345E Rosabel Books Especially Suitable for Young Women BY ROSA N. CAREY Dr. Luttrell's First Patient Cousin Mona My Lady Frivol Life's Trivial Round Illustrated. Cloth, $1.23 per volume BY AMY E. BLANCHARD An Independent Daughter Two Girls Girls Together Betty of Wye Miss Vanity Three Pretty Maids Her Very Best Illustrated. Cloth, $1.23 per volume BY THE " DUCHESS" The Three Graces Illustrated. Cloth, &AO BY MRS. MOLESWORTH Olivia Philippa Meg Langh olme Illustrated'. CM A, $i.ooper volume Miss Bouverie Illustrated. Cloth, $1.20, net BY ELIZABETH WETHERELL Queechy The Wide, Wide World Illustrated, izmo. Cloth, 73 cents ptr volume Rosabel By Esther Miller Author of " A Prophet of the Real," etc. PHILADELPHIA J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY 1904 CHAPTER I THE Angler's Inn dozed in midsummer sunshine. Along the white road which led on one hand to the village, on the other to the river, nothing was to be seen except a few fowls scratching in the dust. The only sounds were sleepy sounds the buzz of insects, the droning of rustic voices through the bar window, the flick of a tail and the stamp of a hoof from one of the big waggon-team tethered to the fence beside the inn. A water-wagtail dipped into the horse-trough, and ran along the edge after a butterfly ; a kitten skipped round from the stable- yard in wanton high spirits, blundered into an old setter curled on a sack, and bounded off again, with her back arched, quicker than she came. The odour of roses and new-mown hay mingled in wafts with the smell of beer which exuded from the inn. Suddenly a door swung open, and an unseen woman's voice called briskly : ' Rosabel ! Where are you, Rosabel ?' A girl, who had been reading on the bench out- side, looked up from her novelette. i 2137400 2 ROSABEL ' Yes, aunt.' ' Mr. Smith wants a bit of bread and cheese, and the cold 'am.' ' I'm coming,' said Rosabel. The door banged. Rosabel got up reluctantly. She was a sullen- looking girl. With a better expression she would have been pretty, almost beautiful. Her face was round, her eyes were large and dark and thickly lashed, her brown hair had a touch of red in it, her complexion, deepened by the sun, was the colour of a ripe peach. But she had no animation what- ever, and the lack of it accentuated a tendency to heaviness about the jaw, and drew down the corners of her mouth, and deprived her eyes of the natural lustre of youth. For the rest, she was vilely dressed in an ill-fitting red silk blouse and a green skirt, and her hair fell over her brow as though she would not take the trouble to do it becomingly, or did not know how. She went indoors, not by the bar entrance, but by the half -glass door marked * Hotel.' Despite this pretension the Angler's Inn was a small place. On the ground-floor there was only the bar and tiny bar-parlour, the coffee-room, and the kitchens, and upstairs half a dozen spare bedrooms for visitorsj usually cyclists, or boating and fishing gentlemen who could not afford, or did not care for* the smart expensive hotel on the river-bank. Mr. and Mrs. ROSABEL 3 Collins attended to the bar with the help of a lad and occasional assistance from Rosabel. It was Rosabel's superior duty to wait upon the coffee-room. She loathed it. To-day, in particular, her dis- taste was active. She had been thinking about herself all the morning. It was her birthday, and self-consciousness, never sleeping in Rosabel, had been quickened by a remorseless contemplation of past, present, and future. She collected the ' bit of bread and cheese and the cold 'am ' resentfully, and frowned on her way back from the kitchen with a heavy tray which was as nothing in her strong young arms. The coffee-room was rather a dismal little apart- ment, pervaded at all hours by a subtly compounded odour of spirits, cheese, and stale tobacco-smoke. It looked on a damp corner of the garden, where the sun never seemed to strike, and on hot days it was stuffy, and on cold days it was cold. Rosabel laid the cloth. She did it neatly, and made the food look as attractive as possible with garnishing of fresh parsley, and a bowl of roses in the midst, because she was a good housewife by instinct, and could not help herself. Then she took up her novelette again, and called through the inner door of the bar on her way out : ' Your lunch is ready, Mr. Smith.' ' All right, my dear,' said the miller. ' Many 'appy returns of the day to ye.' 12 4 ROSABEL * Thank you,' said Rosabel. She sat down in her old place on the bench outside. Yes, it was her birthday, and she was nineteen. She felt old. Even at thirteen she had felt old. Not since the heedlessness of childhood had passed had she been really young. This was because she had a grievance, and the temperament to make the most of it. By birthright she was an anomaly ; there were conflicting strains in her blood, and such ' culture ' as can be supplied by a middle-class day-school in the country had accentuated them. She wanted to be a lady, and she was niece to Mrs. Collins of the Angler's Inn ; she was just educated enough to suspect that she was an ignoramus without possessing the knowledge necessary to rise above her conditions and make her own life. She hated the upper classes because she envied them, and they had discarded her ; she shrank with disgust from the vulgarity of her father's people with whom she lived, and brooded apart, resentful, reserved, unhappy, alone. Nobody stopped to understand her there was too much to do, and to her aunt, a bustling woman not given to analysis, Rosabel was no more than a girl of peculiar temper a temper which was like to be her bane. If she would hold aloof from other young people, and her sullenness kept the boys off, she had only herself to thank for it. ROSABEL 5 Rosabel turned over the leaves of the novelette. Reading was the one thing she cared for, and she spent all her spare money on fiction. At this period her discrimination was feeble, and she devoured works of art and rubbish impartially. Perhaps she preferred the rubbish because it con- tained more titles and scenes of splendour, and, of course, she did not want to read about ordin- ary people living ordinary workaday lives like her own. It was an antidote to the unromantic plebeian affairs of the Angler's Inn that she sought. She was not such a fool as to think that things really happened, and dukes and duchesses really behaved, as they did in tales ; but then it had not even occurred to her that fiction should be a pic- torial representation in words, as it were, of life. They were ' stories.' Rosabel, embittered by ex- perience, drew a hard-and-fast line between fact and the fiction of her favourite penny paper. His Grace he was never called anything else had just proposed to the governess. To come there was the always piquant confounding of scornful oppressors. Rosabel, however, had lost interest, temporarily, in these proceedings. There were times when the reality of things claimed her, when she was bound to think and think, with her half-formed mind, striving to see the world as it was, to pierce out the mystery of this ego, herself, which ached with dim consciousness of its own 6 ROSABEL shortcomings and desires for impossible achieve- ments, and still more impossible revenge. She had wished how many times ? that she had never been born. Others had wished it, too, for that matter. All the same, here she was, and here, it seemed, she had to remain. A horseman came trotting along the road a gentleman on a raking chestnut. Rosabel looked up. She knew the mare, and the rider. He dropped down at the inn door a man of seven or eight and twenty, big, fair, rather fresh-coloured, a good-looking specimen of a sensual type. His name was Braithwaite. He was ' county,' and owned Hallowdene, a large place five miles off. ' 'Morning, Rosabel,' he said. She rose without answering. ' A whisky-and-soda long. You know how I like it. Bring it out, there's a good girl.' When she reappeared with the drink in one of the best tumblers, the chestnut was tied to a tree, and Maurice Braithwaite in possession of her seat. ' Come and sit down,' he said in a friendly tone, making room for her. * We're smart to-day ! A new blouse, Rosabel ?' ' Yes,' she said uneasily. ' Don't you like it ?' ' It's beautiful. But you mustn't go near the cows !' ROSABEL 7 ' Aunt gave it to me for a birthday present,' said Rosabel. * Oh, it's your birthday ! That accounts for the unwonted splendour. I'd like to give you some- thing, too.' His fingers slipped into his waistcoat- pocket. ' See here, Rosabel- He was trying to put a sovereign into her hand. Rosabel, still standing, shrank backj scarlet,- with her arms behind her. ' No, thank you, Mr. Braithwaite !' ' Why not ?' he asked. ' I'm much obliged to you, but I couldn't take it. I didn't mean that when I mentioned my birthday.' ' I know. Don't be a fool !' She shook her head again, and Braithwaite shrugged his shoulders, looking annoy ed* and repocketed the money. There was a moment's silence. His moustache dipped into the whisky-and-soda. He lit a cigar. Rosabel glanced at the door. ' Anyhow, you can stay and talk to me for five minutes ! Come along.' She accepted his invitation to sit down this time, although reluctantly, and he smiled again. ' And how old are you ?' ' Nineteen,' she said. ' I wonder if you'll ever realize what a deuced pretty little girl you are !' Rosabel locked her hands in her lap. 8 ROSABEL ' I know what I'm like,' she said discontentedly. ' But you don't know how to have a good time.' He was one of those men who live to amuse themselves, and only regard women in one way. He had often noticed Rosabel, and made advances, which she had either not seen or pretended not to see. She began to pique him. After all, who was she ? He played the game mechanically as a swimmer strikes out when dropped into deep water. The habit of pursuit was natural to his species. * I have never had a good time,' said Rosabel, * and I don't suppose I ever shall.' * Haven't you got a sweetheart ?' * No,' she said, frowning at her knuckles. * Why ? Haven't the lads hereabouts any eyes ?' * I don't care for men of that sort farmers, and tradespeople, and servants.' * You want a gentleman, eh ? You are ambitious. And yet you are always snubbing me !' * You ?' she queried. ' You must know by this time that I am desper- ately in love with you !' * Please don't talk nonsense,' said Rosabel angrily, turning red again. * You are a married man. I'm not such a fool. You are only laughing at me. ' I'm not !' He leaned over her. His arm, which had been resting on the back of the seat, suddenly pressed her waist. * Give me a kiss, Rosabel !' ROSABEL 9 * Certainly not, Mr. Braithwaite !' * There's nobody in sight !' he said. She thrust him away, and sprang to her feet. ' How dare you !' * Well, you are a little cat !' he said. Rosabel ran into the house, and upstairs to her room, where she sank down and began to cry with rage. Braithwaite, after a moment's chagrin, smiled the wrong side of his mouth, finished his drink, and went into the bar to pay for it. * Gives herself too many airs,' he muttered as he rode away. ' Cheek ! She ought to be flattered that I take any notice of her.' CHAPTER II THAT afternoon an electric launch, with a dozen ladies and gentlemen on board, stopped at the Three Fishers Hotel. It was a party of smart people who were in the habit of regarding them- selves as the very smartest in London. Not in the ordinary sense used by outsiders, be it understood, for there was not a single title among them. But they were the choice spirits who wrote, and acted, and painted, and criticised, and talked above all talked, chiefly about themselves. They scattered over the little hotel and the riverside lawn. ' Remember,' said Mrs. Fairbourne aloud, ' that we are all to reunite here at 4.30 for tea.' * And it's 3.15 now,' added Alec Aylmer, consult- ing his watch. Of course he was beside her, and they strolled away together. It was his party, although she had asked the guests, and their friendship had reached the stage when tactful people invited them together and got out of their way. 10 ROSABEL ii ' Shall we go for a walk through the village ?' he suggested. * I don't mind,' she replied. She was most unsuitably dressed for a country road, in a long muslin dress elaborately inlet with lace, a picture hat, and fluffy parasol. But she looked charming. He thought so, and she knew it. A fair woman, she" was, of medium height, with a white pointed face, plaintive eyes, a prac- tised smile. Fairbourne had been nothing more elevated than a stockbroker, but he had left her well off. Her little house in Great Cumberland Place hummed with celebrities. She did nothing herself ; but to know people who did, to be in the ' inner ring,' was her passion. She lost a great deal of money at bridge. Aylmer did nothing with somewhat less elabora- tion. He lounged, and looked on a sceptic without enthusiasms. But she drew him, perhaps with her tongue ; really, she talked very well, and when a woman of position looks twice at a man, he is apt to pause and look back at her. He supposed her to be about two-and-thirty, his own age ; as a matter of fact she was thirty-seven, but nobody would have guessed it. She picked up her skirts daintily, and sought the shady side of the way. ' A perfect day,' she said. ' How good of you to ask us !' 12 ROSABEL * It is very pleasant,' he agreed. ' Pretty country, the ripple of water in one's ears, an excellent lunch, plenty of ice, and good company ! What more can one want in this world ?' ' A game of bridge at my chambers, and a little supper to wind up the evening !' * What a happy thought !' she said. ' But I shall be so sleepy and stupid after a day in the open air, and I shall lose, and I really can't afford to lose any more.' ' How do you stand ?' he inquired. ' Oh, I daren't calculate. I gave up keeping an account last month.' ' As bad as that !' * Even worse.* He looked at her under his lids with the tentative humour of the man of tact who is going to venture much. Women found Aylmer fascinating. He was handsome, with very fine gray eyes, a straight nose, and a clean mouth. At Oxford he had shown a great deal of promise, but an income of three thousand a year had nipped it in the bud. So he lived comfortably in chambers in Piccadilly, travelled when he felt inclined, dined simply, smoked moderately, hunted in the season, and so far had evaded matrimony. Was the net over him at last ? ' May I put you straight ?' * It's really very sweet of you,' said Mrs. Fair- ROSABEL 13 bourne. ' But quite impossible ! My dear fellow, just think !' ' A loan,' he said, with ingratiating sweetness, * and you shall pay when you like ! A mere business transaction.' * Oh, if you put it like that !' she said. ' How much ?' He unscrewed the gold pencil on his watch-chain, and pulled down his cuff for a note. ' Twelve hundred,' she said faintly. ' I'll live on bread and water till I've paid you ! I really am in a tight corner. My income is locked up, you know. Fortunately, there is always Aunt Eliza.' ' Who is she ?' * Aunt Eliza Dudgeon of Torquay. Can't you see her ? She disapproves of me, and we never meet ; but she is going to leave me fifty thousand pounds, because she has nobody else. I suppose she can't live for ever. She is a maiden of sixty- five.' It was the habit of this particular smart set to be flippant on all matters, sacred and profane. And Aylmer was so used to hearing men and women scoff at religion, and sentiment, and the natural ties of kindred and affection at every- thing, in fact, which was nature, not art that it did not even strike him that Mrs. Fairbourne had spoken of her aged relative with a lack of respect and good feeling which betokened a lack of heart. I 4 ROSABEL A naturally good palate may become perverted by unwholesome condiments. Ordinary pepper, if used too frequently, loses effect, and only cayenne and chillies can tickle the vitiated tongue. Thus suggestive jokes crop up, and questionable in- nuendoes malice, cynicism, and the desire to shine at anyone's expense. But Aylmer, blunted by habit, smiled without a qualm, apparently quite satisfied with the perfect gown, the exquisite manner, the refined voice and face, which was all of a woman that there was beside him. * You mustn't worry at all,' he said. ' The money is lying at the bank. Glad to find a use for it.' * Bloated millionaire !' * No. You know the figure of my income,' he said simply. ' I've no vices, that is all.' 4 And I have, you mean ?' * You shall have the cheque to-morrow.' 'Go on !' she said. * You haven't finished ! I know you are dying to improve the occasion !' ' Please don't play bridge !' * But it's so old-fashioned to be eccentric. Every- body is normal nowadays.' He was silent. * I'll draw the line at penny points,' she said. ' What ! not satisfied with that ?' * Of course, you will do exactly as you like, my dear lady ! Who am I to presume ' ROSABEL 15 * Why,' she asked, * don't you like me to play at all?' * Because there are some women who shouldn't.' ' You mean that I lose my head !' She was piqued. ' It is a pity when the head is so charming !' She gave him a melting glance. Goodness knows what might have happened if an unexpected diversion had not occurred. ' Cows !' shrieked Mrs. Fairbourne. * Save me !' There were six, calves with them, coming down the road in charge of a whistling urchin. ' I think,' said Aylmer, * that the peril may be faced with presence of mind. But if you prefer to retreat, here is a gate !* They leaned over it, laughing, on the inside. No doubt she had exaggerated her alarm for the sake of clutching his arm. ' I thought you were brought up in the country ?' he remarked. * So I was. But so long ago that I have forgotten all about it ! Now why did I say that ? You will begin to wonder how old I am. I meant, of course, that I always hated cows.' * If women were half as harmless !' * It doesn't seem to me that you have found them very dangerous yet !' Was she trying to draw him on a little too quickly ? Perhaps his mind was not quite made up, or he 16 ROSABEL preferred, if it were, to choose his own time. He only smiled at her. * I have a cool head.' ' A cold heart, you mean !' she cried angrily. * Allow me to open the gate !' She moved too widely. A nail caught the muslin dress. There was a rip, and half a yard of lace frill trailed the ground. ' Oh, look at that !' she wailed. ' What a misfortune ! But there is an inn a little further on. We'll get it mended for you.' Thus it happened that Rosabel, wrapped in gloomy meditation on the edge of her bed, was presently disturbed by a breathless kitchenmaid. ' Please, miss, you're wanted downstairs.' Rosabel sponged her eyes briefly, and descended with remnants of the storm still lingering in them. * How you do get out of the way, Rosabel !' said Mrs. Collins sharply. ' You left Mr. Braithwaite to bring in his own tumbler, and I have to send all over the place after you when customers come. If it wasn't your birthday I'd be downright cross. Hurry ! There's a lady in the best bedroom wanting a needle and cotton white.' Rosabel never * answered back.' She only lowered her black lashes sullenly, and her mouth assumed a more decided pout. She took the needle and cotton to the best bedroom. The apparition which met her view as she opened ROSABEL 17 the door made the girl pause. Here was a lady indeed, not a lady merely in the catholic spirit of her aunt. The faultless costume, the perfectly- dressed hair, the white face with the faintly-arched, supercilious brows and thin red lips, the subtle perfume which clung about her, went to Rosabel's heart like a knife-thrust. She had never heard the word chic, but she knew that this woman was perfectly turned out from her crown to her heels, and walked the ways of luxury in another world. Rosabel saw before her, in fact, an ideal repre- sentative of that class which ever inspired her with the antagonism of grudging admiration, of consum- ing envy, of class resentment, with the jealousy of the base-born for the heir. The girl in her vulgar clothes, intelligent enough to know how much she lacked, perceived the gulf between herself and this woman, and realization of those deficiencies which were not her own fault filled her with mingled rage and despair. Her firm sulky mouth drew in at the corners, and she frowned, perhaps unconsciously, at Mrs. Fairbourne. * Here is the needle and thread. Can I do any- thing ?' She always spoke correctly, and her country breeding had preserved her from a Cockney accent. On this occasion she took extra pains to enunciate 2 :8 ROSABEL veil. But Mrs. Fairbourne did not notice her it all. A young person was to her an automaton to make itself useful. A penchant for the lower ;lasses was not one of her fads. In fact, they dis- gusted her when she thought about them at all. She made an art of refinement. But, of course, she was always polite, and spoke civilly to the ajirl of the inn. * I wonder if you could mend this flounce ? I caught it on a nail. I hate stooping.' * I'll try,' said Rosabel. ' You need not be very neat,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. * Anyhow will do till I get home, as long as I don't fall over it.' The girl threaded her needle, went down on her knees, and began to sew. Mrs. Fairbourne's eyes roamed, as she stood, over the rose-bud wall-paper, the old-fashioned crochet quilt and chintz bed-curtains, the square window sunk rather deeply in the wall the Angler's Inn was an old house and the green glass orna- ments on the mantelpiece. It was very clean, rather countrified, and hideous. She was amused. What taste these people had! Then her attention was attracted by the insuffer- able combination of crude red and green worn by the girl crouching beside her, and she smiled. Yes, what taste ! She recalled an effective remark ROSABEL 19 she had made at dinner the other night : ' The Anglo-Saxons are the least picturesque of all races on earth.' It was not original, but it had pleased her at the time ; a good memory will often take the place of wit. Now, if this girl were properly dressed. . . . She had quite a nice-shaped head, and her red-brown hair was pretty and plentiful. Her complexion and her features, too A twinge passed across Mrs. Fairbourne's face. She inhaled a sibilant breath through her teeth, and looked harder at Rosabel. A resemblance had struck her, a startling resemblance. It was as though a cupboard door had opened suddenly disclosing a skeleton which had been hidden so long that she had almost forgotten it. Yet it might be only her imagination which saw this grim relic of the past. The girl's name would settle the matter one way or the other if she dared to ask it. But she would not encourage herself in this flight of fancy. The likeness was an accident, no doubt. Downstairs Aylmer was waiting for her. He was real, the launch party was real, all the pleasant accessories of her life to-day were real why permit an evil dream to linger in the sunshine ? But still she looked at the girl's face, and the question she had tried to stifle came out at last. * Are you the landlady's daughter ?' ' No, her niece,' replied Rosabel, glancing up. 2 2 to ROSABEL * You remind me of a a servant I had once,' aid Mrs. Fairbourne. ' Perhaps you are a younger ister. What is your name ?' ' Rosabel Carpenter,' replied the girl. She was iffended at the suggestion, and bit off a thread nth a vicious jerk. ' Rosabel Carpenter !' repeated Mrs. Fairbourne aintly. ' Carpenter ! N no, the name isn't the ame. That will do. You have mended my dress icely. Thank you.' She put half a crown in Rosabel's hand. CHAPTER III AYLMER was waiting in the coffee-room. When Mrs. Fairbourne stood in the doorway, he started. ' Good God ! what is the matter ?' She was white to the lips. * This place is so stuffy !' she gasped. ' Take me away.' ' Have some brandy !' ' No.' Her gloved hand sought his sympathetic arm. ' I shall be all right. Only take me away.' Nevertheless, she could scarcely see the road she trod on, and he led a mere doll towards the river. When she had recovered a little, an impulse moved her to confide in him. If she were going to marry him and her mind was made up, at any rate it would not be safe to keep a secret. Besides, what she had to tell him could never be a real secret ; too many people knew it. ' Something upset me,' she said. ' How strangely things happen ! Why should chance have taken me to that particular inn ?' 21 22 ROSABEL ' Then there is something the matter !' he ex- Maimed, looking at her. * Yes. Oh, I have had a shock ! Don't be alarmed. I am not going to faint now. I must tell you.' He was obviously waiting, with expectation on tiptoe. Her hints were mysterious enough. * I suppose you know,' she said at last, 'that I have been married twice ?' ' I heard something about an early marriage.' * I was seventeen, and such a little fool. You know what girls are at that age.' He smiled. ' Don't smile. It was a tragedy. Do you know any more ?' ' You dispensed with your father's consent, didn't you ?' 1 Go on.' * My information is exhausted.' * Then people are more charitable than I sup- posed,' she said, with a slight laugh, ' or their memories are shorter. I ran away with my groom !' * Good Lord, Amy !' He did not notice, in his pardonable agitation, that he had called her by her name, but she did, and her soul was balmed. ' Yes, that was it. I used to go out riding with him. It was down in Devonshire, and deadly not ROSABEL 23 a man in the place. He was remarkably hand- some. . . . Do remember my age !' ' Have I said a word ?' ' You are sneering in your sleeve !' ' On my honour !' He looked at her quite tenderly. ' I think I was disillusioned in a week,' she con- tinued. ' Of course, he was a groom. We had no money, too. I believe he was fond of me, but he had been reckoning on my father for supplies, and papa simply washed his hands of us. A year of horrors followed. We lived in two rooms in a dirty lodging-house on the proceeds of the jewellery and clothes I had brought away with me. It served me right, no doubt, but I want your sym- pathy.' ' You have it, dear lady.' * At the end of the year William that was his name caught a chill and died of pneumonia. I had not looked for such a happy release. I tele- graphed instantly to papa, and he came by return, and took me home. Oh, the luxury of cleanliness, refinement, and decent cooking again !' ' So the story ended happily ?' She had been recovering more and more under the sun of his sympathy, but at this moment a relapse set in. She really looked as if she were going to cry. ' Unfortunately, it did not end there. You 24 ROSABEL saw that girl at the inn the girl they called Rosabel ?' ' Yes.' ' She is William's daughter.' ' William's daughter ?' * And mine,' said Mrs. Fairbourne faintly. ' The devil !' ejaculated Aylmer. He stared. Ihe information was enough to startle a more ardent suitor. * Her resemblance to him struck me at once,' >he pursued. ' I asked her name. . . . What an experience !' * But how is it that she that you . . . Why lidn't you know ?' ' Papa wouldn't let me keep her. He wanted to :ut the whole connection naturally. It was the :ondition he made on taking me home. Was I ikely to object ? The infant was given to William's ister, a respectable young married woman without hildren of her own. At the time the husband was butler, I believe. They were to have a hundred year, and hold their tongues. The lawyers pay : to this day. I have never had any communica- on with the people direct. The following year I tarried George Fairbourne.' ' He knew ?' ' Papa explained. George didn't care. He was love. Besides, what did it matter ? It was all ROSABEL 25 ' It was all over,' repeated Aylmer mechanically. ' I must say papa managed well. Very little talk reached London. I wasn't known then, you see. People met me as Mrs. Fairbourne, and, of course, I never mentioned anything unpleasant.' * And the girl at the inn is your daughter !' Curiosity moved him. ' Did you say anything to her?' ' What could I say ? I was never so shocked in my life. And we were having such a pleasant day ! It was all your fault. You took me there ! You won't tell anybody ?' ' Of course not.' ' I trust you,' she said. She leaned towards him with delicate flattery of voice and eyes, but Aylmer was thinking. ' So even now,' he said, trying to grasp the stupendous fact, * she doesn't know who you are ?' ' Good gracious, no !' cried Mrs. Fairbourne. ' Did you expect me to reveal myself after the manner of the long-lost parent of melodrama ? She mended my dress, and I gave her half a crown.' ' Half a crown !' he exclaimed, in huge delight. ' Half a crown ! How extravagant you are ! I always told you that you tipped too highly. That is why you cannot afford to lose at bridge. A shilling was the price !' ' Perhaps so,' she said. ' But I suppose I felt 26 ROSABEL that I ought to do something special . . . under the circumstances, you know.' Aylmer shouted with laughter. Mrs. Fairbourne echoed him, from a mere syco- phantic desire to please. She was not really amused. The encounter had been painful in the extreme. It would take her several days to recover from it. CHAPTER IV ALTHOUGH no instinct had whispered the amazing truth to Rosabel, she felt that something had hap- pened. It was seldom that she came into contact with smart ladies, although she saw many of them in the distance on Sundays when she walked along the tow-path to the lock, and she had taken par- ticular notice of every point of Mrs. Fairbourne's manner and attire. When she was free at last to meditate upon the experiences of her birthday that anniversary of a date which her mother had forgotten she stared at the reflection in her small toilet-glass with tragic eyes. ' I don't believe the blouse is really nice,' she thought. ' Perhaps it's all wrong, and one oughtn't to wear red and green together ?' She grew hot and anxious. ' Mr. Braithwaite laughed, although he said he liked it. Perhaps he knew it was wrong. I wonder what she thought of it ?' It was terrible to imagine that these fine people had been amused at her. Sensitiveness to ridicule was 27 2 8 ROSABEL almost a disease with the girl. She could have for- given someone who struck her sooner than someone who laughed at her. She regretted now that she had put on the new red blouse instead of her usual white cotton dress. At any rate, there was nothing remarkable about a white cotton dress. ' She said I resembled a servant she had once/ remembered Rosabel. 'Then she must have thought I looked common !' And if she were common now, what would she be when she was older ? Probably she would grow like her aunt stout and florid, with a loud voice,; a hearty laugh, and a painful outspokenness. What else could she expect ? She was a waitress at an inn, the associate of vulgar people, one of them a mark for the impertinence of every man who came along. A black depression settled upon her. Never had her shortcomings seemed so many and so insurmountable. In her heart of hearts she had cherished the idea that she was better than her neighbours. Her continual anxious search for some sign of the superiority due to her birth had found her a little solace. Now all hope was swept away. She saw herself as an ignorant, ill-bred village girl beside this elegant woman of the world. And she ought to have been something different. She was wronged. She had been robbed of the advantages and opportunities her mother's daughter ROSABEL 29 should have received, which it should have been her mother's pleasure to give her. Many times she had summed up her grievances, but never had the total impressed her so deeply. She was filled with a passionate, burning hatred of the woman who had abandoned her. Perhaps one day, she did not know how, she would be revenged. If she had been born two centuries earlier, she would have trafficked with the nearest witch, and brought a fearful retribution upon her mother's head by burning her waxen image in the kitchen fire. The smell of fried onions reached her in her little bedroom under the roof. It was supper-time. She was not hungry, but they would call her if she did not go down. She descended slowly. A loneliness of the spirit had seized her. She felt an alien in the house of her aunt, where she had lived all her life. There was a steak the raison d'etre of the onions on the supper-table in the parlour, and plenty of fried potatoes, and pale ale. The Angler's Inn was a good concern, and the Collinses lived well. Collins, the retired butler, a tall, stout, smug- faced man not unlike his wife, had just begun to serve out. Mrs. Collins was cutting bread. * How's your appetite, Rosabel ?' he asked. ' I don't want any meat, thank you, uncle,' replied the girl. 3 o ROSABEL ' What's that ?' exclaimed her aunt. ' Nonsense, Rosabel ! You eat your supper properly.' ' I am going to have some bread and cheese.' ' I know what it is,' said Collins facetiously. ' She's afraid of losing her figure if she eats enough, eh, Rosabel ?' Rosabel disdained to reply. ' No, it's the onions,' said Mrs. Collins, with a short laugh. * She likes them really, but she pre- tends she don't because they ain't genteel. I know the young miss !' This was such a shrewd definition of her attitude that Rosabel scowled. There is nothing as annoy- ing, at times, as the truth. * Don't you put on so many airs, Rosabel,' added Mrs. Collins, irritated in her turn by the girl's silence. ' Nobody notices you, so you might as well be natural. Sulkiness and conceit never got a girl a good husband yet, and you'll be left on the shelf if you don't mend your ways.' Rosabel raised fierce eyesomder lowering brows. ' I wish you'd let me alone, aunt !' ' You've been cross all day,' replied Mrs. Collins sharply. * Bless the girl ! what's the matter with her ? You had presents, and your favourite pudding for dinner, and a glass of champagne everything of the best, and no expense spared to give you a happy birthday and yet you must go about with ROSABEL 31 a face like a wet week, so grumpy that you can't be spoken to. Such ingratitude !' * I'm not grumpy,' cried the girl with sudden passion. She pushed her chair back stormily, and rose from the table. * Yes, go to bed ! It's the best thing you can do. I don't want any sour faces near me.' ' There, there, wife !' said Collins, a peace-loving man. ' It's the girl's birthday. We all have our tempers.' * If she were a couple of years younger, I'd box her ears,' declared his wife, red in the face. Rosabel went out, banging the door, and retreated to her own room, and flung herself on the bed, and wept for the second time on this eventful day. * I wasn't cross !' she sobbed. ' No, I wasn't. They don't understand.' CHAPTER V AMY FAIRBOURNE'S stock of romance had been exhausted for many years by her early love affair with the impossible William. She had made hysterical vows at the time, wept copiously, and emerged from the briefest retirement decency allowed with crape on her gown she barred the widow's cap, which was really too much and the most sensible of sentiments towards men. In future she was going to be practical. So she married Fairbourne, by her father's advice, for money, and if, after all, he had not left her as well off as she had hoped, she could afford most of the luxuries of life in moderation, and the episode of William was buried under a cheap headstone at Kensal Green. In the folly of her girlhood she had thrown herself away, in the materialism of maturity she had sold herself ; but she had not yet given her- self, which was quite another matter. It was reserved for the verge of middle age, when a woman's passions are often keener than in youth, 32 ROSABEL 33 to bring her Alec Aylmer and the love of her life. If she had asked no more of fate at this date than an agreeable companion with a sufficient income, she would have been glad enough to marry him. His appearance, his wit, his manners, charmed her equally. But she was in love even to the degree of making sacrifices had sacrifices been required. Thank God, he was eminently desirable that was part of his attraction. The day of William had long gone by. Aylmer, for his part, had lounged into the posi- tion of habitue at Great Cumberland Place through laziness as much as inclination. She kept on asking him, so he kept on going. Besides, she amused him, and it is natural to the average man to like a woman who is not ashamed of showing a decided preference for his society. And he met amusing people at her house. How the idea of marrying her had entered his head, he scarcely knew himself. It had come without any shock of discovery. Had anyone asked him if he were in love, he would have thought a moment, probably, and answered no. Yet he was always glad to be with her. She had a great deal of tact, and could amuse a dinner-table, and he was growing tired of living alone. But he was in no hurry, and sometimes his dalli- ance irritated her. Yesterday, for instance, he had 3 34 ROSABEL had several good opportunities of approaching the point. She had let him lend her money, and had taken a solitary walk with him, and in the twilight on the river going home he might have whispered a great many things instead of discoursing aloud on politics. For once he had bored her. She was growing impatient. There was the question of money, too. She was thinking it out in bed, with a vertical line between her brows, on the morning after the launch party. If she did not marry Aylmer soon, she would have to pay him, and her position was worse than she had admitted. It was impossible to live on nothing in Great Cumberland Place and keep up with an extravagant set. At the best of times she found it difficult enough not to have to go without things she wanted on two thousand a year. The addition of Aylmer's three thousand would make a com- fortable income. And she would not be obliged to liquidate her debt a great consideration. ' I must get him up to the mark this week,' she told herself. ' Of course, he is fond of me.' She paused after uttering this statement aloud, and repeated it with an air of aggression, as though someone had contradicted her. It would have been more flattering to her vanity, as a matter of fact, if he had shown some eagerness. He must not feel too sure. Perhaps a flirtation in another quarter would be judicious. ROSABEL 35 There was a little pile of letters lying beside her cup of tea, and she began to open them. Three invitations, a bill, a note from a particular friend, and a letter bearing the postmark of Torquay. ' Aunt Eliza,' she murmured. The writing was not Aunt Eliza's, but Miss Dudgeon never wrote her own letters. She dic- tated to a companion. Mrs. Fairbourne opened the envelope, anticipat- ing a request to match a pattern of impossible material. * DEAR MRS. FAIRBOURNE, ' I am grieved to inform you that your aunt, Miss Eliza Dudgeon, died suddenly at 4.30 p.m. I am writing by the same post to the lawyers. If you intend to come down, perhaps you will kindly send me a wire. ' Yours faithfully, * MARY BATEMAN.' The letter was of yesterday's date. Mrs. Fairbourne turned pale. The news of death, anyone's death, is always a shock. Then she grew pink. It would be convenient, at this moment, to inherit fifty thousand pounds. Golden visions appeared to her. She began to feel * good.' All sorts of things that she wanted badly, and many that it would be nice to have, recurred to her mind. She would have an electric 32 36 ROSABEL brougham, which is so much more useful than a pair of horses to a woman who goes out a great deal, and refurnish the boudoir. And she would not go down to Torquay. What was the use of depressing herself needlessly ? The lawyers could attend to the funeral arrangements. She could do no good whatever if she went. Having mapped out her plans with her usual decision, she rose at once and wrote a polite reply to Miss Bateman's letter, and another to the soli- citors who had charge of Miss Dudgeon's affairs. Then she went out to order mourning. Fortunately, she looked well in black, and there would be no necessity to have crape for an aunt whom nobody knew. Alighting from her victoria at the door of a famous * mourning ' house in Regent Street, she encountered Alec Aylmer. * You have recovered ?' he inquired. ' Recovered ?' she repeated vaguely. ' Oh yes.' She had really forgotten for the moment what had happened yesterday. * I have had news this morning,' she added, * which has driven every- thing else into the background. Aunt Eliza is dead.' * Indeed. I condole with you,' he said conven- tionally. * I am just going to Kay's to order clothes,' she said. ' I think mourning is a relic of barbarism, ROSABEL 37 but one must respect the prejudices of an aunt who leaves fifty thousand pounds.' ' Then I am to congratulate as well as to condole ?' he asked. ' I haven't heard about the will yet,' she answered, ' but I am quite easy. There are people who never dream of leaving their money out of " the family," and she was one of them. I am the only relative she had in the world.' ' Well, fifty thousand pounds is a comfortable sum.' It would be very comfortable. She was none the less resolved to marry the urbane gentleman who stood talking to her on the pavement. He looked very handsome this morning, quite someone to be proud of, and when their eyes met by chance her heart beat like a girl's. ' I shall cancel my engagements for a week or two,' she said, ' but that won't prevent my being at home to my best friends. Are you engaged for this evening ?' ' Unfortunately, yes.' ' Then lunch to-morrow ?' ' Thanks.' They parted with a tender glance on the woman's part, and a responsive pressure of the hand on the man's. * He is a dear fellow,' she murmured. ' Really, I like him very much.' If she were not already in love she would have 38 ROSABEL been in love this morning. Fifty thousand pounds made her heart so soft. All the afternoon she was occupied with dress- makers and milliners. She dined alone. By the last post came a letter from the solicitors, as she had expected ; but it was registered, and contained an enclosure, which she had not expected. ' DEAR MADAM, ' We have the honour to inform you that the late Miss Eliza Dudgeon, by her last will, has bequeathed to you, on certain conditions, a life interest in her entire estate, valued roughly at fifty-one thousand pounds. Our junior partner, Mr. Gell, will be pleased to see you either here or at your own address, as you may appoint, to read the will to you and receive your instructions. ' Our senior partner, Mr. Geary, as executor of Miss Eliza Dudgeon, has despatched a representa- tive to Torquay to wind up her affairs and make the necessary arrangements for the funeral, which will be communicated to you in due course. * Meanwhile, we beg to forward you the enclosed packet, placed in our hands some months ago by Miss Eliza Dudgeon, with instructions that it should be delivered to you at her death. ' Awaiting your reply, 'We remain, madam, ' Yours faithfully, ' GEARY AND GELL.' ROSABEL 39 A pensive expression dawned on Mrs. Fairbourne's face. It ended with a frown. ' A life interest !' she repeated. ' Only a life interest ! Conditions /' She became suddenly afraid of the enclosure, which was sealed and addressed in a shaky hand, as though the old woman had written it herself. The touch of drama supplied by this message from the grave affected her unpleasantly. Aunt Eliza had never had anything agreeable to say to her in her life. Why had she written ? ' Conditions,' murmured Mrs. Fairbourne again ' conditions !' A queer sensation came over her, as sometimes happened when a thunderstorm was brewing. She felt certain that she would not like what she Was about to read. But it was useless to postpone the inevitable. She was curious, too. Nevertheless, before breaking the seal, she walked to the window, and threw it open wider to the soft breaths of air which found their way down the street from the Park. ' MY DEAR AMY,' she read, ' We have never liked each other. Let that pass. I am an old woman ; you still call yourself a young one, I understand. You think I am a dowd ; what I think of you is stated below. Never- theless, I am concerned for your soul. If I had nothing to leave, I should not waste time in re- 4 o ROSABEL iterating my opinion of your behaviour concerning a matter upon which we have always disagreed. But as the testatrix of fifty thousand pounds I can purchase your attention, at least. ' It is my request that you should publicly acknowledge your daughter born in lawful wedlock, take her to live with you until she marries, and try to repair your disgraceful neglect of her in the past. As reward, I leave you the life interest of my estate, the capital to devolve upon her at your death. If you refuse to perform this obvious duty, which only false pride, egotism, and heartless in- difference to the most ordinary maternal instinct could have induced you to disregard so long, Rosabel will inherit my estate at once, and you will be left out. It is for you to choose. * Your affectionate aunt, ' ELIZA DUDGEON.' For fully half a minute Mrs. Fairbourne did not stir. The shock was so great that she was stunned. Then she crushed the letter in her hands, with a hissing sound such as a cat makes when it spits. If Aylmer had seen her at this moment, he would not have thought her charming. The true woman, greedy, selfish, venomous, glittered in her eyes. * The old beast !' she exclaimed. * The old devil ! She has done it on purpose to spite me. My soul, forsooth !' ROSABEL 41 She rose, inhaling a deep breath of passion. She saw nothing but malice in Miss Dudgeon's testa- ment. As the sour old maid could not take her money with her, she had done her best to make her heir smart for it. ' If the girl were a baby still it wouldn't matter,' mused Mrs. Fairbourne, clawing at her handker- chief in hysterical rage till the hem gave way. ' But a grown woman a woman looking full her age and more . . . after all these years !' She closed her eyes, and recalled the image of Rosabel at the inn Rosabel, who had mended her gown. And this insane old woman actually pro- posed that she should take up this girl, reeking of beer, and present her, without explanation, to the world of art and letters ! ' It is a plot for a farce or a tragedy,' she moaned. 1 Good God ! what is one to do ?' Fifty thousand pounds was a lot of money. If only a small sum had been at stake, she would have let it go, hard up as she was, and trusted to Aylmer to come to the rescue. Fifty thousand pounds ! She cried by-and-by. She had not done such a weak thing for years, but the situation was beyond her. Her only hope was for an evasion of some sort. She sent for Aylmer in the morning. Her clever- ness was quite aware that a man likes to be appealed 42 ROSABEL to for advice by the woman for whom he has a penchant. His prompt arrival found her white-faced and plaintive after a sleepless night. ' What do you think of me,' she asked, ' for bother- ing you ? But I am worried to death, and I have no man belonging to me.' * You know,' he said, ' how delighted I am to serve you in any way. What has gone wrong ?' ' My expectations,' she said. ' I always knew that Aunt Eliza was an old cat, but she has served me the most exasperating trick conceivable. She has left me a life interest only in her money a life interest, and conditional. I have to acknowledge Rosabel.' ' What ?' he exclaimed. * Your daughter ?' She whimpered. * Did you ever hear anything like it ? I am so disgusted and angry that I don't know what to do.' Aylmer dropped into a chair, and crossed his legs. ' Let us be calm,' he said. ' On the one side we have to consider some two thousand a year, I pre- sume ; on the other William's daughter. You'd like the money ?' * Of course I should.' ' It's a great deal, certainly.' He swung a patent- leather boot. ' Well, why not ? Your course is obvious. You must take the girl.' ROSABEL 43 ' It's easy for you to talk !' said Mrs. Fairbourne fractiously. His amusement refused to be stifled any longer. * Why ? Is she so objectionable ? I thought she was rather pretty.' * You laugh at everything !' she said. ' You are the worst confidant I ever came across !' ' My dear Amy,' he said, ' bring your sense of humour to bear upon the proposition, and you will laugh also !' ' I have been crying,' she declared. ' Really ? I don't believe it ! You are too much the woman of the world. After all, you will be well paid.' ' Everyone will wonder so,' she said. ' How shall I account for * keeping her in the dark all these years ?' * Ah ! there you have me on toast. Would it be possible to tell the truth by any chance ?' ' The truth ?' she queried uncertainly. ' Not possible, you think ?' His tone was a trifle subtle. Was there also a sub-current of malice beneath the humour in his eyes ? ' Perhaps you are right. It is useless, as you say, to be original in these days.' She was considering, and did not notice him. ' Oh, I won't have her !' she cried. ' It would be too ridiculous !' ' Don't let me persuade you,' he said lightly. 44 ROSABEL ' In such a matter a matter of inclination,- a matter of the heart every soul must be its own dictator.' ' How flippant you are !* she said, frowning. ' Is this what you call giving me serious advice ?' ' You wrong me,' he continued. ' I am the most serious man in London.' She laughed at last, and he laughed ; but her mirth rang hollow, and she checked herself abruptly. ' Sometimes I don't understand you a bit,' she said. * Perhaps you were serious, after all ? You alluded to a " matter of the heart." Of course, there is no question of " heart " about it. I don't believe in natural feeling. Why should I feel maternal towards a grown girl I have only seen once, by accident, since she was an infant, just because I happen to have given birth to her?' * Don't scold me,' said Aylmer. ' I say nothing. It is your own affair.' ' What shall I do ?' she insisted. He smiled again. ' Just what you like as we all do.' ' I have been spending the extra two thousand a year,' she said. * I really can't give it up. What will she think ?' ' She will welcome the change, no doubt, from the Angler's Inn to Great Cumberland Place.' ' If I were a rich woman I wouldn't contemplate ROSABEL 45 it for a moment,' she sighed ; ' but, under the cir- cumstances ' ' You will ?' * I suppose I must. But it is most aggravating.' ' The next time I come,' he said, ' I shall find Miss Rosabel here ! Can I be of any assistance in the matter ?' ' There is nothing to do. I shall write to the solicitors, and say that I accept the conditions and fetch Rosabel.' ' Do let me come with you,' he begged mischiev- ously. ' Certainly not !' she replied. CHAPTER VI AFTER all she did not fetch Rosabel. The prospect of such a dramatic return to the Angler's Inn was too much for her. She requested Mr. Cell to nego- tiate the matter. As he had been the medium of communication throughout, it seemed a proper proceeding to her mind. The lawyer went. He was middle-aged, dapper, a bit of a swell, and he ran down from the office to the riverside village one afternoon in a silk hat and a frock coat. Rosabel happened to be the first person he saw on reaching the Angler's Inn, and he guessed who she was at once. ' I have private business with Mrs. Collins,' he said. ' Will you kindly give her my card and ask if I can see her ?' He gazed at the girl curiously as she took it. Rosabel despaired of herself unnecessarily. There was nothing common in her appearance, and to-day, in a cotton blouse, she looked both pretty and refined. 46 ROSABEL 47 She conducted him to the bar parlour, which was empty, while she went to fetch her aunt. The card told her that the dapper gentleman was a lawyer, but she had no reason to suspect that his visit con- cerned herself, and returned to continue feeding a pair of magnificent cart-horses with sugar. Probably a quarter of an hour had passed when Mrs. Collins came out. * Rosabel,' she said, ' go into the parlour. The gentleman wants to speak to you.' The woman's voice was tremulous and subdued, and her florid complexion had faded a trifle. Ob- viously something had happened. ' He wants to speak to me !' repeated Rosabel in surprise. ' Yes ; he's a lawyer, you know the lawyer who always sends your money.' Rosabel looked at her aunt earnestly under her lashes, and plaited the corner of her muslin apron. ' What has he come for ?' ' He'll tell you. Go along.' The girl went indoors, and opened the parlour- door slowly. Mr. Cell, standing at the window, turned to greet her with amiable speculation. ' I thought,' he said, ' that you must be Miss Rosabel ! I have come down from London on business of yours. Let me introduce myself. My name is Gell, of Geary and Gell. We are er Mrs. Fairbourne's solicitors.' 48 ROSABEL * Who is Mrs. Fairbourne ?' inquired Rosabel. ' Why, your mother, to be sure !' he said, sur- prised and amused. The girl stood at the table, with red cheeks and lowering brows. 4 What is the matter ?' she asked. Her brusqueness was disconcerting. Neverthe- less, he renewed an ill-timed geniality. ' Won't you sit down, Miss Carpenter ? We should be able to talk more comfortably.' Rosabel took a chair at the table, and Mr. Gell seated himself opposite. * I am here,' he resumed, * at Mrs. Fairbourne's request, to make a communication to you which will lead to important changes in your life. You are aware, I presume, of the history of your birth ?' He might have been the family lawyer of the stage, but he had no sense of humour, and Rosabel read novelettes. * She ran away with my father, and was ashamed of it afterwards,' said Rosabel, * so she didn't want me, because I was his daughter.' * You put it harshly, Miss Carpenter.' ' I don't see any other way of putting it,' said Rosabel. ' She was very young, and obeyed her father, and afterwards her husband her second husband,' cor- rected the diplomatic Gell gently. ' You must make allowances, my dear young lady indeed, you ROSABEL 49 must. Of course, you know that she has always supported you ?' Rosabel nodded, and stirred impatiently. ' She would have come herself this afternoon but for the awkwardness of taking you unprepared, especially after her visit the other day.' ' What visit ?' demanded the girl. ' It was on Wednesday, I believe. She was with a gentleman.' Rosabel's red face turned white. ' Is she fair and pale, with golden hair ?' she asked breathlessly. ' Did she wear a blue dress trimmed with lace, and a picture hat ?' ' I don't know about the attire,' said Mr. Gell, ' but the rest of the description is correct.' Odd little twitches caught Rosabel's brows, her nostrils, the muscles of her mouth. She sat silent, staring at the lawyer. * She wants you to go and live with her,' he said deliberately, ' at her house in Great Cumberland Place, London.' ' She really wants me ?' ' Yes ; she will be ready to receive you as soon as you can come. I was to tell you so.' A look of surprise came into the girl's eyes. She was stirred to the heart by a misconception, which was natural enough. Her lips trembled ; she could not speak. Her face was transfigured by a holy radiance. 50 ROSABEL She thought that this lovely lady, who was her mother, had taken a fancy to her, and that the promptings of maternal love, awakened at last, had dictated the lawyer's visit. Mr. Gell was not an imaginative man. ' You see,' he continued, ' there is a large sum of money involved. Your mother's aunt, Miss Eliza Dudgeon, of Torquay, has left her the income of fifty thousand pounds on condition that she acknow- ledges you ' His voice turned to a meaningless buzz in Rosa- bel's ears. Only when, at the end of his speech, he repeated a sentence twice, did she understand that he was congratulating her on being heiress to fifty thousand pounds. * You mean that I get fifty thousand pounds at at Mrs. Fairbourne's death ?' she asked at last. ' Yes. A nice sum, Miss Carpenter.' ' I can't have any of it now, can I ?' ' No ; but as you will reside with your mother, you will not require it.' Rosabel looked up. * Suppose I don't want to live with my mother ?' she queried. ' We won't assume anything so improbable,' replied Mr. Gell, slightly taken aback, nevertheless. ' Of course, you will be glad to exchange your present surroundings for your mother's home. You may not be aware that Mrs. Fairbourne resides ROSABEL 51 in the most fashionable part of London, with all the elegance and luxury suited to her birth and position. Your mode of existence would be very different from what you are accustomed to here.' The girl's eyes brooded on the lawyer's face. She had a child-like way of staring sometimes, which disconcerted the person stared at without revealing the least self-consciousness on her part. * But suppose,' she persisted, ' I don't want to live with her ? She can't make me, can she ?' ' Until you are of age, or married, your mother is your legal guardian, and you must obey her.' He hesitated. ' When you are twenty-one it will be in your power to release her formally from the obligation imposed by Miss Dudgeon's will. I mean, that if you did not choose to live with your mother, and you signed a paper to that effect, she would not lose her life interest in the money, because the separation would be your fault.' 'I see,' said Rosabel. * Then all I have to do is to wait till I am twenty-one. Two years isn't so very long !' He thought her a sullen, ungracious, and stupid girl. She seemed to prefer the gutter to the draw- ing-room ; the force of heredity, no doubt. Never- theless, he felt it to be his duty to add a note of warning. ' But you must understand that if you elect, at 42 52 ROSABEL any age, to leave the home your mother provides she is not obliged to support you.' * That wouldn't matter,' said Rosabel. ' I air used to being a servant. My aunt would take me back or I could find another place.' * I prophesy that you will change your mine when you have tasted the pleasures of wealth,' saic the lawyer, rising. * However, the future is for youi own consideration. The present is what concerns us at the moment. Mrs. Fairbourne wishes to kno\\ when she is to expect you. Shall I say to-morrow afternoon ?' ' I don't care,' said Rosabel reluctantly. Mr. Gell extended his hand with a half-smile. ' Ah, my dear young lady, when you are a little older, you will appreciate your good fortune !' Rosabel accompanied him to the door. Directly he had gone, her uncle and aunt came out of the bar. ' I'm to go to my mother to-morrow,' said Rosabel. * What ? Really !' exclaimed Mrs. Collins. ' I couldn't believe it.' She was all of a twitter with excitement. ' And what's this about fifty thousand pounds ?' asked Collins. ' I'm to have fifty thousand pounds when my mother dies.' ' From a great-aunt you've never seen nor heard ROSABEL 53 of, too,' added Mrs. Collins. * Well, it do seem strange ! Just like one of the stories you're always readin', Rosabel.' ' You'll be like a young princess,' said Collins. The respect which the serving class, above all others, pays to mere money was already visible in his manner towards his wife's niece. No merit} moral or intellectual, on Rosabel's part could have inspired a similar regard in the ex-butler's breast. ' I wonder how many servants she keeps !' * I never saw such a lucky girl,' said his wife. ' Oh yes, I'm very lucky,' said Rosabel. She laughed. ' What in the world is the matter with you now ?' asked Mrs. Collins. * You've always had your nose in the air, and now you're going to be a lady and live on the fat of the land. What can you want more ?' As usual, when her ' tone ' was the subject of complaint, Rosabel shut her mouth, and made no reply. ' What more can you want, I say ?' repeated her aunt, with exasperation. Two young gentlemen arrived at that moment, demanding tea. The heiress to fifty thousand pounds went away, without more ado, to wait on them. CHAPTER VII ALL night Rosabel lay awake thinking of to-morrow. She had already packed her clothes and the few trifles, in the way of birthday and Christmas presents, which she cared to keep. In the morning there would be nothing to do except to say good-bye to the only real friend she had in the neighbour- hood a lame girl, the daughter of the village organist. She did not feel at all excited. On the contrary, there was a weight on her heart. The thought of meeting her mother quite counterbalanced the material advantages of the change. Her mother did not really want her. Had it been otherwise, as she had imagined at first, the girl would have been glad enough to go. But she saw plainly that she was being forced upon a woman to whom her presence would be only less distasteful than the loss of a large income. She would be entering a new world among strangers, who would regard her either as a nuisance or a joke, to live a life of com- parative splendour without love. 54 ROSABEL 55 If she had been still a child, it would not have mattered. She would have had a proper educa- tion, she would have taken root naturally in the new soil, and grown up an equal among her mother's class. But she was too old to go to school. With habits and ideas already formed, she was to be thrown into this new world unprepared, at the sen- sitive and self-conscious age of budding woman- hood. When she heard the birds twittering at the window in the dawn, a lump came to her throat, and she realized for the first time that this place which she had despised so much was home. She was not looked down on here. Her aunt had shown her affection, and the man had always been kind. It was natural that she should fall asleep at last, and come down to breakfast late. It was even more natural that nobody should scold her. The glamour of young ladyhood was over her. Collins cut her bread-and-butter, and her aunt fetched her fresh tea. All the morning, too, they stole furtive glances at her as though she were a queen. She was not expected to put her hand to anything ; and again, as on her eventful birthday, there was her favourite pudding for dinner, and a small bottle of sweet, champagne. Afterwards she said good-bye to the dog, to the cat and kitten, the fowls which she had fed so many times, the orchard, and the stable-yard, At three 56 ROSABEL o'clock a barrow came to the door to wheel the little shabby tin trunk, which her aunt had given her, to the station. The woman threw her arms round the girl's neck, and broke into loud weeping. ' You'll forget us now,' she said. ' You'll never come to the Angler's Inn again.' ' Of course I shall come to see you, aunt,' said Rosabel. ' You know I was always fond of you, Rosabel. I'm awful sorry you're goin'. If I've scolded some- times, it's been the fault of your own queer sulky temper, though* Gawd knows, I don't want to go back on that now !' * You've been very kind to me,' said Rosabel, ' and I shall come soon.' She returned the kisses, and felt like crying, too ; but at the back of her mind was a memory which restrained the tears. She could not help wondering whether her aunt would have been as sorry to part with her if she had not represented a hundred pounds a year. Collins took a second-class ticket for her, and Rosabel started on her journey with a piece of paper bearing her mother's address clasped tightly in her hand. She had only been to London a few times in her life, and then merely for the day ; but her directions were explicit, so she could not get lost. She was to take a cab, on arriving at Pad- ROSABEL 57 dington, and drive straight to Great Cumberland Place. Throughout the journey of fifty minutes the girl sat erect and self-contained, absorbed in thought. She tried to fancy how her mother would greet her* and what the house would be like. She felt like a servant going to a new place. There was the same uncertainty about her reception and what would be expected of her, the same sense of strangeness and consciousness of her new gloves. She went about her business methodically on reaching London. Her box was found and put on a four-wheeler, and the address given to the cab- man. Then the roar of London descended upon her, and her entity seemed to be caught up and whirled along like a straw in a mighty stream. She saw none of the streets through which she passed. She sat in the cab as she had sat in the train, rendered drowsy by the unreality of things. Only when they turned a corner on which she saw Great Cumberland Place written, something stirred sharply within the girl at last, and her apathy gave way to a sickening suspense. But, as usual with her, to be shy was to show no more than an accen- tuated impassiveness, and nobody would have guessed how her heart was beating when the door opened. She was expected. Her box was brought into the hall, and the butler conducted her upstairs. 58 ROSABEL The drawing-room was shaded by sun-blinds and fragrant with the scent of flowers. A vague blur of colour and the rustle of silken skirts greeted Rosabel as Mrs. Fairbourne rose from the couch. ' How do you do, Rosabel ?' said a soft, low, cultivated voice. ' We have met before, you see, but you did not know me ! I hope you will be happy and comfortable with me, and that we shall soon be good friends.' Rosabel said nothing at all. After a brief hesitation the lady, flushing, kissed her daughter on the cheek. ' Did you come alone ?' she asked. * Yes,' said Rosabel. ' I thought they would have sent someone with you. Do you know London ?' * Not very well.' * Your room is ready for you,' added Mrs. Fair- bourne. ' I dare say you would like to take off your things before tea, which will be up in a moment. My maid will show you the way. Come down again when you are ready.' ' Yes, thank you,' said Rosabel. Mrs. Fairbourne touched an electric bell twice, and in the moment which elapsed before a smart lady's-maid appeared, neither mother nor daughter spoke. 'Show my Miss Carpenter to her room, Brace.' ROSABEL 59 She had been on the point of saying 'my daughter,' but had been really unable to bring out the word. The whole affair made her feel so queer the girl's silence and ' woodenness,' which was sullen rather than gauche, and her own embarrassment a sen- sation strange to her. She had intended to carry off the ordeal with a light hand, but had failed to attain the relieving note of comedy she had re- hearsed. Was it going to be even worse than she had expected ? She sniffed at a bottle of smelling-salts. It was absurd, she felt, to be upset. Two thousand a year was worth a little unpleasantness. She would soon grow used to Rosabel. Her self-command had returned, and she was prepared once more to cope with the situation by the time someone knocked at the door. ' Come in,' she said. Rosabel entered. She had removed her hat and jacket, and washed her face. Her short, ill-made skirt and thick-soled shoes looked curiously incon- gruous among the expensive fripperies of the London drawing-room, and the girl realized it, with her usual intuition, and her eyes clouded still more, and the corners of her mouth deepened. Mrs. Fairbourne, sitting with her back to the light, smiled in faint amusement. ' You need not knock at the sitting-room doors, Rosabel.' 6o ROSABEL Rosabel crimsoned, perceiving that she had made her first mistake. ' Come and sit beside me,' added Mrs. Fairbourne, graciously indicating the vacant place on the couch. ' Are you glad or sorry to leave the Angler's Inn?' Rosabel considered. ' I never liked it very much.' ' I suppose your aunt was grieved to part v/ith you ?' ' She said so.' ' And you had an affection for her, no doubt ? You lived with her a great many years. I hope she was kind to you, and that you were comfortable on the whole ?' * Yes,' said Rosabel. * It's a pretty part of the country,' continued Mrs. Fairbourne, in the pleasant, condescending tone which a woman who does not understand children uses to a strange child. * I thought the river was lovely. It was singular that my launch should have stopped so near, and that I should have come to the Angler's Inn without knowing that you were there ! I was surprised to find you such a big girl. I don't think I had realized that you were grown up. Let me see how old are you now ?' Rosabel turned a gaze both sullen and fierce on her mother. ' Nineteen.' ROSABEL 61 ' Of course ! But you do not look as much,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. The girl's thick lashes drooped again. She began to plait her dress, presenting no more of her face to her mother than the curve of a full peach-like cheek. * Impossible? murmured Mrs. Fairbourne with a shrug, under the cover of the opening door. * Here is the tea,' she said aloud. * I am sure you must want some after your journey.' Rosabel's expression just now had positively startled her. And she had given birth to this young savage ! It was inconceivable. She poured out the tea. ' Do you take sugar and cream, Rosabel ? Help yourself to cakes. To-morrow I must see about getting you some decent clothes. Do you like pretty things ?' ' Yes,' said Rosabel. Her hand shook at that moment, so that she was afraid of spilling her tea, and her face flooded with colour once more. The simple question touched her thoughts curiously. She liked pretty things so much that she would even have liked this pretty thing who was her mother, and forgiven everything, if Mrs. Fairbourne had only opened her arms and asked for her love. The woman's elegance and daintiness, the very perfume of violets which her movements wafted abroad, captivated the imagina- 62 ROSABEL tion of the girl. Despite herself, she was attracted. But no appeal of the right kind was made. Rosabel averted her gaze. She would not look ; she would not allow herself to soften. A moment had passed which would never return. ' Have you anything in the way of a dinner dress ?' asked Mrs. Fairbourne. ' I have a white silk blouse.' ' It must do for to-night. I will get you a couple of ready-made gowns to go on with. I can't see you walking about like that. What do you usually do with your spare time, Rosabel ?' * I like reading.' ' That is very fortunate. Perhaps you could find something to amuse you on that table over there while I write some letters ?' Amy Fairbourne detested writing letters, but anything was better than trying to make conversa- tion for her daughter. She settled herself at her escritoire with a sigh of relief, and Rosabel made a selection from the latest volumes from the ' Gros- vnor,' and sat down as far from her mother as possible. But the girl could not read. Outwardly stolid, she was feverish within. While Mrs. Fairbourne scribbled off her notes, she sat staring vacantly at the pages of * Lord Jim,' turning over a leaf now and then to keep up the pretence of occupation. At intervals her eyes went on a furtive voyage ROSABEL 63 round the room. She thought it was beautiful, and she was right. Mrs. Fairbourne had exquisite taste ; she collected old china ; an eminent artist had helped her to choose the water-colours on the walls ; and Aylmer had sent her the basket of flowers which occupied a Chippendale table and perfumed the entire room. ' And this,' thought Rosabel, ' is my mother's house, and this is my mother.' She had to say it to herself a great many times ; it seemed so impossible. She felt more of an alien at this moment than she had ever felt at the Angler's Inn. Perhaps the strangeness would wear off. At present she did not believe that she could grow used to it. She was afraid to move. When Mrs. Fairbourne had used up all her arrears of correspondence, she rose from the table, smiled at Rosabel, and chose a book herself. In her set it was necessary to keep up with the literary output of the day, and to do so she had to utilize every spare moment. There was no interruption till seven. * Now I am going to dress,' she said. ' You need not go up for another half-hour unless you choose. Dinner is at eight.' She left Rosabel alone. The girl rose then. She had a sensation of being a mere visitor. She did not belong here. She was tolerated merely because she represented two 64 ROSABEL thousand a year. Only that the amount of the bribe differed with the social position of the bribed, she stood exactly in the same relationship to her mother, she perceived, as she had stood to her aunt. Why, if nobody wanted her for herself, had she ever been born ? She pressed her face against the window, and gazed with sombre eyes, to which tears were welling, at the blank faces of the mansions over the way. CHAPTER VIII MRS. FAIRBOURNE was alone in the drawing-room when Alec Aylmer was shown in. ' Thank goodness, you haven't disappointed me !' she cried dramatically. ' It's very kind of you.' ' Not at all. I should welcome anyone to-night. I was afraid that you would meet with an accident, or that your mother would send for you to Shrop- shire, or that there would be a black fog in June to keep you away. And then I should have had to dine all alone with Rosabel !' * Ah, Rosabel !' he said. ' Then she has arrived ? How do you find her ?' * A perfect little clodhopper, as you might sup- pose. Not a morsel of conversation, answers in monosyllables when spoken to, and shuts up at a touch like a limpet on a rock.' * Perhaps you frighten her,' he suggested. ' If I do, I can't help it. I am sure I received her most amiably, and I have promised to take her out shopping to-morrow in self-defence, as a matter of 65 5 66 ROSABEL fact. Where do you think this sort of people get their clothes ? Is the finished article imported by the village shop, or do they buy remnants at a sale in the Edgware Road, and "make them up" at home ?' ' I wonder,' said Aylmer, with an air of profundity. ' Do you think Gough would know ?' ' He would never admit that he didn't. He would put us off the scent by describing the exact fashion of skins in vogue in the Stone Age, and bring us down, via Roman togas, to the ceremonial cos- tume of the Patagonian of to-day. By that time everyone would be tired j and the subject would be changed, and Cough's reputation for knowing everything saved. Oh, how is it that I can laugh ? My temper must be that of an angel. Just think how she will cut up a dinner-table my dinner- table, which has always been above reproach.' ' Can't she dine in the nursery when you have guests ?' ' Now you are trying to be funny,' said Mrs. Fair- bourne severely. ' Send her to school.' ' At nineteen years of age ? Besides, there's the old cat's will. I must have her with me.' ' Well, marry her.' ' That isn't a bad idea, but it isn't so easy. Good God ! that ever I should come to be a woman with a daughter to marry !' ROSABEL 67 ' She's not a bad-looking girl,' he said, leaning lazily against the mantelshelf, ' and there are plenty of boys about.' ' Yes, but we're in the wrong set for that sort of thing the most difficult of all. The young fellows we know are just beginning professions, and are on the look-out for money ; and the older men, whose positions are made, are already married, or else they want a brilliant woman who can entertain a dinner-table.' ' I dare say you are right. But she will have money.' ' When I die,' retorted Mrs. Fairbourne. ' Thank you, but I am not going to die before my time in order to give Rosabel a dower !' ' She may be somebody's taste, nevertheless.' ' You are too sanguine,' she moaned. ' It's no good a girl having decent features nowadays if she isn't bright. Only absolute beauty could overcome the disadvantages of her lack of manner.' * Lord Pentormel married Dolly Vere of the Empire ballet the other day.' ' Oh, she had bad manners, which are better than none ! Besides, he was a lord. I am talking about mere men men of intellect, the salt of the earth. Fancy any of us with Rosabel ! It will gain me a mortal enemy every time I choose her a partner for dinner !' 52 68 ROSABEL The door opened at that moment, and Rosabel entered. Mrs. Fairbourne and Aylmer left off talking, and gazed at her. The girl had put on the white silk blouse with her Sunday skirt. Once it had pleased her, but she had been told that her clothes were frightful, and could well believe it. That alone would have made her self-conscious and clumsy without the unex- pected appearance of Aylmer, and the silence and half-suppressed amusement which greeted her en- trance convincing her that she had been the subject of conversation. , She grew red and sullen. ' Come and be introduced to Mr. Aylmer,' said her mother. * I think you have seen him before, Rosabel ?' Aylmer extended his hand, smiling. ' Yes, we have certainly met before, Miss Car- penter !' ' For goodness' sake, don't call her Miss Carpenter !' ' I wouldn't dare to take the liberty of calling her Rosabel.' ' I give you leave,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. * I think I shall drop the Carpenter altogether, and call her Fairbourne. Different names would only lead to confusion.' Rosabel's hand, absolutely unresponsive t dropped from the man's. ROSABEL 69 ' What will Miss Rosabel have to say to that ?' * Nothing, of course !' replied Mrs. Fairbourne a trifle sharply. * Such matters are for me to decide.' He found Amy Fairbourne, in the role of 'mamma,' decidedly entertaining. She meant to have the upper hand, that was evident, and she would get it. The masterly manner in which she always obtained her own way in social matters, secured the celebrities she wanted for her dinners and At Homes, defeated presumptuous rivals, and monopolized the attention of the best men in the room, had filled him with amused admiration many times. Now he was to have the pleasure of watching her skate, with her usual grace, across the thinnest of ice, dragging this undesirable daughter behind her, and escaping as he was sure she would escape the dousing she deserved. Dinner was announced, and Aylmer offered his arm to his hostess. Rosabel followed them down- stairs. It made the girl feel more than ever an out- sider that her mother should have a guest to dinner on her first day. She was to be criticised by two pairs of eyes> it seemed, instead of one. Her mis- takes were to be witnessed by this man who was nothing to do with her. Already she disliked him, and his ill-timed presence gave her fresh food for resentment against her mother, who showed such lack of consideration for her natural strangeness in these new surroundings. 7 o ROSABEL The dinner itself did not minimize her discomfort. It began with hors d'ceuvres, which she had never seen before, and she hesitated and reddened over caviare, prawns, and olives, and eventually declined all. The multitude of knives and forks on the table confused her, also the fact that certain dishes were handed round, and that she was expected to help herself instead of being served, as she had been accustomed to. Things were disguised, too, by strange sauces, and she did not know whether they were fish or flesh until she discovered, in an agony of humiliation, that she had taken the wrong knife and fork. Scarcely a remark was addressed to her through three courses. Mrs. Fairbourne led the conversa- tion, and Aylmer made no attempt to break loose and draw out Rosabel, being as indifferent as most men of the world to the undeveloped ingenue. So they talked over the girl's head, as though they were alone or she were a child, of people she did not know, places she had never seen, and things she did not understand. And realizing that she was being ignored, Rosabel grew more and more sullen. Her secret sensitiveness, which nobody had troubled to discern, received a final shock when, in attempting to cut the ice-cream pyramid presented to her, she shot a large piece on to the floor. It was an accident which might have happened to anybody, and a woman would have laughed and turned it into ROSABEL 71 a joke. But to Rosabel the accident completed the revelation of her awkwardness and ignorance, and she seemed to hear her mother's voice as the blood rushed to her head : ' What is your name ? You remind me of a servant I had once.' Yes, she was hopelessly common, ill-mannered, ill-bred. Everybody must see it. No doubt the dignified butler was smiling in his sleeve. Aylmer was smiling, at any rate, although he meant no more than good-natured reassurance. ' Never mind, Rosabel,' said her mother. ' It doesn't matter.' Benson brought a large spoon and a plate, and scooped up the mess, and Rosabel's cheeks did not cool until the coffee and liqueurs diverted her atten- tion from herself. Mrs. Fairbourne took a cigarette out of a silver box, which she passed to Aylmer, who also helped himself. He struck a light, and offered it to his hostess as a matter of course. Rosabel stared. She had never seen such a thing. ' Do you smoke, Miss Rosabel ?' he asked. ' No,' said Rosabel brusquely ; ' I shouldn't have been allowed to.' Mrs. Fairbourne's thin, well-shaped lips curled. She exchanged glances with Aylmer, and they both looked at Rosabel as though she were a specimen of an unknown breed. 72 ROSABEL 1 Why ? Isn't it the fashion at the Angler's Inn?' A slow fire burned in the girl's eyes. She grew fierce and rude under the hated goad of ridicule ; she was like a wild animal newly trapped, and baited by the oppressors. ' I thought it was only drunken old Irish women who smoked !' she said. ' I never saw a lady do it !' ' You have still a great deal to see and to learn,' returned her mother quietly. ' Won't you try the Creme de Menthe, Mr. Aylmer ?' Rosabel longed to get up and rush from the room. She had disgraced herself thoroughly this time, and the ease with which her mother passed to another subject, and the man helped to cover the awkward moment, pointed still more plainly to her own in- feriority. Nevertheless, she had the consciousness of indirect provocation to support her. It was only an infinitesimal part of the great wrong which had been done to her from birth a sprig of the tree which had been growing with her growth. When they went back to the drawing-room, she made no pretence of joining in the conversation, or even associating with her mother and her mother's guest. She sat apart, away from the carefully- shaded electric lights, glancing now and then at the pair who talked so lightly and so well. She picked up an illustrated journal by-and-by, ROSABEL 73 and made a pretence of looking at the pictures. It was a relief when the clock struck ten, and her mother spoke over her shoulder to the girl. ' I dare say you are tiredj Rosabel ? You may go to bed if you like.' Rosabel got up slowly. She was wondering, in a flood of uneasiness, how she was expected to say good-night to her mother. Mrs. Fairbourne solved the difficulty, which had not existed for her part. She nodded to her daughter, who had shaken hands with Aylmer and stood awkwardly waiting. ' If you want anything, you can ring for Brace. Tell her at what hour you wish to be called in the morning. I never come down to breakfast. You can have yours when you please. Good-night, my dear.' She added something under her breath in French to Aylmer before the door closed, and Rosabel heard them laughing. The girl went up to bed with tingling cheeks and trembling lips, her eyes half blind. ' I hate her !' she cried passionately. ' I hate her!' It was true, but hatred was not the only emotion which tore at her heart. Mingled with it was a grudging admiration of her mother, a fierce jealousy of those attributes which lack of education had placed beyond her reach. No graceful move- 74 ROSABEL ment or gesture of Mrs. Fairbourne's, none of the evidence^ so continuously given, of mental cul- ture,- ready wit^ and knowledge of the worldj had escaped the notice of the girl who seemed to notice nothing. And as she undressed slowly, she went over the incidents of the evening again and again,- remembering, with strange distinctness, almost everything her mother had said, and how she had looked when she said it; and the tones of her voice ; and in contrast she drew a picture of herself, with a fantastic self-depreciation which was almost loathing herself, awkward, silent f and sullen with conscious ignorance and injured pride a lump of coal beside a diamond, a monster beside a fairy queen. She looked at her hands, which were always red, and the first finger roughened by much coarse needlework in the way of household mending ; at her waist thickened by the wearing of cheap corsets ; at the colour in her cheeks. She admired a tapering figure and long white fingers, and a colourless face, and carmine lips everything, in fact, which seemed to her the archetype of refinement, and was her mother's, and not hers. Even her coarse under- clothes reproached her to-night. She could not pray. Whatever her faults might be, she was not a hypocrite, and would not return thanks when she could find nothing to be thankful for. CHAPTER IX ROSABEL did not know what to do with herself after breakfast in the morning. She was not used to having her time at her own disposal. The house was as silent at nine o'clock as though it were still the middle of the night, and there were only a few tradesmen's carts, and a footman taking a poodle for an airing, to be seen out of doors. Having examined the contents of the dining- room, she went to the drawing-room to find a book. There seemed to be only two reception- rooms in the tiny but perfect house, and it surprised her that a rich woman like her mother should care to live in such a small place. She supposed it was very expensive, however, as it was so near Hyde Park. She had grown tired of reading, and was wonder- ing if she might go out, when her mother entered. Mrs. Fairbourne was all in black to-day. Her mourning had arrived, and her fair hair and white skin were thrown up by the contrast. She looked 75 76 ROSABEL exceedingly well, in fact, and being aware of it made her amiably disposed towards her daughter. * Good-morning, Rosabel. How did you sleep ? I got up early on purpose to do our shopping,' she continued, without waiting for an answer. ' As your great-aunt mentioned you in her will, you must wear black for a little while. I shall only remain in full mourning three months, and even less will do for you. It seems a great expense for a few weeks. You have had your breakfast ?' * Yes, thank you.' ' At the end of July we shall be going to the country. You must have plenty of muslin and cotton frocks nothing is prettier for a girl.' Mrs. Fairbourne had been pondering, evidently, over Aylmer's suggestion to get Rosabel married. ' I want you to look your best,' she added. * Clothes and carriage carriage is very important, Rosabel make such a difference. What size shoes do you wear ?' ' Fours.' ' Not a very small foot,' mused her mother, ' but then you are a big girl. I must have your hands manicured. I was noticing them last night. Red hands and ill-kept nails are abominable.' Rosabel coloured. ' I kept them as well as I could,' she said. ' I had work to do.' * Yes, I know. We won't talk about that. I ROSABEL 77 am not reproaching you. By the way ' Mrs. Fairbourne paused a moment, and then continued deliberately ' there is something I wish to say to you, Rosabel. I may have callers this after- noon. Certainly you will be meeting my friends soon. It is not necessary that you should mention your antecedents to everyone.' The girl raised her eyes questioningly. ' I mean that you need not tell people where you have been living, and with whom. It will be suffi- cient to say, if you are asked, that you have been living with your father's people. You understand ?' ' I'm not going to tell lies about it,' said Rosabel. ' I didn't ask you to tell lies about it,' replied her mother sharply. ' Only to say nothing at all. You ought not to find that very difficult !' The swift retort struck home. Rosabel's lids drooped, and the sulky mouth closed. There was silence. ' I am going to put on my things,' added Mrs. Fairbourne. ' You had better do the same.' Her voice was smooth once more, but on her way upstairs she frowned, and for an instant there was a likeness, rarely discernible, between her and Rosabel. ' I hope this girl is not going to spoil my temper,' she thought. ' There is nothing so ageing as ill- temper, and I really can't afford, at my time of life ' 78 ROSABEL She looked in the glass anxiously when she reached her room, and passed a soothing finger over the skin at the corners of the eyes where crow's-feet come, and wiped away the furrow she had just made between her brows. ' Rosabel scowls like a little devil. When she is my age, she will be a mass of lines and wrinkles. The lower classes never know how to educate their faces. She is very like her father only not so good-looking. What a pity she isn't a beauty a real, striking beauty, who might have made a sen- sation ! I should find it much easier to get on with her.' She deceived herself. If Rosabel had been brilliant enough to cast her into the shade, her indifference to the girl would have become dislike. Rosabel had the youth, but she did not know how to make the most of it. Although the woman would not admit it to herself, the foil this shy, awkward, heavy, and apparently stupid girl made to her own brightness and polish, filled her with a soothing sense of superiority, and took away some of the annoyance of having her daughter forced upon her. After all, the world was a pleasant place. Her pecuniary position was now comfortable, and she had had a note from Alec Aylmer by the morn- ing's post enclosing tickets for a concert which even mourning for an aunt did not prohibit, and asking her and Rosabel to lunch at the Carlton. ROSABEL 79 ' It's so fortunate that he takes Rosabel pro- perly,' she mused. ' Some men would hate the idea of a grown girl, especially a girl who is not quite the thing. Really, he is behaving very well, bless him !' She no longer thought of crow's-feet, and other horrible things of the kind. After trying on two new hats, she decided that the one with the ostrich feathers was the more becoming, and descended the stairs humming. Even the sight of Rosabel in a frightful straw with a blue bow in it like a nursemaid's and a skirt which dipped at the back, could not spoil her restored good- humour. The victoria waited. Lacquer, harness, and horses' coats glistened in the sun. Rosabel entered a carriage for the first time in her life. Her temperament was an unhappy one. Per- haps the cravings with which she was endowed, God knows why, would never be satisfied. Even this splendour did not make her happy. She experi- enced a throb of pride, it is true, but it was gloomy pride. The outward magnificence only made her more conscious of the inward poverty. Although she sat beside her mother, whose garments brushed her, they were as far apart as the poles, and loneli- ness to the young is misery. There was nothing in common between them. A thought-reader could not have known better than Rosabel that while she 80 ROSABEL was brooding over her own relationship to her mother, her mother was thinking of a thousand things in which she had no part. She would rather have been outside an omnibus with some shabby woman of tender heart who loved her. CHAPTER X ON reflection$ Mrs. Fairbourne suggested that Rosabel should remain upstairs during calling hours until she was ' fit to be seen.' The girl was willing enough. A dull sort of curiosity was her attitude towards this new world and its inhabitants. Under happier circumstances, she would have been eager to meet the people, on equal terms y whom she had only seen in the distance hitherto ; as she was situated, she was far too injured and forlorn to desire to make acquaintance with any of her mother's friends. If all the women were like Mrs. Fairbourne, as smart and unfriendly, and all the men like Mr. Aylmer, they would scorn her, and she would hate them. As it happened, nobody came that afternoon, and her new clothes were delivered in the morning. It seemed to Rosabel a ridiculous pretence to wear black for a woman she had never seen. She was glad that .she was going to be rich some day* because it would enable her to be free, and to choose her own friends ; but she could not feel any senti- 81 6 82 ROSABEL ment for the memory of Miss Dudgeon, who had shown as little consideration, during her lifetime, for her great-niece's welfare as Mrs. Fairbourne herself. A remark on the subject, inspired by the sight of the new dresses, was the first voluntary one that Rosabel had uttered since her arrival at Great Cumberland Place. ' Why,' she asked suddenly, ' do you think Aunt Eliza left me her money ?' 'Oh, to annoy me, of course !' replied Mrs. Fair- bourne thoughtlessly. ' She couldn't take it with her, and she was bound by nature to keep it in the family, so she made herself as disagreeable about it as she could.' ' ' Then she didn't like you ?' said Rosabel. ' I see.' ' Not that I mind your having it after me,' added Mrs. Fairbourne. ' It was the tying it up and treating me like a child which annoyed me. Pro- bably I should have left the property to you in any case.' ' Would you ?' asked Rosabel. She looked so surprised that Mrs. Fairbourne actually coloured. Then she bit her lip, and grew angry. It was absurd that this brat should have the power to sting her. Well-cut clothes made an astonishing difference in Rosabel. Her figure was wonderfully improved j ROSABEL 83 and the consciousness that she was no longer ridi- culous caused her to hold herself better, and to lose the clumsiness which had marred her before. But she lacked distinction still she was only a good-looking girl ; and Mrs. Fairbourne, who had regarded her with brief anxiety, smiled approval. Their styles were so different that they could never clash. ' That is much better, Rosabel. But you don't know how to do your hair. My maid must show you.' It was her At Home day, and at a quarter to five the callers began to arrive. Amy Fairbourne was always at her best when she had to carry off an awkward situation. Difficulties called forth all her courage and tact, and, apparently serene, she took the hedge before her with a flying leap. ' Let me introduce to you my daughter Rosabel,' she said. ' Your your what ?' gasped the lady addressed. ' My daughter,' repeated Mrs. Fairbourne sweetly. ' Didn't you know I had a daughter ?' ' N no,' said the other woman, putting up a pince-nez, and extending her disengaged hand to Rosabel. ' She is quite a big girl, too ! How do you do, my dear ? I suppose you have been at school abroad ?' ' No,' said Rosabel shortly. 62 84 ROSABEL Mrs. Fairbourne intervened with her light, un- embarrassed laugh. ' Her father's people have had her,' she said. * It was an old arrangement. I promised poor George, you know, before I married him. He was so jealous. But now, of course, that her education is finished, and there is no longer any reason why she shouldn't be with me ' ' I hadn't the least idea,' murmured the friend. * How queer of you, Amy !' ' Why ? Because I didn't bore you about her ? Who cares for other people's children ! Do you think she is like me ?' She put an arm, as she spoke, round her daughter's waist. Rosabel did not make the slightest response ; only her eyes plainly expressed her contempt of this little comedy on her mother's part. ' I don't think she is at all like you,' replied the friend. She laughed. ' But I'll take your word for her ! Good-looking,' she added in an aside to Mrs. Fairbourne. ' You think so ? I am glad !' ' And I suppose you are very pleased to be with your mother, my dear ?' Rosabel's lips opened and shut. She looked at the carpet, and murmured an inarticulate response. Had the diplomatic Mrs. Fairbourne felt uncom- fortable for a moment, and was she relieved ? ROSABEL 85 * Of course she will prefer London to the country girls always do. And it will be good for her. She has lived too quietly. Rosabel, take Mrs. Ivor's cup.' The way she dismissed the girl was rather clever, and Rosabel, equally glad to be dismissed, stole out of the room. Nevertheless, the astonishing fact passed from one batch of callers to another throughout the afternoon. Mrs. Fairbourne's replies were always easy, and adroitly vague. But after everyone had gone she remained thoughtful, and not in the best of tempers. It had struck her for the first time that Rosabel was not only heavy and sullen, but antagonistic. She stiffened under the caresses bestowed upon her as though displeased ; it had been noticeable, in fact. What would people think ? And it was advisable that they should think about her as little as possible. When mother and daughter met again, in the ten minutes before dinner, Mrs. Fairbourne had a question cut and dried. ' Rosabel,' she said, * why do you never call me mother ?' Rosabel cast down her long lashes z and remained silent. ' I am speaking to you !' ' I didn't know you wished it,' said Rosabel. 86 ROSABEL * Naturally, I do not wish you to be peculiar. I should have thought so simple a matter required no instructions on my part. There is another matter. Why didn't you answer Mrs. Ivor properly ? Of course, everything is strange to you, and you feel out of place ; I can understand that. But you must try not to behave like a savage.' * I suppose I am a savage,' replied Rosabel gloomily. * I hope you are not ill-tempered as well !' ' I shouldn't wonder.' To her surprise her mother began to laugh. The girl's morose voice and candid admissions were funny. ' Well,' added Mrs. Fairbourne with restored amiability, * you must do your best. You'll get used to everything presently. I don't want people to dislike you. To-morrow, for instance, Mr. Aylmer has invited us to lunch with him at a restaurant, so I hope that you will be very nice.' * He has invited me ?' ' Yes ; both of us.' ' Must I go ?' * Don't you want to ?' ' No.' Rosabel was emphatic on that point. * He doesn't want me,' she added. * He has only asked me on your account.' 1 Perhaps so,' assented her mother. ' Still, as he has been kind enough ROSABEL 87 ' I don't want him to be " kind " to me.' Mrs. Fairbourne shrugged her shoulders, not ill-pleased. ' Very well, stay at home if you like. I will make an excuse for you.' She would have Aylmer to herself, which would be much more agreeable. Perhaps who knows ? a few glasses of champagne would heat his over-cool head, and bring him to the point. She hoped that Rosabel would grow less difficult as the strangeness wore off. It had not occurred to her that the girl would be abnormal, less pliable than other girls. But before a fortnight had passed she realized unpleasantly that Rosabel was as set in some ways as a woman of thirty. Her attitude of the first few days was maintained, and maintained unfalteringly. She scarcely spoke to anyone, and rarely laughed or even smiled. Whenever it was possible she kept out of the way, and if the mother ventured upon a touch of playful affection before company, the daughter's coldness was palpable to all. Rosabel had a savage indifference to appearances indeed, and there were moments when the woman, who cared more about this world than the next, detested her. This state of things was not conducive to amenities in private, when Mrs. Fairbourne could safely vent her pent-up irritation, and many bitter and spiteful remarks helped to keep them apart. 88 ROSABEL Mrs. Fairbourne was torn, indeed, between desire to indulge Rosabel's fancy to be let alone, and fear that the policy of her inclination would destroy the girl's chances of marriage. And if she did not many they would have to go on living together indefinitely, a prospect which filled Mrs. Fairbourne with unmitigated horror. She had already given up the attempt to make the best of Rosabel's society. It was obviously waste of time. ' Has she no feeling at all, or is it only that she is quite stupid ?' she asked Aylmer. ' She looks at me sometimes as though I were talking to her in a foreign tongue.' ' Oh, you will get on better by-and-by,' he said soothingly. * She is not used to a mother, and you are not used to a daughter, and she has been badly brought up. It might have been worse.' ' Impossible !' she declared with conviction. ' She might have sworn at you in dialect !' Mrs. Fairbourne shuddered. ' What a horrible imagination you have !' ' And been forward instead of shy.' ' I wouldn't mind her being shy if she were not sulky as well. I might be her worst enemy when I suggest to her that she is making a fool of herself. I believe she hates me.' ' What an idea !' * Of course, the whole position is absurd,' she ROSABEL 89 insisted. ' I should not have expected anything else. Affection cannot be created full grown between two human beings just because they happen to be parent and child. We are as much strangers to each other as if I had picked her up in the street.' ' Certainly you must find her a husband,' he said. ' If you were a true friend you would help me.' ' I have an Australian cousin just over. How would he do ?' ' Oh, the very thing !' she cried. * An Australian cousin might find her exactly the type he admired. Any money ?' ' Enough, I think.' ' Do bring him, there's a good fellow ! I'll make a dinner a little private family sort of dinner, you know, with no outsiders to distract his atten- tion.' He laughed. ' Really ?' ' Could I joke on a topic as serious as Rosabel ?' she asked reproachfully. ' I reckon on you.' ' Then I'll bring him to see you to-morrow afternoon if he hasn't an engagement.' * You might tell him beforehand,' she suggested, with an air of affected cunning, 'about the fifty thousand pounds !' The next day Aylmer kept his word, and brought 9 o ROSABEL his cousin to call at Great Cumberland Place. The cousin's name was Bellamy, and he was rather a good-looking fellow, big and raw, and conven- tionally colonial, with a sunburnt throat emerging from a turned-down collar and a brown beard, which he tugged nervously at embarrassed moments. No contrast could have been greater than that between him and Aylmer. Mrs. Fairbourne smiled when they were intro- duced. ' So charming of you to come and see me, Mr. Bellamy !' she said. * I am in mourning at present, and cut off from the world, so I am more than ever dependent upon the kindness of my friends. Where is Rosabel ?' Aylmer rang, and Rosabel was summoned. It was an amusing fact that the Australian seemed to take a fancy to the girl, though she spoke very little, as usual. The mother's perfect manner frightened him, no doubt ; with the daughter he felt more at ease. His clumsy attempts to draw Rosabel into conversation entertained Mrs. Fair- bourne and Aylmer hugely, and in the spirit of hilarity which had procured his introduction they talked to each other, and gave the parti's budding inclination every chance. He was telling Rosabel about his life in Australia, and she roused a little, and asked questions. She was heard to remark that the freedom and ROSABEL 91 the horse-riding might be attractive, and he longed, with eagerness, to see her out there some day. Then it was time to go ; unfortunately, he had an appointment with a friend. ' I was just saying to your cousin that I hoped you would both come and dine with us,' said Mrs. Fairbourne, as the big Australian took his leave of her. ' Are you free on Saturday ? It will not be a party, as we are in mourning just a few intimate friends.' Bellamy was delighted, and said so. The cousins went away together. ' Mr. Bellamy seems to be rather a nice man,' observed Mrs. Fairbourne lightly. ' You got on very well, didn't you, Rosabel ?' ' I couldn't help listening if he would talk,' said Rosabel. This was unpromising. ' Don't you like him ?' ' I don't like or dislike him,' replied Rosabel impatiently. Nevertheless, Mrs. Fairbourne placed her guests carefully on Saturday they were just half a dozen and sent Rosabel down to dinner with Bellamy. Aylmer and herself made four, and the other two consisted of a fashionable lady novelist who was as brilliant in conversation as on paper, and a smart editor of an equally smart review. These people, 9 2 ROSABEL herself and Aylmer, would talk without stopping all through dinner, and Rosabel and Bellamy would be obliged to entertain each other. It would be amusing if something really came of the joke. She attached no importance to Rosabel's paraded indifference. There are girls who are ashamed of admitting a preference for any man. If only this man would marry her, and take her back to Australia with him ! In the lull she heard his voice. ' Then you never saw your mother till lately ? Where did your aunt live ?' ' At a little hotel near the Thames, in Bucking- hamshire, called the Angler's Inn.' Mrs. Fairbourne's white teeth gleamed in a hor- rible smile. The lady novelist was still talking on the other side of her, so Rosabel and Bellamy did not notice that they were being observed. ' What made her choose such a funny place ?' asked the Australian, naturally bewildered. ' She earned her living there,' said Rosabel, quite calm. ' She kept it, you know. I helped her. I used to wait on the coffee-room.' ' You !' he stammered. * But your mother Mrs. Fairbourne ' She intervened promptly. ' Who is taking my name in vain ? Mr. Bellamy, you have no wine. Do look after yourself. This is Liberty Hall, you know.' It was nothing of the sort. The disorder of ROSABEL 93 Great Cumberland Place was always carefully ordered, and the freedom of speech exactly the tone of the moment, but for once no sensible im- promptu had sprung to her lips. She looked a reprimand at Rosabel, and for the remainder of the dinner monopolized Bellamy herself, recalling all she had ever heard of Australia? and inventing friends at Sydney and Melbourne to amuse him. And she succeeded so well in sinking to his level that he began to think her charming in spite of the extraordinary revelations of her daughter. Certainly, the control she had over her temper was wonderful, and even Aylmer, who thought he knew her, did not see what a rage she was in until the others were gone. As usual,- he was the lingerer. They had an appointment to make, and she could always find something to say at the last moment in order to detain him, and impart to their intercourse that touch of superior intimacy which is flattering to man. On this occasion she was not thinking of him. Her self-control had deserted her for once. Directly the door closed on the lady novelist, she turned to Rosabel with lightning in her eyes. ' What did you mean,' she demanded, ' by speak- ing to Mr. Bellamy in that way ? How dared you !' 94 ROSABEL ' In what way ?' asked Rosabel. * You understand me very well ; don't be a hypo- crite ! What did you mean by telling him over dinner, before everybody, all about your aunt, the publican's wife, and the Angler's Inn ?' ' I didn't tell him anything that wasn't true.' 'That is not the question. I forbade you to mention your past to anyone.' Rosabel looked up, her face dark with anger. ' I didn't promise not to,' she said. ' I never begin to talk about it. But he asked me.' ' You could have put him off easily. You wished to tell hinij that is the fact of the matter. I have tried to believe several times that your behaviour was mere stupidity, but it becomes quite plain that it is malice as well. You seem to take a delight in disgracing me.' Rosabel drew on the carpet with the point of her shoe. A rude answer would have exasperated her mother less. This habit she had of seeking refuge in silence tried Mrs. Fairbourne's temper beyond endurance. ' I can assure you,' she continued, ' that you need not take so much trouble. Your ordinary manners are quite sufficient to show people how ignorant and ill-bred you are.' Still Rosabel did not answer. Aylmer wondered at the peculiar self-control possessed by so young a girl. Somehow he did ROSABEL 95 not think this evening that she was obtuse. Perhaps he had never watched her as closely before. He began to feel sorry for her. If she cared it was hard that her mother should scold her before him. She was not a child. Amy grated on him for once, although she had excuse, apparently, for annoyance. ' I should have thought that the least you could do was to make the best of yourself,' added Mrs. Fairbourne, ' but I suppose you don't know the meaning of decency. You are your father's daughter, my dear.' * Don't,' said Aylmer softly. She looked at him in surprise. Her colour rose. ' Oh, forgive me,' she said, resuming her normal manner with an effort, ' for boring you with my domestic afflictions. You do so hate " words," don't you ?' ' I must be going,' he replied. ' Must you ?' She was a little uncertain of him. He was actually serious. It did not make her feel better disposed towards Rosabel. But her voice grew assured once more. * When shall I see you again ?' ' I'll look in soon. Good-night, Rosabel,' he said. Rosabel had been gazing at him curiously 96 ROSABEL since he dropped that single word of expostula- tion. He pressed her hand slightly. The girl, who had grown pale under the lash of her mother's tongue, turned very red, and her lips quivered for the first time. She bit them sharply, and went to bed without a word. CHAPTER XI IT always pleases a man to discover that he is better- natured than he had supposed. This may have accounted for the fact that Aylmer thought a great deal about Rosabel over his final whisky- and-soda and cigarette that night. Or his interest may have been awakened by signs of an unexpected sensitiveness in the daughter caused by an equally unexpected shrewishness in the mother. Yes, ' shrewishness * was the word his mind used. Amy Fairbourne's tongue was always a little barbed. A woman who has to live up to a repu- tation for smartness is bound to be spiteful sometimes. But to-night her rapier had become a cudgel. ' Not vulgar,' he mused. * No, it would be harsh to say " vulgar." A little brutal, perhaps. After all, the girl must feel something. Why does she never answer back ?' One kind of ' young person ' would have had an impertinent retort for every gibe. And another kind of ' 3'oung person,' being tongue-tied by anger, 97 7 98 ROSABEL or fright, or both, would have burst into tears, and flounced out of the room. Rosabel, having stood her ground in silence, must therefore be a somewhat unusual young person, who was less a type than an individual. She had characteristics, if they were only those of a feather-bed which may be shaken up by every strong pair of arms. Could it be possible that she was worth studying ? His reflections did not spoil his night's rest. He was not so deeply in love with the fair widow that the discovery of a flaw in her temper should cause him pangs. His sentiment was rather of that moonlight order which fails to distinguish between gratitude for a good dinner and a pretty woman's preference, and those warmer symptoms of the grand passion. Usually he liked her very much, and for five minutes this evening he had not liked her very much that was all. So he slept without dreaming, and woke at his usual hour in the morning with no nasty taste in his mouth of either dissipation or disappointment overnight. But that afternoon, when a stroll in the Park brought him to the Marble Arch about five o'clock, he thought he would look in at Great Cumberland Place to see how the domestic storm had ended. It was a disappointment when his query at the door brought the wrong reply. ' Mrs. Fairbourne is not at home, sir.' ROSABEL 99 ' And Miss er Fairbourne ?' he asked, almost to his own surprise. ' Miss Fairbourne is in, sir.' Aylmcr went up. How many times had he ascended and descended that staircase, with its moss-green carpet, and white walls adorned by old prints which there was not light enough to see ! On this occasion his usual impassiveness was a little shaken. There was unfamiliarity about the mere familiarity of things. Why had he asked for Rosabel ? Did he really care whether mother and daughter had made it up or not ? He was inclined to retreat. Still he continued out of sheer indecision, and inability to excuse himself to Benson, on whose countenance he had already detected a gleam of curiosity. Rosabel was at the window reading when he was announced. ' How do you do ?' she said. ' Mother is out. Didn't Benson tell you ?' ' Yes. I thought I would come up and see you.' ' Why ?' asked the girl bluntly. ' Do you want me to give her a message ?' ' No. I just came to see how you were.' She stared at him in grave surprise, evidently finding his conduct strange. ' Shan't we sit down ?' he asked, dropping lazily into a. deep chair. ' I must say you are not very 72 100 ROSABEL hospitable, Rosabel ! I believe you'd rather I went away !' N no,' she said. Her cheeks reddened, and her long lashes drooped. She fidgeted with her book. ' What are you reading ?' ' " In the Cage." ' ' Do you like it ?' * I think it's a lot of talk about nothing.' He was amused. ' What sort of books do you like ?' ' I used to read the Family Trumpet and the Weekly Magazine. I think they're good stories.' She looked up with a challenge in her eyes, and enunciated slowly and deliberately : * Mother says they are vulgar trash, and only fit for kitchen- maids, and that I am not to read them.' ' Do you like Charles Dickens ?' ' Charles Dickens ?' she repeated. * He wrote " Vanity Fair," didn't he ?' There was a pause. Conversation was difficult. Nevertheless, he had the impression that she was favourably disposed towards him this afternoon, which encouraged him to persevere. ' Has your mother said any more to you ?' he asked in a low tone. ' No.' She flashed him a brief, vivid glance. * It was nice of you to say " Don't." ' ' Was it ?' ROSABEL 101 ' I thought about it afterwards,' she told him. His doubts were all at rest. She ' thought about ' things ' afterwards.' Then she was not a feather-bed. He was inspired with renewed energy , ' Did you care ?' he queried, curious. ' About your mother, I mean ?' * No. At least, I shouldn't have if you hadn't been there,' she said honestly. ' Why should I ?' ' You ought to care what your mother says.' ' My mother !' she repeated. ' My mother !' She laughed. ' And surely she had cause to be angry ?' ' Do you think so ?' asked Rosabel. ' Why should she be angry at having something talked about that she wasn't ashamed to do ?' Her tone was a revelation to him. He seemed to be seeing her for the first time. The torpid, sullen child had disappeared. This was a woman, and a woman who could think and feel. ' Then you did tell my cousin on purpose ?' ' I shouldn't have said anything if he hadn't asked. But I am glad he asked, and glad she heard, and glad she didn't like it. I'd do it again !' She choked. ' Suppose I have got the tastes of a kitchen- maid ; suppose I am ignorant and stupid and ill-bred ! What else did she expect ? If she doesn't like my manners, she has only herself to thank for them. I am what she has made me.' ' You mean that your education was neglected ?' 102 ROSABEL * You saw where I was, and what I was ! Life in a public-house doesn't usually turn out perfect ladies, does it ? Why did she leave me there ?' The girl's voice, sarcastic and poignant, sent a thrill down Aylmer's spine. ' I couldn't help it if my father was a groom. She chose him, I didn't. And whatever he was, he must have been better, I think, than she is. If / had a child I wouldn't desert it. She's got more to be ashamed of than I have !' ' But she is doing her best for you now.' Rosabel snorted. ' Because she can't help herself, that's all. She wants the two thousand a year. Otherwise, I might have stopped at the Angler's Inn all my life.' Everything she said was true, but it was so remarkable and so interesting that she should see it ! ' You are bitter. It's a mistake.' He shook his head. * You'll never get on if you start with such prejudices.' * I don't care.' ' Why not let bygones be bygones ?' Her eyes wandered from his face to the window. ' I used to sit,' she said darkly, ' and think and think. When I waited on the customers I was thinking. I thought most of all that day she came to the inn. She's very pretty and elegant and clever, isn't she ? Such a lady !' ' Yes,' said Aylmer, with peculiar reluctance. ROSABEL 103 ' I admire her immensely,' said Rosabel. ' I don't know anybody I've seen that I admire so much.' He stared at her profile. ' And yet you are doing your best to make her unhappy.' ' Oh, she won't be unhappy on my account,' said Rosabel, with the brutal frankness which had succeeded to her long reserve. ' I am no more than the dirt under her feet.' ' I saw her kiss you the other day.' ' Yes, before company.' She frowned in quick irritation, and clenched her hands, ' I won't have it !' she said. ' She shan't touch me. I don't want her kisses. I'll never, never have them !' ' Even if they were given not before company ?' ' No. It's too late. She'd only be trying to make herself comfortable.' She had become as lucid as crystal. He seemed to see right through her head. * And you won't help her ?' ' She's being paid well. That is enough too much.' ' Do you know, I hadn't an idea that you were taking everything so seriously ?' ' I don't talk about it as a rule. What's the good ? I've never told anybody before. I don't know why I've told you, except that you were nice last night.' She turned her head now, and 104 ROSABEL regarded him defiantly. ' I dare say you think I'm funny ?' ' No,' said Aylmer. ' If you repeat anything to her, I'll I'll hate you ! She'd think I minded. And ifs too late. 1 ' I shall regard our conversation as confidential.' ' You're great friends with her, aren't you ?' ' Yes, rather.' ' Of course, I can understand it,' said Rosabel. * I should think she was a most fascinating woman to strangers, I mean to men.' He did not reply, and a moment elapsed before he spoke again. ' Why are you usually so silent ?' ' I've nothing to say. I don't know anything.' * Very few girls do know anything. A girl isn't expected to be a witty woman of the world.' ' Nobody cares about me, or wants to listen to me.' ' I think you are wrong,' he said deliberately. * My cousin liked you !' ' He comes from a village in Australia where there aren't any women.' Her voice was distinctly contemptuous. 'I'know what I am,' she added. ' I've no illusions.' * You have delusions, I think. One of them is that your mother has the monopoly of feminine beauty and attraction. You are good-looking too.' * Do you think so ?' She coloured warmly, and ROSABEL 105 a gleam of reluctant pleasure lighted her face. ' But I have no elegance, no manner,' she added gloomily, ' She is so distinguished. One would notice her in a crowd.' ' You are better-looking than your mother.' ' Oh, how can you say so !' Rosabel was actually angry. ' You are only trying to be kind again.' ' And you have what no amount of style can give back to a woman youth. So you need not complain.' She was still in a glow despite her protestations, and her lowered lashes fluttered, and the corners of her lips quivered. ' I think I must go now,' said Aylmer. He rose, picking up his stick, and she rose too. ' I am glad we have had this talk,' he added. ' But I wish you would forget your grievances, for your own sake, and try to be happy.' ' I shall never be happy,' said the girl. ' Why not ? What an idea !' ' Happiness has to come from the inside. I haven't got the temperament. I was brought up in a way I didn't like. And now I'm too old to change.' ' At nineteen ! My dear child, the whole of your life is before you !' ' But I'm made,' she said. ' I can't be made over again. I've got to be just myself. Will you laugh at me when you're gone ?' 106 ROSABEL ' How suspicious you are !' he said. ' I am flattered that you should have trusted me. I want you to regard me as a friend. Will you ? Talk again another day, whenever you like.' ' Yes, thank you.' * Good-bye, Rosabel.' They exchanged the hand-clasp of confidence. She moved towards the door with him. ' I haven't offered you any tea.' * Never mind. I don't care for it.' He nodded again, smiling, handsome, urbane, and went his way. ' I wonder if he'll tell her ?' mused Rosabel, biting her lips. ' I wish I hadn't said anything. Why did I ?' Aylmer left the house meditatively. An experi- ence, which was the last he had looked for, had infused a little unwonted heat into his veins. His was usually regarded as a rather cold and deliberate nature. He was not really cold, only it was so rarely worth while getting warm. His reflections were involved, and he had a peculiar reluctance to pursue them far. But he was obliged to admit sympathy for Rosabel, and sympathy for Rosabel brought him once more face to face with the inverse problem of her mother. Amy had behaved badly. There was no doubt about it. And the girl was painfully awake to it, : and when she talked from her heart she lighted up ROSABEL 107 wonderfully. She was even taking. Her anger was like the elements violent, natural, and unre- strained ; a primitive force in an artificial environ- ment. Aylmer felt as though a thunder-shower had relieved the oppression of a muggy night. She was refreshing, that was it refreshing and new. He threw back his shoulders, and drew a deep breath. The thunder-shower simile had had almost a physical effect upon him, so closely is a man's body allied to his mind. A victoria passed him at that moment, sweeping out of the Park, and he caught sight of well-known liveries, a fluffy sunshade, and a white face framed in gold. He frowned more than was warranted by the sun- light in his eyes. ' She is older than I thought,' he mused. * With a daughter of nineteen, she can scarcely be less than thirty-seven.' CHAPTER XII ' Is that Mr. Aylmer ?' asked Mrs. Fairbourne. She and Rosabel were walking down Bond Street j a couple of days later, behind a pair of familiar broad shoulders. ' I think so,' said Rosabel. She knew, so did her mother. But while Mrs. Fairbourne was more than willing to overtake him, Rosabel shirked the meeting. Her reserved nature was shocked every time she recalled the burst of confidence to which she had treated him, and her cheeks grew hot over the mere memory of it a dozen times a day. She was sure that she had made her- self ridiculous. He had restrained his amusement merely because he was polite. She despised herself for being so easily bought by a word of kindness. He belonged to the opposition to her mother's party ; he was the archetype of that class which made allusions and innuendoes she could not follow, and laughed at jokes she could not understand. It was absurd of her to have forgotten it. She wished he would cross over, but fate was 1 08 ROSABEL 109 against her. He lingered to look at a shop-window, and her mother would not pass him. Rosabel hung back while he greeted Mrs. Fair- bourne ; then he turned to her with a new sympathy. ' And how is Rosabel to-day ?' ' I am so sorry I was out when you called the other afternoon,' said Mrs. Fairbourne, without giving Rosabel time to speak. ' You should have waited.' ' I stayed a little while. Rosabel entertained me.' The woman laughed rather cruelly. ' I am afraid you must have found it even more fatiguing than whist with your grandfather ! Oh, you needn't exert yourself to say anything pretty ! Rosabel doesn't care !' Didn't she ? He glanced at the girl, and differed from her mother. ' How unkind you are !' he said dexterously. ' You tell me, in as many words, that Rosabel con- siders my opinion of no consequence whatever.' He smiled. ' All the same, I will return good for svil. Will both you ladies take tea with me ?' ' Of course we will.' ' Over the way ?' he queried. ' The latest, I believe a Dutch interior, with the countesses, who :ondescend to wait upon one, in real Dutch cos- tumes !' When they entered the tea-room the}' came upon IIO ROSABEL a smart young man of their acquaintance, who was invited by Aylmer to join them. Under cover of the conversation between him and Mrs. Fairbourne, Aylmer spoke to Rosabel. ' Well, how are you getting on ?' he asked. ' I suppose you haven't seen or heard anything of my cousin ? He has just bought a motor. I met him last night, full of the enthusiasm of the proselyte. He wants to know if you and your mother would like to take a run down to Folkestone from Saturday till Monday ?' ' I've never been in a motor,' said Rosabel. She thawed, and her eyes sparkled a little. She was young, after all ; she could not always be brooding over her grievances. ' Then I may tell him that a formal invitation would be regarded kindly ?' ' I don't know,' she said. ' You'd better ask mother. Would you come, too ?' * Probably.' He mentioned the matter to Mrs. Fairbourne at once, and it pleased her. A letter from Bellamy the same evening won a gracious acceptance from the lady, and Saturday morning being fine, found them all en route for Folkestone. For once Rosabel was in good spirits. As they were supposed to be in mourning, the girl had really seen and done very little during her three weeks at Great Cumberland Place. The couple of informal ROSABEL in dinners and luncheons her mother had given had been merely sources of accentuated dulness, bitter- ness, and repining to Rosabel, who had found herself to be the only outsider in a brilliant set. On each occasion she had been more or less neglected, and suffered an agony of mortification, and shed tears in private when the guests were gone. And Mrs. Fairbourne, having given her intimate friends a hint that they need not ask her daughter when no other quite young people were expected, Rosabel's amusements had been confined to a few afternoon calls, a concert, and a picture-gallery. To-day's excursion was something fresh and welcome, and although Rosabel would not admit to herself that it was possible to feel light-hearted, something very like exhilaration sent the blood to her round cheeks, and brightened her eyes at the sharp contact of the air. Mrs. Fairbourne and Aylmer occupied the front double seat behind the chauffeur ; Rosabel sat beside Bellamy in the back one. He was making violent efforts to be civil to her, and gave her to understand by-and-by that the little week-end party had been organized especially on her account. This surprised Rosabel, and glancing at him to see if he could be in earnest, she discovered his eyes fixed upon her face with an expression only to be described as ' moony,' and understood therefrom that the Australian was ' taking a fancy ' to her. H2 ROSABEL Why should her thoughts have reverted to her aunt and the Angler's Inn at this moment ? She might have been standing in the bar parlour while Mrs. Collins, plump arms akimbo, gossiped with a friend from the village. ' So What's-his-name is taking a fancy to So-and- so. What a good thing for the girl !' The very smell of the beer was in her nostrils. She emerged from a dream. The unconscious Bellamy was calling her attention to a wayside farm which reminded him, he said, of his place at home. She surveyed him broodingly, unabashed ; Rosa- bel was only shy when she found herself inferior to her company. She noted his blunt features more particularly than she had ever done before, his broad yet rounded shoulders, the display of bronzed bull-like throat, the clothes which seemed remini- scent of the Antipodes because he wore them, although they had been cut by a good tailor in London. The man was homely in manner and speech ; that was what made her think of the Angler's Inn. He would not have been out of place talking to her aunt between draughts of beer, in the slurring burr of the countryman. On that look of his her imagination had already forged ahead, in the way of girls, to the possible con- clusion. She was alive to the advantages of marry- ing him. He would take her away from her mother, there would be the dignity conferred by a wedding- ROSABEL 113 ring, and it would be pleasant to be loved and to begin a new life in a new world where the majority of people were no better educated than herself. Nevertheless, she did not contemplate him seri- ously. Something told her that her mind, though untrained, was superior to his not cleverer, perhaps finer. She had already seen enough of him to know that she could appreciate subtleties of con- science and conduct invisible to him. Probably she stood alone below the class which at once attracted and scorched her with the unconscious cruelty of the candle to the moth, deprived, by secret pride, of the only companionship she was likely to obtain. She did not feel flattered by his attentions, and discouraged them. They had lunch on the road, and arrived at Folke- stone in time for tea. It was Rosabel's first experience of a large fashionable hotel, and she liked to watch the people and listen to the orchestra ; but she wanted to go out, too, and look at the sea, which she had not seen since she spent a fortnight at Margate three years ago. After tea they went for a stroll, and Aylmer changed off with his cousin and joined Rosabel. ' Is this your first visit to Folkestone, made- moiselle ?' * Yes. Doesn't it smell fresh ?' said Rosabel, sniffing the salt air. 8 n 4 ROSABEL ' As fresh as you look,' he replied. In fact, she looked to-day just as she ought to look always young, open-faced, clear-eyed, un- weighted by thoughts too heavy for her years. * I enjoyed coming down,' she said. ' I think motors are splendid.' ' Bellamy will be delighted at his success. Did you tell him ?' She regarded him steadily, considering her reply. It did not suit her to be as candid with everyone over this matter as she had been with herself. She would not even admit that she understood. * No ; mother thanked him. It doesn't matter about me.' ' Are you sure of that ?' he asked mischievously. Rosabel turned her face to the sea. She did not want to talk about Bellamy or think at all. They re-entered to the hotel by-and-by, and Rosa- bel was waiting in the hall for her mother, who had gone upstairs, when a familiar voice addressed her : ' Why, it's actually Rosabel !' Rosabel turned, and found Maurice Braithwaite beside her. The colour rushed to her face. If he was surprised, she was equally so. It seemed strange to meet someone belonging to the old life here. He was staring at her with an exaggerated aston- ishment which was only half assumed, his eyes rounded, his mouth open. Then he laughed, as ROSABEL 115 at a very good joke indeed, and held out his hand. ' Well, I'm blessed ! How did you get here ? And such a swell, too ! What mysterious promo- tion is this ?' Rosabel had never liked him, and she was not pleased to see him now. She remembered that he had been rude to her at their last meeting, and his familiarity was aggressive. He reminded her dis- agreeably of the past. That she should ever have been in the position to be regarded as ' fair game ' by a man of Maurice Braithwaite's type was her bitterest grievance. And now to-day of all days, just as she was feeling happy for once, he turned up to cast a gloom over her. ' I didn't expect to meet you,' she said. ' Didn't you hear I'd gone away ?' * No ; I've been away myself. Are you married ' he laughed again ' and on your honeymoon ?' ' I am living with my mother,,' said Rosabel. ' Your what ?' ' My mother.' ' Oh yes, of course. Married beneath her, didn't she ? Didn't know she was up to this sort of thing, though. Are you staying here ?' * We came down on a motor with friends this morning, and we are going to stay till Monday.' ' Where do you live when you are at home ?' 82 u6 ROSABEL ' In Great Cumberland Place,' replied Rosabel reluctantly. Once more he gave a little laugh of mingled amusement and surprise. The idea of it all was evidently strange to him. He could not realize Rosabel in her new surroundings. ' Well, I congratulate you,' he said. ' I am glad to have come across you again, Rosabel. What is your number in Great Cumberland Place ? May I call?' ' I don't know whether mother would like it.' ' She won't mind.' ' I don't know whether / should like it,' said the girl, darkening. * That's pretty cool, 'pon my word ! You are your old self, Rosabel !' ' I don't change in three weeks nor in three years.' ' Then you oughtn't to want to cast off your old friends !' ' But we were never friends what I call friends,' she said. * You know we weren't !' Her eyes challenged his angrily. He was not abashed, although he remembered well enough, no doubt. As a matter of fact, he could not perceive that he had ever given her cause for offence. It was his experience that most girls like to be kissed by a good-looking man girls in a better position than hers, too. She was a little fool, with no fun in her. She wanted stirring up. ROSABEL 117 He looked at her long lashes, the perfect curve of her cheeks, and the tendrils of hair which escaped from the generous mass she had to caress her brow and the nape of her neck. There was an untouched bloom about her which had always attracted him in spite of her heaviness. And now she was well dressed and her figure improved. She reminded him of a ripe peach, young and round, luscious and sweet. He would like to do the ' stirring up ' himself. ** I never saw such an improvement in anybody,' he added > with the coolness of a connoisseur ap- praising a work of art. ' I scarcely recognised you. Clothes make a lot of difference, of course. And you've learned how to do your hair.' Braithwaite always noticed things about women which would have escaped another sort of man. Rosabel was growing angrier every moment. * I don't think you ought to call me Rosabel,' she said. ' I am Miss Fairbourne now.' ' Why Fairbourne ?' ' It is my mother's name. She married again. She wishes it.' * Won't you introduce me ?' he asked. ' No,' she replied decidedly. ' Good-bye.' ' Oh, I shall see you again presently,' he said 'perhaps to-morrow. I am staying here, too.' Nevertheless, he took her unwilling hand, and n8 ROSABEL added in a whisper which brought the blood to her face : ' When are you going to give me that kiss, Rosabel ?' ' Never ! I wonder if your wife knows what you are?' 'She thinks she does, anyhow.' He laughed. ' She's gone home to her people in America for a " spell," ' he said, ' so I am a grass-widower. Do you know her ?' ' I've seen her not spoken to her,' said Rosabel. Again her brow was overcast ; he managed to rake up everything unpleasant. County ladies, even if born in the land of equality where social distinctions are more insisted upon than they are in England, do not ' know ' the waitresses of inns. * Temper like pepper,' observed Braithwaite. ' She can stop with her " popper " and " mommer " as long as she likes.' ' I have no doubt that the right, when you quarrel, is on her side,' said Rosabel calmly. ' You must be dreadful to live with.' ' Rosabel !' It was Aylrner who called her. He saw her talking to someone, and as she turned the two men exchanged an inquiring glance. * I am coming,' said Rosabel, and left Braith- waite without more ado. * Who's that fellow ?' Aylmer asked her. ROSABEL 119 * Ohj he lives down in Bucks, near the Angler's Inn.' Braithwaite strolled by presently. He was curious, no doubt, to see her belongings. Rosabel noticed him lounging about, but refused to catch his eye. She would not introduce him. He was much too impudent. It was a relief when he disappeared at last. As they were all going in to dinner later on, how- ever, he reappeared with a friend, and contrived to brush against Rosabel, whispering as he passed : ' When, Rosabel ?' She knew what he meant at once, and crimsoned with anger. Looking up, her eyes met Aylmer's. ' What is it ?' he asked in an undertone. ' Nothing, thanks.' Braithwaite was ' nothing.' She could afford to disregard him now. There was no longer a utili- tarian aunt in the background to insist upon her fetching him whisky-and-soda. The next day she was careful not to stray away alone. But Braithwaite was not so easily shaken off. He walked boldly up to her as she was stand- ing on the steps with her mother, and wished her good - morning. He was trying to force her hand. Mrs. Fairbourne could scarcely let the incident pass. ' Who is your friend, Rosabel ?' she asked, 120 ROSABEL * Mr. Maurice Braithwaite my mother,' mur- mured Rosabel reluctantly. His trick had only half succeeded. He remained conversing with them for a few minutes, but it did not suit Mrs. Fairbourne to invite him to call on them ; he knew too much about Rosabel. After lunch they went for a country spin in the motor, and in the evening the balmy air lured them out of doors again. They strolled along two and two, Mrs. Fair- bourne, as a matter of course, annexing Aylmer. After a little she grew tired, however, never caring to walk far, and they returned to the hotel. Rosabel lingered rather wistfully. Indoors there were many lights, many people, much noise ; out- side there was the night, the silver sea, the stars. * Are you loth to go in, Rosabel ? ' asked Aylmer. Would you like another turn ?' ' Yes, I should.' Bellamy looked sorry that he had not spoken first ; Mrs. Fairbourne looked annoyed. She wanted Aylmer beside her in the crowded lounge, where all the smart people were staring and prying and picking to pieces each other's features and characters and gowns. ' I am sure you have had as much exercise as is good for you, Rosabel,' she said irritably. * You have been out all day, and it is late.' ' We haven't had much walking, mother.' ROSABEL 121 ' Mr. Aylmer is too kind to you.' ' Oh, not at all,' he said, in his pleasant voice. ' Come, Rosabel.' They passed on. ' You are sure you don't mind ?' queried Rosabel presently. ' Positive. In fact, I did not wish to go indoors. The night is better company than that gaudy parrot-house. May I smoke ?' He took out a cigarette. ' Look at the shining track that lugger is leaving behind her.' ' Lovely,' said the girl, breathing deep, ' but sad. A night like this always makes makes me hungry.' ' Hungry ?' he queried. ' Yes, you know for the things I shall never have.' They had stopped by the railing at the edge of the cliff. Their figures were no more than silhouettes against the sea. Aylmer puffed at his cigarette in silence for a moment. ' You'll get everything by-and-by, Rosabel,' he said gently. ' How can I ?' she asked. ' Yes, you will. You are young. You'll get love ; that's everything to a woman.' * Love,' she repeated in a whisper ' love !' The word had stricken her. She was in a softened mood, relaxed for once. It may have been only 122 ROSABEL the night and the stillness and the white light on the water. Aylmer's voice, attuned to the occasion, was scarcely a disturbance. ' What will he be like, Rosabel ?' * I've never thought about it.' She glanced defiance at him suddenly the defiance of a thing at bay. ' I am not sentimental, you know !' ' Aren't you ? Are you sure ?' ' I've always been practical. I've had to be.' * And yet a beautiful night makes you hungry ! You are a bit of a humbug, my child.' ' I'm not, indeed !' ' You don't know yourself,' he said. ' Wait. No life was ever all tragedy. You'll have your moments, if not your years. Perhaps you are going to be very happy by-and-by, in spite of your pessimism so happy that you'll even be able to forgive your mother.' ' No,' she insisted. ' I am sure I shall never know what it means.' ' Love,' he said again softly, ' love love, Rosabel !' A whiff of his fragrant tobacco reached her nostrils, which dilated. She stared blindly at the sea. The obstinacy of her rejoinder seemed directed as much against herself as him. ' Nobody I could care for would ever care for me,' she said. * It just amounts to that. Who am I ?' ROSABEL 123 ' A very nice little girl when you like,' he said, and now his tone was kindly and sensible, nothing more the touch of sentiment had gone. * Don't shut yourself up in yourself too much, that is all. Give people a glimpse of your soul sometimes. You draw the curtains so close that one might make the mistake of thinking there was nothing behind.' Her silent communion lasted a long time. ' I wonder at your thinking like that,' she broke out at last. ' About love, I mean.' ' Why not I ?' * Usually you talk as though there were nothing serious.' He laughed low and lightly. ' Oh, one talks, Rosabel ! You mustn't believe everything you hear.' She turned dark eyes on him. ' I disliked you at first, you know.' ' But you don't now ?' ' No. Have you ever been in love ?' she asked. ' What a question ! What a child you are !' ' But you must know,' she persisted. ' Perhaps I have fancied so once or twice.' ' I suppose, as you say, that women think more about it than men,' she said, musing. * I don't.' She stirred, and he seemed to know without seeing that she was frowning. 'I've other things.' ' But you don't mean to stay with your mother always ?' i2 4 ROSABEL ' No ! When I am twenty-one I can do as I like. I'm just waiting till then.' * That is your plan, is it ?' He threw the end of the cigarette away, and it sank through the darkness like a falling star. ' If she doesn't want to give me any money, she needn't,' said Rosabel. ' I can always keep myself. My aunt would take me back.' * To the Angler's Inn ? I thought you hated it so much ?' * So I did, so I do !' cried the girl passionately. ' But there's nothing I wouldn't do to get away from her r * You are young to be so malicious. Wrong, Rosabel ; you're wrong.' ' But why should I stay ? How can I care for her ? If I died to-morrow she'd be glad !' ' You mustn't say that !' ' She would ! You know she would ! Then I couldn't disgrace her any more.' He was distracted by the attempt to reconcile sympathy for the girl with loyalty to the mother. It seemed rather mean to leave Amy in the lurch, yet Rosabel was a force. It astonished him, when he came to think of it, how much arrestive power she had without eloquence to justify it. She was like a sledge-hammer striking sparks from hot metal, a glimpse of volcanic fire, the muttering approach of a tropical storm. ROSABEL 125 He found strange similes for her, standing by her side on the prosaic asphalt. But the glamour of night was there night which creates a mystery in the half revealed ; and she was a woman at this moment, not merely Rosabel, and he was a man. ' At thirty,' he said, ' you will laugh at the tragedy you made of life at nineteen. Everything is either black or white for you, there are no grays. You exaggerate your mother's feelings absurdly. Of course, she does not want you to die. She would be shocked if she knew you thought so, I am sure. And the idea of going back to your aunt is equally preposterous. The true solution of your problem is marriage.' She remained silently antagonistic. ' Yes, marriage,' he repeated firmly. Then he laughed. ' Why don't you marry my cousin ? He is a good fellow, sufficiently well off, and I know he is more than half in love with you already.' * No, thank you,' said Rosabel. ' He won't do ?' ' I couldn't,' she said. ' That settles George !' He was amused. ' Have you ever talked about him with mother ?' she inquired. ' I believe I did so once.' ' She needn't get any ideas of that kind into her head,' said Rosabel fiercely. ' I'm not going 126 ROSABEL to be married off to anyone just to please her. You can tell her so !' ' Quite unnecessary. A decision of that kind must always rest with you. I am sure,' he added, ' she would never attempt to influence you. Her ideas are too refined.' * Of course, you like her very much,' said Rosabel. ' You won't admit that she isn't perfect.' There was a silence of thirty seconds. Strolling figures passed behind them with the murmur of voices. Aylmer laid his hand on the girl's arm. * Don't be cross, Rosabel. I thought we were friends ?' * Oh, she is your friend !' ' Can't I have two friends ?' ' I don't know. I've never had more than one.' ' Don't you count me ?' ' It's best not to have anybody,' said Rosabel. 1 Then you've got nothing to lose.' She folded her arms as though she were defending herself from all the world, and leaned on the rail. Aylmer lighted another cigarette. ' You're morbid,' he said, ' and I am tired of you ! Let us go home.' The noise and atmosphere of the * parrot-house ' jarred upon Rosabel's mood when they entered. She said good-night to her mother and the men abruptly, and went to bed. To her room, at least. ROSABEL 127 The girl did not undress. She pulled up the blind and opened the window wide, and drew a chair to it. She was restless to-night, and the sea was sympa- thetic. It was quivering, quivering all the time. Myriads of silver molecules danced in it, leaping up, dying down, heaving, seeking something. She, too, was seeking something. Her talk with Aylmer had made a deep impression upon her mind, she did not know why. It was not that he had persuaded her to think better of her mother or more hopefully about the future. On the contrary! she felt sad and lonely, and her heart ached. She leaned her head against the casement. In a dreamy moment she fancied that she was still standing beside him, with the scent of his tobacco in her nostrils and the sound of his voice in her ear. ' Love,' he was saying softly, ' love love,, Rosabel !' CHAPTER XIII MRS. FAIRBOURNE had already put her affairs in order. Aylmer's twelve hundred was awaiting her pleasure at the bank, and next year she would enjoy her whole enlarged income free from debt. Meanwhile there was a little surplus, and she planned an extensive redecoration of the Great Cumberland Place box during her absence from London. She could afford the best of everything at last, thank God, and she was fond of her home. Aylmer called one morning at twelve to find her surrounded by wall-papers and chintz the Folkestone trip was already a couple of weeks old. ' How do you like this for my bedroom ?' she asked him. ' It will look charming, I am sure.' ' And this for Rosabel ?' ' Also charming. Did she choose it, or did you ?' 'Oh, I did.' She laughed. 'But she likes it. She's not pig-headed in matters of taste, I will admit. She always allows me to know better.' t ' Where is she ?' he asked. ' I have brought 128 ROSABEL 129 you round a couple of tickets for the Temple flower- show. I thought you might like to go.' ' I should. But Rosabel won't be home. She has gone down to Buckinghamshire to see her aunt.' ' The people of the Angler's Inn ?' * Yes. I don't know whether I ought to allow it. I meant to cut that connection altogether. But she insisted, and it wasn't worth a fuss. So I let her go alone. I didn't care to send Brace. Servants are such snobs, and their tongues are so long.' ' Why didn't you tell me ? I would have taken her.' ' You ?' She looked up in surprise from her wall-papers. * But I shouldn't have imposed upon your amiability. You are altogether too good about Rosabel. Of course, I appreciate it.' * I like the girl,' he said. ' Do you really ? I was afraid she bored you frightfully.' ' On the contrary, she interests me.' ' I wish she interested me,' sighed Mrs. Fair- bourne. * When we are at meals we sit like a couple of owls, and I dream dreams.' ' Why don't you try to talk to her for a change ?' * I have tried, and I can't. To me she is hermeti- cally sealed, and I fail to extract even a trickle of conversation from her. Sometimes I ask myself whether she can really be mine, and wonder if the 9 i 3 o ROSABEL Collinses are passing off a changeling on me. At least, I should wonder if she weren't so like William. Poor child, a female William ! What a shocking thing for her !' ' You really think her so impossible ?' He asked for information. ' She may improve, but I doubt it. She is of the type which doesn't want to learn, you see. She is quite satisfied. She won't be told.' Aylmer smiled. ' Perhaps you misjudge her.' * Why ?' Mrs. Fairbourne was scornful. ' Is she so deep ?' * She isn't as shallow as you suppose.' ' Then you have made a study of her? ' ' I study everybody.' ' And I only those who are worth it,' she retorted. ' Then turn your attention to Rosabel, I pray you, before you go farther from home where even charity should begin.' She ceased fluttering the leaves of the wall- paper book, and regarded him curiously. ' Do you mean it ?' ' I do. I should like you to realize that your investigations in a certain quarter would repay you, and that you might make both the girl and yourself happier.' She was wrapt in silent meditation for a moment. 'Oh, she is happy enough,' she said. 'She is ROSABEL 131 torpid, you know. People of that class, William's class, are not gifted or is it cursed ? with keen sensations. She is living in a luxury which is novel to her, and no doubt her heart is swelling with gratified pride, and she has gone down to Bucking- hamshire to-day to play the little pompous snob in her new clothes. Men make a mistake, as a rule, in attributing any but the simplest motives and emotions to girls. But it's awfully sweet of you to take an interest in her.' Her fine eyes looked dewy, and she extended an apparently impulsive hand to him she who was never im- pulsive in these days. ' I had no idea how sweet you were !' He felt rather a traitor as he took the hand ; nevertheless, out of habit, perhaps, he pressed it slightly. In some ways she was a delightful woman. But she did not shine as a mother. It might be a fact that maternal feelings could not be acquired full grown, but must grow with the child. She might be as charming as ever, for instance, with a baby. Once he had even gone so far on the road to matrimony as to contemplate her like that. Was it Rosabel's existence which had obliterated the picture ? A nineteen-year-old girl with a mind, too ! And the mother must be thirty-seven. He had not said it to himself in as many words, but doubtlessly the notion had come home to him 92 132 ROSABEL that, as a step-father, he would be ' damned ridiculous.' Besides, why, after all ? When a man who has never been in love begins to analyze his sentiments, and realize how gossamer- like they are, the woman's chance is gone. He was thinking of ' settling down,' and she had seemed desirable. And now, for various reasons, she no longer seemed desirable. But self-engrossed and self-satisfied, she did not dream of it, and thanked him sincerely for his kindness to her daughter. He had admired her, and her vanity could not imagine a serious defection on his part. She was rather annoyed that he should think she was not treating Rosabel properly, but she attributed his ' interest ' solely to the fact that the girl was hers, and that he wished them to make the best of things. A little officious of him, perhaps, but ' sweet.' She repeated the adjective to herself, and the irri- tation passed. How much better that he should like Rosabel than regard her as an obstacle ! ' As Rosabel will not be at home, you might accompany me to the flower-show this afternoon,' she said. CHAPTER XIV ROSABEL'S visit to the country improved her frame of mind. The contrast between past and present could not fail to strike her, and make her realize that it was pleasant, after all, to live like a lady, even with her mother. Mrs. Collins had never looked so stout and red, Mr. Collins had never looked so smug and butler-like, and her old bedroom had never looked so plainly furnished. Even the servants' rooms at Great Cumberland Place were better. And as she had not been expected, onions were being cooked for dinner, and the smell of them pervaded the inn, even submerging the usual odour of beer. But the old setter nearly went out of his mind with joy at seeing her, and the servants made excuses to come into the parlour on errands to have a peep at ' Miss Rosabel,' and her aunt said : ' My ! all silk underneath, and that hat with those feathers couldn't have cost a penny less than three pounds !' This was soothing, undoubtedly. There was some- thing romantic, too, in being able to preserve an '33 134 ROSABEL unmoved demeanour in the face of the sensation she was creating, and to feel gloomy through all. She had brought presents, and took away the good wishes of all, and a pressing invitation to come again. It was already time to dress for dinner when she reached home, and it was typical of the terms she was on with her mother that she went straight to her room instead of reporting her return. So they did not meet till they met at the dinner-table, and then Mrs. Fairbourne dismissed her daughter's doings with a mere question : ' Did you have a pleasant day, Rosabel ?' ' Yes, thank you.' Mrs. Fairbourne sipped her hock. The golden sparkle of the wine was like the woman herself. Rosabel had often thought so as she sat at the table silent, thinking, it was supposed, about nothing at all. ' Mr. Aylmer took me to a flower-show, so I had a pleasant day, too.' ' Did you ?' said Rosabel. Her satisfaction in her own performance was blighted. The gloom of her habitual mood held her in thrall again. ' He mentioned,' continued Mrs. Fairbourne, * that his cousin was going to Scotland to-morrow. Did you know ?' ' No,' said Rosabel. ROSABEL 135 ' I was surprised to hear it.' Mrs. Fairbourne fixed her daughter's eyes across the table. ' I thought he had a particular reason for wishing to remain in London for the present.' Rosabel did not respond ; she felt herself growing red. She understood the innuendo, and it occurred to her suspicious nature instantly that Aylmer had been discussing her with her mother while they were out together. Why should she trust him ? He was nice when he was with her, especially when they were alone, but, of course, he had known her mother much longer than herself. The idea that he might have passed on some of her confidences made her feel sick. ' Are you sure you don't know why he has gone, Rosabel ?' ' How should I ? Why should he tell me ?' asked the girl resentfully. ' He did not say anything to you during the trip to Folkestone ?' ' Anything about what ?' Mrs. Fairbourne shrugged her shoulders. ' If you don't know what I mean you are a fool. Even the kitchen-maid understands when the milkman admires her. That man was prepared to marry you if you had given him a little encourage- ment. I am afraid you have been silent and dis- agreeable, and thrown a chance away.' * I don't want to marry him,' said Rosabel. 136 ROSABEL ' But I suppose you don't want to be an old maid ? It is useless to be too particular, Rosabel. I cannot introduce you to many eligible men.' Rosabel's eyes were fixed upon the table-cloth. ' He was well off,' pursued her mother, as though she had answered. ' Mr. Aylmer mentioned fifteen hundred a year. And on the death of his father he will come into a considerable fortune. You are very foolish. But it may not be too late. I have reason to believe that he liked you very much. Perhaps you do not realize what a repellent manner you have ? A stranger would think that you were always sulky about something. You must cultivate a more pleasing expression, my dear child, or few men will look at you twice.' ' Then they can look another way,' muttered Rosabel. ' Please don't be impertinent,' said Mrs. Fair- bourne severely. The conversation lapsed as Benson returned. Rosabel helped herself blindly to the dish proffered her. Had her mother's complaint originated in her own head ? She meant to ask when Benson was gone again, but Mrs. Fairbourne spoke first. She might have guessed what the girl wanted to knoWj although her remark was only an after-thought, designed to impress. 1 1 am not the only person who thinks you are ROSABEL 137 making the worst instead of the best of yourself,' she added. ' Do you mean Mr. Aylmer ?' inquired Rosabel. ' Yes. We were talking about you this after- noon. He is kind enough to take an interest in you on my account, and he thinks that it is a pity you don't try to be more attractive.' Rosabel's cheeks burned like hot coals. Then he was a traitor ; he had discussed her with the enemy ! She hated him at this moment. He had become once more the stranger who had smiled with her mother over her awkwardness on her first night at Great Cumberland Place. As it happened, several days passed before she saw him again. Aylmer was kept very busy doing nothing, like most idle, pleasant men of means. When they did meet at last Mrs. Fairbourne and Rosabel were driving in the Park, and the sight of him brought the victoria to a standstill at the rails. ' Where have you been ?' asked Mrs. Fairbourne, with gentle reproach. ' I am so sorry ; engagements. You will soon have every opportunity of getting tired of me.' His reply would have sounded pointed to an outsider ; unfortunately, she knew what he meant only too well. They were due at the same country house next week. 138 ROSABEL * Oh, you are fishing,' she said. ' Such modesty is unnatural !' They chatted for a few minutes { and Mrs. Fair- bourne invited him to drive with them. Rosabel told herself that she hoped he would decline, and yet when he did so she was disappointed. He had not spoken to her all this time, and she had not spoken to him. If he did address her she did not mean to be agreeable. He should find that she did not think enough of his opinion to take it to heart. * Well, Rosabel,' he said suddenly, ' are you beginning to long for the country ? I am. The London trees are getting brown with dust. I annex your company for a walk every fine morning ! I am sure you and I will be the only people down to breakfast at eight. Take note of it !' * I haven't many engagements,' said Rosabel, ' so I am not likely to forget.' * If you do,' he said, * I shall come and hammer at your door.' Rosabel's anger vanished like mist in the sun. Perhaps he had not criticised her unkindly, after all ! He had told her himself that she was too silent and reserved to please people. He need not have repeated it to her mother, certainly, but she could not help forgiving him. It was so evident that he had not the least suspicion of having hurt her in any way. CHAPTER XV FROM that moment Rosabel began to look forward to this visit to the country. The prospect of staying at a strange house with a party of people who did not want her had seemed likely to be far more of an ordeal than a pleasure, and she had dreaded it. But it would make a great dif- ference if Aylmer took notice of her. Perhaps, after all, she would enjoy herself. A rare light illumined the girl's eyes, and her lips relaxed. She had a beautiful mouth when she allowed it to retain its natural lines full, soft, sensitive, and her face could be wholly sweet and lovable. She was picturing what it would be like to ramble through the fields and lanes with Alec Aylmer. They would be alone, and in the early morning, when the air was fresh and the dew still sparkling on the grass. Already she could smell the newly- turned earth, and hear the larks, and feel the spring of turf under her feet. The country was 139 I 4 o ROSABEL best after all. He had spoken as though he liked it too. She was glad of that, and glad that he should know, without asking* that she shared his taste. It renewed the old sympathy between them, and made her feel at home with him. If only her mother were not coming to make her miserable again with ridicule and contempt, and to remind him to be cynical ! When they were alone he was so different. Her musings culminated in a warm thrill, an odd fluttering of the heart. It had come suddenly the realization that she loved him. A great shame overwhelmed her. It was happiness as well for the moment in which she saw life as it might be and had never been for her. ' You will get love, and love is everything to a woman.' Then she had felt no more than a dim aching born of loneliness and the savage self-depreciation which was for ever telling her that she must always be different from other girls. Now the longing was definite ; but even as she recognised it the rapture passed, and her heart sank and sank, and hope drained away like the sand in a glass. It was stupid of her to care. Of course, he would never. . . . Henceforward she blushed at the mention of his name, and feared that he would guess her secret if she looked at him. A glance from her mother was like an accusation. Nobody must know. ROSABEL 141 This secret she would share with none Aylmer least of all. ' You are not offended about anything, are you ?' he asked her one day. ' No,' she said. ' Sure ?' She nodded, trying to smile, and feeling more inclined to cry. Still, he was kind to her, and it was possible that even she dreamed dreams. But she only regarded them as dreams. They were as distinct from life, in Rosabel's estimation, as the penny stories she used to read. She passed the time, that was all, and when she saw or heard anything that moved her, the hunger came which she had mentioned to Aylmer in that burst of confidence in the moonlight by the sea. So Rosabel began to count the days, and Mrs. Fairbourne began to count the days, each brooding apart. The woman thought only of herself and her own plans ; the girl looked upon her as the worst enemy of her life. They did not draw together ; no real intimacy resulted from their intercourse. Mrs. Fairbourne's air was always of well-bred tolerance when it was not faintly con- temptuous ; Rosabel did not even try to be com- panionable. Neither of them ever forgot for a moment that the bond between them was that of compulsion alone. x 4 2 ROSABEL They might have gone on indefinitely in this way if something in the nature of a thunder-bolt had not startled Mrs. Fairbourne into realizing the precariousness of all things human, particularly a man's fancy. It was the eve of their departure from London, and she and Aylmer were alone in the drawing- room. ' I am glad we are going to-morrow,' he said. * Rosabel wants a change. She isn't used to London. The girl begins to look fine-drawn.' ' Rosabel !' exclaimed Mrs. Fairbourne. * Why, she has the shoulders of a dragoon and the appetite of a navvy !' He found her coarse for once, and showed dis- pleasure. ' She may be a strong and healthy girl,' he said ; ' all the better. One naturally longs to see her keep her health and develop into a splendid woman as she would do with wholesome surroundings and happiness.' His voice dwelt upon the final word as though calling her attention to it. * A splendid animal, you mean,' she said. * Not at all,' he replied, with the deliberation of a man who utters what has been in his mind for some time. * I begin to get tired of the attitude the pose, shall I say ? of the set we live in. Isn't it trivial ? Isn't it rather unwholesome ? I am ROSABEL 143 certain it is a bore ! We judge people's value in the scheme of creation solely by the books they write, the pictures they paint, the music they com- pose, their successes on the stage, or their mere ability to criticise, and to criticise the critics. As though nothing else mattered ! Whereas it is everything else that matters. The importance of art is absurdly overrated. The world could do without jam, but it couldn't do without bread and butter.' ' Man cannot live by bread alone !' she retorted promptly. ' Granted. Jam is pleasant in the proper pro- portion, but a surfeit of it makes one sick, and leaves one still unsatisfied.' ' And you are sick ?' she queried. ' Precisely. I crave for the bread good, whole- some farmhouse bread, and milk, and fresh air, and nature !' ' Oh, you renegade !' she cried. ' Let a man pass his life in ploughing fields rather than in splitting hairs, and a woman take more interest in her children than in the higher culture.' ' Have you fallen a prey to a militant parson, or what is the matter with you to-day ?' she asked. ' You with your collection of antique weapons, your cabinets of old china, your shelf of bibelots ! I shall tell everybody ! Don't imagine that I shall spare you.' 144 ROSABEL She carried off the chagrin his thrust had caused her magnificently ; she had plenty of pluck or the mask which is always at the service of the woman of the world. ' One wastes a lot of money,' he said reflectively. ' I think I shall sell my works of art, and with the proceeds found a mission for the conversion to nature of the artists and critics of London. As for Rosabel, I should like to see her the mistress of a comfortable country house, with horses to ride, and dogs to play with, and children yes, children to bring up. She would make an ideal wife and mother.' ' Why, may I ask ?' * Because she has a heart,' he said, ' and she hungers for what she has never had something to love.' ' You seem to know a great deal about Rosabel's feelings !' said Mrs. Fairbourne. ' More than I do. When has she been talking to you ?' * We have had a few opportunities,' he replied^ ' which we have made the most of.' * So I perceive.' She tried to answer lightly, but the effort was an act of heroism. A storm was upon her, and she had been too preoccupied to observe how the clouds were gathering. When the door closed behind him at last, and she was alone, a sound broke from her like that of a deep breath long withheld. ROSABEL 145 { Can he be taking a fancy to Rosabel ?' she asked herself. ' Incredible !' It really seemed incredible to her, with her con- tempt for the girl. Nevertheless, it might be, and the suspicion rankled in her mind. After all, men were much alike. The best of them asked for nothing more than flesh, pink and white flesh, and plenty of it. Wounded vanity and jealousy made her heart burn. She loved him, and he was looking over her shoulder at Rosabel ! She had been so sure of him^ and his eyes were wandering ; the old ideals were being dethroned. He was becoming restless, seeking something new. His attention must be reclaimed. She would not give him up. The mor- tification of knowing that he had even faltered was bad enough. And for Rosabel ! Rosabel, the girl she had scorned, and been ashamed of acknowledging as her daughter ! Rosabel, brought up by a publican's wife in a village inn ! Perhaps he was merely in a bad temper this after- noon. No man with any pretence to civilization could be serious in comparing her unfavourably with Rosabel. His mood would pass, no doubt, assisted by a little tact on her part. If she could only get the girl safely married to somebody any- body else without loss of time ! George Bellamy must be given another chance. 10 146 ROSABEL ' I'll take a country house for a month, and ask him down,' she determined. ' There is nothing like a country house.' Meanwhile, she made her first move after dinner, when she was quite cool, and no longer afraid that temper would betray her. * Do you like Mr. Aylmer, Rosabel ?' ' Yes, I like him.' ' You have talked to him a great deal, haven't you ? You seem to have been more confidential with him than you have been with me ! I thought you had nothing to say for yourself, but that seems to be a mistake ; you can talk when you consider it worth while ! Probably you find men better com- pany than women ?' ' No,' said Rosabel brusquely. ' Some people are nice, and some people aren't. I don't see that sex makes any difference.' ' But it is natural that you should feel flattered by the notice of a man of the world. I am very pleased that he takes the trouble to draw you out. I was thanking him this afternoon for being so kind to you/ Rosabel looked down. ' What I want to say to you,' pursued her mother, ' is that you must not allow his attention to make you vain. I know how easily girls deceive them- selves, and you, in particular, have had so little experience of the right sort. You must not forget ROSABEL 147 that he is a great deal older than you, and regards you as a child, as my daughter.' The girl's brows lowered. ' Of course,' added Mrs. Fairbourne, with em- phasis, * he is my very best friend. It is natural that he should take the deepest interest in you. I was acting upon his advice, indeed, when I sent for you. He thought it was a pity that we should not be together. His disposition is not poor George's so absurdly jealous. He is always reasonable. You understand ?' ' Yes,' murmured Rosabel. Mrs. Fairbourne knew when to leave well alone. She had said enough to put an end to any dan- gerous ideas his sympathy might have aroused in Rosabel's head without giving the girl anything to repeat. In a few minutes Rosabel got up silently and left the room. ' Of course,' she thought, ' he is going to marry her ! Why didn't I suspect it before ?' She could believe now that she had been foolishly dense, and that she ought to have known why he came to Great Cumberland Place so much oftener than anyone else. Her mother was still a young woman, and a clever, smart, and charming woman. Nobody could be readier to admit that than Rosabel. She remembered that they had been together the first time she saw them ; and, looking back, she could TO 2 148 ROSABEL recall many signs of a mutual attachment. While she had been priding herself upon his interest, in fact, he had been merely looking kindly upon her mother's daughter. She had her mother to thank for the reflected honour of his attention. Bitter humiliation and grief overwhelmed her. ' I know how easily girls deceive themselves.' The lightly-spoken words stung her to the quick. She could not bear to think of them. She could scarcely bear to go on living. Perhaps even Aylmer was laughing at her. He would be her stepfather by-and-by, but a kinder stepfather than Mr. Fair- bourne, who was so ' absurdly jealous ' ! This man's ? disposition ' was better ; he would not begrudge her a share of her mother's roof. Yes, it was fortunate that the dreams had only been dreams, and that she had never reckoned on them. Nevertheless, she felt desolate and wept miserably, as though she had lost something which she could never regain, and no longer anticipated her visit to the country with pleasure. Of course, Alec Aylmer had been asked on purpose to oblige her mother. Everybody knew what she had been too stupid to perceive. In future she would have to regard him in quite another light as a prospective stepfather ! That was too much. He could not be such a great deal older than she was ; he looked a young man. She wondered, a little maliciously, if his age were ROSABEL 149 not more suited to her own than to her mother'sj after all. Aylmer was to meet them at the station, and they were to travel down to Hertfordshire together. If Rosabel could have stayed at home alone, without any questions being asked, she would have preferred it. As that was impossible, she was ready when the brougham came round in the morning with the station basket on the roof. It might have comforted her if she had known what pangs of anxiety lay half acknowledged beneath her mother's assumption of high spirits. Rosabel barely glanced at Aylmer when he shook hands with her, and on the journey she sat in the farthest corner, and looked steadily out of the window. She would be polite if he spoke to her, but she would never allow him to lure her into any more confidences. He ought to have warned her. She must have offended him uncon- sciously several times with her remarks about her mother. In the course of the journey he offered her the Sketch, and at the little country station, where Mrs. Harrowby met them, he seemed to remember that she might be feeling neglected while the women greeted each other with the warmth of intimate friends. ' Do you like old country houses, Rosabel ? You are going to see a perfect gem of its kind. Mr. I 5 o ROSABEL Harrowby is a famous painter, and wherever you look there is something beautiful.' ' I don't know much about works of art.' ' But you have good natural taste ; I have watched you.' ' I don't see how you can think so. I used to dress very badly,' she said antagonistically. ' I hadn't a notion. Mother said so, and she was right.' ' You learn quickly. It is all a matter of educa- tion.' ' Yes, education. And I haven't any. Knowing how to read and write and spell, and where Siam is on the map, isn't education !' ' You have already learned something when you have learned that. Some people go through their lives without knowing it.' She turned her face away. ' I ought to have been drowned when I was born, like the puppies which aren't worth keeping.' ' What is this, Rosabel ?' Rosabel did not reply. She was choking with mingled emotions, in which that of a persistent sense of inferiority was the most marked. If any- one had addressed her, she would have burst into tears. May Harrowby was speaking as they all got into the landau. She was a long-limbed woman, aesthe- tically attired, whose arched mouth and large, ROSABEL 151 mournful eyes were frequently reproduced upon her husband's canvases. ' By the way, Amy, the eighth member of our party is an acquaintance of yours,' she said. ' I asked him at the last moment instead of Jack Stirling, who couldn't come Maurice Braithwaite.' ' Braithwaite,' repeated Mrs. Fairbourne vaguely. ' Don't you remember ? A big fair fellow, a Philistine, but rather good fun. County, I believe. A friend of the Gledhows. He has a place called Hallowdene somewhere in Bucks.' * Yes, of course,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. ' Rosabel knows him better than I do.' She was annoyed, but concealed it. Rosabel was also annoyed. It seemed as though she would never shake him off. ' He arrives with the Gledhows by the next train,' added Mrs. Harrowby, happily unconscious of her error. CHAPTER XVI AYLMER had behaved so well on the way down that Mrs. Fairbourne was reassured. Surely she was mistaken after all, and he would be surprised and amused at a mere suggestion that he could take Rosabel seriously ? Even when Harrowby was showing them the grounds, and Aylmer waited for Rosabel, the act, as he performed it, seemed one of mere politeness. He was always a gentleman, and could not leave the girl to follow alone. Perhaps he had realized that he had been tactless yesterday, and was anxious to atone. She did not mean to be harsh to him. The clever woman knows when to overlook a fault and hold her tongue. She bloomed joyously in the sunshine. If Rosa- bel was the pink rosebud, she was the white rose in full flower, perhaps, but not at all faded. She felt self-satisfied, self-confident, secure once more. Tea was brought into the sitting-hall when they re-entered, and a few minutes later the other guests arrived. Again Rosabel found herself shaking hands 152 ROSABEL 153 with Maurice Braithwaite, who greeted her mis- chievously. * The fates are kind to me,' he said. Rosabel scowled. ' You are everywhere,' she said. ' Do say you are glad to see me !' She tossed her head, and he dropped into a chair beside her, as Mrs. Harrowby handed him his tea, and whispered low : ' When, Rosabel ?' ' Never never never !' she answered in the same tone. ' Yes, you will. It must be. There's luck in the third meeting. Don't you know that I am to be your fate ?' He only spoke in jest, to get a ' rise,' as he would have called it, out of the girl ; but she stared at him with sudden uneasiness, as though the suggestion had alarmed her. * You are so fond of talking nonsense, Mr. Braith- waite ! You, a married man !' ' Do you think it is only bachelors who can be foolish ? I may get a divorce, you know.' ' I don't care whether you do or not. It would be fortunate, I think, for your wife.' ' How unkind you are ! Don't you call me a nice man ?' 'No,' she said emphatically. ' Horrid perfectly horrid !' 154 ROSABEL * That isn't your real opinion ! You are afraid of making me vain.' He laughed aloud at her gaze of indignation, and Mrs. Fairbourne glanced across at them. Braith- waite, she perceived, was drawn to the girl. It was a pity that he was married. She was surprised to find that Rosabel was attractive to men, and to such various men as Alec Aylmer, George Bellamy, and Maurice Braithwaite. What could they see in her ? Had her brusque indifference, almost amounting to rudeness, the fascination of sour grapes ? When they went up to dress for dinner she called Rosabel into her room. The girl came, reluctant as usual, and waited like a child summoned by the schoolmistress for repri- mand. Her mother never wanted her, she was aware, for any agreeable reason. ' It is most unfortunate,' said Mrs. Fairbourne fretfully, ' that Mr. Braithwaite should be here. I hope he will have the tact not to mention par- ticulars of your acquaintance. You might give him a hint.' ' I don't see how I can do that,' replied Rosabel. ' Why not ? You are friendly enough with him.' ' I don't mind his talking about it,' said the girl. ' Making a secret of things doesn't alter them.' ' / object !' said Mrs. Fairbourne sharply. ' There is no occasion to argue.' ROSABEL 155 ' Then will you tell him ?' suggested Rosabel. The colour rose to Mrs. Fairbourne's cheeks. She turned to the dressing-table. ' You are the most obstinate, ill-tempered girl I ever met ! I wish I had left you at home ! Why should I consider you ? You never consider me!' ' I didn't know you were considering me, mother,' said Rosabel. ' I thought you only supposed that remarks would be made if you left me at home. I can go back to-morrow if you like.' * I am much obliged for your kind permission,' responded Mrs. Fairbourne sarcastically. ' I will think about it.' She rang for her maid. Rosabel waited in silence for a moment. ' Do you want me any longer, please ?' 'No.' The girl went to her room. It was apparent to her that the relationship between her and her mother was growing more strained every day. Mrs. Fair- bourne no longer even troubled to disguise her irrita- tion when she was irritated, or her anger when she was angry. The * speaking out ' stage had arrived, and it boded ill for the peace of the household. As usual, Rosabel's toilet was soon accomplished * and she was alone in the hall when Maurice Braith- waite entered. To her annoyance, he expressed an exaggerated delight at the fact. 156 ROSABEL * Now,' he said, ' is the very opportunity we have been seeking so long !' ' I don't know what you mean,' she declared with steely eyes. * Don't you, Rosabel ? Shall I whisper ?' ' Certainly not.' I mean to have it before I leave The Hermitage.' Rosabel walked to the long, low, latticed window < and sat down on the seat. Braithwaite followed her. ' If I were our good friend Harrowby, I would paint you sitting there. You are improving every day, Rosabel. I thought the change was wonderful when I saw you at Folkestone ; but now your beauty dazzles my eyes and bewilders my brain.' ' I suppose you can't help being like this,' said the girl, with quaint resignation, folding her hands in her lap. ' But it is most objectionable for the people who are obliged to listen to you.' He laughed, greatly amused. ' At last you are finding your tongue. It was the one thing necessary to make you a charming little girl.' ' You know I'm not charming,' she said fiercely, ' and I do hate ' * But you are blushing.' ' I'm not !' Rosabel turned her cheeks away, and looked out of the window. ROSABEL 157 ' I never saw a better imitation, then. Don't be angry with me.' He sat down on the window-seat, too, looking handsome in his white shirt-front and dress-clothes. * Don't you really like my chaff ?' 'No.' ' Then I'll try to drop it. But you get so angry that it's a temptation. You were always angry with me in the old daj^s ; do you remember ? That last time I saw you, for instance, at the Angler's Inn.' * I haven't forgotten it,' said Rosabel resent- fully. ' You've snubbed me without mercy half a dozen times, but I bear no malice.' His impudence left her speechless. Without being downright rude, it was impossible, she felt, to find an adequate retort. At that moment trailing draperies descended the staircase, and the hostess appeared. ' I shall wear this next my heart for ever as a token of your regard for me,' Braithwaite added snatching up a little lace-bordered handkerchief which Rosabel had dropped. ' Give it back at once !' she cried. ' Never, never !' he added, mimicking the tone in which she had refused him the kiss, * until you buy it !' He slipped it into his pocket, and rose, laughing, but not before Mrs. Harrowby's soulful eyes had i 5 8 ROSABEL taken note of every detail of the little scene his proximity to Rosabel on the window-seat, the steal- ing of the handkerchief, and the low-voiced, urgent intercourse, all arguing a pretty considerable fami- liarity between the girl and the man. She approached with rather a curious little smile. ' You were quick over your dressing, Rosabel.' ' Yes ; I never take long,' replied Rosabel inno- cently, unconscious of the innuendo. * Where is your mother ?' ' She will be down presently.' Mrs. Harrowby sent her in to dinner with Braith- waite. She had already arranged it in her mind, and could not alter her plans. Besides, it was Amy Fairbourne's place to look after her daughter. She thought she would make a remark in private, never- theless, if she saw any more : she was not a bad sort of woman ; and over the table she glanced several times at Rosabel. On each occasion, as it happened, Braithwaite was talking in an undertone to the girl, and Rosabel was allowing him to monopolize her ; firstly because he was her partner, and she understood that he was entitled to her attention ; secondly, because Aylmer was on the other side of her, and she had her reasons for not wishing to talk to him ; lastly, because no- body, except Aylmer, took any notice of her as a rule ; and although she thought very little of Maurice ROSABEL 159 Braithwaite, it was pleasanter to be entertained than to be left sitting silent and neglected at the table. She was even grateful to him for showing her mother and the other women yes, and Aylmer that a man who did not come from the Australian backwoods was willing to notice her for his own pleasure, not out of mere kindness. In future they might not treat her with quite such a lack of cere- mony, and Aylmer would see that she could be agreeable if she chose. So she melted somewhat towards Braithwaite, and smiled at his jokes, and tried not to be angry at his impertinence. And when he proposed a stroll in the garden after dinner she assented, but was glad that one of the men came along and bore him off to the billiard-room instead. She did not go indoors herself. It was pleasanter in the sweet-scented garden, and she seated her- self in a big basket chair on the lawn, and watched the clouds floating across the star-lit sky. Presently voices reached her. Two women's figures were crossing the lawn, and as they ap- proached Rosabel recognised her mother and Mrs. Harrowby. 'Shall we sit here?' asked the hostess. 'Or would you rather stroll ?' ' It looks comfortable here.' They did not see Rosabel, and the girl did not 160 ROSABEL speak or move. A couple of chairs creaked on the other side of the tree. ' Yes,' said Mrs. Harrowby, as though resuming a conversation already begun, ' I see a great improve- ment. You are dressing her charmingly, my dear, and she seems to have much more to say for herself than when I dined with you five weeks ago. Pro- bably she was shy.' * I believe she lived very quietly with her father's people,' responded Mrs. Fairbourne cautiously. She was wondering how much Maurice Braith- waite had told about Rosabel. May Harrowby, on the other hand, was smiling with bitter sweetness in the dark, and asking herself why she troubled to do a good turn to a woman so uncandid as ' dear Amy.' She pursued her course, nevertheless, be- cause she was well-intentioned, and also because her mind was too slow-moving for a change of tactics on the spot. * I was noticing her with Maurice Braith- waite,' she pursued. ' Has she seen much of him?' ' I don't think so ; that is to say, I don't know,' replied Mrs. Fairbourne uneasily. ' Why ?' 'They seem to be such excellent friends. I happened to find them alone in the hall when I came down before dinner both on the window-seat. He stole her handkerchief, and kept it. If he were eligible, now ! It does seem a pity. Evidently he admires ROSABEL 161 her, and he is simply rolling. Of course, she knows that he has a wife ?' ' I suppose so.' ' I should find out, my dear. One cannot be too careful with a girl. And he is an awful rake, poor dear fellow ! Perhaps it was indiscreet to ask him?' ' Not at all,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. She quite understood the warning given to her. ' But it's very good of you to mention it. If there is any nonsense, it is all on his side, and he is merely taking advantage of her inexperience. Rosabel doesn't care for men.' ' Really ?' The languid voice was also a little incredulous. ' I'll soon stop it,' said Mrs. Fairbourne resolutely, growing sincere. ' What cheek of him !' ' If she were a married woman it wouldn't matter! of course,' murmured her friend, ' but he might be putting another man off a serious man. It's too bad. Shall I ask a boy to play with her, and keep her out of mischief ?' ' May,' said Mrs. Fairbourne solemnly, ' you are a great and noble woman.' The artist's wife laughed. ' There's Roger,' she said. ' Twenty-two years old, six feet in his stockings, blue eyes and curly hair ; son of old Sir Herbert Essendene, our next- door neighbour. He shall come and spend the day.' ii 1 62 ROSABEL * You shall be blessed for this a thousand-fold !' ' I'll go in and write a note to him now, before it gets too late,' said Mrs. Harrowby, rising. ' What are the men doing ? I'm thirsty. Wouldn't you like a little B. and S. ?' The ladies moved away together, the best of friends, and silence held the place of their low voices and soft laughter and the rustling of many silken frills. CHAPTER XVII ROSABEL was undressing, and had just taken her hair down, when somebody knocked at the door. She unlocked it, and found her mother outside. Mrs, Fairbourne came in. ' I did not know you were going to bed,' she said. * I am tired,' said Rosabel, averting her face, and beginning to ply the hair-brush again. ' I said good- night to Mrs. Harrowby. She excused me.' It was a curious fact that Mrs. Fairbourne had never seen Rosabel with her hair down before. She had lovely hair. The woman who was her mother admitted it at once. She noted, too, the firm, white, well-moulded flesh of the girl's shoulders. Her evening dresses should be cut lower in future perhaps. ' Where have you been all the evening ?' * In the billiard-room and the garden.' ' Talking to Mr. Braithwaite ?' ' Yes and others.' Mrs. Fairbourne sat down on the edge of the bed. * You can go on undressing, as you are tired,' 163 ii 2 164 ROSABEL she said. ' Rosabel, do you know that Mr. Braith- waite is married ?' ' Of course I do,' responded Rosabel. The rose-coloured shades of the candlesticks on the dressing-table threw a glow over her face. * One would not think so from the manner you allow him to adopt towards you. He is too familiar. It looks bad. Remarks have been made already.' Rosabel's mechanical performance with the hair- brush ceased. She confronted her mother. ' I know all about it,' she said. ' I heard you and Mrs. Harrowby talking in the garden.' ' You heard ?' ' I was in the big chair.' * Eavesdropping, Rosabel !' ' I didn't know you were going to talk about me. I couldn't help hearing, and then I didn't like to move.' ' You behaved very badly.' * I wasn't hiding,' said the girl sullenly. ' And I was there first. Why didn't you see me ?' Mrs. Fairbourne made an impatient gesture. * As it happens,' she said, ' it is of no consequence. You have only heard what I was going to tell you.' ' I didn't give him the handkerchief,' said Rosabel. ' He took it.' ' You should have demanded it back instantly, and shown him that you were offended if he did ROSABEL 165 not return it. Instead, you let him talk to you all through dinner.' Rosabel ceased to defend herself, and returned to her toilet. * I am not finding fault with you for the sake of finding fault,' continued her mother sharply, ' and I am not a prude. But you are inexperienced, and you must be told, although I know you don't like it. I dare say you think you are playing the woman of the world with Braithwaite, but you are making a mistake. There is something between behaving like a wooden doll which I don't want you to do, goodness knows ! and attracting too much notice. It's the wrong sort of notice. Nobody could object to your accepting attention from an eligible man, but Braithwaite is the worst sort of married man, and he is not going to make a pastime of my daughter while I am here to prevent it.' The girl looked at her mother with sudden curiosity. 4 Are you afraid that I shall fall in love with him ?' she asked. ' I don't think you would be such a fool,' said Mrs. Fairbourne, ' but that isn't the question. You must remember, Rosabel, that you have to be even more careful, with your past, than the average girl. Unfortunately, this Braithwaite knows all about you , and it will be said that he is only renewing an old acquaintance. What you have 166 ROSABEL to remember, and what he must be made to re- member, is that you are My Daughter ' she spoke in capitals ' and that he cannot treat you like a barmaid.' ' I was a barmaid,' said Rosabel. ' That is why I have to teach you how to behave yourself,' replied her mother. * It should not be necessary. You ought to be able to perceive when a man's attention means respectful admiration or impudence. To encourage, or even to condone, the latter by silence argues a vulgar mind. For God's sake, don't be vulgar, Rosabel ! I am afraid that you must have permitted him a great deal of latitude formerly, or he would not dare to remind you by a look that you met under other circum- stances. Anyhow, he is a blackguard, and the less you have to do with him the better.' Rosabel poured water out of the jug in silence. * You cannot take it too much to heart that the least whisper, in your case, would be fatal. Nobody would want to marry you. And I am very anxious to see you well married. It would be a great relief.' The girl gave her an odd bright glance before bending over the basin to sponge her face. Mrs. Fairbourne was meditating. ' It should be someone who knew nothing,' she added, uttering her thoughts aloud. * Some nice young fellow near your own age.' ROSABEL 167 ' The boy next door ?' asked Rosabel. Was it possible that she was sarcastic ? Mrs. Fairbourne stared incredulously at the profile of Rosabel's rounded cheek, and her colour mounted slightly. ' Oh, you heard that too ! Yes, anyone anyone, 1 she said, ' as long as he was a gentleman, and I need be no longer responsible for you !' In the pause that followed the stable clock struck twelve. The regular slow chiming seemed to emphasize the stillness of the house, and the faint rustle of the ivy at the window succeeded it like the whispering of an unseen ghostly chorus on a matter of moment urgently discussed. Mrs. Fairbourne aroused herself. * So late !' She rose, yawning. Her composure was restored. ' I thought it wise to warn you. The world is censorious. It is only a married woman who can afford to play with fire. Good-night, my dear.' ' Good-night,' said Rosabel. She relocked the door. Her face looked hot, and her eyes still wore the curious expression with which she had regarded her mother just now. She finished undressing, and got into bed, but left the candle alight beside her, and sat up staring, her chin on her knees. Once more there was silence, silence, as of a world asleep. The flame of the candle flickered, 1 68 ROSABEL the shadows played hide-and-seek among the window curtains, and again the ivy whispered a message, persistently, as though it could wait no longer for its will to be fulfilled. Rosabel listened, translating slowly, understand- ing dimly, like a child following a language still strange, and her heart beat fast. ' She doesn't care for you, only for herself herself herself,' the voices whispered. ' You might be as miserable as you liked as long as nothing occurred to disgrace her, and nobody knew.' The meaning of the whispers became clearer. ' It is only fear of a scandal that could bring home to her what she has done. She never pro- tected you ; she left you exposed to the vulgar temptations of a public-house. If you had fallen then she would not have cared. Nobody knew you you could have dropped in obscurity like an autumn leaf. But now, for money, she has intro- duced you to the world as her daughter, and your actions reflect upon her pride, and your disgrace would be hers. So she is anxious about you for her own sake, just as she was anxious formerly to hide you in some corner out of the way.' The voices became articulate. At last Rosabel heard what she had been straining to hear uncon- sciously since she came to Great Cumberland Place. ' Suppose you were really what you might have ROSABEL 169 been ? Suppose her false pride and heartlessness found its due punishment ?' Something seemed to crack in the girl's brain and admit a flash like lightning, and all the anguish, the resentment, the yearning aspirations which for years had filled her breast to the point of bursting, culminated in that illumination of mind with the passionate thrilling foretaste of a possible revenge. If that harvest should be reaped which had been sown ! CHAPTER XVIII BREAKFAST was a movable feast at The Hermitage. It was on the table from eight till ten, and people made their own tea or poured out their own coffee, and selected from covered silver dishes kept hot by an arrangement of spirit lamps on the sideboard. Maurice Braithwaite, descending on the stroke of nine, found an empty room, and windows standing wide to the scented sunshine. He took some fish and coffee. Among the letters on a side-table he found a couple for himself, and opened them with the careless air of an unburdened mind. He had no bills, and there was nobody in the world he cared twopence about, his wife included. He looked clean and smart in a gray suit and white tie, and he seated himself leisurely at the table with his cup and plate, and reached for the rolls. Then something came between him and the sunlight, and, glancing up, he saw Rosabel at the window. * 'Morning, Rosabel.' She entered, bare-headed, her straw hat in her 170 ROSABEL 171 hand, treading with a certain light cautiousness like a young cat, her eyes fixed warily on him. There was something unusual in her manner this morning, something he could not define, which made him watch her across the room as he had caught her watching him from the window. ' Have you had breakfast ?' * No,' said Rosabel deliberately. ' I waited for you.' ' Did you ?' He gave a little laugh of mingled surprise and amusement. ' Now I call that real friendly ! In return, I'll get you your breakfast.' ' Oh, don't trouble,' said Rosabel. ' I'll wait upon you for a change !' he said. ' Sit here beside me. What will you have ? I recommend the fish.' She seated herself at the table, while he rose to wait on her. What would they have said at the Angler's Inn ? * Been up long ?' he asked. ' Half an hour.' * You're hungry, then ? And you waited for me !' He laughed again. ' Good girl !' ' I guessed you would be late,' she said. ' Why ?' ' Oh, you are the sort of person who would be, I think, unless you had something very nice to do.' ' Such as talking to you !' he supplemented. ' I would have got up earlier if I'd known. Let 172 ROSABEL us have breakfast together every morning, shall we, Rosabel ?' * If you like,' she said. ' But I want mine at eight, as a rule, not at nine.' ' I'll get up at eight, too, if you insist ; but can't you make it half -past ?' * Very well, half-past eight.' There was a glimmer of a smile on her face. His eyes sought hers, and held them. * I am still wearing your handkerchief next my heart,' he said, and showed her a corner. ' Look !' ' That's silly,' said the girl with composure, * because you are not in love with me.' ' I am madly in love with you !' ' But it isn't at all proper that you should be,' said Rosabel. ' Do let me forget my wife for ten minutes. Are you trying to take away my appetite, you cruel girl ?' * I think you are making fun of me,' she said. ' And I don't like people who make fun of me.' He was still eating, but his attention was no longer absorbed by trout and coffee. Again he was per- plexed by that subtle something about her which was new. In the moment that he paused to find an answer it came to him. She was making a step forward instead of a step back. If she were still a little timid, she was also attracted or merely curious. In either case, her lure was intentional, ROSABEL 173 not unconscious. Yesterday she had shrunk from him with indignation, this morning she held out her hand. He admired her, and he was the last man in the world to be restrained by decency. When nothing was given him he begged ; if any woman gave him an inch, he took an ell. He never forgot, of course, where and how her life had been spent. It was absurd to expect a prude to come out of the Angler's Inn. She had wanted stirring up, as he had con- cluded before, and, unconsciously, it seemed, he had done the stirring up. He was gratified. Never had so little trouble promised a keener reward. ' Have some more trout, Rosabel ? No ? Fruit, then ?' He gave her a clean plate, and took a peach himself with a glance at the girl which was full of meaning. ' Do you like peaches, Rosabel ?' She nodded. ' So do I,' he said. ' We all do. Only sometimes they're green and bad for us, and sometimes other people get the pick of the dish before we're down ! The thing is to be down early, eh ?' * I don't know what you mean,' she said, frowning at him for the first time that morning. * Peaches should be fresh and luscious,' he said, 4 and with pink cheeks like yours. ... Is Aylmer going to marry your mother ?' he added abruptly. I 7 4 ROSABEL ' They haven't told me. 1 ' Do you want a stepfather ?' he asked. She reddened. * I don't care.' ' She's a smart woman, your mother, but Lord ! he would be the third, wouldn't he ? A plucky fellow, by Jove 1' * She didn't kill the other two,' said Rosabel,- prompted by a peculiar inconsistency to defend her mother. He laughed loudly. * Bravo, Rosabel ! you are certainly finding your tongue ! Let me pour you out some more coffee.' They finished breakfast amicably, and Braith- waite had strolled outside, lighting a cigarette, while Rosabel lingered to pin on her hat, when Aylmer entered. He smiled at the girl. * You forgot our appointment !' * What appointment ?' she asked. * Weren't we going to take a walk before breakfast on our first morning here ? I reminded you last night. I expected you down at seven o'clock. Did you oversleep yourself ?' * No ; I didn't feel inclined to get up.' * So you had breakfast all alone as a punishment !' * I had it with Mr. Braithwaite,' she said. Aylmer's brows contracted sharply. At that moment the other man called her. ROSABEL 175 ' Are you ready, Rosabel ?' * Where are you going ?' asked Aylmer. * Only into the garden.' * May I come too ?' was on the tip of his tongue, but he did not utter the question. Instead, he turned away, and picked up a newspaper, and over the edge of it watched her join Braithwaite. Why it should enrage him to see them together he did not know, but enrage him it did. He told himself that he did not like Braithwaite, and that he was an unfit companion for a young girl. An intimate acquaintance with the man's antecedents was not necessary for his information. Braith- waite's * tone ' had been palpable enough in the billiard-room last night. Even before that it had been easy enough to gauge him. Aylmer opened the newspaper, and read a column. When he reached the bottom of it he began again labouredly. Then his eyes wandered with his thoughts. * I shall speak to Amy,' he said aloud. The sharp reminder of memory that Rosabel was not fresh from the schoolroom or the convent, and should have acquired a wide experience in peculiar circumstances^ was singularly unwelcome to him. The girl was no hothouse bloom, indeed. She must have come into contact with a good many men, and been left to sift the wheat from the tares alone. And she had known Maurice 176 ROSABEL Braithwaite in those days. As a matter of fact, he was her oldest acquaintance at The Hermitage, her mother included. Aylmer snatched at the paper again, and read a divorce case, a leader, and an advertisement for somebody's pills, with the air of a judge. ' All the same, I thought she didn't like him,' he mused. He was also conscious that he had hoped so. In his estimation it soiled her natural cleanliness of soul that she should be on friendly terms with a man worse than second-rate. She ought to be able to discriminate. He had given her credit for fine instincts. At the back of his mind, too, was disappointment that she had not thought it worth while to get up for a walk with him, and had not even troubled to excuse herself. He had had the idea that she liked him, and would take some pains to retain his friendship. But the world was full of disappoint- ments, and the man who thought that a girl had been really sincere with him was probably a fool. It was seldom that he was bitter, and presently he felt that it was absurd to be offended. The incident was not sufficiently important, and he chose to look after her ; she should not be left alone with Braithwaite. He put down the newspaper, and followed them. He had it in his mind to warn her, at the first oppor- ROSABEL 177 tunity, against Braithwaite. She always seemed to listen when he spoke to her. Of course, it was' her mother's place, but Amy Again strong irritation awoke in him, this time against Mrs. Fairbourne. Really, there were duties a woman owed to herself, and she was too casual. She ought to care, and if she did not, decency would assume something. He did not know that he wronged her in this instance, and would not have cared to know. He wanted a scapegoat anyone instead of Rosabel. When he came across the girl she was just stop- ping to pick herself a rose. Braithwaite helped to pin it in her dress, and their heads and hands came close together. They seemed absorbed in each other, and unconscious of observation, and a reluctance to join them overtook Aylmer. He had at least as much right to be with her as Braithwaite, but that horror of being ridiculous, which is the nightmare of the modern man, held him back with chains. If Rosabel were to look surprised, if Braithwaite were to smile sarcastically ! He was not her brother, nor her guardian, nor even her stepfather. In fact, it was not in his power to preserve her from undesirable friends. He turned away without another glance, and went indoors again. In the interval Gledhow, a big, stout, red-faced man, had come down, and'was devouring ham and eggs with a horrible "appetite. 12 I7 8 ROSABEL Aylmer sat apart and watched him, for the pleasure of contradicting every assertion he fired off between mouthfuls, until the injured man struck. ' You are in a fine temper this morning ! Had a bill for breakfast ?' * I in a temper ?' exclaimed Aylmer coolly. * What an idea !' ' A beastly temper,' insisted Gledhow. ' Have some more breakfast.' ' No ; it is making me quite sick enough to watch you. How a man, a normal civilized man, who gets three meals a day every day of his life, should be able to stoke like that directly he leaves his bed is a marvel to me.' Gledhow poured out more coffee, and put three lumps of sugar in his cup with a seraphic smile. ' Perhaps you are in love,' he said. ' It is not astonishing that you grow fatter as one looks at you. By-and-by you will be a huge unwieldy object like a feather-bed, and you will have to have a lift built in your house because you can't walk upstairs.' ' Certainly it is love,' said Gledhow. * Pass the toast.' Aylmer pushed the rack across the table. ' Love,' he repeated, meditating, * love ! You are so sentimental, Bobby. I remember you wept in a handkerchief as big as a sheet last time ROSABEL 179 I took you to the theatre, and said you had a cold.' * I've been saving up to buy you a wedding- present for ever so long,' said Gledhow, ' and still no little cards come.' Aylmer rose from the bottom of a well. His tongue had been talking, not his brain. 'Eh ?' he queried vaguely. ' Oh, for the hot impetuous blood of youth ! You're fishy, that's what you are fishy !' Gledhow sniffed contempt. ' You've got anaemic because you don't believe in breakfast. By the time you are my age you'll be a dried-up, withered old bachelor.' ' What a splendid reader of character you are !' said Aylmer. ' You are wasting yourself on canvas and paint. You ought to set up as a fortune- teller in Bond Street.' ' Fishy,' repeated Gledhow, nodding. ' Ah, here comes Mrs. Fairbourne. I'm going to ask her if she doesn't agree with me.' Aylmer smiled. 4 Go on,' he said. * Is that a dare ?' murmured the other man, chuckling. ' I don't know what you mean,' said Aylmer. * You can go to the devil !' All the women came in. They had breakfasted upstairs, and were ready for walking. ' The programme,' said Mrs. Harrowby, ' is golf 12 2 i8o ROSABEL for four, and fishing for three, I believe, till lunch. What will the girl do, Amy ?' ' She can come with us to the golf course. Where is she ?' ' I saw her in the garden with Braithwaite,' said Aylmer. Mrs. Fairbourne bit her lip, and went to the window. * We are all coming out,' said Mrs. Harrowby. Aylmer fetched his hat. When he rejoined the others on the lawn Rosabel and Braithwaite were with them, and a rose the flower which seemed so intimately associated with Rosabel by name was in Braithwaite's button-hole. Something rapped Aylmer sharply on the heart. He knew before he looked that Rosabel's rose was gone, and that it was the identical one which now adorned the man's coat. He must have asked for it, and she had given it to him. It was only a trifle, but the blood rushed to Aylmer's head, and he felt hot ; it ebbed, and he was white and a little shaky. He remembered having just that sensation once when, as a boy, a woman had first looked at him. It made him realize. . . . The revelation was almost a shock. He stood silent with a drumming in his ears. Yes, he was jealous with the jealousy of passion. If he could have had his way she should not have spoken to ROSABEL 181 another man. He wanted her all to himself her thoughts as well as her words, her eyes, her smiles. And she was only a girl as other girls. There was nothing so remarkable about her. She was not a beauty, she was not clever; she had been brought up in a way of which he disapproved entirely in a way which would have frightened off many men ; at their first meeting he had scarcely looked at her. Why was it ? Already he knew that his feeling for her was entirely different from anything the mother or any other woman had ever inspired in him. He had admired Amy Fairbourne's elegance, her tact, her cultivation, her knowledge of the world ; Rosabel had none of these things, and he loved her. He was so keen that it made him boil to see her walking and talking with Braithwaite. The rose Braithwaite wore was like an insult to him, an insult which he would have liked to revenge with a blow ! He despised while he analyzed himself. He had been so cool and cautious, as reluctant to take a step forward as a cat on ice, and now he was ready at a glance from a girl of nineteen to risk everything. But he must have the glance. He was not the man to court a refusal. There would have to be some assurance on her part. And at present it seemed likely that he would have to wait a long time for it. She was taking no notice of him to-day. 182 ROSABEL She had even snubbed him. And the rose she had picked was in Braithwaite's button-hole. Braith- waite, who had no right whatever to expect it, was the recipient of marked favour. If she had been another girl he would have called her a coquette, but he did not believe Rosabel capable of any nonsense of that kind. An almost brutal sincerity was hers by nature. When she was hungry she ate, when she was tired she went to bed, when she was pleased she smiled, when she was angry she scowled. She could not play with a man for mere amusement. Although Braith- waite was out of the game, Aylmer feared that she really cared for him, and grew exceedingly bitter over such evidence of bad taste. He did not say to himself in as many words, ' The girl who is attracted by that animal cannot appreciate me,' but he felt it. It would have pleased him to kick Braithwaite out of The Hermitage gate. A grimly humorous conception of his own folly set him smiling at last. After all, time was before him, and the vertigo which had attacked his self-confidence passed over. He would wait a bit. By-and-by she would turn to him again. She did like him ; he was sure of that. The only sane course would be to take no notice, and welcome her without comment whenever she chose to come. The state of his emotions did not put his hand out for golf, at any rate, and he watched Rosabel, ROSABEL 183 who had chosen the players instead of the fishers, without perceptible concern. Braithwaite was playing too ; was that why she had come ? Sometimes she walked with him, but the greater part of the morning she wandered alone with self-absorbed face, picking wild flowers, or resting on the grass, while the sun kissed her round peachy face to a still warmer glow. Aylmer crossed a meadow to speak to her at last. His manner was as usual, betraying no under- current of any kind even to Mrs. Fairbourne's keen-eyed jealousy. ' Are you weaving daisy-chains, Rosabel ?' ' I left off doing that when I was ten years old,' she said, looking up with the sun in her eyes. ' Day-dreams, then, the privilege of maiden- hood !' She flushed. He noticed that her lashes and her hair were golden in the brilliant bath of light. ' Who is winning ?' she asked. * Your friend Braithwaite is doing very well.' ' He says he is good at all sports.' ' Does he ?' Aylmer was bitter. ' Probably he devotes his life to them.' ' Is he beating you ?' The question was so singularly pointed that he flinched. But she looked innocent. ' At present he seems to have the advantage, certainly !' 184 ROSABEL ' I shouldn't play games unless I had a good chance,' she said. ' I should hate being beaten.' ' That's a spirit which leads to jealousy and endless strife and discontent.' ' I can't help it, I've got it,' said the girl, locking her hands round her knee as she sat on the grass. ' I am jealous, and I should like always to be first.' She knew herself ; she had got it. The heaviness of the lower part of her face, the determined set of her lips, the straight brows on the broad forehead, the fire of mingled defiance and resentment a word could kindle in her eyes, the deliberation with which she spoke when she spoke at all, were indelible signs of character. * In fact, you want your own way,' he said, ' and are ready to hate everyone who won't let you have it !' ' Yes,' she admitted. ' And your self-depreciation is a form of vanity. If people won't think you first-rate, you turn sulky, and pretend that you don't care what they think, and would rather have nothing at all to do with them ! You will give all or nothing, receive all or nothing ; be everything, or let yourself go, and refuse to make the best of the gifts you have.' Rosabel stared at him ; her mouth opened. ' Is that true ?' ' ' Y yes. How did you know ?' ' I am very wise !' said Aylmer. ROSABEL 185 ' Do you ever talk like this to mother ?' she in- quired sapiently. He smiled. 'No.' ' Why don't you ?' ' She wouldn't appreciate it.' The girl plucked a blade of grass to nibble. * You are the only woman I ever met,' he added, ' who would admit her faults !' ' And yet you said I was vain !' Rosabel was deeply interested. ' So you are, but you have counteracting qualities rare in your sex. You are absolutely truthful^ and you have a logical mind. With such a com- bination of virtues one ought to be able to trust you not to do anything foolish.' ' How foolish ?' she queried. ' Oh, any of the usual things done by girls who are weak, and sentimental in the wrong way, and silly. For instance, you wouldn't ' He checked himself on the verge of saying * run away with a groom,' and substituted : ' You wouldn't throw your life away on a drunkard, a profligate, a thief. And you wouldn't think it was amusing and smart to start a vulgar flirtation with a fast man you did not mean to marry or a man who already had a wife.' Rosabel's cheeks flamed. Her lids drooped, then lifted again. She regarded him steadily with an effort. 186 ROSABEL * A girl of that sort doesn't attract envy or admiration, whatever she may imagine,' he pursued quietly. ' Women sneer and men smile unkindly in both cases. I should never feel uneasy about you.' ' Of course you needn't,' she said. * I don't matter to you.' * That is a mistake. I should be sorry to see anyone make a fool of you and sorrier still to see you make a fool of yourself.' ' On mother's account, of course !' ' On your own account as well.' Rosabel tugged at another grass-stalk, wrenching it up by the root, and bent her head over it as she picked it to pieces with shaky hands. * Nobody will ever make a fool of me,' she said at last. ' I am sure not. Have I not said that I think you are sensible and trustworthy ?' ' You only pretend to think so.' * What a sceptic you are !' * Oh, I know,' she said darkly. ' What do you know ?' She would not answer or look up, and he was called at that moment back to the game. But as he left her Rosabel looked after him under her thick lashes with a resentful air. ' Of course mother set him on me,' she thought. * And I didn't guess at first ! I let him talk.' ROSABEL 187 She hated herself for the stupidity of playing into his hands. He would carry away the idea that she had been impressed by his remarks, and her mother would be pleased. Did he imagine that she could not see through his affected spon- taneity, and understand the motive which had brought him strolling so carelessly to her side ? The glow in her cheeks deepened as she mused. Once more he had forced the armour of her reserve, and got something, if ever so little, for his pains. She had decided to keep him outside like the rest,, to range him with her mother on the other side, he who was her mother's friend, and again he had taken her unawares, and she had been herself with him. It should never happen again. He should not influence her. She had made up her mind last night as she lay staring at the dark, and when once Rosabel knew her own mind she could display a strength and tenacity of purpose almost terrible in a girl so young. CHAPTER XIX NOTHING escaped Mrs. Fairbourne's eyes. She had seen Aylmer's tendency to wander towards Rosabel that morning, and their earnest if brief conversa- tion, and made a determined effort to capture her errant knight that afternoon when the question of driving cropped up. There was a landau, and a dog-cart, and the governess-car belonging to the children, therefore everybody could go who chose, and Mrs. Fairbourne marked the dog-cart for herself and Aylmer. * I haven't handled the ribbons for years,' she said, ' but I think I am equal to that quiet bay of yours, May, and I feel energetic this afternoon.' ' Very well, dear,' said Mrs. Harrowby amiably. ' Will you take somebody ?' ' Mr. Aylmer, may I take you ?' ' Delighted,' he said. It was impossible to refuse. Gledhow chuckled. * You are a brave man, by Jove !' * What do you mean ?' she demanded a trifle sharply. 1 88 ROSABEL 189 ' To trust himself with you. That mare isn't so quiet.' ' How rude you are !' she said, relieved. ' Would not a man risk death for the sake of such fair company ?' asked Aylmer. * He is jealous, dear lady, because you did not ask him. The green-eyed monster is a disgusting reptile.' ' Disgusting yourself,' said Gledhow. ' Now, Bobby, Bobby, be polite,' said his wife. ' Smack him, and send him to bed, Mrs. Gledhow,' suggested Harrowby. ' He shan't have any sugar in his tea,' she promised. Gledhow got out a handkerchief and howled. Rosabel thought they were all very silly. She despised childishness as much as horse-play. Tragedy she could understand, not comedy. A sense of humour is one of the things which, like a complexion, cannot be acquired at adult age. The dog-cart came round, and Aylmer assisted Mrs. Fairbourne up, and mounted beside her. She thought she had been very clever, but the ease with which he had submitted was neither laziness nor helplessness. He was quite aware of her state of mind, and not a single manoeuvre on her part escaped his notice. She had caught a tartar for once. As she insisted upon a tete-a-tete, she should pay for it. The groom went with the landau ; they were I9 o ROSABEL quite alone. When a country lane received them in its green arms, Aylmer broke the silence. ' Your reins are too slack.' She tightened them. 'So?' ' Better. That is one of the faults of the amateur a commoner one than jagging the poor brute's jaw. You want just to feel his mouth.' ' My heart is tender,' she said. ' I like to allow even a horse as much latitude as is good for him.' ' But over-indulgence spoils the child.' ' They say so.' ' I have been talking to Rosabel,' he added, after a pause. ' Have you noticed anything ?' ' Noticed ?' she repeated. ' What do you mean ?' * Girls want advice sometimes,' he said. She touched up the bay with the whip. * But they don't know it, and sometimes they won't take it !' ' She is very young.' ' And as obstinate as a mule !' ' I think you exaggerate,' he said coldly. * She only wants telling.' ' What ?' * Not to be quite so pleasant to Braithwaite. He is the wrong sort. He might misunderstand.' * You, too !' she cried in a rage. * Somebody else has mentioned it ?' ' May Harrowby, last night.' ROSABEL 191 ' Then everybody has noticed already, and it is not my fancy !' ' She is a little animal, that is the fact of the matter !' declared Mrs. Fairbourne furiously. ' What else could she be ? It is in the blood.' He turned white and red and white again. ' Why did you make me send for her ?' she asked. ' Why, on the contrary, did you ever send her away ?' ' You know I couldn't help it !' ' You might have had her four years ago. You didn't want her.' ' I didn't. What then ?' ' The girl has been shamefully neglected. In spite of it she is wonderful.' ' Oh, ah ! I thought you were finding fault with her a moment ago !' ' No ; I only suggested that youth and inexperience was entitled to advice from experience and age.' She flushed. Then she looked in his eyes, and her anger was frightened away by his. A thrill ran down her spine. She turned cold. An awful silence fell. The ring of the hoofs on the hard road seemed to her scarcely loud enough to cover the beating of her heart. She began to choke. When she dared to speak at last her voice quivered with mortification and nervousness and anguish at her enforced humility. ' I didn't know you had such a temper !' ROSABEL He remained silent. * I am quite frightened !' * Indeed !' He was sardonically polite. * I shall cry in a moment,' she said. ' Oh, Alec, we have been such good friends ! You can't wish to quarrel with me ?' * There is nothing I desire less.' * Then don't cut your words with a razor and call me by my name !' * If you like Amy.' ' Now you are your old dear self again !' He denied it mentally. But she declined to perceive his lukewarmness, deceived herself with insincere jubilation, as she would deceive him, shifted the reins to pat him on the arm with a fluttering, caressing glove. * It is annoying to be bullied when one is doing one's best,' she added. - I have spoken to Rosabel. Of course I shall look after her.' * I am glad to hear it.' ' So we can talk about something else. Your twelve hundred pounds, for instance. I have a cheque for you in my pocket.' ' No hurry, you know.' ' There is nothing in the world so pleasant as to be able to discharge one's debts. I am quite flourishing now, and ever so much obliged to you. If I can be of use at any time, please please do say.' ' Impossible,' he said. ROSABEL 193 ' Do you mean that you could never want money, or that you would not tell me if you did ?' ' Both.' ' You wouldn't give me the pleasure of doing anything for you ! It is always the way. Men can do without women but women cannot do without men.' ' The proposition is not self-evident,' he said, ' and your sex is not usually so humble.' Her eyes filled without any effort. Despite the fact, she knew very well what she was doing. Now if ever was the time to reclaim him. ' I see that you have not forgiven me yet,' she said, ' and that whatever I say will be wrong. I have dared to disparage Rosabel, who you have taken under your protection. One would think you were the jealous parent, and / the stranger.' ' The disparity between a girl of nineteen and a man of thirty-two is scarcely so great,' he replied with annoyance. ' I do not think the idea would suggest itself to everyone.' ' Since when have you begun to interpret me literally ?' She bit her lips ; the subject was a sore one. ' Of course, I mean that you seem to think it necessary to protect her against me ! As though, in spite of my talk, I hadn't her interests deeper at heart than you can have. You give me credit for no feeling at all !' 13 194 ROSABEL ' You should not turn a corner so sharply,' he said. ' The cart was on one wheel.' ' There are moments,' she said, ' when I hate you and this is one of them !' She permitted a big tear to brim over and run down without averting her face. He could not help seeing it. ' What have I done ?' he asked quietly, after an interval. ' You have hurt me.' ' I am sorry.' ' We were friends before you heard of her. Say she shall not come between us, Alec !' He felt warm. Now was his opportunity to speak out and clear the sulphurous atmosphere. But she was crying, and he still had some feeling for her the sentiment, half pity, which lingers with a good-natured man after his fancy for a woman who likes him is passed, and his conscience was not quite at ease. While he was hesitating a motor overtook them, and, passing rapidly, startled the mare, which began to rear and back. There was a pretty deep ditch behind them. ' Give me the reins,' said Aylmer, ' and sit still.' She had nerve enough to obey, but the dog-cart overturned at the same moment. Aylmer disentangled himself* and seized the plunging mare by the head. One of the shafts ROSABEL 195 was broken. He unfastened the traces with some difficulty, and tied the animal to a gate. Then he turned to look for Mrs. Fairbourne. She had pitched clear, and was sitting on a grassy bank, very white, but self-controlled. ' Are you hurt ?' he asked anxiously. ' I don't think there are any bones broken,' she replied, ' but I am bruised, and the teeth were nearly shaken out of my head.' Then the woman who loved him cried out : * There is blood upon your cheek !' * It is nothing at all,' he said. ' A mere scratch.' ' You are hurt,' she persisted, ' and you won't tell me !' ' I assure you that it is nothing.' * I hate the sight of blood,' she said, ' and and it's been such a shock.' To his horror she fainted on the roadside. Here was a predicament ! He could not leave her alone, and he could not procure assistance otherwise. His attitude of concern over her tumbled finery was quite lover-like. He was a man, so he wondered if she were dead, and if he would ever forgive him- self, in that case, for his coldness and sarcasm and harsh thoughts. It seemed that she really loved him, poor thing ! ' Amy,' he murmured, touching her, ' for God's sake !' 132 196 ROSABEL Not even the flutter of an eyelid rewarded his appeal until quite an intolerable period had passed, then she opened her eyes, and sought his hand. * You might have been killed,' she murmured. ' My heart stood still. Kiss me !' She offered him her lips. He stooped automatically, came within a hair's breadth of self-betrayal. If he kissed her, Rosabel's mother. . ... It was impossible ! There had been nothing like that between them so far, and he could not forego his chance with the girl. Why should he? Wheels approached. A pony-chaise was in sight. For the second time that afternoon he was released from a painful predicament. An elderly gentleman in a clerical hat and tie occupied the pony-chaise, and reined in abreast of them. 'Dear me!' he said, 'I am afraid you have had an accident ! I hope sincerely that the lady is unhurt ?' ' No serious damage done,' replied Aylmer, with the cheerfulness of the man who is grateful to Providence. ' But I don't quite know what to do. We are staying at The Hermitage, and Mrs. Fairbourne is unable to walk ' ' Allow me the pleasure of assisting you,' said the stranger. ' I am the Rev. Horace Walker, Vicar of St. Helens. I know The Hermitage very well. ROSABEL 197 If your friend Mrs. Fairbourne, I believe you said ? will trust herself to my staid old pony ' the worthy vicar beamed on them through glasses * I shall be delighted to convey you both home.' ' Thanks. I must remain with the horse and trapi but if you would give Mrs. Fairbourne a lift I should be grateful.' ' Why not come with us ?' she asked. * You are hurt more than I am. Mr. Walker would be kind enough, perhaps, to allow you to tie that stupid beast on behind. The dog-cart will be all right in the ditch.' ' I am afraid the mare's knees are cut, and she must be led slowly,' replied Aylmer. ' I must take a little care of poor Harrowby's property. It would be better, I think, if you went on alone with Mr. Walker.' She was too shaky to argue. He helped her to the pony-chaise. She leaned heavily on his arm. ' Mr. Walker will take care of you, I am sure,' he said. * You'll recover directly.' * I I was so upset,' she murmured. Deep colour suffused her face. ' Of course,' murmured Aylmer soothingly. * But you have a lot of pluck.' Between the platitudes with which the good vicar regaled her, she pondered these phrases. ' But you have a lot of pluck. . . . You'll recover directly.' 198 ROSABEL They were capable of two interpretations. Other signs were as ambiguous. If he had been very eager he might have risked the kiss in defiance of the approaching pony-chaise ; on the other hand, he hated to be ridiculous. ' You'll recover directly.' ' Shall I ?' she wondered. ' Shall I ?' A chestnut-leaf, already sere and yellow, rustled to her lap from an overhanging bough. She looked at it with eyes startled by a horrible suggestion. But the summer of her life was not over. She was not getting old yet not yet. He could not have been brutal enough to mean that time, age, which dulls the senses, blunts the passions, soothes alike craving and regret, was to be her cure ? He must be fond of her. They had been together so much, and he had always seemed pleased. She tossed the leaf away. The vicar saw her. ' Ah, the autumn is coming,' he said. CHAPTER XX AYLMER descended to dinner with a patch of sticking-plaster on his cheek which the women found becoming. Mrs. Fairbourne did not put in an appearance at all. It was understood that she had been seriously shaken, and could not remember what had happened between the upsetting of the dog-cart and the arrival of the pony-chaise. The vicar, who had been invited to remain, gave a thrill- ing narrative of the scene of disaster and the fainting lady by the roadside. Aylmer ate his dinner solemnly, speechless. He was wondering how she would sleep to-night, and how she would meet him to-morrow with the memory of that unrewarded abasement between them. He was sorry for her. He would have liked to send her word that she could put what had happened out of her mind for ever, as he would, but even to allude to it would aggravate the wound. Was it a sort of pity for the mother which kept him away from the daughter that evening ? Had Amy been present, he would have shown her no 199 200 ROSABEL such consideration lest it should be misunderstood. But her absence inspired him with the reluctance a man might feel at making love to a new sweet- heart over the grave of the old. If it had not been that he would not leave Rosabel, he would have arranged to be recalled to London in the morning. Nevertheless, his concern on the lady's behalf did not spoil his sleep, while she lay awake half the night. Had she lost him irretrievably ? It looked like it. But she was resolved that he should not have Rosabel. ' Never never while I live/ she muttered incoherently. * His mother-in-law ! It would be the nightmare of a French farce !' Where a vacuum had represented maternal love in her breast the hatred of jealousy now reigned. Rosabel was an incubus a parasite sucking her youth from her, making her ridiculous. Every time people looked at this great, fully-developed girl they must remember that she was the daughter of a woman who still wished to be attractive and desired. She could not even take a year off her age, while other women older than herself were posing as her juniors. Thirty-seven ! Why, she must seem middle-aged to a man of thirty-two! His first recession might date from the day he realized it. And he might even suspect that she was more than she said. ' But he shall not marry Rosabel,' she told herself again and again. ' He shall not marry Rosabel. ROSABEL 201 Fortunately, she does not seem to be thinking about him, although I fancied at one time. . . . This Braithwaite seems to be absorbing her. What a pity nothing can come of it !' She held her breath for a moment. Could nothing come of it ? Experience told her that it was un- usual, after all, for a girl to fall in love with a married man ; girls were always too anxious to get married themselves. Probably it was Rosabel's vanity alone which was touched, and she would forget Braithwaite a fortnight after the party dis- persed. But meanwhile she was foolish, and Aylmer fastidious. Already he was on the watch, and annoyed. If he became disgusted with the natural woman he had lauded namely, Rosabel there might be a reaction in favour of civilization and herself ? At any rate, the situation was worthy of judicious treatment. The role of careful mother was hers of necessity, but could it not be played in a manner to uphold her credit without injuring her interests ? She reckoned upon opposition spurring Rosabel's obstinacy to greater lengths, and perhaps did not reckon in vain. When she confronted Aylmer once more her manner was admirable. ' I am afraid I made a fool of myself yesterday,' she said, with an air of candour which deceived the audience at least. ' Did I burst into tears and throw my arms round your neck ?' 202 ROSABEL * Scarcely,' he said, smiling. ' You were a little upset, that is all.' ' My nerves used to be splendid.' she murmured. ' I don't know what has happened to them lately.' During the ensuing week things seemed to drift without violent shocks. Mrs. Fairbourne sought Aylmer furtively but diligently, while Aylmer sought Rosabel in vain. Braithwaite was the only one who seemed to score. He monopolized Rosabel without an effort of resistance on her part. Indoors and out, in their walks and drives and picnics, it was these two who were always together. ' One would think that you and Mr. Braithwaite were engaged,' said Mrs. Fairbourne to her daughter once. * What do you find to say to him ?' ' Oh, we talk about all sorts of things,' said Rosabel serenely. ' But chiefly about him ?' ' Yes, he likes to talk about himself.' * You remember what I said to you in your bed- room that night ?' Rosabel nodded. ' I might have supposed that you had forgotten already. But I never expect you to obey me. I have a good mind to send you home to-morrow.' She had no intention of doing anything of the sort. It was only the preliminary move in the ROSABEL 203 new scheme, which was to exhibit Rosabel at her worst to Aylmer's watchful eyes. In many subtle ways the woman played her hand against the girl, each in ignorance of the other's purpose. It was the mother's reprimand, as often as not, which drew attention to some favour shown to Braithwaite by Rosabel. It was Mrs. Fairbourne's visible annoyance which accentuated the existence of this undesirable intimacy between her daughter and this man. While seeming to restrain, she sought, needlessly, as it happened, to urge. Each pained smile, or angry glance, or maternal rebuke she administered before others emphasized the gravity of her displeasure and its cause, and called down judgment on the defiant Rosabel. Aylmer, watching the girl with jealous affection< became more and more perplexed. He had really given her credit for common-sense, high ideals, far deeper feelings than any of these women were capable of, although they were articulate, having a thousand words for every borrowed idea and sentiment, and she was half dumb, feeling the more that her emotions were hidden in the grave which her rage with life had dug. The girl who had talked to him in the moonlight by the sea, gasping out her soul and Braith- waite ! His self-control had never been shaken so vio- 204 ROSABEL lently. That he kept it at all proved the utility of habit. At times he came near to hating her the insult it was to him, eligible, to be passed over for this cad ! There must be an explanation. She could not be so stupid, vulgar-minded. He could not be deceived. So he raged and questioned alternately, but never gave her up or ceased to watch. She was possessed by a temporary infatuation which would pass. He would draw her to him still. These were the decisions of hopeful moments. In despondency anger was his chief passion, and he felt that she had already raised a barrier between them which could not be thrown down. Even if she were her old self again next week, would his pride be able to forget the tem- porary defeat which had humbled him ? He pon- dered the question a whole morning, and after all it was a chance glance from the girl's eyes which answered it. She had a puppy in her arms, and seemed spontaneous at the moment, as though the restraint she had placed upon herself were forgotten in a bubbling gush of youth. * Isn't he a dear !' * You love animals ?' he asked. * Yes,' she said. ' If they once love you, they love you always. They don't have whims and moods, as people do.' ' As you do, for instance, Rosabel !' ' I am always the same, too,' she said. ROSABEL 205 ' I deny that !' * I care for people who care for me.' " Care " is a word of wide significance. There are twenty different ways of caring, and not all of them are good.' ' I know that.' She held the puppy's soft warm coat against her cheek. ' One may hate, for instance. That's " caring." ' ' And love foolishly.' Rosabel was silent. ' Or sinfully,' he added. She gave him a curious longing look. Her lips opened, but after all she did not speak. It was that look which turned the scale in her favour once more, and told him that he would always want her, and be ready to forgive and forgive again. Nevertheless, that very evening they nearly quarrelled. She would go out of doors after dinner with Braithwaite, although her mother had bidden her remain in the house, and Aylmer came upon them suddenly in the garden. He could have sworn that Braithwaite's arm was round her waist before they saw him. It was intolerable. He could scarcely command his voice as he addressed her. * Your mother sent me to find you, Rosabel.' * What does she want ?' asked the girl indiffer- ently. 206 ROSABEL ' You are to go in at once.' His own anger spoke in the imperious command. ' But it is pleasant out here,' she said. ' I don't care to go in.' * Am I to tell her that you will not come ?' Braithwaite intervened with characteristic cool- ness. * Oh, say you couldn't find us !' * Thank you ; I was speaking to Miss Fair- bourne.' * Rosabel doesn't mind me answering for her, do you, Rosabel ?' ' No,' said the girl. It was dark, and Aylmer could only see a pale blur representing the face which she turned towards him. ' I am not coming yet,' she added deliberately. * It isn't bedtime, and it's hot in the house.' He could find nothing more to say, and they were waiting for him to go. A boyish impulse to catch Braithwaite by the throat twitched his fingers. On reflection maturer counsel prevailed, and he would have liked to shake Rosabel. Oh, how he would have liked it ! Even to box her ears. He said, ' Minx !' under his breath as he strolled away, and then his ears, straining despite himself, caught a low-spoken phrase from the girl, followed by a laugh from the man. ' Of course, mother sent him.' * You'll get into a row, won't you ?' r ~ ROSABEL 207 * I don't care.' The voices became inaudible to Aylmer. Why had he listened ? He despised his own paltriness, and would have given a year of his life to hear more. ' In the next stage of fatuity I shall be peeping through keyholes and listening at doors!' he thought. ' One grows demoralized.' He meant to convey Rosabel's defiance to her mother verbatim, but softened it mechanically when he reached the house. ' She will be in presently.' ' I said " at once !" ' * Mr. Braithwaite has forgotten his game of bridge,' murmured Mrs. Harrowby in her sweet, low, languid, affected voice. * He doesn't seem to care as much about it as he used to do.' She said one thing, and called attention to another. Everybody was silent after she had spoken, thinking, and glances passed between the Gledhows. Mrs. Fairbourne rose in apparent vexation. ' Rosabel will be worn out,' she said. ' She has been on her feet all day. I must really insist upon her coming in at once. Why will girls always over- do everything ?' ' Shall I help you to find her ?' asked Aylmer. ' Yes, do.' She twisted a scarf over her bare shoulders as she 208 ROSABEL emerged from the house, and raised her face to look at the stars. ' So fine a night,' she said ' so peaceful, and yet I am all uncharitableness ! Rosabel is really too bad. The little hussy ! what does she mean by it ?* ' That is what I want to know,' said the man between his teeth. She laughed softly, allowing her eyes to sink from the dark, freckled sky to his face. ' So you are getting angry, too ! * Not seriously superficially. The whole thing's too trivial. I confess I can't understand. . . . What girl in her senses could could ' ' Why not ?' she asked slightingly. ' She's a little animal, and naturally responds to the male animal, that is all. I told you that you took her too seriously.' ' I think I have heard you say that before, or something like it,' he said in a low tone. ' It is harsh.' ' I have made a study of Rosabel as well as you have, and women always find each other out.' * I believe she understands you. 1 ' Does she ?' He knew she glanced at him, but was baffled by the night. ' Why do you think so ?' ' She has said things.' ' Tell me,' she said inquisitively. ' No ! We were talking about Rosabel. What are you going to say to her ?' ROSABEL 209 * Can you not leave that to me ? A hint is no use. One must use a sledge-hammer with Rosabel. Why didn't she obey me ?' He hung back with an impulse of cowardice when they found the girl and Braithwaite. But Rosabel deserved a scolding. He would not defend her to-night. ' I sent for you, Rosabel,' said her mother. ' Why did you not come at once instead of giving me the trouble of fetching you ?' * I told Mr. Aylmer that I didn't wish to come.' ' Did you ? Most impertinent ! Don't keep me waiting, please.' ' Why do you want me, mother ?' * I decline to be questioned,' said Mrs. Fairbourne sharply. * I sent for you ; that is enough.' * Your little girl isn't such a very little girl, you know, Mrs. Fairbourne,' said Braithwaite, ' and we are feeling so happy outside.' ' I regret to disturb your felicity,' she retorted sarcastically. * Come, Rosabel.' The girl turned with open reluctance to accom- pany her mother. Braithwaite lingered to light a cigarette, and Aylmer, not choosing to wait for him, followed the women to the house. Mrs. Fairbourne's voice, low and bitter, appeared to take no heed of him. In reality, her words were intended more for his ears than for Rosabel's. 14 210 ROSABEL ' You don't know how to behave,' she said. * If you must be a barmaid, you shall go back to the Angler's Inn. I won't have you disgracing yourself and me before my friends. Everybody is getting disgusted with you.' Rosabel made no reply. ' I wish to God that you'd answer when I speak to you !' cried her mother, in a gust of genuine passion. ' Your behaviour this evening has been insufferable insufferable ! Are you going to apologize ?' ' No,' said Rosabel bluntly. ' Rosabel, Rosabel !' murmured Aylmer. They had reached the light which streamed out of the house, and paused to look at each other before entering. The girl met him with red face, and eyes strangely bright and fierce. ' Don't go away for a moment, Mrs. Fairbourne,' he begged. ' This is most regrettable. Rosabel, I am sure you are sorry on second thoughts.' ' I'm not !' declared the girl, with a hysterical gulp, which was unlike her ; and she ran into the house and upstairs. Mrs. Fairbourne laughed faintly. She was re- covering herself, and might have been a little pleased at his futile interference. ' You see ! She has as little respect for you as for me, my friend !' * Why should she have any ?' he asked, with a ROSABEL 211 great effort of justice. ' I have no authority over her, after all.' ' But I am her mother.' ' Ah, you reminded her of it so late,' he said softly. * You said yourself that the proper feeling between you could not be born full-grown. Have patience. I am sure she has a heart. If you can convince her that you love her, she will worship the ground under your feet.' She wished to answer that she neither desired Rosabel's affection nor had any to offer as a bait, but felt that it would be unwise to say so. Meanwhile, Rosabel locked her bedroom door after her as though she were pursued, and sank panting on the edge of her bed. ' I'm disgracing her before her friends. Every- body is getting disgusted with me !' repeated the girl aloud. ' And she is frightened frightened !' A feverish exultation animated her. She did not like Maurice Braithwaite any better to-day than she had ever liked him. But her mother was becoming uneasy. Already there was a foretaste of revenge in her mouth revenge sweeter than sweets had ever been to the child whose rich nature had been allowed to run wild. Not that she was happyi for real happiness can only exist with peace of mind. She was triumphant, that was all. Her head swam in the vertigo of moral intoxication. She thought of her mother, and then of Aylmerj 14 2 ROSABEL and again of her mother. The man's eyes haunted her with a reproach which brought a little pain to her heart. But she was glad she had defied him. He would no longer pester her with advances she did not choose to welcome, patronize her for her mother's sake. No true friendship could ever exist between them. He belonged to the other side. At the moment she was glad that she had nobody. She derived a fierce joy from the fact that she was alone alone, quite alone, that there was not a soul who had any right to her loyalty and affection. Like an eaglet perched on a mountain crag, she looked down on humanity, and hated it. She would not have given up her isolation in this mood ; there was something tragic in it, which appealed to her uncon- scious craving for romance. It was something, after all, to be quite different from other girls. It was something to feel that her life was in her own hands to be disposed of as she chose. It was picturesque and splendid, if sad, to be situated as she was towards her mother and her mother's class. She had been wronged, but she was going to be re- venged. Her eyes darkened, and she sat brooding, brood- ing, and staring dimly at the light. CHAPTER XXI THERE was a willow by the stream, weeping for the sins and sorrows of men. Beside the willow was a grassy bank fringed with rushes, which in their turn were bordered by water-lilies. Sometimes a king- fisher was to be seen skimming the water in chase of a fly, or perching on a bough of the aspen oppo- site. The picturesqueness was almost oppressive, in fact. Rosabel had not reached that stage of artistic culture which finds a ' subject ' deplorable. She thought the neighbourhood of the willow lovely, and often paid it a visit. Sometimes Braithwaite came, too. He joined her there this afternoon. ' I couldn't get away sooner,' he explained. ' Harrowby would make me look at that confounded sick terrier of his.' ' It doesn't matter,' said Rosabel. ' Our last day at The Hermitage, Rosabel !' He sat down beside her, and took her hand as a matter of course. ' You will be sorry to go ?' he asked. ' Not particularly.' 213 214 ROSABEL * How disconcerting you are ! Do say you'll be sorry ! You must like me.' She did not reply. It seemed as though she could not tell a lie to further any scheme, as though her revenge must fall to the ground even at this hour if it depended upon lies. ' I can't bear to think of parting, Rosabel.' He put his arm round her. She made no resist- ance ; it was not the first time. ' When shall I see you again ?' ' I don't know,' murmured the girl, ' if you don't.' ' I wish you hadn't gone to live with your mother. I wish you were still at the Angler's Inn.' ' Why ? What difference would it make to you ?' ' Lots. You are a young lady now. What a damned fool I was !' He checked himself. ' I'm awfully fond of you,' he said. ' No nonsense, you know !' ; Rosabel was watching a moorhen among the reeds. * I ought to have taken more trouble. You must have wanted to get away from it. You had nothing then, you were nothing.' ' I am just the same only Rosabel,' she said with peculiar emphasis. He did not heed ; his own thoughts were clamour- ing too loud. ROSABEL 215 c What a good time we might have had ! And you are not happy with your mother. You don't care for her, and she doesn't care for you. We might have had a jolly trip to Paris.' ' I'd like to go to Paris,' said Rosabel. He looked at her, flushing. ' You could still go if you had the pluck,' he said in a low tone. ' Could I ?' ' You know how delighted I should be to take you.' His bluntness was as primitive as his love. She would never be able to reproach him with duplicity* at any rate. There was a long pause. The man's hot eyes dwelt on the girl's face with a satyr-like eagerness. The tide of his own passion caught him^ swept him off his feet. He kissed her, whispered urgently in her car. What had seemed impossible five minutes ago now appeared as easy as it was desirable. He had meant to ask her when he begged her to meet him by the stream, but only because he would not throw a chance away. He had not really believed that she would dare, that she cared enough. There was always a curious coldness about her, though she was never offended in these days at anything he said. And he had said a good deal, short of this definite proposal. He did not understand her in the least. He 216 ROSABEL thought it was maidenly reluctance, fear of the plunge struggling with inclination, which made her hesitate, that she was only waiting for persuasion. As though anything he could say or do weighed with her in the least ! * I would give you everything you wanted,' he said. ' You should have the best time with me that a girl could have. You've never really en- joyed yourself. I'd show you life real life !' It was probable that he would. ' I am rich,' he added, ' and you will have two thousand a year when your mother dies, whether she likes it or not. You can't come to grief, and you can't throw me over now. You've let things go too far. It isn't as though you were a school- girl, and didn't know. You can't be so innocent. You must have seen and heard something at the Angler's Inn.' ' I'd like to go to Paris,' she repeated, musing, ' but I'd like to come back to London afterwards. Would you bring me back to London ?' ' Yes. You'd meet people ; but I don't care if you don't.' * Should I have a carriage, so that I could drive in the Park sometimes ?' . He laughed. ' Dictating your terms, are you ?' ' You could afford it ?' she asked almost anxi- ously. ROSABEL 217 ' You should have a carriage. Would you really drive in the Park ?' ' Of course. What would be the use of having it if it weren't seen ? What about your wife ?' she added. ' Oh, we've had enough of each other,' he said brutally. * She can hang herself.' ' You'd be saying that to me some day.' ' No, I shouldn't. Adele would divorce me these things are easily managed in the States and I'd marry you.' ' You wouldn't,' said Rosabel. ' I would ! Good Lord, I'd marry you to-morrow ! I'm not a bad fellow ; don't be afraid.' ' To-morrow, perhaps ; but afterwards ? I know.' She looked at him darkly. ' You'd break my heart if I loved you ; but I don't, so it doesn't matter.' * What ! Are you fooling me, after all ?' ' I'll go away with you, if you like,' said Rosabel. ' But I'm not going to tell lies about it.' He was astounded. ' You don't love me ?' ' No,' she said, breaking off a twig of willow. 4 It doesn't matter, does it ?' ' By God !' he said ; ' you've got courage ! I never heard anything like this. If you don't care for me, why on earth do you want to go away ?' * Because I hate my mother,' she said. ' You've got a right to know, as you're going to pay for 218 ROSABEL everything. It doesn't make any difference to you ?' He became gloomy, a trifle reproachful. ' I am disappointed. You've got no sentimentj Rosabel.' * It isn't,' she said, ' as though you were going to marry me.' He threw himself back on the grass suddenly and laughed. Her candour removed the slight restraint which his ' delicacy ' had imposed. He could talk to her as plainly now as she talked to him. Perhaps it was more comfortable. ' You little devil !' he said. ' So that is what you have had in your head ! I've wondered some- times. I always knew you were different from other girls. I'll take you ; don't be uneasy. And I'll treat you fairly from first to last. You are being straight with me, and I'll be straight with you.' * That's settled^ then,' said Rosabel, almost with relief. ' When shall we go ?' ' To-morrow,' he replied, sitting up. ' To-morrow !' ' Yes. Unless you would rather wait ?' ' It doesn't matter,' said the girl. Her voice was steady, but her cheeks were flush ed and she was peeling her twig of willow with rapid nervous fingers which could not keep still. ' I don't see the use of wasting time.' He was ROSABEL 219 emphatic on that point. ' And that garden-party they are going to will give us a good opportunity. I shall receive a telegram in the morning recalling me to London on business. You will have a head- ache when the others go to the garden-party, and stay at home. As soon as the coast is clear, you can slip off and catch the 4.5 to London. Understand ?' She nodded. ' I'll meet you at King's Cross, and take you to my chambers I've had a set of rooms in Piccadilly since Adele cleared out and we'll dine early and get away by the Continental train before you are even missed.' ' I don't see how I could take my clothes with me,' she said. ' Don't try ; I'll get you everything you want.' He squeezed her arm. ' Paris is a hive ; your mother will never find you. And I shall be there. Nobody shall bully you.' ' I am not afraid,' replied Rosabel. Braithwaite laughed. The girl's fingers were still plucking at the willow. It seemed to her that her purpose must be written on her face as it was engrained upon her heart, and she went indoors reluctantly. Nobody appeared to remark anything amiss with her, however, and as Braithwaite was always gay his exaggerated high spirits were not noticeable. 220 ROSABEL Only Aylmer came up to her after dinner, and looked at her with the keen eyes of affection. ' What are you meditating so deeply, fair maid ? " A deed without a name," like the witches in "Macbeth"?' She raised wide startled eyes to the man's. ' Will you come for a stroll with me ?' he added. ' Mother is over there,' she answered brusquely. ' Ask her /' * I ask you.'' Rosabel hesitated. She was pulled two ways. She liked to be with him better than with anybody in the world. But what was the use of encouraging herself to care for him ? Besides, to-night she was afraid. She did not wish to talk to anyone. ' No. I am waiting for Mr. Braithwaite,' she replied. Aylmer flushed like a boy. He was really show- ing a phenomenal patience, and meeting with no reward. If he had given in to pride, he would have turned on his heel and left her at once ; but she was even dearer to him than his pride. And perhaps his obstinacy he was liberally endowed with it- would not cede the palm to this girl of nineteen. He meant to win her yet. So he kept his temper with remarkable self-control, and continued to smile quite naturally and good-temperedly. ' You are really very^rude, Rosabel. But you ROSABEL 221 can't offend me, you can't shake me off. You are not going to wait for Braithwaite !' ' Yes, I am.' ' When he returns you will be gone. Come along !' He took her arm, half laughing, half earnest, and she yielded, although reluctantly. ' It is time you atoned for your bad behaviour. Do you realize that you have spoilt my visit ?' ' I suppose mother told you to say that !' re- torted Rosabel, with scorn. ' Pardon me,' he said, * I sometimes venture upon an original remark.' ' I know what everybody thinks !' * I am afraid you are flattering yourself, my dear child,' he said a little bitterly. ' And I don't care,' persisted Rosabel. ' Don't care lived to be hanged.' The girl glanced at him resentfully. She sus- pected that he was making fun of her, and she was less inclined to put up with that to-night than ever. To be laughed at, when she was on the eve of the tragedy of her life ! She comforted herself, like a child, with the prospect of shocking him. Her flight would be almost as great a blow to him as to her mother. Perhaps he would no longer desire to be connected with the family. What an addition to her revenge that would be ! She was silent for so long that he spoke again, softly. 222 ROSABEL k Are you very angry with me, Rosabel ?' To her horror a sudden inclination to cry seized her. She had to blink down the tears, and swallow lump after lump in her throat. She was enraged with herself for such weakness. Why should she mind what he said and how he said it ? * Let me alone,' she said in a strangled voice. * Surely I haven't hurt your feelings ?' ' No, you couldn't,' she said. He withdrew the caressing hand quickly. ' It's only Braithwaite who can annoy and please you, eh ?' ' Yes !' gasped Rosabel. ' I have no patience with you,' he said, with anger sudden and deep. 'Go in ! Go away ! I want nothing more to do with you.' He had never felt readier to despair. ' Another girl would attempt to conceal her attachment to Braithwaite, at any rate would deny it,' he thought. ' She thrusts it under one's very eyes as though it were something to be proud of, or she had no sense of shame. Is Amy right, after all ? Is she only an animal ?' CHAPTER XXII WHERE is Braithwaite ?' asked Harrowby. It was the next morning, and the party had con- gregated in the comfortable sitting-hall as usual to discuss the plans of the day. ' Packing,' said his wife. ' Don't you know ? He has had a wire recalling him to London at once.' Aylmer experienced a thrill of pleasure. He had the cheerful prospect before him of a whole day unshadowed by Braithwaite. And a day with a garden-party in it, which would offer many agreeable opportunities of making hay while the sun shone. If Rosabel would only be reason- able He glanced at her instinctively. She was on the window-seat, and the outline of her cheek was alone visible. Her pose was pensive. Was she re- gretting this beast's departure ? He wanted badly to talk to her and make up their little quarrel of last night, but Mrs. Fairbourne in- sisted upon his accompanying her to the golf ground. 223 224 ROSABEL He wished Rosabel would come with them. He dreaded an affectionate parting between her and Braithwaite. Rosabel remained on the window-seat, however. She knew that Braithwaite would look there for her presently. She stared at the smooth velvet lawn, the trees waving gently, the thrush busily at work among the flower-beds. Her suppressed excitement of yesterday had sub- sided. She was apathetic now, as she had been on her journey to London a few weeks ago. No doubt the strain would arise by-and-by with the necessity for action. She was destroying her own life, but she did not care, urged onward by a childish folly which was assisted, unfortunately, by a more than childish strength of will. She thought that the joy of revenge would be a worthy reward. Young for her years in some ways, she had acquired the habit of dreaming and brooding, through being overmuch alone, till she saw herself, not as a reckless girl of passionate nature, cherishing a grudge which made her far more miserable than it was likely to make anybody else, but as a tragic figure, the heroine of a thrilling drama of life. A man's footsteps descended the stairs, halted half-way, then quickened. Braithwaite strode eagerly across the hall to her side. ' Rosabel !' ROSABEL 225 His voice was low, quick, impassioned. She looked up at the flushed handsome face. ' You remember everything ?' She nodded. There was a pause. ' You won't go back ?' 'No.' ' I shall be waiting for you so eagerly, my darling !' He kissed her. ' There is somebody coming,' she said furtively, and drew her hand away. They both looked out of the window in silence while the butler tidied the litter of newspapers and magazines on the table. The hungry thrush was still poking in and out of the flower-beds. The butler went away. * I wish I could take you with me now,' said Braithwaite. ' You think that I won't come ?' ' Of course I trust you ! It is only that I am in terror of something unforeseen turning up.' Rosabel's dark eyes burned with the fire which was scorching her soul. ' Nothing could prevent my coming,' she said. * You are a little brick !' ' Hadn't you better go ?' she suggested. ' You'll lose your train.' He was reluctant to leave her; she was quite willing to be rid of him. 15 226 ROSABEL She found suddenly that he was regarding her with a curious smile. * I was thinking about your mother. She's a funny sort of mother, isn't she ? Never mind, you need never see her again. She may be Aylmer's money, but she wouldn't be mine ! Come and see me off.' She rose and accompanied him obediently. The dog-cart, with his bag in it, was already at the front-door. * Good-bye,' he whispered, * till this afternoon.' ' Till this afternoon,' she repeated. He waved his hand to her, and she went to wander alone in the garden. It was quite quiet. Everyone had gone to the golf ground. She could think as much as she liked undisturbed. Once more she went over her plans, so that no unconsidered detail should take her by surprise. There was her purse with ten pounds in it to be guarded carefully. She might want it some day if Braithwaite deserted her, or she wished to leave him. She did not expect him to be faithful ; all his protestations did not convince her. It did not matter ; she could always earn her own living while she was young : she was used to work ; and when she was old she would have Miss Dudgeon's money. Time lagged with her this morning. There were moments of impatience when it seemed that it would never pass. She was all anxiety to take the ROSABEL 227 final step and realize that no turning back was possible. She dwelt with passionate pleasure on the scene which would take place when her absence became known, of her mother's curiosity changing to anxiety and suspicion. All the people who came to Great Cumberland Place would be talking about her flight with Maurice Braithwaite. She knew how glad they were of a piece of scandal , and how exceptionally bitter and smart her mother was wont to be over the peccadilloes of her friends. In future she would not enjoy gossip so much ; a stone would have broken one of the windows of her own glass house, and it would occupy all her time to keep the wind out and patch the hole ! And Alec Aylmer, what would he say ? Of course, he would be angry with her ; but what did that matter ? In all probability she would never see him again. It was hard to realize that. She stared at him over lunch when no one was observing her. For some reason the memory of that night at Folkestone was fresher to-day than any she shared with him. But she had resolved never, never to think about him if she could help it, never to torture herself with visions of what might have been. He was her mother's property, and it was one of Rosa - bel's rules of life never to care for anyone who did not care for her. She wanted no charity kindness from woman or man. 15-2 228 ROSABEL ' What have you been doing this morning ?' he asked her suddenly. ' Nothing.' ' You should have come with us.' * I liked it better in the garden. I think golf's a stupid game.' ' You don't care for games, do you, Rosabel ? You are too serious. When you are thirty you will have learnt to be young.' * No, when she is forty,' corrected Gledhow. ' It is not till a woman is forty that she is really frolic- some.' * On the principle of over-eating one's self to-day in case there may be nothing to eat to-morrow ?' suggested Harrowby. * I have known ' Young people are so morbid nowadays,' inter- rupted Mrs. Fairbourne. ' If you had said " young women," I should agree with you. Women are more morbid than men.' ' Of course they are,' she assented promptly. ' A man can work off superfluous emotions in dissipa- tion, a woman can only stay at home and think. A generation ago she had hysterics ; now she writes books about her soul, and discusses free love with her male friends. It is the same complaint express- ing itself in another form.' Mrs. Harrowby was looking at Rosabel with a, pensive air. ROSABEL 229 ' Would Rosabel have been hysterical a genera- tion ago ?' she inquired. ' No,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. ' Her appetite is too good !' ' But I have seen lots of girls who eat voraciously < and are never satisfied,' said Mrs. Gledhow, speak- ing for the first time. She had a way of involving a sentence so that it was impossible to guess whether it meant a great deal or nothing at all. There was a pause. Mrs. Harrowby broke fresh ground. ' How are we going this afternoon ?' she in- quired. * Suppose you four ladies took the landau, and we men walked ?' suggested her husband. ' There is a pleasant short-cut through wood and meadow.' The others agreed, and by-and-by the women went up to dress. Rosabel followed her mother. * I don't care about going,' said the girl, in her brusque way. * What is the matter ?' ' I don't care about it,' repeated Rosabel. * Does your head ache ?' 'No.' " ' Your heart, perhaps !' Mrs. Fairbourne gave an unpleasant little laugh. She thought it was Maurice Braithwaite's departure which had turned 230 ROSABEL Rosabel ' off.' ' You can do as you like,' she added, shrugging her shoulders. ' But what excuse am I to make for you ? Mrs. Harrowby will consider it very rude.' * I don't know,' said Rosabel. ' I supposed you would be able to think of something.' * Oh, make your own excuses ! If I say anything, I shall say that something has put you out of temper, and leave people to find a reason for them- selves. I am disgusted with you. This is the last time you will pay a visit with me.' Rosabel's eyes gleamed. If her mother had known how literally her threat might be fulfilled ! She was so smart and pretty in her elegant summer toilet. Rosabel noted the shape of her face, still so youthful, the hair which was perhaps a little * touched,' her beautiful eyes, and long white hands. * I am glad we are leaving to-morrow,' continued Mrs. Fairbourne. ' You have made me most un- comfortable the whole time we have been here, Rosabel. The Harrowbys must think you a per- fect savage, and have a little better opinion of me for bringing you. I asked to bring you. My own invitation was a long-standing one, given before my friends had heard of you. I wish heartily that they had never heard of you at all !' * I don't,' said Rosabel. ' I hope they all know about me.' ROSABEL 231 * I don't follow your mood,' said her mother. 'You have no reason to be self-satisfied. I may as well tell you that I have declined another invita- tion on your account, and taken a furnished house in Norfolk instead. Mr. Bellamy will be among the guests I have asked to stay with us. I hope you will be civil to him.' Rosabel smiled. ' You understand, Rosabel ? I expect you to retrieve yourself by behaving sensibly.' ' I understand very well what you mean, mother.' * The only thing for you, I can see, is to settle down. Mr. Aylmer agrees with me.' Rosabel's cheeks flamed suddenly. ' What is it to do with him !' ' All my affairs are to do with him,' replied Mrs. Fairbourne, with an assurance far from being sincere. * Good-bye !' said the girl abruptly, and turned away. Her mother did not trouble to answer. She was putting on her gloves. Rosabel went to her room, and packed a few necessaries in a little bag. Then she wrote a note, which she had written many times in her mind : ' I have run away with Mr. Braithwaite. What else could you expect of a barmaid ? You will never see me again. ROSABEL.' 232 ROSABEL She addressed this characteristic message to her mother, and waited awhile. Presently she heard the carriage drive up, and the ladies depart. A few moments later the men started. If she had looked her last upon her mother with- out any emotion other than joy, it was far other- wise that she said farewell with her eyes to Alec Aylmer. She gazed after him dimly. In another way he had done her as much harm as her mother. She could hear his voice still : ' Love, love, Rosabel !' The girl's throat contracted. She drew a long quivering sigh, and went to put the note on her mother's dressing-table where it would be found when she was gone. CHAPTER XXIII IN spite of Braithwaite's welcome departure, Aylmer was feeling depressed this afternoon, and his ab- straction scarcely realized the sunlight and shadow of the woods. The necessity for a distinct understanding with Amy Fairbourne confronted him. There are some hints which the keenest-witted woman will not take* and she still attempted to lead him with a string which was irksome, although it was fashioned of nothing more galling than ribbon and flowers. It would not be pleasant to tell her outright that he wanted the girl ; yet otherwise how could he put himself upon a proper footing in her house ? To go on in the old way was unfair to himself and Rosabel. At least, he ought to have a chance. Of course, the mother might be a powerful adverse influence if she chose. Would she choose ? That he should ever arrive at asking himself such a question showed how great a revolution had taken place in his regard for her. Where was the indul- gence he had formerly bestowed upon the weak- 233 234 ROSABEL nesses which had seemed part of her charm ? It had come home to him slowly but certainly that their code of morals was not at all the same ; that these ' weaknesses ' he had admired made up a woman who was selfish and vain, unscrupulous and cruel. The surface of her was so polished, in fact> that the glitter of it had blinded him to the fact that the metal beneath was only of the common sort. He had been a fool, and the result of his folly would be a bad quarter of an hour, and a lifelong enmity from a woman who would never forgive. ' If you are going to run on a hot afternoon like this, I shall sit down on the nearest bank and wait till you come back,' said Gledhow resignedly. ' My figure was not intended for ten miles an hour.' ' Not five,' retorted Aylmer, ' and a little exer- cise will do you good.' But his smile was directed as much against him- self as the other man. Unconsciously he had been hurrying to meet Rosabel. In another ten minutes the men emerged from the wood near a gate in a ring fence, and five minutes more brought them to a lawn gay with ladies in summer costumes, their sunshades dotting the grass like many-coloured mushrooms on gaudy stems. Aylmer's eyes roved instantly in search of ROSABEL 235 Rosabel, and found her not. While he stood yawning mentally, an acquaintance greeted him, and bore him off to have an iced drink after his walk. Half an hour had passed before he found his way to the side of Mrs. Fairbourne, and his first remark was sufficiently damping to a woman in love. ' Where is Rosabel ?' ' She isn't here.' He started slightly. ' I thought she came with you ?' ' No ; she had one of her sulky fits, and preferred to stay at home.' ' What excuse did she make ?' ' None, except that she preferred to remain at home. What is the matter ?' ' The sun is rather warm,' he said. ' You shouldn't have walked.' * I will go indoors for a moment, if you will excuse me.' ' Let me come with you !' ' No, please don't. It is quite unnecessary.' He motioned her back in her chair. * You always seem so strong,' she said uneasily. ' I am strong,' he replied. ' Stronger than you think !' He left her staring after him, conscious of some- thing underlying his words that she did not under- stand, something antagonistic to her and her desires. So she sat isolated among the hum of 236 ROSABEL voices and laughter and clatter of tea-cups, with a haggard look on her face. The afternoon had suddenly become sultry. She felt out of place, neglected, old. Why had she come ? Why did she go anywhere ? There was only one thing in the world she wanted, and it evaded her. CHAPTER XXIV AYLMER left after excusing himself to his hostess, and walked rapidly back to The Hermitage. He was uneasy about Rosabel. If she were fretting over Braithwaite's departure he wanted to talk a little sense into her head and comfort into her heart. This was how he accounted to himself for his haste to return. In reality, an impression of calamity had overtaken him, and his actions were dictated by an unacknowledged anxiety to make sure that she was safe. The garden wore a deserted air when he reached it at last. There was the same suggestive empti- ness in the hall, of which his eyes took in every comer with a glance. But on the window-seat, which she had favoured so often, a book lay open, as though a girl's careless hand had just dropped it and might soon pick it up again. She was not in the drawing-room, nor in the dining-room, nor in the library. He rang the bell. A servant appeared, who looked surprised to see him. 237 238 ROSABEL ' Can you tell me where I shall find Miss Fair- bourne ?' ' I'll inquire, sir.' His pulses became feverish while he waited. When he heard a footstep his head went up with a jerk, and if she had been there his eyes would have said to her: 'I love you.' But it was only a housemaid. ' Miss Fairbourne isn't in her room, sir. I know she went out soon after you did, sir, because Williams the gardener saw her at the station.' ' At the station ?' ' Yes, sir. He says she had a little bag in her hand.' The woman looked curious. ' Thanks,' said Aylmer. His face was gray. He realized now what it was that he had feared all along, why he had been im- pelled to return at once, why the suspense of that walk back would remain with him, a hideous memory, for ever. No process of reasoning was necessary. He loved her ; his instinct leaped to the right conclusion, and he knew then as well as he knew later that she had gone to Braithwaite. Harsh words he had for her at this moment- words he would have struck another man for apply- ing to her yesterday. But he could not leave her to her fate ; the girl must be saved despite herself, although she seemed scarcely worth the effort. ROSABEL 239 She was Rosabel still, and her life, whatever she did, was woof to the warp of his own. He knew Braithwaite's London address, and there was a train at 5.15. She must have had more than an hour's start of him, but he could only do his best and blame himself most unreason- ably for not having anticipated her flight, and prevented it. Yet even now he could scarcely credit her with such a passion ; obstinate as she had been in making herself conspicuous, he had never seen her give Braithwaite a glance which meant love. But she had gone ! The crushing fact stared him in the face, and his amazement did not bring her back. He had thought her a mere girl, innocent in spite of her breeding, imbued with a natural shrinking from anything gross or evil, and she had gone to Braithwaite ! It was the bitterest draught of his life. He closed his eyes in the train to avoid seeing his fellow-passengers, and wished he could close his ears, too. There was hell in his heart. When his hansom stopped at Braithwaite's door the windows were alight. 'Mr. Braithwaite is out of town, sir,' said the servant who answered his ring. The ready response was what Aylmer had ex- pected in spite of the lighted windows. It dispelled any hope he might have had that he was mistaken about Rosabel. 240 ROSABEL * Nonsense !' he said. * He came back to London this morning, and he will see me. If he is out I will wait for him.' He pushed past the man, who gave way, taken by surprise, and ascended the stairs. On the first floor a door stood ajar, revealing a good-sized sitting-room. Rosabel was there, and alone. She had taken off her hat and coat, and rested in an armchair, quite at home, her cheek against the cushion as though she were tired. Braithwaite's cigar-case lay on the table beside her, his photographs were strewn about the mantelpiece, his belongings everywhere. The place reeked of him. And she was there ! Rage an almost unconquerable rage seized Aylmer. He pushed open the door. She started up with a cry, and went very white ; he was pale enough, too. They stared at each other in silence* and the tension strained like a lute- string held insufferably till it broke at last with a snap. * Are you mad, Rosabel ? What are you doing here ?' ' Have you seen the note I left for my mother ?' ' No ; I returned from the garden-party earlier than the others, and guessed what had become of you.' ' I told her in the note that I was going away with Mr. Braithwaite.' The girl was breathing ROSABEL 24I quickly, unevenly ; she defied him with her eyes. * I am not frightened or ashamed.' ' I regret to hear it !' ' What do you want ?' she demanded. ' Why have you come ?' To take you away with me. You shall not stay with Braithwaite. You shall not ruin yourself if I can help it.' ' But it's my life,' she said, ' and I can do what I like with it.' ' You must leave this place at once, Rosabel.' ' You can't dictate to me,' she panted. ' You have no power over me.' He stood like a rock before her a rock against which she hurled herself unavailingly. ' I would not have believed it possible that you could be so dead to decency.' ' Kindly go away,' she cried. ' I have made up my mind, and when my mind is made up nobody can change it. You might have known it was useless to come.' ' You disgust me !' he said, with a gesture of anger. * How I could ever have thought you had good instincts ' ' Good instincts !' Rosabel laughed. c Why should I have any ? From whom should I have inherited them from my mother ? From whom should I have acquired them from my friends of the public-house ?' 16 242 ROSABEL ' Your tone is abominable,' he said. ' But for the sake of the girl you seemed to be the girl who talked to me that night at Folkestone I refuse to leave you with this man.' She was drunk and shaking with excitement. * You can't help yourself. I shall stay, and you can go back to my mother and tell her why ! Tell her that I am what she made me, and if that's bad, why, she's bad too. When did she ever care for me, protect me, even trouble herself to ask what I was doing all those years ? I might have walked the streets as long as nobody knew. But every- body will know this. The whole story of the shameful way she deserted me will come out. She made me eat dirt, let her eat some too ! I would wallow in the gutter for the sake of splashing her.' A light flashed across Aylmer's brain^ and a weight rolled off his heart. * So you are not in love with Braithwaite ?' he asked quietly. * It is only revenge ?' * Go back and tell her !' panted the girl. * You are her friend. Let her see herself as she is at last. I shall stay.' ' With a man you don't love for revenge !' At last he felt his feet, and really roused to the fight. ' Good God ! how can you be so foolish ! Leaving morality out of the question, how can you be so foolish ! What do you think your life would be ?' ROSABEL 243 ' I know what I am doing,' replied Rosabel obstinately. * What are you ?' he demanded. * A woman of such unnatural depravity that you have no shrink- ing, or a child delirious with this mad notion of revenge ?' ' I don't care what you say,' retorted Rosabel, between her teeth. * Call me whatever you please. I shall stay.' * I confess that you amaze me,' he said. * Is it possible that you can be ridiculous enough to commit suicide in order to punish your mother ? Do you imagine that she would be humiliated by your shocking behaviour ? Not a bit of it ! Her friends would pity her. They would say : " Poor Amy, what a misfortune to be burdened by such a daughter ! The father was a groom, you know : what else could you expect ?" His mimicry of the voice of a fine lady was ex- cellent, but they were both in too much of a temper to appreciate it. Rosabel gazed at him with the eyes of a basilisk. Hard as he was hitting, she did not flinch. She clenched hands and teeth, and defied him still, and even the man's anger could not deny her strength a silent tribute of unwilling admiration. ' It doesn't make any difference what you say,' she reiterated. * Of course, you are acting for her. I dare say she told you to fetch me.' 16 2 244 ROSABEL ' In fact, you insinuate that I lied when I denied any knowledge of your note ?' Rosabel preserved an obstinate silence. ' And you insist upon believing that your mother would be heart-broken by your conduct because you are too stupid to see that she would have compen- sation.' ' She is very proud,' said Rosabel, ' and she is always considering what people think of her.' ' You are cutting your own throat,' he said, ' that is all. You had revenge in your very hand at home a legitimate revenge which would have come to you without any seeking on your part. But you were too preoccupied to observe it or you preferred to abandon yourself to your own head- long course to ruin. God give me patience with you !' She wavered at last, impressed by his savage earnestness. * I don't know what you mean,' she said. ' And I don't feel inclined to tell you just now. PutjDn your hat, Rosabel !' ' I shall not.' He caught her by the wrist. * Put on your hat !' ' You can't take me away by force !' cried the girl, and wrenched herself free, and ran to the door. * Maurice !' she called. Aylmer uttered an exclamation, made a step ROSABEL 245 forward as though to silence her, quivered, and stood still. ' Now go !' she said. * He will protect me.' It was the crisis of two lives, and pride fought with love for mastery of the man. If he left her now it would be for ever. He heard Braithwaite coming down the stairs. ' And I ? Would I hurt you ?' he asked in a low tone. ' Would I hurt you in a thousand years as you have hurt me to-day ? Your mother wishes to marry me it isn't a pleasant thing to say, Rosabel and I love you ; there was your revenge.' ' You love me ?' ' Yes.' ' Not her ?' ' You, only you for ever you !' She left the door and came nearer to him and nearer, searching his face with wide eyes the terrible eyes of a soul's hunger. ' It's a lie !' she said. ' You are only cheating me!' He answered with a look, and she broke suddenly, dropping on her knees at the table, and burst into tears. Braithwaite entered, and started at sight of Aylmer. ' What the devil are you doing here ?' he demanded furiously. ' Don't cry, Rosabel.' He turned to Aylmcr again. ' Damn you, get out of this !' 246 ROSABEL ' Not yet,' said Aylmer. He bent over the girl. * Rosabel, do you really wish me to leave you ?' She put out her hand blindly. ' No. Take me away,' she sobbed. He helped her to her feet, and she put on her hat, which he gave her, and her coat. Braithwaite watched as though he were stupefied. * Look here, Rosabel, you are not going ?' ' Yes, I am,' she said. ' You are treating me unfairly.' * I don't think we need discuss that !' said Aylmer^ restraining his passion with an effort. ' Come, Rosabel.' He led her to the door. Braithwaite inter- vened. * Confound it, this is too much ! Don't you want to stay with me, Rosabel ?' ' No,' said Rosabel distinctly. The veins stood out on Braithwaite's forehead, swollen with a rush of blood, and his hand clenched ; but he did nothing there was nothing to do ; she had ended it. She did not even wish him good-byej and the door banged behind her with a note of finality. Aylmer took her downstairs, and sighed with relief to get out of the house. He put her in a hansom, and got in himself. * Paddington,' he said. ROSABEL 247 Rosabel did not heed or ask where he was taking her ; at intervals she sobbed still low, long- drawn, tearless sobs, the last mutterings of the storm. Aylmer sat silent, his arms folded, his features set, staring straight ahead. He did not touch her, or look at her, or take any notice at all. The drive seemed short ; they were both thinking so hard. When the cab stopped, Rosabel spoke at last. 4 Where are we going ?' ' I shall telegraph to your mother, and leave you with your aunt at the Angler's Inn.' She raised no objection, and he sent the wire, and took the tickets without remark. But he selected an empty compartment, and pulled up one window to protect her from the draught. Rosabel's eyes smarted, and her head ached. She took off her hat presently, and leaned back. Her attitude was almost identical with her attitude in Braithwaite's armchair. Aylmer ground his teeth, and turned away. ' You've said a lot of horrid things to me, haven't you ?' she said abruptly. ' Bitter things cruel things !' * You deserved every one of them, and more.' * But you needn't have said them.' ' I thought you were fond of justice, Rosabel ? You ventured far in search of it !' 248 ROSABEL ' Oh, I shan't talk at all !' said Rosabel. She averted her face, and whimpered a little presently, and the rest of the journey like the cab drive was performed in silence. It was dark before they reached their station, and when they descended the lamps were lighted, and a chill mist was rising from the low-lying fields. She led the way through the wicket, and stopped -.outside. * You needn't come any farther unless you like.' ' Thank you,' said Aylmer ; * I prefer to see you home.' * Do you think I need watching ?' demanded the girl, with sudden violence. ' Are you going to tell my aunt to lock me in ?' He walked beside her quietly. They came to the cross-roads, and then to the barn, and then to the duck-pond, which was always half dry at midsummer. A cow in a shed lowed as they passed, and a familiar farmyard smell greeted Rosabel's nostrils. It was very quiet ; their footsteps were almost noiseless on the dust of a long drought. The glow/from'the r bar window was visible quite a long way off, like a great red eye which grew bigger and bigger every moment. A door swung open, and the smell of beer came out. Rosabel's heart gave a little throb for some unknown reason t and she stopped by the bench where Braithwaite ROSABEL 249 had tried to kiss her on the birthday which seemed so long ago. ' Are you coming in ?' she asked. 'No. I must catch the last train back to London.' There was a pause of twenty seconds. She stood with her back to the light, but his face was thrown into relief against the black background of the night. The girl's tongue was loosened at last. ' Forgive me oh, forgive me !' ' Do you really care whether I do or not ?' ' If I had known,' she said huskily, ' I would have been so different.' ' What does that mean ?' ' I've loved you for ever so long, and now you are angry, and you won't forgive me, and I shall die of shame !' Aylmer's breathing quickened. He did not answer for a moment. ' It's a thing no man would forgive,' he said. ' The mere ideas you have had have tainted you. And I don't even know how far you have gone with Braithwaite ' Rosabel's head drooped ; she plucked at her gown. * He has kissed me,' she said, in a guilty whisper, * five times. I didn't like it, and now how I hate to think of it now !' 250 ROSABEL * Is that all, Rosabel ?' ' I am sure it wasn't more than five times,' she answered innocently. The light caught her face, and he looked hard at it. ' You are truthful,' he admitted. ' Whatever you are not which you ought to be, I will swear you are truthful ! So I will believe that he has only kissed you five times. That is bad enough.' ' I know. I am not defending myself. Only why didn't you tell me ?' ' You never gave me a civil word after he ap- peared. Under such circumstances, it isn't easy to tell a girl you love her !' ' I thought you were going to marry my mother, you see.' * Yes, we have both made mistakes,' he said ' such mistakes as one pays for all one's life.* ' All one's life ?' repeated the girl drearily. ' And I am only nineteen.' There was another silence. The sound of the river rushing over the weir reached them faintly, again the wakeful cow lowed in the shed across the fields, and Mrs. Collins' robust voice, raised in admonition, penetrated the outer stillness of the night. ' 'Ow much longer are you goin' to be with them sandwiches, Jane ? The gentleman wants to catch his train.' ROSABEL 251 For the second time that evening a tension snapped. Without a sound she threw her arms round his neck. He responded instantly, passionately, clasping her close, and kissing her on the lips. * We are both upset to-night. I shall see you to-morrow, Rosabel.' CHAPTER XXV THE folly of washing one's dirty linen in public was not one of Amy Fairbourne's. She considered it indecent, and, what was perhaps worse, a bore. At least, the unpleasant operation might be postponed. So she told her hostess that Rosabel had gone home in a fit of ill-temper, apologized for her daughter's shock- ing behaviour, and burned the note in her bedroom grate. Aylmer's disappearance she was not called upon to explain , but she knew perfectly well that he had guessed, God knows why, and followed. What was it to do with him ? And as a rule he was the last man in the world to interfere with other people's business. Regardless of appearances, he, who ought to have been petrified by disgust, had rushed to the rescue. And if his ofnciousness succeeded, he would expect gratitude. Brilliant in the light of many wax candles- candles were a fad at The Hermitage Amy Fair- bourne laughed loudly at a particularly stupid joke. Yes, he would expect gratitude. What an absurd world it was ! But he might not succeed. 252 ROSABEL 253 There were moments when she saw black spots instead of white walls and water-colours, and the carpet rose under her feet like an ocean wave ; and she had had only two glasses of champagne for dinner besides the wing of a chicken and an ice in a paper frill. She would have given five hundred pounds to go to bed at nine o'clock, but dare not say her head ached ; four pairs of eyes were on the watch, and she could almost hear the conjectures which would follow her retreat. Nevertheless, when a telegram on a salver was brought to her, she took it calmly. ' Rosabel safe. Staying with Collinses to-night. Can I see you in the morning ? Please answer to my address. AYLMER.' She crumpled the message in her hand. ' It is only from Rosabel,' she said. In all her life she had never passed such an insufferable evening. She was sick with suspense and dread. What was Aylmer's attitude towards Rosabel ? He must be disgusted. Even caring enough to bring her back, he must be disgusted. No man could take it calmly. Surely he would hate her for evermore ? Still, she could not banish a host of misgivings, and the sickness of suspense endured. Perhaps he was going to bully her for not taking better care of her daughter, and wash his hands of the pair of them. 254 ROSABEL Even that, she felt, would be better than the other thing that ' other thing ' which she scarcely dared to name even to her own soul. In the morning she was allowed to go. It was like emerging from prison the relief of being free at last to look as ugly as she liked. Directly she was alone the animation left her eyes, her mouth drooped at the corners ; it was as though another woman had stepped into her clothes a woman who was tired, careworn, old. The lowered blinds and general stagnation of London in August did not tend to raise her spirits. The district of Hyde Park was especially depressing. A whole street she passed through bore scarcely a sign of life. A footman in his shirt-sleeves was sunning himself on the doorsteps of a certain mansion where she had enjoyed many a good dinner ; an elderly caretaker was gossiping at an area gate with the milkman ; a domestic tabby stealing across the road might have been a wild relation prowling among the deserted, sun-baked streets of a ruined city of the East. Not a carriage was in sight ; not a wheel or a hoof broke the stillness. Great Cumberland Place was sleeping, shuttered and silent, as though it had never heard the sound of human foot. Her dining-room blinds were up in readiness for her arrival, however, and a slatternly female, the ROSABEL 255 coachman's sister, opened the door. She sent a reply to Aylmer's telegram : ' Will see you at Great Cumberland Place at one o'clock.' Then she waited for hours, for a lifetime. When he arrived, on the stroke of one, she was still in her hat, like a visitor, and the well-known perfume of violets greeted him with her gloved hand. * Excuse this mausoleum,' she said. 'The ser- vants have gone to Norfolk. I am only stopping to see you on the way. What of Rosabel ?' ' You had her note ?' ' Yes.' ' My telegram reached you last night, of course ?' ' It was thoughtful of you to relieve my anxiety !' She was extremely bitter. ' Where did you find her with Maurice Braithwaite ?' ' I am forced to admit that I did.' 4 She has behaved abominably, and you like yourself. I guessed at once that you had followed her. What made you suspect ?' ' Sundry reflections inspired by her absence from the garden-party. I was fortunate enough to catch the next tram.' ' What did she say ?' 4 A great deal. She is not as bad as you think,' 256 ROSABEL he said. * Only she has deeper feelings than most girls and she is braver.' ' Braver !' repeated Mrs. Fairbourne. ' A de- praved woman would have had more more hesita- tion. I have another word for her conduct.' ' Then, don't say it, please ! You don't under- stand yet.' His tone exasperated her. She saw already that he was far from being alienated from Rosabel, and the fact was not likely to propitiate her in her daughter's favour. ' I understand very well,' she said. * I think not ; I didn't. She does not care for Braithwaite. She went to him merely to create a scandal.' Mrs. Fairbourne, taken aback, stared at him. ' Is she mad ? What do you mean ?' ' I give you her own explanation. She planned this flight with Braithwaite wholly and solely to create a scandal which should call attention to her bringing-up to the wrong which she considers you have done to her.' She was rather white, but she laughed. ' Oh, that is it, is it ? How amiable of her ! Only I don't believe a word of it ! She was caught, so she had to say something.' ' I disagree with you entirely, Mrs. Fairbourne,' he said decidedly. ' A girl who would do a thing like that ' ROSABEL 257 * I don't excuse her, only none of us are perfect,' he said. ' I am quite willing to marry her.' ' You will marry her ?' ' I hope so, with all my heart. She knows that I am going to ask her.' The blow had fallen at last. She realized now that she had been expecting it how long ? Antici- pation of it had hung like a black cloud over her life, despite all her efforts to dispel it. She took it very well. He was not feeling kindly disposed towards her, yet he could not help admiring the way she rallied after the first gasp, and stood her ground, hiding her wound, denying it in the very face of the man who had dealt it. She had pluck. He was glad. It would have been horrible if she had lost her head and wept, and said things which would have made intercourse between them as mother-in-law and son-in-law impossible. ' This,' she said faintly, ' is rather a surprise.' ' I hoped you knew,' he answered. ' Of course ' she drew a deep breath ' I am gratified and relieved.' ' Thank you.' ' You are treating her splendidly, the little cat far better than she deserves. I trust she realizes it. Anyhow I am obliged to you/ Her voice grew fuller, more natural, every moment. ' You have always been a good friend to me, Alec ! And you could not show your friendship more practically 17 258 ROSABEL than by taking this troublesome girl off my hands. She needs a man to look after her, and no man could do it better, I am sure, than you.' ' It is very kind of you to say so, Amy,' he replied, touched by her generosity. ' I think I can make her happy, and I hope I shall make you better friends with each other than you have been.' 'Oh, I am not going to welcome her like a returned prodigal!' she replied. 'You needn't expect that !' ' You must forgive her. She is only nineteen.' * She is old enough to behave with the vicious determination of a woman of forty. She can come back to me, but I shall say what I like. If you are nervous, she had better stay with the Collinses.' ' That is unnecessary ; my sister would take her. But she #ught to return. Can't you let it drop ? After ajl,' he said, ' if I am satisfied ' I am not as complaisant,'' she said, ' as you,' It was the one thrust she had given him, and he let it pass. * I will tell her,' he said slowly. ' She shall please herself.' ' It is all the same to me.' Mrs. Fairbourne shrugged her shoulders. ' She has done her best, even according to your lenient explanation of her conduct, tojnjure me. There is a home for her with me until ROSABEL 259 she marries, but my heart will not break if she does not choose to come.' ' Still, I shall persuade her to rejoin you,' he said. ' I can understand that you are a little bitter, but the feeling will pass, I hope.' Her lips twitched for an instant, and straightened with visible effort as he took her hand. ' Good-bye,' she said. The farewell, as she uttered it, was very signifi- cant. She went to the window, behind the curtain, to watch him down the street. Then she turned, and opened the bottle of smelling-salts attached to her golden chatelaine, and held it to her nostrils with the. face of death. As for Aylmer, he turned his back on the little house in Great Cumberland Place and* its mistress with a sigh of relief. She had behaved badty, and long ago he had reached the stage of wondering how he could ever have liked her ; but she was a woman, and she loved him, and he had had to tell her that he wanted her daughter a most unpleasant task. Perhaps he had got off better than he deserved. He returned thanks in the proper quarter that it was over and he might relax. The rest of the day should be more agreeable. He lunched comfort- ably at Prince's, and went down to the Angler's Inn. 172 26o ROSABEL Rosabel must have been watching the trains, for she met him fifty yards up the road, with her cheeks in a glow. ' I thought perhaps you wouldn't come, after all,' she said. ' I always keep my promises.' The girl looked shy, and could not meet his eyes ; to-day was not last night, and the sun was shining. He took her arm. ' I have seen your mother,' he added. ' She is not pleased ; one can hardly expect it. I thought it best to be quite candid. But she is willing that you should join her in Norfolk.' * I don't care how angry she is, and I don't want to go to Norfolk.' 'Rosabel! Rosabel!' ' Why should I care ?' she demanded. ' Because I would rather you were friends than not. In this instance you were wrong, and it is your place to make the first advance.' ' She would only smile in that nasty way she has with me, and say, " Never mind, Rosabel." ' I don't ask a great deal of you I don't ask you to love her ; but I should prefer you not to adver- tise your our private affairs. Will you oblige me ? You owe me something.' * Of course* if you put it like that,' murmured Rosabel huskily. ROSABEL 261 * It need only be for a little while,' he said. ' I you know I am waiting for you, Rosabel ?' Her lips worked. 'Then, it is true! I was awake all night,' she admitted under her breath. ' I could not believe it was really true !' CHAPTER XXVI AYLMER took Rosabel to London the next morning, and bought her an engagement-ring, and saw her off at Liverpool Street for Norfolk. Her mother did not come to meet her at the other end, and the girl had a lonely drive of half an hour before the house was reached. It was a pretty place, near the Broads, and when Rosabel drove up: several guests, who had arrived earlier in the day, were occupying the veranda, and making a great deal of noise. Mrs. Fairbourne did not rise as Rosabel stood hesitating ; she merely raised her voice. * Ah, Rosabel,' she said, ' so you've come ! Brace knows which is your room. If you want tea, order it.' The girl was neither defiant nor sullen, she was coldly polite. She had expected to find her mother alone, and the visitors were a welcome buffer. Perhaps nothing would be said, after all. In any case, she was not to be impertinent ; Aylmer had made her promise that at parting. 262 ROSABEL 263 When she came down again, with her gloves off, Mrs. Fairbourne's lips twitched, and for a moment a stony silence held her ; but it was necessary to say something the flashing ring had drawn the other women's eyes. ' Rosabel has just become engaged,' she said, * to someone you all know well Alec Aylmer.' A sort of electric thrill went round. Rash people exchanged furtive glances ; cautious ones looked at their shoes. A carefully modulated voice broke the pause, which could not be allowed to endure. ' Alec Aylmer ! Really?' ' Yes,' said Mrs. Fairbourne. ' And I always thought him a confirmed bachelor ! But he is a dear fellow. I could have wished nothing nicer for the girl.' She was a wonder ; they all said so afterwards. Meanwhile, everybody began to congratulate Rosabel, who bore herself with considerable composure. She was no longer awkward, because she had lost that sense of inferiority which had always been so bitter to her. Alec Aylmer the best of them all had chosen her for his wife. To consider herself not as good as these people would be an insult to him. Mrs. Fairbourne was the first to observe the subtle change which had come over the girl, and to realize what it meant. She herself did not utter a word of congratulation to her daughter, avoided addressing her, did not mention Aylmer's name again. 264 ROSABEL Perhaps this was the course of conduct she had laid down for herself to refuse to perceive Rosabel's self-satisfaction, to ignore that anything of impor- tance had occurred. If so, she could not stick to it. She wanted to hear ; a morbid craving to torture herself drove her to the girl's room after they had said good-night. The knock at the door in the silence it reminded Rosabel of that other night. She had posed so mightily in her thoughts, and played such a small part in reality. It was not her own good sense which had saved her from ruining her life and the life of the man who loved her, and for a moment the familiar feeling of humiliation in her mother's presence returned, and she saw herself a pigmy in character beside the woman who was strong enough to treat her with contempt. Her cheeks turned red, and her eyes glowed once more with the old sullen fire. Mrs. Fairbourne, on the contrary, was pale, and swept her daughter with a scornful glance. ' So you have come back,' she said again. ' I scarcely expected it. You have courage, upon my word, after your behaviour !' * Mr. Aylmer wished me to come.' ' Mr. Aylmer !' The woman gave a laugh of derision. ' Is that what you call him when you are alone ?' * No,' replied Rosabel shortly. ROSABEL 265 ' Mr. Aylmer ! I dare say you are rather awed by your magnificence, aren't you, Rosabel ? Actually a gentleman wants you ! If I had left you with the Collinses, you would have married a shop-boy or a groom like your father.' ' I shouldn't,' said Rosabel. ' It would have been more suitable. Alec will realize his mistake some day. He is not a man to be contented long with an inferior. He has taken a fancy to your looks, and that sort of thing never lasts least of all will it last with him.' ' You are trying to make me unhappy,' said Rosabel ; ' but you can't ! I know he loves me.' ' Oh, you do ! You are so experienced, of course. But I am even more experienced, and I have known Alec Aylmer longer than you have. Let me tell you that he is just a little fickle.' ' I don't believe it,' said the girl. * He was in love with me.' ' I don't believe it,' repeated Rosabel obstinately. ' He told me he had liked you, but that he had never loved anybody as he loves me.' ' You have discussed me ?' ' I had to ask,' murmured Rosabel. * I used to think I mean, I thought after what you told me once ' Mrs. Fairbourne's eyes flamed suddenly, and her self-control left her in a great gust of passion. * You stole him from me !' she cried. * He was 266 ROSABEL mine before he was yours. You wanted to be re- venged, didn't you ? I was to be shocked, heart- broken, panic-stricken by your escapade ; I was to be driven out of England, perhaps, by the reflection of my daughter's dishonour ! I see myself in the role you cast me for ! Go, my dear ; pursue your ** revenge," and I will get the sackcloth and ashes ready !' There was more. It was vulgar, it was pitiful, it was horrible. And at the end she swept out of the room like a whirlwind ; but before she reached the door she added in a little sobbing undertone, ' Oh, my God !' and something clutched Rosabel by the throat. * Mother !' cried the girl, and started forward. Mrs. Fairbourne did not stop. Through the corridor she fled like a wild thing, and shut the door upon her broken life. And Rosabel, after a moment, followed, and hammered at the door. ' Mother, mother, let me in !' But there was no response, and she crept back to her own room baffled, and cast herself upon the bed to weep. So Rosabel had her revenge after all and hated it. CHAPTER XXVII IN the morning there were, two white faces at the breakfast-table. But whereas Rosabel, being nervous and upset and distrait, could not speak, Mrs. Fairbourne talked as easily as though she had never suffered from an inconvenient passion in her life. Afterwards the woman drew the girl apart. * Come outside, Rosabel ; I want to speak to you.' The window stood open to the garden, and Rosabel followed silently. When they were beyond earshot of the house, Mrs. Fairbourne began in a voice care- fully modulated and composed : ' Last night I made a fool of myself. It is not often that I suffer from an attack of nerves. ... I scarcely remember what I said a great deal of nonsense, I am afraid.' She paused, and her eyes met Rosabel's. ' You understand ?' ' Yes, mother.' * We were both excited. Why did you run after me, and knock at the door? You made enough noise to alarm the house.' 267 268 ROSABEL Rosabel hung her head, and coloured. * And there was nothing the matter,' pursued Mrs. Fairbourne calmly ' nothing at all. I was merely hysterical after a tiring day. So you need not repeat anything to Mr. Aylmer.' * I shan't mention it,' said Rosabel, looking up. ' Then we can both forget it immediately. When are you going to be married ?' ' Alec thought at the end of the month if you are willing ?' replied the girl, almost timidly. ' It has nothing to do with me,' said Mrs. Fair- bourne, with an air of great impartiality ; ' pray study yourselves alone. Do you wish to have him down here to stay, or do you want to go back to London and see about your trousseau ?' * I think I ought to be seeing about my trousseau.' * Very well. We will return to Great Cumberland Place next week, when these people are gone.' * You are very kind,' said Rosabel huskily. ' Oh, don't trouble to thank me, pray !' Mrs. Fairbourne turned back to the house. * Mother !' panted Rosabel. ' What is the matter ?' ' I'm sorry. I was sorry last night for the first time.' Mrs. Fairbourne paused. But her face was coldly amused, no more, at the girl's distress. * Were you ? Why ? Don't be sentimental, please ; it doesn't suit you, and it doesn't suit me.' ROSABEL 269 Rosabel hid herself among the gooseberry bushes and apple-trees in the kitchen garden. ' She hates me,' she thought bitterly, ' and she'll never forgive me as long as she lives. She meant everything she said last night, only she is ashamed. Why should I be sorry for her ? I'm not / Oh, Alec !' Once more Rosabel wept over her revenge. But she kept her word, and did not repeat the story of that interview to Aylmer when they met again. She only clung to him with a yearning for tenderness which told him as much as he cared to know. THE END BILLING AND SONS, LTD., PBIKTMS, GOH.DFOD BY THE SAME AUTHOR A PROPHET OF THE REAL In one volume. Crmvn Bra., price 6s. Some t>res0 pinions The Daily Telegraph.' Miss Miller's study is both striking and original. The young authoress knows how to tell her story, and her manner, the way in which she describes the emotions of her characters, is always adequate, and often eloquent. She shows us the girl as she was in the days of her servitude, gives us all the illuminating details of her sordid existence ; then she shows us the pathetic blossoming of the nipped bud under the influence of kindness, the transformation of the morbid girl into a beautiful and gracious woman. Miss Miller is really to be congratulated on her heroine. The study is interesting and faithful.' The World. ' An unusually good book.' The Glasgow Herald. ' Clever, interesting, and dramatic. There are vivid psychological touches, and the style is throughout rapid, graphic, and direct.' The Pall Mall Gazette. 1 There is in it nothing super- fluous, nothing out of place. A striking and dramatic story. This is most certainly a book to read and to praise. ' The Daily Chronicle.' It is quite good, and we can very conscientiously recommend it.' The Graphic.' Esther Miller is to be thanked for the clever treatment of a new and original idea. ' The Sphere. ' If Esther Miller were a new writer I should forecast great things for her from her new novel. ' ' A Prophet of the Real " is a book that is certain to be asked for at the libraries; it will interest, and, moreover, should excite discussion.' The Sketch.' A clever and original story, and one far above the average.' The Morning Post. 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