'■'"■ ''OBERT- E, COWAN COLLECTION I'RKSKNTRD TO THK UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA Recess iori No, / C, P, HUNTINGTON lUNE, 1897. Glass'No. University of California • Berkeley ^^^^ 'A.t -.:/• ..-:* r-t X-. z**^ K Terms $4.00 a yeax Single numbers 35 cents. Contents of No. 9, Vol. III. Sponges. By Bryce M. Wright, jr. Illustrated, p. 449. Kambkes in Flohida, By K. K. C. Stearns. Concluded, p. 455. y" Thk Natuualist in Calikohnia. By J. G. Cooper, M.D. p. 470. "' Hints on Taxidekmy. By C. A. WalkeiC Concluded, p. 481. The Fresh-watek Aquarium. By C. B. Brighum. p. 48G. Reviews. The Development of Insects, p. 490. The Generations of Worms, p. 494. Florida and the South, p. 494. Annals of Bee Culture. p. 494. Natural History Miscellany. Botany. — Tendency of Floral Organs to Exchange Offices, p. 494. Herbarium of the late Dr. Walker-Arnott. p. 495. New Locality of Aspidium aculatum (L) Sw. p. 495. Zo- ology.— A llemarkable Echinoderm. p. 495. The Tennessee Warbler, p. 496. Golden-winged Warbler, p. 497. Coral Snakes, p. 497. The Black Vulture in Maine, p. 498. il/tcroscoj;*j/. —Method of Preserving Animal Specimens for fine dissection, p. 498. Geology.— The Eozoou in Essex County, p. 498. Proceedings of the American Association eor the Advancement of Science, p. 499. Valuable Library fo)i Sale. p. 503. Correspondence, p. 503. Books Received, p. 504. Terms. $4.00 A YEAR. 35 CENTS A SINGLE NUMBER. To Clubs of five to nine, at the rate of (for each stibscriber) .... $3 50. To Clubs of ten to nineteen, at the rate of (for each subscriber) ... 3 25. To Clubs of twenty and upwards, at the rate of (for each subscriber) 3 00. An extra copy will be sent free to the person remitting the money for a club of twenty or more. ^ ,, [Note. 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Subscriptions to the Naturalist (unless limited when made) are never discon- tinued without notice ft-om the subscriber sent to the office of publication : and, ac- cording to law, no subscription can be discontinued while aiTears are unpaid. jl^The Editors will not be held responsible for any opinions expressed, unless given over their own signatures. ^ ,^ ^ j, ., i^ .u ^j-^ >•*..- «S" Communications and subscriptions should be addressed to the Editors of the American Naturalist, Salem, Mass. Remittances by mail at the risk of the sender, un- less in the form of drafts on New York or Boston payable to the order of W. S. West; a Post-office Money Order, or in a Registered Letter. »S- Subscribers who have not yet paid their subscriptions will confer a great favor by sending them in at once. la ]Srotice to ILxdiaiTLges. We have had so many calls for electrotypes of our cuts, fl'om parties wishing to re- , print articles from tlie Naturalist, that we here state our willingness to furnish them at one half the cost of engraving, and to allow tlic ft-ce use of any article, provided it is credited to the Naturalist. —Editors. ESSEX institute PRESS. I RAMBLES IN FLORIDA. 469 as if placed by human hands. It required no flight of the imagination to transform these charming forest vistas into the long, dim, aisles of cathedrals ; the trunks of the trees formiug the pillars, and the graceful leaves of the palmetto, overarched, forming a roof. " The gloves were God's first temples." We sat up late, enjoying the glories of the night, the last of our out-door camping in Florida. Early the followiug morning we "broke camp" and prepared for the return trip to Cedar Keys. Hoisting the anchor with a cheerful "heave yo," the sails of the Santa Maria soon tilled, and we were homeward bound. We gave a farewell look by way of a parting salute to Piney Key, as it stood out bright and beau- tiful in the purple light of the morning : The slanting sun shone white along the sand, Strewn with green sea-weeds and with crimson shells, Out of the ocean's dim mysterious cells, Jewelling all the broadskirts of the land. Arriving at Cedar Keys after a pleasant voyage, we pro- ceeded homeward over the same route by which we came. The winter climate of Florida is not only healthful but delightful ; in the summer there is dansrer of contractins: fever and ague, and the yellow fever is an occasional visitor. The climatic advantages to the invalid are at the present time counterbalanced by the miserable food and discomforts of the hotels and boarding houses; there are undoubtedlv exceptions to the last objection, but they are rare. The ex- penses of a three months trip are quite heavy and we could make a journey to Europe or California, of the same dura- tion for the same cost, and live intiuitely better in bed and board. In an agricultural point of view Florida offers no induce- ments to the emigrant or settler that are not surpassed by many other sections of the country, whether quality of soil, facilities of transportation, accessibility to markets, or va- riety or capabilities of production are considered. An emi- 470 NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. gration of enterprising and inclnstrious people, in snfficient numbers so as to exercise a controlling!: influence, would in a few years effect a great change for the better, and place the State in the line of progress. The average Floridian of to-day understands only one thing, and that is "how not to do it." Emigration should be by colonies, and should in- clude some mechanics, and be Avell provided with all neces- sary agricultural and mechanical implements and material, in order to be successful, and great care should be exercised in the selection of a location. The trip to Florida, of Avhich these "Rambles" afford a mere outline, was not devoid of scientific interest, and the results will be made known at some future time, either iu the Naturalist or some other appropriate publication. THE NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. BY J. G. COOPER, M. D. NO. II. The Colorado Valleij in ivinter. — I arrived at Fort Mo- jave, after a journey of sixteen clays from Los Angeles,* on December 19th, 18G0. This post is situated close to latitude 35°, where the boundary line of California strikes the river, and although on the Arizonian side, has, probably, no species of animals not also living on the west bank of the river, unless Lejjus callotis be an exception. This, the Texan hare, I found common there, while L. Californicus is the prevalent, if not the only large species westward. The valley of the Colorado at this post is, probably, ten miles in width, and formed of a succession of gravell}'' ter- races, or mesas, with a narrow sandy bottom intervening, *Not Angelos, as printed before. Spanish, not Italian. NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. 471 not over a mile wide. The whole upland has a most barren and desolate aspect, the only vegetation being low shrubs of the fetid Larrea Mexicana, with cacti and other tliorny plants beneath. The bottom land, however, supi)orts a vio-orous growth of cottonwood, willows, and niesquite, a name applied there to two quite ditierent trees, the Alga- robia glandulosa and 8ti'omhocarpa jmbescens. Dense shrub- bery and coarse grasses cover most of the ground, even under the darkest shade, though spots are sometimes too alkaline for any vegetation except a few sea-shore plants, and in places the winds keep up a rolling waste of sand hills. The river itself is so low in winter that the Indians can wade across with their heads above water, and is so muddy as to fully deserve its name. After my desert experience, I gazed with delight on the broad flashing stream, with its forest-clad banks, even though the trees were then bare, and the whole country nearly of the same brown tint as the river, for I knew that the very barrenness of the surrounding regions must drive most of the animal life to the river banks, one class in search of vegetable food the other to prey upon the former, while such as loved water must necessarily seek it here. And, with the exceptions mentioned as desert animals in my for- mer article, nearly all of the higher animals are confined to this narrow belt of timber, stretching along the course of the Colorado from its Great Canon, thirty miles higher up, down to its mouth. Those living permanently on the up- lands must depend on a very scanty supply of dew for water during most of the year. I must remark here that in climate this region belongs to Mexico, the winter being the drj/ season, and the summer subject to violent thunder storms from the south, but not wet, the whole annual rain not exceeding three or four inches, of which perhaps one falls in winter. The tempera- ture rarely falls below the freezing point in latitude od°, althouirh the surroundins: mountains were white with snow 472 NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. ou several occasions during January. The elevation of the river at this point is not over 550 feet, and the whole bottom land is inundated nearly every summer. The distance by the course of the river from its mouth is 400 miles. Tlie fauna of the valley naturally partakes much of the Mexican (west slope) character, and has some peculiarities. It is too limited and too liable to inundation for many land mammalia to flourish in it, except such as are common to the neighboring deserts and mountains. A second species, at present known no farther west, is the Leaf-nosed Bat (3Ia- crotus CaUfornicus) from Fort Yuma. This bat, like the birds, is independent of floods, and is probably migratory southward in winter, like two species I obtained at Fort Mojave — the Pale Bat (Antrozous pcdlidus), and a small species of Vespevtilio which did not appear until March 15th, thonoh the climate was warm enough for weeks before. On walking out with my gun I was struck with surprise at the great numbers of Abert's Finch {Pipilo Abertii) frequenting the grove, the flocks flitting before me like dry leaves before the wind, their color exactly resembling the prevailing hue of the foliage covering the ground, and now densely coated with brown dust. It recalled the observation I had often made as to the prevalence of this brown hue in so many birds of California, of difl'ercnt genera and fami- lies, but agreeing in their habit of living in low shrubbery which has the same brown and dusty tint for eight or nine months of the year. The loud call or alarm note of this bird Avas strikingly dift'erent from the notes of its more silent cousin near the coast, the P. fuscus (or crissalis), but I soon noticed another strange fact, namely, that this note Avas also uttered by two other very distinct birds of dissim- ilar habits, the Shining Flycatcher and Gila Woodpecker ( Centurus uroj)ygidlis) , both of which were abundant and feeding together on the berries of the mistletoe, parasitic on almost every tree. These birds Avere my first specimens, together with the common Grass Finch (Pooeceies grami- NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. 473 neus) and Chipping Sparrow {Sjpizella socialis), which were wintering there in small flocks. Next day I was disgusted to find my specimens damaged by mice, and, on setting a trap, soon secured some which I cannot distinguish, except by a lighter hye, from the common woodmouse of California {Ilesperomys GamheUii). These, with several other rodents, had taken up their resi- dence in the thatched roofs of our adobe quarters. On Christmas eve a little ice formed in the valley, but next morning the Brown Thrush {Harporhynchus crissalis) of this region Avas singing melodiously, and exactly in the style of its cousins east and west, so well known as "False Mockins: Birds." It is another of the dead leaf-colored birds of the western regions, and is as strictly limited to the groves as its pale sandy-hued relative, II. Lecontei, is to the desert shrubbery.* The end of the year was cold and stormy for this latitude, so that no additions, except more northern migrants, were obtained among the birds, the most notable being the Ore- gon Snowbird (Junco Oregonus), and a few of the Meadow Lark [Sturnella negleda) , vfith several species of ducks and geese. In January, Swans (Ci/gnus Americanus) also ap- peared for a few days. On Jan. 10th I was both surprised and pleased to obtain a beautiful specimen of the Bohemian Waxwing (Ampelis garrulus), which had wandered so far from the mountains north-eastward, where the species abounds, and, probably driven by storms, had sought a tem- porary refuge iu this far southern latitude. It was a solitary straggler, and even its cousin, A. cedrorum, never appeared there during my residence. On the 16th a solitary Mexican Flycatcher {Myiarchus Mexicanus), evidently almost starved, gave a specimen of the summer group of migrants lingering in the valley * I may here correct an error caused by the transposition of a line in my last article. "Con-espondiiig in color to the rocks among which it lives," was intended for Ilams's Squirrel, tliough it loould apply pretty well to the Sage Fowl under which it is printed. AMER. NATURALIST, VOL. III. 60 474 NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. through the whiter. Vegetation was just commencing to bud forth now, and I observed a few Doves and Cow-birds {Molothrus pecoris), apparently attracted by the opening spring, as none appeared before. I cannot enumerate all the species of vertebrates which now amounted to over fifty, as I collected them, but must notice only the more re- markable. The resident species not found westward of this valley were the Ladder Woodpecker {Plcus scalaris), the White-bellied Wren (^Tkriothorus leuco g aster) , Gambel's Quail (^Loj)hortyx Gamhellii), the Arizona Song-sparrow {Melosjnza fallax) , the lead-colored Gnatcatcher {^Polio])tila plumbea), Malherbe's Flicker (^Cola/ptes chrysoides), and the Yellow-headed Titmouse (Auriparus Jlaviceps). Besides these, most of the species before mentioned are resident, and also many common to the coast regions. Frosty nights throughout January seemed to prevent the appearance of any new birds. Even in February the ucav comers were only such as I know winter in more northern parts of Cali- fornia near the coast, though the thermometer rose to 80° on the 20th. February 27th, a few Bank Swallows {Ootyle riparia^ or serripennis* ) and bicolored Swallows {Hirundo bicolor) appeared. Even these last winter near the coast much farther north, to latitude 37°. It appears that there is little migration along this valley of the species common in sum- mer near the coast, as they have to cross the deserts, and prefer a more Avestern route. Some of the icinter residents however became more scarce, probably seeking the moun- tains or high lands not more than a hundred miles distant, while the strong-winged hawks and swimmers may have gone even to the arctic regions. Spring. — By March 2d, the poplars ("cottonwood") were in nearly full leaf, and beautiful flowers covered the richer *Dr. Kennerley found this species here " abundant," February 21st, 1854. Also, the White-throated Swift (Paiti/pfila melanohticn), at William's Fork, February IGth, and Western Whippoorwill {Autrostomus NuttalUi), February 23d. NATURALIST IN CALIFOKNIA. 475 and warmer spots, chiefly in the ravines of the neighboring monntains. A cluck was seen by an old resident on the river, which he said was very rare there, and from descrip- tion was probably the long-logged Tree-duck {Dendrocyr/na fulva), since found to frequent the Sacramento Valley for nine months of the year, and to ])reed there ; one of the few peculiarly western species. I shot or observed many other species of aquatic birds while here, but they furnished no very interesting facts. I obtained one each of the Red- necked and Williamson's Woodpeckers (^Sphyrapicus nitcha- lis and Williamsonii), the only ones seen, and probably straii-o'lers from the north. I had been ten weeks at the post before I saw a single Burrowing Owl (Athene cunicularia) , and then found only one pair, several miles distant, inhabiting a burrow evidently freshly dug by themselves. In the absence of the large bur- rowing squirrels, or other animals of similar size, they are sometimes compelled to burrow, but do not seem to increase in numbers in such localities. The general hardness of the soil on the upland is also an obstacle to their digging. On March 10th I observed the first Hummingbird (prob- ably Atthis cosfce, which Dr. Kennerley found in February 1854, in the warmer valley of W^illiam's Fork), and the same day saw larije flocks of geese miirratino: north. The first Rattlesnake (Crotalus atrox) was killed this day, and I obtained the first Horned Lizard (DoUosaurus platyrhinos) . The weather now being very warm, flocks of cranes, swal- lows, and various winter residents were seen going north- ward daily. On the 15th I saw the first Bat and Western Whippoorwill, and on the U)th shot another Mexican Fly- catcher, probably also a winter resident. There is evi- dently a constant moving northward of the winter residents, but apparently none from Mexico. On March 22d I obtained the first seen of the Pale Spar- row (SpizeUa pallida*), which seems to go fiirther south to * Decidedly this and not S. Breioerii, ■which Coues supposes to replace it in Arizona and westwards. 476 NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. winter than the S. socialis, but the first birds which I could consider as probably the leaders of the summer migration, were, as it happened, of a new species, viz., Helminihopliaga Luciae, or Lucy's Warbler, which I shot at first sight on March 29th, the two first being males, and attracting my notice by their notes, as their small size and concealment in the dense mesquite thickets, which were just leafing out, would have otherwise prevented tlieir discovery for a long time. They may even be winter residents in the valley like the allied //. celata. The first nest I found Avith eggs was that of a Shrike (^LaniiLS excubitoroides) on the 19th, and on the 2 (3th ob- tained the first eggs of the Quail, of the Yellow-headed Titmouse (which builds an extraordinary closed nest of thorny twigs, like the magpies's in miniature), and of Abert's Pipilo. Burrows were not uncommon which may have been made by Foxes or by the Badger {Taxidea Aynericana). On March 30th, visiting a steel trap which I had set for bur- rowing animals I was surprised to find in it a Swift Fox ( Vul/pes velox) caught by the toes. Having no way of se- curing it alive, I was obliged to make a dead specimen of it at once, fearing it might tear itself away. This is one of the mammalia which has not yet been detected west of the Colorado, though it undoubtedly exists there, and is indeed but a dwarf variety of the common Red Fox. Other mam- mals which I had obtained were Gambel's Woodmouse, be- fore mentioned ; Audubon's Hare (fur finer than near the coast, approaching Lepus artsmisioe) , Coyote (Cams la- trans), killed by the dogs while running through the camp one moonlight night in January ; Brush-tailed Rat {Perog- nallius penicillatus) , quite common in the thatched roofs ; Dark Woodmouse {He^ijperomys austerusf), before ibund only in Washington Territory, but undistinguishable by de- scriptions ; Boyle's Woodmouse, probably a mere long-tailed variety of Gambel's ; the Mexican Woodrat (JSTeotoma Mex- NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. 477 icana), common and very large; Phillip's Jumping-r:it {Di- jpodomys FJiilUppii), common, and an invader of dwellings. The Texan Hare I have already mentioned. The Indians also brought in a fawn, apparently of the OeiDUS Columhia- nus, which seems to be the conmion species along the river, although others probably exist. They also brought a young antelope, of which herds were seen on the neighboring mesas during the short period of green vegetation in spring. A Wild-cat {Lynx rufus) was often seen at dusk al)out the post garden, where I attempted to shoot it but failed for want of light. My inquiries about the Californian Opossum found along the Mexican boundary, did not indicate its ex- istence in this valley, though it will be found there if au}^- wdiere in California, nor did I learn of any other carnivo- rous mammals. Beavers are quite common in the river and grow to an enormous size; Gophers [Thoinomys fttlvus) are also common. Compared with Kennerley's collections, in 1854, and Cones', in 18G5, at Fort Whipple, the first quarter of 1861 must have been unusually cold. April proved to be the month for the arrival of the great body of summer birds, althouirh a week before I saw what I took to be a Fork- tailed Flycatcher {Milvulus foi'ficatusf), a species never yet obtained west of the Rocky Mountains, and a Scarlet Fl}^- catcher {Pyrocephalus Mexicanus) , which is a rare summer visitor, about which I could not be mistaken, though neither would allow of a near approach. I obtained the following, usually as soon as observed: April 2d, Adhis costce; 3d, Bullock's Oriole (Icterus BuUockii) ; and saw an Empidonax, Barn Swallows, and Summer Yellow-bird ; a ground Cuckoo (Geococcyx Calif or nianiis) laid an egg in its cage. 11th, shot an Obscure Flycatcher (Emjjidonax obscurus). 17th, Texan Nighthawk ( Chordelles Texensis) , and saw the first eggs of Orioles. 24th, McGillivray's Warbler {GeotJdypis McGilUvrayi) , Yellow-breasted Chat (Icteria viridis, not long-tailed), Arkansas Kingbird (Tyrannus veriicalis). 478 NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. 25th, found the eggs of Common Doves. 26th, shot a new species of Owl {Micrathene Whitneyi) iu a dark thicket. 28th, Summer Ked-bird [Pijranga oestiva). 29th, found a nest and two eggs of the Shining Flycatcher. In this month I saw an unknown species of Oriole in the high trees, like Icterus Parisorum Bouap. On April 6th I trapped a squirrel, of a species which I had not before observed, a third larger than Harris', and dark-brown instead of gray, but with proportions and mark- ings so exactly like the desert species, that, remembering the varieties of the Four-striped Tamias, I did not dare to consider this distinct. It was all I saw of the kind, which may be common in the wooded mountains of Arizona. On the 13th I obtained the first Pale Bat, before noted. Reptiles had now become common in the valley, and were mostly distinct species from those of the deserts. Besides those mentioned, a large Fence Lizard (Sceloporus ma- gister?), eight inches long, began to frequent the trees March 20th, and on the 23d, three young of my new Laud Tortoise {Xerohales Agassizii) were brought from the moun- tains by Indians. The Thirsty Lizard (^Dipsosaurus dor- salis) became connnon in the ravines near by, far from water. On the 30th I caught Graham's Salvadora (^S. Gra- hamii)^ a pretty harmless snake living in the grassy valley. April 15th, Woodhouse's Toad* first appeared on the drier banks; 17th, Churchill's Bull-snake {Pituophis beUona) ; 26th, Boyle's Milk-snake {Lamjyropeltis Boylii) ; 29th, the Coppery Whip-snake (^Masticojohis testaceus), and some very swift lizards (^Croiajj/ii/lus sp.) which I did not succeed in catching, appeared on the desert plains. On May 1st I shot the Little Flycatcher (Pmpidonax pu- sillus), which I then mistook for P. Traillii, but find by my notes that this one differed from a true specimen of the lat- ter, shot on May 20th, in having the lower mandible brown- ish instead of yellowish and iu proportions. It was lost, with ♦Dr. Keuneiiey found toads nt William's Fork, Febniary 18th, 1864. NATURALIST IN CALIFORNIA. 479 a valuable collection sent by the "Golden Gate," on the way to Washington, but I happened to reserve the other one, about the occurrence of which west of the Rocky Mountains there has been some discussion.* May (Jth, shot the first Blue Grosbeak (Guh'aca coerulea) ; 14th, the Blue-headed Grcenlet ( FtVeo solitavius^), \;\\\(A\ Dr. Cones omits from the birds of Arizona, supposing it to be his V. plumheus, which however is quite distinct, and one I did not obtain. $ May 19th I found a nest of the Yellow-breasted Chat containins: thrcic eirijs, besides one of the parasitic Cow-bird ; on the 8th a nest of the House Finch, or Red Linnet (Car- podacus frontalis), wdth eggs, and on the 19th that of the Song Sparrow [Melospiza fcdlax).§ May 20th I first saw the Blue Linnet (Ci/anospiza amoena), and shot Hammond's and Traill's Flycatchers (Empidonax Hammondii and E. * See Coues' List of Birds of Fort Whipple, Arizona, in " Proceedings of tlie Pliila- delpliia Academy of Natural Science," January, 186G. Compare also Coues, in " Ibis," April, 181)5, and July, 18GG; Baird on Distribution of Birds, in " Silliman's Journal," and my article on Additions to the Fauna of California, in the " Proceedings of the Califor- nia Academy of Sciences," 1\, iii, November, ISfiS. tLength4.87; extent 9; M'ing 3 inches; bill black; lower mandible bluish; feet lead color; iris brown; male. X I take this occasion to notice the prevalence of lead-gray among the arboreal birds of these arid regions, just as brown prevails among the more terrestrial. It replaces the brown, olive or greenish, in many species also found in moister and more wooded regions, while others, difl"ering in other respects from their eastern representatives, are considered as distinct species peculiar to these regions. The Pigeon Hawk (Falco columbarius), Mottled Owl {Scops asio var. McCalUi), Niglit Hawk {Chordeiles popetue var. Ilenryi), Icteria viridls var. longicauda, Thriothorus {Bewickii var.?) leucogaster, Pocecetes {(/rconineus var. ?) conjinis, Melaspiza {melodia var. ?) fallax, Sturnella (imigna var. ?) »ej^/ec^ y- *^ < J I