insurance Library Association of Boston. Lectures on fire insurance; being the sub- stance of lectures given before the eve- ning classes in fire insurance conducted by the Insurance Library Association of Boston during the fall and winter of nineteen hundred and eleven and twelve. 1912. L 8437 Contains bibliographies. Moore, F. C. Fire insurance & how to build. 1903. L8456 Morris, L. R. Instruction in real estate and fire insurance. 1907. L 6638 Morton, H. and Anderson, W. A. Electric lighting and the underwriters' standard requirements in reference thereto. 1882. K7708 Steeb, G. V. Agents' and inspectors' pocket- book of fire protection. ( 1902. L 8457 A revised edition of the" author's "Fire in- surance agents' and surveyors' pocketbook of in- formation," 1S96. Wight, P. B. The relation of architecture to underwriting. 1879. *K7170 Pamphlets. Zartmann, L. W., ed. Fire insurance. 1909. L8467 (Yale readings in insurance). Health Insurance Gibbon I. G. Medical benefit; a study of the experience of Germany and Denmark. 1912. L8440 Hahn, J. Das Krankenversicherungsgesetz mit den Abanderungsgesetzen. 1909. D 18188 Istel, P. L'assurance contre la maladie en Allemagne. 1905. CC 1400 "Bibliographic," p. [340]-341. Liability Insurance De Leon, E. W., coinf. Manual of liability insurance. 1907. L 8443 106 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Life Insurance Alexander, W. The life insurance company. 1905. L4798 (Appleton's business series). The successful agent, practical hints for the seller of life insurance; the principles of insurance explained so simply that any layman can readily understand. 1907. L8480 Association of Life Insurance Presidents. Proceedings of the lst-3d annual meeting, 1907-10. L 8475 Blagge, J. H. Suggestions to the beginner in life insurance field-work. 1905. L 8478 Eunyon, C. J. The law of life assurance. 1868. ' N 4943 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany. Mortality experience from 1S46- 1876. 1884. *V 683 Dawson, M. M. The business of life insur- ance. 1905. L 8444 Elements of life insurance. 1893. L4722 Dryden, J. F. Addresses and papers on life insurance and other subjects. 1909. L8441 Francis, J. Annals, anecdotes, and legends; a chronicle of life assurance. 1853. L 826 Gephart, W. F. Principles of insurance. 1911. L8473 Henderson, T. J. Life insurance salesman- ship. 1912. L8436 Hendrick, B. J. The story of life insurance. 1907. L 8447 Henry, J. The hand-book for life assurers. 1887. L 4089 How to sell more life insurance. 1910. Civics Dept. James, J. H. A practical treatise on life and fire assurance. 1868. L 4087 Jones, D. On the value of annuities and reversionary payments. 2v. 1843. *L4152 Kingsley, D. P. The first business of the world. 1903. L 8453 Landis, A. Life insurance premiums: how computed, tested, and valued. 1902. L8455 Milne, J. A treatise on the valuation of an- nuities and assurances on lives and sur- vivorships. 2v. 1815. L3872 Moir, 11. Life assurance primer; a text- book dealing with the practice and mathe- matics of life assurance. 1912. L 8438 Morgan, W. The principles and doctrine of assurances, annuities on lives, and con- tingent reversions. 1821. L4150 Mutual Life Insurance Company, New York. Accidents, emergencies and illnesses; a manual for reference. L900. N 1017 New England Mutual Life Insurance Com- pany. Female life mortuary experience of the New England Mutual Life Insur- ance Company, of Boston, 1863-1892. 1893. *V 1954 New York (state). Legislature. Joint com- mittee on Investigation of Life Insurance. Official testimony taken before the legis- lative insurance investigating committee, llv. 1905-06. *L8474 Another copy. *Doc. Price, W. H. Life insurance reform in New York. 1909. *L 3516, 23 (American economic association quarterly). Ramsey, M. E. Practical life insurance ex- aminations. 1908. L8446 Ring, F. How to examine for life insur- ance. 1901. L8435 Robertson, W. A. Insurance as a means of investment. 1913. L 8439 (The people's book). Sang, E. A treatise on the valuation of life contingencies. 1864. K 544 Smith, G. W. Life insurance legal net values. 1879. *L3205, 2 Pamphlets. Symonds, B. Life insurance examinations. 1905. L 8450 Tabor, M. The three systems of life insur- ance, embracing I., the level premium sys- tem, II., the natural premium system, III., the assessment system. 1886. L 4086 Washington Life Insurance Company. His- torical, actuarial and medical statistics. 1889. *V 1603 Willard, C. E. The A B C of life insurance. 1908. L8464 Willey, N. An instruction book for life insurance agents, canvassers, and solici- tors. 1876. L4154 Willey N. and Smith, H. W. Principles and practice of life insurance. 1892. L4155 Wright, E. Politics and mysteries of life insurance. 1873. L 827 Zartman, L. W. The investments of life in- surance companies. 1906. L 8466 ed. Life insurance. 1909. L8468 (Yale readings in insurance). Annuities Baily, F. Doctrine of interest and annuities analytically investigated and explained. L808. *V 1604 Corbaux, F. The doctrine of compound in- terest illustrated and applied to perpetual annuities. 1825. K 525 Davies, G. Treatise on annuities. L4151 Hayes, R. A new method for valuing of annuities upon lives, and leaseholds, or leasehold estates. 1789. L4723 James, J. H. A practical treatise on life and fire assurance, annuities and reversionary INSURANCE. 107 sums and leases for terms and for lives. 1868. L4087 Jones, D. On the value of annuities and reversionary payments. 2v. 1843. *L4152 Maseres, F. The principles of the doctrine of life-annuities. 1783. *V 227 Milne, J. A treatise on the valuation of annuities and assurance on lives and sur- vivorships. 2v. 1815. L3872 Morgan, W. The principles and doctrine of assurances, annuities on lives, and con- tingent reversions. 1821. L 4150 Sang, E. A treatise on the valuation of life contingencies. 1864. K 544 Thoman, F. Theory of compound interest and annuities. 1877. K 1604 Old Age Pensions United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of Bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on old age and civil service pen- sions. 1903. *0 2104, 19 Arens, W. Die staatliche Pensionsversich- erung der Privatbeamten, ein Beitrag zur forderung der Interessen der Ingenieure, Techniker, Handlungsgehilfen, Werkmeister, Journalisten, Anwaltsgehilfen, etc. 1904. D 18178 Booth, C. Pauperism; a picture and the en- dowment of old age; an argument. 1892. L4442 Bosanquet, B., ed. Asoects of the social problem. 1895. L 8543 Ehrlich, S. Arbeiter-Pensionen mit Staats- hilfe. 1901. D7175 Kettle, T. M. and Sheehy, R. J. The old age pensions act, 1908. 1908. L7931 Kretschmann, F. Die Altersversorgung der Arbeiter in Deutschland. 1882. D 4695 Old-age pensions; a collection of short pa- pers. 1903. L4226 Reeves, W. P. State experiments in Austra- lia & New Zealand. 2v. 1902. L 6485 Seager, H. R. Social insurance, a program of social reform. 1910. L 8749 (American social progress series). Spender, J. A. The state and pensions in old age. 1892. L 4229 (Social science series). Squier, L. W. Old age dependency in the United States; a complete survey of the pension movement. 1912. L 7936 Stead, F. H. How old age pensions began to be. 1909. L7937 Sutherland, W. Old age pensions, in theory and practice, with some foreign examples. 1907? L7939 Marine Insurance Gow, W. Marine insurance. 1895. L4726 Grey, H. M. Lloyd's yesterday and today. 1893. L4725 Hopkins, M. A handbook of average, for the use of merchants, agents, with a chap- ter on arbitration. 1859. L 3824 Martin, F. The history of Lloyd's and of marine insurance in Great Britain. 1876. L3803 Fidelity Insurance Penniman, H. G. Manual of fidelity insur- ance and corporate suretyship. 1911. L8477 Workingmen's Insurance State Insurance, Compulsory Insurance United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on workingmen's insurance. Gen- eral: United States: Great Britain: Ger- many: France: Belgium. 1908. *0 2104, 45 Arens, W. Die staatliche Pensionsversicher- ung der Privatbeamten. 1904. D 18178 Ashley, A. The social policy of Bismarck; a critical study, with a comparison of German and English insurance legislation. 1912. L 8711, 3 (Birmingham studies in social economics and adjacent fields). Blackley, W. L. Thrift and independence; a word for workingmen. 1885. L 7652 (The people's library). Boyd, J. H. A treatise on the law of com- pensation for injuries to workmen under modern industrial statutes. 1913. Civics Dept. Brooks, J. G. Compulsory insurance in Germany, including an apx., relating to compulsory insurance in other countries in Europe. 1893. *Doc. In U. S. Com. of Labor. 4th special report. Bullock, E. D., comp. Selected articles on compulsory insurance. 1912. L 7288 (Debaters' handbook series). Campbell, G. L. Industrial accidents and their compensation. 1911. L 6837 (Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays). Dawson, W. H. Social insurance in Ger- many 1883-1911; its history, operation, re- sults and a comparison with the National insurance act, 1911. 1912. L 8471 Ehrlich, S. Arbeiter-Pensionen mit Staats- hilfe. 1901. D 7175 Frankel, L. K. and Dawson, M. M. Work- ingmen's insurance in Europe. 1910. L8465 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Frankenberg, H. v. Die deutsche Arbeiter- versicherung. 1898. *D 382, 33 {In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Friedensburg, F. The practical results of workingmen's insurance in Germany. 1911. L8472 108 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY George, D. L. The people's insurance, ex- plained by the Rt. Hon. David Lloyd George. 3d ed. 1912. L 7303 Contents: The reasons for the national insur- ance and an outline of the bill as introduced. Scope of the insurance schemes — Text of the National insurance acts, with schedules — In de- fence of the measure — Doubts and difficulties re- moved — The machinery of the act. Gibbon, I. G. Unemployment insurance; a study of schemes of assisted insurance; a record of research in the Department of Sociology in the University of London. 1911. L7304 Hard, W. and others. Injured in the course of duty. 1910. L7400 Hasbach, W. Das englische Arbeiterver- sicherungswesen; Geschichte seiner Ent- wickelung und Gesetzgebung. 1883. D7024 Same. D 4785, 5 Henderson, C. R. Industrial insurance in the United States. 1909. L 8460 Istel, P. L'assurance contre la maladie en Allemagne. 1905. CC 1400 Kennedy, J. B. Beneficiary features of American trade unions. 1908. *L 3201, 26 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Lamp, K. Das osterreichische Arbeiter- Krankenversicherungs-Gesetz und die Praxis. 1901. D 4785, 19 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und socialwissensch. Forschungen). Lass, L. and Zahn, F. Einrichtung und Wirkung der deutschen Arbeiterversich- erung. 1900. D 7112 Lewis, F. W. State insurance; a social and industrial need. 1909. L 8449 Massachusetts. Bureau of Statistics of Labor. The insurance of workingmen. 1900. *Doc. Mass. Public Documents for 1900, v. 11. Rochetin, E. Les assurances ouvrieres mu- tualites contre la maladie, l'incendie et la chomage. 1896. C 12920 Rubinow, I. M. Studies in workingmen's insurance. 1911. L 7305 Schaffle, A. E. F. Der korporative Hiilfs- kassenzwang. 1882. D 4760 Schloss, D. F. Insurance against unemploy- ment. I '.KM). L8458 "Appendix v.: List of principal publications deal- ing witli the question of insurance against un- employment": p. 12G-129. Seager, II. R. Social insurance, a program of social reform. 1910. L 8749 (American social progress series). Wagner, M. Die deutsche Arbeitorvcrsicher- ung, ili re- Entstehung und Weiterent- wicklung. 1906. D 7269 Willoughby, \Y. F. Workingmen's insur- ance. 1898. L8462 (Library of economics and politics). Wisconsin. Legislature. Committee on In- dustrial Insurance. Report. 1909-1910. *Doc. Zacher, G. Die Arbeiter-Versicherung im Auslande. 5v. 1900-08. *D 18187 Public Finance Revenue, Taxation, Public Debt United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on the budget of foreign countries. 1904. *Q 2104, 11 American Economic Association. Essays in colonial finance. 1900. *L 3516, 14 Bastable, C. Public finance. 1892. L3713 Berthon, O. Reflexions sur l'impot et sur les autres ressources de l'etat. 1879. C4148 Bullock, C. J., ed. Selected readings in pub- lic finance. 1906. L 7808 (Selections and documents in economics). Buschkiel, A. H. Der Kassen- und Zahl- ungswesen der staatlichen und kom- munalen Behorden in Konigreich Sachsen und seine jungste Entwicklung; eine Untersuchung fiber die Wechselbezieh- ungen zwischen Banken und offentlichen Kassen. 1909. D 7128, 89 Daniels, W. W. The elements of public finance, including the monetary system of the United States. 1899. L 7663 Kostanecki, A. von. Der offentliche Kredit im Mittelalter nach Urkunden der Her- zogthiimer Braunschweig und Luneburg. 1889. D 4785, 8 Macgregor, J. The commercial and finan- cial legislation of Europe and America: ■ with a pro-forma revision of the taxation and the customs tariff of the United King- dom. 1841. L 3567 Say, J. B. L. Les finances. 1896. C 13137 Taxation Direct Taxation, Real Estate and Personal Property Ames, J. H. Taxation of personal property. 1877. *N 4841 Anthony, E. Law of taxation. 1S77. *N 4841 Berthon, O. Reflexions sur l'impot et sur les autres ressources de l'etat. 1879. C4148 Bonnet, V. La question des impots. L879. C4158 Dawbarn, C. Y. C. The social contract, more particularly in regard to taxation. 1910. L7205 Denis, H. L'impot; lecons donnees aux cours publics de la ville de Bruxelles. 1889. C 12680 Fillebrown, C. B. The A B C of taxation. 1909. L7211 TAXATION. 109 Hall, B., ed. Who pays your taxes? a con- sideration of the question of taxation. 1892. L3537 Henry, R. Who pays? An inquiry into the real incidence of taxation. 1912. L7219 Kaizl, J. Die Lehre von der Uberwalzung der Steuern. 1882. D 7035 Losch, H. Volksvermogen, Volkseinkom- men und ihre Verteilung. 18S7. D 4785, 7 McCulloch, J. R. A treatise on the prin- ciples and practical influence of taxation and the funding system. 1845. L401 Means, D. M. The methods of taxation compared with the established principles of justice. 1909. L 7212 Meyer, R. Die Principien der gerechten Besteuerung in der neueren Finanzwis- senschaft. 1884. D 7042 National Education Association. Report of the Committee on taxation as related to public education. 1905. L 10437 Parieu, M. L. P. F. E. de. Histoire des impots generaux sur la propriete et le revenu. 1856. C 6336 Traite des impots, considered sous le rapport historique, economique et 'poli- tique en France et a l'etranger. 4v. 1866- 67. C 6089 Ricardo, D. Principles of political economy and taxation. 1821. L 3487 Say, J. B. L. Les solutions democratiques de la question des impots. 2v. 1886. C6639 Seligman, E. R. A. Essays in taxation. 1895. L7216 Progressive taxation in theory and prac- tice. 1908. *L 3516, 22 (American economic association). The shifting and incidence of taxation. 1899. L7217 United States. Industrial commission. Re- port of the Industrial commission. 1900- 02. L 7300, 11 Same. *Doc. Vocke, Dr. W. Die Abgaben, Auflagen und die Steuer vom Standpunkte der Geschichte und der Sittlichkeit. 1887. D 7091 Wells, D. A. The theory and practice of taxation. 1900. L 7232 Weyl, W. E., and others. Equitable taxa- tion; six essays. 1892. L 3552 Single Tax George, H. The Irish land question. 1881. L132 The land question; what it involves and how alone it can be settled. 1881. L 6628 Our land and land policy. 1901. L6647 A perplexed philosopher; being an ex- amination of Mr. Herbert Spencer's va- rious utterances on the land question. 1894. L3590 Progress and poverty. 1888. L 780 Hirsch, M. Democracy versus socialism, a critical examination of socialism as a remedy for social injustice and an exposi- tion of the single tax doctrine. 1901. L9033 Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy. 1910. L6651 Jordan, D. S. and Stallard, J. H. The true basis of economics. 1899. L6661 (Correspondence on the merits of the doctrine of Henry George). Makato, T. Japanese notions of European political economy. 1900. L 6692 (Largely a single tax pamphlet). Marsh, B. C. Taxation of land values in American cities; the next step in exter- minating poverty. 1911. L 7229 Post, L. F. Ethics of democracy. 1903. L6670 (Essays on economic and political reforms em- bodying the principles of the single tax). Social service. 1909. L 8685 (Talks on social economics having as their ulti- mate aim single tax as a practical method of social readjustment). Rutherford, R. C. Henry George versus Henry George; a review. 1887. L 4063 Shearman, T. G. Natural taxation. 1895. L7210 (Questions of the day). Shriver, E. J. Want and wealth. 1890. L6321 (Questions of the day). Smart, W. Taxation of land values and the single tax. 1900. L 7228 Spencer, H. On the land question. 1895. L6622 Winn, H. Property in land; an essay on the new crusade. 1888. L 4106 (Questions of the day). Income Tax United States* Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of works relating to taxation of inheritances and of incomes. 1907. *0 2104, 15 Central Debating League. University of Chicago. The federal graduated income tax. 1911. L7224 Foster, R. and Abbot, E. V. Treatise on the federal income tax under the act oi 1894. 1895. N5130 Gould, J. M. and Tucker, G. F. The fed- eral income tax explained, with the regu- lations of the treasury department. 1895. L7201 Guyot, Y. L'impot sur le revenu; rapport. 1887. C 12550 110 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Harvard University. Harvard Debating Council. Intercollegiate debates on the income tax, Harvard vs. Yale. 1910. L7218 Held, A. Die Einkommensteuer. 1S72. D7027 Hertz, W. G. Die Besteuerung der Aus- lander in der englischen Einkommen- Steuer. 1910. D 7128, 99 Hill, J. A. The English income tax with special reference to administration and method of assessment. 1899. L 6695, 4 Kennan, K. K. Income taxation; methods and results in various countries. 1910. L 7222 Kinsman, D. O. The income tax in the commonwealths of the United States. 1903. *L 3516, 17 Michaelis, R. Die Gliederung der Gesell- schaft nach dem Wohlstande. 1878. D 4785, 1 Neumann, F. J. Die progressive Einkom- nunsteuer im Staats- und Gemeinde-Haus- halt. ' 1874. D 7049 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles on the income tax. 1909. L 7214 Sayer, B. An attempt to show the justice and expediency of substituting an income on property tax for the present taxes or a part of them. 1833. L 3472 Seligman, E. R. A. The income tax. 1911. L7225 Urlin, R. D. and Shearwood, J. A. The in- come tax. 1888. L3600 Wisconsin. University. University exten- sion division. Dept. of debating and public discussion. Income tax. 1909. *Doc. Inheritance Tax United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of works relating to taxation of inheritances and of incomes. United States and some foreign countries. 1907. *0 2104, 151 Additional references relating to taxa- tion of incomes. 1911. *O2104, 1511 Blakemore, A. W. and Bancroft, H. The in- heritance tax law, containing all American decisions and existing statutes. 1912. Civics Dept. Hanson, A. The acts relating to probate, legacy and succession duties. 1870. N4940 Jacobson, A. Better times for us all. L891. L6353 A proposed inheritance tax, the proceeds to be used for educational purposes. United States. Department of Commerce & Labor. Inheritance-tax laws. Digest of the principal features of the laws of Great Britain, France, and Germany, to- gether with an outline of inheritance tax- ation in the United States, and a collec- tion of judicial decisions relating thereto. 1907. *Doc. Taxation of Industries, Corporations, Etc Blum, L. Die steuerliche Ausnutzung der Aktiengesellschaften in Deutschland. 1911. D 7128, 108 Foster, R. The taxation of the elevated railroads in the city of New York. 1883. L 3260, 1 (Questions of the day). Ginsberg, E. Die deutsche Branntweinbes- teuerung 1887-1902 und ihre Wirtschaft- lichen Wirkungen. 1903. D 7128, 57 (Miinchener Volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 57. Stuck). Menier, £. J. Theorie et application de l'impot sur le capital. 1874. C 12871 (Bibliotheque de la reforme fiscale et economique). Schaffner, M. A. Taxation of the trust com- panies. 1906. L 6791, 7 (Wisconsin free library commission). Snider, G. E. The taxation of the gross receipts of railways in Wisconsin. 1906. *L 3516, 20 (American Economic Association). United States. — Bureau of corporations. Tax- ation of corporations. 1909. *Doc. Pt. 1: New England. Finance and Taxation By Countries Finance — United States Bolles, A. S. American finance. 1901. L7738 Financial history of the United States, from 1774 — [to 1885]. 3v. 1879-86. L1029 Boyle, J. E. The financial history of Kan- sas. 1908. L 6697, 5 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 247. Economics and political science series, vol. 5, no. 1). Bullock, C. J. The finances of the United States, 1775-79. 1895. L 6604, 1 Historical sketch of the finances and financial policy of Massachusetts from 1780 to 1905. 1907. *L 3516, 21 Burke, W. E. Federal finances; or, The income of the United States. 1891. L3752 Buxton, S. C. Finance and politics; an his- torical study, 1783-1885. 2v. 1885. L 3737 Daniels, W. M. The elements of public finance, including the monetary system of tin- United States. 1899. L 7663 Davis, A. McF., ed. Colonial currency re- prints, 1682-1751. 4v. 1911. *B 3753 Dean, H. C. Crimes of the civil war and curse of the funding system. 1868. B2627 FINANCE. Ill Dewey, D. R. Financial history of the United States. 1903. L 7012 Elder, W. Nationalschuld und Hulfsquellen der Vereinigten Staaten. 1863. D 4730 Fawcett, W. L. Gold and debt; an Ameri- can hand-book of finance. 1877. L 1022 Ford, H. J. The cost of our national gov- ernment. 1910. L 11653 Grier, J. A. The U. S. financial law of March 14, 1900. 1900. L 7665 Hock, C, Freiherr v. Die Finanzen und die Finanzgeschichte der Vereinigten Staaten. 1867. D 4789 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state ex- penses; or, The public good, as distinct from the general welfare of the United States. 1890. L3558 (Questions of the day). Kearny, J. W. Sketch of American finances, 1789-1835. 1887, L3725 Kinley, D. The history, organization and influence of the independent treasury of the United States. 1893. L3767 Leavitt, S. Our money wars; the example and warning of American finance. 1894. L4710 Noyes, A. D. Forty years of American finance. 1909. L 7664 Phelan, R. V. The financial history of Wis- consin. 1908. L 6697, 2 Porter, R. P., comp. Report on valuation, taxation, and public indebtedness in the United States. 1884. *R4533, 7 Preston, R. E. History of the monetary legislation and of the currency system ot the United States. 1896. L 7694 Richardson, W. A. Practical information concerning the public debt of the United States, with the national banking laws. 1872. L4712 Sumner, W. G. The financier and the finances of the American revolution. 2v. 1891. B 2384 Trotter, A. Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the states of the North American union as have con- tracted public debts. 1839. L 4696 United States. Congress. Lazvs. Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance and banking from 1789 to 1891. 1891. L3777 Waldron, G. B. A handbook on currency and wealth. 1896. L 7795 Webster, S. Misuse of legal tender. 1893. L7709 Wildman, M. S. Money inflation in the United States. 1905. L 7803 Taxation — United States Adams, H. C. Taxation in the United States, 1789-1816. 1884. *L3201,2 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Burke, W. E. Federal finances; or, The in- come of the United States. 1891. L 3752 Howe, F. C. Taxation in the United States, 1791-1895. 1896. L 7230 Jones, W. H. Federal taxes and state ex- penses; or, The public good, as distinct from the general welfare of the United States. 1890 L3558 (Questions of the day). National Education Association. Report of the Committee on taxation as related to public education to the National Coun- cil of Education, July, 1905. 1905. xxr „ t^ ^ L 10437 Walker, F. Double taxation in the United States. 1895. L 6589, 5 _ (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Finance — Great Britain Baxter, R. The panic of 1866, with its les- son on the currency act. 1866. L 3766 The taxation of the United Kingdom. 1869. l 2322 Buchanan, D. Inquiry into the taxation and commercial policy of Great Britain. 1844. L3609 Chio^za-Money, L. G. Elements of the fiscal problem. 1903. L 7103 Churchill, W. L. S. Liberalism and the social problem. 1909. L 7586 Speeches made during the last four years .. The record of the government; Social organisa. tion; The budget. Cobb, A. S. Banks' reserves; Threadneedle street a reply to "Lombard street" (by the late Mr. W. Bagehot) and an alterna- tive proposal to the one-pound note scheme sketched by Mr. Goschen at Leeds. 1897 - L 7883 Congleton, H. B. P., 1st baron. On financial reform. 1830. L 4695 George, D. L. Better times. 1910. L 7580 Eighteen selected speeches of Lloyd-George's in- cluding his two Budget addresses in the House of Commons (1909 and 1910) and various cam- paign utterances. The people's budget explained by the chancellor of the exchequer. 1909. «tu- U , r L6581 this book ••nsists of extracts from my House ot Commons speeches." Gladstone, W. E. The financial statements of 1853-63; to which are added a speecli on tax-bills, 1861 and on charters, 1863 18 £ 4 - a a • , , ... L9 86 Second ed. incl. the "financial statement of Hewins, W. A. S. English trade and finance, chiefly in the 17th century. 1892. L 3785 (University extension series). 112 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Iddesleigh, Sir S. H. N., ist earl of. The closing of the exchequer by Charles II in 1672. 1887. E 3566 (7m his Lectures and essays). Twenty years of financial policy. A summary of the chief financial measures passed between 1842 and 1861. 1862. L3652 Macdonald, J. H. Letters on the bank char- ter act of 1S44, and the currency; in re- ply to Mercator, the Times and the Econ- omist. 1857. L4732 Murray, A. E. A history of the commer- cial and financial relations between Eng- land and Ireland, from the period of the restoration. 1903. L 7104 Noble, J. Fiscal legislation, 1842-65. 1867. L3551 National finance; a review of the policy of the last two parliaments and of the re- sults of modern fiscal legislation. 1875. L3651 Poole, R. L. The Exchequer in the twelfth century. 1912. L 11774 Purdy, W. London, banking life; papers on trade and finance. 1876. L991 London ed. entitled City life, its trade and finance. Seyd, E. Reform of the Bank of England note issue; statistical critique on the op- eration of the bank charter act of 1844. 1873. L3758 Tennant, C. The bank of England and the organisation of credit in England. 1866. L3729 Thornton, H. An enquiry into the nature and effects of the paper credit of Great Britain. 1802. L 4694 Wilson, A. J. The national budget: the na- tional debt, taxes and rates. 1882. L 189, 5 (The English citizen, v. 5). Taxation — Great Britain Baxter, R. D. The taxation of the United Kingdom. 1869. L 222 Buchanan, D. Inquiry into the taxation and commercial policy of Great Britain. 1844. L3609 Cannan, E. The history of local rates in England. 1896. _ L 7206 ( Studies in economics and political science). Dowell, S. A history and explanation of the stamp duties and stamp laws at pres- ent in force in the United Kingdom. 1873. L3804 A history of taxation and taxes in Eng- land from the earliest times to the year 1885. 4v. 1888. L 3473 Financial reform almanack, The, 1878 to date. *L 1592 George, D. L. Better t : mes. 1910. L 7580 Eighteen selected speeches of Lloyd-George's in- cluding his two Budget addresses in the House of Commons (1909 and 1910) and various campaign utterances. Gladstone, W. E. The financial statements of 1853-63; to which are added a speech on tax-bills, 1861, & on charters, 1863. 1864. L 986 Second ed., incl. the "financial statement of 1864." Goschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on local taxation. 1872. L 221 Graham, J. C. Taxation, local and imperial and local government. 1899. L 7207 Great Britain and Ireland. Custom House. Annual statement of the trade of the United Kingdom with foreign countries and British possessions for the year 1880, 92-1908. 27v. *Doc. Supplement to v.l & 2. 4v. 1904-07. Parliament. The Stamp act, 1891 (54 & 55 Vict., 3.39); handbook to stamp duties, containing the text of the above act, with a complete alphabetical table of all docu- ments liable to stamp duty. 1895. L 7220 Hallgarten, R. Die kommunale Besteuer- ung des unverdienten Wertzuwachses in England. 1899. D 7128, 32 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Hanson, A. The acts relating to probate, legacy, and succession duties. 1870. N4940 Hertz, W. G. Die Besteuerung der Aus- lander in der englischen Einkommen- Steuer. 1910. D 7128, 99 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Hill, J. A. The English income tax with special reference to administration and method of assessment. 1899. L 6695, 4 (Amer. Econ. Assoc, studies). Huskisson, W. Speeches. 3v. 1831. L 152 Iddesleigh, S. H. N., earl. Twenty years of financial policy. A summary of the chief financial measures passed between 1842 and 1861, with a table of budgets. 1862. L3652 Levi,. L. On taxation; how it is raised and how it is expended. 1860. L 3549 McCulloch, J. R. A treatise on the principles and practical influence of taxation and the funding system. 1845. L 401 Macgregor, J. The commercial and finan- cial legislation of Kurope and America; with a pro-forma revision <>f the taxation and the customs tariff of the United King- dom. 1841. L3567 Martin, R. M. Taxation of the British em- pire. 1833. L3613 Morgan, S. A. The history of parliamen- tary taxation in England. 1911. L 7221 TAXATION. 113 Nicholson, J. S. Rates and taxes as affect- ing agriculture. 1905. L 7209 (Social science series). "Based on the Gilbey lectures delivered in the University of Cambridge in the May term, 1905." — Pref. Noble, J. Fiscal legislation, 1842-65; a re- view of the financial changes of that pe- riod and their effects upon revenue, trade, manufactures and employment. 1867. L3551 Local taxation; a criticism of fallacies and a summary of facts. 1876. L 3637 National finance; a review of the policy of the last two parliaments and of the re- sults of modern fiscal legislation. 1875. L3651 The queen's taxes. 1870. L 3638 Palgrave, R. H. I. The local taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. 1871. L 3639 Peto, Sir S. M. Taxation; its levy and ex- penditure, past and future. 1866. L 400 Rathbone, W. P. A. and Montague, F. C. Local government and taxation. 1885. L6473 (The imperial Parliament). Relation or rather a true account of the island of England; with sundry particu- lars of the customs of these people and of the royal revenues under King Henry VII, about the year 1500. 1847. *A 807 (Camden Soc. Pub.). Sargant, W. L. Taxation, past, present, and future. 1874. L 3608 Scott, Sir W. The letters of Malach Mala- growther. 1892. L 3393 (In Saintsbury, G., ed. Political pamphlets, p. 249-295). Ship-money papers. 1895. B 2112, 3 Old South leaflets. Smart, W. Taxation of land values and the single tax. 1900. L 7228 An adverse criticism of the single tax. Tayler, W. The history of the taxation of England with an account of the rise and progress of the national debt. 1853. L3598 Tennant, C. The people's blue book; taxa- tion as it is and as it ought to be. 1S72. L7223 United States. Department of Commerce and Labor. Inheritance-tax laws. Digest of the principal features of the laws of Great Britain, France, and Germany, to- gether with an outline of inheritance taxa- tion in the United States and a collection of judicial decisions relating thereto. 1907. *Doc. Wagner, A. H. G. Finanzwissenschaft. 4v. 1883-99. • D 7100 (In Lehr-und Handbuch der politischen Oek- onomie). Wilson, A. J. The national budget; the national debt, taxes and rates. 1882. L 189, 5 (The English citizen). Wright, R. S. and Hobhouse, H. An out- line of local government and local taxa- tion in England and Wales. 18S4. L 3607 Finance and Taxation — France Casablanca, F. X., comte de. Des finances frangaises. 1880. C 4301 Foncin, P. F. C. Essai sur le ministere de Turgot. 1877. C 12379 Gomel, C. Histoire financiere de l'Assem- blee Constituante, 1789-1791. 2v. 1896-97. C 12553 Kimmich, K. Die Ursachen des niedrigen Kursstandes deutscher Staatsanleihen; eine Untersuchung iiber englischen, fran- zosischen und deutschen Staatskredit. 1906. D 7128, 77 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Le Tresor de la Rocque, H. Les finances de la republique: les chambres prodigues. 1884. C5719 Necker, J. De l'administration des finances de la France. 3v. 1784. C 6013 A treatise on the administration of the finances of France; tr. from the genuine French ed. of 1784 by T. Mortimer. 3v. 1785. A 1723 Stourm, R. Les finances de l'ancien regime et de la revolution; origines du systeme financier actuel. 2v. 1885. C 6837 Vauban, S. Le P., marquis de, marshal of France. Projet d'une dime royale. 1851. *C 12205, 1 (In Col. des principaux economistes. v. 1, p. 7-148). Vignes, £. Traite des impots en France. 2v. 1880. C 6948 Vuitry, A. Etudes sur le regime financier de la France avant la revolution de 1789. 1878. C 6954 Germany Bielfeld, H. Geschichte des magdeburg- ischen Steurwesens von der Reformations- zeit bis ins achtzehnte Jahrhundert. 1888. D 4785, 8 Blum, L. Die steuerliche Ausnutzung der Aktiengesellschaften in Deutschland. 1911. D 7128, 108 (Miichener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Bothe, F. Die Entwickelung der direkten Besteuerung in der Reichstadt Frankfurt bis zur Revolution 1612-1614. 1906. D 4785, 26 (Staats-und socialwissenschaftliche Forschungen). "Literaturverzeichnes"; p. xx-xxl. Damainoff, A. D. Die Zehentregulierung in Bayern. 1896. D 7128, 17 (Munchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 17 Stuck). 114 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hartwig, J. Der Liibecker Schoss bis zur Reformationszeit. 1903. D 4785, 21 (Schmoller, G., ed. Staats-und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Hoffman, L. Geschichte der direkten Steueren in Baiern vom Ende des XIII. bis zum Beginn des XIX. Jahrhunderts. 1883. D 4785, 4 Kimmich, K. Die Ursachen des niedrigen Kursstandes deutscher Staatsleihen; eine Untersuchung iiber englischen, franzo- sischen und deutschen Staatskredit. 1906. D 7128, 77 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 77. Stiick). Klein, A. Die zentrale Finanzverwaltung im deutschordensstaate Preussen am Anfang des xv. Jahrhunderts. 1904. D 4785, 23 (Staats-und social wissenschaftliche Forschungen. 23. bd., 2. hft). "Verzeichnis der benutzten Literatur"; p. 213-214. Meyer, A. Die deutschen Borsensteuern 1881-1900; ihre Geschichte und ihr Ein- fluss auf das Bankgeschaft. 1902. D 7128, 52 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 52. Stiick). "Quellenverzeichnis": p. xi-xii. Schaffle, A. E. F. Die Grundsatze der Steuerpolitik und die schwebenden Finanz- fragen Deutschlands und Oesterreichs. 1880. D 7071 Wagner, A. H. G. Finanzwissenschaft. 4v. 1883-99. D 7100 (Lehr-und Handbuch der politischen Oekonomie). Waldthausen, F. Der Bremer Vermogens- schoss im Rahmen der direkten Besteuer- ung im XIX Jahrhundert. 1911. D 7128, 111 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Zeumer, K. Die deutschen Stadtesteuern, insbesondere die stadtischen Reichsteuern im 12. und 13. Jahrhundert. 1878. D 4785, 1 (Staats-und socialwissensch. Forschungen. v. 1). Italy Veselovski, A. K. L'impot sur le revenu mobilier en Italic 1879. *V 1112 Russia Dillon, V. Russian finance: The racking of the peasantry, by E. B. Lanin, pseud. 1891. 17876 (In his Russian traits and terrors). Russlands Finanzen und die fortwah- rende Zunahme des auf die Bauern geiib- tcn Steuerdruckes, by E. S. Lanin, pseud. 1893. D 5854 (In his Russische Zustande). Stvedcn Hildebrand, H. O. H. Sveriges mynt under medeltiden; aftryck ur "Sveriges medel- tid." 1887. CC 11535 Switzerland Schanz, G. Die Steuern der Schweiz in ihrer Entwicklung seit Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts. 3v. 1890. D 7074 Spain Hennicke, A. Die Entwicklung der span- ischen Wahrung von 1868-1906. 1907. D 7128, 83 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien. 83. Stiick). "Literaturangabe," p. 123-128. Lawson, W. R. Spain of to-day, a descrip- tive, industrial & financial survey of the peninsula, with a full account of the Rio Tinto mines. 1890. I 6974 Marliana, M. de. Histoire politique de l'Espagne moderne, suivie d'un apercu sur les finances. 2v. 1840. C 12776 China Edkins, J. Chinese currency. 1901. L 7812 Contents: Currency in China; Copper; Silver; Gold; Eighteen essays on Chinese currency. Vissering, W. On Chinese currency; coin and paper money. 1877. L 4720 India Alston, L. Elements of Indian taxation; elements of the theory of taxation, with special reference to Indian conditions. 1910. L7202 Dutt, R. C. Open letters to Lord Curzon on famines and land assessments in India. 1900. A 3759 Fawcett, H. Indian finance; three essays. 1880. L 3763 Hyndman, H. M. The bankruptcy of India, including a chapter on the silver ques- tion. 1886. A 3718 Ramamohana Raya. Exposition of the practical operation of the judicial and revenue systems of India. 1832. L 239 Rogers, A. The land revenue of Bombay; a history of its administration, rise and progress. 2v. 1892. A 3735 Japan Collection of pamphlets on the financial and banking system of Japan. L7811 no. 1. The Bank of Japan. 2. The act and by-laws of the Bank of Japan. 3. An outline of banking system of Japan. 4. The Coinage law of Japan. 5. The financial system of Japan. 6. The national debts of Japan. 7. The foreign trade of Japan. 8. A brief outline of the leaf tobacco monopoly. Japan. Department of Finance. Financial and economical annual of Japan; no. :!-'.'<. 1902-03. *Doc. Report of the minister of finance fur the fust eight fiscal periods of Meiji | "be- ginning with the 1st year of Meiji (ISOS) and ending with the 6th month of the 8th year of Meiji (June. 1875)"]. 1880. *Doc. FINANCE AND TAXATION. 115 Report on the adoption of the gold standard in Japan, by Count Matsukata Masayoshi. 1899. *Doc. • Report on the post-bellum financial ad- ministration in Japan, 1896-1900, by Count Matsukata Masayoshi. 1901. *Doc. Philippine Islands Hord, J. S. Internal taxation in the Philip- pines. 1907. *L 3201, 25 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Finance and Taxation in Separate States of the U. S. Chapman, J. W. State tax commissions in the United States. 1S97. *L 3201, 15 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Ely, R. T. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888. L 3467 Hollander, J. H. Studies in state taxation with particular reference to the southern states. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). National Conference on State and Local Taxation. State and local taxation, 1st, 3d-6th annual conference. 5v. 1908-13. L7215 (3d and 4th conferences, called international conferences, under the auspices of the International Tax Association). California Plehn, C. C. The general property tax in California. 1897. L 6695, 2 (Amer. Econ. Asso. Econ. studies). Connecticut Jones, F. R. History of taxation in Con- necticut, 1636-1776. 1896. *L 3201, 14 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Georgia Schmeckebier, L. F. Taxation in Georgia. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Illinois Anthony, E. Report on the revenue system of Illinois. 1879. *Doc. Illinois. Special Tax Commission. A re- port on the taxation & revenue system of Illinois. Prepared for the Special Tax Commission of the state of Illinois by J. A. Fairlie. 1910. *Doc. . State Board of Equalization. Proceed- ings, 1869, 71, 75-1909. 35v. 1869-1909. *Doc. Kansas Benton, E. J. Taxation in Kansas. 1900. *L 3201. 18 Maryland Adams, T. S. Taxation in Maryland. 1900. *L3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Massachusetts Minot, W., jr. Taxation in Massachusetts. 1877. L3612 Mississippi Brough, C. H. Taxation in Mississippi. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). New Hampshire Robinson, M. H. A history of taxation in New Hampshire. 1902. " *L 6695, 3 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Econ. studies). New York Schwab, J. C. History of the New York property tax, an introduction to the his- tory of state and local finance in New York. 1890. *L3516, 5 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub.). North Carolina Barnett, G. E. Taxation in North Caro- lina. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Ohio Carver, T. N. The Ohio tax inquisitor law. 1898. *L 6695, 3 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Econ. studies). Pennsylvania Worthington, T. K. Historical sketch of the finances of Pennsylvania. 1887. ?L3516, 2 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub.). Vermont Wood, F. A. History of taxation in Ver- mont. 1894. L 6589, 4 (Columbia University. studies in history, economics and public law). Wisconsin Phelan, R. V. The financial history of Wis- consin. 1908. L 6697, 2 (University of Wisconsin. Bulletin). Snider, G. E. The taxation of the gross re- ceipts of railways in Wisconsin. 1906. *L 3516, 20 (Amer. Econ. Assoc. Pub.). Finance and Taxation Local and Municipal Blunden, G. H. Local taxation and finance. 1895. L 7203 (Social science series). Burhans, J. A. The law of municipal bonds: including a digest of statutory laws re- lating to their issue. 1889. N 5085 116 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Cannan, E. The history of local rates in England, five lectures. 1896. L 7206 (Studies in economics and political science). Cobden Club. Essays. [3d series] : Local government and taxation. 1S75. L 57 Elliott, E. C. Some fiscal aspects of pub- lic education in American cities. 1905. L 10284, 6 Ely, R. T. Taxation in American states and cities. 1888. L 3467 Goschen, G. J. Reports and speeches on local taxation. 1872. L221 Hollander, J. H., ed. Studies in state taxa- tion with particular reference to the southern states. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Korosi, J. Bulletin annuel des finances des grandes villes. 2v. 1879-80. _ C 5519 League of American Municipalities. The book of American municipalities, 1906-09. 4v . L 6196 Merriam, C. E. Report of an investigation of the municipal revenues of Chicago. 1906. B 3045, 2 (Publication no. 2. City club of Chicago). National Conference on State and Local Taxation. State and local taxation; 1st, 3d-6th annual conference, under the aus- pices of the National Tax Association, held 1907, 1909-1912. Addresses and pro- ceedings. 5v. 1908-1913. L7215 3d and 4th conferences, called International conferences, under the auspices of the International Tax Association. Nicholson, J. S. Rates and taxes as affect- ing agriculture. 1905. L 7209 (Social science series). O'Meara, J. J. Municipal taxation at home and abroad. 1894. L 6176 Palgrave, R. H. I. The local taxation of Great Britain and Ireland. 1871. L 3639 Rathbone, W. P. A. and Montague, F. C Local government and taxation. 18S5. L6473 (The imperial parliament). Schonberg, L. Die Technik des Finanz- haushalts der deutschen Stadte im Mittcl- alter. 1910. D 7128, 103 Straver, G. D. City school expenditures. 1901',. L 10284, 5 (Columbia University, Teachers College) Vineberg, S. Provincial and local taxation in Canada. 1912. L 6589, 52 I (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law;. Wright, R. S. and Hobhouse, H. An out- line of local government and local taxa- tion in England and Wales, excluding the metropolis; together with some consid- erations for amendment. 1844. L 3607 Chicago Chicago. Commission on City Expendi- tures, 1909. Preliminary report. llv. 1910. *Doc. Haskins & Sells. Letter transmitting report relating to system of municipal accounts for the city of Chicago, the necessary or- dinances and other data, dated November 20, 1901. 1901. *V2112 Report on the methods of accounting in the city of Chicago. 1901. *Doc. Report relating to system of municipal accounts for the city of Chicago, Nov. 20, 1901. *V2112 Special Assessments Rosewater, V. Special assessments; a study in municipal finance. 1893. L 6589, 2 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). National Debts Adams, H. C. Public debts: an essay in the science of finance. 1887. L 3723 Baxter, R. D. National debts. 1871. L 3764 Fenn, C. Fenn on the funds; being a hand- book of public debts, containing details and histories of the debts, budgets, and foreign trade of all nations. 1898. L 7666 Hock, C. Frcihcrr v. Die offentlichen Ab- gaben und Schulden. 1863. D 7023 Jordan, D. S. Unseen empire; a study ot the plight of nations that do not pay their debts. 1912. L 7631 Kimmich, K. Die Ursachen des Niedrigen Kursstandes deutscher Staatsanleihen; eine Untersuchung uber englischen. fran- zosischen und deutschen Staatskredit. 1906. D 7128, 77 Ross, E. A. Sinking funds. 1892. *L3516, 7 (American Economic Association). Schilling, T. London als Anleihemarkt der englischen Kolonien. 1911. D 7128, 110 State Debts Scott, W. A. The repudiation of state debts. 1893. L 3768 (Library of economics and politics). Trotter, A. Observations on the financial position and credit of such of the states of the North American union as have contracted public debts. 1839. L 4696 Public Accounting Allcock, J. Municipal accounts. 1903. L 8326, 21 (The Accountants' library). Cleveland, F. A. Chapters on municipal ad- ministration and accounting. 1909. L7963 Conference on Uniform Municipal Account- ing. _>f tlie second conference held in the city of Washington, February 13 and 14. 1906, under the auspices of the United States Bureau of the census. 1906. *Doc. TARIFF. 117 Haskins & Sells, pub. Report on the methods of accounting of the city of Chi- cago. 1901. *Doc. Macpherson, F. H. Municipal accounting; a comprehensive treatise on the subject of municipal accounts, illustrated by spec- imens of improved forms of books and re- ports. 1901. L8361 Tariff, Customs Duties General and Historical United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of works on the tariffs of foreign countries. 1906. *Q 2104, 27 Ashley, P. W. L. Modern tariff history: Germany, United States, France. 1904. L7082 Ashley, W. J. The tariff problem. 1904. L7084 Both sides of the tariff question, by the world's leading men. 1890. L 3539 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade be- tween the United Kingdom and the United States, with special reference to the effect of tariffs. 1899. L 8088 Fisk, G. M. Continental opinion regarding a proposed middle European tariff-union. 1902. *L 3201, 20' (Johns _ Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). International commercial policies, with special reference to the United States. 1907. L 8163 Furber, H. W., ed. Which? Protection, free trade, or revenue reform; a collec- tion of the best articles on both sides of this great national issue. 1888. L 3602 Hornbeck, S. K. The most-favored-nation clause in commercial treaties, its function in theory and in practice and its relation to tariff policies. 1910. L 6697, 6 Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 343. Economics and political science series, vol. 6, no. 2. Macgregor, J. The commercial and finan- cial legislation of Europe and America. 1841. L3567 Schraut, M. System der Handelsvertrage und der Meistbegiinstigung. 1884. D 622 Schueller, R. Schutzzoll und Freihandel; die Voraussetzungen und Grenzen ihrer Berechtigung. 1905. D 7178 Controversial Works on Tariff Free Trade Allen, J. H. The tariff and its evils; or. Protection which does not protect. 1888. L3505 (Questions of the day). Armitage-Smith, G. The free-trade move- ment and its results. 1898. L 7148 Atkinson, E. Facts and figures the basis of economic science. 1904. L 7085 Taxation and work; a series of treatises on the tariff and the currency. 1892. L3535 Bastable, C. F. Commerce of nations. 1892. L 3570 (Social questions of to-day). Theory of international trade; with some of its applications to economic pol- icy. 1887. L 3495 Bastiat, F. Economic sophisms; tr. by P. J. Stirling. 1873. L 446 Sophisms of the protectionists. 1873. L445 — —What is free trade? 1874. L475 Blair, L. H. Unwise laws; a consideration of the_ operations of a protective tariff upon industry, commerce and society. 1886. L3450 (Questions of the day). Brace, C. L. Free trade as promoting peace and good will among men. 1879. *L469, 16 (Economic monographs). Butts, I. Protection and free trade. 1875. L398 Buxton, E. N. The a b c of free trade; an address delivered to the West Ham Lib- eral Association. 1882. *L 68 Chamberlain, N. H. What's the matter? or, Our tariff and its taxes. 1890. L 3519 Chevalier, M. Examen du systeme commer- cial connu sous le nom de Systeme pro- tecteur. 1852. C 12661 Dixwell, G. B. The premises of free trade examined. 1881. L 476 Donnell, E. J. Outlines of a new science. 1889. L3497 (Questions of the day). Ely, R. T. Problems of to-day; a discus- sion of protective tariffs, taxation, and monopolies. 1888. L3469 Farquhar, A. B. and Farquhar, H. Economic and industrial delusions, a discussion of the case for protection. 1891. LS544 Fawcett, H. Free trade and protection. 1S85. L3502 Free Traders and Revenue Reformers. Na- tional conference; under the auspices of the American Free Trade League, Chi- cago, Nov. 11 and 12, 1885. L 3447 George, H. Protection or free trade; an examination of the tariff question with special regard to the interests of labor. 1886. L 3448 Same. 1898. *J 125, 5 Gill, R. Free trade; an inquiry into the nature of its operation. 1887. L 3501 Free trade under protection. 1889. L7145 Grosvenor, W. M. Dees protection pro- tect? examination of effect of different forms of tariff upon American industry. 1871. L441 118 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hawley, R. An essay on free trade. 1878. *L 469, 10 Jordan, D. S. The fate of Iciodorum, being the story of a city made rich by taxation. 1909. L6715 Lieb, H. The protective tariff, what it does for us. 1890. L3462 M'Donnell, A. Free trade; or. An inquiry into the expediency of the present corn laws. 1826. L 3596 Mallet, Sir L. Free exchange; papers on political and economical subjects. 1891. L3543 Mongredien, A. Wealth-creation. 1883. L491 Phear, Sir J. B. International trade, and the relation between exports and imports. 1881. L477 Pierce, F. The tariff and the trusts. 1907. L7141 Powell, Sir G S. B. Protection and bad times; with special reference to the politi- cal economy of English colonization. 1879. L404 Seymour, H. W. The Chicago herald: Ed- itorials that won, arguments that live. 1892. L 3604 Slagg, J. Free trade and tariffs. 1881. L 68, 1 Smith, G. A. The free-trade movement and its results. 1898. L 7148 Springer, W. M. Tariff reform, the para- mount issue, speeches and writings on the questions involved in the presidential con- test of 1892. 1892. L3536 Sumner, W. G. Protectionism; the -ism which teaches that waste makes wealth. 1885. L3436 Taylor, E. Is protection a benefit? a plea for the negative. 1888. L 3465 True or false finance, the issue of 1888. L6321 (Questions of the day). White, G. Political economy. 1888. L3617 (An examination of the 1 working of the American tariff laws). Wise, B. R. Facts and fallacies of modern protection. 1879. L 3603 Protection Baker, W. E. S. Battle of Coney Island; or, Free trade overthrown. 188:5. L 3407 Burgis, E. Perils to British trade; how to avert them. L895. L 7090 (Social science seizes). Byles, Sir J. B. Sophisms of free-trade and popular political economy examined. 1891. L3498 Carey, H. C. Harmony of interests; agri- cultural, manufacturing and commercial. 1883. L3474 Cooper, P. Ideas for a science of good gov- ernment. 1883. L 3204 Letters on the necessity there is for a wise discriminating tariff to protect American labor and insure a speedy re- turn to specie payments. 1866. *L 171 Crehore, W. W. Protection's brood; a presentation of the direct and indirect consequences of the continuance of a pro- tective tariff system in the United States, — and a discussion of some of the serious problems Which have naturally arisen in connection with or because of too long an adherence to a protective policy. 1912. L7146 Curtiss, G. B. Protection and prosperity. 1896. L 7083 Dixwell, G. B. The premises of free trade examined. 1881. L 478 Review of Bastiat's sophisms of pro- tection. 1883. L480 Given, W. The tariff riddle; a key thereto in an old debate. 1892. L 3538 Greeley, H. Essays designed to elucidate the science of political economy, while serving to explain and defend the policy of protection to home industry. 1874. L438 Hewes, F. W. and McKinley, W., jr. What are the facts? protection and reciprocity. 1892. L3554 Hoyt, H. M. Protection versus free trade. 1886. L3441 Kirkup, T. Progress and the fiscal problem. 1905. L 6592 Low, A. M. Protection in the United States; a study of the origin and growth of the American tariff system, and its eco- nomic and social influences. 1904. L7190 Mackenzie, V. St.C. The dynamics of the fiscal problem. 1904. L 7784 Mangold, G. B. The labor argument in the American protective tariff discussion. 1908. L 6697, 5 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin). Patten, S. N. The economic basis of pro- tection. 1890. L3541 Poor, H. V. Twenty-two years of protec- tion. 1888. L3601 Roberts, E. H. Government revenue, espe- cially the American system; an argument for industrial freedom. 1884. L 3410 Rosewater, F. No more free rides on this jackass; or, Protection forever and every- where. 1882. L474 Scanlan, J. F. Why Ireland is poor; a tariff and free trade lesson for the American people. 1880. L 3504 TARIFF. 119 Stebbins, G. B. The American protection- ist's manual. 1883. L 3403 Thompson, R. E. Protection to home in- dustry; four lectures. 1886. L 3477 Social science and national economy. 1875. L 796 ("An exposition by a teacher favorable to pro- tection"). Welsford, J. W. The strength of nations. 1907. L7110 Williams, E. E. The case for protection. 1899. L7169 Young, J. P. Protection and progress; a study of the economic bases of the Amer- ican protective system. 1900. L 7170 Reciprocity United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of references on reciprocity. 1910. *0 2102 Select list of books, with references to periodicals, on reciprocity with Canada. 2V. 1907-1911. *0 2104, 24 Chamberlain, J. The French treaty and reciprocity. 1881. L 68, 2 Cudmore, P. Buchanan's conspiracy, the Nicaragua canal, and reciprocity. 1892. L7081 Derby, E. H. A preliminary report on the treaty of reciprocity with Great Britain, to regulate the trade between the United States and the provinces of British North America. 1866. *L 169 France and the United States; their present commercial relations considered with ref- erence to a treaty of reciprocity. 1878. *L 469, 9 Hewes, F. W. and McKinley, W. jr. What are the facts? protection and reciprocity illustrated. 1892. L3554 International American Conference, Wash- ington, D. C. Reports and recommenda- tions. 1890. L 3385 Same. *Doc. Laughlin, J. L. and Willis, H. P. Reci- procity. 1903. L 7095 Medley, G. W. The reciprocity craze. 1881. L68, 2 Robbins, E. C., comp. Selected articles on reciprocity. 1913. L 7096 (Debaters' handbook series). Western Economic Society. Reciprocity with Canada; the topic of the first meet- ing of the Society held in Chicago June 3, 1911. Civics Room (Publications of the Western Economic Society. Proceedings, vol. 1, pt. 1). Tariff by Countries United States United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on wool, with special reference to the tariff. 1911. *0 2104, 52 Andrews, H. T. States customs Same. Ashley, P. W. L. Germany, United A manual of the United laws. 1904. N 5247 *R3375 Modern tariff history: States, France. 1904. L7082 Congressional record. Story of a tariff; the tariff act of 1909. 1910. L 7087 Fisk, G. M. International commercial poli- cies, with special reference to the United States. 1907. L8163 Low, A. M. Protection in the United States; a study of the origin and growth of the American tariff system. 1904. L7190 Protection in various countries. McKinley, W. The tariff; a review of the tariff legislation of the United States from 1812-1896. 1904. L 7139 Mason, D. H. A short tariff history of the United States, from the earliest to the present time. 1884. L 7137 Morgan, S. T. and Masson, W. H., comp. Morgan's United States tariff. 1897. L7140 Myers, O. A. Questions national and of national importance to every American citizen. 1896. L 6264 Pierce, F. The tariff and the trusts. 1907. L7141 Rabbeno, U. The American commercial policy, three historical essays. 1895. L7100 Shaw, A., ed. The national revenues; a col- lection of papers by American economists. 1888. L3464 Stanwood, E. American tariff controversies in the nineteenth century. 1903. L 7142 Sumner, W. G. Lectures on the history of protection in the United States. 1888. L3559 Tarbell, I. M. The tariff in our times. 1911. L7143 Taussig, F. W. The history of the present tariff, 1860-83. 1885. L 3424 Protection to young industries as ap- plied in the United States; a study in economic history. 1883. L 437 State papers and speeches on the tariff. 1892. L3545 The tariff history of the United States. 1888. L3476 Terrell, W. G., comp. An appeal to the American people as a jury; speeches on the tariff. 1888. L 3468 120 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Ashworth, Cobden, League. Thompson, R. \V. The history of protective tariff laws. 1888. L 3478 Thompson, T. O. The tariff; its use and abuse. 1884. *L 139 United States. 55th Congress, special ses- sion. The Dingley tariff bill, 1897. L7130 War Department. Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Cuba in posses- sion of the United States. 1898. *Doc. Customs tariff and regulations for ports in Porto Rico in possession of the United States. 1898. *Doc. Customs tariff and regulations for the Philippine islands. 1898. *Doc. Vandegrift & Co., F. B. Handbook of the United States tariff. 1908. L 7144 Great Britain H. Recollections of Richard M. P., and the Anti-Corn-Law 1879. L 3486 Atton, H. and Holland, H. H. The king's customs; an account of maritime revenue & contraband traffic in England, Scotland, and Ireland. 1908. L 7086 Balfour, A. J. Economic notes on insular free trade. 1903. L 7089 Berkeley, H. Wealth and welfare; or, Our national trade policy and its cost. 1887. L3475 Bigelow, E. B. The tariff policy of England and the United States contrasted. 1877. L396 Chapman, S. J. The history of trade be- tween the United Kingdom and the United States with special reference to the effect of tariffs. 1899. L 8088 Chester, W. D. Chronicles of the customs department. 1885. L 3809 Cotterill, C. F. The civil freedom of trade. 1856. L3595 Cox, H., ed. British industries under free 1904. L 7088 Balfour's pamphlet; a reply. 1903. L7091 Cox, S. S. Free land and free trade; the lessons of the English corn laws applied to the United States. 18S0. L 399 Dunckley, H. The charter of the nations; or, Free trade and its results. 1854. L 412 Dunckley, H. and others. Richard Cobden and the jubilee of free trade. 189G. L 7147 Farrer, Sir T. H. Free trade versus fair trade. 1904, L 3503 Gill, R. Free trade; an inquiry into the na- ture of its operation. 1887. L 3501 Free trade under protection. 1889. L7145 Hall, II. A history of the custom-revenue in England, from the earliest times t<> the year 1827. 2v. 1825. L 3823 trade. -Mr. Jevons, W. S. The match tax; a problem in rinance. 1871. L 995 Lauderdale, J. M. 8th earl of. A letter on the corn laws. 1814. *L 3560 Levy, H. Die Not der englischen Land- wirte zur Zeit der hohen Getreidezolle. 1902. D 7128, 56 Lubbock, Sir J., 1st baron Avebury. Free trade. 1904. L 7150 M'Donnell, A. Free trade; or, An inquiry into the expediency of the present corn laws, the relations with our foreign and colonial trade. 1826. L 3596 Malthus, T. R. The grounds of an opinion on the policy of restricting the importa- tion of foreign corn. 1815. *L 3560 Observations on the effects of the corn laws. 1814. *L 3560 Mongredien, A. History of the free-trade movement in England. 1881. L 403 Nicholson, J. S. The history of the English corn laws. 1904. L 7092 A project of empire; a critical study of the economics of imperialism, with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith. 1909. L6754 Richelot, H. Histoire de la reforme com- merciale en Angleterre. 2v. 1853. C 6378 Root, J. W. The trade relations of the British empire. 1903. L 7105 Smith, G. A. The free-trade movement and its results. 1898. L 7148 (Victorian era series). Sullivan, Sir E. R. Protection to native in- dustry. 1870. L415 Same. 1884. L 3463 Trumbull, M. M. The American lesson of the free trade struggle in England. 1884. L3419 -A history of the free trade struggle in England. 1882. L 406 Unionist Free Trade Club, London. Notes. 1906-08. L7151 Villiers, C. P. Free trade speeches. 2v. 1883. L 7149 Vocke, W. Geschichte der Steuern des britischen Reichs. 1866. D 7092 Williams, A. Facts for philosophers. 1849. L3506 France France. Lotus, statutes, etc. Customs tariff of France. 1907. *Doc. Franke, B. Der Ausbau des heutigen Schut- zoll systems in Krankreich und seine Wirkungen im Lichte der Handelsstatis- tik. L903, D 4785, 22 Guyot, Y. The French corn laws. L888. L3484 SOCIALISM, COMM UN ISM. 121 The sugar question in 1901. 1901. L7093 Germany Bienengraber, A. ed. Statistik des Verkehrs und Verbrauchs im Zollverein, 1842-64. 1868. D4721 Dawson, W. H. Protection in Germany; a history of German fiscal policy during the nineteenth century. 1904. L 7191 Fisk, G. M. Die handelspolitischen und sonstigen volkerrechtlichen Beziehungen swischen Deutschland und den Vereinig- ten Staaten von Amerika. 1897. D 7128, 20 Goldstein, J. Deutschlands Sodaindustrie in Verganheit und Gegenwart. Ein krit- ischer Beitrag zur Geschichte der deutsch- en Zollpolitik. 1896. D 7128, 13 Kestner, F. Die deutschen Eisenzolle 1879- 1900. 1902. D 4785, 21 Nitzsche, M. Die handelspolitische Reak- tion in Deutschland. 1905. D 7128, 72 Sering, M. Geschichte der preussisch- deutschen Eisenzolle von 1818 bis zur Ge- genwart. 1882. D 4785, 3 Todorovits, M. A. Einheitliche Zollgebeite deren Enstehung und deren Wirkungen. 1908. D 7128, 87 Socialism, Communism, Anarchism Socialism General Works Ely, R. T. Bibliography. 1894. L 4542 (In his Socialism, p. 399-442). Menger, A. Bibliography of the English Socialist school. 1899. L 9048 (In his Right to the whole produce of labor, p. 189-267). Nettlau, M. Bibliographic de l'anarchie. 1897. *Q2618 Including individualist criticisms of socialism as well as anarchistic literature. Stammhammer, J. Bibliographic des So- cialisms und Communismus. 2v. 1893- 1900. *0 278 Stein, L. v. Bibliographic des Socialismus und Communismus. 1848. D 7084 (In his Socialismus. p. 574-590). Barker, J. E. British socialism; an exam- ination of its doctrines, policy, aims and practical proposals. 1908. L 9007 Bernstein, E. Evolutionary socialism; a criticism and affirmation. (Die Voraus- setzungen des Sozialismus und die Auf- gaben der Sozialdemokratie). 1909. L9006 (The socialist library). Biedermann, F. K. Vorlesungen uber So- zialismus und soziale Fragen. 1847. D3093 Bliss, W. D. P. A handbook of socialism. 1895. L 9013 Bourguin, M. Les systemes socialistes et revolution economique. 1906. CC 1401 Boyle, J. What is socialism? An exposi- tion and a criticism, with special refer- ence to the movement in America and England. 1912. L 9088 Branting, K. H. Socialismen; en historisk franstallning. 1892. .CC 11739,5 (Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter). Brooks, J. G. The social unrest; studies in labor and socialist movements. 1903. L7430 Brown, T. E. Studies in modern socialism. 1886. L 4035 Bibliography, p. 235-268. Cossa, L. Contemporary theories of social- ism. 1893. L3561 (In his Introduction to the study of political economy, p. 515-549). Cross, I. B. The essentials of socialism. 1912. L 9093 Duhring, E. K. Kritische Geschichte der Nationalokonomie und des Socialismus. 1871. D 4773 Eichthal, E. d\ Socialisme, communisme, et collectivisme. 1892. C 4832 Ely, R. T. Socialism, an examination of its nature, its strength, and its weakness, with suggestions for social reform. 1894. L 4542 (Library of economics and politics). Friedlaender, B. Die vier Hauptrichtungen der modernen socialen Bewegung. Marx- istische Socialdemokratie, Anarchismus, Eugen Duhrings socialities System und Henry Georges neophysikratie Kritisch und Vergleichend. 2v. 1901. D 7179 Geschichte des Socialismus in Einzeldar- stellungen. 2v. in 3. 1895-98. D 7181 v. 1. Krautsky and others. Die Vorlaufer des neueren Socialismus. 2. Mehring. Geschichte der deutschen So- cialdemokratie. Graham, W. Socialism, new and old. 1891. L4200 (International scientific series). Guthrie, W. B. Socialism before the French revolution; a history. 1907. L 8596 Hillquit, M. Socialism in theory and prac- tice. 1909. L9011 Socialism summed up. 1913. L 9091 Contents: pt. I. The socialist philosophy and movement; pt. II. Socialism and reform. Appendix. Historical sketch of the socialist movement: Huber, J. N. Kleine Schriften. 1871. D3004 122 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hunter, W. R. Socialists at work. 1908. L9034 Kauffman, R. W. What is socialism. 1910. L9024 Kaufmann, M. Socialism and communism in their practical application. 1883. L3964 A history of communistic experiments. Socialism and modern thought. 1895. L9041 (Social questions of to-day). Kautsky, K. and others. Die Vorlaufer des neueren Socialismus. 1895. D 7181, 1 (In Geschichte des Socialismus in Einzeldar- stellungen). Kelly, E. Twentieth century socialism; what it is not; what it is; how it may come. 1910. L9029 Kirkup, T. A history of socialism. 1892. L4467 Companion volume entitled: An inquiry into socialism. 1907. L 9045 A primer of socialism. 1908. L 9057 Laveleye, E. L. V. de. Le socialisme con- temporain. 1885. C 5658 The socialism of to-day. 1885. L4027 Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and liberty. 2v. 1896. L6248 London, J. War of the classes. 1905. L7379 Contents: The class struggle; The tramp; The scab; The question of the maximum; A review; Wanted: a new law of development; How I became a socialist. Lowenthal, E. The Ricardian socialists. 19 11. L 6589, 461 Contents: William Thompson; John Gray; Thomas Hodgskin; John Francis Bray. (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). Macdonald, J. R. The socialist movement. 1911. J J 327, 10 (Home university library of modern knowledge). Mackail, J. W. The parting of the ways. 1903. L9094 An address upon liberalism and socialism. M'Kechnie, W. S. The state and the indi- vidual, an introduction to political science with special reference to socialistic ^and individualistic theories. 1896. Malon, B. Histoire du socialisme. Der Capitalismus L6214 1879-80. C5785 fin de D7054 vierten D 4732 vierten D4733 Meyer, R. H. siecle. 1894. Der Emancipationskampf des Standes. 2v. 1875-82. Der Emancipationskampf des Standes in Deutschland. 1874. A selection from his larger work. Muckle, F. Die Geschichte der sozialisti- schen Ideen ini 19. Jahrhundert. 2v. 1909. D 18230 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt). Nathan, Sir N. Economic heresies; being an unorthodox attempt to appreciate the economic problems presented by "things as they are." 1909. L6617 Newton, R. H. Social studies. 18S7. L 4050 Apx. contains list of books on socialism. Orth, S. P. Socialism and democracy in Europe. 1913. L 9095 Bibliography: p. 273-279. Pastor, D. N. Los problemas del social- ismo. 1867. " CC 9872, 4 (In his Obras. v. 4). Pdhlmann, R. Geschichte des antiken Kom- munismus und Sozialismus. 2v. 1893- 1901. D 13044 Radenhausen, C. Die Socialdemokratie; ihre Wahrheiten und ihre Irrtumer. 1885. D7058 Rae, J. Contemporary socialism. 1884. L3988 Reybaud, M. R. L. fitudes sur les reforma- teurs ou socialistes modernes. 2v. 1864. C6475 Russell, H. A. Constructive socialism. 1910. L9079 Sargant, W. L. Robert Owen and his so- cial philosophy. 1860. L 610 Social innovators and their schemes. 1858. L 609 Say, J. B. L. Le socialisme d'etat; confer- ences faites au Cercle Saint-Simon. 1884. C6640 Schaffle, A. E. F. Die Quintessenz des So- cialismus. 1891. D 7073 The quintessence of socialism. 1S91. L3913 Same. K 7232, 12 (In Humboldt library of popular science liter- ature, v. 12). Scudder, V. D. Socialism and character. 1912. L9081 Skelton, O. D. Socialism; a critical analysis. 1911. L6835 Hart, Schaffner & Marx prize essays. Socialism and individualism. 190S. L 9014, 3 (Fabian socialist series). Socialism and religion, by S. D. Hcadlam and others. 1908. L 9014, 1 (Fabian socialist series, no. 1, reprinted from Fabian tracts, revised). Socialism and the great state; essays in con- struction. 1912. L9076 Soetbeer, H. Die Stcllung der Sozialisten zur Malthusschen Revdlkerungslehre. 1886. *V977 Sombart, W. Socialism and the social movement. 1909. L 9073 Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century. 1898. L 9066 Sozialismus und soziale Bewegung. 1908. D 18181 Spalding, J. L., bp. Socialism and labor and other arguments, social, political, and patriotic. 1902. L 7392 SOCIALISM 123 Spargo, J. Applied socialism; a study of the application of socialistic principles to the state. 1912. L 9096 Syndicalism, industrial unionism and so- cialism. 1913. L 7518 Spargo, J. and Arner, G. B. L. Elements of socialism; a text-book. 1912. L 9098 Sprague, F. M. Socialism from genesis to revelation. 1893. L 9070 Stoddart, J. T. The new socialism, an im- partial inquiry. 1909. L 9059 Stoepel, F. Die freie Gesellschaft; Versuch einer Schlichtung des Streites zwischen Individualismus und Socialismus. 1881. D4647 Taylor, G. R. S. Leaders of socialism, past and present. 1910. L 9075 Tugan-Baranovskii, M. I. Modern social- ism hi its historical development. 1910. L9077 Vedder, H. C. Socialism and the ethics of Jesus. 1912. L9099 Walling, W. E. Socialism as it is; a sur- vey of the world-wide revolutionary move- ment. 1912. L9103 Woods, R. A. English social movements. 1891. L3915 Woolsey, T. D. Communism and socialism in their history and theory. 1888. L 628 Wyzewa, T. de. Le mouvement socialiste en Europe; les hommes et les idees. 1892. C 13271 Periodicals 4v. 1906- *Ser. International socialist review, 1908. Nationalist, The. 3v. 1889-91. *Ser„ Neue Gesellschaft, Die. 2v. 1878-79. *Ser. Peuple, Le. 1848-49. *Ser. To-day. llv. in 7. 1884-89. *Ser. Anti- Socialistic Works Berkowitz, H. Judaism on the social ques- tion. 1888. L4092 Block, M. La quintessence du socialisme de la chaire. 1878. C 4229 Bohmert, C. V. Der Socialismus und die Arbeiter-Frage. 1872. D 4734 Bourguin, M. Les systemes socialistes et 1'evolution economique. 1906. CC 1401 Buchanan, R. W. The coming terror, and other essays and letters. 1891. E2027 Carnegie, A. Problems of today: wealth — labor — socialism. 1908. L 6584 Cathrein, V. Socialism; its theoretical basis and practical application. 1904. L 9090 Cook, J. Socialism; with preludes on cur- rent events. 1880. E 2209 (Boston Monday lectures). Diven, T. J. Diseased communities. 1911. 19347 Dodd, Mrs. A. B. B. The republic of the future; or, Socialism a reality. 1887. E2375 Satire of socialism in the form of letters written in the 21st century. Donisthorpe, W. Individualism; a system of politics. 1889. L 3381 Law in a free state. 1895. L 6216 Eichthal, E. d'. Socialisme, communisme, et collectivisme. 1892. C 4832 Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. 1898. L 6510 Giddings, F. H. The theory of sociology. 1894. L 85S3 Gilman, N. P. Socialism and the American spirit. 1893. L 4468 Guyot, Y. Socialistic fallacies. 1910. L9031 The tyranny of socialism. 1894. L 4541 Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. The coming individualism. 1895. L 6705 Harris, G. Inequality and progress. 1897. L8601 Hirsch, M. Democracy versus socialism. 1901. L 9033 Hitchcock, R. D. Socialism. 1879. L 627 Lauer, S. Social laws. 1901. L 7416 LeBon, G. The psychology of socialism. 1899. L 9046 Le Rossignol, J. E. Orthodox socialism. 1907. L 8624 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. Collectivism; a study of some of the leading social questions of the day. 1908. L 9016 Le collectivisme. 1885. C 5550 Essai sur la repartition des richesses et sur la tendance a une moindre inegalte des conditions. 1888. C 5551 Libloy, F. S. v. Der Socialismus und die Internationale. 1875. D 4774 Lilienfeld, P. v. Gedanken iiber die Social- wissenschaft der Zukunft. 5v. in 3. 1873- 81. D 3236 McDermott, C. H. The gospel of greed. 1908. L 9036 Mackay, T., ed. A plea for liberty. 1891. L4196 A policy of free exchange. 1894. L3568 Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and evolution. 1898. L 8663 A critical examination of socialism. 1907. ' L 9047 Labour and the popular welfare. 1893. L4511 Social equality; a short study in a miss- ing science. 1882. L652 124 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Means, D. M. Industrial freedom. 1897. L7457 Meline, F. T. The return to the land. 1907. L6635 Menger, A. The right to the whole produce of labour. 1899. L 9048 Molinari, G. de. Comment se resoudra la question sociale. 1S96. C 12873 The society of to-morrow. 1904. L 6436 Naquet, A. Collectivism and the socialism of the liberal school. 1891. L 4457 (Social science series). Socialisme collectiviste et socialisme liberal. 1S90. C 6064 Nicholson, J. S. Historical progress and ideal socialism. 1894. L 4539 Raumer, K. v. Das Familienleben des niederen Volker unter Beriicksichtigung der Lehren der Social-Demokratie. 1878. D4746 Reybaud, M. R. L. Etudes sur les reforma- teurs ou socialistes modernes. 1864. C6475 Richter, E. Pictures of the socialistic fu- ture, freely adapted from Bebel. 1893. L9050 Sanders, G. A. Reality; or, Law and order vs. Anarchy and socialism, reply to Ed- ward Bellamy's Looking backward, and Equality. 1898. L 9130 Sargant, W. L. Social innovators and their schemes. 1858. L 609 Say, J. B. L. Le socialisme d'etat: confer- ences faites au Cercle Saint-Simon. 1884. C6640 Schaeffle, A. E. F. Die Aussichtslosigkeit der Socialdemokratie. 1885. D 4769 The impossibility of social democracy. 1892. L 9069 Kapitalismus und Socialismus. 1870. D4751 The quintessence of socialism. 1891. L3913 Die Quintessenz des Socialismus. 1891. D 7073 Socialism; its nature, its dangers and its remedies considered. 1874. L 4075 The theory and policy of labour pro- tection. L893. L4503 (Social science series). Schuster, R. Die Social-Demokratie. 1876. D4719 Scudder, M. L., jr. The labor-value fallacy. 1884. L3412 Simonson, G. A plain examination of so- cialism. 1900. L 9068 (Social science series). Smith, B. Liberty and liberalism. 18S7. L3182 Sociale Fragen und Antworten. D 4753 Spalding, J. L. Socialism and labor and other arguments, social, political, and patriotic. 1902. L 7392 Spencer, H.. The man versus the state. 1884. L3203 Social statics. 1868. L 792 Same, abridged and revised, together with The man versus the state. 1903. L3890 Same. 1897. L 791 Strachey, J. St. L. The problems & perils of socialism. 1908. L9051 Sumner, W. G. What social classes owe to each other. 1S83. L 3965 Towler, W. G. Socialism in local govern- ment. 1909. L9071 Treitschke, H. G. v. Der Socialismus und seiner Gonner. 1875. D 7088 Triggs, O. L. The changing order; a study of democracy. 1905. L 8654 Tunzelmann, G. W. v. The superstition called socialism. 1911. L 9078 Van Ornum, W. H. Why government at all? 1892. L3329 Weeden, W. B. The social law of labor. 1882. L926 Wilson, W. L. The menace of socialism. 1909. L9054 Winterer, L. The social danger. 1886. L4047 Worthington, H. S. Millionism vs. social- ism; or, Timocracy vs. democracy. 1912. L8677 Wyzewa, T. de. Le mouvement socialiste en Europe; les homines et les idees. 1892. C 13271 Pro-Socialistic Works Aveling, E. B. The students' Marx. 1895. L7381 Bax, E. B. Ethics of socialism. L 3910 Outlooks from the new standpoint. 1891. L4462 (Social science series). The religion of socialism. 18S6. L 4168 Bernstein, E. Evolutionary socialism: a criticism and affirmation. 1909. L 9006 (The socialist library). Ferdinand Lassalle as a social reformer. 1893. L 9008 Blanc, J. J. L. Organisation du travail. L850. C4239 Blanqui, L. A. Critique sociale. 2v. L885. C 12040 Blatchford, R. Merrie England. 1895. L9015 Blissard, \Y. The ethic of usury and inter- est. 1892. L8541 SOCIALISM 125 Brisbane, A. Social destiny of man; or, Association and reorganization of indus- try. 1840. L 4022 Brisbane, A. and Fourier, F. M. C. Intro- duction to Fourier's theory of social or- ganization. 2v. 1876. L3981 (In Sociological series, no. 1: General intro- duction to social science. 1876). Cohen, J. E. Socialism for students. 1910. L9092 Considerant, V. P. Destinee sociale. 3v. in 2. 1837-38. C 4389 Engels, F. The origin of the family, private property and the state. 1902. L 8684 j Socialism, Utopian and scientific. 1892. L9030 Ensor, R. C. K., ed. Modern socialism, as set forth by socialists in their speeches, writings, and programmes. 1904. L 9009 Fabian tracts, nos. 1 to 124. 1884-1905. L9012 Fauconnier, £. La question sociale: rente, interet, societe de l'avenir. 1878. C 4841 Ferri, E. Socialism and modern science (Darwin-Spencer-Marx). 1904. L 8555 Fourier, F. M. C. CEuvres completes. 6v. 1846-4S. C 4973 Selections from the works of Fourier. 1901. L8664 Social science. 2v. 1876. L3981 Ghent, W. J. Socialism and success. 1910. L9072 Godin, J. B. A. Social solutions, tr. by M. Howland. 1886. L 4513 Solutions sociales. 187.1. C 12481 Griffin, C. S. Nationalism. 1889. L 8594 Gronlund, L. The co-operative common- wealth; an exposition of socialism. 1896. L4046 The new economy, a peacable solution of the social problem. 1898. L 6343 Our destiny; the influence of socialism on morals and religion. 1890. L 3895 (Social science series). Hall, G. R. Human evolution; an inductive study of man. 1902. L 8593 Hardie, J. K. From serfdom to socialism. 1907. " L9032 Herve, G. My country, right or wrong. 1910. L 11410 Hole, J. Lectures on social science and the organization of labor. 1851. L 812 Hyndman, H. M. Commercial crises of the 19th century. 1892. L 4763 The historical basis of socialism in Eng- land. 1883. L3999 Hyndman, H. M. and Morris, W. A sum- mary of the principles of socialism. 1884. L4484 Jaures, J. L. Studies in socialism. 1906. L8661 Jones, H. T. Revolution. 1907. L 9035 Junqua, P. F. De la sagesse dans la produc- tion et de la fraternite dans la consom- mation. 1879. C 5358 Kelly, E. Government; or, Human evolu- tion. 2v. 1900-01. L6432 Kempner, N. Commonsense socialism. 1887. L4057 La Monte, R. R. Men versus the man; a correspondence between R. R. Monte, so- cialist, and H. L. Mencken, individualist. 1910. L9025 Lassalle, F. Herr Bastiat-Schulze von Delitzsch. 1864. D 4706 Science and the workingmen. 1900. L7415 Ueber Verfassungswesen. 1862. D 4644 Mackail, J. W. The parting of the ways. 1903. L9094 Socialism and politics. 1903. L 9040 Mann, N. M. Import and outlook of social- ism. 1910. L9037 Mills, W. T. The product-sharing village. 1894. L4519 The struggle for existence. 1904. L9049 Morris, W. Art and socialism. 1884. L4454 Signs of change. 1888. L 4131 Morris, W. and Bax, E. B. Socialism; its growth & outcome. 1893. L 4540 Olin, C. H. Socialism. 1908. L 9027 Plekhanov, G. Anarchism and socialism. 1909. L9128 Russell, C. E. Why I am a socialist. 1910. L9053 Russell, H. A. Constructive socialism. 1910. L9079 Sauriac, X. Un systeme d'organisation so- ciale. 1880. C 6735 Scudder, V. D. Socialism and character. 1912. L9081 Shaw, G. B. Socialism and superior brains. 1910. L 9014, 8 Shaw, G. B. and others. Fabian essays in socialism. 1889. L 3932 Simons, A. M. The American farmer. 1908. L6747 (Standard socialist series). Sinclair, U. B., jr. The industrial republic; a study of the America of ten years hence. 1907. L 9065 Socialism and agriculture, by E. Carpenter and others. 1908. L 9014, 2 (Fabian socialist series, no. 2, reprinted from Fabian tracts, revised). 126 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Socialism and individualism, by S. Webb and others. 1908. L 9014, 3 (Fabian socialist series, no. 3, reprinted from Fabian tracts, revised). Spargo, J. Applied socialism. 1912. L 9096 Sidelights on contemporary socialism. 1911. L9097 Socialism. 1909. L9063 The socialists, who they are and what they stand for. 1906. L9110 The spiritual significance of modern so- cialism. 1908. L9067 The substance of socialism. 1909. L9062 (Standard socialist series). Spargo, J. and Arner, G. B. L. Elements of socialism. 1912. L 9098 Sprague, F. M. Socialism from genesis to revelation. 1893. L 9070 Stamm, A. T. Die Erlosung der darbenden Menschheit. 1873. D 4757 Stein, L. v. Lehrbuch der Nationalokono- mie. 1887. D 7086 Untermann, E. Marxian economics. 1907. L7324 (International library of social science). Vail, C. H. Modern socialism. 1897. L9100 Wagner, A. H. G. Rede iiber die sociale Frage. 1872. D 7099 Ward, C. O. The equilibration of human aptitudes and powers of adaptation. 1895. L8670 Webb, S. The basis & policy of socialism. 1908. L 9014, 4 (Fabian socialist series, no. 4, reprinted from Fabian tracts, revised). Wells, H. G. New worlds for old. 1908. L9102 This misery of boots. 1908. L9105 Wilde, O. F. O'F. W. The soul of man under socialism. 1905. L 9052 Wilshire, G. Wilshire editorials. 1906. L9107 Wright, R. J. Principia; or, Basis of so- cial science. 1875. L 4487 Socialism in Various Countries / 'uilcil Stairs Aveling, E. B. and Aveling, Mrs. E. M. The working class movement in America. L891. L7382 Cathrein, V. Socialism; its theoretical basis and practical application. 1904. L 9090 Debs, E. V. Debs: his life, writings and speeches. 1908. C 21551 Ely, R. T. The labor movement in America. 1886. L 4038 Gilman, N. P. Socialism and the American spirit. 1893. L 4468 Directed chiefly against Nationalism. Hillquit, M. History of socialism in the United States. 1903. L 9056 Hughan, J. W. American socialism of the present day. 1911. L 9038 James, H. A. Communism in America; The Yale John A. Porter prize essay for 1878. 1879. L906 Noyes, J. H. History of American social- ism. 1870. L807 Sartorius von Walterhausen, F. H. W. A., Freiherr, Der moderne Socialismus in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1890. D4794 Sinclair, U. B., jr. The industrial republic; a study of the America of ten years hence. 1907. L 9065 England Hyndman, H. M. The historical basis of so- cialism in England. 1883. L 3999 The record of an adventurous life. 1911. C 22552 Mackail, J. W. Socialism and politics. 1903. L9040 Mallock, W. H. Property and progress. 1884. L 4034 Villiers, B. The socialist movement in Eng- land. 1908. L9101 Webb, S. Socialism in England. 1890. L3914 Woods, R. A. English social movements. 1891. L3915 France Bax, E. B. The last episode of the French revolution. 1911. A 5707 Booth, A. J. Saint Simon and Saint Simon- ism; a c'hapter in the history of socialism in France. 1871. L611 Darimon, A. A travers une revolution, 1847- 1855. 1884. C 4531 Ely, R. T. French and German socialism in modern times. 1883. L 3966 Englander, S. Geschichte der franzosischen Arbeiter-Association. 4v. in 2. 1S64. D4742 Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. 1898. L 6510 Peixotto, J. The French revolution and modern French socialism. 19 10. L 9028 Seilhac, L. de. Les congres ouvriers en France de 1876 a 1897. 1899. CC 1381 Stein, L. v. Der Socialismus und Com- munismus des heutigen Frankreichs. is is. D 7084 Die socialistischen und communistischen Bewegungen seit der dritten franzosischen Revolution. 1848. D 7084 SOCIALISM 127 Germany Andler, C. Les origines du socialisme d*etat en Allemagne. 1S97. C 12427 Bourdeau, J. Le socialisme allemand et le nihilisme russe. 1892. C 12649 Dawson, W. H. Bismarck and state social- ism. 1890. L 3911 German socialism and Ferdinand Las- salle. 1891. L 3902 (Social science series). Ely, R. T. French and German socialism in modern times. 1883. L 3966 Eras, W. Der Zwangsstaat und die deutsch- en Socialisten. 1868. D 4672 Gaullieur, H. The paternal s tate in Franc« and Germany. 1898. L6510 Held, A. Sozialismus, Soziak jmokratie und Sozialpolitik. 1878. D 7031 Kambli, C. W. Die sozialen Parteien und unsere Stellung zu denselben. 18S7. D477 7 iviehring, F. Geschichte der deutschen So- zialdemokratie, 1830-1891. lv. in 2. 1897- 98. D 7181, 3 Roberts, E. Monarchical socialism in Ger- many. 1913. L6817 Roessler, C. Die Socialdemocratie. 1894. D7061 Russell, B. German social democracy. 1896. L9061 Schaffle, A. E. F. Die Aussichtslosigkeit der Socialdemokratie. 1885. D 4769 The impossibility of social democracy. 1892. L9069 Wacker, T. Entwicklung der Sozialdemo- kratie. 1903. D 3484 Australia St. Ledger, A. J. J. Australian socialism. 1909. L 9060 South Africa Kidd, D. Kafir socialism and the dawn of individualism. 1908. L 9042 Socialism and Christianity Behrends, A. J. F. Socialism and Chris- tianity. 1886. L4037 Bierbower, A. Socialism of Christ; or. Atti- tude of early Christians toward modern problems. 1890. L 4199 Brown, T. E. Studies in modern socialism and labor problems. _ 1886. L 4035 Advocates Christian influences vs. socialistic changes. Campbell, R. J. Christianity and the social order. 1907.. M 4292 Felix, C. J. Le charlatanisme social. 1884. C 4885 Christianity vs, socialism, as the remedy for so- cial ilia. Der Socialismus und die Gesellschaft. 1879. D4744 Socialism viewed as conflicting with Christianity. Gladden, W. Christianity and socialism. 1905. L 8660 Grant, P. S. Socialism and Christianity. 1910. l 9039 Heath, R. The captive city of God; or, The churches seen in the light of the democratic ideal. 1905. M 9161 Kaufmann, M. Socialism and modern thought. 1895. L9041 Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. La papaute, le socialisme et la democratic 1892. C 5555 Papacy, socialism and democracy. 1892. L3532 Nitti, F S. Catholic socialism. 1895. L9026 Perin, H. X. C. Le Socialisme chretien. 1879. C 6172 Directed against socialism. socialism and religion, by S. D. Headlam and others. 1908. L 9014, 1 Socialism and the great state. 1912. L 9076 Spargo, J. The spiritual significance of modern socialism. 1908. L9067 Vaughan, B. Socialism from the Christian standpoint; ten conferences. 1912. L 9086 Communism Stammhammer, J. Bibliographic des Social- ismus und Communismus. 2v. 1893-1900. *0 278 Carruthers, J. Communal and commercial economy. 1883. L 3415 Cone, O. Rich and poor in the New Testa- ment. 1902. M2577 Drumann, W. K. A. Die Arbieter und Com- munisten in Griechenland und Rom. 1S60. D4688 Eichthal, ,E. d'. Socialisme, communisme, et collectivisme. 1892. C 4832 Eliot, C. W. The conflict between indi- vidualism and collectivism in a democracy. 1910. L7615 Fourier, F. M. C. GZuvres completes. 6v. 1846-4S. C4973 Social destiny of man. 1876. L 3981, 1 Theory of social organization. 1876. L 3981, 2 Godin, J. B. A. Solutions sociales. 1871. C 12481 Social solutions. 1886. L 4513 James, H. A. Communism in America: the Yale John A. Porter prize essay for 1878. 1879. L 900 L28 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Junqua, P. F. De la sagesse la production et de la fraternite dans la consommation. 1879. C 5358 Kaufmann, M. Socialism and communism in their practical application. 1883. L3964 Marx, K. and Engels, F. Manifesto of the communist party. 1888. L 4479 Mills, W. T. The product-sharing village. 1894. L4519 Poehlmann, R. Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Sozialismus. 2v. 1893-1901. D 13044 Rational communism: the present and future republic of North America. 1885. L 4029 Sargant, W. L. Robert Owen and his social philosophy. 1860. L 610 Stein, L. v. Der Socialismus und Commun- ismus des heutigen Frankreichs. 1848. D7084 Woolsey, T. D. Communism and socialism in their history and theory. 1888. L628 Communistic Societies Brook Farm, New Harmony, Rugby, Etc. Chambless, E. Roadtown. 1910. L 8998 Codman, J. T. Brook Farm; historic and personal memoirs. 1894. L9001 Colonie icarienne aux £tats-Unis d'Amer- iques. 1856. C 4328 Grahame, S. Where socialism failed; an actual experiment. 1912. L 9004 An account of the socialistic experiment of the New Australia Co-operative Settlement Association, and Cosme Colony, founded in Paraguay by William Lane. "Bibliography," p. 262. Hennell, M. An outline of the various so- cial systems & communities which have been founded on the principle of co-oper- ation. 1844. L637 Hinds. W. A. American communities. 1902. L9018 American communities and co-operative colonies. 1908. L 9020 Hughes, T. Rugby, Tennessee; being some account of the settlement founded on the Cumberland plateau. 1881. 15291 Kautsky, K. Communism in central Europe in the time of the reformation. 1897. L9044 Lockwood, G. B. The New Harmony com- munities. 1902. L9019 The New Harmony movement. 1005. L8625 NordhofF, C. The communistic societies of the United States. 1875. L 794 Noyes, J. H. History of American social- ism. 1870. L 807 Owen, R. D. Twenty-seven years of auto- biography; threading my way. 1874. C455 Randall, E. O. History of the Zoar society from its commencement to its conclusion. 1899. L 9058 Russell, A. E. Home life of the Brook Farm Association. 1900. L 9002 Sachse, J. F. The German sectarians of Pennsylvania, 1708-1742. 1899. B 4356 Sears, J. Van der Z. My friends at Brook Farm. 1912. L 8997 Shambaugh, Mrs. B. M. H. Amana, the community of true inspiration. 1908. L9003 Shaw, A. Icaria: a chapter in the history of communism. 1884. L 3989 Swift, L. Brook Farm, its members, schol- ars, and visitors. 1900. J 5251 Utopias Ideal Commonwealths Bacon, F. baron V-erulam. New Atlantis. 1878. J 11, 1 (In his Works. 1878. v. 1, p. 355-413). Caryl, C. W. New era; presenting the plans for the New Era Union to help develop the best resources of this country. 1897. L7647 Collens, T. W. The Eden of labor; or, The Christian Utopia. 1876. L3428 Hennell, M. An outline of the various so- cial systems and communities which have been founded on the principle of co-op- eration. 1844. L 637 Kaufmann, M. Utopias; or, Schemes of so- cial improvement from Sir Thomas More to Karl Marx. 1879. L942 Linton, W. J. The English republic; ed. by K. Parkes. 1891. L 6456 (Social science series). Presenting an idealistic scheme of government. Mantegazza, P. L'anno 3000. 1897. CC 18500 Das Jahr 3000: ein Zukunftstraum; autorisierte deutsche Ausgabe. 1898. D8859 Michels, N. Die Gottwerdung des Men- schen; ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der Menschheit; von Nicolai Mikalowitch, pseud. 1899. D 7055 The godhead of man, his religious, political and economic development and the sources of social inequality, by Nicolai Mikalowitch, pseud. 1899. E 4469 More, Sir T. The "Utopia" and the His- tory of Edward V, with Roper's Life. 1888. F 1196 Utopia, originally printed in Latin, 1516. Translated into English by R. Robinson. Edited by E. Arber. 1869. J 1891, 14 (In Arber, E., ed. English reprints, no. 14). UTOPIAS, ANARCHISM 129 Life in Utopia from Sir Thomas More's "Utopia." 1902. B 2112, 5 (Old South leaflets (general ser.) no. 124). Contains also an account of More's great work from Green's History of the English people. More's millennium; being the Utopia of Sir Thomas More rendered into mod- ern English, by Valerian Paget. 1909. F 15498 Morris, W. A dream of John Ball, and A king's lesson. 1888. F5311 News from nowhere; or, An epoch of rest. 1890. F 5316 Nova Solyma. Nova Solyma, the ideal city; or, Jerusalem regained; an anonymous romance written in the time of Charles I., and attributed to John Milton. 2v. 1902. F 5743 Plato. The republic; tr. into English, with introduction, analysis, marginal analyses, and index, by B. Jowett. 1888. L 2849 For other editions see author. Reich, E. Der Staat der Zukunft; Gedanken iiber die natiirlichen Grundlagen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. 1879. D 4653 Russell, A. P. Sub-ccelum; a sky-built hu- man world. 1893. E 5432 Tarde, G. Underground man. 1905. L 8731 Contents: Dedication. — Preface, by H. G. Wells. — Introductory. — Prosperity. — The castastrophe. — The struggle. — Saved. — Regeneration. — Love. — The aesthetic life. — Note on Tarde, by Joseph Manchon. Towards Utopia, being speculations in so- cial evolution, by a Free lance, pseud. 1894. L 4529 Wells, H. G. A modern Utopia. 1905. L6809 Anarchism Nettlau, M. Bibliographic de l'anarchie. 1897. *Q2618 Brewster, H. B. Theories of anarchy and law. 1887. L 4091 Courtois, A. C. Anarchisme theorique et collectivisme pratique. 1885. C 12183 Darrow, C. S. Resist not evil. 1903. L 9889 Dubois, F. The anarchist peril. 1894. L4543 Eltzbacher, P. Anarchism. 1908. L9017 Garraud, R. L'anarchie et la repression. 1895. C 12428 Ghio, P. L'anarchisme aux fitats-Unis. 1903. CC 1392 Godwin, W. Enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on morals and happiness. 1842. L 339 Godwin's "Political justice," a reprint of the essay on property. 1890. L 3912 Grave, J. L'anarchie; son but, ses moyens. 1899. C 12558 Hamon, A. J. M. Psychologie de l'anar- chiste-socialiste. 1895. C 12606 Jehan-Preval. Anarchie et nihilisme. 1892. C5355 Krapotkin, P. A. The conquest of bread. 1906. L 9043 Fields, factories and workshops. 1899. L6612 In Russian and French prisons. 1887. L4015 Memoirs of a revolutionist. 1899. C 18338 Memoiren eines Revolutionars. 1900. D 13691 Mutual aid a factor of evolution. 1902. L 7643 Paroles d'un revolte. 1885. C 5526 Latouche, P. Anarchy! An authentic ex- position of the methods of anarchists and the aims of anarchism. 1908. L9125 Lombroso, C. Die Anarchisten. 1895. D7051 Meredith, I. A girl among the anarchists. 1903. L 9022 Most, J. Pamphlets in German by Johann Most. 1876. *D 4772 Plekhanov, G. Anarchism and socialism. 1909. L9128 Proudhon, P. J. Die Gerechtigkeit in der Revolution und in der Kirche. 1858-60. D3281 System of economical contradictions. 1888. L3622 Systeme des contradictions econom- iques. 1846. C 6280 What is property? 1876. L 4067 Rabourdin, C. Louis XVI. et Alexandre II: la verite aux Nihilistes: 1882. C 6403 Salter, W. M. Anarchy or government? 1895. L6311 Seuffert, H. Anarchismus und Strafrecht. 1899. D7106 Socialism and individualism. 1908. L 9014, 3 Tandy, F. D. Voluntary socialism. 1896. L9085 Tolstoi, L. N., graf. The slavery of our times. 1900. L 6801 Van Ornum, W. H. Why government at all? 1892. L3329 Vizetelly, E. A. The anarchists, their faith and their record. 1911. L 9137 Zenker, E. V. Anarchism, a criticism and history of the anarchist theory. 1897. L9140 130 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Nihilism Bordeau, J. Le socialisme allemand et le nihilisme russe. 1891. C 12649 Buckley, J. M. The midnight sun, the tsar, and the nihilist. 1886. I 7778 Free Russia, the organ of the English "So- ciety of Friends of Russian Freedom." 4v. in 2. 1890-94. *Ser. Funck-Brentano, T. Les sophistes alle- mands et les nihilistes russes. 1887. C4878 Gerbel-Embach, C. N. v. Die Entwickelung des Nihilismus. 1880. D 4759 Jehan-Preval. Anarchie et nihilisme. 1892. C5355 Kravtchinski, S. M. Nihilism as it is. 1894. L9074 Underground Russia. 1890. A 4394 Kupchanko, G. Der russische Nihilismus. 1884. D 4718 Lavigne, E. Introduction a l'histoire du nihilisme russe. 1880. C 5680 Perris, G. H. Russia in revolution. 1905. A 4337 Rabourdin, C. Louis XVI. et Alexandre II: la verite aux Nihilistes. 1882. C 6403 Scherr, J. Die Nihilisten. 1885. D 7070 Zilliacus, K. The Russian revolutionary movement. 1905. A 4336 Political Science Bibliography Blakey, R. History of political literature. 1855. J 1475 Bowker, R. R. and lies, G, ed. The read- er's guide in economic, social and political science. 1891. L 3444, 27 (Economic tracts). Same. *0 564 Brookings, W. DuB. and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debate on current political, economic, and social topics. 1896. L6610 Same. *R 1682 Mohl, R. von. Die Geschichte und Litera- tur der Staatswissenschaften. 3v. 1855- 58. D 4658 Mollat, G. Rechts- und Staatswissenschaf- ten. 1886. *0 339, 1 (In Weigel. T. O. Systematische Verzeichnisse der Hauptwerke der deutschen Literatur aus den Jahren 1820-82. 1886. v. 1). Miihlbrecht, O., comp. Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissenschaft- lii hen Literatur des Jahres, 1868-1911. 1-44. Jahrgang. *0 257 (Continued annually.) Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions with selected lists of references. 1905. L6616 Seme. 1906. *R1500 Sumner, W. G. and others, comp. Political economy and political science: a priced and classified list of books recommended for general reading. 1881. L 3444, 2 (Economic tracts). Political Theory, Theory of the State Text-books of Political Science Before Rousseau Aristoteles. Politica ("Greek text), ed. by F. Susemihl. 1882. L 5595 (Bibliotheca Teubneriana). Library has numerous editions, original and translated, of which the following is a selection. Consult the card catalog under Aristoteles for complete list. Politics and economics. 1871. 1 3182 Politics, translated with introduction, marginal notes, essays, notes and indices, by B. Jowett. 2v. 1885-87. L 2897 Clarendon press edition. Politics, with an introduction by W. L. Newman. 2v. 1887. L2915 Politik; iibers. und erlautert von J. H. v. Kirchmann. 2v. in 1. 1SS0. D 3206, 5 (Kirchmann's Philos. Bibl. v. 5). Barker, E. The political thought of Plato and Aristotle. 1906. L 6518 Brehaut, E. An encyclopedist of the dark ages: Isidore of Seville. 1912. L 6589, 481 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law. edited by the Faculty of political science, vol. XLVIII, no. 1). Cicero, M. T. De republica; De legibus. 1831. *L2762, 5 (Opera philosophica, v. 5). On the commonwealth; On the laws. 1871. 13191 Consult the card catalog for other editions and translations. Gierke, O. Political theories of the middle ages. 1900. L 6379 Groot, H. de. De jure belli et pacis libri tres. 3v. 1853. N 4912 On the rights of war and peace: an abridged translation by W. Whewell. 1853. N4913 Three books treating of the rights of war and peace. 1682. *V 274 Drei Bucher iiber das Recht des Krieges und Friedens. 1869. D3206.ll (Kirchmaiins' Philos. Bib!, v. 11). POLITICAL SCIENCE 131 Hobbes, T. Hobbes's Leviathan, reprinted from the edition of 1651. 1909. L 8896 Human nature; or, The fundamental elements of policy: De corpore politico: Of liberty and necessity. 1839. J 112, 4 (In his English works. 1839. v. 4, p. 1-279). Leviathan. 1839. J 112, 3 (In his English works. 1839. v. 3). Of liberty and necessity; a treatise. *E 1085 Philosophical rudiments concerning government and society. 1839. J 112, 3 (In his English works, v. 3). The questions concerning liberty, necessity and chance. 1839. J 112, 5 (In his English works, v. 5). Horn, E. I. Spinoza's Staatslehre. 1863. D4672 Locke, J. Essay concerning civil govern- ment. 1812. J 178, 5 (In his Works. 1812. v. 5, p. 338-485). Montesquieu, C. de S. baron de. Esprit des lois, avec les notes de l'auteur et un choix des observations de Dupin, Crevier, Vol- taire, Mably, La Harpe, Sermon, etc. 1872. C 5930 Consult the card catalog for other editions and translations. Der Geist der Gesetze. 12v. in 3. 1843- 54. D 3250 The spirit of laws. 2v. 1873. L2031 Same; with D'Alembert's analysis of the work. 2v. 1878. I 2994 (Bohn's standard library). Plato. The republic; tr. into English; with introduction, analysis, marginal analyses, and index, by B. Jowett. 1888. L 2849 Consult the card catalog for other editions, original and translations. The republic of Plato, with studies for teachers. 1898. L 5847 Rousseau, J. J. Contrat social. 1828. C 6517, 6 (In his Oeuvres completes. 1828. v. 6, p. 1- 206). Consult the card catalog for other editions and translations. The social contract; or, The principles of political rights. 1893. L3192 Same; tr. by Tozer. 1905. L6402 (Social science series). Der Gesellschaftsvertrag. 1862. D4668 Sidney, A. Discourses concerning govern- ment. 1704. *V 131 Spinoza, B. de. Abhandlungen uber Politik. 1841. D 3335, 4 (Sammtl. Werke. v. 4). The chief works of Benedict de Spin- oza; tr. from the Latin, with an introduc- tion by R. H. M. Elwes. Rev. ed. 2v. 1909. 1 3325 (Bohn's philosophical library). Staatslehre; zum ersten Male darge- stellt. 1863. D 4672 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Politique et legisla- tion. 1785-1808. C 6941, 29-30 (In his Oeuvres completes. 1785-1808. v.29-30). Same. 1869-73. v.5. 546-665. C 6997, 5 Waring, L. H. The political theories of Martin Luther. 1910. L 7592 Willoughby, W. W. The political theories of the ancient world. 1903. L 6378 Modern Works Note: Elementary textbooks and treatises on government, "civil government" and "civics" will be found under Government and Administration, below. Alston, L. Modern constitutions in outline; an introductory study in political science. 1909. L 7563 Amos, S. Science of politics. 1883. L 287 (International scientific series). Bagehot, W. Physics and politics. 1873. L95 Same. K 7232, 1 (Humboldt library of pop. sci. literature). Balfour, A. J. Decadence; Henry Sidgwick memorial lecture. 1908. L 7564 Beard, C. A. Politics (a lecture delivered at Columbia University, Feb., 1908). 1908. K 15830 Bentham, J. A fragment on government. 1891. L3361 Tactique des assemblies legislatives suivie d'Un traite des sophismes poli- tiques. 2v. 1822. C 4150 Traites de legislation civile et penale. 3v. 1820. C4152 Bentley, A. F. The process of government; a study of social pressures. 1908. L 8636 Bluntschli, J. K. Theory of the state. 1885. L3255 Bosanquet, B. The philosophical theo" , of the state. 1899. L64'A:; Burgess, J. W. Political science and co- stitutional law. 2v. 1890-91. L 33E Carus, P. The nature of the state. 189 :\ L 621C (Religion of science library). Coker, F. W. Organismic theories of the state; nineteenth century interpretations of the state as organism or as person. 1910. L 6589, 38 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Crane, R* T. The state in constitutional and international law. 1907. L 3201, 25 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Dealey, J. Q. The development of the state, its governmental organization and its activities. 1909. L 7570 132 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Dickinson, G. L. Justice and liberty. 1909. L7569 Dupont-White, C. B. L'individu et l'etat. 1865. C4751 Dymcnd, J. Essays on the principles of morality and on the private and political rights and obligations of mankind. L2609 Same. 1855. L 2256 Ferguson, A. Principles of moral and political science. 2v. 1792. *V 1966 Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics. 1873. A 12 Garner, J. W. Introduction to political science; a treatise on the origin, nature, functions, and organization of the state. 1910. L7575 Gettell, R. G. Introduction to political science. 1910. L 7566 Godwin, W. Enquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on morals and happiness. 1842. L 339 Green, T. H. Lectures on the principles of political obligation. 1895. L6340 Harrison, F. Order and progress. 1875. L385 Hegel, G. W. F. Grundlinien der Philos- ophic des Rechts, oder, Naturrecht und Staatswissenschaft im Grundrisse. 1833. D 3129, 8 Helps, Sir A. Thoughts upon government. 1872. L26 Hildreth, R. Theory of politics. 1853. L3208 Hill, D. J. World organization as affected by the nature of the modern state. 1911. L7588 (Columbia University lectures). Hobhouse, L. T. Social evolution and polit- ical theory. 1911. L 7558 (Columbia University lectures). Hoffman, F. S. The sphere of the state; or, The people as a body-politic, with spe- cial consideration of certain present prob- lems. 1894. L6213 Holtzendorff, F. v. Die Principien der Politik. 18G9. D 4649 Hosmer, G. W. The people and politics. 1883. L321 Hugonin, F. Philosophic du droit social. 1885. C 5272 Humboldt, F. W. C. K. F., Freiherr v. The sphere and duties of government. 1864. L37 Kelly, E. Government or human evolution. 2v. 1900-01. L6432 v. 1. Justice. 2. Individualism and collectivism. Laboulaye, £. R. L. L'etat et ses limites. 1871. C5607 Laveleye, fi. L. V. de. Essai sur les formes de gouvernement dans les societes mod- ernes. 1872. C 12724 Lavergne-Peguilhen, M. de. Sozialpolitische Studien. 1863. D 3191 Leacock, S. B. Elements of political science. 1906. L 7571 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. L'etat moderne et ses fonctions. 1890. C 5595 The modern state in relation to so- ciety and the individual. 1891. L4456 (Social science series). Letourneau, C. J. M. L'evolution politique dans les diverses races humaines. 1890. C5536 Lewis, Sir G. C. Remarks on the use and abuse of some political terms. 1898. L353 Lieber, F. Contributions to political science. 1881. E 4261, 2 Lilly, W. S. First principles in politics. 1899. L6362 McArthur, J. N. Government. 1892. L6405 M'Kechnie, W. S. The state and the indi- vidual, an introduction to political science with special reference to socialistic and individualistic theories. 1896. L 6214 Martin, Mrs. V. C. W. The origin, tenden- cies and principles of government. 1871. L3273 Merriam, C. E. History of the theory of sovereignty since Rousseau. 1900. L 6589, 12 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Molinari, G. de. L'evolution politique et la revolution. 1884. C 5907 Morris, G. S. Hegel's Philosophy of the state and of history; an exposition. 1887. L1946 (German philosophical classics). Mulford, E. The nation; the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1877. L 98 Mundt, T. Niccolo Machiavelli und das System der modernen Politik. 1861. D 13676 Paine, T. The complete works of Thomas Paine, political and controversial. 1844. L 142 Political works. 1891-9:2. M 1175 Contents: Common sense; The crisis; Rights of man. Tlic writings of Thomas Paine; col- lected and edited by M. D. Conway. 4v. L894-96. J 210 American crisis. 1777. *L 370 • Common sense. 1776. *L 370 POLITICAL SCIENCE 133 Passy, H. F. L'histoire et les sciences sociales et politiques. 1878. C 6171 Paulsen, F. System der Ethik mit einem Umriss der Staats- und Gesellschaftslehre. 1894. D 3274 Raleigh, Sir T. Elementary politics. 1892. L6226 Reich, E. Der Staat der Zukunft; Gedanken iiber die naturlichen Grundlagen des gesellschaftlichen Lebens. 1S79. D 4653 Robertson, J. M. The evolution of states; an introduction to English politics. 1912. L7560 Salter, W. M. Anarchy or government? an inquiry in fundamental politics. 1895. L6311 Savay, N. L. Emancipation; an introduc- tion to the system of progressive govern- ment. 1908. L 7590 Schoen, J. Die Staatswissenschaft. 1840. D4656 Secretan, P. Reflexions sur les gouverne- ments. 1792. C 6628 Seeley, Sir J. R. Introduction to political science, two series of lectures. 1896. L6274 Sidgwick, H. The development of Euro- pean polity. 1903. L6516 The elements of politics. 1891. L3368 Snider, D. J. The state, specially the American state, psychologically treated. 1902. L6194 Spencer, H. The man versus the state. 1884. L3890 With his social statics, abridged and revised. Political institutions; being pt. 5 of the Principles of sociology. 1882. L 285 Stearns, F. P. Napoleon and Machiavelli; two essays in political science. 1903. L6438 Tremenheere, H. S. A manual of the prin- ciples of government as set forth by the authorities of ancient and modern times. 1882. L374 Waitz, G. Grundziige der Politik. 1862. D4650 Wallas, G. Human nature in politics. 1908. L7598 Walthew, G. W. The philosophy of gov- ernment. 1898. L 6410 Wayland, J. W. The political opinions of Thomas Jefferson; an essay. 1907. L6962 Willoughby, W. W. An examination of the nature of the state; a study in political philosophy. 1896. L 6415 Social justice. 1900. L6365 Wilson, W. The state; elements of histor- ical and practical politics; a sketch of institutional history and administration. 1889. L3380 Wisconsin University. Bulletin: Econom- ics and political science series. v. 1-6. 1904-1910. L 661,7 Woolsey, T. D. Political science; or, The state theoretically and practically con- sidered. 2v. 1878. L66 Yeaman, G. H. The study of government. 1871. L18 Dictionaries and Encyclopedias Baumbach, K. Staats-Lexikon. 1882.- *R 3802 (Meyer's Fach-Lexika). Block, M. Dictionnaire general de la poli- tique. 2v. 1884. *R1677 Bluntschli, J. K. and Brater, K. Deutsches Staats-Worterbuch. llv. 1857-70. *R 1675 Conrad, J. and others. Handworterbuch der Staatswissenschaften. 6v. 1890-1892. *R 1679 Hyamson, A. M. The newspaper reader's companion; a dictionary of political and social terms. 1908. *R 1409, 23 (Miniature reference library). Lalor, J. J., ed. Cyclopaedia of political science, political economy, and of the po- litical history of the United States. 3v. 1881-84. *R 1678 Mensch, H. Politisches Konversations- Lexikon. 1892. *R 93 Montgomery, H. and Cambray, P. G., comp. A dictionary of political phrases and allu- sions. 1906. *R 1422 Staats-Lexikon; oder, Encyklopadie der Staatswissenschaften. 15v. 1834-43. *R 1672 Standard library cyclopaedia of political, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge. 4v. 1860. *R 1680 (Bohn's library). Essays Baldwin, S. E. Modern political institu- tions. 1898. L 6372 Bryce, J. Studies in history and juris- prudence. 1901. L6400 Fawcett, H. and Fawcett, M. G. Essays and lectures on social and political sub- jects. 1872. L411 Godwin, P. Political essays. 1858. L34 Greg, W. R. Essays on political and so- cial science, contributed chiefly to the Edinburgh review. 2v. 1853. L608 Lecky, W. E. H. Historical and political essays. 1909. E 4185 134 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Rickaby, J. Political and moral essays. 1902. L6103 Roosevelt, T. African and European ad- dresses. 1910. L7582 Wasson, D. A. Essays, religious, social, political. 18S9. E 1633 Wilson, W. An old master and other polit- ical essays. 1893. L 3193 Periodicals and Societies American journal of politics. 5v. 1892-94. *Ser. American Political Science Association. 1st to 7th annual meeting. 1904-10. L 6922 American political science review, 1906-07. v.l. *Ser. American review of history and politics, and general repository of literary and state papers. 4v. 1811-12. *Ser. American Whig review, v.1-6; new series v.1-10. 16v. 1945-52. *Ser. Annales des sciences politiques; revue bi- mestrielle publiee avec la collaboration des professeurs et des anciens eleves de l'ficole Libre des Sciences Politiques. 1880-date. *Ser. Democratic review. 1838-59. 42v. *Ser. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. 4v. in 3. 1871-76. *Ser. Continued as Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirthschaft. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Volkswirthschaft. 1877. *Ser. Juridical review, 1889-date. *Ser. Political science quarterly, 1886-date. *Ser. Staatsarchiv, Das, 1861-date. *Ser. General-Register, 1861-date. *Ser. Voter, The; a monthly magazine of politics, 1903-date. *Ser. Study and Teaching, Debates Elementary manuals and textbooks of civil gov- ernment under Government, below. Atkinson, W. P. Study of politics. 1888. L3315 Brookings, W. D. B. and Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs for debates on current political, economic and social topics. 1896. L6610 Same. *R 1682 lies, G. Questions for debate in politics and economics. 1889. *L 3444, 28 (Economic monographs). Ringwalt, R. C. Briefs on public questions, with selected lists of references. 1905. L6616 Same. 1906. *R 1500 History of Political Science Blakey, R. History of political literature. 1855. J 1475 Bluntschli, J. K. Geschichte der neueren Staatswissenschaft ; allgemeines Staatsrecht und Politik. 1881. D 6996 Same. D 6704, 1 Dunning, W. A. A history of political the- ories, ancient and mediaeval. 1902. L6417 A history of political theories from Luther to Montesquieu. 1905. L6363 Fess, S. D. The history of political theory and party organization in the United States. 1910. L 6903 Franck, A. Reformateurs et publicistes de l'Europe. 3v. 1864-93. C 4931 v.l. Moyen age; v2. 17me siecle; v3. 18me siecle. Freeman, E. A. Comparative politics, 1873. A 12 Janet, P. A. R. Histoire de la science poli- tique. 2v. 1887. C5320 Jenks, E. A history of politics. 1900. L6517 (The temple primers). Merriam, C. E. History of American polit- ical theories. 1903. L 6932 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Michel, H. L'idee de l'etat; essai critique sur l'histoire des theories sociales et' poli- tiques en France depuis la revolution. 1896. C 12868 Mohl, R. von. Die Geschichte und Litera- tur der Staatswissenschaften. 3v. 1855- 58. . D4658 Pollock, Sir F. An introduction to the his- tory of the science of politics. 1890. L3392 Raumer, F. L. G. von. Uber die geschicht-^ liche Entwickelung der Begriffe von] Recht, Staat und Politik. 1832. D 4652 Rehm, H. Geschichte der Staatsrechtswis- senschaft. 1896. *D 7277, Ol (In Marquardsen, H., ed. Handbuch des of fentlichen Rechts; Einleitungsbd. lste Abth.). r Form of the State Family, Patriarchate Engels, F. The origin of the family, private property and the state. 1902. L 8684 (Standard socialist series). Grosse, E. Die Formen der Familie und die Formen den Wirthschaft. 1896. D7019 Harris, J. Patriarchy; or, The family, its constitution and probation. 1855. M1957 POLITICAL SCIENCE 135 Hearn, W. E. The Aryan household, its structure and its development; an intro- duction to comparative jurisprudence. 1879. L 3962 Janet, P. A. R. La famille. 1877. C 5321 Lippert, J. Die Geschichte der Familie. 1884. D4716 M'Lennan, J. F. and M'Lennan, D. The patriarchal theory. 1885. L4254 Mucke, J. R. Horde und Familie in ihrer urgeschichtlichen Entwickelung. 1895. D7053 Starcke, C. N. Die primitive Familie in ihrer Entstehung und Entwickelung dargestellt. 1888. D 415, 66 (Internationale wissensch. Bibliothek). The primitive family in its origin and development. 1889. L4146 (International scientific series). Primitive State Tribes, Clans, Marks, Village Communities Dahn, F. Die Konige der Germanen. 12v. in 16. 1861-1909. D 3990 Elting, I. Dutch village communities on the Hudson river. 1886. *L3201, 4 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and jjolitical science). Gomme, G. L. Folk-lore relics of early vil- lage life. 1883. L3984 The village community. 1890. L4188 (Contemporary science series). Maine, Sir H. J. S. Village-communities in the East and West. 1871. L 43 Maurer, G. L. v. Geschichte der Dorfver- fassung in Deutschland. 2v. 1865-66. D3976 Geschichte der Fronhofe, der Bauern- hofe und der Hofverfassung in Deutsch- land. 4v. 1862-63. D 5673 Geschichte der Markenverfassung in Deutschland. 1856. D 3975 Phear, Sir J. B. The Aryan village in India and Ceylon. 1880. I 1540 Powell, B. -H. B. The Indian village com- munity examined with reference to the physical, ethnographic, and historical conditions of the provinces. 1896. L 6500 The origin and growth of village com- munities in India. 1899. L 6501 (Social science series). Schurtz, H. Altersklassen und Manner- biinde. Eine Darstellung der Grundfor- men der Gesellschaft. 1902. D 18168 Seebohm, F. The English village com- munity examined in its relations to the manorial and tribal systems and to the common or open field system of hus- bandry. 1884. L3257 The tribal system in Wales. 1895. L6490 Seebohm, H. E. On the structure of Greek tribal society. L895. L 6496 Smith, A. H. Village life in China. 1899. 18064 Webster, H. Primitive secret societies; a study in early politics and religion. 1908. L4627 Ancient State * Code of Hammurabi Cook, S. A. The laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. 1903. N 5239 Hammurabi, King of Babylonia. The code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon about 2250 B. C. Autographed text, translitera- tion, translation, glossary, index of sub- jects, lists of proper names, signs, nu- merals, corrections and erasures with map, frontispiece and photograph of text, by R. F. Harper. 1904. N 5240 Greek Aristoteles. Athenaion Politeia; on the constitution of Athens; ed. by F. G. Ken- yon. 1891. L2916 Croiset, M. Aristophanes and the political parties at Athens. 1909. L3123 Fowler, W. W. The city-state of the Greeks and Romans; a survey introduc- tory to the study of ancient history. 1893. A 2391 Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. The ancient city; a study on the religion, laws, and institutions of Greece and Rome. 1874. A 67 Gilbert, G. The constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens. 1S95. A 2556 Greenidge, A. H. J. A handbook of Greek constitutional history. 1896. A 2634 (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities). Hammond, B. E. The political institutions of the ancient Greeks. 1895. A 2597 Kuhn, E. Ueber die Entstehung der Staedte der Alten: Komenverfassung und Synoikismos. 1878. D 154 Lloyd, W. M. The age of Pericles; a his- tory of the politics and arts of Greece from the Persian to the Peloponnesian war. 2v. 1875. A 55 Loos, I. A. Studies in the politics of Aris- totle and the republic of Plato. 1899. L5837 Schbmann, G. F. A dissertation on the as- semblies of the Athenians; tr. from the Latin. 1838. L 38 Sundwall, J. Epigraphische Beitrage zur sozial-politischen Geschichte Athens ■im Zeitalter des Demosthenes. 1906. , ^ , D 13285, 4 (Beitrage zur alten Geschichte. 4. Beiheft). 136 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Whibley, L. Political parties in Athens during the Peloponnesian war. 1889. A 355, 1 (In Cambridge historical essays, no.l). Wilamowitz-Moellendorff, U. v. Aristoteles und Athen. 1893. D 13244 Zimmern, A. E. The Greek commonwealth, politics and economics in fifth-century Athens. 1911. A 2619 Plebiscite Borgeaud, C. Histoire du plebiscite. 18ST. & C 12651 Roman Abbott, F. F. A history and description of Roman political institutions. 1901. A 2761 Society and politics in ancient Rome; essays and sketches. 1909. A 2771 Boissier, M. L. A. G. L'opposition sous les Cesars. 1885. C 11981 Christoforo, N. La storia politica dell' antichita paragonata alia moderna. 3v. 1866-67. CC 18081 Fiske, G. C. The politics of the patrician Claudii. 1902. J 3328, 13 (Harvard studies in class, philology, v.13, p.l- 59). Greenidge, A. H. J. Roman public life. 1901. A 2765 (Handbooks of archaeology and antiquities). Hardy, E. G. Christianity and the Roman government; a study in imperial admin- istration. 1894. M 2950 The library has also a 2d cd. entitled: Studies in Roman history. First series. 1910. A 2815, 1 Heeren, A. H. L. Historical works; tr. from the German by G. Bancroft and others. 1842. A 290, 6 Manual of ancient history, particularly with re- gard to the constitutions,- the commerce and the colonies of the states of antiquity. Kuhn, E. Die stadtische und biirgerliche Ycrfassung des Romischen Reichs, bis auf die Zeiten Justinians. ' 1864-65. D5763 Middleton, C. A treatise on the Roman senate. 1747. A 2720 Proudhon, P. J. Cesarisme et christianisme, de Tan 45 avant J. C. a l'an 476 apres. 2v. 1883. C 6290 Tighe, A. The development of the Roman constitution. 1886. A 2704 (History primers). Willems, P. Le droit public romain depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu'a Justinien; mi, Les antiquites romaines envisagees au point de vue des institutions politiques 1880. C6984 Medieval State Feudalism, Villainage Abdy, J. T. Feudalism; its rise, progress and consequences. 1890. A 2947 Bateson, M. Mediaeval England; English feudal society from the Norman con- quest to the middle of the fourteenth century. 1904. A 3562 Bell, A. A history of feudalism, British and continental. 1863. A 2956 Cheyney, E. P., ed. Documents illustra- tive of feudalism. 1898. *A 3022, 4 Doniol, J. H. A. La revolution frangaise et la feodalite. 1876. C 4430 Great Britain and Ireland — Master of the Rolls. Inquisitions and assessments re- lating to feudal aids; with other analog- ous documents preserved in the public record office, 1284-1431. 5v. 1899-1908. 1908. *Doc. Hullman, K. D. Stsedte-wesen des Mittel- alters. 4v. 1826. D 5610 Jenks, E. Law and politics in the middle ages, with a synoptic table of sources. 1898. N5186 Munro, W. B. Documents relating to the seigniorial tenure in Canada, 1598-1854. 1908. *B4748,3 Page, T. W. The end of villainage in Eng- land. 1900. L 3516. 14 Prutz, H. The age of feudalism and the- ocracy. 1905. *A2300,9 Roth, P. Geschichte des Beneficialwesens von den altesten Zeiten bis ins lOte Jahrhundert. 1850. D 5705 Secretan, E. Essai sur la feodalite. 1858. C6634 Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. France under the feudal system. 1851. A 1704 Vinogradov, P. G. Villainage in England. 1892. A 3268 Federal Government Freeman, E. A. History of federal gov- ernment, from the foundation of the Achaian league to the disruption of the United States. 1863. L 180 Hart, A. B. Introduction to the study of federal government. 1891. L 3362, 2 Imperialism World-State, Empire Note: United States "imperialism," so-called, will be found under Colonies and colonization, U. S. Adams, P.. The new empire. 1902. A 2168 "An attempt to deal, by inductive methods, with the consolidation and dissolution of those admin- istrative masses which we call empires." Cromer, E. P.., ist carl of. Ancient and modern imperialism. 1910. L75<4 POLITICAL SCIENCE 137 Hobson, J. A. Imperialism. 1902. , L 6414 Hubbard, A. J. The fate of empires; being an inquiry into the stability of civilization. 1913. ~ -3 L8811 Lord, W. F. The lost empires of the modern world; essays in imperial history. 1897. A 3039 Contents: The lost empire of Portugal. — The lost empire of Spain. — The lost empire of France. — The lost empire of Holland. — Conclusions. Nicholson, J. S. A project of empire, a critical study of the economics of im- perialism, with special reference to the ideas of Adam Smith. 1909. L6754 Reich, E. Imperialism; its prices, its vo- cation. 1905. L6413 Reinsch, P. S. World politics at the end of the nineteenth century as influenced by the oriental situation. 1900. L 6437 (Citizen's library of economics, politics and so- ciology). Rustow, W. F. Der Casarismus; sein Wesen und sein Schaffen, aufgewiesen an einer kurzen Geschichte der romischen Casaren von Augustus bis auf die Theil- ung des WeltreTches. 1S79. D 4659 Monarchy Theory of Kingship, Sovereignty Dante Alighieri. De monarchia. J 2260 (In Church, R. W. Dante, an essay. 1879. p.175-304). Consult the card catalog for other editions and translations. The universal empire; passages from the first book of Dante's De monarchia. B 2112, 5 (Old South leaflets, no.123. 1902). Frisch, H. von. Die Verantwortliclikeit der Monarchen und hochsten Magistrate. 1904. D 7145 Macchiavelli, N. Historical, political and diplomatic writings. 4v. 1SS2. J 189 The prince, tr. by W. K. Marriott. 1908. O. S. (Everyman's library). Le prince. 1882. C 5778 The prince, and other pieces. 1883. L322 II principe, Dell' arte della guerra ed altri scritti politici. 1905. CC 18184 (Biblioteca classica economica, n.32). Consult card catalog for other editions and trans- lations. Rehm, H. Modernes Furstenrecht. 1904. D 18169 Somerset, Sir E. A. St. M., I2th duke of. Monarchy and democracy; phases of modern politics. 1880. L 89 Tezner, F. Technik und Geist des standisch- monarchischen Staatsrechts. 1901. D 4785, 19 (In Schmoller, G., ed. Staats- und social-wis- senschaftliche Forschungen. v.19). Divine Right Laing, F. H. Whence does the monarch get his right to rule? 1872. L 172 (In Laing, F. H. Knight of the faith, no.6). Milton, J. The tenure of kings and magis- trates. 1911. J 4450, 40 (Yale studies in English). Primogeniture Cecil, E. Primogeniture, a short history of its development in various countries and its practical effects. 1895. N5135 Coronation Theory and Ceremony (Accounts of coronations classed under History) Banks, Sir T. C. Historical and critical in- quiry into the nature of the kingly office and how far the act of coronation, with the oath established by law, is a solem- nity indispensable to the exercise of the regal dignity. 1814. A 3281 The form and order of the service that is to be performed and of the ceremonies that are to be observed in the coronation of their majesties, King George V. and Queen Mary, in the Abbey Church of S. Peter, Westminster, June 22, 1911. 1911. A 5286 Jones, W. Crowns and coronations; a his- tory of regalia. 1883. A 2131 Round table, The; the order and solemni- ties of crowning the king, and the dig- nities of his peerage. 1820. L300 Silver, T. The coronation service; or, Con- secration of the Anglo-Saxon kings as it illustrates the origin of the constitu- tion. 1831. A 693 Taylor, A. The glory of regality; an his- torical treatise of the anointing and crowning of the kings and queens of England. 1820. A 668 Tyranny, Despotism Chains of slavery; a work wherein the at- tempts of princes to ruin liberty are pointed out. 1774. *V 36] Cramer, F. Despotismus und Volkskraft; eine Gothe'sche Confession. 1874. *D 382, 9 (In Sammlung gemeinverst. wissensch. Vor- trage. v.9). Gekronte Haupter; zur Naturgeschichte des Absolutismus. No. 1-25. 3v. 1893. D 13655 Schmidt, H. G. Die Lehre vom Tyrannen- mord; ein Kapitel aus der Rechtsphil- osophie. 1901. D 7111 Revolutions Chateaubriand, F. A., vicomte de. Essai sur les revolutions anciennes et modernes. C 4334, 1 (In his CEuvres completes, v.l). 138 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY An historical, political, and moral es- say on revolutions, ancient and modern. 1815. L3253 Lilly, W. S. A century of revolution, 1889. L3332 A criticism of the "Liberty, equality, fraternity" doctrine of the Trench revolution. Taylor, W. C. The revolutions, insurrec- tions, and conspiracies of Europe. 2v. 1843. A 284 Vaughan, R. Revolutions in English his- tory. 3v. 1859-63. A 414 Democracy Representative Government, Republic (Modern) Ancient republic and city-state under Form of State — Ancient, above. Abbott, L. The spirit of democracy. 1910. L 7577 Addams, J. Democracy and social ethics. 1902. L 8542 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Ames, F. Influence of democracy on lib- erty, property and the happiness of so- ciety. 1835. L 3267 Anthony, C, jr. Popular sovereignty. 1880. L 5 Borgeaud, C. The rise of modern democ- racy in old and New England. 1894. L 3196 (Social science series). Bradford, G. The lesson of popular gov- ernment. 2v. 1899. L6403 Brown, W. J. The new democracy; a po- litical study. 1899. L 6290 Burnap, G W. Origin and causes of democracy in America. 1853. *P 1643 Butler, N. M. True and false democracy. 1907. L7567 Camp, G. S. Democracy. 1859. 13696 Capen, N. History of democracy; or, Political progress. 1874. L 3343 Carnegie, A. Triumphant democracy. 1880. 15165 Le triomphe de la democratic 1886. C 12157 Cavalcanti, B. Trattati sopra gli ottion reggimenti delle repubbliche antiche e moderne. 1805. C 9500, 161 (In Classici italiani). Cleveland, F. A. The growth of democracy in the United States. 1898. L 6338 Dole, C. F. The spirit of democracy. 1906. L7613 Dye, J. T. Ideals of democracy; conversa- tions in a smoking car. 1908. L 7614 Faguet, E. The cult of incompetence. 1912. L7557 "A witty and mordant criticism of democracy, written for Frenchmen but extraordinarily ap- plicable to American conditions." Farnborough, Sir T. E. M. Democracy in Europe, a history. 2v. 1877. A 314 Fergusoi?, C. The religion of democracy. 1900. L 6327 Fisher, H. A. L. The republican tradition in Europe. 1911. L 7587 Fiske, J. American political ideas, viewed from the standpoint of universal history. 1885. L320 Giddings, F. H. Democracy and empire, with studies of their psychological, economic and moral foundations. 1900. L6361 Godkin, E. L. Problems of modern democ- racy, political and economic essays. 1896. L6333 Unforeseen tendencies of democracy. 1898. L 6334 Guizot, F. P. G. History of the origin of representative government in Europe. 1861. 13027 Gummere, F. B. Democracy and poetry. 1911. J 4825 Hadley, A. T. The relations between free- dom and responsibility in the evolution of democratic government. 1903. L 6882 Harwood, G. The coming democracy. 1882. L376 Howe, F. C. Privilege and democracy in America. 1910. L 6651 Hughes, C. E. Conditions of progress in democratic government. 1910. L 6886 Hyslop, J. H. Democracy; study of gov- ernment. 1899. L 6409 Ingersoll, C. J., jr. Fears for democracy, from the American point of view. 1875. L183 Jarvis, W. C. The republican; or, A series of essays on the principles and policy of free states. 1820. L3341 Jordan, D. S. Imperial democracy. 1899. L6252 Laveleye, fi. L. V. de. Le gouvernement dans la democratic 2v. 1892. C 12721 Lecky, W. E. H. Democracy and liberty. 2v. 1896. L 6248 Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. Papacy, social- ism and democracy. 1892. L 3532 Lieber, F. On civil liberty and self-govern- ment. 1894. L 175 Linton, W. J. The English republic; ed. by K. Parkes. 1891. L 6456 (Social science series). Presenting an idealistic scheme of government. POLITICAL SCIENCE 139 Lowell, J. R. Democracy; an address de- livered in the town hall, Birmingham. 1902. L6370 Democracy, and other addresses. 1887. E4299 Maine, Sir H. J. S. Popular government. 18S6. L 3202 Mann, H. Ancient and mediaeval repub- lics. 1879. A 2440 Michelet, J. Le peuple. 1885. C 12889 Mill, J. S. Considerations on representa- tive government. 1873. L 195 Moses, B. Democracy and social growth in America. 1898. L 6369 Ostrogorsldi, M. I. Democracy and the organization of political parties. 2v. 1902. L 6936 Partridge, J. A. On democracy. 1866. L185 Pobyedonostzev, K. P. Reflections of a Russian statesman. 1898. L 6512 On the failures of democratic government. Post, L. F. Ethics of democracy. 1903. L6670 Probyn, J. W. National self-government in Europe and America. 1870. L 220 Rights of nations; a treatise on representa- tive government, despotism, and reform. 1832. L 3352 Sander, P. Feudalstaat und burgerliche Verfassung. 1906. D 3479 Scott, J. The republic as a form of gov- ernment; or, The evolution of democracy in America. 1890. L 3394 Smith, O. J. The coming democracy. 1900. L6326 Sowards, M. W. Delusions of democracy. 1912. L 11684 Stickney, A. Democratic government. 1885. L335 Organized democracy. 1906. L 7618 Straus, O. S. Origin of republican form of government in the United States. 1885. L3247 Thompson, D. G. Politics in a democracy; an essay. 1893. L 6215 Townsend, L. T. Fate of republics. 18S0. L10 Ussel, P. vicomte d'. La democratic et ses conditions morales. 1884. C 6862 Vacherot, £. La democratic liberale. 1892. C 13299 Vrooman, F. B. The new politics. 1911. L7594 Walesrode, L., ed. Demokratische Studien. 2v. 1860-61. D4656 Washburn, C. A. Political evolution. 1885. L334 Weyl, W. E. The new democracy; an es- say on certain political and economic ten- dencies in the United States. 1912. L 11694 White, W. A. The old order changeth; a view of American democracy. 1910. L7624 Wrixon, Sir H. J. Jacob Shumate; or, The people's march; a voice from the ranks. 2v. 1903. L8740 The State and the Individual Civil Liberty, Natural Rights, Personal Liberty as Affected by the State Abbott, L. The rights of man; a study in twentieth century problems. 1901. L6371 Aikin, J. F. History of liberty. 1877. L3276 Bristed, C. A. The interference theory of government. 1867. L 259 Cenni, E. Delia liberta, considerata in se stessa in relazione al diritto, alia storia. alia societa moderna e al progresso dell' umanita. 1891. C 9577 Eliot, S. History of liberty. 4v. 1853. L41 The liberty of Rome. 2v. 1849. L39 With an historical account of the liberty of ancient nations. Fichte, J. G. The science of rights; tr. from the German. 1869. L 2058 System der Rechtslehre. D 3175, 10 {In his Sammtliche Werke. v.10, p.493-652). Forster, J. The debates on the Grand re- monstrance, November, 1641; with an in- troductory essay on English freedom un- der Plantagenet and Tudor sovereigns. 1860. A 657 Gasparin, A. £., comte de. La liberte mor- ale. 2v. 1868. C5063 Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. 1898. L6510 Hobhouse, L. T. Liberalism. 1911. J 327, 16 (Home university library of modern knowledge). Holland, F. M. Liberty in the nineteenth century. 1899. L 6727 Hosmer, J. K. A short history of the An- glo-Saxon freedom; the polity of the English-speaking race. 1890. L 3395 Ihering, R. von. Der Kampf urns Recht. 1886. D3438 The struggle for law; tr. from the 5th German ed. 1879. N 5083 Contents: Origin of the law; The life of the law a struggle; The struggle for his rights a duty of the person whose rights have been violated, to himself; The assertion of one's rights a duty to society; Importance of the struggle for law to national life; The Roman law of today and the struggle for law. 140 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Jellinek, G. The declaration of the rights of man and of citizens, a contribution to modern constitutional history. 1901. L6237 Lassalle, F. Das System der erworbenen Rechte; eine Versohnung des positiven Rechts und der Rechtsphilosophie. 2v. 1880. D 3432 Lioy, D. The philosophy of right, tr. from the Italian. 2v. 1891. L5015 Mackinnon, J. A history of modern liberty. 3v. 1906-08. L6404 v.l. Origins — The middle ages. 2. The age of the reformation. 3. The struggle with the Stuarts, 1603-1647. McMaster, J. B. The acquisition of politi- cal, social and industrial rights of man in America. 1903. L 6946 Mill, J. S .On liberty. 1869. L426 Montague, F. C. The limits of individual liberty. 1885. L 348 Morley, J. On compromise. 1874. L 133 An essay on the lines of Mill's Liberty, treating the question of compromise between principle and expediency. Morris, M. F. History of the development of constitutional and civil liberty. 1898. L6401 Paterson, J. The liberty of the press, speech and public worship; being com- mentaries on the liberty of the subject and the laws of England. 1880. N 4883 Price, R. Additional observations on the nature and value of civil liberty, and the war with America. 1777. L 177 Observations on the nature of civil lib- erty, the principles of government, and the justice and policy of the war with America. 1776. L 176 Ritchie, D. G. Natural rights, a criticism of some political and ethical conceptions. 1895. L6253 Routledge, J. Chapters in the history of popular progress, chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury, 1660-1820; with an application to later years. 1876. N 4978 Scherger, G. L. The evolution of modern liberty. 1904. L 6411 Contents: Introduction. Pt.l. The history and development of natural law. pt.2. History of the doctrine of the sovereignty of the people. pt.3. The American bills of rights. pt.4. The French declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen. Simon, J. F. S. La liberte civile. 1872. C6773 Smith, B. Liberty and liberalism; a pro- test against the growing tendency toward undue interference by the state with in- dividual liberty. 1887. L3182 Stephen, Sir J. F. Liberty, equality, fra- ternity. 1874. L823 Sturdy, W. A. Individual rights; a trea- tise upon man's powers and duties, sug- gesting a new method of balloting. 1888. L3294 Williams, A. T. The concept of equality in the writings of Rousseau, Bentham and Kant. 1907. L 10284, 13 Wortman, T. A treatise concerning politi- cal enquiry and the liberty of the press. 1800. L 3272 Initiative, Referendum, Recall Direct Legislation Johnsen, T. E., comp. Selected articles on the recall. 1911. L 7583 Bibliography: p. 9-13. Phelps, E. M.,comp. Selected articles Oil the initiative and referendum. 1909. L7581 (Debaters' handbook series). United States Library of Congress. Division of bibliography. Select list of references on the initiative, referendum and recall. 1912. *0 2104, 53 American Academy of Political and Social Science. The initiative, referendum and recall. 1912. L 11695 Bacon, E. M. and Wyman, M. Direct elec- tions and law-making by popular vote; the initiative, the referendum, the recall, com- mission government for cities, preferential voting. 1912. L 11641 Beard, C. A. and Schultz, B. E. Docu- ments on the state-wide initiative, refer- endum and recall. 1912. L 7556 Brown, W. H. The popular initiative as a method of legislation and political con- trol. 1907. L 7565 Brown, W. J. The new democracy. 1899. L6290 Central Debating League — University of Chicago. The recall (excluding judges), a debate, the constructive and rebuttal speeches of the representatives of the University of Chicago in the fourteenth annual contests of the Central Debating League against Michigan and North- western, January 19, 1912. Question: "Resolved, that the recall should be adopted for all elective state and munici- pal officers, except judges." 1912. L 7584 Cree, N. Direct legislation by the people. 1892. L3369 Deploige, S. The referendum in Switzer- land, with a letter on the referendum in Belgium by M. J. van den Heuvel. 1898. L6514 Eaton, A. IT. The Oregon system, the story of direct legislation in Oregon; a presentation of the methods and results INITIATIVE, LIBERTY 141 of the initiative and referendum, and re- call, in Oregon. 1912. L 7555 Honey, S. R. The referendum among the English; a manual of "submissions to the people" in the American states. 1912. L 7591 Lieb, H. The initiative and referendum. 1902. L6198 Lloyd, H. D. A sovereign people; a study of Swiss democracy. 1907. L 7616 Lobingier, C. S. The people's law; or, Popular participation in law-making from ancient folk-moot to modern referendum; a study in the evolution of democracy and direct legislation. 1909. L 7029 Munro, W. B., ed. The initiative, referen- dum and recall. 1912. L 7030 (National Municipal League series). "Sources and literature," p.342-348. Oberholtzer, E. P. The referendum in America, together with some chapters on the history of the initiative and other popular phases of government in the United States. 1900. L 6352 Ransom, W. L. Majority rule and the ju- diciary; an examination of current pro- posals for constitutional change affecting the relation of courts to legislation. With an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt. 1912. L 11674 Schaffner, M. A. The initiative and refer- endum. State legislation. 1907. L6791, 11 (Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Legisla- tive reference department. Comparative legisla- tion bulletin no. 11). Thomas, A. W. Democracy and direct leg- islation, with special reference to the laws passed by the 40th General Assem- bly of Illinois. 1898. L 6332 Wilcox, D. F. Government by all the peo- ple; or, The initiative, the referendum and the recall as instruments of democ- racy. 1912. L 7595 Public Opinion Holtzendorff, F. v. Wesen und Werth der oflentlichen Meinung. 1880. D 2972 Liberty of the Press Duniway, C. A. The development of free- dom of the press in Massachusetts. 1906. B 2260, 12 (Harvard historical studies, vol. XII). Geiger, L. Das junge Deutschland und die preussische Censur; nach ungedruckten archivalischen Quellen. 1900. D 7180 Hunt, F. K. The fourth estate; contribu- tions towards a history of newspapers and of the liberty of the press. 2v. 1850. J 1822 Lea, H. C. Chapters from the religious history connected with the inquisition: Censorship of the press; Mystics and illuminati; Endemoniadas; El Santo Nino de la Guardia; Brienda de Bardaxi. 1890. M2880 Milton, J. Areopagitica; a speech for the liberty of unlicensed printing, with pref- atory remarks by T. H. White; to which is subjoined a tract Sur la liberte de la presse, par le comte de Mirabeau. 1819. E4612 Areopagitica, 1644. Preceded by illus- trative documents, ed. by E. Arber. 1868. J 1891, 1 (In Arber, E., ed. English reprints, no.l). Mirabeau, H. G. R., comte de. Sur la lib- erte de la presse; imite de 1* anglois de Milton, 1788. E 4612 (With Milton, J. Areopagitica. 1819. p.265- 311). Paterson, J. The liberty of the press, speech, and public worship; being com- mentaries on the liberty of the subject and the laws of England. 1880. N 4883 Routledge, J. Chapters in the history of popular progress, chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury, 1660-1820; with an application to later years. 1876. N 4978 Rutherford, L. John Peter Zenger, his press, his trial and a bibliography of Zenger imprints, also a reprint of the first edition of the trial. 1904. *P 502 Wortman, T. A treatise concerning politi- cal enquiry and the liberty of the press. 1880. L3272 Liberty of Conscience Cobb, S. H. The rise of religious liberty in America. 1902. B 2322 Creighton, M. Persecution and tolerance, being the Hulsean lectures before the University of Cambridge in 1893-94. 1895. M3211 Davis, G. L.-L. The day-star of American freedom; or, The birth and early growth of toleration in the province of Mary- land. 1855. B 1645 Greene, M. L. The development of re- ligious liberty in Connecticut. 1905. B3031 James, C. F. Documentary history of the struggle for religious liberty in Virginia. 1900. B 4501 Locke, J. Four letters on toleration. 1870. M905 Marillier, L. La liberte de conscience. 1890. C 12775 National Liberal League. Equal rights in religion; report of the Centennial Con- gress of Liberals and organization of the National Liberal League at Philadel- phia, on the 4th of July, 1876. L 902 142 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Nystrom, A. K., Kristendomen och den fria tanken; en kritiskt historisk fram- stallning. 1908. CC 10931 Reinkens, J. H. Lessing iiber Toleranz; eine erlauternde Abhandlung in Briefen. 1883. D 3636 Ruffini, F. Religious liberty, tr. by J. P. Heyes. 1912. M9881 (Theological translation library). Russell, W. T. Maryland; the land of sanctuary. A history of religious tolera- tion in Maryland from the first settle- ment until the American revolution. 1907. B 1716 Schaff, P. The progress of religious free- dom as shown in the history of tolera- tion acts. 1889. M4100 Seaton, A. A. The theory of toleration un- der the later Stuarts. 1911. A 355, 19 (Cambridge historical essays, no. XIX). Simon, J. F. S. La liberte de conscience. 1872. C 6766 Voltaire, F. M. A. de. Toleration, and other essays. Translated with an intro- duction by J. McCabe. 1912. M 4389 Church and State Allies, T. W. Church and state in the formation of Christendom. 1882. M 1846 Arnold, T. Fragments on church and state, written in 1827-40, and published as ap- pendices to the first edition of the Frag- ment on the church. 1845. *P 8 ' Bound with his Fragment on the church. 1869. Child, G. W. Church and state under the Tudors. 1890. M 2875 Clemenceau, G. B. L'eglise, la republique et la liberte. 1903. CC 1800 Cobb, S. H. The rise of religious liberty in America; a history. 1902. B 2322 Coit, S. National idealism and a state church; a constructive essay in religion. 1907. M 4288 Cornelison, I. A. The relation of religion to civil government in the United States of America, a state without a church, but not without a religion. 1895. M 3452 Crapsey, A. S. Religion and politics. 1905. M8810 Debidour, E. L. M. M. A. Abrege de I'His- toire des rapports de l'eglise et de l'etat en France de 1789 al870. 1901. CC 1799 Fischer, W. Kirche, Staat und Gesell- schaft am Ausgange des Mittelalters. 1901. *D382, 35 Geffcken, F. H. Church and state; their relations historically developed; tr. and ed. by E. F. Taylor. 1877. M 454 Gladstone, W. E. The state in its rela- tions with the church. 2v. 1841. L 80 Gordon, G. E. What is the relation of the state to religion? 1878. *M 1488, 5 Haynes, E. S. P. Religious persecution; a study in political psychology. 1904. M7363 Hovey, A. Religion and the state. 1874. M1073 Janssen, C. Kirche und Staat. 1858. D3626 Joyce, J. W. The civil power in its rela- tions to the church. 1869. L 209 Mun, A., comte de. Contre la separation. 1905. CC 1774 Murri, R. Delia religione, della chiesa e dello stato. 1910. CC 18173 Noel, B. W. Essay on the union of church and state. 1849. M 986 Planeix, chanoine, R. L'eglise et l'etat, leur separation en France. 1906. CC 1798 Prall, W. The state and the church. 1900. M4650, 1898 Baldwin lectures for 1898. Pressense, E. D. de. The church and the French revolution; a history of the re- lations of church and state, from 1789 to 1802. 1869. M 2780 Sabatier, P. Disestablishment in France. 1906. M 7624 The French-English text of the separation law with notes. Schaff, P. Church and state in the United States; or, The American idea of re- ligious liberty and its practical effects, with official documents. 1888. M 2823 Same. B 841, 2 {In American Hist. Ass'n. Papers, v.2, no. 4). Spencer, H. Ecclesiastical institutions; being part six of the Principles of so- ciology. 1888. L 4032 Stanley, A. P. Essays, chiefly on questions of church and state, from 1850 to 1870. 1870. M 835 Thompson, T. P. Church and state in the United States. 1873. L 201 Zeising, A. Religion und Wissenschaft, Staat und Kirche; eine Gott- und Weltan- schauung. 1873. D 3343 Zeller, E. Staat und Kirche; Vorlesungen. 1873. D 7280 Citizenship Duties and Responsibilities Political Ethics Allen, W. H. Efficient democracy. 1907. L8517 This book is an attempt to stimulate desire on the part of the reader to apply efficiency tests to himself as governor and governed. Baldwin, S. E. The relations of education to citizenship. 1912. L 6888 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). CITIZENSHIP 143 Brewer, D. J. American citizenship; Yale lectures. 1902. L 6880 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). Brooklyn Ethical Association. Man and the state: studies in applied sociology; popular lectures and discussions. 1892. L 4460 Bryce, J. The hindrances to good citizen- ship. 1909. L6885 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). Clark, Mrs. K. U. Art and citizenship. 1907. E 2334 Curtis, G. W. The duty of the American scholar to politics and the times. 1856. *L3205, 4 Dole, C. F. The American citizen. 1909. L 11650 Greenwood, J. M. The desirable citizen; elementary lessons in law, government and citizenship. 1912. L 11669 Hadley, A. T. The education of the Amer- ican citizen. 1901. L6218 Standards of public morality. The Ken- nedy lectures for 1906, in the School of philanthropy, conducted by the Charity organization society of the city of New York. 1907. L 8746 (American social progress series, v.2). Hopkins, J. H. The American citizen, his rights and duties. 1857. L 161 Hughes, C. E. Conditions of progress in democratic government. 1910. L 6886 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). Jenks, J. W. Citizenship and the schools. 1906. L 6963 Kerschensteiner, G. Education for citizen- ship; prize essay. 1911. L 10962 Lieber, F. Manual of political ethics. 2v. 1875. L174 Maccunn, J. Ethics of citizenship. 1894. L3240 Mann, E. C. Rights and duties of citizens of the United States. 1894. L 6260 Maund, G. C. Responsibilities of the Amer- ican citizen; an address delivered before the alumni of Penn. College. 1864. *E978 Morgan, T. J. Patriotic citizenship. 1895. L6263 Pierce, E. L. Enfranchisement and citizen- ship; addresses and papers. 1896. E 5162 Potter, H. C. The citizen in his relation to the industrial situation; Yale lectures. 1902. L 6881 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). The scholar and the state, and other orations and addresses. 1897. E 5146 Powell, Sir R. S. S. B. Scouting for boys; a handbook for instruction in good citi- zenship. 1910. L8498 Contains bibliographies. Richman, J., and Wallach, I. R. Good citi- zenship. 1908. L 11676 Rogers, J. E. T. The British citizen; his rights and privileges. 1885. L 3256 Roosevelt, T. American ideals, Adminis- tration, Civil service. 1904. *J 216, 1 (His Works. Statesman ed. 1). American ideals and other essays, so- cial and political. 1897. E 5431 L'ideal americain, tr. par A. et E. de Rousiers. 1904. CC 1398 Applied ethics; being one of the Wil- liam Belden Noble lectures for 1910. 1911. M4795, 1910 Root, E. The citizen's part in government. 1907. L 6884 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). Shaler, N. S. The citizen; a study of the individual and the government. 1904. L6193 Shaw, J. W. Uncle Sam and his children. 1905. L 6709 Smith, J. W. Training for citizenship; an elementary treatise on the rights and du- ties of citizens, based on the relations which exist between organized society and its individual members. 1904. L6879 Stebbins, C. The culture of the civic vir- tues. 1901. *Doc. (In 49th Annual report of the Massachusetts State Board of Agriculture, p.28-38). Mass. Public documents for 1901, v.9. Taft, W. H. Four aspects of civic duty. 1906. L6883 (Yale lectures on the responsibility of citizen- ship). Tourgee, A. W. Letters to a king. 1888. L3342 Tucker, W. J. Public mindedness; an as- pect of citizenship. 1910. L 11550 Willoughby, W. W. The rights and duties of American citizenship. 1898. L 7023 Law of Citizenship, Naturalization Cockburn, Sir A. J. E. Nationality: law relating to subjects and aliens. 1869. N4947 Franklin, F. G. Legislative history of nat- uralization in the United States. 1906. L6957 Kallmeyer, C. How to become a citizen of the United States of America. 1911. L 11661 Morse, A. P. A treatise on citizenship, by birth and by naturalization. 1881. N4941 144 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY O'Neil, R. K. and Estes, G. K. Naturaliza- tion made easy; what to do and what to know; a book of instruction for aliens wishing to become citizens of the United States. 1913. L 11680 Tingle, E. W. S. Germany's claims upon German-Americans in Germany; a dis- cussion of German military and other laws which may affect German-Americans temporarily in Germany. 1003. N 5182 Van Dyne, F. Citizenship of the United States. 1904. N 5359 Webster, P. Law of citizenship in the United States. 1891. N 5070 Wilson, C. Wilson's naturalization laws of the United States. 1911. L 11670 Wise, J. S. Treatise on American citizen- ship. 1906. N 5362 Suffrage Elections, Electoral Systems Bavelier, A. Essai historique sur le elec- tion et sur les anciennes assemblies rep- resentatives de la France. 1874. C 4116 Chandler, J. A. C. The history of suffrage in Virginia. 1901. *L 3201, 19 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Dougherty, J. H. The electoral system of the United States; its history, together with a study of the perils that have at- tended its operations. 1906. L 6996 Electoral reform, with the Massachusetts ballot reform act and New York, Saxton bill. 1889. *L 3444 (Economic tracts, no. 25). Frieze, J. A concise history of the efforts to obtain an extension of suffrage in Rhode Island, 1811-42. 1842. B 4364 Fuller, R. H. Government by the people; the laws and customs regulating the elec- tion system and the formation and con- trol of political parties in the United States. 1908. L 6969 Hancock, J. The great question for the people; essays on the elective franchise. 1865. L213 Hartley, T. W. Universal suffrage; Fe- male suffrage. 1867. L 6407 Lefevre-Pontalis, G. A. Les elections en Europe a la fin du XIXe siecle. 1902. CC 1464 McKnight, D. A. The electoral system of the United States, a critical and historical exposition of its fundamental principles in the constitution, and of the acts and proceedings cf Congress enforcing it. 1878. L3379 McMillan, D. C. The elective franchise in the United States. 1878. L 92 Madison, J. pres. of U. S. Debate on the suffrage in congress, from his journal of the constitutional convention, 1787. 1S96. B2112, 3 Old South leaflets (general ser.) no.70. Maurice, J. F. D. The workman and the franchise. 1866. L 808 O'Neil, C. A. American electoral system. 1887. L3271 Powell, E. T. The essentials of self-gov- ernment (England and Wales): a com- prehensive survey, designed as a critical introduction to the detailed study of the electoral mechanism as the foundation of political power. 1909. L 6494 Quincy, J. P. The protection of majorities; or, Considerations relating to electoral reform; with other papers. 1876. E 1460 Sterne, S. Suffrage in cities. 1878. *L469, 7 Sturdy, W. A. Individual rights; a trea- tise upon man's powers and duties, sug- gesting a new method of balloting. 18S8. L3294 Election Law Lewis, J. H. and Putney, A. H. Handbook on election laws. 1912. L 6999 McCrary, G. W. Treatise on the American law of elections. 1880. N 4917 Proportional Representation United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. A list of books (with references to periodicals) relating to pro- portional representation. 1904. *O2104, 26 Baily, W. Proportional representation in large constituencies. 1872. L 170 Buckalew, C. R. Proportional representa- tion, or the representation of successive majorities in federal, state and primary elections. 1872. L3175 Commons, J. R. Proportional representa- tion. 1896. . L6380 (Library of economics and politics). Forney, M. N. Political reform by the rep- resentation of minorities. 1894. L 6217 Hare, T. The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal. 1873. L3234 Horton, S. D. Proportional representation. 1873. L87 Humphreys, J. II. Proportional representa- tion; a study in methods of election. 11)11. L7621 Lubbock, Sir J. Representation. L890. L6472 (The imperial Parliament). Mill, J. S. Personal representation. 1867. *L373 SUFFRAGE, ELECTIONS 145 Sedgwick, A. G. The democratic mistake; Godkin lectures of 1909 delivered at Har- vard University. 1912. L 7559 Sterne, S. On representative government and personal representation. 1871. L3190 Wisconsin. University. University exten- sion division. Dept. of debating and public discussion. Proportional representation. 1908. *Doc. Ballot Australian Ballot, Short Ballot Childs, R. S. Short-ballot principles. 1911. L 11648 Cleveland (O.). Municipal Association. Short Ballot Committee. The need of a short ballot in Ohio. 1911. L 11647 Wigmore, J. H. The Australian ballot sys- tem as embodied in the legislation of various countries. 1889. L 3326 Gerrymander Griffith, E. C. The rise and development of the gerrymander. 1907. L 6906 Election Expenditures Belmont, P. Publicity of election expendi- tures. 1905. *Doc. 4911 (U. S. 59th Congress, 1st session. Senate doc. 89). National Publicity Bill Organization. First annual report of the National Publicity Bill Organization, Jan. 8, 1907. *Doc 5071 (U. S. 59th Congress, 2nd session. Senate doc. 195). Publicity of election and expenditures. Abstract of laws. 1908. *Doc. 5265 (U. S. 60th Congress. 1st session. Senate doc. 337). Laws of various states. United States. Congress. House. Com- mittee on Election of President. Vice-Presi- dent, and Representatives in Congress. Publicity of election contributions; re- port. 1906. *Doc. 4908 (U. S. 59th Congress. 1st session. House re- port 5082). Contains texts of bills introduced and views of the minority. Corrupt Practices in Elections United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. Select list of refer- ences on corrupt practices in elections. 1908. *0 2104, 43 Brooks, R. C Corruption in American politics and life. 1910. L 11645 Christie, W. D. The ballot; and corrup- tion and expenditure at elections; a col- lection of essays and addresses of differ- ent dates. 1872, L 212 Davenport, J. I. Election frauds of New York city, and their prevention. 1881. L234 Contents: Eleven years of fraud — 1860-70. Schaffner, M. A. Corrupt practices at elec- tions, contributions and expenditures. 1906. L 679, 13 (Wisconsin Free Library Commission. Legisla- tive reference department. Comparative legislation bulletin, no. 3). Bossism Means, D. M. The boss; an essay upon the art of governing American cities. 1894. L6202 Spelling, T. C. Bossism and monopoly. 1906. L 8075 Steffens, J. L. The struggle for self-gov- ernment; being an attempt to trace Ameri- can political corruption to its sources in six states of the United States. 1906. L6943 Stickney, A. Organized democracy. 1906. L7618 Contents: Machine politics; Organized democ- racy; The cost of machine politics; The necessity of reorganization; General considerations. Tyrrell, F. G. Political thuggery; or, Bri- bery a national issue. Missouri's battle with the boodlers, including the great fight led by Hon. Joseph W. Folk; and the uprising of the people of the state. 1904. B 1548 Vickers, G. The fall of bossism; a history of' the committee of one hundred, and the reform movement in Philadelphia and Pennsylvania. 1883. L 3248 Nominating Systems Caucus, Primary Fanning, C. E. Selected articles on direct primaries (reprints). 1905. L 11651 (Debaters' handbook series). United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of bibliography. List of references on primary elections, particularly direct primaries. 1905. *0 2104,21 California. Legislature. Primary election laws of California with forms for the making of nominations thereunder; 1912, together with annotations and analysis by the author of the bills. 1912. *Doc. Contents: Direct primary law — for September election; Presidential primary act — for May elec- tion. Dallinger, F. W. Nomination for elective office in the United States. 1897. B 2260, 4 (Harvard historical studies). Lawton, G. W. American caucus system; its origin, purpose and utility. 1885. L3245 (Questions of the day). Legislative Voters League of the State of Illinois. Synopsis of Illinois' primary election law in force July 1, 1908. 1908. L6990 146 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Merriam, C. E. Primary elections; a study of the history and tendencies of primary election legislation. 1909. L 6989 Bibliography: p.289-295. Meyer, E. C. Nominating systems: di- rect primaries versus conventions in the United States. 1902. L 6930 Remsen, D. S. Primary elections; a study of methods for improving the basis of party organization. 1894. L3195 Whitridge, F. W. The caucus system. 1883. *L 3444, 1 (In Economic tracts, no. 8). Woman Suffrage Franklin, M. L. The case for woman suf- frage; a 'bibliography. 1913. *O2704 Allan, J. McG. Woman suffrage wrong in principle and practice; an essay. 1890. L4434 Allen, W. H. Woman's part in govern- ment. 1911. L9274 Anthony, S. B. Account of the proceedings on the trial of Susan B. Anthony on the charge of illegal voting. 1874. N 4963 Beecher, C. E. Woman suffrage and wo- man's profession. 1871. L 557 Blackburn, H. Women's suffrage; a record of the women's suffrage movement in the British Isles. 1902. L 9259 The book of woman's power, with an intro- duction by I. M. Tarbell. 1911. E 1880 Buckley, J. M. The wrong and peril of woman suffrage. 1909. L 9258 Bushnell, H. Woman's suffrage. 1870. L520 ,Carter, M. H. The woman with empty hands; the evolution of a suffragette. 1913. L 9247 Clough, Mrs. E. R. A study of Mary Woll- stonecraft and the rights of woman. 1898. L9221 Cobbe, F. P. The duties of women. 1881. L493 Congres francais et international du droit des femmes. Compte rendu des travaux. 1889. *V 1879 Cook, T. C. C, lady. Constitutional equality a right of woman. 1871. L 503 Crepaz, Fran. A. The emancipation of wo- men and its probable consequences. 1893. L9214 (Social science series). Davis, Mrs. P. W., comp. A history of the national woman's rights movement for twenty years, 1850-70. 1871. L 4418 Dicey, A. V. Letters to a friend on votes for women. 1909. L 9262 Dodge, M. A. Gail Hamilton. Woman's wrongs. 1872. L 517 Dohm, Fran H. Der Frauen Natur und Recht. 1876. D 4679 Dorr, R. C. What eight million women want. 1910. L 9252 Dumas, A. Les femmes qui tuent et les femmes qui votent. 1885. C 4742 Fulton, J. D. Woman vs. ballot. 1869. *L 3205, 11 Giraud, L. De la condition des femmes. 1891. C 12495 Godwin, Mrs. M. W. A vindication of the rights of woman. 1890. L 553 Goodwin, G. D. Anti-suffrage: ten good reasons. 1912. L 9276 Hart, H. L. Women's suffrage and national danger; a plea for the ascendancy of man. 1889. L 3353 Hartley, T. W. Universal suffrage; Female suffrage. 1867. L 6407 Hecker, E. A. A short history of women's rights from the days of Augustus to the present time. 1910. L 9255 International Council of Women. Report, 1888. L4433 Der Internationale Frauen-Kongress in Berlin, 1904: Bericht. 1905. D 18176 Jacobi, Mrs. M. P. "Common sense" ap- plied to woman suffrage. 1894. L 4429 (Questions of the day). Johnson, Mrs. H. K. Woman and the re- public, a survey of the woman suffrage movement in the United States. 1897. L9224 Key, Ellen. The woman movement; tr. by Mamah Bouton Borthwick, with an in- troduction 'by Havelock Ellis. 1912. L9299 Livermore, D. P. Woman suffrage de- fended by irrefutable arguments. 1885. L9234 The man's case for giving a million votes to women. 1910. L 9266 Martin, Mrs. V. C. W., and Cook, T. C. C, lady. The human body the temple of God; or, The philosophy of sociology. 1890. L4426 Mill, J. S. Speech on the admission of women to the electoral franchise. 18G7. *L213 Mill, Mrs. J. S. Enfranchisement of wo- men. 1868. *L213 Palmer, T. W. Universal suffrage. L885. *L 3205,4 Pankhurst, E. S. The suffragette. 1911. L9267 Phelps, E. M., comp. Selected articles <>n woman suffrage. 1910. L 9264 WOMAN SUFFRAGE, NEGRO QUESTION 147 Rembaugh, B., comp. The political status of women in the United States. 1911. L9271 Robins, E. "Mrs. G. R. Parkes." Way sta- tions. 1913. L9248 "Collection of speeches, lectures and articles dealing with the new woman's movement in Eng- land." Robinson, Mrs. H. J. H. Massachusetts in the woman suffrage movement; a general political, legal and legislative history, from 1774 to 1881. 1881. L 552 Rylance, J. H. The woman suffrage ques- tion; an argument and an appeal. 1894. L 4431 Schirmacher, K. The modern woman^s rights movement. 1912. L927 3 Seawell, M. E. The ladies' battle. 1911. L9273 Squire, B. The woman movement in Amer- ica. 1911. L9268 Stanton, Mrs. E. C. and others. History of woman suffrage. 4v. 1881-1902. L 541 Sumner, H. L. Equal suffrage. 1909. L9263 White. E. A., '•Alex. As it should be. 1874. L522 Wisconsin University, University extension division. Dept. of debating and public dis- cussion. Woman suffrage. 1908. L 10902, 214 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin). Woman suffrage; arguments and results. A collection of eight popular booklets. 191? L9277 Contents: Why women should vote, by J. Addams. — Objections answered, by A. S. Black- well— Where women vote, by F. M. Bjorkman.— Do you know? by C. C. Catt.— A common sense view of woman suffrage, by J. L. Williams.— Why women want to vote, by F. M. Bjorkman —Meas- uring up equal suffrage, by G. Creel and B. B. Lindsey. — Eminent opinions. Woman-suffrage movement in the United States. 1895. L 9260 Women's conquest of New York. 1894. E 6510 The Negro as Citizen Political and Economic Status, The Negro Question, Negro Suffrage Siee- V The negro problem: a bibliog- raphy. 1908. *0 2745,1 (Wisconsin free library commission. American social questions). United States. Bureau of Education. Re- port of the education for the year of 1893- 94. 1896. * Doc - United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. List of discussions of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments with special reference to negro suffrage^^ — Select list of references on the negro question. 1903. *0 2104, 29 p.1038-1061. Bibliography of negro education: I. Education of the colored race; II. Negroes in America; III. Works by negro authors. Appeal to Pharaoh: the negro problem and its radical solution. 1889. L4902 Archer, W. Through Afro-America; an English reading of the race problem. 1910. L 9402 Baker, R. S. Following the color line; an account of negro citizenship in the Amer- ican democracy. 1908. L 4930 Blair, L. H. Prosperity of the South de- pendent upon the elevation of the negro. 1889. L4898 Botume, E. H. First days amongst the contrabands. 1893. L 4892 Brackett, J. R. Notes on the progress of the colored people of Maryland since the war. 1S90. *L3201,8 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Brawley, B. G. A short history of the American negro. 1913. L 9404 Bibliography: p.233-238. Bruce, P. A. The plantation negro as a freeman; observations on his character, condition and prospects in Virginia. 1889. L4897 (Questions of the day). Cable, G. W. The negro question. 1890. L4899 The silent South. 1885. L 309 Cheever, G. B. The republic, or, The oligarchy? which? an appeal against the proposed transfer of the right to vote from the people to the state. 1866. *B555 No. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets. Child, Mrs. L. M. F., ed. The freedman's book. 1869. E950 Clowes, W. L. Black America: a study of the ex-slave and his late master. 1891. L490O Cooper, A. J. A voice from the South. 1892. L4915 Douglass, Ff. P. Christian reconstruction in the South. 1909. L 9408 Dowd, J. The negro races, a sociological study. 1907. L4922 Du Bois, W. E. B. Efforts for social bet- terment among negro Americans. 1909. L 9403, 14 (The Atlanta University publications). The souls of black folk; essays and sketches. 1903. L4937 Durham, F. A. The lone-star of Liberia; being the outcome of reflections on our own people. 1892. L4914 148 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Eastman, H. P. The negro, his origin, his- tory and destiny. 1905. L 4941 Eggleston, E. The ultimate solution of the American negro problem. 1913. L 9409 Eliot, W. G. The story of Archer Alexan- der: from slavery to freedom. 1885. L4918 From servitude to service; being the Old South lectures on the history and work of southern institutions for the education of the negro. 1905. L 10942 Gibson, J. W. and Crogman, W. H. The colored American from slavery to hon- orable citizenship. 1902. L 4921 Gregoire, H. An enquiry concerning the intellectual and moral faculties, and liter- ature of negroes. 1810. L 699 Hart, A. B. The southern South. 1910. L9414 Haynes, G. E. The negro at work in New York city; a study in economic progress. 1912. L 6589, 49 III (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law, ed. by the Faculty of political science, vol. xlix, no. 3). Helm, M. The upward path; the evolution of a race. 1911. M 8417, 15 (Forward mission study courses). Helper, H. R. The negroes in Negroland, the negroes in America, and negroes gen- erally. 1868. L4853 Hoffman, F. L. Race traits and tendencies of the American negro. 1896. *L 3516, 11 Ingle, E. The negro in the District of Columbia. 1893. *L 3201, 11 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Jackson, G. B. and Davis, D. W. The indus- trial history of the negro race of the United States. 1908. L 9415 Johnston, Sir H. H. The negro in the new world. 1910. L9416 Langston, J. M. A speech on Equality be- fore the law; delivered in the Hall of Representatives in the capitol of Mis- souri, 9th day of January, 1866. 1866. *L213 No. 5 of a vol. of pamphlets. Livermore, G. An historical research con- cerning the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citi- zens, and as soldiers. 1863. L 705 Same. 1863. B 1031, 6 (In Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings, v.6, p.88-248). Maxwell, J. R. The negro question. 1892. L4916 Mayo, A. Southern women in the recent educational movement in the South. L892. L1694 Melick, C. W. Some phases of the negro question. 1908. L9417 Merriam, G. S. The negro and the nation; a history of American slavery and en- franchisement. 1906. L9418 Miller, K. Race adjustment; essays on the negro in America. 1908. L 4925 Morton, J. F., jr. The curse of race prej- udice. 1906. L4940 Murphy, E. G. The basis of ascendancy; a discussion of certain principles of pub- lic policy involved in the development of the southern states. 1909. L4950 Nash, C. E. The status of the negro. 1901. L4926 National Negro Conference. Proceedings, 1909. 1909. L9421 Negro pew, The; being an inquiry concern- ing the propriety of distinctions in the house of God, on account of color. 1837. L4862 The negro problem; a series of articles by representative American negroes of to- day. 1903. L4934 Negro year book and annual encyclopedia of the negro, 1912. 1912. *L 9422 "A select bibliography of the negro," v.l, p. 199- 215. Nell, W. C. The colored patriots of the American revolution with sketches of dis- tinguished colored persons. 1855. B 313 Norfolk, Va. Colored Citizens. Equal suf- frage; address from the colored citizens of Norfolk, Va., to the people of the United States. 1865. L 731 No. 6 of a vol. of pamphlets. Ovington, M. W. Half a man; the status of the negro in New York. 1911. L 9423 Page, T. N. The negro: the southerner's problem. 1904. L 4935 Patterson, R. A. The negro and his needs, with a foreword by W. H. Taft. 1911. L9424 Penn, I. G. The Afro-American press, and its editors. 1891. J 1735 Pickett, W. P. The negro problem; Abra- ham Lincoln's solution. 1909. L 4939 Pipkin, J. J. The negro in revelation, in history and in citizenship; what the race has done and is doing in arms, arts and letters. 1902. L 4927 Scholes, T. E. S. Glimpses of the ages; or, The "superior" and "inferior" races, so- called, discussed in the light of science and history. 1905. K 17733 Schultz, A. P. Race or mongrel. 1908. K 17736 Shufeldt, R. W. The negro, a menace to American civilization. 1907. L 4944 Sinclair, W. A. The aftermath of slavery; a study of the condition and environment of the American negro. 1 9 .> . L4945 NEGRO QUESTION, SLAVERY 149 Smith, W. B. The color line; a brief in behalf of the unborn. 1905. L 4948 Stearns, C. The black man of the South and the rebels. 1872. L4886 Stephenson, G. T. Race distinctions in American law. 1910. L 9426 Stone, A. H. Studies in the American race problem. 1908. L 4929 Thomas, W. H. The American negro; what he was, what he is, and what he may become. 1901. L4949 Thrasher, M. B. Tuskegee, its story and its work. 1900. L 10451 Tillinghast, J. A. The negro in Africa and America. 1902. *L 3516, 16 (In Amer. Econ. Association, 3d ser.). Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to Caesar. 1884. L316 Turner, E. R. The negro in Pennsylvania, slavery — servitude — freedom, 1639-1861. 1911. L9428 (Prize essays of the American Historical Associa- tion, 1910). Washington, B. T. Character building; be- ing addresses delivered on Sunday eve- nings to the students of Tuskegee Insti- tute. 1902. L 10452 The colored race and its relation to the productive industries of this country. 1901. *Doc. (Mass. Public Documents for 1901, v. 9). Education of the negro. 1900. L 10404, 2 The future of the American negro. 1899. L4917 The negro in business. 1907. L4942 Putting the most into life. 1906. L4919 The story of the negro, the rise of the race from slavery. 2v. 1909. L9430 Tuskegee & its people; their ideals and achievements. 1905. L 10454 Up from slavery, an autobiography. 1901. C 19088 Working with the hands; being a sequel to "Up from slavery." 1904. L 10453 Washington, B. T. and Du Bois, W. E. B. The negro in the South, his economic progress in relation to his moral and re- ligious development. 1907. L4920 Washington Conference on the Race Prob- lem in the United States (1903). How to solve the race problem. 1904. L 4938 Weatherford, W. D. Negro life in the South, present conditions and needs. 1910. L9434 Present forces in negro progress. 1912. L9435 "Bibliography," p.187-188. Williams, G. W. History of the negro race in America from 1619 to 1880. 2v. 1883. B332 Slavery General, Historical Babington, C. Influence of Christianity in promoting the abolition of slavery in Europe. 1846. L 570 Blake, W. O. History of slavery and the slave trade, ancient and modern. 1857. L4860 Buecher. K. Aufstande der unfreien Ar- beiter, 143-129 v. Chr. 1874. D 5575 Cartault, A. G. C. La trierie athenienne: etude d'acheologie navale. 1881. C 4583 Clarkson, T. An essay on the slavery and commerce of the human species, particu- larly the African. 1788. L673 Same. 1804. L 694 Cobb, T. R. R. Historical sketch of slavery. 1858. L712 Cochin, P. S. A. The results of emancipa- tion. 1863. L721 History of slavery & emancipation in European colonies. The results of slavery. 1863. L 720 Freeman, F. Yaradee; a plea for Africa. 1836. L697 Gurowski, A., count. Slavery in history. 1860. 1.680 Hodgson, A. A letter to M. Jean-Baptiste Say, on the comparative expense of free and slave labour. 1823. *L4881, 1 Ingram, J. K. A history of slavery and serfdom. 1895. L 4912 Mandl, M. Das Sklavenrecht des alten Testaments: eine rechtsgeschichtliche Studie. 1886. *D 382, 21 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. v.21). Mann, H. Slavery; letters and speeches. 1851. L4842 Stevens, W. The slave in history; his sor- rows and his emancipation. 1904. L 4947 Villard, A. Histoire de l'esclavage ancien et moderne. 1880. C 6910 Histoire du servage ancien et moderne. 1879. C6911 Wallon, H. A. Histoire de l'esclavage dans l'antiquite. 3v. 1879. C 13369 Slave Trade Berlioux £. F. The slave trade in Africa in 1872. 1872. L 4904 Buxton, Sir T. F. American slave trade and its remedy. 1840. L 668 Canot, T. Captain Canot; or, Twenty years of an African slaver. 1854. L4851 150 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Carey, H. C. The slave trade, domestic and foreign. 1856. L 672 Clarke, R. K, ed. Cardinal Lavigerie and the African slave trade. 1889. L 4905 Clarkson, T. An essay on the policy of the African slave trade. 1788. L 673 The history of the rise, progress, and of the abolition of the African slave trade. 1816. L 736 Cooper, J. The lost continent; or, Slavery and the slave trade in Africa. 1875. L 683 Du Bois, W. E. B. The suppression of the African slave trade to the United States of America, 1638-1870. 1896. B 2260, 1 Hochstetter, F. Die wirtschaftlichen und politischen Motive fiir die Abschaffung des britischen Slavenhandels im Jahre 1806-1807. 1905. D 4785, 25 Spears, J. R. The American slave trade. 1900. " L4946 Controversial Works, Debates Blanchard, J. and Rice, N. L. Debate on slavery. 1846. L4907 Brownlow, \V. G., and Pryne, A. Ought American slavery to be perpetuated? A debate. 1858. L 4854 Fuller, R. and Wayland, F. Domestic slavery considered as a Scriptural insti- tution. 1860. L698 Correspondence pro and contra. Grosvenor, C. P. A review of the "Corre- spondence" of Messrs. Fuller & Wayland, on the subject of American slavery. L847. L4858 Smith, J., ed. Is slavery sinful; being par- tial discussions of the proposition, slav- ery is sinful. 1863. L 4866 Correspondence, pro and con, republished from religious periodicals. Pro-Slavery Adams, N. South-side view of slavery. 1860. L 725 Armstrong, G. D. The Christian doctrine of slavery. 1857. L 685 Bledsoe, A. T. Essay on liberty and slav- ery. 1860. L671 Chase, L. B. English serfdom and Ameri- can slavery. 1854. L 689 Christy, D. Cotton is king. 1856. L 4932 rulpit politics. 1862. L4931 Colton, C. Abolition a sedition; by a Northern man. 1839. L 738 Elliott, E. N., ed. Cotton is king and pro- slavery arguments. 1860. L4871 Estes, M. A defense of negro slavery as it exists in the United States. 1846. L 4877 Fitzgerald, W. P. N. A scriptural view of slavery and abolition. 1839. *E 5041. 11 Fletcher, J. Studies on slavery, in easy lessons. 1852. L 4841 Harper, W. and others. The pro-slavery argument. 1852. L 4865 Hopkins, J. H. A Scriptural, ecclesiastical, and historical view of slavery. 1864. L678 Hughes, H. Treatise on sociology. 1854. L3986 The title is misleading. The book is a defense of slavery, from the Southern standpoint. Nott, S., jr. Slavery and the remedy. 1857. L4872 Priest, J. Slavery as it relates to the negro or African race. 1843. L 4879 Robinson, J. B. Pictures of slavery and anti-slavery. 1863. L 740 Ross, F. A. Slavery ordained of God. 1S57. L676 Sawyer, G. S. Southern institutes; or, An inquiry into the origin and early preva- lence of slavery and the slave-trade. 1859. L4848 Seabury, S. American slavery distinguished from the slavery of the English theorists and justified by the law of nature. 1861. L744 Slavery indispensable to the civilization of Africa. 1855. *L4850, 1 Anti-Slavery Abolitionist, An. Extracts from remarks on Dr. Channing's Slavery. 1836. L 681 Bacon, L. Slavery discussed in occasional essays, 1833-46. 1846. L 4870 Barnes, A. Church and slavery. 1857. L687 An inquiry into the Scriptural views of slavery. 1857. L 688 Birney, J. G. American churches, the bul- warks of American slavery. L885. *L 3205, 11 Brown, W. W., comp. The anti-slavery harp; a collection of songs for anti-slav- ery meetings. 1849. *L 4850, 4 Burritt, E. A plan of brotherly copartner- ship of the north and south. 1856. *L3205, 11 Chambers, W. American slavery and colour. 1861. L716 Cheever, G. B. God against slavery. 1S57. L691 The guilt of slavery, and the crime of slave-holding. 1860. L 6SiT Child, Mrs. L. M. F. An appeal in favor of that class of Americans called Africans. L833, L693 Elliott, C. Sinfulness of American slavery proved from its evil sources. 2v. L850. L4843 SLAVERY 151 Garrison, W. L. The new "reign of terror" in the slave-holding states, for 1859-GO. 1860. *L4850, 5 No compromise with slavery. 1854. *L 4850, 3 Goodwin, D. R. Southern slavery in its present aspects. 1864. L679 Hall, M. The two-fold slavery of the United States. 1854. L 4859 Haven, G. Sermons, speeches, and letters on slavery and its war. 1869. L4888 Hildreth, R. Despotism in America. 1854. L700 Hodgman, S. A. The nation's sin and pun- ishment. 1864. L701 Hosmer, W. Slavery and the church. 1853. L703 Keefer, J. Slavery; its sin, moral effects and certain death. 1864. L 4874 Liberty bell, The, by friends of freedom. 1845. L 4894 Lincoln, A. Cooper Institute address (against slavery). 1860. 1900. B 2112, 5 Old South leaflets (general ser.) no.107. Library has many editions of Lincoln's speeches and writings. Consult card catalog. Lounsbury, T. Pro-slavery overthrown, and the true principles of abolitionism declared. 1847. L 727 Lowell, J. R. The anti-slavery papers of James Russell Lowell. 2v. 1902. L 4923 Owen, R. D. The wrong of slavery, the right of emancipation. 1864. L 677 Paxton, J. D. Letters on slavery. 1833. L707 Phillips, W., ed. The constitution a pro- slavery compact. 1856. L4883 Pierpont, J. Anti-slavery poems. 1843. *L4850, 4 Scott, O. An appeal to the Methodist Epis- copal church. 1838. L 4882 Smith, W. A. Lectures on the philosophy and practice of slavery. 1856. L4868 South vindicated from the treason and fa- naticism of the northern abolitionists. 1836. L724 Stearns, E. J. Notes on Uncle Tom's cabin. 1853. L674 Stewart, A. Writings and speeches on slav- ery. 1860. L 708 Stiles, J. C. Modern reform examined, or, The union of North and South on the sub- ject of slavery. 1858. L 709 Stringfellow, T. Slavery; its origin, nature and history. 1860. *L 171 Thoreau, H. D. Anti-slavery and reform papers. 1890. L 4906 Thornton, T. C. An inquiry into the his- tory of slavery. 1841. L 4876 Van Evrie, J. H. Negroes and negro "slavery." 1861. L 4867 Another ed. entitled: White supremacy and negro subordination. 1868. t 4H49 Weld, Mrs. A. E. G. Letters to Catherine E. Beecher in reply to an essay on slav- ery and abolitionism. 1838. L4880 Slavery by Countries United States Bassett, J. S. Slavery in the state of North Carolina. 1899. *L 3201, 17 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Bollagh, J. C. A history of slavery in Vir- ginia. 1902. L 3200, 24 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Brackett, J. R. The negro in Maryland; a study of the institution of slavery. 1889. ,r x L TT .. L 3200, 6 Un Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in historical and political science, extra v.6). Brent, L. Incidents in the life of a slave girl. 1861. C413 Brown, W. H. An historical sketch of the early movement in Illinois for the legali- zation of slavery. 1876. *L 1353, 1-5 Cairnes, J. E. The slave power; its charac- ter, career, and probable designs, being an attempt to explain the real issues in- volved in the American contest. 1862. L714 Collection of 14 pamphlets on colonization of negroes, and their condition in the U. S. *L741 Collection of 9 pamphlets on slavery in the United States, by various authors. *L731 Collection of 38 pamphlets, in 4 volumes, on the abolition, colonization of negroes, condition of negroes in the U. S., etc., by various authors. *L 4850 Collins, W. H. The domestic slave trade of the southern states. 1904. L 4933 Ellison, T. Slavery and secession in Amer- ica, historical and economical. 1862. L4889 Goodell, W. The American slave code, in theory and practice. 1853. L 4845 Greeley, H. A history of the struggle for slavery extension or restriction in the United States. 1856. L 669 Hamilton, J. C. The slave power. 1864. L731 Harris, N. D. The history of negro servi- tude in Illinois, and of the slavery agita- tion in that state, 1719-1864. 1904. B3238 Hart, A. B. Slavery and abolition, 1831- 1841. 1906. B 2280, 16 (The American nation: a history, ed. by A. B. Hart). 152 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Jay, W. Miscellaneous writings on slavery. 1853. L 734 A view of the action of the federal gov- ernment in behalf of slavery. 1839. L4885 Jones, J. The black laws of Illinois, and a few reasons why they should be re- pealed. 1864. N4107 Kapp, F. Geschichte der Sklaverei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1861. D4737 Kettell, T. P. Southern wealth and north- ern profits. 1860. L 3453 Livermore, G. An historical research re- specting the opinions of the founders of the republic on negroes as slaves, as citi- zens, and as soldiers. 1863. L 705 Same. 1863. B 1031, 6 Lord, C. E. Slavery, secession, and the constitution. 1S64. L 731 Moore, G. H. Notes on the history of slavery in Massachusetts. 1866. L 737 Additional notes on the history of slav- ery in Massachusetts. 1866. *L 3205, 11 Munford, B. B. Virginia's attitude toward slavery and secession. 1909. L9419 Poole, W. F. Anti-rlavery opinion before the year 1S00. 1873. L 722 Redpath, J. The roving editor; or, Talks with slaves in the southern states. 1859. L739 St. Landry parish, La. An ordinance or- ganizing and establishing a patrol for the police of slaves in the parish of St. Landry. 1863. L 729 Smith, W. H. A political history of slav- ery. 2v. 1903. B 2332 Stowe, Mrs. H. B. The story of "Uncle Tom's cabin," written in 1878 as an in- troduction to a new edition of Uncle Tom's cabin. 1897. B 2112, 4 A key to Uncle Tom's cabin; presenting the original facts and documents upon which the story is founded. 1853. L4895 Tower, P. Slavery unmasked. 1856. L713 Tucker, St. G. A dissertation on slavery. 1861. L 728 Turner, J. B. The three great races of men; their origin, character, history and destiny with special regard to the present condition and future destiny of the black race in the United States. 1861. *B 6172 Walker, R. J. American slavery and finances. 1863-64. L 675 Weeks, S. B. Southern Quakers and slav- ery 1896. L 3200, 15 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Weston, G. M. The progress of slavery in the United States. 1858. *L4850, 1 Same. 1857. L 4846 Personal Narratives Ball, C. Slavery in the United States. 1837. L4863 Douglass, F. My bondage and my free- dom. 1855. C 247 Eliot, W. G. The story of Archer Alexan- der; from slavery to freedom, March 30, 1863. 1885. L4918 Henson, J. An autobiography of Rev. J. Henson, Mrs. H. B. Stowe's "Uncle Tom," from 1789-1879. 1879. C 1898 Northup, S. Twelve years a slave. 1857. L4873 Stevens, C. E. Anthony Burns; a history. 1856. B 3487 Steward, A. Twenty-two years a slave and forty years a freeman. 1857. L 4869 Stowe, Mrs. H. E. B. The Edmondson family and the capture of the schooner Pearl. 1854. L4861 Ward, S. R. The autobiography of a fugi- tive negro. 1855. C 2409 Underground Railroad Coffin, L. Reminiscences, a brief history of the labors of a life-time in behalf of the slave. 1876. C 1770 Davidson, J. N. Negro slavery in Wis- consin and the underground railroad. 1897 *B 4694 (In Parkman Club. Papers, 1897. p.211-244). Siebert, W. H. The underground railroad from slavery to freedom. 1898. L4928 Smedley, R. C. History of the underground railroad in Chester and the neighboring counties of Pennsylvania. 1883. L4909 Still, W. The underground railroad. 1872. L742 The Abolition Movement Bassett, J. S. Anti-slavery leaders of North Carolina. 1898. *L 3201, 16 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Clarke, J. F. Anti-slavery days. 1884. L4856 Crandall, R. The trial of Reuben Crandall, M. 1)., charged with publishing seditious libels by circulating the publications of the American Anti-Slavery Society. 1836. L681 Fairbank, C. During slavery times. 1890. L4903 Genius of universal emancipation and Balti- more courier. 1825-27. *Ser. (Weekly newspaper, ed. by Benj. Lundy. Library has odd numbers, only, of v.l and 2. SLAVERY 153 Herbert, H. A. The abolition crusade and its consequences, four periods of Ameri- can history. 1912. B 5715 Hillis, N. D. The battle of principles. 1912. B6199 Jay, W. An inquiry into the character and tendency of the American Colonization and American Anti-Slavery Societies. 1835. L704 Matlack, L. C. The anti-slavery struggle and triumph in the Methodist Episcopal church. 1881. L 743 May, S. J. Some recollections of our anti- slavery conflict. 18G9. L 730 Moncrieff, A. R. H. A. R. Hope. Heroes in homespun; scenes and stories from the American emancipation movement. 1894. L4924 New England Anti-Slavery Convention. 1836. Proceedings. L 681 Ohio Anti-Slavery Convention, 1835. Pro- ceedings. L681 Paine, L. W. Six years in a Georgia prison: narrative. 1851. L 748 The author was imprisoned for aiding in the escape of a fugitive slave. Phillips, W. Speeches, lectures and letters. 2v. 1891-92. E 1442 Pillsbury, P. Acts of the anti-slavery apos- tles. 1884. L4855 Powell, A. M. Personal reminiscences of the anti-slavery and other reforms and reformers. 1899. C 18713 Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Convention, 1836. Proceedings. L681 Ross, A. M. Recollections and experiences of an abolitionist. 1875. L4857 Shipherd, J. R., comp. History of the Oberlin- Wellington rescue. 1859. L 735 Thompson, G. Lectures; also, a brief his- tory of his connection with the anti- slavery cause in England, by W. L. Gar- rison. 1836. L682 Prison life and reflections. 1853. L 667 Tuckerman, B. William Jay and the con- stitutional movement for the abolition of slavery. 1893. L 4908 Walker, J. Trial and imprisonment at Pensacola, Florida, for aiding slaves to escape. 1845. L4875 Wigham* E. The anti-slavery cause in America and its martyrs. 1863. L 4878 Willey, A. The history of the anti-slavery cause in state and nation. 1886. L 4890 Wilson, H. History of the anti-slavery measures of the 37th and 38th United States congresses. 1864. L 723 Africa Johnston, Sir H. H. The history of a slave. 1889. L4901 Nevinson, H. W. A modern slavery. 1906. L4943 Stanley, H. M. Slavery and the slave trade in Africa. 1893. L 4391 British Colonies Collection of six pamphlets on slavery in the British West Indies. L 719 Collection of 25 pamphlets, in 2 volumes, on slavery in the British colonies, slave- trade, etc., by various authors. *L4881 Godwin, B. Lectures on slavery. 1836. L4864 Jeremie, Sir. J. Four essays on colonial slavery. 1831. *E3776 Sharp, G. The just limitation of slavery in the laws of God, compared with the unbounded claims of the African traders and British American slaveholders. 1776. L4852 Stephen, Sir G. Anti-slavery recollections. 1854. L684 Thome, J. A. and Kimball, J. H. Emanci- pation in the West Indies. 1838. L4887 Thompson, G. Lectures; also a brief his- tory of his connection with the anti-slav- ery cause in England, by W. L. Garrison. 1836. L682 Emigration and Immigration Ray, M. K. The immigration problem; a bibliography. 1909. *0 2745,2 United States Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. A list of books (with references to periodicals) on immigration. 1907. *0 2104, 31 Same. 1907. *0 2104, 34 Atchison, R. M. Un-American immigra- tion; its present effects and future perils, a study from the census of 1890. 1894. L6540 Brandenburg, B. Imported Americans; the story of the experiences of a disguised American and his wife studying the im- migration question. 1904. L 6860 Bromwell, W. J. History of immigration to the United States, Sept. 30, 1819-Dec. 31, 1855, with immigration prior to 1S19 — the naturalization and passenger laws of the United States. 1856. L 1635 Commons, J. R. Races and immigrants in America. 1907. L 6870 Gordon, W. E. E. The alien immigrant. 1903. L 6550 154 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Grose. H. B. Aliens or Americans? 1906. M 8417, 9 (Forward mission study courses). Hall P. F. Immigration and its effects upon the United States. 1906. L 6872 Henrv J. R- Some immigrant neighbors. 191 2. L6546 (Home mission study course. Junior course). Hourwich, I. A. Immigration and labor; the economic aspects of European im- migration to the United States. 1913. Li 6875 Jenks, J. W. and Lauck, W. J. The immi- gration problem. 1912. L 6545 Kapp F. Immigration and the commis- sioners of emigration of the state of New York. 1870. L 1634 Ueber Auswanderung. 1871 *D 382, 6 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissenscn. Vortrage. o Ser., Heft 125). Roberts, P. Immigrant races in North America. 1910. L 6552 The new immigration; a study ot tne industrial and social life of. southeastern Europeans in America. 1912. L 6551 Sanderson, J. P. Republican landmarks; the views and opinions of American statesmen on foreign immigration. 1856 L 3275 Smith, R. M. Emigration and immigra- tion! 1S90. L 3953 Steiner, E. A. The immigrant tide, its ebb and flow. 1909. L 6873 On the trail of the immigrant. 1906. 14247 United States— Bureau of Statistics. Euro- pean emigration. Studies in Europe of emigration moving out of Europe, espe- cially that flowing to the United States. 1890. Doc. Special consular reports, v.2, p. 209-332. Department of Commerce and Labor Emigration to the United States. 1<)04. Doc. Industrial commission. Report of the In- dustrial commission. 1900-02. L 7300, 15 Another copy. *Doc. Treasury Department. Tables showing arrivals of alien passengers and immi- grants in the United States from 1820 to 1888. 1889. L 1692 Warne, F. J. The immigrant invasion. i o 1 3 .L# 6 5 5 o "Books of reference": p.317-318. Whelpley, T. D. The problem of the immi- grant. 1905. L 6553 White, A., ed. The destitute alien in Great Britain. 1892. L 3354 Wilkins, W. H. The alien invasion. L892. L6554 (Social questions of to-day). Wohlin, N. Utvandringslagstiftning, ofver- sikt af dess utveckling och nuvarande beskaffenhet i Europas olika stater. 1908. CC 10964, 1 Young, E. Special report on immigration. 1871. *Doc. {In U. S. 42d Cong. 1st sess. House). Same. 1872. *Doc. Colonization Colonial Administration United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. List of books (with ref- erences to periodicals) relating to the theory of colonization, government of dependencies, protectorates and related topics. 1900. *Q 2104, 5 American Economic Association. Essays in colonial finance. 1900. L 3516, 14 Barron, W. History of the colonization of the free states of antiquity, applied to the present contest between Great Britain and the American Colonies. 1777. *V 1432 Bigelow, P. The children of the nations; a study of colonization and its problems. 1901. L6364 Howison, J. European colonies in various parts of the world. 2v. 1834. 1 9740 Howitt, W. Colonization and Christianity. 1838. A 2S2 Ireland, A. Colonial administration in the Far East. 2v. 1907. *A 3850 The Far Eastern tropics; studies in the administration of tropical dependencies. 1905. L 6526 Tropical colonization. 1899. L 6527 Keller, A. G. Colonization. 190S. L 6562 Leroy, Beaulieu, P. P. De la colonisation chez les peuples modernes. 1886. C 5599 Lewis, Sir G. C. An essay on the govern- ment of dependencies. 1891. L 3382 Lord, W. F. The lost empires of the mod- ern world. 1897. A 3039 Contents: The lost empire of Portugal; The lost empire of Spain; The lost empire of France; The lost empire of Holland; Conclusions. Lowell, A. L. Colonial civil service, the se- lection and training of colonial officials in Kngland, Holland, and France. 1900. L6457 Merivale, TT. Lectures on colonization and colonies. 1841-42. L3184 Morris, H. C. The history of colonization from the earliest times to the present s. L6911 McCrary, G. W. Political issues of the time. 1878. *L 167 Mansfield, E. D. Political manual. 1868. L96 Mayo, R. Political sketches of eight years in Washington. 1829. L 112 Miller, J. B. Trade organizations in poli- tics. 18S7. L3297 Norton, C. L. Political Americanisms; a glossary of terms and phrases current at different periods in American politics. 1890. L3351 Reddale, F. Wit and humor of American statesmen; a collection from various sources classified under appropriate sub- ject headings. 1902. E 5421 Roosevelt, T. Essays on practical politics. 1888. L3319 (Questions of the day). Scisco, L. D. Political nativism in New York state. 1901. L 6589, 13 Sherman, J. Forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2v. 1895. C 11729 Smythe, W. E. Constructive democracy. 1905. L 6600 Storey, M. Politics as a duty and as a career. 1889. L 6321 (Questions of the day). Thompson, D. G. Politics in a democracy. 1893. L6215 Vrooman, F. B. The new politics. 1911. L7594 Wade, S. C, comp. The voters' handbook and political dictionary. 1896. L 6277 Weyl, W. E. The new democracy. 1912. L 11694 White, W. A. The old order changeth; a view of American democracy. 1910. L7624 Whitney, T. R. A defence of the American policy, as opposed to the encroachments of foreign influence and especially to the interference of the papacy in the political interests of the United States. 1856. L332 Wise, J. S. Recollections of thirteen presi- dents. 1906. C 16880 U. S. Politics Before 1861 Conklin, V. A. American political history to the death of Lincoln. 1901. L 6926 Hastings, H. J. Ancient American politics. 1881. *V828 Orth, S. P. Five American politicians; a study in the evolution of American poli- tics. I. Aaron I'.urr. father of the politi- cal machine. II. De Witt Clinton, father of the spoils system. III. Martin Van Buren, nationalizer of the machine. V. [!]. Henry Clay, master and victim of U. S. POLITICS 167 compromise and coalition. VI[!]. Ste- phen A. Douglas, defender of state's rights and nationalism. 1906. L 6938 Colonial and to 1820 Adams, J. and Sewall, J. Novanglus and Massachusettensis; or, Political essays published in the years 1774 and 1775 on the principal points of controversy be- tween Great Britain and her colonies. 1819. L 1 Austin, B., jr. Constitutional republicanism in opposition to fallacious federalism. 1803. L9 Carey, M. The new olive branch; or, An attempt to establish an identity of in- terest between agriculture, manufactures and commerce. 1820. L 596 The olive branch; or, Faults on both sides, Federal and Democratic. 1818. L594 Olive branch no. III.; or, An inquiry whether any arrangement is practicable between the friends and opposers of the protecting system. 1832. L419 Gibbs, G. Administrations of George Washington and John Adams. 2v. 1846. L94 Pulteney, W. Thoughts on American af- fairs. 1778. L 305 Sullivan, W. Public men of the revolution. 1847. L118 Wood, J. Suppressed history of the ad- ministration of John Adams (from 1797 to 1801). 1846. B237 1820 to 1840 Adams, H., ed. Documents relating to New England federalism, 1800-15. 1877. L194 Adams, J. Q. Correspondence between Adams and several citizens of Massachu- setts concerning the charge of a design to dissolve the Union. 1829. C 10491 Cooper, J. F. The American democrat. 1838. L 184 MacDonald, W. Jacksonian democracy 1829-1837. 1906. B 2280, 15 (American nation: a history). Niles, H. Things as they are. 1809. L 196 Embargo act. Select pamphlets. Duane's collection. 1814. *L116 Contents: Census of the several districts of the U. S., 1790 and 1800. Message of the President of the United States, with list of officers, 1800. Eulogium on Benjamin Franklin, by William Smith. Neutral rights, by J. F. W. Schlegel. Address of the State Committee of Corres- pondence to the citizens of Pennsylvania. Hamilton's observations on certain documents. Sampson against the Philistines. Truth will out; or, The foul charges against the editor of the Aurora refuted. Sullivan, \V. Public characters and events. 1834. *L117 Webster, D. Remarks on the pre-emption bill. 1838. *L 164 1840 to i860 Cluskey, M. W., ed. The political text- book or encyclopedia of the politicians and statesmen of the United States. 1857. *L102 Same. 1860. L 108 Eckloff, C. F. Memoirs of a Senate page (1855-1859). 1909. L 6909 Julian, G. W. Political recollections, 1840- 72. 1884. C 1945 Macy, J. Political parties in the United States, 1846-1861. 1900. L 6347 Maury, S. M. Statesmen of America in 1846. 1847. L 166 Norton, A. B. Great revolution of 1840; log cabin campaign. 1888. L 3321 Philosophical emperor; a political experi- . ment; or, The progress of a false posi- tion. 1841. L3366 "Dedicated to the Whigs, Conservatives, Demo- crats and Loco Focos of the U. S." Polk, J. K. The diary of James Polk dur- ing his presidency, 1845-1849. 4v. 1910. C 23818 Ray, P. O. The repeal of the Missouri compromise, its origin and authorship. 1909. L 6908 Smith, T. C. Parties and slavery. 1850- 1859. 1906. B 2280, 18 Twiss, T. The Oregon question examined. 1846. L3262 Lincoln-Douglas Debates Lincoln, A. and Douglas, S. A. Debates in 1858. 1860. L 115 Library has numerous editions of the Debates, which will be found in detail in the card catalog. Political debates, 1860. 1894. L 3239 The political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the senatorial campaign of 1858 in Illinois, together with certain preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. With an introduction by George Haven Put- nam. 1912. L 3233 Lincoln Campaign of i860 Bartlett, D. W. Presidential candidates, 1860. 1859. L6267 Fite, E. D. The presidential campaign of 1860. 1911. L 11649 Greeley, H. and Cleveland, J. F. Political textbook for 1860. 1S60. L 103 Lincoln, A. The campaign of 1860, com- prising the speeches of Abraham Lin- coln, W. H. Seward, Henry Wilson, B. F. Wade, Carl Schurz, Charles Sumner, W. M. Evarts, &c. 1860. L312 !0K CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Oldroyd, O. H. Lincoln's campaign; or. The political revolution of 1800. 1890. L6233 Civil War Period Causes of the Civil War Chadwick, F. E. Causes of the civil war, 1859-1861. 1900. B 2280,19 (The American nation; a history, v.19). Fowler, W. C. The sectional controversy; or, Passages in the political history of the United States, including the causes of the war between the sections. 1803. B811 Handlin, W. W. American politics, a moral and political work treating of the causes of the civil war. 1864. L283 Hodgson, J. The cradle of the confed- eracy; or, The times of Troup, Quitman, and Yancey. A sketch of southwestern political history from the formation of the federal government to A. D. 1861. 1876. L 193 Lunt, G. The origin of the late war; traced from the beginning of the con- stitution to the revolt of the southern states. 1866. B 419 Stephens, A. H. A constitutional view of the late war between the states; its causes, character, conduct and results. 2v. 1868. B 494 Tansill, R. A free and impartial exposition of the causes which led to the failure of the Confederate States to establish their independence. 1865. *B 553 Political Discussions, Principles Involved About the war; plain words to plain peo- ple, by a plain man. 1863. *B 775, 8 Americus. American crisis; its cause, sig- nificance and solution. 1861. *B 511 Botts, J. M. The great rebellion; the po- litical life of the author vindicated. I860. B428 Buchanan, J. Mr. Buchanan's administra- tion on the eve of the rebellion. 1800. B566 Bugle blast from the army; what the sol- diers think of northern traitors. 1803. *B511 Capen, N. The indissoluble nature of the American union considered in connection with the assumed right of secession; a letter to Peter Cooper. 1862. *B 553 Carpenter, S. D. Logic of history; five hundred political texts, being concen- trated extracts from abolitionism, with sundry chapters on despotism, usurpa- tions and frauds. L864. L 333 Chittenden, L. E. A report of the debates and proceedings in the secret sessions of the conference convention, for proposing amendments to the Constitution of the United States, 1861. 1864. B 415 A conference of the states called by the General Assembly of Virginia to consider the amicable ad- justment of the controversy between North and South. Clason, A. W. The American conflict. 1866. *B 553 Cooper, J. The loyalty demanded by the present crisis. 1864. *B 553 Cox, S. S. Union — disunion — reunion; three decades of federal legislation, 1855-1885; personal and historical events preced- ing, during and since the American civil war. 1885. L 3221 Echoes from the South; comprising the most important speeches, proclamations and public acts emanating from the South during the late war. 1806. B 2613 Foote, H. S. War of the rebellion; or, Scylla and Charybdis. 1806. B 435 Fuller, H. North and South, by the white republican. 1863. B 6103 Goodwin, T. S. The natural history of secession. 1865. L 284 Granger, M. M. Washington vs. Jefferson, the case tried by battle in 1861-05. 1898. L6231 Great usurpation The; the United States under the Confederate Senate and House of Representatives. *L 3205, 3 Jay, J. The great issue: an address. 1804. *B556 Junkin, G. Political fallacies; an examina- tion of the false assumptions, and refuta- tion of the sophistical reasonings which have brought on this civil war. 1803. L3244 Kirkland, C. P. The destiny of our coun- try. 1864. L65 Bound with Snider, D. J. The American state, 1874. Logan, J. A. The great conspiracy; its origin and history. 1886. B 615 MacPherson, E. Political history of the United States during the rebellion. 1864. *B 474 Mahony, D. A. Four acts of despotism. 1863. L3307 Mill, J. S. The contest in America. 1862. *B555 Tracts on southern rebellion. Owls-Glass, pseud. Rebel brag and British bluster; a record of unfulfilled prophe- cies, baffled schemes, and disappointed hopes; with echoes of very insignificant thunder. 1865. B 395 Parker, J. Constitutional law, with refer- ence to the present condition of the United States. L862 *L 167 U. S. POLITICS 169 Providential aspect of the existing crisis. 1S01. L 726 Quincy, J. Address, illustrative of the na- ture and power of the slave states, and the duties of the free states. 1856. *L3205,4 Reed, J. C. The brothers' war. 1905. B 6070 Rush, B. Letter on the rebellion to a citi- zen of Washington from a citizen of Philadelphia. 1862. *B 556 Snider, D. J. The American ten years' war, 1855-1865. 1906. B 6171 Stephens, A. H. The reviewers reviewed; a supplement to the "War between the states," etc., with an apx. in review of "reconstruction," so called. 1872. B 495 Vallandigham, C. L. The record of Hon. C. L. Vallandigham on abolition, the Union and the civil war. 1863. L6315 Weeden, W. B. War government, federal and state, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Indiana, 18.61-1865. 1906. L6947 Contents: Introduction; The genesis of the Union; The executive crisis; Administration; State support; Federal and state interference; Party estrangement; The people under compul- sion; Government; The Union vindicated and developed. 1865 to 1880 Chamberlin, E. The struggle of '72; the issues and candidates of the present polit- ical campaign. 1872. L3242 Chadsey, C. E. The struggle between Presi- dent Johnson and Congress over recon- struction. 1896. L 6589, 8 (Columbia University. Studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Cheever, G. B. The republic or the oli- garchy? which? an appeal against the proposed transfer of the right to vote from the people to the state. 1866. *B555 Cross, N. The modern Ulysses, LL. D., his political record. 1872. L 101 U. S. Grant. Cudmore, P. President Grant and political rings. 1880. E 7045 Draper, J. W. Thoughts on the future civil policy of America. 1871. L 40 Foot, S. A. Distinctive features of a re- publican form of government. 1866. *L169 Godwin, P. Real issues of the canvass, 1876. 1876. *L167 McPherson, E. A handbook of politics for 1868. 1868. *L 106 "A classified summary of important executive, legislative, politico-military facts of the period." The political history of the United States of America during the period of reconstruction (from April 15, 1865, to July 15, 1870), including a classified sum- mary of the legislation of the Thirty- ninth, Fortieth, and Forty-first con- gresses. 1880. *B 680 A political manual for 1866 [1868-1869]. 3v. 1866-69. *L 105 Perkins, F. B. President Greeley, Presi- dent Hoffman and the resurrection of the ring; a history of the next four years. 1876. *L 167 Tousey, S. A business man's views of public matters. 1865. *L 65 Hayes-Tilden Election, 1876 Field, D. D. Electoral votes of 1876. 1877. *L 3205, 3 Gibson, A. M. Political crime; the history of the great fraud. 1885. L279 Haworth, P. L. The Hayes-Tilden disputed presidential election of 1876. 1906. L6954 Kasson, J. A. and Matthews, S. Counting the electoral votes; arguments of Hon. John A. Kasson and Hon. Stanley Mat- thews before the Electoral Commission in the supreme Court room, Feb. 2 and 3, 1877. 1877. *L 3207 Louisiana election pamphlets, 1876. *L 3207 Reid, W., cd. The cipher dispatches; [se- cret history of the electoral canvass in 1876]. 1879. L93 Root, J. P. Who shall count the electoral votes and declare the result. 1876. *L 3207 United States. Congress. Counting elec- toral votes. Proceedings and debates of Congress relating to counting the elec- toral votes for president and vice-presi- dent of the United States, December 23, 1876. 1877. *Doc. House of Representatives. Misc. doc. no.13. Electoral count of 1877. Proceedings of the Electoral Commission and of the two Houses of Congress in joint meet- ing relative to the count of electoral votes cast December 6, 1876, for the presidential term commencing March 4, 1877. 1877. *Doc. Who counts the electoral vote? 1876. *L 3205, 3 1880- 1900 Bryan, W. J. The commoner condensed. 1902. L 6359 Contents: Editorials; Whether common or no* (by W. M. Maupin); Poems (by various authors); Appendix. The first battle; a story of the cam- paign of 1896. 1896. L 6247 Cooper, T. V. Campaign of '84; biographies of James Blaine and John A. Logan with a history of the political parties of the United States. 1884. L6230 170 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1888. Politics in 1896; Whelen. 1897. Seymour, H. W Douglas, S. A. Lecture on the political and social condition of the South. 1880. *L373 Fortune, T. T. Black and white; land, labor, and politics in the South. 1884. L315 Grady, B. F. Case of the South against the North; or, Historical evidence justifying the southern states of the American union in the long controversy with the northern states. 1899. L 6341 Herbert, H. A. and others, ed. Why the solid South? or, Reconstruction and its results. 1890. B 2195 Junius, pseud. The independent movement in New York as an element in the next election and a problem in party govern- ment. 1880. L 244 (Questions of the day). Kelley, W. D. The old South and the new. 1888. L3278 (Questions of the day). Norton, C. B. The president and his cabi- net; indicating the progress of the gov- ernment of the United States under the administration of Grover Cleveland. L3303 an annual; ed. by F. L6466 Government and co. limited; an examination of the tendencies of privilege in the United States. 1895. L6245 Siva, pseud. A man of destiny [S. Grover Cleveland]. 1885. L 327 Wade, S. C, comp. Voters' handbook and political dictionary, a handy manual of up-to-date political information. 1896. L6277 Contemporary 1900- 19 1 2 Roosevelt and the republic. L7004 The meaning of the times. E1941 Through five administra- tions; reminiscences of Colonel William H. Crook, body-guard to President Lin- coln. 1910. C 19409 Cullom, S. M. Fifty years of public serv- ice; personal recollections of Shelby M. Cullom, senior United States senator from Illinois. 1911. C 21460 Dewey, D. R. National problems. L885- 1897. 1907. B 2280, 24 Great leaders and national issues of 1912; containing the lives and services of all presidential and vice-presidential candi- dates of all political leaders; all important issues discussed by Governor Woodrow Bennett, J. W. 1908. Beveridge, A. J. 1908. Crook, W. H. Wilson, President Taft, Ex-President Roosevelt and other national leaders; the political history of the United States. 1912. L 11698 Hitt, R. R. Legislative history of Robert R. Hitt, from the 47th to the 59th Con- gress, 1883-1906. 1907. *V 3215 Hudson, W. C. Random recollections of an old political reporter. 1911. L-6994 McPherson, E. A hand-book of politics for [1872]-1894; being a record of im- portant political action, legislative and executive, national and state, from [July 15, 1870] to August 15, 1894. 12v. 1872- 1894. *L 107 "Prepared on the same plan as my volumes on the Rebellion and on Reconstruction, and consti- tuting with them a continuous series." pref. Masters, E. L. The new star chamber, and other essays. 1904. E 4668 Miller, M. A. Is a man worth as much as a horse? Some independent thoughts ap- plied to current topics. 1894. L 6354 Roosevelt, T. The Roosevelt policy. 2v. 1908. L 7005 Shaw, A. Political problems of American development. 1907. L 6965 Shaw, L. M. Current issues, by the Hon. Leslie Mortier Shaw, secretary of the Treasury, 1902-1907. 1908. L 6734 Smythe, W. E. Constructive democracy; the economics of a square deal. 1905. L6600 Stevenson, A. E. Something of men I have known, with some papers of a general nature, political, historical, and retrospec- tive. 1909. C 24377 Stickney, A. Democratic government; a study of politics. 1885. L 335 Sunset Club — Chicago. The significance of the election of 1894; addresses delivered at the 76th meeting, 1894. 1894. *Doc. Taft, W. H. Political issues and outlooks; speeches delivered between August, 1908, and February, 1909. 1909. L 7009 Present day problems. 190S. L 7008 Presidential addresses and state papers of William Howard Taft, from March 4, 1909, to March 4, 1910. 1910. L 11687 Thompson, C. W. Party leaders of the time; character studies of public men at Washington, Senate portraits. House etchings. 1906. L 6953 Weyl, W. E. The new democracy; an es- say on certain political and economic ten- dencies in the United States. 1912. L 11694 Wilson, T. W. The new freedom; a call for the emancipation of the generous en- ergies of a people. 1913. L 7596 Compiled by W. 1!. Hale from the stenographic reports of the author's campaign speeches. POLITICAL PARTIES 171 Political Parties United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of works relat- ing to political parties in the United States. 1907. *0 2104, 35 Becker, C. L. The history of political par- ties in the province of New York, 1760- 1776. 1909. A 2175, 2 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no.286. History series, v.2, no.l). Blanchard, R. Rise and fall of political parties in the United States. 1884. L 310 Boozer, J. H. Ours is the rule of dead men; or, The vote of the masses, the support and check of the classes. 1897. L6325 Brooks, N. Short studies in party politics. 1895. L 6229 Brown, J. S. Partisan politics: the evil and the remedy. 1897. L6223 Brucker, J. The chief political parties in the United States. 1880. L243 . Die zwei Hauptparteien in den Ver- einigten Staaten. 1880. D 4661 Doehn, C. J. R. Die politischen Parteien in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1868. D 4666 Fess, S. D. The history of political theory and party organization in the United States. 1910. L 6903 Fox, D. M. History of political parties, na- tional reminiscences, and the Tippecanoe movement. 1895. L 6227 Fuller, R. H. Government by the people; the laws and customs regulating the elec- tion system and the formation and con- trol of political parties in the United States. 1908. L6969 Gordy, J. P. Political history of the United States, with special reference to the growth of political parties. 2v. 1904. L6931 Hammond, J. D. The historv of political parties in the state of New York from the ratification of the federal constitution to Dec, 1840. 1842. B 1127 Holmes, A. Parties and their principles. 1859. L85 Hopkins, J. H. A history of political par- ties in the United States. 1900. L 6348 Jones, C. L., comp. Readings on parties and elections in the United States. 1912. L 11659 Macy, J. Partv organization and machin- ery. 1912. L 7043 (The American state series). 2d edition. Maddyn, D. G. Chiefs of parties, past and present. 1859. L 83 Oliphant, L. On the present state of polit- ical parties in America. 1866. L 3197 Ostrogorskii, M. IA. Democracy and the party system in the United States. 1910. L 11671 Patton, J. H. Political parties in the United States. 1896. L 6225 Tefft, B. F. Our political parties. 1880. *L139 Tyler, L. G. Parties and patronage in the United States. 1891. L3389 (Questions of the day). Van Buren, M. Inquiry into the origin and course of political parties in the United States. 1867. L 3274 Woodburn, J. A. American politics. Polit- ical parties and party problems in the United States. 1906. L 6919 National Conventions and Platforms Note: Only works dealing with a number of con- ventions collectively are entered here; Separate conventions under names of the parties, below. Bishop, J. B. Our political drama, conven- tions, campaigns, candidates. 1904. L6924 Bryan, W. J. A tale of two conventions; being an account of the Republican and Democratic national conventions of June, 1912, with an outline of the Progressive national convention of August in the same year, with selections of notable speeches, including those of Theodore Roosevelt, Mr. Bryan, Elihu Root and Alton B. Parker. 1912. L 6899 The Chicago tribune's history of the na- tional conventions of both parties. 1892. L3217 Henry, W. E., comp. State platforms of the two dominant political parties in Indiana, 1850-1900. 1902. L 6235 Jephson, H. The platform; its rise and progress. 2v. 1892. L 3397 McKee, T. H. The national conventions and platforms of all political parties, 1789 to 1904. 1904. L 3365 National platforms of the Republican and Democratic parties from 1856-1880. *L 3205, 3 Ohio platforms, 1855-81. 1881. *L 139 Raynolds, L. D., comp. National platforms and political history of the United States. 1896. L 6350 Democratic Party Blake, E. V. History of the Tammany So- ciety from its organization to the pres- ent time. 1901. B4017 Campaign text book of the Democratic Party of the United States, 1908. 1908. L6991 172 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Democrat Publishing Co. Prominent demo- crats of Illinois. 1899. *V2189 Democratic campaign book, Congressional election of 1898. 1898. L 6329 Democratic Party. The Democratic text- book 1912 . . . issued by the Demo- cratic national committee and the Demo- cratic congressional committee. 1912. L 11701 Dunlap, J. R. Jeffersonian democracy. 1903. L6335 Gillet, R. H. Democracy in the United States. 1868. B 124 Jones, W. D. Mirror of modern democ- racy; a history of the Democratic Party, 1825 to 1861. 1864. L 186 Nette, A., pub. Notes historical; (Old Democ.) Party notes. 1903. L 6950 Norcross, J. The history of democracy considered as a party name and as a political organization. 18S3. L 319 Patton, J. H. The democratic party. 1884. L326S Ward, E. The principles and policy of the democratic party. 1875. *L3205, 1 Conventions Democratic National Convention. Official proceedings, St. Louis, 1876. L 3300, 1876 Official proceedings, Kansas City, 1900. L 3300, 1900 Republican Party Church, C. A. History of the Republican party in Illinois 1854-1912; with a review of the aggressions of the slave-power. 1912. L 11672 Curtis, F. The Republican party, 1854-1904. 2v. 1904. L 6927 Flower, F. A. History of the Republican party. 1884. L 278 Hall, B. F. The Republican party and its presidential candidates. 1856. L 6228 Hay, J. and Root, E. The republican party. 1904. *L 6993 Jackson, Mich. Celebration of the 50th anniversary of the birth of the republican party. 1904. *V 2835 Junius, pseud. The independent movement in New York as an element in the next election and a problem in party govern- L244 formation of the national political L6920 The Republican party. L6224 ment. 1880. (Questions of the day). Kleeberg, G. S. P. The Republican party as a organization. 1911. Long, J. D., ed 1896. Meese, W. A. The beginnings of the Re- publican party in Illinois and Rock Island county. 1907. L 6960 Parks Company, J. A., pub. Parks' repub- lican campaign songs, for male voices. 1908. K 12358 Pierce, E. C. History of the republican party; its record and its present position. 1888. C 2377 {In Karney, G. L. The lives of Benjamin Har- lson and Levi P. Morton, p. 339-479). Raum, G. B. History of Illinois Repub- licanism. 1900. *V 2198 Republican Party. Republican campaign documents of 1856. 1857. L 104 Republican campaign text-book for 1878. 1878. *L 373 Same. 1878. *L 3205, 7 Same. 1880. *L 3205, 8 Same. 1882, '96. L 313 Same. 1908. L 6992 Smalley, E. V. A brief history of the Re- publican party. 1884. L 3355 Stearns, F. P. True republicanism; or. The real and ideal in politics. 1904. L 6939 Stocking, W. A history of the Republican party in Michigan. 1904. *V 2835 William McKinley and the G. O. P. under the X-ray. 1900. L 6349 Conventions Depew, C. M. Four days at the National Republican Convention, 1896. L 6929 Nelson, L. P. Record of the 9th Repub- lican National Convention, 1888. *V 2005 Republican National Conventions. Pro- ceedings of the lst-13th, 1856-1904. 8v. 1881-1904. *R3762 Tweedy, J. A history of the Republican National Conventions, from 1856 to 1908. 1910. L 11690 The Grange Carr, E. S. Patrons of Husbandry on the Pacific coast. 1875. L 4608 Kelley, O. H. Origin and progress of the Order of the Patrons of Husbandry in the United States. 1875. L 4198 McCabe, J. D. History of the Grange movement; or. The farmer's war against monopolies. 1874. L4611 Paine, A. E. The Granger movement in Illinois. 1004. L 10702, 1 (University of Illinois. The University studies). Periam, J. The groundswell; a history of the origin, aims, and progress of the farm- er's movement. 1874. L921 Wells, J. G. The Grange; a study in the science of society, practically illustrated by events in current history, by Gracchus Americanus, pseud. 1874. L 4613 Wells, J. G. and others. The Grange illus- trated; or. Patron's handbook, in the in- trusts of the order of Patrons of Hus- bandry. 1874. L4191 GOVERNMENT, ADMINISTRATION 173 Know-Nothing Party Desmond, H. J. The Know-Nothing party. 1905. L6310 Schmeckebier, L. F. History of the Know- Nothing party in Maryland. 1899. *L 3201, 17 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Scisco, L. D. Political nativism in New York state. 1901. L 6589, 13 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Sons of the sires; history of the rise, pro- gress and the destiny of the American party. 1855. L314 Liberty Party Smith, T. C. The Liberty and Free Soil parties in the northwest. 1897. B 2260, 6 (Harvard historical studies). Loco Foco Party Byrdsall, F. History of the Loco-Foco or Equal Rights party, its movements, con- ventions and proceedings. 1842. L3250 Prohibition Party Jutkins, A. J. Hand-book of prohibition. 1884. L4295 Prohibition hand book and voters' manual, 1900. 1900. L 4984 Russell, J. Is a Prohibition party a feas- ible and reliable agency for securing the enactment and execution of prohibitory laws. *L3205,4 Waldron, G. B. The prohibition handbook. 1896. L 4980 Wheeler, E. J. Prohibition; the principle, the policy and the party. 1889. L 4280 Socialist Party Socialist Party — National campaign commit- tee, 1912. Socialist campaign book. 1912. L9083 Political Parties England Baxter, R. D. English parties and conserva- tism. 1870. L 4 Cooke, G. W. The history of party, from the rise of the Whig and Tory factions in the reign of Charles II to the passing of the reform bill. 3v. 1836. A 462 Daly, J. B. The dawn of radicalism. 1892. L3398 Radical pioneers of the 18th century. 1886. * A 3119 Davidson, J. M. Eminent English liberals, in and out of Parliament. 18S0. C 1329 Hall, W. P. British radicalism, 1791-1797. 1912. L 6589, 49 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Bibliography, p. 254-262. Harris, W. The history of the radical party in Parliament. 1885. A 736 Hobhouse, L. T. Liberalism. 1911. J 327, 16 (Home university library of modern knowledge). "Bibliography," p. 252. Holland, H. R. V. F., 3d baron. Memoirs of the Whig party during my time. 2v. 1852-54. A 664 Further memoirs of the Whig party, 1807-1821, with some miscellaneous rem- iniscences. 1905. A 3370 Kebbel, T. E. A history of Toryism from the accession of Mr. Pitt to power in 1783, to the death of Lord Beaconsfield in 1881. 1886. A 3131 Kent, C. B. R. The English radicals, an historical sketch. 1899. L 6454 Madden, D. G. Chiefs of parties, past and present, with original anecdotes. 2v. 1859. L83 O'Grady, S. Toryism and the Tory democ- racy. 1886. L 3292 Phases of party. 1869. L 345 Contents: Origin of party; Tory; Conservative; Liberal conservative; Whig; Liberal; Advanced liberal; Resume. Government and Administration Organization and Functions of Government, Constitutions and Governments of Modern States Constitutional Law and History General and Comparative Baldwin, S. E. Modern political institu- tions. 1898. L6372 Borgeaud, C. Adoption and amendment of constitutions in Europe and America. 1895. L6244 Boutmy, E. G. Studies in constitutional law; France, England, United States. 1891. L 6242 Burgess, J. W. Political science and com- parative constitutional law. 2v. 1890-91. L3391 Crane, W. W. and Moses, B. Politics. 1884. L323 An introduction to the study of comparative constitutional law. Demombynes, G. Les constitutions euro- peennes; parlements, conseils provinciaux et communaux, et organisation judiciaire dans les divers etats de l'Europe. 2v. 1S83. C 12331 Dodd, W. F., ed. Modern constitutions; a collection of the fundamental laws of 174 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY twenty-two of the most important coun- tries of the world. 2v. 1909. N 5171 Gilbert, G. The constitutional antiquities of Sparta and Athens. 1895. A 2556 Grossmith, J. Government upon first prin- ciples, proved and illustrated analogically. 1860. L3322 Jameson, J. A. The constitutional conven- tion; its history, powers and modes of proceeding. 1887. L 30 Tellinek, G. Gesetz und Verordnung. 1887. D 7030 Lassalle, F. Ueber Verfassungswesen: ein Vortrag. 1862. D 4644 Laveleye, E. L. V. de. Essai sur les^ formes de gouvernement dans les societes mod- ernes. 1872. C 12724 Lowell, A. L. Governments and parties in continental Europe. 2v. 1896. L 6430 Appendix contains texts of constitutions of the several countries. Marquardsen, M. v. S. and Piloty, R., pub. Handbuch des offentlichen Rechts der Ge- genwart in Monographien. 26v. in 14. 1884-1909. *D 7277 Napoleon III, emperor of the French. Na- poleonic ideas; Des idees napoleoniennes. 1859. L3252 Ogg, F. A. The governments of Europe. 1913. L 11817 Scott, E. G. Development of constitutional liberty in the English colonies of Amer- ica. 1882. B778 Sidney, A. Discourses concerning govern- ment. 1704. *V 131 United States Constitutional History Bancroft, G. History of the formation of the constitution of the United States., 2v. 1882. B 774 Bascom, J. Growth of nationality in the United States. 1899. L 8548 Clason, A. W. Seven conventions. 1888. L3308 Contents: The issue between Great Britain and the colonies; The Declaration of Independence; The Federal convention; The ratifying conven- tion of Massachusetts; The ratifying convention of Virginia; The ratifying convention of New York; The non-ratifying convention of North Carolina; The ratifying convention of South Carolina; The convention of the Democratic party at Charleston; That convention adjourned to Baltimore. Cocke, VV. A. The constitutional history of the United States. 1858. B 809 Cooley, T. M. and others. Constitutional history of the United States as seen in the development of American law. 1889. B2171 Cudmore, P. The civil government of the states and the constitutional history of the United States. 1875. L 23 Curtis, G. T. Constitutional history of the United States from their Declaration of Independence to the close of their civil war. 2v. 1889-96. B 2164 Elliott, E. G. Biographical story of the Constitution; a study of the growth of the American union. 1910. L6900 Freeman, E. A. An introduction to Amer- ican institutional history. 1887. *L 3201, 1 (In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in histor. and pol. science). Hart, A. B. History 13 & 17; topical out- line of the courses in constitutional and political history of the United States given at Harvard College in the academic year 1887-88. 1886. B 2162 Hill, M., comp. Liberty documents with contemporary exposition and critical comments drawn from various writers. 1901. A 2201 English and American, chiefly the latter. Hoist, H. E. The constitutional and polit- ical history of the United States. 8v. 1876-92. B 155 Verfassung und Demokratie der Ver- einigten Staaten von Amerika. 5v. 1873- 91. D117 Jameson, J. F., ed. Essays in the constitu- tional history of the United States in the formative period, 1775-89, by graduates and former members of the Johns Hop- kins University. 1889. B 2169 McLaughlin, A. C. The courts, the Con- stitution and parties; studies in constitu- tional history and politics. 1912. L 11703 Contents: The power of a court to declare a law unconstitutional. The significance of political par- ties. Political parties and. popular government. Social compact and constitutional construction. A written constitution in some of its historical aspects. Merriam, C. E. A history of American political theories. 1903. L 6932 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Moran, T. F. The formation and develop- ment of the Constitution. 1904. *B 5216. 7 Osgood, H. L. The American colonies in the seventeenth century. 3v. 1904-07. L6858 v. 1-2. The chartered colonies; Beginnings of self-government. 3. Imperial control; Beginnings of the system of royal provinces. Porter, L. H. Outlines of the constitutional history of the United States. 1883. B 804 Scott, E. G. The envelopment of constitu- tional liberty in the English colonies of America. 1882. B 778 Snow, F. A guide to the study of the con- stitutional & political history of the United States, 1789-1860. 1882-83. B 853 U. S. CONSTITUTIONAL HISTORY 175 Sterne, S. Constitutional history and polit- ical development of the United States. 1888. B 782 Taylor, J. Disunion sentiment in congress in 1794. 1905. *V 2834 Thorpe, F. N. A constitutional history of the American people, 1776-1850. 2v. 1898. B 2274 Same, 1765-1895. 3v. 1901. B 2275 Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de. Democracy in America. 2v. 1873. B 132 Democratic en Amerique. 3v. 1868. C6915 Charters Note: Municipal charters under Municipal Gov- ernment. Barrington, B. C. The Magna Charta and other great charters of England; with an historical treatise and copious explana- tory notes. 1900. A 3488 Blackstone, Sir W. The great charter and charter of the forest, with other authen- tic instruments. 1759. *V 203 British Museum. Manuscripts. Facsimiles of royal and other charters in the British Museum. 1903. *V 2459 Charters of the British colonies in Amer- ica. B 1971 Earle, J. A hand-book to the land-charters and other Saxonic documents. 1888. A 3444 Hill, M., comp. Liberty documents with contemporary exposition and critical com- ments drawn from various writers. 1901. A 2201 MacDonald, W., ed. Select charters and other documents illustrative of American history, 1606-1775, edited with notes. 1899. B 2214, 1 Preston, H. W., ed. Documents illustra- tive of American history, 1606-1863; with 'introductions and references. 1886. B 838 Articles of Confederation United States. Continental Congress. The articles of confederation and perpetual union between the states. 1888. B 2112, 1 Old South leaflets, gen. ser. no. 2. Ordinance of 1787 Barrett, J. A. Evolution of the ordinance of 1787; with an account of the earliesi plans for the government of the North- west Territory. 1891. L 3378 (In University of Nebraska. Seminary papers). Coles, E. History of the ordinance of 17S7. 1856. *L 139 Poole, W. F. Origin of the ordinance of 1787 and Dr. Manasseh Cutler as an agent in its formation. 1876. L 277 United States. Continental Congress. The ordinance of IT'S?; an ordinance for the government of the territory of the United States northwest of the river Ohio. 1888. B 2112, 1 Old South leaflets, gen. ser. no. 13. Declaration of Independence Laidlaw, A. H., tr. The Declaration of In- dependence and the constitution of the United States in German, French and English. 1888. L 3338 United States. Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence, in Con- gress, July 4, 1776. 1889. B 2112, 1 Old South leaflets, general ser. no. 3. History and Criticism Brotherhead, W. The centennial book of the signers: being fac-simile letters of each signer of the Declaration of Inde- pendence. 1875. *P 1207 Donaldson, T. The house in which Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Inde- pendence. 1898. B2406 Draper, L. C. An essay on the autographic collections of the signers of the Declara- tion of Independence and of the consti- tution. 1889. *V2348 From Wisconsin Historical Society collections, v. 10. Friedenwald, H. The Declaration of Inde- pendence, an interpretation and an analy- sis. 1904. L6318 Hazelton, J. H. The Declaration of Inde- pendence, its history. 1906. B 5466 Lind, J. An answer to the declaration of the American Congress. 1777. *B 201 Michael, W. H. The Declaration of Inde- pendence; illustrated story of its adop- tion, with the biographies and portraits of the signers and of the secretary of the congress. 1904. *V 2268 Winthrop, R. C. Oration on the centen- nial anniversary of the Declaration of In- dence. 1876. • B 862, 1 Worcester (Mass.). City Council. Celebra- tion by the inhabitants of Worcester, Mass., of the centennial anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, July 4, 1876; to which are added historical and chronological notes. 1876. B 3638 Constitutional Convention, 1787 United States — Constitutional Convention. 1787. The journal of the debates in the convention which framed the constitu- tion of the United States, May-Septem- ber, 1787, as recorded by James Madison. Edited by G. Hunt. 2v. 1908. L 6971 170 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY • Journal, acts and proceedings of the convention assembled at Philadelphia, May 14-Sept. 17, 1787. 1819. *Doc. -r — The records of the Federal conven- tion of 1T87, ed. by Max Farrand. 1911. *Doc. Secret ~ proceedings and debates, from notes taken by Robert Yates, including ["the genuine information," laid before the legislature of Maryland by L. Mar- gin. 1839. L225 Same. 1838. L 3210 Debates on the adoption of the federal con- stitution in 1787. 1861. L 269, 5 (In Elliot, J., ed. Debates, v. 5. Madison, J. Papers; being his correspond- ence and reports of debates in the fed- eral convention. 3v. 1842. J 181 Journal of the federal convention, kept by James Madison. 1893. L3172 Ratification by the States Elliot, J., ed. The debates in the several state conventions on the adoption of the federal constitution, with the journal of the Federal Convention. 5v. 1861. L269 Ford, P. L., ed. Pamphlets on the consti- tution of the United States, published during its discussion by the people 1787- 88; ed. with notes and a bibliography. 1888. L3324 Harding, S. B. The contest over the rati- fication of the federal constitution in the state of Massachusetts. 1896. B 2260, 2 (Harvard historical studies, no. 2). Libby, O. G. The geographical distribu- tion of the vote of the thirteen states on the federal constitution, 1787-8. 1894. L 6604, 1 (In Wisconsin — Univ. of Wis. Bull, economics, political science and history series, v. 1, p. 1-116. no. 1). McMaster, J. B. and Stone, F. D., ed. Penn- sylvania and the federal constitution, 1787-88. 1888. B 4331 Virginia (state). Convention of 1788. De- bates and other proceedings for the pur- pose of deliberating on the constitution recommended by the grand federal con- vention. Ed. by D. Robertson. 1803. L3347 House of Delegates. Resolutions of Virginia and Kentucky, penned by Madi- son and Jefferson, in relation to the alien and sedition laws, 1798. 1835. L293 The Virginia report of 1799-1800. 1850. L257 Walker, J. B. Birth of the federal consti- tution; a history of the New Hampshire convention for the investigation, discus- sion and decision of the federal consti- tution. 1888. L3339 The Federalist Dawson, H. B. The correspondence with John Jay and H. B. Dawson and between James A. Hamilton and H. B. Dawson concerning the Fcederalist. 1864. L 198 The federalist, on the new constitution, by Publius (pseud, of Hamilton, Madison and Jay), added Pacificus, (pseud, of Alexander Hamilton), on the proclama- tion of neutrality. 2v. 1802. L 197 The federalist. Nos. 1-2. 18S8. B 2112, 1 Old South leaflets general ser. no. 12. The fcederalist; a collection of essays writ- ten in favor of the new constitution, as agreed upon by the Foederal Convention, Sept. 17, 1787; with an historical intro- duction and notes by H. B. Dawson. 1864. L 199 Same. 1873. L 200 Same. 1898, ed. by P. L. Ford. L 6222 — = — Same. 1894, ed. by H. C. Lodge. L6221 Same. 1894, ed. by E. H. Scott. L6220 United States — Constitution Texts Baker, A. J., ed. Annotated constitution of the United States. 1891. L 3374 Another copy. 1891. *R 3970 The Constitution of the United States of America, with an alphabetical analysis. 1847. L 265 Hickey, W. The constitution of the United States, the Declaration of Independence; the prominent political acts of George Washington. 1847. L 265 United States Constitutional Convention, 1787. The constitution of the United States. 1S87. B 2112, 1 Old South leaflets (general series) no. 1. Contains also Franklin's speech on the last 'day of the constitutional convention. The constitution of the United States, photographic fac-simile. 1890. *V 1905 The Declaration of Independence and the constitution of the United States, in German, French, and English, tr. by A. H. Laidlaw. 18S8. L3338 History, Criticism Commentaries Foster, W. E. References to the constitu- tion of the United States, with an ap- pendix. 1890. *L 3444 United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. Select list of books on the constitution of the United States; comp. under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. 1903. *0 2104. 29 U. S. CONSTITUTION 177 tion of Baker, J. 1887. Bancroft, Adams, J. Defence of the constitutions of government of the United States of America. 3v. 1794. L3323 Adams, J. Q. The jubilee of the constitu- tion; a discourse delivered the 30th of April, 1839; being- the fiftieth anniversary of the inauguration of George Washing- ton. 1839. L 6249 Aiken, P. F. Comparative view of the con- stitutions of Great Britain and the United States of America. 1842. L3174 Andrews, I. W. Manual of the Constitu- te United States. 1900. L 6398 F The Federal constitution. L3269 G. Plea for the constitution of the United States wounded in the house of its guardians. 1886. L 3249 (Harper's handy series). Beard, C. A. The Supreme court and the constitution. 1912. L 11642 An economic interpretation of the con- stitution. 1913. L 11602 Bourne, E. G. The use of history made by the framers of the constitution. 1897. *B 2127, 18961 Boutwell, G. S. The constitution of the United States at the end of the first cen- tury. 1895. L 6292 Burgess, J. W. The civil war and the con- stitution, 1859-1865. 2v. 1901. B 2223 (American history series). Reconstruction and the constitution, 1866-76. 1902. B 2224 Carson, H. L., ed. History of the celebra- tion of the 100th anniversary of the pro- mulgation of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1889. *V 952 Cohn, M. M. An introduction to the study of the constitution. 1892. L 3200, 11 {In Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in political and historical science. Extra v. 11). Curtis, G. T. History of the origin, forma- tion, and adoption of the constitution of the United States. 2v. 1854-58. *B 805 Farrand, M. Compromises of the consti- tution. 1904. *B 2127, 1903, pt. I The framing of the Constitution of the United States. 1913. L 11679 Fisher, S. G. The evolution of the consti- tution of the United States. 1897. B 2270 The trial of the constitution. 1862. L71 Flanders, H. An exposition of the consti- tution of the United States. 1874. L 258 Foster, R. Commentaries on the constitu- tion of the United States, historical and judicial; with observations on the ordi- nary provisions of state constitutions and a comparison with the constitutions of other countries. 1895, N 5170 Goodnow, F. J. Social reform and the con- stitution. 1911. L8751 (American social progress series. 7). Hoar, G. F. The Connecticut compromise, Roger Sherman the author of the plan of equal representation of the states in the Senate, and representation of the people in proportion to numbers in the House. 1902. *B 4, 23 Johnson, E. R. The story of the Constitu- tion of the United States. 1906. L6394 Kasson, J. A. The evolution of the Consti- tution of the United States of America and History of the Monroe Doctrine. 1904. L6367 Lieber, F. Two lectures on the constitution of the United States to which is appended an address on secession, 1851. 1861. *L 3205, 6 Lobingier, C. S. The people's law. 1909. L7023 M'Allister, D. Testimonies to the religious defect of the constitution of the United States. 1875. *L3205,3 McGehee, L. P. Due process of law under the federal Constitution. 1906. N 5361 Meigs, W. M. The growth of the constitu- tion in the federal convention of 17*87; an effort to trace the origin and development of each separate clause from its first suggestion in that body to the form finally approved. 1900. L6399 Miller, S. F. Lectures on the constitution of the United States. 1891. L 3373 Nott, C. C. The mystery of the Pinckney draught. 1908. L6912 Rentner, A., tr. Die Verfassung fur die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika. 1901. D7109 Schouler, J. Constitutional studies, state and federal. 1897. B 2273 Sheppard, F. The first book of the con- stitution; a familiar exposition of the constitution of the United States; de- signed for the use of schools. 1861. L263 Smith, J. A. The spirit of American gov- ernment; a study of the constitution: its origin, influence and relation to democ- racy. 1911. L 11683 . (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology; ed. by R. T. Ely). Spooner, L. No treason, no. 2: the consti- tution. 1867. *L 3205, 10 Stearns, C. W. A concordance to the con- stitution of the United States of America; with a classified index, and questions for educational purposes. 1872. L3375 Stevens, C. E. Sources of the constitution of the United States considered in rela- tion to colonial and English historv. 1894. L3199 178 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Stimson, F. J. The American constitution; the national powers, the rights of the states, the liberties of the people; Lowell institute lectures. 1908. L 6964 Story, J. Commentaries on the constitu- tion of the United States; with a prelimi- nary review of the constitutional history of the colonies and states before the adoption of the constitution. 2v. 1873. *R 4009 Taylor, H. The origin and growth of the American constitution; an historical trea- tise in which the documentary evidence is for the first time set forth . . . as to the making of the entirely new plan of federal government embodied in the existing Constitution of the United States, 1911. L 11712 Thorpe, F. N. The story of the constitu- tion of the United States. 1891. L 3377 Towle, N. C. A history and analysis of the constitution of the United States. 1871. L205 Ti-emenheere, H. S. The constitution of the United States compared with our own. 1854. L291 By an Englishman. Tucker, J. R., ed. The constitution of the United States; a critical discussion of its genesis, development and interpretation. 2v. 1899. N 5169 U. S. — State Department — Bureau of Rolls and Library. Documentary history of the constitution of the United States. 3v. 1S'.)4-1900. *Doc. Vossion, L. La constitution Americaine el ses amendements; texte, notice historique et commentaire; avec une preface par J. Chailley. 1889. CC 1470 Waite, C. B. Amendments to the federal constitution. 1887. *L 3205, Walker, J. B. Birth of the federal consti- tution. 1888. L3339 Washington, G. Letters on the constitu- tion. 1786-88. 1899. B 2112, 4 Old South leaflets (general series) no. 99. Watson, 1). K. ■ The Constitution of the United State---, it- history, application and construction. 1910. *R 4003 Williams, G. S. The constitution of the United States, for the use of schools ami academies. 1872. L3337 Constitutional Law of the U. S. Chadman, C. E. Constitutional law, federal and Mate 1899. N 5321, 2 (Home law school series). Cooley, T. M. The general principles of constitutional law in the United States of America. 1898. N 5163 Davis, H. American constitutions, the re- lations of the three departments as ad- justed by a century. 1885. *L3201,3 (lohns Hopkins Univ. studies, v.3, p.461-530). Duer, W. A. A course of lectures on the constitutional jurisprudence of the United States. 1856. N 4930 Same. 1808. I 3740 Freund, E. The police power, public policy and constitutional rights. 1904. N 5165 Garner, J. W. Government in the United States, national, state, and local. 1911. L 11658 Hare, J. I. C. American constitutional law. 2v. 1889. *N 5061 Hoist, H. E. von. The constitutional law of the United States of America. 1887. N5082 McClain, E. Constitutional law in the United States. 1905. L 7014 (American citizen series, ed. by A. B. Hart). McGehee, L. P. Due process of law under the federal constitution. 1906. N 5361 (Studies in constitutional law). Marshall, J., chief justice, U. S. The consti- tutional decisions of John Marshall; ed. by J. P. Cotton, jr. 2v. 1905. N 5258 Parker, J. Constitutional law, with refer- ence to the present condition of the United States. 1862. *L 167 Pomeroy, J. N. An introduction to the con- stitutional law of the United States. 1876. N4815 Poore, B. P., comp. The federal and state constitutions, colonial charters, and other organic laws of the United States. 2v. 1877. *R4010 Schouler, J. Constitutional studies, state and federal. 1897. B 2273 Stimson, F. J. The law of the federal and state constitutions of the United States, with an historical study of their prin- ciples, a chronological table of English social legislation, and a comparative di- gest of the constitutions of the forty-six states. 1908. N 4840 Tiedeman, C. G. The unwritten constitu- tion of the United States; a philosophical inquiry into the fundamentals of Ameri- can constitutional law. 1890. L 3376 Special Subjects In Constitutional Law and History Butler, C. 11. The treaty making power of the United States. 1902. N 5248 Dougherty, J. IT. Power of federal judiciary over legislation: its origin; the power to sel aside laws; boundaries of the power; judicial independence; existing evds and remedies. 1912. L7025 U. S. CONSTITUTIONAL LAW 179 Johnson, J. F. The suspending power and the writ of habeas corpus. 1862. N 4902 Sellery, G. C. Lincoln's suspension of habeas corpus as viewed by Congress. 1907. A 2175, 1 Whiting, W. War powers under the con- stitutions of the United States, military arrests, reconstruction, and military gov- ernment. 1871. L70 Federal Relations to the States Ames, H. V., cd. State documents on fed- eral relations: the states and the United States. 1906. L 6956 Patterson, C. S. The United States and the states under the constitution. 1888. L3178 Pierce, F. Federal usurpation. 1908. L6970 "This book is a plea for the sacredness of the Constitution of the United States." Hartford Convention Dwight, T. History of the Hartford con- vention, with a review of the policy of the United States government which led to the war of 1812. 1833. L233 Otis, H. G. Letters in defence of the Hart- ford convention and the people of Massa- chusetts. 1824. L292 State Rights Baldwin, J. D. State sovereignty and trea- son; speech delivered in the House of Representatives, Mar. 5, 1864. *L 3205, 7 Centz, P. C The republic of republics; or, American federal liberty. 1881. L 162 Chapman, G. W. On the tendency to cen- tralism in government. 1877. *L 3205, 1 Corry, W. M. Against the degradation of the states; an oration delivered before the peace democracy at Canton, O., July 4, 1863. 1863. *B 511 Curry, J. L. M. The southern states of the American union considered in their rela- tions to the constitution of the United States and to the resulting union. 1894. B2192 Grady, B. F. The case of the South against the North; or, Historical evidence justi- fying the Southern states of the American union in their long controversy with the Northern states. 1899. L 6341 Granger, M. M. Washington vs. Jefferson, the case tried by battle in 1861-65. 1898. L6231 Lewis, T. State rights; a photograph from the ruins of ancient Greece. 1865. *L 3205, 10 State rights in ancient Greece with application to the United States. Loring, C. G Reconstruction; claims of the inhabitants of the states engaged in the rebellion to restoration of political rights and privileges under the constitution. 1866. B 540 Moore, J. H. A study in state rights. 1911. L 11666 Patterson, C. S. The United States and the states under the constitution. 1888. L3178 Wright, J. S. Reply to Hon. Charles G. Loring upon "Reconstruction." 1867. L 280 Wright, J. S. and Agnew, J. H. Citizenship sovereignty. 1863. L 178 Secession, Nullification Brownlow, W. G. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of secession; with a narrative of personal adventures among the rebels. 1862. B 398 Capen, N. The indissoluble nature of the American union considered in connection with the assumed right of secession. 1862. *B553 Goodwin, T. S. The natural history of secession. 1865. L284 Houston, D. F. A critical study of nullifica- tion in South Carolina. 1896. B 2260, 3 (Harvard historical studies, v. 3). Loring, C. W. Nullification, secession, Webster's argument, and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions, considered in reference to the Constitution and his- torically. 1893. L3232 Lothian, R. S. K., marquis of. The Confed- erate secession. 1864. B 6145 Powell, E. P. Nullification and secession in the United States, a history of six attempts during the first century of the republic. 1897. B2253 Reconstruction Barker, J. The rebellion; its consequences, and the Congressional committee denomi- nated, the reconstruction committee, with their action; by Investigator, pseud. 1866. B668 Brooks, J. Reconstruction; speech in the House of Representatives, Dec. 18, 1867. *L 3205, 7 Burgess, J. W. Reconstruction and the constitution, 1866-1876. _ 1902. B 2224 (The American history series). Chadsey, C. E. The struggle between Presi- dent Johnson and Congress over recon- struction. 1896. L 6589, 8 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Clark, C. C. P. Nova instauratio reipub- licae: the commonwealth reconstructed. I 1872. *L 3205, 8 lso CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Collier, R. R. The right way for restoring the late rebel states to the Federal union. 1865. *B556 (Tracts on the southern rebellion). Dunning, W. A. Essays on the civil war and reconstruction, and related topics. 1898. B 6099 Contents: The constitution of the United States in civil war; The constitution of the United States in reconstruction; Military govern- ment during reconstruction; The process of re- construction; The impeachment and trial of Presi- dent Johnson; Are the states equal under the constitution?; American political philosophy. Reconstruction, political and economic, 1865-1877. 1907. B 2280, 22 (The American nation, a history, ed. by A. B. Hart). Ficklen, J. R. History of reconstruction in Louisiana (through 1868). 1910. *L 3201, 28 (Johns Hopkins Univ. studies in historical and political science. Ser. XXVIII, no. I). Fleming, W. L., ed. Documentary history of reconstruction, political, military, so- cial religious, educational and industrial, 1865 to the present time. 2v. 1906-07. B6143 Garfield, J. A. On the restoration of the South. 1866. J 2589, 13 Modern eloquence, v. 13, p. 1054-1064. Remarks on reconstruction and the con- stitutional power of Congress to control the army; delivered in the House of Rep- resentatives, Jan. 17, 1868. 1868.- *L 3205, 7 Haworth, P. L. Reconstruction and union, 1865-1912. 1912. B 5713 (Home university library of modern knowledge). Herbert, H. A. and others, ed. _ Why the solid South? or, Reconstruction and its results. 1890. B 2195 Hollis, J. P. The early period of recon- struction in South Carolina. 1905. *L 3201, 23 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Ser. XXIII, nos. 1-2). Loring, C. G. Reconstruction ; claims of the inhabitants of the states engaged in the re- bellion to restoration of political rights and privileges under the constitution. 1866. B540 McCarthy, C. H. Lincoln's plan of recon- struction. 1901. B 6146 United States — 39th Congress. Report of the joint Committee on Reconstruction at the 1st session, 39th Congress. 1866. *Doc. State Constitutions The Constitutions of the several independ- ent states of America. 1783. *B 201 The Constitutions of the several states of the union and United States, including the Declaration of Independence and Ar- ticles of Confederation. 1854. L 6294 The Constitutions of the United States, ac- cording to the latest amendments. 1796. L267 Same. 1820. Same. 1852. Hitchcock, H. American state tions; a study of their growth. L3336 L268 constitu- 1887. L3209 (Questions of the day). Hough, F. B. American constitutions; com- prising the constitution of each state in the union, and each of the United States. 2v. 1872. L 262 Howard, G. E. An introduction to the local constitutional history of the United- States. 1889. L 3200, 4 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Connecticut Connecticut Historical Society. Birthday of the state of Connecticut. Celebration of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the adoption of the first constitution of the state of Connecticut. 1899. B2989 Trumbull, J. H. Historical notes on the constitutions of Connecticut, 1639-1818. 1901. B 3024 Illinois Illinois. Constitutional Convention. De- bates and proceedings of the constitu- tional convention convened at the city of Springfield, Tuesday, Dec. 13, 1869. 2v. 1870. *Doc. The new constitution adopted by the constitutional convention at Springfield, March 24, 1862. 1862. *Doc. The constitution, as adopted in conven- tion, May 13, 1870. 1870. *Doc. The constitution; adopted and ratified, 1870. 1873. *Doc. The constitution; adopted and ratified in 1870, and amended in 1877. 1878. *Doc. The constitution of Illinois; re-arranged for class study, by F. A. Cleveland. 1899. L 11657 The new constitution; ratified by the people, July 2, 1870.- 1870. *Doc. Constitution de l'etat de l'lllinois, adoptee en convention le 13 mai, 1870. 1870. *Doc. Die Constitution; angenommen in der Convention am 13 Mai, 1870. 1870. *Doc. Constitution; vedtaget i conventionen den 13de Mai, 1870. 1870. *Doc. Dickerson, O. M. The Illinois constitu- tional convention of 1862. 1905. L 10702, 1 (University of Illinois. The University studies. \ol. 1. no. 9). "List of authorities": p. 57-58. STATE CONST 11 I 1 1 OX.-, 181 Morrill, D. L. A student's manual of the constitution of Illinois. 1912. L 11667 Iowa James, J. A. Constitution and admission of Iowa into the Union. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Series xviii, no. 7). Maryland Harry, J. W. The Maryland constitution of 1851. 1902. *L 3201, 20 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, series xx, nos. 7-8). Myers, W. S. The Maryland constitution of 1S64. 1901. *L 3201, 19 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, series 19, no. 8-9). Massachusetts Massachusetts. Constitutional Convention. Debates and proceedings in the conven- tion of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts, 1788. 1788. *Doc. Official report of the debates and pro- ceedings in the state convention, 1853 to revise and amend the constitution. 3v. 1853. *Doc. Journal of debates and proceedings in the convention of delegates, 1820-21. 1821. *Doc. -Journal of the constitutional conven- tion of the commonwealth of Massachu- setts, 1853. 1853. *Doc. Michigan Michigan — Constitutional Convention. The debates and proceedings' of the constitu- tional convention of the state of Michi- gan, 1867. 2v. 1867. *Doc Same. 2v. 1907. *Doc. — —Report of the proceedings and debates in the convention, to revise the constitu- tion of the state of Michigan. 1850. *Doc. Journal of the constitutional convention of the state of Michigan, 1867. 1867. *Doc. Same. 2v. 1907-08. *Doc. Nevada Nevada — Constitutional Convention. Offi- cial report of the debates and proceedings in the constitutional convention of the state of Nevada, 1864. 1866. *Doc. New Jersey Elmer, L. Q. C. The constitution and gov- ernment of the province and state of New Jersey; with biographical sketches of the governors from 1776 to 1845. 1872. B3921 (In New Jersev Historical Society collections. V. 7). New York Lincoln, C. Z. The constitutional history of New York from the beginning of the colo- nial period to the year 1905, showing the origin, development, and judicial construc- tion of the constitution. 5v. 1906. B4088 Ohio Medary, S., ed. The new constitution. 1849. L6967 Pub. as a magazine favoring the adoption of a new constitution for the state of Ohio. Ohio. The constitution of Ohio. 1888. B 2112,1 Old South leaflets, gen. ser. no. 14. Pennsylvania Franklin, B. An historical review of the constitution and government of Pennsyl- vania from its origin. 1759. B 1256 Rhode Island Mowry, A. M. The Dorr war; or, The constitutional struggle in Rhode Island. 1901. B 4383 Bibliography: p. 400-406. South Carolina South Carolina — Constitutional Convention. Proceedings of the constitutional conven- tion of South Carolina, including the de- bates and proceedings. 1868. *Doc. Virginia Extract from a manuscript collection of annals relative to Virginia. 1838. *B 10, 2 (In Force, P., cd. Tracts v. 2). Account of the attempt (1642) to restore pro- prietary government and its successful opposition. Grigsby, H. B. The Virginia convention of 1776; a discourse delivered before the Virginia Alpha of the Phi Beta Kappa Society in Williamsburg, July 3d, 1855. 1855. " B4498 Pulliam, D. L. The constitutional conven- tions of Virginia from the foundation of the commonwealth to the present time. 1901. B 4509 England Constitution, Constitutional History and Law Adams, G. B. The origin of the English constitution. 1912. L 11764 Adams, G. B. and Stephens, H. M. Select documents of English constitutional his- tory. 1901. A 3463 Amos, S. Fifty years of the English consti- tution, 1830-1880. 1880. L 224 Anson, Sir W. R. Law and custom of the [English] constitution. 2v. 1886-1892. N4839 Bagehot, W. The English constitution. IS 73. L202 182 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Bethan, Sir W. Origin and history of the constitution of England and of the early parliaments of Ireland. 1834. A 487 Borgeaud, C The rise of modern democ- racy in old and New England. 1894. L3196 Boutmy, E. G. The English constitution. 1891. L3396 Brodie, G. A constitutional history of the British Empire. 3v. 1866. A 457 Courtney, L. H. The working constitution of the United Kingdom. 1901. L6451 Creasy, Sir E. S. The imperial colonial con- stitutions cf the Brittanic empire. 1872. A 441 The rise and progress of the English constitution. 1869. L 210 Dean, A. The British constitution. 1883. L387 Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution. 1897. N4838 Farnborough, Sir T. E. M., 1st baron. The constitutional history of England. 3v. 1871-1912. A 387 Feilden, H. St. C. A short constitutional history of England. 1895. A 3386 Forster, J. The debates on the Grand re- monstrance, November and December, 1641. 1860. A 657 Fortescue, Sir J. The governance of Eng- land otherwise called The difference be- tween an absolute and a limited mon- archy. 1885. L3304 Freeman, E. A. The growth of the Eng- lish constitution, from the earliest times. 1872. G211 Gardiner, S. R., ed. The constitutional doc- uments of the Puritan revolution, 1628-60. 1889. A 3215 Gneist, H. R. Englische Verfassungsge- schichte. 1882. D 5590 Das Englische Verwaltungsrecht der Gegenwart. 1883. D 7251 The history of the English constitution. 2v. 1886. A3i01 Hallam, H. Constitutional history of Eng- land from the accession of Henry VIII to the death of George II. 3v. 1872. A 385 The student's constitutional history of England. 1888. A 386 Hill, M., comp. Liberty documents with contemporary exposition and critical com- ments. 1901. A 2201 Howard, G. E. English political and con- stitutional history 1600-1900; syllabus of a course of lectures delivered at Cornell University, July-August, 1902. 1902. A 5293 Jenks, E. The constitutional experiments of the commonwealth; a study of the years 1649-60. 1890. A 355, 3 (Cambridge historical series). Langmead, T. P. T. English constitutional history. 1875. A 396 Lolme, J. L. de. The constitution of Eng- land. 1853. 1 3015 Mackinnon, J. The union of England and Scotland, a study of international history. 1896. L 3601 Macy, J. The English constitution, a com- mentary on its nature and growth. 1896. L6481 Maitland, F. W. The constitutional history of England. 1908. A 5316 Marriott, J. A. R. English political insti- tutions. 1910. L 11767 Medley, D. J. A student's manual of Eng- lish constitutional history. 1894. A 3396 Montague, F. C. The elements of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the present day. 1894. A 3404 Murdoch, J. A history of constitutional re- form in Great Britain and Ireland. 1885. A 3125 Prothero, G. W., ed. Select statutes and other constitutional documents. 1898. A 3542 Rannie, D. W. Historical outline of the English constitution, for beginners. 1882. A 520 Ransome, C. Rise of constitutional govern- ment in England. 1883. L 343 Ridges, E. W. Constitutional law of Eng- land. 1905. N 5292 Russell, J. R., ist earl. An essay on the history of the English government and constitution. 1865. L211 Smith, G. The United Kingdom, a political history. 2v. 1899. A 3412 Smith, P. V. History of the English insti- tutions. 1874. A 453 Somers, J. S., ist baron. A collection of scarce and valuable tracts on the most interesting and entertaining subjects, but chiefly such as relate to the history and constitution of these kingdoms. 13v. 1809-15. *V 898 Stubbs, W. The constitutional history of England in its origin and development. 3v. 1875. A 469 Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history. 1884. A 456 Same. *P 263 Taylor, II. The origin and growth of the English constitution, an historical treatise in which is drawn out by the light of the most recent researches, the gradual de- FOREIGN COUNTRIES 183 velopment of the English constitutional system. 2v. 1889-98. L3350 Wakeman, H. O. and Hassall, A., ed. Es- says introductory to the study of Eng- lish constitutional history. 1894. A 3388 Wendt, G. England; seine Geschichte, Ver- fassung und staatlichen Einrichtungen. 1907. D 13252 Yonge.^C. D. The constitutional history of England from 1760-1860: 1882. A 704. France Constitution, Constitutional History and Law Adams, C. K. Democracy and monarchy in France. 1874. A 1566 Blanc, J. J. L. Histoire de la constitution du 25 fevrier, 1875. 1882. C 12076 Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomte de. The monarchy according to the charter. 1816. L388 Cuneo d'Ornano, G. La republique de Na- poleon. 1894. C 12971 Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. Histoire des institutions politiques de l'ancienne France. 1877. C4385 Guizot, F. P. G. Democracy in France, Jan. 1849. 1849. L 182 Helie, F. A., conip. Les constitutions de la France. 1880. C 12618 Kaiser, S. Franzosische Verfussungsge- schichte, 1789-1852. 1852. D 5664 Kerverseau, F. M. and Clavelin, O. and others. Histoire de la revolution de 1789 et de l'etablissement d'une constitution en France. 20v. 1790-1803. C 5504 Lockwood, H. C. Constitutional history of France. 1890. A 1709 Maistre, J. M., comte de. Considerations sur la France. 1882. C 5828 Paquier, J. B. Histoire de l'unite politique et territoriale de la France. 3v. 1879-80. C 13010 Renan, J. E. Constitutional monarchy in France. 1871. L31 Germany Constitution, Constitutional History and Law Binding, K. Die Griindung des norddeutschen Bundes. 1889. D 5648 Germany. Deutsche Constituirende Na- tionalversammlung. Stenograp h i s c h e r Bericht iiber die Verhandlungen der deutschen constituirenden Nationalver- sammlung. 9v. 1848-49. *V 1022 Emperor William I. The federal con- stitution of Germany; with an historical introduction, tr. by E. J. James. 1890. *L 6696, 1 Hue de Grais, R. A. F. H., Graf. Handbuch der Verfassung und Verwaltung in Preus- sen und dem Deutschen Reiche. 1906. D 18185 Koehne, C. Das Hausgrafenamt. 1893. D 12963 Low, L. v. Geschichte der deutschen Reichs und Territorial- Verfassung. 1832. D3981 Martin, T. Verfassung und Grundgesetze des deutschen Reiches. 1872. D 3415 Nicolson, A. A sketch of the German con- stitution and of the events in Germany, from 1815 to 1871. 1875. A 1874 Rascher, J. M. v. Der Schweizer Staat und Preussen-Deutschland ; Freistaat und Konig- thum. 1893. D 7059 Sander, P. Feudalstaat und burgerliche Verfassung. 1906. D 3479 Schulze-Gavernitz, H. J. F. v. Lehrbuch des deutschen Staatsrechtes. 2v. 1881-86. D7087 Stoerk, F. Handbuch der deutschen Verfas- sungen. 1884. D 5728 Turner, S. E. Sketch of the Germanic con- stitution from early times to the disso- lution of the empire. 1888. L3311 Waitz, G: Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte. 8v. 1865-85. D 209 Zorn, P. Die deutsche Reichsverfassung. 1907. D 7279 Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reiches. 2v. 1880-83. D 7116 Canada Constitution, Constitutional History Bourinot, Sir J. G. A manual of constitu- tional history of Canada from the earliest period to 1888. 1888. L 3301 Hassard, A. R. Canadian constitutional his- tory and law. 1900. B 4747 Houston, W., ed. Documents illustrative of the Canadian constitution. 1891. B 4773 From the treaty of Utrecht, 1713, to the treaty of Washington, 1871. Howland, O. A. The new empire; reflec- tions upon its origin and its relation to the great republic. 1891. B 4769 Munro, J. E. C. The constitution of Can- ada. 1889. L3344 Denmark Constitution Hoick, C. G. Den danske statsforfatnings- ret. 1869. C 7274 Norway Constitution Lange, A. J. Eidsvold vaerks og Eidsvold- bygningens historie gjennem tiderne. 1902. CC 15072 184 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Spain Constitution Curry, J. L. M. Constitutional government in Spain. 1889. A 1781 Switzerland Constitution Curti, T. Geschichte der schweizerischen Volksgesetzgebung. 1882. D 3979 Orelli, A. v. Das Staatsrecht der schwei- zerischen Eidgenossenschaft. 1885. *D 7277,4 Handbuch der oeffentlichen Rechts. Switzerland. Federal constitution of the Swiss confederation of May 29, 1874. 1889. B 2112, 2 Old South leaflets, general ser. no. 18. The federal constitution of Switzerland. 1890. *L 6696 (In Pennsylvania. University of Penn. Pub. Political economy and public law ser. no. 8). Governmental Machinery Branches of Government, Departments Contemporary Governments Aucoc, J. L. Conferences sur l'adminis- tration et le droit administratif ; faites a l'ficole des Ponts et Chaussees. 2v. 1885. C 11913 Ferrand, J. Les pays libres, leur organi- sation et leur education d'apres le legis- lation compares. 1884. C 4879 Goodnow, F. J. Comparative administra- tive law. 2v. 1893. N 5074 Politics and administration. 1900. L6406 Hill, B. A. Liberty and law; or, Outlines of a new system of federative govern- ment. 1880. L 83 Jager, O. and Moldenhauer, F. Auswahl wichtiger Aktenstiicke zur Geschichte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. 1893. D 12939 Jenks, J. W. Governmental action for social welfare. 1910. L 8747 (American social progress series). Johnson S. M. Free government in Eng- land and America. 1864. L 393 Kirchenheim, A., v. Einfiihrung in das Verwaltungsrecht. 1885. D 7037 Laveleye, E. L. V. de. Essai sur les formes de gouvernement dans les soucie- tes modernes. 1872. C 12724 Miiller, W. Politische Geschichte der Ge- genwart. 1868-1899. D 5674 Proal, L. Political crime. 1898. L6384 "Crimes perpetrated by governments for alleged reasons of state." Reinsch, P. S. Public international unions. 1911. L7619 Sarwey, O. v. Allgemeines Verwaltungs- recht. 1887. *D 7277. 1 Savay, N. L. Emancipation; an introduc- tion to the system of progressive gov- ernment. 1908. L 7590 Sergeant, L., ed*. The government year book; a record of the forms and methods of government in Great Britain, her colo- nies, and foreign countries, 1888. L 1570 Stein, L. v. Handbuch der Verwaltungs- lehre. 1887-88. D 7085 The Executive Note: The legislative branch of government is included under Legislation, above. The judicial will be found under Law. Necker, J. Du pouvoir executif dans les grands etats. 2v. 1792. C 6018 Cabinet Systems United States. Library of Congress. Div. of bibliography. Select list of books on the cabinets of England and America. 1903. *0 2104, 29 Dupriez, L. Les ministres dans les prin- cipanz pays d'Europe et D'Amerique. 2v. 1892. C 12323 United States Government Government Publications Bibliography Note: The Library is a designated depository for all U. S. government publications, a practically com- plete set of which, together with government catalogs and indexes, is available in the Civics Dept. It js therefore deemed unnecessary to include a list in this place. Everhart, E. A handbook of United States public documents. 1910. *Doc. Greely, A. W. Public documents of the early congresses, with special reference to Washington's administrations. 1897. *B 2127, 1896, pt 1 Public documents of the first fourteen Congresses, 1789-1817. 1900. *Doc. Same. 1904. *B 2127, 1903 I Amer. hist, assoc. Ann. rept. for 1903, p. 343- 406. Hasse, A. R. United States government publications; a handbook for the cata- loged 2v. 1902-03. *0 511 Philadelphia. Free Library. Selected list of United States public documents spe- cially useful in a small library. 1905. *0 1893 (Bulletin of the Free Library of Philadelphia, no. 6). Poore, B. P., comp. A descriptive catalogue of the government publications of the United States, Sept. 5, 1774-March 4, 1881. 1885. *0 2261 Pratt Institute Free Library (Brooklyn). Bulletin No. 15: Alphabetical subject list of government documents, July. 1894. 1894. *0 1911 United States. Department of Interior. List of Congressional documents, from GOVERNMENT 185 the 20th to the 46th Congresses, inclusive. 1882. *0 2260 Library of Congress. Division of Docu- ments. Monthly list of state publications. Jan., 1910-Dec, 1911. 2v. 1910-1911. *Doc. Superintendent of Documents. Catalogue of the public documents of Congress and of other departments of the government of the United States; being the "Compre- hensive index" provided for by the act ap- proved Jan. 12, 1895. 6v. 1896-1905. *Doc. Catalogue of United States public docu- ments, issued monthly: Jan., 1895-June, 1911. 16v. 1895-1911. *Doc. Comprehensive index to publications of United States government, 1881-1893; by John G. Ames. 2v. 1905. *Doc. Same. 1889-1893. 1894. *Doc. Reports of explorations, printed in the documents of the United States govern- ment (a contribution toward a bibliog- raphy) comp. by A. R. Hasse. 1899. *0 2265 Official list of depository libraries, con- sisting of designated, geological, and offi- cial gazette depositories. Corrected to January 1, 1909. 1909. *Doc. Senate. Committee on Printing. Print- ing, binding and distribution of public documents. 1907. *Doc. Committee on Department Methods. Message from the President of the United States, transmitting a report of the Committee on department methods on the documentary historical publications of the United States government. 1909. L 10692 Wyer, J. I. United States government documents. 1906. *0 1793, 21 (New York State Library. Bulletin 103. Li- brary school 21). Administration of the Federal Government and Its Departments General Works, History, Criticism Beard, C. A. American government and politics. 1910. L 11644 Readings in American government and politics. 1909. L6904 Benton, T. H. Thirty years' view; or, A history of the working of the American government for thirty years, 1820-1850. 2v. 1883. L245 Boyd, J. P. Building and ruling the repub- lic. 1884. L3302 Bradford, A. History of the federal gov- ernment, for fifty years, from March, 1789, to March, 1839. 1840. L 13 Bryce, J. The American commonwealth. 2v. 1888. L3306 Same, abr. ed. for use of colleges and high schools. 1896. L 6306 a Same, abr. Ed. de luxe. 1906. L 6306 b Butler, N. M. Why should we change our form of government? Studies in practical politics. 1912. L7589 Cleveland, F. A. The growth of democracy in the United States; or, The evolution of popular co-operation in government and its results. 1898. L6338 Cobbett, W. Porcupine's works, exhibiting a faithful picture of the United States, of their governments, laws, politics, and re- sources. 12v. 1801. J 44 Denslow, V. B. A plea for the introduction of responsible government and the repre- sentation of capital into the United States, as safeguards against communism and disunion. 1879. *L 471 Dix, W. G. American state and American statesmen. 1876. L 64 Dunn, A. W. The community and the citi- zen. 1907. L6684 Ford, H. J. The cost of our national gov- ernment. 1910. L 11653 Getchell, G. H. Our nation's executives and their administrations. The Continental and national congresses; a historical, bio- graphical and statistical conspectus of the national government from its foundation, 1775-1885. 1885. *V 733 Gilder, J. B., comp. The American idea as expounded by American statesmen. 1902. L6928 Hart, A. B. Practical essays on American government. 1894. L 6251 Jennings, L. J. Eighty years of republican government in the United States. 1868. B113 Lanman, C. Biographical annals of the civil government of the United States during its first century. 1876. *R428 Lincoln, C. Z. The fundamentals of Ameri- can government; including the great docu- ments on which its institutions are found- ed and the statutes relating to naturaliza- tion and expatriation. 1907. L 6966 Low, A. M. The American people; a study in national psychology. 2v. 1909-11. B5843 Mulford, E. The nation; the foundations of civil order and political life in the United States. 1877. L98 Reinsch, P. S., ed. Readings on American federal government. 1909. L6916 Schouler, J. Ideals of the republic. 1908. L6914 Scott, J. The republic as a form of govern- ment; or, The evolution of democracy in America. 1890. L 3394 186 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Smith, J. A. The spirit of American gov- ernment. 1911. L 11683 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). Snider, D. J. The state, especially the American state psychologically treated. 1902. L 6194 The American state. 1874. L 65 Ulrich, B. A. A comparison between the forms of government of the representa- tive democracy, or republic of the United States, and those of other nationalities. 1880. *L 373 Weeden, W. B. War government, federal and state, in Massachusetts, New York, Pennsylvania and Indiana, 1861-1865. 1906. L6947 Contents: Introduction; The genesis of the union; The executive crisis; Administration; State support; Federal and state interference; Party es- trangement; The people under compulsion; Govern- ment; The union vindicated and developed. Willoughby, W. W. The American consti- tutional system; an introduction to the study of the American state. 1904. L7041 (The American state series). Wilson, W. Constitutional government in the United States. 1908. L6917 (Columbia Univ. lectures. 1907). United States, President Chambrun, C. A. de P. marquis de. The executive power in the United States, tr. by Mrs. M. V. Dahlgren. 1874. L 261 Chancellor, W. E. Our presidents and their office; including parallel lives of the presidents of the people of the United States and of several contemporaries, and a history of the presidency. 1912. C 19380 Cleveland, G. Presidential problems. 1904. L6312 Finley, J. H. and Sanderson, J. F. The American executive and executive meth- ods. 1908. L 7048 (The American state series). Foster, W. E. Presidential administrations, 1789-1885. 1885. *L 3444, 2 (Economic tracts). References to the history of presiden- tial administrations, 1789-1885. 1885. *L 3444, 17 (Economic tracts). Getchell, G. H., comp. Our nation's execu- tives and their administrations; the con- tinental and national Congresses; an his- torical, biographical and statistical con- spectus of the national government from its foundation 1775-1885. 1885. *V 733 Lockwood, H. C. Abolition of the presi- dency. L884. L331 McClure, A. K. Our presidents and how we make them. 1900. L 6273 Stanton, S. B. A history of presidential elections. 1888. L 317 Stanwood, E. A history of the presidency. 1898. L 6272 A history of the presidency from 1897 to 1909. 1912. L 11685 Continuation of the author's "A history of the presidency," published in 1898. Messages Note: Collections only. See card catalog for mes- sages of separate presidents. French, J. The true Republican; containing the inaugural addresses, together with the first annual addresses and messages of all the presidents of the United States, from 1789 to 1841. 1842. L 6255 Poore, B. P., ed. Veto messages of the presidents from Washington to Cleve- land. 1886. *Doc. (49th Cong. 2d. sess. Senate. Misc. doc. no. 53). Richardson, J. D., ed. Compilations of the messages of the presidents, 1789-1897. lOv. 1896-99. *Doc. Williams, E., comp. Statesman's manual; presidents' messages, inaugural, annual and special, from 1789 to 1849. 4v. 1849. L28 Inauguration Cheney, J. V., ed. Inaugural addresses of the presidents of the United States from Washington^ to Polk. 1906. L 6910, 1 (The patriotic classics). Inaugural addresses of the presidents of the United States from Taylor to Roose- velt. 1906. L 6910, 2 (The patriotic classics). McKee, T. H. Presidential inaugurations from George Washington, 1789, to Grover Cleveland, 1893; with inaugural addresses complete. 1893. L3177 Veto Power Benton, J. H., jr. The veto power in the United States; what is it? 1888. L 3325 Mason, E. C. The veto power; its origin, development and function in the govern- ment of the United States, 1789-1889. 1890. L3362, 1 {In Harvard historical monographs, no. 1). United States, Cabinet Hinsdale, M. L. A history of the Presi- dent's cabinet. 1911. L 11663 Learned, II. B. The President's cabinet; studies in the origin, formation and struc- ture of an American institution. 1912. L 11664 England, King Allen, J. Inquiry into the rise and growth of the royal prerogative in England. 1849. L 3320 ADMINISTRATION 187 Bailey, A. Succession to the English crown. 1879. A 519 Ewald, A. C. The crown and its advisers. L870. L27 Some of the arguments & reasons against the office and title of kingship insisted upon in the time of the late Parliament and now offered to the consideration of the people of this commonwealth. 1659. *M 3970 England, Privy Council Dicey, A. V. The Privy Council. 1887. A 3206 Rolland, S. E. How is the Queen's gov- ernment to be carried on? t*he problem solved by the restoration of the Privy Council. 1866. *L 346, 1 No. 7 of a vol. of pamphlets. Torrens, W. T. M. History of cabinets. from the union with Scotland to the acquisition of Canada and Bengal. 2v. 1894. A 3552 Manuals of U. S. Government Textbooks of Civil Government Ashley, R. L. The American federal state; a text-book in civics for high schools and colleges. 1904. L6381 Government and the citizen. 1904. L6934 Beatty, B. A political primer for the new voter. 1912. L 11603 Designed for women voters; special reference to California law, but useful generally. Bowker, R. R. Primer for political educa- tion. 1886. *L 3444, 21 Brooks, N. How the republic is governed. 1895. L6206 Chase, W. I. The powers that be; civil government in theory and practice. 1885. L3254 Clark, F. H. Outlines of civics; being a supplement to Bryce's "American com- monwealth," abr. ed. 1899. L 6307 Cleveland, G. Principles and purposes of our form of government. 1892. L 3371 Cocker, W. J. The government of the United States. 1889. L 3340 Crawford, E. C. Civil government of Illi- nois and the United States; special chap- ters on Chicago and Cook county. 1890. L6309 Cudmore, P. The civil government of the states and the constitutional history of the United States. 1875. L 23 Dawes, A. L. How we are governed; an explanation of the constitution and gov- ernment of the United States. 1885. L336 Dole, C. F. The American citizen. 1909. L 11650 Fairlie, J. A. National administration of the United States of America. 1905. L6320 Fiske, J. Civil government in the United States considered with some reference to its origins. 1890. L 3390 Flickinger, J. R. Civil government as de- veloped in the states and in the United States. 1901. L6373 Ford, W. C. American citizen's manual. 2v. 1882. L289 Gauss, H. C. The American government, organization and officials; with the duties and powers of federal office holders. 1908. L 6961 Gillet, R. H. The federal government; its officers and their duties. 1871. L 3241 Greenwood, J. M. The desirable citizen; ele- mentary lessons in law, government and citizenship. 1912. L 11669 Guitteau, W. B. Government and politics in the United States. 1911. L 11654 Harrison, B. This country of ours. 1897. L6212 Hart, A. B. Actual government as applied under American conditions. 1903. L7013 (American citizen series). Handbook of the history, diplomacy, and government of the United States. 1903. *0 2466 Haskin, F. J. The American government. 1912. L 11699 Hinsdale, B. A. The American govern- ment, national and state. 1900. L 6324 Holt, H. Talks on civics. 1901. L6375 Hopkins, C. T. A manual of American ideas. 1872. L6937 Howard, D. American history, govern- ment and institutions. 1908. B 5218 James, J. A. and Sanford, A. H. Govern- ment in state and nation. 1904. L 6935 Kaye, P. L., comp. Readings in civil gov- ernment. 1910. L 11662 Lamphere, G. M. The United States gov- ernment; its organization and practical workings, 1880. L 16 Lanman, C. Dictionary of the United States Congress and the general govern- ment. 1S68. *R421 Lansing, R. and Jones, G. M. Government: its origin, growth and form in the United States. 2v. 1902. L 6923 Learned, H. B. The President's cabinet; studies in the origin, formation and struc- ture of an American institution. 1912. L 11664 188 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Lincoln, C. Z. The fundamentals of Ameri- can government; including the great doc- uments on which its institutions are founded and the statutes relating to naturalization and expatriation. 1907. L6966 McKinney, M. Our government; an ex- planatory statement of the system of gov- ernment of the country. 1856. L 355 Macy, J. Our government; how it grew, what it does and how it does it. 1886. L3264 Mansfield, E. D. Political grammar of the United States. 1836. L 97 Marriott, H. C. How Americans are gov- erned in nation, state, and city. 1910. L7031 Morrill, D. L. Federal and state govern- ment. 1900. L 6342 Moses, B. The government of the United States. 1906. L6392 Mowry, W. A. Studies in civil government. 1887. L3295 Plass, A. A. Civics for Americans in the making. 1912. L 11681 Richman, J. and Wallach, Mrs. I. R. Good citizenship. 1908. L 11676 Seaman, E. C. American system of govern- ment; its character and workings, its de- fects, outside party machinery and influ- ences, and the prosperity of the people under its protection. 1870. L3263 Shaler, N. S. The citizen, a study of the individual and the government. 1904. L6193 Civics; studies in Ameri- 1905. J> 6397 Governmental instructor; or, A brief and comprehensive view of the government of the United States and of the state governments. 1849. L 17 Thorpe, F. N. The government of the na- tion; a course in civil government, based on, "The government of the people of the United States." 1900. L 7593 Government of the people of the United States. 1892. L3357 Townsend, C. Analysis of civil govern- ment; including a topical and tabular ar- rangement of the constitution of the United States. 1869. L 77 Willis, A. Our rulers and our rights; or, Outlines of the United States govern- ment; its origin, branches, departments, institutions, officers, and modes of opera- tion. 1869. L 6944 Woodburn, J. A. American politics. The American republic and its government; an analysis of the government of the United States, with a consideration of Sherman, W. H. can citizenship. Shurtleff, J. B. its fundamental principles and of its re- lations to the states and territories. 1903. L6918 Young, A. W. Introduction to the science of government, and compend of the con- stitutional and civil jurisprudence of the United States. 1841. L230 Same, rev. 1854. L 226 Zmrhal, J. J. A primer of civics designed for the guidance of the immigrant. 1912. L 11693 Study and Teaching of Civil Government Manuals for Schools and Young People Alden, J. Alden's citizen's manual; a text- book on government for common schools. 1869. L6 Bardeen, C. W. Manual of civics for New York schools. 1901. L6186 Bartlett, W. H. Facts I ought to know about the government of my country. 1894. L 6250 Bourne, H. E. The teaching of history and civics in the elementary and the second- ary school. 1903. A 2139 Brooks, E. S. The century book for young Americans, showing how a party of boys and girls who knew how to use their eyes and ears found out all about the government of the United States. 1894. H966' Dole, C. F. The young citizen. 1899. L6238 Forman, S. E. Advanced civics; the spirit, the form, and the functions of the Ameri- can government. 1905. L6188 The American republic, a text in civics for high schools. 1911. L 11697 Essentials in civil government; a text- book for use in schools. 1909. L 11677 First lessons in civics; a text-book for use in schools. 1898. L6383 Fradenburgh, A. G. American civics; a text-book for high schools. 1906. L6189 Giffin, W. M. Civics for young Americans; or, First lessons in government. 1888. L3358 Hart, A. B. Manual of American history, diplomacy and government, for class use. 1908. B 5210 Revised suggestions on the study of the history and government of the United States. 1895. B 2225 Holt, H. On the civic relations. 1907. L 6375 b "A 3d edition of 'Talks on civics.' " Hoxie, C. D. How the people rule, civics for boys and girls. 1903. L6942 Hughes, E. H. The teaching of citizen- ship. 1909. L6998 ADMINISTRATION. 189 Judson, H. P. The young American; a civic reader. 1897. L 6948 Marriott, H. C. Uncle Sam's business told for young Americans. 1908. L6707 Martin, G. H. A text book on civil gov- ernment in the United States. 1876. L 24 New England History Teachers' Associa- tion. An outline for the study of Ameri- can civil government. 1910. L 11668 Nordhoff, C. Politics for young Americans. 1899. L. 99c Peterman, A. L. Elements of civil govern- ment; a text-book for use in public schools, high schools, etc. 1905. L6393 Seelye, J. H. Citizenship, a book for classes in government and law. 1894. L 6261 Townsend, C. A shorter course in civil government. 1875. L 33 Waterman, S. D. Practical aids to the teaching of civics. 1909. L6945 Woodburn, J. A. and Moran, T. F. Ameri- can history and government; a text-book for grammar schools. 1906. B 6027 Young, A. W. First book on civil govern- ment; being an introduction to the gov- ernment class book. 1867. L 22 First lessons in civil government in the state of New York, with an outline of the government of the United States. 1877. L 6319 American Colonies To 1775 Alden, G. H. New governments west of the Alleghanies before 1780. (Introduc- tory to a study of the organization and admission of new states). 1897. L 6604, 2 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin. His- torical series, v.2, no. 1). Andrews, C. M. Colonial self-government, 1652-1689. 1904. B 2280, 5 Beer, G. L. The old colonial system, 1660- 1754. 1912. L6522 Companion volume to the author's: The origins of the British colonial system, 1578-1660. 1908. L 6521 and, British colonial policy, 1754-1765. 1907. L 6523. Dickerson, O. M. American colonial gov- ernment 1696-1765; a study of the British board of trade in its relation to the Amer- ican colonies, political, industrial, admin- istrative. 1912. L 11696 Kaye, P. L. English colonial administra- tion under Lord Clarendon, 1660-1667. 1905. *L 3201, 23 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 9er. XXIII, nos. 5-6/ The colonial executive prior to the restoration. 1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Ser. XVIII, nos. 5-6). Osgood, H. L. The American colonies in the seventeenth century. 3v. 1904-07. L6858 Contents: v. 1-2. The chartered colonies. Beginnings of* self-government, v. 3. Imperial control. Beginnings of the system of royal prov- inces. Whitney, E. L. Government of the colony of Southern Carolina. 1895. *L 3201, 13 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, v. 13). U. S. Territories Farrand, M. Legislation of Congress for the government of organized territories of the U. S., 1789-1895. 1896. L 6330 McCarty, D. G. The territorial governors of the Old Northwest, a study in terri- torial administration. 1910. B 4549 "Notes and references," p. 157-188. U. S. Government Employees Registers of Officials Civil, Military and Naval Service United States. Bureau of the Census. Offi- cial register. Persons in the civil, mili- tary and naval service of the United States, and list of vessels, 1907 to date. 2v. 1907 to date. *R4006 Vol. 1. Directory. 2. The postal service. Before 1861 pub. by the Dept. of State. 1861- 1905 pub. by the Dept. of the Interior. Department of the Interior. Official register of the United States, containing a list of the officers and employees in the civil, military and naval service. 37v. 1862-1905. *R4006 — — Department of State. Register of offi- cers and agents, civil, military, and naval, in the service of the United States. 16v. 1816-59. *Doc. Navy Department. Register of the navy of the U. S. and of the marine corps. 21v. in 15. 1866-99. *R 3881 War Department. Complete regular army register of the United States for 100 years, 1779-1879. 1890. *R 3897 Poore, B. P. The political register and congressional directory; a statistical record of the federal officials, legislative, executive and judicial, of the United States of America, 1776-1878. 1878. *R426 190 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Civil Service Note: General and national. See also Chicago Civil Service Commission, under Municipal Govern- ment. Civil service record, llv. in 5. 1881-92. *Ser. Discontinued. Comstock, J. M. The civil , service in the United States from reports of 1884. 1885. L318 A catalog of all non-elective positions with com- pensations, &c. Foltz, E. B. K. The federal civil service as a career, a manual for applicants for po- sitions and those in the service. 1909. L6985 Lowell, A. L. Colonial civil service. 1900. L6457 United States. Civil Service Commission. Reports. 1896-date. *Doc. Another Copy. *R 3250 Another Copy. L6268 Civil Service Reform Bernard, G. S. Civil service reform versus the spoils system. 1885. L3179 Clarke, W. H. The civil service law. 1888. L3309 The U. S. law. Foulke, W. D. Civil service reform; its later aspects. 1900. L 3444, 31 (Economic tracts). National Civil Service Reform League. Proceedings: 1882, '84, '87, '89-'94. 1882- 94. L 6265 New York Civil Service Reform Associa- tion. Report of the executive committee. 1885-1904. L 6980 St. Louis. Civic League. Civil Service Committee. The merit system in appoint- ment to office. 1909. L 6981 Shepard, E. M. The competitive test and the civil service of states and cities. 1884. *L 3444, 14 (Economic tracts). Civil Service Examinations Bowker, R. R. Civil-service examinations, being question papers with actual an- swers of successful and unsuccessful can- didates. 1886. *L 3444, 22 (Economic tracts). Calley, J. W. Complete courses in civil service, comprising lessons and sample examinations in first, second and third grades. 1912. L7241 Chief Publishing Co., Neiv York. How to prepare for first grade and sub-clerical examinations, United States service. 1911. L7242 Civil service question book. 1892. L 3180 Crawley, IV. J. C. Handbook of com- petitive examinations for admission to Her Majesty's Service. 1891. L 1456 Ewart, J. A. A civil service manual. 3v. 1908. L 6983 Frank, C. L. 350 questions and answers for probation officer, chief probation offi- cer; parole officer and parole agent in the services of the city and state of New York, the state of New Jersey, the city of Chi- cago, and Kansas City. 1913. L 9876 Fuld, L. F. Civil service examinations for stenographers, the United States civil service examinations. 1912. L 7243 Graham, H. J. Civil service self-instructor 1907. L 6984 Klein, J. Inspection of water meters and water consumption. 1912. K 13302 Lachaussee, C. A. How to enter the postal service. 1909. L 6987 Leupp, F. E. How to prepare for a civil service examination. 1898. L 6271 Lewis, M. H. Manual of examinations for engineering positions in the service of the city of New York. 3v| 1906. L 7245 Pergande, F. Manual of examinations for government positions. 1905. L 6986 Library has later editions as issued. Price, I. The comprehensive question and answer book for review and study in school and home. 1911. L 10979 Rorke, T. S. Government positions; how to get a government job and courses of study for civil service examinations. 1910. L6988 Shaw, E. R. The national question book. 1910. L 10630 United States. Civil Service Commission. Manual of examinations. 5v. 1898 to date. *Doc. State Governments In the United States Reinsch, P. S., ed. Readings on American state government. 1911. L 11675 "Bibliographical note by W. L. Bailey": p. 465-470. State Publications Bowker, R. R. State publications. 1908. *0 2464 Hasse, A. R. Index of economic material in documents of the states of the United States: California, 1849-1904. 1908. *Doc. Same. Delaware, 1789-1904. 1910. *Doc. Same. Illinois, 1809-1904. 1909. *Doc. Same. Kentucky, L 792-1904. *Doc. Same. Maine, 1820-1904. 1907. *Doc. Same. Massachusetts. 1789-1904. L908. *Doc. Same. New York, 1789-1904. 1907. *Doc. STATE GOVERNMENTS 191 Same. New Hampshire, 1789-1904. 190V. *Doc. Same. Rhode Island, 1789-1904. 1908. *Doc. Same. Vermont, 1789-1904. 1907. *Doc. Politics and Government In the Separate States California California. Legislature. The election laws governing primary, city, county, state, congressional and presidential elections; with the constitutions of California and the United States. 1890. *Doc. Davis, W. J. History of political conven- tions in California, 1849-92. 1893. L 3176 (Jn California-State Library. Pub. no. 1). Lynch, J. A senator of the fifties: David C. Broderick, of California. 1911. C 20991 "Partial list of authorities," p. 240. Connecticut Connecticut (state). General Assembly. Public records of the state, from Oct., 1776 to April 23, 1780. 2v. 1894-95. *B 3025 Loomis, D. and Calhoun, J. G., ed. The judicial and civil history of Connecticut. 1895. *B 3028 "Biographical register of the bench and bar." p. 199-622. Illinois Bacon, H. M. Voters' handbook and citi- zens' manual Illinois, with summary of naturalization laws of United States and regulations thereon in force January 1, 1908. 1908. L6902 Bennett, F. O., comp. Politics and politi- cians of Chicago, Cook county and Illi- nois, 1787-1887. 1886. B 3169 Church, C. A. History of the Republican party in Illinois, 1854-1912; with a review of the aggressions of the slave-power. 1912. L 11672 Crawford, E. C. Civil government of Illi- nois and the U. S.; special chapters on Chicago and Cook county; brief historical sketches. 1890. L 6309 Cullom, S. M. Fifty years of public serv- ice; personal recollections of Shelby M. Cullom, senior United States senator from Illinois. 1911. C 21460 Greene, E. B. The government of Illinois; its history and administration. 1904. L 6345, 3 (Handbooks of American government). Illinois political directory, 1898-1899, with portraits and biographical sketches of party leaders. 2v. 1898-99. B 3106 Vol. for 1898 entitled: Illinois political direc- tory and sketch book. Lusk, D. W. Politics and politicians; a succinct history of the politics of Illinois, 1856-84. 1884. B 3124 Same. 1886. B 3126 Marsh, C. W. Recollections, 1837-1910. 1910. C 23266 Meese, W. A. The beginnings of the Re- publican party in Illinois and Rock Island county. 1907. L 6960. Milligan, H. W. The government of the people of the state of Illinois. 1895. L6959 Morrill, D. L. Federal and state govern- ment; an elementary treatise on civil gov- ernment of the United States and the state of Illinois. 1900. L6342 Raum, G. B. History of Illinois Republi- canism; with biographies of its founders and supporters. 1900. *V 2198 Rummel, E. The Illinois hand-book of in- formation; 1870; giving a general view of the state of Illinois and its government. 1870. L1616 Schuyler, R. L. The transition in Illinois, from British to American government. 1909. B 7801 "A list of the sources and secondary works 1 cited": p. 141-145. Thomas, A. W. Democracy and direct leg- islation, with special reference to the laws passed by the 40th General As- sembly of Illinois, session of Jan. 1st, 1897, to June 4th, 1898. 1898. L6332 Trowbridge, O. R. Illinois and the nation; how they are governed. For the use of schools, teachers' institutes and for pri- vate instruction. 1899. L 6958 Washburne, E. B. Sketch of Edward Coles, second governor of Illinois, and of the slavery struggle of 1823-4. 1882. C 1790 Winchell, S. R. A civic manual for Chi- cago, Cook County and Illinois; designed for use in schools as a text-book or supplementary reader, and for reference by citizens generally. 1910. B 7878 Indiana Henry, W. E., comp. State platforms of the two dominant political parties in In- diana, 1850-1900. 1902. L 6235 Iowa Iowa. Governors. The messages and proc- lamations of the governors of Iowa. 7v. 1903-05. B 1544 State Historical Society. Documen- tary material relating to the history of Iowa. 3v. 1895-1901. B'l545 v. 1. Documents illustrative of the history of the general political organization of the common- wealth of Iowa, 1895-97. 2. Local government, 1897-1900. 3. Local government, 1901. Tcr. Executive journal of Iowa, 1838- 1841, Governor Robert Lucas. 1906. B 1543 192 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Kentucky Brown, J. M. The political beginnings of Kentucky. 1889. *V 1405, 6 (in Filson Club. Pub. v. 6). Hughes, R. E., and others. That Kentucky campaign; or, The law, the ballot and the people in the Goebel-Taylor contest. 1900. B 3314 Maryland Myers, W. S. The self-reconstruction of Maryland, 1864-1867. 1909. *L 3201, 27 Schmeckebier, L. F. History of the Know Nothing party in Maryland. 1899. *L 3201, 17 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Ser. XVII, nos. 4-5). Steiner, B. C. Life and administration of Sir Robert Eden. 1898. *L 3201, 16 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Ser. xvi, nos. 7-8-9). Wilhelm, L. W. Local institutions of Maryland. 1885. *L 3201, 3 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 3, p. 305- 433. Massachusetts Cushing, H. A. History of the transition from provincial to commonwealth govern- ment in Massachusetts. 1896. L 6589, 7 {In Columbia University studies in history, eco- ' nomics and public law, vol. vii, no. 1, p. 3-2S1). Harding, S. B. The contest over the rati- fication of the federal Constitution in the state of Massachusetts. 1896. B 2260, 2 (Harvard historical studies, v. 2). Whitten, R. H. Public administration in Massachusetts. The relation of central to local activity. 1898. L 6589, 8 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Michigan Bemis, E. W. Local government in Michi- gan and the Northwest. 1883. *L3201, 1 (Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 1, no. 5). Brown, C R. The government of the state of Michigan; also a brief outline of the government of the United States. 1874. L12 Same. L 14 Cook, W. Michigan, its history and gov- ernment. 1905. L 6345, 5 (Handbooks of American government). Stocking, W. A history of the Republican party in Michigan, from the foundation of the party in 1864 to the fiftieth anni- versary celebration in 1904. 1904. *V 2835 Wilcox, D. F. Municipal government in Michigan and Ohio, a study in the rela- tions of city and commonwealth. 1896. L 6589, 5 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law, v. 6, p. 319-498). Minnesota McVey, F. L. The government of Minne- sota. 1901. L6345, 1 New Jersey Fisher, E. J. New Jersey as a royal prov- ince, 1738 to 1776. 1911. L 6589, 41 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Hosford, H. E. Woodrow Wilson and New Jersey made over. 1912. C 24903a Second ed., rev. and enl., entitled: Woodrow Wilson, his career, his statesmanship, and his public policies. 1912. C 24903c New York Alexander, D. S. A political history of the state of New York. 3v. 1906-1909. B4094 v. 1. 1774-1832. 2. 1833-1861. 3. 1861-1882. Bardeen, C. W. A manual of civics for New York schools. 1901. L 6186 Brummer, S. D. Political history of New York state during the period of the civil war. 1911. L 6589, 39 II (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). "Bibliographical note"; p. 448-451. Cheyney, E. P. The anti-rent agitation in the state of New York, 1839-1846. 1887. *L 6696, 1 (Publications of the Universiy of Pennsylvania. Political economy and public law series, no. 2). Fairlie, J. A. The centralization of admin- istration in New York state. 1898. L 6589, 9 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Hammond, J. D. The history of political parties in the state of New York, from the ratification of the federal constitu- tion to Dec, 1840. 1S42. B 1127 Hutchins, S. C. Civil list and forms of gov- ernment of the colony and state of New York. 1869. L 1610 Jenkins, J. S. History of the political par- tits in the state of New York, from the acknowledgment of the independence of the United States to the inauguration of the twelfth president, March,. 1849. 1849. B1229 Junius, pseud. The independent movement in New York as an element in the next election and a problem in party govern- ment. 1880. L244 (Questions of the day). Lansing, R. Government; its origin, growth, and form in the United States, with special treatment of the constitu- tion and government of New York state. 1902. L 6923, 1 Lloyd, H. D., comp. A manual for the guidance of voters in the general state election to be held in New York city Nov. 7, 1871. 1871. L297 Morey, W. C. The government of New York; its history and administration. Pin' L 6345, 2 (Handbooks of American government). STATE GOVERNMENTS 193 Scisco, L. D. Political nativism in New York state. 1901. L 6589, 13 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law, vol. xiii, no. 2). Thesis Ph.D. — Columbia University. "Sources"; p. 255-259. "Know-Nothing" party and its predecessors. Young, A. W. First lessons in civil govern- ment in the state of New York, with an outline of the government of the United States. 1877. L 6319 Ohio Boyd, W. W. The government of Ohio. 1906. L 6923, 2 Cleveland, Ohio. Municipal Association. Short Ballot Committee. The need of a short ballot in Ohio. 1911. L 11647 Porter, G. H. Ohio politics during the civil war period. 1911. L 6589, 40 II (Studies in history, economics and public law of Columbia University). Siebert, W. H. The government of Ohio. 1904. L 6345, 4 (Handbooks of American government). Taylor, W. A. Ohio in Congress from 1803 to 1901. 1900. B 4253 Wilgus, J. A. Evolution of township gov- ernment in Ohio. 1895. *Doc. Amer. hist, assoc. Ann. rept. for 1894. Oregon • Eaton, A. H. The Oregon system, the story of direct legislation in Oregon; a presentation of the methods and results of the initiative and referendum, and re- call, in Oregon. 1912. L 7555 Pennsylvania Gould, E. R. L. Local government in Penn- sylvania. 1883. *L3201, 1 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 1, no. 3, p. 20-37. Pennypacker, S. W. The desecration and profanation of the Pennsylvania capitol. 1911. L 11673 Rhode Island Foster, W. E. Stephen Hopkins; a Rhode Island statesman; a study in the political history of the eighteenth century. 18S4. *B 4374, 19 (In Rhode Island historical tracts, no. 19. pt. 2). Frieze, J. A concise history of the efforts to obtain an extension of suffrage in Rhode Island, 1811-42. 1842. B 4364 Williams, Mrs. C. R. A. Might and right, by a Rhode Islander. 1844. B4371 Utah Cannon, F. J. and O'Higgins, H. J. Under the Prophet in Utah; the national menace of a political priestcraft. 1911. L4235 Vermont Conant, E. The geography, history, consti- tution and civil government of Vermont; also constitution and civil government of the U. S. Published expressly to comply with the state laws. 1907. B 4467 Reference books pertaining to the history and geography of Vermont, p. 9-10. Virginia Chandler, J. A. C. Representation in Vir- ginia (1606-1891). 1896. *L 3201, 14 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 14, p. 255-337. Chitwood, O. P. Justice in colonial Vir- ginia. 1905. *L 3201, 23 Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. Series XXIII, nos. 7-8). Eckenrode, H. J. The political history of Virginia during the reconstruction. 1904. *L 3201, 22 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, series XXII, nos. 6-7-8). Ingle, E. Local institutions of Virginia. 1885. *L3201, 3 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 3, p. 103- 229. Contents: Virginia and Virginians; Land tenure of Virginia; The hundred; The English parish in America; The county system of colonial Virginia; The town. Bibliography, p. 126-127. Munford, B. B. Virginia's attitude toward slavery and secession. 1909. L 9419 Bibliography, p. 305-311. Wisconsin Barnett, J. D. Indirect. central administra- tion of Wisconsin. 1908. L 6697, 4 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 269. Economics and political science series, v. 4, no. 3). Howe, F. C. Wisconsin; an experiment in democracy. 1912. L 11700 Bibliography of important laws and literature on Wisconsin, p. 193-196. McCarthy, C. The Wisconsin idea. 1912. L 11704 Spencer, D. E. Local government in Wis- consin. 1890. *L 3201, 8 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 8, p. 89- 103. Thomson, A. W. A political history of Wisconsin. 1900. B 4708 West Virginia Fast, R. E. and Maxwell, H. The history and government of West Virginia. 1906. B4475 England Government Amos, S. Primer of .the English constitu- tion and government. 1890. L3181 DeFonblanque, A. de G. How we are gov- erned; or. The crown, the senate and the bench. 1872. L 204 De Labilliere, F. P. Federal Britain; or. Unity and federation of the empire. 1894. A 3406 Earle, J. C. English premiers from Sir Robert Walpole to Sir Robert Peel. 2v. 1871. A 454 194 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Franqueville, A. C. F., comte de. Le gouv- ernement et le parlement brittaniques. 3v. 1887. C 4929 Gomm, F. C. C. Handbook of the admin- istrations of Great Britain during the nineteenth century, 1801-1900. 1901. A 3466 Hearn, W. E. The government of Eng- land. 1867. L3400 Low, S. T. M. The governance of Eng- land. 1904. L 6482 Lowell, A. L. The government of Eng- land. 2v. 1908. L6444 Marriott, J. A. R. English political insti- tutions, an introductory study. 1910. L 11767 Moran, T. F. The theory and practice of the English government. 1903. L 6462 Powell, E. T. The essentials of self-govern- ment (England and Wales): a compre- hensive survey. 1909. L 6494 Rathbone, W. P. A. and Montague, F. C. Local government and taxation. 1885. L6473 (The imperial Parliament). Robertson, J. M. The evolution of states; an introduction to English politics. 1912. L7560 "The following treatise is an expansion, under a new title, of one originally published (1900) un- der the name of An introduction to English poli- tics." — Pref. Sergeant, L., ed. The government year book; a record of the forms and methods of government in Great Britain, her col- onies, and foreign countries, 1888. 1888. L1570 Traill. H. D. Central government. 1881. L 189, 1 (The English citizen). Wendt, G. England; seine Geschichte, Ver- fassung und staatlichen Einrichtungen. 1907. D 13252 England Politics and Political History Acland, A. H. D. and Ransome, C. Hand- book in outline of the political history of England to 1882. 1882. A 666 Annual register, v. 1, 1759 to date. *Ser. Beatson, R. Political index to the histories of Great Britain & Ireland; or, a com- plete register of the hereditary honors, public offices, and persons in office from the earliest periods to the present time. 3v. 1806. A 665 Boutmy, £. G. The English people; a study of their political psychology. L904. L 6465 Cobden, R- Political writings. 2v. 1867. L50 v. 1. England, Ireland and America; Russia; 1793 and 1853. 2. Letter to Henry Ashworth; How wars are got up in India; What next — and next? The three panics; an historical episode. Cramb, J. A. Reflections on the origins and destiny of imperial Britain. 1900. A 3439 Fonblanque, A. England under seven ad- ministrations. 3v. 1S37. A 391 Grego, J. A history of parliamentary elec- tions and electioneering in the old days. 1886. A 3133 Grousset, P. La vie partout: la vie publique en Angleterre, par Philippe Dary, pseud. C4789 Hare, T. The election of representatives, parliamentary and municipal. 1873. L3234 Haydn, J. T. The book of dignities; con- taining lists of the official personages of the British empire, continued to the pres- ent time by H. Ockerby. 1890. *R 341 Kebbel, T. E. Essays upon history and politics. 1864. A 2111 Political history of England, The. 12v. 1905-1910. A 3442 v. 1. Hodgkin, T. The history of England from the earliest times to the Norman con- quest. 2. Adams, G: B. The history of England from the Norman conquest to the death of John (1066-1216). 3. Tout, T. F. The history of England from the accession of Henrv III to the death of Edward III (1216-1377). 4. Cran, C. W. C. The history of England from the accession of Richard II to the death of Richard III. 5. Fisher, H. A. L. The history of England from the acession of Henry VII to the death of Henry VIII (1485-1547). 6. Pollard, A. F. The history of England from the acession of Edward VI to the death of Elizabeth (1547-1603). 7. Montague, F. C. The history of England from the accession of James I to the restoration (1603-1660). 8. Lodge, R. The history of England from the restoration to the death of William III (1660-1702). 9. Leadam, I. S. The history of England from the accession of Anne to the death of George II (1702-1760). 10. Hunt. W. The history of England from the accession of George III to the of Pitt's first administration (1760-1801) 11. Brodrick, G. C. The history of England from Addington's administration to th ! close of William TV's reign (1801-1837) 12. Low, S. J. M. The history of England dur- ing the reign of Victoria (1837-1901). Pollard, A. F. The history of England: a study in political evolution. 1912. A 5319 (Home university library of modern knowledge.) Political pamphlets. 1897. E 5185 Porritt, E. The Englishman at home, his responsibilities and privileges. 1893. L3198 Rose, J. H. The rise and growth of democ- racy in Great Britain. 1897. L6486 I (Victorian series). ENGLAND, POLITICS 195 Sanders, W. The political re-organisation of the people. 1902. L 6455 (Ethical series). Contents: Introduction: the political situation; Chartism; Modern working-class political move- ments; The basis for a democratic programme; Trade unions and political action; Co-operation and politics; Democratic leadership. Somerset, Sir E. A. St. M., 12th duke of. Monarchy and democracy; phases of modern politics. 1880. L 89 Adverse to democracy. Wingfield-Stratford, E. The history of English patriotism. 2v. 1913. A 5327 Before 1800 Brown, A. English politics in early Vir- ginia history. 1901. B 4506 Brown, L. F. The political activities of the Baptists and Fifth Monarchy Men in England during the interregnum. 1912. A 5272 (Prize essays of the American Historical Associ- ation). Burke, E. Burke's speeches On American taxation, On conciliation with America & Letter to the sheriffs of Bristol. 1908. E2107 For other editions of these speeches see Card Catalog under author's name. Speeches; with memoir and historical introductions. 1S60. E 885 Fitzpatrick, W. J. Secret service under Pitt. 1892. A 1472 Fox, C. J. Speech on American independ- ence, spoken in the House of Commons, Tuesday, July 2, 1782. *B 201 No. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets. Gilbert, J. T., ed. Documents relating to Ireland, 1795-1804: Official account of secret service money. 1893. *A 1474 Hammond, J. L. Le B. Charles James Fox. A political study. 1903. L 6487 Contents: Preliminary; Fox and the king; Par- liamentary reform; The reign of terror; Fox and Ireland; Colonies and dependencies; Fox and ' the French revolution; Fox's policy in 1792; Fox and nationalism; Fox and the French war; Re- ligious toleration; Appendices. Bibliography. Hertz, G. B. English public opinion after the restoration. 1902. L 6453 Contents: Introduction; The English view of the Dutch (1660-1665); Public opinion during the war (1665-1668); The English view of the Dutch (166S-1674); ihe English view of France; The national character; The effects of the revolution. Junius. Junius; including letters by the same writer under other signatures; added his confidential correspondence with Mr. Wilkes and his private letters addressed . to Mr. H. S. Woodfall. 3v. 1814. L3281 See the Card Catalog for other editions of the Letters. I uttrell, N. A brief historical relation of state affairs, Sept. 1678-April 1714. 6v. 1857. A 446 Same. *P 106 Maseres, F., ed. Occasional essays on va- rious subjects, chiefly political and his- torical, extracted partly from the publick newspapers during the present reign and partly from tracts published in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King Charles I and King Charles II. 1809. L 382 Milton, J. A free commonwealth; the ready and easy way to establish a free common- wealth and the excellence thereof, com- pared with the inconveniences and dan- gers of readmitting kingship in this na- tion. 1895. B 2112, 3 (Old South leaflets). Morley, J. Edmund Burke; an historical study. 1867, A 401 Newcastle, T. P. H., duke of. A narrative of the changes in the ministry, 1766-1767. 1898. A 1090, 59 {In Camden Society Publications). Rose, J. H. William Pitt and national re- vival. 1911. C 23782 Ruville, A. v. William Pitt Graf von Chat- ham. 3v. 1905. D 13987 "Quellenbericht"; p. 387-395. William Pitt, earl of Chatham. 3v. 1907. C 18555 Smith, E. The story of the English Jaco- bins. 1881. A 599 Smith, G. Three English statesmen: a course of lectures on the political history of England. 1868. A 459 1. Pym, II. Cromwell, III. Pitt. Thurloe, J. A collection of the state papers of John Thurloe, Esq., secretary, first to the council of state, and afterwards to the two protectors Oliver and Richard Crom- well. 7v. 1742. *Doc. Vane, Sir H. A healing question, pro- pounded and resolved upon occasion of the late public and seasonable call to humiliation, in order to love and union among the honest party, and with a de- sire to apply balm to the wound before it became incurable. 1886. B2112, 1 (Old South leaflets). Welsford, J. W. W. The strength of Eng- land: a politico-economic history of Eng- land from Saxon times to the reign of Charles the First. 1910. A 5324 "List of works consulted"; p. 353-355. Williams, J. A cabinet of miscellanies, by Anthony Pasquin, pseud. 1794. E 5099 Winstanley, D. A. Lord Chatham and the Whig opposition. 1912. A 3568 Personal and party government; a chap- ter in the political history of the early years of the reign of George III, 1760- 1766. 1910. L 11780 i8oo to date Acland, A. H. p. and Ransome, C. Hand- book of English politics for the last half- century. 1883. A 667 106 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Against home rule; the case for the union, by A. J. Balfour, J. A. Chamberlain, W. Long, G. Wyndham, Lord C. Beresford, J. H. Campbell, G. W. Balfour, T. Sin- clair, Marquis of Londonderry, E. Percy, L. S. Amery, G. Cave, G. L. Lampson, etc.; with introduction by Sir E. Carson and preface by A. B. Law, edited by S. Rosenbaum. 1912. L 11765 Archer, T. William Ewart Gladstone and his contemporaries; 50 years of political and social progress. 4v. A 3218 Balfour, A. J. Aspects of home rule; se- lected from the speeches of the Rt. Hon. Arthur James Balfour. 1913. A 1395 Beaconsfield, B. D.. ist carl of. The Runny- mede letters. 1885. E2430 Benn, A. W. Modern England; a record of opinion and action, from the time of the French revolution to the present day. 2v. 1908. A 527 ° Bentley, J. Politics made easy for all Her Majesty's subjects, especially the electors; by The oldest school inspector, pseud. 1867. L 7 Brassey, Sir T. B., ist baron. Papers and addresses: Political and miscellaneous, from 1861 to 1894. 1895. L 6441, 1 Brodrick. G. C. Political studies. 1879. L149 Brooks, S. Aspects of the Irish question. 1912. I 10245 Buxton, C Ideas of the day on policy. 1866. L 337 Buxton, S. C. Handbook to political ques- tions of the day. 1881. L 391 Cairnes, J. E. Political essays. 1873. Lll Chamberlain, J. Speeches; with a sketch of his life. 1865. E 2295 Churchill, W. L. S. Liberalism and the so- cial problem. 1909. L 7536 Speeches made during the last four years. The record of the government; Social organi- zation; The budget. Clayden, P. W. England under Lord Bea- consfield; the political history of six years, 1873-1880. 1880. A 485 England under the coalition, the polit- ical history, from the general election of 1885 to May, 1892. 1892. A 3298 Cobbett W. Selections from his political works'. 6v. L3359 Constitutional year book for 189S. 1900, '02. '(17, "10. 1898-1910. L9971 Dallas, G. M. Letters from London, 1850- 60. 2V. 1870. L48 Dudley T W. W., carl of. Letters to the Bishop of Llandaff. 1840. C 3122 Elias, F. The Right Hon. H. II. Asquith. MP: a biography and appreciation. 1909. ' C 20648 Ellenborough, E. L.. ist carl of. A political diary; 1828-30. 2v. 1881. C2751 Escott, T. H. S. England, her people, polity and pursuits. 1880. 1 697 Ewald, A. C. Representative statesmen; political studies. 2v. 1879. L 29 Extraordinary red book; a list of all places, pensions, sinecures, etc., with the various salaries and emoluments arising there- from. 1816. A 651 Furniss, H. The confessions of a carica- turist. 2v. 1902. *K 11098 Gammage, R. G. History of the chartist movement, 1837-1854. 1894. L 6450 Geffcken, F. H. Politische Federzeich- nungen. 1888. D 4673 George, D. L. Better times; speeches. 1910. L7580 Eighteen selected speeches of Lloyd-George's in- cluding his two Budget addresses in the House of Commons (1909 and 1910) and various campaign utterances. Gladstone, W. E. The country and the gov- ernment. 1S79. *L373 No. 2 of a vol. of pamphlets. Speeches and addresses delivered at the election of 1865. 1865. L 125 No. 6 of a vol. of pamphlets. Speeches and public addresses. 2v. 1892-94. E 3152 Speeches delivered at Warrington, Orms- kirk, Liverpool. Southport, Newton, Leigh and Wigan, in October. 1868. 1868. L 125 No. 8 of a vol. of pamphlets. Substance of the speech on the affairs of Greece and the foreign policy of the administration on the 27th of June, 1850. 1850. L 125 Xo. 4 of a vol. of pamphlets. Greg, W. R. Political problems for our age and country. 1S70. L 35 Grey, C. G., 2d carl. The Reform Act, 1832; the correspondence of the late Earl Grey with His Majesty King William IV and with Sir Herbert Taylor, from Nov., 1830, to June, 1832. 2v. 1867. A 443 Grousset, P. Public life in England, by Philippe Daryl, pseud. 18S4. 16226 Guizot, F. P. G. Sir Robert Peel: etude d'histoire contemporaine. 1858. C 5159 Harrison, F. Order and progress. 1ST.") L385 Harvey, C. H. The biology of British poli- tics. 1904. L6492 Harwood, G. The coming democracy. 1882. L376 Hazlitt, W. Political essays. 1819. E 1178 Hill, F. II. Political portraits: characters of si >me of our public men. 1873. L 3187 Hobart, V. II. H.. baron. Political essays; with shun biographical sketch i^;; L 136 ENGLAND, POLITICS 197 Holyoake, G. J. Sixty years of an agita- tor's life. 2v. 1893. C 10988 Hone, W. Hone's select popular political tracts. *E3528 Kebbel, T. E. English statesmen since the peace of 1815. 1868. C 101 Kent, W. C. M. The Gladstone govern- ment, being cabinet pictures. 1869. L3186 Laugel, A. A. England, political and social. 1874. L805 Lefevre, G. J. S. Peel and O'Connell; a review of the Irish policy in parliament from the act of union to the death of Sir Robert Peel. 1887. A 1344 Lenschau, T., ed. England in deutscher Beleuchtung. 1907. D 12926 Ludlow, J. M. Thoughts on the policy of the Crown towards India. 1859. A 3697 Macaulay, T. B. M.. 1st baron. Speeches. 2v. 1853. L 150 Same. G 405 McCarthy, J. British political portraits. 1903. L 6483 Mackail, J. W. Socialism and politics; an address and a programme. 1903. L 9040 Malmesbury, J. H. H., 3d earl of. Memoirs of an ex-minister; an autobiography. 2v. 1884. C 2831 Same. 3v. in 2. 1885. G 1139 Marriott, J. A. R. George Canning and his times; a political study. 1903. C 17444 Maurice, J. F. D. The workman and the franchise; chapters from English history on the representation and education of the people. 1866. L 808 Melbourne, W. L., 2d viscount. Papers. 1890. A 3304 Montagu, Lord R. Recent events and a clue to their solution. 1886. A 3513 Monypenny, W. F. The life of Benjamin Disraeli, earl of Beaconsfield. 2v. 1910- 1912. C 20795 New liberal review, The. 1901 to date. *Ser. Norton, C. B. A., 1st baron. Review of the "Colonial policy of Lord J. Russell's ad- ministration," by Earl Grey, 1853 and of subsequent colonial history. 1869. A 1003 O'Brien, R. B. Dublin castle and the Irish people. 1913. L 11768 Pamphleteer, The. 29v. 1813-28. *Ser. Peel, Sir R. Memoirs. 2v. 1856. A 458 Contents: The Roman Catholic question; 1S2S-9; The new government, 1834-5; Repeal of the corn laws, 1845-6. Pimblett, W. M. English political history, 1S80-1885. 1885. A 3408 Practical politics. 1881. L 188 Contents: Howard, J. The tenant farmer; Duff, M. E. G. Foreign policy; Lefevre, G. S. Freedom of land; Wedderburn, Sir D. British colonial policy. Raumer, F. L. 1836. G. England in 1835. 3v. 1686 England in 1841. 2v. 1S42. 1 738 Redmond, J. E. The Home rule bill. 1912. L 11776 "Text of the Home rule bill": p. [101]-153. Appendix: The Home rule bills of 1886 and 1893 compared and explained. Reid, Sir T. W. Politicians of today; a series of personal sketches. 2v. 1880. L82 Reynolds, S. and Woolley, B. & T. Seems so! A working-class view of politics. 1911- L7335 Roebuck, J. A. History of the Whig min- istry of 1830 to the passing of the reform bill. 2v. 1852. A 680 Rogers, J. E. T. Cobden and modern polit- ical opinion; essays on certain political topics. 1873. L62 Rose, J. H. William Pitt and national re- vival. 1911. c 23782 Sergeant, L. England's policy; its tradi- tions and problems. 1881. L381 Shelley, P. B. A proposal for putting re- form to the vote throughout the kingdom. 1887. *J 1234> 5 (Shelley Society publications). Smalley, G. W. London letters and some others. 2v. 1891. 16285 Tuckwell, W. Reminiscences of a radical parson. 1905. L 6445 Urquhart, D. The days of England not "numbered"; reply to Sir Archibald Ali- son, by Caritas, pseud. 1867. *L 69, 4 No. 3 of a vol. of pamphlets. The queen and the premier; a state- ment of their struggle and its results. 1857. *L69, 5 Lord Palmerston and the Crimean war. No. 6 of a vol. of pamphlets. Wade, J. The black book; an exposition of abuses in church and state. 1835. A 688 The extraordinary black book; an ex- position of the United church of England and Ireland, civil list and crown revenues, incomes, privileges, and power of the aristocracy; presenting a complete view of the expenditure, patronage, influence and abuses of the government. 1831. A 481 Walpole, Sir S. Essays, political and bio- graphical. 190S. E 6249 Whates, H. The third Salisbury administra- tion, 1895-1900. 1900. A 3567 Wilkinson, G. T. An authentic history of the Cato-street conspiracy, with the trials of the conspirators. A 703 Plot to assassinate Lord Castlereagh and others 1820. 198 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Canada Allin, C. D. and Jones, G. M. Annexation, preferential trade and reciprocity; an out- line of the Canadian annexation move- ment of 1849-50, with special reference to the questions of preferential trade and reci- procity. 1912. B9001 Bourinot, Sir J. G. Federal government in Canada. 1889. ^ *L3201,7 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 7. How Canada is governed. 1895. B 4787 Local government in Canada, an his- torical study. 1887. *L 3201, 5 Johns Hopkins University studies, v. 5. A manual of the constitutional history of Canada from the earliest period to 1888. 1888. L3301 Canadian parliamentary companion, The; 1885. B 1817 Carnarvon, H. H. M., fourth earl of. Speeches on Canadian affairs. 1902. L 6440 Cavendish, Sir H., comp. Government of Canada; debates of the House of Com- mons in the year 1774, on the bill for mak- ing more effectual provision for the gov- ernment of the province of Quebec. 1839. L395 Cockburn, A. P. The political annals of Canada; a condensed record of govern- ments from the time of Samuel de Cham- plain in 1608 down to the time of Earl Grey in 1905. 1905. L 6498 Davidson, J. Commercial federation and colonial trade policy. 1900. L6468 (Social science series). Edgar, J. D. Canada and its capital, with sketches of political and social life at Ottawa. 1898. 1 4976 Ewart, J. S. The kingdom of Canada, im- perial federation, the colonial conferences, the Alaska boundary and other essays. 1908. L 6497 Gladstone, W. E. Canada union bill; speech in the House of Commons, Friday, May 29, 1840. 1841. L125 Head, Sir F. B. The emigrant. 1847. B1851 Sketches of Canadian political history. A narrative. 1839. B 1858 Narrative of events during his term as governor- general of upper Canada, 1835-37, including an account, and defense, of his course during the rebellion of 1837. France Government Almanach national; annuaire officiel de la Republique Franchise. 1898 to date. *R 3994 Bigot, C. J. Le petit Frangais. 1885. C 12067 A work for children, on patriotism and govern- ment. Block, M. Dictionnaire de l'administration franchise. 1891. *R4001 Same. 1 ter supplement. 1892. Entretiens familiers sur l'administration de notre pays. 3v. 188? C 4087 Bodley, J. E. C. France. 2v. 1898. L 6505 v. 1. The revolution and modern France; The constitution and the chief of the state. 2. The parliamentary system; Political parties. Haas, C. P. M. Administration de la France. 4v. 1861. C 5191 Monnet, £. Histoire de l'administration provinciale, departementale et communale en France. 1885. C 12851 France Politics and Political History Cousin, V. Des principes de la revolution frangaise et du gouvernement representa- tif, suivi de discours politiques. 1864. C4376 Discours politiques; avec une introd. sur les principes de la revolution frangaise et du gouvernement representatif. 1851. C4368 Faguet, E. The cult of incompetence. 1912. L 7557 Guizot, F. P. G. Democracy in France. 1849. L 182 Reybaud, M. R. L. Jerome Paturot a la recherche de la meilleure des republiques. 1858. C6476 French political satire in the form of fiction. Before 1800 Caillet, J. De l'administration en France sous le ministere du Cardinal de Riche- lieu. 1857. C4296 Dareste de La Chavanne, A. E. C. His- toire de l'administration en France et du progres du pouvoir royal depuis le regne de Philippe-Auguste jusqu'a la mort de Louis XIV. 2v. 1848. C 4415 Mackinnon, J. The growth and decline of the French monarchy. 1902. A 1484 Perrens, F. T. La democratic en France au moyen age. 2v. 1873. C 6163 1800 to date Bayet, A. and Albert, F.. comp. Les ecri- vains politiques du XIXe siecle. 1907. CC 1452 Berry, W. G. France since Waterloo. 1909. A 5705 Berryer, P. A. OEuvres; discours parlemen- taires, 1830-68. 5v. 1872-75. C 4124 FRANCE, GERMANY 199 Blanc, J. J. L. Questions d'aujourd'hui et demain. 5v. 1873-84. C 12077 v. 1-3. Politique. 4. Socialisme. 5. Socialisme; Politique; Literature. Clemenceau, G. B. Contre la justice. 1900. CC 1967 Des juges. 1901. CC 1966 La honte. 1903. CC 1965 Justice militaire. 1901. CC 1968 Relate chiefly to the Dreyfus case. Derosne, C. B. Ten years of imperialism in France. 1862. A 1558 Ferry, J. F. C. Discours et opinions. 7v. 1893-98. C 12424 La lutte electorate en 1863. 1863. C4881 Frankreich immer das Alte unter der neuen Republik. 1851. D 70 Gambetta, L. M. Discours et plaidoyers politiques. llv. 1881-85. C 5042 Gasparin, A. E., comte de. La France: nos fautes, nos perils, notre avenir. 1872. C 12482 Guizot, F. P. G. Melanges politiques et historiques. 1869. C 5155 Hanotaux, A. A. G. Histoire de la France contemporaine (1871-1900). 4v. 1903-08. CC17 v. 1. Le gouvernement de M. Thiers. 2-3. La presidence du marechal de MacMahon. 4. La republique parlementaire. Haussmann, G. E., baron. Memoires. 3v. 1890-93. C 5286 v. 1. Avant THotel de Ville. 2. Prefecture de la Seine. 3. Grands travaux de Paris. Laboulaye, E. R. L. Lettres politiques. 1872. C5611 La parti liberal; son programme et son avenir. 1871. C 5613 Lamartine, A. M. L de P. de. The past, present and future of the republic. 1871. L235 Die Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zu- kunft der franzosischen Republik. 1850. D2085 Lanfrey, P. Etudes et portraits politiques. 1865. C 5660 Macdonnell, J. France since the first em- pire. 1879. A 1595 French political parties in the nineteenth cen- tury. Memoirs of Monsieur Claude, chief of po- lice under the second empire. 1907. C 17465 First published in 1881-83, after the death of Claude, but not written or sanctioned by him. The present volume condenses five of the original ten volumes, bringing the story down to the end of the empire. Napoleon III, emperor of the French. Po- litical and historical works. 2v. 1852. C 11347 Ollivier, E. L'empire liberal; etudes, recits, souvenirs. 15v. 1895-1911. C 12910 Pontecoulant, L. G. D., comte de. Souvenirs, historiques et parlementaires. 4v. 1861- 65. C 13014 v. 1. Ancien regime; Convention nationale. 2. Directoire executif. 3. Consulat et empire. 4. Restauration; Regne de Louis-Philippe. Prevost-Paradol, L. A. Essais de politique et de litterature. 3v. in 2. 1865. C 6233 La France nouvelle. 1871. C 6230 Quelques pages d'histoire contempo- raine; lettres politiques. 4v. in 2. 1871. C6232 Quinet, E. Le livre de l'exile, 1851-70; Abres l'exil; manifestes et discours, 1871- 75. 1875. C 6334 Reinach, J. Le ministere Gambetta; histoire et doctrine, 14 novembre 1881-26 Janvier 1882. 1884. C 6423 Simpson, F. A. The rise of Louis Napoleon. 1909. C 23562 Vacherot, E. La democratic liberale. 1892. C 13299 Vandam, A. D. Men and manners of the third republic. 1904. 1 6757 Undercurrents of the second empire, notes and recollections. 1895-96. A 1734 X . . . du Figaro, pseud. Les coulisses du Bou- langisme; revues et augumentees de plu- sieurs chapitres inedits. 1890. C 12258 Germany Politics and Government Aus Deutschlands Vergangenheit nach 1870; fur Deutschlands Zukunft; politische Epi- gramme. 1895. D 6168 Barker, J. E. Modern Germany; her politi- cal and economic problems, her policy, her ambitions and the causes of her suc- cess. 1907. A 4183 Below, G. Territorium und Stadt. Auf- satze zur deutschen Verfassungs-, Ver- waltungs- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. 1900. D 13282 (Historische Bibliothek, Bd. 11). Biedermann, F. K. Deutschland im acht- zehnten Jahrhundert. 4v. 1880. D 96 v. 1. Deutschlands politische, materielle und so- ciale Zustande. 2-4. Deutschlands geistige, sittliche und gesellige Zustande. Fiinfzig Jahre im Dienste des nationalen Gedankens; Aufsatze und Reden. 1892. D7002 Bismarck: zwolf Jahre deutscher Politik, 1871-1883, von. * * * 1884. D 4763 Bruchhausen, K. v. Der kommende Krieg; eine Studie uber die militarische Lage Deutschlands. 1906. D 6961, 15 (Moderne Zeitfragen). 200 CHICAGO PUBLIC UBRARY Cherbuliez, C. V. L"Allemagne politique de- puis la paix de Prague, 1SG6-70. C 4346 Cramer, F. Despotismus und Volkskraft. 1874. *D 382 9 (In Sammlung gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Fisher, H. A. L. Studies in Napoleonic statesmanship; Germany. 1903. L6511 Frank, W. Furst Bismarck und nicht seine Leute wahrend des parlementarischen Kriegs. 1882. D 4013 Gaullieur, H. The paternal state in France and Germany. 1898. L 6510 Germany in the nineteenth century; five lec- tures by J. H. Rose, C. H. Herford, E. C. K. Gonner and M. E. Sadler, with an introductory note by Viscount Haldane. 1912. A 4186 (University of Manchester. Publications. His- torical series). Gildemeister, O. Aus den Tagen Bismarcks; politische Essays. 1909. D 18193 Gurlitt, L. Der Deutsche und sein Vater- land; politisch-padagogische Betrach- tungen eines Modernen. 1903. D 7152 Hartmann, K. R. E. v. Zwei Jahrzehnte deutscher Politik und die gegenwartige Weltlage. 1889. D 3229 Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst, C. K. V., Furst zu. Denkwiirdigkeiten des Fiirsten Chlod- wig zu Hohenlohe-Schillingsfurst. 2v. 1907. D 13907 Memoirs of Prince Chlodwig of Hohen- lohe-Schillingsfurst. 2v. 1906. C 18169 Howard, B. E. The German empire. 1906. A 4198 Contents: The founding of the German em- pire: The empire and the individual states; The kaiser; The Bundesrat; The Reichstag; Imperial legislation; The imperial chancellor; Citizenship under the German constitution; The judicial organi- zation of the empire; Alsace-Lorraine and its re- lation to the empire; The constitution and imperial finance; The armed forces of the empire; The imperial constitution. Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reichs. 4v. in 3. 1871-76. *Ser. Continued as Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirtschaft. 1877 to date. James, H. G. Principles of Prussian admin- istration. 1913. L 11814 Kaufmann, G. Politische Geschichte Deutschlands im neunzehnten Jahrhun- dert. 1900. D 13094, 4 (In Schmoller, P., ed. Das neunzehnte Jahrhun- dert in . Deutschlands Entwicklung). Lebon, A. fitudes sur l'Allemagne politique 1890. C 12685 Muller, W. Politische Geschichte der neuesten Zeit, 1816-75. 1875. D 179 Perris, G. II. Germany and the German emperor. 1912. A 4195 Pigeon, A. L'Allemagne de M. de Bis marck. 1885. C 6291 Contents: La politique de M. de Bismarck; La cour d'Allemagne; Berlin; La province Alle- mande ; Appendice. Poschinger, H., Ritter v. Furst Bismarck und die Parlementarier. 3v. 1894-96. D 13518 Riehl, W. H. v. Die Naturgeschichte des Volkes als Grundlage einer deutscher Social-Politik. 4v. 1866-92. D 3982 Schierbrand, W. v. Germany; the welding of a world power. 1902. I 7490 Small, A. W. The cameralists, the pioneers of German social polity. 1909. L6716 Treitschke, H. G. v. Zehn Jahre deutscher Kampfe; Schriften zur Tagespolitik. 1879. D188 Wacker, T. Entwicklung der Sozialdemo- kratie, in den zehn ersten Reichstagswa'h- len (1871-1898). 1903. D 3484 Walcker, K. Kritik der deutschen Parteien; ein volkswirtschaftlicher und politischer Essay. 1887. D 4781 Walesrode, L., ed. Demokratische Studien. 2v. 1860-61. D 4651 Whitman, C. S. Imperial Germany; a criti- cal study of fact and character. 1889. 17413 Same. 1S90. G 1393 Wilhelm II, German emperor. Kaiserreden; Reden und Erlasse, Briefe und Tele- gramme Kaiser Wilhelms des Zweiten, ein Charakterbild des deutschen Kaisers. 1902. D 13811 The kaiser's speeches, forming a char- acter portrait of Emperor William II. 1903. E 6300 Zwiedeneck-Siidenhorst, H. v. Die offent- liche Meinung in Deutschland im Zeitalter Ludwigs XIV, 1650-1700. 1888. D 13442 Poiitics and Government Other European Countries Austria Bahr, H. Austriaca. 1911. D 13278 Contents: Austriaca; Graf Aehrenthal; Hoch- verrat in Agram; Prozess Friedjung; Freie Schule; Johann Orth; Girardi. Colquhoun, A. R. The whirlpool of Europe, Austria-Hungary and the Hapsburgs. 1907. A 4309 Drage, G. Austria-Hungary. 1909. A 4311 Hof- und Staats-Handbuch der osterreich- isch-ungarischen Monarchic fiir 1897. *RR 343, 1 Mahaffy, R. P. Francis Joseph T, his life and times; an essay in politics. 1908. C 21971 Schlesinger, S. Wiener Tageblatter. 1880. D2946 OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 201 Ulbrich, J. Das Staatsrecht der osterreich- ischungarischen Monarchic *D7277,4 In Marquardsen, H. ed. Handbucb des ot- fentlichen Rechts. Belgium Belgium. Parti Catholique Beige. Vingt : cinq annees de gouvernement. Le parti catholique beige et son oeuvre. 1910. *V 2801 Bulgaria Huhn, A. E., v. The struggle of the Bul- garians for national independence under Prince Alexander. 18S6. 17739 Canada Lorin, H. Le comte de Frontenac; etude sur'le Canadien francais a lafin du XVIIe siecle; these presentee a la Faculte des Lettres de Paris. 1895. C 12714 Notes bibliographiques, pref. p. 11-14. Munro, W. B. The seigniorial system in Canada; a study in French colonial policy. 190 7. B 2260, 13 Harvard historical studies. "Bibliographical appendix," p. 253-255. Siegfried, A. The race question in Canada. 1907 ^ 6499 Contents: Introductory; pt. I. The rival races; pt. II. The political life of Canada; pt. III. The balance of power and influence; pt. IV. Canada's external relations. Smith, G. Canada and the Canadian ques- tion. 1891. B4771 Stewart, G., jr. Canada under the adminis- tration of the Earl of Dufferin. 1879. B4767 Turcotte, L. P. Le Canada sous l'union, 1841-1867. 1871-72. C 13259 Urquh«*rt, D. Canada under successive ad- ministrations. 1S45. *L 69, 5 Watkin, Sir E. W. Canada and the states; recollections, 1851 to 1886. 1887. I 5056 History of the Canadian Pacific R. R., and of the confederation of the Canadian provinces. Weir, R. S. The administration of the old regime in Canada; a thesis. 1896-97. B 4790 Thesis for degree D. C. L., McGill Univ. Willison, J. S. Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the liberal party; a political history. 2v 1903. B4757 Yeigh, F. Ontario's Parliament buildings; or A century of legislation, 1792-1892; a historical sketch. 1893. B 4782 Denmark Clausen H. N. Faederlandske forhold og anliggender. 1881. C 7099 Wulff, H. Den danske Rigsdag; politiske portraeter af samtlige rigsdagens med- lemmer, 1879-1881. 1882. C 7680 Ireland Alund O W. Irland. och Parnell. 1891. CC 11739, 4 (Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter). Brooks, S. Aspects of the Irish question. 1912. H0245 Burke, E. Letters, speeches and tracts on Irish affairs. 1881. A 1305 Canning, A. S. G. The divided Irish. 1894. A 1352 Cavour, C. B., conte di. Thoughts on Ire- land, its present and its future. 1S68. A 1215 Clancy, J. J. Ireland; as she is, as she has been, and as she ought to be. 1877. A 1284 DeVere, A. T. English misrule and Irish misdeeds. 1848. A 1183 Fitzgibbon, G. Ireland in 1868, the battle- field for English party strife. 1868. A 1217 Grattan, H. Speeches. 1871. L 137 Green, Mrs. A. S. Irish nationality. 1911. J 327, 6 Hatherton, E. J. W. L., first baron. Memoir and correspondence relating to political occurrences in June-July, 1834. 1872. A 493 Hutchinson, J. H. The commercial re- straints of Ireland. 1882. A 1293 Ingram, T. D. A history of the legislative union of Great Britain and Ireland. 1887. A 1342 Lecky, W. E. H. The leaders of public opinion in Ireland: Swift, Flood, Grat- tan, O'Connell. 1876. C 126 Lefevre, G. J. S. Peel and O'Connell; a review of the Irish policy of parliament from the act of union to the death of Sir Robert Peel. 1887. A 1344 Locker-Lampson, G. L. T. A consideration of the state of Ireland in the nineteentn century. 1907. A 1402 O'Brien, R. B. Fifty years of concessions to Ireland, 1831-1881. 2v. 1883-85. A 1289 O'Donnell, F. H. M. A history of the Irish Parliamentary party. 2v. 1910. L 11769 Petty, Sir W. The political anatomy of Ireland. 1899. L 6615, 1 (in his Economic writings). P'lunket W. C P., first baron. Speeches. 1869. L 122 Plunkett, Sir H. C. Ireland in the new century. 1904. A 1361 Russell, T. W. Ireland and the empire; a review, 1800-1900. 1901. A 1468 Russell of Killowen, Sir C. R., first baron. The Parnell commission; the opening speech for the defence. 1889. A 1419 Senior, N. W. Journals, conversations and essays relating to Ireland. 2v. 1868. 3 A 1205 202 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Seward, W. W. Collectanea politica; or, The political transactions of Ireland from the accession of His Majesty King George III to the present time. 3v. 1801-4. A 1244 Sheridan, T. A discourse on the rise and power of parliaments. 1677. 1870. A 1322 (In Bannister, S., ed. Some revelations in Irish history. p. 47-239). Smith, G. Irish history and the Irish question. 1905. A 1369 Tynan, P. J. P. The Irish National Invin- cibles and their times. 1896. A 1394 Wakefield, E. An account of Ireland, sta- tistical and political. 2v. 1812. *V 114 Wellington, A. W., first duke of. Supple- mentary despatches and memoranda of Field Marshal Arthur Duke of Welling- ton. 1860. A 916, 5 v. 5. Official correspondence while Chief Sec- retary for Ireland. Italy Azeglio, M. d\ Scritti postuni. 1872. CC 18180 BianchL, N. La politique du comte Camille de Cavour, 1852-61. 1885. C 12034 Brusa, E. Das Staatsrecht des Konig- reichs Italien. 1892. D 7277, 4 Handbuch des offentlichen Rechts. Ellero, P. La riforma civile. 1879. C9173 Garlanda, F. The New Italy; a discussion of its present political and social condi- tions. 1911. 17074 Marselli, N. Gl' Italiani del mezzogiorno. 1884. C 9557 Thayer, W. R. The life and times of Ca- vour. 2v. 1911. C 21180 Netherlands Barker, J. E. The rise and decline of the Netherlands; a political and economic history and a study in practical states- manship. 1906. A 4264 Bosch Kemper, J. de. Ffandleiding tot de kennis van de wetenschap der zamen- leving en van het nederlandsche staats- regt. 4v. 1863-71. D 9074 Norway Blom, G. P. Norges statsforandring i aaret 1814 historisk beskreven. 1860. C 8180 Drolsum, A. C. For Norges sag; ti aars arbeide i afhandlinger og foredrag, 1885- 95. 1896. C 15330 Dunker, C. C. H. B. Om revision af fore- ningsakten mellem Sverige og Norge. 1866. C 8240 Faerden, A. Almenfattelig udsigt over Norges statsforfatning. 1894. CC 14744 Keyscr, J. R. Norges stats og retsforfat- ning i middelalderen. 1867. C 8330, 2 Laing, S. Journal of a residence in Norway during the years 1834-36, made with a view to inquire into the moral and po- litical economy. 1837. 1 7772 Same. 1851. 14000,3 Miller, H. Unionsperioden og Norges gjen- reisning; overblik over Norges politiske historic 1906. CC 7521 Nielsen, Y. Det norske rigsraad. 1880. C8171 Norges statskalender for aaret 1892, 97. 4v. 1904-09. *R 3843 Wergeland, H. A. Norges konstitutions historic 1857. C8462 Russia Buel, J. W. A nemesis of misgovernment. 1904. 1 7607 The case of Russia; a composite view. 1905. 1 7623 Celestin, F. J. Russland seit Aufhebung der Leibeigenschaft. 1875. D 3988 Cyon, E. de. Etudes politiques. 1892. C 12274 Drage, G. Russian affairs. 1904. 1 7609 Durland, K. The red reign. 1907. A 5204 Ebelow, W. R. La developpement de la vie commerciejle, industrielle et politique en Russic 1881. C 4801 Edwards, H. S. ^he Russians at home; unpolitical sketches. 1861. L718 Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon; a study of the growth and tendencies of Russian civilization. 1887. L 3305 Frankel, A. Der Nachbar im Osten; Cul- tur- un'd Sittenbilder aus Russland. 1888- 89. D 7585 Fraser, J. F. Red Russia. 1907. 17622 Golovin, I. The nations of Russia and Turkey and their destiny. 1S54. I 1060 Hodgetts, E. A. B. The court of Russia in the nineteenth century. 2v. 1908. A 5206 International Conference on the Firmish Question. London, igio. Finland and Russia. 1911. L 11811 Joubert, C. The trutTi about the tsar and the present state of Russia. 1905. A 4352 Kovalevskii, M. M. Russian political in- stitutions. 1902. L6519 Kravtchinski, S. M. Russia under the tzars, by Stepniak, pseud. 1885. A 4398 The Russian storm-cloud; or, Russia in her relations to neighboring countries. 1886. A 4399 Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. The empire of the tsars and the Russians. 3v. 1893-96. 17815 v.l. The country and its inhabitants. 2. The institutions. &. The religion. Das Reich der Zaren und die Russen. 3v. 1884-90. D 3788 Loher, F. v. Russlands Werden and Wol- len. 3v. 1881. D 3821 OTHER EUROPEAN COUNTRIES 203 Milvoukov, P. N. Russia and its crisis. 1905. A 4334 Nevinson, H. W. The dawn in Russia; or, Scenes in the Russian revolution. 1906. A 5208 Ogarev, M. P. Essai sur la situation russe. 1862. C 6100 Pares, B. Russia and reform. 1907. 17627 Perris, G. H. Russia in revolution. 1905. A 4337 Pobyedonostzev, K. P. Reflections of a Russian statesman. 1898. L 6512 An extremist view of autocracy vs. representa- tive government. Semenoff, E. The Russian government and the massacres. 1907. A 5213 Stadling, J. and Reason, W. In the land of Tolstoi, experiences of famine and misrule in Russia. 1897. 1 7837 Stead, W. T. Truth about Russia. 1888. 17866 Thompson, H. M. Russian politics. 1896. A 4423 Tikhomirov, L. Russia, political and so- cial. 2v. 1888. A 4392 Transehe-Roseneck, A. v. Die lettische Revolution. 1908. D 13181 Urusov, S. D., kniaz. Memoirs of a Rus- sian governor. 190S. C 18337 Vrba, R. Die Revolution in Russland; statistische und sozialpolitische Studien. 2v. 1906. D 18183 Walling, W. E. Russia's message, the true world import of the revolution. 1908. 17629 Zilliacus, K. The Russian revolutionary movement. 1905. A 4336 Spain Castelar y Rissol, E. Discursos politicos. 1873. CC9985 Miscelanea de historia, de religion, de arte y de politica. 1874. C9632 Cherbuliez, C. V. L'Espagne politique, 1868-73. 1874. C 4348 Curry, J. L. Mi Constitutional government in Spain. 1889. A 1781 Marliani, M. de. Histoire politique de l'Es- pagne moderne. 2v. 1S40. C 12776 Minutoli, J. v. Spanien und seine fort- schreitende Entwickelung. 1852. D 335 Torres Campos, M. Das Staatsrecht des Konigreichs Spanien. 18S9. *D 7277, 4, 1-8 Handbuch des offentlichen Rechts. Wallis, S. T. Spain; her institutions, poli- tics and public men. 1896. J 306, 4 Sweden Alden, G. A. Medborgarens bok. 7v. in 2. 1905. CC 11860 Bergman, C. G. Regerings formen, jamte ofversikt och sakregister. 1904. CC 11739, 15 (Studentfdreningen Verdandis smaskrifter, no. 123). Dunker, C. C. H. B. Om revision af fore- ningsakten mellem Sverige og Norge. 1866. C 8240 Fahlbeck, P. Sveriges forfattning och den moderna parlamentarismen. 1904. CC 11816 Kjellen, J. R. Nationell samling; politiska och etiska fragment. 1906. CC 10946 Ett programm; nationella samlingslinjer 1908. CC 10947 Lindhagen, C. A. Drommar och stridslin- jer magra inlagg i politiken. 1906. CC 10953 Malmstrom, C. G. Sveriges politiska his- toria. 6v. 1893-1901. CC 11642 Oxenstierna, A. G., grefve. Skrifter och brefvexling. 15v. 1888-1909. CC 11436 Svedelius, W. E. Sveriges statskunskap. 1901. CC 11742 Svensk rikskalender, 1906-12. 4v. *R3833 Thulin, E. J. Kommunal rostratt i Sverge. 1907. CC 11739,18 (Studentforeningen Verdandis smaskrifter). Upsala, Sweden. K. Universitetet-Fdrenin- gen Hcimdals politiska smaskrifter. Svensk politik. 2v. 1905-08. CC 10963 Switzerland Adams, Sir F. O. and Cunningham, C. D. The Swiss confederation. 1889. A 4240 Curti, T. Geschichte der schweizerischen Volksgesetzgebung. 1882. D 3979 Deploige, S. The referendum in Switzer- land. 1898. L6514 (Studies in economics and political science). Dierauer, J. Geschichte der schweizeri- schen Eidgenossenschaft. 4v. 1887-1912. D 12816 Grote, G. Seven letters concerning the politics of Switzerland in 1847. 1876. L181 Lloyd, H. D. A sovereign people; a study of Swiss democracy. 1907. L 7616 Morin, A. Precis de l'histoire politique de la Suisse. 5v. 1S56-75. C 12855 Rascher, J. M. v. Der Schweizer Staat und Preussen-Deutschland; Freistaat und Konigthum. 1893. D 7059 Richman, I. B. Appenzell, pure democracy and pastoral life in Inner-Rhoden. 1895. A 4244 Vincent, J. M. Government in Switzerland. 1900. L6515 (Citizen's library). Municipal problems in mediaeval Switz- erland. 1905. *L 3201. 23 204 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY State and federal government in Switz- erland. 1891. L 3200, 9 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Winchester, R. The Swiss republic. 1891. A 4242 Turkey Abbott, G. F. Turkey in transition. 1909. 17661 Aflalo, F. G. Regilding the crescent. 1911. 1764? Campbell, Sir G. A handy book on the eastern question, being a recent view of Turkey. 1876. A 2073 Davey, R. The sultan and his subjects. 2v. 1897. 1 7669 Gallenga, A. C. N. Two years of the east- ern question. 2v. 1877. 1 7693 Hamilton, A. Problems of the middle East. 1909. A 4830 Hidayette, pseud. Abdul-Hamid, revolution- naire; ou, Ce qu'on ne peut pas dire en Turquie. 1896. C 12608 Kesnin, bey. The evil of the east; or, Truths about Turkey. 1888. 17725 Knight, E. F. The awakening of Turkey. 1909. A 5157 Moltke, H. K. B., Graf v. Brief e tiber Zu- stande und Begebenheiten in der Turkei aus demjahren 1835 bis 1839. 1893. D 2094, 8 Ramsay, Sir W. M. The revolution in Con- stantinople and Turkey. 1909. I 11030 St. Clair, S. G. B. and Brophy, C. A. A residence in Bulgaria; or, Notes on the resources and administration of Turkey. 1869. I 1076 Salmone, H. A. The fall and resurrection of Turkey. 1896. I 7672 Stambul und das moderne Turkenthum; politische, sociale und biographische Bilder. 2v. 1877. D 3903 Upward, A. The East end of Europe; the report of an unofficial mission to the European provinces of Turkey. 1908. I 11036 Politics and Government Other Foreign Countries Australia and New Zealand Brown, W. J. The new democracy; a polit- ical study. 1899. L 6230 Bryce, J. The constitution of the common- wealth of Australia. 1901. L6400 (In his Studies in history and jurisprudence). Buchanan, D. An Australian orator ; speeches delivered in the parliament of New South Wales, and on the public platform. 1886. E 2035 Davitt, M. Life and progress in Australasia. 1898. 1 9214 Firth, J. C Nation making, a story of New Zealand. 1890. 1 2029 Lloyd, H. D. Newest England, notes of a democratic traveller in New Zealand with some Australian comparisons. 1900. 19276 Martin, A. P. Australia and the empire. 1889. A 3712 Parkes, Sir H. Fifty years in the making of Australian history. 1892. A 3710 Reeves, W. P. State experiments in Austra- lia and New Zealand. 2v. 1902. L6485 St. Ledger, A. J. J. Australian socialism; an historical sketch of its origin and developments. 1909. L 9030 Turner, H. G. The first decade of the Aus- tralian commonwealth; a chronicle of contemporary politics, 1901-1910. 1911. A 3811 Westgarth, W. Half a century of Australa- sian progress. 1889. I 9242 China Bland, J. O. P. Recent events and present policies in China. 1912. A 4912 Brown, A. J. The Chinese revolution. 1912. A 4906 Chang Chih-Tung. China's only hope; an appeal. 1900. I 8037 Colquhoun, A. R. China in transformation. 1898. 18198 Crisis in China, The; reprinted from the North American review. 1900. A 4612 Foucalut de Mondion, A. Journal d'un man- darin; lettres de Chine et documents dip- lomatiques inedits, par un fonctionnaire du celeste empire. 1887. C 5354 Martin, R. M. China, political, commer- cial and social; in an official report to Her Majesty's government. 1847. I 1472 Meadows, T. T. The Chinese and their rebellions, viewed in connection with their national philosophy, ethics, legislation, and administration. 1856. A 2044 Desultory notes on the government and people of China, and on the Chinese language. 1847. I 1479 Morse, H. B. The trade and administra- tion of the Chinese empire. 1908. L 6508 Williams, S. W. The middle kingdom; a survey of the geography, government, education, social life, arts, religion, etc., of the Chinese empire and its inhabitants. 2v. 1871. I 1490 Same. Rev. ed. 2v. 1883. 1 8081 Yen, II. L. A survey of constitutional de- velopment in China. 1911. L 6589, 40 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- and public law). OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES 205 India The Mysore reversion; an Bell, E ceptional case." 1866. The Bengal reversion; another tional case." 1872. "Our great vassal empire." 1870 Retrospects and prospects of policy. 1868. Campbell, Sir G. Memoir of my career. 2v. 1893. ex- A932 "excep- A952 A 955 Indian A 954 Indian C 11146 Chirol, V. Indian unrest. 1910. 1 10741 Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J. Colonies and dependencies. 1883. L 189, 13 (The English citizen). Curzon, G. N. C, 1st baron. Lord Curzon in India; being a selection from his speeches as viceroy and governor-general of India, 1898-1905. 1906. E 2345 Ellenborough, E. L., ist carl of. History of the Indian administration of Lord Ellen- borough in his correspondence with the Duke of Wellington. 1874. A 937 Elliot, R. H. Concerning John's Indian af- fairs. 1872. A 970 Elphinstone, M. Selections from the min- utes and other official writings of the Honorable M. Elphinstone, governor of Bombay. 1884. C 10762 Fraser, L. India under Curzon and after. 1911. 1 10746 Hunter, Sir W. W. Bombay. 1885 to 1890; a study in Indian administration. 1892. A 3736 Lawrence, Sir H. M. Essays, military and political, written in India. 1859. A 3691 Ludlow, J. M. Thoughts on the policy of the Crown towards India. 1859. A 3697 Marx, T. England in Indien. 1895. *D 382, 30 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage. Ser. 1Q, Heft 234). Money, J. W. B. Java; or, How to manage a colony; showing a practical solution of the questions now affecting British India. 2v. 1861. A 2082 Nevinson, H. W. The new spirit in India. 1908. 1 10767 Prinsep, H. T. History of the political and military transactions in India during the administration of the Marquess of Hast- ings, 1813-1823. 2v. 1825. A 369S Rees, J. D. The real India. 1908. A 3763 Contents: Early history; Later history; The land system; The government of India; Native states; Revenues and taxation of the government of India; Russia in the East; Unrest; The con- gress; Proposed reforms; Social reform; The economic policy of the Indian government; Conclu- sion. Smith, G., ed. Annals of Indian administra- tion, 1867-68 : 2v. 1869-70. A 948 Stephen, Sir J. F. The story of Nuncomar and the impeachment of Sir Elijah Impey. 1885. A 3756 Temple, Sir R. Men and events of my time in India. 1882. A 3717 Thurlow, T. J. H. The company and the crown. 1876. A 3670 Tupper, C. L. Our Indian protectorate; an introduction to the study of the relations between the British government and its Indian feudatories. 1893. A 3739 Vambery, A. Western culture in Eastern lands; a comparison of the methods adopted by England and Russia in the Middle East. 1906. 18412 Japan Hosokawa. Political economy of Japan. 3v 1892. J 10006 In Japanese. Iyenaga, T. The constitutional develop- ment of Japan, 1853-81. 1891. *L3201, 9 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). • Japan. The constitution of the empire of Japan, with the speeches, addressed to students of political science in the Johns Hopkins University, Apr. 17, 1889. 1889. L3328 Ransome, S. Japan in transition, a com- parative study of the progress, policy and methods of the Japanese since their war with China. 1S89. 1 8078 Uyehara, G. E. The political development of Japan, 1867-1909. 1910. L 11836 (Studies in economics and political science; London School of Economics and Political Science). Watson, W. P. The future of Japan, with a survey of present conditions. 1907. 19516 Contents: Japan and Europe; Conditions of the time; The future and its problems. Japan; aspects and destinies. 1904. 19515 Persia (Modern) Shuster, W. M. The strangling of Persia; story of the European diplomacy and oriental intrigue that resulted in the de- nationalization of twelve million Moham- medans. 1912. A 4856 South Africa Bell, F. W. The South African conspiracy; or, The aims of Afrikanderdom. 1900. A 4991 Bigelow, P. White man's Africa. 1898. 18899 Brand, R. H. The union of South Africa. 1909. L 11803 Bryce, J. Impressions of South Africa, with the Transvaal conventions of 1881 and 1884. 1900 18894 206 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Cathcart, Sir G. Correspondence relative to his military operations in Kaffraria until the termination of the Kafir war, and to his measures for the future mainten- ance of peace on that frontier. 1856. A 4635 Colquhoun, A. R. The renascence of South Africa. 1900. A 4999 Farrelly, M. J. The settlement after the war in South Africa. 1900. A 5009 Gibbs, E. J. England and South Africa. 1889. 1 8738 Hooker, Le R. The Africanders; a century of Dutch-English feud in South Africa. 1900. A 5006 Little, J. S. South Africa; a sketch book of men, manners and fact; with an appendix upon the present situation in South Africa and the affairs of Zululand, the Transvaal and Bechuanaland with especial reference to the Boer mission to England. 2v. 1884. 1 8746 Mackenzie, J. Austral Africa; losing it or ruling it; being incidents and experiences in Bechuanaland, Cape Colony and Eng- land. 2v. 1887. 1 8752 South African republics, vs. Great Britain, by a true American. 1900. A 5033 Statham, F. R. Blacks, Boers, & British; a three cornered problem. 1881. 1 1872 Walton, Sir E. H. The inner history of the National Convention of South Africa. 1912. L 11804 Younghusband, F. E. South Africa of to- day. 1898. 18940 South America Paraguayan question, The: the alliance be- tween Brazil, the Argentine confederation and Uruguay, versus the dictator of Para- guay. 1866. A 296 Sievers, W. Siidamerika und die deutschen Interessen; eine Geographisch-politische Betrachtung. 1903. D 7167 Local Government Ashley, P, W. L. Local and central gov- ernment; a comparative study of Eng- land, France, Prussia, and the United States. 1906. L7585 Chalmers, M. D. E. S. Local government. L883. L 189, 3 (The English citizen). Chapman, S. J. Local government and state aid. 1899. L 6442 Fairlie, J. A. Local government in coun- ties, towns and villages. 1906. L 7046 (American state series). Matteson, A. The principles of self govern- ment, applied to townships, cities and vil- lages, 1893, L 3189 Merewether, H. A. and Stephens, A. J. The history of the boroughs and municipal corporations of the United Kingdom. 3v. 1835. A 619 Porter, R. P. Local government, at home and abroad. 1879. *L 373 Rathbone, W. P. A. and Montague, F. C. Local government and taxation. 1S85. L6473 (The imperial Parliament). Shinn, C. H. Alining camps; American frontier government. 1S85. L 328 Smith, J. T. Local self-government and centralization. 1851. L 223 Towler, W. G. Socialism in local govern- ment. 1909. L9071 Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. P. English local government from the revolution to the Municipal corporations act. 2v. 1906. L6489 Wright, R. S. and Hobhouse, H. An outline of local government and local taxation in England and Wales. 1844. L 3607 Town Government Adams, C. F. and others. Genesis of the Massachusetts town and the development of town-meeting government. 1892. L3372 Adams, H. B. The Germanic origin of New England towns. Read before the Harvard Historical Society, May 9, 1881. 1882. *L 3201, 1 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, 1st ser.). Norman constables in America. 1883. *L 3201, 1 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, v.l, no.8). Anderson, W. L. The country town, a study of rural evolution. 1906. L 8643 Channing, E. Town and county govern- ment in the English' colonies of North America. The Toppan prize essay for 1SS3. 18S4. *L3201, 2 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, v. 2, p. 453-389). Foster, W. E. Town government in Rhode Island. 1886. *L3201, 4 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science, v. 4, p. 69-104). Municipal Government and Politics Brooks, R. C. A bibliography of municip?l problems and city conditions. L901. *0 2428 Brown, C. H. List of titles on municipal government. 1906. B 3045, 3 Chicago. Public Library, comp. Cheek list of books and pamphlets on municipal government found in the free public li- braries of Chicago. 1911. *0 1302 A very exhaustive list, e«pecially a* to pamphlet LOCAL GOVERNMENT 207 material, which should be used to supplement the following list. New Haven (Conn.). Free Public Library. A selected list of references on municipal affairs, 1910. 1910. *0 1937 Conkling, A. R. United States. Allinson, E. P. and Penrose, B. Philadel- phia, 1681-1887; a history of municipal de- velopment. 1S87. L 3200, 2 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Efficiency in city government. 1912. L 7983 (Its Annals, vol. XLI [whole no. 130]). Arthur, W. Our home city. 1911. L 7962 An ideal scheme for the government of an imaginary city. Beard, C. A. American city government; a survey of newer tendencies. 1912. L 11883 Bibliography: p. 409-413. Bertie, C. H. The early history of the Syd- ney Municipal Council, with an account of the town halls. 1911. L 7966 Cleveland, F. A. Chapters on municipal administration and accounting. 1909. L7963 City government in the 1894. L 6201 Deming, H. E. The government of Ameri- can cities. 1909. L 7965 Devlin, T. C. Municipal reform in the United States. 1896. L 6199 (Questions of the day). Eaton, D. B. The government of munici- palities. 1899. L6168 Ely, R. T. The coming city. 1902. L 6167 Fairlie, J. A. Essays in municipal admin- istration. 1908. L6185 Municipal administration. 1901. L 6172 Giesecke, A. A. Questions in municipal civics. 1911. L 10932, 5 (Cornell study bulletins for teachers). City government in the 1904. L7042 state series). Municipal government. 1909. L 7968 Municipal home rule, a study in admin istration. 1895. Municipal problems. 1897. Howe, F. C. The British city, the nings of democracy. 1907. The city, the hope of democracy Goodnow, F. J. United States. (The American L6205 L6190 begin- L6491 1905. L6181 European cities at work. 1913. L 11893 Hugo, C. Die deutsche Stadtverwaltung. 1901. P 7159 James, E. J. Municipal administration in Germany as seen in the government of a typical Prussian city, Halle a/S. 1901. L6177 King, C. L. The history of the government of Denver with special reference to its relations with public service corporations. 1911. L 11895 Larson, L. M. A financial and administra- tive history of Milwaukee. 1908. L 6697, 4 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 242. Economics and political science series, vol. 4, no. 2). League of American Municipalities. The book of American municipalities. 4v. 1906-1910. L 6196 Leber, J. M. C. Histoire critique du pou- voir municipal. 1828. C 5588 Lunn, H. S. Municipal lessons from southern Germany. 1908. L 6187 Matteson, A. The principles of self govern- ment, applied to townships, cities and villages. 1893. L 3189 Miller, J. B. Trade organizations in poli- tics, also, Progress and robbery; an an- swer to Henry^George. 1887. L 3297 Moses, B. Municipal government in San Francisco. 1889. *L 3201, 7 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Munro, W. B. The government of Amer- ican cities. 1912. L 7988 The government of European cities. 1909. L 7971 Parsons, F. The city for the people; or, The municipalization of the city govern- ment and of local franchises. 1899. L 6183 (Equity series). Pollard, J. A study in municipal govern- ment; the Corporation of Berlin. 1894. L6203 Preuss, H. Die Entwicklung des deutschen Stadtewesens. 1906. D 7258 Rowe, L. S. Problems of city government. 1908. L 7979 Shaw, A. Municipal government in con- tinental Europe. 1895. L 6200 Municipal government in Great Britain. 1895. L6204 Snow, M. S. The city government of St. Louis. 1887. *L3201, 5 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Stokes, H. K. The finances and administra- tion of Providence. 1903. L 3200, 25 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Thomas, T. P. The city government of Baltimore. 1896. *L 3201, 14 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Tolman, W. H. The text-book of the new reformation; municipal reform move- ments in the United States. 1895. L 6208 Vine, Sir J. R. S. English municipal insti- tutions; their growth and development from 1835-1879. 1879. L 3299 20s CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Wilcox, D. F. The American city; a prob- lem in democracy. 1904. L 6166 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). Great cities in America, their problems and their government. 1910. L 7984 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). The study of city government. 1897. L6180 Willard, C. D. City government for young- people. 1906. L6182 Zueblin, C. American municipal progress. 190-. L 6197 Municipal Periodicals and Societies American city, The. 2v. 1910 to date. *Ser. Chicago. City Club. Bulletin, 1907 to date. *Doc. Kommunales Jahrbuch. v.3-4. 1910-1912. *R3567 German municipal statistics. League of American Municipalities. Pro- ceedings. 1899-1902, 1906. L 6175 Municipal affairs, v.l, 1897 to date. *Ser. The Municipal year book of the United Kingdom. 1908. *R 3563 National Conference for Good City Gov- ernment. Proceedings. 8v. 1894-1910. L6161 National Municipal League. Minutes of the lst-16th annual meeting. 1895-1910. L6161 National municipal review, v.l, 1912 to date. *Ser. History Hegel, K. Geschichte der Stadteverfas- sung von Italien seit der Zeit der romi- schen Herrschaft bis zum Ausgang des zwolften Jahrhunderts. 2v. 1S47. D 3997 Huellmann, K, D. Stadtewesen des Mittel- alters 4v. 1826. D 5610 Kuhn, E. Die stadtische und biirgerliche Yerfassung des romischen Reichs, bis auf die Zeiten Justinians. 1864-65. D 5763 Ueber die Entstehung der Staedte der Alten: Komenverfassung und Synoikis- mos. 1868. D 154 Leber, J. M. C. Histoire critique du pou- voir municipal en France, depuis l'origine de la monarchic jusqu' a nos jours. 1828. C 5588 Levermore, C. H. The republic of New Haven: a history of municipal revolution. ism,. L3200, 1 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). See II. Louis XI el les villes. 1891. C 13148 City Charters Chicago. Charter Convention. Digest of city charters. 1906. N 5345 Municipal Law Horr, N. T. and Bemis, A. A. A treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enforcement of municipal police or- dinances. 1887. N5071 Fire Departments Dana, D. D. The firemen; the fire depart- ments of the United States; with a full account of all large fires; theatres de- stroyed by fire. 1858. K 6205 Shaw, E. M. Fire protection; a complete manual of the organization, machinery, discipline, and general working of the fire brigade of London. 1876. K 864 Young, C. F. T. Fires, fire engines and fire brigades. 1866. K 670 Chicago Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department of Chicago. A synoptical history of the Chicago Fire Department from the earliest volunteer organization up to the present time. 1908. B 7854 Chicago. Fire Department. Report, 1871- 72. 1872. *Doc. Corwin, W. B. Swenie, the firefighter; with complete roster of the Chicago Fire De- partment. 1903. C 18795 New York Costello, A. E. Our firemen; a history of the New York fire departments, volun- teer and paid. 1887. B 3966 Downes, A. M. Fire fighters and their pets. 1907. K6217 Kernan, J. F. Reminiscences of the old fire laddies and volunteer fire depart- ments of New York and Brooklyn. 1885 B3967 New York (city). Merchants' Association. Investigation of the lire department of New York; a report for the Commis- sioners of Accounts. 1908. *Doc. O'Reilly, J. J. E., comp. Fire fighting; some facts and figures. 1911. K 6220 How to become a fireman. 1912. K 6201 Sheldon, G. W. The story of the volun- teer fire department of the city of New York. 1882. B3975 Municipal Reference Libraries Baltimore (Md.). Department of Legis- lative Reference. Round-table, February 26, L907. 1907. L 6195 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 209 Flack, H. E. Municipal reference libraries. J 2957 New York (city). Bureau of Municipal Research. Six years of municipal re- search for Greater New York. Record for 1906-1911. 1911. 17987 Municipal Expositions Woodhead, H. The First German Municipal Exposition held in Dresden in 1903. L6191 Commission Government • United States. Library of Congress. Di- vision of Bibliography. Select list of ref- erences on commission government for cities. 1913. *Q 2104, 55 American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. Commission gov- ernment in American cities. 1911. L 11882 Beard, C. A., ed. Loose leaf digest of short ballot charters; a documentary history of the commission form of municipal gov- ernment. 1912. *R3265 Bradford, E. S. Commission government in American cities. 1911. L 7977 (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). Bruere, H. The new city government: a discussion of municipal administration, based on a survey of ten commission gov- erned cities. 1912. L7982 Fairlie, J. A. Commission government in Illinois cities. 1911. L 7986 (Publications of the American academy of polit- ical and social science, no. 648). Hamilton, J. J. The dethronement of the city Loss. 1910. L 7970 Iowa. University. Forensic League. The constructive and rebuttal speeches of the representatives of the state university of Iowa in the inter-collegiate debates, 1908-1909. 1909. L 10701 Proposition for debate — Resolved: "That Amer- ican cities should adopt a commission form of government." Robbins, E. C, comp. Selected articles on the commission plan of municipal gov- ernment. 1909. L 7978 (Debaters' handbook series). Shambaugh, B. F. Commission government in Iowa: The Des Moines plan. 1912. L7967 Woodruff, C. R., cd. City government by commission. 1911. L 7972 (National Municipal League series). Official Publications Note: For all official municipal reports and documents, patrons are referred to the Civics Dept., where these publications are currently re- ceived. Library has a nearly complete file of Chicago documents dating back fifty years or more. The Municipal Library in the City Hall also con- tains large collections in which the principal cities of America and Europe are represented. City Government of Chicago and Some Other Large Cities Selected Material Chicago Government Chicago. Bureau of Statistics and Munici- pal Library. Chicago city manual, 1908- 1912; containing the names and official addresses of the executive and. all other city officers with descriptions of their functions, lists of the aldermen and of the committees of the city council and the rules governing that body. 5v. 1908-12. *R 4022 Same. L 7961 -Same. *Doc. City of Chicago statistics; quarterly; v. 1-7, 1901-1908. *Doc. Municipal Efficiency Commission. Final report of the Municipal Efficiency Commission, city of Chicago, 1909-1911. 1911. L6982 Crawford, E. C. Civil government of Illi- nois and of the U. S. special chapters on Chicago and Cook county; brief historical sketches. 1890. L 6309 How to govern Chicago; by a practical re- former. 1895. B 3201 Shorey, D. L. Problems of municipal gov- ernment: for Chicago. 1885. *B 1363, 1 No. 8 of a vol. of pamphlets. Sparling, S. E. Municipal history and pres- ent organization of the city of Chicago. 1898. ' B 3202 Same. L 6604, 2, II (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin no. 23. Economics, political science and history series). Winchell, S. R. A civic manual for Chi- cago, Cook County and Illinois; de- signed for use in schools as a text-book or supplementary reader, and for refer- ence by citizens generally. 1910. B 7878 Chicago Politics Ahern, M. L. The great revolution; a his- . tory of the People's Party in Chicago and the County of Cook. 1874. B 1366 Bennett, F. O., comp. Politics and politi- cians of Chicago, Cook County and Illi- nois; memorial volume, 1787-1887. 1886. B3169 Nelson, L. P. Statistics showing the orig- inal nationality of the voters in Chicago. 1887. *V 1466, 1 210 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Statistics showing the original nation- ality of the voters in Chicago and the vote polled Nov. G, 1S88. 1889. *V 1466, 2 Statistics showing the original nation- ality of the voters in Chicago and the vote polled Nov. 8, 1892. 1893. *V 1466, 3 Chicago Charters Illinois. General Assembly. Charter of the city of Chicago and amendments, with rules of Council and ordinances. 1849. *Doc. The charter of 1847. An act to amend the act: incorporating the city of Chicago. 1S58. *Doc. — — Revised charter; an act to reduce the charter of the city of Chicago and the several acts amendatory thereof into one act, and to amend the same. 1863. *Doc. Charter of the city of Chicago. 1867. *Doc. Amendments to charter and laws relat- ing to the city of Chicago. 1869. *Doc. Bound xuith Charter of the city of Chicago. An act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages, adopted by the city of Chicago. 1875. *Doc. Chicago Charter Convention Chicago. Charter Convention, 1905. Chi- cago Charter convention. Convened De- cember 12, 1905. Officers. List of dele- gates. Rules and committees. 1905. *Doc. Draft of proposed charter, as revised by the Chicago Charter Convention. *Doc. Draft of proposed charter, as submitted by committee on rules, procedure and general plan. *Doc. Bill for an act to provide a charter for the city of Chicago, to consolidate in the government of said city the powers now vested in the local authorities having jurisdiction within the territory of said city, and to enlarge the rights and powers of said city. 1906. *Doc. Chicago. Charter Convention. Proceed- ings. Oct. 3, 1902-Feb. 25, 1907. *Doc. Charter Convention 1909. Bill, no. 1-11. 1909. L 7964 City Council Chicago. City Council. Proceedings. 1864 to date. *Doc. Municipal Code Chicago. City Council. Revised charter and ordinances, ed. by G. Manierre. 1851. *Doc. Laws and ordinances, comp. by J. E. Gary. I860. *Doc Laws and ordinances, comp. by M. F. Tuley. 1873. *Doc. The municipal code of Chicago, rev. by E. Jamieson and F. Adams. 1881. *R4024 The revised code of Chicago, rev. by W. G. Beale and others. 1897. *R 4026, 1 For v.2 see Chicago, City Council. Special ordinances. Another copy. *Doc. The revised municipal code of Chicago of 1905. Passed March 20, 1905, rev. by E. B. Tolman and others. 1905. *R4027 General ordinances of the city of Chi- cago, 1881-1883. 1883. *Doc. Municipal code of the city of Chicago, Apr. 1881-Jan. 1887; supplement. *Doc. Chicago Civil Service Commission Chicago. Civil Service Commission. 1st annual report, 1895 to date. L 6270 The civil service act and rules of the Civil Service Commission of the city of Chicago, as amended and in force Jan- uary 23, 1905. *Doc. Civil service text book of the city of Chicago, 1910-1911. 1911. *R4029 "Methods of procedure; Standards of examina- tions; Medical and physical tests; Types and ex- amples of examinations; Information for appli- cants." Examination papers, Sept. 1895. 2v. 1895. *V 1967 Formerly issued for use of the public, but now available only in the office of the Commission. — —Instructions to applicants and speci- mens of examination questions. 1898. *Doc. 'Laws, rules and regulations governing examinations, appointment, promotion and removal in the classified service; in- structions to applicants. 1895. L 6266 Another copy. *R 4023 'Preliminary report, Civil Service Com- mission, city of Chicago: Police in- vestigation. 1911. *Doc. Efficiency Division. Charts of organiza- tion of all departments of the city of Chicago, as in effect March 1911; show- ing lines of authority, number of em- ployes, and the title, classification, grade and salary of each position. *Doc. Nciv York City Government and Politics Reynolds, J. B., ed. Civic bibliography for Greater New York. 1911. *0 2706 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Baker, A. G. and Ware, A. H. Municipal government of the city of New York. 1906. L6184 MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT 211 Breen, M. P. Thirty years of New York politics up-to-date. 1899. B 3979 Coler, B. S. Municipal government as il- lustrated by the charter, finances and pub- lic charities of New York. 1900. L6173 Hodder, A. A fight for the city. 1903. B3990 The municipal campaign of 1901 and part played in it by W. T. Jerome. Myers, G. The history of Tammany Hall. 1901. B 3995 New York (city). Bureau of Municipal Re- search. Municipal reform through re- vision of business methods. 1910. *Doc. Reports. lOv. 1906-10. L 7974 Parkhurst, Rev. C. H. Our fight with Tam- many. 1895. L 6207 Seckerson, F. C. Manual of civics; a text- book of municipal government for the city of New York, with an exposition of the principles of government in New York state and the United States. 1911. L 11711 Sherman, P. T. Inside the machine; two years in the board of aldermen, 1898- 1899; a study of the legislative features of the city government of New York city under the Greater New York Char- ter. 1901. B 4063 London Firth, J. F. B. Municipal London; or, London government as it is, and London under a municipal council. 1876. A 3172 Reform of London government and of city guilds. 1888. L 6479 (The imperial Parliament). Gilbert, W. The city; an inquiry into the corporation, its livery companies and the administration of their charities and en- dowments. 1877. L614 Gneist, H. R. Die Stadtverwaltung der City von London; Vortrag. 1867. *D 382, 2 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage, no. 25). Gomme, G. L. The governance of Lon- don; studies on the place occupied by London in English institutions. 1907. A 5385 Harris, P. A. London and its government. 1913. L 11892 Norton, G. Commentaries on the history, constitution and chartered franchises of the city of London. 1829. A 3114 Storr, J. S., ed. The city solicitor's pain- ful story; being an epitome of the min- utes of evidence taken before the special enquiry committee of the city of London. 1879. A 3140 Exposing corruption in tb« city government. Berlin Berlin. Magistral Verwaltungs-Bericht des Magistrats zu Berlin fur das Etatsjahr 1900. 1900. *Doc. Comprises annual reports of all the municipal omcers and bureaus. Pollard, J. A study in municipal govern- ment: the Corporation of Berlin. 1894. L6203 Paris Martin, L. and others, ed. Encyclopedie municipale de la ville de Paris. 2v. 1904. *R884 Supplement. Plans des vingt arron- dissements de Paris, par D. Altoff. 1901. *R 884, 2 Pontich, H.d. Administration de la Ville de Paris, et du Department de la Seine. !884. c 6284 Wittig, L. Die Commune von Paris vom Mittelalter bis zur Gegenwart: mit zahl- reichen Illustrationen. 1872. D 245 City Planning American Institute of Architects. The re- lations of railways to city development; papers read before the American Insti- tute of Architects, Dec. 16, 1909. 1910. K 11323 Anderson, H. C. Creation of a world- centre of communication. 1913. *P2780 "Conception of a city which should be alike magnificent in design and unrivalled in hygienic arrangements." Contents: Pt. 1. The great monumental con- ceptions of the past; "Historical part, by Gabriel Leroux, architectural part, by Ernest M. Hebrard." Pt. II. Creation of an international world-cen- tre of communication. Binghamton (N. Y.) Mercantile Press Club. Better Binghamton; a report to the Mer- cantile Press Club of Binghamton. N. Y., September, 1911, by Charles Mulford Robinson. 1911. Civics Dept. Eberstadt, R., and others. Gross-Berlin; ein Programm fur die Planung der neuzeit- lichen Grossstadt. 1910. D 14339 Neue Studien fiber Stadtebau und Wohnungswesen. 1912. Civics Dept. McVey, F. Le R. The making of a town. 1913. L 11899 Mawson, T. H. Civic art; studies in town planning, parks, boulevards and open spaces. 1911. *P2190 National Conference on City Planning. Proceedings of lst-4th conference, 1909- 1912. 4v. L7973 Proceedings of 1st conference published in: U. S. — 61st Congress. 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 488. Nolen, J. Replanning small cities; six typ- ical studies. 1912. K 16984 "Short list of books, papers, and articles on city planning and related subjects"; p. 205-218. Contents l Heptanmng small citks: a gen«r*$ 912 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY survey; Roanoke (Virginia): a small city of the new South; San Diego (California): a Pacific coast resort and future seaport; Montclair (New Jersey): a residence town suburban to New York; Glen Ridge: a model borough in New Jersey; Reading (Pennsylvania): a small industrial city; Madison (Wisconsin): a state capital and uni- versity town; Existing cities: how they may be replanned. Olmsted, F. L. Pittsburgh main thorough- fares and the down town district. 1911. L7976 Robinson, C. M. Report of Charles M. Robinson with regard to civic affairs in the city of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. 1908. L6153 The width and arrangement of streets; a study in town planning. 1911. K 16985 Seattle, Wash. — Municipal Plans Commis- sion. Plan of Seattle. Report of the Municipal Plans Commission, submitting report of Virgil G. Bogue, engineer, 1911. 1911. *V 2698 Town planning review, The; quarterly. The journal of the Department of Civic Design at the School of Architecture of the University of Liverpool. Vol. 2, April, 1911-Jan., 1912. 1911-1912. *Ser. Triggs, H. I. Town planning, past, pres- ent and possible. 1909. L 6155 Unwin, R. Town planning in practice; an introduction to the art of designing cities and suburbs. 1909. L 6154 Waterhouse, P. and Unwin, R. Old towns and new needs, also, The town extension plan; being the Warburton lectures for 1912. 1912. L 11913 (Manchester University lectures. Nos. 13, 14). Chicago Plan Chicago Commercial Club. Plan for a bou- levard to connect the north and south sides of the river on Michigan avenue and Pine street. 191?. Civics Dept. Plan of Chicago prepared under the di- rection of the Commercial Club during the years MCMVI, MCMVII, and MCMVIII. 1909. *P1410 Chicago Plan Commission. Chicago's greatest issue; an official plan. 1911. L6158 Another copy. *Doc. Moody, W. D. Wacker's manual of the plan of Chicago; municipal economy. 1912. B 7865 Garden Cities Culpin, P.. G. The garden city movement up-to-date. 1913. L 11885 Garden suburbs, town planning and mod- ern architecture; with contributions by M. H. B. Scott and others. 1910. K 11230 Meakin, B. Model factories and villages: ideal conditions of labour and housing. 1905. L 7393 Contents: Introduction; Pt. I. Conditions of labour; Pt. II. Industrial housing. Sennett, A. R. Garden cities in theory and practice; being an amplification of a paper on the potentialities of applied science in a garden city, read before sec- tion F of the British Association. 2v. 1905. L 11907 International Relations Dangers of Europe, from the growing power of France. 1702. *L 3289 Farquharson, C. D. The federation of the powers. 1897. L 6328 Fischer, K. Geschichte der auswartigen Politik und Diplomatie im Reformations- zeitalter, 1485-1556. 1874. D 7017 International Relations United States America and Europe; a study of interna- tional relations. 1896. L6425 (Questions of the day). American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia. The foreign policy of the United States, political and com- mercial. 1899. L 6389 American foreign policy, by a diplomatist. 1909. L 6977 Barlow, J. Letters from Paris to the citi- zens of the United States of America. 1800. L 4782 Bemis, G Hasty recognition of rebel belligerency and our right to complain of it. 1865. *B 553 Bernard, M. Four lectures on subjects con- nected with diplomacy. 1868. L 45 Historical account of the neutrality of Great Britain during the American civil war. 1870. L 20 Same. 1870. . B 2500 Callahan, J. M. American relations in the Pacific and the Far East, 1784-1900. 1901. *L 3201, 19 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Coolidge, A. C. The United States as a world power. 1908. L 6972 Curtis, W. E. The United States and foreign powers. 1899. L 3364 Dallas, G. M. Letters from London, 1856- 60. 2v. 1870. L48 Diplomacy of the United States, 1778-1814. 1826. L308 Hart, A. B. The foundations of American foreign policy; with a working bibliog- raphy. 1901. L6239 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 213 Henderson, J. B., jr. American diplomatic questions. 1901. B 2329 Latane, J. H. America as a world power, 1897-1907. 1907. B 2280, 25 (The American nation: a history). The diplomatic relations of the United States and Spanish America. 1900. L6240 Lyman, T. The diplomacy of the United States; being an account of the foreign relations of the country, 1778-1814. 1826. L308 Same. 2v. 2d ed. 1828. L307 Mahan, A. T. Armaments and arbitration; or, The place of force in the international relations of states. 1912. L 7630 The interest of America in international conditions. 1910. L 6978 The interest of America in sea power, present and future. 1893-97. B 2205 Retrospect and prospect; studies in in- ternational relations, naval and political. 1902. L6416 Millard, T. F. F. America and the Far Eastern question. 1909. A 4949 Monroe, J. A view of the conduct of the executive in the foreign affairs of the United States connected with the mission to the French republic, 1794, 5, & 6. 17.97. Llll Paullin, C. O. Diplomatic negotiations of American naval officers, 1778-1883. 1912. B5932 (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic his- tory, 1911). Reeves, J. S. American diplomacy under Tyler and Polk. 1907. B 5961 (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic his- tory, 1906). Snow, F. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy. 1894. L3163 Sparks, J., ed. The diplomatic correspond- ence of the American revolution. 12v. 1829-30. B 796 Stead, W. T. The Americanization of the world; or, The trend of the twentieth cen- tury. 1902. L 6368 Trescot, W. H. The diplomacy of the revolution. 1852. B 2414 Welsh, H. The other man's country; an appeal to conscience. 1900. B 7130 Wharton, F., ed. The revolutionary diplo- matic correspondence of the United States; ed. under the direction of Con- gress. 6v. 1889. *B 2392 Another copy. *Doc. (In U. S. House. Misc. doc. 608). Woolsey, T. S. America's foreign policy; essays and addresses. 1898. B 2295 International Relations of the U. S. With Particular Powers Cuba Callahan, J. M. Cuba and international re- lations: a historical study in American diplomacy. 1899. B 4859 China North American review. China against the world; reprinted from the North Ameri- can review. 1900. A 4905 Contents: Smyth, G. B. Causes of anti-foreign feeling in China; Johnston, C. The struggle for reform in China; Bigelow, P. Missions and mis- sionaries in China; Holder, C. F. America's treat- ment of the Chinese; Barrett, J. America's duty in China. Smith, A. H. China and America to-day; a study of conditions and relations. 1907. 19485 Williams, F. W. Anson Burlingame and the first Chinese mission to foreign powers. 1912. L 11728 Bibliography: p. 359-366. England Ashburton, A. B., ist baron. An inquiry into the causes and consequences of the or- ders in council and an examination of the conduct of Great Britain towards the neutral commerce of America. 1808. L3836 Gardiner, C. A. The proposed Anglo- American alliance. 1898. L 6850 Loring, C. G. and Field, E. W. Correspond- ence on the present relations between Great Britain and the United States. 1862. L3220 Smith, E. England and America after in- dependence, 1783-1872. 1900. L 6351 Walsh, R. An appeal from the judgments of Great Britain respecting the United States of America. 1819. L47 France Andrews, E. L. Napoleon and America; an outline of the relations of the United States to the career and downfall of Na- poleon Bonaparte. 1909. L 6901 France. Actes et memoires concernant les negociations qui ont eu lieu entre la France et les £tats-Unis de l'Amerique; depuis 1793, jusqu' a la conclusion de la Convention du 30 septembre, 1800. 3v. 1807. C 12900 Harper, R. G. Observations on the dispute between the United States and France. 1798. B 262 Reeves, J. S. The Napoleonic exiles in America; a study in American diplomatic history. 1815-1819. 1905. *L 3201, 23 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). 214 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Rosenthal, L. America and France; the in- fluence of the United States on France in the XVIIIth century. 1882. B 330 Germany Fisk, G. M. Die handelspolitischen und sonstigen volkerrechtlichen Beziehungen zwischen Deutschland und den Vereinig- ten Staaten von Amerika. Eine histo- risch-statistische Studie. 1897, D 7128, 20 (Munchener volksvvirtschaftliche Studien). Hawaiian Islands Carpenter, E. J. America in Hawaii, a his- tory of United States influence in the Hawaiian islands. 1899. A 4597 United States. Department of State. Mes- sage from the president of the U. S., transmitting a report of the secretary of state concerning the Hawaiian islands, Dec. 18, 1893. L 3166 (53d Cong., 2d Sess. House. Ex. doc. 48). President Cleveland. Message on the Hawaiian question [transmitting reports of the secretaries of state and the navy and diplomatic correspondence. Dec. 18, 18931. L3166 (53d Cong., 2d Sess. Senate. Ex. doc. no. 13). Message transmitting certain further information relating to the Hawaiian is- lands, Jan. 13, 1894. L 3166 (53d Cong., 2d Sess. House. Ex. doc. no. 70). President's message relating to the Ha- waiian islands, Dec. 18, 1893. 1893. L3165 (53d Cong., 2d Sess. House. Ex. doc. 47). President Harrison. Message from the president of the U. S., transmitting cor- respondence respecting relations between the U. S. and the Hawaiian islands. 1893. L3166 (52d Cong., 2d Sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 77). Message from the president of the United States transmitting a treaty of an- nexation concluded on the 14th day of Feb., 1893, between the United States and the provisional government of the Ha- waiian islands. L3166 (52d Cong., 2d Sess. Senate. Ex. doc. 76). Japan Blakeslee, G. TI., ed. Japan and Japanese- American relations. 1912. A 4958 (Clark University addresses). Kawakami, K. K. American-Japanese rela- tions; an inside view of Japan's policies and purposes. 1912. L 11725 Nitobe, T. The intercourse between the United States and Japan. 1891. L 3200, 8 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Mexico Abbot, G. D. Mexico and the United States; their mutual relations and com- mon interests. 1869. B 1905 Reeves, J. S. American diplomacy under Tyler and Polk. 1907. B 5961 (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic his- tory, 1906). Russia Hildt, J. C. Early diplomatic negotiations of the United States with Russia. 1906. *L 3201, 24 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). South America Crichfield, G. W. American supremacy; the rise and progress of the Latin-Ameri- can republics and their relations to the United States under the Monroe doc- trine. 2v. 1908. B4942 Paxson, F. L. The independence of the South American republics; a study in recognition and foreign policy. 1903. B4955 Spain Spanish-American War Benton, E. J. International law and di- plomacy of the Spanish-American war. 1908. B 6998 (The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic his- tory, 1907). Chadwick, F. E. The relations of the United States and Spain: diplomacy. 1909. L6979 The relations of the United States and Spain: the Spanish-American war. 2v. 1911. B6999 Bibliography: v.2, p. 475-478. Flack, H. E. Spanish-American diplomatic relations preceding the war of 1898. 1906. *L 3201, 24 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Fuller, H. B. The purchase of Florida; its history and diplomacy. 1906. B 1790 Appendix F: Bibliography, p. 3S1-3S2. United States. President McKinley. Mes- sage of the president, communicated to the two houses of Congress on the rela- tions of the United States to Spain by reason of warfare in the island of Cuba. 1898. *Doc. Monroe Doctrine Crichfield, G. W. American supremacy; the rise and progress of the Latin Amer- ican republics and their relations to the United States under the Monroe doctrine. 2v. 1908. B4942 Edgington, T. B. The Monroe doctrine. L904. L6316 Kasson, J. A. The evolution of the Con- stitution of the United States of America and History of the Monroe doctrine. 1904. L6367 Keasbey, L. M. The Nicaragua canal and the Monroe doctrine. 1896. B 4906 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 215 Leavitt, J. The Monroe doctrine. 1863. *L 3205, 6 Monroe, J. The Monroe doctrine; Presi- dent Monroe's message at the commence- ment of the first session of the eighteenth congress, Dec. 2, 1823. 1895. B 2112, 3 (Old South leaflets). Phelps, E. J. The Monroe doctrine. 18^6. L6425 Redd^way, W. F. The Monroe doctrine. 1898. L 6257 International Relations England Burrows, M. The history of the foreign policy of Great Britain. 1895. A 3464 Imperial England. L 236 Cargill, W. Examen de l'origine, des pro- gres et de la tendance de la confederation commerciale et politique, contre l'Angle- terre et la France, nommee la Ligue prus- sienne. 1840. *L 346, 2 Cowen, J. "The foreign policy of Eng- land"; a speech, Jan. 31st, 1880. 1880. *L167 Diplomatic review. Publications. 50v. in 3. 1840-1880. *L346 Dunsany, E P., l6th baron. Gaul or Teuton? Considerations as to our allies of the fu- ture. 1873. L179 Great Britain and Ireland. Foreign Office. Select dispatches from the British foreign office archives, relating to the formation of the third coalition against France, 1804- 1805; edited for the Royal Historical So- ciety by T. H. Rose. 1904. *A 1089, 7 (in Royal Historical Soc. Pub. 3d Camden ser.). Master of the Rolls. Calendar of state papers and ms. relating to English affairs, existing in the archives and collections of Venice and in other libraries of northern Italy, 1202-1623; ed. by R. Brown. 17v. in 19. 1864-1911. *Doc. Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Edward VI, 1547-53, ed. by W. B. Turnbull. 1861. *Doc. Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1579, ed. by J. Stevenson and A. J. Crosby. 13v. 1863-1903. *Doc. Calendar of state papers, foreign series, of the reign of Mary, 1553-1558, ed. by W. B. Turnbull. 1861. *Doc. Grimblot, P., ed. Letters of William III and Louis XIV and of their ministers, il- lustrative of the domestic and foreign politics of England, 1697-1700. 2v. 1848. C3127 Hill, R. Diplomatic correspondence. 2v. 1845. A 349 Innes, A. D. Britain and her rivals in the 18th century, 1713-1789. 1895. A 3478 Lord, W. F. England and France in the Mediterranean, 1660-1830. 1901. A 3041 Luttrell, N. A brief historical relation of state affairs from Sept. 1678 to April, 1714. 6v. 1857. *P 106 Miege, G. La relation de trois ambassades de monseigneur le comte de Carlisle de la part, de Charles II roi de Grande-Bre- tagne vers, Moscovie, Suede, Danemark et Norvege, commencees en l'an 1663 et finis sur la fin de 1774. 1857. C 13067 Mongredien, A. England's foreign policy; an enquiry as to whether we should con- tinue a policy of intervention, or adopt a policy of isolation. 1871. L 237 Patterson, R. H. The new revolution; or, The Napoleonic policy in Europe. 1860. A 1511 Peel, G. The enemies of England. 1902. A 3527 A history of British foreign relations. The friends of England. 1905. A 3532 "Our policy in the world outside Europe." (Pref.). The future of England. 1912. A 3533 Rymer, T., com\>. Foedera, conventiones, literae et cujuscunque generis acta pub-' lica. lOv. 1739-45. *R4700 Same; accurantibus, A. Clarke et F. Holbrooke. 4v. in 7, 1816-69. *R4701 Scholes, T. E. S. The British empire and alliances; or, Britain's duty to her col- onies and subject races. 1899. L6488 List of sources, pref. p. 3-5. Seeley, Sir J. R. The growth of British pol- icy, an historical essay. 2v. 1895. A 3501 Sergeant, L. England's policy; its tradi- tions and problems. 1881. L 381 Vitzthum von Eckstaedt, K. F., Graf v. St. Petersburg and London in the years, 1852- 1864. 2v. 1887. C 3936 Walpole, Sir S. Foreign relations. 1882. L 189, 12 (The English citizen). Whitworth, C. W., 1st earl. England and Napoleon in 1803; being the despatches of Lord Whitworth and others. 1887. A 3201 Wilkinson, H. S. Britain at bay. 1909. L6495 The great alternative; a plea for a na- tional policy. 1894. .L6470 England's foreign relations in connection with her naval power and policy. International Relations France Abel, C. Letters on international relations before and during the war of 1870; by the Times correspondent at Berlin. 2v. 1871. A 1528 216 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Baudin, P. C. L. Points de vue frangais. 1906. CC 1454 Contents: Rapprochement necessaire; Les grandes alliances; L' echange international, des enfants et des jeunes gens; Methodes coloniales; France et Italie; Questions d'argent. Benedetti, V., comte. Studies in diplomacy. 1896. A 4163 Relations between France and Germany just previous to the Franco-German war. Berard, V. La France et Guillaume II. 1907. CC 1458 Broglie, J. V. A., due de. Frederic II et Louis XV, d'apres des documents nou- veaux. 2v. 1887. C 12109 Le secret du roi; correspondance se- crete de Louis XV avec ses agents diplo- matiques, 1752-1774. 2v. 1879. C 12107 The king's secret; being the secret cor- respondence of Louis XV with his diplo- matic agents, from 1752-74. 2v. 1879. A 1564 Capefigue, J. B. H. R. Louis XVI; ses relations diplomatiques avec l'Europe, l'Inde, l'Amerique et l'Empire Ottoman. 1856. C 4292 Flassan, J. B. G. de R. de. Histoire gener- ate et raisonnee de la diplomatic fran- chise, ou de la politique de la France, de- puis la foundation de la monarchic jusqu'a la fin du regne de Louis XVI. 7v. 1811. C 12402 Grovestins, C. F. S., baron v. Guillaume III et Louis XIV; histoire des luttes et rival- ites politiques entre les puissances mari- times et la France dans la derniere moitie du 18e siecle. 8v. 1868. C 12469 Janssen, J. Frankreich's Rheingeltiste und deutschfeindliche Politik in friiherer Jahr- hunderten. 1861. D 12940 Memoires tires des papiers d'un homme d'etat, sur les causes secretes qui ont de- termines la politique des cabinets dans les guerres de la revolution. 13v. 1831- 38. C 12842 Foreign relations during the revolution and em- pire. Michelet, J. France before Europe. 1871. A 1516 Rothan, G. Souvenirs diplomatiques: la France et sa politique exterieure en 1867. 2v. 1887. C 6540 Tardieu, A. P. G. A. France and the alli- ances; the struggle for the balance of power. 1908. L 6509 Wild, E. Mirabeaus geheime diplomatische Sendung nach Berlin. 1901. D 13683 International Relations Germany- Abel, C. Letters on international relations before and during the war of 1870; by the Times correspondent at Berlin. 2v. 1871. A 1528 Bernhardi, F. A. J. v. Germany and the next war. 1912. L 11721 Bigelow, P. The German emperor and his eastern neighbors. 1892. C 11856 Kaiser Wilhelm II und sein ostlicher Nachbar. 1893. D 13810 German ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of America. 1903. L6506 (Questions of the day). Hoffmann, W. Deutschland und Europa im Lichte der Weltgeschichte. 1869. D 115 The pan-Germanic doctrine; being a study of German political aims and aspirations. 1904. L 6503 International Relations Russia Drage, G. Russian affairs. 1904. 1 7609 Krausse, A. S. Russia in Asia, a record and - a study, 1558-1899. 1899. A 4565 Apx. contains Russian treaties with China, Cen- tral Asian states & Great Britain; Bibliography of authorities on Asiatic Russia, p. 389-393. Kravtchinski, S. M. The Russian storm- cloud; or, Russia in her relations to neigh- boring countries, by Stepniak, pseud. 1886. A 4399 Latimer, Mrs. M. E. W. Russia and Tur- key in the 19th century. 1893. A 4380 Leonow, R. Geheime Documente der rus- sischen Orient-Politik, 1881-90. 1S93. D7045 Rambaud, A. N. The expansion of Russia; problems of the East and problems of the Far East. 1900. A 4378 Remmer, H. Russland und die Europaische Lage. 1888. D 4782 Tissot, V. Russes & Allemands. 1884. C 13220 Russians and Germans. 18S2. I 7845 Ular, A. A Russo-Chinese empire; an Eng- lish version of "Un empire russo-chinois." 1904. A 4892 Vandal, A. Louis XV et Elizabeth de Rus- sie: etude sur les relations de la France et de la Russie au 18me siecle. 1882. C 13286 Napoleon et Alexandre Ier; l'alliance russe sous le premier empire. 3v. L896- 97. C 13158 Vladimir, pseud. Russia on the Pacific and the Siberian railway. 1899, A 4431 The Eastern Question The Near-East, Turkey and the Balkans Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of. The eastern question from the treaty of Paris 1856 to the treaty of Berlin 1878 and to the second Afghan war. 2v. 1879. A 2019 EASTERN QUESTION 217 Bamberg, F. Geschichte der orientalischen Angelegenheiten im Zeitraume des Pariser und des Berliner Friedens. 1892. *D 5798 (In Oncken, W., ed. Allgemeine Geschichte in Einzeldai itellungen) . Campbell, Sir G. A handy book on the eastern question, being a recent view of Turkey. 1876. A 2073 Cobden, R. Russia, Turkey and England. 1876. L 54 Durham, M. E. The burden of the Balkans. 1905. A 4349 Gallenga, A. C. N. Two years of the east- ern question. 2v. 1877. I 7693 Gladstone, W. E. Bulgarian horrors, and Russia in Turkestan; with other tracts. 1876. G 940 The Hellenic factor in the eastern prob- lem; with other tracts. 1877. G 941 The Turco-Servian war, Bulgarian hor- rors and the question of the East. 1876. A 2013 Glennie, J. S. S. Europe and Asia; discus- sion of the eastern question in travels through independent, Turkish, and Aus- trian Illyria. 1879. A 4507 Gregory, D. S. The crime of Christendom; or, The eastern question from its origin to the present time. 1900. A 4357 MacColl, M. The eastern question; its facts and fallacies. 1877. L 148 The sultan and the powers. 1896. A 4351 Three years of the eastern 1878. Madden, R. R. The Turkish empire in its relations with Christianity and civiliza- tion. 2v. 1862. A 2071 The Near East; the present situation in Montenegro, Bosnia, Servia, Bulgaria, Roumania, Turkey and Macedonia. 1907. A 5186 Sorel, A. The eastern question in the eighteenth century; the partition of Po- land and .the treaty of Kainardji. 1898. A 3066 Villari, L., ed. The Balkan question; the present condition of the Balkans and of European responsibilities. 1905. A 4350 Woods, H. C. The danger zone of Europe; changes and problems in the Near East. 1911. A 5176 The Middle East Persia, Central Asia Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of. The eastern question from the treaty of Paris 1856 to the treaty of Berlin 1878 and to the sec- ond Afghan war. 2v. 1879. A 2019 Bell, E. The Oxus and the Indus. 1869. A 933 question. L147 Boulger, D. C. v. K. Central Asian ques- tions; essays on Afghanistan, China and Central Asia. 1885. A 4548 England and Russia in Central Asia. 2v. 1879. A 4505 Colquhoun, A. R. Russia against India, the struggle for Asia. 1900. A 4569 Cory, A. Shadows of coming events; or, The eastern menace. 1876. L 86 Curzon, G. N., ist baron. Persia and the Persian question. 2v. 1892. 1 8517 Russia in Central Asia, in 1889, and the Anglo-Russian question. 1889. I 8503 Dobson, E. Russia's railway advance into Central Asia. 1S90. 18509 The eastern question: Blochwitz, J. Brief history of Turkey. 1877. A 2090 Roberts. Sir R. H. Asia Minor and the Caucasus. 1877. A 2091 Shaw, F. A. Brief history of Russia. 1877. A 2092 Towle, G. M. Brief history of Monte- negro. 187.7. A 2093 Modern Greece. 1877. A 2094 Principalities of the Danube. 1877. A 2095 Edwards, H. S. Russian projects against India, from the Czar Peter to Gen. Sko- beleff. 1885. A 4504 Hamilton, A. Problems of the Middle East. 1909. A 4830 Contents: Introduction; The story of the Young Turks party; The story of Persia and the powers; Great Britain, Germany and the Baghdad railway; The Anglo-Russian convention; Great Britain and Afghanistan; The story of the Hedjaz railway; The passing of Korea. Hedin, S. A. Sverige och den stora Ostern. 1905. CC 11214 Hellwald, F. A. H. v. The Russians in Cen- tral Asia. 1874. I 1423 Krausse, A. S. Russia in Asia, a record and a study, 1558-1899. 1899. A 4565 Apx. contains Russian treaties with China, Cen- tral Asian states and Great Britain; Bibliography of authorities on Asiatic Russia, p. 3S9-393. Marvin, C. The Russians at Merv and Herat and their power of invading India. 1883. 18497 The Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. I 8488 Popowski, J. The rival powers in Central Asia; or, The struggle between England and Russia in the East. 1893. A 4566 Rawlinson, Sir H. C. England and Russia in the East; a series of papers on the political and geographical condition of central Asia. 1875. A 4506 218 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Rodenbough, T. F. Afghanistan and the Anglo-Russian dispute; an account of Russia's advance toward India. 1S85. 18489 Shuster, W. M. The strangling of Persia; story of the European diplomacy and ori- ental intrigue that resulted in the de- nationalization of twelve million Moham- medans. 1912. A 4856 Stuart, D. The struggle for Persia. 1902. A 4577 Stumm, H. Russia in Central Asia; his- torical sketch of Russia's progress in the East up to 1873, and of the incidents which led to the campaign against Khiva. 1885. A 4526 Towle, G. M. Timely topics: England and Russia in Asia. 1885. 1 8491 Vambery, A. Central Asia and the Anglo- Russian frontier question; a series of political papers. 1874. 1 1438 The coming struggle for India; being an account of the encroachments of Rus- sia in Central Asia, and, of the difficulties sure to arise therefrom to England. 1885. 18493 Western culture in Eastern lands; a comparison of the methods adopted by England and Russia in the Middle East. 1906. 1 8412 Yate, A. C. England and Russia face to face in Asia. 1887. 18500 The Far East China, Japan, The Pacific Ocean Blakeslee, G. H., cd. China and the Far East. 1910. 19435 (Clark University lectures). Chirol, Y. The far eastern question. 1896. 18080 Collier, P. The West in the East from an American point of view. 1911. I 10739 Colquhoun, A. R. The mastery of the Pacific. 1902. 1 9207 Contents: Introduction; The United States in the Pacific; Great Britain in the Pacific; The Dutch in the Pacific; Japan in the Pacific; Other powers in the Pacific. Conclusion. Cotes, E. Signs and portents in the Far East. 1907. A 4947 Curzon, G. X., rst baron. Problems of the Far East; Japan-Korea-China. 1894. 18181 Deschanel, P. Les interets fran^ais dans V Ocean Pacifique. 1888. CC 1457 Diosy, A. The new Far East. 1899. 18075 Douglas, Sir R. K. Europe and the Far East. L904, A 4866 (Cambridge historical series). Fox, F. Problems of the Pacific. 1913. I 10605 Griffis, W. E. America in the East; a glance at our history, prospects, prob- lems and duties in the Pacific ocean. 1899. L6254 Gulick, S. L. The white peril in the Far East; an interpretation of the significance of the Russo-Japanese war. 1905. A 4881 Gundry, R. S. S. China and her neighbors; France in Indo-China, Russia and China, India and Thibet, 1893. I 8197 Hart, Sir R. "These from the land of Sinim"; essays on the Chinese question. 1903. A 4943 Inagaki, M. Japan and the Pacific, and Japanese view of the Eastern question. 1890. I 8142 Krausse, A. S. The Far East; its history and its question. 1903. A 4898 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P. The awakening of the East; Siberia, Japan, China. 1900. A 4579 Lignitz, V. F. W. A. von. Deutschlands Interessen in Ostasien und die gelbe Gefahr. 1907. D 14535 McKenzie, F. A. The unveiled East. 1907. A 4900 Mahan, A. T. The problem of Asia, and its effect upon international policies. 1900. A 4573 Millard, T. F. F. The new Far East; an ex- amination into the new position of Japan and her influence upon the solution of the Far Eastern question, with special refer- ence to the interests of America and the future of the Chinese empire. 1906. A 4896 Morris, J. What will Japan do? A fore- cast. 1898. A 4880 Pinon, R. Le lutte pour le Pacifique. Orig- ines et resultats de la guerre russo-jap- onaise. 1906. CC 41 Reinsch, P. S. World politics at the end of the nineteenth century as influenced by the oriental situation. 1900. L 6437 Russier, H. Le partage de l'Oceanie. 1905. CC 1341 Schierbrand, W. von. America, Asia and the Pacific, with special reference to the Russo-Japanese war and its results. 1904. L6864 Simpson, B. L. The coming struggle in eastern Asia, by B. L. Putnam Weale, pseud. 1908. A 4897 The truce in the East and its aftermath, by B. L. Putnam Weale, pseud. 1907. A 4899 Contents: Japan and the new position; China and the Chinese; The powers and their influence; Appendices. Story, D. To-morrow in the East. 1907. A 4950 NATIONALISM, NATIONALITY 819 Townsend, M. Asia and Europe; studies presenting the conclusions formed by the author in a long life devoted to the sub- ject of the relations between Asia and Europe. 1901. A 4576 Nationalism and Nationality National Consciousness and Ideals Balfour, A. J. Decadence; Henry Sidg- wick memorial lecture. 1908. L 7564 Barres, M. Scenes et doctrines du na- tionalisme. 1902. CC 1451 Bascom, J. Growth of nationality in the United States. 1899. L 8548 Chenevix, R. An essay upon national char- acter. 2v. 1832. L286 Croly, H. The promise of American life. 1909. L6997 Frary, R. Die National-Gefahr; aus dem Franzoschen von Scheller. 1884. D 4766 Goltz, B. Der Mensch und die Leute; zur Characteristik der barbarishen und der civilissirten Nationen. 1858. D 2871 Hart, A. B. National ideals historically traced, 1607-1907. 1907. B 2280, 26 Hershey, S. F. Science of national life; the origin, formation and development of the wealth of nations. 1884. L325 Horton, R. F. National ideals and race re- generation. 1912. L8773 "Sketch of the national ideal of Great Britain." Jordan, D. S. The human harvest; a study of the decay of races through the sur- vival of the unfit. 1907. L 8665 Kip, A. L. Psychology of the nations. 1902. L5974 Krauss, F. Der Volkertod; eine Theorie der Dekadenz. 1903. D 7213 Magnusson, E. and others. National life and thought of the various nations throughout the world. 1891. L3386 Neumann, F. J. Volk und Nation; eine Studie. 1S88. D 4780 Pearson, C. H. National life and character; a forecast. 1893. L 4535 Pearson, K. National life from the stand- point of science. 1900. L 8524 Reich, E. Studien iiber die Volksseele aus dem Gesichtspunkte der Physiologie und Hygiene. 1879. D 2502 Success among nations. 1904. A 2180 Roosevelt, T. The new nationalism. 1910. L7006 Taylor,,H. The morality of nations; a study in the evolution of ethics. 1888. L2318 Tourville, H. de. The growth of modern nations; a history of the particularist form of society. 1907. L8671 Vrooman, F. B. The new politics. 1911. L7594 Contents: The philosophy of Ishmael; The phi- losophy of the common good; The democracy oi nationalism. Wirth, A. Volkstum und Weltmacht in der Geschichte. 1901. D 13250 National Emblems Flags, Seals, Arms Griffin, J., comp. Flags, national and mer- cantile. 1883. K 5929 Heyer von Rosenfeld, K. G. F. Die Staats- Wappen der bekanntesten Lander der Erde, nebst deren Landesflaggen und Cocarden. 1895. *R4273 Hounsell, G. C., ed. Flags and signals of all nations. 1874. *R4910 Hulme, F. E. The flags of the world. 1894. A 2355 Macgeorge, A. Flags; some account of their history and uses. 1881. A 2129 United States. Navy Department. Flags of maritime nations. 1899. *V2322 United States Bowron, E. M. "Mrs. H. S. Bowron." Our flag; its history and what it stands for. 1908. , B 5545 Campbell, R. A. Our flag; or, The evo- lution of the stars and stripes; with selec- tions eloquent, patriotic and poetical. 1890. B 2258 Canby, G. The evolution of the American flag. 1909. B 5572 Fallows, S., ed. Story of the American flag, with patriotic selections and inci- dents. 1903. B 5653 Fow, J. H. The true story of the Ameri- can flag. 1908. B 5669 Hamilton, S. History of the National flag of the United States of America. 1852. B101 Harrison, P. D. The stars and stripes and other American flags, including their origin and history. 1906. B 5709 Holden, E. S. Our country's flag, and the flags of foreign countries. 1898. B2247 (Appleton's home reading books). New York (State). Education Department. The American flag. 1910. B 5905 Preble, G. H. History of the flag of the United States of America, and of the naval and yacht-club signals, seals and arms, and principal national songs of the United States, with a chronicle of the symbols, standards, banners, and flags of ancie'n. and modern nations. 1S94. *B771 Same. 1882. B 771b 220 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Prescott, B. F., ed. The stars and stripes, the flag of the United States of America: when, where, and by whom was it first saluted? the question answered. 187G. *B 2168 Smith, N. Our nation's flag in history and incident. 1903. , B 2271 Weaver, A. G. The story of our flag colo- nial and national, with historical sketch of the Quakeress Betsy Ross. 1898. B2249 U. S. Seal Cigrand, B. J. Story of the great seal of the United States; or, History of Ameri- can emblems. 1903. B 2279 United States. Dept. of State. The his- tory of the seal of the United States. 1909. *B2178 Denmark Petersen, H. Et dansk flag fra unionstiden i Maria-Kirken i Lubeck. 1882. C 7471 England Cumberland, B. The entry of the union jack, particularly in its connection with the history of Canada. 1897. A 2356 Wilmot, S. M. E. Our flags; their origin, use and traditions. 1901. A 52357 Great Seal of England Edwards, E. The great seals of England from the time of Edward the Confessor to the reign of William the Fourth. 1837. *R 4347 Germany Hildebrandt, A. M. Album der deutschen Reichsund Staatswappen, Flaggen und Kokarden. *R 325 Stroho, H. G. Deutsche Wappenrolle, en- thaltend alle Wappen, Standardten, Flaggen, Landes farben und Kokarden des deutschen Reiches seiner Bundesstaaten und regierenden Dynastieen. 1897. *P 1126 Norway Aubert, L. M. B. Det norske handelsflag. 1879. C 8197 Patriotism Balch, G. T. Methods of teaching patriot- ism in the public schools. 1890. L 1466 Bishop, P. P. American patriotism. 1887. L 3206 Bolton, H. W. Patriotism. 1890. E 2024 Bouton, J. B. Uncle Sam's church, his creed, Bible and hymn-book. 1895. L 6262 Darling, J. T. Address: Under which flag? 1911. E2046 Ellis, E. S. Historical readings illustrative of American patriotism. 1903. B 2324 Fullerton, W. M. Patriotism and science; some studies in historic psychology. 1893. E2917 Hail, C. H. Patriotism and national de- fence. 1885. *L 3444, 18 (Economic tracts). Herve, G. My country, right or wrong. 1910. L 11410 Morgan, T. J. Patriotic citizenship. 1895. L6263 Roosevelt, T. American ideals, and other essays, social and political. 1897. E 5431 — — L'ideal americain. 1904. CC 1398 Schmidt-Warneck, F. v. Die Volksseele und die politische Erziehung der Nation. 1884. D 4727 Spurrell, H. G. F. Patriotism; a biological study. 1911. L 11538 Wingfield-Stratford, E. The history of English patriotism. 2v. 1913. A 5327 Jingoism Hobson, J. A. The psychology of jingoism. 1901. L6449 Law, Jurisprudence Theory and Philosophy California. State Library. Catalogue of the California State Library: Law Depart- ment. 2v. 1886. *0 1248 Carswell, Co., The. Catalogue of law books useful in Canada. 2v. 1908-10. *0 2693 Chicago Law Institute. Library. Catalogue of the library. 1887. *0 1276 lst-5th annual supplement, 1889-93. *0 1276, 1889-93. Index catalogue of the library, 1901. *0 1276, 1902 Dramard, E. Bibliographie de la bil>li<>u raphie du droit. 1893. *0 2625 Massachusetts. State Library. Catalogue of the laws of foreign countries. 1911. *0 1724 Muehlbrecht, O., comp. Uebersicht der ge- sammten staats-und rechtswissenschaft- lichen Literatur des Jahres 1868-1910. 43v. in HO. 1869-1911. *0 257 Amos, S. Science of law. 1874. N491! Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of. Reign of law. 1870. L2042 Austin, J. Lectures on jurisprudence. 2v. 1875 N4887 LAW 221 Bastian, P. W. A. Die Rechtsverhaltnisse bei verschiedenen Volkern der Erde. 1872. D4643 Brewster, H. B. Theories of anarchy and law. 1887. L 4091 Bryce, J. Studies in history and jurispru- dence. 1901. L 6400 Carter, J. C. Law: its origin, growth and function; being a course of lectures pre- pared for delivery before the Law school of Harvard University. 1907. N 5208 Clarke, R. F. The science of law and law- making. 1898. N 5197 Donisthorpe, W. Law in a free state. 1895. L6216 Hegel, G. W. F. Grundlinien der Philoso- phic des Rechts. 1832-45. D 3129, 8 Holland, T. E. The elements of jurispru- dence. 1905. N 5267 Ihering, R. v. Civilrechtsfalle ohne Ent- scheidungen. 1904. D 3447 Die Jurisprudenz des tiiglichen Lebens; eine Sammlung an Vorfalle des gewohn- liciien Lebens ankniipfender Rechtsfragen. 1903. D 7252 Law in daily life; a collection of legal questions connected with the ordinary events of everyday life. 1904. N 5294 Der Kampf urns Recht. 1886. D 3438 The struggle for law. 1879. N 5083 Der Zweck im Recht. 2v. 1904-05. D3448 Jellinek, G. Gesetz und Verordnung. 1887. D7030 Kant, 1. The philosophy of law; an exposi- tion of the fundamental principles of jurisprudence as the science of right. 1887. N5098 Lacy, G. Liberty and law. 1888. L 3313 Lassalle, F. System der erworbenen Rechte. 2v. 1880. D 3432 Lightwood, J. M. The nature of positive law. 1883. N4819 Lioy, D. The philosophy of right. 2v. 1891. L5015 Bibliography of Italian works on the philosophy of right, v. 2, p. 378-392. Markby, Sir W. Elements of law consid- ered with reference to principles of gen- eral jurisprudence. 1896. N 5277 Meyer, J. D. Esprit, origine, et progres des institutions judiciaires des principaux pays de l'Europe. 6v. 1818-23. C 5924 Monahan, J. H. The method of law, an es- say; the statement and arrangement of the legal standard of conduct. 1878. N4916 Montesquieu, C. de S., baron de La B. et de. Esprit des lois. 1872. C 5930 The spirit of laws. 2v. 1873. L 2031 Same. 2v. 1878. I 2994 Same. 1777. J 193, 1, 2 Parsons, F. Legal doctrine and social prog- ress. 1911. N 5448 Pollock, Sir F. Essays in jurisprudence and ethics. 1882. N 5271 A -first book of jurisprudence for stu- dents of the common law. 1904. N 5269 Pulszky, A. The theory of law and civil society. 1888. L 4461 Ritchie, D. G. Natural rights, a criticism of some political and ethical conceptions. 1895. L6253 Schmoller, G. Ueber einige Grundfragen des Rechts und der Volkswirthschaft. 1875. D 4756 Smith, M. Jurisprudence [a lecture deliv- ered at Columbia University, 1908]. 1908. K 15830 Taylor, H. The science of jurisprudence; a treatise in which the growth of positive law is unfolded by the historical method, and its elements classified and defined by the analytical. 1908. N 4860 "Titles of leading authorities cited"; p. xlvii-lx. Thayer, J. B. Legal essays. 1908. N 5455 Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Official report of the Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, held at St. Louis, Mo., U. S. A., September, 1904, under the auspices of the Universal Exposition and the American Bar Association. 1905. N 5298 Williams, S. E. Forensic facts and fallacies. 1885. N 5041 Wood, H. The political economy of natural law. 1899. L 3605 Law Dictionaries and Encyclopedias American and English encyclopedia of law. 32v. 1896-1905. *R 3371, 1-32 Same. 31v. 1887-96. *R3370 Black, H. C. A law dictionary. 1910. *R3381 Bouvier, J. Bouvier's law dictionary. 1897. 2v. *R 4o 00 Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Ge- genwart in Monographien. 26v. in 14. 1884-1909. *D 7277 Holtzendorff, F. v., ed. Encyklopadie der Rechtswissenschaft. 2v. 1904. *R3369 Jackson, E. H. Law-Latin; a treatise in Latin with legal maxims and phrases as a basis of instruction. 1905. J 3700 King, W. F. H. Classical and foreign quotations, law terms and maxims, proverbs. 1888. *R 1333 Kyshe, J. W. N. Dictionary of legal quota- tions. 1904. *R 4030 222 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mead, L. and Newell, G. F., comp. Manual of forensic quotations. 1903. N 5122 Standard library cyclopedia of political, con- stitutional, statistical and forensic knowl- edge. 4v. 1860. *R1680 Stroud, F. Judicial dictionary of words and phrases judicially interpreted. 3v. 1903. *R3380 Justice Du Bois, P. The culture of justice; a mode of moral education and of social reform. 1907. L8705 Kelly, E. Government or human evolution. 2v. 1900-01. L 6432 v.l. Justice. 2. Individualism and collectivism. Smith, O. J. Balance, the fundamental ver- ity. 1904. M 9962 Ubbelohde, A. Ueber Recht und Billigkeit. 1887. *D 382, 22 {In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Wagner, C. Justice. 1905. L 6118 Contents: The birth to righteousness; Dominion and voluntary service; Mine and thine; Science and faith; The love of country; Humanity; The churches; The church; Religious justice; Society and the individual social justice; The religious conception of work. Willoughby, W. W. ical essay. 1900. Social justice; a crit- L6365 Periodicals and Societies Jones, L. A. An index to legal periodical literature. 2v. 1888-99. *R 3999 American Bar Association. Report of an- nual meeting. 5th, 1882 to date. *Ser. American jurist and law magazine, v. 10. 1833. *Ser. American law register, v. 55. 1907. *Ser. American law review. 19v. 1866-85. *Ser. Index to v. 1-13. 1879. Chicago law journal. 7v. 1900-06. *Ser. Chicago law times. 3v. 1887-89. *Ser. Chicago legal news, v.4, 1871 to date. *Ser. Green bag, The. v.l. 1889 to date. *Ser. Illinois State Bar Association. Proceedings, 1881-85-1908. N 4850 Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Verwaltung und Rechtspflege des deutschen Reicbs. 4v. in 3. 1871-76. :|: Ser. Continued as Tahrbuch fur Gesetzgebung, Ver- waltung und Volkswirthschaft. 1877 to date. Juridical review, v.l, 1889 to date.. *Ser. Law notes, v.4-14. 1900-1911. *Ser. Law quarterly review, v.l, 188!) to date. *Ser. General index to vols, lfi-20 in v. 20. Law register, v.18-25. 1880-98. *Ser. Vol. 26, Jan.-Sept., 1906 entitled: The Short- hand writer and Law register, continued as: The Law register. Shorthand writer and Law register, 1906. *Ser. No more published: continued as two separate publications: The shorthand writer, and: The Law register. Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904. Official report. 1905. N5298 Western law journal. 9 v. 1844-53. *Ser. Legal Education Macdonald, G. A. How successful lawyers were educated. 1896. N 5129 Washburn, E. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. 1876. N 4933 History of Law Antiquities, Ancient Law Cherry, R. R. Lectures on the growth of criminal law in ancient communities. 1890. N 5093 Cook, S. A. The laws of Moses and the code of Hammurabi. 1903. N 5239 Gomme, G. L. Primitive folk-moots; or, Open-air assemblies in Britain. 1880. N4976 Hammurabi, king of Babylonia. The code of Hammurabi, king of Babylon about 2250 B. C. 1904. N5240 Herbert, W. Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery; with a concise his- tory of the English law. 1804. N 5096 Jenks, E. Law and politics in the middle ages. 1898. N 5186 Johns, C. H. W. Babylonian and Assyrian laws, contracts and letters. 1904. J 3391, 6 (Library of ancient inscriptions). Lee, G. C. Historical jurisprudence. 1900. N5268 Letourneau, C. J. M. L'evolution juridique dans les diverses races humaines. 1891. C5529 Maine, Sir H. J. S. Ancient law; its con- nection with the early history of society and its relation to modern ideas. 1864. N4915 Dissertations on early law and custom. 1883. N 5000 Lectures on the early history of insti- tutions. 1875. L53 Maurer, K. Beitrage zur Rechtsgeschichte des germanisclun Nordens. 1852. D 13008 Mayer, S. Die Rechte der Israeliten, Athe- ner und Romer. 1862-66. D3411 Meyer, J. D. Esprit, origine, et progres des institutions judiciaires des principaiix pays de l'Europe. 6v. 1818-23. C 5924 Morris, M. F. An introduction to the his- tory of the development of law. 1909, N5207 Stubbs, W. Lectures on early English his- tory. 1906. A 3366 INTERNATIONAL LAW 223 Tornau, N. Y., baron. Das moslemische Recht. 1855. D 3664 White, A. M. Outlines of legal history. 1895. N 5194 Trial by Jury Forsyth, W. History of trial by jury. 1875. N4971 Mittermaier, K. J. A. Das Volksgericht in Gestalt der Schwurund Schoffengerichte. 1860. *D 382, 1 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Routledge, J. Chapters in the history of popular progress, chiefly in relation to the freedom of the press and trial by jury, 1660-1820. 1S76. N 4978 Scott, W. Trial by jury. 1815. *L 3205, 13 (Political pamphlets). Ordeal, Trial by Combat Wager of Battle Gilchrist, J. P. A brief display of the origin and history of ordeals, trials by battle, courts of chivalry or honour and the de- cisions of private quarrels by single com- bat; also a chronological register of the principal duels fought from 1762 to 1821. 1821. E3135 Howland, A. C, ed. Ordeals, compurgation, excommunication, and interdict. 1898. *A 3022, 4 (Translations and reprints from the original sources of European history). "Bibliographical note"; p. 34. Lea, H. C. Superstition and force; essays on the wager of law; The wager of battle; The ordeal; Torture. 1870. E 1320 Neilson, G. Trial by combat. 1890. L 4246 International Law Law of Nations Atkinson, G. International morality; or, The touchstone of the law of the nations. 1851. L2283 Ayala, B. Balthazaris Ayalae. De jure et ofhciis bellicis et disciplina militari libri in, ed. by J. Westlake. 2v. 1912. N 5221 (The classics of international law, ed. by J. B. Scott [2]). Baty, T. International law in south Africa. 1900. N 5137 Benton, E. J. International law and diplo- macy of the Spanish-American war. 1908. B6998 Bowen, H. W. International law, a simple statement of its principles. 1896. N 5142 Chadman, C. E. A short treatise on public international law; or, The law of nations. 1906. N 5321, 12 Davis, C. K. A treatise on international law, including American diplomacy. 1901. N5147 Davis, G. B. The elements of international law. 1900. N 5139 Outlines of international law. 1887. N5030 Field, D. D. Outlines of an international code. 1876. N 5072 Gallaudet, E. M. A manual of international law. 1879. N 4922 Gardner, D. Institutes of international law, public and private, as settled by the Su- preme Court of the United States, and by our republic. 1860. N 5023 Groot, H. de. Drei Biicher fiber das Recht des Krieges und Friedens. 1869. D 3206, 11 (In Kirchmann, J. H. v. Philosophische Bib- liothek). Hugonis Grotii De jure belli ac pacis libri tres, in quibus naturae & gentium, item juris publici prsecipua explicantur. 1913. N 5221, 3 (The classics of international law, ed. by J. B. Scott). De jure belli et pacis. 3v. 1853. N 4912 -On the rights of war and peace. 1853. N4913 Three books treating of the rights of war and peace. 1682. *V 274 Hall, W. E. A treatise on international law. 1890. N 5078 Halleck, H. W. Elements of international law and laws of war. 1872. N 4923 Harcourt, Sir W. G. G. Letters by His- toricus, pseud, on some questions of inter- national law. 1863. N4924 Heffter, A. W. Das europaische Volker- recht der Gegenwart auf den bisherigen Grundlagen. 1861. D 3427 Dasselbe; neue Ausgabe. 1888. D 3420 Heinze, W. Die Belagerung der Pekinger Gesandtschaften; eine volkerrechtliche Studie. 1901. D 3461 Hill, D. J. World organization as affected by the nature of the modern state. 1911. L7588 (Columbia University lectures). Holtzendorff, F. v. and others. Handbuch des Volkerrechts. 4v. in 3. 1885-89. D7253 Hosack, J. On the rise and growth of the law of nations, as established by general usage and by treaties, from the earliest time to the treaty of Utrecht. 1882. N4853 Jones, L. A. A. and Bellot, H. H. L. Com- merce in war. 1907. N 5231 Kent, J. Commentary on international law. 1878. N 4878 Latifi, A. Effects of war on property, be- ing studies in international law and policy. 1909. N 5317 224 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Lawrence, T. J. Essays on some disputed questions in modern international law. 1885. N 5073 The principles of international law. 1S ( J5. N 5079 Lawrence, W. B. Commentaire sur les Ele- ments du droit international et sur l'His- toire du progres du droit des gens de Henry Wheaton. 3v. 1868-73. N 4925 Levi, L. International law, with materials for a code of international law. 18S8. N5085 (International scientific series). Maine, Sir H. J. S. International law. 1888. N 5088 Martens, G. F. v. Volkerrecht; das Interna- tionale Recht der civilisirten Nationen. 1883-86. D 3433 Mason, N. Questions and answers on Qub- lic international law. History of treaties and private international law. 1902. N5181 Nys, E. The papacy, considered in rela- tion to international law. 1879. N 5031 Oppenheim, L. International law. 2v. 1905- 06. N 5232 Reinsch, P. S. Public international unions; their work and organization, a study in international administrative law. 1911. L7619 Ruemelin, C. W. H. G. v. Politics and the moral law. 1901. L6374 Seebohm, F. An international reform. 1871. L430 Bibliography; p. 154-162. Smith, F. E. International law. 1900. N5233 (The temple primers). Taylor, H. Treatise on international public law. 1901. N 5261 Twiss, Sir T. The law of nations consid- ered as independent political communi- ties. 2v. 1875-84. N5033 United States. Naval war college, Newport. International law situations, with solu- tions and notes. 1908. *Doc. Vattel, E. de. The law of nations. 1834. N5051 Walker, T. A. History of the law of na- tions. 1899. N 5145 From the earliest times to the peace of West- phalia, 1648. A manual of public international law. 1895. N 5143 Westlake, J. Chapters on the principles of international law. 1894. N 5116 Wharton, F. A digest of the international law of the United States. 3v. 1880. *N 5034 . Same. *Doc. (In U. S. Sen. Misc. doc. 1st sess., 49th Cong.). Wheaton, H. Commentaire sur les Ele- ments du droit international et sur l'His- toire des progres du droit des gens de H. Wheaton. 3v. 1868-73. N 4925 Elements of international law. 1863. N5144 Whittuck, E. A., ed. International docu- ments; a collection of international con- ventions and declarations of a law-mak- ing kind. 1908. N 5234 French and English on opposite pages. Wilson, G. G. and Tucker, G. F. Interna- tional law. 1910. N 5237 Bibliography; p. xv-xvi. Woolsey, T. D. Introduction to the study of international law. 1873. N 4920 Same. 5th ed. 1883. N4921 Same. 6th ed. 1898. N 5064 Zouche, R. Iuris et iudicii fecialis, sive, iuris inter gentes. 2v. 1911. N 5221 (The classics of international law). Treaties Adams, J. Q. The duplicate letters; the fisheries and the Mississippi; documents relating to transactions at the negotiation of Ghent. 1822. L 255 American remembrancer, The; or, An im- partial collection of essays, resolves, speeches, etc., relative to the treaty with Great Britain. 3v. 1795. L254 Barbeyrac, J. Histoire des anciens traitez: [1500 B. C.-A. D. 814]. 1739. *R128,9 Borough, Sir J. Notes of a treaty carried on at Ripon between King Charles I. and the convenanters of Scotland. 1869. A 870 Bridgman, R. L., comp. The first book of world law; a compilation of the interna- tional conventions to which the principal nations are signatory, with a survey of their significance. 1911. L 7628 Calvo, C. Recueil complet des traites, con- ventions, capitulations, armistices et autres acts diplomitiques de tous les etats d'Amerique latine. 6v. 1862-68. C9723 A complete collection of the treaties and conventions, and reciprocal regulations at present subsisting between Great Britain and foreign powers. 25v. 1835-1910. *L3367 Cushing, C. Treaty of Washington; its ne- gotiation, execution and the discussions relating thereto. 1873. L 361 Davis, J. C. B., comp. Notes upon the treaties of the United States with the other powers. 1873. L251 Dumont, J., baron dc Carlscroon. Corps uni- versel diplomatique du droit des gens; contenant un recueuil des traitez d'alliance de paix de treve & autres contracts, qui INTERNATIONAL LAW 225 ont ete faits en Europe, depuis, Char- lemagne jusques a present. 8v. 1726-31. *R128 Supplement. 5v. 1739. Gerard, J. W. The peace of Utrecht; a his- torical review of the great treaty of 1713- 14. 1885. A 343 Herod, J. R. Favored nation treatment. 1901. N 5223 Hornbeck, S. K. The most-favored-nation clause in commercial treaties, its function in theory and in practice and its relation to tariff policies. 1910. L 6697, 6 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 343. Economics and political science series). Kippis, A. Considerations on the provi- sional treaty with America, and the pre- liminary articles of peace with France and Spain. 1783. B 201 Mas Latrie, J. M. J. L., comte de. Traites avec les Arabes. 2v. 1866-72. *V 371 Mason, N. Questions and answers on pub- lic international law; history of treaties and private international law. 1902. N5181 Munde, C. Bancroft naturalization treaties. 1868. L264 Rymer, T., comp. Foedera, conventiones, lit- erae et cujuscunque generis acta publica. lOv. 1739-45. *R 4700 Same. 7v. 1816-69. *R4701 Saint-Prest, J. Y. de. Histoire des traites de paix et autres negotiations du 17e siecle, depuis la paix de Vervins, jusqu'a la paix de Nimegue. 2v. 1725. *R 129 Schraut, M. System der Handelsvertrage und der Meistbegunstigung. 1884. D 622 Travis, I. D. The history of the Clayton- Bulwer treaty. 1900. L 6241 United States. Bureau of Statistics. Month- ly summary of commerce and finance, 1901. *Doc. Reciprocity treaties and agreements between the* United States and foreign countries since 1850. Treaties. Actes et memoires les nego- tiations qui ont eu lieu entre la France et les Etats Unis. 3v. 1807. C 12900 Definite treaty of peace between the United States of America, and His Britan- nic Majesty, Sept. 3d, 1783. 1883. *B 775, 2 No. 10 of a vol. of pamphlets. Nicaragua canal: Clayton-Bulwer treaty of April 19, 1850. 1898. *Doc. (In U. S. 55th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Report, no. 291). — — Panama canal. Message from the President of the United States, transmit- ting a convention between the United States and the Republic of Panama for the construction of a ship canal to connect the waters of the Atlantic and Pa- cific oceans, signed November 18, 1903. *Doc. (58th Cong., 2d sess. Senate. Doc. no. 32). Treaties and conventions concluded be- tween the United States of America and other powers, since July 4, 1776. 1873. *L250 Treaties concluded by the United States of America with foreign nations, 1841-64. 1866. L 6243, 1 — —Treaties of the United States of Amer- ica with foreign nations and proclama- tions, 1864-1868. 1869. L 6243, 2 A treaty of peace between the United States and Spain; message from the Presi- dent of the United States, transmitting a treaty of peace between the U. S. and Spain, signed at the city of Paris, on Dec. 10, 1898. 3v- 2d Congress, 1912-1913, and concurrent resolutions of the two Houses of Con- gress, recent treaties and executive proclamations. Revised statutes . . . passed at the first session of the 4od Congress, 1873-'74. 1878. *R4011 Index analysis of the federal statutes together with a table of repeals and amendments. 1908. *Doc. The bankrupt law passed by the 39th Congress, March, 1867. N 4899 The copyright law of the United States of America, in force July, 1899, J 2904 Another copy. Patent Dept. The food and drugs act, June 30, L906. 1907. N 5246 The law of copyright in force July 1, 1895. *Doc. Laws of the United States governing the k r rantin?_. ,,f army and navy pensions. 1897. N 5250 Laws of the United States relating to currency, finance and banking from ITS'.) to 1891. 1891. L3777 The military laws of the United States from the foundation of the government to the year 1863. 1863. K 5886 Another copy. *Doc. The military laws of the United States. 1897. N 5251 Patent laws and laws relating to the registration of trade-marks and labels. 1897. *Doc. Resolutions, laws, and ordinances re- lating to the promises made by Congress to the officers and soldiers of the revo- lution. 1838. B 2390 The United States bank law. 1863. N4899 United States bankruptcy law of 1898. 1898. *V 1998 United States laws relating to the navy, marine corps, etc., to 189S. 1898. N 5253 United States statutes concerning the registration of trade-marks. 1906. *Doc. Court Reports United States. Supreme Court. Cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the U. S., 1754-1911. 225v. in 56. 1882- 1912. *N 5100 Book 1-14 entitled Reports of the cases argued and decided in the Supreme Court of the U. S. Digests Campbell, D. W. A digest of the decisions of the supreme courts of the states and territories of the arid region, and of the U. S. Circuit and Supreme Courts. 1889. N5104 Kinney, J. K. A digest of the decisions of the United States Supreme Court to the close of 1884. 2v. 1886. *N 5101 Lawyers' Co-operative Publishing Company. A complete indexed digest of the United States Supreme Court reports from . . . 1789 to . . . 1894. 1895. *N 5094 Vol. 3 and 4 only, covering the Reports, vol. 119-186. Lowery, W. Index-digest to the decisions of the Supreme Court of the United States in patent cases. 1897. Patent Dept. Statutes of Separate States Compilations and collections. Only Illinois is here listed. For other states and for separate session laws, see Document Department. Illinois Illinois. General Assembly. Laws. An- notated statutes of the state of Illinois in force May 1, 1896; ed. by M. Starr and R. II. Curtis. 3v. 1896. *R40\6, 1-3 STATUTES 231 Jones and Addington's supplement to Starr and Curtis's annotated statutes of the state of Illinois in force, July 1, 1902- July 1, 1903. 2v. 1902-03. *R 4016, 4-5 The revised statutes of the state of Il- linois; comp. and ed. bv H. B. Hurd. 1908. *R402i Library has also the former revisions since 1874. Call no. *R 4020. Election laws relating to general and special elections in the city of Chicago and county of Cook in the State of Illi- nois; issued by Board of Election Com- missioners of the city of Chicago, Tan- uary, 1902. 1902. *V2S60 Game and fish laws of the state of Illinois, in force July 1, 1903. *Doc. Labor laws of the state of Illinois, as amended and in force on and after July 1, 1903, published by the State Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1903. *Bcc. The law of corporations, containing the general statutes of the state of Illinois on the subject; with decisions of the courts construing the provisions of the law; by J. P. Root. 1895. N 5227 The law regulating primary elections of political parties or organizations of the state of Illinois; issued by Board of Elec- tion Commissioners of the city of Chi- cago, January, 1902. 1902. *V2860 Laws of Illinois relating to cities, vil- lages and incorporated towns in force July 1, 1901. Compiled and published by J. A. Rose, Secretary of State. 1902. *Doc. Laws relating to the incorporation of companies for all purposes except bank- ing, insurance, building and loan associa- tions; also for the incorporation and con- solidation of railroads, in force July 1, 1901, 1903. 2v. 1901-1903. *Doc. ■ The municipal court act, with notes; by H. T. Gilbert. 1906. N 5350 Gross, E. L. and Gross, W. L. Index to Illinois laws, 1818-69. *R 4018 Haines, E. M. Laws of Illinois relating to township organization. 1883. N 5052 James, E. J. Territorial laws of Illinois, 1809-1812. 1899. B 3214, 2 Jones, J. Illinois black laws. 1864. N 4107 Digests Kinney, J. K. A digest of the decisions of the Supreme Court and the Appellate Court of the state of Illinois. 7v. 1892- 1903. *R3979 U. S. Colonial Law Whitmore, W. H. A bibliographical sketch of the laws of the Massachusetts colony from 1630 to 1686. In which are in- cluded the Body of liberties of 1641, and the records of the Court of assistants, 1641-1644. Arranged to accompany the reprints of the laws of 1660 and of 1672. 1890. *Q 2407 Bates, A. C, comp. Connecticut statute laws; a bibliographical list of editions of Connecticut laws from the earliest issues to 1836. 1900. *0 2521 Chitwood, O. P. Justice in colonial Vir- ginia. 1905. *L 3201, 23 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Connecticut Colony. General Court. Blue laws of Connecticut; the code of 1650, also the constitution of civil compact en- tered into by the towns of Windsor, Hartford and Wethersfield, in 1638-9 added, some extracts from the blue laws. 1822. B 3022 The code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the general court added, some extracts from the laws and judicial proceedings of New Haven colony, commonly called the Blue laws. 1843. B 1146 The code of 1650, being a compilation of the earliest laws and orders of the General Court added, some extracts from the laws and judicial proceedings of New Haven colony, commonly called the Blue laws. 1843. B 1146 The blue laws of Connecticut; a col- lection of the earliest statuses and judi- cial proceedings of that colony. 1861. B1147 -The true blue laws of Connecticut and New Haven, and the false blue laws in- vented by S. Peters. 1876. B 1152 Gray, F. C. Early laws of Massachusetts, with code of 1641. 1843. B 3632 Quincy, J., ed. Trials in Massachusetts, 1761-72. 1865. N 4981 Sioussat, St. G. L. The English statutes in Maryland. 1903. *L 3201, 21 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Tower, C. Collection of American colonial laws. 1890. *V 1406 Washburn, E. Sketches of the judicial his- tory of Massachusetts, from 1630 to the revolution in 1775. 1840. N 5004 With biographical sketches of the early lawyers and judges of Massachusetts Bay. British Statutes Butterworths* twentieth century statutes annotated, being the public general acts passed in the years 1900-1910. Vol. 1-6. 6v. 1910-1911. Civics Dept 232 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Darby, J. G. N. and Bosanquet, F. A. A practical treatise on the statutes of limi- tations in England and Ireland. 1867. N4937 Great Britain and Ireland. Parliament. The statutes of the realm. 9v. in 10. 1810-21. *Doc. Alphabetical index. 1824. *Doc. Chronological index. 1828. *Doc. Prothero, G. W., ed. Select statutes and other constitutional documents illustra- tive of the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. 1898. A 3542 Private Law English and American Common Law Abbott, B. V. Judge and jury; a popula<- explanation of the law. 1880. N 48S6 Contents: Preliminary topics; National subjects; State subjects; Life in the city and country; Travel and transportation. Anson, W. R. Law and custom of the Eng- lish constitution. 2v. 1886-92. N 4839 Blackstone, Sir W. Commentaries on the laws of England, adapted to the present state of the law by R. M. Kerr. 4v. 1876. *N 4880 Commentaries on the laws of England, by Sir William Blackstone, together with a copious analysis of the contents and notes with references to English and American decisions and statutes, and some considerations regarding the study of the law, by T. M. Cooley. 4th ed., by J. DeW. Andrews. 4v. in 2. 1891). *R397l Same. 4v. in 2. 1885. N 4903 Blickensderfer's Blackstone's elements of law, etc., with analytical charts, tables and definitions, arranged by J. Blickens- derfer. 1889. N 5134 Britton, J. Britton [on the laws of Eng- land]; the French text carefully revised; with an English tr. by F. M. Nichols. 2v. 1865. *P66 Clarke, R. F. The science of law and law- making. 1898. N5197 De Fonblanque, A. de G. Rights and wrongs; a manual of household law. 1860. L 782 Dicey, A. V. Introduction to the study ol the law of the constitution. 1897. N 4838 Lectures on the relation between law and public opinion in England. 1905. N5155 Dillon, J. F. The laws and jurisprudence of England and America; being a series of lectures delivered before the Yale Uni- versity [in 1892]. 1894. N 5076 Dugdale, Sir W. Origines juridicales; or Historical memoirs of the English laws, courts of justice, forms of tryal. punish- ment in cases criminal, law writers, law books, also, a chronologie of the lord chancellors and keepers of the great seai, lord treasurer: 1671. *V 2001 Fortescue, Sir. J. De laudibus legum An- glise; a treatise in commendation of the laws of England. 1874. N 4932 Geldart, W. M. Elements of English law. 1911. N 5293 (Home university library of modern knowledge). Hale, Sir M. The history of the common law of England and an analysis of the civil part of the law. 6th ed. 18-0. N5291 Halsbury, H. S. G., ist earl, ed. The laws of England; being a complete statement of the whole law of England. 24v. 1907-12. *R721 Supplement, no. 1, dealing with v.l to XII. 1910. Supplement, no. 2, dealing with v.l to XVII. 1911 Supplement, no. 3, dealing with v.l to XXIII. 1912. Holdsworth, W. S. A history of English law. 3v. 1903-10. N 5199 Holmes, O. W., jr. The common law. ISSj N5035 Howard, B. E. Das amerikanische Biir- gerrecht. 1904. D 7157 International library of technology. 1903- 1911. K 12625 v. 40. Principles of law; Law in general: Per- sonal rights; Property; Wills; Contracts. 41. Principles of law; Commercial paper: Banks and banking; Partnership; Corporations; Building associations; Beneficial associa- tions. 42. Principles of law; Agency; Master and servant; Bailments; Landlord and tenant; Mechanics' liens; Guaranty and surety- ship; Executors and administrators; Debtor and creditor; Business and commerce; Trusts. 43. Principles of law; Husband and wife; Divorce; Parent and child; Guardian and ward; Notaries public; Justices of the peace; Patents; Copyright; Trade-marks; Insurance; Mines and mining. 44. Principles of law; Appendix. 44b. Principles of law; Appendix. 45. Principles of law; Book of forms. Jaeger, G. Das englische Recht zur Zeit der klassischen Nationalokonomie und seme Umbildung im neunzehnten Jahrhundeit. 1909. D 4785, 30 (Schmoller, G., cd. Staats— und sozialwissen. Forschungen). Jenks, E. Edward Plantagenet (Edward I), the English Justinian; or, The making of the common law. L902. C 17842 (Heroes of the nations). A short history of English law from the earliest times to the end of the year L911. L912. N5290 PRIVATE LAW 233 Kelham, R., ed. The laws of William the Conqueror, with notes and references. 1779 *R2176 With his Dictionary of the Norman or Old French language. Kent, J. Commentaries on American law. 12th ed. 4v. 1873. *N 4900 Same. 14th ed. 4v. 189G. *R 3978 Lislet, L. M. and Carleton, H., trans. Laws of the Las Siete Partidas in Louisiana. 2V. 1820. *N 4835 McGehee, L. P. Due process of law under the federal Constitution. 1906. N 5361 (Studies in constitutional law). Maitland, F. W. The collected papers of Frederic William Maitland, Downing pro- fessor of the laws of England. 3v. 1911. N5446 Manson, E. The builders of our law during the reign of Queen Victoria. 1895. C 16936 Moore, I. M. A treatise on contracts, torts, damages, evidence and practice and pro- cedure in civil cases, and on the powers and duties of justices of the peace and constables in the state of Illinois. 1889. *R3981 Pollock, Sir F. and Maitland, F. W. The history of English law before the time of Edward I. 2v. 1898. N 5157 Reeves, J. History of the English law from the time of the Romans to the end of the reign of Elizabeth. 3v. 1869. N 4931 Reinsch, P. S. English common law in the early American colonies. 1899. L 6604, 2 Bibliography; p. 60-64. Ridges, E. W. Constitutional law of Eng- land. 1905. N 5292 Saint-Germain, C. The doctor and student; or. Dialogues between a doctor of divin- ity and a student in the laws of England. 1874. N 4936 Singewald, K. The doctrine of non-sua- bility of the state in the United States. 1910. *L 3201, 28 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Smith, T. L. Elements of the laws; or, Outlines of the system of civil and crim- inal laws in force in the United States and in the several states of the union. 1853. N4881 Stephenson, G. T. Race distinctions in American law. 1910. L 9426 Thorpe, B. Ancient laws and institutes of England with a compendious glossary, etc. 2v. 1840. N 4834 Thring, H. T., ist baron. Practical legisla- tion. 1902. L6464 Vocke, W. Handbuch der Rechtspflege in den Vereinigten Staaten. 1891. D 3485 Walker, T. Introduction to American law, designed as a first book for students, 11th ed. 1905. N 4907 Same. 10th ed. 1895. *R3986 Wilson, Sir R. K. History of modern Eng- lish law. 1875. N4934 (Historical handbooks). Personal Rights Personal Relations Chadman, C. E. Personal rights and do- mestic relations. 1899. N 5321, 3 (Home law school series). De Fonblanque, A. de G. Rights & wrongs; a manual of household law. 1860. L 782 International library of technology. 1903. K 12625, 43 v. 43. Principles of law; Husband and wife; Divorce; Parent and child; Guardian and ward; Notaries public; Justices of the peace; Patents; Copyright; Trade-marks; Insurance; Mines and mining. Loeb, I. The legal property relations of married parties. 1900. L 6589, 13 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics, and public law). Parsons, T. The personal and property rights of a citizen of the United States; how to exercise and how to preserve them. 1876. N 4802 Robinson, L. J., comp. The law of husband and wife. 1890. N 5063 Schneider, F. A. H. Die eheliche Giiterge- meinschaft nach franzosischen Recht. 1853. D 3430 Schouler, J. A treatise on the law of the domestic relations. 5th ed. 1895. N 4842 Willard, A. J. An examination of the law of personal rights. 1882. N 4906 Contracts Anson, Sir W. R. Principles of the English law of contract and of agency in its rela- tion to contract. 1S95. N 5161 Chadman, C. E. Contracts and partnership. 1899. N 5321, 4 (Home law school series). Johnson, E. F. Elements of the law of negotiable contracts. 1898. N 5325 Parsons, T. Law of contracts. 3v. 1893. *R 3982 Bailments Tones, 57?' W. The law of bailments. 1823. N 4846 Schouler, J. A treatise on the law of bail- ments. 1887. N 5327 Probate Law Wills Byrne, Mrs. J. C. B. Curiosities of the search-room, a collection of serious and whimsical wills. 1880. N 4998 234 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARV Chadman, C. E. Wills; or. The law of suc- cession after death, including the origin and history of wills, the statute of wills, the interpretation of wills, statutory en- actments governing wills. 1903. N 5321, 7 Cornulier-Luciniere, E., comte de. Du droit dc tester. 1872. C 4366 Crerar, J. Copy of his will. *P 333 Foundation of the John Crerar Library, Chicago. Horner, H. C. Horner's probate law; a treatise on the law of descent, wills, ad- ministration as administered in the state of Illinois and Colorado. 1895. *R 3976 Newberry will case arguments. 11 pamph. in 1 vol. 1877-81. *0 1340 Nicolas, Sir N. H. Testamenta vetusta: being illustrations from wills, of manners, customs. &c. . . . from the reign of Henry II to the accession of Queen Eliz- abeth. 1826. N 4999 Proffatt, J. The curiosities and law of wills. 1876. N4874 (Legal recreations). Ryder, W. H. Copy of his last will and testament. 1886. *P 335 A Chicago clergyman; founder of the Ryder Fund, Chicago Public Library. Sargent, W. M., cd. Maine wills: 1640-1760. 1887. N 5046 Tegg, W., ed. Wills of their own, curious, eccentric and benevolent. 1876. N 5029 Tucker, G. F. Your will: how to make it. 1895. N5125 West, B. B. Wills and how not to make them, with a selection of leading cases. 1893. N 5075 Legal Procedure Evidence, Pleading and Practice Charley, Sir W. T. New system of practice and pleading under the Supreme Court of Judicature acts, 1873 & 1875. 1875. N5119 Chitty, J. A treatise on pleading, and par- tics to actions. 1872. N4901 Field, M. Famous legal arguments, with several famous cases on circumstantial evidence. 1897. N 5183 Gilbert, Sir G. The history and practice of civil actions in the court of common pleas. 17!):.'. N4816 Greenidge, A. H. J. The legal procedure of Cicero's time. 1901. N 5123 Gross, H. G. A. Criminal psychology; a manual for judges, practitioners, and students. 1911. L 9956 (The modern criminal science series). Phillipps, S. \1. Famous cases of circum- stantial evidence; with an introduction on the theorv of presumptive proof. 2v. 1874. N4892 PuterbaUgh, S. D. Puterbaugh's chancery pleading and practice. 1896. *R 3984 Puterbaugh's common law pleading and practice. 1896. *R 3985 Robinson, W. C. Forensic oratory; a manual for advocates. 1893. N 5124 Sherwood, G. F. T. Chancery proceedings. I. What they are, and where they are. II. What they contain. III. Means of reference. 1908. C 16757 (The Genealogists' pocket library). "Authorities", p. 3. Storey, M. The reform of legal procedure. 1911. N 5297 Train, A. C. The prisoner at the bar; side- lights on the administration of criminal justice. 1906. N 5230 Weilman, F. L. Art of cross-examination. 1903. N5195 Day in court; or, The subtle arts of great advocates. 1910. N 5298 Trials State, Civil and Criminal Collections Abbott, B. V. Travelling law school and famous trials. 1884. N4811 (Business boys' library). Atlay, J. B. Famous trials of the century. 1899. N 5177 Bataille, A. Causes criminelles et mon- daines de 1883. 1884. C 12048 Benson, L. Book of remarkable trials and notorious characters, 1700-1840. 1871. N 4827 Browne, G. L. State trials of the 19th cen- tury. 2v. 1882. N4997 Burke, P. Celebrated naval and military trials. 1876. N 5021 Burton, J. H. Criminal trials in Scotland. 2v. 1852. N4957 Causes celebres. 5v. 1874-75. N 4890 v. 1-3. Trial of Queen Caroline. 4-5. Trial of Aaron Burr for treason. Celebrated trials of all countries and re- markable cases of criminal jurisprudence. 1846. N 4986 Chandler, P. W. American criminal trials. 2v. 1844. N4995 Childers, H. Romantic trials of three cen- turies. 1913. N5390 Contents: The great alibi. — The Lowestoft wit' lies. — A Quaker in court. — Tom of ten thou- sand. — Beau Feilding and the duchess. — Elizabeth, duchess of Kingston. — The macaroni parson. — The Lyons mail. — The case of Jean Peltier. — Wager of battel. — The trial of Disraeli. — Lord Cardigan as duelist. Clinton, H. L. Celebrated trials. 1897. N5175 Extraordinary cases. 1896. N 5174 TRIALS :.':;; Cobbett, W. and Howell, T. B. Complete collection of state trials and proceedings for high treason and other crimes. 1809- 26. * Doc - Cockburn, H. T., Lord Cockburn. An exam- ination of the trials for sedition which have hitherto occurred in Scotland. 2v. 18S8. A 1108 Craik, G. L. English causes celebres; or, Reports of remarkable trials. 1840. N 4946 Criminal trials. 2v. 1846. N 4959 Same. 2v. 1832. 13555 (Library of entertaining knowledge). Doyle Sir A. C. The case of Oscar Slater. 1912. N 5392 The author, using the methods of Sherlock Holmes, seeks to prove that Slater was unjustly convicted of murder. Feuerbach, P. J. A. v. Narratives of re- markable criminal trials. 1846. N 4996 Fouquier, A. Causes celebres de tous les peuples. 4v. 1858-61. *V 2146 Fuller, H. W. Noted French trials; im- posters and adventurers. 1882. N 4807 Gayot de Pitaval, F. Causes celebres et interessantes, avec les jugemens qui les ont decidees. 16v. 1737-1740. N 4250 Great Britain and Ireland. Master of the Rolls. State trials of the reign of Edward I, 1289-1293. 1906. *A 1089, 9 (In Royal Historical Society). Harris, Mrs. C. J., ed. State trials of Mary, queen of Scots, Sir Walter Raieigh and Captain Kidd, by C. E. Lloyd, pseud. 1899. N 5187 Heinsheimer, K. Typische Prozesse; ein Zivilprozesspraktikum. 1906. D 20642 Hill F. T. Decisive battles of the law. 1907. N 5209 Kenny, C. S. A selection oi cases illustra- tive of English criminal law. 1901. N5153 Loeffler, K. Opfer mangelhafter Justiz. 3v. 1873. D3418 MacNevin, T. Trials of eminent Irishmen. 1846. N 4989 Morse, J. T., jr. Famous trials. 1874. N5019 Paget, J. Judicial puzzles, gathered from the state trials. 187G. N 4875 (In Legal recreations). Phalen, A. Phalen's criminal cases. 1885. N5097 Phillipps, S. M. State trials prior to 1688. 2V. 1826. N4826 Pitman, B., ed. The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for es- tablishing a north-western confederacy. 1892. B 6148 Pitts, T. A new martyrology; or, The bloody assizes; a complete history of those eminent Protestants who fell in the west of England, 1678-93. 1693. *C 53 The western martyrology; or, Bloody assizes; containing the lives of those em- inent Protestants that suffered in the west of England, 1678-1705. 1873. C 60 Sanderson, E. Historic parallels to L'af- faire Dreyfus. 1900. N 5200 Shirley, J. M. Dartmouth College causes. 1879. N 4849 Spicer, H. Judicial dramas; or, The ro- mance of French criminal law. 1872. N4962 Stephen, H. L., ed. State trials, political and social. 2v. 1899. N 5189 Townsend, W. C. Modern state trials. 2v. 1S50. N 4979 Train, A C. Courts, criminals and the Camorra. 1912. N 5299 The trials of Charles the First, and of some of the regicides. 1845. 13535 Separate Trials A selection only. Library has reports of nu- merous other trials not deemed important enough for inclusion. See Card Catalog under names of plaintiffs in civil trials and of defendants in crim- inal trials. Alexander, H. H. Life and official history of the trial of Charles J. Guiteau. 1882. C1869 Andre, J. Minutes of a court of inquiry upon the case of Maj. John Andre. 1865. B255 Arnold, B. Proceedings for a general court- martial for the trial of Maj. Gen. Arnold. 1865. N4994 Barlow, G. A history of the Dreyfus case, from the arrest of Captain Dreyfus in October, 1894 up to the flight of Ester- hazy in September, 1898. 1899. N 5203 Bond, E. A., ed. Speeches of the managers and counsel, in the trial of Warren Hast- ings. 4v. 1859-61. N4954 Burr, A. The trial of Col. Aaron Burr on an indictment for treason, taken in short- hand by J. Carpenter. 1807. N4955 Cockburn, Sir A. J. E. The Tichborne trial; the summing-up by the chief justice of England, accompanied by a history of the case. 1874. N 5018 Conybeare, F. C. The Dreyfus case. 1898. N 5205 Dreyfus, A. Conseil de Guerre de Rennes: Le proces Dreyfus devanl le Conseil de Guerre de Rennes (7 aoiit-9 septembre, 1899). 3v. 1900. CC 1961 Dreyfus case, clippings from English news- papers, July 3-Oct. 28, 1899. *P 2574 236 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Guebhard, Mine. C. R. Affaire Dreyfus; Vers la lumiere. 1900. CC 1962 Hale, R. W. The Dreyfus story. 1899. N5202 Hayes, H. G. and Hayes, C. A complete history of the trial of Guiteau. 1882. C1871 Illinois Central Railroad Company, appel- ■ lant, vs. The People of the State of Illi- nois and the City of Chicago. Record, cases nos. 14135, 14414, 14415 & 1441(5, Supreme Court of the United States. October term, 1891. 1891. N 5167 Irving, H. B., ed. Trial of Mrs. Maybrick. 1912. N 5331 (Notable English trials). Lincoln, W. S. Alton trials: of W. S. Gil- man, who was indicted with E. Long, A. B. Rolf and others for the crime of riot committed the 7th of November, 1837; also the trial of J. Solomon and others indicted for a riot committed in Alton, November 7th, 1837. 1838. N 5001 Parker, T. The trial of Theodore Parker, for the "misdemeanor" of a speech in Faneuil Hall against kidnapping, before the Circuit Court of the U. S. at Boston, April 3, 1855. 1855. N 5015 Poore, B. P., comp. The conspiracy trial for the murder of the president. 1865. N4828 Sanderson, E. Historic parallels to l'affaire Dreyfus. 1900. N 5200 Spies, A. and others vs. The People of State of Illinois. Abstract of record. 2v. 1887. *V 849 Briefs and arguments in the Supreme Court of Illinois. 7v. in 3. 1S86-87. *N 5090 The Anarchist trials in Chicago. Steevens, G. W. The tragedy of Dreyfus. 1899. N 5204 Tilton, T. vs. Beecher, H. W. Theodore Til- ton vs. Henry Ward Beecher, action for crim. con. tried in the city court of Brook- lyn, Chief Justice Joseph Neilson presid- ing. 2v. 1875. N 5016 The case of Henry Ward Beecher; opening address by B. F. Tracy. 1875. N4964 Vallandigham, C. L. Trial by a military commission, and the proceedings under his application for a writ of habeas corpus. 1863. N 4952 Whistler, J. A. McN., ed. Eden versus Whistler; the baronet and the butterfly. A valentine with a verdict. 1899. N 5173 Zola, V.. L'affaire Dreyfus; la verite en marche. 1901. CC 1963 The trial of Emile Zola, containing M. Zola's letter to Pres. Faure relating to the Dreyfus case and a full report of the fif- teen days' proceedings in the assize court of the Seine. 1898. N 5201 Popular Manuals Abbott, B. V. Traveling law school and famous trials. 1884. N4811 Chadman, C. E. Home law school series. 1899-1906. N 5321 v. 1. How to study law. 2. Constitutional law. 3. Personal rights and domestic relations. 4. Contracts and partnership. 5. Agency and bailments. 6. Negotiable instruments, principal and surety. 7. Wills; or, Law of succession after death. 8. Law of sales if personal property. 9. Law of public and private corporations. 10. Law of real property. 11. Criminal law and criminal procedure. 12. Public international law. Clark, A. B. L. L. L, or, Fifty law les- sons. 1882. N 4871 Coggins, P. H. Law and how to keep out of it. 1899. N 5286 Cox, W. S. Lessons in law for women. 1900. N 5212 Dole, E. P. Talks about law. 1892. N 5028 Greene, M. A. Woman's manual of law. 1902. N 5211 Lockwood, I. 1000 legal don'ts. 1887. N5042 Spencer, E. A. Hints from a lawyer. 1888. N5060 Wells, J. G. Every man his own lawyer and business form book. 187.5. N 4973 Legal Forms Giauque, F. A manual for notaries public, general conveyancers, commissioners, jus- tices, mayors, consuls, etc., as to acknowl- edgments, affidavits, depositions, oaths, proofs, protests, etc., for each state and territory with forms and instructions. 3d rev. 1907. N 5226 Jones, L. A. Forms in conveyancing and general legal forms. 1894. *R 3977 Mason, W. L. How to become a law sten- ographer; a compendium of legal forms containing a complete set of legal docu- ments. 1909. K 14307 Schonfeld, W. A. Compendium of laws and collection of legal terms. 1S97. N 5329 Wells, J. G. Every man his own lawyer and business form book. 1875. N 4973 Notaries Public International library of technology, vol. 43. 1903. K 12625, 43 Contents: Principles of law; Husband and wife; Divorce; Parent anil child; Guardian and ward; Notarit-s public; Justices <>f tin- peace; Patents. copyright and trademarks; Insurance : Mines and mining. COURTS OF LAW 237 John, E. M. American notary and commis- sioner of deeds manual. 1904. N 5816 Courts of Law United States Baldwin, S. E. The American judiciary. 1905. L 7044 (The American state series). Bancroft, H. H. Popular tribunals in Cali- fornia. 1887. B 1775, 31-32 Dougherty, J. H. Power of federal judi- ciary over legislation; its origin; the power to set aside laws; boundaries of the power; judicial independence; exist- ing evils and remedies. 1912. L 7025 Groat, G. G. Attitude of American courts in labor cases; a study of social legisla- tion. 1911. L 6589, 42 (Columbia University studies in history, econom- ics and public law). McLaughlin, A. C. The courts, the Con- stitution and parties; studies in consti- tutional history and politics. 1912. L 11703 Newcomb, H. T. The federal courts, and the orders of the Interstate Commerce Commission. 1905. N 5244 Ransom, W. L. Majority rule and the judi- ciary; an examination of current proposals for constitutional change affecting the re- lation of courts to legislation. 1912. L 11674 Roe, G. E., ed. Opinions of L. S. Dixon and E. G. Ryan, late chief-justices of the Supreme Court of Wisconsin. 1907. N 5259 Washburn, E. Judicial history of Massa- chusetts, 1630-1775. 1840. N 5004 Wright, J. A. How to get good judges; a study of the defects of the judicial sys- tems of the states, with a plan for a scientific judicial system. 1892. N 5107 U. S. Supreme Court United States. Library of Congress. Divi- sion of bibliography. List of works relat- ing to the Supreme Court of the United States. 1909. *0 2104, 48 Contents: List of books relating to the Supreme Court; Articles in periodicals; Reports; Digest of Report; Biographical material relating to the chief justices and justices of the Supreme Court. Beard, C. A. The Supreme Court and the Constitution. 1912. L 11642 Contents: Attacks upon judicial control; The Constitutional convention of 1787 and judicial control; Judicial control before the ratifying con- ventions; The spirit of the Constitution; The sup- porters of the new Constitution; John Marshall and the fathers; Marbury v. Madison. Carson, H. L. The Supreme Court of the United States: its history and its centen- nial celebration, Feb. 4, 1890. 1891. *V2004 Garland, A. H. Experience in the Supreme Court of the United States, with some reflections and suggestions as to that tribunal. 1898. N5184 Willoughby, W. W. The Supreme Court of the United States; its history and influ- ence in our constitutional system. 1890. L 3200, 7 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Juvenile Courts Barrows, S. J. Children's courts in the United States. 1904. N 5257 Denver (Col.). Juvenile Court of the city & county of Denver. The problem of the children, and how the state of Colorado cares for them; a report of the Juvenile Court of Denver, 1904. 1904. L 9852 Hart, H. H., ed. Juvenile court laws in the United States; a summary by states, by T. J. Homer; a topical abstract, by G. Ab- bott; and the new juvenile court law of Monroe County, N. Y. 1910. N 5288 (Russell Sage foundation publications). International Prison Commission, The. Children's courts in the United States; their origin, development, and results. 1904. N 5257 (In U. S. 58th Cong., 2d sess., House. Doc. no. 701). Lindsey, B. B. and O'Higgins, H. J. The beast. 1910. L 7035 Salomon, H. Om barndomstolar; anteck- ningar fran en studieresa i Nordamerikas Forenta Stater, foretagen med understod af svenska staten. 1907. CC 10960 Cook County Juvenile Court Breckinridge, S. P. and Abbott, E. The de- linquent child and the home. 1912. L 9755 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Cook County. Board of Commissioners. The juvenile court of Cook County, Illi- nois. Report of a committee appointed under resolution of the Board of Com- missioners of Cook County, bearing date, August 8, 1911. 1912. Civics Dept. Hurley, T. D. Origin of the Illinois juvenile court law. Juvenile courts and what they have accomplished. 1907. N 5289 Chicago Municipal Court Chicago. Municipal court. Annual report, 1906-date. *N 5348 Gilbert, H. T. Practice in the Municipal court of Chicago. 1906. N 5347 Illinois. Lazes, statutes, etc. The municipal court act, with notes. 1906. N 5350 238 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Courts of Law England Finlason, W. F. An exposition of our judi- cial system and civil procedure as recon- structed under the judicature acts, includ- ing the act of 1876. 1877. N 4813 Foss, E. Memories of Westminster Hall. 2v. 187.4. N4894 Gurdon, T. The history of the High Court of Parliament, and the history of Court Baron and Court Leet. 2v. 1731. A 3312 Herbert, W. Antiquities of the Inns of Court and Chancery; with a concise his- tory of the English law. 1804. N 5096 Inderwick, F. A. The king's peace, a his- torical sketch of the English law courts. 1895. N5149 (Social England series). Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. 1885. L189.4 (The English citizen). Pearce, R. R. A history of the Inns of Court and Chancery. 1848. N 5106 The Legal Profession Bonney, C. C. Law reform, and the future of the legal profession. 1883. *N 4845 Forsyth, W. Hortensius; an historical es- say on the office and duties of an advo- cate. 1879. N 5008 Washburn, E. Lectures on the study and practice of the law. 1876. N 4933 Legal Ethics Archer, G. L. Ethical obligations of the lawyer. 1910. N 5303 Freeman, H. V. Legal ethics. Instruction paper. 1912. L 11514 Instruction paper, American School of Corre- spondence. Sharswood, G. Professional ethics. 1884. N5040 Same. 1907. N 4851, 32 (American Bar Association). Lawyers Adams, W. H. D. Learned in the law; lives of eminent lawyers. C 1678 Brightwell, C. L. Memorials of the early lives and doings of great lawyers. 1866. C62 Chicago Bar Association. Chicago P>ar As- sociation lectures. 1882. *B 1353, 18-22 Christian, E. B. V. Leaves of the lower branch; the attorney in life and letters. L909. N5126 A short history of solicitors. 1896. N517B Dicksee, L. R. Solicitors' accounts. 1902. L 8326, 12 ("The Accountants' library"). Forsyth, W. The history of lawyers, an- cient and modern. 1875. N 4972 Goodrich, W. W. Bench and bar as makers of the American republic. 1901. N 5218 Jeaffreson, J. C. Book about lawyers. 1867. N4968 Knapp, S. L. Biographical sketches of emi- nent lawyers, statesmen and men of let- ters. 1821. C 1439 Law and lawyers; or, Sketches and illus- trations of legal history and biography. 2v. 1840. N 5038 Lebre, G. Nos grands avocats. 1883. C5688 Pulling, A. The order of the Coif. 1884. N5022 Warren, C. A history of the American bar. 1911- N5460 Contains bibliographies. Warren, S. The moral, social and profes- sional duties of attorneys and solicitors. 1861. N 4970 Young, A. An historical sketch of the French bar from its origin to the present day; with biographical notices of some of the principal advocates of the nineteenth century. 1869. N 5010 "Bench and Bar" Biographical Cyclopedias Bay, W. V. N. Reminiscences of the bench and bar of Missouri. 1878. C 1293 Bell, C. H. Bench and bar of New Hamp- shire. 1894. C 10371 Bench and bar of Chicago; biographical sketches. *R 441 Bench and bar cf St. Louis, and other Mis- souri cities. 1884. *R442 Linder, U. F. Early bench and bar of Illi- nois. 1879. C 1446 Lynch, J. D. Bench and bar of Texas. 1885. C 2097 Miller, S. F. Bench and bar of Georgia. 2v. 1858. N 4893 O'Neall, J. B. Bench and bar of South Carolina. 2v. 1859. C 2096 Proctor, L. B. Bench and bar of New York. 1878. N4898 Reed, P. M. Bench and bar of Wisconsin. 1882. C 2182 Law and Lawyers in Literature Browne, T. Law and lawyers in literature. L883. N4805 Lockwood, F. Law and lawyers of Pick- wick. 1894. N 5128 Trumble, A. In jail with Charles Dickens. is. ii, L9821 Contents. Newgate without; Newgate within; The Fleet Prison; The Marshalsea; The King's bench; The New York Tombs; Philadelphia's Bastile. FOREIGN LA IV 239 Legal Anecdotes and Miscellanea A'Beckett, G. A. Comic Blackstone. 1387. E825 Bigelow, L. J. Bench and bar; wit, humor, asperities and amenities of the law. 1871. E832 Brown, D. P. The forum; or 40 years at the Philadelphia bar. 2v. 1856. N 4897 Burke, P. The romance of the forum. N4961 Carter, A. G. W. The old Court House; reminiscences and anecdotes of the courts and bar of Cincinnati. 1880. N 4882 Edwards, C. Pleasantries about courts and lawyers of the state of New York. 1867. N4967 Heard, F. F. Curiosities of law reporters. 1871. N4872 Oddities of the law. 1881. N 4944 Hollams, Sir J. Jottings of an old solicitor. 1906. N 5127 Ihering, R. v. Scherz und Ernst in der Jurisprudenz. 1898. D 3441 James, C, pseud. Curiosities of law and lawyers. 1882. N 5005 Jeaffreson, J. C. Pleasantries of English courts and lawyers. 1876. N 4969 O'Flanagan, J. R. The Irish bar; compris- ing anecdotes, bonmots, and biographical sketches of the bench and bar of Ireland. 1879. C 1512 The Munster circuit; tales, trials and traditions. 1880. N 4974 Professional recollections; by a member of the Incorporated Law Society. 1883. N4808 Robinson, B. C. Bench and bar; remini- scences. 1889. N 5099 Sadler, L. R. Forensic anecdotes. 1882. N4858 Smyth, P. G., comp. Told out of court; per- sonal experiences of members of the Chi- cago bench and bar. 1909. N 5450 Watt, F. The law's lumber room. 2v. 1895-98. N 5146 Willard, J. A. Half a century with judges and lawyers. 1895. N 5121 Willock, J. Legal facetiae; satirical and humorous. 1887. N 5047 Foreign Law French Law Dramard, E. Bibliographic de la bibliog- raphic generale du droit franqais et etran- ger. 1893. *0 2625 Berriat de Saint-Prix, C. La justice revolu- tionnaire, sout 1792, d'apres des docu- ments originaux. 1870. C4156 Butler, C. Memoirs of the life of Henry- Francis dAguesseau, and of his ordon- nances for consolidating and amending certain portions of the French law. 1830. C3365 Carre, N. A. Nos petits proces; notes sur le droit familiere. 1880. C 4588 Code des codes, Les; ou, Les vingt-un codes, composes des charte de 1830, code civil, code de procedure, code de com- merce, etc. 1838. . C 12560 The Code Napoleon or the French civil code, literally tr. from the original and official ed., by a barrister of the Inner Temple. 1841. N 5089 Glasson, E. D. Histoire du droit et des institutions de la France. 1887. C 5294 Moriarty, G. P., tr. Paris law courts. 1894. N5115 Richter, C. Staats- und Gesellschafts-Recht der franzosischen Revolution, 1789-1804. 2v. 1854-66. D 196 Riviere, H. F., ed. Codes frangais et lois usuelles, decrets, ordonnances et avis du Conseil d'etat qui les complement ou les modifient conformes aux textes officiels. 1904. *R 3992 Roger, A. and Sorel, A., ed. Codes et lois usuelles classees par ordre alphabetique. 1876. *R 4002 Schneider, F. A. H. Die eheliche Giiter- gemeinschaft nach franzosischen Recht. 1853. D 3430 Tripier, L. and Monnier, H., ed. Les codes frangais; collationnes sur les textes offi- ciels. 1904. *R 3993 German Law United States. Library of Congress. Law library. Guide to the law and legal litera- ture of Germany. 1912. *Q2159 Brunner, H. Grundziige der deutschen Rechtsgeschichte. 1905. D 13281 Endemann, H., ed. Das Keyserrecht nach der Handschrift von 1372, in Vergleichung mit andern Handschriften und mit er- lauternden Anmerkungen herausgegeben. 1846. D 3412 Frauenstadt, P. Die Todtschlagsiihne des deutschen Mittelalters. 1886. *D 382, 21 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortage). Gaupp, E. T., ed. Lex Francorum Chama- vorum; oder. Das vermeintliche Xantener Gaurecht. 1855. D 3410 Germany. Reichstag. Lams. Das biirger- liche Gesetzbuch fiir das deutsche Reich. 1896. *R 4003 The commercial code for the German empire. 1900. L 8083 240 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Deutsche Rechts Alter- D3414 Grimm, J. L. K thumer. 1828. Weisthumer. 7v. 1840-78. D 5597 Heinemann, F. Der Richter unci die Rechts- pfkge in der deutschen Vergangenheit 1900. D 7113, 4 (Monographien zur deutschen Kulturgeschichte). Markgraf, B. Das mosellandische Volk in seinen Weistiimern. 1907. D 13015 Maurer, K. Beitrage zur Rechtsgeschichte des germanischen Nordens. 1852. D 13008 Otto, E. Kirchenzucht und Polizei im alten Isenburger Lande. 1899. *D 382, 34 Schroeder, R. K. H. Lehrbuch der deutsch- en Rechtsgeschichte. 1902. D 18161 Stintzing, R. v. Geschichte der deutschen Rechtswissenschaft. 3v. 1880-1910. D 6704, 18 Thiimmel, C. Aus der Symbolik des alt- deutschen Bauernrechts. 1887. *D 382, 22 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Wachter, C. J. G. S. v. Beitrage zur deutschen Geschichte, insbesondere zur Geschichte des deutschen Strafsrechts. 1845. D 3429 Deutsches Strafrecht. 1881. D 7270 Wuerzburg, A. Die Nahrungsmittel-Gesetz- gebung im Deutschen Reiche und in den einzelnen Bundenstaaten. 1894. D 6683, 1 Zoepfl, H. M. Deutsche Staats- und Rechts- geschichte; ein Lehrbuch. 1846-47. D3425 Zorn, P. Das Staatsrecht des deutschen Reiches. 2v. 1880-83. D 7116 Slavonic Law Sigel, F. F. Lectures on Slavonic law. 1902. N 5136 Canon Law Burn, R. Ecclesiastical law. 4v. 1842. N4823 Hooker, R. Book T of the laws of ecclesias- tical polity. 1868. *P 222 Kahl, W. Lehrsystem des Kirchenrechts und der Kirchenpolitik. 1894. D 3627 Phillimore, Sir R. J. Supplement to the ec- clesiastical law of the Church of Eng- land. 1876. N4824 Smith, S. B. Elements of eccelesiastical law. 1881. M 1254 Roman Law Bever, T. History of the legal polity of the Roman state and of the rise, progress and extent of the Roman laws. 1781. *V235 Gaius. Institutionum juris commentarii quatuori; or, Elements of Roman law; tr. by E. Poste. 1871. *P 60 Goudsmit, J. E. The pandects; a treatise on the Roman law. 1873. N 5007 Greene, T. W. Outlines of Roman law. 1875. N 4820 Greenidge, A. H. J. Infamia; its place in Roman public and private law. 1894. N5077 The legal procedure of Cicero's time. 1901. N 5123 Hadley, J. Introduction to Roman law. 1873. N4918 Keller, F. L. v. Der romische Civilprocess. 1876. D 3436 Mackenzie, Lord T. Studies in Roman law; with comparative views of the laws of France, England, and Scotland. 1870. N4822 Mayer, S. Die Rechte der Israeliten, Athener und Romer. 1862-66. D 3411 Ortolan, J. L. E. The history of Roman law. 1871. N 4821 Pernice, L. A. A. Marcus Antistius Labeo: das romische Privatrecht im ersten Jahr- hundert der Kaiserzeit. 1873-92. D 3439 Phillimore, J. G. Private law among the Romans. 1863. N 4919 Puchta, G. F. Cursus der Institutionen. 2v. 1875. D 3434 Roby, H. J. Roman private law in the times of Cicero and of the Antonines. 2v. 1902. N 5185 Rome. Laws, statutes, etc. Justinian i. Digesta. Roman water law, translated from the Pandects of Justinian, by E. F. Ware. 1905. N 5236 "This volume contains all of the Roman law, concerning fresh water, found in the Corpus juris civilis." Savigny, F. C. v. Geschichte des romischen Rechts im Mittelalter. 7v. 1834-51. D3416 Histoire du droit romain au moyen-age. 4v. in 3. 1839. C 6734 Stephenson, A. A history of Roman law, with a commentary on the Institutes of Gaius and Justinian. 1912. N 5278 Willems, P. Le droit public romain depuis la fondation de Rome jusqu' a Justinien. 1880. C 6984 PRACTICAL SOCIOLOGY 241 Practical Sociology Social Politics, Social Reforms, Social Welfare, Social Pathology Addams, J. Newer ideals of peace. 1907. L870O (The citizen's library of economics, politics and sociology). The spirit of youth and the city streets. 1909. L 8694 Alison, Rev, A. Improvement of society and public opinion. 1862. L4161 Allen, W. H. Efficient democracy. 1907. L8517 Altgeld, J. P. Live questions. 1899. L 6303 Barker, J. M. The saloon problem and social reform. 1905. L4991 Barnett, S. A. and Barnett, Mrs. H. O. R. Practical socialism; essays on social re- form. 1888. L 3958 Same. 1894. L4531 Towards social reform. 1909. L 8639 Contents: Social reformers; Poverty; Education; Recreation; Housing. Bellamy, C. J. The way out; suggestions for social reform. 1884. L 4093 Booth, W. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. L 3928 Bosanquet, B. Aspects of the social prob- lem by various writers. 1895. L 8543 Essays and addresses. 1891. E2029 Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. B. Bosanquet." The standard of life, and other studies. 1898. L 8546 The strength of the people; a study in social economics. 1902. L 8527 Bray, R. A. The town child. 1907. L 10262 Brooklyn Ethical Association. Man and the state: studies in applied sociology: pop- ular lectures and discussions. 1892. L4460 Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in rural pro- gress. 1908. L8642 A study of social conditions of American farm life. Call, H. L. The coming revolution. 1895. L8550 Chambrun, J. D. A. de P. comte dc. Aux montagnes d'Auvergne; mes conclusions sociologiques. 1893. C 12262 Churchill, W. L. S. Liberalism and the so- cial problem. 1909. L7586 The record of the government; Social organisa- tion; The budget. Speeches by the British cabinet minister. Clapperton, J. H. Scientific meliorism and the evolution of happiness. 1885. L 4074 Cunningham, D. Conditions of social well- being. 1878. L630 Devine, E. T. Social forces. 1910. L8702 The spirit of social work. 1911. L 9748 Contents: The conservation of human life; The tenement home in modern cities; The substantial value of woman's vote; The attitude of society towards the criminal; The correction and preven- tion of crime; The problem of the police; The religious treatment of poverty; The dominant note of the modern philanthropy; The next quarter century. Ellis, H. The task of social hygiene. 1912. L 8770 Contents: Introduction; The changing status of women; The new aspect of the woman's move- ment; The emancipation of women in relation to romantic love; The significance of a falling birth- rate; Eugenics and love; Religion and the child; The problem of sexual hygiene; Immorality and the law; The war against war [etc.]. Ferris, A. J. Pauperizing the rich. 1809. L 6666 An essay in the constructive emendation ot existing institutions." Flower, B. O. The new time; a plea for the union of the moral forces for prac- tical progress. 1894. L4545 Fluerscheim, M. Auf friedlichem Wege; ein Vorschlag zur Losung der sozialen Frage. 1889. D 4714 George W. L. Engines of social progress. 1907. L 8659 Contents: Introductory remarks; Organised emi- gration; Small holdings; Garden City; Appendix; Cheap cottages and rural housing; Model villages: Port Sunlight and Bournville; Housing schemes; Co-operation; The trust public-house movement; Rescue; Concluding remarks. Goodnow, F. J. Social reform and the Constitution. 1911. L 8751 (American social progress series). Graham, W. The social problem in its economic, moral and political aspects. 1886. L4078 Greeley, H. Hints toward reforms, in lec- tures, addresses, and other writings. 1853. L 4024 Hayes, C. H. British social politics; ma- terials illustrating contemporary state ac- tion for the solution of social problems. 1913. L8779 Hensel, H. C. Knight of the twentieth century. 1909. L 8681 The "Knight" is a modern Don Quixote, right- ing entirely by his own efforts, such evils in mod- ern life, as cannot be remedied by the law, in a novel and original manner. Hobson, J. A. The social problem; life and work. 1901. L8544 Hoskin, A. A. The city problem. 1900. L 8591 Jenks, J. W. Governmental action for so- cial welfare. 1910. L 8747 242 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Jevons, W. S. Methods of social reform; and other papers. 1883. L 3969 Lee, G. S. Crowds; a moving-picture of democracy. 1913. L 8755 Contents: Crowds and machines; Letting the crowds be good; Letting the crowd be beautiful; Crowds and heroes; Good news and hard work. Lilly, W. S. On Shibboleths. 1892. L4220 Loch, C. S., ed. Methods of social advance; short studies in social practice by various authors. 1904. L 9742 Loria, A. Contemporary social problems. 1911. , L6650 (Social science series). Lusk, H. H. Social welfare in New Zea- land; the result of twenty years of pro- gressive social legislation and its signifi- cance for the United States and other countries. 1913. L 8759 Macdonald, W. A. Humanitism; the scien- tific solution of the social problem. 1890. L3935 Mackay, T. Methods of social reform. 1896. L8682 Massow, C. v. Reform der Revolution! 1895. D 7047 Moderne Zeitfragen; her. Dr. H. Landsberg. 1905. D 6961 v. 1. Strafrechtsreform, von Tonnies. 2. Kirche, Staat und Schule, von Rein. 3. Der Grossstadt-Verkehr, von Kollmann. 4. Bund fiir Mutterschutz, von Stocker. 5. Prostitution und Prostituierte, von Hellpach. 6. Die Perversen, von Bloch. 7. Der Deutsche Stahlwerksverband, von Koll- mann. 8. Theaterpolitik, von Landsberg. 9. Die Sezession, von Klein. 10. Liebe und Ethik, von Key. 11. Philosophic der Mode, von Simmel. 12. Das moderne Proletariat, von Kampffmeyer. 13. Modernes Christentum, von Kalthoff. 14. Die Ilamburg-Amerika-Linie, von Thiess. 15. Der kommende Krieg, von Bruchhausen. 16. Kuren und Bader, von Mendelsohn. 17. Parlamentarismus und Socialdemokratie. von Bernstein. Moore, J. H. Better world philosophy; a sociological synthesis. 1899. L 8616 Muensterberg, H. American problems from the point of view of a psychologist. 1910. E4634 Myers, F. A. The future citizen. Children. Nearing, S. Social adjustment. 1911. L 10416 1911. L8729 The super race; an American problem. 1912. L 11468 (The art of life series). Contents: The call of the super race; Eugenics, the science of race culture; Social adjustments, the cience of molding institutions; Education, the e <>f individual development; The American opportunity. Ogg, F. A. Social progress in contem- porary Europe. 1912. L 6759 "Bibliography," p. 361-380. Parsons, F. Legal doctrine and social pro- gress. 1911. N 5448 Patten, S. N. Product and climax. 1909. L 11463 Patterson, J. S. Reforms; their difficulties. 1884. L3985 Payson, E. P. Suggestions toward an ap- plied science of sociology. 1898. L 8618 Peabody, F. G. The approach to the social question. 1909. L 8683 Richmond, M. E. The good neighbor in the modern city. 1907. L 8721 Roessler, C. Eine Weltkrisis und ihre Aertze. 1895. D 705? Ross, E. A. Sin and society; an analysis of latter-day iniquity. 1907. L 6040 Salvation Army. The darkest England so- cial scheme. 1891. L 3920 Samter, A. Social-Lehre; ueber die Befrie- digung der Bediirfnisse in der men- schlichen Gesellschaft. 1875. D 4747 Schueren, N. Zur Losung der socialen Frage. 1878. D 4771 Secretan, C. Mon utopie; nouvelles etudes morales et sociales. 1892. C 13126 Severy, M. L. Gillette's social redemption. 1907. L8638 Smith, H. K. Welfare; a book on personal and public welfare. 1910. L 8688 Smith, S. G. Social pathology. 1911. L9753 Spielberg, O. Das Menschen-Ideal und seine Frfiillung. 1886. D 3323 Strong, J. The challenge of the city. 1907. M 8417, 11 (Forward mission study courses). Tolstoi, L. N., graf. What to do? thoughts evoked by the census of Moscow; tr. from the Russian. 1887. L 4058 Ward, L. F. Applied sociology; a treatise on the conscious improvement of society by society. 1906. L 8672 Wells, H. G. Mankind in the making. 1903. L8732 "Presents a general theory of social development and of social and political conduct." Woods, R. A. English social movements. 1891. L3915 Zueblin, C. Democracy and the overman. 1910. L 8742 History of Social Reform Gibbins, II. de B. English social reformers. 1892. L4481 Glaser, F. Die franziskanische Bewegung; (■in Beitrag zur Geschichte sozialer Re- formideen tm Mittelalter. 1903. D 7128, 59 LePlay, P. G. F. La reforme sociale en France. 3v. 1887. C 12687 CHRISTIAN SOCIOLOGY 243 Nicoll, H. J. Great movements and those who achieved them. 1882. L 645 Paris, France. Societe d'Economie Sociale. La reforme sociale et le centenaire de la revolution. 1690. C 6348 Pierson, A. T. Forward movements of the last half century. 1900. M 401V Sombart, W. Socialism and the social movement in the 19th century, with a chronicle of the social movement, 1750- 1896, tr. by A. P. Atterbury. 1898. L 9068 Statham, F. R. The social growths of the 19th century; an essay in the science of sociology. 1872. L 4453 Christian Sociology Sociology and the Church Abbott, L. Christianity and social prob- lems. 1896. L 8562 The industrial problem. 1905. L 7281 The William Levi Bull lectures for the year 1905. Baker, R. S. The spiritual unrest. 1910. M8608 Balmforth, R. The new reformation and its relation to moral and social problems. 1893. M 3353 (Social science ser. no. 62). Batten, S. Z. The social task of Christian- ity; a summons to the new crusade. 1911. L8781 Brown, C. R. The social message of the modern pulpit. 1906. M 4601, 1905-06 (Lyman Beecher lectures). Bussell, F. W. Christian theology and social progress. 1907. M 3055 (Bampton lectures). Campbell, R. J. Christianity and the social order. 1907. M 4292 Chadwick, W. E. Social relationships in the light of Christianity. 1910. M3212, 1909-10 (Hulsean lectures). Chalmers, T. The Christian and civic econ- omy of large towns. 1900. L 6675 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's Congress Auxiliary. Chris- tianity practically applied. 2v. 1S94. M3545 The Church and life of today. 1910. M 8767 Commons, J. R. Social reform and the church. 1894. L4515 Crafts, W. F. Practical Christian sociol- ogy. 1895. L 8561 Cutting, R. F. The church and society. The Kennedy lectures for 1912, in the New York school of philanthropy. 1912. L8752 Daniel, C. S. Ai; a social vision. 1892. E2429 Davies, J. L. Order and growth as involved in the spiritual constitution of human society. 1891. M 3210 Earp, E. L. The social engineer. 1911. L8713 Ede, W. M. The attitude of the church to some of the social problems of town life. 1896. M 8888 (The Hulsean lectures for 1895). Ely, R. T. Social aspects of Christianity, and other essays. 1889. M 3550 -The social law of service. 1896. L 8576 Fairbairn, A. M. Religion in history and in modern life. 1894. M 3574 Farrar, F. W. Social and present day ques- tions. 1891. E 2843 Gladden, W. Applied Christianity; moral aspects of social questions. 1886. L 4040 Ruling ideas of the present age. 1895. M3600 Social facts and forces, the factory, the labor union, the corporation, the railway, the city, the church. 1897. L 8588 Ryder lectures, 1S95-96. Social salvation. 1902. L 8589 Tools a~nd the man; property and in- dustry under the Christian law. 1893. L3611 Grant, P. S. Socialism and Christianity. 1910. L9039 Hale, E. E. How they lived in Hampton; a study of practical Christianity applied in- the manufacture of woolens. 1888. E 3352 Hall, T. C. Social solutions in the light of Christian ethics. 1910. L 8706 Haw, G., ed. Christianity and the working classes. 1906. M 9150 Heath, R. The captive city o-f God; or, The churches seen in the light of the democratic ideal. 1905. M 9161 Henderson, C. R. Social duties from the Christian point of view. 1909. M 9177 Herron, G. D. Between Caesar and Jesus. 1899. M 3687 The Christian state; a political vision of Christ. 1895. M 3695 The new redemption. 1893. M 3694 Hodges, G. Faith and social service, eight lectures delivered before the Lowell insti- tute. 1896. L8604 Contents: The new forces; Indifference; Doubt; Poverty; Labor; Moral reform; The city; The divided church. The heresy of Cain. 1894. M 3670 Holmes, J. H. The revolutionary function of the modern church. 1912. M 9189 Junqua, P. F. De la justice dans l'usage de lapropriete. 2v. 1S7S. _ ■ C 5357 Sequel to his Eglise de la liberte. Kaufmann, M. Christian socialism. 1888. L4470 244 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Lamennais, H. F. R. de. The poor man's gospel. 1879. E 1313 Words of a believer and The past and future of the people. 1891. E4281 Lloyd, A. H. Citizenship and salvation; or, Greek and Jew. 1897. A 2184 Lloyd, H. D. Man, the social creator. 1906. L 7376 Lorimer, G. C. The modern crisis in re- ligion. 1904. M 3794 Macfarland, C. S., ed. The Christian min- istry and the social order. 1909. Mathews, S. The social gospel. The social teaching of Jesus. M9533 1910. M9562 1905. L8615 Montgomery, H. E. Christ's social reme- dies 1911. M9553 Nash, H. S. Genesis of the social con- science, the relation between the estab- lishment of Christianity in Europe and the social question. 1897. L 8626 Nearing, S. Social religion; an interpreta- tion of Christianity in terms of modern life. From an address delivered before the Friends' general conference, Ocean Grove, New Jersey, July 7, 1910. 1913. L8783 Osborne, W. F. The faith of a layman. 1910. M9703 Paton, L. B., ed. Recent Christian progress. 1909. M9727 Patten, S. N. The social basis of religion. 1911. L8750 American social progress series. Peabody, F. G. Jesus Christ and the social question. 1900. L 8564 Philanthropy and social progress. 1893. L4483 Pierson, A. T. Forward movements of the last half century. 1900. M 4017 Potter, H. C. The scholar and the state. 1897. E5146 Prall, W. Civic Christianity. 1895. M 4813 Rauschenbusch, W. Christianizing the so- cial order. 1912. • M9825 For God and the people; prayers for social awakening. 1910. M 9824 Sears, C. H, The redemption of the city. 1911. L8738 Smith, S. G. Democracy and the church. I'd:.'. M 4652, 1912 "Bibliography": p. 343-34G. "A course of lectures upon the Enoch Pnnrt: foundation at the Bangor Theological Seminary." The social application of religion. 1908. M 4617, 1907-08 (The Merrick lectures for 1907-8). Spalding, J. L., bp. Religion and art. 1905. E5683 Stelzle,. C. Christianity's storm centre; a study of the modern city. 1907. M 9985 The church and labor. 1910. M 9631 The workingman and social problems. 1903. L 8551 Strong, J. The challenge of the city. 1907. M 8417, 11 (Forward mission study courses). The new era; or, The coming kingdom. 1893. L 4516 Religious movements for social better- ment. 1900. L 8650 Stubbs, C. W. Charles Kingsley and the Christian social movement. 1899. C 18291 (Victorian era series). Swift, M. I. Problems of the new life. 1891. L4190 Thompson, C. B. The churches and the wage earners. 1909. L 8651 Thompson, H. M. The world and the man. 1S90. M3157 Baldwin lectures, 1890. Thompson, R. E. De civitate Dei; the di- vine order of human society. 1891. L4189 L. P. Stone lectures, 1891. Tippy, W. M., ed. The socialized church. 1909. M 4203 Tucker, W. J. The function of the church in modern society. 1911. M 9634 Vedder, H. C. Socialism and the ethics of Jesus. 1912. L9099 Wagner, C. Justice. 1905. L6118 Wallis, L. Egoism; a study in social prem- ises of religion. 1905. M 4414 Ward, H. F., ed. Social creed of the churches. 1912. L 8741 Social ministry; an introduction to the study and practice of social service. 1910. L8734 Westcott, B. F. Social aspects of Chris- tianity. 1888. M 4802 White, B. The call of the Carpenter. 1912. M7076 Woodworth, A. V. Christian socialism in England. L903. L8678 (Social science series). Social Service Barnett, S. A. and Barnett, Mrs. S. A. Towards social reform. 1909. L8639 Contents: Social reformers; Poverty; Education; Recreation; Housing. Bell, G. M., cd. Social service; a handbook for workers and visitors in London and other large towns, with appendix of local charitable agencies. 1908. L 9746 SOCIAL SERVICE, SURVEYS, SETTLEMENTS 245 Betts, L. W. The leaven in a great city. 1902. L 8569 Contents: At the bottom; The development of social centers; The house under one roof; Slow- dawning consciousness; Working-girls' clubs; A so- cial experiment; Within the walls of home; Financial relations in families; Home standards; Where lies the responsibility? Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. B. Bosanquet.'' Rich and poor. 1908. L 9764 "Suggestions for workers", p. 135-232. Cabot, R. C. Social service and the art of healing. 1909. L 9747 Conyngton, M. How to help; a manual of practical charity. 1909. L 9731b Same. 1906. L 9731a Devine, E. T. Efficiency and relief; a pro- gramme of social work. 1906. L9728 Inaugural address of the Schiff professor of so- cial economy in Columbia University. The family and social work. 1912. L9808 "References", p. 159-163. - — The practice of. charity; individual, asso- ciated and organized. 1901. L 9745 (Hand-books for practical workers in church and philanthropy). "Brief bibliography", p. ix-x. Ede, W. M. The clergy and social service. 1913. M 8889 Haldane, J. B., ed. The social workers' guide; a handbook of information and counsel for all who are interested in pub- lic welfare. 1911. L 9810 Jephson, A. W. Municipal work from a Christian standpoint. 1912. L 7981 (Christian Social Union handbooks). "Books which might be consulted with profit on municipal work", p. 204. Loane, Miss M. An Englishman's castle. 1909. L9778 Contents: An Englishman's castle; The pleasures of the poor; Put yourself in his place; The moral effect of domestic legislation; A handful of prej- udices; The standard of comfort; The position of the wife in the working-class home; The service of the poor; The social service of the district nurse; The laws of thought; How the poor treat the poor; The fatigued philanthropist. Macfarland, C. S. Spiritual culture and so- cial service. 1912. M 9534 Richmond, M. E. Friendly visiting among the poor, a handbook for charity workers. 1899. L9743 The good neighbor in the modern city. 1907. L 8721 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Ward, H. F., ed. Social ministry; an intro- duction to the study and practice of social service. 1910. L 8734 Bibliography at end of each chapter. Social Surveys Hull House. Maps and papers, a presenta- tion of nationalities and wages in a con- gested district of Chicago, together with comments and essays on problems grow- ing out of the social conditions. 1895. L8536 Kenngott, G. F. The record of a city; a social survey of Lowell, Massachusetts. 1912. L7282 Pittsburgh survey, The; findings; ed. by P. U. Kellogg, v.l, 2, 3, 5. 1909-10. L 7283 v. 1. Butler, E. B. Women and the trades, Pitts- burgh, 1907-1908. 2. Fitch, J. A. The steel workers. 3. Byington, M. F. Homestead; the households of a mill town. 5. Eastman, C. Work-accidents and the law. (Russell Sage foundation publications). Sims, N. L. A Hoosier village; a socio- logical study with special reference to so, cial causation. 1912. L 6589, 461 V (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). Social Settlements Montgomery, Mrs. C. W. Bibliography of college, social, university and church set- tlements. 1905. *0 2586 Addams, J. A function of the social settle- ment; a paper submitted to the American Academy of Political and Social Science. 1899. L 6390 (In American Academy of Political and Social Science. Pub.). Twenty years at Hull-house, with auto- biographical notes. 1910. C 20503 Chicago Commons. Chicago Commons, 1'894-1911. 1911. L8504 -Chicago Commons, a social center for civic co-operation. 1904. L 8503 By Graham Taylor. Chicago Commons, a social settlement; an account of the work. 1899. *Doc. Coit, S. Neighborhood guilds, an instru- ment of social reform. 1892. L 6750 (Social science series). Henderson, C. R. Social settlements. 1899. L8522 (Handbooks for practical workers in church and philanthropy). Hodson, A. L. Letters from a settlement. 1909. L 8502 Old Brewery, the new mission house at the Five Points. 1854. L 838 Reason, W., ed. University and social set- tlements. 1898. L 8761 (Social questions of to-day). Woods, R. A., cd. Americans in process; a settlement study by residents and asso- ciates of the South End House, Boston. 1902. L 8507 The city wilderness; a settlement study by residents and associates of the South End House, Boston. 1898. L 8535 Woods, R. A. and Kennedy, A. J., ed. Handbook of settlements. 1911. L 8506 (Russell Sage foundation publications). "General bibliography", p. xi-xiii. 246 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Social and Civic Centers Dresden. Verein Volkswohl. Volkswohl- fahrt und Volksgeselligkeit nach den Er- fahrungen des Dresdner Vereins Volks- wohl. 1906. D 13205 Perry, C. A. Wider use of the school plant. 1910. L 10978 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Ward, E. J., ed. The social center. 1913. L 10224 (National Municipal League series). Social History and Condition By Countries Note: Much material along these lines will be found in works classed in History and in Travel under the names of the several countries. United States Abbott, L. America in the making. 1911. L6887 (Yale lectures on the responsibilities of citizen- ship). Avary, Mrs. M. L. Dixie after the war; an exposition of social conditions existing in the South during the twelve years suc- ceeding the fall of Richmond. 1906. B5525 Bigelow, M. M. A false equation; the prob- lem of the great trust. 1911. L 8744 Bruncken, E. Die amerikanische Volks- seele. 1911. D 14238 Cable, G. W. The silent South, together with the freedman's case in equity and the convict lease system. 1885. L309 Carleton, W.. pseud. One way out; a mid- dle-class New-Englander emigrates to America. 1911. L 7455 Cole, W. M. The American hope. 1910. L 11405 Contents: The ground of hope; The power of choice; The springs of progress; The marriage tie; The training of powers; The pleasure in things; The fraternal bond; The still, small voice; Living, or getting a living; The will of the community; Economic freedom; The attitude toward life. Crafts, W. F. National perils and hopes; a study based on current statistics and the observations of a cheerful reformer. 1910. L8736 Croly, H. The promise of American life. 1909. L 6997 Dye, J. T. Ideals of democracy; conversa- tions in a smoking car. 1908. L 7614 Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology. 1913. K 15649 "References" at end of each chapter. Hart, A. B. The southern South. 1910. L9414 Contents: Materials; The Southland; The poor white; Immigration; Southern leadership; Southern temperament; Attitude toward history; Negro char- acter; Negro life; The negro at work; Is the negro rising? Race association; Race separation; Crime and its penalties; Lynching; Actual wealth; Com- parative wealth; Making cotton; Cotton hands; Peonage; White education; Negro education; Ob- jections to education; Postulates of the problem; The wrong way out; Material and political reme- dies; Moral remedies. Henderson, C. H. Pay-day. 1911. L 7296 An appeal for a radical readjustment of the relations of men educationally and industrially. Hillis, N. D. The fortune of the republic, and other addresses upon the America of to-day and to-morrow. 1906. E 3515 Contents: fhe forces making for national unity; The passing of sectionalism in the new South and North; The institutions of the republic and their fitness for new peoples; The schools of our republic and the education of our rulers; Individual excel- lence, the secret of national progress; The crime of stirring up class-hatred; National decay and growth; Christian unity and church consolidation in the republic; The true solution of social prob- lems; The message of Puritanism; The universal note of Christianity; The new ideal commonwealth; "One man soweth, and another reapeth." La Follette, R. M., ed. The making of America. lOv. 1905. *I 4241 v. 1. The people and their social life. 2. Statesmanship and diplomacy. 3. Industry and finance. 4. Trade and commerce. 5. Agriculture. 6. Mining and metallurgy. 7. Science and invention. 8. Labor. 9. Army and navy. 10. Public welfare. A living without a boss. 1911. L 7337 Martin, F. T. The passing of the idle rich. 1911. L8718 Murphy, E. G. The basis of ascendancy; a discussion of certain principles of public policy involved in the development of the southern states. 1909. L4950 Problems of the present South; a dis- cussion of certain of the educational, in- dustrial and political issues in the south- ern states. 1904. L 8623 Page, W. H. The rebuilding of old com- monwealths; being essays towards the training of the forgotten man in the southern states. 1902. L 10373 Contents: The forgotten man; The school that built a town; The rebuilding of old common- wealths. Ross, E. A. Changing America; studies in contemporary society. 1912. 1 4295 Schouler, J. Ideals of the republic. 1908. L6914 Contents: The rights of human nature; Types of equality; Civil rights; Political rights; Govern- ment by consent; Written constitutions; A union of states; The discipline of liberty; Three depart- ments of government; Parties and party spirit; Servants of the public; The strife to surpass; A new federal convention. Simons, A. M. Social forces in American history. 1911. B 5999 Somers, R. The Southern states since the war, 1870-71. 1871. 1257 Stelzle, C. American social and religious conditions. 1912. L 8782 _ "Charts showing conditions in seventy American cities. Survey [statistics] made under auspices of the Men and Religion Forward Movement." SOCIAL HISTORY 847 Tourgee, A. W. An appeal to Csesar. 1884. L316 Van Dyke, J. C. The money god; chapters of heresy and dissent concerning business methods and mercenary ideals in Amer- ican life. 1908. L6741 Weeden, W. B. Economic and social his- tory of New England, 1620-1789. 2v. 1890. B 3730 Wells, H. G. The future in America; a search after realities. 1906. 1 4245 Contents: The prophetic habit of mind; Ma- terial progress; New York; Growth invincible; The economic process; Some aspects of American wealth; Certain workers; Corruption; The immi- grant; State-blindness; Two studies in disappoint- ment; The tragedy of color; The mind of a modern state; Culture; At Washington; The envoy. White, W. A. The old order changeth; a view of American democracy. 1910. L7624 Chicago Diven, T. J. Diseased communities. Aus- tralia, New Zealand and . . .[i. e., Chi- cago], 1911. 19347 Riley, T. J. The higher life of Chicago. 1905. B 3088 Contents: The educational interests of Chicago; The moral and social interests of Chicago; The aesthetic and religious interests of Chicago; Ap- pendix: tab. 1. Women's clubs in Chicago, tab. 2. Social settlements in Chicago, tab. 3. Charities in Chicago. England Abram, A. Social England in the fifteenth century; a study of the effects of eco- nomic conditions. 1909. A 5267 (The research library). Thesis (Ph. D.), Univ. of London. "Bibliography," p. 229-238. Alden, P. Democratic England. 1912. L8714 Booth, C. and others. Life and labour of the people in London. 17v. 1889-1902. L3916 Booth, W. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. L 3928 Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. B. Bosanquet," ed. Social conditions in provincial towns (first series); Portsmouth, Worcester, Cambridge, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Ox- ford, Leeds. 1912. L 7276 Cheyney, E. P. Social changes in Eng- land in the sixteenth century as reflected in contemporary literature: pt. 1, Rural changes. 1895. J 3390, 4 (In Pennsylvania. Univ. of Penn. Pub.: Series in philology, literature and archaeology). "Bibliography," p. 109-112. Gretton, R. H. A modern history of the English people. 2v. 1913. A 5309 Lenschau, T„ ed. England in deutscher Belenchtuns?. 1907. D 12926 Contains bibliographies. Reynolds, S. Seems so! A working-class view of politics. 1911. L 7335 Roberts, G. The social history of the peo- ple of the southern counties of England in past centuries. 1856. A 492 Traill, H. D., ed. Social England, a record of the progress of the people in religion, laws, learning, arts, industry, commerce, science, literature, and manners. 6v. 1894-97. A 3401 v. 1. From the earliest times to the accession of Edward I. 2. From the accession of Edward I to the death of Henry VII. 3. From the accession of Henry VIII to the death of Elizabeth. 4. From the accession of James I to the death of Anne. 5. From the accession of George I to the battle of Waterloo. 6. From the battle of Waterloo to the general election of 1885. Vinogradov, P. G. English society in the eleventh century; essays in English me- diaeval history. 1908. A 3566 Contents: Preface; Introduction; Government and society; Land and people; Appendices; Index. Ireland Beaumont, G. A. de LaB. de. Ireland, so- cial, political and religious. 2v. 1839. A 1271 Blake, H. A. Pictures from Ireland, by Ter- rence McGrath, pseud. 1881. A 1301 Grant, J. Impressions of Ireland and the Irish. 2v. 1844. 1772 Hurlbert, W. H. Ireland under coercion. 1888. 1 6412 Hussey, S. M. The reminiscences of an Irish land agent. 1904. 1 6428 Lynd, R. Home life in Ireland. 1909. 110266 McCarthy, M. J. F. Five years in Ireland, 1895-1900. 1901. A 1391 Sadler, M. T. Ireland; its evils and their remedies. 1829. A 1195 Young, A. B. F. Ireland at the cross roads; an essay in explanation. 1907. 1 10280 Italy Mosso, A. Vita moderna degli Italiani. 1906. CC 18183 Russia Baring, M. A year in Russia. 1907. I 7621 Reading list, p. x. Brandes, G. M. C. Impressions of Russia. 1889. I 7868 Indtryk fra Rusland. 1888. C 14549 Bruckner, A. Die Europaisirung Russlands; Land und Volk. 1888. D 5743 Dillon, V. Russian traits and terrors; a faithful picture of the Russia of to-day, by E. B. Lanin, pseud. 1891. I 7876 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 1872. G 180 Feldmann, C. The revolt of the "Potem- kin." 1908. A 5205 Gurowski, A., count. Russia as it is. 1854. A 1998 248 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY 1905. 17837 Wallace, Sir D. M. Russia. China Tsu, Yu Yue. The spirit of Chinese philan- thropy; a study in mutual aid. 1912. L 6589, 50 (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). Bibliography, p. 121-122. India Tucker, F. St. G. de L. 3. Darkest India; a supplement to General Booth's "In darkest England, and the way out." 1891. L8521 Japan Lampe, W. E. The Japanese social organi- zation. 1910. 19504 Thesis (Ph.D.). Princeton University. Bibliography, p. 82-84. Philanthropy Allen, W. H. Modern philanthropy; a study of efficient appealing and giving. 1912. L 9804 Goodale, Mrs. F. A., ed. The literature of philanthropy. 1893. L 4491 Contents: The literature of philanthropy; Crim- inal reform; Tenement neighborhood idea; The trained nurse; The society of the Red Cross; The Indian. Grandhantz-Loiseau, E. Les societes de sauvetage, humanitaires, philantropiques et litteraires. 1884. C 5162 Gray, B. K. A history of English philan- thropy, from the dissolution of the monas- teries to the taking of the first census. 1905. L9738 Great Britain and Ireland — Royal British Commission,, Chicago Exhibition, 1893. Woman's mission: a series of congress papers on the philanthropic work of women; ed. by the Baroness Burdett- Coutts. 1893. " L4416 Horsford, T. Philanthropy; the genius of Christianity. 1862. L 775 Lee, J. Constructive and preventive philan- thropy. 1902. L 9726 ( American philanthropy of the nineteenth cen- tury, ed. by H. S. Brown). Philanthropy and social progress; seven es- says. 1893. L 4483 Pierson, A. T. Forward movements of the last half century. 1900. M 4017 Tsu, Yu Yue, i. e. Andrew Yu Yue. The spirit of Chinese philanthropy; a study in mutual aid. L912. L 6589, 50 I (Columbia University studies in history, economics and public law). Charity Organization, Principles and Methods of Relief Brackett, J. R. Supervision and education in charity. 1903. L 9724 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 189.']. Ji'oiid's Congress Auxiliary. The organization of charities. 1894. L 4530 Conyngton, M. How to help; a manual of practical charity. 1909. L9731 Devine, E. T. Efficiency and relief; a pro- gramme of social work. 1906. L 9728 The practice of charity; individual, as- sociated and organized. 1901. L.9745 The principles of relief. 1904. L9782 Edwards, H. A collection of English cus- toms and curious bequests and charities. 1842. A 634 Grants, old doles and charities belonging to the country of Norfolk, dating from the reign of Queen Elizabeth. 1892. *P 2209 Gurteen, S. H. A handbook of charity or- ganization. 1882. L 929 Henderson, C. R. Modern methods of char- ity. 1904. L 9744 Johnson, A., comp. A guide to the study of charities and correction. 1908. *L 894 Liefde, J. de. Six months among the chari- ties of Europe. 2v. 1865. L4181 Same. Condensed ed., entitled: The ro- mance of charity. 1867. L 861 Loch, C. S. Charity and social life. 1910. L9740 Charity organization. 1890. L 3898 (Social science series). Methods of social advance. 1904. L9742 Moggridge, M. W. Method in almsgiving. 1882. L3991 Rathbone, W. Social duties considered with reference to the organization of effort in works of benevolence and public utility. 1867. L 3994 Twining, L. Poor relief in foreign coun- tries and outdoor relief in England. 1889. L9783 United States. Census Office. Benevolent institutions, 1904. 190"). *Doc. Later statistics are published in each subsequent census. "The report treats of the operation of benevolent institutions, including the movement of institutional population during 1904 and financial statistics for 1903, with special data relating to the institutions classified as orphanages, hospitals, permanent and temporary homes, and schools and homes for the deaf and blind." Wright, J. H. Thoughts and experiences of a charity-organizationist. 1S78. L 938 Public Charities Lowell, J. S. Public relief and private charity. 1884. L 3998 (Questions of the day). Mackay, T. The state and chanty. 1898. L9732 ( Bnglish citizen). PHILANTHROPY, CHARITY 249 Monnier, A. Histoire de l'assistance pub- lique dans les temps anciens et modernes. I860. C 12852 History of Charity Lallemand, L. Histoire de la charite. 4v. in 5. 1902-12. CC 1384 Moeller, E. v. Die Elendenbriiderschaften. 1906. D 7257 Moreau-Christophe, L. M. Du probleme de la misere et de sa solution chez les peu- ples anciens et modernes. 3v. 1851. C5941 Periodicals, Societies, Congresses Charities review, 1891-1901. lOv. *Ser. Continued as a magazine number of Charities. Illinois Conference of Charities. Proceed- ings of the 1st, 3d annual session. 1896, '98. 2v. 1897-99. *Doc. Lend a hand; a record of progress, 18S6- 97. 18v. in 20. 1886-97. *Ser. Merged in Charities review. National Conference of Catholic Charities. Proceedings, lst-2d biennial meeting, 1910- 1912. L 9802 National Conference of Charities and Cor- rection. Proceedings, 1876-1911. 36v. in 34. 1876-1911. *L917 Charities by Countries United States Sanborn, F. B. The public charities of Mas- sachusetts during the century ending Jan. 1, 1876. 1876. *Doc. Stewart, W. R. The philanthropic work of Josephine Shaw Lowell. 1911. C 23084 Ufford, W. S. Fresh air charity in the United States. 1897. L 9754 Warner, A. G. American charities, revised by M. R. Coolidge, with biographical preface by G. E. Howard. 1908. L 9721 Chicago Chicago charities directory; a descriptive exhibit of the philanthropic, social and religious resources of the city of Chicago, also an epitome of laws useful in the conduct of charitable and social work. 1905. B 3087 Chicago — Civic Federation. Report of the Central Relief Association, 1894. 1894. *Doc. Deutsche Gesellschaft. Jahres-Bericht. 1 Dezember, 1892-November, 1893-1898. 2v. 1893-98. *Doc. Relief and Aid Society. Annual report, 1871-1905. *Doc. Chicago relief; first special report [on Chicago fire fund]. 1871. *Doc. Another copy. *Doc. -Report of the committee on sick, hos- pital and sanitary measures; from the general report of the society. 1874. *Doc. Report of the disbursement of contribu- tions for the sufferers by the Chicago fire. 1874. *Doc Report to the people of Chicago on the disbursement of the Chicago fire fund. 1884. *Doc — — Another copy. *Doc. United Hebrew Charities. Annual re- port for the years 1876-77, 1879-80, 1887- 88, 1890-91, 1891-92, 1894-95, 1896-97, 1898- 99. 1877-99. *Doc. Prior to 1889 this association was called the United Hebrew Relief Association. Fletcher, H. That last waif; or, Social quarantine; a brief. 1898. L 8533 Illinois Conference of Charities and Cor- rections. Handbook of Chicago's chari- ties, 1892, 1894, 1896. 1892-96. B 3188 Riley, T. J. The higher life of Chicago. 19 P> B 3080 Contents: pt. I. The educational interests of Chicago; pt. II. The moral and social interests of Chicago; pt. III. The aesthetic and religious in- terests of Chicago; pt. IV. Appendix: tab. I. Women s clubs in Chicago; tab. II. Social settle- ments in Chicago; tab. III. Charities in Chicago England Begbie, H. Twice-born men, a clinic in regeneration. 1909. M 8621 Also pub. under title: Broken earthenware. Bell, G. M., ed. Social service; a handbook for workers and visitors in London and other large towns. 1908. L9746 Clay, R. M. The mediaeval hospitals of England. 1909. L 9749 Fearon, J. P. The endowed charities, with some suggestions for further legislation regarding them. 1855. L 4504 Haldane, J. B., ed. The social workers' guide. 1911. L9810 Jerrold, W. B. Signals of distress in ref- uges and homes of charity. 1863. L 783 Twining, L. Workhouses and pauperism and women's work in the administration of the poor law. 189S. L 8764 (Social questions of today). London Bayly, Mrs. M. Ragged homes and how to mend them. 1859. L3971 Bell, G. M., ed. Social service; a handbook for workers and visitors in London and other large towns, with appendix of local charitable agencies. 1908. L 9746 Bosanquet, C. B. P. London; some account of its growth, charitable agencies and wants. 1869. J 730 250 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Fisher, P. The harvest of the city, and the workers of today. L 4025 Stanley, M. A. Clubs for working girls. 1S90. L 3936 France Du Camp, M. La charite privee a Paris. L885. C4539 Gossot, £. Les salles d'asile en France, et leur fondateur Denys Cochin. 1884. C5049 Salvation Army "Darkest England" social scheme; a brief review of the first year's work. 1891. L3920 Friederichs, H. The romance of the Salva- tion Army. 1907. L 8709 Haggard, H. R. The poor and the land; be- ing a report on the Salvation Army col- onies in the United States and at Had- leigh, England. 1905. L 6646 Regeneration; being an account of the social work of the Salvation Army in Great Britain. 1910. L 8710 Manson, J. The Salvation Army and the public; a religious, social and financial study. 1906. L 8708 Tucker, F. St. G. The social relief work of the Salvation Army in the United States. 1900. L6590 Red Cross Barton, C. H. A story of the Red cross; glimpses of field work. 1904. N 1074 Deutsche Vereine zur Pflege im Felde Ver- wundeter und Erkrankter Krieger. Cen- tral Comite. Bericht des Central-Comites der Deutschen Vereine zur Pflege im Felde Verwundeter und Erkrankter Krie- ger, fiber seine Thatigkeit und die Wirk- samkeit der mit ihm verbundenen Vereine wahrend des Krieges von 1870-1871. 1872. *V 1021 Naundorff, J. Unter dem rothen Kreuz; fremde und eigene Erfahrungen auf bohmischer Erde und den Schlachtfeldern der Neuzeit. 1867. D 3468 Volz, R. Das rothe Kreuz im weissen Felde. 1868. *D 382, 2 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wisscnsch. Vortrage). District Nursing Rathbone, W. Sketch of the history and progress of district nursing. 1890. N 581 Dependent, Defective and Delinquent Classes General Henderson, C. R. An introduction to the Study of the dependent, defective and de- linquent classes. 1593. L4497 MacDonald, A. Hearing on the bill (H. R. 14798) to establish a laboratory for the study of the criminal, pauper, and de- fective classes. 1902. L8598 United States. Census Office, nth Census. Report on the feeble-minded, deaf and dumb, and blind, by J. S. Billings. 1895. *R 4535 I2th Census. The blind and the deaf, 1900. 1906. *Doc. Children Protection, Assistance, Relief Child Welfare Brooklyn. Public Library. The welfare of children. 1907. *0 1222 "A reading list on the care of dependent chil- dren." Benedict, L. Waifs of the slums and their way out. 1907. L 8628 Berger, A. Jugend-Schutz und Jugend-Bes- serung; Material und Abhandlungen vor- wiegend strafrechtlichen Charakters unter weitgehender Berucksichtigung des Aus- landers und der Geschichte. 1897. D 6989 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's Congress Auxiliary. The care of dependent, neglected, and way- ward children. 1894. L 8620 Child Welfare Exhibit. Chicago. The child in the city; a handbook of the Child Wel- fare Exhibit, at the Coliseum, May 11- May 25, 1911. 1911. L 9737 Bound with: Child Welfare Exhibit (New York City). Handbook. 1911. The child in the city. 1912. L 9732 New York (City). Handbook of the New York Child Welfare Exhibit at the 71st Regiment Armory, from Jan. 18 to Feb. 12, 1911. 1911. L9737 Curtiss, Mrs. J. D. The defenseless child 1912. L9806 Engel, S. The elements of child-protection. 1912. L9805 Folks, H. The care of destitute, neglected, and delinquent children. 1902. L 9725 Grierson, Mrs. E. W. What the other chil- dren do. 1912. L9759 A story of the work that is being done for chil- dren in a social settlement. Hart, H. H. Cottage and congregate insti- tutions for children. 1910. L 9756 Henderson, C. R., ed. Correction and pre- vention, prepared for the Eighth interna- tional prison congress. 1910. L 9832 (Russell Sage foundation publication). Hill, F. 1). Children of the state; the train- ing of juvenile paupers. 1868. L 4500 Juvenile Protective Association of Chicago. Manual of juvenile laws, Juvenile Pro- CHILD WELFARE 251 tective Association of Chicago; comp. and rev. by H. E. Smoot. 1911. Civics Dept. Kindergarten homes for orphans and other destitute children. 1882. L 1632 National Conference of Charities and Cor- rection, 1893. History of the child sav- ing in the United States. 1893. L 9734 Pepler, D. The Care Committee, the child and the parent; a small volume contain- ing the history of the provision of meals to the children of poor parents, and an account of Children's Care Committes. 1912. L9785 English organizations. Riis, J. A. Th children of the poor. 1892. L4451 Children of the tenements. 1903. F 9699 Slade, D. Gutter-babies. 1912. L 9787 Stories of the children of the London slums. Spargo, J. The bitter cry of the children. 190G. L9788 Tuckwell, G. M. The state and its children. 1894. L 8652 Boys' Clubs Social Work With Boys Anderson, R. P. Successful boys' clubs for churches and young people's societies. 1911. L8787 Applied ideals in work with boys, by C. W. Crampton, W. S. Hall and others. 1910. L8490 Contents: Physiological grouping, by C. W. Crampton; Adolescent psychology, by W. S. Hall; Self-government, by G. W. Fiske; Instruction re- garding sex, by W. S. Hall; The altruistic, by E. M. Robinson; A boy's religion, by G. W. Fiske; The Bible made real, by T. G. Soares; The out- reach in the community, by W. M. Wood; The boy scouts, by E. T. Seton; Summer activities, by M. D. Crackel; Helping unfortunate boys, by G. S. Adams; The boy of foreign parentage, by E. E. Bohner; The employer of boys, by C. R. Towson. Baker, G. C. Indoor games and socials for boys. 1912. K 16139 General bibliography: p. 1S3-195. Benedict, L. Waifs of the slums and their way out. 1907. L 8628 Buck, W. Boys' self-governing clubs. 1903. L9713 Forbush, W. B. The boy problem; a study in social pedagogy. 1901. L9712 "A directory of social organizations for boys": p. 170-179. "A bibliography of books and pamphlets relating to boys and social work with them": p. 180-186. Later edition. 1907. L 9712 b Forbush, W. B. and Masseck, F. L. The boys' round table; a manual of the inter- national order of the Knights of King Arthur. 1909. L 8492 An undenominational church organization for boys. Church work with boys. 1910. M 8973 Bibliography: p. 95-102. Foster, E. C. The boy and the church. 1909. M 8977 Fowler, N. C, jr. The boy, how to help him succeed. 1902. L 4757 Green, P. How to deal with lads, a hand- book of church work. 1913. M 9064 Gunckel, J. E. Boyville; a history of fif- teen years' work among newsboys. 1905. L 10482 Hoben, A. The minister and the boy, a handbook for church-men engaged in boys' work. 1912. M 9181 Horton, C. B., ed. Reaching the boys of an entire community. 1909. L 11417 Johnson, J., jr. Rudimentary society among boys. 1884. *L3201,2 (Johns Hopkins University. Studies in historical and political science). Koehler, E. E. Boys' congress of missions. 1907. M 8455 McCormick, W. The boy and his clubs. 1912. L 8800 Merrill, L. Winning the boy. 1908. L6074 Neuman, B. P. The boys' club in theory and practice; a manual of suggestions for workers. 1900. L 8627 Puffer, J. A. The boy and his gang. 1912. L8788 Robinson, C. C. The wage-earning boy. 1912. L8786 "Bibliography": p. 106-108. Russell, C. E. B. and Rigby, L. M. Work- ing lads' clubs. 1908. L8495 Russell, R. A. A chat with the boy inside; the relation of the individual to the gov- erning power. 1911. L 9874 Stelzle, C. Boys of the street; how to win them. 1904. L 8496 Young Men's Christian Associations. Inter- national Committee. Edueational dept. As- sociation educational work for men and boys; a handbook of principles, policies and methods of meeting the educational needs of men and boys. 1912. M 6115 George Junior Republic George, W. R. The Junior Republic; its history and ideals. 1910. L 9873 George, W. R. and Stowe, L. B. Citizens made and remade; an interpretation of the significance and influence of George junior republics. 1912. L 9872 Boy Scouts Boy scout's library, The; comp. and arr. by a "B. P." scout. lOv. 1909-10. L 8499 Boy Scouts of America. The boy scout movement; a brief history of the Chicago organization. 1911. L 8791 252 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Boy Scouts of America. The official hand- book for boys. 1911. L 8790 Boy scout's pocket book of general infor- mation, by a "B. P." scout. 1910. L 8493 Brown, J. R. The boy scout life. 1909. L8494 Gibson, J. Boy scouts' first aid book. [1909]. ■ How to form a patrol or troop. [1909]. L8489 Grinnell, G. B., ed. Harper's camping and scouting. 1911. K 15062, 6 (Harper's practical books for boys). Holladay, A. J. War games for boy scouts, played with model soldiers. 1909. K 16132 Jones, O. and Woodward, M. Woodcraft. 1911. K 17194 (The scout library). Powell, Sir R. S. S. S. B. Scouting for boys. 1910. L 8498 Yarns for boy scouts, told round the camp fire. 1909. L 8487 Seton, E. T. Boy scouts of America. 1910. L8497 Camp Fire Girls Camp fire girls. The book of the Camp fire girls. 1913. L 8799 "Bibliography of references for elective honors": p.55-61. Girls' Clubs Stanley, M. A. Clubs for working girls. 1890. L 3936 Orphanages Reeder, R. R. How two hundred children live and learn. 1910. L 9757 New York Orphan Asylum, Hastings-on-Hudson, n. y. Feeble-Minded Children Massachusetts School for the Feeble- Minded. Annual reports of the trustees. 1857-1910. *Doc. (Massachusetts Public Documents). Shuttleworth, G. E. and Potts, W. A. Men- tally deficient children; their treatment and training. 1910. L 10307 Fresh Air Charities Ufford, W. S. Fresh air charity in the United States. 1897. L9754 Milk Depots New York Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor. Infants' milk de- pots and their relation to infant mortality. 1908. N2157 Pauperism, The Poor Tallett, G. M. Poverty: a bibliography. 1909. *Q2745,4 Booth, C. Pauperism; a picture, and the endowment of old age. 1892. L 4442 Campbell, Mrs. H. S. W. The problem of the city poor. 1882. L 3974 Dole, C. F. The burden of poverty. 1912. L9767 (The art of life series). Fawcett, H. Pauperism; its causes and remedies. 1871. L 4485 Fitzsimmons, O. K. Metamorphose, in- volving regeneration of individual and race, and also the solution of the great problem of poverty. 1906. L6713 Godard, J. G. Poverty, its genesis and exo- dus. 1892. L 9790 Hobson, J. A. Problems of poverty; an inquiry into the industrial condition of the poor. 1891. L 4501 Hood, E. P. The peerage of poverty; or, Learners and workers in fields, farms, and factories. L 825 Horton, Sir R. J. W. An inquiry into the causes and remedies of pauperism. 1830. L4536 Hunter, W. R. Poverty. 1904. L 9770 Contents: Poverty; The pauper; The vagrant; The sick; The child; The immigrant; Conclusion; Appendices; Authorities. Laurent, J. E. Le pauperisme et les asso- ciations de prevoyance. 2v. 1S65. C 12728 Loane, M. E. The common growth. 1911. L9780 An Englishman's castle. 1909. L 9778 From their point of view. 1908. L 9772 Neighbors and friends. 1910. L 9771 "Social problems connected with poverty." London, J. The people of the abyss. 1903. L8630 Moreau-Christophe, L. M. Du probleme de la misere et de sa solution chez les peu- ples anciens et modernes. 3v. 1851. C5941 Pike, G. H. Pity for the perishing. 1884. L3997 Rausch, K. Das problem der Armuth. 1891. D3288 Rowntree, B. S. Poverty, a study of town life. 1902. L9776 Senior, N. W. Statement of the provision for the poor. 1835. L 456 Solenberger, Mrs. A. W. One thousand homeless men. 1911. L 9781 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Somerville, H. G. Curiosities of impecuni- osity. 1896. L 9786 PAUPERISM 253 Twining, L. Workhouses and pauperism and women's work in the administration of the poor law. 1898. L 8764 (Social questions of today). Woods, R. A. and others. The poor in great cities; their problems and what is doing to solve them. 1895. L9795 Aged Poor Booth, C. The aged poor in England and Wales. 1894. L 4532 Care of the aged poor, 1892; reports and tracts. *L 9801, 35 Drage, G. The problem of the aged poor. 1895. L9761 Pauperism by Countries United States Banks, L. A. White slaves; or, The op- pression of the worthy poor. 1892. L3906 The poor and laboring classes in Boston. Boies, H. M. Prisoners and paupers. 1893. L4463 Devine, E. T. Misery and its causes. 1909. L8748 Herzfeld, E. G. Family monographs; the history of twenty-four families living in the middle west side of New York city. 1905. L 8629 Riis, J. A. The battle with the slum. 1902. L8632 "The battle with the slum" is properly the se- quel to "How the other half lives." Same as his: Ten years war. L 8631 How the other half lives; studies among the tenements of New York. 1890. L 3929 Chicago Poor Benedict, L. Waifs of the slums and their way out. 1907. L 8628 England The Poor Laws Acorn, G., pseud. One of the multitude. 1912. L9763 "Record of the author's life in the slums of London. It is in no sense a novel; only the names are assumed." — Publishers' weekly. Aschrott, P. F. The English poor law sys- tem past and present. 1888. L 4499 Das englischen Armenwesen in seiner historischen Entwickelung und in seiner heutigen Gestalt. 1886. D 4785, 5 Barlee, E. Our homeless poor and what we can do to help them. 1862. L4444 Bartley, G. C. T. Seven ages of a village pauper. 187.4. L 629 Booth, C. and others. Life and labour of the people in London. 17v. 1889-1902. L 3916 Les va-nu-pieds de Londres. C4998 Booth, W. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. L 3928 Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. Bernhard Bosan- quet." The poor law report of 1909. 1909. L9765 Rich and poor. 1908. L 9764 Byeways of two cities; with a prefatory notice by the earl of Shaftesbury. 1873. L951 Chiozza-Money, L. G. Riches and poverty. 1906. L 6679 Denison, E. Work among the London poor. 1884. L 4097 Eden, Sir F. M. The state of the poor. 3v. 1797. *V 1950 France, H. 1884. Gilbert, W. Contrasts; dedicated to the ratepayers of London. 1873. L 3973 A criticism of the Poor-law administration in London. Great Britain and Ireland. Royal Commis- sion on the Poor Laws. The Minority re- port of the Poor Law Commission. 2v. 1909. L9768 pt. 1. The break-up of the poor-law. 2. The public organization of the labour market. Royal Commission on tlie Poor Laws and Relief of Distress. Report of the Royal Commission. 1909. *Doc. Greenwood, J. The wilds of London. 1874. 1740 Higgs, Mrs. M. Glimpses into the abyss. 1906. L 9766 Hill, O. Homes of the London poor. 1875. L626 Holmes, T. London's underworld. 1912. L9784 Hough, E. The sowing; a "Yankee's" view of England's duty to herself and to Can- ada. 1909. L 6567 Ivory, T., ed. Pauperism and the poor laws. 1870. L 4028 Leigh, L. "Brother East and Brother West"; a search light on the unemployed. 1905. L 8605 Leonard, E. M. The early history of Eng- lish poor relief. 1900. L9741 Mackay, T. The English poor; a sketch of their social and economic history. 1889. L3956 A history of the English poor law. 1899. L641,3 Methods of social reform. 1896. L8682' Mayhew, H. London labour and the Lon- don poor. 3v. 1861. L 803 Same; Extra volume: Those that will not work. 1862. *L804 I 254 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Muirhead, J. IT. The starting point of poor law reform; being articles upon the prin- ciples in common and at issue in the re- ports of the Poor Law Commission, with a plea for agreement as to first steps. 2d edition of "By what authority?" L910. L9779 Nicholls, Sir G. A history of the English poor law. 2v. 1854. L 641, 1-2 A history of the Scotch poor law, in connexion with the condition of the people. 1856. L643 Page, F. The principles of the English poor laws illustrated and defended. 1830. L4533 Peek, F. Social wreckage. 1883. L 4043 Pretyman, J. R. Dispauperization; a pop- ular treatise on poor-law evils and their remedies. 1878. L 3992 Ranyard, Mrs. E. H. W. The missing link; or, Bible-women in the homes of the London poor. 1879. L 913 Reynolds, S. A poor man's house. 1009. L9777 Ruggles, T. History of the poor; their rights, duties, and the laws respecting them. 1797. *V 873 Sherwell, A. Life in west London; a study and a contrast. 1901. L 8762 (Social questions of today). Sims. G. R. How the poor live. 1883. *V704 Stallard, J. H. London pauperism amongst Jews and Christians. 1867. L 715 Stanley, M. A. and Smith, G. B. Work about the Five Dials. 1878. L 649 White, A. The problems of a great city. 1886. L8735 London. Beggars Davies, W. H. Beggars. 1909. L9773 Luther, M. The book of vagabonds and beggars. 1860. L 4014 Same. E 1349 Paulian, L. The beggars of Paris. 1897. L9774 Smith, J T. Lives of famous London beg- gars. 188? L9775 Vagabondiana; or, Anecdotes of mendi- cant wanderers through the streets oi London. 1874. *R4494 Tramps, Vagabonds Ave-Lallemant, F. C. B. Das deutsche Gaunerthum in seiner socialpolitischen, literarischen und linguistischen Ausbild- ung zu seinem heutigen Bestande 4v. 1858-62. D 5 Fredur, T., pseud. Sketches from shady places. 1879. E 2890 Hampe, T. Die fahrenden Leute in der deutschen Vergangenhcit. 1902. D 7113, 10 Kelly, E. The elimination of the tramp by the introduction into America of the la- bour colony system already proved ef- fective in Holland, Belgium, and Switzer- land. 1908. L 7468 London, J. The road. 1907. L 7475 Luther, M. The book of vagabonds and beggars. 1860. L 4014 Same. E 1349 Otto, H. W. Fahrend Volk; abnormitaten, Kuriositaten und interessante Vertreter der wandernden Kiinstlerwelt. 1895. *V 1959 Turner, C. J. R. A history of vagrants and vagrancy and beggars and begging. 1887. L4094 Willard, J. F. Tramping with tramps; studies and sketches of vagabond life. 1899. L 7469 Wilmanns, K. Zur Psychopathologie des Lands-reichers; eine klinische Studie. 1906. D 20535 Wyckoff, W. A. A day with a tramp and other days. 1901. L 7472 Contents: A day with a tramp; With Iowa farmers; A section-hand on the Union Pacific rail- way; "A burro-puncher"; Incidents of the slums. Almshouses Elliot, S. H. A look at home; or, Life in the poorhouse of New England. I860. L836 Indoor paupers. 1885. L3957 Johnson, A. The almshouse, construction and management. 1911. L 9762 Lathrop, J. C. Suggestions for visitors to county poorhouses and to other public charitable institutions. 1905. L9751 Twining, L. Recollections of workhouse visiting and management during twenty years. 1880. L 3977 Defectives The Blind Brooklyn, N. Y. Public Library. Pacific Branch. List of books for the blind. 1907. *0 1224 Chicago. Public Library. Bulletin no. 50. List of books for the blind, 1905. Books in American Braille. L909, 1911. The above, and supplementary lists, are on file in the room where the books for the blind are shelved, in the Main Library. Cincinnati, Ohio. Public Library. Finding list of books for the blind. 1905. *0 1388 DEFECTIVES, CRIMINOLOGY 255 Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Library. Circulat- ing library of Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. 1908. *0 1873 Special reference library of books relat- ing to the blind. 1907. *0 1874 Armitage, T. R. Education and employ- ment of the blind. 1886. L 1517 Artman, W. and Hall, L. V. Beauties and achievements of the blind: 1857. L 9729 Association for Promoting the General Wel- fare of the Blind. Reports: 1862-71. 1863- 72. *L 839 Gall, J. A historical sketch of the origin and progress of literature for the blind. 1834. L 1520 Gregg, W. H. Secrets of fate unlocked; or, From possibility to reality. 1901. L 10833 The life story of the author, a graduate of the Nebraska Institute for the Blind, with chapters on the blind and their education. Guillie, S. An essay on the instruction and amusements of the blind. 1819. L 1453 Johns, B. G. Blind people, their works and ways. 1867. L 9730 Keller, H. A. The world I live in. 1908. £3960 La Sizeranne, M. de. The blind as seen through blind eyes. 1893. L 4520 New York State. Commission on the Blind. Report of the Commission of 1906 to in- vestigate the condition of the blind in the state of New York. 1907. *Doc. Pablasek, M. Die Fiirsorge fiir die Blinden von der Wiege bis zum Grabe; die Erzie- hung, der Unterricht, die Beschaftigung und Versorgung derselben, vom ration- . ellen, humanen und staatsrechtlichen Standpunkt beleuchtet. 1867. D 7114 Perkins Institution and Massachusetts School for the Blind. Annual reports of the trustees. 1857-1910. *Doc. (Massachusetts Public Documents). Rutherford, J. William Moon and his work for the blind. 1898. C 18528 Volta Bureau. Helen Keller souvenir. 2v. 1892-99. *V 2094 Contents: 1. Souvenir of the first summer meeting of the American Association to Promote ' the Teaching of Speech to the deaf. 2. Souvenir commemorating the Harvard final examination for admission to Radcliffe College, June 29-30, 1S99. Wade, W. The blind-deaf; a monograph. 1904. L 10402, 1 "Bibliography," p. 142-143. Supplement. 1908. L 10402, 2 Welch, J. W. The achievements and abili- ties of the blind. 1905. L 10456 Deaf and Dumb Boyd, H. Paul Binner and his noble work among the deaf. 1901. C 17372 Clarke Institution, Northampton, Mass. Teaching the deaf by articulation. 1876. *Doc Fay, E. A. Marriages of the deaf in Amer- ica; an inquiry concerning the results of marriages of the deaf in America. 1898. N926 Gallaudet, E. M. and Bell, A. G. Education of deaf children. 1892. *V 1896 Jackson, A. W. Deafness and cheerfulness 1901. E 3789 Lieber, F. On the vocal sounds of Laura Bridgeman, the blind deaf-mute at Bos- ton; compared with the elements of pho- netic language. 1851. *Doc. (Smithsonian Inst. Contributions to knowledge)! Nitchie, E. B. Self-instructor in lip read- ing. 1902. L 10403 Seiss, J. A. The children of silence; or, The story of the deaf. 1887. L 1513 The Volta review; a monthly specializing on the problems of deafness. Feb. 1900 to date. *Ser. Criminology Adam, H. L. The story of crime from the cradle to the grave. 1908. L 9886 Aschaffenburg, G. Das Verbrcchen und seine Bekampfung. 1903. D 7121 Beccaria, C. B., marchese di. Ueber Ver- brechen und Strafen. 1870. D4754 Bernaldo de Quiros, C. Modern theories of criminality. 1911. L 9955 (The modern criminal science series). Campbell, A. C. Insurance and crime; a consideration of the effects upon society of the abuses of insurance. 1902. L 8442 Carpenter, E. Prisons, police and punish- ment; an inquiry into the causes and treatment of crime and criminals. 1905. _, . . L9844 Chnstison, J. S. Crime and criminals. 1897. L9935 Devon, J. The criminal and the community l tJ 12- L 9898 Farrer, J. A. Crimes and punishments; in- cluding a new tr. of Beccaria's Dei delitti e delle pene. 1880. N 4879 Ferri, E. Criminal sociology. 189S. L 9900 Same. 1897. *R 1104, 48 La sociologie criminelle. 1S93. C 5408 Fregier, H. A. Des classes dangereuses. 2v. 1840. C 4981 Garofalo, R. La criminologie. 1892. C5411 Green, S. M. Crime; its nature, causes, treatment, and prevention. 1889. L4142 256 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Greenwood, J. The prisoner in the dock. 11)02. L 9931 Gross, H. G. A. Criminal investigation; a practical hand-hook for magistrates, po- lice officers and lawyers. 1907. L 9899 Henderson, C. R., ed. Correction and pre- vention. 4v. 1910. L9832 Kellor, F. A. Experimental sociology. De- scriptive and analytical. Delinquents. 1901. L9916 Koebner, O. Die Methode einer wissen- schaftlichen Riickfallsstatistik als Grund- lage einer Reform der Kriminalstatistik. 1893. D 3463 Loisleur, J. A. J. Les crimes et les peines dans l'antiquite et dans les temps mod- • ernes. 1863. C 5729 Lombroso, C. Crime, its causes and reme- dies. 1911. L9957 Lydston, G. F. The diseases of society (the vice and crime problem). 1904. *L 9938 McConnell, R. M. Criminal responsibility and social constraint. 1912. L 9914 MacDonald, A. Criminology. 1893. L 9890 Morrison, W. D. Crime and its causes. 1891. L3901 (Social science series). Proal, L. Le crime et la peine. 1892. C6340 Robinson, L. N. History and organization of criminal statistics in the United States. 1911. L6840 Rylands, L. G. Crime; its causes and rem- edy. 1889. L4138 Tarde, G. La criminalite comparee. 1894. C 13182 Willard, J. F. Notes of an itinerant police- man, by Tosiah Flynt, pseud. 1900. L 9896 Willard, J. F. and Hodder, A. The powers that prey, by Josiah Flynt, pseud, and Francis Walton, pseud. 1900. L 9897 Wilson, A. Science and crime. K 7232, 8 Criminal Anthropology Criminal Psychology Allaman, C. Des alienes criminels. 1891. C 11911 Biinger, P. Obcr Vorstellung, Wille und II auditing als Elemente der Lehre von Verbrechen und von der Strafe. 1R88. D6447 Drahms, A. The criminal; his personnel and environment; a scientific study. 1900. L9937 Ellis. H. The criminal. 1890. (Contemporary science series). L4147 Folsom, C. F. Studies of criminal respon- sibility and limited responsibility. 1909. L9915 Contents: The case of Jesse Pomeroy; The case of Charles Julius Guiteau; The case of Marie Jenneret; The case of Christiana Edmunds; The case of Sarah Jane Robinson; The case of Jane Toppan. Gross, H. G. A. Criminal psychology. 1911. L9956 Hammond, W. A. Insanity in its relations to crime. 1873. L 845 Leffingwell, A. Illegitimacy and the influ- ence of seasons upon conduct; two studies in demography. 1892. L 4228 Lombroso, C. Les applications de l'anthro- pologie criminelle. 1892. C 5527 Neue Fortschritte in den Verbrecher- studien. 1899. D 3467 Lombroso, C. and Ferrero, G. The female offender. 1895. L 9850 Same. 1899. *R 1104, 66 Lombroso-Ferrero, G. Criminal man, ac- cording to the classification of Cesare Lombroso. 1911. L 9894 MacDonald, A. Abnormal man; being es- says on education and crime. 1893. L4505 Hearing on the bill (H. R. 14798) to establish a laboratory for the study of the criminal, pauper, and defective classes. 1902. L 8598 Mercier, C. A. Crime and insanity. 1911. J 327, 17 Criminal responsibility. 1905. L 9864 Contents: Responsibility; Voluntary action; Wrong-doing; Insanity; Mind; Conditions of re- sponsibility; The answers of the judges; Procedure and practice. Mitchell, C. A. Science and the criminal. 1911. L9913 Perrier, C. Les criminels; etude concernant 859 condamnes. 1900. CC 1380 Riboud, L. Essai sur l'irresponsabilite des alienes dits criminels. 1884. C 6504 Criminal Anthropometry Measurement, Identification, Finger Prints Bertillon, A. Die gerichtliche Photographie ; mit einem Anhange fiber die anthropome- trische Classification und Identificirung. 1895. D 4263, 4 {In Encyklopiidie der Photographie). - Method for identification of criminals. 1887. L4125 Signaletic instructions, including the theory and practice of anthropometrical identification. 1896. L 9940 Cromwell, O. Finger-print photography. L907. L9912 Ellis, M. A. The human ear; its identifica- tion and physiognomy. 1900. L 9941 CRIME AND CRIMINALS 257 Galton, F. Fingerprint directories. 1895. L2676 Finger prints. 1892. L 2675 Henry, E. R. Classification and uses of finger prints. 2d ed. 1901. L9911 Crimes and Criminals Historical and Anecdotal Works Berrey, R. J. P. The bye-ways of crime; with some stories from the black mu- seum. 1899. L9887 Bleackley, H. Some distinguished victims of the scaffold. 1905. L 9952 Dumas, A. D. Celebrated crimes. 3v. 1896. N5152 Same. 1843. N 4953 — — Celebrated crimes of the Russian court. 1905. L 9927 Funck-Brentano, F. Princes and poisoners; studies of the court of Louis XIV. 1901. L9902 Griffiths, A. G. F. Mysteries of police and crime. 2v. 1898. L 9905 Hapgood, H. The autobiography of a thief. 1903. L 9932 Irving, H. B. Studies of French criminals of the nineteenth century. 1901. L 9835 Norment, Mrs. M. C. The Lowrie history as acted in part by Henry Berry Lowrie, the great North Carolina bandit. 1895. L9921 Quinton, R. F. Crime and criminals, 1876- 1910. 1910. L9891 Thompson, pseud. The story of a strange career, being the autobiography of a con- vict; an authentic document. 1902. L9929 Thompson, C. J. S. Poison romance and poison mysteries. 1899. L 9928 Train, A. C. The prisoner at the bar. 1906. N5230 —True stories of crime from the district attorney's office. 1908. L 9933 Westall, \V. Strange crimes. 1890. L4144 Political Crimes Treason Pitman, B., ed. The trials for treason at Indianapolis, disclosing the plans for establishing a northwestern confederacy. Being the official record of the trials be- fore the military commission convened by special orders No. 129, headquarters dis- trict of Indiana. 1892. B 6148 Proal, L. Political crime. 1898. L 6384 (Criminology series). Assassination Johnson, F. Famous assassinations of his- tory from Pbilip of Macedon, 336 B. C, to Alexander of Servia, A. D. 1903. 1903. C 16989 Schmidt, H. G. Die Lehre von Tyrannen- mord; sin Kapitel aus der Rechtsphiloso- phie. 1901. D7111 Sikes, W. W. Studies of assassination. 1881. A 283 Vizetelly, E. A. The anarchist", their faith and their record, including sidelights on the royal and other personages who have been assassinated. 1911. L9137 Conspiracies Lawson, J. P. History of remarkable con- spiracies connected with European his- tory during the 15th, 16th and 17th cen- turies. 2v. 1829. I 3527 Taylor, W. C. The revolutions, insurrec- tions and conspiracies of Europe. Zv. 1843. A 284 Buccaneers, Filibusters Burney, J. History of the buccaneers of America. 1816. *V 125 Exquemelin, A. O. The buccaneers of America, a true account of the assaults upon the coasts of the West Indies. 1893. B 130 Histoire des avanturiers filibustiers qui se sont signalez dans les Indes. 4v. in 2. 1744. C4838 v. 3 is by Raveneau de Lussan; v. 4 is by C. Johnson. Haring, C. H. The Buccaneers in the West Indies in the XVII century. 1910. B4849 Johnson, C. H. L. Famous privateersmen and adventurers of the sea; their rovings, cruises, escapades, and fierce battling upon the ocean for patriotism and for treasure. 1911. C 19662 Pyle, H., ed. Buccaneers and marooners of America; being an account of *he fa- mous adventures of certain notorious freebooters of the Spanish main. 1891. B 1963 Thornbury, G. W. The buccaneers; or, The monarchs of the main. 1857. B 752 Pirates, Piracy Defoe, D. The king of pirates; being an account of the famous enterprises of Cap- tain Avery: with lives of other pirates and robbers. 1895. L 9903 Frothingham, T. P. Sea-wolves of seven shores. 1904. 1 9848 Herrmann, O. Pirates and piracy. 1902. 19844 Paine, R. D. The book of buried treasure; being a true history of the gold, jewels, and plate of pirates, galleons, etc., which are sought for to this day. 1911. I 9885 258 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Poole, S. L. The story of the Barhary Corsairs. L890. A 4489 (Story of the nations). Sestier, J. M. La piraterie dans l'antiquite. 1880. C 6758 Stevans, C. McC. Pirates and amazons of South America. 1902. B 4929 v. 1. The buccaneers and their reign of terror. 2. Thrilling adventures. Stockton, F. R. Buccaneers and pirates of our coasts. 1898. B 2090 Smuggling Atton, H. and Holland, H. H. The king's customs; an account of maritime revenue & contraband traffic in England, Scotland and Ireland. 1908. L 7086 Banks, J. Reminiscences of smugglers and smuggling. 1873. . L 3808 Chatterton, E. K. King's cutters and smug- glers, 1700-1855. 1912. K 13642 Chester, W. D. Chronicles of the customs department. 1885. L 3809 Shore, H. N. Smuggling days and smug- gling ways. 1892. L 3793 Theobald, W. H. Defrauding the govern- ment; true tales of smuggling from the note-book of a confidential agent of the U. S. Treasury. 1908. L 9908 Mobs, Riots Bargar, B. L. The law and customs of riot duty; a guide for national guard offi- cers and civil authorities with commen- taries on federal aid. 1907. N 5335 Headley, J. T. Pen and pencil sketches of the great American riots. 1882. The mob spirit in America. 1903. L 6933 Addresses, etc., by William G. Fiost, H. M. Brock, John T. Graves and others, delivered at Chautauqua, New York, 1903. Sketches of popular tumults; illustrative of the evils of social ignorance. 1887. L4076 Lynch Law Bancroft, H. H. Popular tribunals. B 1775, 31-32 (In his History of the Pacific States of North America, v. 31-32). Cutler, 1. E. Lynch-law; an investigation into the history of lynching in the United States. 1905. L 9923 Murder Holtzendorff, F. v. Die Psychologie des Mordes. L875. *D 382, 10 (hi Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Pinkerton, M. W. Murder in all ages; being a history of homicide from the earliest times. 1898. L 9926 Redfield, H. V. Homicide, North and South; being a comparative view of crime against the person in several parts of the United States. 1880. L 939 Suicide Gurnhill, J. The morals of suicide. 1900. L2644 Masaryk, T. G. Der Selbstmord als sociale Massenerscheinung der modernen Civil- isation. 1881. D3115 Morselli, E. A. Der Selbstmord; ein Kap- itel-aus der Moralstatistik. 1881. D 415, 50 (Internationale wissenschaftliche Bibliothek). Suicide; an essay on comparative moral statistics. 1882. L 2223 (International scientific ser.). Strahan, S. A. K. Suicide and insanity. 1893. L2630 Poisoning Funck-Brentano, F. Princes and poisoners; studies of the conduct of the court of Louis XIV. 1901. L9902 Thompson, C. J. S. Poison romance and poison mysteries. 1899. L 9928 Robbery, Theft MacFarlane, C. The lives and exploits of banditti and robbers in all parts of the world. 1839. I 3608 Whitehead, C. Lives and exploits of Eng- lish highwaymen, pirates and robbers. 2v. 1834. C 1645 Willard, J. F. The world of graft, by Jo- siah Flynt, pseud. 1901. L 9895 Outlaws Hough, E. The story of the outlaw. 1907. L 9901 Langford, N. P. Vigilante days and ways; the pioneers of the Rockies. 1912. B 4725c Library has also ed. of 1890. Fraud and Forgery Gross, H. Die Raritatenbetrug. 1901. D3442 Hingston, W. E. Forgeries and false en- tries. 1909. K 14243 Munro, R. Archaeology and false antiqui- ties. 1905. K 10911 Osborn, A. S. Questioned documents; a study of questioned documents with an outline of methods by which the facts may be discovered and shown. 1910. N5295 Swindling Evans, D. M. Facts, failures and frauds: revelations, financial, mercantile, criminal. 1859. L1048 CRIMP. AND CRIMINALS 259 How 'tis done, schemes conducted by wan- dering canvassers for the swindling of the public. 1879. E1233 Gambling Ashton, J. The history of gambling in England. 1898. L 9582 Cohnfeld, E. Das Spiel, die Spielerwelt nnd die Geheimnisse der Falschspieler; eine Beleuchtungs-und Enthullungs-Schrift von Signor Domino, pseud. 1886. D 6460 Maskelyne, J. N. Sharps and flats; a com- plete revelation of the secrets of cheating at games of chance and skill. 1894. K 6572 Maxim, Sir H. S. Monte Carlo facts and fallacies. 1904. L 9588 Criticises the logic and mathematical calculations of "systems" in gambling. Nevill, R. H. Light come, light go; gam- bling, gamesters, wagers, the turf. 1909. L9589 Romain, J. H. Gambling; or, Fortuna, her temple and shrine, the true philosophy and ethics of gambling. 1891. L 4248 Rouge et Noir, pseud. The gaumling world, anecdotic memories & stories of personal experience in the temples of hazard & speculation, with some mysteries and in- iquities of stock exchange affairs. 1898. L9584 Rowntree, B. S., ed. Betting & gambling a national evil. 1905. L 9583 Crime and Criminals By Countries United States Boies. H. M. Prisoners and paupers. 1893. L4463 Bvrnes, T. Professional criminals of Amer- ica. 1886. *V 868 Farley P. Criminals of America; or, Tales of the lives of thieves. 1876. *L 4139 An open letter to society from convict 1776. 1911. L9862 Willard, J. F. Josiah Flynt. The world of graft. 1901. L 9895 England Baker T. B. L. War with crime. 1889. L 3948 Brandon, H., ed. Poverty, mendicity and crime; or, The facts, examination, &c, upon which the report was founded, pre- sented to the House of Lords by W. A. Miles. 1839. L9818 Clarkson, C. T. and Richardson, J. H. Po- lice! 1889. L4159 Fitzgerald P. H. Chronicles of Bow Street police-office. 1888. E2883 Griffiths, A. G. F. Criminals I have known. 1895. L9904 ■ Tales of a government official. 1902. L9906 Holmes, T. Pictures and problems from London police courts. 1900. L 9910 Hoyle, W. Crime in England & Wales in the 19th century. 1876. L 3954 Marks, A. Tyburn tree; its history and an- nals. 1908. L9925 Pelham, C, pseud. The chronicles of crime; or, The new Newgate calendar. 2v. 1886. L4012 Pike, L. O. A history of crime in England. 2v. 1873-76. L 844 Quinton, R. F. The modern prison cur- riculum; a general review of our penal system. 1912. L 9866 Seccombe, T., ed. Lives of twelve bad men. 1894. C 10374 France Cere, P. Les populations dangereuses et les miseres sociales. 1872. C 12137 Irving, H. B. -Studies of French criminals of the nineteenth century. 1901. L 9835 Laurent, J. £. Les habitues des prisons de Paris. 1890. C 5562 Perrier, C. Les criminels; etudes concer- nant 859 condammes. 1900. CC 1380 Germany Ave-Lallemant, F. C. B. Das deutsche Gaunertum. 4v. 1858-62. D 5 Klager, E. Durch die Wiener Quartiere des Elends und Verbrechens. 1908. D 7245 Australia White, H. A. Tales of crimes and criminals in Australia. 1894. L 9930 India Arthur, T. C. Reminiscences of an Indian police official. 1894. L 9881 Hervey, C. R. W. Some records of crime. 2v. 1892. L4489 Tucker, F. St. G. de L. B. Darkest India. 1891. L 8521 The Liquor Problem Barker, J. M. The saloon problem and so- cial reform. 1905. L4991 Billings, J. S., ed. Physiological aspects of the liquor problem; investigations made by and under the direction of W. O. At- water, J. S. Billings, H. P. Bowditch, R. H. Chittenden, and W. H. Welch, sub- committee of the Committee of fifty to investigate the liquor problem. 2v. 1903. L4971 Calkins, R. Substitutes for the saloon. 1901. L 4992 UGO CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Cumming, A. N. Public house reform; an explanation; with an appendix. 1901. L4963 Dorchester, D. The liquor problem in all ages. 1884. L 4278 Fernald, J. C. The economics of prohibi- tion. 1890. L4275 Gustafson, A. C. J. The foundation of death; a study of the drink question. 1884. L4294 Heinemann, H. E. O. The rule of "Not too much," being a collection of articles writ- ten during the past few years in dis- cussing the principle of temperance with special reference to the use of fermented beverages. 1908. L 4954 lies, G. The liquor question in politics. 1889. *L 3444, 3 (In Economic tracts). Johnson, W. E. The federal government and the liquor traffic. 1911. L 9387 Kelynack, T. N., cd. The drink problem in its medico sociological aspects, by four- teen medical authorities. 1907. N 1199 (The new library of medicine). Contents: The drink problem: an introduction by the editor; Evolution of the alcoholic, by H. Campbell; Pathology of alcoholism, by G. S. Wood- head; Psychology of the alcoholic, by T. C. Shaw; Alcoholism and mental disease, by T. B. Hyslop; Medico-legal relations of alcoholism, by S. B. Atkin- son; Alcohol and public health, by A. Newsholme; Alcohol and life assurance, by W. M. Eccles; Alcoholism in relation to women and children, by Mrs. M. Scharlieb; Criminology of alcoholism, by W. C. Sullivan; Alcoholism and pauperism, by R. H. Crowley; Teaching of temperance, by E. C. Taylor; Alcohol and national deterioration, by R. Jones; Alcoholism and legislation, by V. H. Ruther- ford; The arrest of alcoholism, by the editor. Koren, J. Economic aspects of the liquor problem; an investigation made for the Committee of fifty under the direction of H. W. Farnam. 1899. L4978 Mitchell, K. The drink question. 1890. L4276 Monahan, M., cd. A text-book of true tem- perance. 1911. L 4951b Same. 1009. L 4951a A defence of the temperate indulgence in wine and liquor, compiled from various sources. National Liquor League of the United States of America. Proceedings of the lst-17th annual convention, 1893-1910. 17v. in 3. 1893-1910. L 4987 1893 to 1904 called the National Retail Liquor Dealers' Association of the United States of America. Five pamphlets dealing with liquor problems, is- sued by the National Liquor League, bound at end of volume, 1904-1910. Peabody, F. G., cd. The liquor problem: a summary of investigations conducted by the Committee of fifty, 1893-1903; pre- pared for the committee by J. S. Billings, C. W. Eliot, H. W. Farnam, J. L. Greene, and F. G. Peabody. 1905. L4974 Pease, E. R. The case for municipal drink trade. 1904. L 4979 "Bibliographical note," p. 159-162. Pratt, E. A. The licensed trade; an inde- pendent survey. 1907. L 4956 Samuelson, J. The history of drink; a re- view, social, scientific, and political. 1878. L749 Shadwell, A. Drink, temperance and legis- lation. 1902. L4993 Bibliography, p. 295-297. Stuart, G. R. The saloon under the search- light. 1908. L 4955 United States Brewers' Association. The year book and proceedings of the annual convention. 1910 to date. K 12486 Vols, for 1909-1910 consist of the Year book only. Proceedings of the 50th annual convention, held in 1910, bound separately. *K 12485 Warner, H. S. Social welfare and the liquor problem; a series of studies in the sources of the problem and how they relate to its solution. 1909. L 9393 "References and authorities" at end of each chapter. The State and the Liquor Traffic Bagnell, R. Economic and moral aspects of the liquor business and the rights and responsibilities of the state in the control thereof. 1912. L 9380 "Bibliography", p. 174-178. Ginsberg, E. Die deutsche Branntweinbes- teuerung 1887-1902 und ihre wirtschaft- lichen Wirkungen. 1903. D 7128, 57 (Miinchener volkswirtschaftliche Studien). Johnson, W. E. The federal government and the liquor traffic. 1911. L 9387 Lewis, D. The drink traffic in the nine- teenth century; its growth and influence. 1885. L4298 Pitman, R. C. Alcohol and the state; a dis- cussion of the problem of law as applied to the liquor traffic. 1877. L 754 Gothenburg System Gould, E. R. L. The Gothenburg system of liquor traffic. 1893. *Doc. (In U. S. Commissioner of Labor. 5th special report). Petersson, O. Svenska rusdryckslagstift- ningen och Goteborgs-systemet. 1907. CC 10956 Pratt, E. A. Licensing and temperance in Sweden, Norway and Denmark. 1907. L4957 Rowntree, J. and Sherwell, A. Public con- trol of the liquor traffic; being a review of the Scandinavian experiments in the light of recent experience. 1903. L 4990 British "Gothenburg" experiments and public-house trusts. 1901. L 4989 Walker, J. The commonwealth as publi- can, an examination of the Gothenburg system. 1902. L 4981 TEMPERANCE 261 Contents: Introductory; Norway and Sweden — historical; Norway and Sweden — statistics of ar- rests; Norway and Sweden — general considerations; The "bolag" as a political force; The profits of the "bolag" and their effect; Application of the system to Britain — England; The experiments in Scotland; The causes of non-success in Britain; The authorities; Conclusion — suggested alternative. Wieselgren, S. Till Goteborgssystemets utvecklingshistoria. 1907. CC 10966 The Temperance Movement General and Historical Banks, L. A. The Lincoln legion; the story of its founder and forerunners. 1903. L4977 Blair, H. W. The temperance movement. 1888. L4319 Bode, W. Kurze Geschichte der Trinksit- ten und Massigkeitsbestrebungen in Deutschland. 1896. D 6987 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's Congress [Auxiliary. Tem- perance in all nations; history of the cause in all countries of the globe, with the papers, essays, addresses and discus- sions of the World's Temperance Con- gress, 1893. 2v. 1893. L 4964 Couling, S. History of the temperance movement in great Britain and Ireland, from the earliest date to the present time; with biographical notices. 1802. L4317 Crafts, W. F. What the temperance cen- tury has made certain in regard to in- temperance and other social problems. 1885. L4299 Crafts, W. F. and others. Intoxicating drinks & drugs in all lands and times, a twentieth century survey of intemperance, based on a symposium of testimony from one hundred missionaries and travelers. 1909. L9381 First published in 1900 under the title: Pro- tection of native races against intoxicants and opium. Cyclopedia of temperance and prohibition; a reference book of facts, statistics, and general information on all phases of the drink question. 1891. *R 1630 Daniels, W. H., ed. The temperance reform and its great reformers. 1878. L 752 Debar, J., comp. Prohibition; its relation to temperance, good morals and sound government. Selections from the writ- ings of men, who have given study to this question. 1910. L9382 Dexter, S. B. Cant and the canteen. 1901. L4962 Eaton, E. L. Winning the fight against drink. 1912. L 9384 "Temperance and prohibition literature"; p. 9; "Temperance and prohibition books"; p. 10. Eddy, R. Alcohol in history; an account of intemperance in all ages. 1887.. L4313 Fehlandt, A. F. A century of drink reform in the United States. 1904. L 4970 Finch, J. B. The people versus the liquor traffic; speeches, with a short history of Good templary and J. B. Finch. 1906. L9385 Homan, J. A. Prohibition, the enemy of temperance; an exposition of the liquor problem. 1910. L 9388 Hopkins, A. A. Profit and loss in man. 1909. L 4952 Wealth and waste, the principles of political economy. 1895. L 6730 An argument for prohibition. Jutkins, A. J. Hand-book of prohibition. 1884. L 4295 Kimball, A. R. The blue ribbon; what Thomas Edward Murphy has done for the promotion of personal temperance, with some account of the work of his father, Francis Murphy, and of his brother, William J. Murphy. 1894. L 4966 Lewis, D. Prohibition a failure; or, The true solution of the temperance question. 1879. L 764 Moderation vs. total abstinence; or, Dr. Crosby and his reviewers. 1881. L 948 One hundred years of temperance; a me- morial volume of the Centennial Tem- perance Conference held in Philadelphia, Pa., September, 1885. 1886. L4976 Rowntree, J. and Sherwell, A. The tem- perance problem and social reform. 1899. L4988 Shaw, J. History of the great temperance reforms of the 19th century. 1875. L4308 Skarstedt, W. Nykterhetsrorelsens baner- forare; biografier af nutida svenska nyk- terhetskampar. 1903. CC 11781 Thomann, G. Inebriety and crimes. 1869. L4279 An argument against prohibition. Real and imaginary effects of intem- perance; a statistical sketch. 1884. L 4303. Chiefly statistical; an argument against prohibi- tion. Ward, R. The fallacies of teetotalism. 1873. L4315 Wheeler, E. J. Prohibition: the principle, the policy and the party. 1889. L 4280 Willard, F. E. Woman and temperance. 1883. L 4283 Williams, H. S. Alcohol, how it affects the individual, the community, and the race. 1909. L4953 Wittenmeyer, Mrs. A. History of the woman's temperance crusade. 1882. L4287 Woolley, J. G. and Johnson, W. E. Temper- ance progress in the century. 1903. L 4986 (The nineteenth century series). 262 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Ziegler, G. A. and others. Prohibition and anti-prohibition. 1911. L 9398 Pro-Temperance Recitations, Arguments, Tracts Bechtel, J. H., ed 1904. Brown, C. W., ed. tations. 1901. Delavan, E. C, Temperance selections. J 6007 Choice temperance reci- J 2539, 8 Temperance essays and selections from different authors. 1884. L759 Same. 1866. L 760 Ellis, J. The new Christianity; an appeal to the clergy and to all men in behalf of its life of charity. 1887. N 630 A reply to the Academy's review of the wine question in the light of the new dispensation. 1883. L4284 The wine question in the light of the new dispensation. 1882. K 6392 Fermented and unfermented wine, in the Bible, and in the writings of Swedenborg. Freese, L. M. Temperance helps for pri- mary teachers. 1901. L 8383 Gordon, A. A. Toots, and other stories; old fashioned stories and jingles for new fashioned little folk. 1906. H 4000 Includes a number of temperance stories for children. Gough, J. B. Platform echoes. 1886. L4302 Guthrie. J. Temperance physiology. 1882. N 199 Hulme, J. N. Alliteration; an alliterated allocution by the letter A against alco- hol and all alcoholic admixtures. 1882. E7459 Jones, J. L. On the firing line in the battle for sobriety. 1910. L 9389 Lees, F. R. and Burns, D. The temperance Bible-commentary; giving at one view version, criticism, and exposition. 1868. M40 McBride, TT. E. Temperance dialogues, de- signed for the use of schools, temperance societies, bands of hope, divisions, lodges and literary circles. 1877. J 6066 Marsh, J., ed. The temperance speaker. 1860. ' J 2459 Prohibitionist's textbook, The. 1880. L4271 Reade, H. L. Alcohol and its effects; for boys and girls. 1883. L4314 ' Boys and girls' temperance text-book. 1882. L4272 Willard, F. E. Home protection manual; containing an argument for the temper- ance ballot for woman. 1879. *L 3205, 4 Pamphlets. Yale, C. The temperance reader. 1835. L4289 Periodicals, Yearbooks American prohibition year book for 1901, 04, 08-10. 5v. 1901-10. L4983 Anti-Saloon League year book, The, an encyclopedia of facts and figures dealing with the liquor traffic and the temper- ance reform. 2v. 1912-13. L 9379 Banner of gold, The. v.l, 1892 to date. *Ser. International Good Templar, The; an illus- trated monthly magazine, v.13, 1900 to date. *Ser. National prohibitionist, The; a journal of good citizenship, v.13, 1907 to date. *Ser. National Woman's Christian Temperance Union. Minutes of the annual meeting, 1874-1904. L4311 Reports of department superintendents at the 19th annual meeting, 1892. 1893. L4274 Svenska Sallskapet for Nykterhet och Fol- kuppfostran. Skrifter, 1895-1903. 3v. 1895-1903. CC 15340 Police Power and Administration Bierly, W. R. Police power, state and fed- eral. 1907. N 5164 Cahalane, C. F. and others, comp. Police duty; a course of study for policemen everywhere. Comp. from studies pre- pared for the New York city police school for recruits. 1912. L9843 Freund, E. The police power, public policy and constitutional rights. 1904. N 5165 Fuld, L. F. Police administration; a critical study of police organizations in the United States and abroad. 1909. L 9846 Hale, G. W. Police and prison cyclopedia. 1892. L 4221 Horr, N. T. and Bemis, A. A. A treatise on the power to enact, passage, validity and enforcement of municipal police ordi- nances. 1887. N5071 Maitland, F. W. Justice and police. 1885. L 189, 4 (The English citizen). Police Descriptive, Historical, Anecdotal Ave-Lallemant, F. C. B. Physiologic der deutschen Polizei. 1882. D 4660 Bienvenu, L. Touchatot. Memoires d'un prefet de police. 1885. C 12108 Cavanagh, T. Scotland Yard, past and present. 1893. L 4521 Clarkson, C. T. and Richardson, J. H. Po- lice! 1889. L4159 POLICE, PENOLOGY 263 Colquhoun, P. A treatise on the police of the metropolis. 1900. L 4128 Costello, A. E. Our police protectors; his- tory of the New York police. 1885. L4011 Griffiths, A. G. F. # Mysteries of police and crime. 2v. 1898. L 9905 Haydon, A. L. The riders of the plains; a record of the Royal North-West Mounted Police of Canada, 1873-1910. 1910. L9848 Lanoir, P. The German spy system in France. 1910. L 7612 Lee, W. L. M. A history of police in Eng- land. 1901. L9847 McAdoo, W. Guarding a great city. 1906. L9854 Roe, G. M., ed. Our police; a history of the Cincinnati police force, from the ear- liest period until the present day. 1890. L4148 Savage, E. H. Police records and recol- lections; or, Boston by daylight and gas- light for two hundred and forty years. 1873. B 1046 Sprogle, H. O. The Philadelphia police, past and present. 1887. L 4224 Sweeney, J. At Scotland Yard. 1904. L9870 Tissot, V. La police secrete prussienne. 1884. C 13222 Walling, G. W. Recollections of a New York chief of police. 1887. L4126 Detectives Bailey, W. H. The detective faculty. 1898. N5172 Barton, G. Adventures of the world's great- est detectives. 1909. L 9883 Cook, J. W., comp. Hands up; or, Thirty- five years of detective life in the moun- tains and on the plains. 1897. L 9882 Drummond, A. L. True detective stories. 1909. L9885 McWatters, G. S., ed. Detectives of Europe and America; or, Life in secret service. 1877. L4004 Murray, J. W. Memoirs of a great de- tective. 1904. L 9869 Wooldridge, C. R. The detective's guide to success. 1903. L 9826 The grafters of America, who they are and how they work. 1906. L 9936 Hands up! in the world of crime; twelve years a detective on the Chicago police force. 1901. L 9934 Twenty years a detective in the wick- edest city in the world. 1908. L 9939 Chicago Police Chicago. Civil Service Commission. Pre- liminary report; Police investigation. 1911. " *Doc. Police Department. Book of rules and regulations of the department of police of the city of Chicago. 1905. B 3047 Illinois.. 40th General Assembly. Senate. Senate report on the Chicago police sys- tem, 1897-98. 1898. *Doc. Penology Punishment, Prisons American Prison Association. Proceedings of the annual congress, 1884 to date. *L 4013 Previous to 1908 called the National Prison Asso- ciation of the United States. Boies, H. M. The science of penology, the defense of society against crime. 1901. L9888 Buxton, Sir T. F. Inquiry whether crime and misery are produced or prevented by our present system of prison discipline. 1818. L 4222 Carpenter, E. Prisons, police and punish- ment. 1905. L 9844 Cox, E. W. The principles of punishment, as applied in the administration of the criminal law. 1877. L 828 Devon, J. The criminal & the community. 1912. L9898 Du Cane, Sir E. F. The punishment and prevention of crime. 1885. L 189, 14 (The English citizen). Field, J. Prison discipline; and the advan- tages of the separate system of impris- onment, with a detailed account of the discipline now pursued in the new county gaol at Reading. 2v. 1848. L 4001 Griffiths, A. G. F. Fifty years of public service. 1904. L 9907 Hale, G. W. Police and prison cyclopedia. 1892. L4221 Holtzendorff, F. v. and Jagemann, E. v., ed. Handbuch des Gefangnisswesens. 2v. 1888. D 3440 International Penitentiary Congress, Lon- don. Prisons and reformatories at home and abroad. 1872. L 829 International Prison Congress. 5th report of the delegates of the United States. 1896. *Doc. Kingsmill, J. Chapters on prisons and pris- oners, and the prevention of crime. 1854. L4068 Kitz, A. Das Princip der Strafe. 1874. D3437 264 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Loewenstein, A. Aberglaube und Straf- recht. 1897. D 7194 Nevill, Lord W. B. Penal servitude. 1903. L9824 Quinton, R. F. The modern prison cur- riculum; a general review of our penal system. 1912. L 9866 Reeve, G H. The prison question; a theo- retical and philosophical review of some matters relating to crime, punishment, prisons and reformation of convicts. 1890. L4149 Saleilles, S. F. R. The individualization of punishment. 1911. L 9958 (The modern criminal science series). Smith, E. Prison science, with special ref- erence to recent New York legislation. 1890. *L 3444, 3 (Economic tracts). Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline. Description of the tread mill, for the employment of prisoners. 1823. L4127 Tallack, W. Humanity and humanitarian- ism with special reference to the prison systems of Great Britain and the United States. 1871. L615 Penological and preventive principles, with special reference to Europe and America, and to the diminution of crime, pauperism, and intemperance. 1889. L4225 Tarde, G. Penal philosophy, by Gabriel Tarde; tr. by R. Howell with an editorial preface by E. Lindsey and an introduc- tion by R. H. Gault. 1912. L 9960 (The modern criminal science series pub. under the auspices of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology). Western, C. C. W., baron. Remarks upon prison discipline. 1825. *E 5041, 8 Whately, R. Thoughts on secondary pun- ishments. 1832. L822 Whiteway, A. R. Recent object-lessons in penal science. 1902. L 9892 Wines, E. C. The state of prisons and of child-saving institutions in the civilized world. 1880. L 940 Wines, F. H. Punishment and reformation, a study of the penitentiary system. 1910. L9884 (Library of economics and politics). Punishments Andrews, W. Punishments in the olden time. 1881. N 5011 Same. 1890. L4156 Brooks, H. M. Some strange and curious punishments. 1- B 8G0, 5 (The olden time series). Earle, Mrs. A. M. Curious punishments of bygone days. 1896. B 3779 Hartshome, A. Hanging in chains. 1891. L4160 Capital Punishment Bovee, M. H. Reasons for abolishing capi- tal punishment. 1878. . L 809 Carson, J. C. L. Capital punishment is murder legalized. 1868. L4115 Cheever, G. B. A defence of capital pun- ishment. 1846. L4184 Punishment by death. 1885. L 865 Fanning, C. E., comp. Selected articles on capital punishment. 1909. L 9922 (Debaters' handbook series). London. Morning herald. The punishment of death; a selection of articles. 1836-37. L927 Mittermaier, K. J. A. Capital punishment. 1865. L 787 Oldfield, J. The penalty of death; or. The problem of capital punishment. 1901. L9924 Pfotenhauer, C. E. Die Todesstrafe. 1863. D4754 Phillips, C. Vacation thoughts on capital punishments. 1858. L 786 Romilly, H. The punishment of death. 1886. L 4060 Spear, C. Essays on the punishment of death. 1845. L 4005 Transportation, Penal Colonies Browning, C. A. England's exiles; or, A view of a system of instruction and dis- cipline. 1842. L4077 Griffith, G. C. Sidelights on convict life. 1903. L9909 Lang, T. D. Transportation and coloniza- tion. 1837. L3812 McNair, J. F. A. and Bayliss, W. D. Prison- ers their own warders; a record of the convict prison at Singapore. 1899. L9823 Torture Jardine, D. A reading on the use of tor- ture in the criminal law of England pre- viously to the commonwealth. 1837. N4980 Flogging, Flagellation Cobb, L. The evil tendencies of corporal punishment in families and schools. 1S47. L1139 Cooper, W. M. Flagellation & the flagel- lants; a history of the rod in all countries, from the earliest period to the present time. L877. L 660 Hansen, D. Stock und Peitsche ini XIX Jahrhundert. 1899. D 7184 PRISONS 265 Prisons by Countries United States Altgeld, J. P. Our penal machinery and its victims. 1S86. N 4836 Beaumont, G. A. de La B. de and Tocque- ville, A. C. H. C. de. On the penitentiary system in the United States and its ap- plication in France. 1833. L4010 Paine, L. W. Six years in a Georgia prison. 1851. L748 Phelps, R. H. Newgate of Connecticut. 1875. L4135 Powell, J. C. The American Siberia; or, Fourteen years' experience in a southern convict camp. 1891. L4157 Great Britain Aschrott, P. F. Strafensystem und Ge- fangnisswesen in England. 1887. D 3435 Dixon, W. H. The London prisons. 1850. L4121 Fletcher, S. W. Twelve months in an Eng- lish prison. 1884. L 2469 Gordon, C. The old Bailey and Newgate. 1902. A 3451 Griffiths, A. G. F. The chronicles of New- gate. 2v. 1884. L4007 Gross, C. F. v. Eine Wanderung durch ir- landische Gefangnisse. 1868. *D 382, 3 (In Sammlung gemeinverst. wissensch. Vor- targe). Gurney, J. J. Notes on prisons in Scotland and the north of England. 1819. L 4132 Her majesty's prisons; their effects and de- fects by one who has tried them. 2v. 1881. L654 Howard, J. The state of the prisons irv England and Wales, with an account of some foreign prisons and hospitals. 1784. *V1881 Mayhew, H. and Binny, J. The criminal prisons of London. 1862. L 859 Mitchel, J. Jail journal; or, Five years in British prisons. 1868? E 1384 Siberia Deutsch, L. Sixteen years in Siberia: some experiences of a Russian revolutionist. 1903. 1 8375 Dostojewskij, F. M. Buried alive; or, Ten years of penal servitude in Siberia. 1887. 11451 Howard, B. D. Prisoners of Russia; a per- sonal study of convict life in Sakhalin and Siberia. 1902. L 9827 Kennan, G. Siberia and the exile system. 2v. 1891. I 1465 Lamothe, P. A. B. de. Les martyrs d<* la Siberia. 2v. 1887. C 5579 Piotrowski, R. Souvenirs d'un Siberien. 1883. C 6213 Rosen, A. H. H., baron v. Russian con- spirators in Siberia; a personal narrative. 1872. A 4407 Apx. contains sketch of the secret societies in Russia, 1815-1825. Prison Life Personal Narratives Carpenter, M. Our convicts. 1864. L 850 Chesterton, G. L. Revelations of prison life. 1856. L4129 Clay, W. L. The prison chaplain; a mem- oir of John Clay. 1861. L 4136 Same. C664 Convict life; or, Revelations concerning convicts and convict prisons, by a ticket- of-leave man. 1879. L933 Davitt, M. Leaves from a prison diary. 2v. 1885. L4008 Ex -convict's story; or, Life in Joliet Peni- tentiary. 1892. L4524 Finley, J. B. Memorials of prison life. 1850. L866 Five years' penal servitude; by one who has endured it. 1878. L 934 Greatrex, C. B. Lindon Meadows. Jail- birds; or, The secrets of the cells, by a prison chaplain. 1881. L9830 Griffiths, A. G. F. Memorials of Millbank and chapters in prison history. 2v. 1875. L647 Secrets of the prison house; or, Gaol studies and sketches. 2v. 1894. L4528 Hawthorne, J., cd. The confessions of a convict. 1893. L 4486 Horsley, J. W. Jottings from jail; notes and papers on prison matters. 1887. L4123 Prisons and prisoners. 1899. L 9833 Jaeger, J., cd. Poesie im Zuchthause. 1905. D5153 Joseph, H. S., cd. Memoirs of convicted prisoners. 1853. L 4133 Krapotkin, P. A. In Russian and French prisons. 1887. L 4015 Leuss, H. Aus dem Zuchthause. 1904. D7122 Life in Sing Sing, by number 1500. 1904. L9857 Lowrie, D. My life in prison. 1912. L 9837 Life in the California State Penitentiary at San Quentin. Luckey, J. Life in Sing Sing state prison. 1866. L 863 Martyn, F. A holiday in gaol. 1911. L 9861 Maybrick, Mrs. F. E. C. Mrs. Maybrick's own story; my fifteen lost years. 1905. L9860 266 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Neale, E. Experiences of a gaol chaplain. 3v. 1847. L 867 Oelckers, T. Aus dem Gefangnissleben. 1800. D 4165 An open letter to society from convict 1776; with an introduction by Maud Ballington Booth. 1911. L9862 Robinson, F. W. Female life in prison. 2v. 160:2. L831 Prison characters drawn from life; with suggestions for prison government. 1866. L4134 Same. 2v. L 936 Rossa, J. O. O'Donovan Rossa's prison life; six years in six English prisons. 1874. L4124 Schmidt-Weissenfels, E. Hinter Schloss und Riegel. 1866. D 182 Scougal, F. Scenes from a silent world; or, Prisons and their inmates. 1889. L 4522 Shaw, D. Eighteen months' imprisonment, with a remission. 1893. L 4006 Stade, R. Aus der Gefangnissseelsorge. 1901. D7118 Gefangnissbilder. 1902. D 7117 Thompson, G. Prison life and reflections. 1853. L 667 Trumble, A. In jail with Charles Dickens. 1890. L 9821 Juvenile Offenders Breckinridge, S. P. and Abbott, E. The delinquent child and the home. 1912. L9755 (Russell Sage foundation publications). Carpenter, M. Juvenile delinquents; their condition and treatment. 1853. L 849 Coulter, E. K. The children in the shadow. 1913. L 9809 Greenberg, D. S. A bunch of little thieves. 1913. L9871 "The work concerns itself largely with what can be done to bring out and develop the latent 'will to be good' of our bad boys, who are shown to be victims rather than enemies of society." Introd. Hill, M. and Cornwallis, C. F. Two prize essays on juvenile delinquency. 185:;. L868 Morrison, W. D. Juvenile offenders. 1897. L9851 Same. 1898. *R 1104, 68 Peirce, B. K. A half century with juvenile delinquents. 1809. L 860 Stewart, A. H. American bad boys in the making. 1912. L 9875 Travis, T. The young malefactor; a study in juvenile delinquency, its causes and treatment. 1908. L 9853 Waugh, B. The gaol cradle; who rocks it. 1873. L631 Worsley, H. Juvenile depravity; £100 prize essay. 1849. L 846 Juvenile Reformatories Berger, A. Jugend-Schutz und Jugend-Bes- serung. 1897. D 6989 Carpenter, M. Reformatory schools for the children of the perishing and dangerous classes and for juvenile offenders. 1851. L848 Herr, P. Das moderne amerikanische Bes- serungssystem; eine Darstellung des Sys- tems zur Besserung jugundlicher Ver- brecher in Strafrecht, Strafprozess und Strafvollzug. 1907. D 7244 Snedden, D. S. Administration and educa- tional work of American juvenile reform schools. 1907. L 10284, 12 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Adult Reformatories and Reformation Booth, Mrs. M. B. C. After prison — what? 1903. L 9825 Brockway, Z. R. Fifty years of prison serv- ice; an autobiography, by Zebulon Reed Brockway, superintendent of the Elmira reformatory from the time of its open- ing in 1876, to the year 1900. 1912. L9829 Central Howard Association (Chicago). Annual bulletin, 1903-1909. 1904-1910. L9828 "Object: To aid prisoners before and after release, to advocate improved laws for the preven- tion of crime, and to secure better prisons, re- formatories and jails." Winter, A. The New York State Reforma- tory in Elmira. 1891. L4158 EDUCATION 267 Education Bibliography Columbia University. Library. Publica- tions. 1897-1901. *0 1817 No. 2: Books on education. Lawrence, I. Classified reading; books for the school, the library and the home; with a full bibliography of education. 1898. J 2792 Monroe, W. S. Bibliography of education. 1897. *0 155 (International educational series.) Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Public Libraries. Catalogue of books and pamphlets on ed- ucation. 1909. *0 774 Pedagogical seminary. 1891 to date. *Ser. Each no. contains annotated list of educational literature. Seattle (Wash.). Public Library. A list of books for teachers in the Seattle Public Library. 1910. *0 2008 Sichler, A. Erziehungs- und Unterrichts- wesen, hrsg. vom Bureau der Central- kommission fiir schweizerische Landes- kunde. 1906-08. *0 2510, 10 United States. Bureau of Education. Bibli- ography of education for 190S-09. 1909. *Doc. A catalogue of educational literature. 1892. *Ser. List of publications of the United States Bureau of Education 1867-1907. 1908. *Doc. A teacher's professional library; classi- fied list of one hundred titles. 1909. *Doc. Wyer, J. I. and Lord, I. E. Bibliography of education. 1900-1907. *Ser. (In Educational review, v. 19-84, 1900-1907). Wyer, J. I. and Phelps, M. L., comp. Bibli- ography of education for 1907. 1908. *0 2742-1907 (In U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin 1908, No. 3). General Works Theory of Education Adams, J. The evolution of educational theory. 1912. L 10960 Die Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart, von W. Lexis. 1906. D 19544, 1 Andrews, C. B. An introduction to the study of adolescent education. 1912. L 10205 "Bibliography: p. ix-x." Arnold, M. Thoughts on education; chos- en from the writings of Matthew Ar- nold, ed. by L. Huxley. 1912. L 10829 Ascham, R. The schoolmaster. 1711. L1333 Bagley, W. C. Educational values. 1911. L 10285 Bain, A. Education as a science. (International scientific series). Sa inc. (Appleton's scientific library). Erziehung als Wissenschaft. 1901. L 1086 ^R 1104. 48 1880. D 415, 45 (Internationale wissensch. Bibliothek). Beneke, F. E. Erziehungs- und Unterrichts- lehre. 1864. D 3347 Bigelow, M. M. A false equation; the prob- lem of the great trust. 1911. L 8744 Boone, R. G. Science of education. 1904. L 10497 Brown, F. K. Through the school; the ex- periences of a mill boy in securing an education, by Al Priddy, pseud. 1912. L 10682 Autobiography. Bryant, Mrs. S. Educational ends; or, The ideal of personal development. 1887. L5274 Chamberlain, A. H. Standards in education. 1908. L 10807 Chancellor, W. E. A theory of motives, ideals, and values in education. 1907. L 10808 College and the church; the "How I was educated" papers and denominational "Confessions." 1887. L 1503 Combe, G. Education; its principles and practice. 1879. L 1395 Comenius, J. A. The great didactic, now for the first time Englished. 1896. L 1659 The orbis pictus. 1887. L 1541 The school of infancy; an essay on the education of youth, during their first six years. 1858. L 1130 Compayre, G. Herbart and education by instruction. 1907. L 10890 Jean Jacques Rousseau and education from nature. 1907. L 10894 Conover, J. P. Personality in education. 1908. L 10930 Crowell, J. F. The logical process of so- cial development, a theoretical founda- tion for educational policy from the standpoint of sociology. 1898. L 8573 Cubberley, E. P. Changing conceptions of education. 1909. L 10764 (Riverside educational monographs). Curtman, W. J. G. Lehrbuch der Erzie- hung. 1866. D 3350 Davidson, T. The education of the wage- earners. 1904. L 8554 Deahl, J. N. Imitation in education, its na- ture, scope and significance. 1900. L 10700, 8 (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education). 268 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Defoe, D. The compleat English gentle- man. 1890. L 10362 Of royall educacion; a fragmentary- treatise. 1895. L 10371 De Garmo, C. Interest and education; the doctrine of interest and its concrete ap- plication. 1902. L 10385 Dewey, J. The educational situation. 1902. L 10368, 3 (University of Chicago. Contributions to edu- cation). The school and society. 1899. L 1393 Dittes, F. Schule der Padagogik. 1891. D3363 Dunpanloup, F. A. P. De l'education. 3v. 1872. C4745 Dutton, S. T. Social phases of education in the school and the home. 1899. L1450 Edgeworth, M. and Edgeworth, R. L. Es- says on practical education. 2v. 1815. L1407 Ernst und Laune in Conferenz-Aufsatzen von Geistlichen und Schullehrern in Siid- deutschland. 1829. D 2845 Felkin, H. M. An introduction to Herbart's science and practice of education. 1900. L 10512 Findlay, J. J. The school; an introduction to the study of education. 1912. L 10312 Fitzpatrick, E. A. The educational views and influence of De Witt Clinton. 1911. L 10284, 44 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Bibliography: p. 156-157. Garvey, M. A. A manual of human culture. 1866. L 1402 Genlis, S. F. D. Adele et Theodore; ou, Lettres sur l'education. 2v. U 5097 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. Concerning children. 1900. L 10490 Goltz, B. Die Bildung und die Gebildeten. 1867. D 2869 Gorst, H. E. The curse of education. 1901. L 10372 Grasby, W. C. Teaching in three conti- nents; personal notes on the educational systems of the world. 1891. L 1443 Grice, Mrs. M. V. Home and school united in widening circles of inspiration and service ; home — school — community — na- tion. 1909. L 10349 Groszmann, M. P. E. Some fundamental verities in education. 1911. L 10954 Cotitci-ts: pt. 1. Manual culture and sense training, pt. 2. Art culture and art expression. Guyau, M. J. Education and heredity; a study in sociology. 1891. L 1478 (Contemporary science series). Hall, G. S. Educational problems. 1911. L 10287 Hartog, Fran M. zur Megede. Frauenge- danken iiber Menschenerzehung. 1907. D3262 Heck, W. H. Mental discipline & educa- tional values. 1909. L 10292 Henderson, E. N. A text-book in the prin- ciples of education. 1910. L 10948 Herbart, J. F. ABC of sense-perception, minor pedagogical works. 1896. L 1799 Letters and lectures on education. 1898. L1380 The science of education; its general principles deduced from its aim and the aeesthetic revelation of the world. 1897. L1362 Sammtliche Werke. 6v. 1850-52. D3190 Hine, L. A. Political and social economy. 1861. L4459 v. 1. Land and rent. 2. Education. Holman, H. Education. 1S96. L 1797 Home, H. H. Idealism in education; or, First principles in the making of men and women. 1910. L 10949 Hubbell, G. A. Up through childhood; a study of some principles of education in relation to faith and conduct. 1904. L 10488 educator. L 10376 L. Dickens Hughes, J 1901. (International education series). Hughes, R. E. The making of citizens; a study in comparative education. 1902. L 10377 (The contemporary science series). . Schools at home and abroad. 1902. L 10390 Jones, L. H. Education as growth; or. The culture of character; a book for teachers' reading circles, normal classes, and indi- vidual teachers. 1911. L 10414 Kay, D. Education and educators. 1883. L1490 Kerp, H. Die Erziehung zur Tat zum na- tionalen Lebenswerk. 1907. D 3259 Klemm, L. R. Educational topics of the day; chips from a teacher's workshop. 1888. L 1522 Laurie, S. S. Institutes of education, com- prising an introduction to rational psy- chology. 1907. L 10294 Locke, J. Some thoughts on education. 1836. L1106 Same. 1884. L 1399 Lomer, G. R. The concept of method. 1910. L 10284. 34 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). McCunn, J. The making of character, some educational aspects of ethics. 1900. L6098 Maclochlin, J. Education. 1881. L 1404 McMurry, C. A. The elements of general method, based on the principles of Her- bart. 190.!. L 10408 EDUCATION 269 Maintenon, F. d'A. marquise de. Extraits de ses lettres, avis, entretiens, conversa- tions et proverbes sur l'edueation. 1885. C5777 Mansfield, E. D. American education; its principles and elements. 1869. L 1193 Matthews, F. H. The principles of intel- lectual education. 1907. L 10971 Misawa, T. Modern educators and their ideals. 1909. L 10295 Montaigne, M. E. de. The education of children. 1899. L 1394 (International education series). Morgan, T. J., ed. Educational mosaics; a collection from many writers, of thoughts bearing on educational questions of the day. 1887. L 1507 Mulcaster, R. Positions. 1888. L 1476 Munroe, J. P. New demands in education. 1912. L 10993 "Efficiency in education." Neckar de Saussure, Mine. A. A. L'educa- tion progressive. 1864. C 6004 Newnham, W. The principles of physical, intellectual, moral, and religious educa- tion. 2v. 1827. L 1127 Ogden, J. The science of education and Art of teaching. 1859. L 1114 O'Shea, M. V. Dynamic factors in educa- tion. 1906. L 10436 Education as adjustment; educational theory viewed in the light of contempo- rary thought, 1907. L 10435 N. Luther on education. L1555 The science of education. L1514 Partridge, G. E. Genetic philosophy of ed- ucation; an epitome of the published edu- cational writings of Pres. G. S. Hall. 1912. L 10983 Payne, J. Lectures on the science and art of education. 1880. L 1272 The science and art of education, an in- troductory lecture; and Principles of the science of education. 1876. L 1512 (Papers on education, no. 1). Payne, W. H. Contributions to the science of education. 1886. L 1495 Peaslee, J. B. Thoughts and experiences in and out of school; accompanied by letters from Longfellow, Whittier, Holmes and other American authors. 1900. L 10380 Pestalozzi, J. H. Lienhard und Gertrud. 1873. D 2110, 1-5 Leonard and Gertrude. 1885. L 1350 Der naturliche Schulmeister. 1873. D 2110, 16 (In his Werke). tjber die Idee der Elementarbildung. 1873. D 2110, 17 (In his Werke). Painter, F 1889. Palmer, F. B 1887. V. Wie Gertrud ihre Kinder lehrt. 1873. D 2110, 11 (In his Werke). How Gertrude teaches her children, an attempt to help mothers to teach their own children. 1894. L 1746 Preyer, W. T. Biologische Zeitfragen. 1889. D 6730 Priestley, J. Miscellaneous observations re- lating to education. 1778. L 1111 Randall, S. S. First principles of popular education and public instruction. 1869. L1100 Reid, H. Principles of education; an ele- mentary treatise. 1854. L 1472 Rice, J. M. Scientific management in edu- cation. 1913. L 10220 Richter, J. P. F. Levana; oder, Erzie- hungslehre. 1860. D 2170, 22-23 (In his Werke). Levana; or, The doctrine of education. 1876. 1 2997 Same. 1866. L 1110 Riecke, G. A. Erziehungslehre. 1874. D3372 Roberts, R. D., ed. Education in the nine- teenth century. 1901. L 10445 Rollin, C. Traite des etudes. 2v. 1872. C6509 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Pedagogics as a sys- tem; tr. from the German. 1872. L 1170 Rosmini-Serbati, A. The ruling principle of method applied to education. 1889. L 10984 Rousseau, J. J. fimile. 1825. C 6517, 3-5 (In his (Euvres completes). fimile; or, Concerning education. 1888. L1324 Rousseau's fimile; or, Treatise on edu- cation; abridged, translated and anno- tated by W. H. Payne. 1898. L 1410 (International education series). Emil; oder, Uber die Erziehung. 1867. D3373 Ruediger, W. C. The principles of educa- tion. 1910. L 10291 Schleiermacher, F. E. D. Erziehungslehre. 1849. D 3309, 9 (In his Sammtliche Werke). Schmidt, H. I. Education. 1870. 13747 Search, P. W. An ideal school; or, Look- ing forward. 1901. L 10407 (international education series). Seeley, L. The foundations of education. 1901. L 10498 Seguin, £. Report on education. 1880. L1384 Sinclair, S. B. The possibility of a science of education. 1903. L 10306 Smith, W. H. All the children of all the people; a study of the attempt to educate everybody. 1912. L 10985 270 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Spalding, J. L. Means and ends of educa- tion. 1895. L 1795 Spencer, H. Education; intellectual, moral, and physical. 1879. L 1156 Spurzheim, J. F. K. Education; its ele- mentary principles founded on the na- ture of man. 1872. L 1112 Stoy, K. V. Encyklopadie, Methodologie und Literatur der Padagogik. 1878. D3333 Tadd, J. L. New methods in education, art, real manual training, nature study. 1899. *V2811 (National education series). Thamin, R. Education et positivisme. 1892. C 13189 Thorndike, E. L. Education, a first book. 1912. L 10999 Thwing, C. F. Education in the Far East. 1909. L 10297 Tyler, J. M. Growth and education. 1907. L 10273 Vincent, G. E. The social mind and edu- cation. 1897. L8666 Weissenfels, O. Die Bildungswirren der Gegenwart. 1901. D 7228 Wells, H. G. Mankind in the making. 1903. L 8732 Welton, J. The logical bases of education. 1899. L5180 (Macmillan's Manuals for teachers. Whewell, W. On the influence of the his- tory of science upon intellectual educa- tion. 1854. L1118 {In Royal Institution of Great Britain). Williams, A. M. Education; a- survey of tendencies. 1912. L 10225 Wilson, E. C. Pedagogues and parents. 1904. L 10443 Wittstock, A. Erziehungsaufgaben in un- serer Zeit. 1899. *D 382, 34 {In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Young, E. F. Isolation in the school. 1901. L 10368, 1 (University of Chicago contributions to educa- tion). Ziller, T. Grundlegung zur Lehre vom erziehenden Unterricht. 1884. D 3395 Philosophy of Education Bennett, C. W. History of the philosophy of pedagogics. 1877. L 1512 (Papers on education). Blow, S. E. Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel. 1899. L 1618 (International education series). Coursault, J. II. Tin- learning process; or, Educational theory implied in the theory of knowledge. L907. L 10284, 16 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Craig, A. R. The philosophy of training; or, The principles and art of a normal education. 1847. L 10330 Dresser, H. W. Education and the philo- sophical ideal. 1900. L 10367 Home, H. H. The philosophy of educa- tion; being the foundations of education in the related natural and mental sciences. 1904. L 10495 Kant, I. The educational theory of Im- manuel Kant. 1904. L 10471 (Lippincott's educational series). Ladd, G. T. The teacher's practical philos- ophy; a treatise of education as a species of conduct. 1911. L 10964 Partridge, G. E. Genetic philosophy of ed- ucation; an epitome of the published edu- cational writings of G. Stanley Hall. 1912. L 10983 Rosenkranz, J. K. F. Philosophy of educa- tion. 1886. L 1498 Sands, N. The philosophy of teaching. 1869. L 1349 Criticism Of Educational Theories and Systems Barnard, H. Pestalozzi and his educational system. 1906. L 10507 Biber, E. Henry Pestalozzi and his plan of education. 1831. C 3771 Blow, S. E. Symbolic education, a com- mentary on Froebel's "Mother play." 1894. L1751 (International education series, v. 26). Bowen, H. C. Froebel and education by self-activity. 1893. C 10444 (Great educators). Boyd, W. The educational theory of Jean Jacques Rousseau. 1911. L 10311 Cloyd, D. E. Benjamin Franklin and edu- cation; his ideal of life and his system of education for the realization of that ideal. 1902. L 10498 Cole, P. R. Herbart and Froebel; an at- tempt at synthesis. 1907. _ L 10284. 14 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Compayre, G. Montaigne and education of the judgment. 1908. L 10892 Corwin, R. N. Entwicklung und Vergleich- ung der Erziehungslehren von John Locke und Jean Jaques Rousseau. 1894. D 18685 Davidson, J. A new interpretation of Her- bart's psychology and educational theory through the philosophy of Leibnitz. 1906. L 10298 Davidson, T. Rousseau and education ac- cording to nature. 1898. C 10440 (Great educators). De Garmo, C. Herbart and the Herbar- tians. 1895. C 10446 (Great educators). EDUCATION Dodd, C. I. Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching. 1898. L 1638 Fischer, O. Leben, Schriften und Bedeu- tung der wichtigsten Padagogen bis Tode Pestalozzis, ubersichtlich dargestellt. 1906. D 13615 Gill, J. Systems of education. 1887. L 1481 Graves, F. P. Great educators of three cen- turies; their work and its influence on modern education. 1912. L 10823 Contents: John Milton and his "academy;" Francis Bacon and the inductive method; Ratich and his educational claims; Comenius and his Great didactic; John Locke and education as dis- cipline; Francke and his institutions; Rousseau and naturalism in education; Basedow and the Philan- thropinum; Pestalozzi and education as develop- ment; Herbart and education as a science; Froebel and the kindergarten; Lancaster and Bell, and the monitorial system; Horace Mann and the American educational revival; Herbert Spencer and the rela- tive value of studies. Gregory, B. C. Better schools. 1912. L 10211 Hayward, F. H. The student's Herbart; a brief educational monograph dealing with the movement initiated by Herbart and developed by Stoy, Dorpfeld and Ziller. 1902. L 10515 Holman, H. Pestalozzi; an account of his life and work. 1908. C 23734 Hoyt, C. O. Studies in the history of modern education. 1908. L 10293 Hughes, J. L. Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. 1897. L 1769 (International education series). Jolly, W. Ruskin on education. 1894. L1772 Leitch, J. Practical educationists and their systems of teaching. 1876. L 1403 Mac Vannel, J. A. The educational theories of Herbart and Froebel. 1905. L 10284, 4 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Mark, H. T. The unfolding of personality as the chief aim in education. 1911. L 10250 Misawa, T. Modern educators and their ideals. 1909. L 10295 Munroe, J. P. The educational ideal, an outline of its growth in modern times. 1895. L 1793 Painter, F. V. N. Luther on education; in- cluding a historical introduction and a translation of the reformer's two most important educational treatises. 1889. L1555 Payne, J. Pestalozzi; the influence of his principles and practice on elementary education. 1877. L 1512 (Papers on education). Porter, X. The educational systems of the Puritans and Jesuits compared. 1851. L 1212 Quick, R. H. Essays on educational re- formers. 1903. L 1559 Same. 1897. *R 1104, 56 (Appleton's scientific library). Rabenort, W. L. Spinoza as educator. 1911. L 10284, 38 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Bibliography: p. 86-87. Shirreff, E. A. E. The claim of Froebel's system to be called the new education. 1877. L1512 (Papers on education). Ufer, C. Introduction to the pedagogy of Herbart. 1901. L 10310 (Heath's pedagogical library). Encyclopedias Encyklopadie der Pedagogik; bearbeitet von einem Vereine praktischer Lehrer und Erzieher. 1860. *R 145 Fletcher, A. E., ed. Sonneschein's cyclopse- dia of education; a practical handbook of reference on all subjects connected with education. 1906. *R 1640 Kiddle, H. and Schem, A. J., ed. The cyclo- paedia of education. 1877. *R 1641 Monroe, P., ed. A cyclopedia of education. 4v. 1911-1913. *R 1643 Sander, F. Lexikon der Padagogik. 1883. *R 3820 Schmid, K. A., ed. Encyclopadie des ge- sammten Erzeihungs-und Unterrichts- wesens. lOv. 1876-87. *R 1639 Essays and Addresses Armstrong, H. E. The teaching of scien- tific method and other papers on educa- tion. 1903. L 10393 Bain, A. Practical essays. 1884. L 1329 Baker, J. H. Education and life, papers and addresses. 1900. L 10361 Bates, S. P. Lectures on mental and moral culture. 1866. L 1181 Boutwell, G. S. Thoughts on educational topics and institutions. 1859. L 1652 Briggs, Le B. R. Routine and ideals. 1904. L 10434 School, college and character. 1901. L 10366 Butler, N. M. The meaning of education, and other essays and addresses. 1898. L1642 Chadwick, E. The health of nations. 1887. L4101 Combe, G. Lectures on popular education. 1S48. L 1092 Creighton, M. Thoughts on education; speeches and sermons. 1902. L 10384 272 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Eliot, C. W. Education for efficiency, and The new definition of the cultivated man. 1909. L 10762 Educational reform, essays and ad- dresses. 1898. L 1647 Everett, E. Importance of practical educa- tion and useful knowledge. 1840. L 1105 Fisher, M. A valiant woman; a contribu- tion to the educational problem. 1912. L 10209 Contents: The teacher.— -The English question.— Instruction in foreign languages, ancient and mod- ern. — Instruction in science and history. — Ethical teaching. — Methods and method makers. — The valiant woman. Fiske, T. The meaning of infancy. 1909. L 10765 Fitch, Sir J. G. Educational aims and methods; lectures & addresses. 1900. L1355 Gayley, C. M. Idols of education, selected and annotated. 1910. L 10944 Gilman, D. C. The launching of a uni- versity, and other papers. 1906. L 10536 Godrycz, J. Essays on the foundation of education. 1900. L 1365 Hanus, P. H. Educational aims and educa- tional values. 1899. L 1430 Harper, W. R. The trend in higher educa- tion. 1905. L 10514 Hart, A. B. Studies in American education. 1895. L 1786 Henderson, C. H. Education and the larger life. 1902. L 10374 Hinsdale, B. A. Schools and studies. 1884. L1336 Jenks, J. W. Citizenship and the schools. 190G. L6963 Laurie, S. S. The training of teachers and other educational essays. 1882. L 1309 Magnus, Sir P. Educational aims and ef- forts, 1880-1910. 1910. L 10969 Mann, H. Lectures and annual reports on education. 2v. 1867-68. L 1351 Munch, W. tJber Menschenart und Jugend- bildung; neue Folge vermischter Auf- satze. 1900. D 7216 Mullany, P. F. Essays educational. 1905. L 10476 Northrop, B. G. Education abroad, and other papers. 1873. L 1171 Owen, W. B. The humanities in the ed- ucation of the future, and other addresses and papers, by William Baxter Owen. Boston, Sherman, French & Company, 1912. L 10953 Painter, F. V. N. Great pedagogical essays; Plato to Spencer. 1905. L 10458 Palmer, G. H. and Palmer, A. F. The teacher; essays and addresses on educa- tion. 1908. L 10977 Quick, R. II. Essays on educational re- formers. 1903. L1559 Roberts, R. D., ed. Education in the nine- teenth century; Lectures. 1901. L 10445 Seailles, G. fiducation ou revolution. 1904. CC 1577 Showerman, G. With the professor. 1910. E5605 Soldan, L. The century and the school, and other educational essays. 1912. L 10982 Sutton, W. S. Problems in modern educa tion; addresses and essays," 1913. L 10229 Thirteen essays on education; by members of the XIII. 1891. L1470 Thompson, D'A. W. Wayside thoughts; being a series of desultory essays on edu- cation. 1868. L 1143 Venable, W. H. Let him first be a man, and other essays chiefly relating to edu- cation and culture. 1893. L 1693 Walker, F. A. Discussions in education. 1899. L 1464 Wendell, B. The mystery of education, and other academic performances. 1909. L 10304 Collections and Series Of Educational Works Note: See the card catalog for contents. Barnes, E., ed. Studies in education; a series of ten numbers devoted to child- study and the history of education. 1896- 97. * L 10363, 1 Chicago. University. Contributions to edu- cation, no. 1-6. 6v. 1902. L 10368 Colorado. University — Department of Psy- chology and Education. Investigations of the Department of Psychology and Ed- ucation of the University of Colorado. 1903. L 10467 Columbia University contributions to educa- tion. Teachers College series. L 10284 Industrial Education Association. Mono- graphs ed. by N. M. Butler. 2v. 1888-89. L1657 Kehrbach, K., ed. Monumenta Germanise pa.-dag< i.uia; Schulordnungen, Schulbiicher und padagogische Miscellaneen aus den Landen deutscher Zunge. 51v. 18S6-1912. D3332 Monographs on education in the United States; ed. by N. M. Butler. 2v. 1900. L 10404 New York College for the training of teachers. Educational monographs; ed. by N. M. Butler. 2v. 1889-1900. L 1657 Papers on education, 1st ser. 1876-79. L151? Education 273 1849- *Ser. Teachers' professional library; cd by N. M. Butler. Periodicals Allgemeine deutsche Lehrerzeitung 66. American annals of education and instruc- tion for 1832, '34; ed. by W. C. Wood- bridge. 2v. 1832, 34. *Ser. American educational monthly, llv. 1864- 74. *Ser. American educational review; a monthly re- view of the progress of higher education. 1906-1908, *Ser. American journal of education; ed. by Henry Barnard. 32v. 1856-82. *Ser. American quarterly register. 1829-42. *Ser. Annals of educational progress in 1910-1911. 2v. 1911-12. L 10921 (Lippincott's education series). Chautauquan. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1880 to date. Connecticut common school journal and annals of education. 1854-60. *Ser. Education; a journal for the scholastic world. 1890-91. *Ser. Education; a monthly magazine. ¥ Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1880 to date. Educational bi-monthly. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1906 to date. Educational review. New York. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1891 to date. Educational review. London. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1891 to date. Elementary school teacher. 3v. 1905-07. *Ser. Erzieherin, Die; eine Zeitschrift itber weib- liche Erziehung. 1845-50. D 3397 Harvard graduates magazine. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1892 to date. Harvard monthly. 1893-94. *Ser. Illinois teacher. 1856-70. *Ser. Indiana school journal and teacher. 1869- 70. *Ser. Journal de l'instruction publique. 1863-64. «- *Ser Journal of education for Lower Canada. 1863-64. *Ser. Journal of education for Upper Canada. 1863-64. *Ser. Manual training magazine. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1889 to date. Massachusetts teacher. 185'.i-7i. *Ser. Michigan journal of education. 1854-60. *Ser. New York teacher. 1857-58. 1858. *Ser. Ohio journal of education. 1853-58. *Ser. Pxford University extension gazette, 1890- 95. 1890-95. *Ser. Padagogischer Jahresbericht fur die Volks- schullehrer Deutschlands und der Schweiz. 1868-73. D 3357 Pedagogical seminary. *Ser. Continued from vol. 1, 1891 to date. Pennsylvania school journal; ed. by T. H. Burrowes. 1855-56. *Ser. Physical education. 1894-96. *Ser. Practical teacher, vol. 8. 1886. *Ser. School review. *Ser. Continued from vol. 3, 1895 to date. Preceded by: School and college. Teachers college record; a journal devoted to the practical problems of elementary and secondary education and the profes- sional training of teachers, vol. 10. 1909. *Ser. University extension; the official organ .of the American Society for the Extension of University Teaching. 1891-94. *Ser. Succeeded by: "The citizen." University extension journal. 5v. 1890-95. *Ser. University extension world. 4v. in 3. 1893- 95. *Ser. University quarterly. 1860-61. *Ser. Volksbildungsarchiv. 1910. D 18715 Winonian, The; the official organ of Wi- nona Assembly and Summer School As- sociation. 1898-99. *Ser. Societies and Congresses American Institute of Instruction. Lec- tures. 1831-1913. *L 1310 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893 — JVorld's Congress Auxiliary. Pro- ceedings of the International Congress of Education, Chicago, July 25-28. 1894. L1770 Illinois State Teachers' Association. Jour- nal of proceedings of the 16,50th annual meeting, 1869, 1893. 2v. 1904. L 1346 Lewis and Clark Educational Congress. Program, organization and addresses. Portland, 1905. L 10502 National Conference on Secondary Educa- tion and its Problems. Proceedings, 1903. 1904. L 10465 National Education Association. Journal of proceedings and addresses. 44v. in 42. 1860-1912. L 1348 Yearbook and list of active members, 1901-1912. llv. in 8. 1903-1912. L 10431 Department of Superintendence. Pro- ceedings, 1899-1905. 7v. in 3. 1899-1905. L 10500 Library has also complete file of all of the N. E. A. committee and special reports. National Herbart Society. Publications, 1895-1900. L 10641 274 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY National Society for the Scientific Study of Education. Yearbook, 1902-13. 12v. 1902- 13. L 10645 North Central Association of Colleges and Secondary Schools. Proceedings. 180ft. L 10647 Salisbury, A. Historical sketch of the Wis- consin Teachers' Association in its first half century, 1863-1903. 1903. L 10503 (Wisconsin State Superintendent of Public In- struction. Bulletin of information). Southern Educational Association. Journal of proceedings and addresses. 1899-1906. L 10665 Wotawa, A. v. Der Deutsche Schulverein, 1880-1905; eine Gedenkschrift im Auftrage der Vereinsleitung verfasst. 1905. D 3315 Directories Of Educational Institutions American college & private scr jol direc- tory. 2v. 1907-09. *R1906 American college and public school direc- tory, v. 16, 21. 1893-98. L 1631 College year-book and athletic record, 1896- 97. 1897. L 1778 Fry, H. Our schools and colleges. 1867. *R 1648 Maddison, I., comp. Handbook of British, continental and Canadian universities. 1899. L 1435 Minerva; Handbuch der gelehrten Welt. 1911. *R3826 Minerva; Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt. 1 MU -date. *R3839 Patterson's American educational directory; v. 2, 5, 7, 9. 1905-1913. *R 1903 Paszkowski, W. Berlin in Wissenschaft und Kunst; ein akademisches Auskunfts- buch nebst Angaben fiber akademische Berufe. 1910. D 18704 History of Education General Note: For works on educational history and progress in separate countries see below: Educa- tion and Schools by Country. Anderson, L. F. History of common school education; an outline sketch. 1909. L 10335 Aspinwall, W. B. Outlines of the history of education. 1912. L 10832 Brockett, L. P. History and progress of education. 1860. *L 1138 Browning, O. An introduction to the his- tory of educational theories. 1888. L1247 Compayre, G. The history of pedagogy. 1888. L 1534 Cubberley, E. P. Syllabus of lectures on the history of education, with selected bibliographies. 1902. *0 2456 Davidson, T. A history of education. 1900. L1537 Dittes, F. Geschichte der Erziehung und des Unterrichtes. 1890. D 3366 Donaldson, J. Lectures on the history of education in Prussia and England, and on kindred topics. 1874. L 1285 Gudemann, M. Geschichte des Erziehungs- wesen und der Cultur der abendlandischen Tuden wahrend des Mittelalters und der neueren Zeit. 1880-88. D 5654 Hailman, W. N. Twelve lectures on the history of pedagogy. 1885. L 1347 Hoyt, C. O. Studies in the history of mod- ern education. 1908. L 10293 Kemp, E. L. History of education. 1901. L 10470 Laurie, S. S. Studies in the history of edu- cational opinion from the renaissance. 1903. L 10387 Monroe, P. A text-book in the history of education. 1905. L 10474 Thomas Platter and the educational renaissance of the sixteenth century. 1904. L 10289 (International education series). Painter, F. V. N. A history of education. 1886. L 1414 (International scientific series). Same. 1897. *R 1104, 54 (Appleton's scientific library). Paroz, J. Histoire universelle de la peda- gogic. 1883. C6149 Payne, W. H. A short history of educa- tion. 1881. L 1283 Raumer, K. v. Geschichte der Piidagogik vom Wiederaufblfihen klassischer Studien bis auf unsere Zeit. 2v. 1882-90. D3374 Schmidt, K. Geschichte der Padagogik dargestellt in weltgeschichtlicher Ent- wicklung und im organischen Zusammen- hange mit dem Culturleben der Volker. 4v. 1873-76. D 3360 Seeley, L. History of education. 1899. L 1372 Soldan, F. L. Landmarks in education. 1S76. *L1089 Taylor, W. J. A syllabus of the history of education. 1909. L 10824 Education, how old the new. L 10994 G. The history of modern 1892-96. L 1798 Education in Antiquity Greece and Rome Davidson T. Aristotle and ancient educa- tional ideals. 1892. C 10441 (The great educators). Walsh, J. J. 1910. Williams, S. education. EDUCATION 275 The education of the Greek people, and its influence on civilization. 1894. L 1745 (International education series). Drever, J. Greek education; its practice and principles. 1912. L 10207 Grasberger, L. Erziehung und Unterricht im klassischen Alterthum. 3v. in 2. 1864- 81. D 3377 Lane, F. H. Elementary Greek education. 1895. L 1787 Laurie, S. S. Historical survey of pre- Christian education. 1900. L 1757 Mahaffy, J. P. Old Greek education. 1882. L1289 Monroe, P. Source book of the history of education for the Greek and Roman pe- riod. 1901. L 10405 Ussing, J. L. Erziefnmg und Jugendunter- richt Dei den Griechen und Romern. 1885. D3389 Wilkins, A. S. Roman education. 1905. L 10516 Education in the Middle Ages Abelson, P. The seven liberal arts, a study in mediaeval culture. 1906. L10284.il (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Butler, J. D. Mediaeval German schools. *E2014 Christian schools and schol- L1262 A history of education before the middle ages. 1909. L 10821 A history of education during the mid- dle ages and the transition to modern times. 1912. L 10210 Gunther, S. Geschichte des mathematischen Unterrichts im deutschen Mittelalter bis zum Jahre 1525. 1887. D 3332, 3 West, A. F. Alcuin and the rise of the Christian schools. 1892. C 10443 (Great educators). Woodward, W. H. Vittorino de Feltre and other humanist educators; essays and ver- sions. 1897. L 1800 Teachers Professional, Personal and Social Alexander, C. Some present aspects of the work of teachers' voluntary associations in the United States. 1910. L 10284, 36 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Benson, A. C. The schoolmaster; a com- mentary upon the aims and methods of an assistant-master in a public school. 1908. L 10803 Coffman, L. D. The social composition of the teaching population. 1911. L 10284, 41 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Drane, A. T. ars. 1881. Graves, F. P Colgrove, C. P. The teacher and the school. 1910. L 10931 Dodge, M. A., Gail Hamilton. Our common school system. 1880. L 1136 The public school system, and the teacher's pro- fession, from a teacher's standpoint. Hyde, W. DeW. The teacher's philosophy in and out of school. 1910. L 10774 (Riverside educational monographs). Incorporated Association of Assistant Mas- ters in Secondary Schools. Report of an inquiry into the conditions of service of teachers in English and foreign sec- ondary schools. 1910. L. 105:27 Jolly, S. Thoughts on the vocation and progression of the teacher. 1871. L 1088 Ladd, G. T. The teacher's practical philos- ophy; a treatise on education as a species of conduct (fifteen lectures). 1911. L 10964 Lalor, J. and others. The educator. 1839. L1455 McKenny, C. The personality of tht teacher. 1910. L 10966 Moncrieff, A. R. H. A book about dom- inies. 1869. L 1240 Morsch, H. Das hohere Lehramt in Deutschland und Osterreich; ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden Schulgeschichte und zur Schulreform. 1905. D 3254 Palmer, G. H. The ideal teacher. 1910. L 10768 Paulsen, F. Geschichte des gelehrten Un- terrichts auf den deutschen Schulen und Universitaten. 1S85. D 3368 Perry, A. C. The status of the teacher. Til:?. L 10773 (Riverside educational monographs). Sogard, J. Public school relationships. 1909. L 10308 Terman, L. M. The teacher's health; a study in the hygiene of an occupation. 1913. L 10779 (Riverside educational monographs, ed. by H. Suzzallo). Bibliography: p. 127-[133]. Teachers in Literature Skinner, H. M., co inf. The schoolmaster in comedy and satire. 1894. J 2527 The schoolmaster in literature. 1S92. J 1701 Training of Teachers Bramwell, A. B. and Hughes, H. M. The training of teachers in the United States of America. 1894. L 1739 Brown, J. F. The training of teachers for secondary schools in Germany and the United States. 1911. L 10927 276 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Farrington, F. E. The public primary school system of France, with special ref- erence to the training of teachers. 1906. L 10284, 7 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Hannak, E. The training of teachers in Austria. 1889. L 1657, 2 (In New York College for the training of teachers. Educational monographs). Kandel, I. L. The training of elementary school teachers in Germany. 1910. L 10284, 31 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Laurie, S. S. The training of teachers and other educational papers. 1882. L 1309 Luckey, G. W. A. The professional train- ing of secondary teachers in the United States. 1903. L 10700, 12 (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education). National Education Association. Report ol the Committee of seventeen on the pro- fessional preparation of high school teachers. 1907. L 10650 Sandiford, P. The training of teachers in England and Wales. 1910. L 10284, 32 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Normal Schools Barnard, H. Normal schools and other in- stitutions, agencies and means designed for the professional education of teachers. 1851. L1174 Gordy, J. P. Rise and growth of the nor- mal school idea in the United States. 1S<)0. L1730 Meriam, J. L. Normal school education and efficiency in teaching. 1906. L 10284, 1 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). National Education Association. American normal schools. 1860. L 1268 Report of Committee on normal schools, is'.)'.). L 10440 Bound with its: Report of Committee on col- lege entrance requirements. Teachers' Salaries Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. The financial status of the professor in America and in Germany. :908. L 10643, 2 (Its Bulletin, no. 2). Dyke, C. B. The economic aspect of teachers' salaries. 1899. L 10700, 7 (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education). Strachan, G. C. Equal pay for equal work; the story of the struggle for justice being made by the women teachers of the city of New York. 1910. L 10823 Teachers' Pensions Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Papers relating to the ad- mission of state institutions to the sys- tem of retiring allowances of the Carnegie foundation. 1907. L 10643, 1 (Its Bulletin, no. 1). National Education Association. Report ot the Committee on salaries, tenure, and pensions of public school teachers in the United States. 1905. L 10439 Teachers' Institutes Bates, S. P. Methods of teachers' institutes: and, The theory of education. 1868. L1180 Phelps, W. F. The teacher's hand-book, for the institute and the class room. 1874. L1359 Teaching, Pedagogics Abbott, J. The teacher; moral influences employed in the instruction and govern- ment of the youxig. 1884. L 1135 Adams, J. Exposition and illustration in teaching. 1910. L 10811 Alcott, W. A. Slate and blackboard exer- cises. 1857, L 1471 Arnold, S. L. Waymarks for teachers, showing aims, principles, and plans of everyday teaching. 1894. L 1743 Bagley, W. C. Craftsmanship in teaching. 1911. L 10934 Contents: Craftsmanship in teaching; Optimism in teaching; How may we promote the efficiency of the teaching force? The test of efficiency in supervision; The supervisor and the teacher; Edu- cation and utility; The scientific spirit in educa- tion; The possibility of training children to study; A plea for the definite in education; Science as related to the teaching of literature; The new attitude toward drill; The ideal teacher. The educative process. 1905. L 10324 Contents: Functions of education; The acquisi- tion of experience; The functioning of experience; The organization and recall of experience; The se- lection of experiences for educational purposes: educational values; The transmission of experience and the technique of teaching. Barnett, P. A. Common sense in education and teaching. 1899. L 1440 Teaching and organisation, with spe- cial reference to secondary schools. 1897. L1760 Barrett, S. M. Practical pedagogy. 1908. L 10299 Benson, A. C. The schoolmaster; a com- military upon the aims and methods of an assistant-master in a public school. 1908. L 10803 Bolton, F. E. Principles of education. L910. L 10226 Boyer, C. C. Modern methods for teachers: a twentieth century hand-book for Amcr- EDUCATION 277 ican teachers, normal schools, and teach- ers' reading circles. 1908. L 10804 Principles and methods of teaching; a manual for normal schools, reading circles, and the teachers of elementary, in- termediate, and higher schools. 1906. L 10331 Brooks, E. Normal methods of teaching. 1883. L 1337 Chancellor, W. E. Class teaching and man- agement. 1910. L 10329 Colgrove, C. P. The teacher and the school. 1910. L 10931 Compayre, G. Lectures on'pedagogy. 1887. L1536 Currie, J. The principles and practice of common school education. L 1488 Curtman, W. J. G. Lehrbuch des Unter- richts. 1866. D 3351 De Graff, E. V. The school-room guide. 1884. L 1328 De Graff, E. V. and Smith, M. K. Develop- ment lessons for teachers, on size, form, place, plants, and insects. 1884. L 1363 Diesterweg, F. A. W. Wegweiser zur Bildung fur deutsche Lehrer. 1873-77. D3364 Dinsmore, J. W. The training of children; a book for young teachers. 1912. L 10217 Dodd, C.'I. Introduction to the Herbartian principles of teaching. 1898. L 1638 Doty, D. Rules and hints on the theory and practice of teaching. 1879. L 1512 (Papers on education). Du Bois, P. The point of contact in teach- ing. 19Q5. L 10501 Emerson, G. B. The schoolmaster; the proper character, studies and duties of the teacher. 1842. L 1164 Finlay-Johnson, H. The dramatic method of teaching. 1911. L 10959 (Nesbit's self-help series). Fitch, J. G. Lectures on teaching, delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1880. 1881. L1277 Fleshman, A. C. The educational process. 1908. L 10941 (Lippincott's educational series). Bibliography: p. 326-330. Fowle, W. B. The teachers' institute; or, Familiar hints to young teachers. 1849. L1183 Frohlich, G. Padogogische Bausteine. 1873. D 3353 Neue padagogische Bausteine. 1874. D3353 Garlick, A. H. A new manual of method. 1907. . L 10830 Giffin, W. M. How not to teach, revised and enlarged, with the Way to teach. 1883. L1352- Gill, j. The art of teaching young minds to observe and think. 1880. L 1482 Introductory text book to school edu- cation, method and school management. 1883. L 1483 Greenwood, J. M. Principles of education practically applied. 188S. L 1502 Gregory, J. M. The seven laws of teaching. 1886. L 10395 Griffin, C. S. Hints and helps, from many school-rooms. 1906. L 10506 Hall, B. R. Teaching, a science; the teacher an artist. 1848. L 1186 Hart, J. S. In the school-room. 1872. L1107 Hathaway, B. A. 1001 questions and an- swers on the theory and practice of teach- ing. 1886. L 1530 Hewett, E. C. A treatise on pedagogy. 1884. L 1327 Holbrook, A. The normal; or, Methods of teaching the common branches. 1867. L1150 Hoose, J. H. On the province of methods of teaching, a professional study. 1886. L1357 Howland, G. Practical hints for the teach- ers of public schools. 1890. L 1548 (International education series). Johonnot, J. Principles and practice of teaching. 1896. L 1421 Same. 1878. L 1149 Jones, W. F. Principles of education ap- plied to practice. 1911. L 10415 Kenyon, E. E. The coming school; a sequel to "The young idea." 1889. L1539 Kiddle, H. H. and others. How to teach. 1874. L1187 Klapper, P. Principles of educationa- prac- tice. 1912. L 10213 "Suggested reading" at the end of each chapter. Mann, C. R. The teaching of physics for purposes of general education. 1912. K 15977 (Teachers' professional library). Bibliography: p. 291-299. Mayo, A. D. Talks with teachers. 1881. L1371 Meriam, J. L. Normal school education and efficiency in teaching. 1906. L 10284, 1 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Bibliography: p. 151-152. Morgan, T. J. Studies in pedagogy. 1889. L1556 Murphy, D. C. Turning points in teaching; or, Law making and law breaking in the schoolroom. 1909. L 10812 278 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Northend, C. The teacher and the parent; a treatise upon common-school education. 1873. L 1196 The teacher's assistant; or, Hints and methods in school discipline and instruc- tion. 1874. L 1195 Orcutt, H. Hints to common school teach- ers, parents, and pupils. 1859. L 1169 O'Shea, M. V. Everyday problems in teaching. 1912. L 10316 Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teach- ing; or, The motives and methods of good school keeping. 1899. L 10397 Parker, F. W. Notes of talks on teaching. 1888. L 1305 Talksjon pedagogics; an outline of the theory of concentration. 1909. L 10980 Parker, S. C. A textbook in the history of modern elementary education, with em- phasis on school practice in relation to social conditions. 1912. L 10218 Patrick, J. N. Elements of pedagogics. 1895. L 1788 (Standard teachers' library). Phelps, W. L. Teaching in school and college. 1912. L 10219 Prince, J. T. Courses and methods; a hand- book for teachers of primary, grammar, and ungraded schools. 1888. L 1711 Public school methods; the teacher's pro- fessional library. 4v. 1909. Hughes Room N. Methods of teaching. 1884. L1360 Outlines of pedagogics. 1893. L1401 Classified bibliography: p. 185-199. Roark, R. N. Method in education; an in- stitute manual and a text-book for teach- ers. 1899. L 10399 Rowe, S. H. Habit-formation and the L 10817 1898. L1640 The philosophy of teaching. L1349 ed. Chapters on the aims and practice of teaching. 1897. L 1789 Strayer, G. D. A brief course in the teach- ing process. 1911. L 10952 (Brief course series in education). Swett, J. Methods of teaching. 1880. L1356 Tate, T. The philosophy of education; or, The principles and practice of teaching. 1884. L1361 Thorndike, E. L. The principles of teach- ing, based on psychology. 1900. L 10814 Raub, A. Rein, W. Habit-formation science of teaching. 1909. Salmon, D. The art of teaching. Sands, N. 1869. Spencer, F. Three lectures on subjects connected with the practice of education, delivered in the University of Cambridge, 1882. 1883. L1302 Contents: On marking, by H. W. Eve; On stimulus, by A. Sidgwick; On the teaching of Latin verse composition, by E. A. Abbott. Thring, E. Theory and practice of teach- ing. 1883. L 1307 Tompkins, A. The philosophy of teaching. 1894. L 1749 Wells, W. H. The graded school; a graded course of instruction for public schools. 1873. L1165 White, E. E. The art of teaching. 1901. L 10442 Wickersham, J. P. Methods of instruction. 1866. L 1166 Winterburn, Mrs. R. V. Methods in teach- ing; being the Stockton methods in ele- mentary schools. 1908. L 10813 Ziller, T. Vorlesungen iiber allgemeine Padagogik. 1876. D 3390 Psychology of Education Adams, J. The Herbartian psychology ap- plied to education; being a series of es- says applying the psychology of Johann Friedrich Herbart. 1898. L 10301 (Heath's pedagogical library). Arnold, F. Attention and interest; a study in phychology and education. 1910. L 11122 Baldwin, J. Elementary psychology and education. 1887. L 1509 (International education series). Psychology applied to the art of teach- ing. 1892. L5313 (International education series). Binet, A. and Henri, V. La fatigue intel- lectuelle. 1890. C 5301 (Bibliotheque de pedagogie et de psychologie). Blan, L. B. A special study of the inci- dence of retardation. 1911. L 10284, 40 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Carr, H. A. The survival values of play, a statistical study of education in the West. 1902. L 10467, 1 (In Colorado. University. Investigations of the Department of psychology and education). Claparede, E. Experimental pedagogy and the psychology of the child. Tr. from the 4th ed. of "Psychologie de l'enfant et pedagogie exerimentale." 1911. L 10249 Colvin, S. S. The learning process. 1911. L 10940 Compayre, Ci. Psychology applied to edu- cation. 1890. L 10381 (Heath's pedagogical library). Darroch, A. The place of psychology in the training of the teacher. 1911. L 11138 EDUCATION 279 Davidson, J. A new interpretation of Her- bart's psychology and educational theory through the philosophy of Leibnitz. 190b\ L 10298 Dewey, J. How we think. 1910. L 11131 "A study of the nature and logical process of reflective thinking as applied to the problem of training children to scientific habits of thought. Psychology and social practice. 1902. L 10368, 2 (In University of Chicago. Contributions to education). Dexter, T. F. G. and Garlick, A. H. Psy- chology in the schoolroom. 1905. L 10340 Donaldson, H. H. The growth of the brain, a study of the nervous system in relation to education. 1895. N 858 (Contemporary science series). Gordy, J. P. Lessons in psychology. 1891. L5022 A text-book for normal schools. Harris, W. T. Psychologic foundations of education, an attempt to show the genesis of the higher faculties of the mind. 1898. L 1648 (International education series). Hewett, E. C. Elements of psychology; de- signed especially for young teachers. 1889. L 10505 (Eclectic educational series). Hopkins, Mrs. L. P. Educational psychol- ogy. 1886. L 1429 Home, H. H. The psychological principles of education; a study in the science of education. 1906. L 10469 Hughes, J. L. How to secure and retain attention. 1884. L 1369 James, W. Talks to teachers on psychol- ogy and to students on some of life's ideals. 1899. L5238 Judd, C. H. Genetic psychology for teach- ers. 1903. L 10386 (International education series). Kay, D. Memory, what it is and how to improve it. 1888. L 5256 (International education series). Keatinge, M. W. Suggestion in education. 1907. L 10518 Lange, K. Apperception; a monograph on psychology and pedagogy. 1903. L 5966 (Heath's pedagogical library). Laurie, S. S. Institutes of education, com- prising an introduction to rational psy- chology; designed partly as a text-book for universities and colleges. 1907. L 10294 McKeever, W. A. Psychologic method in teaching. 1909. L 10338 Maillet, E. L'education; elements de psy- chologie de l'homme et de l'enfant, appli- quee a la pedagogic 1890. C 12798 Mark, H. T. The unfolding of personality as the chief aim in education; some chap- ters in educational psychology. 1911. L 10250 Contains bibliographies. Morgan, C. L. Psychology for teachers. 1901. L6022 Munsterberg, H. Psychology and the teacher. 1909. L 10339 Offner, M. Mental fatigue; a comprehen- sive exposition of the nature of mental fatigue, of the methods of its measure- ment and of their results, with special ref- erence to the problems of instruction. 1911. L 10957 Pfisterer, G. F. Padagogische Psychologies ein Versuch. 1889. D 3369 Radestock, P. Habit and its importance in education; an essay in pedagogical psy- chology. 1889. L 1480 Read, M. S. An introductory psychology, with some educational applications. 1911. L 11176 Roark, R. N. Psychology in education; de- signed as a text-book and for the use of the general reader. 1895. L 10383 Schaeffer, N. C. Thinking and learning to think. 1900. L 5980 (Lippincott's educational series). Schroeder, H. H. The psychology of con- duct; applied to the problem of moral education in the public schools. 1911. L 10986 Strumpell, L. A. Psychologische Pada- gogik. 1880. D 3385 Sully, J. Outlines of psychology; with special reference to the theory of educa- tion. 1885. L 2207 The teachers' handbook of psychology. 1897. L2239 Bibliography: p. 587-596. Swift, E. J. Mind in the making; a study in mental development. 1908. L 10344 Thomson, M. H. Environment and effi- ciency; a study in the records of indus- trial schools and orphanages. 1912. L8711, 1 (Birmingham studies in social economics and adjacent fields. I). The principles of teaching, based on psychology. 1906. L 10814 Urwick, W. E. The child's mind, its growth and training; being a short study of some processes of learning and teach- ing. 1907. L 10346 Vincent, G. E. The social mind and edu- cation. 1897. L8666 Bibliography: p. 147-152. Waldstein, L. The subconscious self and its relation to education and health. 1897. L6010 2S0 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Welton, J. The psychology of education. 1911. L 10996 Whipple, G. M. Questions in general and educational psychology. 1908. L 10932, 3 (Cornell study bulletins for teachers). School Management Arnold, F. Text-book of school and class management; theory and practice. 2v. 1908-1910. L 10922 Bagley, W. C. Class room management; its principles and technique. 1907. L 10323 Baldwin, J. Art of school management. 1881. L 1205 School management and school meth- ods. 1897. L1765 (International education series). Blakiston, J. R. The teacher; hints on school management. 1883. L 1485 Buckham, H. B. Hand-book', for young teachers: no. 1. 1881. L 1282 Calderwood, H. On teaching. 1875. L 1137 Dutton, S. T. School management; prac- tical suggestions concerning the conduct and life of the school. 1904. L 10392 Holbrook, A. School management. 1873. L1172 Howland, G. Practical hints for the teach- ers of public schools. 1890. L 1548 (International education series). Kellogg, A. M. The new education; school management. 1884. L 1209 Landon, J. School management. 1883. L1339 Murphy, D. C. Turning points in teaching; or, Law making and law breaking in the school-room. 1909. L 10812 Orcutt, H. School keeping; how to do it. 1885. L1353 Page, D. P. Theory and practice of teach- ing; or, The motives and methods of good school-keeping. 1893. L 1145 (Standard teachers' library, no. 3). Perry, A. C., jr. The management of a city school. 1908. L 10327 The status of the teacher. 1912. L 10773 Robinson, R. Teacher's manual of method and organization. 1882. L 1397 Sidgwick, A. Form discipline; a lecture. 1889. L1444 Stephens, D. V. Phelps and his teachers. L905. L 10271 Strayer, G. D. and Thorndike, E. L. Edu- cational administration; quantitative studies. L913. L 10417 xompkins, A. The philosophy of school management. L902. L 10325 Companion volume to his Philosophy of teaching, L1749 White, E. E. School management. 1893. L 10398 Wickersham, J. P. School economy. 1872. L1147 Young, E. F. Isolation in the school. 1901. L 10368, 1 (University of Chicago. Contributions to educa- \ on). Methods of Study Earhart, L. B. Teaching children to study. 1909. L 10766 (Riverside educational monographs). Foster, F. H. The seminary method of original study in the historical sciences. 1888. L 1540 Hinsdale, B. A. The art of study; a manual for teachers. 1900. L 10375 Jones, O. M. and others. Teaching children to study; the group system applied. 1909. L 10341 Knowlson, T. S. The century student's manual. 1910. L 10965 McMurray, F. M. How to study and teach- ing how to study. 1909. L 10970 Playfair, L. P., 1st baron and others. As- pects of modern study. 1894. L 1762 Recitation Betts, G. H. The recitation. 1911. L 10769 (Riverside educational monographs). Hamilton, S. The recitation. 1906. L 10472 (Lippincott educational series). McMurry, C. A. and McMurry, F. M. The method of the recitation. 1903. L 10409 Examinations Brown, I. H. and Brown, C. W. Common school examiner and review. 1901. L 10444 New York (state). Dept. of Public Instruc- tion. New York examination questions. 1887. L 1284 Price, I. The comprehensive question and answer book for review and study in school and home. 1911. L 10979 Shaw, E. R. The national question book. 1910. L 10630 Stone, I. The elementary and complete examiner, is;:;. L 1161 Swett, 1. Questions for written examina- tions. 1872. L1163 Pupil Self-Government Cronson, B. Pupil self-government, its theory and practice. 1907. L 10805 EDUCATION 281 Recess Exercises and Recreations Dinsmore, J. W. Teaching a district school; a book for young teachers. r.)10. L 10938 Harris, W. T. The question of recess. 1910. L 10947 Johnson, G. E. What to do at recess. 1910. L 10358 Lewis, J. School games and recreational exercises for use in public elementary schools. 1911. K 18241 Mann, C. W. School recreations and amusements. A companion \ olume to King's "School interests and duties," pre- pared especially for teachers' reading cir- cles. 1896. L 10972 Newton, M. B. Graded games and rhyth- mic exercises for primary schools (for the school room and playground). 1911. K 18242 Curriculum Of Elementary and Secondary Schools Bigelow, J. Address on the limits of educa- tion. 1865. *L 1089 Brownscombe, F. J. State control of courses of study, with appendices on re- ligious instruction and the grading of school systems. 1908. L 10283 De Brath, S. and Beatty, F. Over-pressure. 1899. L 10432 Dewey, J. The child and the curriculum. 1902. L 10368, 5 (University of Chicago. Contributions to edu- cation). Dopp, K. E. The place of industries in elementary education. 1909. L 10364 Fouillee, A. J. E. Education, from a na- tional standpoint. 1892. L1695 (International education series). Hertel, N. T. A. Overpressure in high schools in Denmark. 1885. L 1378 Hill, T. The true order of studies. 1876. L1097 Kelsey, F. W., ed. Latin and Greek in American education, with symposia on the value of humanistic studies. 1911. L 10705, 1 Macphail, A. Essays in fallacy. 1910. E4456 National Education Association. Report of the Committee of ten on secondary school studies, with the reports of the confer- ences arranged by the committee. 1894. L 10650 Quain, R. On some defects in general edu- cation. 1870. L 1101 Teachers college record. The curriculum of the elementary school. 1908. L 10455 Watson, F. The beginnings of the teach- ing of modern subjects in England. 1909. L 10995 Textbooks Note: Only the textbooks in the elementary branches are included. Textbooks on separate sub- jects are classed with the subjects, e. g.: History, Language, etc. Pedagogics of special subjects will also be found in finding lists and card catalog under their sub- jects, e. g. : History, Study and Teaching; Lan- guage, Study and Teaching, etc. Pedagogics of Reading Bell, G. F. Expressive reading; sugges- tions based upon the elementary syllabus of New York state for all grades. 1907. L 10924 Clark, S. H. How to teach reading in the public schools. 1908. L 10928 Farnham, G. L. The sentence method of teaching reading, writing, and -spelling. 1881. L 1381 Hughes, J. L. Teaching to read. 1909. L 10950 McMurry, C. A. Special method in reading in the grades. 1908. L 10967 Pollard, R. S. A complete manual; Pol- lard's synthetic method of reading and spelling. 1889. J 4570 Potter, H. L. D. Manual of reading. 1874. J 500 Reeder, R. R. The historical development of school readers and of method in teach- ing reading. 1900. L 10700, 8 (Columbia University contributions to philoso- phy, psychology and education). Webb, J. R. Webb's word-method. 1875. J 2480 Primers Elementary Reading Books Gardner, M. Work that is play; a dramatic reader based on /Esop's fables. 1908. J 6183 Greene, S. S. Thought and expression; or, The child's first book in written language. 1877. J 2411 Ketchum, I. A. and Rice, A. L. Our story reader; a book for beginners in reading. 1907. H 4650 Laurie, J. S. The new standard primer. J 2409 McGuffey, W. H. Leigh's McGuffey's new primary reader. 1868. J 2444 Monroe, L. B. The chart-primer; or, First steps in reading. 1877. J 2465 Mott, S. M. and Chubb, P. Indoors and out; nature and dramatic reader for pri- mary grades. 1911. J 6186 New England primer, The. 1897. *J 2824 (Book lovers' library of early American liter- ature). 282 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Watson, J. M. The national school primer; or, Primary word-builder. 1866. J 2451 Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W. Nature study in elementary schools; first reader. 190G. J 6190 Wiltse, S. E. Stories for kindergartens and primary schools. 1885. L 10791 Word method primer, The. 1857. J 2481 Graded School Readers Anderson, J. J. United States reader. 1872. J 2421 Arnold, S. L. Stepping stones to literature. 8v. 1897-1902. J 6188 One volume for each of eight grades. Barstow, C. L., ed. The civil war. 1912. B5538 (Century readings in United States history). The colonists and the revolution. 1912. B5535 (Century readings in United States history). Explorers and settlers. 1912. B 5534 (Century readings in United States history). A new nation. 1912. B 5536 (Century readings in United States history). The progress of a united people. 1912. B5539 (Century readings in United States history). The westward movement. 1912. B5537 (Century readings in United States history). Brittain, H. L. and Harris, J. G., comp. Se- lections from American orations; an 'his- torical reader for schools. 1911. J 2758 Bryce, C. T. The child-lore dramatic reader. 1909. J 6180 Charles, R. F., ed. Relfe Brothers' model reading-books. 2v. 1880-83. J 2484 Cole, W. H., comp. The institute reader and normal class book. 1870. J 2416 Edwards, R. Analytical fifth reader; and a large number of new and valuable selec- tions for exercises in reading and elocu- tion. 1868. Analytical fourth reader. 1867. Analytical intermediate reader. Analytical second reader. 1867. Analytical sixth reader. 1867. The second reader. 1880. Edwards, R. and Webb, J. R. third reader. 1867. J 2419 J 2418 1871. J 2425 J 2417 J 2427 J 2424 Analytical J 2426 Eggleston, E. Stories of American life and adventure; third reader grade. 189f>. H3688 (Eclectic school readings). Firth, A., comp. Voices for the speechless; selections for schools and private reading. L883. E 10549 Selections of poetry and prose teaching the duty of kindness to animals. Goho, S. O. The Pennsylvania reader, his- torical and patriotic. 1897. H 3999 Goodrich, S. G. Goodrich's 6th schooi reader. 1857. J 2562 Haaren, J. H., comp. Ballads and tales, fourth reader grade. 1905. H 4116 (Golden rod books). Harvey, T. W. The graded-sdhool 2d-5th reader. 4v. 1875. J 2453, 2-5 Hix, M., comp. The approved selections for supplementary reading and memorizing. 1905. J 6187 Holbrook, F. Dramatic reader for lower grades. 1911. J 6179 Holmes, G. F. Holmes' 5th reader. 1872. J 2559 (University series). Howells, W. D. Boy life; stories and read- ings selected from the works of W. D. Howells and arranged for supplementary reading in elementary schools by P. Chubb. 1909. J 6170 (Harper's modern series of supplementary read- ers for the elementary schools). James, G. W. A little journey to some strange places and peoples in our south- western land (New Mexico and Arizona). For home and school, intermediate and upper grades. 1911. 14611 (Library of travel). Johonnot, J., ed. A geographical reader. 19928 p. 413-416. A reading book in Irish his- H4527 Knight, M. Dramatic reader for grammar grades. 1910. ' J 6182 Koch, F. J. A little journey to our western wonderland (California); for home and school, intermediate and upper grades. 1911. 14618 (Library of travel). Laselle, M. A. Dramatizations of school classics; a dramatic reader for grammar and secondary schools. 1911. J 6197 Laurie, J. S., ed. The technical series of reading books. 6v. 1870-71. J 2407 Lights to literature, by grades. 3v. 1900. J 6189 McGuffey, W. H. McGuffey's newly re- vised rhetorical guide, or 5th reader of the eclectic series. 1853. J 2558 (Eclectic educational series). New high school reader. 1857. J 2446 New 2d-5th eclectic reader. 4v. 1853- 57. J 2443 Mintz, F. S. The new American citizen: r 1882. Bibliography: Joyce, P. W. tory. 1901. reader for foreigners. 1910. Monroe, L. B. New second reader. New national third reader. (Barnes' new national readers). J 4536 1885. J 2515 J 2502 EDUCATION 283 Newell, M. A. and Creery, W. R. The 6th reader for the use of schools. 1868. J 2560 Nibelungenlied. The story of the German Iliad [the Nibelungen] a school reader for the sixth and seventh grades, by M. E. Burt. 1S92. H 5281 Osgood, L. American 5th-6th reader. 2v. 1871-72. J 2510 Parker, R. G. and Watson, J. M. The na- tional lst-4th reader. 4v. 1875-77. J 2452 Powers, E. M. and Balliet, T. M. The Sil- ver-Burdett readers. 5v. 1906. J 2563 (New century series). Sanders, C. W. Sanders' union 2d-5th reader. 4v. 1861-67. J 2412 — — The school reader; 5th book. 1872. J 2561 Sargent, E. and May, A. New American 2d- 5th reader. 4v. 1871. J 2454 Sheldon, E. A. Sheldon's third reader. J 2511 Sheldon and Company. Modern school lst- 5th reader. 5v. 1881-82. J 2485 Simms, M. H. Child literature for first and second grades. 1903. ("Eclectic school readings). Swinton, W. and Cathcart, G. R., ed. ton's supplementary readers. 6v. H673 Swin- 1880. J 2503 Thompson, J. G. and Thompson, T. E. New century readers, lst-3d year. 3v. 1900- 02. J 2564 (New century series). Contents: 1st year. For childhood days; 2d year. Fairy tale and fable; an introduction to literature and art; 3d year. Nature, myth and story. Town, S. The fourth reader. 1858. J 2482 Waterman, S. D. and others, comp.- Graded memory selections. 1903. J 6107 Watson, J. M. Independent first to sixth reader. 6v. 1868-76. J 2450 Webb, J. R. Model reader second to fourth. 3v. 1874-76. J 2402, 2-4 Williams, S., comp. Choice literature for grammar grades. 2v. 1898. J 6102 Choice literature for intermediate grades. 2v. 1898. J 6101 Willson, M. The lst-5th reader. 5v. 1882- 83. J 2486 (Lippincott's popular series). A fourth reader. 1866. J 8448, 4 (Willson's intermediate series). The 2d, 4th, 5th reader. 3v. 1860-61. J 2449 (Harper's series, school and family readers). Willson's intermediate fifth reader. 1871. J 2448, 5 Writing Carstairs, J. The art of writing; instruc- tions for making pens; with receipts for manufacturing ink. 1837. K 6135 Clark, A. W. Public school penmanship; a handbook for teachers. 1909. K 14242 Day, L. F. Penmanship of the XVI, XVII & XVIIIth centuries; a series of typical examples from English and foreign writ- ing books. 1911. K6080 Jackson, J. Theory and practice of hand- writing. 1894. K 14241 Laurie, J. S. Standard copy books. 1877. J 2405 Smith, W. A. "According to Cocker"; the progress of penmanship from the earliest times. 1887. K 6083 Spencer, P. R. Spencerian key to practical penmanship. 1867. L 1190 Theory end art of penmanship; a manual for teachers; containing a full statement of Payson, Dunton and Scribner's cele- brated method of teaching. 1863. L1191 Thompson, L. S. A hand-book to accom- pany the New eclectic penmanship. 1883. L1192 Thompson, M. E. Psychology and peda- gogy of writing; a resume of the re- searches and experiments bearing on the history and pedagogy of writing. 1911. L 10958 (Educational psychology monographs). Spelling and Spellers Barford, A. H. and Tilley, H. A. English spelling as it is: a series of dictation les- sons. 1884. J 2483 Campbell, L. J. A primary spelling book of the English language. 1877. J 2514 DeWolf, D. F. The instructive speller. 1862. J 2460 Edwards, R. and Warren, M. A. The an- alytical speller. 1873. J 2516 Emmons, H. H. The practical speller and orthography; designed for supplementary work in high schools, normal schools, academies. 1900. J 4563 Farmer, J. S. The public-school word-book. 1900. *R 1650 Felter, W. L. and Eginton, L. J. The twen- tieth century spellers. 2v. 1906. J 4578 Gilbert, J. H. An introductory spelling- book. 1878. J 2461 Henderson, N. P. Test words in English orthography, with full definitions. 1868. J 2462 Henkle, W. D. A test spelling-book for the use of advanced classes. 1872. J 2463 284 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hunt, J. N. The progressive course in spelling. 1904. J 4575 Hyde, \V. T. C. How do you spell it? or, Words as they look. 1892. J H68 Laurie, J. S. Manual of English spelling. 1866. J 2408 McGuffey, W. H. New eclectic spelling- book. 1865. Monroe, L. B. First steps in 1874. New American primary speller. New American pronouncing speller J 2464 spelling. J 2466 1872. J 2467 1872. J 2468 school J 2469 words J 657 Patterson, C. Patterson's common speller. 1874. Phyfe, W. H. P. Five thousand often misspelled. 1894. Pitman, I. and Sons, pub. Pitman's com- mercial speller; a book of reference for stenographers, commercial and normal and high schools; with abbreviations, di- rections for punctuation and the use of capital letters. 1904. J 4569 Pomeroy, E. C. The introductory spelling- book. 1872. J 2470 Powers, O. M. The practical speller; espe- cially designed for use in commercial education. 1890. J 4571 Sanders, C. W. Sanders' new speller, de- finer, and analyzer. 1873. J 2471 Sanders' union speller. 1870. J 4573 Sheldon, E. A. Primary speller. 1876. J 2512 Smith, W. W. The definer's manual. 1873. J 994 The grammar school speller. 1873. J 2473 The juvenile definer. 1872. J 993 The little speller. 1872. J 2472 Swinton, W. Word-book of English spell- ing, oral and written. 1878. J 2475 Word-primer. 1878. J 2474 Wallin, J. E. W. Spelling efficiency in re- lation to age, grade and sex, and the question of transfer; an experimental and critical study of the function of meth- od in the teaching of spelling. 1911. L 10748 (Educational psychology monographs). Watson, J. M. Independent elementary speller; a critical work on pronunciation. 1.871. J 2477 National elementary speller; a critical work on pronunciation. 1876. J 2513 Webster, N. The elementary spelling book. 1880. J 2517 Willson, M. Willson's larger speller. 1864. J 2479 Willson's primary speller. 1863. J 2478 Winchell, S. R. Orthography, etymology and punctuation, embodying the essential facts of the English language, with con- cise rules for spelling, punctuation, the use of capital letters, etc. A text-book and book of reference for schools, col- leges and private students. 1908. J 4548 Arithmetic Pedagogics only. Textbooks are classed with the subject: Mathematics. Bardwell, F. W. Essay on methods of arithmetical instruction. 1878. *L 1431, 1 No. 2 of a vol. of pamphlets. Barr, S. D., ed. First lessons in mental and written arithmetic, on the objective meth- od. 1870. K 16184 (Robinson's mathematical series). Doty, D. A manual of methods of instruc- tion in arithmetic. 1878. *Doc. Bound with: Chicago. Board of Education. Manual for the use of teachers. 1878. Dunton, L. Methods of teac'hing arithmetic in primary schools. 1888. K 16162 Jackson, L. L. The educational significance of sixteenth century arithmetic from the point of view of the present time. 1906. L 10284, 8 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Milne, W. J. First lessons in arithmetic, on the inductive plan, including oral and written exercises. 1878. K 417 Reiner, C. Lessons on number, as given in a Pestalozzian school, Cheam, Surrey; the master's manual. 1857. L 1374 Smith, D. E. The teaching of elementary mathematics. 1905. K 16164 Stamper, A. W. A text-book on the teach- ing of arithmetic. 1913. K 16254 "Books for teachers," p. 278-280. Stone, C. W. Arithmetical abilities and some factors determining them. 1908. L 10284, 19 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Suzzallo, H. The teaching of primary arith- metic; a critical study of recent tenden- cies in method. 1912. L 10775 (Riverside educational series). Walsh, J. H. Practical methods in arith- metic. 1911. K 16268 Geography Pedagogics only. Textbooks are classed with the subject in Voyages and Travel. Apgar, E. A. and Apgar, A. C. Geograph- ical hand-book; designed to aid teachers in the use of Warren's Geographical charts. 1865. 12140 Brownell, F. C. The teacher's guide to illustration; a manual to accompany Hol- brook's school apparatus. 1868. L 1176 EDUCATION 285 Chicago Principal's Association. Commit- tee on Geography. Summary and outline of geography course for the grades, Chi- cago public schools. 1903. L 10929 Cowell, E. R. E. An angular tour of the world; or, The curiosities of latitude and longitude, a book for teachers. 1894. 19793 Doty, D. General classification of the science of geography. 1871. *L 1248 No. 5 of a vol. of pamphlets. Fitz, E. E. Hand-book of the terrestrial globe. 1876. 12155 A guide to a method of mounting and operating globes. Frye, A. E. The child and nature; or, Geography teaching with sand modelling. 1890. L 1701 (American pedagogical series). Geikie, Sir A. The teaching of geography. 1887. 19733 Johnston, W. and Johnston, A. K., pub. Tohnston's hand-book to the terrestrial globe. 1899. *R4998 King, C. F. Methods and aids in geography for the use of teachers and normal schools. 1891. 1 9747 McMurray, C. A. Special method in geo- graphy from the third through the eighth grade. New ed., 1912. 19939 "List of books": p. 199-217. Maltby, A. E. Map modeling in geography, including the use of sand, clay, putty, paper pulp, plaster of Paris, and other materials, also chalk modeling in its adap- tation to purposes of illustration. 1894. 19932 Mill, H. R. Hints to teachers and students on the choice of geographical books for reference and reading, with classified lists. 1897. 1 9871 Nichols, W. F. Topics in geography. 1898. 19865 Oberlander, H. Der geographisdhe Unter- richt nach den Grundsatzen der Ritter- schen Schule historisch und methodo- logisch beleuchtet. 1S93. D 14573 Parker, F. W. How to study geography. 1888. "~ I 9732 Parsons, D. A comprehensive collection of classified geographical topics, arranged and adapted to Cornell's series of geo- graphies. 1856. *I236, 4 No. 1 of a vol. of pamphlets. Redway, J. W. The new basis of geo- graphy; a manual for the preparation of the teacher. 1901. 1 9857 Steinhauser, A. Geographische Bildungs- und Unterrichtsmittel. 1873. D 4795, 1 (In Vienna, Austria, Weltausstellung, 1S73. OincieHer Ausstellungsbericht. No. 17), Sutherland, W. J. graphy. 1909. "Bibliography": p. The teaching of geo- 19946 274-292. Kindergarten Barnard, H., ed. Kindergarten and child culture papers. 1884. L 1367 Bates, L. Kindergarten guide. 1897. L1681 Blow, S. E. Educational issues in the kin- dergarten. 1908. L 10337 Kindergarten education. 1900. L 10404, 1 Letters to a mother on the philosophy of Froebel. 1899. L 1618 Symbolic education, a commentary on Froebel's "Mother play." 1894. L 1751 Carpenter, H. The mother's and kinder- gartner's friend. 1884. L 1392 Frdbel, F. W. A. Gesammelte padagogische Schriften hrsg. von W. Lange. 2v. 1862- 74. D 3358 Padagogische Schriften. 3v. 1883-1906. D 19565 Froebel's chief writings on education rendered into English by S. S. F. Fletcher and J. Welton. 1912. L 10212 (Educational classics). "Chronological list of Froebel's chief writings," p. xvii-xviii. "Bibliography," p. xix-xx. Contents: Pt. I. The education of human na> ture. — Pt. II. The kindergarten. Letters; ed. by A. H. Heinemann. 1893. L1713 Friedrich Frobel's Kindergartenwesen. 1S83. D 19565,2 Pedagogics of the kindergarten. 2v. 1895. L1766 (International education series). Education by development, the second part of the Pedagogics of the Kindergar- ten. 1899. L 1766, 2 (International education series). Friedrich Frobel's Menschen-Erziehung. 1883. D 19565, 1 The education of man. 1885. L 1497 Same. 1887. L 1437 (International education series). Guggenheimer, A. Frobel and the kinder- garten. 1901. *0 2459, 2 Hailman, W. N. Four lectures on early child-culture. 1880. L 1468 Kindergarten culture in the family and kindergarten. 1873. L 1173 Hanschmann, A. B. The kindergarten svs- tem. 1897. L 1682 Hardy, L. The diary of a free kindergarten. 1913. L 10360 Harrison, E. A study of child-nature, from the kindergarten standpoint. 1909. L1748 2S6 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Two children of the foothills. 1900. L 1370 An exposition of Froebel's "Mother-play." Hughes, 1. L. Froebel's educational laws for all teachers. 1S<>7. L 1769 (International education series). Kindergarten homes for orphans and other destitute children. 1882. L 1632 Kohler, A. Der Kindergarten in seinem Wesen dargestellt. 1874. D 3359 Die Praxis des Kindergartens. 3v. in 2. 1885-92. D 3392 Lyschinska, M. J. The kindergarten prin- ciple; its educational value and chief ap plications. 1889. L 1448 Newman, C. S. The kindergarten in the home. 1909. L 10274 Peabody, E. P. Guide to the kindergarten and intermediate class. 1877. L 1364 Lectures in the training schools for kindergartners. 1886. L 1494 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W., ed. The kindergar- ten. 1893. L 1750 Shirreff, E. A. E. Home education in re- lation to the kindergarten. 1884. L 1703 The kinder-garten. 1882. L 1270 Smith, N. A. The children of the future. 1898. L 1672 The home-made kindergarten. 1912. L 10359 The kindergarten in a nutshell, a hand- book for the home. 1899. L 10486 (Ladies' home journal practical library). The message of Froebel, and other es- says. 1900. L 10485 Vandewalker, N. C. The kindergarten in American education. 1908. L 10816 Wiebe, E. The paradise of childhood; a manual for self-instruction in F. Froe- bel's educational principles, and a prac- tical guide to kinder-gartners. 1869. *V327 Wiltse, S. E. Kindergarten stories and morning talks. 1890. L 10795 Kindergarten Methods and Manuals Bailey, C. S. and Lewis, C. M. Daily pro- gram of gift and occupation work. 1904. L 10789 Douai, A. The kindergarten. 1872. L 1366 Consists chiefly of German and English songs, verses and fables. Ferris, Mrs. C. S. The Sunday kindergar- ten: game, «ift, and story; a manual for USi in the Sunday schools and in the home. I M 8503 Foster, Mrs. M. J. C. The kindergarten of the- church. 1894. M 8324 Frobel, F. W. A. The mottoes and com- mentaries of Friedrich Froebel's mother play, is: i.v L 1767 (International education series). Mutter-und Kose-Lieder. 1883. D 19565, 3 The songs and music of Froebel's mother play. 1895. L 1768 (International education series). Goldammer, II. Der kindergarten. 4v. in 2. 1874-79. D3356 The gifts of the Kindergarten. 1882. L1712 Hailman, W. X. Primary methods; a com- plete and methodical presentation of the use of kindergarten material in the work of the primary school. 1887. L 1389 Hailmann, Mrs. E. L. Songs, games, and rhymes, for the nursery, kindergarten and primary school. 1887. *V 1700 Harrison, E. The kindergarten building gifts with hints on program-making. 1905. L 10815 Kraus-Boelte, M. The kindergarten guide; an illustrated hand-book, designed for the self-instruction of kindergartners, mothers, and nurses. 2v. 1892. L 1368 Macpherson, Mrs. A. W. H. and Palen., H. O. What and how: a systematized course of hand work. 1908. ' L 10793 Pratt, C. S. Stick-and-pea plays, pastimes for the children's year. 1899. K 14957 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. and Smith, X. A. The republic of childhood. 3v. 1895-96. L1763 Occupations, Busy Work Construction Work, Seat Work Bowker, I. F. Busy hands, construction work for children. 1904. L 10449 Buxton, G. F. and Curran, F. L. Paper and cardboard constructon. Book problems, box problems, card problems, envelope problems; an analysis of the scope of paper and cardboard construction for primary grades of public schools. 1911. L 10834 Eppendorff, L. Handwork construction. 1908. L 10354 Contents: Introduction; I. Free weaving or basketry; II. Spokes held by weavers, interweav- ing; III. Pairing or twining, wrapping; IV. Bor- ders; V. Sewed baskets; VI. Bead work; VII. Knots; VIII. Practical applications, study courses, supplies. Bibliography, p. 117. Gilman, M. L. <;/; nse and the Woman's City Club. 1911. L7352 Consumers' League of Connecticut. A glance at some European and American vocational schools for children from twelve to sixteen years of age. 1911. L 10849 Cooley, E. G. Vocational education in Eu- rope; report to the Commercial Club of Chicago. 1912. L 10848 Crawshaw, F. D. Manual arts for voca- tional ends. 1912. L 10847 Gillette, J. M. Vocational education. 1910. L 10946 Snedden, D. S. The problem of vocational education. 1910. L 10767 (Riverside educational monographs). Vocation Bureau, Boston, Mass. Vocations for boys. No. 1-8. 1911-1912. L 7353 Contents: No. 1, The machinist; 2, Banking; 3, The baker; 4, Confectionery manufacture; 5, The architect; 6, The landscape architect; 7, The grocer; 8, The department store and its opportu- nities for boys and young men. Vocation Office for Girls, Boston. Voca- tions for Boston girls, issued by the Vo- cation Office for Girls. Bulletin No. 1, 1911. *L7351 Vocational education. Vol. 1. Sept., 1911- May, 1912. 1912. *Ser. Bi-monthly (no summer number). Weeks, R. M. The people's school; a study in vocational training. 1912. L 10778 (Riverside educational monographs). "Bibliography on elementary vocational educa* tion": p. 195-202. Vocational Guidance Choice of Occupations Vocation Bureau (Boston, Mass.). Bibliog- raphy of books and periodicals in Eng- lish and German dealing with vocational direction. 1910? *0 2720 Careers for the coming men. Practical and authoritative discussions of the profes- sions and callings open to young Ameri- cans. 1904. L 4756 Chicago School of Civics and Philanthropy. Department of Social Investigation. Find- ing employment for children who leave the grade schools to go to work. 1911. L7352 Fowler, N. C, jr. Starting in life; what each calling offers ambitious boys and young men. 1906. L 8196 Hale, E. E. What career? ten papers on the c'hoice of a vocation and the use of time. 1878. E 1230 Laselle, M. A. and Wiley, K. E. Vocations for girls. 1913. L 9334 Manson, G. J. Ready for business; or, Choosing an occupation, a series of prac- tical papers for boys. 1890. L 3857 Marden, O. S. Choosing a career. 1905. L4758 Contents: Considerations relating to the choice of a life-calling; Suggestions as to possible careers. Miinsterberg, H. Vocation and learning. 1912. L 11531 Parsons, F. Choosing a vocation. 1909. L8219 Based upon the methods & work of the Vocation Bureau of Boston. 298 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Richards, L. S. Vocophy (L. voco, I name; I call), the new profession; a system enabling a person to name the calling or vocation one is best suited to follow. 1881. L4755 Rollins, F. W. What can a young man do? 1907. L8188 Vocation Bureau (Boston, Mass.). Bulletin of speakers on vocational subjects. 1910? *0 2720 Bound with: Vocation Bureau (Boston, Mass.). Bibliography of books and periodicals in English and German dealing with vocational direction. Vocations for boys. 1911-1912. L 7353 Contents: The machinist; Banking; The baker; Confectionery manufacture; The architect; The landscape architect; The grocer; The department store and its opportunities for boys and young men. Vocation Office for Girls, Boston. Voca- tions for Boston girls. 1911. L 7351 Another copy. *Doc. Contents: Telephone operating; Bookbinding; Stenography and typewriting; Nursery maid; Dress- making; Millinery; Straw hat making; Manicuring and hairdressing; Nursing; Salesmanship. White, Mrs. S. J. Business openings for girls. 1899. 1,9310 Wingate, C. F. What shall our boys do for a living? 1898. L6112 Continuation Schools Bartley, G. C. T. The schools for the peo- ple, containing the history, development and present working of each description of English school for the industrial and poorer classes. 1871. L 1257 Jones, A. J. The continuation school in the United States. 1907. *Doc. (U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin 1, 1907). Sadler, M. E. Continuation schools in Eng- land & elsewhere; their place in the edu- cational system of an industrial and com- mercial state. 1908. 1,10303 (Publications of the University of Manchester. Educational series). Schilling, F. Das deutsche Fortbildungs- schulwesen. 1909. D 18709 (Aus Natur und Geisteswelt). Ware, F. A. G. Educational foundations of trade and industry. 1901. L 10504 (International education series). Special Classes Exceptionals, Backward Children Auxiliary Education Ayres, L. P. Laggards in our schools; a study of retardation and elimination in city school systems. 1909. L 10282 Maennel, B. Auxiliary education, the train- ing of backward children. 1909. L 10281 The auxiliary schools of Germany. 1907. *Doc. National Education Association. Report of the Committee of investigation on pro- vision for exceptional children in public schools. 1908. L 10649 Shields, T. E. The making and the un- making of a dullard. 1909. L 10987 Warner, F. The study of children and their school training. 1907. L 1679 Defectives and Dependents Allen, E. E. Education of defectives. 1900. L 10404, 2 Hill, F. D. Children of the state; the train- ing of juvenile paupers. 1868. L 4500 McMurtrie, D. C. Some considerations af- fecting the primary education of crippled children, together with a survey of the historical development and present status of care for cripples. 1910. L 10831 Seguin, E. Education of the deaf and mute; Education of idiots and feeble- minded children. 1880. L 1384 Shuttleworth, G. E. and Potts, W. A. Men- tally deficient children; their treatment and training. 1910. L 10307 Smedley, M. B., ed. Boarding-out and pau- per schools, especially for girls. 1875. L946 Deaf and Dumb Bell, A. G. Lectures upon the mechanism of speech; reprinted from the proceedings of the first summer meeting of the Amer- ican Association to Promote the Teach- ing of Speech to the Deaf. 1906. N 1431 Cornie, A. fltude sur l'lnstitution Nationale des Sourdes-Muettes de Bordeaux, 1786- 1903. 1903. CC 1381 Gallaudet, E. M. and Bell, A. G. Education of deaf children. 1892. *V 1896 Nitchie, E. B. Lip-reading principles and practise: a hand-book for teacners and tor self instruction. 1912. L 10839 Embodies everything contained in the author'3 previous works on lip-reading, and considerable additional material, cf. Pref. Bibliography: p. 322-324. "Some parts of the book appeared originally as articles in the Volta review." Self-instructor in lip-reading. 1902. L 10403 Story, A. J. Speech-reading, for the deaf — not dumb; a book for the use of those who have become deaf after having ac- quired a full knowledge of the English language. 1910. L 10835 Volta review. The; a monthly specializing on the problems of deafness, v. 2-12, Feb., I'.ion-.Mar.. 1911. 1 Iv. *Ser. Vol. 1-11 entitled: The association record, and issued five times a year. The official organ of the Volta Bureau and the American Association to Promote the Teaching of Speech to the Deaf. EDUCATION 299 Moral Education Ethical Education Adler, F. Moral instruction of children. 1892. L 1707 (International education series). Brownlee, J. Character building in school. 1912. L 10202 Clark, J. K. Systematic moral education, with daily lessons in ethics. 1911. L 10781 "Bibliography," p. 72-74. Dewey, J. Moral principles in education. 1909. L 10761 DuBois, P. The natural way in moral train- ing. 1903. L 10481 Dupanloup, F. A. P. The child. 1875. L1098 Ellis, F. H. Character forming in school. 1907.. L 10332 Foerster, F. W. Jugendlehre; ein Buch fur Eltern, Lehrer und Geistliche. 1906. D3176 Garrison, W. P. Parables for school and home. 1898. L6129 Gould, F. J. Conduct stories; a volume of stories for the moral instruction of chil- dren. 1910. L 11496 Griggs, E. H. Moral education. 1904. L 10517 Harris, W. T. Moral education in the pub- lic schools. 1877. L1512 (Papers on education). Krause, F. H. Manual of moral and hu- mane education. 1910. L 10413 Mark, H. T. Individuality and the moral aim in American education, the Gilchrist report presented to the Victoria Univer- sity, March, 1901. 1901. L 10401 Moral training in the public schools; the California prize essays. 1907. L 10334 Palmer, G. H. Ethical and moral instruc- tion in schools. 1909. L 10763 (Riverside educational monographs). Peabody, E. P. Records of Mr. Alcott's school, exemplifying the principles and methods of moral culture. 1874. L 1235 Perez, B. L'education morale des le ber- ceau; essai de psychologie appliquee. 1888. C 12979 Sadler, M. E., ed. Moral instruction and training in schools; report of an inter- national inquiry. 2v. 1908. L 10513 Schroeder, H. H. The psychology of con- duct; applied to the problem of moral education in the public schools. 1911. L 10986 Sisson, E. O. The essentials of character; a practical study of the aim of moral edu- cation. 1910. L 10988 Young, Mrs. E. F. Ethics in the school. 1902. L 10368, 4 (University of Chicago. Contributions to edu- cation). Religious Education Beecher, C. E. Religious training of chil- dren in the school, the family and the church. 1864. M 1423 Beesau, A. The spirit of education. 1881. L1206 Brumbaugh, M. G. The making of a teacher; a contribution to some phases of the problem of religious education. 1905. M8497 Bushnell, H. Christian nurture. 1906. M1413 Clark, F. E. Training the church of the future; Auburn seminary lectures on Christian nurture with special reference to the Young People's Society of«Chris- tian Endeavor as a training-school of the church. 1902. M 6063 Coe, G. A. Education in religion and mor- als. 1904. L 10433 Dawson, G. E. The child and -his religion. 1909. M 8849 Drawbridge, C. L. The training of the twig. 1906. M 8323 Dwight, B. W. The higher Christian educa- tion. 1861. L 1108 Foster, Mrs. M. J. C. The kindergarten of the church. 1894. M 8324 Goyau, G. L'ecole d'aujourd'hui. 1899. CC 1570 The problem of religious education in France. Haslett, S. B. The pedagogical Bible school. 1903. M 8521 Hodges, G. The training of children in re- ligion. 1911. M 9183 Kent, C. F. The great teachers of Judaism and Christianity. 1911. M 8340 Koons, W. G. The child's religious life. 1903. M 9380 Lamoreaux, A. A. The unfolding life; a story of development with reference to religious training. 1907. L 10267 McKinney, A. H. The child for Christ. 1902. M 8333 Mark, H. T. The teacher and the child; elements of moral and religious teaching in the day school, the home and the Sun- day school. 1903? L 10278 Mutch, W. J. How to interest; a handbook for teachers in church. 1906. M 8330 Pattee, F. L. Elements of religious peda- gogy. 1909. M 8507 Principles of religious education, a course of lectures delivered under the auspices 300 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY of the Sunday-school Commission of the Diocese of New York, with an introd. by H. C. Potter. 1900. M 4904 Religious education, v.4, 1910 to date. *Ser. Religious Education Association. Proceed- ings. lst-5th general convention. 5v. 1903-08. M 4033 Smith, W. W. The elements of child study and religious pedagogy, in simple and practical form. 1912. M 8358 Religious education. 1909. M 8529 Stephens, T., ed. The child and religion. 1905. M 4310 Ward, Mrs. M. A. A. New forms of Chris- tian education. 1898. M 4456 Westcott, B. F. On some points in the re- ligious office of the universities. 1873. L1263 Wilm, E. C. The culture of religion; ele- ments of religious education. 1912. L 10315 Wordsworth, C. Discourses on public edu- cation. 1844. L 1288 Zurhellen-Pfleiderer, E. Wie erzahlen wir den Kindern die biblischen Geschichten? 1906. D 20260 Education and the Church Adams, H. B. The church and popular edu- cation. .1900. *L 3201, 18 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Hecker, I. T. Catholics and Protestants agreeing on the school question. 1881. *L 1267 No. 14 of a vol. of pamphlets. Maurice, J. F. D. Has the church, or the state, the power to educate the nation? 1839. L 1177 Mullany, P. F. Essays educational; by Brother Azarias. 190"). L 10476 Contents: Cloistral schools; The Palatine school; Mediaeval university life; University colleges, their origin and their methods; The primary school in the middle ages; The simultaneous method in teach- ing; Beginnings of the normal school; M. Gabriel Compayre as an historian of pedagogy. Rein, W. Kirche. Staat und Schule. 1905. D 6961, a (Moderne Zeitfragen). Riley, J. A. L. and others, ed. The religious question in public education; a critical examination of schemes representing va- rious points of view. 1911. L, 11001 The Bible in the Schools Cook, Mrs. E. B. The nation's book in the nation's schools. 1898. M 3455 Minor, J. D ; et al. vs. Board of Education of Cincinnati. [Briefs, arguments and opin- ions in the suit for prohibiting the read- ing of the Bible in the public schools of Cincinnati]. 1870. L 1090 Opinion and decision of the Supreme Court of Ohio. 1873. L 1091 Roman Catholic Education Burns, J. A. The Catholic school system in the United States; its principles"; origin, and establishment. 1908. L 10616 The growth and development of the Catholic school system in the United States. 1912. L 10206 A con imtation of the author's previous work, "The Catholic school system in the United States." Hughes, T. S. J. Loyola and the educa- tional system of the Jesuits. 1892. C 10442 (Great educators). Magevney, E. Christian education in the dark ages (A. D. 476-A. D. 1100). 1900. L 10300 (Pedagogical truth library). Christian education in the first centuries (A. D. 33-A. D. 476). 1900. L 10300 (Pedagogical truth library). Botmd with his: Christian education in the dark ages. The Jesuits as educators. 1900. L 10300 (Pedagogical truth library). Bound with his: Christian education in the dark ages. The reformation and education, 1520- 1648. 1903. L 10300 (Pedagogical truth library). Bound with his: Christian education in the dark ages. Systems and counter-systems of edu- cation 1648-1800. 1903. L 10300 (Pedagogical truth library). Bound with his: Christian education in the dark ages. Roman Catholic Church. Committee on the Catholic Educational Exhibit. Catalogue, Catholic educational exhibits, World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 1894. K 4463 School question, The; Catholics and edu- cation. 1876. L 1178 Schwickerath, R. Jesuit education; its his- tory and principles viewed in the light of modern educational problems. 1903. L 10388 Stuart, J. E. The education of Catholic girls. 1911. L 10991 Social Aspects of Education Carlton, F. T. Economic influences upon educational progress in the United States. L820-1850. 1908. L 6697, 4 (Bulletin ot the University of Wisconsin, no. 221. Economics and political science series, vol. 4, no. 1). Chapin. F. S. Education and the mores, a sociological essay. 1911. L 6589, 4311 (Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law), EDUCATION 301 Crowell, J. F. The logical process of social development, a theoretical foundation for educational policy from the standpoint of sociology. 1898. L 857S Dewey, J. The school and society; being three lectures supplemented by a state- ment of the University elementary school. 1899. L 1393 Dutton, S. T. Social phases of education in the school and the home. 1899. L 1450 Jessup, W. A. The social factors affect- ing special supervision in the public schools of the United States. 1911. L 10284, 43 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). King, I. Social aspects of education, a book of sources and original discussions with annotated bibliographies. 1912. L 10956 O'Shea, M. V. Social development and education. 1909. L 10276 Scott, C. A. Social education. 1908. L 10343 Seailles, G. Education ou revolution. 1904. CC 1577 Vincent, G. E. The social mind and educa- tion. 1897. L 8666 Education and Crime MacDonald, A. Abnormal man, being es- says on education and crime and related subjects, with digests of literature and a bibliography. 1893. L 4505 White, S. H. Education and crime. 1876. *L 1248 Same. 1877. L 1512 (In Papers on education. 1st series). Education and Heredity Fouillee, A. J. E. Education, from a na- tional standpoint. 1892. L1695 (International education series). Guyau, M. J. Education et heredite; etude sociologique. 1890. C 12541 Education and heredity. 1891. L 1478 (Contemporary science series). Patten S. N. Heredity and social progress. 1903. L8578 Riddell, N. N. A child of light; or. Hered- ity and prenatal culture considered in the light of the new psychology. 1900. N1080 Royce, S. Deterioration and race educa- tion, with practical application to the con- dition of the people and industry. 1873. L1630 School Architecture Barnard, H. School architecture, or. Con- tributions to the improvement of school- houses in the United States. 186a K 153 Briggs, W. R. Modern American school buildings; being a treatise upon and de- signs for, the construction of school buildings. 1899. K 11194 Modern school houses; being a series of authoritative articles on planning, sani- tation, heating and ventilation. 1910. *P 1473 Morrison, G. B. School architecture and hygiene. 1900. L 10404, 1 (Monographs on education in the United States). The ventilation and warming of school buildings. 1887. K 7555 (International education series). Robins, E. C. Technical school and college building. 1887. *V 1800 Wheelwright, E. M. School architecture; a general treatise for the use of architects and others. 1901. K 11303 Wisconsin. State Superintendent of Schoouj. The school beautiful, 1907, by Maud Bar- nett. 1907. L 10670 The decoration and sanitation of school build- ings and grounds. School Hygiene Barry, W. F. The hygiene of the school- room. 1904. L 10464 Carpenter, A. Principles and practice of school hygiene. 1887. N 629 Cornell, W. S. Health and medical inspec- tion of school children. 1912. N 1537 Dresslar, F. B. School hygiene. 1913. L 12062 (Brief course series in education). Hoag, E. B. The health index of children. 1910. N2112 Lincoln, D. F. The sanitary conditions and necessities of school-houses and school life. 18S6. N 1325, 2 (American Public Health Association. Lomb prize essay, no. 2). School and industrial hygiene. 1885. N 440, 12 (American health primers). Massachusetts Emergency and Hygiene As- sociation, pub. Six lectures upon school hygiene. 18SC. L 1526 Morrison, G. B. School architecture and hygiene. 1900. L 10404, 1 (Monographs on education in the United States). Newsholme, A. School hygiene; the laws of health in relation to school life. 1890. L1446 Porter, C. School hygiene and the laws of health. 1906. N 1183 Rowlands, R. A. . Hygiene for teachers. 1912. N 1436 Shaw, E. R. School hygiene. 1901. N 1063 (Teachers' professional library). Watt, W. E. Open air. 1910. N 1555 302 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Wisconsin. State Superintendent of Schools. The school beautiful, 1907, by M. Barnett. 1907. L 10670 The decoration and sanitation of school build- ings and grounds. Postures of Children Bancroft, J. H. The posture of school chil- dren, with its home hygiene and new effi- ciency methods for school training. 1913. L 10418 School Feeding Bryant, L. S. School feeding; its history and practice at home and abroad. 1913. L 10203 "Annotated bibliography on school feeding," p. 261-297. Hunt, C. L. The daily meals of school children. 1909. *Doc. (U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1909, no. 3). Pepler, D. The Care Committee, the child and the parent; a small volume contain- ing the history of the provision for meals to the children of poor parents. 1912. L9785 Winder, P. D. The public feeding of ele- mentary school children; a review ofthe general situation, and an inquiry into Birmingham experience. 1913. L 8711, 2 (Birmingham studies in social economics and adjacent fields). Open-Air Schools Ayres, L. P. Open-air schools. 1910. • L 10836 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute. Report on Chicago's first outdoor school for tuber- culous children, maintained jointly by the Board of Education and the Chicago Tu- berculosis Institute, August 3d to Sept. 3d, 1909. 1909. L 10837 Kingsley, S. C, ed. Open air crusaders; a story of the Elizabeth McCormick Open Air School, together with a general ac- count of open air school work in Chi- cago, and a chapter on school ventilation. 1911. L 10838 Watt, W. E. Open air; a statement of what is being done and what should be done to secure right air in homes, schools, offices, factories, churches, etc. 1910. N 1555 School Books Notr: Modern textbooks, except those listed under Primary Education, above, will be found with their subjects, e. g.: Arithmetics under Mathematics, etc. Comenius, J. A. The orbis pictus [tr. into English by C. Hoole]. 1728. L 1541 Habel, E., cd. Der deutsche Cornutus. 2v. 1908-09. D 18942 Hazlitt, W. C. Schools, school-books, and schoolmasters. 1888. L 1523 Johnson, C. Old-time schools and school- books. 1904. J 2822 New England primer, The; a history of its development, with a reprint of the unique copy of the earliest known edition and many fac-simile illustrations and repro- ductions. 1897. *J 2824 (Book lovers' library of early American litera- ture). Tuer, A. W. History of the horn-book. 2v. 1896. *P671 "Webster, N. An American selection of les- sons in reading and speaking. 1794. *E 1601 School Gardens Greene, M. L. Among school gardens. 1910. K 16887 Hemenway, H. D. How to make school gardens. 1903. K 15318 Jewell, J. R. Agricultural education, in- cluding nature study and school gardens. 1908. *Doc, (U. S. Bureau of Education. Bulletin, 1907, no. 2). Miller, L. K. Children's gardens for school and home. 1904. K 15319 Parsons, H. G. Children's gardens for pleasure, health and education. 1910. K 16899 Weathers, J. A practical guide to school, cottage, and allotment gardening. 1908. K 16893 Weed, C. M. and Emerson, E. The school garden book. 1909. < K 16894 Williams, D. Gardens and their meaning. 1911. K 16920 School Life Barker, H. J. The comic side of school life. 1898. L 1624 Blouet, P. Max O'RelL Drat the boys! or, Recollections of an ex-^Frenchmaster in England. L 1510 Burton, W. The district school as it was. 1833. L 1087 Same. 1852. L 1202 Same. 1897. L 1671 Cable, L. L. School children the world over. 1909. H3388 Corbin, T. School boy life in England. 1898. L1774 Fitzgerald, P. TT., cd. Pictures of school life and boyhood. L 1434 Stonyhurst memories; or. Six years at school. 1895. L 1667 Grousset, P. Andre Laurie. Schoolboy days in France. 1896. F#025 EDUCATION 303 Schoolboy days in Italy. 1893.' F 9026 Schoolboy days in Russia. 1892. F 9027 Pascoe, C. E., ed. Everyday life in our pub- lic schools. 1881. L1314 Reddall, H. F. School-boy life in merrie England. 1888. L 1742 Rice, W. de G. C. and Rice, F., comp. The little book of school-days. 1910. E 10531 Anthology of verse. Timbs, J. School days of eminent men. C1604 Self-Education Self-Culture, Home Study Black H. The practice of self-culture. 1904. L6076 Blackie, J. S. On self-culture; intellectual, physical and moral. L 1115 Chambers, W., ed. The youth's companion and counsellor. 1880. E 937 Clarke, J. F. Self-culture, physical, intel- lectual, moral and spiritual. 1891. L1274 Craik, G. L. The pursuit of knowledge un- der difficulties. 2v. 1830-31. 13548 Same. 2v. 1868. 13719 Same. 1872. I 3108 Egeleston, G. C. How to educate yourself 1872. L 1102 Fiske, L. R. Man-building, a treatise on human life & its forces. 1901. L 6054 Fowler, O. S. Self-culture, and perfection of character. 1884. E 1114 Payot, J. The education of the will, the theory and practise of self-culture. 1909. L 11153 Self-culture, v.l. 1895 to date. *Ser. Waters, R. Culture by self-help in a liter- ary, an academic or an oratorical career. 1909. L6143 Watts, I. Improvement of the mind. 1885, L2194 The Intellectual Life Eucken, R. C. Einfiihrung in eine Philoso- phic des Geisteslebens. 190S. D 19570 Hamerton, P. G. The intellectual life. 1874. L2196 Peck, G. R. The kingdom of light. 1907. E5172 Conversation Art of conversing, The; or, Dialogues of the day. 1897. L 4381 Bell, Mrs. F. Conversational openings and endings. 1899. L 4393 Callaway, F. B. Charm and courtesy in conversation. 1904. L 4394 Hervey, G. W. The rhetoric of conversa- tion. 1853. J 349 Huntington, F. D. Good talking and good manners, fine arts. 1887. E 3367 Knollys, B. The gentle art of good talk- ing. 1899. L4382 Krans, H. S., ed. The lost art of conversa- tion. 1910. E 4043 Mahaffy, J. P. The principles of the art of conversation. 1888. L 4356 Morton, A. H. Our conversational circle. 1898. E 4639 Peabody, A. P., comp. Conversation; its faults and its graces. 1882. J 448 Society small talk; or, What to say and when to say it. 1879. E 5746 Waters, R. Culture by conversation. 1907. J 3140 Wells, S. R. How to talk; a pocket manual of conversation and debating. 1882. J 883 Courses of Study American Society for the Extension of Uni- versity Teaching. Syllabi for the aca- demic years, 1899-1906. 6v. in 5. L 10441 Bisseker, H., ed. A student's library. 1911. L 10899 Partridge, G. E. An outline of individual study. 1910. L 10253 Reading and home study. 1907. J 2800 Robertson, J. M., ed. Courses of study. 1908. L 10900 Wisconsin. Free Library Commission. Study outlines. 3v. 1907-08. L 10901 University Extension Adams, H. B. Summer schools and uni- versity extension. 1900. L 10404, 2 Citizen, The. 4v. 1895-98. *Ser. Successor to University extension. James, G. F., cd. Handbook of university extension. 1893. L 1761 Mackinder, H. J. and Sadler, M. E. Uni- versity extension; has it a future? 1890. L1474 National Conference on University Exten- sion. Proceedings of the 1st annual meeting, 1891. 1892. L 1699 Oxford University extension gazette. 5v. 1890-95. *Ser. Playfair, L. P., ist baron, and others. As- pects of modern study. 1894. L 1762 Roberts, R. D. Eighteen years of uni- versity extension. 1891. L 1697 University extension. 4v. 1892-94. *Ser. University extension journal. 5v. 1890-95. *Ser. 304 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mechanics' Institutes Hole, J. An essay on the history and man- agement of literary, scientific and me- chanics' institutions. 1853. K 643 Hudson, J. W. The history of adult edu- cation, mechanics' and literary institu- tions, athenaeums, etc. 1851. L 1549 Smith, C. S. Working with the people. 1904. L 10905 A history of the People's Institute, New York City. Educational Foundations Ayres, L. P. Seven great foundations. 1911. L 10642 Contens: Foreword. I. The Peabody educa- tion fund; II. The John F. Slater fund for the edu- cation of freedmen; III. The Carnegie institu- tion of Washington; IV. The General education board; V. The Carnegie foundation for the ad- vancement of teaching; VI. The Russell Sage foundation; VII. The Anna T. Jeanes foundation. Curry, J. L. M. Peabody education fund; a brief sketch of George Peabody and a history of the Peabody education fund through thirty years. 1898. *L 1441, 1 Rhodes Scholarships Parkin, G. R. The Rhodes scholarships. 1912. L 10629 Scholz, R. F. and Hornbeck, S. K. Oxford and the Rhodes scholarships. 1907. L 10607 Williams, C. L. The American student and the Rhodes scholarships. 1905. L 10537 Education of Women and Girls Barnett, E. A. The training of girls for work, an expression of opinions. 1894. L4436 Beale, D. S. L. H. M. and Dove, J. F. Work and play in girls' schools. 1898. L1628 Beecher, C. E. True remedy for the wrongs of woman. 1851. L 521 Brackett, A. C, ed. Education of Amer- ican girls, considered in a series of essays. 1874. • L1123 Briggs, L. B. R. Girls and education. 1911. L 10819 Burstall, S. A. The education of girls in the United States. 1894. L 1755 Burstall, S. A. and Douglas, M. A., cd. Pub- lic schools for girls, a series of papers on their history, aims, and schemes of study. 1911. L 10976 Burton, AT. F. The education of women in China. 1911. L 10939 Clarke, E. H. Building of a brain. 1874. L1117 Sex in education; or, A fair chance for girls. 1874. L 1120 Cowan, M. G. The education of the wo- men of India. 1912. L 10227 "Bibliography," p. 253. Crawford, M. C. The college girl of Amer- ica and the institutions which make her what she is. 1905. L 10526 Davies, E. Thoughts on some questions relating to women, 1860-1908. 1910. L9250 DeWahl, A. Practical hints on the moral, mental, and physicial training of girls at school. 1847. L 1708 Dupanloup, F. A. P. Studious women. 1869. L 564 Fenelon, F. de S. de La M. De l'education des filles. 1864. C 4925 The education of a daughter. 1873. L1141 Same. 1891. L 1477 Greard, V. C. O. L'education des femmes par les femmes; etudes et portraits. 1886. C 12474 Grey, Mrs. M. G. On the education of wo- men. 1871. L1133 Higginson, T. W. Women and the alpha- bet. 1900. L 9229 Hodgson, W. B. The education of girls and the employment of women of the upper classes educationally considered. 1869. L1122 Kirchhoff, A., ed. Die akademische Frau. 1897. D 7211 Livermore, Mrs. M. A. R. What shall we do with our daughters? 1883. L499 McCabe, L. R. The American girl at col- lege. 1893. L 1722 Pfeiffer, Mrs. E. J. D. Women and work. 1887. L 506 Phelps, Mrs. A. H. L. The educator; or, Hours with my pupils. 1872. L 1198 The fireside friend; or, Female stu- dent. 1855. L 1260 Rudolphi, C. C. L. Gemalde weiblicher Er- ziehung. 1857. D 3375 Sewell, E. M. Note-book of an elderly lady. 1881. L 1330 Principles of education drawn from nature and Revelation and applied to fe- male education in the upper classes. 1866. L1116 Shirreff, E. A. E. Intellectual education and its influence on the character and happiness of women. 1858. L 1159 Stuart, J. E. The education of Catholic girls. 1911. L 10991 Talbot, M. The education of women. 1910. L9236 Thomas, M. C. Education of women. 1900. L 10404 EDUCATION 305 Vives, J. L. Vives and the renascence education of women; edited by F. Wat- son. 1912. L 10223 (Educational classics). "Bibliographical note on the early editions of the texts," p. xiii-xv. Contents: I. J. L. Vives: Instruction of a Christian woman. II. T. L. Vives: Plan of girls' studies. III. J. L. Vives: Satellitium or sym- bola. IV. Richard Hyrde on the education of women. V. The school of Sir Thomas More [by Cresacre More]. VI. T. L. Vives: The learning of women. VII. Sir Thomas Elyot: The defense of good women. Appendix: J. L. Vives: Plan of boys' studies. Co-Education Duffey, Mrs. E. B. No sex in education. 1874. L1119 Howe, Mrs. J. W., cd. Sex and education; a reply to Dr. E. H. Clarke's "Sex in education." 1874. L 1121 Olin, Mrs. H. M. R. The women of a state university, an illustration of the working of coeducation in the middle West. 1909. L 10975 University of Wisconsin. Van de Warker, E. Woman's unfitness for higher coeducation. 1903. L 10466 Woods, A., cd. Co-education. 1903. L 10389 Higher Education of Women Association of Collegiate Alumnae, comp. Contributions towards a bibliography of the higher education of women. 1897. *0 2460 Brackett, A. C, ed. Women and the higher education. 1893. L 1718 Claghorn, K. H. College training for wo- men. 1897. L9246 Crawford, M. C. The college girl of Amer- ica and the institutions which make her what she is. 190.5. L 10526 McCabe, L. R. The American girl at col- lege. 1893. L 1722 Martin, M. Die hohere Madchenschule in Deutschland. 1905. D 18700 Orton, J., cd. The liberal education of wo- men. 1873. L 1271 Ravenhill, A. and Schiff, C. J., cd. House- hold administration, its place in the higher education of women. 1911. K 14694 Higher Education Colleges and Universities General Works Birdseye, C. F. Individual training in our colleges. 1907. L 10685 The reorganization of our colleges. 1909. L 10684 Briggs, LeB. R. Routine and ideals. 1904. L 10434 School, college and character. 1901. L 10366 Brodbeck, A. The ideal universities. 1896. L1785 Canfield, J. H. The college student and his problems. 1902. L 10369 Cooke, M. L. Academic and industrial effi- ciency. 1910. L 10643, 5 Cooper, C. S. Why go to college? 1912. L 10687 Popular chapters resulting from visits to more than 500 American colleges. Reasons for going to college and effect of college education on after life. Darnton-Fraser, H. J. A handbook on for- eign study. 1909. L 10633 Eliot, C. W. University administration. 1908. L 10606 Hadley, A. T. Baccalaureate addresses, and other talks on kindred themes. 1907. L 10691 The education of the American citizen. 1901. L6218 Harper, W. R. The trend in higher educa- tion. 1905. L 10514 Hyde, W. DeW. The college man and the college woman. 1906. L 10605 Johns Hopkins University. State aid to higher education. 1898. L 3200, 18 Jordan, D. S. The care and culture of men. 1896. L 1796 The voice of the scholar. 1903. L 10391 Judson, H. P. The higher education as a training for business. 1911. L 10955 King, H. C. Personal and ideal elements in education. 1908. L 10228 Contents: The primacy of the person in col- lege education. — The fundamental nature of re- ligion. — Religious education as conditioned by mod- ern psychology and pedagogy. — Christian training and the revival as methods of converting men; a historical and psychological study. — How to make a rational fight for character. Ladd, G. T. Essays on the higher educa- tion. 1899. L1621 Maddison, I., comp. Handbook of British, continental and Canadian universities. 1899. L 1435 Mott, J. R. Strategic points in the world's conquest; the universities and colleges as related to the progress of Christianity. 1897. M 8460 Newman, J. H. The idea of a university defined and illustrated. 1873. L 1216 The office and work of universities. 1859. L 1316 The scope and nature of university edu- cation. 1859. L 1317 306 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Thwing. C. F. College administration. 1900 L 10460 Within the college walls. 1893. L 1462 History of Higher Education Capes, W. W. University life in ancient Athens. 1877. L 1208 Compayre, Gr Abelard and the origin and early history of universities. 1893. C 10445 (Great educators). Denifle, H. S. Die Universitaten des Mit- telalters bis 1400. 1885. D 3394 Drane, A. T. Christian schools and schol- ars; or, Sketches of education from the Christian era to the Council of Trent. 1881. L 1262 Laurie, S. S. The rise and early constitu- tion of universities. 1887. L 1499 (International education series). Rashdall, H. The universities of Europe in the middle ages. 2v. 1895. L 1784 Thwing, C. F. Universities of the world. 1911 L 10717 Walden, J. W. H. The universities of an- cient Greece. 1909. L 10639 Curriculum Ei.trance Requirements Examinations Adams, C. F. A college fetich. 1883. L1308 Broome, E. C. A historical and critical dis- cussion of college admission require- ments. 1903. L 10700, 1 (Columbia University contributions to philosophy, psychology and education). Eaton, A. W. H. College requirements in English entrance examinations. 1892. L1721 Foster, W. T. Administration of the col- lege curriculum. 1911. L 10628 Horn, E. Das hohere Schulwesen der Staaten Europas; eine Zusammenstellung der Stundenplane. 1907. D 3256 Leighton, R. F., ed. Harvard examination papers. 1878. L 1433 Meriwether, C. Our colonial curriculum, 1007-1770. 1907. L 10473 National Education Association. Report of Committee on college entrance require- ments, July, 1899, 1899. L 10440 Nightingale, A. F. comp. A hand-hook of requirements for admission to the col- leges of the United States. 1879. L 10619 Poole, W. F. The university library and the university curriculum. 1894. L 1734 Potts, R. A brief account of the scholar- ships and exhibitions open to competition in the university of Cambridge. 1866. L1265 Snow, L. F. The college curriculum in the United States. 1907. L 10284, 10 (Columbia University contributions to education. Teachers College series). Stevens, F. B., ed. Yale examination pa- pers. 1883. L 1304 Todhunter, I. The conflict of studies. 1873. L1131 Ullrich, R. Programmwesen und Programm- bibliothek der hoheren Schulen in Deutsch- land, Osterreich und der Schweiz; fjber- sicht der Entwicklung im 19. Jahrhundert. 1907. D 19590 Colleges and Universities By Countries United States Note: Accounts of individual colleges and uni- versities are not included. These will be found, under their names, in the card catalog. A full list of catalogs of various educational institutions is available in the civics department. Babbitt, I. Literature and the American college, 1908. J 4743 Barker, J. M. Colleges in America. 1894. L1783 Bowden-Smith, A. G. An English student's wander-year in America. 1910. L 10923 Chamberlain, J. L., ed. Universities and their sons. 5v. 1898-1900. *V 2286 Cohn, P. Das Bildungswesen in den Ver- einigten Staaten von Nordamerica. 1906. D3164 Corbin, J. Which college for the boy? 1908. L 10686 Coubertin, P., baron de. Universities trans- atlantiques. 1890. C 12252 Flexner, A. The American college; a criti- cism. 1908. L 10611 From servitude to service; being the Old South lectures on the history and work of southern institutions for the education of the negro. 1905. L 10942 Gilman, D. C. University problems in the United States. 1898. L 1629 Meriwether, C. Our colonial curriculum, 1607-1776. 1907. L 1047S Perry, E. D. The American university. 1900. L 10404, 1 — —Die amerikanische Universitat. \'->u*. D 18706 Porter, N. The American colleges and the American public. 1870. L 1250 — Same. 1878. L 1251 Pritchett, II. S. The spirit of the stale uni- versities. 1910. L 10627 EDUCATION 307 Richardson, C. F. and Clark, H. A., ed. The college book. 1878. *R 1646 Risk, R. K. America at college as seen by a Scots graduate. 1908. L 10620 Slosson, E. E. Great American universities. 1910. L 10625 Ten Brook, A. American state universities; their origin and progress. 1875. L 1207 Thwing, C. F. The American college in American life. 1897. L 1792 American colleges; their students and work. 1883. L 1252 A history of higher education in Amer- ica. 1906. L 10462 United States. Bureau of Education. Sta- tistics of state universities and other in- stitutions of higher education partially supported by the state. 2v. 1909. *Doc. West, A. F. Short papers on American liberal education. 1907. L 10305 Canada Ontario (Canada). Education Department. The universities of Canada, their history and organization; with an outline of Brit- ish and American university systems. 1896. L 10621 England Bristed, C. A. Five years in an English uni- versity. 1873. L 1225 Corbin, J. An American at Oxford. 1902. L1764 Coubertin, P. de. L'education en Angle- terre; colleges et universites. 1888. C5435 Fry, H. Our schools and colleges. 1867. *R 1648 Huber, V. A. The English universities. 2v. 1843. L 1220 Whewell, W. On the principles of English university education. 1S38. L 1152 Wordsworth, C. Scholar academicae: Some account of the studies at the English uni- versities in the eighteenth century. 1877. L1547 France Boyle, P. The Irish College in Paris from 1578-1901. 1901. L 10540 Claretie, L. L'universite moderne. 1892. *P 1660 Liard, L. Universites et facultes. 1890. C5559 Germany Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deutschen Schulanstalten erschienenen Abhandlung- en. 20v. in 4. 1890-1910. *0 359 Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den deutschen Universitaten erschienenen Schriften. 1885 to date. *0 305 Klussmann, R. Systematisches Verzeich- niss der Abhandlungen welche in den Schulschriften samtlicher an dem Pro- grammtausche teilnehmenden Lehranstal- ten vom Jahre 1876-1890 erschienen sind. 1889-93. *0 316 Kukula, R. C. W„ ed. Bibliograpisches Jahrbuch der deutschen Hochschulen. 1892. *0 2509, 1 Arnold, M. Higher schools and universi- ties in Germany. 1874. L 1213 Bressler, H. Die Stellung der deutschen Universitaten zum Baseler Konzil. 1885. D3489 Conrad, J. The German universities for the last fifty years. 1885. L 1436 Hart, J. M. German universities. 1874. L1228 Kappstein, T., ed. Die deutschen Hoch- schulen. 2v. 1907. D 18697 Lexis, W., ed. Die deutschen Universi- taten. 1889. *V 1508 Neuland, A. Der Weg zur Universitat. 1905. D 7238 Paulsen, F. Die deutschen Universitaten und das Universitatsstudium. 1902. D7220 The German universities and univer- sity study. 1906. L 10709 The German universities, their charac- ter and historical development. 1895. L1782 Schaff, P. Germany: its universities, the- ology, and religion. 1857. L 1276 Schwartz, P. Die Gelehrtenschulen Preus- sens unter dem Oberschulkollegium (1787-1806) und das Abiturientenexamen. 2v. 1910-1911. D 3332, 46, 48 Steffens, H. German university life. 1874. C1197 Zarncke, F. Die deutschen Universitaten im Mittelalter. 1857. D 3488 Scotland Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of the Scot- tish universities. 1904. 1 6545 Academic Degrees Comite de Patronage des Etudiants Etran- gers. French university degrees. 1910. L 10632 Schroeder, O. Die Erteilung der Doktor- wiirde an den Universitaten Deutschlands. 1908. D 18710 Wells, J. The Oxford degree ceremony. 1906. L 10739 Wooton, E. A guide to degrees in arts, science, literature, law, music, and divin- ity. 1883. L1492 An outline of courses and requirements for degrees in universities of Great Britain, the Eng- lish colonies, Europe and the U. S. 308 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Student Aid Lee, J. M. How to be self-supporting at college. 1903. L 10463 Potts, R. Liber Cantabriensis; an account of the aids afforded to poor students in the university of Cambridge. 1885. JL 1231 Wilson, C. D. Working one's way through college and university; a guide to paths and opportunities to earn an education at \merican colleges and universities. 1912. L 10718 Student Life and Customs Allers C. W. Das deutsche Corpsleben. 1902! *P 1944 Baee, L. H. Four years at Yale. 1871. 6e ' L 1229 Banks, G. N. A Cambridge staircase. 1883. ' E2168 Cambridge trifles; or, Splutterings from an undergraduate pen. 1881. E 2163 Breul, K. H. Students' life and work in the University of Cambridge. 1908. L 10683 Bristed, C. A. Five years in an English uni- versity. 1873. L 1225 Cooper, C. S. College men and the Bible. 1911. M 6323 D., T. A. "Where Chineses drive"; Eng- lish student life at Peking. 1885. L 1388 Farmer, J. S. The public-school word-book, words, phrases and turns of expression, obsolete and in present use, peculiar to our great public schools. 1900. *R 1650 Grousset, P. Andre Laurie. Schoolboy days in Japan. 1895. F 9024 Hall, B. H. A collection of college words and customs. 1851. L 1218 Howitt, W. The student-life of Germany. 1841. 1989 Irwin, W. A. The shame of the colleges. 1907. L 10688 Marks, J. A. A girl's student days and alter. 1911. L 10992 Mitchell, J. Reminiscenes of scenes and characters in college. 1847. L 1439 Moldenhauer, F. Das deutsche Corps- studentum und seine Bedeutung. 1897. D7097 Porter, J. A., ed. Sketches of Yale life. 1886. L 1493 Rait, R. S. Life in the medieval university. 1912. L 10681 (The Cambridge manuals of science and litera- ture). Scheffler, W. Wahl- und Waffen-Spriiche deutscher Studenten. 1896. D 3069 Schulze, F. K. A. Das deutsche Studentum von den aeltesten Zeiten bis zur Gegen- wart. 1910. D 19583 Sheldon, H. D. Student life and customs. 1901. L 10406 Tomes, R. My college days. 1880. L 1254 Wright, H. P. From school through col- lege. 1911. L 10719 Ziegler, T. Der deutsche Student am Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts. 1895. D 7115 Fraternities and Sororities Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity. The Alpha Delta Phi catalogue, 1832-82. 1882. *R 1644 Baird, W. R. Baird's manual of American college fraternities; a descriptive analysis of the fraternity system in the colleges of the United States, with a detailed account of each fraternity. 1905. . L 1217c Earlier editions entitled: American college fra- ternities. L 1217 a & b Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity. Catalogue, 1890, 1900, 1910. 3v. 1890-1910. *R 1645 Kellogg, H. L. College secret societies. 1874. L4572 Levere, W. C. The history of the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Fraternity. 3v. 1911. L 10233 Martin, Mrs. I. S. The sorority handbook. 4th ed. 1911. L 10230 Phi Beta Kappa. Illinois Chapter. The Beta of Illinois chapter; historical sketch and list of members. 1909. L 10232 Phi Delta Phi Fraternity. Directory of the legal fraternity of Phi Doha Phi. 2v. L897-1909. L 1641 Phi Rho Sigma. History and directory. L913 L 10234 SOCIAL LIFE 309 Social Relations, Social Life, Social Customs Social Groups The Family Note: Works on the Family as a political unit, the Family State, etc., will be found under Polit- ical Science. Bosanquet, H. D. "Mrs. Bernard Bosan- quet." The family. 1906. L 8722 Contents: Preface; pt. I. The family history; pt. II. The modern family. Dealey, J. Q. The family in its sociological aspects. 1912. L 8720 Devas, C. S. Studies of family life; a con- tribution to social science. 188G. L 4048 Devine, E. T. The family and social work. 1912. L9808 Herzfeld, E. G. Family monographs; the history of twenty-four families living in the middle west side of New York city. 1905. L 8629 Letourneau, C. J. M. L'evolution du mar- iage et de la famille. 1888. C 5535 (Bibliotheque anthropologique). The evolution of marriage and of the family. 1891. L 4253 (Contemporary science series). Michelet, J. Le pretre, la femme, et la famille. 1890. C 12890 Parsons, Mrs. E. W. C. The family; an ethnographical and historical outline with descriptive notes; planned as a text-book for the use of college lecturers and of directors of home reading clubs. 1906. L8725 Thwing, C. F. and Thwing, Mrs. C. F. B. The family; an historical and social study. 1887. L 4049 Marriage Note: Sociological aspects only. Other phases of the subject treated under Ethics, ana Physiol- ogy and Hygiene. Bertin, E. Les mariages dans l'ancienne societe franchise. 1879. C 12057 Chapman, E. R. Marriage questions in modern fiction, and other essays on kin- dred subjects. 1897. L 2631 Corelli, M. and others. The modern mar- riage market. 1899. L 9563 Crawley, E. The mystic rose; a study of primitive marriage. 1902. L 9564 Hamilton, C. M. Marriage as a trade. 1909. L 11416 Howard, G. E. A history of matrimonial institutions chiefly in England and the United States. 1904. L 9567 Jeaffreson, J. C. Brides and bridals. 2v. 1872. L 599 Luckock, H. M. The history of marriage, Jewish and Christian, in relation to di- vorce and certain forbidden degrees. 1894. L 4261 M'Lennan, J. F. Studies in ancient history. 2v. 1876-96. L 767 v. 1. Reprint of Primitive marriage. 2. Inquiry into the origin of exogamy. Nichols, T. L. Marriage in all ages and na- tions. 1886. L4252 Schuster, E. J. The wife in ancient and modern times. 1911. L9313 Westermarck, E. A. The history of human marriage. 1891. L 4183 Marriage Laws Fulton, J. The laws of marriage. 1883. N4830 Huth, A. H. The marriage of near kin con- sidered with respect to the laws of nations. 1887. L4145 Keezer, F. The law of marriage and di- vorce. 1906. N 5355 Lehmann, K. Verlobung und Hochzeit nach den nordgermanischen Rechten des friiheren Mittelalters. 1882. D 4699 Mielziner, M. The Jewish law of marriage and divorce. 1884. N 5027 Ringrose, W. H. A. Marriage and divorce laws of the world. 1911. N 5356 Snyder, W. L. The geography of marriage; or. The legal perplexities of wedlock in the United States. 1889. N 5058 Family Desertion Baldwin, W. H. Family desertion and non- support laws: a study of the laws of va- rious states made in connection with The Associated Charities, Washington. 1904. L 9733, 1 Brandt, L. Five hundred and seventy-four deserters and their families; a descriptive study of their characteristics and circum- stances. 1905. L9733, 1 (Publications of the committee on Social Research of The Charity Organization Society of the City of New York). Divorce Note: Sociological aspects only. Answer to a book, entitled, The doctrine, and discipline of divorce. 1644. *N 5044 Caverno, C. Treatise on divorce. 1889. N5057 (Social science series). Convers, D. Marriage and divorce in the United State--. 1889. N 5059 310 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Davies, M. Ap. Richard. Marriage and di- vorce. 1888. L4182 Kitchin, S. B. A history of divorce. 1912. N5354 "Authorities and references," p. 279-285. Le Roux, R. C. H. Le bilan du divorce. 1900. CC 2083 Milton, J. The doctrine & discipline of di- vorce. 1644. *N5043 Palmer, A. J. Divorce abolished. 1888. N5049 Post, L. F. Ethical principles of marriage and divorce. 1906. L 6066 Powers, T. G. Marriage and divorce. 1870. L944 Willcox, W. F. The divorce problem; a study in statistics. 1891. L 6589, 1 (In Columbia University studies in history, eco- nomics and public law). Woolsey, T. D. Divorce and divorce legis- lation especially in the United States. 1882. N 4939 Same. 1869. N 4966 Motherhood Note: Sociological aspects only. Other works under Physiology and Hygiene. Bachofen, J. J. Das Mutterrecht; eine Un- tersuchung fiber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiosen und rechtlichen Natur. 1861. *V 1010 Crepaz, Fran A. Mutterschaft und Mutter. Kulturgeschichtliche Studien. 1905. D7130 National Congress of Mothers. Report of the proceedings of the 2d, 3d, annual con- vention, 1898-99. 1899. L 9300 The problem of motherhood, by Father Bernard Vaughan and others. 1911. N1548 Proudfoot, A. H. A mother's ideals; a kin- dergarten mother's conception of family life; constituting outlines for the first year's study course of the League of American Mothers. 1897. L 10494 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. M. The mother book. 1912. L H533 Smith, Mrs. H. W. The science of mother- hood. 1894. L2636 Stocker, H. Bund fur Mutterschutz; mit Beitragen von Ellen Key, Lily Braun u. a. 1905. D 6961, 4 (Moderne Zeitfragen). Zmigrodzki, M. v. Die Mutter bei den Volkern des arischen Stammes; eine an- thropologisch-historische Skizze. 1886, D7120 Prostitution Note: Sociological aspects only. Addams, J. A new conscience and an an- cient evil. 1912. L8514 Bell, E. A., ed. War on the white slave trade, a book designed to awaken the sleeping and to protect the innocent. 1909. L 8511 Bingham, T. A. The girl that disappears; the real facts about the white slave trade. 1911. L8516 Harland, R. O. The vice bondage of a great, city; or, The wickedest city in the world. 1912. L8518 Janney, O. E. The white slave traffic in America. 1911. L 8513 Kauffman, R. W. The girl that goes wrong. 1911. L 8509 Roe, C. G. Panders and their white slaves. 1910. L8512 The prodigal daughter; the white slave evil and the remedy. 1911. L 8515 Children Note: Sociological aspects only. Other works under Education and under Physiology and Hy- giene. See also, under Charity, above, the chapter on Children, and under Crime, that on Juvenile Delinquents. Barnard, A. B. Talks with children about themselves. 1911. L 11492 Bray, R. A. The town child. 1907. L 10262 Contents: Preface; pt. I. Theory: The problem of the town. Environment and man. Man and environment; pt. II. Practice: The child and the needs of life. The child and the school. The state and religion. The child and religion. The child and the world. Chamberlain, A. F. The child and childhood in folk-thought, the child in primitive culture. 1896. L 5425 Cooper, E. H. The twentieth century child. 1905. L 10478 Key, E. K. S. Barnets arhundrade; studie. 2v. 1900. CC 11730 -The century of the child. 1909. L 10268 Contents: The right of the child to choose its parents; The unborn race and woman's work; Education; Homelessness; Soul murder in the schools; The school of the future; Religious in- struction; Child labour and the crimes of children. — —Das Jahrhundert des Kindes. 1905. D3265 McCracken, E. The American child. 1913. L 11519 Mangold, G. B. Child problems. 1910. L8707 (The citizen's library of economics, politics, and sociology). "Bibliography," p. 364-374. Marenholtz-Biilow, B. v. B. Frciin v. The child; its nature and relations. 1877. L1188 Myers, F. A. The future citizen. 1911. L 10416 SOCIAL LIFE 311 Ploss, H. H. Das kleine Kind vora Trag- bett bis zum ersten Schritt; viber das Le- gen, Tragen und Wiegen, Gehen, Stehen und Sitzen der kleinen Kinder bei den verschiedenen Volkern der Erde. 1881. D4548 Das Kind in Branch und Sitte der Volker anthropologische Studien. 2v. 1882. D4550 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. Children's rights; a book of nursery logic. 1892. E 6449 Schreiber, A., ed. Das Buch vom Kinde; ein Sammelwerk fur die wichtigsten Fra- gen der Kindheit unter Mitarbeit zahl- reichen Fachleute. 1907. D 19561 Smith, N. A. The children of the future. 1898. L 1672 Home Training of Children Abbott, E. A. Hints on 'home teaching. 1883. L 1486 Abbott, E. H. On the training of parents. 1908. L 10260 Abbott, J. Gentle measures in the manage- ment and training of the young. 1873. L1140 Allen, Mrs. A. W. Home, school, and vaca- tion; a book of suggestions. 1907. L 10321 Allen, Mrs. M. W. Making the best of our children. 2v. 1909. L 10277 Arey, Mrs. H. E. G. Home and school training. 1884. L 1334 Arstal, A. K. Forseldre og b0rn; en bog ora hjemmets opgaver af forseldre og barnevenner. 1902. CC 15754 Atkinson, W. W. The mind-building of a child. 1911. L 11469 Berle, A. A. The school in the home; talks with parents and teachers on intensive child training. 1912. L 10828 Birney, A. M. "Mrs. T. W. Birney." Child- hood. 1905. L 10258 Blake, M. Twenty-six hours a day. 1883. K1739 Contents: 1. Twenty-six hours a day; 2-3. Letters to a young mother; 4. A mother's dream of heaven; 5. How a man takes care of his baby. Bridge, N. House health, and other pa- pers. 1907. N 1120 Contents: House health; Human talk; The blind side of the average parent; Some commencement ideals; A domestic clearing house; The true gos- pel of sleep; Some unconceded rights of parents and children; The trained nurse and the larger life. Burbank, L. The training of the human plant. 1907. L 10263 Contents: The mingling of races; The teach- ings of nature; Differentiation in training; Sun- shine, good air and nourishing food; Dangers; Marriage of the physically unfit; Heredity — pre- destination — training; Growth; Environment the architect of heredity; Character; Fundamental prin- ciples. C, E. Our children: how to rear and train them; a manual for parents. 187.4. L 1331 Cartis, P. Our children; hints from prac- tical experience for parents and teachers. 1906. L 10264 Chavasse, P. H. Aphorisms on the mental culture and training of a child, and on various subjects relating to health. 1873. L1269 Cradock, Mrs. H. C. The training of chil- dren from cradle to school; a guide for young mothers, teachers and nurses. 1909. L 10279 Davids, E., pseud. Note-book of an adopted mother; experience in the home training of a boy. 1903. L 10479 Dinsmore, J. W. The training of children; a book for young teachers. 1912. L 10217 Dodge, M. A. Nursery noonings, by Gail Hamilton, pseud. 1875. E 1061 Dupanloup, F. A. P. The child. 1875. L1098 Ewald, C. My little boy. 1906. L 11451 Fitz, Mrs. R. K. and Fitz, G. W. Problems of babyhood; building a constitution, forming a character. 1906. L 10477 Forbush, W. B. The coming generation. 1912. L 9807 (The social betterment series). Goldammer, H. Das Buch vom Kinde; das Kind in den drei ersten Lebensjahren; seine Entwickelung, Pflege und Erzie- hung. 1883. D 3346 Harrison, E. Misunderstood children; sketches taken from life. 1910. L 10256 A study of child-nature, from the kin- dergarten standpoint. 1909. L 1748 Hints on early education and nursery dis- cipline. 1887. L 1518 Home culture series; a course in character building consisting of "ten links in moral and mental development." 1904-06. L 10788 Lodge, Sir O. J. Parent and child, a treat- ise on the moral and religious education of children. 1910. L 10257 Malleson, W. I. "Mrs. Frank Malleson." Notes on the early training of children. 1887. L 10255 Meyer, B. Von der Wiege bis zur Schule an der Hand Friedrich Frobel's. 1S77. D3365 Aids to family government; or, From the cradle to the school: according to Froebel. 1879. L 1412 Moore, H. K. The training of infants, with especial reference to the Sunday school. 1910. M8316 312 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mosher, Mrs. M. B. Child culture in the home. 1898. L2639 Mothers in council. 1884. L 1335 Mumford, E. E. R. The dawn of character; a study of child life. 1910. L 10251 National Education Association. lst-2d re- port of the Committee on industrial edu- cation in schools for rural communities to the National council of education, 1905- 07. 1905-08. L 10438 Newman, C. S. The kindergarten in the home; a book for parents and for all in- terested in child-training. 1909. L 10274 Orcutt. H. The parents' manual. 1874. L1153 Patch, Mrs. K. W. The sensitive child as revealed in some talks with a little boy. 1910. L 10254 Pilz, C. Bilder aus dem Mutterleben nach Wahrheit und Dichtung entworfen. 1858. D3370 Poulsson, E. Love and law in child train- ing. 1899. L 10489 Reeder, R. R. How two hundred children live and learn. 1910. L 9757 Reiner J., ed. Uber Erziehung; Leitsiitze fur Eltern und Lehrer. 1906. D 3258 Riddell, N. N. Child culture according to the laws of physiological psychology and mental suggestion. 1902. L 10270 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. Children's rights; a book of nursery logic. 1892. E 6449 St. John, E. P. Child nature & child nur- ture; a text-book for parents' classes, mothers' clubs, training classes for teach- ers o f vounsr children and for home study. 1911. L11540 Sarcey, Mme. Y. La route du bonheur. 1908. CC 1694 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H. Letters to mothers. 1854. E1508 Smith, Mrs. H. W. The science of mother- hood. 1894. L2636 Smith N. A. The home-made kindergarten. 1912. L 10359 Stern. S. Die hausliche Erziehung. 1867. D 3376 Taylor, I. Home education. 1838. L 1287 Treves. Siznora V. T. Dopo le nozze. 1882. CC 18161 Trumbull, H. C. Hints on child-training. 1892. L 11439 Van de Water, Mrs. V. T. Little talks with mothers of little people. 1912. L 11555 Voigt, T. P. Mein Kind; cin Erziehungs- buch. 1906. D 3266 Washburne, Mrs. M. F. Study of child life. 1907. K 14684, 11 (The library of home economics). Wayne, K. H. Building your boy, how to do it, how not to do it. 1910. L 11437 Building your girl. 1911. L 11557 Winterburn, F. H. Nursery ethics. 1895. L2637 Wright, W. A. The moral condition and development of the child. 1911. L 10997 Children in Art and Literature Bryant, Mrs. L. M. Famous pictures of real boys and girls. 1912. K 10776 Carpenter, M. B. The child in art. 1906. K 10289 Hale, P. L. Great portraits: children. 1909. K 10348 Herold, T., ed. Das Lied vom Kinde. 1909. D 15170 Hurll, E. M. Child-life in art. 1895. K 10132 (Art lover's series). Legrain, J. Amours et enfants; ouvrage renfermant trente-deux planches en pho- totypie. 1896. *P 1879 (Bibliotheque des peintres et des decorateurs) . Scudder, H. E. Childhood in literature and art, with some observations on literature for children. 1894. J 2226 Sherwood, J. R. W. "Mrs. J. B. Sherwood." Childhood in art. 1912. K 10779 Whittier, J. G., ed. Child life in prose. 1874. H 766 Withers, P.. comp. The garland of child- hood; a little book for all lovers of chil- dren. 1910. E 10598 Girls Note: Sociological aspects only. Works on per- sonal conduct and advice to young people are classed with Ethics. Le Roux, R. C. H. Nos filles; ou' en ferons- nous? 1898. CC2093 Reaney, Mrs. I. E. Our daughters; their lives here and hereafter. 1880. L 567 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. M. Fairest girlhood. 1906. L 9293 Happy school days. 1909. L 9295 Slattery, M. The girl in her teens. 1910. L 11548 Wayne, K. H. Building your girl. 1911. L 11557 Boys Alexander, J. L, ed. Boy training; an in- terpretation of the principles that under- lie symmetrical boy development. 1911. L8789 Contents: The problem of boyhood; Adolescent boyhood; The influence of home, school, church and leisure in a boy's development; The fourfold normal development of boyhood; Organizations supplementary to the home, school and church in a boy's development; The goal of adolescence; Looking forward. WOKTAN 313 Building boyhood; a "book of principles." 1909. L 11418 Papers read at a conference of workers with boys, held at Harrisburg, Pa., April, 1909, by the State Young Men's Christiai Association of Penn- sylvania. Clark, K. U. Bringing up boys, a study. 1899. L 6087 Dickinson, G. A. Your boy; his nature and nurture. 1909. L 11406 Fiske, G. W. Boy life and self-government. 1910. L 8491 Fowler, N. C. The boy, how to help him succeed; a symposium of successful ex- periences, 1902. L 4757 Johnson, J., jr. Rudimentary society among boys. 1884. *L 3201, 2 (Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science). Kirtley, J. S. That boy of yours; sympa- thetic studies of boyhood. 1912. L 11517 Le Roux, R. C. H. Nos fils; que feront-ils? 1890. CC 2094 Lyttelton, E. Mothers and sons; or, Prob- lems in the home training of boys. 1892. L1747 McKeever, W. A. Training the boy. 1913. L 11524 Merrill, L. Winning the boy. 1908. L 6074 Moon, E. L. The contents of the boy. 1909. L 11422 Contents: Contents of the boy; The boy's appe- tite; His activities; General development; Relation to the church; Social interests; Turning points; The boy adrift; His heritage; The boy in the home. Robinson, C. C. The wage-earning boy. 1912. L8786 Wayne, K. H. Building your boy, 'how to do it, how not to do it. 1910. L 11437 Werner, C. Bringing up the boy; a mes- sage to fathers and mothers from a boy of yesterday concerning the men of to- morrow. 1913. L 11556 Woman General and Miscellaneous Works New York. Public Library. List of works in the New York public library relating to woman. 1905. *0 2588 Abbott, L. The home builder. 1908. L9209 Blouet, P. Her Royal Highness Woman, by Max O'Rell, pseud. 1901. . E2082 Brown, H. G. Conclusions of an everyday woman. 1908. L9205 Biichner, L. Die Frauen und ihr Beruf. 1884. D 4674 Cerfberr de Medelsheim, G. and Ramin, M. V. Dictionnaire de la femme; encyclo- pedie-manuel des connaissances utiles a la femme. 1897. *R 946 Coolidge, Mrs. M. E. B. R. S. Why women are so. 1912. L9289 Cresswell, C. N. Woman and her work in the world. 1876. L 513 Davies, E. Thoughts on some questions re- lating to women, 1860-1908. 1910. L 9250 Dodge, M. A. Gail Hamilton. Woman's worth and worthlessness. 1872. L515 Farmer, L. H., cd. The national exposition souvenir: what America owes to women. 1893. L 9219 Gallichan, W. M. Modern woman and how to manage her. 1910. L9256 George, W. L. Woman and to-morrow, by W L. George. New York, D. Appleton and Co., 1913. 4 p. l., 187, [l] p. 12 . L9244 Goltz, B. Zur Charakteristik und Natur- geschichte der Frauen. D 2873 Hansson, Frau L. M. Das Buch' der Frauen: zeitpsychologische Portraits. 1895. D 7034 — -Six modern women; psychological sketches. 1896. c 16914 — -Zur psychologie der Frau. 2v. 1903. D 7156 Studies in the psychology of woman. 1899. L9227 Hard, W. The women of tomorrow. 1911. r . L 928 4 Contents: Love deferred; Learning for earning; Learning for spending; The wasters: Mothers of the world. Harvey, G. B. M. Women, etc.; some leaves from an editor's diary. 1908. L9226 Hawthorne, H. Women and other women; essays in wisdom. 1908. E3318 Higginson, T. W. Common sense about women. 1882. L 554 Women and the alphabet; a series 190 °- L9229 Hubert, P. G. and others. The woman's book, dealing practically with the mod- ern conditions of home life, self-support, education, opportunities, and everyday problems. 2v. 1894. L4437 Illustrirtes Konversations-Lexikon der Frau 2v. 1900. *r 14 ^ Joyce, T. A. and Thomas, N. W. Women of all nations, a record of their character- istics, habits, manners, customs and influ- ence. 1908-1909. L 9278 Key, E. K. S. The morality of woman, and other essays. 1911. L 11502 Contents: The morality of woman; The woman of the future; The conventional woman. Michelet, J. La femme. 1860. C 5883 Woman: La femme. 1869. E 1374 314 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mobius, P. J. Uber den physiologischen Schwachsinn des Weibes. 1901. D 7199 Re-Bartlett, Mrs. L. The coming order. 1911. L9288 Contents: Woman; The position of woman; Maternity; Dreams as a social factor; Passion as a spiritual force; Sincerity in social life; Marriage; Integrity; Our law of being; The coming man. Rosier, A. Die Frauenfrage, vom Stand- punkte der Natur, der Geschichte und der Offenbarung. 1907. D 7150 Salaman, L. C. Woman, through a man's eye-glass. 1892. E 5841 Saleeby, C. W. Woman and womanhood ; a search for principles. 1911. N 1424 Scharlieb, M. D. Womanhood and race- regeneration. 1912. L9296 (New tracts for the times). Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. Freiherr v. Das Frauenleben der Erde. 1881. D 4675 Stolle, Frau R. Die geschlechtliche Stell- ung der Frau. 1895. D 7260 Sullivan, Sir E. R. Woman the predomi- nant partner. 1894. L4439 Yorke, S. The ways of women; a study of their virtues and vices, their charms and caprices. 1885. L 4401 Congresses of Women Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. World's Congress Auxiliary. The congress of women held at the Woman's building, with portraits, biographies, and addresses. 2v. 1894. *V 1886 The World's Congress of representative women, convened in Chicago on May 22, 1893. 1894. L4428 Congres Francais et International du Droit .des Femmes, Paris, France, 1889. Compte rendu des travaux. 1889. *V 1879 Congress of Women. Papers read at the Third Congress of Women, Syracuse, Oct. 13, 14 and 15, 1875. 1875? L 542 International Council of Women. Der In- ternationale Frauen-Kongress in Berlin, ; 1904. Bericht mit ausgewahlten Referaten: hrsg. im Auftrage des Vorstandes des Bundes Deutscher Frauenvereine von M. Stritr. 1905. D 18176 Report of the International Council of Women. Mar. 25 to April 1, 1888. 1888. L4433 Report of transactions of the 2d, 4th quinauennial meeting held July, 1899, June, 1909. 8v. 1900-1910. L 9243 Vols for 1899, 1909, ed. by the Countess of Aberdeen. 1899.' v. 1. Report of transactions of the second quinquennial meeting held in London, July, 1899. 2 Women in education. 2.-4- Women in professions. 1899. 5. Women in politics. 6. Women, in industrial life. 7. Women in social life. 1909. Report of transactions of the fourth quin- quennial meeting held at Toronto, Canada, June, 1909. Woman in Art and Literature Berdrow, O. Frauenbilder aus der neuern deutschen Litteraturgeschichte. 1895. D 13521 Bertaut, J. La jeune fille dans la littera- ture franchise. 1910. CC 1489 Bertheroy, J., pseud. Femmes antiques; la legende, l'histoire, la Bible. 1892. *C 12338 Burggraf, J. Schillers Frauengestalten. 1897. D 6298 Chapman, E. R. Marriage questions in modern fiction, and other essays on kin- dred subjects. 1897. L2631 Dayot, A. Beautiful women in art. 2v. 1902. K 10212 Elson, A. Woman's work in music; being an account of her influence on the art, in ancient as well as modern times; a sum- mary of her musical compositions, in the different countries of the civilized world. 1904. K 11873 Erskine, B. "Mrs. S. Erskine." Beautiful women in history & art. 1905. *P2966 Fink, P. Das Weib im franzosischen Volks- liede. 1904. Hansson, Frau L authors. 1899. Howells, W. D. 1901. Jameson, Mrs. A D 18172 M. We women and our L9201 Heroines of fiction. 2v. J 3168 M. Characteristics of wo- men, moral, poetical and historical. 1846. L535 — -Same. 1892. L 536 Kayserling, M. Die jiidischen Frauen in der Geschichte, Literatur und Kunst. 1879. D4114 Knesohke, J. E. Goethe und Schiller in ihren Beziehungen zur Frauenwelt. 1858. D267 Perry, W. C. The women of Homer. 1898. L3147 Rideal, C. F. Charles Dickens' heroines and women-folk; some thoughts concerning them. 1897? J 5188 Schaeffer, E. Die Frau in der veneziani- schen Malerci; ein Versuch; mit hundert erlautern Abbildungen. 1899. D 4364 Waters, Mrs. C. E. C. Heroines of the Bible in art. 1900. K 10235 (Art lovers' series). Women in the fine arts; from the sev- enth century B. C, to the twentieth cen- tury A. D. 1904. K 10231 WOMAN 315 Quotations Ballou, M. M., cd. Notable thoughts about women. 1882. L 562 Craig, A. L., comp. Women of the world, with a search light of epigram. 1891. E2186 (Quotations on noted women, with index of authors). Dyer, T. F. T. Folk-lore of women as illus- trated by legendary and traditionary tales, folk-rhymes, proverbial sayings, supersti- tions, etc. 1906. L9510 Lucas, E. V., ed. The ladies' pageant. 1908. E4351 A collection of extracts concerning women. Morton, F. W., comp. Woman in epigram, flashes of wit, wisdom, and satire from the world's literature. 1894. E 4641 Porter, R., comp. About women; what men have said. 1894. E 5139 History of Woman Alexander, W. M. D. History of women, from the earliest antiquity to the present time. 2v. 1779. *V 1882 Andlaw, F. X. v. Frauen in der Geschichte. 2v. 1861. D 4680 Bernhoft, F. Frauenleben in der Vorzeit. 1893. D6991 Caplin, Mrs. R. A. and Mill, J. Women of the reign of Queen Victoria. 1878. L 533 Christie, J. J. The advance of woman from the earliest times to the present. 1912. L9297 Dantier, A. Les femmes dans la societe chretienne. 2v. 1879. *V 1880 Donaldson, J. Woman; her position and in- fluence in ancient Greece and Rome, and among the early Christians. 1907. L 9213 Fullom, S. W. The history of woman, and her connexion with religion, civilization, and domestic manners, from the earliest period. 1855. L 532 Gamble, E. B. The evolution of woman. 1894. L 4427 Gourdault, J. La femme dans tous les pays. 1882. C 5168 Hanstein, A. v. Die Frauen in der Ges- chichte des deutschen Geisteslebens des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. 1899-1900. D 3458 Hecker, E. A. A short history of women's rights from the days of Augustus to the present time. With special reference to England and the United States. 1910. L9255 Henne am Rhyn, O. Die Frau in der Kul- turgeschichte. 1892. D 3459 Hetzel, H. Leiden und Thaten der Frauen im Kriege. 1888. *D 382, 23 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Legouve, G. J. B. E. W. Histoire morale des femmes. 1882. C 5682 Mason, A. G. Woman in the golden ages. 1901. L 9283 Mason, O. T. Woman's share in primitive culture. 1897. L4558 Same. 1899. *R 1104,67 (Appleton's scientific library). Maulde La Claviere, M. A. R. de. The wo- men of the renaissance; a study of femi- nism. 1900. L 9281 Rainneville, J. de. La femme dans l'an- tiquite et d'apres la morale naturelle. 1865. C 6408 Reich, E. Woman through the ages. 2v. 1908. L 9230 Weinhold, K. Die deutschen Frauen in dem Mittelalter. 1897. D 7102 Wright, T. M. A. Womankind in western Europe from the earliest times to the sev- enteenth century. 1869. *L 527 Zmigrodzki, M. v. Die Mutter bei den Volkern des anschen Stammes; eine an- thropologisch-historische Skizze. 1886. D7120 Economic, Social and Political Status Academy of Political Science, New York. The economic position of women. 1910. L7345 Allen, W. H. Woman's part in government whether she votes or not. 1911. L 9274 Anthony, C, jr. Social and political de- pendence of women. 1880. L 539 Barnes, E. Woman in modern society. 1912. L9242 Bebel, F. A. Woman, in the past, present and future. 1893. L 9203 (Bellamy library, no. 15). Braun, L. von Kretschmann von Gizycki. Die Frauenfrage; ihre geschichtliche Entwicklung und wirtschaftliche Seite. 1901. D 7125 Cauer, M. Die Frau im 19. Jahrhundert. 1898. D 13530, 2 (In Bornstern, P., ed. Am Ende Jahrhunderts). Dell, F. Women as world builders; studies in modern feminism. 1913. L 9245 Contents: The feminist movement; Charlotte Perkins Gilman; Emmeline Pankhurst and Jane Addams; Olive Schreiner and Isadora Duncan; Bea- trice Webb and Emma Goldman; Margaret Dreier Robins; Ellen Key; Freewomen and Dora Marsden. Densmore, E. Sex equality; a solution of the woman problem. 1907. L 9215 Devereux, R. The ascent of woman. 1896. L9217 Dorr, R. C. What eight million women want. 1910. L 9252 316 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Farr, Mrs. F. Modern woman, her inten- tions. 1910. *L9253 Finot, J. Problems of the sexes. 1913. L9327 Translation of the author's: Prejuge et prob- leme des sexes. Contents: A few preliminary ideas. — Between man and woman. — Woman humiliated and slan- dered. —Creative genius and intelligence have no sex. — Woman and science. — The birth of the new woman. Psychology of the movement. — The death and the resurrection of the eternal feminine. — The beauty of the new woman. — Sexual boundaries. Gage, Mrs. M. J. Woman, church and state. 1893. L 4422 George, W. L. Woman and tomorrow. 1913. L 9244 Gide, P. fitude sur la condition privee de la femme. 1885. C 12496 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. The man-made world; or, Our androcentric culture. 1911. L9239 Women and economics, a study of the economic relation between men and wo- men as a factor in social evolution. 1898. L8610 Giraud, L. Essai sur la condition des femmes en Europe & en Amerique. 1882. C4839 Gleanings; a gift to the women of the world, ed. by a woman. 1892. L4421 Godwin, Mrs. M. W. A vindication of the rights of woman with strictures on po- litical and moral subjects. 1890. L 553 Higgs, Mrs. M. and Hayward, E. E. Where shall she live The homelessness of the woman worker; written for the National association for women's lodging houses. 1910. L9769 Hillis, A. L. P. "Mrs. N. D. Hillis." The American woman in her home. 1911. L9290 Contents: Some successes of American women; Some failures of American women; The serious note in the education of women; The girl graduate; The home life of working girls; Women in the church; The foundation of the home; Woman's partnership with her husband; In the light of foreign eyes. Holtzendorff, F. v. Die Verbesserungen in der gesellschaftlichen und wirthschaft- lichen Stellung der Frauen. 1867. *D 382, 2 (In Samml. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage). Homberg, T. Auch noch ein Beitrag zur heutigen Frauenfrage. 1872. D 2895 Key, E. K. S. The woman movement. 1912. L9299 Knowles, T. P. The upholstered cage. 1913. L9332 Considers the problem of the unmarried daugh- ter, the sheltered woman of no vocation who lives with her parents in the home signified by the "upholstered cage." Mill, J. S. The subjection of women. 1911. L510 Morgan, Lady S. O. Woman and her mas- ter; a history of the female sex from the earliest period. 2v. 1840. L 4407 Miiller, J. Beruf und Stellung der Frau; ein Buch fur Manner, Madchen und Mut- ter. 1906. D 7149 Nearing, S. and Nearing, Mrs. N. M. S. Woman and social progress; a discussion of the biologic, domestic, industrial and social possibilities of American women. 1912. L 9301 Norton, C. Woman's cause. 1895. L 9269 Ossoli, S. M. F. marchesa d\ Woman in the 19th century, and kindred papers re- lating to the sphere, condition and duties of woman. 1874. J 224 Phillipps, L. F. M. English matrons and their profession. 1873. L 4411 Putnam, Mrs. E. J. The lady; studies of certain significant phases of her history. 1910. L9285 Reid, Mrs. H. Woman; her education and influence. 1848. L 548 Rembaugh, B., comp. The political status of women in the United States; a digest of the laws concerning women in the various states and territories. 1911. L9271 Richardson, B. J. The woman who spends, a study of her economic function. 1910. L9287 Rosier, A. Die Frauenfrage, vom Stand- punkte der Natur, der Geschichte und der Offenbarung. 1907. D 7150 Schirmacher, K. The modern woman's rights movement; a historical survey. 1912. L9275 Schreiner, O. Woman and labor. 1911. L9272 Schuster, E. J. The wife in ancient and modern times. 1911. L 9313 Segur, J. A., vicnmtc de. Women; their condition and influence in society. 3v. 1803. L 544 Spencer, A. G. Woman's share in social culture. 1913. L 9303 Stanton, T., ed. The woman question in Europe; a series of original essays. 1884. L496 Starrett, H. E. The future of educated women. 1885. L 495 Tarbell, T. M. The business of being a woman. 1912. L 9302 Thompson, W. Appeal to one half the human race, women, against the preten- tions of the other half, men. 1825. L4430 WOMAN 317 Thulie, H. La femme; essai de sociologie physiologique. 1885. C 13243 Woolsey, Mrs. K. T. Republics versus woman, contrasting the treatment ac- corded to woman in aristocracies with that meted out to her in democracies. 1903. L9315 Legal Status Bachofen, J. J. Das Mutterrecht; eine Un- tersuchung uber die Gynaikokratie der alten Welt nach ihrer religiosen und rechtlichen Natur. 1861. *V 1010 Baecker, L. de. Le droit de la femme dans 1' antiquite; son devoir au moyen age. 1880. C 12339 Bartsch, R. Die Rechtsstellung der Frau als Gattin und Mutter; geschichtliche Ent- wicklung ihrer personlichen Stellung im Privatrecht bis in das achtzehnte Jahr- •hundert. 1903. D 7124 Bayles, G. J. Woman and the law. 1901. L9202 Cleveland, A. R. Woman under the Eng- lish law, from the landing of the Saxons to the present time. 1896. L9249 Cox, W. S. Lessons in law for women. 1900. N 5212 Greene, M. A. The woman's manual of law. 1902. N 5211 Lawrence, W. B. Disabilities of American women married abroad; foreign treaties of the United States in conflict^ with state laws relative to the transmission of real estate to aliens. 1871, N 4926 McCulloch, Mrs. C. W. Mr. Lex; or, The legal status of mother and child. 1899. N5213 Ostrogorskii, M. I. La femme au point de vue droit public. 1892. C 6085 The rights of women. 1893. L4417 Proffatt, J. Woman before the law. 1874. L528 Rembaugh, B., comp. The political status of women in the United States; a digest of the laws concerning women in the various states and territories. 1911. L9271 Stopes, Mrs. C. C. British freewomen, their historical privilege. 1894. L 4432 (Social science series). Women's Employment Occupations, Professions Note: Woman labor is classed with Labor. Bateson, M , ed. Professional women upon their professions. 1895. L 9204 Bennet, E. A. Journalism for women, a practical guide. 1898. J 1729 Blackwell, E. Pioneer work in opening the medical profession to women; autobio- graphical sketches. 1895. C 17231 Blake, S. J. Medical women; a thesis and history. 1886. L 4408 Bradley, E. and La Mothe, B. The lighter branches of agriculture. 1903. K 12536, 6 (/» The woman's library). Cromwfll, J. H. The American business woman; a guide for the investment, preservation and accumulation of prop- erty. 1910. L4747 Davidson, Mrs. J. E. What our daughters can do for themselves; a handbook of women's employments. 1894. L 4424 Dodge, G. H. and others. What women can earn; essays on all the leading trades and professions in America in which women have asserted their ability. 1899. L9218 Drysdale, W. Helps for ambitious girls. 1900. L 9251 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. Women and eco- nomics, a study of the economic relation between men and women as a factor in social evolution. 1898. L 8610 Hauff, L. Die Entwickelung der Frauen- berufe in den letzten drei Jahrzehnten. 1911. D 18733 Huling, C. A. Letters of a business woman to her niece. 1906. L 9265 Jackson, E. C. Women wealth-winners. 1893. L4414 Kirchhoff, A., ed. Die akademische Frau. 1897. D 7211 Laselle, M. A. and Wiley, K. E. Vocations for girls. 1913. L 9334 Manson, G. J. Work for women. 1883. L498 Midler, P. Ueber die Zulassung der Frauen zum Studium der Medezin. 1894. *D 382, 29 Vanderbilt, A. T. What to do with our girls; or, Employments for women; being a complete and authentic handbook for all employments obtained from govern- ment, official and other sources. 1884. *L 9801, 12 Waitt, I. W. The what-shall-I-do girl. 1913. L9317 Describes numerous occupations for girls, in the form of letters to a girl who is compelled to earn her living. White, Mrs. S. J. Business openings for girls. 1899. L9310 Willard, F. E. Woman in the pulpit. 1888. L4403 Women in the business world; or. Hints and helps to prosperity, by one of them. 1894. L 4435 318 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston — Department of Research. Studies in economic relations of women. 2v. 1910-1911. L9237 v. 1. Vocations for the trained woman; ed. by A. F. Perkins. — v. 2. Labor laws and their en- forcement, with special reference to Massachusetts, by C. E. Persons, M. Parton, M. Moses and "three fellows"; ed. by S. M. Kingsbury. Home Occupations Alden, C. W. Women's ways of earning money. 1904. L 9208, 1 (The woman's home library). Babcock, Mrs. L. H. W. Pin-money sug- gestions. 1912. L9311 Birdsall, K. N., ed. How to make money; eighty novel and practical suggestions for untrained women's work. 1903. L9207 Bright ideas for money-making; over two hundred practical ideas for women. 1911. L9322 Candee, H. C. How women may earn a liv- ing. 1900. L 9222 Church, Mrs. E. R. M. Money-making for ladies. 1882. L 1047 Roe, M. E. How six girls made money; or, Occupations for women. 1887. L 512 Turner, L. E. How women earn a compe- tence. 1902. L 9233 Women's Clubs Note: Individual clubs not included. Library , has current year books of the local clubs on file in the Civics Dept. Croly, Mrs. J. C. The history of the woman's club movement in America. 1898. L 9216 General Federation of Women's Clubs. The 11th biennial convention, 1912 — Official report. 1912. L 9665 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs. Year book. 4v. 1907-1910. L 9662 Miller, Mrs. H. M. Olive Thome Miller. The woman's club; a practical guide and hand-book. 1891. L 4413 Official directory of the women's clubs of Chicago, 1903-1904. 1903. L 9668 Official register and directory of the wo- men's clubs in America. 2v. 1910, 1913. *R1916 Wood, Mrs. M. T. S. The history of the General federation of women's clubs for the first twenty-two years of its organiza- tion. 1912. L9663 Periodicals American Jewess. Devoted to religious, social and literary subjects. 1895 98. *Ser. Amerikanische Frauen Zeitung. 1893. *Ser. No more published. Englishwoman; an illustrated magazine. 1895-99. *Ser. Englishwoman's domestic magazine; new ser., v.1-9. 18G0-64. *Ser. Englishwoman's review of social and indus- trial questions. 1896-1910. *Ser. Frank Leslie's lady's magazine. 1873-75. *Ser. Frau, Die; Monatsschrift fur das gesamte Frauenleben unserer Zeit. 1894 to date. *Ser. Godey's magazine. 1831-98. *Ser. Harper's bazar. 1873 to date. *Ser. Ladies' home journal. 1893 to date. *Ser. Ladies' repository. 1865-1868. *Ser. Lady's realm. 1896 to date. *Ser. London and Paris ladies' magazine of fash- ion, polite literature, etc. 1874-76. *Ser. Revolution, The. 1868-70. *Ser. Devoted to the interests of woman suffrage. Twentieth century home. 1904-1905. •'•Ser. Victoria magazine. 1863-80. *Ser. Victoria magazine. 1873-74. S 85 Welt der Frau, Die; Jahrg. 1905 to date. *Ser. Woman's journal. 1889 to date. *Ser. Young woman. 1895-1911. *Ser. Woman by Countries United States Blanc, Mine. M. T. de S. Femmes d'Amer- ique. 1900. CC 252 The condition of woman in the United States. 1895. L 9210 Bruce, H. A. B. Woman in the making of America. 1912. L 9282 Clement, J., ed. Noble deeds of American women. 1873. C 70 Douthit, M. O., ed. The souvenir of west- ern women. 1905. B 4533 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. L. The pioneer women of the west. 1873. C 69 Queens of American society. 1870. C 71 Emerson, Mrs. M. F. Woman in America. 1857. L529 Estournelles de Constant, P. H. B., baron. Woman in the United States. Tr. from the French by Estelle C. Porter, with a foreword by David Starr Jordan. 1912. L9326 Fowler, W. \Y. Woman on the American frontier. 1S80. B2011 Frost, J. Pioneer mothers of the west: or. Daring and heroic deeds of American women. 1875. .C 2247 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. 1858. 1 3744 WOMAN 319 Hankins, M. L. Women of New York. 1861. L516 Hillis, A. L. P. "Mrs. N. D. Hillis." The American woman and her home. 1911. L9290 McCracken, E. The women of America. 1904. L 9235 Contents: The pioneer woman of the West; The woman in the small town; The southern woman and reconstruction; Woman's suffrage in Colorado; The woman in her club; The woman from the college; The woman in the play; The American woman of letters; Women and philan- thropy; The school teacher; The mother in the tenement house; The woman on the farm; Women in the professions; The social ideals of American women. Meyer, A. N., ed. Woman's work in Amer- ica. 1891. L4412 Morris, C. Home life in all lands. 3v. 1908-1911. 19896 Varigny, C. de. La femme aux Etats-Unis. 1893. CC 1493 The women of the United States tr. by A. Ward. '1895. L 4438 England Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Social studies in Eng- land. 1885. L4018 Caplin, Mrs. R. A. and Mill J. Women of the reign of Queen Victoria. 1878. L 533 Ellis, Mrs. S. S. The women of England; their social duties and domestic habits. 1839. L 505 Hill, G. Women in English life, from medi- aeval to modern times. 2v. 1896. L 9257 Reaney, Mrs. I. E. English girls; their place and power. 1879. L'547 Stopes, Mrs. C. C. British freewomen, their historical privilege. 1894. L 4432 (Social science series). France Delanox, J. Les femmes illustres de la France. 1868. *V 1059 Roberts, M. Women of the last days of old France. 1872. C 1320 Uzanne, L. O. The Frenchwoman of the century; fashions, manners, usages. 1886. *P 1639 The modern Parisienne. 1912. L9318 Germany Gnauck-Kufone, Frau E. Die deutsche Frau die Jahrhunderwende; statistische Studie zur Frauenfrage. 1907. D 18764 Grand-Carteret, J. La femme en Allemagne. 1887. C 12503 Scherr, J. Geschichte der deutschen Frauenwelt. 1879. D 4676 Schultz, A. Alltagsleben einer deutschen Frau zu Anfang des ISten Jahrhunderts. 1890. D 7069 Italy Boulting, W. Woman in Italy, from the introduction of the chivalrous service of love to the appearance of the professional actress. 1910. L 9238 Lungo, I. del. Women of Florence. 1908. A 4043 Turkey Brown, Mrs. D. V. Haremlik; some pages from the life of Turkish women. 1909. L9225 Garnett, L. M. J. The women of Turkey and their folk-lore. 2v. 1890-91. L 4425 Jenkins, H. D. Behind Turkish lattices, the story of a Turkish woman's life. 1911. 17694 Africa Castellani, C. Les femmes au Congo. 1898. C 13162 Pommerol, Mine. J. Among the women of the Sahara. 1900. I 8991 India Billington, M. F. Woman in India. 1895. L9206 Chimnabai II., maharani of Baroda and Mitra, S. M. The position of women in Indian life. 1911. M 9291 Diver, M. The Englishwoman in India. 1909. L 9240 Fuller, J. "Mrs. M. B. Fuller." The wrongs of Indian womanhood. 1900. L 9328 Pool, J. J. Woman's influence in the east, as shown in the noble lives of past queens and princesses of India. 1892. C 10162 Ramabai, S. The high-caste Hindu woman. 1888. L 4402 Japan Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women. 1891. I 8086 Nonvay Krog, G. Norske kvinders retslige og sociale stilling. 1894. CC 15912 Orient Griffith, Mrs. M. E. H. Behind the veil in Persia and Turkish Arabia; an account of an Englishwoman's eight years' resi- dence amongst the women of the East. 1909. I 8556 Houghton, R. C. Women of the orient. 1877. L494 Jessup, H. H. The women of the Arabs; with a chapter for children. 1873. L 502 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A. Frciherr von. Die Frauen des Orients; in der Geschichte in der Dichtung und im Leben. 1904. *P 1518 320 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Van Sommer, A. and Zwemer, S. M., ed. Our Moslem sisters; a cry of need from lands of darkness. 1907. L 9319 Daylight in the harem ; a new era for Moslem women; papers on present-day reform movements, conditions and meth- ods of work among Moslem women read at the Lucknow Conference, 1911. 1911. M8366 Domestic Life, Private Life The Home Abbott, L. The home builder. 1908. L 9209 Byford, W. H. The philosophy of domestic life. 1869. E901 Franklin, A. L. A. La vie privee d'autre- fois: arts et metiers modes, moeurs, usages des Parisiens du 12e au 18e siecle d'apres des documents originaux ou inedits. 2v. 1887. C 4880 Gaume, J. J. Histoire de la societe domes- tique chez tous les peuples anciens et modernes. 2v. 1844. C 12456 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S. The home, its work and influence. 1903. K 14688 Hunt, C. L. Home problems from a new standpoint. 1908. K 14636 Schultz, A. Das hausliche Leben der euro- paischen Kulturvolker vom Mittelalter bis zur zweiten Halfte des XVIII. Jahrhun- derts. 1903. D 7119 Steinhausen, G. Hausliches und gesell- schaftliohes Leben im neunzehnten Jahr- hunderts. 1898. D 13530, 4 (In Bornstein, P., ed. Am. Ende des Jahrhun- derts). Wagner, C. By the fireside. 1904. E 6499 Washburne, M. F. Family secrets. 1907. E6305 Contents: On the edge of the town; Youth and the world; Secrets of happiness; Secrets of unhap- piness; Secrets of order; Those we love best; Those we love next best; Of whom we are a part. Social Life Corelli, M. and oth-ers. The modern mar- riage market. 1899. L 9563 Gregory, E. Worldly ways and byways. 1898. E3203 Greville, Lady V. B. The gentlewoman in society. 1892. E 3151 Holt, E. The secret of popularity; how to achieve social success. 1904. L 4388 Howe, Mrs. J. W. Is polite society polite 5 and other c-mivn L895. E 3470 Modern society. 1881. E3357 McAllister, \Y. Society as I have found it. 1890. C 11219 Moore, Mrs. C. J. Social ethics and society duties: comp. by Mrs. H. O. Ward, pseud. 1892. L 4379 Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C. Ourselves and our neighbors; short chats on social topics. 1887. E4614 Perry, T. S ; The evolution of the snob. 1887. E 5092 Savage, M. J. Men and women. 1902. L8637 Contents: Man and woman; Love and mar- riage; Parent and child; Home and society; The ethics of divorce; The growing independence of women. Watterson, H. The compromises of life, and other lectures and addresses, includ- ing some observations on certain down- ward tendencies of modern society. 1903. E6509 Social Customs Manners and Customs Brand, J. Brand's popular antiquities of Great Britain; faiths and folklore. 2v. 1905. *R3297 Observations on the popular antiquities of Great Britain; chiefly illustrating the origin of our vulgar and provincial cus- toms. 3v. 1873. 1 3343 Same. 1877. E 871 Knowlson, T. S. The origins of popular superstitions and customs. 1910. L 9597 Lacroix, P. Manners, customs, and dress during the middle ages and during the renaissance period. 1874. *R4177 Loaring, H. J., ed. Common sayings, words and customs; their origin and history. E1345 Malliot, J. Recherches sur les costumes, les moeurs, les usages religieux, civils et militaires des anciens peuples. 3v. 1804. *P688 Sharp, F. C. A study of the influence of custom on the moral judgment. 1908. L 11535 (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin). Sumner, W. G. Folkways; a study of the sociological importance of usages, man- ners, customs, mores, and morals. L907. L8646 Taylor, J. Antiquitates curiosa?; the ety- mology of many remirkable old sayings, proverbs, and singular customs. L818. E5890 Wagner, L. Manners, customs and observ- ances; their origin and significance. 1895. L4267 Walsh, W. S. Curiosities of popular cus- toms and of rites, ceremonies, observ- ances, and miscellaneous antiquities, L898. *R 1610 Same. 1902. L 9630 SOCIAL CUSTOMS 321 Rites and Covenants Burdick, L. D. The hand; a survey of facts, legends, and beliefs pertaining to manual ceremonies, covenants, and symbols. 1905. L9621 Trumbull, H. C. The blood covenant; a primitive rite, and its bearings on Scrip- ture. 1885. L4242 The covenant of salt as based on the significance and symbolism of salt in primitive thought. 1899. L 4240 The threshold covenant; cr, The begin- ning of religious rites. 1896. L 4244 Human Sacrifice Ghillany, F. W. Die Menschenopfer der alten Hebraer; eine geschichtliche Unter- suchung. 1842. D 3553 Strack, H. L. The Jew and human sacrifice; human blood and Jewish ritual. An his- torical and sociological inquiry. 1909. M8310 The author aims to show that the blood accusa- tion , against "the Jews is the outcome of super- stition. Birth, Marriage and Funeral Customs Samter, E. Geburt, Hochzeit und Tod; Beitrage zur vergleichenden Volkskunde. 1911. D 18749 Sepp, J. H. Volkerbrauch bei Hoohzeit Ge- burt und Tod. 1891. D 6522 Birth Customs Miillerheim, R. Die Wochenstube in der Kunst; eine kultur historische Studie. 1904. *P2905 Schmidt, W. Geburtstag im Altertum. 1908. D 18750 Marriage Customs Carter, C. F., comp. The wedding day in literature end art, a collection of the best descriptions of weddings from the works of the world's leading novelists and poets. 1900. E2156 Hutchinson, H. N. Marriage customs in many lands. 1897. L 9570 Miln, Mrs. L. J. Wooings and weddings in many climes. 1900. L 9571 Tegg, W., ed. The knot tied; marriage cer- emonies of all nations. 1877. L4251 Wood, E. J. The wedding day in all ages and countries. 2v. 1869. L 598 Same. L 597 Funeral Customs Borlase, W. C. Naena Cornubia; a de- scriptive essay illustrative of the sepul- chres and funeral customs of the early in- habitants of the county of Cornwall. 1873. K 377 Curwen, G. R. Funeral customs, including inscriptions from 225 funeral rings. 1893. L 4249 Madden, R. R. The shrines and sepulchres of the old and new world. 2v. 1851. L4260 Stone, Mrs. E. God's acre; or, Historical notices relating to churchyards. 1858. L4041 Tegg, W. The last act; being the funeral rites of nations and individuals. 1878. L945 Wasmansdorff, E. Die Trauer urn die Tod- ten bei den verschiedenen Volkern. 1885 *D382,20 (in Isamnil. gemeinverst. wissensch. Vortrage) Costume, Fashion Note Historical and sociological only. Brooklyn. Public Library. A reading and reference list on costume. 1909. *0 995 Lipperheide, F. J., Freiherr v. Katalog der Freiherrlich von Lipperheide'schen kos- tumbibliothek. 2v. 1896-1905. *0 2485 Salmagundi Club, New York. Library. Cata- logue of the costume books in the library of the Salmagundi Club, New York. 1906. *0 1831 Boehn, M. v. Die Mode; Menschen- und Moderi im neunzehnten Jahrhundert, nach Bildern und Kupfern der Zeit. 3v. 1907- 08. d 7249 Modes and manners of the nineteenth century, as represented in the pictures and engravings of the time. 3v. 1909. *P 3361 Book of costume; or, Annals of fashion. 1847 - L4321 Doran, J. Habits and men; with remnants of record touching the makers of both. 1855. £ 1067 Earle, Mrs. A. M. Customs and fashions in old New England. 1893. B 3740 Flower, W. H. Fashion in deformity, as il- lustrated in the customs of barbarous and civilized races. 1881. K 7810 Robida, A. "Yester-year"; ten centuries of toilet. 1891. L4337 Tuer, A. W. The follies & fashions of out- grandfathers, 1807. 1886-87. L 4336 Uzanne, L. O. Fashion in Paris; the vari- ous phases of feminine taste and aes- thetics from 1797 to 1897. 1898. *P 663 The modern Parisienne. 1912. L 9318 Costume By Periods and Countries Aria, Mrs. E. Costume; fanciful, historical and theatrical. 1906. L9443 322 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Baxter, T. Illustrations of the Egyptian, Grecian, and Roman costume. 1810. L4340 Bonnard, C. Costumes historiques des Xlle. XHIe, XlVe et XVe siecles. 3v. 1860-61. *P 708 Bruyn, A. de. Costumes civils et militaires due 16e siecles. 1875. *P 707 Buss, G. Das Kostiim in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart. 1906. D 7241 Cook, C, contp. Costumes of the time of the French revolution. 1790-93; together with English costume during the years 17.95-1806. 1889. *P 1580 Demay, G. Ee costume au moyen age d'apres les sceaux. 1880. *P 716 Diez, W. and others. Zur Geschichte der Costume. 189*1. *P 717 Duplessis, G. V. A. G. Costumes his- toriques des 16e, 17e et 18e siecles. 2v. 1867. *P 709 Falke, J., ritter v. Costiimgeschichte der Culturvolker. *V 967 Gummere, A. M. The Quaker; a study in costume. 1901. L 4332 Hefner-Alteneck, J. H. v. Trachten, Kunst- werke und Gerathschaften. lOv. in 5. 1879-88. *P 706 Heyden, A. v. Blatter fur Kostumkunde. 4v. 1876-91. *P714 Die Tracht der Kulturvolker Europas vom Zeitalter Homers bis zum Be«inne des XIX Jahrhunderts. 1869. *D 6740, 4 Hope, T. Costume of the ancients. . 1841. *P690 Hottenroth, F. Trachten, Haus-, Feld-, und Kriegsgerathschaften der Volker al- ter und neuer Zeit. 2v. 1884-91. *P 712 Jacquemin, R. Tconographie generale et methodique du costume du JVe au XIXe siecle; 315-1815. 1871. *P 2222 Kohler, K. Die Trachten der Volker in Bild und Schnitt. 1871-73. *D.427 Kretschmer, A. and Rohrbach, C. The cos- tumes of all nations from the earliest times to the nineteenth century. 1882. *P 580 Louandre, C. L. Les arts somptuaires: his- toric du costume et de l'ameublement. 4v. 1857-58. *P 1606 Masner, K. Die Costiim-Ausstcllung im k.k. oesterreicHschen Museum, L891. L894. *P1594 Pauquet, IT. and Pauquet, P. Illustrations of English and foreign costume, from the 15th century to the present day. L875. *P686 Planche, J. R. A cyclopaedia of costume. 2v. 1876-79. *P687 Quincke, \Y. Handbuch der Kostumkunde. 1896. D 6850 Racinet, A. C. A. Le costume historique. 6v. 1888. *P353 -Same. *P 1950 Rhead, G. W. Chats on costume. 1906. L9471 Rosenberg, A. Geschichte des Kostiims. 1905. *P 1908 Shaw, H. Dresses and decorations of the middle ages. 2v. 1858. *P 689 Vecelli, C. Costumes anciens et modernes. 2v. 1859-60. *P 696 Webb, W. M. The heritage of dress, being notes on the history and evolution of clothes. 1907. L 9478 Weiss, H. Kostumkunde; Geschichte der Tracht und des Gerathes vom 14ten Jahr- hundert bis auf die Gegenwart. 2v. 1872. D4323 United States Including Colonial Period Earle, Mrs. A. M. Costume of times. 1894. colonial L4342 Two centuries of costume in America. MDCXX-MDCCCXX. 2v. L 4334 McClellan, E. Historic dress in America. 2v. 1904-1910. *P2298 England Ashdown, E. J. British costume during XIX centuries (civil and ecclesiastical). 1910. L9444 Calthrop, D. C. English costume. 4v. 1906. *L9445 Clinch, G. English costume from prehis- toric times to the end of the eighteenth century. 1909. L 9448 (The antiquary's books). Druitt, H. A manual of costume as illus- trated by monumental brasses. 1906. L9446 Fairholt, F. W. Costume in England; a history of dress from the earliest period till the close of the 18th century. 1860. K225 Hill, G. A history of English dress, from the Saxon period to the present day. 2v. 1S93. L4338 Martin, C. and Martin, L. The civil cos- tume of England, from the conquest to the present time. 1842. *R4230 Meyrick, Sir S. R. and Smith, C. IT. The costume of the original inhabitants _ of the British islands, from the earliest period to the 6th century. 1815. *P 1102 Pauquet, H. and Pauquet, P. Illustrations of English and foreign costume from the 15th century to the present day. 1875. *P 686 COSTUME 323 Picturesque representations of the dress and manners of the English. 1830?. *P 693 Planche, J. R. History of British costume. 183G. 1 3563 Schild, M. Old English peasant costumes from Boadicea to Queen Victoria [and a thousand years of fashion]. 1898. L 4335 Smith, C. H. The ancient costume of Great Britain and Ireland, from the 7th to the 16th century. 1813. *R4330 Strutt, J. A complete view of the dress and habits of the people of England, from the establishment of the Saxons in Britain to the present time. 2v. 1842. *P 682 Trash, F., pub. The costumes of the mem- bers of the University of Oxford. *P391 Consists of 9 plates. Wingfield, L. S. Notes on civil costume in England, from the conquest to the re- gency. 1884. *P711 France Cabris, ( ). Le costume de la paris- enne au XIXe siecle. 1901. CC 1389 Challamel, J. B. M. A. History of fashion in France. 1882. *L4322 Costumes franqais de 1200 a 1715. 1830? L4323 Guillaumot, A. Costumes du XVIIIe siecle. 1874. *P710 Lamesangere, P. Costumes des femmes frangaises du Xlle au XVIIe siecle. 1900. *P 1794 Pauquet, H. and Pauquet, P. Modes et cos- tumes historiques frangais. *P 684 Quicherat, J. E. J. Histoire du costume en France depuis les temps les plus recuiles jusque' a la fin du XVIIIe siecle. 1875. *P715 Germany and Austria Bertrand de Moleville, A. F., marquis de. Costume of the hereditary states of the houses of Austria. *P 721 Hottenroth, F. Deutsche Volkstrachten, Stadtische, und Landliche. 3v. 1898-1902. *P359 Handbuch der deutschen Tracht. *P 2204 Kohler, K. Die Entwickelung der Tracht in Deutschland wahrend des Millelalters und der Neuzeit. 1877. D 6819 Kretschmer, A. Deutsche Volkstrachten; Original-Zeichnungen mit erklarenden Text. 1870. *P 581 Petrovits, L. E. Oesterreichische National- trachten. *P352 Greece Abrahams, E. B. Greek dress; a study of the costumes worn in ancient Greece, from pre-Hellenic times to the Hellen- istic age. 1908. L 9441 Evans, M. M. Chapters on Greek dress. 1893. L 4341 Smith, J. M. Ancient Greek female cos- tume. 1882. *K 3382 Ireland Walker, J. C. An historical essay on the dress of the ancient and modern Irish. 1788. *V 105 Same. 1818. E 560, 2 Russia Harding, E. Costume of the Russian em- pire. 1811. *P589 Scotland Clansmen. Sketches of the clans of Scot- land; with coloured plates of tartans. C3539 Mclan, R. R. The clans of the Scottish highlands, displaying their dress, arms, and social occupations. 2v. 1845-47. *P591 Scottish clans and their tartans. 1899. C 16714 Switzerland Heierli, Frau J., ed. Die Schweizer Trach- ten von XVII-XIX Jahrhundert. 1897. *P2553 Vigneron — Recueil de 59 lithographies coloriees representant les costumes de la Suisse. *P692 Turkey Costume of Turkey. 1802. *P 722 China Mason, G. H. The costume of China, illus- trated by sixty engravings. 1804. *P 723 Separate Articles Gloves, Fans, Sunshades Beck, S. W. Gloves; their annals and as- sociations. 1883. L 4331 Longman, E. D. and Loch, S. Pins and pincushions. 1911. L 9598 Redfern, W. B. Royal and historic gloves and shoes. 1904. *P 1891 Rhead, G. W. History of the fan. 1910. *P 1445 Uzanne, L. O. The sunshade; The glove; The muff. 1883. *P659 Hairdressing Andrews, W. At the sign of the barber's pole; studies in hirsute history. 1904. L9581 Child, T. Wimples and crisping pins, being studies in the coiffure and ornaments of women. 1894. L 4343 22'4 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Uzanne, L. O. Coiffures de style: la parure excentrique epoque Louis XVI. 1895. *P393 Villermont, M. de. Histoire dc la coiffure feminine. 1892. *V 1940 Holidays History, Tradition and Folk-lore McCurdy, R. M. Holidays. A bibliography of articles relating to holidays. 1905. *0 2583 2nd ed., - rev. by E. M. Coulter. 1907. (Bulletin of bibliography pamphlets). Chambers, R., ed. The book of days. 2v. *R209 co»ip. Holy-days and holi- L9607 *R3300 Holiday facts and fancies; Deems, E. M., days. 1902. Same. Denton, C. J. full yet simple explanations of the Amer- ican holidays. 1910. J 6193 Patten, H. P. The year's festivals. 1903. L9610 Contents: New Year's day; Twelfth night; St. Valentine's day; All fools' day; Easter; May day; Hallowe'en; Thanksgiving; Christmas. Tittle, W., comp. Colonial holidays; being a collection of contemporary accounts of holiday celebrations in colonial times. 1910. L 9616 Warren, N. B. The holidays: Christmas, Easter, and Whitsuntide. 1868. L9631 Fasts, Feasts, Festivals General and Secular Bernard, F. Les fetes celebres de l'an- tiquite du moyen age et des temps mod- -, 10C . isaq C 19.054 1881! C 12054 (Bibliothcque des merveilles). Eisenhart, L. von Kobell v. Farben und Feste kulturhistorische Studie. 1900. D7191 Neale, E. V. Feasts and fasts: an essay on the rise, progress, and present state of the laws relating to Sundays and other holidays. 1845. M 3882 Christmas Customs Cassel, P. Weihnachten; Ursprunge, Brauche und Aberglauben. D 2842 Dawson, W. F. Christmas: its origin and associations, together with its historical events and festive celebrations during nineteen centuries. 1902. L 9606 Feilberg, II. F. Jul. 2v. 1904. CC 14733 v. 1. Allcsj;clestiden ; Hedensk, kristen julefest. 2. Julemorkets ondom; Juietro, juleskik. Fyfe, \V. W. Christmas, its customs and carols. E 2910 R. The story of Santa L9605 Little wood, S. Claus. 1912. (World stories illustrated). Bibliography, p. 103-[104]. Mabie, H. W., ed. Book of Christmas. 1909. L 9613 Miles, C. A. Christmas in ritual and tra- dition, Christian and pagan. 1912. L9615 "Notes and bibliography": p. [361J-387. Rietschel, G. Weihnachten in Kirche, Kunst und Volksleben. 1902. D 18744 Sandys, W. Christmastide; its history, fes- tivities, and carols. 1852. E 5743 Tille, A. Die Geschichte der deutschen Weihnacht. 1893. D 3472 Yule and Christmas, their place in the Germanic year. 1899. L 9608 Traut, E. Christmas in heart and home. 1901. L9609 Contents: Significance of Christmas; Celebra- tion of Christmas; Origin and development of the Christmas tree; Table of ornaments for Christmas tree; A page of Christmas hints; Music for Christmas; Life of Christ. Watson, J. G., comp. A chronicle of Christ- mas. 1905. L9611 New Year's Day Biinger, F. Geschichte der in der Kirche. 1911. Neujahrsfeier D 18722 Thanksgiving Day Love, W. De L., jr. The fast and thanks- giving days of New England. 1895. B3744 Schauffler, R. H., ed. Thanksgiving; its origin, celebration and significance. 1907. L9640 Eating and Drinking Customs Bauer, M. Der deutsche Durst; methyolo- gische Skizzen aus der deutschen Kul- turgeschichte. 1903. D 7129 Bode, W. Kurze Geschichte der Trink- sitten und Massigkeitsbestrebungen in Deutschland. 1896. D 6987 Cook, C. H. The curiosities of ale and beer, an entertaining history. 1886. K 4328 Dunlop, J. T he philosophy of drinking usage in Great Britain and Ireland. 1839 L4310 Hackwood, F. W. Inns, ales, and drinking customs of old England. 1909. 110057 Brief story of the British public-house from the Roman- British posting-house to the rise of the modern hotel. Marchant, W. T., ed. In praise of ale; or, Songs, ballads, epigrams & anecdotes re- lating to beer, malt and hops, with some curious particulars concerning ale-wives and brewers, drinking clubs and customs. 1888. E 7929 SOCIAL CUSTOMS 325 Morewood, S. A philosophical and statis- tical history of the inventions and cus- toms of ancient and modern nations^ in the manufacture and use of inebriating liquors. 1838. L 4281 Roberts, G. E. and Porter, H. Cups and their customs. 1863. L4263 Samuelson, J. The history of drink; a re- view, social, scientific, and political. 1878. L749 Weber, F. Gastronomische Bilder; Bei- trage zur Geschichte der Speisen und Ge- tranke, der Tischsitten und Tafelfreuden verschiedener Volker und Zeiten. 1891. D6545 Shows, Fairs Frost, T. The old showmen, and the old London fairs. 1874. E 1115 Morley, H. Memoirs of Bartholomew fair. 1859. E 1387 Walford, C. Fairs, past and present; a chapter in the history of commerce. 1883. L3801 Court Customs Coronation Customs Armytage, Mrs. F. F. Old court customs and modern court rule. 1883. A 687 Debrett, J. Debrett's coronation guide. 1911. A 5287 The form and order of the service that is to be performed and of the ceremonies that are to be observed in the coronation of Their Majesties, King George V. and Queen Mary. 1911. A 5286 Macleane, D. The great solemnity of the coronation of the king and queen of Eng- land according to the use of the church of Westminster. 1902. A 3540 Pemberton, J. H. The coronation service according to the use of the Church of England. 1901. A 3525 Perkins, J. H. T. The coronation book; or, The hallowing of the sovereigns of Eng- land. 1911. A 5298 Round table, The; the order and solemnities of crowning the king, and the dignities of his peerage. 1820. L 300 Thompson, R., ed. A faithful account of the processions and ceremonies observed in the coronation of the kings and queens of England. 1820. A 3282 Duelling Thimm, C. A. A complete bibliography of the art of fence, comprising that of the sword and of the bayonet. 1891. *0 593 Bluett, J. C. Duelling and the laws of honor examined and condemned upon principles of common sense and revealed truth, 1836. E 1974 Brantome, P. de B. seigneur de. Duelling stories of the sixteenth century. 1904. L9572 Cockburn, J. The history of duels; Lon- don, 1720. 1888. *P623, 25 (In Collectanea admantaa). Croabbon, A. La science du point d'hon- neur; commentaire raisonne sur l'offense, le duel. 1894. C 12969 Douglas, W. Duelling days in the army. 1887. E 1973 Hamilton, J. The only approved guide through all the stages of a quarrel, con- taining the royal code of honor. 1829. E3382 Hergsell, G. Duell-Codex. 1891. D 7025 Letainturier-Fradin, G. Le duel a travers les ages. 1892. C 12712 L'honneur et le duel. 1897. C 12756 Millingen, J. G. The history of duelling. 2v. 1841. E 1394 Sabine, L. Notes on duels and duelling. 1855. E 1480 Tavernier, A. E. L'art du duel. 1885. C 13200 Truman, B. C. The field of honor; being a complete and comprehensive history of duelling in all countries. 1884. E 6043 Vaux, Baron L. de. Les duels celebres. 1884. C 13305 Etiquette Social Usage and Procedure Armstrong, Mrs. L. H. Etiquette and en- tertaining. 1903. L 4386 "Au fait": social observances, a series of essays on practical etiquette. 1896. L4377 Basanville, A., comtesse de. Almanach du savoir-vivre. 1885. C 4033 Bugg, L. H. A lady; manners and social usages. 1893. L4374 Bunce, O. B. Censor. Don't; or, Directions for avoiding improprieties in conduct and common errors of speech. 1891. L4346 Castiglione, B., comte. The book of the courtier. 1903. L 4396 Chesterfield, P. D. S. 4th earl of. Principles of politeness and knowing the world. E938 Clapp, E. B. The courtesies; a book of etiquette for every day. 1904. L 9208, 5 (The woman's home library). 326 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Colin, Lady M. and Sheldon, Mrs. M. F. Everybody's book of correct conduct, being hints for everyday life. 1893. L4368 Complete bachelor, The. Manners for men. 1806. L 4372 Conkling, M. C. The American gentleman's guide to politeness and fashion. 1863. L4375 Conway, M. D. George Washington's rules of civility traced to their sources and re- stored. 1890. L 4370 Correct social usage. 1909. L 4397 Dahlgren, Mrs. M. V. Etiquette of social life in Washington. 1881. E 1002 Devereux, G. R. M. Etiquette for men; a book of modern manners and customs. 1902. L4371 Dufaux, de La J. E. La savoir-vivre dans la vie ordinaire et dans les ceremonies civiles et religieuses. 1883. C 4746 Etiquette for Americans; by a woman of fashion. 1898. L 4383 Glover, E. H. "Dame Curtsey's" book of etiquette. 1909. L 9647 "Good form" in England; by an American resident in the United Kingdom. 1888. L4357 Good manners. 1888. L 4363 (Metropolitan series). Greville, Lad\ V. B. The gentlewoman in society. 1892. E 3151 Habits of good society; a handbook for ladies and gentlemen. 1867. E 3324 Hall, Mrs. F. M. H. The correct thing in good society. 1888. L 4359 A handbook of hospitality for town and country. 1909. L 4398 Social customs. 1887. L4355 Social usages at Washington. 1906. L4395 Harcourt, C. Good form for men; a guide to conduct and dress for all occasions. 1905. L 9648 Hardy, E. J. How to be happy though civil; a book on manners. 1909. L 11414 Harrison, Mrs. C. C. The well-bred girl in s-ociety. 1898. L 4387 Hartley, C. B. The gentlemen's book of etiquette and manual of politeness. 1873. E1182 Hartley, F. The ladies' book of etiquette and manual of politeness. 1875. E 1183 Holt, F. Encyclopedia of etiquette; a book of manners for everyday use. 1901. L4384 The secret of popularity; how to achieve social success 1904. L 4388 Kingsland, Mrs. F. The book of good man- ners; "e'tiquette for all occasions." 1907. L4366 Laughlin, C. E., ed. The complete hostess. 1906. K 15777 Learned, E. C. "Mrs. F. Learned." The etiquette of New York to-day. 1906. L4392 Lockwood, I. The P. G., or perfect gen- tleman. 1887. L4354 Longstreet, Mrs. A. B. Social etiquette of New York. 187.9. E 1526 Manual of politeness; comprising the prin- ciples of etiquette. 1855. E 4606 Nogent, Mine. L. de. Bon ton et usages du monde. 1901. CC 1390 Osmun, T. E. A. Ayres. The mentor; a little book for the guidance of such men and boys as would appear to advantage in the society of persons of the better sort. 1894. L4376 Palmer, A. S., conip. The ideal of a gentle- man; or, A mirror for gentlefolks. 1908. L9653 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. M. Good manners for all occasions. 1904. L 4389 Savoir-vivre et la politesse dans toutes les circonstances de la vie chez soi. C 6643 Schonthan, P. v., cd. Die elegante Welt; Handbuch der vomehmen Lebensart im gesellschaftliche.i und schriftlichen Ver- kehr. 1891. D 7224 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W. Manners and social usages. 1884. L4351 Same. 1907. L 4353 Tegg, W., cd. Meetings and greetings; the salutations, obeisances, and courtesies of nations. 1877. L 4352 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. Marion Harland : Everyday etiquette; a practical manual of social usages. 1905. L 4391 Thomas, K. E., comp. Official, diplomatic, and social etiquette of Washington. L895. L4367 Tramar, comtcsse de. L'etiquette mondaine; usages de la societe moderne dans toutes les circonstances de la vie. 1905. CC 1473 Wedding Etiquette Carroll, G. D. Wedding etiquette and usages of polite society. 1880. E 904 Kingsland, Mrs. F., "Mrs. Burton Kings- laud." The book of weddings; a complete manual of good form in all matters con- nected with the marriage ceremony. 1902. L4369 ASSOCIATIONS 327 Etiquette of Correspondence Social Letter-Writing Callaway, F. B. Charm and courtesy in letter-writing. 1895. L 8370 Chambers, A. B. The new standard busi- ness and social letter-writer; business, family and social correspondence, love- letters, etiquette, synonyms, legal forms, etc., how to address the president, mem- bers of the cabinet and other high offi- cials. 1908. L 8381 Clark, J. W. A desk book on the etiquette of social stationery. 1910. L 9643 Cody, S. Success in letter writing, business and social. 1906. L 8373 Conway, K. E. A lady and her letters. 1895. L4390 Correct guide to letter writing, The, by A member of the aristocracy. 1906. L 4350 Davidson, J. W. The corresoondent. 1886. E2367 Arranged in dictionary form. Includes modes of address of official and titled persons. Gavit, H. E. The etiquette of correspond- ence; with information on heraldic de- vices, monograms, and engraved ad- dresses. 1900. L 8374 Hand-book for home improvement, com- prising how to write, how to talk, how to behave, how to do business. 1857. L 10897 Hill, T. E. Hill's manual of social and business forms. Twentieth century ed. A guide to correct writing. 1908. *R 1258 Have also editions of 1897 and 1905. L3924 Irvine, L. H. Irvine's dictionary of titles. Containing authentic information on the etiquette of correspondence, official forms of address, superscriptions, closing forms of letters, including federal, state, eccle- siastical, military and naval customs. 1912. L8394 Longstreet, Mrs. A. B. Good form cards; their significance and proper uses. 1889. L4364 Mathews, F. S. The writing table of the twentieth century, being an account of heraldry, art, engraving and established form for the correspondent. 1900. L8382 North, I. Love letters and how to write them, being an assortment of letters suit- able for lovers of any age and condition and under all circumstances. 1901. L8383 Russell, T. H., ed The century standard business and social letter writer. 1902. L 8393 Westlake, J. W. How to write letters; a manual of correspondence, showing the correct structure, composition, punctua- tion, formalities, and uses of the various kinds of letters, notes, and cards. 1901. L8386 Associations, Societies, Clubs Note: Special societies are classed with their subjects, i. e., literary societies with Literature, scientific societies with Science, etc. Bowker, R. R., ed. Publications of socie- ties, a provisional list of the publications of American scientific, literary and other societies from their organization. 1899. *0 2463 Grandhantz-Loiseau, E. Les societes de sauvetage, humanitaires, philanthropiques et litteraires. 1884. C 5162 Secret Societies Birch, U. Secret societies and the French revolution 1911. A 5708 Briick, H. Die geheimen Gesellschaften in Spanien. 1881. D 10 Desaguliers, J. T. The constitutions of the Free-Masons. 1734. L 4654 Reprint, 1906. Frost, T. The secret societies of the Euro- pean revolution, 1776-1876. 1876. L892 Heckethorn, C. W. The secret societies of all ages and countries. 2v. 1875. L 889 Same. 2v. 1897. L4599 Johnston, R. W. The Napoleonic empire in southern Italy and the rise of the secret societies. 2v. 1904. A 4108 Keightley, T. Secret societies of the middle ages. 1837. 1 3569 La Hodde, L. de. History of secret socie- ties, and of the republican party of France, from 1830-1848. 1856. A 1560 Macdill, D. B. J. and Beecher, E. Secret so- cieties; a discussion of their character and claims. 1879. L4575 Rosen, P. The Catholic church and secret societies. 1902. L4615 Stevens, A. C, comp. The cyclopaedia of fraternities; a compilation of existing au- thentic information ... of more than 600 secret societies in the U. S. 1907. L4658 Waite, A. E. Devil worship in France; ot, The question of Lucifer. 1896. L 4597 Rosicrucianism, mystic Freemasonry, and Diabol- ism in France. Webster, H. Primitive secret societies. 1908. L 4627 Freemasonry Gassett, H. Catalogue of books on the Ma- sonic institutions. 1852. *0 628 328 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Kloss, G. F. B. Bibliographic der Freimau- erei. 1844. *Q 644 Findel, J. G. 1883. Gould, R. F. 3v. 1885. Gray, G. H. Adams, W. M. The book of the master. 1898. M 8004 The Freemasonry of the "Book of the dead and ancient Egyptian religious rites." Blake, Mrs. E. O. Realities of freemasonry. 1879. L 897 Boubee, J. S. Etudes historiques et phil- osophiques sur la franc-magonnerie. 1854. C 12351 Brornwell, H. P. H. Restoration of masonic geometry and symbolry. 1905. *V 2849 Buck, J. D. Mystic masonry. 1896. L 4593 Carlile, R. Manual of freemasonry. L 880 Cross, J. L. The true masonic chart. 1845. L4661 Geschichte der Freimaurerei. D7015 The history of freemasonry. *V838 The mystic circle. 1852. L4598 Le Plongeon, A. Sacred mysteries among the Mayas and the Quiches, 11500 years ago, free masonry in times anterior to the temple of Solomon. 1886. *M 3965 Loth, J. L. The ancient and accepted Scot- tish rite. 1874. *R4486 McClenachan, C. T. The book of the an- cient and accepted Scottish rite of free- masonry. 1905. L 4591 Mackey, A, G. An encyclopaedia of free- masonry. 1879. *R 1635 ——The history of freemasonry. 5v. 1898. *V 2850 A lexicon of freemasonry. 1872. L 873 Macoy, R. General history, cyclopedia and dictionary of freemasonry. 1870. L 4596 Preston, W. Illustrations of masonry. 1796. L4586 Ragon, J. M. Francmaqonnerie; rituel de l'apprenti macon. 1860. C 6367 Orthodoxie maqonnique. 1853. C 6366 Redding, M. W. Scarlet book of free ma- sonry. 1S89. L4595 Romayne, E. Hand-book of freemasonry, revised and enlarged. 1902. L 4652 Spencer, R. T., comp. The freemason's pocket dictionary. 1899. L 4653 Thompson, F. J. A system of card mem- bership record fur masonic bodies and a scheme of classification for masonic books. 1908. *0 829 Whymper, H. J. The religion of freema- sonry. 1888. L4585 Anti-Masonic Literature Adams, J. Q. Letters and addresses on freemasonry. 1875. L 4569 Allyn, A. Ritual of freemasonry. 1858. L4584 Bernard, D. Light on masonry. 1829. L4568 Finney, C. G. The character, claims, and practical workings of freemasonry. 1879. L4582 Murderous character of freemasonry. 1882. L4570 Rush, R. Two letters on the subject of freemasonry and the new Berlin trial. 1831. *L 165 Stearns, J. G. An inquiry into the nature and tendency of speculative freemasonry. 1869. L4583 Masonic Periodicals Freemason's monthly magazine, llv. 1849- 1859. *Ser. Masonic review. lOv. in 5. 1855-60. *Ser. Voice of masonry and family magazine. 6v. 1873-79. *Ser. Freemasonry By Countries United States Freemasons. United States. Proceedings of the Masonic Congress, Chicago, Aug. 14-17, 1893. 1893. L 4588 United States. Proceedings of the su- preme council of sovereign grand-inspec- tors-general of the 33d and last degree, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite, for the northern Masonic jurisdiction of the U. S. of America. 15v. in 6. 1868-80. L4656 Hayden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. 1905. L 4648 Whittemore, H. History of masonry in North America. 1888. L 4587 Illinois Freemasons — Illinois. Final report of the Masonic Board of Relief of the city of Chicago. 187:2. B 1379 Illinois. Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of the State of Illinois. 3v. 1877- 1893. L 4650 Masonic Veteran Association of Illinois. Annual report, 1890-1907. *Doc. Smith, J. C. History of freemasonry in the city of Galena, Illinois, from 1826 to 1874. 1874. L 4600 Warvelle, G. W., ed. A compendium of freemasonry in Illinois. 2v. 1897. *V 2986 SECRET SOCIETIES 329 Iowa Freemasons — Iowa. Annals of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. 22v. 1858-1911. L 885 Iowa. Catalogue of the library of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. 18T3. *0 1624 Iowa. Transactions of the Grand Chap- ter of the State of Iowa, 1854-1872. 2v. 1868-73. L 887 Michigan Freemasons — Michigan. Historical souve- nir issued in commemoration of one hun- dred and fortieth anniversary of Zion Lodge number one, F. & A. M., Detroit. 1904. L4671 New York Freemasons — New York (state). Proceed- ings of the Council of Deliberation. 3v. 1877-1880. *Doc. Huntington, P. C. The true history regard- ing alleged connection of the order of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons with the abduction of William Morgan in western New York. 1880. L 888 Whittemore, H. History of masonry in North America, from 1730-1800. 18S8. L4587 Containing a special history of the lodges of Hudson Co., New York. North Dakota Freemasons — North Dakota. Masonic homes, educational institutions and cognate char- ities. 1908. L 4651 Ohio Freemasons — Ohio. Proceedings of Ohio Council of Deliberation. 1882. L4562 Pennsylvania Freemasons — Pennsylvania. Grand Lodge. Proceedings of the right worshipful Grand Lodge. 1902. L4670 Pennsylvania. Grand Lodge. Proceed- ings of the right worshipful Grand Lodge. 1906. L 4672 England Conder, E., jr. Records of the hole crafte and fellowship of masons. 1894. L 4594 Hyneman, L. Freemasonry in England, from 1567 to 1813. 1877. L 890 Palestine Morris, R. Freemasonry in the Holy Land. 1876. L 4561 Philippine Islands St. Clair, F. The Katipunan; or, The rise and fall of the Filipino commune. 1902. A 4901 Knights Templars Cross, J. L. The Templars' chart. 1854. L4660 Gassette, N. T. History of Apollo Com- mandery, no. 1, Knights Templar, of Chi- cago. 1884. L4645 Official Publications Knights Templars. United States. Pro- ceedings of the grand encampment; 18th triennial session. 1871. L 879 Illinois. History of the Grand Com- mandry of Knights Templar of Illinois, 1857-1907. 2v. in 4. 1885-1908. L 4563 Minnesota. Proceedings of the organiza- tion, lst-9th annual conclave. 1868-74. L4669 Texas. Transactions of the Grand Commandry of Knights Templar and ap- pendant orders. 1878. L 893 Odd Fellows Beharrell, T. G. Odd Fellows monitor and guide. 1878. L 4624 Brockmann, J. H. Oddfellowship; its doc- trine and practice. 1878. *L 4574 Donaldson, P., ed. The Odd Fellows' offer- ing for 1847. 1847. E 1052 Revised odd-fellowship illustrated. 1893. L4581 Official Publications Independent Order of Odd Fellows. Jour- nal of proceedings of the 53d, 60th-63d, 74th annual communication of the Sover- eign Grand Lodge. 7v. in 6. 1873-98. L878 United States. Digest of the laws, deci- sions and enactments of the R. W. Grand Lodge of the United States. 1871. L 875 Illinois. Digest of the laws of I. O. O. F. for Illinois. 1872. L 876 By Samuel Willard. Illinois. Journal of the R. W. grand en- campment, 1850-1890. 2v. 1882-91. L4618 Illinois. Journal of the R. W. Grand Lodge of Illinois, 1838-80. lOv. in 6. 1860-81. *L877 -Chicago Relief Committee. Final report. 1873. B 3046 Periodicals Covenant, The, and official magazine of the Grand Lodge of the United States, I. O. O. F. 3v. 1842-44. *Ser. Memento, The. 2v. 1867-69. *Ser. Odd-Fellow's union. 1866-67. *Ser. 330 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Knights of Pythias Carnahan, T. R. Pythian knighthood. 1892. L4567 Kennedy, W. D. Pythian history. 1904. L4621 Knights of Pythias. Supreme Lodge. First digest of the laws of the supreme lodge of the world. 1877. L 4606 Van Valkenburg, J., cd. The jewels of Pythian knighthood. 1889. L 4617 Clubs Note: Individual clubs not included. Library has on file the year books of most of the local clubs in Civics Dept. Club-almanach; annuaire international des cercles. 1884. *R 3845 Club men of New York, 1895-97. 1896. L9714 Fairfield, F. G. The clubs of New York; with an account of the origin, progress, present condition and membership of the leading clubs. 1873. L 901 Griffiths, A. G. F. Clubs and club men. 1907. L 9707 Hatton, T. Club-land, London and provin- cial. 1890. *V 1895 Hay, C, pseud. The club and the drawing room. 2v. 1870. E 1188 Ivey, G. J. Clubs of the world. 1880. L662 List of English clubs in all parts of the world for 1898. 2 v. 1898-1905. L 9708 Timbs, J. Club life of London, with anec- dotes of the clubs, coffee-houses and tav- erns of the metropolis during the 17th, 18th and 19th centuries. 2v. 1866. E1586 Wisconsin. University. University exten- sion division. Civic clubs; organization, programs, loans to clubs. 1909. *Doc. Farmers' clubs; organization, discus- sion, programs, loan of books and study materials. 1909. *Doc. Social Classes Aristocracy, Leisure Class George, H., jr. The menace of privilege; a study of the dangers to the republic from the existence of a favored class. 1905. L 6686 Levy, O. The revival of aristocracy. 1906. L7573 Contents: Napoleon and after; Stendhal; Goethe; Nietzsche; Southerners and northerners; Germany weighed; A parallel; The Jews; A forecast. Mallock, W. H. Aristocracy and evolution; a study of the rights, the origin, and the functions of the wealthier classes. L898. L8663 Veblen, T. B. The theory of a leisure class. L899. L7441 White, A. D. The most bitter foe of na- tions, and the way to its permanent over- throw; an address. 1866. E 978 Middle Class Cooper, W. G. Fate of the middle classes. 1905. Civics Dept. Peasantry England Gamier, R. M. Annals of the British peas- antry. 1895. L 8533 Heath, F. G. The English peasantry. 1874. L625 Heath, R. The English peasant; studies, historical, local, and biographic. 1893. L4494 Stratton, J. Y. Hops and hop-pickers. 1883? L4170 Sturt, G. Change in the village, by George Bourne, pseud. 1912. L 7338 France Bonnemere, J. E. Histoire des paysans. 3v. 1886. C 11997 Dareste de La Chavanne, A. E. C. Histoire des classes agricoles en France. 1858. C4417 Darmesteter, A. M. F. R. "Mme, Duclaux." The fields of France; little essays in de- scriptive sociology. 1904. I 6822 Contents: A farm in the Cantal; A manor in Touraine; The French peasant; The forests ot the Oise; A little tour in Provence; How the poor lived in the fourteenth century; The mediae- val country house. Doniol, J. H. A. Histoire des classes rurales en France et de leurs progres dans l'egal- ite civile et la p-opriete. 1867. C 12299 Germany Bartels, A. Der Bauer in der deutschen Vergangenheit. 1900. D 7113, 6 Hagelstange, A. Siiddeutsches Bauernleben im Mittelalter. 189S. D 7185 Schnapper-Arndt, G. Fiinf Dorfgemeinden auf clem hohen Taunus; eine socialstatis- tische Untersuchung iiber Kleinbauern- thum, Hausindustrie und Volksleben. 1883. D 4785, 4 Ireland Guardian of the poor, A. The Irish peas- ant; a sociological study. 1892. L 8534 Russia Holstein, A. de and Montefiore, D. B. Serf life in Russia; the childhood of a Rus- sian grandmother. 1906. 17626 SOCIAL CLASSES 331 Kennard, H. P. The Russian peasant. 190S. 17628 Contents: Village life; History; Russia's poison; Bureaucracy and church. Country Life Rural Communities Anderson, W. L. The country town, a study of rural evolution. 1906. L 8643 Bailey, L. H. The country-life movement in the United States. 1911. K 16843 Bookwalter, J. W. Rural versus urban; their conflict and its causes; a study of the conditions affecting their natural and artificial relations. 1911. L 6763 Butterfield, K. L. Chapters in rural prog- ress. 1908. L 8642 ■ The country church and the rural prob- lem; the Carew lectures at Hartford Theological Seminary, 1909. 1911. M4711 Fairchild, G. T. Rural wealth and welfare; economic principles, illustrated and ap- plied in farm life. 1900. K 15246 (Rural science series). Fiske, G. W. The challenge of the country; a study of country life opportunity. 1912. K 15648 Gillette, J. M. Constructive rural sociology. 1913. " K 15649 Graham, P. A. The rural exodus. 1892. L8590 McKeever, W. A. Farm boys and girls. 1912. K 16873 (The rural science series). Millin, G. F. The village problem. 1903. L6746 Plunkett, Sir H. C. The rural life problem of the United States; notes of an Irish observer. 1910. K 16865 United States. Country Life Commission. Report of the Commission on Country Life. 1911. K 15373 Wilson, W. H. The evolution of the coun- try community; a study in religious so- ciology. 1912. M 4474 City Life Hoskin, A. A. The city problem. 1900. L8591 Robinson, C. M. The call of the city. 1908. E6153 Contents: The call of the city; The city's beauty; Its human interest; The city's fellowship; The city's comforts; The charm of the past; Op- portunities; Hope for cities; When Phyllis is in town; Holidays; Entertainment; Sleep. Stelzle, C. Christianity's storm centre; a study of the modern city. 1907. M 9985 Strong, J. The challenge of the city. 1907. M 8417, 11 (Forward mission study courses). Subject Index Abolition movement (Slavery in U. S.), 152 Academic degrees, 307 Accidents, industrial, 68 Accounting, public, 116 Administration, governmental ma- chinery, 184 Aged poor, 253 Agricultural colonies, 43 Agricultural labor, 43 Agriculture (economic aspects), 42 Agriculture, co-operative, 43 Alabama claims, 228 Aliens (law), 225 Almanacs, statistical, 17 Almshouses, 254 American colonies (to 1775), gov- ernment, 189 American (Know-nothing) party, 173 Anarchism, 129 Annuities, 106 Anthropometry, criminal, 256 Applied sociology, 241 Apprentice labor, 58 Arbitration, industrial, 55 Arbitration, international, 227 Aristocracy (social classes), 330 Arithmetic, elementary, pedagogics, 284 Arms, national, 219 Articles of confederation, 175 Assassination, 257 Associations, 327 Australia, politics and government, 204 Austria, politics and government, 200 Auxiliary education, 298 B Backward children, education, 298 Bailments, Law of, 233 Balkan question, 216 Ballot, 145 Bank of England, 97 Bank of France, 98 Bank of North America, 96 Bank of New York, 97 Bank of the United States, 96 Banking law, 100 Banking periodicals, 95 Banks and banking, 92 Banks and banking, history, 93 Banks and banking by countries, 95 Battle, wager of (law), 223 Beggars, 254 Belgium, politics and government, 201 Bench and bar, 238 Berlin, government and politics, 211 Bertillon system (criminal anthro- pology), 256 Bible in the schools, 300 Bimetallism, 89 Birth customs, 321 Blind, The (charities), 254 Blue laws, 231 Bonds and stocks, 101 Bossism, 145 Boy Scouts, 251 Boycott, 65 Boys (sociological aspects), 312 Boys, social work, 251 Boys' clubs, 251 Buccaneers, 257 Building and loan associations, 100 Bulgaria, politics and government, 201 Burial customs, 321 Busy work (primary education), 286 Cabinet, U. S., 186 Cabinet systems, 184 California, politics and government, 191 Camp Fire Girls, 252 Canada, constitution, 183 Canada, politics and government, 201 Canals, 71 Canon law, 240 Capital (economics), 31 Capital and labor, 55 Capital punishment, 264 Catholic education, 300 Caucus, 145 Census, U. S., 18 . Centers, civic and social, 245 Charities, 248 Charity, organization and methods, 248 Charters, 175 Charters, Chicago, 210 Charters, municipal, 208 Chicago. City Council, 210 Chicago. Civil Service Commission, 210 Chicago, finance, 116 Chicago, fire department, 208 Chicago, government and politics, 209 Chicago, municipal code, 210 Chicago, schools, education, 292 Chicago, social condition, 247 Chicago plan, 212 Chicago police, 263 Chicago street railroads, 76 Chicago Charter Convention, 210 Child criminals, 266 Child labor, 60 Child welfare, 250 Children (sociological aspects), 310 Children, charities, protection, 250 Children, exceptional and backward (education), 298 Children, Home training of, 311 Children and crime, juvenile offend- ers, 266 Children in art and literature, 312 Children's courts, 237 China, politics and government, 204 Chinese question (U. S.), 159 Christian sociology, 243 Christmas customs, 324 Church and education, 300 Church and sociology, 243 Church and state, 141 Citizenship, 142 Citizenship, Law of, 143 City charters, 208 City government, 206 City government by commission, 20a City life, 331 City planning, 211 City-state (ancient Greece), 135 Civic centers, 245 Civic ethics, 142 Civics (manuals of civil govern- ment), 187 Civil government (U. S.), 187 Civil liberty, 139 Civil service, general, 190 Civil service, U. S., registers, 189 Civil service examinations, 190 Civil service reform, 190 Civilization, contemporary, 11 Civilization, future, 12 Civilizaton, Theory of, 9 Clans (Polit. science), 135 Clearing houses, 100 Closed shop, 66 Clubs, 330 Coats of arms, national, 219 Co-education, 305 College fraternities and sororities, 308 Colleges, 305 Colleges and universities in various countries, 306 Colonial law, U. S., 231 Colonies, American (to 1775), gov- ernment, 189 Colonies, England, 156 Colonies, France, 157 Colonies, Germany, 157 Colonies, Italy, 157 Colonies, Japan, 157 Colonies, Netherlands, 157 Colonies, United States, 155 Colonies and colonization, 154 Combat, Trial by, 223 Commerce (economic aspects), 77 Commerce in various countries, 81 Commerce, interstate, 80 Commercial crises, 50 Commercial directories, 78 Commercial law, 80 Commission government, Common law, 232 Commons, House of, 163 Commonwealths, ideal, 128 Communication (economic aspects), 70 Communism, 127 Communistic societies, 128 Competition, 48 Compulsory education, 291 Compulsory insurance, 107 Confederate States, Congress, 162 Congress, U. S., 160 Connecticut, constitution, 180 Connecticut, politics and govern- ment, 191 Conscience, Liberty of, 141 Conservation of natural resources (economic aspects), 44 Conspiracies, 257 Constitutional convention, U. S., 1787, 175 Constitutional history, general, 173 Constitutional history, U. S., 174 Constitutional history and law of European countries, 181 Constitutional law, general, 176 Constitution law, U. S., 178 Constitutions of separate states (U. S.), 180 Constitutions of European countries, 181 Construction work (primary educa- tion), 286 Consular service, 228 Continuation schools, 298 Contract labor, 58 Contracts, Law of, 233 333 334 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Conventions, political, 171 Conservation, self-culture, 303 Coolie labor, 58 Co-operation, 51 Co-operative agriculture, 43 Coronation, theory and ceremony (Polit. science), 137 Coronation customs, 325 Corporation finance, 40 Corporation law, 40 Corporation tax, 110 Corporations, 45 Corporations and the state, 52 Correspondence, social, etiquette, 320 Corrupt practices in elections, 145 Court customs, 325 Cost of living, 50 Costume, 321 Costume by periods and countries 321 Counterfeiting, 101 Country life, 331 Country schools, 295 Court reports, 230 Courts martial, 229 Courts of law, 237 Covenants, 321 Credit, financial, 103 Credit currency, 90 Crimes and criminals, 257 Crimes and criminals in various countries, 259 Crime and education, 301 Criminal anthropology, 256 Criminal anthropometry, 256 Criminal law, 229 Criminal psychology, 256 Criminal trials, 234 Criminology, 255 Crises, commercial, 50 Currency (money I, B8 Curriculum in colleges and univer- sities, 306 Curriculum of elementary schools. 281 Customs and manners, 320 Dangerous occupations, 68 Deaf and dumb, charities, 255 Deaf and dumb, education, 298 Debt, national, 116 Declaration of Independence, 175 Defective classes, charities, 250 Degeneration, sociology, 1 1 Degrees, academic, 307 Delinquent classes, charities, 250 Democracy (Polit. science), 138 Democratic government (Polit sci- ence), 138 Democratic party, 172 Denmark, constitution, 183 Denmark, politics and government, Departments of government, 184 Dependent, defective and delinquent classes, 250 Despotism (Polit. science), 137 Detectives, 263 Diplomatic service, 228 Diplomacy, 227 itors (U. S.), Direct legislation, I 10 1 'jrectoi ercial, 78 Djsarmament, intei national, 226 Diseases, industrial Distribution, co-operative, 51 District nursing, 250 district schools, 295 Divine right of kings, 137 Divorce (sociology), 309 Domestic life, 320 Domestic service, 60 Dress, costume, 321 Drinking customs, 324 Duelling (social customs), 325 East India Company, S3 Eastern question, 216 Eating customs, 324 Ecclesiastical law, 240 Economic history, 32 Economic theory, 29 Economics, 20 Economics, compends, outlines, text books, 25 Economics, dictionaries and encyclo pedias, 29 Economics, history, 27 Economics, periodicals and societies, 28 Education, 267 Education, auxiliary, 298 Education, compulsory, 291 Education, elementary and primary. Education, ethical, 299 Education, higher, 305 Education, industrial, 295 Education, legal, 222 Education, moral, 299 Education, psychology of, 278 Education, public, 289 Education, religious, 299 Education, secondary, 289 Education, self, 303 Education, social aspects of, 300 Education, systems of, 295 Education, vocational, 297 Education and crime, 301 Education and heredity, 301 Education and the church, 300 Education and the state, 289 Education in various countries, 291 Education of special classes, 298 Education of women and girls, 304 Educational foundations, 304 Educational laws and legislation, 290 Election expenditures, 145 Election law, 144 Elections, 144 Elections, corrupt practices, 145 Electoral systems, 144 Elementary education, 287 Elevated railroads, 76 Emblems of nationality, 219 Emigration, 153 Empire (Polit. science), 136 Employers' liability, 68 Employment agencies, 67 England, colonies and colonization, 156 England, constitution, 181 England, currency, 91 England, great seal of, 220 England, king, 186 England, Parliament, 102 England, Parliament, House of Commons, 103 England, Parliament, House of Lords, 163 England, Parliament, reform, 164 England, Privy Council, 1-7 Entrance requirements, college, 306 Equal rights party (U. S.), 173 Equality, social, 11 Ethical education, 299 Ethics, social, 13 Etiquette, 325 Evidence, legal procedure, 234 Examinations, civil service, 190 Examinations, college, 306 Examinations, school, 280 Exceptional children, education, 298 hxchange (banking), 100 Executive, The (government), 184 Expansion (U. S. colonies) , 155 Express business, 75 Extradition, 220 Factories, factory system, 44 Factory laws and legislation, 69 Fairs (social customs), 325 Family (form of state), 134 Family (sociological aspects), 309 Family desertion, 309 Family life, 309 Famines, 83 Fans, costume, 323 Fashion, 321 Fashion by periods and countries, Fasts (social customs), 324 Feasts (social customs), 324 Federal government, general (Polit. science), 136 Federal relations with the states (U. S.), 179 Federalist, The, 176 Feeble-minded children, 252 Festivals (social customs), 324 Feudalism, 136 Fidelity insurance, 107 Filibusters, 257 Finance, 85 Finance, corporations, 46 Finance, local and municipal, 115 Finance, public, 108 Financial credit, 103 Finger prints, criminals, 256 Fire departments, 208 Fire insurance, 105 Flagellation, 264 Flags, national, 219 Flogging, 264 Fcrecasts, sociology, 12 Foreign relations, 212 Foreigners (law), 225 Foreigners in England, 159 Foreigners in the U. S., 157 Forestry (economic aspects), 43 Forgery, 258 Forms, legal, 236 Fortunes, 30 Foundations, educational, 304 France, colonies, 157 France, constitution, 183 France, currency, 91 Franchise (Suffrage), 144 Fraternities, 308 Fraud, 258 Free soil party (U. S.), 173 Free trade, tariff, 117 Freedom of conscience, 141 Freedom of the press, 141 Freemasonry, 328 French in Canada, 159 French law, 239 Fresh air charities, 252 Funds, school, 290 Funeral customs, 321 Future civilization, 12 Gambling, 259 Harden cities, 212 Geography, elementary, pedagogics, 284 George Junior Republic, 251 German law, 239 Germans in the U. S., 158 SUBJECT INDEX 335 Germany, colonics, 1"'7 Germany, constitution, 1S3 Germany, currency, 91 Germany, parliaments (before 1S71), 164 Germany, Reichstag, 164 Gerrymander, 145 Gilds, 84 Girls (sociological aspects), 312 Girls, education, 304 Girls' clubs, 252 Gloves, costume, 323 Gold (currency), SS Gold and silver (economic aspects), 87 Gold standard, 88 Gothenburg system, 260 Government, branches and depart- ments, 184 Government, England, 193 Government, federal, general theory, (Polit. science), 136 Government, France, 198 Government, Germany, 199 Government, local and municipal, 206 Government, theory of (Polit. sci- ence), 130 Government, U. S., 184 Government and administration, 173 Government by injunction, 65 Government employees, U. S., 189 Government of various countries, 200 Government ownership, 52 Government publications, U. S., 184 Governments, contemporary, 184 Grange, The, 172 Greek-letter societies, 308 Greek state (Polit. science), 135 Greeks in the U. S., 158 Guilds, 84 H Habeas corpus (U. S. constitutional law), 178 Hairdressing, costume, 324 Hammurabi, Code of, 135 Hartford convention, 179 Health insurance, 105 Heredity and social progress, 11 High schools, 2S9 Higher education, colleges, 305 Higher education of women, 305 Holidays (social customs), 324 Home (sociological aspects), 320 Home life, 320 Home occupations of women, 318 Home study, 303 Home training of children, 311 Homestead law, U. S. public lands, 38 Hours of labor, 63 House of Commons, 163 House of Lords, 163 House of Representatives, U. S., 161 Housing of laboring classes, 67 Hudson Bay Company, 83 Human sacrifice, 321 Ideal commonwealths, 128 Identification of criminals, 256 Illinois, constitution, 180 Illinois politics and government, 191 Illinois, statutes, 230 Immigration, 153 Imperialism, theory (Polit. science), 136 "Imperialism" (U. S. colonies), 155 Inaugurations, U. S. presidents, 186 Income (economics), 31 Income tax, 109 Increment, 38 Indentured labor, 58 Independent treasury (U. S.), 96 India, currency, 92 India, politics and government, 205 Indiana politics, 191 Individual and the state (Polit. science), 139 Individualism, sociology, 11 Industrial accidents, 6S Industrial arbitration, 55 Industrial diseases, 68 Industrial education, 295 Industrial liberty, 49 Industry, economics, 44 Inequality, social, 11 Inheritance tax, 110 Initiative (Polit. science), 140 Injunction, Government by, 65 Injurious occupations, 6S Inland waterways, 70 Insurance, 104 Insurance, compulsory. 10~ Insurance, fidelity, 107 Insurance, fire, 105 Insurance, health, 105 Insurance, liability, 105 Insurance, life, 106 Insurance, marine, 107 Insurance, workingmen's, 107 Intellectual life, 303 Interest, 104 International arbitration, 227 International law, 223 International relations, 212 Interstate commerce, 80 Investments, 102 Iowa, constitution, 181 Iowa, politics and government, 191 Ireland, politics and government, 201 Italians in the U. S., 158 Italy, colonies, 157 Italy, politics and government, 202 Japan, colonies, 157 Japan, currency, 92 Japan, politics and government, 205 Japanese in the U. S., 159 Jews in the U. S., 158 Jingoism, 220 Jurisprudence, 220 Jury trial, 223 Justice, 222 Juvenile courts, 237 juvenile offenders, 266 K Kentucky, politics and government, 192 Kindergarten, 285 King, England, 186 Kings, divine right of (Polit. science), 137 Kingship, theory of, 137 Knights of Pythias, 330 Knights Templars, 329 Know-nothing party, 173 Labor, 53 Labor, agricultural, 43 Labor, contract, 58 Labor, history, 56 Labor, hours of, 63 Labor and capital, 55 Labor associations, 64 Labor bureaus, reports and statis- tics, 56 Labor laws and legislation, 09 Labor periodicals, 56 Labor systems, 58 Labor unions, 65 Laborers' dwellings, housing, 67 Laboring classes, social and econom- ic condition, 60 Land, 38 Land tenure, 39 Law, 220 Law, common, English and Ameri- can, 232 Law, history, 222 Law, international, 223 Law, muncipal, 208 Law, popular manuals, 236 Law, private, 232 Law courts, 237 Law digests, Illinois, 231 Law digests, U. S. Supreme Court, 230 Law-making, 159 Law-making bodies, 159 Law of corporations, 46 Law of foreign countries, 239 Law of nations, 223 Law of war, 226 Lawyers, Legal profession, 238 Lawyers in literature, 238 Leadership, sociology, 11 Legal anecdotes and miscellanea, 23S Legal education, 222 Legal ethics, 238 Legal forms, 236 Legal procedure, 234 Legal profession, 238 Legislation, 159 Legislative assemblies, 159 Leisure class, 330 Letter writing, social, etiquette, 327 Liability, employers' 68 Liability insurance, 105 Liberty, civil, 139 Liberty, industrial, 49 Liberty, personal, 139 Liberty of conscience, 141 Liberty of the press, 141 Liberty party (U. S. politics), 173 Life insurance, 106 Liquor problem, 259 Liquor traffic, 259 Living, Cost of, 50 Lobbying, 162 Local finance, 115 Local government, 206 Local taxatioif, 115 Lockouts and strikes, 64 Loco Foco party, 173 London, government and politics, 211 Lotteries, 103 Lynch law, 258 M Machinery in industry, 44 Malthusianism (population), 19 Manners, etiquette, 325 Manners and customs, 320 Manual training, 296 Marine insurance, 107 Maritime law, 229 Marks (Polit. science), 135 Marriage, 309 Marriage customs, 321 Marriage laws, 309 Martial law, 229 Maryland, constitution, 181 336 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Maryland, politics and government, 192 Massachusetts, constitution, 181 Massachusetts, politics and govern- ment, 192 Measurement of criminals, 256 Measures and weights, 84 Mechanics' institutes, 304 Medical jurisprudence, 229 Medieval state, 136 Merchant marine, 72 Metric system, 85 Michigan, constitution, 181 Michigan, politics and government, 192 Middle class, 330 Military law, 229 Milk depots (charities), 252 Mints (coinage), 90 Mobs, 258 Monarchy (polit. science), 137 Monetary systems, 87 Money, history, 87 Money, paper, 90 Money, theory of, 86 Monopolies, 48 Monroe doctrine, 214 Moral education, 299 Motherhood (sociological aspects), 310 Municipal code, Chicago, 210 Municipal court, Chicago, 237 Municipal expositions, 209 Municipal finance and taxation, 115 Municipal government, 206 Municipal law, 208 Municipal ownership, 53 Municipal reference libraries, 208 Murder, 258 Mutual benefit associations, 52 N National consciousness, 219 National conventions, 171 National debt, 116 National emblems, 219 Nationalism, 219 Natural rights, 139 Naturalization, 143 Negro, political and economic status, 147 Negro question, 147 Negro slavery, 149 Negro suffrage, 147 Netherlands, colonies, 157 Netherlands, politics and govern- ment, 202 Neutrality (international law), 225 Nevada, constitution, 1S1 New Jersey, constitution, 181 New Jersey, politics and govern- ment, 192 New Year's day (social customs), 324 New York (city), fire department, 208 New York (city), government and politics, 210 New York (state), constitution, 181 New York (slate), politics and government, I "~ New Zealand, politics and govern- ment, 204 Nihilism, L30 Nominating svstems, 145 Normal schoo'ls, 276 Norway, constitution, 183 Norway, politics and government, 202 Notaries public, 236 Nullification (U. S. constitutional law), 179 Object teaching, 288 Ocean transportation, 70 Occupational diseases, 68 Occupations (primary education), 286 Occupations, choice of, 297 Occupations, dangerous and injurious Odd Fellows, 329 Ohio, constitution, 181 Ohio, politics and government, 193 Old age pensions, 107 Open-air schools, 302 Open shop, 66 Ordeal (law), 223 Ordinance of 1787, 175 Oregon, politics and government, 193 Orphanages, 252 Outlaws, 258 Panama canal, 71 Panics, financial, 50 Paper money, 90 Parcel post, 76 Paris, government and politics, 211 Parliament, England, 162 Parliamentary procedure, 160 Parliaments, France, 164 Parliaments, Germany, 164 Parties, political, 171 Passports, 226 Patriarchate (form of state), 134 Patriotism, 220 Patrons of Husbandry (The Grange), 172 Pauperism, 252 Pawnbroking, 99 Peace, international, 226 Peace conferences, 226 Peasantry (social classes), 330 Pedagogics, teaching, 276 Penal colonies, 264 Penmanship (education), 283 Pennsylvania, constitution, 181 Pennsylvania, politics and govern- ment, 193 Penology, 263 Pensions, Old age, 107 People's banks, 99 Persia, politics and government, 206 Personal liberty, 139 Personal rights, law, 233 Philanthropy, 248 Philately, 75 Piracy, 257 Platforms, political. 171 Pleading and practice, law, 234 Plebiscite, 136 Poisoning, crime, 258 Police, descriptive and historical, 262 Police power and administration, 262 Political crimes, 257 Political ethics, 142 Political parties, 171 Political science, 130 Politics (general works), 165 Politics. England, 194 Politics, France, 198 Politics, Germany, 199 Politics, local and municipal, 206 Politics, social, 241 Politics, U. S., 165 Politics of various countries, 200 Poor, The, 252 Popular education, 289 Population, 19 Postage stamps, 75 Postal savings banks, 99 Postal service, 75 Postures of school children, 302 Poverty, 252 Practical sociology, 241 Practice, legal, 234 Precious metals (economic aspects), 87 Press, Liberty of the, 141 Prices (economics), 49 Primary education, 287 Primary elections, 145 Primers, school, 281 Primitive state, 135 Primogeniture (Polit. science), 137 Prison labor, 58 Prison life, personal narratives, 265 Prisons, penology, 263 Prisons in various countries, 265 Private life, 320 Privy council, England, 187 Probate law, 233 Procedure, legal, 234 Production, co-operative, 51 Production, economics, 44 Profit (economics), 31 Profit sharing, 58 Progress, social, civilization, 9 Prohibition party (U. S.), 173 Property (economics), 31 Prophecies, social, 12 Proportional representation, 144 Prostitution (sociological aspects), 310 Protection, tariff, 118 Psychology, social, 13 Psychology of education, 278 Public accounting, 116 Public finance, 108 Public lands, 38 Public ownership, 52 Public revenue, 108 Public school administration, superintendence, 290 Public schools, 2S9 Public utilities, 52 Punishment, penology, 263 Punishments, 264 Pupil self-government, 280 Pupils, elimination of, 291 Railroad employees, 73 Railroads (economic aspects), 73 Railroads, fares and tariffs, 73 Railroads, law, 74 Railroads, public relations and con- trol, 74 Railroads, street, 76 Railway mail service, 76 Ratification of U. S. constitution, 176 Readers, school, 281 Reading, pedagogics of, 281 Real estate, 39 Real estate business, 42 Real estate law, 42 Recall (Polit. science), 140 Recess, school management. 281 Reciprocity, 119 Recitation (education), 280 Reclamation, 44 Reconstruction (U. S. constitutional law), 179 Red cross, 250 Referendum (Polit. science), 140 Reform, social, 241 Reformatories, juvenile, 266 Reformatories and reformation, adult, 266 SUBJECT IXDEX 337 Registers of U. S. government employees, 189 Reichstag, Germany, 164 Relief, principles and methods, 248 Religious education, 299 Religious liberty (church and state), 141 Representation, proportional, 144 Republic, modern (Polit. science), 138 Republican government (Polit. science), 138 Representative government, 138 Republican party, 172 Revenue, public, 108 Revolutions, theory of (Polit. science), 137 Rhode Island, constitution, 181 Rhode Island, politics and government, 193 Rhodes scholarships, 304 Rights, natural, 139 Riots, 258 Rites and covenants (social customs), 321 Rivers (transportation), 70 Robbery, 258 Roman Catholic education, 300 Roman law, 240 Roman state (Polit. science), 136 Rural communities, 331 Rules of order, 160 Russia, currency, 92 Russia, politics and government, 202 Sacrifice, human, 321 Sacrifice, rites and covenants, 321 Safe-deposit companies, 99 Salvation army, 250 Saving (economics), 99 Savings banks, 98 Scandinavians in the U. S., 158 School architecture, 301 School attendance, 291 School books, history of, 301 School books, modern, see Textbooks, 281 School feeding, 302 School funds, 290 School gardens, 302 School hygiene, 301 School life, 302 School management, 280 School taxation, 290 Schools in various countries, 291 Seals, national, 219 Seat work (primary education), 286 Secession (U. S. constitutional law), 179 Secondary education, 289 Secret societies, 327 Self-education, 303 Self-government of pupils in school, 280 Senate, U. S., 161 Servants, domestic, 60 Servitude, indentured, 58 Settlements, social, 245 Ship subsidies, 73 Ships and shipping, 72 Short ballot, 145 Shows (social customs), 325 Single tax, 109 Silver, Free coinage of, 88 Silver currency, 88 Silver standard, 88 Slave labor, 149 Slave trade, 149 Slavery, 149 Slavery in the U. S., 151 Slavs in the U. S., 158 Slavonic law, 240 Sloyd, 297 Smuggling, 258 Social aspects of education, 300 Social centers, 245 Social classes, 330 Social customs, 320 Social ethics, 13 Social groups, 309 Social history and condition, 246 Social ideals in literature, 14 Social life, 320 Social pathology, 241 Social philosophy, 1 Social politics, 241 Social problems, 241 Social progress, civilization, 9 Social progress and heredity, 11 Social prophecies, 12 Social psychology, 13 Social reforms, 241 Social relations, 309 Social service, 244 Social settlements, 245 Social surveys, 245 Social theory, 1 Social usage, 325 Social welfare, 241 Socialism, 121 Socialist party (U. S.), 173 Societies, 327 Societies, co-operative, 51 Societies, secret, 327 Sociology, general and introduc- tory, 1 Sociology, applied, 241 Sociology, Christian, 243 Sociology, collections and series, 16 Sociology, dictionaries and encyclopedias, 16 Sociology, essays, social reform, 14 Sociology, periodicals and societies, 15 Sociology, practical, 241 Sociology, textbooks, compends, outlines, 9 Sociology and the churcn, 243 Sororities, 308 South Africa, politics and govern- ment, 205 South America, politics and govern- ment, 206 South Carolina, constitution, 181 Sovereignty (Polit. science), 137 Spain, constitution, 184 Spain, politics and government, 203 Special assessments, 116 Speculation, 103 Spelling, school, 2S3 Stamp collecting, 75 Standard of value (money), 86 Standard oil company, 48 State, ancient, 135 State, form of, 134 State, medieval, 136 State, primitive, 135 State, theory of (Polit. science), 130 State aid and interference (industry), 48 State and church, 141 State and education, 289 State and individual, 139 State debts, 116 State governments (U. S.). 190 State insurance, workingmen. 107 State publications, U. S., 190 State rights (U. S. constitutional law), 179 State trials, 234 States of the U. S., governments, 190 Statistics, 16 Statistics, vital, 18 Statistics of various countries, 18 Statutes, British, 231 Statutes, U. S., 230 Statutes of states of the U. S., 230 Stock exchange, 101 Stocks and bonds, 101 Story telling, 287 Street railroads, 76 Strikes and lockouts, 64 Student aid, 308 Student life and customs, 308 Student self-government, 280 Study, courses o *, 303 Study, home, 303 Study, methods of (education), 280 Subsidies, ship, 73 Subways, transportation, 76 Suffrage, 144 Suffrage, Negro, 147 Suffrage, woman, 146 Suicide, 258 Sunshades, costume. 323 Superintendence, public school, 290 Supreme Court, U. S., 237 Surveys, social, 245 Sweating system, 45 Sweden, politics and government, 203 Swindling, 258 Switzerland, constitution, 184 Switzerland, politics and govern- ment, 203 Syndicalism, 66 Tariff, 117 Tariff, England, 120 Tariff, France, 120 Tariff, Germany, 121 Tariff, U. S., 119 Taxation, 108 Taxation, England, 112 Taxation, France, 113 Taxation, Germany, 113 Taxation, local and municipal, 115 Taxation, school, 290 Taxation, states of the U. S., 115 Taxation, U. S., Ill Teacher training, 275 Teachers in literature, 275 Teachers' institutes, 276 Teachers' pensions. 276 Teachers, professional and social aspects, 275 Teachers' salaries, 276 Teaching, pedagogics, 276 Technical education, 295 Telegraph (economic aspects), 77 Telephone (economic aspects), 77 Temperance literature, for and against, 261, 262 Temperance movement, 261 Tenement houses, 67 Territorial government, U. S., 189 Textbooks, education, 281 Textbooks, history of, see School books, 302 Thanksgiving day (social customs), 324 Theory of value, 29 Thrift (economics), 99 Title registration, real estate, 42 Torture, penology, 264 Town planning, 211 Trade unions Trading companies, 83 Tramps, 254 Transportation (pconomic aspects) 70 Transportation, penology, 264 Treason, 257 Treaties (international law), 224 338 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Treaty making power (U. S. consti- tutional law), 178 Trial by combat, 223 Trial by jury, 223 Trials, 234 Tribes (Polit. science), 135 Trust companies, 99 Trustees, 46 Trusts, industrial, 46 Turkey, politics and government, 204 Tyranny (polit. science), 137 u Underground railroad (Slavery), 152 Unearned increment, 38 Unemployment, 67 Unions, labor, 65 U. S cabinet, 186 U. S. civil service, registers, 189 U. S. colonial law, 231 U. S., colonies and colonization, 155 U. S. Congress (general works), 160 U. S. Congress. Directories, manuals, 161 U. S. Congress, House, 161 U. S. Congress, Proceedings, 1G1 U. S. Congress, Senate, 161 U. S. constitution, text, history and criticism, 176 Unites States, constitutional history, 174 U. S. Continental Congress, 161 U. S., currency, 90 U. S., foreigners in, 157 U. S. government, 185 U. S. government employees, 189 U. S. government publications, 184 U. S. military service, registers, 189 U. S. naval service, registers, 189 U. S. president, 186 inauguration, 186 messages, 186 veto power, 186 U. S. seal, 220 U. S. Supreme Court, 237 U. S. Supreme Court reports, 230 U. S. territories, government, 189 Universities, 305 University extension, 303 Usury, 104 Utah, politics and government, 193 Utilities, public, 52 Utopias, 128 Vagabonds, 254 Value, standard of (money), 86 Value, theory of, 29 Vermont, politics and government, 193 Veto power, U. S. presidents, 186 Village communities, 135 Villainage (Polit. science), 136 Virginia, constitution, 181 Virginia, politics and government, 193 Virginia company, 83 Vital statistics, 18 Vocational education, 297 Vocational guidance, 297 w Wager of battle (law), 223 Wages, 56 Wall street, 102 War, law of, 226 Waterways, inland, 70 Wealth, ethics of, 30 Wealth, nature, consumption, dis- tribution, 29 Wealth, private, 30 Wedding etiquette, 326 Weights and measures, 84 Welfare, social, 241 Welfare institutions, 68 West Virginia, politics and govern- ment, 193 White servitude, 58 Wills, probate law, 233 Wireless telegraph, 77 Wisconsin, politics and government, 193 Woman (sociological aspects), 313 Woman, economic position, 315 Woman, employment, occupations, professions, 317 Woman, history of, 315 Woman, home occupations, 318 Woman, political status, 315 Woman, legal status, 317 Woman, social status, 315 Woman in art and literature, 314 Woman in various countries, 318 Woman labor, 59 Woman suffrage, 146 Women, education, 304 Women's clubs, 318 Women's periodicals, 318 Writings, penmanship (education), 283 Workingmen's dwellings, 67 Workingmen's insurance, 107 World-state (Polit. science), 136 Yearbooks, statistical, 17 Author Index A. M., 51 Aal, A., 41 Abbot, G. D., 214 Abbot, W. J., 72 Abbott, B. V., 232, 234, 236 Abbott, E., 32, 59 Abbott, E. A., 311 Abbott, E. H., 311 Abbott, F. F., 136 Abbott, G. F., 204 Abbott, J., 276, 311 Abbott, L., 44, 138, 139, 165, 243, 246, 313, 320 Abdy, J. T., 136 A'Beckett, G. A., 239 Abel, C, 215, 216 Abelson, P., 275 Abolitionist, An, 150 About, E. F. V., 25 About the war, 168 Abrahams, E. B., 323 Abram, A., 34, 247 Academy of Political Science, New York, 53, 99, 315 Acland, A. H. D. and Jones, B., 51 Acland, A. H. D. and Ransome, C, 194, 195 Acorn, G., 253 Acworth, W. M., 73 Adam, H. L., 255 Adam, P., 32 Adams, B., 9, 32. 88, 136, 155 Adams, C. F., 155, 306 Adams, C. F. and others, 206 Adams, C. K., 183 Adams, E. F., 42 Adams, E. K., 13 Adams, F., 287, 291 Adams, Sir F. O. and Cunningham, C. D., 203 Adams, G. B., 181 Adams, G. B., and Stephens, H. M., 181 Adams, H., 167 Adams, H. B., 38, 206, 300, 303 Adams, H. C., 85, 111, 116 Adams, J., 176, 267, 276, 278 Adams, J. and Sewall, J., 167 Adams, J. Q., 167, 177, 224, 328 Adams, N., 150 Adams, O. F., 291 Adams, T. S., 115 Adams, T. S. and Sumner, H. L., 54, 59 Adams, W. H. D., 238 Adams, W. M., 328 Addams, J., 13, 54, 138, 241, 245, 310 Adjustment of wages to efficiency, The, 57 Adler, F., 299 Adler, P., 60 Advocate of peace, 226 Aflalo, F. G., 204 Against home rule, 194, 196 Agg, J., 160 Ahern, M. L., 209 Aiken, P. F., 177 Aikin, J. F., 139 Albrecht, & Co., C. R., pub., 75 Alcott, W. A., 276, 295 Alden, C. W., 318 Alden, E. K., 159 Alden, G. A., 203 Alden, G. H., 189 Alden, T., 188 Alden, P., 247 Aldrich, M. A., 65 Aldrich, N. W., 95 Alexander, C, 275 Alexander, D. S., 192 Alexander, G. G., 229 Alexander, H. H., 235 Alexander, J. H., !S4 Alexander, J. L., ed., 312 Alexander, W., 106 Alexander, W. M. D., 315 Alison, A., 9, 19, '.'41 Allaman, C, 256 Allan, J. McG., 146 Allcock, J., 116 Allen, Mrs. A. W., 311 Allen, E. E., 298 Allen, E. G., 296 Allen, J., 1S6 Allen, J. H., 117 Allen, Mrs. M. W., 311 Allen, N. B., 32 Allen, P. L. s 165 Allen, W. H., 142, 146, 241, 248, 315 Allers, C. W., 308 Allgemeine deutsche Lehrerzeitung, 273 Allgemeinen Grundlagen der Kultur der Gegenwart, 11, 267 Allies, T. W., 142 Allin, C. D. and Jones, G. M., 198 Allinson, E. P. and Penrose, B., 207 Allmers, R., 36, 41 Allyn, A., 328 Almanach national, 17, 198 Almeida, A. G. de, 81 Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, 308 Alston, L., 114, 131 Altgeld, J. P., 13, 241, 265 Alund, O. W., 201 America and Europe, 212, 227 American Academy of Political and Social Science (Phila.), 15, 44, 45, 47, 49, 53, 55, 101, 140, 207, 209, 212 American almanac, year-book, cyclo- pedia and atlas, 17 American and English encyclopedia of law, 221 American annals of education and instruction, 273 American Association for Labor Legislation, 69 American Bankers' Association, 95 American Bar Association, 222 American building association news, 100 American city, The, 208 American college and private school directory, 274 American college and public school directory, 274 American Economic Association, 20, 28, 108, 154 American economic review, 28 American educational monthly, 273 American educational review, 273 American Embassy Association, 228 American federationist, 57 American foreign policy, 212 American Forest Congress, 1905, 44 American Friends' Peace Confer- ence, 226 American Institute of Architects, 211 American Institute of Instruction, 273 American Jewess, 318 339 American Jewish year book, The, 158 American journal of education, 273 American journal of philately, 75 American journal of politics, 28, 134 American journal of sociology, 15 American jurist and law magazine, 222 American labor legislation review, 69 American law register, 222 American law review, 222 American Manual Training Associa- tion, 296 American Political Science Asso- ciation, 134 American political science review, 134 American Prison Association, 263 American prohibition year book, 262 American quarterly register, 273 American remembrancer, 224 American review of history and pol- itics, 134 American Society for Judicial Set- tlement of International Disputes. 227 American Society for the Extension of University Teaching, 303 American Sociological Society, 15 American state papers, 101 American statesman's yearbook, 17 American Statistical Association, 17 American underwriter, The, 105 American Whig review, 134 Americus, 168 Amerikanische Frauen Zeitung, 318 Ames, A., 59 Ames, F., 138 Ames, H. V., cd., 179 Ames, J. H., 108 Kmmons, E. M., 44 Amos, S., 131, 181, 193, 220 Anderson, A. J., 79 Anderson, B. M., 29 Anderson, D., 163 Anderson, H. C, 211 Anderson, J. J., 282 Anderson, L. F., 274 Anderson, R. B.. 158 Anderson, R. P., 251 Anderson, W. L., 206, 381 Andlaw, F. X. v., 315 Andler, C, 127 Andre, J., 235 Andreades, A., 97 Andrews, C. B., 267 Andrews, C. M., 82, 156, 189 \ndrews, C. W., 39 \ndrews, E. B., 14, 25, 89 Andrews, E. L., 213 Andrews, H. T., 119 Andrews, I. W., 177 Andrews, W., 264, 323 Anitchkow, M., 54 Annales des sciences politiques, 134 Annals of Congress, 161 Annals of educational progress, 273 Annuaire-almanach du commerce, 17 Annuaire des deux mondes, 17 Annual cyclopedia of insurance in the United States, 105 Annual register, 17, 194 Ansell, C, 52 Anson, Sir W. R., 181, 232, 233 Answer to a book, entitled, The doctrine, and discipline of divorce, 309 340 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Anthony. C. jr., 138, 315 Anthony, E., 10S, 11". Anthony, S. I!., 14(i Anti-Saloon League year book, 262 Apgar, E. A. and Apgar, A. C, 2S4 Appeal to Pharaoh, 1-17 Applegarth, R., 6.0 Applied ideals in work with boys, 251 Araskhaniantz, A., 36 Archer, G. L., 238 Archer, T., 196 Archer, W., 147 Archiv fur Sozialwissenschaft und Socialpolitik, 15, 17 Arens, W., 107 Arey, Mrs. H. E. G., 311 Argus, The, 105 Argyll, G. D. C, 8th duke of, 27, 38, 216, 217, 220 Aria, Mrs. E., 321 Arias, H., 71 Aristoteles, 130, 135 Armitage, T. R., 255 Armitage-Smith, G., 117 Armour, J. O., 74 Armstrong, A. C, 9 Armstrong, G. B., jr., 70 Armstrong, G. D., 150 Armstrong, H. E., 271 Armstrong, Mrs. L. II.. 325 Armstrong, R. C., 37 Armvtage, Mrs. F. F., 325 Arner, G. B. L., 18 Arnold, B., 235 Arnold, B. T., 76 Arnold, F., 278, 280 Arnold, M., 267, 2S7, 294, 307 Arnold, R. A., 34, 38, 39 Arnold, S. L., 276, 282 Arnold, T., 142 Arnot, W., 9 Arstal, A. K., 311 Art cif conversing, 303 Art of investing. 102 Arthur, T. C, 259 Arthur, W., 207 Artman, \V. and Hall, L. V., 255 Arundell, T., 84 Aschaffenburg, G., 255 Ascham, R., 261 Aschrott, P. F., 253, 265 Ashburton, A. B., ist baron, SI, 213 Ashdown, E. J., 322 Ashley, A., 107 Ashley, O. D., 51, 73 Ashley, P. W. L., 117, 119, 200 Ashley, R. L., 187 Ashley, W. J., 27, 34, 44, 57, 65, 82, 156 Ashton, J., 58, 103, 259 Ashworth, II., 120 Aspinwall, VV. B., 274 Association for International Con- ciliation — American Branch, 227 Association for Promoting the Gen- eral Welfare of the Blind, 2."..". ociation of Collegiate Alumnae, c otrip., 30.", Association of Life Insurance Presi- dents, 100 Association of Officials of Bureaus of Labor Statistics nf America, 56 Atkins K.. o fl> 31> 32; 4^ 55 57 74, 88, 103, 1 1 1 Atkinson, (,., 223 Atkinson, VV. P., 134 Atkinson, W. W., 311 Atlas colonial illusm'-, 1">7 Atlay, I. B., 234 Atton, II. and Holland, II II., 120, 258 "Au fait," 325 Aubert, L. M. I!.. 220 Aucoc, J. L., 184 Aus Deutschlands Vergangenheit, 199 Austin, B., jr., 167 Austin, C. B., 69 Austin, J., 220 Austin, O. P., 155 Avary, Mrs. M. L., 246 Ave-Lallemant, F. C. B., 254, 259, 262 Aveling, E. B., 31, 124 Avehng, E. B. and Aveling, Mrs. E. M., 54, 61, 126 Avenel, G. d', 31, 49, 56 Ayala, B., 223 Ayres, L. P., 298, 302, 304 Ayres, L. P. and Gulick, L. H., 291 Azeglio, M. d', 202 Azuni, D. A., 229 B Babaud-Laribiere, L.. 164 Babbage, C, 44 Babbitt, I., 306 Babcock, Mrs. L. H. W., 318 Babington, C, 149 Babington, W. D., 9 Babson, R. W., 32, 101, 102 Babson system. Stock dept., 102 Bache, A. D., 293 Bachofen, J. J., 310, 317 Bacon, A. M., 319 Bacon, E. M., 73, 140, 229 Bacon, F. baron Verulam 12s Bacon, H. M., 191 Bacon, L., 150 Baecker, L. de, 317 Baer & Co., 20 Baernreither, J. M., 52, 64, 65 Bagehot, VV., 9, 20, 26, 27, 86, 88, 94, 97, 131, 164, 181 Bagenal, P. H. D., 158 Bagg, L. H., 308 Bagley, W. C, 267, 276, 280 Bagnell, R., 260 Bahr, H., 200 Bahr, R., 55 Bailey, A., 187 Bailey, C. S. and Lewis, C. M., 286 Bailey, E. E. Alton, 160 Bailey, L. H., 42, 331 Bailey, W. B., 18 Bailey, W. II., 263 Bailv. V., 106 Baily, W., 144 Bain, A., 267, 271 Bain, E., 84 Bain, F. W., 88 Baines, T., 82 Baird, W. R., 308 Baker, A. G. and Ware, A. II., 210 Baker, A. J., ed., 176 Baker, C. W., 48 Baker, G. C., 251 Baker, J. F., 177 Baker, J. IL, 271 Baker, R. S., 33, 147, 243 Baker, T. B. L., 259 Baker, T. II. , 43 Baker, W. E. S., 118 Balch, E. G, 159 Balch, G. T., 220 Balch, T., 227 Balch, T. W., 228 Balcke, T., 36, 41 Baldwin, L, 278, 280 Baldwin, I. D., 179 Baldwin, j. M., 7, 13 Baldwin, S. E., 45, 133, 142, 173, 237 Baldwin, W. A., 296 Baldwin, W. IT.. 309 Balfour. A. L. 9. 120, 131, 190, 219 Ball, C, 152 Ballagb, J. C, 58 Ballou, M. M., ed., 315 Balmforth, R., 243 Baltimore (Md.). Department of Legislative Reference, 208 Baltisch, F., 19 Bamberg, F., 217 Bancroft, G., 174, 177 Bancroft, H. H., 30, 237, 258 Bancroft, J. H., 302 Banfield, F., 39 Bang, G., 11 Banker's almanac, 95 Banker's encyclopedia, 95 Bankers', insurance managers', and agents' magazine, 95 Bankers' magazine, 95 Banks, E. L., 60 Banks, G. N., 308 Banks, J., 258 Banks, L. A., 45, 61, 253, 261 Banks, Sir T. C, 137 Banner of gold, The, 262 Banquiers et les cpjatre ca,nges a Liege, 93 Barbeyrac, J., 224 Barbour, D., 89 Barclay, J. M., 161 Barclay, R., 86, 89 Bardeen, C. W., 188, 192 Bardwell, F. W., 284 Barford, A. H. and Tilley, H. A., 283 Bargar, B. L., 258 Baring, M., 247 Barker, E., 130 P.arker, H. J., 302 Barker, J., 179 Barker, J. E., 36, 121, 199, 202 Barker, J. M., 241, 259, 306 Barker, W., 89 Barlee, E., 253 Barlow, G., 235 Barlow, J., 212 Barnard, C, 51 Barnard, E. B., 310 Barnard, F. A. P.. 85 Barnard, H., 270, 276, 285, 288, 293, 301 Barnard, J. L., 69 Barnes, A., 150 Barnes, E., 272, 315 Barnett, E. A., 304 Barnett, G. E., 65, 95, 115 Barnett, H. N., 6S Barnett, J. D., 193 Barnett, P. A., 276, 289 Barnett, S. A. and Barnett, Mrs. H. O. R., 241, 244 Barns, W. E., ed.. 54 Barr, S. D., ed., 284 Barrau, T. H., 61 Barres, M., 219 Barrett, A. R., 92 Barrett, L A., 175 Barrett, S. M., 276 Barrington, B. C, 175 Barron. W., 154 Barrows, S. J., 237 Barry, W. F., 301 Barstow, C. L., ed., 282 Bartels, A., 330 Bartlett, D. \V., 167 Bartlett, W. II. , 160, 188 Bartley, G. C. T., 253, 293, 298 Bartnett, W, L, 51 Barton, C. H., 250 Barton, G, 263 Bartsch. R., 317 Basanville, A., comtcsse de, 325 Baschwitz, K., 41 Bascom, J., 7, 174, 219 Base "Coin," 88 Bassett, J. S., 151, 152 Bastable, C. F., 77, 108, 117 AUTHOR INDEX 341 Bastard d'Estang, H. ~B.,vicomte de, 164 Bastian, P. W. A., 221 Bastiat, F., 20, 26, 117 Bataille, A., 234 Batchelor, G., 14 Bateman, J., 39 Bates, C. A., comp., 231 Bates, L., 2S5 Bates, L. W., jr., 71 Bates, S. P., 271, 276 Bates, W. W., 72, 81 Bateson, M., 136, 317 Batten, S. Z., 243 Baty, T., 223 Baudin, P. C. L., 216 Baudrillart, H. J. L., 25, 30, 294 Bauer, M., 324 Baumbach, K., 133 Baumgarten, F., 47 Bavelier, A., 144, 164 Bax, E. B., 124, 126 Baxter, A. B., 94, 98 Baxter, R., 50, 91, 111 Baxter, R. D., 112, 116, 173 Baxter, T., 322 Bay, W. V. N., 238 Bayet, A. and Albert, F., comp., 198 Bayles, G. J., 317 Bayles, J. C, 56 Baylies, E. L., 53 Bayly, Mrs. M., 64, 249 Bays, A. W., 46 Beaconsfield, B. D., 1st carl of, 196 Beale, D. S. L. H. M. and Dove. J. F., 304 Beale, J. H., jr. and Wyman, B., 74 Beaman, C. C, 228 Bear, W. E., 39 Beard, C, 56 Beard, C. A., 131, 177, 185, 207, 209 237 Beard, C. A. and Schultz, B. E., 140 Beatson, R., 194 Beatty, B., 187 Beaumont, G. A. de LaB. de, 247 Beaumont, G. A. de LaB. de and Tocqueville, A. C. H. C. de, 265 Beaumont, J., 58 Bebel, F. A., 315 Beccaria, C. B., marchese di, 255 Bechaux, A. E. J., 20 Bechtel, J. H., cd., 262 Beck, S. W., 323 Becker, B. H., 40 Becker, C. L., 171 Beebe, K., 287 Beecher, C. E., 146, 299, 304 Beer, G. L., 156, 189 Beesau, A., 299 Begbie, H., 249 Beharrell, T. G., 329 Behrends, A. J. F., 127 Belfield, H. H., 296 Belgium. Parti Catholique Be'ge, 201 Bell, A., 136 Bell, A. G., 298 Bell, C. H., 238 Bell, E., 205, 217 Bell, E. A., ed., 310 Bell, Mrs. F., 303 Bell, F. E. E. O., ladv. 61 Bell, F. W., 205 Bell, G. F., 281 Bell, G. M., 92, 244, 249 Bellamy, C. J., 241 Belmont, P., 145 Below, G., 199 Beman, L. T., comp., 55 ' Bemis, E. W., 53, 192 Bemis, G., 212, 228 Bench and bar of Chicago, 238 Bench and bar of St. Louis, 238 Benedetti, V., comte, 216, 228 Benedict, L., 250, 251, 253 Beneke, F. E., 267 Benet, S. V., 229 Benevolent Association of the Paid Fire Department of Chicago, 208 Benn, A. W., 196 Benner, S., 49 Bennet, E. A., 317 Bennett, C. E. and Bristol, G. P., 289 Bennett, C. W., 270 Bennett, F. O., comp.. 191, 209 Bennett, J. W., 170 Benson, A. C, 275, 276 Benson, L., 234 Benson, W. A. S., 296 Bent, S. A., 287 Bentham, J., 131, 159, 164 Bentley, A. F., 131 Bentley, H. C, 46 Bentley, J., 196 Benton, E. J., 115, 214, 223 Benton, J. H., jr., 186 Benton, T. H., 161, 185 Berard, V., 216 Berdrow, O., 314 Berenger, H., 36 Bei-ens, L. H., 25 Berger, A., 250, 266 Bergius, C. J., 85 Bergman, C. G., 203 Bering Sea fur seal arbitration, 227 Berkeley, H., 120 Berkowitz, H., 14, 123 Berle, A. A., 287, 311 Berlin. M agist rat, 211 Berlioux, £. F., 149 Bernaldo de Quiros, C, 255 Bernard, D., 328 Bernard, F., 324 Bernard, G. S., 190 Bernard, M., 212, 228 Bernhard, E., 64 Bernhardi, F. A. J. v., 216 Bernhardt, F. T. v., 38 Bernheimer, C. S., ed., 158 Bernhoft, F., 315 Bernstein, E., 121, 124 Berrey, R. J. P., 257 Berriat de Saint-Prix, C, 239 Berry, W. G., 198 Berry, W. H., 88 Berryer, P. A., 198 Bertaut, J., 314 Bertheau, C, 19 Berthelot, P. E. M., 227 Bertheroy, J., pseud., 314 Berthon, O., 108 Bertie, C. H., 207 Bertillon, A., 256 Bertin, E., 309 Bertrand, E. and others, 296 Bertrand de Moleville, A. F., mar- quis de, 323 Best's insurance reports, 104 Bethan, Sir W., 182 Betts, G. H., 280, 295 Betts, L. W., 67, 245 Bevan, G. P., 19, 61 Bever, T., 240 Beveridge, A. J., 14, 170 Beveridge, W. H., 67 Bevis, A. W., 296 Bevolkerung der Erde, 10 Bianchi, N., 202 Biber, E., 270 Bibliographic der Sozialwissenschaf- ten, 7 Bicknell, E., 155 Bidwell, C. T., 49, 51 Biedermann, F. K., 36, 121, 199 Bielfeld, H., 113 Bienengraber, A., ed., 121 Bienvenu, L. Touchatot, 262 Bierbower, A., 127 Bierly, W. R., 262 Big wages and how to earn them, 57 Bigelow, E. B., 120 Bigelow, J., 281 Bigelow, L. J., 239 Bigelow, M. M., 246, 267 Bigelow, P., 154, 205, 216 Biggar, H. P., 83 Bigot, C. J., 198 Bilgram, H., 67 Billings, J. S., ' ed., 259 Billington, M. F., 319 Binding, K., 183 Binet, A. and Henri, V., 278 Bingham, T. A., 310 Binghamton (N. Y.). Mercantile Press Club, 211 Binns, C. L., 296 Birch, U., 327 Bird, C, 289 Bird, S. S. S., ed., 39 Birdsall, K. N., ed., 318 Birdseye, C. F., 305 Birkbeck, W. L., 39 Birney, A. M., 311 Birney, J. G., 150 Birrell, A., 47 Bishop, J. B., 165, 171 Bishop, P. P.. 220 Bismarck; zwolf Tahre deutscher Politik, 199 Bisseker, II., ed., 3il3 Bitzer, F., 55 Black, G. A., 39 Black, II., 303 Black, II. C, 221 Black, W. N., 30 Blackburn, H., 146 Blacker, W., 34 Blackie, J. S., 303 Blackley,"W. L„ 61, 99, 107 Blackmar, F. W., 9, 25 Blackmore, E., 72 Black-stone, Sir W., 175. 233 Blackwell, E., 317 Blagge, J. H., 106 Blaine, T. G., 160 Blair, H. W., 261 Blair, L. H., 117. 147 Blake, Mrs. E. O., 328 Blake, E. V., 171 Blake, G. H., 90 Blake, II. A., 247 Blake, M., 311 Blake, S. J., 291, 317 Blake, W. O., 149 Blakemore, A. W. and Bancroft, H., 110 Blakeslee, G. H., cd., 214, 218 Blakey, R., 130, 134 Blakiston, J. R., 280 Blakiston, P., 14 Blan, L. B., 278 Blanc, T. J. L., 124, 183, 199 Blanc, Mine. M. T. de S., 318 Blanchard, G. R., 71. 80 Blanchard, J. and Rice, N. L., 150 Blanchard, R., 171 Bland, J. O. P., 204 Blanqui, J. A., 27 Blanqui, L. A., 124 Blatchford, R., 34, 124 Bleackley, H., 257 Bledsoe, A. T., 150 Bliss, W. D. P., 16, 121 Bliss, W. D. P. and others, cd.. 29 Blissard. W., 104, 124 Block, M., 27, 123, 13:!. 19s Blom, G. P., 202 Blouet, P. Max O'Rell, 302, 313 343 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Blow, S. E., 270, 285 Blue book of American shipping, 72, Bluett, J. C, 325 Blum, H., 164 Blum, L., 45, 110, 113 Blum, R., 20 Blunden, G. H., 115 Blunt, J. E., 159 Bluntschli, J. K., 131, 134 Bluntschli, J. K. a „d Brater, K., 133 Board of trade journal, 78 Boch, R. v., 61 Bode, W., 261, 324 Bodley, J. E. C, 198 Boeckh, A., 32 Bockh, R., 19 Bodiker, T., 88, 104 Bohm von Bawerk, E., 29, 31, 104 Bohme, K., 41 Bohmert, C. V., 57, 123 Boehn, M. v., 321 Bogart, E. L., 33, 67 Bogert and Durbin Co., 75 Bohm, E. F. C, 39 Boies, H. M., 253, 259, 263 Boissevain, G. M., 88 Boissier, M. L. A. G., 130 Bolen, G. L., 47, 53, 54 Bollagh, J. C, 151 Bolles, A. S., 21, 55, 80, 85, 92, 93, 95, 100, 110 Bolton, F. E., 276, 289 Bolton, H. W., 220 Bolton, R. P., 42 Bolton, Mrs. S. K., 319 Bonar, J., 19, 25 Bond, E. A., ed., 235 Bond, F. D., 101 Bond, Sir T., 100 Bonham, J. M., 47, 49, 74 Bonie, J. J. T., Bonn, M. J., 37, 49, 87 Bonnard, C., 322 Bonnassieux, L. J. P. M., 77, 83 Bonnemere, J. E., 330 Bonnet, V., 108 Bonney, C. C, 238 Bonser, F. G., 289 Book of costume, 321 Book of woman's power, 146 Bookwalter, J. \V., 331 Boon, E. P., 165 Boone, R. G., 267, 291 Booth, A. J., 126 Booth, C., 107, 252, 253 Booth, C. and others, 61, 247, 253 Booth, Mrs. M. B. C., 266 Booth, W., 61, 67, 241, 247, 253 Boozer, J. H., 171 Bordeau, J., 130 Borden, F., 47 Borgeuad, C., 136, 138, 173, 182 Borlase, W. C.. 321 Borough, Sir J., 224 Bosanquet, B., 107, 131, 241 Bosanquet, C. B. P., 249 Bosanquet, II. I). "Mrs. Bernhard Bosanquet," 61, 241, 245, 247, 253, 309 Bosch Kemper, J. de, 202 Bosse, G. v., 158 Both sides of the tariff question, 117 Bothe, F., 113 Bothe, M., 92 Botts, J. M., 168 Botume, E. II., 1 17 Boubee, I. S.. 328 Boudon, G., I'M Boulger, I). C. v. K., 217 Boullee, A.. |(,l Boullet, 2'.' I Boulting, W., 319 Bourdeau, J., 127 Bourguin, M., 21, 121, 123 Bourinot, Sir J. G., 183, 198 Bourne, E. G., 177 Bourne, H. E., 188 Bourne, H. R. F., 79, S2 Bourne, S., 16 Bourne, W. O., 293 Bousquet, G., 94, 98 Boutmy, E. G., 173, 1S2, 194 Bouton, J. B., 220 Boutwell, G. S., 155, 177, 271 Bouvier, J., 221 Bovee, M. H., 264 Bowack, W. M., 21 Bowden-Smith, A. G., 291, 306 Bowen, F., 21 Bowen, H. C, 270 Bowen, H. W., 223 Bower, F., 29 Bowery Savings Bank (New York) 98 Bowker, I. F., 286 Bowker, R. R., 25, 165, 187, 190, 327 Bowker, R. R. and lies, G., cd. 7, 20, 130 Bowles, T. G., 226 Bowley, A. L., 16, 57, 82 Bowring, Sir J., 91 Bowron, E. M., 219 Boy Scout's library, The, 251 Boy Scouts of America, 251 Boy Scout's pocket book of genera information, 252 Boyard, N. J. B., 101 Boyd, H„ 255 Boyd, J. H., 68, 107 Boyd, J. P., 185 Boyd, W., 270 Boyd, W. W., 193 Boyer, C. C., 276 Boyle, J., 121 Boyle, J. E., 110 Boyle, P., 307 Brace, C. L., 117 Brace, H. H., 49, 87 Brackett, A. C., cd., 304, 305 Brackett, J. R., 147, 151, 248 Bradford, A., 185 Bradford, E. S.. 53, 209 Bradford, G., 138 Bradley, E. and La Mothe, B., 317 Bradstreet's, 78 Bramwell, A. B. and Hughes, H. M„ 275 Brand, J., 320 Brand, R. H., 205 Brandeis, L. D., 59 Brandenburg, B., 153 Brandes, G. M. C., 247 Brandon, II.. cd., 259 Brandt, L., 309 Branting, K. II.. 121 Brantome, P. de B., seigneur de, 325 Brassey, T. A., 156 Brassey, Sir T. B., 54, 57, 61 72 196 Braun, L. v., 315 Braunagel, E., 41 Brauns, C., 84 Brawley, B. G., 147 Bray, R. A.. ;,s. 60, 211, 310 Brazilian year book, The, 19 Breck, R. L., 229 Breckenridn''. S. P., 87 Breckenridgc, S. P. and Abbott, E. 237, 266 Breen, M. P., 211 Brehaut, E., 130 Brennan, B. A., comp., 80 Brent, L., 151 Brentano, L., 20 Brentano, L. J., 32, 44, 57, 64, 65, Bressler, H., 307 Breul, K. II., 308 Brewer, D. J., 143 Brewster, H. B., 129, 221 Bridge, J. H., 45 Bridge, N., 311 Bridgham, A. M., 287 Bridgman, R. L., comp. 224 Briggs, LeB. R., 271, 304, 305 Briggs, W. R., 301 Bright ideas for money-making, 318 Brightwell, C. L., 238 Brinton, D. G., 7 Brisbane, A., 125 Brisbane, A. and Fourier, F. M. C., Brissot de Warville, J. P., 81 Brissot de Warville, J. P.' and Cla- viere, E., 81 Bristed, C. A., 139, 307, 308 British empire year book, 17 19 British Museum, 175 British trade book, The, 34, S2 British trade journal, 78 Brittain, H. L. and Harris, J G., comp., 282 Britton, Mrs. G. H., 291, 292 Britton, J., 232 Broadhurst, H. and Reid, Sir R T 39 Brockett, L. P., 274 Brockhage, B., 31, 101 Brockmann, J. H., 329 Brockway, Z" R., 266 Brodbeck, A., 305 Brodie, G., 182 Brodrick, G. C, 196 Broglie, J. V. A., due de, 216 Brokers' and promoters' hand book. 101 Bromme, M. W. T., 61 Bromwell, H. P. H, 328 Bromwell, W. J., 153 Brooke, E. F., 69 Brooke, M. W. H. L., 84 Brookings, W. D. and Ringwalt, R. C, 27, 130, 134 Brooklyn. Public Library, 53 226, 250, 254, 321 Brooklyn daily eagle almanac, 17 Brooklyn Ethical Association, 143, 241 Brooks, E., 277 Brooks, E. S., 188 Brooks, H. K., 100 Brooks, H. M., 264 Brooks, J., 179 Brooks, J. G., 33, 48, 54, 66, 107. 121 Brooks, N., 165, 171, 187 Brooks, R. C, 145, 206 Brooks, S., 37, 196, 201 Broome, E. C., 306 Brotherhead, W., 175 Brough, C. II., 115 Brough, W., 85, S6, 92 Brown, A., 195 Brown, A. L, 204 Brown, C. H., 806 Brown, C. R., 192, 243 Brown, C. W., 160, 262 Brown, D. P., 239 Brown, Mrs. D. V., 319 Brown, D. W., 80, 81 Brown, E. and Strauss, A., 165 Brown, E. E., 14, 289 Brown, E. W., 7 Brown, F. K., Al Priddv, 44, 60, 61. 267 Brown, II. A., 160 Brown, II. G., 313 AUTHOR INDEX 343 Brown, I. H. and Brown, C. W., 2S0 Brown, J. C, 93, 94, 95, 97 Brown, J. F., 275, 288 Brown, T. M., 192 Brown, J. R., 252 Brown, J. S., 165, 171 Brown, L. F., 195 Brown, M. W., 99 Brown, T. E., 121, 127 Brown, W., 90 Brown, W. H., 96, 140, 151 Brown, W. J., 138, 140, 204 Brown, W. W., comp., 150 Browne, G. L., 234 Browne, I., 238 Brownell, F. C, 284 Browning, C. A., 264 Browning, O., 274 Brownlee, J., 299 Brownlow, W. G., 179 Brownlow, W. G. and Pryne, A., 150 Brownscombe, F. J., 281, 289 Brownson, O. A., 165 Bruce, H. A. B., 155, 318 Bruce, P. A., 147 Bruchhausen, K. v., 199 Brucker, J., 171 Brikk, H., 327 Brueckner, A., 247 Bruere, H., 209 Bruere, M. B. and Bruere, R. W., 51 Brumbaugh, M. G., 299 Brummer, S. D., 192 Bruncken, E., 246 Brunner, H., 239 Brunnhofer, G. H., 9 Brusa, E., 202 Bruyn, A. de, 322 Bryan, A. C, 94, 95 Bryan, E. A., 38 Bryan, J. W., 229 Bryan, W. J., 9, 169, 171 Bryant, H. B. and Stratton, H. D. 80 Bryant, Mrs. L. M., 312 Bryant, L. S., 291, 302 Bryant, Mrs. S., 267 Bryant, S. C., 287 Bryce, C. T., 282 Bryce, G., 83 Bryce, J., 133, 143, 185, 204, 205, 221 Buchanan, D., S2, 111, 112, 204 Buchanan, J., 168 Buchanan, T. R.. 61, 64, 65 Buchanan, R. W., 123 Buchez, P. J. B. and Roux-Lavergne. P. C, 164 Buck, J. D., 328 Buck, P. M., 14 Buck, W., 251 Buckalew, C. R., 144 Buckham, H. B., 280 Buckley, J. M., 130, 146 Buechele, C., 79 Biicher, K., 26, 28, 32, 44, 149 Buechler, M., 29 Biichner, F. C. C. L., 11 Biichner, L., 313 Buel, J. W., 202 Biinger, F., 324 Biinger, P., 256 Buff, S., 94, 98 Bugg, L. H., 325 Bugle blast from the army, 168 Building boyhood, 313 Bullen, F. T., 72 Bulley, A. A. and Whitley, M., 59 Bullinger, E. W., comp., 78 Bullock, C. J., 25, 103, 110 Bullock, E. D., comp., 59, 60, 65, 107 Bunce, O. B. Censor, 325 Bunyon, C. J., 105, 106 Burbank, L., 311 Burch, H. R. and Nearing, S., 25, 33 Burdick, F. M., 80 Burdick, L. D., 321 Burgess, J. W., 131, 173, 177, 179 Burggraf, J., 314 Burgis, E., 119 Burhans, J. A., 115 Burke, E., 195, 201 Burke, F., 290 Burke, W. E., 110, 111 Burn, R., 240 Burn, R. S., 288 Burnap, G. W., 138 Burness, W., 34, 61 Burney, J., 257 Burnham, G. P., 101 Burns, J. A., 300 Burr, A., 235 Burritt, E., 150 Burroughs, W. D., 75 Burrows, M., 215 Burstall, S. A., 291, 304 Burstall, S. A. and Douglas, M. A., ed., 293, 304 Burton, J. H., 234 Burton, M. F., 304 Burton, T. E., 46, 50, 53 Burton, W., 288, 295, 302 Buschkiel, A. H., 108 Bushill, T. W., 58 Bushnell, H., 146, 299 Business almanac, 17 Buss, G., 322 Bussell, F. W., 243 Butler, C., 239 Butler, C. H., 178 Butler, E. B., 59, 61 Butler, J. D., 275 Butler, N. M., 138, 1S5, 227, 271, 291 Butt, I., 40 Butterfield, K. L„ 43, 241. 331 Butterworth's twentieth century statutes, 231 Butts, I., 117 Buxton, C., 196 Buxton, E. N., 117 Buxton, G. F. and Curran, F. L. 286 Buxton, S. C., 110 Buxton, Sir T. F., 149, 263 Buyers and traders guide, 7S Byford, W. H„ 320 Byington, M. F., 61 Byles, Sir J. B., 21, 118 Byrdsall, F., 173 Byrne, Mrs. J. C. B., 233 Byrne, S., 158 Byrnes, T., 259 Byways of two cities, 253 C, E., 311 Cable, G. W., 147, 246 Cable, L. L., 302 Cabot, R. C, 245 Cabris, ( ), 323 Cadbury, E., 45, 59 Cahalane, C. F. and others, 262 Caillet, J., 198 Caird, Sir J., 39, 42 Cairnes, J. E., 21, 26, 151, 196 Caldecott, A., 156 Calderwood, H., 280 California. Legislature, 94, 95, 145, 191 California. Senate, 159 California. State Librarv, 220 Calkins, R., 259 Calkins, N. A., 288 Call, H. L., 241 Callahan, J. M., 212, 213, 225 Callaway, F. B., 327 Callaway, W. D., 101 Callender, G. S., 33 Calley, J. W., 190 Calthrop, D. C, 322 Calvo, C, 224 Camp, G. S., 138 Camp Fire Girls, 252 Campbell, A. C, 104, 255 Campbell, D. W., 230 Campbell, Sir G., 204, 205, 217 Campbell, G. L., 68, 107 Campbell, Mrs. H. S. W., 59, 252 Campbell, J. D., comp., 78 Campbell, L. J., 283 Campbell, R. A., 219 Campbell, R. G., 225 Campbell, R. J., 127, 243 Canada. Census and Statistics Of- fice, 19 Canada. Parliament. House of Commons, 51 Canadian almanac, 19 Canadian parliamentary companion, The, 198 Canadian year book, 19 Canal record, 71 Canby, G., 219 Candee, H. C, 318 Canfield, J. H., 305 Caiman, E., 25. 26, 28, 112, 116 Canning, A. S. G., 201 Cannon, F. J., 193 Cannon, J. G., 100 Canot, T., 149 Capefigue, J. B. H. R., 216 Capen, N., 138, 168, 179 Capes, W. W., 306 Caplin, Mrs. R. A. and Mill, J., 315, 319 Card, F. W., 43 Care of aged poor, 253 Careers for the coming men, 297 Carey, H. C, 19. 21, 26, 103, 118, 150 Carey, M., 26, 167 Cargill, J. F., S8, 215 Carleton, W., pseud., 246 Carlile, R., 328 Carlile, W. W., 86 Carlton, F. T., 65, 291, 296, 300 Carnahan, J. R., 330 Carnarvon, H. H. M., 4th carl of, 198 Carne, L. de, 164 Carnegie, A., 14, 30, 33, 123, 138 Carnegie Endowment for Interna- tional Peace, 226 Carnegie Foundation for the Ad- vancement of Teaching, 276 Carney, M., 295 Caro, E. M., 13, 14 Caro, L., 104 Carpenter, A., 301 Carpenter, E., 9, 14. 255. 263 Carpenter, E. J., 155, 214 Carpenter, H., 285 Carpenter, M., 265, 266 Carpenter, M. B., 312 Carpenter, O. C, 27 Carpenter, S. D., 168 Carpenter, T., 160 Carr, C. E., 76 Carr, E. S., 172 Carr, H. A., 278 Carre, N. A., 239 Carriere, M., 9 Carroll, E., jr., 85 344 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Carroll, G. B., 326 Carruthers, J., 127 Carson, H. L., ed., 177, 237 Carson, J. C. L., 264 Carstairs, J., 283 Carswell, Co., The, 220 Cartault, A. G. C, 149 Carter, A. G. W., 239 Carter, C. F., 321 Carter, J. C, 221 Carter, T. P., 99 Carter, M. II., 146 Carus, P., 131, 311 Carver, T. N., 7, 29, 43, 115 Carwardine, \V. H., 64 Caryl, C. W., 128 Casabianca, F. X., comte de, 113 Case of Ireland stated historically 40 Case of Russia, 202 Cassel, G., 104 Cassel, H., 158 Cassel, P., 324 Casson, H. N., 65 Castelar y Rissol, E., 203 Castellani, C, 319 Castiglione, B., comte, 325 Caswall, A., 39 Cathcart, Sir G., 206 Cathrein, V., 123, 126 Cator, G., 99 Catterall, R. C. H., 94, 95 Cauer, M., 315 Causes celebres, 234 Cavalcanti, B., 138 Cavanagh, T., 262 Cavendish, Sir H., comp., 198 Caverno, C, 309 Cavour, C. R., conte di, 201 Cawston, G. and Keane, A. H., 83 Cecil, E., 137 Celebrated trials, 234 Celestin, F. J., 202 Cenni, E., 139 Central Debating League. Univer- sity of Chicago, 109, 140 Central Howard Association (Chi- cago), 266 Centz, P. C, 179 Cere, P., 259 Cerfberr de Medelsheim, G. and Ramin, M. V., 313 Cernuschi, H., 87, 89, 91 Chadman, C. E., 42, 46, 178, 223, 229, 233, 234, 236 Chadsey, C. E., 169, 179 Chadwick, E., 26, 271 Chadwick, F. E., 168, 214 Chadwick, W. E., 243 Chains of slavery, 137 Challamel.J. B. M. A., 323 Challeton, F., 165 Chalmers, G., 34 Chalmers, M. D. E. S., 206 Chalmers, R., 87 Chalmers, T., 21, 243 Chamber of Commerce Journal, 78 Chamberlain, A. F., 310 Chamberlain, A. II., 267, 296 Chamberlain, II. S., 9 Chamberlain, J., 119, 196 Chamberlain, J. L., cd., 306 Chamberlain, L, 101, 102 Chamberlain, N. II., 117 Chamberlin, E., 169 Chamberlin, I-'.. M., 65 Chamberlin, !■'. ("., L5fi Chambers, A. B., 327 Chambers, R., 324 Chambers, W., l. r >0, 303 Chambless. E., 128 Chambrun, C. A. de P., marquis de, 186 Chambrun, J. D. A. de P., comte de 241 Champlin, J. T., 25 Chancellor, W. E., 186, 267, 277 290 Chandler, J. A. C, 144, 193 Chandler, P. W., 234 Chang Chih-Tung, 204 Channing, E., 206 Chapin, A. L., 25 Chapin, F. S., 300 Chapin, R. C, 51 Chapman, C, 80 Chapman, E. R., 309, 314 Chapman, G. W., 179 Chapman, J. J., 165 Chapman, "j. W., 115 Chapman, S. T., 25, 54, 57, 81, 82. 117, 120, 206 Charities and The Commons, 15 Charities review, 249 Charles, R. F., 282 Charley, Sir, W. T., 234 Charters of British colonies, 175 Chase, C. H., 25 Chase, F. L. and Allen, J. K., 93 Chase, L. B., 150 Chase, W. I., 187 Chateaubriand, F. A. R., vicomtc de, 137, 183 Chatterton, E. K., 258 Chautauquan, The, 273 Chavasse, P. H., 311 Cheap-money experiments, 86, 88 Cheever, G. B., 147, 150, 169, 264 Chen Huan-Chang, 29 Chenevix, R., 219 Cheney, J. V., ed., 186 Cherbuliez, A. E., 21 Cherbuliez, C. V., 200, 203 Cherry, R. R., 222, 229 Chester, W. D., 120, 258 Chesterfield, P. D. S., Ath earl of, 325 Chesterton, G. K., 14 Chesterton, G. L., 265 Chevalier, M., 21, 65, 87, 117 Chevallier, E., 57 Cheyney, E. P., 34, 38, 39, 79, S4, 136, 192, 247 Chicago. Bureau of Statistics, 209 Charter Convention, 20S, 210 City Council, 77, 210 Committee on Local Transporta- tion, 76 Civil Service Commission, 210, 263 Commission on City Expendi- tures, 116 Fire Department, 208 Municipal court, 237 Police Department, 263 Public Library, 206, 254 Traction Valuation Commission, 76 City Club, 208 City Club. Committee on Traf- fic and Transportation, 77 Committee on Public Education 297 Civic Federation, 77, 249 Commercial Club, 212 World's Columbian Exposition, 1893, 15, 85, 95 World's Congress Auxiliary/. 243, 248, 250, 261, 273, 3i4 Chicago banker, 96 Chicago Bar Association, 238 Chicago charities directory, 249 Chicago Commons, 245 Chicago Conference on Trusts, 47 Chicago daily commercial report, 78 Chicago daily news almanac, 17 Chicago Industrial Exhibit, 1907, 45, 61 Chicago Law Institute. Library, 220 Chicago law journal, 222 Chicago law times, 222 Chicago legal news, 222 Chicago Plan Commission, 212 Chicago Principal's Association, 285 Chicago School of Civics and Phi- lanthropy, 60, 67, 297 Chicago tribune's history of the na- tional conventions, 171 Chicago Tuberculosis Institute, 302 Chicago union labor directory and business guide, 65 Chicago Union Traction Company and others vs. The City of Chi- cago, 77 Chicago. University, 272 — Dept. of Political Economy, 27 Chief Publishing Co., New York, 190 Child, G. W., 142 Child, Mrs. L. M. F., ed., 147, 150 Child, T., 323 Child Welfare Exhibit, Chicago. 250 Child Welfare Exhibit, New York. 250 Childers, H., 234 Childs, R. S., 145 Chiozza-Money, L. G., 21, 29 111, 253 Chirol, V., 205, 218 Chisholm, H. W, 84 Chittenden, H. M., 226 Chittenden, L. E., 168 Chitty, J., 234 Chitwood, O. P., 193, 231 Chleborad, F. L., 31 Choate, J. H., 226 Christian, E. B. V., 238 Christie, J. J., 315 Christie, W. D., 145 Christison, J. S., 255 Christoforo, N., 136 Christy, D., 150 Chronicle fire tables for 1901, 105 Church, C. A., 172, 191 Church, Mrs. E. R. M., 318 Churchill, W. L. S., Ill, 196, 241 Cicero, M. T., 130 Cigrand, B. J., 220 Cincinnati (Ohio). Public Library, 254 Citizen, The, 303 City editor, A., pseud., 103 City Homes Association, Chicago, 67 Civil service question book, 190 Civil service record, 190 Claghorn, K. H., 305 Clancy, J. J., 201 Clansmen, 323 Claparede, E., 278 Clapp, E. B., 325 Clapp, E. J., 72 Clapperton, J. H., 241 Clare, G., 100 Claretie, L., 307 Clark, A. B., 80, 236 Clark, A. W., 283 Clark, C. C. P., 165, 179 Clark, E. H. C... 31 Clark. F. E., 299 Clark, F. II., 187 Clark, H. B., 292 Clark, J. B., 21, 29, 31. 47, 48 Clark, J. B. and Giddings, F. H., 30, 49, 54 Clark, T. K., 298 Clark, J. M., 73 Clark, J. W., 327 Clark, Mrs. K. U., 143, 313 Clark, L. D., 69 Clark, Mrs. S. A., 59 AUTHOR INDEX 345 Clark, Mrs. S. A. and Wyatt, E., 51, 57 Clark, S. H., 281 Clark, V. S., 61 Clarke, C. B., 26 Clarke, E. H., 304 Clarke, I. E., 296 Clarke, J. F., 152, 303 Clarke, M. St. C. and Hall, D. A., comp., 96 Clarke, R. F., 150, 159, 221, 232 Clarke, W. H., 190 Clarke Institution, Northampton, Mass., 255 Clarkson, C. T. and Richardson, J. H., 259, 262 Clarkson, T., 149, 150 Clason, A. W., 165, 168, 174 Claus, R., 95, 98 Clausen, H. N., 201 Claviere, E. and Brissot de War- ville, J. P., 81 Clay, Sir A. T. F., 65, 66 Clay, R. M., 249 Clay, W. L., 265 Clayden, A., 61 Clayden, P. W., 196 Cleaveland, J., 94, 95, 100 Cleaver, G. E., 75 Clemenceau, G. B., 142, 199 Clement, J., ed., 318 Cleveland, A. R., 317 Cleveland, F. A., 85, 92, 94, 95, 103, 116, 138, 185, 207 Cleveland, G, 186, 1S7 Cleveland, R. J., 72 Cleveland (Ohio) Municipal Asso- ciation, 145, 193 Clevenger, S. V., 229 Clews, H., 102 Clifford, E., comp., 65, 69 Clinch, G., 322 Clinton, H. L., 234 Clough, Mrs. E. R., 146 Clow, F. R., 27, 77 Clowes, W. L., 147 Cloyd, D. E., 270 Club-almanach, 330 Club men of New York, 330 Cluskey, M. W., cd., 167 Cobb, A. S., 94, 97, 111 Cobb, L., 264 Cobb, S. H., 141, 142 Cobb, T. R. R., 149 Cobbe, F. P., 146 Cobbett, W., 61, 185, 196 Cobbett, W. and Howell, T. B., 235 Cobden, R., 194, 217 Cobden Club. Essays, 3S, 116 Cobden Club publications, 26 Cochin, P. S. A., 149 Cockburn, Sir A. J. E., 143, 225, 235 Cockburn, A. P., 198 Cockburn, H. T. Lord Cockburn, 235 Cockburn, J., 325 Cocke, W. A., 174 Cocker, W. J., 187 Code des codes, Les, 239 Codman, J., 73 Codman, J. T., 128 Cody, S., 327 Coe, F. E., 287 Coe, G. A., 299 Coffin, F. H. and Moore, D. H., 104 Coffin, G. M., 89, 92 Coffin, L., 152 Coffman, L. D., 275 Coggins, P. H., 236 Cogley, T. S., 64, 65, 69 Cohen, J. E., 125 Cohn, G, 21, 26, 28, 77, 85, 101 Cohn, M. M., 177 Cohn, P., 291, 306 Cohnfeld, E., 259 Coit, S., 142, 245 Coker, F. W., 131 Cole, P. R., 270 Cole, W. H., 282 Cole, W. M., 246 Coleman, II. T. J., 293 Coler, B. S., 211 Coles, E., 175 Colgrove, C. P., 275, 277 Colin, A., 85 Colin, Ladv M. and Sheldon, Mrs. M. F., 326 Collection des principaux economis- tes, 21 College and the church, 267 College year-book, 274 Collens, T. W., 128 Collet, C. E., 59 Collier, P., 218 Collier, R. R., 180 Collier, W. M., 47 Collins, C. M., 94, 97 Collins, J. H., 54 Collins, V. L., 161 Collins, W. H., 151 Colonial policy of Great Britain, 156 Colonie icarienne aux Etats-Unis d'Ameriques, 128 Colorado. University Department of Psychology and Education, 272 Colquhoun, A." R., 200, 204, 206, 217, 218 Colquhoun, T. C, 164 Colquhoun, P., 263 Colston, J., 84 Colton, C, 150 Colum, P., 37 Columbia University. Library, 267 Columbia University contributions to education, 272 Columbia University. Studies in history, economics and public law, 16, 21 Colvin, S. S., 278 Colwell, S., 103 Coman, K., 33 Combe, G., 267, 271 Comenius, J. A., 267, 2S7, 302 Comite de Patronage des Etudiants Etrangers, 307 Commercial and financial chronicle, 78 Commercial laws of the world, 80 Commons, J. R., 30, 54, 56, 65, 144, 153, 243 Compayre, G., 267, 270, 274, 277, 278, 287, 291, 294, 306 Complete bachelor, The, 326 Complete collection of the treaties and conventions, 82, 224 Comstock, J. M., 190 Comte, A., 7 Comte, F. C. L., 31 Conant, C. A., 50, 86, 90, 92, 93, 102, 155 Conant, E., 193 Conder, E., jr., 329 Condor, C. R., 9 Condorcet, M. J. A. N. C, marquis de, 21 Cone, O., 127 Confederate States of America. Congress, 162, 229 Conference on conservation of natu- ral resources, 44 Conference on Uniform Municipal Accounting, 116 Congleton, H. B. P., 1st baron, 90, 92, 94, 97, 111 • Congres franqais et international du droit des femmes, 146, 314 Congress of Women, 314 Congressional globe, 161 Congressional record, 119, 161 Conklin, V. A., 166 Conkling, A. R., 207 Conkling, M. C. Henry Lunettes, 326 Connecticut Colony. General Court, 231 Connecticut. Commissioner of Build- ing and Loan Associations, 100 Connecticut (state). General Assem- bly, 191 Connecticut common school journal and annals of education, 273 Connecticut Historical Society, 180 Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Company, 106 Connell, A. K., 37 Conner, J. E., 228 Conover, J. P., 267 Conrad, J., 307 Conrad, J. and others, 133 Considerant, V. P., 125 Constitutional year book, 17, 196 Constitutions of the several states, 180 Constitutions of the United States, 180 Consumers' League of Connecticut, 297 Convers, D., 309 Convict life, 265 Conway, K. E., 327 Conway, M. D., 165, 326 Conwell, R. H., 159 Conybeare, F. C, 235 Conyngham, D. P., 40 Conyngton, M., 245, 248 Cook, C, comp., 322 Cook, C. H, 324 Cook, Mrs. E. B., 300 Cook, J., 123 Cook, J. W., 263, 292 Cook, S. A., 135, 222 Cook, T. C. C, ladv, 14, 146 Cook, T. C. C, ladv and Martin, Mrs. V. C. W., 146 Cook, W., 192 Cook, W. W., 46, 47 Cook County. Board of Commis- sioners, 237 Cook County Real Estate Board. Committee on Transportation, 77 Cooke, G. W., 157, 173 Cooke, M. L., 305 Cooley, C. H., 7 Cooley, E. G, 297 Cooley, L. E., 70 Cooley, T. M., 178 Cooley, T. M. and others, 174 Coolidge, A. C, 212 Coolidge, Mrs. M. E. B. R. S., 159, 313 Cooper, A. J., 147 Cooper, C. S., 30S Cooper, E. H, 310 Cooper, J., 150, 168 Cooper, J. F., 167 Cooper, P., 90, 118 Cooper, T. V., 169 Cooper, T. V. and Fenton, H. T., 165 Cooper, W. G., 330 Cooper, W. M., 264 Cope, R., 30 Copland. S., 43 Copp, H. N., 39 . Coquelin, C. and Guillaumin, U. O., ed., 29 Corbaux, F., 18, 104, 106 Corbet, H., 39 Corbin, J., 302, 306, 307 Cords, T. M., 70 346 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Corelli, M. and others, 309, 320 Cornelison, I. A., 142 Cornell, W. S., 291, 301 Cornie, A., 298 Cornulier-Luciniere, E., comte de, 234 Cornwell, W. C, 89, 90, 94, 97 Correct guide to letter writing, S27 Correct social usage, 326 Corry, W. M., 179 Corwin, R. N., 270 Corwin, W. B., 208 Cory, A., 217 Cossa, L., 27, 121 Coste, A., 8 Costello, A. E., 208, 263 Costume of Turkey, 323 Costumes, frangais, 323 Cotes, E., 218 Cotterill, C. C, *89, 293 Cotterill, C. F., 73, 120 Cotton, J. S. and Payne, E. J., 156, 205 Coubertin, P., baron de, 294, 306, 307 Couling, S., 261 Coulter, E. K., 266 Coulter, J. L., 43 Courcelle-Seneuil, J. G., 8, 21, 92 Cournot, A. A., 30 Coursault, J. H., 270 Courtney, L. H., 1S2 Courtois, A. C, 25, 94, 98, 129 Cousin, V., 198 Covenant, The, 329 Cowan, M. G., 304 Cowdin, E. C, 43 Cowell, E. R. E., 285 Cowen, J., 215 Cowles, J. L., 53, 73 Cowperthwait, J. H., 89 Cox, E. W., 263 Cox, H., 38, 120, 164 Cox, S. S., 120, 160, 168 Cox, W. S., 236, 317 Crabtree, J. B., 44 Cradock, Mrs. H. C, 311 Crafts, W. F., 243, 246, 261 Crafts, W. F. and others, 261 Craig, A. L., comp., 315 Craig, A. R., 270 Craik, G. L., 82, 235, 303 Craik, H., 289 Cramb, J. A., 194 Cramer, F., 137, 200 Crandall, R., 152 Crane, R. T., 131, 289 Crane, W. W. and Moses, B., 165 173 Crapsey, A. S., 142 Crawford, E. C, 187, 191, 209 Crawford, J. B., 104 Crawford, M. C, 304, 305 Crawley, E., 309 Crawley, W. J. C, 190 Crawshaw, F. D., 297 Crawshay, G., 83 Creanga, G. D., 38 Creasy, Sir E. S., 182 Cree, N., 140 Crehore, W. W., 118 Creighton, M., 141, 271 Crepaz, Fran A., 146, 310 Crerar, J., 234 Cresswell, C. N., 313 Creswell, F. H. P., 58 Crichfield, G. W., 214 Criminal trials, 235 Crisis in China, The, 204 Critchell, R. S., 105 Croabbon, A., 325 Crocker, G. G., 160 Crocker, U. H., 50 Croiset, M., 185 Croly, D. G. ( 12 Croly, H., 219, 246 Croly, Mrs. J. C, 318 Cromer, E. B., ist earl of, 136 Crompton, H., 56 Cromwell, J. H., 103, 317 Cromwell, O., 256 Cronau, R., 33, 44, 158 Cronson, B., 280 Crook, W. H., 170 Crooker, J. H., 14 Crosbie, G. V., 49 Crosby, O. T., 64 Cross, I. B., 121 Cross, J. L., 328, 329 Cross, N., 169 Crotch, W. W., 14 Crouzel, A., 64, 65 Crowell, J. F., 267, 301 Crozier, J. B., 8, 9, 165 Crump, A., 88, 92, 101, 103 Cubberley, E. P., 267, 274, 290, 295 Cudmore, P., 119, 169, 174, 187 Cullom, S. M., 170, 191 Culpin, E. G, 212 Cumberland, B., 220 Cumming, A. N., 260 Cuneo d'Ornano, G., 183 Cunningham, D., 11, 241 Cunningham, W., 9, 11, 31, 32, 34, 39, 49, 82, 86, 159 Cunningham W. and McArthur, E. A., 34 Current events index, 7 Currie, J., 277, 287 Curry, T. L. M., 179, 184, 203, 304 Curti, T., 184, 203 Curtis, F., 172 Curtis, G. T., 174, 177 Curtis, G. W., 143, 165 Curtis, W. E., 81, 212 Curtiss, G. B., 118 Curtiss, Mrs. J. D., 250 Curtman, W. J. G., 267, 277 Curwen, G. R., 321 Curwood, J. O., 72 Curzon, G. N. V., ist baron, 205, 217, 218 Cusack, M. F., 41, 158 Cushing, C, 224 Cushing, H. A., 192 Cushing, L. S., 160 Cuthbert, Father, 13 Cutler, J. E., 258 Cutting, R. F., 243 Cyclopedia of temperance and pro- hibition, 261 Cyon, E. de, 202 D., T. A., 308 Dabney, W. D., 74 Dabos, J. H., 29 Dacus, J. A., 64 Dahlgren, Mrs. M. V., 326 Dahn, F., 135 Dale, J. P., 101 Dall, Mrs., C. W. IT., 59 Dallas, G. M., 196. 212 Dallinger, F. W., 145 Daly, C. P., 158 Daly, T. B., 173 Damainoff, A. D., 113 Dammer, O., ed., 68 Dana, D. D., 208 Dana, W. B. and Co., comp., 101 Dangers of Europe, 212 Daniel, C. S., 243 Daniels, 1., 25 Daniels, j. II., 75 Daniels, W. H., ed.. 261 Daniels, W. M., 110 , Daniels, W. W., 108 Danson, J. T., 25, 30 Dante Alighieri, 137 Dantier, A., 315 Darby, J. G. N. and Bosanquet, F. A., 232 Dareste de La Chavanne, A. E. C, 43, 198, 330 Darimon, A., 126 "Darkest England" social scheme, 250 Darling, J. T., 220 Darmesteter, A. M. F. R., "Mme. Duclaux," 330 Darnton-Fraser, H. J., 305 Darroch, A., 278 Darrow, C. S., 129 Darwin, L., 53, 89 Dasent, A. I., 163 Daubeny, C. G. B., 43 Dautremer, J., 37 Davenport, E., 296 Davenport, H. J., 21, 25, 29 Davenport, J. I., 145 Davey, R., 204 Davids, E., pseud., 311 Davidson }., 57, 82, 156, 198, 270, 279 Davidson, Mrs. J. E., 317 Davidson, J. M., 56, 173 Davidson, J. N., 152 Davidson, J. W., 327 Davidson, T., 267, 270, 274, 296 Davies, A. E., 87, 102 Davies, C, 85 Davies, E., 304, 313 Davies, G., 106 Davies, J. L., 243 Davies, M. Ap Richard, 310 Davies, W. H., 254 Davis, A. M., 90, 95, 110 Davis, C. G., 14 Davis, C. K., 223 Davis, G. B., 223, 229 Davis, G. L.-L., 141 Davis, H., 178 Davis, H. F. A., 100 Davis, J. C. B., 224, 228 Davis, J. E., 69 Davis, J. P., 46, 74 Davis, M. M., 13 Davis, Mrs. P. W., comp., 146 Davis, W. J., 191 Davis, W. S., 30 Davitt, M., 41, 204, 265 Dawbarn, C. Y. C, 14, 108 Dawes, A. L., 187 Dawes, H. L., 159 Dawson, G. E., 299 Dawson, H. B., 176 Dawson, M. M., 106 Dawson, W. F., 324 Dawson, W. H., 36, 38, 61, 107, 121, 127 Day, C, 79, 157 Day, J. E., 101 Day, T. R., 33, 46, 47 Day, L. F., 283 Dayot, A., 314 Deahl, J. N., 267 Dealey, J. Q., 9, 131, 309 Dealey, J. Q. and Ward, L. F., 9 Dean, A., 182 Dean, A. D., 296 Dean, G. A., 34 Dean, II. C, 110 Dean, S., ed., 93 Debar, T., comp.. 261 Debidotir, E. L. M. A., 142, 228 De Bow's review, 78 De Brath, S. and Beatty, F., 2S1 Debrett, J., 163, 325 Debs, E. V., 126 DeBurgh, W., 229 AUTHOR INDEX 347 Deems, E. M., camp., 324 Defence of trades unions, 65 Defoe, D., 257, 268 De Fonblanque, A. de G., 193, 232, 233 De Forest, R. W. and Veiller, L., ed., 67 De Garmo, C., 26S, 270, 288 De Graff, E. V., 277 De Graff, E. V. and Smith, M. K., 277, 288 Deiser, G. F. and Johnson, F. \Y., 68 De Labilliere, F. P., 193 Delanox, J., 319 Delavan, E. C., ed., 262 •De Leon, E. W., comp., 105 Dell, F., 315 Delmar, A., 9, 86, 87 Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity, 308 Demachey, E., 94, 98 Demay, G., 322 Deming, H. E., 207 Democrat Publishing Co., 172 Democratic campaign book, 172 Democratic National Convention, 172 Democratic Party, 171 Democratic review, 134 Demolin, E., 41 Demombynes, G., 173 De Montmorency, J. E. G., 293 Demoor, J. and others, 9 Denifle, H. S., 306 Denis, H., 108 Denison, E., 253, 291 Denslow, Van B., 8, 21, 185 Densmore, E., 315 Denton, C. J., 324 Denver, Col. Juvenile Court, 237 Depew, C. M., 81, 172 Deploige, S., 140, 203 De Quincey, T., 29 Derby, E. H., 119, 228 Derosne, C. B., 199 Desaguliers, J. T., 327 Deschanel, P., 157, 218 Desmond, H. J., 173 Deutsch, J., 60 Deutsch, L., 265 Deutsche Vereine zur Pflege im Felde Verwundeter und Erkrank- ter Krieger, 250 Deutscher Borsen-Kalender und Ef- fekten-Handbuch, 101 Devas, C. S., 21, 25, 309 DeVere, A. T., 201 Devereux, G. R. M., 326 Devereux, R., 315 Devine, E. T., 25, 67, 241. 245, 248, 253, 309 Devlin, T. C, 207 Devon, J., 255, 263 DeWahl, A., 304 D'Ewes, Sir S., 164 Dewey, D. R., Ill, 170 Dewey, J., 268, 279, 2S1, 291, 299, 301 De Wolf, D. F., 283 Dexter, E. G., 291 Dexter, S., 100 Dexter, S. B., 261 Dexter, T. F. G. and Garlick, A. H., 279 Dicey, A. V., 146, 1S2, 187, 232 Dickerson, O. M., 180, 189 Dickinson, G. A., 313 Dickinson, G. L., 8, 132, 162 Dicksee, L. R., 85, 238 Dierauer, J., 203 Diesterweg, F. A. W., 277 Diez, W. and others, 322 Diffenderffer, F. R., 58 Digby, K. E , 42 Digby, W. C. I. E., 37, 83 Dilke, Sir C. W., 165 Dillingham, E. T., 287 Dillon, J. F.. 232 Dillon, V., 114, 247 Dillon, W., 21 Dinsmore, J. W., 277, 281, 295, 311 Dinwiddie, E. W., 67 Diosy, A., 218 Diplomacy of the United States, 212 Diplomatic review, 215, 228 Dittes, F., 268, 274 Diven, T. J., 123, 247 Diver, M., 319 Dix, W. G., 185 Dixon, F. H., 70, 74 Dixon, W. H., 247, 265 Dixwell, G. B., 117, 118 Dobson, E., 217 Documentary history of American Industrial Society, 33 Dodd, Mrs. A. B. B., 123 Dodd, A. F., 87, 90, 91 Dodd, C. I., 271, 277 Dodd, W. F., ed., 173 Dodge, G. H., and others. 59 Dodge, M. A. Gail Hamilton, 146, 275, 311, 313, 317 Doehn, C. J. R., 171 Doherty, P. J„ 6S, 80 Dohm, Fran H., 146 Dole, C. F., 13, 138, 143, 1S7, 1S8, 252 Dole, E. P., 236 Dolge, A.. 58 Dolman, F., 53 Domesday book, 39 Domesday of inclosures, 39 Domett, H. W., 97 Donaldson, H. H., 279 Donaldson, T., 274, 293, 315 Donaldson, P., ed., 329 Donaldson, T., 39, 175 Doniol, J. H. A., 43, 136, 330 Donisthorpe, W., 21, 123, 221 Dormant, D. F., 18 Donnell, E. J., 117 Dopp, K. E„ 281, 287 Doran, J., 321 Dorchester, D., 260 Doren, A., 84 Dorman, M. R. P., 13, 291 Dorr, R. C, 146, 315 Dos Passos, J. R., 47, 80 Dostojewskij, F. M., 265 Doty, D., 277, 284, 285 Douai, A., 286 Doubleday, T., 19 Dougherty, J. H.. 144, 178, 237 Douglas, A. H., 80 Douglas, Sir R. K„ 218 Douglas, S. A., 170 Douglas, W., 325 Douglass, F., 152 Douglass, H. P., 147 Douthit, M. O., ed., 318 Dove, P. E., 9 Dowd, J., 147 Dowell, S., 112 Downes, A. M.. 208 Doyle, Sir A. C, 235 Drahms, A., 256 Drage, G„ 37, 54, 67, 200, 202, 216 253 Dramard, E., 220, 239 Drane, A. T., 275, 306 Draper, A. S., 290, 291, 296 Draper, G. O., 30 Draper, J. W., 169 Draper, L. C, 175 Drawbridge, C. L., 299 Dresden. Verein Volkswohl, 246 Dresser, H. W., 270 Dresslar, F. B„ 301 Drever, J., 275 Drew, D., 103 Dreyfus, A., 235 Dreyfus, F., 227 Dreyfus case, 235 Drill, R., 36 Drolsum, A. C, 202 Druitt, H., 322 Drumann, W. K. A., 56, 127 Drummond, A. L., 263 Dryden, J. F., 106 Drysdale, W., 317 Dubois, F., 129 Du Bois, P., 222, 277, 299 DuBois, W. E. B., 147, 150 Dubost, C, 100 Du Boys, A., 229 Du Camp, M., 250 Du Cane, Sir E. F., 263 Dudley, E. S., 229 Dudley, J. W. W., earl of, 196 Diihring, E. K., 21, 28, 55, 121 Duer, W. A., 178 Dufaux, de La J. E., 326 Duff, Sir M. E. G., 165 Dufferin and Aya, Sir F. T. H.T.- B., 1st marquis of, 41 Duffey, Mrs. E. B., 305 Dugdale, Sir W., 232 Dumas, A., 146 Dumas, A. D., 257 Dumas, J., 42 Dumont, J., baron de Carlscroon, 224 Dun, F., 41 Dunbar, C. F., 26, 92, 93 Dunbar, C. H., 65 Dunckley, H., 120 Duniway, C. A., 141 Dunker.C. C. H. B., 202, 203 Dunlap, J. R., 166, 172 Dunlop, J., 324 Dunlop, O. J., 58, 60 Dunmore, W. T., 73 Dunn, A. W„ 185 Dunn, S. O., 70, 73 Dunning, W. A., 134, 180 Dunsany, E. P., iOtk baron, 215 t Dunton, L., 284 Dupanloup, F. A. P., 268, 299, 304, 311 Duplessis, G. V. A. G„ 322 Dupont-White, C. B., 132 Dupriez, L., 184 Durham, F. A., 147 Durham, M. E., 217 Durland, K., 202 Dutt, R. C, 37, 83, 114 Dutton, S. T., 26S, 280, 301 Dutton, S. T. and Snedden, D., 292 Duvergier de Hauranne, P., 165 Dwight, B. W., 299 Dwight, T., 179 Dye, J. T„ 138, 246 Dyer, H., 32, 56 Dyer, T. F. T., 315 Dyhrenfurth, G., 43 Dyke, C. B., 276 Dymond, J., 132 E Earee, R. B„ 75 Earhart, L. B., 280, 287 Earle, Mrs. A. M., 264, 321, 322 Earle, J., 39, 175 Earle, J. C, 193 Earp, E. L., 243 East India Company, 79, 82 Eastern Manual Training Associa- tion (Allegheny), 296 Eastern question, 217 Eastman, C, 68 348 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Eastman, H. P., 148 Easton, H. T., 92, 93, 97 Eaton, A. H., 140, 102, 193 Eaton, A. W. H., 306 Eaton, D. B., 161, 207 Eaton, E. L., 201 Eaton, J., 291 Eaton, S., 92, 104 Ebelow, W. R., 202 Eberstadt, R., 84, 211 Ebner, T., 61 Echoes from the south, 168 Eckardt, H. M. P., 92, 94, 95 Eckardt, J. v., 42 Eckenrode, H. J., 193 Eckert, C, 84 Eckloff, C. F., 167 Economic bulletin, 28 Economic club of Boston, 74 Economic journal, 28 Economic monographs, 21 Economic review, 28 Economic tracts, 22 Economist, The, (Chicago), 28 Economist, The, (London), 28 Eddy, A. J., 49 Eddy, R., 261 Ede, W. M., 243, 245 Eden, Sir F. M., 61, 253 Edgar, J. D., 198 Edgcumbe, Sir R. P., 89 Edgeworth, M. and Edgeworth, R. L., 268 Edgington, T. B., 214 Edkins, J., 114 Edmundson, G., 82 Education; a journal for the scholastic world, 273 Education; a monthly magazine, 273 Educational bi-monthly. The, 273 Educational review, New York, 273 Educational review, London, 273 Edwards, A. M., 69 Edwards, C, 74, 239 Edwards, E., 220 Edwards, H., 248 Edwards, H. S., 202, 217 Edwards, R. and Warren, M. A., 283 Edwards, R. and Webb, J. R., £82 Eeden, F. W. v., 14 Effertz, O., 22 Egan, C, 159 Egerton, H. E., 156 Eggleston, £., 148, 2S2 Eggleston, G. C., 303 Eheberg, K. T., 42, 91 Ehrenberg, H., 61 Ehrenberg, R., 30, 94, 98, 104 Ehrich, L. R., 89 Ehrlich, S., 107 Eichthal, E. d'., 121, 123, 127 Eisenhart, H., 28 Eisenhart, L. von Kobell v., 324 Eke, J. A., 104 Elder, W., 22, 26, 111 Elementary school teacher, 273 Elias, F„ 196 Eliason, A. G\, 94, 95 Eliassof, H., 158 Eliot, C. W., 30, 65, 127, 272, 290, 305 Eliot, S., 139 lliot, W. G., 148, 152 Ellenborough, E. I.., ist carl of, 196, 205 •illlero, P., 14, 202 Ellet, Mrs. E. F. L., 318 Elliot, T.. 176, 228 Elliot, R. II., 205 Elliot, S. II., 254 Elliott, A., 68 Elliott, C, 150 Elliott. Sir C. C. 1. I'.., 156 Elliott, E. C, 116, 290 Elliott, E. C. and Prosser, C. A., 296 Elliott, E. G., 174 Elliott, E. N., 150 Ellis, E. S., 220 Ellis, F. II., 299 Ellis, H., 14, 241, 256 Ellis, J., 262 Ellis, M. A., 256 Ellis, Mrs. S. S., 319 Ellison, T., 151 Ellstaetter, K., 88, 92 Ellwood, C. A., 8, 13, 14 Elm, H., 296 Elmer, L. Q. C, 181 Elphinstone, M., 205 Elson, A., 314 Elting, I., 135 Eltzbacher, P., 129 Ely, R. T., 22, 25, 26, 32, 47, 56, 61. 115, 116, 117, 121, 126, 127 207, 243 Ely, R. T. and Wicker, G. R., 25 Elzas, B. A., 158 Emerson, G. B., 277 Emerson, H., 57 Emerson, Mrs. M. F., 318- Emmet, T. A.. 15s Emmons, H. H., 283 Encyklopadie der Pedagogik, 271 Endemann, H. E., cd., 239 Endemann, W., 79, 83 Endlich, G. A., 100 Engel, E., 57 Engel, S., 73, 250 Engelbrecht, T. IL, SI Engels, F., 32, 61, 125, 134 Englander, S., 64, 126 Englishwoman, The, 318 Englishwoman's domestic magazine, 318 Englishwoman's review, 318 Ensor, R. C. K., ed.. 125 Entwicklung der deutschen Volkswirtschaftslehre, 29 Eppendorff, L., 286 Eras, W., 28, 127 Ernst und Laune, 268 Erskine, B. "Mrs. S. Erskine," 314 Erzieherin, Die, 273 Escher, F., 100 Escott, T. H. S., 163, 196, 228 Estes, M., 150 Estournelles de Constant, P. II. B., baron d', 318 Etiquette for Americans, 326 Eucken, R. C, 303 Eulalia, infanta of Spain, 14 Evans, D. M., 50, 103, 258 Evans, E. B., 75 Evans, G. G., ed., 90 Evans, H., 40 Evans, M. M., 323 Everett, E., 272 Everhart, E., 184 Ewald, A. C, 187, 196, 311 Ewart, T. A., 190 . Ewart, j. S.. 156, 198 Ex-convict's story, 265 Exercises for the senses for young children, 288 Exquemelin, A. O.. 257 Extract from a manuscript collec- tion of annals relative to Virginia, 181 Extraordinary red book, 196 Fabian Society, London. 7 Fabian tracts. 125 Fabri, F., 157 Fsrden, A., 202 Fagan, J. O., 61, 73 Faguet, E., 138, 198 Fahlbeck, P., 203 Faillon, M. E., 159 Fairbairn, A. M., 243 Fairbank, C, 152 Fairbanks, A., 9 Fairchild, F. R., 69 Fairchild, G. T., 43, 331 Fairchild, H. P., 158 Fairfield, F. G., 330 Fairholt, F. W., 322 Fairlie, J. A., IS.', 192, 206, 207, 209 Fajans, W., 92 Falke, J., Ritter v., 322 Falkner, R. P., 58 Fall, C. G., 69 Fallows, S., ed., 219 Fanning, C. E., 71, 145, 162, 264 Farley, P., 259 Farmer, J. S., 283, 308 Farmer, L. H., ed., 313 Farnam, H. W., 26, 36 Farnborough, Sir T. E. M., 138, 162, 182 Farnham, G. L., 281, 288 Farquhar, A. B. and Farquhar, H„, 117 Farquharson, C. D., 212 Farquharson, R., 162 Farr. Mrs. F., 316 Farr, W., 18 Farrand, M., 177, 1S9 Farrar, F. W., 243 Farrelly, M. J., 206 Farrer, J. A., 226, 255 Farrer, Sir T. H., 49, 53, 82, 86, 89, 120 Farrington, F. E., 276 Fast, R. E. and Maxwell, H., 193 Fauconnier, £., 125 Faust, A. B., 158 Favarel, C, 104 Fawcett, H., 25, 54. 61, 114, 117, 252 Fawcett, H. and Fawcett, Mrs. M. G., 133 Fawcett, M. G. "Mrs. Henry Fawcett," 25 Fawcett, W. L., 88, 111 Fay, C. N., 46, 77 Fay, C. R., 51 Fay, E. A., IS, 255 Fearon, D. R., 290 Fearon, J. P., 249 Federalist, The, 176 Fehlandt, A. F., 261 Feilberg, H. F., 324 Feilden, H. St. C, 182 Feldmann, C, 247 Felix, C. J., 127 Felix, L., 56 Felkin, H. M., 268 Felt, O. B., 160 Felter, W. L. and Eginton, L. J., 2S3 Felton, C. E., 58 Fenelon, F. de S. de La M., 304 Fenn, C, 116 Ferguson, A., 132 Ferguson, C, 13S Ferguson, J. H., 9 Fernald, T. C, 155, 260 Ferneuil, T., 294 Fernley, T. A.. 4!) Fernow, B. E., 43, 44 Fcrrand, J., 184 Ferreri, G, 158 Ferri, 1"... 125, 255 Ferris, A. J., 30, 241 Ferris, Mrs. C. S., 286 Ferry, J. F. C, 199 AUTHOR INDEX 349 Fess, S. D., 134, 166, 171 Fetter, F. A., 22 Feurbach, P. J. A. v., 235 Fichte, J. G., 139 Fick, L., 41 Ficklen, J. R., 180 Field, A. S., 60 Field, D. D., 169, 223 Field, J., 263 Field, M., 234 Fifty years of the House of Lords, 163 Fillebrown, C. B., 108 Financial encyclopaedia, 85 Financial reform almanack, 17, 112 Finch, J. B., 261 Findel, J. G., 328 Findlay, J. J., 268 Finetti, Sir J., 228 Finger-post to public business, 160 Fink, A., 80 Fink, P., 314 Finlason, W. F., 229, 238 Finlay-Tohnson, H., 277 Finley, J. B., 265 Finley, J. H. and Sanderson, J. F., 186 Finney, C. G., 328 Finot, J., 316 Fire Underwriters' Association of the Northwest, 105 Firth, A., comp., 2S2 Firth, C. H., 163 Firth, J. C., 204 Firth, J. F. B., 84, 211 Fischer, C, 61 Fischer, G., 44 Fischer, K., 212, 228 Fischer, O., 271 Fischer, P. D., 75, 77 Fischer, W., 142 Fish, G. T., 160 Fisher, Mrs. D. F. C, 288 Fisher, E. J., 192 Fisher, H. A. L., 138, 200 Fisher, H. N., 155 Fisher, I., 25, 31, 50, 104 Fisher, J., 40 Fisher, M., 272 Fisher, P., 250 Fisher, R. S. and Colby, C, comp., 17 Fisher, S. G., 177 Fisk, G. M., 81, 117, 119, 121, 214 Fiske, A. K., 92 Fiske, G. C., 136 Fiske, G. W., 313, 331 Fiske, J., 138, 187, 272 Fiske, L. R., 303 Fitch, T. A., 61 Fitch, Sir J. G., 272 277, 292, 293 Fite, E. D., 33, 167 Fits, W., 11 Fitz, E. E., 285 Fitz, Mrs. R. K. and Fitz, G. W., 311 Fitzgerald, P. H., 259, 302 Fitzgerald, W. P. N., 150 Fitzgibbon, G., 201 Fitzpatrick, E. A., 26S Fitzpatrick, W. J., 195 Fitzsimmons, O. K., 14, 252 Five years' penal servitude, 265 Flack, H. E., 209, 214 Flanders, H., 177 Flassan, T. B. G. de R. de, 216, 228 Fleischner, L., 293 Fleming, R., 47 Fleming, W. L., ed.. 180 Fleshman, A. C., 277 Fletcher, A. E., ed., 271 Fletcher, H., 249 Fletcher, J., 150 Fletcher, S. W., 265 Flexner, A., 306 Flickinger, J. R., 187 Flint, C. R, and others, 47 Flint, H. M., 73 Flom, G. T., 158 Flower, B. O., 241 Flower, F. A., 172 Flower, W. 14., 321 Floy, H., 52 Fluescheim, M., 38, 241 Foerster, F. W., 299 Fdrster, O., 2S8 Foght, H. W., 295 Folks, H., 250 Follett, M. P., 161 Folsom, C. F., 256 Foltz, E. B. K., 190 Fonblanque, A., 194 Foncin, P. F. C, 113 Fonda, A. I., 89 Foot, S. A., 169 Foote, A. R., 53, 90, 92, 95 Foote, A. R. and Everett, C, E., 46, 52 Foote, H. S. a 168 Foote, J. P., 293 Forbes, U. A. and Ashford, W. H. R., 70, 71 Forbes, Sir W., 97 Forbush, W. B., 251, 28S, 311 Forbush, W. B. and Masseck, F. L., 251 Ford, A. C., 39 Ford, H. J„ 111, 166, 185 Ford, J., 51 Ford, P. L., ed.. 176 Ford, W. C, 187 Form and order of the service of coronation, 325 Forman, S. E., 188 Forney, M. N., 144 Forrest, J. D., 9 Forster, H. O. A., 85 Forster, J., 139, 182 Forsyth, W., 223, 238 Fortescue, Sir J., 182, 232 Fortune, T. T., 170 Fortunes made in business, 30 Foss, E., 23S Foster, E. C, 251 Foster, F. H., 280 Foster, H. A., 52 Foster, J., 162, 291 Foster, Mrs. M. J. C., 286, 299 Foster, R., 110, 177 Foster, R. and Abbot, E. V., 109 Foster, W. E., 177, 186, 193, 206 Foster, W. T., 306 Foucault de Mondion, A., 204 Fougerousse, A., 61, 68 Fouillee, A. J. E., 8, 2S1, 294, 301 Foulke, W. D., 190, 202 Fouquier, A., 235 Fourier, F. M. C., 125, 127 Fournier de Flaix, E., 85 Foville, A. de, 38, 41, 70 Fow, J. H., 219 Fowle, W. B., 277 Fowler, N. C., 99, 103, 251, 297, 313 Fowler, O. S., 303 Fowler, W. C., 168 Fowler, W. W., 135, 318 Fox, C. J., 195 Fox, D. M., 171 Fox, E. A., 160 Fox, F., 218 Foyot, L. and Lanjalley, A., 85 Fraas, K. N., 43 Fradenburgh, A. G., 188 Frankel. A., 202 France, H., 253 France. Annuaire-almanach, 19 France. Laws, statutes, etc., 120 France and the United States, 81, 119 Francis, J., 97, 102, 106 Francisco, M. J., 53 Franck, A., 134 Francke, K., 14 Franco-American commerce, 81 Frank, C. L., 190 Frank, O., 75 Frank, R. J., 46 Frank, W., 200 Frank Leslie's lady's magazine, 318 Franke, B.. 120 Frankel, L. K. and Dawson, M. M., 107 Frankenberg, H. v., 107 Frankenberg, S. v., 69 Franklin, A. L. A., 84, 320 Franklin, B., 181 Franklin, F. G., 143 Franklin, M. L., 146 Franqueville, A. C. F., comte de, 162, 194 Frantz, A., 19 Frary, R., 165, 219 Fraser, J. F., 202 Fraser, L., 205 Frau, Die-, 318 Frauenstadt, P., 229, 239 Fredur, T., pseud., 254 Free Russia, 130 Free traders and revenue reformers, 117 Freedley, E. T., 103 Freeman, E. A., 132, 134, 136, 174, 182 Freeman, F., 149 Freeman, H. V., 23S Freemasons. United States, 329 Illinois, 328 Iowa, 329 — —Michigan, 329 New York (state), 329 -^North Dakota, 329 Ohio, 329 Pennsylvania, 329 Freemason's monthly magazine, S28 Freer, W. B., 295 Freese, L. M., 262, 28S Fregier, H. A., 255 Fremont, Mrs. T. B. and others, 292 French, J., 186 Frere, Sir H. B. E., 83 Freund, E., 178, 262 Fried, A. H., 226 Friedensburg, F., 107 Friedenwald, H., 175 Friederichs, H., 250 Friedlaender, B., 121 Friedrich, A., 36 Frieze, J., 144, 193 Frisch, H. v., 137 Frisch, W., 65 Fritz, G., 290 Fr6bel, F. W. A., 285, 286 Frohlich, G., 277, 290 From servitude to service, 148, 306 Frommer, H., 58 Frost, J., 318 Frost, T., 325, 327 Frost, T. G., 46 Frothingham, J. P., 257 Fry, H., 274, 293, 307 Frye, A. E., 285 Fryer, T., 159 Fuchs, "C. J., 67 Fukuda, T., 37 Fuld, L. F., 190, 262 Fullarton, J., 86, 90, 91 Fuller, H., 168 Fuller, H. B., 161, 214 Fuller, H. W., 235 Fuller, J., "Mrs. M. B. Fuller, 319 350 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Fuller, R. and Wayland, F., 150 Fuller, R. H., 144, 171 Fullerton, W. M., 220 Fullom, S. W., 10, 315 Fulton, [., 309 Fulton, J. D., 146 Funck-Brentano, F., 257, 258 Funck-Brentano, T., 130 Furber, G. P., 161 Furber, H. W., ed., 117 Furniss, H., 196 Fustel de Coulanges, N. D., 38, 135, 183 Fyfe, T. H., 79 Fyfe, VV. W., 324 Gage, Mrs. M. J., 316 Gaius, 240 Gall, J., 255 Gallaudet, E. M., 223 Gallaudet, E. M. and Bell, A. G., 255, 298 Gallenga, A. C. N., 204, 217 Gallichan, W. M., 313 Galton, F., 11, 257 Galton, F. W., 54, 65 Gambaro, R., 77 Gambetta, L. M., 199 Gamble, E. B., 315 Gammage, R. G., 196 Gannett, H., 16 Gantt, H. L., 51, 57 Garden suburbs, 212 Gardener, H. H., 14 Gardiner, C. A., 155, 213 Gardiner, S. R., ed., 182 Gardner, D., 223 Gardner, M., 281 Garella, N., 71 Garfield, J. A., 180 Garland, A. H., 237 Garlanda, F., 202 Garlick, A. H., 277 Garner, J. W., 132, 178 Garnett, L. M. I., 319 Gamier, C. T., 19, 22 Gamier, R. M., 40, 61, 330 Garofalo, R., 255 Garraud, R., 129 Garrett, G., 102 Garrison, W. L., 151 Garrison, W. P., 292 Garvey, M. A., 10, 4», 26» Gaskell, P., 44, 61 Gasparin, A. £., comte de, 139, 199 Gassett, H., 327 Gassette, N. T., 329 Gataker, T., 103 Gaullieur, H., 49, 123, 126, 127, 139, 200 Gaume, J. J., 320 Gaupp, E. T., ed., 239 Cause, F. A. and Carr, C. C., 71 Gauss, II. ('.. 187 Gautier, A. II., 157 Gavit, II. E., 327 Gayley, C. M., 272 Gayot de Pitaval, F., 235 Gee, J., 82 ken, F. II.. 142, 196 Geigel, A. II. I', and Merkel, G., 08 Geiger, v L., 141 Gi il Sir A., 285 < ■• istbeck, M., 70, 77 Gekronte I [aupter, 137 Geldart, W. \l.. 232 General Federation of Women's Clubs, 818 Genius of universal emancipation and Baltimore courier, 152 Genlis, S. F. D., 268 I it'ima, E., fseud., 59 George, D. L., 10S, 111, 112, 196 George, H., 14, 22, 38, 41, 54, 109, 117, 330 George, H., jr., 30 George, W. L., 68, 241, 313, 316 George, W. R., 251 George, W. R. and Stowe, L. B., 251 Gephart, W. F., 33, 70, 106 Gerard, J. W., 225 Gerbel-Embach, C. N. v., 130 (ierbie, F., 159 Germany. Deutsche Constituircnde Nationalvcrsammlung, 164, 183 Kaiserliches Statistischcs Amt, 57 Reichstag, 239 Germany in the nineteenth century, 36, 200 Geschichte des Socialismus, 121 Gesell, A. L. and Gesell, B. C, 288 Getchell, G. H., com[>., 185, 186 Gettell, R. G., 132 Client, W. T.. 11. 33, 47, 125 Ghillany, F. W., 321 Ghio, P., 129 Giauque, F., 236 Gibbins, H. de B., 33, 34, 79, 242 Gibbon, I. G.. 105, 108 Gibbons, J., 38, 55 Gibbons, J. S., 94, 95 Gibbons, R., 89 Gibbs, E. J., 206 Gibbs, G., 167 Gibbs, H. C, 89 Gibson, A. H., 22 Gibson, A. M., 169 Gibson, G. R., 102 Gibson, J.. 252 Gibson, T. W. and Crogman, W. H.. 148 Gibson, O., 159 Gibson, T., 50, 103 Gibson, W. T., 295 Giddings, F. H., 8, 33, 123, 138 Gide, C, 22 Gide, P., 316 Gierke, O., 130 Giesecke, A. A., 207 Giffen, R., 26. 31. 34, 56, 81, 85, 89, 101, 102 Giffin, W. M., 188. 277, 292 Cilbart, J. W., 92, 93 Gilbert, Sir Geoffrey, 234 Gilbert, Gustav, 135, 174 Gilbert, H. T., 237 Gilbert, J. H., 283 T.ilbert, J. T., cd.. 195 Gilbert, W., 84, 211, 253 Gilchrist, J. P., 223 Gildemeister, O., 200 Cilder, J. B., comp., 185 Gill, T., 271, 277 • '.ill, R., 117, 120 Gillet, R. H., 172, 187 Gillette, I. M.. in. 246, 297, 331 Gillette, K. C, 53 Gilman, Mrs. C. P. S., 11. 22. 59, 268, 316, 317, 320 Gilman, D. C, 272, 296. 306 Gilman, M. L. and Williams. E. B., 286 Gilman, N. P., 56, 58, 68, 123, 126 Gilman, T., 92, 96, 100 Ginsberg, E., 110, 260 Giraud, I... 146, 316 Civcn, W., 118 Gladden, W., 10, 14, 61, 65, 127, 243 Gladstone, W. E., 41, 111, 112, 142, 164, 196, 198, 217 Glaser, F., 242 Glasson, E. D., 239 Glazer, S., 158 Gleanings, 316 Gleig, C, 34 Glennie, J. S. S., 217 Glover, E. H., 326 Gnauck-Kiihne, Frau, E., 319 Gneist, H. R., 162, 1S2, 211 Goadby, E. and Watt, W., 34. 50 Gobineau, J. A., comte de., 10 Godard, J. G., 252 Goddard, T. H., 93, 96, 97, 98 Godet, M., 90, 95, 98 Godey's magazine, 31S Godin, J. B. A., 125, 127 Godkin, E. L., 138 Godkin, J., 41 Godrycz, J., 272 Godwin, B., 153 Godwin, Mrs. M. W., 146, 316 Godwin, P., 133, 169 Godwin, W., 19, 33, 129, 132 Goehre, P., 54, 61 Goho, S. O., 282 Goldammer, H., 286, 311 Goldberger, L. M., 33 Goldmark, J. C, 64 Goldschmidt, C, 51 Goldstein, J., 121 Golovin, I., 202 Goltz, B., 219, 268, 313 Gomel, C, 113 Gomm, F. C. C, 194 Gomme, G. L., 40, 135, 211, 222 Gompers, S., 54, 65 Gonnard, R., 59 Conner, E. C. K., 38, 40, 99, 104 ''Good form" in England, 326 Good manners, 326 Goodale, Mrs. F. A., 248 Goodell, W., 151 Goodeve, L. A., 74 Goodnow, F. J., 177, 184, 207, 241 Goodrich, S. G., 2S2 Goodrich, W. W., 23S Goodwin, D. R., 151 Goodwin, G. D.. 146 Goodwin, T. S., 168, 179 Gordon, A. A., 262 Gordon, C, 265 Cordon, G. E., 142 Gordon, W. C, 14 Gordon, W. E. E., 153 Gordy, J. P., 166, 171, 276, 279 Gorren, A., 12 Gorst, H. E., 268 Gorst, Sir J. E., 60 Goschen, G. J., 100, 112, 116 Gossot, £., 250 Gottheiner, E., 61 Goudsmit, T. E., 240 Gouge, W. M., 90 Cough, J. B., 262 Gould, E. R. L., 61, 193. 260 Could, F. T., 287, 299 Gould, J. M. and Tucker, G. F., 109 Gould, R. F.. 32S Cow, W., 107 Goyau, G., 294, 299 Grabower, R., 46 Grady, B. F., 170. 179 Graham, II. J., 190 Graham, H. T. C. Col. D. Streamer, 162 Graham, J. C, 112 Graham, P. A., 331 Graham, W., 91. 121, 241 Crahame, S., 128 Grand-Carteret, J., 319 (Irandhantz-Loiseau, E., 52, 248, 327 Granger, F. S., 9 AUTHOR INDEX 351 Granger, M. M., 168, 179 Granier de Cassagnac, A., 56 Grant, D., 82 Grant, J., 163, 247 Grant, P. S., 127, 243 Grants, old doles and charities, 248 Grasberger, L., 275 Grasby, W. C, 268 Gratten, H., 201 Grave, J., 129 Graves, Mrs. A. J., 318 Graves, F. P., 271, 275 Gray, B. K., 248 Gray, F. C, 231 Gray, G. H., 328 Gray, J., 22, 86 Greard, V. C. O., 290, 304 Great Britain and Ireland. Accidents Committee, 69 Board of Trade, 16, 19, 51, 61, 156 Custom House, 112 Foreign Office, 215 Master of the Rolls, 40, 136, 235 Parliament, 112, 232 House of Commons, 163 ■ House of Lords, 163 Privy Council, 81, 82 Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways, 71 ■ -Royal Commission on the Poor Laws, 253 Royal Commissioners on Tech- nical Instruction, 296 Great leaders and national issues of 1912, 170 Great usurpation, The, 168 Greatrex, C. B., Lindon Meadows, 265 Green bag, The, 222 Greenberg, D. S., 266 Greene, A., 103 Greene, E. B., 191 Greene, T. L., 89 Greene, M. A., 236, 317 Greene, M. L., 141, 302 Greene, S. S., 281 Greene, T. L., 46 Greene, T. W., 240 Greenidge, A. H. J., 135, 136, 234, 240 Greenough, J. C, 288 Greenwood, A., 60 Greenwood, J., 253, 256 Greenwood, J. M., 143, 187, 277 Greg, W. R., 34, 62, 133, 196 Gregg, W. H., 255 Grego, J., 194 Gregoire, H., 148 Gregory, B. C., 271 Gregory, D. S., 217 Gregory, E., 320 Gregory, T. M., 25, 277 Gregory, M. H., 33, 44 Greswell, W. H. P., 156 Gretton, R. H., 247 Greville, Ladv V. B., 320, 326 Grey, C. G., 'zd earl, 164, 196 Grey, H. G. G., 3d earl, 156 Grey, H. M., 107 Grey, Mrs. M. G., 304 Grice, Mrs. M. V., 268 Grier, J. A., 88, 111 Grierson, Mrs. E. W., 250 Grierson, J., 74 Griffin, A., 88 Griffin, C. S., 125, 277 Griffin. J., comp., 219 Griffis, W. E., 155, 218 Griffith, G. C., 145, 264 Griffith, Mrs. M. E. H., 319 Griffiths, A. G. F., 257, 259, 263, 265, 330 Griggs, E. H., 13, 299 Grigsby, H. B., 181 Grimblot, P., ed., 215 Grimm, J. L. K., comp., 240 Grinnell, G. B., 252 Grinnell, W. M., 14, 33 Groat, G. G., 65, 69, 237 Gronlund, L., 22, 125 Groot, H. de, 130, 223 Grose, H. B., 154 Gross, C., 84 Gross, C. F. v., 265 Gross, E. L. and Gross, W. L., 231 Gross, H., 258 Gross, H. G. A., 234, 256 Grosse, E., 134 Grossmith, J., 174 Grosvenor, C. P., 150 Grosvenor, W. M., 117 Groszmann, M. P. E., 26S, 2S8 Grote, G., 203 Grousset, P. Andre Laurie, 41, 194, 196, 302, 308 Grovestins, C. F. S., baron van, 216 Grunzel, J., 47, 65 Grupp, G., 34 Gryzanovski, E. G. F., 16 Guaranty Trust Company of New York vs. Chicago Union Traction Company and others, 77 Guardian of the poor, 330 Guebhard, Mine. C. R., 236 Gudemann, M., 274 Giinther, A., and Prevot, R., 68 Giinther, S., 275 Guggenheimer, A., 285. Guillaumot, A., 323 Guillie, S., 255 Guitteau, W. B., 187 Guizot, F. P. G., 138, 165, 183, 1*6, 198 199 Gulick, L. H. and Ayres, L. P., 291 Gulick, S. L., 218 Gulliver, L., 226 Gummere, A. M., 322 Gummere, F. B., 138 Gumplowicz, L., 9 Gumprecht, R., 12 Gunckel, T. E., 251 Gundry, R. S. S., 218 Gunton, G., 22, 47, 54 Gunton's magazine, 28 Gurdon, T., 238 Gurewitsch, B., 10 Gurlitt, L., 200, 294 Gurney, J. J., 265 Gurnhill, J., 258 Gurowski, A., count, 149, 247 Gurteen, S. H., 248 Gustafson, A. C. J., 260 Guthrie, J., 262 Guthrie, W. B., 121 Guyau, M. J., 12, 268, 301 Guyot, Y., 22, 109, 120, 123 H Haacke, H., 36 Haaren, J. H., comp., 282 Haas, C. P. M., 198 Habel, E., ed., 302 Habits of good society, 326 Hackett, F. W., 160, 228 Hackwood, F. W., 324 Hadfield, R. A. and Gibbons, H. de B., 64 Hadley, A. T., 13, 22, 31, 73 138, 143, 305 Hadley, J., 240 Hagelstange, A.. 330 Haggard, Sir H. R., 43, 250 Hague, The, 227 Hahn, J., 105 Hahn, L., 294 Hailman, W. N., 274, 285, 286, 288 Hailmann, Mrs. E. L., 286 Hailmann, W. N., 292 Haines, E. M., 231 Haines, H. S., 73, 74, 80 Hake, A. E. and Wesslau, O. E., 22, 31, 92, 123 Halbert, W. M., 22, 50 Haldane, J. B., ed., 245, 249 Hale, E. E., 158, 243, 297 Hale, E. E. and Brewer, D. J., 227 Hale, E. E. and others, 67 Hale, G. W., 262 Hale, Sir M., 232 Hale, P. L., 312 Hale, R. W., 236 Hall, B., 13, 109 Hall, B. F., 172 Hall, B. H., 308 Hall, P.. R., 277 Hall, C. H., 220 Hall, Mrs. F. M. H., 326 Hall, G. R., 125 Hall, G. S., 268 Hall, Henry, 103 Hall, Hubert, 120 Hall, M., 151 Hall, P. F., 154 Hall, T. C, 243 Hall, W. E., 223 Hall, W. P., 173 Hallam, H., 182 Halle, E. L., v., ed., 33, 47, SI Halleck, H. W., 223, 226 Hallgarten, R., 38, 112 Hallock, W. and Wade, H. T., 84 Halpern, G., 62 Halsbury, H. S. G., 1st carl, ed., 232 Halsey, F. A., 85 Ham, C. H., 296 Hamberger, L., 92 Hamerton, P. G., 303 Hamilton, A., 204, 217 Hamilton, C. M., 309 Hamilton, Gail, pseud. See Dodge, M. A. Hamilton, J., 396 Hamilton, J. C, 151 Hamilton, J. H., 98, 99, 100 Hamilton, J. J., 209 Hamilton, R., 27, 86 Hamilton, R. S., 8 Hamilton, S., 219, 280 Hammond, B. E., 135 Hammond, J. D., 171, 192 Hammond, T. L. Le B., 195 Hammond, M. B., 33, 74 Hammond, W. A., 229, 256 Hammurabi, king of Babylonia, 135, 222 Hamon, A. J. M., 129 Hampe, T., 254 Hancock, J., 144 Hand-book for home improvement, 327 Handbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart in Monograpluen, 221 Handlin, W. W., 168 Haneld, F., 65, 69 Haney, J. D., 291 Haney, L. H., 28, 74 Hankey, T., 92, 97 Hankins, M. L., 319 Hannak, E., 276 Hannay, D., 70 Hanotaux, A. A. G., 199 Hanschmann, A. B., 285 Hansen, D., 264 Hansen, G., 19 Hanson, A., 110, 112 352 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hansson, Fran L. M. M., 313, 314 Hanslein, A. v.. 315 Harms, P. H., 272, 289, 296 Hatnvay, J., 82 Hapgood II., 62 Hapgood, X., 32. 14, 257 Harbuti, W.. 286 Harcourt, C, 326 Harcourt, Sir W. G. G., 223 Hard, W., 313 Hard, W. and others, 108 Hardie, J. K., 125 Harding, E., 323 Harding, S. B., 166, 176, 192 Hardinge, W. H., 41 Hardy, E. G., 136 Hardy, E. J., 326 Hardy, L., 2S5 Hare, J. I. C, 178 Hare, T., 144, 194 Haring, C. H., 257 Harland, R. O., 310 Harley, J. H. ( 67 Harlow, R. P., SO Harper, R. G., 213 Harper, W. and others, 150 Harper, W. H., 47 Harper, W. H. and Revell, C. H., 94, 96 Harper, W. R., 272, 305 Harper's bazar, 318 Harris, Mrs. C. J., 235 Harris, G., 10, 11, 123 Harris, J., 134 Harris, N. D., 151 Harris, P. A., 211 Harris, W., 173 Harris, W. T., 279, 2S1, 288, 299 Harrison, B., 187 Harrison, Mrs. C. C, 326 Harrison, E., 285, 311 Harrison, F., 14, 132, 196, 286 Harrison, P. D., 219 Harry, J. W., 181 Hart, A. B., 136, 148, 151, 155, 174, 185, 187, 188, 212, 219, 246, 272 Hart, H. H., 237, 250 Hart, H. L„ 146 Hart, J. M., 307 Hart, J. S., 277 Hart, Sir R., 218 Hartley, C. B., 326 Hartley, F., 326 Hartley, T. W„ 144, 146 Hartmann, K. R. E. v., 12, 14, 200 Hartog, Fran M. zur Megede, 268 Hartshorn, E. A., 57 Hartshorne, A., 264 Hartwig, J., 114 Harvard graduates magazine, 273 Harvard monthly, 273 Harvard University, 7 Harvard University. Harvard De- bating Council, 110 Harvey, C. H., 196 Harvey, G. B. M., 14, 313 Harvey, J., 90 Harvey, T. \\\, 2s2 Harvey, VV. II .. -- Harwood, G., 138, 19f. Hasbach, W., 22, 43, 62, 108 rlasenkamp, A.. 90, '-H, !>o Haskin, F. I.. 1-T Haskins & Sells, pub., 11 (J, 117 Haslett, S. B., 299 rd, A. R., 183 Hasse, A. R., :;:.'. 1-1. 190 I [a tings, II. I.. I';''. Hatfield, II. R., ed., 78, LOO Hathaway. II. A., 277 Hatherton, I ■'. I. \V. I.., isi baron, 201 1 1. it ion J., 330 HaufT, L., 59, 317 Haupt, O., 86, 90 Hauser, H., 56 Hausknecht, E., 292 Haussmamn, G. E., baron, 199 Haussonville, J. O. B. de C, comte d', 59 Haven, G., 151 Haw, G., ed., 62, 243 Hawley, F. B., 19, 22, 31 Hawley, R., 118 Haworth, P. L., 169, ISO Hawthorne, H., 313 Hawthorne, J., ed., 265 Hay, C„ pseud., 330 Hay, J. and Root, E., 172 Haycraft, J. B., 11 Hayden, S., 328 Haydn, J. T„ 194 Haydon, A. L., 263 Hayes, C. H., 241 Hayes; H. G. and Hayes, C, 236 Haves, R., 85, 106 Haynes, E. S. P., 142 Haynes, G. E., 148 Haynes, G. H., 162 Haynes, J., 162 Hayward, F. H., 271 Hazard, R. G., 104 HazeU's annual. 17 Hazelton, T. H., 175 Hazlitt, W., 196 Hazlitt, W. C, 84, S6, 293, 302 Head, Sir F. B., 198 Headley, J. T., 64, 258 Healy, J., 295 Healy, T. M., 41 Heard, F. F., 239 Hearn, W. E., 135, 194 Hearn, W. H.. 22 Heath, B. S„ 90 Heath, F. G., 62, 330 Heath, L., 101 Heath, R., 127, 243, 330 Heaton, A. G., 90 Heaton, W., 164 Heaton's annual, 19 Heavingham, E. L., 102 Hecht, F., 94, 98 Heck, W. H., 268 Hecker, E. A., 146, 315 Hecker, I. T., 300 Heekethorn, C. W., 327 Hedges, J. E., 166 Hedin, S. A., 217 Heffter, A. W., 223 Hefner- Alteneck, T. H. v., 322 Hegel, G. W. F., 132, 221 Hegel, K., 84, 208 Hegemann, W., 92 Heierli. Fran T., ed., 323 Heilman, R. E., 77 Heinemann, F., 240 Heinemann, II. E. O., 260 Heinsheimer, K., 235 ITeinze, W., 223 Heinzen, K., 166 Held, A„ 57, 110, 127 Held, M„ 62 Helfferich, K.. 86, 92 Helie, F. A., romp., 183 Hellwald, F. A. II. v.. 217 Helm, M.. 89, 148 Helper, II. R., 14S Hemenway, II. D., 302 lli'mmeon, T. C, 75 Henderson, C. II.. 240, 248. 272 Henderson, C. R., 10, 5S, 10v 243, 245, 250, 2;.ii Henderson, E. N., 268 Henderson, T. B., jr., 213 Henderson, T. (".. 290 Henderson, N. P., 283 Henderson, T. J., 106 Ilendrick, B. J., 106 Hendrick, F., 74 Hendricks' commercial register, 7!> Henius, M., ed., 1"- Henkle, J. F., 33, 166 Henkle, W. D., 2S3 Henne-am-Rhyn, O., 315 Hennell, M., 128 Hennicke, A., 114 Henry, E. R., 257 Henry, J., 106 Henry, J. R., 154 Henry, R., 109 Henry, \V. E., comp., 171, 191 Hensel, H. C, 241 Henson, J., 152 Hepburn, A. B., 71, 88, 90 Her majesty's prisons, 265 Herald of peace and international arbitration, 227 Herbart, J. F., 268 Herbert, A. E. M. W. and others, 38 Herbert, H. A., 153 Herbert, H. A. and others, cd.. 170, 180 Herbert, W., S4, 222, 238 Herboldshimer, J. B., 54 Hergsell, G., 325 Hermann, F. B. W. v., 22 Herod, T. R., 225 Herold, R., 53 Herold, T., 312 Herr, P., 266 Herrick, S., 39 Herrmann, K., 62 Herrmann, O., 257 Herron, B. M., 59, 65 Herron, G. D., 243 Hershey, A. S., 228 Hershey, S. F., 219 Hertel, N. T. A., 281 Herter, C. A., 10 Hertz, G. B., 195 Hertz, W. G., 110, 112. 226 Hertzka, T., 10, S6 Herve, G., 125, 220 Hervey, C. R. W., 259 Ilervey, G. W., 303 Hervey, M. H.. 7S, 82. 156 Herzfeld, E. G., 253, 309 Hetzel, S., 315 Hetzer, G., 226 Hewes, F. W., 166 Hewes, F. W, and Gannett, H.. 1 3 Hewes, F. W. and McKinley, W . jr., 118, 119 Hewett, E. C., 277, 279 Hewins, W. A. S., 48, 82, 111 Heyd, W. v., 79 Heyden, A. v., 322 Heyer von Rosenfeld, K. G. F., 219 Heygate, Sir F. W., 41 Hibernicus, pseud.. 27 Hickcox, J. H., 91 Hickey, W., 176 Hidayette, pseud.. 204 Hiernaux, L., 99, 104 Higgins, A. P., 227 Higginson, T. W„ 304, 313 Higgs, H., 28, 29 Higgs, Mrs. M., 253 Higgs, Mrs. M. and Hayward, E. E., 59, 316 Hildebrand, H. C. H., 114 llil.lebrandt, A. M„ 220 Ilildreth, K., 90, 92, 132, 151 Hildt, T. C, 214 Hill, B. A., 86, 90, 184 Hill, C. S., 72 Hill, D. J., 132, 223, 228 Hill, E., 86 Hill, F„ 293 Hill, F. D„ 250, 293, 298 Hill, F. H., 196 AUTHOK INDEX 353 Hill. F. T., 23r> Hill, G., 319,- 322 Hill, G. C, 11 Hill, T. A., 110, 112 Hill, J. J., 33, 44, 78 Hill, My comp., 174, 17;'), 182 Hill, M. and Cornwallis, C. F., 266 Hill, N. P., 88 Hill, O., 67, 253 Hill, R., 215 Hill, R. T., 39 Hill, T., 2ol Hill, T. E., 92, 327 Hill, W. E., 69 Hilliard, H. W., 166 Hillier, A. P., 22 Ilillis, A. L. P. "Mrs. N. D. Hil- lis," 316, 319 Hillis, M. S., 30 Hillis, N. D., 153, 246 Hillquit, M., 121. 126 Hilton, G. S., 166 Hilty, K., 225 Hinds, A. C, 161 Hinds, W. A., 128 Hine, C. C, 105 Hine, L. A., 208 Hingston, W. E., 25S Hinsdale, B. A., 187, 272, 280 Hinsdale, M. L.. 186 Hints on early education, 311 Hird, F., 60 Hirsch, M., 109, 123 Hirst, F. W., 102 Hirst, M. E., 22 Hirt, L., 68 Hitchcock, H., 180 Hitchcock, R. D., 123 Hitt, R. R., 170 Hix, M., comp., 282 Hoag, E. B., 301 Hoar, G. F., 177 Hobart, V. H. H., baron, 196 Hobbes, T., 131 Hoben, A., 251 Hobhouse, L. T., 10, 54, 132, 139, 173 Hobson, J. A., 30, 31, 32, 44, 45, 55, 62, 67, 137, 220, 241, 252 Hochstetter, F., 82, 150 Hock, C., Freiherr v., Ill, 116 Hodder, A., Francis Walton, 211 Hodder, F. H., 165 Hodges, G., 243, 299 Hodgetts, E. A. B., 202 Hodgins, J. G., 293 Hodgman, S. A., 151 Hodgson, A., 149 Hodgson, G., 294 Hodgson, J., 168 Hodgson, W. B., 27, 304 Hodson, A. L., 245 Hof-und Staats-Handbuch der oster- reichisch-ungarischen Monarch ie, 200 Hoffman, F. L., 104, 148 Hoffman, F. S., 132 Hoffman, L., 114 Hoffmann, M., 94, 98 Hoffmann, W., 216 Hohenlohe-SchilHngsfurst. C. K. V., Fiirst zu, 200 Holbrook, A., 277, 280 Holbrook, F., 282 Holbrook, Z. S., 64 Hoick, C. G., 183 Holcombe, A. N., 53, 77 Holden, E. S., 219 Holdsworth, W. S., 232 Hole, J., 67, 74, 125, 304 Holladay, A. T., 252 Hollams, Sir T., 239 Holland, F. M., 139 Holland. H. R. V. F„ 3d baron, 173 Holland, T. E., 221, 225, 226, 227 Hollander, J. H., 23, 66, 115, 116 Hollis, T. P., 180 Hollister, H. A.. 289 Ilollister, Mrs. L. M., 160 Holloway, Mrs. L. t'., 3D Holls, F. W., 22 7 Holman, H., 208, 271, 293 Holman, S. W., 85 Holmes, A., 171 Holmes, E. G. A., 288 Holmes, G. F., 282 Holmes, J. H., 243 Holmes, O. W., 232 Holmes, T., 253, 259 Holmes, W. H., 290 Hoist, H. E. v., 174, 178 Holstein, A. de am! Montefiore, D. B., 330 Holt, E., 320, 320 Holt, H., 187. 188 Holtzendorff, F. v., 132. 141, 221, 258, 316 Holtzendorff, F. v. and Tagemann, E. v., ed., 263 Holtzendorff, F. v. and others, 223 Holyoake, G. J., 51, 197 Homan, J. A.,* 261 Homberg, T., 310 Home culture series, 311 Hone, W., 197 Honey, S. R., 141 Hood, E. P., 252 Hooker, L., 206 Hooker, R., 240 Hoose, J. H., 277 Hope, T., 322 Hopkins, A. A., 261 Hopkins, C. T., 187 Hopkins, J. H., 143. 150, 171 Hopkins, Mrs. L. P., 279, 28S Hopkins, M., 107 Hord, J. S., 115 Horn, E., 289, 306 Horn, I., 92, 131 Hornbeck, S. K., 117, 225 Home, H. H., 208, 27n, 279 Horner, H. C, 2.J4 Horr, N. T. and Bemis, A. A., 208. 262 Horr, R. G. and Harvev, W. II., 88 Horsford, J., 248 Horsley, A. E., 64 Horsley, J. W., 265 Horton, C. B., cd., 25] Horton, R. F., 219 Horton, Sir R. J. W., 252 Horton, S. D., 88, 90, 91, 144 Hosack, J., 223 Hosford,"H. E., 192 Hoskin, A. A., 241, 331 Hoskyns, C. W„ 40 Hosmer, G. W., 132 Hosmer, T. K., 139 Hosmer, W., 151 Hosokawa, 205 Hostmen, Company "f, S4 Hottenroth. F.. 322, 323 Hough, E-, 43, 156, 253. 25S Hough, F. B., 180 Houghton, Mrs. L. S., 287 Houghton. R. C, 319 Houghton, W. R., 166 Hounsell, G. C, ed., 219 Hourwich, I. A., 154 Houston, D. F., 179 Houston, W., cd., 183 Hovey, A., 142 How 'tis done, 259 How to govern Chicago, 209 How to invest, 51. 103 How to sell more tire insurance. 105 How to sell more life insurance, 106 How to sell real estate, 42 Howard, B. D., 265 Howard, 1!. E., 200, 232 Howard, D., 187 Howard, E. D., 36 Howard, (i. E., 180, 182, 309 Howard, J., 40, 265 Howe, F. C., 33, 47, 109, Hi, 138, 193, 207 Howe, J. B., 86, 88 Howe, Mrs. J. W., cd., 305, 320 Howell, G., 54, 55, 56, 62, 69 Howells, W. D., 2S2, 314 Howison, J., 154 Howitt, W., 154, 30S Howland, A. C, cd., 223 Howland, G„ 66, 277, 280 Howland, O. A.. 183 Hoxie, C. D., 188 Hoxie, J. L., 287 Hoyle, W., 259 Hoyt, C. O., 271, 274 Hoyt, H. M., 118 Hoyt, J. T., comp., 100 Hubbard, A. T., 137 Hubbard, E., 48 Hubbell, G. A., 268 Huber, F. C, 70 Huber, J. N., 121 Huber, V. A., 64, 307 Hubert. P. G. and others, 313 Hubert- Valleroux, P., [>■>, 64, 66, 84 Hucke, T., 104 Hudson, J. F, 74 Hudson, T. W.. 304 Hudson, W. C., 170 Hue de Grais, R. A. F. II., Gra) 183 Huebner, G. G., 05 Hubner, O., 92 Huebner, S. S., 105 Iiaffer, H„ 228 Htiglin, A., 56, 57 Hullman, K. D., 136, 208 Huet, P. D., 79 Ilughan, J. W., 126 Hughes, C. E., 138, 143 Hughes, E. H.. 1 -s Hughes, H., 8, 150 Hughes, J. L., 268, 271, 279. 2S1 286 Hughes, R. E„ 208 Hughes, R. E. and others 192 Hughes, R. W.. 90 Hughes, T., 128 Hughes, T., and Neale, E. V., ed 52 Hughes, T. S. I., 300 Hugo, C, 207 Ilugonin, F., 132 lluhn, A. E. v.. 201 Huling, C. A., 317 Hull, G. H., 50 Hull, W. H„ ed., 86, 92, 96 Hull, W. I., 226. 227 Hull House, 62, 245 Hulme, F. E., 219 Hulme, J. N., 262 Humanitarian, The, 15 Humboldt, F. W. C. K. I . Freiherr v., 132 Humphreys, T. If., 14 4 Hunt. C. L., 302, 320 Hunt, F. K., 141 Hunt, G., 226 Hunt, J. N., 284 Hunter, W. R., 122. 252 Hunter, Sir W. W., 83, 205 Huntington. F. I)., 3(13 Huntington, l\ ('.. 329 Hurlbert, \V. II., 2 17 Hurley, T. 1).. 237 Hurl',, E. M., 312 Huskisson, W., 91, 112 Hussey, S. M.. 11. '.'4 7 Ilutchins, S. C, 192 Hutchinson, A. I... 30, 33 - ; CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Hutchinson, H. N., 321 Hutchinson, J. H., 20J Hutchison, J., 93 1 futh, A. II., 309 Huth, II., 8, 11 llutton, L., 307 Hutton, R. H., 162 Huxlev, T. PL, 10 Hyamson, A. M., 133 Hyde, J. W., 75 Hyde, W. DeW., 275, 305 Hyde, W. T. C, 284 Hyndman, H. M., 50, 62, 114, 125, 126 Hyndman, H. M., and Morris, W., 125 Hyneman, L., 329 Hyphen, pseud., 158 Hyslop, J. H., 138 Iddesleigh, S. H. N., earl, 112 I luring, R. v., 139, 221, 239 Ilbert, Sir C. P., 162 lies, G., 27, 134, 260 Illinois. Board of Education, 292 Bureau of Labor Statistics, 69 ■ Constitutional Convention, ISO Employers' Liability Commis- sion, 69 General Assemblx, 71, 210, 230, 263 Laws, 46, 237 ■ Special 'lav Commission, 115 State Board of Arbitration, 56 State Board of Equalisation, 115 Illinois Central Railroad Company, 236 Illinois Conference of Charities, 249 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 318 Illinois political directory, 191 Illinois State Bar Association, 222 Illinois State Teachers' Association, 273 Illinois teacher, The, 273 lllustrirtes Konversations - Lexikon dcr Fran, 313 lmhoff, O. M., comp., 7 [mpey, F., 40 [nagaki, M., 218 [nama-Sternegg, C. T. v., 42 Incorporated Association of Assist- ant Masters in Secondary Schools, 275 Independent Order of Odd Fellows Journal, 329 Inderwick, 1". A.. 238 Indian Famine Charitable Relief Fund, 83 Indiana school journal and teacher, 273 i-ipolis (Ind.) Public Library, 226 Indoor paupers, 254 Industrial education, 296 Industrial Education Association, 272 Ingalls, J. K., 38 [ngersoll, C. J., 138 >oll, E., 70 I .. It8, 193 Herbert am! Ingle, Harry, 105 Inglis, A. J., 289 ... I. K., 2^. 119 m, T. I)., 201 I: \. D., ■'. !, 215 Instituti Insurance Librarj Association at i. mi, in:, Insurance monil or, 'I hi . 105 .nice year book, 105 International American Conference, Washington, D. C, 18S9-1890, 119, 227 International Association of Fac- tory Inspectors, 45 International Conference on the Finnish Question, London, 202 International Council of Women, 146, 314 International Good Templar, The, 202 International Labour Office, 57, 66, 69 International library of technology, 42, 46, 86, 93, 97, 99, 100, 232, 233, 236 International Monetary Conference, Brussels, 87 International Navigation Company- 70 International Penitentiary Con- gress, London, 263 International Prison Commission, 237 International Prison Congress, 263 International Reform Bureau, 160 International socialist review, 123 International year book, 17 Interstate Commerce Law Conven- tion, 80 Interstate commerce reports, 78, 81 Investment Bankers' Association, 93 Investor's review, 78 Ionescu, D. B., 38 Iowa. Governor, 101 University Bulletin. 16 Forensic League, 209 Ireland, A., 154 Ireland, G. H„ 44, 68 Ireton, R. E., 93, 96 Irvine, L. H., 54, 327 Irving, H. B., cd.. 236, 257, 259 Irwin, W. A., 308 Istel, P., 105. 107 Ivey, G. J., 330 Ivory, T., ed., 253 Iyenaga, T., 205 Tackson, A. W., 255 Tackson, C. C, 88 Tackson, E. C, 317 Jackson, E. H., 221 Jackson, G. B. and Davis, D. W., 148 Jackson, G. W., 77 Jackson, J., 283 Tackson, L. D'A., 85 Tackson, L. L., 284 Tacobi, Mrs. M. P., 146, 288 Facobson, A., 110, 296 Jacquemin, R., 322 Tacger, E., 38 Jriger, G., 232 Yager, J., ed., 265 jager, O. and Moldenhauer, F., 184 Taffe. E., 94, 97 Jahrbuch fur Gesetzgchnng, Ver- waltung u n d Volkswirthschaft, 28, 134, 200, 222 Jahrbiicher fur Nationalokonomie und Statistik, 17, 28 Jahres-Verzeichniss dcr an den deutschen Schulanstalten er- schienenen Abhandlungen. 894, 307 Jahres-Verzeichniss der an den • hen l rniversitaten erschien- enen Schriften, 307 Tames, ('., pseud., 239 Tames, ('. K., Ml James, E. J., 207, 231 James, G. F., ed., 303 James, G. W., 282 fames, H. A., 126, 127 Tames, H. G., 200 James, J. A., 181 James, J. A. and Sanford, A. H., 187 James, J. H., 52, 100, 105, 106 James, W., 279 Jameson, Mrs. A. M., 314 Jameson, J. A., 174 Tameson, J. F., 174 Jane, L. C, 162 Janet, P. A. R., 134, 135 Tannet, C, 31, 85, 103 Janney, O. E., 310 Janssen, C, 142 janssen, J., 216 Japan — Constitution, 205 Department of Education, 295 Department of Finance, 37. Ill Tardine, D., 229, 264 Tarrold, T., 19 Tarvis, W. C, 138 Taures, J. L., 125 Tay, T., 168 Tay, W., 152, 153 Teaffreson, J. C, 238, 239, 309 Teans, J. S., 35, 47, 56, 71. 103 Jefferson, T., 160, 166 Tehan-Preval, 129, 130 Teidels, O., 94, 98 Telley, S. M., ed., 62 Jellinek, G., 140, 174, 221 "Temand," 12 Tenkins, H. D., 319 Tenkins, T. E., 35, 58 Tenkins, J. S., 166, 192 Jenks, E., 38, 40, 134, 136, 182, 222, 232 272 Tenks', J. W., 13, 48, 1J3, 166, 1^4, 241 Jenks, J. W. and Lnuck, W. J., 154 Tenkyns, Sir H., 156 Jennings, G. H., comp., 162 Tennings, L. J., 185 Tentsch, C, 23 Jephson, A. W., 52, 245 Tephson, H., 171 Teremie, Sir J., 153 Jerrold, W. B., 249 jessopp, A., 40 Tessup, A. L. and Logr.e, A. E., 2^7 Tessup, H. H.. 310 'fessup, W. A.. 290, 301 Jevons, T., 229 Jevons, W. S., 23, 25, 54, 8(i, 100, 104, 120, 242 Tewell, F. S., 290 Jewell, J. R., 302 Joachim, J. F., 164 Torgens, M., 99 John, E. M., 99, 237 Tohn Crerar Library, Chicago, 7 Johns, B. G., 255 Johns, C. II. W., 222 Johns Hopkins University, 16, 305 Tohnsen, J. E., com!'.. 1 in Johnson, A., 24S, 864, B87 [ohnson, A. H., 40. i:: Johnson, C, 202. 295, 302 Johnson, C. IT. 1 Johnson, F. F., 233 Johnson, 1-:. R., 70, 71, 7". i?r [ohnson, E. R. and Huebner, G. G., 74 Tohnson, F., 257 Tohnson, G. K., 2S1. 288 Johnson, Mrs. IT. K., i 16 Johnson, L, jr., 251, 313 Tohnson, J. A., 159 [ohnson, J. F., 179 [ohnson, S. iff., 1st Tohnson, W. K., 260 [ohnson, W. F., 72, 165 Johnston, A., 166 AUTHOR INDEX 355 S ohnston, A. K., 30 ohnston, C. H., cd., 289 ohnston, Sir H. II., 148, 153 ohnston, R. W., 327 Johnston, S., 292 Johnston, W. and Johnston, A. K., pub., 285 Johonnot, J., 277, 282 Jolly, S., 275 Jolly, W., 271 Jones, A. J., 298 Jones, B., 52 ones, C, 90 ones, C. L., 171, 228 ones, D., 106, 107 Jones, E. D., 50 Jones, E. F., 52 ones, F. R., 115 Jones, H., 163 Tones, H. T., 125 Jones, II. V., comp., 164 Tones, J., 152, 231 tones, J. L., 262 Jones, L. A., 222, 236 Tones, L. A. A. and Bellot, H. H. L., 223, 226 Jones, L. H., 268 Jones, O. and Woodward, M., 252 Jones, O. M. and others, 280 Jones, R., 27, 80, 38 Jones, W., 137, 233 Jones, W. B., 41 Jones, W. D., 172 Jones, W. F., 277 Jones, W. H., Ill Jordan, D. S., 116, 118, 138, 155, 166, 219, 305 Jordan, D. S. and Krehbiel, E. B., 227 Jordan, D. S. aoid Stallars, J. H., 38 109 Tordan, W. L., 86, 89 Joseph, H. S., ed., 265 Joslyn, R. W., 54 Joubert, C, 202 Tourdan, A., 31, 99 Journal de l'instruction publique, 273 Journal des economistes, 28 Journal of commerce and commer- cial bulletin, 78, 93 Journal of education for Lower Canada, 273 Journal of education for Upper Canada, 273 Journal of political economy, 20, 28 Journal of social science, 15 Joyce, H., 75 Joyce, P. W., 282 Joyce, T. A. and Thomas, N. W., 313 Judd, C. H., 279 Judson, F. N., 81 Judson, H. P., 189, 305 Juglar, C, 50 Julian, G. W. ung, A., 12 ung, K., 157 unius, pseud., unkin, G., 168 Junqua, P. F., 125, 128, 243 Juridical review, 134, 222 usti, H., 56, 66 utkins, A. J., 173, 261 uvenile Protective Asosciation of Chicago, 250 Kaerger, K., 42 Kahl, W., 240 Kaiser, S., 183 Kaizl, J., 36, 84, 109 Kallmeyer, C., 143 Kambli, C. W., 127 if.: 170, 172, 192, 195 Kandel, I. L., 276 Kant, I., 221, 270 Kapp, F., 152, 154 KaDpstein, T., ed., 307 Karoly, A., 54 Kasson, J. A., 177, 214 Kasson, J. A. and Matthews, S., 169 Kauffman, R. W., 122, 310 Kaufmann, G., 200 Kaufmann, M., 122, 127, 12S, 243 Kautsky, K., 19, 41. 128 Kautsky, K. and others, 122 Kautz, G., 23, 28 Kawakami, K. K., 214 Kay, D., 26S, 279 Kay, J., 40, 290, 293 Kaye, P. L., 156, 1S7, 189 Kayserling, M., 314 Kearny, T. W., Ill Keasbey, L. M.. 214 Keatinge, M. W., 279 Kebbel, T. E., 43, 173, 194, 197 Keefer, J., 151 Keezer, F., 309 Kehr, C, ed., 294 Kehrbach, K., ed., 272 Keightley, T., 327 Kelham, R., cd., 233 Keller, A. G., 154 Keller, F. L. v., 240 Keller, H. A., 255 Keller, J., 62 Kelley, F., 66, 159 Kelley, J. D. J., 72, 81 Kelley, O. H., 172 Kelley, W. D., 27, 170 Kellogg, A. M., 280 Kellogg, E., 31. 90 Kellogg, H. L., 308 Kellor, F. A., 67, 256 Kelly, E., 10. 43, 52, 54, 122, 125, 132, 222, 254 Kelly, J. B., 104 Kelly's directory of merchants, manufacturers, etc., 79 Kelsey, F. W., 165, 281 Kelynack, T. N., ed., 260 Kemble, J. M., 40 Kemmerer, E. W., 50, 104 Kemp, E. L., 274 Kempner, N., 125 Kennan, G., 265 Kennan, K. K., 110 Kennard, H. P., 331 Kennedy, J. B., 66. 108 Kennedy, W. D., 330 Kenngott. G. F., 245 Kenny. C. S., 235 Kent, C. B. R., 173 Kent, C. F., 299 Kent, T., 223, 233 Kent, P. H., 74 Kent, W. C. M., 197 Kentucky. Cominiwion to Investi- gate the Conditions of Working Women in Kentucky, 59 Kenworthy, J. C, 23 Kenyon, W. J., 287 Kern, O. J., 295 Kernan, J. F., 208 Kerp, H., 268 Kerr, A. W., 94 Kerr, J., 13, 295 Kerschensteiner, G., 143, 294 Kerverseau, F. M. and Clavelin, O., 183 Kesnin, bey, 204 Kestner, F., 121 Ketchum, I. A. and Rice, A. L., 281 Kettell, T. P., 81, 152 Kettle, T. M. and Sheehy, R. J., 107 Key, E. K. S., 146, 310, 313, 316 Key-Aberg, K., 98 Reyes, A. M., 287 Keyes, E, W., 94, 96, 98 Keynes, J. N., 23 Keyser, H. A., 62 Keyser, J. R., 202 Kidd, B., 10 Kidd, D., 127 Kiddle, H. and Schem, A. T., ed., 271 Kiddle, H. H. T. F. and others, 277 Kiepert, R., 157 Kikuchi, D., baron, 295 Kimball, A. R., 261 Kimball, H. A., 14 Kimmich, K., 113, 114, 116 Kindergarten homes for orphans, 251, 286 King, C. F., 285 King, C. L., 52, 53, 207 King, H. C, 305 King, I., 13, 301 King, J. M., 166 King, M., cd., 102 King, W. F. H., 221 King, W. I., 16 Kingsbury, S. A., 69 Kingsland, Mrs. F. "Mrs Burton Kingsland," 326 Kingsley, D. P., 106 Kingsley, S. C, ed., 302 Kingsmill, T., 263 Kinley, D., 86, 94, 96, 111 Kinnear, A., 163 Kinnear, J. B., 38 Kinney, J. K., 230, 231 Kinsman, D. O., 110 Kip, A. L., 219 Kippis, A., 225 Kirchenheim, A. v., 1S4 Kirchhoff, A., ed., 304, 317 Kirk, W., 66 Kirkbride, F. B., and Sterrett, J. E., 99 Kirkby, J. de, 40 Kirkland, C. P., 168 Kirkman, M. M., 74 Kirkup, T., 118, 122 Kirtlev, J. S., 313 Kitche'll, J. G., 81 Kitchin, S. B., 310 Kitson, A., 86 Kitz, A., 263 Kjellen, J. R., 37, 203 Klager, E., 259 Klapper, P., 277 Klauwell, A., 288 Kleeberg, G. S. P., 172 Klein, A., 114 Klein, J., 190 Klemm, G. F. ; 10 Klemm, L. R., 26S, 290, 293 Kloss, G. F. B., 32S Klussmann, R., 307 Knapp, E. S., 287 Knapp, S. L., 238 Knebel-Doebritz, H. v., 36 Kneschke, J. E., 314 Knies, K., 23, 86, 104 Kniffin, W. H., 98 Knight, C, 25 Knight, E. F., 156, 204 Knight, M., 282 Knighton, W., 14 Knights of Labor, 57 Knights of Pythias, 330 Knights Templars, 329 Knollys, B., 303 Knortz, K., 158 Knowles, J. P., 316 Knowlson, T. S., 2S0, 320 Knox, J. J., 90, 91, 94, 96 Knox, T. W., 68, 159 Koch, F., 87, 95, 97, 100 Koch, F. J., 282 Koebner, O., 256 Kohler, A., 286 Koehler, E. E., 251 Kohler, K., 322, 323 356 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Koehne, C, 36, 183 Koenig, B. E., 75 Koerner, F., 79 Korner, G., 158 Korosi, J., 116 Kolb, A., 62 Kolb, G. R, 16 Kollmann, J., 76 Kommimales Tahrbuch, 208 Koo, V. K. \V.. 226 Koons, W. G.. 299 Koren, J., 260 Kostanecki, A., 108 Kovalevskii. M. M., 202 Krakenberger. \Y., 04, 98 Krans, H. S., ed., 303 Krapotkin, P. A., 10, 44. 129, 265 Kraus-Boelte, M., 286 Krause, F. H., 299 Krauske, O., 228 Krauss, F., 219 Krausse, A. S., 216, 217, 218 Kravtchinski, S. M., 37, 130, 202, 216 Kretschmann, F., 107 Kretschmer, A., 323 Kretschmer, A. and Rohrbach, C., 322 Kreuter, F., 81, 82 Kriwtschenko, G., 43 Krog, G., 319 Kiirschner, J., cd., 19 Kuhn, E., 135, 136, 208 Kukula, R. C. W., ed., 307 Kupchanko, G., 130 Kyshe, J. W. N., 221 Laboulaye, £. R. L., 32, 38, 132, 199 Lachaussee, C. A., 190 Lacroix, P., 320 Lacy, G., 221 Ladd, G. T., 270, 275, 305 Ladies' home journal, 318 Ladies' repository, 318 Ladreyt. M. ('.. 294 Lady's realm, 318 Lafargue, P., 32 Lafitte, P., 11 La Follette, R. M., 33, 246 La Fontaine, H., 226 La Hodde, L. de, 327 Laidlaw, A. H., tr., 175 Laing, F. H., 137 Laing, S., 12, 202 Lake Mohonk Conference on Inter- national Arbitration, 227 Lallemand, L., 249 Lalor, J. and others, 275 Lalor, J. J., cd., 29, 133 Lamartine, A. M. L. de P. de, 199 Lambert, J. M., 84 Lamennais, II. F. K. de, 244 Lamesangere, P., 823 Lameth, A. T. V., comte de, 165 La Monte, R. R., 125 Lamoreaux, A. A., 299 Lamothe, P. A. B. de, 265 Lamp, K., 108 Lampe, W. E., 248 Lamphere, G. M., 187 Lamprecht, K. G., 36 Landis, A., 52, 106 Landon, J., 280 Lane, F. II., 275 Lane, M. A., 12 Lanfrey, P., 199 Lang, A., 8 Lang, J. D., 264 Langdon, Mrs. E. F., 64 Lange, A. J., 183 Lange, F. A., 54 Lange, K., 279 ILangenbeck, W., 85 Langford, N. P., 258 Langmead, T. P. T., 182 Langston, J. M. ( 148 Lanman, C., 159, 160, 185, 187 Lanoir, P., 263 Lansing, R., 192 Lansing, R. and Jones, G. M., 187 Larrabee, W., 73 Larsen, K., 158 Larson, L. M., 207 Larsson, G., 297 Laselle, M. A., 282 Laselle, M. A. and Wiley, K. E 297, 317 La Sizeranne, M. de, 255 Lass, L. and Zahn, F., 108 Lassalle, F., 125, 140, 174, 221 Latane, J. H., 213 Latchford, H., 162 Lathrop, J. C., 254 Latin, A., 223 Latimer, Mrs. M. E. W., 216 Latouche, P., 129 Lauchheimer, C. H., comp. 229 Lauck, W. J., 33, 50 I Lauderdale, J. M., 8th earl of 120 Lauer, S., 48, 123 Laugel, A. A., 197 Laughlin, C. E., ed., 326 Laughlin, J. L., ed., 85, 27 33 80 88, 89, 90, 93, 96 Laughlin, J. L. and Willis, H P 119 Launay, L. de, 88 Laurent, J. E., 52, 252, 259 Laurie, J. S., 281, 282. 283, 284 Laurie, S. S., 268, 272, 274, 275 276, 279, 288, 306 Laut, A. C., 83 Laveleye, E. L. V. de, 25, 27, 32 38, 50, 122, 132, 13s. 174 1S4 ' Lavergne, L. G. L. G. de, 28 36 Lavergne-Peguilhen, M. de, 132 Lavigne, E., 130 Lavollee, R., 62 Law and lawyers, 238 Law notes, 222 Law register, 222 Lawrence, F. W., 57 Lawrence, Sir H. M., 205 Lawrence, I., 267 Lawrence, T. J., 224 Lawrence, W. B., 224, 226, 317 Lawson, J. P., 257 Lawson, T. \Y., 48. 85, 102 Lawson, W. J., 93, 98 Lawson, W. R., 33, 48, 114 Lawton, G. W., 145 Lawyers Co-operative Publishing Company, 230 Layton, W. T., 50 Lazarus, H., 12 Lea, H. C, 141, 223 Leacock, S. B., 132 League of American Municipalities 116, 207, 208 Learned, E. C. "Mrs. F. Learned," 326 Learned, H. B., 186, 187 Leavitt, F. M., 296 Leavitt, J., 215 Leavitt, S., 88, 111 Leber, J. M. C, 207,- 208 Lebon, A., 200 Le Bon, G., 13, 123 Lebre, G., 238 I.e Chartier, E., 105 Lecky, W. E. H., 49, 122, 133, 138, 156, 201 Leclerc, M., 33 Ledru, Rollin, A. A. L., 35 Lee, G. C, 222 Lee, G. S., 30, 242 -ee, L, 248 .ee, T. M., < .ee, M. U., I _ Lee 50, 308 160 Lee, W. L. M., 263 Lees, F. R. and Burns, D., 262 Lefevre, G. J. S., 197, 201 Lefevre-Pontalis, G. A., 144 165 Leffingwell, A., 256 Legislative Voters League of the State of Illinois, 145 Legouve, G. J. B. E. W., 315 Legrain, J., 312 Lehmann, K., 309 Leigh, L., 67, 253 Leighton, R. F., ed., 306 Leitch, J., 271 Leland Stanford Junior University Library, 73 Lend a hand, 16, 249 Lenschau, T., ed. . 197, 247 Leonard, E. M., 253 Leonidas, M., 155 Leonow, R., 216 LePlay, P. G. F., 62, 66, 242 Le Plongeon, A., 328 Le Rossignol, J. E., 23, 48. 123 Le Roux, R. C. H., 310, 312, 313 Leroy-Beaulieu, H. J. B. A. 127 138, 202 Leroy-Beaulieu, P. P., 23, 30, 33 49, 54, 57, 59, 62, 85, 123, 132, 154, 218 Leser, E., 28 Leslie, T. E. C, 27. 40, 41 Lester, C. E., 3."> Lester, F. M.. 101 Letainturier-Fradin, G., 325 Letourneau, C. J. M., 10, 32. 132 222, 309 Le Tresor de la Rocque, H., 113 Lette, W. A., 67 Leupp, F. E., 190 Leuss, H., 265 Levasseur, P. £., 25, 56, 62 Levenstein, A., 45, 54, 62 Levere, W. C, 155, 308 Levermor.-, C. H., 208 Leverson, M. R., 25 Levi, I., 100 Levi, L., 35, 57, 82, 112, 224 Levine, L., 62, 67 Levy, H., 35, 48, 120 Levy, J. H., ed., 27, 228 Levy, O., 330 Lewins, W., 75, 95, 97, 99 Lewis, A., 33, 62 Lewis, A. D., 67 Lewis, A. M., 9 Lewis, D., 260, 261 Lewis, D. E., 288 Lewis, F. W., 10S Lewis, Sir G. C, 132, 154 Lewis, G. H., 74 Lewis, J., 281 Lewis, J. H. and Putnev, A. H . 144 Lewis, L., jr., 94. 96, 97 Lewis, M. H., 190 Lewis, R. E., 295 Lewis, S. E., 51, SC Lewis, T., 179 Lewis, W., 294, 307 Lewis and Clark Educational Con- gress, 273 Liard, L., 307 LiDby, O. G., 176 Liberal Immigrant League ( \'ew York). 158 Liberty bell, The, 151 Libloy, F. S. v., 123 Lieb, H., lis, 141 Lieber, F., 32, 55, 132, 138, 143, 177, 255 Liefde, J. d., 248 Life in Sing Sing, 265 Lights to literature, 282 Lightwood, J. M., 221 Lilienfeld, P. v., 12, 123 Lilienthal, M. E. and Allyn, R., 288 AUTHOR INDEX 357 Lilley, H. M., 288 Lilly, W. S., 132, 138, 242 Lincoln, A., 151, 167 Lincoln, A. and Douglas, S. A- 167 Lincoln, C. Z., 181, 1S5, 188 Lincoln, D. F., 301 Lincoln, T. T., 45, 62 Lincoln, W. S., 236 Lind, G. D., 295 Lind, J., 175 Linder, U. F., 238 Lindhagen, C. A., 203 Lindholm, M. F., 52 Lindsay, C. H. A. F., 72 Lindsay, VV. S., 72, 79 Lindsey, B. B. and O'Higgins, H. J., 237 Linton, W. J., 128, 138 Lioy, D., 140, 221 Lipperheide, F. J., Freiherr v., cotnp., 321 Lislet, L. M. and Carleton, H., 233 List, F., 28 List of English clubs, 330 Little, J. S., 206 Littlefield, M. S., 287 Littlewood, S. R., 324 Livermore, D. P., 146 Livermore, G., 14S, 152 Livermore, Mrs. M. A. R., 304 Liverpool, C. W., 1st earl of, 91 Living without a boss, A., 62, 246 Livingston, E., 229 Lloyd, A. H., 244 Lloyd, H. D., 33, 48, 52, 53. 55, 56, 62, 64, 141, 192, 203, 204, 244 Lloyd, W. M., 135 Loane, Miss M. E., 14, 62, 245, 252 Loaring, H. J., ed., 320 Lobingier, C. S., 141, 159, 177 Loch, C. S., 242, 248 Locke, J., 131, 141, 268 Locker-Lampson, G. L. T., 201 Lockwood, F., 238 Lockwood, G. B., 128 Lockwood, H. C, 183, 186 Lockwood, I., 236, 326 Lodge, Sir O. J., 14, 311 Loeb, I., 233 Loeffler, K., 235 Loher, F. v., 158, 202 Lbhner, O., 69 Low, L. v., 183 Loewe, C, ed., 71 Lowenstimm, A., 229, 264 Logan, J. A., 168 Logue, W. A., 90 Lohmann, F., 35 Loisleur, J. A. J., 256 Lolme, J. L. de, 182 Lombroso, C, 129, 256 Lombroso-Ferrero, G., 256 Lomer, G. R., 268 London, J., 62, 122, 252, 254 London and Paris ladies' magazine of fashion, 318 Long, J. D., ed., 172 Long day; the story of a New York working girl, 59 Longfield, M., 27 Longman, E. D. and Loch, S., 323 Longstaff, G. B., 16 Longstreet, Mrs. A. B., 326, 327 Loomis, D. and Calhoun, J. G., ed.. 191 Loos, I. A., 135 Lord, C. E., 152 Lord, E., 158 Lord, E. L., 33 Lord, W. F., 137, 154, 215 Loria, A., 8, 23, 27, 242 Lorimer, G. C., 15, 244 Lorin, H.. 201 Loring, C. G., 179, 180 Loring, C. G. and Field, E. W., 213 Loring, C. W-, 179 Lome, Sir J. G. E. H. D. S. C, marquess of, 156 Losch, H., 109 Loth, J. L., 328 Lothian, R. S. K., marquis of, 179 Louandre, C. L., 322 Louisiana election pamphlets, 169 Lounsbury, T., 151 Loutchisky, I., 42 Love, W. De L., jr., 324 Low, A. M., US. 119, 185 Low, S. J. M., 194 Lowell, A. L., 154, 156, 174, 190, 194 Lowell, J. R., 139, 151, 166 Lowell, J. S., 56, 248 Lowenthal, E., 28, 122 Lowery, W., 230 Lownhaupt, F., 101 Lowrie, D., 265 Lowry, R., 88 Lubbock, Sir L, ist baron Avebury, 35, 53, 120, "144, 162 Lucas, E. V., ed., 315 Luckey, G. W. A., 276 Luckey, J., 265 Luckock, H. M., 309 Lucy, H. W., 162 Ludlow, J. M., 197, 205 Lungo, I. del, 319 Lunn, H. S., 207 Lunt, E. C., 23 Lunt, G., 168 Lusk, D. W., 191 Lusk, H. H., 242 Luther, M., 254 Luttrell, N., 195, 215 Lydston, G.#F., 15, 256 Lyman, E., 287 Lyman, E. W., 99 Lyman, T., 213 Lynch, F. H., 226 Lynch, J., 191 Lynch. J. D., 238 Lynchehaun. J., 226 Lynd, R., 247 Lyon, W. H., 46 Lyschinska, M. J., 286 Lyttelton, E., 313 M Maass, L., 45 Mabie, H. W., 324 McAdam, G., 90 McAdoo, W., 263 M'Allister, D., 177 McAllister, W., 320 MacArthur, A., 296 McArthur, J. N., 132 Macaulay, T. B. M., ist baron, 197 McBride, H. E., 262 McCabe, J. and Darien, G., 226 McCabe, J. D., 30, 43, 172 McCabe, L. R., 304, 305 McCain, C. C, ed., 70 McCall, S. W., 160 McCarthy, C, 193 McCarthy, C. H., 180 McCarthy, J., 164, 197 McCarthy, M. J. F., 247 McCarty, D. G., 189 McCasland, C. O., 30 Macchiavelli, N., 137 McClain, E., 178 McClellan, E., 322 McClenachan, C. T., 328 McClung, D. W., 89 McClure, A. K., 166, 186 MacColl, M., 217 McColloch, J. R., 19, 62 McConachie, L. G., 161 McConnel, G. M., 166 McConnell, R. M., 25« McCormac, E. I., 58 McCormick, W., 251 McCracken, E., 310, 819 McCrary, G. VV., 144. 166 McCullagh, W. T., 32 McCulloch, Mrs. C. VV., 317 McCulloch, H., 89 McCulloch, J. R., 20, 25, 57, 85, 100, 104, 109, 112 Maccunn, J., 143, 268 McCurdy, R. M., 324 McDermott, C. H., 123 McDermott, E. R., 73 Macdevitt, E. O., 41 Macdill, D. B. J. and Beecher, E., 327 Macdonagh, M., 163 MacDonald, A., 250, 256, 301 Macdonald, G. A., 222 Macdonald, J., 40 Macdonald, T. H., 91, 98, 112 Macdonald, J. R., 67, 122 MacDonald, W., 167, 175 Macdonald, W. A., 242 M'Donnell, A., 118, 120 Macdonnell, T., 199 McDonnell, VV. D., 57 McDougall, C. G.. 10, 15 McDougall, W., 13 Macfarland, C. S., 244, 245 MacFarlane, C, 258 Macfarlane, C. W., 29 McGehee, L. P., 177, 17S, 233 Macgeorge, A., 219 Macgregor, D. H., 44, 48 Macgregor, J., 10S, 112, 117 McGuffey, VV. H., 281, 282. 284 Mclan, R. R., 323 Mackail, J. W., 122, 125, 126, 197 Mackay, T., 49, 123, 242. :?)-. 253 M'Kechnie, VV. S., 122, 132 McKee, T. H., 161, 171, 186 McKeever, VV. A., 279, 313. 331 McKenney's business directory, 79 McKenny, C, 275 McKenzie. F. A., 37, 81, 82, 218 Mackenzie, J., 206 Mackenzie, Lord T., 240 Mackenzie, V. St. C, 118 Mackey, A. G., 328 Mackey, T. J., 229 Mackie, A. K., 84 McKim, VV. D., 11 Mackinder, B. J. and Sadler, M. E., 303 McKinley, W., 119 McKinney, A. H.. 299 McKinney, M., 188 Mackinnon, L, 140, 182, 198 Mackintosh, R., 10 McKnight, D. A., 144 McLanahan, S., 157 Maclaren, J., 91 MacLaren, J. H., 226 McLaughlin, A. C, 174, 237 Maclay, VV., 161 MacLean, A. M., 59 Macleane, D., 325 M'Lennan, J. F., 309 M'Lennan, J. F. and M'Lennan, D.. 135 Macleod, H. D., 23, 25, 28, 29, 90. 92, 93, 104 Maclochlin, J., 268 McMaster, J. B., 140 McMaster, J. B. and Stone, F. D., ed., 176 McMillan, D. C, 144 McMurry, C. A., 268, 281, 285 McMurry, C. A. and McMurry, F. M., 280 McMurry, F. M., 280 McMurtrie, D. C, 298 McNair, J. F. A. and Bayliss, VV. D., 264 Macnamara, H. T. J., 226 McNeill, G. E. and'others, 62, 66 358 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY MacNevin, T., 235 Macoy, R., 328 Macphail, A., 281 Macpherson, Mrs. A. W. II. and Palen, H. O., 286, 287 Macpherson, D., 79 McPherson, E., 168, 169, 170 Macpherson, F. H., 117 McPherson, L. G., 33, 70, 74, 81. 98 Macpherson. W. C, 163 Macrosty, H. W., 48 Macvane, S. M., 25 MacVannel, J. A., 271 McVey, F. L., 23, 192, 211 McWatters, G. .S., ed., 263 Macy, J., 167, 171, 182, 188 Madden, D. G., 173 Madden, R. R., 217, 321 Maddison, I., comp., 274. 306 Maddyn, D. G., 171 Madison, J., 144, 176 Madox, T., 40 Madoz, P., 157 Maennel, B., 298 Magevney, E., 300 Magnus, Sir P., 272, 298 Magnusson, E., and others, 219 Maguire, J. F., 158 Mahaffy, J. P., 275, 303 Mahaffy, R. P., 12, 200 Mahan, A. T., 213, 218, 226 Mahony, D. A., 168 Maillet, E., 279 Maine, Sir H. J. S., 135, 139, 222, 224 Maintenon, F. d'A., marquise de, 269 Maistre, J. M., comte de, 183 Maitland, F. W., 40, 182, 233, 238, 262 Makabo, T., 23, 109 Makepeace, F., 55 Malkiel, T. S., 45, 64 M^lleson, W. I., "Mrs. Frank Mal- leson," 311 Mallet, Sir L., 27, 29, 118 Malliot, J., 320 Mallock, W. H., 11, 30, 32, 35, 55, 57, 123, 126, 330 Malmesbury, J. H. H., 3d earl of, 197 M5lmstr6m, C. G., 203 Malon, B., 122 Malortie, K. O. U. E. v., 228 Maltby, A. E., 285 Malthus, T. R., 20, 23, 120 Mandl, M., 149 Manega, R., 67 Mangold, G. B., 118, 310 Mann, C. A„ 90 Mann, C. R.. 277 Mann, C. W., 281 Mann, E. C, 143 Mann, H., 139, 149, 272, 293 Mann, N. M., 125 Manning, J. A., 163 Man's case for giving a million votes to women, 146 Mansfield, E. D., 166, 188, 269 Manson, E., 233 Manson, G. J., 297, 317 Mantegazza, P., 12, 128, 250 Mantero. F„ 58 Manteuffel, K., Frciherr v., 99 Manual of politeness, 326 Manual of statistics, 101, 102 Manual training magazine, 273 Manufacturers' record. See South- ern States Marburg, T., 155 Marcet, Mrs. J. H., 25 March, C. W., 161 Marchant, T. R. V., 79 Marchant, W. T., ed., 324 Marcosson, I. P., 103 Marcotte, C, 165 Marden, O. S., 297 Marenholtz-Bulow, B. von E. Frenn v., 310 Margraff, A. W., 100, 104, 240 Marillier, L., 141 Mark, H. T., 271, 279, 292, 299 Markby, Sir W., 221 Mferken, J. C. van, 52 Market world and chronicle, 105 Mark'ham, V. R., comp., 69 Marks, A., 259 Marks, J. A., 308 Marliani, M. de, 114, 203 - Mario, K., 23 Manot, H., comp., 54 Marquardsen, M. v. S. and Piloty, R., pub., 174 Marriott, H. C, 188, 189 Marriott, J. A. R., 159, 182, 194, 197 Marriott, W. F., 25 Marsden, R. E. and Binns, C. L., 296 Marselli, N., 202 Marsh, B. C., 38, 109 Marsh, C. C., 46, 93 Marsh, C. W., 191 Marsh, J., ed., 262 Marshall, A., 23 Marshall, F., 228 Marshall, J., 178 Martens, G. F. v., 224 Martin, A., 83 Martin, A. P., 156, 204 Martin, C. and Martin, L., 822 Martin, F, 93, 107 Martin, F. T., 30, 246 Martin, G. H., 189, 293 Martin, Mrs. I. S., 308 Martin, J. B., 95, 97 Martin, J. G., 102 Martin, L. and others, ed., 211 Martin, M., 289, 305 Martin, R. M., 112, 204 Martin, T., 1S3 Martin, Mrs. V. C. W., 132 Martin, Mrs. V. C. W., and Cook, T. C. C., ladv, 146 Martin, W A., 66, 69 Martindale, J. B., 79 Martyn, F., 265 Marvin, C., 217 Marvin, W. L., 72, 81 Marx, K., 23, 31 Marx, K. and Engcls, F. , 128 Marx, T., 205 Masaryk, T. G., 258 Maseres, F, 107, 195 Maskelyne, J. N., 259 Mas Latrie, J. M. J. L., comte de, 79, 225 Masner, K., 322 Mason, A. B. and Lalor, J. J., 26 Mason, A. G., 315 Mason, D. H., 119 Mason, E. C., 186 Mason, G. H., 323 Mason, N., 224, 225 Mason, O. T., 315 Mason, W. L., 236 Masonic review, 328 Masonic Veteran Association of Il- linois, 328 Massachusetts. Board of Agricul- ture, 43 ■ Board of Arbitration and Con- ciliation, 56 Board of Commissioners of Sav- ings Banks, 99 Board of Education, 293 Bureau of Statistics of Labor, 51, 57,108 Constitutional Convention, 181 G e n e r a I Superintendent of Prisons, 59 Secretary of the Common- wealth, 18, 46 Massachusetts Emergency and Hygi- ene Association, pub., 301 Massachusetts School for the Fee- ble-Minded, 252 Massachusetts teacher, The, 273 Massart, J. and Vandervelde, £., 10 Massow, C. v., 242 Masterman, J. H. B., 163 Masters, E. L., 170 Mathews, B. C, 30 Mathews, F. S., 327 Mathews, J. L., 71 Mathews, S., 15, 244 Matlack, L. C., 153 Matteson, A., 206, 207 Matthews, F. H., 269 Matthias, B., 160 Maulde La Claviere, M. A. R. de, 315 Maund, G. C., 143 Maurer. G. L. v., 42, 135 Maurer, K., 222, 240 Maurice, J. F. D., 13, 144, 197, 290, 300 Maurus, H., 23 Maury, S. M., 167 Mawson, T. H., 211 Maxim, Sir II. S., 259 Maxwell, T. R., 148 Maxwell, W. H., 292 May, S. J., 153 May, T., 163 Maybrick, Mrs. F. E. C., 265 Mayer, S., 222, 240 Mayhew, H., 62, 253 Mayhew, H. and Binny, J., 265 Mayo, A., 148 Mayo, A. D., 277 Mayo, R., 166 Mayr, G. v., 8, 16. 20 Mazade, L. C. J. R. de, 225 Mazerolle, F., 90 Mead, E. D., 226 Mead, L. and Newell, G. F., comp., 222 Mead, Mrs. L. T. A., 227 Meade, E. S., 46 Meadows, T. T., 204 Meakin, B., 212 Meakin, F., 13 Meakin, T. E. B., 67 Means, D. M., 49, 109, 124, 145 Meath, R. B., 12th earl of, 15 Medary, S., cd., 181 Medbury, J. H.. 102 Medley, D. T., 182 Medley, G. W., 119 Meelboom, T. A., 93 Meese, W. A., 171, 191 Mehrens, B., 36, 94, 98, 104 Mehring, F., 127 Meigs, W. M., 177 Meinecke, G., 157 Meininghaus, A., 68 Meitzen, P. A., 16 Mekeel, C. H., 75 Mekeel's stamp collector, 75 Melbourne, W. L., 2d viscount, 197 Melick, C. W., 148 Meline, J., 43, 124 Meliora, 16 Mell, P. IT., 160 Melville, F. J., 75 Memento, The, 329 Memoires tires des papiers d'un homme d'etal, 216 Memoirs of Monsieur Claude, chief of police, 199 Mendes, H. P., 12 Menger, A., 55, 121, 124 Menier, t.. T., 23. 110 Mensch, II.'. 133 Mercantile register, 79 Merchant, E. O., 71 AUTHOR INDEX 359 Merchants and seaman's expeditious measurer, 85 Merchants' magazine, 78 Mercier, C. A., 256 Meredith, I., 129 Merewether, F. H. S., 83 Merewether, H. A. and Stephens, A. J., 206 Meriam, J. L., 276, 277 Meric, £., 15 Merivale, H., 154 Meriwether, C, 292. 306 Meriwether, L., 59, 62 Merriam, C. E., 132, 134, 146, 174 Merriam, C. H., cd.. 116 Merriam, G. S. ( 148 Merrill, L., 251, 313 Merritt, A. N., 74 Messer, M., 12 Metric primer, 85 Metropolitan philatelist. 75 Mexican year book, The, 19 Meyer, A., 94, 98, 114 Meyer, A. N., ed., 319 Meyer, B., 311 Meyer, B. H., 74 Meyer, E. C, 146 Meyer, H., 122, 228 Meyer, H. R., 53, 74, 77 Meyer, J. D., 221, 222 Meyer, R., 109 Meyer, R. H., 31, 56 Meyrick, Sir S. R. and Smith, C. H 322 Michael, W. H., 176 Michaelis, R., 110 Michel, H., 134 Michelet, T., 139, 216, 309, 313 Micheli, H., 53 Michels, I. C, 87 Michels, N., 128 Michigan Constitutional Convention, 181 Michigan journal of education, 273 Middleton, C, 136 Miege, G., 215 Mielziner, M., 309 Miles, C. A., 324 Mill, H. R., 285 Mill, J., 23 Mill, J. S., 23, 27, 41, 139, 140, 144, 146, 16S, 316. Mill, Mrs. J. S., 146 Millard, T. F. F., 213, 218 Miller, Mrs. F. F, 26 Miller, H., 202 Miller, H. A., 86 Miller, H. G., 88 Miller, Mrs. H. M., Olive Thome Miller, 318 Miller, J. B., 166, 207 Miller, K., 148 Miller, L. K., 302 Miller, M. A., 170 Miller, S. F., 177, 238 Miller, T. S., 44 Milligan, H. W., 191 Millin, G. F., 331 Millingen, J. G., 325 Mills, H. V., 67 Mills, J. C, 72 Mills, R. H., 86 Mills, W. T., 15, 125, 128, 165 Miln, Mrs. L. J., 321 Milne, J., 106, 107 Milne, J. M., 88 Milne, W. J., 284 Milton, J., 137, 141, 195, 310 Milyoukov, P. N., 203 Minard, J. S., 295 Minerva; Handbuch der gelehrten Welt, 274 Minerva; Jahrbuch der gelehrten Welt, 274 Minor, J. D., et al. vs. Board of Education of Cincinnati, 300 Minot, W., jr., 115 Mintoh, F., 31 Mintz, F. S., 282 Minutoli, J. v., 203 Mirabeau, H. G. R., comte de, 141 Mirabeau, V. R-, comtc de, 20 Misawa, T., 269, 271 Mitchell, A., 10 Mitchell, C. A., 256 Mitchell, J., 66, 265, 308 Mitchell, K., 260 Mitchell, W„ 95, 97 Mitchell, W. B., 89 Mitchell, W. C, 90, 91 Mitteilungen aus den deutschen Schutzgebieten, 157 Mittermaier, K. J. A., 223, 264 Mivart, St. G., 10, 12 Mob spirit in America, 258 Moderation vs. total abstinence, 261 Modern school houses, 301 Moderne Zeitfragen, 242 Mobius, P. J., 314 Moeller, E. v., 249 Moffat, R. S., 30, 64 Moffatt, W., 38, 50 Moffett, C, 68 Moggridge, M. W., 248 Mohl, R. v., 130, 134 Mohler, C. K., 77 Moir, H., 106 Moldenhauer, F., 308 Molipari, G. de., 12, 49, 124, 132 Molfat, G, 130, 164 Moltke, H. K. B., Graf v., 204 Mombert, P., 62 Monahan, T. H., 221 Monahan, M., cd., 260 Moncrieff, A. R. H., A. R. Hope, 153, 275 Money, J. W. B., 157, 205 Mongredien, A., 23, 50, 118, 120, 215 Monnet, £., 198 Monnier, A., 249 Monographs on education, 272 Monroe, J., 213, 215 Monroe, L. B., 281, 282. 284 Monroe, .P., 271, 274, 275 Monroe, W. S., 267, 292 Montagu, 'Lord R., 197 Montague, F. C, 140, 182 Montague, G. H., 48 Montaigne, M. C. de, 269 Montesquieu, C. de Secondat, baron de, 131, 221 Montessori, M., 288 Montgomery, Mrs. C. W., 245 Montgomery, H. and Cambray, P. G., 133, 165 Montgomery, H. E., 15, 48, 53, 62, 244 Montgomery, T. H., comp., 105 Montgomery, W. E., 41 Monypenny, W. F., 197 Moody, T., 48, 102, 103 Moody, J. and Hume, J. F., comp.. 103 Moody, W. D., 212 Moody, W. G, 39, 62 Moody's manual of railroads and corporation securities, 101 Moon, E. L., 313 Moore, Mrs. C. J., 320 Moore, E. C, 293 Moore, F. C, 105 Moore, G. H., 152 Moore, H. E., 40 Moore, H. K., 311 Moore, H. L., 57 Moore, I. M., 229, 233 Moore, J. B., 226, 227 Moore, J. H., 10, 179, 242 Moore, J. R. H., 33 Moore, J. W., 161 Moral training in the public schools 299 Moran, C., 86, 91 Moran, T. F., 159, 160, 174, 194 Morawetz, V., 91, 94, 96 More, Mrs. L. B., 51 More, Sir T., 128 Moreau-Christophe, L. M., 249, 252 Morehouse, W. A. R., 57 Morewood, S., 325 Morey, W. C, 192 Morgan, C. L., 279 Morgan, J. A., 74, 81 Morgan, J. E. and Bullock. E. D., comp., 53 Morgan, L. H., 10 Morgan, S. A., 112 Morgan, Lady S. O., 316 Morgan, S. T. and Masson, W. H., comp., 119 Morgan, T. J., 143, 220, 269, 277 Morgan, W., 106, 107 Moriarty, G. P., 239 Morin, A., 203 Morison, F. R., 93 Morison, G. S., 12 Moritzen, J., 226 Morley, H., 325 Morley, J., 140, 195, 293 Morman, J. B., 10 Morrill, D. L., 181, 188, 191 Morris, C, 10, 319 Morris, G. S., 132 Morris, H. C, 94, 96, 154, 156 Morris, J., 218 Morris, L. R., 42, 105 Morris, M. F., 140, 222 Morris, R., 329 Morris, R. C, 56, 227 Morris, W., 125, 129 Morris, W. and Bax, E. B., 125 Morris, W. O'C, 41 Morrison, C, 55 Morrison, G. B., 301 Morrison, W. D., 256, 266 Morsch, H., 275 Morse, A. P., 143 Morse, H. B., 84, 204 Morse, J. T., jr., 100, 235 Morselli, E. A., 258 Morton, A. B., 1C7 Morton, A. H., 303 Morton, F. W., comp., 315 Morton, H. and Anderson, W. A., 105 Morton, J. F., jr., 148 Moses, B., 139, 188, 207 Moses, B. and Crane, W. W., loft, 173 Mosher, Mrs. M. B., 312 Mosso, A., 247 Mothers in council, 312 Motley, J. M., 58, 66 Mott, J. R., 305 Mott, S. M. and Chubb, P.. 281 Moulton, Mrs. E. L. C, 320 Moulton, H. G., 71 Mount, C. S., 287 Mowry, A. M., 181 Mowry, W. A., 155, 188, 292 Mucke, J. R.. 135 Muckle, F., 122 Muehlbrecht, O., comp., 130, 220 Muller, J., 316 Mueller, M., 290 Muller, P., 317 Muller, W., 184, 200 Mullerheim, R., 321 Munch, W., 272 ...... . Miinchener volkswirtschafthche M«- dien, 23 „ „_„ Muensterberg, H.. 29. 33, 242, 279, 297 Muhleman, M. L., 87 Muirhead, J. H., 254 360 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Mulcaster, R., 269 -Mulford, E., 132, 185 Mulhall, J. F. ]., 52 'Mulhall, M. G., 16, 17, 30, 43, 50, • 77 Mullany, P. F., 272, 300 Mumford, E. E. R., 312 Mummenhoff, E., 56 Mun, A. comte de, 142 Mun, T., 82 Munde, C, 225 Mundt, T., 132 Munford, B. B., 152, 193 Municipal affairs, 208 Municipal year book of the United Kingdom, 208 Munro, J. E. C, 1*3 Munro, R., 25S Munro, W. B., 136, 141, 157, 201, 207 Munroe, J. P., 269 Munson, J. P., 271 National Conference on City Plan ning, 211 National Conference on Industrial ^ Conciliation, 56 National Conference on Industrial Diseases, 68 National Conference on Secondary ^ Education, 273, 289 National Conference on State and Local Taxation, 1 1 .". National Conference on University __ Extension, 303 National Congress of Mothers, pro- ^ ceedings, 1S9S-99, 310 National Convention of Insurance Commissioners of the United States, 105 National corporation reporter, 46 National Education Association, 109, Nevada Constitutional Convention. 181 Nevill, R. H., 259 Nevill, Lord, W. B., 264 Xevinson, II. \\'., 153, 203, 205 New American primary speller, 2S4 New American pronouncing speller. 284 New England Anti-Slavery Conven- tion, 153 New England Conference of Educa- tional Workers, 296 New England History Teachers' Association, 189 New England Mutual Life Insur- ^ ance Company, 18, 106 New England primer, The, 281, 302 New Haven (Conn.;. Free Public Library, 207 ™V fd' o^'ll 1 -^ 2S9 ' 890 ' I ^w international year book. 17 294, 296, 298, 306, 312 Murderous-character of freemasonry, | gfi^j SSfigg HI Murdoch, J., 164, 182 Murhard, T. K. A., 78 Murphy, D. C, 277, 280 Murphy, E. G., 148, 246 Murphy, J. N.. 41 Murray, A., 229 Murray, A. E., S2, 112 Murray, A. M., 156 Murray, E. C. G., 228 Murray, J. B. C, 104 Murray, T. W., 263 Murri, R., 142 Musgrave, Sir A., 27 Mutch. W. J.. 299 Mutual Life Insurance Company (N. Y.), 104. 106 Myers, F. A., 242, 310 Myers, G., 30, 211 Myers, O. A., 53, 119 Myers, W. S., 181, 192 Myrick, H., 52, 96 N Nadaud, M., 56 Napoleon III, emperor of the French, 174, 199 Naquet, A., 124, 229 Nash, C. E., 148 Nash, H. S., 244 Nash, V., 83 Nathan, Sir N.. 23, 35, 122 National Anti-Trust Conference, 48 National Arbitration Conference, 227 National Association for the Pro- motion of Social Science, Hi, W., 27, 35, 201 Playfair, L. P., 1st baron, and Preble, G. IL, 219 Peuple, Le, 123 others. 280, 303 Prendergast, J. P., 41 Pfalz, F., 295 Playford. F., 103 Prentice, E. P., 53 Pfannschmidt, V., 79 I'k'hn. C. C, 85, 115 Prescott, B. F., ed., 220 Pfeiffer, Mrs. E. I. D., 304 Plekhanov, G, 125, 129 Prescott, T. H., 16 Pfisterer, G. F., 279 Plener, E. v., 35, 69 Pressense, E. D. de, 143 Pfotenhauer. C. E., 264 Ploss, H. H., 311 Preston, H. W., 175 Phalen, A., 28S Plunket, W. C. P., 1st baron, 201 Preston, R. E., 91, 111 Phases of party, 17M Phear, Sir J. B., 42, 78, lis. 135 Plunkett. Sir H. C, 331 Preston, W., 328 Pobyedonostzev, K. P.. 139. 203 Pretyman, T. R., 254 Phelan, R. V., Ill, 115 Poehlmann-, R., 122, 128 Prcuss, H., 207 AUTHOR INDEX 363 Preussisches Handelsarchiv, 78 Prevost-Paradol, L. A., 199 Preyer, W. T., 269 Price, B., 27, 86, 93 Price, F. G. H., 95, 97 Price, I., 190, 280 Price, L. L. F. R., 28, 35, 50, 56 ; 65, 82, 87 Price, R., 140 Price, W. H., 48, 106 Prichard, M. F., 160 Priest, J., 150 Priestley, J., 70, 269 Prince, J. T., 278, 290, 295 Principles of religious education, 299 Prinsep, C. C, com?., S3 Prinsep, H. T., 205 Prion, W., 100 Pritchett, H. S., 306 Prittwitz, M. K. E. v.. 12 Prize essays on a congress of na- tions, 227 Proal, L., 184, 256, 257 Problem of motherhood, 310 Probyn, J. W., 139 Proctor, L. B., 238 Professional recollections, 239 Proffatt, J., 234, 317 Prohibition hand book, 173 Prohibitionist's textbook, The, ^62 Prothero, G. W., ed., 1S2, 232 Proudfoot, A. H., 310 Proudhon, P. J., '23, 32, 12!». 136 Providential aspect of the crisis, 169 Prussia. Kbnigliches Statistisches Bureau, 19 Prutz, H., 136 Public school methods, 278 Puchta, G. F., 240 Puffer, J. A., 251 Pullan, R. B., 89, 91 Pulliam, D. L., 181 Pulling, A., 238 Pulszky, A., 221 Pulteney, W., 167 Purdy, W., 95, 97, 112 Purple, N. H., ed., 42 Puterbaugh, S. D., 234 Putnam, Mrs. E. J., 316 Putnam, J. P., 85 Pyle, H., ed., 257 Quain, R., 281 Quaintance, H. W., 43, 45 Quaker City philatelist, 75 Quarterly journal of economics, 28 Quicherat, T. E. J., 323 Quick, H., 71 Quick, R. H., 271, 272 Quincke, W., 322 Quincy, J., 169, 231 Quincy, J. P., 144 Quinet, E., 199 Ouinton, R. F., 257, 259, 264 Rabbeno, U., 119 Rabenort, W. L., 271 Rabourdin, C, 129, 130 Racinet, A. C. A.. 322 Radenhausen, C, 122 Radestock, P., 279 Rae, G., 93 Rae, J., 24, 64, 122 Ragon, J. M., 328 Rahill, J. J., 47, 102 Railway statistics of the United States, 73 Railway world, The, 74 Rainneville, J. de, 315 Rait, R. S., 308 Raleigh, Sir T., 133 Ramabai, S., 319 Ramamohana Raya, 114 Rambaud, A. N., 157, 216 Ramsay, Sir W. M., 204 Ramsey, M. E., 106 Rand, B., comp., 32 Rand, McNally & Company, 95 Randall, E. O., 128 Randall, S. S., 269 Randolph, C. F., 155 Rankin, G. A., 70 Rannie, D. W., 182 Ransom, D. M., 160 Ransom, W. L., 141, 237 Ransome, C, 182 Ransome, S., 205 Ranyard, Mrs. E. H. W., 254 Raper, C. L., 26, 73 Rapsilber, M., 164 Rascher, T. M. v., 183, 203 Rashdall, H., 306 Rath, G. v., 88 Rathbone, W., 248, 250 Rathbone, W. P. A. and Montague, F. C., 113, 116, 194, 206 Rathgen, K., 37 Rational communism, 128 Raub, A. N., 278 Raum, G. B., 172, 191 Raumer, F. L. G. v., 134, 197 Raumer, K. v., 124, 274 Rausch, K., 252 Rauschenbusch, W., 244 Ravenhill, A. and Schiff, C. J., ed., 305 Rawlinson, Sir H. C, 217 Rawson, H. G., 58 Ray, M. K., 153 Ray, P. O., 167 Raynal, G. T. F., 79 Raynolds, L. D., comp., 171 Read, C, 13 Read, M. S., 279 Reade, H. L., 262 Reading and home study, 303 Real estate and building journal, 42 Real estate and investment brokers' directory, 79, 103 Real estate news, 42 Reaney, Mrs. I. E., 312, 319 Reason, W., 245 Re-Bartlett, Mrs. L., 15, 314 Reclus, O., 157 Reddale, F., 166 Reddall, H. F., 294, 303 Reddaway, W. F., 215 Redding, M. W., 328 Redfern, W. B., 323 Redfield, H. V., 258 Rediield, W. C, 45 Redlich, J., 163 Redlich, O. R., 164 Redmond, J. E., 197 Redpath, J., 41, 152 Redway, J. W., 285 Reed, J. C, 169 Reed, P. M., 238 Reed, T. B., 160 Reeder, R. R., 252, 281, 312 Rees, J. D., 205 Rees, W. L., 55 Reeve, C. H., 264 Reeve, S. A., 49 Reeves, J., 233 Reeves, J. S., 213, 214 Reeves, W. P., 49, 107, 204 Reform League, London, Eng., 164 Regeneration, 11 Register of debates, 1824-1837, 161 Rehm, H., 134, 137 Reich, Eduard, 13, 20, 68, 129, 133, 219 Reich, Emil, 12, 137, 315 Reicke, E., 295 Reid, H., 269 Reid, Mrs. H., 316 Reid, Sir T. W., 197 Reid, W., 155, 169 Rein, W., 278, 290, 300 Reinach, J., 199 Reinaud, E., 36, 64, 66, 84 Reiner, C, 284 Reiner, J., 312 Reinkens, J. H., 142 Reinsch, P. S., 137, 155, 160, 165, 184, 185, 190, 218, 224, 233 Relation or rather a true account of the island of England, 113 Religious education, 300 Religious Education Association, 300 Rembaugh, B., comp., 147, 316, 317 Remedy for landlordism, 38, 40 Remmer, H., 216 Remsen, D. S., 30, 146 Renan, J. E., 183 Renault, C, 65 Rentner, A., tr., 177 Reparez, G., 157 Republican National Convention, 172 Republican Party, 172 Review of the veto, 96 Revised odd-fellowship, 329 Revolution, The, 318 Revolutionary tendencies of the age, 15 Reybaud. M. R. L., 122, 124, 198 Reynaert, A., 160 Reynolds, J. B., ed., 210 Reynolds, M. M., 102, 103 Reynolds, S., 247, 254 Reynolds, S. and Woolley, B. & T., 197 Rhead, G. W., 322, 323 Rhode Island Anti-Slavery Conven- tion, 153 Riboud, L., 256 Ricardo, D., 24, 27, 50, 109 Rice, J. M., 269, 292 Rice, W. de G. C. and Rice, F., 303 Richards, C. R., comp., 295 Richards, C. R. and O'Neil, K. P., 297 Richards, E. H. S. "Mrs. R. H. Richards," 10 Richards, L. S., 298 Richardson, A. S., 59 Richardson, B. J., 316 Richardson, C, 30 Richardson, C. F. and Clark, H. A., ed., 307 Richardson, H. W., 90, 93 Richardson, J. D., 186 Richardson, W. A., Ill Richelot, H„ 82, 120 Richet, C, 226 Richey, A. G., 41 Richman, I. B., 203 Richman, J. and Wallach, I. R., 143, 188 Richmond, E., 13 Richmond, M. E., 242, 245 Richmond, W., 13 Richter, A., 164 Richter, C, 239 Richter, E., 12, 124 Richter, J. P. F., 269 Richter, W., 157 Rickaby, J., 134 Riddell, N. N., 301, 312 Rideal, C. F., 314 Ridges, E. W., 182, 23* Ridgeway, W., 85, 86 Riecke, G. A., 269 Riehl, W. H. v., 10, 36, 63, 200 :iG4 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Kietschel, G., 32 4 Rigg. J. H., 290 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W., 286, 311, 312 Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. and Smith, N. A., 286 Rights of nations. The, 139, 164 VRiis, T. A., 63, 67, 251, 253 Riley, F. L., 160 Rilev, T. A. L. and others, ed., 300 Rilev, T. T.. 247, 249 Ring, F., 106 Ringrose, \V. H. A., 309 Ringwalt, R. C, 7, 27, 130, 134 Ripley, W. Z„ 74 Risk, R. K., 307 Ritchie, D. G., 10, 13, 49. 140, 221 Ritchie, J. E„ 163 Ritter, K., 17 Riviere, H. F., ed., 239 Roadmaker, A., pseud., 55 Roark, R. N., 278, 279 Robbins, E. C, comp., 66, 90 93, 96, 119 Robert, H. M., 160 Robert, J. T„ 160 Roberts, E„ 36, 49, 127 Roberts, E. H., 118 Roberts, G., 247 Roberts, G. E., 89 Roberts, G. E. and Porter, H., 325 Roberts, M., 319 Roberts, P., 63, 154 Roberts, R. D., 269, 272, 303 Robertson, E. W., 40 Robertson, J. M., 31, 64, 99, 133, 194 303 Robertson, W. A., 106 Robida, A., 321 Robie, L., 75 Robins, E. "Mrs. G. R. Parkes," 147 Robins, E. C, comp., 209, 301 Robinson, B. C., 239 Robinson, C. C., 60, 251, 313 Robinson, C. M., 212, 331 Robinson, F. P., 83 Robinson, F. W., 266 Robinson, Mrs. H. J. H., 45, 59, 63, 147 Robinson, J. B., 150 Robinson, L. J., comp., 233 Robinson, L. N., 256 Robinson, M. H., 115 Robinson, R., 280 Robinson, W. C, 234 Robinson, W. S., 160 Robolsky, H„ 164 Roby, H. J., 240 Rochetin, E„ 108 Rodbertus-Tagetzow, J. C, 27, 31, 50 Rodenbough, T. F., 218 Roe, C. G., 310 Roe, G. M., ed., 237, 263 Roe, M. E„ 318 Roebuck, J. A., 197 Rosemeier, H., 56 Rosio, P. J., 37 Rosier, A., 314, 316 Roesler, C. F. H„ 57 Roessler, C, 127, 242 Roszner, J., 53 Roger, A. and Sorel, A., 239 Rogers, A., 114 Rogers, J. E. T., 24, 26, 32, 35, 50, 55, 56, 63, 98, 143, 165, 197 Rogers, J. M. 34 Rolland, S. E., 187 Rollin, C, 269 Rollins, F. W„ 298 Rollins, M., 85, 101, 103 Romain, J. H., 259 Roman Catholic Church. Committee on the Catholic Educational Ex- hibit, 300 Romayne, E., 328 Rome. Laws, statutes, etc., 240 Romero, M., 19 Romilly, H., 264 Roosevelt, T., 15, 46, 134, 143, 166, 170, 219, 220 Roosevelt, T. and Taft, W. H., 155 Root, E., 143, 227 Root, J. P., 169 Root, J. W., 83, 88, 120 Rorke, T. S., 190 Roscher, W., 24, 86, 35, 37, 78, 86, Rose, J. H., 194, 195, 197 Rosen, A. H. H., baron, 265 Rosen, P., 327 Rosenberg, A., 322 Rosenhaupt, K., 63 Rosenkranz, J. K. F., 270 Rosenthal, H. S., 100 Rosenthal, L., 214 Rose water, F., 118 Rosewater, V., 116 Roskoschoy, H., 155 Rosmini-Serbati, A., 269 Ross, A. M., 153 Ross, D. W., 42 Ross, E. A., S, 13, 15, 116, 242, 246 Ross, F. A., 150 Ross, G. W., 293 Rossa, J. O., 266 Rossbach, T. J., 10 Rossi, P. L. O., conte, 24 Roth, P., 136 Rothan, G., 216 Rothkegel, W., 42 Rothschild, A. de, 75 Rothwell, R. P., 87, S9 Rotteck, K. W. R. v., ed. See Staats-Lexikon Rouge et Noir, pseud., 102, 259 Rouillion, L., 297 Round, J. H., 40 Round table. The, 137, 325 Rousseau, J. J., 131, 269 Routledge, J., 140, 141, 223 Row, R. K., 297 Rowe, L. S., 207 Rowe, R., 63 Rowe, S. H., 278 Rowlands, R. A., 301 Rowntree, B. S., 63, 252, 259 Rowntree, B. S. and Lasker, B., 67 Rowntree, J. and Sherwell, A., 260, 261 Royal, W. L., 96 Royal Colonial Institute, 156 Royal Statistical Society, London, 17 Royce, S., 301 Rubinow, I. M., 108 Rudolphi, C. C. L., 304 Ruediger, W. C, 269 Riimelin, C. W. H. G., 224 Riistow, W. F., 137 Ruffini, F., 142 Ruggles, T., 254 Rummel, E., 191 Rush, B., 169 Rush, R., 328 Ruskin, J., 26, 27, 55 Russell, A. E., 128 Russell, A. P., 129 Russell, B., 127 Russell, C. E., 34, 48, 125 Russell, C. E. B. and Rigby, L. M., 251 Russell, F. and Russell, H., 227 Russell, G. W., 52 Russell, H. A., 122, 125 Russell, H. B., 87 Russell, J., 173 Russell. T. E., 289 Russell, J. R., ist earl, 182 Russell, J. S., 296 Russell, R. A., 251 Russell, T. H., 327 Russell, T. W., 201 Russell, W. T., 142 Russell of Killowen, Sir C. R., 1st baron, 41, 201 Russier, H., 155, 21S Rutherford, J., 255 Rutherford, L., 141 Rutherford, R. C, 109 Ruville, A. v., 195 Ryan, D. J., 56 Ryan, J. A., 57 Ryder, W. H., 234 Rylance, J. EL, 147 Rylands, L. G., 256 Rymer, T., comp., 215, 225 Sabatier, P., 142 Sabine, L., 325 Sachs, J., 289 Sachse, J. F., 128 Sadler, L. R., 239 Sadler, M. E., 29S, 299 Sadler, M. T., 20, 247 Sage, E. and Cooley, A. M., 2^: St. Clair, F., 329 St. Clair, S. G. B. and Brophy, C. A., 204. Saint-Germain, C, 233 St. John, E. P., 2S7, 312 St. Landry parish, La., 152 St. Ledger, A. J. J., 127, 204 St. Louis. Civic League. Civil Service Committee, 190 Saint-Prest, J. Y. de, 225 Sakolski, A. M., 66 Salaman, M. C, 314 Saleeby, C. W., 314 Saleilles, S. F. R., 264 Salisbury, A., 274 Salmagundi Club, New York, 321 Salmon, D., 278 Salmon, L. M., 60 Salmone, H. A., 204 Salomon, A., 57, 59 Salomon, IL, 237 Salomon, O., 297 Salter, W. M., 67, 129, 133, 155, 226 Salvation Army, 242 Salz, A., 28, 57 Samter, A., 8, 242 Samter, E., 321 Samuelson, Sir B., 41 Samuelson, J., 12, 63, 64, 6S, 260, 325 Sanborn, F. B., 249 Sanborn, J. B., 39 Sander, F., 271 Sander, P., 139, 183 Sanders, C. W., 283, 2>4 Sanders, G. A., 124 Sanders, W., 35, 195 Sanderson, E., 235, 236 Sanderson, J. P., 154 Sandiford, P., 276 Sands, N., 270, 278 Sandys, W., 324 Sanford, H. S., 229 Sang, E., 106, 107 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. M., 310, 312, 326 Sarcey, Mme. Y., 312 Sargant, W. L., 24, 113, 122, 124, 128 Sargent, A. J., 24, 28, 36, 83 Sargent, E. and May, A., 28S Sargent, W., 288 Sargent, W. M., 234, 267 AUTHOR INDEX 365 Sartorius von Walterhausen, F. H. W. A., Freiherr, 126 Sarwey, O. v., 184 Sato, S., 39 Saunders, A., 229 Sauriac, X., 125 Savage, E. 11., 263 Savage, T., ed., 81 Savay, N. L„ 133, 1M Savigny, F. C. v., 240 Savoir-vivre et la politesse, 326 Sawyer, G. S., 150 Sawyer, H. E., 85 Sax, E., 67 Say, J. B. L., 24, 35, 108, 109, 122, 124 Sayer, B., 110 Scanlan, C. M., 160 Scanlan, J. F., 118 Schaeffer, E., 314 Schaeffer, N. C, 279 Schaefflc, A. E. F., 8, 9, 12, 15, 24, 27, 49, 55, 108, 114, 122, 123, 127 Schafer, J., 39 Schaff, P., 142, 307 Schaffner, M. A., 55, 57, 73, 99, 100, 110, 141, 145, 162 Schanz, G., 114 Schapiro, J. S., 37 Scharlieb, M. D., 314 Schaube, A., 79, 84 Schauffler, R. H., ed., 324 Scheel, H. v., 15 Scheffler, W., 308 Schellwien, R., 55 Schenck, A., 292 Scherer, H., 78, 79 Scherer, J. A. B., 21)5 Scherger, G. L., 140 Scherr, J., 130, 319 Schierbrand, W. v., 200, 218 ■3child, M., 323 Schilling, F., 298 Schilling, T., 102, 116 Schirmacher, K., 147, 316 Schleiermacher, F. E. D., 269 Schlenther, P., ed., 137 Schlesinger, S., 200 Schloss, D. F., 57, 108 Schmeckebier, L. F., 115, 173, 192 Schmid, K. A., ed., 271 Schmidt, H. G., 137, 257 Schmidt, H. I.. 269 Schmidt, K., 274 Schmidt, R., 157 Schmidt, W., 321 Schmidt-Warneck, F. v., 220 Schmidt-Weissenfels, E., 31, 266 Schmoller, G., 8, 15, 16, 20, 24, 28, 37, 84, 221 Schnapper-Arndt, G., 330 Schneider, F. A. H., 32, 233, 239 Schneider, G., 93 Schoemann, G. F., 135 Schon, H. T. v., 35 Schoen, J., 133 Schoenberg, G. F. v., ed., 24, 29 Schonberg, L., 116 Schoenfeld, W. A., 236 Schoenhof, J., 50, 57, 87 Schoenlank, B., 8, 56, 84 Schonthan, P. v., ed., 326 Schoettle, G., 77 Scholes, T. E. S., 148, 157. 215 Scholz, R. F. and Hornbeck, S. K., 304 School question, The, 300 School review, The, 273 Schorb, G„ 13 Schouler, J, 177, 178, 185, 233, 246 Schraut, M., 117, 225 Schreiber, A., ed., 311 Schreiner, O., 59, 816 Schroeder, H. H., 279, 299 Schroeder, O., 307 Schroeder, R. K. H., 240 Schueller, R., 117 Schueren, N., 242 Schultz, A., 320 Schultz, A. P., 148 Schulz, A., 319 Schulze, F. K. A., 308 Schulze-Delitzsch, H., 93, 99 Schulze-Gaevernitz, G. v., 15, 35, 66, 78, 183 Schumann, G., 295 Schuricht, H., 292 Schurman, J. G., 155 Schurtz, H., 135 Schurz, C, 227 Schuster, E. J., 309, 316 Schuster, R., 124 Schuyler, E., 82 Schuyler, R. L., 191 Schwab, J. C, 115 Schwartz, P., 307 Schweiger-Lerchenfeld, A., Freiherr v., 314, 319 Schwickerath, R., 300 Scisco, L. D., 166, 173, 193 Scott, C. A., 301 Scott, E. G., 174 Scott, J., 139, 185 Scott, J. B., ed., 227 Scott, J. E., 83 Scott, L„ 60. 69 Scott, O., 151 Scott, W., 223 Scott, Sir W„ 113 Scott, W. A., 78, 87, 93, 116 Scott stamp and coin co., 75 Scottish clans and their tartans, 323 Scougal, F., 266 Scratchley, A., 52, 101, 103 Scrope, G. J. D., 26 Scudder, H. E., 312 Scudder, M. L., jr., 29, 50, 93, 94, 96, 124 Scudder, V. D., 14, 122, 125 Seabury, S., 150 Seager, H. R., 24, 26, 107. 108 Seailles, G., 272, 301 Sealy, H. N., 91 Seaman, E. C, 10, 27, 188 Search, P. W., 269, 292 Sears, C. H., 244 Sears, E. H., 165 Sears, J. Van der Z., 128 Seaton, A. A., 142 Seattle (Wash.), Municipal Plans Commission, 212 Public Library, 266 Seawell, M. E.. 147 Seccombe, T., ed., 259 Seckerson, F. C, 211 Secretan, C, 242 Secretan, E., 136 Secretan, P., 133 Sedgwick, A. G., 145 See, H., 20S Seebohm, F., 40, 135, 224 Seebohm, H. E., 135 Seegmiller, W., 287 Seeley, Sir J. R., 133, 215 Seeley, L., 269, 274, 288 Seelye, J. H., 189 Seerley, H. H., 295 Seguin, fi., 269, 293, 298 Segur, J. A., vicomtc de, 316 Seibels, W. T., 43 Seidel, R., 296 Seilhac, L. de, 64, 126 Seiss, J. A., 255 Selden, G. C, 102 Select pamphlets, Duane's collection, 167 Selections and documents in economics, 24 Self-culture, 303 Seligman, E. R. A., 24, 32, 109, 110 Sellery, G. C, 179 Semenoff, E., 203 Senior, N. W., 24, 28, 63, 201, 252, 294 Sennett, A. R., 212 Sentupery, L., 165 Sepp, J. N., 321 Sergeant, L., 184, 194, 197, 215 Sering, M., 121 Sestier, J. M., 79, 258 Seton, E. T., 252 Seuffert, H., 129 Seutemann, K., 18 Severy, M. L., 242 Sewall, H. R., 28, 29 Seward, G. F., 159 Seward, W. W., 202 Sewell, E. M., 304 Seybert, A., 18 Seyd, E., 87, 8S, 89, 91, 98, 112 Seyfferth, R. F., ed., 27 Seymour, H. W., 118, 170 Shadwell, A., 63, 260 Shadwell, J. E. L., 24, 26 Shaler, N. S., 10, 143, 188 Shambaugh, B. F., 209 Shambaugh, Mrs. B. M. H., 128 Sharp, F. C, 320 Sharp, G., 153 Sharpless, I., 294 Sharswood, G., 23S Shattuck, Mrs. H. R., 160 Shaw, A., 15, 34, 119, 128, 170, 207 Shaw, D., 266 Shaw, E. M., 208 Shaw, E. R., 190, 280, 301 Shaw, G. B., 53, 125 Shaw, G. B. and others, 125 Shaw, H., 322 Shaw, J. W., 143 Shaw, L.M., 91, 170 Shaw, W. A., 87 Shearman, T. G, 38, 109 Sheldon, E. A., 283, 2S4, 288 Sheldon, G. W., 208 Sheldon, H. D., 308 * Sheldon and Companv, 283 Shelley, P. B.. 197 Shepard, E. M., 190 Sheppard, F., 177 Sherard, R. H„ 63, 68 Sheridan, T., 202, 294 Sherman, J., 166 Sherman, P. T., 211 Sherman, W. H., 188 Sherwell, A., 254 Sherwood, G. F. T., 234 Sherwood, J. R. W. "Mrs. T. B. Sherwood," 312 Sherwood, Mrs. M. E. W., 326 Sherwood, S., 24, 87 Shibley, G. H., 89 Shields, T. E., 298 Shillington, V. M. and Chapman, A. B. W., 83 Shinn, C. H., 206 Ship-money papers, 113 Shipherd, J. R., comp.. 153 Shirley, J. M., 235 Shirreff, E. A. E„ 271. 286, 304 Shirres, L. P., 24 Shore, H. N., 258 Shorey, D. L., 209 Shorthand writer and Law register, 222 Shotwell, J. B., 293 Showerman, G., 272 Shriver, E. J., 27, 38, 109 Shuey, E. L„ 45, 63, 68 Shufeldt, R. W. 148 :aa; CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Shurtleff, T. B., 188 Shuster, W. M., 205, 218 Shuttleworth, G. E. and Potts, \V. A.. 252, 298 Shuttleworth, Sir T. P. K., 294 Sicard, A., 294 Sichler, A., 267 Sidgwick, A., 280 Sidgwick, H., 24, 133 Sidis, B., 13 Sidney, A., 131, 174 Siebert, W. H., 152, 193 Sieg, V., 147 Siegfried, A., 201 Sievers, W., 206 Sigel, F. F., 240 Sigerson, G., 41 Siglo, El Montevideo. Uruguay, 17 Sigourney, Mrs. L. H., 312 Sikes, W. W., 257 Silburn, P. A. B., 155, 157 Silver, T., 137 Simcox, E. J., 32 Simmel, G., 8, 87 Simmonds, P. L., 83 Simmons, G., 63 Simms, M. H., 283 Simon, H. A., 94, 98 Simon, J. F. S., 140, 142 Simonde de Sismondi, T. C. L., 24, 136 Simonds, J. C. and McEnnis, T. T., 56 Simonin, L. L., S3, 8S Simons, A. M., 34, 43, 125, 246 Simonson, G., 124 Simpson, B. L., 218 Simpson, F. A., 199 Sims, G. R., 254 Sims, N. L., 245 Sinclair, S. B., 269 Sinclair, U. B., jr., 125, 126 Sinclair, W. A., 148 Singer, R., 56 Singewald, K., 233 Sinzheimer, L., 45 Sioussat, St. G. L., 231 Sisson, E. O., 299 Siva, pseud., 170 Skarstedt, W., 261 Skelton, O. D., 122 Sketches of popular tumults, 258 Skinner, II. M., 275 Skinner, T., 95, 97 Skottowe, B. C, 163 Slade, D., 251 Slagg, J., 118 Slattery, M., 312 Slosson, E. E., 307 Sluys, A., 297 Small, A. W., 8, 37. 161, 200 Small, A. W. and Vincent, G. E.. 9 Smalley, E. V., 172 Smalley, G. W., 197 Smart, J. H., cd., 292 Smart, W., 27, 29, 31, 35, 109, 113 Smedley, M. B., cd., 294, 298 Smedley, R. C, 152 Smiles, S., 99 S.nith, A., 24 Smith, A. H., 37, 135, 213 Smith A. T., 290 Smith, B., 49, 124, 140 Smith, B. T. K., 75 Smith, C. II., 323 Smith, C. S., 304 Smith, ( . \\\. 103 Smith, D. E., ..'-I Smith, Edward, L95, 213 Smith, Kugene, 204 Smith, E. P., 24 Smith, F. E., 224 Smith, George, 60, 205 Smith, Goldwin. 1."). 155, LS2, 195, 201, 202 Smith, G. A., 118, 120 Smith, G. B., 163 Smith, G. W., 106 Smith, H. K., 242 Smith, II. L. and Xash, V., 65 Smith, Mrs. H. \\\, 310, 312 Smith, T., cd., 150 Smith, 1. A., 177, 1S6 Smith, T. C., 328 Smith, T. H., 85 Smith, I. M., 323 Smith, T. R., 70, 7S Smith, T. T„ 206, 254 Smith, t. W., 143 Smith, L., 65, 66 Smith, M., 221 Smith, N., 220 Smith, X. A., 286. 311, 312 Smith, O. J., 53, 139, 222 Smith, P. V., 182 Smith, R. M., 16, 154 Smith, S., S9 Smith, S. B., 240 Smith, S. G., 55. 242. 244 Smith, T. C, 167. 173 Smith, T. L., 233, 2S8 , Smith, W. A., 151, 2S3 Smith, W. B., 149 Smith, W. C. G., 101 Smith, W. H., SS, 152, 269 Smith, W. L., 293 Smith, W, W., 2S4, 300 Smvth, P. G., comp., 239 Smythe, R. M., comp., 101 Smythe, W. E., 166, 170 Snedden, D. S. and Allen, W. H., 290 Snider, D. J., S, 133. 169, 186 Snider, G. E., 110, 115 Snow, A. H., 155 Snow, F., 174, 213 Snow, L. F., 306 Snow, M. S., 207 Snyder, \V. L., 309 Social application of religion, 244 Social horizon, 15 Social progress, 16, 17, 29 Sociale Fragen und Antworten, 124 Socialism and agriculture. 43, 125 Socialism and individualism, 122, 126, 129 Socialism and religion, 122, 127 Socialism and the great state, 122, 127 Socialist Party, 173 Society for the Improvement of Prison Discipline, 264 Society of Arts. 7S Society small talk, 303 Soetbeer, G. A., 88 Soetbeer, II., 20, 122 Sogard, T., 275 Soldan, F. L., 274 Soldan, I.. 272 Solenberger, Mrs. A. \V., 67, 252 Solly, H.. 64 Sombart. W., 24. 31, 37, 122, 243 Some of the arguments and reasons against the office and title of kin- ship, 187 Somers, 1. S.. 1st baron, 182 Somers. K.. 66, 95, '■<: . 246 Somerset. Sir E. A. St. M.. uth duke of. 137. L95 Somerville. H. G., 252 Sons of the sires, 173 Sorel, A.. 217 Sound currency. 89, 01 South African republics. 206 South Carolina. Constitutional Con- vention, l v l Smith sea bubble, 103 South vindicated, 151 Southern business guide, 79 Southern Educational Association, 274 Southern States, 78 Souvestre, E., 63 Sowards, M. W., 139 Soziale Praxis, 16, 28 Spahr, C. B., 30, 34, 55, 63 Spalding, J. L., 122, 124, 244, 270 Spalding, T. A., 163 Spargo, J., 60, 67, 123, 126, 127. 251 Spargo, J. and Arner, G. B. L.. 123, 126 Sparkes, G., 11 Sparks, E. E., 155 Sparks, J., ed., 213 Sparling, S. E., 209 Spaulding, E. G., 90 Spaulding, M. C, 18 Spear, C, 264 Spears, J. R., 73, 150 Speck, E., 80 Spectator, The, 105 Spectator Company, New York, 104 Spedden, E. R., 66 Speiser, W., 104 Spelling, T. C, 48, 145 Spencer, A. G., 316 Spencer, D. E., 193 Spencer, E. A., 236 Spencer, E. W., 80 Spencer, F., ed., 278 Spencer, H., 8, 11, 38, 109, 124. 133, 142, 270 Spencer, P. R., 283 Spencer, R. T., comp., 328 Spender, J. A., 107 Spicer, E. E. and Pegler, E. C, 105 Spicer, H., 235 Spies, A. and others vs. Thet People of State of Illinois, 236 Spinoza, B. de, 131 Spofford, A. R., 160 Spooner, L., 177 Sprague, C. E., 103 Sprague, F. M„ 11, 123, 126 Sprague, O. M. W., 50, 93 Sprague, R. F.. 29 Springer, W. M.. 118 Sprogle, H. O., 263 Spuller, E., 165, 294 Spurrell, H. G. F., 220 Spurzheim, J. F. K., 270 Spyers, T. G., 55, 63 Squier, L. W., 107 Squire, B.., 147 Staatsarchiv, Das. 134 Staats-Lexikon, 133 Stade, R., 266 Stadling. J. and Reason, W., 203 Staley, E., 84 Stallard, J. H.. 2.4 Stambul und das moderne Tiirkenthum, 204 Stamm, A. T., 126 Stammhammer, J., 121. 127 Stamper, A. W., 284 Standard library cyclopedia of polit- ical, constitutional, statistical and forensic knowledge, 29. 133. 222 Stanley, A. P., 142 Stanley, H. M., 153 Stanley, M. A., 250, 252 Stanley, M. A. and Smith, G. B., 254 Stanley Gibbons monthly journal, 75 Stanton, Mrs. E. C. and others. 147 Stanton, S. B., 186 Stanton, T., ed., 316 Stanwood, E., 119, 186 Starcke, C. N., 135 Starrett, H. E., 316 AUTHOR INDEX 367 State education for the people in America, Europe, India and Aus- tralia, 290 Statesman's year-book, 17 Statham, F. R., 206, 243 Statistics of the Jews of the United States, 20, 158 Statistician and economist, 17 Statistisches Jahrbuch deutscher Stadte, 19 Staunton, H., 294 Staver, G. D., 116 Stead, A., ed., 37 Stead, F. H., 107 Stead, W. T., 12, 34, 63, 203, 213, 226 Stealey, O. O., 161 Stearns, C, 149 Stearns, C. W., 177 Stearns, E. J., 151 Stearns, F. P., 133, 172 Stearns, J. G., 328 Stebbins, C., 143 Stebbins, G. B., 119 Steeb, G. V., 105 Steele, G. M., 26 Steele, H., 63 Steevens, G. W., 236 Steffens, H., 307 Steffens, J. L., 145 Stein, L. v., 12, 15, 24, 38, 86, 121, 126, 128, 184 Steiner, B. C., 192, 292 Steiner, E. A., 154 Steinhausen, G., 37, 320 Steinhauser, A., 285 Steinthal, A. E., 290 Stelzle, C, 15, 55, 63, 244, 246, 251, 331 Stephen, Sir G., 80, 153 Stephen, H. L., ed., 235 Stephen, J., 225 Stephen, Sir J. F., 140, 205, 229 Stephen, L., 13 Stephens, A. H., 168, 169 Stephens, D. V., 280 Stephens, T., ed., 300 Stephens, T. A., 97 Stephens, W. W., 63 Stephenson, A., 240 Stephenson, G. T., 149, 233 Stern, S., 312 Sterne, S., 74, 144, 145, 159, 175 Steuart, Sir J., 24 Stevans, C. McC., 258 Stevens, A. C., comp.. 327 Stevens, C. E., 152, 177 Stevens, E. Y., 288 Stevens, F. B., ed., 306 Stevens, W., 149 Stevens, W. S.. ed.. 48 Stevenson, A. E., 170 Stevenson, W., 80 Steward, A., 152 Stewart, A., 151 Stewart, A. H., 266 Stewart, G., jr., 201 Stewart, W. R., 249 Stickney, A., 49, 53, 139, 145, 165, 170 Stickney, A. B., 73 Stiles, J. C, 151 Still, W., 152 Stimson, A. L., 75 Stimson, F. J. /. S. of Dale, 32, 69, 159, 178 Stiness, J. H., 103 Stintzing, R. v., 240 Stirling, J., 66 Stirling, P. J., 27 Stock exchange investments, 102, 103 Stocking, W„ 172, 192 Stockton, F. R., 258 Stockton, F. T., 66 Stoddart, J. T., 123 Stocker, H., 310 Stoeckle, A., 84 Stopel, F., 123 Stoerk, F., 183 Stokes, A. P., 89 Stokes, H. K., 207 Stolle, Frau R., 314 Stone, A. H., 149 Stone, C. W., 284 Stone, Mrs. E., 321 Stone, I., 2S0 Stone & Webster public service journal, 52 Slopes, Mrs. C. C, 317, 319 Storey, M., 166, 234 Storr, J. S., ed., 211 Story, A. J., 29S Story, D., 218 Story, J., 178 Stourm, R., 113 Stowe, A. R. M., 294 Stowe, Mrs. H. B., 152 Stowe, L. B. and George, W. R., 251 Stoy, K. V., 270 Strachan, G. C, 276 Strachey, J. St. L., 49, 124 Strack, H. L., 321 Strahan, S. A. K., 25S Stratton, J. Y., 330 Straus, O. S., 139 Strayer, G. D., 290 Strayer, G. D. and Thorndike, E. L., 280 Streightoff, F. H., 31, 51, 63 Stringfellow, T., 151 Stroho, H. G.. 220 Strombeck, J. F., 74 Strong, J., 155, 242, 244, 331 Stroud, F„ 222 Struck, E., 102 Striimpell, L. A., 279 Strutt, J., 323 Stuart, D., 218 Stuart, G. R., 260 Stuart, J. E., 300, 304 Stuart-Linton, C. E. T., 157 Stubbs, C. W., 43, 63, 244 Stubbs, W., 1S2, 222 Stuckenberg, J. H. \V., 8, 9 Studnitz, A. v., 63, 8S Stumm, H., 218 Sturdy, W. A., 140, 144 Sturt, G., 330 Sturtevant, J. M., 24 Subjects of the day, 16 Suess, E., 88 Sugden, F. H.. 52 Sullivan, Sir E. R., 120, 314 Sullivan, J. J., 47. 80 Sullivan, Mrs. M. F. B., 41 Sullivan, W., 167 Sully, J., 279 Summer, C., 228 Sumner, H. L., 147 Sumner, W. G., 11, 15, 26. 27. 91, 94, 96, 111, 118, 119. 124, 320 Sumner W. G., and others, comp., 24, 130 Sundbarg, A. G., ed., 295 Sundwall, J., 135 Sunset Club, Chicago. 170 Supan, A. G., 155 Survey, The, 16 Sutherland, H., 41 Sutherland, W., 107 Sutherland, W. J., 285 Sutton, W. S., 272 Suzzallo, H., 284, 290 Svedelius, W. E., 203 Svensk rikskalender, 203 Svenska Sallskapet for Nykterhet och Folkuppfostran, 262 Swann, J., 103 Sweden, Kungl. Kommerskollegium, Afdelning for Arbetsstatistik, 67 Sweeney, J., 263 Swett, J., 278, 280, 292 Swett, M., 60, 69 Swift, E. J., 279 Swift, F. II., 39, 290 Swift, L., 128 Swift. M. I., 155, 244 Swinton, J., 65 Swinton, W., 284 Swinton, W. and Cathcart, ('.. K.. ed., 283 Switzerland. Federal constitution, 184 Syme, D., 24 Symonds, B., 106 Szafranski, T., ed., 164 Tabor, M., 106 Tadd, J. L., 270, 297 Taft, W. H., 143, 170 Tait, W. C, 70 Takaki, M., 90, 92 Takaoka, K., 43 Takekoshi, Y., 157 Talbot, M., 304 Tallack, W., 264 Tallerman, D., 35, 43, 50 Tallett, G. M., 252 Talleyrand, P. C. M. de, prince de Benevant, 228 Talleyrand, P. C. M. de, prince de Benevent and Louis XVIII, knui of France, 228 Tandy, F. D., 129 Tanner, H. C, 162 Tansill, R., 168 Tarbell, I. M., 46, 48, 119, 316 Tarde, G., 8, 12, 13, 129, 256. 264 Tardieu, A. P. G. A., 216 Tarle, E. V., 56 Tarver, J. C, 289 Tate, T., 278 Taussig, F. W., 24, 58, 89, 119 Tavernier, A. E., 325 Tayler, J. L., 11 Tayler, W., 113 Taylor, A., 137 Taylor, A. N., 229 Taylor, E., 118 Taylor, G. R. S., 123 Taylor, H., 178, 182, 219, 221, 224 Taylor, H. C, 40 Taylor, I., 12, 312 Taylor, J., 91, 175, 320 Taylor, J. O., 295 Taylor, R. W. C, 45 Taylor, S., 58 Taylor, W. A., 193 Taylor, W. C, 11, 138, 257 Taylor, W. J., 274 Teachers college record, 273. 281 288 Teachers' professional library, 273 Tefft, B. F., 171 Tegg, W., 234, 321, 326 Temple, Sir R., 163, 205 Ten Brook, A., 307 Tennant, C, 93, 98, 103, 112, 113 Tenney, E. P., 12 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. H. Marion Harland, 326 Terman, L. M., 275 Terrell, W. G., comp., 119 Tezner, F., 137 Thackeray, S. W., 38, 40 Thamin, R., 270 368 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Thayer. J. B., 221 Tipper, R., S3 Tucker, W. J., 13, 143, 244 Thayer, W. R., 202 Tippy, W. M., ed., 244 Tuckerman, B., 158 Theobald. W. 11.. 258 Tissot, V., 216, 263 Tuckett, J. D., 56 Theory and art of penmanship, 283 Tittle, W., comp., 324 Tuckwell, G. M.. 60, 251 Thierry, T. X. A., 105 Tobler, FL, 229 Tuckwell, W.. I!t7 Thiers, M. T. L. A.. 32 Tocqueville, A. C. II. C. de, IT.". Tuer, A. W., 302, 321 Thimm, C. A., 325 To-day, 123 Tugan-Baranovski, M. F, 123 Thirteen essays on education. 272 Todd, A., 155, 157, 103 Tunell, G. G., 76 Thissen, 0., 63 Todd, Mrs. M., 53, 75 Tunzelmann, G. W. v., 124 Thoman, F., 104, 107 Todhunter, F, 306 Tupper, C. L., 205 Thomann, G., 261 Todorovits, M. A., 121 Turcotte, L. P., 201 Thomas, A. \\\, 141, 191 Toeche-Mittler, K. IF E. S.. 7 1 Turgot, A. R. J., baron de I'Aulne, Thomas, F. W., 295 Tolman. W. H., 207 30 Thomas, K. E., 326 Tolstoi, L. N., graf., 63, 129. 242 Turner, B. B„ 78, 86 Thomas, M. C, 304 Tomes, R., 308 Turner, C. T. R., 254 Thomas, T. P., 207 Tompkins, A., 278, 280 Turner, E. R., 149 Thomas, W. H., 149 Tonna, Mrs. C. E. B., 60 Turner, F. S., 83 Thomas, W. I., ed., 7, 11 Tooke, T., 50, 87, 91 Turner, H. G.. 204 Thomas' register of American Tornau, N. Y., 223 Turner, J. B., 152 manufacturers, 79 Torrens, Sir R., 27, 42. 43, 91 Turner, L. E., 318 Thome, J. A. and Kimball, T. IF, Torrens, W. T. M., 32, 60, 103, 187 Turner, S. E., 183 153 Torres Campos, M., 203 Tweedy, J., 172 Thompson, pseud., 257 Tourgee, A. \\ '.. 89, 143, 149, 247 Twentieth century home, 318 Thompson. C. B., 03. 244 Tourville. H. de, 219 Twining, L., 248, 249, 253. 254 Thompson, C. J. S., 257, 258 Tousey, S., 169 Twiss, Sir T, 28, 167, 224 Thompson, C. N., 101 Toussenel, A., 36 Tyler, E. A., 105 Thompson, C. S., 161 Towards Utopia, 12, 129 Tyler, J. M., 270 Thompson, C. W., 170 Tower, C, 231 Tyler, L. G., 171 Thompson, D. G., 13, 139, 166 Tower, P., 152 Tylor, E. B., 11 Thompson, D. W., 294 Towle, G. M., 218 Tynan, P. J. P., 202 Thompson, F. J., 328 Towle, N. C, 178 Tvrrell, F. G., 145 Thompson, G., 153, 266 Towler, W. G., 124, 206 Tyson, J. R., 103 Thompson, FL, 34 Towles, J. K., 70 Thompson, H. M., 13, 58, 203, 244 Town, S., 283 u Thompson, J. G. and Thompson, T. Town planning review, The, 212 E., 283 Townsend, C, 188 Thompson, J. P., 142 Townsend, J. P., 94, 99 Ubbelohde, A., 222 Thompson, F. S., 283 Townsend, L. T., 139, 1.39 Ufer, C, 271 Thompson, M. E., 283 Townsend, M., 219 Ufford, W. S., 249, 252 Thompson, P., 55 Townsend, W. C, 163, 235 Ular, A., 216 Thompson, R., ed., 325 Toynbee, A., 35, 55, 63 Ulbrich, J., 201 Thompson, R. E.. 26, 119, 244 Tracy, Mrs. E. S., 160 Ullrich, R., 289, 306 Thompson, R. W.. 120 Traill, H. D., 194, 247 Ulrich, B. A., 186 Thompson, T. O., 120 Train, A. C, 234, 235, 257 Ulrich, F., 74 Thompson, V., 228 Train, G. F., 102 Ulvestad, M., 15S Thompson, W., 30, 67, 316 Tramar, comtesse de, 326 Underwriter, The, 105 Thorns, W. J., 18 Transehe-Roseneck, A. v., 203 Unionist Free Trade Club, 12ft Thomson, A. W., 193 Trash, F., pub., 323 United Empire, 157 jThomson, J. B., 85 Traut, E., 324 United States. Bureau of C Thomson, J. T., 15 Travis, I. D., 225 tions, 46, 110 Thomson, M. H., 279 Travis, T., 266 -Bureau of Education, 147. 267, Thoreau, H. D., 151 Treat, P. J., 39 289, 307 Thornbury, G. W., 257 Treitschke, H. G. v., 8. 124, 200 -Bureau of Equipment. 77 Thorndike, E. L., 17, 270, 27S, 291 Tremenheere, H. S., 133, lis Bureau of Labor, 51. 57. 58, 59, Thornton, F., 99 Trenholm, W. L., 87 64, 65, 70 Thornton, H., 91, 103, 112 Trescot, W. FF, 213, 228 Bureau of Statistics, 37, 50, 63, Thornton, T. C, 151 Treves, Signor V. T., 312 70, 82, 154, 225 Thornton, W. T., 20, 41, 55 Trials of Charles the First and Census Office, 18, 189, 248, 250 Thorpe, B., 233 others, 235 Civil Service Commission, 190 Thorpe, F. N., 175, 178, 188 Tribune almanac and political Congress, 4S, 169 Thrasher, M. B., 149 register, 17 ■ Directories, 162 Three lectures on subjects connected Triggs, H. F, 212 Laws, 100, 111, 230 with the practice of education, Triggs, O. L., 124 39th Congress, 180 278 Trine. R. W., 15 55th Congress, special session. Thring, E., 278 Tripier, L. and Monnier, H., ed., 120 Thring, II. T., ist baron. 159, 238 239 61st Congress, 58 Thummel, C, 240 Trotter, A., Ill, 116 House, 161 Thulie, H., 317 Troup, C. E., 49 Committee on Interstate Thulin, E. J., 203 Trowbridge, O. R., 191 and Foreign Cotnm'erce, Thurloe, J., 195 True, E. F, 54 72 Thurlow. T. J. IF, 66, 205 True or false finance, 118 : Senatc, 72, 161, 102, L85 Thurston, H. W., 26 Trueblood, B. F., 226 Constitutional Convention, 17... Thwing, C. F., 270, 289, 292. 306, Truman, B. C, 325 176 307 1 rumble. A., 238, 266 Continental Congress. 161, 175 Thwing, C. F. and Thwing, Mrs. C. Trumbull, 11. C, 312. 321 Country Life Commission. 881 F. B., 309 Trumbull, F IF, 180 Department of Commerce and Tiedeman, C. G., 178 Trumbull, M. M., 55, 120 Labor, 69, 110, 113. 15 1 Tighe, A., 136 Trzcinski, J. v., 43 Department of Interior. 43, 184, Tikhomirov, L., 203 Tsu. Y. Y., 248 189 Tille, A., 35, 324 Tucker, F. St. G. de L. B., 248, Department of State, 71, 72. Tillinghast, J. A , 149 250, 259 178, 189, 214, 220 Tilton, T. vs. Beecher, H. W., 236 Tucker, G. F., 234 General Land Office, 39 Timbs, J., 17, 303, 330 Tucker, J. R., 178 — ■ — Industrial Commission, 48, 50, Tingle, E. W. S., 144, 226 Tucker, St. G., 152 57, 59, 60, 65, 70, 109 AUTHOR TND1 \ (69 -Interstate Commerce Commis- sion, 53, 73, 81 -Isthmian Canal Commission, 72 -Librarv of Congress. Division of Bibliography, 47, 49, 52, 54, 55, 60, 04, 65, OS, 70, 78, 74, SO, 81, 90, 92, 95, 96, 104, 107, 108. 109, 110, 117. 140. 144, 14."), 147, 153, L55, L58, L59, 162, 171, 184, 185, 209, 227, 228, 119, 154, 176, 237 Law Library, 239 National Waterways Commis- sion, 71 Naval War College, Newport, 224 Navy Department, 51, 189, 219, 230 Panama Canal Commission, 72 —Philippine Commission, 156 President, 214 President's Homes Commission, 68 Strike Commission, 05 Supreme Court, 230 Treasury Department . 101, 154. 227 War Department, 120, 1 :>.">, L89, 230 United States Brewers' Association, 260 United States insurance almanac, 17, 105 Universal Congress of Lawyers and Jurists, St. Louis, 1904, 221, 222 University extension, 273, 303 University extension journal, 273, 303 University extension world. 273 University quarterly, 273 Untermann, E., 31, 126 Unwin, G., S4 Unwin, R., 212 L T pdegraff, H. : 293 Upsala, Sweden. A'. Universitetet- Foreningen Heimdals politiska smaskrifter, 203 Upton, J. K., 89 Upward, A., 204 Urban, VV. M., 29 Ure, A., 44 Urlin, R. D. and Shearwood, J. A., 110 Urquhart, D., 35, 197, 201 Urquia, J., 157 Urusov, S. D.. kniac, 203 Urwick, W. E., 279 Ussel, P., 139 Ussing, J. L., 275 Utvandrarnes egna uppgifter, 159 Uyehara, G. E., 205 Uzanne, L. O., 319, 321, 323, 324 Vacherot, £., 139, 199 Vail, C. H., 126 Vallandigham, C. L., 169, 236 Vambery, A., 205, 218 Van Antwerp, W. C., 102 Van Buren, M., 171 Vance, W. R., 105 Vandal, A., 216 Vandam, A. D., 199 Vandegrift & Co., F. B., 120 Van Denburg, J. K., 291 Vanderbilt, A. T., 317 Vanderlip, F. A., 78, S2 Vandewalker, N. C, 286 Van de Warker, E., 305 Van de Water. Mrs. V. T., 312 Van Dyke, J. C, 31, 34, 247 Van Dyne, F., 144, 228 Vane, Sir H., 195 Van Evrie, J. H., 151 Van Hise, C. R., 34, 44, 48 Van Kleeck, M., 60 Van Meter, H. H., 156 Van Ornum. W. II.. 12 1. 129 Van Sommer, A. and Zwemer, S. M., 320 VanValkenburg, J., ed., 330 Van Vorst, V., "Mrs. John Van Vorst," 45, 60 Vangny, C. de, 319 Vattel, E. de, 224 Vauban, S. Le P., marquis de, 113 Vaughan, B., 127 Vaughan, D. J., 15 Vaughan, R., 12, 138 Vaughan, V. C, 68 Vaux, Baron L. de, 325 Veblen, T. B., 29. 78, 330 Vecelli, C, 322 Vedder, H. C, 123, 244 Veiller, L., 68 Venable, W. H., 272 Veredarius. ().. pseud. See Frank, O Veron, P., 15 Veselovski, A. K., 114 Vethake, H., 24 . Vickers, G., 145 Victoria magazine, 318 Vierkandt, A., 8, 14 Vigano, F., 52 Vigelius, C, 99 Vigneron . . ., 323 Vignes, £., 113 Vignon, L., 157 Villard, A., 149 Villari, L., ed., 217 Villeneuve-Bargemont, J. P. A., vicomte de, 28 Villermont, M., de., 324 Villey, E., 58 Villiers, B., 126 Villiers, C. P., 120 Vincent, G. E., 14, 270, 279, 301 Vincent, J. M., 203 Vincent, W., 80 Vine, Sir J. R. S-, 207 Vineberg, S., 116 Vinogradov, P. G., 35, 40. 136, 247 Virginia (state). Convention of 1788, 176 House of Delegates, 176 Virginia Company of London. 84 Vissering, W., 114 Vitzthum von Eckstaedt, K. F.. Graf v., 215 Vives, J. L., 305 Vizetelly, E. A., 129, 257 Vladimir, pseud., 216 Vocation Bureau, Boston, 297, 298 Vocation Office for Girls, Boston 297, 298 Vocational education, 297 Vocke, W., 109, 120, 233 Voice of masonrv, 328 Voigt, T. P., 312 Volksbildungsarchiv, 273 Volta Bureau, 255 Volta review, The, 255. 298 Voltaire, F. M. A. de, 131, 142, 165 Volz, R., 250 Vossion, L., 178 Voter, The, 134 Votsch, W., 20 Vrba, R., 203 Vrooman, C. S., 73, 75 Vrooman, F. B., 44, 139, 166, 219 Vuitry, A., 113 w Wacke-r, T., 127, 200 Wade, J., 164, 197 Wade, S. C, comp., 166, 170 Wade, W., 255 Wachter, C. J. G. S. v., 229, 240 Wagemann, E., 83, LS*i Wagner, A. H. G.. 38, 113, 114. 120 Wagner, C, 222, 244, 320 Wagner, L., 320 Wagner, M., 108 Wahl, M., 157 Waite, A. E., 327 Waite, C. B., 178 Waitt, I. W., 317 Waitz, G., 133, 183 Wakefield, C. C, 78 Wakefield, E., 202 Wakefield, E. G., 35, 155, 157 Wakeley, E., 88 Wakeman, H. I. and Hassall, A., ed., 183 Walcker, K., 63, 200 Waldeck-Rousseau, P. M., 15 Walden, J. W. H., 306 Waldron, G. B., 87, 111, 173 Waldstein, C, 156, 226 Waldstein, L., 279 Waldthausen, F„ 114 Walesrode, L., ed., 139, 200 Walford, C, 83. 84, 105, 325 Walker and Watson, J. D., 103 Walker, A., 24 Walker, A. H., 48, 89 Walker, F., 49, 87, 111 Walker, F. A., 17, 19, 24, 26, 27, 38, 58, 87. 89, 272. 297 Walker, J., 153, 260 Walker. L B., 176 Walker, T. C, 323 Walker, J. H., 86, 93 Walker, R. L, 152 Walker, T., 233 Walker, T. A., 224 Wall, E. C, 41 Wallace, A. R., 15. 35, 38, 50 Wallace, Sir D. M., 248 Wallace, R., 20 Wallas, G., 14, 133 Wallich, P., 94, 98 Wallin, J. E. W., 284 Walling, G. W., 263 Walling, W. E., 123, 203 Wallis, C, 19 Wallis, L., 244 Wallis, S. T., 203 Wallon, H. A., 149 Walpole, Sir S., 197, 215 Walras, L., 30 Walsh, C. M., 29, 87, 104 Walsh, J. H., 284 Walsh, J. J., 274 Walsh, R., 213 Walsh, W. J., 89 Walsh, W. S., 320 Walthew, G. W., 133 Walton, Sir E. H., 206 Waltz, W., 43 Waples, R., 160 Ward, C. O., 56, 126 Ward, E., 172 Ward, E. J., ed., 246 Ward, G. W., 71 Ward, II. F., 244, 245 Ward, L, 58, 63, 65 Ward, L. F., 8, 9, 11, 14, 242 Ward, Mrs. M. A. A., 300 Ward, R., 261 Ward, R. A., 103 Ward, S. R., 152 Ware, F. A. G., 63, 67, 298 Warhurst, B. W., 76 370 CHICAGO PUBLIC LIBRARY Waring, C, 75 Waring, L. H., 131 Warne, F. J., 66, 154, 159 Warner, A. G., 249 Warner, F., 298 Warner, G. T., 35, 3S Warner, H. S., 260 Warren, C, 238 Warren, H., 93 Warren, M., 77, 83 Warren, N. B., 324 Warren, S., 238 Warvelle, G. W., 42, 328 Washburn, C. A., 139 Washburn, E., 222, 231, 237, 238 Washburne, E. B., 191 Washburne, Mrs. M. F., 312, 320 Washington, B. T., 63, 149, 296 Washington, B. T. and Du Bois, W. E. B., 149 Washington, G., 178 Washington Conference on the Race Problem in the United States, 149 Washington Life Insurance Com- pany, 106 Wasmansdorff, E., 321 Wasson, D. A., 134 Waterhouse, P. and Unwin, R., 212 Waterloo, S., 89 Waterman, S. D., 189 Waterman, S. D. and others, 283 Waters, Mrs. C. E. C, 314 Waters, R., 303 Watkin, Sir E. W., 201 Watkins, G. P., 31 Watney, C. and Little, J. A., 55 Watson, D. K., 178 Watson, F., 281, 294 Watson, J. G., comp., 324 Watson, J. M., 282, 283, 284 Watson, W. P., 205 Watt, F., 239 Watt, W. E., 301, 302 Watterson, H., 320 Watts, I., 303 Waugh, B., 266 Way, T. R., 84 Wayland, F., 26 Wayland, J. W., 133 Wayne, K. H., 312, 313 Weatherford, W. D., 149 Weathers, J., 302 Weaver, A. G., 220 Webb, A. D., 17 Webb, Mrs. B. P., 52 W 7 ebb, J. R., 281, 283 Webb, S., 126 Webb, S. and Cox, H., 64 Webb, S. and Webb, Mrs. B. P., 55, 63, 66, 67, 206 Webb, W. M., 322 Weber, A. H., 71 Weber, C. P. M. M., Freiherr v., 75 Weber, F., 325 Webster, D., 96, 167 Webster, H., 135, 302, 327 Webster, N., 284 Webster, P., 144 Webster, R. G., 83 Webster, S., Ill Webster, W. C, 80, 290 Weed, A. R., 80 SVeed, C. M. and Emerson, E., 302 Weeden, W. B., 124, 169, 186, 247 Week in Wall street, 102 Weekly philatelist era, 7G Weeks, J. D., 56, 58 Weeks, R. M., 297 Weeks, S. B., L52 Weigert, M., 56 Weinhagen, N., ed., 92 Weinhold, J. M., 56 Weinhold, K., 315 Weir, R. S., 201 Weiss, H., 322 Weissenfels, O., 270 Welch, A. S., 288 Welch, J. W., 255 Welch, W. M., 295 Weld, Mrs. A. E. G., 151 Wellington, A. W., 1st duke of, 202 Wellman. F. L., 234 Wells, D. A., 24, 3u, 32, 34, ">4, 58, 73, 77, 82, S7, 109 Wells, H. G., 12, 45, 126, 129, 242, 247. 270 Wells, J., 307 Wells, J. G„ 172, 236 Wells, T. G. and others, 172 Wells, "S. R., 303 Wells, W. H„ 278 Welsford, J. W. W., 3-3, 119, 195 Welsh, H., 213 Welt der Frau, 31S Welthandel, Der, 78 Welton, J., 270, 280 Wendell, B„ 272 Wendt, E. E„ 229 Wendt, G„ 183, 194 Wergeland, H. A., 202 Werner, C, 313 West, A. F., 275, 289, 307 West, B. B., 234 West, Sir E., 58 Westall, W„ 257 Westcott, B. F., 244, 300 Westergaard, H., 17 Westermarck, E. A., 309 Western, C. C. W., baron. 264 Western Economic Society, 119 Western journal of agriculture, 78 Western law journal, 222 Western philatelist, 76 Western trade & export journal, 7S Westgarth, W., 204 Westlake, J., 224 Westlake, J. W., 327 Westoby, W. A. S., 76 Weston, G. M., 152 Wetekamp, W., 287 Weyl, W. E., 34, 139, 166, 170 Weyl, W. E. and others, 74, 109 Weyland, J„ 20 Wharton, F., 213, 224 Whately, R., 24, 264 Whates, H., 197 Wheaton, H., 224 Wheeler, D. H., 34 Wheeler, E. J., 173, 261 Wheeler, E. P., 89 Wheeler, H. G., 161 Wheelwright, E. M., 301 Whelpley, T. D„ 154 Whetham, W. C. D„ 11 Whewell, W., 270, 307 Whibley, L„ 136 Whipple, F. H., 54 Whipple, G. M., 280, 289 Whistler, J. A. McN., 236 Whitaker's almanack, 18 Whitby, C. J., 15 White, A., 154, 254 White, A. D., 90, 91, 228, 330 White, A. M., 223 White, A. T„ 68 White, B„ 244 White, E. A., Alex, 147 White, E. E., 278, 280 White, G., 26, 118 White, H„ 87, 89, 91, 93 White, H. A., 259 White, T. E„ 76 White, N., 101 White, S. H„ 301 White, Mrs. S. J., 298, 317 White, W., 163 White, W. A., 139, 166, 247 Whitehead, C, 258 Whitehead, C. F. L. S., 43 Whiteway, A. R., 264 Whitfield, E. E., 77 Whitford, W. C„ 293 Whiting, W., 179, 230 Whitman, C. S„ 200 Whitmore, W. H., 231 Whitney, E. L., 189 Whitney, J. A., 159 Whitney, T. R., 166 Whitridge. F. W., 146 Whittemore, H., 32S, 329 Whitten, R. H., 52, 192 Whittier, J. G., ed., 312 Whittuck, E. A., ed., 224 Whitworth, C. W.. ist earl, 215 Who counts the electoral vote? 169 Who is who in insurance, 105 Who's who year-book, IS Whymper, H. J., 328 Wicker, C. F., 22:> Wickersham, J. P., 278, 280 Wicksell, J. G. K„ 20 Wicksteed, P. H., 20 Wiehe, E„ 2S6 Wiermann, H., 164 Wieselgren, S., 261 Wieser, F. v., 29 Wigham, E., 153 Wight, P. B.. 105 Wigmore, J. H., 145 Wilamowitz-Moellendorff. U. v., 136 Wilcox, D. F., 52, 141, 192, 208 Wilcox. W. D., 88 Wild, E„ 216 Wilda, W. E., 84 Wilde. O. F. O'F. W., 126 Wildman, M. S., 91, 111 Wilgus, H. L., 46 Wilgus, J. A., 193 Wilhelm II, German emperor, 200 Wilhelm, L. W.. 192 Wilkins, A. S., 275 Wilkins, W. H., 154 Wilkinson, G. T., 197 Wilkinson, H. S., 215 Wilkinson, J. F., 52 Willard, A. J., 233 Willard, C. D., 208 Willard, C. E„ 106 Willard, F. E., 261, 262, 317 Willard, J. A., 239 Willard, J. F. Josiah Flvnt, 254, 256, 25S, 259 Willard, J. F. Josiah Flynt and Hodder, A. Francis Walton. 2">li Willcox, W. F.. 19, 20, 310 Willems, P., 136, 240 Willey, A., 153 Willey, N., 106 Willey, N. and Smith, H. W.. 106 William McKinley and the G. O. P., 172 Williams, A., 120 Williams, A. M., 270 Williams, A. T., 140 Williams, C. L, 304 Williams. Mrs. C. R. A., 193 Williams, D., 302 Williams, E., 1S6 Williams, E. E., 119 Williams, E. E. G., 35, 37 Williams, F. W.. 213 Williams, G. S., 178 Williams. G. W., 149 Williams, H. M., pseud.. 102 Williams, H. S., 261 Williams, J., 195 Williams, J. E., 99 Williams, S., comp., 283 Williams, S. E., 221 Williams, S. G., 274 Williams, S. W., 204 WTHOR IND i .171 Williams, T.. 56 Willis, A., 188 Willis, II. P.. L56 Willisford, E. II., 11. :;i Willison, J. S., 20] Willock, J., 239 Willoughby, W. F., 45, 64, 198, 156 Willoughby, W. W., 25, 181, 133, 143, 186, 222, 237 Willson, B., 70, S3, 87 Wnison, M., 88, 283, 284, 289 Wilm, E. C, 300 Wilmanns, K., 254 Wilmot, S. M. E., 220 Wilshire, G., 126 Wilson, A. J., 78, 87, 95, !)7, 102, 112, 113 Wilson, C. D., 308 Wilson, E. C, 270 Wilson, G., 90 Wilson, G. G. and Tucker, G. F., 224 Wilson, H., 153 Wilson, J., 11, 86, 97 Wilson, Mrs. L. L. W„ 282 Wilson, Sir R. K., 233 Wilson, T. W„ 161, 170 Wilson, W., 133, 134, 186 Wilson, W. H„ 331 Wilson, W. L., 124 Wiltse, S. E., 282, 286, 287 Winch, W. H., 288, 290 Winchell, S. R., 191, 209, 284 Winchester, B., 204 Winder, P. D., 291, 302 Wines, E. C., 264 Wines, F. H., 264 Wingfield, L. S., 323 Wingfield-Stratford, E., 195, 22(1 Wingate, C. F., 298 Winn, H., 38, 109 Winonian, The, 273 Winship, A. E., 55 Winstanley, D. A., 195 Winter, A., 266 Winterburn, F. H.. 312 Winterbnrn. Mrs. R. V., 278 Winterer, L., 124 Winthrop, R. C, 175 Winthrop, W., 230 Wirth, A., 219 Wirth, M., 25, 50 Wisconsin. Free Library Commis- sion, 303 Legislature. Committee on In- dustrial Insurance. 108 State Superintendent of Schools, 301, 302 25, 54, 76, 133 Extension Division, -University — Universal y 330 -University Extension Division. Deft, of Dcbatinq and Public Discussion, 66, 76, 96, 99, 110, 145, 147 Wise. T. S., 144, 166 Wisner, E., S9 Wither. C, 163 Withers. II., 87, 97, 101 Withers. P.. comp., 312 Wittenmeyer. Mrs. A., 261 Wittig, I.., 211 Wittstock, A., 27o W'ohlin, N., 154 Wolff, H. W., 52, 93, 99 Wolowski, L. F. M. R., 87, 88, 89, 90, 93 Woman-suffrage, 147 Woman-suffrage movement in the United States, 147 Woman's journal, 318 Women in the business world, 317 Women's conquest of New York, 147 Women's Educational and Industrial Union, Boston, 51, 58, 60. 318 Wood, E. J., 321 Wood, Mrs. E. N., 289 Wood, F. A., 115 Wood, H., 25, 221 Wood, J., 167 Wood, Mrs. M. I. S., 318 Woodburn, J. A., 171, 188 Woodburn, J. A. and Moran, T. F., 189 Woodhead, H., 209 Woodruff, C. R., ed.. 209 Woods, A., ed., 305 Woods, H. C., 217 Woods, R. A., 123, 126, 242, 245 Woods, R. A. and Kennedy, A. J., 245 Woods, R. A. and others, 253 Woodward, C. M., 297 Woodward, W. H., 275 Woodworth, A. V., 244 Wooldridge, C. R., 263 Woolhouse, W. S. B., 85, 87 Woolley, J. G. and Johnson, W. E., 261 Woolman, M. S. "Mrs. F. C. Wool- man," 297 Woolsey, Mrs. K. T., 317 Woolsey, T. D., 123, 128, 133, 224, 310 Woolsey, T. S., 213 Wooton, E., 307 Worcester (Mass.). City Council, 175 Word method primer, The, 282 Wordsworth, C., 300, 307 World almanac and encyclopedia, 18 Worms, £., 26 . Worsley, H., 266 Worst, E. F., 287 Worthington, H. S., 124 Worthington, T. K., 115 Worthington, T. L., 68 Wortman, T., 140, 141 Wotawa, A. v., 274, 295 Wright, A. W., 77 Wright, B. C., 70, 94, 90 Wright, C. D., 9, 50, 51, 52, 55, 56, 58, 59, 60, 64, 65, 66, 70, 296 Wright E., 106 Wright, H. B., 55 Wright, H. P., 308 Wright, J. A., 237 Wright, T. H., 248 Wright, J. S., 179 Wright, J. S. and Agnew, J. H., 179 Wright, R. J., 9, 126 Wright, R. S. and Hobhouse, H., 113, 116, 206 W'right, T., 64 Wright, T. M. A., 315 Wright, W. A., 312 Wrixon, Sir H. J., 139 Wuerzburg, A., 240 Wulff, H., 201 Wyche, R. T., 287 Wyckoff, W. A., 64, 254 Wyer, T. I., 185 Wyer, J. I. and Lord, I. E., 267 Wyer, J. I. and Phelj.>. M. L., comp., 267 Wygodzinski, W., 28 Wyman, B., 48 Wyman, G., comp., 39 Wynter, A., 15 Wyzewa, T. de, 124 \. du Figaro, pseud., 199 Vale. C, 262 Vale review, 28 Yale University. Sheffield Scientific School, 13, 31 Yate, A. C., 218 Yates, J. A., 91 Yeakle, M. M., ed.. 12 Yeaman, G. H., 133 Yeats, J., 78, 80 Yeigh, F., 20L • Yen, H. L., 204 Yonge, C. D., 183 Yorke, S., 314 Yorkshire (England), 40 Young, A., 36, 238 Young, A. B. F., 247 Young, A. W., 188, 189, 193 Young, C. F. T., 208 Young, E., 55, 64, 154 Young, Mrs. E. F., 270, 280, 299 Young, F., 157 Young, J. P., 119 Young, T. E., 105 Young, T. M., 44 Young Men's Christian Associations. International Committee. Etluea- tional Dept., 251 Young woman, The, 318 Younghusband, F. E., 206 Youngman, A., 31, 34 Yuille, G. A., 48 Yule, G. U., 17 Zacher, G., 108 Zarncke, F, 307 Zartman, L. W., 105, 100 Zeballos, E. S., 227 Zeising, A., 142 Zeitschrift fur Social- und Wirth schaftsgeschichte, 16. 29 Zeller, E., 142 Zenker, E. V., 129 Zeumer, K., 114 Ziegler, G. A. and others. 262 Ziegler, T., 13, 37, SOS Ziller, T., 270, 27S Zilliacus, K., 130, 203 Zimmermann, A., 155 Zimmern, A., 289 Zimmern, A. E., 136 Zirkle, H. W., 291 Zmigrodzki, M. v., 310, 315 Zmrhal, J. L, 188 Zoepfl, H. M., 240 Zola, E., 236 Zon, R., 44 Zorn, P., 183, 240 Zouchv, R., 224 Zueblin, C. 208, 242 Zurhellen-Pfleiderer, E., 287, 300 Zwiedineck-Sudenhorst, H. v., 200 THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINi~OF 25 CENTS W.LL BE ASSESSED FOR FA.LURE TO RETURN TH.S BOOK ON THE DATE DU* THE »"££ WILL INCREASE TO SO CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. LD21-100m-7,'33 YD055279 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY