THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES IN MEMORY OF EDWIN CORLE PRESENTED BY JEAN CORLE THE -NOVELS OF LAVRENCE STERNE IN FOUR. VOLVMES- TRISTRAM SHANDY VOL. I. 2039515 The Navarre Society gratefully acknowledge^ the courtesy of MESSRS BlCKERS & SON LIMITED in granting permission to use their edition of fSfJ in the preparation of this set. Of this Edition of S feme's Novels, Tivo Thousand copies are printed for England and America , for Tlie Navarre Society, by MESSRS MORRISON & GIBB LIMITED, EDINBURGH, N.B. Printed in Great Britain THB LIFE AND OPINIONS TBISTRAM SHANDY. GENT. Topao-wcc TOVS 'A.v6p quarries, goods and chattels of felons and fugitives, 4 felons of themselves, and put in exigent, deodands, 4 fee-wan-ens, and all other royalties and seigniories, 4 rights and jurisdictions, privileges and heredita- 4 ments whatsoever. J^nfr Hlsu the advowson, dona- 4 tion, presentation, and free disposition of the rectory 4 or parsonage of Shandy aforesaid, and all and every 4 the tenths, tithes, glebe lands.' In three words, My mother was to lie-in (if she chose it) in London. But, in order to put a stop to the practice of any unfair play on the part of my mother, which a mar- riage-article of this nature too manifestly opened a door to, and which indeed had never been thought of at all, but for my uncle Toby Shandy, a clatree was added in security of my father, which was this : 44 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 1 That in case my mother hereafter should, at any ' time, put my father to the trouble and expense of a 4 London journey, upon false cries and tokens, that 1 for every such instance, she should forfeit all the 4 right and title which the covenant gave her to the 4 next turn ; but no more, and so on, toties quoties, 4 in as effectual a manner as if such a covenant betwixt ' them had not been made.' This, by the way, was no more than what was reasonable ; and yet, as reasonable as it was, I have ever thought it hard that the whole weight of the article should have fallen entirely, as it did, upon myself. But I was begot and born to misfortunes ; for my poor mother, whether it was wind or water or a com- pound of both, or neither ; or whether it was simply the mere swell of imagination and fancy in her ; or how far a strong wish and desire to have it so, might mislead her judgment: in short, whether she was de- ceived or deceiving in this matter, it no way becomes me to decide. The fact was this, That in the latter end of September 1717, which was the year before I was born, my mother having carried my father up to town much against the grain, he peremptorily insisted upon the clause ; so that I was doom'd, by marriage-articles, to have my nose squeez'd as flat to my face, as if the Destinies had actually spun me without one. How this event came about, and what a train of vexatious disappointments, in one stage or other of my life, have pursued me, from the mere loss, or rather compression, of this one single member, shall be laid before the reader all in due time. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 45 CHAPTER XVI. MY father, as any body may naturally imagine, came down with my mother into the country, in but a pettish kind of a humour. The first twenty or five-and-twenty miles he did nothing in the world but fret and tease himself, and indeed my mother too, about the cursed expense, which he said might every shilling of it have been saved. Then, what vexed him more than every thing else was, the provoking time of year, which, as I told you, was towards the end of September, when his wall-fruit, and green-gages especially, in which he was very curious, were just ready for pulling. ' Had 4 he been whistled up to London, upon a Tom Fool's 1 errand, in any other month of the whole year, he 4 should not have said three words about it.' For the next two whole stages, no subject would go down, but the heavy blow he had sustained from the loss of a son, whom he seems he had fully reckon'd upon in his mind, and register'd down in his pocket- book, a second staff for his old age, in case Bobby should fail him. ' The disappointment of this (he said) 4 was ten times more to a wise man than all the money * which the journey, &c. had cost him, put together : 4 rot the hundred and twenty pounds, he did not 4 mind it a rush 1 ' From Stilton, all the way to Grantham, nothing in the whole affair provoked him so much as the con- dolences of his friends, and the foolish figure they should both make at church, the first Sunday; of which, in the satirical vehemence of his wit, now sharpened a little by vexation, he would give so many humorous and provoking descriptions, and place his 46 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS rib and self in so many tormenting lights and attitudes in the face of the whole congregation, that my mother declared, these two stages were so truly tragicomical, that she did nothing but laugh and cry in a breath, from one end to the other of them all the way. From Grantham, till they had cross'd the Trent, my father was out of all kind of patience at the vile trick and imposition which he fancied my mother had put upon him in this affair. ' Certainly,' he would say to himself, over and over again, 'the woman could not 4 be deceived herself if she could, what weak- ness ! ' tormenting word ! which led his imagina- tion a thorny dance, and, before all was over, play'd the deuce and all with him; for sure as ever the word weakness was uttered, and struck full upon his brain, so sure it set him upon running divisions upon how many kinds of weaknesses there were; that there was such a thing as weakness of the body, as well as weakness of the mind ; and then he would do nothing but syllogize within himself, for a stage or two together, How far the cause of all these vexations might, or might not, have arisen out of himself. In short, he had so many little subjects of disquietude springing out of this one affair, all fretting successively in his mind as they rose up in it, that my mother, what- ever was her journey up, had but an uneasy journey of it down. In a word, as she complained to my uncle Toby, he would have tired out the patience of any flesh alive. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. CHAPTER XVII. THOUGH my father travelled homewards, as I told you, in none of the best of moods, pshawing and pishing all the way down, yet he had the complaisance to keep the worst part of the story still to himself; which was the resolution he had taken of doing himself the justice, which my uncle Toby's clause in the marriage-settlement empowered him: nor was it till the very night in which I was begot, which was thirteen months after, that she had the least intima- tion of his design; when my father, happening, as you remember, to be a little chagrined and out of temper, took occasion, as they lay chatting gravely in bed afterwards, talking over what was to come, to let her know that she must accommodate herself as well as she could to the bargain made between them in their marriage-deeds ; which was, to lie-in of her next child in the country, to balance the last year's journey. My father was a gentleman of many virtues ; but he had a strong spice of that in his temper, which might, or might not, add to the number. 'Tis known by the name of Perseverance, in a good cause ; and of Obstinacy, in a bad one : of this my mother had so much knowledge, that she knew 'twas to no purpose to make any remonstrance ; so she e'en resolved to sit down quietly, and make the most of it. 48 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XVIH. As the point was that night agreed, or rather deter- mined, that my mother should lie-in of me in the country, she took her measures accordingly ; for which purpose, when she was three days, or thereabouts, gone with child, she began to cast her eyes upon the mid- wife, whom you have so often heard me mention ; and before the week was well got round, as the famous Dr. Manningham was not to be had, she had come to a final determination in her mind, notwithstanding there was a scientific operator within so near a call as eight miles of us, and who, moreover, had ex- pressly wrote a five-shilling book upon the subject of midwifery, in which he had exposed, not only the blunders of the sisterhood itself, but had likewise superadded many curious improvements for the quicker extraction of the foetus in cross births, and some other cases of danger which belay us in get- ting into the world : notwithstanding all this, my mother, I say, was absolutely determined to trust her life, and mine with it, into no soul's hand but this old woman's only. Now this I like; when we cannot get at the very thing we wish, never to take up with the next best in degree to it. No ; that's pitiful beyond description. It is no more than a week from this very day, in which I am now writing this book for the edification of the world, which is March 9, 1759, that my dear, dear Jenny, observing I looked a little grave, as she stood cheapening a silk of five-and-twenty shillings a yard, told the mercer, she was sorry she had given him so much trouble ; and immediately went and bought OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 49 herself a yard-wide stuff of ten-pence a yard. 'Tis the duplication of one and the same greatness of soul: only, what lessened the honour of it somewhat in my mother's case, was, that she could not heroine it into so violent and hazardous an extreme, as one in her situation might have wished ; because the old midwife had really some little claim to be depended upon, as much, at least, as success could give her; having, in the course of her practice of near twenty years in the parish, brought every mother's son of them into the world without any one slip or accident which could fairly be laid to her account These facts, though they had their weight, yet did not altogether satisfy some few scruples and uneasi- nesses which hung upon my father's spirits, in relation to this choice. To say nothing of the natural work- ings of humanity and justice or of the yearnings of parental and connubial love, all which prompted him to leave as little to hazard as possible in a case of this kind, he felt himself concerned in a particular manner, that all should go right in the present case, from the accumulated sorrow he lay open to, should any evil betide his wife and child in lying-in at Shandy Hall. He knew the world judged by events ; and would add to his afflictions in such a misfortune, by loading him with the whole blame of it. ' Alas o' day ! had Mrs. Shandy (poor gentle- 4 woman I) had bat her wish in going up to town 4 just to lie-in and come down again ; which, they 4 say, she begged and prayed for upon her bare ' knees, and which, in my opinion, considering 4 the fortune which Mr. Shandy got with her, was no 4 such mighty matter to have complied with, the lady 4 and her babe might both of them have been alive at 4 this hour.' voi* i D 50 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS This exclamation, my father knew, was unanswer- able ; and yet, it was not merely to shelter him- self, nor was it altogether for the care of his offspring and wife that he seemed so extremely anxious about this point ; my father had extensive views of things, and stood moreover, as he thought, deeply concerned in it for the public good, from the dread he entertained of the bad uses an ill-fated instance might be put to. He was very sensible that all political writers upon the subject had unanimously agreed and lamented, from the beginning of Queen Elizabeth's reign down to his own time, that the current of men and money towards the metropolis, upon one frivolous errand or another, set in so strong, as to become dangerous to our civil rights; though, by the bye, a current was not the image he took most delight in, a dis- temper was here his favourite metaphor, and he would run it down into a perfect allegory, by maintaining it was identically the same in the body national as in the body natural, where the blood and spirits were driven up into the head faster than they could find their ways down ; a stoppage of circulation must ensue, which was death in both cases. There was little danger, he would say, of losing our liberties by French politics or French invasions ; nor was he so much in pain of a consumption from the mass of corrupted matter and ulcerated humours in our constitution, which he hoped was not so bad as it was imagined ; but he verily feared that, in some violent push, we should go off, all at once, in a state-apoplexy ; and then, he would say, The Lord have mercy upon us all ! My father was never able to give the history of this distemper, without the remedy along with it. ' Was I an absolute prince,' he would say, pulling OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 51 up his breeches with both his hands, as he rose from his arm-chair, ' I would appoint able judges, at every 4 avenue of ray metropolis, who should take cognizance 4 of every fool's business who came there ; and if, upon ' a fair and candid hearing, it appeared not of weight 4 sufficient to leave his own home,- and come up, bag ' and baggage, with his wife and children, farmer's ' sons, &c., &c., at his backside, they should be all sent ' back, from constable to constable, like vagrants as ' they were, to the place of their legal settlements. By 1 this means I should take care that my metropolis ' totter'd not through its own weight ; that the head be ' no longer too big for the body, that the extremes, 4 now wasted and pinn'd in, be restored to their due 4 share of nourishment, and regain with it their ' natural strength and beauty : I would effectually 4 provide, That the meadows and cornfields of my 4 dominions should laugh and sing; that good cheer ' and hospitality flourish once more; and that such ' weight and influence be put thereby into the hands ' of the Squirality of my kingdom, as should counter- ' poise what I perceive my Nobility are now taking 4 from them.' 4 Why are there so few palaces and gentlemen's ' seats,' he would ask, with some emotion, as he walked across the room, ' throughout so many delicious 'provinces in France? Whence is it that the few re- 4 maining chdteaus amongst them are so dismantled, 4 so unfurnished, and in so ruinous and desolate a 4 condition ? Because, Sir,' (he would say) ' in that ' kingdom no man has any country -interest to support ; 4 the little interest of any kind which any man has 4 anywhere in it, is concentrated in the court, and the 4 looks of the Grand Monarch : by the sunshine of 52 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 1 whose countenance, or the clouds which pass across * it, every Frenchman lives or dies.' Another political reason which prompted my father so strongly to guard against the least evil accident in my mother's lying-in in the country, was, That any such instance would infallibly throw a balance of power, too great already, into the weaker vessels of the gentry, in his own, or higher stations ; which, with the many other usurped rights which that part of the constitution was hourly establishing, would, in the end, prove fatal to the monarchical system of domestic government established in the first creation of things by God. In this point he was entirely of Sir Robert Filmer's opinion, That the plans and institutions of the greatest monarchies in the eastern parts of the world were, originally, all stolen from that admirable pattern and prototype of this household and paternal power; which, for a century, he said, and more, had gradually been degenerating away into a mix'd government ; the form of which, however desirable in great combi- nations of the species, was very troublesome in small ones, and seldom produced anything, that he saw, but sorrow and confusion. For all these reasons, private and public, put together, my father was for having the man mid-wife, by all means, my mother, by no means. My father begg'd and intreated she would for once recede from her prerogative in this matter, and suffer him to choose for her: my mother, on the contrary, insisted upon her privilege in this matter, to choose for herself, and have no mortal's help but the old woman's. What could my father do ? He was almost at his wits' end ; talked it over with her in all moods ; placed his arguments in all lights ; argued the matter with her OF TRISTRAM SHANDT. 53 like a Christian, like a Heathen, like a husband, like a father, like a patriot, like a man : My mother answered every thing only like a woman ; which was a little hard upon her ; for as she could not assume and fight it out behind such a variety of characters, 'twas no fair match: 'twas seven to one. What could my mother do ? She had the advan- tage (otherwise she had been certainly overpowered) of a small reinforcement of chagrin personal at the bottom, which bore her up, and enabled her to dispute the affair with my father with so equal an advantage, that both sides sung Te Deum. In a word, my mother was to have the old woman, and the operator was to have licence to drink a bottle of wine with my father and my uncle Toby Shandy in the back parlour, for which he was to be paid five guineas. I must beg leave, before I finish this chapter, to enter a caveat in the breast of my fair reader; and it is this, Not to take it absolutely for granted, from an unguarded word or two which I have dropped in it l That I am a married man.' I own, the tender appellation of my dear, dear, Jenny, with some other strokes of conjugal knowledge, interspersed here and there, might, naturally enough, have misled the most candid judge in the world into such a determination against me. All I plead for, in this case, Madam, is strict justice ; and that you do so much of it, to me as well as to yourself, as not to prejudge, or receive such an impression of me, till you have better evi- dence, than, I am positive, at present can be pro- duced against me. Not that I can be so vain or unreasonable, Madam, as to desire you should therefore think that my dear, dear Jenny is my kept mistress ; no, that would be flattering my character in the other extreme, and giving it an air of freedom, which, per- 54 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS haps, it has no kind of right to. All I contend for, is the utter impossibility, for some volumes, that you, or the most penetrating spirit upon earth, should know how this matter really stands. It is not impossible, but that my dear, dear Jenny ! tender as the appellation is, may be my child. Consider, I was born in the year eighteen. Nor is there any thing unnatural or extra- vagant in the supposition, that my dear Jenny may be my friend ! Friend ! My friend. Surely, Madam, a friendship between the two sexes may subsist, and be supported, without Fy! Mr. Shandy Without any- thing, Madam, but that tender and delicious sentiment which ever mixes in friendship, where there is a differ- ence of sex. Let me intreat you to study the pure and sentimental parts of the best French Romances ; it will really, Madam, astonish you to see with what a variety of chaste expressions this delicious sentiment, which I have the honour to speak of, is dressed out. CHAPTEB XIX. I WOULD sooner undertake to explain the hardest problem in geometry, than pretend to account for it, that a gentleman of my father's great good sense, knowing, as the reader must have observed him, and curious too in philosophy, wise also in political reason- ing, and in polemical (as he will find) no way ignorant, could be capable of entertaining a notion in his head, so out of the common track, that I fear the reader, when I come to mention it to him, if he is the least of a choleric temper, will immediately throw the book by ; if mercurial, he will laugh most heartily at it ; OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 55 and if he is of a grave and saturnine cast, he will, at first sight, absolutely condemn as fanciful and ex- travagant; and that was in respect to the choice and imposition of Christian names, on which he thought a great deal more depended than what superficial minds were capable of conceiving. His opinion in this matter was, That there was a strange kind of magic bias, which good or bad names, as he called them, irresistibly impressed upon our cha- racters and conduct. The hero of Cervantes argued not the point with more seriousness, nor had he more faith, or more to say on the powers of necromancy in dishonouring his deeds, or on Dulcinea's name, in shedding lustre upon them, than my father had on those of Trismegistus or Archi- medes, on the one hand, or of Nyky and Sirnkin, on the other. How many Caesars and Pompeys, he would say. by mere inspiration of the names, have been rendered worthy of them ! And how many, he would add, are there, who might have done exceeding well in the world had not their characters and spirits been totally depressed and Nicodemus'd into nothing ! I see plainly, Sir, by your looks (or as the case hap- pened), my father would say that yt>u do not heartily subscribe to this opinion of mine, which, to those, he would add, who have not carefully sifted it to the bottom, I own has an air more of fancy than of solid reasoning in it ; and yet, my dear Sir, if I may pre- sume to know your character, I am morally assured, I should hazard little in stating a case to you, not as a party in the dispute, but as a judge, and trusting my appeal upon it to your own good sense and candid disquisition in this matter; you are a person free from as many narrow prejudices of education as most men ; and. if I may presume to penetrate farther into 56 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS you, of a liberality of genius above bearing down an opinion, merely because it wants friends. Your son, your dear son, from whose sweet and open temper you have so much to expect, your Billy, Sir! would you, for the world, have called him JUDAS? Would you, my dear Sir, he would say, laying his hand upon your breast, with the genteelest address, and in that soft and irresistible piano of voice which the nature of the argumentum ad hominem absolutely requires, Would you, Sir, if a Jew of a godfather had proposed the name of your child, and offered you his purse along with it, would you have consented to such a desecration of him ? O my God ! he would say, looking up, if I know your temper right, Sir, you are incapable of it ; you would have trampled upon the offer; you would have thrown the temptation at the tempter's head with abhorrence. Your greatness of mind in this action, which I ad- mire, with that generous contempt of money, which you shew me in the whole transaction, is really noble; and what renders it more so, is the principle of it ; the workings of a parent's love upon the truth and conviction of this very hypothesis, namely, That was your son called Judas, the sordid and treacherous idea, so inseparable from the name, would have ac- companied him through life like his shadow, and, in the end, made a miser and a rascal of him, in spite, Sir, of your example. I never knew a man able to answer this argument. - But, indeed, to speak of my father as he was; he was certainly irresistible ; both in his orations and disputations; he was born an orator; GCO&SOKTOC. Persuasion hung upon his lips, and the elements of Logic and Rhetoric were so blended up in him, and, withal, he had so shrewd a guess at the weak- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 57 nesses and passions of his respondent, that NATUBE might have stood up and said, ' This man is eloquent.' In short, whether he was on the weak or the strong side of the question, 'twas hazardous in either case to attack him : and yet, 'tis strange, he had never read Cicero nor Quintilian de Oratore, nor Isocrates, nor Aristotle, nor Longinus, amongst the antients; nor Vossius, nor Skioppius, nor Eamus, nor Farnaby, amongst the moderns ; and, what is more astonishing, he had never in his whole life the least light or spark of subtilty struck into his mind by one single lecture upon Crackenthorp or Burgersdicius or any Dutch logician or commentator ; he knew not so much as in what the difference of an argument ad ignorantiam, and an argument ad hominem consisted ; so that I well remember, when he went up along with me to enter my name at Jesus' College in , it was a matter of just wonder with my worthy tutor, and two or three fellows of that learned society, that a man who knew not so much as the names of his tools, should be able to work after that fashion with them. To work with them in the best manner he could, was what my lather was, however, perpetually forced upon ; for he had a thousand little sceptical notions of the comic kind to defend, most of which notions, I verily believe, at first entered upon the footing of mere whims, and of a vive la bagatelle ; and as such, he would make merry with them for half an hour or so, and, having sharpened his wit upon them, dismiss them till another day. I mention this, not only as a matter of hypothesis or conjecture upon the progress and establishment of my father's many odd opinions, but as a warning to the learned reader against the indiscreet reception of such guests, who, after a free and undisturbed entrance, for 58 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS some years, into our brains, at length claim a kind of settlement there, working sometimes like yeast ; but more generally after the manner of the gentle passion, beginning in jest, but ending in downright earnest. Whether this was the case of the singularity of my father's notions or that his judgment, at length, became the dupe of his wit ; or how far, in many of tis notions, he might, though odd, be absolutely right ; the reader, as he comes at them, shall decide. All that I maintain here is, that in this one, of the influence of Christian names, however it gained footing, he was serious ; he was all uniformity ; he was systematical, and, like all systematic reasoners, he would move both heaven and earth, and twist and torture every thing in nature to support his hypothesis. In a word, I repeat it over again, he was serious ; and, in consequence of it, he would lose all kind of patience whenever he saw people, especially of condition, who should have known better, as careless and as indifferent about the name they imposed upon their child, or more so, than in the choice of Ponto or Cupid for their puppy-dog. This, he would say, look'd ill ; and had, more- over, this particular aggravation in it ; viz. That when once a vile name was wrongfully or injudi- ciously given, 'twas not like the case of a man's character, which, when wrong'd, might hereafter be cleared; and possibly, some time or other, if not in the man's life, at least after his death, be, somehow or other, set to rights with the world : but the injury of this, he would say, could _never be undone ; nay, he doubted even whether an act of Parliament could reach it : He knew as well as you, that the legislature assumed a power over OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 59 surnames; but for very strong reasons, which he could give, it had never yet adventured, he would say, to go a step farther. It was observable, that though my father, in con- sequence of this opinion, had, as I have told you, the strongest likings and dislikings towards certain names, that there were still numbers of names which hung so equally in the balance before him, that they were absolutely indifferent to him. Jack, Dick, and Tom were of this class.: these my father called neutral names; affirming ot them, without a satire, that there had been as many knaves and fools at least, as wise and good men, since the world began, who had indifferently borne them ; so that, like equal forces acting against each other in con-, trary directions, he thought they mutually destroyed each other's effects ; for which reason, he would often declare, He would not give a cherry-stone to choose amongst them. Bob, which was my brother's name, was another of these neutral kinds of Christian names, which operated very little either way ; and as my father happen'd to be at Epsom when it was given him, he would oft-times thank Heaven it was no worse. Andrew was something like a nega- tive quantity in Algebra with him; 'twas worse, he said, than nothing. William stood pretty high :- Numps again was low with him: and Nick, he said, was the Devil. But of all the names in the universe, he had the most unconquerable aversion for Tristram: he had the lowest and most contemptible opinion of it of any thing in the world, thinking it could possibly produce nothing in rerum naturd, but what was extremely mean and pitiful ; so that in the midst of a dispute on the subject, in which, by the bye, he was fre- CO THE LIFE AND OPINIONS quently involved, he would sometimes break off in a sudden and spirited Epiphonema, or rather Erotesis, raised a third, and sometimes a full fifth above the key of the discourse, and demand it categorically of his antagonist, Whether he would take upon him to say, he had ever remembered, whether he had ever read, or even whether he had ever heard tell of a man, called Tristram, performing anything great or worth recording? No, he would say, Tristram/ The thing is impossible. What could be wanting in my father but to have wrote a book to publish this notion of his to the world ? Little boots it to the subtle speculatist to stand single in his opinions, unless he gives them proper vent : : It was the identical thing which my father did: for in the year sixteen, which was two years before I was born, he was at the pains of writing an express Disser- tation simply upon the word Tristram, shewing the world, with great candour and modesty, the grounds of his great abhorrence to the name. When this story is compared with the title-page, Will not the gentle reader pity my father from his soul ? to see an orderly and well-disposed gentleman, who tho' singular, yet inoffensive in his notions, so played upon in them by cross purposes ! to look down upon the stage, and see him baffled and over- thrown in all his little systems and wishes I to behold a train of events perpetually falling out against him, and in so critical and cruel a way, as if they had purposely been plann'd and pointed against him, merely to insult his speculations ! In a word, to behold such a one, in his old age, ill-fitted for troubles, ten times in a day suffering sorrow ! ten times in a day calling the child of his prayers Tristram ! Melancholy dis- syllable of sound ! which, to his ears, was unison to OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 61 Nincompoop, and every name vituperative under heaven. By his ashes, I swear it, if ever malignant spirit took pleasure, or busied itself in traversing the purposes of mortal man, it must have been here ! and if it was not necessary I should be born before I was christened, I would this moment give the reader an account of it CHAPTER XX. How could you, Madam, be so inattentive in read- ing the last chapter ? I told you in it, That my mother was not a Papist. Papist I You told me no such thing, Sir. Madam, I beg leave to repeat it over again, that I told you, as plain, at least, as words, by direct inference, could tell you such a thing. Then, Sir, I must have miss'd a page. No, Madam, you have not miss'd a word. Then 1 was asleep, Sir. My pride, Madam, cannot allow you that refuge. Then I declare, I know nothing at all about the matter. That, Madam, is the very fault I lay to your charge ; and, as a punishment for it, I do insist upon it, that you immediately turn back, that is, as soon as you get to the next full stop, and read the whole chapter over again. I have imposed this penance upon the lady neither out of wantonness nor cruelty, but from the best of motives ; and therefore shall make her no apology for it when she returns back. 'Tis to rebuke a vicious taste, which has crept into thousands besides herself, of reading straight forwards, more in quest of the adventures than of the deep erudition and knowledge which a book of this cast, if read over aa it should be, would infallibly impart with them. 62 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS . The mind should be accustomed to make wise reflec- tions, and draw curious conclusions as it goes along ; the habitude of which, made Pliny the Younger affirm, ' That he never read a book so bad, but he drew some profit from it.' The stories of Greece and Rome, run over without this turn and appli- cation,- do less service, I affirm it, than the history of Parismus and Parismenus, or of the Seven Champions of England, read with it. But here comes my fair lady. Have you read over again the chapter, Madam, as I desired you ? You have : and did you not obseVve the passage, upon the second reading, -which admits the inference? Not a word like it! Then, Madam, be pleased to ponder well the last line but one of the chapter, where I take upon me to say, ' It was necessary I should be born ' before I was christen'd.' Had my mother, Madam, been a Papist, that consequence did not follow. * 'The Romish Rituals direct the baptizing of the child, in cases of danger, before it is born ; but upon this proviso, That some part or other of the child's body be seen by the baptizer. But the Doctors of the Sorbonne, by a deliberation held amongst them, April 10, 1733, have enlarged the powers of the midwives, by determining, that though no part of the child's body should appear, that baptism shall, nevertheless, be administered to it by injection, -par le moyen dune petite cnnule, Anglice, a squirt. Tis very strange that St. Thomas Aquinas, who had so good a mechanical head, both for tying and untying th knots of school-divinity, should, after so much pains bestowed upon this, give up the point at last, as a second La chose impossible 'Infantes in maternis uteris existentes' (quoth St. Thomas !) ' baptizari possunt nnllo modo.' Thomas ! Thomas! If the reader has the curiosity to see the question upon baptism by injection, as presented to the Doctors of the Sorbonne, with their consultation thereupon, it is as follows : MEMOIEE PBESENTE i. MFRSIEDES LES DOCTEURS DE SORBONHE.* Un Chirurgien Accoucheur, repre"sente a Messieurs les Docteurs de Sorbonne, qu'il y a des cas, quoique trcs rares, oil une mere ne OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 63 It is a terrible misfortune for this same book of mine, but more so to the Republic of Letters; so that s^auroit accoucher, et meme ou 1'enfant est tellement renferme' dana le sein de sa mere, qu'il ne fait paroitre aucune partie de son corps, ce qui seroit un cag, suivant lea Bituels de lui conferer, dn moins sons condition, le bapteme. Le Chirnrgien, qui consulte, pretend, par le moyen d'une petite canule, de piuvoir baptiser im- mediatement 1'enfant, sans faire aucun tort a la mere II demand si ce moyen, qu'il vient de proposer, est permis et legitime, et s'il peut s'en servir dans lea cas qu'il vient d'expoaer. BiiPONSB. Le Conseil estime, qne la question proposee souffre de grandes difficultes. Lea Theologiens posent d'un cote pour principe, que le bapteme, qui est une naissance spirituelle, suppose une premiere naissance ; il faut etre ne dans le monde, pour renaitre en Jesus Christ, comme Us 1'enseignent. 8. Thomas 3 part, quasi. 88, ai-tic. 11, suit cette doctrine comme une verite constante ; 1'on ne peut, dit ce 8. Docteur, baptiaer les enfans qui sont renfennes dans le sein de leurs meres, et S. Thomas est fonde sur ce, que lea enfans ne sont point nes et ne peuvent etre comptes panni les autres hommes ; d'oii il conclut, qu'ils ne peuvent etre 1'objet d'une action exterieure pour resevoir par leur ministere les sacremens necessaires au salut : Puei-i in matemis uteris existentes nondum prodierunt in lucem ut cum aliis hominibus vitam; unde non possunt subjici actioni hvmance, ut per eorum ministerium sacramenta recipiant ad salutam. Lea rituels ordonnent dans la pratique ce que les theologiens ont etabli sur les memes matieres, et ils defendent tous d'une maniere uniforme, de baptiser les enfans qui sont renfermes dans le sein de leurs meres, s'ila ne font paroitre quelque partie de leurs corps. Le concours dea theo- logiens, et dea rituels, qui sont les regies dea dioceses, paroit former une autorite qni termine la question presente ; cependant le conseil de conscience considerant d'un cote, que le raisonnement dea theologiens eat uniquement fonde sur une raison de convenance, et que la defense des rituels suppose que 1'on ne peut baptiser immediatement les enfans ainsi renfermes dans le sein de leurs meres, ce qui est centre la sup- position presente ; et d'un autre cote, considerant qne les memes theo- logiens enseignent, que 1'on peut risquer les sacremens que Jesua Christ a etablis comme des moyens faciles, mais ne'cessaires pour sanc- * Vide Deventer, Paris edit. 4to, 1734, p. 306. 64 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS my own is quite swallowed up in the consideration of it, that this self-same vile pruriency for fresh ad- ventures in all things, has got so strongly into our habit and humour, and so wholly intent are we upon satisfying the impatience of our concupiscence that way, that nothing but the gross and more carnal parts of a composition will go down : the subtle hints and sly communications of science fly off, like spirits upwards, the heavy moral escapes downwards; and both the one and the other are as much lost to the tifier lea hommes ; et d'ailleurs estimant, que lea enfans renfermes dans le sein de leurs meres, pourroient etre capables de salut, parce- qu'ils aont capables de damnation ; pour ces considerations, et en egard a I'expose, suivant lequel on assure avoir trouve 1 un moyen certain de baptiser cea enfans ainsi renfermes, sans faire aucun tort a la mere, le Conseil estime que Ton pourroit se servir du moyen propose, dans la confiance qu'il a, que Dieu n'a point laisse ces sortes d' enfans sans aucuns secours, et supposant, comme il est expose, que le moyen dont il s'agit est propre a leur procurer le bapteme ; cependant comme il s'agiroit, en autorisant la pratique proposee, de changer une regie nniversellement ctablie, le Conseil croit que celoi qui consulte doit 'addresser a son evcque, et a qui il appartient de juger de 1'utilite, et du danger du moyen propose, et comme, sous le bon plaisir de I'eve'que, le Oonseil estime qu'il faudroit recourir au Pape, qui a le droit d'expliquer les regies de 1'e'glise, et d'y de'roger dans le cas, ou la loi ne scauroit obliger, quelque sage et quelque utile que paroisse la maniere de baptiser dont il s'agit, le Oonseil ne pourroit 1'approver sans le conoours de ces deux autorite's. On conseille, an moins a celui qui consulte, de s' addresser a son eveque, et de lui faire part de la present* decision, afin que, si le prelat entre dans les raisons sur losquelles les docteurs soussignes s'appuyent, il puisse etre autorise, dans le cas de necessite, ou il risqueroit trop d'attendre que la permis- sion fut demandee et accorde'e d'employer le moyen qu'il propose si avantageux au saint de 1'enfant. Au reste, le Conseil, en estimant que Ton pourroit s'en servir, croit cependant, que si les enfans dont il s'agit, vcnoient au monde, centre 1'esperance de ceux qui se seroient servis du meme moyen, il seroit necessaire de les baptiser sous con- dition; et en cela le Conseil se oonforme a tous les rituelg, qui en autorisant le bapteme d'un enfant qui fait paroitre quelque partie de OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 65 world, as if they were still left in the bottom of the ink-horn. I wish the male-reader has not pass'd by many a one, as quaint and curious as this one, in which the female-reader has been detected. I wish it may have its effects ; and that all good people, both male and female, from example, may be taught to think as well as read. CHAPTER XXL 1 WONDER what's all that noise, and running back- wards and forwards for, above stairs ! quoth my father, addressing himself, after an hour and a half s silence, to my uncle Toby, who, you must know, was sitting on the opposite side of the fire, smoking his social eon corps, enjoignent neanmoins, et ordonnent de le baptiaer sous condition, s'il vient heureusement an monde. Delibere en Sorbonne, le 10 Avril, 1733. A. LE MOTOE. L. DE ROMIGNT. DE MABCILLT. Mr. Tristram Shandy'a compliments to Messrs. Le Moyne, De Eomigny, arid De Marcilly ; hopes they all rested well the night after so tiresome a consultation. He begs to know, whether, after the ceremony of marriage, and before that of consummation, the baptizing all the Homunculi at once, slapdash, by injection, would not be a shorter and safer cut still ; on condition, as above, That if the Homnn- cvli do well, and come safe into the world after this, that each and every of them shall be baptized again (sous condition). And provided, in the second place, That the thing can be done, which Mr. Shandy apprehends it may, par le tnoyen dune petite canule, and sans faire aucun tort au pert ? vor.. r E 66 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS pipe all the time, in mute contemplation of a new pah- of black plush breeches which he had got on : What can they be doing, brother? quoth my father, we can scarce hear ourselves talk. I think, replied my uncle Toby, taking his pipe from his mouth, and striking the head of it two or three times upon the nail of his left thumb as he began his sentence, 1 think, says he, But to enter rightly into my uncle Toby's sentiments upon this matter, you must be made to enter first a little into his character, the outlines of which I shall just give you; and then the dialogue between him and my father will go on as well again. Pray, what was that man's name, for I write in such a hurry, I have no time to recollect or look for it, who first made the observation, ' That there was great ' inconstancy in our air and climate ? ' Whoever he was, 'twas a just and good observation in him. But the corollary drawn from it, namely, ' That it is this ' which has furnished us with such a variety of odd ' and whimsical characters ; ' that was not his; it was found out by another man, at least a century and a half after him. Then again, That this copious stove-house of original materials is the true and natural cause, that our comedies are so much better than those of France, or any others that either have been, or can be wrote upon the Continent : that discovery was not fully made till about the middle of King William's reign, when the great Dryden, in writing one of his long prefaces (if I mistake not) most fortunately hit upon it In- deed, toward the latter end of Queen Anne, the great Addison began to patronize the notion, and more fully explained it to the world in one or two of his Specta- tors; but the discovery was not his. Then, fourthly and lastly, That this strange irregularity in our climate, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 67 producing so strange an irregularity in our characters, doth thereby, in some sort, make us amends, by giving us somewhat to make us merry with when the weather will not suffer us to go out of doors; that observation is my own ; and was struck out by me this very rainy day, March 26, 1759, and betwixt the hours of nine and ten in the morning. Thus thus, my fellow-labourers and associates in this great harvest of our learning, now ripening before our eyes ; thus it is, by slow steps of casual increase, that our knowledge physical, metaphysical, physio- logical, polemical, nautical, mathematical, enigmatical, technical, biographical, romantical, chemical, and ob- stetrical, with fifty other branches of it (most of 'em ending as these do, in z'caZ), have, for these two last centuries and more, gradually been creeping upwards towards that 'A*//?} of their perfections, from which, if we may form a conjecture from the advances of these last seven years, we cannot possibly be far off. When that happens, it is to be hoped, it will put an end to all kind of writings whatsoever ; the want of all kind of writing will put an end to all kind of reading ; and that, in time, As war begets poverty; poverty peace, must, in course, put an end to all kind of knowledge ; and then we shall have all to begin over again; or, in other words, be exactly where we started. Happy 1 thrice happy times! I only wish that the sera of my begetting, as well as the mode and manner of it, had been a little altered, or that it could have been put off, with any convenience to my father or mother, for some twenty or five-and-twenty years longer, when a man in the literary world might have stood some chance. But I forget my uncle Toby, whom all this while we have left knocking the ashes out of his tobacco-pipe. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS His humour was of that particular species, which does honour to our atmosphere: and I should have made no scruple of ranking him amongst one of the first-rate productions of it, had not there appeared too many strong lines in it of a family likeness, which showed that he derived the singularity of his temper more from blood, than either wind or water, or any modifications or combinations of them whatever : And I have, therefore, oft-times wondered, that my father, tho' I believe he had his reasons for it, upon his observing some tokens of eccentricity in my course when I was a boy, should never once endeavour to account for them in this way: for all the Shandy family were of an original character throughout: I mean the males, the females had no character at all, except, indeed, my great aunt Dinah, who, about sixty years ago, was married and got with child by the coachman, for which my father, accord- ing to his hypothesis of Christian names, would often say, She might thank her godfathers and godmothers. It will seem very strange, and I would as soon think of dropping a riddle in the reader's way, which is not my interest to do, as set him upon guessing how it could come to pass, that an event of this kind, so many years after it had happened, should be reserved for the interruption of the peace and unity, which otherwise so cordially subsisted, between my father and my uncle Toby. One would have thought, that the whole force of the misfortune should have spent and wasted itself in the family at first, as is generally the case. But nothing ever wrought with our family after the ordinary way. Possibly at the very time this happened, it might have some- thing else to afflict it ; and as afflictions are sent OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 69 down for our good, and that as this had never done the Shandy Family any good at all, it might lie waiting till apt times and circumstances should give it an opportunity to discharge its office. Observe, I determine nothing upon this. My way is ever to point out the curious, different tracts of investi- gation, to come at the first springs of the events I tell ; not with a pedantic Fescue, or in the decisive manner of Tacitus, who outwits himself and his reader; but with the officious humility of a heart devoted to the assistance merely of the inquisitive : to them I write, and by them I shall be read^ if any such reading as this could be supposed to hold out so long, to the very end of the world. Why this cause of sorrow, therefore, was thus re- served for my father and uncle, is undetermined by me. But how and in what direction it exerted itself so as to become the cause of dissatisfaction between them, after it began to operate, is what I am able to explain with great exactness, and is as follows : My uncle, Toby Shandy, Madam, was a gentleman, who, with the virtues which usually constitute the character of a man of honour and rectitude, possessed one in a very eminent degree, which is seldom or never put into the catalogue ; and that was a most extreme and unparalleled modesty of nature; though I correct the word Nature, for this reason, that I may not prejudge a point which must shortly come to a hearing, and that is, Whether this modesty of his was natural or acquired? Whichever way my uncle Toby came by it, 'twas nevertheless modesty in the truest sense of it ; and that is, Madam, not in regard to words, for he was so unhappy as to have very little choice in them, but to things; and this kind of modesty so possessed him, and it arose 70 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS to such a height in him, as almost to equal, if such a thing could be, even the modesty of a woman : that female nicety, Madam, and inward cleanliness of mind and fancy, in your sex, which makes you so much the awe of ours. You will imagine, Madam, that my uncle Toby had contracted all this from this very source ; that he had spent a great part of his time in converse with your sex ; and that, from a thorough knowledge of you, and the force of imitation, which such fair examples render irresistible, he had acquired this amiable turn of mind. I wish I could say so; for unless it was with his sister-in-law, my father's wife and my mother, my uncle Toby scarce exchanged three words with the sex in as many years. No; he got it, Madam, by a blow. A blow ! Yes, Madam, it was owing to a blow from a stone, broke off by a ball from the parapet of a horn- work at the siege of Namur, which struck full upon my uncle Toby's groin. Which way could that effect it ? The story of that, Madam, is long and interesting; but it running my history all upon heaps to give it you here. 'Tis for an episode hereafter ; and every circumstance relating to it, in its proper place, shall be faithfully laid before you : 'Till then, it is not in my power to give farther light into this matter, or say more than what I have said already. That my uncle Toby was a gentleman of unparalleled modesty, which happening to be some- what subtilized and rarefied by the constant heat of a little family-pride, they both so wrought together within him, that he could never bear to hear the affair of my aunt Dinah touched upon, but with the greatest emotion. The least hint of it was enough to make the blood fly into his face ; but when my father OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 71 enlarged upon the story in mixed companies, which the illustration of his hypothesis frequently obliged him to do, the unfortunate blight of one of the fairest branches of the family would set my uncle Toby's honour and modesty o' bleeding; and he would often take my father aside, in the greatest concern imagin- able, to expostulate and tell him, he would give him anything in the world, only to let the story rest. My father, I believe, had the truest love and tender- ness for my uncle Toby, that ever one brother bore towards another ; and would have done anything in nature, which one brother in reason could have desired of another, to have made my uncle Toby's heart easy in this, or any other point. But this lay out of his power. My father, as I told you, was a philosopher in grain, speculative, systematical ; and my aunt Dinah's affair was a matter of as much consequence to him, as the retrogradation of the planets to Coperni- cus : the backslidings of Venus in her orbit fortified the Copernican system, called so after his name ; and the backslidings of my aunt Dinah, in her orbit, did the same service in establishing my father's system, which, I trust, will fur ever hereafter be called the SHANDEAN SYSTEM, after his. In any other family-dishonour, my father, I believe, had as nice a sense of shame as any man whatever ; and neither he, nor, I dare say, Copernicus would have divulged the affair in either case, or have taken the least notice of it to the world, but for the obligations they owed, as they thought, to truth. Amicus Plato, my father would say, construing the words to my uncle Toby, as he went along, Amicus Plato ; that is, Dinah was my aunt ; sed, magis, arnica veritas but Truth is my sister. 72 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS This contrariety of humours betwixt my father and my uncle was the source of many a fraternal squabble. The one could not bear to hear the tale of family disgrace recorded, and the other would scarce ever let a day pass to an end without some hint at it. For God's sake, my uncle Toby would cry, and for my sake, and for all our sakes, my dear brother Shandy, do let this story of our aunt's, and her ashes, sleep in peace ! How can you how can you have so little feeling and compassion for the character of our family ? -What is the character of a family to an hypothesis ? my father would reply. Nay, if you come to that what is the life of a family ? The life of a family ! my uncle Toby would say, throwing himself back in his arm-chair, and lifting up his hands, his eyes, and one leg. Yes, the life, my father would say, maintaining his point. How many thousands of 'em are there, every year that come, cast away (in all civilized countries at least) and considered as nothing but common air, in competition of an hypothesis 1 In my plain sense of things, my uncle Toby would answer, every such instance is downright Murder, let who will commit it. There lies your mistake, my father would reply ; for, in foro Sctentice, there is no such thing as Murder ; 'tis only Death, brother. My uncle Toby would never offer to answer this by any other kind of argument than that of whistling half-a-dozen bars of Lillibullero. You must know, it was the usual channel thro' which his passions got vent, when anything shocked or surprized him : but especially when any thing, which he deemed very absurd, was offered. As not one of our logical writers, nor any of the OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 73 commentators upon them, that I remember, have thought proper to give a name to this particular species of argument, I here take the liberty to do it myself, for two reasons: first, That, in order to prevent all confusion in disputes, it may stand as much dis- tinguished, for ever, from every other species of argument as the Argumentum ad Verecundiam, ex Absurdo, ex Fortiori, or any other argument what- soever: and, secondly, That it may be said, by my children's children, when my head is laid to rest, that their learn'd grandfather's head had been busied to as much purpose once, as other people's : That he had invented a name, and generously thrown it into the Treasury of the Ars Logica, for one of the most unanswerable arguments in the whole science : and, if the end of disputation is more to silence than convince, they may add, if they please, for one of the best arguments too. I do therefore, by these presents, strictly order and command, That it be known and distinguished by the name and title of the Argumentum Fistulatorium, and no other ; and that it rank hereafter with the Argu- mentum Baculinum and the Argumentum ad Crumenam, and for ever hereafter be treated of in the same chapter. As for the Argumentum Tripodium, which is never used but by the woman against the man; and the Argumentum ad Rem, which, contrariwise, is made use of by the man only against the woman ; as these two are enough in conscience for one lecture; and, moreover, as the one is the best answer to the other, let them likewise be kept apart, and be treated of in a place by themselves. 74 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XXII. THE learned Bishop Hall, I mean the famous Dr. Joseph Hall, who was Bishop of Exeter in King James the First's reign, tells us, in one of his Decades, at the end of his Divine Art of Meditation, imprinted in London, in the year 1610, by John Beal, dwelling in Aldersgate-street, 'That it is an abominable thing 4 for a man to commend himself: ' and I really think it is so. And yet, on the other hand, when a thing is executed in a masterly kind of a fashion, which thing is not likely to be found out ; I think it is full as abomin- able, that a man should lose the honour of it, and go out of the world with the conceit of it rotting in his head. This is precisely my situation. For in this long digression which I was accidentally led into, as in all my digressions (one only excepted), there is a master-stroke of digressive skill, the merit of which has all along, I fear, been overlooked by my reader, not for want of penetration in him, but because 'tis an excellence seldom looked for, or expected indeed, in a digression ; and it is this : That, though my digressions are all fair, as you observe, and that I fly off from what I am about, as far, and as often too, as any writer in Great Britain, yet I constantly take care to order affairs so, that my main business does not stand still in my absence. I was just going, for example, to have given you the great outlines of my uncle Toby's most whimsical cha- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 75 racter ; when my aunt Dinah and the coachman came across us, and led us a vagary some millions of miles into the very heart of the planetary system : notwith- standing all this, you perceive that the drawing of my uncle Toby's character went on gently all the time; not the great contours of it, that was im- possible, but some familiar strokes and faint desig- nations of it, were here and there touch'd on, as he went along; so that you are much better acquainted with my uncle Toby now than you was before. By this contrivance, the machinery of my work is of a species by itself; two contrary motions are intro- duced into it, and reconciled, which were thought to be at variance with each other. In a word, my work is digressive, and it is progressive too, and at the same time. This, Sir, is a very different story from that of the earth's moving round her axis in her diurnal rotation, with her progress in her elliptic orbit, which brings about the year, and constitutes that variety and vicissi- tude of seasons we enjoy; though I own it suggested the thought, as I believe the greatest of our boasted improvements and discoveries have come from such trifling hints. Digressions, incontestably, are the sunshine ; they are the life, the soul of reading ! take them out of this book, for instance, you might as well take the book along with them; one cold eternal winter would reign in every page of it : restore them to the writer ; he steps forth like a bridegroom ; bids All- hail ; brings in variety, and forbids the appetite to fail. All the dexterity is in the good cookery and manage- ment of them, so as to be not only for the advantage of the reader, but also of the author, whose distress in this matter is truly pitiable; for if he begins a 76 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS digression, from that moment, I observe, his whole work stands stock still ; and if he goes on with his main work, then there is an end of his digression. This is vile work. For which reason, from the beginning of this, you see, I have constructed the main work, and the adventitious parts of it, with such intersections, and have so complicated and in- volved the digressive and progressive movements, one wheel within another, that the whole machine, in general, has been kept a-going ; and what's more, it shall be kept a-going these forty years, if it pleases the Fountain of Health to bless me so long with life and good spirits. CHAPTER XXIIL I HAVE a strong propensity in me to begin this chapter very nonsensically ; and I will not baulk my fancy : accordingly I set off thus : If the fixture of Momus's glass in the human breast, according to the proposed emendation of that arch critic, had taken place, -first, This foolish consequence would certainly have followed : That the very wisest and very gravest of us all, in one coin or other, must have paid window-money every day of our lives ; And, secondly, That had the said glass been there set up, nothing more would have been wanting, in order to have taken a man's character, but to have taken a chair and gone softly, as you would to a dioptrical bee-hive, and look'd in, viewed the soul stark-naked ; observed all her motions, her machina- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 77 tions ; traced all her maggots, from their first engen- dering to their crawling forth ; watched her loose in. her frisks, her gambols, her capricios; and after some notice of her more solemn deportment, consequent upon such frisks, &c., then taken your pen and ink and set down nothing but what you had seen, and could have sworn to. But this is an advantage not to be had by the biographer in this planet ; in the planet Mercury (belike) it may be so ; if not, better still for him; for there, the intense heat of the country, which is proved by computators, from its vicinity to the Sun, to be more than equal to that of red-hot iron, must, I think, long ago have vitrified the bodies of the inhabitants (as the efficient cause) to suit them for the climate (which is the final cause) ; so that, betwixt them both, all the tene- ments of their souls, from top to bottom, may be nothing else, for aught the soundest philosophy can shew to the contrary, but one fine transparent body of clear glass (bating the umbilical knot) so that, till the inhabitants grow old and tolerably wrinkled, whereby the rays of light, in passing through them, become so monstrously refracted, or return reflected from their surfaces in such transverse lines to the eye, that a man cannot be seen through, his soul might as well, unless for mere ceremony, or the trifling advantage which the umbilical point gave her, might, upon all other accounts, I say, as well play the fool out o'doors as in her own house. But this, as I said before, is not the case of the in- habitants of this earth ; our minds shine not through the body, but are wrapt up here in a dark covering of uncrystallized flesh and blood ; so that, if we would come to the specific characters of them, we must go some other way to work. 78 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Many, in good truth, are the ways which human wit has been forced to take, to do this thing with exactness. Some, for instance, draw all their characters with wind instruments. Virgil takes notice of that way, in the affair of Dido and ^Eneas; but it is as fallacious as the breath of fame; and, moreover, bespeaks a narrow genius. I am not ignorant that the Italians pretend to a mathematical exactness in their designa- tions of one particular sort of character among them, from the forte or piano of a certain wind-instrument they use, which they say is infallible. I dare not mention the name of the instrument in this place ; 'tis sufficient we have it amongst us, but never think of making a drawing by it : this is enigmatical, and in- tended to be so, at least adpopulum: and therefore, I beg, Madam, when you come here, that you read on as fast as you can, and never stop to make any inquiry about it. There are others, again, who will draw a man's character from no other helps in the world, but merely from his evacuations ; but this often gives a very in- correct outline, unless, indeed, you take a sketch of his repletions too; and by correcting one drawing from the other, compound one good figure out of them both. I should have no objection to this method, but that I think it must smell too strong of the lamp, and be render'd still more operose, by forcing you to have an eye to the rest of his non-naturals. Why the most natural actions of a man's life should be called his Non-naturals, is another question. There are others, fourthly, who disdain every one of these expedients ; not from any fertility of their own, but from the various ways of doing it, which they have borrowed from the honourable devices which OF TRISTRAM SHAXDY. 79 the Pentagraphie Brethren of the brush have shewn in taking copies. These, you must know, are your great historians. One of these you will see drawing a full-length character against the light ; that's illiberal, dishonest, and hard upon the character of the man who sits. Others, to mend the matter, will make a drawing of you in the Camera; that is most unfair of all, because there you are sure to be represented in some of your most ridiculous attitudes. To avoid all and every one of these errors in giving you my uncle Toby's character, I am determined to draw it by no mechanical help whatever ; nor shall my pencil be guided by any one wind-instrument which ever was blown upon, either on this or on the other side of the Alps ; nor will I consider either his repletions or his discharges, or touch upon his non- uaturals; but, in a word, I will draw my uncle Toby's character from his HOBBY-HORSE. CHAPTER XXIV. IF I was not morally sure that the reader must be out of all patience for my uncle Toby's character, I would here previously have convinced him that there is no instrument so fit to draw such a thing with, as that which I have pitched upon. A man and his HOBBY-HORSE, tho' I cannot say that they act and re-act exactly after the same manner in which the soul and body do upon each other; yet, doubtless, there is a communication between them, of some kind; and my opinion rather is, that there is some- Pentagraph, an instrument to copy Print* and Pictures mecha- nically, and in any proportion. 80 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS thing in it more of the manner of electrified bodies; and that, by means of the heated parts of the rider, which come immediately into contact with the HOBBY- HORSE, by long journeys and much friction, it so happens, that the body of the rider is at length fill'd as full of HoBBY-HoRSiCAL matter as it can hold ; so that if you are able to give but a clear description of the nature of the one, you may form a pretty exact notion of the genius and character of the other. Now the HOBBY-HORSE which my uncle Toby always rode upon, was, in my opinion, an HOBBY-HORSE well worth giving a description of, if it was only upon the score of his great singularity ; for you might have travelled from York to Dover, from Dover to Pen- zance in Cornwall, and from Penzance to York back again, and not have seen such another upon the road ; or if you had seen such a one, whatever haste you had been in, you must infallibly have stopp'd to have taken a view of him. Indeed, the gait and figure of him was so strange, and so utterly unlike was he, from his head to his tail, to any one of the whole species, that it was now and then made a matter of dispute whether he was really a HOBBY-HORSE or no : but as the philosopher would use no other argument to the sceptic, who disputed with him against the reality of motion, save that of rising up upon his legs, and walking across the room ; so would my uncle Toby use no other argument to prove his HOBBY-HORSE was a HoBBY-HoBSE indeed, but by getting upon his back and riding him about ; leaving the world, after that, to determine the point as it thought fit. In good truth, my uncle Toby mounted him with so much pleasure, and he carried my uncle Toby so well, that he troubled his head very little with what the world either said or thought about it. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 8! It is now high time, however, that I give you a description of him : but, to go on regularly, I only beg you will give me leave to acquaint you first, how my uncle Toby came by him. CHAPTER XXV. THE wound in my uncle Toby's groin, which he received at the siege of Namur, rendering him unfit for the service, it was thought expedient he should return to England, in order, if possible, to be set to rights. He was four years totally confined, part of it to his bed, and all of it to his room : and in the course of his cure, which was all that time in hand, suffered unspeakable miseries, owing to a succession of exfo- liations from the os pubis, and the outward edge of that part of the coxendix, called the os ilium , both which bones were dismally crushed, as much by the irregularity of the stone, which I told you was broken off the parapet, as by its size, (though it was pretty large) which inclined the surgeon all along to think, that the great injury which it had done my uncle Toby's groin, was more owing to the gravity of the stone itself, than to the projectile force of it ; which he would often tell him was a great happiness. My father at that time was just beginning business in London, and had taken a house; and as the truest friendship and cordiality subsisted between the two brothers, and that my father thought my uncle Toby could nowhere be so well nursed and taken care of as in his own house, he assigned him the very best apart- ment in it: and, what was a much more sincere mark VOL. i K THE LIFE AND OPINIONS, ETC. of his affection still, he would never suffer a friend or an acquaintance to step into the house on any occa- sion, but he would take him by the hand, and lead him up stairs to see his brother Toby, and chat an hour by his bed-side. The history of a soldier's wound beguiles the pain of it ; my uncle's visitors at least thought so ; and in their daily calls upon him, from the courtesy arising out of that belief, they would frequently turn the dis- course to that subject; and from that subject the dis- course would generally roll on to the siege itself. These conversations were infinitely kind ; and my uncle Toby received great relief from them, arid would have received much more but that they brought him into some unforeseen perplexities, which, for three months together, retarded his cure greatly; and if he had not hit upon an expedient to extricate himself out of them, I verily believe they would have laid him in his grave. What these perplexities of my uncle Toby were, 'tis impossible for you to guess: if you could, I should blush ; not as a relation, not as a man, nor even as a woman, but I should blush as an author; inasmuch as I set no small store by myself upon this very account, that my reader has never yet been able to guess at anything : and in this, Sir, I am of so nice and singular a humour, that if I thought you was able to form the least judgment, or probable conjecture to yourself of what was to come in the next page, I would tear it out of my book. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS TEISTEAM SHANDY, GENT. Tapatra'K. TOVS ' AvOptuirow; ov TO. Hpa.yfia.TO, AXAa TO trtpl rutv ttpayftdriov, Aoy/iara. VOL. II. OBIO. EDIT. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS or TEISTEAM SHANDY, GENT CHAPTER I. I HAVE begun the new book, on purpose that I might have room enough to explain the nature of the per- plexities in which my uncle Toby was involved, from the many discourses and interrogations about the siege of Namur, where he received his wound. I must remind the reader, in case he has read the history of King William's wars; but if he has not, I then inform him that one of the most memorable attacks in that siege, was that which was made by the English and Dutch upon the point of the advanced counter-scarp, between the gate of St* Nicholas, which enclosed the great sluice or water-stop, where the English were terribly exposed to the. shot of the counter-guard and demi-bastion of St. Roch : the issue of which hot dispute, in three words, was this : That the Dutch lodged themselves upon the counter-guard and that the English made themselves masters of the covered-way before St Nicholas'-gate, notwithstand- ing the gallantry of the French officers, who exposed themselves upon the glacis sword in hand. As this was the principal attack of which my uncle 86 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby was an eye-witness at Namur, the army of the besiegers being cut off, by the confluence of the Maes and Sambre, from seeing ranch of each other's operations, my uncle Toby was generally more eloquent and particular in his account of it ; and the many perplexities he was in, arose out of the almost insurmountable difficulties he found in telling his story intelligibly, and giving such clear ideas of the differences and distinctions between the scarp and counter-scarp, the glacis and covered-way, the half-moon and ravelin, as to make his company fully comprehend where and what he was about. Writers themselves are too apt to confound these terms ; so that you will the less wonder, if, in his endeavours to explain them, and in opposition to many misconceptions, that my uncle Toby did oft-times puzzle his visitors, and sometimes himself too. To speak the truth, unless the company my father led up stairs were tolerably clear-headed, or my uncle Toby was in one of his explanatory moods, 'twas a difficult thing, do what he could, to keep the discourse free from obscurity. What rendered the account of this affair the more intricate to my uncle Toby, was this, that in the attack of the counter-scarp, before the gate of St. Nicholas, extending itself from the bank of the Maes, quite up to the great water-stop, the ground was cut and cross cut with such a multitude of dykes, drains, rivulets, and sluices, on all sides, and -he would get BO sadly bewildered, and set fast amongst them, that frequently he could neither get backwards or forwards to gave his life ; and was oft-times obliged to give up the attack upon that very account only. These perplexing rebuffs gave my uncle Toby Shandy more perturbations than you would imagine ; OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 87 and as my father's kindness to him was continually dragging up fresh friends and enquirers, he had but a very uneasy task of it. No doubt my uncle Toby had great command of himself, and could guard appearances, I believe, as well as most men ; yet, any one may imagine, that when he could not retreat out of the ravelin with- out getting into the half^moon, or get out of the covered-way without falling down the counter-scarp, nor cross the dyke without danger of slipping into the ditch, but that he must have fretted and fumed inwardly. He did so ; and the little and hourly vexa- tions, which may seem trifling and of no account to the man who has not read Hippocrates; yet, whoever has read Hippocrates, or Dr. James Mackenzie, and has considered well the effects which the passions and affections of the mind have up o n the digestion (Why not of a wound as well as of a. dinner ?) may easily conceive what sharp paroxysms and exacerbations of his wound my uncle Toby must have undergone upon that score only. My uncle Toby could not philosophize upon it ; 'twas enough he felt it so : and having sustained the pain and sorrows of it for three months together, he was resolved, some way or other, to extricate himself. He was one morning lying upon his back in his bed, the anguish and nature of the wound upon his groin suffering him to lie in no other position, when a thought came into his head, that if he could purchase such a thing, and have it pasted down upon a board, as a large map of the fortification of the town and citadel of Namur, with its environs, it might be a means of giving him ease. I take notice of his desire to have the environs along with the town and citadel, for this reason, because my uncle Toby's 88 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS wound was got in one of the traverses, about thirty toises from the returning angle of the trench, opposite to the salient angle of the demi-bastion of St. Roch: so that he was pretty confident he could stipk a pin upon the identical spot of ground where he was standing when the stone struck him. All this succeeded to his wishes; and not only freed him from a world of sad explanations, but, in the end, it proved the happy means, as you will read, of procuring my uncle Toby his HOBBY-HORSE. CHAPTER II. THERE is nothing BO foolish, when you are at the ex- pense of making an entertainment of this kind, as to order things so badly, as to let your critics and gentry of refined taste run it down : nor is thre any thing so likely to make them do it, as that of leaving them out of the party, or, what is full as offensive, of bestowing your attention upon the rest of your guests in so particular a way, as if there was no such thing as a critic (by occupation) at table. 1 guard against both ; for, in the first place, I have left half-a-dozen places purposely open for them ; -and in the next place, I pay them all court. Gentlemen, I kiss your hands. I protest, no company obuld give me half the pleasure : by my soul, I am glad to see you. 1 beg only you will make no strangers of yourselves, but sit down, without any ceremony, and fall on heartily. I said I had left six places, and I was upon the point of carrying my complaisance so far, as to have left a seventh open for them, and in this very spot I stand OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 89 on ; but being told by a critic ftho' not by occupa- tion, but by nature) that I had acquitted myself well enough, I shall fill it up directly, hoping, in the mean time, that I shall be able to make a great deal of more room next year. How, in the name of wonder! could your uncle Toby, who, it seems, was a military man, and whom you have represented as no fool, be at the same time such a confused, pudding-headed, muddle- headed fellow, as Go look. So, Sir Critic, I could have replied ; but I scorn it. 'Tis language unurbane, and only befitting the man who cannot give clear and satisfactory accounts of things, or dive deep enough into the first causes of human ignorance and confusion. It is, moreover, the reply valiant, and therefore I reject it; for tho* it might have suited my uncle Toby's character as a soldier excellently well, and had he not accustomed himself, in such attacks, to whistle the Lillibullero, as he wanted no courage, 'tis the very answer he would have given ; yet it would by no means have done for me. You see as plain as can be, that I write as a man of erudition; that even my similes, my allusions, my illustrations, my metaphors, are erudite, and that I must sustain my character properly, and contrast it properly too, else what would be- come of me ? Why, Sir, I should be undone ; at the very moment that I am going here to fill up one place against a critic, I should have made an opening for a couple. Therefore I answer thus : Pray, Sir, in all the reading which you have ever read, did you ever read such a book as Locke's ' Essay upon the Human Understanding?' Don't answer * See page 93 for " lallibullero." 90 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS me rashly, because many, I know, quote the book, who have not read it, and many have read it who understand it not If either of these is your case, as I write to instruct, I will tell you in three words what the book is. It is a history. A history ! of who ? what ? where P when ? Don't hurry yourself, It is a history-book, Sir, (which may possibly recommend it to the world) of what passes in a man's own mind; and if you will say so much of the book, and no more, believe me, you will cut no contemptible figure in a metaphysic circle. But this by the way. Now if you will venture to go along with me, and look down into the bottom of this matter, it will be found that the cause of obscurity and confusion in the mind of a man, is threefold. Dull organs, dear sir, in the first place. Secondly, Slight and transient impressions made by the objects, when the said organs are not dull; and, Thirdly, A memory like unto a sieve ; not able to retain what it has received. Call down Dolly, your chamber-maid, and I will give you my cap and bell along with it, if I make not this matter so plain that Dolly herself should understand it as well as Malbranch. When Dolly has indited her epistle to Robin, and has thrust her arm into the bottom of her pocket hanging by her right side, take that opportunity to recollect, that the organs and faculties of perception can, by nothing in this world, be so aptly typified and explained as by that one thing which Dolly's hand is in search of. Your organs are not so dull that I should inform you, 'tis an inch, Sir, of red seal-wax. When this is melted and dropped upon the letter, if Dolly fumbles too long for her thimble, till the wax is over-hardened, it will not receive the mark of her OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 91 thimble from the usual impulse which was wont to imprint it Very well. If Dolly 's wax, for want of better, is bees-wax, or of a temper too soft, though it may receive, it will not hold the impression, how hard soever Dolly thrusts against it; and, last of all, Supposing the wax good, and eke the thimble, but applied thereto in careless haste, as her mistress rings the bell; in any one of these three cases, the print left by the thimble will be as unlike the prototype as a brass-jack. Now you must understand, that not one of these was the true cause of the confusion in my uncle Toby's discourse ; and it is for that very reason I enlarge upon them so long, after the manner of great physio- logists, to show the world, what it did not arise from. What it did arise from, I have hinted above; and a fertile source of obscurity it is, and ever will be, and that is, the unsteady uses of words, which have per- plexed the clearest and most exalted understandings. It is ten to one (at Arthur's) whether you have ever read the literary histories of past ages ; if you have, what terrible battles, yclept logomachies, have they occasioned, and perpetuated with so much gall and ink-shed, that a good-natured man cannot read the accounts of them without tears in his eyes. Gentle critic ! when thou hast weighed all this, and considered within thyself how much of thy own know- ledge, discourse, and conversation has been pestered and disordered, at one time or the other, by this, and this only: what a pudder and racket in Councils about oii86, on account of King James II. nominating to the Lieutenancy of Ireland, General Talbot, newly created Earl of Tyrconnel, a furious Papist, who had recommended himself to his bigotted master by his arbitrary treatment of the Protestants in the preceding year, when only Lieutenant General ; and whose sub- sequent conduct fully justified his expectations and their fears. This foolish Ballad, treating the Papists, and chiefly the Irish, in a very ridiculous manner, had a burden, said to be Irish words, ' Lero, lero, lillibullero ;' and made an impression on the (King's) army, more power- ful than either the Philippics of Demosthenes or Cicero. The whole army, and at last the people, both in city and country, were singing it perpetually. Perhaps never had so slight a thing so great an effect, for it contributed not a little towards the Revolution in 16884 LILLIBULLEBO, and BULLEN-A-LAH, are said to have been the watch-words used among the Irish Papists, in their massacre of the Protestants, in 1641. * See Percy's 'Reliques of Ancient English Poetry,' vol. ii. p. 358. f See Bishop Burnet's 'History of his own Times;' and King's ' State of the Protestants in Ireland,' 1691. 4to. '--8" Jig t; ' 1 ~ ^ ^ -a 1 C _ M '' ^ jj- "..i m i S 1 1 ...a \\ t i - -2 ' - c; Vj i..a L > i * ii 1 iii '" n c < ,!_a - L..2 '1 | > > ... 8 ' 1 1 - \ ' I 1 * j - 1 1 1 V )> 1 ; cj i..g ; '"* "1 II 1 1 "U i[ '.'. 2 ' ii; .. 2$ t r 1 i) jf"\ Ii 'i i -- 8" 6 " '1 1 "> S ' ' ;; j tf :: 11 S ' ' , , i 1 "3 ~"1 i -- i . -> JL. i'-8 i^ t * '! . ^ i.. ...* '- C n -. a M 1 ( cq .:; . . ' ' .S i ... K- 1 " "fc ' L .. a ' L . . 8 : jj ~ ' < "D " J \{ J J ]J i h3 - 1 t X'L 3 ' l " ' 1 iii " <- '.'. 2" ' ' ; * * t - - i . II ii ' i * ' L -- 5 j - - i ii) ! ii "\ / i i .:; PI 3 j!" ' ii "'1 . , , ) "1 $i Ii i '"! - ' i ~ i "i n .1. 1 1 i ' - \, ( SiJ '(I .f . 1 1 " 1 L . I. i- - 2" ' 1 f " IT : ; . ii ii ;:; || 5 ' "k i 'i 1 , u - - 8" "1 C5_ '( t : ^ ^ 't 1 1 "i i :. 2 '1 ^ iJ "5 1' 1 TS ^~> j THE LIFE AND OPINIONS, ETC. 97 CHAPTER IV. I WOULD not give a groat for that man's knowledge in pen-craft, who does not understand this : That the best plain narrative in the world, tacked very close to the last spirited apostrophe to my uncle Toby, would have felt both cold and vapid upon the reader's palate ; therefore I forthwith put an end to the chapter, though I was in the middle of my story. Writers of my stamp have one principle in com- mon with painters. Where an exact copying makes our picture less striking, we choose the less evil; deem- ing it even more pardonable to trespass against truth than beauty. This is to be understood cum grano salts : but be it as it will, as the parallel is made more for the sake of letting the apostrophe cool, than any thing else, 'tis not very material whether, upon any other score, the reader approves of it or not. In the latter end of the third year, my uncle Toby perceiving that the parameter and semiparameter of the conic section angered his wound, he left off the study of projectiles in a kind of a huff, and betook himself to the practical part of fortification only ; the pleasure of which, like a spring held back, returned upon him with redoubled force. It was in this year that my uncle began to break in upon the daily regularity of a clean shirt, to dis- miss his barber unshaven, and to allow his surgeon scarce time sufficient to dress his wound, concerning himself so little about it, as not to ask him once in seven times dressing, how it went on : when, lo ! all of a sudden, for the change was as quick as light- ning, he began to sigh heavily for his recovery, YOU I G 98 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS complained to my father, grew impatient with the surgeon: and one morning, as he heard his foot coming up stairs, he shut up his books, and thrust aside his instruments, in order to expostulate with him upon the protraction of the cure, which, he told him, might surely have been accomplished at least by that time : He dwelt long upon the miseries he had undergone, and the sorrows of his four years' melancholy imprisonment ; adding, that had it not been for the kind looks and fraternal cheerings of the best of brothers, he had long since sunk under his misfortunes. My father was by. My uncle Toby's eloquence brought tears into his eyes; 'twas unexpected : My uncle Toby, by nature, was not eloquent; it had the greater effect: The surgeon was confounded; not that there wanted grounds for suoh, or greater marks of impatience, but 'twas unexpected too. In the four years he had attended him, he had never seen any thing like it in my uncle Toby's carriage ; he had never once dropped one fretful or discontented word ; he had been all patience, all submission. We lose the right of complaining, sometimes, by forbearing it; but we often treble the force: The surgeon was astonished ; but much more so, when he heard my unqle Toby go on, and peremptorily insist upon his healing up the wound directly, or sending for Monsieur Ronjat, the king's serjeant-surgeon, to do it for him. The desire of life and health IB implanted in man's nature; the love of liberty and enlargement is a sister-passion to it: These my uncle Toby had in common with his species and either of them had been sufficient to account for his earnest desire to get well, and out of doors ; but I have told you OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 99 before, that nothing wrought with our family after the common way; and from the time and man- ner in which this eager desire shewed itself in the present case, the penetrating reader will suspect there was some other cause or crotchet for it in my uncle Toby's head : There was BO, and 'tis the subject of the next chapter to set forth what that cause and crotchet was. I own, when that's done, 'twill be time to return back to the parlour fire- side, where we left my uncle in the middle of his sentence. CHAPTER V. WHEN a man gives himself up to the government of a ruling passion, or, in other words, when his KOBPY- HORSE grows headstrong, farewell cool reason and fair discretion I My uncle Toby's wound was near well I and as soon as the surgeon recovered his surprize, and could get leave to say as much he told him, 'twas just beginning to incarnate; and that if no fresh exfoliation happened, which there was no sign of, it would be dried up in five or six weeks. The sound of as many Olympiads, twelve hours before, would have conveyed an idea of shorter duration to my uncle Toby's mind. The suc- cession of his ideas was now rapid, he broiled with impatience to put his design in execution; and so, without consulting farther with any soul living, which, by the bye, I think is right, when you are predetermined to take no one soul's 100 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS advice, he privately ordered Trim, his man, to pack up a bundle of lint and dressings, and hire a chariot-and-four to be at the door exactly by twelve o'clock that day, when he knew my father would be upon 'Change. So leaving a bank-note upon the table for the surgeon's care of him, and a letter of tender thanks for his brother's he packed up his maps, his books of fortification, his instruments, &c., and, by the help of a crutch on one side, and Trim on the other, my uncle Toby embarked for Shandy-Hall. The reason, or rather the rise of this sudden emigra- tion, was as follows : The table in my uncle Toby's room, and at which, the night before this change happened, he was sitting with his maps, &c., about him being somewhat of the smallest, for that infinity of great and small instru- ments of knowledge which usually lay crowded upon it he had the accident, in reaching over for his tobacco- box, to throw down his compasses ; and in stooping to take the compasses up, with his sleeve he threw down his case of instruments and snuffers ; and as the dice took a run against him, in his endeavouring to catch the snuffers in falling, he thrust Monsieur Blondel off the table, and Count de Pagon o'top of him. 'Twas to no purpose for a man, lame as my uncle Toby was, to think of redressing these evils by him- self, he rung his bell for his man Trim; Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, prithee see what confusion I have here been making I must have some better contrivance, Trim. Canst not thou take my rule, and measure the length and breadth of this table, and then go and bespeak me one as big again ? Yes, an' please your honour, replied Trim, making a bow; but I hope your Honour will be OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 101 goon well enough to get down to your country-seat, where as your Honour takes so much pleasure in fortification we could manage this matter to a T. I must here inform you, that this servant of my uncle Toby's, who went by the name of Trim, had been a corporal in my uncle's own company; his real name was James Butler, but having got the nickname of Trim, in the regiment, my uncle Toby, unless when he happened to be very angry with him, would never call him by any other name. The poor fellow had been disabled for the service, by a wound on bis left knee by a musket-bullet, at the battle of Landen, which was two years before the affair of Namur ; and as the fellow was well-beloved in the regiment, and a handy fellow into the bargain, my uncle Toby took him for his servant; and of an excellent use was he, attending my uncle Toby, in the camp and in his quarters, as a valet, groom, barber, cook, sempster, and nurse ; and indeed, from first to last, waited upon him and served him with great fidelity and affection* My uncle Toby loved the man in return ; and what attached him more to him still, was the similitude of their knowledge. -For Corporal Trim (for so, for the future, I shall call him) by four years' occasional attention to his Master's discourse upon fortified towns, and the advantage of prying and peeping continually into his Master's plans, &c., exclusive and besides what he gained HOBBY-HOKSICALLY, as a body-servant, Non Hobby Horsical per se; had become no mean pro- ficient in the science; and was thought, by the cook and chamber-maid, to know as much of the nature of strongholds as my uncle Toby himself. I have but one more stroke to give, to finish Corporal Trim's character, and it is the only dark line in it. 102 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS The fellow loved to advise, or rather, to hear himself talk; his carriage, however, was so perfectly respectful, 'twas easy to keep him silent when you had him so ; but set his tongue a-going, you h&d no hold of him he was voluble; the eternal interlardings of your Honour, with the respectfulness of Corporal Trim's manner, interceding so strong in behalf of his elocution, .that though you might have been incommoded, you could not well be angry. My uncle Toby was seldom either the one or the other with him, or, at least, this fault, in Trim, broke no squares with them. My uncle Toby, as I said, loved the man;- and besides, as he ever looked upon a faithful servant, as an humble friend, he could not bear to stop his mouth. Such was Corporal Trim. If I durst presume, continued Trim, to give your Honour my advice, and speak my opinion in this matter. Thou art welcome, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby speak, speak what thou thinkest upon the subject, man, without fear. Why then, replied Trim (not hanging his ears and scratching his head like a country-lout, but) stroking his hair back from his forehead, and standing erect as before his division, I think, quoth Trim, advancing his left, which ^as his lame leg, a little forwards, and pointing with his right hand open towards a map of Dunkirk, which was pinned against the hangings, 1 think, quoth Corporal Trim, with humble submission to your Honour's better judgment, that these ravelins, bastions, curtains, and hornworks- make but a poor, contemptible, fiddle-faddle piece of work of it here upon paper, compared to what your Honour and I could make of it, were we in the country by ourselves, and had but a rood, or a rood and a half of ground to do what we pleased with. As summer is coming on, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 103 continued Trim, your Honour might sit out of doors, and give me the nography (Call it ichnography, quoth my uncle) of the town or citadel your Honour was pleased to sit down before, and I will be shot by your Honour upon the glacis of it, if I did not fortify it to your Honour's mind. 1 dare say thou would'st, Trim, quoth my uncle. For if your Honour, continued the corporal, could but mark me the polygon, with its exact lines and angles That I could do very well, quoth my uncle. I would begin with the foss6; and if your Honour could tell me the proper depth and breadth I can to a hair's breadth, Trim, replied my uncle I would throw out the earth upon this hand towards the town for the scarp, and on that hand towards the campaign for the counter- scarp (Very right, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby) And when I had sloped them to your mind, an' please your Honour, I would face the glacis, as the finest fortifications are done in Flanders, with sods (and as your Honour knows they should be) and I would make the walls and parapets with sods too. The best engineers call them Gazons, Trim, said my uncle Toby. Whether they are gazons or sods, is not much matter, replied Trim; your Honour knows they are ten times beyond a facing either of brick or stone. 1 know they are, Trim, in some respects, quoth my uncle Toby, nodding his head; for a cannon-ball enters into the gazon right onwards, without bringing any rubbish down with it, which might fill the fosse* (as was the case at St. Nicholas's gate), and facilitate the passage over it. Your Honour understands these matters, replied Corporal Trim, better than any officer in his Majesty's service ; but would your Honour please to let the bespeaking of the table alone, and let us but go into 104 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the country, I would work, under your Honour's direc- tions, like a horse, and make fortifications for you something like a tansy, with all their batteries, saps, ditches, and palisadoes, that it should be worth all the world's riding twenty miles to go and gee it My uncle Toby blushed as red as scarlet, as Trim went on; but it was not a blush of guilt, of modesty, or of anger; it was a blush of joy ; he was fired with Corporal Trim's project and descriptioa Trim! said my uncle Toby, thou hast said enough. We might begin the campaign, continued Trim, on the very day that his Majesty and the Allies take the field, and demolish them town by town, as fast as (Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, say no more !) Your Honour, continued Trim, might sit in your arm-chair (pointing to it) this fine weather, giving me your orders, and I would^ {Say no more, Trim! quoth my uncle Toby) Besides, your Honour would get not only pleasure and good pastime, but good air, and good exercise, and good health, ^and your Honour's wound would be well in a month. Thou hast said enough, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby (putting his hand into his breeches-pocket) I like thy project mightily. And if your Honour pleases, I'll this moment go and buy a pioneer's spade, to take down with us ; and I'll bespeak a shovel and a pick- axe, and a couple of Say no more, Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, leaping up upon one leg, quite overcome with rapture, and thrusting a guinea into Trim's hand Trim, said my uncle Toby, say no more; but go down, Trim, this moment, my lad, and bring up my supper this instant. Trim ran down and brought up his master's supper, to no purpose? Trim's plan of operation ran so in my uncle Toby's head, he could not taste it. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 105 Trim, quoth my uncle Toby, get me to bed. 'Twag all one. Corporal Trim's description had fired his imagination, my uncle Toby could not shut his eyes. The more he considered it, the more bewitching the scene appeared to him; so that, two full hours before daylight, he had come to a final determination, and had concerted the whole plan of his and Corporal Trim's decampment. My uncle Toby had a little neat country-house of his own, in the village where my father's estate lay at Shandy, which had been left him by an old uncle, with a small estate of about one hundred pounds a-year. Behind this house, and contiguous to it, was a kitchen- garden of about half an acre; and at the bottom of the garden, and cut off from it by a tall yew hedge, was a bowling-green, containing just about as much ground as Corporal Trim wished for ; so that as Trim uttered the words, ' A rood and a half of ground, to do what ' they would with,' this identical bowling-green in- stantly presented itself and became curiously painted, all at once, upon the retina of my uncle Toby's fancy; which was the physical cause of making him change colour, or at least, of heightening his blush, to that immoderate degree I spoke of. Never did lover post down to a beloved mistress with more heat and expectation than my uncle Toby did, to enjoy this selfsame thing in private ; I say in private ; for it was sheltered from the house, as I told you, by a tall yew hedge, and was covered on the other three sides, from mortal sight, by rough holly and thick-set flowering shrubs: so that the idea of not being seen, did not a little contribute to the idea of pleasure preconceived in my uncle Toby's mind. Vain thought! however thick it was planted about, - or private soever it might seem, to think, dear uncle 106 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby, of enjoying a thing which took up a whole rood and a half of ground, and not have it known 1 How my uncle Toby and Corporal Trim managed this matter,- with the history of their campaigns, which were no way barren of events, may make no uninteresting under-plot in the epitasis and working- up of this drama. At present, the scene must drop, and change for the parlour fire-side. CHAPTEE VI. WflAT can they be doing, brother? said my father, I think, replied my uncle Toby, taking, as I told you, his pipe from his mouth, and striking the ashes out of it as he began his sentence ; 1 think, replied he, it would not be amiss, brother, if we rung the bell. Pray, what's all that racket over our heads, Oba- diah ?- quoth my father : my brother and I can scarce hear ourselves speak. Sir, answered Obadiah, making a bow towards his left shoulder, my Mistress is taken very badly.- 1 And where's Susannah running down the garden thefe, as if they were going to ravish her? Sir, she is running the shortest cut into the town^ replied Obadiah, to fetch the old midwife. Then saddle a horse, quoth my father, and do you go directly for Dr. Slop, the man-midwife, with all our services, and let him know your mistress is fallen into labour, and that I desire he will return with you with all speed. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 107 It is very strange, says my father, addressing himself to my uncle Toby, as Obadiah shut the door, as there is so expert an operator as Dr. Slop so near, that my wife should persist to the very last in this obstinate humour of hers, in trusting the life of my child, who has had one misfortune already, to the ignorance of an old woman ; and not only the life of my child, brother, but her own life, and with it the lives of all the children I mightj peradventure, have begot out of her hereafter. Mayhap, brother, replied my uncle Toby, my sister does it to save the expense: A pudding's end, replied my father, the Doctor must be paid the same for inaction as action, if not better, to keep him in temper. Then it can be out of nothing in the whole world, quoth my uncle Toby, in the simplicity of his heart, but Modesty. My sister^ I dare say, added he, does not care to let a man come so near her . I will not say whether my uncle Toby had completed the sentence or not; 'tis for his advantage to suppose he had, as, I think he could have added no ONE WOBD which would have improved it. If, on the contrary^ my uncle Toby had not fully arrived at the period's end then the world stands indebted to the sudden snapping of my father's tobacco-pipe for one of the neatest examples of that ornamental figure in oratory $ which Rhetoricians style the AposiopestSi Just Heaven ! how does the Poco piu and the Poco meno of the Italian artists; the insensible MORE or LESS, determine the precise line of beauty in the sentence^ as well as in the statue ! How do the slight touches of the chisel,- the pencil, the pen, the fiddle-stick, et ccetera, give the true 108 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS swell, which gives the true pleasure! my coun- trymen ! be nice ; be cautious of your language ; and never, 0! never let it be forgotten upon what small particles your eloquence and your fame de- pend. ' My sister, mayhap,' quoth my uncle Toby, ' does not choose to let a man come so near her ' Make this dash, 'tis an Aposiopesis; Take the dash away, and write Backside, 'tis bawdy. Scratch Backside out, and put Cover d-way in, 'tis a Meta- phor; and, I dare say, as fortification ran so much in my uncle Toby's head, that if he had been left to have added one word to the sentence, that word was it. But whether that was the case, or not the case; or whether the snapping of my father's tobacco- pipe, so critically, happened through accident or anger, will be seen in due time. CHAPTER VH. THO' my father was a good natural philosopher, yet he was something of a moral philosopher too; for which reason, when his tobacco-pipe snapp'd short in the middle, he had nothing to do, as such, but to have taken hold of the two pieces, and thrown them gently upon the back of the fire, He did no such thing ; he threw them with all the violence in the world; and, to give the action still more emphasis, he started upon both legs to do it This looked something like heat ; and the manner OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 109 of his reply to what my uncle Toby was saying, proved it was so. * Not choose,' quoth my father, (repeating my uncle Toby's words) ' to let a man come so near her ! ' By Heaven, brother Toby ! you would try the patience of Job ; and I think I have the plagues of one already without it. Why? Where? Wherein? Wherefore? Upon what account? replied my uncle Toby, in the utmost astonish- ment. To think, said my father, of a man living to your age, brother, and knowing so little about women ! 1 know nothing at all about them,- - replied my unole Toby : And I think, continued he, that the shock I received the year after the demolition of Dunkirk, in my affair with Widow Wadman ; which shock you know I should not have received, but from my total ignorance of the sex, has given me just cause to say, That I neither know, nor do pretend to know, anything about 'em, or their concerns either. Methinks, brother, replied my father, you might, at least, know so much as the right end of a woman from the wrong. It is said in Aristotle's Master-Piece, * That when a 'man doth think of any thing which is past, he ' looketh down upon the ground ; but that when he * thinketh of something that is to come, he looketh up 4 towards the heavens.' My uncle Toby, I suppose, thought of neither, for he look'd horizontally. liight end! quoth my uncle Toby, muttering the two words low to himself, and fixing his two eyes insensibly, as he muttered them, upon a small crevice, formed by a bad joint in the chimney-piece Right end of a woman ? J declare, quoth my uncle, I know no more which it is than the man in the moon ; and if I was to think, 110 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS continued my uncle Toby (keeping his eyes still fixed upon the bad joint), this month together, I am sure I should not be able to find it out. Then, brother Toby, replied my father, I will tell you. Every thing in this world, continued my father (filling a fresh pipeJ-^-every thing in this world, my dear brother Tobyj has two handles.- Not always, quoth my nncle Toby. At least, replied my father, every one has two hands, -which comes to the same thing.-- -Now, if a man was to sit down coolly, and consider within himself the make, the shape, the con- struction, come-at-ability, and convenience of all the parts which constitute the whole of that animal, called Woman, and compare them analogically 1 never understood rightly the meaning of that word, quoth my uncle Toby. ANALOGY,- replied my father $ is the certain relation and agreement which different- Here, a devil of a rap at the door snapped my father's definition (like his tobacco-pipe) in two, and, at the same time, crushed the head of as notable and curious a dissertation as ever was engendered in the womb of speculation ; it was some months before my father could get an opportunity to be safely delivered of it j And, at this hour, it is a thing full as problematical as the subject of the dissertation itself (considering the confusion and distresses of our domestic misadventures, which are now coming thick one upon the back of another) whether I shall be able to find a place for it in the third volume or not OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. Ill CHAPTER VIII. IT is about an hour and a halfs tolerable good reading since my uncle Toby rung the bell, when Obadiah was ordered to saddle a horse, and go for Dr. Slop, the man-midwife ; so that no one can say, with reason, that I have not allowed Obadiah time enough, poetically speaking, and considering the emergency too, both to go and come; -though, morally and truly speaking, the man perhaps has scarce had time to get on his boots. If the hypercritLc will go upon this ; and is resolved after all, to take a pendulum, and measure the true distance betwixt the ringing of the bell, and the rap at the door; and after finding it to be no more than two minutes, thirteen seconds, and three-fifths, should take upon him to insult over me for such a breach in the unity, or rather probability of time; I would remind him, that the idea of duration, and of its simple modes, is got merely from the train and suc- cession of our ideas and is the true scholastic pendulum, and by which, as a scholar, I will be tried iu this matter, abjuring and detesting the jurisdiction of all other pendulums whatever. I would therefore desire him to consider that it is but poor eight miles from Shandy-Hall to Dr. Slop, the man-midwife's house : and that whilst Obadiah has been going those said miles and back, I have brought my uncle Toby from Namur, quite across all Flanders, into England: That I have had him ill upon my hands near four years ; and have since travelled him and Corporal Trim, in a chariot-and- four, a journey of near two hundred miles down 112 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS into Yorkshire ; all which, put together, must have prepared the reader's imagination for the entrance of Dr. Slop upon the stage, as much, at least (I hope) as a dance, a song, or a concerto between the acts. If my hypercritlc is intractable, alleging, that two minutes and thirteen seconds are no more than two minutes and thirteen seconds, when I have said all I can about them ; and that this plea, though it might save me dramatically, will damn me biographically, rendering my book from this very moment a professed Romance, which^ before, was a book apocryphal : If I am thus pressed I then put an end to the whole objection and controversy about it all at once, by acquainting him, that Obadiah had not got above three-score yards from the stable-yard, before he met with Dr. Slop; and indeed he gave a dirty proof that he had met with him, and was within an ace giving a tragical one too. Imagine to yourself But this had better begin a new chapter* CHAPTER IX, IMAGINE to yourself a little squat, tmcourtly figure of a Dr. Slop, of about four feet and a half perpendicular height, with a breadth of back, and a sesquipedality of belly, which might have done honour to a serjeant in the horse-guards. Such were the outlines of Doctor Slop's figure, which if you have read Hogarth's analysis of beauty, and if you have not, I wish you would ; you OF TRISTRAM SBANDT. 113 must know, may as certainly be caricatured, and conveyed to the mind by three strokes as three hundred. Imagine such a one, for such, I say, were the outlines of Dr. Slop's figure, coming slowly along, foot by foot, waddling though the dirt upon the vertebrae of a little diminutive pony, of a pretty colour but of strength alack! scarce able to have made an amble of it, under such a fardel, had the roads been in an ambling condition. They were not. Imagine to yourself, Obadiah mounted upon a strong monster of a coach-horse, pricked into a full gallop, and making all practicable speed the adverse way. Fray, Sir, let me interest you a moment in this description. Had Dr. Slop beheld Obadiah a mile off, posting in a narrow lane directly towards him, at that monstrous rate, splashing and plunging like a devil thro* thick and thin, as he approached, would not such a pheno- menon, with such a vortex of mud and water moving along with it, round its axis, have been a subject of juster apprehension to Dr. Slop in his situation, than the toorst of Whiston's comets ? To say nothing of the Nucleus ; that is, of Obadiah and the coach- horse. In my idea, the vortex alone of 'em was enough to have involved and carried, if not the doctor, at least the doctor's pony, quite away with it What then do you think must the terror and hydrophobia of Dr. Slop have been, when you read (which you are just going to do) that he was ad- vancing thus warily along towards Shandy- Hall, and had approached to within sixty yards of it, and within five yards of a sudden turn, made by an acute angle of the garden-wall, and in the dirtiest part of a vol.. i H 114 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS dirty lane, when Obadiah and his coach-horse turned the corner, rapid, furious, pop, full upon him ! Nothing, I think, in nature, can be supposed more terrible than such a rencounter, so imprompt! so ill prepared to stand the shock of it as Dr. Slop was. What could Dr. Slop do? : he crossed him- self 4. Pugh ! but the doctor, Sir, was a Papist. No matter ; he had better have kept hold of the pommel. He had so; nay, as it happened, he had better have done nothing at all; for in crossing himself he let go his whip, rand in attempting to save his whip betwixt bis knee and his saddle's skirt, as it slipped, he lost his stirrup, in losing which he lost his seat; and in the multitude of all these losses (which, by the bye, shews what little advantage there is in crossing) the unfortunate doctor lost his presence of mind. So that without waiting for Obadiah's onset, he left his pony to its destiny, tumbling off it diagonally, something in the style and manner of a pack of wool, and without any other consequence from the fall, save that of being left (as it would have beeq) with the broadest part of him sunk about twelve inches deep in the mire. Obadiah pull'd off his cap twice to Dr. Slop; once as he was falling, and then again when he saw him seated. Ill-timed complaisance ;- had not the fellow better have stopped his horse, and got off and help'd him? Sir, he did all that his situation would allow ; but the momentum of the coach-horse was so great, that Obadiah could not do it all at once ; he rode in a circle three times round Dr. Slop, before he could fully accomplish it any how; and at the last, when he did stop his beast, 'twas done with such an explosion of mud, that Obadiah had OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 115 better have been a league off. In short, never was a Dr. Slop so belated, and so transubstantiated, since that affair came into fashion. CHAPTER X. WHEN Dr. Slop entered the back parlour, where my father and my uncle Toby were discoursing upon the nature of women, it was hard to determine whether Dr. Slop's figure, or Dr. Slop's presence, occasioned more surprize to them ; for as the accident happened so near the house, as not to make it worth while for Obadiah to remount him, Obadiah had led him in as he was, unwiped, un- appointed, unannealed, with all his stains and blotches on him. He stood like Hamlet's ghost, motionless, and speechless, for a full minute and a half at the parlour-door (Obadiah still holding his hand) with all the majesty of mud : his hinder parts, upon which he had received his fall, totally besmeared; and in every other part of him, blotched over in such a manner with Obadiah's explosion, that you would have sworn (without mental reservation) that every grain of it had taken effect. Here was a fair opportunity for my uncle Toby to have triumphed over my father, in his turn; for no mortal, who had beheld Dr. Slop in that pickle, could have dissented from so much, at least, of my uncle Toby's opinion, ' That mayhap his sister might not 1 care to let such a Dr. Slop come so near her ' But it was the argumentum ad hominem; and if my 116 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS uncle Toby was not very expert at it, you may think he might not care to use it. No ; the reason was, 'twas not his nature to insult. Dr. Slop's presence at that time was no less pro- blematical than the mode of it ; tho' it is certain, one moment's reflection in my father might have solved it ; for he had apprized Dr. Slop but the week before, that my mother was at her full reckoning ; and as the doctor had heard nothing since, 'twas natural and very political too in him, to have taken a ride to Shandy- Hall, as he did, merely to see how matters went on. But my father's mind took, unfortunately, a wrong turn in the investigation ; running like the hyper critic's, altogether upon the ringing of the bell and the rap upon the door, measuring their distance, and keeping his mind so intent upon the operation, as to have power to think of nothing else common-place in- firmity of the greatest mathematicians ! working with might and main at the demonstration, and so wasting all their strength upon it, that they have none left in them to draw the corollary, to do good with. The ringing of the bell and the rap upon the door struck likewise strong upon the sensorium of my uncle Toby, but it excited a very different train of thoughts ; the two irreconcileable pulsations instantly brought Stevinus, the great engineer, along with them, into my uncle Toby's mind. What business Stevinus had in this affair, is the greatest problem of all : It shall be solved ; but not in the next chapter. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 117 CHAPTER XL WRITING, when properly managed (as you may be sure I think mine is), is but a different name for conversa- tion. As no one, who knows what he is about in good company, would venture to talk all ; so no author, who understands the just boundaries of decorum and good-breeding, would presume to think all : the truest respect which you can pay to the reader's understand- ing, is to halve this matter amicably, and leave him something to imagine, in his turn, as well as yourself. For my own part, I am eternally paying him com- pliments of this kind, and do all that lies in my power to keep his imagination as busy as my own. Tis his turn now ; I have given an ample descrip- tion of Dr. Slop's sad overthrow, and of his sad ap- pearance in the back-parlour ; his imagination must now go on with it for a while. Let the reader imagine then, that Dr. Slop has told his tale and in what words, and with what aggrava- tions, his fancy chooses ; let him suppose, that Obadiah had told his tale also, and with such rueful looks of affected concern, as he thinks best will contrast the two figures as they stand by each other.- Let him. imagine, that my father has stepped up stairs to see my mother: and to conclude this work of imagina- tion, let him imagine the doctor washed, rubbed down and condoled, felicitated, got into a pair of Obadiah's pumps, stepping forward towards the door, upon the very point of entering upon action. Truce! truce, good Dr. Slop! stay thy obstetric hand; return it safe into thy bosom, to keep it warm; little dost thou know what obstacles, 118 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS little dost thou think what hidden causes retard its operation! Hast thou, Dr. Slop, hast thou been entrusted with the secret articles of the solemn treaty which has brought thee into this place ? Art thou aware that, at this instant, a daughter of Lucina is put obstetrically over thy head? Alas! 'tis too true. Besides, great son of Pilumnus! what canst thou do? Thou hast come forth unarm'd; thou hast left thy tire-tite, thy new-invented forceps, thy crotchet, thy squirt, and all thy instruments of salvation and deliverance, behind thee: By Heaven ! at this moment they are hanging up in a green baize bag, betwixt thy two pistols, at the bed's head ! King ; call ; send Obadiah back upon the coach-horse, to bring them with all speed. Make great haste, Obadiah, quoth my father, and I'll give thee a crown ! and quoth my uncle Toby, I'll give him another I CHAPTER XII. YOUB sudden and unexpected arrival, quoth my uncle Toby, addressing himself to Dr. Slop (all three of them sitting down to the fire together, as my uncle Toby began to speak) instantly brought the great Stevinus into my head, who, you must know, is a favourite author with me. Then, added my father, making use of the argument ad cru-tnenam, I will lay twenty guineas to a single crown-piece (which will serve to give away to Obadiah when he gets back) that this same Stevinus was some engineer or other, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 119 or has wrote something or other, either directly or indirectly, upon the science of fortification. He has so, replied my uncle Toby. I knew it, said my father; though, for the soul of me, I can- not see what kind of connection there can be betwixt Dr. Slop's sudden coming, and a discourse upon fortification ; yet I fear'd it. Talk of what we will, brother, or let the occasion be never so foreign or unfit for the subject, you are sure to bring it in. I would not, brother Toby, continued my father, 1 declare I would not have my head so full of curtains and horn-works. That I dare say you would not! quoth Dr. Slop, interrupting him, and laughing most immoderately at his pun. Dennis the critic could not detest and abhor a pun, or the insinuation of a pun, more cordially than my father ; he would grow testy upon it at any time 5 but to be broke in upon by one, in a serious discourse, was as bad, he would say, as a fillip upon the nose ; he saw no difference. Sir, quoth my uncle Toby, addressing himself to Dr. Slop, the curtains my brother Shandy mentions here, have nothing to do with ' bedsteads ; tho' I know Du Cange says, ' That bed-curtains, in all ' probability, have taken their name from them ; ' nor have the horn-works he speaks of, anything in the world to do with the horn-works of cuckoldom: But the curtain, Sir, is the word we use in fortifica- tion, for that part of the wall or rampart which lies between the two bastions, and joins them. Besiegers seldom offer to ca,rry on their attacks directly against the curtain, for this reason because they are so well flanked. ('Tis the case of other curtains, quoth Dr. Slop, laughing.) However, continued my uncle Toby, to make them sure, we generally choose to 120 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS place ravelins before them, taking care only to extend them beyond the foss6 or ditch: The common men, who know very little of fortification, confound the ravelin and the half-moon together, tho* they are very different things; not in their figure or construction, for we make them exactly alike, in all points ; for they always consist of two faces, making a salient angle, with the gorges, not straight, but in form of a crescent. Where then lies the difference ? (quoth my father, a little testily.) In their situations, answered my uncle Toby : for when a ravelin, brother, stands before the cur- tain, it is a ravelin ; and when a ravelin stands before a bastion, then the ravelin is not a ravelin; it is a half-moon ; a half-moon likewise is a half-moon, and no more, so long as it stands before its bastion ; but was it to change place, and get before the curtain, 'twould be no longer a half-moon ; a half- moon, in that case, is not a half-moon ; 'tis no more than a ravelin. 1 think, quoth my father, that the noble science of defence has its weak sides as well as others. As for the horn-work (heigh ! ho ! sighed my father) which, continued my uncle Toby, my brother was speaking of, they are a very considerable part of an outwork; : they are called by the French engineers, Ouvrage a corne, and we generally make them to cover such places as we suspect to be weaker than the rest ; 'tis formed by two epaulments or demi-bastions they are very pretty, and if you will take a walk, I'll engage to shew you one well worth your trouble. 1 own, continued my uncle Toby, when we crown them, they are much stronger, but then they are very expensive, and take up a great deal of ground, BO that, in my opinion, they are most of OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 121 use to cover or defend the head of a camp ; otherwise the double tenailk By the mother who bore us ! brother Toby, quoth my father, not able to hold out any longer, you would provoke a saint; here have you got us, I know not how, not only souse into the middle of the old subject again, but so foil is your head of these confounded works, that though my wife is this moment in the pains of labour, and you hear her cry out, yet nothing will serve you but to carry off the man-midwife. Accoucheur, if you please, quoth Dr. Slop. "With all my heart ! replied my father ; I don't care what they call you ; but I wish the whole science of fortification, with all its inventors, at the devil; it has been the death of thousands, and it will be mine in the end. I would not, I would not, brother Toby, have my brains so full of saps, mines, blinds, gabions, palisadoes, rave- lins, half-moons, and such trumpery, to be proprietor of Namur, and of all the towns in Flanders with it. My uncle Toby was a man patient of injuries; not from want of courage ; I have told you in a former chapter, ' that he was a man of courage :' and will add here, that where just occasions presented, or called it forth, I know no man under whose arm I would have sooner taken shelter; nor did this arise from any insensibility or obtuseness of his in- tellectual parts, for he felt this insult of my father's as feelingly as a man could do; but he was of a peaceful, placid nature no jarring element in it all was mixed up so kindly within him ; my uncle Toby had scarce a heart to retaliate upon a fly. Go, says he one day at dinner, to an overgrown one which had buzzed about his nose, and tormented him cruelly all dinner-time, and which, after infi- nite attempts, he had caught at last, as it flew by him ; 122 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS I'll not hurt thee, says my uncle Toby, rising from his chair, and going across the room with the fly in his hand, I'll not hurt a hair of thy head ; Go, says he, lifting up the sash, and ope.ning his hand as he spoke, to let it escape; go, poor devil, get thee gone ; why should I hurt thee ? This world surely is wide enough to hold both thee and me. I was but ten years old when this happened; but whether it was, that the action itself was more in unison to my nerves at that age of pity, which in- stantly set my whole frame into one vibration of most pleasurable sensation ; or how far the manner and ex- pression of it might go towards it ; or in what degree or by what secret magic, a tone of voice and harmony of movement, attuned by mercy, might find a passage to my heart, I know not ; this I know that the lesson of universal good-will then taught and imprinted by my uncle Toby has never since been worn out of my mind : and tho' I would not depreciate what the study of the literce humaniores, at the University, have done for me in that respect, or discredit the other helps of an- expensive education bestowed upon me, both at home and abroad, since ; yet I often think that I owe one half of my philanthropy to that one accidental impression. This is to serve for parents and governors, instead of a whole volume upon the subject. I could not give the reader this stroke in my uncle Toby's picture, by the instrument by which I drew the other parts of it that taking in no more than the mere HOBBY-HORSICAL likeness : this is a part of his moral character. My father, in this patient endur- ance of wrongs, which I mention, was very different, as the reader must long ago have noted ; he had a much more acute and quick sensibility of nature, attended OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 123 with a little soreness of temper ; tho' this never trans- ported him to anything which looked like malignancy : yet in the little rubs and vexations of life, 'twas apt to show itself in a drollish and witty kind of peevish- ness. He was, however, frank and generous in his nature ; at all times open to conviction ; and in the little ebullitions of this subacid humour towards others, but particularly towards my uncle Toby, whom he truly loved, he would feel more pain, ten times told (ex- cept in the affair of my aunt Dinah, or where an hypo- thesis was concerned) than what he ever gave. The characters of the two brothers, in this view of them, reflected light upon each other, and appeared with great advantage in this affair which rose about Stevinus. I need not tell the reader, if he keeps a HOBBY- HORSE, that a man's HOBBY-HORSE is as tender a part as he has about him ; and that these unprovoked strokes at my uncle Toby's could not be unfelt by him. No : as I said above, my uncle Toby did feel them, and very sensibly too. Pray, Sir, what said he ? How did he behave ? 0, Sir ! it was great : for as soon as my father had done insulting his HOBBY-HORSE, he turned his head without the least emotion, from Dr. Slop, to whom he was addressing his discourse, and looking up into my father's face, with a countenance spread over with so much good-nature ; so placid so fraternal so inexpressibly tender towards him; it penetrated iny father to his heart: He rose up hastily from his chair, and, seizing hold of both my uncle Toby's hands as he spoke: Brother Toby, said he, I beg thy pardon; forgive, I pray thee, this rash humour which my mother gave me. My dear, dear brother, answered my uncle Toby, rising up by my father's 124 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS help, say no more about it ; you are heartily welcome, had it been ten times as much, brother. But 'tis un- generous, replied my father, to hurt any man ; a brother worse ; but to hurt a brother of such gentle manners, so unprovoking, and so unresenting; 'tis base: by Heaven, 'tis cowardly! You are heartily welcome, brother, quoth my uncle Toby, had it been fifty times as much. Besides, what have I to do, my dear Toby, cried my father, either with your amusements or your pleasures, unless it was in my power (which it is not) to increase their measure ? Brother Shandy, answered my uncle Toby, look- ing wistfully in his face, you are much mistaken in this point: for you do increase my pleasure very much, in begetting children for the Shandy family at your time of life. But, by that, Sir, quoth Dr. Slop, Mr. Shandy increases his own. Not a jot, quoth my father. CHAPTER XIII. MY brother does it, quoth my uncle Toby, out of principle. In a family way, I suppose, quoth Dr. Slop. Pshaw ! said my father, 'tis not worth talking of. CHAPTER XIV. AT the end of the last chapter, my father and my uncle Toby were left both standing, like Brutus and OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 125 Cassias, at the close of the scene, making up their accounts. As my father spoke the three last words, he sat down ; my uncle Toby exactly followed his example ; only, that before he took his chair, he rung the bell, to order Corporal Trim, who was in waiting, to step home for Stevinus : my uncle Toby's house being no farther off than the opposite side of the way. Some men would have dropped the subject of Stevinus ; but my uncle Toby had no resentment in his heart, and he went on with the subject, to shew my father that he had none. Your sudden appearance, Dr. Slop, quoth my uncle, resuming the discourse, instantly brought Stevinus into my head. (My father, you may be sure, did not offer to lay any more wagers upon Stevinus's head.) Be- cause, continued my uncle Toby, the celebrated sailing chariot, which belonged to Prince Maurice, and was of such wonderful contrivance, and velocity, as to carry half-a-dozen people thirty German miles, in I don't know how few minutes, was invented by Stevinus, that great mathematician and engineer. You might have spared your servant the trouble, quoth Dr. Slop, (as the fellow is lame) of going for Stevinus's account of it; because, in my return from Leyden thro' the Hague, I walked as far as Schevling, which is two long miles, on purpose to take a view of it That's nothing, replied my uncle Toby, to what the learned Peireskius did, who walked a matter of five hundred miles, reckoning from Paris to Schevling, and from Schevling to Paris back again, in order to see it, and nothing else. Some men cannot bear to be out-gone. The more fool Peireskiua ! replied Dr. Slop. But 126 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS mark, 'twas out of no contempt of Peireskius at all ; but that Peireskius's indefatigable labour in trudg- ing so far on foot, out of love for the sciences, reduced the exploit of Dr. Slop, in that affair, to nothing : the more fool Peireskius ! said he again. Why so ? re- plied my father, taking his brother's part, not only to make reparation as fast as he could for the insult he had given him, which sat still upon my father's mind ; but partly, that my father began really to interest him- self in the discourse. Why so? said he. Why is Peireskius, or any man else, to be abused for an ap- petite for that, or any other morsel of sound knowledge ? for notwithstanding I know nothing of the chariot in question, continued he, the inventor of it must have had a very mechanical head 5 and tho' I cannot guess upon what principles of philosophy he has achieved it ; yet certainly his machine has been constructed upon solid ones, be they what they will, or it could not have answered at the rate my brother mentions. It answered, replied my uncle Toby, as well, if not better ; for, as Peireskius elegantly expresses it, speak- ing of the velocity of its motion, Tarn citus erat, quam erat ventus ; which, unless I have forgotten my Latin, is, that it was as swift as the wind itself. But pray, Dr. Slop, quoth my father, interrupting my uncle (tho' not without begging pardon for it at the same time), upon what principles was this self-same chariot set a-going? Upon very pretty principles to be sure, replied Dr. Slop : and I have often won- dered, continued he, evading the question, why none of our gentry, who live upon large plains like this of ours, (especially they whose wives are not past child-bearing) attempt nothing of this kind; for it would not only be infinitely expeditious upon sudden calls, -to which the sex is subject, if the wind only OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 127 served, but would be excellent good husbandry to make use of the winds, which cost nothing, and which eat nothing, rather than horses, which (the devil take 'em) both cost and eat a great deal. For that very reason, replied my father, ' Because ' they cost nothing, and because they eat nothing,' the scheme is bad ; it is the consumption of our pro- ducts, as well as the manufactures of them, which gives bread to the hungry, circulates trade, brings in money, and supports the value of our lands ; and tho', I own, if I was a Prince, I would generously recompense the scientific head which brought forth such contrivances ; yet I would as peremptorily suppress the use of them. My father here had got into his element, and was going on as prosperously with his dissertation upon trade, as my uncle Toby had, before, upon his of fortification ; but to the loss of much sound knowledge, the Destinies in the morning had decreed that 110 dissertation of any kind should be spun by my father that day, for as he opened his mouth to begin the next sentence CHAPTER XV. IN popped Corporal Trim with Stevinus : But 'twas too late, all the discourse had been exhausted with- out him, and was running into a new channel. You may take the book home again, Trim, said my uncle Toby, nodding to him. But prithee, Corporal, quoth my father, drolling, 128 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS look first into it, and see if thou canst spy aught of a sailing chariot in it. Corporal Trim, by being in the service, had learned to obey, and not to remonstrate ; so taking the book to a side-table, and running over the leaves : An' please your Honour, said Trim, I can see no such thing; however, continued the Corporal, drolling a little in his turn, I'll make sure work of it, an' please your Honour : so taking hold of the two covers of the book, one in each hand, and letting the leaves fall down as he bent the covers back, he gave the book a good sound shake. There is something fallen out, however, said Trim, an' please your Honour; but it is not a chariot, or any thing like one. Prithee, Corporal, said my father, smiling, what is it then ? I think, answered Trim, stooping to take it up, 'tis more like a sermon, for it begins with a text of scripture, and the chapter and verse; and then goes on, not as a chariot, but like a sermon directly. The company smiled. I cannot conceive how it is possible, quoth my uncle Toby, for such a thing as a sermon to have got into my Stevinus. I think 'tis a sermon, replied Trim ; but if it please your Honours, as it is a fair hand, I will read you a page; for Trim, you must know, loved to hear him- self read almost as well as talk. I have ever a strong propensity, said my father, to look into things which cross my way by such strange fatalities as these ; and as we have nothing better to do, at least till Obadiah gets back, I shall be obliged to you, brother, if Dr. Slop has no objection to it, to order the Corporal to give us a page or two of it, if he is as able to do it as he seems willing. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 129 An' it please your Honour, quoth Trim, I officiated two whole campaigns, in Flanders, as clerk to the chaplain of the regiment. He can read it, quoth my uncle Toby, as well as I can. Trim, I assure you, was the best scholar in my company, and should have had the next halberd, but for the poor fellow's misfortune. Corporal Trim laid his hand upon his heart, and made an humble bow to his master; then, laying down his hat upon the floor, and taking up the sermon in his left hand, in order to have his right at liberty, he advanced, nothing doubting, into the middle of the room, where he could best see, and be best seen by his audience. CHAPTER XVI. IF you have any objection, said my father, address- ing himself to Dr. Slop. Not in the least, replied Dr. Slop; for it does not appear on which side of the question it is wrote, it may be a composition of a divine of our church, as well as yours, so that we run equal risques. 'Tis wrote upon neither side, quoth Trim, for 'tis only upon Conscience, an' please your Honours. Trim's reason put his audience into good humour, all but Dr. Slop, who, turning his head about towards Trim, looked a little angry. Begin, Trim, and read distinctly, quoth my father. I will, an' please your Honour, replied the Corporal, making a bow, and bespeaking attention with a slight movement of his right hand. VOL. I I ISO THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XVII. BUT before the Corporal begins, I must first give you a description of his attitude ; otherwise he will naturally stand represented, by your imagination, in an uneasy posture, stiff, perpendicular, dividing the weight of his body equally upon both legs ; his eye fixed, as if on duty ; his look determined ; clenching the sermon in his left hand, like his fire- lock. In a word, you would be apt to paint Trim as if he was standing in his platoon, ready for action. His attitude was as unlike all this as you can con- ceive. He stood before them with his body swayed, and bent forwards just so far as to make an angle of 85 degrees and a half upon the plane of the horizon ; which sound orators, to whom I address this, know very well to be the true persuasive angle of incidence : in any other angle you may talk and preach; 'tis cei'tain ; and it is done every day ; but with what effect, I leave the world to judge ! The necessity of this precise angle of 85 degrees and a half, to a mathematical exactness, does it not shew us, by the way, how the arts and sciences mutually befriend each other ? How the deuce Corporal Trim, who knew not so much as an acute angle from an obtuse one, came to hit it so exactly; or Avhethef it was chance or nature, or good sense, or imitation, &c., shall be com- mented upon in that part of the Cyclopaedia of Arts and Sciences, where the instrumental parts of the eloquence of the senate, the pulpit, and the bar, the coffee-house, the bedchamber, and fireside, fall under consideration. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 131 He stood, for I repeat it, to take the picture of him in at one view, with his body swayed, and somewhat bent forwards, his right leg from under him, sustain- ing seven-eighths of his whole weight, the foot of his left leg, the defect of which was no disadvantage to his attitude, advanced a little, not laterally, nor for- wards, but in a line betwixt them ; his knee bent, but that not violently, but so as to fall within the limits of the line of beauty ; and I add, of the line of science too; for, consider, it had one-eighth part of his body to bear up ; so that in this case the position of the leg is determined, because the foot could be no farther advanced, or the knee more bent, than what would allow him mechanically to receive an eighth part of his whole weight under it, and to carry it too. S^f" This I recommend to painters : need I add, to orators ? I think not ; for, unless they practise it, -they must fall upon their noses. So much for Corporal Trim's body and legs. He held the sermon loosely, not carelessly, in his left hand, raised something above his stomach, and de- tached a little from his breast ; his right arm falling negligently by his side, as nature and the laws of gravity ordered it, but with the palm of it open and turned towards his audience, ready to aid the sentiment, in case it stood in need. Corporal Trim's eyes and the muscles of his face were in full harmony with the other parts of him ; he looked frank, unconstrained, something assured, but not bordering upon assurance. Let not the critic ask how Corporal Trim could come by all this. I've told him it should be ex- plained ; but so he stood before my father, my uncle Toby, and Dr. Slop, so swayed his body, so con- 132 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS tracted his limbs, and with such an oratorical sweep throughout the whole figure, a statuary might have modelled from it; nay, I doubt whether the oldest Fellow of a College, or the Hebrew Profes- sor himself, could have much mended it. Trim made a bow, and read as follows : THE SERMON. HEBREWS, xiii. 18. -For, we trust, we have a good Conscience. 1 TRUST ! Trust we have a good conscience ! ' [Certainly, Trim, quoth my father, interrupting him, you give that sentence a very improper accent ; for you curl up your nose, man, and read it with such a sneering tone, as if the Parson was going to abuse the Apostle. He is, an' please your Honour, replied Trim. Pugh ! said my father, smiling. Sir, quoth Dr. Slop, Trim is certainly in the right; for the writer (who I perceive is a Protestant), by the snappish manner in which he takes up the apostle, is certainly going to abuse him ; if this treatment of him has not done it already. But from whence, replied my father, have you concluded so soon, Dr. Slop, that the writer is of our church ? for aught I can see yet, he may be of any church. Because, answered Dr. Slop, if he was of ours, he durst no more take such a licence, than a bear by his beard : If, in our com- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 133 munion, Sir, a man was to insult an apostle, a saint, or even the paring of a saint's nail, he would have his eyes scratched out. What, by the saint ? quoth iny uncle Toby. No, replied Dr. Slop, he would have an old house over his head. Pray is the Inquisition an ancient building, answered my uncle Toby, or is it a modern one? I know nothing of architecture, replied Dr. Slop. An', please your Honours, quoth Trim, the Inquisition is the vile$t Prithee spare thy description, Trim, I hate the very name of it, said my father. No matter for that, an- swered Dr. Slop, it has its uses; for tho' I'm no great advocate for it, yet, in such a case as this, he would soon be taught better manners; and I can tell him, if he went on at that rate, would be flung into the Inquisition for his pains. God help him then! quoth my uncle Toby. Amen ! added Trim ; for Heaven above knows, I have a poor brother who has been fourteen years a captive in it. I never heard one word of it before, said my uncle Toby, hastily : How came he them. Trim? 0, Sir, the story will make your heart bleed, as it has made mine a thousand times ; but it is too long to be told now ; your Honour shall hear it, from first to last, some day when I am working beside you in our fortifications ; but the short of the story is this ; That my brother Tom went over a servant to Lisbon, and then mar- ried a Jew's widow, who kept a small shop, and sold sausages, which, somehow or other, was the cause of his being taken in the middle of the night out of his bed, where he was lying with his wife and two small children, and carried directly to the Inquisi- tion, where, Cod help him! continued Trim, fetching a sigh from the bottom of his heart, the poor honest lad lies confined at this hour. He was as honest a 134 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS soul, added Trim, (pulling out his handkerchief) as ever blood warmed. The tears trickled down Trim's cheeks faster than he could well wipe them away. A dead silence in the room ensued for some minutes. Certain proof of pity! Come, Trim, quoth my father, after he saw the poor fellow's grief had got a little vent, read on, and put this melancholy story out of thy head: I grieve that I interrupted thee; but prithee begin the sermon again ; for if the first sentence in it is matter of abuse, as thou sayest, I have a great desire to know what kind of provocation the apostle has given. Corporal Trim wiped his face, and returned his handkerchief into his pocket, and, making a bow as he did it, he began again.] THE SERMON. HEBREWS, xiii. 18. -.For, ice trust, we have a good Conscience. - ' TRUST ! trust we have a good conscience I Surely ' if there is any thing in this life which a man may ' depend upon, and to the knowledge of which he is ' capable of arriving upon the most indisputable evi- ' dence, it must be this very thing, whether he has ' a good conscience or no.' [I am positive I am right, quoth Dr. Slop.] 1 If a man thinks at all, he cannot well be a stranger ' to the true state of this account : he must be OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, 135 ' privy to his own thoughts and desires; ho must ' remember his past pursuits, and know certainly the ' true springs and motives, which, in general, have ' governed the actions of his life.' [I defy him, without an assistant, quoth Pr. Slop.] ' In other matters we may be deceived by false ' appearances ; and, as the wise man complains, hardly ' do ice guess aright at Hie things that are upon the ' earth, and toith labour do we Jitid th* things tJtat are ' before us. But here the mind has all the evidence 1 and facts within herself; is conscious of the web ' she has wove; knows its texture and fineness, ' and the exact share which every passion has had in ' working upon the several designs which virtue or 1 vice has planned before her.' [The language is good, and I declare Trim reads very well, quoth my father.] ' Now, as conscience is nothing else but the know- ' ledge which the mind has within herself of this ; ' and the judgment, either of approbation or censure, ' which it unavoidably makes upon the successive ' actions of our lives ; 'tis plain you will say, from ' the very terms of the proposition, whenever this ' inward testimony goes against a man, and he stands ' self-accused, that he must necessarily be a guilty ' man. And, on the contrary, when the report is 4 favourable on his side, and his heart condemns him 1 not, that it is not a matter of trust, aa the apostle ' intimates, but a matter of certainty and fact, that ' the conscience is good, and that the man must be ' good also.' [Then the apostle is altogether in the wrong, I sup- pose, quoth Dr. Slop, and the Protestant divine is in the right. Sir, have patience, replied my father, for I think it will presently appear that St. Paul and 136 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the Protestant divine are both of an opinion. As nearly so, quoth Dr. Slop, as 'east is to west; but this, continued he, lifting both hands, comes from the liberty of the press ! It is no more at the worst, replied my uncle Toby, than the liberty of the pulpit ; for it does not appear that the sermon is printed, or ever likely to be. Go on, Trim, quoth my father.] 'At first sight this may seem to be a true state ' of the case : and I make no doubt but the knowledge ' of right and wrong is so truly impressed uppn the ' mind of man, that did no such thing ever happen, 4 as that the conscience of a man, by long habits of sin, 1 might (as the scripture assures it may) insensibly be- * come hard ; and, like some tender parts of his body, 4 by much stress and continual hard usage, lose by ' degrees that nice sense and perception with which 4 God and nature endowed it : -did this never happen ; 4 or was it certain that self-love could never hang 4 the least bias upon the judgment; or that the little 'interests below could rise up and perplex the faculties 4 of our upper regions, and encompass them about 4 with clouds and thick darkness : Could no such 4 thing as favour and affection enter this sacred court : 4 Did Wit disdain to take a bribe in it ; or was 4 ashamed to show its face as an advocate for an un- 4 warrantable enjoyment : Or, lastly, were we assured 4 that Interest stood always unconcerned whilst the 4 cause was hearing and that Passion never got into 4 the judgment-seat, and pronounced sentence in the 4 stead of Reason, which is supposed always to preside 4 and determine upon the case : Was this truly so, 1 as the objection must suppose; no doubt, then, the 4 religious and moral state of a man would be exactly 4 what he himself esteemed it : and the guilt or OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 137 ' innocence of every man's life could be known, in ' general, by no better measure, than the degrees of ' his own approbation and censure. ' I own, in one case, whenever a man's conscience 4 does accuse him (as it seldom errs on- that side), ' that he is guilty; and unless in melancholy and ' hypochondriac cases, we may safely pronounce upon 1 it, that there is always sufficient grounds for the ' accusation. ' But the converse of the proposition will not hold ' true; namely, that whenever there is guilt, the con- ' science must accuse ; and if it does not, that a man ' is therefore innocent. This is not fact. So that ' the common consolation which some good Christian or * other is hourly administering to himself, that he ' thanks God his mind does not misgive him ; and ' that, consequently, he has a good conscience, because ' he hath a quiet one, is fallacious ; and as cur- ' rent as the inference is, and as infallible as the rule ' appears at first sight, yet when you look nearer to it, * and try the truth of this rule upon plain facts, you ' see it liable to so much error from a false applica- ' tion ; the principle upon which it goes so often per- ' verted ; the whole force of it lost, and sometimes ' so vilely cast away, that it is painful to produce the ' common examples from human life, which confirm ' the account. ' A man shall be vicious and utterly debauched ' in his principles ; exceptionable in his conduct to ' the world ; shall live shameless, in the open commis- ' sion of a sin which no reason or pretence can justify, ' a sin by which, contrary to all the workings of 4 humanity, he shall ruin for ever the deluded partner ' of his guilt ; rob her of her best dowry ; and not ' only cover her own head with dishonour, but involve 198 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS ' a whole virtuous family in shame and sorrow for her 1 sake. Surely, you will think conscience must lead ' such a man a troublesome life ; he can have no rest ' night or day from its reproaches. ' Alas ! CONSCIENCE had something else to do all ' this time, than break in upon him ; as Elijah re- ' proached the god Baal, this domestic god teas ' cither talking, or pursuing, or was on a journey, or ' peradventure lie slept, and could not be aicok. ' Perhaps He was gone out in company with * Honour, to fight a duel ; to pay off some debt at ' play ; or dirty annuity, the bargain of his lust. ' Perhaps CONSCIENCE all this time was engaged at ' home, talking aloud against petty larceny, and exe- 1 cuting vengeance upon some such puny crimes, as 4 his fortune and rank of life secured him against all ' temptation of committing ; so that he lives as ' merrily,' ? [If he was of our church, tho', quoth Dr. Slop, he could not] ' sleeps as soundly in his ' bed ; and at last meets death as unconcernedly ; ' perhaps much more so, than a much better man.' [All this is impossible with us, quoth Dr. Slop, turn- ing to my father; the case could not happen in our church. It happens in ours, however, replied my father, but too often. 1 own, quoth Di. Slop, (struck a little with my father's frank acknowledgment) that a man iu the Romish church may live as badly ; but then he cannot easily die so. 'Tis little matter, replied my father, with an air of indifference, how a rascal dies. I mean, answered Dr. Slop, he would be denied the benefits of the last sacraments. Pray how many have you in all ? said my uncle Toby, for I always forget. Seven, answered Dr. Slop. Humph ! said my uncle Toby, tho' not accented as a note of acquiescence, but as an interjection of that OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 189 particular species of surprise, when a man, in looking into a drawer, finds more of a thing than he ex- pected. Humph ! replied my uncle Toby. Dr. Slop, who had an ear, understood my uncle Toby as well as if he had wrote a whole volume against the seven sacraments. Humph ! replied Dr. Slop, (.stating my uncle Toby's argument over again to him) Why, Sir, arc there not seven cardinal virtues ? Seven mortal sins? Seven golden candle- sticks? Seven heavens? 'Tis more than I know, replied my uucle Toby. Are there not seven wonders of the world ? Seven days of the creation ? Seven planets ? Seven plagues ? That there are, quoth my father, with a most affected gravity. But prithee, continued he, go on with the rest of thy characters, Trim.] ' Another is sordid, unmerciful,' (here Trim waved his right hand,) ' a strait-hearted, selfish wretch, inca- ' pable either of private friendship or public spirit. 1 Take notice how he passes by the widow and orphan 1 in their distress, and sees all the miseries inci- ' dent to human life without a sigh or a prayer, [An' please your Honours, cried Trim, I think this a viler man than the other.] ' Shall not conscience rise Tip and sting him on such ' occasions ? No ; thank God there is no occasion ! / ' pay every man his own; / have no fornication 1o ' answer to my conscience ; no faithless vows orpromws ' to make up; I have debauched no man's wife or child: ' thank God, I am not as other men, adulterers, unjaxt, ' or even as this libertine, who stands before me ! ' A third is crafty and designing in his nature, 1 View his whole life ; 'tis nothing but a cunning ' contexture of dark arts and unequitable subterfuges, 1 basely to defeat the true intent of all laws, plain 140 TRE LIFE AND OPINIONS ' dealing, and the safe enjoyment of our several pro- ' perties. You will see such a one working out a ' frame of little designs upon the ignorance and per- ' plexities of the poor and needy man ; shall raise ' a fortune upon the inexperience of a youth, or the ' unsuspecting temper of his friend, who would have ' trusted him with his life. ' When old age comes on, and repentance calls him ' to look back upon his black account, and state it ' over again with his conscience CONSCIENCE looks ' into the STATUTES AT LARGE ; finds no express ' law broken by what he has done ; perceives no ' penalty or forfeiture of goods and chattels incurred ; 4 sees no scourge waving over his head, or prison ' opening its gates upon him : What is there to af- ' fright his conscience? Conscience has got safely ' entrenched behind the Letter of the Law : sits there * invulnerable, fortified with $H8t8 SH& $tj?0rta so ' strongly on all sides, that it is not preacliing can 1 dispossess it of its hold.' [Here Corporal Trim and my uncle Toby exchanged looks with, each other. Aye, aye, Trim ! quoth my uncle Toby, shaking his head, these are but sorry fortifications, Trim. ! very poor work, answered Trim, to what your Honour and I make of it. The character of this last man, said Dr. Slop, interrupting Trim, is more detestable than all the rest ; and seems to have been taken from some pettifogging Lawyer amongst you. Amongst us, a man's conscience could not possibly continue so long blinded : three times in a year, at least, he must go to confession. Will that restore it to sight? quoth my uncle Toby. Go on, Trim, quoth my father, or Obadiah will have got back before thou hast got to the end of thy aermon. 'Tis a very short one, replied Trim. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. HI I wish it was longer ! quoth my uncle Toby, for I like it hugely. Trim went on.] 4 A fourth man shall want even this refuge; shall ' break through all the ceremony of slow chicane ; ' scorns the doubtful workings of secret plots ' and cautious trains to bring about his purpose : ' See the barefaced villain, how he cheats, lies, per- 'jures, robs, murders! Horrid! But indeed muck ' better was not to be expected in the present case ' the poor man was in the dark ! his priest had ' got the keeping of his conscience ; and all he ' would let him know of it, was, That he must ' believe in the Pope ; go to Mass ; cross himself; ' tell his beads ; be a good Catholic ; and that this, ' in all conscience, was enough to carry him to ' heaven. What ! if he perjures ? Why, he had n 4 mental reservation in it. But if he is so wicked ; and abandoned a wretch as you represent him; if ' he robs, if he stabs, will not conscience, on every 4 such act, receive a wound itself? Aye, but the ' man has carried it to confession ; the wound ' digests there, and will do well enough, and in a ' short time be quite healed up by absolution. ' Popery ! what hast thou to answer for ! when 4 not content with the too many natural and fatal ' ways, thro' which the heart of man is every day ' thus treacherous to itself above all things, thou 1 hast wilfully set open the wide gate of deceit 4 before the face of this unwary traveller, too ' apt, God knows, to go astray of himself, and ' confidently speak peace to himself, when there is * no peace. 4 Of this, the common instances which I have drawn. ' out of life, are too notorious to require much evidence. ' If any man doubts the reality of them, or thinks it 142 TUB LIFE AND OPINIONS 4 impossible for a man to be such a bubble to himself, * I must refer him a moment to his own reflec- ' tions, and will then venture to trust my appeal with 1 his own heart. ' Let him consider in how different a degree of * detestation, numbers of wicked actions stand there, 4 tho' equally bad and vicious in their own natures ; 1 he will soon find, that such of them as strong 4 inclination and custom have prompted him to com- 4 niit, are generally dressed out and painted with all ' the false beauties which a soft and a flattering hand 1 can give them ; and that the others, to which he 4 feels no propensity, appear at once naked and de- 4 formed, surrounded with all the true circumstances 1 of folly and dishonour. * When David surprized Saul sleeping in the cave, and 4 cut off the skirt of his robe, we read that his 1 heart smote him for what he had done: but in ' the matter of Uriah, where a faithful and gallant 4 servant, whom he ought to have loved and honoured, 4 fell to make way for his lust, where conscience 1 had so much greater reason to take the alarm, his 1 heart smote him not. A whole year had almost ' passed from the first commission of that crime, to the * time Nathan was sent to reprove him ; and we read 4 not once of the least sorrow or compunction of ' heart which he testified, during all that time, for 1 what he had done. 4 Thus conscience, this once able monitor, placed 4 on high as a judge within us, and intended by our 4 Maker as a just and equitable one too, by an 4 unhappy train of causes and impediments, takes often 4 such imperfect cognizance of what passes, does 4 its office so negligently, sometimes so corruptly, 4 that it is not to be trusted alone; and therefore we OF TRISTRAM SHANDT. 143 ' find there is a necessity, an absolute necessity, of ' joining another principle with it, to aid, if not govern, 1 its determinations. ' So that, if you would form a just judgment of ' what is of infinite importance to you not to be misled 1 in, namely, in what degree of real merit you stand, ' either as an honest man, an useful citizen, a faithful ' subject to your king, or a good servant to your God, 4 call in religion and morality. Look : What is ' written in the law of God ? How readest thou ? 4 Consult calm reason and the unchangeable obliga- ' tions of justice and truth ! what say they? 4 Let CONSCIENCE determine the matter upon these ' reports ; and then if thy heart condemns thee not, 4 which is the case the apostle supposes, the rule will 4 be infallible;' [Here Dr. Slop fell asleep] \thou 4 wilt have confidence towards God; that is, have just ' grounds to believe the judgment thou hast passed 4 upon thyself, is the judgment of God ; and nothing 4 else but an anticipation of that righteous sentence 4 which will be pronounced upon thee hereafter by that 4 Being to whom thou art finally to give an account of ' thy actions. 4 Blessed is the man, indeed, then, as the author of 4 the book of Ecclesiasticus expresses it, who is not 1 pricked with the multitude of his sins : blessed is the ' man whose heart hath not condemned him : whether he 4 be rich, or ichether he be poor, if he have a good heart ' (a heart thus guided and informed) he shall at all times 4 rejoice in a cheerful countenance ; his mind shall tell 4 him more than seven watchmen that sit above upon a 4 tower on high.' [A tower has no strength, quoth my uncle Toby, unless 'tis flanked.] 4 In the darkest 4 doubts it shall conduct him safer than a thousand 4 casuits, and give the state he lives in a better security 144 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS ' for his behaviour than all the causes and restric- ' tions put together, which law-makers are forced to 1 multiply : -forced, I say, as things stand ; human ' laws not being a matter of original choice, but of ' pure necessity, brought in to fence against the mis- ' chievous effects of those consciences which are no ' law unto themselves ; well intending, by the many * provisions made, that in all such corrupt and ' misguided cases, where principles and the checks * of conscience will not make us upright, to supply ' their force, and, by the terrors of gaols and halters, 4 oblige us to it.' [I see plainly, said my father, that this sermon has been composed to be preached at the Temple, or at some Assize. I like the reasoning, and am sorry that Dr. Slop has fallen asleep before the time of his convic- tion ; for it is now clear, that the Parson, as I thought at first, never insulted St. Paul in the least ; nor has there been, brother, the least difference between them. A great matter, if they had differed, replied my uncle Toby ! the best friends in the world may differ sometimes. -True, brother Toby, quoth my father, shaking hands with him ; we'll fill our pipes, brother, and then Trim shall go on. Well, what dost thou think of it ? said my father, speaking to Corporal Trim, as he reached his tobacco- box. I think, answered the Corporal, that the seven watchmen upon the tower, who, I suppose, are all sentinels there, are more, an' please your Honour, than were necessary ; and to go on at that rate, would harass a regiment all to pieces, which a commanding- officer, who loves his men, will never do, if he can help it ; because two sentinels, added the Corporal, are as good as twenty. I have been a commanding-officer OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 145 myself in the Corps de Garde a hundred times, con- tinued Trim, rising an inch higher in his figure, as he spoke ; and all the time I had the honour to serve his Majesty King William, in relieving the most con- siderable posts, I never left more than two in my life. Very right, quoth my uncle Toby ; but you do not consider, Trim, that the towers, in Solomon's days, were not such things as our bastions, flanked and defended by other works. This, Trim, was an invention since Solomon's death ; nor had they horn- works, or ravelins before the curtain, in his time ; or such a fosse as we make with a cuvette in the middle of it, and with covered ways and counter-scarps palisadoed along it, to guard against a coup de main: so that the seven men upon the tower were a party, I dare say, from the Corps de Qurde, set there, not only to look out, but to defend it. They could be no more, an' please your Honour, than a corporal's guard. My father smiled inwardly, but not outwardly; the subject being rather too serious, considering what had happened, to make a jest of; so putting his pipe into his mouth, which he had just lighted, he contented himself with ordering Trim to read on. He read on as follows : ] ' To have the fear of God before our eyes, and in our ' mutual dealings with each other, to govern our actions ' by the eternal measures of right and wrong; the first ' of these will comprehend the duties of religion ; the ' second, those of morality, which are so inseparably ' connected together, that you cannot divide these two ' tables, even in imagination, (though the attempt is ' often made in practice) without breaking and mu- ' tually destroying them both. 4 1 said the attempt is often made ; and so it is ; ' there being nothing more common than to see a 1 man who has no sense at all of religion, and indeed VOL. i K 146 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 1 has so much honesty as to pretend to none, who 1 would take it as the bitterest affront, should you ' but hint at a suspicion of his moral character, or ' imagine he was not conscientiously just and scru- ' pulous to the uttermost mite. ' When there is some appearance that it is so, tho' ' one is unwilling even to suspect the appearance of ' so amiable a virtue as moral honesty, yet were we 4 to look into the grounds of it, in the present case, I 4 am persuaded we should find little reason to envy 4 such a one the honour of his motive. 4 Let him declaim as pompously as he chooses upon 4 the subject, it will be found to rest upon no better 4 foundation than either his interest, his pride, his ease, 4 or some such little and changeable passion as will 4 give us but small dependence upon his actions in 4 matters of great distress. 4 1 will illustrate this by an example. 4 1 know the banker I deal with, or the physician I 4 usually call in,' [There is no need, cried Dr. Slop, waking, to call in any physician in this case] ' to 4 be neither of them men of much religion. I hear 4 them make jest of it every day, and treat all its 4 sanctions with so much scorn, as to put the matter 4 past doubt. Well ; notwithstanding this, I put my 4 fortune into the hands of the one ; and, what is 4 dearer still to me, I trust my life to the honest skill 4 of the other. 4 Now, let me examine what is my reason for this 4 great confidence. Why, in the first place, I believe 4 thftre is no probability that either of them will em- 4 ploy the power I put into their hands to my disad- 4 vantage ; I consider that honesty serves the purposes 4 of thib life ; I know their success in the world de- 4 pends upon the fairness of their characters. In a OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 147 4 word, I'm persuaded that they cannot hurt me with- 4 out hurting themselves more. 4 But put it otherwise ; namely, that interest lay, ' for once, on the other side ; that a case should liap- 1 pen, wherein the one, withont stain to his reputation, 1 could secrete my fortune, and leave me naked in the 1 world ; or that the other could send me out of it, 4 and enjoy an estate by my death, without dishonour 4 to himself or his art; in this case, what hold have ' I of either of them? Religion, the strongest of all 4 motives, is out of the question ; interest, the next 4 most powerful motive in the world, is strongly against ' me. What have I left to cast into the opposite 1 scale, to balance this temptation ? Alas ! I have ' nothing nothing but what is lighter than a bubble : 4 1 must lie at the mercy of Honour, or some such 4 capricious principle, strait security for two of the 4 most valuable blessings I my property and my life. 4 As, therefore, we can have no dependence upon 4 morality without religion ; so, on the other hand, 4 there is nothing better to be expected from religion 4 without morality: nevertheless, 'in no prodigy to 4 see a man whose real moral character stands very 4 low, who yet entertains the highest notion of himself 4 in the light of a religious man. ' He shall not only be covetous, revengeful, im- 4 placable, but even wanting in points of common 4 honesty ; yet, inasmuch as he talks aloud against the 4 infidelity of the age, is zealous for some points of 4 religion, goes twice a day to church, attends the 4 sacraments, and amuses himself with a few instru- 4 mental parts of religion, shall cheat his conscience ' into a judgment tliat, for this, he is a religious man, ' and has discharged truly his duty to God: and you 4 will find that such a man, through force of this 148 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS ' delusion, generally looks down with spiritual pride 4 upon every other man who has less affectation of 4 piety, though, perhaps, ten times more real honesty ' than himself. 4 This likewise is a sore evil under the sun ; and, I 4 believe, there is no one mistaken principle, which, 4 for its time, has wrought more serious mischiefs. 4 For a general proof of this, examine the history 4 of the Romish church ;' [Well, what can you make of that ? cried Dr. Slop] ' see what scenes of cruelty, ' murder, rapine, bloodshed ' [They may thank their own obstinacy, cried Dr. Slop] ' have all been sane- 4 tified by a religion not strictly governed by morality ! 4 In how many kingdoms of the world ' [Here Trim kept waving his right hand from the sermon to the extent of his arm, returning it backwards and forwards to the conclusion of the paragraph]. 4 In how many kingdoms of the world has the cru- sading sword of this misguided saint-errant spared neither age, nor merit, nor sex, nor condition? and, as he fought under the banners of a religion which set him loose from justice and humanity, he shewed none; mercilessly trampled upon both, heard neither the cries of the unfortunate, nor pitied their 4 distresses ! ' [I have been in man)' a battle, an' please your Honour, quoth Trim, sighing, but never in so melan- choly a one as this : I would not have drawn a trigger in it against these poor souls, to have been made a general officer. Why ? what do you understand of the affair ? said Dr. Slop, looking towards Trim, with something more of contempt than the Corporal's honest heart deserved. What do you know, friend, about this battle you talk of ? 1 know, replied Trim, that I never refused quarter in my life to any man who OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 1*9 cried out for it : but to a woman or a child, con- tinued Trim, before I would level my musket at them, I would lose my life a thousand times. Here's a crown for thee, Trim, to drink with Obadiah to-night, quoth my uncle Toby ; and I'll give Obadiah another too. God bless your Honour ! replied Trim ; I had rather these poor women and children had it. Thou art an honest fellow, quoth my uncle Toby. My father nodded his head, as much as to say, And so he is. But prithee, Trim, said my father, make an end, for I see thou hast but a leaf or two left. Corporal Trim read on.] 1 If the testimony of past centuries in this matter ' is not sufficient, consider, at this instant, how the ' votaries of that religion are every day thinking to ' do service and honour to God, by actions which ' are a dishonour and scandal to themselves ! * To be convinced of this, go with me for a mo- ' ment into the prisons of the Inquisition/' [God help my poor brother Tom !] ' Behold Religion, with ' Mercy and Justice chained down under her feet, ' there sitting ghastly upon a black tribunal, propped 1 up with racks and instruments of torment. Hark; ' hark ! what a piteous groan ! ' [Here Trim's face turned as pale as ashes.] ' See the melancholy 4 wretch, who uttered it ' [Here the tears began to trickle down] 'just brought forth to undergo ' the anguish of a mock trial, and endure the ut- ' most pains that a studied system of cruelty has been ' able to invent.' [D n them all ! quoth Trim, his colour returning into his face as red as blood.] 1 Behold this helpless victim delivered up to his 1 tormentors, his body so wasted with sorrow and ' confinement ! ' [Oh ! 'tis my brother ! cried poor 150 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Trim, in a most passionate exclamation, dropping the sermon upon the ground, and clapping his hands together I fear 'tis poor Tom ! My father's and my uncle Toby's heart yearned with sympathy for the poor fellow's distress ; even Slop himself acknow- ledged pity for him. Why, Trim, said my father, this is not a history, tis a sermon thou art reading ; prithee begin the sentence again.] ' Behold this * helpless victim delivered np to his tormentors, his 4 body so wasted with sorrow and confinement, you 4 will see every nerve and mus ,le as it suffers 1 4 Observe the last movement of that horrid engine ! ' {I would rather face a cannon ! quoth Trim, stamp- ing.] ' See what convulsions it has thrown him * into ! Consider the nature of the posture in which ' he now lies stretched ! what exquisite tortures he ' endures by it!' [I hope 'tis not in Portugal!] 4 'Tis all nature can bear ! Good God ! see how it 4 keeps his weary soul hanging upon his trembling 4 lips ! ' [I would nofc read another line of it, quoth Trim, for all this world! I fear, an' please your Honours, all this is in Portugal, where my poor brother Tom is! 1 tell thee, Trim, again, quoth my father, 'tis not an historical account, 'tis a de- scription. 'Tis only a description, honest man, quoth Slop ; there is not a word of truth in it. That's another story, replied my father. However, as Trim reads it with so much concern, 'tis cruelty to force him to go on with it Give me hold of the sermon, Trim, I'll finish it for thee, and thou may'st go. I must stay and hear it too, replied Trim, if your Honour will allow me; tho' I would not read it myself for a Colonel's pay. Poor Trim ! quoth my uncle Toby. My father went on.] * Consider the nature of the posture in which OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 151 4 he now lies stretched ! what exquisite torture he 4 endures by it ! 'Tis all nature can bear ! Good 1 God ! see how it keeps his weary soul hanging upon ' his trembling lips, willing to take its leave, but not ' suffered to depart ! Behold the unhappy wretch 4 led back to his cell ! ' [Then, thank God, however, quoth Trim, that they have not killed him 1] 4 See 4 him dragged out of it again, to meet the flames, 4 and the insults in his last agonies, which this prin- 4 ciple this principle, that there can be religion 4 without mercy, has prepared for him ! ' [Then, thank God, he is dead ! quoth Trim, he is out of his pain, and they have done their worst at him. Sirs ! Hold your peace, Trim ! said my father, going on with the sermon, lest Trim should incense Dr. Slop, we shall never have done at this rate.] 4 The surest way to try the merit of any disputed 4 notion, is, to trace down the consequences such a 4 notion has produced, and compare them with the 4 spirit of Christianity; 'tis the short and decisive 4 rule which our Saviour hath left us for these and 4 such like cases, and it is worth a thousand argu- 4 merits By their fruits ye shall know them. 4 I will add no farther to the length of this ser- 4 mon, than by two or three short and independent ' rules deducible from it. 4 First, Whenever a man talks loudly against re- 4 ligion, always suspect that it is not his reason, but 4 his passions, which have got the better of his 4 CREED. A bad life and a good belief are disagree- ' able and troublesome neighbours; and where they 4 separate, depend upon it, 'tis for no other cause 4 but quietness sake. 4 Secondly, When a man, thus represented, tells 4 you in any particular instance, That such a thing 152 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 4 goes against his conscience, Always believe he means 4 exactly the same thing as when he tells you such 1 a thing goes against his stomach ; a present want 4 of appetite being generally the true cause of both. * In a word, trust that man in nothing, who has 4 not a CONSCIENCE in every thing. 1 And, in your own case, remember this plain dis- 4 tinction, a mistake in which has ruined thousands, 4 That your conscience is not a law : no, God and 4 reason made the law, and have placed conscience 4 within you to determine ; not, like an Asiatic Cadi, 4 according to the ebbs and flows of his own pas- ' sions, but like a British judge in this land of 1 liberty and good sense, who makes no new law, 1 but faithfully declares that law which he knows 4 already written.' FINIS. THOU hast read the sermon extremely well, Trim, quoth my father. If he had spared his comments, replied Dr. Slop, he would have read it much better. 1 should have read it ten times better, Sir, an- swered Trim, but that my heart was so full. That was the very reason, Trim, replied my father, which has made thee read the sermon as well as thou hast done ; and if the clergy of our church, continued my father, addressing himself to Dr. Slop, would take part in what they deliver, as deeply as this poor fellow has done, as their compositions are fine; [I deny it, quoth Dr. Slop] I maintain it, that the eloquence of our pulpits, with such subjects to in- flame it, would be a model for the whole world: But, alas I continued my father, and I own it, Sir, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 153 with sorrow, that, like French politicians, in this respect, what they gain in the cabinet they lose in the field. 'Twere a pity, quoth my uncle, that this should be lost! 1 like the sermon well, re- plied my father, 'tis dramatic; and there is some- thing in that way of writing, when skilfully managed, which catches the attention. We preach much in that way with us, said Dr. Slop. 1 know that very well, said my father, but in a tone and manner which disgusted Dr. Slop, full as much as his assent, simply, could have pleased him. But in this, added Dr. Slop, a little piqued, our sermons have greatly the advantage, that we never introduce any character into them below a patriarch or a patriarch's wife, or a martyr, or a saint. There are some very bad characters in this, however, said my father; and I do not think the sermon a jot the worse for 'em. But pray, quoth my uncle Toby, whose can this be? How could it get into my Stevinus! A man must be as great a conjurer as Stevinus, said my father, to resolve the second question. The first, I think, is not so difficult; for, unless my judgment greatly deceives me, I know the author, for 'tis wrote, certainly, by the parson of the parish. The similitude of the style and manner of it, with those my father constantly had heard preached in his parish-church, was the ground of his conjecture, proving it as strongly as an argument s inquisitive after all kinds of knowledge, had borrowed Stevinus of my uncle Toby, and had carelessly popped his sermon, as 154 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS soon as he had made it, into the middle of Stevinus ; and by an act of forgetfulness to which he was ever subject, he had sent Stevinus home, and his sermon to keep him company. Ill-fated sermon! Thou wast lost, after this recovery of thee, a second time, dropped thro' an unsuspected fissure in thy master's pocket down into a treacherous and tattered lining, trod deep into the dirt, by the left hind-foot of his Bosinante inhumanly stepping upon thee as thou falledst ; buried ten days in the mire, raised up out of it by a beggar, sold for a half- penny to a parish-clerk, transferred to his parson, lost for ever to thy own, the remainder of his days, nor restored to his restless manes till this very moment that I tell the world the story. Can the reader believe that this sermon of Yorick's was preached at an assize, in the cathedral of York, before a thousand witnesses, ready to give oath of it, by a certain prebendary of that church, and actually printed by him when he had done? and within so short a space as two years and three months after Yorick's death ? Yorick, indeed, was never better served in his life ; but it was a little hard to mal- treat him after, and plunder him after he was laid in his grave. However, as the gentleman who did it was in perfect charity with Yorick, and, in conscious justice, printed but a few copies to give away, and that, I am told, he could moreover have made as good a one himself, had he thought fit, I declare I would not have published this anecdote to the world ; nor do I publish it with an intent to hurt his character and advancement in the church; I leave that to others; but I find myself impelled by two reasons, which I cannot withstand. The first is, That in doing justice, I may give rest OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 155 to Yorick's ghost; which, as the country-people, and some others, believe, still walks. The second reason is, That, by laying open this story to the world, I gain an opportunity of informing it, That in case the character of Parson Yorick, and the sample of his sermons, is liked, there are now in the possession of the Shandy family, as many as will make a handsome volume, at the world's service; and much good may they do it ! CHAPTER XVIII. OBADIAH gained the two crowns without dispute ; for he came in jingling, with all the instruments in a green-baize bag we spoke of, slung across his body, just as Corporal Trim went out of the room. It is now proper, I think, quoth Dr. Slop (clearing up his looks), as we are in a condition to be of some service to Mrs. Shandy, to send up stairs, to know how she goes on. I have ordered, answered my father, the old midwife to come down to us upon the least difficulty ; for you must know, Dr. Slop, continued my father, with a per- plexed kind of a smile upon his countenance, that, by express treaty, solemnly ratified between me and my wife, you are no more than an auxiliary in this affair, and not so much as that, unless the lean old mother of a midwife above stairs cannot do without you. Women have their particular fancies ; and in points of this nature, continued my father, where they bear the whole burden, and suffer so much acute pain, for the advantage of our families, and the good of the species, 156 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS they claim a right of deciding, en Souveratnes, in whose hands, and in what fashion, they choose to undergo it. They are in the right of it, quoth my uncle Toby. but, Sir, replied Dr. Slop, not taking notice of my uncle Toby's opinion, but turning to my father, they had better govern in other points ; and a father of a family, who wishes its perpetuity, in my opinion, had better exchange this prerogative with them, and give up some other rights in lieu of it. 1 know not, quoth rny father, answering a little too testily to be quite dispassionate in what he said, I know not, quoth he, what we have left to give up in lieu of who shall bring our children into the world, unless that, of who shall beget them. One would almost give up anything, replied Dr. Slop. 1 beg your pardon, answered my uncle Toby. Sir, replied Dr. Slop, it would astonish you to know what improvements we have made of late years, in all branches of obstetrical knowledge, but particularly in that one single point of the safe and expeditious extraction of the foetus, which has received such, lights, that, for my part (holding up his hands) I declare, I wonder how the world has . I vvish, quoth my uncle Toby, you had seen what prodigious armies we had in Flanders ! CHAPTER XIX. I HAVK dropped the curtain over this scene for a minute, to remind you of one thing, and to inform you of another. What I have to inform you, comes, I own, a little OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 157 out of its due course; for it should have been told a hundred and fifty pages ago, but that I foresaw then 'twould come in pat hereafter, and be of more advantage here than elsewhere. Writers had need look before them, to keep up the spirit and connection of nhat they have in hand. When these two things are done, the curtain shall be drawn up again; and my uncle Toby, my father, and Dr. Slop, shall go on with their discourse, without any more interruption. First, then, the matter which I have to remind you of, is this : That from the specimens of singularity in my father's notions in the point of Christian names, and that other previous point thereto, you was led, I think, into an opinion, (and I am sure I said as much) that my father was a gentleman altogether as odd and whimsical in fifty other opinions. In truth, there was not a stage in the life of man, from the very first act of his begetting, down to the lean and slip- pered pantaloon in his second childishness, but he had some favourite notion to himself, springing out of it, as sceptical, and as far out of the highway of thinking, as these two which have been explained. Mr. Shandy, my father, Sir, would see nothing in the light in which others placed it ; he placed things in his own light ; he would weigh nothing in common scales : no, he was too refined a researcher to lie open to so gross an imposition. To come at the exact weight of things in the scientific steel- yard, the fulcrum, he would say, should be almost invisible, to avoid all friction from popular tenets; without this, the minutiae of philosophy, which would always turn the balance, will have no weight at all. Knowledge, like matter, he would affirm, was divi- sible in infinitum; that the grains and scruples were 158 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS as much a part of it, as the gravitation of the whole world. In a word, he would say, error was error no matter where it fell whether in a fraction or a pound, 'twas alike fatal to Truth ; and ahe was kept down at the bottom of her well, as inevitably by a mistake in the dust of a butterfly's wing, as in the disk of the sun, the moon, and all the stars of Heaven put together. He would often lament that it was for want of considering this properly, and of applying it skilfully to civil matters, as well ae to speculative truths, that so many tilings in this world were out of joint; that the political arch was giving way ; and that the very foundations of our excellent constitution, in church and state, were so sapped as estimators had reported. You cry out, he would say, we are a ruined, undone people. Why ? he would ask, making use of the sorites or syllogism of Zeno and Chrysippus, without knowing it belonged to them. Why ? why are we a ruined people? Because we are corrupted. Whence is it, dear Sir, that we are corrupted ? : Because we are needy ; our poverty, and not our wills, consent : and wherefore, he would add, are we needy? From the neglect, he would answer, of our pence and our half-pence : our bank-notes, Sir, our guineas : nay, our shillings take care of themselves. "Tis the same, he would say, throughout the whole circle of the sciences; the great, the established points of them, are not to be broke in upon. The laws of nature will defend themselves; but error (he would add, looking earnestly at niy mother) error, Sir, creeps in thro' the minute holes and small crevices which human-nature leaves unguarded. Thia turn of thinking in my father is what I had to remind you of: the point you are to be informed OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 159 of, and which I have reserved for this place, is as follows : Amongst the many and excellent reasons with which my father had urged my mother to accept of Dr. Slop's assistance preferably to that of the old woman, there was one of a very singular nature; which when he had done arguing the matter with her as a Christian, and came to argue it over again with her as a philo- sopher, he had put his whole strength to, depending indeed upon it as his sheet-anchor. It failed him, tho' from no defect in the argument itself; but that, do what he could, he was not able for his soul to make her comprehend the drift of it. Cursed luck 1 said he to himself, one afternoon, as he walked out of the room, after he had been stating it for an hour and an half to her, to no manner of purpose ; cursed luck 1 said he, biting his lip as he shut the door, for a man to be master of one of the finest chains of reasoning in nature, and have a wife at the same time with such a head-piece, that he cannot hang up a single inference within-side of it, to save his soul from destruction I This argument, though it was entirely lost upon my mother, had more weight with him than all his other arguments joined together: I will therefore endeavour to do it justice, and set it forth with all the perspicuity I am master of. My father set out upon the strength of these two following axioms : First, That an ounce of a man's own wit was worth a ton of other people's ; and, Secondly, (which, by the bye, was the groundwork of the first axiom, tho' it comes last) That every man's wit must come from every man's own soul, and no other body's. 160 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Now, as it was plain to my father, that all souls were by nature equal, and that the great difference between the most acute "and the most obtuse un- derstanding, was from no original sharpness or bluntness of one thinking substance above or below another, but arose merely from the lucky or unlucky organization of the body, in that part where the soul principally took up her residence, he had made it the subject of his enquiry to find out the identical place. Now, from the best accounts he had been able to get of this matter, he was satisfied it could not be where Des Cartes had fixed it, upon the top of the pineal gland of the brain ; which, as he philosophized, formed a cushion for her about the size of a marrow- pea ; tho', to speak the truth, as so many nerves did terminate all in that one place, 'twas no bad conjec- ture ; and my father had certainly fallen with that great philosopher plumb into the centre of the mis- take, had it not been for my uncle Toby, who rescued him out of it, by a story he told him of a Walloon officer at the battle of Landen, who had one part of his brain shot away by a musket-ball, arid another part of it taken out after by a French surgeon ; and after all, recovered, and did his duty very well with- out it. If death, said my father, reasoning with himself, is nothing but the separation of the soul from the body ; and if it is true that people can walk about and do their business without brains, then certes the soul does not inhabit there. Q. E. D. As for that certain, very thin, subtle, and very fragrant juice which Coglionissimo Borri, the great Milanese physician affirms, in a Letter to Bartholine, to have discovered in the cellulce of the occipital parts OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 161 of the cerebellum, and which he likewise affirms to be the principal seat of the reasonable soul (for, you must know, in these latter and more enlightened ages, there are two souls in every man living, the one, according to the great Metheglingius, being called the Animus ; the other, the Anima ; ) as for the opinion, I say, of Borri, my father could never sub- scribe to it by any means ; the very idea of so noble, so refined, so immaterial, and so exalted a being as the Anima, or even the Animus, taking up her resi- dence and sitting dabbling, like a tadpole, all day long, both summer and winter, in a puddle, or in a liquid of any kind, how thick or thin soever, he would say, shocked his imagination ; he would scarce give the doctrine a hearing. What therefore seemed the least liable to objections of any, was, that the chief sensorium, or head quar- ters of the soul, and to which place all intelligences were referred, and from whence all her mandates were issued, was in, or near, the cerebellum, or rather somewhere about the medulla oblongata, wherein it was generally agreed by Dutch anatomists, that all the minute nerves from all the organs of the seven senses concentred, like streets and winding alleys, into a square. So far there was nothing singular in my father's opinion, he had the best of philosophers, of all ages and climates, to go along with him. But here he took a road of his own, setting up another Shandean hypothesis upon these corner-stones they had laid for him ; and which said hypothesis equally stood its ground ; whether the subtilty and fineness of the soul depended upon the temperature and clearness of the said liquor, or of the finer net-work and texture in the cerebellum itself; which opinion he favoured. VOL. r L 1W THE LIFE AND OPINIONS He maintained, that next to the due care to be taken in the act of propagation of each individual, which required all the thought in the world, as it laid the foundation of this incomprehensible contex- ture, in which wit, memory, fancy, eloquence, and what is usually meant by the name of good natural parts, do consist ; that next to this and his Christian- name, which were the two original and most effica- cious causes of all; that the third cause, or rather what logicians call the Ca-iisa sine qua won, and with- out which all that was done was of no manner of significance, was the preservation of this delicate and fine-spun web, from the havoc which was generally made in it by the violent compression and crush which the head was made to undergo, by the non- sensical method of bringing us into the world by that foremost. This requires explanation. My father, who dipped into all kinds of books, upon looking into Litlmpaxlus Senoncsis de Portu dffirilif published by Adrianus Smelvgot, had found out, that the lax and pliable state of a child's head in parturition, the bones of the cranium having no sutures at that time, was such, that by force of the woman's efforts, which, in strong labour-pains, was equal, upon an average, to the weight of 470 pounds avoirrinpoi* acting perpendicularly upon it, it so happened, that in forty-nine instances out of fifty, * The axvthor is here twice mistaken ; for Lil/ir>/i(eJnn should be wrote thus, Utliofufdii f-eiioneit^ii lam. The second mistake is, that this LithfijiH-rlu* i not an author, but a drawing of a petrified child. The account of this-, published by Athonius I'iSO, may be seen at the nd of Cordwus's works in Spachius. Mr. Tristram Shandy has been led into this error, either from seeing L,itfiofntdus'i> name of late in a catalogue of learned writers in Dr . or by mistaking [.itli<>i>(.ttlui for Triincureltiw, from the too great sirmfitude of the names. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 163 the said head was compressed and moulded into the shape of an oblong conical piece of dough, such as a pastiy-cook generally rolls up, in order to make a pie of. Good God ! cried my father, what havoc and destruction must this make in the infinitely fine and tender texture of the cerebellum ! Or if there is such a juice as Borri pretends, is it not enough to make the clearest liquid in the world both feculent and mothery ? But how great was his apprehension, when he farther understood, that this force, acting upon the very vertex of the head, not only injured the brain itself, or cerebrum, but that it necessarily squeezed and propelled the cerebrum towards the cerebellum, which was the immediate seat of the understanding! Angels and ministers of grace defend us ! cried my father. Can any soul withstand this shock ? No wonder the intellectual web is so rent and tattered as we see it ; and that sc many of our best heads are no better than a puzzled skein of silk, all perplexity, all confusion withinside. But when my father read on, and was let into the secret, that when a child was turned topsy-turvy, which Avas easy for an operator to do, and was extracted by the feet ; that instead of the cerebrum being propelled towards the cerebellum, the cerebellum, on the con- trary, was propelled simply towards the cerebrum, where it could do no manner of hurt : By Heavens ! cried he, the world is in conspiracy to drive out what little wit God has given us, and the pro- fessors of the obstetric art are listed into the same conspiracy. What is it to me which end of my son comes foremost into the world, provided all goes right after, and his cerebellum escapes un crushed ? It is the nature of an hypothesis, when once a man 164 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS has conceived it, that it assimilates every thing to itself, as proper nourishment; and, from the first moment of your begetting it, it generally grows the stronger by every thing you see, hear, read, or understand. This i of great use. When my father was gone with this about a month there was scarce a phenomenon of stupidity or of genius, which he could not readily solve by it : it accounted for the eldest son being the greatest block- head in the family. Poor devil ! he would say, he made way for the capacity of his younger brothers. It unriddled the observations of drivellers and monstrous heads, shewing & priori, it could not be otherwise, unless *** I don't know what. It won- derfully explained and accounted for the acumen of the Asiatic genius; and that sprightlier turn, and a more penetrating intuition of minds, in warmer climates ; not from the loose and common-place solution of a clearer sky, and a more perpetual sunshine, &d which, for aught he knew, might as well rarefy and dilute the faculties of the soul into nothing, by one extreme, as they are condensed in colder climates, by the other; but he traced the affair up to its spring-head ; shewed, that in wanner climates, nature had laid a lighter tax upon the fairest parts of the creation ; their pleasures more ; the necessity of their pains less, insomuch that the pressure and resistance upon the vertex WHS so slight, that the whole organiza- tion of the cerebellum was preserved ; nay, he did not believe, in natural births, that so much as a single thread of the net- work was broke or displaced, so that the soul might just act as she liked. When my father had got so far, what a blaze of light did the accounts of the Caesarian section, and of the towering geniuses who had come safe into the OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 165 world by it, cast upon this hypothesis ! Here you see, he would say, there was no injury done to the sen- sorium ; no pressure of the head against the pelvis ; no propulsion of the cerebrum towards the cere- bellum, either by os pubis on this side, or the os coxygis on that ; and pray, what were the happy conse- quences? Why, Sir, your Julius Csesar, who gave the operation a name ; and your Hermes Trisme- gistus, who was born so before ever the operation had a name ; your Scfpio Africanus ; your Manlius Torquatus; our Edward the Sixth, who, had he lived, would have done the same honour to the hypo- thesis : These, and many more who figured high in the annals of fame, all came side-way, Sir, into the world. The incision of the abdomen and uterus ran for six weeks together in my father's head ; he had read, and was satisfied, that wounds in the epigastrium, and those in the matrix, were not mortal ; SO' that the belly of the mother might be opened extremely well to give a passage to the child. He mentioned the thing one afternoon to my mother, merely as a matter of fact ; but seeing her turn as pale as ashes at the very mention of it, as much as the operation flattered his hopes, he thought it as well to say no more of it, contenting himself with admiring what he thought was to no purpose to propose. This was my father, Mr. Shandy's hypothesis ; con- cerning which I have only to add, that my brother Bobby did as great honour to it (whatever he did to the family) as any one of the great heroes we spoke of; for happening not only to be christened, as I told you, but to be born toOj when my father was at Epsom, being moreover my mothers first child, coming into the world with his head foremost, and 166 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS turning out afterwards a lad of wonderful slow parts, my father spelt all these together into his opinion; and as he had failed at one end. he was determined to try the other. This was not to be expected from one of the sister- hood, who are not easily to be put out of their way ; and was therefore one of my father's great reasons in favour of a man of science, whom he could better deal with. Of all men in the world, Dr. Slop was the fittest for my father's purpose; for tho' his new-invented forceps was the armour he had proved, and what he maintained to be the safest instrument of deliverance, yet, it seems, he had scattered a word or two in his book, in favour of the very thing which ran in my father's fancy; tho' not with a view to the soul's good in extracting by the feet, as was my father's system, but for reasons merely obstetrical. This will account for the coalition betwixt my father and Dr. Slop, in the ensuing discourse, which went a little hard against my uncle Toby. In what manner a plain man, with nothing but common sense, could bear up against two such allies in science, is hard to con- ceive. You may conjecture upon it, if you please ; and whilst your imagination is in motion, you may encourage it to go on, and discover by what causes and effects in nature it could come to pass, that my uncle Toby got his modesty by the wound he received upon his groin. You may raise a system to account for the loss of my nose by marriage-articles, and shew the world how it could happen, that I should have the misfortune to be called Tristram, in opposition to my father's hypothesis, and the wish of the whole family, godfathers and godmothers not exoepted. These, with fifty other points left yet unravelled, you may endea- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 16? vour to solve, if you have time ; but I tell you before- hand it will be in vain ; for not the sage Alquise, the magician in Don Belianis of Greece, nor the no less famous Urganda the sorceress, his wife, (were they alive) could pretend to come within a league of the truth. The reader will be content to wait for a full ex- planation of these matters till the next year, when a series of things will be laid open which he little expects. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS or TEISTEAM SHANDY, GENT. Multitudinis imperite non fonaido judicia, meis tamen, rogo, parcant opusculis in qnibus fuit propoeiti semper, a jocia ad sen a, in seriis vicisaim ad jocoe transire. JOAN. SABXSBKKIKXBIS, Episcopus Lugdun. VOL. m. OHIO. IDIT. THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER I. ' I WISH, Dr. Slop, 1 quoth my uncle Toby (repeating his wish for Dr. Slop a second time, and with a degree of more zeal and earnestness in his manner of wishing than he had wished at first*) * I 4 wish, Dr. Slop,' quoth my uncle Toby, ' you had seen ' what prodigious armies we had in Flanders ! ' My uncle Toby's wish did Dr. Slop a disservice, which his heart never intended any man ; Sir, it con- founded him, and thereby putting his ideas first into confusion, and then to flight, he could not rally them again for the soul of him. In all disputes male or female, whether for honour, for profit, or for love, it makes no differ- ence in the case ; nothing is more dangerous, Madam, than a wish coming sideways in this unexpected manner upon a man. The safest way, in general, to take off the force of the wish is, for the party wished at, instantly to get upon his legs, and wish the wisher something in return, of pretty near the same value ; Vide page 154. 172 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS so balancing the account upon the spot, you stand as you were; nay, sometimes gain the advantage of the attack by it. This will be fully illustrated to the world in my chapter of wishes. Dr. Slop did not understand the nature of this de- fence; he was puzzled with it, and it pnt an entire stop to the dispute for four minutes and a half; five had been fatal to it : My father saw the danger ; the dispute was one of the most interesting disputes in the world : ' Whether the child of his prayers and endea- ' vours should be born without a head or with one.' He waited to the last moment, to allow Dr. Slop, in whose behalf the wish was made, his right of returning it ; but perceiving, I say, that he was confounded, and continued looking with that perplexed vacuity of eye which puzzled souls generally stare with, first in my uncle Toby's face, then in his, then up, then down, then east, east and by east, and so on, coasting it along by the plinth of the wainscot till he had got to the opposite point of the compass, and that he had actually begun to count the brass nails upon the arm of his chair, my father thought there was no time to be lost with my uncle Toby ; so took up the discourse as follows : CHAPTER II. 'WHAT prodigious armies you had in Flanders!' Brother Toby, replied my father, taking his wig from off his head with his right hand, and with his left pulling out a striped India handkerchief from his right OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 173 coat-pocket, in order to rub his head, as he argued the point with my uncle Toby. Now, in this I think my father was much to blame ; and I will give you my reasons for it. Matters of no more seeming consequence in them- selves than, 'Whether my father should have taken ' off his wig with his right hand or with his left,' have divided the greatest kingdoms, and made the crowns of the monarchs who governed them to totter upon their heads. But need I tell you, Sir, that the circumstances with which every thing in this world is begirt, give every thing in this world its size and shape, and, by tightening it, or relaxing it, this way or that, make the thing to be what it is, great, little, good, bad, indifferent or not indif- ferent, just as the case happens? As my father's India handkerchief was in his right coat-pocket, he should by no means have suffered his right hand to have got engaged : on the contrary, instead of taking off his wig with it, as he did, he ought to have committed that entirely to the left ; and then, when the natural exigency my father was under of rubbing his head, called out for his handkerchief, he would have had nothing in the wovld to have done, but to have put his right hand into his right coat- pocket and taken it out; which he might have done without any violence, or the least ungraceful twist in any one tendon or muscle of his whole body. In this case (unless, indeed, my father had been re- solved to make a fool of himself by holding the wig stiff in his left hand, or by making some nonsensical angle or other at his elbow-joint, or arm-pit) his whole attitude had been easy, natural, unforced. Reynolds himself, as great and graceful as he paints, might have painted him as he sat. 1 74 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Now, as my father managed this matter, con- sider what a devil of a figure my father made of himself. In the latter end of Queen Anne's reign, and in the beginning of the reign of King George the First, 'Coat-pockets were cut very low down in the skirt.' I need say no more; the father of mischief, had he been hammering at it a month, could not have contrived a worse fashion for one in my father's situation. CHAPTER III. IT was not an easy matter in any king's reign (unless you were as lean a subject as myself) to have forced your hand, diagonally, quite across your whole body, so as to gain the bottom of your opposite coat-pocket. In the year one thousand seven hundred and eighteen, when this happened, it was extremely dif- ficult ; so that when my uncle Toby discovered the transverse zig-zaggery of my father's approaches towards it, it instantly brought into his mind those he had done duty in, before the gate of St. Nicholas; the idea of which drew off his attention so entirely from the subject in debate, that he had got his right hand to the bell to ring up Trim to go and fetch his map of Namur, and his compasses and sector along with it, to measure the returning angles of the transverses of that attack, but particularly of that one where he received his wound upon his groin. My father knit his brows, and, as he knit them, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 175 all the blood in his body seemed to rush up into his face : my uncle Toby dismounted immediately. I did not apprehend your uncle Toby was on horseback. CHAPTER IV. A MAN'S body and his mind, with the utmost reverence to both I speak it, are exactly like a jerkin, and a jerkin's lining ; rumple the one, you rumple the other. There is one certain exception, however, in this case, and that is, when you are so fortunate a fellow as to have had your jerkin made of gum- taffeta, and the body-lining to it of a sarcenet, or thin Persian. Zeno, Cleanthes, Diogenes Babylonius, Dionysius, Heracleotes, Antipater, Pansetius, and Possidonius, amongst the Greeks ; Cato, and Varro, and Seneca, amongst the Romans; Pantenus, and Clemens Alex- andriuus, and Montaigne, amongst the Christians ; and a score and a half of good, honest, unthinking Shan- dean people as ever lived, whose names I can't recol- lect, all pretended that their jerkins were made after this fashion ; you might have rumpled and crumpled, and doubled and creased, and fretted and fridged the outside of them all to pieces ; in short, you might have played the very devil with them, and, at the same time, not one of the insides of them would have been one button the worse, for all you had done to them. I believe in my conscience that mine is made up somewhat after this sort : for never poor jerkin has 176 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS been tickled off at such a rate as it has been these last nine months together; and yet I declare, the lining to it, as far as I am a judge of the matter, is not a three-penny piece the worse ; pell-mell^ helter-skelter, ding-dong, cut-and-thrust, back stroke and fore stroke, side way and long way, have they been trimming it for me. Had there been the least gumminess in my lining, by Heaven ! it had all of it, long ago, been frayed and fretted to a thread. You Messrs, the Monthly Reviewers! how could you cut and slash my jerkin as you did? how did you know but you would cut my lining too ? Heartily and from my soul, to the protection of that Being who will injure none of us, do I recommend you and your affairs, so God bless you ! only next month, if any one of you should gnash his teeth, and storm and rage at me, as some of you did last May (in which I remember the weather was very hot) don't be exasperated if I pass it by again with good tem- per, being determined, as long as I live or write (which, in my case, means the same thing) never to give the honest gentleman a worse word or a worse wish than my uncle Toby gave the fly which buzzed about bis nose all dinner-time : ' Go, go, poor ' devil,' quoth he ; ' get thee gone : why should I ' hurt thee ! This world is surely wide enough to ' hold thee and me.' CHAPTER V. ANY man, Madam, reasoning upwards, and observing the prodigious suffusion of blood in my father's coun- OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. m tenance, by means of which (as all the blood in his body seemed to rush into his face, as I told you) he must have reddened, pictorically and scienti- fically speaking, six whole tints and a half, if not a full octave above his natural colour ; any man, Madam, but my uncle Toby, who had observed this, together with the violent knitting of my father's brows, and the extravagant contortion of his body during the whole affair, would have concluded my father in a rage; and, taking that for granted, had he been a lover of such kind of concord as arises from two such instruments being put in exact tune, he would in- stantly have screwed up his to the same pitch ; and then the devil and all had broke loose the whole piece, Madam, must have been played off like the sixth of Avison Scarlatti cent furia, like mad. Grant me patience ! What has con furia, con stre- pito, or any other hurly-burly whatever to do with harmony ? Any man, I say, Madam, but my uncle Toby, the benignity of whose heart interpreted every motion of the body in the kindest sense the motion would admit of, would have concluded my father angry, and blamed him too. My uncle Toby blamed nothing but the tailor who cut the pocket hole ; so, sitting still till my father had got his handkerchief out of it, and looking all the time up in his face with inexpressible good-will, my father at length went on as follows : VOL. i 178 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER VI. ' WHAT prodigious armies you had in Flanders I ' Brother Toby, quoth my father, I do believe thee to be as honest a man, and with as good and as upright a heart as ever God created ; nor is it thy fault if all the children which have been, may, can, shall, will, or ought to be begotten, come with their heads foremost into the world : but believe me, dear Toby, the accidents which unavoidably way-lay them, not only in the article of our begetting 'em, though these, in my opinion, are well worth considering, but the dangers and difficulties our children are beset with, after they are got forth into the world, are enow ; little need is there to expose them to unnecessary ones in their passage to it. Are these dangers, quoth my uncle Toby, laying his hand upon my father's knee, and looking up seriously in his face for an answer, are these dangers greater now-a-days, brother, than in times past ? Brother Toby, answered my father, if a child was but fairly begot, and born alive, and healthy, and the mother did well after it, our fore- fathers never looked farther. My uncle Toby in- stantly withdrew his hand from off my father's knee, reclined his body gently back in his chair, raised his head till he could just see the cornice of the room, and then, directing the buccinatory muscles along his cheeks, and the obicular muscles around his lips, to do their duty, he whistled Lillibullero. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 179 CHAPTER VII. WHILST my uncle Toby was whistling Lillibullero to my father, Dr. Slop was stamping, and cursing and damning at Obadiah at a most dreadful rate. It would have done your heart good, and cured you, Sir, for ever of the vile sin of swearing, to have heard him. I am determined, therefore, to relate the whole affair to you. When Dr. Slop's maid delivered the green-baize bag, with her master's instruments in it, to Obadiah, she very sensibly exhorted him to put his head and one arm through the strings, and ride with it slung across his body. So undoing the bow-knot, to lengthen the strings for him, without any more ado she helped him on with it. However, as this, in some measure, un- guarded the mouth of the bag ; lest anything should bolt out in galloping back, at the speed Obadiah threatened, they consulted to take it off again : and in the great care and caution of their hearts, they had taken the two strings and tied them close (pursing up the mouth of the bag first) with half-a-dozen hard knots, each of which Obadiah, to make all safe, had twitched and drawn together with all the strength of his body. This answered all that Obadiah and the maid in- tended ; but was no remedy against some evils which neither he nor she foresaw. The instruments, it seems, as tight as the bag was tied above, had so much room to play in it, towards the bottom, (the shape of the bug being conical,) that Obadiah could not make a trot of it, but with such a terrible jingle, what with the tire- tete, forceps, and squirt, as would have been enough, 180 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS had Hyinen been taking a jaunt that way, to have frightened him out of the country ; but when Obadiah accelerated his motion, and from a plain trot assayed to prick his coach-horse into a full gallop, by Heaven! Sir, the jingle was incredible. As Obadiah had a wife and three children, the turpitude of fornication, and the many other political ill consequences of this jingling, never once entered his brain ; he had however his objection, which came home to himself, and weighed with him, as it has oftentimes done with the greatest patriots. ' The poor ' fellow, Sir, was not able to hear himself whistle.' CHAPTER VIII. As Obadiah loved wind-music preferably to all the instrumental music he earned with him, he very con- siderately set his imagination to work, to contrive and to invent by what means he should put himself in a condition of enjoying it. In all distresses (except musical) where small cords are wanted, nothing is so apt to enter a man's head as his hat-baud: the philosophy of this is so near the surface, I scorn to enter into it. As Obadiah's was a mixed case ; mark, Sirs, I say, a mixed case ; for it was obstetrical, scrip- tical, squirttcal, papistical and, as far as the coach- horse was concerned in it, Cabalistical, and only partly musical ; Obadiah made no scruple of availing himself of the first expedient which offei-ed : so taking hold of the bag and instruments, and griping them hard together, with one hand, and with the finger and OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 181 thumb of the other putting the end of the hat-band betwixt his teeth, and then slipping his hand down to the middle of it, he tied and cross-tied them all fast together, from one end to the other (as you would cord a trunk), with such a multiplicity of round-abouts and intricate cross turns, with a hard knot at every inter- section or point where the strings met, that Dr. Slop must have had three-fifths of Job's patience at least to have unloosed them. I think, in my conscience, that had Nature been in one of her nimble moods, and in humour for such a contest, and she and Dr. Slop both fairly started together, there is no man living who had seen the bag with all that Obadiah had done to it, and known likewise the great speed the God- dess can make when she thinks proper, who would have had the least doubt remaining in his mind which of the two would have carried off the prize. My mother, Madam, had been delivered sooner than the green bag infallibly at least by twenty knots. Sport of small accidents, Tristram Shandy ! that thou art, and ever will be! had that trial been made for thee, and it was fifty to one but it had, thy affairs had not been so depress' d (at least by the depression of thy nose) as they have been ; nor had the fortunes of thy house and the occasions of making them, which have so often presented themselves in the course of thy life, to thee, been so often, so vexatiously, so tamely, so irrecoverably abandoned as thou hast been forced to leave them : but 'tis over, all but the account of 'em, which cannot be given to the curious till I am got into the world. 182 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER IX. GREAT wits jump : for the moment Dr. Slop cast his eyes iipon his bag (which he had not done till the dispute with my uncle Toby about midwifery put him in mind of it) the very same thought occurred. 'Tis God's mercy, quoth he (to himself), that Mrs. Shandy has had so bad a time of it ! else she might have been brought to bed, seven times told, before one half of these knots could have been got untied. But here you must distinguish: the thought floated only in Dr. Slop's mind, -without sail or ballast to it, as a simple proposition ; millions of which, as your Worship knows, are every day swimming quietly in the middle of the thin juice of a man's understanding, without being carried backwards or forwards, till some little gusts of passion or interest drive them to one side. A sudden trampling in the room above, near my mother's bed, did the proposition the very service I am speaking of. By all that's unfortunate, quoth Dr. Slop, unless I make haste, the thing will actually befall me, as it is ! CHAPTER X. IN the case of knots; by which, in the first place, I would not be understood to mean slip-knots, because, in the course of my life and opinions, my opinions concerning them will come in more properly when I mention the catastrophe of my great uncle, Mr. Ham- mond Shandy, a little man, but of high fancy 5 OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 183 he rushed into the Duke of Honmouth's affair: nor, secondly, in this place, do I mean that particular species of knots called Bow-knots ; there is so little address, or skill, or patience required in the unloosing them, that they are below my giving any opinion at all about them. But by the knots I am speaking of, may it please your Reverences to believe, that I mean good, honest, devilish tight, hard knots, made bond fide as Obadiah made his ; in which there is no quib- bling provision made by the duplication and return of the two ends of the strings thro' the annulus or noose made by the second implication of them, to get them slipp'd and undone by. I hope you appre- hend me ! In the case of these knots then, and of the several obstructions, which, may it please your Reverences, such knots cast in our way in getting through life, every hasty man can whip out his penknife and cut through them. "Tis wrong. Believe me, Sirs, ,the most virtuous way, and which both reason and con- science dictate, is to take our teeth or our fingers to them. Dr. Slop had lost his teeth his favourite instrument, by extracting in a wrong direction, or by some misapplication of it, unfortunately slipping, he had formerly, in a hard labour, knock'd out three of the best of them with the handle of it :-. he tried his fingers ; alas ! the nails of his fingers and thumbs were cut close. The deuce take it ! I can make nothing of it, either way ! cried Dr. Slop. The trampling over head, near my mother's bedside, increased. Pox take the fellow ! I shall never get the knots untied, as long as I live ! My mother gave a groan. Lend me your penknife ! I must e'en cut the knots at last. Pugh! psha! Lord! I have cut my thumb quite across, to the very bone. Curse 184 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the fellow ! if there was not another man-midwife within fifty miles I am undone for this bout. I wish the scoundrel hang'd ! I wish he was shot ! I wish all the devils in hell had him for a block- head ! My father had a great respect for Obadiah, and could not bear to hear him disposed of in such a manner: he had, moreover, some little respect for himself, and could as ill bear with the indignity offered to himself in it. Had Dr. Slop cut any part about him but his thumb, my father had pass'd it by his prudence had triumphed: as it was, he was determined to have his revenge. Small curses, Dr. Slop, upon great occasions, quoth my father (condoling with him first upon the accident), are but so much waste of our strength and soul's health to no manner of purpose. 1 own it, replied Dr. Slop. They are like sparrow-shot, quoth my uncle Toby (suspending his whistling) fired against a bastion. They -serve, continued my father, to stir the humours but carry off none of their acrimony : for my own part, I seldom swear or curse at all I hold it bad; but if I fall into it by surprize, I generally retain so much presence of mind (right ! quoth my uncle Toby) as to make it answer my purpose ; that is, I swear on till I find myself easy. A wise and a just man, however, would always endeavour to proportion the vent given to these humours, not only to the degree of them stirring within himself, but to the size and ill intent of the offence upon which they are to fall. ' Injuries come ' only from the heart,' qnoth my uncle Toby. For this reason, continued my father, with the most Cer- vantic gravity, f have the greatest veneration in the OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 185 world for that gentleman, who, in distrust of his own discretion in this point, sat down and composed (that is at his leisure) fit forms of swearing suitable to all eases, from the lowest to the highest provocations which could possibly happen to him ; which forma being well considered by him, *md such, moreover, as he could stand to, he kept them ever by him on the chimney-piece, within his reach, ready, for use. I never apprehended, replied Dr. Slop, that such a thing was ever thought of,- much less executed. I beg your pardon ! answered my father : I was reading, though not using, one of them to my brother Toby this morning, whilst he pour'd out the tea: 'tis here upon the shelf over my head ; but if I remember right, 'tis too violent for a cut of the thumb. -Not at all, quoth Dr. Slop the devil, take the fellow ! Then, answered my father, 'tis much at your service, Dr. Slop, on condition you read it aloud. So rising up and reaching down a form of excommunication of the Church of Rome, a ccfpy of which my father (who was curious in his collections) had procured out of the ledger-book of the church of Rochester, writ by Ernulphus the bishop, with a most affected seriousness of look and voice, which might have cajoled Ernul- phus himself, he put it into Dr. Slop's hands. Dr. Slop wrapt his thumb up in the corner of his handkerchief, and with a wry face, though without any suspicion, read aloud, as follows, my uncle Toby whistling Lillibullero as loud as he could, all the time. 186 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS TEXTUS DE ECCLESIA BOFFEN8I, PEE EBNULFUM EPISCOPUM. CAP. XI. EXCOMMUNICATIO. Ex auctoritate Dei Omnipotentis, Patris, et Filij, et . Spiritus Sancti, et sanctorum canouum, sancfceque et intemeratae Virginis Dei genetricis Mariae, Atque omnium crclestium virtutum, angelorum, archangelorum, thronorum, doiuinatiorutni, potes- tatuum, cherubim ac seraphim, et sanctorum putri- archarum, prophetarum, et omnium apostolorum et evangelistarum, et sanctorum innocentuin, qui in conspectu Agni Sauti digni inventi sunt canticum As the genuineness of the consultation of the Sorbonite upon the question of Baptism was doubted by some and denied by others, 'twas thought proper to print the original of this Excommunication : for the copy of which Mr. Shandy returns thanks to the Chapter-clerk of the Dean and Chapter of Rochester. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 187 CHAPTER XL ' BY the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son, 4 and Holy Ghost, and of the holy canons, and of the ' undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our ' Saviour,' [I think there is no necessity, quoth Dr. Slop, dropping the paper down to his knee, and addressing himself to my father, as you have read it over, Sir, so lately to read it aloud ; and as Captain Shandy seems to have no great inclination to hear it, I may as well read it to myself. That's contrary to treaty, replied my father. Besides there is something so whimsical, especially in the latter part of it, I should grieve to lose the plea- sure of a second reading. Dr. Slop did not altogether like it; but my uncle Toby offering at that instant to give over whistling, and read it him- self to them, Dr. Slop thought he might as well read it, under the cover of my uncle Toby's whistling as suffer my uncle Toby to read it alone; so raising up the paper to his face, and holding it quite parallel to it, in order to hide his chagrin, he read it aloud, as follows, my uncle Toby whistling Lil- libullero, though not quite so loud as before : ' By the authority of God Almighty, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, and of the undefiled Virgin Mary, mother and patroness of our Saviour, and of all the celestial virtues, angels, archangels, thrones, dominions, powers, cherubim and' seraphim, and of all the holy patriarchs, prophets, and of all the apostles and evangelists, and of the holy innocents, ' who in the sight of the Holy Lamb are found 188 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS cantare novum, et sanctorum martyrum, et sanctorum confessorum, et sanctarum virginnm, atque omnium simul sanctorum et electorum Dei, Excommuni- vel os s vel os camus, et anathematizamus hunc furem, vel hunc s malefactorem, N. N. et a liminibus sanctee Dei ecclesise sequestramus, et seternis suppliciis excruci- vel i n !indus, mancipetur, cum Dathan et Abiram, et cum his qui dixerunt Domino Deo, Recede a nobis, scientiam viarum tuarum nolumus: et sicut aqua ignia extingui- vel eorum tur, sic extinguatur, lucerna ejus in secula seculorum n n nisi respuerit, et ad satisfactionem venerit! Amen. os Maledicat ilium Deus Pater qui hominem creavit! os Maledicat ilium Dei Filius qui pro homine passus os est ! Maledicat ilium Spiritus Sanctus qui in baptismo os effnsus est! Maledicat ilium sancta crux, quam Christus pro nostra salute hostem triumphans ascendit ! os Maledicat ilium sancta Dei genet rix et perpetua os Virgo Maria 1 Maledicat ilium sanctus Michael, 08 animarum susceptor sacrarum. Maledicant ilium omnes angeli et archangeli, principatus et potestates, omnesque militia coelestes I os Maledicat ilium patriarcharum et prophetarum OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 189 ' worthy to sing the new song of the holy martyrs and ' holy confessors, and of the holy virgins, and of all ' the saints together, with the holy and elect of God, ' May he' (Obadiah) 'bedaran'd!' (for tying these knots) ' We excommunicate and anathematize him ; ' and from the thresholds of the holy church of God ' Almighty we sequester him, that he may be ' tormented, disposed, and delivered over with Dathan, ' and Abiram, and with those who say unto the 4 Lord God, u Depart from us, we desire none of thy 4 "ways." And as fire is quenched with water, so let 4 the light of him be put out for evermore, unless it 4 shall repent him ' (Obadiah, of the knots which he has tied) 4 and make satisfaction ' (for them) ! 4 Amen.' 4 May the Father who created man, curse him ! ' May the Son who suffered for us, curse him ! ' May the Holy Ghost, who was given to us in 4 baptism, curse him ! ' (Obadiah) May the holy 4 cross, which Christ, for our salvation, triumphing 4 over his enemies, ascended, curse him!' 4 May the holy and eternal Virgin Mary, mother of 4 God, curse him ! May St. Michael, the advocate ' of holy souls, curse him ! May all the angels, 4 and archangels, principalities and powers, and all 4 the heavenly armies, curse him ! ' [Our armies swore terribly in Flanders, cried my uncle Toby, but nothing to this ! For my own part, I could not have a heart to curse my dog so.] 4 May the praiseworthy multitude of patriarchs and 4 prophets, curse him ! 4 May St. John the Precursor, and St. John the 4 Baptist, and St. Peter, and St. Paul, and St. Andrew, 4 and all other Christ's apostles, together curse him ! 4 And may the rest of his disciples and four evangelists, 190 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OS lauclabilis numerus ! Maledicant ilium sanctus Johannes Precursor et Baptista Christi, et sanctus Petrus, et sanctns Paulus, atque sanctus Andreas, omnesque Chi-isti apostali, simul et cseteri discipuli, quataor quoque evangelistae, qui sua pra;dicatione OS mundum universum converterunt ! Maledicat ilium cuneus martyrum et confessorum mirificus, qui Deo bonis operibus placitns inventus est ! OS Maledicant ilium sacrarum virgin um chori, qua> mundi vana causa honoris Christi respuenda con- os tempserunt! Maledicant ilium omnes sancti qui ab initio mundi usque iu finem seculi Deo dilecti in- veniuntur ! OS Maledicant ilium coeli et terra, et omnia sancta in eis manentia ! in n Maledictus sit ubicunque, fuerit, sive in domo, sive in agro, sive in via, sive in semita, sive in silva, sive in aqua, sive in ecclesia ! i n Maledictus sit vivendo, moriendo, manducando, bibendo, esuriendo, sitiendo, jejunando, dormitando, dormiendo, vigilando, ambulando, stando, sedendo, jacendo, operando, quiescendo, mingendo, cacando, flebotomando ! OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 191 ' who by their preaching converted the universal ' world, and may the holy and wonderful company of 4 martyrs and confessors, who by their holy works are ' found pleasing to God Almighty, curse him ! ' (Obadiah.) ' May the holy choir of the holy virgins, who for the honour of Christ have despised the things of the world, damn him ! May all the saints who, from the beginning of the world to everlasting ages, are found to be beloved of God, damn him ! May the heavens, and earth, and all the holy things remaining therein, damn him,' (Obadiah) ' or her ! ' (or whoever else had a hand in tying these knots.) ' May he (Obadiah) be damn'd, wherever he be, ' whether in the house or the stables, the garden or 4 the field, or the highway, or in the path, or in the ' wood, or in the water, or in the church ! May he ' be cursed in living, in dying ! ' [Here my uncle Toby, taking the advantage of a minim in the second bar of his tune, kept whistling one continued note to the end of the sentence, Dr. Slop, with his division of curses moving under him, like a running bass all the way.] ' May he be cursed in eating and drinking ; in 1 being hungry, in being thirsty, in fasting, in sleeping, ' in slumbering, in waking, in walking, in standing, ' in sitting, in lying, in working, in resting, in pissing, 1 in shitting, and in blood-letting. 4 May he (Obadiah) be cursed in all the faculties of ' his body ! ' May he be cursed inwardly and outwardly ! ' May he be cursed in the hair of his head ! May ' he be cursed in his brains, and in his vertex,' (that is a sad curse ! quoth my father) ' in his temples, in his ' forehead, in his ears, in his eye-brows, in his cheeks, 192 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS i n Maledictus sit in totis viribus corporis ! i n Maledictus sit intus et exterius ! in' in Maledictus sit in capillis! maledictus sit in cere- i n bro ! Maledictus sit in vertice, in temporibus, in fronte, in auriculis, in superciliis, in oculis, in genip, in maxillis, in naribus, in dentibus, mordacibus, in labris sive molibus, inlabiis, in gutture, in humeris, in c.arpis, in brachiis, in manibus, in digitis, in pectore, in corde, et in omnibus interioribus stomacho tenus, in renibus, in inguine, in femore, in genitalibus, in coxis, in genibus, in cruribus, in pedibus, et in unguibus ! i n Maledictus sit in totis compagibus membrorum, a vertice capitis, usque ad plantain pedis ! Non sit in eo sanitas ! OS Maledicat ilium Christus Filius Dei vivi toto sure majestatis imperio OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 193 ' in his jaw-bones, in his nostrils, in his fore-teeth and ' grinders, in his lips, in his throat, in his shoulders, in ' his wrists, in his arms, in his hands, in his fingers ! ' May he be damn'd in his mouth, in his breast, in ' his heart and purtenance, down to the very stomach ! 4 May he be cursed in his reins, and in his groin,' (God in heaven forbid ! quoth my uncle Toby) x in his ' thighs, in his genitals ' (my father shook his head) ' and in his hips, and in his knees, his legs, and feet, ' and toe-nails ! ' May he be cursed in all the joints and articulations ' of his members, from the top of his head to the sole ' of his foot ! May there be no soundness in him ! ' May the Son of the living God, with all the glory ' of his Majesty ' [Here my uncle Toby, throw- ing back his head, gave a monstrous, long, loud Whew w w ; something betwixt the interjec- tional whistle of Hey-day ! and the word itself. By the golden beard of Jupiter, and of Juno (if her majesty wore one), and by the beards of the rest of your Heathen Worships, which, by the bye, was no small number; since, what with the beards of your celestial gods, and gods aerial and aquatic, to say nothing of the beards of town-gods and country-gods, of the celestial goddesses your wives, or of the infernal goddesses your whores and con- cubines (that is, in case they wore them) all which beards, as Varro tells me, upon his word and honour, when mustered up together, made no less than thirty thousand effective beards upon the Pagan establishment ; every beard of which claimed the rights and privileges of being strokeu and sworn by; by all these beards together then, I vow and pro- test, that of the two bad cassocks I am worth in the world, I would have given the better of them, as VOL. i N 194 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS et insurgat adversus ilium ccelum cum omni- bus virtutibus qua in eo moventur ad damnandum eum, nisi poenituerit et ad satisfactionem venerit Amen. Fiat, fiat ! Amen. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 195 freely as ever Cid Hamet offered his, -only to have stood by, and heard my uncle Toby's accompani- ment!] ' curse him ! ' continued Dr. Slop, ' and may ' Heaven, with all the powers which move therein, ' rise up against him, curse and damn him ' (Obadiah), 4 unless he repent and make satisfaction ! Amen. So ' be it, so be it ! Amen.' I declare, quoth my uncle Toby, my heart would not let me curse the Devil himself with so much bit- terness. He is the father of curses, replied Dr. Slop. So am not I, replied my uncle. But he is cursed and damned already, to all eternity, replied Dr. Slop. I am sorry for it, quoth my uncle Toby. Dr. Slop drew up his mouth, and was just beginning to return my uncle Toby the compliment of his Whu u u , or interjectional whistle, when the door hastily opening in the next chapter but one, put an end to the affair. CHAPTER XII. Now don't let us give ourselves a parcel of airs, and pretend that the oaths we make free with in this land of liberty of ours are our own ; and, because we have the spirit to swear them, imagine that we have had the wit to invent them too. I'll undertake this moment to prove it to any man in the world, except to a connoisseur; though I declare I object only to a connoisseur in swearing, as I would do to a connoisseur in painting, &c., &c., 196 TUE LIFE AND OPINIONS the whole set of 'em are so hung round and befetisKd with the bobs and trinkets of criticism, or, to drop my metaphor, which by the bye is a pity, for I have fetched it as far as from the coast of Guinea, their heads, Sir, are stuck so full of rules and com- passes, and have that eternal propensity to apply them upon all occasions, that a work of genius had better go to the Devil at once, than stand to be prick'd and tortur'd to death by 'em. And how did Garrick speak the soliloquy last night? Oh, against all rule, my Lord most un- grammatically! betwixt the substantive and the ad- jective, which should agree together in number, case, and gender, he made a breach thus, stopping, as if the point wanted settling; and betwixt the nominative case, which, your Lordship knows, should govern the verb, he suspended his voice in the epilogue a dozen times, three seconds and three-fifths by a stop-watch, my Lord, each time. Admirable grammarian ! But in suspending his voice, was the sense suspended likewise ? Did no expression of attitude or counte- nance fill up the chasm ? Was the eye silent ? Did you narrowly look ? 1 looked only at the stop- watch, my Lord. Excellent observer! And what of this new book the whole world makes such a rout about? Oh, 'tis out of all plumb, my Lord, quite an irregular thing ! not one of the angles at the four corners was a right angle. 1 had my rule and compasses, &c., my Lord, in my pocket. Excellent critic ! And for the epic poem your Lordship bid me look at, upon taking the length, breadth, height, and depth of it, and trying them at home, upon an exact scale of Bossu's, 'tis out, my Lord, in every one of its dimensions. Admirable connoisseur I OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 197 And did you step in, to take a look at the grand picture in your way back? 'Tis a melan- choly daub, my Lord ! not one principle of the pyramid in any one group ! and what a price ! for there is nothing of the colouring of Titian the ex- pression of Rubens the grace of Raphael the purity of Dominichino the corregieseity of Corregio the learning of Poussin the airs of Guido the taste of the Caraccis or the grand contour of Angelo. Grant me patience, just Heaven ! Of all the cants which are canted in this canting world, though the cant of hypocrites may be the worst, the cant of criticism is the most tormenting ! I would go fifty miles on foot, for I have not a horse worth riding on, to kiss the hand of that man whose generous heart will give up the reins of his imagination into his author's hands, be pleased he knows not why, and cares not wherefore. Great Apollo ! if thou art in a giving humour, give me, I ask no more, but one stroke of native humour, with a single spark of thy own fire along with it, and send Mercury, with the rules and com.' passes, if he can be spared, with my compliments to, no matter. Now to any one else I will undertake to prove that all the oaths and imprecations which we have been puffing off upon the world for these two hundred and fifty years last past, as originals, except St. PauTs thumb } God's flesh and Gods fish, which were oaths monarchical, and, considering who made them, not much amiss ; and as king's oaths, 'tis not much matter whether they were fish or flesh ; else, I say, there is not an oath, or at least a curse amongst them, which has not been copied over and over again out of Ernulphus a thousand times : but, like all other copies, 198 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS how infinitely short of the force and spirit of the original! It is thought to be no bad oath, and by itself passes very well, ' G d damn you ! '. Set it beside Ernulphus's, ' God Almighty the Father ' damn you ! God the Son damn you ! God the ' Holy Ghost damn you ! ' you see 'tis nothing. There is an orientality in his we cannot rise up to : besides, he is more copious in his invention, possess'd more of the excellencies of a swearer, had such a thorough knowledge of the human frame, its mem- branes, nerves, ligaments, knittings of the joints, and articulations, that when Ernulphus cursed, no part escaped him. 'Tis true, there is something of a hardness in his manner, and, as in Michael Angelo, a want of grace ; but then there is such a greatness of gusto ! My father, who generally look'd upon every thing in a light very different from all mankind, would, after all, never allow this to be an original. He considered rather Ernulphus's anathema as an institute of swear- ing, in which, as he suspected, upon the decline of swearing in some milder pontificate, Ernulphus, by order of the succeeding pope, had with great learning and diligence collected together all the laws of it ; for the same reason that Justinian, in the decline of the empire, had ordered his chancellor Tribonian to collect the Roman or civil laws all together into one code or digest lest, through the rust of time, and the fatality of all things committed to oral tradition, they should be lost to the world for ever. For this reason, my father would oftentimes affirm, there was not an oath, from the great and tremendous oath of William the Conqueror (' By the splendour of ' God ! ') down to the lowest oath of the scavenger {' Damn your eyes ! ') which was not to be found in OF TRISTRAM SHANDT. 199 Ernulphus. In short, he would add, I defy a man to swear out of it. The hypothesis is, like most of my father's, singular and ingenious too; nor have I any objection to it, but that it overturns my own. CHAPTER XIII, BLESS my soul! my poor mistress is ready to faint and her pains are gone and the drops are done and the bottle of julap is broke and the nurse has cut her arm (and I my thumb, cried Dr. Slop) ; and the child is where it was, continued Susannah, and the midwife has fallen backwards upon the edge of the fender, and bruised her hip as black as your hat. I'll look at it, quoth Dr. Slop. There is no need of that, replied Susannah, you had better look at my mistress but the midwife would gladly first give you an account how things are; so desires you would go up stairs and speak to her, this moment. Human-nature is the same in all professions. The midwife had just before been pat over Dr. Slop's head ; he had not digested it. No, replied Dr. Slop, 'twould be full as proper, if the midwife came down to me. 1 like subordination, quoth my uncle Toby, and but for it, after the reduction of Lisle, I know not what might have become of the garrison of Ghent, in the mutiny for bread, in the year Ten. Nor, replied Dr. Slop, (parodying my uncle Toby's hobby-horsical reflection ; though full as hobby-horsical himself) do I know, Captain Shandy, what might have become of the garrison above stairs, 200 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS in the mutiny and confusion I find all things are in at present, but for the subordination of fingers and thumbs to coo " : the application of which, Sir, under .this accident of mine comes in so a propos, that without it, the cut upon my thumb might have been felt by the Shandy family as long as the Shandy family had a name. CHAPTER XIV. LET us go back to the < 0000 in the last chapter. It is a singular stroke of eloquence (at least it was so when eloquence flourished at Athens and Rome ; and would be so now, did orators wear mantles) not to mention the name of a thing, when you had the thing about you in petto, ready to produce, pop, in the place you want it. A scar, an axe, a sword, a pink'd doublet, a rusty helmet, a pound and a half of pot-ashes in an urn, or a three-halfpenny pickle-pot ; but above all, a tender infant royally accoutred. Tho' if it was too young, and the oration as long as Tully's second Philippic, it must certainly have beshit the orator's mantle. And then again if too old, it must have been unwieldly and incommodious to his actioa,. so as to make him lose by his child almost as much as he could gain by it. Otherwise, when a state-orator has hit the precise age to a minute, hid his BAMBINO in his mantle so cunningly that no mortal could smell it, and produced it so critically, that no soul could say it came in by head and shoulders, Oh, Sirs, it has done wonders ! it has opened the sluices, and turn'd the brains, and shook OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 201 the principles, and unhinged the politics of half a nation. These feats, however, are not to be done, except in those states and times, I say, where orators wore mantles, and pretty large ones too, my brethren, with some twenty or five-and-twenty yards of good purple, superfine, marketable cloth in them, with large flowing folds and doubles, and in a great style of design. All which plainly shews, may it please your Worships, that the decay of eloquence, and the little good service it does at present, both within and without doors, is owing to nothing else in the world but short coats and the disuse of trunk-hose. We can conceal nothing under ours, Madam, worth shewing. CHAPTER XV. DR. SLOP was within an ace of being an exception to all this argumentation : for happening to have his green-baize bag upon his knees when he began to parody my uncle Toby, 'twas as good as the best mantle in the world to him : for which purpose, when he foresaw the sentence would end in his new-invented forceps, he thrust his hand into the bag, in order to have them ready to clap in, when your Reverences took so much notice of the o 00000 ^ which, had he managed, my uncle Toby had certainly been over- thrown : the sentence and the argument in that case jumping closely in one point, so like the two lines which form the salient angle of a ravelin, Dr. Slop would never have given them up; and my uncle 202 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby would as soon have thought of flying, as taking them by force: but Dr. Slop fumbled so vilely in pulling them out, it took off the whole effect, and, what was a ten times worse evil (for they seldom come alone in this life) in pulling out his forceps, his forceps unfortunately drew out the squirt along with it. When a proposition can be taken in two senses, 'tis a law in disputation, that the respondent may reply to which of the two he pleases, or finds most convenient for him. This threw the advantage of the argument quite on my uncle Toby's side, ' Good God ! ' cried my uncle Toby, ' are children brought into the world with, a squirt ? ' CHAPTER XVI. UPON my honour, Sir, you have tore every bit of skin quite off the back of both my hands with your forceps, cried my uncle Toby: and you have crush'd all my knuckles into the bargain with them to a jelly. 'Tis your own fault, said Dr. Slop; you should have clinch'd your two fists together into the form of a child's head, as I told you, and sat firm. 1 did so, answered my uncle Toby. Then the points of my forceps have not been sufficiently arm'd, or the rivet wants closing, or else the cut on my thumb has made me a little awkward, or possibly -'Tis well, quoth my father, interrupting the detail of possibilities that the experiment was not first made upon my child's headpiece. It would not have been a cherry-stone the worse, answered Dr. Slop. 1 maintain it, said my uncle Toby, it would have broke OF TRISTRAM SHANDY, 203 the cerebellum (unless indeed the scull had been as hard as a granado) and turn'd it all into a perfect posset. Pshaw! replied Dr. Slop, a child's head is naturally as soft as the pap of an apple ; the sutures give way; and besides, I could have extracted by the feet after. Not you, said she. 1 rather wish you would begin that way, quoth my father. Pray do, added my uncle Toby. CHAPTER XVII. AND pray, good woman, after all, will you take upon you to say, it may not be the child's hip, as well as the child's head ? ('Tis most certainly the head, replied the midwife.) Because, continued Dr. Slop (turning to my father) as positive as these old ladies generally are, 'tis a point very difficult to know, and yet of the greatest consequence to be known; because, Sir, if the hip is mistaken for the head, there is a possibility (if it is a boy) that the forceps What the possibility was, Dr. Slop whispered very low to my father, and then to my uncle Toby. There is no such danger, continued he, with the head. No, in truth, quoth my father; but when your possibility has taken place at the hip, you may as well take off the head too. It is morally impossible that the reader should understand this 'tis enough Dr. Slop understood it; so taking the green-baize bag in his hand, with the help of Obadiah's pumps, he tripp'd pretty nimbly, for a man of his size, across the room to the door ; and from the door was shewn the way, by the good old midwife, to my mother's apartments. '204 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XVIII. IT is two hours and ten minutes, and no more, cried my father, looking at his watch, since Dr. Slop and Obadiah arrived ; and I know not how it happens, brother Toby, but, to my imagination, i seems almost an age. Here pray, Sir, take hold of my cap: nay, take the bell along with it, and my pantoufles too. Now, Sir, they are all at your service ; and I freely make you a present of 'em, on condition you give me all your attention to this chapter. Though my father said, ' He knew not how it hap- ' pen'd, yet he knew very well how it happen'd ; and at the instant he spoke it, was predetermined in his mind to give my uncle Toby a clear account of the matter, by a metaphysical dissertation upon the subject of duration and its simple modes, in order to shew my uncle Toby by what mechanism and men- suration in the brain it came to pass, that the rapid succession of their ideas, and the eternal scampering of the discourse from one thing to another, since Dr. Slop had come into the room, had lengthened out so short a period to so inconceivable an extent. ' I ' know not how it happens,' cried my father ; ' but ' it seems an age.' 'Tis owing entirely, quoth my uncle Toby, to the succession of our ideas. My father, who had an itch, in common with all philosophers, of reasoning upon every thing which happened, and accounting for it too, proposed infinite pleasure to himself in this, of the succession of ideas ; and had not the least apprehension of having it OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 205 snatch'd out of his hands by my uncle Toby, who (honest man !) generally took every thing as it hap- pen'd ; and who of all things in the world troubled his brain the least with abstruse thinking; the ideas of time and space, or how we came by those ideas, or of what stuff they were made, or whether they were born with us, or we picked them up after- wards as we went along, or whether we did it in frocks, or not till we had got into breeches ; with a thousand other enquiries and disputes about INFINITY, PRESCIENCE, LIBERTY, NECESSITY, and SO forth, Upon whose desperate and unconquerable theories so many fine heads have been turned and cracked, never did my uncle Toby's the least injury at all ; my father knew it, and was no less surprized than he was dis- appointed with my uncle's fortuitous solution. Do you understand the theory of that affair? re- plied my father. Not I, quoth my uncle. But you have some ideas, said my father, of what you talk about? No more than my horse, replied my uncle Toby. Gracious Heaven ! cried my father, looking up- wards, and clasping his two hands together, there is a worth in thy honest ignorance, brother Toby ; 'twere almost a pity to exchange it for a knowledge. But I'll tell thee. To understand what Time is aright, without which we never can comprehend Infinity, insomuch as one is a portion of the other, we ought seriously to sit down and consider what idea it is we have of duration, so as to give a satisfactory account how we came by it. What is that to any body ? quoth my uncle Toby. c ' For if you will turn your eyes inwards * Vidt Locke. 206 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS 1 upon your mind,' continued my father, ' and observe 4 attentively, you will perceive, brother, that whilst 4 you and I are talking together, and thinking, and 4 smoking our pipes, or whilst we receive successively 4 ideas in our minds, we know that we do exist ; and 4 so we estimate the existence, or the continuation 4 of the existence of ourselves, or any thing else, 4 commensurate to the succession of any ideas in our ' minds, the duration of ourselves, or any such other 4 thing co-existing with our thinking ; and so, ac- 4 cording to that pre-conceived ' You puzzle me to death, cried my uncle Toby. 'Tis owing to this, replied my father, that in our computations of time we are so used to minutes, hours, weeks, and months and of clocks (I wish there was not a clock in the kingdom) to measure out their several portions to us, and to those who belong to us, that 'twill be well if, in time to come, the succession of our ideas be of any use or service to us at all. Now, whether we observe it or no, continued my father, in every sound man's head there is a regular succession of ideas, of one sort or other, which follow each other in train just like a train of artillery? said my uncle Toby A train of fiddle-stick ! quoth my father which follow and succeed one another in our minds at certain distances, just like the images in the inside of a lantern turned round by the heat of a candle. I declare, quoth my uncle Toby, mine are more like a smoke-jack. Then, brother Toby, I have nothing more to say to you upon the subject, said my father. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 207 CHAPTER XIX. WHAT a conjuncture was here lost ! My father, in one of his best explanatory moods, in eager pur- suit of a metaphysical point, into the very region where clouds and thick darkness would soon have encompassed it about ; my uncle Toby in one of the finest dispositions for it in the world ; his head like a smoke-jack; the funnel unswept, and the ideas whirling round and round about in it, all obfuscated and darkened over with fuliginous matter. By the tomb-stone of Lucian ! if it is in being ; if not, why then by his ashes ! by the ashes of my dear Rabelais, and dearer Cervantes ! my father and my uncle Toby's discourse upon TIME and ETERNITY, was a discourse devoutly to be wished for ! and the petu- lancy of my father's humour, in putting a stop to it as he did, was a robbery of the Ontologic Trea- sury of such a jewel, as no coalition, of great occa- sions and great men are ever likely to restore to it again. CHAPTER XX. THO' my father persisted in not going on with the discourse, yet he could not get my uncle Toby's smoke-jack out of his head, piqued as he was at first with it ; there was something in the comparison at the bottom which hit his fancy ; for which purpose, resting his elbow on the table, and reclining the 208 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS right side of his head upon the palm of his hand, but looking first stedfastly in the fire, he began to commune with himself, and philosophize about it: but his spirits being worn out with the fatigues of investigating new tracts, and the constant exertion of his faculties upon that variety of subjects which had taken their turn in the discourse, the idea of the smoke-jack soon turned all his ideas upside down, so that he fell asleep almost before he knew what he was about. As for my uncle Toby, his smoke-jack had not made a dozen revolutions before he fell asleep also. Peace be with them both 1 Dr. Slop is en- gaged with the midwife and my mother, above stairs. Trim is busy in turning an old pair of jack-boots into a couple of mortars, to be employed in the siege of Messina next summer ; and is this instant boring the touch-holes with the point of a hot poker. All my heroes are off my hands ; 'tis the first time I have had a moment to spare, and I'll make use of it, and write my Preface. THE AUTHOR'S PREFACE. No, I'll not say a word about it ; here it is. In pub- lishing it, I have appealed to the world, and to the world I leave it ; it must speak for itself. All I know of the matter is, when I sat down, my intent was to write a good book ; and as far as the tenuity of my understanding would hold out, a wise, aye, and a discreet; taking care only, as I went along, to put into it all the wit and the judg- ment (be it more or less) which the great Author OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 209 and Bestower of them had thought fit originally to give me ; so that, as your Worships see, 'tis just as God pleases. Now, Agalastes (speaking dispraisingly) saith, That there may be some wit in jt, for aught he knows, but no judgment at all: and Triptolemus and Phuta- torious agreeing thereto, ask, How is it possible there should ? for that wit and judgment in this world never go together ; inasmuch as they are two operations differing from each other as wide as east from west. So says Locke : so are farting and hickuping, say I. But in answer to this, Didius the great church-lawyer, in his code de fartendi at illus- trandi fallaciis, doth maintain and make fully appear, That an illustration is no argument : nor do I main- tain the wiping of a looking-glass clean to be a syllogism ; but you all, may it please yonr Worships, see the better for it; so that the main good these things do, is only to clarify the understanding pre- vious to the application of the argument itself, in order to free it from any little motes, or specks of opacular matter, which, if left swimming therein, might hinder a conception, and spoil all. Now, my dear anti-Shandeans, and thrice able critics and fellow-labourers (for to you I write this Preface) and to you, most subtle statesmen and discreet doctors (do, pull off your beards) renowned for gravity and wisdom; Monopolus, my politician; Didius, my counsel; Kysarcius, my friend; Phutatorius, my guide ; Gastripheres, the preserver of my life ; Somnolentius, the balm and repose of it, not forgetting all others, as well sleeping as waking, ecclesiastical as civil, whom for brevity, but ont of no resentment to you, I lump all together. Be- lieve me, Right Worthy, VOL. I 210 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS My most zealous wish and fervent prayer in your behalf, and in my own too, in case the thing is not done already for us, is, That the great gifts and endowments both of wit and judgment, with every thing which usually goes along with them : such as memory, fancy, genius, eloquence, quick parts, and what not, may this precious moment, without stint or measure, let or hindrance, be poured down warm as each of us could bear it, scum and sediment and all (for I would not have a drop lost) into the several receptacles, cells, cellules, domiciles, dormitories, refec- tories, and spare places of our brains, in such sort, that they might continue to be injected and tunn'd into, according to the true intent and meaning of my. wish, until every vessel of them, both great and small, be so replenished, saturated, and filled up there- with, that no more, would it save a man's life, could possibly be got either in or out. Bless us ! what noble work we should make ! how should I tickle it off ! and what spirits should I find myself in, to be writing away for such readers ! and you, just Heaven ! with what raptures would you sit and read ! but oh ! 'tis too much ! I am sick, I faint away deliciously at the thoughts of it ! 'tis more than nature can bear! lay hold of me, I am giddy, I am stone blind, I am dying, I am gone. Help ! Help ! Help ! But hold, I grow some- thing better again, for I am beginning to foresee, when this is over, that as we shall all of us continue to be great wits, we should never agree amongst ourselves one day to an end : -there would be so much satire and sarcasm, scoffing and flouting, with rallying and reparteeing of it, thrusting and parrying in one corner or another, there would be nothing but mis- chief among us. Chaste stars! what biting and OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 21 1 scratching, and what a racket and a clatter we should make, what with breaking of heads, rapping of knuckles, and hitting of sore places, there would be no such thing as living for us. But then again, as we should all of us be men of great judgment, we should make up matters as fast as ever they went wrong ; and though we should abominate each other ten times worse than so many devils or devilesses, we should nevertheless, my dear creatures, be all courtesy and kindness, milk and honey ; 'twould be a second land of promise a para- dise upon earth, if there was such a thing to be had ; so. that, upon the whole, we should have done well enough. All I fret and fume at, and what most distresses my invention at present, is how to bring the point itself to bear; for, as your Worships well know, that of these heavenly emanations of wit and judgment, which I have so bountifully wished both for your Worships and myself, there is but a certain quantum stored up for us all, for the use and behoof of the whole race of mankind ; and such small modicums of 'em are only sent forth into this wide world, circulating here and there in one by-corner or another, and in such naiTOW streams, and at such prodigious intervals from each other, that one would wonder how it holds out, or could be sufficient for the wants and emergencies of so many great states and populous empires. Indeed, there is one thing to be considered : That in Nova Zembla, North Lapland, and in all those cold and dreary tracks of the globe which lie more directly under the arctic and antarctic circles, where the whole province of a man's concernments lies, for near nine months together within the narrow compass of his cave, where the spirits are compressed almost to 212 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS nothing, and where the passions of a man, with every thing which belongs to them, are as frigid as the zone itself; there the least quantity .of judgment imaginable does the business ; and of vrit, there is a total and an absolute saving, for, as not one spark is wanted, so not one spark is given. Angels and ministers of grace defend us ! what a dismal thing would it have been to have governed a kingdom, to have fought a battle, or made a treaty, or run a match, or wrote a book, or got a child, or held a provincial chapter there, with so plentiful a lack of wit and judgment about us! For mercy's sake, let us think no more about it, but travel on as fast as we can southwards into Norway, crossing over Swedeland, if you please, through the small triangular province of Angermania, to the Lake of Bothnia ; coasting along it through East and West Bothnia, down to Carelia, and so on, through all those states and provinces which border upon the far side of the Gulf of Finland, and the north-east of the Baltic, up to Petersburg, and just stepping into Ingria ; then stretching over directly from thence through the north parts of the Russian empire, leaving Siberia a little upon the left hand, till we got into the very heart of Russia and Asiatic Tartary. Now through this long tour which I have led you, you observe the good people are better off by far, than in the polar countries which we have just left: for if you hold your hand over your eyes, and look very attentively, you may perceive some small glimmerings (as it were) of wit, with a comfortable provision of good, plain, household judgment, which, taking the quality and quantity of it together, they make a very good shift with ; and had they more of either the one or the other, it would destroy the proper OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 213 balance betwixt them ; and I am satisfied, moreover, they would want occasions to put them to use. Now, Sir, if I conduct you home again into this wanner and more luxuriant island, where, you per- ceive, the spring-tide of our blood and humours runs high ; where we have more ambition, and pride, and envy, and lechery, and other whoreson passions upon our hands to govern and subject to reason, the height of our wit, and the depth of our judgment, you see, are exactly proportioned to the length and breadth of our necessities; and accordingly we have them sent down amongst us in such a flowing kind of decent and creditable plenty, that no one thinks he has any cause to complain. It must, however, be confessed, on this head, that, as our air blows hot and cold, wet and dry, ten times in a day, we have them in no regular and settled way ; so that sometimes, for near half a century together, there shall be very little wit or judgment either to be seen or heard of amongst us : the small channels of them shall seem quite dried up ; then all of a sud- den the sluice's shall break out, and take a fit 'of running again like fury, you would think they would never stop : and then it is that, in writing, and fighting, and twenty other gallant things, we drive all the world before us. It is by these observations, and a wary reasoning by analogy in that kind of argumentative process which Suidas calls dialectic induction, that I draw and set up this position as most true and veritable : That of these two luminaries, so much of their irra- diations are suffered from time to time to shine down upon us, as He, whose infinite wisdom, which dis- penses every thing in exact weight and measure, knows will just serve to light us on our way in this 214 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS night of our obscurity ; so that your Reverences and Worships now find out, nor is it a moment longer in my power to conceal it from you, That the fervent wish in your behalf with which I set out was no more than the first insinuating How d'ye of a caressing prefacer, stifling his reader, as a lover sometimes does a coy mistress, into silence. For, alas! could this effusion of light have been as easily procured as the exordium wished it, I tremble to think how many thousands for it, of benighted travellers (in the learned sciences at least) must have groped and blundered on in the dark, all the nights of their live*, running their heads against posts, and knocking out their brains, without ever getting to their journey's end ; some falling with their noses perpendicularly into sinks; others horizontally, with their tails into ken- nels : Here oue half of a learned profession tilting full butt against the other half of it ; and then tumbling and rolling one over the other in the dirt, like hogs : Here the brethren of another profession, who should have run in opposition to each other, flying, on the contrary, like a flock of wild geese, all in a row the same way. What confusion ! what mistakes ! fid- dlers and painters judging by their eyes and ears admirable ! trusting to the passions excited, in an air sung, or a story painted to the heart, instead of measuring them by a quadrant ! In the foreground of this picture, a statesman turn- ing the political wheel, like a brute, the wrong way round against the stream of corruption, by Heaven I instead of with it ! In this comer a son of the divine Esculapius, writing a book against predestination ; perhaps worse, feel- ing his patient's pulse, instead of his apothecary's: a brother of the Faculty in the background upon his OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. *J15 knees, in tears, drawing the curtains of a mangled victim, to beg his forgiveness ; offering a fee, instead of taking one. In that spacious HALL, a coalition of the gown, from all the bars of it, driving a damn'd, dirty, vexatious cause before them, with all their might and main, the wrong way ! kicking it out of the great doors, instead of in! and with such fury in their looks, and such a degree of inveteracy in their manner of kicking it, as if the laws had been originally made for the peace and preservation of mankind: perhaps a more enormous mistake committed by them still, a litigated point fairly hung up ; for instance, Whether John oNokes his nose could stand in Tom o Stiles his face, without a trespass, or not ? rashly determined by them in five- _and-t\venty minutes, which, with the cautious pro's and con's required in so intricate a proceeding, might have taken up as many months; and if carried on upon a military plan, as your Honours know an ACTION should be, with all the stratagems practicable therein,- such as feints, forced marches, surprises, ambus- cades, mask-batteries, and a thousand other strokes of generalship, which consist in catching at all ad- vantages on both sides, might reasonably have lasted them as many years, finding food and raiment all that term for a centumvirate of the profession. As for the Clergy, No ; if I say a word against them, I'll be shot. 1 have no desire; and besides, if I had, I durst not for my soul touch upon the subject. With such weak nerves and spirits, and in the condi- tion I am in at present, 'twould be as much as my life was worth, to deject and centrist myself with so bad and melancholy an account; and therefore 'tis safer to draw a curtain across, and hasten from it as fast as I can, to the main and principle point I have undertaken 216 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS to clear up ; and that is, How it comes to pass, that your men of least wit are reported to be men of most judgment ? But mark I say, reported to be ; for it is no moi'e, my dear Sirs, than a report, and which, like twenty others taken up every day upon trust, I maintain to be a vile and malicious report into the bargain. This, by the help of the observation already pre- mised, and I hope already weighed and perpended by your Reverences and Worships, I shall forthwith make appear. I hate set dissertations; and, above all things in the world, 'tis one of the silliest things in one of them, to darken your hypothesis by placing a number of tall, opake words, one before another, in a right line, be- twixt your own and your reader's conception, when, in all likelihood, if you had looked about, you might have seen something standing, or hanging up, which would have cleared the point at once; -'for what ' hindrance, hurt, or harm doth the laudable desire of ' knowledge bring to any man, if even from a sot, a ' pot, a fool, a stool, a winter-mittain, a truckle for a ' pulley, the lid of a goldsmith's crucible, an oil-bottle, ' an old slipper, or a cane-chair ? ' I am this moment sitting upon one. Will you give me leave to illustrate this affair of wit and judgment, by the two nobs on the top of the back of it ?^ they are fastened on, you see, with two pegs stuck slightly into two gimlet-holes, and will place what I have to say in so clear a light, as to let you see through the drift and meaning of my whole preface, as plainly as if every point and par- ticle of it was made up of sunbeams. I enter now directly upon the point. Here stands tint and there stands judgment, close beside it, just like the two knobs I'm speaking of, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 217 upon the back of this self-same chair on which I am sitting. You see, they are the highest and most ornamental parts of its frame, as wit and judgment are of ours, and, like them too, indubitably both made and fitted to go together, in order, as we say in all such cases of duplicated embellishments, to answer one another. Now, for the sake of an experiment, and for the clearer illustrating this matter, let us for a moment take off one of these two curious ornaments (I care not which) from the point or pinnacle of the chair it now stands on ; nay, don't laugh at it, but did you ever see, in the whole course of your lives, such a ridiculous business as this has made of it ? Why, 'tis as miser- able a sight as a sow with one ear; and there is just as much sense and symmetry in the one as in the other. Do, pray, get off your seats, only to take a view of it Now, would any man, who valued his character a straw, have turned a piece of work out of his hand in such a condition ? Nay, lay your hands upon your hearts, and answer this plain question, Whether this one single knob which now stands here like a blockhead by itself, can serve any purpose upon earth, but to put one in mind of the want of the other ? and let me further ask, in case the chair was your own, if you would not in your consciences think, rather than be as it is, that it would be ten times better with- out any knob at all? Now these two knobs, or top-ornaments of the mind of man, which crown the whole entablature, being, as I said, wit and judgment, which, of all others, as I have proved it, are the most needful, the most priz'd, the most calamitous to be without, and consequently the hardest to come at ; for all these reasons put toge- ther, there is not a mortal among us who is so destitute 218 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS of a love of good fame or feeding, or so ignorant of what will do him good therein, who does not wish and stedfastly resolve in his own mind, to be, or to be thought at least, master of the one or the other, and indeed of both of them, if the thing seems any way feasible, or likely to be brought to pass. Now, your graver gentry having a little or no kind of chance in aiming at the one, unless they laid hold of the other, pray what do you think would become of them? Why, Sirs, in spite of all their gravities, they must e'en have been contented to have gone with their insides naked : this was not to be borne, but by an effort of philosophy not to be supposed in the case we are upon; so that no one could well have been angry with them, had they been satisfied with what little they could have snatched up and secreted under their cloaks and great periwigs, had they not raised a hue and cry at the same time against the lawful owner. I need not tell your Worships, that this was done with so much cunning and artifice, that the great Locke, who was seldom outwitted by false sounds, was nevertheless bubbled here. The cry, it seems, was so deep and solemn a one, and, what with the help of great wigs, p^rave faces, and other implements of deceit, was rendered so 'general a one against the^oo?- wits in this matter, that the philosopher himself was deceived by it: it was his glory to free the world from the lumber of a thousand vulgar errors; but this was not of the number ; so that, instead of sitting down coolly, as such a philosopher should have done, to have examined the matter of fact before he philo- sophized upon it, on the contrary, he took the fact for granted, and so joined in with the cry, and halloo'd it as boisterously as the rest. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 219 This has been made the Magna Charta of stupidity ever since : but your Reverences plainly see, it has been obtained in such a manner, that the title to it is not worth a groat: which by the bye, is one of the many and vile impositions which gravity and grave folks have to answer for hereafter. As for great wigs, upon which I may be thought to have spoken my mind too freely, I beg leave to qualify whatever has been unguardedly said to their dispraise or prejudice, by one general declaration. That I have no abhorrence whatever, nor do I detest and abjure either great wigs or long beards any farther than when I see they are bespoke and let grow on purpose to carry on this self-same imposture, for any purpose. Peace be with them ! (UP* Mark only, I write not for them. CHAPTER XXI. EVERT day, for at least ten years together, did my father resolve to have it mended: 'tis not mended yet. No family but ours would have borne with it an hour; and what is most astonishing, there was not a subject in the world upon which my father was so eloquent, as upon that of door-hinges : and yet at the same time he was certainly one of the greatest bubbles to them, I think, that history can produce: his rhetoric and conduct were at perpetual handy- cuffs. Never did the parlour-door open, but his philosophy or his principles fell a victim to it. Three drops of oil with a feather, and a smart stroke of a hammer, had saved his honour for ever. 220 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Inconsistent soul that man is! languishing under wounds, which he has the power to heal! his whole life a contradiction to his knowledge! his reason, that precious gift of God to him, (instead of pouring in oil) serving but to sharpen his sensibilities, to multiply his pains, and render him melancholy and more uneasy under them! Poor unhappy crea- ture, that he should do so! Are not the necessary causes of misery in this life enough, but he must add voluntary ones to his stock of sorrow ! struggle against evils which cannot be avoided ! and submit to others, which a tenth part of the trouble they create him would remove from his heart for ever ! By all that is good and virtuous, if there are three drops of oil to be got, and a hammer to be found within ten miles of Shandy-Hall, the parlour door- hinge shall be mended this reign. CHAPTER XXII. WHEN Corporal Trim had brought his two mortars to bear, he was delighted with his handy-work above measure; and knowing what a pleasure it would be to his master to see them, he was not able to resist the desire he had of carrying them directly into his parlour. Now, next to the moral lesson I had in view, in mentioning the affair of hinges, I had a speculative consideration arising out of it, and it is this : Had the parlour-door opened and turn'd upon its hinges, as a door should do, Or, for example, as cleverly as our government has OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 221 been turning upon its hinges, (that is, in case things have all along gone well with your Worship, other- wise I give up my simile) in this case, I say, there had been no danger, either to master or man, in Corporal Trim's peeping in: the moment he had be- held my father and my uncle Toby fast asleep, the respectfulness of his carnage was such, he would have retired as silent as death, and left them both in their arm-chairs, dreaming as happy as he had found them : but the thing was, morally speaking, so very imprac- ticable, that for the many years in which this hinge was suffered to be out of order, and amongst the hourly grievances my father submitted to upon its account, this was one ; that he never folded his arms to take his nap after dinner, but the thoughts of being unavoidably awakened by the first person who should open the door, was always uppermost in his imagination, and so incessantly stepp'd in betwixt him and the first balmy presage of his repose, as to rob him, as he often declared, of the whole sweets of it. ' When things move upon bad hinges, an' please ' your Worships, how can it be otherwise?' Pray what's the matter ? Who is there ? cried my father, waking, the moment the door began to creak. 1 wish the smith would give a peep at that con- founded hinge ! 'Tis nothing, an' please your Honour, said Trim, but two mortars I am bringing in. They shan't make a clatter with them here ! cried my father, hastily. If Dr. Slop has any drugs to pound, let him do it in the kitchen. May it please your Honour, cried Trim, they are two mortar-pieces for a siege next summer, which I have been making out of a pair of jack-boots, which Obadiah told me your Honour had left off wearing. By Heaven ! 222 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS cried my father, springing out of his chair, as he swore, I have not one appointment belonging to me which I have set so much store by, as I do by these jack-boots : they were our great - grandfather's, brother Toby : they were hereditary. Then I fear, quoth my uncle Toby, Trim has cut off the entail. 1 have only cut off the tops, an' please your Honour, cried Trim. 1 hate perpetuities as much as any man alive, cried my father, but these jack-boots, continued he (smiling, though very angry at the same time), have been in the family, brother, ever since the civil wars : Sir Roger Shandy wore them at the battle of Marston-Moor. I declare I would not have taken ten pounds for them. I'll pay you the money, brother Shandy, quoth my uncle Toby, looking at the two mortars with infinite plea- sure, arid putting his hand into his breeches-pocket as he viewed them I'll pay you the ten pounds this moment, with all my heart and soul ! Brother Toby, replied my father, altering his tone, you care not what money you dissipate and throw away, provided, continued he, 'tis but upon a SIEGE. Have I not one hundred and twenty pounds a year, besides my half-pay ? cried my uncle Toby. What is that, replied my father hastily, to ten pounds for a pair of jack-boots? twelve guineas for your pontoons ? half as much for your Dutch draw- bridge? to say nothing of the train of little brass artillery you bespoke last week, with twenty other preparations for the siege of Messina ! Believe me, dear brother Toby, continued my father, taking him kindly by the hand, these military operations of yours are above your strength: you mean well, brother, but they carry you into greater expenses than you were at first aware of ; and take my word, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 223 dear Toby, they will in the end quite ruin your for- tune, and make a beggar of you. What signifies it if they do, brother, replied my uncle Toby, so long as we know 'tis for the good of the nation ? My father could not help smiling, for his soul : his anger at the worst was never more than a spark ; and the zeal and simplicity of Trim, and the generous (though hobby-horsical) gallantry of iny uncle Toby, brought him into perfect good humour with them in an instant. Generous souls ! God prosper you both, and your mortar-pieces too ! quoth my father to himself. CHAPTER XXIII. ALL is quiet and hush, cried my father, at least above stairs: I hear not one foot stirring. Prithee, Trim, who's in the kitchen? There is no one so.ul in the kitchen, answered, Trim, making a low bow as he spoke, except Dr. Slop. Confusion ! cried my father (getting up upon his legs a second time) not one single thing has gone right this day ! Had I faith in astrology, brother, (which, by the bye, my father had) I would have sworn some retrograde planet was hanging over this unfortunate house of mine, and turning every individual thing in it out of its place. Why, I thought Dr. Slop had been above stairs with my wife ; and so said yon. What can the fellow be puzzling about in the kitchen ! He is busy, an' please your Honour, replied Trim, in making a bridge. 'Tis very obliging in him, quoth my uncle 224 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Toby: pray, give my humble service to Dr. Slop, Trim, and tell him I thank him heartily. You must know, my uncle Toby mistook the bridge, as widely as my father mistook the mortars : but to understand how my uncle Toby could mistake the bridge, I fear I must give you an exact account of the road which led to it; or, to drop my metaphor (for there is nothing more dishonest in an historian than the use of one) in order to conceive the pro- bability of this error in my uncle Toby aright, I must give you some account of an adventure of Trim's, though much against my will : I say much against my will, only because the story, in one sense, is cer- tainly out of its place here ; for by right, it should come in, either amongst the anecdotes of my uncle Toby's amours with Widow Wadman, in which Cor- poral Trim was no mean actor, or else in the middle of his and my uncle Toby's campaigns on the bowling-green, for it will do very well in either place; but then, if I reserve it for either of those parts of my story, I ruin the story I'm upon ; and if I tell it here, I anticipate matters, and ruin it there. What would your Worships have me to do in this case? Tell it, Mr. Shandy, by all means. You are a fool, Tristram, if you do. O ye Powers ! (for Powers ye are, and great ones too) which enable mortal man to tell a story worth the hearing, that kindly show him where he is to begin it, and where he is to end it, what he is to put into it, and what he is to leave out, how much of it he is to cast into a shade, and where- abouts he is to throw his light ! Ye, who preside over this vast empire of biographical freebooters, and OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 225 see how many scrapes and plunges your subjects hourly fall into, will you do one thing ? I beg and beseech you (in case you will do no- thing better for us), that wherever, in any part of your dominions, it so falls out, that three several roads meet in one point, as they have done just here that at least you set up a guide-post in the centre of them, in mere charity, to direct an uncertain devil which of the three he is to take. CHAPTER XXIV. THO' the shock my uncle Toby received the year after the demolition of Dunkirk, in his affair with Widow Wadman, had fixed him in a resolution never more to think of the sex, or of aught which belonged to it; yet Corporal Trim had made no such bargain with himself. Indeed, in my uncle Toby's case there was a strange and unaccountable concurrence of cir- cumstances, which insensibly drew him in, to lay siege to that fair and strong citadel. In Trim's case there was a concurrence of nothing in the world, but of him and Bridget in the kitchen ; though, in truth, the love and veneration he bore his master was such, and so fond was he of imitating him in all he did, that had my uncle Toby employed his time and genius in tagging of points, I am persuaded that the honest Corporal would have laid down his arms, and followed his example with pleasure. When, therefore, my uncle Toby sat down before the mistress, Corporal Trim incontinently took ground before the maid. Now, my dear friend Garrick, whom I have so much VOL. i 226 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS cause to esteem and honour (why, or wherefore, 'tis no matter) can it escape your penetration, I defy it, that so many play-wrights, and opificers of chitchat, have ever since been working upon Trim's and my uncle Toby's pattern? I care not what Aristotle, or Pacuvius, or Bossu, or Ricaboni say (though I never read one of them) there is not a greater difference between a single-horse chair and Madam Pompadour's vis-a-vis, than betwixt a single amour and an amour thus nobly doubled, and going upon all four, pranc- ing throughout a grand drama. Sir, a simple, single, silly affair of that kind, is quite lost in five acts; but that is neither here nor there. After a series of attacks and repulses in a course of nine months on my uncle Toby's quarter, a most minute account of every particular of which shall be given in its proper place, my uncle Toby, honest man ! found it necessary to draw off his forces, and raise the siege somewhat indignantly. Corporal Trim, as I said, had made no such bargain, either with himself, or with any one else: the fidelity however of his heart not suffering him to go into a house which his master had forsaken with dis- gust, he contented himself with turning his part of the siege into a blockade ; that is, he kept others off; for though he never after went to the house, yet he never met Bridget in the village but he would either nod, or wink, or smile, or look kindly at her, or (as circumstances directed) he would shake her by the hand, or ask her lovingly how she did, or would give her a ribbon, and now and then, though never but when it could be done with decorum, would give Bridget a Precisely in this situation did these things stand for five years ; that is, from the demolition of Dunkirk in OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 227 the year thirteen, to the latter end of my uncle Toby's campaign in the year eighteen, which was about six or seven weeks before the time I'm speaking of, when Trim, as his custom was, after he had put my uncle Toby to bed, going down one moon-shiny night to see that every thing was right at his fortifications, in the lane separated from the bowling-green with flowering shrubs and holly, he espied his Bridget As the Corporal thought there was nothing in the world so well worth shewing as the glorious works which he and my uncle Toby had made, Trim cour- teously and gallantly took her by the hand, and led her in. This was not done so privately, but that the foul- mouth'd trumpet of Fame carried it from ear to ear, till at length it reach'd my father's, with this untoward circumstance along with it, that my uncle Toby's curious draw-bridge, constructed and painted after the Dutch fashion, and which went quite across the ditch, was broke down, and somehow or other crushed all to pieces that very night. My father, as you have observed, had no great esteem for my uncle Toby's HOBBY-HORSE ; he thought it the most ridiculous horse that ever gentleman mounted ; and indeed, unless my uncle Toby vexed him about it, could never think of it once, without smiling at it ; so that it could never get lame, or happen any mis- chance, but it tickled my father's imagination beyond measure : but this being an accident much more to his humour than any one which had yet befallen it, it proved an inexhaustible fund of entertainment to him. Well, but, dear Toby I my father would say, do tell me seriously how this affair of the bridge hap- pened? How can you teaze me so much about it ? my uncle Toby would reply ; I have told it you twenty times, word for word as Trim told it me. 228 . THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Prithee, how was it then, Corporal ? my father would cry, turning to Trim. It was a mere misfortune, an' please your Honour ; I was shewing Mrs. Bridget our fortifications; and in going too near the edge of the foss, I unfortunately slipp'd in. Very well, Trim ! my father would cry (smiling mysteriously, and giving a nod, but without interrupting him) and being link'd fast, an' please your Honour, arm in arm with Mrs. Bridget, I dragg'd her after me ; by means of which she fell backwards, soss against the bridge ; and Trim's foot (my uncle Toby would cry, taking the story out of his mouth) getting into the cuvette, he tumbled full against the bridge too. It was a thousand to one, my uncle Toby would add, that the poor fellow did not break his leg. Ay, truly, my father would say, a limb is soon broke, brother Toby, in such encounters. And so, an' please your Honour, the bridge, which your Honour knows was a very slight one, was broke down betwixt us, and splintered all to pieces. At other times, but especially when my uncle Toby was so unfortunate as to say a syllable about cannons, bombs, or petards, my father would ex- haust all the stores of his eloquence (which indeed were very great) in a panegyric upon the battering- rams of the antients the vinea which Alexander made use of at the siege of Troy. He would tell my uncle Toby of the catapultce of the Syrians, which threw such monstrous stones so many hundred feet, and shook the strongest bulwarks from their very foundations: he would go on and describe the wonderful mechanism of the ballista, which Mar- cellinus makes so much rout about! the terrible effects of the pyraboli, which cast fire ; the danger of the terebra and scorpio, which cast javelins. But OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 2.29 what are these, would he say, to the destructive machinery of Corporal Trim ? Believe me, brother Toby, no bridge, or bastion, or sally-port, that ever was constructed in this world, can hold out against such artillery. My uncle Toby would never attempt any defence against the force of this ridicule, but that of redoubl- ing the vehemence of smoking his pipe : in doing which, he raised so dense a vapour one night after supper, that it set my father, who was a little phthisical, into a suffocating fit of violent coughing : :ny uncle Toby leap'd up, without feeling the pain upon his groin, and, with infinite pity, stood beside his brother's chair, tapping his back with one hand, and holding his head with the other, and from time to time wiping his eyes with a clean cambric hand- kerchief, which he pulled out of his pocket. The affectionate and endearing manner in which my uncle Toby did these little offices cut my father thro' his reins, for the pain he had just been giving him. May my brains be knocked oiit with a battering-ram or a catapulta, I care not which, quoth my father to himself, if ever I insult this worthy soul more ! CHAPTER XXV. THE draw-bridge be'ng held irreparable, Trim was ordered directly to set about another, but not upon the same model : for Cardinal Alberoni's intrigues at that time being discovered, and my uncle Toby rightly foreseeing that a flame would inevitably break out betwixt Spain and the Empire, and that 230 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS the operations of the ensuing campaign must in all likelihood be either in Naples or Sicily, he deter- mined upon an Italian bridge (my uncle Toby, by the bye, was not far out of his conjectures) ; but my father, who was infinitely the better politician, and took the lead as far of my uncle Toby in the cabinet, as my uncle Toby took it of him in the field, convinced him, that if the king of Spain and the Emperor went together by the ears, England, France, and Holland, must, by force of their pre- engagements, all enter the lists too ; and if so, he would say, the combatants, brother Toby, as sure as we are alive, will fall to it again, pell-mell, upon the old prize-fighting stage of Flanders! then what will you do with your Italian bridge ? We will go on with it, then, upon the old model ; cried my uncle Toby. When Corporal Trim had about half-finished it in that style, my uncle Toby found out a capital defect in it, which he had never thoroughly con- sidered before. It turned, it seems, upon hinges at both ends of it, opening in the middle; one half of which turning to one side of the foss6, and the other to the other ; the advantage of which was this, that by dividing the weight of the bridge into two equal portions, it empowered my uncle Toby to raise it up or let it down with the end of his crutch, and with one hand, which, as his garrison was weak, wa3 as much as he could well spare: but the dis- advantages of such a construction were insurmount- able ; for by this means, he would say, I leave one half of my bridge in my enemy's possession ; and pray, of what use is the other? The natural remedy for this was, no doubt, to have his bridge fast only at one end with hinges, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 231 so that the whole might be lifted up together, and stand bolt upright; but that was rejected, for the reason given above. For a whole week after, he was determined in his mind to have one of that particular construction which is made to draw back horizontally, to hinder a passage; and to thrust forwards again, to gain a passage, of which sorts your Worships might have seen three famous ones at Spires before its destruc- tion and one now at Brisac, if I mistake not: but my father advising my uncle Toby, with great ear- nestness, to have nothing more to do with thrusting bridges, and my uncle foreseeing, moreover, that it would but perpetuate the memory of the Corporal's misfortune, he changed his mind for that of the Mar- quis d'H6pital's invention, which the younger Ber- nouilli has so well and learnedly described, as your Worships may see Act. Erud. Lips. an. 1695 : to these a lead weight is an eternal balance, and keeps watch as well as a couple of sentinels, inasmuch as the construction of them was a curve line approxi- mating to a cycloid, if not a cycloid itself. My uncle Toby understood the nature of a para- bola as well as any man in England; but was not quite such a master of the cycloid: he talked how- ever about it every day the bridge went not for- wards. We'll ask somebody about it, cried my uncle Toby to Trim. 232 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER -XXVI. WHEN Trim came in, And told my father that Dr. Slop was in the kitchen, and busy in making a bridge, my uncle Toby the affair of the jack- boots having just then raised a train of military ideas in his brain took it instantly for granted that Dr. Slop was making a model of the Marquis d'H6pital's bridge. 'Tis very obliging in him, quoth my uncle Toby; pray give my humble service to Dr. Slop, Trim, and tell him I thank him heartily. Had my uncle Toby's head been a Savoyard's box, and my father peeping in alL the time at one end of it, it could not have given him a more dis- tinct conception of the operations of my uncle Toby's imagination than what he had; so, notwithstanding the catapulta and battering-ram, and his bitter impre- cation about them, he was just beginning to triumph, When Trim's answer, in an instant, tore the laurel from his brows, and twisted it to pieces. CHAPTER XXVII. -Tnis unfortunate draw-bridge of yours, quoth my o j i L j father, -God bless your Honour, cried Trim, 'tis a bridge for master's nose ! In bringing him into the world with his vile instruments, he has crushed his nose, Susannah says, as flat as a pancake to his face ; and he is making a false bridge, with a piece of cotton, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 233 and a thin piece of whalebone out of Susannah's stays, to raise it up. Lead me, brother Toby, cried my father, to my room this instant! CHAPTER XXVIII. FROM the first moment I sat down to write my life for the amusement of the world, and my opinions for its instruction, has a cloud insensibly been gathering over my father. A tide of little evils and distresses has been setting in against him. Not one thing, as he observed himself, has gone right ; and now is the storm thicken'd and going to break, and pour down full upon his head. I enter upon this part of my story in the most pensive and melancholy frame of mind that ever sympathetic breast was touched with. My nerves relax as I tell it. Every line I write, I feel an abatement of the quickness of my pulse, and of that .careless alacrity with it, which every day of my life prompts me to say and write a thousand things I should not: and this moment, that I last dipp'd my pen into my ink, I could not help taking notice what a cautious air of sad composure and solemnity there appear'd in my manner of doing it. Lord ! how different from the rash jerks and hair-brain'd squirts thou art wont, Tristram, to transact it with in other humours, dropping thy pen, spurting thy ink about thy table and thy books, as if thy pen and thy ink, thy books and thy furniture, cost thee nothing! 234 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XXIX. 1 WON'T go about to argue the point with you: 'tis so ;- and I am persuaded of it, Madam, as much as can be, * That both man and woman bear pain ' or sorrow (and, for aught I know, pleasure too) best 4 in a horizontal position.' The moment my father got up into his chamber, he threw himself prostrate across his bed in the wildest disorder imaginable, but at the same time in the most lamentable attitude, of a man borne down with sorrows, that ever the eye of pity dropp'd a tear for. The palm of his right hand, as he fell upon the bed, receiving his forehead, and covering the greatest part of both his eyes, gently sunk down with his head (his elbow giving way backwards) till his nose touch'd the quilt ; his left arm hung insensibly over the side of the bed, his knuckles reclining upon the handle of the chamber-pot, which peep'd out beyond the valance; his right leg (his left being drawn up to- wards his body) hung half over the side of the bed, the edge of it pressing upon his shin-bone. He felt it not. A fix'd, inflexible sorrow took possession of every line of his face. He sigh'd once, heav'd his breast often, but uttered not a word. An old set-stitch'd chair, valanced and fringed around with party-coloured worsted bobs, stood at the bed's head, opposite to the side where my father's head reclined. My uncle Toby sat him down in it. Before an affliction is digested, consolation ever comes too soon ; and after it is digested, it comes too late : so that you see, Madam, there is but a mark between these two, as fine almost as a hair, for a OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 235 comforter to take aim at. My uncle Toby was always either on this side or on that of it ; and would often say, he believed in his heart he could as soon hit the longitude : for this reason, when he sat down in the chair, he drew the curtain a little forwards, and, having a tear at every one's service, he pull'd out a cam- bric handkerchief, gave a low sigh, but held his peace. CHAPTER XXX. ' ALL is not gain that is got into the purse.' So that, notwithstanding my father had the happi- ness of reading the oddest books in the universe, and had moreover, in himself, the oddest way of thinking that ever man in it was bless'd with, yet it had this drawback upon him after all, That it laid him open to some of the oddest and most whimsical dis- tresses ; of which this particular one, which he sank under at present, is as strong an example as can be given. No doubt, the breaking down of the biidge of a child's nose, by the edge of a pair of forceps, however scientifically applied, would vex any man in the world who was at so much pains in begetting a child as my father was ; yet, it will not account for the extravagance of his affliction, nor will it justify the unchristian manner he abandoned and surrendered himself up to. To explain this, I must leave him upon the bed for half an hour, and my uncle Toby in his old fringed chair, sitting beside him. 236 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XXXI. 1 THINK it a very unreasonable demand, cried my great-grandfather, twisting up the paper, and throwing it upon the table. By this account, Madam, you have but two thousand pounds fortune, and not a shilling more ; and you insist upon having three hundred pounds a year jointure for it. ' Because,' replied my great-grandmother, ' you ' have littla or no nose, Sir.' Now, before I venture to make use of the word Nose a second time, to avoid all confusion in what will be said upon it, in this interesting part of my story, it may not be amiss to explain my own meaning, and define, with all possible exactness and precision, what I would willingly be understood to mean by the term; being of opinion, that 'tis owing to the negli- gence and perverseness of writers in despising this precaution, and to nothing else, that all the po- lemical writings in divinity are not as clear and de- monstrative as those upon a Will o' the Wisp, or any other sound part of philosophy and natural pursuit ; in order to which, what have you to do, before you set out, unless you intend to go puzzling on to the day of judgment, but to give the world a good definition, and stand to it, of the main word you have most occasion for, changing it, Sir, as you would a guinea, into small coin ? which done, let the father of confusion puzzle you, if he can ; or put a different idea either into your head, or your reader's head, if he knows how. In books of strict morality and close reasoning, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 237 such as this I am engaged in, the neglect is inex- cusable ; and Heaven is witness how the world has revenged itself upon me for leaving so many openings to equivocal strictures, and for depending so much as I have done all along, upon the cleanliness of my readers' imaginations. Here are two senses, cried Eugenius, as we walked along, pointing with the forefinger of his right hand to the word crevice, in the one hundred and sixteenth page of this first volume of this book of books ; here are two senses, quoth he. And here are two roads, replied I, turning short upon him, a dirty and a clean one, which shall we take ? The clean, by all means, replied Eugenius. Eugenius, said I, stepping before him, and laying my hand upon his breast, to define is to distrust. Thus I triumphed over Eugenius; but I triumphed over him, as I always do, like a fool. 'Tis my comfort, however, I am not an obstinate one : there- fore, I define a nose as follows, entreating only, before- hand, and beseeching my readers, both male and female, of what age, complexion, and condition soever, for the love of God and their own souls, to guard against the temptations and suggestions of the Devil, and suffer him by no art or wile to put any other ideas into their minds than what I put into my definition ; for, by the word Nose, throughout all this long chapter of Noses, and in every other part of my work where the word Nose occurs, I declare, by that word I mean a nose, and nothing more or less. 238 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS CHAPTER XXXII. ' BECAUSE,' quoth my great-grandmother, re- peating the words again, 'you have little or no nose, ' Sir.' S'death ! cried my great-grandfather, clapping his hand upon his nose; 'tis not so small as that comes to ; 'tis a full inch longer than my father's. Now, my great-grandfather's nose was, for all the world, like unto the noses of all the men, women, and children whom Pantagruel found dwelling upon the island of Ennasin. By the way, if you would know the strange way of getting akin amongst so flat-nosed a people, you must read the book : find it out your- self you never can. 'Twas shaped, Sir, like an ace of clubs. 'Tis a full inch, continued my grandfather, pressing up the ridge of his nose with his finger and thumb; and repeating his assertion, 'Tis a full inch longer, Madam, than my father's. You must mean your uncle's, replied my great-grandmother. My great-grandfather was convinced. He un- twisted the paper, and signed the article. CHAPTER XXXIII. WHAT an unconscionable jointure, my dear, do we pay out of this small estate of ours ! quoth my grandmother to my grandfather. My father, replied my grandfather, had no more OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 239 nose, my dear, saving the mark, than there is upon the back of my hand. Now, you must know, that my great-grandmother outlived my grandfather twelve years; so that my father had the jointure to pay, a hundred and fifty pounds half-yearly (on Michaelmas and Lady-Day) during all that time. No man discharged pecuniary obligations with a better grace than my father ; and, as far as a hundred pounds went, he would fling it upon the table, guinea by guinea, with that spirited jerk of an honest wel- come, which generous souls, and generous souls only, are able to fling down money ; but, as soon as ever he entered upon the odd fifty, he generally gave a loud hem ! rubbed the side of his nose leisurely with the flat part of his forefinger, inserted his hand cautiously betwixt his head and the cawl of his wig, looked at both sides of every guinea as he parted with it, and seldom could get to the end of the fifty pounds with- out pulling out his handkerchief, and wiping his temples. Defend me, gracious Heaven ! from those perse- cuting spirits who make no allowances for these work- ings within us. Never, never, may I lay down in their tents, who cannot relax the engine, and feel pity for the force of education, and the prevalence of opinions long derived from ancestors ! For three generations at least, this tenet in favour of long noses had gradually been taking root in our family. TRADITION was all along on its side, and INTEREST was every half-year stepping in to strengthen it ; so that the whimsicality of my father's brain was far from having the whole honour of this, as it had of almost all his other strange notions; for, in a great measure, he might be said to have suck'd this in with 240 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS his mother's milk. He did his part, however. If education planted the mistake (in case it was one), my father watered it, and ripened it to perfection. He would often declare, in speaking his thoughts upon the subject, that he did not conceive how the greatest family in England could stand it out against an uninterrupted succession of six or seven short noses. And, for the contrary reason, he would generally add, That it must be one of the greatest problems in civil life, where the same number of long and jolly noses, following one another in a direct line, did not raise and hoist it up into the best vacancies in the kingdom. He would often boast that the Shandy Family rank'd very high in king Harry the VHIth's time; but owed its rise to no state engine, he would say, but to that only ; but that, like other families, he would add, it had felt the turn of the wheel, and had never recovered the blow, of my great-grandfather's nose. It was an ace of clubs indeed ! he would cry, shaking his head ; and as vile a one for an unfortunate family as ever turn'd up trumps. Fair and softly, gentle reader! where is thy fancy carrying thee ! If there is truth in man, by my great-grandfather's nose, I mean the external organ of smelling, or that part of man which stands pro- minent in his face, and which painters say, in good jolly noses and well-proportioned faces, should com- prehend a full third; that is, measured downwards from the setting on of the hair. What a life of it has an author, at this pass ! OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 241 CHAPTER XXXIV. IT is a singular blessing, that nature has formed the mind of man with the same happy backwardness and renitency against conviction, which is observed in old dogs, ' of not learning new tricks.' What a shuttlecock of a fellow would the greatest philosopher that ever existed be whisk'd into at once, did he read such books, and observe such facts, and think such thoughts, as would eternally be making him change sides ! Now, my father, as I told you last year, detested all this : He pick'd up an opinion, Sir, as a man in a state of nature picks up an apple; it becomes his own ; and if he is a man of spirit, he would lose his life rather than give it up. I am aware that Didius, the great civilian, will con- test this point, and cry out against me, Whence comes this man's right to this apple? ex confesso, he will say, things were in a state of nature; the apple is as much Frank's apple as John's. Pray, Mr. Shandy, what patent has he to show for it? and how did it begin to be his ? was it when he set his heart upon it ? or when he gathered it ? or when he chewed it ? or when he roasted it ? or when he peel'd it, or when he brought it home? or when he digested? or when he ? For 'tis plain, Sir, if the first picking up of the apple made it not his, that no subsequent act could. Brother Didius, Tribonius will answer (now Tri- bonius the civilian and church lawyer's beard being three inches and a half, and three-eighths longer than Didius his beard, I'm glad he takes up the cudgels VOL. i Q 242 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS for me ; so I give myself no farther trouble about the answer) Brother Didius, Tribonius will say, it is a decreed case, as you may find it in the fragments of Gregorius and Hermogenes' codes, and in all the codes from Justinian's down to the codes of Louis and Des Eaux, That the sweat of a man's brow, and the exsudations of a man's brains, are as much a man's own property as the breeches upon his backside; which said exsudations, &c., being dropp'd upon the said apple by the labour of finding it, and picking it up ; and being moreover indissolubly wasted, and as indissolubly annex'd, by the picker up, to the thing pick'd up, carried home, roasted, peel'd, eaten, digested, and so on, 'tis evident that the gatherer of the apple, in so doing, has mix'd up something which was his own, with the apple which was not his own ; by which means he has acquired a property; or, in other words, the apple is John's apple. By the same learned chain of reasoning, my father stood up for all his opinions: he had spared no pains in picking them up ; and the more they lay out of the common way, the better still was his title. No mortal claimed them; they had cost him, moreover, as much labour in cooking and digesting as in the case above ; so that they might well and truly be said to be of his own goods and chattels. Accordingly, he held fast by 'em both by teeth and claws, would fly to whatever he could lay his hands on, and, in a word, would intrench and fortify them round with as many circum- vallations and breast-works as my uncle Toby would a citadel. There is one plaguy rub in the way of this, the scarcity of materials to make anything of a defence with, in case of a smart attack ; inasmuch as few men of great genius had exercised their parts in writing OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 243 books upon the subject of great noses. By the trotting of my lean horse, the thing is incredible ! and I am quite lost in my understanding, when I am considering what a treasure of precious time and talents together has been wasted upon worse subjects, and how many millions of books, in all languages, and in all possible tvpes and bindings, have been fabricated on points not half so much tending to the unity and peace-making of the world ! What was to be had, however, he set the greater store by ; and though my father would oft- times sport with my uncle Toby's library, which, by the bye, was ridiculous enough, yet, at the very same time he did it, he collected every book and treatise which had been systematically wrote upon noses, with as much care as my honest uncle Toby has done those upon military architecture. 'Tis true, a much less table would have held them ; but that was not thy transgression, my dear uncle. Here, but why here, rather than in any other part of my story ? 1 am not able to tell : but here it is my heart stops me to pay to thee, my dear uncle Toby, once for all, the tribute I owe thy goodness. Here let me thrust my chair aside, and kneel down upon the ground, whilst I am pouring forth the warmest sentiment of love for thee, and veneration for the excellency of thy character, that ever virtue and nature kindled in a nephew's bosom. Peace and comfort rest for evermore upon thy head ! Thou enviedst no man's comforts, insultedst no man's opinions ; thou blackenedst no man's cha- racter, devouredst no man's bread ! Gently, with faithful Trim behind thee, didst thou ramble round the little circle of thy pleasures, jostling no creature in thy way: for each one's sorrows thou hadst a tear; for each man's need thou hadst a shilling. 244 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Whilst I am worth one to pay a weeder, thy path from thy door to thy bowling-green shall never be grown up. Whilst there is a rood and a half of land in the Shandy family, thy fortifications, my dear uncle Toby, shall never be demolish'd. CHAPTER XXXV. MY father's collection was not great; but, to make amends, it was curious; and consequently he was some time in making it : he had the great fortune, however, to set off well, in getting Bruscambille's prologue upon long poses, almost for nothing ; for he gave no more for Brascainbille than three half-crowns; owing, in- deed, to the strong fancy which the stall-man saw my father had for the book, the moment he laid his hands upon it. There are not three Bruscambilles in Christendom, said the stall-man, except what are chairi'd up in the libraries of the curious. My father flung down the money as quick as lightning, took Bruscambille into his bosom, hied home from Pic- cadilly to Coleman-street with it, as he would have hied home with a treasure, without taking his hand once off from Bruscambille all the way. To those who do not yet know of which gender Bruscambille is, inasmuch as a prologue upon long noses might easily be done by either, 'twill be no objection against the simile to say, That when my father got home, he solaced himself with Bruscambille after the manner in which, 'tis ten to one, your Wor- ship solaced yourself with your first mistress ; that is, from morning even unto night: which, by the bye, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 245 how delightful soever it may prove to the inamorato, is of little or no entertainment at all to by-standers. Take notice, I go no farther with the simile ; my father's eye was greater than his appetite, his zeal greater than his knowledge ; he cool'd, his affections became divided ; he got hold of Prignitz, pur- chased Scroderus, Andrea Paraeus, Bouchet's Evening Conferences, and, above all, the great and learned Hafen Slawkenbergius ; of which, as I shall have much to say by and bye, I will say nothing now. CHAPTER XXXVI. OF all the tracts my father was at the pains to procure and study, in support of his hypothesis, there was not any one wherein he felt a more cruel disappointment at first, than in the celebrated Dialogue between Pam- phagus and Codes, written by the chaste pen of the great and venerable Erasmus, upon the varions uses and seasonable applications of long noses. Now don't let Satan, my dear 'girl, in this chapter, take advantage of any one spot of rising ground to get astride of your imagination, if you can anyways help it; or, if he is so nimble as to slip on, let me beg of you, like an unback'd filly, to frisk it, squirt it, to jump it, to rear it, to bound it and to kick it, with long kicks and short kicks, till, like Tickletoby's mare, you break a strap or a crupper, and throw his Worship into the dirt. You need not kill him. And pray, who was Tickletoby's mare ? 'Tis just as discreditable and unscholar-like a question, Sir, as to have asked what year (ab Urb. 246 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Cond.) the second Panic war broke out. Who was Tickletoby's mare ! Read, read, read, read, my unlearned reader ! read, or, by the knowledge of the great Saint Paraleipotnenon, I tell you beforehand, you had better throw down the book at once ; for without much reading, by which your Reverence knows I mean much knowledge, you will no more be able to penetrate the moral of the next marbled page (motley emblem of my work !) than the world, with all its sagacity, has been able to unravel the many opinions, transactions, and truths which still lie mystically hid under the dark veil of the black one. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 247 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS. ETC. 249 CHAPTER XXXVII. 1 Ntkil me pcenitet hujus nasi,' quoth Pamphagus; that is, ' My nose has been the making of me.' ' Nee est cur pneniteat,' replies Codes ; that is, ' How the deuce should such a nose fail?' The doctrine, you see, was laid down by Erasmus, as my father wished it, with the utmost plainness; but my father's disappointment was, in finding nothing more from so able a pen, but the bare fact itself; without any of that speculative subtilty or ambidex- terity of argumentation upon it, which Heaven had bestowed upon man, on purpose to investigate Truth, and fight for her on all sides. My father pish'd and pugh'd, at first, most terribly. 'Tis worth some- thing to have a good name. As the dialogue was of t^rasmus, my father soon came to himself, ' and read it over and over again with -great application, studying every word and every syllable of it, thro' and thro', in its most strict and literal interpretation. He could still make nothing of it, that way. Mayhap, there is more meant than is said in it, quoth my father. Learned men, brother Toby, don't write dialogues upon long noses for nothing. I'll study the mystic and the allegoric sense. Here is some room to turn a man's sell' in, brother. My father read on. Now, 1 find it needful to inform your Reverences and Worships, that besides the many nautical usep of long noses enumerated by Erasmus, the dialogist affirmeth, That a long nose is not without its domestic conveniences also ; for that, in a case of distress, and for want of a pair of bellows, it will do ex- 250 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS cellently well, ad exeitandum focum (to stir up the fire). Nature had been prodigal in her gifts to my father beyond measure, and had sown the seeds of verbal criticism as deep within him, as she had done the seeds of all other knowledge ; so that he had got out his penknife, and was trying experiments upon the sentence, to see if he could not scratch some better sense into it. I've got within a single letter, brother Toby, cried my father, of Erasmus his mystic meaning. You are near enough, brother, replied my uncle, in all conscience. Pshaw ! cried my father, scratching 1 on, I might as well be seven miles off. I've done it! said my father, snapping his fingers. See, my dear brother Toby, how I have mended the sense. But you have marr'd a word, replied my uncle Toby. My father put on his spectacles, bit his lip, and tore out the leaf in a passion. CHAPTER XXXVIII. SLAWKENBERGIUS ! thou faithful analyzer of my Disgrazias, thou sad foreteller of so many of the whips and short turns which in one stage or other of my life have come slap upon me from the short- ness of my nose, and no other cause, that I am conscious of, tell me, Slawkenbergius ! what secret impulse was it? what intonation of voice? whence came it ? how did it sound in thy ears ? art thou sure thou heard' st it? which first cried out to thee OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 251 Go, Slawkenbergius ! dedicate the labours of thy life, neglect thy pastimes, call forth all the powers and faculties of thy nature, macerate thyself in the service of mankind, and write a grand FOLIO for them, upon the subject of their noses. How the communication was conveyed into Slaw- kenbergius's sensorium, so that Slawkenbergius should know whose finger touch'd the key, and whose hand it was that blew the bellows, as Hafen Slawkenbergius has been dead and laid in his grave above fourscore and ten years, we can only raise conjectures. Slawkenbergius was play'd upon, for aught I know, like one of Whitefield's disciples; that is, with such a distinct intelligence, Sir, of which of the two masters it was that had been practising upon his instrument, as to make all reasoning upon it needless. For in the account which Hafen Slawkenber- gius gives the world of his motives and occasions for writing, and spending so many years of his life upon this one work, towards the end of his prolegomena; which, by the bye, should have come first, but the bookbinder has most injudiciously placed it betwixt the analytical contents of the book and the book itself, he informs his reader, That ever since he had arrived at the age of discernment, and was able to sit down coolly, and consider within himself the true state and condition of man, and distinguish the main end and design of his being; or, to shorten my translation, for Slawkenbergius's book is in Latin, and not a little prolix in this passage; ever since I un- derstood, quoth Slawkenbergius, any thing, or rather what was what, and could perceive that the point of long noses had been too loosely handled by all who had gone before, have I, Slawkenbergius, felt a 252 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS strong impulse, with a mighty and un resistible call within me, to gird up myself to this undertaking. And to do justice to Slawkenbergius, he has entered the list with a stronger lance, and taken a much larger career in it, than any one man who had ever entered it before him ; and indeed, in many respects, deserves to be en-nicKd as a prototype for all writers of voluminous works at least, to model their books by; for he has taken in, Sir, the whole subject, examined every part of it dialectical! y, then brought it into full day; dilucidating it with all the light which either the collision of his own natural parts could strike, or the profoundest knowledge of the sciences had impowered him to cast upon it; col- lating, collecting and compiling; begging, borrowing, .and stealing, as he went along, all that had been wrote or wrangled thereupon in the schools and por- ticos of the learned; so that Slawkenbergius his book may properly be considered, not only as a model, but as a thorough -stitched DIGEST and regular insti- tute of noses, comprehending in it all that is or can be needful to be known about them. For this cause it is that I forbear to speak of so many (otherwise) valuable books and treatises of my father's collecting, wrote either plump upon noses or collaterally touching them ; such, for instance, as Prignitz, now lying upon the table before me, who with infinite learning, and from the most candid and scholar-like examination of above four thousand dif- ferent sculjs, in upwards of twenty charnel-houses in Silesia, which he had rummaged, has imformed us, that the mensuration and configuration of the osseous or bony parts of human noses, in any given tract of country, except Grim Tartary, where they are al! crushed down by the thumb, so that no judgment OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 253 can be formed upon them, are much nearer alike than the world imagines ; the difference amongst them being, he says, a mere trifle, not worth taking notice of; but that the size and jollity of every individual nose, and by which one nose ranks above another, and bears a higher price, is owing to the cartilaginous and muscular parts of it, into whose ducts and sinuses the blood and animal spirits being impell'd and driven by the warmth and force of the imagination, which is but a step from it (bating the case of ideots, whom Prignitz, who had lived many years in Turkey, supposes under the more im- mediate tutelage of Heaven) it so happens, and ever must, says Prignitz, that the excellency of the nose is in a direct arithmetical proportion to the excel- lency of the wearer's fancy. It is for the same reason ; that is, because 'tis all comprehended in Slawkenbergius, that I say nothing likewise of Scroderus (Andrea), who, all the world knows, set himself to oppugn Prignitz with great violence; proving it in his own way, first logically, and then by a series of stubborn facts, ' That so far ' was Prignitz from the truth, in affirming that the ' fancy begat the nose, that, on the contrary, the nose ' begat the fancy.' The learned suspected Scroderus of an indecent sophism in this; and Prignitz cried out aloud iu the dispute, that Scroderus had shifted the idea upon him ; but Scroderus went on maintaining his thesis. My father was just balancing within himself, which of the two sides he should take in this affair; when Ambrose Pareeus decided it in a moment, and by over- throwing the systems both of Prignitz and Scroderus, drove my father out of both sides of the controversy at once. 254 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Be witness I don't acquaint the learned reader in saying it, I mention it only to shew the learned, I know the fact myself, That this Ambrose Paraeus was chief surgeon and nose-mender to Francis the Ninth of France; and in high credit with him and the two preceding, or succeeding kings (I know not which) and that, except in the slip he made in his story of Talia- cotius's noses, and his manner of setting thera on, he was esteemed by the whole college of physicians at that time, as more knowing in matters of noses, than any one who had ever taken them in hand. Now, Ambrose Paraeus convinced my father, that the true and efficient cause of what had engaged so much the attention of the world, and upon which Prignitz and Scroderus had wasted so much learning and fine parts, was neither this nor that; but that the length and goodness of the nose was owing simply to the softness and flaccidity in the nurse's breast, as the flatness and shortness of puisne noses was to the firmness and elastic repulsion of the same organ of nutrition in the hale and lively ; which, tho' happy for the woman, was the undoing of the child, inasmuch as his nose was so snubb'd, so rebuff' d, so rebated, and so refrigerated thereby, as never to arrive ad mensuram suam legitimam ; but that in case of flaccidity and softness of the nurse or mother's breast by sinking into it, quoth Pareeus, as into so much butter, the nose was comforted, nourish'd, plurap'd up, re- fresh'd, refocillated, and set a growing for ever. I have but two things to observe of Paraeus; first, That he proves and explains all this with the utmost chastity and decorum of expression : for which, may his soul for ever rest in peace ! OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 255 And, secondly, That besides the systems of Prignitz and Scroderus, which Ambrose Paraeus his hypothesis effectually overthrew, it overthrew at the same time the system of peace and harmony of our family ; and for- three days together, not only embroiled matters be- tween my father and my mother, but turn'd likewise the whole house and every thing in it, except my uncle Toby, quite upside down. Such a ridiculous tale of a dispute between a man and his wife, never surely, in any age or country, got vent through the key -hole of a street-door. My mother, you must know, -but I have fifty things more necessary to let you know first : I have a hundred difficulties which I have promised to clear up, and a thousand distresses and domestic misadven- tures crowding in upon me thick and threefold, one upon the neck of another. A cow broke in (to-mor- row morning) to my uncle Toby's fortifications, and ate up two rations and half of dried grass, tearing up the sods with it, which faced his horn- work and covered way. Trim insists upon being tried by a court-martial, the cow to be shot, Slop to be crucifix d, myself to be tnstntm'dj and at my very baptism made a martyr of ; poor unhappy Devils that we all are ! I want swaddling ; but there is no time to be lost in exclamations, I have left my father lying across his bed, and uncle Toby in his old fringed chair, sitting beside him, and promised I would go back to them in half an hour ; and five-and-thirty minutes are laps'd already. -Of all the perplexities a mortal author was ever seen in, this certainly is the greatest; for I have Hafen Slawkenbergius's folio, Sir, to finish ; a dia- logue between my father and my uncle Toby, upon the solution of Prignitz, Scroderus, Ambrose Paiteus, 256 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS Panocrates, and Grangousier to relate; a tale out of Slawkenbergins to translate; and all this in five minutes less than no time at all. Such a head ! would to Heaven my enemies only saw the inside of it. CHAPTER XXXIX. THEEE was not any one scene more entertaining in our family; and to do it justice in this point, I here put off my cap, and lay it upon the table, close beside my ink-horn, on purpose to make my declaration to the world concerning this one article the more solemn, That I believe, in my soul, (unless my love and partiality to my understanding blinds me) the hand of the Supreme Maker and First Designer of all things never made or "put a family together (in that period at least of it which I have sat down to write the story of) where the charac- ters of it were cast or contrasted with so dramatic a felicity as ours was, for this end; or in which the capacities of affording such exquisite scenes, and the powers of shifting them perpetually from morning to night, were lodged and entrusted with so unlimited a confidence, as in the Shandy Family. Not any one of these was more diverting, I say, in this whimsical theatre of ours, than what fre- quently arose out of this self-same chapter of long noses, especially when my father's imagination was heated with the enquiry, and nothing would serve him but to heat my uncle Toby's too. My uncle Toby would give my father all possible fair play in this attempt ; and with infinite patience would sit smoking his pipe for whole hours together, OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 257 whilst my father was practising upon his head, and trying every accessible avenue to drive Prignitz and Scroderus's solutions into it. Whether they were above my uncle Toby's reason, or contrary to it, or that his brain was like damp tinber, and no spark could possibly take hold ; or that it was so full of saps, mines, blinds, curtains, and such military disqualifications to his seeing clearly into Prignitz and Scroderus's doctrines, I say not : let schoolmen, scullions, anatomists, and engineers fight for it among themselves. 'Twas some misfortune, I make no doubt, in this affair, that my father had every word of it to trans- late for the benefit of my uncle Toby, and render out of Slawkenbergius's Latin, of which, as he was no great master, his translation was not always of the purest, and generally least so when 'twas most wanted. This naturally opened a door to a second misfortune ; that in the warmer paroxysms of his zeal to open my uncle Toby's eyes, my father's ideas ran on as much faster than the translation, as the translation outmoved my uncle Toby's : neither the one nor the other added much to the perspicuity of my father's lecture. CHAPTER XL. THE gift of ratiocination and making syllogisms, I mean in man, for in superior classes of being, such as angels and spirits, 'tis all done, may it please your Worships, as they tell me, by INTUITION: and beings inferior, as your Worships all know, VOL. i R 258 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS syllogize by their noses : though there is an island swimming in the sea (though not altogether at its ease) whose inhabitants, if my intelligence deceives me not, are so wonderfully gifted, as to syllogize after the same fashion, and oft-times to make very well out too : but that's neither here nor there : The gift of doing it as it should be, amongst us, or, the great and principal act of ratiocination in man, as logicians tell us, is the finding out the agreement or disagreement of two ideas one with another, by the intervention of a third (called the meditts terminus); just as a man, as Locke well observes, by a yard, finds two men's nine-pin-alleys to be of the same length, which could not be brought together, to measure their equality, by juxtaposition. Had the same great reasoner looked on, as my father illustrated his systems of noses, and observed my uncle Toby's deportment, what great attention he gave to every word ; and as oft as he took his pipe from his mouth, with what wonderful seriousness he contem- plated the length of it! surveying it transversely as he held it betwixt his finger and his thumb; then fore-right, then this way, and then that, in all its possible directions and fore-shortenings, he would have concluded my uncle Toby had got hold of the medius terminus, and was syllogizing and measuring with it the truth of each hypothesis of long noses, in order, as my father laid them before him. This, by the bye, was more than my father wanted : his aim, in all the pains he was at in these philosophical lectures, was, to enable my uncle Toby not to dis- cuss, but comprehend; to hold the grains and scruples of learning, not to weigh them. My uncle Toby, as you will read in the next chapter, did neither the one nor the other. OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 259 CHAPTEE XLI. 'Tis a pity, cried my father, one winter's night, after a three hours' painful translation of Slawken- bergius, 'tis a pity, cried my father, putting my mother's thread-paper into the book for a mark as he spoke, that Truth, brother Toby, should shut herself up in such impregnable fastnesses, and be so obstinate as not to surrender herself up sometimes upon the closest siege. Now it happened then, as indeed it had often done before, that my uncle Toby's fancy, during the time of my father's explanation of Prignitz to him, having nothing to stay it there, had taken a short flight to the bowling-green: his body might as well have taken a turn there too ; so that with all the sem- blance of a deep schoolman intent upon the medius terminus, my uncle Toby was, in fact, as ignorant of the whole lecture, and all its pro's and con's, as if my father had been translating Hafen Slawken- bergius from the Latin tongue into the Cherokee. But the word siege, like a talismanic power, in my father's metaphor, wafting back my uncle Toby's fancy, quick as a note could follow the touch, he open'd his ears, and my father observing that he took his pipe out of his mouth, and shuffled his chair nearer the table, as with a desire to profit, my father with great pleasure began his sentence again, changing only the plan, and dropping the metaphor of the siege in it, to keep clear of some dangers my father appre- hended from it. 'Tis a pity, said my father, that truth can only be on one side, brother Toby, considering what in- genuity these learned men have all shown in their 260 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS solutions of noses. Can noses be dissolved? replied my uncle Toby. My father thrust back his chair, rose up, put on his hat, took four long strides to the door, jerked it open, thrust his head half way out, shut the door again, took no notice of the bad hinge, returned to the table, pluck'd my mother's thread- paper out of Slawkenbergius's book, went hastily to his bureau, walked slowly back, twisted my mother's thread-paper about his thumb, unbuttoned his waistcoat, threw my mother's thread-paper into the fire, bit her satin pin-cushion in two, filled his mouth with bran, confounded it : but mark ! the "oath of confusion was levell'd at my uncle Toby's brain, which was e'en confused enough already ; the curse came charged only with the bran ; the bran, may it please your Honours, was no more than powder to the ball. 'Twas well my father's passions lasted not long; for so long as they did last, they led him a busy life on't ; and it is one of the most unaccountable problems that ever I met with in my observations of human nature, that nothing should prove my father's mettle so much, or make his passions go off so like gunpowder, as the unexpected stroke his science met with from the quaint simplicity of my uncle Toby's questions. Had ten dozen of hornets stung him behind in so many different places all at one time, he could not have exerted more mechani- cal functions in fewer seconds, or started half so much, as with one single qucere of three words un- seasonably popping in full upon him in his hobby- horsical career. 'Twas all one to my uncle Toby ; he smoked his pipe on with unvaried composure ; his heart OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. 261 never intended offence to his brother ; and as hia head could seldom find out where the sting of it lay, he always gave my father the credit of cool- ing by himself. He was five minutes and thirty- five seconds about it in the present case. By all that's good ! said my father, swearing, as he came to himself, and taking the oath out of Ernulphus's digest of curses (though, to do my father justice, it was a fault, as he told Dr. Slop in the affair of Ernulphns, which he as seldom com- mitted as any man upon earth) By all that's good and great ! brother Toby, said my father, if it was not for the aids of philosophy, which befriend one so much as they do, you would put a man beside all temper. Why, by the solutions of noses, of which I was telling you, I meant, as you might have known, had you favoured me with one grain of attention, the various accounts, which learned men of different kinds of knowledge have given the world of the causes of short and long noses. There is no cause but one, replied my uncle Toby, why one man's nose is longer than another's, but because that God pleases to have it so. That ia Gran- gousier's solution, said my father. 'Tis he, con- tinued my uncle Toby, looking up, and not regarding my father's interruption, who makes us all, and frames and puts us together in such forms and pro- portions, and for such ends, as is agreeable to his infinite wisdom. 'Tis a pious account, cried my father, but not philosophical; there is more religion in it than sound science. 'Twas no inconsistent part of my uncle Toby's character that he feared God, and reverenced religion. So the moment my father finished his remark, my uncle fell a whistling Lilli- 262 THE LIFE AND OPINIONS bullero with more zeal (though more out of tune) than usual. What is become of my wife's thread-paper? CHAPTER XLII. No matter; as an appendage to seamstressy, the thread-paper might be of some consequence to my mother; of none to my father as a mark in Slawkenbergius. Slawkenbergius, in every page of him, was a rich treasure of inexhaustible knowledge to my father ; he could not open him amiss ; and he would often say, in closing the book, That if all the arts and sciences in the world, .with the books which treated of them, were lost, should the wisdom and policies of governments, he would say, through disuse, ever happen to be forgot ; and all that statesmen had wrote or caused to be written, upon the strong or the weak sides of courts or kingdoms, should they be forgot also, and Slawkenbergius only left, there would be enough in him in all conscience, he would say, to set the world a-going again. A treasure, therefore, was he indeed ! an institute of all that was necessary to be known of noses, and every thing else: at matin, noon, and vespers was Hafer Slawkenbergius his recreation and delight : 'twas for ever in his hands: you would have sworn, Sir, it had been a canon's prayer-book; so worn, so glazed, so contrited and attrited was it with fingers and with thumbs in all its parts, from one end even unto the other. I am not such a bigot to Slawkenbergius as my OF TRISTRAM SHANDY. . 263 father : there is a fund in him, no doubt : but, in my opinion, the best, I don't say the most pro- fitable, but the most amusing part of Hafen Slaw- kenbergius, is his Tales ; and, considering he was a German, many of them told not without fancy. These take up his second book, containing nearly one half of his folio, and are comprehended in ten decades ; each decade containing ten tales. Philo- sophy is not built upon tales; and therefore 'twas certainly wrong in Slawkenbergius to send them into the world by that name! there, are a few of them in his eighth, ninth, and tenth decades, which, I own, seem rather playful and sportive than specu- lative; but, in general, they are to be looked upon by the learned as a detail of so many independent facts, all of them turning round, somehow or other, upon the main hinges of his subject, and collected by him with great fidelity, and added to his work as so many illustrations upon the doctrines of noses. As we have leisure enough upon our hands, if you give me leave, Madam, I'll tell you the ninth tale of his tenth decade. .SEPT, -j, A. *. JET o UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL L BRARY FACILITY A 000103626 8