TN 871 A As SB TD7 ,48 Oil Well Records in McKean and Elk Counties, [Pennsylvania. BY CHAS. A. ASHBURNER, M.S. ASSISTANT GEOLOGICAL SURVEY. (Bead before the American Philosophical Society, ) The demand for accurate well records in the northern oil field has be- come very great, from the eagerness with which the producers have sought to find petroleum, outside of the limits of the Bradford development. Most of the explorers, from the way in which their wells are drilled by contractors, are unable to keep a complete and correct record of the rocks through which the drill passes, yet they are ever anxious to procure reliable records from other sources to aid them in their "wild cat" operations. During the past two years I have been able to obtain through the assist- ance of Mr. M. M. Schultz of Wilcox, a number of extremely valuable 'and interesting records of wells drilled in the vicinity of that village. Mr. Schultz by his untiring perseverance has succeeded in getting records of no less than six wells drilled to an average depth of over eighteen hundred feet. All have been kept with the greatest care and most of them'under his personal supervision. No complete register of all the rocks passed through by the drill has ever been kept by any of the producers in the Bradford oil field. In De- cember, 1877, Prof. Lesley appointed Mr. Arthur Hale, of the Survey, to the special work of obtaining a correct record of the Dennis & Co.'s Well, No. 1, which was about to be drilled on the high summit to the south-west of Bradford. All of these records together with a more minute description and fuller discussion of the rocks drilled through, will be found in my forthcoming report of progress in McKean and Elk Counties. I have been induced to communicate to the Society a few of the more valuable well records for immediate reference prior to the publication of the report. The position of the Glean Conglomerate above the mouth of each well is given in feet in order that a comparison may be made between the several sections. All the rocks of the section are not named for reasons which can be better appreciated when the report is published. The Olean Conglomerate is the bottom of the Coal Conglomerate No. XII, or Millstone grit. The Bradford oil producing sand belongs without question to the Chemung Period, or the upper part of No. VIII. C. W. Dennis Co.'s Well, No. 1. Owned by C. W. Dennis & Co., situated on the Roger's farm, three fourths of a mile south 35 west of Bradford, Bradford Township, McKean County. The record of this well w r as kept by Mr. Arthur Hale, aid to Mr. John F. Carll, Assistant Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania. The well was drilled in December 1877, and January 1878. Mr. Hale made the measurements with great accuracy, the method pursued, to- 376 gether with a fuller description of the facts obtained will be published in the District report. It is due Mr. Hale to state that the Dennis record is, without doubt, the longest detailed and accurately measured record of any oil well in the United States. Deeper wells have been drilled, but no record has ever been kept so accurate as this one to such a depth. Wherever the rock passed through by the drill was found to change a specimen was secured ; in many cases a number of specimens of the same stratum were kept, in order that after a more careful study the horizons or divisions might be shifted the better to agree w T ith the true succession of the strata. I hope to deposit a duplicate series of specimens in the museum of the Philadelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, and it is hoped that duplicates may be deposited in other museums throughout the States. In view of this fact I have given below the numbers of the specimens obtained of each stratum. The f-levation of the top of the well above Ocean in feet is 2055. The elevation of the Bradford Station of the Bradford Branch of the Erie Railway being 1444 feet. Surface clays 4' to 4' Sandy shale, olive-gray, micaceous, muddy ; spec. 1 11 " 15 S. S. gray, fine, micaceous, muddy; specs. 2, 3, 4, 5 33 " 48 Shale dark-gray, with thin micaceous sand shells, muddy ; specs. 6, 7 19 " 67 S. S. gray, fine, soft, muddy ; spec. 8 8 " 75 Slaty sandstone, bluish, fine, muddy ; specs. 9, 10 23 " 98 Fine gray sand-shells and dark slates alternating, muddy ; specs. 11, 12, 13 18 " 116 S. S. ashy gray, very fine micaceous, jnuddy ; specs. 14, 15 16 " 132 Red shale, soft ; spec. 16 * 6 " 138 S. S. olive gmy fine micaceous ; spec. 17 12 " 150 S. S. dark olive gray, fine micaceous ; specs. 18, 19, 20 30 " 180 S. S. white, mixed with green and brown, fine ; spec. 21 8 " 188 S. S. bluish gray, fine, micaceous, muddy ; spec. 22 9 " 197 Red shale, " paint rock " top soft, bottom sandy and micaceous ; specs. 23, 24, 25 18 " 215 S. S. gray, fine, mixed with slate, a few pebbles ; specs. 26, 27.. 23 " 238 Slate, bluish ; specs. 28, 29, 30, 31 22 " 260 Slate, bluish, with thin plates of fine sandstone ; specs. 32, 33. . 15 " 275 Sandy slate, dark gray, fine, micaceous ; specs. 34, 35, 36 16 " 291 Slate, bluish ; specs. 37, 38, 39 24 " 315 S. S. gray, fine, micaceous ; spec. 40 5 " 320 Red slate, micaceous, muddy ; spec. 41, 42 8 " 328 S. S. olive gray, soft, micaceous, some slate ; specs. 43, 44, 45. 39 " 367 Red rock, mottled sandy shale, brown, green and gray ; specs. 46, 47 , 15 " 382 Slate sandy, gray ; spec. 48 8 " 390 S. S. dark, very fine ; specs. 49, 50 10 " 400 8. S. gray, very fine, hard, drillings like flour ; specs. 51-56 inclusive 35 to 435 Slate, sandy micaceous ; specs. 57 to 63 inclusive 38 " 473 S. S. dark-gray, very fine, micaceous, flaky; spec. 64 6 " 479 S. S. bluish-gray, fine, hard, remnants of fossils ; spec. 65 6 ' ' 485 Slate, sandy in streaks, micaceous, fossil bands ; specs. 66-76 in- clusive 95 " 580 Dark-gray, thin-bedded S.S., fine, micaceous, slate partings, fos- sils ; specs. 77 to 89 inclusive 71 " 651 S. S. gray, fine, flaky, micaceous, fossils ; specs. 90, 91, 92 23 " 674 Slate; specs. 93, 94 12 " 686 S. S. dark-gray, slate partings, fossils ; specs. 95, 96, 97, 98 26 " 712 Red rock, purplish, sanely, very fine, micaceous, fossils ; specs. 99, 100 10" 722 Sandy slate, dark, micaceous ; specs. 101, 102, 103 20 " 742 S. S. fine, micaceous, alternating with slate and "chocolate" shale, fossils ; specs. 104 to 113 inclusive 63 " 805 S. S. thin bedded, micaceous, slate partings, fossils ; specs. 114 115 13 " 818 Slate, an occasional sand-shell with fossils; specs. 116 to 136 in- clusive 125 " 943 S. S. brown and purplish, fine, hard, fossils ; spec. 137 8 " 951 Slate, dark lead color 55 " 1006 " Red Rock," fine, purple and gray sandy slate ; specs. 147, 148. 14 " 1020 Gray sand, shells and slate, fossils ; specs. 149 to 153 inclusive.. 24 " 1044 Slate ; specs. 154, 155 12 " 1056 S. S. dark, hard, fine ; spec. 156 3 " 1059 S. S. yellow-gray, drillings as fine as flour : specs. 157 to 163 in- clusive 13 " 1072 Slate ; specs. 104, 165 5 " 1077 S. S- yellow-gray, fine ; spec. 166 4 " 1081 Slate, sandy; specs. 167, 168, 169 7 " 1088 S. S. dark-gray, fine, fossils ; specs. 170, 171 6 " 1094 Slate ; specs. 172 to 175 inclusive 17 " 1111 S. S. brown and gray, fine, soft with some slate (oil show) ; specs. 176 to 180 inclusive 14 " 1125 Slate ; specs. 181 to 186 inclusive 23 " 1148 Slate, with dark sand shells ; specs. 187 to 190 inclusive 15 " 1163 Slate ; specs. 191, 192 13 " 1176 Slate, with gray sand shells ; specs. 193, 194 5 " 1181 Slate; specs. 195, 196, 197 12 " 1193 Slate, with an occasional sand shell ; specs. 198 to 206 inclusive, 44 " 1237 Slate, " blue slate " ; specs. 207 to 219 inclusive 63 " 1300 S. S. brown, fine, flaky, slate partings, fossils ; specs. 220 to 223 inclusive 17 " 1317 Slate ; specs. 224 to 229 inclusive 28 " 1345 S. S. dark-gray, fine, close, hard ; specs. 230, 231 6 to 1351 S. S. brownish- gray, fine, slate partings ; specs. 232 to 237 in- clusive 30 " 1381 Sand, shells and slate ; specs. 238 to 242 inclusive 22 " 1403 Slate, sand shell at 1428' ; specs. 243 to 254 inclusive 59 " 1462 Fine sand shells and slate alternating ; specs. 255 to 261 inclu- sive 25 " 1487 Slate, sand shells at 1510', 1531', and 1573'; specs. 262 to 286 in- clusive 118 " 1605 Slate, with sand shells ; specs. 287 to 291 inclusive 27 " 1632 Slate ; specs. 292 to 295 inclusive 32 " 1664 S. S. brown, fine, flaky. Bradford "3d" or oil prod ucing sand ; specs. 296 to 310 inclusive 54 " 1718 Slate and S, S. ; spec. 311 1 " 1719 The top of the ridge directly above the Dennis Well, No. 1, is capped by the Sub-Olean Conglomerate, which lies from 50 to 70 feet below the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate ; the top of the well is about 115 feet below this latter horizon. The sandstone and conglomerate which caps the summits surrounding Bradford, and which is found broken up in large masses on the hill slopes, comes from the Olean Conglomerate. Kinzua Well or "Dry Hole," P. C. L. and P. Co. Owned by the Producers Consolidated Land and Petroleum Company of Bradford, situated on Kinzua Creek, near the mouth of Glad run, in war- rant 3122, Hamlin Township, McKean County, and about five miles north- east of Kane. The land upon which this well is located together with the adjoining tracts are part of those originally belonging to the "McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co.," General Thomas L. Kane, Supt. The well was drilled in the Spring of 1877, aiid the record was furnished by Mr. L. C. Blakeslee, Superintendent P. C. L. and P. Co. The elevation of the top of the well, as determined by Mr. J. W. Mur- phy of Wilcox, is 52 feet higher than Wilcox Well, No. 3, or 1718 feet above Ocean. Surface clays, &c 32 to 32 Soft slate 78 " 110 Mud slate 95 " 205 Red rock 50 " 255 Slate rock 38" 293 Red rock 57 " 350 Sand " shells " and red rock mixed 15 " 365 Slate 35 " 400 Sand "shell" 10" 410 Slate 346" 756 Mixed slate and'hard slate rock. 361 " 1017 Mixed slate and sand "shells.".. . 358 " 1375 Hard slate mixed with sand and " pebble shell." 370 to 1745 Slate and sand alternating 40 " 1785 Drilled dry. Cased at 370' Heavy sand " shell" at 1017' Sand at 1745' Slate " 1760' Sand " 1768' Slate " 1780' Salt water found in sands at 1745' and 17(58' Mr. Blakeslee reports that no "good show" of oil was found. A small gas vein was struck, position not stated. Elevation of the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate on the P. & E. R. R. four miles due south-west from the Kinzua Well is 1868 feet. The calculated elevation of the same hori- zon at the well is 1900 feet. \ Wilcox Well, No. 2, or Schultz Gas Well Owned by M. M. Schultz & Co., situated on the west branch Clarion River, in warrant 2676, Sergeant Township, McKean County, and five miles north of Wilcox, a station on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad, 104 miles east of the City of Erie. This well is 855 feet south, 17 degrees 30 minutes west, of Wilcox Well, No. 1, or the old Adams Well,* which was drilled in 1864. (?) Drilling on this well was commenced about the first of the year (1876) and completed in the latter part of August of the same year. After the drilling was completed to a depth of 2004 feet, an "oil saver " was attached to the iron casing (5f inch), and the gas issuing from the well was conveyed through a two inch pipe and discharged about two feet above the surface of the water, which partially filled the 250 barrel tank which had been erected. Sufficient oil was passed to show itself as a scum on the surface of the water. Mr. Schultz conceived the idea of inserting into the well to a depth of 2000 feet, an inch pipe, and by closing the mouth of the casing to utilize the pressure of the gas to force the oil out through the inch tubing. Mr. Schultz believed that the bulk of the oil which was found in the well was coming from the sand extending from 1795 to 1815 feet, in which the drillers reported that they had "struck" a small quantity of heavy green oil. In this event the immense volume of gas which was issuing from a depth of 1776 feet might more than counterbalance in its pressure the pressure of the oil from a lower horizon, and thus prevent it from fill- ing the hole. After the tubing was adjusted and the gas confined in the well as much * For a complete record of this well, see a paper by Prof. Lesley in the Proceed- ings of the American Philosophical Society, Vol. X, p'ige 238; also one in the Petroleum Monthly of a later date. A description of a very interesting action of this well is given in a paper named " Description of the Wilcox Spouting Water Well," which I read before the Society, Sept. 2', 1877. G as two to three barrels were forced out. Mr. Schultz thinks that the tubing during this time must have been entirely filled with oil to the exclusion of gas. In this case the pressure of the gas must have been sufficient to raise a column of oil one square inch in section and 2000 feet high. Of course, such an enormous pressure could only be temporary. The oil flowed from the tubing but for a few moments, the gas then probably became thoroughly mixed up with the oil which from its low temperature quickly congealed and effectually choked the pipe. After a few hours the gas ceased to flow entirely from the well and also from the adjoining well, No. 1. The gas commenced to flow again with greater energy after 36 hours of inactivity, from both wells, Nos. 1 and 2. In the early part of 1877, the pressure of the gas seemed to increase sud- denly. About the middle of May, four months after, the gas from both wells, Nos. 1 arid 2, ceased to flow for the second time without any obstruc- tion having been knowingly placed in its way. No gas was found to come from either well till July 14th, when it commenced to flow again. Up to the present time the amount of gas increases and diminishes at irregular intervals. The gas from this well was used as fuel in drilling well, No. 3. The elevation of Wilcox Well, No. 2, is 1642 feet above Ocean on the corrected datum of the P. & E. R. R. which makes Wilcox Station 1527.* Loam and gravel 30 to 30 Gray slate 50 " 80 Gray slate = 2 " 82 Gray sand 42 " 125 Red shale 20 " 145 Gray sand 5 " 150 Red shale 25 " 175 Gray soapstone (shale and clay) 10 " 185 Red shale mixed with gray slate 155 " 340 ' Streak of soft red shale 15 " 355 Gray slate 62 " 417 White sand pebble rock containing gas and salt water 5 " 422 Gray slate 228 " 650 Dark gray slate 30 " 680 Gray slate and sand 75 " 755 Gray and red slate mixed 40 " 795 Gray slate 60 " 855 Gray slate and hard shell 5" 860 Gray slate 5 " 865 Gray and red slate 20 " 885 Gray slate 25 " 910 < Red and gray slate 5 " 915 Gray slate 30 " 945 Gray sand 5 " 950 Gray and red sand 5 " 955 * Report N. Second Geological Survey of Pennsylvania, p. 142. Gray and red slate 15 to 970 Gray slate 15 " 985 Gray slate and sand 5 " 990 Gray slate 60 " 1050 Gray slate and sand 5 " 1055 Gray slate and sand 25 " 1080 Dark gray sand 15 " 1095 Very hard light gray sand 5 " 1100 Gray slate and sand containing small bivalve shells 20 " 1120 Gray slate and hard gray sand 5 " 1125 Gray slate and soft sand 10 " 1135 Hard gray sand 10 " 1 145 Soft gray slate 27 " 1172 Gray sand 8 " 1180 Gray sand and slate 5 " 1185 Gray slate containing shells 15 " 1200 Gray sand containing first strong smell of oil 1205 to 1210 20 " 1220 Gray slate and hard shell 15 " 1235 Gray slate 15 " 1250 Gray slate containing shells 15 " 1265 Graj r slate and clover seed sand 5 " 1270 Gray slate with hard shell 10 " 1280 Gray slate ,10 " 1290 Gray slate and hard shell 25 " 1315 Light gray sand 10 " 1325 Coarse gray sand 5 " 1330 Slate 5 " 1335 Hard gray sand 5 " 1340 White sand '. 10 " 1350 Coarse gray sand 5 " 1355 Gray slate and shell 5 " 1360 Gray slate 30 " 1390 Gray sand 10 " 1400 Gray slate , 20 " 1420 Gray slate containing shell 25 " 1445 Gray slate , 15 " 1460 Gray slate containing shell 105 " 1565 Hard gray sand 15 " 1580 Slate and shell 55 " 1635 Gray sand , 35 " 1670 Coarse gray slate \ 9 " 1679 Dark brown sand containing amber oil, greatest amount near top of sand.* 16 " 1695 Gray slate 40 " 1735 Gray slate and sand 10 " 1745 * Probable representative of Bradford "3d " or oil producing sand. 8 Gray slate and shell ........................................ 25 to 1770 Gray slate and sand ........................................ 6 " 1776 Hard gray sand rock containing a great quantity of gas ....... 4 " 1780 Gray slate ................................................ 10 " 1790 Fine sand and slate ........................................ 5 " 1795 Gray sand, upper part containing heavy green oil ............ 20 " 1815 Gray and red micaceous sand and pebbles .................... 20 " 1835 Gray slate ............................................... 55 " 1890 Gray slate and red sand. ................................... 5 " 1895 Red sand and pebbles ...................................... 5 " 1900 White sand containing oil .................................. 10 " 1910 White and gray sand containing oil ......................... 20 " 1930 Gray slate ................................................ 74 " 2004 Drilled Dry. Cased ............................ ____ 541' Fresh water course .................................. 42^' Gas and salt water .................................. 422' Gas increases, salt water. ............................ 538' Gas vein ............................................ 1172' First show of oil. . . ......................... 1205' to 1210' Sand containing greatest amount of oil, particularly at top of sand. Oil, amber color ...... ...... 1679' to 1695' Great gas vein ........ . ............................. 1776' Heavy green oil ................................... . 1800' White and gray sand containing oil ........... 1900' to 1930' was tubed about the first of the year, and has since been pumped continuously every other day. Its average daily production is reported to be a barrel and a-half. The Glean Conglomerate is not exposed in the vicinity of the Wilcox Wells, the lower horizon is probably 125 feet above the mouth of Wilcox Well, No. 2. Wilcox Well, No. 3, or " John's Well. 1 ' Owned by M. M. Schultz & Co., and situated 1782 feet north 73 degrees 30 minutes west of well No. 2. The well was commenced in the early part of October, 1876, and com- pleted to a depth of 1850 feet about the middle of June, 1877. After the well had been drilled to a depth of 1720 feet, tubing was in- serted to a depth of 1684 feet, and it was reported that the well produced, by pumping, a barrel a day for about six months, when it was decided to drill deeper. The tubing was drawn and after losing the tools several times drilling was finally abandoned at a depth of 1850 feet. The elevation of the top of the well is 1666 feet above Ocean ; Wilcox Station being 1527 feet above the same datum. 9 Drift, as follows : 48' to 43' Loam and sand 5' . Loam and gravel 5' Gravel and pebble 10' Gravel and sand 5' Gravel and pebble 5' Gravel and sand rock 5' Quicksand and coarse pebble 5' Fine sand 3' Gray slate 2 to 45 Gray slate 35 " 80 Gray sand 37 " 117 Red slate or shale 18 " 135 Red shale (rock hard) 10 " 145 Gray sand rock 10 " 155 Red shale 5 " 160 Red slate 20 " 180 Gray slate 25 " 205 Red slate 105 " 310 Red shale 15 " 325 Gray slate and sand 15 " 340 Gray slate and shell 15 " 355 Red slate 25 " 380 Gray slate 15 " 395 Gray slate and shell 20 " 415 Gray sand 15 " 430 Gray slate * . 5 " 435 Gray sand rock 7 " 442 Clover seed rock 8 " 450 Gray shale 15 " 465 Dark gray slate and shell 75 " 540 Gray slate and shell 7 " 547 Gray slate 43 " 590 Hard gray slate ^ 75 " 665 Hard dark gray shale 30 " 695 Gray slate and sand 5 " 700 Hard gray sand 15 " 715 Light sand with shale 5 " 720 White and gray sand 55 " 775 Hard and fine gray sand 25 " 800 Fine dark gray sand 5 " 805 Gray slate 5 " 810 Gray slate and shale 5 " 815 Fine gray sand 23 " 838 Red slate 7 " 845 Gray sand 25 " 870 10 Red slate 10 to 880 Gray slate . 35 ' ' 915 Red slate 5 " 920 Gray slate 15 " 935 Soft gray sand 5 " 940 Soft gray and white sand 15 " 955 Dark gray sand 5 " 960 Hard gray sand 5 " 965 Gray sand and slate 5 " 970 Fine hard dark gray sand 5 " 975 Red slate 5 " 980 Graj slate 35 " 1015 Hard gray sand 20 " 1035 Gray slate 35 " 1070 Dark gray sand 5 " 1075 Gray sand 5 " 1080 Gray shale 15 " 1095 Gray sand and very hard shells. 5 " 1100 Soft gray sand 15 " 1115 Gray and white shell 10 " 1125 Close soft white sand 20 " 1145 Hard gray shells 20 " 1165 Gray slate 15 " 1180 White and gray sand and pebbles . 10 " 1190 Close white sand 5 " 1195 Gray sandstone and white pebbles 20 " 1215 Coarse white'sand 5 " 1220 Silver gray sand 10 " 1230 Fine white sand 5 " 1235 Gray slate and shell 10 " 1245 Gray slate 40 " 1285 Gray slate and shell 25 " 1310 Gray sand 20 " 1330 White sand 10 " 1340 Slate 5 " 1345 Coarse gray sand 10 " 1355 Soft white sand 5 " 1360 Soft gray sand 5 " 1365 Fine white sand 5 " 1370 Slate and hard shell 15 " 1385 Gray hard shell 30 " 1415 Gray slate .. . . 20 " 1435 Slate and shell 5 " 1440 Hard gray sandstone 10 ' ' 1450 White sand 5 " 1455 Gray slate 35 " 1490 11 Hard gray shale 5 to 1495 Gray sand 5 " 1500 Close white sand 5 " 1505 Hard white sand 5 " 1510 Gray slate 20 " 1530 Gray slate and shell 5 " 1535 Hard white sand 10 " 1545 Gray shell 5 " 1550 Glay slate 25 < 1575 Gray sand and shell 15 " 1590 Gray slate 15 " 1605 Gray sand 20 " 1625 Gray slate 10 " 1635 Gray slate and shell 30 " 1665 Gray slate 10 " 1675 Gray slate and shell 10 " 1685 Crevice full of quicksand 2 " 1687 Dark sand containing oil 3 " 1690 Crevice, containing loose stones, and oil 5 " 1695 Dark sand and oil 5 " 1700 Coarse sand and oil 5 " 1705 Loose slate 10 " 1715 Light colored slate 65 " 1780 "Gas crevice " full of stone and sand 5 " 1785 Dark sand 7 " 1792 Light colored slate 16 " 1808 Hard fine sand 15 " 1 823 White and red sand mixed, red sand like quicksand 9 " 1833 Fine red and white sand 11 " 1843 Sandy slate [?] 7 " 1850 Drilled dry. Cased 547' Drive pipe 43' Heavy water course 52' Gas vein 593' First strong smell of oil 1132' Gas and strong smell of oil 1182' Oil in gray shale 1685' Crevice full of quicksand 1687'dr Oil 1690' Crevice containing loose stones and oil 1695' Oil 1700' Oil. 1705' Pumped 1720' (?) Oil 1780' Gas crevice full of stone and sand 1784' Gas crevice 1808' The bottom of the Olean Conglomerate is the same distance above well 12 No. 3 as well No. 2, allowing for the difference in elevation of the two wells. Ernhout and Taylor Well, No. 1. Owned by Capt. John Ernhout and Frank Taylor, Esq., on north side of Wilson Run, near south-east corner of warrant 3218, Jones Township, Elk County, and about 3| miles north-west of Wilcox and several hundred feet north of the P. & E. R.R. The tract upon which this well is located is owned by D. Scull, Jr., Esq., of Philadelphia. Drilling was commenced Jan. 15, 1878, and abandoned March 13, when the tools were lost at a depth of 1335 feet. It is expected after the tools shall have been recovered, that the w r ell will be drilled deeper. Record reported by Mr. M. M. Schultz. Elevation of well, determined by Mr. A. W. Sheafer, Aid, McKean District, 1645 feet (Bar). Loam and sand 40' to 40' Blue sand shale 160 " 200 Blue slate 40 " 240 Red rock 95 " 335 Red rock, very hard 15 lf 350 Red rock, softer 45 " 395 Red rock 45 " 440 Sand and shells 15 " 455 Slate 15 " 470 Red rock 10 " 480 Red sand 15 " 495 Blue sand shells 35 " 530 Brown sand and white pebble 20 " 550 Slate and shells 95 " 645 Hard blue sa^nd.. 10 " 655 Slate and shells 20 " 675 Brown sand and white shells 5 " 680 Slate and shells 75 " 755 Blue sand 25" 780 Slate and shells 210 " 990 Red rock 20 " 1010 Slate 50 " 1060 White sand 35 " 1095 Red sand 20 " 1115 Slate and shells 135 " 1250 Gray sand 25 " 1275 Gray slate and shells 10 " 1285 Gray sand 20 " 1305 Slate and shells 10 " 1315 White sand 5 " 1320 White sand containing gas and strong smell of oil 15 " 1335 Drilled dry. Cased 481' Gas and smell of oil 1320' Lost tools. . . 1335' 13 The position of the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate above the Ern- hout and Taylor Wells has not yet been determined. A comparison may be made between these sections and the records of the Wilcox Wells by means of the red shale bands. Ernhout and Taylor Well, No. 2. Owned by Ernhout and Taylor, and situated in the south-eastern corner of warrant 3215, Wetmore Township, McKean County, about one mile north of well No. 1. Tract formerly part of McKean and Elk Land and Improvement Co.'s lands. Drilling commenced March 12, 1878, mineral water " vein " struck at a depth of 1990 feet May 9. The well w r as afterwards drilled 10 feet deeper through a dark fine (coffee grounds) sand strongly impregnated with oil. Oil not having been found in this well in paying quantities the casing was drawn, and water from the fresh water ' ' veins ' ' permitted to flow into the hole. The gas threw out of the well water, at regular intervals, to a height of 125 feet, more or less.* Shortly after the casing was drawn a wooden plug was inserted into the upper part of the well and partially filled the hole. After this was done the well spouted every eleven minutes, the eruption lasting for two minutes. The column of water and gas rises above the top of the derrick (70 feet), and after several pulsations falls and almost ceases to spout, when it suddenly rises again repeating the action and vanishing entirely at the end of two minutes. Record reported by Mr. M. M. Schultz. Elevation of well determined by Mr. Sheafer, 1730 feet (Bar). Loam and sand 40' to 40' Gray slate 85 " 125 Shells 10 " 135 Gray slate 65 " 200 Gray slate and shells 105 " 305 Red shale 10 " 315 Sand and shells 40 " 355 Red shale 125 " 480 Shells 30 " 510 Red rock 50 " 560 Gray slate 30 " 590 Red shale 55 " *645 Gray slate 175 " 820 Hard sand shells 80 " 900 Sand shell 100 " 1000 Sand 75 " 1075 Red rock 5 " 1080 Red rock, "pale" 5 " 1085 Gray slate 85 ' 1170 *See paper which I read before the Society, Sept. 21, 1877, on the "Wilcox Spouting Water Well." The action in these two wells is similar. 14 Red rock 5 to 1175 Soft, muddy, gritty, slate 130 " 1305 Gray slate 80 " 1385 Light gray slate ; . . 10 " 1395 Sand shells 10 " 1405 Sand, smell of oil 10 " 1415 Sand containing heavy gas "vein." 2 " 1417 Sand 5 " 1422 Gray slate 48 " 1470 Sand and shells 85 " 1555 Dark and light gray slate 210 " 1765 Sandy slate 45 " 1810 Hard gray sand 5 " 1815 Slate 65 " 1880 Dark brown sand 10 " 1890 Soft gray slate ; 90 " 1980 Dark sand strongly impregnated with oil 10 " 1990 Dark fine sand (coffee grounds) containing oil 10 " 2000 Drilled dry. Cased..... 364' Gas 1415' Oil smell 1405' Strong smell of oil 1890' Strong smell of oil 1990' Heavy ' ' vein ' ' of mineral water, easily corroding the tools 1990' Sear Creek Well, or "Dry Hole," P. C. L. and P. Go. Owned by the Producers' Consolidated Land and Petroleum Company, of Bradford. Situated on Bear Creek, east side of County road between Wilcox and Ridgway, in warrant 3257, Jones Township, Elk County. Land leased from Wilcox Tanning Company. Drilling was commenced about April 1, 1878, and was completed in from 50 to 60 days. The record was reported by Mr. M. M. Schultz. No show of oil was found. The elevation of the top of the well is 1595 feet (Bar.) above ocean. Drift 25' to 25' Blue slate rock 25 " 50 Red rock 15 " 65 Blue slate 10 " 75 Red rock 20 " 95 Sandy or " putty" slate rock 25 " 120 Sand rock 25 " 145 Soft slate 12 " 157 Hard shells. .. 5 " 162 15 Very muddy slate 20 to 182 Hard slate 10 " 192 Hard sand 8 " 200 Hard slate 30 " 230 Very white loose sand 35 " 265 Hard shells and slate 5 " 270 Very hard sand 20 " 290 Tough slate rock 10 " 300 Very hard shells 10 " 310 Hard fine sand 10 " 320 Soft slate 30 " 350 Hard fine sand - 69 " 419 Soft slate 10 " 429 Hard fine sand 10" 439 Shells 30" 469 Very red rock 5 " 474 Soft slate or "putty " rock 80 " 554 Shells and slate 55 " 609 Blue slate 15 " 624 Red rock 10 " 634 Blue slate 22 " 656 Hard sand 9 " 665 Bedrock 26" 691 Blue slate 12 " 703 Hard shell 4 " 707 Red rock 86 " 793 Blue slate -. 22 " 815 Red rock 48 " 863 Slate and shells 30 " 893 Red rock 26 " 919 Hard gray sand 10 " 929 Soffslate and shell 167 " 1096 Gray slate 159 " 1255 Sand 10 " 1265 Slate and shells 30 " 1295 Fine red sand 10 " 1305 Slate and shells 203 " 1508 Sandy shells 25 " 1533 Slate and shells 34 " 1567 Close light sand 12 " 1579 Soft slate 25 " 1604 Close white sand 10 " 1614 Slate and shells ^ 52 " 1666 Pebble sand ". 5 " 1671 Slate and shells 15 " 1686 White sand shells . . 10 " 1696 1(5 Hard slate 10 to 1706 Loose white sand 50 " 1756 Slate and shells 65 " 182i Muddy slate 15 " 1836 Slate and shells 12 " 1848 Muddy slate 20 " 1868 Slate and sand shells 30 " 1898 Sand 22 " 1920 Slate and shells 8 " 1928 Slate 60 " 1988 Slate and shells 10 " 1998 Drilled dry. Cased 380' Drive pipe 25' Crevice drained off water 120' .... 230' Salt water 270' Drillers reported " oil smell " in sand from 1706 to 1756' The Olean Conglomerate in this locality varies very much in its charac- ter. It is found changing from a coarse pebble conglomerate to a rather fine or even shaly sandstone in comparatively short distances. The "blue slate rock" directly under the drift in the Bear Creek well, represents probably a portion of the Olean Conglomerate. Silver Creek Well or "Dry Hole." Burton and Wallace. Owned by Messrs. Burton and Wallace, of Rynd Farm, situated on Silver Creek, west side of County road, between Wilcox and Ridgway, in war- rant 3261, Ridgway Township, Elk County. Land leased from Wilcox Tanning Company. Drilling was commenced about the same time as at the Bear Creek Well, and was completed June 26, 1878. The record was reported by Mr. M. M. Schultz. No show of oil was found. The elevation of the top of the well is 1615 feet (Bar.) above ocean. Conductor 15' to 15-' Slate 15 " 30 Gray sand 25 " 55 Pebble sand 30 " 85 Red slate 5 " 90 Black sand 60 " 150 Fine blue sand 70 " 220 Red slate 10 " 230 Fine pebble rock .- 30 " 260 Dark fine sand 40 " 3uO Slate and hard shells 10 " 310 Fine blue sand.. 70" 380 17 White slate 10 to 390 Hard fine sand 55" 445 White slate and hard shells 95 " 540 Red rock 5 545 Soft white slate 55 600 Hard shells and slate 10 " 610 Soft white rock 40 " 650 Red rock 100 " 750 White slate 15 " 765 Red rock 85 " 850 White slate 22" 872 Red rock 25 " 897 White shells and slate 26 " 923 Red rock 40 " 963 White slate 42 " 1005 Hard shells and slate 20 " 1025 White slate with shells 50 " 1075 Hard black sand 25 " 1100 Hard slate 75 " 1175 Black slate and shells , 45 " 1220 Hard white sand 15 " 1235 Slate 10 " 1245 Sand and shells 10 " 1255 Hard shelly rock 45 " 1300 Pale red rock and slate 10 " 1310 White slate and shells 10 " 1320 Red sand 12 " 1332 Soft slate 13 " 1345 Hard shells 20 " 1365 Light red sand 10 " 1875 Hard shelly rock 20 " 1395 Fine gray sand ' 10 " 1405 Hard red rock 10 " 1415 Slate and shells 20 " 1435 Red sand and pebbles 25 " 1460 Hard shells 15 " 1475 Slate and shells 35 " 1510 White slate 10" 1520 Gray sand 8 " 1528 Red rock 7 ' 1535 Slate and hard shells 45 " 1580 Hard fine white sand 25 " 1605 Hard slate and shells 20 " 1625 Fine white sand 8 " 1633 Hard shells 7 " 1640 Fine gray sand 10 " 1650 18 Hard shells and slate * 15 to 1665 Hard shells 5 " 1670 Sand and pebbles 8 " 1678 Slate and shells 82 " 1760 Drilled dry. Cased 450' Conductor 15' Salt water in slate 445 to 540' red rock 1528 to 1535' Smell of oil reported in sand 1670 to 1678' The Olean Conglomerate is probably represented in the record by the sand from 30 to 85 feet below the top of the well. The records of the Bear Creek and Silver Creek Wells are invaluable as having a direct bearing upon the probable existence of petroleum to the south and south-east of Wilcox. It will be noticed that the mass of the red rocks are some 300 feet lower in the the Bear and Silver Creek Wells than in the Wilcox Wells, estimat- ing from the bottom of the Olean Conglomerate. The question as to whether the mass of red bands in the two localities are the same and whether the strata included between them and the Olean have thickened to the south and south-east, is extremely suggestive. NOTE. The records are published just as they have been reported to me. I have not even altered the phraseology, which is quite different in a number of places where the same idea was evidently intended to be con- veyed. I will merely add, for those who are unacquainted with the terms em- ployed by the drillers, that "shell " means any hard stratum encountered in the well and not, as might be supposed, a fossil. HOME USE CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT MAIN LIBRARY This book is due on the last date stamped below. 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405. 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk. Renewals and recharges may be made 4 days prior to due date. ALL BOOKS ARE SUBJECT TO RECALL 7 DAYS AFTER DATE CHECKED OUT. 08. w* LD21 A-40m-8,'75 (S7737L) General Library University of California Berkeley I