UC-NRLF ;P111,||1|1|| ij 1 lli; 11 |i '1 illl Mil $B 145 1 Db2 H I < .^i^ 1 n B CONFESSION OF FAITH; THE LARGER AND SHORTER CATECHISMS, WITH THE ^criptur^ptocfs at targe : TOGETHER WITH THE SUM OF SAVING KNOWLEDGE, (CONTAINED IN THE HOLY SCRIPTURES, AND HELD FORTH IN THE SAID CONFESSION AND CATECHISMS,) AND PRACTICAL USE THEREOF j COVENANTS, NATIONAL AND SOLEMN LEAGUE ; ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF SINS, AND ENGAGEMENT TO DUTIES j DIRECTORIES FOR PUBLICK AND FAMILY WORSHIP; FORM OF CHURCH GOVERNMENT, ^c. F PUBLICK A UTI{JPUXr^CtSrTRS:€9ft/&ifI Of SCOTLAND. Dfut. vi. 6, 7. And these ivnrds iih'uJi I coftimand the this day shall be in thine heart. And thou shalt teach thetn diligently unto thy children ; and shalt talk 1 of them ni'hen thou sittest in thine housCy and luhen thou ivallest by the "way^ and •tuhen thou liest dotvny and ivhen thou riseit ujt. inf EDINBURGH: PRINTED BY SIR D. HUNTER BLAIR AND J. BR'JCS. Pi inters to the King's irost Excellent Majesty. 1810. ^7/^-^ •S X f/f. 3 THE GENERAL CONTENTS. sundry I. T^HE Preface, by X English Divines. II. Mr. Manton's Epistle to the Reader. III. The Confession of Faith. The Larger Catechism. The Shorter Catechism. The Sum of Saving Know- dge. . The National Covenant. I\ VIII. The Solemn League and Covenant, IX. The Acknowledgment of Sins, isfc. X. 'I'he Directory for Publlck Worship. XI. The Form of Presbyterial Church-Government. XII. The Directory for Family Worship. CHRISTI HEADS O A S we cannot but with grief of soul lament those niuhi- •^^ tudes of errors, blasphemies, and all kinds of profaneness, wliich have in this last age, like a mighty deluge, overflown s nation ; so, among several other sins which have helped iv> open the flood-gates of all these impieties, we cannot but esteem the disuse of family instruction one of the greatest. The two great pillars upon which the kingdom of Satan is erected, and by which it is upheld, are ignorance and error; ' '• first step of our manumission from this spiritual thraldom iisists in having our ci/cs opened, and being turned from dark- V to light, Acts xxvi. 18. How much the serious endeavours godly parents and masters might contribute to an early isoning the tender years of such as are under their inspec- n, is abundantly evident, not only from their special influ- ce upon them, in respect of their authority over them, in- terest in them, continual presence with them, and frequent opportunities of being helpful to them ; but also from the sad effects which, by woeful experience, we find to be the fruit of the omission of this duty. It were easy to set before you a cloud of witnesses, the language of whose practice hath been not only an eminent commendation of this duty, but also a serious exhortation to it. As Ahel, though dead, yd sjjeaks by A 2 his ! The Episllc to llic Reader. Ifis f.\:i!ii{ile to US for imitation of Iiis faith, cjr. Heb. xi.4.; so