Just published, the Nineteenth Edition of LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAYALIEES, AND OTHER POEMS. BY W. EDMONDSTOUNE AYTOUN, D.C.L. Foolscap octavo, price 7s. 6d. ILLUSTRATED EDITION OF AYTOUN'S LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIEES. BY SIR J. NOEL PATON, & W. H. PATON. In Small Quarto, printed on Toned Paper, bound in gilt cloth, 21s. OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. "The artists have excelled themselves in the engravings which they have furnished. Seizing the spirit of Mr Aytoun's ' Ballads,' as, perhaps, none but Scotchmen could have seized it, they have thrown their whole strength into the work with a heartiness which others would do well to imitate. Whoever there maybe that does not already know these ' Lays,' we recommend at once to make their acquaintance in this edition, wherein author and artist illustrate each other as kindred spirits should." Standard. "Of all our illustrated books there has been none so magnificent as this This is a beautiful book. There was never a Christmas book like it ; and we lay it down with a reluctance which is not the most common feeling of the reviewer." Daily Review. " This is, on the whole, one of the very best of the Christmas books, and certainly one which puts forth high artistic claims." Saturday Review. " This is, to look upon, a kingly, a lordly, and a knightly book : it has an outer dress worthy of the kings and lords and knights whose deeds are the theme of the spirited strains imprinted on its pages. The illustrations, too, which adorn the pages, full well deserve the handsome covers which preserve them, as it were, in a costly casket. They are gems of art wrought by skilful artificers by J. Noel Paton and Waller H. Paton. The former is mighty in the delineation of figures, the latter graceful in landscape scenery." Illustrated London News. " Sometimes it has been a difficult matter to decide which book was en- titled to the prize ; fortunately, this year the task is easy one volume being so considerably raised above its fellows by the exquisite beauty and elaborate finish of the drawings, worthily seconded by the labours of the engravers, themselves artists, that the first place will readily be conceded to this edition of Aytoun's ' Lays of the Scottish Cavaliers.' " The. Book- seller. TRANSLATIONS BY THEODORE MARTIN. GOETHE'S FAUST. Second Edition. 6s. cloth. THE ODES OF HORACE, with Life and Notes. 9s. CATULLUS, with Life and Notes. 6s. 6d. THE VITA NUOVA OF DANTE, with Introduction and Notes. 7s. 6d. ALADDIN. By OEHLENSCHLAEGER. 5s. CORREGGIO. By the Same. 5s. KING RENE'S DAUGHTER. By HENKIK HERTZ. 2s. 6d. cloth. NINTH EDITION. THE BOOK OF BALLADS. Edited by Bon Gaultier. With numerous Illustrations by DOYLE, LEECH, and CROWQUILL. Gilt edges, post octavo, 8s. 6d. SECOND EDITION. POEMS AND BALLADS OF GOETHE. TRANSLATED BY W. E. Aytoun and Theodore Martin. 6s. cloth. THIRD EDITION. BOTHWELL: A POEM. By "William Edmondstoune Aytoun, D.C.L. Foolscap octavo, 7s. 6d. Fl RMI LtAN; (in, TIIK STUDKNT OF HADA.TOX. A Spasmodic Tragedy. Foolscap octavo, 5s. THIRD EDITION. THE BALLADS OF SCOTLAND. Edited by Professor Aytoun. 2 vols., foolscap octavo, 12*. \Vir.MAM 111,. \CK\vooi) & SONS, Edinburgh and London. "C- MEMOIR WILLIAM EDMONDSTOUNE ATTOUN D. C. L. .- iaodon. MEMOIR D. C. L. AUTHOR OF ' LAYS OF THE SCOTTISH CAVALIERS/ ETC. ETC. BY THEODOEE MARTIN WITH AN APPENDIX WILLIAM BLACKWOOD AND SONS EDINBURGH AND LONDON MDCCCLXVII Stack Annex 40M8 TO THE SISTERS OF MY FRIEND, THIS MEMOKIAL OF HIS LIFE IN AFFECTIONATE REMEMBKANCE. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE ANCESTRY AND PARENTAGE HIS MOTHER HIS BIRTH EARLY CHA- RACTER AND TASTES FAIRY LORE AND ITS CHARMS COUNTRY LIFE EARLY TASTE FOR READING SCHOOL AND COLLEGE LIFE HIS FAVOURITE CLASSICS TASTE FOR BELLES LETTRES, AND DIS- TASTE FOR METAPHYSICS AMUSEMENTS IN CHEMISTRY, AND THEIR RESULT HOLIDAY RAMBLES A TRIP TO ORKNEY, . . .1 CHAPTER II. A STUDENTS' MEETING, AND HIS SPEECH THERE EFFECTS OF THE REFORM EXCITEMENT ON HIM PUBLICATION OF ' POLAND AND OTHER POEMS' CHOICE OF A PROFESSION UNWILLINGNESS TO ADOPT THE LAW RESIDENCE AND STUDIES IN GERMANY TRANS- LATION OF FAUST FAUST THE MAGICIAN AND HIS CONJURING-BOOK MARLOWE'S FAUSTUS LIFE AT ASCHAFFENBURG, AND LETTERS TO HIS MOTHER SUNDAY ABROAD AND AT HOME HIS TUTOR'S OPINION OF HIM TRANSLATION OF THE BRIDE OF CORINTH THE WANDERING JEW, ....... 30 CHAPTER III. CHOOSES THE PROFESSION OF THE LAW CALLED TO THE BAR, AND HIS PROGRESS THERE FIRST CONTRIBUTIONS TO 'BLACKWOOD* THE BON GAULTIER PAPERS AND BALLADS " THE FLYING DUTCHMAN," A PROSE BURLESQUE "THE ELDER'S WARNING," A LAY OF THE CONVOCATION NATIONAL AND JACOBITE SYMPATHIES THE LAYS OF THE CAVALIERS VIEWS ON BALLAD POETRY DEATH OF HIS VI CONTENTS. FATHER HIS POLITICAL VIEWS AS A HUMORIST NEW THEORY OF RIZZIO'S MURDER ART-CRITICISM "THE SPANISH LEGION," A SKETCH " THE LAY OF THE LEGION " THE " CANNIBAL KILWIN- NING "JOINT-STOCK CEMETERIES " 8T MARY'S CHURCHYARD," A SKETCH "THE SCOTTISH CHRISTMAS" "THE JULIET" " LY- CAON," A BALLAD, . . . . . . .57 CHAPTER IV. THE BURNS FESTIVAL, AND HIS SPEECH THERE ANECDOTE OF DOUG- LAS JERROLD THE RAILWAY MANIA PUBLICATION OF " THE (il.KNMUTCHKIN RAILWAY," AND ITS EFFECTS RAILWAY LEGISLA- TION AND PARLIAMENTARY EVIDENCE A PARLIAMENTARY COM- MITTEE " RAILWAY CALLS," A SKETCH RAILWAY TRAVELLING CONTRASTED WITH THAT IN OLDEN TIMES STAGE BURLESQUES, AND RECIPE FOR ONE OF THESE TIECK'S PHANTA8US A SURREY MELODRAMA ASTLEY'S AS IT WAS, . . . . .100 CHAPTER V. A ITOINTED PROFESSOR OF RHETORIC AND BELLES LETTRES HIS 8UC- ( 'ESS HIS METHOD, AND CARE IN TRAINING HIS STUDENTS NUM- BER AND VARIETY OF HIS CONTRIBUTIONS TO ' BLACKWOOD ' T OF HIS PAPER ON THE CORN-LAW QUESTION CORRESPOND- ENT!; WITH THACKERAY APPOINTED SHERIFF OF ORKNEY HIS MARRIAGE -PICTURE OF HOUSEHOLD CARES AND CALAMITIES I.IXTI !!KS ON BALLAD POETRY THE "JUSTICE TO SCOTLAND" MOVKMEXT GREAT MEETING AT GLASGOW LETTERS TO MR ROBERTSON- -SCHEME OF A REFORM BILL DEATH OF PROFESSOR wi i.sox. ........ 124 CHAPTER VI. HIS INIM'STUV AND VERSATILITY PUBLICATION OF ' FIRMILIAN ' ITS RECEPTION AND EFFECTS .\