A A = ^_ ^ A ^^ A = :/; = m - ^r. ID r\ ^^ u = =^= JC 2 ^ =^ O' y ^ == -i:^ 8 m .- CD JD T ^^ 8 = -c 3 = ^= o — < ^^m i:_i -c ' 1 Un36| UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES SCHOOL OF LAW LIBRARY ^\S. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS ;^-.- LIST OF REFERENCES ON I8TEEMT10NAL ARB1TRATI08 COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF APPLETON PRENTISS CLARK GRIFFIN CHIEF BIBLIOGRAPHER WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1908 Bib L. C. card, 8-35008 PREFATORY NOTE The purpose of this List is to exhibit material dealing' with Interna- tional Arbitration, and, further, particularly to show that on the Con- ferences at the Hague. The question of the Limitation of armaments and that of the Collection of foreign debts having had special promi- nence at the Hague Conference of 1907, material dealing with these two topics is likewise given under separate heads. In addition there are listed references to discussions on the French occupation of Mexico, the Venezuela case, and the Santo Domingo question. The later stages of compilation have been done under the direction of William Adams Slade, who has also seen the List through the press. A. P. C. Griffin Chief Bibliographer' Herbert Putnam Librarian of Congress Washington, D. C, July 1, 1908 LIST OF REFERENCES RELATING TO INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION WITH PARTICULAR REGARD TO THE CONFERENCES AT THE HAGUE Adam, Paul. Les imperialismes et la morale des peuples. 3. ed. Paris: Boivindbde., [1908]. (i), 340, {1) jjp. 12°. "La conference de La Haye en 1899," pp. 15-52; "La conference de 1907," pp. 255-327. The American arbitration league. Annual report of R. McMardy, corresponding secretary. [ Washington f 1886 f] <2S1 pp. <9°. The American Friends' peace conference held at Philadelphia, twelfth month, 12th, 13th, and 14th, 1901. Philadelphia: Published hy the conference, 1902. 236pp. 8°. American peace society. The teaching of history in the public schools with reference to war and peace. Report of a com- mittee of three appointed by the American peace society. Boston: American peace society, 1906. 27 pp. 8°. Amos, Sheldon. Obstacles to the general adoption of the practice of arbitration in the present circumstances of the states of Europe and America. {In International law association. Report of the twenty-second conference held at Christiania, September lst-4th, 1905, pp. 293-302. London, 1906. 8°.) Reprint of a paper written for "International conference for the reform and codification of international law," held at Geneva, August, 1874. Annuaire de la vie Internationale. 1.-3. annee; 1905-1907. Monaco: Institut international de la paix, 1905-1907. 3 vols. Plates. 16°. {Publications de V Institut international de lapaix, no. 3-Jf, 6.) Compiler: A. H. Fried. The Arbiter in council. London, New York: MacmiUan and co., limited, 1906. vi, 667 pp. 8°. Contents. — The first day: The causes and consequences of war. — The second day: Modern warfare. — The third day: 1. Private war and the duel. 2. A discussion on cruelty. — The fourth day: Perpetual peace, or The federation of the world. — The fifth day: A plea for arbitration. — The sixth day: The political economy of war.— The seventh day: Martin Truelove's essay on Christianity and war. 5 6 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Association for international conciliation. American branch. [Publications.] New York: American hranch of the Association for interna- tional conciliation^ 1907-1908. 8 nos. 12°. , 1. Program of the Association for international conciliation, by Baron d'Estournelles de Constant. 1907. 2. Results of the National arbitration and peace congress, by Andrew Carnegie. 1907. 3. A league of peace (address delivered at the University of St. Andrews), by Andrew Carnegie. 1907. 4. The results of the second Hague conference, by Baron d'Estournelles and Hon. David Jayne Hill. 1907. 5. The work of the second Hague con- ference, by James Brown Scott. 1908. 6. The possibilities of intellectual co-operation between North and South America, by L. S. Rowe. 1908. 7. America and Japan, by George Trumbull Ladd. 1908. 8. The sanction of international law, by Elihu Root. 1908. Balch, Thomas. Tribunaux internationaux d'arbitrage; une traduc- tion de International courts of arbitration. Philadelphie: Allen, Lane <& Scott, 1900. (6), 62 pp. 5°. "Notice pr^liminaire " signed: Thomas Willing Balch. First published in the Law magazine and review, London, Nov., 1874, and reprinted in the United States the same year. Also^ reprinted, 1892, 1896, and 1899. This translation made from the last edition, cf. Notice preliminaire. Bar, Karl Ludwig von. Der Burenkrieg, die Russificirung Finnlands, die Haager Friedensconferenz und die Errichtung einer internationalen Academic zur Ausgleichung von Streitig- keiten der Staaten. Hannover: Hehoingsclie Yerlagsbiichhandlung , 1900. vii, 61 pp. <§^. Barclay, Sir Thomas. The Hague Court and vital interests. London, 1906. 11 pp. 8°. Reprinted from the Law quarterly review of April, 1905. Problems of international practice and diplomacy, with special reference to the Hague conferences and conven- tions and other general international agreements. London: Sweet db Maxwell, limited,' Boston: Boston hook company, 1907. xix, 383, {l)pp. 4-'^. Reviewed in Revue de droit international et de legislation compar^e. 2d ser., vol. 9, 1907, pp. 587-588. Traites d'arbitrage entre Etats. Examen des projets recem- ment adoptes par les Puissances. Rapport sur les progres recents de Tarbitrage international. Proposition de con- REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 7 stituer une commission permanente pour i'etude des ques- tions qui se rattachent a la Cour de La Haye. (In L'Institut de droit international. Annuaire, 1904, vol. 20, pp. 27-58. Paris. 8°.) Bartholdt, Richard. The programme for the Interparliamentary union for the second Hague conference. Speech in the House of Representativ^es, March 4, 1907. {In Congressional record, 59th Congress, 2d session, vol. 41, pt. 5, Appendix, pp. 49-51.) Contains text of the report made to President Roosevelt by Mr. Bartholdt. as chairman of the American delegation to the London conference of the Interparliamentary union. [Speech in the House of Representatives, Jan. 19, 1905.] {In Congressional record, 48th Congress, 3d session, vol. 39, pt. 2, pp. 1103-1105.) On the Interparliamentary union and on international arbitration. Bloch, Ivan Stanislavovich. The future of war, in its technical, economic, and political relations. Tr. by R. C. Long, and with a conversation with the author by W. T. Stead, and an introduction by Edwin D. Mead. Beaton: Ginndb company^ 1903. {12), Ixxix, 380 2>2>' Illus- trations. Maps. Tables. Diagrams. 5°. "Published for the International union." This translation of the last volume of the author's sLk volume work on war was first published in 1899. Blymyer, William Hervey. Observations on compulsory arbitration and disarmament under penalty of non-intercourse, includ- ing a plan for a convention. \N&w Yorh, 1907 .'\ 23 jjj). P' F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1908. Cd. 3857) Contents. — No. 1. Count Benckendorff to Sir Edward Grey, April 3, 1906; no. 2. Count Benckendorff to Sir Edward Grey, April 3, 1906; no. 3. Sir Edward Grey to Count Benckendorff, April 7, 1906; no. 4. Sir Edward Grey to Count Benckendorff, April 20, 1906; no. 5. M. Isvolsky to Count Benckendorff, May 25, 1906; no. 6. Sir Edward Grey to Count Benckendorff, July 25, 1906; no. 7. Count Benckendorff to Sir Edward Grey, April 3, 1907; no. 8. Sir Edward Grey to Count Benckendorff, April 8, 1907; no. 9. Baron Gericke to Sir Edward Grey, April 10, 1907; no. 10. Sir Edward Grey to Baron Gericke, April 19, 1907; no. 11. Sir Edward Grey to Sir Edward Fry, June 12, 1907; no. 12. Sir E. Fry to Sir Edward Grey, October 9, 1907; no. 13. Sir Edward Grey to Sir E. Fry, October 10, 1907; no. 14. Sir E. Fry to Sir Edwanl Grey, October 16, 1907; no. 15. Sir E. Fry to Sir Edward Grey, October 17, 1907; Acte Final de la deusieme conference Internationale de la Paix; Annexe no. 1. Convention pour le Regle- ment Pacifique des Confiits Internationaux; Annexe no. 2. Con- vention ci >ncernant la limitation de I'emploi de la force pour le re- couvrement de dettes contractuelles; Annexe no. 3. Convention relative ii I'Ouverture des hostilites; Annexe no. 4. Convention concernant les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre; Annexe no. 5. Convention concernant les droits et les devoirs des puis- sances et des personnes neutres en cas de guerre sur terre; An- nexe no. 6. Convention relative au regime des navires de com- merce ennemis au debut des hostilites; Annexe no. 7. Convention 16 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS relative a la transformation des naviresde commerce en Mtiments de guerre; Annexe no. 8. Convention relative a la pose de mines sous-marines automatiques de contact; Annexe no. 9. Convention concernant le bombardement par des forces navales en temps de guerre; Annexe no. 10. Convention pour 1' adaptation a la guerre maritime des principes de la convention de Geneve; Annexe no. 11. Convention relative a certaines restrictions a I'exercice du droit de capture dans la guerre maritime; Annexe no. 12. Convention relative a I'etablissement d'une cour international des prises; Annexe no. 13. Convention concernant les droits et les devoirs des puissances neutres en cas de guerre maritime; Annexe no. 14. Declaration relative a I'interdiction de Lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons; Annexe au premier yoeu emis par la deuxieme conference de la paix. Projet d'une convention relative a I'etablissement d'une cour de justice arbitrale; no. 16. Tableau des signatures apposees jusqu'au 26 Octobre, 1907, aux conventions, et declarations, ainsi que des reserves formulees; no. 17. Sir Edward Grey to Sir E. Fry, October 29, 1907. Great Britain. Foreign office. Miscellaneous, No. 5 (1908). Further correspondence respecting the second peace conference held at the Hague in 190Y. [In continuation of "Miscella- neous No. 1, 1908:" Cd. 4081.] Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. July, 1908. London: Printed for 11. M. Stationery office., [1908]. {!), 2 pp. F^. ( Great Britain. Parliameyit Sessional jMpers, 1908. Cd. U7J^.) Miscellaneous, No. 6 (1908). Final act of the second peace conference held at the Hague in 1907, and conven- tions and declarations annexed thereto. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. July 1908. London: Printed for H. M. Stationery office., hy Harrison and sons, [1908]. {2), 1J^9 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers., 1908. Cd. 1^.175.) G-rotius, Hugo. The rights of war and peace, including the law of nature and of nations; tr. from the original Latin of Grotius, with notes and illustrations from political and legal writers, by A. C. Campbell, with an introduction by D. J. Hill. [Autograph ed. de luxe] Washington [D. C.\ <£ London: M. W. Dunne., [1901]. x, Ji.23 pp. Frontispiece. Plates. 8^. ( Univer'sal classics lihrary. ) The Hague arbitration convention. Boston: Published by the Directors of the Old South worlc, 1902. 16 pp. <§^. {Old South leaflets, no. IIJ^.) REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 17 Hague. International peace conference, 1899. Conference Interna- tionale de la paix. La Haye 18 mai-29 juillet 1899. Min- istere des affaires etrangeres. La Haye: Imprimerie nationale, J 899. J^pts. in 1 vol. F^. Contains the " Proces verbaux " the sessions of the Conference (with annexes) and of the "Commission pleniere," its three sub- commissions, and the "Comite d'examen." 1907. Deuxieme conference internationale de la paix. La Haye 15 juin — 18 octobre 1907. Actes et documents. T. I. Seances plenieres de la Conference. La Haye: Martinus Mjhof, 1908. xvii, 723 pjj. F°. Same. {In Archives diplomatiques, vol. 105, 3d ser., no. 1, Jan., 1908, pp. 21-128; no. 2-3, Feb. -Mar., 1908, pp. 1-230, (4) no. 4-6, Apr.- June, 1908, pp. 5-373, (2). Paris, 1908. 8°.) Permanent court of arbitration. Releve general de clauses d'arbitrage communiquees au Bureau international. \7i. />., 1907?] mp>p. ^^. At head of title: Bureau international de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage. Traites generaux d'arbitrage, communiques au Bureau international de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage. \_n.p.l905f'\ Spp>. .^°. At head of title: Bureau international de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage. Hay, John. America's work for the world's peace. {In La Follette, Robert M. ed. The making of America, vol. 2, pp. 153-157. Chicago, 1906. 8°.) Thirteenth International peace congress. An address . . . delivered at Boston, October three, nineteen hundred and four. \Bo8tonf 190^?] mpp. J^^. Cover-title. The Herald of peace and international arbitration. A luonthl}" journal published under the auspices of the Peace society. New series, vol. 23, 25-30. 1892-1906. London, 1892-1906. 5^. 42842—08 2 18 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Higgins, Alexander Pearce. The Hague conference and other inter- national conferences concerning the laws and usages of war. Texts of conventions with notes. London: Stevens and sons ^limited ^ 190 It.. 88 pp. 8°. Holland, Thomas Erskine, ed. The laws and customs of war on land, as defined by the Hague convention of 1899. Ed., with supplementary matter and explanatory notes. London: Printed hy Harrison and sons, 1904- x,70pp. 12°. "Published . . . for the information of all ranks of His Majesty's land forces."— Pre/, {signed by W. G. Nicholson, D. G. M. I.) Rolls, Frederick William i. e. George Frederick William. The Peace conference at the Hague, and its bearings on international law and policy. JVew York and London: The Macmillan company., 1900. xxiA), {2), 5n pp. 8°. Contents. — I. The calling of the Peace conference; II. The open- ing of the conference; III. The work of the first committee: Limitation of armaments; The humanizing of war; Expanding bullets; Methods of naval warfare; IV. The work of the second committee: The convention for the adaptation to maritime war- fare of the principles of the Geneva convention, August 22, 1864; The laws and customs of war; V. The work of the third commit- tee: Good offices, mediation, international commissions of inquiry and arbitration; The convention for the peaceful adjustment of international differences, 1899; VI. The immunity of private property on the high seas; VII. The conference from day to day: addresses, communications, and delegations from outside sources; the question of adherence; the closing session; VIII. The bear- ings of the conference upon international law and policy; Appen- dix I. Full text of the final act, treaties, and declarations adopted by the Peace conference; Appendix II. General rejiort of the commission of the United States of America to the International conference at the Hague, with the reports of the American mem- bers of the various committees; Appendix III. The Hugo Grotius celebration at Delft, July 4, 1899. Huber, Max. Die Fortbildung des Volkerrechts auf dem Gebiete des Prozess- und Landkriegsrechts durch die II. Internationale Friedenskonferenz im Haag 1907. {In Jahrbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts, Bd. 2, 1908, pp. 470-649. Tubingen, 1908. 4°.) Hull, William I. The two Hague conferences and their contributions to international law. Boston : Published for the International school of peace hy Oinn & company., 1908. xiv., 516 pp. 12°. EEFEKENCES ON IN'TEKNATIONAL ARBITRATION 19 Institut international de la paix. Deuxieme conference de La Have; opinions, projets, propositions diverses. Monaco : Institut international de la paix, 1907. 107, (4) pj'- <§°. {Publications de V Institut international de la pai.i\ no. 5.) Pul)lications. Monaco: Itistitut international de la pai/x, 1905-1907 . 9 vols. Contents. — No. 1. La Fontaine, H. Bibliographie de la paix, 1904; No. 2. Moch, Gaston. Histoire somuiaire de I'arbitrage perma- nente, 1905; No. 3.-4. Annuaire de la vie Internationale, 1905-1906; No. 5. Deuxieme conference de La Haye, 1907; No. 6. Annuaire de la vie Internationale, 1907; No. 7. Izard, E. De la solidarite des races humaines devant le probleme de la paix armee, 1907; No. 8. Vavasseur, A. L' organisation d'une juridiction arbitrale Internationale, 1907; No. 9. Lepert, H. Projet d'organisation de la justice Internationale, 1907; No. 10. Bajer, F. Acte final de la Deuxieme Conf(§rence de la paix, 1908. Statuts. iMonacof 190-\ (^) pp. 5°. Caption title. Includes list of members. International American conference, second, Mexico: 1901-1902. Organization of the conference, projects, reports, motions, debates, and resolutions. Edition issued under the direc- tion of the general secretary. English text. Mexico: Typographical department of the Government print- ing office, 1902. (^), JfOS, {3) pp. F"". Arbitration, pp. 310-384. International arbitration. Table of cases. [In International law association. Report of the twenty-second conference held at Christiania, September lst-4th, 1905, pp. 27- 33. London, 1906. 8°.) International la-w association. Report of the lst-21th conference. 1873-1907. London, 1875-1907. 20 vols, in 12. 5°. The reports of the first and second conferences, 1873 and 1874, were first printed in 1903, when they were issued in one volume. Special committee. International arbitration. Rules relating to a treaty of International arbitration. {In International law association. Report of the seventeenth con- ference held at Brussels, October, lst-4th, 1895, pp. 57-59. London, 1896. 8°.) 20 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS Interparliamentary union for promotion of international arbitration. llth^ Vienna^ 1903. Compte rendu de la xi" conference tenue a Vienne, Palias du Reichsrat, du 7 au 9 septembre 1903. Yieime: Impr. O. Haass' jils, 1903. vi, 244- PP 4°- At the head of title: Union interparliamentaire pour I'arbitrage international. Session de 1903. 12tk, /St. Louis, 1904. Compte rendu de la xii'' conference tenue a Saint Louis, Missouri, du 12 au li septembre 1904. Wasliington : Imprlmerie nationale., 1905. 76 pj). 4'^- At head of title: Union interparliamentaire pour I'arbitrage inter- national, session de 1904. "Liste des membres de le xii. conference": 66-70. Jaray, Gabriel Louis. La politique franco-anglaise et I'arbitrage international; preface de Gabriel Hanotaux. Paris: Perrin et cie., 1904- xvii.,332 jop. i^°. Jones, Russell Lowell. International arbitration as a substitute for war between nations. London: Simphm,, Marshall., Hamilton., Ivent c5 co., 1908. ^69,- (5) pp. 8^. Jordan, David Starr. The blood of the nation; a study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit. Boston: American Unitarian association .,190'^. 8% pp. i^°. : The human harvest; a study of the decay of races through the survival of the unfit. Boston: American Unitarian association .^ 1907 . 122 pj)- -^^°' La Justice internationale. Revue des questions de droit cosmo- polite. [Revue mensuelle des travaux et decisions de la Cour permanente d'arbitrage] nos. 1-11. Mai 25, 1903- mars 1904. Paris, 1903-1905. 8^. No more published. Kant, Immanuel. Perpetual peace; a philosophical essay. Pub. in 1795. Tr. by B. F. Trueblood. Bosto7i: 2'he American peace society , 1897 . 53 pp. 12"^. King, William F. International arbitration and reciprocity. Work of the recent convention at Lake Mohonk — past and future considered in connection with national growth. Written for the New York Times. \New Yorli, 1902?] 3-16 pp. 12^. Cover-title. REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 21 Koht, Halvdan. The work of the Norwegian government and Stor- thing for promoting arbitration and neutrality. {In International law association. Report of the twenty-second conference held at Christiana, September l8t-4th, 1905, pp. 37- 45. London, 1906. 8°.) Ladd, William. A brief illustration of the principles of war and peace. By Philanthropos, [pseud.] Albany: Packard d; Van Benthuysen, 1831. 112 jpp. 12°. [ J A dissertation on a congress of nations. By Philanthropos. Published by order of the American Peace Society. [New YorM] Press of James Loring, 1832. 28 pp. 5^. Essay on a congress of nations, for the adjustment of interna- tional disputes, and for the promotion of universal peace without resort to arms. {In Ladd, W. and G. C. Beck with. Prize essays, pp. 509-700. Boston, 1840. 8°.) "Containing the substance of the rejected essays on that subject.'' Same. Boston: Whipple and' Damrell^ 18 Jfi. iv, [5] 1-192 pp. 8°. The essays of Philanthropos [pseud] on peace and war. 2d ed. i:xeter, JV. If. : J. T. Burnham, 1827. 17 1^ pp. 16^. Same. London: Thomas Ward and co., 18^0. 32pp. aix, no. 2.) Two separate parts (French and Esperanto) in folded cover. The part in Esperanto has title . . . Historio resuma de I'arbitracio konstanta. Molinari, Gustave de. The society of tomorrow: a forecast of its political and economic organization; tr. by P. H. Lee Warner, with an introduction by Hodgson Pratt and a letter to the publishers from Frederic Passy; with an appendix containing tables on the cost of war and of prepa- ration for war, from 1898 to 1904, comp. by Edward Atkinson. 26 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS New York: G. P. Putnam. s sons; London: T. F. Unwin^ WOlf,. xlmii, 2S0 pp. i^°. Molinari, Gustave de. Grandeur et decadence de la g-uerre. Paris: Guillaumiii et cie, 1898. 'Vi, 311^ pp. i^°. Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international law as embodied in diplomatic discussions, treaties and other international agreements, international awards, the decisions of munici- pal courts, and the writings of jurists. Washington: Government printing offi.ce., 1906. 8 vols. 8°. Also issued as House document no. 551, 56th Congress. 2d session. "Arbitration," vol. 7, pp. 24-103. History and digest of the international arbitrations to which the United States has been a party, together with appen- dices containing the treaties relating to such arbitrations, an4 historical and legal notes. Washington: Government printing office, 1898. 6 vols. Folded mays. Facsimiles. 8°. " List of authorities " : v. 1, pp. Ixxxiii-xcviii. International arbitration. ( In /(is American diplomacy, its spirit and achievements, pp. 200- 222. New York, 1905. 8°.) The United States and international arbitration. {In American historical association. Annual report for the year 1891, pp. 63-85. Washington, 1892. 8°.) National arbitration and peace congress, 1st., Neiv York, 1907. Proceedings of the National arbitration and peace congress, April 14:th to 17th, 1907. Neio York, 1907. {2), Jf78 pp. Portraits. Plates. .^°. Contents. — First session. — Address by Emil G. Hirsch, p. 13; Address by Henry C. Potter, p. 19; Address by M. J. Lavelle, p. 20; Address by John M. Farley, p. 22. Second session.— Address by George B. McClellan, p. 27; Letter from President Roosevelt, p. 30; Address by Elihu Root, p. 34; Address by Charles E. Hughes, p. 47; Address by Andrew Carnegie, p. 51. Third session. — International view of the peace movement. Address by Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, p. 58; Address by Oscar S. Straus, p. 62; Address by Hugo Miinsterberg, p. 65; Address by Ernst Richard, p. 70; Address by AVilliam T. Stead, p. 74; Address by Sir Robert Cranston, p. 77; Address by "Maar- ten Maartens," p. 79; Address by Robert S. Ball, p. 80; Address by William Jennings Bryan, p. 85. Fourth session.— The rela- tion of women to the peace movement. Address by Lucia Ames Mead, p. 88; Address by Ellen M. Henrotin, p. 93; Address by REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 27 Mary E. Woolley, p. 97; Address by Mrs. Frederick Nathan, p. 101; Address by Jane Addams, p. 106; Address by William Archer, p. 110; Letter from Julia Ward Howe, p. 117; Address by May Wright Sewall, p. 120. Fifth session. — Commercial and industrial aspects of the jjeace movement. Address by Marcus M. Marks, p. 12-1; Address by Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, p. 126; Address by Oscar S. Straus, p. 134; Address by James W. Van Cleave, p. 138; Address by Nahum J. Bachelder, p. 145; Address by John Barrett, p. 149; Address by Edwin Ginn, p. 152; Address by William McCarroU, p. 157. Sixth session. — Young people's meeting. Address by William H. Maxwell, p. 162; Address by Henry Turner Bailey, p. 164; Address by Nathan C. Schaeffer, p. 168; Address by Charles Sprague Smith, p. 170; Address by Baron d'Estournelles de Constant, p. 175; Letter from Edward Everett Hale, p. 179; Address by Stephen S. Wise, p. 180; Address by James J. Walsh, p. 183; Address by Carolina Huido- bro, p. 186; Address by William T. Stead, p. 191. Seventh session. — University meeting. Address by Nicholas Murray Butler, p. 198; Address by John Rhys, p. 200; Address by E. S. Roberts, p. 203; Address by John H. Finley, p. 206; Address by Felix Adler, p. 210; Address by Jane Addams, p. 213; Address by Edwin D. Mead, p. 216. Eighth session. — Labor meeting. Address by Joseph R. Buchanan, p. 223; Resolutions of the American Federation of Labor, p. 224; Address by Terence V. Powderly, p. 226; Address by James J. Murphy, p. 229; Address by Leonora O'Reilly, p. 232; Address by John S. Whalen, p. 239; Address by Algernon S. Crapsey, p. 239; Address by Samuel Gompers, p. 247; Address by William T. Stead, p. 253; Confer- ence for peace workers, address by Elizabeth Powell Bond, p. 267; Address by Hannah J. Bailey, p. 271; Address by Mrs. Harry Hastings, p. 275; Address by Carrie Chapman Catt, p. 281; Address by Anna Howard Shaw, p. 285; Address by Sevasti N, Callisperi, p. 288; Address by May Wright Sewall, p. 292. Con- ference of delegates. — Address by Benjamin F. Trueblood, p. 295; Resolutions of the National arbitration and peace congress, p. 296; Remarks by Richard Bartholdt, p. 299; Remarks by Henry Mac- Crsicken, p. 301; Remarks by Samuel J. Barrows, p. 304; Remarks by J. Leonard Levy, p. 307; Remarks by Belva Lockwood, p. 309; Remarks by Thomas Murphy, p. 311; Remarks by William Jennings Bryan, p. 312; Remarks by Alfred H. Love, p. 314; Remarks by Lucia Ames Mead, p. 314; Remarks by Lloyd E. Chamberlain, p. 316; Resolutions of the Massachusetts State Board of Trade, p. 316; Remarks by Edward H. Magill, p. 317; Remarks by Anna Garlin Spencer, p. 318; Remarks by S. L. Hartman, p. 318; Remarks by J. C. Clayton, p. 318; Remarks by Marcus M. Marks, p. 320; Remarks by Mrs. Robert Abbe, p. 321; Remarks by Thomas Nelson Page, p. 322; Remarks by Ernst Richard, p. 323. Ninth session. — The legislative and judicial aspects of the peace movement. Flag presentation by Richmond Pearson Hobson. Address by Andrew Carnegie, p. 328; Address by Seth Low, p. 329; Address by Richard Bartholdt, p. 332; Address by William W. Morrow, p. 338; Address by John W. Foster, p. 340; Address by Diego Mendoza, p. 343; Address by George Gray, p. 349; Address by William Jennings Bryan, p. 350; 28 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS Banquet at Hotel Astor, p. 361 ; Address by Andrew Carnegie, p. 361; Address by Earl Grey, p. 362; Address by D. Enrique C. Creel, p. 369; Address by James Bryce, p. 371; Address by Edward Everett Hale, p. 376; Presentation of the Cross of the Legion of Honor to Mr. Carnegie, p. 378; Address by Samuel Gompers, p. 382; Address by Charles ^Y. Eliot, p. 386; Address by William Jennings Bryan, p. 390; Banquet at the Waldorf-Astoria. Address by Seth Low, p. 396; Address by Baron d' Estournelles de Constant, p. 398; Address by Kuno Francke, p. 401; Address by William Jennings Bryan, p. 405; Address by John Ireland, p. 410; Address by D. Enrique C. Creel, p. 413; Address by John Bassett Moore, p. 415; Address by Robert Cranston, p. 420; Address by Lyman Abbott, p. 422; Other meetings, p. 428; His- torical note, p. 429; Resolutions, p. 432; Letters and telegrams, p. 437; Foreign guests, p. 446; Subscribers, p. 447; Delegates, p. 449. Nys, Ernest. Le droit international, les principes, les theories, les faits. Bruxelles: Alfred Castaigne; Paris: Alhert t ontemoing ^ 1906. 3 vols. 8^. "L' arbitrage" vol. 3, pp. 62-82. Oppenheim, Lassa. International law, a treatise. London.^ JSew York and Bomhay: Longmans^ Green, and company., 1905-1906. 2 vols. 8^. Numerous biographical references (at head of chapters, in foot- notes, etc.). Contexts. —1. Peace. 2. War and neutrality. The Pan-American congress and arbitration. [7i.^.,1901.] 176 j)p. 8-. Cover-title. Largely a compilation of newspaper articles, Apr. 1 to July 28, 1901, upon the proposed congress and the Chilean controversy. Parker, Le Roy [International arbitration.] {In International law association. Report of the twenty-second conference held at Christiania, September lst-4th, 1905, pp. 46- 52. London, 1906. 8°.) Penfield, William L. Some problems in connection with interna- tional arbitration. {In New York state bar association. Proceedings, vol. 27, pp. 252- 272. Albany, 1904. 8°.) KEFEKEXCES ON IXTERXATIOX.U. ARBITRATION 29 Phillipson, Coleman. Two studies in international law. Zxmdon: Stevens ci; Hay ne^, 1908. xviii., 136 2)p. <§-. "Some authorities consulted": pp. 2-3. "Short bibliography": pp. 52^54. CoxTENTS. — Preface; I. The influence of international arbitration on the development of international law; II. The rights of neu- trals and belligerents as to submarine cables, wireless telegraphy, and intercepting of information in time of war; The second Hague conference (1907), submarine cables, and wireless telegraphy, etc. ; The second Hague conference and international arbitration; Index. Pillet, A.ntoine. Les lois actuelles de la guerre. 2 ed., contenant: le texte commente des conventions de La Have du 29 juil- let 1899 touchant les lois de la guerre sur terre et sur I'adaptation de la Convention de Geneve aux guerres man- times. Paris: A. Rousseau., 1901. (^), 50Ii. pp. 8^. Les Progres recents de I'arbitrage international. Extrait du proces- verbal des seances des 23 et 26 septembre. 1903. Seance du vendredi 23 septembre, (soir). {In L'Institut de droit international. Annuaire, 1904, vol. 20, pp. 181-196. Paris. 8°.) Quesada, Gonzalo de. Arbitration in Latin America. Rotterdam: PHnted hy 21. Wyt db zonen^ 1907. xii, (4), 136., {2) pp. <9^. Quincy, Josiab. The coming peace. Oration delivered before the City council and citizens of Boston, on the one hundred and fifteenth anniversary of the Declaration of Independ- ence, July 4, 1891. \Bostoii\: Ainei^caii peace society., 1891. 53 pp>. 8°. Renault, Louis. Les deux conferences de la paix 1899 et 1907. Recueil des textes arretes par ces conferences et de differ- ents documents complementaires, avec un avant-propos de Louis Renault. Paris: A. Pousseau, 1908. viii, 219 pp. 8^. Revie-w of internationalism; edited by the office of the "Foundation for the promotion of internationalism '' at The Hague. JVew Yorl-: G. E. Stechert and co. 1907-1908. <9°. "Issued every two months in an English, a French, a German and a Dutch edition by Maas & Van Suchtelen, Leipzig- Amsterdam." 30 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Revon, Michel. L'arbitrage international, son passe — son present — son avenir. Paris: A. Rousseau^ 1892. xxiv., 51^.1 pp. 8° Richet, Charles. Les guerres et la paix; etude sur l'arbitrage inter- national. Paris: Schleicher freres., 1899. 190, {2) pp. Illustrations. Plates. 16°. {Les livres cTor de la science.) Rivier, Alphonse Pierre Octave. Principes du droit des gens. Paris: A. Rousseau., 1896. 2 vols. 8°. L'arbitrage, vol. 2, pp. 166-188. Robinson, Harry Perry. The twentieth century American; being a comparative study of the peoples of the two great Anglo- Saxon nations. J^ew York and London: G. P. Putnam^ s sons, 1908. xii, (2), 4.63 pp. Map. 5°. In the view of the author, the people of Great Britain and the United States have the power to bring about Universal Peace. Rouard de Card, Edgard. Les destinees de l'arbitrage international depuis la sentence rendue par le tribunal de Geneve. Paris: G. Redone- Lauriel, 1892. {8\ 264, pp. 5°. (BiUio- theque international <& diplomatique, wxx.) Rousseau, Jean Jacques. Extrait du projet de paix perp^tuelle de M. L'Abbe de Saint-Pierre. (Ih his (Euvres completes, vol. 5, pp. 405-444. Paris. 1823. 8°.) Schurz, Carl. Arbitration in international disputes. {In America and Europe, a stud)' of international relations, pp. 101- 128. New York, 1896. 12°. Questions of the day, no. 87.) Schuster, Ernest J. The Hague convention on matters of private international law. [In Society of comparative legislation. Journal, n. s. vol. 1, pp. 428-431. London, 1899. 8°.) Scott, George W infield. Questions before the present Hague con- ference. — Compliments of the Lake Mohonk arbitration conference, through the courtesy of Putnam's monthly, June, 1907. [New Rochelle c§ New York, 1907.] (2), 333-34^3 pp. Illus- trations. 8°. REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 31 Scott, James Brown. Texts of the peace conferences at the Hague, 1899 and 1907; with English translations and appendix of related documents. Edited, with an introduction by James Brown Scott; prefatory note by Elihu Root. Boston and London: PublisJted for the International school of peace^ Ginn d; company^ 190S. xxxiv^ Jf,Jf.7 pp. 8^. The work of the second Hague conference. New York: American hranch of the Association for inter- national conciliation., 1908. 27 pp. i^°. {Document 5^ January.^ 1908.) Shahan, Thomas J. Leo xiii and the Hague conference. Washington^ D. C. : The New Century pi^ess., 1902. 36 pp. 16°. {A little lihrary of church history. No. 3.) Stead, William T. The next step toward international peace. {In Pittsburg, Carnegie Institute, Memorial of the celebration of the Carnegie Institute at Pittsburg, Pa., April 11, 12, 13, 1907, pp. 351-363. Pittsburg, 1907. •4°.) The Parliament of peace, and its members. London: ''^Review of reviews'''' offi,ce^ 1899. 28 pp. Illustra- tions. F°. Cover-title. The united states of Europe on the eve of the parliament of peace. New York: Douhleday cj§ McClure company.^ 1899. ix, 231 pp. Maps. 12'^ ?u Sumner, Charles. The true grandeur of nations: an oration delivered before the authorities of the city of Boston, July 4, 18-15. Boston: J. H. Easthurn^ city printer, 18Jio. (.^), 10Jj,'pp. 8°. Tolstoi, Lev Nikolaevich, graf. Count Tolstoy on the war between Russia and Japan. ''Bethink yourselves." New York: F. A. Stokes company, [190I^\. (6), 137 pp. 12^. Toro, Gaspar. Notas sombre arbitraje internacional en las republicas latino-americanas. Santiago de Chile: Impr. Mejia, 1898. 192, (2) pp. 8°. Trueblood, Benjamin F. The federation of the world. Boston and Neiv York: Houghton, Mijjiin and co., 1899. vii, (2), 162 pp. 12"^. 32 LIBKARY OF CONGRESS » Ullmann, Emanuel von. Die Haager Konferenz von 1899 und die Weiterbildung des Volkerreelits. {In Jahrbuch des oeffentlichen Rechts. Bd. I, 1907, pp. 82-136. Tubingen, 1907. 8°.) United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on foreign relations. International arbitration. Views of the minority. <0n the arbitration treaties with Great Britain and other Euro- pean powers; which was ordered to be printed in confi- dence for the use of the Senate> February 13, 1905.— Injunction of secrecy removed, and ordered to be printed as a document. {Washington., Government printing office., 1905. \ 28 pp. 8°. {58th Cong. , 3d sess. Senate Doc. 155. ) Signed: John T. Morgan, H. D. Money. 58th Cong., 3d sess., 1904.-1905. Senate. Constitutional methods of making and ratifying treaties in certain foreign countries, and also list of arbitration treaties and conven- tions submitted to and acted upon by the Senate. Febru- ary 14, 1905. Presented by Mr. Lodge and ordered to be printed. February 20, 1905. Ordered reprinted with additions. {Washington., Qovernnient fi'inting office, 1905. \ 9pp. 8°. {58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate Doc. 158.) Delegate to Central American peace conference. Washington, 1907. The Central American peace conference, held at Washington, D. C, 1907. Report of Mr. William I. Buchanan, representing the United States of America. Washington: Government printing office, 1908. 97 j)P' ^°' Includes treaties and conventions concluded, in Spanish and English. Delegates to '2d International peace conference. The Hague, 1907. The second international peace conference held at the Hague from June 15 to Oct. 18, 1907. Instructions to and report from delegates of the LJ. S., conventions and declara- tions, final act. Presented by Mr. Cullom, April 21, 1908. 215 pp. 8°. {U. S. 60th Congress, 1st session. Senate document no. Ji4.If.) Department of state. Papers relating to the foreign rela- tions of the United States. 1904. Washington: Government printing office, 1905. Ixxxvii, 894- pp. 8°. "Proposal for a Second Hague Conference," Circular, Oct 21, 1904, signed by John Hay, pp. 10-13. REFERENCES ON INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION 33 United States. Treasury department. Tour of the Interparliamen- tary union tendered by the government of the United States. Described by Samuel J. Barrows. ^\ashington: Goveimment printing office., 1905. xvi.^ 281 pp. Frontispiece. Illustrations. Plates. Portraits. Folded maps. JfP. Contents. — Introduction. — Greeting. — A prologue of peace: Voices of the presidents. — The interparliamentary union; its history and purpose. — The port of New York. — Up the Hudson. — What West Point means. — The city of brotherly love. — From the AUeghenies to the Mississippi. — At St. Louis. — From the Mississippi to the Rocky Mountains. — From the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes. — Among the lake dwellers. — From Niagara to Washing- ton. — At the cai>ital. — Back to the sea. — Peace with justice. — Au revoir. — Members of the Interparliamentary union with their companions. — Committee of reception and entertainment. Treaties, etc., 1893-1897 {Cleveland). Arbitration with Great Britain. Message from the President . . . trans- mitting a treat}' between the United States and Great Britain for the arbitration of matters in difference between the two countries, signed at Washington, January 11, 189T. [^Washington: Government printing office, 1905.] 33 pp. 8^. {58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate Doc. 161.) At head of title: Confidential — Executive D — Fifty-fourth Congress, second session. Signed Richard Olney. Julian Pauncefote. Injunction of secrecy removed and ordered printed February 14, 1905. Extracts from the Executive journal of the Senate, February 8- May 5, 1897: pp. 8-33. Treaties, etc., 1901 {Roosevelt). Pacific settlement of interna- tional disputes. Convention between the United States and certain powers . . . By the President of the United States of America. A proclamation. [WasJiington: Govei'nment printing office, 1905. ] ^27 pp. 8°. {58th Cong., 3d sess. Senate Doc. 150.) Signed at The Hague July 29, 1899. Ratified by the President April 7, 1900. Proclaimed, November 1, 1901. Universal congress of lawyers and jurists. Official report. St. Louis: Puhlished hy the executive committee, 1905. 8°. Universal peace congress. 13th, Boston, 1904. Official report of the thirteenth Universal peace congress, held at Boston, Massachusetts, U. S. A., October third to eighth, 1904. Reported by William J. Rose, Boston. Ed. by the secre- tary of the congress. Boston: The Peace congress committee, 190 Jf,. 351 pp. 8°- "A brief history of the Peace congresses": pp. 7-15. 42842—08 3 34 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Vavasseur, Auguste. L'organisation d'une jurisdiction arbitrale In- ternationale. Memoire prime en second au Concours sur I'arbitrage international ouvert par le Bureau international de la paix. Monaco: Institut international de la paix, 1907. 50 pp. 8^. {Publications de V Institut international de la paix, no. 8.) Walsh, Walter. The moral damage of war. Boston: For the International xcnion, Ginn <& company, 1906. xiii, Jfi^pp. 8°. " References " at the end of each chapter. Warner, Horace Everett. The ethics of force. Boston: Puh. for the International union, hy Ginn <& com- pany, 1905. V, 126 pp. W°. Contents. — I. Introduction. II. The ethics of heroism. III. The ethics of patriotism. IV. Can war be defended on the authority of Christ? V. Can war be defended on grounds of reason? VI. Some objections. Webster, Sir Richard E. International arbitration. {In International law association. Report of the seventeenth con- ference held at Brussels, October lst-4th , 1895, pp. 36-42. Lon- don, 1896. 8°.) Westlake, John. International law. Pt. 1. Peace. Cambridge: The University press, 190 J^.. xii, 356 pp. 8°. "International arbitration, being an article which appeared in the International journal of ethics for October, 1896," pp. 332-350. Whittuck, Edward Arthur, ed. International documents; a collec- tion of international conventions and declarations of a law- making kind, ed. with introduction and notes, by E. A. Whittuck. London, New YorJc, Bombay, and Calcutta: Longmans, Green, a7id CO., 1908. xxxviii, 1^7'2 pp. 8°. French and English on opposite pages. Hague peace conference, 1899, pp. 12-71; Hague peace conference, 1907, pp. 86-234; Instructions to British plenipotentiaries, pp. 235-248; Observations of Sir E. Fry on the results of the confer- ence, pp. 248-251; Reply of Foreign Secretary, p. 252. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION WITH PARTICULAR REGARD TO THE CON- FERENCES AT THE HAGUE: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1894. Eighty years of arbitration. H. A. Davis. Harvard laiv review^ vol. 8 {May., 189Jt) : 107-110. 1896. International arbitration. J. Westlake. International journal of ethics., vol. 7 {Oct.., 1896): 1-W. 1896. Settlement of the International question. Pasquale Fiore. International journal of ethics., vol. 7 {Oct.., 1896): 20-32. 1897. International arbitration. Charles H. Drew. New-church review., vol. Jf. {Apr. , 1897) : 161-17 If.. 1897. International arbitration. [Editorial] Julian K. Smyth. New-church review., vol. Jf. {Apr., 1897): 266-270. 1897. The prospects of international arbitration. R. D. Melville. We8tmi7ister review, vol. 11,7 {Apr., 1897): 367-377. Reprinted in Eclectic magazine, vol. 128, June, 1897, pp. 759-766. 1897. International arbitration. Frederic R. Coudert. American law review.^ vol. 81, n. s. vol. 18 {May-June., 1897): 321-3U- An address before the Union League Club of Chicago on February 22, 1897. 1898. L' iuiziativa dello Czar e la sua attuazione practica. Nuova antologia, vol. 161 {Sept. 16, 1898): 334.-34.6. ■ 1898. The Tsar's proposed conference and our foreign affairs. I. Sir George Sydenham Clarke. II. J. Guinness Rogers. Nineteenth century, vol. 4,4. {Nov., 1898): 697-706; 707-717. 1899. The Czar's details. R. Ogden. Nation, vol. 68 {Jan. 19, 1899): 4I-4.2. 1899. Some plain words about the Tsar's new gospel of peace. Henry H. Iloworth. Nineteenth century, vol. 45 {Feb., 1899): 202-215. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 221, April 8, 1899, pp. 75-85. 36 36 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1899. L' Imperatore di Russia e la Conferenza. Pasquale Fiore. Nuova antologia, vol. 16Ji {Mar., 1899): 167-180. 1899. L'arbitrage international et la paix perpetuelle. G. Valbert. Revue des deux monden, vol. 304, {Mar., 1899): 184-'210. 1899. The Czar's Peace conference. Edwin Munsell Bliss. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 19 {Ajpr., 1899): 1,32-434. 1899. The Czar's peace conference. Leo Tolstoi. Independent, vol. 61 {Apr. 13, 1899): 997-1000. 1899. The Czar's congress. R. Ogden. Nation, vol. 68 {Apr. 13, 1899): 270. 1899. Our delegation to the Hague. American inonthly review of reviews, vol. 19 {May, 1899): 545-557. 1899. The approaching conference. Leonard Courtney. Contemporary revietv, vol. 75 {May, 1899) : 609-619. 1899. The vanishing of universal peace. " Diplomaticus." Fortnightly revietv, n. s. vol. 65 {May, 1899): 871-880. 1899. Lessons of the Paris tribunal of arbitration. David Starr Jordan. Forum, vol. 27 {May, 1899): 360-374. 1899. The hypocricies of the Peace conference. Sidney Low. Nineteenth century, vol. 45 {May, 1899): 689-698. 1899. The Peace congress at the Hague [The American delegates]. Outlook, vol. 62 {May 6, 1899): 22-25. 1899. The Czar of Russia and the Peace conference. Pasquale Fiore. Chautauquan, vol. 29 {June, 1899): 242-246. 1899. The Peace conference: its possible practical results. North American review, vol. 168 {June, 1899): 771-778. 1899. The Peace parliament at the Hague. Percy Alden. Outlook, vol. 62 {June 3, 1899): 286-292. 1899. The dangers of " mediation." Saturday review, vol. 87 {June 17, 1899): 742-743. 1899. The Conference and arbitration. Edinburgh review, vol. 190 {July, 1899): 190-208. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 222, Aug. 19, 1899, pp. 465-479; Eclectic magazine, vol. 133, Oct., 1899, pp. 481-494. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 37 1899. The Hague conference. GuntoTi's magazine^ vol. 17 {July^ 1899) : 1-5. 1899. Universal peace — from a woman's standpoint. Bertha von Suttner. Worth American review., vol. 169 {July., 1899) : 50-61. 1899. The Peace conference, and what it might have been. Catholic loorld, vol. 69 {Aug., 1899): 577-583. 1899. The International peace conference at the Hague. Benjamin F. Trueblood. N^ew England magazine^ n. s. vol. 20 {Aug., 1899): 651-668. 1899. The end of the Peace parliament. Percy Alden. OuilooTt, vol. 62 {Aug. 12, 1899): 837-84.0. 1899. The insubstantial pageant. Saturday revieio, vol. 88 {Aug. 5, 1899) : 156-157. 1899. The Hague conference in its outcome. William T. Stead. Amsrlcan monthly review of reviews.^ vol. 20 {SejJt., 1899): 312-316. 1899. British bullets and the Peace conference. W. Broadfoot. Blackwood's Edinburgh magazhie, vol. 166 {Sept., 1899): 1,17-423. 1899. The Conference at the Hague. William T. Stead. Forum, vol. 28 {Sept., 1899): 1-12. 1899. The Conference at the Hague, and its results. James H. Vickery. Independent, vol. 51 {Sept. 21, 1899): 2533-2538. 1899. The Hague peace conference. [Editorial.] Theodore F. Wright. New-church review, vol. 6 {Oct., 1899): 601-60 4.. 1899. The peace conference and the moral aspect of war. A. T. Mahan. North American review, vol. 169 {Oct., 1899): 433-447. 1899. In the clutch of the harpy powers. R. M. Johnston. Nortli American review, vol. 169 {Oct., 1899): 44^-4^3. 1899. A note on the Peace conference. Quarterly review, vol. 190 {Oct., 1899): 537-549. 38 LIBEAKY or COiN^GEESS 1899. The results of the Peace conference in their relation to the Monroe doctrine. Frederick W. Holls. ATnerican monthly revieiti of reviev^s^ vol. W {Nov.., 1899): 560-567. 1899. International arbitration and the peace conference at the Hagfue. F. de Martens. North American review, vol. 169 {Nov., 1899): 60Ji-6^^. 1899. The international conference of peace. Seth Low. North American revieio., vol. 169 {Nov..^ 1899): 625-639. 1899. Some lessons of the Peace conference. T. E. Holland. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 66 {Dec. i, 1899) : 9Jf,Jf.-957. 1900. Die Haag-er Friedenskonferenz und das Volkerrecht. Karl von Stengel. Archivfdr dffentliches Recht, vol.- 15 [1900): 139-Wl. 1900. Le pacigerat ou regime juridique de la paix en temps de guerre. E. Descamps. Revue generale de droit international jpvhlic, vol. 7 {1900) : 629-652. 1900. Les grandes etapes du progres dans le droit des neutres et la vocation de notre temps a la constitution du pacigerat. E. Descamps. Revile generale de droit international public, vol. 7 {1900): 705-731. 1900. La paix internationale. Eugene d'Eichthal. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 23 {Jan. 10, 1900): 22-lf.l. 1900. Die volkerrechtlichen Ergebnisse der Haager Conferens. Philipp Zorn, Deutsche Rundschau, vol. 102 {Jan., Feb., 1900): 122-137, 208-225; vol. 103 {April, 1900): 104,-134,. 1900. War and arbitration. F. E. Haill. United service 'magazine, vol. 195 {Feb., 1900): 4^73-1^75. 1900. The Hague Peace conference. Edward Everett Hale. Forum, vol. 31 {Apr., 1900): 197-208. Review of F. W. Holls: "The Peace conference at the Hague." 1900. International law and the Peace conference. James H. Vickery. Popular science monthly, vol. 57 {May, 1900): 76-86. INTERNATIONAL AEBITEATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 39 1900. La conference Internationale de la paix. (Conference de la Haye de 1899). A. Merighnac. Revue politique et parleinentaire^ vol. 2 J/, {June 10., 1900): 681-702. 1900. The future of arbitration among the nations. Baron d'Es- tournelles de Constant. Independent, vol. 52 {Sept. 27, 1000): 23U-2318. 1901. Die Fortbildung des volkerrechtes durch die Haager Kon- • ferenz. Heinrich L'ammasch. Zeitschrift fur Internationales Privat- und Strafrecht., vol. 11 {1901): 23-36. 1901. The Peace conference at the Hague. T. S. Woolsey. Tale review, vol. 9 {Feb., 1901): J^57-J^62. Review of F. W. HoUs' "The Peace conference," and G. de La- pradelles' "Conference de la Paix." 1901. The Hague conference. W. H. Bulkley. Natimi, vol. 72 {Apr. 18, 1901): 318-319. Review of F. W. Holls' "The Peace conference at the Hague." 1901. Some notes on the Peace convention held at the Hague in May, 1899, with its resultant effects on "customs of war." Journal of inilitary service institution, vol. 28 {May, 1901): JfiJ^-Ji,17. 1901. De la responsibilite du pouvoir executif consideree comme I'une des sanctions de I'arbitrage international. Jacques Dumas. Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 29 {Aug., 1901): 312- 330. 1902. International arbitration. Sir Robert T. Reid. Juridical revieiv, vol. IJ^. {Dec, 1902): 333-3 J^. Paper read before the Scots Law Society, Nov. 3, 1902, as the in- augural address of the session. 1903. International arbitration. Green hag, vol. 15 {Feb., 1903): 87-91. Abstract of paper by Sir Robert T. Reid before the Scots Law So- ciety at Edinburgh. 1903. Development of arbitration between individuals and govern- ments. Hayne Davis. GuntovbS magazine.^ vol. 25 {Oct., 1903): 338-3 JfS. 40 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1903. The Hao^ue tribunal. W. L. Penfield. Independent, vol. 55 {Dec. 17, 1903): 3001-3003. 1903. Prospects of arbitration with England. John W. Foster. Independent, vol. 55 {Dec. 2J^, 1903): 3025-3026. 1904. Progress of arbitration. Current literature, vol. 36 {Jan., 1901^): 1-2. 1904. L'arbitrage international et la politique Americaine. Gabriel Louis Jaray. Questions dlplumatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 {Jan. 16, 190 If): 132-lIfi. 1904. Solidarite nationale et concurrence internationale. P. Cauwes. Reforme econoniique, 13^ amiee {Jan. 10, 190 Jj): 16-19. 1904. Latin race in arbitration movement. Hayne Davis. Gunton^s magazine, vol. 26 {Feb., 190 Jf): 129-13 Jf,. 1904. International arbitration made attractive. Wayne MacVeagh. JVorth American review, vol. 178 {Feb., 190!,): 161-171. 1904. A proposito delle convenzioni per gli arbitrati internazionali. Ercole Vidari. JSPuova antologia, vol. 193 {Feb. 16, 190 J,): 639-647. 1904. Une preface. L'arbitrage international. Gabriel Hanotaux. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 17 {Mar. 1, 190^): 341-34,6. 1904. La. xii'' Conference interparlementaire pour Tarbitrage interna- tional convoquee en 1904 a Saint-Louis, aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique. La justice internationale, 2. annee {April-July, 1904) ■' 103-105. 1904. Le Congres international de Boston pour la paix et I'arbitrage. La just ice internationale, 2. annee {April- July , 1904): 106-108. 1904. Pour apprecier la Conference de La Haye. Philipp Zorn. Preface de M. d'Estournelles de Constant. Revue du droit public et de la science politique, vol. 21 {Apr.- June, 1904): 228-252. Traduit de Jules Rais. 1904. Quarante ans de guerre et I'arbitrage. Charles Godefroy. Revue gen er ale de droit international public, vol. 13 {Sept.- Oct.',1904): 559-583. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION I ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 41 1904. President Roosevelt and international peace. Economist, vol. 62 {Oct. i, 190 Jf): 1570-1571. 1904. The new treaties of arbitration and diplomacy. Thomas Barclay. Fortnighthj review, n. s. 76 {Oct., 190 li): 602-607. 1904. The Hague court and peace. John Hay. American law review-) vol. 38 [Nov.-Dec, 190J^: 899-907. Address before the International peace congress, Oct. 3, 1904. 1904. Internationalism and the Hague. Francis W. Hirst. Independent review, vol. ^ (iV6»y., 190 J,): 282-296. 1904. International arbitration. Sir Robert Finlay. North American review, vol. 179 {Nov., 1901^: 659-670. 1904. The Hague conference of 1904 for the advancement of private international law. Simeon E. Baldwin. Yale law journal, vol. lit- {Nov., 190 If): 1-8. 1904. The United States and the world's peace movement. Walter Wellman. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 30 {Dec.,190Ji): 671- 675. 1904. The coming conference of the nations. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 57 {Dec. 1, 190 Jf): 1239-12Jt3. 1905. Die Haager Scheidungs-Konvention. Franz Kahn. Zeitschrift fur internationales privat- und ojfentliches Recht, vol. 15, {1905): 125-261^. 1905. A parliament of nations. Hayne Davis. Outlook, vol. 79 {Jan. 7, 1905): 21-29. 1905. International arbitration. Shelby M. Cullom. Saturday evening post, vol. 177 {Jan. 7, 1905): 15. 1905. The progress of internationaj arbitration. Edwin Maxey. Albany law journal, vol. 67 {Feb., 1905): 50-51. 1905. International arbitration the product of the modern interna- tional system. Hannis Taylor. Green bag, vol. 17 {Feb., 1905): 98-10 J^. 1905. Arbitration treaties and the Senate. Harper's weekly, vol. 1,9 {Feb. 25, 1905): 268-269. 42 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. A new era in arbitration. F.A.Austin. New era, vol. 6 {Feb., 1905): ^JfS-^BO, 1905. America and arbitration. Outlook {Londov) vol. 15 {Feb. 18, 1905): ^16-^16. 1905. The arbitration treaties: precedents; a chapter of history; only a word; the Senate. Outlooh, vol. 79 {Feb. 25-March 25, 1905): m-}i:75, 515-519; 6m-625; 672-675, 727-730. 1905. International arbitration. John Bassett Moore. Harper'' s monthly magazine, vol. 110 {Mar., 1905): 610-619. 1905. The man [Richard Bartholdt] and the movement [international arbitration]. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 58 {Mar. 16, 1905): 589-59 J^. 1905. The real facts about arbitration. Nation, vol. 80 {Mar. 9, 1905): 181^. 1905. Preserving the world's peace. Charles Ray Dean. ^Y(yrld's work, vol. 9 {Mar., 1905): 5928-5932. 1905. The Hague court and vital interests. Thomas Barclay. Law quarterly review, vol. 21 {Apr., 1905): 109-117. 1905. A century of international arbitration. John Macdonell. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 57 {Apr., 1905): 691-700. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 245, May 13, 1905, pp. 385-393. 1905. The second Hague conference. Theodore S. Woolsey. Outlook, vol. 79 {Apr. 29, 1905): 101^9-1053. 1905. The Hague court. John H. Latane. South Atlantic quarterly, vol. ^ {Apr., 1905): 123-137. 1905. The parliament of nations. Richard Bartholdt. Independent, vol. 58 {May 11, 1905): 1039-10^2. 1905. A second Hague conference: what may be expected from it. David J. Brewer. Christian endeavor world, vol. 19 {July 6, 1905) : 787-788. 1905. Le mensonge du pacitisme. Ferdinand Brunetiere. Revue des deux mondes, 5. per. vol. 28 {July 15, 1905): 278-295. 1905. The world's treaties of permanent arbitration [chart]. Independent, vol. 59 {Aug. 17, 1905): 386-387. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 43 1905. The constitutionality of general arbitration treaties. Everett P. Wheeler. Green hag, vol. 17 {Sept., 1905): 533-536. Argues in favor of the constitutionality of general international arbi- tration treaties. 1905. Treaties and executive agreements. John Bassett Moore. Political science quarterly, vol. 20 {Sept., 1905): 385-1^0. With regard to the ten general treaties of arbitration of 1904—1905 and constitutional considerations involved. 1905. The world-significance of the treaty of Portsmouth. Fred- erick de Martens. Outlook, vol. 81 {JVov. 11, 1905): 603-606. 1905. The future Hague conference. John Macdonell. Contemporary revieiv, vol. 88 {Dec, 1905): 84-8-856. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 248, Jan. 20, 1906, pp. 131-138. 1905. War, arbitration and peace. W. P. Rogers. Michigan law review, vol. Jf. {Dec. , 1905) : 91-108. 1906. La conference de La Haye relative au droit international prive. A. Laine. Journal du droit international prive, 33^ annee {1906): 5-26; 278-301; 618-628; 976-991^. 1906. L'arbitrage. Quelques notes. Ernest Nys. Revue de droit international et delegislation comparee, 2. ser., t. 8 {1906): 5-23. 1906. The growth of the Hague ideals. Hannis Taylor. American law review, vol. Ifi {Jan.-Feb., 1906): 1-8. 1906. Ten years of war and the Hague treaty. Waldo L. Cook. International jou7'nal oy ethics, vol. 16 {Jan., 1906): 158-171. 1906. The second Hague conference. Speaker, vol. U {Apr. U, 1906): 27-28. 1906. Le troisieme Congres pan-americain et la doctrine Drago. Die Grenzboten, vol. 65 {May 2Ji., 1906): 397-Jfi6. 1906. A league of peace, Andrew Carnegie. Popular science monthly, vol, 68 {May, 1906): 398-If.21i,. "A rectorial address delivered to the students in the University of St. Andrews, Oct. 17, 1905." 44 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1906. The Hague conferences and the future of arbitration. Benja- min F. Trueblood, Atlantic monthly, vol. 97 {June, 1906): 721-727. 1906. A vision of peace. Lyman Abbott. Outlook, vol. 83 {June 30, 1906): 507-511. Address at the Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitra- tion, May 30, 1906. 1906. An international executive power. John Bassett Moore. Independent, vol. 61 {July 5, 1906): 13-lJi,. 1906. Present prospects for peace. Ilayne Davis. Independent, vol. 61 {July 5, 1906) : lly-15. 1906. South America and the peace movement. Diego Mendoza. Indejjendent, vol. 61 {Jidy 5, 1906) : 16-17. 1906. The Interparliamentary union. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 61 {Jidy 19, 1906): 126-131. 1906. International arbitration. Chautauquan, vol. J^3 {Aug., 1906): JiJ)0-Jf92. 1906. Victory for the American plan. Hayne Davis. Indei)endent, vd. 61 {Aug. 9, 1906): 309-311. 1906. The fourteenth Interparliamentary conference. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 61 {Aug. 16, 1906): 387-390. 1906. The path to peace. William .1. Bryan. Indejjendent, vol. 61 {Aug. 30, 1906): 483-4B9. 1906. Parliamentary and interparliamentary experiences. William Randal Cremer. Indejjendent, vol. 61 {Aug. 30, 1906): 508-513. 1906. The parliament of man, the federation of the world. Outlook, vol. 83 {Aug. 18, 1906): 887-890. On the 1906 conference of the Interparliamentary union. 1906. The coming Hague conference. Harry Hodgson. Westminster review, vol. 166 {Aug., 1906): 135-lJf3. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 250, Sept. 15, 1906, pp. 64.'i-649; Eclec- tic magazine, vol. 147, Oct., 1906, pp. 341-347. 1906. The coming peace conference at the Hague. Amos 8. Hershey. Independent, vol. 61 {Sejjt. 13, 1906): 607-6 IJf. 1906. Constitutional safeguards against war. Ernst Richard. Outlook, vol. 81, {Sejjt. 1, 1906): 29-32. INTERNATIONAL AEBITKATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 45 1906. The Milan peace congress. Proceedings, Sept. 15-Sept. 22, 1906. Herald of peace^ n. s., vol. 30 {Oct. i, 1906): 271-273, 276-280. 1906. The ethics of internationalism. J. A. Hobson. Intei'national journal of ethics., vol. 17 {Oct.^ 1906): 16-28. 1906. The formation of an international arbitration court. Harrv Hodgson. Westminster review, vol. 166 {Oct., 1906): 368-37 Jf.. 1906. Friedensbewegung und Haager Konferenz. Philipp Zorn. Deutsche Revue, Jahrg. 31 {Nov., 1906): 129-1^5. 1906. World organization at the Hague. R. L. Bridgman. Inter -natio n , n. s., no. Jf. {Nov., 1906): 36-4-6. 1906. President Roosev elt and the Hague. John W. Foster. Indejyendent, vol. 61 {Dec. 20, 1906): U71-H72. 1907. Acte final de la deuxieme Conference Internationale de la paix. Revue de droit inter-national et de legislation comparee, 2. ser., vol. 9 {1907): 599-710. 1907. For the Hague conference. Neio England magazine, n. s., vol. 35 {Jan., 1907): 602-603. 1907. The enforcement of International arbitral awards. Aula Gentium. The Law magazine and review, vol. 32 {Feb. , 1907) : 155-166. 1907. The British Premier outlines England's policy. Outlook, vol. 85 {Mar. 30, 1907): 731-732. On Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's editorial in the initial num- ber of the Nation, London. 1907. An International demonstration for internationalism. Why not a world's pilgrimage of peace? Review of reviews {London) vol. 35 {Mar. , 1907) : 259-265. 1907. Le pelerinage de la paix. W. T. Stead. La Revue, vol. 67 {Mar. 15, 1907): 222-225. 1907. Some suggestions as to the permanent court of arbitration. Jackson H. Ralston. American journal of international law, vol. 1 {Apr., 1907): 321-329. 1907. International arbitration. William L. Penfield. American journal of international law, vol. 1 {Apr., 1907): 330-341. 46 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1907. A permanent tribunal of international arbitration: its necessity and value. R. Floyd Clarke. American journal of international law^ vol. 1 {Apr., 1907): 1907. President Roosevelt and Emperor William at the Hague. Bones of contention at the Hague conference. Current literature, vol. Ji-2 {Apr., 1907): J^80-Jf92. 1907. Ueber einige Aufgaben der Haager Friedenslvonferenzen und liber eine Volkerrechtshochschule im Haag. Otfried Nip- pold. Deutsche Revue, vol. 32 {Apr., 1907): 1-10. 1907. What the New York peace conference might do. Harper's weekly, vol. 51 {Apr. £7, 1907): 599. On the economical argument against war. 1907. Christ's method and the Hague conference. Lyman Abbott. Homilectic review, vol. 53 {Ap7\, 1907): 301-303. 1907. The national arbitration and peace congress. Independent, vol. 62 {Apr. 25, 1907): 93 1-93 Jf. 1907. Programme of the forthcoming Hague conference. A. H. Charteris. Juridical revieio, vol. 19 {Apr., 1907): 73-80. 1907. Righteousness and peace. Rollo Ogden. mtion, vol. 81^ {Apr. 18, 1907): 352. On the discussions at the Peace Congress in New York. 1907. Commerce in war and the Hague conference. John Mac- donell. Nation {London) vol. 1 {Apr. 6, 1907): 217-218. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 253, May 25, 1907, pp. 501-503. 1907. The peace congress. Outlook, vol. 85 {Apr. 27, 1907): 923-926. 1907. The federation of European States and a permanent interna- tional federal tribunal. Francis Wm. Fox. Review of intemationalism, vol. 1 {Apr., 1907): 29-32. 1907. A pioneer in international arbitration. J. D. Rodeffer. Sewanee review, vol. 15 {Apr., 1907): 215-217. "Thomas Balch." Abstract given in The American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35, June, 1907, pp. 733-734. INTEENATIONAL AEBITEATION : ARTICLES IN PEEIODICALS 47 1907. International peace: organized labor its stoutest advocate. Symposium by union officials. American federationist, vol. IJf. {Mai/, 1907): 3'21-3'27. 1907. Labor and international peace. Samuel Gompers. American federationist, vol. IJ^, {May, 1907): 328-330. 1907. The national arbitration and peace congress in New York. W. T. Stead. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35 {May, 1907): 691-593. 1907. The first Hague conference treat}-. [Text of articles adopted 1899.] Ar7ny and navy life, vol. 10 {May, 1907) : 5Ji,Ji,-550. 1907. Der Seehandel, das Seekriegsrecht und die Haager Friedens- Konferenz. Freiherr von Schleinitz. Deutsche Revue, vol. 32 {May, 1907): 135-Ul. 1907. The peace conference and the navy. Excubitor, [pseud.'\ Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 81 {May, 1907): 84^3-856. 1907. Mr. Root's speech at the Peace conference. Harper'' s weekly, vol. 51 {May ^, 1907): 635. 1907. The next step for peace. Theodore Roosevelt; International conciliation, ^^/'f/i D'Estournelles de Constant; A league of nations. Andrew Carnegie; The appeal to reason. Lyman Abbott; Justice between nations. Edward Everett Hale. Outlook, vol. 86 {May 25, 1907): 11^5-155. 1907. The first Hague conference and the second: a historical resume. Outlook, vol. 86 {May 25, 1907): 155-159. 1907 Prince Billow's speech. Statist, vol. 59 {May J,, 1907): 897-898. "Germany's foreign relations; Germany and the Hague conference; German progress and German expenditure." 1907. At the Hague. Francis W. Hirst. Albany review, vol. 1 {June, 1907): 251-259. 1907. America's delegation to the second Hague conference. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 35 {June, 1907): 673-679. 48 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1907. What we may hope for from the second Hague conference. American monthly revieia of revieivf^, vol. 35 {June^ 1907): 731^-735. Abstract of article by Dr. Otfried Nippold in Deutsche Revue. 1907. Christ's program for the Hague conference. American monthly review of reviews^ vol. 35 (June, 1907): 71(2-71)3. Abstract of article by Dr. Lyman Abbott in the Homiletic review. 1907. World-peace. H. W. Thomas. Arena, vol. 37 {June, 1907): 596-600. 1907. The farce at the Hague. Frederick Pahner. Collier's, vol. 39 {June 15, 1907): 13-U. 1907. True story of the genesis of the Hague conference. Contemporary review, vol. 91 {June, 1907): 879-882. 1907. The second Hague conference. Thomas Barclay. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 81 {June, 1907): 967-976. Also printed in Living age, vol. 253, pp. 771-778. 1907. The Hague outlook. O. G. Villard. Nation, vol. 84 {June 20, 1907): 559-560. 1907. International peace. James Gibbons, cardinal. North American revieiv, vol. 185 {June 7, 1907): 252-259. 1907. Zur Haager Friedenskonferenz. A. Hinnenburg. Osterreichische Rundschau, Bd. 11 {June 15, 1907): Ii.21-Ii.25. 1907. The Hague conference. OutlooTi, vol. 86 {June 29, 1907): UO-Ul- 1907. The world's peace. Outlook {London), vol. 19 {June 22, 1907): 821-822. 1907. Program of the second Hague conference. George Wintield Scott. Putnam'' s monthly, vol. 2 {June, 1907): 333-3^3. 1907. Which is best : peace or war? Lord Avebury. Review of internationalism {English ed.), vol. 1 {June, 1907): 93-107. 1907. A practical proposal for the peace conference. Review of internationalism {English ed.), vol. 1 {June, 1907): 108-110. INTERNATIONAL ARBITEATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 49 1907. The National arbitration and peace congress in New York. W. T. Stead. Revieio of internationalism {English ed.), vol. 1 {June, 1907): 111-119. 1907. Peace and Pacifism, Bertha von Suttner. Review of internationalism {English ed.) vol. 1 {June, 1907): 120-lU. 1907. La pace universale. Angelo Valdarnini. Revista d' Italia, anno 10, vol. 1 {June, 1907): 952-97 1^. 1907. La nouvelle conference de la Haye. A. G. de Lapradelle. Revue de Paris, ll,e annee {June 15, 1907): 722-7 J^'B. 1907. La conference de la Haye. Andre Tardieu. Revue des deux mondes, 5. per., vol. 39 {June 15, 1907): 803- 1907. Dans les coulisses de la premiere conference de la Haye. A. de Lapradelle. Revue politique et litteraire; Revue hleue, 6e serie, vol. 7 {June 15, 1907): 750-753. 1907. Les diplomates de la seconde conference de la Haye. Diplo- maticus. Revue politique et litteraire; Revue hleue, 5e serie, vol. 7 {June 29, 1907) : 808-811. 1907. The peace conference limitea. Saturday review, vol. 103 {June 22, 1907): 771-772. 1907. The second Hague conference. Spectator, vol. 98 {June 22, 1907): 967-968. 1907. War without warning. Spectator, vol. 98 {June 29, 1907): 1020-1021. 1907. The peace conferences at New York and the Hague. Hamil- ton Holt. World to-day, vol. 12 {June, 1907): 627-628. 1907. The second peace conference at the Hague. David »T. Hill. American journal of international law, vol. 1 {July, 1907): 671-691. See also the American monthly review of reviews, vol. 36, Sept., 1907, pp. 373-874, for the list of treaties of obligatory arbitration registered at the Hague. 42842—08 4 50 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1907. The power that makes for peace. Henry S. Pritchett. Atlantic monthly, vol. 100 {July, 1907): 31-36. 1907. The calling of the second conference of the Hague. Richard Bartholdt. Independent, vol. 63 {July 11, 1907): 65-67. 1907. The Vatican and the Hague. Salvatore Cortesi. Independent, vol. 63 {July 18, 1907): U8-151. 1907. The outlook at the Hague. Hamilton Holt. Independent, vol. 63 {July 25, 1907): 185-190. _ 1907. "Why is perpetual peace impossible?" Willard French. Lippincotfs monthly magazine, vol. 80 {Jtdy, 1907) : 70-75. 1907. Exempting private property at sea. mtion, vol. 85 {July 1^, 1907): 1^-5. Hopeful of favorable action by the Hague conference. 1907. The war conference. Nation {london) vol. 1 {July W, 1907): 752-753. 1907. The Hague conference and the practical aspect of war. A. T. Mahan. National review, vol. Jf9 {July, 1907): 688-7 01^. Also printed in the Living age, vol. 254, July 27, 1907, pp. 195-207. 1907. The second Hague conference. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 86 {July 6, 1907): 1^99-502; {July W, 1907): 595-597; {Aug. 3, 1907): 723-728; {Aug. 10, 1907): 777- 779; {Aug. 17, 1907): 825-829. 1907. The peace conference. Outlook {london), vol. 20 {July 27, 1907): 105-106. Regards attention as prematurely concentrated on the question of the limitation of armaments, the British Government inclined to the sentimental view of foreign politics, and the public apathetic. Endorses the stand taken by the British Government with regard to maritime warfare. 1907. First impressions of the second Hague conference. W. T. Stead. . Review of revieivs {London), vol. 36 {July, 1907): 29-35. 1907. La pace universale. Angelo Valdarnini. Bevista dUtaliu, anno 10, vol. 1 {July, 1907): 952-97 J^. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 51 1907. L'arbitrage. Victor Berard. Eevue de Paris, vol. U {J^dy, 1907): 428-44^. Arbitration as practiced in ancient Greece. 1907. 11. Conferenza Internationale della pace. Rivisti di diritto internazionale^anno II {July- Oct.., 1907): 407-1)81. Contents. — Acte final; Annexes. 1. Convention pour le regle- ment pacifique des conflits internationaux. II. Convention rela- tive au recouvrement des dettes contractuelles. III. Convention relative a I'ouverture des hostilites. IV. Convention concernant les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre. V. Convention con- cernant les droits et devoirs des Puissances et des personnes neu- tres en cas de guerre sur terre. VI. Convention relative au regime des navires de commerce ennemis, d6but des hostilit^s. VII. Convention relative a la transformation des navires de com- merce en batiments de guerre. VIII. Convention relative il la pose des mines sous-marines. IX. Convention concernant le bombardement par des forces navales en temps de guerre. X. Convention pour I'adaptation a la guerre maritime des prin- cipes de la convention de Geneve. XI. Convention relative a certaines restrictions a I'exercice du droit de capture dans la guerre maritime. XII. Convention relative ii I'etablissement d'une Cour Internationale des prises. XIII. Convention con- cernant les droits et les devoirs des Puissances neutres dans la guerre maritime. XIV. Declaration relative a, 1' interdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons. 1907. The prevention of war. World's work; vol. U {July, 1907): 9145-911)8. 1907. The international parliament of good intentions. E. J. Dillon. Contemporary revievn.^ vol. 92 {Aug.., 1907): 269-'274- 1907. Building a dovecote at the Hague. Current literature, vol. 43 {Amj., 1907): 136-140. 1907. Collapse of the Hague conference. Edward Dicey. Empire review, vol. 14 {Aug., 1907): 1-14' 1907. [The Hague conference.] Fortnightly review, neio series., vol. 82 {Aug.., 1907): 325-330. 1907. Public opinion and the peace conference. Sydney Brooke. Harper's loeehly, vol. 51 {Aug. 24, 1907): 1237. 1907. The real work at the Hague. Independent, vol. 63 {Aug. 1, 1907): 292-293. 1907. The cornerstone of international peace. Haj^ne Davis. Independent, vol. 63 {Aug. 15, 1907): 377-380. 52 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1907. The Hague conference. Independent, vol. 63 {Aug. 29, 1907): Ii,77-J^:r8. 1907. An early scheme to organize thfe world. Edwin D. Mead. Independent, vol. 63 {Aug. 29, 1907): Ii,97-Ji99. Letter of Erasmus, written probably about 1517, "referring to an effort at that time in behalf of the peace of Europe." 1907. Peace by painful inches. Rollo Ogden. Nation, vol. 85 {Aug. 22, 1907): 156. 1907. The surprise at the Hague. Nation {London), vol. 1 {Aug. 3, 1907): 823-824.. 1907. Teutophobia. Lord Eversley. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 62 {Aug., 1907): 187-197. 1907. The second Hague conference. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 86 {Aug. 3, 1907): 723-728. 1907. France and America at the Hague. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 86 {Aug. 31, 1907): 956-962. 1907. England at the Hague. Outlook {London), vol. 20 {Aug. 2^, 1907): 229-230. The decent interment of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman's aspira- tions, after everything that was vital and provocative in them had been shorn away, was precisely such a proceeding as might have been anticipated . . . We have never thought that the present was an opportune time for compressing them into a definite pro- posal for the limitation of armaments." 1907. The second conference at the Hague. W. T. Stead, Review of reviews {London) vol. 36 {Aug., Sept., 1907): 135- U2; 2Jf3-252. 1907. Physionomie de la conference de la Haye. Paul Adam. Revue de Paris, l^e annee {Aug. 1, 1907): 6^2-672. 1907. La politique exterieure du mois: la conference de la Haye. Raymond Recouly. Revue politique et ^>arZe???(57i^«^Ve, vol. 53 {Aug. 10, 1907): 375-377. 1907. The collapse of the peace balloon. Saturday review, vol. 10 4 {Aug. 2^, 1907): 225-226. Limitation of armaments will never be feasible so long as man remains as he is in the existing world; on no single point has any definite conclusion been arrived at when there has been any- thing really concrete to decide upon; the use of a permanent Court of Arbitration is to be questioned because no clientele is provided until we have the regular institution of compulsory arbitration by agreement between all nations. INTEENATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 53 1907. The Hague conference. Hugh H. L. Bellot. Westmifister review, vol. 168 {Aug.., 1907): 187-192. 1907. Is international arbitration practicable. William Lindsa}^ Scruggs. World to:dwy, vol. 13 {Aug., 1907): 775-776. 1907. The Hague conference: the gains and losses. Sir John Macdonell. Alhany review, vol. 1 {Sept., 1907): 608-617. Reprinted in Living age, vol. 255, Oct. 5, 1907, pp. 3-8. 1907. Compulsory arbitration between nations. David J. Hill. Afnerican review of reviews, vol. 36 {Sept., 1907): 37 3-37 If.. Abstract of article in American journal of international law, July, 1907. 1907. Le Congres de la paix de 1849. Discours et vaudevilles. Charles Martel. La Grande revue, 11. annee {Sept. 10, 1907): 293-311. 1907. The anti-British policy of Germany (a rejoinder to Lord Eversley). J. Ellis Barker. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 62 {Sept., 1907): 3Ji5-36Jf.. 1907. Korea and Japan at the Hague. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 87 {Sept. 7, 1907): 26-28. 1907. Arbitration at the Hague. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 87 {Sept. U, 1907): 71-7J^. 1907. Three South Americans and their doctrines. Elbert F. Baldwin. Outlook, vol. 87 {Sept. 21, 1907): 118-123. 1907. An early document in the peace movement. [Letter from Elihu Burritt to George Bancroft. ] M. A. De Wolfe Howe. Outlook, vol. 87 {Sept. 21, 1907): 13J^-136. 1907. Rapport de la commission Zero. Bertha von Suttner. La Revue, vol. 70 {Sept. 1, 1907): 13-18. The commission Zero, existing in the imagination of the author, is a commission in addition to the four among which the work at the Hague was divided. The subject of its deliberation is peace, and its report includes a recommendation that future conferences introduce in their programmes an article on the abolition of war. 54 LIBEAEY OF CONGRESS 1907. The second peace conference of the Hague. American journal of international law^ vol. 1 ( Oct. , 190T) : 1907. The second Hague conference. An approximate estimate of its work. Sir Thomas Barclay. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 82 {Oct. J, 1907): 551-561. "The current impression that the Conference of 1907 has not been productive of results commensurate with the gigantic display of energy involved in keeping forty-seven highly-paid delegations several months at the Hague, is quite a mistaken one. . . . "Experience at the present Conference has demonstrated that a distinction must be made in the future between two classes of questions, viz, those which are of general, and those which are of special interest; that it is only those of general interest which with utility can be laid before a Conference of all the States of the world. "Among the questions of special interest are not only and obviously the restriction of military and naval armaments and budgets, but also obligatory arbitration with which it lies in close contact." 1907. End of the peace conference. Independent, vol. 63 {Oct. U, 1907): 965-967. 1907. The second peace conference at the Hague. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 63 {Oct. 31, 1907): 1031^-101,3; {Nov. 7, 1907): 109k-1101. A review and summary of the proceedings of the Conference. 1907. The second peace conference. A. H. Charteris. Juridical review, vol. 19 {Oct., 1907- Jan., 1908): 223-2U; 31(7-368. "With one important exception — the International Prize Court — the draft conventions which have been concluded do little more than give international sanction to a number of rules which were already crystallizing in international practice." 1907. The end of the Hague. Kollo Ogden. Nation, vol. 85 {Oct. ^, 1907): 366-367. The work at the Hague is disappointing, but not necessarily dis- couraging. The majority sentiment though not technically effect- ive really represents the majority of nations. "In some respects, and especially as compared with the high hopes of lovers of their kind, the Hague Conference adjourned as a failure; but nothing is a failure which leaves earnest men only baffled in order to fight better." 1907. The world's debt to Holland in the cause of peace. Edwin D. Mead. New England magazine, n. s. vol. 37 {Oct., 1907): 232-240. INTEKXATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 55 1907. Hague achievements. Outlook, vol. 87 {Oct. 26, 1907): 376-377. Names of fifteen positive achievements of the Hague conference and affirms that the decision "the nation shall not attempt forcibly to collect a debt claimed by its citizens against the Government of another nation unless there shall first be an offer by the creditor country to submit the question of the indebtedness to arbitration " would "compensate for the time and money expended in this conference. ' ' 1907. The harvest of the Hague. W. T. Stead. Review ofrevieivs {London) vol. 36 {Oct., 1907): 350-358, 1. What has been garnered and what has not: The Permanent court; How to choose the Judges; Obligatory arbitration; Arbi- tration treaties general and particular; The compulsory compromis; A court of summary jurisdiction; The Commissions d'Enquete; The Drago doctrine, and the Porter propositions; The increase of armaments; The regulation of floating mines; The new law; The naval prize courts; But what will the House of Lords do? The Need of a naval code; The law of contraband; The law of blockade; Belligerent ships in neutral waters; The transformation of merchant ships into cruisers; What has been agreed upon. II. The grouping of the powers: The English- speaking nations; The United States and Latin America; The Porter proposition and the Drago doctrine; A check to progress; France and Russia; Germany's conference; Baron Marschall's one falf-e step; Mea culpa; The allies, Austria and Italy; Roumania and Belgium; The two parties in the world-state; The undernote of war. 1907. After the conference: what should be done? The proposed pilgrimage of peace round the world. Review of reviews {London), vol. 36 {Oct., 1907): 359-363. 1907. A la 1 laye. Fin de conference. Diplomaticus. Remie politique et lltteraire; Revue hleue, 5. ser., vol. 8 {Oct. 12, 1907): Pl-J^7^. "La Conference de la Haye . . . finit au milieu d'une ironique indifference . . . Les d^l^gues sont contents d'en avoir fini avec leurs travaux. Soyez sftrs qu'ils sont bien p^n^tres de 1' inanity de leur tdche, mais soyez surs aussi que dans tous les Parlements, lea Ministres des Affaires etrangeres vont c^l^brer la grandeur de I'oeuvre accomplie." 1907. The work of the Hague conference. Spectator, vol. 99 {Oct. 5, 1907): ii.72. Self-interest carried too far, notably in the treatment of the British proposal as to submarine mines. The real difficulty at the Con- ference was the equal voting power of the Powers represented, irrespective of their size. Unanimity is not essential for progress. 56 LIBEARY OF CONGEESS 1907. The Hague conference of the future. Spectator, vol. 99 {Oct. ^6, 1907): 599-600. In disapproval of the principle of a unanimous vote; regards the harvest of the 1907 conference as niggardly, and holds that as it is admitted that the era of peace is yet distant there must be no abatement of care for imperial defence. 1907. Peace or war? G. Lowes Dickinson. Albany review, vol. 2 {Nov., 1907): 130-139. Living age, vol. 255 {Dec. U, 1907): 668-67 J^,. 1907. End of the Hague conference. Edward Dicey. Empire review, vol. IJj {Nov., 1907): 250-251. "The Conference that failed is now numbered with the long list of abortive attempts to replace solid facts by empty theories, and will be remembered, if at all in the future, in order to point a moral though not to adorn a tale." 1907. Foreign affairs: a chronique. Fortnightly review, n. s., vol. 82 {Nov., 1907): 859-869. Largely on the Hague conference. That ' ' its efforts were almost wholly devoted to the deliberate contemplation of war" is the trend of the article. 1907. Arbitration in Latin America. Harper's weekly, vol. 51 {Nov. 2, 1907): 1587-1588. 1907. Commerce in war: how affected by the Hague conference. Harper'' s weeUy, vol. 51 {Nov. 9, 1907): 16Ji^-16^. 1907. A compulsory arbitration treaty with Japan. Independent, vol. 63 {Nov. U, 1907): 1179-1180. 1907. The results of the second Hague conference. Bai^on D'Estour- nelles de Constant. Independent, vol. 63 {Nov. 21, 1907): 1250-1253. "It has, in fine, demonstrated the possibility of creating a universal Parliament by its own life and by the very regularity and length of its action." 1907. The Hague conference from the inside. Salvatore Cortesi. Independent, vol. 63 {Nov. 28, 1907): 1305-1307. 1907. The legal results of the Hague conference. Norman Bent- wich. Law journal, vol. 4£ {Nov. 2, 1907): 664.-665. 1907. Pacifism. E. S. Bessly. Positivist review, vol. 15 {Nov. 1, 1907): 2Ji,l-2J^6. INTERNATIONAL ARBITEATION ; ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 57 1907. La seconde Conference de la paix. Ernest Lemonon. Questions diplomatigues et coloniales^ vol. 24 {Nov. i, 1907): 576-595. The author writes: "Je crois que, tout compte fait, la Seconde Conference de la Paix peut etre plus fiere que honteuse dea travaux auxquels elle s'est livr^e et des resultats qu'elle est par- venue ii atteindre." 1907. Notes from the Hague by W. T. Stead. I. What the Con- ference has done. II. The British debacle at the Hague. Ul. The pilgrimage. IV. A parting word to my friends at the Hague. Heview of reviews {London), vol. 36 {Nov., 1907): Jfi3-I^71. 1907. Brazil at the Hague. W. T. Stead. Review of reviews {London) vol. 36 {Nov., 1907): Special illustrated supjylement, pp. 1-32. 1907. Deuxieme Conference de la paix. — Acte final, conventions et declaration signees a la Haj^e le 18 octobre 1907. Revue generale de droit international public, vol. llf, {Noi\- Dec.,1907): Documents 3 1-37 . 1907. Congres universel de la paix. — Session de Munich (1907). — Resolutions et voeux. Revue generale de droit international pulMc, vol. 11/. {Nov.- Dec, 1907): 759-785. 1907. La seconde Conference de la paix. Ernest Lemonon. Revue politique et paiiementaire, vol. 5Ji,{Nov. 10, 1907): 320- 338. 1907. The net result at the Hague. David Jayne Hill. American montJdy review of reviews, vol. 36 {Dec, 1907): 727-730. 1907. Impressions from the Hague. W. T. Stead. Contemporary review, vol. 92 {Dec, 1907): 721-730. 1907. The Central American peace conference [1907]. Willard French. Lndependent, vol. 63 {Dec 12, 1907): U06-U09. 1907. Has the United States repudiated international arbitration? Philip Walter Henry. North American review, vol. 186 {Dec, 1907): 525-536. 1907. The second peace conference. M. W. Hazeltine. No7'th AmericaTi review, vol. 186 {Dec, 1907): 576-580. 58 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1907. La deuxieme Conference de la paix. Antoine Ernst. La Revue generale^ lf-3. annee {Dec.^ 1907): 799-829. 1908. L'evolution de I'arbitrage international. Thomas "Willing Balch. Revue de droit international et de legislation coinparee^ 2 ser. , t. 10 {1908): mi-'28}^; 363-JfOO. 1908. Deuxieme Conference de la paix. Archives dlplomatiques, vol. 105 {Jan.^ 1908): 21-128. Contents. — Circulaire concernant la reunion d'une nouvelle confe- rence internationale de la paix a La Haye, Washington, octobre 21, 190-1.^1.' Circnlaire concernant la reunion d'une nouvelle conference de la paix a La Haye, Washington, decembre 16, 1904. — Note relative a la convocation d'une seconde conference de la paix ii La Haye en date du 16/29 mars 1906, remise avec I'assentiment de Sa JMajeste I'Empereur de Russie par les Reprt'- sentants du Gouvernement Imperial russe en pays etrangers aux Gouvernements aupres desquels ils sont accredites. Comte Ben- ckendorff a Sir Edward Grey, London, April 3, 1906. M. de Nelidow, ambassadeur de Russie, a, Paris, a M. Stephen Pichon, Ministre des Affaires etrangeres, Paris, April 3, 1907. Acte final. — Annexe au premier voeu ^mia par la deuxieme conference . de la paix. Convention pour le reglement pacifique. Convention relative a I'ouverture des hostilites. Convention concernant les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre. Annexe ii la convention. Reglement concernant les lois et coutumes de la guerre sur terre. Convention concernant les droits et les devoirs des Puissances et des personnes neutres en cas de guerre sur terre. Convention relative au regime des navires de commerce ennemis au debut des hostilites. Convention relative Ji la transformation des navires de commerce en butiments de guerre. Convention relative ii la pose de mines sous-marines automatiques de contact. Conven- tion concernant le bombardement par des forces navales en temps de guerre. Convention pour 1' adaptation Ji la guerre maritime des principes de la Convention de Geneve. Convention relative a certaines restrictions k I'exercice du droit de capture dans la guerre maritime. Convention relative ii Fetablissement d'une cour internationale des prises. Annexe de I'article 15. — Distri- bution dea juges et jugea suppliants par pays pour chaque annee de la pdriode de six ans. Convention concernant les droits et les devoirs des Puissances neutres en cas de guerre maritime. Decla- ration relative ii 1' interdiction de lancer des projectiles et des explosifs du haut de ballons. 1908. The peace-teaching of history. J. N. Larned. Atlantic monthly., vol. 101 {Jan.., 1908): llli.-121. 1908. The second Hague conference. Edinburgh review, vol. 207 {Jan., 1908): 224,-24,7. ' ' Whatever the fate of the proposals for the next conference which have been submitted to the Governments, ' nationalism ' and ' in- ternationalism ' have every reason to join in an effort to rid the Hague institution of its complexities and unrealities." INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 59 1908. The relation of teachers to the peace movement. Fannie Fern Andrews. Education, vol. 28 {Jan., 1908): 279-289. 1908. The equalit}^ of sovereign states, Ruy Barbosa. Indejjendent, vol. 6 If. {Jan. 9, 1908): 75-82. Address at The Hague conference, Oct. 9, 1907. 1908. Success at the Hague. Raymond L. Bridgman. Inter-nation.^ n. s. vol. 2 {Jan.., 1908): 29-If,l. 1908. The Hague conference of 1907. T. E. Holland. Law quarterly review.^ vol. 2Ji, {Jan., 1908): 76-79. 1908. Die Haager Konferenz. M. Pawlowitsch. Die Neue Zeit, 26. Jalirg., Bd. 1 {Jan. 18, 1908): 5lf,Jf.-550. 1908. On earth — peace! Carmen S3iva. Nineteenth century and aftei\ vol. 63 {Jan. , 1908) : 166-172. 1908. Sir Edward Gre}^ on Hague conference. Public opinion, vol. 93 {Jan. 10, 1908): 55. 1908. The Hague conference. J. Westlake. Quarterly review, vol. 208 {Jan., 1908): 225-251. "Ita reputation has suffered because too much was expected from it by those whose influence was most concerned in calHng it into being. But it was a great event. The procedure which it initi- ated, and which, with modifications, will jirobably long play an important part; the real though unassuming good work which it did; the light which it has thrown on the disposition of certain Governments towards the principles of neutrality in naval war, and the attitude of the British Government in defence of those principles; and the British proposal to abolish contraband of war — all these ensure to the Conference of 1907 that it will not be forgotten either in international law or in international politics. ' ' 1908. La conference de la paix. H. La Fontaine. Revue de Belgique, 2. ser., vol. 52 {Jan., 1908): 59-90; {Mar., 1908): 261-276. 1908. The second Hague conference. Edward G. Elliott. South Atlantic quarterly, vol. 7 {Jan., 1908): ]i,2-J^8. 1908. Failures and successes at the second Hague conference. Paul S. Reinsch. American political science revieto, vol. 2 {Feb. , 1908) : 20Jf,-220. 1908. The development of international law by the second Hague conference. Edward G. Elliott. Columbia law review, vol. 8 {Feb., 1908): 96-116. 60 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1908. Das Deutsche Keich und die zweite Haager Friedenskonf erenz. Deutsche Revue, vol. S3 {Fel. 1, 1908): 1G9-I71t,. 1908. The work of the second Hague conference. W. F. Dodd. Michigan law revievj, vol. 6 {Feh..^ 1908): 29Ji.-303. 1908. For the preservation of peace. Outlook, vol. 88 {Feb. 15, 1908): 3U-H6. 1908. The Franco-American arbitration treaty. Outlook, vol. 88 {Feb. 22, 1908): 382*. 1908. England and Germany. Edwin D. Mead. Atlantic monthly, vol 101 {Mar., 1908): 397-1^07. Notes "the antagonism between the two nations on various lines revealed at the recent Hague conference." 1908. Anglo-American arbitration. Sydney Brooks. Harper's weekly, vol. 52 {Mar. 21, 1908): 17. 1908. The Hague conference from a woman's point of view. Susanne Wilcox. Independent, vol. 61^ {Mar. 12, 1908): 566-570. 1908. The Hague conventions. Outlook, vol. 88 {Mar. 21, 1908): 625-626. 1908. A missing factor in the peace movement. Samuel T. Dntton. Independent, vol. 6k {Apr. 9, 1908): 786-788. 1908. The powers and the peace movement. E. T. Moneta. Independent, vol. 6^ {Apr. 30, 1908): 970-972. 1908. Limits of Anglo-American arbitration. living age, vol. 257 {Apr. k, 1908): 53-55. ■ 1908. The arbitration treaties. Nation, vol. 86 {April 30, 1908): 390. Treaties with Great Britain, Spain, Italy, Switzerland, Portugal, and France. " Eighteen years ago international arbitration was little more than a hope; to-day it is an accepted policy; and since this country has already made twelve specific special agreements for arbitra- tion, there is every ground to believe that as time passes the Senate will view this policy more and more broadly." 1908. The Christ of the Andes. Caroline Huidobro. Independent, vol. 64 {May 7, 1908): 1021-102^. Peace movement in Chile and Argentine Republic. INTERNATIONAL ARBITRATION : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 61 1908. The Japan treaty. [General arbitration treaty between the United States and Japan.] Independent, ml. 6Jt, {May ll, 1908): 1099-1100. 1908. Two peace conferences. Independent, vol. 61p {May 28, 1908): 1W7-1W9. 1908. World's legislature is here. R. L. Bridgraan. Nev3 Kngland magazine, n. s. vol. 38 {May, 1908): 355-361. 1908. The arbitration treaty with Great Britain. Outlook, vol. 89 {May 9, 1908): J^6-I^7. 1908. Internal arbitration. [Lake Mohonk conference for interna- tional arbitration. 1908. J Outlook, vol. 89 {May 30, 1908): 229-231. 1908. The sanction of international law. Elihu Root. American journal of international law, vol. 2 {July, 1908): JtSl-If57. 1908. The proposed international prize court and some of its diffi- culties. Henry B. Brown. Atnerican journal of international law, vol. 2 {July, 1908): J^58-Jp89. 1908. Constitutionality of the proposed international prize court — considered from the standpoint of the United States. Thomas Raeburn White. American journal of international law, vol. 2 {July, 1908): pO-506. 1908. The Hague convention respecting the rights and duties of neutral powers in naval war. Charles Cheney Hyde. American journal of international lavj, vol. 2 {July, 1908): 507-527. 1908. The launching of projectiles from balloons. George B. Davis. American journal of international law, vol. 2 {July, 1908): 528-529. 1908. The equality of states and the Hague conferences. Frederick Charles Hicks. American jotirnal of international law, vol. 2 {July, 1908): 530-561. 1908. England and America. T. W. Hutton. Outlook {London), vol. 22 {July 25, 1908): 106-107. "Reviews H. Perry Robinson's The twentieth century American." 02 . LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1908. A paradox of the modern world: prepare for war but long for peace. PuhUc opinion {London), vol. 9^. {July ^^, 1908): IW. 1908. Democracy and the peace movement. Nation {London), vol. 3 {Aug. 1, 1908): 6^8-6^9. 1908. International arbitration from a socialistic point of view. Jean Jaures. North American revievj., vol. 188 {Aug, 1908) : 188-198. 1908. The real guarantees of peace. PiMic opinion, vol. 9 If, {Aug. 7, 1908): 181},. 1908. La guerre maritime apres la nouvelle conference de la paix. A. de Lapradelle. Bevue des deux tnondes, 5. per. vol. IfB {Aug. i, 1908) : 676-708. 1908. La guerre et la paix au point de vue philosophique. Charles Richet. Revue philosophiqv£, vol. 66 {Aug. , 1908) : 160-172. 1908. What must follow the Hague Conference. W. T. Stead. Independe7it, vol. 65 {Sept. 10, 1908): 606-609. 1908. An active policy of peace. W. T. Stead. Independent, vol. 65 {Sept. ^^, 1908): 698-703. 1908. Vers Fentente universelle. L. Bollack. La Revue, vol. 76 {Sept. 15, 1908): 236-237. 1908. The North Carolina peace and arbitration congress. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 65 {Oct. 8, 1908): 829-832. 1908. The friendship of nations — International war or peace? I. The present European equilibrium and the peace of the world; ii. Danger points around the globe. Victor S. Yarros. Chautauquan, vol. 52 {Sept., 1908): 18-35; {Oct., 1908): 178-191. LIST OF REFERENCES RELATING TO LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS Avebury, John Lubbock, 1st haron. [Increase in military and naval expenditure. Speech in the House of Lords, June 26, 1905.] {In The Parliamentary debates, 4th series, vol. 148, cola. .Sl-38. London, 1905. 8°.) Cites figures from the army and navy budgets of Italy, Russia, Germany, and France demonstrating that in ten years "these four great countries put together show an increase of £27,000,000, while ours (Great Britain's) by itself is £50,000,000, or nearly double that of Russia, Germany, France, and Italy put together." Bloch, Ivan Stanislavovich. The future of war, in its technical, economic, and political relations. Translated by R. C. Long, and with a conversation with the author by W. T. Stead, and an introduction by Edwin D. Mead. Boston: Ginn and company, 1903. (i^), Ixxix, 380 pp. Illnstrations. Maps. Tables. Diagrams. i^°. " Published for the Int^ernational union." This translation of the last volume of the author's six volume work on war was first published in 1899. Bonfils, Henry Joseph Francpois Xavier. Manuel de droit inter- national public (droit des gens). Destine auxetudiants des faculte de droit et aux aspirants aux fonctions diploma- tiques et consulaires. 4. ed. rev. et mise au courant, par Paul Fauchille. Paris: A. Rousseau., 1905. viii, 933 pp. 8^. "Notice bibliographique:" pp. 61-76. "Le droit international dans I'avenir," pp. 889-901. Burton, Theodore E. The naval appropriation bill. The United States should abate its naval programme and assume leader- ship for the world's peace. Speech in the House of Rep- resentatives May 4, 1906. {In Congressional record, 59th Congress, 1st session, vol. 40, pt. 7. May 4, 1906, pp. 6387-6390. ) Cobden club. The burden of armaments; a plea for retrenchment. London : T. F. Unwin, 1905. 228 pp. 12^. Contents. — Preface. — pt. I. The period of panics. — pt. II. Re- trenchment.— pt. III. The growth of militarism.— pt. IV. A plea for disarmament.— Appendices. 63 64 LIBKAEY OF CONGRESS Deschanel, Paul Eugene Louis. Le budget et la politique etrangere de la France. Discours prononces a la Chambre des depu- tes du 19 au 29 Janvier 1903 par MM. Paul Deschanel, d'Estournelles de Constant, Jean Jaures, A. Ribot. Paris: ^. Comely, 1903. xvi,213,{2) pj^. i^°. {Les grand dehats an jparleinent. no. 1.) Discussion of limitations of armaments, and of the extension of the United States navy, by Robert Treat Paine, Robert D. Benedict, Edwin D. Mead, Clifton R. Breckenridge, Mrs. Edwin D. Mead, James Russell Soley. {In Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report of the twelfth annual meeting, pp. 33-38. [Boston and New York] 1906. 8°.) Du Mont, Prosper. Aux officiers de Tarmee f ran^-aise, anciens Saint- Cyriens. Le simple bon sens d'un democrate; ou, Obser- vations generales sur la guerre d'Orient et sur le sj'^steme militaire de I'Europe, dit systeme de la paix armee. Prepignan: Imj)r. de J. B. Alzine, 1860. 191pp. *8°. A I'annee et a. la marine. Un memoire qui peut-etre en vaut bien d'autres, ou Considerations sur la guerre d'Orient, developpees, sous forme de saine critique, dans une lettre que le sieur Prosper Du Mont . , . a eu I'honneur d'adresser, le 18 Janvier 1856, a M. le gdn^ral Bosquet, aujourd'hui mar6chel de France. Nouv. M: p. [151]-189. Estournelles de Constant, Paul Henri Benjamin, haron d\ Caisse nationale d'epargne. {In France. Senat. Annales, D6bats parlementaires, April 11, 1905, pp. 709-715.) Reviews the attitude of Russia, England, and Germany in the matter of limitations of naval expenditures and is a plea for an agree- ment between England and France for limitation. The adhesion of Russia is held as undoubted, while Germany in the end will subscribe. A French plea for limitation of naval expenses. Speech of Baron d'Estournelles de Constant in the French Senate on the 11th of April, when the nav}^ budget was under con- sideration. [Boston: The American peace society, 1905.] '28 pp. 8°. Caption title. Fry, /Sir Edward, and de Nelidofif. L'enterrement du "devoir supreme de tous les etats." Oraisons funebres de Sir Edward Fry et de M. de Nelidoff. {In Courrier de la Conference de la paix, no. 56, Aug. 18, 1907, pp. 1-2.) EEFERENCES ON LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS 65 Speeches at the full session at the Hague, August 17, 1907, on the limitation of armaments. Above the text of the speeches are the words: "Hie Jacet. La question de la limitation des arme- ments. N^e a Saint-Petersbourg, le 24 aout 1898. Etouffee;aLa Haye le 18 aotit 1907 .... Requiescat in bello." G-aripuy, Georges. Etudes des actes internationaux tendant a la diminution des exces et des maux de la guerre et a la regie- mentation des mesures destinees a en attenuer les effets. Toulouse: Lag ar de et SebiUe^ 1900. 331pp. 5°. Th^se-Univ. de Toulouse. "Bibliographie": pp. [325]-327. Grerman ambitions as they affect Britain and the United States of America, reprinted with additions and notes, from the Spectator, by ' Vigilans sed aquus'. New York: G. P. Putnani's sons; London: Smith, Elder dh CO. .f 1903. xxii,13^pp. i^°. {On cover: Questions of the day [no. 100]). Bibliographies at the beginning of most of the chapters. "The whole of this German discussion starts from and revolves round the Fleet Bill of 1898, the object of which was declared in the preamble to be to make war with Germany so dangerous, even for the strongest naval Power, as to bring that Power's own position into question." G-reat Britain. Admiralty. Naval expenditure (principal naval powers). Return "of the naval expenditure of each of the principal naval powers, showing their total estimated naval expenditure in each of the last ten years, their expendi- ture in each of the years named on new construction, including armament, and the amount of their new con- struction in each of those years expressed in tonnage." Ordered, by the House of Commons, to be printed, 30 July 1908. 8 pp. F°. {Great Britain. Parliame^it. Ses- sional papers, 1908. 281.) The return relates to the following naval powers: Great Britain, France, Russia, Germany, Italy, the United States and Japan. Parliament. LTo use of Lords. The reduction of armaments. [Debate, May 25, 1906.] {In The Parliamentary debates, 4th series, vol. 157, cols. 1517-1548.) Remarks by Lord Avebury, the Bishop of Ripon, Lord Sanderson, Lord Fitzmaurice, Lord Weardale, Lord EUenborough, The Marquess of Lansdowne, and the Marquess of Ripon. 42842—08 5 66 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Public expendi- ture. [Debate, May 9, 1906.] {In The Parliamentary debates, 4th series, vol. 156, cols. 1383-1416. London, 1906. 8°.) Discussion by Mr. Vivian, Mr. Fenwick, Mr. Bellairs, Captain Hervey, Mr. Charles Wilson, Mr. Hugh Law, Mr. J. M. Robert- son, Mr. A. J. Balfour, and Sir Edward Grey, on the following resolution which was adopted: '^Resolved, That this House is of opinion that the growth of expendi- ture on armaments is excessive and ought to be reduced, such expenditure lessens national and commercial credit, intensifies the unemployed problem, reduces the resources available for social reform, and presses with exceptional severity on the indus- trial classes, and it therefore calls upon the Government to take drastic steps to reduce the drain on national income and to this end to press for the inclusion of the question of the reduction of armaments by international agreement in the agenda of the forthcoming Hague Conference." Harrison, Austin. England and Germany. London: Ifacmillan and co.^ 1907. viii., 181 pp. 12^. Points out that England will continue to build two ships to every one Germany lays down. Tables of the relative strength of the two navies in 1920 and 1925 are given. Ath. Nov. 9, ''07: 681. Holls, Frederick William, i. e. George Frederick William. The peace conference at the Hague, and its bearings on inter- national law and policy. Wew York and London: The MacmiUan company, 1900. xxiv, (^), 572 pp. 8°. "Limitation of armaments," pp. 66-92. Lapradelle, Albert Geouffre de. La Conference de la paix, La Haye. 18 mai-29 juillet 1899. Paris: A. Pedone, 1900. 258, (1) pp. 8°. Reprinted from Revue g^n^rale de droit international public, vol. 6, pp. 651-846. Paris, 1899. "La diminution des armementes," pp. 13-54. Mead, Edwin D. Limitation of armaments. The position of the United States at the Hague conference. [Boston, 1907.] 23, (1) pp. 8°. Gives on page 16 "The army and navy expenses of the principal powers for the year 1904." Molinari, Gustave de. The society of to-morrow: a forecast of its political and economic organisation: tr. by P. H. Lee Warner, with an introduction by Hodgson Pratt and a letter to the publishers from Frederic Passy; with an EEFERENCES ON LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS 67 appendix containing tables on the cost of war and of prep- aration for war, from 1898 to 1904, comp. b}^ Edward Atkinson. New York: G. P. Putnarn's sons; London: T. F. JJnioin, 1901^. xlviii, ^30 pp. 12^. The Parliamentary debates (authorized edition), 4:th series [vols. 68-171]. Lo7idon: 1899-1907. 10 J^ vols. <§°. Statement by the first Lord of the Admiralty (Mr. Goschen) March 9, 1899, that similarly, if the other great naval powers should be prepared to diminish their programme of shipbuilding. Great Britain should be prepared to meet such a procedure by modify- ing theirs, vol. 68, col. 324. Mr. Goschen, Feb. 26, 1900, on the Hague conference of 1899, the reduction of armaments and the shipbuilding programme, vol. 79, cols. 1122-1123. Falsity of "pretence that great armaments are a security for peace", Sir William Harcourt, March 14, 1901, vol. 90, col. 1641. "Policy governs armaments", Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, May 13, 1901, vol. 93, col. 1492; Mr. Wyndham, May 13, 1901, vol.93, col. 1507; Mr. W. Churchill, May 13, 1901, vol. 93, col. 1565; Mr. Bryce, May 20, 1901, vol. 94, col. 711; Sir Robert Reid, May 21, 1901, vol. 94, col. 796. Comparison of cost of British and foreign armies, Mr. Wyndham, May 13, 1901, vol. 93, col. 1518. Comparison of cost of ■ British and foreign navies. Col. Milward, May 21, 1901, vol. 94, col. 1053. Combined French, German and Russian naval estimates equal total British expenditure for the year. Mr. E. Robertson, July 3, 1901, vol. 96, col. 727. Expenditure on increase of armaments in foreign countries, Mr. Arnold-Forster, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1290. Hague conference (1899) resolutions on reduction in armament, Mr. E. Robertson, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1293. Initiative in reduction of armament should be taken by Great Britain, Mr. H. Roberts, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, cols. 1277-1291; Mr. Buchanan, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130; col. 1286; Mr. E. Robert- son, Feb. 29,1904, vol. 130, col. 1293; Mr. Haldane, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, cols. 1299-1302. Negotiations with foreign powers as to reduction in armaments, suggested, Mr. H. Roberts, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, cols. 1274, 1275, 1279, 1280, 1291; IMr. Buchanan, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1286; Mr. Arnold-Forster, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, cols. 1287, 1289, 1291; Mr. Harris, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1294; Mr. R. Lucas, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1302; Mr. O'Mara, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, col. 1303; Sir H. Campbell-Bannerman, Feb. 29, 1904, vol. 130, cols. 1307-1308; Mr. J. Ellis, May 17, 1904, vol. 135, col. 120. References to armaments in debate on the Finance bill. May 16, 1904, vol. 134, cols. 1407, 1408, 1413, 1479. Increase in expenditure on armaments, Mr. Labouchere, March 14, 1905, vol. 142, cols. 1425-1427. 68 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS References on the subject in debate on the budget, April 10, 1905> vol. 144, col. 1102. Negotiations with foreign powers regarding reduction in armaments, question and answer, Mr. Markham and Mr. Balfour, April 14, 1905, vol. 145, col. 196; Mr. Cremer and Mr. Balfour, June 6, 1905, vol. 147, cols. 868, 869. Rivalry between European nations the cause of huge armaments, Lord Avebury, June 26, 1905, vol. 148, cols. 31-37. Expenditures on armaments by European countries, 1894-1904, Mr. Verney, March 8, 1906, vol. 153, col. 742. Negotiations with foreign powers as to reduction in armaments, Mr. Haldane, March 8, 1906, vol. 153, col. 674; Questions, March 12, 1906, Mr. Alden, Mr. Baker, Mr. King; answer. Sir H. Campbell- Bannerman, vol. 153, col. 937, 938. Possibility of effecting reduction of armaments among European nations, Mr. A. Lee, March 19, 1906, vol. 154, cols. 107,108. Excessive growth of expenditure on armaments, proposals as to reduction, etc., Mr. Vivian, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, col. 1390; Mr. Fenwick, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1391-1393; Mr. Bellairs, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1393-1398; Captain Hervey, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1399-1400; Mr. J. M. Robertson, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1402-1407; Mr. A. J. Balfour, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1407-1412; Sir E. Grey, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1412-1416. Proposition to bring question before the Hague conference, Mr. Vivian, May 9, 1906, vol. 156, cols. 1383, 1388; Sir E. Grey, May 9, 1906, voL 156, cols. 1413, 1414. Arbitration as a means of settling disputes among nations, Bishop of Ripon, May 25, 1906, vol. 157, cols. 1526-1528; Lord Fitzmau- rice. May 25, 1906, vol. 157, cols. 1532-1536; Marquess of Lans- downe, May 25, 1906, vol. 157, cols. 1542, 1543. The reduction of armaments, debate May 25, 1906, Lord Avebury, Bishop of Ripon, Lord Sanderson, Lord Fitzmaurice, Lord Wear- dale, Lord EUenborough, Marquess of Lansdowne, Marquess of Ripon, vol. 157, cols. 1517-1548. Proposition to submit the question to the Hague conference, dis- cussion July 27, 1906, Mr. E. Robertson, vol. 162, cols. 71, 72; Mr. A. Lee, col. 78; Mr. Beauchamp, col. 82; Mr. Bright, col. 101; Mr. Maddison, cols. 105, 106; Mr. A. J. Balfour, cols. 109-111; Sir H. Cami:>bell-Bannerman, cols. 117-118. Proposals as to negotiations with foreign powers on reduction of armaments, Mr. A. Lee, July 27, 1906, vol. 162, cols. 77, 78; Mr. Kier Hardie, July 27, 1906, vol. 162, col. 80. Possibility of effecting reduction of armaments, Mr. H. Macdonald, March 5, 1907, vol. 170, cols. 698-700; Sir G. Parker, March 7, 1907, vol. 171, cols. 1031, 1322; Mr. T. L. Corbett, March 14, vol. 170, col. 270; Mr. Rees, cols. 270-273; Mr. H. Cox, col. 274; Dr. Rutherford, cols. 276-279; Mr. G. H. Faber, col. 279; Sir G. Par- ker, cols. 280-282; Mr. Verney, cols. 283-285; Mr. J. M. Robert- son, col. 285; Mr. A. J. Balfour, cols. 296-298. Decision as to discussion of armaments at Hague Conference, Mr. Lonsdale; Mr. Runciman, March 7, 1907, vol. 170, col. 1247. Policy of the Prime Minister in regard to armaments, Mr. A. Lee, March 11, 1907, vol. 170, cols. 665, 666, 668; Sir H. Campbell- Bannerman, cols. 673, 674, 675; Mr. A. J. Balfour, cols. 679-681. REFERENCES ON LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS 69 Russia. La question du desarmement. Circulaire du Comte Moura- vieff, ministre des affaires etrangeres, aux representants des puissances a Saint-Petersbourg, du 30 decembre 1898, 11 Janvier J 899. {In Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 6, 1899, pp. 76-104. Paris, 1899. 8°.) Stiness, John H. The importance of discussion of limitation of arma- ments by the second Hague conference. {In Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report of the twelfth annual meeting, pp. 22-26. [Boston and New York] 1906. 8°.) United States. 60th Congress^ 1st session. Senate docxmient no. 100. Nav_y yearbook. Compilation of annual nav^al appropria- tion laws from 1883 to 1907, including provisions for the construction of all vessels of the "New navy." Compiled by Pitman Pulisfer. Washington: Government printiiig office, 1907 . 6If3 pp. 8^. White, Andrew D. Letter, May 24, 1905. {In Lake Mohonk conference on international arbitration. Report of the eleventh annual meeting, pp. 163-167. [Boston and New York] 1905. 8°.) Disarmament at the Hague conference of 1899, p. 166. LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS; ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1885. Le desarmeraent proportionnel. James Lorimer. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 17 {1885): 50-5 1^. 1887. Limitation conventionnelle des armements et des effectifs militares. G. Rolin-Jaequemyns. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee, vol. 19 {1887): 398-Jp07. 1887. La question du desarmement et les difficultes qu'elle souleve an point de vue de droit international. James Lorimer. Revue de droit international et de legislation comparee., vol. 19 {1887): Jt7^-P8. 1887. Quelqnes reflexions sur les armements croissants de I'Europe. Kamarowski. Revue de droit international et de legislation coniparee, vol. 19 {1887): 1^,79-1^86. 1889. L'arbitrage international et la paix perpetueile. G. Valbert. Rei^ue des deux mondes^ vol So\ {Mar.., 1889): 181r-'210. 1894. La question du desarmement dans les relations entre la Russie et I'Angleterre. F. de Martens. Revue de d^oit international et de legislation cornparee, vol. 26 {1894): 573-585. 1894. La question du desarmement. A. Souchon. Revue generale de droit international public.^ vol. 1 {Dec.^ 189 1^): 513-i 1898. Le desarmement. Franfois de Mahy. Questions diplomatiques et coloniales., vol. 5 {Sept. 15., 1898): 65-70. 1898. Desarmement? (Sur la circulaire du comte Mouravief du 24 aoiit 1898.) Paul Louis. La Revue socialiste, vol. 28 {Sept., 1898): 257-262. 1898. A propos du desarmement. A. Hamon. LHumanite nouvelle., 2. annee, vol. 3 {Oct., 1898): I^7-Ji,li5. 70 LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS : ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 71 1898. Should Europe disarm? Sidney Low. Nineteenth century^ vol. 4-^ {Oct.., 1898): 521-530. 1898. Le desarmement; etude de droit international. Arthur Des- jardins. Revue des deux mondes., vol. 361 {Oct. 1, 1898): 668-679. 1898. The Tsar's eirenicon. E. J. Dillon. Contemporary 7'eview, vol. 74- {Nov., 1898): 609-6 Jf.2. 1899. The Tsar's rescript. T. J. Lawrence. International journal of ethics., vol. 9 {Jan.., 1899): 137-152. 1899. La Conferenza pel disarmo. F. Crispi. Nuova antologia, vol. 165 {May 16, 1899): 360-366. 1899. Arbitration and disarmament. A. G. Sedgwick. Nation, vol. 68 {June 1, 1899): 1^10. 1903. Chili et Republique Argentine. — Convention de limitation d'armementsdu 28 mail902. — Traite d'arbitrage permament du 28 mai 1902. Louis Holland. Revue generate de droit international jyuhlic, vol. 10 {1903): 5P-563. 1905. Some naval questions: I. German naval policy. II. The question of disarmament. III. The colonial contribution to the navy. IV. Navies and the protection of commerce. V. The distribution of the fleet. Edmund Robertson. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 57 {Jan., 1905): 11^.0-153 1905. Disarmament and union of nations. Hayne Davis. Independent, vol. 58 {June 22, 1905): l\o 1^-1 1^.06. 1906. The German naval bill. Excubitor. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 79 {Jan., 1906): 72-82. 1906. Rival navies. G. Shaw Lefevre. Contemporary review, vol. 89 {Feb., 1906): 156-165. Suggests an international agreement for limiting armaments. 1906. Admiralty policy and the new naval estimates. W. H. White. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 59 {Apr., 1906): 601-618. 1906. Anti-militarism in France. Urbain Gohier. Independent review', vol. 9 {June, 1906): 26If.-278. 1906. The limitation of armaments. Times, London, {June 18, 1906): 15, coh. 1-2. Correspondence dated Berlin, June 12. Regarding attitude in Germany. 72 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1906. Anti-militarism in France: a reply. A. Keene. Indej)end€nt review^ vol. 10 {Jidy^ 1906) : 89-92. 1906. Disarmament. Lord Erroll. Nineteenth century and after ^ vol. 60 {July, 1906) : Jf.4.-JfS. 1906. The Next peace conference. (By our military correspondent.) 11. The limitation of armaments. Times.1 London {July W., 1906): ^, cols. 1-3. 1906. National defence. F. Trefl'ry. Westminster review., vol. 166 {July, Aug., Sept., 1906) : 5Jfr-65, 183-19^, 29^-299. 1906. Disarmament to follow international organization. Hayne Davis. Spectator, vol. 97 {Aug. 4, 1906) : 161-162. 1906. The powers preservative of peace. Herman Scheffauer. Westminster review, vol. 166 {Aug., 1906): 129-13 Jt.. 1906. The command of the "German ocean." Excubitor. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 80 {Sept., 1906) : 509-525. 1906. Destroying Britain's naval supremacy. H. W. Wilson. National review, vol. JfS {Sept., 1906): 38-50. 1906. Pacifisme et antimilitarisme. Jean Tarbel. Nouvelle revue, vol. 4-2 {Sej}t. 15, Oct., 1906): 18^-198, 378- 392. 1906. International relations: domi nancy or justice. Harry Hodg- son. Westminster review, vol. 166 {Sept., 1906): 258-26 J^. 1906. Blind leaders of the blind: the government and disarmament. H. W. Wilson. National revieio, vol. J^8 {Oct., 1906): 2^3-255. 1906. A precedent for disarmament. A suggestion to the peace conference. Ernest Crosby. North American review, vol. 183 {Oct. 19, 1906): 776-779. The precedent is that of the agreement between the United States and Great Britain regarding the naval force on the Great Lakes. Opposes disarmament. 1906. Limitation des armements. D'Estournelles de Constant. La Revue, vol. 61^ {Oct. 1, 1906): 257-279; {Oct. 15, 1906): J^34-Jt53. Text of the report presented to the Inter-Parliamentary Union, July, 1906. LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 73 1906. Naval scares. Lord Eversle3\ Contemporarij review^ vol. 90 {N'ov., 1906): 62^-638. "Argues in favor of a general reduction of naval armaments". 1906. The government and the navy. Archibald Hurd. Nineteenth century and after ^ vol. 60 {Nov., 1906): 728-7 Jf.1^. Opposes the idea that the British navy is in no need of strengthen- ing to keep up with foreign navies. 1906. Limitation des armaments militaires et navals. — Proposition de la Grande-Bretagne et attitude des puissances. — Seconde Conference de la Haye. Maurice Gobin. Revue generate de droit international puhlic, vol. 13 {Nov., Dec, 1906): 736-7Ii!2. 1906. Armaments and peace. Harry Hodgson. Westminster review, vol. 166 {Nov., 1906): Ji,92-J(^7. Argues for arbitration. 1906. A Dreadnought naval policy. Archibald Hurd. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 80 {Dec. i, 1906): 1017-1032. 1907. "Disarmament" at the Hague conference. How Germany blocks the way. W. G. Fitz-Gerald. Harper's weekly, vol. 51 {March 2, 1907): 300. 1907. The dread of disarmament. Nation, vol. 8J^ {March 21, 1907): 268. 1907. The Hague conference and the limitation of armaments. Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman. Nation, {London) vol. 1 {March 2, 1907): Jf.-5. Living age, vol. 252 {March 23, 1907): 763-765. Subject of adverse comment in the Fortnightly review, new series, vol. 81, April, 1907, pp. 740-744. 1907. France and Germany. Nation {London), vol. 1 {March 30, 1907): 178. "To the mass of English Liberals the reluctance of official France to endorse the Prime Minister's appeal for a limitation of arma- ments has been at once a disappointment and a surprise." 1907. La guerre, la concurrence et la terre. X. Y. Z. Revue internatlonale du commerce, de Vindustrie et de la hanque, 9. annee {Mar. 31, 1907): 121-lJ^l. 1907. La limitation des armements a la Conference de la Haye. La France refusera-t-elle de la discuter? A. Messim3\ Revue polltiqne et litteraire; Revue lleue, 5e ser. vol. 11 {March 16, 1907): 325-329. 74 LIBEAKY OF CONGRESS 1907. Foreign affairs: a chronique. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 81 {April, 1907): 71^0-760. Devoted in part to a consideration of Sir Henry Campbell-Banner- man's contribution in The Nation (London) of March 2, 1907, on the limitation of armaments, with adverse comment. 1907. Lecturing the foreigners. German preparation. Whining for disarmament. National review, vol. Ji9 {April, 1907): 177-180. Written from the point of view that "it is inane of British states- men to go on whining for disarmament." 1907. Le desarmementet la neutralisation Internationale des colonies. Joseph Chailley. Quinzaine coloniale, 12e annee, {April '25, 1907): 289-'291. 1907. Les pretendues diiiicultes du desarmement. J. Novicow. La Revue, vol. 67 {Apr. 15, 1907): U9-Ji59. Abstract of this article in the American monthly review of reviews for June, 1907, pp. 747-748. 1907. Our armaments: a plea for reduction. J. A. Murray Macdonald. Contemporary review, vol. 91 {May, 1907): 63Ji.-6Jfl. 1907. Die Haager Konferenz und die Herabminderung der Kriegs- riistungen. Sir Alfred E. Turner. Deutsche Revue, vol. 32 {May, 1907): 165-170. 1907. The pretended difficulties of disarmament. American moyitlily review of reviews, vol. 35 {June, 1907): 71^7-7]iS. Abstract of article of J. Novicow in La Revue. 1907. The farce at the Hague; while war budgets increase peace del- egates discuss the rules of slaughter. Frederick Palmer. Collier's, vol. 39 {June 15, 1907): 13-11^. Accompanying are figures of increase of navies, armies, commerce, and population of leading nations 1897-1907. 1907. Italy and disarmament. Literary digest, vol. 3 J/, {June 8, 1907) : 911, 1907. France and disarmament. Literary digest, vol. 31^ {June 22, 1907): 986-987. 1907. The Hague outlook. O. G. Villard. Nation, vol. 8Ii, {June 20, 1907): 559-560. LIMITATION OF ARMAMENTS: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 75 1907. The armor-clad dove of peace: what it costs the navies of the world to '•disarm/' Frederic Austin Og-g. Harper's weeUy, ml. 51 {July IS^ 1907): 1021, 10 32. 1907. The guns behind the olive branch. Frederic Austin Ogg. Harper's weeUy, vol. 51 {July 20, 1907): 1060-1061. 1907. England at the Hague. Outlook {London), vol. 20 {Aug. 21^, 1907): 229-230. 1907. The collapse of the peace balloon. Saturday review, vol. 101^ {Aug. 2J^, 1907): 225-226. 1907. Disarmament and facts. Spectator, vol. 99 {Aug. 21^, 1907): 250-251. 1907. Germany's burden of armaments. Economist {London), vol. 65 {Sept. U, 1907): 1530-1531. 1907. The conference and disarmament. Edward Dicey. Empire revieio, vol. IJf, {Sept., 1907): 86-90. " Every nation which values its individual existence must base its policy on the principle enunciated in the Latin adage: Si vis pacem para bellum." 1907. Why the nations can not disarm. Amos S. Hershey. J^eader, vol. 10 {Sept., 1907): 339-343. 1907. The real cost of armaments. Samuel E. Moffett. Collier's, vol. Ifi {Dec. 7, 1907): U. 1907. Le probleme du desarmement. Noel Dolens. La Revue socialiste., vol. Jf.6 {Dec, 1907): 1^90-505, vol. Ii7 {Jan., 1908): 53-67. An argument for disarmament. 1908. The armaments and deficits of Germany, Economist {London), vol. 66 {Feb. 22, 1908): 365. 1908. The naval race and German finance. Ed Bernstein. N'ation {London) vol. 2 {Feb. 22, 1908): 757-758. 1908. Germany's naval expansion. Outlook {London) vol. 21 {Feb. 29, 1908): 299-300. 1908. The naval controversy and its results. Public opinion {London) vol. 93 {Feb. 14, 1908): 198. " It is quite clear that unless there is a sharp pull-up we shall drift into a position in which it will be impossible for any Govern- ment to conduct tlie affairs of the Army and Navy with a single eye to the public service." 76 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS 1908. The tu^ of armaments. Saturday review, vol. 105 {Feb. 15, 1908): 193-19]^. Relating to the correspondence between Sir John Fisher and Mr. Garvin. 1908. Imperial defence expenditure. Statist, vol. 61 {Feb. 29, 1908): 39J^-395. - 1908. National armament and international justice. Hayne Davis. Lidependent, vol. 6J^ {Mar. 19, 1908): 633-635. 1908. Reduction of armaments. Statist, vol. 61 {Mar. 7, 1908): W. 1908. The German Emperor and the British admiralty. H. W. Wilson. National review, vol. 51 {Apr., 1908): 201-213. 1908. Political parties and national defence. L. J. Maxse. National review, vol. 51 {Apr., 1908): 303-312. " National defence is a national affair." 1908. The navy estimates and naval debates. Sir William H. White. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 63 {Apr. , 1908) : 517-533. 1908. The naval policy of Germany. J. Ellis Baker. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 63 {May, 1908) : 835-851. 1908. The cult of the monster warship. Sir William H. White. Nineteenth century and after, vol. 63 {June, 1908) : 903-925. 1908. Programme naval. Charles Ferrand. Revue de Paris, 15. annee {June 1, 1908) : 563-586. 1908. Naval expenditure by Great Britain in 1909. Lord Eversley. Nation {London) vol. 3 {Aug. 1, 1908) : 635-636. 1908. A navy for peace. Rufus F. Zogbaum. Outlook, vol. 89 {Aug. 15, 1908): 839-8^2. 1908. The [London] peace congress and the [British] navy. Outlook {London) vol. 22 {Aug. 1, 1908): 137-138. 1908. Great Britain and Germany. Harold Spender. Contemporary review, vol. 9Ji. {Oct., 1908): 385-398. 1908. A naval understanding with Germany. Excubitor. Fortnightly review, n. s. vol. 8Jf {Oct., 1908): 611^,-630. LIST OF DISCUSSIONS ON THE COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES Aconcagua. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. {In Westminster review, vol. 159, Feb., 1903, pp. 125-128.) Alglave, Emile, and Louis Renault. La personnalite de I'etat en matiere d'emprunt; le gouvernement portugais et I'em- prunt de 1832. Paru: Librairie moderne^ 1880. 36 pp. 8^. Annexe a la declaration concernant I'Egypte et le Maroc. Projet de decret. Titre 1. De la dette publique; 2, Des dettes ga- rantie, privilegiee et unifies; 3. Les dettes domaniale et Daira Sanieh; 4. Dispositions diverses. (/n Revue generalede droit international public, vol. 11, Xov.-Dec, 1904, Documents, pp. 29-34. ) Anzilotti, Dionisio. Teoria generale della responsabilita dello state nel diritto internazionale. Parte prima. Firenze: F. Liimadd., 1902. vii, (1), 187 pp. 8°. Contents. — Parte prima. II problema della responsabilita di diritto internazionale: 1. Le norme giuridiche internazionale; 2. Effetti della violazione delle norme giuridiche internazionale. La responsabilita in generale; 3. Estremi della responsabilita di diritto internazionale — (a) Violazione ingiusta del diritto altrui; 4. (b) Imputabilita. La responsabilite Internationale des etats a raison des dom- mages soufferts par des etrangers. (in Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 13, Jan. -Feb., 1906, pp. 2-28; May- June, 1906, pp. 285-309.) Amtz, E. R. N. Observations sur le proces intente au nom du gou- vernement portugais a MM. Batteral etle comte de Keilhac devant le tribunal correctionnel de la Seine. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation compar^e, vol. 12, pp. 653-661. Bruxelles, 1880. 8°.) Babied, H. Le proces de la caisse de la dette egyptienue et Turret de la cour d'Alexandrie. {In Revue generale de droit international publii', vol. 4, pp. 124-l.;t). Paris, 1897. 8°.) 77 78 LIBEAKY OF CONGEESS Bald-win, Elbert F. Three South Americans and their doctrines. (Jn Outlook, vol. 87, Sept. 21, 1907, pp. 118-123.) Senor Triana, of Colombia, and the doctrine regarding loans; Senhor Barbosa, of Brazil, and the doctrine regarding territory, and Dr. Drago, of Argentina, and the doctrine regarding debt. Bar, L. de. De la responsabilite des etats a raison des dommages soutferts par des etrangers en cas de troubles, d'emeute ou de guerre civile. {In Revue de droit international etde legislation compar^e, vol. 31, pp. 464-481. Bruxelles, 1899. 8°.) Basdevant, Jules. L'action coercitive anglo-germano-italienne con- tre le Venezuela (1902-1903). {In Revue gen^rale de droit international public, vol. 11, Jnly-Aug., 1904, pp. 362-458.) Bibliography:. pp. 362-364. Le conflit franco-venezuelien. {In Revue g^n^rale de droit international public, vol. 13, Sept.-Oct., 1906, pp. 509-559. ) Beauregard, Paul. La situation financiere de la Grece et I'interven- tion des gouvernements etrangers. {In Le Monde ^conomique, vol. 4, 2. sem., Sept. 22, 1894, pp. 309- 311.) Becker, Henri, Les emprunts d'etats etrangers en France. Paris^ P. Lauriel [etc.], 1880. 78 pp. 8°. {Etudes de droit international.) Berard, Victor. Finance et diplomatie. {In Revue de Paris, vol. 12, Nov. 15, 1905, pp. 430-448. ) Blanchard, Georges. Des modifications apportees a la situation financiere de I'Egypte par I'accord franco-anglais de 1901. ( In Revue de science et de legislation financieres, vol. 3, July-Sept. , 1905, pp. 411-460.) Bord-well, Percy. Calvo and the "Calvo doctrine." {In The Green bag, vol. 18, July, 1906, pp. 377-382.) Boustany, Selim. Les finances de I'Egypte au point de vue interna- tional. Paris: A. Pousseau, 1897. (6), \_3}-131 pp. 5°. " Bibliographic ": p. [127]-128. Bowen, Herbert W. The Monroe, Calvo and Drago doctrines. {In The Independent, vol. 62, Apr. 18, 1907, pp. 902-904.) COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOEEIGN COUNTKIES 79 Bre-wer, David Josiah, and Charles Henry Butler. International law; a treatise. Reproduced from the Cyclopedia of law and procedure (cited as "Cyc."' b}^ the courts). Neio York: The Atnerlcaii laio hook company^ 1906. (^), 62 pp. JfP. " Claims of citizens against foreign states in general," pp. 38-60. Brusa, Emilio. Responsabilite des etats a raison des dommages soufferts par des etrangers en cas d'emeute ou de guerre civile. {In Institut de droit international. Annuaire, vol. 17, pp. 96-137. Paris, 1898. 8°.) Calvo, Carlos. Le droit international theorique et pratique. 5. ed. Paris: A. Rousseau^ 1896. 6 vols. 8°. Calvo "doctrine," vol. 1, sect. 204. Clarke, Hyde. On the debts of sovereign and quasi-sovereign states, owing by foreign countries. {In Royal statistical society. Journal, vol. 41, June, 1878, pp. 299-347. ) Discussion, pp. 342-347. Cocheris, Jules. Situation internationale de I'Egypte et du Soudan (juridique et politique) (avec cartes). Paris: Plon-Nourrit et cie., 1903. (<§), 616 pp. Folded map. 8°. "Bibliographie": p. [561]-571. Colvin, Sir Auckland. The making of modern Egj^pt. 3d ed. London: Seeley i& co.., limited, 1906. xiv.^ (^), 1^28 jyp. incl. map. Jf, p)ortraits (inch, frontispiece). Folded map. 8°. "The London conference," pp. 95-107. "The Northbrook mis- sion — the settlement," pp. 108-117. "The Anglo-French agree- ment and after," pp. 334-355. Corporation of foreign bondholders, London. Turkish loans. Correspondence for reference with regard to the Imperial Ottoman loans of 1858, 1862, 1869, etc. Printed under the direction of the Council of foreign bondholders, Com- mittee of Turkish bondholders of 185S, and Committee of Turkish bondholders of 1862. With an appendix. London: Office of the Council of foreign landholders, 1872. 11,8 pp. 8°. Annual report of the Council of the Corporation of foreign bondholders. Ist-Slth, 1873-1907. London: 1874-1907. 38 vols, in 13. 8°. 80 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Corporation of foreign bondholders, London. Defaulting states and British bondholders. {In The Economist (London) , vol. 63, Oct. 28, 1905, pp. 1706-1707. ) An abstract of the annual report of the Council of foreign bond- holders for 1904-5. Costa Rica debt. Extracts from the Times, London, The Financial News, London, South American journal, London, and Thirty-second annual report of the Council of the corpora- tion of foreign bondholders for the year 1904—5, London. Presented by Mr. Morgan. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pi. 9, 59th Congress, 1st session, June 23, 1906, pp. 9010-9014.) Cousin, Albert, and Daniel Saurin. Le Maroc. Paris: Lihrairie du Figaro., 1905. If.25 j>P- lUustratlons. Map. 8^. "Emprunt de 62,500,000 fr. b% 1904," pp. 126-130; "L'Europe au Maroc," pp. 133-161. Crane, Fergus. Roosevelt, Root, and Rio. {In Eclectic magazine, vol. 147, July, 1906, pp. 3-9.) Defaulting foreign states and their creditors. (InThe Economist (London), vol. 65, Jan. 26, 1907, pp. 131-132.) Despagnet, Frantz. Cours de droit international public. 2. ed., completement revue et mise au courant. Paris: L. Larose^ 1899. vii, 7Ji3 pj^. 8'^. "Des principaux cas d' intervention: Pour prot^ger les nationaux en leur quality de creanciers d'un Etat etranger," pp. 198-199. Dicey, Edward. Story of the Khedivate. Nev^ York: G. Scribner's sons., 1902. xv.,539 ]p]). 8°. Diena, Giulio. II fallimento degli stati e il diritto internazionale. Torlfio: Unions tipo. editrice, 1898. (^), 217 pj). 8"^. La Doctrine de Drago et Palmerston. {In Courrier de la Conf6rence de la paix, no. 29, July 18, 1907, p. 2. ) Contradicts the statement that Lord Palmerston was one of the first to defend the doctrine that force should not be employed in the collection of foreign debts. Drago, Luis Maria. Affaires du Venezuela. La doctrine de Monroe. Note diplomatique du gouvernement argentin a son rep- resentant a AVashington, en date du 29 decembre 1902. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. ser., t. 88, nos. 10-12, Oct., 1903, pp. 54-58. ) COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 81 Drago, Luis Maria. Argentine Republic. ' ' Monroe doctrine " and diplomatic claims of European powers. {In U. S. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 1-13. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Letter of Drago, followed by a memorandum from the Secretary of State (John Hay), and a message from the President of the Argentine Republic. Cobro coercitivo de deudas publicas. JBuenos Aires: Conl hermanos^ editorea, 1906. 170 j>2^' IS'^. "Gives first the text of the Drago note of Dec. 29, 1902. * ' II est immediatement suivi de la r^ponse qui y fut faite le 17 f^vrier 1903 par le Secretaire d'Etat des Etats-Unis, et qui n'etait pas aussi nette que pouvait I'esperer le ministre de la Republique Argentine. Les autrea parties du livre de M. D., qui au point de vue du developpement du droit international offre un grand interet, con- tiennent des extraits d'un certain nombre d'ouvragea ou a 6t4 examinee et appreci^e en des sens divers la these d^sormaia con- nue sous le nom de these Drago. C'est d'abord le message du President de la Republique Argentine, General Roca, a I'ouver- ture du Congres le 4 mai 1903; ce sont ensuite un discours de M. Drago dans un banquet du 29 mai 1903 et une ^tude que le ministre argentin avait publiee en 1892 et ou il appliquait deja sa doctrine dans les rapports eutre les Etats federaux; c'est enfin la reproduction de quelques articles consacres a la question par dea publicistes de differents pays: M. F. de Martens (Par la justice vers la paix), M. Alexandre Hamilton (Federalist, no. 81), M. Carlos Calvo (Le droit international theoriqueet pratique, t. I, p. 351), M. Basdevant (Voir cette Revue, t. XI (1904), p. 362 et suiv. )• Le volume se termine par une note des Etats-Unis du 22 mars 1906 relative a la prochaine Conference Internationale am6ricaine, ou il est fait allusion au systeme de M. Drago, et par le programme de cette Conference, ou il est propose que la seconde Conference de la paix, qui doit se reunir jl la Haye, soit invitee a ^tudier 1' usage de la force pour le recouvrement des dettes publi- ques; la Conference Internationale americaine, qui s'est tenue ^ Rio de Janeiro du 23 juillet au 23 aout 1906, a effect! vement adopte le 22 aout une resolution en ce sens." {Revue generate de droit international public, Nov. -Dec., 1906, p 754-) Les emprunts d'etat et leurs rapports avec la politique Inter- nationale. '' {In Revue gen^rale de droit international public, vol. 14, Mar.- April, 1907, pp. 251-287. ) Les emprunts d'etat et leurs rapports avec la politique Inter- nationale. Extrait de la Revue generale de droit interna- tional public. Paris: A. Pedone, 1907. 36 pp. 8^, "Cette etude a H^ ^crite specialement pour la Revue ghierale de droit international public. Redigee en espagnol, elle a ^te, a Buenos- Ayres, traduite en fran^ais sous les yeux de I'auteur par M. Alfred Ebelot." 42842—08 6 82 LIBEAEY OF CONGEESS Drago, Luis Maria. Proclamation de la doctrine Drago. {In Courrier de la Conference de la paix, no. 30, July 19, 1907, pp. 2-3. ) Gives the discourse of Dr. Drago at the Hague, July 18, 1907, and the declarations of Spain and Nicaragua. La Republica Argentina y el casd de Venezuela; documentos, juicios y comentarios relacionados con la nota pasada al ministro argentine en Washington. Buenos Aires:, Coni hermanos^ 1903. xix, 326, (2) pp. 4-°' State loans in their relation to international policy. {In The American journal of international law, vol. 1, July, 1907, pp. 692-726. ) Drago doctrine. Monroe doctrine and diplomatic claims of European powers. — Press comments on note of Argentine government to the government of the United States. Editorial from the Correio de Manha, of Rio de Janeiro, March 30, 1903. {In U. S. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 24-27. Washington, 1904. 8°.) La doctrine de Monroe. Une note diplomatique du gouv- ernement argentin. Consultations et avis. {In Revue de droit international et de legislation compar^e, vol. 35, 1903, pp. 597-623. ) Gives the Drago letter, with the opinions of students of international law upon the doctrine advanced by Drago. Mr. Root and the Drago Doctrine. {In The Outlook, vol. 84, Sept. 1, 1906, p. 2.) Dreyfus, Paul. Haiti et Saint-Domingue. {In L'Economiste frangais, vol. 33, July 1, 1905, p. 14.) Der dritte Panamerikanische Kongress und die Drago-doktrin. {In Die Grenzboten, vol. 65, pt. 2, May 24, 1906, pp. 397-406.) Duflot Georges. La caisse de la dette et les finances egyptiennes. Paris: V. Olard db K Briere, 190^. U), 136 pp. 4°. "Bibliographie": p. [133]-134 Edgington, Thomas Benton. The Monroe doctrine. Boston: Little., Broivn, and company, 1905. viii, 34-^ pp. ■ Front isp iece. 8° . The Calvo doctrine, pp. 218-266; Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Venezuela, pp. 267-289; Factional arbitration, federation, receiv- ership, pp. 290-301. COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 83 Edhem, Menemenli-Zade I. La condition internationale de I'Egypte. Montavhan: Impriinerle et lUhographie Edouard Forestie^ 190 Jf,. xii^ 171 pp. 8^. {Faculte de droit de Touhnise.) Bibliographie: pp. ix-xii. L'Emprunt Dom Miguel (1832) devant le droit des gens et Thistoire. Deuxieme edition. Paris: A. Chaixetcle., 1880. 311 jyp. p. "Speeches at an extraordinary session of the Third conference of American republics held in Rio de Janeiro, July 31, 1906." pp. 1-20. Scott, George Winfield. International law and the Drago doctrine. ( In The North American review, vol. 183, Oct. 5, 1906, pp. 602-610. ) Some of the causes of conflict between Europe and Latin- America. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22, July, 1903, pp. 71-82. ) Souchon, A. A propos de la conversion de Punifiee Egyptienne. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 4, 1895, pp. 122-132. ) Tardieu, Andre. Questions diplomatiques de I'annee 1904 . . . France et Italic; France et Angle terre; Siam; Maroc; Saint-Siege; Tunisie; Macedonie; Serbie; Crete; Russie et Japon; la Chine et la guerre. Paris: F. Mean, 1905. (4), 319 pp. 12°. {Bibliotheqiie cChistoire conteniporains. ) Contents. — Introduction. — 1. ptie. Politique fran^aise. — 2. ptie. Question d' Orient.— 3. ptie. La guerre russo-japonaise. — Ap- pendice: I. Traitefranco-siamiosdu 15f^vrierl904. II. L'accord franco-Anglais. Taylor, Hannis. International conference at Rio de Janeiro. {In American law review, vol. 40, Nov.-Dec, 1906, pp. 896-907.) 94 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS TchernoflF, J. Protection des nationaux residant a I'etranger. Avec introduction sur la souverainete des etats en droit inter- national. Paris: A. Pedone, 1899. (^), m, (^), 5U2>P- <^"- United States. Negotiations with China for settlement and repa- ration, {In U. S. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1900, pp. 197-267. Washington, 1902. 8°. ) Congress. Senate. Committee on foreign relations. Com- pilation of reports of Committee . . . 1789-1901, First Congress, first session, to Fifty-sixth Congress, second session. Washington: Government printing office^ 1901. 8 vols. Plates. Maps. Plans. Diagrams. 8'^. {56th Congress., 2d ses- sion. Senate Doc. no. '231.^ jpt. 1-8.) Contents. — I. Claims of citizens of the United States against foreign governments. — II. Claims of citizens of the United States against foreign governments. La Abra silver mining company. — III. Claims of citizens of the United States against foreign govern- ments. Claims of citizens of the United States against the United States. Claims of citizens of foreign governments against the United States. Claims against the United States of diplomatic and consular officers of the United States for reimbursement and extra pay. — IV. Mediterranean commerce, etc. Nominations. Authorizations to accept decorations from foreign governments. International exhibitions. International conferences. Maritime canals. Pacific cables. Railroads. Trade and commerce with foreign nations. Tariff restrictions. — V. Trade and commerce with foreign nations. Foreign tariffs. Boundary and fishery disputes. — VI. Diplomatic relations with foreign nations. Hawaiian Islands. — VII. Diplomatic relations with foreign na- tions. Affairs in Cuba. — VIII. Treaties and legislation affecting them. General index. Department of state. Claims against the government of Colombia. A report from the Secretary of state relative to correspondence and papers in regard to the claims of Messrs. Isaacs and Asch and other citizens of the United States against the government of Colombia. March 19, 1902. 281 pp. 8°. {57th Congress., 1st session. Senate doGximent no. 26 Jf.) Further report. June 20, 1902. 30 pp. 8°. {57th Congress., 1st session. Senate docuTnent no. 26 If., part 2.) Message of the President, communicating, in answer to a resolution of the Senate requesting a list of claims of citizens of the United States against foreign governments, a report of the Secretary of state. January 19, 1859. 128 pp. 8°. {35th Congress, 2d session. Senate executive document no. 18.) COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTEIES 95 The present condition of Mexico. April 14, 1862. 434 pp. 8"". {37th Congr'ess^ 2d session. House executive document no. 100.) Contains correspondence between Thomas Corwin, minister to Mexico, and Secretary Seward in regard to proposition to render financial aid to Mexico, to meet the demands of the British, French and Spanish bondholders. United States and Chilean claims. {In U. S. Papers relating to the foreign relations of the United States, 1895, part 1, pp. 77-86. Washington, 1896. 8°.) "With respect to claims f this character (arising from contracts), it is a universally accepted and practiced rule that the person who has voluntarily entered into a contract with the government of a country should appeal in any complaint he may make, or for injuries which he may have suffered by reason of such con- tract, to the laws of the country with whose government or citi- zens he may have contracted". Opinion of the Secretary of state (Blaine), March 22, 1881. " Settlement of the claim of the North and South American con- struction company," pp. 85-86. Walton, Clifford Stevens. Private and international law in the en- forcement of claims. {In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 22, July, 1903, pp. 83-96. ) Westlake, John. International law. Part I. Peace. Camhridge: University press., 190 Jf.. 8°. "Contractual claims," pp. 317-320. Wharton, Francis. A digest of the international law of the United States, taken from documents issued bj^ Presidents and sec- retaries of State, and from decisions of Federal courts and opinions of attorncA^s-general. (2d ed.) Washington : Government printing office, 1887. 3 vols. 8°. "Contractual claims," vol. 2, pp. 654-664. White, A. Silva. The expansion of Egypt under A nglo-> Egyptian condominium. London: Methuen <& co., 1899. xv, (7), IfB3 ])p. Folded maps. 8^. Wuarin, Albert. Essai sur les emprunts d'etats, et la protection des droits des porteurs de fonds d'etats etrangers. Paris: Z. Zaroseet Z. Te?t in, 1907. vii, 286 ^yp. 8^. "Bibliographic," pp. 279-284. BRITISH AND FOREIGN STATE PAPERS DOCUMENTS RELATING TO COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES Chile. British notitication, respecting the presentation of British claims against Chile before a mixed commission at Santi- ago, and the appointment of a British agent. — London, April 8, 1884. Vol. 75, 1883-1884,, pp. 4,10-411. British notification, announcing that the first meeting of the mixed commission on British claims against Chile was held at Santiago on the 1st of March, 1884, and that claims must be presented within six months from that date.— London, April 15, 1881. Vol. 75, 1883-1884, j)- 4-11- Colombia. Colombian law relative to claims arising out of the civil war. — Bogota, June 4, 1877. Vol. 68, 1876-1877, pp. 776-780. Colombian law, determining the mode of paj'ment of claims of foreigners for losses incurred during the civil war. — Bogota, June 4, 1877. Vol. 68, 1876-1877, p. 780. Colombian law, determining the mode of payment of claims of foreigners for losses incurred during the civil war of 1876-1877.— Bogota, July 1, 1878. Vol. 69, 1877-1878, p. 376. Colombian decree, regulating the mode of presentation and substantiation of foreign claims for losses incurred during the civil war of 1876-1877.— Bogota, July 30, 1878. Vol. 69, 1877-1878, pp. 376-377. Colombian law, respecting the claims of foreigners in conse- quence of contributions levied upon them during the rebel- lion in Colombia. — Bogota, August 31, 1886. Vol. 77, 1885-1886, pp. 807-809. Colombian decree, for the execution of the law of August 31, 1886, regulating the claims of foreigners. — Bogota, Oct. 11, 1886. Vol. 77, 1885-1886, pp>. 810-813. 96 COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOREIGN COUNTRIES 97 British notification, respecting the presentation of claims against the gov^ernment of Colombia.— London, Jaii 7 1887. Vol. 7S, 1886-1887, p. 176. Costa Rica. Convention between the United States and Costa Rica, for the adjustment of claims. Signed at San Jose, July 2, 1860. Vol. 50, 1859-1860, pj). 4^8S02. Contract between the government of Costa Rica and Mr. M. C. Keith, an American citizen, for the settlement of the foreign debt and the completion of the railway to the At- lantic. — San Jose, July 13, 1883. Vol. 74-, 1882-1883, pi?. 1067-107 J^. Eg3rpt. Notice issued by the Egj^ptian commission of liquidation to state creditors, respecting the presentation of their claims. — Cairo, April 20, 1880. Vol. 71, 1879-1880, pp. 556-576. Notification by the Egyptian indemnities commission, respect- ing the presentation of claims arising out of events in Egypt subsequent to the 10th June, 1882. — Alexandria, Feb. 6, 1883. Vol. 71^, 1881-1883, p. 684. Egyptian decree, instituting an International commission to deal with claims arising out of the insurrection in Egypt, in 1882.— Cairo, January 13, 1883. Vol. 74, 1882-1883, pp. 1091-1093. Egyptian decree, respecting the constitution and date of meeting of the Commission of indemnities instituted by decree of January 13, 1883. — Cairo, February 4, 1883. Vol. 74, 1883-1884, 2)p. 1094,-1095. Conventions between the governments of Great Britain, Austria-Hungary, France, German}-, Ital}-, Russia, and Turkey, relative to the finances of Egypt. — Signed at Lon- don, March 18, 1885. Vol. 76, 1884.-1885, pj?. 348-352. Correspondence respecting the finances of Egypt (application of German, Russian and Turkish governments to be repre- sented on the "caisse" of the public debt instituted by Egyptian decree of May 2, 1876, charge for British army of occupation; consent of Great Britain to reduction of in- terest on Suez Canal shares; &c.). — 1884, 1885. Vol. 77, 1885-1886, pp. 1^80-500. 42842—08 7 98 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Ecuador. Decree of the republic of Equador, respecting claims by foreisfners and natives for losses incurred during- wars and insurrections. — Quito, July 17, 1888. Vol. 79, 1887-1888, pp. 166-167. ' Haiti. Message of the President of Hayti to the national assembly (claims of foreigners for losses incurred during civil war, &c.).— Port-au-Prince, August 12, 1873. Vol. 67, 1875-1876, pp. 137-166. Message of the President of Hayti to the National Assembly (foreign claims, &c.). — Port-au-Prince, May 8, 1877. Vol. 68, 1876-1877, pp. 1207-1222. Message of the President of Hayti to the National Assembly (foreign affairs; British and other claims; etc.). — Port-au- Prince, August 11, 1883. Vol. 74, 1882-1883, pp. 771^-779. Agreement between the United States and Hayti, for the sub- mission to arbitration of certain claims against the Hay tian government (Pelletier and Lazare claims). — May 28, 1884. Vol. 75, 1883-188^, pp. 382-381^. Madagascar. French decree, appointing a special commission to pro- nounce upon claims for losses during the war between France and Madagascar. — Paris, Feb. 7, 1887. Vol. 78, 1886-1887, pp. 706-707. British notification, respecting the manner in which British subjects will be allowed to support their claims for losses sustained by them during the war between France and Madagascar. — London, March 30, 1887. Vol. 78, 1886-1887, p. 707. — French notifications of the termination of the commission con- stituted by decree of the 7th February, 1887, for the settle- ment of claims for losses sustained during the war between France and Madagascar. — Paris, August 21, 1887. Vol. 78, 1886-1887, p. 708. Mexico. Convention between the United States of America and the Mexican Republic for extending the functions of the um- pire appointed pursuant to the convention of July -l, 18G8, for the adjustment of claims. — Signed at Washington, April 29, 1876. Vol. 67, 1875-1876, pp. 1108-1110. COLLECTION OF DEBTS OF FOEEIGN COUNTRIES 99 British notification, respecting- the presentation of British claims against the government of Mexico, under Article I of the preliminary agreement of August 6, 1884. — London, March 3, 1886. Vol. 77, 1885-1886, />/a 1180-1181. British notilication respecting certain British claims against Mexico on account of "consumo duty." — London, April 22, 1893. Vol. 85, 1892-1893, pp. 393-3.94. Ne-w G-ranada. Convention of claims between the United States and New Granada. Signed at Washington, September 10, 1857. Vol. 47, 1856-1857, pp. 353-355. Peru. Convention between Peru and the United States, for the settle- ment of differences. Signed at Lima, March 17, 1841. Vol. 29, 184,0-184-1, pp. 1312-1314. Samoa. Correspondence between Great Britain, Germany, and the United States, respecting the affairs of Samoa. Vol. 79, 1887-1888, pp. 963-1053. Includes correspondence on " Claims of British subjects on account of losses incurred by them through burning of Satupaitea by a German man-of-war;" "Messrs. McArthur's claim in respect of the removal of the late government house at Apia." Venezuela. Convention between the United States and Venezuela, for the settlement of Aves island claims. — Signed at Valen- cia, January 14, 1859. Vol. 59, 1868-1869, pp. 274,-276. Convention between the United States and Venezuela, for the settlement of claims.— Signed at Caracas, April 25, 1866. Vol. 59, 1868-1869, pp. 276-279. British notification to British subjects having claims pending against the government of Venezuela. — Caracas, Oct. 9, 1868. Vol. 65, 1873-1874,, pp. 1236-1237. Venezuelan decree, respecting the distribution of the revenue derived from the customs (foreign claims, &c.). — Caracas, November 30, 1872. Vol. 70, 1878-1879, pp. 335-337. Venezuelan decree, approving the Claims convention with Great Britain of September 21, 1868, and the awards of the mixed commission appointed under that convention. — Caracas, June 14, 1873. Vol. 70, 1878-1879, p. 365. 100 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Venezuela. Venezuelan decree, recog-nizing the British and French claims admitted in 1865 and 1867.— Caracas, May 23, 1876. Vol. 70, 1878-1879, p. 366. Venezuelan decree, respecting claims by natives and foreign- ers. — Caracas, February 11, 1873. Vol. 7 J,,, 1882-1883, pp. 1065-1067. British notification respecting the claims of British subjects on the government of Venezuela. — London, August 22, 1893. Vol. 85, 1892-1893, pp, 526-527. Correspondence respecting the affairs of Venezuela. Vol. 95, 1901-1902, pp. 105Jf--1135. LIST OF WORKS ON THE RELATIONS OF THE UNITED STATES AND FRANCE DURING THE FRENCH OCCUPATION OF MEXICO 1861-1867 Bancroft, Frederic. The French in Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. {In Political science quarterly, vol. 11, March, 1896, pp. 30-43.) The life of William II. Seward. ]^ew York (& London: Harjper (& brothers, 1900. 2 vols. Portraits. S°. " Seward's attitude toward French intervention in Mexico," vol. 2, pp. 419-442. Barral-Montferrat, Marquis de. De Monroe a Roosevelt, 1823-1905. Avec une preface de M. le comte d'Haussonville. Paris: Plon-Nourrit et cie.., 1905. xv, (i), 356, (l)pp. 12°. Bazaine, Achille Francois. La intervencion f rancesa en Mexico segun el archivo del mariscal Bazaine (textos espanol y f ranees). Ifexico: Vda. de C. Bouret, 1907-1908. J^ vols. i^°. {Docu- raentos inedltos 6 muy raros para la historia de Mexico, pub. por Genaro Garcia, t. xiv, xvi-xviii.) Beaumarchais, Maurice D. de. La doctrine de Monroe. L'evoliition de la politique des Etats-Unis au xix" siecle. 2e ed., revue et augmentee. Paris: L. Larose, 1898. 23 J^ pj). 5°. "Affaire du Mexique," pp. 79-90. Calvo, Carlos. Le droit international, theorique et pratique. Vol. 1. 5 ed. Paris: Arthur Rousseau, 1896. 8°. Intervention in Mexico, pp. 337-348. C^spedes, Jose Maria. La doctrine de Monroe. Ilabana: A. Miranda y comp. , 1893. (4^), vi, 511, v, {2) pp. 8°. "La intervencion en Mejico," pp. 255-334. Chevalier, Michel. L'expedition du Mexique. Paris: K Pentu, 1862. (2), 90 2?p. 8°. Duniway, Clyde Augustus. Reasons for the withdrawal of the French from Mexico. {In American historical association. Annual report, 1902, vol. 1, pp. 313-328. Washington, 1903. 8°.) Edgington, Thomas Benton. The Monroe doctrine. Boston: Little, Bro^vn, and com/pany, 190Jf. viii, 3J^ pp. Portrait. 8^. "The Empire of Maximilian," pp. 119-127. 101 102 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Foster, John W. A century of American diplomacy. Boston and New York: Houghton^ Mifflin ds co.^ 1901. <§°. French intervention in Mexico, pp. 401-403, 460. The French conquest of Mexico. {In Westminster review, vol. 80, Oct. 1, 1863, pp. 313-344.) Also in Eclectic magazine, vol. 61, Jan., 1864, pp. 36-54, and Living age, vol. 79, Nov. 7, 1863, pp. 251-269. The French invasion of Mexico. {In Knickerbocker monthly, vol. 61, June, 1863, pp. 521-524.) G-arcia, Genaro, ed. Correspondencia secreta de los principales inter- vencionistas mexicanos, 1860-1862. Mexico: Vda. de C. Bouret, 1905-1907. 3 vols. i^°. {Documentos ineditos 6 mny raros para la historia de Mex- ico., pub. por Genaro Garcia y Carlos Pereyra, t. i, v, xiii.) G-aulot, Paul. L'Empire de Maximilien. 4. ed. Paris: Paul Ollendorff, 1S90. {^), 339 pp. 12°. {La verite sur V expedition du Mexique d\ip>res les documents inedits de Ernest Louet.) L'expedition du Mexique (1861-1867) d'apres les documents et souvenirs de Ernest Louet. Nouv. ed. Paris: Societe d'' editions litteraires et artistiques., 1906. '2 vols. Portraits. 8°. Fin d'Empire. 2. ed. Paris: Paul Ollendorff 1890. (^), 350 p>P- l^"". {La verite sur V expedition du Mexique d^apres les documents inedits de Ernest Louet.') Great Britain. Foreign office. Convention between Her Majesty, the Queen of Spain and the Emperor of the French, rela- tive to combined operations against Mexico. Signed at London, Oct. 31, 1861. Presented to both Houses of Par- liament by command of Her Majesty. 1862. (2),4:pp. F°. (Jn Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1862, vol. 64.) Convention between Her Majesty, and the Emperor of Mexico, for the investigation and settlement of British claims by a mixed commission. Signed at Mexico, June 26, 1866. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, 1867. (2), 1 pp. F°. {hi Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1867, vol. 74.) FRENCH OCCUPATION OF MEXICO 103 Great Britain. F&relgn office. Correspondence respecting the affairs of Mexico. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1862. 3 parts. F^. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1862, vol. 64.) Correspondence respecting British claims on Mexico. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 1861. (2), 71 pp. F-. (i;i Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1861, vol. 65. ) Despatches relating to British claims on Mexico. Pre- sented to the House of Commons by Her Majesty, in pur- suance of their address dated June 20, 1862. (2), 12 pp. F°. (iji Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1862, vol. 64. ) Henderson, John B. The Monroe doctrine. {In his American diplomatic questions, pp. 287-448. New York, 1901. 8°.) "The French intervention in Mexico," pp. 389-407. J,, T. M. Conquest of Mexico b}^ France. {In Hunt's merchants' magazine, vol. 50, June, 1864, pp. 415-425.) Latane, John H. The diplomatic relations of the United States and Spanish America. Baltimore: The Johns Ilojpkins press., 1900. '29If. pp. 8^. {The Albert Shaw lectures on diplomatic history .^ 1899.) ' ' French intervention in Mexico, ' ' pp. 221-265. Lefevre, Eugene. Documents officiels recueillis dans la secretairerie privee de Maximilien. Histoire de I'intervention franyaise au Mexique. BruxeUes <& Londres: \^lmpr. de Y^ Pairt et Jils], 1869. 2 vols. 8^. Published by authorization of President Juarez. Issued simultaneously in Spanish. Le Mexique et I'intervention europeenne. Mexico: Imprimerie de I. CimipUdo, 186'2. 1^79 pp. 8^. McDougall, J. A. French interference in Mexico. Speech in the Senate, Feb. 3, 1863. {In Congressional globe, 37th Congress, 3d session, 1862-63. Appendix, pp. 94-100.) McPherson, Edward. The political histor}^ of the United States of America, during the great rebellion. 2d ed. Washington., D. C. : Philp & Solomons., 1865. 8°. "The French in Mexico," pp. 348-354. R^sum^ of legislative action in regard to resolutions in relation to the French occupation. 104 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS Massimilian, emperor of Mexico. Recollections of my life, by Maxi- milian I., emperor of Mexico. London : R. Beyitley, 1868. 3 vols. 12°. A translation of his Aus meinem Leben, Leipzig, 1865. The apho- risms and poems included in the German edition are here omitted. Mazade, Charles de. La guerre du Mexique et les puissances euro- peennes. {In Revue des deux mondes, vol. 144, Aug. 1, 1862, pp. 733-761.) Mexico and the Monroe doctrine. \n.p.,1865f] Uj)p. 8°. Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international law. Washington: Government prhiting office, 1906. 8 vols. 8°, {U. S. 56th Cong.., '2d sess. House. Doc. 551.) French intervention in Mexico, vol. 6, pp. 488-505. Morse, J. T. jr. The present aspect of international law. {In North American review, vol. 103, Oct., 1866, pp. 466-498.) A vindication of Mr. Seward's policy of non-intervention in the Maximilian war in Mexico," pp. 478-479. Payno y Flores, Manuel. Cuentas, gastos, acreedores y otros asuntos d^l tiempo de la intervencion f rancesa y del imperio. Mexico: Lnpr. de I. CumpUdo, 1868. 756., xxxvi., [757]-934^^ {5) pp. JfP. P6tin, Hector. Les Etats-Unis et la doctrine de Monroe. Paris: Arthur Rousseau., 1900. (^), ^52 pp. 8°. "Le Mexique," pp. 166-200. Pierce, Edward L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. Boston: Roberts brothers., 1893. ^ vols. Portraits. 8°. French invasion of Mexico, vol. 4, pp. 117-120. Revelations sur Toccupation franyaise au Mexique au point de vue financier; documents officiels et inedits trouves dans les archives de Mexico et publics par ordre du gouvernement constitution nel de la republique. Bruxelles: [Typ.de D.Brismee], 1869. 107pp. 8°. Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from the com- promise of 1850. Vol. 4. 1862-1804. New York: The Macmillan company., 1900. 8°. French expedition to Mexico, pp. 345-348. FRENCH OCCUPATION OF MEXICO 105 Robinson, J. H. The Mexican question. Messages of the President of the United States to Congress, with accompanying docu- ments relating to Mexican affairs, 1862-1866. (Review) {In North American review, vol. 103, July, 1866, pp. 106-142.) Schouler, James. History of the United States of America, under the constitution. Vol. 6. 1861-1865. JVew York: Dodd, Head />. 12°. "Plusieurs fragments de ce volume avaient ^te publics dans la Revue d'histoire diplomatique et dans Le Correspondant." "La phase mondiale; le Venezuela. — L'Acre. — Saint-Domingue," pp. 254-288. Basdevant, Jules. L'action coercitive Anglo-Germano-ltalienne contre le Venezuela (1902-1903). {In Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 11. July-Aug., 1904, pp. 362-458.) Bibliographic: pp. 362-364. Le conflit franco-venezuelien. {In Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 13, Sept. -Oct., 1906, pp. 509-559.) Benoist, Charles. Les affaires du Venezuela. {In Revue des deux mondes, 5. p^^r. vol. 13, Jan., 1903, pp 229-240.) Berard, Victor. Allemagne et Venezuela. {In Revue de I'aris, 10<= annee, Jan. 15, 1903, pp. 421-444.) 114 REFERENCES ON VENEZUELA CASE 115 Bohler, Georges. La question du Venezuela. {In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 15, Feb. 15, 1903, pp. 226-239.) Bonsai, Stephen. Greater Germany in South America. {In North American review, vol. 176, Jan., 1903, pp. 58-67.) Brisse, Andre. Les interets allemands en Amerique. {In Revue de geographie, vol. 52, Jan.-Mar., 1903, pp. 1-21; 101- 122; 225-242.) Venezuela troubles, pp. 116-118. Caudel, M. La vie politique en Angleterre. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 18, Nov. 15, 1903, pp. 751- 770.) La politique exterieure, pp. 767-770. Le Conflit Anglo-Germano-Venezuelien. {In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 15, Jan. 1, 1903, pp. 18-24. ) Davis, Hayne. The Venezuela decision. (Jn Independent, vol. 56, Mar. 3, 1904, pp. 488-490.) Dillon, E. J. Venezuela. {In Contemporary review, vol. 83, Jan., 1903, pp. 140-142.) Dreyfus, Paul. Nouvelles d'outre-mer. Venezuela. {In L'Economiste frangais, vol. 31, 1, Jan. 3, 1903, p. 13.) Dulon, Rudolf. The Venezuelan arbitration once more; facts and law. {In American law review, vol. 38, Sept. -Oct., 1904, pp. 648-661.) Ebray, Alcide. Une reconciliation, I'Espagne et 1' Amerique Latine. {In Revue des deux mondes, 5^ periode, vol. 6, Nov. 15, 1901, pp. 427-453. ) La vie politique et parlementaire en France: 1. La politique exterieure du mois. {In Revue politique et parlementaire, vol. 35, Jan. 10, 1903, pp. 212-221. ) Estournelles de Constant, Paul H. B. haro?i d'. Le President Roosevelt et I'arbitrage. {In Revue politique et litt^raire (Revue bleue), vol. 71, 4'' scr., 19, Jan. 17, 1908, pp. 69-70.) France. Affaires du Venezuela. Question du traitement preferentiel pretendu par les puissances bloquantes. Memoirc pour le gouvernement de la Rcpubliquc franyaise. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. ser., t. 88, nos. 10-12, Oct., 1903, pp. 89-105. ) 116 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS France. Protocole signe a Washington le 27 fevrier 1903 pour le reglement des reclamations contre le Venezuela. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s^r., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 285-286. ) Franklin, J. H. L'incident du Venezuela. ( Tn Questions diplomatiquea et coloniaies, vol. 21, Feb. 1, 1906, pp. 161-167.) Gache, Auguste. Le conflit venezuelien et Tarbitrage de La Haye. Paris: A. Eousseau, 1905. xii^ 2W pp. 8'- .•"j G-arien, Victor. Autour de la guerre au Venezuela. {In Revue, vol. 44, Jan. 15, 1903, pp. 201-210.) Grermany. Abkommen iiber die schiedsrichterliche Entscheidung gewisser Fragen wegen Bezahlung der deutschen Rekla- mationen. Speck von Sternberg. Herbert W. Bowen. {In Das Staatsarchiv, vol. 69, 1904, pp. 257-259.) — Difficulty with Venezuela growing out of nonpayment of claims against the government of that country of nationals of Germany and other countries. {In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 417-439. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Protocole entre I'Allemagne et le Venezuela, relatif au regle- ment des reclamations allemandes. Signe a Washington, le 13 fevrier 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s^r., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 262-266. ) Text in French and English. Protocol of agreement between Venezuela and Germany — to which the United States and other powers are parties — respecting the reference of the question of the preferential treatment of claims to the tribunal at the Hague. Signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. {In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 439-441. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Protocol between Germany and Venezuela for the reference of certain questions to the Permanent court of arbitration at the Hague. Signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s6r., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 277-280. ) Text in French and English. Ghelli, Silvio. Gli interessi italiani nel Venezuela. {In, lUustrazione italiana, anno 30, Jan. 4, 1903, pp. 18-19.) REFERENCES ON VENEZUELA CASE 117 Great Britain. Difficulty with Venezuela growing- out of nonpay- ment of claims against the government of that country of nationals of Great Britain and other countries. ( In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 452-479. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Memoire presente par le gouvernement de la Grande-Bretagne a la Cour permanente d'arbitrage de la Haye. Venezuelan claims arbitration. In the Permanent court of arbitration of the Hague. British claims against Venezuela. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s^r., t. 92, nos. 11-12, Nov.-Dec, 1904, pp. 1397-1410.) Text in English. Protocole entre le Royaume-Uni et les Etats-Unis de Vene- zuela, relatif au reglement des reclamations britanniques et a d'autres matieres. Signe a Washington, le 13 fevrier 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. ser., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 257-261.) Text in French and English. ^ Protocol between the United Kingdom and the United States of Venezuela, relating to the settlement of the British claims and other matters. Signed at Washington, Feb- ruary 13, 1903, together with agreements for the reference of certain questions to the Permanent court of arbitration at the Hague, and for the decision of the claims by a mixed commission. Signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. Pre- sented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. May, 1903. Londoii : Printed for H. M. Stationery office^ hy Harrison and sons, [1903]. 8pp. 8°. {Treaty series. M. 8, 1903.) {Great Britain. Parliament. Papers hy command Cd. 1538.) Protocol between Great Britain and Venezuela for the refer- ence of certain questions to the Permanent court of arbi- tration at the Hague. Signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. ser., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 273-276. ) Text in French and English. Foreign office. Venezuela. No. 1 (1902). Correspondence respecting the aflt'airs of Venezuela. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. December 1902. iv, 17 pp. F°. {In Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1902, vol. 130.) 118 LIBEARY OF CONGRESS Grreat Britain. Foreign office. Venezuela. No. 1 (1903). Corre- spondence respecting the affairs of Venezuela. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty. February, 1903. xv, (1), 228 pp. F^. (7n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers. 1903, vol. 87. ) Extracts from this report are reprinted in British and foreign state papers, vol. 95, 1901-1902, pp. 1054-1135. London, 1905. To be continued in vol. 96. Translation "Affaires de Venezuela," is printed in "Archives diplo- matiques," 3. s6r., t. 85, no. 3, Mar., 1903, pp. 293-342; t. 86, nos. 5-6, May-June, 1903, pp. 103-140; t. 87, nos. 7-8, July-Aug., 1903, pp. 43-62; t. 88, nos. 10-11-12, Oct., 1903, pp. 59-65; t. 89, no. 1, June, 1904, pp. 47-58; no. 2, Feb., 1904, pp. 165-178; no. 3, Mar., 1904, pp. 281-306; t. 90, no. 4, Apr., 1904, pp. 437-442; no. 6, June, 1904, pp. 699-710; t. 91, no. 8-9, Aug. -Sept., 1904, pp. 972-995; t. 93, no. 1, Jan., 1905, pp. 68-96; t. 94, no. 4, Apr., 1905, pp. 423-449; t. 95, no. 7-8, July-Aug., 1905, pp. 71-119. Venezuela. No. 1 (1904). Award of the tribunal of arbitration constituted in virtue of the protocols signed at Washington, May T, 1903, between Germany, Great Britain, and Italy on the one hand, and Venezuela on the other hand. Presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of His Majesty, March, 1904. 5 pp. F'^. (7n Great Britain. Parliament. Sessional papers, 1904, vol. 111.) Hague. Permanent court of arhitration. Tribunal arbitral pour le reglement des reclamations des Puissances contre le Vene- zuela. Seances du 4 au 13 novembre 1903. Plaidoiries et conclusions des conseils des Puissances. {In Justice Internationale, vol. 1, Nov., 1903, pp. 349-375; Dec, 1903, pp. 430-439. Paris, 1903. 8°. ) Tribunal arbitral constitue en vertu des protocoles du 7 mai 1903 (AUemagne, Grande-Bretagne, Italic, Vene- zuela) et d'autres protocoles (Belgique, Espagne, Etats- Unis, France, Mexique, Pays-Bas, Suede et Norvege, Venezuela). Proces-verbal de la reunion du l'^'" septembre 1903. (in Archives diplomatiques, 3. s6r., t. 88, nos. 11-12, Nov.-Dec, 1903, pp. 241-293. ) Text in French and English. Tribunal arbitral constitue en vertu des protocoles du 7 mai 1903 (AUemagne, Grand-Bretagne, Italic, Venezuela) et d'autres protocoles (Belgique, Espagne, Etats-Unis, France, Mexique, Pays-Bas, Suede et Norvege, Venezuela). Seance du 22 fevrier 1904. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s6r., t. 89, no. 2, Feb., 1904, pp. 191- 201.) Text in French and English. REFERENCES ON VENEZUELA CASE 119 Hague. Permanent court of arMtration. The Venezuelan arbitration before the Haj^ue tribunal, 3 903. Proceedings of the tri- bunal under the protocols between Venezuela and Great Britain, Germany, Italy, United States, Belgium, France, Mexico, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Norway, signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. Washington: Government printing office^ 1906. IJfiS ^jp. 8°. {[United States.] 58th Congress, 3d session. Senate. Docximent no. 119.) Contents. — Pt. I. Final report of Hon. W. L. Penfield, agent of the United States. Protocols between Venezuela and the creditor states, protocols of proceedings at the Hague, decision of the tribu- nal, list of documents presented to the tribunal, etc. pt. II-III. Case of Venezuela and Appendix [Venezuela's " Yellow book," Correspondence.] pt. IV. Case of the United States, pt. V. Correspondence respecting the affairs of Venezuela, pt. VI. Cases of Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Spain, Sweden, and Norway, pt. VII. Counter cases of Venezuela, Great Britain, Germany, etc. pt. VIII. Oral arguments. On behalf of the United States: Wayne MacVeagh, W. L. Penfield; Great Britain: Sir Robert Finlay, Arthur Cohen; H. E. Richards; Germany: M. Buenz. The Hague protocols. \oi. p. n. d.] 9 leaves. 8°. Italian, British and German protocols regarding claims against the Venezuelan government. May 7, 1903. Hershey, Amos S. The Venezuelan affair in the light of international law. 1. Claims of the allies against Venezuela. 2. The conduct of the allies. (7n American law register, vol. 51, May, 190.3, pp. 249-267.) Isambert, Gaston. La vie politique en Allemagne. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 18, Nov. 15, 1903, pp. 735-750.) Le conflit venezuelien, pp. 745-749. Italy. Difficulty with Venezuela growing out of nonpayment of claims against the government of that country of nationals of Italy and other countries. {In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 601-610. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Protocole entre I'ltalie et le Venezuela relatif au reglement des reclamations italiennes. Signe a Washington, le 13 f evrier 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. sen, t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 267-272. ) Text in French and English. 120 LIBRAEY OF CONGEESS Italy. Protocol between Italy and Venezuela for the reference of certain questions to the Permanent court of arbitration at the Hague. Signed at Washington, May 7, 1903. {In Archives diplomatiques, 3. s6r., t. 87, no. 9, Sept., 1903, pp. 281-284.) Text in French and EngHsh. Same. {In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 611-613. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Lapradelle, Albert Geouffre de. A la cour d'arbitrage; notes et souvenirs. {In Revue de Paris, 10. annde. May 15, 1903, pp. 298-312.) Latin America and the United States. "Investor." {In The Monthly review, vol. 22, Jan., 1906, pp. 58-76.) Low, A. Maurice. Venezuela and the powers. {In American monthly review of reviews, vol. 27, Jan., 1903, pp. 39-43.) MacVeagh, Wayne. The value of the Venezuelan arbitration. {In North American review, vol. 177, Dec, 1903, pp. 801-811.) — The Venezuelan arbitration; argument of Wayne MacVeagh before the Hague tribunal on October 3rd and October 5th, 1903. Washington, D. C : Judd <& Detweiler^ printers^ 1903. 10'2 pp. JtP. Cover-title. Also included in Hague. Permanent court of arbitration. The Venezuelan arbitration before the Hague tribunal, 1903. Wash- ing, 1905. The Venezuela award. {In Independent, vol. 56, Mar. 3, 1904, pp. 487-488.) MaJIanne, Andre. L'arbitrage venezuelien devant la cour de la Haye (1903-1904). {In Revue g^n^rale de droit international public, vol. 13, July-Aug., 1906, pp. 423-500. ) Maury, Francois. Le Venezuela. {In Revue universelle, vol. 3, Feb. 1, 1903, pp. 49-54; Feb. 15, 1903, pp. 86-90.) Moore, John Bassett. A digest of international law. Wankhigton: Government printing ofice, 1906. 8 vols. 8°. {U. S. 66th Cong., 2d sess. House. Doc. 551.) Attitude of United States toward action of Germany, Great Britain, and Italy, in Venezuela, 1902-1903, vol. 6, pp. 586-592; Argentine propositions, and American reply, vol. 6, pp. 592-594. REFERENCES ON VENEZUELA CASE 121 Morris, Robert C. Report before the United States and Venezuelan claims commission, organized under the Protocol of Febru- ary IT, 1903, between the United States of America and the Repu])lic of Venezuela. Washington: Governinent printing office^ WOJf.. 663 pp. 8^. ( U. S. 58th Congress^ 2d session. Senate docuiment 710. 317.) Penfield, William Lawrence. Opening argument and reply for the United States, before the arbitration tribunal of the Hague, November, 1903. \^Washi7igton : Government printing office., 1903.^ 76pp. 5°. Cover-title. Also included in Hague. Permanent court of arbitration. The Venezuelan arbitration before the Hague tribunal, 1903. Wash- ington, 1905. * Phillimore, G. G. The Venezuelan arbitration. {In Law magazine review, vol. 29, Feb. 1904, pp. 210-212.) Pinon, Rene. Le contlit f ranco-venezuelien. {Li Revue des deux mondes, 5" periode, vol. 32, Mar. 15, 1906, pp. 415-444.) Ralston, Jackson Harvey, ed. Report of French-Venezuelan mixed claims commission of 1902. Prepared by Jackson H. Ralston . . . assisted by W. T. Sherman Doyle. Washington: Government printing office.^ 1906. xii^ J^71 pp. 8°. [United States. 59th Congress., 1st session. Senate document 533.) This work is a supplement to "Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903." "Table of authorities cited": pp. vii-ix. Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903, including protocols, person- nel, and rules of commissions, opinions, and summary of awards, with appendix containing Venezuelan 3'ellow book of 1903, Bowen pamphlet entitled "Venezuelan protocols," and "Preferential questions," Hague decision, with history of recent Venezuelan revolutions. Prepared by Jackson H. Ralston . . . assisted by W. T. Sherman Doyle. Washington: Government pri7iti7ig office., WOIf. xxviii., 1105 pp. 8^, ( U. S. 58th Congress, 2d sess. Senate document 710. 316.) Reyer, Edouard. L'avenir des peuples latins d'Araerique. (/n La renaissance latine, vol. 1, June 15, 1902, pp. 175-189; Sept. 15, 1902, pp. 12-24.) 122 LIBRAKY OF CONGRESS Rougier, Antoine. Une nouvelle theorie siir I'effectivite du blocus maritime. {In Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 10, pp. 608- 619. Taris, 1903.) Concerning Venezuela case. Les recente.s guerres civiles de la Colombie et du Venezuela. (/» Revue generale de droit international public, vol. 11, May-June, 1904, pp. 225-286. ) Stephan, Charles. Aperyu sur le Venezuela. [In Revue commerciale, 22'' ann^e, Mar. 5, 12, 19, 1904, pp. 4-5, 6-7, 4-5.) Le Venezuela economique. {In Le Monde ^conomiquej^vol. 13, 2^ semestre, Aug. 8, 1903, pp. 167-168.) Tello Mendoza, K. Venezuela ante el confiicto con las potencias aliadas, Aleraania, Inglaterra e Italia en 1902 y 1903. Caracas: Tipografia universal^ 1905. 2 vols. Portrait. F^. Compiled by General Manuel Landaeta Rosales, under the direction of R. Tello Mendoza. Consists of treaties, official documents, and editorials from the native and foreign press. Triana, S. Perez. El contlicto venezolano. {In Nuestro tiempo, ano 3, Jan., 1903, pp. 44-62.) Venezuela. Difficulty with various powers growing out of nonpay- ment of claims of their nationals against the government of Venezuela. {In U. S. Foreign relations of the United States, 1903, pp. 788-805. Washington, 1904. 8°.) Ministerio de relaciones interiores. Proceso franco- vene- zolano. [Caracas] Im.prenta nacional [1906]. [24-0], (S) pj?. Facsi- miles, ip. Cover-title. In Spanish, French, and English, each having special half-title and separate paging. Contents. — Editoriales de "El Constitucional." Documentos di- plomaticos; precedidos del proyecto de nuevo contrato con la Compaiiia francesa del cable. Documentos que comprueban la complicidad del gobierno francos y de la Compania francesa de cables, con la revolucion venezolana de 1902 d 1903. Clausura del cable francos. Apendice d los documentos diplomaticos. REFEEENCES ON VENEZUELA CASE 123 Venezuela Ministerio de relaciones interiores. Proceso franco- venezolano. \_Ca7'acas\: Imprenta nacional \1906\ (6'), \iii\-lxxx,, {8) pp. Facsimiles^ Ji^ Cover-title. Separate issue of the English part of the Proceso, originally issued in Spanish, French, and English by authority of the Ministerio de relaciones interiores. Treaties^ etc., 1900-1906 ( Castro). Correspondence and cable- grams relating to the Venezuelan protocols, by Herbert W. Bowen. [ Washi7igton f D. C. , 1903 f] Ifi pp. 8'^ . Cover-title. Found also in Venezuelan arbitrations of 1903 . . . by Jackson H. Ralston . . . Washington, 1904, pp. 1029-1057. . La Venezuela et la doctrine de Monroe. {In Questions diplomatiques et coloniales, vol. 19, Jan. 16, 1905, pp. 120-121.) The Venezuela arbitration. {In Edinburgh review, vol. 191, Jan. 1900, pp. 123-140.) Viallate, Achille. La vie politique aux Etats-Unis. {In Annales des sciences politiques, vol. 18, Nov. 15, 1903, pp. 806- 827.) L'encident du Ven^zu^la, pp. 822-826. Vitis, Charles de. La Venezuela. {In La Quinzaine, vol. 50, Feb. 16, 1903, pp. 498-524.) Woolsey, Theodore S. Venezuela and international law. {In Independent, vol. 54, Dec. 18, 1902, pp. 2988-2991.) VENEZUELA: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 1900. The Anglo-Venezuelan boundary dispute. Marcus Baker. National geographic magazine^ vol. 11 {April^ 1900) ; 1^9-lJf.Ji.. 1900. An unwritten chapter in American diploraac3^ A. Maurice Low. Contemporary revieiv^ vol. 78 {July^ 1900): 83-93. 1901. The Venezuela trouble. Public opinion, vol. 30 {Jan. ^, 1901): 103. 1901. Venezuela and United States protectorate. Saturday review, vol. 91 {Jan. 26, 1901): 102. 1901. The Venezuela difficulty. Harper's weeJdy, vol. 1^5 {Apr. 13, 1901): 378. 1901. The Venezuelan boundary controversy. Grover Cleveland. Century, vol. 62 {June, 1901): 283-297; {July, 1901): ^05- 4,19. I. The long-standing dispute between Great Britain and Venezuela. II. The intervention of the United States. 1901. Situation in Venezuela. J. J. Diaz Barcenas. Independent, vol. 53 {Aug. 15, 1901): 1909-1912. 1901. Venezuela and Colombia. Harold Martin. Independent, vol. 53 {Oct. 21^, 1901): 2527-2532. Map. 1901. Foreign intervention in Venezuela. Independent, vol. 53 {Dec. 19, 1901): 3000. 1902. Strife in nearer South America. American monthly revieio of reviews, vol. 25 {Jan., 1902): 10-13. 1902. Civil war in Venezuela. Outlooh, vol. 70 {Jan. 11, 1902): 106-10 1902. The Venezuelan revolution. Outlook, vol. 71 {June 28, 1902): 526. 1902. The Venezuelan revolution. Independent, vol. 51^ {Aug. U, 1902): 1925-1926. 124 VENEZUELA: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 125 1902. La cuestion de limites en la America espanola. Jeronimo Becker. Nuestro tiem,po, afto 2 (Sept., 1902): 363-371. 1902. The revolution in Venezuela. Richard Harding Davis. Harper's weekly, vol. Jt.6 {Oct. i, 190^): U21-U22. 1902. Le rivoluzioni Americane c il presidente Castro. lllustrazione italiana, anno 29 {Nov. 23, 1902): Jf.19. 1902. A republic and its revolutions. J. I. Diaz Barcenas. Era, vol. 10 {Dec, 1902): 581-583. 1902. The Venezuela imbroglio. Harper's weekly, vol. J^6 {Dec. 27, 1902): 2020. 1902. Venezuela. Independent, vol. 51^ {Dec. 11, 1902): 2923. 1902. Venezuela. The situation. Independent, vol. 5J^{Dec. 18, 1902): 2987a-2987c. 1902. The Venezuelan crisis. Independent, vol. 51{, {Dec. 18, 1902): , 3033. 1902. President Castro and the city of Caracas. Marion P. Bowen. Independent, vol. 51^ {Dec. 25, 1902): 3083-3091. 1902. Our responsibility for Venezuela. Independent, vol. 51f, {Dec. 25, 1902): 3102-3103. 1902. British distrust of Germany's Venezuelan policy. literary digest, vol. 25 {Dec. 27, 1902): 879. 1902. Venezuela then and now. nation, vol. 75 {Dec. 11, 1902): JfJ57-I,n8. 1902. The coercion of Venezuela. Natio7i, vol. 75 {Dec. 18, 1902): J^7J^. 1902. The Venezuelan crisis. Nation, vol. 75 {Dec. 25, 1902): W. 1902. Venezuela and the powers. Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 13, 1902): 867. 1902. The coercion of Venezuela by Germany and Great Britain. Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 20, 1902): 909. 1902. The Venezuelan question. Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 27, 1902): 959-960. 126 LIBRARY or CONGRESS 1902. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. Outlook, vol. 72 {Dec. 27, 1902): 971-973. 1902. The Venezuelan affair. Saturday review., vol. 9^ {Dec. 13^ 1902): 728. 1902. Venezuela. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 13, 1902): 928. 1902. Venezuelan crisis. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 20, 1902): 97 3-97 Jf,. 1902. Venezuela and the way of escape. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 20, 1902): 977-978. 1902. Germany and Great Britain. Vigilans sed sequus. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 20, 1902): 984,-986. 1902. The object of the German emperor's visit. (Venezuela imbroglio.) Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 20, 1902): 986. 1902. The government and Germany. (Venezuelan imbroglio) Scrutator. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 20, 1902): 986. 1902. The Venezuelan imbroglio. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 27, 1902): 1013. 1902. The Venezuelan imbroglio. Spectator, vol. 89 {Dec. 27, 1902): 1025-1026. "If the mock-war has shown anything, it has demonstrated the vitaHty and reahty of the Monroe doctrine, which has been proved unassailable." 1902. Is the government to collect foreign debts? Statist, vol. 50 {Dec. 20, 1902): ! 130-1 131. 1902. L'Angleterre et I'Allemagne au Venezuela. Leo d'Hampol. Yie illustree, 5e annee {Dec. 19, 1902): 166-167. 1902. Colombia and Venezuela in convulsion. Worlds work, vol. 5 {Dec, 1902): 2828 1902. Venezuela. Plutus. Zukimft, vol. 41 {Dec. 20, 1902): 467-Ji70. VENEZUELA: AETICLES IN PERIODICALS 127 1903. Venezuela and the powers. Discussion of the situation. Al- bert Shaw. American monthly reniew of reviews^ vol. 27 {Jan.^ 1903): w-m. Contents. — A focua of international concern; The claims against Venezuela; Germany's motives; What was England about? The Tory trend toward mischief; The German enthusiasm; Govern- ments as claim collectors; How to settle money claims; The Hague court is for such cases; The duty of the United States; Castro's declared policy; Coercive measures; Subsequent proceed- ings; Mr. Bowen as peacemaker; Castro as a type and figure; What could Venezuela do?. Friction between Germany and England; Arbitration fully expected. 1903. Venezuela and the powers. A. Maurice Low. American monthly review of reviews., vol. 27 {Jan., 1903): 39-4S. 1903. Les affaires du Venezuela. Arme'e et marine., 5e annee {Jan. 18, 1903) : 33-3 J^. 1903. German activity in South America. W. C. Jameson Reid. Gunton's magazine, vol. 2Ji. {Jan. , 1903) : 7-12. '1903. The folly of England's alliance with Germany. King Ed- ward's responsibility. Harper'' s iveekly, vol. ^7 {Jan. 3, 1903): 16. 1903. Arbitration in Venezuela. Inadvisability of President Roose- velt's acting as arbitrator. liar pel' 8 weekly, vol. If7 {Jan. 3, 1903): 16, 17. 1903. Germany and South America. Editorial. Harper s weekly, viol. 1^7 {Jan. 3, 1903):. 19. "Germany's intention of acquiring territory ... at the expense of Venezuela." 1903. The President as arbitrator. (Venezuelan controversy.) Harper'' 8 weekly, vol. Ji-7 {Jan. 3, 1903): 19^20. 1903. A proposito del Venezuela. Italia colon iale, anno 4-vol. 1 {Jan., 1903): 15-35. 1903. Some notes on Venezuela. Nat'tonal geographic magazine, vol. IJf- {Jan., 1903): 17-21. 1903. A triumph for international arbitration. Outlook, vol. 73 {Jan. 3, 1903): 1-2. On the asreemout to submit the Venezuelan dispute to The Hague tribunal. 128 LIBRARY or CONGRESS 1903. Venezuela. Veritas. Spectator, vol. 90 {Jan. 10, 1903): Ifd. "The immediate result of the Emperor's visit ... a German alliance." Ed. 1903. Germany and Britain. [Venezuelan alliance.] Spectator, vol. 90 {Jan. 31, 1903): 178-179. 1903. Venezuela and the United States. Econmnist {London), vol. 61 {Feh. U, 1903): 282-283. 1903. Venezuela: the land and the people. William F. Hutchinson. Missionary revieto, vol. 26 {Feh. , 1903) : 132-136. 1903. A glimpse at Venezuelan politics. James Barnes. Outlook, vol. 73 {Feb. 28, 1903): ^79-JtS3. 1903. Le Venezuela. Charles de V itis. La Quinsaine, 9e annee {Feb. 16, 190 J): 1^98-521i,. 1903. Le Venezuela litteraire. R. Blanco-Fombona. La Revue, vol. U {Feb. 1, 1903): 295-308. 1903. Venezuela and the Monroe doctrine. By an American. World's work {London) vol. 1 {Feb., 1903): 239-2Jt3. 1903. German policy in South America. W. B. Duffield. Monthly revietv, vol. 10 {Mar., 1903): 66-81. 1903. The boomerang blockade. James Barnes. Outlook, vol. 73 {Mar. 21, 1903): 669-678. 1903. A glimpse of Venezuela. Daniel Gibbons. Pearson's magazine, vol. 9 {Mar., 1903): 227-236. 1903. Castro: a Latin- American type. Stephen Bonsai. North Amtrican review, vol. 176 {May, 1903): 7Jf7-757. 1903. The land of Stand-still. James Barnes. Outlook, vol. 7Ji- {May 2, 1903): 55-65. 1903. Our arbitration with Venezuela. Nation, vol. 76 {June U, 1903): U9-lt^0. 1903. The Venezuelan case at the Hague. William L. Penfield. Lndependent, vol. 55 {Oct. 29, 1903): 2560-2562. 1903. A city of leisure. [Caracas, Venezuela.] Otto von Gottberg. LLarper's monthly, vol. 107 {Nov., 1903): 909-916. 1903. The Hague arbitration tribunal. W. T. Stead. Independent, vol. 55 {Nov. 5, 1903): 2612-2616. VENEZUELA: ARTICLES IX PERIODICALS 129 1903. The Hague tribunal. W. L. Pentield. Independent, vol. 55 {Dec. 17, 1903) 3001-3003. 1904. The Venezuela award. Puhlic opinion {Londoii) vol. 85 {Feb. 26, 190Ii): 259. 1904. The Venezuela decision: a catastrophe. Stanhope Sams. Guntoii's magazine, vol. 26 {Apr. , 190Ii) : 310-315. 1904. The latest decision at the Hague. Edwin Maxey. Arena, vol. 31 {June, 190 J,) : 583-58 T. 1905. The industrial and commercial outlook in Venezuela. G. M. L. Brown. American monthly review of revieujs, vol. 31 {Feh., 1905): 177-183. 1905. Venezuela: A nation in transition. G. M. L. Brown. Outlook, vol. 79 {Feb. 11, 1905): 381-38^. 1905. Four weeks in Venezuela. Gardner Richardson. Independent, vol. 58 {Mar. 30, 1905): 717-722. 1905. Venezuela and the powers. PubliG opinion, vol. 87 {Mar. ^|, 1905): 357-358. 1905. The critical state of Venezuela. G. M. L. Brown. World: s work, vol. 9 {Mar., 1905): 5983-5988. 1905. The United States of Venezuela. G. M. L. Brown. Canadian magazine, vol. 25 {May, 1905): 35-1^. 1905. The asphalt scandal. Kichard Harding Davis. Collier's, vol. 35 {May 13, 1905): 20-21. 1905. As to Venezuela. Harper's weekly, vol. It9 {May 27, 190b): 7kB. 1905. Venezuela: A prematurely old nation. A Venezuelan. Outlook, vol. 80 {May 20, 1905): 167-172. 1905. Genesis of the Venzuela trouble. American monthly review of reviews, vol. 32 {July, 1905): 19-20. 1905. The truth about Venezuela. C. Arthur Williams. World to-day, vol. 9 {Jidy, 1905): 717-720. 42842—08 9 130 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 1905. President Castro's message. A Venezuelan citizen. North American review^ vol. 181 (Sejyt., 1905): JjJi.8-JfS6. 1905. A Venezuelan text-book. Alida S. Williams. Educational review, vol, SO {Dec, 1905): 618-529. 1905. Cipriano Castro, president of Venezuela. Francis Piedmont Savinien. World to-day, vol. 9 {Dec, 1905): 132^-1325. 1905. Venezuela and the problems it presents. Eugene P. Lyle, jr. World's worl; vol. 11 {Dec, 1905): 69It3-695J^. 1906. France and Venezuela. . Economist, vol. 61p {Jan. '27, 1906): 116-117. 1906. The American Janus. Outlook {London), vol. 17 {Jan. 27, 1906): 116-117. 1906. France et Venezuela: une visite au general Matos. Jean fc)' Syrval. Vie illustree, vol. 15 {Jan. 26, 1906): 268-269. 1906. Castro as the American sultan. Literary digest, vol. 32 {Feb. 3, 1906): 151-152. 1906. Shall we let France chastise Venezuela? Public opinion, vol. 1^0 {Feb. 3, 1906): 137-138. 1906. The creed of nations. Cipriano Castro. Saturday evening post, vol. 178 {Feb. 17, 1906): 1. 1906. What will France do to Venezuela? — conflicting views of Castro. Current literature^ vol. JiO {Mar., 1906): 21^9-252. 1906. Venezuela and the Hague. Herbert W . Bowen. Independent, vol. 61 {Dec 20, 1906): U72-U75. 1907. The uniformily successful diplomacy of Cipriano Castro. Herl)ert W. Bowen. Harper's weekly, vol. 51 {Mar. 9, 1907): 3Ji.2. 1907. Queer diplomacy with Castro. Herbert W. Bowen. North American review, vol. 181i, {Mar. 15, 1907): 577-580. 1907. The South American situation: Venezuela, the capital and the government. Albert Hale. Reader, vol. 9 {Apr., 1907): 5 Jj 1-555. VENEZUELA: ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS 131 1908. President Roosevelt's report to the Senate on Venezuela. Herbert W. Bowen. Independent, vol. GJ^ {Apr. 23, 1908): 911-913. 1908. " Spanking " Castro. Nation, vol. 86 {Apr. 30, 1908): 390-391. 1908. Castro, the ungrateful. 11. Floyd Clarke. North American review, vol. 187 {Apr., 1908): 569-577. LIST OF WRITINGS RELATING TO THE SANTO DOMINGO QUESTION, 1904-1905 GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS 1905. Message of the President of the United States, transmitting- protocol of agreement between United States and Domini- can republic for collection and disbursement by United States of customs revenues of Dominican republic, signed [Santo Domingo] Feb. 4, 1905. March 7, 1905. 31 pp. 58th Congress^ 3d session. Senate executive doctiment.^ Con- fidential^ Y. The message is also printed in the Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 1, Mar. 8, 1905, page 7. 1905. Data relative to the Dominican republic. From the 31st annual report of the council of the Corporation of foreign bondholders, for the year 1903-1. Mar. 8, 1905. 15 pp. 8^. 59th Congress^ special sessio7i. Senate document^ no. 1. 1905. Constitution of the Dominican republic, promulgated June 12, 1896, put again in force May 21, 1903. Mar. 13, 1905. 21 pp. 8°. 59th Congress.^ special session. Senate docntnent., no 2. 1905. Affairs in Santo Domingo. Text of the Protocol of an agree- ment between the United. States and the Dominican Repub- » lie. Jan, 31, 1903. With Resolution by Senator Bacon directing an investigation by the Senate Committee on foreign relations into the constitutionality and character of the agreement. (In Congressional record, vol. 39, part 3, Feb. 13, 1905, pp. 2451- 2452. ) 1905. Affairs in Saint Domingo. Resolution by Senator Bacon incorporating the text of a press dispatch in regard to agreement with Santo Domingo, and requesting the Presi- dent to inform the Senate in relation thereto. With debate thereon by Senators Bacon, Lodge, Fo raker, Teller, Cul- lom, and others. (In Congressional record, vol. 39, part 2, page 1244, Jan. 23, 1905; page 1281, Jan. 24, 1905; pp. 1283-1288, Jan. 24, 1905.) 132 REFERENCES ON SANTO DOMINGO QUESTION 133 1905. Affairs in Santo Domingo. Remarks in the Senate, Mar. 17, 18, 1905, by Senators Morgan, Teller, Lodge, Spooner and others. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 1, Mar. 17, 18, 1905, pp. 19-27.) Bacon, Augustus O. Constitutional powers of the President and of the Senate in making treaties: Moroccan and Santo Domin- gan affairs: speech in the Senate. Feb. 6, 1906. (J/i Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 3, Feb. 6, 1906, pp. 2125-2139.) Lodge, Henry Cabot. Moroccan conference and relations with Santo Domingo. {In Congressional record, pt. 2, vol. 40, Jan. 24, 1906, pp. 1469-1475. ) Money, Hernando D. Moroccan conference and relations with Santo Domingo: speech in the Senate, Jan. 25, 1906. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 2, Jan. 25, 1906, pp. 1529-1538.) Patterson, Thomas M. Moroccan conference and relations with Santo Domingo. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 2, Jan. 31, 1906, pp. 1801-1806.) Rayner, Isidor. Remarks on Santo Domingo affairs. (in Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 1, Jan. 8, 1906, pp. 792-800.) Spooner, John C. Moroccan conference and relations with Santo Domingo: speech in the Senate, Jan. 23, 1906. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 2, Jan. 23, 1906, pp. 1417-1431.) Moroccan conference and relations with Santo Domingo: speech in the Senate, Feb. 6, 1906. {In Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 3, Feb. 6, 1906, pp 2139-2148.) Tillman, Benjamin R. Existing status in Santo Domingo. (7?i Congressional record, vol. 40, pt. 2, Jan. 17, 1906, pp. 1173-1180.) BOOKS AND ARTICLES IN PERIODICALS American expansion. (/n Outlook (London), vol. 15, Jan. 28, 1905, pp. 116-117.) "The taking over by the United States of the finances of the negro Republic is an act of civilisation * * * and the world will be neither surprised nor resentful if the stream of events carries the American administrators out of the Customs-house and into the Council Chamber." Aspects of the Santo Domingo protectorate. {In Literary digest, vol. 30, Feb. 4, 1905, pp. 157-158.) Field, H. Gooding. The truth about Santo Domingo. {In Independent, vol. 57, July 28, 1904, pp. 205-208.) 134 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS G-arrison, F. Lynwood. The island of Santo Domingo: its natural resources and their prospective development. (/n Gassier' s magazine, vol. 30, Sept., 1906, pp. 395-412.) Hancock, Henry J. The situation in Santo Domingo. ( In American academy of political and social science, Annals, vol. 26, July, 1905, pp. 45-52. ) Hollander, Jacob H. The convention of 1907 between the United States and the Dominican Republic. (/n The American journal of international law, vol. 1, April, 1907, pp. 287-296. ) Debt of Santo Domingo. Report on the debt of Santo Domingfo, submitted to the President of the United States by Jacob H. Hollander, special commissioner. December 15, 1905. (2), 250 pp. 8^. {U. S. 59th Congress, 1st session. Confidential. Executive document no. 1.) ■ List of exhibits: A. Recent political history of Santo Domingo; B. History of the debt of Santo Domingo; C. The "Regie" of Santo Domingo; D. Collection and disbursement of Dominican revenues; E. Currency system 6f Santo Domingo; F. Concessions in Santo Domingo; G. International protocols and agreements; H. Revolutionary documents; I. . Quotations of Dominican bonds; J. National and municipal budgets; K. Economic conditions of Santo Domingo; L. List of books, with references to periodicals in the Library of Congress relating to Santo Domingo, compiled under the direction of A. P. C. Griffin. The financial difficulties of San Domingo. (In American academy of political and social science. Annals, vol. 30, July, 1907, pp 9.3-103.) The readjustment of San Domingo's finances. {In Quarterly journal of economics, vol. 21, May, 1907, pp. 405-426.) Krausz, Sigmund. The situation in Santo Domingo. {In Outlook, vol. 78, Sept. 17, 1904, pp. 189-192.) Latane, John 11. The forcible collection of international debts. {In The Atlantic monthly, vol. 98, Oct., 1906, pp. 542-550.) Latin America and the United States. ""Investor." {In The Monthly review, vol. 22, Jan., 1906, pp. 58-76.) Leroy-Beaulieu, Pierre. La Republique de Saint-Domingue et Texpansion des Estats-Unis aux Antilles. {In L'Economiste frangais, 33e ann6e, vol. 1, Feb. 4, 1905, pp. 149- 151. ) REFERENCES ON SANTO DOMINGO QUESTION 135 Loomis, Francis B. The administration and Santo Domingo. {In Independent, vol. 56, Mar. 3, 1904, page 467.) Lovr, A. Maurice. American affairs. {In National review, vol. 45, Mar., 1905, pp. 108-119.) A discussion of the Santo Domingo treaty. Lyle, Eugene P.,//'. Our mix-up in Santo Domingo. {In World's work, vol. 10, Oct., 1905, pp. 6737-6759.) Maxey, Edwin. The future of Santo Domingo. {In Arena, vol. 31, May, 1904, pp. 476-4