onal ity H- MANUAL HOME-MADE APPARATUS WITH REFERENCE TO CHEMISTRY, PHYSICS, AND PHYSIOLOGY. JOHN F. WOODHULL, PROFESSOR OF METHODS OF TEACHING SCIENCE IN TEACHERS' COLLEGE, NEW YORK CITY J AUTHOR OF "SIMPLE EXPERIMENTS FOR THE SCHOOLROOM," AND "FIRST COURSE IN SCIENCE." NEW tORK AND CHICAGO: E. L. KELLOGG & CO. THE FIRST EDITION OF THIS BOOK, PRINTED UPON THE CYCLOSTYLE, WAS PUBLISHED IN 1888, COPIES OF WHICH WERE SOLD IN NEARLY EVERY STATE OF THE UNION AND IN ABOUT TEN FOREIGN COUNTRIES. Copyright, 1895, by E. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PART I. COURSE IN GLASS-WORKING. PAGE 1. Bending glass tubing. 5 2. Drawing and closing glass tubing 6 3. Blowing bulbs 8 4. Cutting glass tubing, bottle, etc 8 5. To bore holes in glass 10 PART II. CHEMICAL APPARATUS. 7. Oxygen apparatus 12 8-10. Glass generators 13 11. Gas generator with condensing chamber 15 12. Apparatus for showing that a portion of the air is con- sumed in combustion 16 13. Apparatus for determining the proportion of oxygen in the air 16 14. Miner's safety lamp 17 15-16. Test-tube, rack, and tongs 18 17. Blowpipe 19 18. Distilling apparatus 19 19. Apparatus to show that water may be produced by passing hydrogen over hot copper oxide 20 iii iv Table of Contents. PAGE 20. Apparatus to show that hydrogen may be produced by pass- ing steam over hot iron filings 21 21. Apparatus to show that oxygen or chlorine will burn in hy- drogen 22 PART III. PHYSICAL APPARA TUS. 22. Apparatus io show that air occupies space to the exclusion of other things 24 23. Apparatus to show that invisible substances may have weight 24 24. Receiver for experiments in rarefied and condensed air... . 25 25-27. Apparatus to show that the volume of air varies as the pressure upon it increases or decreases , 26 28. Apparatus to demonstrate that the volume of a gas varies inversely as the pressure upon it 28 29. Apparatus to show a fountain caused by atmospheric press- ure and a fountain caused by compressed air 29 30. Barometer 30 31. Apparatus to show that liquid pressure increases with the depth 33 32. Apparatus to show that the increase of liquid pressure is proportional to the depth 33 33. Apparatus to show that at any given depth in a liquid the pressure is the same in all directions 35 34. Apparatus for illustrating buoyancy and the transmission of pressure through liquids 36 35. Apparatus to show the transmission of water pressure by an air column 36 37a. Apparatus to illustrate total fluid pressure in a closed vessel 37 38. Apparatus to illustrate the reaction of a jet of water 38 39. Student's lamp 39 40. Fountain sponge-cup 39 Table of Contents. v PAGE 41. Lifting-pump 40 42. Force pump 41 43. Apparatus to illustrate the moment of a force 41 44. Apparatus illustrating the second law of motion 42 45. Centre of gravity disk 43 46. Apparatus to show the specific gravity of liquids when measured by their buoyant force 43 47. Apparatus to show the specific gravity of liquids when bal- anced against atmospheric pressure 43 49. Apparatus to illustrate osmose 44 51. Apparatus for illustrating the formation of ice crystal in a snowstorm 45 53. Apparatus to illustrate the unequal expansion of different metals when heated 46 54. Apparatus to illustrate the expansion of liquids by heat Thermometer 46 55 and 553. Apparatus to illustrate the expansion of air by heat Air thermometer 47 56 and 57. Apparatus to show how air-currents are produced by heat 47 58. Apparatus to show that water and air are poor conductors of heat 49 59. Funnel for hot filtration 49 60. Illustration of bunsen burner 50 6r. Illustration of blastlamp, blowpipe, etc 50 62. " Fish-tail " burner 51 63-65. Tumbler and plunger batteries 51 66. Telegraph sounder 53 68. Apparatus for decomposing liquids by an electric current... 54 69. Electric motor 55 70. Annunciator and electric bell . 56 71. Burglar-alarm v . 58 72. Primary and secondary coils 58 73. Telephone 59 75. Electroscope 59 vi Table QJ' Contents. PAGE 76. Electrophorus. . , . 59 77. Leyden jar 60 79. Apparatus to illustrate that air or some medium is neces- sary to transmit sound. : 60 80-91. Apparatus to illustrate the subject of light 60 PART IV. PHYSIOLOGICAL APPARA TUS. 92. Apparatus to illustrate the action of muscles , . 61 93. Apparatus to show the action of the intercostal muscles to enlarge the chest cavity 62 94. Apparatus to show how inhalation and exhalation result from the expansion and contraction of the chest cavity. . 63 95. Apparatus to illustrate the circulation of the blood and the lymph 66 96. Apparatus to show how muscular action assists the circula- tion of the blood in the veins and the flow of the lymph in the lymphatics 69 97. Apparatus to illustrate how the tension of the air in the in- terior of the ear is adjusted to changes of atmospheric pressure. HOME-MADE APPARATUS. PART I. COURSE IN GLASS-WORKING. i. Bending Glass Tubing. Small glass tubing may be bent in an ordinary gas or kerosene-lamp flame, but an alcohol lamp or Bunsen burner is preferred. The glass should be well softened, by heating it in the flame, before attempting to bend it. If, for example, the end a (figure i) is one and one-half inches from the flame, the tube' ought to be softened enough so that it will bend down of its own weight. FlG - r - At first keep the tube constantly rolling, so as to heat it on all sides, but when it begins to bend cease rolling, and move it a little to the right and left, to heat the adjacent parts. Do not let it bend rapidly, By moving it to the right and left occasionally you may keep it bending slowly in as gradual a curve as you may desire. Figure 2 represents a tube bent thus. It is well to remember that the hot part of the flame is at the outer edges, where the combustible vapors come in contact with the air. A tube, therefore, if kept perfectly still in a flame, would be liable to bend as 5 Home-made Apparatus. represented in figure 3, because it would be softened chiefly at the points c and d. In this matter perfection can be reached only by much practice. Patience rather than skill is the requisite capital. Hence there is no reason why any one may not bend glass tubing sufficiently well for all practical purposes. FIG. 2. FIG. 3. Only small tubing, whose inside diameter does not exceed three-sixteenths of an inch, can be readily bent in an alcohol flame; and for this purpose the wick must be drawn up half or three-quarters of an inch and the tube must be held in the hottest part of the flame, which is the upper third. Glass tubing is quite inexpensive. It should not cost over fifty cents a pound, and a pound of the size mentioned above contains about twenty-five feet. 2. Drawing and Closing Glass Tubing Hold one end in each hand and keep the tube rolling continually while holding it in the flame, so as to soften it all around. Course in Glass-working 7 When it has become quite soft remove it from the flame and pull. You will readily draw it out, as represented in figure 5. Make a very slight scratch at a with a three- cornered file and break the tube at that point. Finish the broken ends by hold- ing them for an instant .. ^^ in the flame. With care FlG you will be able to melt the ends so as to make them smooth, without bending or closing them. The end ac will serve many useful purposes as a "dropper-tube," if a small rubber bulb called a x -^ " dropper-bulb" is put upon the end c. The end ab may be used FlG - 6 - for throwing jets of water, as illustrated in figure 40, p. 29. One is always obliged to proceed according to the above directions in order to close large tubing; and by this method I have even drawn apart an argand- lamp chimney. It was necessary to smoke the chimney all around first and then to heat gradually with constant rolling. A very much better way, however, to deal with small tubing is as follows : Hold the tube so that the end projects not more than an eighth of an inch into the flame, and keep it rolling slowly, so as to heat it uniformly on all sides. It will soon close FIG.?, up entirely; or, if you want a tube for throwing jets of water, arrest the process just before the tube is 8 Home-made Apparatus. quite closed, leaving a little hole in the end. This method has two advantages over the other, described on p. . First, this will throw a straight stream, while in most cases the other will not ; and, secondly, this will be FIG. 8. thick and strong at the end, while the other will be very thin and quite liable to get broken. 3. Blowing Bulbs. In order to blow a bulb at the end of a glass tube, hold the end of the tube, as shown in figure 8, so as to project a slight distance into the flame. Roll it slowly until it is entirely closed and raised to a red-heat. Close the lips air-tight over the other end, remove it from the flame, and quickly force air into it, taking great care to stop blowing before the bulb bursts. 4. Cutting Glass Tubing, Bottles, etc. For tubing under half an inch in diameter use a three-cornered file and give it a sharp, quick push across the tube so as to leave a scratch, or, if the tube is over a quarter of an inch in diameter, file a rather deep gash, then place your thumbs on the opposite side of the tube and pull suddenly as FIG. 10. if to bend the tube. It will break exactly where you intended and leave an even, smooth surface at the end, having, however, sharp cutting edges. These should be Course in Glass-working. trimmed a little with a file or held in a flame until they are nicely rounded. For tubing over half an inch in diameter pursue the same plan as for cutting glass bottles. To cut glass bottles : Thrust the stove poker into the fire and, while it is heating, cut quite a deep gash in one side of the bottle with a wet file. This will give the right direc tion to the crack which you are about to make. Touch the hot poker to the glass at one end of this gash, and a short crack will start in the direc- tion required. Now place the poker so that it will touch the glass about one-eighth of an inch from the end of the crack and it will slowly creep up to the poker. Thus one may lead it at will. The bottom of this bottle will make a glass jar and the top will have a great many uses. See Fig. 12. For very thick bottles one needs a red-hot iron, but for thin glass it should not be red-hot, because the crack will sometimes run faster than one can control it. With proper care we may cut glass by this method into any shape which we may desire. It is often desir- able to mark out the course on the glass with the sharp point of a wet black-board crayon to help the eye in leading the crack. By this method I have cut from a pane of FIG. ii. FIG. 12. 10 Home-made Apparatus. glass scale-pans for home-made balances. In this case it is necessary to file a gash at the edge and start the crack there. See Fig. 13. One may lead a crack around a moderately thin bottle or lamp chimney by a glass rod or tube heated in an alcohol or Bun- sen burner flame. This is the most convenient way to do it in the laboratory. The glass rod, being a poor conductor of heat, does not cool off as rapidly as an iron rod, and does not conduct F 16 - T 3- heat to the hand. 5. To Bore Holes in Glass. Break off the tip end of a round file, sometimes called a " rat-tail " file. With this we may readily bore holes in glass. Hold the file as represented in Fig. 14, bearing on heavily with the thumb. Swing the file back and forth hor- izontally, as indicated by the arrows, at the same time giving it a twisting motion. The file should be fre- quently dipped into FlG - I4 ' water. A paste made of camphor-gum and turpentine has been widely recommended to assist the file in cutting glass, and many persons have paid heavily for the secret, but it would seem that water answers the purpose quite as well. Indeed, it is probable that anything is equally Course in Glass-working. good which will retain the little particles of glass that have been clipped off and make them cling to the file so that they may be made to assist in the work. It requires between five and ten minutes of patient work to make a hole through the side of an ordinary bottle. After the hole has been put through the glass it may be trimmed out with a wet, round file to any -.;ize desired. Here, however, great care must be exercised to avoid cracking the bottle. Glass tubing may be made to fit in such a hole water- tight by making the hole a little larger than the tube, then by drawing a small piece of soft rubber tubing over the end of the glass tube and crowding it firmly into the hole. (See figure 15.) A cap which will answer the purpose of a stop-cock in many instances may be constructed as follows : Take a short piece of rubber tubing and plug one end with a very short piece of glass rod ill FIG. 15. or tubing closed at one end in the flame. It is evident thai: when one can bend, draw, and close glass tubing, cut glass as he chooses, bore holes in bottles and fit tubes in them water-tight, the way is open to con- struct an endless variety of apparatus. 12 Home-made Apparatus. PART II. CHEMICAL APPARATUS. No. 7.* The Oxygen Apparatus In the test-tube, figure 1 6, which suffices for a retort, is put about a table- FIG. 16. spoonful of the usual mixture of potassium chlorate and manganese dioxide. This will yield six or eight bottles- ful of oxygen, and is the only gas holder that is necessary. The bottle is the only bell-far needed, and the tin basin answers every purpose of a pneumatic trough. To hold the apparatus in the hands, moving the test-tube back and forth through the flame, is preferable to the use of a retort-stand. The test-tube is 6 X f inches. The stop- per is a No. i rubber stopper, with one hole in it. The * All the pieces of apparatus described in these pages were prepared by the author and placed on exhibition at the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. The State of New York purchased from him the entire set, and it is now installed in the Educational Museum, State Capitol, Albany, N. Y. The numbers used in the description of apparatus throughout this book corre- spond to those which are used to designate the models in that exhibit. Chemical Apparatus. delivery tube is T \ inch glass tubing and is bent accord- ing to the directions given on page 5. A comparison of the expense of this apparatus with that of apparatus much in vogue is given herewith : COST. The Conventional Apparatus. Cheapest Kind. A copper retort .$ 2.30 A gas holder 15.00 A bell-jar 50 A pneumatic trough. . . . 1.50 A retort-stand 65 Rubber tubing for con- nection and delivery tubes .20 Home-made Apparatus. A test-tube, 6Xi in $0.03 None needed oo A bottle,8oz., wide mouth .05 A basin, block tin, 6 in... .05 None needed oo Rubber stopper No. i 04 Delivery tube. , 01 $20.15 $0.18 The same apparatus is used in generating hydrogen, nitrous oxide, nitric oxide, hydrogen sulphide, carbon di- oxide, etc. To generate chlorine, substitute the small flask from apparatus No. 18 in place of the test-tube, on account of the frothing produced by that gas. No 8. Gas Generator. This apparatus is specially adapted as a hydrogen-sulphide generator. The bottle is an eight-ounce, wide-mouth bottle, with a common cork, through which a hole is cut with a pen-knife, large enough to receive a test-tube. The test-tube fits the hole loosely enough to be easily raised and lowered, but not so as to fall of its own weight. The test-tube has a rubber stop- per, through the hole of which a delivery- tube passes. There is a small hole not more FIG. 17. than an eighth of an inch in diameter in the bottom of the test-tube, made as follows : 14 Home-made Apparatus. The test-tube is held so that the bottom touches the side of a flame, and when the glass at a single point be- comes softened, the mouth of the operator is closed over the open end of the tube and the hole is blown while the tube is still held in the flame. The edges of the hole are soon melted back and made smooth by the flame. The bottle is "Fir* tfi about half filled with dilute sulphuric acid, and a few small lumps of iron sulphide are placed in the test-tube. When the test-tube is pushed down, the acid passes through the small hole in the bottom and comes in contact with the iron sulphide. Hydrogen sulphide then flows through the delivery-tube. When the test-tube is drawn up as represented in figure 17, the acid flows out through the small hole and the generation of hydrogen sulphide ceases. Thus we have a gas gen- erator always ready for use. It may be used for any of the gases which are generated by acids without the appli- cation of heat. Cost. Bottle from apparatus No. 7. Test-tube, 6 Xf in Scents Rubber stopper from apparatus No. 7. Cork and delivery tube , . . .. 7 cents No. 9. Gas Generator. This apparatus is convenient when only a small quantity of gas is needed. It consists of a one-ounce wide-mouth bottle and a small glass dish. To generate a bottleful of car- bon dioxide, a small lump of chalk or FlG * Chemical Apparatus. limestone is put into the bottle, and the bottle is filled with dilute acid. The bottle is then covered with the glass dish, and inverted. No delivery-tube and no pneumatic trough are needed. Cost. Glass dish 5 cents Bottle, i oz., wide mouth 2 cents 7 cents No. 10. Gas Generator. This apparatus is specially adapted to the generating of small quantities of gases with a high degree of heat ; e.g., the making of oxygen from mer- curic oxide. The bottle and glass dish are those used in apparatus 9. Five inches of small glass tubing closed at one end, and bent, as indicated in figure 20, serves as retort and delivery-tube. No. ii. Gas Generator with a Condensing Cham- ber. This apparatus has an important use in experi- ments in destructive distillation ; e.g., if we put paper, FIG. 20. FIG. 21. wood, or soft coal in the test-tube and heat it we shall get liquid products in the small bottle and gaseous products in the large bottle. 1 6 Home-made Apparatus. Cost Test-tube, "] Rubber stopper No. i, I FrQm tus No ?> Tin basin, 8-oz. wide-mouthed bottle, J i-oz. wide-mouthed bottle from apparatus No. g. Rubber stopper No. 3 with two holes 7 cents Delivery tubes 2 cents 9 cents Nc. 12. Apparatus for Showing that a Portion of the Air is Consumed in Combustion. A strip of tin is bent at a right angle at the lower end so as to support a small piece of a taper. The upper end is also bent at a right angle and is tacked to the under surface of the rubber stopper, which it protects from the flame. Lime-water is used in the tumbler beneath the chimney to absorb the products of combustion. The candle attached to the stopper is taken out, lighted, and re- placed. Thus a portion of the air is not lost from the chimney by expansion, as is usually IG. 22. t j je - case w j ien a ]3 O tji e [ s inverted over a lighted candle in a dish of water. Cost. Lamp-chimney 5 cents Rubber stopper No. 7 20 cents Tumbler 5 cents 30 cents No. 13. Apparatus for Determining the Proportion of Oxygen in the Air. A small piece of clean phosphorus is placed upon the wire-shelf and the test-tube is in- verted over it, with its mouth dipping into the water beneath. After standing thus for a day or two the water will be found to have risen so as to occupy about Chemical Apparatus. one fifth of the volume of the test-tube. Measurements carefully made were found to be, as shown in the figure, Vol. of oxygen to 1.2 5-7 21 per cent. yol. of air At the close of the experiment the flame of a lamp may be directed toward the upper end of the test-tube until the phosphorus melts and runs down the wire without burning or producing the white fumes FIG. 23. FIG. 24. which would appear if oxygen were present. The test- tube may now be lifted, while the phosphorus is thus heated above its kindling temperature, and it will im- mediately spring into a flame. The wire support for the phosphorus is made of No. 1 8 copper wire, which is easily bent with the fingers in the form represented by figure. 24. Cost. Test-tube from apparatus No. 7. Small tumbler 5 cents No. 14. The Miner's Safety Lamp wire gauze, such as is used for milk-strainers or fine sieves (30 or 40 meshes to the inch), six inches square, is rolled into a i8 Home-made Apparatus. cylinder about an inch in diameter and tied with wire, common- corks are fitted nicely into the ends, a very small taper is fastened to the lower cork by a drop of its own melted wax. Coal-gas, or a little ether, is put into the large bottle, which in this case repre- sents a coal m ; ne in which a combustible gas has collected ; the candle is lighted and !U^ put into the wire-gauze cylinder and lowered FIG. 25. into the bottle without setting fire to the gas, but if the uncovered flame is brought to the mouth of the bottle a flash occurs. A little lime-water is then put into the bottle, showing the presence of carbon dioxide, which has been formed by the combustion. Cost. Wire gauze, cork, and taper. ... 15 cents 32-oz. wide-mouth bottle 17 cents 32 cents No. 15. Test-tube Rack The rack is made of thin strips of wood, two inches wide ; the uprights four and FIG. 26. a half inches high and the horizontal strips twelve and thirteen inches respectively. In the upper strip, six holes are bored with a seven-eighth-inch bit. In the lower Chemical Apparatus. 19 strip, underneath each of these holes, a cup is made with a countersink to receive the lower end of the test-tube. No. 16. Test-tube Tongs. The test-tube tongs are made of two strips of wood each about nine inches long and half an inch thick, cut as represented in figure 27. They are held together by stout rubber bands no hinge is needed which are represented in the figure as placed so as to cause the tongs to close. They are opened by g!&^^:^|ggg:-d[[i^Z a slight pressure of the hand upon the large end. If, however, one prefers tongs which ordinarily remain open and require a slight pressure of the hand to close them, the rubber bands may be moved somewhat nearer the large end and the tongs will so operate. No. 17. Blow-pipe The blow-pipe is made of two pieces of glass tubing, each about four inches long, one of which is nearly closed at one end, as described on page 7. The two pieces of glass tubing are connected by a piece of soft rubber * tubing. This enables one to direct the FIG. 28. stream of air from the blow-pipe as he chooses. Cost. Rubber tubing from apparatus No. 8. Glass tubing I cent No. 18. Distilling Apparatus. This is used in mak- ing nitric acid, hydrochloric-acid solution, ammonia solu- tion, and bromine, as well as separating alcohol from water and obtaining from solution distilled water in small quantities. 20 Home-made Apparatus. A test-tube is sometimes used in place of the flask. The latter, however, is preferred when frothing is liable to occur. The delivery-tube is made of such a length as to reach within about one inch of the bottom of the test- tube in which the vapors are con- FIG. 29. densed. The distillate which is collected in the test-tube is never allowed to cover the end of this delivery-tube the amount needed for each pupil is very small. To make hydrochloric acid or ammonia solution, a little water is put into the test-tube, not quite up to the end of the delivery tube. This water absorbs the gas as fast as it is generated. Cost. 8-oz. wide-mouth bottle, ) Test-tube, > From apparatus No. 7. Rubber stopper, No. i, ) 2-oz. flask ii cents Delivery tube i cent CO I HzO No. 19. Apparatus to Show that Water may be Produced by Passing Hydrogen over Hot Copper Oxide. The hydrogen is allowed to flow through the tube for a time to show that moisture is not deposited from the gas, and hence no drying tubes are needed. A flame is then placed under the end of the tube containing the copper oxide and water is produced. FIG. 30. Chemical Apparatus. 2 1 Cost. 8-oz. narrow-mouthed bottle 5 cents Rubber stopper No. o, with one hole 3 cents Delivery tube i cent 9 cents No. 20. Apparatus to Show that Hydrogen may be Produced by Passing Steam over Hot Iron Filings. In using the apparatus one hand holds the tin basin and steadies the bottle and the other hand holds the lamp under the end of the test-tube. It is preferable FIG. 31. not to lock the apparatus in a support stand, but to have it entirely in hand. If the rubber stopper is pressed firmly into the mouth of the flask, there is no danger of the flask falling without a support. Hydrogen sulphide may be collected in the bottle by generating hydrogen in the flask and heating sulphur in the test-tube. In this case the melted sulphur should be kept in the end of the test-tube remote from the rubber stopper by tilting the apparatus slightly. Home-made Apparatus. Cost. 8-oz. wide-mouth bottle, 1 Tin-basin, I From apparatus Test-tube, f No. 7. Rubber stopper No. i with one hole, J 2 oz. flask from apparatus No. 18. Rubber stopper No. I with two holes 4 cents Delivery-tubes 2 cents Extra lamp 45 cents 51 cents No. 21. Apparatus to Show that Oxygen or Chlorine will Burn in Hydrogen. Hydrogen is collected in the eight-ounce bottle by using apparatus No. 7. The ma- terial to generate oxygen or chlorine is put into the flask and heated. The hydrogen is lighted at the mouth of the bottle and the delivery- tube slowly thrust up into it, when a flame will be seen burning at the end of the delivery - tube. The upper end of the bottle is held in one hand, while the neck of the flask is held in the other. The apparatus is tilted to prevent the burning of the hands by the flame. To burn hydrogen in oxygen or chlorine, we have merely to substitute the delivery-tube from the apparatus represented in figure 29, collect oxygen or chlorine in the eight-ounce bottle by using apparatus No 7, and gen- erate hydrogen in the flask. The hydrogen must be FIG. 32. Chemical Apparatus. 23 allowed to flow rapidly for a few minutes to remove air from the flask, in order that there may be no explosion. We fill the flask one- quarter full and add about one-third as much sulphuric acid. Drop in granulated zinc while the mixture is warm, and the hydrogen will flow rapidly. The hydrogen flame burning in the bottle produces a musical sound. Cost. 8 oz. wide-mouthed bottle, ) r- XT Rubber stopper No. i, \ From a PP ara 'us No 7. 2-oz. flask, from apparatus No. 18. Delivery-tube i cent. Home-made Apparatus. PART III. PHYSICAL APPARATUS. No. 22. Apparatus to Show that Air Occupies Space to the Exclusion of Other Things. The funnel is made of paper. The opening in the lower end is about one- eighth of an inch. Dip the funnel in water and fit it air-tight in the neck of the bottle. The funnel may be filled with water, and after about a tablespoonful has passed into the bottle it will cease to flow, unless a bubble of air comes out, when only the same amount of water will pass in. Put water on the top of the bottle, outside of the funnel. (If the funnel was sufficiently wet this will collect there of its own accord.) Now press the side of the fun- nel in a little, so that you may see a little air bubble out through the water. Notice that at the same time a small amount of water flows from the funnel into the bottle. No. 23. Apparatus to Show that Invisible Substances May Have Weight. Make a paper box five inches long, three inches wide, and two and one-half inches deep, from a sheet of writing- paper, letter size, or 8X 10. Place this upon one end of a foot rule, laid across a three - cornered piece of wood, the thickness of- which should be not more than one-quarter of an inch. While it is impossible to FIG. 33. Physical Apparatus. balance the ruler across this piece of wood, it may be so nearly balanced as to tip either way with the addition of an exceedingly small weight. Put a few drops of ether into a tumbler, and let it stand a few minutes until they evaporate and the tumbler is filled with ether vapor, then hold the tumbler as if in the act of pouring something from it into the box. Soon the box will press its end of the ruler down, and if a lighted match is brought to its mouth a flash occurs, showing that the ether vapor was poured into it. No. 24. Receiver for Experiments in Rarefied and Condensed Air. Figure 35 represents a 32-ounce wide- mouthed bottle, E. & A. style. In its mouth is a No. 10 rubber stopper, one hole of which is plugged with a short piece of glass rod, while the other carries a bent glass tube, over which is drawn a piece of heavy rubber tubing, called " pressure tubing," about eighteen inches long. This an- swers all the purposes of a receiver. For very many experiments it is sufficient to apply one's mouth to the rubber tube and exhaust or compress the air in the bottle by the use of the lungs. With practice, the average person may thus reduce the tension of the air to seven or eight pounds per square inch, or increase it to seventeen or eighteen pounds per square inch. When a greater degree of exhaustion or compression of air is needed, the rubber tube is attached to one or the other nipple of a combination of air- FIG. .35. 26 Home-made Apparatus. pump and condenser, sold by the Franklin Educational Company, of Boston, for $3. Cost. 32-oz. wide-mouth bottle, E. & A. style, from apparatus No. 14. Rubber stopper No. 10 39 cents Rubber " pressure " tubing, 18 inches 24 cents 63 cents Nos. 25, 26, and 27. Apparatus to Show that the Volume of Air Varies as the Pressure upon it Increases or Decreases. No. 25 consists of a one-ounce wide- mouth bottle, over the mouth of which rubber cloth is tied air-tight. The bottle is then placed in the receiver, No. 24, and when the air in the receiver is rarefied the rubber cloth bulges outward, and when air is condensed in the receiver the rubber cloth sags into the neck of the small bottle. No. 26 consists of a one-ounce narrow-mouth bottle (figure 36), into the mouth of which a glass tube, three or four inches long, is fitted by the method described on p. for inserting a glass tube into a hole in a bottle. This tube is nearly closed at the upper end. Water is put into the bottle and the lower end of the tube dips into it. When this apparatus is placed in the receiver and the air rarefied water spurts out of the small bottle as a fountain. When air is allowed to ~ ~ rush into the receiver again, it is seen to enter also the small bottle by bubbles which pass through the water. When air is condensed into the receiver, it is seen to enter the small bottle and, when the compressed air is allowed to flow out of the receiver, Physical Apparatus. 27 FIG. 37- water again spurts from the small bottle. In figure 37 the glass tube is inverted, so that the con- stricted end is inside the bottle, and a iittle water is put into the receiver so as to seal the outer end of the tube. A fountain will play into the small bottle when air is compressed into the receiver, and air will pass out from the small bottle when it is allowed to flow out of the receiver. It continues to pass out of the small bottle as we exhaust it from the receiver, but the fountain plays again in the small bottle when the air is allowed to enter the receiver. No. 27 consists of a one-ounce narrow-mouthed bottle, into the mouth of which a bent glass tube is fitted by the method referred to above. Water is put into the small bottle and the glass tube dips into it. When this apparatus is placed in the receiver, (figure 38), the outer end of the tube is covered with water, and when the air in the receiver is rarefied water is forced out of the small bottle by the tension of the air contained in it. When air is allowed to rush into the receiver again water flows into the small bottle. If air is compressed into the receiver, water flows into the small bottle, and, when the compressed air is released, water passes out from the small bottle. FIG. 38. 28 Home-made Apparatus. Cost. i-oz. narrow-mouthed bottle 2 cents Tubing 2 cents Rubber cloth 2 cents Receiver from App. No. 14 and i-oz. wide-mouthed bottle from App. No. 9. 6 cents No. 28. Apparatus to Demonstrate that the Volume of a Gas Varies Inversely as the Pressure upon it. A glass tube, whose inside diameter is one-quarter of an inch, and whose length is about fifty-two inches, is closed at the end a '(figure 39), and is bent so that ab is 3 inches, be is 2 inches, cd is 34 inches, de is 2 inches, and ef\s> about n inches long. The end /is left open. FIG. 39. The tube is fastened to a strip of board to protect it from injury. Mercury is put into the tube so that the column when horizontal extends from g to h. In hand- Physical Apparatus. 29 ling mercury we use a dropper-tube such as is illustrated in figure 6, p. 7. To find volumes corresponding to pressure greater than an atmosphere the end h of the apparatus is raised to various positions and the vertical height above the table of the mercury column in each arm is measured. To find volumes corresponding to pressure less than an atmosphere, the end g is raised and measurements taken as above. Cost. Glass tubing 18 cents Mercury 35 cents 53 cents No. 29. Apparatus to Show a Fountain Caused by Atmospheric Pressure and a Fountain Caused by Com- pressed Air. It consists of a id-ounce narrow-mouthed FIG. 40. 30 Home-made Apparatus. bottle, a No. i rubber stopper, a piece of glass tubing nine inches long, nearly closed at one end, a short piece of rubber tubing, and a tumbler. Either the lungs of the operator or the air-pump mentioned on p. 25 may be used to rarefy or condense the air in the bottle, and thumb and finger applied to the rubber tubing serve as a stop-cock. Problems as to what this apparatus would do if taken up in a balloon or down in a coal mine are of interest, also its relation to air-guns, spurting oil-wells, " soda- water fountains," " syphon " bottles, etc. Cost. Rubber stopper No. i from apparatus No 7. Rubber tubing from apparatus No. 8. Tumbler from apparatus No. 12. i6-oz. narrow-mouthed bottle 5 cents Glass tube . i cent 6 cents No. 30. Barometer. A glass tube, having an inside diameter about three-sixteenths of an inch and a length about forty-three inches, is closed at one end in the flame, and bent so that the long arm is about thirty-five inches and the short arm about six inches. The end of the short arm is left open. Mercury is introduced by a dropper tube, three or four inches at a time, and boiled by passing the barometer tube back and forth through a flame each time a charge of mercury is added. The tube is fastened to a board-back for protection, IG ' 41 ' and a scale is attached by which one may readily read the length of the long and short arms of the mercury columns, measured from a small shelf at the bottom of the board. The length of the short arm subtracted from Physical Apparatus. 3 1 g in o 1 LoiIg*iSrm 33.00 h ^.ShorbArrriv_ 2.55 O 1 : pifffeEeApe^,. 30.45 3. r >"e^5Hape5JReport 30.42 -i > Stete.Ql Weathec Clear " Long^rm^^,,.-- 33.02 t| / Shqr^A-^n-^, 2.95 o ii - / . plff erejfce 30.07 IS *& 7 'Newspaper "R eport 30.08 Hi i;^: State of Weather Cloudy ^s .Long.Arm 32.70 r k< _^ Short Arm... - 3.65 o g| x x IMfference 211.115 S 1 * V N'ewspaper Report.--.29.00 Co s State of Weather Rainy" 's Long,4:rm..^ ..as.OO i *s ; Short^rm .3.00 o [i s S, Difference 30.00 5. * 8. 1 Newspaper Report'.. 30.03 fc \ State of Weather Cloudy 1 Long Arm .33.09 4^ Short Arm 2.85 II Difference 30.24 ii I s :::: -^Newspaper Report 30.30 en _j State of Weather Clear bi / Loug Arm. .32.98 to 8 ^7 Short Arm . 2.99 o 1 f Difference. - . , , 29.99 r- s Newspaper Report. ...29.94 00 A State of Weather Clear Long Arm 32.92 * Short Arm . 3.00 o 8 S ALT, OTjr^rs TO 52 E, L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAGO. Woodball's Simple Experiments for the ScHooL-Rooji. By Prof. Jorrx F. WOODHULL, Prof, of Natural Science iu the College for the Training of Teachers, New York City, author of "Manual of Home-Made Appa- ratus." Cloth, 16mo. Price, 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents; by mail, 5 cents extra. This book contains a series of simple, easily-made experiments, to perform which will aid the comprehension of every-day phe- nomena. They are really the very lessons given by the author in the Primary and Grammar Departments of the Model School in the College for the Training of Teachers, New York City. The apparatus needed for the experiments consists, for the most part, of such things as every teacher will find at hand in a school- room or kitchen. The experiments are so connected in logical order as to form a continuous exhibition of the phenomena of combustion. This book is not a science catechism. Its aim is to train the child's miud in habits of reasoning by experimental methods. These experiments should be made in every school of our country, and thus bring in a scientific method of dealing with nature. The present method of cramming children's minds with isolated f;vctsof which they can have no adequate comprehension is a ruinous and unprofitable one. This book points out the method employed by the best teachsrs in the best scJiools. WHAT IT CONTAINS. I. Experiments with Paper. H. " " Wood. III. " a Candle. IV. " Kerosene. V. Kindling Temperature. VI. Air as an Agent in Combustion. VII. Products of Complete " VIII. Currents of Air, etc. Ventila- IX. Oxygen of the Air. [tion. X. Chemical Changes. In all there are 91 experiments described, illustrated by 35 engravings. Jas. H. CanfieM, Univ. of Kans., Lawrence, says: " I desire to say morf emphatically that, the method pursued is the only true one in all schoo! work. Its spirit is admirable. Ws need and must have far more of this instruction " J. C. Packard, Univ. of f> \va, Iowa City, says: " For many years shut up to the simplest forms of illustrative apparatus, I learned that the necessity was a blessing, since so much. ci-uhl bo accomplished by home-made ap- paratus Inexpensive ami effective." Henry B. Russell, v-.Y.o.ibury, N. J., Supt. of the Friends School: "Ad- irable litt.lo hook. It is ji^t the kind of book we need." mi S, T. Button, Supt ScV-Ms. N^w Hr.ven, Ct. " Contains just the kind ot help teachera noed in ati:;-j; neural science to common schools." The Best Educational Periodicals, THE SCHOOL JOURNAL is published weekly at $2.50 a year and is in its 23rd year. It is the oldest, best known and widest circulated educational weekly in the U. S. THE JOURNAL is filled with ideas that will surely advance the teachers' conception of education . The bec-t brain work on the work of professional teaching is found in it not theoretical essays, nor pieces scissored out of other journals THE SCHOOL JOURNAL has its own special writers the ablest in the world. THE PRIMARY SCHOOL is published monthly from September to June at $1.00 a year, It is the ideal paper for primary teachers, being devoted almost exclusively to original primary methods and devices. Several entirely new features this year of great value. THE TEACHERS' INSTITUTE is published monthly, at $1.00 a year. It is edited in the same spirit and from the same standpoint as THE JOURNAL, and has ever since it was started in 1878 bfeen the most popular educa- tional monthly published, circulating in every state. Every line is to the point. It is finely printed and crowded with illustra- tions made specially for it. Every study taught by the teacher is covered in each issue. EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATIONS. This is not a paper, but a series of small monthly volumes that bear on Professional Teaching. It is useful for those who want to study the foundations of education ; for Normal Schools, Training Classes, Teachers' Institutes and individual teachers. If you desire to teach professionally you will want it. Hand- some paper covers, &4pp. each month. The History, Science, Methods, and Civics of education are discussed each month, and it also contains all of the N. Y. State Examination Ques- tions and Answers. OUR TIMES gives a resume of the important news of the month not the murders, the scandals, etc., but the news that bears upon the progress of the world and specially written for the school- room It is the brightest and best edited paper of current events pub- lished, and so cheap that it can be afforded by every pupil. Club rates, 25 cents. %.* Select the paper suited to your needs and send for a free sample. Samples of all the papers 25 cents. E. L. KELLOGG & CO., New York and Chicago. BEST BOOKS FOR TEACHERS, Classified List under Subjects. To aid teachers to procure the books best suited to their purpose, we give below a list of our publications classified under subi'-'cts. Thedivisioo te sometimes a difficult one to make, so that we have in many cases placed the same book uuder several titles; tor instance, Currie's Early Education appears under PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE OF EDUCATION, and also PRIMARY EDUCATION. Recent books are starred, thus * HISTOKY OF EDUCATION, OEEAT EDU- CATOES, ETC. Allen's Historic Outlines ot Education, - Autobiography of Froebel, Browning's Aspects of Education Best edition. Educational Theories. Best edition. *dDUCATICNAL FOUNDATIONS, bound vol. 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Johnson's Education by Doing, - cl. .50 *Kilburn's Manual of Elementary Teaching - 1.50 .40 1.3O .05 .10 Parker's Talks on Teaching, - cl. 1.25 l.OO .09 Patridsre's Quincy Methods, - cl. 1.75 1.4O 30 .13 no Seeley's Grube Method of Teaching Arithmetic, cl. 1.00 !so UB ,07 '* Grube Idea in Primary Arithmetic, - cl. .30 .34 .03 Sinclair's First Years at School, : cL .75 .60 .06 MANUAL TRAINING. Rutler'g Argument, for Manual Trainin-r, - - paper .15 pd. *Larsson's Text-Book of Sloyd, - cl. 1.50 1.2O .15 Move's Industrial Ki.'iK-atioii, - c\ 1.50 1.2O .12 *Upham's Fifty Lessous in Woodworking, - el. .50 .40 .05 QUESTION BOOKS FOE TEACHEKS. Analytical Question Series. Geography, - - cl. .50 .40 .05 C. S. History, - cl. .50 .40 .05 " Grammar, - - cl. .50 .40 .05 ^EDUCATIONAL FOUND A.TIONS, bound vol. '91-'92, paper .60 pel. * " " '92-'93, cl. 1.00 pd. N. Y. State Examination Quest ons, - cl. 1.00 .80 .08 *3haw's National Question Cock Newly revised. 1.76 prt. Soutbwick's Handy Helps, ----- cl. 1.00 .80 .08 Soutinvick's Quiz Manual of Teaching. Best edition, cl. .75 .60 .05 PHYSICAL EDUCATION and SCHOOL HYGIENE. GrofTs School Hygiene, _____ paper .15 pd. MISCELLANEOUS. Blaikie On Self Culture, ._,-.. Fitch's Improvement in Education, - Gardner's Town and Country School Buildings, Lubbock's Best 100 Books, ----- cl. paper cl. paper cl. cL paper .25 2.50 .30 .50 .30 .SO .15 2.00 .SO .24 5.00 .40 .24 1.00 .03 pd. .12 pd. .03 pd. .05 .03 pd. Portrait of Washington, - "Walsh's Great Ltulers of the World, - Wflbelm'S Student's Calendar, - Bas-Reliefs of 12 Authors, each, - SINGING AND DIALOGUE BOOKS. *Arbor Day, How to Celebrate It, ... paper .25 pd. Reception Day Series, Nos. (Set $1.40 postpaid.) Each. .30 .24 .03 Song Treasures. ------- paper .15 pd. *Rest Primary Songs, new ------- .15 pd. *Washington's Birthday, How to Celebrate It, - paper .25 pd. SCHOOL APPARATUS. Smith's Rapid Practice Arithmetic Cards, (32 sets), Each, .50 pd. " Standard " Manikin. (Sold by subscription.) Price on application. ' Man Wonderlul " Manikin, - 4.0O pd. Standard Blackboard Stencils, 500 different nos., from 5 to 50 cents each. Send for special catalogue. " Unique " Pencil Sharpener, - 1.50 .10 * Russell's Solar Lantern, ----- 25.00 pd. Standard Physician's Manikin. (Sold by subscription.) %W 100 page classified, illustrated, descriptive Catalogue of the above and many other Method Books, Teachers' Helps, sent free. 100 page Cat- loguelof books tor teachers, of allSpublishers, light school apparatus, etc., sent free. Each of these con aiu our special teachers' prices. E. L. KELLOGG & CO., New York & Chicago. SEND ALL ORDERS TO E. L. KELLOGG & CO., NEW YORK & CHICAUU. Augsburg s Easy Things to Draw. By D. It. AUGSBURG, Snpt. Drawing at Salt Lake City, Utah. Quarto, durable and elegant cardboard cover, 80 pp., with 31 pages of plates, containing over 200 different figures. Price, 30 cents; to teachers, 24 cents; by mail, 4 cents extra. This book is not designed to present a system of drawing. It is a collection of drawings made in the simplest possible way, and so constructed that any one may reproduce them. Its design is to furnish a hand-book containing drawings as would be needed for the school-room for object lessons, drawing lessons, busy work. This collection may be used in connection with any sys- tem of drawing, as it contains examples suitable for practice. It may also be used alone, as a means of learning the art of draw- ing. As will be seen from the above the idea of this book is new and novel. Those who have seen it are delighted with it as it so exactly fills a want. An index enables the teacher to refer in- stantly to a simple drawing of a cat, dog, lion, coffee-berry, etc. Our list of Blackboard Stencils is in the same line. Augsburg's Easy Drawings for the Gea- CLASS. By D. E. AUGSBUEG, B. P., author of "Easy Things to Draw. " Contains 40 large plates, each containing from 4 to 60 separate drawings. 96 pp., quarto cardboard cover. Price 50 cents; to teachers, 40 cents ; by mail 5 cents extra. In this volume is the same excellent work that was noted in Mr. Augsburg's "Easy Things to Draw." He does not here seek to present a system of drawing, but to give a collection 'of drawings made in the simplest possible way, and so constructed teat any one may reproduce them. Leading educators believe that draw- ing has not occupied the position in the school course hereto fore that it ought to have occupied: that it is the most effectual means of presenting facts, especially in the sciences. The author has used it in this book to illustrate geography, giving draw- ings of plants, animals, and natural features, and calling at- tention to steps in drawing. The idea is a novel one, and it is believed that the practical manner in which the subject is treated vrill make the book a popular one in the school-room Each plate is placed opposite a lesson that maybe used in connection. An index brings the plates instantly to the eye. University of California SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY 405 Hilgard Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90024-1388 Return this material to the library from which it was borrowed. USUD 27 000039517 8