GIFT OF ... v.' WJBI'IZWIH * -NT 6 1888 CONCLUSIONS ADOPTED BY THE FEENCH COMMISSION IN REFERENCE TO TESTS OF CEMENTS. THE INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER HYDRAULIC MORTARS. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE FRENCH AND FROM THE GERMAN BY O. M. CARTER, CAPT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, T E. A. GIESELER, I A N T E N li I N E E II. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. CONCLUSIONS ADOPTED BY THE FKENCH COMMISSION IN REFERENCE TO TESTS OF CEMENTS. THE INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDKAULIC MORTARS. TRANSLATIONS FROM THE FRENCH AND FROM THE GERMAN BY O. M. (CARTER, ^ E. A. GIESELER, CAPT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, U. S. A., TJ. S. ASSISTANT ENGINEER. WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. 1897. WAR DEPARTMENT. DOCVMEXT No. 36. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS. OFFICE OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, UNITED STATES ARMY, Washington, D. C., Aprils, 1897. SIR : I have the honor to submit, herewith, translations by Capt. O. M. Carter, Corps of Engineers, United States Army, and Mr. E. A. Gieseler, United States Assistant Engineer, of the following- named papers : 1. Conclusions adopted by the French Commission in reference to Tests of Cements. 2. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By Dr. William Michaelis. 3. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By Union of German Portland Cement Manufacturers. 4. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By E. Candlot. These papers contain information of great value to officers of the Corps of Engineers, and I recommend that authority be granted to have them printed at the Government Printing Office (in one volume), and that five hundred copies be obtained for the use of the Engineer Department, upon the usual requisition. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, JOHN M. WILSON, Brig. Gen., Chief of Engineers, United States Army. Hon. R. A. ALGER, Secretary of War. [First indorsement.] WAR DEPARTMENT, April 9, 1897. Approved. By order of the Secretary of War : JOHN TWEEDALE, Chief Clerk. (3) 371950 CONTENTS. Page. 1. Conclusions adopted by the French Commission in reference to Tests of Cements 7 2. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By Dr. William Michaelis 37 3. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By Union of German. Portland Cement Manufacturers 63 4. The Influence of Sea Water on Hydraulic Mortars. By E. Candlot 69 (5) CONCLUSIONS ADOPTED BY THE FRENCH COMMISSION IN REFERENCE TO TESTS OF CEMENTS. INTRODUCTION. A technical commission having for its object "to formulate uni- form rules to be followed in testing construction materials and to determine the units which should be assumed for a basis of com- parison " was constituted under the direction of the ministry of public works of France by a decree of November 9, 1891. That decree specifically instructed one of the two sections of the com- mission, Section B, to make a study of the questions relating to materials of construction other than metals. At the first meeting, presided over by Inspector General Guillemain (December 28, 1891), a certain number of members were formed into a committee which proceeded to make investigations and experiments and to formulate conclusions. That committee confined itself to a study of the methods of testing masonry materials, namely, cements, limes, poz- zuolanas, sands, and plasters. Those studies were the object of its deliberations during twenty-nine meetings held between the 28th of December, 1891, and the 5th of May, 1893, at the ministry of public works, and most of the questions arising in the course of the discussion were submitted to the study of a subcommittee, then treated in special reports. The labors of- the committee were finally communicated to the members of the section, which, at its meeting on May 8, 1893, defi- nitely adopted the conclusions to be submitted to the full com- mission. The present report has for its object to sum up those conclusions in a methodical order and to give as succinctly as possible the considerations which led to their adoption. GENERAL CONSIDERATIONS. 1. CHOICE OF TESTS. Several members of the section were of opinion that the end to be obtained was to seek among all of the tests now in use a small number which could be recommended for determining the quality of materials. The section would then be able to formulate some clear, precise rules which could be followed for receiving materials. There would be avoided the definition of a considerable number of tests from which only doubtful information concerning the value of the products could be obtained, and whose very diversity would be opposed to the " unification" which was the object of the labors of the commission. 10 TESTS OF CEMENTS. The majority, however, diet 'not think it proper to adopt that view. On the one hand it would not be possible in the present state of our knowledge of masonry materials to affirm that such and such tests are necessary and sufficient to characterize in a general man- ner good products, and it should be observed on the other hand that the different tests to which a product is submitted are intended to show whether it possesses properties suitable for the special use to which it is to be put. For certain constructors who wish to make use of a cement for temporary sea works rapidity of set will be of prime importance, and strength at the end of some months comparatively unimportant. For others, on the contrary, who are making conduit pipes, rapidity of set is of no special interest, while ultimate strength is a matter of the utmost importance. Those two examples, which can be readily multipled, suffice to show that a certain test, indispensable in one case, becomes useless in another, and that consequently the task of the commission would not be completely fulfilled if it left out any one of the tests now used unless that test fails to furnish any information whatever con- cerning the properties sought. Hence, each observer, according to the conditions which the materials must fulfill, is permitted to make a choice among the tests which he believes it useful to make. Some members have expressed an opinion that a distinction should be made between working tests and laboratory tests, the first being simple, practical, rapid, and sufficient for the ordinary conduct of works ; the others of a more scientific character, requiring more complicated apparatus, more experienced operators, and experiments lasting over a greater length of time. That view, however, was not adopted by the section. To the reasons which led to abstain- ing from expressing a preference for any particular test it should be added that, generally, the methods to be employed can not be simplified except to the detriment of exactitude; that it would be difficult to make one classification of working tests and another of laboratory tests, the personnel and the apparatus varying consid- erably according to locations ; and finally, once a method of test is decided upon there is no reason why it should not be conducted with all of the resources which are at the disposal of the operator in the particular case. 2. STANDARD TESTS. The tests now used relate, some to binding media in a pulverized condition, others to the same materials gauged with water or with water and sand to form pastes or mortars. * * The name paste is given generally to products resulting from gauging bind- ing media with water, and the name mortar to products resulting from gauging them with water and sand. TESTS OF CEMEXTS. 11 Such tests can have for their aim to seek either, given a certain binding medium, what results can be realized by employing it in such or such conditions, or, given several binding media, which among them will best satisfy the special objects in view. Thus, a constructor having at his disposal a cement of a cer- tain quality for the manufacture of the masonry of a work, can make tests for the purpose of determining what mixtures will be the most advantageous, having regard to the conditions under which the mortar will be placed ; or, having at the time of formu- lating specifications a choice between such or such limes or cements, he will require of the manufacturers or he will have made tests capable of showing such qualities of the competitive products as will enable him to select one of them with a perfect knowledge of the reasons for such selection. To satisfy such double object the methods adopted in the different tests should apply to the most general case, that in which any mortar whatever is submitted to test ; but for each test it will be necessary to specify definitely the mixture, the conditions of manufacture, of preservation, and the age of any special mortar tested, in order to obtain comparable re- sults which may serve to characterize the products tested. When operations are conducted on a special mortar the test is called a standard test. Suppose, for example, it is desired to indicate the method to be followed in tests of rupture by tension : There will be specified the form of the briquette as well as the arrangement of the apparatus to be employed for determining the resistance of any mortar what- ever, and there will be. added that the standard test will be con- ducted on a mortar having been manufactured and preserved under such or such conditions. It is the results of standard tests that manufacturers will probably be required to publish, when they wish to make known the quality of their products. It is also to the standard test that reference is generally made in specifications for furnishing binding media, because once the rules relative to those tests are adopted in the laboratories, the competitors will be able to determine what conditions must be satisfied in each case as easily as the consumers can verify whether the conditions exacted are fulfilled. For each one of the tests relating to hydraulic mor- tars the special rules governing the standard test will be indicated immediately following the general rules defining the methods recommended by the section. 3. CLASSIFICATION OF PRODUCTS FROM RESULTS OF TESTS. The object of the labors of the commission is clearly defined, as well as by the decree which constituted it as by the discourse de- livered by President Picard on assuming office, and it would be 12 TESTS OF CEMENTS. useless to revert to it had not various members of the section, on different occasions, expressed doubts on the subject. In their opinion the labors of the commission would not fulfill completely the expectations of those interested in the manufacture and use of masonry materials if, in connection with the best methods of testing, there were not given results or figures characterizing various products of good quality. The section considers that the commission would exceed its powers if it specified the conditions which should be fulfilled by materials in order to be classed, with respect to their commercial value, as belonging in such or such a category. Although the commission would be in a position to determine those conditions perfectly, that is to say, to draft speci- fications for the acceptance of binding media of various kinds, it is certain that a number of clauses would have to be varied accord- ing to the nature of the works to be executed. For a slow-setting cement, for example, it should be stipulated in certain cases that it should set in less than six hours, although in other cases there would be no reason for the same delay ; a resistance of 20 kilograms per square centimeter at the end of seven days would be necessary for certain work, while for others the same resistance at the end of a month would suffice. Thus, for any well-defined class of products the conditions to be inserted in type specifications could not be given, and it is always to the consumer that finally will fall the task of specifying those conditions, reference being had to the conditions which a product must fulfill and the results which the progress of manufacture permit to be realized. As to the com- mercial value of products, it should be based on numerous elements of quality. If we take the example which has just been cited there is no reason for assuming that a cement which after having hardened slowly has acquired at the end of a relatively long time a great resistance, is of a quality, and consequently of a value, superior or inferior to that of a cement of the same nature which after having hardened more quickly has acquired at the end of an equal lapse of time a less resistance. The labors of the commission have therefore been limited for good reasons to a choice of methods of test, without specifying a classification of products from results furnished by a series of tests. 4. CLASSIFICATION OF HYDRAULIC BINDING MEDIA. If the plan of assuming as a basis of classification the quality of hydraulic binding media of the same nature was rejected unhesita- tingly, the question as to whether it was possible to proceed to a classification of those materials was discussed at length. Several members of the section maintained that such classifica- tion had been adopted by the conventions of Munich in 1884, and TESTS OF CEMENTS. 13 of Dresden in' 1886,* and had been brought to the attention of the International Congress held in Paris in 1889 ; that such a classifica- tion would have the advantage of preventing the sale of the most diverse products under identical names, which would favor con- sumers ; and, moreover, that it is necessary, in order to employ the methods of test recommended by the commission, that it should be known at least on what substances the test should be made. The majority of the section has noted the difficulties that would be met immediately, as well from the technical as from the com- mercial point of view, if that attempt were made. From the techni- cal point of view the choice of a satisfactory basis of classification would be a very delicate one. Reliance could not be placed upon the essential properties of the products, since those properties, often common to products of very different natures, have no rela- tion to each other, and none of them can be considered as character- istic. Neither would chemical composition be a certain criterion. There is not yet sufficient information as to the grouping of the elements which constitute hydraulic binding media ; even for those media which present qualities most nearly alike the proportion in *(1) Hydraulic limes are products obtained by the calcination of limestones containing more or less clay or silicic acid, and which, sprinkled with water, are slaked entirely or partially into powder. According to local circumstances, the lime is delivered in commerce in the form of lumps, or, hydrated, in the form of powder. (2) Roman cements are products obtained by the calcination, below the verge of vitrification, of marl containing much clay. They do not slake when sprinkled with water, and it is necessary to employ mechanical means to reduce them to powder. (3) Portland cements are products obtained from the calcination, up to the verge of vitrification, of natural marl, or of artificial mixtures of substances con- taining clay and lime. They are reduced to powder by grinding, and contain at least 1. 7 parts, by weight, of lime for 1 part of material which gives to the lime its hydraulic property. To regulate certain properties of technical importance, there may be added foreign material up to 2 per cent of the weight without this addition necessitating any change of name. (4) Hydraulic gangues are natural or artificial materials which generally do not harden under water when alone, but only when mixed with caustic limes. Such are pozzuolana, santorin earth, trass obtained from certain volcanic tufa, furnace slag, burnt clay, etc. (5) Pozzuolana cements are products obtained by intimately mixing powdered hydrates of lime with hydraulic gangues, ground to the fineness of dust. (6) Mixed cements are products obtained by intimately mixing manufactured cements with suitable extraneous material. Such binding media should be formally designated as mixed cements, with an indication of the materials entering into their composition. It was remarked at the congress of 1889 that the preceding nomenclature does not comprise fat or thin limes, makes no distinction between more or less hydraulic limes, does not classify grappier cements obtained as by-products in the manufacture of hydraulic limes, and confounds natural with Portland cements. 14 TESTS OF CEMENTS. which, the elements enter varies within very wide limits. Neither can a classification be based upon methods of manufacture. Those methods, for exactly those products which it would be most interest- ing to classify, are of relatively recent invention and are continu- ally being modified ; their definition, insufficient even at present, would become entirely incomplete in the near future. From the commercial point of view a classification would certainly have the result (and the observations exchanged in the committee have abundantly demonstrated this) of changing the name under which certain grades of cement are now sold. Such a change would introduce a great deal of trouble into the manufacture of hydraulic binding media, and would give rise to lively protests. For those inconveniences, which are real, will there be found sufficient compensation in the advantages resulting from classify- ing the cements ? It is doubtful. A more or less exact definition of the nature of various binding media will not prevent fraud, notably the selling under a certain name of cements or limes which do not possess the corresponding qualities on which the consumer has a right to count. But when- ever there is a real necessity, there should be given the place where the product is obtained, and the tests which the section aims at unifying will permit the completion and control of the information which the manufacturer should have given. As to those tests, after having made a detailed study of the sub- ject, the section has recognized that, in fact, it can be proceeded with without the materials tested having been classified into any definite category. The methods recommended apply equally well to products of all kinds, such as Portland cements, Roman cements, slag cements, grappier cements, hydraulic limes, etc., and the slight modifications to which those methods should be subjected, so far as the tests relating to rapid-setting cements are concerned, can be followed without the absence of classification causing the least trouble to experimenters. The uselessness of classification from the point of view of a choice of methods of tests has exerted a decisive influence on the section, and it has abstained from entering upon a question which could but create in future an obstacle to the adherence of a certain number of interests to the rules promulgated as the result of its studies. 5. LINE OF WORK ADOPTED BY THE SECTION. From the preceding considerations the line of work of the sec- tion has been determined. It occupied itself successively with cements, limes, pozzuolana, santorin earth, and plaster, which are TESTS OF CEMENTS. 15 the object of five distinct parts of the present report, the last being devoted to a recapitulation of the conclusions. The methods of testing materials now followed has been examined, compared, and, where necessary, modified with a view of obtaining by the simplest and most practicable processes the most exact information. The section regrets that it has not always arrived at a satisfactory solution, and has been obliged in several cases to point out the defects in the existing methods, expressing the desire that further studies may permit them to be perfected. The methods relating to tests, which, like those of resistance, for example, furnish results varying with the methods and apparatus adopted, have been defined in the most complete detail. The section, however, confines itself to giving simply general instructions whenever it is a question of absolute properties of materials, which, like specific gravity, remain the same whatever method be employed to determine them. In summing the conclusions arising from a study of the numerous questions submitted to its examination, the section has not lost sight of the object to be obtained as defined by President Picard in his discourse of December 28, 1891, "to advise, not to legislate; to indicate methods of experiment, not to insist upon them ; to act by persuasion, by the example of public works, not by coercion. " The section has sought to facilitate the means of arriving at that end by avoiding a disturbance of universally-accepted customs, the injury of French manufactures, or of compromising the possibility of a final understanding with other nations. Although in execu- ting its mission it has exhausted all sources of information, the section is not unaware that its conclusions are far from being com- plete, and that there remains a great deal to be done to decide upon certain and exact methods applicable to every test relating to the study of masonry materials. Its efforts, however, will not have been useless if it has been able to assist in laying the foundation of a useful and practical work which can be completed and made perfect in the future. RECAPITULATION OF CONCLUSIONS. 1. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS. Although in tests of masonry materials it is almost impossible to determine results with mathematical exactitude, it is neverthe- less useful to take every precaution known in laboratory practice, that new errors may not be grafted on those which are unavoida- ble. Such precautions are too well known to make it necessary to mention them in detail here. Hence the section confines itself to presenting some observations relating to the apparatus to be employed and to the selection and preparation of the test pieces. 16 TESTS OF CEMENTS. There lias been given in the course of the detailed report a com- plete description of a certain number of appliances, and in the case of others there have been set forth the special conditions which they should fulfill, having in view the tests for which they are designed. It can be added for the latter that, in a general manner, preference should be given to the simplest instruments, those easi- est to keep in repair, and those which are best adapted to being verified or checked. It is indispensable that every instrument without exception should be verified when it is received, and that those should be reverified later which become worn with use, as, for example, screens and briquette molds, or which have parts sus- ceptible of disarrangement or deterioration, such as balances and certain breaking apparatus. Concerning manner of taking and preparing samples, it must not be forgotten that under the influ- ence of humidity and carbonic acid in the air masonry materials are subject to many changes in their essential properties, some among them becoming profoundly altered. The regulations neces- sary to be adopted, in order to avoid as far as possible the causes of error which might result from a defective manner of taking or preparing samples, should evidently depend 011 the object of the tests, and vary as it is a question, for instance, of determining the quality of cement that a mill is manufacturing, or of deciding upon the receipt of a cargo of cement which is required to satisfy cer- tain known conditions. No general law can be formulated in this respect. There are recapitulated herein the conclusions arrived at by the section following upon a study of the methods recommended for tests of every nature to which masonry materials should be submitted. Referring to the detailed report, the section remarks that those conclusions do not pretend to decide as to the relative value of different tests for determining the qualities of products and the conditions of their reception. CONCLUSIONS RELATING TO TESTS OF CEMENTS. 1. FINENESS OF GRINDING. The section recommends the adoption of the following methods for determining the fineness of grinding of cements. (a) The sample will be divided into four lots by the aid of three screens with square meshes, defined as follows : (1) Screen of 324 meshes per square centimeter, or 18 threads millimeter in diameter per linear centimeter. (2) Screen of 900 meshes per square centimeter, or 30 threads millimeter in diameter per linear centimeter. (3) Screen of 4,900 meshes per square centimeter, or 70 threads yfo- millimeter in diameter per linear centimeter. (b) Tests will be made on a sample of 100 grams. (c) Screening by hand will be considered finished when less than jV gram of material will pass through under the action of 25 movements of the arm. (d) The use of a shaking machine is recommended to eliminate rapidly the greater part of the fine dust. (e) Complete screening by machine is also recommended ; but it can not be made the subject of exact regulation, since the condi- tions which the machine should satisfy are not rigorously defined. (/) The results for each screen will be expressed by summing the residues which do not pass it. 2. SPECIFIC GRAVITY. As this is a question of an absolute quality of cements, the sec- tion does not believe in recommending one apparatus to the exclu- sion of others, and confines itself to formulating, as follows, the general arrangements applicable to the use of the volumenometers : (a) To determine the specific gravity of cements one of the methods actually in use may be employed, provided it permits obtaining the first decimal with certainty and the second within an approximation of two units. (6) The precautions to be taken in making the experiments are the following : (I) Care will be taken that the cement is freshly pulverized ; the parts retained by a screen of 900 square meshes per square centi- meter, as well as those agglomerated by humidity after they have been reduced to powder and passed through a screen, will be mixed intimately with the rest of the sample, on the total of which the test should be mad.e, 15671 2 (17) 18 TESTS OF CEMENTS. (2) The liquid to be made use of should be benzine or some mineral oil. (3) The temperature should remain constant during the entire operation, and should not exceed 15 C. 3. APPARENT DENSITY. The section recommends the adoption of the following rules : (a) The apparent density of a cement will be determined by weighing a measure of cylindrical form 10 centimeters high and having a capacity of 1 liter, filled by means of a sieve funnel. (b) This apparatus is composed of a vertical funnel whose circu- lar section has a diameter of 2 centimeters at the base and 15 centi- meters at a height of 15 centimeters above the base, at which height is placed a perforated plate having per square decimeter about 1,050 holes 2 millimeters in diameter.* The funnel is pro- longed by a cylindrical spout 2 centimeters in diameter and 10 centimeters high. The apparatus is supported by a tripod frame. (c) The measure will be placed 5 centimeters below the lower extremity of the spout. The cement will then be poured into the funnel in little masses of from 300 to 400 grams, which will be forced to pass through those screens by stirring with a wooden spatula 4 centimeters wide. The filling will be stopped when the base of the cone, which will rise little by little above the measure, has reached its upper edge. The excess of cement will then be scraped off by moving across the top a straight blade held in a vertical plane. Throughout the entire operation the measure should not be subjected to any trembling or shock. (d) There will be adopted as the weight of a liter the mean of the results obtained by five successive measurements. (e) It is useful to have the tests made on the cement in the con- dition it is delivered and on the fine dust having passed a screen of 4,900 meshes. In all cases the degree of fineness of grinding of the sample used should be indicated, as well as the apparent density. 4. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS. The conclusions that the section proposes to formulate, so far as chemical analysis is concerned, are reduced to the following : (a) Operators should be permitted the liberty of using any of the usual methods for determining the chemical composition of cements. (b) Complete chemical analyses are recommended ; all of the ele- ments found should be indicated, without grouping, in the record of proceedings of the operation. Such plate is found in the market. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 19 (e) In default of a complete analysis, the mixture of the volatile materials could furnish useful information. 5. TESTS OF HOMOGENEITY. A study of the information which may be collected from the use of the magnifying glass, in testing cements with respect to homo- geneity, has led the section to the following conclusions : (a) The magnifying glass can be employed usefully to give indi- cations of the degree of homogeneity of cements. (b) Observations should be made on the material retained by a screen of 4,900 meshes, operating successively with magnifying powers of about 3 diameters for the general examination and of 8 for the detailed examination. (c) If the examination reveals the presence of grains suspected of coming from foreign materials in the cement, the nature of those can be verified either by complete or by partial chemical analysis of the entire product or of the suspected portions, or by any other means that may be judged most suitable to identify the foreign materials. 6. MANUFACTURE OF STANDARD PASTES AND MORTARS. The section proposes to define, as follows, pastes and mortars on which standard tests should be made : 1. STANDARD CEMENT PASTE. A. (a) To manufacture a standard paste 1 kilogram of cement will be used, which will be spread on a marble table in the shape of a crown, in the center of which there will be poured out at once the volume of water necessary to satisfy the following conditions. * According to the nature of the tests, fresh or sea water may be employed. The mixture should be worked briskly with a trowel for five minutes, counting from the moment when the water was poured out. (b) With one portion of the paste obtained there will be filled immediately a flat-bottomed metallic box, truncated in form, hav- ing a diameter of 8 centimeters at the lower base, 9 centimeters at the upper base, and 4 centimeters deep; the surface will be smoothed off by scraping a trowel along the upper surface of the mold, avoiding any heaping and any shaking. (c) In the center of the mass thus formed there will be brought down normal to the surface of the paste, carefully and without * That volume ought to be determined by means of successive trials. 20 TESTS OF CEMENTS. allowing it to acquire any velocity, a cylindrical sound 1 centi- meter in diameter and weighig 300 grams, made of polished metal, clean and dry, and terminated by a section normal to the axis. That apparatus, called a " consistency sound," should be so con- structed as to permit the exact determination of the thickness of the paste remaining between the bottom of the box and the lower extremity of the sound. Two tests will never be made on the paste contained in the same box. (d) The paste will be considered standard whose consistency is such that the distance remaining between the bottom of the box and the end of the sound, at the moment when the latter ceases to sink under the action of its own weight, is 6 millimeters. B. For rapid-setting cements the quantity of cement used in ex- periments will be reduced to 500 grams and the duration of gauging to 1 minute. 2. STANDARD MORTARS. A. (a) To manufacture standard mortars, use will be made of the natural sand coming from the shore of Leucate (Aude), suitably screened, which will be called standard sand. According to cir- cumstances, either simple standard sand or compound standard sand will be used. (b) Simple standard sand will be formed of grains passing a plate screen perforated by holes 1.5 millimeters in diameter and retained on one with holes I millimeter in diameter. (c) Compound standard sand will be formed by a mixture of equal weights of the following sands : No. 1, whose grains, passing a screen of 2 millimeters, are retained by a screen of 1.5 millimeters. No. 2, whose grains, passing a screen of 1.5 millimeters, are re- tained by a screen of 1 millimeter. No. 3, whose grains, passing a screen of 1 millimeter, are retained by a screen of 0.5 millimeter. B. (a) For tests other than those of rupture, standard plastic mortar will be used, and for rupture tests standard dry mortar. (b) Standard mortars will be mixed in the ratio of 1 part by weight of cement to 3 parts by weight of sand and will be gauged, according to the nature of the tests, with fresh or with sea water. One kilogram of material (250 grams of cement and 750 grams of sand) is mixed intimately when dry; it is then formed on a marble table in the shape of a crown, in the center of which there will be poured out at one time the quantity of water to be employed, and the mixture will be worked briskly with a trowel for five minutes. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 21 (c) For the manufacture of standard dry mortar, use will be made of simple standard sand. The quantity of water employed in gauging will be 45 grams, augmented by a sixth of that neces- sary to bring a kilogram of cement to the state of a standard paste. (d) For the manufacture of standard plastic mortar, use will be made of compound normal sand. The quantity of water used in gauging will be such that the resulting mortar has a plastic con- sistency. To be assured that this consistency is well realized, a metallic box, designed for tests of consistency, will be filled with a part of the mortar obtained see above 6, No. 1, A (6) and the surface will be planed off and smoothed with a trowel ; the consistency will be considered satisfactory if, after smoothing, the mortar exudes a little under the effect of several blows of a trowel struck on the sides of the box. C. For rapid-setting cements the quantity of cement used in the experiments will be reduced to 500 grams and the duration of gauging to one minute. D. It is recommended for tests of mortar, other than standard mortars, that there should be employed, in preference to all others, mixtures of 1 part by weight of cement to 2 parts of standard sand (rich mortars) and 1 part of cement to 5 parts of standard sand (poor mortars).* The first of those mixtures is particularly useful for rapid-setting cements, with a view to completing the information furnished by the standard mortars mixed 1 to 3. RECOMMENDATION. The section recommends that, after an inter- national agreement, standard plastic mortars be employed for tests of every nature, to the exclusion of standard dry mortars. 7. TESTS OF SET. Under the reservations expressed below, the section recommends the adoption of the following rules for the determination of set of pastes and mortars, f 1. PASTES. A. (a) In pastes, both the beginning and the end of set will be determined. * P being the weight of water necessary to bring a kilogram of cement to the condition of standard paste, the weight of water to employ should be 45 grams plus f of P in the case of a dry mortar mixed 1 to 2, and 45 grams plus of P in the case of a dry mortar mixed 1 to 5, the sand employed being always simple standard sand. f It is remembered that for each one of the tests concerning pastes and mor- tars the conclusions relating to the standard test (intended to characterize the products) are stated, following those relating to the corresponding general test. 22 TESTS OF CEMENTS. (b) At the moment of gauging, the temperature of the cement, the water, and the air should be comprised between 15 and 18 C. Immediately after its mixture, the paste, with the precautions indicated hereinbefore in 6 (1, A), will be introduced into a box similar to that described in the same paragraph (1, A b). As soon as it is filled the box will be immersed in a tank containing water, and the temperature will be kept between 15 and 18 C. The box will be taken out of the tank only for the time necessary for each determination. (c) For the tests there will be employed a metal needle, called the Vicat needle, which weighs 300 grams and which is cylindrical, smooth, clean, dry, and terminated by an end cut at right angles to the axis and containing an area of 1 square millimeter (diameter, 1.13 millimeters). The beginning of set will be called the instant when the needle, descending normally to the surface of the paste, carefully and without being allowed to acquire any velocity, can no longer penetrate entirely to the bottom of the box. The end of set will be called the instant when the surface of the paste can support the same needle without penetrating into it any appreci- able distance. The corresponding durations will be counted from the moment when the gauging water has been placed in contact with the cement. (d) In the case of determining set in air, operations will be con- ducted as has just been indicated, with this difference, that the box as soon as it is filled will be kept in air at a temperature between 15 and 18 C. ; care will be taken to void thoroughly the water as it rises to the surface of the paste and separates from it. B. The standard test of set will be conducted on the standard cement paste immersed, as has just been described (A b). 2. MORTARS. A. (a) In mortars, the end of set only will be determined. (b) At the moment of tempering or gauging, the temperature of the cement, sand, and water and the surrounding air should be between 15 and 18 C. Immediately after its manufacture the mortar will be introduced into the box serving for tests of con- sistency ( 6, 1, A b) and will be struck and smoothed. As soon as it is filled the box will be kept between 15 and 18 C. The box will be taken out of the tank only for the time necessary for each determination. (c) When it is desired to determine the set in air, operations will be conducted as has just been described, with this difference, that the box, as soon as it is filled, will be kept in air at a temperature between 15 and 18 C. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 23 (d) The end of set will be determined by the moment when the surface of the mortar can support without deformation the pres- sure of the thumb. The duration of set will be counted from the moment when the gauging water has been placed in contact with the mixture of sand and cement. B. (a) The standard test of set will be conducted on the normal plastic mortar immersed as above described (A b). (b) The end of set will be determined by the moment from which the consistency sound (par. c, 1, Ac) loaded with 5 kilograms brought down normal to the surface of the water, carefully and \vithout allowing it to acquire any velocity, no longer penetrates any appreciable distance. RECOMMENDATIONS. (a) The above rules (1 and 2) apply to rapid-setting cements as well as to slow-setting cements. For the first, at least, the use of the thermometer ought to furnish useful information. The section recommends that studies on the subject be continued. (b) The section also recommends that the studies which have been undertaken relative to the set of cement pastes and mortars be continued. 8. RUPTURE TESTS BY TENSION. The section recommends the adoption of the following rules for determining the resistances of cement pastes and mortars to tension : A. (a) For rupture tests by tension, use will be made of bri- quettes of the form of a figure 8, called standard briquettes, having a section in the middle of 5 square centimeters and of the type of fig. 1 (p. 24). (b) Molds presenting within the form of the briquettes will be placed on a plate of marble or of polished metal after having been, as well as the plate, well cleaned and rubbed with greasy linen. Those molds will be filled, six at one time, from the same gauging, in the case of slow-setting cements and four at one time in the case of rapid-setting cements, putting, at one time, in each mold enough material to make it run over. It will be tapped with the finger, that no voids be left, and several blows with the trowel will be struck on the sides of the molds, to complete filling and to facili- tate the escape of air bubbles. Then it will be smoothed off by passing the blade of a straight knife almost horizontally over the edges of the mold in such a manner as to take away all the excess without exerting any pressure. Finally the surface will be smoothed by passing over it a knife resting on its edge. If a cement paste is being operated upon, it must not be taken out of the molds until it has acquired sufficient consistency. TESTS OF CEMENTS. (c) The briquettes will be taken out of the molds by sliding the molds on the plate, uiiclamping them, and taking from them the briquettes without raising them, at the end of twenty-four hours, counting from the beginning of gauging, and before, if necessary, in any case where set has certainly terminated. In all cases, dur- ing this delay of twenty-four hours, the briquettes should be kept in an atmosphere saturated with humidity, sheltered from air cur- rents and the direct rays of the sun, at a temperature comprised, as near as possible, between 15 and 18 C. The delay of twenty- four hours will be reduced to that of one hour for rapid-setting cement pastes and to three hours for mortars of the same cement. (d) It is recommended to weigh the briquettes after taking them out of the molds if one wishes to be assured of the regularity of their manufacture. (e) At the expiration of the delays fixed above in paragraph c, the briquettes will be immersed in the medium chosen for their storage. If the briquettes are immersed in fresh water, the depth of water in a tank should not exceed 1 meter, and that water should be renewed every week. If they are immersed in sea water, renewal should take place every two days during the first week, TESTS OF CEMENTS. 25 and after that every week. During the first week, the volume occupied by the water in the tank should be equal to four times, at least, that of the briquettes. In every case the nature of the stor- age water will be specified. If the briquettes are preserved in air, its hygrometric state will be kept as near as possible to that of saturation, and they will be placed under shelter from currents of air and from the direct rays of the sun. The temperature of the medium (air or water) will be maintained as near as possible between 15 and 18 C. (/) The apparatus for rupture will be arranged in such a way that the effort of tension exerted on the briquettes can be contin- uous, and increase at the rate of 5 kilograms per second. The form and the method of attaching the clips should conform to the following sketch, which reproduces the arrangement in actual use : . Z 26 TESTS OF CEMENTS. (g) Breaking will be done at the end of 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc., counting from the gauging. It will be done also at the end of twenty-four hours for mortars of rapid-setting cements, and at the end of from three to twenty-four hours for cement pastes of that nature. (h) Briquettes coming from the same gauging will be divided as much as possible between the different series of six, which will be broken at the periods of tests enumerated in the preceding para- graph. The results obtained in each test will be rendered for each one of the six briquettes ; their mean will be formulated, and any anomalies will be indicated. The results will be expressed by saying that "the resistance to tension measured by operating on standard briquettes in the shape of a figure 8, 5 centimeters square in cross section, is so many kilograms per square centimeter." B. (a) Standard tests of rupture by tension will take place 011 standard cement paste and on standard dry mortar preserved in fresh water. For those tests, the general rules under "A" and the special rules hereinafter will be conformed to so far as concerns the manufacture of briquettes. (b) At the moment of mixing, the cement, the sand, the air, and the water will be at a temperature comprised between 15 and 18 C. The standard dry mortar will be rammed into a mold with a spat- ula of iron about 35 centimeters long, including the handle, pre- senting a striking surface of 25 square centimeters, and weighing 250 grams. Quick little blows will be given, first on the circum- ference of the briquettes, then on the center; finally more ener- getic blows will be given, following always the same method of procedure and continuing the ramming until the mass commences to have a little elasticity and the water oozes to the surface. Cut- ting off and smoothing will then be done, as has been explained before (A 6). 9. RUPTURE TESTS BY COMPRESSION. Under the reservation expressed below, the section recommends the adoption of the following rules to determine the resistance of cement pastes and mortars to compression. A. (a) For rupture tests by compression there will be taken as briquettes the half briquettes separated by tension. Each half briquette will be crushed separately, but the total will be taken of the results furnished by the two half briquettes. When half bri- quettes are lacking, use can be made of cylindrical test pieces 45 millimeters in diameter and 22 millimeters high, made and pre- served similar to the briquettes destined for tests of rupture by tension ( 8, A). TESTS OF CEMENTS. 27 (6) Briquettes which are rough or present conspicuous protuber- ances will be planed by a light rubbing by hand on a slab of grit- stone. (c) The breaking apparatus will be placed so that the effort of compression may increase in a continuous manner, leading to the crushing of a half briquette at the end of one or two minutes. (d) Tests will be made at the epochs fixed for those of rupture by tension, and will take place, like them, on a series of six briquettes. (e) The results will be rendered for each one of the six double briquettes (made up of two twin briquettes) submitted to the test. At the same time their mean will be formulated and the anomalies will be set forth. The results will be expressed by saying that " the resistance to crushing measured by operating on half-standard briquettes, shaped like a figure 8, is so many kilograms per square centimeter."* B. The standard tests of rupture by compression will take place on the standard briquette pastes and standard dry mortars which have served in the standard tests for rupture by tension. When half briquettes are lacking, cylindrical test pieces 45 millimeters in diameter and 22 millimeters high, made and kept in the manner indicated for those tests, may be employed ( 8 B). C. For tests having for their object a comparison of mortars with other materials, it is recommended provisionally to employ a cube of 50 square centimeters face area, placed on its side, f In a general way the rules adopted for other materials will be adhered to in these tests. RECOMMENDATION. The section recommends that researches should be continued with a view to studying the advantages which might arise from the use of cylinders of small dimensions for com- pression tests, as well as the substitution of punching for crushing. 10. RUPTURE TESTS BY BENDING. The section proposes to recommend rupture tests by flexure, which it would be of interest to introduce into current laboratory practice. The rules to adopt will be the following : A. (a) For rupture tests by flexure, test pieces in the form of prisms 12 centimeters long, with a square section of 2 centimeters on a side, will be employed. (b) The preceding directions as to manufacture, taking out of molds, weighing and preservation of tension-test briquettes, as well as the periods of test, are applicable also to flexure tests. * The surface of a briquette (by which it is necessary to divide the total load of rupture) is 31 square centimeters. f That is, placed in such a way that the pressure is exerted normal to one of the faces, which has been in contact with the sides of the mold. 28 TESTS OF CEMENTS. (c) The test piece to be broken will rest on one of its lateral faces which has been in contact with the mold, on two knife-edges dis- tant from each other 10 centimeters; the load will be applied in the middle by the aid of a slightly-rounded knife-edge. The apparatus of rupture will be placed in such a way that the force exerted on the test piece can increase in a continuous manner at the rate of 1 kilogram per second. (d) Results, as in the case of rupture tests by tension and by compression, will be rendered for each one of the six test pieces sub- mitted to the tests ; at the same time their mean will be formulated and the anomalies presented indicated. The results will be expressed by saying that ' ' the load of rupture by flexure is so many kilo- grams for a prismatic specimen with square cross section of 2 centi- meters on a side, placed on two supports, distant from each other 10 centimeters." B. Standard tests of rupture by flexure will be conducted on pastes and mortars made and preserved as has been indicated for standard tests by tension ( 8, B). 11. DEFORMATION TESTS. Under the reservation expressed below concerning hot tests, the committee recommends the adoption of the following rules : A. Tests intended to show deformations caused by the presence of expansive materials will be conducted on cement pastes, either cold or hot. B. COLD TESTS. (a) For those tests the paste will be spread out on a glass plate in such a manner as to form a cake about 10 centimeters in diameter and 2 centimeters thick, thinning out toward the edges. Immediately after their manufacture, cakes intended for tests in water will be immersed in the same condi- tions as the test pieces intended for rupture tests ( 8, Ae). Cakes intended for air tests will also be exposed under the con- ditions indicated for such test pieces ( 8, Ae). There will be noted the condition of the cakes at the ends of periods of time assumed for rupture tests (7 days, 28 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, etc.). (b) If it is intended to measure the swelling which is caused in pastes of cement by the effect of prolonged immersion in cold water, there can be used rods 80 centimeters long, with a square section of 12 millimeters on a side, which will be placed vertically in glass tubes 25 millimeters in diameter, filled with water. The elonga- tion will be determined by the displacement on a scale of a needle actuated by a stem which has been sealed to the upper extremity of the prism. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 29 C. HOT TESTS. (a) For those tests there will be employed cyl- indrical test pieces 3 centimeters in diameter and 3 centimeters high, made in metal molds 0.5 millimeter thick. Each mold will be slit in the direction of its axis and will carry, soldered to each side of that slit, two needles 15 centimeters long; the increase in the departure of the extremities of those two needles will measure the swelling. (b) The molds, as soon as they are filled, will be immersed in cold water. As soon as the set is finished, and after a delay which will not exceed twenty-four hours beyond set, the tempera- ture of the water will be increased progressively to 100 C., the time being comprised between one-fourth and one-half hour. A temperature of 100 will be maintained for six consecutive hours, and it will be allowed afterwards to cool, in order that the final measurements may be made. (c) NOTE. This method of hot tests is not applicable to rapid- setting cements. D. The standard tests of deformation will be made on a stand- ard paste of cement. RECOMMENDATION. The section recommends that prolonged experiments be made through several years and conducted on a great number of cement samples, notably on rapid-setting cements, with a view to furnishing more complete information than that now at hand concerning the comparative deformation in tests exe- cuted hot or cold. 12. YIELD TESTS. The section recommends the adoption of the following rules : A. (a) The yield of a cement paste is the volume of the paste obtained by gauging at normal consistency 1 kilogram of cement. The yield in mortar of a cement is the volume of mortar obtained by gauging at a plastic consistency 1 kilogram of sand and cement, mixed in the proportions corresponding to that mortar. (6) The yield will be determined by noting the volume occupied in a graduated, cylindrical glass test tube, about 6 centimeters in diameter, by the paste of the mortar which is introduced into it immediately after gauging, with the precautions necessary to avoid as far as possible the imprisonment therein of air bubbles. (c) If necesary the yield can be determined with more precision by molding the paste or the mortar in a block of any form what ever and determining, after hardening, the difference in weight in air and in water of such a block first dried from ooze water. B. The standard test of yield will be conducted on the standard cement paste and on the standard plastic mortar. 30 TESTS OF CEMENTS. 13. POROSITY TESTS. While remarking that the porosity of mortars and pastes, although capable of being defined with precision, can not be measured with rigorous exactitude, the section recommends, concerning those measurements, the adoption of the following rules : A. The porosity of a paste or of a mortar has for its measure the ratio of the volume of voids which that paste or that mortar presents to the apparent total volume, such voids including the volume occupied by the water of absorption and by the hygrometric water, but excluding the water of crystallization which evidently forms a part of the solid. If we call V the apparent total volume and v the solid volume, the porosity is determined then by the formula : V-v Porosity = ~~y' B. (a) To determine the porosity, operations will be conducted on specimens having, as far as possible, an apparent volume com- prised between y 3 ^ and T \ liter. (6) The solid volume (v) will be obtained by taking the differ- ence (P p) in the weight of the dry test piece, weighed in air (P), and the weight of the test piece saturated with water and weighed in water (p). To obtain complete saturation, the test piece will be kept for a quarter of an hour in air rarefied to a pressure not exceeding 25 millimeters of mercury, and the water will be made to arrive on the test piece until its complete immersion under the same degree of rarefaction. The test piece once covered with water, the atmos- pheric pressure will be reestablished, and twenty-four hours will elapse before obtaining the weight given as p. When convenient means for rarefying the air are lacking, complete saturation will be produced by the action of boiling water, when the mortars can support such action without bad results. For that purpose the test piece will be allowed to remain in water for forty- eight hours ; at the end of that time it will be completely immersed in cold water, which will be brought to the boiling point and main- tained in that condition for two hours. Then it will be allowed to cool without taking out the test piece, and at the end of twenty- four hours will be obtained the weight which is given as p. To dry the test piece it will be kept, until it no longer loses weight, in a chamber heated to between 40 and 50 C. The final measured weight will be P. For this operation care will be taken that there does not enter into the oven any carbonic acid coming from the products of combustion in the heating apparatus. For certain products, drying effected under those conditions can not TESTS OF CEMENTS. 31 make all of the hygrometric water disappear, or may, on the con- trary, take away a little of the water of crystallization, which per- mits a slight uncertainty in the values found for porosity. (c) The apparent volume of the test piece (V) can be obtained by direct measurement, if it presents a geometrical form. If not, the volume will be measured by taking the difference between the weight of the test piece in water and in air, its condition of satura- tion remaining the same. To insure the constancy of that state of saturation, the test piece will be covered with a thin layer of melted grease, which will be placed on with a brush and spread out with the fingers. Care will be taken to weigh it in water before it is weighed in air. C. (a) The standard test of porosity will take place on the stand- ard plastic mortar twenty-eight days old, preserved in water. (b) For tests made on mortars of different age and composition, it is recommended to employ, preferably, plastic mortars mixed 1 to 2 and 1 to 5, and aged 7 days, 28 days, 6 months, and 1 year. (c) In all cases there should be indicated the composition, the age, and the methods of preservation of the mortars submitted to the tests. 14. PERMEABILITY TESTS. The section has not been able, on account of insufficient informa- tion, to formulate any proposition for the measure of permeability of pastes and mortars so far as gases are concerned. For per- meability tests in the case of water, the adoption of the following rules is recommended : A. (a) The permeability of pastes and mortars will be expressed by the number of liters of water flowing per hour through a cubic block 50 centimeters square on a face, under the following condi- tions : (b) The water intended for filtration will be led by a glass tube 35 millimeters in diameter and 11 centimeters high, sealed verti- cally by the aid of pure cement to the upper face of the block placed on its side,* which has been previously scraped to remove all foreign matter. The tube, closed at its upper end by a rubber stopper, will be put in communication with a reservoir elevated to a level corresponding to the desired pressure of water. There will be adopted for this pressure, according to the per- meability of the mortars, heights of 10 centimeters, 1 meter, or 10 meters, f * See footnote to 9. f Where it is desirable to adopt different heights, multiples of \ meter will be chosen preferably. 32 TESTS OF CEMENTS. (c) Before being submitted to the test the block will be immersed in a tank during forty-eight hours, with precautions necessary to arrive at as complete saturation as possible. Once under test, the block will be kept immersed up to its full height. (d) The volume flowing per hour will be determined after 24 hours, 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, etc.* (e) The determination will take place on three similar blocks ; mean results will be given corresponding only to the two blocks that are most concordant. In rendering the results for permea- bility at different epochs (24 hours, 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, etc.) there must be given the pressure ( T V meter, 1 meter, or 10 meters) under which tests were made. B. (a) The standard test of permeability will take place on the standard plastic mortar twenty-eight days old, preserved in water. (b) For tests made on mortars of different age and composition it is recommended to employ preferably plastic mortars mixed 1 to 2 and 1 to 5, aged 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, etc. RECOMMENDATION. The section recommends that studies be instituted with a view to determining methods of testing for per- meability of mortars so far as gases are concerned. 15. TESTS OF DECOMPOSITION BY SEA WATER. Although the conditions in which laboratory tests for decom- position of pastes or mortars by sea water are made generally ex- aggerate effects, such tests can give useful indications and are recommended. The section proposes to adopt, concerning those tests, the following rules : A. (a) The tests will be made by immersion and by filtration. (b) There will be employed for immersion standard briquettes shaped like a figure 8, kept twenty-four hours after their manu- facture in a tank containing sea water, which will be renewed every two days for the first week and afterwards every week. During the first week the volume of water should be equal to at least four times that of the briquettes. (c) There will be employed for filtration test pieces in the form of cubical blocks similar to those designed for permeability tests, arranged as has been indicated for such tests ( 14 A). The height of pressure will be 10 centimeters, 1 meter, or 10 meters, according to the permeability of the specimens submitted to the tests. Oper- ations will be conducted on two series of test pieces ; those of the first series will be kept in air, those of the second will be kept immersed up to their full height in sea water. *At the beginning of the tests the determinations will be multiplied if neces- sary. TESTS OF CEMENTS. 33 (d) When natural sea water, is lacking use can be made of artifi- cial sea water having the following composition : Grams. Sodium chloride (NaCl) 30 Crystallized sulphate of magnesium (MgOSO 3 , 7 HO) . . _ 5 Crystallized chloride of magnesium (MgCl, 6 HO) 6 Hydrated sulphate of lime (CaOSO 3 , 2 HO) 1. 5 Bicarbonate of potash (KOHO, 2 CO*) 0. 2 Distilled water, rain water, or boiled water 1,000 (e) Series of standard 8-shaped briquettes and cubical blocks will be preserved in fresh water to serve for comparative tests. (/) The results of the tests will be expressed by giving the fol- lowing comparative information for the two series of briquettes : (1) Modification of the appearance of the test pieces. (2) Resistance to tension and to compression for the briquettes immersed, and to compression for the blocks submitted to filtra- tion. (3) Chemical composition. The tests will be made, according to circumstances, after one or after several of the periods fixed for resistance to rupture (28 days, 3 months, 6 months, 1 year, etc.). B. (a) The standard test of decomposition by sea water will take place on the standard plastic mortar; for filtration tests, operations will be conducted on specimens twenty-eight days old and kept in sea water. (&) For tests made on mortars of different age and composition, it is recommended to use preferably mortars mixed 1 to 2 and 1 to 5, aged 7 days, 28 days, 3 months, etc. (c) In all cases there will be indicated the composition, age, and method of preservation of the mortars submitted to the tests. 16. TESTS OF ADHESION. The section proposes to recommend for adhesion tests the adop- tion of the following rules, stating that some among them are based upon a comparatively restricted number of experiments and can not be considered as definite : A. To compare the adhesive strength of cements there will be submitted to tests of rupture by tension specimens in the form of a double T made by the aid of a special mold which is designed as shown in fig. 3, each one of the two materials whose adhesion is studied constituting one of the halves of each test piece. For those tests, the following rules will be adhered to : B. STANDARD TESTS FOR COMPARING THE ADHESION OF DIF- FERENT CEMENTS TO THE SAME MATERIAL. (a) There will be prepared standard adhesion blocks of mortars composed by weight 15671 3 TESTS OF CEMENTS. * TESTS OF CEMENTS. 35 of 1 part Portland cement, passing through a screen composed of 900 meshes, and 2 parts of standard sand No. 3. ( 6, 2, A c.) The mortar will be gauged with 9 per cent of water and firmly compressed into a mold whose bottom is provided with a movable metallic plate. The adhesion blocks will be immersed in fresh water at the end of twenty-four hours. When it is desired to use them they will be dried. Then the adhesive surface will be passed over by emery paper. (6) There will be employed for this test the standard plastic mortar which will be introduced by a simple beating with a trowel into a mold placed in such a way that the standard adhesive block will form the bottom. The taking of the test piece out of the mold formed by the standard block attached to the mortar to be tested, will be done as soon as set has completely taken place. (c) The rules for tension tests should be followed as to the num- ber and preservation of the test pieces, the periods of test, the mode of rupture, and the expression of the results. C. STANDARD TESTS FOR COMPARING THE ADHESION OF THE SAME CEMENT TO DIFFERENT MATERIALS. (a) For those tests the above directions will be followed, with this exception, that the normal adhesion blocks will be replaced by blocks made of the different materials to be tested. If the material can be molded the adhesion block will be made in a mold like a standard block. If the material is nonplastic there will be prepared a block several millimeters in thickness, having a well-smoothed face, which will be placed at the bottom of the mold, and the test block will be completed by filling up the mold with neat cement. (6) Where standard plastic mortar is not used, the composition of the mortar employed will be stated. THE INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. (37) THE INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC BINDING MEDIA.* BY DR. WILLIAM MICHAELIS. By allowing saturated limewater to act on the hydrates of silica, ferric oxide, and alumina, there can be obtained the following com- pounds of lime, representing the highest grades of saturation : 2 SiO f , 3 CaO + x H 2 O ; 2 Fe 2 O 3 , 4 CaO + y H 2 O; 2 A1,O 3 , 5 CaO + z H,O. The values of x, y, and z have not been determined with certainty ; they are assumed by me at 6, 7, and 8, respectively, the minimum amount of water being 1 equivalent of it to 1 equivalent of CaO. Until it has been demonstrated with certainty that there is a difference between the compounds formed during the action of water on calcareous hydraulic binding media and those formed dur- ing the process of hydraulic set, it may be assumed that during set the above enumerated compounds are actually formed, and that the residual lime is eliminated as hydrate of lime, a process evidently taking place in Portland cement, in which, when in its hardened state, numerous crystals of hydrate of lime are found interspersed. As is well known, H. Le Chatelier assumes the following crys- tallizing compounds, 2 CaOSiO 2 + 5 H 2 O, as the hydrosilicate of lime, and A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 12 H 2 O as the hydroaluminate of lime. It is of no importance for the present discussion whether hydro- silicate of lime is formed in crystals during hydraulic set, or whether, on account of its absolute insolubility, it can not crys- tallize, but is a colloid, f It is well known that the compound A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO expands con- siderably in absorbing water. I do not, therefore, consider this compound to be a predominating one in normal Portland cements. * An abstract of a preliminary article by Dr. Michaelis on the same subject was published in Vol. CVII, Minutes Proceedings Institution Civil Engineers, 1891. The present article appeared in Verhandlungen des Vereines zur Befdr- derung des Gewerbfleisses, 1896. Since the foregoing translation was sent to the printer, a copy of a translation into English, printed at Edinboro, Scotland, has been received. f Insolubility in this case means that in the presence of calcareous earth silicic acid is entirely insoluble in water; hydrosilicate of lime, therefore, may be decomposed by water, but is never dissolved ; the lime only passing into solution. (39) 40 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. No detailed information is given by Le Cnatelier concerning hydroferrate of lime, a compound, by the way, which is exceed- ingly unstable and readily decomposed; hence the existence of none but the first-mentioned compound has been thoroughly demonstrated. In accordance with E. Candlot I have found the following for- mula for the aluminate and sulphate of lime compound : 2 (A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO) + 5 (CaOSO 3 ) + 80 H 2 O (dried over sulphuric acid) . Candlot gives 120 H 2 O for the air-dried crystals. But the combination, A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 3 CaOS0 3 + 30 H 2 O, has also been observed by me.* Only the second compound will be considered here ; that is, the one crystallizing with 30 equivalents of water, which is certainly less than is really the case. Each part by weight of aluminate, which appears in hydraulic mortars in the form of hydroaluminate of lime, is able to form 12 parts by weight of this double salt. The hydroferrate of lime behaves similarly. I have found its formula to be Fe 2 O.,, 3 CaO + 2 CaO, SO 3 + x H a O, but I have not yet succeeded in obtaining it in crystallized form. Being yet of a doubtful character, this compound will not be considered here at all ; this much may, however, be assumed, that it acts similarly to the above-mentioned double salt. One part by weight of A1 2 O 3 will form 3.062 parts by weight of 2 A1 2 3 , 5 CaO + 8 H 2 O. One part by weight of A1 2 O 3 will form 3.7 parts by weight of ALA, 3 CaO + 6 H 2 O. One part by weight of A1 2 O 3 will form 4.735 parts by weight of A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 12 H 2 O. One part by weight of A1 2 O 3 will form 11.856 parts by weight of sulphate and aluminate of lime. One part by weight of A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 6 H 2 O will form 3.2175 parts by weight of sulphate and aluminate of lime, or 4.4636 parts by weight of Candlot's double salt, with 120 H 2 O. One part by weight of CaO, SO 3 will form nearly 3 parts by weight of sulphate and aluminate of lime. One part by weight of CaO, H 2 O will form nearly 2.3243 parts by weight of CaO, SO 3 + 2H 2 O. The true Roman cements, containing 1 part by weight of sili- cate silicic acid, alumina, ferric oxide (manganous oxide) to 1.1 or 1.2 parts by weight of lime, are the best hydraulic mortars *The air-dried compound, 2 A1 2 O 3) 3 CaO + 5 CaOSO 3 + 80 H 2 O, when dried over sulphuric acid, has rendered 22 H 2 O [perhaps 2 (A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 6 H 2 O) + 5 (CaO, SO 3 + 2 H a O)] ; dried at 100 C., it rendered 16 H 2 O, and heated to a dark red, it became anhydrous. The anhydrous double salt is soluble in 2,214 parts by weight of water at a temperature of 18 C. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER OX HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 41 from a chemical point of view, because on hardening they form the most stable compounds, without leaving any iionsaturated residues. For instance, a Roman cement of the following composition : Silicic acid = 24.00 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.400; Alumina = 10.28 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.200; Ferric oxide = 4.80 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.030; Lime = 49.00 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.875; Sulphuric acid = 3.20 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.040; Magnesia! = 5 . 00 percent; Alkali Residue = 3. 72 per cent; 100.00 per cent; will require 0.4 X f+ 0.2 X f + 0.03 X 2 -f- 0.04 = 1.2 equivalents or 67.2 parts by weight of lime, when the calcareous compounds mentioned at the opening of this article are considered. As the cement contains only 0.875 equivalents of lime, the formation of compounds as rich in lime as these is impossible, and compounds will be formed that contain less lime and are therefore more sta- ble: SiO 2 , CaO, 2 A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO; 2 Fe 2 O 3 , 3 CaO. For the forma- tion of these, only 43.96 parts by weight of CaO are required; the remaining 5.04 parts of lime will then enter into compounds richer in lime, and no free lime will remain after set. A hydraulic mortar composed as above serves its purpose in the best possible way. Leaving out of consideration for the present the double compound of aluminate and sulphate of lime A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO + 3 CaOSO 3 + 30 H 2 O, it would after set render the follow- ing stable compounds : Hydrosilicate of lime with from 1 to 1. 5 parts of CaO to 1 of SiO 2 ; Hydroaluminate of lime with 3 parts of CaO to 2 of A1 2 O 3 ; Hydroferrate of lime with 3 CaO to 2 of Fe 2 O 8 . Only gypsum, hydrate of magnesia, and hydrate of caustic potash will form an unsaturated residuum, the salts generated by them with sulphuric acid being however readily soluble and not injurious. But as Roman cements are burnt at red heat, or at moderate red heat only, during which operation they do not condense, they must be pronounced from a physical point of view to be of a porous nature ; the compounds forming during absorption of water will, therefore, be contained in them in a much swollen state; hence the mortars produced with them will shrink considerably during air drying, through loss of loosely-bound water, nearly all water contained in these hydrates, over and above the quantity corre- sponding to the hydrate of lime, being such loosely-bound water. 42 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. Physically the hydraulic limes, the best representative of which is lime of Theil, are quite close to the Roman cements. Their density, at least that of the so-called light ones, is generally less than that of the Roman cements. Freshly-calcined lime of Theil contains Silicic acid = 22.80 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.3800; Alumina = 2.57 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0250; Ferric oxide = 0.88 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0055; Sulphuric acid = 0.64 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0080; Lime = 68.60 per cent or, in equivalents, 1.225; Magnesia = 1.60 per cent. The most highly calcareous compounds forming during set will use 0.38 x|+ 0.025X| + 0.0055X2 + 0.008 = 0.651 5 equivalents, or 36.48 parts by weight of CaO; consequently there remains an unsaturated residue of 32.12 parts by weight of CaO aside from 1.6 parts by weight of magnesia. From a physical point of view Portland cement is much superior to the hydraulic limes, because it acquires great density through vitrification at white heat. During set the pores are filled more completely because, the particles being closer together, there is in the same space much more swelling substance. The mean pro- portion of mass in equal spaces is for Portland cement and for Roman cement about as 5:3, and for Portland cement and hy- draulic limes from 5 : 2.5 to 5 : 2; vitrified Portland cement, there- fore, has a much greater volume weight, and consequently its mortar attains a much higher degree of strength and density, or rather of condensation, since Roman cements and hydraulic limes may likewise present a perfectly close grain. Chemically, however, Portland cements are inferior, because, like lime of Theil, they leave during hydraulic set a considerable residue of lime, striving for saturation. The following Portland cement, for instance, approaches the lower limit in its percent- age of lime : Silicic acid 22.50 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.3750; Alumina = 8.99 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0875; Ferric oxide = 4.00 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0250; Sulphuric acid = 1.00 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0125; Lime = 61.04 per cent or, in equivalents, 1.0900; Magnesia ) A11 e v = 2.47 per cent. Alkali 100.00 per cent. The most highly calcareous compounds in this case will require 0.84375 equivalents, or 47.25 parts by weight of lime; hence there INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 48 will remain at least 13.79 parts by weight of unsaturated lime, aside from magnesia and alkali. The following Portland cement approaches the upper limit in its percentage of lime : Silicic acid = 20.778 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.3463; Alumina = 5.819 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0566; Ferric oide = 2.720 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0170; Sulphuric acid = 0.520 per cent or, in equivalents, 0.0065; Lime = 68.379 per cent or, in equivalents, 1.2210; Magnesia) = m Alkali j If we assume the most highly calcareous compounds as having actually formed during set in this case, a residue of 29.1 parts by weight of unsaturated lime will be left. In a Portland cement of average composition (1 part by weight of silicate to 2 parts by weight of lime) 25 per cent of lime, or 33 per cent of hydrate of lime, is thus separated. As for the portion of the hydrate which does not become carbonate of lime, it is plainly discernible in all Portland cement mortars in a crystal- lized state. It is readily understood that a compound in which such a con- siderable amount of caustic lime becomes free can not be a chemi- cally stable compound in the beginning. The free lime will react and work until, in one way or another, it has entered into a satu- rated compound. At first, this is done through absorption of car- bonic acid from the surface, if the mortar is in contact with air or water containing carbonic acid ; in sea water the lime will be acted upon principally by the soluble compounds of sulphuric acid. To begin with, the completely free lime will become car- bonate of calcium and sulphate of calcium; after that the lime contained in the exceedingly unstable ferric-acid compound will undergo the same change ; the aluminate of lime is then attacked, and finally the silicate. The simple formation of sulphate of lime, with 2 equivalents of water, implies a considerable increase of volume, and in itself is sufficient to destroy the cohesion attained during the absorption of water. But together with this there occurs the formation of sulphate and aluminate of lime, which implies an immense increase of volume and a consequent total destruction of all cohesion ; this double compound crystallizes with at least 30, but probably with 60, equivalents of water, and in doing so cleaves grain by grain of the strongest mortar with irresistible power, leaving merely an incoherent slime, in which only such portions may contain a cer- tain amount of cohesion as have been protected by the formation of carbonate of calcium. 44 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. On examining the Roman cements, the hydraulic limes, and the Portland cements in regard to this formation of sulphate of lime, and subsequently of aluminate and sulphate of lime, it is found that in Roman cements all lime is bound, and has no tendency to combine with sulphate of magnesium. The 5.44 parts by weight of sulphate of calcium present in the mortar, it is true, are able to form at least 16 parts by weight of the double salt, that is, an increase of about 11 parts by weight of solid substance; but it is almost certain that there is ample space for this increase of sub- stance in the pores of the mortar. According to my observations, and the experience of others, good Roman cements will resist the action of sea water excellently. In lime of Theil the free lime generally has been carbonated to a great extent through hardening in air before immersion in sea water, and thereby is withdrawn from the possibility of forming gypsum. Assuming that no appreciable formation of carbonate of calcium has taken place, then about 30 parts by weight of lime would be available for the formation of gypsum, and out of 39.643 parts by weight of hydrate of lime, 92.144 parts by weight of gyp- sum might be generated, which by itself would suffice to destroy the mortar; but, in addition to this, the existing 5.97 parts by weight of aluminate of lime, with a portion of the gypsum, would form about 30 parts by weight of the double compound, making an entire increase of about 60 parts by weight of solid substance, viz, 30 parts by weight of the double salt plus 92 parts by weight of hydrate of lime, 9.25 parts by weight of hydroaluminate of lime, and 13 parts by weight of gypsum (employed in the forma- tion of the double salt). In this case the formation of gypsum plays the principal part ; it alone renders an increase of substance of 52.5 parts by weight. The formation of the double salt is comparatively insignificant, hydraulic limes containing little alumina and consisting mainly of lime and silica. The double salt, however, undoubtedly has a much greater force of crystallization, consequently a greater force of expansion. In Portland cements with an average percentage of lime (64 per cent lime, 7.2 per cent alumina, and 0.8 per cent sulphuric acid), there will separate, as we saw above, about 25 per cent of CaO (33 parts by weight of CaH 2 O 2 ), which will combine with sulphate of magnesium forming 74.5 parts by weight of gypsum, thus causing an increase of substance of 41.5 parts by weight. The existing 7.2 per cent of alumina had formed 26.64 parts by weight of hydroaluminate of lime, and now will combine with the existing gypsum, forming at least 85 parts by weight of double salt. The total increase of substance in this case then amounts to INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 45 74.5 parts of gypsum plus 85 parts of double salt, minus the exist- ing 33 parts of CaH 2 O 2 , the 26.64 parts of hydroaluminate of lime, and 36 parts from the existing gypsum; that is, in all, an increase of 64 parts by weight. This enormous increase of sub- stance to about 125 parts by weight of water-hardened mortar must infallibly cause its total destruction, unless the action of the soluble sulphates upon each other is prevented by especially favor- able circumstances. Such circumstances are partly of a chemical and partly of a physical nature. Under ordinary temperatures carbonate of lime can not be decom- posed by sulphates ; hence the most extensive formation possible of carbonate of calcium out of the excess of hydrate of lime will be the best protection. On account of their slow setting, hydraulic limes, when used for maritime constructions, are allowed to harden in air for a long time before being submerged, and in this way are enabled to absorb an abundance of carbonic acid ; hence, presum- ably, the fact that lime of Theil, for instance, has behaved much better than Portland cement, which latter in most cases succumbs to the influence of sea water. There are, therefore, good reasons for allowing concrete blocks of Portland cement to harden in air for a long time before sub- merging them, thus surrounding them with a protective shell in which free lime has changed into carbonate of calcium. But only a layer of insignificant thickness can thus be saturated with car- bonic acid during a reasonable length of time, and if the sea water at any subsequent period does penetrate to the core of the block, then the above-described chemical action and destruction will occur after all, and the outer shell of carbonate will be rent with irresistible force and lifted off the rapidly-decaying interior. Silicate of lime offers a fair resistance to the change into car- bonate of lime, at least to the total change. Carbonic acid in this case behaves precisely like water. All lime beyond 1 equivalent is much more soluble in water and changes more readily into car- bonate of lime; the less lime the more resistance the compound will offer to the attack of carbonic acid. Even in small briquettes of from 50 to 100 cubic centimeters, which are kept in a moist atmos- phere of pure carbonic acid, it is very difficult to change all lime into carbonate. Aluminate of lime decomposes more- readily, and the ferrate of lime is decomposed entirely, by the carbonic acid. The following investigation of the influence of carbonic acid on the strength and the resistance to sea water of Portland cement mortar was made: Ten tensile briquettes were formed of 1 part by weight of Stettin Portland cement (Stern) and 3 parts by weight of Berlin standard 46 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. sand, and the same number of briquettes of 1 part by weight of the same cement and 5 parts by weight of the same sand. All were allowed to harden in moist air (under glass bells) for twenty- four hours, and after that in hermetically-sealed bottles in distilled water for fifty-six days. Then half of the test pieces were kept under a glass bell in moist carbonic acid for five weeks, at the end of which period they were returned to those in the bottles and kept under water for another four weeks. They were then 120 days old, and were tested for tension as well as compression, the pieces broken by tension being held together by rubber bands for the crushing test. The results (strains given in kilograms per square centimeter) are as follows : CEMENT MOKTAK, 1:3. CEMENT MORTAR, 1:5. a. PROTECTED AGAINST C0 2 . b. TREATED WITH C0 2 . c. PROTECTED AGAINST C0 2 . d. TREATED WITH C0 2 . Tensile strength. Crushing strength. Tensile strength. Crushing strength. Tensilo strength. Crushing strength. Tensile Strength. Crushing strength. 26.5 301 27.5 336 13.5 115 15.5 139 25.5 323 30.0 364 13.5 115 20.0 150 28.0 330 28.5 374 14.0 96 16.5 130 28.0 357 29.0 322 14.5 105 15.5 138 26.0 237 27.5 296 14.5 132 16.5 133 26.9 309 28.5 338 14.0 112 16.8 138 How much of the lime contained in the cement has become car- bonate of calcium in the case of b and d ? What was the percentage of water in the mortars protected against carbonic acid, and in those treated with it, after drying over sulphuric acid ? In regard to these questions the following was found for the various mortars : Per cent. (Carbonic acid 0.565 t Water of crystallization 3 . 046 [Carbonic acid .. . 1.506 Mortar a. 1 Mortar b. 1:3 Mortar c. 1:5 iv/r ,7 1 [Water of crystallization 3. 150 [Carbonic acid 0.483 t Water of crystallization 2. 336 (Carbonic acid 1. 954 (Water of crystallization 1. 896 The 1:3 mortar contained 14.383 per cent and the 1:5 mortar contained 10 per cent of lime, consequently under b only 13.3 per cent and under d only 24.86 per cent of the entire amount of lime had been carbonated. It is, therefore, evident that the absorption of carbonic acid is a very slow process, even in such small solids as INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 47 tensile briquettes (70 cubic centimeters with, a height of 23 milli- meters), placed in a moist atmosphere of that gas, and that it requires a very long treatment to decompose the silicates and the aluminates of lime. Hence, even a very long exposure of con- crete blocks in open air can only carbonate them superficially, and can not be looked upon as a sufficient protection against the destructive action of sea water. Only after long exposure in the powdered state to the action of carbonic acid were the entire contents of lime carbonated ; this shows that the action of carbonic acid may be likened to that of fresh water; the less lime contained in the hydrosilicates and aluminates the greater their power of resistance. Some of the halves of the tensile briquettes were put into sea water and a 2 per cent solution of sulphate of magnesia; those which had been protected against absorption of carbonic acid decayed very rapidly, but those which had been treated with car- bonic acid were also considerably affected after only seven months ; the more porous mortars of 1 : 5 visibly more, although they had absorbed more carbonic acid. Hydraulic mortars exposed to sea water should therefore consist of the most stable compounds of hydrate of lime, with hydrate of silica, alumina, and ferric oxide. 3 3 2 SiO, Z CaO and 2 A1 2 O 3 ^ CaO. 1 1 In fresh water the case is much more favorable ; here, the free lime only can be either dissolved or carbonated. The more lime is lixiviated by water, the less soluble the remaining lime (which is bound to silicic acid or to alumina) becomes; this has been demonstrated already by Le Chatelier, and my experiments on fully hardened, neat Portland cement have verified it. The mortar may have become more porous, but complete dissolving of all of the lime will hardly ever occur. On a small scale Portland cement, which has been protected against absorption of carbonic acid, may be completely freed of its lime by digestion with boiled distilled water, leaving only the hydrates of silica, alumina, and ferric oxide. But pieces of only a few cubic centimeters volume require a treat- ment of years with very large volumes of water, in order to effect perfect decomposition. In fresh water, therefore, the exact opposite of the above process takes place; the lime partly exudes from the mortar and thus leaves it, it is true, in a more porous state, but in a faultlessly- made cement there will never develop strains which destroy the cohesion of the mass. If Portland cement containing up to 70 per cent of CaO hardens with water, then the binding force during 48 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. the formation of hydrates is greater than the expansive force of swelling if the separation of lime takes place uniformly through- out the entire mass. Here the increase in volume of lime is incon- siderable, as in caustic lime which has been mixed dry with sand and then gauged with water. The increase in volume in these cases ap- pears to take place in the pores, thus causing the mass to increase in density. The matter is different when imperfect physical mixtures are burned ; then the vitrified cement contains free lime (coarse grains in the interior), also silicates, aluminates, and ferrates of too highly calcareous a nature, of which those with 3 equivalents and more of CaO to 1 equivalent of SiO 2 , A1 2 O 3 , and Fe 2 O 3 will show during the absorption of water an increase of volume similar to that of free lime. At any rate I have demonstrated by means of melted Portland cement that there is a Portland cement entirely constant in volume, consisting of 1 part by weight of silicate (silica, alumina, ferric oxide (manganese)) to 2.4 parts by weight of lime, or, according to French designation, with a factor of hydraulicity of 0.416. It is evident that closeness of grain in other words, impervious- ness is a very important consideration. Magnesia, which forms during the action of sea water on hydraulic mortars, and which has erroneously been accused of causing their destruction, so far from doing this is really a protec- tion, since under the action of hydrate of lime on sulphate of mag- nesia the insoluble hydrate of magnesia will form and aid in closing pores, that is, in increasing imperviousness. The injurious influence of sea water should no longer be attrib- uted to the salts of magnesia, since such injury results only from the sulphuric acid or from the soluble sulphates in the sea water. Sulphate of magnesia, it is true, is the special sulphate active in sea water, but sulphate of calcium, sulphate of any alkali in short, every sulphate soluble in water has precisely the same character of destructive influence, although not the same amount of energy. Other mechanical means of protection consist in incrustations of vegetation and animals or in layers of mud covering the surface and preventing permanent action of sea water. Not considering physical qualities, it has been demonstrated through my investigations that the most highly calcareous hydraulic binding media offer the least resistance to the action of sea water, and that it is, therefore, a great mistake to add lime to such mortars. The fact that mortars of Portland cement and of hydraulic lime do not keep nearly as well as those of Roman cements is proof sufficient that free lime is the principal cause of their destruction by sea water. The higher the percentage of lime in Portland cement, the more hydrate of lime remains free and striv- ing for saturation and the greater is the increase of volume through INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER OX HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 49 formation of gypsum; hence the fact that modern Portland cements of great strength are found less suitable for maritime con- structions than the older, less calcareous ones. The cement quoted as an example above, in which the percentage of lime is nearly the practically possible maximum, would suffer a greater increase of volume (70 parts by weight to 125) if all separated lime were to change into sulphate of calcium and all hydroaluniinate of lime into the double compound of aluminate and sulphate of lime with only 30 equivalents of water, although in this case the amount of the double salt formed would be less. Hydraulic mortars with free caustic lime possess just as little stability physically as they do chemically. Absorption of water, even if it is only of a hygroscopic nature, causes swelling, and consequently strong pressure strains as well as molecular changes. To begin with, alkali becomes free and energetically absorbs water and carbonic acid, the latter soon combining with the hydrate of lime. As is well known, caustic lime can absorb carbonic acid in the presence of free water ; dry carbonic acid does not act upon dry hydrate of lime. But during each drying the higher hydrates will lose water, tensile strains will develop, and shrinking and cracking will occur. Lime surely does not form one hydrate only, but hydrates may be assumed with 5 and 8 equivalents of water, although it may be difficult to demonstrate their existence with certainty. Undoubtedly there is a gelatinous hydrate of lime, for which, through separation with absolute alcohol, I have found the formula CaO + 5 H 2 O, which seems to indicate the existence of a still higher hydrate. In this way cement mortar will continue for years to expand, to crack, and to destroy itself, each absorption of water causing expansion, each drying out shrinkage ; each absorption of carbonic acid causing either expansion or shrinkage, according to whether simple or higher hydrates are changed ; and a substance as inelastic as cement mortar can not, as a rule, resist for any length of time the influence of such occurrences. All these drawbacks will clearly be lessened if the caustic lime remaining or becoming free during set can be bound by giving it a chance to form stable hydro-com- pounds with hydraulic silica and alumina. It is true that the lixiviation of the caustic alkalis can not be pre- vented in this way, but on account of their small amount and their ready solubility they are not of great importance and certainly do not endanger the permanence of the mortar. In water they are simply washed out, and when hardening takes place in air they are a disfigurement more than anything else, and besides a tem- porary one only, since, unlike the exudations of lime, they can be removed by washing with water. 15671 4 50 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. It is clear now that 110 greater mistake could be made than add- ing lime paste to hydraulic binding media, which already contain an excess of lime, that is, to Portland cement mortars; their destruction is simply hastened in this way. My investigations demonstrated clearly that even in mortars exposed to fresh water the results of this proceeding are only apparently favorable, while in reality they are injurious; the excess of lime dissolves rather easily, and its washing out leaves the mortar more porous and therefore more susceptible to disintegration. After two or three years a considerable diminution of strength becomes apparent in such cement-lime mortars. Frequently, it is true, carbonic acid may exercise a favorable influence ; but I demonstrated long ago that this proceeding is justified only in the case of poor mortars exposed to air, in order to increase their plasticity. In No. 33, 1882, 'of the "Deutsche Topfer und Ziegler Zeitung," I discussed the question of the excess of lime in cement as fol- lows: When Portland cement is tempered with water there undoubtedly takes place during set a shifting of molecules simultaneously with and in consequence of the absorption of water. In the alkaline waters thus forming in the cement about one -third of the existing lime separates in crystals of hydrate of lime during the the process of hardening. This crystalline lime, instead of having any binding power, has rather a tendency to destroy the cohesion obtained; but in good cements this tendency will not be realized, because the very gradual separation of lime finds cohesion too much advanced. Considering this state of affairs, we may a priori infer that the quantity of actual cement in the mortar can be increased by an addition of pozzuolana ; that is, a substance with which hydrate of lime will combine to form cement ; in this way the crystallizing of caustic lime can be prevented altogether, all hydrate of lime, as it becomes free and before it has crystallized from the solution, being employed in forming hydrosilicate or hydroaluminate of lime. The "German Union of Cement Manufacturers" in 1882 opposed this view in the following words : Standard Portland cements do not stand in need of any so-called improving admixture ; such admixtures cause a decrease of strength almost proportional to their quantity. In a published communication to the "Union," 1884, I again demonstrated the correctness of my theoretical deductions concern- ing hardening in fresh water. The Royal testing station for binding media in Berlin has not been able to elicit any thing but the absolute confirmation of my assertions, and Professor L. von Tetmajer published in the " Schweizerische Banzeitung," No. 24, 1884, his observations on the action of some admixtures on Portland cement, showing an actual increase of tensile and crushing strength, although the density of such admix- tures was much less than that of Portland cement. The improve- INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 51 ment of Portland cement by means of suitable admixtures was thus clearly demonstrated.* The study of the behavior of hydraulic mortars in sea water having convinced me that the principal cause of their frequent failure is to be sought in the presence of free lime, it seemed clear that such mortars could be improved by admixtures containing hydraulic silica. By means of such suitable admixtures the entire excess of lime could be bound and the mortar thus made very much less susceptible to decomposition. Aside from permanence, it seemed certain that this would very soon and unmistakably find expression in the strength of the mortar, consequently the behavior of mixed hydraulic binding media in sea water was necessarily the most rigid criterion of my theory. I was thus induced to formu- late a method of test for that purpose. The action of sea water on these binding media is principally a chemical one, and in order to obtain early results in this direction it was necessary to exclude everything impeding such action. It would have been a mistake to experiment with impervious mortars, or with mortars protected by an outer shell through absorption of carbonic acid; the object in view demanded rather the selection of porous mortars, in which the action of the sea water would meet with no obstruction. The following solutions were employed for my experiments : (1) Artificial sea water, composed as follows : Kitchen salt.. grams. 30 Sulphate of magnesium do_. 12 Chloride of magnesium.-- do__ 3 Sulphate of calcium do . _ 1 Water liter. 1 Alkaline carbonate was left out purposely, there being no object in weakening the action of the sea water. In order to keep the per- centage of sulphuric acid constant, cylinders of gypsum wrapped in linen were suspended in the water. The latter was renewed daily in the beginning, after that weekly, and at the end of three months monthly ; it was thoroughly stirred every day. (2) Saturated solution of sulphate of calcium with cylinder of gypsum suspended in it. (3) One per cent solution of crystallized sulphate of magnesium. (4) Two per cent solution of crystallized sulphate of magnesium. (5) Three per cent solution of crystallized sulphate of magnesium. (6) One and three-tenths per cent solution of crystallized sul- phate of soda. *See Zum Dogma, etc., 1884; again E. Dietrich Wochenblatt fur Baukunde,. 1885, Nos. 93 and 95, W. Michaelis, ibidem, 1888, No. 43. 52 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. L. Vicat had already employed a solution of sulphate of soda, and had recognized its destructive nature on hydraulic binding media. Fifteen years ago I found that a solution of sulphate of calcium with only 0.127 per cent of sulphuric acid (SO 3 ) will completely destroy neat Portland cement. I then perceived that only sulphuric acid acts destructively on hydraulic binding media exposed to sea water, and that magnesia is simply one of the visible symptoms of such destruction, which, far from being injurious, rather causes a favorable influence by closing the pores, thus restricting destruc- tion to its beginning. Still, it is readily understood why the action of sulphate of mag- nesium must be a much more energetic one than that of sulphate of calcium; the latter can only cause the formation of the double compound sulphate and aluminate of lime, while the former, besides this, will change the free and loosely-bound lime with which it comes in contact into gypsum. The enormous expansion and destruction often seen in cement mortar exposed to sea water can be understood when we remember that at least one-third of the cement changes into sulphate of calcium with 2 equivalents of water. Portland cements rich in alumina are especially susceptible to decomposition by a solution of sulphate of calcium, and most mari- time structures built with these binding media have been saved from complete and early ruin merely through such favorable cir- cumstances as impermeability, absorption of carbonic acid, incrusta- tion, closing of pores, etc. I will now proceed to render an account of the experiments made to support my assertions. In the main these experiments consisted of two series, one of which has been completed, the other com- menced. The first series consisted principally of rich mortars, viz, 1 : 2.5 and 1:4; the second series consisted of porous mortars, prin- cipally in the proportion of 1:5. For the first series, Bauschinger bars of 5 square centimeters cross section and a length of 10 centimeters were made, the sand used being, where not otherwise stated, quartz sand of mixed grain, and the trass being Rhenish trass from the Nette valley. The mortar was gauged in the following proportions by weight : (1) Four of Portland cement (Stern brand) containing less than 6 per cent alumina and 10 of quartz sand. (2) Two of same cement, 2 of trass, and 10 of quartz sand. (3) Four of same cement, 1.2 of hydrate of silica (air-dried), and 13 of quartz sand. (4) Four of same cement, 1.1 of kaolin from Zettlitz baked at red heat, and 12.7 of quartz sand. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 53 (5) Four of Portland cement, containing about 9 per cent alu- mina (raw material washed), and 10 of quartz sand. (6) Two of same cement, 2 of trass, and 10 of quartz sand. (7) Four of same cement and 16 of standard sand. (8) Four of same cement, 1.2 of hydrate of silica (air-dried), and 13 of quartz sand. (9) Four of same cement, 1.1 of kaolin from Zettlitz baked at red heat, and 12.7 of quartz sand. (10) Four of Portland cement, containing about 9 per cent alu- mina (worked dry), and 10 of quartz sand. (11) Two of same cement, 2 of trass, and 10 of quartz sand. (12) Four of same cement and 16 of standard sand. (13) Four of same cement, 1.2 of hydrate of silica (air-dried), and 13 of quartz sand. (14) Four of same cement, 1.1 of kaolin from Zettlitz baked at red heat, and 12.7 of quartz sand. (15) One hundred of Bavarian Roman cement and 36 of water. (16) Four of same Roman cement and 10 of quartz sand; 13 of water. (17) One hundred of Bosnian Roman cement and 36 of water. (18) Four of same Roman cement and 10 of quartz sand; 13 of water. (19) Four of lime of Theil and 12 of standard sand. (20) Four of lime of Theil and 20 of standard sand. (21) Five of hydrate of silica (air-dried), 12.5 of paste of marble- lime (32 per cent residuum after calcination), and 20 of quartz sand. (22) Six of kaolin from Zettlitz baked at red heat, 16.5 of paste of marble-lime (32 per cent residuum after calcination), and 28.5 of quartz sand. (23) Four of anhydrite of silica and 19 of paste of marble-lime (32 per cent residuum after calcination). All bars made from these mortars were allowed to harden in moist air, but protected against carbonic acid ; after that, half of the bars were exposed in hermetically-sealed bottles to a solution of gypsum kept in a state of saturation, and the other half exposed in the same manner to a 1 per cent solution of sulphate of mag- nesium. The solution was renewed daily during the first two weeks, then weekly, and at the expiration of three months monthly. 54 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. The following observations were made on the bars exposed to the solution of gypsum : Mortar No. Commencement of destruction. Total destruction. 1 After 6 months. After 1 year. 5 After 6 months After 1 year. 7 After 3 months After 6 months. 10 After 3 months After 9 months. 12 After 3 months After 6 months. 20 After 1 year 22 After 14 days After 1 month. All others are intact at this date, that is, after a lapse of two years. The following observations were made on the bars exposed to a 1 per cent solution of sulphate of magnesium : Mortar No. Commencement of destruction. Total destruction. 1 After 6 months After 1 year. 5 After 6 months After 9 months. 7 After 4 months After 6 months. 10 After 3 months After 9 months. 12 After 3 months After 6 months. 17.. After 18 months . 20 . After 12 months 22 After 8 days After 1 month. These tests demonstrate that mortar No. 22, consisting of kaolin and paste of lime, is rapidly destroyed in a solution of gypsum, as well as in one of sulphate of magnesium, while the same mortar remained perfectly sound during exposure to fresh water. There are two reasons for this : In the first place, kaolin baked at red heat is a very porous pozzuolana, and therefore renders a mortar of little density; in the second place, kaolin is richer in alumina than any other pozzuolana, being composed of 55 per cent of silica to 42 per cent of alumina. Mortar No. 22, therefore, was composed as follows : 3. 30 parts by weight of silica or, in equivalents, 550 ; 2.52 parts by weight of alumina or, in equivalents, 244; 5.28 parts by weight of lime or, in equivalents, 943. It is seen that the almost exact formation of SiO 2 CaO -f- A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO is possible here ; the aluminate is the sole cause of destruc- tion, and the rapidity of the latter is due to the high percentage of alumina. We have seen above that 1 part by weight of alumina can form nearly 12 times as much of aluminate and sulphate of lime by combining with 3C equivalents of water ; now mortar No. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER OX HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 00 22 contains 22.7 per cent of alumina, consequently 270 parts by weight of the double compound may be found in it. Notwithstanding this, the three Portland cement mortars mixed with kaolin have stood well so far (for 2 years), doubtless owing to the combining of the free lime with the admixture. The unmixed Portland cements have decayed rapidly ; those with 9 per cent of alumina, in accordance with theory, sooner than the Stern cement (containing only 5 to 6 per cent). The lime of Theil has stood so far; the porous mortar of 1 : 5, the hardening of which took place under exclusion of carbonic acid, shows commencement of destruction at the most sensitive part of one bar, viz, the edge. The Bavarian Roman cement, both neat and mixed with quartz sand in the ratio of 1:2.5, has so far remained perfectly intact. The Bosnian Roman cement, in solution of sulphate of magnesium, showed commencement of destruction on one of the edges after 18 months; the sand mortars of the same cement are still intact. The composition of these two Roman cements when thoroughly baked is as follows : Bavarian. Bosnian. Sand and clay Per cent. 6.381 23. 881 9.709 4.052 47. 229 3.992 4.237 Not det< Per cent. 2.920 30. 180 9.036 3.669 49.000 2.215 2.109 3rmined. Silica Alumina - Ferric oxide Lime Magnesia -- Sulphuric acid Manganese ) Alkali \ 99. 481 99. 129 The most highly calcareous compounds mentioned in the begin- ning of this article can not, as has been shown above, form in these two cements ; if the formation of 2 R 2 O 3 , 3 CaO is assumed, then for saturation of the silica there remain in the Bavarian cements 1.5 equivalents of lime, that is, the compound 2SiO 2 , 3 CaO, and in the Bosnian cement 1.35 equivalents of lime, that, is, the com- pound 3SiO.,, 4 CaO. Hence the great resistance of the Roman cements to the action of sea water. Long before the appearance of any visible symptoms of destruc- tion, the existence or nonexistence of injury will become manifest in tests of strength, especially in comparative tests of test pieces hardened in freshwater and others hardened in sea water, and such tests evidently form the correct method of determining the influence of sea water. 56 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. Test pieces having a great surface area in proportion to the cross section, to be tested clearly, are best adapted for such tests. Besides the regular tension briquettes I have employed bars 30 centimeters long, 2 centimeters high, and 4 centimeters broad. These bars were tested as to their transverse strength by centerloads over a clear span of 21.33 centimeters. The well known equation for the coeffi- cient of resistance, C - - , , therefore, renders this coefficient (per square centimeter) equal to 2 W, that is, twice the breaking load. As mentioned above, it is not advisable to employ impervious mortars for testing the influence of sea water on hydraulic binding media, because the time required for obtaining results would be unduly increased, and because it is evident that methods of test are the better the sooner they lead to results. Therefore, mortars of 1 : 5 are much preferable to mortars of 1:3. In accordance with this line of reasoning I have undertaken the second series of tests, which is not yet completed. The Stettin Portland cement (A), the same Portland cement worked dry con- taining 9 per cent alumina (B), the lime of Theil (C), and the Bavarian Roman cement (D) are the same as those employed for the first series of tests. The composition of these cements in a baked condition is as follows : A B c D Silica Per cent. 21.712 Per cent. 21 331 Per cent. 23 880 Per cent. 23 881 Alumina 5.805 8.918 2.570 9.709 Ferric oxide 2.949 2.695 0.880 4 052 Lime _. 64. 851 63. 776 69 150 44 263 Magnesia 1.030 805 1 600 3 992 Potash 0.748 777 140 Soda - . 0.160 0.101 0.070 Sulphate of lime 2.468 1.631 1 090 7 203 Residuum 0.357 0.123 6 381 100. 080 100. 157 99. 380 99.481 Standard tensile briquettes were shaped from mortars mixed in the proportion of 1 : 5 with Berlin standard sand. In the place of sea water the artificial sea water described above was employed. Unless otherwise stated the test pieces were first allowed to harden in moist air for 24 hours. Those under S were stored on edge in sea water, and those under R in fresh water ; the additional index "e" signifies that before being submerged in sea water the briquettes were kept in air for 8 weeks (being moist- ened daily) to allow the absorption of carbonic acid. The test pieces made of lime of Theil were first kept in moist air for 28 days and then 8 weeks in air, being moistened daily. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 57 Tlie time of test is counted from the day previous to immersion in water. At the present writing the test pieces have been under treatment for 20 months. Each of the following figures is the mean of ten individual tests, and represents kilograms per square centimeter : Age since immersion. A i; A S ASe BR BS BSe CB CS CSe DB DS DSe 7 days 28 days 90 days 7.23 10.09 11.60 1 year _ 16 7.54 10.40 16 15.93 15.25 15.28 6. 50 to 18 10.50 7.86 j 17.05 12.68 j 6.91 I 17.75 15 i 9.10 j 15.89 16.70 11.20 2 to 15 3.81 5.17 8.38 13.25 4.96 6.50 10.86 15.20 7.75 6.97 12.50 9.22 2.86 5.11 9.68 I 11.43 14.43 I 14.12 6.27 13. 12 13.50 14.66 15.44 Cement A was then mixed with trass, the following being taken into consideration: 100 parts by weight of trass contain 10 to 12 parts of water and loss in baking; 20 to 30 parts of hydraulic silica and alumina ; 60 to 65 parts of minerals acting as sand. Of the trass employed 41 per cent was held by a sieve of 2,500 meshes per square centimeter ; in an air-dried condition its compo- sition was as follows : Percent. Hygroscopic water 4. 141 Water of crystallization 6. 899 Lossat900C 0.202 Silica 53.583 Alumina 19. 008 Oxide of manganese* 0. 115 Ferricoxide* 4.193 Lime 1.736 Magnesia 1. 652 Potash 4.147 Soda 4.242 Titanic acid \ Chlorine > Not determined. Phosphoric acid. ) Sulphuric acid 0. 107 100. 025 With a 10 per cent lye of caustic soda this trass rendered: (a) Digested for 10 hours in a water bath p er cent. Hydraulic silica 16.543 Hydraulic alumina 4. 810 (6) Digested for 24 hours in a water bath Hydraulic silica 16. 708 Hydraulic alumina 6. 043 *Iroii and manganese were counted as oxides, although there also existed protoxides of them. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. The following two mortars were made : E. 1 part cement A... ) 1 25 bin ding medium , that is, somewhat richer 1 part trass ) 4 parts standard sand 1 0.5 ( 4. 5 parts standard sand 4. 60 sand than 1:4. 25 binding medium * that is > somewhat * sand ---------- f poorer than 1 ; 4. In the following table, which renders the results of tests of strength with these mortars, the letters R and S have the same meaning as above; each of the figures is the mean of ten indi- vidual tests: Age. E K E 3 F R . F S 7 days 9.80 11.80 11.05 10.10 28 days 19.15 28.00 16.90 19.55 90 days 26.70 35.70 21.80 23.65 1 year 30.95 39.50 27.55 24. 59 It has been shown that out of 100 parts by weight of Portland cement, with a mean percentage of lime, there will separate 25 parts of CaO (33 parts of CaH 2 O 2 ). If 100 parts of trass are added (which, for example, contain 16.5 parts of silica and 5.14 parts of alumina, both of them able to combine) the formation of SiO 2 CaO would require 15.4 parts of CaO, and the formation of 2 A1 2 O 3 , 3 CaO would require 4.2 parts of CaO, that is, a total of 19.6 parts of CaO; therefore the formation of a silicate richer in lime than the monosilicate is possible, and an admixture of 125 parts or more of trass per 100 parts of Portland cement is very probably advisable, all the more so since compounds, even of 2 SiO 2 to 1 or 2 of CaO, become very hard and are doubtless more stable than the monosilicate. At any rate the admixture should be the greater the higher the percentage of lime in the cement ; this holds good, likewise, for hydraulic limes. In accordance with this an injurious influence of sea water is perceptible in mortar F S after the lapse of a year ; in this mixture of 100 parts of cement and 50 of trass, only 10 parts of the free lime will be bound with sufficient permanence, while 15 parts of lime will remain free to enter new compounds, and even were the sili- cate 2 SiO 2 3 CaO and the aluminate 2 Al a O 8 5 CaO to form, there still would remain 10 parts by weight of lime free to be acted upon by the sulphates of the sea water. Later experiments, commenced in October, 1895, refer to mortars composed of Portland cement and lime of Theil, with admixtures of trass in such proportion that the richness of the mortar is rather INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 59 diminished than increased by them. These mortars are composed as follows : G. Portland cement with 9 per cent alumina (as above: B) 1 : 5 Berlin standard sand. H. Same cement 1 part, trass 1 part, Berlin standard sand 6 parts. I. Same cement 1 part, trass 1 part, Berlin standard sand 6. 75 parts. K. Lime of Theil (as above : C) 1 : 5 Berlin standard sand. L. Lime of Theil 1 part, trass 1 part, Berlin standard sand 5 parts. M. Lime of Theil 1 part, trass 1 part, Berlin standard sand 6 parts. The ratio of binding medium to sand is as follows : H. 1 part by weight of binding medium to nearly 5. 3 parts of sand. I. 1 part by weight of binding medium to nearly 6 parts of sand. L. 1 part by weight of binding medium to nearly 5 parts of sand. M. 1 part by weight of binding medium to nearly 5.6 parts of sand. K, L, and M were first allowed to harden in moist air for 7 days. The tests of mortars E to M are to be extended over a period of three years. The broken briquettes of one year's age and above will be put partly into a 2 per cent, partly into a 3 per cent, solu- tion of sulphate of magnesium, being thus exposed to much more energetic action than that of the strongest sea water. In the following table there are rendered the results of tests of strength so far attained ; each result is the mean of 10 individual tests, and is expressed in kilograms per square centimeter ; the des- ignations R and S have the same meaning as heretofore ; opposite A is rendered the specific gravity of mortars immediately preceding the tests : Age since immersion. GR GS HR HS IR IS KS LS MS 28 days 8.80 6.35 10.40 21 65 10 10 20 45 2 97 11 75 10 30 2.162 2 195 2.227 90 days 10.25 7.55 16.85 24.55 16.55 24.60 2.3d* 21.57 20.10 ^ 2.137 2.172 2.26 2.28 2.274 2.292 2 252 2 250 2.259 * Besides a decrease of strength there was also perceptible in the 90-day test pieces of lime of Theil an expansion of the outer shell here and there. It is at once apparent from these figures that in all mortars con- taining lime which becomes free during the hardening process, sea water exercises an influence opposed to an increase of strength. The process of crystallization and the process of hardening strug- gle with each other in these cases, the former generally being vic- torious and causing complete destruction of the cohesion obtained through the latter. On one of the test pieces B S symptoms of decay were visible after 90 days ; it was cracked and decomposed to such an extent that it broke in putting it into the testing machine ; on the out- line of the fracture a deposit of hydrate of magnesia to a depth of some millimeters was visible. At the end of a year the deposit 60 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. of magnesia was found in all test pieces but one to have advanced to a depth of 5 millimeters ; the same condition was found to exist in B Se. Strange to say, the destruction of the test pieces that had been exposed to absorption of carbonic acid was even a more rapid one,* the carbonated shell being lifted and rolled up, as in A Se as com- pared with A S, and in C Se as compared with C S, all at an age of one year ; D Se is an exception ; all test pieces made of mortar D were entirely sound, and did not show any deposit of magnesia at the contours of fracture. The above figures speak for themselves ; an admixture of trass (or, generally, of effective pozzuolanas) to hydraulic binding media that are too rich in lime (Portland cement and hydraulic limes), may increase two or three fold the strength of mortars made from them, and may make these mortars stable in sea water. The causes of increase of strength are evident; best pozzuolanas contain a quantity of effective hydraulic factors equivalent to those in the best Portland cement, \ and as Portland cement contains a sufficient excess of lime to satisfy fully the pozzuolanas, it is not surprising that from a combination of both materials mortars of increased strength should result. Clearly admixtures containing much silica and little alumina are preferable ; hence an admixture of kaolin, in the case of maritime structures, is not advisable. Summiiig up, it may therefore be asserted that scientific and practical proof has been rendered of the nonsuitability for maritime structures of hydraulic binding media containing more lime than is required for the formation of stable hydrosilicates and aluminates (these compounds are stable only when their percentage of lime is small, and the smaller it is the greater will be their stability). Mortars mixed according to my suggestion, besides being much more stable and stronger, are also considerably cheaper, and it is therefore to the public interest that they should be employed generally for maritime structures, and the use of excessively cal- careous hydraulic binding media without such proper admixtures should be discontinued. * An explanation of this fact may perhaps be found in the increased porosity of the mortar through absorption of carbonic acid and the greater ease of access thus afforded to the saline solution. The hydrosilicate of lime certainly is in a colloidal condition. When decomposed by carbonic acid crystalline carbonate of lime will form and the silica will separate ; but as compared with a colloidal condition this process of carbonation must render a mortar of much inferior density. f According to my latest experiments genuine trass contains nearly 50 per cent of silica and alumina able to enter new compounds. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 61 This solution of the problem is, indeed, the most favorable one that can be conceived. No changes are introduced beyond the judicious use of such well-approved binding media as the true pozzuolanas, among which none is superior to genuine trass, that is, finely-ground hydraulic tufa stone, without any extraneous matter whatsoever. But in view of the strength and the energy of set of Portland cement (with which the mixture is made), it is quite admissible to employ not only trass, but also the pozzuolanas endowed with less vigor of set. Theoretical computation as well as practical tests, which can be made rapidly, will in each case show which mixture is the one best adapted to the circum- stances. * * * It is not my business to investigate how consumers will look upon this matter, but I still adhere to the view that the manufac- turer is not only the best judge of the admixtures required by his particular product, but also best able to carry out the particu- lar work of mixing. * * * But this point should be decided by the consumers themselves. This discussion would doubtless have been of greater value if its publication had been postponed for some years, but my advanced age, as well as the consideration of a number of great maritime structures soon to be commenced in various countries, has induced me to communicate my results now. May my work be repeated, tested, and carried on to completion by men of science and by practical men. # * * # * * * My present suggestion is based on the fact, long ago asserted by me, that hydraulic limes and Portland cements overloaded with lime can be improved by giving them such admixtures, either during the process of manufacture or during the gauging of the mortar. The following pozzuolanas are suitable for this purpose : Hydrau- lic silica per se, opal, infusorial earth, the pozzuolanas proper, trass, santorin earth, powdered glass, burnt alum slate, kaolin, brick powder, etc. Of all such admixtures, so far known, genuine trass is the most effective. I have made the following propositions to the permanent com- mittee in regard to testing hydraulic binding media as to their resistance against sea water : The test of resistance against sea water is made with porous mortar of 1:5, briquettes being kept in artificial or in natural sea water, which is renewed daily during the first four weeks and after that weekly ; the water must be stirred daily ; tests may be made of tensile crushing or transverse strength. 62 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. Artificial sea water is a solution of the following ingredients in 1 liter of water : Grams. Kitchen salt 30 Chloride of magnesium 3 Sulphate of magnesium 3 Sulphate of calcium 1.25 No bicarbonates are added, the object not being to retard the action of sea water; but bars of gypsum wrapped in linen are immersed in the artificial sea water in order to keep its percentage of sulphuric acid constant. REASONS. The action of sea water on hydraulic binding media is principally a chemical one, resulting from the action upon each other of the soluble sulphates contained in sea water, and the free lime, that is, the lime becoming free during set ; the ferrate, the aluminate, and the silicate of lime. This action will become apparent soonest in porous mortar, tests of strength giving the earliest evidence of it. Therefore test pieces are recommended having a large superficial area as com- pared with the area of fracture, and consisting of mortar gauged in the proportion of 1 : 5. Tensile and transverse tests are prefer- able to crushing tests. Comparative tests of briquettes hardened in sea water, and others hardened in fresh water, will very soon enable the experimenter to form an opinion as to the influence of sea water in any particu- lar case. A 2 per cent solution of sulphate of magnesium will lead to results in still less time. The idea of the action of salts of magnesium on hydraulic mortars should be abandoned, magnesia not acting in an injurious manner, but rather in a useful one, through closing of pores ; it separates in the form of a soft, spongy hydrate, which does not cause any strains, and, being insoluble, remains at the place of formation. Sulphuric acid only acts destructively, and therefore all soluble sulphates act so likewise (although with different in- tensity), whether they be sulphate of soda (Vicat), or sulphate of calcium (Michaelis), or sulphate of magnesium. REPLY TO DR. MICHAELIS'S ARTICLE.* BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE UNION OF GERMAN PORTLAND CEMENT MANUFACTURERS. In reply to the foregoing article we desire first to give the fol- lowing historical data : When in the beginning of the eighties the mixing of Portland cement with slag and other inferior material threatened to become too prevalent, the board of directors of the German Portland Cement Manufacturers felt called upon energetically to oppose such pro- ceedings, because it was contrary to usage and justice to designate a mixture of Portland cement with other materials simply as ' ' Port- land Cement," and secondly, because the admixtures employed, especially slag, diminished the quality of the product, and the ever- increasing extent of the practice was thus calculated seriously to injure the reputation of the German cement industry. The manufacturers then attempted to prove that an admixture of slag, so far from depreciating, actually improved the quality of cement by increasing its strength. In support of that assertion, Dr. Michaelis's theory was quoted, according to which pozzuolanas (that is, compounds containing silica and alumina able to combine) can combine with the lime becoming free during set of Portland cement, forming with it a new cement-like compound, thus increas- ing the strength through better cementation of the particles. It is not to be denied that the idea forming the basis of this theory is a correct one, inasmuch as limited percentages of certain admixtures for instance, ultramarine and powdered hydrate of silica will increase the strength of Portland cement. But for the pozzuo- lanas in the market the same can not be said. For instance, admix- tures of trass and of granulated slag will not cause an increase of strength. But slag was quite frequently used as an admixture, and *The controversy between Dr. Michaelis and the Union of German Cement Manufacturers was not limited to the technical question itself, but led to a dis- cussion of motives, which assumed a somewhat personal character and had no bearing on the real point at issue. For these reasons this part of the discussion has been omitted from the above translation, the omissions in each case being designated in the customary way. (63) 64 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. it is apparent from the following table that the strength of cement was thereby diminished : TABLE No. 1. [1 cement, 3 standard sand. Tensile strength in kilograms per square centimeter, after 28 days 1 hardening in fresh water.] Composition of cement. Without U|tra . s,t. Trass. Slag. Fine sand. Carbonate of lime. Hydrate of lime. 20.8 90 per cent cement _) 23.6 20.4 18.4 18.2 18.2 19.0 10 per cent admixture j 80 per cent cement [ 24.5 18.1 15.4 15.7 16.1 15.1 20 per cent admixture j _ _ 20. 3 15.7 13. 5 13.9 13.6 10.2 33 per cent admixture j 50 per cent cement ") 17.1 12.5 10.2 11.0 10.4 50 per cent admixture j If these admixtures really had turned out to be improvements the mixed cements would doubtless have prevailed. Instead of that, the practice of mixing has decreased more and more. * * * It may also be stated here that up to the present day no practi- cally applicable material is known, which, as an admixture with Portland cement, will increase its strength in air or in water. Passing now to a review of Dr. Michaelis's paper we shall first discuss his theory of the set of Portland cement. Michaelis says : It may be assumed that during hydraulic set the following compounds are formed : 2SiO 2 , 3CaO + xH 2 O; 2Fe a O 8 , 4CaO + yH 2 O; 2A1 2 O 3 , 5CaO + zH 2 O. By means of these formula and an analysis of Portland cement he computes that a considerable portion of the lime contained in Portland cement remains free after set ; he asserts that this free lime separates in form of crystals to the amount of about 25 per cent in an average Portland cement, and that it exercises an injurious influence, especially in sea water, where through chemi- cal changes it will cause destruction. But Dr. Michaelis has nowhere furnished proof that the above three compounds of lime did form during his experiments, or that they actually do form during the process of hydraulic set of Portland cement. He has likewise failed to prove that the forma- tion of compounds with a higher percentage of lime than the above-named ones is impossible during the hardening of Portland cement. Consequently his assertion that 25 per cent of lime sepa- rates during set of Portland cement is not established. But even INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER OX HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 65 supposing it were, this would not justify the conclusion that this 25 per cent of lime is injurious. As a matter of experience, Port- land cement, if suitably employed, is the very one of all binding media which has given more satisfaction than any other in air, fresh water, and sea water. The high percentage of lime con- tained in Portland cement is one of its characteristic features ; it enables us to burn this cement up to vitrification, and thus endow it with great density and those other excellent qualities which dis- tinguish Portland cement so favorably from all other binding media. We can not here enter upon all the assertions made by Dr. Michaelis, but must restrict ourselves to a discussion of his prin- cipal theme, that is, the behavior of Portland cement in sea water, and his suggestions for the improvement of sea- water mortars. During the hardening of Portland cement in sea water the hydrate of lime being then formed is acted upon principally by chloride of magnesium and sulphate of magnesium (besides smaller amounts of other sulphates). The chloride of magnesium changes into chloride of calcium and hydrate of magnesia ; the former is dissolved, while the latter, being insoluble, remains in the mortar. A portion of the hydrate of lime, which under ordinary circum- stances serves for better cementation of the mortar, thus increas- ing its strength, is therefore lost in sea water. The sulphate of magnesia combines with the hydrate of lime contained in Portland cement, forming sulphate of calcium and hydrate of magnesia. If the sulphate of calcium as such, and more especially a double compound of it, viz, sulphate of alumina and lime, could form in sufficient quantities, they would indeed endanger the cement mortar, as both of these compounds, and especially the last-named soluble compound, in expanding consid- erably, absorb a great deal of water, and may thus destroy cohesion. Continued action of the sulphates contained in sea water is, however, soon energetically opposed by the increase of closeness of grain taking place during hardening. In this way, and by magnesia separating in the pores, the infiltration of sea water is gradually checked and its action stopped. The correct- ness of this view has been shown by R. Dyckerhoff's experiments, according to which, absorption of sulphuric acid by Portland cement mortar hardening in sea water diminishes as time passes, rich cement mortars absorbing less and therefore suffering less than poor mortars. The above-described chemical processes furnish an explanation of the fact that the strength of Portland cement mortar is less in sea water than in fresh water. 15671 5 06 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. But from Dr. Michaelis's paper it would appear that Portland cement will not last at all in sea water. The best criterion of a building material is the experience gained during its practical use on a large scale. Turning to practice, therefore, we find numerous maritime con- structions on the shores of the German Ocean and of the Baltic furnishing proof of the durability of Portland cements during long periods. The seacoast forts of Copenhagen, for instance, which were built nearly forty years ago, are to this day in a state of per- fect preservation. We intentionally name these forts, as they were built with Stettin cement of the same chemical composition as cement A, which was used by Dr. Michaelis in the experiments leading him to the conclusion that Portland cement will not last in sea water. We also wish to point to a publication made in 1889 by a com- mission on limes, cements, and mortars, which was appointed by the French ministry of public works. This commission has made experiments extending over a period of ten years, on hydraulic limes, on Roman and Portland cements, on blocks of concrete as well as of masonry immersed in sea water, and has found that none of the hydraulic limes under test resisted the action of sea water longer than from four to five years. Even lime of Theil did not resist much longer, at least not when exposed to agitated sea water, although great power of resistance against sea water is frequently claimed for that lime. Blocks formed of Roman cement were like- wise found to have been injuriously affected after from eight to ten years, while the Portland cement blocks were the only ones that remained intact after a lapse of ten years. On the other hand, it can not be denied that there have been fail- ures of Portland cement in maritime structures. It is, however, sus- ceptible of proof that in all such cases there have been either errors of construction, or the mortar employed has been too poor and there- fore too porous. For failures arising from conditions of this kind, Portland cement, as such, can not be held responsible. * * * Tests now in progress at Sylt, under the auspices of the Royal Department of Public Buildings, have so far resulted in all bri- quettes of Portland cement exposed to sea water having remained intact and continued to increase in strength, although not as much as in fresh water, while mortars of Portland cement and lime, and especially mortars of trass and lime, have been injuriously affected by sea water. Dr. Michaelis recommends adding trass to Portland cement in order to increase its power of resistance against the chemical action of sea water, his theory being that the lime becoming free during INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 67 set will combine with the silica and alumina of the admixture, forming a chemically stable compound. In a series of tests executed by him he has obtained through an admixture of trass a considerable increase of strength, especially when hardening took place in sea water. We desire here to call the reader's attention to the difference between the practice of giving Portland cement an admixture, and the practice of mixing into the mortar some additional material besides Portland cement and sand. If a part of the cement is replaced by other material (excepting ultramarine and similar compounds), then according to Table No. 1 the mortar's strength is diminished. But if limited quantities of finely-ground material, such as hydrate of lime, powdered sand, etc. , are added to a poor cement mortar, then a filling of pores takes place, which will cause an increase of strength. Evidently this is not an improvement of cement, but of mortar. In the case of water storage especially, trass acts better than other materials, because, aside from the fill- ing of pores, a further increase of density takes place through the trass combining with hydrate of lime separating from the cement. In rich mortars, however, that are less porous, no improvement will be effected by the same admixtures. Even trass, notwith- standing its free silica, will not improve them, the greater volume of water absorbed by it causing inferior density, without any addi- tional strength of cohesion between the particles. For the purpose of testing the action of pozzuolanas during set of cement mortar in sea water, we have commenced, like Dr. Michaelis, several series of tests with cement mortars having an admixture of trass. For these tests we have selected principally rich mortars, because these are mostly used for maritime structures. But for the pur- pose of comparison there was also tested one poor mortar (1:4). The storage water used was sea water from the German Ocean. The cement employed, when tested according to standard method (1 : 3, 28 days), was found to possess a tensile strength of 22.4 kilo- grams and a crushing strength of 238.8 kilograms per square centimeter. The trass used was from Plaidt ; the sand was quartz sand, passing through a sieve of 60 meshes per square centimeter and held by one of 900 meshes per square centimeter. All mortars were of equal consistency. 68 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. In the following table are rendered the results obtained thus far TABLE No. 2. TENSILE STRENGTH AFTER 28 DAYS. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Kind of storage. 1 cement, 1 sand. 1 cement, 1 trass. 1 cement, 1 trass, 1 sand. 1 cement, 2 sand. 1 cement, 1 trass, 2 sand. 1 cement, 4 sand. 1 cement, 1 trass, 4 sand. ly cement, 4 sand. Fresh water 29.9 29.3 28.5 23.5 19.3 11.5 15.8 16.2 Sea water 29.3 28.1 ,77 22.4 21. G 10.6 15.2 14.8 CRUSHING STRENGTH AFTER 28 DAYS. Fresh water __ J i 8 287.8 287.8 258.0 215. 5 ' 137.3 124.8 172.8 From this table we perceive that rich mortars with only 1 or 2 parts of sand do not experience any increase of strength through an admixture of trass, even when hardened in sea water (columns 1-5). Even the mortar 1 cement to 1 trass is not any stronger than the mortar 1 cement to 1 sand. The poor mortar, 1 cement to 4 sand, however, is improved by an admixture of trass (columns 6, 7). The tensile strength of mortar of 1 cement, 1 trass, and 4 sand, after 28 days, according to our tests, is not any higher in sea water than in fresh water, while Michaelis finds it to be 9 kilograms stronger in sea water than in fresh water. There is, therefore, an important contradiction in the two results. A second brand of cement has rendered the same results for the mortar of 1 cement and 4 sand, with and without trass. But in the case of this cement the mortar of 1 cement and 2 sand was improved by an admixture of trass when stored in sea water. It is worthy of notice that in the above table the mortars mixed with trass have a comparatively smaller crushing strength, and, again, that an addition of | cement to the mortar 1 : 4 has at least the same effect as one of trass. * * * Our preliminary investigations on the employment of trass as an admixture for cement mortar in the case of maritime structures have rendered results essentially different from those of Dr. Michaelis. Still we have not arrived at a final opinion in this matter. Tests continued over a long period in the ocean itself will be required to decide whether admixtures of trass are advantageous in cement mortars for maritime purposes. THE INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON MORTARS.* BY E. CANDLOT. Since Vicat's important investigations many theories have been advanced concerning the decomposition of mortar by sea water. Although these theories may furnish valuable hints as to the selec- tion and treatment of mortar materials, the results of practice alone form a safe guide for the constructing engineer. But practical tests are of value only when they extend over a sufficient length of time. A period of fifteen or twenty years is frequently required to judge of a certain material employed under certain conditions. If such practical observations are made systematically and care- fully their value is very great. Investigations in the harbor of La Rochelle since 1856 are of great importance in this direction, since they extend over a period of forty years and have been made under conditions adapted closely to practice. We [Candlot] are indebted to Messrs. Thurninger and Viennot, the former chief and the latter ingenieur des ponts et chausse'es, for a summary of the observations made so far, and we believe that the conclusions drawn from them will be read with great interest by all concerned in the question of the influence of sea water on mortars. Mr. Viennot intends later on to publish a complete report ren- dering all details and all results found during this long series of investigations. A first series of cubical blocks of 60 centimeters length of edge was exposed to the open sea during the period from 1856 to 1875; these blocks were above the water's surface at each low water. The mortars were composed of hydraulic limes of different origin, of natural cements from Ponilly, Vassy, etc., of artificial pozzuolanas mixed with various kinds of lime and sand, of admixtures of lime and cement, and finally of trass from Andernach, mixed with var- ious kinds of lime and sand. Nearly all blocks had completely lost their cohesion after periods of various length. The rest were strongly affected or nearly destroyed. Only a few blocks of Portland cement were experi- mented upon, of which the blocks of mortar of English cement (1857), of Portland cement from Dauphine's (1859), and of Portland * From TJionindustrie-Zeitung, February, 1897. 70 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. cement from Boulonnais (1875) were in very good condition. Blocks of neat cement (English and French) were decomposed. From these tests Viemiot draws the following conclusions : (1) Neat cements are destroyed more rapidly than mortars of a certain composition. (2) Mortars made of 1 volume of cement to 1 volume of sand, and again of 1 volume ol cement to 2 of sand (that is, about 1,300 kilograms and 650 kilograms respectively of cement to 1 cubic meter of sand) are those which offer the greatest resistance to sea water. They will last for 20, 3G, and 38 years. In 1880 Thurninger commenced a new series of tests with blocks of masonry and of concrete made of lime of Theil mortar. The length of edge of the cubical blocks was 40 centimeters. On July 1, 1895, the masonry blocks had disappeared, their destruction having commenced four years after their exposure. Out of thirty-two concrete blocks only twenty-six remained, but they were in a state of advancing decomposition and certain sooner or later to crumble away entirely. A second series of tests with cubical blocks of 40 centimeters length of edge was also commenced in 1880. These blocks were submerged in sea-connected basins, the water in which, on the aver- age, was renewed twice during each day ; as a rule the blocks do not show above the water's surface. Their number at present is 193, and they consist chiefly of various limes, French and foreign cements. Out of nine blocks of natural cement from Lot et- Garonne-, two have crumbled away. Three blocks of cement from Grdnotte were made in 1881, eight in 1882, and six in 1887; of these blocks five have been destroyed. Experimenting with slag cements was not commenced until 1891 ; out of twenty blocks submerged between 1891 and 1893, fourteen at present are crumbling away; four others, submerged in 1894 and 1895, are still in good condition. Out of thirty-one masonry blocks laid in Portland cement mortar and submerged between 1881 and 1892, twenty-two are still intact, while nine have commenced to disintegrate. Among the older blocks there are three laid in English cement mortar (1883) and three laid in Boulonnais cement mortar (1895) of great power of resistance. According to Viennot, these tests point to the following con- clusions : (1) Mortars of hydraulic lime, mixed in any proportion, in most cases commence to disintegrate after one or two years' immersion in sea water; they crumble into pulp after periods varying in length, but apparently not exceeding fifteen years. (2) Concrete resists better than masonry, owing to the greater density imparted to it by ramming. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER OX HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 71 (3) Rapid-setting cements may commence to disintegrate after six or eight years, but again it has been observed that they may last longer than thirty-eight years without crumbling. (4) The mortars offering the greatest resistance are those con- sisting of 1 part cement to 1 or 2 parts respectively of sand (1,300 kilograms or 650 kilograms respectively of cement per cubic meter of sand). This mixture corresponds to the weight of cement required to fill the spaces between the grains of sand. These, therefore, are the least porous mortars. A theory of the resistance of mortars to sea water can only be of speculative interest, unless it is based on practical investiga- tions of long duration. The experiments made at La Rochelle, during nearly forty years, form a safe basis of discussion of this matter, and we may now proceed to investigate the question why Portland cement appears to be superior in maritime structures to any other hydraulic binding medium, and, again, what conditions must be filled by mortars in order to make them proof against the destructive influence of sea water. The principal fact clearly and unmistakably proved by the La Rochelle tests is this : That none of the hydraulic binding media so far known will resist the action of sea water if the latter is able to penetrate into the mortar. This conclusion is to be regretted, because it excludes the hope that the question of the behavior of mortars in sea water may be solved within a reasonable time by purely chemical investigations. Verification through time tests is always indispensable, as theory is too often contradicted by facts. But these tests have settled one very important point in an unquestionable way, viz, the necessity of employing only such hydraulic binding media as do not contain any free lime, which may slake after gauging. Destruction of mortars exposed to the action of sea water may occur in a twofold manner ; either it proceeds from the exterior to the interior, which is commonly the case, or it commences in the interior, in which case it is caused by the hydrating of free lime or free magnesia. When the silica and alumina contained in homogeneous cement is not sufficient to saturate the lime* contained in it, then there will be free lime. The total quantity of lime must never exceed the following proportion : SioT-SiA <3(H ' leChatelier) - Free lime is also found in cements of normal composition, but of imperfect mixture. This will occur in natural cements which * Magnesia is always present in small quantities ; the lime only is of importance. 72 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. are mixtures of separately-burnt stones, some containing an excess of lime, others an excess of alumina. In hydraulic limes free lime is due to imperfect slaking. The excess of lime is not injurious after it has been slaked. The magnesia, separated from the sulphate of magnesia by the lime contained in the mortar, is also harmless. Free lime is most dangerous when contained in compounds burnt at a high temperature. In these cases it absorbs water very slowly, and a considerable time may pass after gauging the mortar before it acts. If there is so much of it that its expansive force is greater than the cohesion of the mortar, then the latter is either torn asunder or cracks are caused through which water can penetrate and complete the work of destruction. If such mortar hardens in air, or in fresh water, the absorption of water may proceed so slowly as to allow the gradually-increasing force of cohesion effectually to resist expansion, provided the percentage of lime is not too great. In sea water, however, the absorption of water proceeds with greater rapidity and the mortar is not allowed to attain a sufficient degree of strength. The expansion caused by free lime in these cases is of a very destructive nature. Therefore only binding media containing no free lime should be employed in sea water. In carefully-prepared artificial Port- land cements it is easy to secure this condition. The natural Port- land cements that have been calcined at a high temperature are very dangerous, and their use should be prohibited. Incidents of an exceedingly significant nature, that have occurred during prac- tical use of these cements, can only be explained by expansion caused by free lime. Storage in pits for months, and even years, is not sufficient to secure in every case hydrating of the free lime. This has led to ignoring the water's chemical action on mortars and to study their behavior from a physical point of view only. As all mortars, without any exception, are decomposed when per- meated by sea water, the investigation has been restricted to finding the densest mortars, which are the most impervious ones. Labo- ratory experiments, therefore, should be abandoned, as they can not furnish any new information ; accommodation to the conditions of actual use is required to consider simultaneously wave action, difference of temperature, etc. Laboratory tests have only rendered one piece of information, which, while being of great importance, could readily have been foreseen ; we refer to the great influence of the quality of sand. The advantages of coarse sand are universally acknowledged to-day and the use of fine sand has been discarded everywhere. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 73 When the density of mortars is studied it will be found that in this quality Portland cement, is very much superior to all other hydraulic binding media. We believe the good behavior of the cement mortar gauged in the proportions of 650 and 1,300 kilograms, as has been done at La Rochelle, and for most maritime structures during the last fifty years, is principally due to the density of Portland cement mortar. This binding medium possesses the greatest specific gravity, it requires the smallest quantity of gauging water, and, at the same time, will bind chemically a greater quantity of water than any other cement. Dr. Michaelis has recently published an exceedingly interesting paper on decomposition of mortars in sea water. On the basis of the theory that the best resisting cements are those in which lime is found in the most stable compounds, he shows that Roman cements contain the smallest percentage of lime, which is able to act on the sulphate of magnesium present in sea water in forming injurious salts (sulphate and sulphoaluminate of lime). In Port- land cement, during hardening, there separates a certain quantity of hydrate of lime, which strives to change into sulphate or sulphoaluminate of lime. It is asserted by Dr. Michaelis that even lime of Theil resists the action of sea water better than Portland cement. We are far from indorsing this theoretical speculation, which is completely contradicted by facts ; the latter demonstrate that Portland cement resists the action of sea water much better than all other hydraulic binding media, notwithstanding the possible inferiority of its chemical composition. The importance attaching to the density of mortars has, how- ever not escaped Dr. Michaelis. He says : But as Roman cements are burnt at red heat, or at moderate red heat only, during which operation they do not condense, they must be pronounced from a physical point of view to be of a porous nature ; the compounds forming during absorption of water will, therefore, be contained in them in a much swollen state ; hence the mortars produced with them will shrink considerably during air-drying, through loss of loosely-bound water, nearly all water contained in these hydrates, over and above the quantity corresponding to the hydrate of lime being such loosely -bound water. Physically the hydraulic limes, the best representative of which is lime of Theil, are quite close to the Roman cements. Their density, at least that of the so-called light ones, is generally less than that of Roman cements. From a physical point of view Portland cement is much superior to hydraulic limes, because it acquires great density through vitrification at white heat. During set the pores are filled more completely because, the particles being closer together, there is in the same space much more swelling substance. The mean proportion of mass in equal spaces is for Portland and Roman cement about 5 : 3, and for Portland cement and hydraulic limes from 5: 2.5 to 5: 2; vitrified Port- land cement, therefore, has a much greater volume weight, and consequently its 74 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. mortar attains a much higher degree of density, or rather of condensation, since Roman cements and hydraulic limes may likewise present a perfectly close grain. And again Dr. Michaelis adds : It is evident that closeness of grain in other words, imperviousness is a very important consideration. Even if the quantity of binding medium employed completely fills all voids in the sand, there will never result a mortar of perfect density. There is always a certain quantity of voids. In gauging, air bubbles remain inclosed in the mass and are not removed even when the greatest care is exercised. The volume of voids in bind- ing media is about the same in all of them. The considerable dif- ferences in the porosity of mortars are caused by voids resulting from the excess of gauging water. In the first place the various binding media require very different percentages of water for gau- ging, and in the second place the volume permanently absorbed as water of crystallization differs very much. To obtain a paste of standard consistency, there are required for Portland cement 25 per cent of water and for limes and Roman cements from 40 to 60 per cent of water. Under ordinary circum- stances there are absorbed as water of crystallization by Portland cements from 18 to 20 per cent, by Roman cements and hydraulic limes from 8 to 10 per cent, and by slag cements from 5 to 6 per cent. We perceive from this that the voids caused by excess of gauging water in Portland cement amount to little or nothing, while in other hydraulic binding media they will run up as high as from 30 to 40 per cent. In mortars, the sand which is added to the cement will reduce the advantage of Portland cement in this respect. For fine-grained sand a great deal of gauging water is re- quired, whatever may be the nature of the binding medium. When the sand is coarse and the percentage of cement high, then the amount of water required for gauging is not much more than that required for neat cement.* It has been shown by Alexandre that in lime mortars the volume of voids, that is to say, the difference between the apparent and the actual volume of mortars after set, varies between 23 and 31 per cent; in cement mortars it varies between 13 and 31 per cent, the former figure corresponding to a mixture of 550 kilograms of cement with 1 cubic meter of coarse sand, and the latter figure corresponding to a mixture of 250 kilograms of cement with 1 cubic meter of fine sand. Mortar made of 650 kilograms of cement and one cubic meter of coarse sand was found to contain only 9 per cent of voids ; for lime * Very explicit notes on this subject will be found in the writings of Alexandre (Annales des ponts et chaussees, September, 1890) and Feret (Annales des ponts et chaussees, Juillet, 1892). INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 75 the same percentages rendered 24 per cent of voids ; it may be added that the density of lime mortars is not influenced much by the pro- portions of the mixture ; indeed, the rich mortars generally are more porous than those of an average degree of strength. In cement mortars, however, density increases in proportion to the percent- age of cement, and, in addition to the advantages of density, those of strength are attained. If rammed concrete is employed the voids may be still further reduced. The advantages of concrete as compared with masonry are also shown by the experiments made at La Rochelle. As its price has not increased appreciably, it is easy to understand that its use has become more and more universal, especially in foreign countries, where all great maritime structures have been carried out in cement concrete. It seems surprising that blocks of neat cement should have been destroyed, while those of mixtures of 1:2 have stood well. Mor- tar made of neat cement, it is true, is of great density and in a short time becomes quite impervious. But all those who have made any tests of strength with such mortars, after they had been exposed to sea water, will know how fragile they become after a few months. Although the briquettes do not show any outward sign of destruction, they have become as brittle as glass and crack under the slightest pressure ; to this phenomenon, which doubtless must be attributed to excessive crystallization, is due the distrac- tion of neat cement. When cement contains an excess of lime (which is especially the case when gauged neat) the phenomena of expansion make their appearance with greater intensity, and de- struction is rapid even in calm water. As soon as cement is mixed with sand this fragility disappears ; after four years' treatment in sea water, for instance, we found neat cement to have only 6.4 kilograms crushing strength per square centimeter, while the same brand of cement, mixed with sand in the proportion of 1:1, was found to have 54.7 kilograms crushing strength. Dr. Michaelis, whose paper we have mentioned above, believes that the solution of the sea- water problem consists in mixing a certain percentage of trass or pozzuolana with Portland cement. The pozzuolana will combine with the free lime, will contribute towards hardening, and will prevent the lime from forming dangerous compounds under the influence of the sulphate of mag- nesia contained in sea water. According to Michaelis, no other mortar excels a mixture of Portland cement and trass in regard to price, power of resistance, binding qualities, and good behavior in sea water. In proof of this opinion, he has made a long series of experiments, on the basis of which he concludes that an admixture of trass to cement 76 INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. mortar increases its strength, and also its resistance to decompo- sition. It is highly probable that pozzuolaiias will combine with the lime contained in cement, and the interest attached to the ex- periments of Dr. Michaelis can not be denied. But, without enter- ing into a detailed discussion of his conclusions, we will demon- strate how difficult it is to interpret such laboratory tests. In the above-mentioned paper of Alexandre there are contained a number of comparative tests of mortars gauged with different kinds of sand and immersed in sea water. Now, the sands which rendered a very considerable increase of strength and which pre- vented or delayed decomposition of mortars, were lime sands. Here no chemical influence of sand can be considered, as carbonate of lime could not act on the lime becoming free during gauging and hardening. These results have been confirmed by Feret's tests ; the tensile strength of mortars gauged with the same brand of cement, in the proportion of 1:3, after one year's immersion in sea water, was found to be 25.7 kilograms per square centimeter where standard sand had been used, 39.5 kilograms per square centimeter where crushed marble had been used, and 34.5 where trass had been used. Marble has therefore rendered more strength than trass ; yet there is in this case no chemical action. Finally, we have obtained the following results with quartz sand, about whose chemical nonactivity there can certainly be no doubt : Standard sand mortar 1 : 3, after three months' hardening in sea water, 26.5 kilograms per square centimeter; standard sand with 10 per cent fine sand, 32.8 kilograms per square centimeter; standard sand with 20 per cent fine sand, 40.4 kilograms per square centimeter. If exceedingly fine powder of any kind whatever was added to the sand, we have invariably noticed an increase of strength, due solely to greater density. All these tests show, therefore, conclusively that in all admix- tures to cement, improvement may be due to purely physical causes, and there is nothing to show that admixtures which can combine chemically are advantageous. Conclusions based on these labora- tory tests are therefore of a very dubious nature ; there are too many contradictory points not yet cleared up, and time frequently changes even those opinions which were considered to be the best founded. Is the lime becoming free during gauging and hardening inju- rious? Is it advisable to mix a substance with the cement which will combine with this lime ? Do the pozzuolanas exercise a bene- ficial influence? It can not be said that any actual proof has been rendered. INFLUENCE OF SEA WATER ON HYDRAULIC MORTARS. 77 The faultless behavior of Portland cement mortars which have been exposed to sea water for more than forty years shows that they will resist decomposition without any admixture of pozzuo- lanas. One fact has certainly been demonstrated beyond a doubt, viz, that mortars should be as impervious as possible. This leads to very simple conclusions, the most important question now be- coming that of the selection of sand. The price of Portland cement has depreciated very much, and no excessive expenditure is required even for mixtures of 600 and 650 kilograms of cement to 1 cubic meter of sand, mixtures which appear to be necessary. In consideration of the great strength of these mortars, great savings are practicable by reducing the thickness of walls. * * * * * * * Unfortunately, good sand is not found everywhere, and to avoid the cost of transportation, it is frequently necessary to employ the sand found on the ground. In his paper on the density of mortars, Feret says : We arrive at the conclusion that in order to create the most favorable condi- tions for the resistance of mortars to the destructive action of sea water, the use of sand containing many fine grains has to be avoided as much as practicable, and in case no other sand is available, the quantity of cement used for gauging should be increased. We believe that the sand question should be still further explored. Fine sand must decidedly be discarded, and only very good sands of known origin should be used. ******* We are convinced that rich mortars gauged -with coarse sand, and the exclusive use of concrete, will produce masonry of great power of resistance, the durability of which may be taken as war- ranted. 6" ', :::V*..".-.VJ A THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 371950 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY