A H1STOR.Y OF KA N S lljlill } A A HISTORY OF KANSAS BY ANNA E. ARNOLD AUTHOR OF CIVICS AND CITIZENSHIP PUBLISHED BY THE STATE OF KANSAS W. R. SMITH, STATE PRINTER TOPEKA, 1915 COPYRIGHTED. 1914. BY ANNA E, ARNO<_0 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED PREFACE No State has a history better calculated to inspire patriotism in its people than has Kansas. In this fact lies the greatest reason for teaching Kansas History in the schools. A knowledge of the difficulties that have been met and conquered in building the State will create in the minds of the boys and girls a greater respect for the sturdy qualities of the pioneers, it will give them a wholesome sense of the great cost at which the ease and comfort of to-day have been purchased, it will stimulate in them a desire to live up to the past. If the study of Kansas History is to accomplish these results, the subject must be presented in such a way as to arouse the interest of the pupils. They must feel its reality. They must catch Its spirit. With the hope of fulfilling in some measure these re- quirements, this book has been prepared with the fol- lowing aims constantly in mind: to make it, as nearly as possible, a narrative; to select from the wealth of mate- rial at hand such subject matter as is within the compre- hension of children, eliminating such matter as can be fully understood and appreciated only by mature minds; to present the general movement of the State's progress rather than a mass of unrelated facts. Only so much detail has been used as is necessary to a clear understand- ing of events. The purpose has not been to chronicle a multitude of events, but rather to show forth what man- ner of men and women were the builders of our State, • (5) » » ^'^ Hr^: %::':' 6 * a' HiS'i^OfeV of KANSAS what motives actuated them, what conditions surrounded them, how they lived, and what they accomplished. An effort has been made to give the pupils a general view of the State's history as a whole, to give them a framework on which to build their later knowledge, and to leave them with a desire to learn more of Kansas history. Anna E. Arnold. CONTENTS Chapter page I. The Beginning of Kansas History 9 11. Kansas Becomes A Part OF THE United States .. . 16 III. Exploration of the Kansas Country by the United States 20 rv. Kansas as a Pathway 29 V. Kansas as an Indian Country 46 VI. Kansas Organized as a Territory 57 VII. The Coming of the Settlers 63 VIII. The First Territorial Government 73 IX. Rival Governments in Kansas 79 X. The Period of Violence 85 XI. The Period of Poutical Contests 95 XII. Pioneer Life 103 XIII. Kansas in the Civil War HI XIV. The Half Century Since the Civil War 117 XV. The Industries of Kansas 141 XVI. The Railroads of Kansas 172 XVII. Education in Kansas 183 XVIII. Kansas Memorials 201 XIX. The Kansas Spirit 211 Appendix 215 (7) A HISTORY OF KANSAS QUIVIRA— KANSAS In that half-forgotten era, With the avarice of old, Seeking cities he was told Had been paved with yellow gold, In the kingdom of Quivira — Came the restless Coronado To the open Kansas plain, With his knights from sunny Spain; In an effort that, though vain, Thrilled with boldness and bravado. League by league, in aimless marching, Knowing scarcely where or why. Crossed they uplands drear and dry. That an unprotected sky Had for centuries been parching. But their expectations, eager. Found, instead of fruitful lands. Shallow streams and shifting sands, Where the buffalo in bands Roamed o'er deserts dry and meager. Back to the scenes more trite, yet tragic, Marched the knights with armor'd steeds; Not for them the quiet deeds; Not for them to sow the seeds From which empires grow like magic. Thus Quivira was forsaken; 'And the world forgot the place Through the lapse of time and space. Then the blue-eyed Saxon race Came and bade the desert waken. — Eugene Ware. A HISTORY OF KANSAS CHAPTER I THE BEGINNING OF KANSAS fflSTORY More than four centuries have passed since Colum- bus discovered America. During that time the hunting ground of three hundred thousand Indi- ans has become the United States with its ninety-two million civilized people. In the center of this great nation, which occupies nearly half the area of the continent, lies Kansas, a rectangle four hundred miles long and two hundred miles wide. Kansas is a part of the great plain that slopes gradually from the foothills of the Rocky Mountains to the Mis- sissippi River. Its surface, cut by many eastward-flowing streams, lies level in the west but in the east curves into countless hills and valleys. On these broad prairies to-day are thousands of cattle, and great fields of com, wheat, and alfalfa. Towns and cities are scattered over the State, and the country between is dotted with the homes of farmers. There are mines, factories, churches, schools, and colleges. Uniting all are miles and miles of railroad. Kansas is now the home of more than a million and a half of busy, prosperous people. But it was not always so; these prairies were once used only by the Indian and the buffalo. If we are to understand how this change has come about (9) 10 A HISTORY OF KANSAS we must begin with the coming of the first white men to America. At that time Spain was the most powerful nation of Europe, and since she had furnished the funds for the The first voyage of Columbus she claimed the first white men right to America and became the pioneer in Kansas -^ ^^^ exploration of the New World. The Spaniards first explored the Gulf of Mexico and Florida, discovered the Pacific Ocean and the Mississippi River, and were the first to sail around the world. In 1519 Cortez, a Spaniard, landed on the present site of Vera Cruz and marched into the heart of Mexico, the home of the Aztec Indians. He made himself master of that great region and called it New Spain. All of these expeditions were too far south to reach what is now Kansas, but only a few more years were to pass be- fore this far-off country was to be explored by the adven- turous Spaniards, the first white men to set foot on Kansas soil. In 1528 Narvaez, a Spaniard, led an exploring expedi- tion westward from Florida along the Gulf of Mexico. Through various misfortunes and hard- de Va^a ships nearly all of the party i)erished. One of the commanders, Cabeza de Vaca, and three of his men were taken prisoners by the Indians. After being held in captivity nearly six years they succeeded in making their escape. They fled westward, and after an adventurous journey of nearly two years reached a Spanish settlement near the western coast of New Spain. The exact route followed by Cabeza de Vaca and his companions can never be known, but his accounts of their wanderings were largely the cause of the expedition of Coronado, who was the first white man known with certainty to have traveled across what is now Kansas. THE BEGINNING OF KANSAS HISTORY 11 The chief purpose of all the Spanish explorers was to search for wealth. Cortez is said to have made this remark to the Indians: *'We Spaniards s?IS?a?df '*"* are troubled with a disease of the heart for which we find gold, and gold only, a specific remedy." The hope of finding gold and precious stones lying about like pebbles lured many Spaniards into enterprises filled with terrible hardships. Reports of great cities of untold wealth to the northward, the "Seven Cities of Cibola," as they were called, had reached New Spain at various times, and when Cabeza de Vaca told similar tales that he had heard from the Indians it stirred the Spaniards to explore the region. Great preparation was made for an expedition. An army of three hundred Spaniards and eight hundred friendly Indians was gathered and placed under the command of Coronado. This was a large army for those times and the burden of fur- nishing it with arms and supplies fell heavily on New Spain. But so hopeful were the people of the success of the expedition that no sacrifice seemed too great. In the spring of 1540 the long march into imexplored country began. After months of travel in a northerly and then in a northeasterly direction, Coronado and his army reached the province of Cibola, which was prob- QuIvi'rT''** ^*' ably i^ ^^e western part of what is now New Mexico, and the "Seven Cities" proved to be ordinary adobe Indian villages. They took possession of the Indian supplies and spent the winter in the villages. The Indians, anxious to get rid of their un- welcome visitors, persuaded a Quivira Indian, whom they held as a prisoner, to tell the Spaniards tales of the wonderful land of Quivira in order to lead them off into 12 A HISTORY OF KANSAS the wilaerness where they would die from lack of food and water. Coronado and his men listened to this Indian, whom they called ''Turk," and followed him as a guide for many days. He led them steadily toward the east, and after a time they became convinced that they were being deceived and made him confess that Quivira was far to the northward. They had been only too willing to listen to Turk's stories, but when they learned that he had misled them they put him to death. Supplies were now low and Coronado sent back the main body of the army, which was composed of footmen, and with thirty horse- men started northward. : ; , ^ ^. i. 'th \C'^CuH«« 7 GULF OF O^ A MEXICO ■4^ l\Compo5tela V V \ \^^ City of Mexico ^J The Journeys of Cabeza de Vaca and Coronado. THE BEGINNING OF KANSAS HISTORY 13 It must be remembered that the whole country was a vast wilderness without names or boundary lines, and we can describe the journey of the Spaniards only by using names and boundary lines that have come into existence long since that time. As nearly as can be learned, Coronado and his men entered Kansas about where Clark County now is, and went on northward, crossing the Arkansas River Coronado in Kansas M.hhL^, Ik w : ^-fAj L.' ' ^T r-^ ^"^ p J^M 1 f f \i l»^'*"' " Francisco Vasqueth de Coronado, commander of an expedition, arrived at this place." at or near the site of Dodge City. From this point they followed the river to Great Bend, and then continued in a northeasterly direction to the vicinity of Junction City. At the end of their journey they set up a cross bearing the inscription: "Francisco Vasqueth de Coronado, com- mander of an expedition, arrived at this place." After all this weary journey they had reached Quivira 14 A HISTORY OF KANSAS and found it to be merely the home of a tribe of Indians, the Quiviras, later known as the Pawnees. Quivira fonnd Coronado wrote in a letter to the King of Spain: "The country itself is the best I have ever seen for producing all of the fruits of Spain, for, besides the land itself being very fat and black, and being very well watered by rivulets, springs, and rivers, I found primes like those in Spain and nuts and very good sweet grapes and mulberries. I remained twenty-five dajrs in this province of Quivira, both to see and explore the country, and to find out whether there was anything beyond which could be of service to your Majesty, because the guides who had brought me had given me an account of other provinces beyond this. And what I am sure of is that there is not any gold or any other metal in all that country, and the other things of which they told me are nothing but little villages, and in many of these they do not plant anything, and do not have any houses, except of skins and sticks, and they wander around with the cows. So that the account they gave me was false, be- cause they wanted to get me to go there with the whole force, believing that as the way was through such imin- habitable deserts, and from lack of water they would get us where our horses and we would die of thirst. And the guides confessed this, and they said they did it by the advice of the natives of these provinces." ^ Empty-handed, Coronado and his little band of Spanish knights tinned toward New Spain and carried to their Coronado's re- Waiting countrymen the disappointing turn to New story of their two years' expedition. ^^^ With this event fifty years had passed since the discovery of America, and for the next two and a half centm-ies little attention was paid to the Kan- sas country. 1. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. THE BEGINNING OF KANSAS HISTORY 15 SUMMARY The history of Kansas begins with the first exploration of this country by white men nearly four hundred years ago. Spain was the first nation to explore the New World. The chief purpose of the Spaniards was to find gold. They had heard from the Indians of rich cities to the northward, and when Cabeza de Vaca told them similar tales the people of New Spain decided to explore the country. They sent Coronado with a large army on a journey of exploration lasting two years. He failed to find gold, but his expedition is of interest because he was the first white man known to have traversed what is now Kansas. REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 1-23. Foster, A History of the United States, p. 29. Spring, Kansas, pp. 17-19. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 44>46. Bourne, Spain in America, (vol. in, of The American Nation, a History). Blackmar, Kansas, Selected Topics. Historical Collections, vol. Vll, pp. 20, 40, 268, 573; vol. Vlll, p. 152; vol. X, p. 68; vol. xil, p. 219. Fourteenth Annual Report of the Bureau of Ethnology. QUESTIONS 1. How long has it been since Columbus discovered America? 2. Compare the population at that time with the present popu- lation of the United States. 3. In what part of the United States is Kansas? 4. Describe briefly the western part of the Mississippi valley. Describe the surface of Kansas. 5. What relation has Spain to the history of Kansas? Why did Spain claim the first right to America? Name some of the early discoveries of the Spaniards. 6. Where was New Spain? 7. What influenced the Spaniards in their ventures in the New Worid? 8. Who was Cabeza de Vaca? Of what importance is the ac- count of his adventures? 9. Tell the story of Coronado. What is his relation to Kansas history? CHAPTER II KANSAS BECOMES A PART OF THE UNITED STATES While the Spaniards were searching for wealth in the southern part of North America the French were trading with the Indians in the northern part along the St. Lawrence River and around the Great Lakes. Among the French were many Catholic priests, called Jesuits, who came to carry their religious faith to the Indians. In 1673, one of these Jesuits, Father Marquette, accompanied a trader named Joliet on an ex- pedition to explore the Mississippi River. They launched their canoes on the great river and floated downstream for hundreds of miles, between shores that in some places were thickly wooded, and in others were grassy plains. They went as far south as the mouth of the Arkansas River, and then turned and began the long, hard task of paddling back. Among those who heard of the journey of Marquette and Joliet was a young Frenchman, La Salle. He planned to explore the whole Mississippi basin Louisiana^"l682 ^^^ ^^ ^^^^ possession of it in the name of the King of France. In 1682, with a few companions, he floated down the Mississippi to its mouth. Here, with much ceremony, they planted a cross, buried a leaden plate inscribed with the arms of France, and de- clared that all the land drained by the Mississippi River and its tributaries should belong to France, and should be named Louisiana in honor of the French King, Louis XIV. Thus in 1682, nearly two centuries after the dis- (16) KANSAS BECOMES PART OF UNITED STATES 17 covery of America, Kansas came into the possession of the French. The French soon planted a few colonies and forts along the Mississippi River and sent out explorers some of whom The end of Span- ^^^ hsi^e entered the present bounds of ish and French Kansas. This roused the Spaniards in explorations Mexico, who wished to hold the territory for Spain, and they also sent expeditions. The armies of both nations suffered severely at the hands of the Indians and the exploration of the Kansas country was given up by both Spain and France, and for nearly a century more it lay almost forgotten. The next explora- tion of this territory was by people of another nation. While the Spaniards were busy in the South and the French in the North, another people, the English, began Th E r h ^ make explorations in the new conti- nent. They did not come to hunt for gold, nor to trade with the Indians, but to found homes. They settled along the Atlantic coast between the French in Canada and the Spaniards in Florida, and claimed the country westward to the Pacific Ocean. As time went on and the settlements increased in number, the claims of the French and the English con- Conflict of flicted and caused much strife between French and the colonies of the two countries. The ng IS c aims question of the ownership of the land was not settled until the close of the French and Indian War in 1763. As a result of this war France gave up all her claims in America, practically everything east of the Mississippi to England, and that west of it to Spain. In 1800 Spain ceded her portion of America back to France. In the meantime the English colonies had fought the Revolutionary War and become an independent nation. 18 A HISTORY OF KANSAS In 1803, when Thomas Jefferson was President, the United States bought from France her tract of country- lying west of the Mississippi River. This Purchase^^isos. ^^ known as the Louisiana Purchase, and the date is one to be remembered, for it marks the end of French claims in America, and it marks the time when what is now Kansas became a part of the United States.^ More than three centuries of American history had passed and the country west of the Mississippi River remained unsettled and practically un- One^century known. The Spaniard and the French- man had come and gone, but the Indian still hunted the buffalo on the prairies. The white man had not yet made his home in the Kansas country. SUMMARY Spain explored in the South in search of wealth, France in the North to trade in furs with the Indians, and England along the coast between these two to establish homes. Spain claimed the Kansas country because of the explora- tion by Coronado, France through the claims of Marquette and La Salle, and England through the ocean-to-ocean claim. None of these nations succeeded in accomplishing anything here, and the Kansas country was left alone for nearly a century after it came into the possession of France. At the close of the French and Indian War the country west of the Mississippi was ceded to Spain. Later it came again into the hands of France, and was purchased by the United States in 1803. 1. In 1819 the United States gave to Spain that part of Kansas lying south of the Arkansas River and west of the 100th meridian. This territory again became a part of the United States by the an- nexation of Texas in 1845. KANSAS BECOMES PART OP UNITED STATES 19 REFERENCES Elaon, History of the United States, pp. 161, 384. Fiske, Discovery of America, vol. li, chap. xil. Foster, A History of the United States. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 24-40. Parkman, La Salle and the Great West. Spring, Kansas, pp. 19-20. Historical Collections, vol. ix, p. 250; vol. x, p. 336. Wilder, Annals of Kansas, pp. 16-18. QUESTIONS 1. Who were the Jesuits? What can you say of Marquette? Joliet? La Salle? 2. Contrast the motives of the French and the Spanish in coming to America. 3. Why did the English come to the New World? 4. What territory was claimed by the French? By the Spanish? By the English? 5. To what nations did what is now Kansas successively belong? How and when did it first become a part of the United States? How long was this after the discovery of America? CHAPTER III EXPLORATION OF THE KANSAS COUNTRY BY THE UNITED STATES When the United States bought Louisiana the country from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean was a vast unknown area. President Jefferson President ^^s eager to learn something about the explorers great West, and sent out several exploring parties. The first expedition, sent in 1804, the year following the purchase of Louisiana, was in charge of Meriwether Lewis , . , „- - and William Clark. They were instructed Lewis and Clark xi, tv/t- • id- j to move up the Missouri River and on to the Pacific Ocean. After a difficult journey lasting two and a half years the party returned to St. Louis and brought to the people of the United States much im- portant information concerning the West. It is the part of their journey along the border of what is now Kansas in which we are most interested. With about forty-five men and three boats Lewis and Clark started up the Missouri River in the spring of 1804. The 'ourn '^^^ horsemen rode along the bank to hunt and bring in game which was to go far toward supplying provisions for the expedition. After a five weeks' journey they reached the mouth of the Kansas River, and encamped that night on the present site of Kansas City, Kansas. From there they continued up the Missouri River where it forms the present bound- (20) EXPLORATION OF THE KANSAS COUNTRY 21 ary line of Kansas, along the border of what has since become Leavenworth, Atchison, and Doniphan counties. Their account of the journey describes the country through which they passed and the different Indian tribes and villages they saw. It speaks of an Indian tribe as "hunt- ing on the plains for buffalo which our hunters have seen for the first time." Again we read, "Pecan trees were this day seen, and large quantities of deer and wild tur- key." By July 4 they had reached a point not far from the present city of Atchison. They did not have the means for much of a celebration, but their observance of the day included the firing of "an evening gun" and the naming of two streams. Fourth of July Creek, and Inde- pendence Creek. Independence Creek still retains its name. A week later they passed the fortieth parallel, which afterward became the northern boundary of Kan- sas, and continued on their way to the Pacific. In 1806 another exploring party was sent out in command of Zebulon Montgomery Pike, a young lieuten- ant in the army. He was instructed to expedition ascend the Missouri River, visit the vari- ous Indian tribes in the Kansas country, go west until the frontier of New Mexico was reached, then south toward the source of the Red River which he was to descend to the Mississippi, and thence to St. Louis, the starting point. The journey did not, however, follow just this route. The Osage Indians lived in the eastern part of Kan- sas, south of the Kansas River. At their villages Pike purchased supplies for the overland jour- Osage'lndians ^^y* From there he went west and then northwest toward the Pawnee village which is believed to have been within the bounds of what is now Republic County. 22 A HISTORY OF KANSAS About the time he crossed the Solomon River he came upon the trail of Spanish troops. It seems that the authorities in Mexico had in some way Oie Pawnees heard of the Pike expedition and had sent an army of five hundred men to intercept him. These forces missed each other, but when Pike reached the village of the Pawnee Indians he found them in possession of many blankets, bridles, saddles, and other things which they had received from the Spaniards. After having been visited with much ceremony by the mounted and lordly army from Mexico, the Indians were not inclined to be courteous to Pike and his score of dusty, bedraggled footmen. After much unpleasantness and delay a council attended by four hundred warriors was held. In his opening address Pike spoke, among other things, of the numerous Spanish flags in the village. Pointing to one which floated above the tent of the head chief, he demanded that it be lowered and that an American flag be put in its place. Several Indians made speeches without mentioning the flag. Pike again told them they must choose between the Spanish and the American governments. The Americans awaited the answer in anxious suspense. Finally an old chief arose. He slowly hauled down the Spanish flag, laid it at Pike's feet, and received the American flag in return. This he un- furled above the chief's tent, and for the first time, so far as is known, the Stars and Stripes floated over Kansas. From this place Pike and his men moved southwest to the Arkansas River, where the party divided, some ^•1. . ^ 1 J of them going down the river and on Pike In Colorado , _ ., , , . home. Pike and his remaining men, m- stead of searching for the Red River according to instruc- tions, followed the Arkansas River into what is now Colorado. They pushed westward, and after many days EXPLORATION OF THE KANSAS COUNTRY 23 of travel sighted a mountain which appeared at first like a small blue cloud but which proved to be a great bald peak of the Rocky Mountains. This peak has since been named Pikers Peak in honor of the explorer. By this time it was winter and their supplies were low. Pike and his men suffered terribly from cold and hunger while Pawnee The expedition of Pike, and the location of the ori^nal Indian tribes. There were no clearly defined boundaries between the tribes. wandering among the mountains. Hoping to better their condition they moved toward the southwest, only to find themselves taken prisoners in Spanish territory. Later, however, they were escorted across Texas to the Ameri- can frontier in Louisiana and released. A whole year had passed before they found themselves again in St. Louis, a year of hardship for them, but well worth while, nevertheless, for Pike brought ^^^e^retum o |^^^j^ ^ great deal of valuable informa- tion. That he was a better soldier than farmer may be seen from this passage taken from his journal: "From these immense prairies may rise one great ad- vantage to the United States, viz., the restriction of our 24 A HISTORY OF KANSAS population to certain limits, and thereby a continuation of the union. Our citizens, being so prone to rambling and extending themselves on the frontiers, will, through necessity, be constrained to limit their extent on the west to the borders of the Missouri and the Mississippi, while they leave the prairies, incapable of cultivation, to the wandering aborigines of the country." ^ Another explorer. Major Long, who came in 1819 and 1820, likewise expressed the idea that most of the country was unfit for cultivation, and therefore American Desert uninhabitable by an agricultural people. He even went so far as to say the country bore a "resemblance to the deserts of Siberia." Washing- ton Irving, the great writer, said of this region: "It could be well named, the Great American Desert. It spreads An Indian Village. The tribes that lived in permanent homes built lodges consisting of an embankment of earth topped with a row of poles brought together at the center and thatched with bark and grass. 1. Coues, Expedition of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. EXPLORATION OF THE KANSAS COUNTRY 25 forth into undulating and treeless plains and desolate sandy wastes, wearisome to the eye from their extent and monotony. It is a land where no man permanently abides, for at certain seasons of the year there is no food for the hunter or his steed." The views of these men largely molded public opinion concerning the West. The country out of which has been carved such prosperous agricultural states as Oklahoma, Kansas, and Nebraska was, a hundred years ago, known as the ** Great American Desert," and was so named on the maps of that time. The western prairies had for untold ages been occu- pied by Indians. At the time of Pike's expedition there were four tribes living within the pres- ?n KanilL^^^ ent bounds of Kansas. These were the Kanza, the Osage, the Pawnee, and the Comanche tribes. The Kanza, or Kaw, Indians lived in the northeastern part of the State and were the ones seen by Lewis and Clark in their expedition up the Missouri River. It is from this tribe that Kansas probably received its name. The Osage In- dians were located in the eastern part, south of the Kansas River. The Paw- nee tribe lived north and west of the Kanza Indi- ans. It was in the Osage village that Pike secured supplies for his journey, and in the Pawnee village interior of an Indian Lodge. 26 A HISTORY OF KANSAS that he caused the Spanish flag to be lowered. The Paw- nees were once called the Quiviras. The first of their tribe that we know anything about was "Turk/' who led Coronado into the wilderness. These three tribes lived in permanent homes and had their tribal villages, but the fourth tribe were wanderers. They were the Co- manches, sometimes called the Padoucas, and they roved over the western part of Kansas and adjacent territory, hunting buffaloes and following the herds as they grazed from place to place. They were fine horsemen, and brave, but very fierce and warlike. This was the Kansas of a century ago. At that time it had received neither name nor boundaries. For the first fifty years that this region was a Icen^urTtgo^ part of the United States, that is, from the purchase of Louisiana until Kansas was organized as a territory in 1854, the country was little used by the white people except as a pathway to the West. SUMMARY President Jefferson, wishing to learn something of the unknown western country, sent out two exploring ex- peditions. The first, in 1804, was in charge of Lewis and Clark who were to follow the Missouri River and to go on across the mountains until they reached the Pacific coast. They passed along the northeast border of Kansas. The next exploring party was in command of Pike. His route was somewhat in the form of a circle. Beginning at St. Louis it was to pass through Kansas, then south, then east, and up the Mississippi to St. Louis. He visited the Osage Indians in eastern Kansas, the Paw- nee Indians in northern Kansas where he raised the American flag, and then marched into Colorado where he discovered Pike's Peak. From Colorado he went into what is now New Mexico, where he was taken prisoner by EXPLORATION OF THE KANSAS COUNTRY 27 the Spaniards. They took him nearly to the Mississippi River and released him. On his return he reported this country as unfit for settlement, and his opinion was shared by later explorers. At the time of Pike's expe- dition there were four tribes of Indians in Kansas, the Osages, the Kanzas, the Pawnees, and the Comanches. REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 31-41. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 49-53. Coues, Expedition of Zebulon Montgomery Pike. Blackmar, Kansas, vol. ll. Historical Collections, vol. ix, p. 574; vol. VII, pp. 261-317; vol. VI, p. 325; vol. x, pp. 15-159. QUESTIONS 1. What was known of the Louisiana Purchase at the time it was acquired by the United States? 2. Who were Lewis and Clark? Give an account of their expedi- tion as it related to Kansas. 3. What route was Pike instructed to take? 4. Describe Pike's visit to the Osages. His visit to the Pawnees. By what other name do we know the Pawnees? 5. Give an account of the remainder of Pike's journey. 6. What was Pike's opinion of the Kansas country? Long's opinion? Washington Irving's opinion? 7. How much of Kansas did the Louisiana Purchase include? 8. What Indian tribes lived within the present bounds of Kansas? Locate and tell something of each. 9. When was Kansas Territory organized? How long was this after the Louisiana purchase? 10. What use did the white people make of Kansas during this period? CHAPTER IV KANSAS AS A PATHWAY Nearly three centuries passed from the time Cortez led the Spaniards into Mexico until Kansas became a part of the United States. During those century ago years Spanish settlements had increased in number until at the time of Pike's expe- dition Mexico included most of what is now California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado. Santa Fe, said to be the second oldest city in the United States, was the most important point on the northern Old s t F frontier of Mexico. In those days it was not like the busy American Santa Fe of to-day. It had about two thousand inhabitants, practically all Spaniards, and they lived in little adobe houses ar- ranged around a public square after the manner of Spanish cities. The "Great American Desert" lay between Santa Fe and the settlements of the western border of the United States. But Captain Pike's interesting Saiua^Fe TraU descriptions of the wealth and resources of the Spanish country stirred up enthusi- asm, and Americans began to make their way across the plains to trade with the Spaniards. Santa Fe soon be- came an important trading point for all of northeastern Mexico. The traders, on their journeys to the Spanish city, wore a pathway that crossed the length of Kansas. This pathway came to be called the "Santa Fe Trail." (29) KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 81 Although a few earlier trips were made, the trade with Santa Fe really began in the year 1822 with the Captain Beck- joumey of Captain Becknell, of Missouri, neli the first He had started out the year before to trader trade with the Indians, and had gone on with a party of Mexican rangers to Santa Fe where he sold his small supply of merchandise so profitably that he decided to try again on a larger scale. In 1822 he took about thirty men and five thousand dollars' worth of merchandise. His success encouraged others, and a regular trade with Santa Fe was soon established. For several years most of the transportation along the Trail was done with pack mules. A caravan of pack Merchandise mules usually numbered from fifty to carried on two hundred, each animal carrying about pac mu es three hundred pounds of merchandise. From the earliest times the Mexicans had used pack mules as a means of transportation, and were skilled in hand- ling them. For this reason theAmerican traders usually em- ployed Mexicans for the work of the pack train. Theav- ^^^^ M"^^- erage rate of travel of a mule train was from twelve to fif- teen miles a day. Since the Trail was nearly eight hundred miles long, fifty to sixty days were required for the trip. Probably the first time that wagons were used was in 1824, when a company of traders left Missouri with twenty-five wagons and a train of pack on*the"T°^ mules. This experiment was so satisfac- tory that the use of wagons soon became 32 A HISTORY OF KANSAS general and mules were used less and less as pack animals. Travel over the Santa Fe Trail rapidly increased, and the history of those days is filled with stories of ex- citing adventure, of danger, of privation, Si^eVndfan? ^""^ and of deeds of courage. The source of greatest danger and excitement was the Indians, for they did not take kindly to the white men's use of their hunting grounds. For several years the traders crossed the plains in small parties, each man taking only two or three hundred dollars' worth of goods, and they were seldom molested. But peace did not last long. The Indians soon learned more about the journeys of the traders and how to estimate the value of their stock. Also, many of the traders considered every Indian a deadly enemy and killed all that fell into their power simply because some wrong was known to have been committed by Indians. This treatment tended to stir up the hatred of the red men and to make them watch every opportunity for revenge. An example of the enmity between the Indians and the traders may be seen in an occurrence of 1828. Two young men went to sleep on the bank of a stream a short distance from their caravan and were fatally shot, it was supposed, with their own guns. When their comrades found them one was dead, and the other died by the time the caravan reached the Cimarron River, about forty miles farther on. During the simple burial ceremonies a party of six or seven Indians appeared on the other side of the river. It is probable that these Indians knew nothing of the crime committed or they would not have approached the white men. Some of the men took this view, but, against their advice, the others fired and killed all of the Indians but one, who escaped to carry the news to his tribe. The KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 33 Indians of the wronged tribe then followed the caravan to the Arkansas River where they robbed the traders of nearly a thousand head of horses and mules. Other robberies and murders followed until it became necessary for the traders to petition the National Government for troops. The next year soldiers escorted the caravan nearly to the Cimarron River. Gk)vemment protection was furnished again in 1834, and in 1843. In the other years the traders fought their own way, but the day of small parties was over. For mutual protection, the traders banded together. A single big caravan started out each spring as soon as the grass was sufficient to pasture their animals, and returned in the fall. For many years the city of Franklin, on the Missouri River, was the starting point of the traders, the place The starting where they purchased their goods and point of the their outfits. Later, Independence, Mis- ^^^ ^""^ souri, and finally Westport which is now a part of Kansas City, became the emporium of the Santa Fe trade. The tourists and traders began to gather about the first of May for the journey that would begin near the middle of that month. The ordinary supplies to be taken for each man were about fifty pounds of flour, fifty pounds of bacon, ten s I* t k pounds of coffee, twenty pounds each of sugar, rice, and beans, and a little salt. Anything else was considered an unnecessary luxury and was seldom taken. The buff alo furnished fresh meat for the travelers. After the first few years horses were little used on the Trail except for riding. A wagon was usually drawn by eight mules or oxen, though some of the wagons^" larger ones required ten or twelve. The large wagons often carried as much as 34 A HISTORY OF KANSAS five thousand pounds of merchandise and supplies. The loading of the wagons for a journey of nearly eight hun- dred miles was a very particular piece of work. Although the traders banded together in one big cara- van, they did not all start from the same place nor at Council Grove ^^^ same time. The Kanza and Osage the meeting Indians seldom committed worse deeds ^ ^^^ than petty thievery, and the more warlike Comanches and Pawnees did not often appear along the first two hundred miles of the Trail. The place where all the wagons united to form a cara- van was Council Grove, a point about one hun- dred and fifty miles west of Independence. In those days Council Grove consisted of a strip of fine timber along the Neosho val- ley. It is said to have been named in 1825 by the United States Com- missioners who met on this spot some Osage Indians, with whom they made a treaty for the right of way for the Santa Fe Trail. About Council Oak, under which the Com- 1^50 a blacksmith shop missioners and Indians met at Coun- and two or three trad- cil Grove to make their treaty. It is , cf nrp<; wprp P^t^h- still standing. A Santa Fe marker ^J^ Stores were estaD- has been placed beneath its branches. lished at Council Grove KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 35 and this place became ''the last chance for supplies" for westbound travelers. We can not get an idea of those days in any better way, perhaps, than by following an account of one of the caravans. Josiah Gregg, who crossed the Gregg*^**^ prairie eight times, has left a very in- teresting record of his experiences. Many of the following facts are taken from his account of the journey of 1831. For this particular trip there were two hundred men and nearly a hundred wagons, with a dozen smaller vehicles, and two carriages carrying can- th'/JaiavaS° *"' ^^n. The total value of the merchandise was about $200,000. For so large an un- dertaking it was, of course, necessary to have some kind of organization. According to custom, therefore, they elected officers and adopted a set of rules. The head man was the "Captain of the Caravan," who directed the order of travel, selected the camping grounds, and performed many other duties of a general nature. The wagons were divided into four groups, each group under the charge of a lieutenant, who selected crossings and superintended the " forming" of the camp. The men were well armed with rifles, shotguns, and an abundant supply of pistols and knives. When the time came to start from Council Grove the command "Catch up! Catch up!" sounded by the captain and passed on to all the groups, started a Uie^cara^valf ^^ ^^^^^ ^^ hurry and uproar as the teamsters vied with each other to be first to shout "All's set!" After a period of shouting at animals, the clanking of chains, and the rattling of harness and yokes, all were ready. The command "Stretch out!" was given, and the line of march began. 36 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Crossing the Plains. -Council Grove seemed to form the western boundary of the very rich, fertile, and well- timbered country. From The country ^^^^ westward the streams were lined with west of Council but little timber growth, and much of '^^^ that was Cottonwood. The country was mostly prairie, with the vegetation gradually becoming more scarce. The traders usually lashed under their wagons a supply of logs for needed repairs, for Council Grove furnished the last good wood they would pass. Westward from Council Grove not a single human habi- tation, not even an Indian settlement, was to be seen along the whole route. It is difficult to imagine such a condition in Kansas only eighty years ago. Soon after leaving Council Grove the traders began watching for buffaloes, and when a small herd was sighted i> » 1 • u* J it created much excitement. About half Buffaloes sighted ,, , , ,, . , the men had never seen these animals before. All the horsemen rushed toward the herd, and some of the drivers even left their teams and followed on foot. KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 37 Buffaloes, culled Americ^:. rhey were described Pawnee Rock by Cabeza de Vaca as "crooked-backed oxen.' After a few more days of travel, during which nothing more serious happened than a few false alarms of Indians, they reached the Arkansas River. Another day's travel over a level plain brought them in sight of Pawnee Rock, a great rock standing on the plains near the Big Bend of the Arkansas, and a land- mark known from one end of the Trail to the other. The surrounding country was not occupied by any tribe of In- dians, but was claimed by all of them as a hunting ground, for it was a fine pasture for buf- faloes. For many years it had been the scene of bloody bat- tles between different tribes. Pawnee Rock. The Rock afforded an excel- 38 A HISTORY OF KANSAS lent hiding place and retreat. Since the old Trail passed within a few yards of it, this became a dreaded spot for the traders, for at this point they seldom escaped a skirmish with the Indians. The Rock probably received its name from some of the bloody deeds of the Pawnees, who were especially connected with these scenes. When the caravan camped at Ash Creek the traders found a few old moccasins scattered around and some camp fires still burning, which seemed to indicate the near presence of Indians. They had, up to this point, marched in two columns, but after crossing Pawnee Fork they formed four lines for better protection in case of attack. In camp the wagons were arranged in the form of a hollow square, each line forming a side. This provided an enclosure for the ani- mals when needed, and a fortification against the Indians. Ordinarily the camp fires were lighted outside the square, the men slept on the ground there, and the animals were picketed near. The next important stopping place was The Caches, near the present site of Fort Dodge. All that marked -,, ^ this spot from the surrounding country was a group of pits in the ground. A number of years before, a small party of traders had attempted to go to Santa Fe in the fall. By the time they reached the Arkansas River a heavy snowstorm forced them to take shelter on a large island, where they were kept for three months by the severe winter. During this time most of their animals perished. When spring came, having no way to carry their goods, they made some caches^ where they stored their merchandise until they could bring mules to haul it to Santa Fe. 1. A cache was made by digging a jug-shaped hole in the ground and lining it with dry grass, or sticks, or anything to keep out KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 39 At Cimarron Crossing the Trail divided, and did not reunite until within a few miles of Santa Fe. The south- The Trail ^^ route was shorter, but it meant divided into crossing fifty miles of desert before two routes reachmg the Cimarron River. In all that stretch of level plain there was no trail, nor landmark, nor stream of water. Travelers sometimes lost their way in this desert, and unless they had prepared for this part of the journey by taking along a sufficient supply of water, they perished of thirst. This caravan decided to take the southern route. A band of Indians soon appeared, carrying an American flag as a token of peace. They talked with 4ith iSdians" *^® traders by means of signs and told them there were immense numbers of Indians ahead. A little later a band of warriors appeared and threatened to fight. There was great excitement as the caravan prepared for battle and the Indians con- tinued to pour over the hills. But there was no fighting, for the chief came forward with his '* peace pipe" from which the captain took a whiff. The warriors were ordered back to rejoin the long train of squaws and papooses who were following with the baggage. There were probably three thousand Indians in this party, and they moved down into the valley and pitched their wig- wams. The traders felt siu-e that since the women and children were along the Indians would not be hostile, and they, therefore, formed their camp a few hundred yards away. The Indians gathered around to gaze at the wag- ons, for it was probably the first time most of them had moisture. Then the goods were packed in and the opening closed very carefully by replacing the sod and carrying away the earth that was removed so that no sign was left by which the cache might be discovered. Sometimes a camp fire was built over it to destroy all traces of the cache. 40 A HISTORY OF KANSAS ever seen such vehicles. Some of them followed to the next camp, and the next day a large number of them gathered around the caravan. This sort of thing con- tinued until the traders made up a present of fifty or sixty dollars' worth of goods to ''seal the treaty of peace." Some days later the caravan met a Mexican buffalo hunter. He told the traders the news from Santa Fe, the first they had heard since the return news ^"^^^ of ^^^ caravan of the year before. To- day Kansas City and Santa Fe are little more than twenty-four hours apart by rail, and we read the latest news from both places in the morning and evening papers. Round Mound, standing nearly a thousand feet above the level of the surrounding plain, in what is now New Mexico, was one of the landmarks along the Trail. At that point the caravan had completed about three-fourths of the journey to Santa Fe. As they approached the Mound some of the party decided to ascend it. They felt certain that it could not be more than half a mile away, but they had to go fully three miles before reaching it. This remarkable deception in distance is characteristic of the West.^ 1. Another phenomenon that makes the traveler in a dry or desert country afraid to trust his eyes is the mirage. He often sees what seem to be lakes, trees, buildings, cities, only to find on nearer approach that they all disappear. As Kansas has come under cultivation the mirage has become less frequent, but it is still seen in the western part of the State. Here is a description of one seen in early Kansas: " On approaching the town of Lerny, about a mile and a quarter this side, we found the whole intermediate space between us and the grove of trees beyond the town apparently occupied by a beautiful lake. On the apparent shore next to ourselves the road ran down and disappeared in the lake, as did the fence upon one side of the road, while the placid and beautiful water extended upon the right and left, until lost in the distance. The trees in the distance ap- peared to be immersed for half their length in the lake, as if growing KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 41 Nothing of particular note occurred from Round Moimd to the end of the journey. The arrival of the caravan at Santa Fe was a source of excitement for both the traders and the city and was cel- ebrated with much festivity. The traders SanuFcf ^^^ entered what was in those days a foreign country and had to pay duties on their goods at the custom house. Then came the business of selling these goods to those who had come in from the surrounding country to buy, after which the traders, or freighters as they were often called, prepared for the long return journey, planning to finish the round trip before the winter began. This was but one of many trips made over the Santa Fe Trail. There was a war between the United States and Mex- ico in 1846-'48. The trouble between the two countries Travel across checked the Santa Fe trade between the Kansas during years 1843 and 1850, but even under ® ® these circumstances there was much travel across Kansas during the '40's.^ There were four principal classes of travelers: soldiers, Oregon emigrants, Mor- mons, and California gold seekers. The war with Mexico broke out in 1846, and many of the United States soldiers were sent to that country by way of the Santa Fe Trail. This in- The soldiers j ^.i. x i ^u creased the travel across the prairies. The remote unsettled region in the Northwest, known in the water. Even the reflection of the trees, and of the clouds above, was distinctly visible. We approached the vision and it van- ished." 1. Because of the increasing migration westward the National Government decided to send out expeditions for the purpose of dis- covering the best routes across the mountains to the Pacific. John C. Fremont was selected for this task, and between 1842 and 1850 he made four journeys across the plains. Among the scouts who acted as his guides was the famous hunter and trapper, and Indian fighter, Kit Carson. 42 A HISTORY OF KANSAS as Oregon, was soon to become the home of civihzed peo- ple. In 1842 wagon trains of emigrants settlers^^^" began to undertake the long and weary- journey to that far-off country. Others soon followed, and during the next few years many thou- sands of people settled in the Oregon country. In those days the Mormon Church had not been long established, but their beliefs had brought the Mormons r^, j^ into trouble with the people aroimd them and with the Government, and they had been forced to move several times. The last time was in 1845, when they left Nauvoo, Illinois, and began the long and perilous journey to the valley of Great Salt Lake, in which region the main body of them remains to-day. In 1848 a man named James Marshall, who was running a sawmill near the present site of Sacramento, California, discovered shining particles of "Forty-niners" ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ "^^^^ ^^^^' ^^^ ^^ ^^ ^^^^ found that there were rich gold fields in that part of the country. The news spread, not rapidly as it would to-day, for there were no railroad or telegraph lines west of the Mississippi River and only a few east of it, but within a short time the whole country and even Europe had heard of the California gold fields, and i)eople from all parts of the world began to make their way to the Pacific coast. Some went by water but more of them made the journey overland. Long lines of wagons, or prairie schooners as they were called, woimd their way across the plains and over the mountains to Cali- fornia. It is estimated that ninety thousand people passed through Kansas on their way to California during the two years 1848 and 1849, a few of them to gain wealth, but thousands to be disappointed, and many to perish on the way. KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 43 The Oregon settlers, the Mormons, and the gold seek- ers entered Kansas at or near Atchison, Leavenworth, St. Joseph, or Westport, and moved toward xl'a^il^"^^^'*" the northwest, crossed the border mto Ne- braska, and went on across the mountains. The road worn by this westward-moving stream of emi- grants was known as the Oregon Trail, though it was sometimes called the Mormon Trail, and more often the California Road. For two thousand miles the Oregon Trail stretched away through an utter wilderness, and every mile of it came to be the scene of hardship and suffering, of battle, or of death. It was one of the most remarkable highways in history. It had several branches, and in many places it followed different routes at different times. The largest number of travelers over this Trail entered Kansas at Westport and followed for a short distance the Santa Fe Trail. Near the present town of Gardner stood a signboard on which were the words, "Road to Oregon." At this point the two historic high- ways divided. It has been said that, *' never before nor since has so simple an announcement pointed the way to so long and hard a journey." SUMMARY The Santa Fe Trail was a great road about 775 miles long, beginning successively at the Missouri towns, Frank- lin, Independence, and Westport, and extending westward to Santa Fe. Four hundred miles of its length were in Kansas. Travel began in 1822 for the purpose of trading with Mexico. The first merchandise was carried on pack mules, but wagons began to be used in 1824. The traders experienced much trouble with the Indians, and in 1829 they began going together in big caravans for protec- tion. The gathering place was Council Grove, where they organized and started. A few of the well-known sit^ along the Trail were Pawnee Rock, Ash Creek, Pawnee 44 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Fork, and The Caches. At Cimarron Crossing the Trail divided. The northern branch followed the Arkansas and crossed the mountains over practically the same route as that followed by the Santa Fe Railway to-day. The southern branch was the cut-off across the desert. Another historic highway was the Oregon Trail, sometimes called the Mormon Trail and sometimes the California Road. This Trail crossed the northeast corner of Kansas. REFERENCES Inman, The Old Santa Fe Trail. I Parrish, The Great Plains, y Pamphlet by Historical Society, Santa Fe Trail. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 42-49. Gregg, Commerce of the Prairies. Blackmar, Kansas, vol. ii, p. 645. Andreas, History of Kansas, p. 54. Historical Collections, vol. viii, p. 137; vol. ix, p. 552; vol. xii, pp. 253-269. Hunt, California the Golden. Aplington, Pilgrims of the Plains. (A novel.) QUESTIONS 1. What part of the United States did Mexico own a hundred years ago? 2. Describe the city of Santa Fe. How did trade first begin with Santa Fe? 3. Tell about the journey of Captain Becknell. 4. Discuss the use of pack mules on the Trail. When were wagons first used? 5. What was the attitude of the Indians and the traders toward each other? 6. What places were in turn the starting point of the traders? 7. What supplies were usually taken? 8. How did Council Grove get its name? Of what importance was the place? 9. Who was Josiah Gregg? 10. Describe the organization of the caravan. The starting. 11. What occurred when buffalo were sighted? 12. What is told of Pawnee Rock? 13. How was camp formed at Ash Creek? KANSAS AS A PATHWAY 45 14. Describe The Caches. How did this place receive its name? 15. Where did the Trail divide? Describe each route. 16. What experience did the travelers have with the Indians? 17. Explain the occurrence at Round Mound. 18. Describe the arrival of the caravan at Santa Fe. 19. Discuss the Santa Fe trade during the '40 's. 20. Name the classes of travelers who crossed Kansas in the '40 's, and give an account of each. 21. Name and describe the trail made by these travelers. CHAPTER V KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY During the years when the white men were traveUng back and forth across Kansas they were not making Kansas settlements here. The country remained belonged to in the undisputed possession of the In- the Indians ^-^^^^ rj.^^ ^^^^^ ^^^ ^j^ ^^^ ^^^ .^ as yet. They looked upon these vast prairies, not as a resource, but as so much land to be crossed in reach- ing places farther west. But changing conditions in the states east of the Mississippi River made people begin to look upon Kansas in a different light. The country there was becoming thickly settled and the people wanted the lands of the eastern Indians. Soon after the Louisiana purchase was made people began to talk of an Indian reserve, of a state set aside Removal of ^^^ *^^ Indians, and it was believed that eastern Indians these western prairies would be useful o ansas ^^^ ^^^j^ ^ purpose. Nothing definite was done, however, until 1825, when the National Govern- ment began the "removal policy.'' The eastern part of Kansas was occupied by two tribes of Indians, the Kanzas, or Kaws as they are often called, north of the Kansas River, and the Osages south of it. In 1825 the National Government made treaties with these two tribes. Under the provisions of these treaties each tribe retained only a small part of its territory, the rest being ceded to the Government. In return, the Indians were to receive certain annual payments and were to be sup- (46) KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY 47 plied with cattle, hogs, and farming implements. The Gov- ernment was also to provide them with blacksmiths and with teachers of agriculture. With these two tribes restricted to their reservations, a large part of eastern Kansas was left to be apportioned into res- ervations for Indians from the East. In 1830 Congress passed an act setting aside an Indian country, which included east- em Kansas. Then the re- moval policy was carried out. Under this arrangement the Government made treaties with the various eastern tribes by which they gave up their lands in exchange for certain tracts in the Indian country. The Shawnees 1 ^^^^^^^B^^N«2^^«^^BI i ^Hwv -v^^ An Indian in War Dress. -ewe R p K s-g azEJ] I -? 35 2^22^ Indian Reservations in Kansas. 48 A HISTORY OF KANSAS had come in 1825, and during the ten or twelve years fol- lowing 1830 about seventeen tribes were located on res- ervations in Kansas. Among these were the lowas, Sacs and Foxes, Kickapoos, Delawares, Chippewas, Pottawat- omies, Wyandottes, and Miamis. By 1850 there was not a tribe left east of the Mississippi River. The Indians had all been moved to these western plains, and no white man could settle on any of the reservations without the consent of the Indians. According to the treaties the Indians were promised their land ''so long as grass should grow or water run." But it soon developed that the white men ^TomKJ^nl^r^^ wanted Kansas also. In 1854 we find the tribes being again transferred, this time to the Indian Territory, now Oklahoma, where the rem- nants of the various tribes still remain.^ Although Kansas was not used during those early years to make homes for white settlers, a few hundred people came here. They were of three different classes ; fur traders, missionaries, and soldiers. It is impossible to say when the first hunters and trappers came to these western plains, for they were gen- ^^ ^ ^ J erally obscure men and little was known The fur traders - . i . . i . v j. j.i of their commgs and gomgs, but they were the real pathfinders of the West. There are rec- ords of fur traders here in the very early years of the nineteenth century, and they gradually went farther and farther into the vast wilderness. The streams of travel across Kansas in the '40's followed paths that had been pointed out by the fur traders. 1. The fact that Kansas was once an Indian country is shown by the many Indian names of counties, towns, and streams; as, Topeka, Pottawatomie, Hiawatha, Wyandotte, Shawnee, Chey- enne, Cherokee, and Kiowa. KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY 49 The fur companies established many trading posts, which served as forts for protection against the Indians and as places to which hunters and trappers could bring their furs. Some of the hunt- ers and trappers were employed by the fur companies and others worked independently. Many Indians also engaged in this trade, and often they were given tobacco, whisky, and weap- ons in exchange for their furs. In this way much of the work of the mis- sionaries was un- \j//. >.t:,,*,*.,,i«^^.%22lr'j^'^ tl ' ,:^* if , - \**^B^B ^,/C^!^- m K^^^^^^^H The Indian tepee, made of poles and buffalo hides, was the only home of the wander- ing tribes, and was used by the other tribes when on hunting trips. done. In the earlier years the hunters and trappers found many kinds of wild animals in Kansas: the buffalo, the wolf, the fox, the deer, the elk, and the antelope, and along the streams the beaver, the otter, the mink, and the muskrat. Later, the main supply of furs came from the mountains, and the whole fur trade gradually moved west of what is now Kansas. The attempt to civilize the Indian began in the days of the early explorers, and it was on Kansas soil that the first missionary's life was lost in the cause. This man was Father Padilla, a Jesuit, who came with Coronado on his 50 A HISTORY OF KANSAS journey to Quivira. Father Padilla became much inter- Father Padilla ested in the Quivira Indians and remained the first mission- to do missionary work among them. His ary in Kansas preaching was of short duration, however, for he was soon killed, whether by the Quiviras or some other tribe is not known. Centuries later, when Kansas became a part of the United States and was explored and traversed by white Kansas mission- ^^^' missionaries were among the first aries of the nine- to arrive. They came to instruct the teenth century j^dians in the Christian religion and to persuade them to adopt the customs of civilization. Of the many who came, Rev. Isaac McCoy probably deserves first mention. He had spent many years in work among the Indians and strongly urged the removal policy. He believed that if they could live in a separate state, free from contact with the white race, the Indians could be civilized, and he gave his life to this work. Jotham Meeker and his wife were among the most devoted of the missionaries, but there were many others, both men and women, who placed the welfare of human beings above mere gain and who endured the hardships of life among the savages for the sake of the good they might do. As soon as the eastern Indians were removed to Kan- sas a number of missions were established by Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, Friends, and established Catholic churches. The work of the mis- sionaries was not confined to religious in- struction. Schools were established,^ books were printed, 1. Among the schools established by the missions three have con- tinued in existence and have developed into important schools of to-day: Highland College, established by the Presbyterians; St. Mary's College, by the Catholics; and Ottawa University, by the Baptists. KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY 51 the Indian girls were taught cooking and sewing, and the boys were taught farming and such trades as black- smithing and carpentering. The most noted mission in Kansas was the one Shawnee Mission as first built in 1830. In 1839 a new location was selected and fine new buildings constructed. established by the Methodist Church for the Shawnee Indians near the present site of Kansas City. This mission was opened in 1830 and continued its work for more than a quarter of a century. It had a large tract of land and good buildings, and maintained a successful school. Rev, Thomas Johnson, who took a prominent part in early Kansas affairs, was in charge of the mission. The third class of people who came to early Kan- sas was the soldiers. Their presence was necessary for the protection of the few white people e so lers against the Indians. Fort Leavenworth 52 A HISTORY OF KANSAS The Camp of Instruction held each year at Fort Riley on that part of the reservation known as Pawnee Flats. Near the center of the view is the old Pawnee Capitol. Pontoon Bridge at Fort Riley. KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY 53 Above is the Old \\ m j t ort Leavenworth. This wall is all that remains of the original Fort. The lower picture is of the Main Parade at Fort Leavenworth at the present time. was established by the National Government in 1827, as headquarters for the troops. This was shortly after the beginning of the Santa Fe trade. During the '40's this fort was used as a base of supplies for the soldiers of the Mexican War, and as an outfitting point for many of the California gold seekers and Mormon emigrants. Fort Leavenworth is to-day one of the most important of the 54 A HISTORY OF KANSAS national forts. A number of other forts were established, among them Fort Riley, Fort Dodge, Fort Scott, and Fort Hays, but all of these have been abandoned ex- cept Fort Riley. Kansas remained in possession of the Indians until 1854, when it was organized into a territory. With this Population of ^^^^ ^ ^^^ ^^^ began. At this time the pre-territorial white population consisted of about twelve ^^^^^ hundred people, one half of them soldiers and the other half connected with the trading posts and the missions. SUMMARY When the country that is now Kansas became a part of the United States it was occupied by four tribes of Indians. In 1825 the Kanza and Osage tribes ceded a large part of their lands to the Government and the eastern quarter of the State was made a part of the Indian country by the Act of 1830. Following this a number of eastern tribes were removed to reservations in Kansas, where they remained until Kansas was organized as a territory, in 1854, when they were moved to Indian Territory, now Oklahoma. During these years there was much travel through the State, but up to 1854 the white population numbered only about twelve hundred. These people were of three classes; traders, missionaries, and soldiers. REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 50-64. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 58-74. Gihon, Geary and Kansas, chap. il. Inman, The Old Santa Fe Trail. Elson, History of the United States, chap. li. Kansas Historical Collections, vol. viii, pp. 72, 171, 206, 250; vol. IX, p. 565; vol. x, p. 327; vol. xi, p. 333; vol. xii, pp. 65, 183; vol. IX, p. 153. Holloway, History of Kansas, chap. viil. Blackmar, Kansas, vol. i, pp. 655-703; vol. ii, p. 291. KANSAS AS AN INDIAN COUNTRY 55 QUESTIONS 1. What use did the white people make of Kansas during the first half of the nineteenth century? 2. How did the condition of the Indians here differ from that of the Indians in the East? 3. What was the removal policy? Name some of the Indian tribes brought here. What promise was made them? 4. Name the three classes of white people who came to Kansas during this period. 5. Who was Father Padilla? Name some of the missionaries. What work did they do? 6. Tell of the fur traders and their relations with the Indians. 7. Why were the soldiers here? 8. When did Kansas cease to be an Indian country? CHAPTER VI KANSAS ORGANIZED AS A TERRITORY The year 1854 is an important one in the history of Kansas, for it brings to a close the period during which The year 1854 ^^^ region was used as a hunting ground an important by the Indians and marks the beginning ****® of its use as a home for white people. The white settlers did not come in peace and quiet; the first dozen years following 1854 were filled with hatred, struggle, and bloodshed. This was brought about by conditions outside of Kansas. As we have seen, twenty- five years earlier Kansas was made an Indian territory because people in the states wanted the lands of the eastern Indians. In 1854 a terrible conflict began here because there was a division between the North and the South on the question of slavery. Slavery had existed in the United States since very early colonial days. It had not been profitable in the Attitude of the northern states, but in the cotton fields of North and South the southem plantations slave labor was toward slavery .^^ demand, and its use after the inven- tion of the cotton gin had increased steadily with the passing years. The Northerners had long been opposed to slavery and made every effort to keep it from spread- ing into northern and western territory, while the South- erners were just as determined that it should flourish and that it should be extended into new territory. This difference between the North and the South developed great bitterness. Neither side lost any opportunity to take advantage of the other, and each was anxious to (57) 58 A HISTORY OF KANSAS secure a majority in the Senate in order to obtain favor- able legislation. This matter was so carefully watched that it had long been the custom to keep the "balance of power" between the states; that is, to admit free and slave states alternately so as to keep the number of pro- slavery and free-state senators balanced. The North, because of its more rapid growth in population, had long had a majority in the Hoiise. Missouri was along the dividing line between the North and the South, and when it asked to be admitted to The Missouri ^^^ Union there followed a long debate Compromise, in Congress as to whether it should come ^^^^ in slave or free. The question was finally settled by the Missouri Compromise, which provided that Missouri might come in as a slave state but that all the rest of the territory included in the Louisiana Purchase and lying north of 36° 30', the line forming the south- em boundary of Missouri, should be forever free. In other words, slavery was to be forever excluded from Kansas and the territory lying north of it. This was in 1820, about the time of the beginning of the Santa Fe trade. During the years when Kansas was Slavery trouble ^^ Indian country and was traversed brings on the by countless caravans the country re- Civil War mained bound by the terms of this com- promise. But all this time the feeling of animosity between the North and the South was growing more intense; northern churches and newspapers denounced the evils of slavery, free-state and abolition parties developed, thousands of slaves were assisted in making their escape through the North to Canada in spite of the strict fugitive slave law, and there was bitter strife in Congress between the free-state and the slave-state mem- bers. The relations between the North and the South KANSAS ORGANIZED AS A TERRITORY 59 were becoming more and more strained. The time was rapidly approaching when the differences between the two sections were to be settled by a great war. The Civil War began in 1861, the same year in which Kansas became a state; but seven years earlier, in 1854, The conflict Congress had passed a measure that brought into brought the slavery trouble into Kansas Kansas in 1854 ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ g^^ ^j^^ ^^^^j^ ground in the great national struggle over the slavery question. The measure passed by Congress that played such an important part in the history of Kansas and of the Nation The Kansas- ^^ known as the Kansas-Nebraska Bill, Nebrasica Bill, and was the work of Senator Stephen A. **^ Douglas, of Illinois. It provided that the two territories, Kansas and Nebraska, should be organ- ized, and that the question of slavery should be left for the people of each territory to decide for themselves. This method of settling the question was known as "popular sovereignty." Because the settlers were often called squatters it was frequently called "squatter sovereignty." Kansas and Nebraska were part of the territory which, according to the terms of the Missouri Compromise, was to be forever free, but under the Douglas t^e'^Bill*'" "^^ Bill ^^^y were to become either slave or free as the people who settled the terri- tories might decide. When this Bill was introduced into Congress it raised a storm of indignation among those opposed to slavery, and the debate which ensued lasted for months. The whole North was aroused and poured forth objection and protest, but to no avail. The Bill was passed May 30, 1854. The Kansas-Nebraska Bill meant that the Missouri Compromise had been repealed and that there was no longer any boundary line against slavery. It meant 60 A HISTORY OF KANSAS that Kansas and Nebraska were offered as prizes to be contended for by the free and the slave Result of the ^^^^^^^ rpj^^ g^^^j^ ^^j^^ .. You may have Nebraska; Kansas is ours." The North refused to recognize such a division of spoils and in- sisted that both territories had been carved from free soil and should both come into the Union free. Both North and South desired to secure Kansas, and each side urged that as many as possible of its own people should emi- grate to the new Territory. It could scarcely be expected that, under such circumstances, Kansas would be left for gradual and peaceful settlement. The result was that the scene of strife was transferred from Congress to these western prairies, and from that time until the admission of the Territory as a state the conflict be- tween the forces of freedom and slavery was waged here. It must be remembered that at this time Kansas was an Indian country; that many of the eastern tribes had Indians removed gi^en up their lands in exchange for from Kansas lands here which had been promised to them forever. Nevertheless, the Indians were removed from Kansas, many of them at once and others more leisurely. They were taken to what has since become Oklahoma, where many of them still live. In this way room was made for the white settlers to enter Kansas. SUMMARY For many years there had been bitter feeling between the North and the South on the slavery question. In 1820 the Missouri Compromise was passed. This measure pro- vided that all the Louisiana Purchase lying north of the southern boundary of Missouri, except Missouri itself, should be forever free. This agreement was observed until the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill in 1854. KANSAS ORGANIZED AS A TERRITORY 61 This bill provided that the settlers of each of these terri- tories should decide whether it was to be made slave or free. Each side was determined to win Kansas, and as a result the slavery struggle was brought here. In order to make room for settlers the Indians were moved to Indian Territory, now known as Oklahoma. REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 63-73. Spring, Kansas, pp. 2-16. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 81-82. Holloway, History of Kansas, chap. VI. Tuttle, History of Kansas. Lamed, History for Ready Reference. Gihon, Geary in Kansas, chap. ill. Historical Collections, vol. ix, p. 115; vol. vill, r. 86. Foster, A History of the United States, pp. 326-329. Muzzey, American History, 379-412. Hodder, Genesis of the Kansas-Nebraska Act, in Proceedings of the State Historical Society of Wisconsin, 1912, pp. 69-86. QUESTIONS 1. Why is 1854 an important date in Kansas history? 2. What great national question affected Kansas at that time? Explain. 3. Explain the attitude of the North and the South toward slavery. 4. What was meant by the "balance of power"? 5. Give the provisions and the date of the Missouri Compromise. How did this Compromise affect Kansas? 6. What did the Kansas-Nebraska Bill provide? Give the atti- tude of the North and the South toward it. 7. How did this Bill affect the Missouri Compromise? What was the result in Kansas? 8. What was done with the Indians in Kansas? 62 A HISTORY OF KANSAS THE SONG OF THE KANSAS EMIGRANT We cross the prairies as of old The Pilgrims crossed the sea, To make the West as they the East The homestead of the free. Chorus: The homestead of the free, my boys, The homestead of the free, To make the West as they the East The homestead of the free. We go to rear a wall of men On Freedom's southern line And plant beside the cotton tree The rugged northern pine. We 're flowing from our native hills, As our free rivers flow; The blessings of our mother-land Is on us as we go. We go to plant her common schools On distant prairie swells. And give the Sabbaths of the wild The music of her bells. Upbearing like the ark of old. The Bible in her van. We go to test the truth of God Against the fraud of man. No pause, nor rest, save where the streams That feed the Kansas run. Save where our pilgrim gonfalon Shall flout the setting sun. We '11 tread the prairies as of old Our fathers sailed the sea; And make the West as they the East The homestead of the free. — John G. Whittibr. CHAPTER VII THE COMING OF THE SETTLERS Kansas in 1854 was, to most people, only a name, a part of the great desert in the Far West, an Indian country. Many of those who had crossed it in the kanswInTssI California emigration had been impressed with the beauty and richness of the country and had written back glowing accounts of it. Some of them had returned from the coast, and were now numbered among our early settlers. When its organi- zation as a territory brought it into such prominence, knowledge of Kansas soon became more general. The people of the South felt confident that they could make it a slave state, for they had gained many victories in Congress, and the President, Franklin of the Smfth Pierce, was in sympathy with them. More- over, they were closer to Kansas than were the northern people, and the only state touching Kansas was the slave state, Missouri. The people of the North, however, possessed one very important advantage. The population of the South con- sisted largely of plantation owners and of the North ^^^^^ slaves, and it was not an easy matter for these men to leave their property or to take it into a new and untried country. On the other hand, the North was a land of small farms and shops and many laborers. Moreover, there was much foreign im- migration into the United States in those years, and since (63) 64 A HISTORY OF KANSAS the employment of slaves left no place in the South for white laborers, most of the immigrants entered the north- ern states, and added to the number of those who were ready and anxious to go farther west. Consequently many more settlers came into Kansas from the North than from the South, but the Southerners tried to overcome this handicap in other ways. The plan of the South was to use Missouri as the step- ping-stone to Kansas. Immediately following the passage of the Kansas- Nebraska Bill a number of Sie Missoifrians Missourians came over into Kansas and took as claims large tracts of the best lands, in some cases not even waiting for the removal cf the Indians. Settlers who asked for claims were required to build houses and to use the land for homes for a certain length of time. While some of the Missourians met these requirements, many of them did not come here to live. They notched trees, or posted notices, or laid rails on the ground in the shape of a house, or in some other way indicated their claims, and returned to their homes in Missouri, coming back only to vote or to fight when it seemed to them necessary. While in Kansas, however, they held a meeting at which it was resolved that: ''We recognize slavery as always existing in this Territory," and, ''We will afford protection to no abolitionists as settlers of Kansas Territory." The free-state people could not step over a boundary line and be in Kansas. They lived a long way off, the trip Handicap to ^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ expensive, and little was northern known of the new Territory. It was a land emigration without homes or towns, churches, schools, or newspapers, and the Northerners knew that people would hesitate to start to Kansas under all these diffi- culties. THE COMING OF THE SETTLERS 65 So it came about that even while the Kansas-Nebraska Bill was pending in Congress a Massachusetts man named The New Eng- ^^^ Thayer had thought out a plan for land Emigrant assisting and encouraging the people to Aid Company undertake the long journey. His plan was to form a company for the purpose of inducing and or- ganizing emigration to Kansas and reducing the expense and hardship involved. This was not to be done as charity, but was to be put on a business basis. Thayer aroused public interest in his plan by constant writing and speaking, and since the people were ready to listen to whatever promised to aid in making Kansas a free state, money enough was soon raised to organize a company, called the New England Emigrant Aid Company. It gathered and published information concerning the new country and organized emigrants into large parties in order to make the journey more pleasant, to reduce ex- pense, and to lessen danger. Competent guides were sent with the parties. The company established schools, news- papers, mills, hotels, and other improvements that tended to lessen the hardships of the pioneers and to further the development of the new Territory. Several similar or- ganizations were formed, but none of them was so well known nor so efficient as the New England Emigrant Aid Company. Hundreds of people came here under the management of these companies, but probably the greatest service the Work of the companies performed was that of giving an emigrant aid immense amount of publicity and adver- companies tising to Kansas. Newspapers were filled with descriptions of the loveliness, the fertility, and the future greatness of the new Territory, and people were urged to go to Kansas at once, both to secure the advan- tages of the country and to help in saving it from slavery. 66 A HISTORY OF KANSAS In this way interest and enthusiasm were aroused over the whole North, but for every one who came in one of the emigrant aid parties there were many who came inde- pendently, especially from the states farther west than New England — Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, and Iowa. The organizations in the North aroused much bitter feeling in the South, and a reward was offered for the capture of Eli Thayer. The South soon organizations formed organizations too, some of them being known as Blue Lodges, Social Bands* and Sons of the South. As has been stated, the Missourians came into Kansas, immediately after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Bill The coming of ^^ May 30, but the free-state people the free-state were not far behind, for on the first day of se ers August, just two months later, the first party of emigrants sent out by the New England Emi- grant Aid Company reached the Territory. Even these were not the first free-state men to arrive; a few who had come independently were already here. This first party consisted of only twenty-nine men. It had been organized with some difficulty, for coming to Kansas was looked upon as a dangerous of sett^ler^^'*^ undertaking. Hundreds of people gathered to bid these men farewell as they started on their long journey to take part in the great conflict between freedom and slavery. There were many who would not have been surprised had the whole party been murdered on their arrival in Kansas, but when nothing of the kind happened others took courage and more par- ties soon followed. The pioneer party reached St. Louis by railroad, where THE COMING OP THE SETTLERS 67 they boarded a steamboat and came up the Missouri River They reach the ^ Kansas City, then a town of only three present site of or four hundred people. There they pur- Lawrence chased an ox team to transport their bag- gage, and on a Saturday evening set out on foot into Kansas. By Tuesday noon they reached the present site of Lawrence, where they pitched their tents on a big flat-topped hill. To-day the great buildings of the Uni- versity of Kansas stand on this hill, which is still called Mount Oread, ^ the name given it by this first party of pioneers. The weather was extremely 'hot; a drouth had parched the earth and prairie fires had destroyed the grass, but the pioneers were not discouraged. They staked out claims in the surrounding coimtry and began prepara- tions for the future. In a short time the second party arrived. It was imder the direction of Dr. Charles Robinson and Samuel C. Pomeroy, who were leaders in the free- Jiy Mrivts s*^^ ^^^ during the whole Territorial struggle. This party was much larger, and part of its members were women and children. The town was now laid out, organized, and named Lawrence.^ On the arrival of this party a boarding house was estab- lished by two of the women. It was thus described by a writer of that time: "In the open air, on some logs of wood, two rough boards were laid across for a table, and on wash- tubs, kegs, and blocks the boarders were seated around it." A short time later a hotel was opened. It was constructed by driving into the ground two long rows of poles, which were brought together at the top and the sides thatched 1. Named after Mount Oread Seminary at Worcester, Mass., of which Eli Thayer was the founder and proprietor. 2. Named in honor of Amos A. Lawrence, of Boston, an active member of the Emigrant Aid Company. 1 ' '".a m P -^-^ 1^ ~-^l i K^^I^H ^1 i ^^sH k .dHifc-'>ii^ ^^^ o oi c as THE COMING OF THE SETTLERS 71 the Kansas River at the mouth of the Big Blue, was for the first few months called Boston. On the arrival of a party of seventy-five people from Cincinnati, Ohio, the name was changed to Manhattan. This party made the entire trip from Cincinnati to Manhattan by boat. SUMMARY When Kansas Territory was organized little was known of it, but, because it was wanted by both the North and the South, knowledge of Kansas spread rapidly. The South had the support of every branch of the National Govern- ment and the added advantage that the only state touch- ing Kansas was proslavery. The advantage of the North lav in the fact that it had a much larger number of people who were free to move to a new country. The proslavery Missourians came in at once and took claims. A few free- state people came within a month, and in two months the emigrant aid parties began to arrive. The fact that many Missourians had staked out claims and gone back home led to numerous claim disputes and caused the organization of the Actual Settlers' Association. By the time winter had come four emigrant aid parties had ar- rived at Lawrence, many settlers were living on their claims, and several towns had been started by each side, REFERENCES Spring, Kansas, pp. 29-40. Brooks, The Boy Settlers. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 71-78. Thayer, The Kansas Crusade. Robinson, The Kansas Conflict, chaps. li-iv. Mrs. Robinson, Kansas — Its Interior and Exterior Life. Gihon, Geary and Kansas, chap. iv. Historical Collections, vol. vi, p. 90; vol. ix, p. 144. QUESTIONS 1. When was Kansas organized as a territory? In what way had the people gained any knowledge of Kansas up to this time Why did Kansas soon become well known? 70 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Lawrence was not the only place in the Territory that was settled before the close of the first winter. People were coming in from north, east, and south, settling on claims and starting other towns. The principal proslavery towns were Leaven- worth, Atchison, and Lecompton. Free-state towns were Other towns The first house in Topeka. Lawrence, Topeka, Osawatomie, and Manhattan. Leaven- worth and Atchison were both founded by people from Missouri, and, since they were on the Missouri River, came to be outfitting points for travelers over the California and Salt Lake Trails. Lecompton, on the Kansas River, not far from Lawrence, soon became the headquarters of the proslavery people, and for several years was the Terri- torial capital. Topeka was founded with the hope of its becoming the capital of Kansas. Osawatomie soon became an important free-state center. Manhattan, on THE COMING OF THE SETTLERS 71 the Kansas River at the mouth of the Big Blue, was for the first few months called Boston. On the arrival of a party of seventy-five people from Cincinnati, Ohio, the name was changed to Manhattan. This party made the entire trip from Cincinnati to Manhattan by boat. SUMMARY When Kansas Territory was organized little was known of it, but, because it was wanted by both the North and the South, knowledge of Kansas spread rapidly. The South had the support of every branch of the National Govern- ment and the added advantage that the only state touch- ing Kansas was proslavery. The advantage of the North lav in the fact that it had a much larger number of people who were free to move to a new country. The proslavery Missourians came in at once and took claims. A few free- state people came within a month, and in two months the emigrant aid parties began to arrive. The fact that many Missourians had staked out claims and gone back home led to numerous claim disputes and caused the organization of the Actual Settlers' Association. By the time winter had come four emigrant aid parties had ar- rived at Lawrence, many settlers were living on their claims, and several towns had been started by each side, REFERENCES Spring, Kansas, pp. 29-40. Brooks, The Boy Settlers. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 71-78. Thayer, The Kansas Crusade. Robinson, The Kansas Conflict, chaps, il-iv. Mrs. Robinson, Kansas — Its Interior and Exterior Life. Gihon, Geary and Kansas, chap. iv. Historical Collections, vol. vi, p. 90; vol. ix, p. 144. QUESTIONS 1. When was Kansas organized as a territory? In what way had the people gained any knowledge of Kansas up to this time Why did Kansas soon become well known? / 72 A HISTORY OF KANSAS 2. What advantages did the South have in the effort to win Kansas? The North? 3. Contrast the manner of life in the North and the South in those days. What do you know of the conditions to-day? 4. Why did Missouri play an important part in early Kansas affairs? Explain how Missourians took claims. 5. Why did the North organize emigrant aid companies? What was the chief company? What did it do? Did all the Kansas set- tlers come under the management of these companies? 6. What was the attitude of the South toward these organiza- tions? 7. When did the first emigrant aid party arrive? Tell of their journey; their settlement. Were they the first free-state settlers to arrive? 8. Give an account of the second party. Tell something of the way they lived. What had been accomplished by the time winter set in? 9. What was the Actual Settlers' Association? Why was it formed? 10. Name several persons connected with this period of Kansas history, and tell something of each. 11. Name and locate some of the towns settled during this period. CHAPTER Vltl THE nRST TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT When a territory is organized it must be provided with a government. The people in a territory may not elect their officers as in a state; they may elect If I ferrUor7^"* ^ legislature and a delegate to Congress, but the governor, secretary, judges, and certain other officers are appointed by the President. In October, 1854, there arrived in Kansas the first Ter- ritorial Governor, Andrew H. Reeder, who, although he was known to favor slavery, was heartily wel- Sfaf civlrno; ^omed by all the people. That he might become familiar with conditions in the Territory, Governor Reeder made a tour of inspection shortly after his arrival. Although this was but little more than four months after the opening of the Territory, he found a number of settlements scattered over eastern Kansas. Towns were springing up, and the prairies were dotted with the tents and cabins of the pioneers. Several thousand people had arrived by this time, some of them free-state and some proslavery. The proslavery settlers had brought a few slaves. There were also many Indians here, for only a part of the tribes had as yet been removed. On his return from his tour of observation, which had included the most remote settlements, as far west as Council Grove and Fort Riley, Governor election called Reeder issued a proclamation for the first election to be held in Kansas. The date (73) 74 A HISTORY OF KANSAS was set for November 29, at which time a delegate to Congress was to be chosen. The settlers were all busily engaged in building cabins and otherwise providing for the coming of winter, and since this election was not deemed of much the^dection importance they took little interest in it. This was not the case, however, with the Missourians, and at this first election, under the leadership of their Senator, D. R. Atchison, they gave an exhibition of the methods by which they expected to control Kansas. On the day before election the Blue Lodge voters began to cross the border into Kansas. They came well armed. Election day, ^^^ organized into companies, each of November which went to a polling place. They came to vote, and they voted. There were so many of them that they were able to outnumber the legal voters in many of the precincts where they took possession of the polls. Election judges who refused to accept their votes were removed and judges of their own installed.^ Of course the proslavery delegate was overwhelmingly elected. He would probably have been elected had the Missourians stayed at home, for up to this time a majority of the settlers outside of Lawrence favored slavery. The result of this unfair election was to renew the excitement in the North at such a working out of the principle of "popular sovereignty." But the free-state pioneers were not to be discouraged. They continued, during the winter, their home building, their preparations for the spring cultivation, and the securing of titles to their land. 1. It should be borne in mind that many of the Missourians who took such an active part in Kansas affairs were not repre- sentative citizens of that state, but were of the unprincipled and outlaw classes. Many of them were hired for this work. THE FIRST TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT 75 The first event of importance in the new year was the taking of the census of the Territory in the spring. It The second showed a total population of 8601, about election, 3000 of whom were voters. A little later March 30, 1855 ^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^j^^ election of a Ter- ritorial Legislature. Since this body of men would make the laws for the Territory, there was no lack of interest among the settlers in this election. It was well under- stood that the Missourians were expecting to vote again. Money was being raised and men hired to march into Kansas on election day. They came, fully five thousand of them, armed with pistols, guns, and bowie-knives, and marched to the different polling places. They did not pretend to be residents of Kansas, but boasted that they were from Missouri. They were disorderly and danger- ous, and in many cases drove the legal voters from the polls. Not more than half of the 3000 rightful voters cast ballots in this election, but the count showed that more than 6000 ballots were cast. The whole thing had been so openly fraudulent that the free-state people demanded that the Governor set aside this election and call a new one. The Legislature " Missourians threatened his life if this were done. When the day came for deciding the question, the men who had been fraudulently elected gathered in the Governor's office, armed and defiant. The Governor and a number of his friends who were there to protect him were also armed. Bitter discussion ensued, but there was no fighting. Contests had not been filed against all of the men elected. Governor Reeder decided to recog- nize the election except where sufficient proof of fraud was shown. In these cases he threw out the returns and ordered another election. The proslavery men took no part in the new election, and a number of free-state men were chosen to 76 A HISTORY OF KANSAS the Legislature. When the Legislature met, the proslavery majority promptly unseated these free-state members and recognized the men first elected. This gave the Territory an entirely proslavery legislature. It was called by the free-state people the '' Bogus Legislature." The proslavery leaders were B. F. Stringfellow and D. R. Atchison, both of whom Hved in Missouri but took an active part in Kansas affairs. Senator Atchison said, *'We wish to make Kansas in all respects like Missouri." So they adopted the whole body of Missouri laws, and added a series of slave laws that were probably the most severe of any ever en- acted in the United States. The Governor chose Pawnee as the place where the Legislature should meet. Pawnee was a new town on the The first Legisla- Kansas River, within the present bounds of ture, at Pawnee, the Fort Riley military reservation. Since " ^' ^ it was west of nearly all the settlements, the members had to make long journeys to reach it. Both because of the inconvenience of location and because the proslavery members desired to be nearer the Missouri border, the Legislature remained in session at Pawnee only five days, just long enough to unseat the free-state members and to pass an act removing the seat of gov- ernment temporarily to Shawnee Mission. All that remains of Pawnee to-day is the old stone building that was erected for a capitol. Governor Reeder had refused to accede to all the de^ mands of the proslavery people, and had fallen into dis- The removal favor with them. When he refused to of Governor sign some of their measures they peti- ®® ^^ tioned the President for his removal, which soon followed. Governor Reeder 's administration had lasted through less than a year of these troublous times. In the summer of 1855, with the Territory little more THE FIRST TERRITORIAL GOVERNMENT 77 than a year old, the people were divided into two bitter factions, proslavery and free-state, with the proslavery people congratulating themselves upon being rid of a Governor they could not control, upon having the sup- port of the President, and upon having a Legislature unanimously proslavery. Daniel Woodson, the Territorial Secretary, who now became Acting Governor, approved the acts of the proslavery Legislature. These were dark days for the free-state people; they had no hand in the (Government and no recognition in Gloomy outlook ^^^ ^^ws of the Territory. They were for the free- denounced, misrepresented, and ridiculed, state people rp^ ^^^ ^^ ^j^^ ^j^^^^ ^ ^j^^ situation, the new Territorial Governor, Wilson Shannon, at first en- tirely ignored the existence of free-state citizens. No com- munity could obey the slave laws passed by the "Bogus Legislature" without becoming proslavery. But the free- state i^eople had no intention of becoming proslavery; they had no intention of giving up the struggle. They found themselves confronted with the question of what was to be done. It was a very grave situation. SUMMARY The first Territorial Governor, Andrew H. Reeder, ar- rived in October, 1854. After a tour of inspection, he called an election to choose a Territorial delegate to Con- gress. Although there were probably enough proslavery settlers to carry the election, the Missourians, to make sure, came over in force, and elected their candidate with an overwhelming majority. Another election was called in March to choose members of a Territorial Legislature. The Missourians came again, and although the census had shown but 3000 voters in Kansas there were twice that number of ballots cast. On proof of fraud Governor Reeder threw out the contested returns and free-state men were elected, but when the Legislature met the proslavery 78 A HISTORY OF KANSAS majority unseated them and recognized those first elected. Pawnee was chosen by the Governor as the Territorial capital, but after five days the Legislature adjourned to Shawnee Mission. The measures passed were entirely in the interests of slavery. Although Governor Reeder came to Kansas favoring slavery, he did not approve of the methods of the proslavery people. He was removed in July, 1855. He was replaced by Wilson Shannon, who was in full sympathy with slavery interests. Every con- dition was unfavorable to the free-state people at this time. REFERENCES Spring, Kansas, chap. iv. Robinson, The Kansas Conflict, chaps. VI, VII. Holloway, History of Kansas, chaps, xii, xiii, xvii. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 87-101. Connelley, Kansas Territorial Governors. Historical Collections, vol. v, p. 163; vol. vil, p. 361; vol. vni, p. 227. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 79-87. Hodder, Government of Kansas, pp. 5-13. QUESTIONS 1. How is a territory governed? 2. Who was the first Territorial Governor of Kansas? How long did he serve? What was his attitude toward Siavery? 3. What were the conditions in Kansas when the first Governor arrived? How far west did settlements reach at that time? 4. When was the first election held? What was its purpose? Give an account of it. 5. When was the first census taken and what did it show? 6. What was the purpose of the second election? Give an account of it. 7. Why was the "Bogus Legislature" so called? Where did it meet? What did it do? 8. Who were some of the proslavery leaders? 9. Why were these "dark days" for the free-state people? 10. Who was the new Territorial Governor? With which side did he sympathize? CHAPTER IX RIVAL GOVERNMENTS IN KANSAS The free-state people decided to ignore the proslavery government, and since they were really made outlawa by the "Bogus Legislature" they organ- state^plan ^^^^ another government and sought the admission of Kansas as a state. To ac- complish this it was necessary to draw up a state consti- tution, which must be approved by the people of the Territory and by Congress. A number of meetings were held for the purpose of get- ting the free-state people interested and willing to work together. The f/aderf '^ leaders in these efforts were Dr. Charles Robinson, of Lawrence, ex-Governor Reeder, who had come back to Kansas as a tire- less worker in the free-state cause, and James H. Lane, a man of much experience who had recently come to Kansas. Lane became one of the most radical of free-state men and played an important part in t xr t T;r rr • /. James H. Lane. Kansas affairs for many years. In the fall of 1855 a convention was held at Topeka, and a state constitution which said, "There shall be no slavery in this State," was drawn up. When a little later the (79) 80 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Topeka Constitution was submitted to a vote of the The Topeka people it carried by an immense majority. Constitution, Only free-state people voted, of course, for the proslavery people did not recognize any of these acts as having any force. Later in the winter state officers were elected under the Constitu- tion, Dr. Charles Robinson being made Governor and James H. Lane a United States Senator. In the spring of 1856 the Constitution was sent to Congress with a request that Kansas be admitted to the Union, but the bill making Kansas a state failed to pass. These were not the only events occurring in the Terri- tory. It had become evident early in the fall of 1855 that with the people divided into these two War 1855^"^* groups, each governing itself and denying the authority of the other, there would be a conflict. The proslavery people had committed several outrages that added to the irritation of the free- state people, but the real trouble came with the murder of a free-state man. This brought on what was called the Wakarusa War. A proslavery man named Coleman shot and killed a young free-state man named Dow. This occurred about ten miles south of Lawrence. Coleman ome^tfoubkf then fled to Westport, Missouri, where he appealed for protection to a man named Jones, who, although he lived in Missouri and was the postmaster at Westport, had been appointed by the "Bogus Legislature" as sheriff of Douglas County. Jones was a border ruffian of the lowest and most dangerous type, and had made himself obnoxious to the free-state people by his leadership in the fraudulent elections. In the meantime a friend of Coleman declared that his ' RIVAL GOVERNMENTS IN KANSAS 81 life was threatened by Jacob Branson, an old man with whom young Dow had made his home. ll^BrlnZn Thereupon Sheriff Jones arrested Bran- son, but a party of free-state men, indig- nant because of such high-handed proceedings, rescued him and took him to Lawrence. Of all the settlements in Kansas, Lawrence was the most hated by the proslavery people, for it was the hotbed of Proslavery free-state principles and the gathering hatred of place of those who scorned the Territorial Lawrence Legislature. There had come to be a gen- eral proslavery conviction that nothing less than the destruction of this town could bring them peace and safety. Lawrence had nothing to do with any of this trouble with the sheriff, but when the rescued Branson was taken there Sheriff Jones ^^ ^ave the enemy an excuse to threaten the gathers an destruction of the town. When his pris- *'"*^ oner was taken from him, Jones sent a call to Missouri for help and asked Governor Shannon for three thousand men to ''carry out the laws." The result was that fifteen hundred Missourians assembled for the destruction of Lawrence, and camped on the banks of the Wakarusa River about three miles south of the town. Meanwhile, although Branson and his rescuers had left Lawrence and there was not a man in the town for whom Lawrence Jones had a warrant, his army continued prepares for to gather, and Lawrence prepared for de- defense fense. The surrounding settlers came in and the six hundred men built fortifications and drilled. The army of Jones, "an unwashed, braggart, volcanic multitude," was living off the surrounding country, rifling cabins and stealing horses and cattle. The people k/ 82 A HISTORY OF KANSAS of Lawrence were feeling the burden of the siege also, for with the large number of those who had come in from the outside their supplies were being rap-> W^karusaVar ^^^^ exhausted. Finally two men suc- ceeded in getting through the lines of the enemy and in reaching the Governor who was being de- ceived about conditions. Governor Shannon then came to Lawrence, and, learning how things really were, took an active part in arranging a treaty between the op- posing forces and, to the disgust and disappointment of Sheriff Jones, dispersed the proslavery army. Without battle or bloodshed, what has since been known as the Wakarusa War was over. SUMMARY Instead of submitting to the proslavery Territorial Gov- ernment, the free-state people decided to set up another government. They held a convention at Topeka and drew up a constitution prohibiting slavery. This constitution was adopted by the free-state people of the Territory, and then sent to Congress with a request that Kansas be ad- mitted to the Union. The bill failed to pass. These rival governments within the Territory brought on the Wakarusa War, the principal events of which were as follows: Cole- man shot Dow and fled to Jones, sheriff of Douglas County, for protection. Jones arrested Dow's friend Branson, who was rescued by free-state men and taken to Lawrence, the town most hated by the proslavery people. Jones then gathered an army of Missourians for the purpose of de- stroying Lawrence. While both sides were preparing for the struggle, two free-state men succeeded in reaching Governor Shannon, who came to Lawrence, and, on learn- ing the real condition, succeeded in arranging a treaty of peace, and dispersed the proslavery army. RIVAL GOVERNMENTS IN KANSAS 83 REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 88-92. Spring, Kansas. Holloway, History of Kansas. Tuttle, History of Kansas. Gihon, Geary and Kansas. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 101-120. Historical Collections, vol. vi, p. 291; vol. vii, p. 521; vol. ix, p. 640; vol. X, p. 457. QUESTIONS 1. Explain what is meant by "rival governments in Kansas." 2. What was the purpose of the Topeka Constitution? 3. Was Kansas admitted under this Constitution? 4. Who was Charles Robinson? James H. Lane? 5. What event brought on the Wakarusa War? Why was it so named? 6. Name five persons connected with this war, and tell some- thing of each. 7. What did Lawrence have to do with the trouble? 8. Give the events of the Wakarusa War. How was it ended? !flllifHIH!lif|||i!lff?ff!l ^m:minL,.... ,.-. ...iriiiiiHiiiiHiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniii;.. Territorial Governors CHAPTER X THE PERIOD OF VIOLENCE The Wakarusa War closed in December, 1855. This second winter proved to be an exceedingly severe one, and The severe many of the settlers were not sufficiently winter of protected against the sudden and intense 1865- 56 cold. Most of the houses were hastily constructed, one-room log buildings, many of them with dirt floors, and windows and doors of cotton cloth. The storms drifted into these cabins through numberless chinks and cracks in roof and walls. One of the pioneers, writing of that winter, says: "At times, when the winds were bleak- est we went to bed a^ the only escape from freezing. More than once we awoke in the morning to find six inches of snow in the cabin. To get up, to make one's toilet under such circumstances, was not a very comfortable per- formance. Often we had little to eat; the wolf was never far from our door during that hard winter of 1855-'56." The struggle of the pioneers with the hardships of winter closed hostilities for a while, but it soon became evident that the Missourians were preparing more exten- fo^hostuure^s sively than ever to invade Kansas, destroy Lawrence, and drive the free-state people from the Territory, or force them to recognize the proslav- ery Territorial Government. The free-state people began to gather stores and ammunition and to send calls to the northern states for men and money to meet the situation. A number of minor conflicts occurred. Sheriff Jones (85) 86 A HISTORY OF KANSAS was wounded, a young free-state man named Barber was The sacking of killed, and then came the long feared at- Lawrence, May 21, 1856 tack upon Lawrence. From the beginning the policy of the free-state people had been to avoid conflict wherever possible. On this occasion they made every attempt to conciliate and to pacify the attacking force, but in vain. As the proslavery leaders rode through the town they were invited to dinner by Mr. Eldridge, the proprietor of the new $20,000 hotel built by the Emigrant Aid Company. They accepted the in- vitation, and in the afternoon the mob completely demolished the hotel. They threw the two printing presses of the town into the river, ransacked stores and houses, taking whatever they wanted, and before leaving town burned Governor Robinson's home. The financial loss to Lawrence and the surrounding country was heavy. Though the people had been oppressed and outraged they had not been conquered. By offering no re- sistance they had robbed the affair of any possible justifica- tion in the eyes of the world. There was one who bitterly opposed this policy of nonresistance, who believed that the way to meet the situation was to fight. This was John Brown, a tall, gaunt, grizzled old man who had come to Kansas a few weeks before the sacking of Lawrence. Five sons had preceded him and 1 ^f{- i '^-''i""""'.3i f , ■H^^jg ^M H 1 John Brown. John Brown THE PERIOD OF VIOLENCE 87 had settled near Osawatomie. John Brown came, not to aid his sons in their pioneer struggles, nor to make a home for himself, but because it seemed to him an opportunity to strike a blow at slavery. He hated slavery with an in- tensity that knew no bounds, and he gave all of his mind and energy to warfare against it. The sacking of Lawrence roused him to a high pitch of excitement. He believed that this outrage should be The Pottawato- avenged, and determined to strike a blow, mie Massacre, to retum violence for violence. With a May 24, 1856 party of seven or eight men, including four of his sons, he made a night trip down Pottawatomie Creek where a number of proslavery settlers lived. Five of these settlers were called out of their houses and killed. This kind of warfare was not in accordance with the plans or purposes of the leaders of the free-state movement, Beginning of ^^^ ^^s not approved by them. News of four months of the awful affair spread rapidly through violence ^^^ Territory and created wild excitement. The Pottawatomie massacre was followed by a period of nearly four months of violence on both sides. A band of border ruffians gathered to wreak vengeance on those who had taken the lives of the proslavery settlers of Pottawatomie Creek. The battle of «m for^war ^^^ck Jack resulted, in which the border ruffians were defeated by John Brown and his men. The Missouri border hurriedly gathered more forces and marched a well-armed body of men into Kan- sas. The free-state men had been busy, too, and on June 5 the Missourians were met by a band of armed free- state Kansas settlers. This alarming state of affairs aroused Governor Shan- non and he at once ordered both sides to disperse. The free-state army disbanded, but the Missourians obeyed 88 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Armies dis- sullenly, and on their way back to Mis- persed by the souri they committed a number of depre- overnor dations, and pillaged Osawatomie, which they hated because it was the home of John Brown. The North was deeply stirred by the calamities endured by the free-state people in Kansas. Although practically Free-state help ^^^ ^^ ^^^ free-state newspapers here had from northern been closed or destroyed, the papers in the ®*^*®^ northern and eastern states were filled with narrations of the hardships, robberies, and murders that had befallen antislavery settlers in the Territory. The Kansas troubles were discussed from the pulpit, and the great preacher, Henry Ward Beecher, advised send- ing rifles to Kansas and pledged his church for a definite number. The men thus sent out armed with Bibles and rifles were sometimes called "The Rifle Christians." Pub- lic meetings were addressed by men fresh from Kansas, among them ex-Governor Reeder, S. N. Wood, and James H. Lane. Much sympathy was aroused for the suffering free-state settlers. Large sums of money were raised, and companies of men were organized to take part in the Territorial contest. The movement swept over the states from Boston to the Northwest.^ " Societies of semi-mili- tary cast, no less willing to furnish guns than groceries, sprang up as if by magic, and overshadowed the earlier, more pacific organizations." As a result of these agita- tions a stream of migration moved toward Kansas during the spring and summer of 1856. Every party came prepared for defense, and many brought with them a 1. Ingalls said of this period: "No time was ever so minutely and so indelibly photographed upon the public retina. The name of no State was ever on so many friendly and so many hostile tongues. It was pronounced in every political speech, and inserted in every political platform. No region was ever so advertised, and the im- pression then produced has never passed away." THE PERIOD OF VIOLENCE 89 goodly stock of provisions. One writer says of the immi- grants, "There were fewer women and children, less house-luggage, fewer agricultural implements; more men, more arms, more ammunition." These activities of the North were viewed with alarm by the proslavery leaders. They believed that this inflow of free-state settlers must be checked or it Missouri River ,, j n i t i • rr closed to free- would end all hope of makmg Kansas a state immigra- slave state. One of the most important of the measures they adopted for this purpose was the closing of the Missouri River to free-state immi- gration. They overhauled the steamboats and seized merchandise and arms that were being sent to free-state people, and they arrested and turned back all travelers whom they believed to be unfriendly to the South. All overland immigrants received similar treatment as soon as they touched Missouri soil. Although this policy occasioned the northern people considerable loss and much inconvenience, it did not check the movement toward Kansas. It to^Kansas^ simply meant that the immigrants came through Iowa and Nebraska, entering Kansas from the north. The Southerners also appealed to their people and money was raised and men were sent to Kansas, but the response was not to be compared with that of the North. While these things were going on, Kansas was becoming more and more lawless. It would be hard to say which side surpassed the other in misdeeds. A tXssnesB ^"^ number of free-state leaders, including Dr. Robinson, were held at Lecompton during the summer, as prisoners on a charge of treason. The free-state people were irritated by the loss of money, sup- plies, and mail, through the Missouri blockade. Bands 90 A HISTORY OF KANSAS of armed proslavery men guarded the roads out of Topeka and Lawrence, so that these towns were really in a state of siege. These guards lived on supplies taken from the sur- rounding settlers, and cut off supplies sent to the towns so that food became very scarce, especially at Lawrence, where the chief article of diet for some time was ground oats. Meanwhile, supplies were reaching the proslavery towns, Tecumseh, Lecompton, and Franklin, without hindrance. It was evident to the free-state people that their enemies expected to starve them out of the Territory, and they were stirred to retaliate. The free-state guerril- las again began their work of seizing the supplies of pro- slavery settlers and merchants. This was kept up until many of the proslavery people were completely impover- ished. About the first of August a report that Lane was coming with the "Army of the North'' spread over the Terri- tory. James H. Lane was one of the Sle^Nw-th" ^^ free-state men who had been in the north- ern states, addressing meetings and rais- ing men and money. He was a very eloquent speaker and had influenced many to come to Kansas. The "Army of the North" consisted of several hundred men, women, and children, most of whom had come to make homes for themselves. This army was a combination of several parties that had united to come into Kansas over the new route through Iowa and Nebraska. Lane was with the party, but only a small number were armed or had been gathered by him. The proslavery leaders began to rally their men along the border. The following sentences are taken from one of the calls they published: "Lane's men have arrived! Civil war is begun! And we call on all who are not pre- pared to see their friends butchered, to be themselves THE PERIOD OF VIOLENCE 91 driven from their homes, to rally to the rescue." A large number of men soon gathered on the bor- arm^gauTers ^^^' anxiously awaiting permission to move into Kansas; but as Governor Shannon had dispersed the Missouri army a few weeks earlier, he now refused to issue orders for the new army to move into the Territory. About this time Governor Shannon resigned. He had so displeased the proslavery people that he was compelled to flee for his life under cover of night. no^iTresfgn!^*"" I^^niel Woodson, Secretary of the Terri- tory, now became Acting Governor until the new Governor should arrive. As he was in full sym- pathy with proslavery interests he opened the Territory to the Missouri invasion. Woodson's power lasted only three weeks, but they were the darkest days that Kansas had experienced. The proslavery army moved into Kansas. The Potta- watomie massacre had not been forgotten, and when this army reached Osawatomie, "the head- OsSwaTol"! "^^ quarters of old Brown," they attacked the town. John Brown had only forty-one men, and so thoroughly did the enemy do their work this time that only four cabins escaped burning. At this time the new Territorial Governor, John W. Geary, arrived. Governor Geary described the situation Arrival of ^^^^ ^^ found on his arrival in the follow- Governor Geary, ing words: "I reached Kansas and entered September, 1856 ^^^^ ^^^ discharge of my official duties in the most gloomy hour of her history. Desolation and ruin reigned on every hand; homes and firesides were deserted; the smoke of burning dwellings darkened the atmosphere; women and children, driven from their habi- tations, wandered over the prairies and among the wood- 92 A HISTORY OF KANSAS lands, or sought refuge even among the Indian tribes. The highways were infested with numerous predatory bands, and the towns were fortified and garrisoned by armies of conflicting partisans, each excited almost to frenzy, and determined upon mutual extermination. Such was, without exaggeration, the condition of the Territory at the period of my arrival." In the meantime the big body of armed Missourians was moving forward and the proslavery settlers were gathering in answer to a call that closed with these the^T^rrUory ^ords: "Then let every man who can bear arms be off to the war again. Let it be the third and last time. Let the watchword be, 'Exter- mination, total and complete.' '' The free-state people were scattered, unorganized, and but scantily supplied with arms and provisions, and were therefore in no condition to meet such a force. Fortunately, the new Governor, whose policy was that of fair play, at once ordered all bodies of armed men to disband. The Missourians, however, continued to move toward Lawrence. The Governor then took some United States Preparations for ^roops and went to Lawrence which he the defense of found in an almost defenseless condition. Lawrence rpj^^ ^^^ ^^^ p^^^.^^ fortified, with few provisions and not more than ten rounds of ammunition. Even the women and children were armed. There were not more than three hundred people, but there seemed to be no thought of surrender. They would either repulse the enemy or perish in the attempt. The arrival of the Governor with United States soldiers brought unexpected relief. On the morning of September 15, Governor Geary marched out to the Missouri army encampment about three miles from Lawrence, held a conference with the THE PERIOD OF VIOLENCE 93 leaders, and insisted that his orders for disbanding be obeyed. The Missourians consented, and the force of End of the twenty-seven hundred well-equipped men reign of violence, went home. Thus ended the four months' September, 1856 ^^^^ ^^ violence ^ that had begun with the sacking of Lawrence in May. The threatened attack on Lawrence was the last organized effort of the Missourians to take Kansas by force. Both sides soon gave up their plundering expeditions, travel became safer and property more secure. For a time peace settled down over the Ter- ritory, and Governor Geary, believing that order was entirely restored to Kansas, appointed November 20 "as a day of general praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God." With the close of the period of violence a little less than two and a half years had passed since the organization of Kansas as a territory in the spring of 1854. SUMMARY Hostilities were renewed in the spring of 1856. The Missourians prepared for invasion, and the free-state people for defense. Several minor conflicts were followed by the sacking of Lawrence, to which the free-state people offered no resistance. This policy was not ap- proved by John Brown. He counseled revenge and the Pottawatomie massacre followed. Then began a four months' "reign of terror." Several conflicts followed, among them the battle of Black Jack. An army was hurriedly gathered by each side, but Governor Shannon ordered them to disperse. The sympathy of the whole North was aroused, and men and money poured into Kansas. This led to the closing of Missouri to free-state travel, and the newcomers entered Kansas through Ne- braska. During this time both sides were committing many outrages and there was a constant condition of law- lessness. The coming of the "Army of the North " resulted 1. This peried has given rise to the expression "bleeding Kansas.** 94 A HISTORY OP KANSAS in the gathering of a large army from Missouri called "the 2700/' Governor Shannon resigned, and Acting Governor Woodson permitted this army to enter Kansas, and it marched toward Lawrence, pillaging Osawatomie as it passed. While Lawrence was awaiting attack, Geary, the new Governor, arrived and ordered the army disbanded. This ended the period of violence. REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 93-108. Spring, Kansas. Robinson, The Kansas Conflict. Mrs. Robinson, Kansas ■ — Its Interior and Exterior Life. Blackmar, The Life of Charles Robinson. Connelley, James Henry Lane, the Grim Chieftain of Kansas. Connelley, John Brown. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 120-125. Ingalls, Writings, pp. 76-92, 228-262. McCarter, A Wall of Men. (A novel.) QUESTIONS 1. When did the Wakarusa War close? 2. Describe the winter of 1855 -'56. 3. What conditions came with the spring? 4. Give an account of the sacking of Lawrence. 5. Who was John Brown? Why did he come to Kansas? What was the Pottawatomie massacre? What do you know of John Brown other than what is given in this book? 6. Give an account of the battle of Black Jack, the gathering of armies, and the pillaging of Osawatomie. 7. What free-state assistance was given by the North? 8. What measure did this lead Missouri to take? 9. What was the "Army of the North"? 10. What was "the 2700"? Who permitted this force to enter Kansas? 11. Give an account of the second attack on Osawatomie. 12. Name the Territorial Governors up to this time. 13. Who was the new Governor? How did he describe the con- ditions that he found in Kansas? 14. How was Lawrence threatened? What became of the army? 15. When did the period of violence close? 16. What condition followed? 17. How long was this after the organization of the Territory? CHAPTER XI THE PERIOD OF POLITICAL CONTESTS The Missourians had given up hope of conquering Kansas by force. After the close of the period of violence Beginning of the contest became almost entirely a po- the political litical struggle between the proslavery and ^^^ ^ * the free-state settlers, each side trying to win Kansas by securing its government. The next few years were filled with conventions, elections, and political schemes. The second Territorial Legislature met at Lecompton in the opening days of 1857. Because of Governor Geary's Governor Geary efforts to be just to both sides, the Legis- leaves the lature did everything possible to annoy erntory ^^^ harass him. The free-state men rallied to his support, but conditions soon became so intolerable that one night in March, after having been in office about six months, he made a hasty escape from Kansas. Gov- ernor Geary had found Kansas in a deplorable condition and left it not greatly improved, but he had attempted to do justice to all. His place was taken by Governor Walker, who arrived in May. Up to this time the only attempt to get Kansas admitted as a state was the effort of the free-state men under the A proslavery Topeka Constitution, but the proslavery constitution people had long been planning to draw up prepared, 1857 ^ constitution under which they might secure the admission of Kansas as a slave state. The (95) 96 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Territorial Legislature provided for a constitutional con- vention, which met at Lecompton in September, 1857, and prepared what was called the Lecompton Constitution. Two important events were to take place in the fall of 1857; the election of a new Territorial Legislature, and The first free- ^^^ ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ Lecompton Constitution, state Territorial When election day came. United States Legislature troops were stationed in the different pre- Blackmar, Kansas, vol. n, pp. 533-548. Elson, History of the United States, pp. 475, 618, 818. Prentis, History of Kansas, pp. 168-170, 184-186, 191-194. Historical Collections, vol. viii, p. 384; vol. xi, p. 529; vol. xn, pp. 37, 47, 383; vol. ix, p. 467; vol. vi, p. 357. Reports of Interstate Commerce Commission and Public Utili- ties Commission. Andreas, History of Kansas, pp. 241-252. Inman, The Old Santa Fe Trail. Root and Connelley, The Overland Stage Route to California. Spring, Kansas, pp. 306-313. QUESTIONS 1. Give an account of the beginning of railway transportation in the United States. What were the conditions by 1850? 2. What were the early methods of travel in Kansas ? 3. Why were the early settlers anxious for railroads? What did they do to secure railroads? 182 A HISTORY OF KANSAS 4. Discuss the stage lines. The Pony Express. 5. When and where was the first railroad built in Kansas? 6. Tell something of the building of the main line of the Union Pacific. 7. Give an account of the building of the Union Pacific through Kansas. What were some of the difficulties that had to be overcome? 8. When was the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe built? Give its route. 9. Name other railroads in Kansas. 10. Why were land grants made to the railroad companies? How did the railroad companies use this land? 11. Why did the railroad companies advertise Kansas? What was the effect on the State? 12. Locate settlements of foreigners in Kansas. 13. Show why there is a close relation between the people and the railroads. 14. Why has regulation of the railroads been found necessary? How has it been accomplished? 15. What is, approximately, the railroad mileage of the State? 16. What lines of railroad in your community? CHAPTER XVII EDUCATION IN KANSAS The first schools in Kansas were the mission schools for the Indians. When Kansas was organized as a Territory and the white settlers began to make their h^'^Kanlaf*'*^*^ homes here, the education of their children became one of their first interests. In the summer of 1855 the first Territorial Legislature passed a law providing for the establishment of common schools, and thus laid the foundation for our public school system. In January of 1855, when the town of Lawrence was only six months old, a school was opened in the back of Dr. Charles Robinson's office. A term of schools ^"^**°'^ school was held in Lawrence every winter thereafter. Other towns also maintained schools, as did a few of the country communities, but the settlers' claims were so widely scattered and the dangers during the days of raids and warfare were so great that country schools were almost an impossibility during the first few years. Many of the earlier schools were "subscription schools," which means that they were not public schools supported by a tax levy, but that the teacher's pay fctlfols^^*'*" came from a tuition charged each pupil who attended. By 1859, when Territorial conditions had become more settled, the Legislature turned its attention to the matter of education and passed a set of school laws that has served ever since as the basis of our system of educa- (183) 184 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Sod Schoolhouse. tion. While Kansas was still a Territory^ sch^oorsystem ""^ ^ ^^^ districts were organized and school- houses built, and the minimum school term was made three months. Little educational progress was made during the Civil War, but when peace had come to Kansas and the people could turn their minds to the needs of .their Civil War^*^*^ *^^ homes and communities, schoolhouses built of logs or sod sprang up everywhere, for the pioneers had brought with them a desire to educate their children. Sometimes the settlers did not even wait to organize their district, but gathered together and began work on their schoolhouse. Where there was a timber supply they made their building of logs. On the prairie they built it of sod. With the breaking plow they sliced out long pieces of sod from two to four inches thick and twelve to fourteen inches wide, and these, mortared with soft mud, were used like brick to build the walls. The roof EDUCATION IN KANSAS 185 Interior of Sod Schoolhouse. was sometimes of lumber, out often of the sod laid over a framework of brush and poles. Whether the building was of logs or of sod, the floor was usually of dirt sprinkled and packed until it was hard and smooth. As the country grew in population and resources these buildings were re- placed by others made of lumber, brick, or stone, but the little log and sod schoolhouses served the pioneers well. They were used not only for school purposes, but for reli- gious services and for social gatherings, spelling schools, singing schools, and literary societies. The schoolhouses were the social centers in early Kansas. Although the minimum term was three months, it was usually made a little longer for the benefit of the smaller children. As a rule the older boys and girls went 186 A HISTORY OF KANSAS to school only during the winter months when they could be spared from the farms. The work in iJionJ^rs^chool^^ ^^e schools in those days consisted chiefly of the three R's, ''reading 'ritin' and 'rithmetic." In most cases, the pupils started each year at the beginning of their books and worked as far as they could. This was continued winter after winter until the girls and boys were eighteen to twenty-one years of age, or even older. There was no such thing as graduating from the country schools; the pupils attended until they got ready to quit. Since there were almost no liigh schools in the State, few of the children received more than a common school education, and most of the teachers Jiad no more than that. A Present-day Rural School. Conditions are quite different in the country schools to-day; the minimum term is now seven months, a truancy law covers the full term, the work is arranged according to a course of study, the qualifications for EDUCATION IN KANSAS 187 teachers have been raised, and the little box buildings are being replaced by better ones, in the 2ikflchooU construction of which beauty, comfort, and convenience are considered. The work of the schools is changing to meet the changed con- dition of the times, and much thought is being given to the Consolidated School, with Wagons for Conveyance of Pupils. problem of making the work fit still more closely present- day needs. It is generally recognized as very desirable that boys and girls receive instruction in such subjects as music, manual training, agriculture, and donrestic science, but on account of the large number cf classes in the country schools very little of such work can be taught. Consolidation is generally Icoked upon as a method of bettering conditions in the rural schools. A consolidated district is one formed ty the union of ShlSS'**'^^ several districts. The little district school- houses are replaced by a larger building, usually centrally located, to which the children are con- veyed in wagons provided for that purpose. With its larger valuation the consolidated district can have plenty of teachers and equipment and can offer a greater variety of subjects. There are a number of consolidated schools A High-school Class in Domestic Science. M|MHB^^^P^|y4^- , ' F ,f - "3 ^^^^^^H A High-school Class in Manual Training. EDUCATION IN KANSAS 189 A A County High School. in the State now, and the plan is being considered in many communities. The good roads movement will no doubt do much to encourage consolidation. A number of years passed before there were many high schools in Kansas, and in most of the early ones the course was brief. Then more and more of them higVschool'*^ began to prepare pupils for college, and this work was for a long time looked upon as the real purpose of the high school. In late years the function of the high school has come to be regarded as that of supplying to the great mass of pupils who will never go to college, the best possible preparation for the business of life. The course has been broadened to include such work as manual training, domestic science, music, agriculture, commercial work, and training of teachers. The high o p. B EDUCATION IN KANSAS 191 school has grown rapidly in popularity. There are now more than five hundred high schools in the State. They have been established by cities, by counties, by consoli- dated districts, and by townships, and the number is steadily increasing. There are still, however, a few sparsely settled counties in the western part of the State which have no high schools. Much attention is being given to the problem of bringing to every Kansas boy and girl the privilege of a high school education. The deep interest of the Kansas settlers in matters of education is nowhere more apparent than in their early establishment of institutions of higher higher*iearnhig learning. In the first Constitution, made in 1855, one reads, ''The General Assembly may take measures for the establishment of a university"; and again, *' Provision may be made by law for the support of normal schools." These matters were not lost sight of, and almost immediately after the admission of Kansas as a state this ambition found expression in the establishment of the Normal School, the Agricultural College, and the University. The State Normal School at Emporia opened in 1865 with eighteen students enrolled. It used the upper floor of the new schoolhouse that had just been SchoSs""*' built for Emporia, which was then but a small town. There was no furniture, and the equipment consisted of a Bible and a dictionary. Seats were borrowed from a neighboring church. But the Nor- mal soon had a building of its own. In later years this has been twice replaced by a larger and better one and many new buildings have been added. The Normal School is based on the principle that it is not only necessary to know what to teach but how to teach ; that there are new discoveries and advances in methods of 192 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Manual Training Normal School, Pittsburg. teaching as there are in other lines, such as medicine or farming. The purpose of the Normal School is to train teachers. When our State Normal School was established there were not more than a dozen other such schools in the United States and none that prepared teachers for high school positions. To-day there are many normal schools, T3ut none larger than ours or more amply equipped to pre- pare students for all lines of teaching. The course of study, reaching from the kindergarten to the completion of a EDUCATION IN KANSAS 193 college course, places our State Normal School in the front rank of institutions of its kind. In 1901 the Western Branch State Normal School was established at Hays, and in 1903 another branch, the Manual Training Normal School, was opened at Pittsburg. Each of these has recently been made an independent school. The one at Hays is now known as the Fort Hays Kansas Normal School. In 1862 Congress passed an act providing for land grants to states for the purpose of establishing colleges of agri- culture and mechanic arts. Kansas was CoUegf ^'"''^'''''^ among the first states to accept the endowment, and the next year Blue- mont Central College, a Methodist school at Manhat- tan, was given to the State and made the State Agri- cultural College. During the first ten years the growth of the Agricultural College was very slow. This was chiefly due to the fact that industrial education was some- thing new and did not receive much attention. The College gave only a little work in agriculture or manual training, and what was given was merely supplementary. It was doing little to educate toward the farm or the workshop. In 1873 the school was reorganized. Farmers began to be interested in it and to discuss its possibilities. Such subjects as Latin and Greek were dropped and agri- culture, home economics, and mechanic arts were em- phasized. Workshops, print shops, kitchen and sewing rooms, agricultural implements, and live stock, were pro- vided. This was a very advanced step at that time and it aroused some opposition. It was called the "new- fangled" education, and farmers who read and studied methods of farming were often sneered at as *'book farmers." But in time people began to view these things in a different light. It has now come to be generally —13 EDUCATION IN KANSAS 195 recognized that successful farming requires a broader and more varied knowledge than almost any other business, and that in an agricultural state like ours nothing is more important than the training of its citizens for home and farm life. The Agricultural College now occupies the position of leadership in the agricultural and industrial in- terests of the State, and is one of the largest agricultural colleges in the United States. The University of Kansas was established by an act of the Legislature of 1864, and its object, as given in that act, _, WT s 1. is to ''provide the inhabitants of the State The University .. , t • • xu u i i With means of acqumng a thorough knowl- edge of the various branches of literature, science, and the arts." The university idea is hundreds of years old, and so there was nothing new in the thought of a university in Kansas. The University of Kansas was built on the flat-topped hill in Lawrence where the first party of free- state settlers pitched their tents. It was opened in 1866 with forty students and three professors. To-day there are twenty great buildings on Mount Oread. The central department of the University is the college, which provides a liberal education in languages, sciences, mathematics, history and kindred subjects. Besides the college there are schools of engineering, of fine arts, of law, of pharmacy, of medicine, and of education. Ours now ranks high among the universities of the United States. All together, the University, the Agricultural College, and the Normal Schools employ about seven hundred in- structors and enroll between eight and State Schools ^^^ thousand students each year. The total annual cost to the people of Kansas is nearly two million dollars. These schools, together with the School for the Blind at Kansas City, the School for the Deaf at Olathe. and the School of Mines at Weir City, EDUCATION IN KANSAS 197 \^^^ ■N 1 1 ■ Schoolhouse used as a Social Center were, in 1913, placed under the management of a board of three members called the Board of Administration. In addition to the State institutions Kansas has more than thirty denominational colleges. A few of the largest of these are Baker University at Baldwin, ?oUeg?i"'"**"*' Washburn College at Topeka, Ottawa University at Ottawa, Friends Univer- sity at Wichita, the Southwestern University at Winfield, and the College of Emporia. There are also a number of business colleges and a few independent schools. Besides all the schools where the people of Kansas may obtain an education, every effort is being made to provide other educational opportunities by means Si^'^du^catiin''"^ of extension work, public and traveling libraries, and night schools. The State Normal School, the Agricultural College, and the Uni- versity all do extension work, which means that they offer correspondence courses, send out lecturers, and in various 198 A HISTORY OF KANSAS other ways carry their work to those who can not attend the schools. Many communities maintain free pubhc Ubraries and the State maintains a traveling library/ Night schools are now provided in several of our larger cities. An education is now possible to any one who really wants it. All of this has been brought about within little more than a half century, and though there is much yet to be done the people of Kansas have every reason to be proud of what they have accomplished in the interests of education. SUMMARY Education in Kansas began with the mission schools and was one of the first interests in Territorial days. There were many subscription schools before district schools were organized. The organization of districts began in the Territorial period and kept pace with settlement. The University, the Normal School and the Agricultural College were established during the Civil War. Since that time many denominational colleges have been estab- lished, the high school has been developed, and many other means of education have been provided. Great educational progress has been made. 1. The traveling library system in Kansas -^as adopted in 1900 and is now under state control through a Commission which main- tains an office in the capitol at Topeka. These traveling libraries are made up of collections of fifty books each, selected in accordance with the wishes of the applicant. They are sent to schools, clubs, granges, and similar organizations without charge other than a fee of two dollars to cover the cost of transportation. The libraries may be retained six months, or exchanged at any time for others. EDUCATION IN KANSAS 199 REFERENCES Prentis, History of Kansas, chap. xxxv. Historical Collections, vol. vi, pp. 70, 114; vol. vii, pp. 167, 602; vol. XI, p. 424; vol. xil, pp. 69, 77, 195. Catalogues of the State Schools. Reports of State Department of Education. Statutes of Kansas. Blackmar, Kansas, Selected Topics. Andreas, History of Kansas, General and County Histories. Spring, Kansas, pp. 319-325. QUESTIONS 1. What were the mission schools? 2. When did the settlers become interested in education? 3. What was done in education during the Territorial period? 4. What were subscription schools? 5. Describe the early schoolhouses. Compare them with the buildings of to-day. 6. How did work in the early schools differ from work in the schools of to-day? 7. Give the history of the growth of the high school. 8. Give an account of the establishment of the State Normal School; its growth; its purpose. What other normal schools do we now have? 9. When and where was the Agricultural College established? Give an account of its growth. Its work to-day. 10. What is the purpose of a university? When and where was the University of Kansas established? 11. What is the present enrollment and cost of the State schools? 12. What is a denominational college? Name some of the most important of the denominational colleges in Kansas. 13. What other opportunities for education have been provided? ' Of all the states, but three will live in story; Old Massachusetts with her Plymouth Rock, And Old Virginia with her noble stock, And Sunny Kansas with her woes and glory." — Eugene F. Ware. CHAPTER XVIII KANSAS MEMORIALS Kansas is a comparatively new state. Nearly all of its history has been made within little more than a century, and most of it within the sixty years of its K^nlSrhistorf P^nod of settlement. Few states, how- ever, have had a more eventful history. From its beginning Kansas has been a place of action. The pages of its history are filled with wars and battles, with stirring adventure, and with deeds of courage and daring. Nearly every part of the State has its places of historic interest, and the names of men and women who should be honored for good and brave deeds would make a long list. The people of Kansas are proud of the history of their State and desire to preserve it. To that end they have taken steps to save a number of the old landmarks, they have built many monuments, and have gathered and kept many records of the past. One of the early landmarks was Pawnee Rock on the old Santa Fe Trail, in what is now Barton County. This P R k giant rock standing on the level plain was a noted spot, for the Trail ran near its base, and while it provided a place of rest and safety for many a weary traveler, it also afforded a retreat from which the Indians could dash down upon the traders. In later years much of the rock was torn away for building pur- poses and this historic old landmark was rapidly disappear- ing. The Woman's Kansas Day Club resolved to save this (201) 202 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Present view of Pawnee Rock. historic spot, and secured a deed for the Rock aid five acres of ground surrounding it. On Kansas Day, 1909, the women presented this deed to the State. The transfer was made with the condition that the State spend $3000 for improvements. This was done and the preservation of Pawnee Rock is now assured. The exact site of the Pawnee Indian village visited by Lieutenant Pike in 1806 was not known with certainty for many years, but was finally found to be in Me^morid Republic County. It was located through the discovery of rows of circular ridges supposed to have been the embankments of the Indian lodges.^ An iron fence now incloses about six acres of the ground, on which the rings are still plainly visible, and a granite shaft stands where the Stars and Stripes first floated over Kansas. The monument bears the inscription : "Erected by the State of Kansas, 1901, to mark the site of 1. The place was discovered in 1875 by Mrs. Elizabeth A. John- son, who later purchased the land and presented it to the State. KANSAS MEMORIALS 203 the Pawnee Republic where Lieu- tenant Zebulon M. Pike caused the Spanish flag to be lowered and the flag of the United States to be raised, September 29, 1806." The Santa Fe Trail, which was associated with most of the early history of Kansas, was known throughout the country, but with the settlement of the State the old highway was growing dim; the ruts were fill- ing in, grass was covering the broad track, and with the passing of those who knew it in the old days the true route was in danger of being forgotten. To prevent this, the Daughters of the Ameri- can Revolution began, in the Marking of the Santa Fe Trail Where the Stars and Stripes first floated over Kansas. l^tlfS. W^'^ -yt^r'mi Santa Fe Trail Marker. opening years of the pres- ent century, to agitate the question of marking the line of the Trail through the State. In 1905 the Legis- lature appropriated $1000 "for procuring suitable monuments for this pur- pose." Kansas Day of 1906 was designated ''Trail Day" in the public schools, and the children were invited to contribute a penny each 204 A HISTORY OF KANSAS ,;fi-:-.AKs'i3itiiW**='*'< 1 SAMTA FE TRAJt 1 toward the fund. They gave $584.40. Eighty-nine mark ers were purchased. Various local organizations added nine more, making a total of ninety- eight markers. They were placed along the Trail from the eastern to the western end of the State. They bear the inscription, ''Santa Fe Trail 1822-1872. Marked by the Daughters of the American Revolution and the State of Kansas, 1906." A few of the markers bear special inscrip- tions in addition to this. The one at Council Grove has on the other side, ''On this spot, August 10, 1825, the treaty was made with the Osage Indians for the right of way of the Santa Fe Trail." The old stone building erected at Pawnee for the capitol of Kansas still stands on the Fort Riley Reservation. In „ r^ .^ , 1907 a subscription fund was raised and the Pawnee Capitol / . xr. i j money used to repair and restore the old building so that it will stand for many years as a relic of our early history. The site of John Brown's battle-field at Osawatomie was purchased by the Woman's Relief Corps of Kansas and presented to the State in 1909. Each State is permitted to place two statues in the Hall of Fame in the National Capitol at Washington. In Statues in the 1905 one of the Kansas places was filled HaU of Fame ^ith a statue of John J. Ingalls, who was Santa Fe Trail Marker, with local inscription. John Brown's battle-field I KANSAS MEMORIALS 205 a Senator from this State from 1873 to 1891. In 1913 the other place was filled with a statue of George W. Glick, who was Governor of Kansas from 1883 to 1885. ■■■1 ■' I I 1 ll 11 n - Old Pawnee Capitol on the Fort Riley Military Reservation. A number of monuments have been erected in various parts of the State in commemoration of noted persons or Other events. The John Brown monument at monuments Osawatomie was dedicated on August 30, 1877. It bears two inscriptions: "In commemoration of those who, on the 30th of August, 1856, gave up their lives at the battle of Osawatomie in defense of freedom," and, '*This inscription is also in commemoration of the heroism of Captain John Brown, who commanded at the battle of Osawatomie, August 30, 1856; who died and conquered American slavery on the scaffold at Charlestown, Virginia, December 2, 1859." 206 A HISTORY OF KANSAS A splendid monument has been erected in Linn County to mark the graves of the victims of the Marais des Cygnes massacre. At Lawrence there is a monument bear- ing this inscription: "Dedicated to the memory of the one hundred and fifty citi- zens who, defenseless, fell victims to the inhuman ferocity of border guerrillas, led by the infamous Quantrill in his raid upon Lawrence, August 21, 1863. Erected May 30, 1895." A monument has been raised near Junction City in honor of the expedition of Coronado. There are several other monuments in the State commemorating the Spanish explorations of 1541-1542. Monuments have been dedicated to the memory of settlers killed in the Indian raids on the frontier, and to men who were killed by Indians while engaged in construction work on the Union Pacific Railroad. These are only a few; many tab- lets, monuments, and markers have been erected in Kan- sas, but by far the greatest number of them are monu- ments in honor of the soldiers of the Civil War. Many of these are very handsome, and they have cost, in the aggregate, thousands of dol- lars; but this recognition seemed in- sufficient, and it had long been hoped that a handsome and serviceable building might be erected as a fitting The John Brown Monument. Memorial Hall Marais des Cygnes Monument. KANSAS MEMORIALS 207 Quantrill Raid Monument. and worthy recognition by the whole State of the honor due the soldiers and sailors of the Civil War. The fulfill- ment of this ambition finally became possible when the United States paid to Kansas an old Civil War debt amounting to nearly a half-million dollars. The money was used for the construction of Memorial Hall. This beautiful structure, built of white marble, stands near the grounds of the State Capitol at Topeka. Part of Memo- rial Hall is to be used as headquarters for the Kansas Department of the Grand Army of the Republic, and the rest by the State Historical Society. The State Historical Society was organized in 1875. From that time until the present the Society has gathered and kept books, writings, narratives, maps, relics and other matter relating to the history of Kansas. In these 208 A HISTORY OF KANSAS collections may be found information concerning the explorations, the Indians, the overland ffistorica! Society travel, the settlements, and the condition and progress of the State in its various de- partments. Volumes of clippings, files of newspapers, and thousands of books, provide a very complete record of all An old, double-edged, Spanish sword was found in Finney County some years ago and presented to the State Historical Society. The sword bears the name of one of Coronado's officers, Juan Gallego. On the blade, in Spanish, are the words: "Draw me not without reason; sheathe me not without honor." phases of the State's history. One of the interesting fea- tures is the collection of relics, among which are: an old Spanish sword supposed to have belonged to one of Coro- nado's soldiers; the pistol of the Jayhawker, James Montgomery; two cannon used in the border troubles; and the cap, saddle, and sword of John Brown. There are many Indian pipes, ornaments, implements, arrow- heads, and a war bonnet. The historical collections, which have increased from year to year, are very inter- esting and should be seen by every citizen of Kansas. The Historical Society had rooms in the State Capitol until the completion of Memorial Hall, when it was moved into the new building. Thus Memorial Hall stands as a tribute not only to the soldiers but to the entire history of Kansas. SUMMARY In late years Kansas has taken many steps to preserve its history. Some of its most prominent memorials are: Pawnee Rock; Pike Memorial; Santa Fe Trail markers; KANSAS MEMORIALS 209 Pawnee Capitol; John Brown's battle-field; monuments to commemorate the battle of Osawatomie, the Marais des Cygnes massacre, and the Quantrill raid. Many other monuments and tablets have been erected in different parts of the State to commemorate important events. Memorial Hall, completed in 1914, was built in honor of the soldiers and sailors who served in the Civil War. This building provides fitting quarters for the Kansas Department of the Grand Army of the Republic, and for the State Historical Society which has a large and val- uable collection of original historical material. REFERENCES Blackmar, Kansas, Selected Topics. Inman, The Old Santa Fe Trail. Historical Collections, vol. xi, p. 253; vol. x, pp. 15, 50, 472. QUESTIONS 1. How long since Kansas became a state ? 2. What places of historic interest are there in the State? 3. What places of historic interest are there in your locality? Have they been marked in any way? 4. What have you learned from the old settlers about the his- tory of your locality? 5. Locate Pawnee Rock. Give its early history. Its recent history. 6. Give an account of Pike's visit to the Pawnee Indians. Where was the Indian village? How has this event been commemorated? 7. Give an account of the marking of the Santa Fe Trail. 8. Locate the old Pawnee Capitol and give its history. 9. Name as many other memorials as you can and give the event which each commemorate^ 10. What is Memorial Hall? Why was it erected? For what is it to be used? 11. Explain the work and purpose of the State Historical Society. -14 " This is but the dawn. We stand in the vestibule of the temple. The achievements of the past will pale into insignificance before the completed glory of the century to come." — John J. Ingalls. CHAPTER XIX THE KANSAS SPIRIT Kansas is a great State; great in size and wealth, great in industries and resources, and great in what it has accom- Introd t! plished. But there are states that are larger, others that are wealthier, and many that have larger cities, greater population, a longer history, and more splendid memorials, so it is not for these things that Kansas is especially noted among the states. The quality that is the mark of its distinction is the character of its history and of its people. Any people is, in large part, the product of its thinking, its beliefs, and its hopes and desires. This is the lesson of Hawthorne's story, ''The Great Stone i'he'KTn8aL"fp?rit Face." Through all the years Ernest studied the face on the mountain and pondered the thoughts that he read there. In time he came to resemble the great face, both in its features and in the character it expressed. In the same way the people of Kansas have become what they are to-day because of their thoughts, their experiences and their ideals. We often hear it said concerning some act or some effort toward progress, "That is theJCansas spirit,'' which means that the thing done shows what kind of people the Kan- sans are; it is characteristic of them. If, then, we would understand what this Kansas spirit is, we must know what thoughts and experiences and ideals have had a part in producing it. Certain characteristics of the people of Kansas are (211) 212 A HISTORY OF KANSAS largely due to the fact that this was so recently a frontier state. Pioneer life, wherever it exists, quaHtSs develops the qualities of independence, courage, resourcefulness, endurance, and democracy. The pioneer has only himself to lean on; he learns to take chances, he laughs at adversity, he adapts himself to circumstances, and he lives in the future. These characteristics are not, however, peculiar to the Kansas people, for the early settlers of other states lived Qualities that ^^ ^^^ frontier and developed these same make the qualities. But Kansas had a Territorial Kansas spirit history which was very different from that of any other state and which has left its impress upon the people. Other pioneers have had the great task of making a state out of a wilderness, but Kansas pioneers had a second great task, that of making a free state in the face of the most determined opposition. They came to Kansas as the Puritans came to America, in the name of liberty. They were stern, unyielding, purposeful men and women, sure of the presence of divine leadership, and their char- acter has deeply influenced the Kansas people. This in- fluence has made them hate oppression; it has made them demand justice and fair play; it has made them value people for their personal worth; it has made them believe in the equality of human rights, and in the ability of the people to govern themselves. These are characteristics of every true Kansan and the qualities that make the Kansas spirit. This spirit is evident in many phases of the life and progress of our people, but it is nowhere more apparent Manifestations ^^an in their political affairs and in their of the Kansas laws. The spirit that made the pioneers ®P*"* refuse to submit to the *' Bogus Legisla- ture" also impelled them to send more than their share THE KANSAS SPIRIT 213 of soldiers to the Civil War. Later, the same spirit led the Kansas people to adopt the prohibition amendment and to grant to women the full right of suffrage. It caused the farmers and other laboring people to form organizations for the better protection of their rights. In short, the Kansas spirit has manifested itself when- ever the people have made an effort to overcome difficul- ties, whenever they have tried to secure more justice or liberty for themselves. These efforts have sometimes been so radical, and the plans offered for the betterment of conditions so new and startling as to attract much attention in the rest of the country. But Kansas has continued to believe in the worth and possibilities of her people and to make every effort to bring about conditions that will give them the opportunity to rise to the full measure of their nature. All over the United States there is a growing tendency on the part of the people to exercise a more direct control The task ^^ their government; to take more and confronting the more authority into their own hands. Kansas of to-day r^j^j^ ^^^^ ^j^^^ ^^^ p^^pj^ ^^^ ^^ ^^^^_ ested, active and well-informed. For us, it means that the quality of Kansas government depends upon the qual- ity of Kansas citizenship. While the task of the pioneers was a heavy one, ours to-day is no less great, though it is different. Their struggle was to get the soil under culti- vation, ours to see that it does not become worn out; theirs to get the railroads, ours to use and regulate them; theirs to develop new industries, ours to see that they are carried on with justice to all; theirs to establish schools, ours to make them more efficient; in general, theirs to build up, ours to use wisely. Kansas history is not made; it is in the making. We study the past that we may learn how to make the present 214 A HISTORY OF KANSAS better. Great things have been accomplished but there is much yet to be done. The pioneers solved their prob- lems, and if we are worthy of the Kansas they have given us we will strive to solve ours. We will keep alive the Kansas spirit. SUMMARY The Kansas people have developed the same pioneer qualities as have the people of other states; but, in ad- dition, their peculiar Territorial history has made them believe in a marked degree in liberty, justice, equality, and democracy. These characteristics have given rise to what is called ''the Kansas spirit." This spirit is especially evident in the political movements through which the people have taken more and more of the control of government into their own hands. REFERENCES Kansas, Carl Becker. Historical Collections. Selected Topics. Connelley, History as an Asset of the State. QUESTIONS 1. In what things is Kansas great? Name other states that are greater in any of these things. What quality distinguishes Kansas? 2. How can the lesson in the story of "The Great Stone Face" be applied to Kansas? 3. Why does pioneer life develop courage? Independence? Resourcefulness ? 4. What effect has the Territorial history of Kansas had on the people? 5. What is meant by the Kansas spirit? What are some of the ways in which it has been shown? Discuss each. 6. Discuss the responsibilities of the Kansas people of to-day. THE APPENDIX TERRITORIAL PERIOD Legislatures There were six Territorial legislatures. The first two were pro- slavery. Beginning in 1868 the four that followed were free-state. Constitations Four constitutions were prepared; the Topeka Constitution in 1855, the Lecompton in 1857, the Leavenworth in 1858, and the Wyandotte in 1859. The Lecompton was the only one that provided for slavery. The State was admitted under the Wyandotte, our present constitution. It was based on the constitution of Ohio and was drafted by men from both parties. Capitals Several different places served as Territorial capitals. When Governor Reeder came to Kansas he kept his office at Leavenworth for about two months, then removed it to Shawnee Mission, which was used as the Territorial capital until the following spring when Governor Reeder named Pawnee as the capital. The Legislature remained at Pawnee only five days and then adjourned to Shawnee Mission, where the Governor's office was kept another year. In August, 1855, the Territorial Legislature selected Lecompton, which continued as the capital during the remainder of the Territorial EBriod. However, when the free-state people gained control of the egislature in 1858 they made an effort to change the capital to Minneola. Failing in this, they met at Lecompton for each session and then at once adjourned to Lawrence. At an election in Novem- ber, 1861, the people selected Topeka as the permanent capital of Kansas. The Topeka Movement The free-state Government under the Topeka Constitution was organized in the days of the "Bogus Legislature" for the purpose of uniting the free-state people and enabling them to oppose pro- slavery methods. It was continued until the free-state people gained control of the Territorial Legislature, when it became no longer necessary and was dropped. The principal events were as follows: The convention met in October of 1855, completed the Topeka Constitution in November, and the free-state people voted favor- ablv on it in December. In January of 1856 they elected Charles Robinson governor. Their Legislature met in March, and in the same month they applied for admission to the Union but the bill (215) 216 A HISTORY OF KANSAS failed to pass. The Legislature met again in July, but was disbanded by United States troops under Sumner. They met in January of 1857, but the officers were arrested. Two additional meetings were held; one in January and one in March of 1858. Then, having served its purpose, the Topeka movement was at an end. APPENDIX 217 INDIAN MISSIONS IN EARLY KANSAS Presbyterian Missions Two Presbyterian missions were established among the Osages in what is now Neosho County in 1824. One was tne Boudinot mission The work was in charge of Rev. Benton Pixley. Rev. S. M. Irwin establisheof a mission among the lowas, Sacs and Foxes in Doniphan County, near the present town of Highland, in 1837. Highland College, one of the oldest colleges in the State, still remains as a school of this church. Methodist Missions In 1830 the Shawnee Methodist mission was established a few miles southwest of where Kansas City now stands. This mission was in charge of Rev. Thomas Johnson. A few years later it had a manual-labor school and a farm and was one of the largest and best known of the missions in Kansas. In 1832 a mission was established among the Delawarcs in Wyandotte County, on the site of the town of White Church, by William Johnson and Thomas B. Markham. Rev. E. T. Peery was in charge. A mission for the Kickapoos was founded in 1833. It was just north of the site of Leavenworth and was in charge of Rev. J. C. Berryman. In 1833 a mission was established for the Kanzas at Mission Creek, Shawnee County, by Rev. William Johnson, who continued the work for seven years. When the Kanzas were moved, the mission was located at Council Grove. It existed from 1850 to 1854. Baptist Missions The Baptist Church established a mission among the Shawnees in 1831. It was about two miles northwest of the Shawnee Methodist mission. The leader was Isaac McCoy, and he was joined later by Dr. Johnson Lykins and Rev. Jotham Meeker. Mr. Meeker was a printer, and in 1834 issued the first book printed in Kansas, a primer in the Indian language. A mission was established among the Ottawas in 1837, on the present site of Ottawa, under the charge of Rev. Jotham Meeker. This mission survives in Ottawa University. A mission was opened among the Pottawatomies in 1837, by Rev. Robert Simmerwell, near the site of Osawatomie. When this tribe moved to the new reservation the mission was situated at Mission Creek in Shawnee County. It was abandoned in 1854. In 1840 Dr. David Lykins established a mission among the Miamis, about ten miles southeast of the present city of Paola. ^ Dr. Johnson Lykins opened a mission among the Delawares in 1832. Friends Mission The Society of Friends established a mission among the Shawnees in 1834, about three miles west of the Methodist mission. Henry 218 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Harvey, M. Mendenhall, and the Hadleys were teachers in this mission. Catholic Missions In 1822 Father La Croix visited the Osages, just across the line in Missouri, and baptized several Indian children. At different times Father Van Quickenborn visited the Osages and preached. In 1847 Rev. Schoenmaker established the Osage Mission, now St. Paul, in Neosho County. The Catholic mission was founded in 1836 by Fathers Van Quickenborn and Hoeken for the Kickapoos, near the Junction of Salt Creek with the Missouri, in Leavenworth County. St. Mary's mission among the Pottawatomies was established in Miami County in 1838, and moved to Linn County in 1839, where it remained until the removal of the tribe to Pottawatomie County in 1849. The mission was then established at St. Mary's, where it survives to-day in St. Mary's school for boys. APPENDIX 219 FORTS IN EARLY KANSAS Many forts were established in early Kansas; a few by the fur companies, some by the War Department, some by state troops, a number by settlers as a place of refuge from the Indians, and a few by free-state and proslavery forces during theTerritorial struggle. Some of them consisted merely of a wall of earth thrown up, others of a strongly built log cabin within a line of earthworks or line of {)alisades. Many of them were more pretentious, and were built of ogs, adobe, or stone. Some of the forts established by the National Government cost many thousands of dollars and most of them had large land reserves. As the settlements moved westward the neces- sity for the forts no longer existed, and, with the exception of Fort Leavenworth and Fort Riley, which are still maintained by the National Government as army posts, they fell into disuse. The principal early forts were: Fort Kanzas, established by the French fur traders in the early part of the eipjhteenth century, was located in what is now Atchison County. It IS mentioned in the journal of Lewis and Clark as an abandoned fort. Fort Lyon, earlier called Bents* Fort, was built in 1826 for a fur- trading post. It occupied several different sites on the Arkansas River, all of them within the present bounds of Colorado, the last one being within Territorial Kansas. It was opened to settlement in 1890. Fort Leavenworth was established in 1827 by Col. Henry Leaven- worth of the United States armv. It has from its beginning been an important military post. More than $2,000,000 has been ex- pended on it, and it now ranks among the first of the military posts of the United States. Fort Riley was established in 1852 by the United States. It has been enlarged and improved from time to time until it is now an important military center. Fort Riley is near the iunction of the Republican and Smoky Hill rivers, and is very near the geographical center of the United States. Fort Atkinson, one of the early forts erected along the Santa Fe Trail, was located on the Arkansas River about six miles above the present site of Dodge City. This fort was built in 1850 and aban- doned in 1854. It was known for a few months as Fort Mackey, when the name was changed to Fort Atkinson. Fort Mann was probably erected about 1845 on or near the site on which Fort Atkinson was later built. Fort Scott was built in 1842 on the site of the present city of Fort Scott. In 1853 it ceased to be used as a military post, and in 1855 the buildings were sold. This fort had no reservation. Fort Larned was located in 1859 on Pawnee Fork, about eight miles above the mouth of that stream. It was for a number of years an important post, but was later abandoned as a fort, and in 1882 the reservation was opened for sale to settlers. Fort Saunders was a proslavery stronghold about twelve miles 220 A HISTORY OF KANSAS southwest of Lawrence in 1856. It was destroyed by a body of free- state settlers the same year. Fort Titus, located about two miles south of Lecompton, was a log house used as a proslavery fortification. It was captured and destroyed by free-state forces shortly after the destruction of Fort Saunders. Fort Wakarusa was a free-state fortification on the Wakarusa River, about five miles from Lawrence. Fort Bain was a log cabin in the northern part of Bourbon County which served as a retreat for John Brown and James Montgomery in 1857 and 1858. Fort Baxter, a military post, was established by General Blunt in 1863. It was the scene of an attack by Quantrill, known as the Baxter Springs massacre. After the war the town of Baxter Springs grew up on the site. Fort Dodge was one of the most important forts on the western frontier. It was located on the site of The Caches, near Dodge City, in 1864. The first buildings were of adobe, but in 1867 good buildings were erected. Fort Dodge was not abandoned until 1882. The Soldiers' Home at Fort Dodge was later established on a part of this military reservation. Fort Downer was located on Downer's Creek, about fifty miles west of Fort Hays. It was in existence between 1863 and 1868. Fort Harker was established in 18^64, near the present site of Ellsworth, with the name Fort Ellsworth. Two years later the name was changed to Fort Harker and the site moved about a mile north- east. This fort was for a long time the shipping point for freight bound for New Mexico. Fort Harker was abandoned in 1872 and the reservation opened to settlement in 1880. Fort Wallace was established near the present town of Wallace in 1865. This was an important post during the building of the Union Pacific railroad. It was abandoned as a fort in 1882, and in 1888 the land was ordered sold. Fort Zarah was established in 1864, about four miles east of the present city of Great Bend. It was dismantled in 1869, and the reservation was later sold. Fort Hays was established by the National Government, in 1865, about fourteen miles southeast of the present Hays City, and was for a year known as Fort Fletcher. In 1867 a new site, about three- fourths mile from Hays City, was selected. The reservation con- sisted of 7500 acres. General Sheridan used Fort Hays for head- quarters during the Black Kettle raid in 1868. It continued to be used as a military post until 1889. In 1900 Kansas secured the land and buildings for educational purposes. The Fort Hays Kansas Normal School and an experiment station for the Agricultural College are now located there. Fort Henning, Fort Blair, and Fort Insley were three block- houses erected at Fort Scott in 1861 for the purpose of guarding military stores from the Confederate forces. APPENDIX 221 Fort Lincoln was built by Lane in 1861, about twelve miles north- west of Fort Scott, for protection from the Confederate forces. It was abandoned in 1864. Fort Aubrey was one of the forts established in 1865 by the soldiers sent to quell the Indian uprisings. It was located near the present village of Mayline in Hamilton County. It was abandoned the following year. Fort Jewell was erected in 1870 on the site of Jewell City for the protection of the settlers against the Cheyennes who were then on the warpath. It consisted of a wall of earth around a fifty-yard square. After the Indian troubles were over Fort Jewell was abandoned. 222 A HISTORY OF KANSAS SOME PROMINENT KANSANS Hundreds of Kansas men and women have served their State in a way worthy of note. To tell the story of the services rendered by all of them would require many volumes. In a book like the present one, mention can be made of only a few of those most widely known. In addition to names mentioned in the body of the text, the following are a few of the names of Kansans, no longer living, who had much to do with making the history of the State: Preston B. Plumb came to Kansas to make his home in 1857. He started a newspaper, Kansas News, at Emporia. In 1861 he was elected to the State House of Representatives. The same year he entered the Union army and served until the close of the war. He then engaged in the practice of law. In 1876 he was elected to the United States Senate, which position he filled until his death in 1891, a period of fourteen years of continuous service. William A. Harris came to Kansas in 1865, at the close of four years of service in the Confederate army, and entered the employ of the Union Pacific Railroad Company as a civil engineer. Later he became a well-known farmer and stock raiser. In 1896 he was elected to the State Senate, and in 1897 to the United States Senate. His later years were given to various lines of agricultural advance- ment. He served as a regent of the State Agricultural College. His death occurred in 1909. Samuel A. Kingman came to Kansas in 1857. He was a lawyer. He served as a member of the Wyandotte Constitutional Conven- tion. He was associate justice of the Supreme Court of Kansas, 1861 to 1865, and chief justice, 1867 to 1876, when he resigned because of ill health. He died in 1904. David J. Brewer came to Leavenworth in 1859, where he en- gaged in the practice of law. He served continuously in various offices. He was associate justice of the State Supreme Court from 1871 to 1884, a judge of the United States Circuit Court from 1884 to 1889, and in 1889 he was commissioned Associate Justice of the United States Supreme Court, which position he filled until his death in 1910. JopN A. Anderson came to Junction City in 1858 as pastor of the Presbyterian church. In 1873 he was made president of the State Agricultural College. He reorganized that institution and remained at its head until 1878, when he was elected to Congress where he served until 1891. He was appointed consul-general to Cairo, Egypt, in 1891. He died on his way back home in the following year. Francis Huntington Snow was elected to the first faculty of the University of Kansas as professor of mathematics and natural sciences, in 1866. In 1870 he became professor of natural history in the University. He organized the collecting expeditions which have resulted in the extensive natural history museums of the University. He was made Chancellor of the University in 1890, from which posi- tion he retired in 1901. He died in 1908. APPENDIX 223 Edmund G. Ross came to Kansas in 1856. He was a member of the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention and served in the Union army. In 1866 he was appointed to fill the vacancy in the United States Senate caused by the death of James H. Lane. He cast the deciding vote in the Senate against the impeachment of President Johnson, which act aroused great indignation. He engaged in news- paper work until 1882, when he went to New Mexico where he served as Territorial Governor from 1885 to 1889. He died in 1907. Mrs. C. I. H. Nichols, a writer and lecturer, came with her family to Kansas in 1854. She lived first at Lawrence and then at Wyandotte. She was a strong advocate of a more just understand- ing of the rights of women. She attended the meetings of the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention, and counseled with the members on all matters relating to women, with the result that the Kansas Constitution was one of the most liberal in the United States at that time. Her death occurred in 1885. Mrs. Mary A. Bickerdyke, generally known as " Mother Bick- erdyke," served as a nurse during the Civil War. At its close she came to Kansas and was instrumental in assisting soldiers who were left without employment to come to Kansas and take home- steads. Through her efforts aid was given settlers after Indian raids, and she assisted in securing aid for Kansas settlers after the grasshopper invasion. The Mother Bickerdyke Home for soldiers* widows, at Ellsworth, was named in her honor. After a life of great activity she died in 1901. Alfred Gray came to Kansas in 1857. With the exception of his period of service in the Union army he was engaged in farming until 1873. From 1866 until 1870 he was a director of the State Agricultural Societv. When the State Board of Agriculture was organized, in 1872, he became its first Secretary, and filled the posi- tion until his death in 1880. Frederick Wellhouse came to Leavenworth County, Kansas, in 1859. He was engaged in the growing and sale of fruit trees until 1876, when he began planting commercial apple orchards. During the next eighteen years he planted 1637 acres of apple trees. Many years were given to experiments to determine the varieties best adapted to Kansas. He became known throughout the country and was called "The Apple King." For ten years he was president of the State Horticultural Society, and was at different times en- gaged in many public activities. He died in 1911. Franklin G. Adams settled on a farm in Leavenworth County in 1856. He held various positions of public service, and on the organization of the State Historical Society in 1875 he was made its Secretary, which position he held until his death in 1899. He organized and developed the work of the Society, in which work he was materially assisted by his daughter, Miss Zu Adams, who continued her work from 1880 until her death in 1911. Mrs. Sara T. D. Robinson came to the Territory in 1854 with her husband. Dr. Charles Robinson, and took an active part in early Kansas affairs. She wrote Kansas — Its Interior and Exterior Life, 224 A HISTORY OF KANSAS the most notable book produced by a Kansan of that time. It had a wide circulation and a great influence. Mrs. Robinson died at her home near Lawrence in 1911. Noble L. Prentis came to Kansas in 1869 as editor of the Topeka Record. From that time until his death in 1900 he was con- nected with various Kansas newspapers: the Topeka Commonwealth, the Lawrence Journal, the Junction City Union, the Atchison Cham- pion, and the Kansas City Star. He wrote five books: A Kansan Abroad, Southern Letters, Southwestern Letters, Kansas Miscel- lanies, and History of Kansas. Daniel W. Wilder, who first came to Kansas in 1857, was at different times the editor of a number of newspapers. He was one of the founders of the State Historical Society, served one term as state auditor and two terms as superintendent of insurance. It was as a newspaper man that Mr. Wilder's influence was especially felt. He was the author of the Annals of Kansas, Life of Shakespeare, and was one of the compilers of all editions of Bartlett's Familiar Quotations. Eugene F. Ware came to Kansas in 1867. He practiced law, and was for many years the editor of the Fort Scott Monitor. He served in the state legislature, and from 1902 to 1905 was United States Pension Commissioner. He died in 1911. It is as a writer that Mr. Ware is best known. His Rhymes of Ironquill is his most widely read work. APPENDIX 225 KANSAS WRITERS The Kansas struggle was the source of a great deal of writing. Eastern newspapers were full of the Kansas question. During the Territorial period many of the eastern papers kept correspondents in the Territory and these men wrote much of the conflict here and of pioneer life and conditions. The Kansas people themselves were too busy to give much attention to literature and produced but few writings of permanent value. Kansas — Its Interior and Exterior Life, by Mrs. Sara T. D. Robinson, was written during this period. Other early writers were: William A. Phillips, Richard Realf, James Redpath, Albert D. Richardson, W. P. Tomlinson, and Henry Harvey. During the Civil War practically all of the writing produced in Kansas was concerned with the struggle that the people were going through. The period from the close of the Civil War until the "grasshopper year" of 1874 was one of remarkable growth and ex- pansion and the people were full of confidence and enthusiasm. It was in this period that The Kansas Magazine was published. Though it lasted less than two years, it was a magazine of real lit- erature. Among the contributors were: Henry King, James W. Steele, John J. Ingalls, D. W. Wilder, R. J. Hinton, Charles Robin- son, and Noble L. Prentis. The depression caused by the grasshopper raid affected Kansas in literature as well as in other activities. For several vears but few books were published. Two of the books produced during this period were, however, very valuable ones: Andreas' History of Kansas, a compilation by many writers, and Wilder's Annals of Kansas. George R. Peck and John J. Ingalls came into promi- nence about this time as orators. Many of their speeches have become a part of our literature. Joseph G. McCoy and Joel Moody were writers of this period. A number of good books were published in the '80's, among them: The Story of a Country Town, E. W. Howe; A Kansan Abroad, Noble L. Prentis; Rhymes of Ironquill, Eugene F. Ware; History of Kansas, L. W. Spring; Anabel and Other Poems, Ellen P. Allerton. Other writers of this time were: F. W. Giles, Charles Gleed, and Hattie Horner. The period following the collapse of the boom, 1888 to 1892, pro- duced many books. Some of the most prominent were: Kansas Miscellanies, Prentis; The Farmers' Side, William A. Peffer; Let- ters, Charles F. Scott; In the Van of Empire, Henry Inman; Richard Bruce, Charles M. Sheldon; Old Wine in New Bottles, Brinton W. Woodward. During this period The Agora, a Kansas magazine, was published. All the best Kansas writers of the period were among its contributors, but it lived only a short time. Among other writers were: Nathaniel S. Goss, Mrs. Mary W. Hudson, Gov. Charles Robinson, and John Speer. The last twenty years have brought peace and prosperity to Kansas and the people have been able to give more time and 226 A HISTORY OF KANSAS thought to literature. Many writings have been produced — poetry, essays, speeches, newspaper and magazine articles, and many books. The following are among the writers who have come into prominence in the last two decades: Henry Inman, author of: The Old Santa Fe Trail, The Great Salt Lake Trail, The Ranch on the Oxhide, and The Delahoyd Boys. Charles M. Sheldon, author of: Richard Bruce, Robert Hardy's Seven Days, The Crucifixion of Philip Strong, His Brother's Keeper, In His Steps, Malcolm Kirk, Lend a Hand, The Redemption of Freetown, The Miracle at Markham, One of the Two, For Christ and the Church, Born to Serve, Who Killed Joe's Baby, The Re- former, The Narrow Gate, The Heart of the World, Paul Doug- las, The Good Fight, The High Calling. William Allen White, author of: The Real Issue, Court of Boyville, In Our Town, A Certain Rich Man, and numerous news- paper and magazine articles. Eugene Ware, author of: The Rise and Fall of the Saloon, The Lyon Campaign and History of the First Iowa Infantry, The Indian Campaign of 1864, Rhymes of Ironquill, Ithuriel, From Court to Court, Several translations from Spanish, French and Latin, contributions to many publications. William Y. Morgan, author of: A Jayhawker in Europe, The journey of a Jayhawker, A Jayhawker in the Near East, and numerous newspaper articles. Margaret Hill McCarter, author of: The Cottonwood's Story, Cuddy's Baby, In Old Quivira, The Price of the Prairie, The Peace of the Solomon Valley, A Wall of Men, The Master's Degree, Win- ning the Wilderness. Walt Mason, author of: Rhymes of the Range, Uncle Walt, Prose Poems, and newspaper and magazine writings. William Elsey Connelley, author of: John Brown, James H. Lane, Wyandot Folk-Lore, An Appeal to the Record, Kansas Ter- ritorial Governors, Memoirs of John James Ingalls, Ingalls of Kan- sas, Quantrill and the Border Wars, and Life of Preston B. Plumb. Samuel J. Crawford, author of Kansas in the Sixties. William Herbert Carruth, author of Each in His Own Tongue and Other Poems. Among other present-day Kansas writers are: E. W. Howe F. W. Blackmar, Mrs. Louisa Cooke Don Carlos, Effie Graham W. A. McKeever, Mrs. Dell H. Munger, Mrs. Kate A. Aplington Esther M. Clark, F. Dumont Smith, Charles M. Harger. APPENDIX 227 TERRITORIAL OFFICERS OF KANSAS The Governors were appointed for terms of four years, but none of them served a full term. Ten different men filled the office during the Territorial period of six years and eight months. There were six Governors and five Acting Governors, James W. Denver serving in both capacities. During the absence of a Governor or when there was a vacancy in that office the duties of the Governor fell upon the Secretary of the Territory and he was called the Acting Governor. Governors Acting Governors Terms served Andrew H. Reeder July 7, 1854, to August 16, 1855. Daniel Woodson August 16, 1855, to September 7, 1855. Wilson Shannon September 7, 1855, to August 18, 1856. Daniel Woodson August 18, 1856, to September 9, 1856. John W. Geary September 9, 1856, to March 12, 1857. Daniel Woodson March 12, 1857, to April 16, 1857. Frederick P. Stanton. .April 16, 1857, to May 27, 1857. Robert J. Walker May 27, 1857, to November 16, 1857. Frederick P. Stanton . .November 16, 1857, to December 21, 1857. James W. Denver. , . .December 21, 1857, to May 12, 1858. James W. Denver May 12, 1858, to October 10, 1858. Hugh S. Walsh October 10, 1858, to December 18, 1858. Samuel Medary December 18, 1858, to December 17, 1860. Hugh S. Walsh August 1, 1859, to September 15, 1859. Hugh S. Walsh April 15, 1860, to June 16, 1860. George M. Beebe September 11, 1860, to November 25, 1860. Auditors «, John Donaldson 1855-1857 Hiram Jackson Strickler 1857-1861 228 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Treasurers Thomas J. B. Cramer 1855-1859 Robert B. Mitchell 1859-1861 Attorneys- General Andrew Jackson Isacks 1854-1857 William Weer 1857-1858 Alson C. Davis 1858-1861 Superintendents of Schools James H. Noteware 1858 Samuel Wiley Greer 1858-1861 John C. Douglass 1861 Territorial Chief Justices Samuel Dexter Lecompte 1854-1859 John Pettit 1859-1861 Associate Justices Saunders W. Johnston 1854-1855 J. M. Burrell 1855-1856 Thomas Cunningham 1856-1857 Joseph Williams 1857-1861 Rush Elmore 1854-1855 Sterling G. Cato 1855-1858 Rush Elmore .• 1858-1861 APPENDIX 229 STATE OFFICERS OF KANSAS Governors Charles Robinson 1861-1863 Thomas Carney 1863-1865 Samuel J. Crawford 1865-1868 Resigned November 4, 1868. Nehemiah Green, Acting Governor 1868-1869 James M. Harvey 1869-1873 Thomas A. Osborn 1873-1877 George T. Anthonv 1877-1879 John P. St. John 1879-1883 George W. Click 1883-1885 John A. Martin 1885-1889 Lyman U. Humphrey 1889-1893 Lorenzo D. Lewelling 1893-1895 Edmund N. Morrill 1895-1897 John W. Leedy 1897-1899 William E. Stanley 1899-1903 Willis Joshua Bailey 1903-1905 Edward W. Hoch 1905-1909 Walter Roscoe Stubbs 1909-1913 George H. Hodges 1913-1915 Arthur Capper 1915 Lieutenant" Governors Joseph P. Root 1861-1863 Thomas A. Osborn 1863-1865 James McGrew 1865-1867 Nehemiah Green 1867-1868 Charles V. Eskridge 1869-1871 Peter P. Elder 1871-1873 Elias S. Stover 1873-1875 MelvUle J. Salter 1875-1877 Resigned July 19, 1877. Lyman U. Humphrey, elected November 6 1877 Lyman U. Humphrey 1879-1881 D. W. Finney 1881-1885 Alex. P. Riddle 1885-1889 Andrew J. Felt 1889-1893 Percy Daniels 1893-1895 James A. Troutman 1895-1897 A. M. Harvey 1897-1899 H. E. Richter 1899-1903 David J. Hanna 1903-1907 W. J. Fitzgerald 1907-1911 Richard J. Hopkins 1911-1913 Sheffield Ingalls 1913-1915 William Yost Morgan 1915 230 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Secretaries of State John Winter Robinson 1861-1862 Removed July 28, 1862. Sanders Rufus Shepherd, appointed 1862-1863 William Wirt Henry Lawrence 1863-1865 Rinaldo Allen Barker 1865-1869 Thomas Moonlight 1869-1871 William Hillary Smallwood 1871-1875 Thomas H. Cavanaugh 1875-1879 James Smith 1879-1885 Edwin Bird Allen 1885-1889 William Higgins 1889-1893 Russel Scott Osborn 1893-1895 William Congdon Edwards 1895-1897 William Eben Bush 1897-1899 George Alfred Clark 1899-1903 Joel Randall Burrow 1903-1907 C. E. Denton 1907-1911 Charles H. Sessions 1911-1915 John Thomas Botkin 1915 Auditors George Shaler Hillyer 1861-1862 Removed July 28, 1862. David Long Lakin, appointed 1862-1863 Asa Hairgrove 1863-1865 John R. Swallow 1865-1869 Alois Thoman 1869-1873 Daniel Webster Wilder 1873-1876 Resigned September 20, 1876. Parkinson Isaiah Bonebrake, appointed 1876 Parkinson Isaiah Bonebrake 1877-1883 Edward P. McCabe 1883-1887 Timothy McCarthy 1887-1891 Charles Merrill Hovey 1891-1893 Van B. Prather 1893-1895 George Ezekiel Cole 1895-1897 William H. Morris 1897-1899 George Ezekiel Cole 1899-1903 Seth Grant Wells 1903-1907 J. M. Nation 1907-1911 W. E. Davis 1911 Treasurers William Tholen, elected in 1859. Entered the army and did not qualify. Hartwin R. Dutton, appointed March 26 1861 Hartwin R. Dutton, elected 1861-1863 William Spriggs 1863-1867 Martin Anderson 1867-1869 George Graham 1869-1871 Josiah Emery Hayes 1871-1874 Resigned April 30, 1874. John Francis, appointed 1874-1875 APPENDIX 231 Treasurers —concluded Samuel Lappin 1875 Resigned December 20, 1875. John Francis, appointed 1875 John Francis 1877-1883 Samuel T. Howe 1883-1887 James William Hamilton 1887-1890 Resigned March 1, 1890. William Sims, appointed 1890-1891 Solomon G. Stover 1891-1893 William Henry Biddle 1893-1895 Otis L. Atherton 1895-1897 David H. Heflebower 1897-1899 Frank E. Grimes .* 1899-1903 Thomas T. Kelly 1903-1907 Mark Tully 1907-1913 Earl Akers 1913 Attorneys- General Benjamin Franklin Simpson 1861 Resigned Julv, 1861. Charles Chadwick, appointed 1861 Samuel A. Stinson 1861-1863 Warren W. Guthrie 1863-1865 Jerome D. Brumbaugh 1865-1867 George Henry Hoyt 1867-1869 Addison Danford 1869-1871 Archibald L. Williams 1871-1875 Asa M. F. Randolph 1875-1877 Willard Davis 1877-1881 William A. Johnston 1881-1884 Resigned December 1, 1884. George P. Smith, appointed 1884-1885 Simeon Briggs Bradford 1885-1889 Lyman Beecher Kellogg 1889-1891 John Nutt Ives 1891-1893 John Thomas Little 1893-1895 Fernando B. Dawes 1895-1897 Louis C. Boyle 1897-1899 Aretas A. Godard 1899-1903 Charles Crittenden Coleman 1903-1907 F. S. Jackson 1907-1911 John S. Dawson 1911-1915 Sardies Mason Brewster 1915 Superintendents of Public Instruction William Riley Griffith 1861-1862 Died February 12, 1862. Simeon Montgomery Thorp, appointed 1862-1863 Isaac T. Goodnow 1863-1867 Peter McVicar 1867-1871 Hugh De France McCarty 1871-1875 232 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Superintendents of Public Instruction — concluded John Fraser 1875-1877 Allen Borsley Lemmon 1877-1881 Henry Clay Speer 1881-1885 Joseph Hadden Lawhead 1885-1889 George Wesley Winans 1889-1893 Henry Newton Gaines 1893-1895 Edmund Stanley 1895-1897 William Stryker 1897-1899 Frank Nelson 1899-1903 Insley L. Dayhofif 1903-1907 E. T. Fairchild 1907-1912 Resigned November 19, 1912. W. D. Ross, appointed 1912 W. D. Ross 1913 Chief Justices Thomas Ewing, Jr 1861-1862 Resigned November 28, 1862. Nelson Cobb, appointed 1862-1864 Robert Crozier 1864-1867 Samuel Austin Kingman 1867-1876 Resigned December 30, 1876. Albert Howell Horton, appointed 1876 Albert Howell Horton 1877-1895 Resigned April 30, 1895. David Martin, appointed 1895 David Martin 1895-1897 Frank Doster 1897-1903 William Agnew Johnston 1903 State Printers S. S. Prouty 1869-1873 George W. Martin 1873-1881 T. Dwight Thatcher 1881-1887 Clifford C. Baker 1887-1891 E. H. Snow 1891-1895 J. K. Hudson 1895-1897 J. S. Parks 1897-1899 W. Y. Morgan 1899-1903 George A. Clark 1903-1905 T. A. McNeal 1905-1911 W. C. Austin 1911-1915 William R. Smith 1915 Superintendents of Insurance Webb McNall 1897-1901 W. V. Church 1901-1903 Charles H. Luling 1903-1907 Charles W. Barnes 1907-1911 Ike S. Lewis 1911-1915 Carey J. Wilson 1915 APPENDIX 233 United States Senators James H. Lane 1861-1866 Died July 11, 1866. Edmund G. Ross, appointed 1866 Edmund G. Ross 1867-1871 Alexander Caldwell 1871-1873 Resigned March 24, 1873. Robert Crozier, appointed 1873-1874 James M. Harvey, elected 1874-1877 Preston B. Plumb 1877-1891 Died December 20, 1891. Bishop W. Perkins, appointed 1892-1893 John Martin, elected January 25 1893-1895 Lucien Baker 1895-1901 Joseph Ralph Burton 1901-1906 Resigned, 1906. A. W. Benson, appointed 1906-1907 Charles Curtis 1907-1913 William H. Thompson 1913 Samuel C. Pomeroy 1861-1873 John James Ingalls 1873-1891 William Alfred PeflFer 1891-1897 William A. Harris 1897-1903 Chester I. Long 1903-1909 J. L. Bristow 1909-1915 Charles Curtis 1915 Congressmen Martin F. Conway 1861-1863 Abel Carter WUder 1863-1865 Sidney Clarke 1865-1871 David P. Lowe 1871-1875 Stephen Alonzo Cobb 1873-1875 William Addison Phillips 1873-1879 William R. Brown 1875-1877 John R. Goodin 1875-1877 Dudley C. Haskell 1877-1883 Thomas Ryan 1877-1889 John Alexander Anderson 1879-1891 Edmund N. Morrill 1883-1891 Samuel Ritter Peters 1883-1891 Lewis Hanback 1883-1887 Bishop W. Perkins 1883-1891 Edward Hogue Funston 1883-1893 Erastus J. Turner 1887-1891 Harrison Kelley 1889-1891 Case Broderick 1891-1899 B. H. Clover 1891-1893 John Davis 1891-1895 T o- ^ 1891-1895 Jerry Simpson j 1897-1899 John Grant Otis 1891-1893 234 A HISTORY OF KANSAS C ONGRESSMEN — concluded William Baker 1891-1897 William Alexander Harris 1893-1895 Horace L. Moore 1893-1895 Charles Curtis 1893-1907 Thomas J. Hudson 1893-1895 Richard W. Blue 1895-1897 Orrin L. Miller 1895-1897 Snyder S. Kirkpatrick 1895-1897 Chester I. Long \lllt\lol William A. Calderhead j igggligii Jeremiah Dunham Botkin 1897-1899 Mason Summers Peters 1897-1899 N. B. McCormick 1897-1899 Edwin Reed Ridgely 1897-1901 William D. Vincent 1897-1899 Willis Joshua Bailey 1899-1901 Justin DeWitt Bowersock 1899-1907 James Monroe Miller 1899-1911 William Augustus Reeder 1899-1911 Charles Frederick Scott 1901-1911 Alfred Metcalf Jackson 1901-1903 Philip Pitt Campbell 1903 Victor Murdock 1903-1915 D. R. Anthony 1907 *E. H. Madison 1907-1911 fA. C. Mitchell 1911-1911 Fred S. Jackson 1911-1913 R. R. Rees 1911-1913 I. D. Young ; 1911-1913 Joseph Taggart 1911 Dudley Doolittle 1913 Guy T. Helvering 1913 John R. Connelly 1913 George A. Neeley 1912-1915 Jouett Shouse 1915 William A. Ayers 1915 *Died, Sept. 18, 1911. t Died, July 7, 1911. APPENDIX 235 INSTITUTIONS IN KANSAS State Schools University of Kansas Lawrence. State Agricultural College Manhattan. State Normal School Emporia. Fort Hays Kansas Normal School Hays. State Manual Training Normal School Pittsburg. State School of Mines and Metallurgy Weir. Kansas School for the Blind Kansas City. Kansas School for the Deaf Olathe. Denominational Schools Baker University, Methodist Episcopal Baldwin. Bethany College, Swedish Lutheran Lindsborg. Bethany College, Episcopalian Topeka. Bethel College, Mennonite Newton. Campbell University Holton. College of Emporia, Presbyterian Emporia. College Preparatory School (Private) Atchison. Cooper College, United Presbyterian Sterling. Enterprise Normal Academy, German M. E Enterprise. Fairmount College, Congregational . . . *. Wichita. Fowler Friends Academy, Friends Fowler. Friends University, Friends Wichita. Highland University, Presbyterian Highland. Haviland Academy, Friends Haviland. Kansas City University, United Brethren Kansas City. Kansas Wesleyan University, Methodist Episcopal Salina. McPherson College, Church of the Brethren McPherson. Midland College, Lutheran Atchison. Mt. St. Scholastica's Academy, Catholic Atchison. Nazareth Academy, Catholic Concordia. Northbranch Academy, Friends Northbranch. Ottawa University, Baptist Ottawa. Southern Kansas Academy, Congregational Eureka. Southwestern College, Methodist Episcopal Winfield. St. Benedict's College, Catholic Atchison. St. John's Lutheran College, Lutheran Winfield. St. Martin's School, Episcopalian Salina. St. Mary's Academy, Catholic Leavenworth. St. Mary's Academy, Catholic Great Bend. St. Mary's College, Catholic St. Marys. Walden College, Evangelical McPherson. Washburn College, Congregational Topeka. State Penal or Corrective Institutions State Industrial Reformatory Hutchinson. State Industrial School for Giris Beloit. State Industrial School for Boys Topeka. State Penitentiary Lansing. 236 A HISTORY OF KANSAS State Benevolent Institutions State School for the Feeble-minded Winfield. State Hospital for the Insane Topeka. State Hospital for the Insane Osawatomie. State Hospital for the Insane Larned. State Hospital for Epileptics Parsons. State Hospital for Tuberculosis Norton. Special Institutions State Soldiers' Home Fort Dodge. Mother Bickerdyke Home Ellsworth. Soldiers' Orphans' Home Atchison. State Colored Schools Topeka Industrial and Educational Institute Topeka. Western University Quindaro. Federal Institutions Haskell Institute, Indian Lawrence. Pottawatomie Boarding School for Indians Nadeau. Federal Prison Leavenworth. National Soldiers' Home Leavenworth. APPENDIX 237 Balance of Power in the United States Senate Between the Free and the Slave States Free, Pennsylvania. New Jersey. Connecticut. Massachusetts. New Hampshire. New York. Rhode Island. Vermont, 1791. Ohio, 1802. Indiana, 1816. Illinois, 1818. 11 Maine, 1820. 12 Michigan, 1837. Iowa, 1846. Wisconsin, 1848. 15 California, 1850. 16 Minnesota, 1858. Oregon, 1859. Kansas, 1861. Slave. Delaware. Georgia. Maryland. South Carolina. Virginia. North Carolina. 11 Missouri, 1821. Arkansas. 1836. 13 Florida. 1845. Texas, 1845. 15 15 19 15 The original thirteen states. 6 Kentucky, 1792. Tennessee, 1796. Louisiana, 1812. Mississippi, 1817. Alabama, 1819. Tl>e Missouri Com- promise, 1820. First slave state majority. Last slave state. Compromise of 1850. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 1864. The last chance for the South to win. Secession and the Civil War. 238 A HISTORY OF KANSAS ORGANIZATION OF THE COUNTIES OF KANSAS Counties Organized Before 1860 County. Dale of Organization. County Seat. Allen 1855 lola. Anderson 1855 Garnett. Atchison 1855 Atchison. Bourbon 1855 Fort Scott. Brown 1855 Hiawatha. Butler 1855 El Dorado. Chase 1859 Cottonwood Falls. Coffey 1859 Burlington. Dickinson 1857 Abilene. Doniphan 1855 Troy. Douglas 1855 Lawrence. Franklin 1855 Ottawa. Geary^ 1855 Junction City. Jackson2 1857 Holton. Jefferson 1855 Oskaloosa. Johnson 1855 Olathe. Leavenworth 1855 Leavenworth. Linn 1855 Mound City. Marshall 1855 Marysville. Miami3 1855 Paola. Morris* 1855 Council Grove. Nemaha 1855 Seneca. Osage^ 1855 Lyndon. Pottawatomie 1856 Westmoreland. Riley 1855 Manhattan. Saline 1859 Salina. Shawnee 1855 Topeka. Wabaunsee** 1859 Alma. Woodson 1855 Yates Center. Wyandotte 1855 Kansas City. 1. Named Davis until 1889. 2. Named Calhoun until 1859. 3. Named Lykins until 1861. 4. Named Wise until 1859. 5. Named Weller until 1859. 6. Named Richardson before 1859. APPENDIX 239 Counties Organized 1860-1870 CoMify. Dale of Organization. County Seat. Cherokee 1866 Columbus. Clay 1866 Clay Center. Cloudi 1860 Concordia. Crawford 1867 Girard. Ellis 1867 Hays. Ellsworth 1867 Ellsworth. Greenwood 1862 Eureka. Labette- 1867 Oswego. Lvon^ 1860 Emporia. Marion 1860 Marion. Montgomery 1869 Independence. Neosho* 1864 Erie. Ottawa 1866 Minneapolis. Republic 1868 Belleville. Washington 1860 Washington. Wilson 1865 Fredonia. 1. Th» original name. Shirley, changed to Cloud in 1867. 2. Part of Dom County until 1861. Named NeoBbo until 1867. S. Named Breckinridice until 1862. 4. Nanwd Dora uatU 1861. 240 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Counties Organized 1870-1880 County . Date of Organization. County Seat . Barber 1873 Medicine Lodge- Barton 1872 Great Bend. Chautauqua 1875 Sedan- Cowleyi 1870 Winfield- Decatur 1879 Oberlin- Edwards 1874 Kinsley. Elk'-' 1875 Howard. Ford 1873 Dodge City. Harper* 1878 Anthony. Harvey 1872 Newton- Hodgeman 1879 Jetmore- Jewell ; . 1870 Mankato- Kingman 1874 Kingman- Lincoln 1870 Lincoln- McPherson 1870 McPherson- Mitchell 1870 Beloit- Norton 1872 Norton- Osborne. 1871 Osborne- Pawnee 1872 Larned- Phillips 1872 Phillipsburg- Pratt* 1879 Pratt. Reno 1872 Hutchinson. Rice 1871 Lyons- Rooks 1872 Stockton. Rush 1874 La Crosse. Russell 1872 Russell- Sedgwick 1870 Wichita. Smith 1872 : Smith Center. Stafford 1879 St. John. Sumner 1871 Wellington. Trego 1879 Wa Keeney. 1. Originally named Hunter. 2. Originally the northern portion of Howard county. * First organization in 1873, later set aside as fraudulent. APPENDIX 241 Counties Organized 1880-1890 Ctnadt. Dait'of Organization. County Seat. Cheyenne 1886 St. Francis. Clark 1885 Ashland. Comanche* 1885 Coldwater. Finney» 1884 Garden City. Gove 1886 Gove. Graham 1880 Hill City. Grant 1888 Ulysses. Gray 1887 Cimarron. Greeley 1887 Tribune. Hamilton 1886 Syracuse. Haskell 1887 Santa Fe. Kearny 1888 Lakin. Kiowa 1886 Greensburg. Lane 1886 Dighton. Logan 1887 Russell Springs. Meade 1885 Meade. Morton 1886 Richfield. Ness* 1880 Ness City. Rawlins 1881 Atwood. Scott 1886 Scott. Seward 1886 Liberal. Sheridan 1880 Hoxie. Sherman 1886 Goodland. Stanton 1887 Johnson. Stevens 1886 Hugoton. Thomas 1885 Colby. Wichita 1886 Leoti. Wallace 1888 Sharon Springs. Named Sequosrah until 1883. fint orgMiixation in 1873, later set aside as fraudulent. -It INDEX Abilene, 158. Actual Settlers' Association, 69. Adams, Franklin G., 223. Adams, Zu, 223. Admission of Kansas, 100, 108. Agriculture, taught to the Indi- ans, 47, 141; Territorial days, 142; during Civil War, 142; 1860 to 1880, 146; 1880 to 1887, 147; 1887 to 1893, 147; 1893 to 1913, 163; basis of prosperity, 169. Agriculture, Board of, 161. Agricultural College, 142, 161, 191, 193, 194. Agricultural Society, 142, 161. Aid from the East, 107, 121. Allerton, Ellen P., 225. Alfalfa, 149, 150. Alliance, Farmers', 160. Amendments to the Constitu- tion, 138. Anderson, John A., 222. Andreas' History of Kansas, 225. Appendix, 215-241. Apple Crop, 159. Aplington, Kate A., 226. Army of the North, 90. Arizona, 29. Arkansas City, 129. Ash Creek, 38. Atchison, D. R., 74, 76. Atchison, 21, 43, 70, 166. Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, buUding of, 176-178. Attorneys-General, Territorial, 228; State, 231. Auditors, Territorial, 227; State, 230. Baker University, 197, 235. Balance of Power, 58; table of, 237. Baptist Missions, 217. Barton County, 201. Barber, murder of, 86. Becknell, journey of, 31. Beet Sugar Factory, 151. Berryman, Rev. J. C, 217. Black Jack, battle of, 87. Blackmar, F. W., 226. '•Bleeding Kansas," 93. Blue Lodges, 66. Bluemont College, 193. Board of Administration, 197. Boom, 127-129, 147. Board of Agriculture, 161. Bogus Legislature, 76, 77, 79, 80, 212. Boston, 71. Beecher, Henry Ward, 88. Bickerdyke, Mary A., 223. Branson, Jacob, 81. Brick, 168. Brewer, David J., 222. Brown, John, 86; at Pottawa^ tomie, 87, 98; at Osawatomie, 88, 91; site of battle-field, 204; monument, 206. Broom Corn, 151. Buchanan, President, 100. (243) 244 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Buffalo, 9, 18, 21, 26, 33, 36, 37, 49, 117, 124, 125. Butler County, 118. Cabeza de Vaca, 10, 11, 37. Cache, how made, 38. California, 29, 173; gold seekers, 41; gold fields, 42; Road, 43, 70; emigration to, 63. Capital, State, 100. Capitals, Territorial, 215. Capitol, State, 131. Carruth, William Herbert, 226. Carson, Kit, 41. Catholic, priests, 16; missions, 50, 218. Cattle Trade, 158. Census, first Territorial, 75. Cherokee County, 165. Chief Justices, Territorial, 228; State, 232. Cibola, 11. Cimarron River, 32, 33, 39. Cimarron Crossing, 39. Civil War, 111-114, 117, 130, 131, 142, 163. Clark, Esther M., 226. Clark, William, 20. Cloud County, 117. Coal, 163. Columbus, 9, 10, Coleman, 80. Colorado, 22, 29, 149, 151. Colleges, list of, 235. College of Emporia, 197. Colby, 162. Comanche Indians, 25, 34. Commission, Railroad, 180. Congressmen, 233, 234. Connelley, William Elsey, 226. Consolidated Schools, 187. Constitution, Topeka, 79, 80, 95, 215; Lecompton, 96, 215; Leavenworth, 97, 215; Wyan- dotte, 99, 107, 215. Constitutions, summary of, 215. Corn, 155, 156. Coronado, 10-14, 49; monument for, 206; sword of, 208. Cortez, 10, 11, 29. Cotton Gin, 67. Council Grove, 34, 73, 204. Counties organized, 114, 123; lists of, 238-241. County High School, 189. Cowboy, 157, 158. Crawford County, 165. Crawford, Samuel J., 118, 226. Crops of Kansas, 146, 147. Dairying, 156. Daughters of American Revolu- tion, 203. Democratic Party, 99. Denominational Schools, 197, 235. Denver, Governor, 98. Dodge City, 13, 162; cattle trade center, 158. Domestic Science, 187. Don Carlos, Mrs. Louisa Cooke, 226. Douglas County, 80. Douglas, Stephen A., 59. Dow, 80. Drouth, 67, 106, 119, 129, 142, 147. Dugout, 103. Education, 183-199; see Schools; Eldridge, 86. Election, first Territorial, 73; second Territorial, 75. INDEX 245 Elwood, 174. Emigrant Aid Company, 65, 66, 86. Emporia, 191. English, 17. Exodus, 126. Experiment Station, 161-162. Extension Work, 197. Farmers' Alliance, 160. Farmers' Institutes, 162. Farmers' Organizations, 160. Farmers* Educational and Co- operative Union, 161. Farming Implements, 143-146. Father Padilla, 49, 50. Feterita, 151. Floods, 133. Foreign Settlements, 178, 179. Fort Dodge, 38, 54, 220. Fort Hays, 54, 220. Fort Hays Kansas Normal School, 193. Fort Leavenworth, 51, 53, 219. Forts, list of, 219-221. Fort Riley, 52, 54, 73, 76, 204, 205, 219. Fort Scott, 54, 165, 219. Forty-niners, 42. Fourth of July Creek, 21. France, 16; end of claims in America, 18. Franklin, 33, 90. Fremont, John C, 41. Friends University, 197. Friends Missions, 50, 217. Funston, Fred, 131. Fur Traders, 48. Garden City, 151, 162. Gardner, 43. Gas, 166, 169. Geary, John W., 91, 92, 93, 95. Giles, F. W., 225. Glass, 169. Gleed, Charles, 225. Click, Geo. W., 205. Gold Seekers, 41-43. Good Roads, 189. Goss, Nathaniel S., 225. Governors, Territorial, 227; State, 229. Graham, Eflfie, 226. Grange, 160. Grasshopper Invasion, 120, 127. Gray, Alfred, 223. Great American Desert, 24, 25, 29, 107, 123. Great Bend, 13. Great Salt Lake, 42. Great Seal of Kansas, 116. Gregg, Josiah, 35. Greenwood County, 118. Gypsum, 169. Hall of Fame, 204, 205. Hamelton, 98. Hand Planter, 142. Harger, Charles M., 226. Harris, William A., 222. Harvey, Henry, 218. Hays, 162. Highland College, 50, 217. Hinton, R. J., 225. History of Kansas, 201, 213. Historical Society, 207-208. Homes of Kansas, 102. Homestead Law, 119. Horner, Hattie, 225. Horses, used on Santa Fe Trail, 33. Horticulture, 159. Howe, E. W., 225, 226. 246 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Hudson, Mary W., 225. Hutchinson, 166, 167. Immigration, 65, 66, 89, 107, 117, 119, 123, 130, 178, 179. Illinois, 66. Independence, 33, 34. Independence Creek, 21. Indians, 9, 21, 57, 73, 135; tribes of, 25; and traders, 32; experi- ence with, 39; possessed Kan- sas, 46-54; reservations, 47; • taught in missions, 51; re- moval of, 46-48; raids, 112, 117, 118; as farmers, 141. Indiana, 66. Indian Territory, 48. Industries of Kansas, 141-170. Ingalls, John J., 88, 204, 210,225. Inman, Henry, 226. Institutions, State, 235, 236. Insurance, Superintendents of, 232. Iowa, 66, 89, 90. "Iron Trail," 177. Irrigation, 148, 149. Irving, 24. Irwin, Rev. S. M., 217. Jayhawkers, 98. Jefferson, President, 18, 20. Jesuits, 16, 49. Johnson, Mrs. Elizabeth A., 202. Johnson, Rev. Thomas, 51. Johnson, William, 217. Joliet, 16. Jones, Sheriff, 80, 82, 85. Junction City, 13. Kafir Corn, 151. Kansas, admission of, 100, 108. Kansas City, 40, 51, 67, 68, 69, 113, 133, 163, 166, 173. Kansas History, in the making, 213. Kansas Spirit, 211-214. Kansas Pacific Railroad, 175. Kansas-Nebraska Bill, 59, 64, 65. Kansas Territory, map, 56; organization, 59. Kansas To-day, 135, 137. Kanza Indians, 25, 34, 46. Kaw Indians, same aa Kanza Indians. King, Henry, 225. Kingman, Samuel A., 222. La Croix, Father, 218. Land Grants, 178. Lane, James H., 79, 80, 88, 90, 100. La Salle, 16. Lawrence, 67, 69, 70, 80, 82, 85, 90, 100, 166; sacking of, 86; defense of, 92; Quantrill raid, 112; floods, 133, 135. Lawrence, Amos A., 67. Lead and Zinc, 165. Leavenworth, 21, 43, 70, 166. Leavenworth Constitution, 97. Lecompton, 70, 89, 90, 96, 97. Leedy, Governor, 161. Legislature, Free-state, 96. Legislature, Bogus, 76, 77, 79, 80; second Territorial, 95. Legislatures, summary of, 215. Length of school term, 184. Lewelling, Governor, 161. Lewis and Clark, expedition of, 20-21, 25. Lieutenant-Governors, 229. Lincoln, 110. INDEX 24'i Lindsborg, 179. Linn County, 98, 114. Live Stock, 156. Locomotive, invention of, 172; old and modern, 180. Long, Major, 24. Louisiana, naming of, 16; pur- chase of, 18, 46, 68; explora- tion of, 20. Lykins, Dr. Johnson, 217. Manhattan, 70, 175, 193, 194. Manual Training Normal School, 192. Marais des Cygnes Massacre, 98, 206. Marion County, 118. Manual Training, 187, 188. Manufactures, 163. Markham, Thomas B., 217. Marquette, 16. Marysville, 174. Mason, Walt, 226. McCarter, Margaret Hill, 226. McCoy, Rev. Isaac, 50, 217. McCoy, Joseph G., 225. McKeever, W. A., 226. Meat Packing, 163, 179. Meeker, Jotham, 50, 217. Mexico, 17, 22, 29; war with, 41, 63. Memorial Hall, 2, 206. Memorials of Kansas, 201-209. Mendenhall, Rev. M., 218. Mennonites, 155, 178. Methodist Missions, 51, 217. MUler, Sol, 102. Milling, 163, 179. Milo, 151. Mine Creek, 114. Mineral resources, 163. Minneola, 215. Mirage, 40. Missionaries, 48, 49, 50, 51. Missions, 54, 141 ; established, 50, 51; list of, 217-218. Missouri Compromise, 58, 59. Missouri River closed to free- state immigration, 89. Montgomery, James, 98. Monuments, 205-207. Moody, Joel, 225. Morgan, Wm. Y., 226. Mormons, 42, 53. Mormon Trail, 43. Mortgages, 129. Mounds, 114. Mount Oread, 67, 195. Mutual Benefit Association, 160. Munger, Mrs. Dell H., 226. Narvaez, 10. National Government, protected traders, 33; sent out Fremont, 41; removal policy of, 46; established Fort Leavenworth, 53. Nebraska, 25, 43, 89, 90, 151. Neosho Valley, 34. , New England Emigrant Aid Company, first party, 66; second party, 67; third and fourth parties, 69. New Mexico, 11, 21, 29, 40. New Spain, 10, 11, 14. Nevada, 29. Nichols, Mrs. C. I. H., 223. Nineteenth Kansas, 118. Normal Schools, 190, 191, 192, 193, 235. Northern Route to Kansas, 89. 248 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Officers, Territorial, 227, 228; State, 229-234. "Old Mill," 143. Ohio, 66. Oil, 166. Oklahoma, 25, 48, 60, 166; open- ing of, 129. Oregon Trail, 43. Oregon, emigrants to, 41. Organization of Kansas Terri- tory, 57-60. Osage County, 165. Osage Indians, 21, 25, 34, 46, 217. Osawatomie, 87; pillaged, 88; burned, 91. Ottawa University, 50, 197. Oxen, 33. Pack Mules, 31. Padilla, Father, 49, 50. Padoucas, 26. Panic of 1893, 130, 153. Patrons of Husbandry, 159. Pawnee, town of, 76. Pawnee Capitol, 52, 76, 205. Pawnee Fork, 38. Pawnee Indians, 14, 21, 34, 38, 202. Pawnee Rock, 37, 201, 202. Peffer, William A., 225. Peck, George R., 225. Pennsylvania, 66. People's Party, 161. Peery, Rev. E. T., 217. Phillips, William A., 225. Pierce, President, 63. Pike's Peak, 23. Pike, Zebulon Montgomery, 21- 23, 25, 29, 30, 202, 203. Pioneer life, 103-109, 123, 124, 125. Pioneer Schools, 186. Plumb, Preston B., 222. Pony Express, 173. Pomeroy, Samuel C, 67; made senator, 100. Popular Sovereignty, 59, 74. Population of Kansas, 1854, 54; 1855, 75; 1859, 107; 1865, 114. Populist Party, 161. Portland Cement, 169. Pottawatomie Massacre, 87, 98. Prentis, Noble L., 224, 225. Presbyterian Missions, 50, 217. Price Raid, 113. Printers, State, 232. Prohibition Amendment, 138, 213. Public Utilities Commission, 180. Quantrill Raid, 112; loss from, 113; monument, 207. Quivira, poem, 8; land of, 11, 12, 13, 14; Indians, 26, 50. Railroads, 127, 147, 172-181; first one in Kansas, 174; Kansas advertised by, 178; relation to industries, 179; regulation of, 180; mileage, 180. Railroad Commission, 180. Redpath, James, 225. Realf, Richard, 225. Reeder, Andrew H., 73, 76, 79, 88. Regiments of Kansas soldiers, 118, 130. Reign of Violence, 85-93. Regulation of railroads, 180. Removal Policy, 50. Republic County, 21, 117, 202. Republican Party, 99. INDEX 249 Richardson, Albert D., 225. "Rifle Christians," 88. Robinson, Dr. Charles, 67, 79, 80, 183, 225; home burned, 86; held prisoner, 89; first gov- ernor, 100. Robinson, Mrs. Sara T. D., 223, 225. Ross, Edmund G., 223. Round Mound, 40. Rural Schools, pioneer, 186; modern, 187. Sacramento, 42. Salt Lake, 173, 174. Salt Lake Trail, 70. Salt, 167. San Francisco, 173, 174. Santa Fe Trail, 29-41, 172,177; map of, 28; length of, 34, 43; marking of, 203. Santa Fe, city, 29, 30, 41, 173. Scott, Charles F., 225. Schoenmaker, Rev., 218. Schools, established by missions, 50; Territorial, 183; first in Lawrence, 183; subscription, 183; length of term, 184; during Civil War, 184; pioneer schools, 186; rural, 187; con- solidated, 187; high schools, 189; State, 190-198, 235; for blind, 195; for deaf, 195; of mines, 195; denominational, 197, 235. Seal of State, 116. Secretaries, Territorial, 227; State, 230. Senate, 58. Senators, United States, 233. Seven Cities of Cibola, 11. Shannon. Wilson. 77, 82. 87, 91. Shawnee Indians, 51. Shawnee Mission, 51; as capi- tal, 76. Sheldon, Charles M., 225, 226. Simmerwell, Rev. Robert, 217. Slaves, 63, 64, 74. Slavery in United States, 57. Smith, F. Dumont, 226. Snow, Francis Huntington, 222. Sod Corn, 143. Sod House, 106. Sod Schoolhouse, 184. Soldiers, 41, 48, 206; furnished by Kansas, 111. Song of the Kansas Emigrant, 62. Sorghum Crops, 148, 151. Southern Aid, 89. Southeastern Kansas, 97. Southwestern University, 197. Spain, 10, 14, 17, 18. Spanish-American War, 130. Speer, John, 225. Spring, L. W., 225. Squatter Sovereignty, 59. Stage Lines, 172, 173. State Fair, Leavenworth, 142. Steam Plow, 146. Steele, James W., 225. Stockyards, 154. Stringfellow, B. F., 76. St. John, Governor, 138. St. Joseph, 43, 173, 174. St. Mary's College, 50. Stone, building, 163; quarry, 168. Sugar Beets, 151. Superintendents of Public In- struction, Territorial, 228; State, 231. 250 A HISTORY OF KANSAS Supplies Taken by Traders, 33. Swedish Settlements, 179. Sword, old Spanish, 208. Tecumseh, 90. Telegraph, 174. Territory, government of, 73. Territorial Officers, 227, 228. Texas, 18, 23, 158. Thayer, Eli, 65, 66. The Caches, 38. The Three R's, 186. The "2700," 93, 94. Tomlinson, W. P., 225. Topeka, 70, 90, 100, 133, 135, 166. Topeka Constitution, 79, 95, 215. Topeka Movement, 215. Trading Posts, 49, 54. Trading Post Ford, 114. Trails, Santa Fe, 29-41; Oregon, 43; California, 43; Mormon, 43; Salt Lake, 70. Trail Markers, 203, 204. Trappers, 126. Traveling Libraries, 198. Treasurers, Territorial, 228; State, 230. Turk, 12. Twentieth to Twenty-third Kansas, 130. Underflow, 149. Union Pacific Railroad, 157, 174, 175, 176, 178, 206. University of Kansas, 67, 191, 195, 196. Utah, 29. Van Quickenborn, Father, 218. Wagons, used on Trail, 31, 39. Wakarusa War, 80-82. Walker, Governor, arrival of, 95; resigned, 98. War, Civil, 108, 111-115, 130, 131; French and Indian, 17; Revolutionary, 17; Spanish- American, 130. Ware, Eugene F., 200, 224, 226. Washburn College, 197. Wellhouse, Frederick, 223. Wellington, 166. Western Kansas, 148, 149, 178. Westport, 33, 43, 80, 113. Wheat, 152, 153, 155. White, William Allen, 226. Wichita, 166. Wilder, Daniel W., 224, 225. Windmill, at Lawrence, 143; irrigation, 148. Winter of 1855-'56, 85. Woman's Kansas Day Club, 201. Woman's Relief Corps, 204. Woman Suffrage, 138. Wood, S. N., 88. Woodson, Daniel, 77; opened Kansas to invaders, 91. Woodward, Brinton W., 225. Writers, Kansas, 225, 226. Wyandotte Constitution, 99, 100, 107, 225. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY BERKELEY Return to desk from which borrowed. This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. % % R uMaySlCl^ UMay'SaH 2BApr >S7y^ RECD LD APR 9 I35t OCT ^'^ ^ LD2l-100m-9,'47(A5702sl6)476 21Ap'61Dh MftY 21 1961 uo UBRARY USE ' ■B -0 1954 iv^C'D LD" p2 6'64-5PM JAN 3 1967 M/IY 311962 EOEIVED APR 2'67-2PM LOAH DEPT. ^ig:^^|g^MS^^j*i'/!^'£S»®"#?^tl«'¥^ y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY I li inHi' 1 .; ; V--- 1 1 :;iit!jj;ijjjj ; III |^M| !:: nil I' w