i ARK AMERICA AM; THE AF By Romain Rolland NOVEMBER, 1916 A Group of Century Poets WAR AND LAUGHTER By J.me. Oppenheim ANEW VOLUME of poems by this well-known pioneer of the free verse movement, whose "Songs for the New Age" have been called by The Boston Transcript "a mil-"*""- «"" "•"• poetic progress." Mr. Oppenheim is one of the few who have wrought vers lihre into a real music Laughter" is, as our reader says, "as invigorating as a blustery bath in the surf." Price $1.25 net. a milestone in our "War and SONGS FOR THE NEW AGE By James Oppenheim Unconventional, full of fire, alive with earnest and eager desire to cut to the heart of things. "Mr. Oppenheim is a tonic to those who accept, a challenge to those who reject him." — Louis-