I WILLIAM DILLER MATTHEW GIFT OF WILLIAM DILLER MATTHEW A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF """ FISHES BY BASHFORD^ DEAN U- ENLARGED AND EDITED BY CHARLES ROCHESTER EASTMAN VOLUME II AUTHORS' TITLES L-Z THE AMERICAN MUSEUM NATURAL PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM 1917 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES BY BASHFORD DEAN ENLARGED AND EDITED BY CHARLES ROCHESTER EASTMAN VOLUME II AUTHORS' TITLES L-Z THE AMERICAN MUSEUM NATURAL HISTORY PUBLISHED BY THE MUSEUM 1917 MATTHEW LIBRARY THE. UNIVERSITY PRESS, CAMBRIDGE, U.S.A. Quam bene, alii judicaburfi; magno certe cum labore." 762255 Pour bien sgavoir les choses il faut en s^avoir le detail. La Rochefoucauld. CONTENTS ii. AUTHORS' LISTS OF TITLES. L-Z, AND ANONYMOUS PUBLICATIONS. VOLUME II. III. TITLES OF PRE-LINN.EAN PUBLICATIONS. IV. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES WHICH INCLUDE REFERENCES TO FISHES. V. VOYAGES AND EXPEDITIONS WHICH RELATE TO FISHES. VI. LIST OF PERIODICALS RELATING TO FISH AND FISH-CULTURE, WITH THE ABBREVIATIONS HEREIN USED. VII. SUBJECT-INDEX OF THEMES TREATED IN AUTHORS' LISTS OF TITLES. VIII. ADDENDA AND ERRATA. EXPLANATORY NOTE I. For economy in publication, titles have been simplified; certain words and punctuation marks have been omitted where they appeared unnecessary for a clear understanding of the references. II. Rules of the American Library Association have been followed as to (1) alphabetizing, and (2) transliteration of Slavonic names with vowels as in Italian and consonants as in English. In addition, initial capitals in foreign languages are unaccented, as for instance Abo for Abo, Etat for Etat, etc., and Danish and Norwegian nouns are not capitalized. III. Additions to titles or inserted explanatory phrases are included in inferior brackets [ J, parentheses being retained where they occur in titles. IV. The number of the volume is printed in bold-faced type, imme- diately succeeding the numerals denoting year of publication. V. Authors' titles are arranged chronologically as to years and al- phabetically as to publications within the same year. VI. Where titles have been taken from standard works of reference (e. g., British Museum Library Catalogue and the bibliographies of Agassiz, Bosgoed, Carus and Engelmann, etc.) the numbers for pages and volume have not as a rule been verified. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES L., (Dr.) Abanderungen im Fischerei- gesetze. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2, 373-374. 1879 1 L, Friedfische und Raubfische. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, P. 116. 1880.1 L., F. A. Der Saibling (Salrno salveli- nus] als Bassin Fisch. Deutsch. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 214-215. 1880.1 Die Verwerthung der Laube [Alburnus lucidus] am Attersee. Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 22. 1880.2 L., G. How and where eels generate. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 214. 1876.1 L., J. Angling at the Berlin exhibi- tion. Fish. Gazette, 1880, 4, 443-444 1880.1 L., W. Observations on the eel (Anguilla murcena) Mag. Nat. Hist., 1835, 8, 233-236. 1835.1 - The Salmonidae of Scotland. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1835, 8, 232-233. 1835.2 L., W. N. The chimsera or rat-fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 277. 1879.1 Laackmann, H. Der Lowenkopf- fisch [Carassius] das neueste Zuchtpro- dukt japanischer Schleierfischzucht im Leipziger Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 685- 686; 761-762. 2 figs. 1911.1 Die japanischen Abarten des Goldfisches. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 319-321: 335- 337. 10 figs. 1912.1 Die Zucht der Goldfischabarten in Japan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 543-546. 2 figs. 1912.2 Laaser, Paul. Die Entwickelung der Zahnleiste bei den Selachiern. Vorlau- fige Mitteilung. Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 479-489. 8 figs. 1900.1 - Die Zahnleiste und die ersten Zahnanlagen der Selachier. Jena. Zcit- schr. Naturw., 190:*. 47. :,:,! 578, pi. & 13 figs. Also separate; Leipzig, 1903. 29 P- HMK.I Labatut, - , & Perrier, Leon. See Perrier & Labatut. La Baviere, Pdche du hareng. Rev. Marit. & Colon. Paris, 1872 875-893. 1872.1 La Blanchdre. Pierre Rene Henri Moullin du Coudray de [1821-1880] La peche aux bams de mer. Paris rn. d.i ii, 323 p. pi. 4. Industrie des eaux; culture des plages maritimes; pche; e'le'vage; multiplication des crevettes; homaras; langoustes; crabes; huttres; moules et mollusques divers; avec une preface de M. Coste. Paris, 1866. viii,276p. pis. 16. 1866.1 Etablissement de pisciculture de Cadillac-sur-Garonne. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1868, 2. s6r. 6, 840-850. 1868.1 La peche et les poissons. Nou- veau dictionnaire ge'ne'ral des pSches. Pr6ced6 d'une preface par Auguste Dume'ril. Paris, 1868. xv, 859 p. pis. &figs. 8. 1868.2 Domestication des poissons. Journ. Agricult. Pratique, 1869, 33. annSe, 2, 705-708. pi. 1869.1 Du transport des poissons vi- vants. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. ser. 6, 284-298. 8 figs. 1869.2 Nouveau systeme d'e"levage pour les salmonid^s et de leur nourriture a I'Stat d'alevins. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. se"r. 6, 515-532. 3 fi| 1869.3 Comment meurent les poissons. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. s^r. 7, 362-366. 1870.1 Le d6peuplement des eaux de France, la pisciculture et la 16gislation sur la peche. Rev. des Deux Mondes, 1870, 40, 243-263. 1870.2 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAB La Blanchere, P. R. H.M. C. L' esprit des poissons. Paris, 1870. 35 pis. 12. 1870.3 -^ Culture -CJGS" eaux. Journ. Agri- Jciilf. Pratique- ^870, 34. annee, 1, 165- 167; 447-450; 521-524; 627-629; : S.(&T663.' ,'lbia 1 ., R870-Vly 35. annee, 2, 150-4&2; ' 19l:-195;' '519-522; 635-637; 997-999. Ibid., 1872, 36. annee, 2, 43- 47; 263-269; 297-298; 412^16; 636- 639. 1870.4 Des viviers marins. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1872, 2. ser. 9, 270-280. 1872.2 Peche fluviale. Des modifica- tions a apporter au decret du 25 Janvier 1868. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1872, 2. ser. 9, 355-363. 1872.3 Sur les changements de colora- tion produits chez les poissons par les conditions d'habitat. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 1029-1030. 1872.4 Sur une espece nouvelle de chondrostome, determinee dans les eaux du Rouergue (Chondrostoma pe- resi La Bl.) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 1632-1636. illust. 1872.5 Les chondrostomes de France. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1873, 2. ser. 10, 689-699. illust. 1873.1 Sur une vaudoise nouvelle de- terminee dans les eaux du Rouergue (Squalius oxyrrhinis La Bl.) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 76, 662-665. 1873.2 Les anabatides (Anabas scan- dens] La Nature, 1874, 2. annee, pt. 2, 193-195. figs. 1874.1 Les coffres [Ostracion] La Na- ture, 1874, 2. annee, pt. 2, 175-176. fig. 1874.2 Y a-t-il des poissons a accli- mater? Conference faite au Jardin d'Acclimatation, le 29 juillet 1873. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. se>. 1, 64-80. 1874.3 Exposition des industries mari- times et fluviatiles. La peche et les poissons. Journ. Agricult. Pratique, 1875, 39. annee, 2, 184-185; 708-710; 743-747. 1875.1 L' esprit des poissons. 2. ed. Paris, 1876. 35 pis. 8. 1876.1 Generation de 1'anguille. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1876, 3. ser. 3, 489- 494. 1876.2 L'aquiculture en France, en Europe et en Ameriaue. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1877, 3. ser. 4, 617-640. 1877.1 Les nouveaux engins d'eclosion et remontage des poissons. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 5. sess. 1876 (1877), 931-941. 1877.2 La pisciculture en Russie. Journ. Agricult. Pratique, 1877, 41. annee, 1, 59-62; 88-89. 1877.3 Generation de 1'anguille. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1878, 3. ser. 3, 489- 494. 1878.1 Laboissiere, V. Note sur Hexanchus griseus Rafin. Bull. Assoc. Nat. Leval- lois-Perret, 1910, 5. annee, p. 6. 1910.1 Labonte, Hermann. Beitrage zur Verbreitung und Biologic der drei seltenen Barscharten Aspro streber v. Sieb., A. zingel (L.) und Acerina schrcet- ser (L.) des Donaugebietes. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16. Jahrg., 443-448; 456-458; 463-467; 475-477; 485-487; 493-498. 1905.1 Zur Biologie des Strebers (Aspro streber v. Siebold) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 523-525. fig. 1909.1 Laborde, (Abbe) Ueber den (elektrischen) fliegenden Fisch. Aus- land, 1865, 38. Jahrg., 549-550. 1865.1 Not seen; title from O. Taschenberg, Biblio- theca Zoologica, Bd. iv. Labtbom, J. (prceses) Dissertatio de piscinis. Upsalise, 1764. 4. 1764.1 C. Iseberg, respondent. Lacepede, (Comte) Bernhard Germain Etiennede la Ville-sur-Illon [1756-1825] Introduction au cours d'ichthyologie donne dans les galeries du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Magasin Ency- clop. (Millin), 1795, 1, 448. 1795.1 Sur le Polyodon feuille [Spatu- laria folium] Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1797, 1, pt. 2, 49. Magasin En- cyclop. (Millin), 1797, 3, pt. 4, 13-14. 1797.1 Histoire naturelle des poissons, [vol. i] par le citoyen La Cepede, mem- bre de 1'Institut National, et Professeur du Museum d' Histoire Naturelle. Tome premier [-v] Paris, 1798-1803. 4. 1798.1 " The title-page was modified in each volume, and the personal titles successively increased in number; the address of the publisher was LAE BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I ISIIKS changed (in vols. iii-v); the last volume (on title-page) was dedicated to his late wife: and only the first volume bears the date of the ( 'hris- t ian era. "Originally published and frequently repro- duced in connection with BufTon's works, e.g.. Buffon, 1st ed. (174!) SI), vols. :{'. 43; 1st 12mo ed. (1752-1805), vols. 78-88; Lacepede's 1st ed (1799-1802), 14 vols.; Lacepede's 2d ed. (1817- 19), vols. 13-17; Lamouroux and Desmarest's ed. (1824-32), suite i.e., (Euvres du Comte de Lacepede vols. 5-11; Lecointe's ed. (1829- 34), about 25 vols; also republished in ' His- toire Naturelle' in 1855. The compilation as- cribed to Spnnini dc Manoncour (Charles Nicolas Sijnshrrt) is also merely a slightly modified re- print of the same work. " A work by an able man and eloquent writer, but which, on account of undue confidence in others, default of comparison of materials from want thereof and otherwise, and carelessness generally, is entirely unreliable. Many species appear under several different names, and in genera widely separated. The classification adopted is a procrustean system of (1) sub- classes, (2) divisions, and (3) orders. . . . Four- teen hundred and sixty-three (1463) nominal species were described." T. N. Gill, Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1872, 11, no. 247, 39. Memoire sur 1'organe de la vue du poisson appele Cobitis anableps ou " gros yeux de Cayenne." Mem. In- stit. Paris, 1799, 2, 372-379. 1799.2 - Xaturgeschichte der Fische. 2 vols. Berlin, 1799-1803. fig. 8. 1799.3 A second edition of this work, edited by Desmarest, was published at Paris in 1833-35. - Histoire naturelle des poissons . . . dediee au citoyen Lacepede. 14 vols. Paris, 1799-1804. 18. 1803.1 " Although vols. i-x are dated 1799, this issue of this edition did not appear till 1803." C. D. Sherborn, Nat. Sci., 15, 406. - Memoire sur plusieurs animaux de la Nouvelle Hollande (reptiles et poissons) dont la description n'a pas encore ete publiee. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1804, 4, 184-211. fig. 1804.1 Sur un poisson f ossile trouve dans une couche de gypse a Montmartre, pres de Paris. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1807, 10, 234-235. 1807.1 Collection des planches d' ani- maux pour les opuvres de M. le Comte de Lacepede, faisant suite aux oeuvres completes de Buffon. Paris, 1819. 114 pis. 8. 1819.1 Histoire naturelle des poissons, par M. le Comte de Lacepede, suite et complement des oeuvres de Buffon. 5 vols. Paris, 1819. 93 pis. 8. 1819.2 Naturgeschichte der Fische. 2. ed. 3 vols. edited by Desmarest. Paris, 1833-35. 1833.1 Ill-loin- liatlirrllc <|r 'omprrnant Irs rrlarrs, OVipams, les serpent ( >| |<-.s poissQOI nouvelle ('dition, pnVr.l.V dc IVI..^- .1,- Lape'pAde, par Cuvic-r; avec des notes et la nouvelle classification de M. A. G Desmarast. 2 vols. Paris, 1844. col. pis. 8. 1844.1 Histoire naturelle des poissons. Bar-le-Duc, 1878. iv, 319 p. 8 bliotheque des chefs d'oeuvres) 1878.1 Lacepede, (Comte) Benihard Ger- main Etienne, Vauquelin, Louis Nico- las, & Cuvier, (Baron) Georges. Rap- port fait a la classe des sciences phy- siques et mathematiques, sur le me"- moire de M. Delaroche, relatif a la vessie ae>ienne des poissons. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1809, 14, 165-183. 1809.1 La Chapelle, - - de. Observation sur un poisson, qui ressemble a peu pres a une truite qui fait Peffet crun barometre. M6m. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1820, 1, 424. 1820.1 La Chenaye-Desbois, Francois Ale- xandre Aubert de. Dictionnaire raisonn6 . . . des animaux, etc. 4 vols. Paris, 1759. 4. 1759.1 Lachmann, Hermann [Notes on the habits in confinement of Protoptenis annectens Owen] Zool. Garten, 1891, 32, 129. 1891.1 Getiipfter Gurami. Northus, Altona, 1901, 3, 12-13; 22-24. 1901.1 Ein neuer Zahnkarpfen. Ner- thus, Altona, 1901, 3, 735-736. fig. 1901.2 Lacoin, //.. & Hameau, - - See Hameau & Lacoin. Ladreyt, F., - chenbl., 1863, 3. Jahrg., 49-51; 64-66. 1863.1 Laubli, Georg. Statistische und tcch- nische Darstellung der Fischcrci im Bodensee und Untersee. Intern. I i- AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAE Laubli, G. scherei-Ausstell. Berlin, 1880 (Schwei- zerischer Katalog), 77-95. Also separate; Leipzig, 1880. 19 p. 8. 1880.1 Lafite-Dupont, J. Experimentation sur 1' orientation des poissons. Lesions des canaux semi-circulaires de 1'oreille interne. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1905, 60 (Proc. Vert.}, Iviii-lix. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 8, 103-107. 1905.1 Recherches sur F audition des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1907, 63, 710-711. 1907.1 Sur le developpement de la paroi des sinus veineux des poissons cartilagi- neux. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1910, 68, 694. 1910.1 Lafone Quevado, Samuel A. Pro- logo, traducci6n y annotaci6nes (In Schmidel, Ulrich. Viaje al Rio de la Plata (1534-1554) Notas bibliograficas y biograiicas por Bartolomeo Mitre. Buenos Aires, 1903. 499 p. illust. & maps. 8) 1903.1 Lafont, A. Note pour servir a la faune de la Gironde, contenant la liste des animaux marins dont la presence a Arcachon a etc" constatee pendant les annees 1867 et 1868. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1868, 26, 518-531. 1868.1 Description d'une nouvelle es- Eece de raie [Raja brachyura] Act. Soc. inn. Bordeaux 1871 (1873), 28 (3. ser. 8), 503-504. pi. 1873.1 La Fontaine, Alphonse de [c. 1820 ] Faune du pays de Luxembourg, ou manuel de zoologie, etc. 4 vols. Lu- xembourg, 1865-72. illust. 1865.1 Poissons de Luxembourg. 2 pis. Lagally, M. Ueber Schutzfarben der Fische. Ber. Naturwiss. Ver. Re- gensburg, 1903, 9, 35-51. 1903.1 Lagatu, H. Anomalies de coloration observees chez une sole et une raie. Poissons rares captures a Arcachon. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1887, 41, Ixxvi. 1887.1 Lagberg, Joh. 01. Dissertatio anato- miam sistens Murcence anguilla L. \An- guilla vulgaris Flem.] comparatam et observationibus physiologicis dilucida- tam. Lund, 1821. 24p. pi. 8. 1821.1 Laghuzen, losif Ivanovich. Lahusen, /. /. See Lagriffe, , & Maurel, - See Maurel & Lagriffe. Laguesse, G. E. Sur le developpe- ment de la rate des poissons osseux. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1887, 8. ser. 4, 458-460. 1887.1 Developpement du pancreas chez les poissons osseux. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1889, 9. ser. 1, 341-343. 1889.1 Note sur la rate et le pancreas du protoptere et de la lamproie. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1890, 9. ser. 2, 425-426. 1890.1 Recherches sur le developpement de la rate chez les poissons. Journ. Anat. Physiol. Paris, 1890, 26, 345-406; 425- 495. 13 pis. * 1890.2 Bourrelets valvulaires arteriels chez les poissons (Labrus, Crenilabrus) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1892, 9. ser. 4, 211-213. 2 figs. 1892.1 Sur les bourgeons pancreatiques accessories et, 1'origine du canal pancre- atique chez les poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 5, 402-404. 1893.1 - Developpement du pancreas chez les poissons osseux (organogenic, histogenie) Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1894,30,79-116. pi. 1894.1 - Developpement du pancreas chez les selaciens. Bibliogr. Anat., Paris, 1894, 2, 101-109. figs. 1894.2 Sur le pancreas du crenilabre et particulierement sur le pancreas intra- hepatique. Rev. Biol. Nord France, 1895, 7, 343-363. pi. 1895.1 Sur la structure du pancreas chez le Galeus cams. Bibliogr. Anat., Paris, 1902, 10, 260-272. figs. 1902.1 Sur quelques formes primitives des Hots endocrines dans le pancreas des selaciens et des ophidiens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Nancy, 1902, 4, 14-18. 1902.2 Sur la structure de la capsule de la rate chez PAcanthias. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1903, 65, 1107-1108. 1903.1 Sur I'histog6nese de la fibre col- lagene et de la substance fondamentale dans la capsule de la rate chez les sela- ciens. Arch. Anat. Microsc., 1903, 6, 99-169. pi. & 16 figs. 1903.2 LAH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF 1 ISHKS - Lcs " St&bchendrtisenaellen " (M. Plehn) sont des sporozouires para- sites. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 414-416. 1906.1 Entgegnung darauf von Marianne Plehn. Ibid., 1907, 29, 152-156. - Un oxemple bien net d' architec- ture lumelhiire du tissu conjonctif lache [des fcrtus de hi torpillel C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1911, 71, 328- 329. 1911.1 Sur le tissu conjonctif du cordon ombilical de la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1913, 76, 800-801. 1913.1 Sur 1'origine embryonnaire des lamelles de substance conjonctive fon- damentale hyaline chez la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1913, 76, 337-339. 1913.2 Lagus, Elias. Utdrag af en beskrif- ning ofver Kusamo socken i Kimi Lapp- mark. Tredje stycket om socknens naturalhistoria. K. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 1772, 33, 349-358.- Abh. Schwed. Akad. Wiss. 1772 (1776), 34, 345-352. 1776.1 Lagus, S. Lax och al i Kyro sund vid Nyslott. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 171-172. 1900.1 Lahille, Fernando. Poissons et ba- traciens de Toulouse et de ses environs. 3 pts. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat, Toulouse, 1888. 1888.1 Lista de los pescados recogidos en los alrededores de la Plata (Provincia de Buenos Aires) durante el ano 1894. Revist. Mus. La Plata, 1895, 6, 265-278. 1895.1 Nota sobre la industria de la pesca en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Revist. Mus. La Plata, 1895, 7, 159-168. 1895.2 Una estacion maritima provin- cial. Revist. Mus. La Plata, 1898, 8, 389-436. 9 pis. & 4 figs. 1898.1 Estudio sistematico de los peces. Bol. Agricult. Ganaderia, Buenos Aires, 1901. 8 p. 1901.1 La industria de la pesca en la cuenca del Rio Salado, y aprovechami- ento de las aguas hoy sin valor. Bol. Agricult. Ganaderia, Buenos Aires, 1901. 18 p. 1901.2 Los fondos de pesca en la provin- cia de Buenos Aires. Bol. Agricult. C.anaderia, Buenos Aires, 1901. 1 p !>' 1901.3 - Los pe.M-a.lnre> ,). l :l munieipali- dad de mar del Plata (legisla> Buenos Aires, 1902. l '. K )_> . 1 Nota sobre un ge"nero mir\<> . liol. Centr. Naval, Buenos Aires. December, 1905. 53 p. 9 figs. 1 DO.Vl Nota sobre el Chenogaster holm- bergi. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos A in-.. 1905, 3. ser. 4, 461-476. pi. & 2 figs. 1905.2 Congreso internacional de pesca y piscicultura. Bol. Minist. Agricult. Buenos Aires, 1906, 6, 116. 1906.1 El dominio nacional de la pesca maritima. Bol. Minist. Agricult. Bue- nos Aires, 1906, 6, 1-48. 2 pis. & figs. 1906.2 La pesca en la Repiiblica Argen- tina. Parte I. Producci6n, consume, transporte y Iegislaci6n, con 12 dia- gramas y 6 anexos. Ann. Minist. Agri- cult. Buenos Aires, 1906, 3, 1-212. 1906.3 Aprovechamiento integral de la pesca maritima. Bol. Centr. Naval, Buenos Aires, 1907, 25. 1907.1 Estadistica de la pesca en la Re- publica Argentina para el afio 1906. Bol. Minist. Agricult. Buenos Aires, 1907, 8, 295-330. 1907.2 Estadfstica de la pesca en la Re- piiblica Argentina para el ano 1907. Bol. Minist. Agricult. Buenos Aires, 1908, 9, 163-169. 1908.1 Fiches ichthyome"triques. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buncos Aires, 1908, 3. ser. 9,443-457. 2 figs. 1908.2 Nota sobre los Zoarcidos arp-n- tinos. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1908, 3. ser. 9, 403-441. 2 pis. & 9 figs. 1908.3 Estadistica de la pesca en la Re- publica Argentina para el aflo 1908. Bol. Mini>' . Agricult. Buenos Aires, 1909, 11, 687-723. 1909.1 Reglamentaci6n de la pesca en las aguas dulces de la provincia de Bue- nos Aires. Bol. Centr. Naval., Buenos Aires, 1909. 17 p. 1909.2 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAH Lahille, F. La industria de la caza y de la pesca en la Repiiblica Argentina. Necesidad del frio artificial para fomen- tar su desarrollo. Bol. Minist. Agricult. Buenos Aires, 1910, 12, 133-145. 1910.1 Morenitas y ratonas (Gymno- tidae) Revist. Jard. Zool., Buenos Aires, 1910, 6, 1-11. 4 figs. 1910.2 Nota sobre los generos Heptran- chias y Hexanchus. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1913, 24, 25-34. pis. 1913.1 Nota sobre siete peces de las costas argentinas. Anal. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, 1913, 24, 1-20. 7 pis. & 2 figs. 1913.2 Notas sobre un pez de Africa (Agonus chiliensis) Revist. Chilena Hist. Nat. Santiago de Chili, 1913, 179- 181. pi. 1913.3 Lahusen, losif Ivanovich [1846] Zur Kenntniss der Gattung Bothriolepis Eichw. Verh. Russ. K. Mineral. Ges. St. Petersb., 1880, 2. ser. 15, 125-138. - Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1880, 2, 230- 231. 2 pis. 1880.1 Laighton, Cedric. The capture of shad at isles of Shoals, New Hampshire. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 421. 1882.1 Laing, Samuel [1812-1897] Journal of a residence in Norway, during the years 1834, 1835 & 1836, etc. London, 1851. 8. 1851.1 Chap ix. The winter fishing at Lafoden. Use of nets in cod fishery. Herring fishery. Laister, Alexander. Beschreibung des Goktscha-Sees [Text in Russian] Pamiatn. KniSka Erivansk. Gub., Eri- vani, 1908, 163-222. 1908.1 Laitinen, A. Nagra ord om fisket i Lappmarken. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 151-152. 1892.1 - Nagra ord om fiskeriforhallan- dena i Enontekis. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 125-126. 1893.1 Om fiskevattnen i Rovaniemi. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 43-44. 1900.1 Lakowitz, Conrad [1859] Die nordeuropaischen Meere im Rahmen der internationalen Meeresforschung. Schrift. Nat. Ges. Danzig, 1908, n. s. 12, no. 2, xxxiv-xxxviii. 1908.1 Lallemand, F. Observations sur le developpement des zoospermes de la raie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1841, 12, 1025-1029. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1841, 16, 257-262. fig. 1841.1 Lalliiiger, Joseph. Beitrag zur His- tologie und Genese der primaren Eihtil- len bei den Knochenfischen. Inaug. Dis- sert. Augsburg, 1901. 42 p. pi. 1901.1 Laloy, L. Soins donnas aux jeunes par les poissons. La Nature, 1901, 29, 244-247. fig. 1901.1 La couleur des poissons et la se- lection naturelle. Rev. Scient., 1907, 5. ser. 8, 809-810. 1907.1 Biologic de 1'anguille. Le Na- turaliste, 1910, 32, 206-207. 1910.1 Lamarche, Cyrille de. A propos du chabot (Cottus gobio L.) Son extreme abondance aux Etats-Unis. Comment il peut empecher le repeuplement des eaux. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. annee, no. 235, 273-276. 1897.1 Le saumon de Californie et son prophete Jousset. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. annee, no. 241, 369-378. 1897.2 Le macropode de Chine. Cos- mos, 1899, n. s. 40, 650-652. fig. 1899.1 Le cat-fish ou poisson-chat (Ami- urus catus) Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim., Paris, 1904, 61, 292-298. 1904.1 Lamarck, Jean Baptiste Pierre An- toine de Monet de [1744-1829] For biography see Packard, A. S. Lamarck, the founder of evolution, etc. New York, 1901. Philosophic zoologique, ou ex- position des considerations relatives a 1'histoire naturelle des animaux, etc. Paris, 1809. 8. 1809.1 Zoological philosophy, an expo- sition with regard to the natural history of animals, by J. B. Lamarck. Trans- lated by Hugh Elliot. London, 1914. xcii, 410 p. 8. 1914.1 La Marre, L. H. de, & Duhamel du Monceau, Henri Louis. See footnote under Duhamel du Monceau, 1769.1. Lamb, Arthur B. The development of the eye muscles in Acanthias. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1902, 1, 185-202. 9 figs. Tufts College Stud., no. 7, 275-292. 1902.1 LAM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FIMIK< Lambe, Lawrence M. New genera and species from the Belly river series (Mid-Cretaceous) Contrib. Canadian Puki'ont., Ottawa, 1902, 3, 25-81. 2 pis. 1902.1 Myledaphus, Acipenser, Lepidotus, Rlunr- astes, Diphyodus. - The progress of vertebrate palae- ontology in Canada. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1903 (1904), 2. ser. 10, pt. 4, 13-56. 1904.1 - Vertebrate palaeontology. Sum- mary Rept. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1904, 362-371. 1904.2 Contains references to fossil Amiidae and Siluridae. Note on the age of the Horsefly, Similkameen and Tranquille Tertiary beds of the southern interior of British Columbia. Summary Rept. Geol. Surv. Canada, 1905, 137-138. 1905.1 Records presence of two species of Amyzon. On Amyzon brevipinne Cope, from the Amyzon beds of the southern interior of British Columbia. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1906, 2. ser. 12, sect. 4, 151-156. pi. 1906.1 - The vertebrata of the Oligocene of the Cypress hills, Saskatchewan. Contrib. Canadian Palseont., 1908, 3, pt. 4, 1-65. 8 pis. 1908.1 Pisces, p. 12-17. Amia, Amiurus, Lepidosteus Rhineastes. Bibliography of Canadian zool- ogy for 1907-1911 (exclusive of ento- mology) Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1908 (1909), 3. ser. 2, 77-87. Ibid. 1909 (1910), 3, 169-176. Ibid. 1910 (1911), 4, 101-108. Ibid. 1911 (1912), 6, 155-163. 1909.1 Numerous ichthyological titles are listed, as follows: 2, p. 79-81; 3, p. 170-171; 4, p. 102- 103: 5, p. 157. -The fish-fauna of the Albert shales of New Brunswick. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1909, 4. ser. 28, 165-174. 8 figs. 1909.2 Rhadinichthys, Elonichthys, Canobius. Palaeoniscid fishes from the Al- bert shales of New Brunswick. Contrib. Canadian Palseont., 1910, 3, pt. 5, 1-35. 11 pis. 1910.1 Two of the plates illustrating this paper are reproduced from photographs of unpublished plates intended to accompany C. T. Jackson's Report on the Albert Coal mine of New Bruns- wick, etc., Boston, 1851. The plates were dis- covered by C. R. Eastman in the Yale museum. Bibliography of Canadian Zool- ogy for 1910 (exclusive of entomology) Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1912, 3. 6, 155 H,:; 1912.1 - The past vertebrate life of Canada. Presidential address. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1911 (1912), 3. ser. 5, sect. 4, 3-15. 1912.2 Bibliography of Canadian zool- ogy for 1 9 1 1 (Exclusive of entomology) Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1913, 3. ser. 6, sect. 4, 101-114. 1913.1 - The occurrence of helodont teeth at Roche Miette and vicinity, Alberta. Bull. Victoria Mem. Mus., 1913, no. 1, 17-22. pi. & fig. 1913.2 Description of a new species of Platysomus from the neighborhood of Banff, Alberta. Trans. Roy. Soc. Capada, 1914, 8, 17-23. fig. 1914.1 Ganoid fishes from near Banff, Alberta. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1916, 3. ser. 10, 35-44. 3 pis. 1916.1 New species are described of Coelacanthus and Elonichthys, from lower Triassic strata near Banff. Lambe, Lawrence M., & Osborn, Henry Fair field. See Osborn & Lambe. Lambert, E. A. Note sur une nou- velle station de la gremille, Acerina cernua Cuvier; son apparition dans la riviere de la Mayenne, suivie d'une liste des poissons signales jusqu'd, ce jour dans le d6partement de la Mayenne. Bull. Soc. Ouest France, 1894, 4, 13-16. 1894.1 Lambert, E. M. A plan for bass ponds. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 143-145. fig. 1905.1 Lambert, G. Poissons vivipares en Californie. Soc. Sci. Hainaut, Mons, 1845. 1895.1 Lambert, Osmund. Angling litera- ture in England; and descriptions of fishing by the ancients; with a notice of some books on other piscatorial subjects. London, 1881. 87 p. 8. 1881.1 Notice of Francis Marius Gra- paldus' " De partibus sedum," etc., published in 1494. Academy, London, July 28, 1883, p. 64. 1883.1 Some gathering for the " Biblio- theca Piscatoria" Academy, London, 1883, no. 586, 63-64. 1883.2 Lambert, T. S. Petition of T. S. Lambert to the legislature of the state of New York, praying the appointing of a commission to consider the best means of stocking the waters of the state with fish. Albany [n. d.) 8. 8 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAM Lambkin, J. Bayard. The spawning habits of the large-mouth black bass in the south. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1900 (1901), 129-131. 1901.1 A few points on the black bass for discussion. Trans. Amer. Fisheries 1902 (1903), 147-148. 1903.1 Larnbl, D. Ryby adriaticke [Fish of the Adriatic] Casopis Ceskeho Musea Praze, 1854, Rocnik. 28, 37-64; 167-192. 1854.1 Lametherie, Jean Claude de [1743- 1817] Description d'un poisson fossile trouve dans un bloc de gypse de Mont- martre. Journ. de Physique, 1803, 57, 320. 1803.1 Lamie, J. Excursion dans la region des lacs d'Auvergne. Coexistence des isoetes et des truites dans les lacs pyre- ne"es. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1903, 36, 19-21. 1903.1 Lamiral, E. Memoires sur la pisci- culture et sur la culture des plantes sous- marines. Bull. Soc. Encour. Paris, 1851, 60, 452-483. Also separate; Paris, 1851. 4. 1851.1 Rapport sur une mission d' etudes relatives a la fecondation artificielle des oeufs de poissons de mer. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1864, 2. ser. 1, 1-11. 1864.1 Lammers, A. Deutsche Seefische- rei. Vierteljahresschr. Volkswirthsch., 1871, 33 (9. Jahrg. 1), 35-65. 1871.1 Lamond, H. The sea-trout. Lon- don, 1916. xi, 219 p. 8. 1916.1 Lament, A. Notice of the colossal ray or skate [Ceratoperia johnii M. H.] with an account of the capture of one, at Port Royal, Jamaica. Edinb. Philos. Journ., 1824, 11, 113-118. Notizen (Froriep), 1824, 8, no. 158, 53-56. 1824.1 Trav. Labor. Caen, 1811-15, p. 13-18. N. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 3, 181. 1811.1 Lamo the - Cadillac , Extracts from the memoirs of M. Lamothe-Cadil- lac respecting Acadia, New England, New Netherland and Virginia. N. Y. Hist. Coll., 1$55, 9, 546-550. 1855.1 Fishes of the river St. John, N. B., p. 547. La Motte, F. Ueber die Durchfor- schung des Meeres nach den Aallaich- a" sen. Mitth. Sect. Kusten Hochsee- , 1893, 113-135. Ibid., 1894, 173- 180. 1893.1 Lamouroux, Jean Vincent Felix [1779-1825] Memoire sur la montee. Lampe, Dr. Lampe' s Fisch- zucht. Populares Handbuch der Ana- tomie, Arten, Pflege, Zucht und samt- licher Krankheiten der Fische, sowie ein ausfiihrliches Nachschlagewerk aller die Susswasserfischerei betreffenden Ver- richtungen. Berlin-Charlottenburg & Leipzig, 1909. 256 p. pi. & 336 figs. 8. 1909.1 Lampert, Kurt. Ueber die Nahrung der Bachforelle und des Bachsaiblings. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 25, 273- 279. 1900.1 Das Leben der Binnengewasser. 2. ed. Leipzig, 1910. 806 p v 17 pis. & 279 figs. 1910.1 Fische und Fischerei, p. 646-672. Lamphear, George. Statistics on sales of fish in Fulton market. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1880 (1881), 42-43. 1881.1 Lams, Honore. Contribution a 1'e- tude de la genese du vitellus dans 1'ovule des teleosteens. Arch. Anat. Microsc., 1904,6,633-652. 2 pis. 1904.1 Lamy, Isidore. Elements de pisci- culture; ou, Resume des experiences faites au Chateau de Maintenon. Paris, [n. d.] 18. Nouveaux elements de piscicul- ture. Paris, 1866. viii, 93 p. 12. 1866.1 Land, Gordon. Fresh and salt water eels. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 261. 1877.1 Mountain trout (Salmo virgina- lis) Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 164; 245. 1879.1 Singular incidents in trout rais- ing. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 19. 1880.1 Land, S. E. Feeding trout fry, or the food problem solved. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1897 (1898), 128-130. 1898.1 The black-spotted mountain trout (Salmo stomias and related species) Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 183-198. 1913.1 Landacre, F. L. On the place of origin and method of distribution of taste buds in Ameiurus melas. Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 735-736. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 17, 1-66. pi. & 4 figs. 1907.1 LAN BIBLIOGRAPHY or FISIIFS -The epibranchial plarodrs of Ameriurus melas and nebulas ux. Sci- ence, 1908, n. s. 27, 913. 1908.1 The origin of the cranial purlin in Ameriurus. Journ. Comp. Noun)!.. 1910, 20, 309-411. 83 figs. Anal, Record, 4, 71-79. 3 figs. 1910.1 - The epibranchial placodes of Lepidosteus osseus and their relation to the cerebral ganglia. Journ. Comp. Near., 1912, 22, 1-69. 58 figs. 1912.1 Landacre, F. L., & Conger, A. C. The origin of the lateral line primordia in Lepidosteus osseus. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1913, 23, 575-633. 8 pis. 1913.1 Landau, .George. Beitrage zur Ge- schichte der Fischerei in Deutschland. Die Geschichte der Fischerei in beiden Hessen. Kassel, 1865. 107 p. 8. 1865.1 Landerer, Jose J. Principios de geologla y paleontologia. Barcelona, 1878. xiii, 431 p. illust. 8. 1878.1 Landes, Casimir. Aquiculture. Ap- ercu general de la production des eaux et des divers precedes d' exploitation chez les differents peuples et dans tous les ages. Pisciculture et peche. Tou- louse, 1890. 1890.1 Landgraf, Jean. La p6che et la pisciculture en Hongrie. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10, no. 221, 58-61. 1897.1 Landmark, A. Indberetning fra fiskeri-inspektoren angaaende hvad der i aarene 1874 og 1875 er foretaget til ferskvandsfiskeriernes fremme. Kristi- ania, 1876. 72 p. 4. 1876.1 Om de forsok, som i Norge under de senare aren blifvit foretagna med markning af lax och taimen. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 118-122; 131- 137. 1892.1 Uppfodning af laxyngel. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 103-110. 1897.1 Unglaks i Fjord [Junger Lachs in norwegischen Fjord en] Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1909, 28, 102-104. 1909.1 Landmark, A ., Sars, G. 0., & Rasch, H . See Rasch, Landmark & Sars. Landois, Hermann [1835] Der Haring. Natur u. Offenbarung, 1866, 12, 504-509. 1866.1 - DerAal. Natur. u. 1868,14,21-26. Beobachtungrn ul><-r /\\<-i in \\Vsi p|i:il(>n l.ishrr wmig beobacl Fix-he, d'dsterosteus pungitiu L. mid PetTOmyzon plunm' hi. \ <-rli. Naturlu-t. Ver. Preuss. liln-inl. \\rMplial., is; I, 28. Jahrg. (3. ser. 8. Jahrg.), 53-57. 1871.1 - Der kleine Stichling (Gasterosteus pungitius L.) und sein Nestbau. Zool. Garten, 1871, 12. Jahrg., 1-10. figs. Natur & Offenbarung, 1871, 17, 169- 177. pi. 1871.2 Ueber die Lautausserungen man- cher Fische. Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Neu- Vorpommern Riigen, 1873-74, 5. & 6. Jahrg., 16-17. 1873.1 Ueber einige wenig bekannte kleine Fischarten, welche neuerdings in Westphalen gefunden wurden. 2. Jah- resber. Westphal. Prov. Ver. Wiss. & Kunst, 1874, 40-41. 1874.1 Die Familie Megistopodes, Rie- senbauchflosser. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1894, 2, 228-235. pi. 1894.1 Die Gattungen Cheirothrix und Megistopus; vermutliche Flugbewegung derselben. - Fisch-Hagel. 24. Jahresber. Westphal. Prov. Ver., 1896, 25. 1896.1 Haben die Fische Gedachtniss? 25. Jahresber. Westphal. Prov. Ver., 1897, 84. 1897.1 Landrieu, Gustave. La question de la rogue. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 32. sess., 1904, pt. 2, 799-810. . J. Landriot, - [Lettre touchant les poissons fossiles renferm6s dans les schistes de Muse] Bull. Soc. G6ol. Paris, 1849, 2. se^r. 6, 90. 1849.1 Re"ponse aux r6flexions de M. Delahaye [sur les fossiles des schistes de Muse (Saone-et-Loire)] Bull. Soc. G6ol. Paris, 1850, 2. sr. 7, 32-36. 1850.1 Landts, - Vorsog til en I velse over Farorne. Kjebenhaven, 1800. 8. 1800.1 Lane, Henry H. The ovarian struc- tures of the viviparous blind fishes, Lucifuga and Stygicola. Biol. Bull. Wood's Hole, 1903, 6, 38-54. 8 figs. 1903.1 - On the ovary and ova of the Cuban cavefishes. Science, 1908, n. 8. 27, 951-952. 10 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAN Lane, H. H. On the ovary and ova in Luci- fuga and Stygicola (In Eigenmann, Carl H. Cave vertebrates of America, p. 226-232. 3 pis. Washington, 1909) 1909.1 Lang, Arnold [1855 ] Ob die Was- sertiere horen? Mitt. Naturw. Ges. Winterthur, 1902. 1902.1 Lang, Franz Vincenz, & Wirz, Ad. Bericht iiber die Fischfauna des Can- tons Solothurn. Solothurn, 1880. 7 p. 8. 1880.1 Lang, Gustav. Das Gehororgan der Cyprinoiden mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Nervenendapparate. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1863, 13, 2. Heft, 303-315. pi. 1863.1 De 1'organe auditif des Cypri- noides, et du mode de terminaison des nerfs dans cet organe [Extrait] Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1864, n. s. 19, 251-253. 1864.1 Lang, G. S. The fisheries of Victoria. 3. Ann. Rept. Acclim. Soc. Victoria, 1864, 57-64. 1864.2 Lang, Herbert. Fishing with poison in Africa. Copeia, 1915, no. 25, 57-59. 1915.1 Lang, William. Fish and fishing of Oregon. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 35. 1879.1 Pacific coast shad. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 487. 1879.2 Lange, /., Reinhardt, J. T., Schiodte, J. C., Morch, 0. A. L., Ltitken, C. F., & Rink, H. See Rein- hardt, Schiodte & others. Langelaan, J. W. Over de vorm van het rompmyotom. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam., 1904, 13, 50-57. pi. & 4 figs. Proc. Sect. Sci. Acad. Wet. Am- sterdam, 7, 34-40. pi. & 4 figs. 1904.1 Langer, Auslandische Siisswas- serfische. Isis (Russ), 1877, 2. Jahrg., 4-6; 102-103. pi. 1877.1 i. Teleskopfische, p. 4-5. ii. Makropoden oder Grossflosser, p. 5-6. iii. Der Gourami (Osphromenus olfax), p. 102- 103. Langer, Carl. Ueber Lymphgefasse des Darmes einiger Siisswasserfische. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1870, 62, Abth. 1, 161-170. pi. 1870.1 Langer, Osw. Die Zucht der Rivulus (insbesondere R. poeyi) Prakt. Zier- fischztichter, 1910, 3-5. 1910.1 Langer, W. F. Beitrage zur Morpho- logic der viviparen Cyprinodontiden. Morph. Jahrb., 1913, 47, 193-307. 150 figs. 1913.1 Langerhans, Paul [1848?-] Ueber das Auge der Neunaugen. Tagebl. 46. Vers. Deutsch. Naturf., 1873, 69. 1873.1 Ueber Petromyzon planeri. Frei- burg, 1873. 10 pis. 1873.2 Untersuchungen liber Petromy- zon planeri. Ber. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 1876, 6, Heft 3, 1-114. Also separate; Freiburg, 1873. 114 p. 8. 1876.1 Zur Anatomic des Amphioxus lanceolatus. Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1876, 12, 290-348. 4 pis. 1876.2 Langguth, George August [1711-1782] Programma de torpedinibus quibusdam nothis. Wittenbergse, 1774. 4. 1774.1 Dissertatio inauguralis medica de torpedine veterum genere Raja, quam prseside G. A. Langguth . . . disputabit J. S. T. Frenzel. Witten- bergse, 1776. 38 p. 4. 1776.1 De ortu piscium absque nuptiis pulchre fabulari, commentatio prior et posterior. Wittenbergse, 1777. 4. 1777.1 Dissertatio de tor- la. .1 Respondens J. A. Gam. Programma de nuptiis piscium innumera prole beatis. Wittenbergae, 1780. 4. 1780.1 Langhans, Theodor. Untersuchun- gen liber die Sclerotica der Fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1865, 15, 243-306. 2 pis. 1865.1 Langh offer, Aug. Popisriba, kojesu prispjele noradnom zooloskom muzeju u Zagrebu do konca godine 1900. Glasn. Hrvatsk. Narav. Druztra, Zagreb, 1904, 16, 148-169. 1904.1 Langner, Adolf. Beobachtungen bei der Zucht des Girardinus januarius var. ? (reticulatus) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 99-100. 1910.1 Langworthy, C. F. Fish as food. Washington, 1898. 30 p. 8. 1898.1 Lanick, A. Der Seeteufel und ein Angel. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 449-450. 1913.1 pedine recentiorum, genere Anguilla Wittenbergse, 1778. 4. 1778. LAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF I'ISHKS 11 Lanine, Pierre. DCS globules blancs eosinophiles dans le sang des poissons d'eau douce. Arch. Biol. Liege, 1912, 27, 525-574. pi. C. R. Assoc. Anato- rnistes, 13, 228-229. 1912.1 Lankester, Edwin [1814-1874] The aquavivarium, fresh and marine. Lon- don, 1856. xii, 71 p. 18. 1856.1 Lankester, (Sir) Edwin Ray [1847] The Cradley Pteraspides. Geologist, 1861, 4, 416. 1861.1 Pteraspis remains at Cradley. Geologist, 1861, 4, 366-367; 375. 1861.2 Restoration of Pteraspis. Geol- ogist, 1862, 5, 451-i52. Ibid., 1864, 7, 136. 3 figs. 1862.1 The Old Red Sandstone fishes of England. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1864, 3, 441- 447. 1864.1 On the discovery of the scales of Pteraspis, with some remarks on the cephalic shield of that fish. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., London, 1864, 20, 194-197. pi. Phil. Mag., 27, 544- 545. 1864.2 On the genus Pteraspis. Geol. Mag. 1864 (1865), 1, 292-293. Rept. Brit, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34. meet., 1864 (1865), 58; 100. 1865.1 - The buckler-head fish. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1866, 2. ser. 41, 261. 1866.1 On the British species of Ce- phalaspis and the Scotch Pteraspis. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 35. meet., 1865 (1866), 65. Geol. Mag., 1865, 2, 517-518. 1866.2 On a new cephalaspid. Geol. Mag., 1867, 4, 509. 1867.1 Plectrodus pustuliferus, n. sp. On Didymaspis, a new genus of cephalaspidian fishes. Geol. Mag., 1867, 4, 152-154. fig. 1867.2 Ueber Didymaspis, eine neue Gattung cephalaspisartiger Fische. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1867, 874. 1867.3 On the discovery of the remains of cephalaspidian fishes in Devonshire and Cornwall; and on the identity of Steganodictyum M'Coy, with genera of those fishes. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1868, 24, 546-547. 1868.1 Carp and toads. Nature, 1870, 2, 67. 1870.1 Cephalaspis dawsoni. Canadian Naturalist, 1870, n. s. 5, 222-2'j:;. 1 s?( i.J Note on Scaphaspis knerii. Geol. Mag., 1870, 7, 398-399. 1870.3 On a new Cephalaspis (dawsoni] discovered in America. Geol. Mag.. 1870, 7, 397-398. pi. & 3 figs. 1870.4 [Letter on the supposed connex- ion between Scaphaspis and Pteraspis, and refuting Dr. Kiinth's theory of the connexion of these anomalous fishes with the Crustacea] Geol. Mag., 1873, 10, 190-192; 478-479. 1873.1 On Holaspis sericeus, and on the relationships of the fish-genera Pteraspis, Cyathaspis and Scaphaspis. Geol. Mag., 1873, 10, 241-245; 331-332. pi. & fig. 1873.2 On the primitive cell-layers of the embryo as the basis of genealogical classification of animals, and on the origin of vascular and lymphatic sys- tems. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 3. ser. 11, 321-338. 1873.3 Magister Schmidt on the shields of Pteraspis and Scaphaspis. Geol. Mag., 1874, 2. ser. 1, 288. 1874.1 On some new points in the struc- ture of Amphioxus, and their bearing on the morphology of vertebrata. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1875, n. s. 16, 257-267. figs. 1875.1 Notes on the embryology and classification of the animal kingdom, comprising a revision of speculations relative to the origin and significance of the germ-layers. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1877, n. s. 17, 399-454. 1877.1 Classification of vertebrates and Pisce, p. 450-452. On the hearts of Ceratodus, Protopterus and Chimaera, with an ac- count of undescribed pocket valves in the conus arteriosus of Ceratodus and of Protopterus. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lon- don 1878 (1879), 10, 493-505. 2 pis. Notice in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1878, 634. 1879.1 The scientific results of the ex- hibition. Inter. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 4, pt. ( 1 SS.i. 1 Report on fragments of fossil fishes from the Palaeozoic strata of Spitsbergen. Svensk. Vet, Akad. Handl. 1884, 20, no. 9. 7 p. 4 pis. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAN Lankester, E. R. Contributions to the knowledge of Amphioxus lanceolatus Zarrell. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1889, 29, 365-408. 5 pis. 1889.1 Vertebrata (In Encycl. Bri- tann., 9. ed. 1889, vol. xxiv, p. 76-85) 1889.2 Zoology (In Encycl. Britann., 9. ed. 1889, vol. xxiv, p. 799-820) 1889.3 - The advancement of science; occasional essays and addresses. Lon- don, 1890. viii, 387 p. 8. 1890.1 Chap. ix. The history and scope of zoology, p. 289-307. The limbs of Lepidosiren para- doxa. Nature, 1894, 49, 555; 601. 3 figs. 1894.1 On the Lepidosiren of Paraguay, and on the external characters of Lepi- dosiren and Protopterus. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, 14, 11-24. pi. & 4 figs. Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 1897, 31, 72. 1896.1 The taxonomic position of the V Pteraspidse, Cephalaspidse and Astero- lepida;. Nat. Sci., 1897, 11, 45-47. 1897.1 Note on the development of the atrial chamber in Amphioxus. Quart. Jqurn. Micr. Sci., 1898, n. s. 40, pt. 4, 647-650. 1898.1 (editor) A treatise on zoology. London, 1900-09. 8. 1900.1 Vol. ix. Vertebrata, Craniata (cyclostomes and fishes) by E. S. Goodrich. 7 pts. in 8. xvi, 518 p. 514 figs. Alexander Kowalevsky [obitu- ary notice] Nature, 1902, 66, 394-396. 1902.1 Extinct animals. New York, 1905. xxiii, 331 p. 218 figs. 1905.1 Fishes, p. 243-268. Ostracoderms, arthro- dires, dipterines and selachians are considered. Review in Geol. Mag., 5. dec. 2, 513-515. Science from an easy chair. 7. ed. London, 1911. xiii, 412 p. 84 figs. 8. 1911.1 Zoology (In Encycl. Britann., 11 ed. 1911, vol. xxviii, p. 1022-1039) 1911.2 Science from an easy chair; a second series. London, 1912. xiii, 412 p. pi. & 55 illust. 8. 1912.1 Coregonus, burbot and perch-pike in Switzer- 1 and, p. 3. Diversions of a naturalist. Lon- don, 1915. xv, 424 p. 8. 1915.1 Review in Nature, 1915, 97, 342-343. Lankester, Edwin Ray, & Powrie, James. See Powrie & Lankester. Lankester, (Sir) Edwin Ray, & Willey, Arthur. The development of the atrial chamber of Amphioxus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1890, 31, 445- 466. 1890.1 Lanman, Charles. American fishes. Amer. Whig Rev., 1846, 6, 561. 1846.1 $The Salmonidse of eastern Maine, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 219-225. 1874.1 - The shad and gaspereau or ale- wife of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 461-462. 1874.2 The whitefish of eastern Maine and New Brunswick. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 84-86. 1874.3 Black bass of the Potomac. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 194. 1877.1 Salmon fishery in the river Jacques Cartier. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 418. 1877.2 Recollections of curious charac- ters and pleasant places. Edinburgh, 1881. 8. 1881.1 Salmon fishing on the Jacques Cartier, p. 147. The Potomac fisherman, p. 219. Sword-fish fishing, p. 250. Block island, p. 266. Lansdell, H. Russian central Asia, including Kuldja, Bokhara, Khiva and Merv. 2 vols. illust. London, 1885. 8. 1885.1 Vol. ii, appendix, Pisces, by K. F. Kessler. Lanszweert, A flying-fish, Exoccetus fasciatus Le Sueur, from the Pacific ocean. Proc. . California Acad. Sci., 1855, 1, 71-73. 1855.1 Lanza, A. Abeilles, vers a soie et pisciculture. Paris, 1862. 12. 1862.1 Lanzi, Luigi. Contribute alia cono- scenza della ontogenesi dei teleostomi (Olostei od Euganoidi e teleostei) Atti Accad. Fisiocrit. Siena, 1908, 4. ser. 20, 246-247. 1908.1 Osservazioni sopra certi element! della lamella di rivestimento degli em- LAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISH IS brioni di alcuni teleostei. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1909, 20, 174-179. pi. Arch. Ital. Biol., 53, 122-123. 1909.1 Ricerche sui primi momenti di sviluppo degli Olostei (od Euganoidi) Am la calva Bonap. e Lepidosteus osseus L. Con speciale riguardo al cosl detto ispessimento prostomale. Arch. Ital Anat. Embriol., 1909, 8, 292-306. 4 pis. Arch. Ital. Biol., 53, 123-125. 1909.2 - Recherches sur les premiers moments de developpement de quelques teleoste"ens, specialement par rapport a la valeur de ce qu'on appelle epaississe- ment prostomal. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1909, 8, 307-358. 5 pis. & 4 figs. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1910, 53, 125- 128. 1909.3 Observations sur certains ele- ments de la lame de revetement des embryons de quelques teleoste'ens. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1910, 53, 122-123. 1910.1 Contribute allo studio dei mostri doppi dei teleostei. Descrizione di duplicita anteriori di Salmo. Sguardo storico delle dot trine sul meccanismo della loro genesi e considerazioni relative alia formazione e allo accrescimento normale dell' embrione. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1911, 9, 510-569. 11 pis. & 25 figs. 1911.1 Lapham, Increase Allen [1811-1875] Wisconsin. Its geography and topogra- r, . . . Geology. 2. ed. Milwaukee, [ew York & St. Louis, 1846. 208 p. 12. 1846.1 List of fish in lakes and rivers, p. 71. On fish-remains discovered in Wisconsin. Trans. Acad. Sci. St. Louis, 1859, 684. 1859.1 Lapicque, Louis. La grandeur rela- tive de Trail et 1' appreciation du poids encephalique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1908, 147, 209-212. 1908.1 Sparidse. Lapicque, Louis, & Laugier, H. Relation entre la grandeur des yeux et le poids de Tencephale chez les verte"- bres inferieurs. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 1108-1110. 1908.1 Pagellus centrodontus, Cantharus griseus, Sparidse. Laporte, E. Faune ichthyologique de la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1853. 1853.1 Faune ichthyologique; ou, H\s- toire naturelle des poissons qui se trou- vent dans le departement de la Gironde. Bordeaux, 1856. 8. 1856.1 Laporte, Francois L. de, Comte de Castelnau. See Castelnau, Francois L. Lapparent, Albert Auguste ti< Trait6 de geologic. Paris, 1881-83. 1280 p. 8. - The same. 2. 6d. Paris, 1885. xv, 1504 p. 8. '1885.1 - The same. 5. 6d. Paris, 1906. 1645 p. 8. MMMi.i Lapparent, Albert Auguste de, De- lesse, Achille, & Laugel, M. A. See Delesse, Laugel & Lapparent. Larbaletrier, Albert. TraitS manuel de pisciculture d'eau douce. Paris, 1886. 12. 64 figs. 1880.1 - La lamproie. Cosmos, 1898,. 47. annee, 2, 810-813. fig. 1898.1 Largaiolli, Vittorio. I pesci del Trentino e nozioni elementari intorno all' prganismo, allo sviluppo e alle fun- zioni della vita del pesce. I. Parte ge- nerale. Trento, 1901. 40 p. 35 figs. 1901.1 Distribuzione dei pesci nei ba- cini idrografici del Trentino. Rivist. Mens. Studi Sci., Trento, 1902, 6, pt. 1, 23-24. Ibid., pt. 2, 49-56. 1902.1 Large, Thomas. The destruction of a school of blue gills (Lepomis pallidus Mitch.] Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1896 (1897), 303. 1897.1 The methods and extent of the Illinois ichthyological survev. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci. 1900 (1901), 170- 172. 1901.1 A list of the native fishes, of Illi- nois, with keys. Rept. Fish Comm. Illinois 1900-1902 (1904). 30 p. 2 pis. 1904.1 La Riboisiere, J. de, & Magnan, A. See Magnan & La Riboisiere. Larrabee, A. P. The optic chiasma ofteleosts: a study of inheritance. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1906, 42, 217- 231. 8 tables. 1906.1 Larrazet, Augustin [1855] Des pieces de la peau de quelques se"laciens fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1886, 3. ser. 14, 255-277. 4 pis. 1886.1 Larruga, D. Eugenio. Memorias politicas y econ6micas sobre los frutos, comercio, fabricas y minas de Espana, 14 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAR Larruga, D. E. con inclusion de los reales decretos, ordenes cedulas. Aranceles y ordenan- zas expedidas para su gobierno y fo- mento. Madrid, 1798. 1798.1 Larsson-Fede, Bernt. Fedefjorden [Fischerei-Verhaltnisse im Fedejord] Norsk Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1908, 27, 214- 217. 1908.1 Lartet, Louis, & Duparc, (Chap- lain) L. Une sepulture des anciens troglodytes des Pyrenees . . . associes a des dents sculptees, etc. Paris, 1874. 8. 1874.1 Sculpture d'un brochet, avec figure, p. 42. La Rue, G, R. A revision of the ces- tode family Proteocephalidse. Zool. Anz., 1911, 38, 473-482. 1911.1 Preliminary report on the most abundant type of fish tapeworms with descriptions of each species, including three new genera and nine new Lasdin, W. [Der Bau und die Ent- wickelung des Schadels von Exocoetus] [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Imp. Nat. St. Petersb., 1913, 44, no. 1, 12-26. 1 pi. 1913.1 Die Entwickelung des Schadels von Exocoetus. Real. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1913, 44, 110-112. 6 figs. 1913.2 Lasierra, D. Jose Antonio. Historia civil y natural de la isla de Menorca, etc., traducido del ingles de Jorje Armstrong. Madrid, 1781. 1781.1 Lastbohm, J. Dissertatio de pisci- nis. Upsala, 1764. 4. 1764.1 Lastri, Marco. Bibliotheca Georgica, ossia catalogo ragionato degli scrittori oli agricoltura . . . caccia, pesca, etc. . . . spettanti all' Italia. Firenze, 1787. 152 p. 4. 1787.1 Lataste, Fernand. Sur les poissons vomis par les puits artesiens. Act. Soc. Sci. Chili, 1892, 1, p. xxxviii-xxxix. 1892.1 Allures bizarres d'un esturgeon dans la Garonne. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1894, 6. 1894.1 Latham, John [1740-1837] An es- say on the various species of sawfish. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1794, 2, 273- 282. 2 pis. 1794.1 Latham, John, & Davies, Hugh. Faunula Indica, id est catalogus anima- lium Indise orientalis quae hactenus naturae curiosis innotuerunt; secundus curis editus, correctus et auctus a J. H. Forster. Halse, 1795. fol. 1795.1 Lathrop, S. P. On the resuscitation of frozen fish. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1852, 13, 143. 1852.1 Latimer, H. B., & Evermann, Bar- ton Warren. See Evermann & Lati- mer. Latorre, Angel Cabrera. See Cabrera Latorre, Angel. La Tourrette, Marc Antoine Louis Claret de Fleurieu de [1729-1793] Sur le carpeau de Lyon. Observ. Mem. Phys. (Rozier), 1775, 6, 271-280. 1775.1 Latreille, Pierre Andre [1762-1833] De 1' organisation exterieure des cepha- lopodes comparee avec celle de divers poissons. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1823, 1, 269-272. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 2, 300. 1823.1 Latrobe, Benjamin Henry. De- scription of the Clupea tyrannus. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1802, 5, 77-81. figs. 1802.1 A drawing and description of the Clupea tyrannus and Oniscus prcegus- tator. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1802, 5, 77-81. Journ. Nat. Phil. (Nichol- son), 5, 1-4. 1802.2 Laube, Gustav Carl [1839] Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fische des bohmischen Turons. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1885, 1, pt. 2, 285-298' pi. & 2 figs. 1885.1 Bericht tiber Siluridenreste aus der bohmischen Braunkohlenformation Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1897, 337-339. 1897.1 Neue Schildkroten und Fische aus der bohmischen Braunkohlenforma* tion. Abh. Deutsch. Naturw. Ver. Bohmen "Lotos," 1900, 2, 37-56. 4 pis. 1900.1 Salmonoiden aus der bohmi- schen Braunkohlenformation. Sitzber. Deutsch. Nat.-Med. Ver. Bohmen " Lo- tos," 1900, n. s. 20, 15-20. 5 figs. 1900.2 Synopsis der Wirbelthierfauna der bohmischen Braunkohlenformation v und Beschreibung neuer, oder bisher unvollstandig bekannter Arten. Prag, 1901. 80 p. 8 pis. figs. 4. 1901.1 ' LAU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Batrachier- und Fischreste aus der Braunkohle von Skirit/ bri Briix. Sitzber. Deutsch. Nat.-Med. Ver. Boh- men " Lotos," 1903, 51, 106-114. 1903.1 Fischreste aus den Cyprisschie- fern des Egerlandes. Sitzber. Deutsch. Nat.-Med. Ver. Bohmen " Lotos," 1905, 53, 87-199. pi. 1905.1 Lauber, - Augen yom Schwert- fisch (Xiphias gladius) Zeitschr. Augen- heilk., 1904, 10, 84. 1904.1 Lauchert, F. Geschichte des Physio- logus. Strasburg, 1889. 1889.1 Lauder, (Sir) Thomas Dick. Direc- tions for taking and curing herrings, and for curing cod, ling, tisk, and hake. Edinburgh, 1846. 8. 1846.1 Scottish rivers. Edinburgh, 1874. 328 p. illust. 8. 1874.1 Laufer, Berthold. Fish symbols in China. Open Court, Chicago, 1912, 26, 673-680. figs. 1912.1 Laugel, M. A., Delesse, Achille, & Lapparent, Albert Auguste de. See Delesse, Laugel & Lapparent. Laughrin, William. Observations on the choice of food in the cod [Gadus morrhua] and ling. Journ. Linn.' Soc. London, 1862, 6, 165-166. 1862.1 Laugier, H., & Lapicque, Louis. See Lapicque & Laugier. Laulanie, - Technique physio- logique. Sur un cardiographe direct a aiguille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1889, 9. ser. 1, 682-683. 1889.1 Lauman, Felix A. Some essentials in pond culture. Trans. Amer. Fish- eries Soc. 1909 (1910), 149-150. 1910.1 Launay, M. Les poissons migra- teurs et les echelles a poissons. Rev. Univers., Paris, 1901, 367-370. 6 figs. 1901.1 Launette, P. Observations sur la peche de la sardine. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1882, 6. ser. 13, no. 10. 1-882.1 Recherches sur les lieux de frayeres et le mode de ponte de la sar- dine. Lorient, 1888. 12 p. 8. 1888.1 Launy, L. de. Paris, 1905. 8 La science geologique. 1905.1 The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1913. 1913.1 Lauppe, L. 1) (T S.-hla.n.nl.r,^. ,. Cobitisfossilis. Aus d. Ilrimat. Smti- gart, 1903, 16, 7-12. WocheiiM 1,, Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1. Jahrg., 13 L5: 20-22. p.,,);;., Meine Beobachtungen l>oim Bnitgeschaft des drcisliiclili^-n Stirh- lings (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Aus d. Heimat, Stuttgart, 1904, 17, 113-120. 1904.1 Beitrage zur Biologic von Ba- dis badis. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 570-571. 1907.1 Laurent, Ph. Histoire des pSches fluviales et marines. Paris, 1833. 104 p. 32. 1833.1 Laurie, R. Douglas. The fecundity of the plaice. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fish. Labor., 1903, 73-76. Trans Liverpool Biol. Soc. 1904, 18, 153-156. 1903.1 Laus, Heinrich. Die zoologische Literatur Mahrens und Oesterr.-Schle- siens bis 1901. Zeitschr. Mahr. Landes- mus., 1901, 1, 31-67. 1901.1 Die naturhistorische Literatur Mahrens und Schlesiens aus dem Jahre 1901. 4. Ber. Abh. Club Nat. Briinn, 1902, 62-66. 1902.1 Die naturhistorische Literatur Mahrens und Schlesiens aus dem Jahre 1902. 5. Ber. Abh. Club Nat. Briinn, 1903, 11-15. 1903.1 Die naturwissenschaftliche Li- teratur uber Mahren und Oesterr.- Schlesien von 1901 (1903, 1905) bis 1910 nebst Nachtragen. Zeitschr. Mahr. Landesmus., 1910, 10, 223-271. 1910.1 Lauterborn, Robert. Ueber den Werth und die Aufgaben einer schwim- menden biologischen Station auf dem Oberrhein. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 25, no. 20, 365-367. Das Vogel-, Fisch- und Thier- Buch des Strassburger Fischers Leon- hard Baldner. Nat. Wochenschr., 1901, 16, 432^37. Mitth. Fischerei- Ver. Prov. Brandenburg, 1901, Heft 2. 1901 .1 (editor) Das Vogel-, Fisch- und Thierbuch des Strassburger Fischers Leonhard Baldner aus dem Jahre 1666. Ludwigshafen-am-Rhein, 1903. 167 p. go 1903.1 16 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LAU Lauterborn, R. Beitrage zur Fauna und Flora des Oberrheins und seiner Umgebung. Mitth. Pollichia, 1904, 60. Jahrg., 42- 130. 1904.1 Die Flunder (Pleuronectes flesus L.) im Oberrhein. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31, 470-472. 1906.1 La Valette St. George, Adolf Johann Hubert von [1831 ] De spermatoso- maturn evolutione in Plagiostomis [in Galeus canis et Raia clavata] Bonn, 1878. 9 p. 4. 1878.1 Der Bruteimer. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 3, 107-108. figs. 1879.1 Tiber die Feinde der Fische. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 3, 77-85. 1879.2 The enemies of fish [Translated from the German by H. Jacobson] Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 509-516. 1880.1 - Ueber den Bau der " Fettflosse " (pinna adiposa) Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1880, 17, 187-193. 1880.2 Ein neuer Fischbrutapparat. Arch. Mikros. Anat., 1882, 21, 240-243. illust. 1882.1 Ueber die Wanderfische des Rheins. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 4. Jahrg. 534-536. 1901.1 Ueber eine einfache Vorrich- tung zum Zahlen von Fisch-Eiern und Brut. Jahresber. Rhein. Fischerei Ver. 1901-02 (1902), 67-68. pi. 1902.1 Lavalle, Jean [1820 ] Note sur des experiences de pisciculture au jardin botanique de Dijon. Congr. Scient. France, 1854, 21, 98-102. 1854.1 La Vallee Poussin, Charles de. See De la Vallee Poussin, C. Lavauden, Louis. Recherches sur la biologic, Felevage et racclimatation dans les eaux franchises du poisson-chat. Bull. Soc. Centr. Agricult. Peche, 1905. 1905.1 Recherches sur la physiologic du poisson-chat (Amiurus nebulosus L. S.) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 68, 256-258. 1905.2 Repeuplement en salmonides des cours d'eau de montagne. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1905, 17, 191- 198. 1905.3 Lavauden, Louis, & Pion-Gaud, Pierre. See Pion-Gaud & Lavauden. Lavenier, Une carpe monstre. Bull. Soc. Etudes Scient. Angers, 1895, 24, 169-170. 1895.1 Laver, Henry. Mammals, reptiles and fishes of Essex. London, 1898. viii, 138 p. 10 illust. 1898.1 Fishes (In Victorian history of the counties of England, Essex county, vol. i, p. 220-229. London, 1903) 1903.1 Salmon near Southend. Essex Natural., 1905, 14, 72-73. 1905.1 Laveran, A. E)e"generescence granu- leuse des hematics de Phippocampe. C. R. M. 1, 39-55. pi. 1889.1 Les nageoires des poissons. Mem. Acad. Sci. Toulouse, 1896, 9. se>. 8, 193-198. 1896.1 Les poissons actuels et fossiles. Mem. Acad. Sci. Toulouse, 1897, 9. ser. 9, 138-154. 1897.1 Layollee, G. Contribution a 'etude du poisson-chat, son acclimatation dans le reservoir de Saint-Fargeau (Yonne) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1906, 18, 289-298. 1906.1 Lavrov, S. Resultate der Unter- suchungen der Wiirmerf auna des Wolga- Flusses und der Wiesenseen bei Saratov [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat., Saratov, 1908, 5, pt. 2, 1-86. 2 pis. 1908.1 Contains some references to fishes. Ueber die Pancreasgange der Sterlets (A cipenser ruthenus) Zool . Anz . , 1908,33,408-409. fig. 1908.2 Ueber die Fischernahrung des Wolga-Flusses [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. Univ. Kasan, 1909, 42, 1-87. 1909.1 Lawley, Roberto. Observations sur une machoire fossile provenant du genre Sphserodus trouvee en Toscane dans le Pliocene de Volterrano. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 511-515. pi. Addition by Paul Gervais. Ibid., 516- 517. 1875.1 Pesci ed altri vertebrati del Plio- cene toscano. Pisa, 1875. 8. 1875.2 Alcune osservazioni sul genere Sphserodus [Lepidotus] Agass. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 1876, 2, 60-64. fig. 1876.1 Osservazioni sopra una mascella fossile del genere Sphserodus. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1877, 215-216. 1877.1 Cont'ronto di driiii f<>--ili < trovano nelle collinr T>sr.-ini.- con la dcn- tizionedelY OxijrfiiiKi .S/M///////CH////: Bl KISIIKS 1!) Propagation of crappie and cat- fish. Trans. Amor. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 143-145. 1910.1 Brief notes on pond culture at San Marcos. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 149-152. 1912.1 Leathers, Adelbert L. A biological survey of the sand dune region on the south shore of Saginaw bay, Michigan. Public. Michigan Geol. Biol. Surv., 1911, no. 4 (Biol. Ser. no. 2), 243-255. pi. 1911.1 Lebailly, Charles. Sur quelques he"- moflagelles des teleosteens marins. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 139, 576-577. 1904.1 Sur le hematozoaires nouveaux parasites de la barbue (Bothus rhombus L.) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 69, 304. 1905.1 Recherches sur les hematozoaires parasites des tele"osteens marins. Arch. Parasit., Paris, 1906, 10, 348-404. fig. 1906.1 Lebailly, Charles, & Brumpt, E. See Brumpt & Lebailly. Lebasteur, Henri (editor) Buff on. Paris, 1889. 237 p. 6 pis. 2 illust. 8. 1889.1 Lebeau, /., & Longuety, L. Rap- port sur 1' exposition Internationale de peche de Bergen, fait a la chambre de commerce de Boulogne-sur-Mer par J. Lebeau et Longuety. Boulogne-sur- Mer, 1866. 8. 1866.1 Lebedinsky, J. Ueber die Embry- onalniere von Calamoichthys calabaricus Smith. Arch. Mikros. Anat., 1894, 44, 216-228. pi. Review in Zool. Cen- tralbl., 2, 54-59. 1894.1 Lebedintsev, A. A. Die Hydrobio- logie auf den internationalen Ausstel- lungen ftir Fischereigewerbe in St. Pe- tersburg (1902) und fiir Hydrobiologie der Fischerei und Fischzucht in Moskau (1903) [Text in Russian] St. Peters- burg, 1903. 81 p. 7 figs. Gasumtausch in abgeschlossenen Wasserbecken und seine Bedeutung fiir die Fischzucht [Text in Russian] Fischzuchtanstalt Nikolsk, 1904, no. 9, 113-133. 1904.1 Einfluss der Drehung der Erde auf die Fischerei [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromsl., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 441-442. 1905.1 Der kaspix-ln- Hi-rin^ {HHtto-cdx/iini var. lirti*chinl;niru do Friihlings- und H-rb>tf:in K s des Jahres 1904 nach der chrmisrlirn AnulyHe [Text in Russian] Yot . 1! vltnpn.mx >!.. St. Pet.or.sb., I'M)-,, 20. 2:is I'll) 1905.2 - Lauto Odankrn. Aus Anlass dor Kaspi-Expedition des Jahres 1904 zur Erforschung dos HftringBSUgei und der Haringsfischeroi auf doin Ka-pischcn Meere [Text in Russian! Yot. Rybo- promysl., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 424- 433. 1905.3 War ein massenhaftos Ahstcrlx-n der Fische im Goktscha-Soo mo^lich .' [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl ., St. Petersb., 1905, 20, 532-542. 1905.4 Ergebnisse der Analyse des Herbstwassers und der Planktonproben des Ilmen-Sees, Gouv. Novgorod [Text in Russian] Fischzuchtanstalt Nikolsk, 1908, 11, 70-81. 1908.1 Ein Versuch zur Bestimmung des Fisch-Vorrates in den geschlossenen Binnenseen nach ihrem SauerstoiT^c- halt [Text in Russian] Fischzucht- anstalt Nikolsk, 1908, no. 11, 81-111. 1908.2 Zur Frage ob die kleine Marane (Coregonus albula) viel Nahrung zu sich nimmt und was ihr im See als Speise dient [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybo- promsyl., St. Petersb., 1908, 23, 1-4. 0908. o Lebedintsev, A. A., & Eglit, P. I. Das Laichen der kleinen Marane (Core- gonus albula L.) in dem Pestpvo-See im Jahre 1907 [Text in Russian] VSst. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1907, 22, 536-546. ' 1907.1 Geluhgene Zucht-Versuche mit Coregonus albula im Staatssee Pestovo, Gouvernement Nowgorod [Text in Russian] Fischzuchtanstalt Nikolsk, 1909, no. 12. 88 p. 2 pis. & 13 figs 1909. 1 Lebedintsev, A. A., & Matsubara, A. See Matsubara & Lebedintsev. Lebedintsev, A. A., & Nedsoivin, A. Versuch einer Befruchtung mit in Alkohol aufbewahrter. Milch [Text in Russian] Ryboprom. Zizni, St. Petersb., 1912,84-85. 1 "I-'- 1 Lebert, Hermann [1813-1878] Sur la generation et le ddveloppement de quelque animaux marins. Proc. Verb. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1X45. 1845.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEB Lebert, H. Recherches sur la formation des muscles dans les animaux vertebres, et sur la structure de la fibre musculaire, en general, dans les diverses classes d' animaux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1849, 3. ser. 11, 349-382. 3 pis. Ibid., 13, 158-217. 3 pis. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1849, 53-61. 1849.1 Leblanc, - Sur la construction des etangs et sur le debit des poissons. Mem. Soc. Roy. Agricult. Paris, 1787, p. 99. 1787.1 Le Boux, Marc. Recherches sur le systeme nerveux des poissons. Inaug. Dissert., Paris, 1887. 1887.1 Leche, Wilkelm [1850 ] Sven Hedin. Scientific results of a journey in central Asia 1899-1902. Stockholm, 1904. 69 p. 5 pis. 80 figs. 4. 1904.1 Zoologie, vol. vi, pt. 1. Leckenby, John. On a species of pipe-fish (Syngnathus cequoreusf) lately found at Scarborough. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1858, 3. ser. 2, 416-417. pi. 1858.1 Leclerc de Buffon, (Comte) Georges Louis. See Buffon, G. L. L. de. Le Conte, John Lawrence [1825-1883] Remarks on the occurrence and habits of Anableps doweri Gill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1861, 21. 1861:1 Le Conte, Joseph [1823-1901] Ele- ments of geology, a text-book for col- leges and for the general reader. New York, 1878. xii, 588 p. 8. 1878.1 Contains considerable mention and numerous figures of fossil fishes. The same. 3. ed. New York, 1891. xvii, 640 p. 8. 1891.1 The same. 4. ed. New York, 1905. 1905.1 The account of fossil fishes is revised by C. R. Eastman. Lecoq, Henri [1802-1871] De la pisciculture dans le departement du Puy-de-D6me. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1860, 7, 578-589. Mem. Acad. Sci. Clermont, 1861, 3, 29-41. 1860.1 Le Couteulx de Canteleu, (Comte) J. E. H. La peche au cormoran. Paris, 1870. 2 pis. 8. 1870.1 Le Damany, P. Quelques remar- ques sur 1'evolution generate des mem- bres dans la serie des vertebres. Trav. Scient. Univ. Rennes, 1902, 1, 333-338. Bull. Soc. Scient. Med. Quest Rennes, 11, 367-371. 1902.1 Le Danois, Edouard. Conditions de la peche a Roscoff et engins de peche employes dans la region. Bull. Navig. et Peches Marit., 1909, 11, 375-386. 1909.1 Sur la presence du Gobius pictus Malm en France. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 34, 86. 1909.2 Sur la faune ichthyologique du maerl. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1910, 35, 167-171. 5 figs. 1910.1 Sur la ponte de Cottus bubalis Euphrasen. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1911, 36, 144-146. 2 figs. 1911.1 Collections rapportees au Mu- seum d'Histoire Naturelle par la mission arctique franchise 1908. Liste des pois- sons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1913, 424-427. 1913.1 Contribution a 1' etude syste- matique et biologique des poissons de la Manche occidentale. Paris, 1913. 214 p. illust. 4. 1913.2 Croisieres scientifiques du " Pourquoi-Pas " 1912 et 1913. Liste des poissons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1913, 428-431. 1913.3 Etude systematique et biologique des poissons de la Manche occidentale. Ann. Instit. Ocean. Monaco, 1913, 5. ser. 5, 1-214. 1913.4 Motella cimbria Linne 1766. Un poisson a aj outer a la faune de France. Bull. Soc. Zool. Paris, 1913, 38, 228-232. 1913.5 Note sur un nouveau poisson de la famille des Lycodidse: le Gymnelis retrodorsalis, nov. sp. Bull. Soc. Zool. Paris, 1913, 38, 258-259. 1913.6 Etudes sur quelques poissons des oceans arctique et atlantique. Ann. Instit. Ocean. Monaco, 1914, 5. ser. 7, fasc. 2, 1-75. pi. 1914.1 Ledoux-Lebard, Sur le bacille de la tuberculose des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris. 1898, p. 601. 1898.1 Ledru, Andre Pierre [1761-1825] Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, la Trinite, Saint-Thomas, Sainte-Croix et Porto- Rico, execute par ordre du gouverne- LEF BIBLIOGRAPHY ()! KISIIKS ment fraiiQais depuis le 30 septembre Cuv. Val.xm thoroasi of M.,,,,.. AIIMT. 1796, jusqu au 7 jum 1798, sous la three- Naturals. |xxo. 14, x-,,, , s . s() , tion du Capitaine Baudiri, pour faire des recherches et des collections relatives a 1'histoire naturelle; contenant des ob- servations sur le climat, le sol, la popu- lation, 1' agriculture, les productions de ces iles, le caractere, les mocurs et le commerce de leurs habitants. Par Andr6-Pierre Ledru, 1'un des naturalis- tes de 1' expedition . . . ouyrage accom- pagne de notes et d'additions, par M. Sonnini. 2 vols. Paris, 1810. 8. 1810.1 Reise nach den Inseln Tenerffa, Trinidad, St. Thomas, St. Cruz, und Porto- Rico, 1796-98, unter der Leitung des Captain Baudin. Aus dem Franzosi- schen, mit Bemerkungen ueber Colo- nialwaren von E. A. W. Zimmermann. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1811-12. 8. 1811.1 Another edition. Leipzig, 1812-14. 8. - Viage a la isla de Puerto-Rico en el ano 1797, ejecutado por una comisi6n de sabios Franceses, de orden de su gobierno y bajo la direcci6n del capitan N. Baudin, con objeto de hacer indi- caciones y collecci6nes relativas a la historia natural . . . Traducido al Cas- tellano por D. Julio L. de Viscarrondo. Puerto-Rico, 1863. 268 p. 8. 1863.1 This is a Spanish translation of so much of Ledru's " Voyage " (1810) as relates to Porto Rico. Ledyard, L. W. Rotation of fish in Cazenovia lake. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 290. 1873.1 Lee, Frederic S. A study of the sense of equilibrium in fishes. I. Journ. Physiol., 1894, 15, 311-348. 15 figs. II Ibid., 1895, 16, 192-210. 12 figs. Notice in Science, n. s. 1, 118. Cen- tralbl. Physiol., 9, 47. 1894.1 - The functions of the ear and the lateral line in fishes. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1898, 1, 128-144. Abstract in Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. ScL, 67. meet., 1897, 811-812. 1898.1 Lee, Henry [1826-1888] Chinese telescope fish and hairy tortoise. For- est & Stream, 1875, 5, 195. 1875.1 Some fishes and fishing. Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 225. 1875.2 Sea fables explained. Sea mon- sters unmasked. Intern. Fisheries Ex- hib. Lit., London, 1883. Handbooks, 3, pt. 3. 1883.1 Lee, L. A. Occurrence of the web- fingered sea-robin [Prionotus carolinus Lee, Robert James. Observations on the ciliary muscle in fish, birds and quad- rupeds. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1869, 2. ser. 3, 14-23. 9 figs. Lee, Rosa M. Report on the Lowes- toft sailing trawler records, 1903-1906. 2. Rept. North Sea Fish Invest. Comm., 1909, pt. 2, 89-112. 3 pis. -Report on the (Irin^bv trawler records 1904-1907. 3. . North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 1906- 08 (1911). 108 p. 98 figs. 3:; tftblea. 1911.1 Comparative notes on various trawler catches in the North sea, in- cluding some steam trawler records for 1903 and 1905. 4. Rept. North Sea Fish, Invest. Comm. 1909 (1912), 291-303. fig. 1912.1 An investigation into the meth- ods of growth determination in fislio. Conseil Perm. Explor. de la Mer, Public, de Circonstance, 1912, no. 63, p. 36. 1912.2 Lee, Rosa M., & Atkinson, George T. Report on plaice transplantation ex- periments to various fishing grounds in the North sea. 4. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 1909 (1912), 107-151. 4 pis. & fig. 4 tables. 1912.1 Lee, (Mrs. ) Sarah, formerly Bowdich. See Bowdich, (Mrs.) Thomas Edward. Leeds, List of vertebrata dis- covered by Messrs. Leeds in the Oxford Clay of the neighbourhood of Peter- borough. Proc. Geol. Assoc. London, 1897, 15, 189-193. 1897.1 Leeke, - Ueber Schlafstellungen der Fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 779-782. 1912.1 Leem, Knud [1697-1774] Beskri- velse over Finmarkens Lapper, etc. Kopenhan, 1767. 8. 1767.1 Latin version, Hafnise, 1767. 4. C.-rman version, translated by J. J. Volkmann. Leipxic, 1771. 8. Lefebre, Alphonse. Temperature maxima que peuvent supporter les poissons rouges. Hull. Soc. Linn. Xord France, 1872, 1, 149-151. 1872.1 Quelques mots sur le macropode de Chine [Polyacanthus viridiauratus] Mem. Soc. Linn. Nord France. 1874-77 (1877), 4, 93-102. 1877.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEF Lefebre, A. Etudes de pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 1881, 5, 281- 283. 1881.1 Jeunes poissons obtenus du croisement de telescope avec poisson rouge. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 1881, 6, 116-120; 163. 1881.2 - The proposed introduction of American catfish into the rivers of Bel- gium. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 153-154. 1883.1 - Visite a quelques etablissements de pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 1887, 8, 260-264. 1887.1 Essais de pisciculture dans la Somme. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 1893, 11, 179-185. 1893.1 Elevage des saumons de Cali- fornie et des truites arc-en-ciel a Amiens. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1896, 43, 125- 126. 1896.1 Elevage de la perche diamant. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, 1909, 19, 180-182. 1909.1 Lefevre, G., & Curtis, W. C. Re- production and parasitism in the Union- idse. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1910, 9, 79- 115. 5 pis. 1910.1 Infections observed in nature during Novem- ber; roach, carp, perch, bluegill, rock bass, etc. Only 1 to 20 glochidia on each fish. Lefevre, George Shaw, Caird, James, & Huxley, Thomas H. See Caird, Huxley & Lefevre. Le Fort, Raymond. Le sandre commun (Lucioperca sandra) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1909, 56, 22-30. 1909.1 Legal, Joseph. Documents sur les peches cotieres, legislation, industrie, commerce. Dieppe, 1869. viii, 358 p. S 1869.1 Le Gentil, See Gentil, Leger, Louis. Mutilation patholo- gique et regeneration chez le protoptere. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1897, 2. ser. 4, 543-545. 1897.1 Hemoflagelles des poissons d'eau douce. Leur forme dans les sangsues. Bull. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 1904, no. 9, 268. 1904.1 Poissons et pisciculture dans le Gresivaudan. Grenoble, 1904. 1904.2 Sur la morphologic du Trypano- plasma des vairons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 824-826. 1904.3 Sur les hemoflagelles du Cobitis barbatula L. I. Trypanosoma barbatulce, n. sp. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 2, 344-345. 1904.4 Trypanoplasma varium, n. sp., parasite du sang de Cobitis barbatula L. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 2, 345-347. 1904.5 Coup d'ceil sur la faune ichthyo- logique des eaux courantes du Gresivau- dan. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1905, 760-762. 1905.1 - Deux nouvelles myxosporidies parasites des poissons d'eau douce. Bull. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 1905, no. 9, 331. 1905.2 Sur la culture intensive de 1'omble-chevalier en espace limite. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1905. 1905.3 Sur la presence d'un Trypano- plasma intestinal chez les poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 57, 511- 513. 1905.4 La valeur nutritive des torrents des Alpes et les consequences qui en decoulent au point de vue du repeuple- ment. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1905, 780-784. " 1905.5 Argules et salmoniculture. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1906, 18, 41-47. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, Paris, 1906, 18, 49-55. fig. 1906.1 Sur une nouyelle maladie myxo- sporidienne de la truite indigene. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1906, 142, 655-656. 1906.2 Sur une nouvelle myxosporidie de la tanche commune. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1906, 142, 1097. 1906.3 Campagne 1905-1906. Rap- port presente au conseil general. La pisciculture. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1907, 19, 115-119. 1907.1 Le laboratoire de pisciculture de 1'Universite de Grenoble, son role et son fonctionnement. Notice abregee. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1907, 19, 103- 112. 2 pis. 1907.2 2. ed. Grenoble, 1908. LEG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS - Manuel pratique du d6verse- inent d'alevins dans les cours d'eau; conferences faites au laboratoire de pisciculture sur le repeuplement des <>:ui\ douces. Grenoble, 1908. 1908.1 La costiase et son traitement chcx les jeunes alevins de truite. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 148, 1284-1286. -Ann. I'jiiv. Grenoble, 21, 437-440. 1909.1 - Etudes sur le rendement cul- tural des eaux alpines. Pisciculture. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, 21, 195-221. 4 pis. & 2 figs. 1909.2 Poissons et pisciculture dans le Dauphine. Ann. Soc. Touristes Dau- phine, Grenoble, 1909, 34, 279-352. 1909.3 - Reserves pour la reproduction du poisson dans les cours d'eau du departe- inont de 1'Isere. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, pt. 2. 1909.4 Dossiers piscicoles des cours d'eau alpins. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, 22, 569-602. 2 figs. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, pt. 1. 1910.1 Le gout de vase chez les pois- sons d'eau douce. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 151, 900-902. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1911, 23, 135-138. pi. - Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, pt, 2. pi. 1910.2 Principes de la methode ration- nelle du peuplement des cours d'eau a salmonides. Bull. Soc. Aquicult. Peche, 1910, 22, 241-269. Ann. Univ. Gre- noble, 22, 533-602. 1910.3 Sur la presence du barbeau meri- dional dans les Alpes du Dauphine. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, 22, 157-163. 4 pis. & fig. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, pt. 1. Bull. Soc. Dauphinoire Etudes Biol., 1, pt. 2, no. 2, 31-37. 1910.4 Etudes sur 1' action nocive des produits de deversements industriels chimiques dans les eaux douces. 2 e sorie. Eaux de decapages des metaux. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1911. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1912, 24, no. 1. 1911.1 Elevage intensif de la truite en limite. Conditions necessaires a sa realisation. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1913, 26, 527-535. 1913.1 .i Mir la mix- <-n valeur -r- cole^des lacs alpins do haute altitude. Experiences et c<>iiclu>ions. \nn Univ Grenoble, 1JM3. 25, :><)1 -f)25. 5 pis. L6ger, Louis, & Dodero, (!. Action nocive exem'e >ur !* pois><>n> par cer- tains produits de deVersemen t > indu- triels dans les torrents du dauphine. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sri sess., 1905, 765-773. i-.io:, i LSger, Louix, & Duboscq, (). \ sur les infusoires endoparasites. Arch Zool. Exper. Gen., 1904, 4. ser. 2 356. pi. 1904.1 Sur la signification des " Rhab- dospora," prStendus sporozoaires para- sites des poissons. Ann. Univ. Greno- ble, 1910, 22, 173-176. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 148, 1547-1549. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, pt. 1. 1910.1 Leger, Louis, & Hesse, E. Sur une nouvelle myxosporidie parasite de la sardine. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 145, 85-87. 1907.1 Leger, Maurice. Observation con- cernant une anomalie du cervelet d'un Alopias vulpes. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1887, 7. ser. 11, 160-163. 1887.1 Logoff, A., & Tourneux, F. Rayons osteoi'des de la nageoire caudale de jeune torpille. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris 1875 (1876), 6. ser. 2, 300-301. 1876.1 Legouis, S. Sur le pancreas des poissons osseux, et sur la nature des vaisseaux d6couverts par Weber. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1098-1101. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 5, 453. 1870.1 Recherches sur les tubes de Weber et sur le pancreas des poissons osseux. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1873, 5. s6r. 17, 1-107. pis. Ibid., 1873, 18, 1-184. 3 pis. 1873.1 Recherches sur le pancreas des cyclostomes et sur le pancreas et le foie denu6s de canal adducteur propre chez le Petromyzon marinus. Ann. ooc. Sci. Bruxelles, 1882, 6, pt. 2, 247-269. Ibid., 8, pt. 2, 187-313. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 96, 305-308. 1882.1 Le Grand d'Aussy, Pierre Jean Baptiste [1737-1800] Le histoire de la vie priv6e des Francois depuis 1'origine de la nation jusqu'a nos jours. 3 vols. Paris, 1782. 8. 1782.1 Poissons, tome ii, p. 54-68. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEG Le Grand d'Aussy, P. J. B. Etude sur la peche en France. Paris, 1864. 8. 1864.1 Legros, Robert. Sur la morphologie des glandes sexuelles de VAmphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. 3. Congr. Intern. Zool. Leyde, 1896, 487-500. pi. 1896.1 - Developpement de la cavite buccale de VAmphioxus lanceolatus. Contribution a V etude de la morphologie de la tete. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1898, 1, 497-542. 3 pis. Ibid., 1899, 2, 1-43. 2 pis. & 6 figs. 1898.1 Anatomic de 1'appareil vascu- laire de VAmphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 28. sess., 1900, pt. 1, 272-273. 1900.1 Contribution a Te"tude de 1'ap- pareil vasculaire de 1'Amphioxus. Cir- culation des parois de corps. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1902, 16, 487-554. 4 pis. 1902.1 Recherches sur 1'appareil bran- chial des vertebres. Premiere note pre- liminaire: 1'evolution des arcs aortiques des teleosteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Nancy, 1903, 5, 170-178. 5 figs. 1903.1 Sur quelques cas d'asyntaxie blastoporale chez 1'Amphioxus. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1907, 18, 440-534. 3 pis. & 6 figs. 1907.1 Index bibliographique, p. 531-532. Sur le developpement des fentes branchiales et des canalicules de Weiss- Boveri chez Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1909, 34, 126-151. 14 figs. 1909.1 Sur quelques points de 1' anato- mic et du developpement de 1'Amphi- oxus. Notes preliminaires. Anat. Anz., 1910, 35, 561-587. 7 figs. 1910.1 Lehmann, Adolf. Das Laichgeschaft bei Eleotris spec? Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 401-402. 1911.1 Zucht und Pflege des Pantodon buchholzi. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 627-629. fig. 1912.1 Lehmann, Martin Christian Gottlieb [1775-1856] Ueber einem riesen Hay (Squalus maximus) Neue Schrift. Gesell. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1803, 4, 120. fig. 1803.1 Lehmkuhl, H . C., Blytt, H. H. P., & others. See Blytt, Lehmkuhl & others. Lehner, Gebr. Lachse in der Aare und Garnfalle. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 29. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Zurich, 1893. 1 p. 8. 1893.1 Lehner, H. Die Lachsgarnf alien. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 65-67. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Zurich, 1895. 2 p. 8. 1895.1 Lehners, , & Rump, - - See Rump & Lehners. Lehnert, Konrad. Osphromenus tri- chopterus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 522-523. 1910.1 Le Hon, Henri [1809-1872] Ter- rains tertiares de Bruxelles; leur compo- sition, leur classement, leur faune et leur flore. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1862, 2. ser. 19, 804-832. 3 figs. 1862.1 Liste des poissons fossiles, p. 812. Leiber, Adolf, & Neikert, Ludwig. See Neikert & Leiber. Leiblein, Versuch einer Auf- zahlung der Fische des Maingebietes. Correspbl. Zool. -Mineral. Ver. Regens- burg, 1853, 7, 97-127; 183-185. 1853.1 Leidenfrost, Gyula. Uj hal a Quer- nerobol [Neuer Fisch aus dem Quarnero, Syngnathus phlegon Risso] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., Budapest, 1908, 7, 26- 30. fig. 1908.1 Fishes from Asia Minor [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., Budapest, 1912, 11, 125-132; 159. 2 figs. 1912.1 The Lepadogaster species of the Adriatic [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., Budapest, 1912, 11, 159- 160. 1912.2 Leidy, Joseph [1823-1891] For bio- graphical notice and list of writings, see memoir by H. F. Osborn in Nat. Acad. Sci., 1912 (Biogr. Mem.), 7, 335-396. [On Squatina dumerili] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1847, 3, 247. 1847.1 Contributions to helminthology. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1851, 5, 205-210. 1851.1 Records Distomum longum and D. tereticolle from pike; Echinorhynchus lateralis from brook trout, and E. proteus from white bass. - Descriptions of new species of Entozoa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1851, 6, 155-156. 1851.2 Echinorhynchus socialis from intestines of Platessa plana. LEI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIII.S On nodular bodies embedded in the tail and fins of fishes, a parasitic worm of the genus Distoma. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1853, 6, 433. 1853.1 - Description of two ichthyodoru- lites (Stenacanthus nitidus and Cylin- dracanthus ornatus] Amer. Journ. Sci 1856, 2. ser. 21, 421^22. Proc. Acad Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 11-12. 1856.1 - Indications of five species, with two new genera, of extinct fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1855 (1856), 7, 414. 1856.2 Indications of twelve species of fossil fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1855 (1856), 7, 395-397. 1856.3 Notices of remains of extinct reptiles and fishes discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden in the Bad Lands of the Judith river, Nebraska territory. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1856, 2. ser. 22, 118-120. - Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 72-73. 1856.4 Two species of Lepidotus are described. Notices on some tapeworms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1855 (1856), 7, 43; 443^44. 1856.5 Records Ligula monogramma from chub. Notice of some remains of fishes discovered by Dr. John E. Evans. Proc. ^Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 256-257. 1857.1 Clupea humilis, Cladocyclus f occidentalis, Enchodus shumardi. Notices of extinct vertebrata discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden, during the expedition to the Sioux country under the command of Lieut. G. K. Warren-. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 311-312. 1857.2 Mylognathus priscus. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrated animals discovered by Pro- fessor E. Emmons. Proc. Acad. Nat. v Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 255-256. Amer. Journ. Sci., 2. ser. 23, 271-272. 1857.3 Ischyrhiza antiqua. Notices of remains of extinct vertebrated animals of New Jersey, collected by Prof. Cook of the State / Geological Survey, under the direction of Dr. W. Kitchell. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 220-221. 1857.4 Ischyrhiza mira, sp. nov. Remarks on certain -\imrt species of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat Sri. Philad. 1856 (1857), 8, 301-302. 1857.:, Edestus, Cylindracanthua, Saurocephalus. A synopsis of Entozoa and some of their ectocogeners observed by the author. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad, 1856 (1857), 8, 42-58. 1857.6 172 species are enumerated, 18 of which are parasitic on fishes and 6 are new. - Descriptions of some remains of fishes from the Carboniferous and De- vonian formations of the United States. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1858, 2. ser. 3, 159-165. 3 pis. Abstract in Amer. Journ. Sci., 2. ser. 22, 453. 1858.1 List of extinct vertebrata, the remains of which have been discovered in the region of the Missouri river, with remarks on their geological age. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1857 (1858), 8&-91. 1858.2 Clupea, Cladocyclus, Enchodus, Sauroce- phalus, Lepidotus, Mylognathus. Notice of remains of extinct vertebrata from the valley of the Nio- brara river, collected during the explor- ing expedition of 1857 in Nebraska. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1858, 20-29. 1858.3 Notices of some remains of ex- tinct fishes [Hadrodus priscus, Phasga- nodus dims, Turseodus acutus, Pycnodus robustus] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1857 (1858), 167-168. 1858.4 A minnow caught in the Schuyl- kill, having disease of the scales of the upper part of the head and about the orbit. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1858 (1859), Biol. Dept. 12. 1859.1 Remarks on remains of some extinct vertebrata in territory of Ne- braska. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1859, 7, 10-11. 1859.2 Sphyrsenoid teeth. Remarks on the growth of Achlya prolifera upon fish. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1858 (1859), Biol. Dept. 13. 1859.3 Description of vertebrate fossils (In Holmes, F. S. Post-Pleiocene fos- sils of South Carolina, p. 99-122. 14 pis. Charleston, 1860) 1860.1 Fishes, p. 119-122. Xiphias, Pastinaca, Ischyrhiza, Trichiurus and sharks' teeth. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEI Leidy, J. Descriptions of the remains of fishes from the Carboniferous limestone of Illinois and Missouri. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1860, n. s. 11, 87-90. pi. 1860.2 Cochliodus, Helodus, Chomatodus, Palseo- batis, Ctenoptychius. Extinct vertebrata from the Judith river and great lignite formations of Nebraska. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1860, n. s. 11, 149-154. 4 pis. 1860.3 Fishes*, p. 149; 153-154. Lepidotus, Mylog- nathus. [Remarks on fossil vertebrates found near Phcenixville, Pa., including bones and teeth of ganoid fishes] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 110. 1860.4 Remarks on Saurocephalus and its allies. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1860, n. s. 11, 91-95. pi. 1860.5 [Remarks upon remains of fishes found in the ferruginous deposit at Bethany, Va., and also from the Green Sand, of Monmouth county, N. J.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 110. 1860.6 No descriptions, are given and no species are named. Some remains of cartilaginous fishes discovered by Dr. F. V. Hayden and F. B. Meek ... in the Carboniferous formations of Kansas. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 3. 1860.7 Xystracanthus, Cladodus, Petalodus. Remarks on the food of shad. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 2. 1862.1 On a fcetal dog-fish (Acanthias americanus) from the isles of Shoals, N. H. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1865, 175. 1865.1 Notice of American species of Ptychodus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 205-208. 1868.1 Remarks on Conosaurus [Pachy- rhizodusi of Gibbes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 200-202. 1868.2 Remarks on shad brought to our markets during the late autumnal months, which were caught in salt water, and their food. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 228. 1868.3 Notice of some worms, Dibo- thriurn cordiceps, Hirudo, Gordius. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1871, 305-307. 1871.1 Describes specimens of trout from Yellowstone river infested with tapeworm Dibothrium cor- diceps. Report on the vertebrate fossils of the Tertiary formations of the west. 2. [4] Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Wy- oming & Territ. 1870 (1871), 340-370. 1871.2 Fishes, p. 368-370. Cyprinidse, Clupea, Asineops, Oncobatis, etc. On some remains of Cretaceous fishes [Otodus divaricatus, Oxyrhina ex- tenta, Acrodus humilis and Pycnodus faba] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1872, 162-163. 1872.1 On the fossil vertebrates of the early Tertiary formation of Wyoming. 5. Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Montana & Territ. 1871 (1872), 353-372. 1872.2 Fishes, p. 371-372. Clupea, Osteoglossum, Asineops, Erismatopterus, Lepidosteus, Amia. Remarks on fossil shark teeth. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1872, 166. 1872.3 Contributions to the extinct vertebrate fauna of the western terri- tories. 1. Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Terr. 1867 (1873), 1-358. 37 pis. 1873.1 Fishes, p. 184-196; 261-264; 288-313. Sharks' teeth, chimaeroids, ganoids and teleosts from the Tertiary and Cretaceous; also Carboniferous shark remains. Notice of fossil vertebrates from the Miocene of Virginia. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. Philad., 1873, 15. Amer. Journ. Sci., 3. ser. 5, 311-312. 1873.2 Selachian remains, Tautoga, Acipenser. Notice of remains of fishes in the Bridger Tertiary formations of Wyo- ming. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, 97-99. 1873.3 Amia, Lepidosteus. On Lingula in a fish of the Susquehanna. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, 415-416. 1873.4 Description of vertebrate re- mains, chiefly from the phosphate beds of South Carolina. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1874-81, 2. ser. 8, 209-261. 5 pis. 1874.1 Fossil sharks' teeth are described. On psorosperms in a mallard duck. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1875, 126-127. 1875.1 Infection may have come from infected fish. On Petalodus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 9. 1876.1 Remarks on fossils from the Ashley phosphate beds. Proc. Acad. LEM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 80-81. Amer. Journ. Sci., 3. ser. 12, 222-223. Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 10, 570-572. 1876.2 Cycloid fish scales and hypural fans. Remarks on vertebrate fossils from the phosphate beds of South Caro- lina. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 114-115. 1876.3 Carcharodon teeth. On parasitic worms in the shad capsularia) Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1878, 171. 1878.1 Description of cysts of Agamonema capnulnrin from shad and herring; often very numerous. 1 toee not affect fish or render it unwholesome as food. Rhizopods, the food of some young fishes. Amor. Journ. Sci., 1881, 3. ser. 22, 82. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist .. 5. ser. 8, 240. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1881, 9-10. 1881.1 Filaria of the black bass. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1883, 69. 1883.1 Bothriocephalus in trout. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad., 1885, 122-123. 1885.1 Record of specimens taken from trout. Brief description of form named Bothriocephalus cestus. Notices of nematoid worms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1886, 308-313. 1886.1 Includes description of Filaria stigmatura from lake trout. On Amia and its probable Tsenia. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1886, 62. 1886.2 Note on the occurrence in the bowfin of a species probably Tcenia filicollis. Notice of some parasitic worms. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1887, 20- 24. 1887.1 Includes description of Tcenia ambloplitis from rock bass; T. micropteri from black bass; Disho- rn urn hispidum from sturgeon. Parasites of the pickerel. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, 169. 1888.1 Describes Tcenia leptosoma from pike; may be identical with T. amblopitis from rock bass. Parasites of the rock fish. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1888, 166-168. 1888.2 Describes Distomum galactosomum, a new species, and Agamonema capsularia. - Parasites of the shad and herring. Jour. Compar. Medic. & Surg., 1888, 9, 211-217. 1888.3 Migratory fish. Shad from Delaware river harbored Agamonema capsularia, Ascaris adunca, and Gymnoscolex picta. Herring harbor the first and third only. -Parasites of the >tnprl . Proc. Acad. Nat. Sri. I'hila.l., 1888, 124- 125. 18XM Records Ergasilus labraci* from Kills of Btripcd bass and Echinorhynchus t ,r,,t, us fr.mi intc-tin.-. Migratory fish. -Description of v.rnhnt, mains from Peace crock. I Ion. la. Tran-. Wagner Free Instit. Sci. I'hila.l., L 2, 19-31. 5 pis. 188'. i Fishes, p. 31. Ephippua, Diodon, My!i..l. Oxyrhina, Galeocerdo. Notices of Entozoa. Journ. Compar. Medic. & Surg., 1890, 410-1 Is. 1890.1 Describes Echinorhj/nchu* jxiucihamatu* from black bass; Tcenia nematosoma from pike. Leiper, R. T. Some generic names that have been omitted from recent zo- ological indices. Zoologist, 1908, 390. 1908.1 Leith, J. M. Salmon legislation in Scotland at present applicable to the salmon fisheries in Scotland, and the best means of improving it (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 130-154. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.1 Le Juge, E. Note sur le Synanceia brachia (Cuvier) Trans. Roy. Soc. Mauritius, 1871, 6, 19-24. 1871.1 Note sur le Torpedo marmorata de 1'fle Maurice (vulgairement trem- bleur) Trans. Roy. Soc. Mauritius, 1876, n. s. 8, 26-33. 1876.1 Lelievre, August, & Retterer, Ed- uard. See Retterer & Lelidvre. Lemaout, Emmanuel [1800-1877] Oiseaux, reptiles, poissons, insectes et crustace"s (In Bernard, Pierre. Le Jar- din des Plantes. Paris, 1843. 664 p. col. pis. 8) 1843.1 Lemarie, Eugene. Poissons des d6- partements de la Charente. de la Cha- rente-infe>ieure, des Deux-Seyres, de la Vended et de la Vienne. Niort, 1866. g. 1866.1 Lemmermann, E. Resultate einer biologischen Untersuchung von Forel- lenteichen. Forsch. Beob. Biol. Stat. Plon., 1897, 6, 67-112. 3 figs. 1897.1 Lemmon, J. Deal-fish or vaagmaer on the Banff coast. Ann. Scot t ish Nat. Hist., 1905, 184. Lemoigne, A. t k Lussana, /'. See Lussana A: Lemoigne. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEM Lemoine, Victor [ 1897] Recher- ches sur les ossements fossiles des ter- rains tertiaires inferieurs des environs de Reims. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1878, 6. ser. 8, 1-56. 8 pis. 1878.1 Remains of sparoids, siluroids, pycnodonts, Squalidae and Myliobatidse are mentioned. Communication sur les osse- ments fossiles des terrains tertiaires in- ferieurs des environs de Reims. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 8. sess., 1879, 585-595. 1879.1 Teleosts, ganoids and chondropterygians. Etude sur les couches de 1'Eocene inf erieur remois qui contiennent la f aune cernaysienne, et sur deux types nou- veaux de cette faune. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1896, 3. ser. 24, 333-344. pi. 1896.1 Sparidse, Enchodus, Pappichthys, Edaphodon, Myliobatis, Lamnidae. Lemoine-Moreau, E. Des poissons electriques. Des causes, et elements de production de 1'electricite de la torpille. Paris, 1868. 12 p. 8. 1868.1 Lemoussu, Des avantages qui doiyent resulter pour la France de F ex- ploitation des produits de la mer. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1860, 7, 332-340. 1860.1 Lendenfeld, Robert von [1858] Ueber Lepidopus caudatus Gtinth. Zool. Anz., 1883, 6, 559-560. New Zealand Journ. Sci., 2, 108-109. 1883.1 Note on the fishes. Proc. Linn. es of deep-sea ic. New South Wales, 1885, 9, pt. 3, 699-700. 1885.1 Die Leuchtorgane der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 609-621. 1887.1 Report on the structure of the phosphorescent organs of fishes (In Giinther, A. Report on the deep-sea fishes. In Report on the scientific re- sults of the voyage of H. M. S. " Chal- lenger " during the years 1873-76, vol. xxii (Append. B), 277-329. 5 pis. Lon- don, etc., 1887) 1887.2 Bemerkung liber die Leuchtor- gane der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1891, 10, 215-216. 1891.1 The radiating organs of the deep- sea fishes; with an appendix on the structure of the bud-like organs of Mal- thopsis spinulosa Garman, by Emanuel Troian. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., 1905, 30, 169-212. 11 pis. 1905.1 Leney, Frank. ^ A list of the type, figured and described fossils in the Nor- wich Castle Museum. Geol. Mag., 1902, 4. dec. 9, 166-171; 220-231. 1902.1 Lengerke, von. Beobachtungen liber unseren Flusshecht (Esox Indus] Hannov. Land.- Forstw. Vereinsbl., 1874, 13. Jahrg., 126. 1874.1 Gehen Aale aufs Land ? Deutsch. Landsw. Presse, 1876, 3 Jahrg., 610. 1876.1 Lengerken, Hans von. Die Kolben- zellen von Anguilla und Petromyzqn. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1913, 391-441. 4 pis. & 8 figs. 1913.1 Lengyel, Istvdn. Feszekrako halak [Nest-building fishes] Termeszet. Kozl., Budapest, 1872, 4, 426-432. 1872.1 Lenhart, C. H., & Marine, David. See Marine & Lenhart. Lenhossek, Michael von. Beobach- tungen an den Spinalganglien und dem Rlickenmark von Pristiurusembryonen. Anat. Anz., 1892, 7, 51-9-539. figs. 1892.1 Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen der Mundschleimhaut der Fische. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Fest- schr. Nat. Ges. Basel, 1892, 92-100. 1892.2 Beitrage zur Histologie des Ner- vensystems und der Sinnesorgane. Wiesbaden, 1894. 1894.1 Zur Kenntniss des Riickenmarks der Rochen. Wiesbaden, 1894. 1894.2 Der feinere Bau des Nervensys- tems im Lichte neuester Forschungen. 2. ed. Berlin, 1895. 1895.1 Ueber die Entwickelung der peripherischen Nervenfasern [Text in Hungarian] Math. Termeszet. Ertesit6, Budapest, 1905, 23, 190-229. 1905.1 Lennox, T. H. The fossil sharks of the Devonian. Proc. Canad. Instit., 1886, 3. ser. 3, 120-121. 1886.1 Makes statement of the finding of a fossil fin-spine, Machcer acanthus sulcatus, at St. Marys, Ontario. Lennurt, /. T. Catch of spawning shad in the Potomac above Georgetown. Bull. U. S Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 440. 1883.1 Lenz, Eduard. Horen die Fische? [Cyprinus] Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 4. Jahrg., 158-160. 1906.1 LEO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF F1SIIKS Lenz, //. Die Fische der Trave- miinder Buoht. riivul. Deutsch. Fi- scherci Ver. 1879 (1880), no. 2, 51-57. 1880.1 Ein neuer Fisch, Salarias reu- teri [Spirostreptus reuteri] und zwei neue Myriapoden von Nossi-Be. Zool. Anz., 1881, 4, 506-508. 1881.1 Lenz, //., & Jatzow, R. See Jatzow - logie unseres wertvollsten Salmonidon Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 8, 217-223; 233 238; 252-258; 269-273. 1905.16 Ludoperca volgensis. Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1905, 9, 74-75. 1905.17 Mastacembelus pancalus (Buch.) Natur u. Haus, 1905, 14 Jahrg., 4-5. fig. 1905.18 P cecilia unimaculata Val. Natur u. Haus, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 281-283. 1905.19 - Die Preparation von Fischen. Nerthus, Altona, 1905, 7, 105-106. 1905.20 Schleierschwanz X Barbus con- chonius und einiges iiber Befruchtungs- vorgange. Natur u. HaUs, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 324-327. 1905.21 Das Schmarotzertum der Unio- denlarven auf den Fischen. Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1905, 9, 61-62. 1905.22 - Der Schwarzbarsch (Microp- terus dolomieui) Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1905, 9, 87-89. 1905.23 Der Zander (Luctoperca) Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1905, 9, 25-27; 38-41; 51-53. 1905.24 Der Zwergwels (Amiurus nebu- losus) Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1905, 9, 14-16. 1905.25 Acara bimaculata (L.) Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 342-343. fig. 1906.1 Badis badis (Ham. & Buch) Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 266- 267. fig. 1906.2 Danio rerio (Ham. & Buch) Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 121- 122. fig. 1906.3 Einiges aus dem Leben des Flussbarsches. Deutsch. Fischerei Cor- resp., 1906, 10, 10-12. 1906.4 Die Entwickelung der Fischerei und ihrer Gerate. Zeitschr. Fischerei, 1906, 13, 83-171. 19 figs. 1906.5 Die Gattung Callichthys Cuvier und ihre bisher in die Aquarien einge- fiihrten Vertreter. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 259-261; 271-273; 283-284. 1906.6 - Der Coldfisdi in .):.!>;,.,. chenschr. Aquur.-TriT.-ir. Kun.l.-, l')or,. 3. Jahrg., 439-441. ]'.()<; .7 DerKarpfen; Geschichte, Natur- geschichte und wirtschaftlirho Hrdm- tung unsrn's \\icht i^irn /urhtfisrhcs. Neudamm, 1906. 104 p. map s 1906.8 - Der Karpfen in Xordaim Tik.-i Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 9, 326-328; MU 343. 1906.9 Macrones tengara (Ham. & Buch) Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 231- 232. fig. 1906.10 Poecilia reiiculata Peters. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, l ( .u>f>, 3. Jahrg., 71-74. 1906.11 Pseudocorynopoma dorice (Peru- gia) Natur u. Haus, 1906, 15. Jahni.. 46-48. fig. 190r,.U Ueber die Mopskopfbildung bei Abramis vimba L. Zool. Anz., 190(i, 31. 53-60. 2 figs. 1906.13 Die Volksnamen unserer hei- mischen karpfenahnlichen Fische. Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1906, 10, 4-7. 1906.14 Zygonedes nottii Ag. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 142-143. fig. 1906.15 Zernecke, Leitfaden fur Aqua- rien- und Terrarienfreunde. 3. ed. Dresden, 1907. 455 p. 2 pis. & 185 figs. 1907.1 Die beiden Siisswusscrst irhlingo. Deutsch. Fischerei Corresp., 1907, 11, August u. September. 1907.2 Fliegende Fische. Natur u. Haus, 1907, 16. Jahrg., 152-154. 1907.3 Glaridodon latidens Garm. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 270-271. 1907.4 Inzucht und Vererbung. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1907, 10, 649-652. 1907.5 Die Plotze (Leudscus rutilus L.) Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 10, 1-6; 22-24. 1907.6 Tetragonopterus rubropictus Berg. Natur u. Haus, 1907, 15. Jahrg., 115- 117. fig. 1907.7 Versuche iiber die Aufzurht des Aales in den Lagunen von Comacchio. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 10, 80.5-810. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEO Leonhardt, E. E. Der Werdegang eines Speise- karpfens. Natur & Haus, 1907, 16. Jahrg., 24-27. fig. 1907.9 Die Fische in den tierkundlichen Sammlungen. Deutsch. Fischerei Cor- resp., 1908, 12, June u. July. 1908.1 ilus maculatus. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 6. Jahrg., 27. 1908.2 Das Sammeln, Erhalten und Aufstellen der Tiere. Neudamm, 1908. xiv, 282 p. 80 figs. 1908.3 Das Susswasser-Aquarium. Stuttgart, 1908. viii, 88 p. 4 pis. 8 figs. 1908.4 Die sinnlichen Wahrnehmungen der Fische. Natur u. Haus, 1909, 17. Jahrg.. 252-255; 261-266; 283-287. 1909.1 Ontogenetisches und "Anatomi- sches vom Goldfisch. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 528- 531. 3 figs. 1912.1 Der Fisch. Sein Korper und sein Leben. Stuttgart, 1913. 2 pis. & 28 figs. 165 p. 1913.1 Leonhardt, G. Information con- cerning the blue carp. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 15. 1883.1 L'Eost, (Commandant} Rap- port au sujet d'un animal inconnu, rencontre en baie d' Along par la " De- cidee." Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 115-117. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 1720-1721. 1904.1 An unidentified marine creature, possibly Regalecus. Leotaud,Antome [1814-1867] Fishes of Trinidad (In De Verteuil, L. A. A. Trinidad, its geography, etc. 1858) 1858.1 Sixty-seven genera and 200 species are enumerated without descriptions. Some of the species are identified by Dr. T. N. Gill in his Synopsis of the freshwater fishes of Trinidad, published in Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1858, 6, 365-369. Lepekhin, Ivan Ivanovich [1737?- 1802] Descriptio piscis [Cyprini sp.] Novi .Comment. Acad. Petropol., 1771, 15, 491-493. 1771.1 Descriptio Cyclopteri lineati. Novi Comment. Acad. Petropol., 1773, 18, 322-325. figs. 1773.1 -Descriptio piscis, e Gadorum genere, Russis Saida dicti [Gadus saida] Novi Comment. Acad. Petropol., 1773, 18, 512-521. pi. 1773.2 Herrn J. Lepechin . . . Tage- buch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russisches Reiches in den Jahren 1768 und 1769. Aus dem Russi- schen iibersetzt von M. C. H. Hase. 3 Theile. Altenburg, 1774-83. illust. 4. 1774.1 The original edition, in Russian, was pub- lished at St. Petersburg 1771-80. It contains descriptions of various fishes. Varietas Acipenseris stellati op- pido rara descripta. Nova Acta Acad. Petropol. (Hist.), 1795, 9, 35-38. Lepinay, S. Psychologic des pois- sons. Quelques anecdotes. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 476-479. 1907.1 Le Play, Albert. La carpe, nouveaux precedes d'elevage et d'amenagement des 6tangs, par le systeme Dubisch. Paris, 1889. 18. 1889.1 Lepori, C. Osservationes sull' uovo della Lebias calaritana. Roma, 1881. pi. 4. 1881.1 II maschio dell' Anguilla. Atti Soc. Ital., Sci. Nat., Milano, 1883, 26, 327-336. 1883.1 Lepsius, Carl Georg Richard [1851 ] Geologic von Deutschland und den angrenzenden Gebieten. ... I. Teil: Das westliche und siidliche Deutschland. Stuttgart, 1887-92. xiv, 800 p. pi. & 10 figs. 8. 1887.1 The same. II. Teil: Das qst- liche und nordliche Deutschland. Lief. 1. Leipzig, 1903. 8.. 1903.1 Lereboullet, [Dominique] Auguste [1804-1865] Embryogenies des verte- bres et des animaux articules. Quel- ques propositions sur 1'embryologie des poissons, particulierement du brqchet et de la perche, et sur I'embryog^nie de 1'ecrevisse. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1854, 38, 978-980. L'Institut, 1854, 22, 203-204. 1854.1 Resume d'un travail d'embryo- logie comparee sur le developpement du brochet, de la perche et de 1'ecrevisse. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.\ 1854, 4. se>, 1, 237-289. Ibid., 2, 39-80. 1854.2 Sur la monstruosite double chez les poissons (extrait d'une lettre adres- s6e a 1' occasion d'une communication LER BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES de M. de Quatrefages) C. R Arad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 40, 84-S5(>; 916-917; 1028-1030; 1063-1065.- Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 2. sor. 16, 48- 51 1855.1 - Recherches d'embryologie com- paivo sur le dovoloppement de la truite, du lezard et du limne"e. Ann. Sci. Nat (Zoo/.), 1861, 4. sor. 16, 113-196. Ibid ' 1862, 17, 89-157. 3 pis. Ibid., 1862, 18 87-211. 4 pis. Ibid., 19, 5^100. Ibid' 1863, 20, 5-58. 1861.1 Recherches sur les monstruosi- tos du brochet observees dans 1'oeuf et sur leur mode de production. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 1861,4. ser. 16, 359-368. //)/V, 1863, 4. ser. 20, 177-271. 2 pis. /W., 1864, 5. ser. 1, 113-199; 257-320. - (\ R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 63, 957-959. 1861.2 - Exp6riences relatives a la pro- duction artificielle des monstruosite's dans Tceuf du brochet. C. R. Acad. Sci Paris, 1862, 54, 761-762. Rev. & Mag. Zool., 1862, 14, 171-173. 1862.1 Recherches d'embryologie com- pan'o sur le developpement du brochet, de la perche et de 1'ecrevisse. M6m. Savans Etrang., Paris, 1862, 17, 447- 805. 1862.2 Sur les monstruosite's du brochet dans 1'oeuf. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Strasbourg, 1862, 5, 7. 1862.3 - De 1'origine et du mode de for- mation des corpuscles sanguins chez des poissons. Ann. Soc. Linn. Angers, 1863, 6, 80-84. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 58, 561-562. 1863.1 Mode de formation des cellules embryonnaires chez les poissons. Cos- mos. " Les Mondes, 1864, 5, 185-186. 1864.1 Note sur 1'origine de la forma- tion des corpuscles sanguins chez les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 58, 561-562. 1864.2 Nouvelles recherches sur la for- mation des premieres cellules embryon- naires. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 1864, 5. ser. 2, .5-41. pi. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 58, 558-560. 1864.3 - Remarques sur les observations de M. Leuckart relatives a des organes oculiformes chez quelques poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 1864, 5 ser. 2, 355. 1864.4 Leriche, Maurice. Faun.- irl,tl, V olo- gique des sabh- Tdrfdinadea 'Mvin>Mw,ri.;p,, rri;i v (Marne) Am, Ojpl. Noid, 1900. 29. 173 I'.M; _ , 1900.1 -Contribution a lY-tu.lr dftj rife. rictfs fossiles. Ann. Soc. Ge"ol. Nord, 1901,30,165-175. pi. & 4 figs. 1901.1 -Sur deux pycnodnntid.- (fa terrains secondairrs ,l u Bouloimai- Ann. Soc. G6ol. Nord, 1901, 30, 161 pi. & 2 figs. 1901 > pour tien Soc. G6ol. Nord, 1901, 30, 153-161. pL & 16 figs. 190 i.;i - Les poissons tertiaires de la Belgique, 1902-05. 1902.1 ATA 1 ' kfi P oi f on8 Pateoednes de la Belgique. M6m. Mua. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 1902. S, 1-48. 3 pis. & 8 figs. Abstract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 136, 103-105; 527. ii. Les poissons eocenes de la Belgique. Mf-m Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat, Belgique, 1903, 3, 49-228. 9 pis. & 55 figs. iii. Les poissons oligocenes de la Belgique. Ibid., 1905, 5, 229-363. 5 pis. & 91 figs. - Revision de la faune ichthyo- logique des terrains cre'tace's du nord de la France. Ann. Soc. Ge"ol. Nord, 1902, 31, 87-155. 3 pis. & figs. 1902.2 Note pr61iminaire sur une faune d'ostracodermes r6cemment d6couverte a Pernes (Pas-de-Calais) Ann. Soc. Ge*ol. Nord, 1903, 32, 190-191. 1903.1 Le Pteraspis de Lie"vin (Pas-de- Calais) [Pteraspis crouchi Lankesten Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1903, 32, 161-175. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1903.2 Rectification de nomenclature. Rev. Grit. Pal6ozool., 1903, 7, 129. 1903.3 Sur les horizons pale*ontologiques du Landenien marin du nord de la France. Ann. Soc. Ge\>l. Nord, 1903, 32, 239-252. fig. 1903.4 Note sur les Cottus fossiles, et en particulier sur Cottus cervicomis Storms, du Rupelien de la Belgique. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1904, 677-679. pi. 1904.1 Contribution a 1'^tude des pois- sons fossiles du nord de la France et des regions voisines. Me"m. Soc. G6ol. Nord, 1906, 5, 1-^30. pis. & figs. Ab- stract in Ann. Soc. Gl. Nord, 35, 338- 356. 1906.1 34 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LER Leriche, M. Note sur les vertebres eocenes de la Loire-Inferieure. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Quest France, 1906, 2. ser. 6, 179- 183. 1906.2 Sur la faune ichthyologique de Faquitanien marin des environs de Montpellier. C. R. Assoc. Frans. Avanc. Sci., 35. sess., 1906, 352-356. pi. & figs. 1906.3 Note preliminaire sur les pois- sons des f aluns neogenes de la Bretagne, de 1'Anjou et de la Touraine. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1907, 35, 290-322. 1907.1 Observations sur les poissons du Patagonien recemment signales par M. Fl. Ameghino. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1907, 36, 129-137. 1907.2 Revision de la faune ichthyolo- gique des terrains neogenes du bassin du Rhone. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 36. sess., 1907, 36, pt. 2, 335-352. 2 figs. 1907.3 Sur la faune ichthyologique et sur 1'age des f aluns de Pourcy (Marne) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 145, 442- 444. 1907.4 Sur 1' attribution de Lacerta (?) eocena Owen de 1'Eocene inferieur de Suffolk a un poisson du genre Amia. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1907, 36, 167- 169. 1907.5 Contribution a 1' etude des pois- sons fossiles du nord de la France et des regions voisines. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1908, 35, 338-357. 1908.1 Note preliminaire sur des pois- sons nouveaux de TOligocene beige. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. Hydrol., 1908, 22 (Proc.-Verb.), 378-384. 1908.2 Note sur des poissons paleocenes et Eocenes des en vironsde Reims (Marne) Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1908, 37, 229-265. 4 pis. & fig. 1908.3 Observations sur les squales neogenes de la Californie. Ann. Soc. G6ol. Nord, 1908, 37, 302-306. 1908.4 - Premiere note sur les poissons carboniferes du nord de la France. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1908, 37, 266-281. 2 pis. & 4 figs. 1908.5 Sur la presence du genre Amia dans les " Hamstead Beds " (Oligocene inferieur) de 1'lle de Wight. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. Hydrol., 1908, 22 (Proc.-Verb.), 121-123. fig. 1908.6 Sur quelques plaques dentaires do Cochliodontides des terrains carbo- niferes de la Belgique. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1908, 37, 281-286. pi. & figs. 1908.7 Sur un appareil fanonculaire de Cetorhinus trouve a 1'etat fossile dans le Pliocene d'Anvers. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1908, 146, 875-878. 1908.8 Les vertebres du nummulitique de I'Aude (In Doncieux, L. Catalogue descriptif des fossiles nummulitiques de I'Aude et de 1'Herault. Corbieres sep- tentrionales) Ann. Univ. Lyon (Sci. Med.), 1908, n. s. 1, 3-19. pi. & figs. 1908.9 - Observations sur les poissons du Tertiaire superieur de Madagascar. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1909, 38, 5-6. 1909.1 - Premiere note sur les poissons carboniferes du nord de la France. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1909, 37, 266-281. 1909.2 Note sur les poissons neogenes de la Catalogne. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1910, 4. ser. 10, 471-474. pi. & fig. 1910.1 Note sur les poissons stampiens du bassin de Paris. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1910, 39, 324-336. pi. 1910.2 [Notice sur ses travaux scien- tifiques] Lille, 1910. 32 p. 8. 1910.3 Les poissons oligocenes de la Belgique. Mem. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 1910, 5, 233-263. 15 pis. & 92 figs. Ibid., 1911, 6, 229-363. 5 pis. 1910.4 Sur les premiers poissons fossiles rencontres au Congo beige, dans le sys- teme du Lualaba. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 151, 840-841. 1910.5 Sur quelques poissons du Cre- tace du bassin de Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. France. 1910, 4. ser. 10, 455-471. pi. & 8 figs. 1910.6 Liste des poissons de la glauco- nie de Lonzee, pres Gembloux (province de Namur) (In Mourlon, M. Texte ex- plicatif du love geologique de la plan- chette de Gembloux, 1911, no. 130, p. 7) 1911.1 Les poissons des couches du Lualaba (Congo beige) Rev. Zool. Afri- caine, 1911, 1, 190-197. 2 pis. 1911.2 LES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Fisi i I'- - Un pycnpdontolde aberrant du StMionirn du Hainaiit. Le genre Acro- temnus L. Agassi/. Acrotemnus splen- di //* do Konim'k. Bull. Soc. Beige G6ol. Pal. Hydrol., 1911, 26 (Proc.-Verb.), 162-168. pi. & 7 figs. 1911.3 - Deuxieme note sur les fossilrs de la craie phosphate" e de la Picardie. Bull. Soc. Beige G6ol. Pal. Hydrol., lr_>, 25 (Mem.), 297-310. pi. &'3 figs. 1912.1 Poissons fossiles, p. 298-301. Sur 1'age des formations spo- radiques comprises entre la porphyrite dioritique et 1'argile ypresienne, a Que- nast. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. Hy- drol., 1912, 26 (Proc.-Verb.), 194-197. 1912.2 Otodus, Odontaspis, Elasmodus, Phyllodus. Sur la presence d'un Pteraspis dans le Coblentzien du massif de Dour. Lesniveaux a ostracophores de PArdenne et des regions limitrophes. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. Hydrol., 1912,26 (Proc.- Verb.), 49-54. pi. 1912.3 Replique par H. de Dorlodot, p. 64-65. R6- ponse par Ch. Fraipont, p. 66-69. Les poissons paleocenes de Lan- dana (Congo) Ann. Mus. Congo G6ol., 1913, 3. ser. 1, 67-80. pis. 1913.1 Le Roux, Marc. Recherches sur 1'his- tologie et la morphologie du systeme nerveux des teleosteens. These. Caen, 1887. 4 pis. 8. 1887.1 Leroy, J. B. Lettre sur 1'etincelle electrique que donne Fanguille de Su- rinam [Gymnotus] Journ. Physique (Rozier), 1776, 8, 331. Scelti Opusc. Interess., 1776, 26, 106. 1776.1 Leroy, J.B., Walsh, /., & Seignette, Lettre sur 1'electricite de la tor- pede. Journ. Physique (Rozier), 1774, 4, 205-206; 210. 1774.1 Le Sauvage, E. Experiences sur la circulation du sang dans les poissons. Journ. Med., 1821, 12, 184-185. 1821.1 Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Ammodytes [A. lanceolatus] Bull. Sci. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1824, MO- HI. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 4, 261-262. 1824.1 Lesieur, Charles, & Nicolas, J. See Nicolas & Lesieur. Leske, Nathaniel Gottfried [1751- 1786] Ichthyologise Lipsiensis speci- men. Lipsiae, 1774. iv, 82 p. 8. Lesley, ./<,*-,>!, /v/,r |isi ]'.KI:;| .\ dictionary of the iWiU ,,f P-nn>ylvania :inl neighboring states naiiutj in n-|X)rt* and catalogues of the survey. 1: Geol. Surv. Pennsylvania, 1889. P 4. 2 vols. vol. i, 437 p. vol. ii, 439-914 p. 8. illust. iss'.i.i Leslie, Charles C. Scarcity of black- fish mortality of codfish: from letter to G. Brown Goode. Bull. I - I Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 132. 1883.1 Lesseps, (Vicomte) Ferdinand Marie de [Une femelle de requin pech6 dans le canal de Suez, contenante douse mini us vivants de 12 a 20 centimetres de longuej C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1874, 79, 1471. 1874.1 Lesseux, C. dr.. Pisciculture da L.i- vnret dans le lac d'Aigucbelettc voie) La Nature, 1903, 31, pt. 1, 234. fig. 1903.1 Lesson, Rene Primwere [1794-1849] Diacope macelor, sp. nov. Bui!. Sci. Nat. (F4russac), 1827, 12, 138-139. 1827.1 Hippocampus abdominalis, sp. nov. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1827, 12, 127-128. 1827.2 Description du nouveau genre Ichthyophis et de plusieurs especes in- dites ou peu connues de poissons (Juiis quadricolor, I. maculata., I. sem -deco- rata, /. coris, etc.], recueillis dans le voy- age autour du monde de ' La Coquille." Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1828, 4, 397- 412. Abstracts in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fe- russac), 17, 299-301. Isis (Oken), 5, 487-488. ' 1828.1 Lessona, Michele [1823-1894] Gli acquari. Torino, 1864. figs. 8. 1864.1 Lessona, Michele, Doria, Giacomo, & Ferrari, S. M. See Doria, Ferrari & Lessona. Lesueur, Charles Alexandre [1778- 1846] Sur deux poissons non encore decrits du genre Callionyme et de 1'ordre des Jugulaires. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1814,5-6. pis. 1814.1 Callionymua risso et C. elegant. Description de six nouvelles es- peces de firoles observ6es par MM. Peron et Lesueur dans la mer M^diter- ran6e en 1809 et 6tablissement du nou- veau genre Firoloide. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1817, 157-160. 1817.1 36 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LES Lesueur, C. A. Description of a new species of the genus Cyprinus [C. maxillingua] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 85-86. 1817.2 Description of six species of the genus Firola, observed by Messrs. Le- sueur and Peron in the Mediterranean sea, in the months of March and April 1809. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 3-8. pi. 1817.3 - Description of three new species of the genus Raja. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 41-45. 3 pis. 1817.4 Description of two new species of the genus Gadus [G. maculosus, G. compressus] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 83-85. 1817.5 - Descriptions of four new species, and two varieties, of the genus Hydrar- gira. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 126-134. 1817.6 A new genus of fishes, of the order Abdominales, proposed under the name of Catostomus; and the charac- ters of this genus with those of its spe- cies indicated. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 88-96; 102-111. 1817.7 A short description of five (sup- posed) new species of the genus Mursena, discovered by Mr. Le Sueur, in the year 1816, Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1817, n. s. 1, 81-83. 1817.8 Description of several new spe- cies of the genus Esox, of North Amer- ica [E. estor, E. reticulatus, E. niger, E. phaleratus] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1818, n. s. 1, 413-417. 1818.1 Description of several new spe- cies [Squalus, Salmo ] of North American fishes. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1818, n. s. 1, 222-235; 359-368. 1818.2 Description of several species of chondropterygious fishes of North Amer- ica, with their varieties. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1818, n. s. 1, 383-394. pi. 1818.3 Descriptions of several new spe- cies of North American fishes [Somnio- sus brevipinna, Squalus obscurus, S. lit-- toralis, etc.] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1818, n. s. 1, 222-235; 359-368. 3 pis. 1818.4 Notice sur quelques poissons de- couverts dans les lacs du haut Canada, durant Fete de 1816. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1819, 5, 148-161. 2 pis. Abstract in Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys., 4, 42- 45. 1819.1 Describes several species of Pimelodus. - Description of a new genus [Mol- linesia], and of several new species of freshwater fish, indigenous to the United States. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1821, n. s. 2, 2-8. 3 pis. 1821.1 - Description of two new species of Exocetus [E. fasciatus, E. nuttallii] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1821, n. s. 2, 8-11. pi. Abstract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 63. 1821.2 Observations on several genera and species of fish, belonging to the nat- ural family of the Esoces. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1821, n. s. 2, 124-138. 1821.3 Description of a Squalus, of a very large size, which was taken on the coast of New Jersey. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1822, n. s. 2, 343-352. pi. 1822.1 Description of three new species of the genus Scisena. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1822, n. s. 2, 251-256. pi. 1822.2 Descriptions of the five new species of the ganus Cichla of Cuvier. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1822, n. s. 2, 214-221. pi. 1822.3 - Description of two new species of the genus Batrachoides of Lacepede [B. variegata,B. diemensis] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1823, n. s. 3, 395-403. 1823.1 Description of several species of the Linnsean genus Raia, of North Amer- ica. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1824, n. s. 4, 100-121. 2 pis. 1824.1 - Description of a new fish of the fsnus Salmo [S. microps] Journ. Acad at. Sci. Philad., 1825, n. s. 5, 48-51. pi. Abstract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferus- sac), 8, 126. 1825.1 Description of a new species [S. minutus] of the genus Saurus (Cuvier) Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1825, n. s. 5, 118-119. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferus- sac), 12, 137-138. 1825.2 - Description of two new species of the Linnsean genus Blennius [B. herminier, B. hentzi] Journ. Acad. Nat Sci. Philad., 1825, n. s. 4, 361-364. 1825.3 LEU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Descriptions of four new species of Murseenophis [M. macularia, M. zebra, M. ocellata, M. bengalensis] Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad.. 1825. n. s. 6, 107-109. pi. Abstract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 12, 279. 1825.4 American ichthyology, or natu- ral history of the fishes of North Amer- ica, with coloured figures executed from nature. New Harmony, Indiana. 1827. 6 p. 5 pis. 8. 1827.1 - New work on ichthyology. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1828, 13, 390. 1828.1 Announcement of his forthcoming work on American ichthyology. - Note sur I'ceuvre ichthyologique de C. A. Lesueur. See Vaillant, L., in Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1898, 8. ser. 8, 15-33. Also separate; Paris, 1898. 34 pis. 1898.1 Letacq, A. L. Nouvelles observa- tions sur la faune des vertebres du de"- partement de 1'Orne. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1897, 4. ser. 10, 79-86. Extract in Feuille Jeunes Natur., 3. ser. 27, 171. 1897.1 Sur une truite arc-en-ciel (Salmo irideus Gibb.) capturee dans la Thou- anne, a Tanville (Orne) Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1900, 4. ser. 35, 145-148. 1900.1 Sur un essai d'acclimatation du poisson-chat (Amiurus albidus Gibb.) fait dans 1'etang de Radon (Orne) Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1906, 41, 353-355. 1906.1 Sur les mammiferes, les oiseaux et les poissons disparus ou en voie de disparition de la faune de 1'Orne. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1907, 5. ser. 9, 52-73. 1907.1 Le poisson-chat (Amiurus catus Br.) naturalise dans 1'etang de Radon (Orne) Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1909, 5. ser. 44, 27-29. 1909.1 - Le poisson-chat et la tanche verte de Russie dans 1'etang de Bois- Roger (Orne) Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1909, 5. ser. 44, 219-221. 1909.2 - La perche-soleil (Eupomotis gib- bosus) naturalisee dans un des etangs de Fontenay-les Louvets (Orne) Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1910, 5. ser. 45, 101-102. 1910.1 Leth, Franz Henrik Theodor [1825 ] lagttagelser over aalene. Fiskeriti- dende, 1882, 393-398. Ibid., 1883, 59-61. 1882.1 Et forodrag 0111 ualon. Dan-k Fiskeriforon. Modlrmsbl., isjrj, 1 Jahrg., 260-262; 268-270; 275-277. 1X92.1 Sygdom blandt aalene. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlemsbl., 1897, 6. Jahrg., 86-87. 1897.1 Letheby, //r//n/. An account of the dissection of a Gynmoliis eleclricus, to- gether with reasons for believing that it derives its electricity from the brain and spinal cord, and that the nervous and electrical forces are identical. Proc. Electr. Soc. London, 1843, 367-385. 1843.1 An account of the dissection of a second Gymnotus electricus, together with a description of the electrical phenomena and the anatomy of the Torpedo. Proc. Electr. Soc. London, 1843, 512-527. 1843.2 On animal electricity. Proc. Electr. Soc. London, 1843, 537. 1843.3 Le Timbre, A . M. Peche de la morue en Islande. Rev. Marit. Colon., 1872, 32, 74-85. Also separate; Paris, 1872. 1872.1 Letkemann, Hermann V. Ueber das Photographieren lebender Fische im New-Yorker Aquarium. Natur u. Haus, 1902, 11. Jahrg., 33-34. 1902.1 Letourneux, A., & Playfair, Robert Lambert. Memoir on the hydrographical system and the freshwater fish of Algeria. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. ser. 8, 373-394. 1871.1 Letsch, Emit. Die schweizerischen Molassekohlen ostlich der Reuss. Bei- trag zur Geologic der Schweiz. Bern, 1899. 253 p. 13 pis. 4. 1899.1 Contains mention of fossil fishes. Leuchs, Johann Carl [1797 ] Vor- theilhafte Beniitzung der Fische, des Fischrogens, der Fischteiche; nebst G. Leuchs Verfahren Albumin aus Fisch- rogen darzustellen, Bemerkungen tiber den Fischfang an verschiedenen Orten und Anleitung zur kiinstliche Fisch- zucht. Niirnberg, 1862. 8. 1862.1 Leuckart, (Carl Georg Friedrich] Ru- dolf [1823-1898] Ueber die allmahlige Bildung der Korpergestalt bei den Rochen; zur Entwicklungsgeschichte von Torpedo marmorata. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1850, 2, 254-267. pi. 1850.1 38 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEU Leuckart, R. Nachweis von Porenkanalchen in den Epidermiszellen von Ammoccetes. Verb. Phys. Med. Ges. Wtirzburg, 1856, 7, pt. 2, 193-195. 1856.1 - Bau und Entwickelungsge- schichte der Pentastomen. Leipzig, 1860. 6 pis. 4. 1860.1 Ueber muthmassliche Nebenau- gen bei einem Fische, Chauliodus sloani. Ber. Deutsch. Naturf. Aerzte, 1865, 39, 153-155. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 17, 320. 1865.1 Sur T existence probable des yeux accessoirs chez un poisson. Abstract in Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1866, n. s. 25,95. . . 1866.1 Organologie des Auges (In Grafe-Samisch. Handbuch der Gesell- schaft der Augenheilkunde, p. 2. Leip- zig, 1875) 1875.1 Hybridism in fishes. Arch. Na- turges., 1882, 2. ser. 48, 309-315. 1882.1 Ueber Bastardfische. Berlin, 1882. 9 p. 8. 1882.2 Ein Gutachten iiber Verunreini- gung von Fisch-Wassern, etc. Cassel, 1886. 1886.1 Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage R. Leuckarts, herausge- geben von E. O. W. Taschenberg. Leipzig, 1892. xv, 413 p. 40 pis. & 43 figs. 1892.1 Die bisherigen Publicationen Rudolf Leuck- arts, von Otto Taschenberg, p. x-xv. Altpermische Saurierfahrten, Fische und Medusen der Gegend von Friedrichroda in Thuringen, von Hans Pohlig, p. 59-64. Variabilitat und Bastardbildung bei Cyprinoi- den, von Friedrich Heincke, p. 65-73. Ueber die Thatigkeit der Kalymmocyten (Testazellen) bei der Entwicklung einiger Synascidien, von Wladimir Salensky, p. 109-120 Ueber die Entwicklung des Venensystems der Selachier, von Carl Rabl, p. 228-235. Ueber eine Ichthyophthirius-Art aus den Aquarien der biologischen Station zu Plon, von Otto Zacharias, p. 289-292. Leuckart, [Carl Georg Friedrich] Ru- dolf, & Nitsche, Heinrich. Zoologische Wandtafeln, i-xlviii, mit Erklarungen, etc. Leipzig, 1877-87. charts & text. 4. 1877.1 Leuckart, Friedrich Sigismund [1794- 1843] Ueber den Foetus von Squa- lus acanthias [Acanthias vulgaris] Isis (Oken), 1831, 1086-1088. 1831.1 Allgemeine Einleitung in der Naturgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1832. 130 p. 2 pis. 8. 1832.1 This work forms Bd. i of the " Naturge- schichte der drei Reiche," by G. W. Bischoff and others. Untersuchungen iiber die aus- seren Kiemen der Embryonen von Rochen und Hayen; ein Beitrag zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Abtheilung der Knorpelfische angehorenden Plagio- stomen. Stuttgart, 1836. vi, 44 p. 5 pis. 8. 1836.1 Einige zoologische Bemerkun- gen. I. Ueber das Genus Lepidosiren. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1840, no. 266, 13, 17-20. 1840.1 Leuckart, Rudolf. See Leuckart, [Carl Georg Friedrich] Rudolf. Leunis, Johannes [1802-1873] Synop- sis der drei Naturreiche, mit vorziiglicher Beriicksichtigung der nutzlichen und schadlichen Naturkorper Deutschlands . . . Erster Theil, Zoologie. Hannover, 1844. 8. 1844.1 The same. Zweite, ganzliche umgearbeitete und vermehrte Auflage. Hannover, 1860. Ixvi, 1014 p. illust. 8. 1860.1 The alternative title reads: " Synopsis der Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs," etc. Fishes are treated in p. 343-410. The same. Dritte Auflage, umgearbeitete . . . von Dr. Hubert Ludwig. 2 vols. Hannover, 1883-86. illust. 8. 1883.1 Fishes are treated in Bd. i, p. 631-796. Leuthard, Franz. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Flora und Fauna der Lettenkohle von Neueselt bei Basel. Eclogue Geol. Helvet., 1901, 7, 125-128. 1901.1 Leuthner, Franz Joseph. Die mittel- rheinischen Fischfauna, mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung des Rheins bei Basel, nebst einer mit kurzen Diagnosen ver- sehenen systematischen Uebersicht zur Bestimmung der rheinischen Fische. Basel, Genf & Lyon, 1877. 59 p. 8. 1877.1 Vorkommen alpiner Coregonen im Rheine bei Basel. Verh. Schweiz. Naturf. Gesell., 1878, 135-136. Also separate; Bern, 1878. 1 p. 8. 1878.1 Levadoux, Michel. Sur 1'artere coronaire chez les teleosteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 6. sess., 1904, 189-190. 1904.1 Levander, Gustaf V. Gedanken und Beobachtungen iiber die Laiche der Quappe [Text in Swedish and Finnish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1903, pts. 6-7, 125-127. Luonnon Ystava, 5, 112- 114. 1903.1 LEV BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FIS1IKS I 'cber die Verbreitung der Fische in den (lowussern von Pielavesi [Text in Finnish] Luonnon Ystava, Helsing- fors, 1906, 10, 33-37. 1906.1 Levander, Kaarlo Mainio [For Hvita hafvet nya fiskari Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1888-89, 15, 225- _>_><. 1888.1 - Forteckning ofver fiskar fran Hvita hafvet. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1888-89, 16, 231. 1888.2 Gafvor till universitetets zoolo- giska finska museum. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1893, 19, 3; 37- 38; 133-135; 1894, 20, 61; 77-79; 1895,21,45-46; 52; 71; 91; 1896,23, 13-14; 26-27; 43-44; 68-69; 1900, 24, 7-8; 1900, 25, 9, 45-46; 1900, 26, 54. 1893.1 Om gaddfisket i Pyhajarvi. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 179-180. 1893.2 Qm forekomsten af Pleuronectes platessa i Finska viken. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1894, 20, 92-94. 1894.1 Ankeriaan muodonvaihdoksesta. Luonnon Ystava, 1897, 1, 89-91. 4 figs. 1897.1 - Elavia keuhkokaloja (Protopte- rus annectens) Helsingissa. Luonnon Ystava, 1897, 1, 82-84. 1897.2 Harvinainen iso piikkikampela (Rhombus maximus) Luonnon Ystava, 1897, 1, 94. 1897.3 Ruutana (Cyprinopsis carassius) meressa. Luonnon Ystava, 1897, 1, 108. 1897.4 Omituinen syvan veden haikala. Luonnon Ystava, 1898, 2, 47-49. 2 figs. 1898.1 Muutamia havaintoja eraitten kalalajiemme ravinnosta. Luonnon Ystava, 1899, 3, 62-65; 135-138. 1899.1 - Forekomsten af en Myxospori- dium-Art i muskulaturen hos sikar. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1900, 24, 43. 1900.1 Gasterosteus aculeatus af 82 mm. langd. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1900, 25, 5; 134. 1900.2 Zur Kenntniss der Fauna und Flora Finnischer Binnenseen. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1900, 19, no. 2. 53 p. fig. 1900.3 Zur Kenntniss des Lebens in den stehendcn Klringewassern auf den Sk:imiins<>ln. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1900, 18, no. 6. 107 p. 2 figs. LQ00.4 Beitriige zur Fauna und Algen- flora der sussen (le\v:ts>rr :in der Mur- manktiste. Acta Soc. Fauna Fl>r:i Fenn., 1901, 20, no. 8. 35 p. 1901.1 Bemerkenswerte Fische iText in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finland, 1901, 10, pts. 10-11, 180-181. 1901.2 Beobachtungen iiber Nahrung und parasitische Wiirmer der Fische in einigen seichten Buchten des Kirchspiels Kyrkslatt [Text in Swedish] Fiskeri- tidskr. Finland, 1901, 10, 197-203. Ibid., 1902, 11, 24-25. 1901.3 - Ueber die Nahrung der Fischbrut [Text in Finnish] Luonnon Ystava, 1901, 5, 192-195. 1901.4 - Uebersicht der in der Umgebung von Esbo-Lofo im Meereswasser vor- kommenden Thiere. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1901, 20, no. 6. 20 p. 1901.5 Om forekomsten af bergsimpan, Coitus poecilopus Heckel, i Finland. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1902, 28. Heft, 74-75. 1902.1 - Ueber die Verbreitung der Bin- nenseefische im Kirchspiele Kyrkslatt [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1903, 12, pts. 10-11, 180-182. 1903.1 - - Nagra ord i anledning af fore- komsten af stora larver af Ligula in- testinalis. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1904, 30, 109-112; 218. 1904.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Sees Valkea-Mustajaryi der Fischereiver- suchsstation Evois. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1906, 28, no. 1. 28 p. JL - Om larver af Dibothriocephalus latus i insjolax. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1906, 32, 93. 1906.2 - Ueber Cysten in der Leber von Lota vulgaris [Text in Swedish] Fis- keritidskr. Finland, 1906, 15, 93-102. Luonnon Ystava, 10, 1-7. - Ueber die Laichplatze des Aales nach den neuesten Forschungen [Text in Swedish] Luonnon Ystava, 1906, 10, 46-49. 40 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEV Levander, K. M. - Verzeichnis der Siisswasserfische Finlands [Text in Swedish] Luonnon Ystava, 1907, 11, 41-52. 1907.1 Beobachtungen liber die Nahr- ung und die Parasiten der Fische des Finnischen Meerbusens. Finl. Hydro- graph. Biol. Untersuch., 1909, no. 5. 44 p. 1909.1 - Tierphanologische Beobachtun- gen in Finland, Jahrgang 1907. Bidr. Kann. Finlands Natur Vetensk. Soc., Helsingfors, 1909, 67, no. 3, 1-90. map. 1909.2 Levander, Kaarlo Mainio, Husen, E. von, Winkler, H. von, & Schneider, Guido. See Schneider, Levander & others. Levander, Kaarlo Mainio, & Schnei- der, Guido. See Schneider & Levander. Levander, Kaarlo Mainio, Wester- lund, A., Stenroos, K.E., & Palmen, J. A. See Stenroos, Palmen & others. Levene, Phoebus A. Some chemi- cal changes in the developing fish egg. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, 153-155. 1901.1 Ueber das Ichthulin des Kabel- jau. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., Strass- burg, 1901, 32, 281-284. 1901.2 Levene, Phoebus A., &Mandel, J. A. Darstellung und Analyse einiger Nu- cleinsauren. 11. Mitteilung. Ueber die Nucleinkorper des Eies des Schell- fisches (Gadus aeglefinus) 12. Mitteilung. Nucleinsaure der Spermatozoen des Maifisches (Alosa) Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., Strassburg, 1906, 49, 262-265. Ibid., 50, 1-9. 1906.1 Levi, Cesare. Una nuova localita per Ancistrodon splendens de Koninck (sp.) Atti Soc. Veneto-Trent. Sci. Nat. Padova, 1902, 2. ser. 4, 33-36. 3 figs. 1902.1 Levi, Giuseppe. La struttura dei gangli cerebro-spinali nei selaci e nei teleostei. Nota preliminare. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1906, 17, 242-248. 3 figs. 1906.1 Appunti alia pubblicazione di Donaggio " Nuovi dati sulle propaggini nervose del citoplasma e sulle fibre colla- fene dei gangli spinali." Monit. Zool. tal., Firenze, 1911, 22, 146-151. 1911.1 Levi, Leone. The economic condition of fishermen. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 4. 1883.1 Levi-Morenos, David. Note di pesca e d'aquicultura. Atti Lstit. Ve- neto Sci., 1895, 7. ser. 6, 357-385. 1895.1 Sul nutrimento preferito delle larve di alcuni insetti ed applicazione pratica di questa conoscenza all' ele- vamento dei salmonidi. Notarisia, 1901, 6. 1901.1 Per organizzare la pesca nella Libia. Mem. R. Comitat. Talassogr. Ital., Venezia, 1912, Mem. no. 16, 1-35. 2 pis. & map. 1912.1 Levinsen, J. Chr. L., Grimm, Oscar von, Henking, H., & Trybom, Fil. See Grimm, Henking & others. Levison, F. [A double-headed shark] Nord, Med. Ark., 1878, 10, 2. Heft, no. 9. 1878.1 Levy, M. Einige Versuche iiber das Verhalten des gemeinen Stichlings (Gas- terosteus aculeatus) gegen Kochsalz-, Glaubersalz- und Bittersalzlosungen. Zool. Beobacht., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1909, 50, 333-334. 1909.1 Levy, Maurice. Alphonse Milne- Edwards. Cosmos, 1900, 42, 570-571. portr. 1900.1 Levy, 0. Elementares Praktikum der Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere mit Einfiihrung in die Entwicklungsme- chanik. Berlin, 1913. 183 p. 8. 1913.1 Lewis, Alonzo, & Newhall, James B. History of Lynn, Essex county, Mas- sachusetts, including Lynnfield, Swamp- scott, etc. Boston, 1865. 620 p. 8. 1865.1 Contains frequent references to fish, and at p. 382-388 an account of the Lynn sea-serpent of 1819. Lewis, H. L. Habitat of smelts. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 400. 1878.1 Lewis, Matthew Gregory. Journal of a West India proprietor, kept during a residence in the island of Jamaica. Lon- don, 1834. 1834.1 Contains frequent mention of marine and freshwater fishes. Lewis, Warner. Game fish in Vir- ginia. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 322-323. 1875.1 Treats of the "chubs " of the waters near Piedmont. Lewis, Warren Hannon. The experi- mental production of cyclopia in the fish embryo (Fundulus heteroclitus) Anat. Record, 1909, 3, 175-181. 1909.1 LEY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 41 Experiments on localization and regeneration in the embryonic shield and germ ring of a teleost fish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Anat. Record, 1912, 6, 325-332. pi. 1912.1 Experiments on . localization in the eggs of a teleost fish (Fundulus heteroclitus) Anat. Record, 1912, 6, 1-6. 29 figs. 1912.2 Lewysohn, L. Die Zoologie des Tal- muds; umfassende Darstellung der rab- binischen Zoologie, unter steter Ver- gleichung der Forschungen alterer und neuerer Schriftsteller. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1858. xii, 400 p. 8. 1858.1 Lex (pseudon.) Parasites on fish. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 260. 1878.1 Leydig, Franz [1821 ] Ueber die Schleimcanale der Knochenfische. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1850, 170-181. 1850.1 - Vorlaufige Notiz liber ein eigen- thumliches Verhalten der Nerven in den Schleimcanalen des Kaulbarsches (Ace- rinacernua) Froriep's Tagsber. (Zool.), 1850, 1, no. 79, 121-122. 1850.2 Ueber die Haut einiger Siisswas- serfische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1851, 3, 1-12. pi. 1851.1 Ueber die Nervenknopfe in den Schleimkanalen von Lepidoleprus, Um- brina und Corvina. Arch. Anat. (Miil- ler), 1851, 235-240. figs. 1851.2 Beitrage zur mikroskopischen Anatomic und Entwickelungsgeschichte der Rochen und Haie. Leipzig, 1852. pi. 8. 1852.1 Anatomische-histologische Un- tersuchungen iiber Fische und Reptilien. Berlin, 1853. 4. 1853.1 Einige histologische Beobach- tungen tiber den Schlammpeitzger (Cobi- tis fossilis] Arch. Anat. (Muller), 1853, 3-8. 1853.2 - Histologische Bemerkungen iiber den Polypterus bichir. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1854, 5, 40-74. 2 pis. 1854.1 Neue Beitrage zur anatomischen Kenntniss der Hautdecke und Hautsin- nesorgane der Fische. Festschrift zum Feier des 100-Jahrigen Bestehens Naturf . Gesell. Halle, 1879, 129-186. 2 pis. Also separate; Halle, 1879. 58 p. 4. 1879.1 - Ueber die Nebenaugen des Chau- liodus sloani. Arch. Anat. Entwick- lungsgesch., 1879, 365-382. fig. 1879.2 - Die augenahnlichen Organe der Fische. Bonn, 1881. 100 p. 10 pis. 8. 1881.1 Ueber Verbreitung der Thiere im Rhongebirge und Mainthal, mit Hin- blick auf Eifel und Rheinthal. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. West- phal., 1882, 38, 43-183. 1882.1 Fishes, p. 89-91. Ueber das Blau in der Farbe der Thiere. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 752-758. 1885.1 Blauer Farbenton der Fische, p. 753. Das Parietalorgan der Wirbel- thiere. Zool. Anz., 1887, 10, 534-539. 1887.1 Nervenendkorperchen in der Haut der Fische. Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 40-44. 1888.1 Blauf arbiger Wasserf rosch ; Leuchtflecken der Ellritze. Zool. Gar- ten, 1892, 33, 1-7. 1892.1 Integument briinstiger Fische und Amphibien. Biol. Centralbl., 1892, 12, 205-221. 1892.2 Springfrosch, Rana agilis; Ell- ritze, Phoxinus Icevis. Zool. Garten, 1892, 33, 321-326. 1892.3 Zur Kenntniss der Legerohre des Bitterlings. Zool. Garten, 1892, 33, 129- 133. 1892.4 Besteht eine Beziehung zwischen Hautsinnesorganen und Haaren? Biol. Centralbl., 1893, 13, 359-375. 1893.1 Incidental reference to fishes. Einiges zum Bau der Netzhaut des Auges. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1894, 7, 309-330. pi. 1894.1 - Integument und Hautsinnes- organe der Knochenfische; weitere Beitrage. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1895, 8, 1-152. 7 pis. 1895.1 Koprolithen und Urolithen. Biol. Centralbl., 1896, 16, no. 3, 101- 103. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1896, 2, 139-140. 1896.1 Zur Kenntnis der Zirbel und Parietalorgane; fortgesetzte Studien. Abh. Senck. Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt-a.- M., 1896, 19, 217-278. 4 pis. 1896.2 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LEY Leydig, F. Bemerkungen zu den " Leucht- organen " der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 1902, 22, 297-301. 1909.1 Lichtenfelt, H. Ueber die chemi- sche Zusammensetzung einiger Fischar- ten, warum und wie sie periodisch wech- selt. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1904, 103, 353-402. 2 figs. 1904.1 Literatur zur Fischkunde; eine Vorarbeit. Bonn, 1906. viii, 140 p. 8. 1906.1 Lichtenstein, Martin Heinrich Carl [1780-1857] Die Werke von Marcgrave und Piso iiber die Naturgeschichte Bra- siliens, erlautert aus den wieder aufge- fundenen Originalzeichnungen. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1814-15 (1818), 200-222. Ibid. 1816-17 (1819), 155- 177. Ibid., 1820-21, 267-288. Ibid., 1826, 49-65. 1818.1 Fishes of Brazil are identified. See also Gudger, E. W., George Marcgrave, the first student of American natural history. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1912, 81, 250-274. - Ueber einige neue Arten von Fischen aus der Gattung Silurus [Pime- lodus coruscans, P. macrapterus, P. fila- mentosus, und Silurus ccecutiens] Zool. Mag. (Wiedemann), 1819, 1, pt. 3, 57- 63. 1819.1 Verzeichniss der Doubletten des zoologischen Museums der Koniglichen Universitat zu Berlin, nebst Beschrei- bung vieler bisher unbekannter Arten von Saugethieren, Vogeln, Amphibien und Fischen, herausgegeben von Dr. H. Lichtenstein. Berlin, 1823. 118 p. pi. 8. 1823.1 Wirbelbewegung der Kiemen von Syngnathus hippocampus. Arch. Naturgesch., 1836, pt. 2, 128-129. 1836.1 - (editor) Descriptiones anima- lium quse in itinere ad maris Australis terras per annos 1772-1774 suscepto, collegit, observavit et delineavit Joannes Reinoldus Forster. Berlin, 1844. xiii, 424 p. pi. 8. 1844.1 Lickteig, A. Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschlechtsorgane der Knochen- fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1913, 106, 228-288. 3 pis. 1913.1 Lidbeck, Eric Gustaf. Beskrifning pa en fiskmas if ran Lappland. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1764, 149. 1764.1 Liddell, H. T. Observations on the young of salmon and some remarks on the migration of eels. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Northumberland, 1838, 2, 304-308. 1838.1 Lidth de Jeude, Theodor Willem van. On deformities of the head in Salmoni- da3. Notes Leyden Mus., 1885, 7, 259- 261. 1885.1 On a collection of reptiles and fishes from the West Indies. Notes Ley- den Mus., 1887, 9, 129-139. pi. 1887.1 On the occurrence of Lampris luna Gmel. on the Dutch coast. Notes Leyden Mus., 1889, 11, 85-86. 1889.1 On Orthagoriscus nasus Ranzani. Notes Leyden Mus., 1892, 14, 127-128. pi. 1892.1 Catalogue osteologique des pois- sons, reptiles et amphibies. Mus. Hist. Nat. Pays-bas, Leyde, Revue Metho- dique, 1898, 10, pt. 2, 1-117. 8. 1898.1 Liebe, Otto. Ueber die Forellenarten des Zschopaugebietes und die Farbung der Bachforelle. 5. Ber. Naturw. Gesell. Chemnitz 1873-74 (1875), 41-45. 1875.1 Liebenau, Theodor von. Geschichte der Fischerei im Kanton Luzern. Lu- zern [n. d.] 137 p. fol. Geschichte der Fischerei auf einem verschwundenen Schweizersee. Schweizer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 1-6. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Zurich, 1893. 6 p. 8. 1893.1 Zur Geschichte der Fischer- May en. Schweizerische Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 13-14. Also separate; Pfaffi- kon-Zurich, 1893. 2 p. 8. 1893.2 Blicke in die Geschichte der Fischerei. Schweizer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 294; 327; 337. Ibid., 1896, 4, 15; 32; 84; 111; 129; 141; 157; 183. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Zurich, 1895- 96. 18 p. 8. 1895.1 Geschichte der Fischerei in der Schweiz. Erworben und veroffentlicht vom Eidgenossischen Departement des Innern. Bern, 1897. 207 p. fig. 8. 1897.1 Liebeneiner, Bericht iiber die Wirksamkeit der Fischzucht-Anstalt in Oliva bei Danzig im Jahre 1873-74. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 4, 161-163. 1875.1 LIE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Liebers, Arnold. Meine Erfahrungen in der Zucht und Pflege von Haplochilus macrostigma Boulenger. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kundc, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 66-67. fig. 1913.1 Liebert, F. Note sur les essais de pisciculture tentes a Milianah. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 2. ser. 1864, 1, 338- 340. 1864.1 La pisciculture a Milianah. Bull. Soc. Climatol. Alger, 1864, 1. annee, 22-24. 1864.2 Liebert, F., & Redeke, H. C. See Redeke & Liebert. Liebig, Theodor. Zuchtversuche mit Danio rerio. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 582-583. 1906.1 Beobachtungen an Geophagus gymnogenys. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 635-636. 1909.1 - Einiges vom getupften Gurami. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 592-594. fig. 1909.2 Von Girardinus caudimaculatus. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 646-648. fig. 1909.3 Ein neuer Diamantbarsch. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 613-615. fig. 1910.1 - Ueber die Schutzmittel unserer Pfleglinge. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 447-450; 459- 460. 2 figs. 1910.2 Rasbora heteromorpha. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 181-184. fig. 1911.1 - Aufzucht und Metamorphose des Callichthys punctatus. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 506-508. 3 figs. 1912.1 Betta spec, aus Sumatra. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 761-763. 2 figs. 1912.2 - Haplochromis moffatii. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 585-587. fig. 1912.3 - Liebesspiele des Haplochilus latipes. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 396-398. fig. I'.tl2.6 Tetragonopterus ocellifer. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 537-538. fig. 1912.7 Der " Dukatenfisch," eine prach- tige neue Ziichtung. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 414-415. 1913.1 - Ein neuer lebendgebarender Karpfling- aus Colon. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 433- 434. fig. 1913.2 Myletes spec. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 421- 423. fig. 1913.3 - Von Zwergwels (Amiurus nebu- losus Rafin.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 449-452. fig. 1913.4 Liebreich, Oscar. Betrachtungen iiber die physikalische Eigenschaft der Schwimmblase der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890 (Suppl.), 142-161. 1890.1 Ueber die physikalische Func- tion der Schwimmblase bei Fischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1890, 360-365. 1890.2 Liebscher, Alfred. Haplochilus la- tipes. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 272-273. 1901.1 - Einige Worte iiber den Kletter- fisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 46-47. 1901.2 - Geophagus brasiliensis und seine Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 261-262. 1901.3 Meine Beobachtungen an Gi- rardinus spec. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 129-130. * - Callichthys punctatus d'Orle. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 149-150. ^Hemigrammus (Tetragonopterus} Lienard, EUze.. Sur quelques pms- ,/,,o fiill Wnphpnsn.hr. Aniiar.- sons de 1'ile Maunce. L Institut, 1830, unilineatus Gill. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 618-619. fig. 1912.4 - Laichakt des Panzerwels (Cory- doras marmoratus Steind.) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 426^28. fig. 1912.5 OVyJ.A'J x^.v^ - ' 4, no. 167, p. 240. /ta*., no. 175, p. 305. Description d'une nouvelle es- pece du genre mole (Orthagoriscus Schn.) decouverte a 1'ile Maurice. Rev. Zool., 1840, 3, 291-292. 1840.1 44 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LIE Lienard, E. - Description d'une nouvelle es- pece de gibelle, dite Julis laportei. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1845, 14, 112-114. 1845.1 Lieoux, Paul de Sede de. See Sede de Lieoux, Paul de. Lieto-Vollaro, de. Das elas- tische Gewebe in der Iris des Menschen und einiger Vertebraten. Klin. Mo- natsbl. Augenheilk., 1908, n. s. 5, 198. 1908.1 Lieventhal, C. Ueber Ptomaine in giftigem Storfleische. Pharm. Zeitschr. Russland, 1887, 26. 1887.1 Lightbody, Robert. Remarks on Mr. Robert's paper on Cephalaspis. Geol- ogist, 1861, 140-141. 1861.1 Lilienthal, G. Versuche mit einem Vogelmodell und Beobachtungen an Moven und fliegenden Fischen. Zeitschr. Flugtechnik, Munchen, 1911, 2, 297-300. 1911.1 Liljeborg, N. Om insjofiskar i Norrige. Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1844, 213-214. 1844.1 Om insjofiskar i Norrige. Oef- vers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1845, 213- 214. 1845.1 Ny art af fiskslagtet Platessa. Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1850, 5-6. 1850.1 Liljeborg, Wilhelm. See Lilljeborg, Wilhelm. Lillie, Ralph Stayner [1875 ] The ancestry of the vertebrates. Univ. Toronto Quart., 1896, 2, 181-196. 1896.1 Lillingston, B. Statement concern- ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 437. 1879.1 Lilljeborg, Wilhelm [1816] Om forhallandet mellan Skandinaviens och norra Rysslands fauner. Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1857, 4, 1-8. 1857.1 Bidrag till kannedomen om Pterycombus brama Fries, en fisk af makrillfiskarnes familj. Upsala, 1864. 9 p. 4. 1864.1 En for Sveriges fauna ny fisk, Leucaspius delineatus Heckel. Oefvers K. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1871 (1872), 28, 815-821. fig. 1872.1 Sveriges och Norges fiskar. 3 vols. Upsala, 1884-91. 8. 1884.1 Lim-Boon-Keng, , & Bod- daert, Albert. Notice sur la toxicite des poissons. Ann. Soc. Med. Gand, 1901, 80, 235-241. pi. 1901.1 Limborg, H. Handbok i fiske och fiskodling. Stockholm, 1880. 230 p. 8. 1880.1 Lyckad befruktning af Gosrom. Sporten, 1886, 6, 51. 1886.1 Insjofisket i juni-juli. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 2, 35-38. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 100-104. 1894.1 - Insjofisket under augusti-sep- tember. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 2, 76. 1894.2 - Insjofisket under december-jan- uari. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 3, 228-229. 1894.3 Insjofisket under februari-mars. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 1, 232-234. 1894.4 Insjofisket under oktober-no- vember. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 1, 108-110. 1894.5 Om Men och alfiske. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 89-98. 2 pis. 1894.6 Var-insjofisket. April-ma j . Tid- skr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 1, 270-274. - Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 63-67. 1894.7 Om fiskevard i ins jo vat ten. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 81-84. 1895.1 Gosodlingsforsok i S verge. Fis- keritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 206-207. 1899.1 Limprich, -, Konig, Joseph, & Thienemann, August. See Konig, Thienemann & Limprich. Limpricht, H. Vorlaufige Notiz iiber einige Bestandteile der Fleischfltis- sigkeit von Fischen. Annal. Pharm. (Liebig), 1863, 127. 1863.1 Linari, Santi. Osservazioni sulla scintilla elettrica ottenuta dalle torpe- dini in Cesenatico, mediante speciale apparecchio (In Bonaparte, C. L. Iconografia della fauna italica, vol. iii. Roma, 1832-41) 1832.1 Neue Versuche liber die Wir- kungen des Zitterrochens. Neue Noti- zen (Froriep), 1837, 2, no. 36, 209-211. 1837.1 LIN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 45 Sur Felectricite do la torpillc. L'Institut, 1837, 5, no. 208, 144-145. 1837.2 - Untersuchungen iiber die electro- ohemische Eigenschaf t des Zitterrochens. Xcue Notizen (Froriep), 1839, 9, no. 191, 225-232. 1839.1 Linck, Johannes Wilhelm [1760-1805] De raja torpcdine. Lipsiae, 1788. 8 1788.1 Lincoln, Thomas. On the salmon in Maine. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872- 73 (1874), 2, 369-370. 1874.1 Lindahl, Josua [1844 ] The peri- odicity of the herrings. Some statistics of the herring fishery in Sweden. Chi- cago Field, 1878, 10, 35. 1878.1 - (translator) Report of the sea fisheries of the Ian of Goteborg and Bohus in the year 1877, by Gerhard von Yhlen. Rept. U. S. Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 741-750. 1879.1 - Description of a Devonian ich- thyodorulite, Heteracanthus uddeni, n. sp., from Buffalo, Iowa. Journ. Cincin- nati Soc. Nat. Hist., 1897, 19, 95-98. pl. 1897.1 Lindeman, Moritz. Die arktische Fisrherei der deutschen Seestadte, 1620- 1868. Petermanns Geogr. Mitt., 1869, Erganzungsheft 26, 1-118. 1869.1 Gronlandische Fischerei. Cir- cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1870, no. 4. 1870.1 Mittheilungen iiber schottische Fischerei im Sommer 1871. Circ*l. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1872, no. 4, 98- 100. 1872.1 [Statistisches iiber die schot- tische Haringsfischerei] Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1873, no. 2, 50-52. 1873.1 Auf dem Haringsfang in Schott- land. Gartenlaube, Leipzig, 1875, no. 21, 358-359. 1875.1 - Die deutsche Heringsfischerei. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 3, 105-109. 1875.2 Forellenzucht in den Vereinig- ten Staaten von Nordamerika. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 6, 242-256. 1875.3 Bericht iiber eine im Sommer 1874 unternommene Reise zur Erfor- schung der Fischerei - Verhaltnisse bchottlands und England* . . . Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 (1876) no, 5, 281-322. 1876.1 Canadische und englische Fische- reien. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1876 (1877), no. 3, 129-131. 1877.1 - Der Fischzuchtverein Ohrdruf. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1877 (1878), no. 6, 182-184. 1878.1 Die Seefischereien, ihre Gebiete, Betrieb und Ertrage in 1869-78. Peter- manns Mitth., Gotha, 1880, Ergan- zungsband 13. Also separate; Gotha, 1880. vi, 95 p. 1880.1 Linden, Charles. Recollections of Marajo island [Rayas, a poisonous fish in the Amazon] Amer. Sportsman, 1875, 6, 18. 1875.1 - The capture of the electrical eel of South America. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 233. 1879.1 Linden, Maria von. Die ontogene- tische Entwicklung der Zeichnung beim Aal (Anguilla vulgaris Flemm.) Jahres- ber. Fischerei Ver. Bonn, 1905, 70-75. pl. Also separate; Bonn, 1905. 8 p. pl. 8. 1905.1 Lindenhain, Guido. Zur Naturge- schichte der Aale. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 46-^7; 54; 60; 68; 75; 84-85, 1880.1 Lindes, Ludwig. Der Arinna oder Temblator (Gymnotus electricus] Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 82- 83. 1880.1 - Das Aussetzen der Jungfisch- chen. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 378. 1880.2 Der australische Burnett- oder Dawson-Salm [Ceratodus forsteri] Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 90- 91. 1880.3 Die Bildung von Fischerei Ge- nossenschaften und Laich-Schonrevie- ren. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 336-337; 345-346. 1880.4 Eine Endstation der Lachswan- derungen [am Fusse des Tatragebirges] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 386-387. 1880.5 Die Fischerei- Verhaltnisse Russ- lands. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg.. 1880, 278. 1880.6 46 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LIN Lindes, L. Fischzucht als Zauberei. Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 26- 27. 1880.7 Der Jonashai [Carcharodon ron- deletii] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 114r-115. 1880.8 Der Kabeljau [Gadus morrhua] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 150-151. 1880.9 Kain und Abel im Wasser [Esox lucius] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 58-59. 1880.10 Die ktinstliche Fischzucht in Konstantinopel. Oesterr.-ungar. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1880, 174r-175. 1880.11 Landwanderungen des Aals. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 394r-395. 1880.12 Der Orthagoriscus. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 182. 1880.13 Die rationelle Fischzucht in Oesterreich im Vergleich zu anderen Staaten. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg. 1880, 4-5; 12-13; 21-22; 26-27; 52; 59- 60; 67; 73-74; 82-83; 91-92; 98-99; 108-109; 115-125; 139; 153; 158-159; 166-167; 176; 184; 200-201; 208; 215- 216; 225; 233; 241-242; 247-248; etc. 1880.14 Die Wasser- und Fischerei- Verhaltnisse in Galizien. Oesterr.-un- gar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 365-366. 1880.15 Lindfors, A. M. Smarre meddelan- den om fiskeriforhallandena a skilda orter i v&rt land. I. Om fisket och fiske- vattnen i Tammela socken. Fiskeritid- skr. Finl., 1895, 4, 129-131. 1895.1 Lindman, Carl Axel Magnus [1856 ] Om drifved och andra af hafsstrom- mar uppkastate naturf oremal vid Norges kuster. Handl. Gotheb. K. Vetensk. Vitterh. Samh., 1883, 18. 1883.1 Lindon, E. V. Ueber Eishauser und deren Einrichtung zum Transport von Fischlaich. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1869, 19, Heft 3, 375-380. pi. 1869.1 Lindroth, P. G. Gymnetrus grillii uptackt och beskrifven. Handl. K. Vetensk. Akad., 1798, 19, 288-298. pi. 1798.1 Lindsay, Alexander. On the Am- phioxus lanceolatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1857, 2. ser. 20, 339-340. 1857.1 Lindsay, William Lander [1829- 1880] Salmon acclimatization in New Zealand. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instit. 1873 (1874), 6, 436-437. 1874.1 Lindsey, W. H. A season at Har- wich. London, 1851. 8. 1851.1 Contains some notice of fishes. Lindstedt, Philip. Om byggandet och skotseln of karp- och sutare dammar. Skrift. Sodra Sveriges Fiskeriforen., 1911, no. 8, 72-104. 14 figs. Ibid., 1912, no. 9, 143-166. 8 figs. Ibid., 1913, no. 10, 75-128. 10 figs. 1911.1 Lindstrom, Gustaf [1829-1901] Om fynd af Cyathaspis i Gotlands silur- formation. Oefvers. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1894, 515-518. Geol. Mag., 4. dec. 2, 170-172. 1894.1 On remains of a Cyathaspis from the Silurian strata of Gotland. Bihang Handl. -K. Vetensk. Akad. 1895 (1896), 21, no. 3, 1-15. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1896.1 Ling, J. A. On the diminishing of the fishing of salmon and Coregonus in the rivers of the province of Vester- botten, N. Sweden [Text in Swedish] Svensk Fisk. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1901, 10, 49-64. . 1901.1 Lingwood, R. M. A short outline of a fauna for part of Herefordshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 5, 184- 188. 1840.1 Pisces, p. 188. Link, E. Ueber eine in der Haut von Fischen parasitisch lebende grime Alge. Zool. Anz., 1911, 37, 506-510. 3 figs. 1911.1 Link, HeinrichFriedrich [1767-1851] Versuch einer Eintheilung der Fische nach den Zahnen. Mag. Physik Natur- gesch. (Lichtenberg & Voigt), 1790, 6, pt. 3, 28. 1790.1 Link, L. Ein neuer Hautschmarotzer bei Fischen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitung, 1911, no. 6. 1911.1 Link, W. Benutzung von Gewassern zur Fischzucht, in welchen bisher keine Fische existirten. Mitth. Fischerei- wesen, Munchen, 1878, 3. Jahrg., 41-42. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 131. 1878.1 Linke, - Ueber die Fiitterung der Salmoniden. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1903, no. 20, 377. 1903.1 LIN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 47 Linko, Alexander. Untersuchungen iiber das Plankton des Barents-Meeres [Text in Russian] St. Petersburg, 1907. 248 p. 1907.1 Linkola, K. Rote Barsche [Text in Swedish] Luonnon Ystava, 1910, 14, 38-39. 1910.1 Linnaeus, Carl, afterwards Linne, Carl von [1707-1778] Opera varia, in quibus continentur fundamenta bota- nica, sponsalia plantarum, et systema nature, etc. Lucae, 1758. 376 p. pi. 8. 1758.1 The " Systema naturae " is taken from the fourth edition, Paris, 1744. Systema naturae sive regna tria naturae, sy stematice proposita per classes, ordines, genera et species, cum characte- ribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis, etc. Editio decima, reformata. 2 vols. Holmiae, 1758-59. 8. 1758.2 Tom. i. Regnum animale, ii, 824 p. 1758. Tom. ii. Regnum vegetabile, ii, 825-1384 p. 1759. Further editions of this work are omitted from this Bibliography. For an index to the generic and trivial names of animals described in the tenth and twelfth editions, see that compiled by C. D. Sherborn and contained in the Man- chester Museum Handbook, no. 25, 1899. There is a modern reprint of the editio decima, published by the Deutsche Zoologische Gesell- schaft at Leipzic, 1894. (editor) P. Artedi renovata. Ichthyologia, sive opera omnia de pisci- bus . . . posthuma edidit C. Linnaeus. Cura J. J. Walbaumi. 5 pis. Grypes- waldiae [1788] 1789-93. 8. 1789.1 A catalogue of the birds, beasts, fishes, insects, plants, etc. contained in Edwards' Natural History . . . with their Latin names, etc. 7 vols. Lon- don, 1776. 4. 1776.1 Fauna suecica, sistens animalia Suecise regni; quadrupeda, aves, am- phibia, pisces, insecta, vermes, distributa per classes et ordines, genera et species; cum differentiis specierum, synonymis autorum, nominibus incolarum, locis habitationum, descriptionibus insecto- rum. Lipsise, 1800. 8. 1800.1 The first edition of this work was published in 1746. - Egenhandiga anteckningar med Anmarkningar och tillagg [by A. Afze- lius] Stockholm, 1823. xxiv, 248 p. 6 pis. 4. 1823.1 For an English translation of this autobi- ography, see Pulteney, R. A general view of the writings of Linnaeus, etc. 2. ed. 1805. Systema naturae; index by C. D. Sherborn. Handbooks Manchester Museum Owens College, 1899, public. no. 25, 108 p. 8. lxw.1 - Bibliographia Linnseana; mat6- riaux pour servir & une bibliographic Linneenne, recueillis par J. M. Hultli. Pt. 1. Upsala, 1907. 8. 1907.1 Memorials of Linnaeus, by A. B. Rendle. Collection of portraits, manu- scripts, specimens and books exhibited to commemorate the bicentenary of his birth. British Museum (Nat. Hist.), Special Guide, no. 3. London, 1907. 2 pis. 8. 1907.2 Bref och skrifvelser, med understod af Syenska staten utgifna af Upsala Universitet. Series 1, del 4, 5. 2 vols. Stockholm, 1910-11. 8. 1910.1 Linnaeus, Carl, & Gmelin, Johann Friedrich. Systema naturae per regna tria naturae . . . editio decima tertia, etc. Cura J. T. Gmelin. 3 vols. in 9 pts. Lipsiaa, 1788-93. 8. 1788.1 Fishes, vol. i, pt. 3, p. 1126-1516. In this alleged thirteenth edition Gmelin brought together descriptions of species un- recognized by Linne and unknown to him, hence the compilation is more properly accredited to Gmelin as editor. Dr. T. N. Gill's C9mments on this work will be found under the editor's name, at p. 479, vol. i, of the present Bibliography. L inner t, Kurt. Enthalt "Kaviar (Stor- resp. Hauseneier) Purinbasen? Biochem. Zeitschr., 1909, 18, 209-210. 1909.1 Linossier, G. Action des alcools de fermentation sur les poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1901, 1120-1123. 1901.1 Linsley, J. H. Catalogue of the fishes of Connecticut, arranged accord- ing to their natural families. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1844, 47, 55-80. 1844.1 A list of 173 nominal species, of which 148 are salt or brackish water and 25 freshwater. Linstow, Otto Fr. Bernhard von. Blic- copsisabramo-rutilusR. undB. erythroph- thalmoides Jack. Arch. Naturgesch., 1873, 39. Jahrg., 1, 306-307. 1873.1 Compendium der Helmintho- logie. Hanover, 1878. 1878.1 Enumerates the fishes in which parasitic works are found, giving lists of those which affect each species, p. 206-290. Ichthyologische Notizen. Arch. Naturgesch., 1878, 44. Jahrg., 1, 246- 250. 1878.2 Die Fortpflanzungsgeschichte des Aals. Zeitschr. Naturwiss., 1900, 72, 317-330. 5 figs. 1900.1 48 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LIN Linstow, O. F. B. Die organischen Reste der Trias von Liineburg. Jahrb. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., Berlin, 1904, 24, 129-164. pi. 1904.1 Contains notices of Triassic fishes. Ueber zwei neue Entozoa aus Acipenseriden. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1904, 9, pts. 1-2, 17- 19. 1904.2 Die deutschen Fischgifte. All- gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30, 341-344. 1905.1 Zwei neue Distomum aus Lucio- perca sandra der Wolga. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1907, 12, 201-202. 1907.1 Linton, Edwin [1855 ] Notes on entozoa of marine fishes of New Eng- land, with description of several new species. Part i. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 453-511. 6 pis. 1889.1 A contribution to the life history of Dibothrium cordiceps Leidy, a parasite infesting the trout of Yellowstone lake. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 337-358. 3 pis. 1891.1 Notes on entozoa of marine fishes of New England, with description of several new species. Part ii. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1891), 15, 719- 899. 15 pis. 1891.2 Notice of the occurrence of pro- tozoan parasites (psorosperms) on cy- prinoid fishes in Ohio. Bull U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 359-361. pi. 1891.3 On certain wart-like excres- cences, occurring on the short minnow, Cyprinodon variegatus, due to psoro- sperms. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 99-102. pi. 1891.4 On two species of larval Dibo- thria from the Yellowstone National Park. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 65-79. 5 pis. 1891.5 Parasites found in the body cavity of the sucker and in the stomach and abdominal mus- cles of trout. Notes on entozoa of marine fishes with description of new species. Part iii. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, 523-542. 7 pis. 1892.1 On the anatomy of Thysano- cephalum crispum Linton, a parasite of the tiger shark. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, 543-556. .6 pis. 1892.2 On fish entozoa from Yellow- stone National Park. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889-91 (1893), 545-564. 5 pis. 1893.1 In addition to forms previously described Monobothrium terebrans from the sucker and encysted distoma from the chub; Distomum laureatum from the trout; Echinorhynchus glo- bosus from trout; E. tuberosus from sucker and chub; Dachnitis globosa from trout and three unidentified nematodes from the same host. Some observations concerning fish parasites. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 101-126. 8 pis. 1894.1 An economical consideration of fish parasites. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1897 (1898), 17, 194-199. 1898.1 General discussion of relations of parasites to fish culture. Considers also effect of each type of parasite, their frequence and economic im- portance. Notes on cestode parasites of fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, 20, 423-456. 8 pis. 1898.2 Records Tcenia sahelini from lake trout; T. dilatala from eel; T. ocellata from rock bass; T. monobothriun hexacotyle from sucker; Schisto- cephalus dimorphus from blob; Cyathocephalus truncatus from whitefish; Dibothrium hastatum from paddlefish; Dibothrium in fundibuli forme from lawyer and lake trout; Dibothrium ligula from sucker, smelt, silver minnow, redfin; and other species not from freshwater fish. Notes on trematode parasites of fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, 20, 507-548. 15 pis. 1898.3 Records from freshwater fish; Diplostomum cuticola from various sunfish; Distomum auri- culatum from the lake sturgeon; D. gracile from the bluegill ; besides others from migratory and marine fishes as well as some unidentified species. Parasites of the fishes of the Woods Hole region. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1899 (1900), 19, 405-492. 34 pis. 1900.1 Fish parasites collected at Woods Hole in 1898. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1899 (1901), 19, 267-304. pis. 1901.1 - Parasites of fishes of Beaufort, North Carolina. Bull. Bureau Fish- eries, 1905, 24, 323-428. 34 pis. 1905.1 A cestode parasite in the flesh of the butterfish. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1906,26,111-132. 2 pis. 1906.1 Note on the habits of Fierasfer affinis. Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 12, 1- 4. 2 figs. 1907.1 Notes on the flesh parasites of marine food fishes. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 1195- 1209. 1910.1 LJU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISII1.S 49 - The diagnosis of a case of para- sitisin iii the brook trout. Proc. 7. In- tern. Zool. C'ongr., Boston 1907 (1912), 029-032. 1912.1 Notes on the distribution of entozoa of North American marine fishes. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 080-090. 1912.2 - Trematode parasites in the skin and flesh of fish and the agency of birds in their occurrence. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 245-201. 1912.3 Cestode cysts in the flesh of ma- rine fish and their bearing on food val- ues. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 119-128. 1913.1 Lion, Die Krankheiten der Fische und Schaalthiere in sanitats- polizeilicher Beziehung. Deutsch. Kli- nik., Monatsbl. Med. Statistik, 1807, 19, 01-07; 75-70; 83-84. Ibid., 1808, 20, 9-12; 17-18. 1807.1 Lioy, Paolo [1830 ] Cenni sulle marne fossilifere di Chiavon nel Vicen- tino. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1805, 8, 400-409. 1805.1 Contains notices of fossil fishes. Sopra alcuni avanzi di Plagio- stomi fossili del Vicentino e special- mente sull' Alopiopsis plejodon Lioy (Galeus cuvieri Ag.) Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1805, 8, 398-405. pi. 1805.2 Sulle clupee fossili di Bolca. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1805, 8, 410-414. 1805.3 Lioy, Paolo, & Rumor, Sebastiano. Bibliografia geologica della provincia di Vicenza. Vicenza, 1901. 1901.1 Lipold, J. Fossile Fisch- und Pflan- zenreste aus den Meletta-Schichten von Wurzenegg bei Prassberg. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1807, 197-199. 1807.1 Lipschiitz, Alexander. Ueber den HungerstofTwechsel der Fische. Zeitschr. Allg. Physiol., 1911, 12, 118-124. 1911.1 Zur Frage iiber die Ernahrung der Fische. Zeitschr. Allg. Physiol., 1911,12,59-117. 4 figs. 1911.2 List, Joseph Heinrich. Das Cloaken- epithel von Scyllium canicula. Zool. Anz.,, 1884, 7, 545-540. 1884.1 Ueber einzellige Driisen (Becher- zellen) im Cloakenepithel der Rochen. Zool. An/., issr,. 8, r,0--)l. 1885.1 Ueber einzellige Driisen (Be- cherzellen) in der Oberhaut von Torpedo marmorata. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 388- 389. 1885.2 - Ueber Wanderzellen im Epitln-1. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 389-390. 1885.3 Ueber Bastardierungsversuche bei Knochenfischen (Labriden) Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 20-21. 1887.1 Ueber die Variation der Laich- zeit v bei Labriden. Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 04. 1887.2 Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Knochenfische (Labriden) Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1887, 45, 595-045. 3 pis. & 9 figs. 1887.3 Zur Herkunft des Periblastes bei Knochenfischen (Labriden) Biol. Cen- tralbl., 1887, 7, 81-88. 1887.4 Ueber die Beziehung der Ham- blase zu dem Enddarme bei Teleostier- embryonen (Labriden) Anat. Anz., 1889, 4, 501-504. figs. 1889.1 Lister, J. Lupton. Sea-fishing at Tenby. Tenby, 1879. 08 p. 8. 1879.1 Littaye, (Prof.) Notice sur la peche a la morue. Paris, 1891. GO p. 8. 1891.1 Littleboy, John E. The Bulborne and Gade, with notes on the fish of the two rivers. Trans. Watford Nat. Hist. Soc. 1877-79 (1880), 2, 113-128. 1880.1 Lizars, Alexander Jardine. On the organs of sense in the salmon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10. meet., 1840, pt. 2, 134-135. 1840.1 Ljungman, Axel Vtihelm [1841] Preliminar berattelse for 1873-74 ofver de betraffende sillen och sillfisket vid Sveriges vestkust anstallda undersok- ningarna. Upsala, 1874. 74 p. 8 . 1874.1 Undersokningar till hafsfiskets beframjande uti Skagerrack och Katte- gat. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1875, n. s. 2. Jahrg., 1-14. 1875.1 Preliminary report for 1873-74, on the herring and the herring fisheries on the west coast of Sweden. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1870), 3, 123-107. 1875.1 50 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LJU Ljungman, A. V. Nagra ord om de stora Bohus- lanska sillfiskena. Goteborg, 1877. 31 p. 8. 1877.1 Bohuslans hafsfisken och de vetenskapliga hafsfiskeundersokning- arna. 2 pts. Goteborg, 1878. 8. 1878.1 Bidrag till kannedomen om sil- lens lefnadsforhallanden. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 269-285. 1879.1 Bidrag till losningen af fragan om de stora sillfiskenas sekulara perio- dicitet. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 257-268. 1879.2 Om sillens och skarpsillens fort- plantning och tillvaxt med serskild hansyn till Bohuslans skargard. Norsk. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1879, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 193-231. 1879.3 The great Bohuslan herring fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 221-239. 1880.1 The propagation and growth of the herring and small herring, with spe- cial regard to the coast of Bohuslan. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 639-659. 1880.2 The saltwater fisheries of Bohus- lan and the scientific investigation of the saltwater fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 143-220. 1880.3 Contribution toward solving the question of the secular periodicity of the great herring fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 497-503. 1882.1 Contributions toward a more correct knowledge of the herring's mode of life. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 505-513. 1882.2 The Bohuslan sea-fisheries and their future. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 89-98. 1883.1 What should be done by the government with regard to the great Bohuslan herring fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 99-126. 1883.2 The great herring fisheries con- sidered from an economical point of view. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 341-357. 1885.1 Special results of the investiga- tions relating to the herring and herring fisheries on the west coast of Sweden, made during the years 1873-1883 [Translated from the Swedish] Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 729- 745. 1885.2 The future of the herring fish- eries on the coast of Bohuslan. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 399- 409. 1886.1 Lloyd, A. Horace. Freshwater fish in confinement. Zoologist, 1856, 14, 4947-4948. 1856.1 Lloyd, John. The Severn, Wye and Usk fishery district. Conservation of Wye and Usk, etc. London, 1868. 8. 1868.1 The air- or swim-bladder of fishes. Trans. Woolhope Nat. Field Club 1868 (1869), 133-143. pi. 1869.1 Lloyd, John, & Symonds, - Pis- ciculture in Herefordshire. Trans. Wool- hope Nat. Field Club 1867 (1868), 129- 131. 1868.1 Lloyd, Llewellyn [1793-1876] The game-birds and wild fowl of Sweden and Norway, together with an account of the seals and saltwater fishes of those coun- tries; with a map and illustrations in chromolithography and woodcuts. Lon- don, 1867. 8. 1867.1 Lloyd, R. E. Notes on the skull of the genus Aulostomatomorpha, with de- scriptions of some new deep-sea fish (In Natural history notes from the R. I. M. S. ship " Investigator." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 306-311. fig.) 1906.1 Contributions to the fauna of the Arabian sea, with descriptions of new fishes and Crustacea. Rec. Indian Mus., 1907, 1, 1-12. 1907.1 - Description of the type of a new genus of hydroids parasitic on fish. Rec. Indian Mus., 1907, 1, pt. 4, 281-289. 2 pis. 1907.2 Notes on a collection of market- able fish from Akyab, with a description of a new species of Lactarius. Rec. Indian Mus., 1907, 1, 219-230. pi. 1907.3 Nudidava monocanthi, the type of a new genus of hydroids parasitic on fish. Rec. Indian Mus., 1907, 1, 281- 289. 2 pis. 1907.4 The occurrence of Rhinodon typicus at the head of the bay of Bengal. Rec. Indian Mus., 1908, 2, 306. 1908.1 LOG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES On two new species of eagle- rays (Myliobatidse) with notes on the skiill of the genus Ceratoptera. Rec. Indian Mus., 1908, 2, 175-180. 3 pis. 1908.2 Report on the fish collected in Tibet by Capt. F. H. Stewart, I. M. S. Rec. Indian Mus., 1908, 2, 341-345. pi. 1908.3 A description of the deep-sea fish caught by the R. I. M.S. ship " Inves- tigator " since the year 1900, with sup- posed evidence of mutation in Malthop- sis. Mem. Indian Mus., 1909, 2, 139- 180. 7 pis. & 8 figs. 1909.1 - The growth of groups in the animal kingdom. New York, Bombay, etc., 1912. 8. 1912.1 Polymorphism in Malthopsis, p. 140-148. Lloyd, Sylvester C. Breeding gold- fish. Aquarium, 1912, 62-64. 1912.1 Lloyd, William Alford [18157-1880] The grey mullet [Mugil capito] Sci. Gossip 1866 (1867), 145-147. 1867.1 Aquaria, their present, past and future. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1876, 16. 1876.1 Conveyance of live fish. For- est & Stream, 1876, 7, 35. 1876.2 Loberg, 0. N. Norges fiskerier. Christiania, 1864. 324 p. 8. 1864.1 -Brudstykker af O. N. Lobergs indberetning om bans i vinteren 1867 foretagne unders0gelser af de finmarske fiskerier. Kristiania, 1867. 57 p. 8. 1867.1 Lo Bianco, Salvatore. Notizie bio- logiche riguardanti specialmente il pe- riodo di maturita sessuale degli animali del golfo di Napoli. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1888, 8, 385-440. Ibid., 1899, 13, 448-573. 1888.1 Pesci, 8, 427-440. Le pesche pelagische abissali esseguite del "Maia" nelle vicinanze di Capri. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1901, 15, 413-482. 1901.1 Le pesche abissali eseguite da F. A. Krupp col yacht " Puritan " nelle adiacenze di Capri ed in altre localita del Mediterraneo. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1903, 16, 109-279. 3 pis. Pelagische Tiefseefischerei der " Maja " in der Umgebung von Capri. Jena, 1904. 91 p. 31 pis. 8. 1904.1 L'azione della cenere cadutM durante 1'eruzione del Yrsuvio ndl' Aprile 1906 sulle specie commestil>ili marine. Atti Istit. Incorag. Napoli. 1907, 6. ser. 58, 211-216. 1907.1 Mortality of fishes. - L'origine dei barbigli tattili nel genere Mullus. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1907, 5. sor. 16, 577-586. 8 figs. 1907.2 Grande pesca di sauri awenuta nel golfo di Napoli e sue adiacenze du- rante i mesi da maggio ad agosto 1908. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1908, 10, 213-217. 1908.1 Sviluppo larvale, metamorfosi e biologia della " Triglia di fango " (Mul- lus barbatus Linn.) Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1908, 19, 18-50. 2 pis. Ri- vist. Mens. Pesca, 1908, 10, 145-151; 168-176. pi. Uova e larve di Trachypterus toenia Bl. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1908,19,1-17. pi. 1908.3 La pesca della " Fragaglia " nel golfo di Napoli durante gli anni 1906- 1909. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1909, 11, 1-44. 1909.1 Ulteriori studi sulla " Fragaglia " del golfo di Napoli. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, 1910, 12, 102-138. 1910.1 Risultati delle indagini sul pesce novello nel Tirreno. Ann. Agric. Roma, 1911, no. 263, 200-240. Su alcuni stadii postlarvali ap- partenenti a gadidi rari del golfo di Na- poli. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1911, 20,170-187. pi. 1911-2 Locard, Arnould [1841-1904] De- scription de la faune de la Molasse ma- rine et d'eau douce du Lyonnais et du Dauphin^. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 1878, 2, 1-284. 2 pis. 1878.1 Poissons, p. 7-9. La peche et les poissons des eaux douces, etc. Paris, 1891. 12 (Biblio- theque des connaissances utiles) Loch, James. Observations upon the salmon in loch Shin, in Sutherland. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, 1, 208-211. 1837.1 Lochner, Der Zander im Bo- densee. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4 242 Also separate; Pfiiffikon-Zurich, 1896. lp. 8. 1896.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOG Lochner, Niirnb erg's Vorzeit. For list of fishes in this work, Kuster, H. C., supra. Lochner von Hiittenbach, Die Coregonen des Bodensees. Aus d. Heimat, Stuttgart, 1904, 17, 84-87. 1904.1 - Die Laichzeit der Coregonen im bayerischen Teil des Bodensees im Spa- therbst 1906. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 76-77. 1907.1 Locke, W. M. Aquarium and fish notes from the Wabash. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 52. 1878.1 Habits of the gar and grindle. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 3-4. 1878.2 An alligator gar in the Wabash; how gars spawn. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 341. 1879.1 - Fish notes from southern Illi- nois. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 244. 1879.2 - Habits of the Bubalichthys. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 85. 1879.3 - The grindle as a game fish. Chi- cago Field, 1879, 10, 364. 1879.4 Lockington, William Neale [1842?- 1902] Notes on some California marine fishes, with description of a new species [Argyreiosus pacificus] Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1876 (1877), 7, 83-88; 108- 110. 1877.1 - Remarks upon the various fishes [of the family Scorpaenidse] known as rock-cod. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 1876 (1877), 7, pt. 1, 79-82. 1877.2 - The long-jawed goby [Gillichthys mirabilis Cooper] Amer. Naturalist 1877, 11, 474-478. 1877.3 Note on the Saurus lucioceps of Ayres. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 2, 348-349. 1878.1 -Walks around San Francisco. Lake Honda and Seal rock. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1878, 12, 786-793. 1878.2 Description of Bdellostoma stouti, p. 793. Report upon the food fishes of San Francisco. Rept. Calif. Comm. Fisheries, 1878-79, 17-58. 1879.1 - Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from the coast of Cali- fornia. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2 326-332. 1879.2 Do fish hear? Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 116. 1879.3 The flounders of our markets. Scient. Press Suppl., April, 1879. - Mining & Scient. Press, April 12 & 19, 1879. 1879.4 The north Pacific cod-fishery. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 53. 1879.5 Note sur quelques Pleuronectes de Californie. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1879, 3, 242-243. Le Naturaliste, no. 12, 91-92. 1879.6 Notes on new and rare fishes. Scient. Press Suppl., July, 1879. 1879.7 Notes on some fishes of the coast of California. No. 1. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 299-308. 1879.8 Notes on some undescribed fishes of the Pacific coast. Scient. Press Suppl., Nov., 1879, p. 76. 1879.9 Notes on Pacific coast fishes and fisheries. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 684-687. 1879.10 On a new genus of Scombrida?. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1879, 133- 136. 1879.11 Review of the Pleuronectidse of San Francisco. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 2, 69-108. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1880, 19, art. 2. 1879.12 - Description of a new chiroid fish, Myriolepis zonifer, from Monterey bay, California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 248-251. 1880.1 Description of a new fish from Alaska (Uranidea microstoma) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 58-59. 1880.2 Description of a new genus and some new species of California fishes (Icosteus cenigmaticus and Osmerus at- tenuatus) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 63-68. '1880.3 Description of a new sparoid fish (Sparus brachysomus) from Lower Cali- fornia. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 244-286. 1880.4 - Description of a new species of Agonidse (Brachyopsis verrucosus) from the coast of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 60-63. 1880.5 Description of a new r species of Hemitripterus from Alaska {H. cavi- frons] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1880, 233-236. 1880.6 LOG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS Description of a new species of Prionot us (l>ri.onotux stephanophrys ), from the coast of California. Proc. T. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 529-532. 1880.7 - The herring of the Pacific coast. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 518-519. 1880.8 - The market fishes of San Fran- cisco. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 279-280. 1880.9 Note on a new flat-fish (Lepi- dopsetta isolepis) found in the markets of San Francisco. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, p. 325. 1880.10 Notes on California fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 366-368. 1880.11 Notes on new and rare fishes of the Pacific coast. Amer. Naturalist, ), 14, 595-QOO. 1880.12 Notes on the SalmonidaB of Cali- Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 1880.13 On a new genus and species of mbridse (Chriomitra concolor] Proc. cad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1879 (1880), 136. 1880.14 On the Clupeida3 of the Pacific coast. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 518- 519. 1880.15 - The pompano of California. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 321. 1880.16 - Remarks on the species of the genus Chirus found in San Francisco market, including one hitherto unde- scribed [C. maculoseriatus] Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 53-57. 1880.17 Report upon the edible fishes of the Pacific coast, U. S. A. Rept. Calif. Comm. Fisheries, 1880, 16-66. 1880.18 The " river perch " or rock bass of California. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 253. 1880.19 The rock-cod or rock fish of the San Francisco market. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 204. 1880.20 Supply of the San Francisco fish market. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 328. 1880.21 Description of a new genus and species of Cottidae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 141-144. 1881.1 Description of a new species of Catostomus (C. cypho) from the Colo- rado river. Proc.-Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1880 (1881), 237-240. 1 ss 1 .2 On the Pacific species of Caulo- latilus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1880 (1881), 13-19. 1881.3 - List of the fishes collected by Mr. W. J. Fisher upon the coasts of Lower California, 1876-77, with de- scriptions of new, species [Cremnobates altivelis, Pholidichthys anguilliformis, Apodichthys univittatus] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1881 (1882), 113-120. 1882.1 Sketch of the progress of North American ichthyology in the years 1880-1881. Amer. Naturalist, 1882, 16, 765-772. 1882.2 Lockwood, Samuel [1819-1894] Par- turition of Hippocampi. Zoologist, 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1343-1344. 1868.1 The sea-horse [ Hippocampus hudsonius] and its young. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1868, 1, 225-234. 3 figs. Scient. Amer., 1871, 24, 306. 1868.2 A new entozoon from the eel. Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 449-464. 6 figs. 1872.1 More about the sea-horse. Amer. Naturalist, 1887, 21, 111-114. 1887.1 Locy, William Albert [1857 ] The derivation of the pineal eye. Anat. Anz., 1893, 9, 169-184; 231. 5 figs. 1893.1 The formation of the medullary groove in the elasmobranchs. Journ. Morphol., 1893, 8, 367-378. pi. 1893.2 Metameric segmentation in the medullary folds and embryonic rim. Preliminary communication . Anat . Anz . , 1894, 9, 393-415. 11 figs. 1894.1 The mid-brain and its accessory optic vesicles; a correction. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 486-488. 1894.2 The optic vesicles of elasmo- branchs and their serial relation to other structures on the cephalic plate. Journ. Morphol., 1894, 9, 115-122. 6 figs. 1894.3 Contribution to the structure and development of the vertebrate head. Journ. Morphol., 1895, 11, 497-594. 5 pis. 1895.1 54 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOG Locy, W.A. The primary segmentation of the vertebrate head. New York, 1897. 18 p. 8 figs. (Biological lectures at the Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole) 1897.1 - New facts regarding the develop- ment of the olfactory nerve. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 312. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 273-290. 1899.1 A new cranial nerve in selachians (In Mark Anniversary Volume, p. 39- 55. 2 pis. New York, 1904) 1904.1 A footnote to the ancestral his- tory of the vertebrate brain. Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 180-183. 5 figs. 1905.1 On a newly recognized nerve connected with the fore-brain of se- lachians. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 33-63; 111-123. 32 figs. 1905.2 - The fifth and sixth aortic arches in chick embryos with comments on the condition of the same vessels in other vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 287- 300. 10 figs. 1906.1 Biology and its makers. New York, 1908. 469 p. illust. 8. 1908.1 Lode, A . Beitrage zur Anatomie und Physiologic des Farbenwechsels der Fische. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1891, 99, pt. 3, 130-143. pi. 1891.1 Loeb, Jacques [1859 ] Ueber die Entwickelung von Fischembryonen ohne Kreislauf . Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1893, 64, 525-530. 1893.1 On the influence of light on the periodical depth-migration of pelagic animals. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 65-68. 1894.1 Ueber den Einfluss von Alkalien und Sauren auf die embryonale Entwick- elung und das Wachsthum. Arch. Entw.-Mech., 1898, 7, 631-641. pi. 1898.1 Ueber Heliotropismus und die periodischen Tiefenbewegungen pela- gische Tiere. Biol. Zentralbl., 1908, 28. 1908.1 Die Erhohung der Giftwirkung von KC1 durch niedrige Konzentra- tionen von NaCl [auf Fundulus-Eier] Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, 32, 155-163. 1911.1 Konnen die Eier von Fundulus und die jungen Fische in distilliertem Wasser leben? Arch. Entw.-Mech., 1911, 31, 654-657. 1911.2 Die Bedeutung der Anpassung der Fische an den Untergrund fur die Auffassung des Mechanismus des Sehens. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1912, 25, 1015-1017. 1912.1 - The toxicity of sugar solutions upon Fundulus, and the apparent an- tagonism between salts and sugar. Journ. Biol. Chem., 1912, 11, 415-420. 1912.2 Untersuchungen liber Permea- bilitat und antagonistische Elektrolyt- wirkung nach einer neuen Methode. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 47, 127-166. 1912.3 Ueber die Anpassung von Fun- dulus an hohere Konzentrationen. Bio- chem. Zeitschr., 1913, 53, 391-405. * 1913.1 Loeb, Jacques, & Wasteneys, Har- dolph. Die Entgiftung yon Natrium- chlorid durch Kaliumchlorid. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, 33, 480-488. 1911.1 Die Entgiftung von Sauren durch Salze [auf Fundulus] Biochem. Zeitschr., 1911, 33, 489-502. 1911.2 Ueber die Entgiftung von Kali- umsalzen durch die Salze von Calcium* und anderen Erdalkalimetallen. Bio- chem. Zeitschr., 1911, 32, 308-322. 1911.3 Experiments on Fundulus. On the adaptation of fish (Fun- dulus) to higher temperatures. Journ. Exper. ZooL, 1912, 12, 543-557. 1912.1 Ueber die Abhangigkeit der Zahl der Herzschlage vom Partialdruck des Sauerstoffs. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 40, 277-295. 1912.2 Ueber die Entgiftung von Natri- umbromid. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 39, 185-193. 1912.3 NaBr wird fur Fische entgiftig. Loeb, Leo, & Cooke, Elizabeth. See Cooke & Loeb. Lb'ckle, - Ueber Vertilgung der Fische und Krebse. Wiirttemb. Wochnbl. Land. u. Forstw., 1867, 19. Jahrg., 88. 1867.1 Loffler, H. Ueber einige einheimi- sche Fische. Preuss. Provinzialbl., 1837, 18, 539-547. 1837.1 LOE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 55 Lofling, Peter [1729-1756] Iter His- punicum, eller resa til Spanska landerria uti Europa och America, . . . utgifven af C. Linnaeus. Stockholm, 1758. xviii, 316 p. pis. 8. 1758.1 Descriptions of nine fishes are given. A German translation by A. B. Kolpin was published at Berlin, 1776. 8. Lonnberg, Axel Johan Einar [1865 ] Nagra ord om sillfisket och Bohus- liins fauna i borjan af vintern. Biol. Foren. Forh. Stockholm, 1889, 1, 69-74. 1889.1 Berattelse om besok vid atskil- liea fiskodlingsanstalter i Tyskland 1892. 1892.1 i. Om forellodlingen i Heidelberg och Hand- schuchsheim. Svensk. Fiskeritidskr., 1892, 1, ii. Berneuchen och Lubinchen vid Guben. Ibid., 1893, 2, 49-64. - Ichthyologische Notizen. Bi- hang Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1892, 17, pt. 4, no. 7, 1-12. pi. Ibid., 1893, 18, pt. 4, no. 2, 1-13. 1892.2 - Nagra ord om fiskrokerierna i Kiel och dess omnejd. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1892, 1, 49-61. 6 figs. 1892.3 Om betesfisk i dammar m. m. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1893, 2, 101- 102. 1893.1 Om krafthandeln i Berlin. Fis- keritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 26-28. 1893.2 Verldsutstallningen i Chicago 1893. 1893.3 i. U. S. Fish Commissions utstallning i re- geringsbyggnaden vid den Columbiska yarlds- utstallningen i Chicago ar 1893. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1893, 2, 105-116. ii. Den allmiinna, internationella utstallnm- gen i fiskeribyggnaden vid den Columbiska verldsutstallningen i Chicago 1893. Ibid., 1894, 3, 1-22. - Den amerikanska backrodingen (Salmofontinalis) Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1894, 3, 53-57. fig. 1894.1 Berattelse om under en del af sommaren 1894 utforda undersqkningar ofver vissa flundrefiskarter i Oresund och Kattegat samt det efter dessa af svenska fiskare bedrifna fisket. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1894, 3, 120-140. fig. 1894.2 List of fishes observed and col- lected in south Florida. Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1894, 61, 93-107; 109-131. 1894.3 Nagra ard om y&ra svenska fisknamn. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1894, 3, 145-147. 1894.4 Nagra ord dm myxosporidcrn.-i, hos fiskarne snyltande, encelliga djur. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1894, 3, 29-32 . 1894.5 Observations on certain flat- fishes. Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1894, 61, 571-588. 1894.6 Om beredning och tillagning af Stromming. Upsala, 1894. 32 p. 8. 1894.7 Ett bidrag till kannedomen om bottenhafvets torsk. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1895, 4, 50-55. 1895.1 Meddelande om fisket i Gelle- borgs Ian ar 1894. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1895, 4, 85-95. 1895.2 Notes on fishes collected at Hayti by Capt. Conrad Eckman. Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1895, 62, 657-663. 1895.3 Notes on fishes collected in the Cameroons by Mr. Y. Sjostedt. Oefvers. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh., 1895, 62, 179-195. 1895.4 Om den vuxna alens vandring tillbaka till hafvet. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1895, 4, 32-35. 1895.5 Om sjon halsen i arbra socken af Gefleborgs Ian och dess roding. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1895, 4, 145-152. fig. 1895.6 Ytterligare bidrag till kannedo- men om alens vandring. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1895, 4, 130-132. 1895.7 Anteckningar fram en tjenste- resa vid en del af skanska kusten som- maren 1895. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1896, 5, 11-22. 1896.1 Limnanthemum nymphceoides, en ny svensk sjovaxt och dess betydelse for fisket. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1896, 5, 129-132. fig. 1896.2 Linnsean type-specimens of birds, reptiles, batrachians and fishes in the zoological museum of the Royal University in Upsala. Bihang Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1896, pt. 4, no. 1, 1_45. 1896.3 Om fisket i Gefleborgs Ian ar 1895. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1896, 6, 106-113; 169-174. 1896.4 Zur Biologic des Lachses (Salmo salar) Zool. Garten, 1896, 37, 92-93. 1896.O 56 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOE Lonnberg, A. J. E. Nagot om tvakonade eller her- mafroditiska fiskar. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1897, 6, pt. 2, 20-23. 1897.1 Om gaddan och dess betydelse for fisket. Forh. Andra Allm. Svensk Fiskerikonfer., 1897, 81-88. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 6, pt. 4, 25-32. 1897.2 Om storoch torsk i Oestersjon. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1897, 6, pt. 1, 24-27. fig. 1897.3 Till fragan om laxens forlust i vigt under vandringen i elfvarna. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1897, pt. 1, 27- 29. 1897.4 Bidrag till laxens biologi. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1898, 7, 160-168. 1898.1 Bidrag till storspiggens biologi. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1898, 7, 28-32. 1898.2 Ueber das vorkommen des Zan- ders in Schweden. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 1. Jahrg., 796-799. 1898.3 Undersokningar rorands Oere- sunds djurlif [fisk] Medd. Landtbr. Styrelsen, Stockholm, 1898, no. 1, 7-19. map. Ibid., 1899, no. 1, 2-11. 1898.4 Bidrag till laxens biologi. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1899, 8, 86-93. 1899.1 The fauna of the Sound, trans- lated from the Swedish by F. A. Bather. Nat. Science, 1899, 15, 263-273. 1899.2 Jamforelse mellan Kaspiska haf- vet och Oestersjon. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1899, 8, 4-18. 1899.3 Nagot om Sveriges fiskerier (In "Sveriges Hike," vol. i, p. 235-282. 45 figs. Stockholm, 1899) 1899.4 Notes on the fishes collected during the Swedish Arctic expedition to Spitzbergen and King Charles Land 1898 under the direction of Professor A. G. Nathorst. Bihang Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1899, 24, pt. 4, no. 9, 1-36. 1899.5 A short comparison between the Caspian and the Baltic seas. Rev. In- tern. Peche Piscicult., St. Petersb., 1899, 1, 3-7. 1899.6 Sveriges vatten och dessas in- vanare (In " Sveriges Rike," vol. i, p. 153-234. 120 figs. Stockholm, 1899) 1899.7 Till fragan om gosens tillvaxt i det fria. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1899, 8, 133-134. 1899.8 Berattelse ofver fisket i Gefle- borgs Ian under ar 1899. Svensk Fiske- ritidskr., 1900, 9, 79-84. 1900.1 Contributions to the ichthyol- ogy of the Caspian sea. Bihang Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1900, 26, pt. 4, no. 8, 1-38. Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Pe- tersb., 16, 30-39. 1900.2 - The fishes of the Swedish zoolog- ical polar expedition of 1900. Rev. In- tern. Peche Piscicult., St. Petersb., 1900, 2, no. 4, 12-13. 1900.3 Lampris pelagicus (Gunnerus) found at the Murman coast, an addition to the Russian fauna. Ann. Mus. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb., 1900, 5, 242-243. 1900.4 Nagot om fiskarnes fortplant- ning och vard om afkomman. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1900, 9, 97-108. 1900.5 Nagra anteckningar om Ystad- straktens fiske. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1900, 9, 72-76. 1900.6 Nagra bidrag till kannedomen om hornsimpan (Coitus quadricornis) Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1900, 9, 36-38. 1900.7 Om de kaspiska fiskerierna. Meddel. Landtbr.-Styrelsen, Stockholm, 1900, no. 2, 1-16. 18 figs. & map. 1900.S Om strommingsindustriens ut- veckling. Upsala, 1900. 12 p. 8. 1900.9 Short notes on Caspian fishes. Rev. Intern. Peche Piscicult., St. Pe- tersb., 1900, 2, no. 2, 3-6. 1900.10 Beitrage zur Fauna der Baren- Insel. II. Der Saibling der Baren-Insel [Salmo umbla var.] Bihang Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1901, 26, pt. 4, no. 4, 8. 1901.1 - Djurvalden (In " Uppland, skildnng af land och folk," utgifven af K. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-samhallet i Uppsala, vol. i, p. 142-146. Uppsala, 1901-08) 1901.2 - Fisket i Uppland (In " Upp- land, skildring af land och folk," utgifven af K. Humanistiska Vetenskaps-sam- hallet i Uppsala, vol. ii, p. 149-164. figs. 45-46. Uppsala, 1901-08) 1901.3 LOE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 57 Om anfalls och forsvarsmedel inom djurriket. Stockholm, 1901. 36 p. 7 pis. 8 (Foreningen heimals folk- skrifter no. 72) 1901.4 Pisces (In Bronn, H. G. Klas- sen und Ordnungen des Thier-Reichs, Bd. vi, p. 1-336. 18 pis. & 35 figs. Leipzig, 1901-06) 1901.5 Bidrag till kilnnedomen om hafsdjurens utbredning uppat Botten- hafvet. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 151-156. 1902.1 En interressant fisk [Dasybatus margarita from the Cameroons, a vivip- arous specimen with tongue-like papil- lae in the uterus] Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 180. 1902.2 Kortfattade forhallningsregler for undvikande af onodigt djurplageri vid fangst, transport och forvaring af fisk och matnyttiga kraftdjur. Med- delade af Svenska fiskareforbundet. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 61-64. 1902.3 Nagot om fiskarnes farger. Foren. Heimdals Artikelserie Skilda Aemnen, 1902, no. 5. 1902.4 Nagramarkligafiskfynd. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 46. 1902.5 Om fargning af garnredskap. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 137- 142. 1902.6 [Die sogenannte " praeanale Flosse " bei Myxine ist nur eine Haut- f alte die sich bei Ausdehnung der Bauch- hohle ausgleicht] Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 565. 1902.7 Some words on dwarfed forms among Swedish fishes iText in Swedish] Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 65-70. 1902.8 Undersokningar rorande skelder- vikens och angransande kattegat-om- rades Djurlif. Meddel. Landtbruks- styrelsen, Stockholm, 1902, no. 2, 1-81. 1902.9 Fishes, p. 9-23. Which are the smallest and which the largest of known fishes? [Text in Swedish] Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1902, 11, 28-35. 1902.10 En andamalsenlig fiskvase. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1903, 12, 37-39. 190o.l En namnfraga. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1903, 12, 84-85. 1903.2 External and internal colour- of fishes [Text in Swedish] Svensk Fi>k- ritidskr., 1903, 12, 13-23. 1903.3 - Fiskeriafdelningen vid 100-ars- utstallningen i Karlstad sommaren 1903. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1903, 12, 115- 118. 1903.4 Fiskeriinstruktoren Arthur Nys- troms klackningslada. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1903, 12, 136-139. 2 figs. 1903.5 Fiskfynd. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1903, 12, 46. 1903.6 Hornsimpa i Malaren. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1903, 12, 94-95. 1903.7 Om braxen. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1903, 12, 79-83; 154-157. fig. 1903.8 On a collection of fishes from the Cameroon, containing new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 37-46. 1903.9 Sveriges vatten och dessas in- vanare (In Jagerskiold, L. A. Lonn- berg, Einar, och Adlerz, Gottfrid. Sver- iges djurvarld, p. 207-286. 117 figs. Stockholm, 1903. 8) 1903.10 En skandinavisk fisk som lyser. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1904, 13, 72-73. 1904.1 Kortfattade forhallningsregler for undvikande af onodigt djurplageri vid fangst, transport, tillagning och forvaring af fisk och matnyttiga kraft- djur. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1904, 13, 173-177. 1904.2 Nagot om fisket i Holland 1903 (Utdrag ur fiskerikonsulentens rapport till Hallands lans Kgl. Hushallnings- sallskap) Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1904, 13, 76^78. 1904.3 On some fishes from the lakes of the Cameroon mountain. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 135-139. 1904.4 [Review of] Das Handbuch der Fischkrankheiten, von Professor Dr. Bruno Hofer. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1904, 13, 39-44. 1904.5 Continuation under the title Om fisksjuk- domar, p. 78-82. Backrodingen. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1905, U, 129-131. fig. 1905.1 Backrodingen regnbagsforellen i Jamtlands vatten. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1905, 14, 169-172. 1905.2 58 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOE Lonnberg, A.J. E. The fishes of the Swedish South Polar expedition (In Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der schwedischen Siidpolar- Expedition 1901-03, unter Leitung von Dr. Otto Nordenskjold, vol. v, pt. 6, p. 1-69. 5 pis. Stockholm, 1905) 1905.3 Flossen der Labriden und Cich- liden u. A. Zool. Anz., 1905, 28, 470. 1905.4 On the occurrence of Coitus quad- ricornis in lake Malaren and its variation according to natural conditions. Bull. Geol. Instit. Univ. Upsala, 1905, 6, 85-91. 3 figs. 1905.5 Pelagische von der schwedischen Siidpolar-Expedition von 1901-1903 er- beutete Fische. Zool. Anz., 1905, 28, 762-766. 1905.6 Peter Artedi; a bicentenary memoir [Translated by W. E. Harlock] Upsala & Stockholm, 1905. 44 p. 8. 1905.7 Notice by C. R. Eastman in Science, 1905, n. s. 22, 378-379. Regnbagsforellen (Salmo irideus Gibb.) Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1905, 14, 121-124. fig. 1905.8 Contributions to the fauna of South Georgia. I. Taxonomic and biological notes on vertebrates [Fishes] Handl. Svensk Vet. Akad., 1906, 40, 91-100. 12 pis. 1906.1 De svenska ryggradsjurens ve- tenskapliga namn. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1906, 1, 113-128; 161-176: 225-240; 273-288. Ibid., 1907, 2, 37- 52; 85-100; 181-196; 229-244; 277-296. 1906.2 Fiskfaunan i Tschad - sjon. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1906, 1, 95- 96. 1906.3 Hvad kan och bor goras for att befordra tillverkning och afsattning af rokta fiskvarar? Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1906, 15, 112-117. 1906.4 - Fische. Ergebn. Hamb. Magal- haens. Sammelreise, vol. viii, no. 6, 1-16. pi. Hamburg, 1907. 1907.1 Fishes (In Sjostedts Kilimand- jaro-Meru Expedition, vol. v, p. 7. Up- sala, 1907) 1907.2 - Hvad bor goras for hojandet af vardet pa sportfiskevatten ? Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1907, 16, 46-50. 1907.3 Oestersj 6ns storsta torsk . Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1907, 2, 221-222. fig. 1907.4 Silfvertorsken, Gadiculus argen- teus (Guichenot) Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1907, 2, 208-211. 2 pis. 1907.5 Tonfisk fangad Bohuslan [Tunny caught in Bohuslan] Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1907, 2, 180. 1907.6 Tonfiskar och makrillar [Tun- nies and mackerels] Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1907, 16, 129-134. pi. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1907, 2, 197-201. pi. Ibid., 1908, 3, 100-102. 1907.7 En ny blind mal-fisk fran Bra- silien. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1908, 3, 191-193. fig. 1908.1 Nagra for svenska faunan nya fiskar [Some fishes new to the fauna of Sweden] Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1908, 3, 113-118. pis. & fig. 1908.2 Om nagra fynd i Litorina-lera i Norrkoping. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 1907, 4, no. 22, 27. pi. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1908, 3, 164-188. pi. 1908.3 Silfvertorsken vid Bohuskusten. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1908, 3, 107. 1908.4 En klumpfisk [Mola mola L.] Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1909, 4, 49. 1909.1 Fisk som skyddsmedel mat ma- laria. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1909, 4, 155-156. 1909.2 - En " Guldabborre." Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1910, 5, 142. 1910.1 Fishes (In Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse Schwedischen Zoologischen Expedition Kilimandjaro, vol. i, pt. 5, p. 1-8. Upsala, 1910) 1910.2 Svansens betydelse och anvand- ning hos ryggradsdjuren [Fishes] Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1910, 5, 9-14. 4 figs. 1910.3 Fishes collected by the Swedish zoological expedition to British East Africa 1911. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1911, 47, no. 6, 37-^1. 1911.1 Klatterfiskarnas fort plant ning. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1911, 6, 224. 1911.2 LOG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 59 - Kriildjur, groddjur och fiskar, insamlade af den syenska zoologiska expeditioncn till Britiska Ost-Afrika. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1911, 6, 228- 232. 1911.3 Fishes, p. 232. - Makrill fangad i Sodermanlands skargard. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1911, 6, 236-237. 1911.4 Ovanligt stor mort. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1911, 6, 235. 1911.5 - Nagra ord om Sjoko-ckfiskarna. Fauna och Flora, Uppsala, 1912, 7, 101- 105. 1912.1 Sjokocken Callionymus lyra Linne. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1912, 21, 65-70. pi. 1912.2 Lonnberg, Josef. Nagra iakttagelser sorande den kemiska sammansattningen af brosket nos statrockan (Raja batis Linn.) Lakareforenings Forh., Upsala, 1884, 24. 1884.1 Lons, Hermann [1866-1914] Bitte, die Wirbeltiere Hannovers betreffend. 50-54. Jahresber. Nat. Hist. Ges. Han- nover, 1905, 247-264. 1905.1 Beitrage zur Landesfauna. IV- Hannovers Siisswasserfische. Jahrb. Prov. Mus. Hannover, 1906-1907, 88- 94. Also separate; Hannover, 1907. 1907.1 Die Literatur, p. 89-90. Die Wirbeltiere der Liineburger Heide [Fischej Jahresh. Nat. Hist. Ver. Liineburg, 1907, no. 17, 77-123. 1907.2 Einbiirgerungen von Wirbelti- eren. 55-57. Jahresber. Nat. Hist. Ges. Hannover, 1908, 128-133. 1908.1 Wo die Oder rauscht (In Mein grimes Buch: Tageschilderungen. 3. ed. Hannover, 1908) 1908.2 Forelle, p. 49-55. Am Forellenwasser; den Bach entlang (In Auf der Wildbahn: Tage- schilderungen. Hannover, 1912) 1912.1 Forelle, p. 49-56; 159-164. Loeper, M., & Clerc, A. See Clerc & Loeper. Lorenthey, Imre. Beitrage zur Fauna und stratigraphischen Lage der panno- nischen Schichten in der Umgebung des Balatonsees [Plattensee] in Resultate der wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen des Balatonsees. Anhang Palaontologie IV. Wien, 1911. 215 p. 3 pis. 8. 1911.1 Describes fossil otoliths and remains of Seise nidae. Loes, A. de. Essais de pisciculture en Suisse, lettre address6e a M. J. L. Soubeiran. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. se>. 6, 460-466. 1869.1 Pisciculture a Aigle (Suisse) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. s6r. 7, 146-149. 1870.1 Memoire concernant la piscicul- ture de Chalex-a- Aigle (canton de Vaud) Suisse. Intern. Fischerei-Ausstell. Ber- lin, 1880 (Schweiz. Katalog), 53-55. 1880.1 Loschner, Hans. Fischwege in Stauanlagen. Leitmomente fur ihre zweckmassige Anordnung. Graz, 1908. - 15 p. fig. 8. 1908.1 Low, Immanuel. Aramaische Fisch- namen (In Orientalische Studien, Theodor Noldeke zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag gewidmet, etc., p. 549-570. Leipzig, 1906) 1906.1 Loew, Oscar (translator) On the sci- entific investigation of the Baltic sea and the German ocean, by G. Karsten. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 283-294. 1880.1 Loewe, Fr. Ueber Neu- und Riick- bildung in Ovarium vom Maifisch (Clupea alosa) Arch. Mikrosk. Anat., 1896, 63, 313-342. 4 pis. 1896.1 Loewenthal, N. Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Kornerzellen des Neunauges. Anat. Anz., 1904, 26, 81-94. 12 figs. 1904.1 Contribution a l^tude des glo- bules blancs du sang 6osinophiles chez les animaux vert6br6s. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1909, 45. anne"e, 97-121. pi. 1909.1 Loewy, - Beitrage zur Atmung der Fische [Sammelreferat] Med. Kli- nik, 1909, 5. Jahrg., 103. 1909.1 Lofting, Johan Christian Lund Lev- insen. Beretning fra cand. mag. Levin- sen angaaende fiskeriforholdene i Gude- naa og Randers. Fjord. Fiskeri Beret- ning 1898-99 (1900), 265-286. 1900.1 Logan, George. Further notice of the herring and sprat fishery of the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1859-62 (1863), 2, 288-290. 1863.1 60 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOG Logan, G. Report of the committee on ma- rine zoology, with a notice of the sprat fishing in the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1859-62 (1863), 2. 1863.2 Logan, R. F. Notices of the saury pike (Scomberesox saurus Perm.) taken in the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinb. 1854-58 (1858), 1, 49-51. 1858.1 Logeman, Willem Martinus [1821 ] Malapterurus electricus, stroomrig- ting bij zijne ontladingen. Album Natuur, 1863 (Wetensch. bijblad), 29-30. 1863.1 De elektrische visschen onder- zocht met behulp van den telephon. Album Natuur, 1879 (Wetensch. bij- Jblad), 43. 1879.1 Lo Giudice, P. Sulla struttura delle branchie nei pesci. Nota preliminare. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1910, 12 (n. s. 5), 264-268. 1910.1 Ancora sulle diverse razze locali di acciughe (Engraulis encrasicholus Cuv.) Replica al Dr. Fage. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1911, 13 (n. s. 6), 226-236. 1911.1 Sulle diverse razze locali o fami- glie (Heincke) di acciughe (Engraulis encrasicholus Cuv.) Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1911, 13 (n. s. 6), 83-87. 1911.2 Lohberger, Johannes. Ueber zwei riesige Embryonen von Lamna. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., Munchen, 1910, Suppl.-Bd. 4, no. 2, 1-44. 5 pis. 1910.1 Lohest, Maximin. La decouverte de plusieurs especes de debris de poissons, trouvees dans les schistes de Frasnes et dans les psammites du Condroz. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1881, 9, cxxiii- cxxiv. 1881.1 Asterolepis, Ptyctodus, Dipterus and shark remains. Recherches sur les poissons des terrains paleozoiques de Belgique. Pois- sons de 1'ampelite alunifere, des genres Campodus, Petrodus et Xystracanthus. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1883, 11, 295- 325. 2 pis. 1883.1 Decouverte du plus ancien am- phibien connu et de quelques fossiles remarquables dans le Famennien supe- rieur de Modave. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1888, 15, cxx-cxxvii. 1888.1 Remains of ostracoderms, ganoids and Dipterus are indicated, p. cxxii. Recherches sur les poissons des terrains paleozoiques de Belgique. Pois- sons des psammites du Condroz, Famen- nien superieur. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1888, 15, 112-203. 11 pis. Dendrodus, Holoptychius, Phyllolepis, Pentagonolepis. Migration des poissons aux epoques paleozoiques, p. 192-195. De la decouverte d' especes ame- ricaines de poissons fossiles dans le Devonien superieur de Belgique. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1890, 16, Ivii-lix. 1890.1 Dinichthys, Dipterus, Holoptychius, Bothrio- lepis. Lohmann, Hans. Ueber das Fischen mit Netzen aus Miillergaze Nr. 20, zu dem Zwecke quantitatiyer Untersuchun- gen des Auftriebs. Wiss. Meeresunter- such. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 1901, n. s. 5, 45-66. 1901.1 Untersuchungen iiber die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt, sowie iiber die Boden- sedimente des Nordatlantischen Oceans zwischen dem 38. und 50. Grade nord- liche Breite. Sitzber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1903, 26. 1903.1 Lohmeyer, Carl F. [Vorlaufiges] Verzeichnis der Fische, welche in den Gewassern Ostfrieslands vorkommen. 58. Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Emden 1872 (1873), 9-10. 1873.1 Uebersicht der Fische des un- tern Ems-, Weser- und Elbgebiets. Abh. Nat. Ver. Bremen, 1907, 19, 149- 180. 1907.1 Lohr, Adolf. Versuch einer Erkla- rung warum es in der Donau keine Aale gibt. Verh. Ver. Nat. Heilk. Presburg, 1902, 21, 54-56. 1902.1 Loir, A . Note sur plusieurs cas d'em- poisonnement produits par des sardines rouges. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1894, 10. ser. 1, 141-143. 1894.1 Loisel, G. La culture des poissons de mer en Norvege et Felevage des jeunes morues aux lies Kvitingso. Bull. Soc Acclim. Paris, 1913, 60, 451-453. 1913.1 Loman, Jan Cornells Christiaan. Het yoorkomen van Petromyzon planeri Blch. in Nederland. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1900, 2. ser. 6, Iviii-lix. 1900.1 Parasiten van Petromyzon pla- neri. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1909, 2. ser. 11, 62. 1909.1 - De copulatie van Petromyzon planeri. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1910, 2. ser. 12, vii. 1910 1 LOO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS (51 Ueber die Naturgeschichte des l. .lahrl). (Siippl.), 1<)12, 15, pt, 1, 243-270. pi. 1912.1 Lomas, Joseph. Investigation of the fauna and flora of the Trias of the British isles. Second report of the committee. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 74. meet., 1904, 275-288. 4 pis. & 10 figs. 1904.1 Hybodus, Acrodus, Sagenodus, Palseonis- cidse, Semionotus, Dipteronotus, coprolites. Lombard, Guy Davenport. Some notes on the anatomy of the thyroid gland in Selachii. A preliminary com- munication. Biol. Bull., Woods Hole, 1909, 18, 39-41. 1909.1 Lombardo, A. C. La morfologia della eolonna vertebrale dei Clupeidi. Nat. Sioil., 1884, 3, 336-339. 2 pis. Ibid., 1885, 4, 37-40. 1884.1 Lombroso, Ugo. Ueber Einige be- sondere Regulationsvorgange der At- mungsbewegungen bei Knochenfischen. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1907, 119, 1-28. 11 figs. 1907.1 Sull' origine dei movimenti res- piratori dei pesci. L'importanza dell' ambiente fisico. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1908, 5. ser. 17, 867-875. 5 figs. 1908.1 - Ueber den Ursprung der At- mungsbewegungen der Fische. Die Be- deutung des physikalischen Mediums. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1908, 126, 163- 172. 5 figs. 1908.2 Lomnicki, Aloys Maryjan. Ryby zebrane w okolicy Slotwiny, Stanis- btwowa i Halicza [Fishes collected in the neighbourhood of Solotwina, Stanis- lawow and Halicz] Spraw. Kom. Fizy- ogr. Krakow, 1878, 8. ser. 12, 50-60. 1878.1 Materyaly do miocenskiej fauny Lwowa i najblizszej okolicy [Materialen zur miocanen Fauna von Lemberg und seiner niichsten Umgebung] Kosmos Lwow Roczn., 1897, 22, 18-37. 1897.1 Long, J. A. The reaction of eyeless (blinded) fish to light. Science, 1904, 2. ser. 19, 248. 1904.1 Long, William. Pacific trout [Salmo iriflm] in eastern waters. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 288. 1879.1 Longchamps, (Baron) de Selys. Re- population of the water courses in Bel- gium. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 815-823. 1884.1 Long Cork ipseudon.] The carp, and how to catch him. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 195-196. 1878.1 Longman, H. A. Note on Portheus australis A. S. Woodward. Mem. Queensland Mus., 1913, 2, 94-95. 1913.1 Longmuir, - On the restoration of Pterichthys in " The testimony of the rocks " [by Hugh Miller] Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29. meet., 1859 (1860), 263. 1860.1 Longuety, L. Peche franaise. Sa- laison du hareng a bord et en atelier. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1860. 8. 1860.1 Rapport sur I 1 exposition d'ap- pareils de peche a Amsterdam fait par L. Longuety aine. Paris, 1862. 8. 1862.1 Notes sur la legislation de la peche du hareng et sur la preparation essentielle que doit subir ce poisson. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1868. 8. 1868.1 La peche du hareng, son im- portance du port de Boulogne-sur-Mer en 1878. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1878. pi. 8. 1878.1 La peche maritime en France et en Angleterre. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1878. 21 p. 8. 1878.2 Notes sur la legislation de la peche du hareng et sur la preparation essentielle que doit subir ce poisson; extraits d'un rapport sur T exposition de peche a la Haye, en juillet 1877. Boulogne-sur-Mer, 1879. 18 p. 8. 1879.1 Longuety, L., & Lebeau, J. See Lebeau & Longuety. Loomis, Frederic Brewster [1873 ] Die Anatomic und die Verwandtschaft der Ganoid- und Knochen-Fische aus der Kreide-Formation von Kansas, U. S. A. Pateontographica, 1900, 46, 213-283. 9 pis. & 13 figs. 1900.1 Loomis, Watts T. A landlocked sal- mon caught in Erie canal. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1884, 4, 288. 1884.1 Loosjes, P. Leerzame zamenspraken over eenige dieren, vogels, insecten en visschen. Amsterdam, 1769. 8. 1769.1 Looss, Arthur. Ueber einige Disto- men der Labriden des Triester Hafens. Centralbl. Bakteriol. Parasitenk. Infek- tionskr., Jena, 1901, 29, 1. Abth., 398- 405; 437-442. 1901.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOP Loper, Samuel Ward [1835-1910] A new fossil fish, Ischypterus newberryi, sp. nov. [from the Trias of the Connecti- cut valley] Pop. Sci. News, Mar. 18, 1893. Pop. Science, May, 1899, 98. 1893.1 Lopez, C. Cenni sulla fauna dell' Abruzzo Teramano. Teramo, 1893. 60 p. 8. 1893.1 Lopez, Jose Alonso. See Alonso Lopez, Jose, Lorang, Ch. von. Amiurus nebulosus, der Zwergwels. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 842. fig. 1912.1 Glaridichthys (Girardinus) janu- arius var. ? und seine Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 589. fig. 1912.2 Danio rerio und seine Zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 183-184. fig. 1913.1 - Umbra krameri, der ungarische Hundsfisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 26. fig. 1913.2 Lorck, C. G. Fauna Prussica; Ab- bildungen der Saugethiere, Vogel, Am- phibien und Fische Preussens. 3 vols. Konigsberg, 1834-35. 52 pis. 4. 1834.1 Lord, Henry W. The fish of Devils lake, Dakota. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1884, 4, 351. 1884.1 Lord, John Keast [1817-1872] The naturalist in Vancouver island and British Columbia. 2 vols. London, 1866. illust. 8. 1866.1 Appendix contains " List of specimens col- lected with descriptions of the fish," by A. Giinther. The end of odd fishes. Sci. Gossip 1866 (1867), 170-172. 1867.1 Aspredo, Silurus, Callichthys, Osphromenus. More odd fishes. Sci. Gossip 1866 (1867), 99-101. 1867.2 Syngnathi and Hippocampus. A new charr (Fario lordii) from British Columbia. Intell. Observ., 1867, 10, 338-347. 1867.3 Odd fishes. Sci. Gossip 1866 (1867), 50-52. 1867.4 Silurus, Syngnathus, Lophobranchia, Nero- phis. The viviparous fish (Ditrema argenteum) Sci. Gossip 1866 (1867), 241-243. fig. 1867.5 A cruise in a whitebait boat. Canad. Naturalist, 1870, n. s. 6, 463- 465. . 1870.1 From " The Leisure Hour." Clupea alba is regarded as a distinct species, not as a young herring. Lord, William Barry. Sea-fish and how to catch them. London, 1862. viii, 52 p. 8. 1862.1 The same. 2. ed. London, 1863. viii, 117 p. 8. 1863.1 The flying-fish (Exocoetus voli- tans) Nature & Art, 1866, 1, 173-177. figs. 1866.1 The mackerel. Nature & Art, 1866, 1, 9-10. 1866.2 Lord, W . Scott. Weight of salmon caught in Restigouche river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 274. 1882.1 Lorec, Z., & Wolski, T. Nowy ga- tunek z rodzaju strzebla. Strzebla przekopowe (Phoxinus dybowskii, sp. nov. ?) Sprawozd. Towarz . Nauk. War- szawskiego, 1910, 3, 114-120. 1910.1 Lorent, H. Ueber den Mitteldarm von Cobitis fossilis Linn . Arch . M ikrosk . Anat., 1878, 15, 429-442. pi. 1878.1 Lorentzen, F. Ein neuer seltener Gast der westlichen Ostsee: der Rot- barsch (Sebastes marinus L.) Prome- theus, 1900, 11, 652-653. 1900.1 Seltene Gaste der westlichen Ostsee. Heimat, Kiel, 1901, 11, 183- 184. 1901.1 Lorenz, Josef Roman. Die kiinstliche Fischzucht. Oester. Rev., 1867, 2, 153- 159. 1867.1 Lorenz, 0. Ein Fischverderber aus dem Pflanzenreiche [Bidnes cernua] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 27-28. " 1880.1 Lorenz, Paul. Der Aal (Anguilla vulgaris Fleming) im Caumasee. Jahres- ber. Naturf. Ges. Graubundens, 1896, 2. ser. 39, 81-95. 1896.1 Fischfauna des Kantons Grau- btinden. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 41-43. Also separate; Pfaffikon- Zurich, 1896. 2 p. 8. 1896.2 Die Fische des Kantons Grau- biinden (Schweiz) Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1897, Beilage Bd. 2, 1-80.- Jahresber. Naturf. Ges. Graubiinden, 1898, 41, 1-135. 6 pis. 1897.1 LOV BIBLIOGRAPHY OF F1SIIKS 63 Lorenzen, .1. Die Farocr. Xutur, 1898, 47. Jahrg., 519-521; 529-533; 543- 545; 567-570; 583-584. 1898.1 Die Fischerei, p. 556-557; 567-568. Lorenzen, F. Sec Lorentzen, F. Lorenzo, G. de. Francesco Bassani. Commemorazione letta nell' Accademia delle Scienze di Napoli. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli, 1916, fasc. 5-6. 22 p. 1916.1 Pubblicazioni, p. 15-22. Loreta, G. La zoologia nella bibbia secondolavolgata. Torino, 1901. 580 p. illust. 8. 1901.1 Lori, F. A . Beitrage zur Fauna Nie- derbayerns. Die Fische in der Umge- gend von Passau. 9. Jahresber. Natur- hist. Ver. Passau 1869-70 (1871), 99- 104. 1871.1 Fauna der Siisswasserfische von Mittel-Europa, nach Siebold. Passau, 1878. 8. 1878.1 Loring, Joseph G. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 49-50. 1873.1 Loring, Mary G. By the sea in Nor- mandy. Scribners Monthly Mag., Au- gust, 1881. 1881.1 Describes the fishing village of Etretat. Loring, Thomas. Statement concern- ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 6, 403. 1889.1 Loriol, Perceval de, & Pictet, F. J. See Pictet & de Loriol. Lortet, Louis [1836 ] Le Chromis pater-familias du lac de Tiberiade. La Nature, 1875, 81-82. figs. 1875.1 Sur un poisson du lac de Tibe- riade, le Chromis pater-familias, qui in- cube ses ceufs dans la cavite buccale. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1875, 81, 1196- 1198. Bull. Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France 1875-76 (1876), 17, 231-233. 1875.2 Etudes zoologiques sur la faune du lac de Tiberiade, suivies d'un apercu sur la faune des lacs d'Antioche et de Horns. I. Poissons et reptiles du lac de Tiberiade et de quelques autres parties de la Syrie. II. Ordre des Acanthop- te>ygiens pharyngognathes, famille des Chromidae. III. Ordre des Physos- tomes, famille des Silurida?. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 1883, 3, 99-194. 13 pis. 1883.1 Lortet, Louis, & Gaillard, C. La faune momifi6e de 1'ancienne Egypte. Poissons. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1903, 928-948. 1903.1 La faune momifi6e de 1'ancienne Egypte. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 1903, 8, Mem. no. 2, 1-205. 8 pis. & 82 figs. 1903.2 Poissons, p. 185-190, figs. 79-82. La faune momifi^e de 1'ancienne Egypte et recherches anthropologiques. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Lyon, 1909, 10, Me"m. no. 2, 1-336. 8 pis. & 223 figs. 1909.1 Poissons, p. 305-306. Lortet, Louis, & Hugounenq, L. Recherches sur les poissons momifie's de 1'ancienne Egypte. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901, 133, 613-616. 1901.1 Lory, Charles. Note sur un gisement de poissons fossiles dans les marnes apti- ennes de Rosans (Hautes-Alpes) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1879, 3. ser. 7, 677- 678. 1879.1 Lothrop, Alonzo Y. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 6, 412. 1879.1 Lott, Frans van der. Kort bericht van den conger-aal, ofte drilvisch. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 1762, 6, pt. 2, 87-95. 1762.1 Lotz, Theophil. Ueber den Bau der Schwanzwirbelsaule der Salmoniden, Cyprinoiden, Percoiden und Cataphrac- ten. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1864, 14, 81-106. 4 pis. & 2 figs. 1864.1 Loup, , & Audige, J. See Au- dige & Loup. Love joy, John F. Are sharks vivip- arous? Scient. American, 1880, 43, 295. 1880.1 Love joy, Samuel. Fish on the farm: what species to select. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1903 (1904), 116-117. 1904.1 What I have seen of black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 170. 1905.1 Loven, SvenLudwig [1809-1895] Om fiskars, amphibiers och foglars respira- tion. Lund, 1830. 8. 1830.1 64 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LOV Lovetsky, A, Sur les especes du genre esturgeon, appartenant aux eaux de F empire Russe. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fe- russac), 1830, 23, 131-134. Notizen (Froriep), 30, 99-101. 1830.1 Diagnosis piscium ad genus Aci- penserinum pertinentium, praeprimis eo- rum qui habitant in aquis Imperii Ros- sici. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Naturl. Moscou, 1834, 3, 253-264. 1834.1 Lovisato, Domenico [1842 ] No- tizia sopra la ittiofauna sarda. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1896, 5. ser. 5, 75-79. 1896.1 Low, (Rev.} George [1747-1795] Fauna Orcadensis; or, The natural history of the quadrupeds, birds, reptiles and fishes of Orkney and Shetland, from a manuscript in the possession of Wm. Elford Leach. Edinburgh, 1813. 230 p. 4. 1813.1 Fishes, p. 157-230. Low, (Sir} Hugh [1824-1905] Sara- wak; its inhabitants and productions; being notes during a residence in that country. London, 1848. xxiv, 716 p. 8. 1848.1 Fish and fishing establishments, p. 88-89; 311. List of fish of Borneo, p. 412-413. Low, W. F. Report of operations at the Havre de Grace shad-hatching sta- tion during part of the season of 1883. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1043-1044. 1885.1 Lowe, E. Ernest. " Fox-shark " or " thrasher " (Alopecias vulpes) in the English channel. Nature, 1902, 66, 272. 1902.1 Lowe, Harford J. On a fossil arthro- diran fish, Homosteus mitteri, from the Caithness flagstones, found in a Torquay pavement. Journ. Torquay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1916, 2, 65. pi. & figs. 1916.1 Description of the fossil, by A. S. Woodward, p. 65-69. Lowe, John. Fauna and flora of Nor- folk, 187^-99. 1874.1 Fishes; a list of the fishes known to occur in the Norfolk waters. Trans. Norfolk & Norwich Nat. Soc., 1874, 1, 21-56. Additions. Ibid., 3, 677-682. Additions (third list) Ibid., 4, 634-642. Additions (fourth list) Ibid., 6, 495-500. Fishes (In Victoria history of county Norfolk, vol. i, p. 200-216. London, 1901) 1901.1 Lowe, Richard Thomas [1802-1874] Characters of a new genus Leirus, and of several new species of fishes from Ma- deira [Serranus marginatus, Beryx splen- dens, Rhombus maderensis, Crenilabrus trutta, Centrina nigra, etc.] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1833, 1, 142-144. 1833.1 [Description of a new genus of acanthopterygian fishes, Alepisaurus ferox] Abstracts in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1833, 1, 104. Notizen (Fro- riep), 38, 330. Isis (Oken), 1836, 395- 396. Ibid., 1837, 274-275. 1833.2 Additional observations on Ale- pisaurus ferox. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1835, 1, 395-400. pi. 1835.1 Description of a new genus of acanthopterygian fishes [Alepisaurus ferox] Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1835, 1, 123-128. 1835.2 Fische aus Madera. Isis (Oken), 1835, 556-558. 1835.3 Piscium Maderensium species quaBdam novae, vel minus rite cognitae breviter descriptae [Serranus fimbriatus, S./USQUS, Priacanthusfulgens, Polymixia nobilis, Leirus bennettii, etc.] Trans. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1838, 6, 195-202. fig. Abstract in Rev. Zool., 1839, 25. 1838.1 A supplement to a synopsis of the fishes of Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1839, 7, 76-92. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 405-424. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 3, 1-20. Isis (Oken), 1844, 759-764. 1839.1 Description of some new species of Madeiran fishes, with additional in- formation relating to those already de- scribed [Scorpcena ustulata, Nauclerus abbreviatus, Tetrapturus georgii, Astero- derma coryphosnoides] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840, 8, 36-39. Ibid., 1843, p. 81. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 92-94. 1840.1 [Extract from a letter referring to supposed identity of Ausonia cuvi- eri Risso with Luvarus imperialis Rafi- nesque] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1840, 8, 131. 1840.2 On new species of fishes from Madeira [Scorpcena ustulata, Nauclerus abbreviatus, etc.] Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1840, 8, 36-39. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7, 92-94. 1840.3 Synopsis of the fishes of Madeira ; with the principal synonyms, Portuguese names, and characters of the new genera LUB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF F1SHKS 65 and species. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1841, 2, 173-200. Notice in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 6, 37-38. Ibid., 7, 76. 1841.1 A history of the fishes of Madeira; with original figures from nature of all the species, by C. E. C. Norton and M. Young. London, 1843-60. 196 p. 27 pis. 8. 1843.1 The first three parts of this work were pub- lished in 1843, the fourth in 1844, and the fifth in 1860. A glossary of vernacular names is included. Notices of fishes newly observed or discovered in Madeira during the years 1 S40, 1841, and 1842 [Seriola gracilis, Brama longipinnis, Taractes as- per, Pteradis papilio] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1843, 11, 81-95. Ann. M:ig. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 390-403. 1843.2 On a new genus of the family Lophiidae (les Pectorales Pedicul6es, Cuv.) discovered in Madeira. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1846, 14, 81-84. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 3, 339-344. pi. - Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1846, 18, 416- 418. 1846.1 Supplement to a synopsis of the fishes of Madeira. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1849, 3, 1-20. 1849.1 An account of fishes discovered or observed in Madeira since the year 1842. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1850, 18, 247-253. 1850.1 An account of fishes discovered or observed in Madeira since the year 1842. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., London, 1852, 2. ser. 10, 49-55. 1852.1 Species are enumerated of the following-named genera: Zeus, Argyropelecus, Temnodon, Scom- ber, Auxis, Pelamys, Trachypterus, Labrus, Chaunax, Phsenodon, Scopelus, Metopias, Monacanthus, Geluidgevende visschen. Album Natuur, 1859 (Wetensch. bijblad), 25. i.i Phycis, Echeneis, Leptorhynchus, Alopias and Centrophorus. Description d'un nouveau genre de poisson de la famille des murenoi'des (Belonopsis leuchtenbergii) , avec re- marques par M. Brandt. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1854, 7, 169-176. pi. 1854.1 Lowe, Richard Thomas, & Brandt, J. F. See Brandt & Lowe. Lowetsky, A. See Lovetsky, A. Lowne, Benjamin Thompson. Cata- logue of the teratological series in the Museum of the Royal College of Sur- geons, England. London, 1893. 1893.1 Lubach, D. De europeesche meerval [Silurus glanis] Album Natuur, 1852 (Wetensch. bijblad), 209-213. fig. Over de elektrische vissclicn. Album Natuur, 1859 (Wetensch. bij- blad), 71-72. 1859.2 - Phosphoresceerende stof van den rog [Raja] Album Natuur, 1861 (Wetensch. bijblad), 12. isiii.i Muzikale visschen in Zuid-Ame- rika. Album Natuur, 1862 (Wetensch. bijblad), 22-23. 1862.1 De meerval als Nederlandsche visch. Album Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad), 56. 1864.1 - Verplaatsing der oogen bij de plat visschen iPleuronectidaei Album Natuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad), 71- 72. 1864.2 Anabas scandens. Album Na- tuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad), 46. 1864.3 Een nieuw zeedier. Album Na- tuur, 1864 (Wetensch. bijblad), 37-38. 1864.4 Metamorphosen van sommige visschen [Zeus faber] Album Natuur, 1865 (Wetensch. bijblad), 25-26. 1865.1 - Het zien van visschen en am- phibien. Album Natuur, 1866 (We- tensch. bijblad), 84-85. 1866.1 Levendbarende visschen. Al- bum Natuur, 1866 (Wetensch. bijblad), 40. 1866.2 Bouw van het hart der Gadoi- deen. Album Natuur, 1867 (Wetensch. bijblad), 25. 1867.1 Wederherstelling van de vinnen van visschen. Album Natuur, 1869 (Wetensch. bijblad), 39-40. 1869.1 Uitwendige kieuwen bij visschen. Album Natuur, 1870 (Wetensch. bij- blad), 4. 1870.1 Zamenstel van de chorda dor- salis bij Amphioxus lanceolatus. Album Natuur, 1870 (Wetensch. bijblad), 54. 1870.2 Geluid voortgebracht door een- ige visschen. Album Natuur, 1872 (Wetensch. bijblad), 70-71. 1872.1 Gedaanteverwisseling van vi>- schen [Polyacanthus viridi-auratus] Al- bum Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad), 1873.1 66 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LUB Lubach, D. Over den Leptocephalus. Al- bum Natuur, 1873 (Wetensch. bijblad), 63. 1873.2 De aalvormige visschen [Murse- nidaei Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bijblad), 23. 1875.1 - Visschen uit artesische bronnen. Album Natuur, 1875 (Wetensch. bij- blad), 7. 1875.2 Chromis paterfamilias. Album Natuur, 1876 (Wetensch. bijblad), 54- 55. 1876.1 Maagvocht. Album Natuur, 1878 (Wetensch. bijblad), 62. 1878.1 Voortbrenging van elektriciteit 'gen. Album Natuur, 1880 (We- door rogg tensch. bijblad.), 8. 1880.1 Lubbock, Montagu. Fishes and their habits. Rept. Trans. Ealing Nat. Sci. Micr. Soc., 1899, 22, 6-10. 1899.1 Lubbock, (Rev.) Richard [1759-1808] Observations on the fauna of Norfolk. Norwich, 1845. 8. . 1845.1 Lubosch, Wilhelm. Vergleichend- anatomische Untersuchungen liber den Ursprung und die Phylogenese des N. accessorius Willisii. Arch. Micr. Anat., 1899, 54, 514-602. pi. 1899.1 Die erste Anlage des Geruchsor- gans bei Ammoccetes und ihre Bezie- hungen zum Neuroporus. Morphol. Jahrb., 1901, 29, 402-414.' pi. & figs. 1901.1 Einige Mitteilungen iiber Vor- kommen, Fang und Zucht der Neunau- gen. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 1902, 9, 130-143. 1902.1 Ueber die Geschlechtsdifferen- zierung bei Ammoccetes. Anat. Anz. (Verhandl. Anat. Gesell.), 1903, 23, 66-74. 4 figs. 1903.1 Das Corpus luteum der Sauge- tiere und seine Beziehungen zu dem der Anamnier. Zur Abwehr. Anat. Anz., 1904, 25, 404-416. 1904.1 Ueber den Bau und die Ent- wickelung des Geruchsorganes von Pe- tromyzon. Anat. Anz., 1904, 25, 67-79. 11 figs. 1904.2 Untersuchungen iiber die Mor- phologie des Neunaugeneies. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1904, 38, 673-724. pi. & figs. 1904.3 Die Entwickelung und Meta- morphose des Geruchsorganes von Petro- myzon und seine Bedeutung fur die vergleichende Anatomic des Geruchs- organes. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1905, 40, 95-148. 2 pis. & 14 figs. 1905.1 Anpassungserscheinungen bei der Verkalkung des Selachierknorpels. Anat. Anz., 1909, 35, 1-8. 8 figs. 1909.1 Besprechung einer neuen Theorie der Licht- und Farbenempfindung nebst einem Excurs iiber die stammesge- schichtliche Entstehung des Wirbeltier- auges. Morphol. Jahrbuch, 1909, 39, 146-153. 1909.2 Vergleichende anatomic der Sin- nesorgane der Wirbeltiere. Leipzig, 1910. 106 p. iUust. 8 (Aus Natur und Geistwelt, Bd. 282) 1910.1 Lucas, A. H. S. On some additions to the fish-fauna of Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1890, 2. ser. 2, 63. 1890.1 A systematic census of indige- nous fish, hitherto recorded from Victo- rian waters. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1890, 2. ser. 2, 15-47. 1890.2 On the occurrence of certain fish in Victorian seas, with descriptions of some new species. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1891, 2. ser. 3, 8-14. pi. 1891.1 A new species of freshwater fish from lake Nigothoruk, mount Welling- ton, Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1892, 2. ser. 4, 27-28. 1892.1 A systematic census of indige- nous fish hitherto recorded from Victo- rian waters. (In Illustrated Official Handbook of the Aquarium, p. 19-56. Melbourne, 1896, 19-56. figs.) 1896.1 On some facts in the geographi- cal distribution of land and freshwater vertebrates in Victoria. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1897, 2. ser. 9, 34-53. 1897.1 Lucas, Frederic Augustus [1852 ] The Berlin fisheries exhibition. Scient. Amer., 1880, 43, 119. fig. 1880.1 On Carcharodon mortoni Gibbes. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1892, 7, 151-152. 1892.1 [Description of the seal-fish, Therobromus callorhini, sp. nov.] (In Jordan, D. S., & others. The fur-seals and fur-seal islands of the North Pacific LUE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES ocean, p. 440-441. pi. Kept. Fur-seal Invest., 1896-97, pt. 3. Washington, 1899) 1899.1 Therugni is instituted, p. 486, as a distinct genus of Gadithr, having for type the Alaskan pollack. A new fossil cyprinoid, Leuciscus tiirinrl, from the Miocene of Nevada. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1900, 23, 333- 334. pi. 1900.1 - The restoration of extinct ani- mals. Ann. Rept. Smithson. Instit., I'.XH), 479-492. 8 pls.'& 2 figs. 1900.2 Reproduces a figure of Delabeche's restoration of some Jurassic ganoids and other fossil ver- tebrates. Description of a new species of fossil iish from the Esmeralda formation [of Nevada] Ann. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1901, 21, pt. 2, 223-224. pi. 1901.1 Describes Leuciscus turneri. [Notice of] Barton W. Ever- Ludwig, Hubert Jacob [1852] For- mation de 1'cciif dans les mann's paper on " The American species of shad," at the 357th meeting of the Biological Society of Washington. Sci- ence, 1901, n. s. 15, 1032. 1901.2 - The osteology and immediate relations of the tile-fish, Lopholatilus chamceleonticeps. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1905, 24, 81-86. 3 figs. 1905.1 Outline for an educational ex- hibit of fishes. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr., Washington. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 1341- 1351. 1910.1 On the status of sharks as man- eaters (In Nichols, J. T., & Murphy, R. C. Long Island fauna. IV. The sharks) Brooklyn Mus. Sci. Bull., 1916, 3, 25-28. 1916.1 Lucchesini, - Sur la torpille. Journ. Physique (Rozier), 1783, 23, 217. 1783.1 Luce, Thomas R. Occurrence of Batistes capricus Gmelin (leather-jacket or file-fish) at New Bedford, Mass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1883, 3, 469. 1883.1 Luchau, Ernst. Vorlaufige Mittei- lung iiber die Magenverdauung einiger Fische. Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1877, 15, 497-i98. 1877.1 Ueber die Magen- und Darmver- dauung bei einigen Fischen. Inaug. Dissert. Konigsberg, 1878. 8. 1878.1 Arch. Zool. Kxper. Cen., 1X75. 4, 15 Hi. L875.1 Ueber die Mvxoeporidieakrankr heit der Barben in der Mosel. -lalnv ber. Rheinisch. Fisch. Ver., 1888, 27 86. ixxs.i Ludwig, Rudolph August Ittnni.nhold Sebastian [1812-1880] Haifische im Meeresthon von Nierstein. Notizbl. Ver. Erdkunde Darmstadt, 1866, 3. 5. Heft, 11. 1866.1 Lubbert, H. O. Heringsschwiirme an der Westkiiste von Sylt. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1904. 20, 335-340. 1904.1 Die Entwicklung der deutschen Seefischerei. Ber. Senckenberg Nat. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1906, 82*-86*. 1906.1 Der Aalfang in der Lagune von Comacchio; Fangeinrichtungen und Verwertung des Fanges (In Henking, H. Der Aalfang in den Lagunen von Comacchio und Venedig. Ergebnisse einer Studienreise. No. 2. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1908, 24, 394-404. pi. 12 figs.) 1908.1 Neue Forschungsergebnisse iiber das Leben des Aals und deren Einfluss auf die Aalfischerei. Verh. Nat. Ver. Hamburg, 1908, 3. ser. 15, xlix-lii. 1908.2 - Versuche mit der Verpflanzung von englischer Aalbrut in deutsche Bin- nengewasser. Verh. Nat. Ver. Ham- burg, 1910, 3. ser. 17, lii-liv. 1910.1 Neue Grundlagen der Aalkultur in Deutschland. Atti Congresso In- ternaz. Pesca, Roma 1911 (1913), 231- 241. 1913.1 Lubbert, Otto. Der Haring. Natur- und culturhistorische Skizze. Ausland, 1864, 37. Jahrg., 375-377; 396-397. 1864.1 Liicke, Fr. Altersbestimmung bei Fischen. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 184-185. 1911.1 Liihder, Wilhelm. Ersticken der Fische in strengen Wintern. Mitth.' Naturwiss. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern, Rii- gen, 1871, 3. Jahrg., 86. 1871.1 Luehe, Die Entwickelungs- Luchsinger, nnWxwir, & Gysi, Ed- >'. See Gysi & Luchsinger. geschichte des Aales. Schriften Physik.- oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1897,38. Jahrg., 70. 1897.1 68 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LUE Liihe, Max. Ueber Distomen aus der Gallenblase von Mittelmeerfischen. Zool. Anz., 1900, 23, 504-509. 1900.1 Bemerkungen iiber die Cesto- den aus Centrolophus pompilus. I. Zur Synonymie der Centrolophus-Cestoden. Centralbl. Bakteriol. Parasit. Infektion., Jena, 1902, 31, 1. Abth., 629-637. 1902.1 Urogonoporus armatus; ein eigen- tiimlicher Cestode aus Acanthias, mit anschliessenden Bemerkungen iiber die sogenannten Cestodarier. Arch. Para- sitol., Paris, 1902, 6, 209-250. pi. & fig. 1902.2 Die Laichstatte unserer Aale. Schrift. Phys.-oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1908, 48. Jahrg., 88-91. 1908.1 Ueber einen grossen Welsfang. Schrift. Phys.-oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1909, 49, 387-388. 1909.1 Seestichling (Gasterosteus spina- chia L.) Schrift. Phys.-oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1911, 52. Jahrg., 215. 1911.1 Fange von Welsen in Masuren. Schrift. Phys.-oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1912, 53. Jahrg., 85-89. 1912.1 Luneburg. Beitrage zur Naturkunde des Fiirstenthums Luneburg. Lune- burg, 1861. 8. 1861.1 Fische, p. 17. Not seen; title from Bosgoed's Bibliotheca Ichthyologies, 1874. Liming, - Zur Naturgeschichte der Aale. Jahresheft. Naturw. Ver. Luneburg, 1865, 1, 68-69. 1865.1 Lutge, Albert. Haplochilus panchax. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 95-96. 1908.1 Liitken, Christian Frederik [1827- 1901] Nogle bemaerkninger om naese- borenes stilling hos de i gruppe med Ophisurus staaende slsegter af aalefa- milien. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1851, 1-21. Archiv Naturgesch. (Wiegmann), 18, pt. 1, 254-276. 1851.1 Om yisse cymothoagtige krebs- dyrs ophold i mundhulen hos forskjellige fiske. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjebenhavn, 1858, 172-179. 1858.1 Bemaerkninger om Liparus linea- tus. Zeitschr. Ges. Naturw., 1861, 17, 154-159. Also separate, Kjebenhavn, 1862. 8. 1861.1 Nogle bemaerkninger om Liparis lineatus. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kjebenhavn 1860 (1861), 2. ser. 1, 169-174. 1861.2 Anledning af Hr. Professor H. Kr0yers kritik af mine bemacrkninger om Liparis lineatus. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn 1861 (1862), 243-266. pi. & fig. 1862.1 Om en ved Sevedoi Begyndelsen 1862 opdreven " Kaempe-Klumpfisk " (Mola nasus Raf.) Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn 1864, 379-380. 1864.1 Ichthyologiske notiser. I. Om slaegten Nauclerus og dens identitet med Naucrates. II. Om arterne af slaegten M althaea og saerligt om M . notata (trun- cata). III. Om arterne af slaegten Am- phisile (Kl.) Cuv. IV. Bidrag til Dan- marks fiskefauna. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1865, 205-223. 1865.1 Professor Kner's classification of the ganoids. Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 429- / 432. 1868.1^ On Xenacanthus (Orthacanthus} dechenii Goldfuss. Geol. Mag., 1868, 1, 376-380. 1868.2 A review of various papers by Rudolf Kner. Om ganpidernes begraendsning og inddeling. Vidensk. Meddel. Natur- hist. Foren. Kj0benhayn 1868 (1869)', 1-82. figs. Abstracts in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1870, 594-603. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 40, 283-296. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1871, 4. ser. 7, 329-539. 1869.1 Om ganoidernes begraendsning og inddeling, af . . . C. Ltitken. Prof. Kner " On the classification of the ga- noids " considered by C. Liitken . . . Kj0benhavn, 1869. 82 p. pi. illust. 8. 1869.2 The first part is from the Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjpbenhavn 1868 (1869); the second is reprinted from the Geol. Mag., 1868, 1. Sur les limites et la classification des ganoides. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1871, n. s. 40, 283-296. 1871.1 Oneirodes eschrichtii Ltk., en ny gr0nlandsk Tudsefisk. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kj0benhavn, 1871, 56-74. pi. & figs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, 4. ser. 9, 329-344. 1871.2 - Elfterskrift til min afhandling " Om ganoidernes begraendsning og LUE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Inddeling." Vidensk. Mecldel. Natur- liist. Foren. Kj0benhavn 1872 (1873), 79-84. 1873.1 - Malacocephalus Icevis Lowe ved danske kyst. Vidensk. Meddel. Natur- hist, Foren. Kj0benhavn 1872 (1873), 1-8. 1873.2 Gin hav-fiskeriernes udtemmelse. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1873, 7. Jahrg., 41-72. 1873.3 Ueber die Begrenzung und Ein- theilung dor Ganoi'den. Palaeontogra- phica, 1873,^22, 1-54. 1873.4 Ichthyographiske bidrag, 1874- 1878. 1874.1 i. Nogle nye eller mindre fiildstaendigt kjendte Pandsermaller, isser fra det nordlige Sydamerika. Vid. Meddel., Kjobenhavn 1873 (1874), 202-220. Resume, Ibid. 1874 (1875), 26-27. ii. Nye eller mindre vel kjendte malleformer fra forskjellige verdensdele. iii. Nogle nye eller mindre fuldstaendigt kjendte, mellem- eller sydamerikanske karpelax (Characiner). Ibid. 1874 (1875), 190-240. Re- sume, 27-31. iv. Om rundnsebede svserdfiske, sserligt om Histiophorus orientalis Schl. Ibid. 1875 (1876), 1-21. Resume, 1-4. v. Museets sugefiske (Echeneidae). Ibid. 1875 (1876), 26-43. Resume, 4-5. vi. Bidrag til flyyefiskenes (Exocceternes) diagnostik. (Forelpbigt uddrag). Ibid. 1876 (1877), 389-408. pi. Resume, 99-114. vii. Tillsegsbemserkninger om sugefiske og svjerdfiske. Ibid. 1877 (1878), 242-243. Om hajslaegten Rhinodon. Vid. Meddel. Naturhist. Foren. Kj0benhavn 1873 (1874), 2. 1874.2 Om kjonsforskjellen i tandfor- holdet hos vore rokker, sserligt hos ska- den (Raja batis Linn.). Vid. Meddel. Kj0benhavn 1873 (1874), 36-47. Re- sume, Ibid., 1-3. 1874.3 Siluridae novae Brasilia; centralis a darissimo J. Reinhardt in provincia Minasgeraes circa oppidulum Lagoa Santa, praecipue in flumine Rio das Vel- has et affluentibus collectse, secundum caracteres essentiales breviter de- scriptae. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk., Kj0benhavn, 1874, 29-36. Review in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 512. 1874.4 Sur les differences dans la denti- tion que presentent, selon le sexe, les raics (Raja) qui habitent les cotes du Danemark. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 318-321. Arch. Zool. Expor. Ge"n., 1874, 3, 21-23. 1874.5 Characinae novae Brasilia? cen- tralis a clarissimo J. Reinhardt in pro- vincia Minas-Geraes circa oppidulum Lagoa Santa in lacu eiusdem noininis, flumine Rio das Velhas et rivulis afflu- entibus collectae, secundum caracteres essentiales brovitor di-script:i-. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Forh., Kj0benhavn 1874 (1875), 127-143. 1875.1 Vehas-flodens fiske et bitrag til Brasiliens ichthyologi. Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrifter, Kj0benhavn, 1875, 13, 123-254. 5 pis. Also separate; Kj0benhavn, 1875. 132 p. 4. 5 pis. 1875.2 A revised catalogue of the fishes of Greenland (In Jones, T. Rupert. Manual of the natural history, geology ... of Greenland and the neighboring regions, prepared for the use of the Arctic expedition of 1875. London, 1875, p. 115-122. 8) 1875.3 Korte bidrag til nordisk ichthyo- graphi, 1876-91. 1876.1 i. Forelpbige meddelelser om nordiske ulke- fiske (Cottoidei) Vidensk. Meddel. Kjpben- havn, 1876, 355-388. figs. Resume, 72-98. ii. Notacanthus nasus Bloch. (Otto Fabri- cius's Campylodon eller "Bugtetand") Ibid., 1877 (1878), 145-153. iii. Grpnlands og Islands Lycoder; med be- mserkninger om andre nordiske arter. Ibid., 1879 (1880), 307-332. iv. Trachypterus arcticus og Gymnetrus banksn (Grillii) Ibid., 1880 (1881), 190-227. fig. v. 1. Om nogle nordiske Havkvabbe- eller Motella-(Onos-) arter. 2. Om nogle isaer ark- tiske Gadus-arter. Ibid., 1881 (1882), 228-256. vi. En for Grpnlandshavet ny Rokke-art (Raja fyllcB, n. sp.) Ibid., 1887, 1-4. pi. vii. Nogle sjseldnere dybhavsfiske fra Davis- og Danmarks-Strsedet, tagne af Kaptajn C. F. Wandel paa " Fyllas " Togt i 1889. Ibid., 1891, viii. Nogle nordiske Laxesild (Scopeliner) Hid., 1891, 203-233. Sur les Histiophores a bee ar- rondi, en particulier 1' Histiophorus orientalis. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 5,60-63. pi. 1876.2 Contributions a la diagnose des poissons volants ou Exocetes. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 107-127. 1877.1 Contributions a 1'ichthyologie des mers du nord. Journ. Zool. (Ger- vais), 1877, 6, 176-177. 1877.2 Fire h0js0fiske, 1877. 1877.3 i Svserdfiskene. Tidsskr. Pop. Fremdstilling Naturvidensk., 1877, 5. ser. 4, 241-263. ii. Lodsfisken og Sugefisken. Ibid., 357-369. iii. Flyvefiskene. Ibid., 401-427. To sjaeldnere pelagiske Berycider (Melamphaes megalops, n. sp., Anoplo- gaster cornutus (Val.)] Overs. Dansk. Vid Selsk. Kj0benhavn, 1877, 175-187. pi. ' 1877.4 70 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LUE Lutken, C. F. Ksempe-hajer og kEempe-rokker. Tidsskr. Pop. Fremstilling Naturvi- densk., 1879, 26, 56-72. 1879.1 Contributions pour servir a 1'his- toire de deux genres de poissons de la famille des baudroies, Himantolophus et Ceratias, habitant les grandes profon- deurs des mers arctiques. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen. 1879 (1880),-8, 23-26. 1880.1 Smaa bidrag til Selachiernes naturhistorie (Om vanskabte rokke- former; om Havkalens forplantning; om brugdens tidligere forekomst ved Island og foregivne forekomst ved Granland; samt om den mellemameri- kanske f erskvands-haj ) Vid. Meddel. Ki0benhavn 1879 (1880), 45-68. 3 figs. 1880.2 Spolia Atlantica. Bidrag til kundskab om formforandringer hos fiske under deres vaixt og udvikling, sser- ligt hos nogle af Atlanterhavets H0js0- fiske. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrift. Kj0- benhavn, 1880, 5. ser. 12, 409-613. 5 pis. & 25 figs. 1880.3 Til kundskab om to arktiske slsegter af dybhavs-tudsefiske: Himan- tolophus og Ceratias. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrift. Kj0benhavn, 1880, 5. ser. 11, 309-338. 2 pis. & 8 figs. Re- sume en francais, 339-348. 1880.4 - Velhas-flodens fiske. Et bidrag til Brasiliens ichthyologi. Efter Profes- sor J. Reinhardts indsamlinger og opteg- nelser. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Skrift. Kj0benhavn, 1880, 5. ser. 12, 121-2^ 5 pis. & 23 figs. Spolia Atlantica : contributions to the knowledge of the changes of form in fishes during their growth and devel- opment, especially in the pelagic fishes of the Atlantic. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 7, 1-14; 107-123. 1881.1 Nogle bemserkninger om vaag- mseren (Trachypterus arcticus) og silde- tusten (Gymnetrus banksii) Overs. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kj0benhavn, 1882, 206-216. Resume en fran$ais, 21-30. Abstract in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 11, 176-184. 1882.1 Et bidrag tel kundskab om Kara-Havets fiske (In. Dijmphna- Togtets zoologisk-botaniske Udbytte. Kj0benhavn, 1887. 8) 1887.1 Fortsatte bidrag til kundskab om de arktiske dybhavs-tudsefiske, sserligt slsegten Himantolophus. Kj0- benhavn, 1887. 1887.2 Om en med stegophiler og tricho- mycterer beslaegtet sydamerikansk mal- lefisk (Acanthopoma annectens,~Ltk., n. g. et sp.) Vid. Meddel. Kj0benhavn, 1891, 53-60. 3 figs. 1891.1 Spolia Atlantica. Scopelini Musei zoologici Universitatis Haunien- sis. Bidrag til kundskab om det aabne Havs laxesild eller Scopeliner; med et tillaeg om en anden pelagisk fiskeslaegt; avec resume en francais. Danske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. Kj0benhavn, 1892, 6. ser. 7,220-297. 3 pis. 1892.1 En bemserkning i anledning af fangsten af en Himantolophus reinhardti i havet vest for Portugal. Vid. Meddel. Kj0benhavn, 1894, 78-81. 1894.1 - Den ostgr0nlandske expedition, udf0rt i aaerene 1891-92 under ledelse of C. Ryder. Fisk. Medd. Gr0nland, 1896, 19, 52-58. 1896.1 - Det ichthyologiske udbytte. (In Den Danske Ingolf-Expedition. vol. ii, pt. 1. Kj0benhavn, 1898. 39 p. 4 pis. & 2 figs. 4) 1898.1 Lutken, Christian Frederik, Rein- hardt, /. T., Schiodte, /. C., Morch, 0. A. L., Lange, /., & Rink, H. See Reinhardt, Schiodte & others. Lutken, Christian Frederik, & Steen- strup, Japetus. See Steenstrup & Lutken. Lugger, Otto, & Uhler, P. R. See Uhler & Lugger. Lugrin, Fr. La question de la peche et le lac Leman. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1893, 5, 57. Also separate; Paris, 1893. 5 p. 8. 1893.1 Luijten, W. A. Opmerkingen be- treffende de brochure van den Heer Fr. P. L. Pollen. Lekkerkerk, 1870. pis. fol. 1870.1 Lull, Richard Swann [1867 ] Volant adaptation in vertebrates. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1906, 40, 537-564. 1906.1 The life of the Connecticut valley i Trias. Amer. Jour. Sci., 1912, 4. ser. 397-423. 1912.1 Triassic fishes are referred to. - Triassic life of the Connecticut valley. Bull. Conn. Geol. & Nat. Hist/ Surv., 1915, no. 24, 1-285. 12 pis. 1915.1 The aquatic vertebrates, p. 71-74. Ccelacan- thidse, Catopteridae, Semionotidse, Eugnathidse. LUN BIBLNKiKAI'IIY <)1 PISHES 71 Lumbert, Henry. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachu.-ott.s and Rhode Wand in 1871. Rf-pt . I . S. Fish m. 1871 72 (1873), 1, 53. 1873.1 Lund, C. Xeues vora Aal. Um- sr-hau, Frankfurt.-a.-M., 1906, 10, 485- ISti. ]'.().).] Lund, (.'. /'. Beretning om fiskeriet i Tornby Tolddistrikt i aaret fra Iste Januaf til 3 Iste December, 1874. Xor- di>k Tids.skr. Fiskeri, 1876, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 61-62. 1876.1 Lund, ('. /'/-. Von Pflanzung der I'i-f-ric in inlandischen Seeen. Mem. Sri. Suede, 1761, 23, 184. 1761.1 - Yoorplanting der visschen. Am- lam, 1765. col. pi. 1765.1 Lund, Oscar. Investigation on the sprat in Xorse waters. Aarsb. Xorges Fiskf'rier, Bergen, 1910, 357-473. pi. & 2 charts. 1910.1 Lundberg, Frederik. Bidrag till ofversigt af Sveriges ichthyolog. litera- tur. Stockholm, 1872. xviii, 56 p. 8. 1872.1 Lundberg, Rudolf. Koniglich schwe- di-chcr Fi-cherei-Intendant. Die Fischereischule in Xorrnas. Circul. tech. Fisoherei Ver., 1879, no. 4, 155-156. 1879.1 Die Ostsee- und Siisswasser- fischereien. Intern. Fischerei-Ausstell. Berlin, 1880 (Schwed. Katalog), 3-76. 1880.1 The fisheries of Sweden. Kept. Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 363- 398. pi. 1886.1 Om Svenska insjofiskarnas ut- bredning. Meddel. K. Landtbruksksyr., .Stockholm, 1899, no. 58, 1-87. 3 pis. & 4 maps. 1899.1 On the larval stadium of some salmonoid fishes: notes from the station of pisciculture and freshwater biology at Finspong [Text in Swedish] Meddel. Landtbruksksyr., Stockholm, 1901, pt. 2, 315-324. pi." 1901.1 Some notes on the, causes of the distribution of the freshwater fishes [Text in Swedish] Sven.sk Fisk. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1901, 10, 163-169. 1901.2 Lundborg, Ha-man. Die Entwick- lung der Hvpophv-i< und des Saccus ;'osus hei Knochenfischen und Amphibien. Zool. Jahrb., 1894, 7, 667- 687. 2 pis. & 4 figs. 1894.1 Studien iiber die Betheiligung des Ektoderms an der Bildung des Me- senchyms bei den niederen Vertebraten. Morphol. Jahrb., 1899, 27, 242-262. 2 pis. & 6 figs. 1899.1 Lunden, Michael. Kartta anmiirk- ningar om Wesilax socken. Abo Tidn., 1797, no. 23-30. 1797.1 Lunel, Godefroy [1814-1891] Revi- sion du genre castagnole (Brama) et description d'une espece nouvelle, Brama saussurii. M6m. Soc. Phys. Geneve, 1865, 18, 165-196. 2 pis. 1865.1 X^ote sur la blennie alpestre de M. Blanchard. Revue Mag. Zool., 1870, 2. ser. 22, 1-14. figs. 1870.1 Histoire naturelle des poissons du bassin du Leman. Assoc. Zool. Leman, 1874. 210 p. Abstracts in Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1874, n. s. 49, 360-364. Joura. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 228-230. 1874.1 Propagation et moeurs de la tanche /[Tinea vulgaris] Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 372-378. 1874.2 Description d'une nouvelle es- pece de trygonide appartenant au genre Pteroplatea Muller et Henle. Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 1878, 26, pt. 2, 421^26. pi. 1878.1 Quelques observations a propos ie la migration des carpes. Arch. Sci. " iys. Xat., 1878, 64, 350-352. 1878.2 tUn individu de la loche franche, Cobitis barcatula Linn., pr6sentant un cas de developpement extraordinaire des ovairesi Archiv. Sci. Phys. Xat. Geneve, C. R. 63. sess. Soc. Helvet. 56-58. 1880.1 Parasites et vers intestinaux des poissons du Leman. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Xat., Lausanne, 1880, 2. ser. 16, 16&-169. 1880.2 Liste de quelques especes de poissons, nouvelles pour la faune de \"\\<> Maurice. Mem. Soc. Phys. Geneve, 1881,27,266-303. pi. 1881.1 Melanges ichthyologiques. Mem. Soc. Phvs. Geneve, 1881, 27, 267-303. pi. 1881-2 Observations sur quelques Gas- terostides et sur la variabilite des carac- AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LUN Lunel, G. teres distinctifs attribues aux pois- sons de cette famille. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saone-et-Loire, 1882, 4, 147-168. 1882.1 Sur un cas de commensalisme d'un Caranx et d'une Crambessa. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1883, 10, 271-281. Rec. Zool. Suisse, 1, 65-74. pi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 12, 264-270. 1883.1 Lupi, Alessandro. Fauna miocenica presso Tagliacozza. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1904, 23, xxviii-xxix. 1904.1 Contains mention of Miocene fish-remains. Lupo, Michele. Sopra una nuova specie di Ichthyonema. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 1898, 33, 823-826. pi. Lupton, Frederick. Notes on the rudd (Leuciscus erythrophthalmus] Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 87-88. 1878.1 Lupton, Nathan Thomas. Curious habit of a catfish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 96. 1877.1 On the breeding habits of the sea-catfish (Abiopsis milbertif) Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 1, 278-279. In Smithson. Misc. Coll. 1879 (1880), 19, art. 1. 1880.1 Lupu, Helene. Note sur le Cobitis fossilis. Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy, 1907, 4, 165-172. 3 figs. 1907.1 Regeneration de P epithelium intestinal du Cobitis fossilis. Arch. Zool. Exper., 1908, 4. ser. 9, 417-428. pi. 1908.1 Nouvelles contributions a 1' etude de la respiration intestinale du Cobitis fossilis. Ann. Scient. Univ. Jassy, 1910, 6, 302-309. 2 figs. 1910.1 Recherches histo-physiologiques sur 1'intestin du Cobitis fossilis. Bull. Sect. Scient. Acad. Roumaine, 1913, 1, 302-307. 1913.1 Lusk, Amos. Experience in trout raising. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 260. 1874.1 Lussana, F., & Lemoigne, A. Fisiologia dei centri nervosi encefalici. Padova, 1871. 1871.1 "Si.tratta della anatomia e fisiologia speri- mentale dei centri encefalici, nelle specie seguenti di pesci: trota, tinea, perca, carpione, temolo, vairone, anguilla, ghiozzo, razza, luccio, squalo, con tavole anatomiche e vivisezioni." Luther, Alexander Ferdinand. Ueber Bliccopsis erythrophthalmoides Jackel. Medd. Soc. Fauna Fenn.,. 1901, 27, 12-15. fig. 1901.1 Notizen liber die Fischfauna im Keitele-See und in einigen kleineren Gewassern seiner Umgebung [Text in Swedish] Fisk. Tidskr. Finland, Hel- singfors, 1902, 11, 80-87. 1902.1 Abramidopsis buggenhagii Bloch fran Haapavesi. Medd. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1904, 31, 31-32. 1904.1 Ueber Tricenophorus robustus Ols- son und Henneguya zschokkei Gurley als Parasiten von Coregonus albula aus dem See Sapsojarvi. Medd. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1908, 35, 58-59. 1908.1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss von Muskulatur und Skelett des Kopfes des Haies Stegostoma tigrinum Gm. und der Holocephalen, mit einem Anhang tiber die Nasenrinne. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., 1909, 37, no. 6, 1-60. 36 figs. 1909.1 Hermafroditiska exemplar af Lota vulgaris. Medd. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1909, 35, 227. 1909.2 Untersuchungen iiber die vom N. trigeminus innervierte Muskulatur der Selachier (Haie und Rochen) unter Beriicksichtigung ihrer Beziehungen zu benachbarten Organen. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., 1909, 36, no. 3, 1-176. 5 pis. & 23 figs. 1909.3 Pelecus cultratus fran Helsingfors. Medd. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1910, 36, 3. 1910.1 Uebersicht der hydrozoologischen Literatur in Finnland seit 1901. Inter- nat. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrogr., 1910-11, 3, 239-251. 1910.2 Contains a list of 102 titles of scientific publi- cations, 1901-1909. For references to earlier literature see Bibliotheca Zpologica Fennise, herausgegeben von Zoologen Finlands. Helsing- fors, 1909. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Kopf- skelets der Knorpelganoiden. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., 1913, 41. no. 8, 1-26. 10 figs. 1913.1 Ueber die vom N. trigeminus versorgte Muskulatur der Ganoiden und Dipneusten. Acta Soc. Sci. Fenn., 1913, 41, no. 9, 1-72. pi. 1913.2 Luther, D. Dana, & Clarke, John Mason. See Clarke & Luther. LYD BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 73 Lutz, Johann. Beobachtungen an Mollienisia latipinna (Hochflosser) Bliitt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 43-45. fig. 1914.1 Mein Werdegang zum Aquarien- und Terrarienhaber. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 654- 657. 1914.2 Lvov, Vasilii Nikolaevich. Ver- gleichend-anatomische Studien tiber die Chorda und die Chordascheide. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1887, n. s. 1, 227-342; 442-482. 4 pis. 1887.1 On the formation of the germinal layers in vertebrates. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 11, 360-377. 1893.1 Ueber den Zusammenhang von Markrohr und Chorda beim Amphioxus und ahnliche Verhaltnisse bei Anneliden. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool. 1893, 66, 299-309. pi. 1893.2 Ueber die Keimblatterbildung bei den Wirbeltieren. Biol. Centralbl., 1893, 13, 40-50; 76-81. 1893.3 Die Bildung der primaren Keim- blatter und die Entstehung der Chorda und des Mesoderms bei den Wirbel- thieren. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1894, n. s. 8, 56-137; 160-256. 6 pis. 1894.1 Lwow, or Lwoff, Basile Nikolaevich. See Lvov, V. N. Lydekker, Richard [1849-1915] For obituary notice see Nature, 1915, 97, 234-236. Indian Tertiary and post-Terti- ary vertebrata. Tertiary fishes. Palse- ont. Indica, 1886, 10. ser. 3, 241-258. 3 pis. 1886.1 Catalogue of vertebrate fossils from the Siwaliks of India in the Science and Art Museum, Dublin. Sci. Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1887, 2. ser. 3, 69-86. pi. & figs. 1887.1 Pisces, p. 86. - The fossil vertebrata of India. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 1887, 20, 51-80. 1887.2 Fossil fishes, p. 69-71. (editor) The royal natural his- tory. 6 vols. London, 1893-1896. illust. 8. 1894.1 Vols. i-v. Vertebrate animals and their allies. (editor) The new natural his- tory. 10 vols. New York, 1903. 72 pis. & 1600 figs. 1903.1 Vol. x. Fishes. Vertebrate palaeontology of Cam- bridgeshire (In Marr, J. E., & Shipley, A. E. Handbook to the natural history of Cambridgeshire, p. 51-70. London, 1904) 1904.1 Bubble-nesting fishes. Knowl- edge, 1905, 256. 1905.1 Flippers and fins. Knowledge, 1907, n.s. 4, 99-101. 2 figs. 1907.1 - The year's vertebrate palaeon- tology. Sci. Progress, 1908, 2, 501-524. 1908.1 - Vertebrate palaeontology in 1908. Sci. Progress, 1909, 3, 451-471. 1909.1 Vertebrate palaeontology in 1909. Sci. Progress, 1910, 4, 649-676. pi. & 3 figs. 1910.1 Vertebrate palaeontology in 1910. Sci. Progress, 1911, 5, 660-692. pi. 1911.1 - Reptiles, amphibia, fishes and lower Chordata. London, 1912. 528 p. illust. 8. 1912.1 Vertebrate palaeontology in 1911. Sci. Progress, 1912, 6, 554-583. 1912.2 Vertebrate palaeontology in 1912. Sci. Progress, 1914, 8, 1-24. 1914.1 Vertebrate palaeontology in 1913. Sci. Progress, 1914, 8, 626-654. 6 figs. 1914.2 Lydekker, Richard, Johnston, (Sir) Harry, Ainsworth-Davis, (Prof.)J. R., & others. Harmsworth natural history. A complete survey of the animal king- dom. 3 vols. London, 1910. illust. 1910.1 Vol. iii. Fishes. Lydekker, Richard, & Nicholson, H. A. See Nicholson & Lydekker. Lydekker, Richard, & others. The concise knowledge natural history, ed- ited by A. H. Miles. London, 1897. xvi, 771 p. illust. 8. 1897.1 Reptilia, Amphibia, Pisces and Cyclostomata, by R. Lydekker. Lydell, Dwight. The habits and cul- ture of the black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1902 (1903), 39-44. 6 figs. 1903.1 New light on the culture and habits of black bass. N. Y. Times, May 22, 1903. 1903.2 The habits and culture of the black bass. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 39-44. pi. 1904.1 74 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY LYD Lydell, D. Some notes in connection with the bass work at Mill creek station. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 152-155. 1905.1 The bass at Mill creek station. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1906 (1907), 171-173. 1907.1 Experiments in rearing bass from no. 1 to no. 2 fingerlings. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 147- 148. 1912.1 Lyden, Karl. Valdiga gaddor. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 140-141. 1893.1 Lyell, (Sir) Charles [1797-1875] For biography see Life, letters and journals of Sir C. Lyell . . . edited by his sister- in-law, Mrs. Lyell. London, 1881. 8. Notice sur la decouverte de ver- tebres fossiles d'un poisson de la famille des squales dans le loess du Rhin, pres de Bale. Institut, 1837, 5, no. 197, 58. 1837.1 On the occurrence of fossil verte- brae of fish of the shark family in the " loess " of the Rhine, near Basle. Proc. Geol.Soc. London, 1837,2, 221. Phil. Mag., 3. ser. 8, 557. 1837.2 On the boulder formation, or drift and associated freshwater deposits composing the mud-cliffs of eastern Nor- folk. Edinb. Phil. Mag., 1840, n. s. 16, 345-380. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 3, 171-179. 1840.1 Fossil fish remains are mentioned. On the freshwater fossil fishes of Mundesley, as determined by M. Agas- siz. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 61- 62. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 362- 363. Phil. Mag., 1842, 3. ser. 11, 320. 1842.1 On the Miocene Tertiary strata of Maryland, Virginia and of North and South Carolina. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1845, 1, 413-427. 1845.1 Mentions the occurrence of various species of sharks. On the structure and probable age of the coal-field of the James river, near Richmond. Virginia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1847, 3, 275-278. 1847.1 Observations of Sir P. G. Egerton on Trias- sic fish-remains are quoted. Further observa- tions, not previously published, are quoted by C. R. Eastman, in his " Notes on Triassic fishes," etc. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1914, 9, 142-144. Lyell, (Mrs.) Katharine Murray. Life, letters and journals of Sir C.' Lyell . . . edited by his sister-in-law, Mrs. Lyell. 2vols. London, 1881. illust. 8. 1881.1- Lyman, John F., & Wilson, D. Wright. See Wilson & Lyman. Lyman, Theodore [1833-1897] On the habits of our river fish and the con- struction of fish- ways. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1867, 11, 125-131. 1867.1 [Exhibition of models of fish- ways which had recently been con- structed on the Merrimack] Proc. Bos- ton Nat. Hist. Soc., 1868, 11, 125-131. 1868.1 [On the habits of the migratory fishes] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1868, 11, 125-131. 1868.2 On the limits of artificial culture and the possible exhaustion of sea-fish- eries. 4. Ann. Rept. Mass. Comm. Inland Fisheries 1870, 58-67. 1870.1 Fishes taken in the Waquoit wier, April 18 to June 18, 1871. 6. Ann. Rept. Mass. Comm. Inland Fisheries, 1872. 1872.1 Most of the nomenclature is by Dr. Franz Steindachner; and some notes by Louis Agas- siz are added, marked " Ag." The list enu- merates 44 species, and observations are given on the economical relations and habits of some of them. On the possible exhaustion of sea-fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 112-116. 1873.1 Testimony in regard to the pres- ent condition of the fisheries, taken in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 9. 1873.2 - Fish-culture in salt or brackish water. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872- 73 (1874), 2, 575-578. 1874.1 Sea-fish and their habits. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 166. 1876.1 Sketch of the progress of fish- culture in New England. 10. Ann. Rept. Mass. Comm. Inland Fisheries, 1876, 49-69. 1876.2 Fish and game. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 457; 477. 1879.1 Address on general phases of fish- culture and the fisheries. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 72-91. 1885.1 LYO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISI1KS 75 Lyman, Theodore, & Field, A. R. ( )n i he pnsMi^ci of fish. Ann. Rept. Mass. Comm. Fisheries, 1867. pi. 1867.1 Lyngbye, Hans Christian [1782- l,x;->7] Om grindefangsten paa Faerorne, tilligemed bidrag til grindens naturhis- torie. Tidskrift Xaturvid. Oersted, 1X20, 4, 204-232. Abstract in Notizen (Froriep), 12, 33-41. 1826.1 Lyon, Elias Potter [1867] Com- pensatory motions in fishes. Amer. Jmirn. Physiol., 1900, 4, 77-82. 1900.1 On rheotropism.' I. Rheotro- pism in fishes. Amer. Journ. Physiol. 1904 (1905), 12, 149-161. 1905.1 On rheotropism. II. Rheo- tropism of fish blind in one eye. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1909, 24, 244-251. fig. Abstract in Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 8, 238-239. 1909.1 Lyon, George. On a new species of Rhizodus. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., 1871, 2, 125. 1871.1 M M., Principes generaux de jurisprudence, sur les droits de chasse et de peche. Paris, 1775. 226 p. 12. 1775.1 M., A. A new trade; fish oil. Scient. Amer., 1870, 33, 148. 1870.1 M., A. R. Changing of color in fishes. Scient. Amer., 1871, 25, 260. 1871.1 M., J. See Murphy, J. Mortimer. M., R. D. The muscalonge and pike of Michigan. Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 155. 1880.1 M., R. T. See Maitland, R. T. Maack, G. August [18407-1873] Re- port on the geology and natural history of the isthmuses of Choco, of Darien, and of Panama (In Self ridge's report Darien ship canal, 1874, p. 155-175. 5 pis. Cambridge, 1879) 1879.1 The fish life of the isthmus, p. 172. Maas, Karl. Pterophyllum scalar e. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 737-739. 2 figs. 1913.1 Ein knurrender Wels aus dem Kongo. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 380-382. 1914.1 Maas, Otto. Ueber ein pankreasarti- ges Organ bei Bdellostoma. Anat. Anz., 1896, 12, 570-573. 2 figs. 1896.1 Ueber ein pankreas-ahnliches Organ bei Myxine. Sitzber. Ges. Mor- phol. Physiol., 1897, 12, 46-58. 6 figs. Abstract in Zool. Centralbl., 3. Jahrg., no. 21, 741-742. 1897.1 - Ueber Entwicklungsstadien der Vorniere und Urniere bei Myxine. Zool. Jahrb., 1897, 10, 473-510. 4 pis. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1897, pt. 1, 54-55. 1897.2 - Verlauf und Schichtenbau des Darmkanals von Myxine glutinosa L. (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Ge- burtstag von Carl von Kupffer, p. 197- 220, pis. xii-xiv. Jena, 1899) 1899.1 Macadam, Stevenson. On the poi- sonous nature of crude paraffin oil and the products of its rectification upon fish. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36. meet., 1866, 41-43. Chemical News, 14, 110-111. 1866.1 Macallum, A. B. Alimentary canal, liver, pancreas and air-bladder of Amiurus catus. Proc. Canadian Instit., 1884, n. s. 2, no. 3, 387-417. 1884.1 - The alimentary canal and pan- creas of Acipenser, Amia and Lepi- dosteus. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Lon- don, 1886, 20, 604-636. pi. Abstract in Proc. Canadian Instit., 3. ser. 3, 271-274. 1886.1 On the absorption of iron in the animal body. Cambridge, 1894. 1894.1 On the histology and histogene- sis of the heart muscle. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, no. 23, 609-620. 10 figs. 1897.1 Macallum, A. B., Mackenzie, T., McMurrich, James Playfair, & Wright, R. Ramsay. See Wright, McMurrich & others. M' Alpine, A. N., & M' Alpine, Daniel. See M'Alpine, D., & M'Al- pine, A. N. M'Alpine, Daniel. Zoological atlas (including comparative anatomy) with practical directions and explanatory text for the use of students. Vertebrata. Edinburgh, 1881. 24 pis. & 231 figs. 4. 1881.1 5 plates are devoted to the skate and 4 to the cod. M'Alpine, Daniel, & M'Alpine, A. N. Biological atlas: a guide to the practical study of plants and animals. Adapted to the requirements of the London University, science and art department, and for use in schools and colleges. Edinburgh, 1880. 49 p. 24 pis. 4. 1880.1 McArdle, A. F. Natural history notes from the Royal Indian marine sur- vey ship " Investigator," Commander McC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 77 T. H. Heming, 11. N., commanding. Scries III, no. 5. An account of the trawling" operations during the survey- ing-season of 1900-1901. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 517-526. 1901.1 McAtee, W. L., Eigenmann, CarlH., & Ward, D. P. See Eigenmann, McAtee & Ward. McAtee, W. L., & Weed, A. C. First list of the fishes of the vicinity of Plummers island, Maryland. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1915, 28, 1-14. 2 pis. 1915.1 McBain, James. Notice of the de- velopment of fish spawn from the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 373-374. 1863.1 MacBride, Ernest William. Note on the formation of germinal layers in Amphioxus. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1896, 9, pt. 3, 150-153. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., pt. 6, 606. 1896.1 - The relationship of Amphioxus and Balanoglossus. Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1897, 9, 309-313. 1897.1 - The early development of Am- phioxus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1898, n. s. 40, pt, 4, 589-612. 3 pis. 1898.1 - Further remarks on the devel- opment of Amphioxus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1900, n. s. 43, 351-366. pi. 1900.1 - The gastrulation and formation of layers in Amphioxus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 78. meet., 1908, 730- 740. 1908.1 The formation of the layers in Amphioxus and its bearing on the inter- pretation of the early ontogenetic pro- cesses in other vertebrates. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1909, 54, 279-346. 4 pis. & 10 figs. 1909.1 - Prof. A. A. W. Hubrecht [Obi- tuary notice] Nature, 1915, 96, 121- 122." 1915.1 MacBride, Ernest William, & Ship- ley, Arthur E. See Shipley & Mac- Bride. MacCallum, G. A. Aspidogaster ringeus (Linton) and A. kemostoma, n. sp. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1913, 34, 245-256. 4 figs. 1913.1 - Fertilization and egg-laying in Microcotyle stenotorni [a parasite on gills of fish] Science, 1913, 37, 340-345. 1913.2 - Further notes on the genus Microcotyle. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1913, 35, 389-391. 1913.3 - Notes on trematode parasites of marine fishes. Centralbl. Bakt. Paras., 1913 (Originale), 70, 407^16. 11 figs. 1913.4 - Thoracocotyle croceus, nov. gen. et n. sp. Centralbl. Bakt. Paras., 1913 (Originale), 68, 335. 1913.5 Describes parasites found on the gills of Spanish mackerel. Some new species of parasitic trematodes of marine fishes. Zoopatho- logica, 1916, 1, no. 1. 38 p. 1916.1 MacCallum, G. A., & MacCallum, W. G. Four species of Microcotyle . . . [parasites on the gills of marine fishes] Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1913, 34, 223-244. 10 figs. 1913.1 MacCallum, W. G. On the anatomy of two distome parasites of fresh-water fish. Veterin. Mag., 1895, 2, no. 7, 12 p. 8 figs. 1895.1 - On two new amphistome para- sites of Sumatran fishes (Voyage of Dr. W. Volz) Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1905, 22, 667-678. 1905.1 MacCallum, W. G., & MacCallum, G. A* See MacCallum, G. A., & Mac- Callum, W.G. M'Calmont, Robert. Vessel pierced by the weapon of the sword-fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 235-236. 1844.1 McCarthy, Eugene. The leaping ouananiche. New York, 1894. 66 p. illust. 8. 1894.1 - Familiar fish. Their habits and capture. A practical book on fresh- water game fish, with introduction by D. S. Jordan. New York, 1900. xiv, 216 p. iUust. 1900.1 MacCartney, W. Newton. On the herring. Intell. Observ., 1864, 6, 368- 373. 1864.1 McCaskie, A . Official papers relating to the proposed international fisheries exhibition at Edinburgh in 1882. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 130- 132. 1882.1 78 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY McC McCaughan, J. Z.A.,& Hall, E. A. See Hall & McCaughan. M'Clelland, John [1805-1875] De- scription of the [so-called] mountain trout of Kemaon. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1835, 4, 39-41. pi. 1835.1 Communication on the subject of two small fish from a hot spring at Pooree. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1838, 7, 465. 1838.1 - Indian Cyprinidse. Asiatic Re- searches, 1839, 19, pt. 2, 217-471. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 8, 35-46; 108- 121; 192-203. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 8, 650. 1839.1 - Observations on six new species of Cyprinidae, with an outline of a new classification of the family. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1839, 8, 941-947. 1839.2 On isinglass in Polynemus sele Buch., a species which is very common in the estuaries of the Ganges. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1839, 8, 203-207. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 401-405. 1839.3 - On two undescribed species of skate or Raise [Myliobatis macroptera and Trygon variegatus] Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1841, 1, 59-60. Isis (Oken), 1843, 805-806. 1841.1 On the freshwater fishes col- lected by William Griffith during his travels from 1835 to 1842. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1842, 2, 560-589. 1842.1 Remarks on a new genus of thoracic percoid fishes, Cestreus. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1842, 2, 150-152. 1842.2 Remarks on collections. species of Ambassis (A. commersiona) and Cestreus (C. minimus], a new genus of thoracic fishes. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1842, 2, 144-152. 1842.3 - Memorandum regarding Salmo orientalis. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1843, 3, 283-287. 1843.1 - Description of a collection of fishes made at Chusan. and Ningpo in China, by G. R. Playfair. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1844, 4, 390-413. 1844.1 - Notice of a fossil fish, the sup- posed Rana diluvii testis, or fossil batrachian. Journ. Nat. Hist. Cal- cutta, 1844, 4, 83-85. 1844.2 Apodal fishes of Bengal. Journ. Nat. Hist. Calcutta, 1845, 5, 150-226. " 1845.1 - Description of four species of fishes from the rivers at the foot of the Bout an mountains [Ophicephalus am- phibius, Barbus spinolosus, B. davatus, Ctenops nobilis] Journ. Nat. Hist. Cal- cutta, 1845, 5, 274-282. 1845.2 McClendon, /. F. Artificial cyclopia in the smelt. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., New York, 1910, 7, 111. 1910.1 - An attempt toward the physical chemistry of the production of one-eyed monstrosities. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1912, 29, 289-297. 1912.1 The effects of alkaloids on the development of fish (Fundulus) eggs. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1912, 31, 131- 140. 9 figs. Science, 1912, 36, 412- 414. 1912.2 - The relation between abnormal permeability and abnormal develop- ment of Fundulus eggs. Science, 1913, n. s. 38, 280. . 1913.1 - On the antagonistic action of salts and anesthetics in increasing per- meability of fish eggs (Preliminary note) Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 214-215. 1914.1 Pure salt solutions or anesthetics in nearly lethal concentrations increase irreversibly per- meability. Anesthetics in about one-half this concentration antagonize action of salts. On the parallelism between in- crease in permeability and abnormal development of fish eggs. Science, 1914, n. s. 39, 436. Intern. Zeitschr. Physik. Chem. Biol., 1914, 1, 28-34. 4 figs. 1914.2 McClung, C. E. Bibliography, with brief history of the department of zoology, University of Kansas. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 1908, 4, 219-232. 1908.1 - Ichthyological notes on the Kansas Cretaceous, I. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 1908, 4, 233-246. 4 pis. & 10 figs. 1908.2 McClure, Charles Freeman Williams [1865 ] Notes on the early stages in development of Petromyzon marinus L. (=P. americanus Le S.) Zool. Anz., 1893, 16, 367-368; 373-376. 1893.1 - The primary segmentation of the brain [a review of Neal, H. V. The segmentation of the nervous system in McC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 79 Squalitx 5. 12(50 12(51. Science, 1897, n. s. 1897.1 - The development of the lym- phatic system in fishes. Proc. 17. Intern. Congr. Medicine, London, 1913. 1913.1 - The development of lymphatic system in the trout, Anat. Record, 1914, 8, 73-70. 1914.1 Discontinuous lymph spaces fuse and gain connection with veins. Great subocular lymph sac. - The development of the lym- phatir system in fishes with especial reference to its < levelopment in the trout. Mem. Wistar Inst. Anat. Biol., Philadelphia, 1915, no. 4, 1-75. il pis. 1915.1 - On the provisional arrange- it of the embryonic lymphatic sys- an arrangement by means of dch a centripetal lymph flow toward le venous circulation is controlled and ilated in an orderly and uniform lanner, from the time lymph begins to )llect in the intercellular spaces, until is forwarded to the venous circulation, lat. Rec., 1915, 9, 281-296. 6 figs. 1915.2 McCormick, L. M. List of fishes of >rain county, Ohio. Journ. Cincin- iti Soc. Nat, Hist,, 1890, 12, 126-128. 1890.1 - Descriptive list of the fishes of )rain county, Ohio. Bull. Oberlin )11. Labor., 1892, no. 2. 34 p. 14 pis. 1892.1 M'Coy, (Sir) Frederick. [1823-1899] On some new or rare fish (Trigla blochii, Coitus groenlandicus, Thynnus pelamys] occurring on the coast of Ireland. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1841, 6, 402^08. fig. 1841.1 - Note on the Irish species of Cephaloptera [Pterocephala] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1847, 19, 176-178. pi. 1847.1 On some new fossil fish of the Carboniferous period. Ann. Mag. Nat. !IU., 1848, 2. ser. 2, 1-10; 115-133. L'lnstitut, 1849, 17, 22. 1848.1 Crelacanths, Placoderms, Cestracionts and Hyhodonts. - On some new ichthyolites from le Scotch Old Red Sandstone. Ann. L. Nat. Hist,, 1848, 2. ser. 2, 297-312. ;s. 1848.2 Placoderms and Ccelacanths. - Reply to Sir Philip Egerton's letter on the Placodermi. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., is is, _>. ser. 2, 277-280. is is.:; - Reply to Prof. Owen's letter on the ganoine of some fish teeth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1849, 2. ser. 3, 140-141. 1849.1 - Reply to Sir Philip Egerton's letter on the tail of Diplopterus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,1849, 2. ser. 3, 139-140. 1849.2 - On the mode of succession of the teeth in Cochliodus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1852, 55. 1852.1 On the supposed fish remains figured in plate 4 of the "Silurian Sys- tem." Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1853, 9,12-15. 2 figs. 1853.1 Descriptions of the British Palaeozoic fossils in the Geological Museum of the University of Cambridge. Cambridge, 1854. 661 p. 26 pis. 1854.1 Vertebrate fossils, p. 575-644. - Notes on the Australian species of Arripis. Trans. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1865, 6, 158-159. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 187-188. 1865.1 Notes sur la zoologie et la paleontologie de Victoria. Melbourne, 1866. 8. 1866.1 - On a new Australian species of Thyrsites (T. micropus] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1873, 4. ser. 11, 338-339. 1873.1 Note of Thyrsites micropus. Monthly Not. Roy. Soc. Tasmania 1873 (1874), 50. 1874.1 On a new Parascyllium from Hobson's bay. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 13, 15. 2 pis. 1874.2 Natural history of Victoria. 2 vols. Melbourne & London, 1878- 1890. 1878.1 Scomber pneumatophorus De La Roche, described and figured. Proc. Zool. Soc. Victoria, Dec. 3, 1879. pi. 1879.1 McCulloch, Allan R. The results of deep-sea investigation in the Tasman sea. Pt. 2. The expedition of the " Woy 'Woy." I. Fishes and crusta- ceans from eight hundred fathoms. 80 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY McC McCulloch, A. R. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1907, 6, pt. 5, 345- 355. 3 pis. 1907.1 - Studies in Australian fishes, no. 1. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1908, 7, pt. 1, 36-43. 2 pis. Ibid., 1909, 7, pt. 4, 315-321. 2 pis. & fig. 1908.1 - Zoological results of the fishing experiments carried out by the F. I. S. " Endeavour " 1909-1910 (In his Re- port on the fishes obtained by the F. I. S. " Endeavour " on the coasts of New South Wales, Victoria, South Australia and Tasmania, vol. i, pt. 1, 1-87. 16 pis. [Sydney] 1911) 1911.1 - A description and figures of three specimens of Molacanthus from the central Pacific ocean. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1912, n. s. 37, 553- 555. 2 pis. 1912.1 - Notes on some Australian Athe- rinidse. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1912, 24, 47-53. pi. & figs. 1912.2 - Notes on some western Aus- tralian fishes. Rec. W. Austral. Mus. Perth, 1912, 1, 78-97. 5 pis. 1912.3 Studies in Australian fishes. no. 3. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1913, 9, 355-389. 9 pis. & 2 figs. 1913.1 - Biological results (In his Report on some fishes obtained by the F. I. S. " Endeavour" on the coasts of Queens- land, New South Wales, Victoria, Tas- mania, south and south-western Aus- tralia, vol. ii, pt. 3, 77-165. 22 pis. Sydney, 1914) 1914.1 The fishes of New South Wales. N. S. Wales Handbook, Sydney, 1914, 322-329. 1914.2 - Notes on some Australian pipe- fishes. Austral. Zoologist, 1914, 1, pt. 1,29-31. 4 figs. 1914.3 Sexual dimorphism of Stigmatophora nigra. Histiogamphelus briggsii, n. sp. - Notes on some western Aus- tralian fishes. Rec. W. Austral. Mus. Perth, 1914, 1, pt. 3, 211-227. 31 pis. 1914.4 - The migration of the jolly-tail or eel-gudgeon, Galaxias attenuatus, from the sea to fresh water. Austral. Zoologist, 1915, 1, 47-49. 2 figs. 1915.1 - Ichthyological items. Mem. Queensland Mus., 1916, 6, 58-69. 3 pis. & 4 figs. 1916.1 - Report on some fishes obtained by the F. I. S. "Endeavour" on the coasts of Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria, Tasmania, south and south- western Australia. Part IV. Common- wealth of Australia, Dept. Trades & Customs, Fisheries, 1916, 4, pt. 4, 169- 199. 10 pis. & 2 figs. 1916.2 Sharks, rays and several genera of teleosts are described and illustrated. McCulloch, Allan R., & Ogilby, /. Douglas. See Ogilby & McCulloch. MacCulloch, John [1773-1835] On preserving fish by sugar. Edinburgh Phil. Journ., 1822, 7, 242-243. 1822.1 - On the herring. Quart. Journ. Sci. Arts, London, 1823, 16, 210-228. Notizen (Froriep), 6, 305-311. 1823.1 - Hints on the possibility of changing the residence of certain fishes from salt water to fresh. Quart. Journ. Sci. Arts, London, 1824, 17, 209-232. Ibid., 1825, 18, 237-243. Notizen (Froriep), 11, 259-262. 1824.1 On the herring. Quart. Journ. Sci. Arts, London, 1824, 16, 210-228. Notizen (Froriep), 6, 305-311. 1824.2 On the possibility of changing the residence of certain fishes from salt water to fresh. Quart. Journ. Sci. Arts, London, 1826, 21, 15-19. Ibid., 1828, 24, 320-328. Notizen (Froriep), 20, 324-328. Isis (Oken), 10, 931. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 7, 121. Ibid., 11, 242. Ibid., 14, 131. Ibid., 15, 247. 1826.1 On the use of lights or fires in the fisheries. Quart. Journ. Sci. Arts, London, 1826, 21, 264-267. 1826.2 McCulloch, J. R. A dictionary, practical, theoretical and historical, of commerce and commercial navigation. London, 1869. 1558 p. pis. 8. 1869.1 Cod; cod fishery; cod liver oil, p. 320-325. McDonald, Duncan George Forbes [18237-1884] Account of the fisheries of the Bombay presidency. Bombay, 1883. fol. 1883.1 Macdonald, John Denis. On the characters of the type of a proposed new genus of Mugilidse inhabiting the fresh waters of Viti Levu, Feejee group; with a brief account of the native mode of capturing it. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1869, 38-40. pi. 1869.1 McD BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 81 Macdonald, John Denis, & Barren, Chtirlc*. Xoto on Heptanchus indicus, chiefly as regards sexual characters. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 371-373. pi. 1868.1 - On a supposed new species of Galeocerdo [G. rayneri] from southern seas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 368-371. pi. 1868.2 McDonald, J. L. Hidden treasures, or Fisheries around the northwest coast. Gloucester, Mass., 1871. Ill p. 8. 1871.1 McDonald, Marshall [1835-1895] Fish-culture in Virginia. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 387. 1876.1 Apparatus for hatching floating industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 1, 579- 609. 8 pis. Washington, 1884) 1884.5 - A new system in fishway build- ing. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1883 (1884), 57-74. 12 figs. 1884.6 - Report of distribution of carp during the season of 1881-82 by the United States Fish Commission. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 1121- 1126. fig. 1884.7 - Report of operations at central station, United States Fish Commission, during 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 879-890. 5 pis. & fig. 1884.8 such as the cod and mackerel. Srest & Stream, 1880, 16, 287. 1880.1 - Fish-culture in Virginia. Chi- cago Field, 1880, 13, 68. 1880.2 - Experiments in the transporta- tion of the German carp in a limited supply of water. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 215-218. 1882.1 - Distribution of German carp by the United States Fish Commission. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 94. 1883.1 - History of the experiments lead- ing to the development of the automatic fish-hatching jar. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 183-192. 5 figs. - Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1883 (1884), 34-36. 5 figs. 1883.2 - California trout planted in Roanoke river in July, 1883, retaken in June, 1884. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884,4, 286. 1884.1 Experimental investigations upon the cod hatching at Woods Hole, Mass., during the winter of 1880-81. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 1127-1129. fig. 1884.2 - The fisheries of the Delaware river (In The fisheries and fishery in- dustries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 654- 657. Washington, 1884) 1884.3 - Memorandum of some results of fish-culture already attained. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 261-262. 1884.4 - Natural history of shad and alewives (In The fisheries and fishery Report of the distribution of carp during the season of 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 899- 902; 915-942. 1884.9 - Shad eggs sent to Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., to be hatched. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 198. 1884.10 Spanish mackerel investigations at Cherrystone, Va., during the summer of 1881. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 1131-1133. 1884.11 - Transferring catfish from the Potomac to the Colorado river, Arizona. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 212. 1884.12 - Effect of waste products from Page's ammoniacal works upon young shad fry. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 313-314. 1885.1 - Natural causes influencing the movements of fish in rivers. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 164- 170. 1885.2 Report of operations at central station, United States Fish Commission, during 1883. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1017-1034. pi. 1885.3 - Report of shad propagation in the Potomac river during the season of 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 369-385. 1885.4 Report on the pollution of the Potomac river by the discharge of waste products from gas manufacture. Bull. U S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 125-126. 1885.5 Some objective points in fish- culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1885 (1886), 72-76. 1886.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY McD McDonald, M. California trout for the Ozark mountain region. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 447-448. 1887.1 Distribution of shad fry during 1886. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 302. 1887.2 - The fisheries of Chesapeake bay and its tributaries (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 637-654. pi. Washington, 1887) 1887.3 The fisheries of the Connecticut and Housatonic rivers and minor tribu- taries of Long Island sound (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 659-667. Washing- ton, 1887) 1887.4 - The fisheries of the Hudson river (In The fisheries and fishery in- dustries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 658- 659. Washington, 1887) 1887.5 - The fisheries of the rivers and sounds of North Carolina (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the. United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 625-637. 4 pis. Washington, 1887) 1887.6 - The river fisheries of eastern Florida, Georgia and South Carolina (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 613-625. 3 pis. Washington, 1887) 1887.7 - Report of operations at the trout-breeding station at Wytheville, Va., from its occupation in January, 1882, to the close of 1884. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885 (1887), 13, 103-108. 1887.8 - Report of shad propagation on the Potomac river during the season of 1886. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 436-438. 1887.9 - Report on distribution of fish and eggs by the United States Fish Commission for the season of 1885-86. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 385-394. 1887.10 Report on shad distribution for Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 1887.11 1886. (1887), 6, 427-432. - Virginia and its fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 2, 449^73. Wash- ington, 1887) 1887.12 Report of distribution of fish and eggs by the United States Fish Commission from January 1, 1886, to June 30, 1887. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 833-842. 1889.1 - Report of operations at the Wytheville station, Va., from January 1, 1885, to June 30, 1887. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 793-800. 6 pis. 1889.2 - Report of shad distribution for the season of 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 801-806. 1889.3 - Report of shad propagation of the Potomac river during the season of 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 815-817. 1889.4 - Report of the commissioner. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1890), 16, i-lix. 1890.1 Report of the commissioner. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, ix-xxxix. 1892.1 Report of the commissioner from 1889 to 1891. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889-91 (1893), 17, 1-96. 1893.1 - Report of the commissioner. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 18, vii-lxxxvii. 1894.1 - Report on the salmon fisheries of Alaska. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 1-49. 9 pis. 1894.2 Relations of the community to the fisheries. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1894 (1895), 35-55. 1895.1 - Report of the commissioner. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1895), 19, 1-16. 1895.2 - The salmon fisheries of the Columbia river basin. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 153-168. map & 2 charts. Also separate; Wash- ington, 1894. 8. 1895.3 - The salmon fisheries of Colum- bia river, together with a report upon physical and natural history investiga- tions in the region, by C. H. Gilbert McG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 83 and B. W. Evermann. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 153-168. 2 pis. 1895.4 McDonald, Marshall, & Baird, Spencer Fullerton. See Baird & Mc- Donald. Macdonald, W. B. (translator} The zoology of Homer and Hesiod (In Grqshans, G. P. F. Quscdam naturalia antiqua. Rammerscales, 1846. 14 p. 8) 1846.1 Macdonald, William [1797-1875] On the osseous structure of fishes. Ann. Mai:. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2, 69. 1838.1 On the structure of fishes, so far as the analogies can be traced be- tween the limbs of the mammals and the fins of fishes. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10. meet,, 1840, pt. 2, 131- 133. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, 69-70. 1840.1 On the homologies of the verte- bral skeleton in osseous fishes and in man. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1872, 7, 472^74. 1872.1 Macdonnell, Robert [1828-1889] Further observations on the power exercised by the Actinia of our shores in killing their prey [including young fish] Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1857-59, 9, 478-480. 1857.1 On the electrical nature of the power possessed by the Actiniae of our shores. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1857- 59, 9, 103-107. Proc. Dublin Univ. Zool. Bot. Assoc., 1, 55-59. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 3. ser. 1, 308-311. 1857.2 - Observations on the habits and anatomy of the Lepidosiren annectens. Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. 1858-59 (1860), 2, 388-406. Nat. Hist. Rev., 1859, 7, 93-112. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1860, 10, 409-411. Also separate; Dublin, 1860. 8. 1860.1 - On the organ in the skate which appears to be the homologue of the electrical organ of the torpedo. Nat. Hist. Rev., 1861, 9, 57-60. 1861.1 Sur un organe des raies qui parait etre 1' homologue de 1' organe e"lectrique des torpilles. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat, Geneve, 1861, n. s. 12, 392-393. 1861.2 - On the organs which in the common ray (Raja) are homologous with the electrical organs of the torpedo. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad., 1862, 7, 362-364. -Dublin Quart. Journ. Sci., 1861, 1, M - On the system of the "lateral lines" in fishes. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad., 1864, 24, pt. 3, 161-187. 4 pis. & 11 figs. 1864.1 McDougall, William. Fisheries. Appendices from the annual reports for 1862. Quebec, 1863. 8. 1863.1 McDowell, W. W. Salmon in the Mississippi. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 134. 1878.1 McFarland, Raymond. A history of the New England fisheries, with maps. New York, 1911. v, 457 p. 1911.1 Bibliography of New England fisheries, p. 338-363. - The Newfoundland view. Bos- ton Transcript, June 23, 1910. 1910.1 Macfie, Matthew. Vancouver island and British Columbia. Their history, resources and prospects. London, 1865. 574 p. 2 maps. 8. 1865.1 Fisheries, p. 163-171. McGilchrist, A. C. On a genus of teleostean fish \Dysalotus alcocki] closely allied to Chiasmodus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1905, 7. ser. 15, 268-270. 1905.1 McGilchrist, A. C., & Alcock, (Surg. Maj.) Alfred William. See Alcock & McGilchrist. Me Gill, Caroline. The early histo- genesis of striated muscle in the oesoph- agus of the pig and the dogfish. Anat. Rec., 1910, 4, 23^7. 25 figs. 1910.1 MacGillivray, John [1822-1867] On some mammalia, birds and fishes lately observed in the neighbourhood of Aber- deen. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 230-231. 1842.1 McGlone, Bartgis. A note on the occurrence of two West Indian fishes at Beaufort, N. C. Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 572. 1908.1 McGovern, Hugh D. The Belostoma qrandis. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 125. 1879.1 - The breeding of eels. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 237. 1879.2 - The new enemies of trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1879 (1880), 6_ 8 . _ Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 308. 1880.1 84 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY McG McGovern, H. D. - The curious habits of eels. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1880 (1881), 19-20. 1881.1 - Habits and food of the German Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1882.1 carp 1881 (1882), 11-12. - The habits, endurance and growth of carp. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1882 (1883), 5-7. 1883.1 McGowan, Daniel J. Carp culture in China. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 235-240. 1885.1 McGrath, P. T. The Atlantic fisheries question. North Amer. Rev., 1898, 167, 729. 1898.1 Shows what would happen if the existing re- lations in regard to the fisheries of New England, Canada and Newfoundland were dissolved. - The Atlantic fisheries question. Atlantic Monthly, 1902, 90, 741. 1902.1 A Newfoundland point of view of the fisheries question by a St. John editor and publisher. - New England's deep-sea fishing interests. Amer. Review of Reviews, 1906, 33, 561. 1906.1 MacGregor, John. The progress of America, from the discovery of Colum- bus to the year 1846. 2 vols. London, 1847. 8. 1847.1 Fisheries of British America and the United States, p. 545-582. McGregor, Richard Crittenden, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & McGregor. Machado de Carvalho, G. Le depeuplement des eaux pro venc. ales. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult Peche, 1897, 9, 131-177. 1897.1 - Le pejerrey et les Atherinidees. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1898, 10, 7-27. pi. 1898.1 Machado y Nunez, Antonio. Cata- logo de los peces que habitan 6 frecuen- tan las costas de Cadiz y Huelva, con inclusi6n de los del rio Guadalquivir. Sevilla, 1856. 30 p. 4. 1856.1 Machat, J. The antarctic question. Voyages to the south pole since 1898. Ann. Rept. Smithson. Instit. 1908 (1909), 451-480. 1909.1 Macilwaine, W. The pollan, or freshwater herring of lough Neagh (Coregonus pollan Thompson) Science Gossip, 1880, 16, 217-218. 1880.1 Mclndoo, N . E. On some fishes of western Cuba. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1906 (1907), 58, 484-488. 1907.1 The following-named families are enumerated : Pcecilidae, Cichlidae, Gobiidse, Esocidae, Ather- inidae, Mugilidse, Carangidae, Lutianidse, Haemu- lidae, Gerridse, Sciaenidse, Pomacentridse, Scar- idae, Blenniidae and Pleuronectidae. M'Intosh, L. The salmon. Perth, 1882. 8. 1882.1 Me In tosh, William Carmichael [1838 ] Notes on the food and para- sites of the Salmo solar of the Tay. Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. London (ZooL), 1864, 7, 145-154. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 8929-8932. fig. 1864.1 - Experiments on young salmon. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1868, n. s. 8, 145-154. pi. 1868.1 - Notes on experiments with poisons, etc., on young salmon. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 37. meet. 1867 (1868), 102. 1868.2 On the " yellow-fins " of the Allanwater, Salmo brachypoma, S. trutta. Scottish Naturalist, 1871-72, 1, 227- 233. 1871.1 - Note on the examination of a male kelt. Scottish Naturalist, 1873-74, 2, 156-158. 1873.1 - On the invertebrate marine fauna and fishes of St. Andrews. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, 4. ser. 13, 140- 145; 204-221; 302-315; 342-357; 420- 432. Ibid., 14, 68-75; 144-155; 192-207; 258-274; 337-349; 412-425. 1874.1 The eggs of fish. Nature, 1885, 31, 534-536; 555-557. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1885, Append. F,61. 1885.1 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1885, 5. ser. 15, 429-437. pi. 1885.2 i. On the spawning of certain marine fishes. ii. On Zoarces mmparus, the viviparous blenny. iii. On the ovaries of the wolf-fish, Anarrhi- chas lupus. iv. On the ova of the armed bullhead, Agonus cataphractus L. v. On the ova of the bimaculated sucker, Lepadogaster bimaculatus Donov. vi. On the ova of Montagu's sucker, Liparis montagui Dqnov. vii. Pelagic ova. viii. The young of the ling, Moha vulgaris Flem. ix. On a young eel (Anguilla tulgaris Flem.) x. On the multiple tumours of plaice and flounders. Mel BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 85 - On the phosphorescence of marine animals. Nature, 1885, 32, 476 481. 1885.3 - Phosphorescence in living fishes. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 55. meet., 1885, 1050-1051. 1885.4 - Report, of the marine labora- tory, St. Andrew's. No. 2. June, 1884, to 31st March, 1885. 3. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1885, Append. F, 55-67. 1885.5 - Additional remarks on the ex- ternal aspect of the tunny. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 17, 523-525. 1886.1 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. III. 4. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1886, 201-218. pi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1885, 5. r. 16, 480-487. pi. 1886.2 i. On the ova of Callionymus lyra. iii. On structures resembling ova procured the Forth. - Notes from the St. Andrews tarine Laboratory. IV. Ann. Mag. fat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 17, 326-337. . 1886.3 On a male tunny (Orcynus thynnus L.) - Notes from the St. Andrews [arine Laboratory. V. Ann. Mag. [at. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 81-84. 1886.4 On the paternal instincts of Cyclopterus impus L. - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. VI. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 307-311. 1886.5 On the very young cod and other food-fishes. - On the British weevers, the bib and the poor-cod. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 17, 441-^43. 1886.6 - Remarks on the eggs of British marine fishes. Nature, 1886, 34, 147- 148. 1886.7 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. VIII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 300-304. 1887.1 i. On a post-larval Labrus, with remarks on the colour of pelvic fins. ii. On the post-larval condition of Liparis mtagui. iii. On a peculiar teleostean yolk-sac, iv. General remarks on post-larval food-fishes. - On the pelagic fauna of our 3res in its relation to the nourishment of the young food-fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1887, f>. ser. 19, 137-145. 1887.2 - Report of the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. IV. 5. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1887, 354-360. 1887.3 Note on the bib and the poor- or power-cod. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 348-351. 1888.1 - Note on the tarpon or silver king (Megalops thrissoldes) Nature, 1888, 38, 309. 1888.2 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. IX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 464-472. 1888.3 iii. On a post-larval pleuronectid (sole) iv. On a post-larval Cottus contrasted with the gadoids. - Report from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. V. 6. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1888, 265-276. 1888.4 i. Further remarks on the development and life-histories of the food and other fishes. ii. On annelids and other forms used for bait. iii. On Podalirius typicus Krpyer, and on Asterias rubens. iv. The pelagic and other fauna of St. Andrews bay. - Report of the committee for the purpose of continuing the researches on food-fishes at the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. Rept. Brit. Assoc, Adv. Sci., 58. meet., 1888, 703. 1888.5 - The St. Andrews Marine Labo- ratory (under the Fishery Board for Scotland) Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1888, 2, 202-211. 1888.6 Contains a list of papers published since the opening of the Laboratory, extending as far as and including 1887. The eggs of fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 58-62. 1889.1 On the larval and post-larval stages of the sole and other food-fishes. Abstract in Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 59. meet., 1889, 618. 1889.2 Development and life histories of the teleostean fishes. Edinburgh, 1890. 28 pis. 4. 1890.1 Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. XII. On the young stages of the gunnell (Centronotus gun- nellus) Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 174-185. 1890.2 86 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Mel Mclntosh, W. C. On the administration of foreign fisheries. Nature, 1890, 41, 497-500. 1890.3 - On the capture of young (im- mature) fishes, and what constitutes such. Nature, 1890, 40, 429-431. 1890.4 - On the pelagic fauna of St. Andrews bay during the months of 1888. II. 8. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scot- land, 1890, 270-282. 1890.5 - Report on the pelagic ova, larval and young food-fishes procured by the "Garland." 8. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1890, 283-289. 1890.6 - Additional observations on the development and life-histories of the marine food-fishes, and the distribution of their ova. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1891, 18, 268-270. 1891.1 - Contributions to the life-history and development of fishes. 2 parts. Edinburgh, 1891-95. 7 pis. 8. 1891.2 - Further observations on the life-histories and development of the food and other fishes. 9. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, 9, pt. 3, 317-342. 4 pis. 1891.3 Contributions to the life-histo- ries and development of the food and other fishes. 10. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1892, 273-322. 4 pis. Ibid., 11. Ann. Rept., 1893, 221-238. 5 pis. Ibid., 12. Ann. Rept., 1894, 218- 230. 3 pis. Ibid., 13. Ann. Rept., 1895, 220-235. 3 pis. Ibid., 14. Ann. Rept., 1896, 171-185. pi. 15. Ann. Rept., 1897, 194-211. 7 pis. 1892.1 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. XIII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 8, 97-108. pi. 1892.2 i. On the eggs and young stages of the sand- eels. ii. On the ova and larvae of certain pleuro- nectids. - A sketch of the Scottish fisheries, chiefly in their scientific aspects, during the past decade (1882-1892) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62. meet., 1892, 762-763. 1892.3 - Fish-cultural investigations at St. Andrews Marine Laboratory, Scot- land. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 241-256. 1894.1 - Notes from the St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. XIV. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 14, 189-195. 1894.2 On the ova and larvae of Hippoglossus vul- garis, Gadus minutus, Brosmius brosme, Arnoglos- sus megastoma. - On the artificial hatching of marine food fishes. Science Progress, 1894, 2, 249-264. 1894.3 - Notes from St. Andrews Marine Laboratory. XV. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 15, 90-101. 1895.1 On the ova and larvae of Gadus virens L. and the turbot. Lumpenus lampetrceformis Walb., Rhombus (Zeugopterus) norvegicus Giinther and Arnoglossus megastoma Donov. - On some results of scientific investigation as applied to fisheries. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 65. meet., 1895, 720-723. 1895.2 - Bank's oar-fish (Regalecus banksii) in the Moray firth. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1896, 162. 1896.1 - The Gatty Marine Laboratory and the steps which led to its foundation in the University of St. Andrews. Dundee, 1896. 101 p. illust. 1896.2 - Contribution to the life-histories and development of the food and other fishes. 14. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1896, 171-185. 15. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1897, 194-211. 1896.3 - Notes from the St. Andrews Ma- rine Laboratory. XVI. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 44-61. 1896.4 Describes post-larval stages of Crystallogobius nilssonii, Agonus cataphractus, Drepanopsetta platessoides, and Rhombus maximus. On contrasts in the marine fauna of Great Britain. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 400-415. 1896.5 Elasmobranchs, Chimsera, and the following- named teleosts are considered: cod, ling, lump- sucker, sand-eel, herring, gunnel and pleuro- nectids. - On the occurrence of the pelagic ova of the anchovy off Lytham . Nature, 1896, 54, no. 1396, 296. 1896.6 - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XVII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 19, 241- 261. 1897.1 i. On the life-history of the short-spined sea- scorpion (Coitus scorpius L.) ii. On the life-history of the lumpsucker (Cyclopterus lumpus L.) iii. On the eggs and young of the pollack (Gadus pollachius L.) iv. On the eggs and young of the bimaculated sucker (Lepadogaster bimaculatus Donov.) v. On the spawning of the lesser sand-eel (Ammodytes tobianus L.) Mel BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 87 - Note on a post-larval Fierasfer. Irish Naturalist, 1898, 7, 61-64. pi. 1898.1 - Note on the memory of fishes. Journ. Mental Sci., 1898, 44, 231-235. 1898.2 - On the occurrence of the grey gurnard (Trigla gurnardus L.) and its spawning in the inshore and offshore waters. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 69. meet., 1899, 787-788. 1899.1 On the scientific experiments to test the effects of the closure of certain areas in Scottish seas. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 69. meet., 1899, 911-913. 1899.2 - The resources of the sea, as shown in the scientific experiments to test the effects of trawling and of the closure of certain areas off the Scottish shores. London, 1899. 8. 1899.3 scientific experiments to test the effects of trawling in the waters of Scotland, 1886-97. Proc. 4. Intern. Congr. Zool. Cambridge, 1899, 170-171. 1899.4 On some points in the life-his- tory of the littoral fishes. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 70. meet., 1900, 785. 1900.1 - Sur la presence du rouget gris (Trigla gurnardus) et sa ponte dans les eaux littorales et en haute mer. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Adv. Sci., 1900, 28, pt. 2, 512-514. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 12, 101-108. 1900.2 - The coloration of marine ani- mals. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 7, 221-240. 1901.1 Fishes, p. 230; 233-239. - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 216-232. pi. 1901.2 Life-history of the littoral fishes, p. 216-220. Marine fish-destroyers. Har- s Magazine, 1902, 54, 955-962. 7 1902.1 figs. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXII. On abnormal coloration in the Pleuronec- tidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 291-296. 1902.2 - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXIII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 252-260. pi. 1902.3 An abnormally colored plaice, p. 252-253. On the example of Regalecus glesne Ascanius in the Museum of the University, p. 253-2.") I . On sharks, etc., captured in nets at St. An- drews, p. 254-255. - Note on the egg of the shanny (Blennius pholis L.) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 73. meet., 1903, 697. 1903.1 - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXIV. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 549- 565. 1903.2 The effects' of marine piscatorial birds on the food-fishes, p. 551-553. On British fisheries investiga- tions and the international scheme. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 73. meet., 1903. 33 p. 1903.3 - Ichthyology in Japan. Zoolo- gist, 1904, 4. ser. 8, 247-249. Ibid., 1906, 4. ser. 10, 143-144. Ibid., 1907, 4. ser. 11, 450-452. 1904.1 - On the distribution of marine animals [fishes] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 117-130. 1904.2 - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXVII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 66-81. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1906.1 On a very young stage of Phycis blennoides Bl., p. 66-72. - On the life-history of the shanny (Blennius pholis L.) Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1906, 82, 368-378. pi. 1906.2 Photogenic marine animals. Zoologist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 1-20. 1906.3 The following-named genera are considered: Pachystomias, Xenodermichthys, Idiacanthus, Ceratias, Halosaurus and Inops. Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXVIII. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 169-185. 3 pis. 1907.1 On the porbeagle shark with a large suboral aperture, p. 168-170. Scientific work in the sea-fisher- ies. Zoologist, 1907, 4. ser. 11, 201-220; 247-266. 1907.2 Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXIX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 373-375. 1908.1 On a tumour in a plaice. 88 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Mel Mclntosh, W. C. - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St. Andrews. XXX. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 7. ser. 2, 525-528. 1908.2 i. On an abnormal plaice with a precaudal fin-frill on the left side, p. 525-527. ii. On Orthagoriscus mola Bl., p. 527-528. - Notes on the fishes of Japan. IV. Zoologist, 1909, 4. ser. 13, 256-259. 1909.1 - Notes from the Gatty Marine Laboratory, St . Andrews . XXXI . Ann . Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 3, 153-180. 2 pis. 1910.1 On a young stage of Gadus luscus with bold transverse bars of pigment. - Experiments with salmonoids and turbines. Zoologist, 1911, 4. ser. 16, 241-264. 1911.1 On Scottish marine fisheries, 1898-1912. Zoologist, 1912, 4. ser. 16, 361-380. 1912.1 On Scottish sea-fisheries, 1898- 1912. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 82. meet., 1912, 489-490. 1912.2 General remarks on some points in the life-history of the salmon, and a contrast of its oviposition with that of a few other types of teleosteans. Zool- ogist, 1914, 4. ser. 18, 281-301. 3 figs. 1914.1 Mclntosh, William Carmichael, & Masterman, Arthur T. The life- histories of the British marine food- fishes. London, 1897. xv, 516 p. illust. 8. 1897.1 Review in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 20, 399-403. Mclntosh, William Carmichael, & Prince , Edward E. On the development and life-histories of the teleostean food- and other fishes. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1890, 35, 665-946. 28 pis. Also separate; Edinburgh, 1890. 4. 1890.1 Mack, Eduard. Ueber kiinstliche Fischzucht. Correspbl., Pressburg, 1863, 2, 107-109; 175-176. 1863.1 MacKay, A. H., & Prince, Edward E. See Prince & MacKay. McKay, Charles L. A review of the genera and species of the family Cen- trarchidse, with a description of one new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 87-93. Smithson. Miscell. Collect., 1881, 22, art. 2. 1881.1 McKendrick, John Gray [1841 ] On the respiratory movements of fishes. Journ. Anat. Physio)., London, 1879, 14,461^166. pi. 1879.1 McKennie, M. Obstructions to the ascent of fish in some of the rivers of Virginia. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 629. 1874.1 MacKenzie, A. J. Notes on the whitebait of New Zealand. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1903, 35, 309-310. 1903.1 Mackenzie, (Sir) Francis A. Brief and practical instructions for the breed- ing of salmon and other fish artificially. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 166-169, Notizen (Froriep), 21, 257-261. 1842.1 McKenzie, Kenneth [1870] Un- published manuscripts of Italian bes- tiaries. Pub. Mod. Lang. Assoc. Amer., 1905, 20, 380-433. 1905.1 Codex Riccardiano, 1357. II libro della na- tura degli animali. D'uno peschatore e d'un pesie, p. 410. Mackenzie, Murdo. View of the salmon fishery of Scotland, with observa- tions on the nature, habits and instincts of the salmon, and on the law as affecting the rights of parties, etc. With appenolix. Edinburgh, 1860. 8. 1860.1 Mackenzie, T. The blood-vascular system, ductless glands and urogenital system of Amiurus catus. Proc. Cana- dian Inst., 1884, n. s. 2, 418^43. 1884.1 Mackenzie, T., Macallum, A. B., McMurrich, James Playfair, & Wright, R. Ramsay. See Wright, McMurrich & others. McKibben, Paul S. Ganglion cells of the nervus terminalis in the dogfish (Mustelus cams) [Multipolar nerve cells] 'Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1914, 24, 437-443. 2 pis. 1914.1 Mackie, Samuel Joseph. Cephalaspis from Old Red Sandstone near Ludlow. Geologist, 1861, 4, 141. fig. 1861.1 - Cestraciont fishes of the Chalk. Geologist, 1863, 6, 161-163. 1863.1 - On a new species of Hybodus from the Lower Chalk. Geologist, 1863, 6,241-246. pi. 1863.2 Mackintosh, H. W. On the audi- tory powers of fishes. Proc. Dublin Univ. Biol. Assoc., 1876, 1, no. 2, 41^6. 1876.1 MAC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 89 - Note on the microscopic struc- ture of the scale of Am in calra. Scient. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1878, n. s. 1, 93-95. 2 pis. 1878.1 Mackrill, Mfml. \ great carp. Bull. I'. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 75. 1884.1 Macks, ./..!. Adres aan de leden van de eerste kamer der staten general, betreffende het van regerings-wege oprigten eener Nederlandsche kunstma- tige vischf okkeri j . Amsterdam, 1870. 1870.1 - Vischf auna van den Rijn en beneden rivieren in Nederland. Vlaard, 1878. 1878.1 Maclagan, Nellie. List of edible British fishes, with their English, Latin, French, Italian and German synonyms. 2. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1884, Append. F, no. 5, 74-77. 1884.1 Maclaren, M. Account of a fight between a whale and a sword-fish. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 100. 1909.1 Maclay, Nikolai N. Miklukho. See Miklukho-Maklai, N. N. Macleay, N. de Miklocho. See Miklukho-Maklai, N. N. MacLeay, William Sharp [1792- 1865] On the natural arrangement of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 9, 197-207. 1841.1 Macleay, William. Notes on speci- mens of Entozoa and Epizoa taken from a sunfish. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1877, 1, 12-13. 1877.1 - Notes on the zoological collec- tions made in Torres straits and New Guinea during the cruise of the " Chev- ert " [fishes] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1877, 1, 38. 1877.2 - The fishes of Port Darwin. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1878, 2, 344-367. 4 pis. 1878.1 - Note on Monacanthus cheverti Allcyne and Macleay. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1878, 2, 69-70. 1878.2 - Descriptions of some new fishes from Port Jackson and King George's )imd. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1879, 3, 33-37. 4 pis. 1879.1 - Note on a species of Therapon found in a dam near Warialda. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1879, 3, 15-17. 1879.2 - On a species of Amphisile from the Palau islands. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1879, 3, 165-169. pi. 1879.3 - Notes on some fishes from the Solomon islands. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1880, 4, 60-64. 1 xx< ). 1 - On Heterodonlus [Cestracion] galeatus. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1880, 4, 311-312. lsso.2 On the Clupeidae of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1880, 4, 363-385. 1880.3 - On the Mugilidse of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1880, 4, 410-427. 1880.4 - Descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. 4 parts. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 6, 302-444; 510-629. 2 pis. Ibid., 1882, 6, 1-138; 202-387. 1881.1 - Descriptive catalogue of Aus- tralian fishes. 2 vols. in 1 & suppl. Sydney, 1881. 8. 1881.2 Vols. i and ii are reprinted from Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 5, pts. 3 & 4, and the Supplement is reprinted from the same serial, 1884, 9. - On two hitherto undescribed fishes well-known in the Sydney market [Otolithus teraglin; Synaptura nigra] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 6, 48-49. 1881.3 - Contribution to a knowledge of the fishes of New Guinea. 4 parts. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 7, 224-250; 351-366; 585-598. Ibid., 1884, 8, 252-280. 1883.1 Description of two fishes lately taken in or near Port Jackson (Chilo- dactylus mulhallii, Ammotretis zonatus, n sp.i Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 7, 366-367. 1883.2 The fishes of the Palmer river. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 7, 69-71. 1883.3 Notes on the Pleuronectidae of Port Jackson, with descriptions of two hitherto unobserved species (Synaptura fasciata, Lophorhombus cristaius] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 7, 11-15. 1883.4 90 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAC Macleay, W. - On some newly observed habits of Ceratodus forsteri. Zoologist, 1883, 3. ser. 7, 506-507. 1883.5 - Notes on a collection of fishes from the Burdekin and Mary rivers, Queensland. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, 8, 199-213. 1884.1 On a new and remarkable fish of the family Mugilidae from the interior of New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, 8, 2-6. 2 figs. 1884.2 - On a new genus of fishes from Port Jackson [Psilocranium coxii] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, 8, 439-441. pi. 1884.3 - Some results of trawl fishing outside Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, 8, 457^62. 1884.4 Supplement to the descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc.- New South Wales, 1884, 9, 2-64. 1884.5 New fishes from the upper Murrumbidgee. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1885, 10, 267-269. 1885.1 - Zoology of Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1885, 285-308. 1885.2 Fishes, p. 293-300. Macleay, William, & Alleyne, Haynes Gibbes. See Alleyne & Mac- leay. Macleay, William, & Miklukho- Maklai, Nikolai N. See Miklukho- Maklai & Macleay. McLellan, Isaac. The northern pickerel (Esox lucias) Amer. Sports- man, 1874, 3, 241. 1874.1 - Smelt fishing (Osmerus virides- cens) Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 3, 324. 1874.2 Macleod, D. B., & Farr, C. C. See Farr & Macleod. MacLeod, Jules. Recherches sur 1'appareil reproducteur des poissons osseux; communication preliminaire. Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 1881, 3. se>. 1, 500-505. fig. 1881.1 - Recherches sur la structure de 1'appareil reproducteur des teteosteens (2. communication) Bull. Acad. Roy. Sci. Belgique, 1881, 3. s6r. 1, 614-620. 1881.2 - Rechercbes sur la structure et le developpement de 1'appareil repro- ducteur femelle des teleosteens. Arch. Biol., 1881, 2, 497-532. 2 pis. 1881.3 McMahon, Arthur Henry. Notes on the fauna of Chitral. Journ. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1901, 70, pt. 2, 1-7. 1901.1 - Notes on the fauna of Dir and Swat. Journ. Proc. Asiatic Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1901, 70, pt. 2. 1901.2 MacMunn, A. C., & Cunningham, Joseph Thomas. See Cunningham & MacMunn. McMurrich, James Play fair [1859 ] On the osteology and development of Syngnathus peckianus Storer. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci. London, 1883, n. s. 23, 623-652. 2 pis. 1883.1 - The myology of Amiurus catus (L.) Gill. Proc. Canadian Inst., 1884, n. s. 2, 311-351. Zool.Anz., 7, 296- 299. 1884.1 The osteology of Amiurus catus (L.) Gill. Proc. Canadian Inst., 1884, n. s. 2, 270-310. 1884.2 - The cranial muscles of Amia calva (L.), with a consideration of the relations of the post-occipital or hypo- glossal nerves in the various vertebrate groups. Stud. Biol. Labor. Johns Hopkins Univ., 1885, 3, 121-153. pi. 1885.1 On the spinal homologues of the cranial nerve components. Science, 1902, n. s. 16, 578-579. 1902.1 The life history of the Pacific salmon. Trans. Canadian Inst., 1911, 9,23-44. 3 figs. 1911.1 - Embryology. 4. ed. Philadel- phia, 1913. 8. 1913.1 - On the life cycles of the Pacific coast salmon belonging to the genus Oncorhynchus, as revealed by their scale and otolith markings. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1912 (1913), 3. ser. 6, 9-28. 10 pis. & 8 figs. 1913.2 Salmon fisheries of British Co- lumbia. 4. Ann. Rept. Comm. Con- servation Canada, 1913, 48-59. 4 pis. 1913.3 - Notes on the scale markings of the halibut and their bearing on ques- MAE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 91 tions connected with the conservation of the fishery. Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1913 (1914), 3. ser. 7, pt. 4, 33-41. 3 pis. 1914.1 Some further observations on the life histories of Pacific coast salmon as revealed by their scale markings. Proc. & Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada 1913 (1914). 3. ser. 7, sec. 4, 23-33. 5 figs. 1914.2 McMurrich, James Playfair, Macal- lum, .1. B., Mackenzie, T., & Wright, /<*. Ittimxtiy. Sec Wright, McMurrich & others. McNair, P. The geology of the Ronken glen and its neighborhood. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1906, 12, 362-397. 1906.1 MacPherson, David. Annals of commerce, manufactures, fisheries and navigation, with brief notices of the arts and sciences connected with them. 4vols. London, 1805. 4. 1805.1 Fisheries of New England. MacPherson, Hugh Alexander [1858- 1901] A vertebrate fauna of Lakeland, including Cumberland and Westmore- land, with Lancashire north of the sands. Edinburgh, 1892. 552 p. 8. 1892.1 - Tunny fish (Orcynus thynnus] in the Sol way firth. Zoologist, 1896, 3. ser. 20, 103-104. 1896.1 Sea lamprey in Cumberland. Zoologist, 1898, 4. ser. 2, 365. 1898.1 Fishes. Victoria History. County Cumberland, 1901, 1, 169-176. 1901.1 McQueen, James M. Beobachtun- gen iiber das Herz eines Elasmobran- chiers (Raja clavata) Zeitschr. Biol., 1913, 62, 32-53. 7 figs. 1913.1 Macri, Saver io. Osservazioni intorno ad una novella spezie de squalo (Squalus isodus) Mem. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1819, 1, 55-102. 2 pis. Extract in Bull. Sci. Nat, (Ferussac), 1827, 10, 166-168. 1819.1 M'Skimin, - History and antiq- uities of the county and town of Carrick- fergus. Belfast, 1811. 12. 1811.1 List of fish found in the bay of Carrickfergus, p. 173-183. Me William, J. A. On reflex excita- tion of the cardiac nerves in fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1884, 38, 31-41. 1884.1 - [The physiology of the heart of the eel] Journ. Physiol., 1884, 4 (Suppl.), i-v. 1884.2 - On the striated muscles in the gills of fishes. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 55. meet., 1885, 1077-1078. 1885.1 Macy, Obed. History of Nantucket. Boston. 1835. 1835.1 Contains an account of New England fisheries. Macy, Zaccheus. Upon the abund- ance of fish on the New England coast in former times. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 163. 1873.1 A short journal of the first set- tlement of the island of Nantucket, with some of the most remarkable things that have happened since then to the present time. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1893, 3, 155-160. 1893.1 Disappearance of the blue-fish, p. 159. Maddocks, L. Statement concerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 6, 382. 1879.1 Maddox, Richard Leach. Some re- marks on the parasites found in the nerves, etc., of the common haddock, Morrhua ceglefinus. Trans. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1867, n. s. 16, 87-99. pi. 1867.1 Mader, C. Recherches sur la sardine du golfe de Gascogne. Trav. Soc. Sci. Stat. Zool. Arcachon, 1909, 12, 125-276. 1909.1 Madorin, A. Bemerkungen eines Fischers iiber den Fischstand unserer schweizerischen Gewasser. Zurich, 1885. 2 p. 4. 1885.1 Madrid Moreno, Jose. Ueber die morphologische Bedeutung der End- knospen in der Riechschleimhaut der Knochenfische [An abstract, by C. Emery, of a forthcoming Spanish paper] Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 6, 589-592. 188 / . 1 The material used for investigation consisted of Belone, Trigla, Carassius, Zoarces and Cypnn- odon. Machler, A., & Naegeli, L. See Naegeli & Machler. Madel, H. Pflege und Zucht des Scheibenbarsches (Mesogonistius cha- todori) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 123-125. fig. 19 lo. 1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAE Ma del, AS. Rivulus poeyi. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 236. 1910.1 Maehrenthal, F. C. von. Tast- korperchen von Coitus gobio. Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1892. 2. Vers. 1892.1 Maklin, Fredrik Wilhelm. Bidrag till kannedom om insekternas geo- grafiska utbredning i norden med hufvudsakligt afseende pa Skandina- viens och Finlands fauna. Inaug. Dissert. Helsingfors, 1853. 42 p. 8. 1853.1 Pisces, p. 7-8. Om blinda djur. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh., 1863, 6, 5-9. 1863.1 - Iktyologiska notiser. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh. 1863-64 (1864), 6, 26-51. Review in Arch. Naturg., 1868, 34, 72. 1864.1 Om fiskarnas arliga tillvext i langd, hufvud- sakligen efter annotationer gjorda vid sodra Saimen under loppet af sommaren 1859, p. 26- 41. Om vissa fargforandringar hos fiskarna, p. 41-51. Iktyologiska anteckningar gjorda i Helsingfors om sommaren 1864 hufvudsakligen till utronande af fiskar- nas arliga tillvext i langd. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh. 1864-65 (.1865), 7, 39-57. 1865.1 - En for Finland ny form af siklojan [Coregonus albula] Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh. 1868-69 (1869), 11, 19-23. 1869.1 Gobio fluviatilis. Notis. Sallsk. Fauna & Flora Fenn. Forh., 1871, 11 (n. s. 8), 465. 1871.1 - Meddelanden betraffande nagra till Universitetets Zoologiska Museum inlemnade foraringar. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh., 1871, 13, 10-12. Review in Arch. Naturg., 1872, 38, 102. 1871.2 Maendli, - - Die Vorwiirfe des Herrn Nationalrath Scheuchzer gegen die ziiricherischen Fischzuchtanstalten. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber & Fischereiwesen, 1890, 6, 184. Also separate; St. Gallen, 1890. 1 p. 4. 1890.1 Maendli, J. Der Lachsfang mit der Garnfalle. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg 1893, 1, 64. Also separate: Pfaffikon- Ziirich, 1893. 1 p. 8. 1893.1 Maes, L. Notes sur la peche fluviale et maritime en Belgique. Bruxelles, 1898. figs. 8. 1898.1 Maffei, Scipione. Compendio della Verona iljustrata principalmente ad uso de' forestieri (per opera di Pietro Mon- tanari) coll' aggiunta del Museo Lapi- dario e d' altre notizie important! e nuovi rami. Verona, 1795. illust. 1795.1 " Colle notizie del monte Bolca, della sua pesciaia e degli annessi monti Colonnari stese da G. Tommaselli. Le tavole che riguardano al Bolca sono otto." Magendie, Frangois, & Desmoulins, A. See Desmoulins & Magendie. Maggi, Leopoldo. Intorno ad alcuni microrganismi patologici trotelle. Boll. Scient., Pavia, 1883, 5, 18-22. 1883.1 - Uno schiarimento a proposito delle ossa bregmatiche nei fossili. Boll. Scient., Pavia, 1897, 19, 125-126. 1897.1 - Serie di ossicini mediani del tegmen cranii in alcuni cani (Canis) e loro omologhi ed omotipi in alcuni sto- rioni (Acipenser) Rendic. Istit. Lom- bardo Sci., Milan 1898 (1899), 2. ser. 31, 1473-1492. pi. 1899.1 - Intorno ai prefrontali degli ittiopsidi e sauropsidi. Rendic. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Milan, 1903, 2. ser. 36, 903-918. 1903.1 Maggi, Leopoldo, & Balsamo-Cri- velli, G. See Balsamo-Crivelli & Maggi. Magini, B. L'orientation des nu- cleoles des cellules nerveuses motrices dans le lobe electrique de la torpille, a 1'etat de repos et a 1'etat d' excitation. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1894, 22, 212-217. 1894.1 Magliere, C. Ueber die toxische, immunisierende und bactericide Eigen- schaft des Aalblutes. Ann. d'Igiene Sperimentale, Roma, 1898. 1898.1 Maglio, C. Gli storioni delle acque pavesi. Rendic. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Milano, 1901, 2. ser. 34, 1143-1148. 1901.1 ^Magnan, A. Influence de differents regimes alimentaires sur la croissance des truites arc-en-ciel. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1912, 392-394. 1912.1 Magnan, A., & La Riboisiere, J. de. Le nombre de myotomes chez les MAI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES poissons. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sri.. 41. sess., 1912, 453-456. 1912.1 - Nouvelles recherches sur la drnsite des poissons. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 41. sess., 1912, 450- 453. 1912.2 Magnani-Ricotti, G. La pesca marittima in Italia; mali e rimedi. Rivist. Marittima, Roma 1898 (1899), 1-8. 1899.1 - Le condizioni della pesca in Italia. Rivist. Marittima, Roma 1899 (1900), 1-15. 1900.1 Magnier, Edmond. Description de 1' aquarium (In Exposition Interna- tionale de peche et ]' aquarium. Bou- ogne-sur-Mer, 1866. 15 p. 8) 1866.1 L' exposition Internationale de peche de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Paris, 1866. 73 p. 8. 1866.2 An article concerning this work by Fr. * y in Journ. Economist., 1867, p. Magnus, R. Beitrage zur Pupillar- reaction des Aal- und Froschauges. Zeitschr. Biol., 1899, 38, 567-606. 2 pis. 1899.1 Mahalanobis, S. C. Microscopical observations on muscle fat in the salmon. 18. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1898, pt. 2, 106-111. 4 pis. 1898.1 Mahler, Edward. Das Fischsymbol auf agyptischen Denkmalern. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Morgenland. Gesell., Leipzig, 1913, 67, 37-48. 1913.1 Mahn, R. Untersuchungen iiber das physiologische Verhalten des Schleien- darmes. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1898, 72, 273-305. 18 figs. 1898.1 Maier, Hermann Nicolaus. Bei- trage zur Altersbestimmung der Fische. I. Allgemeines. Die Altersbestimmung nach den Otolithen bei Scholle und Kabeljau. Wiss. Meereruntersuch. Kiel (Abth. Helgoland), 1906, n. s. 8, 57-115. 2 pis. & 31 figs. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 32, 26-32. 7 figs. 1906.1 Review by R. J. Schubert in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1908, 2, 130-131. - Neue Beobachtungen iiber das Horvermogen der Fische. Arch. Hydro- " iol. Planktonkde, 1909, 4, 393-397. Jlgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 34, 125-128. 1909.1 - Biologische Beobachtungen an Haufelchen (Coregonus wartmanni) im Bodensee wiihrend der Laichzeit 1909. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 36, 5-9. 1910.1 Maillard, L. Notes sur Tile de la Reunion (Bourbon) Avec Thistoire naturelle, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Paris, 1862. 42 maps & pis. 8. 1862.1 Vol. ii, C. Fauna ichthyologique, par M. Guichenot. 32 p. - The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1863. 2 vols. & atlas. 8. 1863.1 - Un poisson rare, la loche d'6tang (Cobitisfossilis) provenant d'une Jocalite" inedite. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nancy, 1900, 3. ser. 1, 176-177. 1900.1 Maillieuz, Eugene. D6couverte d'une dent de poisson dans les schistes de Frasnes, a Philippeville. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., 1909, 22 (Proc. Verb.), 288- 289. 1909.1 Maingaud,#d. L'introduction, 1'ac- climatation et la multiplication du poisson soleil des Etats-Unis (Eupomotis gibbosus) dans la riviere 1'Isle, affluent de la Dordogne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1900, 47, 273-276. 1900.1 Main waring, William Frederic Bar- ton Massey. Sec Massey-Mainwaring, W.F.B. Mair, G. Notes on fish found in the Piako river. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Instil., 1903, 36, 319-320. 1903.1 Maison, Emile. Mceurs et peche de 1'anguille. Etangs & Rivieres, 1896, 9. annee, 186-189. 1896.1 Le nid de YAmia calm. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. ann6e, no. 235, 234-285. 1897.1 - Note sur le nid d'Amia. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. annee, no. 233, 241-247. 1897.2 - La peche au Canada. L'ouan- aniche. Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. annee, no. 225, 117-122. 1897.3 Le silure. Cosmos, 1898, 47. annee, 2, 362-365. fig. 1898.1 Au Canada et au Labrador. L'ouananiche. Cosmos, 1899, n. s. 41, 8-12. 3 figs. 1899.1 La sandre. Cosmos, 1899, n. s. 41, 742-745. fig. 1899.2 La perche et la sagittaire. Cos- mos, 1905, n. s. 63, 48-50. fig. 1905.1 94 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAI Maison, E. - L'ombre blanc. Cosmos, 1905, n. s. 53, 458-459. fig. 1905.2 Pisciculture. Transport a sec des poissons vivants. Cosmos, 1906, n. s. 65, 75-76. 1906.1 Maitland, (Sir) James Ramsay Gibson [1848-1897] The culture of Sal- monidse and the acclimatization of fish. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 6, pt. 2. 1883.1 - Exchange of landlocked salmon eggs from Maine, for loch Leven trout ova from Scotland. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 114. 1884.1 - On stocking rivers, lakes, etc., with SalmonidaB. Stirling, 1892. 8. 1892.1 Maitland, R. T. Systematische be- schrijving der dieren, welke in Noord- Nederland of aan deszelfs kusten voor- komen, met bijvoeging van derzelver synonymen, benevens de plaatsen, waar dezelve gevonden zijn, gerangschikt naar J. van der Hoeven's Handboek der dierkunde. 2. ed. Leiden, 1851. 8. 1851.1 Visch een surrogaat voos vleesch. Amsterdam, 1854. 1854.1 - De klomp- af molensteen-visch [Mola aspera Bonap.] Jaarb. Zool. Genootsch., Amsterdam, 1859, 140-150. 1859.1 - De moddervisch (Lepidosiren [Protopterus] annectens) Nederl. Tijd- schr. Dierk., 1863, 1. Jahrg., 65-69. 1863.1 Maitre,L. La faune du Jura. Actes Soc. Jurass. Emul., 1909, 2. ser. 15, 79- 99. Ibid., 1911, 2. ser. 16, 17-48. 1909.1 Major (pseudon.) Does the western salmon [Oncorhynchus quinnat] die after spawning? Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 221. 1879.1 Major, Charles Immanuel Forsyth. Alcune parole sullo Sphaerodus cinctus (di Lawley) del Pliocene Volterrano. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat. Pisa, 1879, 4, 111-116. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1880, 2, 390-391. 1879.1 Majunke, - Klassifizirung der Fischerei-Gewasser f iir Genossenschafts- zwecke. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 5, 186-193. 1875.1 Makarenko, A. A. Der Edelfisch- fang auf dem Angaraflusse. St. Peters- burg, 1902. 56 p. 10 figs. 6 maps. Makarius, S. Syrian fishes with ab- normal eyes. Nature, 1898, 58, 149. 1898.1 Maksimov, N. E. Zwei Triptery- gium-Arten aus dem Schwarzen Meere [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. Univ. Charikov, 1909, 42, 59-63. 1909.1 Blennius macropteryx Riipp. im Schwarzen Meere [Text in Russian] Prot. Obsc. Isp. Prir., Charikov, 1912, 1, 3-4. 1912.1 - [La biologic des poissons impor- tants au point de vue industriel et leur peche dans la mer Noire pres des cotes de Bulgarie et de Roumanie] Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci., 1913/18, 1-52. 1913.1 - Ueber den Charakter der of- fenen Limane der Nordwest-Kiiste des Schwarzen Meeres. Mater. Pozn. Russk. Rybolow, St. Petersburg, 1913, 2, no. 10, 33-74. 1913.2 Fossil fishes are mentioned. Malaguti, F. J. Analyse du guano- poisson de Norwege. Les Mondes, 1864, 4, 258. 1864.1 Malaise, Constantin Henri Gerard Louis [1834 ] Sur la decouverte de poissons devoniens dans le bord nord du bassin de Namur. Bull. Acad. Sci. Belgique, 1887, 3. ser. 14, 771-772. 1887.1 Malaquin, Alphonse G. Le Corypho- don gosseleti (n. sp.) et la faune de TEo'cene inferieur (Lande"nien-Thane- tien) de Vertain. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1900, 28, 257-270. pi. & 2 figs. 1900.1 Teeth of Lamna, Otodus, Oxyrhina and Lepi- dosteus. Malard, A. Eugene. Catalogue des poissons des cotes de la Manche dans les environs de Saint-Vaast. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1890, 8. ser. 2, 60-101. 1890.1 Sur le developpement et la pisciculture du turbot. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1899, 129, 181-183. 1899.1 Malard-Dumeril, Recherches sur les pleuronectes. Bull. Peches Marit., 1898, 6, 274-276. 1898.1 MAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 95 Malassez, L. De la numdration des globules rouges du sang chez les mam- miferes, les oiseaux et les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 1528-1531. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 48, 165-168. 1872.1 Raja, Torpedo, Hippocampus, turbot and sole are mentioned among fishes. Malcolmson, John G. On the occur- rence of Wealden strata at Linksfield, near Elgin; on the remains of fishes in the Old Red Sandstone of that neigh- bourhood; and on raised beaches along the adjacent coast. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1838, 2, 667-669. 1838.1 Remains of Holoptychius nobilissimus. - On the relations of the different parts of the Old Red Sandstone, in which organic remains have recently been discovered, in the counties of Murray, Nairn, Banff, and Inverness. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1842, 3, 141-144. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 15, 336-352. pi. 1842.1 Dipterus macrolepidotus, Holoptychius nobi- lissimus and other ganoids, also Coccosteus. Malenuck, W. Z>. Zur Chemie der Protamine. I. Mitteilung. Ueber das Protamin aus den Spermatozoen des kaspischen Stors, Acipenser gulden- stadtii, Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1908, 57, 99-112. 1908.1 Malischeff, Pierre. Notice sur un essai de fecondation artificielle des pois- sons, fait aux mines et usine de Nijne- Taguilsk (Russie) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1856, 3, 583-593. 1856.1 Mallet, - Considerations sur la peche cotiere; comment elle se fait de- puis la baie de St. Brienne jusqu'a Ten- tree de la riviere de Bordeaux. Applica- tion de la vapeur a cette peche. Brest, 1866. 8. 1866.1 - Memoire sur Tetablissement d'une institution financiere de credit, en vue d'ameliorer la condition commer- cial e des marins francais engages dans Tindustrie de la peche cotiere. Paris, 1866. 8. 1866.2 Mailing, C., & Gronwall, K. A. A fauna in the Lias of Bornholm [Text in Danish] Medd. Dansk. Geol. Foren., Kiobenhavn, 1909, 15, 271-312. 2 pis. 1909.1 Malloch, P. D. Life history and habits of the salmon, sea-trout, trout, and other fresh-water fish. London, 1910. 239 p. figs. 4. 1910.1 Malm, August H. (Description of A. W. Malm's method of preservation of spirit specimens] Naturhist. Museum's Arsskr., Goteborg, 1882, 3, 13-20. 1SS2.1 - Report on the sea-fishery of the district of Gothenburg and Bohus during 1902-1903 [Text in Swedish] Hushalln.-Sallsk. Qvartalsskr., Gote- borg, 1903, 237-303. 1903.1 Malm, August Wilhelm [1821-1882] Nagot om bukf enorna hos slagtet Phy- cis Artedi, 1738. Forh. Skand. Naturf ., 1851, 6, 234-237. 1851.1 - Hemiramphus balticus Hornsch. Froriep's Tagesber. (ZooL), 1852, no. 467, p. 264. 1852.1 - Ichthyologiska anmarkningar. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh., Stock- holm, 1852, 9, 224-234. pi. 1852.2 - Om Syngnathus typhle och acus. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh., Stock- holm, 1852, 10, 82-92. 1852.3 - De flundre-artade fiskarnas kroppsbyggmad ar mera skenbart an verkligt osymmetrisk. Oefvers. Ve- tensk. Akad. Forh., Stockholm, 1854, 11, 173-183. 1854.1 - Beskrifning ofver en for Skan- dinaviens fauna ny art af slagtet Raja, jemte bidrag till utvidgad kannedom af trenne andra, var fauna tillhorande arter af samma slagte. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh., Stockholm, 1858, 14, 187- 198. 1858.1 - Bemaerkninger over Sverrigs Petromyzontidae. Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1860, 8, 577-582. 1860.1 - Raekke af fiske, krebsdjur og bloddjur, som ere nye for den Skandi- naviske fauna. Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1860, 8, 616-624. 1860.2 - Ueber skandinavische Fisch- zucht, vorziiglich des Lachses [Text in Swedish] Goteborg, 1860-63. 2 pis. Lasning for fiskare i Bohuslan. Goteborg, 1861. 56 p. 8. 1861.1 - Note sur la reproduction des parties de Torganisme et sur leur multi- plication chez certains animaux et plus particulierement chez un syngnathe a deux queues. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 1862, 4. ser. 18, 356^358. 4 figs. 1862.1 96 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAL Malm, A. W. - Nya fiskar, kraft- och blod-djur for Skandinaviens fauna. Vetensk. Handl. Goteborg, 1863, 8, 95-132. 1863.1 - Om de Skandinaviska arterna af familjen Petromyzontidse. Vetensk. Handl. Goteborg, 1863, 8, 83-93. 1863.2 - Om sjobruk i allmanhet och Lax-afvel i synnerhet. Goteborg, 1863. 2 pis. 8. ' 1863.3 Ichthyologiska bidrag till Skan- dinaviens fauna. Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1865, 9, 405-414. 1865.1 - Omtvakonadsill. Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1865, 9, 415-418. 1865.2 - Bidrag till kannedom af Pleuro- nektoidernas utveckling och byggnad. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 1868, 7, no. 4, 1-28. 2 pis. 1868.1 - Beskrifning pa tre for den Skan- dinaviska faunan nya fiskarter, samt bidrag till narmare kunskap om Trigla gurnardus. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh., 1871, 27, 825-852. 1871.1 [Ueber einige Falle von Zweige- t K..1.1 ..I - !! r."_- rf "ll" I V> S^a^^A OAAAAgO J.' CtlAO V Ull ZJWd&C schlechtlichkeit, welche er fur Zwillings- bildung erklart, beim Hering (Clupea harengus L.) und der Makrele (Scom- ber scombrus L.) Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1873, 94-98. 1873.1 - Om den brednabbade kantnal- ens, Siphonostoma typhle Yarrell. Lund 1874. 4. 1874.1 - [Om de svenske gobiider] Forh. Skand. Naturf. 1873 (1874), 11, 380- 386. 1874.2 - Om lifyet i Kattegattet, etc. tUeber das Thierleben des Meeres im Nordsee] Kjobenhavn, 1874. 8. 1874.3 - [Om sammanvaxta tvillingar af Scomber scombrus, det ar om "ett tvakonadt exemplar" af denna fiskart] Forh. Skand. Naturf. 1873 (1874), 11 1874.4 - Om Thynnus pelamys och Ba- tistes maculatus i Skandinav. Stock- holm, 1875. fig. 8. 1875.1 - Om tva for den Skandinaviska faunan nya, egentligen tropisk-sub- tropiska fiskart, hvilka forvaras uti Uddevalla Museum. Oefvers. Vetensk Akad. Forh., 1875, 32, no. 7, 3-11. 1875.2 - Om en for den Skandinaviska faunan ny hajart [Scyllium stellar e\ Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad: Forh. 1875 (1876), 32, no. 10, 33-41. 1876.1 Bidrag till kannedom om utveck- lingen af Rajse. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. 1876 (1877), 33, no. 3, 91- 102. pi. 1877.1 - Goteborgs och Bohuslans fauna. Ryggradsdjuren. Goteborg, 1877. 674 p. 9 pis. 8. 1877.2 - Hermaphroditisme chez les pois- sons. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 51-52. pi. 1877.3 - Om monoacism hos fiskar. Oef- vers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. 1876 (1877), 33, no. 5, 67-78. 3 pis. 1877.4 - Sur le developpement des raies. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 180. 1877.5 - [Bidrag till pleuronektoidernas utveckling och byggnadl Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1880, 479-480. 1880.1 Bohus-sillen [Clupea harengus] Goteborg, 1880. 8. 1880.2 Oefver Goteborgs och Bohuslans hafs fisken under 1886-92. Goteborg. 1887-93. 1887.1 Malmberg, Aukusti Johana, after- wards Mela, A. J. Kalojen mietteet. Kirj. Kuuk., 1875, 10, 77-79. 1875.1 Kalakeittoa. Suom. 1876,4, 108-111. Kuval., 1876.1 Malme, Gustaf Oskaf Andersson [1864 ] Studien iiber das Gehirn der Knochenfische. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad. Handl., 1891, 17, 1-60. 5 pis. Also separate; Stockholm, 1892. 60 p. 5 pis. 8. 1892.1 Malmer, H. Snoken som fiskare. Fiskeritidskr., 1895, 4, 150. 1895.1 Malmgren, Anders Johan [1834- 1897] Kritisk ofversigt af Finlands fisk-fauna. 2 pts. Helsingfors, 1863- 67. 75 p. 8. 1863.1 Translated into German by Dr. C. F. Frisch. Arch. Naturgesch., 30, pt. 1, 259-351. Der grosse Fischreichthum bei Spitzbergen und der Baren Insel, nach- gewiesen durch die neuesten schwedi- schen Untersuchungen. Geogr. Mitth. (Petermann), 1865-67, 4, no. 16, 34-39. 1865.1 Translated into German by Dr. C. F. Frisch. MAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OK FISIIKS 97 n ' Om Spetsbergons fisk-fauna. Oefvcrs. Vctcusk. Akad. Forh. 1864 (1865), 21, 489-539. Abstract in Arch. Naturgesch., 1865, 31, 84-85. 1865.2 - Vetenskapligt bihang till Sven- ska Spetsbergs-Expeditionen 1864 (In Nordonskiold, A. K. Svcnska rxpedi- tioncrna till Spetsbergen och Jan Mayen utfdrda under aren 1863 och 1864, p. _M() 261. Stockholm, 1867) Also sepa- rate Stockholm, 1868. 21 p. 1867.1 - Bidrag till Finmarkens fisk- fauna. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. 1867 (IStisi, 24. 259-265. Abstract in Arch. Naturgesch., 1868, 34, 74. 1868.1 - Fiskodlingen forordad i Fin- land for ott sckel sedan. Tidskr. Fiske- rinar. Aquikult. (Malmgren), 1869, 1. "ahrg., 36-37. 1869.1 - Handlingar och forordningar ang. Finlands fiskerier. Helsingfors, 1869-70. 8. 1869.2 Om nodvandigheten att freda laxen under och langst fore dess lektid. Tidskr. Fiskerinar. Aquikult. (Malm- gren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., 67-73. 1869. 3 - Postscripturn [till v. Siebold. Om laxfiskars acclimatisation i Austra- lien och Nya Zeeland] Tidskr. Fisker- inar. Aquikult. (Malmgren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., 24-25. 1869.4 Till laxens (Salmo solar L.) naturalhistoria. Tidskr. Fiskerinar. Aquikult. (Malmgren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., 64-66. 1869.5 - rtlatande till Guvernoren ofver Abo och Bjorneborgs Ian i fraga om notdragt i saltsjon under fjallfiskens lektid. Tidskr. Fiskerinar. Aquikult. (Malmgren), 1869, 1. Jahrg., 87-94. 1869.6 - Utlatande till Guvernoren ofver Uleaborgs Ian, med anledning af vackt fraga om Toppila sunds forvandlande till skeppshamn for Uleaborgs stad. Helsingfors, 1869. 11 p. 8. 1869.7 Cottus quadricornis i Puruvesi. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. Stock- holm 1869 (1870), 12, 104. 1870.1 Om forekomsten af djurlif pa stora hafsdjup. Oefvers. Vetensk. Akad. Forh. Stockholm 1869 (1870), 12, 40- 49. 1870.2 - [Coregonus megalops fran Loppis] Fauna & Flora Fenn. Forh., 1871-74, 13 (n. s. 10), 451. 1874.1 - Memorial addressed to the Bu- reau of Agriculture of the Imperial Senate for Finland, January 20. Iss:;, in regard to the advisability of introduc- ing artificial fish-culture in Finland. Translated from the German by Herman Jacobson. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 363. 1883.1 - Utlatande, ang&ende lamplighe- ten af artificiel fiskodlings inforrande i Finland, afgifvet till jordbruksexpedi- tionen i kejserliga Senaten. Helsing- fors, 1883. 83 p. 8. 1883.2 Laxens (Salmo solar L.) vandrin- gar i Oestersjon. Sporten, 1884, no. 2, 18-19. 4 figs. Bohuslansk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1884, 1, 50-57. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 322-328. 4 figs. Nature, 30, no. 778, 521-522. 1884.1 - The migrations of the salmon (Salmo salar L.] in the Baltic. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 322-328. Abstract in Nature, 1884, 30, 521-522. 1884.2 - Relation om timmerflottningen i Konungarikena Sverige och Norge, afgifven till Jordbruks-Expeditionen i Kejserliga Senaten for Finland d. 30 Nov. 1884. Helsingfors, 1884. 79 p. 8. 1884.3 - Till chefen for Jordbruks-Expe- ditionen i kejserliga Senaten m. m. O. Non-men. Helsingfors, 1885. 8 p. 8. 1885.1 - Vart fiskerivasende. Helsing- fors, 1887. 7 p. 8. 1887.1 Silurus glanis fran Kymmene. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1888-89, 16, 195. 1888.1 Malmgren, Hjalmar. Om trans- port af lefvande fisk. Helsingfors, 1887. 7 p. pi. 8. 1887.1 Malmros, Oscar. Preserving fish in Scotland by the Roosen process. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 109- 110. 1887.1 Malwitz, Sur le transport de - Ichtyologiska notiser. Notis. Sallskap. Fauna & Flora Fenn. Forh., 1871, 11 (n. s. 8), 464. 1871.1 quelques poissons. Beschaft. Berlin. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, [1779] 4, 915. 1779.1 Man, J. C. de. Visschen, list van eetbaren zeevisch (In Nederland; bij- dragen tot de geneeskundige plaats- beschrijving van Nederland, 85-87 [Am- sterdam] 1870) 1870.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAN Manca, Gr. Trypanosomes du lapin et de 1'anguille en Sardaigne. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 1, 494. 1906.1 Mandee, Rudolf. Die Labyrinth- fische (Labyrinthici) II. Zucht, Pflege und Fortpflanzung. Natur u. Haus, 1907, 15. Jahrg., 311-315. fig. 1907.1 Pcecilia reticulata Peters. Natur u. Haus, 1907, 16. Jahrg., 42-45. 1907.2 Ein Rtickblick auf das Jahr 1910. Jahrb. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1911, 7. Jahrg. 133 p. figs. 1911.1 Mandel, J. A., & Levene, P. A. See Levene & Mandel. Mandell, D. W. Pickerel in Adiron- dack waters. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 198. 1876.1 Mandelslohe, (Count) Friedrich von. Abbildung einer Gaumenplatte von Gyrodus umbilicus Ag. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemb., 1845, 1. Jahrg., 2. Heft, p. 153. 1845.1 Mandeville (Sir) John (pseudon.) (circa 1350?] The travels of Sir John Mandeville. The version of the Cotton MS in modern spelling. London, 1915. 390 p. 1915.1 This edition contains the three original accounts upon which the spurious tales of travel were based, namely, The voyage of Johannes de Piano Carpini, p. 213-260. The journal of Friar William de Rubruquis, p. 261-325. The journal of Friar Odoric, p. 326-362. Various references to fishes occur. Mandl, Louis [1812-1881] Note pour la rectification d'une figure relative aux recherches sur la structure intime des ecailles des poissons, publiee dans le tome xi, page 337. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1839, 2. ser. 12, 293. 1839.1 Recherches sur la structure in- time des ecailles des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1839, 2. ser. 11, 337-371. pi. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 28, 113- 126; 274-287. Neue Notizen (Fro- riep), 13, 225-234; 241-248; 262-265. Extract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 8, 1021-1022. Ann. Nat. Hist., 3, p. 463. Rev. Zool., 1839, p. 191. 1839.2 Nouvelles observations sur la structure des ecailles des poissons; ex- trait d'une lettre ... a 1'occasion des remarques de M. Agassiz. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1840, 2. ser. 13, 62-63. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 10, 338-339. 1840.1 Mandoul, , & Camichel, See Camichel & Mandoul. Mandt, Martin Wilhelm [1799} Observations in historian! naturalem et anatomiam comparatam in itinere Grcenlandico factse. Inaug. Dissert. Berolini, 1822. viii, 40 p. 8. 1822.1 Manetti, L. Manuale del pescatore. Milano, 1905. xv, 246 p. illust. 12. 1905.1 Mangoldt, Ernst. Ueber das Leuch- ten der Tiefseefische. Arch. Ges. Phy- siol., 1907, 119, 583-601. 4 figs. 1907.1 - Tierisches Leben in der Tiefsee. Berlin, 1912. 30 p. 8. 1912.1 Manhattan (pseudon.} Fish in the Pelham brook. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 23. 1877.1 - The Hudson river salmon. For- est & Stream, 1877, 8, 420. 1877.2 - Sea trout. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 208. 1877.3 Manigault, G. E. On the probable source of the phosphorus in the South Carolina phosphates. Proc. Elliott Soc. Sci. Art, Charleston, S. C., 1886, 2, 128-132. pi. 1886.1 Teeth of Carcharodon and Carcharias are figured. Manley , John Jackson. Notes on fish and fishing. New York & London, 1877. viii, 363 p. 8. 1877.1 The literature of fishing, p. 32-70. Literature of sea and river fish- ing. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., Lon- don, 1883. Handbooks, 3, pt. 5, 527- 716. 1883.1 American fish introduced in Eng- lish waters. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 60. 1884.1 Mann, (VAbbe) A. T. Me"moire sur 1'histoire naturelle de la mer du Nord, et sur la peche qui s'y fait. Mem. Acad. Roy. Sci. Bruxelles, 1780, 2, 157-220. 1780.1 Mann, Horace [1844-1868] [Letter in relation to the method of flight of the flying-fish] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 21-22. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 397- 398. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1866, 2. ser. 41, 272-273. 1866.1 Mann, William M., & Starks, Edwin Chapin. See Starks & Mann. MAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Manning, C. G. Statement concern- ing the menhadeB fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish ronnn. 1S77 (1879), 6, 465. 1879.1 Manoncourt, diaries Nicolas Sigis- bert Sonnini dc. Sec Sonnini de Ma- noncourt, C. N. S. de. Manouelian, Y. Recherches sur le lobe optiquc. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1899, 11. ser. 1, 863-864. 1899.1 Describes fibres functioning for the reception of nervous stimuli. Mantell, Gideon Algernon [1790- 1852] The fossils of the South Downs; or illustrations of the geology of Sussex. London, 1822. xiv, 327 p. 42 pis. 4. 1822.1 Elasmobranchs and teleosts are considered. - Outlines of the natural history of the environs of Lewes (In Horsfield, Thomas Walker. The history of antiq- uities of Lewes and its vicinity, etc. 2 vols. Lewes, 1824-27. illust. 4) 1824.1 - Figures and descriptions of the Salmo lewesiensis and other fishes from the Lewes Chalk. Lewes, 1826. pi. fol. 1826.1 - The geology of the south-east of England. London, 1833. xix, 415 p. 7 pis. 8. 1833.1 - The wonders of geology; or, a familiar exposition of geological phe- nomena; being the substance of a course of lectures delivered at Brighton. 2 vols. London, 1838. illust. 1838.1 Placoderms, elasmobranchs, ganoids and teleosts. Other editions were published in 1839, 1848 and 1857-58. The medals of creation; or, first lessons in geology and the study of organic remains. 2voJs. London, 1844. 4. 1844.1 Chimaera, vol. i, p. 64. Fossil ichthyology, vol. ii, p. 587-681. Popular description of elas- mobranchs, ganoids and teleosts. The same. 2. ed. edited by T. R. Jones. London, 1854. A pictorial atlas of fossil remains. London, 1850. 207 p. 76 pis. 4. 1850.1 Plates of Galeus, Hybodus, Lamna, Notida- nus, Otodus, Ptychodus, Lepidotus, Beryx and Sphserodus. Manz, Wilhelm. Anatomisch-physi- ologische Untersuchungen iiber die Accommodation des Fischauges. Inaug. Dissert. Freiburg-i-Br., 1858. pi. 8. 20 p. 1S-.X.1 Marage, - Contribution a l'6tude de 1'audition des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1906, 143, 852-853. 1906.1 Marangoni, Carlo. Sulla vesica natatoria dei pesci. Rivist. Scient., Pavia, 1879, no. 20. Also separate; Firenze, 1880. 16 p. 8. 1879.1 - Fonctions de la vessie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1880, 90, 1293-1294. Extract in Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1880, 3. se"r. 7, 329- 330. Rev. Intern. Sci., 1880, 6, 76-77. 1880.1 Marano, Antonino. Contributo alia migliore conoscenza delle fibre del Mauthner, nel midollo spinale dei pesci ossei. Atti Soc. Ital. Progr. Sci. Riun., 1911,4,841-843. 1911.1 Tessuto interstiziale nevroglico non si limita a lasciare canali isolati per le fibre nervose, ma penetrando nella guaina midollare forma scheletro mielinico nella fibra di Mauthner. Marcacci, A. Les rapports des organes de la respiration et de la nata- tion chez les pulmone*s aquatiques. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1894, 22, 196-203. 1894.1 Marcailhou-d'Aymeric, H. Coex- istence des isoetes et des truites dans la plupart des lacs de 1'Ariege, des Pyre"nees-orientales et de TAndorre. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. P6che, 1899, 11, 184-191. 1899.1 - Note sur la coexistence des truites et des isoetes dans les lacs des montagnes. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1899, no. 12, pt. 2, 167-169. 1899.2 Marcard, E. Darstellung der preus- sischen Seefischerei und mre jetzige Lage. Berlin, 1870. 68 p. 8. 1870.1 Marceau, E. Note sur la structure du cosur chez les vertebres infe'rieurs. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 981- 984. 1902.1 Marchand, Ernest. Note sur la gremille, Acerina cernita (L_.) a propos de 1'anciennete" de sa presence dans la Loire-Inferieure. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Ouest France 1896 (1897), 7, 151-159. pi. Abstract in Etangs & Rivieres, 10. annee, no. 232, 232-234. 1897.1 - Sur la reproduction du saumon et l'int&6t qu'il y aurait a modifier la reglementation de sa peche. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 27. sess., 1899, pt. 1, 171-172. 1899.1 100 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAR Marchand, E. - Notules de teratologie ichthyo- logique. A propos de diverges anomalies observees, en 1900, chez quelques pois- sons de la Loire-Inferieure. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Quest Nantes, 1901, 10, 235- 246. 3 figs. 1901.1 Marchand, Ernest, & Girardin, J. See Girardin & Marchand. Marchand, Richard Felix [1813- 1850] Chemische Untersuchung der Knorpel von Haifischen und Rochen. Annal. Phys.Chem. (Poggendorff), 1836, 38. 1836.1 Marchand, Werner. Einige kritische Bemerkungen zur morphologischen Auffassung des Amphioxus, zugleich em spezieller Beitrag zu einer Neuge- staltung der Entwicklungslehre. Ber- lin, 1909. 12 p. 1909.1 Marchant, C. B. Statement concern- ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 416. 1879.1 Marchant, James. Alfred Russel Wallace; letters and reminiscences. 2 vols. London & New York, 1916. illust. 8. 1916.1 Contains the complete extant correspondence between Wallace and Darwin, vol. i, p. 127-320; also in vol. ii, a complete list of the scientific publications of Wallace. Sexual differences among fishes, vol. i, p. 177. Marchesetti, Carlo de. La pesca lungo le coste orientale dell' Adria. Trieste, 1882. 8. 1882.1 - Die Oesterreichische Seefische- rei. Uebersetzt von Breycha. Triest, 1883. 8. 1883.1 Marcillac, A. de. Resultats de Pelevage de la truite arc-en-ciel a 1'etablissement de Bessemont, pres Villers-Cotterets (Aisne) Paris, 1896. 1896.1 - Documents nouveaux sur 1'ele- vage intensif de la truite arc-en-ciel et du saumon de Californie a Tetablissement de Bessemont, pres Villers-Cotterets (Aisne) Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10. annee, no. 232, 225-229. 1897.1 - L'e"tablissement de pisciculture de Bessemont pres Villers-Cotterets (Aisne) Elevage special de la truite arc-en-ciel. Bull. Soc. Acclimat. Paris, 1900, 47, 243-255. 1900.1 Marcinkiewicz, Marya. Przyczinek do anatomii pe_cherza plawnego wie- lopletwa (Macropodius viridi-auratus) [Beitrage zur Anatomic der Schwimm- blase von M. viridi-auratus] Ksie,ga pamiatn. J6z. Nusbaum, 1911, 105-111. fig. ^ fxiA- 1911.1 Marck, W von der [ 1900] Ueber Elopopsis ziegleri, einen neuen Fisch aus dem Planer von Wessum. Verh. Na- turhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westph&l., 1862, 19 (4. ser. 9), 70. 1862.1 - Fossile Fische, Krebse und Pflanzen aus dem Plattenkalk der jiing- sten Kreide in Westphalen. PalseontoV graphica, 1863, 11, 1-83. 14 pis. Also separate; Cassel, 1863. 4. 1863.1 Pateoscyllium, ganoids and teleosts. - [Ueber Krebse und Fische aus der Kreide von Sendenhorst] Cor- respbl. Nat. Hist. Ver. Bonn, 1864, 43-45. 1864.1 - Ueber die fischreichen Schichten der jiingsten Kreide Westphalens. Ber. Deutsch. Naturf., 1865, 40, 150-152. 1865.1 - Fossile fische von Sumatra, Palseontographica, 1876, 22, 405-414/ 2 pis. 1876.1 Protosyngnathus, Sardinoides and Brachy- spondylus from late Cretaceous strata. - Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossil en Fische und anderer Thier- reste aus der jiingsten Kreide West- falens, sowie Aufzahlung sammtlicher^ seither in der westfalischen Kreide aufgefundenen fischreste. Palseonto- graphica, 1876, 22, 55-74. 2 pis. 1876.2 Some new teleosts are described and a com- plete list of fishes from the Cretaceous of West- phalia is given, p. 69-74. - Fische der oberen Kreide West- falens. PalaBontographica, 1885, 31, 233-267. 5 pis. Extract in Correspbl.. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. West- phal., 42, 58-60. 1885.1 Squatina, ganoids and teleosts. Ueber die Verwandtschaft der syrischen Fischschichten mit denen der oberen Kreide Westphalens. Verh! Deutsch. Naturw. Ver., 1889, 46. Jahrg., 5. Folge, 6, 139-164. 1889.1 - Vierter Nachtrag zu die fossi- len Fische der westfalischen Kreide.' Palseontographica, 1894, 41, 41-47. pi. 1894.1 Rhinobatus tesselatus and Spaniodon Upturns. Marck, W. von der, & Geinitz, Hans Bruno. See Geinitz & Marck. MAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHKS 101 Marck, 11". von der, & Schliiter, r/r///f//.s Aiiyuxt Jnxcph.. Neue Fische und Krebse aus der Kroide von \\ VM- phalen. Palrcontographica, 1865, 15, 269-305. 4 pis. 1865.1 A. Fisohe aus der jiiii^stcn Kreide von Sen- denhorst und aus den Baumbergen, p. 272. Palnoscyllium, Platycormua, Megapua und Phvsostomiden. B. Fisr-hc aus 1904 > 26 > 383-398. 3 figs. Also separate; Leipzig, 1864. 4. 1864.1 1. Theil. Anatomie der Mormyren. Osteo- logie, Riickenmark und (icliirn. ( ichororgan, Elektrische Organe. ' . 2. Theil. Zoologie der Monnyrrii. i. Die Arten des Genus MOTotyttu ii. Die Arten des Genus Mn-iin rops. - On the anatomy arid, histology of Branchiostoma lubricum Costa (Am-* phioxus lanceolatus Yarrell) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. U, 151-154; 319-320. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 58, 479. Ibid., 1864, 59, 89. 1864.2 - Ueber die Geschlechtsverhalt- nisse der Syngnathen. Sitzber. Naturw. Ges. Isis, Dresden 1872 (1873), 12-13. 1873.1 Marder, C. Ch. Physikalisch-chemi- sche Untersuchung des als Heilmittel bekannten hellen und braunen Leber- thrans. Arch. Pharm., 1830, 32, 90-109. Ibid., 1838, 63, 153-155. Journ. Arzn. (Hufeland), 70, 2. Heft, 85-92. 1830.1 Chemical analyses of codliver oil. Marechal, J. Ueber die morpholo- gische Entwicklung der Chromosomen im Keimblaschen des Selachiereies. 1904.1 Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol., 1910, 25, 119-131. 2 figs. 1910.1 Marcuse, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Stoffumsatzes in dem thatigen elektrischen Organ der Zitter- rochen auf Grund experimentalischer Studien. Inaug. Dissert. Breslau, 1891. 1891.1 Marcusen, Johann. Sur quelques particularites relatives a 1' organisation des mormyres. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1853, 5, 1-3. 1853.1 - Mittheilung iiber das electrische Organ des Zitterwelse. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1854, 12, 203-208. 1854.1 - Vorlaufige Mittheilung aus einer Abhandlung iiber die Familie der Mormvren. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1854, 12, 1-14. Melang. Biol., 2, pt. 1, 33-51. Extract in L'ln- stitut, 22, no. 1085, p. 361. 1854.2 - Note sur un organe particulier du cerveau des mormyres. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1862, 54, 35-38. 1862.1 - Die Familie der Mormyren. Eine anatomisch-zoologische Abhand- lung. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1864, 7. ser. 7, no. 4, 1-162. 5 pis. & - Ueber die morphologische Ent- wicklung der Chromosomen im Tele- ostierei (mit einem Zusatz iiber das Ovarialei von Amphioxus lanceolatus und dona intestinalis) Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 641-652. figs. 1905.1 Sur 1'ovogenese des selaciens et de quelques autres chordatas. Partie 1, morphologic de Tenement chromosomi- que dans 1'ovocyte chez les selaciens, les teleosteens, les tuniciers et 1'Amphioxus. La Cellule, Louvain, 1907, 23. 239 p. 11 pis. 4. 1907.1 Marechal, J., & Saedeleer, A. de. Le premier deVeloppement de Tovocyte I chez les Rajides. La Cellule, Louvain, 1910, 26, 1-24. pi. 1910.1 Marenghi, Giovanni. Alcune parti co- larita di struttura e di innervazione della cute dell' Ammoccetes branchialis. Mem. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Milano, 1903, 19, 195-203. pi. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 75,421-429. pi. 1903.1 Marenzeller, Emil von. Die Fisch- zuchtanstalt des Herrn August Frmvirth in Freiland bei St. Polten in Niederos- terreich. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1878, 27, 523-532. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 651-665. 1878.1 102 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAR Marenzeller, E. - Neues iiber leuchtende Seetiere. Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1889, 39. 1889.1 , ; r---- -Die Nahrung der Tiefseetiere. .' Ver. Verbr. Naturw. Kenntn., 33. Jahrg., 4. Heft. 1893.1 ; ' 'Marfes, r *#. Sur Taction du froid sur les poissons. L'Institut, 1850, 18, no. 843, 68-69. 1850.1 Marey, Etienne Jules [1830-1904] Determination de la duree de la decharge electrique chez la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1871, 73, 958-961. 1871.1 - Du temps qui s'ecoule entre 1' excitation du nerf electrique de la torpille et la decharge de son appareil. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1871, 73, 918- 921. 1871.2 - Me"moire sur la torpille. Ann. Sci. Ecole Norm. Paris, 1872, 2. ser. 1, 85-115. Journ. Anat. Phys. (Robin), 1872, 8, 468-499. 6 figs. 1872.1 - Decharge electrique de la tor- pille. Ecol. Prat. Haut. Etud. Phys. Exper. Trav. Labor. (Marey), 1877, 3, 1-62. Rev. Internat. Sci., 1878, 1, 682-687. fig. 1877.1 - Sur la decharge de la torpille, etudiee au moyen de I'electrometre de Lippmann. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1877, 84, 354-356. 1877.2 - Sur les caracteres des dccharges e"lectriques de la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1877, 84, 190-193. Soc. Phys. Stances Paris, 1877, 17-21. 1877.3 - Npuvelles recherches sur Jes poissons electriques; caracteres de la decharge du gymnote; effets d'une decharge de torpille, lancee dans un telephone. Soc. Phys. Seances Paris, 1879, 32-35. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 88, 318-321. Journ. Phys., 8, 162-164. 1879.1 - [Sur un gymnote electrique recu du Para] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1879, 89, 630. 1879.2 - La locomotion aquatique etu- di6e par la photochronographie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 111, 213-216. La Nature, 42, 360. 1890.1 - Des mouvements de natation de la raie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 116,77-81. 2 figs. 1893.1 Margerie, Emmanuel de. Catalogue des bibliographies geologiques, redig6 avec le concours des membres de la commission bibliographique du Congres Geologique International. Paris, 1896. 733 p. 8. 1896.1 Contains references to the literature of fossil La geologic (In La science francaise a 1'Exposition de San Fran- cisco, vol. i, p. 201-265. Paris, 1915. 8 b ) 1915.1 Margo, Theodor. Adatok az austra- liai Ceratodus pontosabb ismeretehez. Math. Term. Ertes. Magyar Akad., 1894, 12, 156-163. 1894.1 - Studien iiber Ceratodus. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic und Physiolo- gic der Dipneusten. Math. Naturw. Ber. Ungarn, 1894, 12, 195-207. 1894.2 Marheineke, Ueber kiinstliche Fischzucht. Hannov. Land.- & Forstw. Vereinsbl., 1867, 6. Jahrg., 2-3. 1867.1 Mariani, E. Si alcune ittiodoruliti dell a Greta lombarda. Atti Soc. Sci. Nat. Mus. Milano, 1902, 41, 437-441. 3 figs. 1902.1 Remains of Ptychodus, Pelecopterus, Pro- tpsphyraena, Portheus and Erisichte are con- sidered. Mariani, Mario, Osservazioni geo- logiche sui dintorni di Camerino. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1902, 21, 305-328. pi. 1902.1 Marine, David. The metamorphosis of the endostyle (thyroid gland) of Ammoccetes branchialis, larval land- locked Petromyzon maririus (Jordan) or Petromyzon dorsatus (Wilder) Journ. Exper. Med., 1913, 17, 379-395. 5 pis. 1913.1 Marine, David, & Lenhart, C. H. Observations and experiments on the so- called thyroid carcinoma of brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) and its relation to ordinary goitre. Bull. Dept. Fish- eries Pennsylvania, 1910, no. 7. 32 p. 11 figs. 1910.1 Marion, Antoine Fortune [1846-1900] Esquisse d'une topographic zoologique du golfe de Marseille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille, 1883, 1, 99-102. 1883.1 - Sur les faunes profondes de la Mediterranee. Marseille, 1883. 4. 1883.2 - Etude des etangs saumtres de Berre (Bouches-du-Rhone) Faune ich- MAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 108 thyologiquo. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 104, 1306-1308. 1SS7.1 Lophobranchs, gobies, mullets, eels and ten rare species of tcleosts are enumerated. Observations sur la sardine de la MrditerraiH-e. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 290-292. 1889.1 - Nouvelles observations sur la sardine de Marseille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1891, 112, 641-643. 1891.1 - Reproduction et croissance de la sardine dans le golfe de Marseille durant la campagne 1891. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 20. sess., 1891, pt. 1, 238-239. 1891.2 - [De la forme Gadus minutus O. F. Miiller, qui se trouve dans la Mediterrane"ei Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. arseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, fasc. 1, 118. 1894.1 - Effets du froid observes en Pro- ce sur diverses especes d'animaux marins. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 133-137. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 112, 565-569. 1894.2 Observations made upon numerous species of teleosts, including Hippocampus, Blennius, Gobius, Sargus, Box, Pagellus, Atherina, etc. - Essai d'elevage de quelques alevins. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 121-124. 1894.3 - Exploitation methodique des fonds maritimes littoraux. Ann. Mus. Hist. Xat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 1-5. 1894.4 Gadus, Pleuronectes, Lophius, Trigla, Pagel- lus, Sardinia, etc., are mentioned. - Notes sur la peche du jaret et de la bogue dans le golfe de Marseille. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 130-132. 1894.5 - Notes sur le regime du maque- reau et de 1'anchois, sur les cotes de Marseille, durant la campagne 1890. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 108-112. 1894.6 Observations climateriques faites a la station zoologique d'Endoumepour seryir a Fe"tude du regime des peches re"gionales. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- seille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 5-40; 1-20. 1894.7 - Observations et experiences di- verses effectuees a la station d'Endoume en 1891. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Mar- seille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 110-116. 1894.8 Mackerel, anchovy and teleosts 1 eggs are referred to. - CEufs floltants rt alrvins ves dans le golfe de Marseille durant Tanned 1890. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 112-121. 2 pis. & 14 figs. 1894.9 - Remarques ge"ne>ales sur le regime de la faune pc*lagique du golfe de Marseille, particulierement durant I'annfe 1890. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 124-130. 1894.10 Scombresox, sardines and mackerels. - La sardine sur les cotes de Marseille durant la campagne 1889- 1891. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894, 4, 67-72; 99-108. 1894.11 - Sur la pdche et la reproduction du "Sioudet" (Atherina hepsetus L.) Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Marseille (ZooZ.), 1894,4,93-99. pi. & 3 figs. 1894.12 Marion, Antoine Fortunl, & Guitel, F. Dispersion du Salmo quinnat sur les cotes mediterrane'ennes du sud-ouest de la France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 110, 1311-1314. C. R. Assoc. Prang. Avanc. Sci., 19. sess., 1890, p. 487. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 2, 84-86. 1890.1 Marion, Guy Ellwood. Mandibular and pharyngeal muscles of Acanthias and Raia. Amer. Naturalist, 1905, 39, 891-924. 15 figs. Tufts Coll. Studies, 2, no. 2. 34 p. 1905.1 Marion de Proce, - Note sur plusieurs especes nouvelles de poissons et de crastace's observes dans un voyage de France a Manilla [Squalus indicus, Tetrodon manilensis, T. nigroviridis, etc.] Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1822, 129-134. Journ. Phys. Paris, 1822, 95, 235-240. 1822.1 Mark, Edward Laurens [1847 ] Studies on Lepidosteus. Part I. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1890, 19, 1-127. 9 pis. 1890.1 Mark anniversary volume [edited by G. H. Parkeri New York, 1903. xiii, 513 p. illust. 4. 1903.1 iii. A new cranial nerve in selachians. By W. A. Locy. 2 pis. iv. The natural history of Amia calva Lm- nseus. By J. Reighard. pi. ix The eyes of the blind vertebrates of North \merica.-The history of the eye of the blind fish Amblyopsis from its appearance to its dis- integration in old age. By Carl H. Eigenmann. xiv. On the nature of Edestus and related forms. By Charles R. Eastman, pi. xv. The development of the ventral nerves 104 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MAR Mark, E. L. in Selachii. Spinal ventral nerves. By H. V. Neal. 3 pis. xx. The torus longitudinalis of the teleost brain; its ontogeny, morphology, phylogeny and function. By Porter Edward Sargent, pi. Asymmetrom lucayanum in Ber- muda. Science, 1904, n. s. 20, 179. 1904.1 Markert, F. Die Flossenstacheln von Acanthias; ein Beitrag zur Kennt- niss der Hartsubstanzgebilde der Elas- mobranchier . Zool . Jahrb . (A bth . A nat . ) , 1896, 9, 665-722. 4 pis. & 10 figs. 1896.1 Markham, (Sir) Albert Hastings [1841 ] A polar reconnaissance, being the voyage of the "Isbjorn" to Novaya Zemlya in 1879. London, 1881. 361 p. illust. 8. 1881.1 Appendix I. Note on fishes, by A. Giinther. Marno, Ernst [1883] Der athi- opische Schuppenmolch, Protopterus cethiopicus. Zool. Garten, 1873, 14. Jahrg., 441-^44. 1873.1 - Ueber Balceniceps rex und Pro- topterus annectens und andere. Lotos, 1873, 23. Jahrg., 119-125. 1873.2 Marqua, Ferdinand. Die Entwick- lung des Panther- oder Katzenhaies (Scyllium catulus] in Ei. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 248. 1880.1 Marr, John Edward, & Shipley, A.E. (editors) Handbook to the natural history of Cambridgeshire. Cambridge, 1904. vi, 260 p. 8. 1904.1 Fishes, by Valle-Pope, p. 108-143. Marre, Ernst. Geophagus tceniatus vulgo Heterogramma corumbce? Auszug aus einem Vortrag " Ueber Geophagus- Arten." Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 765-766. fig. 1909.1 Die neuen Haplochilus-Arten. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 788-789; 799-801. 1909.2 - Das Bestimmen der Fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 381-382; 39&-39S. 1910.1 Capoeta damasdna, die syrische Capoeta. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 325-326. fig. 1910.2 - Die flachkopfige Meerasche (Mugil planiceps) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 424-425. fig. 1910.3 G aster opelecus stellatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 521-522. 2 figs. 1910.4 Die Inkubationsdauer des Fischeies. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 120-122. 1910.5 Osphromenus trichopterus, der Zweifleckfadenfisch. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 405- 407. fig. 1910.6 Pantodon buchholzi Pet. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 277-278. fig. 1910.7 - Pyrrhulina brews Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 312-313. 1910.8 - Rasbora leptosoma, eine asiati- sche Neuheit. Prakt. Zierfischzuchter, 1910, 51-53. 1910.9 Die Tetragonopterus-Arten. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 331-333. 1910.10 - Ueber Pcecilia heteristia Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 441-542. 1910.11 - Unbefruchtete Fischeier. BJatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 346-347. 1910.12 - Wie der Xiphophorus helleri aussieht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 147-148. fig. 1910.13 - Zuchtwahl und Fischzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 199-200; 217-218. 1910.14 Crenicichla lepidota, ein bunter sudamerikanischer Cichlide. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 121-122; 136-137. fig. 1911.1 Pyrrhulina filamentosa, der Spritz- salmler. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 237-238. 1911.2 - Technische Hilfen bei der Zahnkarpfenzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 53-55. 1912.1 Zuchterfolge mit der neuen Haiti-Mollienisia. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 719- 720. 1913.1 Marre, Francis. Les pecheries de morue du Labrador. Cosmos, Paris, 1910, n. s. 62, 301-302. 1910.1 MAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 105 Marre, L. H. de la, Monti, M. Ittiologia della pro- vincia e diocesi di Como. Como, 1846. 12. 1846.1 - Notizie dei pesci della provincia di Como, Sondrio e del cantone Ticino. 2.ed. Como, 1864. 105 p. 12. 1864.1 Monti, Rina. Contribute alia cono- scenza dei nervi del tubo digerente dei pesci. Rendic. Istit. Lombardo Sci., Milano, 1895, 2. ser. 28, 688-695. French translation in Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 188- 195. 1895.1 - Inneryazione del tubo digerente dei pesci ossei. Nota preventiva. Boll. Scientifico, Pavia, 1898, 5, 14-15. 1898.1 - Ricerche anatpmo-comparative sulla minuta inneryazione degli prgani trofici nei cranipti inferiori. Atti Fon- daz. Cagnola Milano, 1898, 17. 147 p. 12 pis. 1898.2 - Sulla morfologia comparata dei condotti escretori delle ghiandole g:is- triche nei vertebrati. Boll. Scientifico, Pavia, 1898, 6, 37-39; 65-75; 101-108. 2 pis. 1898.3 Pesci cartilaginei, p. 38-39. Pesci ossei, p. 65-70. - Le condizioni favorevoli alia piscicoltura nei laghi Ossolani e Valdo- stani. Acquicolt. Lombarda, Milano, 1903, 5, 177-182. 1903.1 Selache maxima pescate sulle coste di Sardegna. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1910, 2. ser. 6, 158-161. 1910.1 La variability della pressione osmotica nelle diverse specie animali. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1915, 63, 391^48. 1915.1 Classificazione dei modi di comportarsi della pressione osmotica in confronto colle vanaziom dell' ambiente. Influenza dei periodi della onto- genesi e della nutrizione. Montin, Lars [1722-1785] Beskrif- ning pa en fisk,Lophius barbatus. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1779, 187. Abh. Schwed.Akad., 41, 165-173. pi. 1779.1 Montpetit, A. N. Les poissons d'eau douce du Canada. Montreal, 1897. 553 p. 12 pis. 4. 1897.1 Montrouzier, (Rev. Pere) Xavier. Ichthyologie de 1'lle de Woodlark ou Moiou. Paris, 1856. 1856.1 152 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MON Montr ouzier, X. - Suite de la faune de File de Woodlark ou Moiou. Ichthyologie. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1856, 8, 393-504. 1856.2 Essai sur la faune de File du Woodlark ou Mojou. Ichthyologie. Lyon, 1857. 8. 1857.1 Montuori, A. Les processus oxyda- tifs chez les animaux marins en rapport avec la loi de superficie. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1913, 59, 213-234. 1913.1 "Montuori, A., & Diamare, V. See Diamare & Montuori. Moodie, Roy L. The chub and the Texas horn-fly. Amer. Naturalist, 1909, 43, 186-188. fig. 1909.1 A contribution to the soft an- atomy of Cretaceous fishes and a new primitive herring-like fish [Thrissopater intestinalis] from the Texas Cretaceous. Kansas Univ. Sci. Bull., 1911, 5, 275- 287. 3 pis. 1911.1 - The " stomach stones " of rep- tiles [also in sharks] Science, 1912, n. s. 35, 377-378. 1912.1 - The Coal Measures Amphibia and the Crossopterygia. Amer. Natu- ralist, 1915, 49, 637-644. 1915.1 The problem of derivation of amphibians from crossopterygian ganoids is discussed. A new fish brain from the Coal Measures of Kansas, with a review of other fossil brains. Journ. Compar. Neurol., 1915, 25, 135-181. 19 figs. 1915.2 Describes brain structure of Rhadinichthys sp., previously reported by Twenhofel and Dun- bar from the Coal Measures near Lawrence, Kansas. Similar remains from the Caney shales of Oklahoma are noticed by C. R. Eastman in Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1913, 24, 119-120. The scaled Amphibia of the Coal Measures. Science, 1915, n. s. 41, 463- 464. 1915.3 Compares dermal covering with fish scales. Mooney, George Stewart. Remarks on Frazer river fisheries. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1861, n. s. 13, 164- 165. 1861.1 Remarks on the salmon fisheries at Vancouver island. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1861, n. s. 13, 165. 1861.2 Moore, Benjamin. Reactions of marine organisms in relation to light and phosphorescence. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1909, 23, 1-34. 1909.1 Moore, Benjamin, & Vincent, Swale. The comparative chemistry of the suprarenal capsules [of teleosts] Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1898, 62, 280-283. 1898.1 - Further observations upon the comparative chemistry of the supra- renal capsules, with remarks upon the non-existence of suprarenal medulla in teleostean fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon- don, 1898, 62, 352-354. 1898.2 Moore, Charles. Charles Moore . . . and his work, by H. H. Winwood; with a list of the fossil types and described specimens in the Bath Museum, by E. Wilson. Proc. Bath Nat. Hist. Antiq. Field Club, 1892, 7. 64 p. 1892.1 Moore, Edward. .Description of a new British fish [Peristedion malarmat Cuv.] Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, 2. ser. 1, 17-19. 5 figs. 1837.1 An account of a pilot-fish (Naucrates ductor) caught in fresh water. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 8, 316-317. Notizen (Froriep), 21, 198-199. 1842.1 Moore, Evelyn V., D.A. See Cockerell Cockerell, T. Moore. Moore, Frederick. Work of the fish- eries commission. Scient. Amer., 1903, 89, 290. iUust. 1903.1 Moore, H . F. List of fishes collected at Sea Isle city, New Jersey, during the summer of 1892. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 12, 357-364. 1894.1 Observations on the herring and herring fisheries of the northeast coast, with special reference to the vicinity of Passamaquoddy bay. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 387-487. pi. 1898.1 Moore, J. C. Notes on the fossil mollusca and fish from San Domingo. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1853, 9, 129-132. 1853.1 Moore, /. E. S. On the germinal blastema and the nature of the so-called " reduction division " in the cartilagi- nous fishes. Preliminary communica- tion. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 547-552. 4 figs. 1894.1 - On the structural changes in the reproductive cells during the sper- matogenesis of elasmobranchs. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1895, 38, 275-313. 4 pis. & figs. 1895.1 MOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 153 The marine fauna in lake Tan- ganyika and the advisability of further exploration in the great African lakes. Nature, 1898, 58, 404-408. fig. 1898.1 The Tanganyika problem; an account of the researches undertaken concerning the existence of marine animals in central Africa. London, 1902. xxiii,371p. figs. 8. 1902.1 Moore, John B. A digest of inter- national law. 8 vols. Washington, 1906. 1906.1 Vol. i, p. 767-875, deals with the north- western fisheries. This is the most thorough discussion of the fishery question, having a full discussion, copious quotations, and numerous references. Moore, M. A. Fish mortality in the gulf of Mexico near Florida. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 8, 238-240. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 4, 125-126. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 22, art. 2. 1881.1 Moore, P. Report on mackerel in- vestigation in 1897. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 23, 1-22. 1899.1 Moore, Thomas J. Occurrence of the red bank-fish (Cepola rubescens Linn.) in Dundrum bay and in the river Mer- sey. Liverpool Nat. Journ., 1866, 25. 1866.1 - The Lepidosiren [Protopterus] annectens, or mudfish of the river Gam- bia. Liverpool Nat. Journ., 1867, 132- 133. 1867.1 Summary of the fishes of the Argo expedition. Proc. Lit. Phil. Soc., Liverpool, 1877, no. 31, 61. 1877.1 Moquin-Tandon, Christian Horace Benedict Alfred [= Fredol, Alfred, pseudon.} [1804-1863] Elements de zpologie medicale contenant la descrip- tion detaillee des animaux utiles a la medicine et des especes nuisibles a Thomme, particulierement des veni- meuses et des parasites, etc. Paris, 1860. 428 p. 122 figs. 1860.1 Poissons, p. 36-39, 43, 47, 144, 160, 185, 218- Le monde de la mer, etc. Paris, 1865. 632 p. 21 pis. 8. 1865.1 The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1866. 693 p. 35 pis. 1866.1 Le hareng, p. 447-456. Moquin-Tandon, Gaston [1845 ] Sur les feuillets du blastoderme chez les poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1875, 12, 23-25. 1875.1 Moquin-Tandon, Gaston, & Spu- beiran, J. L. Etablissements de pisci- culture de Concarneau et de Port-de- Bouc. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1865, 2. s6r. 2, 533-545. figs. 1865.1 Mordant, John. The complete stew- ard, in dictionary form. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1761. 1761.1 Treats of fish and fish-ponds. Mordecai, E. R. Wound inflicted by a sting-ray; mortification; amputa- tion; result. New Orleans Med. News Hosp. Gaz., 1860-61, 7, 679-. 1860.1 Food of the shad of the Atlantic coast of the United States (Alosa prcesta- bilis De Kay) and the functions of the pyloric cceca. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 277-282. 1882.1 More, A. G. Freshwater fishes (In Venables, E. The Isle of Wight, A guide with a synopsis of its topography . . . geology, zoology and botany, etc. London, 1860. xvi, 526 p. 8) 1860.1 On the occurrence of brown trout \8almo fario] in salt water. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41. meet., 1871, 133. 1871.1 Montagu's blenny (Blennius ga- lerita Linn.) in Ireland. Zoologist, 1878, 3. ser. 2, 297. 1878.1 - Spinous shark [Echinorhinus spi- nosus Blainv.i on the coast of Dublin. Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 434. 1882.1 Moreau, Emile [1823-1896] Note sur la region cranienne de 1' Amphioxus, pour faire suite aux observations sur la structure de la corde dorsale du poisson nomme Amphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1189- 1191. 1870.1 Observations sur la structure de la corde dorsale du poisson nomme" Amphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1006-1008. 1870.2 Sur 1'oeil du germon (Thynnus germo] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 75, 1636-1638. 1872.1 Poissons de France. Notes sur quelques especes nouvelles des cotes de Poc6an (Solea melanochira, Umbrina lafonti] Rev. Mag. Zool., 1874, 2, 115- 119. 1874.1 Recherches sur la structure de la corde dorsale de 1' Amphioxus. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1875, 2. ser. 39, 154 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MOR Moreau, E, 312-331. pi. Also separate; Bruxelles, 1875. 22 p. pi. 8. Abstracts in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 239-240. Bull. Acad. Roy. Belgique, 1875, 2. ser. 39, 251-257. 1875.1 - Histoire naturelle des poissons de la France. 3 vols. Paris, 1881. 8. 1881.1 - Note sur le squale d'enfer (Squalus infernus Blainville) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1891, 16, 47-49. 1891.1 - Supplement a 1'histoire naturelle des poissons de la France. Paris, 1891. 144 p. illust. 8. 1891.2 - Le syngnathe a nageoire pecto- rale courte (Syngnathus microchirus, n. sp.) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1891, 16, 187-190. 1891.3 Manuel d'ichthyologie francaise. Paris, 1892. viii, 650 p. 3 pis. 8 6 . 1892.1 - Les poissons du departement de 1'Yonne. Bull. Soc. Sci. Yonne, 1898, 51, pt. 2, 143-227. Ibid., 52, pt. 2, 3-82. 1898.1 Moreau, Francois Armand. Experi- ences sur les nerfs du sentiment et du mpuvement, et sur le nerf pneumogas- trique des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1859, 1, 107-108. 1859.1 Action du curare sur la torpille electrique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1860, 51, 573-575. 1860.1 - Experiences sur la torpille. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1860, 4. ser. 14, 122- 126. L'Institut, 1860, 28, 82; 366- 367; 404-405. 1860.2 i. Note sur les conditions physiologiques necessaires a la production de la dScharge Electrique par la torpille. ii. De 1'action du curare sur la torpille. Recherches anatomiques et phy- siologiques sur les nerfs de sentiment et de mouvement chez les poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1860, 4. ser. 13, 380-382. 1860.3 Sur 1'origine de 1'electricite dans 1'appareil de la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1859 (1860), 3. ser. 1, 231-232. 1860.4 Distinction anatomique des nerfs du sentiment et du mouvement chez les poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc.. Biol. Paris 1860 (1861), 3. ser. 2, 159-160. 1861.1 - L'electricite de la decharge de la torpilJe recueiJlie et conservee dans un appareil de physique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1861, 53, 512-515. 1861.2 Experiences expliquant le phe- nomene electrique de la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1860 (1861), 3. ser. 2, 156-158. 1861.3 - Recherches sur la nature de ]a source electrique de la torpille, et maniere de recueillir Telectricite pro- duite par ]' animal. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1862, 4. ser. 18, 5-30. pi. 1862.1 - Sur les gaz de la vessie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1862, 4, 190-191. 1862.2 - Reponse a M. Matteucci, a propos de son travail sur la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1862 (1863), 3. ser. 4, 55-56. 1863.1 - Sur la fonction electrique de la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1862 (1863), 3. ser. 4, 87-92. 1863.2 - Experiences pour servir a 1'his- toire physiologique de la vessie nata- toire des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 56, 629. 1863.3 - Sur Tair de la vessie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 57, 37-39; 816-820. Rev. Mag. Zool., 15, 413-414. 1863.4 On the air of the swimming- bladder of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 13, 262-264. 1864.1 Sur la voix des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 59, 436-437. 1864.2 - Variation des proportions d'oxy- gene dans la vessie natatoire des pois- sons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 58, 219. 1864.3 - De 1'influence de la section du grand nerf sympathique sur la compo- sition de Fair de la vessie natatoire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1865, 60, 405- 408. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 2, 21-24. 1865.1 - Les poissons electriques. Rev. Cours Scient. France Etranger, 1865- 66, 3. anne^e, 722-727. 1865.2 Memoire sur la vessie natatoire, au point de vue de la station et de la locomotion du poisson. C. R. Acad. MOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 155 Sri. Paris, 1874, 78, 541-544; 737-740. //><:,/., 79, 1295-1299; 1517-1518. 3 figs. 1874.1 - Sur le rapport qui existe entre la composition chimique de 1'air de la vessic natatoire et la profondeur a lanuolle sont pris les poissons. C. R. \ca.l. Sci. Paris, 1874, 79, 1134-1136. 1874.2 Ueber die Schwimmblase und die Yolumveranderungen der Fische. U>-;tract in Xaturforscher (Sklarek), L874, 7. .lahrg., 215. 1874.3 Canal de surete des poissons. Seances Soc. Phys., Paris, 1875, 90-91. 1875.1 - Conditions physiologiques de la vessie natatoire. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1874 (1875), 6. ser. 1, 88-90; 119-120; 376-377. 1875.2 - Fonction hydrostatique de la v>ssie natatoire. C. R. Assoc. Franc. A vane. Sci., 4. sess., 1875, 77-85.- Rev. Sclent., 9, 217-220. 1875.3 - Sur la vessie natatoire au point de vue de la station et de la locomotion. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 10-13. 1875.4 - La vessie* natatoire considered comme appareil hydrostatique. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1875, 2. ser. 1, 376-377. Seances Soc. Phys. Paris, 1875, 19-22. Journ. Phys., 4, 305- 307. 1875.5 - Sur la vessie natatoire du Caranx trachui-Hx, et sur la fonction hydrosta- tique de cet organe. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1875, 80, 1247-1250. 1875.6 - Canal de surete de la vessie natatoire chez le sinchard (Caranx tra- churus) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1875 (1876), 6. ser. 2, 223-225. 1876.1 statico. Abstract in Nuov. Cimento, 1876, 16, 65-66. 1876.5 - Fait relatif a la fonction hydro- statique de la vessie natatoire. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1879, 2. s6r. 4, 228-229. 1879.1 Moreau de Jonnes, Alexandre [1778- 1870] Sur les poissons toxicoferes des Indes occidentales. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1819, 136. Journ. M6d., 11, 356-389. 1819.1 - Recherches sur les poissons toxicophores des Indes orientales. Paris, 1821. 8. 1821.1 Morel-Fredel, La piscicul- ture dans la Haute-Savoie et le Faucigny. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1899, 11, 73-77. 1899.1 Morelli, N. Resti organic! rinvenuti nella caverna delle Arene Candide. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat. Geneva, 1891, 2, 171-205. 1891.1 Pesci, p. 175-J78. Morena, T. Le formazione eoceniche e mioceniche fiancheggianti il gruppo del Catria nell' Appennino centrale. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1899, 18. anno, 471-483. 2 figs. 1899.1 Moretti, S. La pesca, la pescicoltura e la caccia nella provincia di Venezia. Venezia, 1887. 8. 1887.1 Morey, C. R. The origin of the fish- symbol. Princeton Theolog. Rev., Princeton, 1910, 8, 93-106; 231-246; 401-132. Ibid., 1911, 9, 268-289. Ibid., 1912, 10, 278-298. 1910.1 Morey, Frank. A guide to the natural history of the isle of Wight, etc. Newport & London, 1909. xx, 560 p. 26 pis. illust. 8. 1909.1 Experiences et considerations Fishes, by P. Wadham. sur 1' influence de la pression sur la vie et les fonctions des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1875 (1876), 6. ser. 2, 125. 1876.2 - Recherches experimentales sur les fonctions de la vessie natatoire. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1876, 5. ser. 4, a*rt. 8. 1876.3 - Sur la vessie natatoire de Caranx. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris 1875 (1876), 6. ser. 2, 180. 1876.4 La vesica natatoria del pesci considerata come apparecchio idro- Morgan, Conway Lloyd [1852] Animal biology. An elementary text- book. London, 1887. xxii,370p. illust. 188 / .1 Morgan, Conway Lloyd, & Char- bonnier, H. J. See Charbonnier & Morgan. Morgan, Conway Lloyd, & Heath, A.J. See Heath & Morgan. Morgan, Irby. Directions for trans- porting living fish fry. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 398. 18/8.1 156 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MOR Morgan, Jacques de. Mission scienti- fique Perse. 3 vols. Paris, 1904. 1904.1 Poissons fossiles, par F. Priem, vol. iii, pt. 4. Note sur la geologic de la Perse et sur les travaux paleontologiques de M. H. Douville sur cette region. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1905, 4. ser. 5, 170- 189. 2 figs. 1905.1 Contains some notice of fossil fishes. Delegation en Perse. Annales d'histoire naturelle. Tome I. Paleon- tologie. 79 p. 9 pis. & map. Paris, 1908. 4. 1908.1 Poissons fossiles de Perse, par F. Priem, 1-23. Morgan, John Pierpont [1837-1913] Catalogue of manuscripts and early printed books from the libraries of Wil- liam Morris, Richard Bennett, Bertram, fourth Earl of Ashburnham, and other sources, now forming a portion of the library of J. Pierpont Morgan. Manu- scripts. London, 1906. xix, 210 p. 20 col. pis. . 1906.1 The descriptions of the MSS. are by Dr. M. R. James. No. 107. Bestiary of late xii century (circa 1170) of 120 folios, given by Philip, Canon of Lincoln, in 1187 to the Augustinian priory of Radford, now Worksop. The section entitled "De naturis piscium," folio 68 b, is illustrated by a figure of two men in a ship, and a flying fish, the " serra," is represented in the air above. No. 108. Of the government of health. A treatise in French in four parts on health and diet, dating from about the middle of the xv century. Among the finely drawn illustrations is one (fol. 132) showing fish in a stream. Morgan, Thomas Hunt [18661 Experimental studies on the tele- ost eggs. Preliminary communication. Anat. Anz., 1893, 8, 803-814. 1893.1 The formation of the fish em- bryo. Journ. Morphol., 1895, 10, 419- 472. 3 pis. 1895.1 The number of cells in larvae from isolated blastomeres of Amphioxus. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1896, 3, 269-294. pi. 1896.1 Regeneration in teleosts. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1900, 10, 120-134. 14 figs. 1900.1 Regeneration. New York & London, 1901. xii, 316 p. illust. 8 (Columbia University biological series, vii) 1901.1 Further experiments on the re- generation of the tail of fishes. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1902, 14, 539-561 . figs. 1902.1 Experimental zoology. New York, 1907. xii, 454 p. illust. 1907.1 Experiments on teleosts, salmon, shad, trout, pike, etc. A critique of the theory of evo- lution. Princeton, 1916. x, 197 p. illust. 8. 1916.1 The evidence from embryology, p. 14-23. Young teleosts are figured. Morgan, Thomas Hunt, & Hazen, Anna Putnam. The gastrulation of Amphioxus. Journ. Morphol., 1900, 16, 569-600. 2 pis. & 29 figs. 1900.1 Morganti, G. Sopra lo sviluppo dei cyprini dopb essere usciti dall' uovo e norme sulla fecondazione artificiale dei pesci. Pavia, 1854. 1854.1 Morgenroth, E., & Hermann, See Hermann & Morgenroth. Morgenstern, M . Die Grenzfaser- schicht; ein Beitrag zur Histologie des Zahnbeins. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. AUh.), 1909, 331-338. 2 pis. 1909.1 Morgera, Arturo. Ricerche sulla glandola ed il canale di Leydig nei maschi di Scyllium. Arch. Zool. Napoli, 1909, 4, 179-193. pi. 1909.1 Sulla glandola digital e degli Scyllium. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1910 , 23, 51-52. 1910.1 A proposito della funzione della glandola digitale degli Scyllium e di quella dell' appendice vermiforme dei mammiferi. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli 1913 (1914), 26, 99-100. 1914.1 Morin, B. Examen chimique de Teperlan [Salmo eperlanus Linn.] Journ. Pharm., 1822, 8, 61-65. 1822.1 Analyse des ceufs de la truite commune des rivieres (Salmo fario Linn.) et ceux de la carpe (Cyprinus carpio Linn.) Journ. Pharm., 1823, 9, 203-208. 1823.1 Recherches chimiques sur le sang de poisson. Journ. Chimie Med., 1829, 5, 457-465. Recueil Soc. Agric. Eure, 1, 108-109. Trav. Acad. Rouen, 1829, 35-44. 1829.1 Morin- Jean, Le dessin des ani- maux en Grece, d'apres les vases peints [avec un preface d'Edmond Pettier] Paris, 1911. 262 p. iUust. 8. 1911.1 Among the illustrations are a number of an- cient Greek vase-paintings showing fishes. Some of these are reproduced by A. Emerson in his notice of this work, found in Sci. American Suppl., 1914, 77, 154-158. MOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 157 Moroff, Theodor. Chilodon cyprini, nov. spec. Zool. Anz., 1902, 27, 86. 1902.1 - Ueber die Entwicklung der Kiemen bei Knochenfischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1902, 60, 428-459. 2 pis. 1902.2 - Ueber die Entwicklung der Kiemen bei Fischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1904,64,189-213. 2 pis. 1904.1 Merrill, Albro D. The pectoral ap- pendages of Prionotus and their inner- vation. Journ. Morphol., 1895, 11, 177- 191. pi. & figs. 1895.1 - The innervation of the auditory epithelium of Mustelus canis. Journ. Morphol., 1896, 14, 61-82. 2 pis. 1896.1 Morrill (Junior}, C. V. Regeneration of certain structures in Fundulus hetero- clitus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1906, 12, 11-20. 1906.1 Morris, C. W. The mesh of herring nets; should it be fixed by law for herring nets? if so, of what size? or should fishermen be at liberty to use any kind of mesh they please? (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 180-185. Edinburgh & London, 1883. 8) 1883.1 Morris, Charles. On the air-bladder of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1885 (1886), 124-135. 1886.1 - The origin of lungs, a chapter in evolution. Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 975-986. 1892.1 Morris, Daniel. Destruction of mos- quitos by small fish [Girardinus pceci- loides] in the West Indies. 1. Congr. Intern. Entom., 1911, Mem. 1, 171-172. 1911.1 Morris, Earl Leonard, & Starks, Edwin Chapin. See Starks & Morris. Morris, Ethel Remfrey, & Raff, Janet. Notes on the structure of Asymmetron bassanum Glinther. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1909, n. s. 22, 85-90. 3 pis. % 1909.1 Morris, Francis Orpen [1810-1893] Anecdotes in natural history (zoology) London, 1860. 8. 1860.1 Morris, John [1810-1886] A cata- logue of British fossils. London, 1843. x, 222 p. 8. 1843.1 The same. 2. ed. London, 1854. vii, 372 p. 8. - Remains of fishes, etc. (In Prestwich, Joseph. On the structure of the strata between the London clay and the Chalk in the London and Hampshire Tertiary systems) Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1853, 10, 156-157. pi. 1853.1 - Gems from private collections, no. 2. On the genus ^Echmodus from the Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. Geol. Mag., 1869, 6, 337-341. pi. 1869.1 Ueber die Fischgattung modus [Dapedius] aus dem Lias von Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1870, 1036. 1870.1 Morris, John, & Roberts, George E. On the Carboniferous limestone of Oreton and Farlow, Clee Hills, Shrop- shire. With a description of a new Pterichthys, by Sir Philip G. Egerton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1862, 18, 94-106. pi. 1862.1 Table showing the geographical range of the fishes of the Mountain Limestone, p. 99-102. - List of fossil fish-remains from the Mountain Limestone of Oreton. Proc. Warwickshire Nat. Arch. Field Club, 1864, 35-36. 1864.1 Morris, J. Cheston. Remarks on the fishes brought from Panama. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1857, 9, 178. 1857.1 Records the following species not previously known to exist in the Pacific: Exoccetus acutus, Pristipoma rodo and Ephippus faber. - [Description of Pomolis guttatus, n. sp.] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1859 (1860), 3. 1860.1 Morris, Margaret. The behavior of the chromatin in hybrids between Fun- dulus and Ctenolabrus. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1914, 16, 501-521. 5 pis. 1914.1 Fundulus 9 X Ctenolabrus <. Close appli- cation of germ-nuclei without fusion. Morris, Peter H. A salmon fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 244. 1879.1 Morris, Robert T. Game-fishes of Connecticut. List of species. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 20. 1876.1 Morrison, Alexander. Communica- tions respecting the natural history of the salmon. Trans. Highland Soc. Scotland, 1803, 2, 388-393. 1803.1 Morrison, W. Notes on the physical aspects and on the food-fishes of the Liao basin, North China. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 1, 263-266. 1898.1 158 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MOR Morrison, W. D. Observations con- nected with the migration of the herring and mackerel. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1829, 7, 317-321. Notizen (Froriep), 1830, 27, 52-54. 1829.1 Morriss, T. W. Spawning of carp in a small basin at Brenham, Texas. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 27. 1883.1 Morrow, R. Notes on the bones of Salmo solar specimens from Labrador. Proc. Trans. Nova Scotian Instit. Nat. Sci., 1880, 5, pt. 2, 162-188; 218-222. 11 pis. 1880.1 Morse, Edward Sylvester [1838 ] Jean Louis Rudolphe Agassiz. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1907, 71, 542-549. 1907.1 Morse, Grant M. Address on work of the state game and fish warden. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1900 (1901), 164- 167. 1901.1 Mortensen, Ole Theodor Jensen. Fortsatte unders0gelser over r0dspcet- teyngelens forekomst i Osters0en i 1894 og 95. Kept. Dan. Biol. Stat. 1894 (1895), 53-64. 1895.1 - Om nogle for fiskerierne ska- delige dyr. Dansk Fiskeriforen, Med- lemsbl., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 291-293; 298- 300; 305-307. 1896.1 Sind die Ostsee-Schollen vom Kattegat her eingewandert? Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1897, 13, 216-218. 1897.1 - Om laksens naturalhistorie samt lidt om fiskearl. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 85-90; 105-113; 125-131; 147- 153. 1900.1 - The Danish expedition to Siam, 1899-1900. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Med- lemsbl., Kjobenhavn, 1901, 11, 134-136. 1901.1 Morthimer, /. H. Sun-fish [Ortha- goriscus] in the voyage from Liverpool to New York. Liverpool Nat. Journ., 1866, 57. 1866.1 Mortillet, Louis Laurent Gabriel de [1821-1898] Origine de la navigation etdelapeche. Paris, 1867. 48 p. illust. 8. 1867.1 Origines de la chasse, de la peche et de Pagriculture. I. Chasse, pechas, domestication. Paris, 1890. 8. 1890.1 Mortimer, J". #. Soles again brought to America. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 107. 1880.1 Mortimer, John, & Clarke, ir. H. See Clarke & Mortimer. Morton, All-port. On' the present stage of the salmon experiment. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1878, 109-114. 1878.1 - Description of a new species of shark. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1893, 211-213. 1893.1 Antennarius mitchellii, sp. nov. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1896, 98. 1896.1 - Lampris. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas- mania 1896 (1897), 99. 1897.1 Morton, C. Diarrhoea as a result of fish-poisoning at Nassau. Statist. Kept. Health Navy, London, 1865, 107-110. 1865.1 Morton, Levi Parsons [1824 ] Fish- eries and fish-culture. Their importance to the industry and wealth of the coun- try. Washington, 1880. 19 p. 8. 1880.1 Speech in the House of Representatives, Feb. 4, 1880. The importance of fish culture. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 45. 1880.2 Morton, Samuel George [1799-1851] Synopsis of the organic remains of the Cretaceous group of the United States, illustrated by 19 plates, to which is added an appendix containing a tabular view of the Tertiary fossils hitherto dis- covered in North America [Washing- ton] 1834. vi, 88 p. 1834.1 Pis. xi, xii contain figures of teeth of sharks. The names of these, given provisionally by L. Agassiz, are found in the " Additional observa- tions." - Notice of the fossil teeth of fishes of the United States, the discovery of the Gault in Alabama, and a proposed division of the American Cretaceous group. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1835, 28, 276-278. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1837, 367. 1835.1 - Description of some new species of organic remains of the Cretaceous group of the United States; with a tabular view of the fossils hitherto dis- covered in this formation. Journ. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad., 1839-42, 8, 207-227. 2 pis. 1842.1 Contains description and figure of Ptychodus mortoni. Moseley, Henry Nottige [1844-1891] On the substance exhibited at the Brit- ish Association, Brighton, by Mr. P. L. MOS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 159 Sd:it(T, and stated to be the ossified notochord of a fish. Nature, 1872, 6, 432. 1872.1 Calcified axis of a pennatulid. - Sharks, sucker-fish and pilot- fish. Scient. Amer., 1879, 12, 375-376. 1879.1 Pelagic life [including fishes] Nature, 1882, 26, 562-564. 1882.1 - The fish-eating Utricularia, or bladderwort. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884,4,261. pi. 1884.1 - Report on the structure of the peculiar organs on the head of Ipnops In Report on the scientific results of the voyage of H. M. S. " Challenger " during the years 1873-76, vol. 22, append. A, p. 269-276. pis. London, 1887) 1887.1 Moser, Fanny. Beitrag zur verglei- chenden Entwicklungsgeschichte der Schwimmblase der Fische. Anat. Anz., 1903, 23, 609-611. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 63, 532-574. 4 pis. 1903.1 - Beschreibung einer Duplicitas anterior der Bachforelle und Bespre- chung der Theorie von Fr. Kopsch liber Bildung des Wachstumszentrums fur Rumpf und Schwanz. Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 33-52; 81-106; 320. 14 figs. 1907.1 Moser, (Capt.) Jefferson Franklin [1848 ] The salmon and salmon fish- eries of Alaska. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 18, 1-178. 62 pis. & 57 figs. 1899.1 - Salmon investigations of the steamer " Albatross" in the summer of 1900. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 175-398. 44 pis. & maps. 1902.1 Moser, (Mrs.) N. From sea to table; with descriptions of all kinds of fish in British waters and numerous recipes, how to cook & serve them [n.p.,c. 1910?] 1910.1 Moses, Henry. The herring on the coast of Newfoundland. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 9296. 1864.1 Mosher, A. A. Notes on fish-culture in Iowa. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 312. 1885.1 - Propagating buffalo-fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 190. 1885.2 Mosher, A.A.,& Perry, W. A. See Perry & Mosher. Mosher, Gideon. The menhaden question. Fall River, Mass., 1882. 1882.1 Notes on the menhaden fisheries, and the problem of the movements and multiplication of menhaden along the American coast with a series of questions and answers. - Do striped bass (Roccus linea- tus) feed on menhaden? Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 410. 1883.1 Mosso, Angela [1846] Applica- zioni del verde metile per conoscere la reazione chimica e la morte delle cellule. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888,4. ser. 4, pt. 1, 419-427. - Arch. Ital. Biol., 10, 29-39. 1888.1 - Azione fisiologica del velenp che si trova nel sangue dei murenidi. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888, 4. ser. 4, pt. 1, 673-685. 1888.2 - Esame critico dei metodi adope- rati per studiare i corpuscoli del sangue. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888, 4. ser. 4, pt. 1, 427-433. - Arch. ltd. Biol., 10, 40-48. 1888.3 - II sangue embrionale di Scyllium catulus. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888, 4. ser. 4, pt. 1, Moser-Ott, Historischer Be- - II sangue nello stato embrionale e la mancanza dei leucociti. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888, 4. ser. 4, pt. 1, 434-442. Arch. Ital. Biol., 10, 48-68. _ Un veleno che si trova nel sangue dei murenidi. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1888, 4. ser. 4 pt. 1, 665- 673. - Arch. Ital. Biol., 10, 14 richt iiber die Fischerei im Kanton Schaffhausen. Intern. Fischerei-Aus- stell. Berlin, 1880 (Schweiz. Kat.), 2.5-29. 1880.1 Statistik der Fischerei und kunstlichen Fischzucht in Schaffhausen fur 1879. Intern. Fischerei- Ausstell. Berlin, 1880 (Schweiz. Kat.), 1-3. 1880.2 _ Ueber verschiedene Resistenz der Blutkorperchen bei verschiedenen Fischarten. Biol. Centralbl., 1891, 10, 570. Veranderung des Blutserums, wenn Seefische aus dem Meerwasser in Sueswasser gebracht warden Fische welche sowohl in Eussen, wie in Salzwas'ser leben konnen, haben sehr resistenten Blutkorperehen. 160 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MOS Mosso, Ugolino. Recherches sur la nature du venin qui se trouve dans le sang de 1'anguille. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1889, 12, 229-236. 1889.1 Ricerche sulla natura del veleno che si trova nel sangue dell' anguilla. Atti Accad. Lincei Roma (Rendic.), 1889, 4. ser. 5, 5. 62. Vers. Deutsch. Naturf. Aerzte, 1890. 1889.2 Mottram, V. H. Fatty acid meta- bolism in the liver. II. The relation of the fatty acids in the food of plaice to those in their livers and myotomes. Journ. Physiol. London, 1912, 45, 363- 369. 1912.1 Moucheron, (Comte) de. Notes pour servir a 1'histoire de la pisciculture en Normandie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1897, 44, 146-152. 1897.1 Mougeot, A. Note relative a cer- tains restes organiques du Muschelkalk dans les departements des Vosges et de la Meurthe, appartenant a des poissons decrits par Agassiz et Hermann de Meyer. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1837, 6, 19. Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Mine- ral., 1837, 98. 1837.1 Mouhot, H. Travels in the central parts of Indo-China, etc. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1864. 8. 1864.1 Vol. ii, Appendix. List of the new species of . . . freshwater fishes, by Albert Giinther. Moulder, E. Sur la phosphorescence naturelle et artificielle des poissons. Journ. Physiol., 1861, 4, 234-242. 1861.1 Moule, H. M. Natural history in the fourteenth century. Rept. Marl- borough College Nat. Hist. Soc., 1868, 38-45. 1868.1 Moule, L. Etudes zoologiques et zootechniques dans la litterature et dans Part. La faune d'Homere. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 22, 183-233. 1909.1 .Poissons, p. 202-205. See also Groshans, G. P. F. Prodromus faunae Homeri et Hesiodi. 2 pts. 1839-43. Moulin, H., & Baumberger, E. See Baumberger & Moulin. Moullin du Coudray, P. R. M. Generation de 1'anguille. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1876, 3. ser. 3. 1876.1 Moulton, L. M. S. Intelligence of carp. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 427. 1880.1 Mourgue, Marcel. Le barbeau me- ridional (Barbus meridionalis Cuvier) Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1901, 34, 12. 1901.1 - Le blennie cagnette \Blennius cagnota Lin.] dans la Garonne. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1901, 34, 10-12. 1901.2 Note sur une variete de l'e"pino- che. Epinoche a deux epines (Gastero- steus biaculeatus Cresp.) Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1901, 34, 29-31. 1901.3 Sur Blennius cagnota dans la Garonne. Feuil. Jeun. Natural., Paris, 1909, 39, 87. 1909.1 Mourgues,L., & Gauthier, Armand. See Gauthier & Mourgues. Mourlon, Michel. Le Bruxellien des environs de Bruxelles. Ann. Soc. Ge*ol. Belgique, 1905, 32, 329-358. 5 figs. 1905.1 Mourrut, -, & Richet, Charles. See Richet & Mourrut. Mowat, John. Movements of sal- mon. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 48. 1880.1 Mowbray, Louis L. Bermuda fishes. Methods employed in their capture and transportation for exhibition. N. Y. Zool. Soc. Bull., 1910, 712-714. 4 figs. 1910.1 Mowbray, Louis L., & Nichols, John Treadwell. See Nichols & Mowbray. Mowitch, Fraser river salmon. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 368; 389; 408. 1880.1 Mowry, Albert H. Suspended ani- mation by freezing. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 5. 1875.1 Experiments in resuscitating frozen perch. Mozeyko, Bronislav. Etudes sur le systeme circulatoire de la lamproie (Petromyzon fluviatilis) [Text in Polish] Sprawozd. Towarz. Naukow., Warszawa, 1910, 52, 279-310. Anat. Anz., 36, 618-643. 4 figs. 1910.1 Ueber die Injektion des Vascu- larsystems von Petromyzon ^ fluviatilis [Text in Polish] Kosmos, Lwow Roczn., 1910, 35, 931-940. Anat. Anz., 36, 618-643. 4 figs. Zeitschr. Wiss. Mikr., 27, 248-256. 1910.2 Die Dohrnschen Sinus bei Pet- romyzon. Kosmos, Lw6w, Roczn., 1911, 1063-1070. 1911.1 Text in Polish with r6sum6 in German. MUE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 161 - Les sinuses dits " de Dohrn " chez les pctromyzones et leurs rapports avec le systeme veineux de la queue [Text in Polish] Sprawozd. Towarz. Xaukow., Warszawa, 1911, 4, 400-401. 1911.2 - Untersuchungen iiber das Ge- fjisssystem von Petromyzon [Text in Polish] Kosmos, Lwow Roczn., 1911, 36, 1063-1072. 1911.3 - 1st das Cyclostomenauge primi- tiv oder degeneriert? Anat. Anz., 1912, 42, 612-620. 4 figs. 1912.1 - Ueber das Geffasssystem von Amphioxus. Anat. Anz., 1912, 42, 477. 1912.2 - Untersuchungen liber das Ge- fasssvstt'iii von Petromyzon fluviatilis. Ueber den Bau und den morphologischen \\ rrt des Vaskularsystems der Petro- myzonten. Anat. Anz., 1912, 40, 506- 513. 1912.3 - Untersuchungen iiber das Ge- fasssystem von Petromyzon fluviatilis. Ueber die Vaskularisation des Schwan- zes. Anat. Anz., 1912, 40, 469-486. 1912.4 - Untersuchungen iiber das Vas- kularsystem der Petromyzonten. Noch- mals iiber die Dohrn'schen Sinuse. Anat. Anz., 1912, 42, 454^57. 1912.5 - Mikrotechnische Mitteilungen. Ueber Karminfutterung des Arnphioxus. Zeitschr. -Wiss. Mikr., 1913, 30, 59-67. 1913.1 - Pisces (Fische) begonnen von Giuseppe Favaro (In Bronn, H. G. Ivlassen und Ordnungen des Tier-Reichs, Bd. vi, Abt. 1, Liefg. 34-38. Leipzig, 1913, 519-582. pi.) 1913.2 - Sur le systeme circulatoire de 1' Amphioxus et sa comparaison avec celui des autres poissons. Commun. 9. Congr. Intern. Zool. Monaco, 1913, 137. 1913.3 - Ueber das Lymphgefasssystem der Fische. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Anat. Anz., 1913, 45, 102-104. 1913.4 - Untersuchungen iiber das Ge- fasssystem der Fische. Ueber das oberflachliche subcutane Gefasssystem von Amphioxus. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Xeapei, 1913, 21, 65-103. pi. & 2 figs. 1913.5 Mozeyko, Bronislav, & Favaro, Giuseppe. See Favaro & Mozeyko. Mrazek, A., & Vejdovsky, /<'. See Vejdovsky & Mrazek. Muckett, N. M. The lamprey as a food fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 30. 1879.1 Mudge, Benjamin Franklin [1817- 1879] Rare forms of fish in Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 1875, 3, J.' Ibid., reprint of 1896, 121-122. 1875.1 Refers to teeth of Campodus and to an un- determined snout fish. Mudge, George P. Male dogfish with an abnormal external genital apparatus. Journ. Anat. Physiol. London, 1899, 34, 3. 1899.1 - Exhibition of and remarks upon a dogfish with abnormal viscera. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, pt. 2, 490. 1905.1 - An abnormal dogfish (Scyllium canicula] Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 278-280. fig. 1906.1 Stomach everted into pharyngeal cavity. Muhlen, Max von zur. See Zur Miihlen, Max von. Muhlens, Peter. Zwei Falle von Verletzung durch einen Hornhecht. Arch. Schiffs-Tropenhyg., Leipzig, 1904, 8, 25-26. 1904.1 Mullauer, Marie. Unsere Fische im Seewasseraquarium. Natur u. Haus, Dresden, 1901, 10, 65-69. 1901.1 Mullegger, S. Direkte Ueber- fiihrung von Stichlingen in Seewasser. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 17, 320-321. 1906.1 - Das Seewasseraquarium, seine Einrichtung und Pflege. I. Teil. Braun- schweig, 1909. 39 p. pi. & 2 figs. 16 (Bibliothek Aquar.-T 19) 'errar. Kunde, Heft 1909.1 - Das Seewasseraquarium, Tiere undPflanzen. II. Teil. Braunschweig, 1910. 43 p. pi. 24 figs. 16 (Biblio- thek Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, Heft 20) 1910.1 - Ueber das Photographieren von Wassertieren, u. s. w. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 252-253; 295. 3 figs. 1912.1 - Flachfische im Aquarium. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 85-87. 9 figs. 1913.1 - Steinpicker, Leierfisch, Seeteu- fel, drei Fische furs Seewasseraquarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 17-20. 4 figs. 1913.2 162 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MUE Mullenhoff, Karl Die Ortsbewe- gung der Tiere. Andreas Realgym. zu Berlin. Wiss. Beilage zu Programm, Ostern, 1885. 1885.1 Muller, - ProLucioesoce. Mitth. Fischereiwesen, Miinchen, 1877, 2. Jahrg., 57-59; 64-65; 72-74. 1877.1 - Ueber Anbau von Schilf, Rohr imd Binsen* zum Schutze der Ufer von Gewassern und zur Vermehrung des Fischbestandes in denselben. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Preussen, 1877, no. 2, 14-18. 1877.2 - Zucht der Sommerlaichfische mit anklebenden Eiern. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 1, 16. Isis (Russ), 1879, 4. Jahrg., 331. 1879.1 Muller, August. Beobachtungen zur vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbel- saule. Arch. Anat., 1853, 260-316. 1853.1 Discusses the homologies of the ribs and inter- muscular bones of fishes, the ear bones of Cyprin- idse, etc. Note sur le developpement des lamproies. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1856, 4. se>. 6, 375-388. 1856.1 - Ueber die Entwickelung der Neunaugen. Arch. Anat., 1856, 323-339. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 18, 298-301. 1856.2 - Ueber den Zustand unserer Fischereien und liber die Mittel zu ihrer Verbesserung. Zeitschr. Acclim. Berlin, 1858, 1, 203-220. 1858.1 Ueber die Befruchtungserschein- ungen im Eie der Neunaugen. Schrift. Phys.-okon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1864, 5. Jahrg., 109-119. 1864.1 - Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Aale. Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Danzig, 1874, n. s. 3, 3. 1874.1 Die kiinstliche Befruchtung des Karpfenrogens. Oesterr.-ungar. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1880, 116. 1880.1 Muller, Carl. Der Fang und die Verarbeitung der Sardinen. Himmel u. Erde, 1909, 21. Jahrg., 546-553. 1909.1 Die Fortpflanzung des Aals. Himmel u. Erde, 1911, 23. Jahrg., 529- 532. 1911.1 Muller, Erik. Studien iiber Neuro- ia. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1899, 65, 11- 2. 3 pis. & fig. 1899.1 Ein Beitrag zur Frage der Zellu- loseverdauung im Darmkanal. Arch. Gesamt. Physiol., 1901, 83. 1901.1 - Die Brustflosse der Selachier. Ein Beitrag zu den Extremitatentheo- rien. Anat. Hefte, 1909, 39, pt. 1, 469- 601. 20 pis. 1909.1 Untersuchungen liber die Mus- keln und Nerven der Brustflosse und die Korperwand bei Acanthias vulga- ris. Anat. Hefte, 1911, 43, 1-147. 26 pis. & 11 figs. 1911.1 - Untersuchungen liber ein fase- riges Stlitzgewebe bei den Embryonen von Acanthias vulgaris. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1912, 40, no. 6, 1-18. 4 pis. 1912.1 - Untersuchungen liber die Ana- tomie und Entwicklung des peripheren Nervensystems bei den Selachiern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1913, 81, 1. Abth., 325-376. 9 pis. 1913.1 Muller, Friedrich W. Ueber die Entwicklung und morphologische Be- deutung der Pseudobranchie und ihrer Umgebung bei Lepidosteus osseus . Arch . Mikr. Anat., 1897, 49, 463-503. 1897.1 Schwimmblase und Lunge. Naturw. Wochenschr., 1911, n. s. 10, 585-588. 1911.1 Ueber die " akzessorischen At- mungsorganederKnochenfische" u. s. w. Naturw. Wochenschr., 1911, n. s. 10, 438-440. 1911.2 Ausfiihrliches Referat der gleichnamigen Arbeit von M. Rauther, 1910. Muller, Fritz. Der Minhocao. Zool. Garten, 1877, 18. Jahrg., 298-302. 1877.1 Muller, G. W. Neue Cypridiniden. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1891, 5. 1891.1 Ueber das Vorkommen des Sternrochens an der Rligenschen Kliste. Mitt. Nat. Ver. Neuvorpommern-Rligen, 1909,40,61. 1909.1 Muller, Heinrich. Ueber den nervo- sen Follikel-Apparat der Zitterrochen und die sogenannten Schleimcanale der Knorpelfische. Verh. Physik-Med. Ges. Wlirzburg, 1852, 2, 134-162. 1852.1 Bewegung der Iris an ausge- schnittenen Fischaugen. Verh. Phys.- Med. Ges. Wlirzburg (Sitzber.), 1860, 10, 1-li. 1860.1 MUE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 168 1 Cher die Eimvirkung der Wannr auf die Pupille des Aals. Wiirz- burg. Xatunv. Zeitschr., 18(51, 2, 133- 139. L861.1 - Bemerkungen fiber die Epi- dermis von Petromyzon. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeitschr., 1864, 6, 43-52. 1864.1 - Ueber die Epidermis von Pe- tromyzon. Wiirzburg. Naturw. Zeit- schr., 1864, 5, 43-53. 1864.2 Muller, J. T. Einleitung in die okonomische und physikalische Biicher- kunde und in die damit yerbundenen \\issenschaften bis auf die neuesten Zeiten. 2 vols. in 3. Leipzig, 1780-84. 8. 1780.1 Muller, (Baron) Johann Wilhelm von [1824-1866] Reisen in den Vereinigten Staaten, Canada und Mexico. 3 vols. Leipzig, 1864-65. pis. figs. 1864.1 List of fishes from Mexico, vol. iii, p. 623-643. Muller, Johann Wilhelm Anton Al- brecht. Ueber das Urogenitalsystem des Amphioxus und der Cyclostomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1875, 9, 94-129. 2 pis. 1875.1 Muller, Johannes [1801-1858] For biographical notices, see Du Bois- Reymond, E. H. Gedachtnissrede auf Johannes Muller. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859. Bischoff, T. L. W. Johannes Muller und sein Verhaltniss zum jetztigen Physiologie. Miinchen, 1858. Nussbaum, M. Johannes Mul- ler, der Begrtinder der neuen Biologic. Naturw. Rundschau, 1897, 12, 267- 271. Hadley, P. B. Johannes Muller. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1908, 72, 513-533. - Ueber den kornigen Ban der Hoden bei mehreren Fischen, insbeson- dere bei Rochen und Haien. Zeitschr. Physiol. (Tiedemann), 1831, 4, 106-112. 1831.1 - Vergleichende Anatomic der Myxinoiden, der Cyclostomen mit durchbohrtem Gaumen. 1834-45. 1834.1 i. Osteologie und Myologie. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1834, 65-340. 9 pis. ii. Ueber den eigenthiimlichen Bau des Gehororganes bei den Cyclostomen, mlt Bemer- kungen iiber die ungleiche Ausbildung der Sinnesorgane bei den Myxinoiden. Ibid., 1837, 15-48. Abstract in Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1836, 31-32. iii. Vergleichende Neurologic der Myxinoiden. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, 171-252. Ab- stract in Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1838, 16-20. iv. Ueber das Gefass-System. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 175-304. Abstract in Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 184-186. v. Unter*uehmi|n iiber die Eingeweide der Fische. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, 109 17(i. 5 pis. - Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung der Herren Eschricht und Muller iiber die Wundernetze an der Leber des Thunfisches. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1835, 325-328. 1835.1 - Ueber die Genesis der Wirbel bei den Fischen. Mitt. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1837, 25-32. 1837.1 - Bemerkungen iiber den Amphi- oxus lanceolatus Yarrell. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 197-200. 1839.1 Ueber die Natur der Neben- kiemen bei den Knochenfischen. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 186-197. 1839.2 - Ueber die Plagiostomen-Gattun- gen; Syrrhina, Trigonoptera. Mitt. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1839. 1839.3 - Untersuchung iiber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 49-52. 1839.4 Galeus lewis Stenonis identified as Mustelus laevis L. - Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Wundernetze zu dem comparativen Theil der vergleichenden Anatomic der Myxinoiden. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1839, 272-287. 1839.5 - Fortsetzung der Untersuchun- gen iiber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles, zunachst iiber den Galeus Icevis Sten. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1840, 171-175. 1840.1 - Sur 1' organisation et les fonc- tions des pseudobranchies et des plexus vasculaires des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1840, 10, 422-423. Rev. Zool., 1840, 88. 1840.2 Ueber die Choroidaldriise im Auge der Fische. Notizen (Froriep), 1840, 13, 279-280. 1840.3 Ueber Nebenkiemen und Wun- dernetze der Myxinoiden. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1840, 101. 1840.4 Fortgesetzte Untersuchungen iiber die Pseudobranchien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1841, 263-277. J. o4 J. . J. Mikroskopische Untersuchun- gen iiber den Bau und die Lebenserschei- nungen des Branchiostoma lubricum Costa, Amphioxus lanceolatus Yarrell. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841, 164 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MUE Muller, J. 396-411. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, 79-116. 1841.2 Nachtrag zu der Abhandlung iiber die Nebenkiemen. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1841, 86-98. 1841.3 Ueber Lungen und Schwimm- blasen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1841, 223-228. 1841.4 - Beobachtung iiber die Ge- schlechtsorgane der Plagiostomen, mit Anwendung auf eine Stelle in Aristo- teles' Naturgeschichte. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1842, 414-417. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, 174-177. 1842.1 - Beobachtungen iiber die Schwimmblase der Fische, mit Bezug auf einige neue Fischgattungen. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1842, 177-186; 202- 210. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1842, 307-329. 1842.2 Ueber den glatten Hai des Aristoteles und iiber die Verschieden- heiten unter den Haifischen und Rochen in der Entwickelung des Eies. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1840 (1842), 187- 258. Also separate; Berlin, 1842. 73 p. 6 pis. 4. 1842.3 - Ueber parasitische Bildungen. I. Ueber eine eigenthiimliche Krankheit der Schwimmblase beim Dorsch, Gadus callarias. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1842, 193-198. 1842.4 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der naturlichen Familien der Fische. Arch. Naturgesch., 1843, 9. Jahrg., pt. 1, 292- 330; 381-384. 1843.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der naturlichen Familien der Knochenfische. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, 211-218. 1843.2 Untersuchum ;en iiber die Ein- Ichluss der verglei- der Myxinoiden. geweide der Fische; chenden Anatomie Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1843, 109-170. 1843.3 Bemerkungen iiber die Cyprino- donten. Monatsber. Verh. Ges. Erd- kunde Berlin, 1844, 35-36. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, 35-37. 1844.1 Ueber den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden und iiber das natiirliche System der Fische. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, 117-216. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, 416-422. Arch. Naturgesch., 1845, 11. Jahrg., 1, 91-142. 76id.,fl846, 12. Jahrg., 1, 190. Ann.Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 3. ser. 4, 5-53. Scient. Mem. (Taylor), 4, 499-542. Atti Scienz. Ital., 1845, 686-713. 1844.2 "Especially important is Mailer's classical work, ' Ueber den Bau und die Grenzen der Ganoiden.' In this he showed some of the real fundamental characters of that group of archaic fishes, and took from it the most heterogeneous of the elements left in it by Agassiz. To Muller we also owe the first proper definition of the Leptocardii and the Cyclostomata, and, in as- sociation with Dr. J. Henle, Muller has given us one of the best general accounts of the sharks (' Systematische Beschriebungen der Plagio- stomen ') " Dean, B. History of ichthyology, in Jordan's Guide to the study of fishes, vol. i, p. 405. 1905. - Nachtrag zur Abhandlung: " Ueber den Bau der Ganoiden." Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1845, 33-35. Ibid., 1846, 67-85. Arch. Naturgesch., 12. Jahrg., 190-208. Scient. Mem. (Tay- lor), 4, 543-558. 1845.1 Physiologische Bemerkungen iiber die Statik der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1845, 456-464.- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 18, 69. 1845.2 Ueber die Wimperbewegung in den Harnkanalchen der Rochen und den Kiemen der Ascidien. Anmerkung zu Kolliker: " Ueber Flimmerbewegungen in den Primordialnieren." Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1845, 520. 1845.3 - Ueber Eigenthiimlichkeiten in dem Baue des Herzens gewisser Fische. Gelehrte Anz. Miinchen, 1845, 20, 193- 195. Bull. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, 1845, 33-35. 1845.4 Fernere Bemerkungen iiber den Bau der Ganoiden. Arch. Naturgesch., 1846, 12. Jahrg., 1, 190-208. 1846.1 - On the structure of the ganoids. Scient. Mem., 1846, 4, 499-558. 1846.2 - Fossile Fische (In Reise in den aussersten Norden und Osten Sibiriens wahrend der Jahre 1843-1844, herausge- feben von A. Th. v. Middendorff, vol. i, 59-274. pi. St. Petersburg, 184,7) 1847.1 Ergebniss einer Revision einer Reihe fossiler Fischgattungen. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges. Berlin, 1850, 2, 65. 1850.1 Ueber zahlreiche Porencanale in der Eicapsel der Fische. Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1854, 164-168. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1854, 186-190. 1854.1 MUE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 165 - Ueber die Fische, welche Tone von sich geben und die Entstehung dieser Tone. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1857, 249-279. 1857.1 Review by J. van der Hoeven in Album der Natuur (Wetensch. bijblad), 1857, 75-76. Gesammelte und hinterlassene Schriften. Leipzig, 1872. 1872.1 Muller, Johannes, & Agassiz, Louis. Notice sur les vertebres des squales vivans et fossiles. Neuchatel, 1843. 4. 1843.1 Muller, Johannes, & Ermann, Adolf Georg. See Ermann & Muller. Muller, Johannes, & Eschricht, D. F. Ueber die arteriosen und venosen Wimdernetze an der Leber, und einen merkwiirdigen Bau dieses Organes beim Thunfische. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1835, 1-32. 1835.1 Muller, Johannes, & Henle, Friedrich Gustav Jakob. Gattungen der Haifische und Rochen, nach ihrer Arbeit: " Ueber die Naturgeschichte der Knorpelfische." Ber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1837, 111-118. 1837.1 - Ueber die Gattungen der Pla- giostomen. Arch. Naturgesch., 1837, 3. Jahrg., 394-401; 434. Ibid., 1838, 4. Jahrg., 83-85. 1837.2 - On the generic characters of cartilaginous fishes, with descriptions of new genera. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2, 33-37; 88-91. Arch. Anat. (Mul- ler), 1842, 414-417. 1838.1 - Sur 1'histoire naturelle des pois- sons cartilagineux. L'Institut, 1838, 6, 66. 1838.2 - Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Berlin, 1838-41. xxii, 200 p. 60 pis. fol. 1841.1 Portions of this work were printed in 1838 and 1839, according to dates on paper wrappers. This still remains a classical work on recent elasmobranchs. No more extensive treatise on sharks, rays and skates has appeared until the publication of S. Carman's memoir on the Plagiostomia in 1913. Miiller, Johannes, & Troschel, Franz Hermann. Synopsis generum e\ speci- erum familise Characinorum. Arch. Na- turgesch., 1844, 10. Jahrg., 1, 81-98. 1844.1 - Horse ichthyologicse. Beschrei- bung und Abbildung neuer Fische; die Familie Characinen. 3 pts. in 2 vols. Berlin, 1845. 16 pis. 1845.1 - Reiscn in British-Guiana in den Jahren 1840-1844 (Im Auftrag Sr. Majestat des Konigs von Preussen ausge- fiihrt yon Richard Schomburgk. Ver- such einer Fauna und Flora von Brit ish- Guiana [Fischei vol. iii, p. 618-644 [Berlin] 1848. 1848.1 Muller, Johannes (librarian) Die wissenschaftlichen Vereine und Gesell- schaften Deutschlands im neunzehnten Jahrhundert. Bibliographic ihrer Ver- offentlichungen seit ihrer Begriindung -bis auf die Gegenwart. Berlin, 1883-87. xxi, 878 p. 4. 1883.1 Muller, Karl. Der Hering. Natur, 1860, 9, 233-236; 241-244; 249-251; 269-272. 1860.1 - Die fliegenden Fische. Natur, 1873, 22, 129-132. 1873.1 - Die Fischerei des russischen Nordens. Natur, 1874, 23, 259-262; 270-272. 1874.1 Muller, Otto Frederik. Zoologiae Danicac prodromus, seu animalium Dania? et Norvegise indigenarum charac- teres, nomina, et synonyma imprimis popularium. Havniae, 1776. xxxii, 282 p. 8. 1776.1 Contains a list of fishes from Denmark. Zoologia Danica, seu animalium Danise et Norvegiae rariorum ac minus notorum (icones) descriptions et histo- ria. 4 vols. Havniae, 1788-1806. 40 pis. fol. 1788.1 Muller, Philip Ludwig Statins [1725- 1776] Des Ritters Carl von Linn6 vollstandiges Natursystem nach der 12ten Ausgabe, und nach Anleitung Houttynischen Werkes, mit einer aus- fiihrlichen Erklarung ausgef ertigt, 6 vols. Niirnberg, 1773-76. 8. 1773.1 Muller, Salomon, & Schlegel, Her- mann. Beschrijving van een' nieuwen zoetwater-visch van Borneo, Osteoglos- sum formosum. Verh. Natuur. Ges. Leiden, 1839-44, 2, 1-8. pi. 1839.1 Muller, T. Die Ziichtung der Chon- drostoma nasus. Circul. Deutsch. Fi- scherei Ver., 1879, no. 4, 137. Isis (Russ), 1879, 4. Jahrg., 330-331. 18/9.1 Etwas iiber die Aufzucht von Forellen. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 397-398. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 170. 1 ssi ). 1 166 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MUE M tiller, Wilhelm. Ueber die hypo- branchialrinne der Tunikaten und deren Vorhandensein bei Amphioxus und den Cyclostomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1873, 7, 327-332. 1873.1 Ueber die Persistenz der Urniere bei Myxine glutinosa. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1873, 7, 321-326. 1873.2 Das uro-genital System des Amphioxus und der Cyclostomen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1875, 9, 94-129. 1875.1 - Ueber die Stammesentwicklung des Sehorgans der Wirbelthiere (In Braune, C. W. Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologic als Festgab Carl Lud- wig, etc. 2. Heft. Leipzig, 1875) 1875.2 Ueber die Entwickelung und morphologische Bedeutung der Pseu- dobranchie und ihrer Umgebung bei Lepidosteus osseus. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1897, 49, 463-502. 2 pis. 1897.1 Miinch, Zur Bewertung des Planktons. Fischerei Zeitg. Neudamm, 1911, 14, 126. 1911.1 Angaben iiber ein Exemplar von Abramis brama mit zugewachsener Mundspalte, des- gleichen iiber einen dreisommrigen Cyprinus carpio mit fast verwachsener Mundoffnung. Munster, Georg (Graf zu) [1776-1844] Ausgezeichnete fossile Fischzahne aus dem Muschelkalk bei Bayreuth. Leip- ' zig [?] 1830. pi. 1830.1 Intorno alcune scoperte geolo- giche [pesci nella Creta inf eriore fosca di Munster] Ann. Storia Nat., 1830, 3, 354-355. 1830.2 Sur quelques dents remarqua- bles de poissons dans le Muschelkalk de Bayreuth. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1831, 1, 172. 1831.1 - Fossile Fische, Sepien, Krebse, Monotis salinaria, Saurier, Algauten von Oeningen, etc. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., ' 1834, 42-43. 1834.1 - Knochenhohle bei Rabenstein, Nathosaurus im Muschelkalk, Fische (Saurichthys und Hai) im Muschelkalk, Undina, Caturus, etc., von Kehlheim. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1834, 538-542. 1834.2 - Mittleres Juragebilde und des- seri Versteinerungen bei Hildesheim; Fische in Muschelkalk und Kreide, etc. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1835, 330-334. 1835.1 - Capitosaurus in Keupersand- stein; Gyrodus multidens in Jurakalk; achte Belonostomus-Art; Lebias und Cyprinus in Braunkohle im Fichtel- gebirge, etc. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1836, 580-583. 1836.1 - Ueber einige merkwlirdige Fi- sche aus dem Kupferschiefer und dem Muschelkalk. Beitrage zur Petrefacten- Kunde, 1839, 1. Heft, 114-121. figs. 1839.1 Gyrodus gracilis aus den Jura- Kalkschiefern von Kelheim. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1841, 3. Heft, 128-129. fig. 1841.1 - Ueber eine neue Art Myriacan- thus Ag. im oberen Jura-Kalk. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1841, 3. Heft, 127-128. fig. 1841.2 - Ueber einige Placoiden im Kup- ferschiefer zu Richelsdorf . Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1841, 3. Heft, 122- 126. 1841.3 - Beschreibung einiger fossilen Fischzahne aus dem Tertiar-Becken von Wien. Beitrage zur Petrefacten- Kunde, 1842, 5. Heft, 65-69. 1842.1 - Beschreibung einiger neuen Fische aus den lithographischen Schie- fern von Bayern. Beitrage zur Petre- facten-Kunde, 1842, 5. Heft, 55-64. figs. 1842.2 Species are described of the following genera: Scrobodus, Coelacanthus, JSthalion, Thaumas. - Beschreibung einiger neuen Fische aus der Jura-Formation von Bayern und Wiirttemberg. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1843, 6. Heft, 53-56. figs. 1843.1 New species of Thaumas and Notidanus are described. Nachtrag zu der Beschreibung einiger merkwiirdigen Fische aus den Kupferschiefern im 5. Heft. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1843, 6. Heft, 47-52. figs. 1843.2 - Ueber die im Korallenkalk des Lindner Berges bei Hannover vorkom- menden Ueberreste von Fischen, mit Beschreibung und Abbildung einiger neuen Arten. Beitrage zur Petrefacten- Kunde, 1846, 7. Heft, 36-50. 1846.1 - Ueber einen in den tertiaren Ablagerungen der Gegend von Mag- deburg gefundenen neuen Fischzahn. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1846, 7. Heft, 34-35. 1846.2 MUN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 167 - Ueber einige fossile Stachel- schuppen der Gattung Raja. Beitrage zur Petrefacten-Kunde, 1846, 7. Heft, 32-33. fig. 1846.3 Milliter, Johann Andreas Heinrich August Julius. Ueber den Haring der Pommerschen Kiisten und die an den- selben sich anschliessenden Industrie- /wcige. Arch. Naturgesch, 1863, 29. Jahrg., 1, 281-360. fig. 1863.1 - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Fauna der siissen und salzigen Gewasser Neuvorpommerns, Riigens und Hinter- pommerns (Stralsunder und Stettiner Regierungsbezirk), vom national-okono- mischen Standpunkte aus beleuchtet. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 1, 10-18. 1871.1 - Synoptisches Verzeichniss der unbedeutenderen und als Nahrungsmit- tel gebrauchsfahigen Fische des Strals- under und Stettiner Regierungs-Be- zirks. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 1, 18-19. 1871.2 - Ueber die Geschlechtsverhalt- nisse der Aale. Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Xeu-Vorpommern, Riigen, 1873-74, 5- 6. Jahrg., 9. 1873.1 - Ueber zwei an den Stranden Riigens vorgekommene Schwertfische (Xiphias gladius L.) Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern, Riigen, 1876, 8. Jahrg., 39-^4. 1876.1 - Ueber einen bei Clupea harengus L. vorgekommenen Fall von Herma- phroditismus. Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Neu-Vorpommern, Riigen, 1877, 9. Jahrg., 108-177. fig. 1877.1 Muhl, Karl. Mesonauta insignis Gthr. (Acara festica Stdr.) und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 890-893. fig. 1913.1 Muirhead, G. On the effect of temperature on the taking of salmon with rod and fly in the river Spey at Gordon Castle in the autumns of 1898, 1899, 1900, 1901. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1903, pt. 3, 683-686. 4 pis. 1903.1 Mulder, E. Natuurlijk en kunst- matig phosphoresceren van visschen. Scheik. Verh. (Mulder), 1859, 2, 360- 370. Notizen (Froriep), 1861, 1, 353- 360. Nederl. Gasth. Ooglijd Versl. (Bonders), 2, 398^07. 1859.1 - Note sur la phosphorescence naturelle et artificielle des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 1861, 4. s6r. 16, 367. Journ. Physiol., 1861, 4, 234- 241. 1861.1 Mulder, Gerhard Johann. Ueber Leberthran. Rept. Pharm., 1849, 3, 231-234. 1849.1 Mulder, J. F. Catalogue of fossils from Birregurra. Geelong Natural., 1896, 5, no. 3, 13-17. 1896.1 Some fossil fishes enumerated. Mulertt, Hugo. Der Goldfisch und seiner Zucht. Stettin, 1892. illust. 8. 1892.1 Tlje goldfish and its systematic culture. New York, 1902. illust. 1902.1 [Mullen, W. i Rambles after sport, or travels and adventures in the Americas and at home. By "Oliver North" [pseudon.] London, 1874. 8. 1874.1 Articles reprinted from the Field; including " Two days' fishing in Chile," p. 209-222. Muller, W. C., & Rouffaer, G. P. See Rouffaer & Muller. Mulon, P. Reaction de vulpian au niveau des corps surrenaux des plagio- stomes. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1903, 66, 1156. 1903.1 Sur la corticale surre'nale des teleosteens (Premiere note) C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1914, 75, 702-705. 1914.1 Histologie. Dissociations a l'6tat frais. Mulsow, K. Karpfenerkrankungen im Friihjahr 1911. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, n. s. 26, 244-246. 1911.1 - Ein neuer Gehirnparasit des Karpfens [Lentospora encephalica, n. sp.] Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, n. s. 26, 483-485. 1911.2 - DieTaumelkrankheiten der Sal- moniden. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, n. s. 26, 146-148. 1911.3 Mummery, J. Howard. Some points in the structure and development of den- tine. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1893, 182, 527-545. 1893.1 On the teeth of Echeneis. Trans. Odont. Soc. Great Britain, 1899, 31, 62-80. 2 pis. 1899.1 Mundahl, C. M. Line fishing. In- tern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 7, pt. 10. 1883.1 168 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MUN Mundula, A . La pesca nel compar- timento marittimo di Ancona. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1909, 9, 202-214. 1909.1 Munk, Hermann. Zur Anatomic und Physiologie der quergestreiften Muskel- faser der Wirbelthiere, mit Anschluss von Beobachtungen iiber die electri- schen Organe der Fische. Nachricht. Georg-Augusts Univ. Gottingen, 1858, 1-14. 1858.1 Munro, Martin, & Bill, John. Her- ring fisheries of Scotland. Inverary, 1860. 4 p. 8. 1860.1 Munro, R. J. The herring fisheries. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 9. 1883.1 Muntadas, Federico. Rapport sur 1'incubation artificielle et 1'elevage des salmonides a Piedra (Aragon, Espagne) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. ser. 6, 182-191. 1869.1 - Rapport sur 1'etablissement de pisciculture pour 1'elevage des salmon- ides a Piedra (Aragon, Espagne) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1872, 2. ser. 9, 409- 419. 1872.1 - De 1' alimentation des alevins de salmonides a 1'etablissement central de pisciculture d'Espagne. Bull. Piscicult. Prat., 1888, 1, 265-268. 1888.1 - Report on the piscicultural establishment of Piedra, Aragon, Spain. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 211-215. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 52-57. 1889.1 Munthe, Henrik Wilhelm [I860] Om ett fynd af kolja i glaciallera vid Bellefors i Vastergotland. Sverig. Geol. Undersokn., Stockholm, 1910, ser. C, no. 226, 8. 1910.1 Occurrence of Gadus remains in glacial clay. Muntz, E., & Osborne, W. A. See Osborne & Muntz. Muratet, L., & Sabrazes, /. See Sabrazes & Muratet. Murchison, (Sir) Roderick Impey [1792-1871] On the bituminous schist and fossil fish of Seefeld in the Tyrol. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1826, 1, 139- 140. Phil. Mag., 6, 36-40. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.\ 18, 132. 1826.1 - On the fishes of the Ludlow rocks, or upper beds of the Silurian system. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 7. meet., 1837, pt. 2, 91. 1837.1 - On the recent discovery of fossil fishes (Palceoniscus catopterus Agassiz) in the New Red Sandstone of Tyrone, Ireland. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1838, 2, 206-208. Phil. Mag., London, 3. ser. 7, 72. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1836, 735. 1838.1 The species in question was afterwards fig- ured by Sir Philip Grey Egerton (1858) and still later was referred to Dictyopyge by Dr. R. H. Traquair. - Fishes of the Old Red Sandstone. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9. meet., 1839, pt. 2, 99. 1839.1 - The Silurian system . . . with descriptions of the coal-fields and over- lying formations. London, 1839. xxxii, 768 p. 53 pis. 4. 1839.2 Fishes and shells of the Ludlow and Wenlock rocks, p. 605-608. The descriptions of scales of Thelodus and spines of Onchus are by L. Agassiz. On the geological structure of the Alps. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. Lon- don, 1849, 5, 198-199. 1849.1 Contains reference to fish-bearing slates of canton Glarus, Switzerland. On some of the remains in the bone-bed of the upper Ludlow rocks. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1853, 9, 16-17. 1853.1 Upper Silurian fish-remains are mentioned. - Note on the relative position of the strata, near Ludlow, containing the ichthyolites described by Sir P. Eger- ton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1857, 13, 290-291. 1857.1 On the Permian rocks of north- eastern Bohemia. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1863, 19, 297-306. 1863.1 Fish-remains from the Rothliegende are mentioned, p. 303-306. Murdoch, John. Fish and fishing at Point Barrow, Arctic Alaska. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 111- 115. 1885.1 - Fishes (In Report of the Inter- national Polar expedition to point Bar- row, Alaska, p. 129-132. Washington, D. C., 1885) 1&85.2 - Fundulus and fresh .water. Sci- ence, 1912, n. s. 36, 417. 1912.1 Murie, James. On the supposed arrest of development of the salmon when retained in fresh water. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 247-254. pi. 1868.1 MUR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 169 - Additional memoranda as to irregularity in the growth of salmon. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 30-50. pi. & figs. 1870.1 - Our economic sea-fishes. Zool- ogist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 389-406. 1897.1 - Report on the sea-fisheries and fishing industries of the Thames estuary. I. Kent and Essex sea-fisheries commit- tee. London, 1903. 250 p. pi. figs. 8. 1903.1 - Flying-fish in Medway and Swale (Kent) Zoologist, 1905, 4. ser. 9, 401-412. 4 figs. 1905.1 Migrations and food-habits of Exoccetus, p. 410-411. Flying-fish near Ramsgate. Zo- ologist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 36-37. 1906.1 - Sea-bream in Essex waters. Essex Naturalist, Stratford, 1906, 14, 238-240. 1906.2 Murisier, Paul. Farben der Fische. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18. Jahrg., 210-211. 1910.1 - La furonculose de la truite et la degenerescence de la musculature. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1910, 5. se>. 46, xi. 1910.2 - Un hybride de nase (Chondro- stoma nasus L.) et du blageon (Squalius agassizii Heck.) Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1911, 5. ser. 47, xxiv. 1911.1 - Note sur les pigments de 1'alevin de truite (Trutta lacustris L.) Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 22, 2-8. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1910, 5. ser. 40, 433-443. 8 figs. 1911.2 - L' influence de la lumiere et de la chaleur sur la pigmentation cutanee des poissons, particulierement en ce qui concerne le pigment m61anique. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1912, 5. ser. 48, Ixxviii. 1912.1 - La signification biologique de 1'argenture des poissons. Bull. Soc. Vaud. Sci. Nat., 1915, 5. ser. 60 (Proc.- Verb.) 95-97. 1915.1 Adaptation a la vie plagique. Murphy, J. J. Der Fang eines Ju- denfisches [M egalopsthrissoid.es] Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 37-38; 43-44. 1880.1 Murphy, J. Mortimer [Mortimer Kerry, pseudon.] The ichthyic fauna of northwestern America. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 356-357. 1874.1 - The ichthyic fauna of the north- west coast. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 67; 80; 97. 1874.2 - The Salmonidae of the Pacific. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 369-370. 1874.3 - Fish of Vancouver island. For- est & Stream, 1877, 9, 331. 1877.1 - California salmon. Fish. Ga- zette, 1879, 3, 303. 1879.1 Murphy, Robert Cushman [1887 ] A fistula in the dogfish. Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 693. 1912.1 - Concerning the occurrence of suckers (Echeneididae) on Balistidae. Copeia, 1914, no. 3, 1-2. 1914.1 - Notes on pelagic fishes. Copeia, 1914, no. 6, 1-3. 1914.2 Murphy, Robert Cushman, & Harper, Francis. Ichthyological notes from Montauk, Long Island. Copeia, 1915, no. 23, 41-43. 1915.1 Murphy, Robert Cushman, & Nich- ols, John Treadwell. See Nichols & Murphy. Murray, Andrew [1812-1878] On electrical fishes, with a description of a new species of Malapterurus (M. beni- nensis) from the Old Calabar river. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1854, 1, 20-21. Ibid., 2, 35-53; 379. pi. 1854.1 - Description of a new species of Echeneis and of a new Lernsean of the genus Penella [P. remorce] infesting the Echeneis remora. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1856, n. s. 4, 287-301. 1856.1 - Notice of the capture of an enormous cycloid fish (Stenolepis gigas Ayres] in the bay of San Francisco. New Phil. Journ., 1860, 12, 147.- Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. London 1 , 1863, 2, 138. 1860.1 - Note regarding the young stage of the sterlet [Acipenser ruthenus] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 11-13. 1871.1 Murray, C. H. Young trout de- stroyed by mosquitoes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 243. 1885.1 Murray, G. Inoculation of fishes with Saprolegniaferox. Journ. Botany, 1885, 302. 1885.1 170 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY MUR Murray, Hugh, Wilson, James, & others. India; historical and descrip- tive account of British India, from the most remote period to the present time. 3 vols. Edinburgh, 1840. 8. 1840.1 Fishes, vol. iii, p. 99-105. Murray, /. C., & Shutt, F. T. See Shutt & Murray. Murray, James A. [1865 ] A con- tribution to the knowledge of the marine fauna of Kurrachee. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, 5. ser. 13, 348-352. 1884.1 - A new species of Zygasna [Z. dissimilis] from the Kurrachee harbour. Indian Ann. Mag. Nat. Sci., 1887, 90- 92. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 5. ser. 20, 304-305. 1887.1 Zahl und Grossenverhaltnisse der Chromosomen bei Lepidosiren para- doxa Fitz. Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 203- 208. 6 figs. 1906.1 Murray, (Sir} John [1841-1914] For biographical notice, see Shipley, A. E. Sir John Murray, K. C. B., 1841-1914. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1915, 91, liv-lxii. Preliminary report on verte- brates obtained in the cruise of H. M.S. " Challenger." Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1876, 24, 537-544. 1876.1 Murray, (Sir) John, & Hjort, Johan. The depths of the ocean; a general ac- count of the modern science of ocean- ography based largely on the scientific results of the Norwegian steamer " Michael Sars " in the north Atlantic. London, 1912. xx, 821 p. illust. 8. 1912.1 Chap. ix. Pelagic animal life. Chap. x. General biology. Murray, (Sir) John, & Tizard, Thomas Henry. See Tizard & Murray. Murray, William. Statistical evi- dence regarding the influence of artifi- cial propagation upon the salmon of the American rivers. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1903, 24, 469-485. 1903.1 Murray-Aynsley, C. E. Another huge malnseer. Ind. Forester, Allaha- bad, 1910, 36, 606-607. 1910.1 Murzajev, B. B. Ueber die Sterb- lichkeit unter den Fischen des oberen Sees in Reval [Text in Russian] Vestn. Obsc. Gigieny St. Petersb., 1909, 45, 241-250. 1909.1 Muse, Joseph E. Notice of the ap- pearance of fish and lizards in extraor- dinary circumstances. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1829, 16, 41-44. - - 1829.1 Musgrave, Anthony, & Hill, Rich- ard. Fishes and fishing. The fishes of Jamaica (In Handbook of Jamaica for 1881, p. 122-137. Jamaica, 1881. 8) 1881.1 Muskens, L. J. J. Eene physiolo- gische zoutsolutie voor zeedieren. Tijd. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1894, 2. ser. 4. 1894.1 - Zur Kenntniss der elektrischen Organe. Tijd. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1894, 2. ser. 4. 1894.2 Musschenbroeck, P. van. Obser- vation sur le poisson electrique de Su- rinam. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris (Hist.), 1760, 60. 1760.1 Musy, M . Statistique sur la distri- bution des poissons dans les lacs et les cours d'eau du canton de Fribourg. Fribourg, 1880. 20 p. 8. 1880.1 Un fossile [dent de Pycnodus] de la carriere de Levy. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Fribourg, 1904, 12, 47-48. 1904.1 - Un poisson fossile de la Molasse marine fribourgeoise (Solea antiqua H. v. Meyer) Communication prelimi- naire. Bull. Soc. Fribourg. Sci. Nat. 1913, 21, 36. 1913.1 Muth, J. P. Der Thunfischfang bei Palermo. Zool. Garten, 1869, 10. Jahrg., 265-272. 1869.1 Myers, George H., & Trout, L. E. See Trout & Myers. Mynster, William A. The advance- ment of fish-culture. Proc. Central Fish-culture Soc., 1. ann. meet., Chi- cago, 1879, 38-45. 1879.1 Digestion and growth of trout. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 925. 1879.2 - Fish-fungus and its remedy. Forest & Stream, 1880, 13, 966. 1880.1 Liver-fed fish. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 105-106. 1880.2 Mode of treating fish with fun- gus. Forest & Stream, 1880, 13, 1006. 1880.3 Myreen, Oss. Fran Korpilaks. Fis- keritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 218. 1899.1 N N., P. Are fish more abundant in water containing lime? Scient. Amer., 1880, 43, 328. 1880.1 N., R. L. Progress in fish- culture. Forest & Stream, 1879, 11, 440. 1879.1 Naccari, Fortunato Luigi [1793-1860] Aggiunta all' ittiologia adriatica. Pa- dova, 1822. 4. 1822.1 - Ittiologia adriatica, ossia cata- logo de' pesci del golfo e lagune di Vene- zia. Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1822, 5, 325-340; 409-418. 1822.2 - Aggiunta al catalogo dei pesci del golfo e delle lagune di Venezia. Giorn. Ital. Letteratura, 1823, no. 57, 188. 1823.1 W - Lettera al Sig. G. D. Nardo in- torno alcuni pesci dell' Adriatico. Giorn. Sci. Litt. Soc. Ven., 1824, 35. 1824.1 Naccari, Fortunato Luigi, & Nardo, Giovanni Domenico. Carteggio ittiolo- gico fra il Professore Naccari e G. D. Xardo. Treviso, 1824. 1824.1 Nachtrieb, Henry F. The lateral line system of Polyodon spathula. Sci- ence, 1902, n. s. 15, 581-582. 1902.1 - The " primitive pores " and the sensory ridges of the lateral line of Poly- odon spathula. Science, 1908, n. s. 27, 914-915. 1908.1 - The primitive pores of Polyodon spathula (Walbaum) Journ. Exper. Zool. Philad., 1910, 9, 455-468. 12 figs. 1910.1 - The lateral line system of Polyo- don. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 215-220. 4 figs. 1912.1 Nadault de Buff on, Alexandre Henri. See Buff on, Alexandre Henri Nadault de. Nadmorski, - Fische, Fischerei und Fischzucht in Ost- und Westpreussen [Text in Polish] Die Welt, Warsaw, 1882, 26. 1882.1 Naegeli, L., & Machler, A. Die Fischereiverhaltnisse von Rapperswil. Historische Darstellung nach den akten des stadtischen Archive. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1899, 7. Jahrg., Beilage- Bd. 8, 13-28. 1899.1 Nas, Jakob. Sommarfisket i Mun- sala. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 180- 187. 1895.1 - Vinterfisket i Munsala. Fis- keritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 85-86. 1895.2 - Fran Munsala [fisket] Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 131. 1897.1 - Varfisket i Munsala. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 95-97. 1898.1 - Var- och sommarfisket i Mun- sala. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 193- 195. 1899.1 - Host- och vinterfisket i Mun- sala. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 66- 67. 1900.1 - Einiges iiber die Strassen der Fische im Meere [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1901, 10, 82-85. 1901.1 Nakagawa, H. Notes on an Amphi- oxus obtained in Amakusa, Kyushyu. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1897, 1, 125-132. 1897.1 Nakashima, Eiichiro. Notes on the totuava (Cynosdon macdonaldi Gilbert) Copeia, 1916, no. 37, 85-86. 1916.1 Nalepa, Emil A . Elektrische Fische. Mitth. Sect. Nat. Oesterreich. Tourist- Club, 1897, 9. Jahrg., 61-66. 1897.1 Nansen, Fridtjof [1861] Forelobig meddelelse om undersegelser over cen- tralnervesystemets histologiske bygning hos Ascidierne samt hos Myxine glu- tinosa. Bergens Museum Aarsber., 1885, 55-78. 1885.1 Preliminary communication on some investigations upon the histological structure of the central nervous system in the Ascidia and in Myxine glutinosa [Translated by W. S. Dallas] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 209-226. 1886.1 172 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NAN Nansen, F. A protandric hermaphrodite (Myxine glutinosa L.) amongst the ver- tebrates. Bergens Museum Aarsber., 1887, no. vii, 1-29. Bull. Sci. Nord, 3. se"r. 2, 315-340. Abstracts in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1889, 188- 189. Zool. Anz., 1886, 676. 1887.1 - Structure and combination of the histological elements of the central nervous system. Bergen, 1887. 1887.2 - (editor] The Norwegian North Polar expedition, 1893-1896. Scientific results. 6 vols. London, 1900-05. 4. 1904.1 Vol. v, no. 15. On dead water, etc., by V. Walfred Ekman. 152 p. 17 pis. [Printed June, 1904] This paper furnishes the first scientific ex- planation of the alleged " ship-staying " power of the Reniora, attributed to it by ancient tradition. Nansen, Fridtjof, & Helland-Han- sen, Bjorn. See Helland-Hansen & Nansen. Nansouty, M. de. Les poissons yoy- ageurs; saumons, aloses, anguilles. Paris, 1907. 16 p. figs. 12. 1907.1 Napier, Charles Ottley Groom. Natu- ral history rambles. Lakes and rivers London, 1879. 247 p. 8. 1879.1 Chap. vi. Freshwater fishes. Chap. vii. Some of the typical rivers and their fisheries. Nardo, Giovanni Domenico [1802- 1877] Descrizione di un pesce raro [Regalecus maculatus] dell' Adriatico, con osservazioni ed aggiunte all' Adri- atico ittiologia. Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1824, 7, 116-123. Giorn. Ital. Letter., 1825, 178. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 7, 127. 1824.1 - Osservazioni ed aggiunte all' Adriaticse ittiologia pubblicata dal Sign. Cav. F. L. Naccari. Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1824, 7, 222-234; 249-263. 1824.2 - Risposta alia lettera del Sig. Naccari, contenente la descrizione de alcune specie di pesci. Giorn. Prov. Venete, 1824, no. 35. 1824.3 - Prodromus obseryationum et disquisitionum Adriaticse ichthyologies. Isis (Oken), 1826, 473-488. Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1827, 10, 22. 1826.1 De Proctostego, novo piscium genere specimen ichthyologicum anato- micum. Patavii, 1827. 17 p. pi. 4. Abstract in Poligrafo, 1831, 5, 55-61. 1827.1 - Estratto di una memoria ittio- logica inedita [sopra Mola aspera, M. planci, M. hispida, Lepadogaster elegans, L. piger] Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1827, 10, 102-105. Bull. Sci. Nat, (Ferussac), 13, 437-438. 1827.2 - Osservazioni circa il Batistes capriscus. Giorn. Fisica Nat. Pavia, 1827, 10, 212-213. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1828, 15, 166-167. 1827.3 - Osservazioni sull' Alausa cris- tata e non cristata di Rondelezio, e sul di lui Pholide. Giorn. Fisica Nat, Pavia, 1827, 10, 210-212. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 15, 165-167. 1827.4 Eine neue Art von Lepadogaster (L. piger) Isis (Oken), 1833, 548-549. 1833.1 Annotazioni ai quattro pesci nuovi pubblicati nel " Prodromus Adriaticae ichthyologiae," col nome Leptosoma atrum, L. piger, etc. De Skeponopodo, novo piscium genere, et de Guebucu marcgravii, spe- cie illi cognata. Isis (Oken), 1833, 416- 420. 1833.2 On the genera Skeponopodus and Guebucus. - Considerazioni sulla famiglia dei pesci Mola, e sui caratteri che li dis- tinguono. Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, 1839, 10, 105-112. Rev. Zool., 1840, 29. 1839.1 - Nuove osservazioni sul sistema cutaneo e sullo scheletro del Proctostego. Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, 1840, 5-6. 1840.1 Osservazioni sul Lepadogaster piger, e considerazioni sul posto che occupar dovrebbero i lepadogastri nel sistema naturale dei pesci. Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, 1840. 1840.2 - Sopra un nuovo genere di Spongiali Vio. Ann. Sci. Lombardo- Veneto, 1840. 1840.3 Not seen; title from Bosgoed's "Bibliotheca ichthyologica," 1874. Nota sopra uno smisurato indi- viduo della specie Mola aspera Nardo, stato preso nelle vicinanze di Venezia. Atti R. Istit. Venet., 1841, 1, 130. 1841.1 - Osservazioni intorno alia strut- tura della cute degli Xiphias, e proposta per essi di una nuova famiglia distinta, Atti Sci. Ital., 1841, 357-358. 1841.2 - Rapporto letto alia sezione di zoologia della seconda assemblea NAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES degli scienziati italiani in Torino, sopra un pesce esistente nel Museo di Pavia, determinatosi come il Lepidopus argen- \:irdo, e considerazioni sui carat- teri di questa specie. Atti Accad. Torino, 1841. 1841.3 \..t soon; title from G. Cavanna's " Bibli- ografia italiana," 1880. - Rapporto sopra un pesce esis- tente nel Museo di Pavia, determinatosi come il Lepidopus argireus Cuv., e con- siderazioni sui caratteri di questa specie. Letto alia sessione di zoologia della seconda assemblea degli scienziati itali- ani nel Settembre 1840, e publicato per estratto negli Atti dell' assemblea stessa. Torino, 1841. 4. 1841.4 N'nT seen; title from Bosgoed's " Bibliotheca ichthyologies," 1874. - Considerazioni sopra alcune nuove famiglie della sottoclasse del lofobranchi e dei plettognati. Padova, 1842. 1842.1 Alcune osservazioni anatomiche comparative sull' intima struttura delle cartilagini in genere e specialmente di quelle dei selachi. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1843, 2, 330-333. 1843.1 - Considerazione sopra alcune nuove famiglie de' Syngnathi e de' Plectognathi, e sui caratteri anatomici che le distinguono. Atti Sci. Ital., Padova, 1843, 244-245. 1843.2 - Xuove osservazioni sui Lepado- gaster piger, e considerazioni sui posto che occupar dovrebbero i lepadogastri nel sistema naturale de' pesci. Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, 1844, 13, 3-8. 1844.1 - Proposizione per la formazione di un nuovo genere di selachi, chiamato Caninoa o Caninotus, che costituirebbe una nuova sottofamiglia prossima ai Notidani. Ann. Sci. Lombardo-Veneto, 1844, 13, 8-9. 1844.2 - Sull' intima struttura della cute de' pesci comparativamente considerata, e sulle cause fisiologiche e fisico-chimi- che della colorazione e scolorazione dei medesimi. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1844, 3, 297-299. Mem. R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1844, 5, 243-272. ^1844.3 Osservazioni anatomiche com- parative sull' intima struttura delle cartilagini dei condrotterigi. Mem. R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1845, 2, 201-210. 1845.1 - Lettera al principe C. L. Bona- parte relativa ad una specie di Acan- thias, ed al Tetrapterus belone del Rafi- nesque. Atti Congr. Sci. Ital. Genova (Sez. ZooL), 1846. 1846.1 - Osservazioni sulla esistenza dell' organo del gusto in alcune specie di cani marini. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1846, 6, 355-357. - Sulla identita dei due generi- Tetrapterus ed Histiophorus. Genova, 1846. 1846.3 Osservazioni sopra una nuova specie di Sphyrna. Venezia, 1847. 1847.1 - Prospetto della fauna marina volgare del Venete estuario con cenni sulle principal! specie commestibili dell' Adriatico, sulle Venete pesche, sulle valli, etc. Venezia, 1847. 4. 1847.2 Sinonimia moderna delle specie registrate nell' opera inedita dell' Ab. Stefano Chiereghin intitolata: " Descri- zione de' crostacei, de' testacei e de' pesci che abitano le lagune e golf o veneto rappresentati in figure a chiaro-scuro e colori." Venezia, 1847. 1847.3 - Sull' esistenza dell' organo del gusto di alcune specie di cani marini. Mem. R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1851, 4, 109-113. 1851.1 - Osservazioni sopra il lavoro del Professore Molin intitolato: "Mono- rfia dell' Acipenser ruthenus." Atti Istit. Veneto Sci., 1852, 2. ser. 2. Also separate; Venezia, 1853. 1852.1 - Sunto di alcune osservazioni anatomiche sull' intima struttura della cute dei pesci comparativamente con- siderata, e sulle cause fisiologiche e fisico- chimiche della loro colorazione e decolo- razione. Mem. R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1853, 6. 1853.1 Prospetti sistematici degli ani- mali delle proyincie Venete et del mare Adriatico, e distinzione delle specie in gruppi relative alia loro geografia fisica. Venezia, 1860. 104 p. 8. 1860.1 Pesci, parte 1, p. 22-128. Osservazioni anatomiche con- traddittorie a quanto scrisse il Sig. Steenstrup nella sua " Nota sulla dif- ferenza fra i pesci ossie e cartilagmosi, guardati dal punto di vista delle loro squamme." Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1861, 7, 883-887. Sulla coltura degli animali aqua- tici del Veneto dominio. Parte I. Ri- 174 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NAR Nardo, G. D. guardante la piscicoltura ed i pesci di acqua dolce e della Veneta laguna, con note illustrative. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1862, 3. ser. 8. Also separate; Venezia, 1864. 8. 1864.1 Nota sul vivajo di pesci marini nel lago dolce di Arqua, relativa allp scritto del Professore R. de Visiani. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1865, 11, 847- 849. 1865.1 - Relazione sopra un opuscolo di Giovanni Canestrini intitolata: "Note ittiologiche." Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1865, 3. ser. 11, 139-145. 1865.2 Ancora sulla mortalita delle an- guille; e specialmente su quella awe- nuta nelle valli di Comacchio ne' mesi scorsi. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1866, 3. ser. 12, 1157-1164. 1866.1 Appendice alia relazione sulla straordinaria mortalita delle anguille avvenuta nello scorso mese nel Veneto estuario; e sul preteso tifo esantemico- contagioso, che si accuso come causa di mortalita in quegli animali, ora del tutto cessato, in alcuni valli privati del Comacchiese. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1866, 3. ser. 12, 984-987. 1866.2 - Confortanti risultanze di alcuni studii sulla spspettata malattia delle anguille. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1866, 3. ser. 12, 893-897. 1866.3 Estratto della memoria del co. Nicolo Contarini sul Macronychus qua- drituberculatus Miiller. Comm. Fauna, Flora e Gea, 1869, 212. 1869.1 Descrizione dei due barche peschereccie dette " Bragozza " e " Bra- gagna," e degli arnesi da pesca relativi, a seconda dei modelli eseguiti dal sig. A. Camuffo di Chioggia. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1870, 3. ser. 15, 1893-1905. 1870.1 Accenni relativi ai prodotti organic! della Veneta laguna, all' agri- coltura e alia pesca. Venezia, 1871. 1871.1 Nota sulla riproduzione delle anguille e sugli studi recenti che le dichiarario ermafrpdite, accompagnata da due esemplari in alcool dimostranti in vario grado di sviluppo gli organi riproduttori. Atti R. Istit. Veneto, 1871, 4. ser. 1, 658-662. 1871.2 La pesca del pesce ne' valli della Veneta laguna al tempo delle prime bufere invernali detto volgarmente Fraima, etc. Venezia, 1871. 8. 1871.3 Cenni storico-critici sui lavori pubblicati nel nostro secolo che illus- trano la storia naturale degli animali vertebrati della Veneta terraferma, e sulla condizione dello studio delle scienzie naturale nelle nostre provincie [relativa ai tentativi f atti nelle provincie Venete sulla piscicoltura e sulla propa- gazione artifiziale del pesce d' acqua dolce] Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1873, 3, 1117-1125; 1251-1265; 1341-1376; 1955-1978; 2139-2158. 1873.1 - Sulla etimologia de' nomi vol- gari che si danno alle varie specie di storioni [Acipenser] viventi nelle Venete acque, e particolarmente sull' Attilus di Plinio, detta comunemente ladano, che pescasi nel fiume Po. Atti R. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1873, 4. ser. 3, 1766-1772. 1873.2 Nardo, Giovanni Domenico, & Nac- cari, Fortunato Luigi. See Naccari & Nardo. Nares, George S. Narrative of a voy- age to the Polar sea during 1875-76 in H. M. ships " Alert " and " Discovery." 2. ed. 2 vols. London, 1878. 1878.1 Fishes, vol. i, p. 19-20; 84. Vol. ii, p. 156. Ichthyology, by A. Gunther, vol. ii, p. 218. Nathan, Marcel. La cellule de Kupf- fer (cellule endotheliale des capillaires veineux du foie), ses reactions experi- mentales et pathologiques. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1908, 44, 208-247; 271- 327. 3 pis. & 16 figs. 1908.1 Nathusius-Orlowo, G. von. Besetz- ung der Gewasser mit Zandern. Cir- cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1878, no. 5, 122-123. 1878.1 Natoli, R. II persico-sole nelle acque della Svizzera insubrica. Boll. Soc. Ticin. Sci. Nat., 1905, 2, 28-33. 1905.1 Natterer, Johann. Lepidosiren para- doxa, eine neue Gattung aus der Familie der fischahnlichen Reptilien. Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturgesch., 1837, 2, 165- 170. Abstracts in Ann. Nat. Hist., 2, 309. Rev. Zool., 1838, 40. Isis (Oken), 1838, 346-347. 1837.1 Johann Natterers FlussfLsche Brasiliens nach den Beobachtungen und Mittheilungen des Entdeckers be- schrieben, von J. Heckel. Ann. Wien. Mus. Naturgesch., 1840, 2, 325-470. 1840.1 NED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 175 Nau, Bernhard Sebastian von. Natur- geschichte der Lampreto des Rheins. Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1787, 7,466-470. 1787.1 - Oekonomische Xaturgeschichte der Fische in der Gegend urn Mainz. Frankfurt-a-M., 1788. 8. 1788.1 - Ueber den heutigen Zustand der Fischerei in einigen Gegenden von Deutschland. Mainz, 1788. 8. 1788.2 - Bemerkungen zu Sander's "Bey- trage zur Naturgeschichte der Fische im Rhein." Naturf orscher, 1791, 25, 24-34. 1791.1 Naudin, Alfred. Acclimatation du barbeau dans le Sig (Oued Mekerba) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1907, 19, 176-182. 1907.1 Naumann, Oswald. Untersuchungen liber die physikalischen Eigenthumlich- keiten und die physiologischen Wir- kungen des Leberthrans. Arch. Heil- kunde, 1865, 6, 536-556. 1865.1 Nava y Caveda, Hilario. Conside- raci6nes sobre la pesca del salmon en Espana y la Iegislaci6n especial que debe regir dicha pesca. Anal. Soc. Espan. Hist. Nat., 1878, 7, 285-342. 1878.1 Navarrete, A. Manual de ictiologia marina, concretado a las especies alimen- ticias en las costas de Espana e islas Baleares. Madrid, 1900. xi, 275 p. 15 pis. & figs. 8. 1900.1 Navozov, N. [Ein Beitrag zur Ich- thyofauna des Bassins des Ural] Mes- sager Commerce Poissons, 1912, 27, 252-283. 1912.1 Nawratil, /. Die Nahrung der Kar- pfen. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 277-279; 285-288. 1880.1 Nazarov, Jakov. Ueber den Zug der Acipenseriden vom Meer in den Ural- fluss und zuriick ins Meer [Text in Rus- sian] Vest. Rybopromysl. St. Petersb., 1901, 16, 673-674. 1901.1 Neal, Herbert Vincent [18691 A summary of studies on the segmentation of the nervous system in Squalus acan- thias: a preliminary notice. Anat. Anz., 1896, 12, 377-391. 6 figs. 1896.1 - The development of the hypo- glossus musculature in Petromyzon and Squalus. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 441-463. fias. 1897.1 - The problem of the vertebrate head. Journ. Compar. Neurol., 1898. 8, 153-161. 2 figs. 1898.1 The segmentation of the nervous system in Squalus acanthias; a contri- bution to the morphology of the ver- tebrate head. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1898, 31, 147-294. 9 pis. & figs. 1898.2 Review by C. F. W. McClure in Science, 1898, n. s. 5, 260-261. The early stages of development of ventral nerves in cyclostomes and selachians. Science, 1900, n. s. 11, 250- 251. 1900.1 - The development of ventral nerves in Selachii. I. Spinal ventral nerves (In Mark Anniversary Volume, p. 291-313. 3 pis. New York, 1903) 1903.1 The histogenesis of the " tran- sient" (Rohon-Beard) cells in selachian embryos. Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 273. 1911.1 - The morphology of the eye muscle nerves. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 204-214. 10 figs. 1912.1 Does Amphioxus eat with his left ear? Science, 1915, n. s. 41, 437- 438. 1915.1 Homologue of left spiracle is first transient gill cleft, mouth not homologous with craniote mouth (possibly with hypophysis) Nerve and plasmodesma [in Squalus] Science, 1915, n. s. 41, 435- 436. 1915.2 Connection between neural tube and myotome secondary. First protoplasmic connections con- tain staining neurofibrils. Connection estab- lished by medullary neuroblasts. Pre-otic somites in cyclostomes. Science, 1915, n. s. 41, 437. 1915.3 Anterior head mesoderm completely seg- mented. No homologue of anterior somites (Platt) found. Nedozhivin, A. J. Zur Entwick- lungsgaschichte der Schwimmblase der Clupea kessleri [Text in Russian] Trd. Obsc. Jest., Saratov, 1912, 6, pt. 1, 19- 32. 3 pis. Nedozhivin, A. J., & Lebedintsev, A. See Lebedintsev & Nedozhivin. Nedozhivin, A., & Tichij, M. Ein Beitrag zur Bestimmung des Alters von Clupleonella caspica typ. Eichw. Mater. Pozn. Russ. Rybolov, St. Petersburg, 1913, 2, no. 6, 17-38. 3 pis. & 4 figs. 1 9 1 3 . 1 176 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NEE Needham, James George [1868 ] Food of brook trout [Salmo fontinalis] in Bone pond. Bull. N. Y. State Mus., 1903, 68, 204-217. pi. 1903.1 Food stated to consist of species of Chiro- nomidae, Ephemeridae and Trichoptera. - Report of the entomologic field station conducted at Old Forge, N. Y., in the summer of 1905. Bull. N. Y. State Mus., 1908, no. 124, 156-248. 29 pis. & 16 figs. 1908.1 Contains studies on food of fishes. Needham, James G., & Lloyd, J. T. The life of inland waters; an elemen- tary textbook of freshwater biology for American students. New York, 1916. 438 p. illust. 8. 1916.1 Neergaard-M011er, /<;. . & Johansen, A. C. See Johansen & Neergaard- M011er. Negre, L. Morphologic des pignlen- tophores de la peau des vertebres et leurs rapports avec les cellules epidermiques. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 60, 26-28. 4 figs. 1906.1 Negri, L. de. La peche et la societe de pisciculture italienne. [n. p.] 1874. 56 p. 6 pis. 4. 1874.1 Nehring, A . Notiz liber einen colos- salen Zahn von Carcharias [Carcharodon] megalodon aus dem Oligocan des Silber- berges bei Helmstedt. Sitzber. Ver. Naturw. Braunschweig, 1878, 27. 1878.1 Pelecus cultratus (L.) von Ros- siten auf der kurischen Nehrung. All- gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 250. 1904.1 Ueber die geographische Verbrei- tung der Pelecus cultratus L. in Deutsch- land. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1904, 43-45. 1904.2 - Zur Nahrung des Zanders. Die Verbreitung des Stichlings (Pelecus cul- tratus) in Deutschland. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1904, 20, 132-133. 1904.3 Nehrkorn, Adolf. Zur Fortpflan- zung des Wetterfisches (Cobitis fossilis) Zool. Garten, 1876, 17, 148-149. 1876.1 Zur Aalfrage. Zool. Garten, 1880, 21, 376. Oester.-ungar. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1880, 360. Landw. Zeitg. Anz. Kassel, 1880, 2. Jahrg. 769. 1880.1 Neikert, Ludwig, & Leiber, Adolf. Ueber Bau und Entwicklung der weib- lichen Geschlechtsorgane des Amphi- oxus lanceolatus. Zool. Jahrb. (Morphol. Abth.), 1903, 18, 187-226. 5 pis. & 3 figs. 1903.1 Neill, Brisbane A . C. Climbing habits of the Anabas scandens. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, 3. ser. 13, 523. 1864.1 Neill, Patrick [1776-1851] List of fishes found in the firth of Forth, and rivers and lakes near Edinburgh, with remarks. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh, 1808, 1, 526-555. 1808.1 Account of a rare fish (Scicena aquila) found in the Shetland seas. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1826, 1, 135-141. Isis (Oken), 683. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 10, 164. 1826.1 Neilsen, Carl August, & Farnell, Frank. See Farnell & Neilsen. Nelis, Charles, & Gehuchten, A. van. See Gehuchten & Nelis. Nelli, Bindo. Fossili miocenici dell' Appennino Aquilano. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1900, 19. anno, 381-418. pi. 1900.1 - Fossili miocenici del Macigno di Porretta. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1903, 22, 181-252. 4 pis. & 2 figs. 1903.1 Fossil fishes are mentioned. Nelson, Edward William [1855] A partial catalogue of the fishes of Illi- nois. Bull. 111. Mus. Nat. Hist., 1876, 1, 33-52. 1876.1 A valuable local faunal list. - Fisheries of Chicago and vicin- ity. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 783-800. fig. 1878.1 - Fishes . . . with additional notes by T. H. Bean (In Report upon the natural history collections made in Alaska between . . . 1877 and 1881 by E. W. Nelson. Edited by H. W. Henshaw. Pt. iii. Washington, 1887. 337 p. illust. 4) 1887.1 Nelson, T. H., & Clarke, W. E. Scorpcena dactyloptera on the Yorkshire coast. Naturalist, 1893, 81. 1893.1 Nemeczek, A. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Myxo- und Microsporidien der Fische. Arch. Protistenkunde, 1911, 22, 143-169. 1911.1 Material observed consisted of Silurus, Tinea, Barbus, Esox, Lucioperca, Aspro, Abramis, Leuciscus, Aspius, Acipenser, Oncorhynchus and Gad us. NET BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 177 Nemiloff, Anton. Zur Fjage iiber den Bau der Fettzellen bei Acipenser ruthenus. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 513- 522. 6 figs. 1906.1 - Beobachtungen tiber die Ner- venelemente bei Ganoi'den und Kno- chenfischen. I. Der Bau der Nerven- zellen. II. Der Bau der Nervenfasern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1908, 72, 1^6. Ibid., 575-606. 3 pis. 1908.1 Zur Frage iiber den f eineren Bau der varikosen Verdickungen an den inarklosen Nervenfasern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1910, 75, 562-583. pi. 1910.1 Observations based on Raja clavata. - Ueber die subpiale Schicht des Riickenmarks der Fische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1912, 80, 1. Abth., 587-608. pi. 1912.1 Material investigated consists of sharks, chimaeroids and teleosts. Nemnich, Philip Andreas. Allge- meines Polyglotten-Lexicon der Natur- eeschichte. 4 vols. Hamburg, 1793-98. 1793.1 Bd. i-ii, Lief. 1-4, A-Z. 1684 + 1592 p. 1793- 1795. Bd. iii, Lief. 5. Deutsches und englisches Worterbuch der Naturgeschichte. p. 1-1056 in. d.] Bd. iv, Lief. 7-8. Franzosische, italienische, spanische, hollandische, schwedische, danische, norwegische und islandische Worterbiicher der Naturgeschichte. Auch einige Nachtrage. p. 1056-2108. 1798. This work is noticed by T. N. Gill in Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 38, 241-242. Nengermann, A. A., Herbert, C., & Nierstrass, H. F. See Nierstrass, Nengermann & Herbert. Nenning, S. V. Die Fische des Bo- densees nach ihrer aussern Erscheinung. Constanz, 1834. iv, 34 p. 8. 1834.1 Neresheimer, Eugen. Die Fort- pflanzung eines parasitischen Infusors (Ichthyophthirius) Sitzber. Ges. Mor- phol. Physiol., Munchen, 1907. 1907.1 - Der Zeugungskreis des Ichthy- ophthirius. Ber. Bayer. Biol. Versuchs- Stat. Munchen, 1908, 1, 165-184. pi. & 4 figs. 1908.1 - Blutsverwandtschaft und Se- rumreaktion bei Salmoniden. Ber. Bayer. Biol. Versuchs-Stat. Munchen, 1909, 2, 79-88. 1909.1 - Parasitische Copepoden (In Brauer, A. Die Siisswasserfauna Deutschlands, pt. ii, p. 70-84. Jena, 1909. 35 figs. 1909.2 Copepods as parasites on fish. - "Studien iiber Siisswasser-Ler- naepodiden. Ber. Bayer. Biol. Versuchs- Stat. Munchen, 1909, 2, 1-9, pi. & fig. 1909.3 - Fischzucht und Landwirtschaft. Monatsjiefte Landwirtsch., 1910, 369- 376. 1910.1 Costia necatrix (In Prowazek, S.J.M.von. Handbuch der pathogenen Protozoen, vol. i, p. 98-100. Leipzig, 1911) 1911.1 - Das Genus Trypanoplasma (In Prowazek, S. J. M. von. Handbuch der pathogenen Protozoen, vol. i, p. 101- 117. Leipzig, 1911) 1911.2 - Die Furunkulose in der Traun. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 8, 390- 391. 1911.3 Statistische Angaben und Besprechung pro- phylaktischer Massnahmen gegen Verschlep- pung der Seuche. Teichwirtschaftliche Streitfra- gen. Oester.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 75-78. 1911.4 Nero, Vittorio dal. Bibliografia ed inventario delle ittioliti terziarie di monte Bolca conservate nel Civico I^tuseo di Verona. Madonna Verona, 1911, 5. anno, 2, 120-126. Ibid., 3, 133-167. Ibid., 1912, 4, 246-260. 1911.1 The bibliography includes 109 titles. Nesley, C. H. Small-mouth black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 165-168. 1914.1 Nessi, Gian Gaspare. Memorie sto- riche di Locarno fino al 1660 dell' Aw. Gian-Gaspare Nessi. Locarno, 1854. 12. 1854.1 Nestler, K. Beitrage zur Anatomie und Entwicklungsgeschichte von Petro- miizon planeri . Arch . Naturgesch . , 1 890, 56 Jahrg., Bd. 1, 81-112. 3 pis. Ab- stracts in Zool. Anz., 13, 11-12. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6 ser. 6, 262-263. 1890.1 Netherclift, Walter. The San Joa- quin river and its fishes. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 480. 1876.1 Nettelbladt, V. Zur Fischfauna der Ostsee. Arch. Ver. Mecklenburg, II 39, 157. Nettle, Richard. The salmon fish- eries of the St. Lawrence and its tribu- taries. Montreal, 1857. 144 p. 12 _. 185/ .1 178 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NEU Neu, J. F. Die Teichwirthschaft, die Teichfischerei und der Teichbau. Baut- zen, 1859. viii, 48 p. 8. 1859.1 Neudorfer, Arthur. Versuche iiber die Anpassung von Siisswasserfischen an Salzwasser. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Leip- zig, 1907, 23, 566-578. 1907.1 Neugeboren, Ludwig. Die vorwelt- lichen Squaliden-Zahne aus dem Grob- kalke bei Portsesd am Altfluss unweit Talmats. Arch. Siebenbiirg. Landesk., Hermannstadt, 1850, 4, 1-14; 151-214. 1850.1 - Literarische Notiz liber J. Heckel's " Fossile Fische Oesterreichs." Verb. Siebenblirg. Ver. Naturw., Her- mannstadt, 1851, 2, 101-106. 1851.1 Neum&yeTtGeorgBaUhasarvon [1826- 1909] Anleitung zu wissenschaftlichen Beobachtungen auf Reisen. Berlin, 1875. 696 p. illust. 8. 1875.1 Das Sammeln von Reptilien und Fischen, von A. Giinther. - The same. 2. ed. 2 vols. Berlin, 1888. 8. 1888.1 - The same. 3. ed. 2 vols. Hannover, 1906. 8. 1906.1 Neumayer, Ludwig [1866 ] His- tiologische Untersuchungen liber den feineren Bau des Centralnervensystems von Esox lucius, mit Beriicksichtigung vergleichend-anatomischer und physio- logischer Verhaltnisse. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1895, 44, 345-365. pi. 1895.1 - Der feinere Bau der Selachier- Retina. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1896, 48, 83-111. 25 figs. 1896.1 Zur vergleichenden Anatomic des Kopfskelettes von Petromyzon pla- neri und Myxine glutinosa. Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol., Mlinchen, 1898, 74, 1-8. 5 pis. & fig. 1898.1 - Die Entwickelung des Darm- kanales von Ceratodus forsteri. Anat. Anz. (Verhandl. Anat. Ges.), 1903, 23, 139-142. 1903.1 - Die Entwickelung des Darm- kanales, von Lunge, Leber, Milz und Pankreas bei Ceratodus forsteri (In Semon, R. Zoologische Forschungsrei- sen in Australien und dem Malayischen Archipel in den Jahren 1891-1893, Bd. i, p. 377-422. pi. & 34 figs. Jena, 1904) 1904.1 - Die Koprolithen des Perms von Texas. Palaeontographica, 1904, 51, 121-127. pi. 1904.2 Comparisons with the intestinal canal of sharks and Ceratodus. - Recherches sur le developpe- ment du foie, du pancreas et de la rate chez Ceratodus. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Nancy, 1904, 73-77. 1904.3 - Morpho- und Histogenese des peripheren Nervensystems, der Spinal- ganglien und des Nervus sympathicus. Handb. Vergl. Exper. Entwickl. Wir- beltiere, 1906, 513-626. 105 figs. 1906.1 - Zur vergleichenden Anatomic des Gehirns und des Cavum cranii der Siluroiden. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1908, 32, 273-277. 2 figs. 1908.1 - Die Entwickelung des Kopf- skelettes von Bdellostoma stouti L. Das Hyobranchialskelett . Anat . Anz . (Verh . Anat. Ges.), 1910, 37, 94-100. 1910.1 Zur vergleichenden Anatomic des Schadels eocaner und rezenter Siluriden. Palseontographica, 1913, 59, 251-288. 4 pis. & 5 figs. 1913.1 Brain-casts and otoliths of Fajumia and other Eocene siluroids are described and figured. - Vergleichende Anatomic des Darmkanals der Wirbeltiere. Verh. Anat. Ges., 28. Vers., 1914, 126-129. 1914.1 Dem Spiraldarm rezenter Formen homologe Bildungen bei den fossilen Fischen. Neumayer, M. Die Wirbelthiere der Juraformation. Gaea, 1896, 32. Jahrg., 2. Heft, 81-95. pi. & 4 figs. 1896.1 Neuville, Henri. Note sur le systeme porte-hepatique des squales. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1896, 2, 143-146. 1896.1 - Remarques anatomiques sur les squales observes pendant la derniere campagne du yacht " Princesse-Alice." Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 55-56. 1897.1 - Remarques sur les squales de mer profonde observes a Setubal (Portu- gal) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 87-89. 1897.2 Sur les vaisseaux intra-intesti- naux des selaciens. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 317. 1897.3 A propos des termes par lesquels on designe les formes diverses de la rate NEW BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 179 des se*laciens. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1898, 4, 201-202. 1898.1 - Note preliminaire sur 1'endot he- lium des veines intestinales chez les srlaciens. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6,71-72. 1900.1 - Le systeme sus-hepatique 'des selaciens. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1900, 9. ser. 2, 84-91. 2 figs. 1900.2 - Contribution a 1'etude de la vascularisation intestinale chez les cyclo- stomes et les selaciens. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoul.), 1901, 6. ser. 13, 1-116. pi. Also separate; Inaug. Dissert. Paris, 1901. 116 p. 8. 1901.1 - L'intestin valvulaire de la chi- mere monstrueuse, Chimoera monstrosa Linnc. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1901, 9. ser. 3, 59-66. 4 figs. 1901.2 Neuwied, (Prinz) Maximilian Alex- ander Philipp zu Wied. See Wied- Neuwied, (Prinz} Maximilian Alexander Philipp -zu. Neuwinger, Karl. Beobachtungen iiber die Bachforelle in den Gewassern des Isergebirges. Mitth. Ver. Nat. Reichenberg, 1913, 41. Jahrg., 18-20. 1913.1 Neyeu-Lemaire, Maurice. Sur les parasites des poissons du genre Orestias ( Mission scientifique de Crequi Mont- fort et Senechal de la Grange) Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1905, 7, 255-259. figs. 1905.1 Sur un nouvel acanthocephale (Echinorhynchus orestice, nov. sp.) para- site des poissons du genre Orestias. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 57, 31-32. 1905.2 - Les lacs des hauts plateaux de 1'Amerique du Sud, etc. Paris, 1906. vi, 197 p. 9 col. pis. & maps. 1906.1 Resultats de la mission scientifique de G. de Crequi Montfort et E. Senechal de la Grange. Chap. iii. Faune et flore, etc. Poissons, par J. Pellegrin, p. 112-137. pi. & figs. - El Titicaca y el Poopo. Revist. Minist. Coloniz. Agricult., La Paz, 1906, 2, 568-591. '1906.2 Contains some notices of fishes. - Sur la presence d'une larve de ligule (Ligula simplicissima) dans la cavite cranienne d'une tanche (Tinea vulgaris) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1909, 66, 88-89. 1909.1 Nevin, James. Hatching the wall- eyed pike. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1887 (18.88), 14-16. isss.l - Work of the Wisconsin Fish Commission. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 100-103. 1889.1 - Planting fry vs. planting finger- lings. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 81-85. 1893.1 - Wall-eyed pike. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1897 (1898), 126-127. 1898.1 - Artificial propagation vs. a close season for the Great Lakes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 17-25. 1899.1 - The propagation of muscal- longe in Wisconsin. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1901 (1902), 90-93. 1902.1 Newberry, John Strong [1822-1892] For biographical notice and list of writ- ings, see Kemp, J. F. Memorial of J. S. Newberry. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., 1893, 4, 393-406. - Fossil fishes of the cliff lime- stone of Ohio. Ann. Sci., Cleveland, Ohio, 1853, 1, 12-13. 2 figs. 1853.1 - On the fossil fishes of the cliff limestone of Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 7. meet., 1853, 166-167. Abstract in Ann. Sci., Cleveland, Ohio, 1853, 1, 282-283. 1853.2 - Description of several new gen- era and species of fossil fishes from the Carboniferous strata of Ohio. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1856, 8, 96- 100. 1856.1 Fossil fishes from the Devonian of Ohio. Proc. Nat. Instit., Washing- ton, 1857, n. s. 1, 119-126. fig. 1857.1 Letter changing the genus Me- kolepis to Eurylepis, the former being preoccupied. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1857, 9, 150. 1857.2 New fossil fishes from the De- vonian rocks of Ohio. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1857, 2. ser. 24, 147-149. 1857.3 Notes on American fossil fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1862, 2. ser. 34, 73- 78. figs. 1862.1 - On some fossil reptiles and fishes from the Carboniferous strata of Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois. Abstract in 180 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NEW Newberry, /. S. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 15. meet., 1867 (1868), 144-146. 1868.1 On some remarkable fossil fishes discovered by Rev. H. Herzer, in the Black shale (Devonian) at Delaware, Ohio. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 15. meet., 1867 (1868), 146-147. 2 figs. 1868.2 Describes Dinichthys herzeri. Fossil fishes from the Devonian rocks of Ohio. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1870, 1, 152-153. 1870.1 - Fossils from the phosphatic beds of South Carolina. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist., N. Y., 1871, 1, 240-241. 1871.1 Descriptions of fossil fishes. Rept. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1873, 1, pt. 2 (Palaeontology), 245-355. 7 pis. 1873.1 Descriptions of fishes of the Devonian system* p. 290-324. Description of fishes of the Carboniferous system, p. 325-355. The forms described in- clude elasmobranchs, arthrodires and ganoids. Notes on the genus Conchiopsis Cope. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, 425-426. 1873.2 Remarks reviewing the history of the class of fishes as traced in the older rocks of North America. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1873, 2. ser. no. 2, 25-28. 1873.3 Specimens of Ccelacanthus elegans Newb. from the Coal Measures of Lin- ton, Ohio. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1873, 2. ser. no. 2, 30-32. 1873.4 Some general remarks on Coelacanthus, no description of C. elegans. - Account of a second species o*f Dinichthys [D. terrelli] recently discov- ered in Ohio. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1874, 2. ser. no. 4, 149-151. 1874.1 - Description of the Linton coal bed. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1874, 2. ser. no. 4, 134-135. 1874.2 Contains mention of Co3lacanthus, Eurylepis and Rhizodus remains. Remarks on Ccelacanthus elegans and on Prof. Cope's genera Conchiopsis and Peplorhina. Proc. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1874, 2. ser. no. 3, 76-77. 1874.3 Descriptions of fossil fishes. Rept. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1875, 2, pt. 2 (Palaeontology), 1-64. 6 pis. 1875.1 Contents: Placoderms, p. 1-43. Elasmo- branchs, p. 44-58. Holocephali, p. 58-59. Dipterini, p. 59-64. - Descriptions of the Carbonif- erous and Triassic fossils collected on the San Juan exploring expedition under Capt. J. N. Macomb, U. S. Engineers (In Report of the Exploring Expedition from Santa Fe, N. Mex., to the junction of the Grand and Green rivers of the Great Colorado of the West, in 1859, p. 135-148. pi. Washington, D. C., 1876. 4) 1876.1 Describes Deltodus mercurii Newb., Ptycho- dus whipplei Marcou, and mentions finding of Lamna texana Roem. and Oxyrhina mantelli Ag. - Description of Rhynchodus ex- cavatus. Rept. Geol. Survey Wisconsin, 1877, 2, 397. 1877.1 The so-called Rhynchodus occidentalis of Newberry was later shown by C. R. Eastman to be identical with this species, and the origi- nal holotype figured by him (Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Surv., 1908, 18, 125) Description of new fossil fishes [Diplurus longicaudatus and Ptycholepis marshi] from the Trias of New Jersey and Connecticut. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1878, 1, 127-128. 1878.1 - Descriptions of new Palaeozoic fishes. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1878, 1, 188-192. 1878.2 Describes Diplognathus mirabilis, Glypto- pomus sayrei, Archceobatis gigas, gen. nov., Dinichthys minor, Ctenacanthus compressus, Rhynchodus occidentalis and R. excavatus, the two last-named species being identical. - [Letter to Professor John Col- lett, describing a collection of remains of fossil fishes collected in Indiana] Rept. State Geol. Indiana 1876-78 (1879), 341-349. 1879.1 - The relations of Dinichthys, as shown by complete crania recently dis- covered by Mr. Jay Terrell in the Huron shale of Ohio. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1883, 3, 20. 1883.1 Some interesting remains of fos- sil fishes recently discovered. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1883, 2, 144-147. 1883.2 Describes dental plates of Mylostoma varia- bilis and M. terrelli. Ctenacanthus wrighti, n. sp. 35. Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Mus. Nat. Hist., 1884, 206. pi. & fig. 1884.1 - On the recent discovery of new and remarkable fossil fishes in the Car- boniferous and Devonian rocks of Ohio NEW BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 181 and Indiana. Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, 523-524. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 54. meet., 1884, 724-725. 1884.2 Dinichthys, Diplognathus, Mylostoma. Arch- seobatis, Edestus and Ctenodus are noticed. - Description of some gigantic placoderm fishes recently discovered in the Devonian of Ohio. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1885, 6, 25-28. 1885.1 - Descriptions of some peculiar screw-like fossils from the Chemung rocks. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1885, 18, 217-220. pi. 1885.2 Describes new genus Spiraxis, with species S. major and . 6, 101-102. 1894.1 - Resistance des poissons aux substances toxiques. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1894, 9. s6r. 6, 140-141. 1894.2 S6dentarite des poissons elec- triques. C. R. Me*m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1894, 9. ser. 6, 190. 1894.3 Noel, Eugene. Pisciculture, piscicul- teurs et poissons. Paris, 1856. 99 p. 12. 1856.1 Noel, Eugene & Mesaize, - - See Mesaize & Noel. Noel de la Moriniere, Simon Barthclemy Joseph. Prospectus de Phis- toire naturelle du hareng et de sa peche. Rouen, 1789. 4. '1789.1 Des migrations du hareng. Magaz. Encycl. (Millin), 1795, 6, 5- 22. 1795.1 Histoire naturelle de Peperlan de la Seine Inf6rieure. Rouen, An VI [1798] 8. 1798.1 Sur les moyens et les avantages de naturaliser, dans les eaux douces des fleuves, des poissons originates des eaux salees. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1800, 2, 82-83. 1800.1 On the means to >e employed for multiplying fish. Phil. Mag., 1801, 10, 159-165. Refers to the experiments of Benjamin Franklin and observations of Liancourt on the herring of the Potomac, Hudson, Delaware and Elk rivers. 192 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOE Noel de la Moriniere, S. B. J. Observations sur 1'ascaride du clupee hareng. Trav. Acad. Sci. Rouen, 1804, 81. 1804.1 Memoire sur les differents ba- teaux et barques employes a la peche du hareng par les nations europeennes. Mem. Inst. Sci. Savans Paris, 1806, 1, 229-250. 1806.1 Memoire sur la feinte, Clupee feinte (Alosa picta auctorum) Mag. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1810, 4, 310-314. 1810.1 Natural history, economical and political, of useful fishes; preceded by that of the morse, seal and whale families of animals. Review in Med. Repository, New York, 1811, n. s. 2, 410-412. 1811.1 Histoire generate des peches anciennes et modernes, dans les mers et les fleuves des deux continens. Paris, 1815. 4. 1815.1 Noldeke, B. Die Herkunft des En- docardepithels bei Salmo solar. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1899, 65, 517-528. pi. 1899.1 Noldeke, Theodor. Orientalische Stu- dien, Theodor Noldeke zum siebenzig- sten Geburtstag gewidmet, etc. Leip- zig, 1906. 1906.1 Aramaische Fischnamen, von Immanuel Low, p. 549-570. Nolke, , & Hagemann, - Zucht von Rhodeus amarus. Gegen- seitiges Verhaltnis von Muscheln und Fischen. 58. & 59. Jahresber. Nat. Ges. Hannover, 1910, 81-82. 1910.1 Noejbling, Fritz. Die Fauna des sam- landischen Tertiars. [Pisces] Abh. Geol. Spec. Preuss., 1885, 6, pt. 3, 3- 106. With atlas of 11 pis. 1885.1 - [Vorlegung einiger fossiler Hai- fischzahne] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1886, 13-17. 3 figs. 1886.1 Noetzel, Theodor. Die Zucht von Trichogaster fasciatus im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1898, 9. Jahrg., 130-131; 163-164. 1898.1 - Zur Zucht von Betta pugnax. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1898, 9. Jahrg., 139-140. 1898.2 Nogues, A . F. Note sur une nouvelle espece de Gyrodus (Gyrodus gobini) des environs de Seyssel. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1863, 67, 913-915. Ann. Sci. Phys. Nat. Lyon, 1863, 3. ser. 7, 476-480. 1863.1 Nolan, Edward J. An index to the scientific contents of the Journal and Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1812-1912. Philad. Acad. Nat. Sci. 1913, 14, 1-1420. 1913.1 Nolf , P. La coagulation du sang des poissons. Arch. Intern. Physiol., 1906, 4, 216-259. 1906.1 Contribution a 1' etude de la coagulation du sang (7. memoire) La coagulation du sang des poissons. Arch. Intern. Physiol., 1909, 7, 379-410. 1909.1 Noll, F. C. Bitterling und Maler- muschel [Rhodeus amarus und Unio] Zool. Garten, 1869, 10. Jahrg., 257-265. pi. Ibid., 1870, 11. Jahrg., 237-238. 1869.1 Der Bitterling, Rhodeus amarus, im Herbste laichend. Zool. Garten, 1870, 11. Jahrg., 131. 1870.1 Fluszaquarien. Zool. Garten, 1870, 11. Jarhg., 6-9. 1870.2 - Der Stor im Rhein und Main. Zool. Garten, 1871, 12. Jahrg., 180-183. 1871.1 - Die Salm-Fischerei bei St. Goar. Zool. Garten, 1874, 15. Jahrg., 447^54, 1874.1 - Gewohnheiten und Eierlegen des Bitterlings [Rhodeus amarus} Zool. Garten, 1877, 19. Jahrg., 351-362. 1877.1 Der Teleskopfisch. Zool. Gar- ten, 1878, 19. Jahrg., 359-362. fig. 1878.1 - Ueber Bau und Lebensweise der Seepferdchen und Seenadeln. Ber. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 1877-78 (1879), 139-140. -1879.1 - Ueber einen grossen, seit 1839 geztichtetenKarpfen. Ber. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. 1877-78 (1879), 138-139. 1879.2 Ein achtunddreissigj ahriger Karp- fen. Zool. Garten, 1882, 23. Jahrg., 225-234. 1882.1 Nollet, Konnen die Fische horen und pflanzt sich der Schall durch das Wasser fort? Annal. Physik (Gil- bert), 1813, 44, 346-361. 1813.1 NOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 193 Noorden, ( 'arl von . Die Entwickelung (Irs Labyrinthes bei Knochenfischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat.Abth.), 1883, 235-264. pi. 1883.1 1. Anatomie des Gehorprgans beim erwach- scnon Knochenfisch. 2. Literatiir zur Entwick- elung der Bogengange. 3. Die morphplogischen Vorirunge bei der Bildung des Labyrinthes. 4. Histologische Vorgange bei der Bildung der Bogengange. 5. Die morphologischen Vorgange bei der Bildung des Labyrinthes. Norback, Oskar Gustaf. Fiske och Hskoafvel. Sporten, 1886, 6, 19-22; 29-30; 38-40; 59-61; 65-66. 6 figs. 1886.1 Nordenskiold, Adolf Erik. Redogo- rclse for den svenska polarexpeditionen ar 1872-1873. Oefvers. Svensk Vet. Akad. Forh., 1875, 2, no. 18, 1-132. pi. & map. 1875.1 Pisces, p. 104. - Redogorelse for en expedition till mynningen af Jenissej och Sibirien ar 1875. Oefvers. Svensk Vet. Akad. Forh., 1877, 4, no. 1, 1-114. 1877.1 Pisces, p. 27-28; 64; 74-76. - Vegas fard kring Asien och Europa, jamte en historisk aterblick pa foregaende resor langs Gamla varldens nordkust. 2 pts. Stockholm, 1880-81. 8. 1880.1 Pisces, pt. i, p. 308; 436; 464-465; 477- 478. Ibid., pt. ii, p. 27; 60; 62-64; 294. - The voyage of the " Vega " round America and Asia, translated by Alexander Leek. New York, 1882. 756 p. Must. 8. 1882.1 - Den andra Dicksonska expedi- tionen till Gronland, dess inre isoken och dess ostkust. Stockholm, 1885. 546 p. fig. 5 maps. 8. 1885.1 Pisces, p. 267. Nordenskjold, Nils [Otto] Gustaf [1869 ] Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwedischen Siidpolar-Expedition, 1901-1903, unter Mitwirking zahl- reicher Fachgenossen, herausgegeben durch O. Nordenskjold, Leiter der Ex- pedition. 5 vols. Stockholm, 1905-16. 4. 1916.1 Bd. iii, Lief. 4. On fossil fish-remains from Snow Hill and Seymour islands, by A. S. Wood- ward. Bd. v, Lief. 6. The fishes, by E. Lonnberg. Nordenson, J. W. Die Nerven und Gef asse der paarigen Flossen von Gadus callarias L. Arkiv Zool. Stockholm, 1910, 6, no. 6, 1-22. pi. & 5 figs. 1910.1 Nordgaard, O. Iste^den beretning om de ved Bergens biologiske station foretagne udkla?dningsfors0g med Lakse- og S00rstrogn i saltvand og brak. Bergens Mus. Aarbog, 1896, no. 4, 1-21. Ibid., 1899, no. 8, 1-9. is.Mi. 1 With an English summary to first report. Notices in Nat. Science, 1897, 10, 294. EtanirH & Rivieres, 1897, 115-116. - Action de 1'eau sa!6e ou sau- matre sur les ceufs de saumon et de la iruite de mer. Abstract in Etangs & Rivieres, 1897, 10, 114. 1897.1 - Udklaekningsforseg med lakse- og S00rretrogn i salt-og brakvand. Bergen, 1897. 8. 1897.2 - Oplysninger om seiens vekst og aate [with an English summary] Ber- gens Museums Aarbog, 1901, no. 3, 1- 20. Review in Nature, 66, 474. 1901.1 - Fedsilden og nedb0ren [The fat herring and the rainfall] Norsk Fiskerit., Bergen, 1905, 24, 403-414; 464^74; 523-527. Ibid., 1906, 26, 56- 66; 93-101. 1905.1 - Hydrographical and biological investigations in Norwegian fiords. Bergen Mus. Marine Invest., 1905, 2, 3-253. 1905.2 - Flyndre i Snaasen vandet [Flounders in Snaasen lake] Norsk Fiskerit., Bergen, 1906, 26, 101-103. 1906.1 - Lidt om ueren Sebastes marinus. Naturen, Bergen, 1906, 30, 241-242. 1906.2 - lagttagelser over sildens aate [Beobachtungen iiber den Mageninhalt des Herings] Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift,, Trondhjem, 1907, no. 2 fc 1-17. 1907.1 - Trsek af fiskeriets utvikling i Norge. I. [Zur Geschichte der Ent- wickelung der Fischerei in Norwegen] Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift., Trond- hjem, 1908, no. 1, 1-117. 76 figs. 1908.1 - Beretning om fors0k med utklsekning av guldflyndre (Pleuronectes platessa L.) ved Trondhjems biologiske station i aarene 1908 og 1909. Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift., Trondhjem, 1909, no. 7, 1^6. 1909.1 - Lidt om guldflyndrens vandrin- ger i Trondhjemsfjorden [Ueber die Wanderungen der Goldbutte im Dront- heimfjord] Norsk Fiskerit., Bergen, 1909, 28, 275-278. 1909.2 194 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOR Nordgaard, 0. Bemerkninger om stremmens >aa fiskeries bevagelser. Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift., Trondhjem, 1910, no. 5, 1-16. 1910.1 - Fiskerihistoriske grundtrok. Norges fiskerier utgit av forlaget Norge. Kristiania, 1911. 42 p. figs. 1911.1 Beretning om fors0k med ut- klaekking av guldflyndre (Pleuronectes platessa Linn.) ved Trondhjems biolo- giske station i aarene 1910-1914. Kgl. Norske Vid. Selsk. Skrift. 1913 (1914), no. 6. 104 p. 37 figs. 1914.1 Nordhoff, Charles. The salmon of northern California. Amer. Sportsman, 1873, 3, 103. 1873.1 Preparing salmon on the Colum- bia river. Forest & Stream, 1874, 1, 397. 1874.1 Nordlund, B. Fr. Beskrifning ofver Nerpes socken. Suomi, 1866, 2. ser. 5, 1-143. 1866.1 Nordmann, Alexander von. Bericht an die kaiserliche Akademie der Wissen- schaften, liber eine neue Fischgattung (Hexacanthus) aus der Familie der Gobioiden. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1838, 3, 328-332. Abstracts in Rev. Zool., 1838, 294. Isis (Oken), 1839, 644-645. L'lnstitut, 1838, 6, 390. 1838.1 Observations sur la faune pon- tique (In Demidoff, A. de. Voyage dans la Russie meridionale et la Crimee, vol. iii. Paris, 1840. 32 col. pis.) 1840.1 " Pisces faunae ponticae," par A. de Nordmann. - En i Helsingfors yttre skargard fangad sill- eller strommingssort. Oef- vers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1853, 1, 194. 1853.1 - Nagra sallsyntare finska hogre djurarter, tillhorande Universitetets zoologiska samlingar. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1855, 2, 69-73. 1855.1 Notiz iiber die von der K. Russischen Geographischen Gesell- schaft nach dem ostlichen Sibirien un- ternommene wissenschaftliche Expedi- tion. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1856, 3, 141-148. 1856.1 Salmo ferox Jardine, fran Ulea- trask. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1857, 4, 22. 1857.1 Skrifvelse [fran Nikolajevsk i Sibirien] fran Dr. Radde. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1857, 4, 70-75. 1857.2 - Ueber den Fischfang und die Jagd der am Amur wohnenden Giljaken. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1861, 34, pt. 2, 227-260. 1861.1 - En giftig fisk frn Godahopp- sudden. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1863, 5, 160. 1863.1 - Om Cyprinoideernas svalgtan- der. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1863, 5, 291-292. 1863.2 - Fortsattning af naturhistoriska anteckningar om varen 1864. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1864, 6, 149-150. 1864.1 - Naturhistoriska observationer anstalda i botaniska tradgarden och narliggande trakter om varen 1864. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1864, 6, 63-64. 1864.2 - Abramis ballerus L. och Leucis- cus erythrophthalmus i Pyhajarvi. Oef- vers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1865, 7, 21-22. 1865.1 - [En ljus fargvarietet af lakej Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1865, 7, 69. 1865.2 Fortsattning af naturhistoriska observationer anstallda ar 1864. Oef- vers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1865, 7, 71- 73. 1865.3 Strodda naturhistoriska anteck- ningar. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1866, 8, 33-35; 58-60. 1866.1 Nordqvist, Oscar Frithiof. Atgarder for fiskeriernas skyddande mot indus- trin. Meddel. af inspektoren for fiske- rierna i Finland. I. Helsingfors, 1890. 115 p. 8. 1890.1 - Forslag till atgarder for fiske- riernas hojande. Meddel. af Inspek- toren for fiskerierna i Finland. I.I. Helsingfors, 1890. 32 p. 8. 1890.2 - Ett och annat om rodingen. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 64-66. 1892.1 Fiskodlingen. Finl., 1892, 1, 166-167. Fiskeritidskr. 1892.2 - Fiskvagen vid Gammelstads- fallet. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 13. 1892.3 NOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Nagra korta anvisningur i arti- ficiel fiskafvel. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 7-12. 1892.4 - Om fiskets ordnande i Oestra Nv lands skargard. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 127-131. 1892.5 Om fiskets ordnande i smarre sioar. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 3-7. 1892.6 Om fiskvagar. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 143-148; 172-205. 48 figs. 1892.7 - Om salens utrotande i Oester- sjon. Ladoga och Saima. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 56-60. 1892.8 - Tiden for fiskynglets utklack- ning. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 140. 1892.9 - Bref fran Amerika. I. Forenta S t a t ernas Fiskerikommission. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 48-53. 1893.1 - Bref fran Amerika. II. For- enta Staternas Fiskerikommissions lax- odlingsanstalt vid Craigs brook, Maine. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 1, 65-73; 85-93. 8 figs. 1893.2 - Bref fran Amerika. III. Fiske : riafdelningen vid Varldsutstallningen i Chicago. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 109-124. 1893.3 En'amerikansk fiskart i Finland. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 160-161. 1893.4 Forellodlingen i Finland. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 145-146. 1893.5 Sik och gosodlingsanstalten i Detroit, Mich. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 140-144; 148-155. 4 figs. 1893.6 Trybom, Filip: Fiskevard och fiskodling. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 162. 1893.7 - Bestyrelsens for fiskeriforenin- gen i Finland redogorelse ofver forenin- gens verksamhet under ar 1893. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 49-56. 1894.1 Breflada [Laxens vandringan Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 196. 1894.2 Fiskepidemi. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 145. 1894.3 Fisket i sjon Erie i Nord- Amer- ika. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 154- 159. 1894.4 - Fiskodlingen i Finland. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 29. 1894.5 - Fran Evois fiskeriforsoksstation. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 142-143. 1894.6 - Handlingar rorande laxfisket i Tornea elf enligt uppdrag af Kejs. Senaten for Finland utgifna. HelsinK- fors, 1894. 477 p. 8. 1894.7 - Nagra prd till svar om kraftans fridlysning. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 78-80. 1894.8 - Om befordrandet af fiskyag- sanlaggningar. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 126-130. 1894.9 - Om kraftan och dess fridlysning. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 33^0. 1894.10 - Om nagra olika natbragders re- lativa skadlighet for fisket. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 3-6. 1894.11 - Shadodlingen i Amerika. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 21-24. 1894.12 - Some notes about American fish- culture. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 197-200. 1894.13 Strommingsfisket. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 195. 1894.14 - Bestyrelsens for fiskeriforenin- gen i Finland redogorelse ofver forenin- gens verksamhet under ar 1894. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 51-61. 1895.1 - Fiskevarden och fiskodlingen i Nord-Amerika. Berattelse afgifven till Kejs. Senaten for Finland. Meddel. af Inspektoren for fiskerierna i Finland. III. Helsingfors, 1895. 114 p. 20 pis. 1895.2 Fiskodlingen. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 13-14. 1895.3 Nagra drag ur laxens natur- historia. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 187-190. 1895.4 Odling och markning af Lado- galax. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 14. 1895.5 Om odling af sutare [lindare] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 47. 1895.6 Regnbagsforellen. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 103. 1895.7 Some notes about American fish-culture. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1895), 13, 197-200. 1895.8 196 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOR Nordqvist, O. F. - Berattelse ofver fiskeriforenin- gens i Finland verksamhet under ar 1895. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 65- 72. 1896.1 Evois fiskerif orsoksstations verk- samhet. Meddel. af inspektoren for fiskerierna i Finland. IV. Helsingfors, 1896. 36 p. 2 maps. 1896.2 Fiskepidemi. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 6, 146. 1896.3 - Gafvor till fiskerimuseum. Fis- keritidskr. Finl., 1896, 6, 147. 1896.4 - Hvassbuksfisket i v. Nyland. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 6, 148. 1896.5 - Nagra ord om fiskplantering. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 198-200. 1896.6 - Om storryssjor och storryssje- fiske. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 18-54. 1896.7 - Regnbagsforellen i Finland. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 145. 1896.8 Reseanteckningar om fiskeri- forhallandena vid en del af de tavast- landska sjoarna. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 6, 4-8; 84-87. 1896.9 - Undersokningar i anledning af fiskepidemin i Kyro och Nykarleby elfvar. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 13-14. 1896.10 - Ijo elfs fiskerier. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 110-115. 1897.1 - Markta laxar. Finl., 1897, 6, 38. Fiskeritidskr. 1897.2 Nagra bidrag till mujkans natu- ralhistoria. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 4-10; 22-30. 1897.3 Om dammhushallning och bety- delsen af dess inforande i Finland. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 75-80. 1897.4 hetens andamal och organisation. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 192-199. 1897.5 - Om mujkan (Coregonus albula] och mujkfisket i Wiitasaari socken. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 2-10; 22-30. 1897.6 Om orsakerna till fiskens ut- doende uti grunda sjoar under stranga vintrar och medlen att hindra detsamma. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1897, 6, 151-154. fig. 1897.7 - Gafva till fiskerimuseet (Gas- terosteus spinachid) Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 81. 1898.1 Stor lax fangad pa mete. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 148. 1898.2 - Stor sik. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 180. 1898.3 - Nordgaard, 2den beretning om de ved den biologische station i Bergen foretagne udktekningsforsog med lak- serogn i saltvand. Bergens Museums Aarbog, 1898, no. 8. 1898.4 - Ny metod att oka sma sjoars fiskrikedom. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 184-186. 1898.5 - Torne elfs laxfiske. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1898, 7, 135-142; 155- 162. Ibid., 1899, 8, 113-125. 1898.6 - Afbildning af den amerikanska insjostoren. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 199. pi. 1899.1 - Berattelse ofver fiskerif orenin- gens i Finland verksamhet under ar 1898. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 57-63. 1899.2 - Den amerikanska insjostoren (Adpenser rubicundus] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 97-100; 132-137.- Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1899, 7, 125-127; 180-186. pi. 1899.3 Fiskeriinspektoren, Filosofie- doktorn Oscar Nordqvists berattelse ofver den resa han, enligt Kejserliga Senatens forordnande af den 4 maj 1899. Helsingfors, 1899. 15 p. 8. 1899.4 - Fiskodlingsresultat pa Evois fiskerif orsoksstation. Fiskeriti dskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 198. 1899.5 - Gafvor till fiskerimuseet. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 149. 1899.6 Om insjofiskeriforsoksverksam- Gafvor till fiskerimuseet (Cy- dopterus lumpus] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 94. 1899.7 - Gafvor till fiskerimuseet [Nero- phis ophidian] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 218. 1899.8 - Hvar leker Puruvesilaxen? Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 201-204. 1899.9 NOR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 197 - Laxfisket. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 149. 1899.10 - Xitsche, Heinrich: " Die Siiss- waseerfische Deutschlands." 2. Auflage. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 50. 1899.11 - Ny fiskart till Finland [Salmo fontinalis] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 22. 1899.12 Om alens utbredning i Finlands inrc vattendrag. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 212-213. 1899.13 Om samarbete for undersokning af de for fisket skadliga djurarternas foda. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 70- 72. 1899.14 - Rqtsimpans (Coitus scorpius) och hornsimpans (Coitus quadricornis) fortplantning. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 205-206. 1899.15 - Rotsimpans eller " ulkens " (Cottus scorpius) och hornsimpans (C. quadricornis) fortplantning. Svensk Fiskeri Tidskrift, 1899, 6, pt. 3, 136. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, no. 12. 1899.16 - Sommaren 1899 i Borga skar- gard afvensom tidigare hos oss gjorda gosodlingsforsok. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899,8,129-131. 1899.17 Aluppfodning. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 100-101. 1900.1 - Anteckningar fran en resa i finska Lappmarken sommaren 1899. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 2-6; 19-23; 33^1; 95-99. 1900.2 Ater en Ladogalax ofvanom Imatra. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 99. 1900.3 - Fiskodling. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 100. 1900.4 - Forell, fangad vid Evois fiskeri- forsoksstation. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 101. 1900.5 - Gafvor till fiskerimuseet. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 133. 1900.6 Belone acus, Leuciscus latifrons and Petromyzon fluiiatilis are included. - Gosplantering. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 101. 1900.7 - Inre befruktning hos Cottus scorpius och C. quadricornis. Medd. Soc. Fauna Fennica, 1900, 26, 31-34. 1900.8 - Ladogalax fangad ofvanom Ima- tra. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 43- 44. 1900.9 - La peche en Finlande. Notices sur la Finlande publics a I'occasion de 1' Exposition Universelle a Paris en 1900. Helsingfors, 1900. 31 p. 8. 1900.10 - Litet om fiskarnas vandring- svagar, hufvudsakligen vid Finlands kuster. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 167-169. 1900.11 - Lonnberg, Einar: Om de kas- piska fiskerierna. Medd. Kongl. Landt- bruksstyr., 1900, no. 2. Fiskeritidski-. Finl., 9, 28. 1900.12 - Mujkans (Coregonus albula) till- vaxt. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 159-160. 1900.13 - Ytterligare om Puruvesi laxens lekplatser. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 30. 1900.14 - Ar 1900 verkstallda undersok- ningar rorande nagra hafsfiskars lek samt f orekomsten af deras agg och yngel i Finska viken. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1901, 20, 1-30. 1901.1 - Wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des Meeres und der Meeresfische im Interesse der Fischereien [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1901, 10, 2-5; 36-41. 1901.2 - Brut von Clupea alosa var. finta [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1902, 11, 150. 1902.1 Fiskens utdoende i Malmby back i Oktober 1901. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1902, 11, 111-114. 1902.2 Handbok i fiskerihushallning. Helsingfors, 1902. 200 p. 8. 1902.3 - Nagra ord i anledning af fore- gaende uppsats (R. W. Snellman, " Om laxfisket och laxleken i Puruvesi") Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1902, 11, 172-173. 2 pis. 1902.4 - Das Aufsteigen des Lachses in den Flussen Finlands. Vorlaufige Mit- teilung. Congr. Intern. Peche Piscicult. St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 1, 121-126. C. R. Congr. Nat. Medecin Nord, Helsing- fors, 1903, pt. 6, 32-37. Aus einer Reise nach dem Ge- richtssprengel Kajana urn in Winter- fischerei Unterricht zu geben [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1903, 12, 88-89. 1903.2 198 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOR Nordqvist, 0. F. Aussetzung von gezeichneten Aalen in Finnland. Fischerei Zeitg., Neudamm, 1903, 6, 648. 1903.3 Einige biologische Ursachen zur gegenwartigen Ausbreitung der Siiss- vvasserfische in Finland [Text in Swed- ish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1903, 12, pts. 6-8; 115-123; 133-142. 1903.4 Some biological reasons for the present distribution of freshwater fish in Finland. Fennia, Bull. Soc. Geogr. Finlande, 1903, 20, 1-29. 6 maps. 1903.5 Some observations on the eel in Finland. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, 1903, 29, 48-54. 1903.6 Aalfischereiversuche und Aalun- tersuchungen in Siid-Finland. [Text in Swedish] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1904, 13, 73-84. map. 1904.1 Infangad markt al [Mit Marke versehener Aal eingefangen] Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1904, 13, 165. 1904.2 - Resultate der Aussetzung von gezeichneten Aalen in Finnland im Jahre 1903. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., Stettin, 1904, 27, 85-86. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 20, 85-87. 1904.3 - Stor lake [Ueber ein grosses Ex- emplar von Lota vulgaris] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1904, 13, 29-30. 1904.4 Om gosen (Stizostedium lucio- perca) och gosodling. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1905, 14, 86-95. 1905.1 Anteckningar om gosens (Sti- zostedium lucioperca) lefnadsf orhallanden och gosfisket i Dettern. Svensk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1906, 15, 6-13. 1906.1 - Das Aufsteigen der Lachse in die Fliisse Finnlands und Schwedens. (Autoreferat) Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31, 146-148. 1906.2 - Laxens uppstigande i Finlands och norra Sveriges elfyar. Statistiskt bidrag till laxens biologi. Fennia, Bull. Soc. Geogr. Finlande, 1906, 22, 1-58. 17 tables & 11 diagrams. 1906.3 German resume 1 , p. 54-58. - Sodra Sveriges fiskeriforenings f orsoksstation i Aneboda . Skrif t . S verig . Fiskeriforen., 1906, no. 1, 7-13. 1906.4 - Fiskodling i dammar. Skrif t. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1907, no. 2, 47-64. 6 figs. 1907.1 Olika metoder att bestamma fisks alder och tillvaxt. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1907, no. 2, 38^6. 11 figs. 1907.2 - Om forsoksverksamheten i sot- vattensfiskeriets tjanst. Kungl. Landt- bruks-Akad. Handl. Tidskr., Stockholm, 1907, 46, 50-64. map. 1907.3 - Die Langenmasse von in der siidlichen Ostsee gefangenen Lachsen und Meerforellen als Vorbereitung einer eventuellen Einftihrung von verein- barten Mindestmassen dieser Fische. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1908, 9, 23-28. 1908.1 Zur Kenntnis der Kolbenzellen der Schleie (Tinea vulgaris Cuv.) Zool. Anz., 1908, 33, 525-528; 783. figs. 1908.2 - Erfarenheter gjorda under fiskodlingen ar 1908. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1909, no. 5, 27-55. 1909.1 - Fiskaldersbestamningar for 150 ar sedan. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1909, no. 5, 62-64. 1909.2 - Anteckningar fran en studieresa till Tyskland. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeri- foren., 1910, no. 7, 161-171. 1910.1 - Berattelse om fiskodlingen i dammar pa fiskeriforsoksstationen i Aneboda och hos nagra privata fiskodlare ar 1909. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1910, no. 6, 81-105. 1910.2 - Fiskeristudier i mellersta Eu- ropa. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1910, no. 6, 106-128. 1910.3 Om alens lif och inplantering i sjoar. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1910, no. 7, 147-160. 1910.4 - Sodra sveriges fiskeriforenings varsammantrade i Aneboda den 30 maj, 1910. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1910, no. 7, 129-143. 1910.5 - Zur Biologic des Stintes (0s- merus eperlanus L.) Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fennica, 1910, 33, no. 8, 1-18. 3 pis. 1910.6 - Berattelse ofver fiskodlingen i dammar pa fiskeriforsoksstationen i Aneboda och hos nagra privata fiskodlare ar 1910. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1911, no. 8, 28-71. 1911.1 Om gaddan och gaddodling. Fran skog och sjo, 1911, 4, 134-135. 1911.2 Ueber Fortpflanzung, kiinstliche Befruchtung und Erbriitung von Esox lucius. NOR BmUOGRAPHY OF FISH MS - Sodra sveriges fiskeriforining 1906-1911. Lund, 1911. 39 p. pi. & map. 8. 1911.3 - Berattelse 6fver fiskodlingen i dammar p& fiskeriforsoksstationen i Aneboda ar 1911. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1912, no. 10, 53-74. 1912.1 Kortfattad vagledning i fiske och fiskevard. I. Fiskevard, Stock- holm, 1912. 96 p. 8. 1912.2 - Berattelse ofver fiskodlingen i dammar pa fiskeriforsoksstationen i Aneboda ar 1912. Skrift. Sverig. Fiskeriforen., 1913, no. 11, 34-66. 1913.1 - Bidrag fill kannedomen om vara sotvattensfiskars larvstadier. Arkiv Zool. Svcnsk. Vet. Akad., 1914, 9, no. 4. 49 p. 4 pis. 1914.1 Nordqvist, Oscar Frithiof, Ekman, Thorsten, & Schmidt, Carl Undersok- ningar rorande svenska laxforande vattendrag. II. Dalalfven. Meddel. Kungl. Landtbruksstyeelsen, no. 163. Stockholm, 1911. 65 p. 5 pis. 8. 1911.1 Nordqvist, Oscar Frithiof, & Erics- son, Bernhard. Evois fiskeriforsokssta- tions verksamhet. Meddel. af inspekto- ren for fiskerierna i Finland. IV. Hel- singfors, 1896. 36 p. 2 maps. 8. 1896.1 Nordqvist, Oscar Frithiof, & Try- bom, Filip. Fiskevard och fiskodling. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 162. 1893.1 Nordstrom, J. A. Berattelse om fisket i Geta. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1900, 9, 10. 1900.1 Nordstrom, L. Fiskare. Stock- holm, 1907. 181 p. 8. 1907.1 Norguet, Anatole de Madre de [ 1898] Zoologie du departement du Xord. Poissons d'eau douce. Bull. Scient. Depart. Nord, 1872, 4, 231-234. 1872.1 Norman, Fish in Michigan. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 290. 1875.1 Norman, Alfred Merle [1831 ] On the Crustacea, Echinodermata, and zoophytes contained in deep-sea dredg- ing off the Shetland isles in 1861. Kept. Brit, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 31. meet. 1861 (1862), 151. 1862.1 On the external parasites of fish. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 9014-9015. 1864.1 Norman, W. W. Segmentation of the nucleus without segmentation of the protoplasm. II. Experiments on fish eggs. Arch. Entw.-Mech. Leipzig, 1896, 3, 118-122. 1896.1 Norny, E. R. On the propagation of the striped bass. Bull. U. S. 1 i>h Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 67-78. lssi>. 1 - A proposed pond for rearing striped bass (Roccus lineatus) in Dela- ware bay. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 260-261. ISSLVJ With description of an eel, species not named. A proposed pond for rearing striped bass (Roccus lineatus) in Dela- ware bay. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 315. 1885.1 Noro, K. On bleeding in cases of fish poisoning [Text in Japanese] Tokyo, Ijishinshi, 1880, no. 112. 1880.1 Norris, A. A., & Eigenmann, Carl H. See Eigenmann & Norris. Norris, Harry Waldo [1862 ] Re- cent studies of the vertebrate head. Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 95-102; 334-342. 1891.1 - Homologies of the cyclostome ear. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci. 1895 (1896), 3, 29-31. 1896.1 Norris, Thaddeus. On the distribu- tion of Salmo. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1862, 102. 1862.1 - Remarks on a species of Osmerus [0. viridescens] taken in the Schuylkill, below Fairmont dam. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1861 (1862), 58-59. 1862.2 - The American angler's book. Embracing the natural history of sport- ing fish, and the art of taking them. Philadelphia, 1864. xxiii, 604 p. 80 pis. 8. 1864.1 The same. 2. ed., with supple- ment. Philadelphia, 1865. 701 p. 80 pis. 8. 1865.1 American fish-culture; embrac- ing all the details of artificial breeding and rearing of trout, the culture of salmon, shad, and other fishes [With an appendix] Philadelphia, 1868. 304 p. illust. 1868.1 Remarks on a new species of Osmerus (0. sergeanti] Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1868, 93-94. lsi.s.i> On the stocking of the Delaware with Salmo salar. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1872, 163-164. 1872.1 200 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NOR Norris, T. - Peculiarities of anadromous fishes. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 246- 247. 1873.1 - Accidental propagation of shad. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 346-347. 1874.1 - Autopsy of a salmon. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 356. 1874.2 - Concerning the so-called black bass. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 3, 407. 1874.3 - Introduction of grass bass. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 3, 397. 1874.4 - Perplexity arising from local names of fish. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 123. 1874.5 - Salmon hatching on the Dela- ware. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 382. 1874.6 - Technical names of chub. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 181. 1874.7 - The two species of smelt. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 3, 371. 1874.8 - What do salmon eat? Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 308. 1875.1 - On the acclimatization of the Michigan grayling in eastern waters. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1875 (1876), 38-39. 1876.1 - The Michigan grayling. Scrib- ners Monthly Mag., 1879, 17-23. 1879.1 North, Oliver [pseudon.] See Mul- len, W. North, Roger [1653-1754] The his- tory of esculent fish, with plates by E. Albin; and an essay on the breeding of fish, and the construction of fish- ponds, by ... R. North. London, 1794. 80 p. 18 pis. 4. 1794.1 This book appears to have been a publisher's venture, and consists of: 1. A series of eighteen " remainder " plates by Eleazar, Elizabeth and Fortin Albin, engraved between 1735 and 1740, to which text has been written at some period posterior to 1774, and consequently not by Eleazar Albin. 2. A reprint of North's " Discourse " which appeared in 1713. A treatise on fish and fish-ponds, illustrated ... by Ebenezer [sic] Albin. London, 1835. ii, 92 p. 18 pis. 4. 1835.1 This is a reprint of the preceding in which North's " Discourse " is placed first. Northrop, Henry Davenport. The animal world, or Wonders of natural history, etc. Mansfield, Ohio, 1901. 608 p. illust. 8. 1901.1 Chap, xxi, Fishes of many species. Chap xxii, Curious creatures of the sea. Norwood, Joseph Granville, & Owen, David Dais. Description of a new fossil fish from the Palaeozoic rocks of Indiana. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1846, 2. ser. 1, 367-371 . 2 figs. 1846.1 Describes the Middle Devonian arthrodiran genus Macropetalichthys. - Description of Macropetalich- thys rapheidolabis. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1846, 2, 116. 1846.2 Norwood, /. W. Fish and water symbols. Open Court, Chicago, 1912, 26, 662-672. 1912.1 Noulet, J. B. Liste des poissons de la Haute-Garonne et synonymic locale. Toulouse, 1891. 1891.1 Nourse, Thorndike. Les methodes les plus recentes pour 1'incubation des ceufs de poisson au moyen des appareils Macdonald. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1898, 10, 1-16. 7 figs. 1898.1 Les " Valli " ou pecheries de la Venetie. Rev. Scient., 1899, 4. ser. 12, 33^0. 16 figs. 1899.1 Noury, E. Note sur une plie franche (Platessa vulgaris Flem.) presentant une coloration anomale. Bull. Soc. Amis Sci. Nat. Rouen, 1909, 5. ser. 44, 19-20. 1909.1 Novikov, M. M. Beobachtungen iiber die Vermehrung der Knorpelzellen, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Struktur der " hyalinen " Knorpelgrund- substanz. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1908, 90,205-257. 4 pis. & 5 figs. 1908.1 - Der histologische Bau der Kno- chen von Orthagoriscus mola. Moskva, Dnevn. XII. Sjezda Russ. Jest. Vrac. 1909-1910 (Prot.) 286-287. 1909.1 - Ueber den Bau des Knochens von Orthagoriscus mola. Anat. Anz., 1910,37,97-106. 6 figs. 1910.1 Nowak, Julian. Welchen Nutzen konnen die theoretisch wissenschaft- lichen Forschungen der Fischkrankhei- ten fur die Fischzucht bringen? Ste- nogr. Protok. Verh. Intern. Fisch.- Kongr. Wien, 1905, 332-337. 1905.1 Nowicki, Maximilian. Nasze ryby, ich nazwy ludowe, rozsiedlenie w wodach NUF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 201 krajowych, pora i miejsce tarla. Kra- kow, Nakl. St. Kulczyekiego, 1879. fol. 1879.1 - Niew o naszych wodach i rybach, oraz kulturze rybnej. Nakl. Tow. Gospodarstwa Galicyiskiego, Lw6w, 1879. 3 p. 4. 1879.2 - Diverses [iiber Fische und Fisch- zucht] aus Galizien. Oesterr.-ungar. I- ischerei Zeitg., 1880, 387. 1880.1 - Dodatki do rossiedlenia ryb w wodach Galicyi. Nakl. Tow. Ryback- iego, Krakow, 1880. 17 p. 8. 1880.2 In Galizien freigelassene Califor- nier [Salme] Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 114-115. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 57-58. 1880.3 - Ryby i wody Galicyi pod wzgledem rybactwa krajowego [The fishes and waters of Galicia] Krak6w r , 1880. 96 p. 10 pis. 8. 1880.4 - Ochronu rybom [Protection of fishes] Lw6w, 1881. 8 p. 8. 1881.1 Nuel, J. P. Quelques phases du developpement du Petromyzon planeri, Arch. Biol., 1881, 2, 403^54. 2 pis. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 2. ser. 2, pt. 1, 26-27. 1881.1 Nusslin, Otto. Zur Kritik des Amphioxusauges. Inaug. Dissert. Tu- bingen, 1877. 33 p. col.pl. 4. 1877.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Core- gonus-Arten des Bodensees und einiger anderer nahegelegener nordalpiner Seen. Zool. Anz., 1882, 5, 86-92; 106-111; 130-135; 164-169; 182-189; 207-212; 253-258; 279-282; 302-306. 7 figs. 1882.1 - Die Fischereiverhaltnisse am Bodensee, mit Riicksicht auf die Interes- senfragen fur die Fischer. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1882, nos. 8 & 9. 1882.2 - Ueber das Wesen der Species bei den nordalpinen Coregonen. Amtl. Ber. 56. Vers. Deutsch. Naturf. Arzte, Freiburg, 1884, 1, 113-116. 1884.1 - Ueber den Gangfisch des Boden- sees und sein Verhaltnis zum Blau- felchen. Mitt. Badisch. Zool. Ver., Karlsruhe, 1901, nos. 9-10, 1-16. 1901.1 - Zur Gangfischfrage. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26, 260-264; 277- 284. 1901.2 - Artberechtigung des Gang- fisches. Zool. Anz., 1903, 27, 156-161. 1903.1 - DieschweizerCoregonenspecie,s; eine Erwiderung auf Dr. V. Fatio's " Deux mots a propos du Coregonus macrophthalmus de Nusslin." Zool. Anz., 1903, 26, 393-406. 4 figs. 1903.2 Gangfisch und Blaufelchen. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, 1904, 60. Jahrg., 189-197. 1904.1 - Letzte Erwiderung in dieser Zeitschrift auf Prof. Dr. Klunzinger's Ausfiihrungen in der Gangfisch- Blaufel- chen- Frage von Marz, 1904. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1905, 61. Jahrg., 302-306. 2 figs. 1905.1 - Der Blaufelchen des Bodensees, sein Fang und seine Pflege. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 1907, 13, 24-33. Coregonus wartmanni Bloch und Macrophthalmus Niissl. Differentialdi- agnose fur das Stadium der Dottersack- brut. Biol. Centralbl., 1907, 27, 440- 447. 6 figs. 1907.2 - Der Fang der Blaufelchen zur Laichzeit. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32, 251-254. 1907.3 - Die kiinstliche Fischzucht beim Blaufelchen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 278-280. 1907.4 - Die Laryen der Gattung Core- gonus, ihre Beziehungen zur Biologic, und ihre systematische Bedeutung. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1908, 18 Vers., 172-194. 17 figs. 1908.1 - Die Madii-Marane (Peipus-Ma- rane) ihr Einsatz in nord-alpinen Seen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 6-8. 1908.2 Neueres vom Lachs. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe, 1908, 20, 10*- 13*. 1908.3 - Die wissenschaftliche Bedeu- tung der Coregonen-Larven. Verh. Naturw. Ver. Karlsruhe, 1910, 22, 86- 100. 1910-1 Nufer, Walther. Die Fische des Vierwaldstattersees und ihre Parasiten. Festschr. Jubilaumsfeier 50jahr. Beste- hens Nat. Ges. Luzern. Mitt. Nat. Ges. Luzern, 1905, 5, 1-232. 4 pis. 1905.1 202 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NUH Nuhn, A . Lehrbuch der verglei- chende Anatomic. Heidelberg, 1878. illust. 8. 1878.1 Nunez, Antonio Machado y. See Machado y Nunez, Antonio. Nunez Cabeza de Vaca, Alvar [ 1564] Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabega de Vaca, translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. New York, 1871. x, 300 p. ports. 1871.1 The present edition is a revision of B. Smith's translation privately printed at Wash- ington in 1851. Some mention is made of fishes taken in the gulf region of the United States. Another translation, by P. Hernandez, is contained in Hakluyt Society, Works, etc., no. 81. 1891. 8. Nunez Ortega, A . Ensayo de una explicaci6n del origen de las grandes mortandades de peces en el golfo de Mexico. Emulaci6n, Merida, 1877-79, 3, 278-280. 1877.1 - Ueber die Sterblichkeit der Fische im Golfe von Mexico. Ausland, 1877, 50. Jahrg., 717-718. 1877.2 - Ensayo de una explicaci6n del origen de las grandes mortandades de peces que ocurren en golfo de Mexico. Naturaleza 1877-79 (1879), 4, 188-197. 1879.1 Nunn, Emily. On the development of the enamel of the teeth of vertebrates. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1883, 34, 156- 165. 3 pis. 1883.1 Teeth of sharks, skates and teleosts (Scomber). Nusbaum, Jozef. Z zycia ryb [On the habits of fishes] Przyroda i Przemysl, 1880-81, 9, 266-268; 278- 280; 507-508. 1880.1 - Ueber das anatomische Verhalt- nis zwischen dem Gehororgane und der Schwimmblase bei den Cyprinoiden. Zool. Anz., 1881, 4, 552-556. 1881.1 - O wzajemnym stosunku organu stuchu i pgcherza ptawnego u ryb karpiowatych [Ueber das Gehororgan und Schwimmblase der Cyprinoiden] Kosmos, Lw6w, 1882, 1-38. 4 pis. 1882.1 - Das anatomische Verhaltniss zwischen dem Gehororgane und der Schwimmblase bei dem Schleimbeisser (Cobitis fossilis) Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 209-223. figs. 1899.1 Contributions aux etudes sur la regeneration des teleosteens [Text in Polishi Kosmos, Lw6w, 1903, 28, 1-20. pi. 1903.1 - Zur Kenntnis der Heteromor- phose bei der Regeneration der alteren Forellenembryonen (Salmo irideus W. Gibb.) Anat. Anz., 1903, 22, 358-363. fig. 1903.2 Zur Morphologic des Saccus paravertebralis und einiger anderen Lymphraume, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Pleuroperitonalhaute bei den Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1903, 23, 339-351. 5 figs. 1903.3 - Zur Histogenese der Lederhaut und der Cycloid-Schuppen der Knochen- fische (In Nusbaum, J., & Kulczycki, W. Materialien zur vergleichenden Histologie der Hautdecke .der Wirbel- tiere. Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 297-310. 10 figs.) 1907.1 - Zur Histologie der tatigen Gas- druse und des Ovals bei den Teleostiern; eine Antwort an Alfred Jager. Anat. Anz., 1907, 31, 169-175. 3 figs. 1907.2 - Zur Teratologie der Knochen- fische, zugleich ein Beitrag zu deren Regeneration. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leip- zig, 1907, 24, 114-123. pi. 1907.3 - Entwickelungsgeschichte und morphologische Beurteilung der Occi- pitalregion des Schadels und der Weber- schen Knochelchen bei den Knocken- fischen (Cyprinus carpio L.) Anat. Anz., 1908, 32, 512-532. 14 figs. 1908.1 - Rozwoj potylicy oraz kostek Webera u ryb karpiowatych [Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Occipital- region des Schadels und der Weberschen Knochelchen bei den Cyprinoiden] Bull. Intern. Acad., Krakow, 1908, 505-508. 1908.2 - Festschrift zur Ehre der dreissig- jahrigen wissenschaft lichen und schrift- stellerischen Tatigkeit von Prof. Dr. Jozef Nusbaum, herausgegeben von friiheren Schiilern. Lwow, 1911. xvii, 306 p. 14 pis. & 17 figs. 8. 1911.1 Verzeichnis der Publikationen von J. Nus- baum und seinen Schiilern. - Notes preliminaires sur 1'ana- tomie comparee des poissons provenant des campagnes de S. A. S. le prince de Monaco. Fragments sur Fanatomie de Cydothone signata Garm. Bull. Instit. Oceanogr. Monaco, 1912, no. 246, 1-13. 1912.1 Zur Kenntnis des Verhaltens des Kernkorperchens und dessen Deri vat e bei der Ovogenese einiger Tiefseekno- chenfische. Anat. Anz., 1913, 43, 582- 598. pi. & 11 figs. 1913.1 NUT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Nusbaum, Joze.f, & Bykowski, L. Beit-rage zur Morphologic des para- sit ischen Knochenfisches Fierasfer Cuv. I. Die Schwimmblase mit besonderer Beriicksichtigung der Gasdrlise dersel- ben. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1904,409-424. pi. 1904.1 - Weitere Beitrage zur Morpholo- gie des parasitischen Knochenfisches Firrasfer Cuv. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Crui-ovie, 1905, 169-198. 15 figs. 1905.1 Nusbaum, Jdzef, Karsten, G., & Weber, Max. Lehrbuch der Biologic. Leipzig, 1911. illust. 8. 1911.1 Nusbaum, Jdzef, & Kulczycki, Wlodzimierz. Zur Kenntnis der Driisen- zcllen in der Epidermis der Knochen- fisdie [Text in Hungarian] Bull. Acad. Sci. Cracovie 1905 (1906), 785-787. 1906.1 - Materialien zur vergleichenden Histologie der Hautdecke der Wirbel- tiere. Anat. *Anz., 1906, 28, 342-354. <>figs. Ibid., 1907, 30, 297-310. lOfigs. 1906.2 Zur Kenntnis der Epidermis und insbesondere deren Driisen bei den Teleostiern. Nusbaum, Jdzef, & Prymak, Teodor. Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte der lym- phoiden Elemente der Thymus bei den Knochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1901, 19, 6-19. 4 figs. 1901.1 Nusbaum, Jozef, & Reis, (Frau Dr.) Karolina. Przyczynek do anatomii i fizyologii t. zw. owalu w pe.cherzu plawnym ryb [Beitrage zur Anatomic und Physiologic des sogenannten Ovals in der Schwimmblase der Fische] Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1905, 778- 787. 1905.1 Nusbaum, Jdzef, & Sidoriak, S. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Regene- rations- Vorgange nach ktinstlichen Verletzungen bei alteren Bachforellen- Embryonen (Salmo fario L.) Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1900, 10, 645- 684. 3 pis. 1900.1 Nusbaum - Hilarowicz, Joseph. Quelques remarques sur les organes genitaux femelles -de Gastrostomus Imirdii (Gill et Ryder) Notepreliminaire. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, 1915, no. 313, 4 p. 1915.1 Existence d'oviductes, qui se reunissent en arriere en canal impaire et qui s'ouvre au dehors. - Resultats des campagnes scien- tifiques de S. A. S. Albert I Prince de Monaco [Note preliminairej Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, 1915, no. 307, 5 p. 1915.2 - Sur quelques points intdressants dans la structure des reins chez Gastro- stomus bairdii (Gill et Ryder), Argyrope- licus hemigymnus (Cocco) et Chauliodus doanei (Bloch) Bull. Inst. Oceanogr. Monaco, 1915, no. 307, 5 p. 1915.3 - Ueber den Bau des Darmka- nals bei einigen Tiefseeknochenfischen. Anat. Anz., 1915-16, 48, 474^84; 497- 506. 7 figs. 1915.4 Nussbaum, Moritz. Ueber die Ge- nerationsorgane der Fische. Circul. Deutsch. Fisherei Ver., 1879, no. 3, 91-95. 1879.1 - Zur Differenzierung des Ge- schlechts im Thierreich. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1880, 18, 1-121. 4 pis. 1880.1 Von der Entwicklung der Geschlechtsdrtlsen bei den Teleostiern, p. 21-30. - Ueber den Bau und die Thatig- keit der Driisen. IV. Mittheilung. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1882, 21, 296-351. 4 pis. 1882.1 Der Magen der Fische (Teleostiern) p. 324- 327. Ein einfaches Verfahren zur Erkennung der gelungenen Befruchtung von Fischeiern. Deutsche Fischerei Zeitg., 1883, 6, no. 5. 1883.1 - A simple test to learn if fish ova are impregnated. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 347-348. 1883.2 By placing fertilized ova in 50% solution of vinegar, the embryo will become apparent to the eye, in the transparent yolk. Johannes Mliller, der Begriinder der neuen Biologic. Naturw. Rund- schau, 1897, 12, 267-271. 1897.1 - Die Entwicklung der Binnen- muskeln des Auges der Wirbelthiere. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1901, 68, 199-230. 2 pis. 1901.1 Nutting, Charles Cleveland [1858] The color of deep-sea animals. Proc. Iowa Acad. Sci., 1899, 6, 27-36. 1899.1 The utility of phosphorescence in deep-sea animals. Amer. Naturalist, 1899, 33, 792-799. Contains references to Lophius, Antennarius, etc. The sea-bottom, its physical conditions and its fauna. Science, 1901, n. s. 13, 841-852. 1901.1 Contains references to deep-sea fishes. 204 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY NYE Nye (junior), Willard. Eels (Anguilla rostrata) in New Bedford water pipes; mackerel abundant in Amherst river; letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 272. 1883.1 Notes upon octopus, flying-fish, etc., taken during the "Albatross" cruise in January, 1884. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 189-190; 336. 1885.1 Fish and fishing in Abaco island. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 125-126. 1887.1 Habits of whiting or frostfish (Merlucdus bilinearis Mitch.) Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 208. 1887.2 - Notes on the fisheries of Buz- zard's bay and vicinity. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 160. 1889.1 Nylander, Anders Edvin. Skildring af en resa i Lappland. Oefvers. Finsk Vet. Soc. Forh., 1857, 4, 75-78. 1837.1 Nylander, William. Collectanea in floram karelicam. Notis. Sallsk. Fauna Flora Fenn. Forh., 1852, 2, 109-181. 1852.1 Contains incidental notice of fishes. Nystrom, E. Redogorelse for den Japanska fisksamlingen i Upsala Univer- sitets zoologiska museum. Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1887, 13, pt. 4, no. 4, 1-54. 1887.1 A list, with notes, of 57 species of Japanese fish in the Upsala Museum, several of which are described as new. Om en monstros form af Cottus scorpius. Stockholm, 1889. 8. pis. 1889.1 Nystrom, C. L. Fauna i Jemtlands vattendrag. Stockholm, 1863. 8. 1863.1 o O. f Facts on the gravelling of th i taw, which is deemed the young of the salmon; and incidental information on the skegger trout of the Thames. Mat:. Nat, Hist,, 1835, 8, 54-55. fig. 1835.1 - Some account of the stickleback fisli (ddxterosteus aculeatus) Mag. Nat. Hist., 1830, 3, 329-332. fig. 1830.1 - Descriptive notice of the char (Sdlnio (ilpinus L.) and mention of an- other species of fish. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 6, 316-318. 1832.1 Oakes, 0. H. Deep-sea trawling for Alepidosaurus off Gloucester, Mass. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 246. 1877.1 Obenchain, JcannetteB., & Herrick, ('. .Jnihan. Sec Herrick & Obenchain. O'Brien, M. E. The propagation of natural food for fish with special ref- erence to fish-culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 29-32. 1889.1 - Epidemic among trout in Ne- braska. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1895 (1896), 52-56. 1896.1 - Methods of hatching and rearing large-mouth black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 84-86. 1899.1 Observer (pseudon.) Sores on fish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 357. 1877.1 Observations on pickerel, caught through the ice in Lee, Mass. Ocafia, Jose Gomez. See Gomez Ocana, Jose. Occasional (pseudon.) Black bass of the Potomac; their haunts and habits. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 355. 1877.1 O'Connell, Marjorie. The habitat of the Eurypterida. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat . Sci., 1916, 11, no. 3. 1916.1 Migration and dispersal of modern fluviatile organisms, p. 203-204. The Old Red Sandstone [fishes] p. 167-206. O'Connor, D. On fish acclimatisa- tion in Queensland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1886, 3, pt. 1, 139. 1886.1 On the occurrence of Chanos salmoneus in Moreton bay. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1886, 3, pt. 1, 141-142. 1886.2 - Report on preservation of Cera- todus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1897, 12, 101-102. 1897.1 - Introduction of Ceratodus forsteri into England. Field, 1898, 91, 899. 1898.1 - On Ceratodus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, pt. 3, 493. 1898.2 - Notes on the Ceratodus. Rept. Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12. meet. 1909 (1910), 383-384. 1910.1 Transport in wet mud 33 hours out of water; young fishes dug out of mud. Oconomowoc, pseudonym for Hen- shall, J. A. Oder, Eugene. Ueber Fische und Fischfang (In Susemihl, E. Ge- schichte der Alexanderischen Litteratur, Bd. i, 1891) 1891.1 Odin, Amedee. Etude sur 1'huile de foie de raie et de la glande qui la fournit. Paris, 1873. 79 p. 8. 1873.1 - Recherches sur les relations apparentes des rendements de la pe"che de la sardine aux Sables d'Olonne (Ven- de"e) avec les variations m^te'orologiques survenues sur cette cote depuis 1871. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1896, 8, 173-197. 1896.1 Odon de Buen, D. El Chauliodus sloani. Bol. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1902, 2, 104-105. 1902.1 O'Donoghue, Charles H. Notes on the circulatory system of elasmobranchs. I. The venous system of the dogfish (Scyllium canicula) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914, 435^55. 2 pis. & 4 figs. 1914.1 Odoric of Pordenone (Friar) [1286- 1331] The journal of Friar Odoric (In The travels of Sir John Mandeville, p. 326-362. London, 1915) 1915.1 Chap. vi. Of the abundance of fishes, which cast themselves upon the shore. Oeberg, P. E. W. Acantholabrus couchi Cuv. & Val., en for Skandinaviens fauna nyfiskart. Oefvers Svensk. Vet. Akad. Forh. 1870 (1871), 27, 391-395. 1871.1 Oedmannson, - - [Ueber becher- formige Zellen, etc.] Inaug. Dissert. 1863. l*M.l Not seen: a paper on the occurrence of sensory papillae in vertebrates, referred to in the next-following article. 206 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OEP Oeffinger, Hermann. Einige Bemer- kungen iiber die sogenannten Becher- zellen. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1867, 337- 348. 1867.1 " Becherzellen oder Schleimzellen in der Haut einiger Fische sind nicht anderes, als veranderte Epithelzellen." See also references under Leydig, F., 1851.1 and Schulze, F. E., 1867.1, in the present Bibliography. - Neue Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Gehirns vom Nilhecht. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1867, 713-732. 1867.2 Oehberg, Abraham. Riklig laxfangst vid Aland. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., -1897, 6, 139. 1897.1 Oellacher, Josef. Beitrage zur Ent- wicklungsgeschichte der Knochenfische nach Beobachtungen am Bachforelleneie. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1872, 22, 373-421. 2 pis. Ibid., 23, 1-115. 4 pis. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 2, 52-62. 1872.1 - Ueber die Bildung des Urnier- einganges bei Knochenfischen (Forelle) und tiber die Beziehungen derselben zur Keimblattlehre. Tagebl. 45. Vers. Deutsch. Naturf., 1872, 150-151. 1872.2 Ueber einen lebenden Doppel- embryo von Truttafario. Ber. Naturw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck, 1873, 3. Jahrg., 31-33. 1873.1 - Ueber den Bau des Forelleneies vor der Befruchtung und die Verander- ungen des Kiemes nach derselben. Ber. Naturw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck, 1873, 3. Jahrg., 22-24. 1873.2 - Ueber die erste Entwicklung der Forelle. Ber. Naturw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck, 1873, 3. Jahrg., 47-51. 1873.3 - Terata mesodidyma von Salmo salvelinus, nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige andere an Fischen beobachtete Doppelmissbildungen. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien 1873 (1874), 68, 1. Abth., 299-325. Also separate; Wien, 1874. 27 p. 8. 1874.1 Ueber Doppelmissbildungen an Fischen. Ber. Naturw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck, 1874, 4. Jahrg., 61-63. 1874.2 - Ueber eine im befruchteten Forellenkieme vor den einzelnen Fur- chungsacten zu beobachtende radiare Struktur des Protoplasmas. Ber. Na- turw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck 1874(1875), 5. Jahrg., 13-19. 1875.1 - Beitrage zur Entwicklungsge- schichte der Bachforelle. Ber. Naturw. Medic. Ver., Innsbruck 1878 (1879), 9. Jahrg., 141-143. 1879.1 Oerley, Ldszio. A czapaknak es rajaknak belfergei. Termesz. Fiizetek, 1885, 9, 97-126. 1885.1 Adatok a czapa-embriok elet- tanahoz. Termesz. Fiizetek, 1885, 9, 221-235. 1885.2 - Die Entozoen der Haien und Rochen. Budapest, 1885. pi. 8. 1885.3 Zur Physiologie der Haiem- bryonen. Termesz. Fiizetek, 1885, 9, 293-309. pi. 1885.4 Oesterbol, A. Fish and Medusse. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 331-332. 1885.1 Fiske og meduser. Fiskeriti- dende, Ki0benhavn, 1885, no. 22. 1885.2 Refers to observations of Hugo Eisig upon commensal habits of young mackerel and medusae. Of siannikoff , Philip V. See Ovsyan- nikov, Filipp Vasilevitch. Ogerien, (Frere) - Histoire natu- relleduJura. 3 vols. Paris, 1863. 1863.1 Tome iii. Zoologie vivante. xx, 570 p. Poissons, p. 317-375. Ogilby, J. Douglas. Notes on some fishes observed at Portrush, county Antrim. Zoologist, 1876, 2. ser. 11, 4753-4756. 1876.1 - Torpedo on the Irish coast. Zoologist, 1876, 2. ser. 11, 4805-4806. 1876.2 - Description of a new Diplo- crepis from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1885, 10, 270-272. 1885.1 - Note on Neoanthias guentheri Casteln. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1885, 10, 231-232. 1885.2 - Notes and descriptions of some rare Port Jackson fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1885, 10, 119-123; 225-232; 445-447. 1885.3 OGI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Notes on some Irish fishes. Sci. - Description of a new fish fn.m Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1885, n. s. 4, Lord Howe island, llec. Austral. Mus., 510-535. 1885.4 1891, 1, no. 6. 1891.1 - Notes on the distribution of some Australian sharks and rays. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1885, 10, 466. 1885.5 - Notes on the distribution of sonic Australian sharks and rays, with a description of Rhinobatus bougainvillei Miill. & Henle. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1885, 10, 463-466. 1885.6 - On an undescribed Pimelepterus [P. meridionals] from Port Jackson. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, 539-540. 1886.1 On a new genus and species of Australian Mugilidse. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 614-616. 1887.1 - Catalogue of the fishes in the collection of the Australian Museum. Part I. Recent palseichthyan fishes. Sydney, 1888. 26 p. 8. 1888.1 - On a small zoological collection from Norfolk island. Fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 990-993. 1888.2 Acanthoclinus littoreus vel A. fasciolatus. Mem. Austral. Mus., 1889, 2,63. pis. & figs. 1889.1 - List of the Australian Palaeich- thyes, with notes on their synonymy and distribution. Part II. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1889, 2. ser. 4, 178- 186. 1889.2 - Notes on some fishes new to the Australian fauna. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, 151-158. 1889.3 - Description of a new Tetrodon from New South Wales. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890, 1, no. 4. 1890.1 - Descriptions of two species of Australian lophobranchiate fishes. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890, 1, no. 3. 1890.2 - Redescription of Anomalops pal- pebratus. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890, 1, no. 3. 1890.3 - Redescription of Pseudaphrilis ri Casteln. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890, 1, no. 3. 1890.4 - Report on a zoological collection from the Solomon islands [Pisces] Rec. Austral. Mus., 1890, 1, 7. 1890.5 - On some undescribed reptiles and fishes from Australia. Rec. Aust nil . Mus., 1892, 2, 23-26. 1892.1 - Description of a new pelagic fish from New Zealand. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1893, 2, 64-65. 1893.1 - Description of a new shark from the Tasmanian coast. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1893, 2, 62-63. 1893.2 - Review of the genus Schedo- philus Cocco and its allies. Rec. Austral. Mus., 1893, 2, 65-73. 1893.3 Description of a new Australian eel. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1894, 2. ser. 9, 720-721. 1894.1 Description of five new fishes from the Australian region. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1894, 2. ser. 9, 367-374. 1894.2 Freshwater fishes of New South Wales. Nat. Science, 1895, 6, 71-72. 1895.1 On two new genera and species of fishes from Australia. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1895, 2. ser. 10, 320- 324. 1895.2 - Descriptions of two new genera and species of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1896, 21, 136- 142. 1896.1 A monograph of the Australian Marsipobranchii. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1896, 21, 388^26. 1896.2 A new family of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1896, 21, 118-135. 1896.3 On a Galaxias from Mount Kosciusko. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1896, 21, 62-73. 1896.4 On a new genus [Apogonopsj and species of Australian fishes. Zool. Anz., 1896, 19, 256. 1896.5 On a new genus and species of fishes from Maroubra bay. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1896, 21, 23-25. 1896.6 Some Tasmanian fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Tasmania, 1896, 69-85. 1896 208 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OGI Ogilby, /. D. - New genera and species of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1897, 22, 62-95. 1897.1 - On some Australian Eleotrinse. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1897, 22, 725-757. 1897.2 - Some new genera and species of fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1897, 22, 245-257. 1897.3 A contribution to the zoology of New Caledonia. , Proc. Linn. Soc. N. 6. Wales, 1898, 23, 762-770. 1898.1 - New genera and species of fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1898, 23, 32-41; 280-299. 1898.2 - New species of Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1898, 23, 759-761. 1898.3 - Notes on the genus Aphritis Cuv. et Val. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1898, 23, 554-560. 1898.4 - On a Trachypterus from New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1898, 23, 646-659. 1898.5 On some Australian Eleotrinae. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1898, 23, 783-793. 1898.6 Additions to the fauna of Lord Howe island. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1899, 24, 730-745. 1899.1 - Contribution to Australian ich- thyology. Proc. Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1899, 24, 154-186. 1899.2 - Studies in the ichthyology of Queensland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queens- land, 1904, 18, 7-27. 1904.1 - Notes on exhibits [of fishes] Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1907, 20, 27-30. 1907.1 - On a new Terapon (T. idoneus sp. nov.] from the Stanthorpe district, southern Queensland. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1907, 20, 37-40. 1907.2 - Some new pediculate fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1907, 20, 17-25. 1907.3 Two new genera are proposed, Rhycherus and Tathicarpus. -+ Symbranchiate and apodal fishes new to Australia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1907, 20, 1-15. 1907.4 - Descriptions of new Queensland fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1908, 21, 87-98. 1908.1 - New or little known fishes in the Queensland museum. Ann. Queens- land Mus., Brisbane, 1908, no. 9, 1-41. 1908.2 On new genera and species of fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1908, 21, 1-26. 1908.3 - Revision of the Batrachoididae of Queensland. Ann. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1908, no. 9, 43-57. 1908.4 On the generic name Choerops Riippell. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 315-316. 1909.1 On some new fishes from the Queensland coast. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queensland, 1910, 23, 85-139. 1910.1 Cheilio inermis (Forskal) Ann. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1911, no. 10, 183. 1911.1 - Descriptions of new or insuffi- ciently described fishes from Queensland waters. Ann. Queensland Mus., Bris- bane, 1911, no. 10, 36-58. 1911.2 On new or insufficiently de- scribed fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Queens- land, 1911, 23, 1-55. 1911.3 - On the genus Gonorhynchus (Gronovius) Ann. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1911, no. 10, 30-35. 1911.4 - Note on Blanfordia maculata Casteln. Mem. Queensland Mus., Bris- bane, 1912, 1, 216. 1912.1 - On some Queensland fishes. Mem. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1912, 1, 26-65. 3 pis. & 2 figs. 1912.2 - Edible fishes of Queensland. Mem. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1913, 2, 60-80. 3 pis. 1913.1 - Ichthyological notes. Mem. Queensland Mus., Brisbane, 1913, 2, 90-93. 1913.2 - On six new or rare Queensland fishes. Mem. Queensland Mus., Bris- bane, 1913, 2, 81-89. 1913.3 - Edible fishes of Queensland. Part III. Carangidae (no. 1) Mem. Queensland Mus., 1915, 3, 57-98. 10 pis. 1915.1 Review of the Queensland Po- macanthinae. Mem. Queensland Mus., 1915, 3, 99-116. 1915.2 ORE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 209 Ogilby, J. Douglas, & McCulloch, Allan R. A revision of the Australian < >re<-tolobidse. Proc. Roy. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1908, 42, 264-299. 2 pis. 1908.1 A revision of the Australian therapons with notes on some Papuan species. Mem. Queensland Mus., 1916, 6, 99-126. 3 pis. & fig. 1916.1 Ogilby, J. Douglas, & Ramsay, E. P. See Ramsay & Ogilby. Ogilby, William. Description of the frontal spine of a second species of Hybodus from the Wealden Clay, Isle of' Wight. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, n. s. 3,279-282. pi. 1839.1 Ogilvie, G. The Master-builder's plan, or the principles of organic archi- tecture as indicated in the typical forms of animals. London, 1858. 196 p. 3 pis. 8. 1858.1 Ogilvie -Gordon, Maria (translator) History of geology and paleontology to the end of the 19th century, by Karl A. von Zittel. London & New York, 1908. 562 p. 8 (The contemporary science series) 1908.1 Ogilvie-Grant, W. R. A revision of the fishes of the genera Sicydium and Lentipes, with descriptions of five new species. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1884, 153-172. 2 pis. 1884.1 Ogle, Fletcher, & Eigenmann, CarlH. See Eigenmann & Ogle. Ogle, J. W. Fatal epidemic (typhoid) disease among fish, whose blood during life contained bacteria. Lancet, 1873, 2, 657. 1873.1 Ogle, W. Aristotle on the parts of animals. London, 1882. See Aristotle. Ognefl, /. F. Ueber die Entwickelung des elektrischen Organes bei Torpedo. Arch. Physiol., Leipzig, 1897, 270-306. 2 pis. 1897.1 - Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Bau des schwachen elektrischen Organs bei den Mormyriden. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1898, 64, 565-595. pi. 1898.1 - Ueber die Veranderungen in den Chromatophoren bei Axolotlen und Goldfischen bei dauernder Lichtent- behrung und Hungern. Anat. Anz., 1908, 32, 591-607. 4 figs. 1908.1 Ueber Veranderungen in den Organen der Goldfische nach dreijahri- gem Verbleiben in der 1'insirrms 'I Vxi in Russian with German rrMimr Biol. Zeitschr., Moskva, 1910, 1, 263-267. 1910.1 Ueber die Aenderungen in den Organen der Goldfische nach dreijahri- gem Verbleiben in Finsternis. Anat. Anz., 1911, 40, 81-87, 5 figs. 1911.1 Ohm, P. Das Seelenleben der Tiere. Stuttgart, 1909. 117 p. 23 figs. 8. 1909.1 Ohnmais, C. Deutsche Benennung unserer Zierfische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 512-513. 1914.1 Ohshima, Hiroshi. Gyorui no hak- koki [Luminous organs of fishes j Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1910, 22, 10- 17; 191-200; 233-245. 2 pis. 1910.1 Some observations on the lumi- nous organs of fishes. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 1911, 27, no. 15, 1-25. pi. & 4 figs. 1911.1 Oikoi, pseudonym for Holmes, E. S. Okajima, K. Die Entwickelung von Macula neglecta beim Salmo-Embryo. Anat. Anz., 1911, 40, 189-195. pi. 1911.1 Okamura, K., & Marukawa, //. Katsuo gyojo chosa hokoku [Report on researches regarding the fishery ground of Gymnosarda affinis} Rept. Fish. Instit., Tokyo, 1909, 6, 1-18. 1909.1 Oken, Lorenz [1779-1851] Lehrbuch der Naturgeschichte. 3 pts. in 6 vols. Leipzig & Jena, 1813-26. 1816.1 Pt. iii. Zoologie. Abth. 2. Fleischthiere. xvi, 1270 p. pi. 1816. Ueber das Athmen der Pricken. Isis (Oken), 1821, 8, 271-272. 1821.1 Etwas iiber den Pariser Konigs- Garten. VI. Fische. Isis (Oken), 1823, 2, 519-523. 1823.1 - Ueber die Schadel der Fische und die Bedeutung des Kiemendeckels. Isis (Oken), 1823, 401. 1823.2 Cyprinus uranoscopus Agass., aus der Isar. Isis (Oken), 1828, 4, 414. 1K2S.1 Eine neue kleine Art von Cy- prinus. Isis (Oken), 1829, 414-415. 1829.1 Ueber das Athmen der Pricken. Verh. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1829, 1, 133-141. 1829.2 210 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY OKE Oken, L. Allgemeine Naturgeschichte fur alle Stande. 13 vols. Stuttgart, 1833- 41. pis. and atlas. 8. 1833.1 Fische, Bd. vi, p. 13-419. - Ueber die Natur des Lepidosiren paradoxa. Isis (Oken), 1838, 347. Ibid., 1839, 607. Ibid., 1841, 467-469. Ibid., 1843, 441. 1838.1 - Ueber Anson's Fische in der Mosel. Isis (Oken), 1845, 5-44. 1845.1 Okkelberg, Peter. Hermaphroditism in the brook lampreys. Science, 1914, n. s. 39, 478. 1914.1 Juvenile hermaphroditism, developing later into males. - Volumetric changes in the egg of the brook lamprey, Entosphenus (Lampetra) wilderi (Gage) after fertili- zation. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1914, 26, 92-99.' 2 figs. 1914.2 Decrease in size; colloidal substance elimi- nated. Okoshi, Narinori. A sketch of the fisheries of Japan. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Confer- ences, 5, pt. 4, 1-39. 1883.1 Olafsen, Eggert [1721-1768] Des . . . E.Olaf sens und des . . . B.Povel- sens Reise durch Island, beschrieben von . . . E. Olafsen. 2 pts. in 1 vol. Kopenhagen & Leipzig, 1774-75. 4. 1774.1 Description of Anarrhichas minor, p. 592. This work was originally published in Danish in 1772. There is also a French translation by Gautier de Peyronie, published in 1802. Olavius, Olaus. Oekonomische Reise durch Island in den nordostlichen und nord-nordostlichen Gegenden. Dresden & Leipzig, 1787. 4. 1787.1 Olavsen, 0. Um lax-veidina vid Hellufoss i Dramselfunni i Norvegi. Kaupmanahavn, 1786. 8. 1786.1 Oldham, Thomas [1816-1878] On some fossil fish-teeth of the genus Cera- todus from Maledi, south of Nagpur. Mem. Geol. Surv. India, 1859, 1, 295- 309. 2 pis. 1859.1 Oldmixon, pseudonym for Scott, George. Oleen, B. 0. Om Morrums salmoni- der. Carlhamn, 1871. 8. 1871.1 Olfers, Ignaz Franz Joseph Maria von [1793-1872] Die Gattung Torpedo in ihren naturhistorischen und anti- quarischen Beziehungen erlautert. Ber- lin, 1831. 35 p. 3 col. pis. 1831.1 Olin, Washington. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 393. 1879.1 Oliver, C. D. Report on the salmon hatchery at Lismore. Ann. Rept. Fish. Ireland, 1902-1903, pt. 2, Append, xi, 353-358. 3 pis. 1902.1 Oliver, G. van, & Bennet, J. A. See Bennet & Oliver. Oliver, Stephen [pseudonym for Chatto, William Andrew] Rambles in Northumberland, and on the Scottish border, etc. London, 1835. 348 p. 1835.1 Chap. i. Salmon and other fish in the Tyne. Chap. ii. Spearing salmon. Chap. v. Bull- trout, fly-fishing, unfair fishing. Chap. vi. Trout streams near Wooler. Olivi, (Abate) Giuseppe [1769-1795] Zoologia Adriatica, pssia catalogo ra- gionata degli animali del golfo e delle lagune di Venezia; preceduto da una dissertazione sulla storia fisica e naturale del golfo; e accompagnato da memorie ed osservazioni di fisica storia naturale ed economia, etc. Bassano, 1792. xxxii, 334 p. 9 pis. 4. 1792.1 Storia naturale del Gobio. Pa- dova, 1796. 76 p. 1796.1 Verzeichniss verschiedener Fische und Krebse des adriatischen Meer- busens. Triest, 1796. 1796.2 Olivier, Ernest [ 1914] For bibli- ography see Liste des travaux d' Ernest Olivier. Rev. Scit. Bourbon., 1914, 27. annee, 34-50. Conference sur la pisciculture. Caen, 1867. 1867.1 - Faune du Doubs, ou catalogue raisonne des animaux sauvages (mam- miferes, reptiles, batraciens, poissons) Mem. Soc. Emulation Doubs, 1883, 119-189. 1883.1 - Les animaux vertebres de 1'Al- lier. Poissons. Rev. Sci. Bourbon., 1897, 10, 177-199. 1897.1 - Un poisson nouveau pour 1'Al- lier. Feuille Jeun. Natural., Paris, 1898, 29, 29. 1898.1 Les saumons. Rev. Sci. Bour- bon., 1898, 11, 100-101. 2 pis. 1898.2 ONF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 211 - Les deux formes Fechner & Paeske. Paez, Ramon. Wild scenes in South America ; or life in the llanos of Vene- y.iu-la. London, 1863. 8. 1863.1 Scenes at the fishery, p. 58-73. Page, F. R. A concise history and description of Newfoundland, being a k \ to the chart of the island, just published. London, 1860. 66 p. 12. 1860.1 Frequent references to fishing. Page, George Shepard. An address on fish-culture in the United States and foreign countries. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 5, 119. 1874.1 - Blue-backed trout of Maine. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 224-228. 1874.2 - Fish-culture abroad. Trans. Amor. Fisheries Soc. 1873 (1874), 17-22. 1874.3 - Black bass planting. Results of their introduction into Maine waters. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1880 (1881), 58-62. 1881.1 - Black bass in Maine. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 57-60. 1885.1 Page, William F. Effect of sunlight upon shad eggs. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 308. 1885.1 Shrinkage of whitefish eggs during transportation. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 360. 1887.1 - The most recent methods of hatching fish eggs. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1890), 8, 207-218. 7 pis. & 4 figs. 1890.1 - Impregnating eggs of the rain- bow trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 179-186. 1893.1 - Plant yearlings where needed. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1893 (1894), 71-73. 1894.1 - The propagation of black in ponds. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 229-236. 1894.2 - Sale of domesticated fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1893 (1894), 159- 161. 1894.3 - Feeding and rearing of fishes, particularly trout, under domestication. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 289-314. 1895.1 Bibliography of publications by the U. S. Fish Commission, p. 312-314. Pagenstecher, Heinrich Alexander [1825-1889] Ueber das Ei von Atherina hepsetus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Rei- chert), 1861, 631-634. pi. 1861.1 - Ueber junge Fische in den Kiemen von Unio pictorum. Verh. Nat. Med. Heidelberg, 1869, 4, 4-6. Zeitschr. Gesamt. Naturw., 34, 150-151. 1869.1 - Allgemeine Zoologie. 4 parts. Berlin, 1875-81. illust. 8. 1875.1 - Die Fischerei an den Kiisten von Neu-England. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 30; 38. 1875.2 - Die Fischerei in den Vereinigten Staaten von Nordamerika. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1876, 3. Jahrg., 77-78; 85-86. 1876.1 Pages, Leon [1814-1886] Biblio- graphic Japonaise, ou catalogue des ouvrages relatifs au Japon qui ont e"te* publics depuis le xv e siecle jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1859. 68 p. 8. 1859.1 A facsimile reprint of this work is appended to Wenckstern, Fr. von. A bibliography of the Japanese empire. Leiden, 1895. Paige, Charles L. The comparative value of foods for rainbow trout and other salmonoids. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bureau Fish- eries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 795-798. - A method of cultivating rain- bow trout and other Salmonidse. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 781-787. 1910.2 Paine, Joseph. Some questions in ichthyology. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 380. 1877.1 Tape worms in the gudgeon, with remarks in a letter from Theodore N. Gill. Paine, Timothy, Young, William, Bangs, Edward, & Stearns, Samuel. A topographical description of the town of Worcester. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc. 1792, l.ser. 1,113. 1792.1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAI Painter, William Hunt. Carbonif- erous fish. Sci. Gossip 1872 (1873), 176-177. figs. 1873.1 More about Carboniferous fish. Sci. Gossip, 1874, 253-254. figs. Pajeken, Eugen E. A. Fremdlan- dische Kaltwasserfische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 438^39. 7 figs. 1915.1 - Neue Beobachtungen an Dia- mantbarschen [Enneacanthusi Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 193-194. 4 figs. 1915.2 Palacky, Jan [1830-1908] Einige Betrachtungen iiber die Fischfauna Nordamerikas. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., 1861, Juli-Decemb., 77. 1861.1 - Ueber die geographische Ver- breitung der Slisswasserfische. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. 1876 (1877), 121-122. 1877.1 - Ueber die Tiefseefische des west- lichen Mittelmeeres. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., 1887, 329-333. 1887.1 - Ueber die Entstehung der Stiss- wasserfische. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1891, 41, 33-35. 1891.1 Die Verbreitung der Fische. Prague, 1891. x, 239 p. 8. 1891.2 - Ueber die Entstehung der nord- amerikanischen Ichthys. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf., 1895, 56, 135-137. 1895.1 - Die Verbreitung der Fische. Zweite vermehrete Auflage. Prague, 1895. 237 p. 8. 1895.2 - Das neue Bild der afrikanischen Ichthys. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. 1906 (1907), no. 7. 4 p. 1907.1 Paladino, Giovanni. Sur la consti- tution morphologique du protoplasma des cellules nerveuses dans la moelle epiniere. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1898, 29, 60-64. 1898.1 - Su alcuni punti controversi intima dei centri nervosi. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1901, 12, 191-193. 1901,1 Ancora dei piu intimi rapporti fra il neyroglio e le cellule e le fibre nervose tin lobi elettrici di Torpedo] Rendic. Accad. Sci., Napoli, 1909, 3 ser. 14, 238-244. pi. Arch. Ital. Biol., 61, 206-212. pi. 1909.1 - Alcune notevoli particolorita delle cellule nervose del midollo spinale dell' Orthagoriscus mola . Rendic .Accad . Sci., Napoli, 1913, 3. ser. 19, 19-23. 1913.1 Palander, Lars. Oeconomisk be- skrifning ofver Kulsiala forsamling i Tavastehus Ian (Tyrvanto kapell) In- aug. Dissert. Abo, 1767. 20 p. 4. 1767.1 Pehr Adrian Gadd, prceses. Pallas, Peter Simon [1741-1811] [Description of Scicence jaculatricis] Ap- pended to a letter from Dr. John Albert Schlosser. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1766, 66, 187-188. pi. 1766.1 - Spicilegia zoologica, quibus novae imprimis et obscurse animalium species iconibus, descriptionibus atque commentariis illustrantur. 2 vols. Berolini, 1767-80. 58 pis. 8. 1767.1 Tomus i, fasc. vii (1769) Pisces. In this work 25 new species of fishes are described and figured. A German version in 10 volumes was published 1769-1778. Reise durch verschiedene Pro- vinzen des russischen Reiches. 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1771-76. illust. 4. 1771.1 Auszug aus einem Briefe . . . die Naturgeschichte und Verpflanzung des Sterlets [Acipenser ruthenus L.] betreffend. Beschaft. Berlin. Ges. Naturf. Freunde, 1776, 2, 532-534. 1776.1 - Piscium novae species descriptio. Nova Acta Acad. Petropol., 1787, 1 (Hist.), 258. Ibid., 1788 (Mem.), 347- 360. 1787.1 - Voyages en differentes provinces de 1' empire de Russie, et dans 1'Asie septentrionale. Traduit de 1'allemand par Gauthier de la Peyronnie. 5 vols. Paris, 1788-93. pis. & maps. 4. 1788.1 Fishes are described in vol. iv. Labraces, novum genus piscium oceani orientalis. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1810, 2, 382-398. 1810.1 Three new species of Labrax are described. Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, sis- tens omnium animalium in extenso Im- perio Rossico et adjacentibus maribus observatorum recensionem, domicilia, mores et descriptiones anatomen atque icones plurimorum. 3 vols. Petropoli, 1811[-42] 4. 1811.1 As indicated on the title-page, the " Zoo- graphia Rosso-Asiatica " was not regularly PAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS published till 1831, but was printed in 1811, and was only detained by the loss of the copper- plates. The letter-press was, however, to a slight extent, distributed before the regular publication of the edition, and a copy was pos- sessed by Cuvier, who has given a summary of the third volume in the Histoire Naturelle des Poissons (vol. i, 200-201). Over a score of species are described of which specimens had been obtained from the Russian possessions in north- western America. For a supplement to this celebrated work, see Eversmann, E. F. Addenda ad Pallasii Zoo- graphiam Rosso-Asiaticam in tres partes. Casani, 1835-42. The same. 2. ed. 3 vols. & atlas. Petropoli, 1831. 4. Palma, Giuseppi. Sui pleuronetti- dei, Bothus rhomboides e Bothus podas. Hull. Accad. Aspiranti Natural., 1863, 22-23; 29. 1863.1 Palmen, Johan Axel [1845 ] Zool- ogiska samlingarna, arsberattelse. No- tis. Sallsk. Fauna & Flora Fenn. Forh., 1874, 13 (n. s. 10), 454. 1874.1 - Arsberattelse afgifven af zool. intendenten till Societa pro Fauna et Flora Fennica 1874. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1876, 1, 103- 104. 1876.1 - Arsberattelse afgifven af inten- denten for de zoologiska samlingarna. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1881, 6, 245-247. 1881.1 Cobitis [Misgurnus} fossilis. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1881, 6, 235-236. 1881.2 Cobitis [Misgurnus} fossilis L. en nykomling till finska fiskfaunan. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1881, 7, 148-151. 1881.3 - De zoologiska samlingarnas till- viixt med for desamma nya arter fran den 13 maj 1877 till samma dag 1881. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1881, 6, 273-281. 1881.4 - Luonnontieteellisia havaintoja. Helsingfors, 1884. 23 p. 1884.1 - En rod varietet af Perca fiuvia- tilis. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1886, 13, 198. 1886.1 - Lungfisken, Protopterus annec- tens. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1900, 24, 66. 1900.1 Om en intressant hajart, Chla- mydoselachus anguineus Garm. Med- del. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1900, 24, 25-26; 183. 1900.2 - Thynnus thynnus. Meddel. Soc. Fauna & Flora Fenn., 1900, 25, 53. 1900.3 - Markta alar iMit Markc ver- sehene Aale] Tidskr. Jag. Fiskcri, Helsingfors, 1904, 12, 167. 1904.1 - Festscrift Palmdn, etc. Hel- singfors, 1905-07. See Reuter, O. M., & others, 1905.1, infra. Suomalaisten ankeriaiden vael- luksista [Ueber die Wanderungen . 1, no. 155, 138-139. 1896.1 Parchappe, Maximillian. Notes ana- tomico-physiologiques sur la structure du coeur de 1'esturgeon et de la raie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1848, 27, 24-27. -Notizen (Froriep) 8, 65-68. Ab- stract in I'lnstitut, 16, 198. 1848.1 Pardo y Puzo, A. Cartilla de pesca. Madrid, 1907. 223 p. figs. 4. 1907.1 Parent, H. Deuxieme note sur le terrain Wealdien du Bas-Boulonnais. Ann. Soc. Geol. Nord, 1903, 32, 17- 48. 1903.1 Remains of Hybodus, Strophodus, Ischyodus, Pycnodus and Lepidotus are mentioned. Parish, C. Musical fish. Sci. Gos- sip 1870 (1871), 146-148. 1871.1 Parisi, B. Nuova cattura di Selache maxima Gunn. Natura, Riv. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1912, 3, 221. 1912.1 Parize, - - Sur une maladie para- sitaire du cyprin de la Chine (Cyprinus auratus) Bull. Soc. Sci. Finistere, 1883, 5. 1883.1 Park, Mungo [1771-1806] Descrip- tions of eight new fishes from Sumatra. Trans. Linn. Soc. Londm, 1797, 3, 33-38. pi. 1797.1 Parker, George Howard [1864] Note on the blood vessels of the heart in the sunfish (Orthagoriscus mola Linn.) Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 313-316. fig. 1900.1 - The crossing of the optic nerves in teleosts. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1901, 2, 335-336. 1901.1 - (editor] Mark anniversary vol- ume. New York, 1903. xiii, 513 p. illust. 4. 1903.1 For contents dealing with fishes see Mark, E. L., supra. The function of the lateral line organs in fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1904, 38, 496-497. 1904.1 - Hearing and allied senses in fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 45-64. pi. 1904.2 - Maldive cephalochordates, with the description of a new species from Florida. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1904, 46, 39-52. 2 pis. 1904.3 The function of the lateral line organs in fishes. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1904 (1905), 24, 183-207. 1905.1 The stimulation of the integ- umentary nerves of fishes by light. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1905, 14, 413- 420. 1905.2 The interrelation of sensory stimulations in Amphioxus. Science, 1907, n. s. 26, 724-725. 1907.1 - The origin of the lateral eyes of vertebrates. Amer. Naturalist, 1908, 42, 601-609. 2 figs. 1908.1 The sense of taste in fishes. Science, 1908, n. s. 27, 453. 1908.2 - The sensory reactions of Am- phioxus. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1908, 43, 415-455. 1908.3 Special description of the audi- tory organ and other soft parts [in Rha- dinichthys deani, from the Waverly of Kentucky] (In Eastman, C. R. De- vonian fishes of Iowa. Ann. Rept. Iowa Geol. Survey, 1908, 18, 272) 1908.4 See also .Moodie, R. L., 1915.1, supra. - The integumentary nerves of fishes as photoreceptors and their sig- nificance for the origin of the vertebrate eyes. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1909, 26, 77-80. 1909.1 The receptiveness of the verte- brate skin for light and the origin of the vertebrate eye. Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 432. 1909.2 The sense of hearing in the dog- fish. Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 428. 1909.3 The optic chiasma in teleosts and its bearing on the asymmetry of the Heterosomata (flatfishes) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1903, 40, 221-242. pi. 1903.2 - The sense of hearing in fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1903, 37, 185-204. 2 figs. 1903.3 The function of the ear in cy- clostomes. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 470. 1910.1 Influence of the eyes, ears and other allied sense organs on the movements of the dogfish, Mustelu* canis (Mitchill) Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1910, 29, 43-57. 1910-2 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAR Parker, G. H. Olfactory reactions in fishes. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1910, 8, 535-542. 1910.3 Structure and functions of the ear of the squeteague. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 1211- 1224. pi. 1910.4 - The olfactory reactions of the common killifish, Fundulus heteroditus (Linn.) Journ. Exper. Zool., 1911, 10, 1-5. 1911.1 - The olfactory sense of fishes. Amer. Journ. Physiol., 1911, 27, xix. 1911.2 - The relation of smell, taste and the common chemical sense in verte- brates. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1912, 2. ser. 15, 219-234. 1912.1 Sound as a directing influence in the movements of fishes. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1912, 30, 97-104. 1912.2 Effects of explosive sounds, such as those produced by motor boats and guns, upon fishes. Kept. Bureau Fisheries 1911 (1913), no. 752. 9 p. 1913.1 - The directive influence of the sense of smell in the dogfish. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1913 (1914), 33, 61- 68. 1914.1 The movements of the dog-fish as determined by olfactory stimulation. Science, 1914, n. s. 39, 473. 1914.2 Food excitation olfactory. Parker, George Howard, & Davis, Frederica K. The coronary vessels in the hearts of fishes. Science, 1899, n. s. 9, 315. 1899.1 - The blood vessels of the heart in Carcharias, Raja and Amia. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1901, 29, 163- 178. 3 pis. 1901.1 Parker, George Howard, & Sheldon, Ralph E. The sense of smell in fishes. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1912 (1913), 32, 33-46. 1913.1 Parker, H. G. Land-locking the quinnat salmon. Experiment in Pyra- mid and Walker lakes. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 165. 1878.1 Parker, J. B., Williamson, E. B., & Osburn, Raymond Carroll. A descrip- tive list of the fishes of Big Jelloway creek and tributaries, Knox county, Ohio. 7. Ann. Rept. Ohio Acad. Sci., 1899, 18-32. 1899.1 Parker, /. C. Some experiments with the fry of whitefish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 67- 69. 1889.1 - Some observations upon the grayling. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1888 (1889), 83-87. 1889.2 Man as a controlling factor in aquatic life. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1901 (1902), 48-55. 1902.1 Parker, Thomas Jeffery [1850-1897] On the venous system of the skate, Raja nasuta. Trans. New Zealand Inst. 1880 (1881), 13, 413HU8. pi. 1881.1 Notes on the anatomy and em- bryology of Scymnus lichia. Trans. Zeala New 2 pis. . . nd Inst., 1882, 16, 222-234. 1882.1 - On a new method of preserving cartilaginous skeletons and other soft animal structures. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1882, 14, 258-264. 1882.2 - On the connection of the air- bladders and the auditory organs in the red cod (Lotella bacchus) Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1882, 15, 234-236. pi. 1882.3 - On the gravid uterus of Mustelus antarcticus. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1882, 16, 219-222. pi. 1882.4 Some embryos of the elephant fish (Callorhynchus antarcticus) New Zealand Journ. Sci., 1882, 1, 479-480. Notes Otago Univ. Mus., 1883, 29, 46. 1882.5 - A course of instruction in zoot- omy. Vertebrata. London, 1884. 397 p. 74 figs. 1884.1 - On a specimen of the great rib- bon fish (Regalecus argenteus, n. sp.) lately obtained at Moeraki, Otago. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1884, 16, 284-296. 2 pis. 1884.2 - On a Torpedo (T.fusca, n. sp.) recently caught near Dunedin. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1884, 16, 281-284. pi. 1884.3 On the occurrence of the spinous shark (Echinorhinus spinosus) in New Zealand waters. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1884, 16, 280-281. 1884.4 PAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - On the intestinal spiral valve in the genus Raia. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1885, 11, pt. 2, 49-61. 2 pis. 1885.1 - On the blood-vessels of Mus- t cli is antarcticus, etc. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1886, 177, 686-732. 4 pis. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1887, 42, 437^38. 1886.1 On the claspers of Callorhyn- chus. Nature, 1886, 39, 635. 1886.2 - Studies in New Zealand ich- thyology. I. On the skeleton of Rega- lecus argenteus. Trans. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1886, 12, 5-33. 5 pis. 1886.3 Notes on Carcharodon rondeletii. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 27-^0. 5 pis. 1887.1 - On a specimen of Regalecus re- cently stranded in Otago harbour. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1887, 20,20-29. pi. 1887.2 - On the nomenclature of the brain and its cavities. Notes Otago Univ. Mus., 1889, 35, 208-210. 2 figs. 1889.1 - Note on the foetal membranes of Mustelus antarcticus. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1890, 22, 331-333. pi. 1890.1 - On the presence of a sternum in Xotidanus indicus. Nature, 1890, 43, 142. fig. 1890.2 On the origin of the sternum. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1891, 23, 119-123. pi. 1891.1 - Preliminary note on the vesiculse seminales and the spermatophores of Callorhynchus antarcticus. Proc. Austr. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1892, 4, 401-403. pi. 1892.1 - Note on the occurrence of Lo- photes in New Zealand waters. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1894, 26, 223. 1894.1 - Account of the leading struc- tural peculiarities of Orthagoriscus mola. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1897, 29, 627. 1897.1 Parker, Thomas Jeffery, & Haswell, William Aitchsen. A text book of zoology. 2 vols. London, 1897. 1172 illust. map. 8 C 1897.1 Vol. ii contains a useful review of the class Pisces. Parker, William A. Remains of fossil fishes found near Rochdale. Trans. Rochdale Liter. Scient. Soc., 1904,8,24-32. 3 figs. 1904.1 - Fossil Arthropoda and Pisces from Middle Coal Measures of Sparth, Rochdale. Trans. Rochdale Liter. Scient. Soc., 1908, 9, 64-76. 1908.1 Parker, William Kitchen [1823-1890] On the shoulder-girdle of the fish-class (In his Monograph on the structure and development of the shoulder-girdle and sternum in the Vertebrata, p. 6-57. 2 pis. & 6 figs. London, 1868) 1868.1 On the form and use of the facial arches. Monthly Micr. Journ., 1871,6,211-213. pis. & fig. 1871.1 On the structure of the eel's skull. Nature, 1871, 4, 146-148. fig. 1871.2 On the structure and develop- ment of the skull of the salmon, Salmo salar Linn. Proc. Roy. Soc. London 1871-72 (1872), 20, 360-362. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1873, 163, pt. 1, 95-145. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872. 4. ser. 10, 222-224. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1874, 3, 341-351. 1872.1 - On the development of the face in the sturgeon (Acipenser sturio] Monthly Micr. Journ., 1873, 9, 254-257. 1873.1 On the evolution of the Verte- brata. Nature, 1879, 20, 30-32; 61- 64; 81-83. 4 figs. 1879.1 Fishes, p. 31. On the structure and develop- ment of the skull in sharks and skates. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1879, 10, 189-234. 9 pis. Abstract in Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, 699-700. ^ 1879.2 On the structure and develop- ment of the skull in sturgeons (Acipenser ruthenus and A. sturio] Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1881, 32, 142-145. - Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1883, 173, 139-185. 7 pis. On the development of the skull in Lemdosteus osseus. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1882, 33, 107-112. - Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 188.3, 173, 443-492. 9 pis. On the skeleton of the marsipo- branch fishes. Part I. The myxmoids 234 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAR Parker, W. K. (Myxine and Bdellostoma) Part II. The, lamprey. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1884, 174, 373^09; 411-457. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 34, 439-443; 447-449. Nature, 27, 330-331. * 1884.1 Parker, William Kitchen, & Balfour, Francis Maitland. See Balfour & Parker. Parker, William Kitchen, & Bettany, G. T. Morphology of the skull. Lon- don, 1877. 8. 1877.1 On the skulls of fishes: the skulls of the dog- fish and the skate, p. 14-43. The skull of the salmon, p. 43-82. Appendix on the skulls of different kinds of fishes, p. 83-90. Parker, William Newton. On the kidneys of Teleostei. Rept. Brit. As- soc. Adv. Sci., 52. meet., 1882', 577. 1882.1 On the poison organs of Trachi- nus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, 359-367. pi. & fig. 1888.1 Zur Anatomie und Physiologic von Protopterus annectens. Ber. Naturf. Ges. Freiburg, 1888, 4, Heft 3. 26 p. 1888.2 - On the occasional persistence of the left posterior cardinal vein in the frog, with remarks on the homologies of the veins in the Dipnoi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1889, 145-151. 2 figs. '1889.1 - Preliminary note on the anat- omy and physiology of Protopterus an- nectens. Nature, 1889, 39, 19-21. 1889.2 - On the anatomy and physiology of Protopterus annectens. Trans. Roy. Irish Acad. Dublin, 1892, 30, 109-230. 11 pis. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 49, 549-554. 1892.1 - Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German of Dr. Robert Wiedersheim. 2. ed. London & New York, 1897. xvi, 488 p. 333 figs. 8. 1897.1 Parker, William Newton, & Burlend, T. H. On the efferent ducts of the testis in Chimcera monstrosa. Anat. Anz., 1909, 34, 331-336. 4 figs. 1909.1 Parlby, - Notice of the capture oWrthagoriscus mola off the Chesil bank, Dorsetshire. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1849, 17, 6-7. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2 ser. 5, 53. 1849.1 Parmentier, Jean. Observations concernant les eff ets pretendus de 1'odeur des fleurs d'aubepine sur certains pois- sons de mer. Journ. de Physique, [1803] 9, 113. 1803.1 Parmigiani, L., & Canestrini, R., See Canestrini & Parmigiani. Parnell, Richard [1882] On the natural and economical history of the fishes, marine, fluviatile and lacustrine, of the river district of the Firth of Forth. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh, 1831-37, 7, 161-460; 515- 520. 27 pis. Also separate: Edinburgh, 1838. 28 pis. 8. 1831.1 Notice regarding a new British species of Coregonus [C. lacepedii and C. microcephalus] Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1832-44, 1, 194-195. pi. 1832.1 - Observations on some new spe- cies of British fishes (Gobius unipuncta- tus and G. albus) Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1832-44, 1, 150-153. 1832.2 - Observations on a new species of British gurnard, and on a species of sole new to science. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1832-44, 1, 157-158. 1832.3 - On the occurrence of the Clupea alba and Raniceps trifurcatus in the Firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1832-44, 1, 141-142. Mag. Zool. Bot. (Jardine), 1, 104. 1832.4 - Sur quelques poissons rares et nouveaux du Firth de Forth. L'ln- stitut, 1835, 3, no. 125, 315-316. 1835.1 - Contributions to British ich- thyology (Trigla lucerna, Monochirus minutus} Mag. Zool. Bot. (Jardine), 1837, 1, 526-529. 1837.1 - Contributions to the ichthyol- ogy of the Firth of Forth. I. The white-bait. The sprat. The herring. II. The tad-pole fish. Mag. Zool. Bot. (Jardine), 1837, 1, 50-57; 344-347; 526. 1837.2 Monochirus minutus, n. sp. L'lri- stitut, 1837, 5, no. 217 222. 1837.3 - On Raid intermedia. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1837, 166. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1840, 14, 429. 1837.4 - Trigla lucerna Brunn. sur les cotes de la Grande Bretagne. L'ln- stitut, 1837, 6, no. 217 222. 1837.5 PAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 235 - The natural history of the fishes of the river Forth, in Scotland. Edin- burgh, 1838. 8. 1838.1 - Observations on the Coregoni of Loch Lomond. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 1, 161-165. Isis (Oken), 1844, 576-578. 1838.2 - Account of a new species of British bream, and of an undescribed species of skate: to which is added a list of the fishes of the Firth of Forth and its tributary streams, with observations. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1839, 14, 14&-157. 3 pis. 1839.1 - An account of three new species of British fishes, with some remarks on twenty others new to the coast of Scot- land. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1839, 14, 137-145. 2 pis. 1839.2 On a new species of British fish .Molclla cimbria) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1839, 2, 39-^2. Isis (Oken), 1844, 658-659. 1839.3 - On some new and rare British fishes (Motella cimbria, Pagellus acarine, Raia chagrined, R. intermedia and Clupea alba) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 9. meet., 1839, pt. 2, 109-110.- Rev. Zool., 1839, 123. 1839.4 Parona, Corrado. Intorno ad un individuo di Alopecias vulpes, pescato nel mare Sardo. Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, 1883, 3. ser. 1, 6 p. 1883.1 - La pesca marittima in Liguria. ' Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat. Genova, 1898, 9, 327-393. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Genova, no. 66. 69 p. Giorn. Ital. Pesca Agricult., 2, 261- 271; 295-304: 336-341; 360-366. 1898.1 - La pesca con le paranze e 1'isti- tuzione di zone d'esperimento sugli ef- feti della medesima. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Genova, 1899, 4, no. 88. 13 p. 1899.1 - La Selache maxima nei mari italiani. Revist. Mens. Pesca Milano, 1908, 10, 263-267. Ibid., 11, 64. 1908.1 - Esistono gli Ostracionidi nel Mediterraneo? A proposito del rin- venimento di un Ostracion triqueter Lin. nelle acque del porto di Genova. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat. Genova, 1909, 20, 49-57. 1909.1 - Intorno al programma di ri- cerche sul tonno proposto al comitato talasssografico italiano. Considerazi- oni. Revist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1912, 7, 154-159. 1912.1 Parona, Corrado, & Mazza, Felice. Sulla castrazione temporanea delle aterine dovuta ad elmintiasi. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Genova, 1900, 4, no. 97. 7 p. pi. 1900.1 Cagionata dall' azione meccanica di com- pressione dall' esterno sull* organo riproduttore e sui relativi vasi sanguigni. Parona, Corroda, & Perugia, Al- berto. Di alcuni Trematodi ectoparas- siti di pesci marini; nota preventiva. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1889, 2. ser. 7, 740-747. 5 figs. 1889.1 Di alcuni Trematodi ectoparas- siti di pesci Adriatici; nota. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1890, 2. ser. 9, 16-32. 2 pis. 1890.1 - Note sopra Trematodi ecto- parassiti [di pesci del golfo di Genova] Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1892, 2. ser. 12, 86-102. 2 pis. 1892.1 Parra, Don Antonio. Descripci6n de diferentes piezas de historia natural, las mds del reino maritime, repre- sentadas en setenta y cinco laminas. Havana, 1787. 1787.1 Fishes occupy 66 plates. " C'est un des ouyrages les plus utiles & la connaissance des poissons du golfe du Mexique, non tant a cause du texte, qu'a cause des figures fort exactes od ils sont represented." Cuvier et Valenciennes. Parser, M . Etude sur l'tat actuel des peches dans le royaume des Pays- Bas, et spdcialement de la peche du hareng. La Haye, 1868. 31 p. 8. 1868.1 Parsons, C. Capture of the sword- fish (Xiphias 'gladius) on the Essex coast, Zoologist, 1862, 20, 8289. 1862.1 Parsons, Harry de B. The displace- ments and the area-curves of fish. Trans. Amer. Soc. Mechanical Engi- neers, 17. meet., 1888, 1-17. 19 figs. 1888.1 Parsons, James [1705-1770] An ac- count of some fossil fruits and other bodies [viz. teeth and palates of fishes and other animals i found in the island of Sheppy. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1757 (1758), 50, pt. 1, 396. 2 pis. 1758.1 Partloch, Notes on Rathke's Beitrage zur Entwickelung der^ Hai- fischen und Rochen. Neuste Naturf. Gas. Danzig, 1845, 16, 261-262; 345- 346. " 236 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAR Parville, Henri de. La me" moire des poissons. La Nature, 1897, 26, pt. 2, 294-327. 1897.1 - La formation des perles. La Nature, 1899, 27, pt. 2, 163-166. 4 figs. 1899.1 M . margaritifera, commensalisme du Fierasfer. Pas co, I. D. A call for carp from Nevada. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 29-30. 1882.1 Pascoe,^. H. Corrective note on the fossil described under the provisional name " Twingonia," from the Pegu beds (Miocene) of Burma. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 1909, 38, 187. 1909.1 Identical with some fish otoliths. Pascoe, Francis Polkinghorne [1813- 1893] Zoological classification; a handy book of reference, with tables of the animal kingdom, their characters and lists of the families and principal genera. London, 1877. iv, 204 p. 12. 1877.1 Class I. Pisces, p. 130-138. - Long-nosed ray [Raia rostrata] in the Ouse. Zoologist, 1883, 3. ser. 7, 506. 1883.1 Paske, C. T., & Aflalo, F. G. The sea and the rod; an exhaustive account of the habitat and peculiarities of the chief species of British sea-fish, etc. London, 1892. 224 p. 12. 1892.1 Pasquale, Maria. Revisione dei selaciani fossili dell' Italia meridionale. Atti Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1903. 2. ser. 12, no. 2, 1-32. pi. 1903.1 Review by C. R. Eastman in Science, n. s. 19, 396* - Su di un Palseorhynchus delP arenaria eocenica di Ponte Nuovo presso Barberino di Mugello (prov. di Firenze) Atti Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1904, 2. ser. 12, no. 8, 1-6. pi. 1904.1 - Avanzi di Diodon vetus nel Mio- cene inferiore del promontorio di S. Eha presso Cagliori in Sardegna. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1905, 3. ser. 11, 71-79. 3 figs. 1905.1 - Revisione dei selaciani fossili dell' Italia meridionale. Rendic. Ac- cad. Sci. Napoli, 1905, 44, no. 2, 1-32. P* 1905.2 Passzlavsky, Jozsef. Az Amphioxus nak rakona van [Epigonichthys cultellus] Termeszet. Kozl., 1877, 9, "8. 1877.1 Paterson, William [1755-1810] An account of a new electrical fish; in a letter from Lieutenant William Paterson to Sir Joseph Banks, Bart. P. R. S. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1786, 76, 382-383. 1786.1 Patience, Alexander. On the occur- rence of Gobius orca Collett within the Clyde sea area. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1908, n. s. 8, 74-76. 1908.1 Paton, Diarmid Noel. The physiol- ogy of the salmon in fresh water. Journ. Physiol., 1897, 22, 323-356. 1897.1 Report of investigations on the life-history of the salmon in fresh water. Report to the Scottish Fishery Board, presented to Parliament by command of Her Majesty. 18. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1898, 766 p. 4 pis. Also separate; Edinburgh, 1898. 8. 1898.1 Observations on the movements of the pollutions of the Tyne estuary during the summer of 1901. Journ. Hygiene, 1902, 2, 141. 1902.1 - On the proposed international scheme of North sea fishery investiga- tions. Edinburgh, 1902. 1902.2 - October salmon in the sea. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1903, 24, 486-495. 2 pis. 1903.1 - Observations on the amount of dissolved oxygen in water required by young Salmonidse. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1904, 24, 145-150. 1904.1 , - Report on a male kelt kept for a year in fresh water and found to be again ripe for spawning. 27. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1908, pt. 2, 44. 1908.1 Paton, Diarmid Noel, & Newbigin, M. I . Further investigations on the life-history of the salmon in fresh water. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1902, 23, 44-54. 1902.1 Paton, Diarmid Noel, & others. Re- port of investigations on the life history of the salmon. Abstract in Journ. Physiol., 1898, 24, 63. 1898.1 Paton, Stewart. The reactions of the vertebrate embryo to stimulation and the associated changes in the nervous system [First paper] Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1908, 18, 535-581. 3 pis. & fig. [Second paper] Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1911, 21, 345-370. 2 pis. & 22 figs. 1908.1 PAT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 237 Patten, William [1861] On the origin of vertebrates from arachnids. Bull-dog variety of the sapphir- ine gurnard (Trigla hirundo) at Great Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1890, 31, 317- Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1897. 4. ser. 1. 378. 2 pis. & 18 figs. 1890.1 239-240; 275-276. fig. 1897.1 - A basis for a theory of color vision. Amer. Naturalist, 1898, 32, no. 383, 833-857. 1898.1 - Gaskell's theory of the origin of Vertebrata from crustacean ancestors. Amer. Naturalist, 1899, 33, 360-369. 6 figs. 1899.1 - On the structure and classifica- tion of the Tremataspidae. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., 1901, 8. ser. 13, 1-33. 2 pis. Abstract in Amer. Natu- ralist, 1902, 36, 379-393. 3 figs. 1901.1 Review by C. R. Eastman in Amer. Natu- ralist, 36, 505-507. Science, n. s. 19, 397. - On the origin of vertebrates, with special reference to the structure of the ostracoderms. Verh. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, 180-192. 6 figs. 1902.1 - On the appendages of Trema- tospis. Amer. Naturalist, 1903, 37, 223-242. 9 figs. 1903.1 Remarks by C. R. Eastman. Ibid., p. 572-577. fig. - On the structure of the Pteras- pid and Cephalaspidse. Amer. Natu- ralist, 1903, 37, 827-845. pis. & 12 figs. 1903.2 - The structure of the ostraco- derms. Science, 1903, n. s. 17, no. 430, 488-489. 1903.3 - New facts concerning Bothrio- j/lepis. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1904, 7, 113-124. 6 figs. 1904.1 - The structure of Bothriolepis, with exhibition of specimens of Devo- ^ nian fishes of Canada. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, no. 532, 385-386. 1905.1 - Investigations relating to the origin of vertebrates. 4. Year Book Carnegie Inst., Washington, 1906, 283- 284. 1906.1 - The evolution of the verte- brates and their kin. Philadelphia, 1912. 486 p. 309 figs. 8. 1912.1 Reviews by W. E. Ritter in Amer. Naturalist, 1912, 46, 623-632, and J. P. McMurrich in Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 120-122. Patterson, Arthur H. Notes on some rare sea-fishes found in the neigh- borhood of Great Yarmouth. Trans. Nat. Soc. Norwich, 1891, 5, 227-230. 1891.1 - The marine and fresh-water fishes of Great Yarmouth and its neigh- bouring coasts, rivers, and broads. Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 539-567. Notes, p. 339-340. Ibid., 2, 219-220. 1897.2 - Natural history notes from Yar- mouth. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1897, 6, 291-295; 405-408; 484 489. Ibid., 1904, 7, 63-71; 177-184; 395-400; 566-571; 726-730. 1897.3 Occurrence of the cuckoo ray at Great Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 235-236. 1897.4 Malformed codfish. Zoologist, 1898, 4. ser. 2, 130. figs. 1898.1 - Notes from Great Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1899, 4. ser. 3, 272-273. 1899.1 Observations on teleosts. Megrim and some other fishes at Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1903, 4. ser. 7, 354. 1903.1 - Some fish-notes from Great Yarmouth for 1904-05. Zoologist, 1904, 4. ser. 8, 441-444. pi. Ibid., 1905, 9, 441^46. 1904.1 Anchovy at Yarmouth. Zool- ogist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 435. 1906.1 - Flying-fish reported from Yar- mouth. Zoologist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 77. 1906.2 Rare fish at Yarmouth. Zool- ogist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 354-355. 1906.3 Scomber thunnia Cuv. Some fish notes from Great Yar- mouth for 1906-1911. Zoologist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 453-458. fig. Ibid., 1907, 11, 460-461. 3 figs. Ibid., 1908, 12, 441-449. 3 figs. Ibid., 1910, 14, 63- 68; 451-461. 3 figs. Ibid., 1911, 16, 441-449. 1906.4 Fauna and flora of Norfolk. Additions to part iv, fishes. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. 1904-09 (1909), 8, 844-847. 1909.1 Natural history notes from Yar- mouth. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc. 1904-09 (1909), 8, 111-116; 315- 322; 460-469; 604-615; 755-762. 1909.' 238 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAT Patterson, A. H. Rough notes on the fish and fisheries of East Suffolk. Zoologist, 1909, 4, ser. 361-392; 414-421; 447- 462. pi. & map. 1909.3 Some odd notes on Yarmouth fishes. Zoologist, 1911, 4. ser. 15, 219- 225. 1911.1 Supplementary fish notes from Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1911, 4. ser. 15, 11-13. Ibid., 1912, 16, 29-32. fig. 1911.2 - Fauna and flora of Norfolk. Additions to part iv, fishes (seventh list) Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Nat. Soc., 1914, 9, 815-821. 1914.1 Miscellaneous notes from Great Yarmouth (1913-14) Zoologist, 1914, 4. ser. 18, 375-392. 1914.2 Some fish notes from Great Yarmouth and the neighbourhood for 1913. Zoologist, 1914, 4. ser. 18, 1-20. 2 figs. 1914.3 Patterson, J, Hume. On the cause of salmon disease. Glasgow, 1903. 1903.1 Patterson, R. Centriscus scolopax in Irish waters. Irish Naturalist, 1906, 15, 191. 1906.1 Patterson, JR., Garrett, J. R., & Dickie, G. (editors) See Thompson, W. The natural history of Ireland. London, 1856. vol. iv. illust. 8. 1856.1 Patterson, Robert Lloyd. The birds, fishes and cetacea commonly frequent- ing Belfast Lough. London & Belfast, 1880. 267 p. 8. 1880.1 - Fish and fishing in Belfast Lough. Proc. Belfast Soc., 1880, 234- 266. 1880.2 Pattison, G. J. Fish poisoning. N. S. Wales Med. Gaz., 1872, 2, 145. 1872.1 Toadfish. N, S. Wales Med. Gaz., 1872, 2, 138-140. 1872.2 Pattison, Holmes A. Presence of shad in the rivers tributary to the gulf of Mexico. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 394-395. 1874.1 Paul, Ueber Fischerei und Walfang bei Island. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Ostpreussen, Konigsberg, 1902-03, 14-22. 1902.1 Paul, D. M. On the pelvic fins in the postlarval and young stages of Onus mustela (the five-bearded rockling) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 132-137. pi. 1902.2 Pauletic, - Pescicoltura. Atti & Mem. Soc. Agrar. Gorizia, 1875, 14, 279-283. 1875.1 Paulicki, A., & Hilgendorf, Franz Martin. See Hilgendorf & Paulicki. Paulin, George L. Statistics and notes as to Tweed salmon fishings. Hist. Berwickshire Nat. Club 1873-75 (1876), 116-117. 1876.1 Paulsen, Paul George. The world's market for klipfish, roe and herring. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 392-393. 1884.1 Paulson, Otto Mikhailovich [1837- 1886] Die Epidermis von Protopterus annectens. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1865, 8, 141-145. pi. 1865.1 Paulus, Wie man anno 1727 iiber den Aal und dessen Fortpflanzung schrieb. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 78-79. 1896.1 Paul-Wusterbarth, - - Der tiefe calif ornische Bruttrog. Deutsch. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 271-273. 1879.1 Pauly, August [1850] Die Fort- pflanzung des Aales (Anguilla vulgaris Flem.) Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880,89-91. Berichtigung. Ibid., 389- 391. 1880.1 - Beitrag zur Anatomic der Schwimmblase des Aales (Anguilla fluviatilis Fl.) Munchen, 1882. 22 p. 1882.1 Paulze d'lvoy de la Poype, Deux legendes. Le saumon qui nalt en mer. Le saumon hamatus. Rev. Sci. Bourbon., Moulins, 1901, 14, 233- 239. 1901.1 La question de la peche dans le bassin de la Loire. Poitiers, 1901. 320 p. 1901.2 Pavesi, Pietro [1844-1907] I pesci e la pesca nel cantone Ticino. Lugano, 1871-72. 150 p. 8. 1871.1 Contribuzione alia storia natu- rale del genere Selache. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 1874, 6, 5-72. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1874, n. s. 2, 307-324. PAY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 239 - Rapporto a S. E. il Ministro della marina, onorevole signer Saint Bon, contro la pesca dei bianchetti. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1875, 18, 102-110. 1875.1 - Di una Selache presa recentis- simamente nel Mediterraneo ligure. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1877, 2. ser. 10, 410-411. 1877.1 Seconda contribuzione alia mor- fologia e sistematica dei Selachi. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genova, 1878, 12, 348-418. pi. & 27 figs. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 1880, n. s. 4, 222-260. 1878.1 Cenni intorno ai pesci vivi o freschi ed in particolare sui maschi di Anguilla, osservati all' esposizione di Berlino. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1880, 2. ser. 13, 452-462. 1880.1 - Relazione e propqste intorno ad una convenzione fra 1' Italia e la Svizzera sulla pesca nelle acque comuni ai due stuti. Roma, 1880. 22 p. 8. 1880.2 - Une se"rie de recherches sur la faune pelagique des lacs du Tessin et d' Italic. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1880, no. 2. 1880.3 - Dalle mie annotazioni zoologi- che. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1881, 2. ser. 14, 610-621. 1881.1 iii. Trematode nuovo (Holostomum cuticola) parassita d'un pesce fluviale. iv. Prime linee di uno studio zoologico delle nostre acque mineral!. L' ultima sementa di pesci nei nostri laghi. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1881, 2. ser. 14, 227-236. Also separate; Milano, 1881. 12 p. 8. 1881.2 - Brani biologici di due celebrati pesci nostrali di acque dolce. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1884, 2. ser. 17, 271-278. 1884.1 - Notes on hatching and planting Joung fish in Italian waters [Text in taliani Atti Soc. Ital. Nat. Hist., 1886, 28, 253-265. Translation in Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 263-265. 1886.1 - Le migrazioni del tonno. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1887, 2. ser. 20, 311-324. 1887.1 - Observations on male eels. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 222- 224. 1887.2 - L'industria del tonno (Orcynus thynnus) Roma, 1889. 6 pis. 4. 1889.1 - Notes physiques et biologiques sur trois petits lacs tessinois. Geneve, 1889. 7 p. 12. IXS<).L> - Curioso metacromatismq in Anguilla. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1894, 2. ser. 27, 688-692. pi. 1894.1 - Ordini e statuti del pratice dei pescatori di Pavia. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1894, 2. ser. 27, 115-116. Also separate; Pavia, 1894. 3 pis. 8. 1894.2 - La distribuzione dei pesci in Lombardia. Pavia, 1896. 40 p. 3 pis. 8. Review in Boll. Scient., Pavia, 1896, 6, 66-71. 1896.1 - Un coregono nel Ticino. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1898, 2. ser. 31, 229-236. 1898.1 - Esquisse d'une faune Vald6- taine. Atti Mus. Nat. Milano, 1904, 43, 191-260. 1904.1 - Gli Acipenseri nostrali. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1907, 2. ser. 40, 332-345. 1907.1 Pavesi, Pietro, & Sulzer, J. Ancora sulle semente di pesci nei nostri laghi. Rendic. Istit. Lomb. Milano, 1881. 2. ser. 14, 325-329. 1881.1 Pavlenko, M. N. Fishes of Peter the Great bay [Text in Russian] Trd. Obsc. Jest,, Kazan!, 1910, 42, pt. 2, 95 p. 10 pis. & 13 figs. 1910.1 Pavlov, H. A study of the teeth in the sterlet. Arb. St. Petersb. Ges. Naturf ., 1879, no. 9, 494-508. 1879.1 Pavloyich, S. A. Compte-rendu d'une mission scientifique dans les lies Aland en 1907. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1909, 13, 0143-0153. 1909.1 Pavlovskii, Evgenii [= Eugene} Sur la structure de la moelle e"piniere de Testurgeon sterlet. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1895, 10. ser. 2, 487-488. 1895.1 Zur Anatomic der Epidermis und ihrer Driisen bei giftigen Fischen [Text in Russian) Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1907, 38, pt. 1, 265-282. pi. & figs. 1907.1 Zur Kenntnis der Giftdriisen von Scorpcena porous und Trachinus draco [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1907, 37, pt. 1, 316- 337. 1907.2 240 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PAV Pavlovskil, E. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Hautdriisen (Giftdriisen) einiger Fische. Anat. Anz., 1909, 34, 314-330. 6 figs. 1909.1 - Sur les glandes cutanes des poissons venimeux [Text in Russian] Izv. Voenn.-Med. Akad., St. Petersb., 1909, 18, 22-42; 161-182; 308-319; 443-452. 3 pis. 1909.2 - Zur Frage uber die Hautdriisen (giftigen) einiger Fische [Text in Rus- sian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1909, 40, pt. 1 (C. R.), 109-126; 138. 5 figs. 1909.3 - Zusatz zum Artikel " Ueber die Giftdriisen der Fische." Anat. Anz., 1909, 34, 413. 1909.4 - Ueber den Bau der Hautepider- mis und der Lippen bei Schizothorax intermedium und Capoeta heratensis [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1910, 41, pt. 1 (C. R.), 241-264; 271. pi. 1910.1 - Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss des Baues der Giftdriisen einiger Scorpseni- den. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat), 1911, 31, 529-542. 2 pis. 1911.1 - Ueber den Bau der Epidermis von Haut und Lippen bei Schizothorax intermedium und Capoeta heratensis . Zool . Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1911, 31, 289-316. 3 pis. 1911.2 Zur Frage iiber den Bau der Giftdriisen bei den Fischen der Familie Scorpsenidae [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1911, 41, pt. 1 (C. R.), 317-328. 1911.3 - Sur la structure des glandes a venin de certains poissons et en particu- lier de celles de Plotosus. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1913, 74, 1033-1036. 1913.1 - Sur la structure des glandes a venin de certains poissons et en particu- lier de celles de Plotosus [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St.-Peters- bourg, 1914, 45, 1. livr. (C. R.), 13-23. 7 figs. 1914.1 French resume, p. 38-41. - Ueber den Bau der Giftdriisen bei Plotosus und bei anderen Fischen. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1914, 38, 427-442. 3 pis. & 4 figs. 1914.2 Paxton, E. B. The Detroit river fisheries. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 213. 1879.1 - The fisheries of the Detroit river. Proc. Centr. Fishcult. Soc., 1. Ann. Meet., 1879, 36-37. 1879.2 Payen, Anselme [179^1871] Com- position chimique des poissons. Journ. Agric. Prat., 1834, 2, 140-141. 1834.1 Extrait d'un memoire sur les matieres grasses et les propri6t6s alimen- taires de la chair de diff events poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 41, 1-7. Journ. Prak. Chem. (Erdmann) 67, 54-60. 1855.1 Sur la composition chimique du cristallin chez les poissons et les mammi- feres terrestres. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1857, 4, 94-97. 1857.1 - Precis theorique et pratique des substances alimentaires. 4. ed. Paris, 1865. 8. 1865.1 The twelfth chapter treats of the artificial multiplication of fishes. Payen, Anselme, & Wood, Analyses de plusieurs poissons comesti- bles. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1854, 39, 318-321. 1854.1 Payne, Fernandus. The reactions of the blind fish, Amblyopsis spel&us, to light. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1907, 13, 317-323. 1907.1 Does Amblyopsis "hear"? (In Eigenmann, C. H. Cave vertebrates of America, p. 102-105. Carnegie Inst. Washington, 1909, pub. no. 104) 1909.1 Payne, H. T. Game birds and game fishes of the Pacific coast. Los Angeles, 1914. vii, 181 p. figs. 8. 1914.1 Payne, James. Shipment of salmon ova to New Zealand in 1877. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 859. 1880.1 Peabody, G. A. Spawning trout from a pond near Cotuit port, Mass., March 20, 1863. Proc. Boston Soc, Nat. Hist., 1863, 9, 219. 1863.1 Peabody, George Frederick. For me- morial notice see Meehan, W. E., in Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 61-62. Peabody, James E. Embryos of the smooth dogfish (Galeus canis) Science, 1896, n. s. 4, 535. 1896.1 The ampullae of Lorenzini of the Selachii. Zool. Bull., Boston, 1897, 1, 163-178. 9 figs. 1897.1 PEA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 241 Peabody, W. B. 0., & Storer, David Humphreys. See Storer & Peabody. Peach, Benjamin Neeve, & Home, John. The Silurian rocks of Britain. Vol. i. Scotland. Glasgow, 1899. 749 p. 27 pis. & 121 figs. 8. 1899.1 - The base-line of the Carbonif- erous system round Edinburgh. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 74. meet., 1904, 546-547. 1904.1 Holoptychius remains. - The Canonbie coalfield: its geo- logical structure and relations to the Carboniferous rocks of the north of England and central Scotland. Trans. Rov. Soc. Edinburgh, 1905, 40, 835-877. 4 pis. 1905.1 Cladodus, Tristychius, Strepsodus and various Carboniferous ganoids are considered. Peach, Charles William. On the fossil fishes of Cornwall. Trans. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, 1846, 6, 79-83. 1846.1 - Notes on natural history and additions to the Cornish fauna [Lon- don] 1847. pi. 8. 1847.1 - Notes on the habits of Medusse and of small fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. London, 1855, 2, 280-281. 1855.1 On fossil fishes from the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29. meet., 1859, 120-121. Ibid., 32. meet., 1862, 85. 1859.1 Acanthodes and Gyroptychius. - On the occurrence of the argen- tine, anchovy and other fishes on the coast of Caithness; with a note on the termination of the vertebral column in the tails of the salmon tribe. Proc. Phvs. Soc. Edinburgh, 1859-62, 2, 256- 259\ 1859.2 - On fossil fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness and Sutherland, with notices of some new to those counties. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 37. meet., 1867,72. 1867.1 Pterichthys, Coccosteus, Acanthodes and ganoids are considered. - On spines and plates of a Synapta (Chiradota Esch.) from the stomach of a flat-fish, taken off the east coast of Scotland. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1867, 3, 364-365. 1867.2 On the fossil fishes of the duchy of Cornwall. Geol. Mag., 1868, 6, 568- 559. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 38. meet,, 1868, 76. 1868.1 Pteraspis. On the so-called tailless trout [Salmofario] of Islay. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41. meet., 1871, 133-134. 1871.1 - Notice accompanying specimen of Holoptychius nobilissimus from the Black hill, near Melrose. Trans. Edin- burgh Geol. Soc., 1874, 2, pt. 3, 400. 1874.1 - On the fossil fish of Cornwall [Pteraspis] Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Corn- [X wall, 1875, 9, pt. 1, 31-33. 1875.1 Note on the occurrence of the starry ray (Raia radiata Donovan), in the Firth of Forth. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1880, 6, 132-133. 1880.1 - The starry ray (Raia radiata Donovan) Journ. Roy. Instit. Corn- wall, 1880, 6, no. 22, 350. 1880.2 Peacock, Max. Fishes of Bottesford parish, North Lincolnshire. Naturalist, 1900, 305-306. 1900.1 Peal, S. E. Voice in fish. Nature, 1880, 21, 55. 1880.1 Barbus macrocepkalus. Pearcey, F. G. Investigations on the movements and food of herrings, with additions to the marine fauna of the Shetland islands. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1884-85, 395-415. 1884.1 - Notes on the marine deposits of the Firth of Forth, and their relation to its animal life. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1902, n. s. 6, 217-251. map. 1902.1 Peard, W. Practical waterfarming. Edinburgh, 1861. 12. 1861.1 Large salmon. Zoologist, 1873, 2. ser. 8, 3618. 1873.1 Pearse, A. S. Observations on the fauna of the rock beaches at Nahant, Massachusetts. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1913, n. s. 11, 8-34. 30 figs. Ibid., 1914, n. s. 12, 72-80. 1913.1 On the food of the small shore fishes in the waters near Madison, Wis- consin. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1915, n. s. 13, 7-22. 1915.1 Pearson, J. T. Memorandum on the foetus of the Sqiialus maximus. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1835, 4, 324. 1835.1 On the bora chung, or ground fish of Bootan. Journ. Asiat. Soc. Ben- gal, 1840, 8, 551-552. 242 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PEA Pearson, Joseph. The gourami. Spolia Zeylanica, 1911, 7, 209-210. 1911.1 Sun-fish caught near Jaffna. Spolia Zeylanica, 1911, 7, 208. pi. 1911.2 - Crustacea and fish in the sewage tanks at Madampitlya [Ceylon] Spolia Zeylanica, 1912, 8, 152. 1912.1 General fishery questions (In his Administration report on marine biology to the Ceylon Government for 1910-11 [Colombo] 1912) 1912.2 - The singing fish of Batticaloa. Spolia Zeylanica, 1912, 8, 150-151. 1912.3 Pease, /. Ives. White fish in Tuni lakes. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 229. 1874.1 - About trout ponds. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 19. 1876.1 Pease, Josiah C. Account of bluefish caught about Edgartown, Massachu- setts, 1865-71. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 177. 1873.1 Peck, James I. On the food of the menhaden. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 113-126. 8 pis. 1894.1 - The sources of marine food. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1895 (1896), 15, 351-368. 7 pis. 1896.1 Peck, William D. Description of four remarkable fishes, taken near the Piscataqua in New Hampshire. Mem. Amer. Acad. Sci., 1804, 2, pt. 2, 46-57. 1804.1 - A short description of the ather- ine, two specimens of which have been lately presented to the cabinet of the Historical Society. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1810, 3, 102. 1810.1 Pedaschenko, D. Ueber eine eigen- tumhche Gliederung des Mittelhirnes bei der Aalmutter (Zoarces viviparus) Anat. Anz., 1901, 19, 494^96. 1901.1 - Zur Entwicklung des Mittel- hirns der Knochenfische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1901, 59, 295-314. 3 pis. & 4 figs. 1901.2 Pedley, Charles. The history of New- foundland from the earliest times to the year 1860. London, 1863. 531 p. 8. 1863.1 Fisheries are frequently referred to. Pedro, Dom (pseudon.) Eyeless fish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 49. 1877.1 - Feeding gold fish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 404. 1877.2 Pedroni, P. M. Memoire sur les poissons fossiles du departement de la Gironde. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1844, 13, 277-298. 2 pis. 1844.1 Peek, Richard. Parental attachment of the miller's thumb (Cottus gobio) Student Intell. Observ., 1869, 3, 455- 458. 1869.1 Peers, John. A five-spined stickle- back in Britain. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 9145. 1864.1 Peetz, H. Die Fischwaid in den bayerischen Seen. Kulturhistorische Skizzen. Miinchen, 1862. 79 p. 1862.1 Pegot, Gaston. Sur quelques anoma- lies presentees par Tecrevisse, la sang- sue, la roussette et le mouton. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1900, 52, 322-324. 1900.1 Peirce, Milton P. Black bass in south Jersey. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 147. 1876.1 - Planting fry. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 81. 1877.1 - Stocking south Jersey waters with salmon. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 355. 1877.2 Notes from the Aquadale ponds. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 291. 1879.1 - Black bass notes from " Aqua- dale." Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 9. 1880.1 - How the first shad were hatched. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 166. 1880.2 Shad hatching and carp. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 386. 1880.3 Shad hatching and shad laws. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 67. 1880.4 Resuscitation of apparently dead carp. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 183. 1884.1 Peixotto, Benjamin F. The sea fisheries of France and Algiers. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 417-419. 1884.1 Pel, H. S. Over eene nieuwe soorte van Polynemus (P. macronemus) Bijdr. Dierkunde, 1848-54, 1, 9-10. 1848.1 PEL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 243 Pelagius (/ww/ora.) An evening with tho pollack [Gadus pollachius] Fish. Gazette, 1877, n. s. 1, 7-8. 1877.1 Pelech, E. Jdnos. A pisztrdng Trutta fario, Solar ausonii valenciennesi [Salmo fario Linn. Bachforelle, Stein-, Gold-, Weiss-, Berg-, Fluss-, Waldforelle] Jahrber. Ungarisch. Karpath., 1879, 6 Jahrg., 80-118; 119-167. 1879.1 Pell, Mariska. A halak oldalszer- verol. Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., 1907, 6, 63-82; 95. 2 pis. 1907.1 Pell, Robert L. Edible fishes of N York, their habits and manner of rear- ing, and artificial production. Ann. Kept. N. Y. State Agric. Soc. Trans., 1859, 18, 334-397. 1859.1 Pellegrin, Jacques. Contribution a 1' etude ichthyologique des lies Mari- annes, d'apres les envois de M. Marche. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1898, 4, 228-229. 1898.1 - Description d'une espece nou- velle du genre Mormyrops. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 362-364. 1899.1 - Note sur les poissons recueillis par M. F. Geay dans 1'Apure et ses affluents. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 6, 156-159. 1899.2 - Note sur une anomalie des rayons epineux du cantor, Proteracanthus sarissophorus. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 6, 356-357. 1899.3 - Poissons envoyes par M . Jacquot d'Anthonay, vice-consul de France a Manos (Bresil) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 405-406. 1899.4 - Revision des exemplaires du genre Ctenopoma de la collection du Museum et description de trois especes nouvelles. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 357-362. 1899.5 Cichlides nouveaux de 1'Afrique equatoriale. Bull. Mus.- Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 275-278. 1900.1 - Les nases dans le bassin de la Loire. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1900, 25, 64-65. 1900.2 - Poisson nouveau du lac Baikal. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 354-356. 1900.3 - Poissons nouveaux du Congo franc. ais. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 98-101. 1900.4 - Poissons nouveaux ou rares du Congo franc, ais. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 177-182; 348-354. 1900.5 - Les poissons v6n6neux. Paris, 1900. 121 p. 16 figs. 8. Analysis in Rev. Sclent., 1899, 4. ser. 14, 178-180. 1900.6 - Radiographie appliqu6e a la determination de momies de poissons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 175-176. 1900.7 Sur une raie monstrueuse de la famille des cycloc6phaliens. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1900, 26, 106-108. 2 figs. 1900.8 - Sur une truite ge"ante du lac de Caillaouas (Hautes Pyre'ne'es) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1900, 12, 169-172. 1900.9 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de TOubanghi appartenant au genre Barilius (B. ubangiensis] Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 250-251. 1901.1 Les poissons a gibbositefrontale. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1901, 9. ser. 3, 81-91. 5 figs. 1901.2 - Poissons nouveaux ou rares ^du Congo francais. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901,7,328-332. 1901.3 Poissons recueillis par M. L. Diguet dans 1'etat de Jalisco (Mexique) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 204-207. 1901.4 Poissons recueillis par M- Leon Diguet dans le golfe de Calif ornie. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 160-167. Sur une raie cornue gigantesque pechee a Oran. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 327-328. 1901.6 Cichlide" nouveau de la Guyane franchise. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1902, 8, 417-419. Cichlide's du Bresil rapport - par M. Jobert. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1902, 8, 181-184. 1902.2 Les diables du mer dans la Mcditerrane'e. La Nature, 1902, 30, pt. 1, 118. Presentation de quelques cas de deviations rachidiennes chez les poissons. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1902, 27,215-219. 3 figs. 1902.4 244 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PEL Pellegrin, J. - Cichlide nouveau de 1'Oubanghi appartenant au genre Lamprologus. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 220-223. 1903.1 Description de cichlides nou- veaux de la collection du Museum. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 120-125. 1903.2 - Poissons recoltes dans rOuelle", par la mission du Bourg de Bozas. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 326-328. 1903.3 Characinides nouveaux de la Casamance. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 218-221. 1904.1 Contribution a 1' etude anato- mique, biologique et taxinomique des poissons de la famille des cichlides. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 16, 41- 402. 7 pis. & 42 figs. 1904.2 Cyprinodontides nouveaux du Congo et de 1'Oubanghi. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 221-223. 1904.3 Diagnoses preliminaires de pois- sons nouveaux du lac Victoria, recueillis par Mr. Alluaud. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 184-186. 1904.4 - La faune ichthyologique du lac Tchad et du Chari. C. R. 6. Congr. Intern. Zool., Berne, 1904, 608-609. 1904.5 - Mission G. de Crequi-Montfort et E. Senechal de la Grange. Note sur les poissons de la cote chilienne. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 117-121. fig. 1904.6 - Mission G. de Crequi-Montfort et E. Senechal de la Grange. Note sur les poissons des lacs Titicaca et Poopo. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 29, 90-96. 1904.7 - Mormyrides nouveaux de la collection du Museum. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 438^42. 1904.8 Poissons du Chari et du lac Tchad, recolte*s par la mission Chevalier- Decorse. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 1904, 10, 309-313. 1904.9 - Poissons recueillis par M. Ch. Gravier a Djibouti et a Obock. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 543- 545. 1904.10 Recherches sur les poissons entrant dans la composition de la Poutina, a Nice. C. R. Assoc. Avanc. Sci., 33. meet., 1904, 269; 920- 923. 1904.11 - Sur les pharyngiens inferieurs chez les poissons du genre Orestias. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 139, 682-684. 2 figs. 1904.12 - Systematique (In Mission sci- entifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale, Juin 1903-Mai 1904) Me"m. Soc. Zool. France, 1904, 17, 174-185. pi. & fig. 1904.13 25 species of teleosts are listed. - Catalogue des mormyrides des collections du Museum d'Histoire Natu- relle de Paris. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1905, 11, 141-145. 1905.1 - L'incubation buccale chez le Tilapia galilcea Artedi. C. R. 6. Congr. Intern. Zool., Berne, 1905, 330-332. 1905.2 Commensalism de jeunes Caranx et de rhizostomid^s. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 34. sess., 1905, 570- 571. 1905.3 Mission des pecheries de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Poissons. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1905, 60, 17-57. 1905.4 - Mission des pecheries de la cote occidentale d'Afrique dirigee par M. Gruvel. Poissons. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1905, 30, 135-141. Deuxieme note. Ibid., 1907, 32, 83-88. 1905.5 Mission permanente frangaise en Indo-Chine. Poissons de la baie d' Along (Tonkin) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1905, 30, 82-88. 1905.6 - Poisson nouveau de Mozam- bique. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1905, 11, 145-146. 1905.7 Poissons d'Abyssinie et du lac Rodolphe (collection Maurice de Roths- child) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1905, 11, 290-294. 1905.8 - Les poissons d'eau douce de F Afrique tropical e francaise. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1905, 51, 209-225. fig. Rev. Colon., Paris, 1905, 400-408. 1905.9 - Sur deux poissons du genre Crenicichla de la collection du Museum de Paris. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1905, 30, 167-169. 1905.10 PEL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 245 - Catalogue des characinide's africains des collections du Museum d' Histoire Naturelle de Paris . Bull . M us . Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 474-480. 1906.1 - Characinides nouveaux du Con- go. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 366-369. 1906.2 - Les cichlides comme poissons d' ornement . Observations en aquarium . Bull. Soc. Acclim. France, 1906, 62, 300-303. 1906.3 - Collections recueillies par M. E. Haug, dans 1'Ogooue. Poissons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 467- 471. 1906.4 - L'incubation buccale chez deux Tilapia d'Ogooue. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 35. sess., 1906, 127-128; 555-558. 1906.5 - Les pecheries de la cote de 1' Afrique occidentale frangaise. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1906, 18, 299-305. 1906.6 - Poisson nouveau du Niger ap- partenant au genre Distichodus. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1906, 31, 109-110. 1906.7 - Poissons (In Neveu-Lemaire, M. Les lacs des hauts plateaux de 1'Amerique du Sud, p. 112-137. pi. & figs. Paris, 1906) 1906.8 - Les poissons d'eau douce de 1' Indo-Chine franc, aise. Rev. Colon., Paris, 1906, 697-716. 1906.9 - Poissons du Nil Bleu recoltes par M. Ch. Alluaud. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1906, 31, 125-127. 1906.10 - Poissons nouveaux du Soudan. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 472-474. 1906.11 - Un poisson volant des eaux douces africaines. La Nature, 1906, 34, pt. 1, 385-386. fig. 1906.12 - La presence des nandides en Afrique. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 35. sess., 1906, 127; 553-554. 1906.13 - Sur le genre Cottocomephorus et ses affinites. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 89-93. 1906.14 - Sur un Salarias nouveau de la baie de Tadjourah. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 93-94. 1906.15 Characinide's ame'ricains nou- veaux de la collection du Muse" urn d'Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 25-27. Ibid., 1908, 14, 342-347. Ibid., 1909, 16, 12-14. 1907.1 - L'incubation buccale chez les poissons. La Science XX e Siecle, Paris, 1907, 6, 182-184. 1907.2 - Instructions aux voyageurs naturalistes pour la re"colte et la con- servation des poissons. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1907, 19, 225-230. 1907.3 Liste des poissons recueillis a Madagascar par M. F. Geay. Des- cription d'une espece nouvelle (Bedotia geayi] Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 201-206. 1907.4 - Mission des pecheries de la cote occidentale d' Afrique dirige'e par M. Gruvel. Poissons. 2. note. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1907, 32, 83-88. 1907.5 Mission permanente frangaise en Indo-Chine. Poissons du Tonkin. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 499-503. 1907.6 Poisson nouveau du genre Ales- tes [A. erythropterus n. sp.] Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1907, 32, 139-140. 1907.7 - Les poissons d'eau douce de 1' Indo-Chine. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1907, 63, 268-280; 319-325. 1907.8 - Poissons de la cote occidentale d' Afrique. Partie ii. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1907, 32 p. 17 figs. 1907.9 Les poissons des lacs des hauts plateaux de l'Am6rique du Sud. Mission Sci. G. de Cre"qui-Montfort et E. Se"- ne"chal de la Grange, 1907, 1-25. pis. 1907. 10 - Les poissons du lac Tchad. Rev. Scient., Paris, 1907, 5. ser. 7, 614- 618. 1907.11 Poissons du Sud-Cameroun re- cueillis par la mission Cottes. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 319-332. 1907.12 Siluride* nouveau du Fouta- Djalon (Paramphilius trichomycteroides, n. g. et n. sp.] Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 23-25. 1907.13 - Sur la gibbosite" frontale chez les poissons du genre Ptychochromis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 144, 1168- 1170. 1907.14 246 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PEL Pellegrin, J. - Sur le genre Ptychochromis et sa division en especes. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1907, 13, 322-324. 1907.15 Sur 1'incubation buccale chez i'Arius fissus C. V. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 145, 350-352. 1907.16 Sur une collection de poissons recueillie par M. E. Haug, a Ngomo , (Ogooue) Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1907, 9. ser. 9, 17-42. pi. & 2 figs. Ibid., 1909, 9. ser. 11, 184-190. 1907.17 - Sur un poisson acanthopterygien eocene, Parapygaeus poly acanthus, noy. gen. nov. sp. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1907, 9. ser. 9, 171-179. fig. 1907.18 Collections recueillies par M. E. Haug, dans 1' Ogooue. Liste des poissons et description d'une espece nouvelle. 2. note. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 347-349. 1908.1 Conseils pour la recolte et la conservation des poissons en vue de 1'etude scientifique. Bull. Piscicult., Toulouse, 1908, 13-18. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 33, 16-21. 1908.2 - Description de deux poissons nouyeaux de I'^merique du Sud, de la famille des Loricariides. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1908, 33, 124-127. 1908.3 - La faune du lac Tanganyika. Rev. Scient., Paris, 1908, 5. ser. 9, 680- 684. 1908.4 - L' incubation buccale chez deux Arius de la Guyane . C . R . Assoc . Franc, . Avanc. Sci., 36. sess., 1908, 252; 665- 672. fig. 1908.5 Mission des pecheries de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Poissons. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1908, 62, 71-102. 17 figs. 1908.6 Mission du Bourg de Bozas. Poissons. Me"m. Soc. Zool. France 1907 (1908), 20, 419-430. 3 figs. 1908.7 - Poissons (In Mission Chari- Lac Tchad, (1902-1904) Appendice, p. 433^55. Paris, 1908) 1908.8 - Poissons d'eau douce de For- mose. Description d'une espece nou- velle de la famille des Cyprinides. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 262- 265. 1908.9 Les poissons d'eau douce de la Guyane francaise. Rev. Colon., Paris, 1908, 25 p. 1908.10 - Les poissons d'eau douce de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1908, 65, 48-62. 1908.11 - Poissons du Congo recueillis par la mission d' etude de la maladie du sommeil. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 265-267. 1908.12 - Poissons recueillis par M. le Docteur Wurtz en Guinee francaise; description de quatre especes nouvelles. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 204-209. 1908.13 - Sur un cas d'occlusion buccale chez le Hotu. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1908, 20, 87-89. 1908.14 - Sur une collection de poissons recueillis par le Dr. Wiirtz en Guinee franchise. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1908, 9. ser. 10, 124-135. 1908.15 - Sur une race monstrueuse de perches. Bull. Soc. Zool. Paris, 1908, 33, 25-27. 1908.16 Sur une race monstrueuse de perches dauphins observee en Seine a Port-Villez. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1908, 20, 42^6. 1908.17 - Sur une seconde collection de poissons recueillie par M. E. Haug a Ngomo (Ogooue) Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1908, 9. ser. 11, 184-190. 1908.18 - Sur un grand poisson percoide peu connu du golfe de Californie [Epinephelus rosaceus Streets] Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 349- 352. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 38. sess., 1908, 80-81. 1908.19 L' aquarium d' Amsterdam. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1909, 21, 21-23. 1909.1 - Characinides du Bresil rapportes par M. Jobert. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 16, 147-153. 1909.2 - Collections recueillies par M. E. Haug, dans 1' Ogooue. Poissons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 15, 66-68. 1909.3 - Description d'un Barbus nou- veau [B. deserti, n. sp.] du Sahara. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 15, 239-240. 1909.4 - Diagnoses preliminaires de pois- sons nouveaux de PAfrique oriental e anglaise recueillis par M. Alluaud. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1909, 34, 156-159. . -- , 1909.5 PEL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 247 - Mission geodesique de 1'equa- irur. Collections recucillies par M. le Dr. Rivet. Description de deux poissons nouveaux de la famille des Loricariides. Bull. Mus. Hist, Nat., 1909, 16, 517- 519. 1909.6 - Note complementaire sur line seconde collection de poissons recueillie par M. E. Haug, a Ngomo (Ogooue) Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1909, 10. ser. 1, 45-53. 3 figs. 1909.7 - Poissons (2 e memoire) Mission des pecheries de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. Act. Soc. Linn. Bordeaux, 1909, 72, 76-102. 1909.8 - Poissons d'eau douce de la (Juyane franchise. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1909, 56, 179-185; 219-227; 271- 274; 303-312. 4 figs. Rev. Colon., Paris, 1908, 577-591. 1909.9 - Poissons de la Komadougpu et du lac Tchad recoltes par la mission Tilho-Gaillard. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 15, 240-245. 1909.10 - Poissons des pecheries de la cote occidentale d'Afrique. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 38. sess., 1909, 125. 1909.11 - Les poissons du genre Vandellia C. V. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1909, 10. ser. 1, 197-204. fig. 1909.12 - Sur la faune ichthyologique du lac Tchad. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 148, 1343-1345. 1909.13 Sur la faune ichthyologique du lac Victoria. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 149, 166-168. 1909.14 - Sur T habitat du Barbus deserti Pellegrin (lettre de Cortier) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 15, 412. 1909.15 - Sur le Prochilodus insignis Schomburgk. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1909, 15, 153-156. 1909.16 - Sur un poisson parasite nouveau du genre Vandellia [V. wieneri, n. sp.] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1909, 149, 1016- 1019. 1909.17 Mission scientifique de Ch. Alluaud en Afrique orientale (1908- 1909) Poissons. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1910, 22, 281-298. pi. 1910.1 - Les poissons d'ornement exo- tiques. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 39. sess., 1910, pt. 2, 147-152. 1910.2 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de Guin6e francaise appartenant au genre Barbus. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1911, 36, 187-188. 1911.1 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de 1' Ogooue" appartenant au genre Nannocharax. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1911,36,180-181. 1911.2 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de 1' Ogooue appartenant au genre Tilapia (T. haugi] Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1911, 10. ser. 3, 276-277. fig. 1911.3 - La distribution des poissons d'eau douce en Afrique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1911, 153, 297-299. 1911.4 - Les poissons d'eau douce d'Afri- que et leur distribution ge*ographique. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 40. sess., 1911, 1-13. 1911.5 - Poissons de 1'Afrique occidentale francaise. Mission de M. Gruvel. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1911, 36, 182-186. 1911.6 - Poissons de Syrie recueillis par M. H. Gadeau de Kerville (Phoxinellus kervillei, n. sp.] Bull. Soc. Zool. France , 1911, 36, 107-110. 1911.7 Sur la presence de la Rana mas- careniensis D. et B. dans la Sahara algerien. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1911, 36, 147-148. 1911.8 Mentions Barbus deserli Pellegr. and B. biscarensis Blgr. obtained by Capt. Cortier from the Ifedil. Visite de la collection de poissons d' aquarium de M. C. Visser. Bull. Soc Acclim. Paris, 1911, 68, 502-509. 1911.9 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de 1'Afrique australe appartenant au genre Barbus [Barbus sauvagei] Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1912,' 37, 107- 108. 1912.1 - Description d'un poisson nou- veau de 1'Orenoque appartenant au genre Xenocara. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1912, 37, 271-272. fig. 1912.2 Nouvelle contribution & la faune ichthyologique du lac Victoria. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1912, 155, 1544-1546. 1912. o La peche des diables de mer sur la cote est des fitats-Unis. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1912, 24, 2-5. 2 figs. 1912.4 248 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PEL Pellegrin, /. Les poissons d'eau douce d'Afri- que et leur distribution geographique. Mem. Soc. Zool. France, 1912, 25, 63-83. 15 figs. C. R. Assoc. Franersements d'alevins effectives pendant la campagne 1909) Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, pt. 2. 1909.1 - Une station rhodanienne de " Branchiura sowerbii" (Bedd) Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, 21, 235-242. map. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, pt. 1. 1909.2 Perrier, Leon, & Guyon, Joseph. La station de salmoniculture de Vizille (Isere) et 1'organisation rationelle du repeuplement des eaux en France. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1906, 18, 69-84. pi. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 18, 196-211. 1906.1 Perrier, Leon, & Labatut, - - De Faction des matieres organiques sur 1'oxygente dissous dans 1'eau et d'un mode physiologique d'asphyxie des poissons par les d6versements indus- triels. Congr. Aquicult. Peche, Paris. 1900. 1900.1 Perrin, Marshall L. Salt Lake fish- culture. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 132. 1874.1 Report on the movement of a lot of California salmon eggs from the United States salmon breeding estab- lishment on the McCloud river to various states on the eastern coast during the season of 1874. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 449^59. 1876.1 Perroncito, Edoardo. Quelques ob- servations sur les maladies parasitaires des poissons. C. R. Assoc. Frany. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1904, 266. 1904.1 Perrot, L. Description de Papte- richte de Risso, espece nouvelle trouvee dans la cavite pectorale d'une raie pdchee dans la mer de Nice. Naturw. Anz. Allgem. Schweiz. Ges. (Meissner), 1819, 2, 33-34. 1819.1 Perrot, L., & Droz, S. Informations sur les poissons des lacs de Neuchatel, de Bienne, de Morat et du Doubs. MS. in the library of Neuchatel, 1811. 1811.1 Perry, W. A . [Sillalicum, pseudon.] Mosher, A. A., & others. American game fishes. Chicago & New York, 1892. figs. 8. 1892.1 Persico, P. Un nuovo acquisto per le acque dolce europee (Salmo mykiss) Acquicolt. Lombarda, Milano, 1903, 6, 20-21. 1903.1 Persoon, C. H. (editor} Disserta- tiones academicse Upsaliae habitse sub prsesidio C. P. Thunberg. 3 vols. Gottingse, 1799-1801. illust. 8. 1801.1 Vol. iii, no. 1. De Mursena et Ophichtho, etc., J. N. Ahl, respondent. Pertwee, A. H. Proposed further attempt to introduce the gourami (" Osphromenus olfax") into Ceylon, with notes on a suitable locality. Spolia Zeylanica, 1911, 7, 210-212. 1911.1 Notes on the freshwater fishes of Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 1913, 8, 243-250. 1913.1 Perty, Joseph Anton Maximilian [1804-1884] Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Fauna Monacensis. Isis (Oken), 1832, 712. 1832.1 Perugia, Alberto. Catalogo dei pesci dell' Adriatico. Trieste, 1866. 4. 1866.1 See also the more extensive recent catalogue by E. Ninni, 1912.1, supra. PET BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 253 - Note sullo sviluppo dell' Acan- thias vulgaris. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sci. Nat. Trieste, 1880, 6, 8-17. 3 pis. 1880.1 - Elenco dei pesci nell' Adriatico. Milano, 1881. 1881.1 - Elenco dei pesci raccolti dal Dott. Elio Modigliani nelle isole di Xias e di Sumatra. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, 1889, 2. ser. 7, 269-277. 1889.1 - Sui giovani dell' Orthagoriscus mola. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, 1889, 2. ser. 7, 365-368. fig. 1889.2 - Sul Gobiusfallax Sarato; lettera al D. C. Bellotti. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1890, 2. ser. 9, 506-508. 1890.1 Sulle mixosporidie dei pesci marini. Boll. Sci. Univ. Pavia, 1890, 12, 134-139. Ibid., 1891, 13, 22-25. pi. 1890.2 - Appunti sopra alcuni pesci sud-americani conservati nel Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1891, 2. ser. 10, 605-657. fig. 1891.1 - Intorno ad alcuni pesci raccolti al Congo dal capitano Giacomo Bove. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1891, 2. ser. 10, 967-977. 1891.2 - Descrizione di due nuoye specie di pesci raccolti in Sarawak dai Sig. G. Doria ed O. Beccari. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1892, 2. ser. 12, 1009-1010. 1892.1 - Descrizione di una nuova specie di Myxus raccolta nel rio Senegal dal Cap. G. Capurro. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1892, 2. ser. 12, 1007-1008. 1892.2 - Di alcuni pesci raccolti in Sumatra dal Dott. Elio Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1893, 2. ser. 13, 241-247. 1893.1 - Sopra alcuni pesci di Engano, raccolti dal Dott. Elio Modigliani. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1893, 2. ser. 13, 251-255. 1893.2 - Viaggio di Lamberto Loria nella Papuasia orientale. Pesci d'acqua dolce. \nn. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1894, 2. ser. 14, 546-553. 1894.1 - Sopra due nuove specie di trematodi ectoparassiti di pesci marini. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat. Genova, 1895, 6, 84-87. 2 figs. 1895.1 - Due nuove specie di trematodi parassiti delle branchie del Brama rayi. Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat. Genova, 1896, 7, 135-138. 4 figs. 1896.1 - Elenco dei pesci raccolti dal Dott. Elio Modigliani nelle isole Men- tawei. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1896, 2. ser. 16, 47-54. 1896.2 - Sopra alcuni pesci raccolti nelle Antille dal Cap. Giuseppe Capurro. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1896, 2. ser. 16, 14-19. 1896.3 - Di alcuni pesci nuovi pel golfo di Genova. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1897, 2. ser. 18, 136-141. 1897.1 - Di alcuni pesci raccolti in Bolivia dal Prof. Luigi Balzan. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1897, 2. ser. 18, 16-27. 1897.2 - Di alcuni pesci raccolti nell' alto Paraguay dal Cav. Guido Boggiani. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1897, 2. ser. 18, 147-150. 1897.3 Perugia, Alberto, & Mazza, Felice. See Mazza & Perugia. Perugia, Alberto, & Parona, Corrado. See Parona & Perugia. Perugia, Alberto, & Trois, Enrico Filippo. See Trois & Perugia. Pesce, P. A. Contribute alia cono- scenza dei tumori nei pesci. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1907, 9, 223-225. 1907.1 Petavel, /. Etudes sur le typhus de perches; epizootics de 1867 et 1868. Gaz. Hopitaux Paris, 1868, 41, 487. 1868.1 Fetch, T. Marine zoology at Filey. Naturalist, London, 1903, 351. 1903.1 Petelenz, J. Ueber die Anzahl der electrischen Nerven bei Torpedo mar- morata Risso. Zool. Anz., 1886, 9, 226-229. fig. 1886.1 Peter, Gustav Albert [1853] Ueber Kulturversuche mit Spaltpilzen aus gefarbten Fischeiern. Botan. Centralbl., 1884, 18. 1884.1 Peter, Johannes. Lebendig geba- rende Zwergfische. Nerthus, 1901, 3. Jahrg, 489-491; 512-514. 4 figs 1\M)1 .1 254 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PET Peter, Karl. Die Bedeutung der Nahrzelle im Hoden. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1898, 63, 180-211. pi. 1898.1 Der Einfluss der Entwicklungs- bedingungen auf die Bildung des Cen- tralneryensystems und der Sinnesorgane bei deri verschiedenen Wirbeltierklassen. Anat. Anz., 1901, 19, 177-198. 8 figs. 1901.1 - Die Entwicklung des Geruchs- organs und Jakobson'schen Organs in der Reihe der Wirbeltiere. Bildung der ausseren Nase und des Gaumens [Cyclostomen, Amphirhinie] (In Hert- wig, O. Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwicklungslehre der Wirbeltiere, vol. ii, pt. 2, 8-21. figs. Jena, 1906) 1906.1 - Ueber die biologische Bedeu- tung embryonaler und rudimentarer Organe. Arch. Entw. Mech., Leipzig, 1910, 30, 418-442. 1910.1 Petermann, August Heinrich [1822- 1878] Notes on the distribution of ani- mals available as food in the Arctic re- gions. Journ. Geogr. Soc., 1852, 22. 1852.1 Peters, E. Der griechische Physi- ologus und seine orientalische Ueberset- zungen. Berlin, 1898. 1898.1 See also Lauchert, F. Geschichte des Physi- ologus. Strassburg, 1889. Peters, T. M. A spider fisherman. Amer. Naturalist, 1876, 10, 688. 1876.1 Peters, Wilhelm Carl Hartwig [1815- 1883] Bericht liber den microscopischen Bau der Fischschuppen. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1841, ccix. 1841.1 - Einige neue Fische und Am- phibien aus Angola und Mossambique. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, 32-37. 1844.1 - Ueber den Bau des electrischen Organes bei dem Zitterwels (Malap- terurus electricus Lac&p.) Monatsber. Verh. Ges. Erdkunde Berlin, 1844, 250-262. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1845, 375-377. 1844.2 - Ueber einen dem Lepidosiren annectens verwandten, mit Lungen und Kiemen zugleich versehenen Fisch aus den Siimpfen von Quellimane (Rhino- cryptis amphibia) Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1844, 411^14. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 16, 348-450. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1845, 1-14. 3 pis. L'lnstitut, 13, 217-218. 1844.3 - Ueber eine neue Gattung von Labyrinthfischen (Ctenopoma multi- spinis) aus* Quellimane. . Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1846, 480-482. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 384-385. 1846.1 - Diagnosen von neuen Fluss- fischen aus Mossambique. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1852, 275-276; 681- 685. 1852.1 - Ueber das Kiemengeriist der Labyrinthfische. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1853, 427^30. 1853.1 - Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobachteten Seefische. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1855, 428-466.- Arch. Naturgesch., 21. Jahrg., 1, 234- 282. Also separate; Berlin, 1855. 41 p. 8. 1855.1 - Neue Chromidengattung [Hemi- chromis] Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Ber- lin, 1857, 403. 1857.1 Eine neue vom Herrn Jagor im atlantischen Meere gefangene Art der Gattung Leptocephalus, und iiber einige andere neue Fische des Zoologischen Museums. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1859, 411^13. 1859.1 - Ueber zwei neue Gattungen von Fischen (Pterocryptis und Acantho- cobitis) aus dem Ganges. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1861, 712-713. 1861.1 - Ueber einige neue Saugethiere, Amphibien und Fische. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1864, 381-399. 1864.1 Description of a new species of Leptocephalus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 48-49. 1865.1 - Ueber eine neue Art der See- barsche, Labrax schcenleinii, aus Celebes. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1865 (1866), 95-97. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 15, 503. 1865.2 - Ueber eine neue Percoiden- Gattung Plectroperca aus Japan und eine neue Art von Haifischen, Cros- sorhinus tentaculatus aus Neu Holland. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1864 (1865), 121-126. 1865.3 - Mittheilung iiber Fische (Pro- topterus, Auliscops, Labrax, Labraco- glossa, Nematocentris, Serranus, etc.) Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1866, 509-526. pi. 1866.1 PET BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Sur les poissons vivipares .. [Text in Danish and English] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat. 1894 (1896), 5-35. 2 pis. 1896.1 - Om de ved Frederikssund i Roskildefjord 1894 iagttagne fiskearter med bemaerkninger o. s. v. Kept. Danish Biol. Stat. 1894 (1896), 41-42. 1896.2 - Om de ved stege og naerliggende indenskaers farvande levende fiskearter med bemaerkninger om deres forekomst, legetid o. s. v. Kept. Danish Biol. Stat. 1894 (1896), 37-40. 1896.3 - Om maerkning af levende rod- spcetter. Kept. Danish Biol. Stat. 1894 (1896), 48-52. 1896.4 - The yearly immigration of young plaice into the Limfjord from the Ger- man sea. The yearly fishing-up in the Fjord of the fish over the size limit. How to get a considerably increased income from this plaice fishery, which is now estimated at 300,000 Kroner a year, by the transplantation of young plaice. Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1897, 6,5-48. 2 pis. 1897.1 - Plaice culture in the Limfjord, Denmark. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 69. meet., 1899, 784-786. 1899.1 Den moderne marine biologi. Biol. Selsk. Forh. 1898-99 (1900), 22- 26. 1900.1 - List of eel-wheel places in Den- mark, with remarks on the migrations of the eel, etc. [Text in Danish] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1901, 10, 3-28. map. 1901.1 On the breeding-grounds of tin- herring [Text in Danish] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1901, 10, 35-36. 1901.2 On the plaice in the Limfjord 1899-1900 [Text in Danish] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1901, 10, 29-32. 1901 .3 The biology of the cod in the Danish seas [Text in Danish and Eng- lish] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1902, 11, 3-24. 1902.1 258 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PET Petersen, C. G. J. Some general observations on Erotection, legislation, etc. in regard to shes [Text in Danish] Kept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1902, 11, 28-39. 1902.2 On other Gadidae in the Danish seas [Text in Danish and English] Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1902, 11, 24-27. 1902.3 Torskens biologi i de danske f arvande [The biology of the cod in the Danish seas] Beretn. Landbrugsminist. Dansk. Biol. Stat. 1900-01 (1902), 11, 3-23. figs. Rept. Danish Biol. Stat. 1900-01 (1902), 11, 3-24. figs. 1902.4 How to distinguish between mature and immature plaice throughout the year. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer Public, de Circonstance, 1903, no. 1,1-7. pi. 1903.1 The plankton in the Danish seas in the years 1898-1901 [Text in Danish] Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift., Kj0benhavn, 1903, 6. ser. 12, 219-262. 1903.2 What is over-fishing? Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n. s. 6, 587- 594. pi. 1903.3 Aalen. Hvad man ved om den samt anvisning paa at for0ge udbyttet af aalefiskeriet. Populaert fremstillet. Kjobenhavn, 1904. 28 p. figs. 8. 1904.1 - Hvor og under hvilke Forhold kunne Rodspsettens seg udvikle sig til unger indenfor Skagen? Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1904, 12, 3-23. 1904.2 Om Smaahvarrernes (Zeugop- terus-Slsegtens) Unger. Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1904, 12, 3-23. pi. 1904.3 On the larval and postlarval stages of the long rough dab and the genus Pleuronectes. Meddel. Komm. Havunders0gelser Ser. Fiskeri, 1904, 1, no. 1. 12 p. 2 pis. 1904.4 Larval eels (Leptocephalus bre- virostris) of the Atlantic coasts of Europe. Meddel. Komm. Havundersogelser Ser. Fiskeri, 1905, 1, no. 5. 5 p. 1905.1 - Bericht uber die Tatigkeit der Kommission C 2 in der Periode Februar 1903-Marz 1906. I. Ueber die in den Jahren 1904 und 1905 an den Kiisten der Ostsee beobachtete Brut von Platt- fischen. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. Proc.-Verb., 1906, 6, 11-36. 3 pis. 1906.1 - On the larval and postlarval stages of some Pleuronectidae (Pleuro- nectes, Zeugopterus) Meddel. Komm. Havunders0gelser Ser. Fiskeri, 1906, 2, no. 1. 9 p. pi. 1906.2 - Om lysets indflydelse paa aalens vandringer [The influence of light on the wanderings of the eel] Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1907, 14, 1-9. 1907.1 - Biological investigations on the stock of plaice in the Limfjord. Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1909, 18, 15-19. 3 pis. 1909.1 - On the larval and postlarval stages of some Pleuronectidse (Zeu- gopterus, Arnoglossus, Solea) Meddel. Komm. Havunders0gelser Ser. Fiskeri, 1909, 3, no. 1. 18 p. 2 pis. 1909.2 - The yield of the Limfjord fish- eries in recent years and the transplanta- tion of plaice in 1908. Rept. Danish Biol. Stat., 1909, 18, 3-14. 6 pis. & chart. 1909.3 - Some experiments on the possi- bility of combating the harmful animate of the fisheries, especially the whelks in the Limfjord. Rept. Danish Biol. Stat.,. 1911, 19, 1-20. illust. 1911.1 - Ueber Menge und Jahrespro- duktion der Benthospflanzen an den westeuropaischen Kusten. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leipzig, 1912, 6, 47-52. Petersen, Carl Georg Johan, Gars- tang, Walter, & Kyle, Harry M. Sum- marischer Bericht liber den gegen- wartigen Stand unserer Kenntnisse in Betreff der Scholle und der Schollen- fischerei, A. des Kattegats, B. der Nordsee. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp., 1907, 7, 55-150. 1907.1 Petersen, Carl Georg Johan, & Hjort, Johan. See Hjort & Petersen. Petersen, Carl Georg Johan, Kyle, Harry M., & Johansen, Anders Cor- nelius Jacob. Memorandum sur la valeur de la statistique des marches de poisson. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1905, 4, 74-82. 1905.1 Petersen, Carl Georg Johan, Winge, Herluf, & Winge, Oluf. Dyrelevninger f ra seldre og yngre stenalders Bopladser, bestente af C. G. Joh. Petersen, Herluf Winge og Oluf Winge. Aarb0g. Nordisk Oldkyndighed Historie, 1888, 3, 310- 322. 1888.1 Pisces af Herluf Winge. PET BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 259 Petersen, Hans. Beitriige zur Kenntnis des Baues und der Entwick- lung des Selachierdarmes. Jena. Zeit- schr. Natunv., 1908, 43, 619-652. 3 pis. & 4 figs. Ibid., 44, 123-148. 3 pis. & 18 figs. 1908.1 Studien zur yergleichenden und allgemeinen Mechanik des Tierkorpers. I. Das Kiefergelenk des Kabeljau, Gadus morrhua. Arch. Entw.-Mech., 1914, 39, 51-111. 2 pis. & 20 figs. 1914.1 Comparative study of the different parts of the organ-complex and its adaptations. Petersen, Max. Zur Brutpflege der Lophobranchier. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.) 1906, 24, 265-306. pi. & 15 figs. 1906.1 Petersen, P., & Soxleth, F. See Soxleth & Petersen. Petersen, R. Mittheilungen iiber die Schleswig-Holsteinische Seefischerei vom 16. April 1871 . Circul. Deutsch. Fische- ;i Ver., 1871, no. 5, 35-39. 1871.1 - Fiskerierne ved Stambuset [oltenborg i fyen. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, L872, 6. Jahrg., 129-152. 1872.1 Petherick, John, & Petherick, B. H. (Mrs.) Travels in central Africa and explorations of the western Nile tribu- taries. 2 vols. London, 1869. 8. 1869.1 The fishes of the Nile, by A. GUnther, vol. i, Append. C. Petillot, L. Une richesse du Cam- bodge; la peche et les poissons. Paris, 1911. pis., figs. & maps. 8. 1911.1 Petit, G. La truite de riviere [Paris] 1897. 439 p. figs. 1897.1 Petrascheck, W. Die Zone des Actinocamax plenus in der Kreide des ostlichen Bohmen. Jahrb. Geol. Reich- sanst. Wien, 1905, 55, 399^34. pi. & 8 figs. 1905.1 Ptychodus mammillaris Ag. Petri, Beitrage zur Sumpffi- scherei-Frage. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- rei Ver., 1873, no. 2, 32-39. 1873.1 Petri, Karl Robert [1852] Die Copulationsorgane der Plagiostomen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1878, 30, Heft 2, 288-335. Also separate; Leipzig, 1877. p. 3 pis. 8. 1878.1 Petsoldt, Der Aal in der mau. Bayer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, i. Jahrg., 66-67. 1880.1 Pettersen, Wolter a/. 1-orsuk till m beskrifning ofver Kimito socken i Abo Ian. Finsk. Hush&llningssallsk., 1824, 6, 7-43. 1824.1 Pisces, p. 31-32; 39. Pettersson, ()., Ekman, G., & Try- bom, F. See Ekman, Pettersson A- Trybom. Pettersson, 0., & Schneider, Guido. Entwurf zur Vorbereitung eines in- ternationalen Uebereinkommens zum Schutz und, zur Vermehmng des Schollenbestandes in der Nordsee und angrenzenden Meeresteilen. Svenska Hydrograf.-Biol. Komm. Skrifter, 1908, 3, 1-5. 1908.1 Pettigrew, James Bell [1834-1908) On the anatomy and physiology of the mitral, tricuspid and semilunar valves in mammals, birds, reptiles and fishes. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1866, 6, 193-197. 1866.1 Pettigrew, W. W. Notes on the hatchery and fish hatching at Roath park. Rept. Trans. Cardiff Nat. Hist. Assoc., 1905, 36, 53-62. 1905.1 Pettis, Clifford R. The albino brook trout. 8. & 9. Rept. Forest, Fish & Game Comm. New York 1902 (1903), 295-302. pi. Science, n. s. 19, 867-868. 1903.1 Pettit, Auguste. Remarques anato- miques et physiologiques sur les cap- sules surre'nales des te"le"oste"ens et des dipnoiques. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris> 1896, 2, 19-22. 1896.1 - Recherches sur les capsules surre'nales . Journ . Anat . Physiol . , Paris, 1896, 32, 301-362; 369-419. 1896.2 Alterations re*nales conse"cutives a I'injection de se"rum d'anguille. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1898, 4, 92-95. - C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1898, 320- 322. 1898.1 - Alterations re"nales cons^cutives a I'injection du se"rum de congre. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 75-77. 1901.1 - Ke>atite interstitielle chez le Pagellus centrodontus Cuv. et Val. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9,282-284. fig. 1903.1 Contentif pour poissons (Squa- lide"s) C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 56, pt. 2, 627-628. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 11, 56-57. 1904.1 260 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PET Pettit, A. Sur la presence de cellules hisiformes dans le sang des ichthyopsides consecutivement a 1' ablation de la rate. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 526-527. 1904.2 Sur la pyknose du noyau des he"maties. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 528. 1904.3 In Scyllium canicula. Sur I'hypophyse de Centroscym- nus ccelolepis Boc. et Cap. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 61, 62-64. 1906.1 - A propos de la structure de la surrenale; reponse aux critiques de M. Audige. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1910, 69, 33-34. 1910.1 Materiel: Anguilla, Sardinius, Leuciscus. Pettit, Auguste, & Drzewina, Anna. See Drzewina & Pettit. Pettit, Auguste, & Geay, F. Sur des pieces anatomiques [nageoires pectorales d'un siluride] rapportees de la Guyane. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 7, 275-277. fig. 1901.1 Pettit, Auguste, & Girard, Sur la fonction secretaire et la morpholo- gic des plexus choroiides des ventricules lateraux du systeme nerveux central. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1902, 5, 213-264. pi. & 6 figs. 1902.1 Materiel: Raja, Mustelus, Acanthias, Conger. Index bibliographique, p. 262-264. Sur la morphologic des plexus choro'ides du systeme nerveux central. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 698-699. 1902.2 Selaciens. Pettit, Auguste, & Laveran, A. See Laveran & Pettit. Pettit, Auguste, & Vaillant, Leon. See Vaillant & Pettit. Pettit, H. W. Pisciculture. Iowa Agric. Rept. 1864 (1865), 226-254. 1865.1 Pew, John J. The fishing industry. Gloucester, 1901 (Century Celebration Publ.) 1901.1 Peyerl, Theodor. Gesunde und kranke Fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 13. Jahrg., 133- 135; 145-147; 155-158. 1916.1 Peyrega, E. Sur la permeabilite osmotique de la coque des ceufs de selaciens (Note preliminaire) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1914, 39, 211-214. fig. 1914.1 Passage osmotique des sels constat6. Peyrer, Carl. Fischereibetrieb und Fischereirecht in Oesterreich. Wien, 1874. iii, 159 p. 8. 1874.1 - Fisheries and fishery laws in Austria and of the world in general. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 571-679. 1876.1 Peyrl, Theodor. Der Schleierfisch und seine Zucht im Zimmeraquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 217-219; 234-236. fig. 1910.1 Peyron, S. De la peche de la sardine [Clupea pilchardus] et des industries qui s'y rattachent. Quimperle. 1864. 8. 1864.1 Peyronie, Gauthier de la (translator) Voyage en Islande, fait par ordre de S. M. Danoise, contenant des observations sur les mceurs et usages des habitans; une description des lacs, rivieres, etc., des animaux, poissons et insectes; tra- duit du danois par Gauthier de la Peyronie. 5 vols. Paris, 1802. See Olafsen, E., 1774.1, supra. Pf eff er, Georg Johann [1854 ] Ueber die Schiefheit der Pleuronectiden. Abh. Ges. Hamburg, 1886, 9, 1. Heft. 8 p. 1886.1 Uebersicht der van Herrn Dr. Franz Stuhlmann in Aegypten, auf Zanzibar und dem gegeniiberliegen- den Festlande gesammelten Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Mollusken und Krebse. Jahrb. Wiss. Anstalt Hamburg, 1889, 6, pt. 2, 1-36. 1889.1 Fishes, p. 13-23. Die Fauna der Insel Jeretik, Port Wladimir, an der Murman-kiiste, nach den Sammlungen des Herrn Kapi- tanHorn. I. Die Reptilien, Amphibien, Fische, Mollusken, Brachiopoden, Krebse, Pantop9den und Echinoder- men. Jahrb. Wiss. Anstalt Hamburg, 1890, 7, 63-96. 1890.1 Fishes, p. 74-76. - Die niedere Tierwelt des An- tarktischen Ufergebietes (In Die in- ternationale Polarforschung 1882-1883. Die Deutschen Expeditionen und ihrer Ergebnisse. Vol. ii. Beschreibende Naturwissenschaften in einzelnen Ab- handlungen, herausgegeben von G. PHI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 261 Xeumayer, p. 455-574. Hamburg, 1890) " 1890.2 Fix-he, p. 464-467; 488-490; 520-524. - Versuch iiber die erdgeschicht- liche Entwicklung der jetzigen Ver- breitungsverhaltnisse unserer Tierwelt. Hamburg, 1891. 1891.1 - Fische (In Stuhlmann, F. L. Zoologische Ergebnisse einer in dm Jahren 1888-90 ... von ... F. Stuhlmann in die Kiistengebiete von <>st-Afrika unternommenen Reise. 2 vols. Berlin 1893 (1901). 49 p. illust. 8) 1893.1 - Ostafrikanische Fische gesam- molt von Herrn Dr. F. Stuhlmann im Jahre 1888 und 1889. Jahrb. Wiss. Anstalt Hamburg, 1893, 10, 131-177. pis. 1893.2 - Fische (In Mobius, K., Deutsch- st-Afrika, vol. iii, 72 p. 24 figs. lamlmrg& Berlin, 1894. 8) 1894.1 Another edition of the same. Berlin, 1896. mtains a bibliography, p. xvi-xviii. - Ueber die Wanderung des Auges ;i den Plattfischen. Verh. Deutsch. )1. Ges., 1894, 3, 83. 1894.2 Zur Faunistik Deutsch-Ost-Af- rikas. 2. Fische. Arch. Naturgesch., 1897, 63. Jahrg., 60-62. 1897.1 Die zoogeographischen Bezie- hungen Sudamerikas, betrachtet an den Klassen der Reptilieh, Amphibien und Fische. Zool. Jahrb. Suppl. 1905, 8 Fi-xtxchrift Mobius), 407^42. 1905.1 Fische, p. 432-442. - Einige Bemerkungen zur chro- matischen Funktion der Tiere. Nat. Wochenschr., 1910, 25, 154-156. 1910.1 Pfeiffer, Franz (editor) Das Buch der Natur von Konrad von Megenberg, die erste Naturgeschichte in deutscher Sprache. Stuttgart, 1861. Ixii, 808 p. 8. 1861.1 III. Von den Tiern in ainer Gemain. D. Von den Vischen, p. 244-259. There is also a modern German rendering, by Hugo Schulz (1897), of this work of Konrad of Megenberg, which is essentially a popular version of " De natura rerum" of Thomas of Cantimpr6. Pfeiffer, Karl. Der Cascarob-King der Antillen [Polycentrusi Prakt. Zier- fischzuchter, 1910, 49-51. fig. 1910.1 Die Pflege und Zucht der Flug- ,arbe. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 559-560. 1910.2 Pfltiger, Kdnunl Frwlrn-h \Vilhelm [1828 ] Beitriige zur Lehre von der Respiration. I. 4. Abt. Die Phospho- rescenz der lebendigen Organismen und ihre Bedeutung fiir die Principien der Respiration. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1875, 10, 275-300. 1875.1 - Ueber die Phosphorescenz ver- wesender Organismen. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1875, 11, 222-263. Abstract in Monthly Microsc. Joum., 16, 270- 271. 1875.2 Pflugk, Albert von. Die Fixierung der Wirbeltierlinsen insbesondere der Linse des neugeborenen Menschen. Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilk., 1909, 47. Jahrg., 8, 1-14. pi. & 6 figs. 1909.1 - Die Akkommodation der Cepha- lopoden und Fische. Ber. Versam. Ophthalm. Ges., Wiesbaden, 1911, 36, 54-57. pi. 1911.1 Pf tiller, Albert. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Seitensinnesorgane und Kopf ana- tomie der Macruriden. Jena. Zeitschr. Nat., 1914, 62, 1-134. 2 pis. & 38 figs. 1914.1 Physiologische Erorterungen. Perception von Druckreizen. Occipitalorgan. Wurmparasit in Seitenkanalen und Muskulatur. Pfundheller, J. Ueber den Hecht- fang. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 357-359. 1880.1 Pfyffer, C. Fischerei. St. Gallen & Bern, 1858. 1 p. 8. 1858.1 Pfyffer, L. Referat uber Pramien be- treffend Fischfrevel und erlegtes Raub- wild. Zurich, 1885. 1 p. 4. 1885.1 Phelp, Washington described. Washington, 1861. 1 Hi 1.1 Ichthyology, by T. N. Gill, p. 30-32. See also Keim, De B. R. Washington and its en- virons. 1861 I?] " Phelps, Jessie. The origin and development of the adhesive organ of Amia calva. 1. Rept. Michigan Acad. Sci., 1900, 137-139. 1900.1 Phelps, Jessie, & Reighard, Jacob. See Reighard & Phelps. Phelps, S. A treatise on the impor- tance of extending the British fisheries, containing a description of the Iceland fisheries and of the Newfoundland fishery and colony, etc. London, 1818. 1818.1 Philip, Greta. On relics in the Swed- ish fauna. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala, 1910, 9, 129-145. 1910.1 262 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PHI Philipeaux, Jean Marie. Experi- ences demontrant que les nageoires des poissons ne se regenerent qu'a la con- dition qu'on laisse au moins sur place leur partie basilaire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1869, 68, 669-670. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 4, 294-295. 1869.1 Philipeaux, Jean Marie, & Vulpian, Edme Felix Alfred. Determination des parties qui constituent Tenc^phale des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1852, 34, 537-542. 1852.1 - Memoire sur la structure de Pencephale des poissons cartilagineux et sur I'origine des nerfs craniens chez ces poissons, accompagne de planches expli- catives (Extrait par les auteurs) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1853, 37, 341-344. 1853.1 Sur la signification anatomique des bandelettes contenues dans les lobes optiques des poissons osseux et aux- quelles plusieurs anatomistes ont donne le nom de voute a trois piliers. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1865, 6. ser. 2, 86-90. 1865.1 Philippi, Emil [1871-1910] Ueber Ischyodus suevicus, noy. sp. Ein Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossil en Holocephalen. Pakeontographica, 1897, 44, 1-10. 2 pis. 1897.1 Philippi, Emil, Jaekel, Otto, Volz, Wilhelm, & Freeh, Fritz. Die Wir- belthiere der Trias (In Lethsea geog- nostica, vol. ii, pt. 1, no. 1, 9-21. Stutt- gart, 1903) 1903.1 Philippi, Erich. Ein neuer Fall von Arrhenoidie. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1904, 196-197. 1904.1 Assumption by one sex of secondary sexual characteristics of the other in Glaridichthys. Kurzer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Teleostiergenera Glaridichthys Garman und Cnesterodon Garman (Familie Cyprinodontidse s. Pceciliidse) Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1906, 229-232. 3 figs. 1906.1 - Ein neuer, deszendenztheo- retisch interessanter Fall von Vivipari- tat bei einem Teleostier. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1906, 235-237. 1906.2 Characodon later alis Giinther. - " Spermatophoren " bei Fischen. Verh. 17. Vers. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1907,105-108. fig. 1907.1 - Fortpflanzungsgeschichte der viviparen Teleostier Glaridichthys janu- arius und G. decem-maculatus in ihrem Einfluss auf Lebensweise, makrosko- pische und mikroskopische Anatomie. Zool. Jahrb. (AUh.Anat.), 1908,27, 1-94. 7 pis. & 16 figs. 1908.1 Fortpflanzungsgeschichte zweier viviparer Gyprinodontiden. Inaug. Dis- sert. Berlin, 1908. 49 p. 1908.2 Philippi, Erich, Weltner, W., & Wandolleck, Benno. See Wandolleck, Philippi & Weltner. Philippi, Rudolph Amandus [1808- 1904] For biographical notice, see Hicken, Crist6bal M. Doctor Rudolfp Amando Philippi. Breves apuntes bi- ograficos. Anal. Soc. Cient. Argentina, 1904, 58, 145-151. Tornatella abbreviate, Otodus mitis, Otodus catticus und Myliobatis testae. Palseontographica, 1846-1851, 1, 23-25. pi. & figs. 1846.1 - Ueber einige chilenische Vogel und Fische [Genypterus Ph., Raja scobina Ph., Rhynchobatis] Arch. Na- turgesch., 1857, 23. Jahrg., 262-272. 1857.1 Beschreibung neuer Wirbelthiere aus Chile. Arch. Naturgesch., 1858, 24. Jahrg., 1,303-311. 1858.1 Kurze Nachricht iiber ein paar chilenische Fische. Arch. Naturgesch., 1863, 29. Jahrg., 207-212. 1863.1 [Remarque synonymique a la description de Novarchus sulcatus] Rev. Mag. Zool., 1863, 2. ser. 15, 272-274. 1863.2 - Elementos de historia natural. Santiago de Chile, 1864. 1864.1 There are four later editions, published in 1872, 1877, 1885 and 1893, respectively. - Ueber die chilenische Anguilla [Petromyzon acutidens] Arch. Natur- gesch., 1865, 31. Jahrg., 1, 107-109. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 221-222. 1865.1 - Ueber die chilenischen Fluss- fische. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1866, 708-717. 1866.1 Remarks on the river-fishes of Chile (Translated by Arthur W. E. O'Shaughnessy) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1867, 3. ser. 19, 427-435. 1867.1 PHI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Ueber eine neue Art Trachyp- terus aus dem chilenischen Meere. Arch. Naturgesch., 1874, 40. Jahrg., 1, 117-121. 1 pi. 1874.1 Carcharodon gigas, eine neue Art aus der Tertiarformation Chiles. Zeitschr. Gesam. Naturw., 1878, 61 (3. ser. 3) 685-686. pi. 1878.1 - Ueber einige neue chilenische Thiere. i. Tcenioptera auslralis Ph. & Ldb. ii. Phcenicopterus andinus Ph. iii. Spheniscus trifascialus Ldb., und Spheniscus humboldti Meyen. iv. Clupea oder Alausa advena Ph. Arch. Natur- gesch., 1879, 45. Jahrg., 158-164. h 1879.1 - Los f6siles terciarios i cuartarios 3 Chile. Santiago de Chile, 1887. 256 ' p. 58 pis. 4. 1887.1 Historia natural. Sobre los urones y algunos otros peces de Chile. . Univ. Chile, 1887, 71, 1-42. pis. separate: Santiago de Chili, 1887. p. 8 pis. 8. 1887.2 - Vorlaufige Nachricht iiber die chilenischen Seeschildkroten und einige Fische der chilenischen Ktiste. Zool. Garten, 1887, 28, 84-88. 1887.3 - Algunos peces de Chile. Anal. Mus. Nac. Chile, 1892, sec. 1 (Zool.) 16 p. 6 pis. 1892.1 - Abbildung und Beschreibung einiger chilenischer Fische. Leipzig, 1893. 20 p. 6 pis. 4. 1893.1 - Die chilenischen Arten von Galaxias. Santiago de Chile, 1895. 1895.1 - Los fosiles secondarios de Chile. Santiago de Chile, 1899. 104 p. 42 pis. 4. 1899.1 Fish-culture, etc. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 132; 148; 180; 228. 1874.2 Notes on fish-culture in Indiana, Connecticut, Maine, Newfoundland, etc. - The introduction of the Cali- fornia salmon into Australia. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 229. 1874.3 Land-locked salmon. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 276. 1874.4 Michigan grayling. Forest & 1874.5 - Descripci6n de cinco nuevas especies chilenas del ordre de los plagiostomos. Anal. Univ. Chile, 1902, 109, 303-315. pi. Abstract in Rev. Chil. Nat. Hist., 1902, 6, 59. 1902.1 Philippsen, H. Fische als Wetter- propheten. Prometheus, 1913, 25. Jahrg., 142-143. 1913.1 Philips, Barnet. The Hudson river Imon. Forest & Stream, 1873, 2, '40. 1873.1 The carp as a food fish. Forest Stream, 1874, 2, 121. 1874.1 Stream, 1874, 3, 4. The Michigan grayling (Thymal- lus tricolor) Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 265. 1874.6 Newfoundland its beasts, birds and fishes. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 232. 1874.7 - A rare fish the tarpum. For- est & Stream, 1874, 2, 389. 1874.8 - Shad in Ohio rivers. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 136. 1874.9 Whitefish breeding. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 244. 1874.10 - Why shad have not been found above the Holyoke dam. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 356. 1874.11 Distribution of fish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 4. 1875.1 Fish-culture. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 230. 1875.2 Fish-culture in Illinois. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 4. 1875.3 Fish-culture in Virginia. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 4. 1875.4 The fisheries of Michigan. For- est & Stream, 1875, 3, 372. 1875.5 New Hampshire fish-culture. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 325. 1875.6 Salmon culture in Canada. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 198. 1875.7 Salmon fisheries on the Colum- bia river. Rod & Gun, 1876, 8, 131-132. 2 figs. 1876.1 More about McLeod river trout. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 247. 1877.1 The value of the different kinds of fish as food. Trans. Amer. Fish Cult. Assoc., 6. meet,, 1877, 88-95. 1877.2 264 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PHI Philips, B. Another salmon in the Delaware. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 195. 1878.1 - Beneficial results of salmon hatching on the Sacramento river. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 18. 1878.2 Can eels be bred in Ohio? Forest & Stream, 1878, 9, 469. 1878.3 - Confusion in the names of some of the American fishes of the herring family. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 82. 1878.4 - The exhibition of fish prepara- tions at the centennial and kindred topics. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1877 (1878), 17-26. 1878.5 Fish-culture in Ohio. Forest & Stream, 1878, 9, 488. 1878.6 - Fish for the Susquehanna. For- est & Stream, 1878, 10, 195. 1878.7 Herring, shad and eels in the Potomac. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 462. 1878.8 The nonsense about shad. For- est & Stream, 1878, 10, 238. 1878.9 - The possible appearance of salmon in the Mississippi. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 54. 1878.10 Salmon in the Connecticut. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 255; 279. 1878.11 Salmon in the Mississippi. For- est & Stream, 1878, 10, 134. 1878.12 The Scotch herring fishery. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 96. 1878.13 - Sharks in New York's waters. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 32-33. 1878.14 - Trout hybrids. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 255. 1878.15 - Boiling fish with the scales on a new fish. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 4- 1879.1 - Prehistoric fish-hooks. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1879 (1880), 51-55. 1880.1 General statistics. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1881 (1882), 61-64. 1882.1 - Early catch of mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 280. 1883.1 - Holland carp put into Hudson river about 1830; letter to Prof. S. F. Baird. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 25. 1883.2 - The primitive fish-hook (In Halieutics by modern writers, vol. iii, art. 15 [New York] 1883) Abstract in Century, 1883, 25, 898-904. 1883.3 A stray cod up the Hudson. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 416. 1883.4 Notes of a trip in the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 144. 1884.1 - Some notes on the mullet fish- eries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 135-137. 1884.2 Philippsen, Die Rochen der Nordsee. Nerthus, 1903, 5. Jahrg., 700-702; 716-719. 7 figs. 1903.1 Philippson, M. L'e"closion des oeufs de poissons, est-elle due a un phenomene osmotique? Ann. Soc. Zool. Malacol. Belgique, 1912, 46, 186-188. 1912.1 Phillip, Arthur [1738-1814] The voyage of Governor Phillip to Botany bay. London, 1789. figs. 4. 1789.1 French translation, Paris, 1791. 4. Phillips, Drury McN., & Udden, J. A. See Udden & Phillips. Phillips, Eben B. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 401. 1879.1 Phillips, Ernest. Trout in lakes and reservoirs. London & New York, 1914. viii, 136 p. 8 illust. 1914.1 Phillips, Everett F. A review of parthenogenesis. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1903, 42, 275-345. 1903.1 Phillips, John [1800-1874] Fossil fishes (In his Treatise on geology, vol. i, 86-91; 254-255. 3 figs. Lon- don, 1837-39. 8) 1837.1 The Malvern hills, compared with thePalseozoic districts of Abberley, Woolhope, May hill, Tortworth, and Usk. Mem. Geol. Surv. Great Britain, 1848, 2, 178; 192; 226. 1848.1 Life on the earth; its origin and succession. Cambridge, 1860. 224 p. pi. 8. 1860.1 PIC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 265 Phillips, R. J. King fish at Corson's inlet, X. J. Copeia, 1914, no. 9, 3-4. 1914.1 Phillips, R. J., & Fowler, //. H'. Si < Fowler & Phillips. Philo-ichthyos (pseudon.) The nat- ural and economic history of the Sal- monidse, geographical distribution and artificial culture. Forest & Stream, !S7ti, 3, 68-69. Ibid., 4, 106. Ibid., 5, 116. Ibid., 6, 131. Ibid., 7, 147. Ibid., 8, 164. Ibid., 1877, 9, 179. 1876.1 Phinney, Elihu. Fish-culture in Otsrgo lake. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 68. 1880.1 - Fish in Otsego lake. Chicago Field, 1880, 14, 263. 1880.2 Smelts for Otsego lake, N. Y. icago Field, 1880, 13, 109. 1880.3 Successful fish-culture and idid fishing. Chicago Field, 1880, 52. 1880.4 - Successful fish-culture at Coop- >wn, N. Y. Chicago Field, 1880, 12, 388. 1880.5 Phipps, Constantine John [1744-1792] A voyage towards the North Pole under- taken . . . 1773. London, 1774. viii, 253 p. 11 pis. 4. 1774.1 The appendix contains a description of the animals and plants seen. Phipson, Emma. The animal-lore of Shakspe, are's time, including quad- rupeds, birds, reptiles, fish and insects. London, 1883. 476 p. 8. 1883.1 Chapters xiv-xvi deal with fishes. Phipson, Thomas Lambe [1833-1908] Sur la matiere phosphorescente de la raie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1860, 61, 541-542. 1860.1 - Les raies et leur ceufs. Cana- dian Naturalist, 1874, 6, 370-374. 1874.1 Phisalix, C. Structure et texture de la rate chez VAnguilla communis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1883, 97, 190-192. 1883.1 - Recherches sur 1' anatomic et la physiologic de la rate chez les ichthyop- sides. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1885, 2. ser. 3, 369-464. 5 pis. Extract in Rev. Scient., 2. ser. 36, 368-371. Also separate; Paris, 1885. 96 p. 5 pis. 8. - Propri6te"s immunisaiites du serum d'anguille centre le venin de vipere. Hull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1896, 2, 386-388. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1896, 10. ser. 3, 1128-1130. 1896.1 - Experiences sur le venin des vives (Trachinus vipera et T. draco) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 256-258. 1899.1 - Role de la rate dans la formation des h6maties chez les vertbrs inf6ri- eurs. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54,4-5. 1902.1 - Les animaux venimeux. La Nature, 1905, 34, pt. 1, 70-74. 5 figs. 1905.1 Phisalix, M. Sur I'ind6pendance des proprietes toxiques et des propri6t6s vkccinantes dans la secretion cutane"e muqueuse des batraciens et de quelques poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1913, 167, 1160-1163. 1913.1 Piana, Gian Pielro [1852 ] Beo- bachtungen iiber das Vorkommen des Tetracotylus Percce fluviatilis. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1898, 23, 396-397. 1898.1 Picaglia, L. Pesci del mar Rosso pescati nella campagna idrografica della regia nave "Scilla" nel 1891-92; coll' aggiunta delle specie del mar Rosso e del golfo di Aden, donate all'istituto zoologico della R. Universita di Modena dal medico di 1. classe nella R. Marina, Dott. Vincenzo Ragazzi e dal tenente di vascello Paolo Parenti negli anni 1883-94. Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, 1894, 3. ser. 13, 22^0. 1894.1 - Note ittiologiche isull'ittiofauna del Modenese] Atti Soc. Nat. Modena, 1907, 4. ser. 8, 55-58. 1907.1 Picard, - , & Grehant, Nestor. See Grehant & Picard. Piccard, Jules. Ueber Protamin, Guanin und Sarkin, als Bestandtheile des Lachssperma. Ber. Deutsch. Chem. Ges. Berlin, 1874, 7, 1714-1719. 1874.1 Pickard-Cambridge, Frederick. The giant goby (Gobius capito C. and V.) Zoologist, 1903, 4. ser. 7, 429. pi. - On the occurrence of Gobius capito C. and V., in Cornwall. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 584- 592. pi. 266 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PIC Pickard-Cambridge, F. - The red snake-fish (Cepola rubescens Linn.) in Dorset. Zoologist, 1904, 4. ser. 8, 77. 1904.1 Pickering, Charles [1805-1878] Notes on Gobiesox found 40 feet from water in Peru, and Periopthalmus, hopping in the manner of frogs on the mud. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1861-62 (1862), 8, 60. 1862.1 - Capture of a specimen of Amphioxus near Sulu islands. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 347. 1865.1 Pickering, William. Bibliotheca piscatoria; a catalogue of books upon angling. London, 1836. 40 p. 8. 1836.1 Originally published as an appendix to Thomas Boosey's "Piscatorial reminiscences," London, 1835. It is an enlargement of the earli- est printed list of angling books, that compiled by Sir Henry Ellis and published in 1811. Sir Henry's list comprises 75 titles, and Pick- ering's 180. In the "Bibliotheca piscatoria" of Westwood and Satchell, 1883, references are given to 3158 editions and reprints of 2148 dis- tinct works. See also references in the present Bibliography under Manley, J. J., 1877.1, Marston, R. B., 1901.1, and Westwood & Satchell: Pickles, Harold. A list of the mam- mals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes in the parish of Halifax. Halifax Natural., 1902, 7, 95-96. 1902.1 Picque, R. Recherches sur la struc- ture et le developpement du pancreas chez Petromyzon. Mem. Soc. Zool. Paris, 1913, 26, 5-56. Bull. Acad. Roy. Bruxelles, 1913, 294-309. pis. 1913.1 Pictet, Arnold. Contribution a 1 e"tude histologique du tube digestif des poissons cyprinoides. Inaug. Dissert. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1909, 17, 1-78. 2 pis. 1909.1 - Histologie de la muqueuse buc- cale et intestinale des poissons cyprinoi- des (Leuciscus rutilus, Barbus fluviatilis, Cyprinus carpio, Carassius auratus et Tinea vulgaris) C. R. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat., Geneve, 1909, 26, 35-38. 1909.2 Pictet, Francois Jules [1809-1872] Traite 61ementaire de paleontologie, ou histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles, etc. 4 vols. Geneve & Paris, 1844-46. iUust. 8. 1844.1 The same. 2. ed. Paris, 1853-57. 8 & 4. - Description de sons fosdles du mont vexillifer, Pagcllus libanicus, Pycnos- terinx discoides, Petalopterix syriacus, Mesogaster gracilis, Osmeroides megapte- rus, etc.) Mem. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 1849, 12, 277-334. 1849.1 - Materiaux pour la paleontologie suisse, ou recueil de monographies sur les fossiles du Jura et des Alpes. 6' series in 7 vols. Geneve, Bale & Lyon, 1854-73. 4. 1854.1 Se>. ii, no. 1, Description des fossiles contenus dans le terrain N6ocomien des Voirons, par F. J. Pictet et P. de Loriol. 1858 [Description des poissons fossiles du terrain N6ocomien des Voi- rons, par F. J. Pictet, pt. 3, 54 p. 7 pis.] S6r. ii, no. 2, Description des fossiles du terrain Cr6tac6 des environs de Sainte-Croix, par F. J. Pictet et G. Campiche. 1858-60 [Description des fossiles, par F. J. Pictet et G. Campiche, pt. 2, 380 p. 46 pis.] Ser. iii, no. 1, Description de quelques debris de reptiles et poissons fossiles trouv6s dans l'e"tage Jurassique superieur (Virgulien) du Jura Neuchatelois, par F. J. Pictet et A. Jaccard. 1860 [Description des fossiles, par F. J. Pictet, pt, 2, 88 p. 20 pis.] Se>. iii, no. 2, Description des fossiles du terrain Cr6tace des environs de Sainte-Croix, par F. J. Pictet et G. Campiche. 1861-64. 752 p. 55 pis. Notice sur les poissons des terrains Cretaces de la Suisse et de la Savoie. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Geneve, 1858, 1, 228-241. 1858.1 - Note sur une dent de 1'etage Aptien des environs d'Apt, appartenant a un Notidanus non decrit. Ann. Soc. Litt. Sci. Apt 1863-64 (1865), 1, 67-70. fig. 1865.1 Pictet, Francois Jules, & Humbert, A . Nouvelles recherches sur les poissons fossiles du mont Liban. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., Geneve, 1866, n. s. 26, 117-133. Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1867, 238-242. Also separate; Geneve & Paris, 1866. 19 p. 8. 1866.1 Elasmobranchs and the following-named groups of teleosts are treated : Percoidei, Chromidse, Carangidae, Sparoidei, Sphyraenoidei, Gobioidei, Halecoidei, Siluroidei and Hoplopleuridse. Recent researches on the fossil fishes of Mount Lebanon [translated by A. O'Shaughnessy] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 237-247. Notice in Geol. Mag., 4, 72-73. 1866.2 Pictet, Francois Jules, & Jaccard, Samuel Auguste. Description de quel- ques debris de reptiles et poissons fossiles trouves dans Tetage Jurassique superieur (virgulien) du Jura Neucha- telois. Geneve, 1860. 88 p. 19 pis. 1860.1 Also published as part of " Mate'riaux pour la paleontologie suisse " par F. J. Pictet. 1854-73. PIE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 267 Pictet, F. J., & Loriol, Perceval de. Description des fossiles du terrain Neocomien des Voirons. Geneve, 1859. 54 p. 15 pis. 4. 1859.1 Also published as part of " Mat6riaux pour la pateontologie suisse," par F. J. Pictet. 1854-73. Pictet, Raoul. De 1'emploi m6tho- dique des basses temperatures en biolo- gic. C. R. Trav. Soc. Helve"t. Sci. Nat., iss., 1893, 5-27. 1893.1 Les poissons d'tangs d'eau douce peuvent fitre compldtement gel6s, puis degeles, sans mourir. Piddington, Henry. Notice of an extraordinary fish [Squalus] Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1835, 4, 218-222. 1835.1 Pidgeon, Dan. Hermaphroditism in the herring. Nature, 1898, 67, no. 1473, 271. 1898.1 Pieper, Adolph. Zum Fang der Fischrauber. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 35. 1878.1 Piepmeyer, L. W. Report on the operations of the United States Fish Commission steamer "Fish Hawk" in shad hatching on the Delaware river, season of 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 395-399. 1885.1 Pierce, H. D. The spawning of blue- fish. An opinion of the cause of mor- tality of fish in the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 3, 332. 1883.1 Notes on the bluefish; mor- tality of Florida fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 263-266. 1884.1 Pierce, James. Account of the geol- ogy, mineralogy, scenery, etc. of the secondary region of New York and New Jersey, and the adjacent regions. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1820, 2, 181-199. 1820.1 Fish fauna of Rockland lake, N. Y., p. 186. Pieri, J. B. Recherches physiolo- giques sur la respiration des poissons 'HiMlytes tobianus) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1896, 122, 252-254. Abstract in Rev. Scient., 4. ser. 6, no. 8, 248. 1896.1 Pier on, Henri. Quelques observa- tions sur les mceurs du Blennius ocellaris L. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1914, 13-15. 1914.1 Piers, Harry. Studies in the Pro- icial museum. 1. Fishes. 2. Fish development. Proc. Trans. Nov. Sco- tian Inst. Nat. Sci., 1890, 7, pt. 4, 95-99. 1890.1 - Notes on Nova Scotian zoology. No. 2. Proc. Trans. Nov. Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci., 1892, 8, pt. 2, 175-184. 1892.1 - Observations on a fish (Chy- loniijcterus schoepfi) new to the fauna of Nova Scotia. Proc. Trans. Nov. Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci., 1899, 10, pt. 1, 110-111. 1899.1 Pierson, C. J., & Meek, SethEugene. See Meek & Pierson. Piesbergen, F. Die Ekto- und Entoparasiten, von welchen die in der Umgebung von Tubingen lebenden Fische bewohnt werden. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberg, 1886, 42, 73-88. pi. 1886.1 Pietravalle, Nicola. Contribuzione allo studio delle specie europee del genere Squalius Bp. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1908, 2. ser. 9, 225-243; 328-334. 1908.1 Pietschmann, Viktor. Ichthyolo- gische Ergebnisse einer Reise nach Island, an die atlantische Kiiste von Marokko und in die westliche Halfte des Mittelmeeres. Ann. K. K. Hofmu- seum, Wien, 1906, 21, 72-148. 2 pis. & 7 figs'. 1906.1 - Ichthyologische Ergebnisse einer Reise ins Barentsmeer. Zwei stark variante Exemplare von Antennarius tridens mit Bemerkungen iiber die Variabilitat von Antennarius. Ann. K. K. Hofmuseum, Wien, 1907-08, 22, 297-307. 1907.1 Zwei neue Selachier aus Japan. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1907, 44, 394- 396. 1907.2 Der gegenwartige Stand unserer Kenntnisse in der Aalfrage. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1908, 67, (261)- (264) 1908.1 Ichthyologische Ergebnisse einer Reise im Barentsmeer. Ann. Hofmu- seum, Wien, 1908. 15 p. Japanische Plagiostomen. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1908, 46, 261.- Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 117, Abt. 1, 637-710. 2 pis. & 14 figs. Zur Unterscheidung der beiden europaischen Mustelus-Arten. Zool. Anz., 1908, 33, 150-164. 5 figs. 1908.4 Zwei neue Japanische Haifische. nz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1908, 46 132- Anz 135. 190S.5 268 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PIE Pietschmann, V. Ein neuer Hemipteronotus [H. megapterygius] aus Japan. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1909, 46, 238-239. 1909.1 - Ueber zwei stark variante Exem- plare von Antennarius tridens (Schlegel) mit Bemerkungen iiber die Variabilitat von Antennarius. Ann. K. K. Hofmu- seum, Wien, 1909, 23, 1-5. pi. 1909.2 Ueber Neopercis macrophthalma, n. sp. und Heterognathodon doederleini Ishikawa, zwei Fische aus Formosa. Ann. K. K. Hofmuseum, Wien, 1911, 26,431-435. 2 figs. 1911.1 Eine neue Mugil-Art aus dem SchattelArab. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1912, 49, 268-270. 1912.1 Fische des Wiesbadener Mu- seums. Jahrb. Ver. Natk., Wiesbaden, 1913, 170-201. 2 pis. 1913.1 - Eine neue Glyptosternum-Art [G. steindachneri] aus dem Tigris. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Kl., 1913, 50. Jahrg., 93-95. 1913.2 - Fische der achten " Najade "- Fahrt (Jungfischtrawlfange) Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math. nat. KL, 1914, 123, 1. Abth., 405-563. 6 pis. & 8 figs. 1914.1 Piette, Edouard [1827-1906] Etudes d' ethnographic prehistorique. VII. Classification des sediments formes dans les cavernes pendant 1'age du Renne. Anthropologie, Paris, 1904, 15, 129-176. pi. & 73 figs. 1904.1 Designs of fishes engraved on stone. Pigeot, P. Poissons du Cretace des environs de Bethel. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Ardennes, 1904, 11, 27-29. 1904.2 Pighini, Giacomo. Sur Forigine et la formation des cellules nerveuses chez les embryons de selaciens. Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, 1905, 14, 94-105. 3 figs. 1905.1 - Sur la structure des cellules nerveuses du lobe electrique, et des terminaisons nerveuses dans 1'organe electrique du Torpedo ocellata. Anat. Anz. 1908, 32, 489^98. 9 figs. 1908.1 Pignatti, Vas. Die ichthyologische Sammlung des Gouvernements-museum in Tobolsk [Text in Russian] Ann. Mus6e Tabollsk, 1910, 16, pt. 18. 1910.1 Pigorini, L. Sulla tossicita dei sail d'argento nei pesci. Arch. Farm. Sper. Sci. Aff., 1907, 6, 530-547. fig. 1907.1 Resistenza aumenta col diminuire dell' importanza dei tegumenti esterni per lo scambio respiratorio. Piguenit, W. C. The salmon ponds and vicinity. New Norfolk, Tasmania, 1867. 4. 1867.1 Pike, Nicholas. Notes on fishes of the ocean. Trans. Roy. Soc. Mauritius, 1873, n. s. 7, 27-32. 1873.1 A spawning eel. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 185. 1880.1 Pilgrim, Henry Guy Ellock [1875 } Fossils of the Irrawaddy series from Rangoon. Rec. Geol. Surv. India, 1906, 33, 157-158. 1906.1 Carcharias and Oxyrhina. - The vertebrate fauna of the Gaj series in the Bugti hills and the Punjab. Palseont. Indica, Calcutta, 1912, n. s. 4, no. 2, 1-83. 30 pis. & map. 1912.1 Pilliet, Al. H. Sur la structure du tube digestif de quelques poissons de mer. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1885, 10, 283-308. 1885.1 Sharks, rays and teleosts. - Contribution a 1'etude des es- peces portes du foie chez quelques ver- tebres [Callionymus lyra] Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1889, 26, 264-276. 1889.1 - Note sur la distribution du tissu adeno'ide dans le tube digestif des poissons cartilagineux. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1890, 9. ser. 2, 593-595. 1890.1 - Recherches sur la structure du foie des selaciens. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1890, 9. ser. 2, 690-694. 1890.2 - Note sur 1'estomac des pleuro- nectes. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 5, 881-882. 1893.1 Recherches histologiques sur 1'estomac des poissons osseux (pleuro- nectes) Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1894, 30, 61-78. 1894.1 Pimentel, C. A. de Souza. Pisci- coltura. Ann. Sci. Nat., 1894, 1, 34. 1894.1 Pinart, Alphonse Louis [1852 ] La chasse aux animaux marins et les pecheries chez les indigenes de la c6te PIS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 269 nord-ourst d'Amerique. Boulognr-sur- Mcr, 1875. 15 p. 8. 1875.1 Pinckney, F. S. The tarpon, or silver king." New York, 1889. 12. 1889.1 Pinkerton, John [1758-1826] (editor] \ ^oneral collection of voyages and tra- vels in all parts of the world. 17 vols. London, 1808-14. pis. 4. 1808.1 For an extensive index of localities at which tithes arc recorded, see Bosgoed's Bibliotheca 1,-hthyologica, 1874, p. 114-115. Pinkus, Felix. Die Hirnnerven von ProtophTH* annectens. Morphol. Ar- beit., 1894, 4, 275-346. 7 pis. 1894.1 Ueber noch nicht be- enen schriebenen Hirnnerven des Protopterus cclcitx. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. it. Anz., 1894, 9, 562-566. figs. 1894.2 - Ueber den zwischen Olfactorius- Opticusursprung das Vorderhirn Z wisrhenhirn) verlassenden Hirnnerven ler Dipnoor und Selachier. Arch. Anat. 'hysiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1905 (SuppL), 147-452. 1905.1 Pinochet, Alejandro Canas. La isla de la Mocha. Act. Soc. Scient. Chile, 1902, 12, 55-74. 1902.1 Pintner, Theodor. Die Aalfrage. Schrift. Ver. Verbr. Nat. Kenntn. Wien, 1908, 48, 117-143. 8 figs. 1908.1 Pion-Gaud, Pierre. L'elevage du poisson-chat (Amiurus nebulosus) dans les etangs du Dauphine. Bull. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 1904, 259. 1904.1 Pion-Gaud, Pierre, & Lavauden, Louis. L'acclimatation et 1'elevage du poisson-chat dans les etangs du Bas- Dauphine. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 33. sess., 1904, pt. 2, 749-755. 1904.1 Piper, Hans. Die Entwicklung von Leber, Pankreas, Schwimmblase und Milz bei Amia calva. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1902, 18-25. 9 figs. 1902.1 - Die Entwicklung von Leber, Pankreas und Milz bei den Vertebraten. Physiol. Inst. Ber., 1902, 1-95. 1902.2 - Die Entwicklung von Magen, Duodenum, Schwimmblase, Leber, Pancreas und Milz bei Amia calva. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1902, 1-78. 4 pis. & 55 figs. 1902.3 - Berichtigung zu meinem Auf- satz: Die Entwicklune von Magen, Duodenum, Schwimmblase, Leber, Pankreas und Milz bei Amia calva. Arch. Anat. Entwick. (Anat. Abth.), 1903, 27-28. figs. 1903.1 - Ueber das Horvermogen der Fische. Miinchen. Med. Wochenschr., 1906, 53. Jahrg., 1785. 1906.1 Pipping, JosephG. Mjolkeochromm utur en och samme lake [Gadus sp.) K. Vet. Akad. Nya Handlgr. 1800, 21, 33-35. 1800.1 - Nachricht von einer eingesal- zenen Fische, bei welchem Milch und Rogen zugleich gefunden wurde [Text in Swedish] Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl. 1800, 21, 33-35. Voigt's Mag., 2, p. 664. 1800.2 Piraud, V. Note sur la faune de 1'Isere consideree au point de vue de la capacit^ biogenique de ce cours d'eau aux environs de Grenoble. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, 21, 243-249. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, pt. 1. 1909.1 - Sur la nouvelle maladie coccidi- enne de la tanche decrite par Elmassian. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1909, pt. 2. 1909.2 -Dossiers piscicoles des cours d'eau alpins. Monographic hydrobiologique piscicole des bassins de Roize et de Vence et des ruisseaux du St. Rynard. Trav. Labor. Piscicult. Univ. Grenoble, 1910, pt. 2. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1911, 23, no. 2, 365-391. fig. & map. 1911.1 Dossiers piscicoles des cours d[eau alpins. Monographic hydrobiologique piscicole des cours d'eau de la partie sud du massif de Belledoune. Ann. Univ. Grenoble, 1912, 24, no. 2, 323-358. map. 1912.1 Pirko, Franz von. Naturalization of American fishes in Austrian waters. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washing- ton. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1908, (1910), 27, pt. 2, 977-982. 1910.1 Pirsson, Louis V., & Schuchert, Charles. A textbook of geology. Parti. Physical geology, by Louis V. Pirsson. Part II. Historical geology, by Charles Schuchert. New York, 1915. viii, 1051 p. 8. 1915.1 Piscarius (pseudon.) The artificial nroduction of fish. London, 1852. 22 p. 8. 1852.1 270 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PIS Piscator (pseudon.) Natural history of the basse. Cabinet of Nat. Hist. Philad., 1831, 2, 138-139. 1831.1 Refers to habits of certain percoid fishes in the vicinity of Cincinnati. How to choose and how to dress fish. 2. ed. London, 1854. 12. 1854.1 Piscator, Lubertus. Brief van Luber- tus Piscator over de visscherij, die bij een loterij vergeleken wordt. Oor- zaaken van derzelver afneemen. Weder- legging. Middelen ter verbetering op de Walvischvangst. Zie: De Koopman of bij dr. ter ophouw van Neerlands koophandel en zeevaard. Amsterdam, 1773. 1773.1 Not seen; title and reference from Bosgoed, p. 250. Pischel, Richard. Der Ursprung des christlichen Fischsymbols. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, phil. CL, 1905, 506-532. 1905.1 Pitcairn, G. A retrospective view of the Scots fisheries; with observations and remarks, humbly suggesting the probable means of preserving and im- proving them. 2. ed. Edinburgh, 1787. 8. 1787.1 Pittet, L. Ueber die Verteilung der Geschlechter bei den Fischen. Schweiz. Fisch.-Zeitg., 1914, 22. Jahrg., 30-34. 1914.1 Pittier, Henri Frangvis, & Ward, M . F. Contributions a Phistoire natu- relle du pays d'en haut vaudois. Bull. Soc. Vaudoise, 1885, 21, 111-112. 1885.1 Pittrich, Bruno. Poly acanthus cu- panus. Natur u. Haus, 1904, 12, 241- 243. 1904.1 Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Laich- geschaftes von Badis badis (Ham. Buch.) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 453-454. 1907.1 - Ueber Zucht und Pflege von Betta pugnax (Cantor) var. trifasciata (Bleeker) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 287-288; 297- 299; 313-315. 3 figs. 1907.2 Pitzorno, Marco. Ricerche di mor- fologia comparata sopra le arterie suc- clavata ed ascellare. Selaci. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1905, 16, 94-103. 3 figs. 1905.1 Sulla struttura dei gangli sim- patici nei selaci. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1910, 21, 53-61. 3 pis. 1910.1 Ulteriori studi sulla struttura dei gangli simpatici nei selaci. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1911, 22, no. 2, 4-9. 3 figs. 1911.1 - II ganglio ciliare dei selaci. Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., 1913, 11, 527-535. 2 pis. 1913.1 Pixell, Helen L. M. On the morphol- ogy and physiology of the appendix digitiformis in elasmobranchs. Anat. Anz., 1908, 32, 174-178. 1908.1 Pizzetta, Jules [1820] L' aquarium d'eau douce et d'eau de mer; choix r formes, preparation, salubrite, appro- visonnement, plantes, etc.; introduc- tion par A. Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire. Paris, 1872. 220 illust. 18. 1872.1 - La pisciculture fluviale et ma- rine. Paris, 1878. 1878.1 - La pisciculture fluviatile et maritime en France. Paris, 1880. viii, 472 p. 8. 1880.1 Planander, Laurentius Alger. Ani- madversiones in classem piscium Linn. Lundse, 1803. 24 p. 4. 1803.1 Plant, James. On the upper Keuper Sandstone (included in the New Red marls) and its fossils at Leicester. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1856, 12, 369-373. 2 figs. 1856.1 Plant, John [c. 1820-1894] The great sheatfish, Silurus glanis, in Loch Bad-a-Luacradh, Ross. Proc. Lit. PhiL Soc. Manchester, 1878-79, 18, 107- 110. 1878 .-1 - The great sheatfish [Silurus gla- nis] Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 315. 1879.1 The sheatfish (Silurus glanis} Sci. Gossip, 1879, 16, 194. 1879.2 Plate, ^Ludwig Hermann [1862] Ueber Eier von Bdellostoma bischoffii Schneider. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1896, 16-21. figs. 1896.1 Ein neuer Cyclostom mit gros- sen normal entwickelten Augen, Ma- crophthalmia chilensis n. g., n. sp. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1897, 137-141. Zool. Centralbl., no. 26, 897. 1897.1 Studi en iiber Cyclostomen. I. Systematische Revision der Petromy- zonten der siidlichen Halbkugel. ZooL Jahrb. (Suppl), 1902, 5, 651-673. pi. 1902.1 PLE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISH I > - Ueber Cyclostomen der siid- lichen Halbkugel. Verh. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, 551-552. Tagebl. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, no. 8, 7-8. 1902.2 - Apogonichthys strombi, n. sp., cin syrnbiotisch lebender Fisch von den Bahamas. Zool. Anz., 1908, 33, 393- 399. 2 figs. 1908.1 Plateau, Felix A uguste Joseph [1841 ] On the vision of fishes and amphibians. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 469-473. 1866.1 Translated from Mem. Cour. et Mm. Sav. Etrang. Acacl. Roy. Bruxelles, 1866, 23. - Sur la vision des poissons et des amphibies. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1866, 63, 499-500. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.}, 5. ser. 15-20. 1866.2 Plater, Adam. Opisanie hydrogra- ficzno-statystyczne Dzwiny zachodniej, oraz ryb w niej zyjacych [Description of the west Dtina river and its fishesj Wilno, 1861. 69 p. maps. 8. 1861.1 Platner, G. Die erste Entwicklung befruchteter und parthenogenetischer Eier vonLiparis dispar. Biol. Centralbl. 1888, 8, 521-524. 1888.1 Platt, Julia B. The anterior head- cavities of Acanthias. Preliminary no- tice. Zool. Anz., 1890, 13, 239. fig. 1890.1 - A contribution to the morphol- ogy of the vertebrate head, based on a study of Acanthias vulgaris. Journ. Morphol., 1891, 5, 79-106. 3 pis. 1891.1 - Further contribution to the mor- phology of the vertebrate head. Anat. Anz., 1891, 6. Jahrg., 251-265. 15 figs. 1891.2 Scyllium, Acanthias, Batrachus. Plattner, Sam. Rheinlanken und Forellenfang in Bunden. Bern, 1879. 2 p. 4. 1879.1 Playfair, Lyon [1819-1893] Letter on the introduction into American waters of the two varieties of German carp. Angler's Note Book, 1884, 6, 91-92. 1884.1 A foreigner's opinion of Ameri- can fish-culture. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 367-368. 1885.1 Playfair, (Sir) Robert Lambert [1828- 1899] Acanthopterygii (In Playfair & Gunther. The fishes of Zanzibar, p. 1- 80. 21 pis. London, 1866. 4) 1866.1 The fishes of Seychelles. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 846-872. 1867.1 - On the fishes of Cachar. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1867, 14-17. 1867.2 On a collection of fishes from Madagascar. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 9-12. 1868.1 22 species of teleosts'are listed, two of which are new. - Further contributions to the ichthyology of Zanzibar; with a note by Dr. A. Gunther. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1869, 239-241. 1869.1 Note on a freshwater fish from the neighbourhood of Aden: Discogna- thus lamta? Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1870, 85-86. 1870.1 Playfair, (Sir) Robert Lambert, & Gunther, Albert Carl Ludwig Gotthilf. The fishes of Zanzibar, with a list of the fishes of the whole east coast of Africa. London, 1866. 21 pis. & figs. 4. 1866.1 Acanthopterygii, by R. L. Playfair. Pharyn- gognathi, etc., by A. C. L. G. Giinther. The plates are lithographs by G. H. Ford; 6 of them are colored and plate 13 is used as a frontispiece. Playfair, (Sir) Robert Lambert, & Letourneux, A. See Letourneux & Playfair. Plehn, Marianne. Zum feineren Bau der Fischkieme. Vorlaufige Mit- theilung. Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 439- 443. 5 figs. 1901.1 Bosartiger Kropf (Adeno-Car- cinom der Thyroidea) bei Salmoniden. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 117. 1902.1 [Die Schuppenstraubung der Weissfische] Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, no. 3. 1902.2 Die Rotseuche der karpfenar- tigen Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1903, no. 11, 198-210. 1903.1 Trypanoplasma cyprini, nov. sp. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 1903, 3, 175-180. pi. Ueber den Krebs bei Salmoni- den. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 307-308. 2 figs. 272 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PLE Plehn, M. Sanguinicola armata und S. iner- mis (n. gen., n. sp.) n. fam. Rhynchosto- mida; ein entoparasitisches Turbellar im Blute von Cypriniden. Zool. Anz., 1905, 29, 244-252. 8 figs. 1905.1 Ueber das Horen der Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 80. Jahrg., 62-66. 1905.2 - Ueber den Geschmacksinn der Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30. Jahrg., 165-169. 1905.3 - Ueber die Drehkrankheit des Salmoniden, etc. Arch.Protistk., 1905, 5. 1905.4 Driisenzellen oder Parasiten? Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 152-156. 1906.1 - Die Fische des Meeres und der Binnengewasser (In Bilderatlas des Tierreichs, herausgegeben von Kurt Lampert, pt. 4. viii, 190 p. 36 pis. Esslingen & Munchen, 1906) 1906.2 - Ueber den Exophthalmus bei Fischen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31. Jahrg., 351-353. 1906.3 Ueber eigentiimliche Driisen- zellen im Gefassystem und in anderen Organen bei Fischen. Vorlaufige Mit- teilung. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 192-203. 1906.4 - Was ist eigentlich ein Fisch? Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 15. Jahrg., 154-157; 212-214. 1907.1 - I pesci del mare e delle acque interne; con notizie sulla pesca e sulla pescicoltura in Italia per L. Scotti. Milano, 1908. 459 p. illust. 8. 1908.1 Fischkrankheiten. Naturwis- eenschaften, 1914, 2. Jahrg., 1049-1053; 1065-1068. 5 figs. 1914.1 Plenderleath, D. On the teeth of fishes, and shells found in the vicinity of Reading. Phil. Mag. (Tilloch), 1813, 41, 44-46. 1813.1 Pleskott, Emilie. Zur Krankheit der Fische. Isis (Russ), 1878, 3. Jahrg., 45. 1878.1 Pleyel, Josef von. Die Zoologie der Alten. Nat. Wochenschr., 1905, 20, 65- 72. 1905.1 Pleyte, W., & others. Guide zoolo- gique. Communications diverses sur Pays-Bas publiees a 1'occasion du Sieme Congres International de Zoologie. Leyde, Septembre 1895. Helder, 1895, viii, 170 p. illust. 8. 1895.1 Poissons, par P. P. C. Hoek. Plieninger, Wilhelm Heinrich The- odor von [1795-1879] Cyprinoiden- Zahne im Siisswasserkalk von Stein- heim. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1847, 3. Jahrg., 162-163. pi. 1847.1 Tinea, Leuciscus and Cyprinus. Microlestes antiquus und Sargo- don tomicus in der Grenzbreccie des Keup'ers von Degerloch. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1847, 3. Jahrg., 164-167. pi. 1847.2 Plinius Secundus, Caius [23-79] Caii Plinii Secundi Historise naturalis libri xxxvii, cum selectis commentariis J. Harduini, etc. 10 vols. [in 11] Parisiis, 1827-1832. 1827.1 Vol. iii. Pars tertia continens zoologiam, G. Cuvier notis . . . illustratam, curante J. B. F. S. Ajasson de Grandsagne. This edition of Pliny's Natural History is noteworthy on account of Cuvier's commenta- ries on the ichthological portions. Plocq, E. Notes sur le martin- pecheur. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1907, 32, 37-40. 1907.1 Depends for food upon small fishes, notably Phoxinus loevis Ag. Pluc&r, Ernst. Der Fischplatz zu Triest oder Aufzahlung und populare Beschreibung der demselben aus den adriatischen Golfe zugefiihrten Fische und andere essbaren Meerprodukte nebst Andeutung ihrer Zubereitung als Speise. Trieste, 1846. 1846.1 Pluche, Noel Antoine [1688-1761] La spectacle de la nature, qu entretiens sur les particularites de Thistoire natu- relle qui ont paru les plus propres a rendre les jeunes-gens curieux, etc. 9 vols. Frankfort, 1763. 12. 1763.1 Vol. i contains a chapter on fish, and vol. iii one on fishing. Spectacle de la nature; or na- ture displayed. Being discourses on such particulars of natural history as were thought most proper to excite the curiosity and form the minds of youth. Translated from French by S. Hum- phreys. 2. ed. 3 vols. London, 1785- 86. pis. 8. 1785.1 Plummer, J. T. List of fishes found in the vicinity of Richmond, Indiana. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1848-51 (1851), 3, 54-55. 1851.1 POE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 273 Plummer, R. Swans on the Thames and perch spawn. Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 88. 1879.1 Pobowski, Eugen. Der Grossflosser, [Poly acanthus viridiauratus], seine Pflege und Zucht. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 468-469. Erste Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 198- 199. 1880.1 Poche, Franz. Ueber das Vorkom- men zweier amerikanischer Welsgat- tungen in Afrika. Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 569-571. 1901.1 - [Bemerkungen zu der Arbeit des Herrn Basset-Smith: A systematic de- scription of parasitic Copepoda found on fishes; with an enumeration of the known species] Zool. Anz., 1902, 26, 8-20. 1902.1 Fishes referred to as hosts. - Richtigstellimg eines Gattungs- namcns unter den Siluriden. Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 211. 1902.2 Amphilus plalychir Giinther. - Ueber das Vorkommen von Anoplopterus platychir (Gthr.) in West- afrika. Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 121-122. 1902.3 - Einige Erganzungen zu den In- dices neuer Gattungs- und Untergat- tungsnamen des Zoological Record, Band XXXVIII-XLII (fiir 1901-1905) Zool. Anz., 1907, 31, 705-707. 1907.1 - Welchem Fische gebiihrt der Name Torpedo? Zool. Anz., 1907, 32, 172-174. 1907.2 - Supplement zu C. O. Water- house's " Index Zoologicus." Zool. Annal., 1908, 2, 273-343. 1908.1 - Einige Erganzungen und Be- richtigungen zu den Indices neuer Gattungs- und Untergattungsnamen des Zoological Record, Band XXXVIII- XLIII (fiir 1901-1906) Arch. Natur- gesch. 1909, 75. Jahrg., 1, 67-70. 1909.1 - Ueber die Abtrennung der Sela- chier von den Fischen als eine eigene Klasse. Arch. Naturgesch., 1902, 77. Jahrg., 1, 49-51. 1902.1 - Die Klassen und hoheren Grup- pen des Tierreichs [Acrania, Mon6r- rhina, Selachii und Pisces] Arch. Natur- gesch., 1911, 77. Jahrg., 1, 110-111. 1 ' 11.1 - Erganzungen und Berichtigun- gen zu den Indices neuer Gattungs- und Untergattungsnamen des Zoological Record, Bd. XXXVIII bis XLVI (fur 1901-1909) Arch. Naturgesch., 1912, 77. Jahrg., Supplem. Bd. 1, 103-106. 1912.1 See also the references cited under the names of Marshall, A. F. von, Scudder, S. H., Sharp, D., and Waterhouse, C. O., in the present work. Pochhammer, Ueber den Nutzen des Meeres, des Fischfangs in den Oceanen und iiber den Werth neuer Fischerei-Gebiete. Zeitschr. Ges. Erd- kunde, Berlin, 1866, 1, 504-509. 1866.1 Pocock, W. I. Note on the sucker- fish leash (In Haddon, A. C. Hunting and fishing. Rept. Cambridge Anthro- pol. Exped. Torres Straits, vol. iv, p. 164-165. Cambridge, 1912) 1912.1 Pococke, Richard [1704-1765] Be- schryving van het Oosten; uit het En- gelsch door E. W. Cramerus. 3 pts. in 6 vols. Utrecht, 1778. pis. & maps. 4. 1778.1 Fishes of the Nile, vol. i, p. 345-346. The original English edition was published at London in 1743-45. Poe, W. Hutchinson. Anticosti. The journal of a naval officer. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 1-3; 17-18; 33-35; 50- 51; 65-67. 1873.1 Cod-fisheries at English bay described, p. 17. Salmon fishing, p. 34; 51. Pblzl, Franz. Erfahrungen iiber die Laichzeit der Regenbogenforelle. Ste- nogr. Protok. Verb. Intern. Fisch. Kongr. Wien, 1905, 153-154. 1905.1 Poeppig, Eduard Friedrich [1798- 1868] Reise in Chile, Peru und auf dem Amazonenstrome, etc. 2 vols. Leip- zig, 1835-36. 1835.1 Poey y Aloy, Felipe [1799-1891] Memorias sobre la historia natural de la isla de Cuba, acompanadas de suma- rios latinos y extractos en francos, etc. 2 vols. Habana, 1851-58 [-61]. illust. 4" 1851.1 The title-page of vol. i is dated 1851, and that of vol. ii 1856-58. The work was, however, issued in ' entregas ' or fascicules, those for vol. extending over the years 1851-54, and those for vol. ii over the years 1858-61. Contents of vol. i: ii. Introduccidn a los peces, p. 7. v. Segunda introduccion a los peces, p. 4^. vi. Especies nuevas de Serranos, etc., p. 50. vii. Monografia de los Plectropomas, etc., P ' xvi. Quirinectos [Chironectes] cubanos, etc., xvii. Salmonetes cubanos, p. 221. xxiv. El manjuari, Lepidosteus manjuan Poey, p. 273. 274 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POE Poey F. xxx. Nuevo g6nero de peces escombroideos, el domine, Epinnuia magistrates Poey, p. 369. xxxi. El escolar, Thyrsites scholaris Poey, p. 372. xxxii. Los guajacones, pecesillos de agua dulce, p. 374. xxxix. Ap6ndice. Lepidosteo manjuari, Me- soprion caudanotatus, Thyrsites scholaris, Epin- nuia magistralis, Dentex setosi, p. 438-441. Contents of vol. ii: xlyi. Peces ciegos, p. 95. xlix. Poissons de Cuba, especes nouvelles [text in French] with descriptions of 212 species, p. 115-356. 1. Conspectus piscium cubensium [comprising a faunal list of 641 species, 406 of which are declared to be limited to Cuban waters] p. 357- 404. liii. Apendice [Diversos peces] p. 414-416. Piscium especie novae [Liopropoma rubre] p. 418. Notas sobre los peces, p. 418-427. Observations on different points of the natural history of the island of Cuba with reference to the ichthyology of the United States. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1858, 6, 133-137. 1858.1 Notes on cyprinodonts and air-bladder of Lepidosteus. Descriptions des poissons nou- velles ou peu connus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1863, 180-188; 227. 1863.1 - Repertorio fisico-natural de la isla de Cuba. 2 vols. Habana, 1865- 68. illust. 8. 1865.1 Contents of vol. i : Peces ciegos, p. 113-116. Peces nuevos de la isla de Cuba, p. 181-192. Revista de los tipos Cuvierianos y Valen- ciennianos correspondientes a los peces de la isla de Cuba, p. 193-203; 265-278; 308-338; 369-383; 410-412. Chimcera monstrosa, Cuba, p. 242. Contents of vol. ii : Memoria sobre la enfermedad ocasionada por los>peces venenosos, p. 1-24. Policia de la pesca, p. 57-69. Revista de los peces descritos por Poey, p. 153174. Cubensium genera piscium, p. 205-216. Monografia de las morenas cubanas, p. 245- 268. 2 pis. Synopsis piscium cubensium, p. 279-468. pi. - Synopsis piscium cubensium. Catalogo razonado de los peces de la isla de Cuba, extractado del Repertorio fisico-natural de la isla de Cuba, tomo segundo, pagina 279 y siguientes. Ha- bana, 1868. 484 p. pi. 8. 1868.1 44 new spe ies are described. Dates of publi- cation of the Synopsis and 'entregas' of the Memorias are given at p. 464. - New species of Cuban fish. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1870, 9, 317- 322. i 870 .l New species are described of Mesoprion, Ocyurus, Gymnothorax, Perestedion, Rhinogo- bms, Acanthurus and Echelus. - Note on the hermaphroditism of fish. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1870, 9, 309-310. 1870.2 - Review of the fish of Cuba be- longing to the genus Trisotropus, with an introductory note by J. Carson Bre- voort. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1870, 9, 301-309. 1870.3 12 species are described. - Genres des poissons de la faune de Cuba, appartenant a la famille Per- cidae, avec une note d' introduction par J. Carson Brevoort. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1871, 10, 27-79. pi. 1871.1 Plantilla descriptiva ictiologica. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat. Madrid, 1872, 1, 1-34. 1872.1 Evoxymetopon toeniatus. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1873, 2, 77-80. pi. 1873.1 Grammicolepis brachiusculus, tipo de una nueva f amilia en la clase de los peces. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1873, 2, 403^06. 1873.2 - Monographic des poissons de Cuba compris dans la sous-famille des Sparini. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1874, 10, 170-184. 2 pis. 1874.1 - Enumeratio piscium cubensium. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1875, 4, 75-161. 3 pis. Ibid., 1876, 5, 131-218. 2 pis. Ibid., 1877, 6, 139-154. 1875.1 - Poissons de Tile de Cuba. Es- peces nouvelles decrites. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. New York, 1874-77 (1877), 11, 58-70. 1875.2 New species are described of Chilodipterus, Corvina, Eucinostomus, Mugil, Neoconger, Gymnothorax and Chilomycterus. Notes on the American species of the genus Cybium [translated by George Brown Goodej Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus. 1878 (1879), 1, 3-5. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1880, 19, art. 1. 1879.1 Cybium cebella, regale, aceri>u*n, maculatum, immaculatum and Acanthocybium pelo, n. sp., are described. - Revisio piscium cubensium. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Ma- drid, 1880, 9, 243-261. 4 pis. 1880.1 Erratas nuevamente descubiertas en'la "Enu- meratio piscium cubensium " de estos Anales, p. 261. - Peces (In Gundlach, J. Apuntes para la fauna puerto-riquena. Anal. Soc. Espanola Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1881, 10,317-350. pi.) 1881.1 98 species are enumerated, all but 11 of which are common to the fauna of Cuba. POL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 275 List of food-fishes brought from Key \\Yst, Tin., into the markets of H-tvana. Bull. U. S. Fish Comni. 1882 (1883), 2, 118. 1883.1 l.'i species of teleosts are listed. The identi- :us are by D. S. Jordan. Pogojeff, L. Ueber die feinere Struc- tur dcs (icruchsorganes des Neunauges. \n-li. Mikr. Anat., 1888, 31, 1-14. pi. 1888.1 Ueber die Haut des Neunauges. Arch. Mikr. Anat,, 1889, 34, 106-122. 1>1. 1889.1 Pogonowska, Irena. Beitrage zur Kctinlnis jder Histologie des Herzens bei d(ii Tdeostirrn, Ganoiden und Sela- chicrn. init besonderer Berucksichti- gung der elastischen Element e [Text in Hungarian] (In Festschrift zur Ehre . . . Prof. Dr. Jozef Nusbaum, p. 113- 151. pi. L wow, 1911. 8) 1911.1 Pogorzelskij, V. A. Bericht uber die Thatigkeit der ichthyologischen Abtheilung wahrend der letzten 25 Jahre [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc. Acclim., Moskva, 1904, 2, pt. 4, 1-11. 1904.1 Poher, E. Enquete sur la production et le commerce du poisson d'eau douce en Allemagne. Bull. Soc. Aquicult. PcVhe, 1911, 23, 1-15; 17-^3. 1911.1 Statistical and other reports on the develop- ment of the industry in Germany. Pohl, Julius. Beitrag zur Lehre von den Fischgiften. Versuche mit zwei giftigen Fischgattungen der Adria, Tra- chinus und Scorpsena. Prager Med. Wo- chenschr., 1893, no. 4. 1893.1 Pohlig, Hans. Altpermische Sau- rierfahrten, Fische und Medusen der Gegend von Friedrichroda in Thurin- gen (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckarts, p. 59- 0-1. Leipzig, 1892. pi. & figs.) 1892.1 - Abstammungstheorie mit Riick- sicht auf Erdgeschichte. Stuttgart, 1909. illust. 191 p. 8. 1909.1 Contains remarks on fossil fishes. - Erdgeschichtliche Spaziergange. Nutzliche Plaudereien da und dort in Ernst und Scherz. Leipzig, 1914. 448 p. illust. 1914.1 Contains references to fossil fishes. Poitevin, M. B. L'ami du pecheur. Traite pratique de la peche a toutes les lignes. Paris, 1897. 424 p. 4 pis. & lignes. Paris, 1897 98 figs. 1897.1 Pokrovskii, N. r. Die Krfolglosig- keit der moderncn A uf zucht-Metho- den von Seefischen [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc\ Ac- dim., Moskva, 1901, 6, 192-197. 1901.1 Poli, C. Zur Entwickelung der Ge- horblase bei den Wirbelthieren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1897, 48, 644-686. 2 pla. 1897.1 Policard, A. Constitution lympho- myeloide du stroma conjonctif du testi- cule des jeunes Rajid6s. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 134, 297-299. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 54, 148-150. 1902.1 - Sur les formations mitochon- driales du rein des vert6brs. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 69, 380- 382. 1905.1 Policard, A., & Mawas, J. Le cana- licule urinaire des t616ostdens. Bibliogr. Anat., Nancy, 1906, 16, 215-221. 3 figs. 1906.1 - Le tissu lymphoide du rein des teleosteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1907, 9, 25-29. 1907.1 Mitochondries et cils vibratiles C. R. M&n. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1909, 66, 35-36. 1909.1 Policard, A., & Regaud, Cl. See Regaud & Policard. Police, Gesucddo. La pesca nel golfo di Napoli. Memoria. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1910, 6, 301-316. pi. Ibid., 1911, 6, 43-56; 73-82; 185-192. Boll. Uff. Min. Agric., Roma, anno 9, C ser. 1, pt. 4, 4-21. 1910.1 - Prima serie di osservazioni ed esperienze intorno alia pesca con le sorgenti luminose. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1910, anno 21, 275-286. Contribute allo studio della pesca con le sorgenti luminose. Rivi-i Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1912, 7, 27-42; 73-80. 1912-1 Elenco dei nomi dialettali dei principal! pesci di mare e di acqua dolce del distretto peschereccio e del mercato di Napoli col comspondente norne sci- entifico. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Pavia, 1912, 7, 81-88. Polidori, L. Del pesce come simbolo di Cristo e dei Cristiani. Milano, 1841. go 1841.1 276 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POL Polimanti, Oswald. Beitrage zur Physiologic des Nervensystems und der Bewegung bei den niederen Thieren. I. Branchiostoma lanceolatum Yarr. (Amphioxus) Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1910, 129-172. 6 figs. 1910.1 Action de divers poisons sur T activit6 du cceur embryonnaire des poissons (deuxieme memoire) Journ. Physiol. Path. Gen., Paris, 1911, 13, 825-840. 1911.1 Activite et repos chez les ani- maux marins. Bull. Inst. Gen. Psychol. (Sect. Psychol. Zool.), 1911, 2, 1-43. 1911.2 Contributi alia fisiologia del sistema nervoso centrale e del movi- mento dei pesci. Zool. Jahrb. (Allg. Zool. Physiol. Abth.), 1911-12. 1911.3 i. Selachoidei (Scyllium catulus Cuvier e Scyllium canicula L.) Zool. Jahrb. (Allg. Zool. Physiol. Abth.), 1911, 30, 473-716. 6 pis. & 48 figs. ii. Batoidei: A. Torpedo marmorata Risso (T. ocellata Raf.) B. Trygon molacea Bp. Ap- pendice. Movimento della Trigla sp. div. Ibid., 1912, 32, 311-366. 2 pis. & 19 figs. iii. Teleostei: A. Crenilabrus sp. div., Ser- ranus sp. div., Scorpsena sp. diy. B. Conger vulgaris Cuv. C. (Pleuronettidi) Rhombus laevis L., Solea vulgaris Quenzel. Appendice. Movimento del Batistes capriscus L. (Pletto- gnati) Ibid., 1912, 32, 367-584. 2 pis. & 20 figs. - Influence des agents physiques de concentration et temperature sur Tactivite du cceur embryonnaire des poissons (premier memoire) Journ. Physiol. Path. Gen., Paris, 1911, 13, 797-808. 1911.4 Influenza della forma sulla loco- mozione dei pesci. Zeitschr. Allg. Physiol., 1911, 12, 407-438. 29 figs. 1911.5 - Ueber den Beginn der Atmung bei den Embryonen von Scyllium (S. catulus Cuv., is. canicula L.) Zeitschr. Biol. 1911, 57, 237-272. 2 figs. 1911.6 - Einfluss der Augen und der Bodenbeschaffenheit auf die Farbe der Pleuronektiden. Biol. Centralbl., 1912, 32, 296-307. 1912.1 - Einfluss niedriger Temperaturen auf die Pigmentierung und Atmung von Apogon rex mullorum C. Bp. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1912, 25, 1209-1213. . 1912.2 Das Kaudalherz der Muraeniden als Exponent der spinalen Erregbarkeit betrachtet (Experimente an Conger vul- garis L.) Zeitschr. Biol., 1912, 59, 171- 231. 23 figs. 1912.3 Sopra i movimenti che si deter- minano nei pesci per una anormale illu- minazione degli occhi. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., 1912, 13, 348-366. 1912.4 - Ueber die Asphyxie der Fische an der Luft und ihre postmortale Herz- und Muskelerregbarkeit. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.) 1911 (1912), 287-338. Zweite Abhandlung. Ibid., 1914, 436-519. 1912.5 - Ueber den Fettgehalt der Leber einiger Selachier wahrend der Zeit der Schwangerschaft. Vorlaufige Mittei- lung. Biochem. Zeitschr., Berlin, 1912, 38, 497-500. 1912.6 In Trygon, Torpedo and Scyllium. Untersuchungen iiber die Topo- graphic der Enzyme im Magen-Darm- rohr der Fische. Biochem. Zeitschr., Berlin, 1912, 38, 115-128. 1912.7 - Contributions a la physiologic du systeme nerveux central et du mouve- ment des poissons. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1913, 59, 383-401. 1913.1 - Sugli effetti consecutiv al taglio del nervo ottavo (viii) nei pesci (Trigla sp. div.) Internat. Monatschr. Anat. Physiol., 1913, 29, 505-540. 1913.2 - Ein Maulhalter fur Scyllium (In his Einige Apparate fur physiolog- ische Untersuchungen an Seetieren. I. Zeitschr. Biol. Techn. Method., 1913, 3, 115) 1913.3 - Ueber den Fettgehalt und die biologische Bedeutung desselben fur die Fische und ihren Aufenthaltsort. Vor- laufige Mitteilung. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1913, 56, 439-445. 1913.4 Grossere Fettmenge der nektonischen Fische. - Ueber die Asphyxie der See- und Siisswasserfische an der Luft und liber die postrespiratorische Dauer der Herzpulsationen. II. Abhandlung. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abt.), 1914, 436-519. 1914.1 Ricerche sulla fisiologia com- parata del cerveletto. I. Trygon (sp. div.) Internat. Monatschr. Anat. Phy- siol., Leipzig, 1915, 31, 305-358. 18 figs. 1915.1 Centro generale per la orientazione. Polk, B. H. Arkansas shad. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 296. 1878.1 Paddle-fish or shovel-nose stur- geon. Forest & Stream, 1879, 11, 482. 1879.1 POL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 277 Poll, Heinrich. Die Anlage der Zwi- schenniere bei den Haifischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1903, 62, 138-174. pi. & 2 figs. 1903.1 - Die vergleichende Entwicke- lungsgeschichte der Nebennierensys- teme der Wirbeltiere [Fische] (In Hert- wig, O. Handbuch der vergleichenden und experimentellen Entwicklungslehre der Wirbeltiere, vol. iii, pt. 1, 465-482; 530-538. Jena, 1906) 1906.1 Pollard, H. B. On the anatomy and phylogenetic position of Polypterus (Preliminary communication) Anat. Anz., 1891, 6, 338-344. figs. 1891.1 - The lateral line system in silu- roids. Zool. Jahrb. (Anal.), 1892, 6, 525-551. 2 pis. 1892.1 On the anatomy and phyloge- netic position of Polypterus. Zool. Jahrb. (Anat.), 1892, 5, 387-428. 4 pis. & 10 figs. 1892.2 - The " cirrhostomial " origin of the head in vertebrates. Anat. Anz., 1894,9,349-359. 4 figs. 1894.1 Discusses the derivation of the siluroids from Amphioxus, Myxine, etc. - Observations on the develop- ment of the head in Gobius capita. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1894, n. s. 35, 335-352. 2 pis. 1894.2 - The oral cirrhi of siluroids and the origin of the head in vertebrates. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Anat.), 1895, 8, 379- 424. 2 pis. 1895.1 - The suspension of the jaws in fish. Anat. Anz., 1895, 10, 17-25. 5 figs. 1895.2 - Ueber Labialknorpel. Verh. Anat. Ges., 1895, 9, 232-235. figs. 1895.3 Pollard, Isaac W. Presence of shad in the rivers tributary to the gulf of Mexico. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872- 73 (1874); 2, 391-392. 1874.1 Pollen, Daniel. Exportation of sal- mon ova to New Zealand in 1876. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 977. 1878.1 Pollen, Frangois P.L. [1886] Enu- me"ration des animaux verte"bres de Tile de Madagascar. Amsterdam, 1863. 8. 1863.1 - Les peches (In Pollen, F. P. S., & Dam, D. C. van. Recherches sur la faune de Madagascar et de ses d6pen- dances, pt. 4. 89 p. Leyde, 1868-77. 4) Also separate; Leyde, 1874. 89 p. 1868.1 - Is de overeenkomst tussdn-n de Rijnoeverstaten over gemeenschap- pelijke bepalingen op de visscherij in den Rijn in het belang van Nederland? Leiden, 1870. 32 p. 8. 1870.1 - De baars [Perca fluviatilis Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 14. 1871.1 De barbeel [Cyprinus barbus Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 47. 1871.2 - De pos [Perca cernua Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 15. 1871.3 - De snoek [Esox lucius Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 16 & 17. 1871.4 - Welche Wichtigkeit fur die Niederlande hat die Uebereinkunft zwischen den Rheinufer-Staaten iiber gemeinschaftliche Bestimmungen in Betreff der Rheinfischerei? Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871, no. 3, 19-33. 1871.5 - De zeeprik [Petromyzon marinus Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 18-25. 1871.6 De elft [Clupea alosa Linn.] Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1872, no. 6, 7, 10. 1872.1 Pollen, Francois P. L., & Bleeker, Pieter. See Bleeker & Pollen. Pollen, Frangvis P.L., & Dam, D. C. van. Recherches sur la faune de Mada- gascar et de ses de'pendances, d'apres les de"couvertes de F. P. L. Pollen et D. C. van Dam. Leyde, 1868-77. 4. 1868.1 Poissonp, par P. Bleeker. Les p6ches, par F. P. L. Pollen. Pollini, C. Sopra alcuni avanzi di pesci fossili terziari conservati nel Museo Geologico della Regia Universita di Geneva. Milan, 1889. 96 p. pi. 8. 1889.1 - Pesci fossili di Racalmuto (Si- cilia) Atti Soc. Ligust. Sci. Nat., Ge- neva, 1891, 2, 117-122. 1891.1 Pollock, (Sir) Frederick [1S45 ] The fishery laws. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1884. Handbooks, 1. 1SS4.1 278 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POl Poloumordwinoff, D. Recherches sur les terminaisons nerveuses sensitives dans les muscles stries volontaires. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1899, 128, 845-846. 1899.1 Der Nervenendapparat der elec- trischen Organe bei Torpedo [Text in Russian] Mem. Scient. Univ. Imp. Kazan, 1902, pts. 5-6. 42 p. pi. 1902.1 - Ueber die sensibeln Nervenendi- gungen in den Muskeln der willkur- lichen Bewegung [Text in Russian] Mem. Scient. Univ. Imp. Kazan, 1902, pt. 3, 121-146. pi. 1902.2 Poluta, G. Recherches sur la duree de la vie des poissons hors de 1'eau. Ann. Sci. Nat, (Zool.}, 1865, 5. ser. 4, 62-64. Zool. Garten, 7, 155-156. 1865.1 Pomar , Luis . Memoria sobre la pesca en Chile. Talleres tipograficos de la marina. Valparaiso, 1900. 45 p. 1900.1 - Account of the fishing industry in Chile, read at the sixth general scien- tific congress held in La Serena in Janu- ary, 1900, by the delegate from the navy. Santiago de Chile, 1901. 47 p. 1901.1 Pompeckj, Joseph Felix [1867 ] (editor) K. A. von Zittel's palaeonto- logische Wandtafeln. Serie I. Fossile Tiere. Stuttgart, 1900. 83 charts. 1900.1 Pisces, Tafeln 34-38. Selachii und Ganoidei. - KarlA.vonZittel. EinNachruf. Palaeontographica, 1904, 60, 6. Lief., 1*- 28*. 1904.1 Fische : Palaontologia (In Hand- worterbuch der Natur, 1913, vol. ii, 1107-1147) 1913.1 Ernst Koken, mit einem Por- trat. Palseontographica, 1913, 69, i-iv. 1913.2 Ueber die ursprlingliche Wohn- sitze der Fische [in Siisswasser] Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Nat. Wurttem- berg, 1914, 70. Jahrg., xcii. 1914.1 Poncy, R. Contribution a 1'etude des mceurs de la mouette rieuse (Larus ridibundus L.) Bull. Soc. Zool. Geneve, 1911, 1, 295-330. 1911.1 Larus ridibundus is described as harmful to fishes and is stated to be found in the stomach contents of Alburnus lucidus and Perca flutia- Releve de notes sur les eclu siers et palmipedes se monstrant dans la region du Leman. Bull. Soc. Zool. Geneve, 1911, 1, 330-342. 1911.2 Remarks on the stomach contents of Phala- crocorax carbo L. (Alburnus lucidus, Perca. fluviatilis, Spirlinus bipunctatus) Pond, J. Warren. Report of chief fish and game protector and forester. 2. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish., Game & Forests New York 1896 (1897), 252- 253. 1897.1 Pond, Raymond Haines. The bio- logical relation of aquatic plants to the substratum [With bibliography] Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1903 (1905), 29, 483- 526. figs. 1905.1 Investigation of factors which determine the quantity of food-fishes in the Great Lakes. - How rooting aquatic plants in- fluence the nutrition of the food fishes of our great lakes. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1906, 68, 251-254. 1906.1 Pontoppidan, Erich Ludvigsen [1698- 1764] Danischer Atlas, oder Beschrei- bung des Konigreichs Danemark, etc. Kopenhagen & Hamburg, 1766. 1766.1 Poole, T. H. Survey of fishing grounds, west coast of Ireland, 1890- 1891; table of temperature and specific gravity of sea-water, from observations taken on board the " Fingal," in 1890. Sci. Proc. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1892, n. s. 7, 478-483. ' 1892.1 Pope, Benjamin F. Notes on the natural history of southwestern Texas. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 63. 1877.1 Pope, Thomas E. B. Devils lake, North Dakota; a study of physical and biological conditions, with a view to the acclimatization of fish. Rept. U. S. Comm. Fisheries 1907 (1908), Doc. no. 634, 1-22. 3 pis. & map. 1908.1 Pope, Thomas E.B., & Smith, Hugh McCo. See Smith & Pope. Popoff, M . Fischfarbung und Selek- tion. Biol. Centralbl., 1906, 26, 272- 282. 1906.1 Popoff, Nicolas. L'ovule male et le tissu interstitiel du testicule chez les animaux et chez Fhomme. Arch.. Biol., 1909, 24, 433-500. 3 pis. 1909.1 Popoyici-Hatzeg, V. Les couches nummulitiques d'Albesti (Roumanie) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1896, 3. ser. 24, 247-249. Abstract in C. R. Soc. Geol., France, no. 9, p. Ixxix-lxxxi. 1896.1 Teeth of Lamnidse and Myliobatis are indicated. POP BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 279 - [Ueber fossile Fische aus eoc:i- IKMH Flysch des Valea Caselar in Ru- manien; Scorpsenoides, n. g.] Notice in Xeues Jahrb. Mineral., 1901, 2, 148. 1901.1 Poppe, /. A. The culture of carp. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 69. 1876.1 Poppe, Robert A. The introduction and culture of the carp in California. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 661-666. 1880.1 Poppe, S. A. Zoologische Litteratur iiber das nordwestdeutsche Tiefland von 1892-1902. Abh. Nat. Ver. Bre- im-ii, 1903, 17, 306-335. 1903.1 Referat liber Ciuca: die Perl- holostomumkrankheit des Karpfens. Zentralbl. Bakteriol. Parasit. Kunde, 1911, 49, no. 7. 1911.1 Poppius, B. Esox lucius mit abnor- mal Schadel [Text in Finnish] Med- dt'l. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1911, 37, 53j 217. 1911.1 Popta, Canna M. L. A new species of Arius [A. bleekeri] Notes Ley den Mus. 1900-01, 22, 71-74. 1900.1 - On a small Monacanthus [M. mtliatus] Notes Leyden Mus., 1900-01 22, 126-128. 3 figs. 1900.2 Tetragonopterus longipinnis, n. sp. Notes Leyden Mus., 1900-03, 23, 85-90. fig. 1900.3 Acanthophthalmus shelf ordii, n. n>. Notes Leyden Mus., 1901-03, 23, 231-233. fig. 1901.1 - Les appendices branchiaux des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.}, 1901, 8. ser. 12, 13&-216. pi. 1901.2 - Note preliminaire sur les ap- pendices des branchies chez les poissons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1901, 11-12. 1901.3 - Un Pantodon de la riviere Kas- sai. Notes Leyden Mus., 1901-03, 23, 111-112. 1901.4 - Tetragonopterus longipinnis, n. s]>. Notes Leyden Mus., 1901, 23, 85- 90. fig. 1901.5 - Descriptions preliminaires des nouvelles especes de poissons recueillies an Borneo central par M. le Dr. A. W. Niemvenhuis en 1898 et en 1900. Notes Leyden Mus., 1902-04, 24, 179-202. Ibid., 1904-05, 25, 171-186. 1902.1 - Un Pterois miles Benn., Pt. volitans L. adulte, de la baie de Sabang. Notes Leyden Mus., 1902-04, 24, 169- 173. 1902.2 - lets over onzen gewonen aal (Anguilla vulgaris} Album Natuur, 1903, 89-102; 129-145. 1903.1 - Les arcs branchiaux de quelques Muraenidae. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1904, 8. se>. 19, 367-390. 20 figs. 1904.1 - Haplochilus sarasinorum, n. sp. Notes Leyden Mus., 1904-05, 25, 239- 247. fig. 1904.2 Visschen. Encycl. Nederlandsch- Indie, 1904, 4, 547-552. 1904.3 - Re"sultats ichthyologiques des voyages scientifiques de Monsieur le Prof esseur Dr. A. W. Nieuwenhuis dans le centre deBorndo (1898 et 1900) Notes Leyden Mus., 1905-06, 27, 1-304. 10 pis. 1905.1 - Ueber die Entwicklung der Fisch-Fauna von Mittel-Borneo. C. R. 6. Congr. Intern. Zool. Berne, 1905, 559- 561. 1905.2 - Einige Fischarten aus China, Xenocypris lampertii und Chanodichthys stenzii, n. sp. Zool. Anz., 1907, 32, 243- 251. 2 figs. 1907.1 - Wachstumsverhaltnisse bei eini- gen Fischarten. Verh.Ges.Deutsch. Na- turf. Aerzte, 78. Vers., 1907, 2, pt. 1, 298-302. 1907.2 Een vergelijkend en historisch oversicht over de visschen van Borneo. Album Natuur, 1908, 251-264; 290-296. 1908.1 Zur systematischen Stellung von Tetragonopterus longipinnis Popta. Zool. Anz., 1908, 32, 763-764. 1908.2 Etude sur la vessie ae>ienne des poissons; sa fonction. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool}, 1910, 9. ser. 12, 1-160. 1910.1 Ueber Fische von Wladiwostok und von Blagoweschtensk a. Amur, gesammelt von Herrn Dr. P. & Witten- urg Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Nat. Wttrt- temberg, 1911, 67. Jahrg., 333-353. fig. I.I L . 1 Vorlaufige Mitteilung uber neue Fische von Lombok. Notes Leyden Mus., 1911, 34, 9-16. La fonction de la vessie ae>ienne des poissons. Verb. 8. Intern. Zool. Kongr. Graz 1910 (1912), 575-577. 191J. 1 280 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POP Popta, C. M. L. - Fortsetzung der Beschreibung von neuen Fischarten der Sunda-Expe- dition. Notes Leyden Mus., 1912, 34, 185-193. 1912.2 - Die geographische Verbreitung der Stisswasserfische zwischen Asien und Australien (In Die Sunda-Expedi- tion, Elbert, 1912, 2, 315-326) 1912.3 - Ichthyographische Uebersicht von Lombok. Verb. Ges. Deutsch. Nat. Aerzte, 1912, 83. Vers., 2, pt. 1, 418- 423. 1912.4 Auchenoglanis buettikoferi, n. sp. from West Africa. Notes Leyden Mus., 1913, 35, 237-240. pi. 1913.1 - Une explication de la grande difference qui existe entre la faune ich- thyologique de Borneo et celle de Cele- bes. Commun. 9. Congr. Intern. Zool. Monaco, 1913, 2. ser. 2, 26. 1913.2 Porsild, Morten P. Hvor opholder den gr0nlandske laks sig om winteren (Arb. Dansk. Arkt. Stat. Disko no. 1) Meddel. Gr0nland, 1910, 47, 229-236. 1910.1 Porta, Antonio. Nota sugli echinorin- chi di pesci del Museo Zoologico di Napoli. Ann. Mus. Zool. Univ. Napoli, 1904, n. s. 1, no. 20, 4 p. 6 figs. 1904.1 Gli echinorinchi dei pesci. Arch. Zool., Napoli, 1905, 2, fasc. 2, 149-214. 3 pis. 1905.1 - Ricerche anatomiche sull'appa- recchio velenif ero di alcuni pesci. Anat. Anz., 1905, 26, 232-247. 2 pis. 1905.2 Porter, B . B . An attractive fish farm . Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 196. 1876.1 Crowding trout ponds. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 3. 1876.2 Care of young trout. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 191. 1877.1 - Growth of trout. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 325. 1877.2 Fish-culture in Colorado. For- est & Stream, 1878, 9, 469. 1878.1 - Gold-fish. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 2. 1878.2 Shad in California. Chicago Field, 1878, 6, 229. 1878.3 Trout raising. 1878, 9, 83. Chicago Field, 1878.4 - Methods of fish-culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1878 (1879), 4-8. 1879.1 Porter, Carlos Emilio. For list of writings see Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1910, 14, 1-16. Also Bibliograffa del Prof. Carlos E. Porter (In Boletin de Bibliografia Nacional y Extranjera de la Biblioteca Nacional [Chile] vol. ii, 233-239. Santiago de Chile, 1914) Contribuci6n d, la fauna de la provincia de Valparaiso. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1898, 2, 31-33. 1898.1 - Ensayo de una bibliografia chilena de historia natural. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1898, 2, 27-28; 38; 45-46; 77-79; 108-109; 126-127. Ibid., 1899, 3, 3-4; 33-34. 1898.2 - Las especies chilenas del viaje del buque esplorador de S. M. B. "Challenger" extractadas y adiciona- das de varias notas [Peces] Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1900, 4, 39-42; 67-68; 153-154; 181-184. Ibid., 1901, 6, p. 50. Ibid., 1903, 7, 230-233. Ibid., 1904, 8, 14-15. 1900.1 - Catalogo razonado de los traba- jos historico-naturales hechos desde 1894 hasta 1903. Valparaiso, 1904. 4 p. 8 figs. 8. 1904.1 - El naturalista Delfin fallecido ayer en este puerto. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1904, 8, 134-138. 1904.2 Sobre el Orthagoriscus mola ob- sequiado recientemente al Museo por el Capitan Alberto Fuentes. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1904, 8, 238-239. 1904.3 - El Dr. Clodomiro Perez Canto, notas biograficas y bibliograficas. Re- vist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1905, 9, 290-293. 1905.1 List of fishes described. - Galeria de naturalistas de Chile: el naturalista Delfin. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1905, 9, Valparaiso, 133-138. 1905.2 Adici6nes y observaci6nes al catalogo de los peces de Chile del Dr. Delfin. Act. Soc. Scient. Chili, 1909, 19, 52-62. fig. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1910, 14, 73-83. 1909.1 Revision of the synonymy of thirty species of Chilean fishes since the date of publication of Federico Delfin's Catalogo, 1901-03. Breve nota de ictiologia; enume- raci6n met6dica y extensi6n geografica POT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 281 de las especies mas import antes, m su mayor parte comestibles, comunes a las aguas de Chile y del Peru. Revist. I fniv., Lima, 1909, 3, 138-149. 6 figs. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 13, 280-293. 5 figs. 1909.2 - Ictiolojia. Adici6nes i obser- vaci6nes al " Catalogo de los peces de Chile" del Dr. Delfin. Ann. Univ. Chile, 1909, 125, 919-929. 1909.3 - Ictiolojia: enumeraci6n de es- pecies importantes comunes a las aguas de Chile i del Peru. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1909, 13, 280-293. pi. & 3 figs. 1909.4 - Protovertebrado nuevo para la fauna de Chile. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1909, 13, 123. 1909.5 Treats of Branchiostoma elongatum found for the first time in Chilean waters. Porter, Henry H. Impregnation of trout ova. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 280. 1878.1 Porter, Joseph Y. On the destruc- tion of fish by poisonous water in the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus, 1881, 4, 121-124. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1882, 22, art. 2. 1881.1 Porthan, Henrik Gabriel. Anmark- ningar om Viitasaari socken. Tidn. Sallsk. Abo, 1777, 65-70; 73-78; 90- 93; 100-101. 1777.1 Pisces, p. 68. Femte hufvuddelen om stor- furstendomet Finland (In Thuneld, Eric. Geographic ofver Konungariket sverige samt darunder horande lander. 3 vols. Stockholm, 1794) 1794.1 Pisces, vol. iii, p. 250; 272; 297; 308; 326; 334; 377; 397; 398; 412; 421. Portier, Paul. Sur la temperature du Thynnus alalonga. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1903, 28, 79-81. 1903.1 Les poissons electriques. Bull. Mus. OcSanogr, Monaco, 1906, no. 76, 23 p. 18 figs. 1906.1 - Temperature de vertebres ma- rins, en particulier des poissons du groupe des thons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64. 400-402. 1908.1 Temperature de Thynnus supSrieure a celle de 1'eau de mer. Portier, P. Adaptation du Coitus groenlandicus aux variations salines du milieu exterieur. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze, 1914, 12, 109-110. 1914.1 lache entre les albuminoldes et les substances salines. Par dissociations et associations rapides le sang conserve la Constance des valeurs cryoscopiques. Portlock, Joseph Ellison [1794-1864) Further notice respecting the ova of the large spotted dog-fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1845, 15, 345-346. 1845.1 - Note on Mr. W. Thompson's paper on the ova of the large spotted dog-fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1845, 15, 261-262. 1845.2 Portugal, King of. See Carlos de Braganza, Dom. Poso , Ofelia . Contribute allo sviluppo della milza nei vertebrati. Rendic. Ac- cad. Sci. Napoli, 1906, 3. ser. 12, 39-40. 1906.1 Posselt, W. Etwas iiber den Berger Lebertran. Mag. Pharm., 1826, 15. 1826.1 Post, Hoyt. The sturgeon: some experiments in hatching. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 36-40. 1891.1 State control of state fisheries. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 118-124. 1893.1 Fish-culture in Michigan. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1893 (1894), 132-154. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 201-211. 1894.1 Posthumus, L. De voorplanting der alen. Isis (Hartogh Keys), 1875, 4, 65-69. 1875.1 Potempa, A . Neue Ansichten iiber die Brutpflege der Maulbruter. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 490-491. 1909.1 Allerlei vom Eivulus poeyi. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 61-62. Der Laichakt des Danio rerio. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 621-622. fig. 1910.2 Badis badis. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 38 1-383. fig. . Tetragonopterus rubropictus Berg. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg, 757-758. 2 figs. Potter, Emery D. [1804-1896] For memorial notice, see Gunckel, John k,., in Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1896 (1897), 37-44. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POT Potter, E. D. California salmon. Forest & Stream, 1879, 9, 63. 1879.1 - The origin of artificial fish- culture in the United States. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 41-43. 1891.1 Potter, William H. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Kept. TJ. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 428. 1879.1 Potters, K. Ursachen des Fischster- bens und Fischmangels in der Spree und Havel. Brandenburgia, Monatsbl. Ges. Heimatk., 1896, 5. Jahrg., 235-241. 1896.1 Pouchet, Felix Archimede [1800-1872] Traite elementaire de zoologie. Rouen, 1832. 8. 1832.1 - Zoologie classique, ou histoire naturelle du regne animal. 2. ed. 2 vols. & atlas. Rouen & Paris, 1841. illust. 1841.1 Histoire des sciences naturelles au moyen-age. Paris, 1853. 1853.1 De F hygiene et de T alimenta- tion des poissons nouvellement eclos. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1854, 1, 474- 487. 1854.1 Pouchet, Georges. Rapports sur les 6tablissements de pisciculture de Hunin- gue et de Wolfsbrunnen. Rouen, 1856. 31 p. 8. 1856.1 Sur les cyprins monstrueux (Cyprinus auratus) venant de Chine. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1870, 7. annee, 561-569. pi. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1157-1158. 1870.1 On the connexion of nerves and chromoblasts. Monthly Micr. Journ., 1871, 6, 285-289. 1871.1 - Sur les rapides changements de coloration provoques experimentalement chez les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1871, 72, 866-869. 1871.2 - Cause of the blue and violet chatoyant colors of fishes. Abstract in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1872, 3. ser. 4, 78. 1872.1 - The color of fishes. Abstract in Pop. Sci. Review, 1872, 11, 434. Amer. Naturalist, 1874, 8, 559-562. 1872.2 Du role des nerf s dans les change- ments de coloration des poissons. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1872, 8. annee, 71-74. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1873, 5. ser. 3, 113-117. 1872.3 - L'embryogenie et la pisciculture en France. Rev. Deux Mondes, 1872, 119, 189-210. 1872.4 - Observations sur le developpe- ment d'un poisson du genre Macropode. Rev. et Mag. Zool., 1872, 2. ser. 23, 369-387. 1872.5 - On the mechanism of the change of colour in fishes and Crustacea. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 42. meet., 1872, 152. 1872.6 - Sur les rapides changements de coloration provoques experimentalement chez les crustaces et sur les colorations bleues des poissons. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1872, 8. annee, 401-407. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 74, 757-760; 1341-1343. 1872.7 - Sur les changements de colora- tion que presentent certains poissons et certains crustaces. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1873, 5. ser. 4, 63-65; 81-82. 1873.1 - Sur le developpement de la tete osseuse des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1874, 5. ser. 5, 39-41. 1874.1 - Sur les couleurs des poissons; rapport sur une mission scientifique aux viviers-laboratoires de Concarneau. Arch. Missions Sci., 1874, 3. ser. 1, 535. - Journ. Zool., 3, 105-123. 1874.2 - Chromoblastes chez les epi- noches. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1875, 6. ser. 1, 276-278. 1875.1 Du developpement du squelette des poissons osseux. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1875, 11. annee, 288- 308. Ibid., 1878, 14. annee, 34-100; 140-153. 1875.2 - Lesion du grand sympathique chez le turbot [Rhombus maximus] C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1875, 6. ser. 1, 350-351. 1875.3 Des changements de coloration sous 1'influence des nerfs. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1876, 12. annee, 1-90; 113-165. 1876.1 - Note un changement unilateral * de couleur produit par F ablation d'un ceil chez la truite. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1877, 6. ser. 3, 364-365. 1877.1 POU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 4SIJ Sur les consequences de 1' abla- tion d'un ceil chez les poissons. C. R. Vssor. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 6. sess., 1877, 1. 299. 1877.2 - Nouvelle note sur le changement unilateral de couleurs produit par 1'ahlation d'un ceil chez la truite. C. H. Mt'in. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1879, 6. se"r. 6, 344-345. 1879.1 Quelle idee les anciens se faisaient-ils de la decharge 61ectrique dcs poissons? Abstract in Rev. Intern. Sci., 1879,3,468. 1879.2 - On the laminar tissue of Am- phioxus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1880, n. s. 20, 421-430. pi. 1880.1 Observations et experiences sur la circulation lymphatique chez les poissons Pleuronectes. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1881, 7. scr. 2, 222-224. 1881.1 - Sur le systeme de canaux et sur la corde dorsale de I'Amphioxus. C. R. Mom. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1881, 7. ser. 2, 175-176. 1881.2 - Des terminaisons vasculaires < lans la rate des selaciens. Journ. Anat., 1882, 18, 498-502. pi. 1882.1 - La question de la sardine. Phare de la Loire, 1886. Rev. Scient., 1887. 1886.1 - La couleur des eaux de la mer et les peches au filet fin. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 16. sess., 1887. 1887.1 - L'emploi des seines a sardine. Xantes, 1887. 12. 1887.2 - La sardine et le laboratoire de Concarneau. Rev. Scient., 1887. 1887.3 - Le regime de la sardine sur la cote oce"anique de France en 1887. Ab- stract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1888, 106, 554-556. 1888.1 1888. La sardine. Rev. Deux Mondes, 1888.2 - Rapport au Ministre de T In- struction Publique sur le fonctionnement du laboratoire de Concarneau en 1888, et sur la sardine. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1889, 25, 387^48. 5 figs. Ibid., 1890, 26, 617-629. Ibid., 1891, 27, 622- 647. 1889.1 Le regime de la sardine. Rev. Scient., 1889, 239. 1889.2 - Le regime de la sardine en 188S sur la c6te bretonne. C. R. Acad. Sri Paris, 1889, 109, 34-35. 1 ss .: ; - Sur des graphiques repre*sentant le " regime " dela sardine. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1889, 9. s6r. 1, 509-510. ixs'.u - Sur la croissance de la sardine oceanique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 199. 1889.5 - Sur 1'ceuf de la sardine. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 119-120. 1889.6 - La sardine de la Me'diterrane'e. Rev. Scient., 1890. 1890.1 - Nouvelles observations sur la sardine oceanique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1891, 112, 744-745. 1891.1 - Rapport sur la sardine. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1891, 27, 625-647. 1891.2 - Sur le " regime " de la sardine oceanique en 1890. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1891, 113, 1064-1066. 1891.3 - Remarque sur deux turbots a face nadirale pigmente'e. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1892, 9. se>. 4, 200-202. 1892.1 Pouchet, Georges, & Beauregard, H. Traite" d'osteologie compared. Paris, 1889. 464 p. 331 figs. 8. 1889.1 Poissons, p. 398-451. Pouchet, Georges, & Bietrix, E. Sur le developpement de 1'alose et de la feinte. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 1889,26,628-639. 11 figs. 1889.1 - Sur 1'ceuf et les premiers de*- veloppements de 1'alose. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 951-953. 1889.2 Sur des sardines pre"sentant des ceufs a maturit^. C. R. Me*m. Soc. Biol., Paris, 1892, 9. se*r. 4, 423-424. 1892.1 Pouchet, G., & Guerne, J. de. Sur la nourriture de la sardine. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 104, pt. 1, 712-715. 1887.1 Poulet, Jean Baptiste. De la lotte d'eau douce vivipare (Lota vulgaris] et de la pe"riode d' interdiction de la peche. Rev. Savoisienne, 1879, 20. anne*e, 107. 1879.1 Pourtales, Louis Francois de, & Thomson, W. See Thomson & Pourtales. 284 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY POU Poussielgue, E. Quatre mois a Floride. Le Tour du Monde, in. d.] no. 546, 394-400. " Admirables couleurs des poissons des mers tropicales; la jaractiere d'argent; le hareng- cheval, et la maman baleine; organisation de la grande pgche sur les cotes d'Amerique; le squale marteau; la pgche au thon, etc." Bosgoed, D. M. Bibliotheca ichthyologica, p. 117. Haar- lem, 1874. Poussin, Charles fa la Vallee. See De le Vallee Poussin, C. Pouzols, A. De la coexistence des isoetes et des truites dans les lacs du Massif Central. Ann. Stat. Limnol. Besse, 1910, 1, 375-379. 1910.1 Powell, Llewellyn. On four fishes commonly found in the river Avon; with a consideration of the question: "What is whitebait?" Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1870, 2, 84-87. pi. 1870.1 - Notes on the anatomy of Regalecus pacificus van Haast. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 1878 (1879), 11, 269-270. 1879.1 Powers, Edwin B., & Shelford, Victor E. See Shelford & Powers. Powrie, James. On the Old Red Sandstone and its fossil fish in Forfar- shire. Geologist, 1860, 3, 336-339. 1860.1 Cephalaspides of Forfarshire. Geologist, 1861, 4, 137-141. fig. 1861.1 - On the Old Red Sandstone rocks of Forfarshire. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1861, 17, 534-542. Ibid., 1862, 18, 427^37. 1861.2 Ostracoderms, Acanthodes, Climatius and ganoids. Postscript to Mr. Powrie' s letter on Cephalaspis. Geologist, 1861, 4, 176. 1861.3 Note on Pteraspis. Geologist, 1863, 6, 67-69. fig. 1863.1 On Glyptolepis [Holoptychiusi of Dura Den. Geologist, 1863, 6, 95-97; 184-185. 1863.2 On the fossiliferous rocks of Forfarshire and their contents. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1864, 20, 413^29. pi. Abstract in Phil. Mag., 1864, 28, 321. 1864.1 The Scottish Pteraspis. Geolo- gist, 1864, 7, 170-172. 1864.2 Fish in the Old Red Sandstone. Geol. Mag., 1867, 4, 333-334. 1867.1 Aecanthodes, Diplacanthus, ganoids. - On the genus Cheirolepis, from the Old Red Sandstone. Geol. Mag., 1867, 4, 147-152. figs. 1867.2 Headplates are figured. - On the earliest known vestiges of vertebrate life; being a description of the fish remains of the Old Red Sand- stone rocks of Forfarshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, 1870, 1, 284-301. 6 pis. 1870.1 Acanthodidae, Cephalopteridse, Cephalaspidse. Powrie, James, & Lankester,#. Ray. A monograph of the fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Britain. Part I. The Cephalaspidse. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1868, 21, 1-33. 5 pis. & 12 figs. Ibid. (concluded), 1870, 23, 1-62. 9 pis. & 21 figs. 1868.1 Poype, Paulze d'lvoy de la. See Paulze d'lvoy de la Poype, Pozniakov, A. Ueber die Ausbeute an gemeinen Makrelen an den Kiisten bei Odessa in Abhangigkeit von den chemisch-physikalischen Bedingungen des Meeres [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1908, 23, 4-9. 1908.1 Prather, J. M. The early stages in the development of the hypophysis of Amia calva. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1900,1,57-80. 3 pis. 1900.1 Pratt, Joseph Hyde. Fishes of North Carolina; a review. Journ. Elisha Mitchell Scient. Soc., 1907, 23, 157- 183. fig. 1907.1 Pratt, K. B. Report of salmon- hatching operations on Rogue river, Oregon, 1877-78. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 773-774. 1880.1 Pratt, W. A. The profits of fish- culture. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 377. 1874.1 - Habits and methods of propa- gating fish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 277. 1875.1 Pravdin, /. F. Beobachtungen iiber das Wolganeunauge (Caspiomyzon wag- neri Kessler) im Friihjahr 1912 [Text in Russian with German resume] Arb. Ichth. Labor. Astrachani, 1913, 2, 1-17. 1913.1 - Herbstwanderung des Neunau- ges (Caspiomyzon wagneri Kessler) aus dem kaspischen Meer in die Wolga [Text in Russian with German resume] Arb. Ichth. Labor. Astrachani, 1913, 2, 1913.2 PRI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Treble, Edward A. A biological in- vestigation of the Athabaska-Mackenzie region. North American Fauna, 1908, no. 27, 1-574. 25 pis. & 16 figs. 1908.1 Fishes, p. 502-515. Predieri, P. Sulla generazione delle anguille; lettera al Dott. Garbiglietti. Giorn. R. Accad. Med. Torino, 1872, 3. ser. 11, 43^8. 1872.1 Pregl, Fritz. Ueber die Eihaute von ScyUium stcllare Giinth. und ihre Abbau- produkte. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., Strasburg, 1908, 66, 1-10. 1908.1 Preisser, F., & Girardin, J. See Girardin fc Preisser. PrenanVi. Notes cytologiques. VI. Formations particulieres dans le tissu conjonctif interstitiel du muscle vesical du brochet (Esox ludus L.] VII. Contribution a F etude de la ciliation. Striation et ciliation de la partie adhe- rent e du Myxidiurn lieberkiihni. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1902, 5, 191-212. pi. & 7 figs. 1902.1 Myxosporides dans la vessie urinaire du brochot. - Sur des corps particuliers situes dans le tissu conjonctif d'un muscle lisse. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 64, 809-810. 1902.2 Materiel: Esox lucius. Prenthun, /. Oerretfiske i strom og indvand. 7. Hefte. Christiania, 1905. 1905.1 Prentiss, Henry M. Return of sal- mon planted in Penobscot river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 273. 1882.1 Preobrajensky, J. A. Ueber einige Vertreter der Familie Psammosteidae Ag. [Text in Russian] Sitzber. Naturf . Ges. Univ. Juriev, 1911, 19, 21-36. 2 pis. 1911.1 A dorsomedian plate of Psammosteus para- doxus is figured under the designation of Dyptychosteus tesselatus, gen. et sp. nov. One of Ceraspis carinata is figured under the name of Psammosteus imperfectus. Presas, Manuel. Historia natural en Cuba [Peces] Anal. Inst. Segunda Ensen. Habana, 1895-96, 2, 355-357. 1896.1 Prescott, William. Descriptions of new species of fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1851, 2. ser. 11, 340-345. 1851.1 Pressel, W. Die Fischzucht im Kleinbetrieb ; aus der Praxis fur die Praxis. Stuttgart, 1902. viii, 69 p. 8. 1902.1 - Ueber den Erfolg des Einsatzes der Regenbogenforelle in den Neckar. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31. Jahrg., 448^49. 1906.1 Prestwich, (Sir) Joseph [1812-1896] For biography see his life by Lady Grace Anne Prestwich. Edinburgh & London. 1899. xiv, 444 p. 18 pis. 8. - On the structure of the Crag beds of Suffolk and Norfolk, with some observations on their organic remains. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1871, 27, 115- 146. pi. 1871.1 Fish remains, p. 132. Carcharodon, Otodus, Raja, Zygbotatis, Platax. Prevost, Constant. Sur une ichthyo- lite des rochers des Vaches-Noires. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1824, 41-42. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 3, 243-244. 1824.1 Slops macropterus Blv. du Lias. Observations sur les schistes calcaires oolitiques de Stonesfield en Angleterre, dans lesquels ont t< trouve"s plusieurs ossemens fossiles de mammi- feres. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool), 1825, 4, 389^17. 2 pis. & figs. 1825.1 Plate xviii & figs. 5, 9, 10, 11-18, 21 are of fish teeth. - De la g6nration chez le sechot (MuUus gobio) Me"m. Soc. Phys. Hist. Nat. Geneve, 1828, 4. 1828.1 Preyer, Carl. Fisheries and fishery laws in Austria and the world in general. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 571-679. 1876.1 Price, George C. Some points in the development of a myxinoid (Bdellostoma stouti Lockington) Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 1896, 12, 81-86. 1896.1 - Zur Ontogenie eines Myxinoiden (Bdellostoma stouti Lockington) Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., math.-nat. Cl., 1896, 26, 69-74. 1896.2 - Development of the excretory organs of a myxinoid, Bdellostoma stouti Lockington. Zool. Jahrb., Jena, 1897, 10,205-226. 2 pis. 1897.1 - A further study of the develop- ment of the excretory organs in Bdello- stoma stouti. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1904, 4, 117-138. 31 figs. 1904.1 The structure and function of the adult headkidney of Bdellostoma stouti. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1910, 9, 849-864. 4 figs. 1910.1 286 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PRI Price, Rose. Fishing in the McCloud river. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 362. 1875.1 Salmon scores from the Mc- Cloud river. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 54. 1875.2 Californian salmon. Fish. Ga- zette, 1879, 3, 181. 1879.1 Prichard, H. The English grayling. Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 59. 1875.1 Priem, Fernand. Sur des dents de poissons du Cr6tace superieur de France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1896, 3. ser. 24, 288-295. pi. 1896.1 Sur les poissons de la craie phosphatee des environs de Peronne. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1896, 3. ser. 24, 9-23. 2 pis. 1896.2 Note sur Propristis Dames du Tertiaire inferieure d'Egypte. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1897, 3. ser. 25, 228-232. 3 figs. 1897.1 Les poissons fossiles de 1'Eocene du Mokattam. Bull. Inst. Egypt., Caire, 1897, 3. ser. 8, 157-159. 1897.2 - Sur des dents d'elasmobranches de divers gisements senoniens (Villedieu, Meudon et Folx-les-Caves) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1897, 3. ser. 25, 40-56. . pi. 1897.3 Sur les poissons de 1'Eocene du mont Mokattam (Egypte) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1897, 3. ser. 25, 212-227. pi. 1897.4 Sur des pycnodontes et des squales du Cretace superieur du bassin de Paris (Turonien, Senonien, Montien inferieur) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1898, 3. ser. 26, 229-243. pi. 1898.1 - Sur la faune ichthyologique des assises montiennes du bassin de Paris et en particulier sur Pseudolates heberti (Gervais) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1898, 3. ser. 26, 399-412. 2 pis. 1898.2 Sur des poissons fossiles de 1'Eocene d'Egypte. Bull. Inst. Egyptien, Caire, 1899, 3. ser. 10, 101-103. 1899.1 - Sur des poissons fossiles eocenes d'Egypte et de Roumanie, et rectifica- tion relative a Pseudolates heberti (Gervais) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1899, 3. ser. 27, 241-252. pi. 1899.2 L m Helicoprion," reste d'un poisson fossile decouvert en Russie. La Nature, 1900, 28, 121-122. 3 figs. 1900.1 - Sur les poissons fossiles du gypse de Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1900, 3. ser. 28, 841-860. 2 pis. 1900.2 Sur les poissons de 1'Eocene inferieur des environs de Reims. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1901, 4. ser. 1, 477- 504. 2 pis. & 10 figs. 1901.1 - Sur des pycnodontes tertiaires du departement de 1'Aude. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1902, 4. ser. 2, 44-49. 2 figs. 1902.1 Sur les poissons fossiles des phosphates d'Algerie et de Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1903, 4. ser. 3,393-406. pi. & 3 figs. 1903.1 Description deCcelodus anomalus, sp. nov. Communic. Trabal. GeoL Portugal, 1904, 6, 52-53. fig. 1904.1 Description de Coelodus morgani f sp. nov. (In De Morgan, J. Mission scientifique en Perse, vol. iii, pt. 4, p. 285-286. pi. Paris, 1904) 1904.2 - Sur les poissons du Bartonien et les silurides et acipenserides de 1'Eocene du bassin de Paris. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1904, 4. ser. 4, 42-47. 8 figs. 1904.3 Sur les poissons fossiles des terrains tertiaires superieurs de 1'He- rault. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1904, 4. ser. 4, 285-294. 12 figs. 1904.4 - Sur des poissons fossiles de 1'Eocene moyen d'Egypte. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1905, 4. ser. 5, 633-641. 14 figs. 1905.1 - Sur les otolithes des poissons eocenes du bassin parisien. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1906, 4. ser. 6, 265-280. 51 figs. 1906.1 Sur les poissons fossiles du Stampien du bassin parisien. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1906, 4. ser. 6, 195-205. pi. & 11 figs. 1906.2 - Note sur les poissons fossiles de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1907, 4. ser. 7, 462-465. 8 figs. 1907.1 - Poissons tertiaires des posses- sions africaines du Portugal. Com- munic. Trabal. Geol. Portugal, 1907, 7, 74-79. 2 pis. 1907.2 - Rectifications de nomenclature [Poissons] Rev. Critique Paleozool., Paris, 1907, 11, 268. 1907.3 PRI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES ->H7 - Sur des poissons fossiles ter- tiaires des colonies portugaises d' Af rique. Communic. Trabal. Geol. Portugal, 1907,7,74-79. 2 pis. 1907.4 Sur des vertebres de 1' Eocene d'Egypte et de Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1907, 4. ser. 7, 412-419. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1907.5 Etude des poissons fossiles du bassin parisien. Memoire couronne par 1'Institut. Annal. Paleontol., 1908. 144 p. 5 pis. 8. 1908.1 - Etude sur le genre Lepidotus. Annal. Paleontol., 1908, 3, 1-19. 2 pis. 1908.2 - Poissons fossiles de Perse. De- legation en Perse, Annales publiees sous la direction de J. de Morgan, Paris, 1908, 1-25. 3 pis. 1908.3 - Sur des vertebres de 1'Eocene d'Egypte. Bull. Inst. Egypt., Caire, 1908, 4. se"r. 2, 1-3. 1908.4 - Note sur des poissons fossiles des phosphates de Tunisie et d'Alg&ie. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, 1909, 4. ser. 9, 315-324. 46 figs. 1909.1 - Sur un pycnodonte du Senonien superieur de Tunisie (Ccelodus bursauxi, sp. nov.j Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1909, 4. ser. 9, 324-326. fig. 1909.2 - Etude des poissons fossiles du bassin parisien (Supplement) Annal. Paleontol., 1911, 6, 1-44. 5 pis. & 42 figs. 1911.1 - Sur des otolithes de poissons fossiles des terrains, tertiaires superieurs de France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1911, 4. ser. 11, 39-46. 9 figs. 1911.2 - Sur des poissons et autres fossiles du Silurien superieur du Portugal, rommunic. Trabal. Geol. Portugal, 1911,8, 1-10. 2 pis. 1911.3 - Poissons fossiles de la republique Argentine. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1912, 4. ser. 11, 329-340. 2 pis. & 4 figs. 1912.1 Sur des otolithes Eocenes de France et d'Angleterre. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1912, 4. ser. 12, 246-249. 12 figs. 1912.2 - Sur des poissons fossiles des terrains secondaires du sud de la France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1912, 4. se>. 12,250-271. 2 pis. & 6 figs. 1912.3 - Sur les poissons fossiles des terrains tertiaires supe"rieurs du sud de la France. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, 1912, 4. ser. 12, 213-244. 2 pis. & 23 figs. 1912.4 Sur les otolithes de 1' Eocene du Cotentin et de Bretagne. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1913, 4. s. 14, 119-131. pi. & figs. 1914.3 Priesbergen, F. Die Ekto- und Entoparasiten, von welchen die in der Umgebung von Tubingen lebenden Fische bewohnt werden. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1886, 73-88. pi. 1886.1 Prime, William C. Tenacity of life in pickerel. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 154. 1876.1 Primrose, B. F. Paper by the secre- tary of the board of fisheries on drift net and trawl net fishing for herrings. Edinburgh, 1852. 1852,1 Prince, Edward E. On the develop- ment of the food fishes at the St. An- drews Marine Laboratory. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 65. meet., 1885, 1091- 1093. 1885.1 - On the nest and development of Gasterosteus spinachia at the St. An- drews Marine Laboratory. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1885, 5. ser. 16, 487-496. pi. 1885.2 Early stages in the development of the food-fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 17, 443^61. 1886.1 On the presence of oleaginous spheres in the yolk of teleostean ova. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 84-90. 1886.2 288 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PRI Prince, E. E. Points in the development of the pectoral fin and girdle in teleosteans. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1886, 697-698. 1886.3 On the development of the ovary and oviduct in certain osseous fishes. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 67. meet., 1887, 769. 1887.1 The significance of the yolk in the eggs of osseous fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 1-8. pi. 1887.2 - Neptune's nursery. A summary of the eggs and life-history of fishes. Parts 1 and 2. National Observer, 1890. 1890.1 - On the morphology and develop- ment of the pectoral fins in teleostean fishes. Elizabeth Thompson Research. Glasgow, 1890. 2 pis. 1890.2 Survey of the fishing grounds off the west coast of Ireland. On certain post-larval fishes collected during the early part of the survey [n. pi.] 1890. pi. 1890.3 - Notes on the development of the angler-fish (Lophius piscatorius) 9. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 343-348. 2 pis. 1891.1 On the eggs and larvae of Callionymus lyra, the dragonet. 9. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 349-351. pi. & 4 figs. 1891.2 - Curious protective features in the young of vertebrates. Ann. Ander- son Nat. Hist. Soc., Glasgow, 1892, 110-117. 1892.1 The development of the pharyn- geal teeth in the Labridae. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62. meet., 1892 (1893), 773. 1893.1 - On the formation of argenteous matter in the integument of teleosteans. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62. meet., 1892 (1893), 772-773. 1893.2 Description of specimens of sea- trout, caplin and sturgeon from Hudson bay. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1896, 687-688. 1896.1 On the Esocidae (or Luciidse) of Canada. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1896, 688. 1896.2 The living Chimaera and its egg. Ottawa Naturalist, 1897, 10, 185-189. 1897.1 Change of function in fishes' fins. Ottawa Naturalist, 1898, 12, 129- 132. . 1898.1 On the treatment and planting of salmonoid fry. 30. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa 1897 (1898), xl-xliv. 1898.2 - The propagation of black bass. 30. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa 1897 (1898), xlv-xlviii. 1898.3 - The food of the sturgeon. 31. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa 1898 (1899), Iv-lx. 1899.1 - Fish-culture in Canada. Trans. Ottawa Lit. Scient. Soc., 1900, no. 2, 165-182. 1900.1 - Powers of adaptation in fishes. Ottawa Naturalist, 1901, 14, 212-217. 1901.1 - Special report on I. The hatch- ing and planting of trout. II. The planting of predaceous fish. III. The aim and method of fishing legislation. 34. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa, 1901. 1901.2 The swim-bladder of fishes a degenerate gland. Proc. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci., 1906, 11, 199- 226. 4 pis. 1906.1 - The eggs and early life-history of the herring, gaspereau, shad and other clupeoids. 39. Ann. Rept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa, 1907, 95-110. 3 pis. 1907.1 - The biological investigation of Canadian waters, with special reference to the government .biological stations. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1908, 3. ser. 1, 71-92. 1908.1 Northern and southern species in the gulf waters, p. 73-74. Banks of the gulf and Atlantic shore, p. 77-78. - The fish and fisheries of Mani- toba. Handbook Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1909, 228-237. 1909.1 - Fish: some thoughts on Cana- dian fisheries and the Canadian public. An address to the Canadian Club of Regina, Saskatchewan. Leeds, 1910. 9 p. 8. 1910.1 - Fisheries work in St. Andrews University. Memorial vol., Scientific Papers, 1911, 2. 1911.1 A perfect fish pass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 47-56. 1914.1 PRO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Some animals and conditions inimical to fish eggs and larvae in the sea. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 57-66. 1914.2 - The herring fishery of Canada. Coiiim. Conserv. Canada, Proc. Com- mittee Fisheries, Game, Fur-bearing Animals, Toronto, 1916, 37-46. 1916.1 - On the red color of the flesh in the salmons and trouts. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1916, 46, 50-61. 1916.2 - Unutilized fisheries resources of Canada. Comm. Conserv. Canada, Proc. Committee Fisheries, Game, Fur- bearing Animals, Toronto, 1916, 47-64. 2 pis. 1916.3 Prince, Edward E., & Halkett, Andrew . The eggs of the freshwater ling (Lota maculosa Lesueur] Ottawa Naturalist, 1906, 19, 219-224. 1906.1 Prince, Edward E., & M'Intosh, William Carmichael. See M'Intosh & Prince. Prince, Edward E., & MacKay, A. H. The paired fins of the mackerel shark. 32. Ann. Kept. Dept. Mar. & Fish., Ottawa, 1901 (Suppl.), 55-58. 3 pis. 1901.1 Prince, Edward E., & Steven, /. Lindsay. On two large tumours in a haddock and a cod. 10. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board, Canada, 1892, pt. 3, 323-325. 1892.1 Prince, Thomas. A chronological history of New England; in the form of annals, etc. Boston, 1826. 1826.1 The first edition of this work was published in 1736. It contains an account of New England fisheries. Pringle, John. A discourse on the torpedo, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1774. London, 1775. 32 p. 4. 1775.1 - Discours sur la torpille. Observ. Mem. Phys., 1775, 5, 241-257; 444-449. 1775.2 - De torpedine. 2 vols. Witte- bergse & Lipsise, 1779. 4. 1779.1 Pritchard, G. B., & Chapman, Frederick. See Chapman & Pritchard. Pritt, T. E. The book of the grayling. Being a description of the fish and the art of angling for him, as practiced chiefly in the midlands and the north of England. Leeds, 1888. 64 p. illust, 8. isss.i Probst, Josef. Ueber das Gebiss des Notidanus primigenius Ag. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirttemberc, 1858,14,124-127. 10 figs. 1858.1 - Ueber die Streifung der fossilen Squalidenzahne. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1859, 15, 100- 102. 1859.1 - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fos- silen Fische aus der Molasse von Baltringen [Labroiden, Scarinen, Sparoi- den] Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1874, 30, 275-298. Ibid.. 1877, 33, 69-103. Ibid., 1878, 34, 113- 154. Ibid., 1879, 36, 127-191. Ibid., 1882, 38, 116-136. pi. 1874.1 - Ueber die Haifischreste der Meeresmolasse Oberschwabens. Jahr- esh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1876, 32, 51-55. 1876.1 . - Fossile Wirbel von Haien und Rochen aus der Molasse von Baltringen. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttem- berg, 1886, 42, 301-315. pi. 1886.1 Prochazka, Vladimir Josef. Mioce"n moravsk^; druh prispevek ku poznanf razu zvifeny mofskych sliinu a jilft severo-zapado- a stfedomoravske* oblasti. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1899, no. 29, 1-45. 1900.1 Listen von fossilen Fischen aus dem Miocan von Mahren. - Das ostbohmische Miocan. Arch. Nat. Durchforsch. Bohmen, 1900, no. 2, 1-173. 72 figs. 1900.2 Fossil otoliths are described. Procter, George H. Fishermen's memorial and record book. Gloucester, 1873. 88 p. 1873.1 The fisheries of Gloucester from the first catch of the English in 1623 to the centennial year, 1876. Gloucester [1876?j 88 p. illust. 8. 1876.1 - Fishermen's own book. Glouces- ter, 1882. 274 p. Contains information concerning the fisheries of Gloucester and the methods of carrying on the fisheries in the earlier days. More valuable as a reference work than as a history of the fisheries. Proctor, Ernest. Notes on the dis- covery of f ossilif erous Old Red Sandstone rocks in a boring at Southall, near Baling. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1913, 69, 78-81. 1913.1 Appendix. Note on the fish-remains from the Upper Devonian, by Arthur Smith Woodward. Ibid., 81-84. pi. Holoptychius and Bothri- olepis remains. 290 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PRO Prohaska, Ueber die Verhalt- nisse der Binnenfischerei Oesterreichs. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1-2; 9-11. 1880.1 Ueber Oesterreichs brachliegen- des Wassergebiet. Oesterr.-ungar. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1880, 17-21. . 1880.2 Proli, P. P. Delia citta di Com- macchio, delle sue laghune e pesche. Cesena, 1761. fol. 1761.1 Prometheus (pseudon.) Aalblut und Viperngift. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. Jahrg., 218. 1899.1 Ein neuer Rundmauler mit grossen normalen Augen wurde von L. Plate im Stiden von Chile entdeckt. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1899, 10. Jahrg., 176. 1899.2 Pron, L., & Bounhiol, /. P. See Bounhiol & Pron. Proschowsky, A. R. L' utilisation des blattes pour 1' alimentation des poissons. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1901, 49, 320. 1901.1 Prosser, Charles Smith [1860-1916] Classification and distribution of the Hamilton and Chemung series of central and eastern New York. 51. Ann. Rept. New York State Mus. 1897 (1899), 2, 65-315. 27 pis. & 32 figs. 1899.1 Appendix: Upper Devonian fish-fauna of Delaware county, New York, by C. R. East- man, p. 317-328. 6 figs. Dinichthys, Holoptychius, Onychodus, On- chus, Bothriolepis, Dipterus scales. Prouty, Lorenzo. Fish; their habits and haunts, etc. Boston, 1883. 115 p. 1883.1 Provazek, F. Das Auge der Platt- fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 32-33. fig. 1900.1 Beitrag zur Pigmentfrage. Zool. Anz., 1900, 23, 477-480. 1900.2 Provengal, , & Humboldt, F. H.A. von . Recherches sur la respiration des poissons. M6m. Phys. Chim. Soc. Arcueil, Paris, 1809, 2, 359-404. Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 69, 261-286. Journ. Chem. Phys. (Schweigger), 1, 86-121. 1809.1 Prymak, Teodor. Beitrage zur Geschichte der Entwickelung und Invo- lution der Thymusdruse bei den Kno- chenfischen [TextinRuthenian] Zbirn. Sekc. Matem.-Prirod.-Likarsk., Lem- berg, 1901, 7, pt. 2, 1-26. 1901.1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss des feineren Baues und der Involution der Thymusdruse bei den Teleostiern. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 164-177. 2 figs. 1902.1 Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Prudhomme, Sur la vessie des poissons. Rapp. Gen. Trav. Acad. Caen, 1811, 84-86. 1811.1 Prugnes, Robert Villatte des. See Villatte des Prugnes, Robert. Thymusdruse bei den Knochenfischen mit Beriicksichtigung der Ganoiden und Cyclostomen [Text in Rutheniam Zbirn. Sekc. Matem.-Prirod.-Likarsk., Lemberg, 1902, 8, pt. 2, 1-11. 1902.2 - Recherches sur 1'evolution et 1'involution du thymus chez les poissons osseux [Text in Ruthenian] Kosmos, Lw6w Roczn., 1903, 28, 179-204. pi. 1903.1 Prymak, Teodor, & Nusbaum, Jozef. See Nusbaum & Prymak. Prytz, Lars Johan. Anteckningar under en resa till Nord Cap, genom Tornea Lappmark och vestra Finnmar- ken, ar 1819. Mnemosyne, Abo, 1821, 129-160; 178-192. 1821.1 Pisces, p. 186. Przhevalskii, Nikolai Mikhailo- vich [1839-1880] Mongolia and the Tagut country, or three years' journey in the eastern highlands of Asia. 2 vols. St. Petersburg, 1875-76. illust. 8. 1875.1 Wissenschaftliche Resultate der von N. M. Przevalski nach Central- Asien unternommenen Reise. Zoolo- gischer Theil. St. Petersburg, 1888-98. 1888.1 Bd. iii, Abt. 2. Fische, von S. M. von Herzen- stein. 1889-96. Przibram, Hans. Experimentale Zoologie. 2.Teil. Regeneration. Leip- zig, 1909. 1909.1 Die Verteilung formbildender Fahigkeiten am Tierkorper in dorsoven- traler Richtung. Arch. Entw.-Mech., 1910,30,409-417. 4 figs. 1910.1 Przibram, Hans, & Grosser, Otto. See Grosser & Przibram. Puci, Giacomo Mario, & Miranda, Dominico da. See Miranda & Puci. Puenta y Olca, P. de la. Informa sobre la pesca en la Gran Canaria y en los bancos de Africa. Madrid, 1885. 31 p. 8. 1885.1 PUT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 291 Puenzieux, Ad. Die Aufgabe des Staates bei der Wiederbereicherung der Gewiisser mit Fischen. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber & Fischereiwesen, 1891, 7, 203; 212. Ibid., 1892, 8, 6; 30; 46; 54; 71. Also separate; St. Gallen, 1891- 92. 5 p. fol. 1891.1 - Du re"empoissonnement de nos cours d'eau par la pisciculture pratique. Lausanne, 1891. 8 p. 8. 1891.2 - Le role de l'e"tat dans le reem- poissonnement des cours d'eau. Lau- sanne, 1891. 28 p. 8. 1891.3 - La loutre dans le canton de Vaud en 1893. Lausanne, 1894. 5 p. 1894.1 The otter, predatory on fish. Putter, August. Leuchtende Or- ganismen. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., Jena, 1905, 6. 1905.1 - Die Ernahrung der Fische. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., Jena, 1909, 9, 147-242. 1909.1 Pugh, Ernst. Fundulus guentheri Pfeffer und seine Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 639-641. 2 figs. 1914.1 Pugliesi, Emma. II cranio della Lucioperca sandra Cuv. Morfologia e studi comparativi. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1911, 49, 278- 296. 2 pis. & fig. 1911.1 Punnett, R. C. On the formation of the pelvic plexus, with especial reference to the nervus collector, in the genus Mustelus. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- don, 1900, 192, 331-352. pi. Abstracts in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 65, 445-446. - Zool. Anz., 23, 14-15. 1900.1 On the composition and varia- tions of the pelvic plexus in Acanthias vulgaris. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1901, 68, 140-142. Ibid., 1902, 69, 2-26. 7 Abstract in Zool. Anz., 24, 233- *5. 1901.1 - Cephalpchorda. Note on meris- tic variation in the group (In The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive archipelago, edited by J. S. Gardiner, vol. ii, p. 361-367. London, 1903) 1903.1 - Merism and sex in Spinax niger. Biometrika, Cambridge, 1904, 3, 313- 362. pi. 1904.1 Purkyne 1 , Cyrillv. Das N^faner und Radnitzer Kohlenflotz bei Tfemosna. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Prague, 1903, 7. anneX 216-230. pi. HXKM Purvis, George C. Note on certain terminal organs resembling touch-cor- puscles or end-bulbs in intra-muscular connective-tissue of the skate. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1890, n. s. 30, 515-517. Pi- 1890.1 - On the pineal eye of Lamna comubica, or porbeagle shark. Proc. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1890-91 (1892), 62-67. pi. 1892.1 Putnam, Frederick Ward [1839-1915J For biographical notice, see that read before the Essex Institute by E. S. Morse, and printed at Salem, 1915. For bibliography, see Putnam anniversary volume, 1909. - On the fishes of Essex county. Proc. Essex. Inst., 1856, 1, 144-146: 148; 201. 1856.1 - Remarks on the coloration of fishes. Proc. Essex Inst., 1859, 2, 366. 1859.1 - Remarks on the nests of fishes. Proc. Essex Inst., 1859, 2, 367-368. 1859.2 - Annual report, department of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 280. 1861.1 Esox fasciatus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 156. 1861.2 - Fishes from the Sandwich is ; lands. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 151. 1861.3: - On the young of Pomotis, Bryttus and Esox. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1859-61 (1861), 7, 3; 34. 1861.4 - A word on the fishes of the Bahamas. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. H i.-t . 1859-61 (1861), 7, 85. 1861.5 - List of the fishes sent by the museum to different institutions, in exchange for other specimens, with annotations. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1863, 1, 2-16. 1863.1 - Distribution of the freshwater fishes of North America. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 178. 1865.1 - Note on the codfish of Massa- chusetts. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 319. 1865.2 292 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PUT Putnam, F. W. Note on the young of Belone. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 334. 1865.3 - On a specimen of Grystes fascia- tus from Boston harbors. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 224- 248. 1865.4 - On the genus Belone; specimen of the young. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 325-326. 1865.5 - On the ichthyological fauna of the Great Lakes compared with the Richardson chain of lakes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 181. 1865.6 - On the limits of the freshwater faunae of the JJnited States as shown by the fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 178. 1865.7 - On the presence of pectoral fins in the young of Achirus lineatus. Proc. Essex Inst., 1865, 4, 49-50; 99. 1865.8 On two species of chromids from the Rio Negro, which develop their eggs in their mouths. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1862-63 (1865), 9, 226. 1865.9 Fishes of the Milwaukee river and the northern lakes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 64-65. 1866.1 The ichthyological fauna of the Great Lakes and the variability and abundance of the whitefish (Coregonus) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 240. 1866.2 Malformation of snout of fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 68. 1866.3 Note on young garpike presented to the society. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 211. 1866.4 Observations on the Pleuro- nectidse. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 181. 1866.5 - Remarks on Amphioxus. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1864-66 (1866), 10, 68. 1866.6 - Remarks on a supposed nonde- script species of Gasterosteus from Massachusetts. Proc. Essex Inst., 1866, 6, 4. 1866.7 - Report as curator of the depart- ment of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1864-66 (1866), 10, 132; 372. 1866.8 Appendix to Storer's fishes of Massachusetts (In Storer, D. H. A history of the fishes of Massachusetts, p. 278-280. Cambridge & Boston, 1867) 1867.1 On the Salmo of Halifax, a paper read before the Essex Institute. Amer. Naturalist, 1868, 1, 107. 1868.1 Remarks on fishes and reptiles of Essex county, Mass. Bull. Essex Inst., 1869, n. s. 1, 102. 1869.1 Report as curator of the depart- ment of ichthyology. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1868-69 (1869), 12, 17. 1869.2 Exhibition of a fish, Hemirham- phus longirostris, taken off Nantucket. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 12. 1870.1 - Fishes of lake Champlain. Proc. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 6. 1870.2 - On a species of Hemirhamphus from the millpond in Danvers, Mass. Bull. Essex. Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 171. 1870.3 On the young of Orthagoriscus mola. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 19. meet., 1870, 255-260. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 4, 629-633. 1870.4 Remarks on the structure of fishes. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 110. 1870.5 Remarks on two specimens of interest which had been recently added to the Museum of Peabody Academy of Science. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 171-172. 1870.6 Species of Hemirhamphus. - Report on various zoological specimens collected from Chadwick's pond. Bull. Essex Inst., 1870, n. s. 2, 91-93. 1870.7 Pickerel, shiners, dace, minnow, bream and perch. - Skates' [Raja batis] eggs and young. Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 3, 617-630. 12 figs. 1870.8 - Note on the classification of fishes by Prof. Cope. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 593. 1871.1 Note on the occurrence of Euleptorhamphus i Hemirhamphus] longi- PUT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES rostris on the coast of Massachusetts. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1869-71 (1871), 13, 236-240. 1871.2 - Note on the Pimelodus cyclopum of Humboldt. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 694-695. Bull. Essex Inst., 1871, n. s. 3, 170-178. 1871.3 - Peculiar fishes belonging to the genera of Tetraodon and Diodon. Bull. \ Inst., 1871, n. s. 3, 29. 1871.4 - Blind fishes of the Mammoth cave and their allies (In his and Pack- ard, A. S. Mammoth cave and its inhabitants. Salem, 1872. 62 p. 8) 1872.1 - The blind fishes of the Mam- moth cave, and their allies. Amer. Nat uralist, 1872, 6, 6-30. 2 pis. 1872.2 Case of voracity in an eel. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1870-71 (1872), 14, 135. 1872.3 The etheostomoids. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1872, 6, 109-115. figs. 1872.4 The new Australian fish. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, n. s. 3, 40-41. 1872.5 On classification of fishes. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. 1870-71 (1872), 14, 189. 1872.6 - On the alewives and other fishes collected in the Wenham lake. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, 3, 88-90. 1872.7 - On the species of eels. Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 449. 1872.8 Remarks on a skate's egg. Bull. Essex Inst., 1872, n. s. 4, 123-124. 1872.9 - Synopsis of the family Hete- ropygii. Rept. Peabody Acad. Sci. 1871 (1872), 15-23. 1872.10 - Young of the blind fish. Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 116-117. 1872.11 - Account of the work of Prof. S. F. Baird, U. S. Fish Commissioner. Bull. Essex Inst., 1873, n. s. 5, 151-152. 1873.1 - Fishes of Chebacco pond, Essex, Mass. Bull. Essex Inst., 1873, n. s. 5, 141-142. 1873.2 Pimelodus, Esox, Leuciscus, Perca, Labrax, Pomotis, Hololepis, Anguilla. - Remarks on toads and fishes. Bull. Essex Inst,, 1873, n. s. 5, 124. 1873.3 Verbal communication on bones of the skel- eton. - The anatomy and varieties of Myxine. Pop. Sci. Review, 1874, 13, 224. 1874.1 Liparis lineala and Liparis mon- tagui from Massachusetts. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 114. 1874.2 - Notes on Liparis, Cyclopterus and their allies. Abstract in Proc. Ann-r. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1873 (1874), 335-340. 1874.3 - Notes on Ophidiidae and Fieras- feridae, with descriptions of new species from America and the Mediterranean. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 339-348. 1874.4 - Notes on the genus Bdellostoma. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 127-135; 156-160. 1874.5 Notes on the genus Myxine. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 127-135. 1874.6 On the occurrence of Chauliodus sloanii Bl. on the Georges banks. Bull. Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 3. 1874.7 - Remarks on the family Nemo- phidse. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1873-74 (1874), 16, 366-373. figs. 1874.8 Remarks on the tooth of a shark, Carcharias, presented by Rev. D. P. Noyes, of Pigeon cove. Bull. Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 72. 1874.9 Several fishes, new or rare, from harbors in Essex county, Massachusetts. Bull. Essex Inst., 1874, n. s. 6, 11-13. 1874.10 Cryplacanthodes inornatus, Liparis lineatus, Platessa glabra. A straggler in the Ohio (Go- biosoma molestum) Amer. Naturalist, 1874, 8, 233-234. 1874.11 The blind fish and some of the associated species of the Mammoth cave, Kentucky, probably of marine origin. Bull. Essex Inst., 1875, n. s. 6, 191-200. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4. ser. 16, 79-80. Amer. Journ. Sci., 3. ser. 9, 409-410. 1875.1 Exhibition of living specimens of fishes and cray-fishes collected in the waters of Mammoth cave. Proc. Bos- ton Soc. Nat. Hist. 1874-75 (1875), 17, 222-225. 18 ' 5 - 2 294 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY PUT Putnam, F. W. - Remarks on the male of the common eel (Anguilla bostoniensis) Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1878, 19, 279-280. 1878.1 Presentation of specimens of Chologaster agassizii Putnam, from Mammoth cave, Kentucky. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1880, 21, 82. 1880.1 Putnam anniversary volume. Anthropological essays presented to Frederick W. Putnam in honor of his seventieth birthday April 16, 1909, by his friends and associates. New York, 1909. 627 p. 8. 1909.1 The fish in ancient Peruvian art, by Charles W. Mead, p. 126-137. Bibliography of Frederick W. Putnam, by (Miss) Frances H. Mead, p. 601-626. Putnam, Frederick Ward, & Gar- man, Samuel W. On the male and female organs of the sharks and skates, with special reference to the use of claspers. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 23. meet., 1874, pt. 2, 143-144. 1874.1 Puyis, A. Des etangs, de leur con- struction, de leur produit et de leur dessechement. Paris, 1844. 8. 1844.1 Pybus, W. Mark. Sand eels. Rept. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm. 1911 (1912), 86-88. 1912.1 Pychlau, Waldemar. Untersuchun- gen an den Brustflossen einiger Teleos- tier. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1908, 43, 692-728. 3 pis. 1908.1 Pycraft, William Plane [1868] The story of fish-life. London, 1901. 210 p. pi. & 17 figs. (The library of useful stories) 1901.1 Review in Nature, 65, 219-220. Fishes (In The living animals of the world; a popular natural history. Vol. ii, book iv, p. 609-669. New York, 1902) 1902.1 There is also an English edition of this work, published a year or two previously. Animal wind-bags. Useful and ornamental wind-bags and love-displays. Knowledge, 1903, 26, 1-3; 40-44; 52- 54. figs. 1903.1 Wind-bags as danger-signals and life-buoys in fishes. Teeth and their substitutes. Nature's food crushers. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1909, 68, 204-205. 10 figs. 1909.1 : (editor) Animal life: an evolu- tionary natural history. Edited by W. P. Pycraft, with introduction by E. Ray Lankester. 4 vols. London, 1910. illust. 1910.1 Vol. iii, Reptiles, amphibia, and fishes. - The infancy of animals. Lon- don, 1912. 64 p. illust. 8. 1912.1 The courtship of animals. Lon- don, 1913. 318 p. 40 pis. 8. 1913.1 Pycraft, William Plane, Aflalo,F. C., Bickerdyke, /., & Maxwell, (Sir) H. See Aflalo, Bickerdyke & others. Pylaie, de la. Recherches en France sur les poissons de 1' ocean. Poi- tiers, 1834-35. 1834.1 Q Quaas, Arthur. Die Fauna der Overwegischichten und der Blatterthone in der libyschen Wiiste. Palseonto- graphica, 1902, 30, pt. 2, 153-334. 14 pis. 1902.1 Pisces, p. 312-320. The list includes Stropho- dus, Lamnidse, Corax, Protosphyrsena, Pycnodus, Plethodidse, Sparidse and Sclerodermidse (Ancis- trodon) Quackenbos, John Duncan. The Sunapee saibling; a fourth New Eng- land variety of Salvelinus. Trans. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1893, 12, 139-151.- Trans. Arner. Fisheries Soc. 1893 (1894), 34-51. 1893.1 - The American saibling, or golden trout. Salvelinus sunapee (Webber & Quackenbos, 1886) Salvelinus aureolus (Bean, 1888) Salvelinus alpinus aureolus (Jordan, 1891) 2. Ann. Kept. Comm. Fish., Game & Forests New York, 1896, 185-191. pi. 1896.1 Quackenbush, L. S. Larval conger eels on the Long Island coast. Science, 1906, n. s. 23, 702-703. 1906.1 Quakernaat van Spijk, A . Eenige beschouwingen over onze zalmvisscher- ijen, naar aanleiding der gesloten overeenkomst te Mannheim, 27. No- vember, 1869. Zalt-Bommel, 1870. 8. 1870.1 - Eenige opmerkingen naar aan- leiding der brochure van den Heer Fr. P. L. Pollen. Zalt-Bommel, 1870. 8. 1870.2 - Einige Betrachtungen tiber un- sere Lachsfischerei nach Anleitung der Uebereinkunft de dato Mannheim den 27. Nov. 1869. Circul. Deutsch. Fische- rei Ver., 1871, no. 1, 24-31. 1871.1 Quantz, H. Storfischerei und Stor- zucht im Gebiete der deutschen Nord- seektiste. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1903, 19, 176-204. 2 figs. 1903.1 Quatrefages, Jean Louis Armand [1810-1892] Memoire sur les embryons des syngnathes (Syngnathus ophidian Linn.] Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.\ 1842, 2. ser. 18, 193-212. Notizen (Froriep), 1842, 23, 81-83. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1842, 24, 794-796. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1842, 52-53. 1842.1 Observations relatives aux jeunes btennies. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1843, 17, 320. L'Institut, 11, 274-275. 1843.1 - Observations sur le systeme nerveux et sur 1'histologie du Branchio- stoma ou Amphioxus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1845, 21, 519-522. L'Institut, 1845, 13, 309-310. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1845, 3. ser. 4, 197-248. 2 pis. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1846, 37, 129-132. 1845.1 Des fecondations artificielles appliquees a 1'eleve des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1848, 27, 413^16. 1848.1 Sur 1' extraction de 1'huile de harengs et sur la preparation du tan- grum, engrais propre a remplacer le guano. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1848, 27, 604-606. 1848.2 Le hareng. Rev. Deux Mondes, 1849, 1, 22-54. 1849.1 - Sur 1'anatomie de Ammocoetes branchialis. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1849, 64-65. L'Institut, 1849, 17, 220. 1849.2 - Sur la reproduction artificielle des poissons. Journ. Pharm., 1851, 20, 282-286. 1851.1 Memoire sur le Branchellio tor- pedinis Sav. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1852, 35, 809-815. 1852.1 - Recherches sur la vitality des spermatozoides de quelques poissons d'eau douce. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1853, 3. ser. 19, 341-369. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 36, 936-943. 1853.1 Brochet, carpe, garden, perche. - Pisciculture; rapport sur le repeuplement des cours d'eau et sur les travaux de pisciculture de M. Millet; etudes sur la fe"condation artificielle des ceufs de poissons. Paris, 1854. 8. ' . 1 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY QUA Quatrefages, J. L. A. - Formation des monstres doubles chez les poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 40, 626-629. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 16, 47-51. 1855.1 - Observations sur le memoire de M. Coste, relatif a Torigine de la mon- struosite double chez les poissons osseux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 40, 924- 930. 1855.2 Fertilite et culture de 1'eau. 1862. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1862, 19, xlix-lxx. 1862.1 - Des monstres doubles dans la classe des poissons. Bull. Soc. Anthro- pol. Paris, 1874, 9, 318-320. 1874.1 Memoire sur la monstruosite double chez les poissons. Mem. Cente- naire Soc. Philom. Paris, 1888. 2 pis. 1888.1 Quekett, John Thomas [1815-1861] On a peculiar arrangement of blood- vessels in the air-bladder of fishes, with some remarks on the evidence which they afford of the true function of that organ. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, 10, 65-66. Trans. Micr. Soc., 1844, 1, 99- 108. 1842.1 - On the intimate structure of bone, as composing the skeleton in the four great classes of animals, viz., mam- mals, birds, reptiles and fishes. Trans. Micr. Soc., 1849, 2, 46-58. 1849.1 Observations on the nature of capillaries, and on the mode of arrange- ment of those in the gills of fishes. Trans. Micr. Soc., 1852, 3, 1-8. 1852.1 On the scales of Zoarces vivi- parus. Trans. Micr. Soc., 1852, 3, 136. 1852.2 Quelch, John Joseph [1854 ] Fish and fishing in British Guiana. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 237- 240. 1894.1 The electric eel. Nature, 1897, 55, 508. 1897.1 Describes a specimen 7 feet 2 inches long from the Waini river, British Guiana. Quennerstedt, August. Bidrag till kannedomen om Cyprinus buggenhagii Bloch och dess forekomst inom Sverige. Oefvers. K. Vet. Akad, Forh., 1877, no. 7, 13-22. 2 pis. 1877.1 Quensel, Conrad [1767-1806] Forsok att narmare bestamma och naturligare uppstalla svenska arterna af flunderslag- tet [Pleuronectes] Svensk. Vet. Akad. Nya Handl., 1806, 27, 44-56; 203-233. 1806.1 Mormyrus cyprinoides et M. anguilloides. Beitrage (Weber), 1810, 2, 142-146. 1810.1 Quenstedt, Friedrich August von [1809-1889] Ueber Lepidotus im Lias c Wurttembergs. Tubingen, 1847. 24 p. 2 pis. 4. 1847.1 Description of Lepidotus elvensis Blv. - Ueber einem Schnaitheimer Lepidotuskiefer. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wtirttemberg, 1853, 9, 361-365. 1853.1 Der Jura. Tubingen, 1856-58. vi, 842 p. 103 pis. 8. 1856.1 Quid (pseudon.) Grayling fishing on the Au Sable. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 88. 1877.1 Quidor, A. Sur 1'evolution et les affinites des Philichthyidse. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 151, 834-836. 1910.1 Quigstad, J. Lappiske navne paa fiske. Nyt Mag. Naturv., Christiania, 1905, 42, 372-376. 1905.1 Quijada, Bernardino B. Catalogo de la collecci6n de los peces chilenos i estran- jeros del Museo Nacional. Bol. Mus. Nac. Chile, Santiago, 1912, 4, no. 1, 69-109. 1912.1 Catalogo ilustrado i descriptiva de los peces chilenos i estranjeros con- servados en el Museo Nacional. Bol. Mus. Nacion. Chile, 1913, 5, 7-130. 25 pis. & 2 figs. 1913.1 See also the references under Delfin, F. T., 1898.1, and Porter, C. E., 1909.1, supra. Quincy, Charles. Notice sur les plantes et les poissons des cours d'eau et etangs de Tarrondissement de Chalon- sur-Saone. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat.,.Chalon- sur-Saone, 1907, 33, 62-119. 1907.1 - Sur la confusion des cyprins ou poissons blancs. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat., Chalon-sur-Saone, 1910, 36, 29-37. 1910.1 Quinquand, E. Experiences rela- tives a la respiration des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 76, 1141-1143. Bull. Soc. Chim. Paris, 20, 159-161. 1873.1 Quinton, Rene. Mouvements ami- boides des globules blancs dans la dilu- QUO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 297 tion marine; Constance du milieu marin comme milieu vital, a travors la se"rie ,ui i male. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1898, 60, 469-470. 1898.1 Experiences sur la tanche. - Le globule rouge nuclee se comporte autrement que le globule rouge anuclee, au point de vue de 1' osmose, vis-a-vis de 1'uree en solution. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901, 132, 347-350. 1901.1 - Communication osmotique chez le poisson selacien marin, entre le milieu vital et le milieu exterieur. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 66, pt. 2, 513-514. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 139, 995-997. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 1905, 8, 114-116. 1904.1 Scyllium, Mustelus, Torpedo, Raja. - Degre de concentration saline du milieu vital de Tanguille dans 1'eau de mer et dans Teau douce, et apres son passage experimental de la premiere eau dans la seconde. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1904, 66, pt. 2, 470-472. Ibid., 1905, 67, 170-172. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 139, 938-941. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 1905, 8, 108-111. 1904.2 Absence de communication osmotique chez le poisson te"le"osteen marin entre le milieu exterieur. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 1905, 8, 117- 119. 1905.1 - De quelques phenomenes accom- pagnant, chez 1'anguille, le passage experimental de 1'eau de mer dans 1'eau douce. Trav. Labor. Soc. Sci. Arcachon, 1905, 8, 112-113. 1905.2 Quiroga y Rodriguez, Francisco [1853-1894] Apuntes de un viaje por el Sahara occidental. Anales Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat., 1886, 15. 1886.1 Peces, por J. Gogorza y Gonzalez. Quistorp, The generation of eels. Fish. Gazette, 1881, 6, 123. 1881.1 Quix, Francois Hubert. Experimen- telle Ergebnisse iiber das statische Organ bei Ganoiden [Text in Dutch] Nederl. Tijdschr. Geneesk., Amsterdam, 1903, 39, pt. 2, 211-214. 1903.1 - Experimenten over de functie van het labyrinth bij haaien. Tijdschr. Nederland. Dierk. Ver., 1903. 2. ser. 8, 35-61. 1903.2 Quoy, Jean Rene Constantin [1790- 1869] & Gaimard, Paul. Remarques sur quelques poissons de mer; descrip- tion des poissons (In Freycinet, Louis de. Voyage autour du monde pendant 1817-1820, p. 182^01. 96 pis. Paris, 1824. 4&fol.) 1824.1 - Remarques sur quelques pois- sons de mer, et sur leur distribution ge"ographique. Ann. Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 1824, 3, 411-421. Notizen (Froriep), 9, 321-327. Bull. Sci. Nat. (F6russac), 6, 100-102. 1824.2 Selaciens et tel6ost6ens marina. - Voyage autour du monde . . . execute" sur les corvettes de S. M. "L'Uranie" et "La Physicienne " pendant les anne"es 1817-20. Paris, 1824. 1824.3 Poissons, chap. 9, 192-401. Voyage de decouvertes de "I/ Astrolabe," execute" par ordre du Roi, pendant les anne"es 1826-29, sous le commandement de M. J. Dumont d'Urville. Paris, 1834. 1834.1 Poissons, vol. iii, p. 647-720. 20 plfl. R R. Carp and goldfish. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 163. 1874.1 Smelts in lake Champlain. For- est & Stream, 1876, 6, 100. 1876.1 To prevent disease in trout. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 442. 1878.1 R. , A . de L. Fonction electrique de la torpille. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1862, n. s. 16, 276-279. 1862.1 R., G. P. Nestbouwende visschen [Gasterosteus] Album Natuur, 1866, 223-224. 1866.1 R., H. A. The fisheries and other resources of Alaska. Chicago Field, 1879, 10, 395-396. 1879.1 R., J. The spawning of herring. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 24. 1879.1 R., J. J. Salmon in lake Ontario. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 417. 1876.1 R., R. Landlocked salmon. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 322. 1874.1 Rabaud, Etienne. Caracteres gene- raux des processus teratogenes, proces- sus primitif et processus consecutif. C. R.Acad. Sci. Paris, 1901,32, 1150-1153. 1901.1 Fragments de te"ratologie gene- rale . L' arret et T exces de de" veloppement . Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 1901, 34, 481- 511. 1901.2 Rabl, Carl [1853 ] Ueber die Ent- wickelung des Venensystems der Se- lachier (In Festschrift zum sieben- zigsten, Geburtstage R. Leuckarts, p. 228-235. figs. Leipzig, 1892) 1892.1 Ueber die Metamerie des Wir- beltierkopfes. Verh. Anat. Ges., Anat. Anz., 1892, 8, 104-135. pi. & figs. 1892.2 Ueber die Entwicklung des Urogenitalsystems der Selachier. Mor- phol. Jahrb., 1896, 24, 632-767. 8 pis. 1896.1 Wiss. Zool., 1901, 70, 474-558. 2 pis. & figs. 1901.1 - Bausteine zu einer Theorie der Extremitaten der Wirbeltiere. Teil I. Leipzig, 1913. 351 p. 8. 1913.1 - Edouard Van Beneden und der gegenwartige Stand der wichtigsten yon ihm behandelten Probleme. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1915, 88. 470 p. 7 pis. & 15 figs. 1915.1 Bau, Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies. Rabl, Hans. Pigment und Pig- mentzellen in der Haut der Wirbelthiere. Ergebn. Anat.Entw. Gesch. 1896 (1897), 6, 439-470. 1897.1 Verhaltnis der Pigmentzellen zu der Blutge- fassen in Embryonen von Fundulus, p. 458. Rabl-Ruckhard, [ Johann Joseph ,Ne- pomuk] Hermann. Das gegenseitige Verhaltnis der Chorda, Hypophysis und des mittleren Schadelbalkens bei Hai- fischembryonen, nebst Bemerkungen tiber die Deutung der einzelnen Theile des Fischgehirns. Morphol. Jahrb., 1880, 6, 535-570. 2 pis. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 2. ser. 1, 9-11. 1880.1 Ueber Untersuchungen der Ent- wickelung des Knochenfischgehirnes. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1882, 54-55. 1882.1 - Zur Deutung und Entwickelung des Gehirns der Knochenfische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1882, 111- 138. 2 pis. 1882.2 - Das Grosshirn der Knochen- fische und seine Anhangsgebilde. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1883, 279-322. 2 pis. 1883.1 Weiteres zur Deutung des Ge- hirns der Knochenfische. Biol. Cen- tralbl., 1884, 3, 21-23. 1884.1 Das Gehirn der Knochenfische. Biol. Centralbl., 1885, 4, 499-510; 528- 541. 10 figs. 1885.1 Gedanken und Studien iiber den Zur onto- und phylogenetischen Ursprun^ des Extremitaten. Zeitschr. Entwickelung des Torus longitudinalis RAC BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 299 ini Mittelhirn der Knochenfische. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2, 549-551. 1887.1 - Der Lobus olfactorius impar der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 1893, 8, 728-731. 3 figs. 1893.1 - Noch ein Wort an Herrn Studnicka. Anat. Anz., 1894, 10, 240. 1894.1 Brain-structure of ganoids. - Das Vorderhirn der Cranioten; eine Antwort an Herrn F. K. Studnicka. Anat, Anz., 1894, 9, 536-547. figs. 1894.2 Selachians, ganoids and teleosts. Rabot, Rapport sur l'6tablisse- ment de pisciculture de Maintenon, les proc6des qui y sont suivis et leurs re"- sultats pratiques. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Seine-et-Oise 1857-61 (1861), 1, 50-70. 1861.1 Rabuteau, Antoine Pierre Athanase, & Pap ill on, Fernand. Observations sur quelques liquides de 1'organisme des poissons, des crustaces et des ccphalo- podes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 77, 135-138. Abstract in Journ. Anat. Physiol., Paris, 11, 212-215. 1873.1 Observations touchant 1' action de certain es substances toxiques sur les poissons de mer. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 77, 1370-1373. 1873.2 - Recherches sur quelques points de 1' anatomic et de la physiologic des poissons et des crustaces, faites au laboratoire de Concarneau. Moniteur Scient,, 1874, 16, 67-70. 1874.1 Rachow, Arthur. Barbus campta- canthus Bleeker, ein neuer Aquarienfisch aus Afrika. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kimde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 589-591. fig. 1910.1 Gasteropelecus fasciatus Garman. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 273-274. fig. 1910.2 - Nannostomus eques Steindach- ner. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 653-655. 2 figs. 1910.3 - PoBcilia amazonica Garman. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 429-430. fig. 1910.4 Prochilodus binotatus Schom- burgk. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 373-374. fig. 1910.5 - Rosboides microlepis Reinhardt. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 497-498. fig. 1910.6 Tetragonopterus oceUifer Stein- dachner. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 485-487. fig. 1910.7 Xiphophorus brevis Regan. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 553-554. fig. 1910.8 - Zwei neue sudamerikanische Characiniden (Leporinus melanopleura Giinth. und L. chalcinus sp.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 721-723. 2 figs. 1910.9 Barbus fasdolatus Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 181-182. fig. 1911.1 - Danio malabaricus Jerdon. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 122-124. fig. 1911.2 Eutropius niloticus Riippell. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 805-806. fig. 1911.3 Fundulus sjostedti Lonnberg. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 101-103. fig. 1911.4 Gambusia episcopi Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 527-529. fig. 1911.5 - Myletes maculatus Kner. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 74-76. fig. 1911.6 - Neolebias unifasciatus Stein- dachner. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 219-221. fig. 1911.7 Ein neuer Xiphophorus (X. ra- chovii Regan) nebst Bemerkungen iiber Xiphophorus strigatus Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 653-655. 2 figs. 1911.8 - Eine Nomenklaturfrage (Chiro- don naltereri Stein.) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 597. 1911.9 - Paragoniates microlepis Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 461^63. 2 figs. 1911.10 Poecilobrycon unifasciatus Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 365-367. fig. 1911.11 Pyrrhulina semifasciata Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 119-121. 2 figs. 1911.12 300 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAG Rachow, A. Rasbora elegans Volz. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 740-741. fig. 1911.13 - Der " Soldatenfisch," Etheos- toma cceruleum Storer. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 705- 707. fig. 1911.14 TilapiapectoralisPfeffer. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 674-676. fig. 1911.15 Tomeurus gracilis Eigenmann. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 297-299. fig. 1911.16 Ueber Acanthophacelus reticula- tus Pet. (=Poecilia reticulata Pet.) BJatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 445-446. fig. 1911.17 - Ueber Petalosoma amazonum Regan, falschlich Tomeurus gracilis genannt. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 789-790. 2 figs. 1911.18 Chrosomus erythrogaster Rafi- nesque. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 101-103. fig. 1912.1 Cichlosoma coryphcenoides Hec- kel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 659-660. fig. 1912.2 Cichlosoma maculicauda Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 739-740. fig. 1912.3 CrenicichlasaxatilisLiim. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 255-256. fig. 1912.4 Cynolebias melanotcenia Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 803-804. fig. 1912.5 Girardinus formosus Agassiz. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 287-288. fig. 1912.6 Iguanodectes rachovii Regan, eine neue Fischart aus dem Amazonenstrom. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 463-464. fig. 1912.7 Leuciscus vandoisalus Cuv. et Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 611-612. fig. 1912.8 Mimagoniates barberi Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 643-645. fig. 1912.9 - Nachtrag zu Traber's Artikel fiber Haplochilus? senegalensis Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 18-19. 1912.10 Osteoglossum bicirrhosum (0. van- delli) Agassiz. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 645-646. fig. 1912.11 Pseudochalceus multifasciatus Eigenmann & Norris. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 723- 724. pi. 1912.12 Pterophyllum scalar e Cuv. et Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 1-3. fig. 1912.13 - Ueber Barbus fasciolatus und B. semifasciolatus Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 165-166. 2 figs. 1912.14 \JeberGlaridichthyslatidensGaT- man. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 326-327. 1912.15 Weiteres liber Girardinus for- mosus Agassiz. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 612-613. fig. 1912.16 Zur Nomenklatur unserer Zier- fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 824-826. 3 figs. 1912.17 Zur Systematik der Panzerwelse (Corydoras) Blatt. Aquar. - Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 660-663. 2 figs. 1912.18 - Zur Systematik der " Salmler "- Gattungen Chalceus, Copeina, Pogqno- charax und Pyrrhulina, nebst einer Beschreibung einer neuen Pyrrhulina- Art (Pyrrhulina vittata Regan) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 708-711. 2 figs. 1912.19 Agonostomus monticola Bancroft. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 434^36. fig. 1913.1 Characidium (Jobertina) rachovii Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 113-115. fig. 1913.2 Chilodus punctatus Miiller und Troschel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 225-226. fig. 1913.3 Cichla ocellaris Bloch u. Schnei- der, und Geophagus acuticeps Heckel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 481^83. 2 figs. 1913.4 Corydorus macropterus Regan und Stegophilus maculatus Steind. Blatt. RAD BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 301 Vquur.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 97-99. 2 figs. 1913.5 Crenicichla nolophthalmus Re- gan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 385-387. fig. 1913.6 Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 633-636. figs. 1914.3 - Neue Fische aus Singapore. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 73-77. figs. 1914.4 - Cyprinodon (Lebias) fascialus Notropis metallicus Jordan und Meek. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 345-346. fig. 1914.5 Valenciennes. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 145-146. fig. Dormitalor latifrons Richardson. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 369-370. fig. 1913.8 Doryichthys lineatus Kaup. Blatt, Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 177-179. fig. 1913.9 Girardinus pleurospilus Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 750-751. fig. 1913.10 - Hydrocynus maculatus Cuv. et Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 321-322. fig. 1913.11 - Neueingefiihrte Characiniden. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 65-67; 81-82. 5 figs. 1913.12 - Poecilobrycon trifasciatus Stein- dachner. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 195-196. fig. 1913.13 - Serrasalmo rhombeus Linn. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 745-747. fig. 1913.14 - Ueber die Zahnkarpfengat- tungen Fitzroyia (Giinther) Tomeurus (Eigenmann) und Petalurichthys (Re- gan) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 777-781. 5 figs. 1913.15 - Ueber die Zahnkarpfengattung Xiphophorus (Heckel) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 257- 262. 5 figs. 1913.16 - Zur Nomenklatur unserer Zier- fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 713-714. fig. 1913.17 Acestrorhynchus microlepis Schomburgk und Ceratochanes affinis Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 2,5-27. 2 figs. 1914.1 - Atherinichthys bonariensis Cuv. et Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 649-650. fig. 1914.2 - Cichlosoma urophthalmus Giin- ther, Cichlosoma aureum Giinther und Cichlosoma friedrichsthali Heckel . Blatt . - Plecostomus rachovii Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 241-243. fig. 1914.6 - Ueber Bella pugnax Cantor. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 508-510. fig. 1914.7 - Ueber Jordanellafloridce Goode und Bean. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 523-524. 1914.8 - Ueber die Salmlergattung Characidium Reinhardt. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 2-5. figs. 1914.9 - Zur Nomenklatur unserer vivi- paren Zahnkarpfen (Pceciliinse) nebst Bemerkungen iiber einige neue Arten. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 185-199. 22 figs. 1914.10 Rachow, Arthur, & Mayer, F. See Mayer & Rachow. Racket, T. Description of the Esox saurus. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1804, 7, 60. 1804.1 Racovitza, Emile G. Observation sur un bane d'anchois (Engraulis encrasicho- lus L.) rencontrS pres de Tile Cabrera (Baleares) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1905, 29, 211-218. 1905.1 Racovitza, Emile G., & Boutan, L. See Boutan & Racovitza. Radcliffe, Lewis [1880] Notes on some fishes of the genus Amia, family of Cheilodipteridae, with descriptions of four new species from the Philippine islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 41, 245-261. 5 pis. & 3 figs. - Descriptions of fifteen new fishes of the family CheilodipterioX from the Philippine islands and contiguous waters. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 41, 431- 446. 5 pis. 1912.1 _ New pediculate fishes from the Philippine islands and contiguous waters. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 42, 199- 214. 12 pis. 1912-2 302 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAD Radcliffe, L. Notes on pond-culture in the Philippines. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 289-293. 1912.3 - Descriptions of a new family, two new genera, and twenty-nine new species of anacanthine fishes from the Philippine islands and contiguous waters. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1913, 43, 105- 140. 10 pis. & 11 figs. 1913.1 Families represented are theGadidse, Macrour- idse, Macrouroididse (nov.) and Ateleopodidse. The new forms are described jointly with Hugh M. Smith. - Descriptions of seven new genera and thirty-one new species of fishes of the families Brotulidse and Carapidse from the Philippine islands and the Dutch East Indies. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1913, 44, 135-176. 11 pis. 1913.2 A hybrid centrarchid. Copeia, 1914, no. 7, 2-4. 1914.1 Chcenobryttus gulosus X Lepomis gibbosus. - The work of the U. S. Fisheries Marine Biological Station at Beaufort, N. C., during 1913. Science, 1914, n. s. 40, 413-417. 1914.2 Fishes of the region. A note on a drawing of Caranx bartholomcei Cuvier et Valenciennes. Copeia, 1915, no. 14, 3-4. 1915.1 The sharks and rays of Beau- fort, North Carolina. Bull. Bur. Fish- eries, 1916, 34, doc. no. 822, 241-284. 17 pis. 1916.1 - Description of a new goby, Garmannia spongicola, from North Caro- lina. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1917, 52, 423-425. fig. 1917.1 Radcliffe, Lewis, & Evermann, Barton Warren. See Evermann & Rad- cliffe. Radcliffe, Lewis, & Kendall, William Converse. See Kendall & Radcliffe. Radcliffe, Lewis, & Smith, Hugh McCormick. See Smith & Radcliffe. Radcliffe, Lewis, & Welsh, W. W. Description of a new darter from Mary- land. Bull. Bur. Fisheries 1912 (1913), 32, 29-32. pi. 1913.1 A list of the fishes of the Seneca creek, Montgomery county, Maryland region. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1916, 29, 39-46. 1916.1 Radde, Gustav Ferdinand Richard [1831-1903] Die Fauna und Flora des siidwestlichen Caspi-Gebietes. Wissen- schaftliche Beitrage zu den Reisen an der persisch-russischen Grenze, etc. Leipzig, 1886. viii, 425 p. 3 pis. 8. 1886.1 Pisces, von G. Radde. - Die Sammlungen des kauka- sischen Museums. I. Zoologie. Tiflis, 1899. 520 p. 24 pis. 4. 1899.1 Radermacher, /. C. M. Beschrij- ving van eenige Japansche visschen en andere zee-schepselen door M. Hout- tuyn, verzameld door C. Thunberg. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 1782, 20, 311-320. Also separate; Haarlem, 1782. 8. 1782.1 Radl, Em. Zur Morphologic des Sehzentren der Knochenfische. Mor- phol. Jahrb., 1915, 49, 509-535. 14 figs. 1915.1 Asymmetrischer Bau. Charakteristische Ver- teilung der Nervenbahnen. Nervenfibrillen- kaskaden innerhalb der Sehzentren. Radloff, Frederic Wilhelm. Beskrif- ning ofver Aland. Abo, 1795. 260 p. 8. 1795.1 Beskrifning ofver norra delen af Stockholms Ian. Upsala, 1805. 286- p. 8. 1805.1 Pisces, p. 247-248. Radziszewski, Bronislas [1838 J Ueber die Phosphorescenz der organi- schen und organisierten Korper. Ann. Chemie (Liebig), 1880, 203. 1880.1 Rae, John [1813-1893] Narrative of an expedition to the shores of the Arctic sea in 1846 and 1847. London, 1850. viii, 247 p. illust. 8. 1850.1 Mammalia and fishes, by J. E. Gray. Raettig, A. Ein Albino unter den Aalen. Arch. Ver. Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg, 1879, 32. Jahrg., 122-123. 1879.1 Rauber, H., & Kossmann, Robby August. See Kossmann & Rauber. Raff, Janet, & Morris, Ethel Remfrey. See Morris & Raff. Raffaele, Federico [Two preliminary notes on the ova and larvae of Teleostei] Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1887, 1, 53-58; 83-84. 1887.1 Le uova galleggianti e le larve dei teleostei nel golfo di Napoli. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1888, 8, 1-84. 5 pis. 1888.1 RAF BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 303 - Note intorno alle specie mediter- ranee del genere Scopelus. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1889, 9, 179-186. pi. 1889.1 Sullo spostamento postembri- onale della cavita addominale nei teleostei. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1889, 9, 305-329. 2 pis. 1889.2 - Ricerche sullo syiluppo del sis- tema vascolare nei selacei. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1891, 10, 441-479. 3 pis. 1891.1 Osservazioni sul fogliettp epider- micp superficiale degli embrioni dei pesci ossei. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1895, 12, 169-207. pi. 1895.1 - Upva di Scombresox, di Exo- coetus e di Crystallogobius. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1895, 8, 127-130. 1895.2 Osservazioni intorno al sincizip perilecitico delle uova dei teleostei. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1899, 12, 33-69. pi. 1899.1 - Per la genesi dei nervi da catene cellulari. Anat. Anz., 1900, 18, 337-344. 53. 1900.1 - Dubbi sulF esistenza del meso- derma gastrale. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1901, 12, 221. 1901.1 Raffelt, R. Ueber einen Fund von 19 Zahnen vom Ptychodus latissimus Agassiz in einer Planerkalkgrube in Settenz bei Teplitz. Verh. Geol. Reich- sanst. Wien, 1877, 279-282. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1879, 213. 1877.1 Rafinesque-Schmaltz, Constantine Samuel [1783-1840] For biography and list of writings, see Call, R. E. The life and writings of Rafinesque. Louisville, 1895. 4. Also Call's edition of Rafinesque's Ichthyologia Ohioensis. Cleveland, 1899. 175 p. 8. A review of Rafinesque's memoirs on North American fishes, by D. S. Jordan, is published in Bull. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1877, no. 9, 1-53. Caratteri di alcuni nupvi generi e nuove specie di animali [principalmente di pesci] e piante della Sicilia, con varie Osservazioni sopra i medisimi. Palermo, 1810. 105 p. 20 pis. 8. 1810.1 Review in Isis (Oken), 1810, 5, 534. Indice d'ittiologia siciliana; pssia, catalogp metpdico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia: disposti secondo un metodo naturale e seguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione di alcuni nuovi pesci siciliani. Messina, 1810. 70 p. 2 pis. 4. 1810.2 - Precis des d6couvertes et tra- vaux somiologiques de Mr. C. S. Ra- finesque-Schmaltz entre 1800 et 1814; ou choix raisonn6 de ses principales de*couvertes en zoologie et en botamque, pour servir d' introduction & ses ouvrages futurs. Palerme, 1814. 55 p. 12. 1814.1 Contains descriptions of a few American spe- cies of freshwater fishes, among them being Perca americana Schranck. - Principes fondamentaux de somiologie, ou les Ipix de la nomenclature et de la classification de 1' empire orga- nique ou des animaux et des v6ge"taux, contenant les regies essentielles de Tart, de leur imposer des noms immuables et de les classer me"thodiquement. Palerme, 1814. 50 p. 8. 1814.2 Specchip delle scienze, o gior- nale enciclopedico di Sicilia, deppsitp letterario delle moderne cogmzioni, scoperte ed osservazione sopra le scienze ed arte, etc. 2 vols. in 1. Palermo, 1814. 216 p. 2 pis. 8. 1814.3 Descrizione di un nuovo genere di peace, Leptopus peregrinus, vol. i, p. 16-17. Descrizione di un nuovo genere di peace siciliano, Nemochirus, vol. ii, p. 100-102. Oaservazioni sopra le migrazioni dei peaci, vol, iii, p. 97-100. Analyse de la nature, ou tableau de 1'univers et des corps organises. Palerme, 1815. 224 p. 8. 1815.1 - Dissertation on water-snakes, sea-snakes and sea-serpents. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1817, 1, no. 6, 431-435. Notice in Philos. Mag. Journ., 1819, 63, 411^12. 1817.1 This paper describes Anguilla gigas, an im- aginary form. - First decade of new North American fishes. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1817, 2, no. 2, 120-121. 1817.2 Descriptions are given of two speciea of Bodianus, five of Cyprinua and one each of Anguilla and Salmo. - Description of three new genera of fluviatile fish, Pomoxis, Sarchirus and Exoglossum. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1818, n. s. 1, 417^22. pi. 1818.1 - Description of two new genera of North American fishes, Opsanus and Notropis. Amer. Monthly Mag. Crit. Rev., New York, 1818, 2, no. 3, 203-204. 1818.2 304 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAF Rafinesque-Schmaltz, C. S. Discoveries in natural history made during a journey through the western region of the United States. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1818, 3, no. 5, 354-356. Ibid., 4, no. 1, 39^2. 1818.3 In the first of these papers, provisional names are instituted for thirteen genera and twenty- six species. Two new species of Silurus are also described. In the second, the following new- genera and species are described: Pomoxis annularis, Noturus flatus and Sarchirus vittatus. General account of the discover- ies made in the zoology of the western states in 1818. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1818, 4, no. 2, 107. 1818.4 Introduction to the ichthyology of the United States. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1818, 2, no. 3, 202-203. 1818.5 Museum of natural history. Further discoveries in natural history made during a journey through the western region of the United States. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1818, 3, no. 6, 445-447. 1818.6 - Second decade of new North American fishes. Amer. Monthly Mag. Grit. Rev., New York, 1818, 2, no. 3, 204-206. 1818.7 Two species of Perca, and one each of Sparus and Petromyzon are described. - Description of a new genus of North American freshwater fish, Exo- glossum. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1819, 1, 155-156. Isis (Oken), 1819, 10, 1038. 1819.1 - Natural history of the fishes of the Ohio river and its tributary streams. Western Rev. & Misc. Mag., 1819, 1, 305-313. 1819.2 - Prodrome de 70 nouveaux genres d'animaux decouverts dans 1'inte'rieur des Etats-Unis d'Ame>ique durant Tan- nee 1818. Journ. Physique, Paris, 1819, 88, 417-429. 1819.3 Abstract in Isis, Litterarischer Anzeiger, Leipzig, 1820, 236-244. This paper has notice of fifteen genera, and adds seventeen new species. Noturus luteus and Pilodictis limosus, gen. et sp. nov. are described. - Description of the silures or catfishes of the river Ohio. Quart. Journ. Sci. Lit. Arts, Roy. Inst. London, 1820, 9, 48-52. 1820.1 A number of new species and varieties of Silurus are described. - Ichthyologia Ohiensis, or natural history of the fishes inhabiting the river Ohio and its tributary streams, preceded by a physical description of the Ohio and its branches. Lexington, Kentucky, 1820. 90 p. 8. 1820.2 Originally printed in the Western Review and Miscellaneous Magazine, Lexington, Kentucky, 1819-20. A verbatim et literatim reprint of the original, with a sketch of the life, the ichthyologic work, and the ichthyologic bibliography of Rafinesque was published by Richard Ellsworth Call at Cleveland, 1899. It contains redescrip- tions of all the species previously indicated by the author, thirteen in number. The name Silurus argentinus is changed to Pimelodus argyprus, and the genus Pimelodus is divided into a number of subgenera and sections. - Remarques sur quelques erreurs ichthyologiques. Ann. Gen. Sci. Phys. Nat., Bruxelles, 1820, 6, 369. 1820.3 Enumeration and account of some remarkable natural objects in the cabinet of Professor R,afinesque, in Philadelphia, being animals, shells, plants and fossils, collected by him in North America, between 1816-1831. By C. S. Rafinesque, Professor of historical and natural sciences. Philadelphia, 1831. 9 pis. 1831.1 A manuscript copy of this work exists in the library of Harvard University. - (editor} Atlantic Journal and friend of knowledge; a cyclopedic journal and review of universal science and knowledge, etc. [edited by] C. S. Rafinesque. Philadelphia, 1832. 1832.1 Fishes of the United States, no. 4, p. 141-142. Raggi, G. A. Pesca dei tonni a Favignana. Rivist. Maritima, Roma, 1894, fasc. di novembre. 12 p. 3 pis. & map. 1894.1 Raggi, Luigi. L'aringa e la sua pesca. Schema di una conferenza tenuta il 17 novembre 1903. Rivist. Ital. Sci. Nat., 1904, 24. anno, 132-135; 145-147. Ibid., 1905, 25. anno, 18-23. 1904.1 Ragsdale, G. H. Speckled trout in Tennessee. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 85. 1876.1 Raiha, Onkivesi sasom fiske- vatten. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 166-175. 1893.1 Railliet, A. La maladie des bar- beaux de la Marne. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. France, 1890, 2, 117. 1890.1 Raincourt, - -de. Sur des osse- ments de poissons trouvees a Ormoy, pres Etampes. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1870, 2. ser. 27, 630-631. 1870.1 Undetermined fragments. RAM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 305 Raj, B. S. Note on the breeding of Chiloscyllium griseum Mull. & Henle. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 1914, 10, 318- 319. 1914.1 - Note on Trygon kuhlii. Rec. Ind. Mus. Calcutta, 1914, 10, 317-318. 1914.2 Ramage, John. Account of a stickle- back which was found with a leech alive in its intestines, June 1818. Edinburgh Journ. Sci., 1825, 3, 74-75. 1825.1 - On the food of the stickleback (Gastcrosteus aculeatus] Ann. Phil., 1826, 28, 173. Isis (Oken), 6, 501. 1826.1 Ramble, R. Book of fishes. Phila- delphia tn. d.i 8. Not seen; title from Bosgoed's Bibliotheca Ichthyologies. Haarlem, 1874. Ramel, P. Heureuse arrivee en Australia des osufs de saumon conserve's dans la glace. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1864, 2. ser. 1, 440-442. 1864.1 - Note sur le Murray codfish (Oligonts macquariensis] Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1868, 2. ser. 6, 13-16. 1868.1 Ramelet, J. L'etablissement de pisciculture de Neuvon (Cote-d'Or) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1896, 43, 16-21. pi. 1896.1 Ramisch, F. H. Naturgeschichte des Thierreiches fur Anfanger, fortge- setzt von Karl Borziwog Presl und H. M. Schmidt-Gobel. 3 vols. Prag, 1835-44. illust. 1835.1 Fische, Bd. ii. Ramis y Ramis, D. Juan. Specimen animalium, vegetabilium et mineralium in insula Minorca frequentiorum, ad normam Linneani systematis exaratum. Magone, Balearium, execudebat Petrus. Antonius Serra, 1814. 1814.1 Ramon de la Sagra. See Sagra, Ramon de la. Ramon y Cajal, Pedro. Los cor- pusculos neryiosos de axon corto 6 celulas sensitivas de Golgi en los verte- brados inferiores. Rev. Trim. Microgr., 1897,2,29-32. fig. 1897.1 - El lobulo optico de los peces (teleosteos) Rev. Trim. Microgr., 1899, 4, 87-107. 4 figs. 1899.1 Ramon y Cajal, Santiago. Nota sobre la estructura de los tubos nerviosos del lobulo cerebral e!6ctrico del torpedo. Rev. Trim. Histol., 1888, anno 1. 1SSS.1 - La retina de los teletfsteos y algunas observaci6nes sobre la de los vertebrados superiores. Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1892, 2. ser. 1, 281-305. figs. 1892.1 Die Retina der Wirbeltiere. Uebersetzt von R. Greef. Wiesbaden, 1894. 1894.1 Notas preventivas sobre la estructura del encphalo de los tele- 6steos. Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1894, 2. ser. 13, 93-99. 1894.2 Sobre la fagocitosis de las plaquetas de los vertebrados inferiores. Anal. Soc. Espafiola Hist. Nat., 1896, 2. ser. 15, 5-12. 2 figs. Abstracts in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1897, 23. Rev. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1. afio, 17-18. 1896.1 - Textura del sistema nerviosa del hombre y de los vertebrados. 2 vols. Madrid, 1899-1904. Vol. i, 1899. xi, 566 p. 206 figs. Vol. ii, 1904. 1209 p. 680 figs. 1899.1 Ramorino, Giovanni. Sopra tre pic- coli Chironectes, trovati nel golfo di Geneva . Arch . Zool . (Canestrini) , 186 1 , 249-258. 1861.1 Ramsay, Edward Pierson [Remarks on Ceratodus forsteri] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1871, 7-8. 1871.1 Marine animals in fresh water. Forest & Stream, 1874, 2, 389. 1874.1 Notes on the habits of some liv- ing Ceratodi in the Australian Museum, Sydney. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1876, 698-699. 1876.1 - Description of a parasitic Syn- gnathus (S. intestinalis, n. sp.i Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 5, 494-495. 1881.1 - Description of two new species of Australian fishes iSolea macleayana, Latella grandis] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 6, 462-463. 1881.2 Notes on Galeocerdo rayneri, with a list of other sharks taken in Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 5, 95-97. 1881.3 Notes on Histiophorus gladius. Proc. Linn. S*c. New South Walee, 1881, 5, 295-297. 1881.4 306 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAM Eamsay, E. P. - On a new species of Regalecue [R. jacksonensis] from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 5, 631-633. 1881.5 On a rare species of perch [Anthias longimanus Giinther] from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1881, 6, 294-295. 1881.6 - Description of a new labroid fish of the genus Novacula [N. jack- sonensis] from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1882, 6, 198-199. 1882.1 - Description of a new species of Hemeroccetes [H. haswelli] from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1882, 6, 575. 1882.2 - Catalogue of the exhibits in the New South Wales court [International Fisheries Exhibition] London, 1883. 56 p. 8. 1883.1 - Notes on Apogon guntheri of Castelnau, and descriptions of two new fishes from New South Wales [Syn- gnathus cinctus, Solea fluviatilis] Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1883, 7, 110-112. 1883.2 - Notes on the food fishes and edible mollusca of New South Wales, etc. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 5, pt. 8. 1883.3 Description of some new Aus- tralian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1884, 8, 177-179. 1884.1 The forms described are: Saurida ferox, Batrachus punctatulus, Genyoroge macleayana, Percis coxii. Ramsay, Edward Pierson, & Ogilby, J. D. Descriptions of new or rare Aus- tralian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1885, 10, 575-579. 1885.1 A contribution to the knowledge of the fish-fauna of New Guinea. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1886, 2. ser. 1, 8-20. 1886.1 Descriptions of new Australian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 241-243: 561- 564. '1888.1 Descriptions of two new fishes [Tripterygium annulatum, Congromu- rcena longicauda] from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 1021-1023. 1888.2 - Note in correction of certain errors in previous papers. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 1024. 1888.3 - Notes on the genera of Austra- lian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 181-184. 1888.4 - On a new genus and species of labroid fish from Port Jackson. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 631-634. 1888.5 On an undescribed shark [Carcharias macrurus] from Port Jack- son. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1888, 2. ser. 2, 163-164. 1888.6 Descriptions of two new Aus- tralian fishes. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1889, 2. ser. 3, 1310- 1312. 1889.1 Ramsay, Wilhelm. Finlands geo- logiska utveckling fran istiderna intill vara dagar. Skrifter Sv. Folksk. Vann., 1896, 36, 1-93. 50 figs. Also separate: Helsingfors, 1900. 94 p. 8. 1896.1 Ramsbottom, Robert Clitheroe. The salmon and its artificial propagation. London & Manchester, 1854. 69 p. 3 pis. 8. 1854.1 Ramsey, Earl E. The cold-blooded vertebrates of Winona lake and vicin- ity. Proc. Indiana Acad. Sci., 1900 218-224. fig. 1900.1 - The optic lobes and optic tracts of Amblyopsis spelceus Dekay. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1901, 11, 40-47. 2 pis. 1901.1 The brain of Amblyopsis (In Eigenmann, Carl H. Cave vertebrates of America, p. 106-108. fig. 34. Car- negie Inst. Washington, Pub. no. 104. 1909) 1909.1 Ramstedt, C. 0. Om den galvaniska induktionsstrommens inverkan pa fis- karnes farg. Oefvers. Finsk Vetensk. Soc. Forh., 1872, 14, 6-7. 1872.1 Rand, Herbert Wilbur [1872] The skate as a subject for classes in com- parative anatomy; injection methods. Amer. Naturalist, 1905, 39, 365-379. fig. 1905.1 The functions of the spiracle of the skate. Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 41, 287-302. 1907.1 RAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 307 Rand, Herbert Wilbur, & Ulrich, John L. Posterior connections of the lateral vein of the skate. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1905, 39, 349-364. 5 figs. 1905.1 Randelin, Oskar. Om fiskafveln i Kuusanio. Sporten, 1885, 5. ser. 1, 38. 1885.1 Randolph, P. B. The mating hab- its of viviparous fishes [of California] Amer. Naturalist, 1898, 32, 305. 1898.1 Rangifer (pseudon.) St. John and the upper Saguenay. Forest & Stream, 1880, 13, 964-965. 1880.1 Ransom, W. B., & Thompson, D'Arcy W. On the spinal and visceral nerves of Cyclostomata. Zool. Anz., 1886, 9, 421-426. 1886.1 Ransom, W. H. On the impregna- tion of the ovum in the stickleback. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1854, 7, 168- 172. 1854.1 - Observations on the structure of the ova of fishes, with especial refer- ence to the micropyle and the phenom- ena of their fecundation. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 25. meet., 1855, pt. 2, 131. 1855.1 - On the nest of the ten-spined stickleback [Gasterosteus pungitius] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 449- 451. 1865.1 - On purifying the water for the purpose of fish-hatching. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 77-78. 1866.1 On the spawn of the perch. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 17, 79. 1866.2 Observations on the ovum of osseous fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc* London, 1867, 157, pt. 2, 431-501. 4 pis. Abstracts in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1867, 15, 226-229. figs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 249-251. 1867.1 On the conditions of the pro- toplasmic movements in the eggs of osseous fishes. Journ. Anat., 1867, 1, 237-245. 1867.2 On the structure and growth of the ovarian ovum in Gasterosteus leiurus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1867, n. s. 7, 1-4. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 36. meet. 1866, 77. 1867.3 Rantaniemi, /Y/.-/.V/ A ,1^0. Vaha- sen elamasta akvaarioissa. Luonnon Ystava, 1897, 1, 97-101. 1897.1 Rantoul, Robert S. The codfish in Massachusetts history. Proc. Essex Inst. 1866-67 (1868), 6, 67. 1868.1 Printed in the Historical Collections, vol. viii. Ranvier, Louis Antoine [1835] Des e"tranglements annulaires et des seg- ments interannulaires chez les raies et les torpilles. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1872, 76, 1129-1132. 1872.1 Distribution of nerves in the electric piles of Torpedo. - Proprie'te's et structures, diffe*- rentes des muscles rouges et des muscles blancs, chez les lapins et chez les raies. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 77, 1030- 1034. 1873.1 Note sur les muscles de la nageoire dorsale de 1'hippocampe. Arch. Physiol., 1874, 2. se>. 1, 16-18. figs. - Trav. Labor. Histol. Ecole Prat. Hautes-Etudes, 1874, 12-14. 1874.1 Sur les terminaisons nerveuses dans les lames electriques de la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1875, 81, 1276- 1278. Bull Hebd. Assoc. Sci. France, 1875, 17, 251-253. 1875.1 Sur 1'organe electrique de la torpille. Journ. Microgr., 1877, 1, 12-22; 50-57; 93-100; 139-142; 182- 185; 227-232; 319-322. fig. 1877.1 Ranzani, Camilla [1775-1841] De- scrizione di un pesce, che appartieiie ad un nuovo genere della famiglia dei Tenioidi di Cuvier (Epidesmus maculatus] Opusc. Scient. Bologna, 1818, 2, 133- 137. 1818.1 Element! di zoologia. 3 vols. Bologna, 1819-26. illust. 8. 1819.1 - [Di parecchie nuove specie di pesci da lui trovati nella collezione zoologica dell' Universitai Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1838, 1, 431-434. 1838.1 - Dispositio familiae Molarum in genera et in species. Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bonon., 1839, 3, 63-82. 1839.1 - De no vis speciebus piscium ; dis- sertationes quatuor. Novi Comment. Acad. Sci. Inst. Bonon., 1840, 4, 65- 84. Ibid., 5, 3-22; 307-338; 339-366. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1838, 1, 431-432. Ibid., 1841, 6, 60-66. Ibid., 1841, 6, 367-370; 443-444. 1840.1 308 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAN Ranzani, C. - Memoria intorno diverse nuove specie di pesci. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1840, 3, 291-294. 1840.2 The following-named new species are de- scribed: Monacanthus pullatus, M. varius, Hip- poglossus brasiliensis, H. intermedius, Sycium micrurum. Rapp, Wilhelm Ludwig von [1794- 1868] Ueber einen neuen Aal vom Cap, Murcena macrocephala. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1849, 4, 142. 1849.1 - Ueber einige Fische des Boden- sees. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1853, 9, 33. 1853.1 - Die Fische des Bodensees un- tersucht und beschrieben. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1854, 10, 137-175. 6 pis. Ibid., 11, 33-38. Also separate; Stuttgart, 1854. 38 p. 1854.1 Rasch, Halvor Heyerdahl [c. 1805- 1883] Naturhistoriske notitser fra en reise, foretagen in sommeren 1833. Mag. Naturv. Christiania, 1836, 12. 1836.1 Om den kunstige fiskeformerelse m. V. tillsegshef te til tidsskrif tet " Folke- vennen." Christiania, 1852. 8. 1852.1 Om vigtigheden af en energisk drift og omhyggelig skjotsel af udklaek- ningsapparater for kunstig befrugtede laxerogn. Morgenbladet, Christiania, 1867, no. 35. 1867.1 - Resultatet af nogle af ham an- stillede bastarderingsfors0g mellem for- skjellige arter af 0rretartede fiske. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania 1866 (1867), 326-327. 1867.2 - Beskrivelse af to i 1869 in- drettede saltvandsparke i det sydlige Norge. Norsk Landmandsbog, Chris- tiania, 1869, 63-86. 1869.1 - Om Zeusfaber. Forh. Vidensk. Selsk. Christiania 1870 (1871), 500- 502. 1871.1 - Driftsplan for saltvandsparken hundebund. Christiania, 1872. 8. 1872.1 - Er sagflisen en saa vaesentlig hindring for laxens opgang i vore elve, som man i almindelighed antager? Medd. Norsk Jaeger & Fisker-Forening, Christiania, 1873, 2. Jahrg., 56-58. 1873.1 - Is sawdust as serious an obstacle to the ascent of salmon in our rivers as is generally maintained?. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 517-518. 1880.1 Rasch, Halvor Heyerdahl, Land- mark, A., & Sars, G. 0. Opinions con- cerning the desirability of a hatchery for saltwater fish in Norway. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 146-150. 1885.1 Raschke, W. Tafeln einheimischer Siisswasser- und Seefische. Annaberg, 1907. 2 pis. 1907.1 - Naturgeschichtliche Tafeln. No. 6. Tafel der Seefische. Annaberg, 1909. 1909.1 Raspail, Xavier. Causes diverses du depeuplement de certaines rivieres. Rev. Scient., 1900, 4. ser. 14, 651-654. 1900.1 Enquete sur les mesures a prendre pour faciliter le passage aux poissons migrateurs. Rev. Scient., 1903, 4. ser. 19, 366-369. 1903.1 Rath, /. J. Gerhard vom. Beitrag zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische des Plattenberges im Canton Glarus. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1859, 11, 108-132. 1859.1 - Glarner Fischversteinerungen. Verb. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westphal., 1859, 16, 41-73. 1859.2 Rathbun, Richard [1852] The littoral marine fauna of Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 116-133. 1880.1 - Descriptions of parasitic Cope- poda [on fish] belonging to the genera Pandarus and Chondracanthus. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1886, 9, 310-324. 7 pis. 1886.1 - (editor} The fishing grounds of North America, etc. (In Goode, G. B. The fisheries and fishery indus- tries of the United States, etc. Wash- ington, 1884-1887. sect. iii. xviii, 238 p. illust.) 1887.1 Report of the division of in- quiry respecting food-fishes and the fishing-grounds. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889-91 (1893), 17, 97-171. 1893.1 - Report of the division of in- quiry respecting food-fishes and the fishing-grounds. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 18, Ixxxviii-cxxii. 1894.1 RAT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 309 - Report upon the inquiry re- specting food-fishes and the fishing- grounds. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 93-118. 1898.1 Annotated list of the described species of parasitic Copepoda (Siphono- stomata) from American waters con- tained in the National Museum. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 7, 483-492. 1902.1 Few species on migratory fishes, Atlantic and Pacific salmon, eel, sturgeon; also one species, LerncBOpoda coregoni (Smith) from the whitefish in lake Superior. Rathbun, Richard, & Collins, J. W. See Collins & Rathbun. Rathke, Jens [1769-1855] I cones rerum naturalium, ou figures enlumin. 10, 7X5- 810. 1873.1 - Quelques considerations sur les causes du de"peuplement de nos rivieres. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1873, 2. ser. 10, 545-559. 1873.2 - Introduction de Torfe en Angle- terre. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. SIT. 1, 422. 1874.1 - Den konstige fiskearls frem- skridt i de nordamerikanske Fristater. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1874, 1, 388- 407. 1874.2 - Les pecheries du Canada. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. se'r. 1, 88- 91. 1874.3 Le saumon du Sacramento. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. se'r. 1, 422^23. 1874.4 - Transport du poisson vivant aux Etats-Unis. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. se'r. 1, 662-663. 1874.5 - Le saumon de Calif ornie (Salmo quinnat Richardson) Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1878, 3. se'r. 6, 19-28. 1878.1 - La truite d'Ame'rique (Salmo fontinalis Rich.) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1878, 3. ser. 6, 445-453. 2 figs. 1878.2 American fish in France. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 5-6. 1879.1 - Rapport sur la pisciculture a 1' exposition universelle de 1878. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1879, 3. scr. 6, 137- 146. fig. 1879.2 The California salmon eggs in Europe. Chicago Field, 1880, 12, 387. 1880.1 Shipment of salmon ova to France in 1878. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 913. 1880.2 La station aquicole de Bou- logne-sur-Mer. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., 1880, 5 novembre. Rapport sur la situation de la pisciculture a l'6tranger d'apres les documents recueillis a 1'Exposition In- ternationale de produits et d'engins de neche de Berlin en 1880. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1881, 3. ser. 8, 449-479. Ibid., 1882, 9, 65-83; 393-416; 505- 528. Ibid., 1883, 10, 289-317; 508- 551; 638-677. 72 figs. 1881.1 312 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAV Raveret-Wattel, C. L'etablissement de pisciculture de Gremaz (Ain) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1882, 3. ser. 9, 591-601. 1882.1 L'etablissement de pisciculture d'Ettelbriick (Grand-duche de Luxem- bourg) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1883, 3. ser. 10, 695-702. 1883.1 Les irrigations au point de vue de la conservation du poisson. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1883, 3. ser. 10, 231-234. 1883.2 Report on the condition of pis- ciculture in foreign countries, from docu- ments collected at the International Fishery Exposition at Berlin, 1880. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 477-489. 1883.3 - Influence de la propagation artificielle du saumon dans le Sacra- mento (Calif ornie) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1884, 4. ser. 1, 998-999. 1884.1 La pisciculture en Pologne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1884, 4. ser. 1, 109-110. 1884.2 Les poissons migrateurs et les e"chelles a saumons. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1884, 4. ser. 1, 14-43; 321-362; 526-556; 636-652. 49 figs. 1884.3 Rapport sur les, expositions in- ternationales de peche d'Edinbourg et de Londres (1882-1883) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1884, 4. ser. 1, 869-895. 12 figs. 1884.4 American fish being acclima- tized in France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 6, 244; 423. 1885.1 Notes on the culture of American salmon in France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 260. 1885.2 - La pisciculture au Japon. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1885, 4. ser. 2, 538-541. 1885.3 - La truite arc-en-ciel, Salmo iridens. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1885, 4. ser. 2, 83-92. 1885.4 L'appareil Chester pour 1' in- cubation artificielle des oeufs de morue a la station aquicole de Woods Hole. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1886, 4. ser. 3, 193-197. 1886.1 - Nouveaux renseignements sur Petablissement de pisciculture de Gremaz (Ain) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1887, 4. se>. 4, no. 5. 1887.1 - Insectes utiles et insectes nuisi- bles a la pisciculture. Bull. Insectologie Agricole, 1889. 1889.1 - L' ombre (Thymallus vexillifer) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1889, 1, 45. 1889.2 - The piscicultural establishment at Gremaz (Ain) France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 207-211. 1889.3 - La pisciculture a 1'Exposition Universelle de 1889. Paris, 1889. 1889.4 Le sandre (Lucioperca sandra) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1889, 1, 125-134. 1889.5 - L'aquiculture marine en Nor- vege. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1890, 37, 147-156; 246-257. 1890.1 - L'&evage et la multiplication du saumon en eau close. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1890, 37, 737-742. 1890.2 Note sur un essai de rempois- sonnement a Geneve, avec des truites d'un an. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1890, 213. 1890.3 Le passe et 1'avenir de la pis- ciculture; coup d'ceil historique sur 1'industrie aquicole. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1891, 38, pt. 2, 264-280. 1891.1 Emploi du sang conserve pour la nourriture de 1'alevin des salmonides. L'Agriculteur, 20 novembre, 1892. 1892.1 - Les insectes au point de vue de la pisciculture. L'Agriculteur, 1892. 1892.2 Une nouvelle echelle a saumons, systeme Hockin. L'Agriculteur, 5 mai, 1893. 1893.1 The past and future of fish-cul- ture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 126-127. 1893.2 - The piscicultural establishment at Gremaz (Ain) France. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1892 (1893), 45-51. 1893.3 Station aquicole du Nid-de- Verdier, a Fecamp, travaux pendant la campagne de 1891-1892. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. PSche, 1893, 5, 159- 164. 1893.4 Une visite a Petablissement de sciculture de Bessemont, pr&s Villers- RAV BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Cotterets (Aisne) vier, 1893. 1/Anriculteur, 5 jan- 1893.5 - La station aquicole du Nid-de- Verdier, gtablissements dcpartomentaux de la Seine infe"rieure. Bull. Soc. Nat. Acclim. Paris, 1894, 41. 1894.1 - Bacs d'alevinage pour salmo- nidrs. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1895, 42, 021-624. 1895.1 - L'elevage de la truite arc-en- cicl a la station aquicole de Neosho (Etats-Unis) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1895, 42, 572-576. 4895.2 - L'e"tablissement de pisciculture de Michaelstein (Brunswick) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1895, 7. 1895.3 - Production et emploi de proies vivantes pour la nourriture des poissons. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1895, 42, 303- 305. 1895.4 - Travaux de pisciculture dans le departement de 1'Eure. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1895, 42, 689-692. 1895.5 - L'omble-chevalier (Salmo um- bla) Sa culture en Boheme et dans le Tyrol. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1896, 8, 85-95. fig. 1896.1 - Sur les bacs d'alevinage em- ployes a la station aquicole du Nid-de- Verdier. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1896, 8, 138-142. fig. Ibid., 1899, 11, 37-39. 1896.2 - L'etablissement de pisciculture de Sandfort, pres Osnabriick (Hanovre) Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1897, 9, 29-47. fig. 1897.1 - La pisciculture en Californie. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1898, 10, 97-101. 1898.1 - Atlas de poche des poissons d'eau douce de la France, de la Suisse romande et de la Belgique, avec leur description, mceurs et organisation. Paris, 1900. 167 p. 64 pis. 16. 1900.1 - Sur 1' introduction de la truite d'Europe dans la colonie du Cap. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1903, 50, 343-345. 1903.1 La pisciculture. 2 vols. Paris, 1904-07. 8. 1904.1 Vol. i. Trait6 pratique de 1'elevage industriel du poisson (Salmonides) Paris, 1904. 379 p. 3 pis. & 125 figs. Vol. ii. Le repeuplement des eaux et 1'ex- ploitation des Stangs. Paris, 1907. vi, 508 p. 8. - Sur Taccliinatation de la truite d'Europe dans le sud de 1'Afrique. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1904, 61, 289- 291. 1904.2 - Sur les poissons de 1'Algerie et de la Tunisie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1904, 61, 214-217. 1904.3 - Influence d'une nourriture abon- dante sur la f 6condite* du poisson . Hull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. PSche, 1905, 17, 113-114. 1905.1 - Sur l'61evage de la truite en Danemark. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1906, 18, 35^40. 1906.1 - Sur la pisciculture en Suede et en Norvege. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1906, 62, 83-90. 1906.2 - Une excursion aux pecheries de Commacchio (Italic) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1907, 64, 376-392. 1907.1 Observations regarding the vari- eties of rainbow trout and the time of the spawning of the species. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1907 (1908), 119- 122. 1908.1 - L'elevage du rock-bass. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1910, 67, 465^67. 1910.1 - Le black-bass et son elevage. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1911, 68, 103- 110; 138-147. pi. 1911.1 - L'elevage de la caipe et de divers poissons d'ornement au Japon. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1911, 58, 566-572. 1911.2 Soins a donner a 1'eleyage du sandre. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1912, 69, 553-555. 1912.1 - L'acclimatation du barbeau meridional dans le Sig (Oued Mekerra) Algerie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1913, 60, 361-363. 1913.1 Ce qu'un e"tang a truites peut produire de poisson par metre de super- ficie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris 1 , 1915, 62, 45-47. 1915.1 Nouveaux renseignements sur la pisciculture en riviere. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1915, 62, 336-341. 1915.2 Pisciculture dans 1' Alaska. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1915, 62, 18-22. 1915. i La pisciculture dans les rivieres. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1915, 62, 143- 152. 1915.4 314 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RAV Raveret-Wattel, Casimir, & Bartet, Sur la reproduction du saumon de Calif ornie, a 1' aquarium du Troca- de>o. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1873, 96, 796-797. Abstract in Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 3. ser. 10, 205. 1873.1 Rawitz, Bernhard [1857 ] Ueber den Bau der Spinalganglien. II. Die Gliederung des Organes und verglei- chende Anatomie desselben. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1882, 21, 244-290. 4 pis. Fische, p. 253-265. - Untersuchungen iiber Zellen- theilung. II. Die Theilung der Hoden- zellen und die Spermatogenese bei ScyUium canicula L. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1898, 53, 19-62. pi. 1898.1 Ueber die Blutkorperchen eini- ger Fische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1899, 54, 481-513. 1899.1 Ueber die Blutkorperchen eini- ger Fische. II. Ganoiden und Teleos- tier. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1900, 56, 149- 168. pi. 1900.1 Neue Methoden zur Untersu- chung des Zentralnervensystems der Ver- tebraten. Zeitschr. Wiss. Mikr., 1909, 26, 337-352. pi. 1909.1 Rawlinson, Thomas E. Observa- tions on the sawfish. Trans. Phil. Inst. Victoria, 1858, 2, 146-148. 1858.1 Ray, John [1628-1705] Memorials of J. Ray, edited by E. Lankester. Ray Soc. London, 1846. 220 p. 8. 1846.1 - The correspondence of J. Ray, edited by E. Lankester. Ray Soc. London, 1848. 502 p. 8. 1848.1 Ray, Play card Augustin Fidele. Zqo- logie universelle et portative, ou histoire naturelle de tous les poissons, insectes et vers, ou nommes ou anonymes etc., le tout dispose* selon 1'ordre alphabetique et rapporte a 1'ordre methodique, avec un supplement. Paris, 1788. 4. 1788.1 - The same. 2. ed. Avec un nou- veau supplement. Paris, 1804. xxiv, 710 p. 4. 1804.1 Ray, Robert. Report on the examina- tion of marine deposits in relation to the contents of fishes' stomachs from the Irish sea. 22. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Lab. 1913 (1914), 250-278. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1914, 28, 340-368. 1914.1 Raymond, Memoire sur la topographic medicale de Marseille et de son territoire. Mem. Soc. Roy. Med. Paris, 1777-78, 2. . 1777.1 Contains a carefully revised list of the species of fish found at Marseilles. Raymond, G. M. Histoire des pois- sons (Encyclopedic portative) 2 vols. Paris, 1828. fflust. 16. 1828.1 Raynor, J. Morrison. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 6, 443. 1879.1 Razumovskii, (Count] Grigorii de [ 1837] Histoire naturelle du Jorat et de ses environs; et celle des trois lacs de Neufchatel, Morat et Bienne. 2 vols. Lausanne, 1789. 6 pis. 8. 1789.1 Poissons, vol. i, 125-133. Razzauti, Alberto. Sopra la quis- tione delle cellule epidermiche sensorie sparse dei petromizonti. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat, Proc. Verb., 1911, 20, 3-8. 1911.1 - Sopra la minuta innervazione degli organi a fossetta e dei bottom terminali cutanei dei petromizonti. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1912, 23. anno, 250- 254. 1912.1 Alcune ricerche sopra le termina- zioni nervose motrici nei petromizonti. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1914, 25. anno, 117- 124. 2 pis. 1914.1 Rea, Paul Marshall [1878] Sail- fish. Bull. Charleston Museum, 1909, 5, 61-62; 66. 1909.1 Reach, Felix. Untersuchungen iiber das Verhalten der Fette bei Torpedo wahrend der Graviditat. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1912, 40, 128-137. 1912.1 Reade, Joseph Bancroft [1801-1870] On some new organic remains in the flint of Chalk [fish-scales] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, 2, 191-198. 2 pis. 1839.1 Reading, J. J. Capture of the sword- fish off Plymouth. Zoologist, 1864, 22, 8932. 1864.1 Reck, Hans. Zweite vorlaufige Mit- teilung liber fossile Tier- und Menschen- kunde aus Oldoway in Zentralafrika. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1914, 305-318. fig. 1914.1 Record, William. Testimony in regard to the present condition of the fisheries, taken in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 28-31. 1873.1 RED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 315 Redding, B. B. Letters relating to ihe San Joaqiiin river and its fishes. lirpt. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3. 17M83. 1876.1 Spawning of California salmon. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 11, 198-199. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 155. 1878.1 California fishes. Forest & 1879.1 Stream, 1879, 13,847. - California salmon (Oncorhynchus yin'mint] do not all die after spawning. < 'hicago Field, 1879, 11, 237. ' 1879.2 Curious facts about trout jump- ing from flume into water below. Chi- cago Field, 1879, 11, 404. 1879.3 - Grand success of shad and salmon culture. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 277. 1879.4 - How fish hear. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 705. 1879.5 - Interesting facts [regarding Salmo kennerlyi, etc.] from Washington territory. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 154. 1879.6 - Notes from the Fish Commis- sion. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 364. 1879.7 - Rearing whitefish [Coregonus clupeiformis] in confinement. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 67-68. 1879.8 Redding, Joseph D. Character of the carp introduced by Capt. Henry Robin- son about 1830. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1884, 4, 266-267. 1884.1 Causes of the decrease of sal- mon in the Sacramento river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 57-58. 1889.1 Redeke, Heinrich Carl. Het uro- genitaalsysteem der selachiers en ho- locephalen. Inaug. Dissert. Helder, 1898. 87 p. 2 pis. 8. 1898.1 - Kleine Beitrage zur Anatomic der Plagiostomen. Tijdschr. Nederland. Dierk. Ver., Leiden, 1899, 2. ser. 6, 119- 136. 2 pis. 1899.1 Aanteekneningen over den bouw van het maagdarmslijmvlies der se- lachiers. Tijdschr. Nederland. Dierk. Ver., Leiden, 1900, 2. ser. 6, 284-303. pi. 1900.1 Die sogenannte Bursa entiana der Selachier. Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 146-159. 3 figs. 1900.2 Pyloric cseca in sharks. - Sprot in de haven van wediep en de Heinck'sche methode. Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1900, 7, 177- 190. 1900.3 - Einiges iiber die Prike [Text in Dutch] Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1901, 8, 12-16; 23-30; 43-17. 1901.1 - Friedrich Heinck's onderzoe- kingen over den haring. Album Natuur, 1901. 17 p. 1901.2 - Variationsstatistische Untersu- chungen iiber Fischrassen. Zusammen- fassende Uebersicht. Zool. Centralbl., 1902, 9, 645-670. 1902.1 Over de schol aan onze kust. Jaarb. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1904, 38-50. 1904.1 Pleuronectidse on the Dutch coast. Die hollandischen Versuche mit gezeicheneten Schollen 1903-1905. Verh. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1905, 1, pt. 2, 1-22. 1905.1 Korte beschryving der visch- tuigen bij de Nederlandsche zeevissch- eryen in gebruik. Helder, 1905. 14 p. pi. 8. 1905.2 Die Verbreitung der Scholle an der hollandischen Kiiste. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1905, 3 (Append. H), 1-11. 1905.3 Verslag omtrent onderzoekingen over het voedsel van eenige visschen. Jahrb. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1905, 88-111. 1905.4 - Ueber einige Versuche mit Net- zen. Verh. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Hel- der, 1906, 1, 1-14. 1906.1 Onderzoekingen omtrent de voortplanting en den groei van den kabeljauw en eenige zijner verwanten in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1907, 14, 85-88. 1907.1 - Rapport over onderzoekingen betreffende de visscherij in de Zuiderzee ingesteld in de jaren 1905 en 1906. Gravenhage, 1907. 339 p. 38 pis. 2 maps. 8. 1907.2 - Een nieuwe visch voor de Zuiderzee-fauna. Meded. Vissch., Hel- der, 1908, 16, 57-59. 1908.1 Bericht uber die hollandischen Arbeiten zur Naturgeschichte der Gadi- den in den Jahren 1902 bis 1906. 316 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RED Redeke, H. C. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1909, 10, no. 6, 1-26. 8 figs. 1909.1 i. Verbreitung von Eiern, Jungfische, u. s. w. der Gadiden. ii. Geographische Verbreitung, Wachstum und Wander iing der Gadiden. - Bericht liber die hollandische Schollenfischerei und liber die Natur- geschichte der Scholle in der slidlichen Nordsee. Verb. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1909, 2, 3-63. map. 1909.2 Over eenige uitkomsten van het internationaal onderzoek der zee. Wer- ken Genoots. Bevor. Nat.-Genees- Heelk., Amsterdam, 1909, 2. ser. 6, pt. 2, 105-112. pi. 1909.3 - Ueber den Sprott und die Sprottfischerei in Holland. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1910, 26, 158-183. 1910.1 - Die hollandischen Versuche mit gezeichneten Schollen; zweiter Bericht. Verb. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1911, 3, pt. 1, 1-26. map. 1911.1 Natuurlijke historic onzer zee- visschen, een handleiding ten gebruike bij het visscherijonderwijs. Helder, 1911. 92 p. pi. 8. 1911.2 Visschen verzameld op de toch- ten met de " Wodan " 1902-1911 (In his Bijdragen tot de fauna zuidelijke Noordzee. 9. Jaarb. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1911, 63-85) 1911.3 - Visschen der zuidelijke Noord- zee. Jaarb. Rijksinstit. Onderz. Zee, 1911, 65-86. 1911.4 Op de grens. Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1912, 19, 183-187; 201-207. IW. t 1913, 20, 30-37. 1912.1 Over vischrassen. Meded. Vissch., Helder, 1912, 19,64-69; 84-86; 100-105; 117-122; 140-143. 1912.2 - Ueber den gegenwartigen Stand unserer Kenntnis von den Rassen der wichtigsten Nutzfische. I. Allgemei- ner Teil. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1912, 14, 35. 1912.3 Bijdragen tot de kennis van de teelt der ansjovis in de Zuiderzee. I. De verspreiding der eieren en larven. Verh. Visscherij onderzoek, Haarlem, 1913, 1, 38-57. 1913.1 - Over den tegenwoordigen stand van het schollenvraagstuk in de Noord- zee. Meddel. Vissch., Helder, 1913, 20, 169-174. 1913.2 - Vijf en twintig jaren weten- schappelijk onderzoek in het belang der visscherij. Meddel. Vissch., Helder, 1913, 20, 39-48. 1913.3 - Bydragen tot de kennis van de teelt der ansjovis in de Zuiderzee. 2. Stuk, over den groei der Zuiderzee- ansjovis. Rapp. Verhand, Ryksinst. Onderz. Zee, 1914, 1, 241-266. 4 pis. 1914.1 - De intocht der ansjovis. Med. Vissch. Helder, 1914, 21, 34-38. 1914.2 - De spiering en de spiering- visscherj. Med. Vissch. Helder, 1914, 21, 51-54; 70-74. 1914.3 Nieuwe naamlyst der visschen van Nederland en het aangrenzende Noordzeegebied. Med. Vissch. Helder, 1915, 22, 7-16. 1915.1 Redeke, Heinrich Carl, & Breemen, P. /. van. Die Verbreitung der plankto- nischen Eier und Larven einiger Nutz- fische in der slidlichen Nordsee mit einem Anhang liber die Jungfische der Gadiden. Verh. Rijksinst. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1908, 2, pt. 2, 1-38. 4 pis. 1908.1 Redeke, Heinrich Carl, & Liebert, F. Verslag over de vermoedelijke oorzaak van ziekte en dood van zalmen in Juni 1912 in de Maas bij Maastricht waargenomen. Verh. Visscherij onder- zoek, Haarlem, 1913, 1, 26-30. 1913.1 Redeke, Heinrich Carl, & Tesch, J. J. Ueber die wirtschaf tliche Bedeutung und die Naturgeschichte der Seezunge (Solea vulgaris) Verh. Rijksinstit. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1911, 3, pt. 3, 1-33. 1911.1 Redfern, Peter. On the structure of the otoliths of the cod (Gadus morrhua) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29. meet., 1859, 174-175. 1859.1 Redfield, John Howard [1825-1895] Fossil fishes of Connecticut and Massa- chusetts, with a notice of an undescribed genus. Ann. Lye. Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1837, 4, 35-40. pi. Notice in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1839, 248. 1837.1 The original of Redfield's illustration of Catop- terus gracilis is refigured by C. R. Eastman in State Geol. Nat. Hist. Surv. Conn., 1911, Bull, no. 18, pi. ix. REE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 317 - Report on the fossil fishes of the I'liited States, read before the Associa- tion of American Geologists and Natural- ist s at NYw Haven, Conn., in 1845. 1845.1 This manuscript report was never separately published, but copious extracts from it are con- tained in J. S. Ne\vberry's Kossil fishes and fossil plants of the Triassic rocks of New Jersey and the ( Jonnecticut valley. Monogr. U. S. Geol. Surv., 14, 1-152. Redfield, WiUwmC. [1801-1877] For biographical sketch, see Olmsted, Scientific life and labors of W. C. Red- field. New Haven, 1857. - Fossil fishes in Virginia. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1838, 34, 201. 1838.1 Catoplerus gracilis is mentioned. - Fossil fishes of the [Triassic] Ked Sandstone. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1839, 36, 186-187. 1839.1 Mentions only Catopterus gracilis and an un- described species of " Palseoniscus." - Short notices of American fossil fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1841, 41, 24-28. 1841.1 Five species of Semionotus and four of Catop- terus are described. - Notice of newly discovered fish- bods and a fossil footmark in the Red Sandstone formation of New Jersey. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1843, 44, 134-136. fig. 1843.1 Three species of Semionotus are mentioned. - On the newly-discovered ichthy- olites in the New Red Sandstone of New Jersey. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1846, 4, 23" Phil. Mag., London, 3. ser. 23, 186. 1846.1 On the geological age and affini- ties of the fossil fishes which belong to the sandstone formation of Connecticut, New Jersey, and the coalfield near Rich- mond, in Virginia. Ann. Sci., Cleve- land, Ohio, 1853, 1, 270-271. 1853.1 Abstract of communication made to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. - On the relations of the fossil fishes of the sandstone of Connecticut and other Atlantic states to the Liassic and Jurassic periods. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10. meet., 1856, pt. 2, 180- 188. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1856, 2. ser. 22, 357-363. 1856.1 Redlefgmal, E. Fische- Atlas; un- sere einheimischen und fremdlandischen Fische. Wien, 1909. 93 figs. 12. 1909.1 Redlich, A'. A. Ein Ptychoduszahn (Ptychodut granulosus, n. sp.) in Wiener Sandstein von Hutteldorf . Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1896, 46, 219-224. fig. 1896.1 Redmond, Roland. On rainbow trout reared from eggs brought from California. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 230. 1883.1 Red Spinner, pseudonym for Svin- hafoud, Sigurd. Redtenbacher, , Heckel, Johan Jakob, & Fenzl, Eduard. Sec Fenzl, Heckel A Redtenbacher. Redwood, Theophilus. Eulachon oil. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 262-263. 1880.1 Reed, A. G. Blindness of salmon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1874, 216-217. 1874.1 Reed, C. F. Fish breeding. Trans. Calif. State Agric. Soc. 1868-69 (1870), 28. 1870.1 Reed, Chester A. Goldfish, aquaria, ferneries. Worcester, Mass., 1908. 185 p. illust. 12. 1908.1 Reed, Dwight T. The fisheries of Spain in 1879. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1195-1196, 1885.1 Reed, Edwyn C. Catalogo de los peces Chilenos. Ann. Universidad, 1897. 24 p. 1897.1 See also the faunal lists of Chilean fishes cited under Delfin, F. T., 1898.1, and Porter, C. E., 1909.1, supra. The fisheries in Chile. Chilean Comm. Buffalo Exposition, 1901, 5-25. 1901.1 Reed, Hugh Daniel. The structure of the poison glands of Schilbeodes gyrinus. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Advanc. Sci., 49. meet., 1900, 232-233. Abstract in Science, 1900, n. s. 12, 304. 1900.1 The poison glands of Noturus and Schilbeodes. Amer. Naturalist, 1907,41,553-566. 5 figs. 1907.1 Reed, Hugh Daniel, & Wright, Albert H. The vertebrates of the Cayuga lake basin. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc , 1909, 48, 370^59. 4 pis. 1909.1 Reed, Thomas S. Ocean depths: their contents and surroundings. Proc. Geogr. Soc. Australasia, South Austral. Branch, 1904, 7, 1-15. 3 pis. 1904.1 Contains reference to deep-sea fish-. 318 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REE Reeker, H. Westfalens Tierleben. III. Taderborn, 1892. 1892.1 Zum Gedachtniss und Gehor der Fische. Die Natur, 1898, 47, 248- 249. 1898.1 Lebensalter und Wachstum des Aales. 37. Jahresb. Westfal. Prov.-Ver., 1909, 22-23. 1909.1 Reese, Albert Moore. Lampreys in captivity. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1900, 1, 161-162. Science, n. s. 11, 555. 1900.1 Structure and development of the thyroid gland in Petromyzon. Proc-. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1902, 85-112. 4 pis. 1902.1 The lateral line system of Chimaera colliei. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1910, 9, 349-370. 18 figs. 1910.1 Reeve, Henry Fenwick. The Gambia; its history, etc. A description of the birds, beasts and fishes found therein. London, 1912. 287 p. 8. 1912.1 Reeves, Cora D. The breeding habits of the rainbow darter (Etheostoma cceruleum Storer) a study in sexual selection. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1907, 14, 35-59. 1907.1 Reeves, /. S. K. Description of the fresh and saltwater supply and pumping plants used for the aquarium. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 159-161. 1894.1 3, John [1774-1856] .A history of the law of shipping and navigation. London, 1792. 8. 1792.1 The fisheries, chap. v. - Autograph lists of the water- color drawings of Chinese fish, painted for him by native artists at Macao and Canton in 1828-29 with some lists of the subjects in Chinese, fol. 1828-29. 1828.1 Reeves' complete collection of water-color drawings by native artists is preserved in the library of the British Museum of Natural History. A similar set of water-color drawings on rice-paper, comprising about 250 Chinese fishes, is contained in the Fearing collection of Harvard College library, Cambridge. Reeves, Robert William Gary. On the Irish salmon fisheries. Dublin Quart. Journ. Sci., 1863, 3, 130-142. Journ. Roy. Dublin Soc. 1863-65 (1866), 4, 101-113. 1866.1 Regan, Charles Tate [1878] On the classification of the fishes of the suborder Plectognathi; with notes and descriptions of new species from speci- mens in the British Museum collection. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1902, pt. 2, 284-303. 2 pis. & 4 figs. 1902.1 - On the fishes from the Maldive islands (In Gardiner, J. S. The fauna and geography of the Maldive and Laccadive archipelagoes, vol. i, p. 272- 281. Cambridge, 1902) 1902.2 On the systematic position of Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 278- 281. 1902.3 A revision of the fishes of the family Stromateidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 10, 115-131; 194- 207. 1902.4 Description of a new fish of the genus Chsetostomus from Venezuela. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 599. 1903.1 Description of a new fish of the genus Genypterus, with notes on the allied species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 599-600. 1903.2 Descriptions de poissons nou- veaux faisant partie de la collection du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. Revue Suisse Zool., Geneve, 1903, 11, 413^18. 2 pis. 1903.3 Descriptions of new South American fishes in the collection of the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 621-630. 1903.4 Notes on the genus Synaptura Cantor, with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 56-58. pi. 1903.5 - On a collection of fishes from the Azores. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 344-348. 1903.6 On a collection of fishes made by Dr. Goeldi at Rio Janeiro. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1903, 2, 59-68. 2 pis. 1903.7 On the genus Lichia of Cuvier. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 348-350. 1903.8 - On the skeleton and systematic position of Luvarus imperialis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 372- 374. fig. 1903.9 On the systematic position and classification of the gadoid or anacan- REG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 319 thine fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 459-406. 2 figs. 1903.10 A revision of the fishes of the family Lophiidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 11, 277-285. 1903.11 - A revision of the fishes of the genus Triacanthus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1903, 180-185. 1903.12 Description of a new fish of the genus Chsetodon from the New Hebrides. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 276-277. fig. 1904.1 Descriptions of Holocentrum osculum Poey, and of a new fish of the genus Centropomus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 259-261. 1904.2 Descriptions of new or little- known fishes from Mexico and British Honduras. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 255-259. 1904.3 - Descriptions of three new marine fishes from South Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 128-130. 1904.4 - Descriptions of two new cyprinid fishes from Yunnan Fu. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 416-417. 1904.5 - A monograph of the fishes of the family Loricariidse. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1904, 17, 191-350. 3 pis. 1904.6 On a collection of fishes made by Mr. John Graham at Yunnan Fu. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 190- 194. 1904.7 - On the affinities of the genus Draconetta, with description of a new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 14, 130-131. 1904.8 - The phylogeny of the Teleos- tomi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7. ser. 13, 329-349. pi. & figs. 1904.9 - A collection of fishes made by Dr. H. Gadow in southern Mexico. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 361-363. 1905.1 - Description de six poissons nouveaux faisant partie de la collection du Musee d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. Rev. Suisse Zool., 1905, 13, 389-393. 2 pis. 1905.2 - Description of Acara subocu- laris Cope. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.. 1905, 7. ser. 15, 557-558. l'.M).v;{ - Description of a new fish of the genus Dentex [D. cuninghamii, sp. nov.] from the coast of Angola. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 325. 1905.4 Description of a new loricafiid fish of the genus Xenocara (X. roths- childi, n. sp.] from Venezuela. Novit. Zool., 1905, 12, 242. 1905.5 - Descriptions of five new cyprinid fishes from Lhasa, Tibet, collected by Captain H. J. Walton. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 185-188. 1905.6 - Descriptions of three new fishes from Japan, collected by Mr. R. Gordon Smith. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 363-365. 1905.7 - Descriptions of two new cypri- nid fishes from Tibet. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 300-301. 1905.8 w- [Exhibition of, and remarks upon a series of sketches of fishes of the Rio Negro and its tributaries] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, pt. 1, 189-190. 1905.9 Note on Hexanchus griseus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 571-572. 1905.10 - On a collection of fishes from the inland sea of Japan made by Mr. R. Gordon Smith. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 17-26. 1905.11 On fishes from the Persian gulf, the sea of Oman and Karachi, collected by Mr. F. W. Townsend. Journ. Bom- bay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1905, 16, 318-333. 1905.12 A revision of the fishes of the American cichlid genus Cichlosoma and of the allied genera. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 60-77; 225-243; 316-340; 433^45. 1905.13 A revision of the fishes of the family Galaxiidse. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, 363-384. 4 pis. 1905.14 A revision of the fishes of the South American cichlid genera Acara, Nannacara, Acaropsis and Astronotus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 16, 329-347. 1905.15 320 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REG Regan, C. T. A revision of the fishes of the South American cichlid genera Crena- cara, Batrachops and Crenicichla. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, pt. 1, 152-168. 2 pis. 1905.16 A synopsis of the species of the silurid genera Parexostoma, Chimar- rhichthys and Exostoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 182-185. 1905.17 - The systematic arrangement of the fishes of the genus Arges. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 529- 534. 3 figs. 1905.18 - A classification of the selachian fishes. Proc. Zo'ol. Soc. London, 1906, 722-758. 10 figs. 1906.1 A collection of fishes from the King river, western Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 450- 453. 1906.2 - Description of a new cyprino- dont fish of the genus Jenynsia from Argentina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 154. 1906.3 - Descriptions of five new fresh- water fishes from Sarawak, Borneo, collected by Dr. C. Hose. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 66-68. 1906.4 - Descriptions of new or little- known fishes from the coast of Natal. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., London, 1906, 1, pt. 1, 1-6. 5 pis. 1906.5 - Descriptions of some new sharks in the British Museum collection. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 435- 440. 1906.6 Descriptions of two new cypri- nid fishes from Yunnan Fu, collected by Mr. John Graham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 332-333. 1906.7 - Notes on some loricariid fishes, with descriptions of two new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 94-98. 1906.8 - On the freshwater fishes of the island of Trinidad, based on the collec- tion, notes and sketches made by Mr. Lechmere Guppy, Jr. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, pt. 1, 378-393. 5 pis. 1906.9 - A revision of the fishes of the South American cichlid genera Cichla, Chsetobranchus and Chaetobranchopsis, with notes on the genera of the American Cichlidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 230-239. 1906.11 A revision of the South Amer- ican cichlid genera Retroculus, Geo- phagus, Heterogramma and Biotcecus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 49-66. 1906.12 - Two new cyprinoid fishes from the Helmand basin. Journ. Proc. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, Calcutta, 1906, 2, 8-9. 1906.13 - The vendaces of Lochmaben and of Derwentwater and Bassen- thwaite lakes, Coregonus vandesius and Coregonus gracilior. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 180-182. pi. 1906.14 - Description of a new cyprinid fish of the genus Danio from upper Burma. Records Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1907, 1, 395. 1907.1 - Description of two new characi- nid fishes from South America. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 402- 403. 1907.2 Descriptions of new loricariid fishes from South America. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1907, 795-800. 3 pis. & figs. 1907.3 Descriptions of six new fresh- water fishes from Mexico and Central America. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 19, 258-260. 1907.4 - Descriptions of the teleostean fish Velifer hypselopterus and of a new species of the genus Velifer. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1907, 633-634. 1907.5 - Descriptions of three new fishes from Yunnan, collected by Mr. J. Graham. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 19, 63-64. 1907.6 Descriptions of two new chari- - Pisces (In Godman, F. D., & Salvin, O. Biologia Central- Americana, pt. 193, 1-32. pis. London, 1906) 1906.10 For continuation, see Ibid., pt. 215, London, cinid fishes from Argentina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 19, 261-262. 2 figs. 1907.7 - Diagnoses of new Central Amer- ican freshwater fishes of the families Cyprinodontidse and Mugilidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 19, 64-66. 1907.8 Fishes (Reports on a collection of batrachia, reptiles and fish from REG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 321 Nepal and the western Himalayas) Records Indian Museum, Calcutta, 1907, 1, 157-158. 1907.9 - Note on Raia iindulatti Laeep. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 403-404. 1907.10 On the anatomy, classification and systematic position of the teleostean fishes of the suborder Allotriognathi. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1907, 634-643. (5 figs. 1907.11 A collection of fishes from the coasts of Natal, Zululand and Cape Colony. Ann. Natal Govt. Mus., 1908, 1, 241-255. 6 pis. 1908.1 - A collection of freshwater fishes made by Mr. C. F. Underwood in Costa Rica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. r. 2, 45,5-464. 1908.2 Description of a new cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma (H. inchneri, n. sp.] from Demerara. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 370-371. fig. 1908.3 - Description of a new fish of the genus Cichlosoma (C. laurce, n. sp.] from Tampico with notes on some other fishes from Mexico and the Caribbean sea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 222-223. 1908.4 Description of a new fish of the genus Galaxias [G. bullocki, n. sp.] from Chile. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 372. 1908.5 - Description of a new loricariid lish of the genus Plecostomus [P. >itus, n. sp.] from Argentina. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 358. 1908.6 - Descriptions of four new fresh- water fishes from British New Guinea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 153-156. 1908.7 - Descriptions of new fishes from lake Candidius, Formosa, collected by Dr. A. Moltrecht. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8 ser. 2, 358-360. 1908.8 - Descriptions of new freshwater fishes from China and Japan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 149-153. 1908.9 - Descriptions of three new cypri- noid fishes from Yunnan, collected by idr. John Graham. Ann. Mag. Nat. list., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 356-357. 1908.10 - Descriptions ,,t ihm- ,,e\\ frv>h- water fishes tv,,,., China, Ann. Mac. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 109-1 1 1 1908.11 - The Duke of Bedford's zoologi- cal exploration in eastern Asia. V 1 1 1 . A collection of freshwater fishes from Corea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, 59-63. 2 pis. 1908.12 - Exhibition of and remarks upon an Australian catfish, Cnidoglanis im-iju- stoma. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, pt. 1, 345-346. 1908.13 - The hybrid between the bream and the rudd (Abramis brama X Leucis- cus erythrophthalmus) Ann. Mag Nat Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 162-165. 2 pis. 1908.14 - A. new generic name for an orectolobid shark [Heteroscy Ilium n. nom. pro Brachselurus Ogilby 1907 non 1906] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 454-455. 1908.15 - A preliminary revision of the Irish char. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 225-234. 6 figs. 1908.16 - Report on the marine fishes collected by Mr. J. Stanley Gardiner in the Indian ocean. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1908, 2. ser. 12, 217-255. 9 pis. 1908.17 - A revision of the British and Irish fishes of the genus Coregonus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 482-490. 1908.18 A revision of the sharks of the family Orectolobicte. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, 347-364. 2 pis. 1908.19 - A synopsis of the fishes of the subfamily Salanginae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 444-^46. 1908.20 - A synopsis of the sharks of the family Cestraciontidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 493^97. 1908.21 - A synopsis of the sharks of the family Scylliorhinidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 1, 453^65. 1908.22 - A synopsis of the sharks of the family Squalidae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1908, 8. ser. 2, 39-57. 1908.23 The systematic position of Sti/l phorus caudatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi-t . 1908, 8. ser. 2, 447-449. 19<^ AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REG Regan, C. T. - The char (Salvelinus) of Great Britain. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 111-122. 2 figs. 1909.1 - Asiatic fishes of the family Anabantidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 767-787. 3 pis. 1909.2 - The char of Ireland. Irish Naturalist, 1909, 18, 3-6. 2 figs. 1909.3 - The classification of teleostean fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 75-86. 1909.4 A collection of fishes made by Dr. C. W. Andrews, F.R.S., at Christ- mas island. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909,403-406. 2 pis. 1909.5 Description of a new cichlid fish of the genus Heterogramma [H. pleuro- tcenia, n. sp.] from the La Plata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 270. 1909.6 Descriptions of new marine fishes from Australia and the Pacific. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 438-440. 1909.7 - Descriptions of three new fresh- water fishes from South America, pre- sented to thef British Museum by Herr J. Paul Arnold. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 234-235. 1909.8 - Exhibition of sketches of, and remarks upon colour changes in some fishes in the New York aquarium. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 130-132. 1909.9 - Exhibition of two species of char (Salvelinus grayi and S. maxillaris) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 98. 1909.10 - A new specific name for an orectolobid shark. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 529. 1909.11 On colour-changes in fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1909, 130-132. 1909.12 - On the anatomy and classifica- tion of the scombroid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 3, 66-75. 4 figs. 1909.13 - A revision of the fishes of the genus Elops. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 1909, 8. ser. 3, 37-40. 1909.14 - The species of three-spined sticklebacks (Gasterosteus) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 435-437. 1909.15 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Zeomorphi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 481-484. . 1910.1 - The caudal fin of the Elopidae and of some other teleostean fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 354-358. 2 figs. 1910.2 - Die Gattung Betta [Ueberset- zung aus dem Englischen von W. Wol- terstorff] Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 489^91; 505-509. 8 figs. 1910.3 - The lough Finn char (Salvelinus trevelyani] Irish Naturalist, 1910, 19, 228. 1910.4 - On the caudal fin of the Clu- peidae, and on the teleostean urostyle. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 531-533. 2 figs. 1910.5 - The origin and evolution of the teleostean fishes of the order Heteroso- mata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 6, 484-496. 3 figs. 1910.6 - The air-bladder of the clupeoid fishes. Science, 1911, n. s. 24, 684. 1911.1 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Iniomi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 120-133. 7 figs. 1911.2 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the ordr Salmopercae. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911,8. ser. 7, 294-296. 2 figs. 1911.3 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the orders Berycomorphi and Xenoberyces. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 1-9. pi. & 2 figs. 1911.4 - The classification of the teleos- tean fishes of the order Ostariophysi. I. Cyprinoidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 13-32. pi. & 2 figs. 1911.5 The classification of the teleos- tean fishes of the order Ostariophysi. II. Siluroidea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 553-557. 3 figs. 1911.6 The classification of the teleos- tean fishes of the order Synentognathi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 327-335. pi. & 4 figs. 1911.7 The freshwater fishes of the British Isles. London, 1911. xxv, 287 p. 37 pis. 8. 1911.8. Review in Nature, 1911, 88, 373-374. REG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 888 - The giant pike (Esox) of loch Ken. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1911, 10-14. 1911.9 - A new pceciliid fish (Palosoma nninziinum, n. sp.] from the Amazon, with notes on the genera Petalosoma ami Tomeurus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 659-660. 2 figs. 1911.10 On the cirrhitiform percoids. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, J62. 1911.11 - On some fishes of the family PceciliitUe. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 373-374. 1911.12 Xiphophorus rachovii, n. sp. Xenopoecilus, n. g. pro Haplochilus sarasinorum. On the systematic position of Macristium chavesi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 204-205. fig. 1911.13 - The osteology and classification of the gobioid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 729-733. 2 figs. 1911.14 - The osteology and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Miorocvprini. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 320-327. pi. 1911.15 - A synopsis of the marsipo- branchs of the order Hyperoartii. Ann. Ma^ Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 7, 193-204. 1911.16 - Xiphophorus brevis Regan und Xiphophorus rachovii Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 806-807. 1911.17 - The anatomy and classification of the symbranchoid eels. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 387-390. pi. 1912.1 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Discocephali. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 634-637. 2 figs. 1912.2 - The anatomy and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Lyomeri. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 347-349. 3 figs. 1912.3 - The Caristiidae, a family of berycomorphous fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 637-638. 1912.4 The classification of the blenni- oid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 265-280. 4 figs. 1912.5 - The classification of the teleos- tean fishes of the order Pnlimlati. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 277-289. 6 figs. L912.6 - Description of a new characid fish from the Amazon [Igiianodectes rachovii, n. sp.j Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi-t., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 682-683. 1912.7 - Description of two new eels from West Africa, belonging to a new genus and family. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 323-324. 1912.8 - Descriptions of new cichlid fishes from South America in the British Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 505-507. 1912.9 - Descriptions of new fishes of the family Loricariidae in the British Museum collection. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1912, 666-670. 3 pis. 1912.10 - Discussion on Wallace's line. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 81. meet. 1911 (1912), 433^35. 1912.11 New fishes from Aldabra and Assumption, collected by Mr. J. C. F. Fryer. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1912, 16, 301-302. 1912,12 - Notes on the classification of the teleostean fishes. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 838- 853. 1912.13 - The origin of the chimaeroid fishes. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston 1907 (1912), 836-837. 1912.14 - The osteology and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Apodes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 377-387. 2 figs. 1912.15 The osteology of the teleostean fishes of the order Opisthomi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 11, 217- 219 fig. 1912.16 Philippine sharks; Nasisqualus, Acanthidium and Deunia. Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 81. 1912.17 Pisces, record of literature for 1911. Zool. Record, 1912, 48. 47 p. A revision of the po3ciliid fishes of the genera Rivulus, Pterolebias, and Cvnolebias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 494-508. 1912.19 A revision of the South American characid fishes of the genera Chalceus, 324 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REG Regan, C. T. Pyrrhulina, Copeina and Pogonocharax. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 387-395. 1912.20 A revision of the South Ameri- can siluroid fishes of the genus Cory- doras with a list of the specimens in the British Museum (Natural History) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 209-220. 1912.21 - Sexual differences in the posciliid fishes of the genus Cynolebias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 641- 642. 1912.22 A synopsis of the myxinoids of the genus Heptatretus or Bdellostoma. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 9, 534-536. 1912.23 - The Twaite shad in Killarney lakes. Irish Naturalist, 1912, 21, 63. 1912.24 - The antarctic fishes of the Scot- tish National Antarctic Expedition. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1913, 49, 229-292. pis. 1913.1 - The classification of the percoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 111-145. 1913.2 A collection of fishes made by Professor Francisco Fuentes at Easter island. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913, 368-374. 6 pis. 1913.3 - A deep-sea angler fish, Melano- cetus johnsonii. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1913, 1096-1097. 1913.4 - Description of a new cyprinid fish from Singapore. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 394. *913.5 - Description of a new loricariid fish of the genus Plecostomus from Rio Janeiro. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 555. 1913.6 Description of two new fishes from Paranagua, Brazil, presented to the British Museum by Herr A. Rachow. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 231-232. 1913.7 - The fishes described by Car- michael from Tristan da Cunha. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 466- 468. 1913.8 - Fishes from Peru, collected by Dr. H. O. Forbes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 278-280. 1913.9 - Fishes from the river Ucayali, Peru, collected by Mr. Mounsey. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 281- 283. 1913.10 - The fishes of the San Juan river, Colombia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 462-473. 1913.11 Note on Myxine capensis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 217. 1913.12 - The osteology and classification of the teleostean fishes of the order Scleroparei. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 169-184. 5 figs. 1913.13 - Phallostethus dunckeri, a re- markable new cyprinodont fish from Johore. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 548-555. 4 figs. 1913.14 - Pisces; record of the literature for 1912. Zool. Record, 1913, 49, 52 p. 1913.15 - The pceciliid fishes of the genus Jenynsia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 232-234. 5 figs. 1913.16 - Raia undulata, Lacepede, and its distribution on the British coasts. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 80-82. pi. 1913.17 - A revision of the cyprinodont fishes of the subfamily Pceciliinse. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913, 977-1018. 3 pis. & 6 figs. 1913.18 A revision of the fishes of the genus Kuhlia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1913,374-381. 2 figs. 1913.19 A revisi9n of the myxinoids of the genus Myxine. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 395-398. 1913.20 - A synopsis of the cichlid fishes of the genus Crenicichla. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 498-504. 1913.21 A synopsis of the siluroid fishes of the genus Liocassis, with descriptions of new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 11, 547-554. 1913.22 - Ueber Xiphophorus rachovii. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 532. 1913.23 - Fishes (In British Antarctic "Terra Nova" Expedition, 1910. Zool- REG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES ogy, vol. i, no. 1, p. 1-54. 13 pis. & 8 figs. London, 1914. 4) 1914.1 i. Systematic: The antarctic fishes. Fishes from New Zealand. Fishes' from Brazil, p. 1-23. ii. CJeneral: The distribution of antarctic and Bttbantarctic fishes. The antarctic continent dur- ing the Tertiary period, p. 24-54. - Description of a new cyprino- dont fish of the genus Mollienisia from Yucatan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, s. scr. 13, 338. 1914.2 - Descriptions of two new cypri- noilont fishes from Mexico, presented to t he Brit ish Museum by Herr A. Rachow. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 14, 65-67. 2 figs. 1914.3 Descriptions are given of two new species of IfVtcrophallus, n. g. and Gambusia. - Diagnoses of new marine fishes collected by the British Antarctic Terra Nova") Expedition. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 13, 11-17. 1914.4 - Fishes from the Condoto river, Colombia, collected by Dr. H. G. F. Spurrell. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 14, 31-33. 1914.5 Three new species are described of Sternar- rhus, Hypopomus and Sicydium. - Fishes from Yunnan, collected by Mr. John Graham, with description of a new species of Barilius [B. alburnops] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 13, 260-261. 1914.6 - Die Gattung Xiphophorus Hec- kel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, _>.->. Jahrg., 94-96. figs. 1914.7 - Note on Aristeus goldiei Mac- leay, and on some other fishes from New Guinea. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914, 339-340. 2 figs. 1914.8 - Report on the freshwater fishes collected by the British Ornithologists' Union Expedition and the Wollaston Expedition in Dutch New Guinea. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1914, 20, J86. pi. 1914.9 Rhadinocentrus ornatus, n. sp. Anisocentrus -tn'atuH, Chilatherina, Centratherina, and Rhombosoina, n. g. - A synopsis of the fishes of the family Macrorhamphosidae. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 13, 17-21. 1914.10 - The systematic arrangement of the fishes of the family Salmonidao. Arm. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 13, 405-408. 3 figs. 1914.11 - Two new cyprinid fishes from Waziristan, collected by Major G. E. Bruce. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1914, 8. ser. 13, 261-263. 2 figs. 1914.12 - A collection of fishes from Lagos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hi^t.. l'.)i:>. s. er. 15, 124-130. 1915.1 Seven new species are described of Rhyncho- batus, Hoplunnis, Uranoscopus, Lepidotrigla, Solea, Cyuoglossus and Batrachoides. Pisces, record of literature for 1913. Zool. Record, 1915, 51. 28 p. 1915.2 - Reptilia, Batrachia and Pisces (In Godman, F. D., # Salvin, O. Biologia Central-Americana. Zoology. Introductory volume, pt. 215. 149 p. London, 1915) 1915.3 - The British fishes of the sub- family Clupeinse and related species in other seas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1916, 8. ser. 18, 1-19. 3 pis. 1916.1 - Fishes from Natal, collected by Mr. Romer Robinson. Ann. Durban Mus., 1916, 1, pt. 3, 167-170. 1916.2 - Larval and post-larval fishes (In British Antarctic " Terra Nova" Expedition, 1910. Zoology, vol. i, no. 4, p. 125-156. 10 pis. London, 1916) 1916.3 Notice in Nature, 1916, 97, 247. Treats of ontogenetic changes, problems of distribution, migration and evolution of structural peculiarities which disappear with larval life. A new loricariid fish of the genus Cyclopium from Ecuador. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1916, 8. ser. 18, 80. 1916.4 Regan, Charles Tate, Boulenger, G. A., Annandale, A ., A: Wall, E. See Boulenger, Annandale & others. Re gaud, Claude. Sur les mitochpn- dries des cellules cilices du tube urinaire. Ont-elles une relation avec la fonction motrice de ces cellules? C. R. Soc. Biol., 1908, 65, 20&-208. 1908.1 La lamproie et d'autres vert^bres a sang froid. - Variations des formations mito- chondriales dans les tubes a rutirulo stride du rein. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol., 1908, 64, 1145-1147. 1908.2 Cellules ciliees dans le rein de la lamproie. Regaud, Claude, & Policard, A. Notes histologiques sur la secretion renale, 1901-02. 1901.1 i Etude sur le tube urinifere de la lamproie. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1901, 53, 1186- ii Le segment cilie du tube urinifere de la lamproie. Ibid., 1902, 54, 91-93. 326 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REG Regaud & Policard. iii. Le segment a bordure en brosse du tube urinifere de la lamproie. Ibid., 54, 129-131. iv. Les diverticules glandulaires du tube con- tourn6 de la lamproie. Ibid., 54, 554-555. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Nancy, 1902, 4, 245-261. Regazzoni, Innocenzo. Notizie del pesci delle provincie di Como e Sondrio e del cantone Ticino. Como, 1864. 8. 1864.1 - (translator] La piscicoltura. Prima versione italiana del Tedesco di Carlo Vogt. Como, 1865. 185 p. 8. Regelsperger, Gustave. Les pScheries du littoral saharien francais (Mission Gruvel) La Nature, 1905, 34, pt. 1, 129-131. 1905.1 Regnard, Paul. Influence des hautes pressions sur 1'eclosion des oeufs de pois- son. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1885, 8. ser. 2, 48. 1885.1 - Sur le resultat de rimmersion d'un poisson dans une solution faible de chlorhydrate de cocaine. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1885, 8. ser. 2, 33-34. 1885.2 - Les phenomenes de la vie sous les hautes pressions. La contraction musculaire. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1887, 8. ser. 4, 265-269. 1887.1 - De Faction des chromoblastes chez la carpe et la tanche. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 5, 5-6. 1893.1 - Dynamometre permettant de mesurer la puissance musculaire de 1'ap- pareil caudal du poisson. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 6, 80. figs. 1893.2 Om fiskarnes snabbhet. Fiske- ritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 45. 1893.3 - La peche au cable creux. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 5, 575-578. figs. 1893.4 - Sur un dispositif qui permet de mesurer la vitesse de translation d'un poisson se mouvant dans 1'eau. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1893, 9. ser. 5, 81-83. figs. 1893.5 - Actions des tres basses tem- peratures sur les animaux aquatiques. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1895, 10. ser. 2, 652-653. 1895.1 Sur Faction statique de la vessie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1895, 47, 653-654. 1895.2 - Sur la temperature des animaux immerges dans 1'eau. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1895, 10. ser. 2, 651-652. 1895.3 Regnard, Paul, & Blanchard, Raphael. Etude sur la capacite respi- ratoire du sang des animaux plongeurs; sa comparaison avec la capacite respira- toire du sang des autres animaux. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1883, 8, 136-138. 1883.1 Regnard, Paul, & Jolyet & Regnard. Jolyet, F. See Regnault, F., Reiset, J., & Millon, E. Recherches chimiques et physiques sur le phenomene de la respiration dans les diverses classes d' animaux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1848, 26, 4-12; 17- 27. Journ. Prak. Chimie (Erdmann), 43, 166-175. 1848.1 Regny, Paola Eugenio Vinassa de. See Vinassa de Regny, P. E. Reguart, Antonio Sanez. Diccionario historico de los artes de la pesca nacional. Svols. Madrid, 1791-1795. illust. 4. 1791.1 Reguis, J. F. Marius [1850] Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle de la Provence et des departements circon- voisins. Paris, 1877. 84 p. 8. 1877.1 - Essai sur 1'histoire naturelle des vertebres de la Provence et des departe- ments circonvoisins. Vertebres anal- lantoiidiques (poissons et batraciens) Marseille, 1882. 429 p. illust, 8. 1882.1 Poissons, p. 35-340. - Faune ichthyologique de Vau- cluse. Mem. Acad. Vaucluse, Avignon, 1896, 16, 196-233; 265-312. figs. 1896.1 - Faune ichthyologique du de- partement de Vaucluse. Mem. Acad. Vaucluse, Avignon, 1898, 17, 23-66. figs. 1898.1 Reiber, F. L'histoire naturelle des eaux Strasbourgeoises de Leonard Bald- ner (1666) Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Col- mar, 1887, 1-114. 1887.1 For a modern German edition of BaldnerV 17th century "Fischbuch," with commentary, see Lauterborn, R., 1903.1, supra. Reibisch, Johannes. Uebersicht der bis jetzt im Konigreiche Sachsen aufge- fundenen lebenden Fische. Sitzber. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1868, 101-104. 1868.1 REI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 327 - Ueber die Eizahl bei Pleuronec- tes platesxa und die Altersbestimmung dieser Form aus den Otolithen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abth. Kiel), 1899, n. s. 4, 233-248. pi. 1899.1 - Ueber den Einfluss der Tem- peratur auf die Entwickelung von Fisrh-Kiern. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Ahth. Kiel), 1902, n. s. 6, pt. 2, 213-231. pi. 1902.1 - Weitere Untersuchungen iiber die Yerbreitung junger Schollen an der deutschen Ostseekiiste im Sommer 1904. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1904, 20. :;<>7^04. 2 figs. 1904.1 - Ueber die Verbreitung junger Plattfische des ersten Jahrganges an der deutschen Ostseekiiste in den Jahren 1905 und 1906. Mitt. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1907, 23, 34-50. 1907.1 - Ein Dicken-Koeffizient als Mass fur Alter und Ernahrungszustand der Fisehe. 4.-5. Jahresb. Beteil. Deutsch- lands Intern. Meeresforschung, Berlin, 190S. .59-65. 1908.1 - Die Methoden zur Bestimmung des Alters bei Seefischen. Bull. Biol., Jurjev, 1908, 2, 178-180. 1908.2 - Biologische Untersuchungen liber Gedeihen, Wanderung und Ort der Entstehung der Scholle (Pleuronectes ])[nk'xx(i) in der Ostsee. Wiss. Meeres- untersuch. Kiel (Abth. Kiel), 1911, n. s. 13, 127-202. pi. & 11 figs. 1911.1 Reich, M. Zur Histologie der Hecht- retina. Arch. Ophth. Berlin, 1874, 20, I. Abth., 1-14. 1874.1 Reichard, Adolf C. Das Fischerei- bureau der Vereinigten Staaten yon Xordamerika. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29, 21-25. 1904.1 - Die deutschen Versuche mit gezeichneten Schollen. II. Bericht. \\i--. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abth. Helgoland), 1909, n. s. 9, 1-56. 9 pis. 1909.1 - Die deutschen Versuche mit gezeichneten Schollen. III. Bericht. \Vi. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abth. Helgoland), 1910, n. s. 10, 43-115. 5 pis.' 1910.1 - Die deutschen Versuche mit gezeichneten Schollen. Wiss. Meeres- untersuch. (Abth. Helgoland), 1915, n. s. II. 1-35. 6 pis. 1915.1 - Ergebnisse der bisherip-n in- ternal ionalen Schollen-Markierungen in der Xordsee. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. (Abth. Helgoland), 1915, n. s. 11, 37-64. 11 pis. 1915.2 Reichard, A. 0. Bemerkungen /u der Veroffentlichung von W. Krebs " Geophysikalische Verhaltnisse auf den Fundstellen der Aallarven im Atlantik und im Mittelmeer." Der Fischerbote, 1911, 3. Jahrg., 285-288. 1911.1 Reichardt, Eduard [1827-1891] Reinigung des Abfallwassers. Circul. Deutsch. Fisherei Ver. 1879 (1880), no. 6, 220-223. 1880.1 - The injurious influence on pis- ciculture of the retting water of flax and hemp. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1880 (1883), 8, 545-500. 1883.1 Reichel, P. Beitrag zur Morphologic der Mundhohlendriisen der Wirbelthiere. Morph. Jahrb., 1882, 8, 1-72. pi. 1882.1 Fische, p. 7-8. Reichelt, Julius. Barbus lateristriga ; bunte Barbe aus Bukit Timah auf Singapore. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 179-180. fig. 1906.1 Eleotris marmorata; marmori- erte Grundel von Sumatra. Xatur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 208-210. 1906.2 Etroplus suratensis (Bloch) breiter bunter Schmuckfisch von Cey- lon. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 198-199. fig. 1906.3 - Fischfang auf Malacca und den Sundainseln. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 129-131. ^ 1906.4 Gobius xanthozona (Bleeker) eelbgegurtelter Schmutzwasserfisch Bor- neos. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 145-146. fig. Hemiramphus fluviatilis; halb- schnabeliger Hecht aus Malakka. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 118-120. fig 1906.6 Rasbora heteromorpha (Duncker) kleine bunte Barbe aus Singapore. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg., 251- 252. fig. 19 06.7 Tetrodon fluviatUis; vier/.ah- niger bunter Kugelfisch aus Sumatra. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 14. Jahrg.. 138. fig. 328 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REI Reichelt, J. Boleophthalmus pectinirostris L. und Periophthalmus koelreuteri (Pall.) Bl. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 309-312. 2 figs. 1910.1 P cecilia (?) amazonica Garman. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 511-512. fig. 1910.2 P cecilia heteristia Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 705-707. fig. 1910.3 Rasbora cephalotcenia Bleek., eine langsgestreifte Barbe von den Sundainseln. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 229-230. 1910.4 Reichenbach, Anton Benedict [1807- 1880] Die Fische, dargestellt in ge- treuen Abbildungen und mit ausfiihr- licher Beschreibung. Leipzig, 1838-40. 160 p. 60 pis. & 382 figs. fol. 1838.1 Reichenbach, Ernst Stromer von. See Stromer von Reichenbach, (Baron) Ernst. Reichenbach, Heinrich Gottlieb Lud- wlg [1793-1879] Deutschlands Fauna, oder praktischgemeinniitzige Natur- geschichte der Thiere des Inlandes, mit naturgetreuen Abbildungen aller Arten. 2 vols. Leipzig, 1842. 8. 1842.1 See also Wimmer, J. Geschichte des deutschen Bodens, etc. Halle a. S., 1905. Reichenheim, Max. Beitrage zur Kenntniss des electrischen Centralor- gans von Torpedo. Arch. Anat. Phy- siol., 1873, 751-759. 2 pis. 1873.1 Ueber das Riickenmark und den electrischen Lappen von Torpedo. Berlin, 1873. 24 p. ^3 pis. figs. 4. 1873.2 - Sopra il midollo spinale ed il lobo elettrico della torpedine. Mem. R. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1877, 3. ser. 1, 1142-1162. 1877.1 Reichenow, Anton [1847 ] Ueber die ichthyologischen Sammlungen der deutschen Expedition nach der Loango- Kiiste. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1875, 146-148. 1875.1 - Uebersicht der Fische aus Chin- choxo und anderen Gegenden West- afrikas, welche die Afrikanische Gesell- schaft dem Berliner zoologischen Mu- seum tibersandt hat. Monatsber. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1877, 621-624. 1877.1 Reichenow, Anton, Tornier, G., Pappenheim, P., & Matschie, P. See Matschie, Reichenow & others. Reicher, Eleonora. Ueber das Haft- organ von Gobius fluviatilis. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern 1912 (1913), 322-347. 3 pis. 1913.1 Reichert, Carl Bogislaus [1811-1883] Ueber die Micropyle der Fischeier und iiber einen bisher unbekannten, eigen- thiimlichen Bau des Nahrungsdotters reif er und befruchteter Fischeier (Hecht) Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1856, 83-124. pi. & 4 figs. 1856.1 - Ueber die Miiller-WonTschen Korper bei Fischembryonen und iiber die sogenannten Rotationen des Dotters im befruchteten Hechteie. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1856, 124-143. 1856.2 - Der Nahrungsdotter des Hech- teies. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1857, 46-51. ' 1857.1 - Beobachtungen iiber die ersten Blutgefasse und deren Bildung, sowie iiber die Bewegung des Blutes in densel- ben bei Fischembryonen. Leipzic, 1858. pi. 4. 1858.1 - Zur Anatomic des Branchio- stoma lubricum. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1870, 755-758. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1870, 23- 26. 1870.1 - Ueber den sogenannten Seiten- muskel der Fische. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1871, 14-18. 1871.1 - Ueber den asymmetrischen Bau, vornehmlich des Kopfes und Oberge- sichts der Pleuronectiden. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1873, 83-94. Ibid., 1874, 85-88. Arch. Anat. Phy- siol. (Muller), 1874, 196-216. 2 pis. 1873.1 - Ueber das vordere Ende der Chorda dorsalis bei friihzeitigen Hai- fisch-Embryonen (Acanthias vulgaris) Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1877, 49-122. 2 pis. 1877.1 i. Geschichtliche Einleitung. ii. Anatomische Beschreibung des Embryos, iii. Anatomische Feststellung des vorderen gebeugten Abschnittes der Chorda dorsalis. - Ueber das vordere Ende der Chorda dorsalis bei friihzeitigen Hai- fisch-Embryonen (Acanthias vulgaris) Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1878, 161-169. 1878.1 REI BIBLKH1RAPHY OF FISHES Reichert, J. lebendgebarender Hecht aus Sumatra, und ()*i)hronu'iiun nuiliiijdHHx, lebendge- barender Gurami von der malayischen Halbinsel und von Sumatra. Wo- rhrnsrhr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. .Jahrg., 4-5; 122-123. 2 figs. 1906.1 Reid, .1 . P. Natural history and the fisheries. Proc. Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci., 1877, 4, pt. 2, 131-137. 1877.1 Reid, Clement, & Reid, Eleanor M. The fossil flora of Tegelen-sur-Meuse, near Venloo, in the province of Lim- burg [with list of fishes] Verh. Akad. Wet., Amsterdam, 2. sect., 1907, 13, no. 6, 1-14. 1907.1 Reid, E. Waymouth. Mucin granules of Myxine. Journ. Physiol., 1893, 14, 340-346. pi. 1893.1 - Chemical note on the secretion of Myxine glutinosa. Journ. Physiol., ls'.4, 15, 488-493. 1894.1 - The electromotive properties of the skin of the common eel. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1894, 184 B, 335-365. fig. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 52, 391-392. 1894.2 - The process of secretion in the skin of the common eel. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1894, 185 B, 319-354. 3 pis. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 54, 36-41. 1894.3 Reid,#. Waymouth, & Tolputt, A. G. Further observations on the electromo- tive properties of the skin of the common eel. Journ. Physiol., 1894, 16, 203- 223. fig. 1894.4 Reid, John. An account of a speci- men of the vaagmaer, ox Vogmarus ixlondicus (Trachypterus vogmarus of Cuvier and Valenciennes] thrown ashore in the Firth of Forth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1849, 2. ser. 3, 456-477. 1849.1 Reid, John. Report of the fish com- missioner of Missouri. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 104. 1879.1 Reidel, W. Zur Frage der Alaifisch- Erbriitung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeit., 1894, 19, 59-60. 1894.1 Reider, Jakob Ernst von. Das Ganze der Fischerei als Angel- Netz-Fischerei und Teichwirthschaf t, sammt der Natur- geschichte der deutschen Fischarten; ein Handbuch fur Fischerei- und Teich- besitzer, mit einem Anhanji die /uben-i- tung der Fische aller Art aK S|> Nurnberg, 1825. xvi, 335 p. 8. 1825.1 Reider, Jakob Ernst von, Mitteldurmes bei den Cyprinoiden. Zool. Anz., 1888, 11, 648-655. 2 figs. 1888.1 - Entwicklungsgeschichte der Cy- priniden [Text in Russian] Charkow. 1888. col.pl. 8. 1888.2 - Die Bedeutung des Periblastos und der Kupffer'schen Blase in der Km \vickolung der Knochenfische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1898, 52, 793-820. 2 pis. 1898.1 - On the significance of the peri- blast and Kupffer's vesicle in the devel- opment of bony fishes [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Natural. Charcow, 1898, 31, 243-268. pi. 1898.2 - Zur Frage iiber die Bedeutung des Periblastes in der Entwicklung der Knochenfische. Vorlaufige Mitteilung. Biol. Centralbl., 1899, 19, 486-487.- Trav. Soc. Natural. Charcow, 1899, 33, 403-408. 1899.1 Reinhardt, Johannes Christopher Hagemann [1776-1845] Om venernes gang i fiskenes svommeblserer. Over- si gi Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kjeben- havn, 1821-22, 3-5. Dansk. Vid. Solsk. Afh. Ki0benhavn, 1, Ixxvii. 1822.1 - Ichthyologiske bidrag (Spinax (icttnthias, S. gunneri, S. fabricii, Ma- crourus coelorhynchus, M. rupestris, M. fit ru- mii] Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kjobenhavn, 1824-25, 2-3. 1825.1 Neue Arten von Squalus. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn, is-js, 3, 15-17. Isis (Oken), 1848, 93-94. 1828.1 - Ichthyologiske bidrag. Over- sigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kjoben- havn, 1829-30, 5-7; 15-20. 1830.1 Reprinted in the same Society's Afhandlinger, 1832, 5. Abstract in L'Institut, 1834, 2, 158- 159. - Bidrag til vor kundskab om Gronlands fiske [Lycodes vahlii og I'tiralepis coregonoides] Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kj0benhavn, 183CH31, 18-21. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kj0- benhavn, 1832, 5, Ixxiv-lxxvi. Abstract in L'Institut, 1834, 2, 174-175. 1831.1 - Observations pour servir a 1'his- toire des poissons. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zoo/.), 1831, 22, 168-172. Isis (Oken), 2, 181. 1831.2 < >m don islandsko liskfaima. Maanedskr. for hit., Kjebenhavn, l v 7, pt. 3. 1832.1 - Notes sur 1'ichthyologie du Greenland. L'Institut, 1834, 2, 160- 161; 174-175. 1834.1 - Sur deux individus du Pagellus cenlrodonlus, pris sur les cotes de S6e- lande. L'Institut, 1834, 2, 193. 1834.2 - Sur quelques poissons qui vi- sitent rarement les c6tes de Danemarck. L'Institut, 1834, 2, 193-194. 1834.3 - Om Lycodes. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kjebenhavn, 1834-35, 5-6. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kjeben- havn, 1837, 6, Ixxvi. 1835.1 - Ichthyologiske bidrag til Gron- lands fauna. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Solsk. Forh. Kjebenhavn, 1835-36/8- 12. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kjeben- havn, 1837, 6, cvii-cxi. Abstract in Wiegmann Arch. Naturgesch., 1837, 3. Jahrg., 1, 263-267. 1836.1 - Over sammentrsekningen og ud- videlsen af iris hos den spidssnudede aal, Anguilla acutirostris. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kj0benhavn, 1836-37, 8-9. 1837.1 Bythites, novum genus piscium. Danske Vid. Selsk. Afh., 1837, 6, 77-78. - Isis (Oken), 1848, 135-136. 1837.2 - Tvende nye Gronlandske fiske- arter, Lycodes vahlii, L. reticulatus. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn, 1837, 6, Ixxv-lxxvii. Arch. Natur- gesch., 1837, 3. Jahrg., 234-236. 1837.3 - Ichthyologiske bidrag til den Gronlandiske fauna . . . indledning, indeholdende tillaeg og forandringer i den fabriciske fortegnelse paa Gron- landske hvirveldyr. Danske Vid. belsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn, 1838, 7, 83-195; 221-228. 3 pis. Vaagmaeren (Trachypterus vog- marus] beskrevet. Danske Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn, 1838, 7, 65-82. 2 pis - Isis (Oken), 1838, 241-247. 1838.2 Om nye Gronlandske fiske [Microstomus gronlandicus, Coitus W- cornis] Oversigt Dansk. Vid. belsk. Forh. Kj0benhavn, 1839, 8-10. - Tidssk. (Kr0yer), 3, 225-227. 1839.1 Ueber neue gronlandische Fische. Isis (Oken), 1841, 706. 1841.1 332 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REI Reinhardt, J. C. H. Tvende for den Gronlandske fauna nye fiskearter [Liparis glutinosus, Stomias ferox] Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kj0benhavn, 1842, 82-84. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn, 1843, Ixxvii-lxxix. 1842.1 - Ueber zwei neue gronlandische Fische. Isis (Oken), 1844, 819-820. 1844.1 Reinhardt, Johan Theodor [1816- 1882] Nye sydamerikanske ferskvands- fiske. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1849, 29-57. Also sepa- rate; Copenhagen, 1849. 32 p. 4. 1849.1 - Neue sudamerikanische Siiss- wasserfische. Froriep's Tagsber. (ZooL), 1850, 1, 202-204. 1850.1 Om svommeblseren hos familien Gymnotini. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1852, 135-149. Arch. Naturgesch., 20. Jahrg., 169-184. 1852.1 - Tvende iagttagelser af phospho- risk lysning hos en fisk [Astronethes fieldii Val.] og en insektlarve. Vidensk. Med- del. Naturh. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1853, 59-65. Zeitschr. Gesam. Naturw., 5, 208-213. 1853.1 - Note on a luminous fish [As- tronethes fieldii] Zoologist, 1854, 12, 4299-4300. 1854.1 - Notits om slaegten Pachyurus Ag. og de dertil horende arter. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1854, 108-112. 1854.2 - Fortegnelse over Gronlands pat- tedyr, fugle og fiske (In Rink, H. J. Gronland, geographisk og statistik beskrevet. Kj0benhavn, 1857. 8) 1857.1 Reprinted (from same types) with rest of natural history in the following work: " Natur- historiske bidrag til en beskrivelse af Gronland," af J. Reinhardt, J. C. Schiodte, O. A. L. Morch, C. F. Liitken, J. Lange, H. Rink . . . Kjpben- havn, 1857. 12. A nominal list of 69 species, with references to original descriptions, or to the Fauna Grcen- landica of Fabricius, and with the names cur- rent among the Esquimaux. Only four of the species (Salmonidse) are freshwater. The same list (but without the references to authorities) was translated and published in Anton von Etzel's " Gronland geographisch und statistisch beschrieben. Aus danischen Quellen- echriften." Stuttgart, 1860. ophilus insidiosus, en ny mallefisk fra Brasilien og dens levemaade. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0- benhavn, 1859, 79-97. pi. 1859.1 - Eene nieuwe soort van siluroide of welsachtigen visch van Brazilie en zijne levenswijze [Stegophilus insidiosus] uit het Deensch vertaald door J. van der Hoeven. Album Natuur, 1860, 82-96. pi. 1860.1 - Notits om fiskeslaegten Alepi- saurus Lowe. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh . Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1862, 287-288. 1862.1 Om mallen (Silurus glanis) Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0- benhavn, 1865, 276. 1865.1 - Om piilrokken (Trygon pasti- naca) Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kj0benhavn, 1865, 276-277. 1865.2 - Om trende, formentligt ubes- krevne fisk af characinernes eller kar- pelaxenes familie. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Forh. Kj0benhavn, 1866, 49-68. 2 pis. 1866.1 Velhas-Flodens fiske. Et bidrag til Brasiliens ichthyologi. Kor. Dansk. Vidensk. Selsk. Afh. Kj0benhavn 1875 (1880), 5. ser. 12, no. 2. 1880.1 Reinhardt, Johan Theodor, Schi- 0dte, /. C., Morch, 0. A. L., Lutken, C. F., Lange, J., & Rink, H. Natur- historiske bidrag til en beskrivelse af Gronland. Kj0benhavn, 1857. 172 p. 2 pis. 12. 1857.1 Fiske, af Johan Reinhardt, p. 3-27. Reinhardt, Ludwig [1866] Das Sehen bei den Fischen. Natur u. Haus, 19"02, 10. Jahrg., 152-153. 1902.1 Reinhart, H. Konnen die Fische schlafen? Prometheus, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 820-821. fig. 1911.1 - Vom Schlaf der Fische. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 80-81. 1912.1 - Neues vom Schlaf der Fische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 906-908. 1913.1 Reis, (FrauDr.) Karolina. Contribu- tion a la morphologic des ossicules de Weber et de la vessie natatoire chez les Siluroides nebulosus [Text in Polish] Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1905, 220-229. pi. 1905.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Gas- druse bei den Knochenfischen [Text in Polish] Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1906, 46 B, 639-701. 3 pis. 1906.1 REI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 833 - Writ ere Beitrage zur Knmtnis der ( lasdnise bei den Knochenfischen. Bull, hurrn. Acad. Sci. Cracovie, 1906, 771-777. 1906.2 - Beitriigc /ur Morphologic und Physiologic der Schwimmblase bei Knochenfischen [Text in Polish] Rozpr. Akad. Krakuu, 1907. 65 p. 3 pis. 1907.1 - Le rudiment de la vessie nata- toire clirz 1'alevin du Comephorus baica- /r//,sw I 'all. [Text in Polish] Kosmos, Lwow Koczn., 1909, 23, 97-104. 2 figs. 1909.1 - Untersuchungen iiber die em- bryonulr Entwicklung der Knochcn- fische. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Cra- covie, 1910, srr. B, 521-554. 3 pis. 1910.1 - Sur la formation de I'embryon chcz les teleosteens [Text in Polish] (In Festschrift zur Ehre . . . Prof. Dr. J6zef Nusbaum, etc., p. 249-265. pi. Lwow, 1911. 8) 1911.1 Reis, (Frau Dr.) Karolina, & Nus- baum, Jozef. Zur Histologie der Gas- driise in der Schwimmblase der Knochen- fische; zugleich ein Beitrag zur Tro- phospongienfrage. Anat. Anz., 1905, 27, 129-139. 2 pis. 1905.1 - Weitere Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Baues und der Funktion der Gas- druse und des Ovals in der Schwimm- blase der Knochenfische. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 177-191. 2 pis. 1906.1 - Erwiderung auf den von Dr. A. .larger in Bd. 29, No. 24 des Anato- inischen Anzeigers veroffentlichten Arti- krl: ''Zur Physiologic der Schwimm- blasr der Fische." Anat. Anz., 1907, 30, 204-207. 1907.1 Reis, Otto M. Die Ccelacanthinen, mit besonderer Berticksichtigung der im wrissen Jura Bayerns vorkommenden Gattungen. Palseontographica, 1888, 35, 1-96. 5 pis. 1888.1 - Zur Kenntniss des Skelets der Acanthodinen. Geogn. Jahresh., Miin- chen, 1890, 3, 1-43. figs. 1890.1 Anhang liber Dorypterus. Ge- ogn. Jahresh., Munchen, 1892, 4, 167- 170. 1892.1 - Ueber die Zurechnung der Acan- thodier zu den Selachiern. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1892, 153-156. 1892.2 Discussion by O. Jaekel, Ibid., p. 156-158. - Zur Osteologie der Coelacan- thmen. I. Tril. Rumpfskclrt, Knochen des Schadels und der Wangen, Kiemrn- bogenskelet, Schultergurtel, Becken, In- tegument und innere Organe. Inaug. Dissert. Munich, 1892. 39 p. 2 pis. 8. 1892.3 - Zur Osteologie und Systematik der Belonorhynchiden und Tetragono- lepiden. Geogn. Jahresh., Miin. i 1892, 4, 143-166. 1892.4 - Ueber ein Exemplar von Acnu- thodes bronni Ag., aus der geognostischen Sammlung der " Pollichia." Jahresb. Pollichia., 1894, 331. 1894.1 - Ueber Phosphoritisirung der Cutis der Testikel und des Riicken- marks bei fossilen Fischen. Arch. l Mikr. Anat., 1894, 44, 87-118. pi. 1894.2 Zur Kenntniss des Skeletts der Acanthodinen, II. Geogn. Jahresh., l Munchen, 1894, 6, 49-66. figs. 1894.3 - Illustrationen zur Kenntniss des Skeletts von Acanthodes bronni Agassiz. Abh. Senckenber. Naturf. Ges., Frankfurt-a.-M., 1895, 19, 49-64. 6 pis. 1895.1 - On the structure of the frontal spine and the rostrolabial cartilages of Squaloraja and Chimaera. Geol. Mag., 1895, 4. dec. 2, 385-391. pi. 1895.2 - Palaeohistologische Beitrage zur Stammesgeschichte der Teleostier. , Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1895, 1, 162-182. 1895.3 - Ueber die Kopfstacheln bei Menaspis armata Ewald. Munich, 1895. 8. 1895.4 - Ueber Acanthodes bronni Agas- siz. Morphol. Arbeiten, Jena, 1896, 6, 143-220. 2 pis. & 3 figs. 1896.1 Reviewed by A. Tornquist in Zool. Centralbl., 1, 649-656. - Das Skelett der Pleuracanthiden und ihre systematische Beziehungen. Abh. Senckenb. Naturf. Ges., Frank- furt-a.-M., 1897, 20, 57-156. pi. 1897.1 Reviewed by A. Tornquist in Zool. Centralbl.. 1898, 5, 472-474. Ccdacanthus lunzensis Teller. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1900, 50, 187-192. 2 pis. 1900.1 - Die Binnenfauna der Fisch- schiefer in Transbaikalien. Rechercli. Geol. Minier. Siberie, 1909, 29, 1-68. 5 pis. 1909.1 Text in Russian and German. 334 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REI Reis, 0. M . - Ueber permische Pleuracanthi- denreste. Geogn. Jahreshefte, 1914, 26. Jahrg., 155-162. pi. & fig. 1914.1 Reisenbichler, G. F. Dick- oder Diinn-Befruchten der Eier. Oester.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 167-168. 1880.1 - Die Kachelapparate fiir das Ausbriiten der Fischeier. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 216. 1880.2 - The thick or thin fertilization of eggs. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 633-635. 1882.1 Reiset, /., Millon, E., & Regnault, V. See Regnault, Reiset, & Millon. Reisinger, Jdnos [1784 T 1852] Speci- men ichthyologies sistens pisces aquarum dulcium Hungarise. Budse, 1830. 8. 1830.1 Reisinger, Ludwig. Die zentrale Lokalisation des Gleichgewichtssinnes der Fische. Biol. Centralbl. 1915, 35, 472HL75. 1915.1 Zentrum der groben Gleichgewichtserhal- tung im Mesencephalon. Cerebellum das Organ des feineren Statotonus. Reisowa, Karolina. See Reis, (Frau Dr.) Karolina. Reiss, E. Rivulus harti Blgr. var. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 527-528. fig. 1912.1 Reissner, Ernst [1824-1878] Ueber die Schuppen von Polypterus und Lepi- dosteus. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Rei- chert), 1859, 254-269. 1859.1 - Ueber die Schwimmblase und den Gehorapparat einiger Siluroiden. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Reichert), 1859, 421^38. 1859.2 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss vom Bau des Riickenmarkes vom Petromyzon fluviatilis L. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Reichert), 1860, 545-588. 1860.1 Reitmayer, Carl August. Die Ell- ritze (Phoxinus Icevis) im Zimmer- aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 433-436. fig. 1911.1 - Etwas vom Gressling (Griind- ling) Gobio fluviatilis Flem. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 573-575. fig. 19112 Etwas von der Groppe (Cottus gobio L.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 558-560. fig. 1911.3 - Der ungarische Hundsfisch ( Umbra krameri Fitz.) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 351- 353. fig. 1911.4 - Der Flussbarsch (Perca fluvia- tilis L.) Einige Winke beziiglich seiner Haltung im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 650- 652. fig. 1912.1 - Unser Bitterling. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 259- 261. fig. 1912.2 - Rotauge und Rotfeder. Einige Bermerkungen zur leichteren Unter- scheidung derselben. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 161- 162. fig. 1913.1 - Zucht und Pflege des Stichlings. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 339-340. 2 figs. 1913.2 Einige Bemerkungen zur Pflege des eingerichteten Aquariums. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 78-79. 1914.1 - Einiges iiber unsere Karausche. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 452-454. 2 figs. 1914.2 Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Brachsen (Abramis brama L.) in der Gefangenschaft. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 76-77. fig. 1915.1 Einige Bemerkungen iiber den Kaulbarsch (Acerina cernua L.) und seine Haltung im Aquarium. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 369-370. fig. 1915.2 - Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Schmerle (Cobitis barbatula L.) Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 598-599. fig. 1915.3 - Der Steingressling (Gobio ura- noscopus Agass.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 257-258. 2 figs. 1915.4 - Xiphophorus helleri HeckeL Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 147-149. fig. 1915.5 Das Stichlingsnest. Eine Ant- wort an viele Fragesteller. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 27. Jahrg., 65-70. 3 figs. 1916.1 Zur Zucht des Danio malabari- cus. Jerdon. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 27. Jahrg., 17-19. fig. 1916.2 Danio albolineatus Blyth, p. 33-35. 2 figs. REN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 886 Reitsma, A. J. Hoe men de haaijen op het eiland Aitutaki vangt. Album Natuur, 1868, 254-255. 1868.1 Reitter, Kduard. Die Nahrung der Karpfen. Wiener Landw. Zeitg., 1880, no. 26, 210-211. Oesterr.-ungar. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1880, 229-230; 238-239. 1880.1 Reitz, A. Lebendes Fischfutter. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 343-345; 356-358; 371- 372; 379-380. fig. 1906.1 - Der Scheibenbarsch (Mesogonis- (iuK chcetodon), seine Zucht und Pflege im Zimmeraquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 664-665. 1907.1 Callichthys . punctatus Bloch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 361-362; 375-377. 1910.1 - Poly acanthus cupanus var. Blatt, Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910,21. Jahrg., 181-183. fig. 1910.2 - Ueber die Km 1m d>r Xerven im elektrischen Organ der Zitterrochen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Mtiller), 1856, 467-472. ls:,i,.l Rembold, Robert. Brief iiber den Siisswasserschleimfisch (Blennius vul- garis) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 521-523. fig. IW.i.l Remes, M auric. Fischreste des Stramberger Tithon. Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Prague, 1897, 4, no. 1, 6-7. pi. 1897.1 Remondino, C. La piscicoltura in provincia di Cuneo. Ann. Accad. Agric. Torino, 1915, 57, 31-34. 1915.1 Remy, Charles. Sur les poissons toxiques du Japon. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 6, 1-28; 263- 265. 1883.1 Renard, Edouard. ^La peche et la pisciculture dans 1' extreme Orient. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1875, 3. ser. 2. 281-299. 1875.1 Barbus conchonius Ham. & Buch. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 375-377. fig. 1911.1 Cichlasoma facetum Steind. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 433-436; 448-449. fig. 1911.2 - Ein neuer Danio. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 361-363. fig. 1911.3 Reitzenstein, von. Untersu- chungen iiber die Lebensfahigkeit der mit dem Grundschleppnetz gefangenen Schollen in den Jahren 1906-1907. 4.-5. Jahresber. Beteil. Deutschlands Intern. Meeresforsch. Berlin, 1908, 259- 288. map. 1908.1 Rekstad, John Bernhard [1852] lagttagelser fra terrasser og strandlinjer i det vestlige og nordlige Norge. Ber- gens Mus. Aarbog, 1906, no. 1, 1-48. map & 19 figs. 1906.1 Remak, Robert. Vermischte ana- tomische Beobachtungen. Neue Noti- zen (Froriep), 1837, 3, 150-154. 1837.1 v. Ueber den Nervus sympathicus der Hai- fische. - Bemerkungen iiber die ausseren Athemmuskeln der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1843, 190-196. 1843.1 - Untersuchungen iiber die Ent- wickelung der Vertebraten. Berlin, 1855. 1855.1 An important memoir treating of the devel- opment of gill arches in fishes as compared with other vertebrates. La pisciculture eri Chine et au Japon. Explorateur G^ograph. Com- merc., 1875, no. 10, 227-230. 1875.2 Renard, Leon. L' exposition mari- time international du Havre. Rev. Moderne, 1868, 760-765. 1868.1 Renauld, L. B., pseudonym for Desloges, Louis C. A. Renault, J., & Duchamp, G. Sur 1'organe appele* corde dorsale chez VAmphioxus lanceolatus. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1878, 86, 898-900. Ab- stracts in Rev. Scient., 1878, 1003. - Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 1, 492-493. 1878.1 Renaut, J. L'assise ke"rodontogene et la bande muqueuse ectodennique des dents corners des cyclostomes. In- troduction a l'e"tude analytique et a rhistoge"nese des formations corne"es persistantes. C. R. 13. Congr. Intern. Med. Paris (Histol.Embr.), 1900, 64-78. 1900.1 - Histologie et cytologie des cel- lules osseuses. DeVeloppement et ca- racteres gene>aux des fibres osseuses. C. R. Assoc. Anat. Nancy, 1902, 4, 216-229. 5 figs. Renaut, J., & Dubreuil, G. Sur la cloison, ou strie sarcoplasmique ordon- natrice transversale de la substance contractile des muscles stri6s. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 67, pt. 2, 189-191. 1905.1 Ammocaetes branchialis. 336 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REN Renaut, /., & Policard, A. Etude histologique et cytologique sommaire de 1'organe de 1' Ammoccetes branchialis, improprement nomme corps thyroide. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1905, 7, 59-68. 2 figs. 1905.1 Rendall, P. Flight of the flying- fish. Zoologist, 1912, 39. 1912.1 Rendle, Alfred Barton [1865] Memorials of Linnaeus. Collection of portraits, manuscripts, specimens and books exhibited to commemorate the bicentenary of his birth. London, 1907. 2 pis. 8. 1907.1 Renier, Stefano Andrea [1759-1830] Esame e giudizio ricercato sulla ques- tione di che specie di squali sia un ittiolito delle cave bolchesi, che esiste nella publica biblioteca di Vicenza. Mem. R. 1st. Padova, 1820, 43. Also separate; Padova, 1821. 4. 1820.1 Eocene shark from monte Bolca, Italy. -* Osservazioni posthume di zoolo- gia adriatica, pubblicato per cura dell' Istituto Veneto da G. Meneghini. Venezia, 1847. 32 pis. fol. 1847.1 Rennie, E. H. President's address. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1903, 27, 319-329. 1903.1 Contains remarks on fishes. Rennie, John. Occurrence of a " principal islet " in the pancreas of Teleostei. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Lon- don, 1903, 2. ser. 17, 375-378. fig. 1903.1 - The epithelial islets of the pancreas in Teleostei. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1904, 48, 379-405. 3 pis. - Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 63. meet., 1903, 696. 1904.1 - Ueber die physiologische Bedeu- tung der Langerhansschen Inseln in Pankreas (Lophius piscatorius) Zen- tralb. Physiol., 1905, 18, no. 23, 729-731. 1905.1 Accessory fins in Raia batis. Anat. Anz., 1906, 28, 428^31. 2 figs. 1906.1 - On the occurrence of Centrolo- phus niger Gmelin on the Scottish coast, with a note on one or two points in its structure. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1907,216-218. 1907.1 Rensen, P. van. Die Emdener Haringsfischerei. Deutsch. Economist, Berlin, 1872. Bremer Handelsbl., 1872, nos. 1062 & 1064. 1872.1 Ren vail, Thorsten. Suomen Retkeily- fauna. Turku, 1899. 215 p. 25 figs. 8. 1899.1 Renwick, John. Fossil sharks' teeth from Algeria. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1897, n. s. 5, 147. 1897.1 Repassy, Miklos. Siisswasserfi- scherei und Fischwirtschaft [Text in Hungarian] Budapest, 1909. 502 p. 2 pis. 8. 1909.1 Repiachoff, W. Bemerkungen liber die Keimblatter der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Anz., 1883, 6, 148-152. 1883.1 Entwicklung der Chorda dorsalis aus dem Mesoblast bei Amphioxus. Reste, Bernarde de. Histoire des peches, des decouvertes et des etablisse- ments des Hollandois dans las mers du Nord; quvrage traduit du Hollandais . . . enrichi de notes . . . par . . . B. de Reste. 3 vols. Paris, An IX [1801] illust. 8. 1801.1 Retterer, Edouard. Specifite et transformation cellulaires. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1900, 52, 655-659. 1900.1 Transformation of cartilage cells. - Des capsules osseuses. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 57, pt. 2, 366-368. 1905.1 - Du tissu osseux des mammif eres et des poissons. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1905, 7, 120-126. 1905.2 - Du tissu osseux des poissons teleosteens. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1905, 57, pt. 2, 246-248. 1905.3 Le squelette osseux du merlan et de Palose. - De la structure reticulee de la cellule cartilagineuse. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1907, 63, 782-785. 1907.1 Cartilage de raie, Raja clavata. Retterer, Edouard, & Lelievre, August. Musculature intestinale de la tanche (Tinea vulgaris Cuv.) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1909, 66, 571- 574. 1909.1 - Structure du myocarde de quel- ques vertebres inferieurs. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1909, 66, 746-749. 1909.2 Tanche, grenouille, tcrtue. Retzius, Anders Adolf [1796-1860] Observationes in anatomiam chon- dropterygiorum prsecipue squali et rajae generum. Inaug. Dissert. Lundse, 1819. fig. 1819.1 RET BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 337 Retzius, Anders Johan [1742-1821] Tctnxloii [Orthagoriscus] nwla beskrifven. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1785, 6, 115-121. 1785.1 - Anmarkningar vid slagtet Myx- ine. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1790, 11, 110-114. 1790.1 - Lampris, en ny fiskslagt beskrif- ven. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1799, 20, 91-100. 1799.1 - Faunae Sueciae, pars prima [sis- tens mammalia, aves, amphibia et pisces] quam recognovit, emendavit et aiixit A. J. Retzius, etc. Lipsiae, 1800. pi. 8. 1800.1 Fauna Sueciae Caroli Linnsei Equ. inchoatse. - (presses) Animadversiones in classem piscium Linnaeanam . . . sub presidio A. J. Retzius . . . offert L. A. Planander, etc. Lundae, 1803. 24 p. 4. 1803.1 - Bidrag till ader och nerfsyste- mets anatomic hos Myxine glutinosa. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1822, 233- _>:><). 1822.1 - Ytterligare bidrag till anatomien af Mi/xine glutinosa. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1824, 408-431. figs. 1824.1 - Beitrag zu der Anatomic des Ader- und Nervensystems der Myxine glutinosa L. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Meckel), 1826, 386-404. pi. Isis (Oken), 1825, 1003-1013. fig. 1826.1 - Recherches sur 1' anatomic de Mij.rine glutinosa L. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.}, 1828, 14, 148-177. pi. 1828.1 Anatomisk undersokning ofver nagra delar af Syngnathus acus och Ophidion. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1833, 146-159. Isis (Oken), 1833, 5, 396. fig. 1833.1 - Microscopiska undersokningar ofver tandernes, sardeles tandbenets struktur. Svensk. Vet. Akad. Handl., 1836, 52-140. Arch. Anat. Physiol. ( Mii Her), 1837, 486-566. 2 pis. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1837, 3, 250-251. 1836.1 Om magens byggand hos slagtet Silurus. Forh. Skand. Naturf., 1842, 3. ti9o. Isis (Oken), 1845, 455. 1842.1 - Om de formenta electriska or- ganerna hos de icke electriska Rockorna. Oefvers. Akad. Forh., Stockholm, 1845, 2, 177-181. Xotizen (Froriep), 53-55. 1845.1 - Ueber die yenueim lichen elek- trischen Organe bei den nicht elcktn>- chen Rochen. Notizen (Froriep), 1848, 6,53-55. is i.x.i - Om den stora fettdroppen i fiskarnes agg. Oefvers. Akad. Fnrh.. Stockholm, 1854, 113-117. 3 figs. 1854.1 - Ueber den grossen Fetttropfen in den Eiern der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Mtiller), 1855, 34-39. 1855.1 Retzius, Magnus Gustaf [1842'] Anatomische Untersuchungen. Stock- holm, 1871. 1871.1 1. Abth. Das GehorlabjTinth der Knochen- fische. 76 p. 5 pis. - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der inneren Schichten der Netzhaut des Auges. VII. Nord. Med. Archiv, 1871, 3, no. 2, 89-104. 1871.2 - Om horselnervens andningssatt i maculae och crista3 acusticae. Nord. Med. Arkiv, 1871, 3, no. 17, 1-4. 1871.3 - Recherches anatomiques sur Tappareil auditif des poissons osseux. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1875, 4, 179-184. 5 pis. 1875.1 Till kannedomen om plagio- Nord. Med. stomernas nervt radar. Arkiv, 1877, 9, no. 23, 1877.1 - Till kannedomen om den mem- branosa horsellabyrinten hos brosk- fiskarna. Nord. Med. Arkiv., 1878, 10, 1-24. pi. 1878.1 - Zur Kenntniss von dem mem- branosen Gehorlabyrinth bei den Knor- pelfischen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1878, 83-107. pi. 1878.2 - Om epitelet i membrana olfac- toria hos Myxine glutinosa. Nord. Med. Arkiv, 1879, 11, no. 10, 1-8. pi. 1879.1 - Das Riechepithel der Cyclosto- men (Myxine und Petromyzon) Arch. Vimt. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1880, 9-23. pi. 1880.1 Untersuchungen iiber die Ner- venzellen der cerebrospinalen Ganglien und der iibrigen peripherischen Kopf- ganglien mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die Zellenauslaufer. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1880, 369-402. 6 pis. 1880.2 Zur Kenntniss des inneren Ge- hororgans der Wirbelthiere. Arch. Anat, Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1880, 235-244. 338 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RET Retzius, M. G. - Einige Beitrage zur Histologie und Histochemie der Chorda dorsalis. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1881, 89-110. 2 pis. 1881.1 - Das Gehororgan der Wirbel- thiere. Morphologisch-histologische Stu- dien. 2vols. Stockholm, 1881-84. illust. 4. 1881.2 Das Gehororgan der Fische und Amphibien, vol. i, p. 1-150. 24 pis. - Das membranose Gehororgan von Polypterus bichir Geoff r. und Cala- moichthys calabaricus J. A. Smith. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1881, 4, 61-66. pi. 1881.3 For convenience of indexing, the Biologische Untersuchungen of Retzius are here treated as a serial publication. - Ueber die peripherische Endi- gimgsweise des Gehornerven. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1881, 3, 50-60. pi. 1881.4 - Ueber die Entwickelung der Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. Forh., Stockholm, 1889, 1, 1 Heft, 22-28. pi. 1889.1 Ein sogenanntes Caudalherz bei Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1890, n. s. 1, 94-96. pi. & fig. 1890.1 - Ueber die Ganglienzellen der Cerebrospinalganglien und liber subcu- tane Ganglienzellen bei Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1890, 2. ser. 1,97-99. pi. & 2 figs. 1890.2 Ueber Zellentheilung bei Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. Forh., Stock- holm, 1890, 2, 80-91. pi. 1890.3 Das hintere Ende des Riicken- markes und sein Verhalten zur Chorda dorsalis bei Amphioxus lanceolatus. Verh. Biol. Ver., Stockholm, 1891. 4. 1891.1 - Zur Kenntnis des centralen Nervensystems von Amphioxus lanceo- latus. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1891, n. s. 2. 1891.2 Zur Kenntniss des centralen Nervensystems von Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1891, n. s. 2, 47-53. pis. Ibid., 3, 37-40. Ibid., 4, 36-41. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1892, pt. 5, 594-595. 1891.3 Zur Kenntnis der Ependym- zellen der Centralorgane. Verh. Biol. Ver., Stockholm, 1891, 3. 1891.4 - Das Caudalskelet der Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Foren. Forh., Stock- holm, 1892, 3, 79-84. pi. 1892.1 - Das hintere Ende des Riicken- marks und der Chorda dorsalis bei Petromyzon fluviatilis. Biol. Foren. Forh., Stockholm, 1892, 4, 36-41. figs. 1892.2 Die Nervenendigungen in den Endknospen resp. Nervenhiigeln der Fische und Amphibien. Biol. Un- tersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 4, 33-36. 1892.3 - Die sensiblen Nervenendigun- gen in der Haut des Petromyzon. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 3. 37-40. pi. 1892.4 - Ueber die sensiblen Xerven- endigungen in den Epithelien bei den Wirbelthieren. Biol. Untersuch., 1892, n. s. 4, 37-44. 5 pis. 1892.5 Weiteres iiber die Gallenkapil- laren und den Driisenbau der Leber. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 4,67-70. 3 pis. 1892.6 Zur Kenntniss der motorischen Nervenendigungen. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 4, 41-52. 7 pis. 1892.7 - Zur Kenntniss der Nervenendi- gungen in der Riechschleimhaut. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 4, 62-64. pi. 1892.8 - Zur Kenntniss der Nervenen- digungen in den Zahnen. Biol. Unter- such., Stockholm, 1892, n. s. 4, 65-66 pi. & figs. , 1892.9 - Das Gehirn* und das Auge von Myxine. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1893, n. s. 6, 55-68. 3 pis. 1893.1 - Die nervosen Elemente im Rtickenmarke der Knochenfische. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1893, n. s. 6, 27-30. pi. 1893.2 - Studien iiber Ependym und Neuroglia. Biol. Untersuch., Stock- holm, 1893, n. s. 5, 9-26. 8 pis. 1893.3 Ueber Geschmacksknospen bei Petromyzon. Biol. Untersuch., Stock- holm, 1893, n. s. 5, 69-70. pi. 1893.4 - Familjen Myxinidse (In Smitt, F. A. & others. Skandinaviens fiskar, etc., pt. 2, p. 1195-1209. Stockholm & London, 1895) 1895.1 REU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS - Veber das hintere Knde des Rtickenmarkes bei Amphioxus, Myxine und Petromyzon. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1895, n. s. 7, 26-33. 2 pis. 1895.2 - Ueber den Bau des Riieken- inarkes der Selachicr. Biol. Untersuch., Jiolm, 1895, n. s. 7, 34-39. 3 pis. 1895.3 - I 'cber den Bau des sogenannte Parietalauges von Ammoccetes. Biol. I'ntersuch., Stockholm, 1895, n. s. 7, _'_> 25. pi. & figs. 1895.4 - Ueber die Hypophysis von Myxine. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, l,xir>, n. s. 7, 19-21. pi. & figs. 1895.5 - Zur Kenntniss der Retina der Sda drier (In Zoologiska Studier, Fest- skrift, Wilhelm Lilljeborg tillegnad pa hans altionde fodelsedag af svenska zo- ologer, p. 19-28. Upsala, 1896. 5 figs.) 1896.1 - Die Methylenblaufarbung bei dem lebenden Amphioxus. Biol. Un- tersuch., Stockholm, 1898, n. s. 8, 118-122. 1898.1 - Ueber die Endigung der Nerven im elektrischen Organ von Raja clavata and Raja radiata. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1898, n. s. 8, 83-93. 3 pis. 1898.2 - Zur Kenntniss der Lorenzi'schen Ampullen der Selachier. Biol. Unter- such., Stockholm, 1898, n. s. 8, 7.5-82. pi. 1898.3 - Ueber einen Spiralfaserapparat am Kopfe der Spermien der Selachier. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1902, n. s. 10,61-64. pi. 1902.1 - Die Membrana limitans interna dor Xetzhaut des Auges. Biol. Unter- such., Stockholm, 1904, n. s. 11, 82-88. pi. 1904.1 - Zur Kenntnis der limitans externa der nervosen Centralorgane. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1904, n. s. 11,77-81. pi. 1904.2 - Ueber den Bau der Haut von Myxine glutinosa. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1905, n. s. 12, 65-74. 2 pis. 1905.1 Zur Kenntnis der Spermien der Leptocardier, Teleostier und Ganoiden. Biol. Untersuch., Stockholm, 1905, n. s. 12, 103-115. pi. 1905.2 - Zur Kenntnis der Spri-mim der Elasmobranchier. Biol. fiurr-urli., Stockholm, 1909, n. s. 14, 79-88. 2 pis. 1909.1 Ueber die sogenaimtrn Frora- mann'schen Querlinien der . \\riu-ylmdrr der Nervenfasern. Biol. I "ntcrsuch., Stockholm, 1910, n. s. 16. s7 '.u. pi. & figs. 1910.1 - Ueber das Verhalten der \ '''-. 340 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY REU Reuss, Christian Friedrich von [1745- 1813] Von der Weise wie aus dem Fische Tkotspiggs (Gasterosteus aculea- tus) in Schweden Oel bereitet wird. Beschaft. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1778, 3, 171. 1778.1 Reuss, F. A. De libris Physicis S. Hildegardis commentatio historico- medico. Wirceburgi, 1835. 1835.1 See also Geysenheiner, L. Ueber die Phy- sica der heiligen Hildegarde von Bingen, etc. Sitzber. Naturh. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. u. West- falens, 1911, E, 49-72. Wasmann, E. Hilde- garde von Bingen als alteste deutsche Natur- forscherin. Biol. Centralbl., 1913, 33, 278-288. Reuss, Hans. Fischfarbung und natiirliche Zuchtwahl [Bericht liber eine Arbeit von M. Popoff] Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31. Jahrg., 411- 412. 1906.1 - Die Fischfeinde aus der nie-; deren Tierwelt. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31. Jahrg., 261-267; 288- 291; 329-334; 382-387; 408-411; 446- 448; 491-493; 514-516. Ibid., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 2-4; 98-100. 1906.2 Neue Myxoboliden von Siisswas- serfischen. Bull. Acad. Sci., St. Petersb., 1907, 5. ser. 25, 199-205. pi. 1907.1 - Die natiirliche Nahrung der Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 361-364; 447-450; Ibid., 1908, 33. Jahrg., 25-29; 120-122; 141- 143; 256-260; 346-350; 386-388: 411- 414. 1907.2 - Die Bedeutung des Kalkes fur das Wachstum des Karpfens. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33. Jahrg., 2-6. 1908.1 - Untersuchungen iiber die che- mische Zusammensetzung des Fisch- korpers unter dem Einfluss seines Wach- stums und des Wassers. Bericht. Biol. Versuchstat. Miinchen, 1908, 1, 185- 220. 1908.2 - Ueber die Schadlichkeit der Kohlensaure fur Fische. Allgem. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1909, 34. Jahrg., 221-225; 246-251. 1909.1 Die Wirkung der Kohlensaure auf Fische. Ber. Bayr. Biol. Versuch- stat. Miinchen, 1909, 2, 89-142. 10 figs. 1909.2 - Die Wirkung der Kohlensaure auf die Atmung der niederen Wir- beltiere, insbesondere der Fische. Erste Abhandlung. Ergebnisse der Versuche an der Regenbogenforelle. Zeitschr. Biol. Miinchen, 1910, 53, 555-587. 7 figs. 1910.1 Ueber den Schlaf bei Fischen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911,26, 174- 176. 1911.1 - Ueber die Wirkung einiger Nar- kotika auf Fische. Deutsch. Fischerei, 1911, 49-57. 1911.2 Reuss, Hans, & Weinland, Ernst. Ueber die chemische Zusammensetzung der Aalbrut unter verschiedenen Bedin- gungen. Zeitschr. Biol. Miinchen, 1912, 59, 283-296. 1912.1 Reuss, Leopold. Fauna des Unter- Donau-Kreises, oder Gemeinniitzige Naturgeschichte der im Unter-Donau- Kreise vorkommenden wilden und zah- men Thieren. Passau, 1832. 8. 1832.1 Fische aus der Donau, p. 441. Reuter, Fritz. Ueber die Besetzung natiirlicher Binnengewasser mit Fischen und Krebsen. Zeitschr. Forst- Jagd- wesen, 1897, 29. Jahrg., 381-402. fig. 1897.1 Die Atmung der Fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 617-622. 9 figs. 1909.1 - Dormitator maculatus (Bloch) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 605-607. fig. 1911.1 Neues vonBetta splendens Regan. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 65-67. pi. 1911.2 Belonesox belizanus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 81-82. 1912.1 - Trichogaster fasciatus Bloch und Schneider. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 565-567. pi. 1912.2 - Der wissenschaftliche Name un- seres Maulbriiters [Haplochromis stri- gigena] Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 678-679. 1912.3 - Die wissenschaftlichen Namen unserer Fische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 483-485. 1912.4 Der " Eidechsenkopffisch " (Ele- otris ? pisonis) eine neue Grundelart aus Nordamerika. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 49-52. fig. 1913.1 Monocirrus polyacanthus Hec- kel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 617-619. 2 figs. 1913.2 REU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 34] Nandus marmoratus Cuv. & Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 417-^19. fig. 1913.3 Cichlosoma fesiivum Heckel und seine Pflege und Zucht, unter besonderer Berticksichtigung der Geschlechtsunter- x-hirdo, nach Aufzeichnungen des Herrn Georg Bausch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 6-11. 4 figs. 1914.1 - Pieter Bleeker. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 313- 314. portr. 1914.2 - Prochilodus insignis Schom- burgk. Bliit-t. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 257-259. 3 figs. 1914.3 - Zwei seltene Grundelarten. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 273-276. 2 figs. 1914.4 Eleotris pisonis und E. porocephalus. - Die Characiniden. I-II. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 27. Jahrg., 53-56; 81-85. 11 figs. 1916.1 Reuter, F., & Wolterstorff, W. Die fremdlandischen Zierfische in Wort und Bild. Atlas samtlicher bei uns einge- fiihrten exotischen Zierfische. Stuttgart, 1912. 8. 1912.1 Reuter, Jonatan. Idmete. Sporten, 1891, 3. ser. 1, 293-294. 1891.1 Reuter, Odert Ossian. Hafsfisket pa sveriges vastkust samt nagra ord om Finlands saltsjofiskar. Skrift. Sv. Folksk. Vann., 1889, 19. 45 p. 1889.1 - Skildringar fran Vastra Nyland. Skrift. Sv. Folksk. Vann., 1891, 24, 76. 1891.1 Om de ekonomiska forhallan- dena i skargarden. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1892, 1, 112-117. 1892.1 - En modarn fiskerihushallning i sma sjoar. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894, 3, 171-175; 187-193. 1894.1 Ar den klagan befogad eller icke, som i skargarden forsporjes betraffande strommingsfiskets forsamring? Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 168-172. 1896.1 - Idmete i skargarden. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1896, 4, 155-158. 1896.2 - Nagra mindre beaktade saltsjo- fiskar. Helsingfors, 1899. 29 p. 16. 1899.1 - Berattelse ofver en af littera- toren Ossian Reuter med understod af fiskeriforeningen i Finland i borjan af September 1900 foretagen resa till Estlandska kusten for studium af dar idkadt fiske efter hvassbuk. Fiskeri- i i: resultados de excursoes do Sr. Ricardo Krone, membro correspondent e do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro. Bol. Soc. Nac. Agric. Rio de Janeiro 1907, 11, 185-190. 2 figs. 1907.3 - Uma novidade ichthyologist. Kosmos, Rio de Janeiro, 1907, 4, no. 1, 21-22. 1907.4 On fishes from the Iporanga river, S. Paulo, Brazil. Ark. Zool. Svensk. Vetensk. Akad., Stockholm, 1908, 4, no. 19, 1-5. pi. 1908.1 - Peixes, da Ribeira, result a< lo- de excursao do Sr. Ricardo Krone, membro correspondente do Museu na- cional do Rio de Janeiro. Kosmos, Rio de Janeiro, 1908, 5, 1-5. 7 figs. 1908.2 - Fauna brasiliense. Os peixes. Tomo iii. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 1909, 16, 167-186. pi. 1909.1 Eleutherobranchips spirophoros. Lepidosiren paradoxa, com bibliographia. - Sobre alguns peixes novos para a fauna Marinha do Brasil. Bol. Min- ister. Agricult., [1910?] 15-17. pis. 1910.1 Fauna brasiliense. Peixes. Tomo iv. (A) Eleutherobranchios As- pirophoros. Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 1911, 16, 1-504. 54 pis. A: 144 figs. 1911.1 i. Resenha historica. ii. Eleutherobranchios (Aspirophoros) . iii. Bibliographia e indice. The systematic part contains description of 324 species of physostomous teleosts. - Loricariidse, Callichthyidse, Do- radidae, e Trichomycteridae (In Com- missao de Linhas Telegraphicas Estrate- gicas de Matto-Grosso ao Amazonas, no. 5,1-31. pi. Rio de Janeiro, 1912) 1912.1 Fauna brasiliense. Peixes. Tomo v. Eleutherobranchios aspiro- phoras (Physoclisti) Arch. Mus. Nac. Rio de Janeiro, 1915, 17, l-[c. 600] pis. & figs. This section forms a bulky volume which i> without continuous pagination; the plates are unnumbered, and there is no index. Numerous genera and species are considered, belonging to 20 orders of teleoate. Ribeiro, Alipio de Miranda, & Schreiner, Carlos. See Schreiner & Ribeiro. Riccardi, P. Studii intorno alia pesca presso alcune razze umane. De- scriptioni dei armi e utensili. Firenze, 1879. 3 pis. 8. 1879.1 344 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RIG Ricci, Nicola. Intorno alia specials forma e struttura dello stomaco di alcuni pesci. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Na- poli, 1875, 14, 123-128. 1875.1 Ricci, Omeros Sulle modificazioni della retina all' oscuro ed alia luce. Rivist. Ital. Sci. Nat., 1901, 21. anno, 78-83; 103-106; 124-128; 152-153. Ibid., 1904, 24. anno, 124-128. 1901.1 Ricerche sulle metamorfosi dei murenoidi [Priorita del Grassi] Atti Soc. Natural. Modena, 1902, 4. ser. 4, 11-35. 1902.1 Ricci, Procaccini. Osservazioni sulle gessaje del territorio sinigagliese, su i filitti, gl'ittiolitti ed altri oggetti con- tenute nelle medesime. Roma, 1828. 5 pis. 8. Abstract in Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fe- russac), 25, 14. 1828.1 Rice, Henry J. The Amphioxus lanceolatus off Old Point Comfort. For- est & Stream, 1878, 10, 503. 1878.1 - Notes upon the development of the shad, Alosa sapidissima. Rept. Maryland Fish Comm., 1878. 1878.2 Observations upon the hatch- ing, variation and development of the Raritan river smelt, Osmerus eperlanus. Rept. Maryland Fish Comm., 1878. 1878.3 Observations sur les moeurs, la structure et le developpement de I' Am- phioxus lanceolatus. Journ. Micro- graph., 1880. 4. annee, 64-72; 122-131; 181-187; 229-235. 2 pis. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 1-19; 73-95. figs. 1880.1 - Experiments upon retarding the development of the eggs of the shad, made in 1879, at the United States shad- hatching station at Havre de Grace, Md. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 787-794. 1884.1 Salt as an agent for the de- struction of the fish fungus. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 15-21. 1885.1 Rice, L. M. Safeguarding the salmon. Trans. Pacific Fisheries Soc. 1914 (1915), 79-80. 1915.1 Rich, Shebnah. The mackerel fishery of North America. Its perils and its rescue. Boston, 1879. 40 p. 8. 1879.1 Mackerel, their history, statis- tics and prospects. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 179. 1879.2 Richard, Jules [1863 ] Sur les gaz de la vessie natatoire des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1895, 120, 745-747. 1895.1 - Sur les functions de la ligne laterale chez le cyprin dore. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1896, 10. ser. 3, 131-133. Reviews in Le Pecheur, 2. ser. 1, 33. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 8, 69-71. Etangs & Rivieres, 9. annee, 59-61. Zool. Centralbl., 4. Jahrg., 38. 1896.1 Sur les gaz de la vessie natatoire des poissons et des physalies . Bull . Mus . Hist. Nat. Paris, 1896, 2, 41-43. 1896.2 - Campagne scientifique du yacht " Princesse Alice " en 1904. Observa- tion sur la faune bathypelagique, etc. Bull. Mus. Oceanogr. Monaco, 1905, no. 41, 1-30. 1905.1 - Monstruosites chez des poissons marins. Nature, Paris, 1912, 40, pt. 1, 321-322. 6 figs. 1912.1 Richard, Jules, & Schloesing (jun- ior), Th. See Schloesing & Richard. Richards, Benjamin W. Origin of salmon in the Delaware. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 462. 1878.1 Richardson, Henry. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 464. 1879.1 Richardson, J. A. Salmon hybrids [experiments in hybridization under- taken in the hatchery at Karluk, Alaska, note by D. S. Jordan] Science, 1906, n. s. 23, 434. 1906.1 Richardson, (Sir) John J1787-1865] For biography see Mcllraith, J. Life of Sir John Richardson. London 1868. xi, 280 p. Also article by T. N. Gill in The Osprey, 1902, 6, 13-17. Account of some fishes observed during Captain Franklin's and Dr. Richardson's journey to the Polar sea. Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh, 1823-24, 5, 509-522. 1823.1 Appendice au journal de 1' ex- pedition du Capt. Franklin, sur des poissons recueillis dans cette expedition. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1825, 5, 122- 124. 1825.1 - Fauna Boreali- Americana; or, the zoology of the northern parts of British America, containing descrip- RIG BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES tions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land ex- peditions, under the command of Sir John Franklin, R. N. 4 vols. London & Norwich, 1831-37. pis. 4. 1831.1 Part iii, The fish, with 24 pis., 14 of which are colored. 1836. Salmones (In Ross, Sir J. Narrative of a second voyage in search of a northwest passage and of a resi- dence in the arctic regions during 1829- 33, etc. Appendix. London, 18135) 1835.1 - Report on North American zoology. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 6. meet. 1836 (1837), 121-224. 1837.1 Pisces, p. 202-223. - Description of fishes collected at Port Arthur in Van Diemen's land. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1839, 7, 95- 100. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 4, 450-457. 1839.1 - On some new species of fishes from Australia. Proc. Zool. Soc., Lon- don, 1840, 8, 2.5-30. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 6, 306-310. 1840.1 - Descriptions of Australian fish. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1841, 3, 133- 184. 8 pis. 1841.1 - Notices and drawings of three new genera of marine fishes [Nema- dactylus, Latris, Hoplegnathus] from Van Diemen's land. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 11. meet,, 1841, pt. 2, 71. 1841.2 On some new or little known fishes from the Australian seas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1841, 9, 21-22. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist,, 1841, 8, 464-466. 1841.3 - Contributions to the ichthyol- ogy of Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1842, 9, 15-31; 120-131; 207-218; 384-393. Ibid., 10, 25-34. Ibid., 1843, 11, 22-28; 169-182; 352-359; 422- 428; 489-497. 1842.1 - Description of a collection of fishes formed at Port Arthur, Tasmania. Tasmanian Journ. Nat. Sci., 1842, 1, 99-108. 1842.2 - Description of Australian fishes. 2 vols. London, 1842. 8 pis. 4. 1842.3 - On a specimen of Machcerium subducens from Port Essington, New Holland. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12. meet., 1842, 69-70. 1842.4 .^v^,-.... on tin- present state of the ichthyology of N<-\\ Zealand. Rept. Brit, Assor. Adv. Sci., 12. moot,, 1842, 12-30. 18'1'J 5 - Description of the lurking ma- cheie (Machcerium subducens] from the northern coast of New Holland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1843, 12, 175- 1 7s. pi. 1843.1 I cones piscium, or plates of rare London, 1843. 8 p. 5 col. pis. 1843.2 List of fish ... of New Zealand (In Dieffenbach, E. Travels in New Zealand, vol. ii. London, 1843. 8) 1843.3 - Sopra alcuni pesci nuovi o poco conosciuti dei mari Australi. Nuov. Ann. Sci. Nat. Bologna, 1843, 9, 180- 182. 1843.4 - Beschreibung australischer Fische. Isis (Oken), 1844, 770-773. 1844.1 - Description of a genus of Chinese fish [Hapalogenys] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 462-464. 1844.2 - Description of a new genus of gobioid fish [Channichthys] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 461^62. 1844.3 - Generic characters of an un- described Australian fish (Patcecus fronto] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 14, 280-281. 1844.4 Ichthyology (In The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. "Sulphur, 1 " under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1836- 42; edited by R. B. Hinds, p. 51-150. 30 pis. London, 1844) 1844.5 - Catalogue offish found at Kinu George's sound (In Eyre, E. J. J9ur- nals of expeditions of discovery into central Australia, etc. vol. i, appendix. London, 1845. 8) 1845.1 Generic characters of Gastero- ' chisma meltimpus, a fish which inhabits Port Nicholson, New Zealand. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1845, 16, 346. 1845.2 Rapport sur 1'ichthyologie de la Chine. L'Institut, 1845, 13, 337. 1845.3 - Report on the ichthyology of the seas of China and Japan. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 15. meet., 1845, 187-320. Notizen (Froriep), 36, 117- 118. Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., 1848, 2. ser. 9, 465-471. 1845.4 346 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RIC Richardson, J. - Ueber die Ichthyologie Chinas. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1845, 35, no. 756, 117-118. 1845.5 - Descriptions of six fish (In Stokes, John Lort. Discoveries in Australia; with an account of the coast and rivers explored and surveyed during the voyage of H. M. S. " Beagle," in . . . 1837-43 . . . also a narrative of Capt. O. Stanley's visits to the Arafura sea. 2 vols. London, 1846. illust. 8) 1846.1 - Fishes (In Adams, Arthur. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. "Samarang"; under the command of Captain Sir Edward Belcher, during the years 1843-1846. London, 1848. 28 p. 10 pis. 4) 1848.1 - Description of Australian fish. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1849, 3, 69-131; 133-185. 8 pis. 1849.1 - Notices of Australian fish. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1850, 18, 58-77. 3 pis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 7, 273-292. 1850.1 - Vertebrates, including fossil mammals (In Forbes, Edward, editor. The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. " Herald," under the command of Cap- tain Henry Kellett, R. N., during the years 1845-51. London, 1854 [Fishes] p. 156-171. 5 pis.) 1854.1 Describes species of Platessa and Salmo. - Fishes (In Belcher, Sir E. The last of the Arctic voyages in search of Sir J. Franklin, vol. ii. London, 1855. 40 pis. 8) 1855.1 - Ichthyology (In Encyclopaedia Britannica. London, 1856. 137 illust. 4) 1856.1 - On some fish from Asia Minor and Palestine. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1856, 24, 371-377. 1856.2 On Siphonognathus, a new genus of Fistularidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1857, 237-240. pi. 1857.1 - (editor) A history of British fishes by William Yarrell. 3. ed. 2 vols. London, 1859. 8. 1859.1 - Occurrence of the sea bullhead [Cottusi at Montrose. Zoologist, 1860, 18, 6993. 1860.1 - Singular account of the sail fluke (Zeugopterus velivolans [Rhombus megastoma]) Zoologist, 1860, 18, 6993- 6994. 1860.2 On the poisonous effect of a small portion of the liver of a Diodon inhabiting the seas of southern Africa. Journ. Linn. Soc. London, 1861, 5, 213-216. 1861.1 Richardson, (Sir) John, & Gray, John Edward. The Zoology of the voy- age of H. M. S. "Erebus and Terror," under the command of Capt. Sir J. C. Ross . . . during . . . 1839-43. Ed- ited by J. Richardson . . . and J. E. Gray. London, 1844-45. illust. 4. 1844.1 Ichthyology, by Sir J. Richardson. 39 pis. Richardson, Linsdall [1881 ] On the occurrence of Ceratodus in the Rhaetic at Garden cliff, Westbury-on- Severn, Gloucestershire, with some re- marks upon its distribution in British formations. Proc. Cotteswald Nat. Field Club, 1906, 16, 267-271. fig. 1906.1 Richardson, Robert Earl. A review of the sunfishes of the current genera Apomotis, Lepomis and Eupomotis, with particular reference to the species found in Illinois. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1904, 7, 27-35. 4 figs. 1904.1 - Observations on the breeding habits of fishes at Havana, Illinois, 1910 and 1911. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1913, 9, 405-416. pi. 1913.1 Observations on the breeding of the European carp in the vicinity of Havana, Illinois. Bull. Illinois State Lab. Nat. Hist., 1913, 9, 387-404. pi. 1913.2 Richardson, Robert Earl, & Forbes, Stephen Alfred. See Forbes & Rich- ardson. Richardson, Robert Earl, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Richard- son. Richarz, P. Stephen. Die Neokom- bildungen bei Kaltenleutgeben. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien 1904 (1905), 54, 343-358. pi. & 2 figs. 1905.1 Pycnodus couloni Ag., p. 348. Riche, Attale [1851 ] Description paleontologique de la zone a Lioceras concavum du Mont d'Or lyonnais. Ann. Univ. Lyon (Sci., Med.), 1904, 2. ser. 1, no. 14, 75-214. 1904.1 Aster acanthus ornatissimus Ag., p. 75-76. Richet, Charles Robert [1850 ] Sur 1'acide du sue gastrique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1878, 86, 676-679. 1878.1 Lophius, Scyllium, Raja. RID BIBLIOGRAPHY I ISIIi;> 347 Observations sur la respiration de quelques poissons marins. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1880, 7. ser. 1, 314-316. 1880.1 De quelques faits relatifs a la digestion des poissons. Arch, de Phy- siol.. 1SS2, 2. ser. 9, 536-558. 1882.1 S males, carpe et tanche. - Les poissons electriques. Rev. Scient., 1882, 2. 1882.2 - Des diastases chez les poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1884, 8. ser. 1, 74-76. 1884.1 - Experiences sur la vie des pois- sons dans divers milieux, et sur Faction physiologique des differents sels de soude. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol., 1886, S. ser. 3, 482-488. 1886.1 - Des milieux acides ou basiques dans lesquels peuvent vivre les poissons de mer. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1886, 8. ser. 3, 488-489. 1886.2 Richet, Charles Robert, & Hericourt, J. Sec Hericourt & Richet. Richet, Charles Robert, & Mourrut, De quelques faits a la digestion gastrique des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1880, 90, 879-881. 1880.1 Richiardi, Sebastiano [ 1904] Sul' Rhombus diaphanus del Rafinesque. Proc.-Verb. Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., 1880, 271-273. 1880.1 Richter, Johann Gottfried Ohnefalsch. Godleerende vischkunde of eene natuur, ontleed- en oordeelkundige beschrijving der visschen in het algemeen, en hunne bijzondere deelen, enz. Alsmede eenige verhandelingen over de barnsteen, paarl-, koraal- en oesteryisscherij, voor- zien met noodige registers, uit het oorspronkelijk Hoogduitsch. 2 vols. Dordrecht, 1768. pis. 4. 1768.1 The original edition was published at Leipzig in 1754. 912 p. pi. - Vischkundige onderwyser; in eene natuur-ontleed-huishond-en Oor- deelkundige beschryving der vischen, etc. With preface by J.D.Titius. Dor- drecht, 1780. 319 p. 4. 1780.1 Richter, Reinhard [1813-1884] Saal- fische in alter Zeit. Programm Real- schule Progymn. Saalfeld, 1865. 14 p. 8. 1865.1 Aus dem thiiringischen Dilu- vium. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1879, 31, 282-298. 1879.1 Esox lucius L., p. 292. Richters, Ferdinand. Ueber ini Hesit/ der SenckenberciBchea Natur- foraohendec (Jesellsrhaft hefindliche ; d- tereHandschriflen und Fiseh-AI>l>ildiin- gen. Ber. Senckenberg. Naturt. Qei Frankfurt-a. M., 1890, 3-36. 4 pis. l.x'.MM An account of, and extracts from manuscript notes on freshwater fishes of Hus>i.-i l.y Strllrr. Merck, Guldenstadt, Gmelin, Georgi and accompanied by unpublished drawings. - Der Bitterling. Prometheus, Berlin, 1901, 12, 459-461. fig. 1901.1 Ricketson, Daniel. History of N\\ Bedford (and other towns) New Hoi- ford, 1858. 408 p. 1858.1 Contains an account of New England fisheries. Rico, B. Pisciculture dans le depart - ment du Puy-de-D6me. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. s6r. 6, 369-381. 1869.1 - Stabulation des salmonides dans des espaces restreints. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1874, 3. s6r. 1, 490-496. fig. 1874.1 Acclimatation et reproduction de 1' ombre-chevalier. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1877, 3. ser. 4, 490-496. 1877.1 Ricord, Alexandre. Nouveau proce'de' pour conserver les poissons. Bull. Sci. Nat. (F6russac), 1827, 12, 276. Ibid., 1830, 22, 156. 1827.1 Riddell, Maria. Voyages to the Madeira and leeward Caribbean isles with sketches of the natural history of these islands. Edinburgh, 1792. 1792.1 Riddell, W. Report on the hydro- graphic, planktonic and other periodic cruises of the "James Fletcher" in 1912. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1912, 51-58. chart. 1912.1 - Report on the plankton of the periodic cruises of the " James Fletcher " in 1912-13. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Lab., 1912, 59-68. 2 tabl<->. 1912.2 - Herring investigations (with de- scription of a new fish-measuring board) 22. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fi-heries Lab. 1913 (1914), 235-249. 2 figs. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1914, 28, 325-339. 2 figs! 1914.1 - Report on herring measure- ments. Pror. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1915, 29, 171-200. 5 tables. 348 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RID Riddell, W., & Alexander, D. Moore. Note on an ulcerative disease of the plaice. 20. Kept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab. 1911 (1912), 85-91. 2 pis. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 26, 155-161. 2 pis. 1912.1 Riddle, George W. Restocking the Merrimac river with lamprey eels. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 6, 320. 1885.1 Ridewood, W. G. The air-bladder and ear of British clupeoid fishes. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1891, 2. ser. 6, 26-42. figs. 1891.1 - On the hyoid arch of Ceratodus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, 632- 640. figs. 1894.1 On the spiracle and associated structures in elasmobranch fishes. Anat. Anz., 1896, 11, 425-^33. 2 figs. 1896.1 The teeth of fishes. Nat. Sci., 1896, 8, 380-391. figs. 1896.2 Note on the extrabranchial car- tilages of elasmobranch fishes. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 499-501. 1897.1 - On the eyelid-muscles of the Carchariidse and Scyllium. A contribu- tion to the morphology of the nictitat- ing membrane of sharks. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1898, 2. ser. 13, 228- 242. figs. 1898.1 - Note on the basibranchial skele- ton of Echinorhinus spinosus. Anat. Anz., 1899, 15, 346-348. fig. 1899.1 - On the relations of the efferent branchial blood-vessels to the " circulus cephalicus " in teleostean fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 939-956. 3 pis. 1899.2 - Some observations on the caudal diplospondyly of sharks. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1899, 27, 46-59. 2 figs. 1899.3 - On the cranial osteology of the fishes of the families Elopidse and Al- bulidae, with remarks on the morphology of the skull in the lower teleostean fishes generally. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1904, pt. 2, 35-81. 11 figs. 1904.1 - On the cranial osteology of the fishes of the families Mormyridse, Notop- teridse and Hyodontidae. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool), 1904, 29, 188-217. 4 pis. 1904.2 On the cranial osteology of the clupeoid fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1905, pt. 1, 448-493. 25 figs. 1905.1 - On the cranial osteology of the fishes of the families Osteoglossidse, Pantodontidse and Phractolaemidse. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool), 1905, 29, 252-282. 3 pis. 1905.2 - On the skull of Gonorhynchus grevi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 361-372. pi. & fig. 1905.3 - Guide to the gallery of fishes in the department of zoology of the British Museum (Natural History) London, 1908. 209 p. illust. 8. ' 1908.1 For a similar guide to the collection of fossil fishes, etc., see Woodward, A. S., 1905.1. Notes on the South American freshwater flying-fish, Gastropelecus, and the common flying-fish, Exocoetus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1913, 8. ser. 12, 544-548. pi. 1913.1 Ridge, R. J. The mackerel fishery in the west of England. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1889-90, n. s. 1, 72-73. 1889.1 Riebesell, P. Die elektrischen Or- gane der Zitterfische. Verh. Nat. Ver. Hamburg, 1913, 3. ser. 20, xlv-xlvi. 1913.1 Riedel, Probe mit Lachszucht in Forellenbachen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, no. 7, 266. 1873.1 Riedel, Karl. Ueber das Massenster- ben des Girardinus spec. (G. januarius var.? gescheckte Form) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 775- 776; 795-796. 1910.1 Xanthorismus bei einer Ellritze. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 150-151. 1911.1 Gobius fluviatilis Bonelli. Die Flussgrundel . Ihr Fortpflanzungsge- schaft. 41. Ber. Nat. Ver. Schwaben- Neuburg, 1913, 163-166. 1913.1 - Ueber Gardaseefische, nament- lich die Fortpflanzung der Flussgrundel (Gobius fluviatilis Bonelli ) Blatt . Aquar .- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 387- 390. figs. 1914.1 Riedel, W. Zur Frage der Maifisch- Erbriitung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 19, 59-60. 1894.1 Riegel, E. Examen chimique de Thuile de foie de morue. Journ. de Pharm., 1852, 22, 79-80. 1852.1 RIN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 349 Rieneck, (Jeber die Schichtung des Forellenkeims. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1809, 6, 356-366. fig. 1869.1 Riess, Johnnn Albin [1853 ] Der Bau der Kiemenblatter bei den Kno- chenfischen. Inaug. Dissert. Bonn, 1881. 35 p. 3 pis. 8. Arch. Naturgesch., 1881, 65. Jahrg., 518-550. 3 pis. 1881.1 - I'eber einige fossile Chimaeri- den-Reste im Miinchener palaeontolo- gischen Museum. Palaeontographica, 1887, 34, 1-27. 3 pis. 1887.1 Rietstap, Gerard H . A. N. De har- ing en de haringvisscheri j . Tijdschr. Nederl. M.-mtsch., 1864, 27, 312-338. 1864.1 - De zeevisscherij en de makreel. Tijdschr. Nederl. Maatsch., 1870, 33 (3. ser. 11), 122-150. 1870.1 Riggio, Giuseppe. Corrispondenze scientifiche moderne degli animali figu- rati nel Panphyton siculum del Cupani [Pesci] Nat, Sicll., 1882, 11, 160-163. 1882.1 Refers to the natural history work of Fran- cisco Cupani published at Palermo in 1713. Cattura di Carcharodon ron- 1'ichthyologie, la culturedu poisson, etc . Paris, 1869. 8. I860 i deletii Mull. Henl. nelle acque di capo Gallo e di isola delle Femine. Nat. Sicil., 1894, 13, 130-133. 1894.1 Sopra un caso di noteyole rami- ficazione dei ciechi pilorici di^Centrolo- phus pompilus Cuv. e Val. Nat. Sicil., 1894, 13, 206-211. 3 figs. 1894.2 Riggio, Giuseppe, & Doderlein, P. See Doderlein & Riggio. Rijnberk, Gerard Abraham van. See Rynberk, Gerard Abraham van. Riley, Charles Valentine [1843-1895] Water-beetles destroying carp. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm., 1885, 5, 311. 1885.1 Riley, Henry. On a fossil in the Bristol museum (Squaloraia dolichogna- thus) and discovered in the Lias at Lyme Regis. Proc. Geol. Soc., 1826, 1, 483- 484. Trans. Geol. Soc., 1833, 6, 83- 88. 1826.1 Rimbaud, J. B. A. De la peche cotiere en France. Toulon, 1865. 8. 1865.1 - Sur la peche cotiere. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1866, 2. ser. 3, 297; 304; 624-631. 1866.1 - L' Industrie des eaux salees. Importations critiques sur la peche, La mer et les poissons. Bull. Soc. Acad. Var., 1870, n. s. 3, 237-282. 1870.1 l.cs causes de la cherte" du son. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 187. ser. 2, 652-667. 1875.1 - Om aarsagerne til fiskemange- len. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1876, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 80-96. 1876.1 Ringel, Ernst. Zwei neue Goldfisch- Varietaten. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 91-92. 1901.1 - Unsere Lebendgebarenden. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 248-250; 258-260; 275-277; 290-293. 10 figs. 1911.1 - Unsere Haplochilus-Arten, ihre Haltung, Pflege und Zucht. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 267-269; 279-281; 293-294. 19 figs. 1912.1 Ringer, Sydney. The influence of saline media on fishes. Journ. Physiol., London, 1883, 4 (SuppL), vi-viii. 1883.1 - Concerning the influence of saline media on fish. Journ. Physiol., London, 1884, 6, 98-115. 1884.1 Ringer, Jr. E., & Herwerden, M. A. See Herwerden & Ringer. Ringueberg, Eugene N. S. A new Dinichthys from the Portage group of western New York. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1884, 3. ser. 27, 176-178. 2 figs. 1884.1 Describes D. minor, not D. minor of New- berry; later called D. ringuebergi by Newberry. Rink, Henrik Johan [181971893] Gr0nland geographisk og statist ik be- skrevet. 2 vols. Kiebenhavn, 1857. il- lust. 8. ^~>>^ Vol. ii. Naturhistoriske bidrag. Pattedyr. fugle og fiske, of J. Reinhardt. - Danish Greenland; its people and its products. Edited by R. Browne, etc. London, 1877. xvii, 468 p. 16 pis. 8. 1877.1 The fishes and fisheries of Greenland, p. 131- 135. Rink, H. J., Reinhardt, J. T., Schiodte, J. C., Mbrch, O. A. I... Liitken, C. F.. k Lange, J. See Rein- hardt, Schiodte & others. 350 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RIP Ripley, (Miss) H. Ernestine. Bib- liography of the published writings of Henry Fairfield Osborn [Privately printed] Lancaster. Pa., 1911. 31 p. g. 1911.1 The same. 2. ed. ifor the years 1877-1915] Lancaster, Pa., 1916. 74 p. [with a supplement of 2 pages dated February, 1917] 1916.1 Ripple, Robert. Experiments inrear- ing small-mouth black bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1908 (1909), 126- 130. 1909.1 Risberg, G. Observations ichthyo- logies. Lundffi, 1835. 8. 1835.1 Risso, Antoine [1777-1845] Ichthyo- logie de Nice, ou Histoire naturelle des poissons du departement des Alpes Mari- times. Paris, 1810. 388 p. 11 pis. 8. 1810.1 - Memoire sur deux nouvelles es- peces de poissons du genre Scopelus, observers dans la mer de Nice [Scope- Ins augustidens, S. balbo] Mem. Accad. Torino, 1820, 26, 262-269. Faunus (Gistl), 1, 19. Heft, 93-94. 1820.1 - Memoire sur un nouveau genre de poisson [Alepocephalus rostratus] Mem. Accad. Torino, 1820, 25, 270-272. figs. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1, 376. 1820.2 - Observations sur le genre et les especes Trigla vivant dans la Mediter- ranee. Mem. Soc. Linn. Paris, 1824, 3, 24-37. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 2, 298-299. 1824.1 - Histoire naturelle des princi- pales productions de 1'Europe meridio- nale et particulierement de celles des en- virons de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. 5 vols. Paris & Strasbourg, 1826. 46 pis. 8. 1826.1 - Note sur une nouvelle espece du genre Gymnetrus [G. mullerianus Rissoi Arch. Naturgesch., 1840, 6. Jahrg., 13-16. 1840.1 - Observations sur quelques pois- sons de la mer de Nice (Notacanthus bonaparte, Dentex vulgaris, D. synodon, D. erythrostoma, Sebastes argus] Arch. Naturgesch., 1840, 6. Jahrg., 376-393. fig. Journ. Physique, 91, 241. 1840.2 Ristow, C. Aalbrut. Deutsch. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 253. 1880.1 Ritchie, James. An ambicolored turbot with eyes approximately normal in position. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1908, 146-150. fig. 1908.1 A hump-backed trout from Stranraer. Ann. Scot. Nat. Hist., 1908, 223-227. pi. 1908.2 Ritgen, Ferdinand August von. Ver- gleichende Betrachtung des starren Geriistes, welches das Fortpflanzungsge- rathe tragt und umgiebt. 1 . Abtheilung. Fische. Nova Acta Acad. Cses. Leop., 1820,14,285-328. fig. 1820.1 Ritsema, C. Over de voortplantings- organen der Alen. Isis (Hartogh Heijs) , 1875, 4, 313-315. 1875.1 Rittener, Th. Etude geologique de la C6te-au-Fees et des environs de St. Croix et Baulmes. Mater. Carte Geol. Suisse, 1902, n. s. 6. 116 p. 7 figs. 1902.1 Ritter, B. Eine Methode der Zande- rerbriitung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 31. Jahrg., 169-170. 1906.1 Ritter, C. Zur Histologie der Zapfen der Fischretina. Month. Intern. Journ. Anat. Hist., 1891, 8, 128-134. pi. 1891.1 Ritter, Paul. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der Stacheln von Trygon und Acanthias. Inaug. Dissert. Berlin, 1900. 56 p. 7 pis. 8. 1900.1 Ritter, William Emerson [1856] On the eyes, the integumentary sense papillae, and the integument of the San Diego blind fish (Typhlogobius cali- forniensis Steindachner) Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harv. Coll., 1893, 24, 51-102. 4 pis. 1893.1 - A summer's dredging on the coast of southern California. Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 55-65. 1902.1 - The marine biological station of San Diego. Its history, present con- ditions, achievements and aims. Univ. California Public. (Zool.), 1912, 9, 137- 248. 7 pis. 2 maps. 1912.1 - Patten on the origin of the ver- tebrates, and the general question of the value of speculations on the phylogeny of organic beings. Amer. Naturalist, 1912, 46, 623-632. 1912.2 Ritter, William Emerson, & Bailey, Samuel E. On the weight of developing eggs. Univ. California Publ. (Zool.), 1908, 6, 1-10. 1908.1 i. The possible significance of such investi- gations. ii. Practicability of the determinations. Material used: eggs of Fundulus parvipinms. ROB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIII.S 351 Ritzema Bos, Jan. Sec Bos, Jnn Ritzema. Rivera, E. Algunas observaci6nes hprhas aeerca de la educaci6n de que son Busceptibles los peces, y de si oyen 6 no. Bol. Soc. Espafi. Hist. Nat., Madrid, 1905,4,59-61. 1905.1 Rivers, Guy. Scientific names of the bass. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 400. 1878.1 Riviere, (Baron) - de. Conside- rations sur les poissons et particuliere- i IK >iit sur IPS anguilles: mcmoire lu a la Socie"t6 Royale et Centrale d'Agricul- tm-p, le l er juillet, 1840. Paris, 1841. 8. 1840.1 - Considerations sur les poissons pt particulierement sur les anguilles. Rev. Zool., 1841, p. 351. 1841.1 - L'aquiculture; necessite de fon- der des fermes modeles pour 1'etudier et 1'enseigner; memoire lu le 13 Janvier 1st 1C) a 1' academic du Gard, suivi de VUPS sur un vaste port de refuge a tous lex navigateurs 4 1' embouchure du Rhone. Nimes, 1866. 8. 1866.1 Riviere, Emile [1835 ] De quelques hyperostoses de poissons trouvees dans IPS grottes quaternaires de Menton en Italic. C. R. Assoc. Franc. . Avanc. Sci., 8. Sess. 1879 (1880), 595-600. 1880.1 - Exposition de la mission de Brazza au Museum. Rev. Scient., 1886, 2. spr. 23, 13-23. 1886.1 - Des reptiles et des poissons trou- YPS dans les grottes de Menton (Italic) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1886, 103, 1211- 1213. 1886.2 - Faune des oiseaux, des reptiles et des poissons des grottes de Menton. C. R. Assoc. Frang. Avanc. Sci., 15. sess., 1887, 450^57. 1887.1 Riviere, P., & Jolyet, F. See Jolyet & Riviere. Rixf or d , George C . Carp grow rapidly in Florida. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 129. 1880.1 The culture of carp. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 309. 1880.2 - Progress and results in fish cul- ture (carp) Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 396. 1882.1 Roach, William. Notes on the her- ring, long-line and pilchard fisheries of Plymouth during the winter 1889-90. Journ. Mar. Hiol. Assoc., ]xs '.to. n. s . 1, 382-390. /bid., 1891-92. 2. 1x0-188. ixs'.u Roads (junior}, Samuel. The history and traditions of Marblehead [Mass.] Boston, 1880. 423 p. 8. Ixso.l Contains occasional mention of the fisheries from their beginning up to the present tiim-. Robbins, Isaac D. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 4n Rhizodus hibberti Owen (Mxjulichthys hibberti Agassiz & Hibbert) in den Schieferthonen des Steinkohlengebirges von Volpersdorf in der Grafschaft Glatz. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1865, 17, 271-276. pi. Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1866, 244. pi. 1865.1 Romer, Fritz [1866-1909] Ueber das Vorkommen von Heteropleuron cultellum J. W. Kirkaldy bei Ternate. Zool. Anz., 1896, 19, no. 498, 113-115. 1896.1 Die Wanderungen der Fische. Ber. Senckenberg. Nat. Ges., Frankfurt- a.-M., 1909, 101*-105*. 1909.1 Romer, Fritz, & Schaudinn, F . R. Fauna arctica: eine Zusammenstellung der arktischen Tierformen, mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung des Spitzbergen- Gebietes auf Grund der Ergebnisse der deutschen Expedition in das nordliche Eismeer im Jahre 1898 . . . heraus- gegeben von . . . F. Romer . . . und . . . F. Schaudinn . . . (nach ihrem Tode fortgesetzt von ... A. Brauer) Jena, 1900. 4. 1900.1 Die Fische, von E. Ehrenbaum. Romer, O. Zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie des Wirbelthierbeckens auf Grund der Befunde an Protopterus annectens. Freiburg, 1889. 8. 1889.1 Romer-Biichner, J. B. Verzeich- niss der Steine und Thiere, welche in dem Gebiete der freien Stadt Frankfurt und deren nachster Umgebung gefunden werden. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1827. 2 pis. 8. 1827.1 Fische, p. 68. Roesch, Ch. La pe"che et les p< )i>si ms dans le territoire de Belfort. Bull. Soc. Belfort. Emulation, 1901, 20, 233-247. 1901.1 Rose, Carl Beitrage zur vergleichen- den Anatomic des Herzens der \\ir- belthiere. Morph. Jahrb., 1889, 16., 27-96. 2 pis. 1889.1 Vessels of cyclostomes, etc. Morph. Jahrb., 1890, 16, 27-97. 1890.1 356 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ROE Rose, C. - Ueber Zahnbau und Zahnwech- sel der Dipnoer. Anat. Anz., 1892, 7. Jahrg., 821-839. 10 figs. 1892.1 Ueber die Zahnentwickelung der Fische. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 653- 662. 8 figs. 1894.1 - Ueber die Zahnentwicklung von Chlamydoselachus anguineus Garm. Morph. Arbeit., 1894, 4, 193-206. figs. 1894.2 Das Zahnsystem der Wirbel- thiere. Anat. Hefte, Wiesbaden, 1896, 4, 542-591. 1896.1 - Ueber die verschiedenen Aban- derungen der Hartgewebe bei niederen Wirbelthieren. Anat. Anz., 1897, 14, 21-31; 33-69. figs. 1897.1 An important paper on histological structure of the teeth in elasmobranchs and teleosts. One of the figures shows a scale of Thelodus in cross- section. Rdssler, E. Naucno putoyanje u svrhu izucavanja slatkovodnog ribarstva [Wissenschaftliche Reise zum Zwecke des Studiums der Siisswasserfischerei] Glasnik Hrvatsk. Narosl. Drustva God., 1909, 21, no. 1, 59-85. 1909.1 Rothig, P. Bydrage tot de leer der neurobiotaxis; de verschuiving der motorische kernen in de oblongata van Myxine glutinosa en by sommige amphi- bien. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1913, 22, 315-324.- Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam (Sect. Sci.), 1913, 16, 296-305. 1913.1 Rothig, P., & Kappers, C. U. A. Verdere bydrage tot de studie van de hersenen van Myxine glutinosa. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1914, 22, 1200-1212. figs. Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam (Sect. Sci.), 1914, 17, 2-12. 2 pis. 1914.1 Rotteken, Fr. Bericht iiber die Thiiringer Fischzucht-Anstalten. Jena, 1878. 18 p. 4. 1878.1 Roger- Desgenettes, De la possibilite d'acclimater dans les eaux de la Maine la famille des salmones et particulierement des truites. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 258-260. 1863.1 Rogers, Austin F., & Beede, J. W. See Beede & Rogers. Rogers, Inkermann. On fossil fish. Kept. Trans. Devonshire Assoc. Advanc. Sci., 1907, 39, 394-398. pi. 1907.1 Rognerud, Carl. Hatching cod in Norway. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 113-119. 1889.1 Rohon, Josef Victor. Das Centralor- gan des Nervensystems der Selachier. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1877, 38, pt. 2, 43-108. 9 pis. Also separate; Wien, 1877. 68 p. 4. 1877.1 - Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus vagus bei Selachiern mit Beriicksich- tigung der Lobi electrici von Torpedo. Abh. Zool. Inst. Wien, 1878, 1, 1-22. pi. Also separate; Wien, 1878. 22 pis. 8. 1878.1 - Ueber den Ursprung des Nervus acusticus bei Petromyzonten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1882, 86, pt. 1, 245- 267. 2 pis. 1882.1 - Untersuchungen iiber Amphio- xus lanceolatus. Wien, 1882. 6 pis. 4. 1882.2 - Zur Histiogenese des Riicken- markes der ForeUe. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1884, 39-56. pi. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 2. ser. 4, 546. 1884.1 - Die Dendrodonten des devoni- schen Systems in Russland. Palseonto- logische und vergleichend-anatomische Studie. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1889, 7. ser. 36, no. 14, 1-52. 2 pis. & fig. 1889.1 - Ueber fossile Fische vom oberen Jenissei. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1889, 7. ser. 36, no. 13. 17 p. 2 pis. 1889.2 - Ueber unter-silurische Fische. Mel. Geol. & Paleont. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1889, 1, 7-15. pi. 1889.3 - Die Jura-Fische von Ust-Balei in Ost-Sibirien. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. V Petersb., 1890, 7. ser. 38, no. 1. 15 p. 2 pis. 1890.1 - Ueber devonische Fische vom oberen Jenissei nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Wirbelsaule devonischer Ganoiden.^ Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1890, 2. ser. 1, 393-410. Mel. Geol. & Paleont. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1892, 1, 17-34. pi. 1890.2 - Ueber Pterichthys. Verh. Russ. ,/ Miner. Ges. St. Petersb., 1891, 2. ser. x 28, 292-316. pi. 1891.1 Holoptychius-Schuppen in Russ-~ / land. Mel. Geol. & Paleont. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1892, 1, 35-56. pi. 1892.1 ROL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 357 - Die obersilurischen Fische von Oesel. I. Thyestidae und Tremata- s]>ida>. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pdtersb., 1892, 7. ser. 38, no. 13. 88 p. 2 pis. 1892.2 - Ueber einen mesozoischen Fisch von Altai (Lepidotus) Verh. Russ. Minor. Ges. St. Petersb., 1892, 2. ser. 29. 10 p. pi. 1892.3 - Die obersilurischen Fische von Oesel. II. Selachii, Dipnoi, Ganoidei, Pteraspidse and Cephalaspidae. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Pe*tersb., 1893, 7. ser. 41, no. 5. 124 p. 3 pis. 1893.1 Zur Kenntniss der Tremataspi- don. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. P6tersb., 1893, 2. sor. 3, 177-202. 2 pis. 1893.2 - Metamerie am Primordial-Cra- nium palaozoischer Fische. Zool. Anz., 1894, 17, 51-52. 1894.1 Thyestes and Tremataspis. Zur Kenntniss der Tremataspi- den. Nachtrag zu den Untersuchungen tiber " Die obersilurischen Fische von Oesel." Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1894, 2. ser. 4, 201-225. 2 pis. 1894.2 Review by Dames in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1899, 1, 171. - Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gat- tung Ptyctodus. Verh. Russ. Miner. Ges. St. Petersb., 1895, 2. ser. 33, 1-16. pi. 1895.1 - Die Segmentirung am Primor- dial-cranium der obersilurischen Thye- stiden. Verh. Russ. Miner. Ges. St. Petersb., 1895, 2. ser. 33, 17-64. pi. 1895.2 - Beitrage zur Classification der palaeozoischen Fische. Sitzber. Boh- misch. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1896, no. 37. 33 p. 8 figs. 1896.1 - Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Gattung Thyestes. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1896, 5. ser. 4, 223-235. pi. 1896.2 - Bau der obersilurischen Dip- noer-Zahne. Sitzber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1899, no. 11. 18 p. 11 figs. 1899.1 - Die devonischen Fische von Timan in Russland. Sitzber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1900, no. 8. 77 p. 45 figs. 1900.1 - Ueber Parietalorgane und Para- physen. Sitzber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1900, no. 33. 15 p. 6 figs. 1900.2 - Beitrage zur Anatomic und Histolpgie der Psammosteiden. Sitzber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., Prag, 1901, no. 16. 31 p. 2 pis. & 3 figs. 1901.1 Rohon, Joseph Victor, & Zittel, Karl A. von. See Zittel & Rohon. Rohrbacher, L. Vom Stichling und seiner Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 32&- 328. fig. 1915.1 Rolland, Eugkne [1846-1909] Faune populaire do hi Franco. Par!-, issl. 8. issl.l Rolland, Georges Francois Joseph [1852 ] Sur les ppissons, crabes et mollusques vivant, rejete"s par les puits artesiens jaillissants de 1'Oued Rir (Sahara de la province de Constantine) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1881, 93, 1090- 1093. 1881.1 - Phenomene des animaux rejete"s vivants par les puits jaillissants de TOued Rir (Bas Sahara Alge*rien) C. R. Assoc. Franc. A vane. Sci., 23. sees., 1895, 656-672. 1895.1 Rolle, Wilhelm. Die Zucht von exotischen Zierfischen. Allgem. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 388-390. 1907.1 - Mollienisia latipinna. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 246. 1910.1 Rolleston, George [1829-1881 ] Forms of animal life, being outlines of zoologi- cal classification based upon anatomical investigation. Oxford, 1870. clxviii, 268 p. 12 pis. 1870.1 Forms of animal life, a manual of comparative anatomy with descrip- tions of selected types. 2. edition, re- vised and enlarged by W. Hatchett Jackson. Oxford, 1888. xxxii, 931 p. illust. 8. 1888.1 Class Pisces, p. 409-437. Koilett, Alexander [1834-1903] Ueber elektrische Fische. Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark., 1872, 45-68. 18/2.1 Ueber die Flossenmuskeln des ' Seepferdchens (Hippocampus antiquo- rum) und iiber Muskelstructur m Allgemeinen. Arch. Mikr. Anat,, 1888, 32,233-266. 2 pis. Rollier, Henri Louis [1859 ] La poche side"rolithique du Fuet (Jura bernois) contient un lambeau de neoco- 358 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ROL Rollier, H. L. mien fossilifere. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1904, 32, 147-153. fig. 1904.1 Dentition of Pycnodus cylindricus. - Nouvelles etudes sur les terrains tertiaires et quaternaires du Haut-Jura. Actes Soc. Jurass. Emul., 1912, 2. ser. 17,85-129. 7 pis. 1912.1 Rollinat, Raymond. Reptiles nuisi- .bles aux poissons. Eleveur, Paris, 1902, 18, 20-22. fig. 1902.1 - Observations sur le poisson-chat ou amiure nebuleux (Amiurus nebulosus le Sueur) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1910, 57, 13-20. 1910.1 Sur la destruction du saumon commun (Salmo solar Linne) dans le bassin de la Loire. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1913, 60, 50-61. 1913.1 Rollinat, Raymond, & Martin, R. See Martin & Rollinat. Rolph, W . Mittheilungen iiber den Bau der Chorda des Amphioxus. Sitz- ber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 50-53. 1875.1 Die sogenannten Nieren des Amphioxus und das Ligamentum den- ticulatum (Joh. Miiller) des Kiemen- korbes. Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 85-87. 1875.2 - Untersuchungen iiber den Bau des Amphioxus lanceolatus. Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Leipzig, 1875, 2. Jahrg., 9-34. 4 figs. Morph. Jahrb., 1876, 2, 86-164. 3 pis. Also separate; Leip- zig, 1876. 80 p. 3 pis. 8. 1875.3 Rom, N. C. Vinterfiskeriet ved Lofoten. Kj0benhavn, 1868. 24 p. 8. 1868.1 Romanes, George John [1848-1894] Permanent variation of colour in fish. Nature, 1873, 8, 101. 1873.1 - Fish [intelligence] (In his Ani- mal intelligence, p. 241-253. New York & London, 1883) 1883.1 Romano, Anacleto. Sopra le fibre commensurali del proencefalo dei selacei. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1897, 8, 206- 212. fig. 1897.1 Sopra i centri nervosi elettrici dei selacei. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1899, 10, iii-xxiii. 2 pis. 1899.1 - Intorno alia natura ed alle ragioni del colorito giallo dei centri nervosi elettrici. Anat. Anz., 1900, 17, 176-183. fig. 1900.1 A proposito di una nuova so- stanza nel nucleo delle cellule nervose elettriche. Anat. Anz., 1902, 21, 461- 467. 1902.1 - Per la istogenesi dei centri nervosi elettrici. Ricerche e considera- zioni preliminari. Anat. Anz., 1902, 20, 513-535. 1902.2 Romano vskil, Ghennadi Danilovich Ueber eine neue Gattung versteinerte Fisch-Zahne. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1853, 26, pt. 1, 405-409. pi. 1853.1 Dicrenodus okensi, n. g. et n. sp. - Ueber die Verschiedenheit der beiden Arten: Chilodus tuberosus Gieb. und Dicrenodus okensis Rom. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1857, 30, pt. 1, 290- 295. 2 figs. 1857.1 - Description de quelques restes de poissons fossiles trouves dans le calcaire carbonifere du gouvernement de Toula. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1864, 37, pt. 2, 157-170. 2 pis. 1864.1 - Beschreibung fossiler Fischreste aus dem Kohlenkalk des Gouvernement Tula. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1866, 247- 248. 1866.1 Elasmobranchs, chimseroids, ganoids and ichthyodorulites. - Notiz iiber den fossilen Fisch Lyrolepis caucasicus Rom. [Text in Russian] Verh. Russ. Miner. Ges. St. Petersb., 1904, 2. ser. 42, 1-8. pi. & 8 figs. 1904.1 Romanovsky, Hennadius. See Ro- mano vskil, Ghennadi Danilovich. Romans, B. A concise natural his- tory of east and west Florida, contain- ing an account of natural produce of all southern parts of British America in the three kingdoms of nature, particu- larly the animal and vegetable. New York, 1776. 4 pis. 8. 1776.1 Romeis, B. Zur Frage der Schlafstel- lungen der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1911, 31, 183-185. 1911.1 Ronalds, Alfred. The fly-fisher's entomology. Illustrated by coloured representations of the natural and artificial insect, and accompanied by a few observations and instructions relative to trout and grayling fishing. London, 1836. 19 pis. 1836.1 ROO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Ronchetti-Monteviti, (/'., Bellotti, C., A: Mazzarelli, (;. .s' framstalda fragor i atskilliga airmen roraiule den allmilnna och enskilta Landthushallningen, i Klemis. Finsk. Hushallningssallsk., 1826, 2. ser. 8, 57-75. 1826.1 Rose, Caleb Burrell [1790-1872] On the discovery of parasitic borings in fossil fish scales. Trans. Microsc. Soc., 1855, 3, 7-9. 1855.1 - On the occurrence of cycloid fish scales, etc., in the Oolitic formation. Geol. Mag., 1864, 1, 92-94. 1864.1 Rose, C. W. Notice of a monstrosity in a whiting \Gadus merlangus] Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 33. meet., 1863, Notices, 106. 1863.1 Rose, J. An essay upon the British fisheries; wherein the errors of the sys- tem on which they are at present con- ducted is pointed out, a better system is recommended, and sundry experi- ments . . . are proposed. Edinburgh, 1785. 8. 1785.1 Rose, V. Chemische Untersuchung des Ichthyophthalm. Neue Allgem. Journ. Chem., 1805, 5. 1805.1 Roselli, G. Tatti per servire alia storia pisicologica del Cane. Bologna, 1823. 1823.1 Rosen, Nils. Beitrag zur Frage, welches Keimblatt bildet das Skelett der Wirbeltiere? Acta Univ. Lund., 1910, n. s. 6, pt. 2, no. 7. 26 p. pi. & 16 figs. 1910.1 - Contributions to the fauna of the Bahamas. 1-3. Acta Univ. Lund., 1911, n. s. 7, pt. 2, no. 5. 72 p. pi. maps. 1911.1 Studies on the plectognaths. Ark. Zool. Stockholm, 1912-13. 1912.1 i. The blood-vascular system. Ark. Zool., Stockholm, 1912, 7, no. 25, 1-24. 2 pis. & 10 figs. ii. The air-sac, with notes on other parts of the intestines. Ibid., 1912, 7, no. 30. 23 p. 2 pis. & 10 figs. iii. The integument. Ibid., 1913, 8, no. 10, 1-29. 5 pis. iv. The body muscles. Ibid., 1913, 8, no. 18, 1-14. 5 pis. - Wie wachsen die Ktenoidschup- pen? Arkiv Zool., Stockholm, 1915, 9, no. 20. 6 p. pi. & figs. 1915.1 Rosenberg, Albert. Some experi- ments in the propagation of rainbow trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1906 (1907), 87-89. 1907.1 Kxprrirnrr iii nbatinn r;isc among brook trout. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Hull. Bur- eau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 941-945. 1910.1 Rosenberg, Alexander. Untersuch- ungen iiber die Entwicklung der Tele- ostierniere. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat, 1867. 77 p. pi. 1867.1 Rosenberg, C. B. Hermann von [1817-1888] Reis naar de Zuidooster- eilanden, gedaan in 1865. 's Graven- hage, 1867. 8. 1867.1 List of 250 species of fishes. Rosenberg, Emil Woldemar [1842 ] Untersuchungen liber die Occipital- region des Cranium und den proximalcn Theil der Wirbelsaule einiger Selachier (In Festschrift zu F. H. Bidder's Doctorjubilseum, Dorpat, 1884. 26 p. 2 pis.) 1884.1 - Ueber das Kopfskelet einiger Selachier. Sitzber. Naturf . Ges. Dorpat, 1887, 8, 31-34. 1887.1 Rosendal, Paul. Om fiskeriforhal- landena i letala socken. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 33-36. 1893.1 Rosenfeld, Georg. Stiidien iiber das Fett der Meeresorganismen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Keil (Abth. Helgo- land), 1912, 5, 57-83. 1912.1 Rosenhauer, Wilhelm Gottlob [1813- 1881] Die Thiere Andalusiens, nebst Beschreibung von 249 neuen Arten. Erlangen, 1856. 3 pis. 8. 1856.1 - Ueber die in der Umgegend yon Erlangen vorkommenden Fische. Wiss. Mitth. Phys. Med. Soc. Erlangen, 1858, 1, 165-168. 1858.1 Rosenthal, Friedrich Christian. Ueber das Skelett der Fische. Arch. Physiol., 1811, 10, 340-358. Zergliederung des Fischauges. Arch. Physiol., 1811, 10, 393-414. 181 1.2 Ichthyotomische Tafeln. Ber- lin, 1812-25. 4. 1812.1 The same. 2. ed. Berlin, 1839. fol. Ueber die Blinddarme im Schwertfische. Zeitschr. Physiol. (Tiede- mann), 1824, 1, 335-337. 1824.1 Ueber die Structur der Kiemen. Verh. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1839, 1, 1-4. 362 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ROS Rosmini, Olga. Ricerche intorno alia variazone del Petromyzon planeri Bloch. Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 1901, 16, no. 390. 29 p. 1901.1 Rosny, Leon Louis Luciende [1837 ] Les documents japonais des biblio- theques de Londres et d'Oxford. Paris, 1861. 23 p. 8. 1861.1 Ross, F. W. L. Description of Miil- ler's top-knot (Rhombus hirtus Mull.) Zoologist, 1843, 1, 106-108. 1843.1 Ross, (Sir) James Clark [1800-1862] Zoology of the arctic regions [fishes ] (In Parry, Sir W. E. Journal of a third voyage for the discovery of a northwest passage performed in 1824-25. Appen- dix. London, 1826. 8) 1826.1* - Zoology of the arctic regions (In Parry, Sir W. E. Narrative of an attempt to reach the north pole in ... 1827. Appendix. London, 1828. 8) 1828.1 Ross, (Sir) John [1777-1856] Narra- tive of a second voyage in search of a northwest passage, and of a residence in the arctic regions during 1829-33, etc. 2 vols. London, 1835. illust. 4. 1835.1 Appendix : Zoology [i. e. Mammals, birds and fishes] by James C. Ross. Salmones, by J. Richardson. Ross, John. Curing and preserving fish in Scotland and its islands (In Fish and Fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 106-129. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.1 Rossati, Guido. Economic condi- tions of the fisheries in Italy. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 1, 323-332. 1910.1 Rossi, Umberto. Sopra i lobe la- terali della ipofisi. I. Pesci (selaci) Arch. Ital. Anat. Embriol., Firenze, 1903, 1, 362-391. 5 pis. 1903.1 Rost, Gunther. Barbus vittatus Day. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 947-948. 1913.1 Capoeta damascina Cuv. & Val. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 850-852. fig. 1913.2 Danio rerio Ham. Buch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 264-266. fig. 1913 3 Der getupfte Xiphophorus ra- chovii Regan. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 174- 179. 10 figs. 1913.4 - Warum verlassen die Rivulus- arten zeitweise das Wasser? Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 642-646. 4 figs. 1913.5 Einheimische Fische: der Barsch, Perca fiuviatilis L. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 317. fig. 1914.1 - Einheimische Fische: Hecht. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 284-285. fig. 1914.2 - Einheimische Fische: Schlamm- beisser, Steinbeisser, Schmerle. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 8-10. 2 figs. 1914.3 - Die erfolgreiche Zucht der lebendgebarenden Zahnkarpfen. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 24-26. 1914.4 Girardinus formosus Ag. ( Hete- randria formosa Ag.) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 106-107. fig. 1914.5 Rosted, E. Om haakjaerringen. An- gaende maaden og tiden den f anges ogh- vorledes man benytter sig af den. Det. Norske Vid. Selskabs Skrifter, 1788, Nye Samling, 2, 203-212. 4. 1788.1 Roszmazler, E. A . Das Susswasser- Aquarium; eine Anleitung zur Her- stellung und Pflege desselben. Zweite Auflage, iiberarbeitet von A. E. Brehm. Leipzig, 1869. pi. & 53 figs. 8. 1869.1 - Het zoetwater-aquarium; naar het Hoogd. voor Nederland bewerkt door Joh. F. en H. P. Snelleman. Leiden [1872] 8. 1872.1 Roth, Der Kehldeckel und die Stimmritze im Embryo, nebst einigen Bemerkungen uber die Entwicklung der Schleimdrusen. Mitth. Embryol. In- stit. Univ. Wien, 1877, 1, 2. Heft. 1877.1 Roth, Wilhelm. Beitrage zur Kennt- niss der parasitaren Fischkrankheiten. VI. Die Plotze (Leuciscus rutilus) als Veranlassung zur Entstehung des Leber- krebses beim Menschen. Natur u. Haus, 1904, 13. Jahrg., 93-94. 1904.1 - Doppelatmer. Eine verglei- chend-anatomische Skizze mit beson- derer Beriicksichtigung der Ampullarie. Natur u. Haus, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 200- 204. fig. 1905.1 ROU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Doppelte Regeneration einefl Rougemont, Philippe Ml, rl ,h Bartfadens bei emem Panzerwelse. [1850-1881] Observations sur les ceufa Bl-itt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 16. de perche. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat Neu- Jaln-, 408-410. 1905.2 chatel, 1873, 9, 216-217. 1873.1 - DasSchaumnestproblem. Blatt. - Sur 1'anatomie du Cobitis [Mis- Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., gurnus]fossilis. Verb. Schweiz. Naturf 21 s 220; 297-300. 1909.1 Ges. Chur 1874 (1875), 57, 51. 1875 1 - I'ober das gleichzeitige Vor- kommen verschiedener Aussenschmarot- zer auf einem und demselben Fisch. Xobst einer kurzen Mitteilung iiber einen bisher nicht beschriebenen Fisch- parasiten. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kuride, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 571-572; 587-590; 601-603. 1909.2 - Ueber Rundwurm im Darm der p]llritze. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 673-675. 1909.3 - Aus dem Sinnesleben der Fische. I. Horen die Fische? Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 430-432. 1910.1 - Das Kochsalz in der Aquarien- liebhaberei. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 555-556; 570-571; 584-586; 603-604; 615-616; 630-631. 1910.2 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Struk- turverhaltnisse des Selachier-Knorpels. Morph. Jahrb., 1911, 42, 485-555. 4 pis. & 18 figs. 1911.1 - Die Krankheiten der Aquarien- fische und ihre Bekampfung. Stuttgart, 1912. 67 figs. 1912.1 Rottra, F. Forderung der Fisch- zucht. Wochenbl. Landw. Ver. Baden, 1877, 145-156. 1877.1 Rouault, Marie [ 1881] Note sur les vertebres fossiles des terrains sedi- mentaires de 1'ouest de la France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 47, 99-103. 1858.1 Roudnew, WladimirGhavilovich. See Rudnev, Vladimir G. Rouffaer, G. P., & Muller, W. C. Eerste proeve van eene Rumphius- Bibliographie. Rumphius Gedenkboek. Kolon. Mus. Haarlem, 1902. 165-219. 1902.1 Rougane de Chanteloup, Pisciculture dans le departement du Puy-de-D6me. Journ. Agricult. Pra- tique, 1875, 39. annee, 1, 150-151. 1875.1 - Note sur le Cobitis [Misgurnus] fossilis. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Neuchatel, 1876, 10,81-89. is7U Rouget, Charles. R6sultat de ses observations sur la terminaison des nerfs dans 1'organe 61ectrique de la torpille. Act. Soc. Helv6t. Sci. Nat. Geneve, 1865, 49, 93-94. 1865.1 - Asphyxie du poisson dans les eaux marecageuses. Bull. Soc. Agri- cult. Sci. Arts Poligny, 1868, 9. anne>, 288. 1868.1 - Note sur 1'appareil e"lectrique de la torpille. Bull. Assoc. Sci. France 1876-77 (1876), 19, 221-222. 1876.1 Sur les terminaisons nerveuses dans 1'appareil 61ectrique de la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1876, 82, 917- 919. Ibid., 83, 803-805; 830-831. Ibid., 1877, 85, 485-487. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1877, 4. ser. 20, 448. Journ. Micrograph, 1878, 2. ann6e, 69-70. 1876.2 Sur la transformation des forces dans les plaques 61ectriques de la tor- pille et dans las plaques motrices des muscles volontaires. Le Naturalist. . 1879-81,1,83. 1879.1 - Sur 1'organe dlectrique de la torpille. C. R. Assoc. Franc. A vane. Sci., 8. sess., 1879 (1880), 753. 1880.1 Rougier de la Bergerie, Manuel des etangs, ou trait6 de Tart de les construire. Paris, 1819. 8. 1819.1 Rougon, J. C. De la pisciculture dans ses rapports avec 1' alimentation publique. Paris, 1861. 38 p. 4. 1861.1 Rouillier, f'., Usow, S., & Borsen- kow, .7. .See Borsenkow, Usow & Rouillier. Roule, Louis [1861 ] Les poissons d'eau douce de la Corse. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1900, 33, 278-279. 1900.1 - Les poissons et les pches sur le littoral de la Corse. C. R. Assoc. 364 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ROU Roule, L. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 28. sess., 1900, pt. 2, 497-498. 1900.2 Atherina riqueti, nov. sp., nou- velle espSce d'atherine vivant dans les eaux douces. Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 262-267. 4 figs. Feuille Jeunes Na- tural., Paris, 4. ser. 32, 172-173. fig. - Nature, Paris, 30, pt. 2, 56-58. 3 figs. 1902.1 - La faune des poissons actuelle- ment connus qui habitent les cotes de la Corse. Me"m. Soc. Zool. France, 1902, 15, 169-194. 1902.2 172 species of elasmobranchs and teleosts are enumerated. - L'hermaphrodisme normal des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 135, 1355-1357. 1902.3 Les poissons du littoral de la Corse; comparaison de cette faune avec celles des autres localites du bassin occi- dental de la Mediterranee. C. R. Assoc. Franc.. Avanc. Sci., 30. sess., 1902, 683- 684. 1902.4 - Sur les poissons du genre Chon- drostome dans les eaux douces de la France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 135, 980-982. 1902.5 - L'acclimatation des poissons exotiques. Mem. Acad. Sci. Toulouse, 1903, 10. ser. 4, 113-122. 1903.1 - La piscifacture. Mem. Acad. Sci. Toulouse, 1903, 10. ser. 3, 390-402. 1903.2 - Sur revolution subie par les poissons du genre Atherina dans les eaux douces et saumatres du midi de la France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 137, 1276-1277. 1903.3 - Sur les poissons de la famille des atherinides dans 1'Europe occidentale et sur la filiation de leurs especes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1903, 136, 824-826. 1903.4 La faune ichthyologique des Pyrenees et du sud-ouest de la France. Bull. Assoc. Franc,. Avanc. Sci., 1904, 267. 1904.1 L' installation et Tentretien des viviers a cyprinides. Bull. Stat. Pisci- cult., Toulouse-Paris, 1904, no. 1. 1904.2 - Notice sur Thistorique, 1'etat actuel, et le role de la station de pisci- culture et d'hydrobiologie de 1'univer- site de Toulouse. Bull. Stat. Piscicult., Toulouse-Paris, 1904, no. 1. 1904.3 - La station de pisciculture et d'hydrobiologie de 1'universite de Tou- louse. C. R. Assoc. Fran. Avanc. Sci., 32. sess., 1904, pt. 2, 789-790. 1904.4 - La faune ichthyologique des Pyrenees franchises et du sud-ouest de la France. Bull. Stat. Piscicult., Toulouse- Paris, 1905, no. 2, 30-39. 1905.1 Impianto e trattamento di un vivaio di ciprinidi. Acquicolt. Lom- barda, Milano, 1905, 7, 19-25. 1905.2 - Le regime biologique et la peche de Festurgeon (Acipenser sturio L.) dans le midi de la France. Bull. Stat. Pisci- cult., Toulouse-Paris, 1905, no. 2, 59- 62. 1905.3 - Le saumon dans le midi de la France. Mem. Acad. Toulouse, 1906, 10. ser. 6, 265-272. 1906.1 L'utilisation des viviers rus- tiques et 1'elevage du goujon. Bull. Ste. Centr. Agricult. Garonne 1900 (1906) 1906.2 Notes ichthyologiques. Arch. Zool. Paris, 1907-08. 1907.1 i. Les scorpenides de la Mediterranee. Arch. Zool. Paris, 1907, 4. ser. 6 (Notes & Revue) , xiv-xxiii. ii. Les triglides de la Mediterranee; pre- miere note: systematique stricte. Ibid., 1908, 9, xvii-xxiv. - La notion du plancton et ses consequences. Bull. Stat. Piscicult., Toulouse-Paris, 1908, 3-20. 1908.1 - Les principes de la pisciculture; la notion du plankton et ses conse- quences. Bull. Pop. Piscicult. Amel. Peche, 1908, no. 3. 1908.2 - Sur le developpement de la notocorde chez les poissons osseux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1908, 146, 1423- 1425. 1908.3 Les cartes de repeuplement. Bull. Pop. Piscicult. Amel. Peche, 1909, no. 5. 1909.1 - La condition generale des etres aquatiques et Faquiculture. Bull. Pop. Piscicult. Amel. Peche, 1909, no. 6. 1909.2 - Les leptocephalides ou conge- rides de la Mediterranee. Congr. Nat. Peches Marit., Sables d'Oloune, 1909. 1909.3 - Description d'un nemichthyde mediterraneen (Nemichthys scolopaceus Rich.) Ann. Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco, 1910, fasc. 6, p. 11. 1910.1 ROU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 365 - Notice preliminaire sur la de- scription et 1' identification d'une larve leptoartenant au type Oxystomus Haf. (Tilurus Koll.) Bull. lust. (Veanogr. Monaco, 1910, no. 171. s ]'. 1910.2 I.es principes de la pisciculture. Revist. Chil. Hist. Nat., 1910, 14, 207- 22t>. 1910.3 - Sur les poissons de la famille nemichthyides. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1910, 150, 352-353. 1910.4 - La chaire de zoologie des rep- riles ot poissons. Rev. Scient., 1911, 49. annee, pt. 1, 161-171. 1911.1 - Sur quelques larves des pois- sons apodes. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1911, 153, 732-735. 1911.2 Sur quelques particularites de la faune antarctique, d'apres la collec- tion des poissons recemment recueillie par 1' expedition francaise du "Pourquoi- Pas? " C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1911, 163, 80-81. 1911.3 - La vie de 1'anguille. Progres, Septembre, 1911. 1911.4 - La distribution geographique de certaines larves (tiluriennes) des pois- sons apodes . C . R . Assoc . Franc, . Avanc . Sci.. 41 . eess., 1912, 413^15. 1912.1 - Notice sur les selaciens conser- ves dans les collections du Musee Ocea- nographique. Bull. Inst. Oc6anogr. Monaco, 1912, no. 243. 36 p. 1912.2 - Remarques concernant la biolo- gie du saumone (Salmo solar L.) d' Eu- rope. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1912, 72, 758-759. 1912.3 - Revue de zoologie (reptiles, batraciens, poissons) Rev. Gn. Sci. Pures Appliquees, 1912, no. 24, Dec. 30, 1912. 1912.4 - Sur la repartition des poissons bathypelagiques dans 1' ocean Atlan- tique et la Mediterrane. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1912, 154, 1656-1658. 1912.5 - La vie des poissons dans les grandes profondeurs de la mer; con- ference faite a 1' Association Franc, aise pour 1'Avancement des Sciences. Rev. Scient., Paris, 1912, 50, 515-524. 1912.6 Contribution a I'e'tude de la biologie du saumon. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1913, 156, 1561-1563. 1913.1 - Description d'un genre nouveau et de deux especes nouvelles de pois- sons antarctiques. Bull. Mus. Hist Nat. Paris, 1913, 4-7. 1913.2 - Deuxieme expedition antarc- tique francaise. Poissons. Paris, 1913. 24 p. 4 pis. 1913.3 - Etude sur les formes larvaires tiluriennes de poissons apodes. Ann. Inst. Ocoi.son-; .\tmnnis . . ., Chondrostoma nosw.s, Tfii/nittlliix r,.nlli- fer, Salmonidae, Salmo hucho, Salmo sahir. Salmo fario. Okoln. Krajow. Tom Ryback. Krak6w, 1903, 24-32; 89-102: 134-138; 182-193; 226-245; 282-298. 4 pis. 1903.1 - Nos poissons; Anguillavulgaris; Minozek, Petromyzon planeri; Ryby je- siotrowate, Acipenseridae. Ok61n. Kra- jow. Towarz. Ryback. Krak6w, 1905. 20-23; 121-126; 218-226. 8 pis. 1905.1 - Nasze ryby. Sterlet czyli czec- zuga (Acipenser ruthenus der Ster- let) [Nos poissons; le sterlet] Ok61n. Krajow. Towarz. Ryback. Krak6w, 1906, 155-159; 185-187. 1906.1 - Nasze ryby. Szyp (Acipenser schypa der Dick) [Nos poissons: Acipenser schypa] Ok61n. Krajow. Towarz. Ryback. Krak6w, 1906, 26- 29. 1906.2 Rozwadowski, Tadeusz. Est-ce que dans nos fleuves existe seulement une espece de truite? [Text in Polish] Ok61n. Krajow. Towarz. Ryback. Kra- k6w, 1904, 75-76. 1904.1 - Nasze ryby [Nos poissons) Ok61n. Krajow. Towarz. Ryback. Kra- k6w, 1908, 150-158. 1908.1 Rozynski, Paul. Rivulus poeyi. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 430-431. 1909.1 - Seltene Brutpflege. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 622-623. 1909.2 Ruau, La pisciculture en France. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1904, 16, 17-23; 46-63. 1904.1 Rudnev, Vladimir Ghavrilovich [Ga- briel] Note sur le d6veloppement du canal central dans le systeme nerveux des poissons osseux [Text in Russian) Trav. Soc. Nat. Varsovie, 1894, 6, no. 2, 15-21. 1894.1 - Sur le corps interme'diaire de Flemming dans les blastom^res chez lee poissons osseux [Text in Russian) Trav. Soc. Nat. Varsovie, 1894, 6, nos. 6-7, 8-15. 1894.2 - Note sur la nageoire du caudal dans le systeme nerv-central des te"16- osteens. Bibliographic Anat., 1895, 43-47. 1895.1 368 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RUD Rudnev, V. G. Einige Thatsachen zur Frage iiber die genetische Beziehung zwischen Amitose und Mitose. Physiologiste Russe, 1899, 1, 120-144. 16 figs. 1899.1 - Sur la division des blastomeres des poissons osseux (Recherches cyto- logiques) [Text in Russian] Mem. Soc. Nat. Varsovie (C. R. Sect. Biol.), 1899, 10. 43 p. 26 figs. 1899.2 Rudolphi, Carl Asmund [1771-1832] Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Durch- kreuzung der Sehnerven bei den Fischen. Arch. Zool., 1800, 1, pt. 2, 156-159. 1800.1 - Uebersicht der bisher bei den Wirbelthieren gefundenen Steine. Fische. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin 1812- 13 (1816), 207. 1816.1 Ueber die elektrischen Fische. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1820-21, 223- 233. 2 pis. 1820.1 Grundriss der Physiologic. 2 vols. Berlin, 1821-28. 1821.1 - Ueber den Zitterwels. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1824, 132-144. 4 pis. Isis (Oken), 4, 351. 1824.1 Rtickert, Johann. Zur Keimblatt- bildung bei Selachiern. Sitzber. Ges. Morphol. Physiol. Miinchen, 1885, 1, 48-104. figs. 1885.1 - Ueber die Anlage des mittleren Keimblattes und die erste Blutbildung bei Torpedo. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 97-112; 154-176. fig. 1887.1 - Ueber den Ursprung des Herz- endothels. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Vers. Anat. Ges.), 1887, 2. Jahrg., no. 12, 397. 1887.2 Ueber die Entstehung der en- dothelialen Anlagen des Herzens und der ersten Gefassstamme bei Selachier- Embryonen. Biol. Centralbl., 1888, 8, 385-399; 417-430. 1888.1 Ueber die Entstehung der Ex- cretions-organe bei Selachiern. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1888, 205-278. 2 pis. Remarks by J. W. van Wijhe. Zool. Anz., 11, 539-540. 1888.2 Weitere Beitrage zur Keim- blattbildung bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz., 1889, 4, 353-374. pi. 1889.1 - Zur Entwicklung des Excre- tionssystems der Selachier; eine Er- wiederung an Herrn van Wijhe. Zool. Anz., 1889, 12, 15-22. 1889.2 - Zur Befruchtung des Selachi- ereies. Anat. Anz., 1891, 6, 308-322. 1891.1 Zur Entwickelungsgeschichte des Ovarialeies bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz., 1892, 7. Jahrg., 107-158. figs. 1892.1 - Ueber die Verdoppelung der Chromosomen in Keimblaschen des Selachiereies. Anat. Anz., 1893, 8. Jahrg., 44-52. figs. 1893.1 - Ueber die Entwickelung des Spiraldarmes bei Selachiern. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1896, 4, 298-326. pi. & fig. 1896.1 - Ueber die Spiraldarmentwicke- lung von Pristiurus. Arch. Anat. Ges., 1896, 10, 145-150. 1896.2 - Die erste Entwickelung des Eies der Elasmobranchier (In Fest- schrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag von Carl von Kupffer, p. 581-704. 8 pis. & 7 figs. Jena, 1899) 1899.1 Die Entstehung des Blutes und der ausserembryonalen Gefasse in den meroblastischen Eiern: Selachier (In Hertwig, O. Handbuch der Entwicke- lungslehre der Wirbeltiere, Lief. 27 & 28, p. 1090-1125. Jena, 1906) 1906.1 - Ueber Polyspermie. Anat. Anz . , 1910, 37, 161-181. 1910.1 Ruediger, G. F., & Davis, D. J. Phagocytosis and opsonins in the lower animals. Journ. Infect. Diseases, 1907, 4, 333-336. 1907.1 Rudinger, Nicolaus [1832-1896] Ueber die Nerven und das Epithel in den Ampullen und das Sackchen des hautigen Labyrinthes und iiber eigen- thumliche Zellenreihen in den hautigen Bogengangen bei Salmo hucho. Monats- schr. Ohrenheilk., 1870, 4, 65-70. 1870.1 Rueff, A. von. Die kiinstliche Fisch- zucht in Wiirttemberg. Wochenbl. Landw. & Forstw. Stuttgart, 1872, 24. Jahrg., 1-4; 5-8. 1872.1 Fische und Fischereiwesen Wiirt- tembergs. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, no. 6, 224-229. 1873.1 RUS BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 3f>9 - Selbstthatige Vorrichtung zur Fiitterung kiinstlich geziichteter Forel- len. Wochenbl. Landw. Forstw. Stutt- gart, 1876, 28. Jahrg., 105-107. 1876.1 - Ueber die Schonzeit der Forellen . Wochenbl. Landw. Forstw. Stuttgart, 1880, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 333. 1880.1 Riippell, Wilhelm Peter Eduard Simon [1794-1884] Atlas zu der Reise im nordlichen Afrika. Zoologie. Fische des Rothen Meeres. 4 vols. Frank- furt-a.-M., 1826-28. 119 pis. fol. 1826.1 - Beschreibung und Abbildung mehrerer neuer Fische im Nil entdeckt. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1829-35. fig. 4. Abstract in Isis (Oken), 4, 414. 1829.1 - Description de cinq nouvelles especes de poissons decouverts dans le Nil. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1830, 22, 132-134. 1830.1 - Memoir on a new species of swordfish [ Histiophorus immaculatus] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1835, 3, 187. -Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 2, 71-74. pi. L'Institut, 4, 290. 1835.1 - Neue Wirbelthiere zu der Fauna von Abyssinien gehorig. 2 vols. Frank- furt-a.-M., 1835-40. 1835.2 - Xeuer Nachtrag zu Beschrei- bungen und Abbildungen neuer Fische, im Nil entdeckt. Museum Senckenberg, 1836, 2, pt. 1, 1-28. 1836.1 Verzeichniss der in dem Museum der Senckenbergischen naturforschen- den Gesellschaft aufgestellten Samm- lungen. Vierte Abtheilung. Fische und deren Skelette. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1852. 4. 1852.1 Riisch, F. Miescher. See Miescher- Rtisch, F. Rust, Ueber das Fliegen der ver- schiedenen Tiere. Jahresber. Natur- hist. Ges. Hannover, 1893-97, 44-47, 65- 69. 1893.1 Rutimeyer, CarlLudwig [1825-1895] Bemerkungen zu den fossilen Fischen aus .Sumatra (In Heer, O. Ueber fos- sile Pflanzen von Sumatra. Abh. Schweiz. Palaontol. Ges., 1874, 1, 20- 26) Jaarb. Mijn. Ned. O.-Indie, 1880, pt. 1, 159-168. fig. 1874.1 Ruffini, Angela. Sullo sviluppo della milza nei selaci. Atti Accad. Fisiocrit., Siena, 1904, 4. ser. 16, 39-41. 1904.1 Rufz de Lavispn, E. Note sur quel- ques tentatives d'acclimatation du gou- rami (Osphromenus olfax) dans divers pays. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1861, 8, 392-403. 1861.1 Sur 1' aquarium du jardin d'ac- climatation. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, xlvii-lxiii. 1863.1 Ruge, Ernst. Die Entwicklungsge- schichte des Skeletes der vorderen Ex- tremitaten von Spinax niger. Morph. Jahrb., 1902, 30, 1-27. pi. & 13 figs. 1902.1 Ruge, Georg Hermann [1852 ] Ueber das peripherische Gebiet des Nervus facialis bei Wirbelthieren (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburt- stage von C. Gegenbaur, vol. iii, p. 193-348. figs. Leipzig, 1897) 1897.1 Rump, & Lehners, Beitrag zur Lebertranfrage. Schweiz. Wochenschr. Chem. Pharm., 1904, 42. Jahrg., 160-164. 1904.1 Runeberg, Ephraim Otto. Beskrif- ning ofver Laihela socken i Osterbotten. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1758, 20, no. 2, 108-162. 1758.1 Rupp, Hermann. Ueber die ost- preussischen Fischereien. Progr. Real- schule Burg Konigsberg i. Pr., 1862, 4, 1-11. 1862.1 Rusconi, A. Intorno ai caratteri di riconoscimento dei pesci presi col cloro. Rivist. Mens. Pegca, Pavia, 1910, 5. ser. 12, 249-263. 1910.1 Rusconi, Maurp [1770-1849] Let- tera al Sig. Brocchi, nella quale si parla dello sonno iemale cui suggiace il caval- letto marino (Syngnathus hippocampus L.] e di alcune anatomiche ricerche che quest' autore si propone di fare ad og- getto di vedere se fra i pesci chiamati dal Sig. Cuvier " lofobranchii ." ve ne fossero per avventura alcuni che in rispetto agli organi della circolazione somigliassero il proteo anguino. Giorn. Fis. Chim. Stor. Nat., 1819, 2, 77-81. 1819.1 Fecondazione artificiale ne' pesci. Milano, 1835. pi. Lettera al Sig. Brugnatelli sopra la fecondazione artifiziale fatta nei pesci, e sopra le metamorfosi che ac- cadono nell' uova de' pesci prima ch' esse si siano modellate in un embrione. Bibl. Ital., 1835, 79, 124-125. Ann. Sci. Nat, (Zool.), 2. ser. 4, 183-184 370 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY RUS Rusconi, M. Lettera al Sig. Weber sopra la fecondazione artificiale ne' pesci, e sopra le metamorfosi a cui soggiacciono 1' uova de' pesci innanzi di prender forma di embrione. Bibl. Ital., 1835, 79, 250-257. 1835.3 - Intorno al fregolo de' pesci. Bibl. Ital., 1836, 81, 182-184. 1836.1 - Lettres sur les changements que les ceufs des poissons eprouvent avant qu'ils aient pris la forme d'em- bryon. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1836, 2. ser. 5, 300-312. 1836.2 - Ueber die Metamorphosen des Eies der Fische vor der Bildung des Embryo. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1836, 278-288. Mag. Zool. Bot., 1, 586. 1836.3 - Sopra la fecondazione artificiale nei pesci, e sopra alcune nuove sperienze intorno alia fecondazione artificiale nelle rane. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1840, 185-193. fig. 1840.1 - Briefliche Mittheilung an E. H. Weber: Ueber die Gestalt des Gehirns der Schleie, Cyprinus tinea (Chrysitis) im Alter von einem Jahre und bei dem erwachsenen Thiere. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1846, 478-479. pi. & 2 figs. 1846.1 Sopra lo svilluppo dei ciprini, e norme sulla fecondazione artificielle dei pesci, publicato dal G. Morganti. Pavia, 1854. pi. 1854.1 Rush, Nicolaus. Die in Bayern einheimischen und fiir die Kiiche ver- wendbaren Fische. Wochschr. Landw., Landshut, 1878, 19-21; 28-29; 38-39; 44-45; 87-88; 96-97. 1878.1 Russegger, Joseph von [1802-1863] Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen in Eu- ropa, Asien und Africa. 4 vols. Stutt- gart, 1841-48. 73 pis. & 18 maps. 8. 1841.1 - Reisen in Europa, Asien und Africa, mit besonderer Riicksicht auf die naturwissenschaftlichen Verhaltnisse der betreffenden Lander, unternommen in den Jahren 1835 bis 1841, etc. Stutt- gart, 1841-48[-49] illust. 8. 1841.2 Russel, Alexander [1814-1876] The natural history of salmon, as ascertained by the recent experiments at Stortmont- field^on the Tay. Edinburgh, 1864. 8. 1864.1 - The salmon. Edinburgh, 1864. viii, 248 p. 8. 1864.2 Russell, Alexander J. Sturgeon in the Thames and Medway. Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 383. 1879.1 Russell, Arthur John Edward. Ex- hibition of a scaleless specimen, and remarks upon varieties of the common carp. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1873, 472-473. 1873.1 Russell, Edward T. The harvest of the sea. Boston, 1891. 1891.1 Russell,//. Chalk, stream and moor- land; thoughts on trout-fishing. Lon- don, 1911. 260 p. figs. 8. 1911.1 Russell, Patrick [1727-1805] De- scriptions and figures of 200 fishes, col- lected at Vizagapatam on the coast of Coromandel. 2 vols. London, 1803. 197 pis. fol. 1803.1 Russo, Achille. Effetti della pesca con le sorgenti luminose sul prodotto delle reti di posta a Catania e sul pro- dotto delle tonnare della Sicilia orien- tale. Atti Accad. Gioenia Sci. Nat. Catania, 1913, 5. ser. 6. 19 p. pi. & 4 figs. 1913.1 Note ed appunti sulla pesca del folfo di Catania. Atti Accad. Gioenia ci. Nat. Catania, 1913, 5. ser. 6. 15 p. 4 figs. 1913.2 Rusticus in Urbe (pseudon.) Fishes, and mode of preparing them. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1829, 2, 65. 1829.1 Rutherford, J. Observations on the salmon disease. Trans. & Proc. Dumfriesshire & Galloway Sci. Antiq. & Nat. Hist. Soc. 1878-80 (1881), 72- 76. 1881.1 Rutherfurd, A. J. Notes on Sal- monidse and their new home in the south Pacific. Trans. Prov. New Zealand Inst., 1901, 33, 240-249. 1901.1 Ruthven, Alexander G. The cold- blooded vertebrates of the Porcupine mountains and isle Royale (In an eco- logical survey in northern Michigan, prepared under the direction of C. C. Adams) Rept. Mich. Geol. Surv., Lansing 1905 (1906), 329-333. 1906.1 Rutland, J. On the habits of the New Zealand grayling [Thymallus] Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 1877 (1878), 10, 250-252. 1878.1 RYD BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES .T71 On two new globe-fish, etc. [Wellington] 1896. 3 pis. 8. 1896.1 Rutot, Aimc Louis [1847 ] Note siir 1' extension de Lamna [Odontaspis] t-lujnns Ag. a travers les terrains cr6- taces et tertiaires. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1875, 2, 34-41. 1875.1 Observations sur la communication pre- (-.'< Icnte par Ch. de La Vallee Poussin. Ibid., Bull., p. 56. - Sur 1' extension du Lamna elegans Ag., a travers les terrains cr6taces et tertiaires. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 180-181. 1877.1 - Compte rendu des excursions 'If la session extraordinaire de la So- CH'U'' beige de geologic, de paleontologie et d'hydrologie dans le Hainaut et aux environs de Bruxelles (du 23 au 27 uout 1902) Bull. Soc. Beige Geol. Pal. Hvdrol., 1904, 17 (Mem.), 383-499. 26 figs. 1904.1 Rutot, Aime Louis, & Vincent, Gerard. See Vincent & Rutot. Rutter, Cloudsley M. Notes on freshwater fishes of the Pacific slope of North America. Proc. California Acad. Sci., 1896, 2. ser. 6, 245-267. fig. . 1896.1 - A collection of fishes obtained in Swatow, China, by Miss Adele M. Fielde. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1897, 56-90. 1897.1 - Notes on a collection of tide- pool fishes from Kadiak island in Alaska. Washington, 1899. Extract in Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1898 (1899), 18, 189-192. 1899.1 Fourteen species of teleosts are considered. Studies in the natural history of the Sacramento salmon. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1902, 61, 195-211. 15 figs. 1902.1 - The Pacific salmons. Country Life in America, 1903, 4, 124-127. Must. 1903.1 - Natural history of the quinnat salmon. A report of investigations in the Sacramento river, 1896-1901. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 65-141. 11 pis. & 19 figs. 1904.1 - Notes on fishes from the gulf of California, with the description of a new genus and species. Proc. Cali- fornia Acad. Sci., 1904, 3. ser. 3 (Zool.), 251-254. pi. 1904.2 - Notes on fishes from streams and lakes of northeastern ( 'alifornia not tributary to the Sacramento basin. Bull. U.'S. FishCoimn. I'.MTJ < I'.MM ... 22. 143-148. figs. 1 '.<)!. 3 - The fishes of the Sacramento- San Joaquin basin, with a study of their distribution and variation. Bull. Bu- reau Fisheries 1907 (1908), 27, 103-152. map. 1908.1 27 species of teleosts are considered. Rutter, Cloudsley M ., 1 K I si IKS autres animaux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Pans. 1791, 1, 17-18. 1791.1 Sadelin, Pehr Ulrik Ferdinnml. Fauna fenniea, sive enumeratio anima- liuin, quae alit terra Finlandise insula> qiie et adjacent es. Inaug. Dissert. Abo, 1MO. 33 p. 8. 1810.1 I'ts. 2 & 3, 1819. 8. Saedeleer, .1. salmon fishing, with a chapter on angling literature. Edinburgh, 1888. xvi, 275 p. >. 4. 71 illust. & map. isss.l The notes on angling literature include refer- ences to a number of old and rare works deal- ing with fish and fishing. A catalogue of the collection of books on angling belonging to Mr. Dean Sage. New York, 1896. 245 p. 8. 1896.1 Sage, Dean, Townsend, Charles Haskins, Smith, Hugh M., & Harris, William C. Salmon and trout. New York, 1902. x, 417 p. figs. 8. 1902.1 Review in Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 87, 125- 126. Sagemehl, M. Untersuchungen tiber die Entwicklung der Spinalnerven. Dorpat, 1882. 1882.1 - Beitrage zur vergleichenden An- atomic der Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1884-91. 1884.1 i. Das Cranium von Amia calta L. Morph. Jahrb., 1884, 9, 177-288. pi. ii. Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Gehirnhaute der Knochenfische. Ibid., 457-474. iii. Das Cranium der Characiniden nebat allgemeinen Bemerkungen uber die mit einem Woher'schen Apparat- versehenen Physoatomen- familien. Ibid., 1885, 10, 1-119. 2 pis. & fig. iv. Das Cranium der Cyprmoiden. Jota., 1891, 17, 489-595. 3 pis. Ueber die Pharyngealtaschen der Scarinen und das " Wiederkauen " dieser Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1885. 10, 193-203. fig. 1885.1 - Die accessorischen Branchial- organe von Citharinus. Morphol. Jahrb., 1886,12,307-323. pi. 1886.1 380 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SAG Sagemehl, M., & Hubrecht, A. A. W. See Hubrecht & Sagemehl. Sagot, Paul Antoine [1821-1888] De la chasse et la peche a la Guyane. Cluny, 1874. 12 p. 8. 1874.1 Sagra, Ramon de la [1801-1871] Histoire physique, politique et naturelle deCuba. 12 vols. & atlases. Paris, 1838 li. e. 1839]-57. 8 & fol. 1853.1 Pt. ii, Histoire naturelle. Poissons, par A. Guichenot, 206 p. 5 col. pis. 1853. - Historia fisica, politica y natural de la isla de Cuba. 13 vols. Paris, 1839-61. 1853.2 Issued simultaneously with the French edition. Pt. ii, Historia natural. Tom. iv, Reptiles y peces. The part on fishes, by A. Guichenot, was published in 1853. Introduction de la pisciculture en Espagne: extrait d'un rapport. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1857, 4, 438- 442. 1857.1 Sailer, E. Plaudereien iiber den Barsch. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 113. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Zu- rich, 1895. 2 p. 8. 1895.1 Sailly, Joly de. See Joly de Sailly, - Saint- Amans, Jean Florimond Bou- don de [1748-1831] Lettre sur un pois- son trouve dans une huitre. Journ. de Physique, 1778, 12, 276-278. figs. 1778.1 St. Barnes, A., & Vincent, Swale. See Vincent & St. Barnes. Saint-Cyr, Sur un parasite de la tanche. Lyon Med., 1877, 24, 527- 530. 1877.1 Saint-Hilaire, Augustin Francois Cesar P. de [1779-1853] Surle minhocao desGoyanais [Lepidosiren] C.R.Acad. Sci. Paris, 1846, 23, 1145-1147. L'Institut, 14, no. 678, 435. Edinb. New Phil. Journ., 42, 278-281. Amer. Journ. Sci., 2. ser. 4, 130-131. Noti- zen (Froriep), 3. ser. 1, no. 13, 198-200. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 19, 140-141. 1846.1 Saint-Hilaire, Etienne Geoff roy. See Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, Etienne. Saint-Hilaire, Isidore Geoff roy. See Geoffrey Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. St. John, Orestes H. Descriptions of fossil fishes from the upper Coal Meas- ures of Nebraska. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1870, 11, 431^37. 1870.1 Cladodus, Diplodus, Petalodus, Peripristis, Chomatodus, Xystrodus and Deltodus. - Descriptions of fossil fishes from the upper Coal Measures of Nebraska. Rept. U. S. Geol. Surv. Nebraska, 1872, 239-245. 3 pis. & 18 figs.- 1872.1 - Descriptions of dental plates of Dinichthys and Edestus (In Eastman, C. R. Some hitherto unpublished observations of Orestes St. John on Palaeozoic fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1902, 36, 653-659. 4 figs.) 1902.1 St. John, Orestes H., & Worthen, A. H. Descriptions of fossil fishes. Geol. Surv. Illinois, 1875, 6, 245-488. 22 pis. 1875.1 Contains descriptions and figures of fossil fishes of the Carboniferous and Subcarbonif- erous, especially of Illinois. - Descriptions of fossil fishes; a partial revision of the cochliodonts and psammodonts, including notices of miscellaneous material acquired from the Carboniferous formations of the United States. Geol. Surv. Illinois, 1883, 7, 55-264. 26 pis. 1883.1 Saint-Joseph, de. Note sur les ceufs du Gobius minutus, var. minor Heincke (Gobius microps Kr0yer) Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1881, 7. ser. 5, 30-31. 1881.1 Note complementaire sur les oeufs du Gobius minutus L., var. minor Heincke (Gobius microps Kr0yer) et remarques sur quelques autres oeufs de poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1893, 8. ser. 5, 189-195. 1893.1 Saint-Paul, G. Delpere de Cardaillac de. Sur la faune ichthyologique du bassin de 1'Adour. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 134, 851-853. 1902.1 15 species of teleosts are noted. - La reglementation de la peche de 1'anguille. Bull. Stat. Piscicult., Toulouse-Paris, 1905, 2, 40-43. 1905.1 Considerations biologiques et juridiques sur le repeuplement artificiel des cours d'eaux. Bull. Stat. Piscicult. Hydrobiol., Toulouse, 1906, no. 4, 1-16. 1906.1 St. Sihleanu, Stefano. De' pesci elet- trici e pseudo-elettrici (Dissertazione per ottenere la laurea in scienze na- turali) Naples, 1876. 108 p. pi. 1876.1 Sainte-Claire Deville, Charles Joseph [1814-1876] Coup d'ceil historique sur la geologic et sur les travaux d'Elie de Beaumont. Paris, 1878. 8. 1878.1 SAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I-'ISHES 381 . . . por . . . J. de Salas y . Garcia Sold. Madrid, 1876. Ixi, illust, 8. Sainville, E. de. Observations sur les moeurs du poisson-chat. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1908, 66, 38-40. 1908.1 Sakussen, S. Ueber die Nervenen- digung am Verdauungskanal der Fische. 81 Petersburg, 1898. 20 p. 1898.1 Sala, Luigi. Sulla fina struttura del Torus longitudinalis nel cervello dei Teleostei. Boll. Soc. Medic. Pavia, 1895, 15 p. 5 figs. Arch. Ital. Biol., 24, 78 88. 5 figs. 1895.1 Sulla distribuzione delle fibre nolle pareti del ventricolo del cuore dei pesci (Teleostei) Rendic. Istit. Lom- bardo, 1910, 2. ser. 43, 825-829. 1910.1 Sala y Pons, Cl. La neuroglia de los vertebrados. Inaug. Dissert. Madrid, 1894. 1894.1 Salas, J. de, & Garcia Sola, F. (editors) Memoria sobre la industria y legislacion de pesca que comprende desde el ano 1870 al 1874, redactada . . . F. 741 p. 1876.1 Salbey, R. Ueber die Structur und das Wachsthum der Fischschuppen. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1868, 729-749. 17 pis. 1868.1 Sur la structure et le mode de croissance des ecailles chez les poissons. Abstract in Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Ge- neve, 1869, n. s. 36, 276-278. 1869.1 - On the structure and mode of growth of the scales of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1870, 4. ser. 6, 67-68. 1870.1 Salenius, Johan Magnus. Historial- linen kertomus Muolan eli Pyharistin pitaja'sta. Pitajan kertomuksia III. Suom. Kirj. Seur. Toim., 1871, 47, no. 3, 105. map. 1871.1 Salensky, Wladimir. See Zalenskii, V. r. Salinas, Emmanuele. Sppra alcuni Miliobatidi fossili della Sicilia. Giorn. Soc. Sci. Nat. Palermo, 1901, 23, 62-78. 2 pis. Review in Rivist. Ital. Paleont. 1901 (1902), 7, pt. 1. 1901.1 Sails, S. R. von. Fischerei. Schweiz. Bundesrecht, 1893, 4, 130. Also sepa- rate: Bern, 1893. 4 p. 8. 1893.1 Salm-Horstmar, Wilhelm Friedrich Cnrl August zit [1799-1865] einen neuen Fisch [Gasterosteus sp.?i Arch. Naturgesch., 1860, 26. Jahrg . 1. pt. 1, 119-120. Ann. Mag. Nat. HM . 3. ser. 6, 391. ist.o l - Ueber eine monstrose Forelle. Arch. Naturgesch., 1861, 27. Jahrg., 1, 100. 1861.1 Salmo (pseudon.) Size and growth of Penobscot salmon. Chicago Field, 1879,11,388. 1x79.1 Salmon, J., & Anthony, R. See Anthony & Salmon. Salmon Roe (pseudon.) Mississippi shad and salmon. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 264. 1879.1 - A truly black bass. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 276. 1879.2 Salomon, Karl. Die Regenbogen- forelle. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 3. Jahrg., 305-307. 1906.1 - Zur Altersbestimmung des Hu- chens. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 5. Jahrg., 265-266. 1908.1 Salter, G. H. Colton. Pisciculture et elevage des animaux domestiques en Chine. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. ser. 1, 791. 1874.1 - Fish-culture on the Yang-Tse- Kiang The samli or Chinese shad. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1875 (1876), 34-38. _ Forest & Stream, 1875, 4, 100. 1876.1 Salter, John William [1820 r 1869] On the remains of fish in the Silurian rocks of Great Britain. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1851, 7, 263-268. 3 figs. 1851.1 Onchua, Cochliodus-like tooth, supposed coprolites. On the occurrence of a fish (Pteraspis) in the lower Ludlow rock. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 4, 44^8. 1859.1 Fish in the Devonian (not Old Red) rocks. Gegl. Mag., 1867, 4, 134; 232-233. 1867.1 Coccosteus, Phyllolepis, Cephalaspis. On some tracks of Pteraspis (?) in the upper Ludlow sandstone. Quart . Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1867, 23, 333-339. figs. Phil. Mag., 34, 389- 399. I 867 - 2 Cephalaspis asterolepis [salwayi] Trans. Woolhope Nat. Field Club 1868 (1869), 240. 2 pis. 382 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SAL Salter, J. W. Description of the Pterygotus problematicus Agass. Trans. Woolhope Nat. Field Club 1870 (1871), 171-172. Salter, Thomas Frederick. The an- S'er's guide; or, complete London angler, ontaining the whole art of angling as practised in the rivers Thames and Lea, and other waters twenty miles round London. Founded on actual experience. With the art of trolling for jack or pike. London, 1814. xvi, 152 p. 12. 1814.1 - The trailer's guide. A new and complete practical treatise on the art of trolling or fishing for jack or pike. London, 1820. viii, 107 p. 18. 1820.1 Salvador!, Tommaso Adlard [1835 ] Le date della pubblicazione della " Ico- nografia della fauna Italica " del Bona- parte ed indice della specie illustrate in detta opera. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 1888, 3, no. 48, 21-25. 1888.1 - Relazione intorno alia memoria del Dott. Ermanno Giglio-Tos intito- lata: " Sulle cellule del sangue della lampreda." Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 1896, 31, 731. 1896.1 Salvador!, Tommaso Adlard, & Ca- merano, Lorenzo. See Camerano & Salvador!. Salverda, Matthijs. Nog iets over visschen-metamorphose. Album Na- tur, 1865 (Wetensch. bijblad.), 67. 1865.1 Form considered: Zeus faber. Salvi, Giunio. Morfologia delle ar- terie della estremita addominale. 1. parte. Origine e significato delle arterie che vanno all' estremita (selaci, anfibi, rettili, uccelli) Studie Sassaresi, 1907, 2. ser. 5, no. 1, 1-56. 1907.1 - Origine e significato delle arterie dell' arto addominale. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1909, 20, 74-75. 1909.1 t Samarine, C. A. The fishes of the government Perm [Text in Russian] Bull. Soc. Oural. Sci. Nat., 1904, 24, 47-66. 1904.1 Samassa, Paul. Ueber die Bildung der primaren Keimblatter bei Wir- belthieren. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1895, 5, 130-142. 1895.1 Studien fiber den Einfluss des Betters auf die Gastrulation und die Bildung der primaren Keimblatter der Wirbelthiere. I. Selachier. II. Teleo- stier. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1896, 2, 127-168. 3 pis. 'Ibid., 3, 191- 218. 2 pis. 1896.1 Samo, John. Extracts of a letter containing information respecting the Gymnotus electricus. Trans. Electr. Soc. London, 1837-40, 163-164; 177; 188- 190. Proc. Electr. Soc. London, 1843, 258-260. 1837.1 Samsonov, N. A. Der Friihjahrs- fang des Stintes mit Reusen am livlan- dischen Ufer des Tschudskoje Osero [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1910, 25, 51-102; 119-174; 201-241. 1910.1 Samter, Max. Das Messen toter und lebender Fische fur systematische und biologische Untersuchungen. Arch. Hydrobiol. Planktonkunde, 1907, 2, 143-185. 31 figs. Review in Biol. Centralbl., 27, 414-416. 1907.1 - Vier markische Seen und die Beziehung zwischen Wassertemperatur und Tiergeographie in ihnen. Jahrb. Gewasserk. Berlin, 1912, 2, 5. Heft, 1-4. 2 maps. 1912.1 Samter, Max, & Weltner, Tr, Beitrage zur Fauna des Madiisees in Pommern. Vorwort. Arch. Naturgesch., 1905, 71, pt. 1, 135-137. 1905.1 Samuel, Edward A., & Arnold, A. See Arnold & Samuel. Sanchez-Comendador, Antoni. Ca- talech dels peixos observatos en el literal de Barcelona. Bull. Inst. Catalans Hist. Nat., 1904, 2. ser. 1, 25-32. 1904.1 Sanctis, Leone de. Sulla rete mirabile cranica e sul cervello della Cephalop- tera giorna M. H. [Dicerobatis giornae] Rendic. Accad. Sci. Napoli. 1868, 7, 13-16. 1868.1 Embriogenia degli organi elet- trici delle torpedini e degli organi pseudo-elettrici delle raie e loro corre- lazioni anatomiche. Atti Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1873, 6, 1-63. 4 pis. Ab- stract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1873, 2,336-342. 1873.1 - Morfologia delle appendici pilo- riche dei pesci ossei. Atti R. Accad. Lincei Roma, 1875, 2, 793-840. 1875.1 - Monqgrafia zootomico-zoologica sul capidoglio arenato a Porto S. Giorgio. Mem. R. Accad. Lincei Roma, 1881, 9, 160-242. 1881.1 SAN HWLIOURAPHY OF FISHES Sanctis, L>r/< //r. A; Panceri, r'/ - Panceri A- Sanctis. Sandager, F. Xote on some sea- trout (salmon or salmon-trout?) Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1893, 25, 254. 1893.1 Sandberger, Carl Ludwig Fridolin von [1826-1898] Ueber das Skelet von Ctnitodus kaupii aus dem Wiirzburger Lettenkohlensandstein. Amtl. Ber. 50. Yers. Deutsch. Naturf., 1877, 155. 1877.1 - Ueber Ceratodus kaupii aus der Lettenkohle bei Wtirzburg. Ber. Senck- .nlH-nr. Xaturf. Ges. 1877-78 (1879), 144-14.1. 1879.1 Sandeberg, Her mono. Pleuronectes boydnnorii descriptus. Bull. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1878, 53, pt. 2, 236-237. 2 fins. 1878.1 Sandeman, F. Angling travels in Norway. Natural history of the north- ern Salmonidse. London, 1895. illust. 8. 1895.1 Sandeman, George. On the multiple tumours in plaice and flounders; on a tumour from a tunny; on a parasitic skin-disease in Montagu's sucker; and on a cod with one eye. 11. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1893, 291-394. figs. 1893.1 - Notes on the physiology and pathology of fishes. 12. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1894, 291-297. 1894.1 Sander, Heinrich. Beitrage zur Xaturgeschichte der Fische im Rhein. Der Xaturforscher, 1781, 15, 163-183. 1781.1 Zur Naturgeschichte der Ruf- folken, oder Gadus lota Linn. Carls- ruhe, 1788. 1788.1 Sander, Julius. Ueber das Gehirn von Acanthias vulgaris. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1867, 8, 26. 1867.1 Sanders, Alfred. Contributions to the anatomy of the central nervous system in vertebrate animals. Part I. Ichthyopsida. Section 1. Pisces. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1878, no. 22, 735-776. 8 pis. 1878.1 - Contributions to the anatomy of the central nervous system in verte- brate animals. Subsection I. Teleostei. Appendix. On the brain of the Mormyri- s epinoches. Xouv. Arch. Mus. Hist Nat. Paris., 1874, 10, 5-38. pi. 1874.5 - Sur la faune ichthyologique de la periode tertiaire, et sur les poissons fossiles d'Oran (Algerie) et de Licata tSicile) Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1874, 2. 312-315. 1874.6 - Essai sur la famie ichthyologique de la periode liasique, suivi d'une notice sur les poissons du Lias de Vassy. Ann. Sci. Geol., 1875, 6, no. 5. Ibid., 7, no. 1. 3 pis. 1875.1 - Note sur le genre Nummopala- tus et sur les especes de ce genre trou- vees dans les terrains tertiaires de la France. Bull. Soc. Geol. France 1S74-75 (1875), 3. ser. 3, 613-630. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 6, 274- 27i. 2 pis. 1875.2 - Note sur les poissons fossiles. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1875, 3. ser. 3, 631-642. 2 pis. Ibid., 1878, 6, 623- 637. 3 pis. Ibid., 1880, 8, 451-462. 2 pis. Ibid., 1883, 11, 475-503. pi. 1875.3 - Poissons (In Grandidier, Al- fred. Histoire physique, naturelle et politique de Madagascar, 1887-91, vol. xvi. 543 p. 61 pis. Paris, 1875-99. 4) 1875.4 - Sur la faune ichthyologique de 1'ile Saint-Paul. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1875, 81, 987-989. 1875.5 - On the ichthyological fauna of the island of St. Paul. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1876, 4. ser. 17, 94-96. 1876.1 - Sur quelques poissons des eaux douces du Laos cambodgien. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1876, 13, 97-100. 1876.2 - Ueber die Gattung Nummo- palatus und ihre in Frankreich gefun- denen tertiaren Arten. Abstract in Xeues Jahrb. Mineral., 1876, 589-590. 1876.3 - Sur les plaques pharyngiennes des Gerridae. C. R. Assoc. Fran?. Avanc. Sci., 5. sess., 1876, 549-552. 1876.4 - Considerations sur la faune ichthyologique des eaux douces de 1'Asie et en^particulier de rindo-Chin*. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci., 6. sess., 1877, 615-620. map. 1877.1 1. France, 1877, 3. se>. 1, no. 1, 1-30. 2 pis. IS77.L' - Note sur les Sparus desfontainei, Coptodus zillei et Chramis (ri sin inn. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1877, 7. ser. 1, 160-165. 1877.3 Sur les 6cailles de la ligne late- rale chez les scienoides. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1877, 7. s6r. 1, 154-159. 1877.4 Sur les Lepidotus palliatus et Sphcerodus gigas. Bull. Soc. G<'<>1. France 1876-77 (1877), 3. ser. 5, 626- 629. 1877.:. - Description de poissons nou- veaux ou imparfaitement connus de la collection du Mus6um d' Histoire Na- turelle; famille des scorpnides, des platycephalides et des triglides. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1878, 2. se>. 1, 109-158. 2 pis. 1878.1 - Note sur quelques Cyprinidae et Cobitidinae d'esp^ces inedites, prove- nant des eaux douces de la Chine. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1878, 7. ser. 2, 86-90. 1878.2 Note sur quelques poissons d' especes nouvelles provenant des eaux douces de 1'Indo-Chine. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1878, 7. ser. 2, 233-242. 1878.3 Sur une Himantura (H. oxy- rhynchus] du Cochinchine. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1878, 7. ser. 2, 90-92. 1878.4 Sur quelques pleuronectes ap- partenant aux genres Synaptura et Cynoglossus et provenant de la Cochin- chine et du Laos. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1878, 7. ser. 2, 92-96. 1878.5 - Description de quelques pois- sons d'especes nouvelles de la collection du Museum d' Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1879, 7. s6r. 3, 204-209. Ibid., 1880, 4, 220-228. Ibid., 1881, 6, 101-107. Ibid., 1882, 6, 168- 176. Ibid., 1883, 7, 156-161. 1879.1 - Mdmoire sur la faune ichthyo- logique de 1'lle Saint-Paul. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1879-80, 8, 1^6. 1879.2 - Notice sur la faune ichthyo- logique de I'Ogooue. Hull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1879, 7. ser. 3, 90-103. 1879.3 Memoire sur les Lejndot mus et Lepidotus palliatus. Mem. Soc. - Description de quelques nddesde la collection du Museum d'His- toire Naturelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 7. ser. 4, 215-220. 1880.1 392 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SAU Sauvage, H. E. - Description des gobioi'des nou- veaux ou peu connus de la collection du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 7. ser. 4, 40-58. 1880.2 Etude sur la faune ichthyo- logique de FOgooue. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1880, 2. se>. 3, 5-56. 3 pis. 1880.3 - Note sur quelques poissons re- cueillis par M. Letourneux, en Epire, a Corfou et dans le lac Mareotis. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 4, 211-215. 1880.4 - Notice sur les poissons tertiaires V de Cereste (Basses-Alpes) Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1880, 3. ser. 8, 439-451. pi. 1880.5 Notice sur quelques poissons de Tile Campbell et de 1'Indo-Chine. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 7. ser. 4, 228-233. 1880.6 Sur une espece nouvelle de Channa. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1880, 7. ser. 4, 58. 1880.7 Synopsis des poissons et des \J reptiles des terrains jurassiques de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1880, 3. ser. 8, 524-547. 3 pis. 1880.8 - Note sur les poissons fossiles d'Eurre (Drome) Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1881, 3, 1037-1042. pi. 1881.1 - Note sur quelques debris de poissons trouves a Cormoz, departe- ment de 1'Ain. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saone-et-Loire, 1881, 3, 1-5. pi. 1881.2 - Nouyelles recherches sur les v I poissons fossiles decouverts par M. Alby " ; a Licata, en Sicile. Ann. Sci. Geol., 1881, 11, no. 3. 3 pis. 1881.3 - Recherches sur la faune ich- thyologique de 1'Asie et description d'especes nouvelles de I'lndo-Chine. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1881, 4, 123-194. 4 pis. 1881.4 - Sur une collection de pois- sons de Swatow. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1881, 7. ser. 5, 104-108. 1881.5 Catalogue des poissons recueil- lis par M. E. Chantre pendant son voyage en Syrie, Haute-Mesopotamie, Kurdistan et Caucase. Bull. Soc Phi- lom. Paris, 1882, 7. ser. 6, 163-168. 1882.1 - Etude sur les poissons des f aluns de Bretagne. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saone-et-Loire, 1882, 4, 37-80. 2 pis. 1882.2 - Note sur quelques debris de poissons trouves a Cormoz (departe- ment de 1'Ain) Description paleon- tologique. Mem. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saone- et-Loire, 1882, 4, 99-103. pi. 1882.3 - Note sur quelques poissons de la Martinique. Le Naturaliste, 1882, 2, 292-293; 299-300. 1882.4 Notice sur les poissons du terri- toire d'Assinie (Cote d'Or) Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1882, 7, 313-325. 1882.5 - Descriptions de quelques pois- sons de la collection du Museum d'His- toire Naturelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 7, 156-161. 1883.1 Note sur le genre Pachycormus. Bull. Soc. Linn. Normandie, 1883, 3. ser. 7, 144-147. pi. 1883.2 Note sur le genre Pleuropholis. Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1883, 3. ser. 9, 496-503. pi. 1883.3 Note sur les poissons du Mus- chelkalk de Pontpierre (Lorraine) Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1883, 3. ser. 11, 492- 496. pi. 1883.4 - Sur une collection de poissons recueillie dans le lac Biwako (Japon) par M. F. Steenackers. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 7, 144-150. 1883.5 Sur une collection de poissons recueillie dans le Me-Nam (Siam) par M. Harmand. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 7, 150-155. 1883.6 - Contribution a la faune ich- thyologique du Tonkin. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, 9, 209-215. 2 pis. 1884.1 - Note sur une collection de pois- sons recueillie a Perak, presqu'ile de Malacca. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, 9,216-220. fig. 1884.2 Note sur des poissons de France- ville, Haut-Ogooue. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, 9, 193-198. pi. & fig. 1884.3 Notice sur la faune ichthyo- logique de 1'ouest de 1'Asie et plus par- ticulierement sur les poissons recueillis par M. Chantre pendant son voyage SAU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHKS dans cette region. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1884, 2. se>. 7, 1-41. :i pis. 1884.4 - Notice sur le genre Caturus et plus particulierement sur les especes du Lias superieur de 1'Yonne. Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist. Nat. Yonne, 1884, 38, 32-^9. 2 pis. 1884.5 - Notice sur une collection de reptiles et de poissons recueillie a Ma- jumba, Congo. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1884, 9, 199-208. pi. & fig. 1884.6 - Sur un siluroi'de de 1'lle de la Reunion. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1884, 7. se>. 8, 147-148. 1884.7 - La nourriture de la sardine sur les cotes du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1886, 11, 621-622. 1886.1 - Catalogue des poissons des cotes du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1888, 13, 142-145. Bull. Sci. Nord., 1888, 1, 438-443. 1888.1 - Notes sur le hareng. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1888, 4. ser. 35, 509-518. 1888.2 - Poissons du terrain houiller de Commentry. Bull. Soc. Indust. Mine'r., St. Etienne, 1888, 3. ser. 2, 1-38. figs. 1888. o This is also included in vol. iii of the work published by H. Fayol and others, entitled: Etudes sur le terrain houiller de Commentry. 3 vols. & atlases. St. Etienne, 1887-93. 8 &fol. It contains an elaborate discussion of Pleura- canthus and descriptions of species of Palseo- niscids. - Sur le feet us de 1'aiguillat com- mun. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1888, 13, 219-220. 1888.4 Sur la nourriture de quelques poissons de mer. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1888, 4. ser. 5, 673-677. Ibid., 6, 961-964. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., 313, 32-38. Ann. Station Aquicole de Boulogne, 1, 39-51. 1888.5 - Sur la presence du Raniceps sur les cotes du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1888, 13, 229-230. 1888.6 Synopsis des poissons et des reptiles des terrains jurassiques de Bou- logne-sur-Mer. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1888, 3. se>. 8, 524-546. 3 pis. 1888.7 - Note sur les ganoides du terrain houiller de Commentry (Allier) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1889, 3. ser. 17, 184- 192. 9 figs. 1889.1 - Note sur quelques poissons foe- siles de Tunisie. Bull. Soc. <;r-..| France, 1889, 3. se"r. 17, 560-562. fig. ' 1889.2 - La pisciculture en Espagne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1889, 4. se>. 36, 388-392. 1889.3 - Les chromid6s des eaux douces de Madagascar. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1891, 16, 190-197. 1891.1 - Epoque de la ponte de quelques poissons de mer. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1891, 38, 258-261. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., 1891, no. 4. 1891.2 - Note sur le genre Synagris. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1891, 16, 185- 187. 1891.3 - Note sur quelques poissons du Lias supeYieur de 1'Yonne. Bull. Soc. '' Sci. Yonne, 1891, 46, 31-38. 3 pis. 1891.4 - Poissons fossiles (In his Etudes des gttes mineraux de la France. Bassin houiller et permien d'Autun et d'Epinac, fasc.3. 31 p. 5 pis. Paris, 1891. 4) 1891.5 - Recherches sur les poissons du Lias superieur de 1'Yonne, zone a ci- i/ ment de Vassy. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. d'Autun, 1891, 4, 59-81. 4 pis. Ibid., 6,386-399. 2 pis. 1891.6 Note sur les poissons du terrain " permien de 1'Allier. Bull. Soc. Ge"ol. France, 1892, 3. se>. 20, 270-276. pi. 1892.1 - Examen de 1'etat de maturite* sexuelle de quelques poissons de mer. Ann. Soc. Aquil. Boulogne, 1893, 1, 86-98. 1893.1 - La faune ichthyologique du ter- rain permien frangais. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 116, 656-657. - Note sur quelques poissons du calcaire bitumineux d'Orbagnoux (Ain) - Bull Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1893, 6, 427^43. 2 pis. - Nouvelles recherches sur les poissons du terrain permien d'Autun. Etude des gttes mine>aux de la France, 1893. 9 pis. - Recherches sur les poissons du Lias superieur de 1'Yonne, z6ne a ciment / de Vassy. Bull. Soc. Sci. Hist Nat Yonne, 1893, 47, 23-33. 2 pis. 1893.5 394 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SAU Sauvage, H. E. - Les Ischyodus des terrains juras- siques superieurs du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. G&>1. Paris, 1896, 3. ser. 24, 456- Note sur un Spirangium du 465. 2 pis. 1896.1 - Note sur les lepidosteides du J terrain garumnien du Portugal. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1897, 3. ser. 25, 92- 96. pi. 1897.1 - Vertebres fossiles du Portugal; contributions a F etude des poissons et V des reptiles du Jurassique et du Cre- tacique. Lisbonne, 1897-98. 46 p. 10 pis. 1897.2 Note sur les pachycormides du Lias superieur de Vassy (Yonne) Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. d'Autun, 1898, 11, pt. 1, 193-200. 1898.1 - Les reptiles et les poissons des terrains mesozoiques du Portugal. Bull. Soc. Geol. Paris, 1898, 3. ser. 26, 442- 446. 1898.2 - Note sur les poissons et les rep- tiles du Jurassique inferieur du departe- ment de 1'Indre. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1900, 3. ser. 28, 500-504. pi. 1900.1 - Les poissons et les reptiles du Jurassique superieur de Fumel (Lot- et-Garonne) Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1900, 3. ser. 28, 496-499. 1900.2 - Les pycnodontes du Jurassique superieur du Boulonnais. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1901, 4. ser. 1, 542-550. pi. 1901.1 - La faune ichthyologique des calcaires lithographiques de la province de Lerida, Espagne. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1902, 4. ser. 2, 268-269. 1902.1 - Les poissons et les reptiles du Jurassique superieur du Boulonnais au'Musee du Havre. Bull. Soc. Geol. Normandie, 1902, 21, 15-26. 1902.2 - Recherches sur les vertebres du Kimmeridgien superieur de Fumel (Lot- et-Garonne) Mem. Soc. Geol. France, 1902, 9, no. 25. 32 p. 5 pis. 1902.3 / ' - Noticia sobre los peces de la caliza litografica de la provincia de Lerida (Cataluna) Mem. Acad. Cienc. Art. Barcelona, 1903, 4, nom. 35. 32 p. 4 pis. 1903.1 Remarks by C. R, Eastman. Science, 1903, n. s. 19, 397. Note sur un Hypsocormus du Jurassique superieur de Boulogne. Ann. ^ Soc. Geil. Nord, 1905, 34, 8-9. 1905.1 calcaire lithographique de la province de Lerida (Catalogne) Ann. Soc. Geol. II Nord, 1905, 34, 9-12. . 1905.2 - Nouveau catalogue des poissons des formations secondaires du Boulon- nais. Bull. Soc. Acad. Boulogne-sur- Mer, 1905. 1905.3 Poissons (In his Note sur 1'In- fralias de Provencheres-sur-Meuse, ' Chaumont, p. 10-13. 1907) 1907.1 Sur des poissons de la famille des cichlides trouves dans le terrain ter- tiaire de Guelma. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1907, 145, 360-361. 1907.2 - Contribution a T etude du peri- toine des pleuronectes. Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1908, 21, 1-7. 1908.1 - La partie anterieure du pneumo- gastrique et du grand sympathique chez le poisson lune. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1910, no. 23, 1-4. 1910.1 - Reptiles, amphibiens et poissons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1910, 14. annee, 82-86. 1910.2 - Reptiles, amphibiens et pois- sons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1911, 15. annee, 23-33; 147-161. 1911.1 - Reptiles, amphibiens et pois- sons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1912, 16. annee, 5-14; 232-243. 1912.1 - Reptiles, amphibiens et pois- sons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1913, 17. annee, 73-88; 130-142. 1913.1 - Reptiles, amphibiens et pois- sons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1914, 18. annee, 1-9; 53-58. 1914.1 - Reptiles, amphibiens et pois- sons. Rev. Critique Paleozool., 1916, 20. annee, 1-4; 48-54; 133-151. ' 1916.1 Sauvage, Henri Emile, & Bron- gniart, Charles. See Brongniart & Sauvage. Sauvage, Henri Emile, & Dabry de Thiersant, Pierre. Notes sur les pois- sons des eaux douces de la Chine. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1874, 6. ser. 1, art, 5. 1874.1 Sauvage, Henri Emile, & Vaillant, Leon. See Vaillant & Sauvage. Sauvigny, Edme Louis Billardon de [1736-1812] Histoire naturelle des SAW HIHLKKiRAI'HY OF FISIII.- ilorades de la Chine, gravee par M. F. N. Martinet, accompagnee d' observations. Paris, 1780. fol. fig. 1780.1 Savage, T. E. Geology of Henry county. Ann. Rept, Iowa Geol. Surv. 1901 (1902), 12, 239-302. 11 figs. map. 1902.1 Contains faunal lists of Subcarboniferous rlasinobranchs. Savchenko, A. S. Elasmobranchii do 1' Eocene de Manguichlak [Text in Russian] Zap. Obsc. Jest., Kiev, 1912, 22, pt. '_>, 149-186. pi. 1912.1 - Veber die palseogenen Fische von Mangyschlak [Text in Russian] Prot. Obsc. Jest,, Kiev 1911 (1912), 47. 1912.2 Savchenko, Pelr Nikolaevich [1844- 1885] Atlas des poissons ve'neneux. Descriptions des ravages par eux sur 1'organisme humain et des contre-poi- sons a employer [Text in Russian and French] St. Petersburg, 1887. 53 p. 10 pis. 4 1887.1 Savi, Paolo [1798-1871] Osserva- zioni sul sistema nervoso dell' prgano elettrico della torpedine. Atti Sci. Ital., 1841, 328-329; 334-337. 1841.1 - Etudes anatomiques sur le sys- teme nerveux et sur 1'organe Electrique de la torpille. Traite des phenomenes electro-physiologiques des animaux par Carlo Matteucci. Paris, 1844. 348 p. 6 pis. 8. 1844.1 Savigny, Audouin. Zqologie de 1'Egypte (In Geoffroy-Saint-Hilaire, Isidore. Description de 1'Egypte . . . Histoire naturelle. Paris, 1827) 1827.1 Saville, S. P. Capture of sturgeon in fresh water. Zoologist, 1860, 18, 7202. 1860.1 Saville-Kent, William. See Kent, William Saville. Savoie-Petitpierre, - Le salut. Geneve [n. d.] 12 p. 12. - Der Neuenburgersee ... in fischereiwirtschaftlicher Hinsicht. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 9, 84-87. - Le saumon dans le Rhin. Bull. Suisse Peche, Neuchatel, 1909, 10, 20- 22. 1909.1 Savornm, Justin [1876] Sur les poissons fossiles des phosphates al- geriens. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat, Afrique du Nord, 1910, 2, 187-189. 1910.1 - Les pycModnir M . C. R. Congr. Soc. Sav. Paris, 1910, 38. 298-299. 1910.1 - Description de la face dorsale de l'ence*phale de Idus jeses Linn6 et de Sgualius cephalus Linn4. Bull. Soc. Scient. MeU Quest Rennes, 1911, 20. 267-271. 2 figs. 1911.1 Note sur 1'anatomie macro- scopique de I'enc6phale de Carassius auratus Linn6. Bull. Soc. Scient. M6d. Ouest Rennes, 1911, 20, 232-235. 2 figs. Trav. Scient. Univ. Rennes, 10, pt. 1, 172-175. 2 figs. 1911.2 - La face supe"rieure du bulbe rachidien, conside"re"e en ses parties con- stitutives et caract^ristiques, chez les principales especes de la famille des cyprinid6s appartenent aux eaux fran- caises. Bull. Soc. Scient. Me"d. Ouest Rennes, 1912, 21, 20-29. 16 figs. 1912.1 Ge"ne>alit6s sur 1'anatomie mi- croscopique de I'enc6phale des princi- pales especes de cyprinid6s des eaux franchises. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Paris, 1912, 14, 181-190. 5 figs. Note sur les lobes olfactifs de quelques cyprinid6s de la faune fran- caise Bull. Soc. Scient. MeU Ouest Rennes, 1912, 21, 92-100. 2 *& 3 Savtschenko, A. See Savchenko, .t.N. Sawadsky, A . M. Die Entwickelung des larvalen Haftapparates beim - let (Acipenser ruthenus) Anat. An/.. 1911,40,356-378. pi. & 18 figs. 1 Vf 1 1 1- 396 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SAW Sawadsky, A. M. - Die Entwickelung des rudi- mentalen larvalen Haftapparates beim Sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) Trav. Soc. Nat. Univ. Kasan, 1911, 44, pt. 1. 27 p. 7 figs. 1911.2 Sawyer, /. G. That male eel. Testi- mony from a fisherman who knows all the tributaries of the Delaware. Chi- cago Field, 1879, 11, 243. 1879.1 Sawyer, J. N. The breeding habits of the eel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 218-219. 1887.1 Saxby, Henry Linckmeyer [1836-1873] Food of ling [Molva vulgaris] and cod (Gadus morrhua) Naturalist, London, 1865, 1, 236. 1865.1 - Occurrence of the short sunfish [Orthagoriscus mola] in the Shetland seas. Naturalist, London, 1866, 2, 223- 224. 1866.1 Saxby, T. E. Sturgeon in the Shet- land seas. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1905, 184. 1905.1 Saxe, - Remarks regarding the subsidence of the Santa Clara valley and the artesian wells of San Jose\ Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci., 1870, 4, 130. 1870.1 States that fish occasionally come from the wells. Say, Thomas [1787-1834] Account of an expedition [Major Long's] from Pittsburgh to the Rocky mountains. 3 vols. London, 1823. 8. 1823.1 Scafati, G. I torpedini e i pesci elettrici. Riv. Maritt. Roma, 1875. 1875.1 Scaffidi, Vittorio. Untersuchungen iiber den Purinstoffwechsel der Selachier. I. Ueber das Harnsaurezerstorungsver- mogen der Leber von Scyllium catulus. Biochem. Zeitschr., 1909, 18, 506-513. 1909.1 Scammon, Charles M. The Pacific coast cod-fishery. Overland Monthly, 1870, 4, 436-440. 1870.1 Scammon, Richard E. Normal plates of the development of Squalius acanthias; with an introduction by Charles S. Minot. Nonnentafeln zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Wirbeltiere. Jena, 1911. 140 p. 4 pis. & 26 figs. 8. 1911.1 - The development of the elasmo- branch liver. I. The early develop- ment of the liver. II. The development of the liver ducts and gall-bladder. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1913, 14, 333- 390. 9 pis. & 30 figs. 1913.1 The histogenesis of the selachian liver. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1915, 17, 245-315. 45 figs. 1915.1 Scarpa, Antonio [1747-1832] Anato- micse disquisitiones de auditu et olfactu. Ticini, 1789. fol. 1789.1 Schaaffhausen, Hermann Joseph [1816-1893] Ueber die Zahnbildung im Unterkiefer eines vermuthlich noch nicht beschriebenen Fisches aus Siid- afrika. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westphal., 1865, 22. Jahrg. (3. ser. 2. Jahrg.), 62-63. 1865.1 Schacherl , Max . Zur Riickenmarks- anatomie der Plagiostomen (Mylio- batis) Arbeit. Neurol. Instit. Wiener Univ., Leipzig, 1902, 9, 405-416. 1902.1 Schachmagonow, Theodor. Ein eigenthumlicher Luftathmungsapparat bei Betta pugnax. Zool. Anz., 1900, 23, 385-387. 2 figs. 1900.1 Schaeck, H. E. Histoire du poisson dore (Carassius auratus L.) Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., 1893. 1893.1 Schaeck, M. de. La question de 1'anguille. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliq., 1894, 41, 61-66. 1894.1 S chafer, Karl. Betta splendens Re- gan. Wochenschr. Aquar. - Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 662-663. fig. 1913.1 - Der rote Rivulus. Wochenschr. Aquar .-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 513-514. fig. 1914.1 Schaefer, M. Moselfauna; oder, Handbuch der Zoologie, enthaltend die Aufzahlung und Beschreibung der im Regierungsbezirke Trier beobachteten Thiere, mit Berticksichtigung der An- grenzung des Mosel Departements und Belgiens. Trier, 1844. 8. 1844.1 Schafer, Paul. Knurrender Gurami, Ctenops vittatus, und Zwerggurami, Trichogaster lalius Ham.-Buch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 305-307. 1915.1 Meine Makropoden. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 273-275. fig. 1915.2 SCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES - Vorzeitige Laichabgabe bei Ma- kropodcn. Hlatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 191 :>. 26. Jahrg., 348. 1915.3 Schaff, Ernst Ascan Friedrich Wilhelm |1SC)1 ] Untersuchungen liber das I in (^uincnt der Lophobranchier. Inaug. Dissert. Kiel, 1886. 36 p. pi. 1886.1 Schaeffer, Jacob Christian [1718- 171)0] Epistola ad Regiq-Borussicam Societatem litterariam Duisburgensem, de studii ichthyologici faciliori ac tutiori mcthodo, adiectis nonnullis specimini- bus. Katisbonae, 1760. 24 p. col. pi. 4. 1760.1 - Piscium Bavarico-Ratisbonen- siuni pentas; cum tab. iv seri incisis icones coloribus suis distinctas exhibenti- bus. Ratisbonse, 1761. 82 p. 4 col. pis, 4. 1761.1 Schaeffer, W. Ueber die Fort- pfhummg des schwarzgebanderten Sonncnfisches (Scheibenbarsch) im Zimmeraquarium. Natur u. Haus, 1904, 12, 265. 1904.1 Schame, Paul. Etwas von Pyrrhu- linii HHxlmlis Eigenm. und Kenn. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 48-51. 2 figs. 1908.1 Schame, Paul, & Wolterstorff, W. See Wolterstorff & Schame. Schaffer, Franz X. Das Miocan von Eggenburg. Die Fauna der erst en \iediterranstufe des Wiener Beckens und die geologischen Verhaltnisse der Umgebung des Manhartsberges in Nie- derosterreich. II. Stratigraphie. Abh. ( ;<. 22. 1049-1053. Bull. Sci. Nat. Frrussar), 22, 137. 1829.2 Schlegel, r. Note sur la peche a Koscoff. Hull. Soc. Zool. France, 1910, 35. 12">- 130. 1910.1 Schlegel, (liixtur [1840-1903] Pisci- rultuur der Chinezen vertaald uit het wonderbare boek "Omrijk teworden," dccl II, sectie 3, hoofdstuk 2. Tijdsskr. Nijverhi'id. Nederl. Indie, 1803, 9 (n. s. 4 .:;:::; 335. 1803.1 Schlegel, I/n-mmm [1804-1884] Ue- bersirht dcr in Japan vorkommenden Fisrlie. Her. Vers. Deutsch. Xaturf., ls42. 208. 1842.1 - Beschrijving eener nieuwe sport van vissclien (Peristedion laticeps] Bijdr. Dierk., 1848-54, 1, 43-44. pi. Also -rnaratc; Amsterdam, 1852. pi. 4. 1848.1 - Beschrijving eener nieuwe soort van vischen [Polynemus multijUis] Bijdr. Dierk., 1848-54, 1, 9-12. pi. Also separate; Amsterdam, 1852. pi. 4. 1848.2 - Pisces (In Siebold's Fauna Ja- ponica. Leyden, 1850) 1850.1 - Over twee nieuwe soorten van vissohen [Amphacanthus vulpinus and ,1 . I,,H ////.s] Bijdr. Dierk., 1852, 1, 38-40. pi 1852.1 - Handleiding tot de beoefening ler dicrkunde. 2 vols. Breda, 1857. 1857.1 Fishes, vol. ii, p. 65-206. - Xatuurlijke historic van Xeder- land. De dieren van Nederland: H. Sehlegel, gewervelde dieren. Visschen. Haarlem, 1862. 31 pis. 8. 1802.1 - Visschen von Nederland. Haar- lom, 1809. 21 pis. 1809.1 - Devisschen. Amsterdam, 1870. 1870.1 Schlegel, Hermann, & Mliller, Salo- n/on. Beschrijving van vier Oost- Indische zeevischen behoorende tot het geslaoht Amphacanthus. Verh. Natuur. li. Leiden, 1839^4, 2, 9-10. 2 pis. 1839.1 - Over de vischarenden (Pandion) van den Indischen Archipel. Verh. Xatuur. Gesch. Leiden, 1839-44, 2, 41-48. 1839.2 - Over/i^t den uit her- zogtums Baden. Mitt. Bad. Zool. Ver., 1900, no. 3, 01-64; no. 4, 75-80; no. 5, 94-104; no. 6, 111-115. 1900.2 - Beobachtungen beim Brutge- schaft des gemeinen Stichlings. N<)9-587. 4 pis. ii. Bau und Phylogenese der unpaaren Flos- ind insbesonders der Schwanzflosse der ie. Ibid., 1913, 104, 1-80. 14 figs. Die unpaaren Flossen des Fisches und deren Phylogenie [Text in Russian with German resume] M6m. Vat. Kiev, 1913, 23, 1-256. 6 pis. 1913.1 Schmarda, Ludwig K. Ueber das Erscheinen exotischer Fische im adriati- schen Meere. Med. Jahrb. Oesterr., 17, 3. Heft, 257-262. 1847.1 Die geographische Verbreitung Thiere. 3 vols. Wien, 1853. 8. 1853.1 Die maritimen Producten der lichen Kustenlander. Wien, 1864. 1864.1 - Die Cultur des Meeres in Frankreich. Wien, 1869. 8. 1869.1 Schmeckebier, L. F. Catalogue and index of publications of the Hayden, King, Powell and Wheeler surveys. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1904, no. 222. 208 p. 1904.1 Schmeil, 0. Wandtafem fur den zoologischen Unterricht. Stuttgart, 1905. pi. 8. 1905.1 Tafel 10, Susswasserfische, von P. Klapper. Schmeltz, /. D. E. [1839-1909] Ueber Ceratodus forsteri. Verh. Ver. Naturw. Unterhalt. Hamburg 1871-74 (1875), 64-65. 1875.1 Schmid, B. Ueber die Einwirkung von Veronal und Trional auf Fische; ein Beitrag zu dem Kapitel: schlafen die Fische? Monats. Naturw. Unterr. Schulgat., Leipzig, 1911, 4, 311-312. 1911.1 ^Schmid, C. Fischbrutresultate im Kanton Glarus. Ber. Schweiz. Fische- rei Ver., 1885, no. 3, 10. Also separate; Zurich, 1885. 4. 1885.1 Schmid, E. E. Die Fischzahne der Trias bei Jena. Nova Acta Acad. Leop. Carol., 1862, 29, 1^2. Also separate; Jena, 1861. 42 p. 4. Ab- stract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1862, '"> 766. 1862.1 Schmid, Karl. Naturhistorische H schreibung der Fische. Mimchen, ls --- 4. i 8 22.1 Schmid, Robert. Forellen als Vege- tarianer. Mitth. Fischereiwesen, A I i n i- chen, 1876, 1. Jahrg., 20-21. 1 s7t, 1 Schmidel, Ulrich. Viaje al Rio de la Plata (1534-1554) Notas biblio- grdficas y biograficas por Bartolom6o Mure. Pr61ogo, traducci6n y annota- ci6nes por Samuel A. Lafone Quevado. Buenos Aires, 1903. 499 p. illust. & maps. 8. 1903.1 Schmid-Monnard, Carl. Die His- togenese des Knochens der Teleostier. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1893, 39, 97-136. 4 pis. 1893.1 Schmidt, - (aus Schleusingen) Weiteres uber die Anstalt fiir kiinstliche Forellenzucht in St. Kilian bei Schleu- singen. Zeitschr. Landw. Centralver. Prov. Sachsen, 1869, 26, 165-170. Ibid., 1870, 27, 216-218. 1869.1 Schmidt, A. H. Untersuchungen uber das Ovarium der Selachier. Tidjschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., Leiden, 1898, 2. ser. 6, 1-108. 3 pis. 1898.1 Schmidt, Bruno. Das Gebiss des Cyclopterus lumpus L. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1913, 49, 313-372. 3 pis. & 23 figs. 1913.1 Schmidt, E. Die Flunder als Aqua- rienfisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 385-387. 1912.1 Schmidt, [Ernst] Johannes [1877 ] Fiskeriunders0gelser ved Island og Fae- r0erne i sommeren 1903. Skrift. Komm. Havunders., Kjebenhavn, 1904, 1, 1- 148. 21 figs. 1904.1 - On pelagic post-larval halibut ( Hippoglossus vulgaris Flem. and Hippo- glossoides Walb.) Medd. Komm. Ha- vunders., Kjobenhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1904, 1, no. 3, 1-12. pi. 1904.2 - Some preliminary remarks on the identification of pelagic post-larval forms of Gadus. Copenhagen, 1904. 4 p. 3 pis. 8. 1904.3 De atlantiske torskeartere (Gadus-slaegtens) pelagiske yngel i de postlarvale stadier. En diagnostisk monografi [The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus. 406 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCH Schmidt, E. J. A monograph] Medd. Komm. Havun- ders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1905, 1, 1-77. 3 pis. Ibid., 2, no. 2, 1-20. pi. 1905.1 - On the larval and post-larval stages of the torsk (Brosmius brosme Ascan.) Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1905, 1, no. 8, 1-10. pi. 1905.2 Contributions to the life history of the eel [ Anguilla vulgaris Flem.] (In Bericht iiber die Tatigkeit der Com- mission C 2 in der Periode 1903-1906. 4. Conseil Perman. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1906, 5, 137-264; 267-273. 4 pis. & 6 figs. & 3 maps) 1906.1 On the larval and post-larval development of the argentines (Argen- tina situs Ascan. and Argentina sphyrcena Linne) with some notes on Mallotus villosus O. F. Muller. Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1906, 2, no. 4, 1-20. 2 pis. 1906.2 - On the pelagic post-larval stages of the lings (Molva molva Linn, and Molva byrkelange Walbaum) Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, -1906, 2, no. 3, 1-15. pi. & figs. 1906.3 - The pelagic post-larval stages of the Atlantic species of Gadus. II. Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0ben- havn, 1906. 20 p. pi. 4. 1906.4 - Marking experiments on plaice and cod in Icelandic waters. Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1907, 2, no. 6, 1-23. figs. 1907.1 On the post-larval development of the hake (Merlucdus vulgaris Flem.) Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kjobenhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1907, 2, no. 7, 1-9. pi. & figs. 1907.2 - On the post-larval develop- ment of some North Atlantic gadoids (Raniceps raninus Linn, and Molva elongata Risso) Medd. Komm. Havun- ders., Kj0benhavn, ser. plankton, 1907, 1, no. 8, 1-14. pi. & fig. 1907.3 - Marking experiments on plaice and cod in Icelandic waters; post-larval development of Merludus vulgaris. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, 1908. 34 p. pi. & 2 maps. 1908.1 On the post-larval stages of the John Dory (Zeus faber L.) and some other acanthopterygian fishes. Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1908, 2, no. 9, 1-12. pi. 1908.2 - The distribution of the pelagic fry and the spawning regions of the gadoids in the North Atlantic from Ice- land to Spain. Based chiefly on Dan- ish investigations. Conseil Perm. In- tern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1909, 10 B, no. 4, 1-230. 10 maps & 15 figs. 1909.1 - Ferskvandsaalenes (Anguillula) udbredelse i verden I. det atlantiske ocean og tilgrsensende omraader [The distribution of the freshwater eels (An- guillula) throughout the world] Kgl. Danske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift., Kj0ben- havn, 1909, 7. ser. 8, 119-178. pi. 1909.2 - On the distribution of fresh- water eels throughout the world. I. Atlantic ocean and adjacent regions. A biographical investigation. Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1909, 1^5. 1909.3 On the occurrence of Leptoce- phali (larval mursenoids) in the Atlantic west of Europe. Medd. Komm. Havun- ders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1909, 3, no. 6, 1-19. 2 pis. 1909.4 - Remarks on the metamorphosis and distribution of the larvae of the eel (Anguilla vulgaris Turt.) Medd. Komm. Havunders., Kj0benhavn, ser. fiskeri, 1909, 3, no. 3, 1-17. pi. 1909.5 - On the distribution of freshwater eels. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 79. meet., 1909, 511-515. 1909.6 Leptocephalus hyoproroides and L. thorianus. Zool. Anz., 1910, 36, 79. 1910.1 - Biology of the eel-fishes, es- pecially of the conger. Nature, 1911, 86, 61-63. 2 figs. 1911.1 Fiinf Jahre danischer Unter- suchungen iiber die Biologic der aajarti- gen Fische. Fischerbote, Hamburg, 1911, 3, 374-379. 1911.2 Contributions to the biology of some north Atlantic species of eels. Vidensk. Medd. Naturhist. Foran., Kj0benhavn, 1912, 64, 39-51. pi. 1912.1 - Danish researches in the At- lantic and Mediterranean on the life- history of the freshwater eel (Anguilla SCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 407 rul yuris Turt.) with notes on other species. Intern. Rev. Hydrobiol., Leip- zig, 1912, 6, 317-342. 6 pis. 1912.2 - Danske unders0gelser i Atlan- terhavet og Middelhavet over fersk- vandsaalens biologi [Danish inves- tigations in the Atlantic and the Medi- terranean of the biology of the eel] Skrift. Komm. Havunders., Kj0ben- havn, 1912, no. 8, 1-33. 3 pis. 1912.3 - Five years' Danish investiga- tions on the biology of the eel. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 81. meet., 1912, 409-412. 1912.4 - The reproduction and spawning- places of the freshwater eel (Anguilla rnl Honorius Augustodunensis. Burghau- sen-a-S., 1909. xxix, 35 p. 8. 1909.1 The Latin original, first printed in 1479, was frequently republished and translated. Con- cerning its authorship see Brandt, C. J. Luci- darius, en folkebog fra middelalderen udgivet af det nordiske Literatur-Samfund ved C. J. Brandt. Kj0benhavn, 1849. Also Carus, V. Geschichte der Zoologie, p. 270. Miinchen, 1872. Schmidt, Karl. Vollstandige Na- turgeschichte in lithographischen Ab- bildungen. 6 vols. Miinchen, 1818-23. 4. 1820.1 Bd. iv, Fische. 27 pis. Schmidt, L. Untersuchungen zur Kenntnis des Wirbelbaues von Am in calva. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1892, 54, 748-764. pi. & 5 figs. 1892.1 Schmidt, Landn (editor) Vezatok a Termesaatrajzi Fuzatek elso tiz 6vi folyamdnak foglalatjahoz, 1877-1886. Budapest, 1887. 420 p. 8. lvs7.1 Schmidt, Martin [1863] Ueber Oberen Jura in Pommern. Beit ran- zur Stratigraphie und Palaontologie. Abh Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., 1905, n. s. 41. Heft, 1-222. 10 pis. 1905.1 408 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCH Schmidt, P. Om fiskeavlen. Aften- bladet, Christiania, 1866, nos. 52, 55, 61, 64. 1866.1 Schmidt, P.P. Sur les nouveaux ap- pareils mecaniques de 1 'organisms ani- mal; les valves glissantes. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1915, 78, 309. 1915.1 Valves qui assurent cloture complete de la fente operculaire chez les Pleuronectidae. Schmidt, Peter. On the Pacific species of Hippoglossoides. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1915, 8. ser. 16, 299-308. 1915.1 Schmidt, Petr Yulievich [ = Peter Julius] [1872 ] Ueber die Fischerei auf der Insel Sachalin. [Text in Rus- sian] Congr. Intern. Peche Piscult., St. Petersb., 1902, pt. 2, 51-61. 1902.1 - Ueber die geographische Ver- breitung der Fische in den ostlichen Meeren. C. R. Congr. Intern. Peche, St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 1, 27-37. 1903.1 - On the Liparis (Trismegistus) owstoni Jordan & Snyder. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1904, 28, 189-191. 2 figs. 1904.1 - Pisces marium orientalium Im- perii Rossici [Text in Russian] St. Petersburg, 1904. xi, 466 p. 6 pis. 31 figs. 1904.2 - Sur un poisson de grande pro- fondeur du Japon, Liparis (Trismegis- tus) owstoni Jordan & Snyder [Text in Russian] Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1904, 9, xvii-xix. 1904.3 - Ueber einige Fische aus den Ost-Meeren Russlands [Text in Rus- sian] C. R. Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1904, 35, 385-386. 1904.4 - Ueber die Verbreitung der Fische im nordlichen Stillen Ozean und die damit zusammenhangenden zoo- geographischen Probleme. C. R. 6. Congr. Intern. Zool., Berne, 1904, 561- 572. 2 figs. 1904.5 - Das Seefischereigewerbe auf der Insel Sachalin [Text in Russian] St. Petersburg, 1905. x, 458 p. 31 pis. & 45 figs. map. 8. 1905.1 Schmidt, P. Julius, & Schokalsky, J. M. See Schokalsky & Schmidt. Schmidt, Robert, Die Salzwasser- fauna Westfalens. 41. Jahresber. West- fal. Provinz. Ver. (Zool. Sekt.), 1913, 29- 94. 1913.1 Schmidt, Traugott. Diebekanntesten Siisswasser-Fisch-Arten fiir industrielle Verwendung gezeichnet. Plauen-i.-V., 1904. 5 pis. 8. 1904.1 Schmidt, V. Die Clwrda dorsalis und ihr Verhalten zur Wirbelsaule im Schwanzende der Wirbelthiere. Sitz- ber. Naturf. Ges. Univ. Dorpat, 1893, 10, 142-152. 1893.1 Schmidt, Valdemar. Beretning om moderne af fiskere i Raabjerg sogn og skagen. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1878, n. s. 4. Jahrg., 134-138. 1878.1 Schmidt, Wilhelm. Eine Zuchtver- such im Freien (Heros facetus] Natur u. Haus, 1903, 13. Jahrg., 217-219. 1903.1 Schmidtlein, Richard. Beobach- tungen iiber die Lebensweise einiger Seethiere innerhalb der Aquarien der Zoologischen Station. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1879, 1, 1-27; 489-501. 1879.1 Selachier und Grundfische. Schmidt-Nielsen, Sigval. Chemi- cal and microbiological investigations on the curing of herring. I. Prelim- inary communication. Rept. Norwegian Fishery Mar. Invest., 1900, 1, no. 8, 1-24. 1900.1 Litt om enkelte benfiskes osmo- tiske tryk og dets forhold til det ydre miljo [Ueber den osmotischen Druck bei einigen Teleostei und seine Ab- hangigkeit vom ausseren Milieu] Kgl. Norske Vidensk. Selsk. Skrift., Trond- hjem, 1909, no. 3. 1909.1 Om saltvandsfisk i fersk vand. Nyt. Mag. Nat., 1910, 48, 378-379. 1910.1 Schmiedeknecht, Otto. Die Wir- beltiere Europa's, mit Beriicksichtigung der Fauna von Vorderasien und Nor- darcka. Jena, 1906. 472p. 8. 1906.1 Pisces, p. 311-455. Schmincke, Alexander. Die Re- generatioii der quergestreiften Muskel- fasern bei den Wirbeltieren. Eine ver- gleichende pathologisch-anatomische Studie. I. Ichthyopsiden. Verh. Phys.- Med. Ges. Wurzburg, 1907, n. s. 39, 15-130. 2 pis. 1907.1 Schmitt, Franz. Systematische Dar- stellung der Doppelembryonen der Sal- moniden. Arch. Entw. Mech. Leipzig, 1901,13,34-134. pi. & 19 figs. 1901.1 SCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF F1S1IKS KM) - Ueber die Gastrulation der Dop- pelbildungen der Forelle, mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der Concrescenz- theorie. Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1902, 12. f.4-83. 7 figs. Sitzber. Phys.-Med. Ges. Wiirzburg, 1902, 30-31. 1902.1 Schmitz, \Vilhelm. Haplochilus pan- chnx. Bliitt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 213-214. fig. 1901.1 - Der Piratenbarsch (Alvordius aspero) Natur u. Haus, 1901, 9, 149- 150. 1901.2 Schmula, De piscium squamis nonnulla. Berolini, 1854. 8. 1854.1 Schnaudigel, Otto A. F. Neurofi- brillon in [1833-1899] Ueber die kantonale Fischzucht Anstalt in Meilen. Vierteljahrschr. Naturf. Ges. Ziirich, 1874, 19. Jahrg., 199-204. 1874.1 - Pisciculturversuche in der Schweiz. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Yer. 1876 (1877), no. 2, 59-61. 1877.1 - Die Fische der Schweiz. Zu- rich, 1879. 8 p. 4. 1879.1 - Fischfauna des Kantons Zurich. Ziirich, 1879. 1879.2 - Tabelle zur Bestimmung der Fische der Kanton Zurich. Zurich, 1879. pi. 4. 1879.3 - Die Technik in der kunstlichen Fischzucht. Tabelle zur leichten Be- stimmung der Fische der Schweiz. Fischfauna des Kantons Zurich. Zu- rich, 1880. 19 p. 2 pis. 4. 1880.1 - Analytische Tabelle zur Bestim- mung der Fische der Schweiz. St. Gallen, 1890. 16 p. 8. 1890.1 - Die Bedeutung der Felchen fiir die schweizerische Fischerei. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. Fischerei- \\ -e>en, 1890, 6, 137-149. Also separate; St . Gallen, 1890. 3 p. 4. 1890.2 - Das Fischereikoncordordat zwi- x-lien den Kantonen Zurich, St. Gallen, Schwyz und Glarus. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. Fischereiwesen, 1890, 6 ; 107. 1890.3 - Was fressen unsere Fische? Zen- tralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. Fische- reiwesen, 1890, 6, 50. 1890.4 - Die Glasthiere im Siisswasser. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. Fischereiwesen, 1891, 7, 95. 1891.1 - Die schweizerischen Fischzucht- anstalten. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hunde- liebhaber u. Fischereiwesen, 1891, 7, 52. 1891.2 - Ueber bessere Verwerthung der Siisswassernsche. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hun- deliebhaber u. Fischereiwesen, 1891, 7, 12. 1891.3 - Allgemeines liber den Kampf der Industrie und Fischerei in der Schweiz. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundelieb- V - Noch einmal das Dogma von der Brutwassertemperatur. ZentralM. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. Fischen-j- wesen, 1892, 8, 61; 85. 1892.2 - Ueber die \Viederbevolkerunu; der zugerischen Gewiisser mit Fix-hen. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. 1 i- schereiwesen, 1892, 8, 195; 205. 1892.3 - Die Unterschiede /xvisdien der Bevolkerung unserer Seen und Flu r. Zentralbl. Jagd-, Hundeliebhaber u. 1 i- schereiwesen, 1892, 8, 165-171. 1892.4 - Die Bedeutung des Hechtes in unsern Seen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeii^., 1893,1,285. Also separate; PfaffiUn- Ziirich, 1893. 5 p. 8. 1893.1 - Statistisches iiber den Felchen- fang. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 61. 1893.2 - Sterile Gewasser. Schweix. I i- scherei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 49. 1893.3 - Unsere Fischzuchtanstalten und deren Betrieb. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 2. 1893.4 Vom Bodensee-Zander. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 125. 1893.5 Warum sind unsere Salmoniden meist Winterlaichfische? Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 255. 1893.6 Laichssaison 1893-1894 im Zii- richer-Rhein. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitji., 1894, 2, 17. 1894.1 - Reminiscenzen an die Ziiricher- Fischereiausstellung. Schweiz. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1894, 2, 201; 209; 221. 8. 1 s!)-} .'2 Ueber die kiinstliche Vermeh- rung der Crustaceen als Fischnahrung. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 2. J 1894.3 Bodensee-Fischerei. Sch \\eix. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 97-100. 1 895 . 1 Die kiinstliche Fischzucht. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1895, 3, 125; 141 Also separate; Pfaffikon-Ziinch, 1895. 6 p. 8. IW5.2 Allgemeine Reflexionen iU>-r die Fischgewasser der Schweiz und deren Bewirthschaftung. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 266-268. 1896.1 416 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCH Schockaert, Alice. Nouvelles re- cherches comparatives sur la texture et le developpement du myocarde chez les vertebres. Arch. Biol., 1909, 24, 277-372. 3 pis. 1909.1 Schoebel, E., Davidoff, M. von, & Emery, C. See Davidoff, Emery & Schoebel. Scholer, E., Zur Kenntniss der Nerven der Epidermis der Fische. Bonn, 1885. pi. 8. 1885.1 Schoeller, C. H. Ein neuer Chromis. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1903, 4. Jahrg., 185-187; 203-226. figs. 1903.1 Schbnbein, Christian Friedrich S. Beobachtungen liber die electrischen Wirkungen des Zitteraales. Basel, 1841. 1841.1 - Observations sur les effets elec- triques du gymnote. Bibl. Univ. Arch., Geneve, 1841, 1, 445-467. Notizen (Froriep), 20, 1-6; 17-26; 39^1. Proc. London Electr. Soc., 1843, 133- 150. 1841.2 - Ueber die Aeusserung der Elek- tricitat bei dem Gymnotus electricus. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1841, 20, 1-6; 17-26; 39-41. 1841.3 Schonberg, Gustav. Schiffleute- und Visscher-Zunft Basel. Tubingen, 1879. 1879.1 Schondorf, Fr. Das Vorkommen und die stratigraphische Stellung der " humeralis-Schichten " im nordwest- deutschen weissen Jura. 60-61. Jahres- ber. Nat. Ges. Hannover, 1913. 5. Jahresber. Niedersachs. Geol. Ver., 23- 63. 1913.1 Schondorff, Albert. Ueber den Far- benwechsel bei Forellen; ein Beitrag zur Pigmentfrage. Arch. Naturgesch., 1903, 69. Jahrg., 1, 399^426. pi. 1903.1 Schondorff, Bernhard, & Wach- holder, Kurt. Ueber den Glykogen- stoffwechsel der Fische. I. Der Glyko- gengehalt von Siisswasserfischen. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1914, 157, 147-164. 1914.1 Erheblicher Glykogengehalt. Leber 1st schon Aufspeicherungsorgan. Einfluss des Hungers von Beweglichkeit abhangig. Schoenichen, W. Grosses Fisch- sterben und ihre Ursachen. Prome- theus, Berlin, 1904, 16, 97-101; 113-117; 129-132. 1904.1 Schoenlein, K. Beobachtungen iiber Blutkreislauf und Respiration bei einigen Fischen; nach gemeinschaft- lichen Versuchen von V. Willem, nebst einigen Bemerkungen iiber die Vivi- sectionstechnik bei Fischen, mitgetheilt von K. Schoenlein. Zeitschr. Biol.. 1895, n. s. 13, 511-547. 14 figs. 1895.1 - Beobachtungen und Untersu- chungen iiber den Schlag von Torpedo. Zeitschr. Biol., 1895, n. s. 13, 449-523. 4 pis. 1895.2 - Ueber die Wirkung des Curare an den elektrischen Organen yon Torpedo occellata und marmorata. Sitz- ber. Phys. Med. Ges., Wiirzburg, 1895. 1895.3 Schoenlein, K., & Willem, V. Beobachtungen iiber Blutkreislauf und Respiration bei einigen Fischen. Zeit- schr. Biol., 1895, 2. ser. 14, 511-547. figs. 1895.1 Observations sur la circulation du sang chez quelques poissons. Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 1895, 26, 442-468. figs. 1895.^ Schopf, Johann David [1752-1800] Der gemeine Hecht in Amerika [Esoxi Naturforscher, 1784, 20, 26-31. 1784.1 - Vom nordamerikanischen Pertsch (Perca flavescens) Natur- forscher, 1784, 20, 17-25. 1784.2 Beschreibung einiger nord- amerikanischen Fische vorziiglich aue den neu-yorkischen Gewassern. Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1788, 8, 138-194. 1788.1 Schofield, N. B. Notes on the plant- ing of salmon and trout fry [n. p. 1899] 23 p. 2 pis. 8 (California State Fish Commission) 1899.1 Schokalsky, J. M., & Schmidt, P. Jvlius. Apercu sur les explorations scientifiques des mers et des eaux douces de 1' empire Russe (In Exposition Maritime Intern. Bordeaux, 1907. 70 p. 2 pis.) 1907.1 Scholz, Edward J. R. Ueber den Argusfisch (Scatophagus argus) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 331-333. pi. 1911.] Zum Laichakt des Griindlings, Gobio -fluviatilis Flem. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 775- 776. fig. 1911- 2 CH BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I ISII1 S Scholz, /'. P., iV Endler, /<'. (;. ndler & Scholz. See Schomburgk, (Sir) Robert M/l 1S65] Remarkable habit in a if. (Naturalists' library, vols. .xix \- xl) - [Extracts from the Journal of le Royal Geographical Society relating the natural history of the Parima and uiana rivers] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., >43, 12, 190-202. 1843.1 Foo:l-i shcs of the Barima known as the quer- .nai and morocotto, p. 192. Keisen in Britisch-Guiana in N-U/-1844 . . . Nebst einer Fauna und lora Guiana's nach Vorlagen von J. liiller, Ehrenberg, Erichson, Klotzsch, roschel, Cabanis und andern. 3 pts. oipzig. IS 47-48. 8. 1847.1 I. Fauna. Fische, bearbeitet von J. Muller id F. H. Troschel. - Description of some new species fishes from the sea surrounding the land of Barbados. Ann. Mag. Nat. ist.. 1848, 2. ser. 2, 11-20. 1848.1 24 spcci' s of teleosts are described. - The history of Barbados; com- i^ing a geographical description of the land and an account of its geology and rural productions. London, 1848. <. 722 p. 7 pis. illust. 8. 1848.2 < 'onuiins descriptions of fishes. Schonberg, L. On the spawn of dmon observed in its progressive state. dinburgh Journ. Sci., 1826, 5, 238- '40. Notizen (Froriep), 16, 82-84. 1826.1 Schoondermark, /. J. Korte be- houwing van de Middellandsche xee i han- vischfauna. 's Graven Hage, >73. 8. 1873.1 Schrader, Otto (editor) [1855 ] Kul- iirpflanzen und Hausthiere in ihrem [ ebergang aus Asien nach G.'iechenland [jnd Italien sowi f> in das iibrige Europa [i. . Von Victor Hehn. Sechster Auflage, |i3U herausgegeben imit einem Vorworti bn O. Schrader. Berlin, 1894. xxvi, 2.") p. 8. 1894.1 Schram, .1. K:>s.-iis dc pisciculture t entes an jardin lnitaniiit* alburnus L. Alburn us lucidus Heck, iin Aquarium. Wochenschr. \quar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 259 -2iH). fig. 1914.12 - Die Alandbiecke oder der Schneider (Alburnus bipunctatus L.) als Aquarienfisch. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 87-89. 2 figs. 1915.1 - Amblyopsis spelceus Dek., der blinde Hohlenfisch. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 225- 227. 2 figs. 1915.2 - Die Bachforelle (Salmofario L.) iin Aquarium. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 241- 242. fi g- . 1915.3 - Badis badis Ham. Buch., seine Zucht und Pflege. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 5-7. fig. 1915.4 - Beobachtungen bei der Zucht von Pseudocorynopoma dories Perugia (Kehlkropfsalmler oder Drachenflosser) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 81-82. fig. 1915.5 Carapus fasdatus Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 177-178. fig. 1915.6 - Clarias lazera Cuv. & Val. und Trachycorystes striatulus. Mit drei Originalaufnahmen nach dem Leben aus dem Zoologischen Garten zu Frank- furt -a.-M. von Aenny Fahr. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 17-19. 3 figs. 1915.7 Eleotris marmorata Bleeker und Cryptocoryne griffithi. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 305. pi. 1915.8 - Junge Hechte (Esox Indus L.) im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 209-211. fig. 1915.9 Lepidosteus tristoechus Bloch & Schneider (Lepidosteus osseus Gmelin, L.) Knochenhecht oder Kaimanfisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 49-50. fig. 1915.10 - MyletesnigripinnisCope. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 194-195. fig. 1915.11 - Neue Kischc im "Zoo" zu Frankfurt a. M. Blatt. Aquar.-'IVrrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 13i LSI figs. P.M. VI 2 Esox reticulatus, Tetragonoptrrus spec. - Trutta iridea Gibb. (Salmo irideus) die amerikanische llegenbogen- forelle als Aquarienfisch und ilm- Pflege. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 231. fig. 1915.13 - Einiges iiber Barbus semif - latus Giinther. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 27. Jahrg., p. 70. 1916.1 Schroeder, E. A. Fischerei-Wirt- schaftslehre des natiirlichen Binnenge- wasser. Dresden, 1889. 8. Katechis- mus der kiinstlichen Fischzucht und der Teichwirthschaft. Leipzig, 1889. illust . 8. 1889.1 Schroder, Olaw, & Schuberg, Au- gust. See Schuberg & Schroder. Schroder, Otto. Der Kletterfisch (Anabas scandens) und seine Zucht, Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde. 1910, 7. Jahrg., 205. fig. 1910.1 Schroder, Wilhelm von. Ueber die Harnstoffbildung der Haifische. Zeit- schr. Phys. Chem., 1890, 14, 576-598. 1890.1 Barbus phytonio, ein neuer Aquarienfisch. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 15. Jahrg., 65-66. fig. 1906.1 Bunocephalus sp. Ein eigen- artiger Wels aus Amerika. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1906, 3. Jahrg., 591-592. 1906.2 Haplochilus mattei Kohlcr und Haplochilus panchax var. Natur u. Haus, 1906, 15. Jahrg., 84-86. fig. 1906.3 Eine neue Barbe von den Antillen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 113-115. fig. 1910.1 Schron, Otto. Ueber zvvei noch nicht beschriebene paarige Organe in der Halsgegend von Ammocoetes. such. Naturlehre (Moleschott), 1865, 9, 365-366. Schroot, W. Clarias magur, ein neu eingefuhrter Wels. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 225- 226; 258-259. pi. Ein neuer Girardinus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12, 165- 166. 422 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCH Schroot, W. - Noch etwas iiber Girardinus un- inotatus. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 206-207. 1901.3 Geophagus brasiliensis und Geophagus gymnogenys und die Zucht des letzteren im Zimmeraquarium. Natur u. Haus, 1902, 10. Jahrg., 324- 328. 1902.1 Mollienisia latipinna, ein neue- ingefiihrter lebendiggebarender Zahn- karpfen. Natur u. Haus, 1903, 11, 193- 195. 4 figs. 1903.1 Schrumpf, P. Das Fischfleisch als Nahrungsmittel. Zeitschr. Physik. Diat. Therap., 1911, 15, 392-401; 470- 480. 1911.1 Schubart, A. Die Forelle und ihr Fang; naturgeschichtliche und sport- liche Monographic. Berlin, 1907. 180 p. pi. & 75 figs. 8. 1907.1 - Zur Laichwanderung der Forelle. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 101-103. 1910.1 - Der Winterschlaf unserer Siid- wasserfische. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 453-456. 1913.1 Schuberg, August. Siisswasserpoly- penalsForellenfeinde. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905. 1905.1 Naturschutz und Muckenbe- kampfung. Versuche iiber die Einwirk- ung zur Vernichtung von Miickenlaryen dienender Fliissigkeiten auf Wassertiere und Vogel. Arb. Gesundh.-Amt Berlin, 1914, 47, 252-290. Entom. Rundsch., 31. Jahrg., 79-80. 1914.1 Schuberg, August, & Schroder, Olaw. Myxosporidien aus dem Nerven- system und der Haut der Bachforelle. Arch. Protistenkunde, Jena, 1905, 6, 47-60. pi. 1905.1 Myxobolus neurobius, sp. nov., und Henneguya nusslina, sp. nov. Schubert, Fr. Scheibenbarschzucht im Zimmeraquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 145- 148. 2 figs. 1914.1 Schubert, Hugo. Meine Beobach- tungen beim Laichgeschaft der Panzer- welse (Callichthys punctatus d.'Orb.) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 546. 1907.1 Schubert, Otto. Alte Anschauungen iiber den Aal. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 25, 375-37 1902.1 Schubert, Richard J. [1876 ] Die Fischotolithen des osterreich-ungarischen Tertiars. I. Die Sciseniden. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1902, 51, 301- 315. pi. & 2 figs. 1902.1 - Die Fischotolithen des oster- reich-ungarischen Tertiars. II. Macru- riden und Beryciden. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst,, Wien, 1905, 55, 613-638. 2 pis. 1905.1 - Einige Bemerkungen zur Fisch- fauna der Aemilia. Verh. Geol. Reich- sanst., Wien, 1906, 321-323. 1906.1 - Die Fischotolithen des oster- reich-ungarischen Tertiars. III. Be- schreibung der iibrigen Otolithen des osterreich-ungarischen Tertiars. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1906, 56, 673-706. 3 pis. & 3 figs. 1906.2 - Ueber die Fischotolithen des osterreich-ungarischen Neogens. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1906, 124-127. 1906.3 - Ueber Fischotolithen aus dem sardinischen Miocan. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1907, 341-343. 1907.1 - Weitere Fischotolithen aus dem sardinischen Miocan und aus dem Plio- can von Bologna. Verh. Geol. Reichs- anst., Wien, 1907, 393-395. 1907.2 - Das Fischleben der alten Wiener Meere. Urania, Illust. Pop. Wissen- schaft. Wochenschr., Wien, 1908, 1, 101-102. 1908.1 - Die Fischotolithen des Pausra- mer Mergels. Zeitschr. Mahr. Lan- desmus., Briinn, 1908, 8, 102-120. pi. & fig. 1908.2 - Die Fischfauna der Schlier- mergel von Bingia Fargeri (bei Fangario) in Sardinien. Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1912, 160-165. 3 figs. 1912.1 Die Fischotolithen der ungari- schen Tertiarablagerungen. Mitt. Un- gar. Geol. Anst., Budapest, 1912, 20, 115-139. 20 figs. 1912.2 Schubiger, - Offizieller Bericht iiber die schweizerische Fischerei-Aus- stellung in Bern, 1895. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 219. Also sep- arate; Pfaffikon-Ziirich, 1896. 6 p. 8. 1895.1 Schuchert, Charles [1858] His- torical geology (In Pirsson, L. V., & SCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF KISIIKS Schuchert, C. A textbook of geology, etc. New York, 1915. x, 1051 p. illust. 8.) 1915.1 Chap, xxxvii, Fishes and the ancestors of the vertebrates. Devonian fishes, p. 722. Schiicking, A. Zur Physiologic der Befnichtung. Zentralbl. Physiol., 1904, 17. i>2.-> l>28. 1904.1 Schiitz, F. Ueber Stickstoffumsatz hungonulor Fische. Berlin, 1912. 39 p. 8. 1912.1 - Zusammensetzung und Stick- stofTumsatz hungernder Schleien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Physiol. Abth.), 1913, 493-518. * 1913.1 Schiitz (junior}, Rudolf. Eine Kreu- zung zwischen einem Heros facetus \\'eibchcn und einem Geophagus gymno- j/f/n/N Mannchen. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 323-325. 1912.1 - Das Laichgeschaft von Hetero- gramma species. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Ternir. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 688-690. 1912.2 - Tilapia zilli und seine Zucht. \\orhenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 726-727. fig. 1912.3 Schiiz, Emil. Lebenszahigkeit der Bachforelle. Jahresheft Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1866, 22. Jahrg., 128. Zool. Garten, Frankfurt, 7, 156-157. 1866.1 Schuk, Vladimir. See Zhuk, V. Schulten, August Benjamin af. Am- modytes tobianus. Notis. Sallsk. Fauna Flora Fenn. Forh., 1874, 13 (n. s. 10), 485. 1874.1 Schultheis, Heinrich. Cichlosoma nigrofasciatum. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 559-560. fig. 1909.1 Geophagus tceniatus. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 325-326. fig. 1909.2 Schultz, Alexandre. Notice sur les pecheries et la chasse aux phoques dans la mer Blanche, 1'ocean Glacial et la mer Caspienne. St. Petersbourg, 1873. 80 p. 8. 1873.1 One of the publications issued in connection with the " Exposition Universelle de Yienne." - Fischerei und Robbenjagd im Weissen Meere und nordlichen Ocean. Ja'hresber. Ver. Erdkunde, Dresden, 1874, 11, 105-152. 1874.1 lcr Wirln-ltliii-rr. (Vntralhl. Mr.l. \\ i-.. is7|. ,,,,. 51, 1874.2 - Die embryonale Anlage der Selachier. Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1875, 13. Jahrg., 545-547. 1875.1 Zur EntwickdunflMeBohiohte des Selachicrcics. Arch. Mikr. Anat.. 1875,11,569-582. pi. 1875.2 - Account of the fisheries and seal-hunting in the White sea, tin- Arctic ocean and the Caspian sea. Kept . U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 35-96. 1876.1 - Beitrag zur Entwickelungsge- schichte der Knorpelfische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1877, 13, 465-478. 1877.1 Schultz, C. Die Losung der Aal- ratsel. Stettin, 1911. 1911.1 Schultz, Giinther. Untersuchungen iiber Nahrung und Parasiten von Ostsee- fischen. Wiss. Meeresuntersuch. Kiel (Abt. Kiel), 1911, n. s. 13, 285-310. pi. Parasiten und Nahrumrslisten Qber Pleuro- nectes, Hippoglossoides. Rhombus, Gadus, Cy- clopterus, Cottus, Agonus, Zoarces, Motella. Centronotus und Merlucius. Schultze, Carl August Sigmumi [1795-1877] Nonnulla de primordii* systematis ossium et de evolutione spinse dorsi in animalibus. Inaug. Dissert. Hala?, 1818. 39 p. 8. Schultze, Friedrich. Uber den Gas- gehalt der Schwimmblase einiger Siiss- wasserfische Deutschlands. Arch. Ge- samt, Physiol. (Pfluger), 1872, 6, 48-52. 1872.1 Schultze, Hans. Axencylinder und Ganglienzelle; mikroskopische Studien uber die Structur der Nervenfaser und Nervenzelle bei Wirbelthieren [Fischei Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.), 1878,259-287. pi. 1878.1 Schultze, Johann. Bliite und Ni-- dergang der landesherrlichen Teich- \\-irtschaft in der ehemahgen Land- graftschaft Hessen. Arch. Fisch.-rn Geschichte, Berlin, 1914, pt. 2, 1-92. 1914.1 Schultze, Leonhard Sigismund. Die Fi.rhcrci an dor Wastkiist<' 8ttd-Afrika. Bericht uber Untersuchungen an da Deutsch-Sudwest-Afrikanischen Ku-t.- und am Kap der Guten Hoffnung |Mlt Berlicksichtigung saint lirh.-r Nut/.thicr- gruppeni Abh. Dt-utsrh. 8cefiachr Vor, 1907, 9, 1-57. 12 pis. 1W..1 424 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCH Schultze, L. S : - Zoologische und anthropolo- gische Ergebnisse einer Forschungs- reise im westlichen und zentralen Siida- frika ausgefuhrt in den Jahren 1903- 1905, mit Unterstiitzung der Kgl. Preussischen Akademie der Wissen- schaften zu Berlin von Dr. Leonhard Schultze. 5 vols. Jena, 1908-12. 1908.1 Pisces aquae dulcis, von P. Pappenheim, vol. iv, p. 269-278. 1910. Schultze, Maximilian Johann Sigis- mund [1825-1874] Beobachtung junger Exemplare von Amphioxus. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1851, 3, 416-419. figs. 1851.1 - Ueber die Entwickelung von Petromyzon planeri. Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1855, 3, 22-24. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 42, 336-340. L'ln- stitut, 1856, 14, 92. 1855.1 - Ueber die electrischen Organe der Fische. Sitzber. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1857, 17-19. Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1858, 4, 297-331. Ibid., 1859, 6, 13-50. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Med. (Reichert), 1862, 470-480. Rev. Mag. Zool., 2. ssr. 11, 220-222. 1857.1 Zur Kenntniss des den elec- trischen Organen verwandten Schwanz- organes von Raja clavata. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1858, 193-214. 1858.1 - Notesur lespoissonselectriques. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1859, 48, 876- 878. 1859.1 On the electrical organs of fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, 3. ser. 4, 461-462. 1859.2 - Recherches sur les poissons electriques. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1859, 4. se>. 11, 376-381. 1859.3 - Ricerche sui pesci elettrici. Nuovo Cimento, 1860, 11, 356-357. 1860.1 - Ueber den feineren Bau der electrischen Organe der Fische. Sitzber. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. West- phal., 1860, 17. Jahrg., 15-17. 1860.2 - Ergebnisse einiger die electri- schen Organe von Torpedo und das Schwanzorgan von Raja betreffender chemischer Untersuchungen. Journ. Prak. Chem. (Erdmann), 1861, 82, 1-12 . 1861.1 - Die kolbenformigen Gebilde in der Haut von Petromyzon und ihr Verhalten im polarisirten Lichte. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Med. (Reichert), 1861, 228-247; 281-303. 1861.2 - Ueber den Amphioxus lanceo- latus von den brasilianischen Kiisten. Sitzber. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westphal., 1862, 19. Jahrg., 197-198. 1862.1 - Ueber den Bau der Leuchtor- gane der Mannchen von Lampyris splendidula. Sitzber. Niederrhein. Ges. Nat. Bonn, 1864, 21. Jahrg., 61-67.- Zeitschr. Ges. Naturw., Halle, 24, 278- 279. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1, 124-137. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 16, 224. 1864.1 - Ueber den Bau der Netzhaut im Auge der Neunaugen (Petromyzon fluviatilis) Sitzber. Niederrhein. Ges. Nat. Bonn, 1871, 28. Jahrg., 133-134. 1871.1 - Ueber einige auffallende Eigen- thumlichkeiten in der Organisation des Stores, besonders iiber die Netzhaut des Auges und iiber die Lymphoiden Driisen auf der Oberflache des Herzens. Sitzber. Niederrhein. Ges. Nat. Bonn, 1872, 29. Jahrg., 193-194. 1S72.1 Schultze, 0. Ueber embryonale und bleibende Segmentierung. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1896, 12, 87-92. fig. 1896.1 Sklerotomdivertikel bei den Selachiern, p. 87. - Ueber die elektrischen Organe der Fische. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. Aerzte, 1906, 77. Vers., pt. 2, 399-403. 1906.1 - Zur Frage von dem feineren Bau der elektrischen Organe der Fische. Biol. Centralbl., 1906, 26, 640-656.- Festschrift fur I. Rosenthal, Teil 1, p. 101-118. Leipzig, 1906. 1906.2 - Die Kontinuitat der Muskel- fibrillen und der Sehnenfibrillen. Anat, Anz., 1911, 38 (Erganzungsheft) , 65-70. Muskulatur der Riickenflosse von Hippo- campus. Schulz, Friedrich. Der Geburtsakt bei Mollienisia formosa Girard. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1904, 15. Jahrg., 359-360. 1904.1 Schulz, Hugo [1853] Ueber den Schwefelgehalt menschlicher und thie- rischer Gewebe [Hecht und Haring] SCH BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Arch, Gesamt. Physiol. (Pfliiger), 1893, 54, .">(H)-567. 1893.1 - Die alteste in deutscher Sprache iieschriebene Naturgeschichte. Mitth. Nat . Yor. Neu-Vorpommern 1896 (1897), _N. .lahrg., xix-xx. 1897.1 Refers to " Das Buch der Natur," by Konrad of Megenberg, written c. 1350. The text was edited by F. Pfeiffer in 1861, and a modern Ger- man version was published by H. Schulz at (Jri'ifswald in 1897. See also references under Wasmann, E., 1913.2, infra. Schulz, Johann. Auch etwas iiber die Schmetterlingsfische [Pantodon] \Yochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 475-477. 1911.1 Schulz, Johann Heinrich. Fauna Marchica. Die Wirbelthiere der Mark Brandenburg. Berlin, 1845. xxxiv, :>s4 p. 8. 1845.1 Fisrhe, p. 485. Schulz, W. A. Ueberblick iiber die Geschichte der AufKndung von Lepido- xircn paradoxa Fitz. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1904, 53, 588-591. 1904.1 Schulze, Erwin [1861 ] Fauna piscium Germanise. Verzeichniss der Fische der Stromgebiete der Donau, des Rheines, der Ems, Weser, Elbe. Oder, Weichsel, des Pregels und der Memel. Jahresber. Naturw. Ver. Magdeburg, 1889, 137-213. 1889.1 - Ueber die geographische Ver- breitung der Siisswasserfische von Miiteleuropa. Forsch. Deutsch. Land. Yolksk., 1890, 5, 69-84. 1890.1 - Fauna piscium Germanise. Potsdam, 1890. 1890.2 - The same. 2. ed. Konigsberg, 1892. 94 p. Must. 8. 1892.1 Schulze, Franz Eilhard [1840] Ueber die Nervenendigung in den soge- nannten Schleimcanalen der Fische, und fiber entsprechende Organe der durch Kiemen athmenden Amphibien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Med. (Reichert), 1861, 759-769. " 1861.1 - Zur Kenntniss der Endigun^- wcisc des Hornerven bei Fischen und Amphibien. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Med. (Reichert), 1862, 381-385. 1862.1 - Ueber die becherformigen Or- gane der Fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1863, 12, 218-222. 1863.1 Endapparate in Schleimhautpapillen, zuerst von Leydig in Stisswasserfischen beobachtet. - Ueber die (iesehmacksorgane der Fische. Tagebl. 42. Vers. I)<-ut-h. Naturf., 1868, 104. 1868 I - Ueber cuticulare Bildungen und Verhornung von Epithelzellen bci den Wirbelthieren. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1869, 5, 295-316. 2 pis. 1 xi'.. I - Ueber die Sinnesorgam- !., 1870, 1, i-iv. 1870.1 - Ueber die Seitenorgan* 1 der Fische und Amphibien. Arch. Ver. Freunde Naturgesch. Mecklenburg. 1871, 24. Jahrg., 139-142. 1871.1 - Ueber eigenthiimliche Si urn ;- organe der Fische. Mitth. Naturw. Ver. Steiermark, 1873, Ixxix-lxxxii. 1873.1 - Freie Nervenenden in der Kpi- dermis der Knochenfische. Sit /her. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1892, 87-88. fig. 1892.1 - [Ein Stuck von einem circa 4 cm. dicken Aal, Kysten von Nemato- den enthaltend] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1899, 104. 1899.1 - Ueber einen bei Warnemiinde gestrandeten ungewohnlich grossen Tun- fisch. Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1903, 432-435. 1903.1 Schulze, Louis. Etwas iiber die Gruppe (Coitus gobio L.) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 104- 105. 1910.1 - Was ich mit Cyprinodon variega- tus erlebte. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 457-458; 472- 474. fig. 1910.2 - Aeussere Unterscheidungsmerk- male von Pcecilia poenlioides, Girardinus guppyi und Pcecilia reticulata Peters. Blatt. Aquar.-Teirar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 1-2; 17-19. 11 figs. - Cyprinodon dispar (Riippel) Bliitt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 281-282. fig. - Pseudocorynopoma doricr, ansenflosser. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kun\vie Leuciscus leuciscus und Phoxinus Truttu iridea, Grystes salmoides aus den Seen dt's Kernpasses. - Der Tiefseesaibling. Fischerei Zcitit. Xeudamm, 1911, 14, 856-858. 1911.4 Schwatka, Frederick. Nimrod in the north, or hunting and fishing ad- vent ures in the arctic regions. New York, 1885. illust. 4. 1885.1 Describes sport in the region north of Hud- son's bay, and in the interior of Alaska. Schweder, G. Ueber die Fischfauna des rigaschen Meerbusens. Korrespbl. Xaturf. Ver. Riga, 1893, 36, 33-35. 1893.1 - Die Wirbelthiere der baltischen Gouvernements, mit Angabe der in den Sammlungen des Rigaer Naturforscher- Vereins vorhandenen Exemplare. Kor- respbl. Xaturf. Ver. Riga, 1894, 37, 1-33. 1894.1 - Zur Erinnerung an Prof. Dr. Carlos Berg. Korrespbl. Xaturf. Ver. Riga, 1902, no. 45, 1-6. 1902.1 - Die neuesten Ergebnisse der Aalforschung. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1908, 145-146. 1908.1 - Fische der Rigaer Meerbusens. Korrespbl. Xaturf. Ver. Riga, 1911, 41-42. 1911.1 Schweizer, Wilhelm. Die Felchen des Bodensees und ihre naturliche und kiinstliche Vermehrung. Frauenfeld, 1894. 14 p. 8. 1894.1 - Beobachtungen und Erfahrun- gon bei der kiinstlichen Erbriitung von Blaufelchen. Mitth. Thurgau Nat. Ges., 1913, 20. Heft, 154-168. 1913.1 - Einige neuere Beobachtungen iiber den Kilchen des Bodensees, Core- yon us acronius Rapp. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1916, 24. Jahrg., 65-68. 2 figs. 1916.1 Schweizerbarth, (Frau) - - von. Ueber die Einwirkung von Sonnenlicht und Warme auf das Wachstum von Fischen. Xatur u. Haus, 1902, 11 Jahrg., 87-88. 1902.1 Sclater, A.J. If. Goldfish Field & Forest, 187(i, 1. Hi 17 ls7i.l Goldfish breeding. Sci. GOSMJI. 1880, 16, 138-139. |SM> l ^ Sclater, 1'hi.lip Lull,-,, [1829-19131 For biographical sketch andbibliograph> of published writings, see Bull. ( - Nat. Mus., 1896, no. 49. - [On scarcity in European collec- tions of specimens of Lepidosiren para- doxa] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, 34-35. lsr,r,.i [Remarks on the arrival in tin- Society's gardens of four living speci- mens of the Australian lung-fish, Cera- todus forsteri] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 492-493. 1898.1 - Rare living animals in London. Knowledge, London, 1906, 3, 379-380. fig. . 1906.1 Describes specimens of Ceratodus forxteri. Sclemm, Friedrich, & Alton, Edwird d 1 . Ueber das Nervensystem <1<- Petromyzon. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Muller), 1838, 262-273. 1838.1 Erklarung der hierzugehorigen Kupfertafel. Ibid., 1840, 5-14. Scofield, Norman Bishop. List of fishes obtained in the waters of arctic Alaska (In Jordan, D. S., & others. The fur-seals and fur-seals islands of the north Pacific ocean, p. 493-509. Rept. Fur-seal Invest., 1896-97, pt, 3. Wash- ington, 1899) Scofield, Norman Bishop, & Gilbert, Charles Henry. See Gilbert & Scofield. Scofone, L., & Buffa, E. Action du serum du sang de quelques animaux sur les poissons. Recherches expe'rimen- tales. Arch. Ital. Biol., Turin, 1900, 33, 367-372. Giorn. R. Accad. Med., 63. 1900.1 Scopoli, Giovanni Antonio [1723- 1788] J. A. Scopoli . . . Introductio ad his\oriam naturalem, sistens genera lapidum, plantarum et animalium hac- tenus detecta, caracteribus essentialibu> donata, in tribus divisa, submde ad leges naturae. Pragse, 1787. x, 506 p. 00 l/O/.l _ Delicise florae et faunae Insubri- cse, seu novae, aut minus cogniUi- sprru- plantarum et animalium quas in 1 bria Austriaca tarn spontaneas, quan exoticas vidit, descripsit et aeri mcid curavit J. A. Scopoli. 3 pts. in 1 vol. Ticini, 1786-88. 75 pis. fol. 1<86.1 428 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SCO Scoresby (junior), William. An account of the arctic regions with a history and description of the northern whale fishery. 2 vols. Edinburgh, 1820. 8. 1820.1 Fishes, p. 474; 538-541. Description of Squalus borealis, p. 538-540. Journal of a voyage [in the " Baffin"] to the northern whale fish- ery; including researches and discover- ies on the eastern coast of west Green- land. Edinburgh, 1823. xliii, 472 p. 8. 1823.1 Fishes, p. 423. Scortegagna, Francesco Orazio. De- scrizione d' un pesce petrificato di sin- golare grandezza e specie. Vicenza, 1805. 8. 1805.1 Text in Italian and Latin. This and the following titles by the same author refer to the Upper Eocene fish-fauna of monte Bolca, near Verona. - Memoria per servire di schiari- mento alia descrizione d' un pesce petri- ficato scavato in altissimo nelle vicinanze di Bolca. Lettera a Monsieur Faujas de St. Fond. Padova, 1807. 8. 1807.1 - De singulare ichthyolitho epis- tola. Patavise, 1817. fig. 8. 1817.1 Schiarimenti relativamente a quanto fu scritto sopra Fittiolito esis- tente nella Biblioteca Bartoliana di Vicenza. Padova, 1824. 8. 1824.1 - Al rinomatissimo Sig. L. Agas- siz, epistola sommaria contenente nuovi schiarimenti intorno all' ittiolito esis- tente nella pubblica Biblioteca di Vi- cenza. Padova, 1841. 20 p. pi. 8. 1841.1 Scott, Andrew. Examination of food in fishes' stomachs. Proc. Trans. Liver- pool Biol. Soc., 1896, 10, 108-114. 1896.1 - The fish hatchery at Piel. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1901, 15 156-161. Ibid., 16, 109-396. 11 pis. & 5 figs. Ibid., 1902, 17, 97-102. Kept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1901, 14-19; 31-36. pi. Ibid., 1902, 11-16. 1901.1 - Trawlers and the artificial ferti- lization of fish ova. Kept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab. 1902 (1903), 17-20. -Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1902, 17, 103-106. 1902.1 - Some parasites found on fishes in the Irish sea. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Lab. 1903 (1904), 33-45.- Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1904, 18, 113-125. 1903.1 - On the tow-nettings collected in the Irish sea. Proc. Trans. Liverpool. Biol. Soc., 1905, 19, 196-215. 1905.1 - Port Erin tow-nettings. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1905, 19, 17-18. 1905.2 Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1905, 19, 189-192. Ibid., 1906, 20, 158-160. Ibid., 1907, 21, 129-133. Ibid., 1909, 23, 111-116. Ibid., 1910,24, 71-73.- Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1904, 9-12. Ibid., 1905, 14-15. Ibid., 1906, 29-33. Ibid., 1908, 9-11. 1905.3 Report on tow-nettings [from the Irish sea] Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1906, 20, 164-190. 1906.1 Faunistic notes. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1907, 21, 191-198. 5 pis. 1907.1 Notes on the food of young fishes. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1906, 99-103. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1907, 21, 199-203. 2 pis. 1907.2 - Classes, visitors, etc., at Piel. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab. 1912 (1913), 17-19. 1913.1 - Fish hatching at Piel. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab. 1912 (1913), 13-16. Proc. Trans. Liver- pool Biol. Soc., 1913, 27, 189-192. 1913.2 - On the pelagic fish eggs collected off the south-west of the Isle of Man. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab. 1912 (1913), 233-253. Trans. Liver- pool Biol. Soc., 1913, 27, 409-429. 1913.3 - The mackerel fishery off Walney in 1913. 22. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Lab. 1913 (1914), 19-25. pi. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1914, 28, 109-115. pi. 1914.1 - On the pelagic fish eggs collected in 1913. 22. Rept. Lancashire Sea- Fisheries Lab. 1913 (1914), 26-36. Also Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1914, 28, 116-126. 1914.2 - On the pelagic fish-eggs collected off the south-west of the Isle of Man in 1914. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1915, 29, 274-302. 5 figs. 1915.1 SCO BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I-ISIIKS On " whitebait " collected in Menai strait. Proc. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1915, 29, 201-205. 1915.2 - Sea-fish hatching at Piel. Proc. trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1915, 29. 72 71. 1915.3 Scott, Amlrcir, A: Herdman, W. A. >, , Herdman & Scott. Scott, Amlmr, Johnstone, & Herdman, H '. .1. See Herdman, Scott A: Johnstone. Scott, Gen in (\ Fishing in American waters New York, 1869. 484 p. illust. 8 1869.1 Part iv. feats of fish-culture. The same. New edition con- modifications in the molecular concen- tration of the external medium. Ann N. Y. Acad. Sci.. 1913. 23. 1 75. 11 figs. A: 20 t:.ble>. 1913.2 Some effects on Fundulus of changes in the density of the surround- ing medium. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1913, 25, 121-133. 1913.3 The percentage of water in the taining parts six and seven, on southern and miscellaneous fishes. New York, 1875. 539 p. illust. 8. 1875.1 Scott, George [Oldmixon pseudon.} The grayling of Montana. Forest & Stream. 1875", 4, 182. 1875.1 Scott, (ieorgeG. Notes on the marine food-fishes of Long Island and a biologic reconnaissance of Cold Spring harbor. Kept. X. Y. State. Mus., 1900, pt. 1, 214-229. 1900.1 - Further notes on the regenera- tion of the fins of Fundulus heteroclitus. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1907, 12, 385- 400. 1907.1 - Regeneration and growth in ti-hes. Abstract in Science, 1909, n. s. 29. 717. 1909.1 - Regeneration in Fundulus and its relation to the size of the fish. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1909, 17, 343-353. 4 figs. & tables. 1909.2 - Effects of changes in the density of water upon the blood of fishes. Bull. Bur. Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 1143-1150. 1910.1 - The effect of changes in water density on the blood of fishes. Science, 1911,n.s.33, 157. 1911.1 - The percentage of water in the brain of the dog-fish. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med., New York, 1912, 9, 39. 1912.1 - The effect of fresh water upon FnnihiliiK heteroclitus. Science, 1913, n. s. 37, 269. 1913.1 - A physiological study of the changes in Mulleins canis produced by brain of the smooth dou-fi>li. canis. Anat. Record, 191 1. 8. 55 i black bass to the Philippine islands with notes on the transporting of live fish long distances. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1910, sec. D, 5, 153-159. pi. & figs. 1910.3 - The fishery resources of the Philippine islands. Part IV. Miscel- laneous marine products. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1911, sec. D, 6, 283-320. 12 pis. 1911.1 The shark-fin industry, p. 289-291. The preparation of isinglass in the Philippines, p. 309-310. Preparing shark skin, p. 312. - Description of a new Acan- thyocybium from the Philippine islands. Philippine Journ. Sci., 1912, sec. D, 7. 283-285. pi. 1912.1 Some poisonous Philippine fishes [Spheroides sceleratus] Philippine Journ. Sci., 1912, sec. D, 7, 289-293. pi. 1912.2 Fishes of Hong Kong. Journ. Part II. Fishes. Occasional Papers Bernice Pauahi Bishop Mus., Honolulu, 1903, 1, 61-128. fig. 1903.1 Sci. Manila, 1914, 9, 59-81. 2 pis. 1914.1 Seale, Alvi-n, & Bean, Barton A. On a collection of fishes from the Philippine islands made by Maj. Edgar. A. M earns. Surgeon U. S. Army, with descriptions of seven new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 33, 229-248. S figs. 1907.1 Seven new species of teleost* are described. SED BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 433 Seale, A Inn, & Evermann, Barton Warren. See Evermann & Seale. Seale, Alrin, & Jordan, David $t'. < Jordan IY Seale. Seale, Alrin, & Smith, Hugh M. >' Smith & Seale. Seba, Albert u-s [1665-1736] Locu- pletissimi rerum naturalium thesauri accurata descriptio, et iconibus artifi- ciosissimus expressio, per universam phy sices historian! opus, cui ex toto terrarum orbe collegit, digessit, descripsit et depingendum curavit A. Seba. 4 vols. Anstetedami, 1734-65. 450 pis. fol. 1758.1 Latin and French. The half-title reads: " Description exacte des principalep curiosites naturelles du . . . cabinet d'A. Seba." Vol. i contains a prefatory Latin epistle by H. Boerhaave, and vol. ii one by J. J. Baier. Vuls. iii and iv were edited by H. D. Gaubius, P. Massuet, L. Jancourt and P. van Musschen- broek. The greater part of the descriptions of the fish was written by P. Artedi. The French and Latin indices were compiled by J. B. R. Robinet. A large number of Indian fishes are figured in vol. iii. - Planches de Seba, accompagnes d'un texte explicatif mis au courant de la science et redige par une reunion desavans. Paris [1786?] 1786.1 Sebatier, A. De la spermatogenesis chez les poissons selaciens. Mem. Acad. Sci. Montpellier [n. d.] 2, 53-237. Secerov, Slavko. Farbenwechselver- suche an der Bartgrundel (Nemachilus barbatula L.) Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leip- zig, 1909, 28, 629-660. 2 pis. 1909.1 - Bemerkungen zur chromati- schen Funktion der Tiere. Nat. Wo- chenschr., 1910, 25, 265-266. 1910.1 - Ueber die Entstehung der Di- plospondylie der Selachier. Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien, 1911, 19, pt, 1, 1-28. 2 pis & 5 figs. 1911.1 - Weitere Farbwechsel- und Haut- transplantationsversuche an der Bart- grundel ( Nemachilus barbatula L.) Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1912, 33, 716- 722. 3 figs. 1912.1 - Notizen iiber den Farbenwechsel von Nemachilus barbatula L. Zool. An/., 1913, 42, 273-276. 1913.1 Sympathicus - Durchschneidung ; Verdunke- lung und Wiederherstellung des urspriinglichen Zustandes. - Ueber einige Farbenwech- selfragen. 3. L T eber den Einfluss der Nahrungsmenge auf den Kontraktions- zustand der Melanophoren. Arch. Entw.-Mech., 1914, 40, 98-103. 2 pis. 1914.1 Keine Retraktion, sondern eher Expansion beim Hungern. Abnahme der Zahl der Melano- phoren. Fische. Secques, Francois. Deux monstres gasteropages adultes de salmonides. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1895, 20, 119- 123. figs. 1895.1 Sede de Lieoux, P. de. Recherches sur la ligne laterale des poissons osseux. Paris, 1884. 115 p. 4 pis. 8. Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 1885, 19, 612- 613. Rev. Sclent., 1885, 34, 467-470. 1884.1 Sur 1'appareil vasculaire super- ficiel des poissons. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1886, 102, 1183-1184. 1886.1 Sedelmikoy , A . Ueber das Auffinden von Coitus sibiricus Kessl. in dem Flusse Irtysch bei Omsk [Text in Russian] Zap. Zap.-Sib. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc., Omsk, 1904, 31, 1-2. 1904.1 Sederholm, J. J. Forntidens djur- warld med sarskild hansyn till ryg- gradsdjuren enligt Osborn, Scott, Lucas, Abel, etc., skildrad av J. J. Sederholm. Borga, 1916. ii, 176 p. 137 figs. 1916.1 A popular treatise on palaeontology, contain- ing a number of figures of fossil fishes, i. e., Zebrasoma deani and Coccosteus, etc. Sedgwick, Adam (geologist) [1786- 1873] On some beds associated with the magnesian limestone, and on some fossil fish found in them. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1826, 1, 2-3. 1826.1 Sedgwick, Adam (zoologist) [1854- 1913] For biographical notice, see Nature, 1913, 91, 14-15. - The vertebrate excretory sys- tem. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1881, 21, 443. 1881.1 - (translator) Elementary text- book of zoology . . . Translated and edited by A. Sedgwick [from the German of C. F. W. Clausi 2 vols. London, 1884-85. 8. 1885.1 Vol. ii. Mollusca to Vertebrata. - Notes on elasmobranch devel- opment. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1892, n. s. 33, 559-586. pi. Abstract in Amer. Naturalist, 1893, 26, 1044- 1046. 1893.1 434 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SED Sedgwick, A. On the inadequacy of the cellu- lar theory of development, and on the early development of nerves, particularly of the third nerve and of the sympa- thetic in Elasmobranchii. Quart. Journ. Micr . Sci., 1895, n. s. 37, 87-101 . 1895. 1 A student's textbook of zoology. 3 vols. London, 1898-1909. illust. 8. 1898.1 Vol. ii. Amphioxus and Vertebrata. - Embryology [article on] Encycl. Britannica, 1910, 11. ed. vol. ix, 314-329. 1910.1 Incidental mention of embryological develop- ment of fishes. Seed, William. Fish-culture in New Zealand. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 213-216. 1887.1 Seeley, Harry Govier [1839-1909] Fishes (In Duncan, M. Cassell's Nat- ural history, pt. 5. London, 1883. 8) 1883.1 - The freshwater fishes of Europe; a history of their genera, species, struc- ture, habits and distribution. London, 1886. 444 p. pi. & 211 figs. 1886.1 On Ceratodus kannemeyeri (See- ley) Geol. Mag., 1897, 2. dec. 4, 543- 544. fig. 1897.1 Seelig, F. W. Etwas vom Aal. Abh. Ver. Naturk. Kassel, 1897, 61, 47-50. 1897.1 - Ueber kiinstliche Fischzucht. Abh. Ver. Naturk. Kassel, 1897, 38-46. 1897.2 Seelig, Georg. Ueber kiinstliche Fischzuchti Landw. Zeitschr. & Anz. Regsbez. Cassel, 1877, 375-378. 1877.1 - L. Baldners Vogel- Fisch- und Thierbuch, 1666. Bayer. Fischerei- Zeitg., 1885, 10. Jahrg., 180-184. 1885.1 See also the modern reprint of Baldner's wcrk by R. Lauterborn, published in 1903. See also Reiber, F., 1887.1, supra. Seelinger, Oswald [1858-1908] Tier- leben der Tiefsee. Leipzig, 1901. 49 p. pl. 8. 1901.1 Review by C. C. Nutting in Science, 1901, 14, n. s. 998-1001. Seemann, Die Fattening junger Forellen im Winter, etc. Landw. Centralbl., 1861. 1861.1 Seetzen, Ulrich Jasper [1767-1811] Verzeichniss der Fische in den Ge- wassern der Herrschaft Jever. Zoolog. Ann. (Meyer) Weimar, 1794, 1, 309. 1794.1 - Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte der Herrschaft Jever in Westphalen. Neue Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1795, 1, 153. 1795.1 Verzeichniss der Fische. Segerstrale, Eva. Zur Kenntnis der Teleostierleber. Anat. Hefte, Wies- baden, 1910, 41, pt. 1, 77-104. 18 figs. 1910.1 Segesser, A. Ph. von. Jagd und Fischerei im 14. und 15. Jahrhundert. Luzern, 1852. 2 p. 8. 1852.1 Segond, L. A. Des affinites squelet- tiques des poissons. Journ. Anat. Phy- siol. Paris, 1873, 9, 511-534; 607-625. pl. 1873.1 Under the caption of "Remarques histor- iques," p. 512-524, is comprised a rsum6 of the progress of ichthyology in modern times, based largely on the historical summaries of H. Cloquet, Cuvier and Valenciennes, and A. Dum6ril. Segre, Rosetta. Ricerche intorno alia variazione della Tinea vulgaris. Boll. Mus. Zool. Torino, 1902, 17, no. 429, 1-42. 1902.1 - Pesci del Cadore. Res italicae. Boll. Mus. Zool. Anat. Comp. Univ. Torino, 1904, 19, no. 472, 1-18. 1904.1 Seguenza, Luigi. I vertebrati fossili della provincia di Messina. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1900, 19, 443-520. 2 pis. 1900.1 Three new species are described of Hybodus and two of Sphenodus. Contains bibliography of 150 titles. Review in Rivist. Ital. Paleont. 7, pt. 1. I pesci fossili della provincia di Reggio (Calabria) citati dal Prof. G. Seguenza. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., Roma, 1901,20,254-262. 1901.1 Seidlitz, Georg. Ueber Lachs-Schon- Reviere in den oberlandischen Seen. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Preussen, 1877, no. 3, 4-7. 1877.1 - Ueber die Lebensweise des Aals. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Ost- u. West- preussen, 1878, 6, 8-12. 1878.1 - Ueber den Ostsee-Schnapel (Coregonus lavaretus) Berichte Fischerei Ver. Prov. Ost- u. Westpreussen, 1879, no. 6, 3-5. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 1, 13-16. 1879.1 - Fauna baltica. Die Fische der Ostseeprovinzen. Arch. Naturk. Liv.- SEL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 435 Kst,- und Kiirlands, 1882, 2. ser. 8, 1- 13S. 1882.1 Seifert, Hugo. Lapescadesalmones; procedimientos usuales. Boletin Bos- ques, Pesca i Caza, Santiago, 1912, 1, r,2S-638. 1912.1 Seignette, , n. s. 41, 475. 1915.1 \Yry sensitive to HS and Ch. Selection of neutrality, as sensitive as litmus. Shelford, Victor E., & Allee, W. C. An index of fish environments. Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 76-77. 1912.1 - The reactions of fishes to gradi- ents of dissolved atmospheric gases. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1913, 14, 207-266. 7 figs. 1913.1 - Rapid modification of the be- havior of fishes by contact with modi- lied water. Journ. Animal Behav., 1914, 4, 1-30. 4 figs. 1914.1 Quick sensing of solutes. Increased sensi- bility after repeated stimulation not to be con- tused with associative memory. Shelford, Victor E., & Powers, Edit-in B. An experimental study of the movements of herring and other marine fishes. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1915, 28, 315-334. 2 figs. 1915.1 Detection of minimal variations in water (temperature, chemistry) Desertion of locali- ties because of contamination of sea. Shepard, Joseph. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Kept. I". S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 479. 1879.1 Shephard, Isaac F. Fish-culture in China. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 250-251. 1885.1 Shepherd, C. E. The " asteriscus " in fishes. Zoologist, 1910, 4. ser. 14, 57-62. pi. & figs. 1910.1 - Comparisons of otoliths found in fishes. Zoologist, 1910, 4. ser. 14, 292- 298. 2 pis. 1910.2 - Pharyngeaf teeth of fishes. Zo- ologist, 1910, 4. ser. 14, 418-425. pi. & 2 figs. Ibid., 1911,15, 132-141; 450- l :>,. pi. & 11 figs. Ibid., 1912, 16, 201-209; 450-459. 8 figs. Ibid., Zo- ologist, 1913, 4. ser. 17, 138-146; 382- 389. 7 figs. Ibid., 1914, 4. ser. 18, 262-272. 3 figs. 1913.1 - On the location of the sacculus and its contained otoliths in fishes. Zoologist, 1914, 4. ser. 18, 103-109; 131-146. 3 figs. 1914.1 Sherborn, Charles Davies [1861 ] The life of Richard Owen. By R. Owen . . . with the scientific portions revised by C. D. Sherborn, etc. 2 vols. Lon- don, 1894. 8. 1894.1 - Note on the dates of " The zo- ology of the Beagle." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 20, 483. 1897.1 - On the dates of the natural his- tory portion of Savigny's " Description de 1'Egypte." Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 285-288. 1897.2 - An index to the generic and trivial names of animals described in the 10th and 12th editions of the Systema Naturae, of Linnaeus. Hand- books Manchester Museum, Owens Coll., Publ. 25, 1899. 108 p. 8. 1899.1 - Lichtenstein's " Catalogus re- rum naturalium." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 272. 1899.2 - A note on the date of " Hum- boldt and Bonpland's voyage: Obser- vations de zoologie." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7, ser. 3, 428. 1899.3 - Index animalium, sive index nominum quae ab A. D. 1758, generibus et speciebus animalium imposita sunt. Sectio prima, Jan. 1758 usque ad finem Dec. 1800. Cambridge & New York, 1902. 1195 p. 8. 1902.1 Reviews in Science, 1902, n. s. 17, 1003-1005; Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 7. ser. 12, 638. An exhaustive and carefully prepared index of animal names, representing a vast amount of re- search and of utmost value to systematise. Its continuation is in progress. Sherborn, Charles Davies, & Jentink, F. A . On the dates of publication of von Siebold's Fauna japonica, etc. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1895, 149-150. 1895.1 Sherborn, Charles Davies, & Palmer, T. S. Dates of Charles d'Orbigny's " Dictionnaire universel d'histoire na- turelle," 1839-1849. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 350. 1899.1 Sherborn, Charles Davies, & Wood- ward, Arthur Smith. See Woodward & Sherborn. Sherborn, Charles Davies, & Wood- ward, B. B. See Woodward & Sher- born. Sherlock, R. L. On a marine band in middle Coal Measures, South Lanca- shire. Geol. Mag., 1915, 6. ser. 2, 311- 312. 1915.1 444 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SHE Sherrill, Cecilia Adelaide. Bibli- ography of the Adirondacks. 4. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish. Game Forests N. Y. 1898 (1899), 423-441. 1899.1 Sherrin, R. A. A. Handbook of the fishes of New Zealand. Auckland, 1886. 311 p. 4. 1886.1 Sherwood, George Herbert [1876] Tilefishing in fifty fathoms. Amer. Mus. Journ., 1916, 16, 433-442. figs. 1916.1 Sherwood, George H., & Edwards, Vinal N. Notes on the migration, spawning, abundance, etc. of certain fishes in 1900 [Woods Hole, Mass.] Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 27-31. 1902.1 Shiel, J. B. Observations on the salmon fisheries of Ulster, urging their claims to legislative protection. London, 1842. 8. 1842.1 Shields, G. 0. (editor) [Coquina pseudon.] American game fishes, their habits, habitat and peculiarities. Chi- cago and New York, 1892. 580 p. Must. 8. 1892.1 Contributors to this work are: W. A. Perry (" Sillalicum ") A. A. Mosher, W. H.H. Murray, W. D. Tomlin, A. M. Cheney, G. Brown Goode, W. N. Haldeman, Francis Endicott, Fred. Mather, S. C. Clarke, Rev. Luther Pardee, Charles Hallock, F. H. Thurston (" Kelpie ") J. Harrington Keene, D. S. Jordan, William C. Harris, B. C. Milam, G. O. Shields (" Coquina ") J. G. A. Creighton, Dr. J. A. Henshall. Shields (junior), Samuel A. A large saw-fish (Pristis) Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 262. 1879.1 Shipley, Arthur Everett [1861 ] On the development of the nervous system in Petromyzon fluviatilis [Pre- liminary note] Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1886, 6, 374-375. 1886.1 On the formation of the meso- blast and the persistence of the blasto- pore in the lamprey. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1886, 39, 244-248. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 2. ser. 6, pt. 1, 212. 1886.2 On some points in the develop- ment of Petromyzon fluviatilis. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1887, n. s. 27, 325- 370. 4 pis. 1887.1 - Biographical sketch of John Samuel Budgett (In The work of John Samuel Budgett, p. 1-55. Cam- bridge, 1907) 1907.1 Shipley, Arthur E., & MacBride, E. W. Zoology; an elementary text- book. Cambridge, 1901. 632 p. il- lust. 8. 1901.1 Shipley, William. A true treatise on the art of fly fishing, trolling, etc., as practised on the Dove and on the prin- cipal streams of the Midland counties. Applicable to every trout and grayling river in the empire. Edited by Edward Fitzgibbon. London, 1838. xxxv, 264 p. illust. 8. 1838.1 Shore, Theodore W. On the minute anatomy of the vagus nerve in sela- chians with remarks on the segmental value of the cranial nerves. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1889, 2. ser. 3, 428-451. 2 pis. 1889.1 Shorey, Marian L. Indications re- garding differentiation from tissue cul- ture experiments. Science, 1912, n. s. 36, 936-937. 1912.1 Short, A. Rendle. A description of some Rhsetic sections in the Bristol district, with considerations on the mode of deposition of the Rhsetic series. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1904, 60, 170- 193. 1904.1 Fish-remains, sharks and ganoids, from the Redland bone-bed, 172-173. Shrigley, Nathaniel. A true relation of Virginia and Maryland, with the commodities therein ... by Nathaniel Shrigley, anno 1669 (Reprint in Force's Collection of historical tracts, vol. iii, no. 7. Washington, 1844. 6 p. 8) 1844.1 Shtukenbergh, A. A. Die Fauna der obercarbonischen Schicht des Wol- gadurchbruches [Text in Russian] MSm. Comit6 Geol., St. Petersb., 1905, n. s. 23, i-xiv; 1-114. 13 pis. 1905.1 Shufeldt, Robert Wilson [1850] Osteology of the large-mouthed black bass, Micropterus salmoides. Science, 1884, n. s. 3, 532. 1884.1 Records a pair of freely articulated ribs at the base of the occiput. - Osteology of Micropterus sal- moides. Science, 1884, n. s. 3, 749. fig. 1884.2 The osteology of A mia calva, including certain special references to the skeleton of teleosteans. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 747- 878. 14 pis. 1885.1 Outlines for a museum of anat- omy. Washington, 1885. 65 p. 6 figs. 8. 1885.2 Describes the skeletal anatomy of teleosts. SHU BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 445 Contributions to science and bibliographic r6sum6 of the writings of R.W.Shufeldt. New York, 1887. 20p. 1887.1 - Further studies on Grammicole- pix brachiusculus Poey. Journ. Morph., , 31, 459-499. 12 figs. 1906.1 Smith, Hugh McCormick, & Rad- cliffe, Lewis. Descriptions of three new fishes of the family Chsetodontidae from the Philippine islands. Scientific results of the Philippine cruise of the fisheries steamer "Albatross," 1907-10. No. 9. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 40, 319- 3 figs. 1911.1 New species are described of Chsetodon, Hemioehus and Holacanthus. - Description of a new family of pediculate fishes from Celebes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 42, 579-581. pi. 1912.1 Thaumatichthys pagidostomus, n. g. et n. sp. Smith, Hugh McCormick, & Seale, AU'irt. Notes on a collection of fishes from the island of Mindanao, Philippine archipelago, with descriptions of new genera and species. Proc. Biol. Soc. Washington, 1906, 19, 73-82. 4 figs. 1906.1 Smith, Hugh McCormick, & Snell, Mcr win-Marie. Review of the fisheries of the Great Lakes in 1885, with intro- duction and a description of fishing vessels and boats by J. W. Collins. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1891), 15,3-333. 45 pis. 1891.1 Smith, J. Hays. Fish four million years old. Metropol. Mag., N. Y., 1900, 12, 498-506. figs. 1900.1 A popular article on Triassic fishes of Boon- ton, New Jersey. Smith, J. P. G. Note on Callichthys and Anableps. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1850, 53-57. 1850.1 [Smith, J. W.] Winter talk on sum- mer pastimes. 1883. 8. 1883.1 Contains some notes on fishes. Smith, James A. Report of shad- hatching operations by the steamer " Lookout/' season of 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 386-394. 1885.1 Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Lookout " for the year ending Decem- ber 31, 1884. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 123-127. 1886.1 - Report of the shad work of the steamer " Fish Hawk " during the sea- son of 1886. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 289-293. 1887.1 - Report of the shad work of the steamer " Lookout " during the season of 1886. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 295-297. 1887.2 - Report of the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Lookout " for the year ending Decem- ber 31, 1885. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885 (1887), 13, 97-101. 1887.3 - Report of operations of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Fisk Hawk " for the year ending December 31, 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 693-697. 1889.1 - Report of the shad work of the steamer " Fish Hawk " during the season of 1887. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 83-89. 1889.2 - Report on the operations of the steamer " Halcyon " for the year ending December 31, 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 699-700. 1889.3 - Report on the shad work of the steamer " Fish Hawk " during the season of 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 819-823. 1889.4 - Report on the shad work of the steamer " Lookout " during the season of 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 14, 825-827. 1889.5 Smith, Jerome Van Crowninshield . Natural history of the fishes of Massa- chusetts; embracing a practical essay on angling. Boston, 1833. vii, 399 p. illust. 16. 1833.1 Trout and angling, p. 319-399. Review by J. H. Storer in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1839, 36, 337-349. - An examination of the catalogue of the marine and freshwater fishes of Massachusetts contained in Prof. Hitch- cock's Report on the geology, etc., of Massachusetts. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., 1837, 1, 347-357. 1837.1 Natural history of the fishes of . Massachusetts; embracing a practical essay on angling. 2. ed. Boston, 1843. vii, 399 p. 16. 1843.1 Smith, John. Conodonts from the Carboniferous limestone strata of the west of Scotland, with notes on the 462 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SMI Smith, J. specimens and descriptions of six new species by Geo. Jennings Hinde. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1900, n. s. 5, 336-346. 2 pis. Ibid,, 1902, 6, 274-275. 1900.1 Conodonts in Coal Measure strata. Geol.' Mag., 1907, 5. dec. 4, 239. 1907.1 - On the occurrence of conodonts in the Arenig-Llandeilo formations of the southern uplands of Scotland. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1907, n. s. 7, 235-252. 3 pis. 1907.2 Smith, (Captain) John Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New England, or anywhere; or, the pathway to erect a plantation . . . with additions and corrections as published in 1635 [Reprint] Boston, 1865. 66 p. 4. 1865.1 Fisheries of New England, p. 20, 31-32. Re- printed also in Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1833, 3. ser. 3, and extracts from it relating to fishes in Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 151. Smith, John Alexander. Notice of the sea-bream, Pagellus centrodontus Cuv., taken in the firth of Forth. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1852, 2. ser. 9, 154. 1852.1 - A ballan wrasse, Labrus bergylta [L. maculatus] exhibited. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 149-150. 1863.1 - Description of aequoreal pipe- fish [Nerophis cequoreus] Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 438-439. 1863.2 - Notes of the aequoreal pipe-fish I Nerophis cequoreus] Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 290- 292. 1863.3 - Notice of Pleuronectes puncta- tus, Bloch's topknot; and of Nerophis cequoreus, the aequoreal pipe-fish. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 139. 1863.4 - Notice of the ukpam, a large species (probably new) of sting-ray [Trygon Cuv.] found in the Old Calabar river, Africa. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 3, 64-69. 1863.5 - Petromyzon marinus, the sea- lamprey, exhibited. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 248. 1863.6 -On the ''fulcrum" of Cala- moichthys. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 495. 1866.1 Description of Calamoichthys, a new genus of ganoid fish from Old Calabar, western Africa, forming an addition to the family Polypterini. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1867, 24, 457-480. Abstract in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 64, 1003-1004. 1867.1 - Description of Erpetoichthys, a new genus of ganoid fish from Old Calabar, western Africa, forming an addition to the family Polypterini. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 654-656. Abstract in Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3. ser. 18, 112- 114. 1867.2 Relates to Calamoichthys calabaricus. See 1867.11, infra. A large specimen of the Cyclop- terus lumpus (the lumpsucker) exhibited. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 355. 1867.3 Mackerel in the Boulogne aqua- rium. Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 917. 1867.4 - Note of a specimen of Rhombus hirtus Yarrell, Muller's top-knot re- cently taken in the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 213-214. 1867.5 Notice of a new genus of ganoid fish allied to the genus Polypterus, re- cently received from Old Calabar. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 273-278. 1867.6 - Notice of a species of pipe-fish of the genus Dorichthys (Kaup) probably new, recently brought from Old Calabar. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 227-228. 1867.7 Notice of the " etuet," a species of Tetraodon recently received from the Rev. Alex. Robb, Old Calabar. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 268-272. 1867.8 Notice of the occurrence of double or vertical hermaphrodism in a common codfish; Morrhua vulgaris, recently taken in the firth of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 300-302. 1867.9 Notice of various specimens of the deformed variety of Morrhua vul- garis, the common codfish the " lord SMI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 463 fish " of Yarrell recently taken in the firtli of Forth. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 302-303. 1867.10 - Perfect specimens of the new ganoid hshErpetoichthys [Calamoichthys] ctiluhtiri.cn.is, from Old Calabar, exhibited. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 331-332. 1867.11 - Recent capture of the Labrus huyi/Ua (ballan wrasse) near Cellar- dykes. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh 1862-66 (1867), 3, 335. 1867.12 - Notice of true hermaphrodism in the codfish (Morrhua vulgaris) and in the herring (Clupea harengus) Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1870, 4, 256- 258. 1870.1 - Note of a large common trout Snlnio fariof) taken in the river Tay. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1878, 4, 290-291. 1878.1 - Notice of two new fishes from west Africa: Ophiocephalus obscurus Giinther and Synodontis robbianus, n. s. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1872-75 (1878), 8, 89-95. fig. 1878.2 [Smith, John Russell] A biblio- graphical catalogue of English writers on angling and ichthyology. London, 1856. 47 p. 12. 1856.1 This catalogue, which contains 264 works on angling, is founded on the one published by Sir Henry Ellis in 1811, Pickering's " Bibliotheca piscatoria," published in 1836, and the catalogue in the appendix to the New York edition of Walton and Cotton's " Complete angler," 1847. It gives for the first time a fairly complete list of the English writers on ichthyology. - The same [Appended to Blakey, Robert. Historical sketches of the angling literature of all nations, p. 293- 353. London, 1856. 12] 1856.2 Smith, Joseph. Gleanings from the sea. Andover, Mass., 1887. 399 p. 1887.1 Smith, Joshua Toulmin [1816-1869] On the discovery of the remains of a very remarkable reptile or fish in the Chalk of Kent. Geol. Journ., London, 1846, 1, 21-22. 1846.1 Smith, Nathaniel Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 19-21. 1873.1 Smith, P. E. The development of the hypophysis of Amia calva. Anat. Record, 1914, 8, 499-506. 10 figs. 1914.1 Caudal growth of basal layer of ectoderm to form hypophysial rudiment. Contiguity of entoderm. Smith, (Miss} Rosa, afterwards Eigenmann [1859 ] A list of the fishes of San Diego, California. Sub- mitted to the San Diego Society of Natural History, November 5th, 1880. [Privately published leaflet, San Diego, Cal., 1880] 1880.1 - On the occurrence of a species of Cremnobates at San Diego, Cali- fornia. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 147-149. 1880.2 - Description of a new gobioid fish (Othonops eos} from San Diego, Cali- fornia. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 19-21. 1881.1 - Description of a new species of Gobiesox (G. rhessodon) from San Diego, California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 140-141. 1881.2 Description of a new species of Uranidea (U. rhothea) from Spokane river, Washington territory . Proc .U.S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 347-348. 1883.1 The life colors of Cremnobates integripinnis. Proc. U. S^ Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 216-217. 1883.2 Notes on the fishes of Todos San- tos bay, Lower California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 232-236. 1883.3 On the life coloration of the young of Pomacentrus rubicundus . Proc . U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 652. 1883.4 - Notes on fishes collected at San Cristobal, Lower California, by Charles H. Townsend, assistant, U. S. Fish Com- mission. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 551-553. 1885.1 On the occurrence of a new species of Rhinoptera (R. encenadce) in Todos Santos bay, Lower California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1886, 9, 220. 1886.1 Smith, (Miss] Rosa, & Swain, J. Notes on a collection of fishes from Johnston's island [700 miles S. W. of the Hawaiian group] including descriptions of five new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 5, 119-143. 1882.1 Smith, S. B. Efforts to raise trout. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 435-436. 1885.1 464 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SMI Smith, Sidney Irving. The Crustacea of the fresh waters of the United States. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 638-665. 1874.1 Synopsis of the parasitic Crustacea on United States freshwater fishes. Lists Argulus catostomi on sucker, Lepeophtheirus salmonis on salmon, Adheres pimelodi on channel cat, Lernatopoda fontinalis on brook trout, apparently the cause of the death of these fish, L. siscowet on lake trout, L. coregoni on whitefish, Cauloxenus stygius on blind fish, Lernceocera cruciata on rock bass and L. catostomi on the large-scaled redhorse. - Food of freshwater fishes. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 708-709. 1874.2 Smith, Sidney Irving, & Thacher, James K. See Thacher & Smith. Smith, Silas B. On the Chinook names of the salmon in the Columbia river. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1881, 4, 391-392. 1881.1 Smith, Thomas. Naturalist's cabi- net, containing interesting sketches of animal history, illustrative of natures, dispositions, manners and habits of all the most remarkable quadrupeds, birds, fishes, reptiles, etc., in the known world. 6 vols. London, 1806-07. illust. 8. 1806.1 Smith, Thomas, & Mease, James. The wonders of nature and art, etc. 14 vols. Philadelphia, 1807. 16. 1807.1 Fishes, vol. xiv, p. 75-84. Smith, [Thomas] Buckingham [1810- 1871] (translator) Narratives of the career of Hernando de Soto in the con- quest of Florida, as told by a knight of Elvas, and in a relation by Luys Her- nandez de Biedma . . . Translated by Buckingham Smith. New York, 1866. xxviii, 324 p. map. 4 (Bradford Club series, no. 5) 1866.1 Observations on fishes, by Theodore N. Gill, p. 223-226. - (translator) Relation of Alvar Nunez Cabeca de Vaca, translated from the Spanish by Buckingham Smith. New York, 1871. x, 300 p. ports. 1871.1 The present edition is a revision of B. Smith's translation privately printed at Washington in 1851. Some mention is made of fishes taken by the expedition in the Gulf region of the United States. Smith, W. Anderson. Curing and preserving fish at home and abroad (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 93-105. Edinburgh & London, 1883. 8) 1883.1 - The fish supply of great cities; with special reference to the best meth- ods of catching and packing, and of distribution, and other means calculated to facilitate the delivery of the fish in good condition for market (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 226-235. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.2 - Salmon disease; its cause and prevention. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 5. 1883.3 - The utilisation of fish offal (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 200-206. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.4 - Fishes (In Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A vertebrate fauna of the Outer Hebrides, p. 172-225. Edinburgh, 1888) 1888.1 Observations on some west- coast [Scottish] fishes. Proc. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1888, n. s. 2, 100-104. 1888.2 On the development of Syngna- thus acus Linn. Proc. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1890, n. s. 2, 105-109. pi. 1890.1 - Report on Spanish sardines. 10. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 160-170. 1891.1 - Fishes (In Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. A vertebrate fauna of Argyll and the Inner Hebrides, p. 219-234. Edinburgh, 1892) 1892.1 - Note on Zeugopterus uni latus Risso, and its habitat. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1892, 1, 76-77. 1892.2 - On protective resemblance in the lumpsucker. 1 1 . Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1893, 11, 390-391. fig. 1893.1 The coloration of fishes. Trans. Nat. Hist. Soc. Glasgow, 1897, n. s. 4, 335-343. 1897.1 Informe sobre la introduccion del salmon en Chile. Min. Indus. Obras Pub., 1897, no. 6, 5-11. 1897.2 Smith, W. Ramsay. On the food of fishes. 9. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 222-242. 1891.1 - A case of hermaphroditism in a haddock (Gadus ceglefinus) 9 . Ann . Rept . Fishery Board Scotland, 1891, pt. 3, 352. fig. 1891.2 SNO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 465 - The food of fish. 10. Ann. Kept, Fishery Board Scotland, 1892, 211-231. -Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 62. meet., 1892, 772. 1892.1 Smith, W. S. Further evidence of Lough Neagh fishermen as to the causes of injuries to pollan. Irish Naturalist, 1905, 14, 94-95. 1905.1 Smithers, E. J. Carp culture in China. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 249-250. 1885.1 Smithies, J. H. The salmon and its species. Fish. Gazette, 1880, 4, 170. 1880.1 Smitt, Fredrik Adam [1839-1904] Description d'un hareng hermaphrodite. Arch. Biol., 1882, 3, 259-275. 1882.1 - Schematisk framstallning af de i Riksmuseum befintliga laxartade fisk- arnes slagtskapsforhallanden. Oefver. Akad. Forh., Stockholm, 1882, 39, 31- 40. 1882.2 - The Swedish fisheries. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 6, pt. 6. 1883.1 - Kritisk forteckning ofver de 1 Riksmuseum befintliga Salmonider. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1886, 21, no. 8, 1-290. 6 pis. & 13 tables. 1886.1 - Om Sillrasernas betydelse. Bi- hang Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1888, 14, no. 12, 1-18. 1888.1 - (editor) A history of Scandi- navian fishes, by B. Fries, C. U. Ek- strom, and C. Sundevall. 2. ed. re- vised and completed by F. A. Smitt. 2 pts. Stockholm & London, 1893-95. 566 p. illust. 4. 1893.1 - La filiation des especes d'ani- maux. C. R. Sean. 3. Congr. Intern. Zool., Leyde, 1895, 235-238. 1895.1 - On the habitat of Gobius elapoides Gthr. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 18, 196. 1896.1 - Poissons de F expedition scienti- fique a la Terre de Feu. I. Notothenia?. Bihang Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1897, 23, no. 3, 1-37. 3 pis. Ibid., 1899, 24, no. 5, 1-80. 6 pis. 1897.1 - On the genus Lycodes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1900, 7. ser. 5, 56-58. Bihang Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1901, 27, no. 4, 1-45. pi. & 5 tables. 1900.1 - Preliminary notes on the ar- rangement of the genus Gobius, with an enumeration of its European species. Oefver. Svenska Vet. Akad. Forh., 1900, 543-555. 1900.2 Poissons d'eau douce de la Patagonie recueillis par E. Nordenskiold, 1898-99. Bihang Svenska Vet. Akad. Handl., 1901, 26, no. 13, 1-31. 4 pis. 1901.1 Smolenskii, P. 0. Ueber die Zusam- mensetzung einiger Fischprodukte. Hy- gienische Rundschau, 1897. 1897.1 Smythies, E. A. The introduction of English brown trout into Kumaon. Ind. Forester, Allahabad, 1910, 36, 503- 512. 1910.1 Snell, Merwin-Marie, & Smith, Hugh McCormick. See Smith & Snell. Snellen von Vollenhoven, - Over kunstmatige vischteeJt. Alg. Konst- en Letterb., 1854, 215. 1854.1 Snellman, Robert W. Alfiskefor- soken med hommor vid Finlands syd- kust 1899. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 153-164. 1899.1 - Nagot om fiskeriforhallandena pa kuststrackan Brahestad Kalajoki. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1899, 8, 81-86. 1899.2 Sne tillage, Emilia. Novas especies de peixes amazonicos das collecc,6es do Museu Goeldi (Segundo os trabalhos do conselheiro Dr. Steindachner) Bol. Mus. Goeldi Para, 1909, 5, 449-555. 1909.1 Snickt, L. van der. Brochets, carpes et perches. Etangs & Rivieres, 1896, 9. annee, 7-9; 21-25. 1896.1 - Influence de T alimentation sur la qualite des carpes. Etangs & Ri- vieres, 1896, 9. annee, 65-68. 1896.2 Snider, L. C. Geology of a portion of northeastern Oklahoma. Paleon- tology of the Chester group in Okla- homa. Norman, Oklahoma, 1915. 122 p. 6 pis. & 4 figs. 1915.1 References to fossil fishes. Sniezek, Jan. Tarliska i rozw6j we.gorza [Le deVeloppement des an- guillesi Okoln, Organ Krajow. Towarz. Ryback. Krak6w., 1909, 324-329. 1909.1 Snodgrass, Robert Evans, & Heller, Edmund. Papers from the Hopkins- Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898- 1899. XV. New fishes. Proc. Wash- 466 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SNO Snodgrass & Heller. ington Acad. Sci., 1903, 5, 189-229. 19 pis. 1903.1 - Papers from the Hopkins-Stan- ford Galapagos Expedition, 1898-1899. XVII. Shore fishes of the Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos and Galapagos is- lands. Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 1905, 6, 333-427. 1905.1 - Shore fishes of the Revillagigedo, Clipperton, Cocos and Galapagos is- lands. In Hopkins-Stanford Galapagos Expedition, 1898, 1899. Washington, 1906. 95 p. 8. 1906.1 Snow, Francis Huntingdon [1840 ] The fishes of the Kansas river at Law- rence. Ann. Rept. Kansas State Board Agric., 1875, 4, 139-141. 1875.1 Snow, Freeman. Treaties and topics in American diplomacy. Boston, 1894. 1894.1 The fisheries question is treated in p. 427- 470 in a thorough and clear manner. Snyder, John Otterbein [1867 ] A catalogue of the shore fishes collected by the steamer " Albatross " about the Hawaiian islands in 1902. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 22, 513-538. 13 pis. 1904.1 Critical notes on Mylocheilus later alis and Leuciscus caurinus. Rept. Bur. Fisheries 1904 (1905), 340-342. 1905.1 Notes on the fishes of the streams flowing into San Francisco bay, California. Rept. Bur. Fisheries 1904 (1905), 327-338. pi. & map. 1905.2 A review of the Mullidse, sur- mullets or goatfishes of the shores of Japan. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1907, 32, 87-102. 3 figs. 1907.1 - Descriptions of eighteen new species and two new genera of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 35, 93-111. 1908.1 - Description of Pantosteus santa- ance, a new species of fish from the Santa-Ana river, California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 34, 33-34. 1908.2 Description of Trachypterus sele- niris, a new species of ribbonfish from Monterey bay, California. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1908, 60, 319-320. 1908.3 The fauna of Russian river, California, and its relation to that of the Sacramento. Science, 1908, n. s. 27, 269-271. fig. 1908.4 - The fishes of the coastal streams of Oregon and northern California. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1908, 27, 153-189. 5 figs. & map. 1908.5 - Notes on two rare California fishes, Rimicota eigenmanni and Plagio- grammus hopkinsi. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1908, 35, 183-186. 1908.6 - Relationships of the fish fauna of the lakes of south-eastern Oregon. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1908, 27, 69-102. pi. & map. 1908.7 - Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1909,36,597-610. 1909.1 Descriptions of new genera and species of fishes from Japan and the Riu Kiu islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1911, 40, 525-549. 1911.1 - The fishes of Okinawa, one of the Riu Kiu islands. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 42, 487-519. 9 pis. 1912.1 - The fishes of the streams tribu- tary to Monterey bay, California. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1912, 32, 47-72. 6 pis. 6 3 figs. 1912.2 - Japanese shore fishes collected by the United States Bureau of Fish- eries steamer " Albatross " expedition of 1906. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1912, 42,399-450. 11 pis. & 2 figs. 1912.3 - A new species of trout from lake Tahoe. Bull. Bur. Fisheries, 1912, 32, Doc. no. 768, 25-28. 1912.4 - Notes on Ranzania makua Jen- kins and other species of fishes of rare occurrence on the California coast. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1913, 44, 455- 460. pi. 1913.1 - Notes on a collection of fishes made by Dr. Edgar A. M earns from rivers tributary to the gulf of California. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1915, 49, 573- 586. 2 pis. 1915.1 Notropis mearnsi, n. sp. Snyder, John Otterbein, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Snyder. Snyder, John Otterbein, Jordan, David Starr, & Tanaka, Shigeho. See Jordan, Tanaka & Snyder. Snyder, J. P. Notes on striped bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 43. meet., 1913 (1914), 93-96. 1914.1 SOL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 467 Soave, F. Congetture sulla scossa dclla torpedine. Opusc. Scelt. Sci. Arti, Milano, 1781, 3. 1781.1 Sobbe, Ein bemerkendwerter Fall von Fischvergiftung. Berlin, Klin. \Vorhenschr., 1889, no. 7. 1889.1 Sobotta, Johannes. Ueber Meso- derm-, Herz-, Gefass- und Blutbildung bei Salmoniden. Anat. Anz. (Verb. Anat. Ges.), 1894, 10, 77-84. 1894.1 - Die Entwickelung der Vorniere dcr Salmoniden. Anat. Anz., 1895, 10, :0. 2 figs. 1895.1 - Die Gastrulation von Amia cairn. Anat. Anz. (Verb. Anat. Ges.), is)(i, 12, 108-111. 6 figs. Abstracts in Nat. Rundshau, Jena, 12, 23-24. Journ. Hoy. Alier. Soc. London, 604. 1896.1 Zur Entwickelung von Belone nctis. Anat. Anz. (Verb. Anat. Ges.), 1896, 12, 93-96. 1896.2 - Beobachtungen iiber den Gas- milationsvorgang beim Amphioxus. Verb. Phys.-Med. Ges. Wurzburg, 1897, 31, 101-121. pi. & 20 figs. Abstracts in Zool. Centralbl., 4. Jahrg., 712-714. Sitzber. Phys.-Med. Ges. Wurzburg, 1897, 9. 1897.1 - Die Reifung und Befruchtung des Eies von Amphioxus lanceolatus. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1897, 60, 15-71. 4 pis. 1897.2 - Die morphologische Bedeutung der Kupffer'schen Blase; ein Beitrag zur Gastrulation der Teleostier. Verb. Phys. Aled. Ges. Wurzburg, 1898, n. s. 32.no.3. 17 p. pi. & figs. 1898.1 - Ueber die Entwickelung des Blutes, des Herzens und der grossen Gefassstamme der Salmoniden nebst Mitteilungen iiber die Ausbildung der Horzform. Anat. Hefte, 1902, 19, 1. Abth., 579-688. 10 pis. 1902.1 Sodoffsky, W. Ueber die Storgat- tungen des Caspischen und Schwarzen Meeres. Correspbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1849, 3, 41-47; 69-81. 1849.1 - Ueber die rationelle Fischcultur, die kiinstliche Befruchtung, Ausbrutung und Erziehung der Fische in sich be- greifend. Correspbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1858, 10. Jahrg., 105-114; 137-145; 153-163. 1858.1 Sorensen, William. See S0rensen, William. Sograff, N. See Zograf, Nikolai Yurevich . Sokolinikov, N. P. Zur Kenntnis der Fischereien von Nord-Ost-Siberien. Huss. Sudochod. St. Petersb., 1911, 25- 26, pt. 1, 85-113; pt. 2, 49-67; pt. 3, 74-85, f. 9-13; pt. 4, 11-27. 1911.1 This paper is the continuation of one by I. D. Kuznetzov, entitled " Der gegewartige Zustand der Fischerei im Baikal-See," published in 1909. Sokolov, A. J. Zur Entwicklungs- geschichte der Thymusdruse bei den Sterletten [Text in Russian] Mem. Sci. Univ. Imp. Kazan, 1912, 79, pt. 4, 1-33. 1912.1 Sokolovsky, Alexander. Ein typi- scher Sargasso-Fisch [Antennarius mar- moratus] Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 325-326. fig. 1915.1 - Ein Schwimmspezialist unter den Fischen (Amphisyle scutata] Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1916, 13. Jahrg., 105. fig. 1916.1 Sola, Francisco Garcia. See Garcia Scla, F. Soland, Aime de. Etude sur les poissons de TAnjou. Ann. Soc. Linn. Depart. Maine-et-Loire, 1869, 11. anne"e, 189-276. 2 pis. 1869.1 Solander, Daniel Carl [1736-1782] Manuscript lists and descriptions of animals [fishes] and plants collected during Capt. Cook's first voyage, 1768-1771. 1768.1 Original preserved in library of the British Museum (Natural History) Solander was a naturalist who attached himself to Capt. Cook's voyage in the " Endeavour." i. Pisces & animalia csetera oceani Pacifici. ii. Pisces Australia?. iii. Pisces, etc., Novae Hollandiae. - Pisces Islandici. Zoological manuscripts, 1772. [8] 6 [10] p. 4. 1772.1 Autograph descriptions and notes on the fish and some other animals obtained during the visit to Iceland in 1772. MS. preserved in British Museum of Natural History. Soldatov, V. K. Kurze Uebersicht der Untersuchungen iiber die Biologic von Pucorhynchus lagocephalus und Proteus im Unterlauf des Amur [Text in Russian] Izv. Vost.-Sib. Otd. Russ. Geogr. Obsc., Irkutsk, 1910, 39, 60-64. 1910.1 - Erforschung der Biologie der Lachse. Teil I [Text in Russian] St. Petersburg, 1912. 223 p. 8 pis. 8. 1912.1 468 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SOL Soldatov, V. K. Untersuchungen iiber die Biolo- gie der Salmoniden des Amur. Erster Teil (In Die Fischereien des Fernen Ostens. VII [Text in Russian] Dept. Landwirtschaft, St. Petersburg, 1912. i, 223 p. 14 pis.) 1912.2 Soldatov, V. K., Gobel, J., Breit- fuss, L. L., & others. See Breitfuss, Soldatov & others. Solger, Bernhard Friedrich [1849 ] Ueber zwei im Bereiche des Visceral- skelets von Chimcera monstrosa vorkom- mende noch unbeschriebene Knorpel- stiickchen. Morphol. Jahrb., 1876, 1, 219-221. 1876.1 - Ueber Perlfische. Sitzber. Na- turf. Ges. Halle, 1878, 24. 1878.1 Zur Kenntniss der Seitenorgane der Knochenfische. Leopoldina, 1878, 14, 74-80; 159-160. 1878.2 - Neue Untersuchungen zur Ana- tomie der Seitenorgane der Fische 1880-81. 1880.1 i. Die Seitenorgane von Chimsera. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1880, 17, 95-113. pi. ii. Die Seitenorgane der Selachier. Ibid., 4587479. pi. iii. Die Seitenorgane der Knochenfische. Ibid., 1881, 18, 364-390. pi. - Ueber den feineren Bau der Seitenorgane der Fische. Sitzber. Na- turf. Ges. Halle, 1880, 105-109. pi. 1880.2 Zur Kenntniss der Verbreitung von Leuchtorganen bei Fischen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1881, 19, 147-152. 1881.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Niere und besonders der Nierenpig- mente niederer Wirbelthiere. Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1882, 15, 405-444. pl. 1882.1 Fische, p. 412-420. - Bemerkung iiber die Seitenor- ganketten der Fische. Zool. Anz., 1882, 5, 660-661. 1882.2 - Dottertropfen in der intracap- sularen Fliissigkeit von Fischeiern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1885, 26, 321-334. pl. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1885, 6, 211-212. 1885.1 - Ueber die Cupula terminalis der Seitenorgane der Fische. Verb. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf., 1887, 60, 93. 1887.1 - Notiz iiber die Nebenhohle des Geruchsorgans von Gasterosteus acule- atus L. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1893, 57, 186. fig. 1893.1 - Schnitte durch Ganglienzellen des Lob us electricus von Torpedo. Biol. Centralbl., 1897, 17, 512. 1897.1 - Ueber die Structur der Gangli- enzelle, besonders derjenigen des elek- trischen Lappens von Torpedo. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf., 1897, 69. 1897.2 - Mauthner'sche Fasern bei Chi- msera. Morphol. Jahrb., 1899, 27, 322- 324. fig. 1899.1 - Ueber die " intracellularen Faden" der Ganglienzellen des elektri- schen Lappens von Torpedo. Morphol. Jahrb., 1902, 31, 104-115. pl. 1902.1 Solger, Bernhard Friedrich, Esch, Ernst, & others. See Esch, Solger & others. Solla, R. Piscicoltura, astacicoltura e ostreicoltura. Milano, 1895. figs. 8. 1895.1 Sollas, (Miss) Igerna B. J. Pisces (record for 1905) Zool. Record, 1906, 42. 53 p. 1906.1 Pisces (record for 1906) Zool. Record, 1907, 43. 60 p. 1907.1 Sollas, (Miss) Igerna B. J., & Sollas, William Johnson. See Sollas & Sollas. Sollas, J. B. V. Prochordata (Ce- phalochorda, etc.) from the Zoologies Record for 1908. London, 1909. 8 p. 1909.1 Sollas, William Johnson [1849] On the origin of freshwater faunas: a study in evolution. Dublin, 1884. 4. 1884.1 The investigation of fossil re- mains by serial sections. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 71. meet., 1901, 643. Science, 1901, n. s. 14, 636. 1901.1 A method for the investigation of fossils by serial sections. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1904, 196 B, 259-265. Abstract in Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1904, 72, 98-99. 1904.1 Sollas, William Johnson, & Sollas, (Miss) Igerna B. J. An account of the Devonian fish, Palceospondylus gunni Traquair. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- don, 1904, 267-294. 2 pis. 1904.: Solotnizky, N. F. von. Drei Meer- grundeln aus dem Flusse Don im Aquarium. Natur u. Haus, 1901, 9, 114-119. 1901.1 SOP BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 469 - Der Sterlet in Freiheit und im Yquarium. Natur u. Haus, 1901, 9, 405-408. 1901.2 - Meine dreizehn Spritzfische (Toxotes jaculator) Natur u. Haus, 1902, 10, 289-291; 311-315. 1902.1 - Der russische Wels in Freiheit und im Aquarium. Xatur u. Haus, 1902, 10, 45-47; 82-84. 1902.2 - Neue Aquarienfische und -Pflan- zen [Text in Russian] Moskva, 1910. 378 p. fig. 8. 1910.1 Somervail, Alexander. On the oc- currence of Strepsodus and Rhizodopsis in the upper Coal Measures of Edmon- stone, Mid-Lothian. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc. 1871 (1872), 2, 137-138. 1872.1 Somigli, C. La pesca marittima in- dustriale. Torino, 1912. 266 p. figs. 12. 1912.1 Sonnenburg, Ludwig. Zoologisch- kritische Bemerkungen zu Aristotles Thiergeschichte. Program K. Gymnas. Bonn, 1857. 27 p. 1857.1 See also references under Aristotle, Ogle, Sun- devall and D'Arcy W. Thompson, in the present Bibliography. Sonnerat, Pierre [1749-1814] De- scription du Guaperva [Balistes] macu- lata. Observ. Phys. Hist. Nat. (Rozier), 1774, 3, 443. pi. Ibid., 4, 78. pi. Ibid., 5,76. 1774.1 Observation d'un phenomene singulier sur des poissons qui vivent dans une eau qui a 69 degres de chaleur. Observ. Phys. Hist. Nat. (Rozier), 1774, 3, 256-257. 1774.2 - An account of a voyage to New Guinea . . . with notes (Index rerum naturalium tabulis aeneis incisarum, etc.) Paris, 1775. xlv, 150 p. 8. 1775.1 This contains a very brief abstract of the " Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee " (which was published in 1776, not 1775) condensed into 77 pages, the remainder being taken up by the translator's notes and the index to the plates, which were not, however, reproduced. Voyage a la Nouvelle Guinee, dans lequel on trouve la description des lieux, des observations physiques . . . et des details relatifs a 1'histoire naturelle dans le regne animal et le regne vegetal. Paris, 1776. xii, 206 p. illust. 4. 1776.1 Sonnerat's . . . Reise nach Neuguinea. Aus dem Franzosischen iibersetzt von J. P. Ebeling. Leipzig, 1777. 71 p. iUust. 4. 1777.1 - Voyages aux Indes orientales et a la Chine, fait . . . depuis 1774 jus- qu'en 1781: dans lequel on traite . . . des Indiens, des Chinpis, des Pe"gouins et des Made"gasses; suivi d' observations sur le cap de Bonne-Espe"rance, les isles de France et de Bourbon, les Maldives, Ceylan, Malacca, les Philippines et les Moluques, et de recherches sur I'his- toire naturelle de ces pays. 2 vols. Paris, 1782. illust. 4. 1782.1 Reise nach Ostindi en und China. 2 vols. Zurich, 1783. 4. 1783.1 Sonnerat, P., & Meunier, V. Sur quelques poissons de 1'Ile-de-France, qui empoisonnent ceux qui les mangent. Observ. Phys. Hist. Nat. (Rozier), 1774, 3, 227-229. Ibid., 6, 76. 1774.1 Sonnini de Manoncourt, Charles Nicolas Sigisbert [1751-1812] Histoire naturelle . . . nouvelle edition, accom- pagn4e de notes . . . ouvrage . . . re- dige par C. S. Sonnini (Suites 63 vols.) 127 vols. illust. 1799-1808. 8. 1799.1 - Voyage dans la Haute- et Basse-Egypte. Paris, 1799. 1799.2 - Histoire naturelle, generale et particuliere des poissons, ouvrage f aisant suite a 1'Histoire Naturelle ge"ne"rale et particuliere, composed par Leclerc de Buff on, et mise dans uri nouvel ordre par C. S. Sonnini, avec des notes et des additions. 13 vols. Paris, An XI-XII [1803-04] 77 pis. 8. 1803.1 This compilation is only a slightly modified reprint of Comte de Lac6pede's Histoire Na- turelle des Poissons, originally published and frequently reproduced in connection with Buffon's works. - Voyage aux iles de Teneriffe, La Trinite, Saint-Thomas . . . pour faire des . . . collections relatives a I'his- toire naturelle . . . par A. P. Ledru . . . ouvrage accompagne* de notes et d' additions, par M. Sonnini. 2 vols. See Ledru, A. P. 1810. 8. Sonsino, Prosper o. Parassiti animal i del Mugil cephalus e'di altri pesci della collezione del museo di Pisa. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., Proc. Verb. 1889 (1891), 7, 253-256. 1891.1 Sophocles, E. A. On the difficulty of identifying plants and animals men- tioned by ancient Greek authors. Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1857-60, 4, 407. 1860.1 See also Hoffman, H. A., & Jordan, D. S., 1893.1, and Koraes, A., 1809.1, and Schneider, J. G., 1789.1, supra. 470 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SOR Soraluce y Zubizaretta, Nicolas de. Introducci6n, capitulo i y ortas de- scripci6nes de la memoria acerca del origen y curso de las pescas y pesquerias de ballenas y de bacalaos asi que sobre el descubrimento de los bancos i isla de Terranova. Vitoria, 1878. 52 p. 8. 1878.1 S0rensen, William Emil [1848] On the apparatus of sound in some South American fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1879, 5. ser. 4, 99-100. 1879.1 - Sur Fappareil du son chez divers poissons de 1'Amerique du Sud. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1879, 88, 1042-1043. 1879.2 Sounds produced by fishes. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1879, n. s. 3, 332-333. 1879.3 - Om oppustningsssekken hos Te- trodon [T.fahaka Hasselquist] og aande- drsettet hos Clarias [C. macracanthus Gthr.] Naturhist. Tidsskr. Kj0ben- havn 1881 (1883), 13, 379-414. pi. 1883.1 - Om lydorganer hos fiske. En physiologisk og comparativ-anatomish undersogelse. Kjobenhavn, 1884. viii, 245 p. 4 pis. 8. Inaug. Dissert. 1884.1 Om forbeninger i sv0mme- blseren, pleura og aortas va3g og sam- mensmeltning deraf med hvirvels0jlen sserlig hos Siluroiderne, samt de saa- kaldte Weberske knoglers morfologi. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr. Naturv., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 67-152. 3 pis. 1890.1 Danish, with French resume. Are the extrinsic muscles of the air-bladder in some Siluridse and the " elastic spring " apparatus of others subordinate to the voluntary production of sounds? What is, according to our present knowledge, the function of the Weberian ossicles? A contribution to the biology of fishes. Jo urn. Anat. Physiol. London, 1895, 29, 109-139; 205-229; 399-423; 518-552. 14 figs. 1895.1 Some remarks on Dr. Thilo's memoir on " Die Umbildungen an den Gliedmassen der Fische." Morphol. Jahrb., 1897, 25, 170-189. 1897.1 Soubeiran, Jean Leon [1827-1892] Note on the cultivation of eels. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 16, 384. 1865.1 - Note sur 1' education des anguil- les. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1865, 61, 424-425. 1865.2 - De la colle de poisson et de sa falsification. Journ. Pharm., 1866, 4, 326-330. 1866.1 Exposition Internationale de produits et engins de peche de Bergen (Norvege) aout 1865. Bull. Soc. Ao- clim. Paris, 1866, 2. ser. 3, 189-206: 262-271; 317-333; 381-403; 461-484; 525-541. 38 figs. Also separate; Paris, 1866. 108 p. 8. 1866.2 - Les huiles de poisson. Paris, 1867. 12 p. 8. 1867.1 Extrait de la publication spciale sur 1' Ex- position Universelle dp 1867 par la Societe Imp6riale Zoologique d'Acclimatation. - Rapport sur 1' exposition des produits de peche de la Haye en 1867. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. ser. 6, 449-459; 497-505; 561-591. 1869.1 - Beretning om laxens aklima- tisation i Tasmanien. Tidskr. Fiskeri, 1870, 6, 100-110. 1870.1 - La peche du hareng. Ann. Soc. Linn. Depart. Maine-et-Loire, 1870, 12. annee, 170-190. 1870.2 - Pisciculture dans les Neilgher- ries (Indes) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. ser. 7, 352-361. 1870.3 - Rapport sur I'acclimatation du saumon en Tasmanie. Bull. Soc. Ac- clim. Paris, 1870, 2. ser. 7, 185-191. 1870.4 - Pisciculture dans 1'Amerique du Nord. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1871, 2. ser. 8, 1-24. 1871.1 - Rapport sur les expositions in- ternationales de peche de Boulogne-sur- Mer, Arcachon et du Havre (1866-1868) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1871, 2. ser. 8. 81-117; 168-218; 304-347; 401-458. 1871.2 - La pisciculture chez les divt peuples (In Dabrey de Thiersant, P. La pisciculture et la peche en Chine p. 7-112. Paris, 1872. 8) 1872.: - La pisciculture et la peche < Chine . . . precede d'une introduction sur la pisciculture chez les diver: peuples, par . . . L. Soubeiran. See Dabry de Thiersant, P. Paris, 1872. 173 p. illust. 8. - Det hollandske sildefiskeri. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1873, 7, 149-162. 1873.1 Soubeiran, /. Leon, & Moquin- Tandon, Gaston. See Moquin-Tan- don & Soubeiran. sou BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 471 Souchu de Rennefort. See Renne- fort, Souchu de. Soudakevicz, Theodore. Notice sur lo progres de la pisciculture en Russie. Ministere des Domains, Russie. St. IVtcrsbourg, 1873. 27 p. 4. 1873.1 - Report on the progress of pisci- culture in Russia. Rept. U. S. Fish Coniin. 1872-73 (1876), 2, 493-513. 1876.1 Souleyet, F. L. A., & Eydoux, j.F. T. See Eydoux & Souleyet. South, John Flint [1797-1882] Zool- ogy [General physiology and anatomy and vertebrata] Encyclopedia Metro- politana, etc., vol. vii, p. 15-25. 1817- 45. 4. 1817.1 Southwell, Thomas [1831-1909] ( livenland shark [Squalus borealis] off the Suffolk coast. Zoologist, 1875, 2. Ber. 10, 4424. 1875.1 - Notes on the herring fishery [from 1881 -until 1893] Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1879-84, 3, 369; 539; 644. Ibid., 1884-89, 4, 74; 239; 374 : 476; 682. Ibid., 1889-94, 5, 89; 211; 310; 403; 578. 1879.1 - Rare fish on the Norfolk and Suffolk coast. Zoologist, 1879, 3. ser. 3, 491-492. 1879.2 - The deal fish at Holkham bay, Norfolk. Sci. Gossip, 1880, 16, 40. 1880.1 - The deal fish [Regalecus banksii] near Whitby. Sci. Gossip, 1880, 16, 116. 1880.2 - On the occurrence of the deal fish on the Norfolk coast. Zoologist, 1880, 3. ser. 4, 15-18. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1879-84, 3, pt. 1, 95. 1880.3 - Notes on the English herring fishery of 1882. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883/3, 465-466. 1883.1 - Further notes on the smelt fish- cry in the Norfolk waters. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1884-89, 4, 481. 1884.1 - Notes on some ancient customs and regulations with regard to the freshwater fisheries of the county of Norfolk. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1884-89, 4, 481. 1884.2 - On the smelt fisheries in the Norfolk waters. Trans. Norfolk Nor- wich Nat, Soc., 1884-89, 4, 338. 1884.3 - The reproduction of the eel. Naturalist, 1885, 10, 217-222. 1885.1 - A gossip about eels. Longman's Mag., Nov., 1892, no. 121. 1892.1 - About pike. Gentleman's Mag., May, 1893. 1893.1 - Further notes on the reproduc- tion of the common eel, Anguilla vul- garis. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1894-99, 6, 262-268. 1894.1 - Thresher shark and angel-fish at Lowestoft. Zoologist, 1897, 4. ser. 1, 475. 1897.1 - Lowestoft fish-wharf. Zoolo- gist, 1901, 4. ser. 6, 21-24. 1901.1 - (editor) Notes and letters on the natural history of Norfolk, more es- pecially on the birds and fishes. From the MSS. of Sir Thomas Browne, M.D. (1605-1682), in the Sloane collection. With notes by T. Southwell, xxvi, 102 p. with facsimile. 1902. 1902.1 Notes on the fishes of Norfolk, p. 31-56. - On a hermaphrodite example of the herring (Clupea harengus) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1902, 7. ser. 9, 195- 196. 1902.2 The sawfish (Pristis antiquorum) in British waters. Zoologist, 1902, 4. ser. 6, 114. 1902.3 - Fauna and flora of Norfolk. Additions to part IV, Fishes (fifth list) Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1904, 7, 741-743. 1904.1 - A description of a large ray, Tceniura melanospiles Bleeker, from the Ceylon pearl banks. Reports Ceylon Marine Lab., 1910, 1, pt. 4, 185-186. 1910.1 A descriptive note on the cap- ture of a large sawfish (Pristis cuspi- datus) containing intra-uterine embryos. Spolia Zeylanica, 1910, 6, pt. 24, 137- 139. pi. 1910.2 - On the relation of certain pre- datory fish to pearl oysters (Margariti- fera vulgaris) on the Ceylon pearl banks. Reports Ceylon Marine Lab., 1910, 1, pt. 4, 175-178. 10 figs. 1910.3 Southwell, Thomas, & Seymour- Sewell, R. B. See Seymour- Se well & Southwell. Southwick, J. M. K. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. 472 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SOU Southwick, J. M. K. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 10-11. 2 figs. 1873.1 - The appearance of sharks, squid, menhaden and frost fish. Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 358. 1885.1 Our ocean fishes and the effect of legislation upon the fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 39- 45. 1894.1 Sowinsky, W. Introduction a P etude de la faune du bassin marin Ponto-Aralo-Kaspien sous le point de yue d'une province zoo-geographique independante. Me"m. Soc. Nat. Kiev, 1904, 18, 216-487. 1904.1 Soxleth, F., & Petersen, P. Ueber die Zusammensetzung des Knorpels von Haifisch. Journ. Prakt. Chem., 1873, 115, 179-181. 1873.1 Spackman, W. H. Trout in New Zealand. Whereto go and how to catch them. Wellington, 1892. ii, 99 p. 3 pis. 8. 1892.1 Spaeth, R. A. The mechanism of the contraction in the melanophores of fishes. Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, 520-524. 3 figs. 1913.1 The physiology of the chroma- tophores of fishes. Journ. Exper. Zool. Philad., 1913, 16, 527-585. 4 pis. 1913.2 The physiology of the chroma- tophores of fishes. Arch. Fisiol. Firenze, 1914, 12, 103. 1914.1 Direct responses to salt solutions. Spall, P. W. A. van. Rapport om- trent hetgeen er van regeerings-wege kan worden gedaan, om langs het geheele Noorderstrand (van Java) het aanleggen van vischvijvers te bevorderen. Bata- via, 1864. 2 pis. 8. 1864.1 Onderzoek omtrent het aan- leggen van Zout- en Zoetwater visch- vijvers op Java. Tijdsschr. Nijverheid. Nederl. Indie, 1865, 11 (n. s. 6), 1-93. 1865.1 Spallanzani, Lazaro [1729-1799] Vi- aggi alle due Sicilie, etc. 6 vols. Pavia, 1772-97. 1772.1 Contains observations on fishes. - Lettera al marchese Lucchesini sulle torpedini osservate a Chioggia ed a Rovigno, relativamente alia scossa elettrica ed al loro effeto. Opusc. Scelt., Milano, 1783, 6. 1783.1 - Lettera sulla fecondazione arti- fiziale e sulF elettricita delle torpedini. Opusc. Scelt., Milano, 1783, 6. 1783.2 - Sur la torpille. Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 1783, 23, 217-220. 1783.3 - Ueber die ktinstliche Befruch- tung der Thiere und die Natur der Zitterfische. Mag. Neueste Phys. Naturgesch. (Liehtenberg & Voigt), 1783, 2, pt. 3, 89-94. 1783.4 - On the digestive organs and digestion of fishes (In his Disserta- tions relative to the natural history of animals and vegetables, vol. i, p. 123- 129. London, 1784. 8) 1784.1 This work was first published in Italian at Modena, 1776, and republished at Venice, 1782. A French translation also passed through two editions, 1777 and 1787. - Opuscoli due sopra le anguille, dove singolarmente si ragiona di quelle che si pescano nelle valli di Comacchio. Pavia, 1797. 8. 1797.1 Memoires sur la respiration, traduits en francais d'apres un manu- script inedit par Senebier. Geneve, 1803. 8. 1803.1 Sopra le anguille. 3 pts. Mi- lano, 1826. 1826.1 Delle rondini, delle anguille, dei pipistrelli. Venezia, 1832. 12. 1832.1 Spangenberg, - Zur Naturge- schichte des Aales. Journ. Landwirth- schaft., 1876, 24. Jahrg. 1876.1 Spangler, A. M. The decrease of food-fishes in American waters and some of the causes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 21-35. 1894.1 Spannagel, - Verzeichniss der Fische der bayerischen Rheinpfalz. 16. & 17. Jahresber. Polichia, Neu- stadt-a.-H., 1859, 26. 1859.1 Spariani, Augusto. Note sui pesci del lago Trasimeno. Esposiz. Inter- naz. Pesca in Berlino, 1880 (Italiana, Catalogo Sezione), 59-60. 1880.1 Span-man, Anders [1748-1820] Resa till Goda Hopps-Udden, Sodra Pol- Kretsen och omkring Jordklotet . . . aren 1772-1776. 2 vols. Stockholm, 1783. 8. 1772.1 Voyage to the cape of Good Hope. 2 vols. London, 1785. 1785.1 A French translation in two volumes was pub- lished at Paris in 1787. Contains observations on fishes. SPI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 473 Speedy, Tom. Do trout purify or pollute water? Trans. Edinburgh Field Natural. Micr. Soc., 1896, 3, 126-130. 1896.1 - Glimpses of trout. Trans. Edin- burgh Field Natural. Micr. Soc., 1896, 3, 138-145. 1896.2 Speer, L. Fish swallowing fish. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 866. 1879.1 Speir, Francis, Scott, William Berry- man, & Osborn, Henry Fairfield. See Osborn, Scott & Speir. Spemann, Hans. Ueber experi- mentell erzeugte Doppelmissbildungen mit cyklopischem Defekt. Zool. Jahrb. (Suppl.), 1904, 7, Festschr. Weismann. 1904.1 Spencer, Herbert [1820-1903] Gene- sis of the vertebrate column (correction of citation of W. K. Brooks) Nature, 1900, 62, 620. 1900.1 Spencer, L. B. Balanced aquaria. 5. Ann. Rept. Fish. Game & Forests N. Y. 1899 (1900), 275-278. pi. 1900.1 - The care of balanced aquaria. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1903, 84-87. 1903.1 Treatment of fungus on fishes in captivity. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 929-932. 1910.1 Spencer, 0. M. The fisheries of Aus- tralasia in 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 13, 1186-1188. 1'885.1 Spencer, Walter Baldwin [1860 ] The pineal eye of Mordacia mordax. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1890, 2. ser. 2, 102-105. fig. 1890.1 - Note on the habits of Ceratodus forsteri. Proc. Roy." Soc. Victoria, 1892, 2. ser. 4, 81-84. ' 1892.1 - A trip to Queensland in search of Ceratodus. Victorian Nat., Mel- bourne, June 10, 1892. 1892.2 Contributions to our knowledge of Ceratodus. I. The blood vessels (In Macleay Memorial Volume, Linn. Soc. N. S. Wales, 1893, 1-34. 5 pis. 1893) 1893.1 - (editor) Report on the work of the Horn scientific expedition to central Australia. Edited by Baldwin Spencer. 4 parts. London & Melbourne, 1896. 1896.1 Pt. ii, Zoology, iv, 431 p. 29 pis. Pisces, by A. Zietz, p. 176-180. Appendix: Description of an additional new species of fish from the Finke and Barcoo rivers, by A. Zietz. Der Bau der Lungen von Cera- todus und Prptopterus (In Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Australien und dem malayischen Archipel, ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1891-1893 von Richard Semon, Bd. i, pt. 2, p. 51-58. 2 pis. Jena, 1898. 4) t 1898.1 Anatomy of Amphiptyches urna Grube and Wagener. Trans. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1899, 1, 138-151. 3 pis. 1899.1 Spencer, W. Baldwin, & Marshall, Arthur Milnes. See Marshall & Spencer. Spengel, Johann Wilhelm [1852] Die Excretionsorgane von Myxine. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 49-60. 4 figs. 1897.1 Semon's Schilderung des Me- sonephros von Myxine. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 211-216. 1897.2 - Ueber die Fortpflanzung des Flussaales. 32. Ber. Oberhess. Ges. Nat. Heilk., 1899, 138-139. 1899.1 - Ueber Schwimmblasen, Lungen und Kiementaschen der Wirbelthiere. Zool. Jahrb. (Suppl), 1904, 7, 727-749. 1904.1 In Beziehung auf Mund- und Schlundzahne der Elasmobranchier [Mustelus Icevis] Zool. Anz., 1905, 29, 332-333. 1905.1 Spengel, J. W., & Semon, Richard. See Semon & Spengel. Spicer, William Webb [1820 (?)- 1879] Musical fish. Sci. Gossip 1870 (1871), 57-58. 1871.1 - The volcano fish [Arges cyclo- pum] Sci. Gossip 1870 (1871), 25. 1871.2 Spieckermann, A., & Thiene- mann, August. Ein Beitrag zur Kennt- nis der Rotseuche der karpfenartigen Fische. Arch. Hygiene, Miinchen, 1911, 74, 100-141. 1911.1 Spindel, Isaiah. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 67-70. 1873.1 Spinney, Benjamin H. Return to Gloucester of young codfish hatched by the United States Fish Commission in 1879. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 362. 1883. 474 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SPI Spinola, (Marchese) Massimiliano [1780-1857] Lettre sur quelques pois- sons peu connus du golfe de Genes, addressee a M. Faujas-de-Saint-Fond. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat., Paris, 1807, 10, 366-380. pi. 1807.1 Nectanebus fischeri. Mag. Zool., 1840, pi. 54. 1840.1 Spitzly, John H. Acute poisoning by Trachinus viper a in Normandy. Brit, Med. Journ., 1910, 2, 1915-1916. 1910.1 Spitznagel, Ferd. Paraergon ad L. H. Bojani anatomen testudinis, cranii vertebratorum animalium com- parationem, scilicet piscium, reptilium, avium, mammalium, faciens. Vilnse, 1821. 4. 1821.1 Spix, Johann Baptist von [1781-1826] Geschichte und Beurtheilung aller Sys- teme in der Zoologie nach ihrer Entwick- lungsfolge, von Aristoteles bis auf die gegenwartige Zeit . Niirnberg, 1811. 8 . 1811.1 Spix, Johann Baptist von, & Agassiz, Louis. Selecta genera et species piscium quos in itinere per Brasiliam annis 1817- 20 ... peracto collegit et pingendps curayit Dr. J. B. de Spix . . . digressit, descripsit et observationibus anatomi- cis illustravit Dr. L. Agassiz, praefatus est et edidit itineris socius Dr. C. F. Ph. de Martius (Memorise J. B. de Spix) Monachii, 1829-31. xvi, 138 p. & atlas of 101 pis. 1829.1 This work was issued in two parts, the first, consisting of p. 1-82 and the first 48 plates, in 1829 (Isis, 1829, p. 715), the remainder in 1831. Spix, Johann Baptist von, & Martius, C. F. Ph. von. Reise in Brazilien . . . in ... 1817 bis 1820 gemacht und be- schrieben. 3 Theile & Atlas. Mtinchen, 1823[-1831] 4&fol. 1823.1 Theil iii. Geographischer Anhang: Die Pflanzen und Thiere des tropischen America, ein Naturgemalde von C. F. P. von Martius. Travels in Brazil, in ... 1817-20, etc. [Translated from the German by H. E. Lloyd] 2 vols. Lon- don, 1824. illust. 8. 1824.1 Spoerer, Julius [1823-1873] Nowaja Semla in geographischer, naturhistori- scher und volkswirtschaftlicher Bezie- hung, etc. Petermanns Mitth., 1867, 6, no. 21. 112 p. 2 maps. 1867.1 Spohrer, - Hecht und Welse. 53. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wiirt- temberg, 1897, 53, 39-40. 1897.1 Spoof, Waldemar. Rudabborre. Med- del. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1883, 9, 122. 1883.1 Spreckley, Harry. Fish-farming in Scotland. World's Work, 1903, 1, 540-546. 1903.1 Sprenger, W. Alcordeus aspero. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 270-272. fig. 1900.1 - Einiges vom Kalikobarsch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 103-104. 1900.2 - Fluss- und Kaulbarsch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 145-146. pi. 1900.3 - Die Funktionen der Schwimm- blase. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 229-230; 245-246; 257-260; 277-278; 284-286. Ibid., 12. Jahrg., 220-221; 234-235; 275-276; 291-293; 306-308; 328-330. 1900.4 - Ob Fische horen? Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 101-103; 119-120. 1900.5 - Schlamm- und Steinbeisser. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 121-124. fig. 1900.6 Ueber die Rassen des Goldfisches Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 169-170; 183-186. pi. 1900.7 - Ueber Schwertfische. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1900, 11. Jahrg., 113-119. pi. 1900.8 - Amia calva, Schlammfisch. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 190-193. fig. 1901.1 Chara-Fisch. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 118. 1901.2 Die Forelle. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 125- 127. pi. 1901.3 - Mpchte einmal ergebenst an- fragen, wie weit die Verbreitung der Stichlinge sich erstreckt? Blatt . Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 308. 1901.4 - Piratenbarsch? Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1901, 12. Jahrg., 65. 1901.5 Lepomis megalotis und Lepomis auratus. Natur u. Haus, 1903, 11. Jahrg., 296-297. 1903.1 Spring, Edward A. [Letter read by Mr. Lesley from Mr. Edward A. Spring STA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 475 on a fish caught by a spider] Proc. Vra.l. NTat. Sci. Pliilad. 1859 (1860), 1860.1 Springfeld, A. Ueber die giftige Wirkung drs I Uut serums des gemeinen Flussaales. Inaug. Dissert., Greifswald, iss<). 1889.1 Spry, \\'illui>n J 'koln. Tow. Ryb., Krakow, 1906, 9-12. 1906.1 Stacy- Watson, C. The silvery hosts of the North sea; with a sketch of ' (piaint old Yarmouth." London, 94 p. 8. 1883.1 - Varieties and distribution of the herring (Clupea harengus Linn.) Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1894, 5, 584-591. 1894.1 Stadelmann, Bericht der Di- rektion des landwirthschaftlichen Cen- tralvereins der Provinz Sachsen an Seine Excellenz den Herrn Minister ftir die landwirthschaftliche Angelengen- heiten liber den Erfolge . . . der kiinst- lichen Erzeugung von Forellen. Annal. Landw., 1867, 25. Jahrg., 60, 210-213. 1867.1 . Stadius, Arthur. En fiskerifard till Jauhojarvi. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 4-42. 1893.1 Stadler, Hermann. Bericht iiber die Litteratur zur antiken Naturgeschichte 1895-1897. Jahresber. Altertumsw., 1903, 114, 26-82. 1903.1 - Albert us Magnus von Koln als Naturforscher und das Kolner Auto- gramm seiner Tiergeschichte. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf. Aerzte, 80. Vers., 1909, pt. 1, 29-37. 1909.1 Stadler, /. A . Die Fische im Zuger- see. in. p.] 1865. 1865.1 This is an unpublished MS. referred to in Forets, Chasse et Pfiche, compiled under the di- rection of J. Coaz. Berne, 1898. Staff, Franz. Produktivitat der Karpfen an Eiern. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 35, 112-113. 1910.1 - Mechanika ruchu ryb [Les elements mecaniques du mouvement des poissons] Wszechswiat, Warszawa, 1911, 30, 641-647; 659-663. 1911.1 Stafford, J. Notes on worms. Zool. Anz., 1902, 26, 481-483. 1902.1 Records Spathidium folium (von Olfers) from common bullhead, Bunodera nodulosa (Zeder) from brook trout, Creadium isoporum (Looss) from chub; they " differ in some respects from the European forms." Other undetermined spe- cies noted. - Trematodes from Canadian fishes. Zool. Anz., 1904, 27, 481^95. 1904.1 Records several species from migratory fishes, localities not given; also numerous others from lake and river fishes. - Trematodes from Canadian ver- tebrates. Zool. Anz., 1905, 28, 681-694. 1905.1 Records Tdraonchus unyuiculatus Wag. from rock bass and common sunfish; Cryptogonimus chyli Obborn from rock bass. - Preliminary report on the trema- todes of Canadian marine fishes. Ann. Kept. Dept. Mar. Fish Canada, Ottawa. 1907, 39, 91-94. 1907.1 476 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STA Stafford, William. Some account of the electric fishes. 45. Ann. Kept. Trans. Nottingham Nat. Soc., 1897, 1-11. 1897.1 Stahl, Augustin. Fauna de Puerto Rico. San Juan, .1883. 1883.1 Stahl, Heinrich. Erspriessliches in der Danio-Zucht zu erzielen. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 303-304. 1910.1 Stahl, /. F. (editor) Onomatologia forestalis-piscatorio-venatoria. Oder vollstandiges Forst,- Fisch- und Jagd- Lexicon, etc. (Onomatologiae . . . supplementum, oder Beytrage und Verbesserungen . . . Verfertigt und he- rausgegeben von J. F. Stahl) 4 pts. Frankfurt, Leipzig & Stuttgart, 1772- 80. 8. ' 1772.1 The 4th volume, printed at Stuttgart in 1780, contains the supplement by J. F. Stahl. Stahmer, Max. Fischhandel und Fischindustrie. Stuttgart, 1913. vii, 368 p. illust. 8. 1913.1 Stahr, Hermann. Zur Funktion der S eitenorgane . Eine B eob achtung an chi- nesichen Zierfischen. Biol. Centralbl., 1897, 17, 273-282. 1897.1 Stainier, X. Un Spiraxis nouveau du Devonien beige. Bull. Soc. Beige G6ol., 1894, 8 (Mem.), 23-28. 1894.1 - Paleontologie animale [pois- sons] (In his Stratigraphie du bassin houiller de Liege. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., 1905, 19, 95-99) 1905.1 Stalio, Luigi. Sullo Schedophilus botteri Heckel, n. sp. Atti R. 1st it. Venet., 1879-80, 5. ser. 6, 905-911. pi. Also separate; Venezia, 1880. 8. 1879.1 Stanford, Edward Charles C. The sea-fishing industry of England and Wales [London] 1864. 406 p. 77 figs. 1864.1 - Iodine in cod liver oil. Phar- mac. News, 1884, 1884.1 Stang, C. Die Pflege, Haltung und Zucht der Cichliden (Acara cceruleo- punctata var. latifrons, Hemichromis bi- maculatus, Cichlasoma nigrofasciatum und Etroplus maculatus) Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 825- 828. 5 figs. 1913.1 Stange, J. Fish becoming blue and rigid during transportation. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 64. 1887.1 Stanley, (Sir) Henry M. [formerly Rowlands, John] [1841-1904] Afri- kanische Fische. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 51-52. pl.- Erste Oster.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 28-29. pi. 1880.1 - In darkest Africa; or, the quest, rescue and retreat of Emin, governor of Equatoria, etc. (Appendix) 2 vols. London, 1890. illust. 8. 1890.1 Stannius, Friedrich Hermann [1808- 1883] Symbolae ad anatomiam piscium. Rostockii, 1839. 40 p. 4. 1839.1 Ueber Nebennieren bei Knochen- fischen. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1839, 97-101. 1839.2 Ueber die mannlichen Ge- schlechtstheile der Rochen und Haien. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1840, 41-43. 1840.1 - Ueber das Gebiss des Lamna. Arch. Anat. (Miiller), 1842, 388-389. 1842.1 - Ueber das peripherische Ner- vensystem des Dorsch, Gadus callarias. Arch. Anat. (Muller), 1842, 338-366. 1842.2 Ueber die Knochen des Seiten- canales der Fische. Notizen (Froriep), 1842, 22, 97-100. 1842.3 Ueber den Bau des Gehirnes des Stors. Arch. Anat. (Muller), 1843, 36-44. fig. 1843.1 Bemerkungen liber das Ver- haltniss der Gano'iden zu den Clupeoiden, insbesondere zu Butirinus. Rostock, 1846. 20 p. 8. 1846.1 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbelthiere. Berlin, 1846. 1846.2 - Zootomie der Fische. Berlin, 1846. 1846.3 2. ed. Berlin, 1854. 8. - Ueber das Pancreas der Fische. Arch. Anat. (Muller), 1848, 405-i07. 1848.1 Das peripherische Nervensys- tem der Fische, anatomisch und phy- siologisch untersucht. Rostock, 1849. 156 p. 5 pis. 4. 1849.1 Ueber die Deckknochen und die integrirenden Ossificationen der Wirbel einiger Knochenfische. Arch. Anat. (Muller), 1849, 533-542. pi. 1849.2 STA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 477 - Ueber eine der Thymus ent- sprechende Driise bei Knochenfischen. Arch. Anat. (Mtiller), 1850, 501-507. 1850.1 - Ueber den Bau der Muskeln bei Petromyzon fluviatilis. Nachricht. Iniv. Gottingen, 1851, 225-235.- I/Institut, 20, 132-134. 1851.1 - Ueber die Muskelfasern des Herzens von Petromyzon. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1853, 4, 252. 1853.1 Stannius, Hermann, & Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von. See Siebold & Stannius. Stansch, Karl. Zur Fortpflanzung vonBarbus ticto. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Tornir. Kunde, 1904, 1. Jahrg., 82. 1904.1 - Die Barben und die den Bar- ben verwandten Art en. Braunschweig, 1906. 35 p. 8 figs. 8. 1906.1 - Der Makropode oder Gross- flosser. Braunschweig, 1907. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Ter- rarieiikunde, Heft 2) 1907.1 - P cecilia caucana Steind., ein neuer lebendgebarender Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4. Jahrg., 153-154. fig. 1907.2 - Einiges iiber Haplochilus-Arten und Varietaten. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 77-79. fig. 1908.1 - Meine Beobachtungen an Hap- lochilus-Arten und Varietaten. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 175-176. 1908.2 Die eigebarenden Zahnkarp- fen (Cyprinodontidae oviparse) I. Teil. Braunschweig, 1909. 42 p. 2 f'gs. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 16) 1909.1 - Einiges iiber Trichogaster lalius. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 297-298. fig. 1909.2 - Die Labyrinthfische. Braun- schweig, 1909. 35 p. pi. & 8 figs. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarien- kunde, Heft 19) 1909.3 Osphromenus trichopterus (Pall.) Gthr. und Trichogaster fasciatus Bl. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 489-490. 2 figs. 1909.4 - Ueber die Entwicklung des Laiches der eigebarenden Zahnkarpfen. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 6. Jahrg., 365-366. 3 figs. 1909.5 - Einheimische Fische fur das Susswasseraquarium. Teil i, ii. Braun- schweig, 1910. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 6. 7) 1910.1 Gambusia nicaraguensis und die " Gambusenfrage." Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 1-3. 4 figs. 1910.2 Haplochilus rubropictus. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 469-470. fig. 1910.3 - Hemirhamphus fluviatilis Bleek., der halbschnabelige Hecht. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 641-642. fig. 1910.4 Rasbora cephalotcenia Bleek. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 357-358. fig. 1910.5 - Der Schleierfisch und die iibrigen Abarten des Goldfisches . Braunschweig, 1910. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 5) 1910.6 - Die Barben und die den Bar- ben verwandten Arten. Braunschweig, 1911. 35 p. 8 figs. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 3) 1911.1 - Barbus fasciolatus (?) Gunther. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 117-118; 141. fig. 1911.2 Die Characiniden. Braun- schweig, 1911. 41 p. pi. & 18 figs. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Ter- rarienkunde, Heft 21) 1911.3 - Die Fischkrankheiten, ihre Ursachen und Heilung. Braunschweig, 1911. 23 p. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 11) 1911.4 - Hemigrammus unilineatus. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 107-108. fig. 1911.5 - Die lebengebarenden Zahn- karpfen (Cyprinodontidae viviparae) II. Teil. 4. ed. Braunschweig, 1911. 48 p. illust. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 23) 19H-6 Meine Erfahrungen in der Zucht des Scheibenbarsches. Mesogonistius chcetodon (Gill) Baird. Wochenschr. 478 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STA Stansch, K. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 705. 1911.7 - Platypoedlus maculatus Gthr. und seine Varietaten. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 402-404. 6 figs. 1911.8 - Pcecilia dovii Gthr. Ein neuer schwarzgescheckter Karpfling. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 633-634. fig. 1911.9 Polyacanthuscupanusvar.f Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 17-18. fig. 1911.10 - Der Sonnenfisch, Eupomotis gib- bosus L., im Aquarium und Freiland- bassin. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 719-720. pi. 1911.11 - Die westafrikanischen Fundu- lus-Arten. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 422. 1911.12 - Die eigebarenden Zahnkarpfen (Cyprinodontida3 oviparae) II. TeiJ. Braunschweig, 1912. 38 p. pi. & figs. 16 (Bibliothek fur Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde, Heft 24) 1912.1 Mesonauta insignis Gthr. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 179-180. fig. 1912.2 - Plecostomus. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 634-635. 4 figs. 1912.3 - Pyrrhulina filamentosa Cuv. u. Val. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 225. pi. 1912.4 Der Schwarzbarsch, Microp- terus dolomieu Lacep. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 367. fig. 19125 - Drei neue Characiniden. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 393-394. 2 figs. 1913.1 Glasbarsche (Ambassis) Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 137-138. 2 figs. 1913.2 Kugelfische. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 101-102. 4 figs. 19133 - Monocirrus polyacanthus Mull. & Trosch. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 209-210. fig. 1913.4 Die Pcecilia sphenops-Gruppv . Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 545-546. 6 figs. 1913.5 Die lebendgebarenden Zahn- karpfen (Cyprinodontalis viviparce) III. Teil, Gattung Poecilia. Braunschweig, 1914. 35 p. pi. & 23 figs. 8. 1914.1 Ueber die Zucht von Acara thayeri. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 12. Jahrg., 13-14. fig. 1915.1 Stappers, Louis. Notes sur la nour- riture de quelques vertebres arctiques. Ann. Soc. Roy. Malac. Belgique, 1910. 44, 31-39. 1910.1 Staring, E. #., & Bayliss, W. M. See Bayliss & Staring. Stark, James. On the changes of colour in various fishes, in consequence of their being kept in water contained in vessels of different colours. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1830, 1, 88. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 1830, 21, 327-331. Isis (Oken), 1832, 9, 923- 934. 1830.1 - On the existence of an electrical apparatus in the flapper skate and other rays. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1844-50, 2, 1-3. Abstract in Nuovi Ann. Sci. Nat., 5, 49. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 15, 121. 1844.1 On the existence of an osseous structure in the vertebral column of cartilaginous fishes. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1844, 15, 643-656.' figs. Abstract in Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1, 143-144. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1, 463-465. 1844.2 Stark, John. Elements of natural history . . . containing the generic char- acters of nearly the whole animal king- dom and descriptions of the principal species. 2 vols. Edinburgh & Lon- don, 1828. illust. 8. 1828.1 On the food of the vendace (Coregonus marcenula Jard.) herring and salmon. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, 1, 74. 1837.1 - On the food of the herring and salmon. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1840-44, 1, 170-171. 1840.1 Starkloff, Carl. Fundulus-Kreu- zungen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 179-181. 1913.1 Starks, Edwin Chapin [1867 ] De- scription of a new genus and species of STA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 479 cottoid fishes from Puget sound. Proc. Ycad. Nat.Sci.Philad. 1895 (1896), 410- 41:2. 1896.1 - List of fishes collected at Port Ludlow, Wash. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1896, 2. ser. 6, 549-562. 2 pis. 1896.2 - The osteological characters of the genus Sebastolobus. Proc. Calif. \rad. Sci., 1898, 3. ser. 1, 361-370. 3 pis. 1898.1 - The osteology and relationships of the family Zeidae. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1898, 21, 469-476. 6 pis. 1898.2 - The osteological characters of the fishes of the suborder Percesoces. Pn.c. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1899, 22, 1-10. 3 pis. 1899.1 - The osteology and relationships of the percoidean fish, Dinolestes leivini. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1899, 22, 113- 120. 4 pis. 1899.2 - Synonymy of the fish skeleton. Proc. Washington Acad. Sci., 1901, 3, 507-539. 3 pis. & 2 figs. 1901.1 - The relationship and osteology of the caproid fishes or Antigoniidse. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 565- 572. 3 figs. 1902.1 - On the relationship of the fishes of the family Siganidse. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1907, 13, 211-218. fig. 1907.1 - The characters of Atelaxia, a new suborder of fishes (In Reports on the scientific results of the expedition to the eastern tropical Pacific in charge of Alexander Agassiz, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer " Albatross," from October, 1904, to March, 1905, Lieu- tenant-Commander L. M. Garrett, U. S. N., commanding. XIII. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Harv. Coll., 1908, 52, 17-22. 5 pis.) 1908.1 On a communication between the air-bladder and the ear in certain spiny-rayed fishes. Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 613-614. 1908.2 On the orbitosphenoid in some fishes. Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 413-415. 1908.3 - The scombroid fishes. Science, 1909, n. s. 30, 572-574. 1909.1 - The osteology and mutual re- lationships of the fishes belonging to the family Scombridae. Journ. Morphol., 1910,21,77-99. 3 pis. & 2 figs. 1910.1 - The air bladder in Clupea ha- rengus. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 638. 1911.1 The shoulder girdle and char- acteristic osteology of the hemibranchi- ate fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1902, 25, 619-634. 6 figs. 1902.2 - The osteology of Dallia pec- toralis. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. SysL\ 1904, 21,249-262. 2 figs. 1904.1 The osteology of some berycoid fishes. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1904, 27, 601-619. 10 figs. 1904.2 - A synopsis of characters of some fishes belonging to the order Haplomi. Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1904, 7, 254- 262. 1904.3 - The osteology of Caularchus mcBandricus (Girard) Biol. Bull. Woods Hole, 1905, 9, 292-303. 2 figs. 1905.1' Some notes on the myodome of the fish cranium. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 754-755. 1905.2 On a collection of fishes made by P. O. Simons in Ecuador and Peru. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1906, 30, 761- 800. 2 pis. & 10 figs. 1906.1 On a posterior communication of the air-bladder with the exterior in fishes. Science, 1911, n. s. 34, 496. 1911.2 The osteological characters of the scombroid fishes of the families Gempylidse, Lepidopidse and Trichi- uridae. Leland Stanford Univ. Public., 1911, no. 5, 17-26. 2 pis. 1911.3 - The osteology and relationship of Leiognathus, a genus of scombroid fishes. Leland Stanford Junior Univ. Public., 1911, no. 5, 1-15. fig. 1911.4 - The osteology and relationship of the fishes belonging to the family Carangidae. Leland Stanford Univ. Public., 1911, no. 5, 27-49. 1911.5 - A possible line of descent of the gobioid fishes. Science, 1911, n. s. 33, 747-748. 1911.6 - Results of an ichthyological survey about the San Juan islands, Washington. Ann. Carnegie Mus., 1911, 7, 162-213. 3 pis. & 9 figs. 480 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STA Starks, E. C. - The fishes of the Stanford ex- pedition to Brazil. Leland Stanford Univ. Public., 1913. 77 p. 15 pis. 1913.1 The sesamoid articular, a bone in the mandible of fishes. Leland Stanford Junior Univ. Public., 1916, 1-40. 15 figs. 1916.1 Starks, Edwin Chapin, & Gilbert, Charles H. See Gilbert & Starks. Starks, Edwin Chapin, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Starks. Starks, Edwin Chapin, & Mann, Wil- liam M. New and rare fishes from southern California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., 1911, 8, 9-19. 2 figs. 1911.1 Starks, Edwin Chapin, & Morris, Earl Leonard. The marine fishes of southern California. Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., 1907, 3, 159-252. pi. 1907.1 Starks, Ed win Chapin, & Thompson, William Francis. A review of the flounders belonging to the genus Pleu- ronichthys. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1910, 38, 277-287. 1910.1 Stasi, Paolo Emilio, & Regalia, E. Grotta Romanelli (Castro, Terra d' Otranto) Stazione con faune inter- glaciali calda e di steppa. Arch. An- tropol. Etnol., 1904, 34, 17-81. pi. Ibid., 1905, 36, 113-172. 1904.1 Stassano, E. La pesca sulle spiagge atlantiche del Sahara. Ann. Agricol- tura, 1890. 103 p. 1890.1 Pesci, p. 61-103. Stassano, Henri. Nouvelles re- cherches physiologiques sur la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1883, 96, 1436- 1439. 1883.1 Staudenmayer, G. Der Aalfang, eine Mahnung an die Donaufischer. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 18, no. 16, 243-245. 1893.1 Staudinger, Jul. von. Aus dem Gebiete des Fischereirechts. Bayer. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 5. Jahrg., 62-66; 73-77; 112-115. 1880.1 - Anleitung zum Fischen in Wald- gewassern. Berlin, 1896. 92 p. figs. 8. 1896.1 Stauffer, Clinton R. [1875] The middle Devonian of Ohio. Bull. Geol. Surv. Ohio, 1909, 4. ser. 9, no. 10. 204 p. 17 pis. 1909.1 Dipterus eastmani, sp. nov. Stauffer, Jacob. [Descriptions of Ictalurus kevinskii and I. macaskeyi sp. nov. ] (In Mombert, History of Lan- caster county, Pennsylvania, p. 578. Philadelphia, 1869) 1869.1 Amia calva [taken in the Sus- quehanna river] Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 525. 1879.1 - Why Amia lives so long out of water. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 4. 1879.2 Stazzi, Pietro. Psorospermiosi o mixoboliasi tuberosa dei barbi. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1906, 8, 14-19. 3 figs. 1906.1 Stead, David G. Zoological notes from Sydney. Zoologist, 1900, 4. ser. 4, 345-357. pi. & fig. 1900.1 Contribution to Australian ich- thyology. Rept. Fisheries New South Wales, 1903, 2, 34-35. figs. 1903.1 - Fishes of Australia. A popular and systematic guide to the study of the wealth within our waters. Vol. I. Sydney, 1906. xii, 278 p. 9 pis. 1906.1 - Foetus of Pristiophorus cirratus. Zool Anz., 1906, 30, 822-823. 1906.2 - Freshwater perch of the east- ern rivers of New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1906, 31, 261-362. 1906.3 Additions to the fish-fauna of New South Wales. Sydney, 1907. 27 p. 6 pis. 1907.1 - Chlamydoselachus in New South Wales. Zool. Anz., 1907, 32, 303-304. 1907.2 - Fauna of New South Wales. Zool. Anz., 1907, 31, 127. 1907.3 - Note on a small collection of fishes from Suwarow island. Sydney, 1907. 9 p. 2 pis. 1907'.4 - Preliminary note on the wafer (Leptoplana australis} etc. Dept. Fish- eries, New South Wales, 1907. 8. 1907.5 The edible fishes of New South Wales. Sydney, 1908. 119 p. 81 pis. 8. 1908.1 - Fishes as mosquito destroyers in New South Wales. Agric. Gaz" New South Wales, 1908, 18, 762-764. 1908.2 STE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 481 New fishes from New South Wales. No. 1. Sydney, 1908. 12 p. 5 pis. 1908.3 A brief review of the fisheries of New South Wales, present and poten- tial. Sydney, 1910. 31 p. 17 pis. - (editor) The aquarium in Aus- tralia. Published by the Aquarium Society of New South Wales. Sydney, 1911. 1911.1 Observations on the eggs of our fiehes, p. 26. A queer little fish, p. 8. - The estuary perch, Percolates colonorum (Giinther) and the freshwater perch, P. fluviatilis Stead. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1911, 36, 657- ti.V.i. 1911.2 - The future of commercial marine fishing in New South Wales. Sydney, 1911. 18 p. pis. 1911.3 - An account of some experiments in the acclimatisation of two species of Australian freshwater perch. Kept. Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 14. meet., 1914, 279-288. 1914.1 Macquaria australisica and Percalathes fluviatilis. - A simple device for improving the water circulation in fish ponds. Kept. Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 14. meet., 1914, 288-293. 2 figs. 1914.2 Stead, F. B. The fourth report of the Danish biological station: the plaice in Danish waters. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 1896 (1897), n. s. 4, 213- 218. 1897.1 - Note on a specimen of Echino- rhinus spinosus. Journ. Mar. Biol. As- soc. 1896 (1897), n. s. 4, 264-265. 1897.2 - Preliminary note on trawling experiments in certain bays on the south coast of Devon. Journ. Mar. Biol. As- soc. 1896 (1897), n. s. 4, 90-96. 1897.3 - Variations and relationship of the flounder and the plaice. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc. 1896 (1897), n. s. 4, 293-299. 1897.4 - Memorandum on the results of investigations into the contents of cer- tain bays on the south coast of Devon. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1898, 5, 322-329. 1898.1 Stearns, Mary R. Bibliography of scientific writings of R. E. C. Stearns. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1911, 56, no. 18, 15 p. 1911.1 Stearns, Robert Edwards Carter [1827-19091 Note on a large specimen of Orthagoriscus analis Ayres. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 1867, 3, 341. 1867.1 - Fish notes from the Pacific coast. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 522-523. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 389. 1879.1 Stearns, Silas. Procreation of skates. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 443. 1878.1 The submarine volcano off the coast of Florida. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 531. 1878.2 - A note on the gulf menhaden, Brevoortia patronus Goode. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1879, 1, 181-182. Smith- son. Misc. Coll., 1880, 19, art. 1. 1879.1 - Eating neglected fishes. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 387. 1880.1 - Fluctuations in the fisheries of the gulf of Mexico, and the proposed investigation of them. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 467-468. 1883.1 - On the position and character of the fishing grounds of the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 289-290. 1884.1 Examination of the fisheries in the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 285-287. 1885.1 The fisheries of Pensacola, Fla. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 245- 247. 1885.2 Notes on the great dolphin, Coryphcena hippurus Linne". Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 8, 635-636. 1885.3 - The fisheries of the gulf of Mexico (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 2, p. 533- 587. Washington, 1887) 1887.1 . Notes on the fisheries of Pen- sacola, Fla. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 76-78. 1887.2 - The red-snapper and Havana market fisheries (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, sect. 5, 1, 585-594. Washington, 1887) 1887.3 Some of the fisheries of western Florida. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 465-467. 1887.4 Stearns, Winfrid Alden. Notes on the natural history of Labrador [Fishes i 482 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STE Stearns, W. A. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 123- 125. 1883.1 The Labrador fisheries. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 6-27. 1885.1 Stebbins, Barney M. Result of prop- agating black bass. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 936. 1880.1 Steche, Otto. Ueber leuchtende Oberflachenfische aus dem malayischen Archipel. Verb. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 17. Vers., 1907, 85-92. 1907.1 - Die Leuchtorgane von Ano- malops katoptron und Protoblepharon palpebratus, zwei Oberflachenfischen aus dem malaiischen Archipel. Ein Beitrag zur Morphologic und Phy- siologic der Leuchtorgane der Fische. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1909, 93, 349- 408. 3 pis. & 5 figs. 1909.1 Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatz " Ein interessanter Laichakt des Panto- don buchholzi" von H. Siegl. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 4-5. fig. 1915.1 Steche, Otto, Brehm, Alfred, & Franz, Viktor. See Brehm, Franz & Steche. Stechow, E., & Franz, Victor. See Franz & Stechow. Stedman, John Gabriel [1744-1797] Narrative of a five years' expedition against the revolted negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to 1777: elucidating the history of that country, and describing its productions, viz. quadrupeds, fishes, reptiles, etc. 2 vols. London, 1796. pis. & maps. 4. 1796.1 Steeg, Georgius [1832] De ana- tomia et morphologia squamarum pis- ciuni. Inaug. Dissert. Bonnae, 1857. 43 p. 1857.1 Ueber die Schuppen der Fische. Correspbl. Naturh. Rheinl. Westphal., 1861, 18, 76-78. 1861.1 Steele, Robert. Mediaeval lore. Lon- don, 1893. illust. 8. 1893.1 This is an epitome of the first printed ency- clopaedia in the English language, that of the Franciscan scholar Bartholomseus Anglicus, entitled ' ' The properties of things. ' ' It was writ- ten originally in Latin some years prior to 1260, and translated into English by John Trevisa in 1397. The English version was printed in 1494. Observations on fishes are included. Steele, Robert L. The voracity of fishes. Scient. Amer., 1876, 35, 68. 1876.1 Steenstra-Toussaint, Abraham Jo- annes Daniel. Descriptio anatomica organorum urinam secernentium in piscibus, et comparatio physiologica cum iisdem partibus in reliquis animalibus. Ann. Acad. Leijden, 1834. Also sep- arate; Leyden, 1835. 1834.1 Commentatio de systemate uropoetico piscium. Lugduni Bata- vorum, 1835. pi. 4. 1835.1 - Responsio ad qusestionem zoo- logicam, etc. Leyden, 1835. 1835.2 - De systemate uropoetico Squall [Carcharias] glauci. Tijdschr. Natuurl. Geschied. Amsterdam, 1839, 6, 199- 203. pi. 1839.1 - Note sur le systeme urinaire du Squalus glaucus. Bull. Sci. Phys. Neerlande, 1839, 314-316. 1839.2 Over de darmen van eenen haai (Squalus glaucus) Tijdschr. NatuurL Geschied. Amsterdam, 1843, 10, 103- 107. pi. 1843.1 Steenstrup, Johannes Japetus Smith [1813-1897] Die seelandischen Pleu- ronectes-Arten. Arch. Naturgesch., 1835, 2. Jahrg., 133-185. 1835.1 Geognostik-geologisk underso- gelse af skovmoserne vednesdam og lillemose i det nordlige Sjaeland ledsaget af sammenlingende bemserkninger, heu- tede fra Danmarks Skov- Kjaer- og Lyngmoser i Almindelighed. Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Afhand. 1841 (1842), 9. 1842.1 Om den i Yarrell's British fishes givne figur af en ung Xiphias gladius. Forh. Skand. Naturf. Kjebenhavn 1860 (1861), 8, 687-688. 1861.1 Om forskiellen imellem been- fiskenes og bruskfiskenes Skiseldan- nelse. Forh. Skand. Naturf., Kj0ben- havn 1860 (1861), 8, 688-689. 1861.2 - Sur la difference entre les pois- sons osseux et les poissons cartilagineux au point de vue de la formation des ecailles. Abstract in Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1861, n. s. 11, 368. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.}, 1861, 4. ser. 16, 368. 1861.3 - Bidrag til en rigtigere opfat- telse af skjserheden hos flynderne (Pleuronectides) og til forklaring af begge 0ines Fremkomst paa samme STE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 483 side af kroppen. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. S.-lsk. Kjebenhavn, 1863, 145-194. pi. A; Iti figs. 1863.1 Jagttagelse af aeg med hornag- tiuc aeghylstre hos slimaalen (Myxine (jlutitwsa Linn.) med hensyn til det om denne fisk udsatte prissporgsmaal. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjeben- havn, 1863, 233-239. fig. 1863.2 Chironecles arcticus Dub. et Kor. [Antennarius marmoratus] er ingen selvstamdig eller nordisk art. Videnskab. Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjebenhavn, 1864, 208-212. 1864.1 - Meddelelse om slimaalens (Myx- ine glutinosa Linn.] aeg. Kjebenhavn, 1864. 8. 1864.2 - Observations sur le developpe- ment des pleuronectes, extraites d'une lettre addressee a M. Milne Edwards. Ann. Sci. Nat, (ZooL), 1864, 5. ser. 2, 253-258. pi. 1864.3 - Om skaevheden hos flynderne. Kjebenhavn, 1864. pis. 8. 1864.4 - [Sur la maniere dont s'effectue la deformation de la tete chez les pleuronectes] C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1864, 59, 119. 1864.5 - Beobachtungen iiber die Ent- wicklung der Plattfische (Pleuronecten) Aus der Heimat, 1865, 133-140. figs. 1865.1 - Jagttagelse over en mserkelig bygning af gjsellehulen hos vor rue hvarre, Rhombus punctatus (Bloch) (Rhombus hirtus) samt hos dens nser- mest beslsegtede Rhombus unimaculatus Risso, og bemserkninger om berettigelsen af slaegten Zeugopterus gottsche optages her tilligemed en senere esterskrift til Meddelelsen. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Sdsk. Kjebenhavn, 1865, 95-112. figs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 72. 1865.1 Observations sur divers pois- sons: Chiroteptra vampirus, Myxina glutinosa, Blennius viviparus. Verb. Schweizer. Naturf. Ges., 1865, 49, 94- 96. 1865.2 - Om flynderslaegten Zeugopterus on Bygningen auf dens Gjallehulle. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjeben- havn, 1865, 95-112. figs. 1865.3 Om de uparrede finners bygning hos de blodfinnede og pigfinnede fisk. Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren., Kjebenhavn, 1866, 238-239. 1866.1 - Om skjoevheden hos flynderne og navnlig om vandringen af det ovre oie fra bh'ndsiden til oiesiden tvers igjeunem hovedet. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Geneve, 1866, n. s. 26, 175-179. 1866.2 - On the Pleuronectidae of the genus Zeugopterus [Rhombus] and the structure of their branchial cavity. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, 3. ser. 18, 72. 1866.3 - Sur les plies du genre Zeugop- terus et la structure de leur cavite" branchiale. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat. Ge- neve, 1866, n. s. 26, 79-80. 1866.4 Om gjaellegiteret eller gjaelle- barderne hos brugden (Selachus maxi- mum Gunn.) Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjobenhavn, 1873, 47-66. pi. 1873.1 French r6sum6, p. 8-10. - On the straining appendages or branchial fringes of the basking shark (Selachus maximus Gunn.) (In Jones, T. Rupert. Manual of the natural history, geology and physics of Green- land, etc., p. 123-124. London, 1875. 784 p. 8) 1875.1 - Fortsatte bidrag til en rigtig opfattelse af 0iestillingen hos flynderne. Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjebenhavn, 1876, 174-247. 4 pis. & fig. 1876.1 - Noget om slsegten seulv (Anar- rhichas) og dens nordiske arter. Vi- densk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjeben- havn, 187&-77, 159-202. pi. 1876.2 - Diagnose et synonymic des Anarrhicas de TAtlantique. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 175- 176. 1877.1 - Oplysning om Anarrhichas leo- pardus Agass. [A. lupus] ( = den islanske hlire, A. minor. Eg. Olafs.) Vidensk. Meddel. Naturh. Foren. Kjebenhavn, 1877-78, 109-114. 1877.2 Steenstrup, Johannes Japetus Smith, & Lutken, Christian Frederik. Be- skrivelse af en ved de Danske kyster i begyndelsen 1862 opdreven kaempestor klumpfisk (Mola nasus Raf . [Orthagoris- cus mola]) Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjebenhavn, 1862, 36-43. 1862.1 - Spolia Atlantica. Bidrag til kundskab om klump-eller maane-fiskene (Molida?) Oversigt Dansk. Vid. Selsk. Kjebenhavn, 1898, 6. ser. 9, no. 1, 102 p. 4 pis. & figs. 1898.1 484 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STE Stefano, Giuseppe de. Alcuni pesci pliocenici di Calanna in Calabria. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1901, 20, 552-562. pi. 1901.1 - Sopra alcuni avanzi di verte- brati fossili conservati nel Museo Civico di Cremona. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1906, 25, 744-748. 1906.1 Osservazioni sulla ittiofauna pliocenica di Orciano e San Quirico in Toscana. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1910, 28,539-648. 5 pis. 1910.1 - Ricerche sui pesci fossili della Calabria meridionale. Parte prima. Ittioliti miocenici di capo dell' Armi. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1910, 29, 165-198. pis. 1910.2 Sui pesci pliocenici dell' Imolese. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1911, 29, 381- 402. pi. 1911.1 Appunti sulla ittiofauna fossile dell' Emilia conservata nel museo geo- logico dell' Universita di Parma. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1912, 31, 35-78. 2 pis. 1912.1 La ittiofauna del mare pliocenico italiano. Rivist. Ital. Paleontol., 1912, 18, 74-82. 1912.2 Review by E. Tissi in Bib. Geol. Ital. Rome, 1912, 56. - Studio sui pesci fossili della fietra di Bismantova. Boll. Soc. Geol. tal., 1912, 30, 351-422. 3 pis. 1912.3 Osservazioni geologiche sull' Eocene della Calabria meridionale. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1914, 52, 309-370. 1914.1 - Osservazioni sulle piastre den- tarie di alcuni Myliobatis viventi e fossili. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Mus. Civ. Milano, 1914, 53, 73-164. 4 pis. & 13 figs. 1914.2 - Sopra alcuni ittiodontoliti dei fosfati di Kalaa-Dyerda in Tunisia. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1915, 34, 263- 272. pi. 1915.1 Steffens, Henrik [1773-1845] Ueber die elektrischen Fische. Frankfurt-a.- M., 1818. 8. 1818.1 Steglich, B. Die Fischwasser und Fischereiverhaltnisse in Sachsen. Dres- den, 1895. 8. 1895.1 1 Steglich, Ellen. Heros facetus, seine Haltung und Zucht. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 602-604. fig. 1912.1 Stehli, Georg. Der japanische Nasen- hai. Kosmos, Stuttgart, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 156-157. 4 figs. 1912.2 Stehr, E. Zur Fortpflanzung des Kampffisches. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Freunde, 1898, 9. Jahrg., 55. 1898.1 Steier, August. Die Entwicklung der Tiere in der Naturalis Historia des Plinius. Zool. Annalen, 1912, 4, 221- 267. 1912.1 Fische, p. 244-248. - Die Tierformen des Plinius. Zool. Annalen, 1913, 5, 1-66. 1913.1 - Zoologische Probleme bei Aris- toteles und Plinius. Zool. Annalen, 1913, 5, 267-305. 1913.2 Stein, J. G. am. Der Schwol, Telestes agassizii (Leuciscus muticellus] des grau- biindnerischen Rheinthals von Flasch bis Chur. Jahresber. Naturf . Ges. Grau- biindens, 1873, 17. Jahrg., 41^8. 1873.1 Stein, S. Th. von. Ueber die Wirkung ununterbrochenen Centrifugierens auf die Entwicklung der Eier des Hiihn- chens, der Fische und der Meerschwein- chen [Text in Russian] Trd. Klin. Bol. Ucha Nos. Gorl., Moskva, 1909, 3, 35-110. 13 pis. 1909.1 Stein, W. Noch etwas iiber den Jodgehalt des Leberthrans. Journ. Prak. Chem. (Erdmann), 1840, 21, 308- 310. Journ. de Pharm., 27, 94-95.- Ann. Electr. (Sturgeon), 7, 312. 1840.1 Steinach, Eugen. Untersuchungen zur vergleichenden Physiologic der Iris. Arch. Gesam. Physiol., 1890-92. 1890.1 i. Ueber Irisbewegung bei den Wirbelthieren und iiber die Beziehung der Pupillarreaction zur Sehnervenkreuzung im Chiasma. Arch. Gesamt. Physiol., 1890, 47, 289-340. ii. Ueber die directe motorische Wirkung des Lichte, auf den Sphincter pupillse bei Arn- phibien und Fischen und iiber die denselben aufbauenden pigmentirten jrlatten Muskel- fasern. Ibid., 1892, 52, 495-525. pi. Steindachner, A . Ueber den Rectus von Petromyzon. Zool. Anz., 1882, 5, 660. 1882.1 Steindachner, Franz [1834] For partial bibliography, see Duncker, G. General-index zu Franz Steindachners ichthyologischen Mitteilungen, Notizen und Beitragen. Mitt. Nat. Mus. Ham- burg, 1914, 31. Jahrg., 2. Beih., 285- 352. See also his Geschichte der Zoo- logie in Oesterreich von 1850 bis 1900, in Festschrift k.k. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, p. 407-443. Wien, 1901. STE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 485 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der I'ossilcn Fisrhfauna Oesterreichs. Sitz- IHT. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. Cl., 1859, 37, 673-701. Ibid., 38, 763-788. I hid., 1S()0, 40, 555-572. Ibid., 47, I. Abth., 128-142. 1859.1 - Ueber Amphisile scutata (Klein) und Anifihixilc n/ticrophthalma, n. sp. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1860, 10, 765-766. 1860.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gobioiden. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1861,42,283-292. pi. 1861.1 - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen, 1 IX. Wien, 1861-66. pis. 8. 1861.2 Reprinted from articles in Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1861-66. - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen [Xo. Ii Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1861, 11, 71-80. 1861.3 i. Ueber Holocentrum caudimaculatum Riipp. Neue Wirbelthiere von Abyssinien [H. spinifer Riipp., etc.] p. 71-73. ii. Myripristis maculatus, n. sp., p. 73-75. iii. Cirrhitichthys graphidopterus Blkr., p. 75. iv. Ueber Cuv. Valenciennes Genera Meso- prion und Diacope, p. 76. v. Priacanlhus holocentrumTZlkr. [P.schmidtii Blkr.] p. 76. vi. Ueber Dascyllus marginatus Ehr. [Poma- ci tttrus marginatus Riipp. u. Dascyllus xantho- soma Blkr.] p. 77-78. vii. Ueber Amphiprion percula C. V. [A. tunicatus C. V.] Anthias polymnus var. Bloch und Amphiprion polymnus Bloch Schneider [Anthias polymnus Bloch] p. 78-80. - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. II. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1861, II. 133-144. pi. 1861.4 i. Ueber das Geschlecht Novacula Valenc., p. 133-134. ii. Xyrichtkys argentimaculata, n. sp., p. 134-136. iii. Xyrichthys (Novacula) arago, n. sp. [Labrus arago Q. Gaim. u. Labrichthys ? arago Blkr.] p. 136-139. iv. Ueber das Geschlecht Leptopterygius Trosch., p. 139. v. Ueber die Geschlechter Pagrus und Chrysophrys Cuv., p. 139-141. vi. Ueber Chelichthys psittacus, n. sp. [Tetrodon psittacus Bloch] p. 141-142. vii. Zur Fischfauna des Isonzo, p. 142-144. - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. III. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1861, 11, 175-182. pi. 1861.5 i. Ccesio multiradiatus, n. sp., p. 175-176. fig. ii. Acanthurus fuscus, n. sp., p. 176-178. fig. iii. Ueber das Pleuronectiden-Geschlecht Bothus Bonap. und die Art Bothus bleekeri Steind., p. 178-179. iv. Ueber Chrysophrys spinifera Steind. [Pafjrus spinifer Cuv., Sparus spinifer Forsk., Pagrus lonyifilis Cuv. Val.] p. 179-180. v. Sargus natalensis, n. sp., p. 180-182. - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. IV. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1862, 12, 497-504. pi. 1862.1 i. Kritische Bemerkungen zu Theod. Gill's " Monograph of the genus Labrax, of Cuvier," p. 497-504. ii. Ueber den dreifachen Verlauf der Seiten- linie auf der Caudale bei einigen Percoiden, p. 504. - Ueber eine neue Gobius-Art aus dem adriatischen Meere. Arch. Zool. Anat. Fisiol. (Canestrini), 1862, 2, pt. 2, 340-342. 1862.2 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fischfauna Oesterreichs. Sitz-, ber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 47, 1. ' Abth., 128-142. Also separate; Wien, 1863. 16 p. 8. 1863.1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Scisenoiden Brasiliens und der Cyprino- donten Mexicos. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 48, 1. Abth., 162-185. 4 pis. Also separate; Wien, 1864. 24 p. 8. 1863.2 - Bemerkungen uber verschiedene Fische des Donaugebietes. Verh. Zool.- Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 488^90. 1863.3 Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. V. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 1111-1114. 2 pis. 1863.4 Ueber einige Labroiden des Wiener Museums. Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. VI. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 1189-1192. 3 figs. [& pi. in Bd. 14] 1863.5 i. Coris (Hologymnosus) tcnniatus, n. sp., p. 1189-1190. ii. Julis gracilis, n. sp., p. 1190. iii. Platyglosaus (Halichceres) doleschalli, n. sp.,p. 1190-1191. iv. Petroscirtes altivelis, n. sp., p. 1191-1192. - Neue Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Denk- schr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 21, 17-36. 1863.6 - Ueber das Vorkommen mon- stroser Kopfbildungen bei den Karpfen. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 485-487. 1863.7 Ueber eine neue Alburnus-Art aus Syrien. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1863, 48, 1. Abth. ? 193-194. 1863.8 Ueber eine neue Gerres-Art aus Mexiko. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 383-384. pi. 1863.9 Ueber eine neue Pristipoma-Art aus Bahia. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 1013-1016. fig. 1863.10 - Verzeichniss der von H. Graf en Ferrari und H. Custos-Adjuncten Zele- bor in Siebenbiirgen, in den ostlichen Theilen Slavoniens, in der Nahe der 486 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STE Steindachner, /'. Theiss-Miindungen und bei Tuldscha, nachst den Donau-Miindungen, gesam- melten Fische und Reptilien. Verb. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1863, 13, 1121- 1124. 1863.11 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Chromiden Mexico's und Central- Amerika's. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, 23, 2. Abth., 57-74. 5 pis. Also separate; Wien, 1864. 4. 1864.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der fossilen Fische Oesterreichs. Abstract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1864, 382-383. 1864.2 - Catalogue preliminaire des poissons d'eau douce de Portugal, conserves au Museum d'Histoire Na- turelle de Lisbonne. Lisbonne, 1864. 8 p. 4. 1864.3 Suite: Description d'une espece nouvelle du genre Hemichromis . . . H. angolensis Steind. [avec une note par J. V. Barbosa du Bocage] - Ichthyologische Mittheilungen. VII. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1864, 14, 223-232. 2 pis. 1864.4 i. Scaphiodon cctpoeta Heck., p. 223-224. ii. Scaphiodon sieboldii, n. sp., p. 224-225. iii. Chromis dumerilii, n. sp., p. 225-226. iv. Chromis niloticus Cuv., p. 226-227. v. Chromis latus Gunther, p. 227-228. vi. C. giintheri, n. sp., p. 228-229. vii. C. aureus, n. sp., p. 229-230. viii. Serranus (Cernua) ongus Bloch Gun- ther (?), an Serranus angustifrons, n. sp., p. 230- 231. ix. Acerina schraetzer Linn6 = A.rossicaCuv., p. 231-232. - Ichthyologische Notizen. I-X. Wien, 1864-68. pis. 8. 1864.5 Reprinted from a series of contributions listed below under the respective years of publication. - Ichthyologische Notizen. I. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1864, 49, 1. Abth., 200-214. 2 pis. 1864.6 i. Centropomis affinis, n. sp. ii. Heterognathodon petersii, n. sp. iii. Corvina microps Steind. iv. Pachypops biloba Steind. v. Pempheris schomburgkii M. Sul mo fario) Journ. Linn. Soc. Lon- don (Zool.), 1891, 24, 69. 1891.2 On the membranous labyrinth of certain sharks. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1906, 29, 407-409. pi. 1906.1 - On the membranous labyrinths of Echinorhinus, Cestracion and Rhina. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (Zool.), 1906, 29,439-442. pi. 1906.2 Stewart, F. H. Comparison of the fish fauna of the north and the south faces of the great Himalayan range. Her. Indian Mus. Calcutta, 1909, 3, 121-123. 1909.1 - Pisces (List of the aquatic animals hitherto recorded from the provinces of Tsang and t) in central Tibet, with a table showing their geographical distribution) Rec. Indian Mus. Calcutta, 1911, 6, 70-71. 1911.2 Stewart, James. Notes on the intro- duction and acclimatization of the salmon. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1876, 8, 205-209. 1876.1 Stiasny, Gustav. Beobachtungen liber die marine Fauna des Triester Golfes im Jahre 1909. Zool. Anz., 1910, 35, 583-587. 1910.1 - Ueber einige postlarvale Ent- wicklungsstadien vonLophius piscdtorius L. Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien, 1911, 19, 57-74. pi. 1911.1 - Ueber einige vorgeschrittene Entwicklungsstadien von Lophius pisca- torius L. Arb. Zool. Inst. Univ. Wien, 1913, 20, 1-6. pi. 1913.1 - Zur Kenntnis der postlarvalen Entwicklung von Zeus pungio C. V. Mitt. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1914, 22, 163- 173. pi. & fig. 1914.1 Postlaryale Stadien. Pigmentierung. Kor- perproportionen. Stieda, Ludwig [1837 ] Ueber das Riickenmark und einzelne Theile des Gehirns von Esox lucius L. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat, 1861. 38 p. 4. Ab- stract in Journ. Physiol. (Brown- Sequard), 1862, 6, 144-146. 1861.1 - Studien iiber das centrale Ner- vensystem der Knochenfische. Zeit- schr. Wiss. Zool., 1868, 18, 1-70. 2 pis. Summary in Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., London, 1868, n. s. 8, 87-88. 1868.1 - Studien iiber das centrale Ner- vensystem der Wirbelthiere. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1870, 20, 273-456. 4 pis. 1870.1 Knochenfische, p. 435-437. - Notizie preliminari sul cervello e sul midollo spinale delle raje e degli squali e sulla struttura del sistema nervoso della Sepia officinale. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Fis. Napoli, 1871, 10, 243- 247. 1871.1 - Notes on Cyprinidae from Tibet and the Chumbi valley, with a descrip- tion of a new species of Gymnocypris [G. waddellii Regan] Rec. Indian Mus. Calcutta, 1911, 6, 73-92. pi. 1911.1 - Ueber das Alter, der Fische. Sitzber. Dorpater Naturf. Ges. 1870 (1871), Heft 2, 3, 127-132. Ibid., 1872 (1873), Heft 4, 312. 1871.2 - Die Bildung des Knochenge- webes. Festschrift, etc. Leipzig, 1872. iv, 45 p. illust, 4. 1872.1 500 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STI Stieda, L. - Sul cervello e sul midollo spinale delle raje e degli squall. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Fis. Napoli, 1872, 11. 1872.2 Etudes sur VAmphioxus lan- ceolatus. Abstract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1873, 2, 536-539. 1873.1 Signification de certaines parties du cerveau des poissons. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1873, 2, 551-553. 1873.2 Studien iiber den Amphioxus lanceolatus. Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci. St. Petersb., 1873, 7. ser. 19, no. 7, 71 p. 4 pis. Also separate; Leipzig, 1873. 4. 1873.3 Ueber den Bau des Riicken- markes der Rochen und der Haie. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1873, 23, Heft 3, 435-442. pi. & 4 figs. 1873.4 Ueber die Deutung der einzelnen Theile des Fischgehirns. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1873, 23, 443-^50. 1873.5 Stieler, Paul. Barilius neglectus, n. sp. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 18. Jahrg., 169. 1907.1 Stieler, W. Eine neue Barbe, Barbus ticto (H. B.) Natur u. Haus, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 169-171. 1905.1 Stiervald, C. F. Hushalds-anmark- ningar ofver Carlo socken i Osterbotten. Tidn. utg. Sallsk. Abo, 1774, 97-100. 1774.1 Stiles, Charles Wardell [1867] Report on a parasitic protozoan ob- served on fish in the aquarium. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 173-190. 1894.1 - Frogs, toads and carp (Cyprinus carpio) as eradicators of fluke disease. 18. Ann. Rept. Bur. Animal Industry 1901 (1902), 220-222. 7 figs. 1902.1 Stiles, Charles Wardell, & Hassall, A. A preliminary catalogue of the parasites contained in the collections of the U. S. Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Army Medical Museum, biological depart- ment of the University of Pennsylvania. Veter. Mag., 1894, 2, 245-354. 1894.1 Lists among others parasites from freshwater fishes. - Index-catalogue of medical and veterinary zoology. Bull. Bur. Animal Industry, no. 39, U. S. Dept. Agricul., 1902-11. 1902.1 Extremely valuable and very complete list of all papers on animal parasites. Includes pa- pers on fish parasites and on American fresh- water species among others. Stilwell, Elias Miller. On obstruc- tions to the ascent of fish in the rivers of Maine. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 617-621. 1874.1 On shad-hatching operations by the commissioners of the state of Maine. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 417-418. 1874.2 Culture of landlocked salmon. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 484. 1879.1 Return of salmon planted in Penobscot river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 271. 1882.1 Stimpson, William [1832-1872] On the deep-water fauna of lake Michigan. Amer. Naturalist, 1870, 4, 402-405. 1870.1 Stingelin, Theodor. Die Schmarot- zerthiere der schweizerischen Fische. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 315-323. Also separate; Pfaffikon- Ztirich, 1896. 8 p. 8. 1896.1 Stirling, Archibald B. Notice of a pike, Esox lucius Linn., in whose stomach a water hen and water ouzel were found. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh 1859-62 (1863), 2, 44-45. 1863.1 Notes on the fungus disease affecting salmon. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1878, 9, 726-732. Ibid., 10, 232-250; 370-378. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 525-529; 531- 536. 1878.1 Note on a curious habit of the Malapterurus electricus. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1879, 13, 350-352. Note on a sea trout [Salmo eriox or S. trutta] from Carham ponds. Hist. Berwick. Nat. Club, 1879, 8, 173-176. 1879.1 - Die Pilzkrankheit der Fische. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 3-4. figs. 1879.2 Stirling, J. The propagation of the Salmonidse. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 1. 1883.1 - Trout-fishing on our Highland lochs; the causes of and the best reme- dies for its deterioration (In Fish and Fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 316-331. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.2 Stirling, William. On the chemistry and histology of the digestive organs of STO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 501 fishes. Kept. Scot. Fisheries, 1884, 2, Append. F, 31-45. 2 pis. 1884.1 - On red and pale muscles in fishes. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1885,166-171. 3 pis. 1885.1 Stirton, John. On the occurrence of the fox-shark in the firth of Forth. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1900, 17-18. fig. 1900.1 Stitt, J. Warren. Diseased fish in Kentucky. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 329. 1880.1 Stjernvall, Hugo J. Nordostra kuusamo och sydostra Kuolajarvi. En blirtk pa forhallandena derstades och i ofriga delar af Lappmarken. Meddel. Geogr. Foren., 1893, 1, 211-246. map. 1893.1 Stobbs, John T. The marine beds in the Coal Measures of north Stafford- shire, with notes on their palaeontology 1>\ Dr. Wheelton Hind. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc.,, 1905, 61, 495-546. 3 pis. & 2 figs. 1905.1 Stobbs, John T., & Hind,* Wheelton. See Hind & Stobbs. Stobbs, John T., & Ward, John. See Ward & Stobbs. Stock, Thomas. Note on a section recently exposed near Straiten. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc., 1880, 3, pt. 3, 294-298. 1880.1 On a spine (Lophacanthus taylori mihi, nov. gen. et sp. [Pleuracanthus cylindricus]) from the Coal Measures of Northumberland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1880, 5. ser. .5, 217-220. fig. Notices in Zeitschr. Gesam. Naturw., 1880, 5. ser. 5, 217-220. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1880, 2, 391. fig. 1880.2 The Stock collection of Carboniferous fishes is now preserved in the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, Cambridge, Mass. On the discovery of a nearly entire Rhizodus in the Wardie shales. Geol. Mag., 1881, 2. dec. 8, 77-78. Trans. Edinb. Geol. Soc., 4, 38-39. 1881.1 - On some British specimens of the " Kammplatten " or " Kamm- leisten " of Professor Fritsch. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1881, 5. ser. 8, 90-95. pi. 1881.2 Further observations on Kamm- platten, and note on Ctenoptychius pectinatus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1882, 5. ser. 9, 253-257. pi. 1882.1 Notice of some discoveries re- cently made in Carboniferous vertebrate palaeontology. Nature, 1882, 27, 22. 1882.2 Records finding of " Diplodus " teeth with spines quite different from those of Pleuracan- thus. Also Tristychius associated with Hybodus. - On the structure and affinities of the genus Tristychius Agass. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1883, 5. ser. 12, 177- 190. pi. 1883.1 Stockard, Charles R. The develop- ment of Fundulus heteroclitus in solu- tions of lithium chlorid, with appendix on its development in fresh water. Journ. Exper. Zool., Baltimore, 1906, 3, 99-120. 19 figs. Abstract in Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 21, 359. 1906.1 - The development of the mouth and gills in Bdellostoma stouti. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1906, 6, 481-517. 36 figs. 1906.2 - The development of the thyroid gland in Bdellostoma stouti. Anat. Anz., 1906, 29, 91-99. 8 figs. 1906.3 - The artificial production of a single median eye in the fish embryo by means of sea-water solutions of mag- nesium chlorid. Arch. Entw.-Mech., Leipzig, 1907, 23, 249-258. 8 figs. Abstract in Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 783- 784. 1907.1 - The embryonic history of the lens in Bdellostoma stouti in relation to recent experiments. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1907, 6, 511-515. 3 figs. 1907.2 - The influence of external factors, chemical and physical, on the develop- ment of Fundulus heteroclitus. Journ. Exper. Zool., 1907, 4, 165-201. 17 figs. Abstract in Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 780- 781. 1907.3 - The influence of osmotic pres- sures. 6. Year Book Carnegie Inst., 1907, 119. 1907.4 Observations on the natural history of Polyodon spathula. Amer. Naturalist, 1907, 41, 753-766. 3 figs. 1907.5 - A note on the question of gill- position in myxinoids. Anat. Record, 1908, 2, 336-337. 1908.1 - The question of cyclopia, one- eyed monsters. Science, 1908, n. s. 28, 455-456. 1908.2 Relates to Fundulus. 502 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY STO Stockard, C. R. - The artificial production and the development of one-eyed monsters. Science, 1909, n. s. 29, 429. 1909.1 Relates to Fundulus. - The development of artificially produced cyclopean fish "The mag- nesium embryo." Journ. Exper. Zool., 1909, 6, 285-337. 63 figs. 1909.2 - The influence of alcohol and other anesthetics on developing em- bryos. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. N. Y., 1909, 7, 1-2. 1909.3 - The experimental production of various eye abnormalities and an analysis of the development of the primary parts of the eye. Arch. Vergleich. Ophthalm., 1910, 1, 473-480. 2 figs. 1910.1 - The independent origin and development of the crystalline lens. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1910, 10, 393-423. 2 pis. & 28 figs. 1910.2 The lens in Fundulus develops independently of the optic cup ; in Bdellostoma it develops in relation to the optic cup, disappearing if the cup loses contact. - The independent origin and self -differentiation of the lens of the eye. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 463. 1910.3 The influence of alcohol and other anaesthetics on embryonic develop- ment. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1910, 10, 369-392. 20 figs. 1910.4 An experimental study of the origin of blood and vascular endo- thelium in the teleost embryo. Anat. Record, 1915, 9, 124-127. 1915.1 Blood islands exist in yolk sac, erythrocytes arising from them and in stem vein. Vascular endothelium of almost universal distribution arising from mesenchyme, never gives rise to blood cells. Mitosis of erythroblasts. A study of wandering mesen- chymal cells on the living yolk-sac and their developmental products: chroma- tophores, vascular endothelium and blood cells. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1915, 18,525-594. 35 figs. 1915.2 Early outwandering into subgerminal cavity from embryonic shield (mainly caudal region). 4 types of cells differentiated indicate 4 different potentialities. Stockmann, Fr. J. J. Memorial liber die Seevogtei Sempach. Luzern, 1781. fol. 1781.1 Stockmann, Ralph. Die aussere Eikapsel der Forelle. Mitt. Embry. Inst. Wien, 1883, 2, pt. 3, 195-199. 1883.1 Stockwell, G. A. Fishes and fishing of the Great Lakes. Maskinonge, pike perch, gar pike and sturgeon. Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 327. 1875.1 - Fishes and fishing of the Great Lakes. The sisdowit and mackinaw trout. Forest & Stream, 1875, 5, 307. 1875.2 - Fishes and fishing of the Great Lakes. Thewhitefish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 293. 1875.3 - Fishes and fishing of the Great Lakes. Bass, perch, herring and suck- ers. Forest & Stream, 1876, 5, 343. 1876.1 - Sharks and leviathans of the Great Lakes. The Continent, 1883, 3. 105-110. 1883.1 An article on the gar-pike, sturgeon, macki- naw trout, muskallonge, mud-fish and catfish and mode of capture. Stoddart, William Walter [1824- 1880] Ceratodus forsteri. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc., n. s., 1875, 1, pt. 2, 145-149. 2 pis. ^ 1875.1 t Philipp Adrian [1849-1911] Ueber den Klappenapparat im Conus arteriosus der Selachier, Chimseren und Ganoiden. Morphol. Jahrb., 1876, 2, 197-228. 2 pis. 1876.1 - Ueber den Klappenapparat der Selachier, Chimsera und Ganoiden. 54. Jahresber. Schles. Ges. Vaterl. Cultur 1876 (1877), p. 44. 1877.1 Zur Entwicklungeschichte des Kopfskelets der Teleostier (In Fest- schrift Feier der 300-jahrigen Bestehens des Julius-Maximilians-Uniyersitats zu Wiirzburg, vol. ii, no. 4. Leipzig, 1882. 23 p. pi. 4) 1882.1 - Die Entwickelung von Leber und Pankreas der Forelle. Anat. Anz., 1893, 8, 205-208. 1893.1 - Ueber die Entwickelung der Darmlymphknotchen. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1897, 13, 47-54. 1897.1 - Gedachtnisrede auf A. von Kolliker. Verh. Phys. Med. Ges. Wurz- burg, 1906, n. s. 38, no. 9. 22 p. pi. 1906.1 Stolter, Georg Friedrich. Ueber die moglichst gewinneriche Beniitzung von Bachen und Teichen zur kunstlichen Fortpflanzung von Fischen, sowie iiber die Zucht von Blutegeln in Siimpfen und sumpfigen Wiesen; eine national- STO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 503 okonomische Abhandlung. Hildesheim, 1859. 8. 1859.1 \\eitere Mittheilungen aus der Praxis der kiinstlichen Fischzucht; ini Anschluss an die Abhandlung liber die moulirhsi gewiimreiche Beniitzung von Barhen und Teiehen zur Piscicultur. Hildesheim, 1860. 8. 1860.1 Stoffel, F. Die Fischereiverhaltnisse .le< Bodensees. Bern, 1906. 359 p. 4 pis. 1906.1 Stokes, John Lort [1812-1885] Dis- coveries in Australia; with an account of the coast and rivers explored and surveyed during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle," in ... 1837-43 . . . also a narrative of Capt. O. Stanley's visits to fche Arafura sea. 2vols. London, 1846. illust, 8. 1846.1 Vol.i, appendix, contains among other articles, iptions of six fish, by Sir J. Richardson. Statement concerning the men- haden fishery. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. is" U879), 6,435. 1879.1 Stolk, A. P. van. Aan den Heer Fr. P. L. Pollen [naar aanleiding der boven- genoemde brochure] Rotterdam, 1870. pi. fol. 1870.1 Refers to Pollen, F. P. L., 1870.1, supra. Stolk, D. ., Blytt, H. H. P., & others. See Blytt, H. H. P., & others. Stoll, A. A. Nuria danrica im Aquarium [Text in Russian] Natur- freund, St. Petersb., 1906, 1, 207-209. 1906.1 - Ueber Bastarde von Teleskopen und anderen Varietaten des Gold- fisches [Text in Russian] Natur- freund, St. Petersb., 1907, 22, 391-400. 1907.1 Stolley, Ernst [1869 ] Leiacanthus opatowitzanus v. Meyer im nord- doutschen Muschelkalk. 14. Jahresber. Yer. Xat. Braunschweig, 1906, pt. 95. 1906.1 - Ueber mesozoische Fischotoli- then aus Xorddeutschland. 3. Jahres- ber. Xiedersachs. Geol. Ver., 1910, 246- pl. 1910.1 - Erganzende Bemerkungen zu :>. 1843.3 Additional descriptions of, and observations on, the fishes of Massa- chusetts. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist., is 14, 4, 175-190. 1844.1 - Description of a new flat-fish. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1844, 1, 130-131. 1844.2 - Description of Hydrargyra for- wox 29, 387-390. 1904.5 Vom Wachstum des Hechtes. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29, 10. 1904.6 - Die Fische (Bericht iiber die 19. Wanderausstellung in Miinchen) Jahrb . Deutsch. Landwirtschaft. Ges., 1905, 20, 115-121. 1905.1 - Der Forellenbarsch in freien Gewassern. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30, 50-51. 1905.2 StFR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 521 - Das Genossenschaftswesen im Fischereibetrieb. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30, 401-405. 1905.3 - Die Heranzucht von Jahrlingen d(T Peipusseemarane. Allgem. Fischerei ., 1905, 30, 467. 1905.4 - Ueber die Tatigkeit der staat- lichen Konsulentie fiir Fischerei in BayiTti im Jahre 1904. Allgem. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1905, 30, 67. 1905.5 - Die Besetzung bayerischer Seen mit Peipusseemaranen (Coregonus ma- rtrmi] Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32, 35-37. 1907.1 - Ueber die Tatigkeit der staat- lirhrn Konsulentie fiir Fischerei in Bayern im Jahre 1906. Allgem. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1907, 32, 96-98; 118-121. 1907.2 - Aus dem Tatigkeitsbericht des Konsulenten fiir Fischerei in Bayern pro 1907, Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 89-95. 1908.1 - Bericht iiber die Wander-Aus- stellung der Deutschen Landwirtschaf ts- gesellschaft 1908. Die Fische. Jahrb. Deutsch. Landwirtschaf t. Ges., 1908, 23. 1908.2 - Erfolge und Ziele der modernen Bestrebungen zur Hebung der Fischerei. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., Suppl., 1908, no. 10. 13 p. 1908.3 - Die Karpfen und Brachsen in einigen bayerischen Voralpenseen. All- gem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 459-464; 486-490. 1908.4 - Die Kiesbetterbriitung, ein Mit- tel zur Verhiitung der Dotterblasen- wasserzucht. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 345-346. 1908.5 - Ueber einen eklatanten Erfolg der Kiesbetterbriitung. Allgem. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1908, 33, 394-395. 1908.6 Aus dem Tatigkeitsbericht des bayerischen Konsulenten fiir Fischerei iiber das Jahr 1908. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 34, 120-123; 146-148. 1909.1 - Die Schadigung der Fischerei durch die Hochwasserkatastrophe vom Februar 1909. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 34, 238-239. 1909.2 - Ueber die Furunkulosekrank- heit der Salmoniden. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern, 1909, nos. 1701-1739, ix-x. 1909.3 - Eine auffallende P:ir:isit-iih:iu- fung bei Coregonen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18, 245-250. 1910.1 - Etwas iiber das Aussetzen der Jungbrut. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18, 21-28. 1910.2 Die Fischereibetriebe der Schweiz nach den Ergebnissen der eidgenossi- schen Betriebszahlung vom Jahre 1905. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18, 149- 150. 1910.3 Gesetzliche Bestimmungen zur Bekampfung von Fischseuchen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18, 253-256. 1910.4 - Neues iiber die Furunkulose. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 35, 430- 431. 1910.5 Wie soil man Fische zur Unter- suchung einsenden? Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18, 151-152. 1910.6 - Die Bedeutung der Tier- und Pflanzenwelt im Wasser fiir die Fische- rei. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19, 317-319. 1911.1 Une curieuse maladie de la truite de riviere. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 121-123. 3 figs. 1911.2 - Eine eigentiimliche Erkrankung bei der Bachforelle. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19, 157-159. 3 figs. 1911.3 L'6tat actuel de la pisciculture en Suisse. Bull. Suisse Peche Pisci- cult., 1911, 12, 78-82; 90-92. 1911.4 - La f uronculose des poissons dans les eaux libres. Bull. Suisse Peche Pisci- cult., 1911, 12, 162-165; 173-175. 1911.5 Die Furunkulosis der Fische in freien Gewassern. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19, 125-132. 1911.6 Der gegenwartige Stand der kiinstlichen Fischzucht in der Schweiz. Deutsch. Fischerei, Festschrift E. Uhles, Neudamm, 1911, 83-89. 1911.7 - Un gros cyste de Henneguya zschokkei. Bull. Suisse Peche Pisci- cult., 1911, 12, 125-126. fig. 1911.8 Eine grosse Sporencyste von Henneguya zschokkei. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1911, 19, 163-165. fig. 1911.9 8. Schweizerische landwirtschaft- liche Ausstellung in Lausanne, 10.-19. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SUR Surbeck, G. September 1910. Allgemeiner Bericht iiber Abteilung XIV, Sektion C, Fi- scherei. Schweiz. FischereiZeitg., 1911, 19, 301-310. 1911.10 - Die biologischen Methoden der Abwasserreinigung. Mitt. Naturf. Ges. Bern, 1912. 1912.1 - Die Fischerei an der Schweiz. Landesausstellung, 1914. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1912, 20, 186-198. 1912.2 La peche a 1' exposition nationale suisse a Berne 1914. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1912, 13, 120-130. 1912.3 Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Gesch- lechtsverteilung bei Fischen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1913, 21. Jahrg., nos. 4-^5; 78-89; 105-109. 1913.1 - Die Regenbogenforelle (Salmo irideus Gibb.) in Alpenseen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1913, 21. Jahrg., 26-30. 1913.2 Skoliose und andere patholo- gische Erscheinungen bei einer Nase (Chondrostoma nasus) Schweiz. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1913, 21. Jahrg., no. 4, 73-77. 2 figs. 1913.3 - Verkiirzung der Wirbelsaule bei einer Forelle. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1913, 21. Jahrg., 133. 1913.4 - Der Blaufelchenfang im Bo- densee wahrend der Laichzeit 1913. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 22. Jahrg., 270-273. 1914.1 - Ueber die Ergebnisse der ersten Laichfischfang-Statistik des Kantons Bern pro 1913-14 (Zugleich neuer Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Geschlechts- verteilung bei Fischen) Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1914, 22. Jahrg., 228- 238; 260-266. 1914.2 - Die Bedeutung der Coregpnen- zucht in der Schweiz. Schweiz. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1915, 23. Jahrg., 296-305. 1915.1 - Fischereiverhaltnisse im Basel- lande 1833-1914. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1915, 23. Jahrg., 42-48; 85-87. 1915.2 - Die schweizerische Bodensee- fischorei im Jahre 1914. Nach den amtlichen fangstatistischen Erhebungen bearbeitet. Schweiz. Fischerei 5 figs. 1915, 23. Jahrg., 34-41; 65-72. Zeitg., 1915.3 - Von Bergsee zu Bergsee. Fi- schereiliche Streiftouren im Sommer 1915. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1915, 23. Jahrg., 236-243. 24. Jahrg., 4-13. 1915.4 - Die schweizerische Bodensee- fischerei im Jahre 1915. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1916, 24. Jahrg., 57-65. 1916.1 Surface, H. A. The lampreys of central New York. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1897 (1898), 17, 20&-215. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1898.1 Removal of lampreys from the interior waters of New York. Fourth Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish., Game & Forests N. Y., 1899, 191-245. 6 pis. 1899.1 Susari, Romeo. Ueber die feinere Anatomic des Gehirnes der Teleostier. Intern. Monatsschr. Anat. Physiol., 1887, 4. 1887.1 Sussdorf, Julius. Mitteilung iiber die Schwimmblase der Fische. Sitzber. Naturw. Ges. Isis, Dresden, 1862, 127- 128. 1862.1 Susta, Josef. Die Ernahrung des Karpfens und seiner Teichgenossen. Stettin, 1888. 1888.1 The same. 2. ed. Stettin, 1905. xii, 251 p. 2 pis. 8. 1905.1 Suster , Mario . La colonna vertebrale dei pesci. Ann. Stud. Trentini, 1899, 5, 125-129. 1899.1 Sutherland, Peter Cormack [1822- 1900] Journal of a voyage in Baffin's bay and Barrow straits, in the years 1850-51, performed by H. M. Ships " Lady Franklin " and " Sophia," etc. 2 vols. London, 1852. 8. 1852.1 Fishes, vol. i, 21-27; 414-472. vol. ii, 242; 341. Sutton, Alan C. On an abnormal specimen of Roccus lineatus with espe- cial reference to the position of the eyes. Anat. Record, 1913, 7, 195-201. 6 photos. 1913.1 Sutton, Francis. Exportation of salmon ova to New Zealand in 1876. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1875-76 (1878), 4, 987-988. 1878.1 - The development of the protec- tive instinct in fishes. Trans. Norfolk Norwich Nat. Soc., 1899, 6, 440-444. 1899.1 Sutton, /. Bland. A critical study in cranial morphology. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1887, 22, pt. 1, 28-37. 1887.1 SWA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 523 - Evolution and disease. Lon- don, 1890. 1890.1 Fishes, p. 121. Suvorov, E. K. Ueber die Regenera- tion der Flossen bei den Knochenfischen [Text in Russian, with German resume"] Trav. Soc. Imp. Nat., St. Petersb. (Zoo/.), 1904, 33, pt. 4, 1-81. 7 figs. Trav. Labor. Zool., no. 14, 1-19; 79-81. 1904.1 - Eine Fahrt in das Gouv. As- t radian, nach dem nordlichen Theil des Kaspischen Meeres und dem Bulak-See [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1907, 22, 505-536. 1907.1 - Rapport sur un voyage a Astrachan et au nord de la mer Caspi- enne et lac Boulak. Note preliminaire [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Imp. Nat. St. Petersb., 1907, 38, pt. 1, C. R. 219- 222. 1907.2 Studien zur Erforschung der Kaspiharinge, in Rassen, Abarten und Art en [Text in Russian] Arb. Kaspi- schen Exped., St. Petersb., 1907, 1, 139-199. 1907.3 - Arbeiten der Ostsee-Expedition. Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber ichthyologische Ergebnisse [Text in Russian] Arb. Russ. Ostsee-Exped., St. Petersb., 1910, 1, 88-119. 1910.1 - [Zur Ichthyofauna der Ostsee] Arb. Russ. Ostsee-Exped., St. Petersb., 1913, 2, 37-99. 1913.1 Suvorov, E. K., & Borodin, Nikolaus Andreas. See Borodin & Suvorov. Suwa, A. Untersuchungen iiber die Organextrakte der Selachier. I. Mit- teilung. Die Muskelextraktstoffe des Dornhais (Acanthias vulgaris) Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1909, 128, 421-426. 1909.1 - Untersuchungen iiber die Or- Ranextrakte der Selachier. II. Mittei- lung. Ueber das aus den Muskelex- traktstoffen des Dornhais gewonnene Trimethylaminoxyd. Arch. Ges. Phy- siol., 1909, 129, 231-239. fig. 1909.2 Suworff , E. See Suvorov, E. K. Suzuki, B. Notiz iiber die Entste- hung des Mittelsttickes der Samenfaden von Selachiern. Anat. Anz., 1899, 15, 125-132. 6 figs. 1899.1 Suzuki, U., Mihata, .V., Otsuki, S., Inouye, /?., Bharatkar, K. C., Okuda, Y., Odake, S., Yoshimura, K., & Tanaka, Y. Ueber die Extrak- tivstoffe des Fischfleisches und der Muscheln. Journ. Coll. Agric. Univ. Tokyo, 1912, 5, 1-24. 1912.1 Svinhufvud, Sigurd. Nagra goda forellvatten. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 37-39. 1893.1 Swaen, A. Etude sur le deVeloppe- ment des feuillets et des premiers ilots sanguins dans le blastoderme de la torpille (Torpedo ocellata) Bull. Acad. Sci. Bruxelles, 1885, 3. se>. 9, 385-416. 16 figs. Arch. Biol., 7, 537 T 585. 3 pis. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 6, 977. 1885.1 Swaen, .4., & Brachet, A. Etude sur les premieres phases du developpe- ment des organes de"rive"s du mesoblaste chez les poissons te"le"osteens. Arch. Biol., 1899, 16, 173-311. 6 pis. Ibid., 1901, 18, 73-190. 2 pis. 1899.1 Sur les premieres phases du developpement des derives mesoblasti- ques chez les tele'osteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1. sess., 1899, 71-75. 1899.2 - De la formation des feuillets dans le bourgeon terminal et dans le queue des poissons tele'osteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1902, 4, 139-157. 28 figs. 1902.1 - Etude sur la formation des feuillets et des organes dans le bourgeon terminal et dans la queue des embryons des poissons tele'osteens. Arch. Biol., 1904,20,461-610. 4 pis. 1904.1 Swain, Joseph. An identification of the species of fishes described in Shaw's "General zoology." Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1882, 303-309. 1882.1 - A review of Swainson's " Genera of fishes." Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1882, 278-284. 1882.2 - A review of the Syngnathinae of the United States, with a description of one new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 6, 307-315. 1882.3 A review of the species of Stolephorus found on the Atlantic coast of the United States. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 55-57. 1883.1 Swain, Joseph, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Swain. Swain, Joseph, & Kalb, George B. A review of the genus Noturus with a description of one new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1882, 6, 638-643. ' 1882.1 524 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SWA Swain, Joseph, & Meek, Seth Eugene. Notes on a collection of anchovies from Havana and Key West, with an account of a new species (Stolephorus eurystole} from Woods Hole, Mass. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1884 (1885), 34-36. 1885.1 - Notes on the pipe-fishes of Key West, Florida, with description of Siphostoma mckayi, a new species. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1885, 7, 237-239. 1885.2 Swain, Joseph, & Smith, Rosa. See Smith & Swain. Swaine, L. H. On the scales and other tegumentary organs of fishes. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc., 1870, 4. 1870.1 Swainson, William [1789-1855] Zoological illustrations, or original fig- ures and descriptions of new, rare or interesting animals, arranged on the principles of Cuvier and other modern zoologists. 6 vols. London, 1820-33. 318 col. pis. 8. 1820.1 - The natural history and classi- fication of fishes, amphibians and reptiles, or monocardian animals. 2 vols. London, 1838-39. 8. 1838.1 Swan, James G. The northwest coast; or three years' experience in Washington territory. New York, 1857. 435 p. 26 figs. 12. 1857.1 Popular notices of fishes, especially salmon. - The eulachon or candle-fish of the northwest coast. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 257-264. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1882, 22, art. 1. 1882.1 - The surf-smelt of the northwest coast, and the method of taking them by the Quillehute Indians, west coast of Washington territory. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1880, 3, 43-46. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1882, 22, art. 1. 1880.1 - Shad in Puget sound. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 152. 1883.1 - Report on black cod of the north Pacific ocean. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 6, 225-234. fig. 1885.1 - Notes on the fisheries and fishery industries of Puget sound. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 371-380. pi. 1894.1 Swan, John D. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 12-13. 1873.1 Swan, John 0. Man-eating sharks. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 449. 1880. 1 - Panama, the place of many fish . Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 224-245. 1880.2 Swan, Joseph [1791-1874] Illustra- tions of the comparative anatomy of tho nervous system. London, 1835. 1835.1 Swartz, Charles Kephart. Systematic paleontology of the Upper Devonian deposits of Maryland. Vertebrata. Pisces. Maryland Geol. Survey Middle & Upper Devonian, 1913, 700-701. 1913.1 Glyptaspis eastmani, n. sp. Swartz, Olof [1760-1817] Tillag vid Hr. A. J. Retzii anmarkningar om slag- tet Myxine. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1790, 114. 1790.1 - Svensk zoologi . . . text for- fattad af O. Swartz, etc. (In Palm- struch, J. W. Svensk zoologi, etc. 2 vols. Stockholm, 1806-09. illust. 8) 1806.1 The work was initiated by G. J. Billberg: the text to Heft 1, however, was edited by C. Quen- sel, on whose death the editorship passed to O. Swartz, who was responsible for Hefte 2-10, and possibly 11; Heft 12 was written by J. W. Dalman. Swayne, S. Henry. On Myliobatis and Pterocephala. Proc. Bristol Nat. Soc., 1878, n. s. 2, pt. 2, 126-129. fig. 1878.1 Sweeny, R. Ormsby. Directions for transporting living fish fry. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 398. 1878.1 The siskiwit. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1890 (1891), 84-86. 1891.1 Sweet, G. On the discovery o'f fossil fish in the Old Red Sandstone rocks of the Mansfield district. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria, 1890, 2. ser. 2, 1-14. 1890.1 - Contributions to our knowledge of the anatomy of Notoryctes typhlops Stirl. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1906, n. s. 50. 1906.1 Sweetapple, Edward. Large salmon in the Severn and Wye. Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 916. Ibid., 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1321. 1867.1 - Large sturgeon in the Severn. Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 836. Ibid., 1868, 3, 1295. 1867.2 Larger conger eel (53 Ibs.) in the Severn. Zoologist, 1869, 2. ser. 4. 1520. 1869.1 SYM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES Sturgeons in the Severn. Zoolo- gist. 1869, 2. ser. 4, 1836. 1869.2 Sweizawski, E. Ryby i rybo!6wstwo \v j Polsce przed wiekiem XVI- tym i Fish and fisheries in Poland before tiir Kith century] Przyroda i Przemysl, lssO-81, 9, 330-331; 337-339; 349- :56 1-363; 373-374; 385-387. 1880.1 Swenander, Gustaf. Beit-rage zur Kcntnis der Fische des Trondhjems- fjords. Skrift. Norske Vidensk. Selsk., 1 '.(Mi, no. 9. 112 p. 5 pis. 1906.1 - Ueber die Ernahrung des Em- bryos dor Lamna cornubica. Zool. Studien Tullberg, Upsala, 1907, 283- pl. 1907.1 Swetitsch, Joseph. A depot for embryonated eggs of all the valuable kinds of fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. IsM (1882), 1, 345-346. 1882.1 Swett, S. B. Decrease of fish in Squumscot river, New Hampshire, on account of refuse matter from gas works. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 ;>,2, 33. 1883.1 Swieten, H. J. van. _ De vischteelt op sawahs in de Preanger-Regentschap- pen. Tijdschr. Nijverheid. Nederl. In- die, 1868, 13 (n. s. 8), 57-68. 1868.1 Swinderen, Theodor van. Initia faunae Groninganae, of proeve eener naamlijst der dieren, welke in de* pro- vincie Groningen gevonden word en. Uitgegeven door het Genootsch. ter bevord. der Nat. Hist, te Groningen. 1 *_>:,. Mot 3 vervolgen. Nat. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, 1826, 15. 1826.1 Swiniierton, H. H. A contribution to the morphology of the teleostean head skeleton based upon a study of the developing skull of the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1902, 45, 503- 593. 4 pis. & 5 figs. 1902.1 - The osteology of Cromeria nilo- ticn and Galaxias attenuatus. Zool. Jahrb., 1903, 18, 58-70. 15 figs. 1903.1 - The changes and variations in the position of the pectoral fin during development. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1905, 7. ser. 15, 319-321. 4 figs. 1905.1 - A contribution to the morphol- ogy and development of the pectoral skeleton of teleosteans. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1905, 49, 363-383. pi. & 3 figs. ii>.v_> - The stickleback; its personal and family history. 54. Ann. H-pt. Nottingham Nat. Soc., 1907, 64, 34-40. Pi- 1907.1 - Organic remains in the Trias of Nottingham. 'Geol. Mag., 1910, 5. dec. 7, 229. 1910.1 - The evolution of the function and structure of the fins in fishes. Science Progress, London, 1911, 6, 447-456. 1911.1 Swirski, G. Untersuchungen iiber die Entwicklung des Schultergiirtels und des Skeletes der Brustflosse des Hechtes. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpat, 1880. 60 p. 2 pis. 8. 1880.1 Swithinbank, Harold, & Bullen, G. E. An illustrated handbook of the edible seafishes of the British isles. London, 1916. xi, 35 p. illust. 8. 1916.1 34 species of marketable fishes are treated in popularstyle. See also Cunningham, J.T., 196.1, and Regan, C. T., 1911.8, supra. Sykes, - Fisch- und Korner- Regen in Indien. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10. meet., 1840, 217. 1840.1 Sykes, Arthur. Inbreeding pond- reared trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1902 (1903), 116-121. 1903.1 Sykes, William Henry [1790-1872] On the fishes of the Deccan. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1838, 6, 157-165. Abstract in Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 2, 349. 1838.1 The fishes of Dukhun. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 4, 54-62.- Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 2, 349-378. 8 pis. Also separate; London, 1841. 8 pis. fol. 1840.1 On a fossil fish [Lepidotus dec- canensis] from the table-land of the Deccan, in the peninsula of India; with a description of the specimens by Sir P. de M. G. Egerton. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1851, 7, 272-273. pi. Journ. Bombay Asiat. Soc., 5, 146-148. 1851.1 Syle, L. Du Pont. The fisheries of Madeira in 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1196-1197. 1 XX.'). 1 Symonds, William Samuel [1818- 1887] Notice of shoals of dead fish observed on the passage between Miramichi, New Brunswick and the 526 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY SYM Szajnocha, Wladyslaw [1857] Ueber fossile Fische yon Monte Bolca bei Verona [Text in Polish] Pam. Akad. Krakou, 1886, 12, 104-115. 4 pis. 1886.1 On Eolabroides szajnochce Zigno see observa- tions of Dr. T. N. Gill, communicated by C. R. Eastman in Mem. Carnegie Museum, 1914, 6, 336-338. Szczawinska, (Mademoiselle) W. Re- cherches sur le systeme nerveux des selaciens. Arch. Biol., 1898, 15, 463- 509. pis. 1898.1 Szechenyi, (Count) Bela [1837] Gr6f Szechenyi B. Keletzsiai utjanak tudo- manyos Erdmenye. 1877-1880 [Scientific results of Count B. Szechenyi's travels in eastern Asia] 3 vols. & atlas. Buda- pest, 1890. 4 & fol. 1890.1 A reptiliak, amphibiak, 6s halak jegyz6ke [List of the reptiles, amphibians and fish by F. Steindachner] Szibenliszt, Mathias. Dissertatio inauguralis medica sistens anatomiam et physiologiam piscium generalem. Budae, 1841. 18 p. 1841.1 Szilady, Zoltdn. A halak betegsegei [Die Krankheiten der Fische] Termt. Kozl., Budapest, 1908, 40, 24-36; 99- 108. 1908.1 Szily, Aurel von. Die einleitenden Vorgange zur Bildung der knochernen Flossenstrahlen in der Schwanzflosse bei der Forelle, zugleich ein Beitrag zur Phylgenese dieser Hartgebilde. Anat. Anz., 1907, 31, 347-364. 8 figs. 1907.1 Histiogenetische Untersuchun- gen. Part 1. Anat. Hefte, 1907, 33, pt. 1, 227-313. 12 pis. 1907.2 Degli organi della riproduzione Ueber das Entstehen eines fibril- laren Stutzgewebes im Embryo und dessen Verhaltnis zur Glaskorperfrage. Anat. Hefte, 1908, 35, 649-757. 12 pis. 1908.1 Szinnyei, Jdzsef. Bibliotheca hun- garica historiae naturalis et matheseos. Magyarorszag termeszettudomanyi es mathematikai Konyveszete. Budapest, 1878. 1007 p. 1878.1 Two supplementary volumes containing titles of zoological contributions in Hungary for the years 1870-80 and 1881-90, were published by Dr. Jeno Daday at Budapest in 1882 and 1891. Szymanski, J. S. Eine Methode zur Untersuchung der Ruhe- und Aktivitats- perioden bei Tieren. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1914, 158, 343-385. 35 figs. 1914.1 Methodik. Schaben nur tatig von etwa 7-10 Uhr abends (Oberhand der inneren Impulse) Bei Goldfischen Aktivitat bei Tag. Syrnonds, W. S. port of Gloucester, England. Edin- burgh New Philos. Journ., 1855, n. s. 1, 271-278. 1855.1 On some fishes and tracks from the passage and from the Old Red Sandstone of Herefordshire Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 29. meet., 1859, 124- 125. 1859.1 Glyptolepis [Holoptychius] of Dura Den (Keuper breccia) Geologist, 1863, 134-135. 1863.1 Glyptolepis Upper Ludlow fossils. Geologist, 1863, 187. 1863.2 - Fish remains in the Lower Devonian of south Devon and Corn- wall. Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 296. 1868.1 - On a new fish-spine from the Lower Old Red Sandstone of Hay, Breconshire. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41. meet., 1871, 110. 1871.1 Fish-remains in the Devonian beds of Cornwall. Geol. Mag., 1872, 9, 239-240. 1872.1 Pteraspis, Scaphaspis, etc. Symons (junior), John. Note on the appearance of the grey mullet during corresponding periods, and quantities of the fish caught at Sennen cove, in 1874 and 1875. Journ. Roy. Inst. Cornwall, 1874-77, 5, 212. 1874.1 Syrski, Simone de. Ueber die Repro- ductions-Organe der Aale. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1874, 69, 1. Abth., 315-326. Arch. Sci. Phys. Nat., 52, 163-166. 1874.2 e della fecondazione dei pesci ed in ispecialita delle anguille. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sci. Nat. Trieste, 1875, 1, 10-32. Also separate; Trieste, 1875. 8. 1875.1 - On the reproductive organs of the eels. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 304-305. 1875.2 - Lecture on the organs of repro- duction and the fecundation of fishes and especially of eels. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-74 (1876), 3, 719-734. 23 figs. 1876.1 - Wypadki poszukiwan odnos- za.cych sie. do narzadow rodnych ryb kostnych [Result of researches relating to the genital organs of the osseous fishes] Kosmos (Lwow), 1876, 1, 417- 455. 1876.2 T., H. W. Salmon in fresh water. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 81. 1877.1 T., /. Silver fish. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1830, 3, 478. 1830.1 T. , M . Das Vorkommen des Huchens (Salmo hucho) in Mahren. Mitth. Mahr.-Schles. Ges. Ackerbau, Natur- u. Landesk., 1866, 24. 1866.1 T., T. G. Grayling in the Missouri. Rod & Gun, 1875, 6, 154. 1875.1 T., W. D. Grubs in fish. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 207. 1880.1 Taczanowski, L. Liste des verte"- bres de Pologne. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1877, 2, 121-174. 1877.1 Poissons, p. 169-174. The list includes 53 species. Taenzer, R. Einige Beobachtungen an Pterophyllum scalar e. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 229- 230. fig. 1914.1 Tafani, Aless., & Brigidi, Vincenzo. See Brigidi & Tafani. Tagawa, Isanu. Report on the Clu- pea fishery in the prefecture of Kana- gawa [Text in Japanese] Suisan Chosa Hokoku, Tokyo, 1904, 12, pt. 2, 7-56. 1904.1 Tagg, Henry. Fish-culture. Forest & Stream, 1873, 1, 22. 1873.1 Tagliani, Giulio. Ricerche anato- mische intorno alia midola spinale dell' Orthagoriscus mola. Monit. Zool. Ital, Firenze, 1894, 5, 248-258. 1894.1 - Intorno ai centri nervosi dell' Orthagoriscus mola (Tetraodon) Notizie anatomiche e critiche. Boll. Soc. Natur. Napoli, 1895, 9. 1895.1 Considerazioni morfologiche in- torno alle cellule nervose colossali dell' Amphioxus lanceolatus e alle cellule ner- vose giganti del midollo spinale di alcuni teleostei. Nota preliminare. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1897, 8, 264-275. 1897.1 - Ueber die Riesennervenzellen im Riickenmarke von Solea impar. Anat. Anz., 1898, 16, 234-237. 1898.1 Le fibre del Mauthner nel mi- dollo spinale de' vertebrati inferior* (Anamni) Arch. Zool. Ital., Napoli, 1905, 2, 385-438. 1905.1 Tahara, Y. Ueber das Tetrodon- gift. Biochem. Zeitschr. Berlin, 1910, 30, 255-275; 506. 1910.1 Tait, Lawson. Note on some peculiar tumours found on the Gasterosteus trachurus [G. aculeatus] Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1870, 4, 12-13. 1870.1 Takahashi, D., & Inoko, Y. Unter- suchungen iiber das Fugu Gift. Arch. Exper. Pathol. & Pharmak., 1889, 26. 1889.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Fugugiftes vom Fugufisch [Tetrodon] Mitth. Medic. Facult. Tokio, 1892, 1, pt. 5, 375-402. 1892.1 Takahashi, JV., & Ishikawa, C. See Ishikawa & Takahashi. Talbott, Henry. Potomac bass Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1905 (1906), 124-131. 1906.1 - The invasion of the Potomac. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 168-173. 1910.1 Tallant, E. C. Spawn in off season [of Calif ornian trout] Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 744. 1879.1 Tallant, R. What do salmon eat? Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 308. 1875.1 Tamborini, Ferd. Jagd- und Kund- schafterdienst im Meere. Die Natur, 1900, 49. Jahrg., 234-235. 1900.1 Tammelander, A. Fran Teisko. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 14. 1893.1 Tammelander, Knut. Die Forelle (Trutta fario) in der Vihavuosi-Strom- schnelle in Finland [Text in Swedish] Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., Helsingfors, 1903, pt. 2, 54-55. 1903.1 Tanaka, Shigeho. On the brain of Chimcera monstrosa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1877. 34 p. pi. 1877.1 Miscellaneous notes on fishes [Text in Japanese] Dobuts. Zasshi, 528 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TAN Tanaka, S. Tokyo, 1904, 16, 140-147; 161-172; 344-354. figs. 1904.1 On a collection of fishes from the prefecture of Kagoshima [Text in Japanese] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 16, 247-264. 1904.2 - On a species of salmon obtained in Kamtschatka [Text in Japanese] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1904, 16, 71. 1904.3 Ginzame-rui [On chimseroids] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1905, 17, 353- 369. pi. 1905.1 - On two new species of Chimsera. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 1905, 20, art. 2, 1-14. 2 pis. & figs. 1905.2 - Descriptions of eight new spe- cies of fishes from Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1908, 7, 27-47. 2 figs. 1908.1 Fish-fauna of lake Biwa. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1908, 7, 1-15. 1908.2 Ijima Hakushi saishu Nanbu Karafuto no gyorui ni tsuite [On a col- lection of fishes made by Prof. Ijima in the southern parts of Sakhalin] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1908, 20, 33- 47. pi. Abstract in Annot. Zool. Japon., 6, 235-254. pi. 1908.3 Notes on some Japanese fishes, etc. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 1908, 23, art. 7, 13. 54 p. 4 pis. 1908.4 Notes on some rare fishes of Japan, with descriptions of two new genera and six new species. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 1908, 23, art. 13. 24 p. 2 pis. 1908.5 - On a small collection of tide- pool fishes from Misaki, with descriptions of two new species. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1908, 7, 17-26. 1908.6 - On some fishes from lake Biwa with description of one new species [Acheilognathus shimazui] and a list of all the fish species hitherto known from that locality. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1908, 7, 1-15. fig. 1908.7 - Descriptions of one new genus and ten new species of Japanese fishes. Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo, 1909, 27, art. 8. 27 p. pi. 1909.1 - Gifu-san gyorui yoho [Prelim- inary report on the fishes of Gifu] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1909, 21, 62-67. 1909.2 - Notes on freshwater fishes from the province of Shinano, Japan. Annot. Zool. Japon., 1909, 7, 125-138. 1909.3 - Shinshu san tansuigyo moku- roku [A list of the freshwater fishes of the province of Shinano ] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1909, 21, 288-291. 1909.4 - Ni shu no shin kaigyo ni tsuite [On two species of deep-sea fishes] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1910, 22, 251- 256. . 1910.1 ; Chosen san tansuigyo no jakkan ni tsuite [On some freshwater fishes from Corea] Dobuts. Zasshi, Tokyo, 1911, 23, 107-108. 1911.1 Figures and descriptions of the fishes of Japan, including Riukiu is- lands, Bonin islands, Formosa, Kurile islands, Korea and southern Sakhalin. Tokyo, 1911 [Text in Japanese and English] 71 p. 1911.2 Tanaka, Shigeho, Jordan, David Starr, & Snyder, J. 0. See Jordan, Tanaka, & Snyder. Tangl, Ferencz. Karl Knauthe's Arbeiten iiber die Verdauung und den Stoffwechsel der Fische. Zusammen- fassendes Referat. Biol. Centralbl., 1899, 19, 579-584. 1899.1 Tangl, Ferencz, & Farkas, Kdlmdn. Beitrage zur Energetik der Ontogenese. 4. Mittheilung. Ueber den Stoff- und Energie-Umsatz im bebrtiteten Forel- lenei. Arch. Gesamt. Physiol., 1904, 104, 624-638. 1904.1 Untersuchungen iiber den Stoff- und Energie-Umsatz des befruchteten Forelleneies [Text in Hungarian] Math. Termeszet. Ertesito, Budapest, 1904, 22, 180-190. 1904.2 Tanner, Z. L. Report of operations of the U. S. steamer "Speedwell" in 1879, while in the service of the U. S. Fish Commission. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1879 (1882), 7, 603-615. 1882.1 Movements of mackerel. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 471. 1883.1 Report of an exploring trip of the steamer "Fish Hawk" in Chesa- peake bay in the early spring of 1882. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 133-135. 1883.2 Report on the construction and work in 1880 of the Fish Commission steamer "Fish Hawk." Rept. U. S. TAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 529 Fish Comm. 1881 (1884), 9, 3-53. 18 ,,ls. A: 3 figs. 1884.1 ~ Report on the work of the U. S. Fisli ( 'ommission steamer " Fish Hawk " for the year ending December 31st, issi. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 L884), 9, 55-85. 1884.2 - Report on the work of the U. S. Fish ( Commission steamer" Fish Hawk " for the year ending December 31st, iss-j, and on the construction of the steamer " Albatross." Rept. U. S. Fish (Amim. 1882 (1884), 10, 3-34. 3 pis. 1884.3 - Report on the construction and outfit of the United States Fish Com- mission steamer " Albatross." Rept. I . S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 3-116. 55 pis. & 19 figs. 1885.1 - Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer "Albatross" for the year ending De- cember 31st, 1883. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 117-236. 3 pis. 188-5.2 - Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross" for the year ending De- cember 31st, 1884. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 3-116. 3 pis. 1886.1 - Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " for the year ending De- cember 31st, 1885. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885 (1887), 13, 3-89. 4 pis. & 9 figs. 1887.1 - Report of the movements and operations of the Fish Commission steamer "Albatross" from September 15 to 20, 1887. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1888), 7, 155-158. 1888.1 - Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross" for the year ending De- cember 31st, 1886. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1889), 16, 605-692. 10 pis. 1889.1 - Explorations of the fishing grounds of Alaska, Washington terri- tory, and Oregon, during 1888, by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer ''Al- batross," Lieut. Comdr. Z. L. Tanner, U. S. Xavy, commanding. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1880 (1890), 8, 1-95. map. 1890.1 - The fishing grounds of Bristol bay. Alaska: a preliminary report upon the investigations of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer "Albatross" dur- ing the summer of 1X90. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889 (1891), 9, 279-280. 3 pis. 1891.1 - Report on the work of the T nit (?d States Fish Commission steamer "Albatross" from January 1, 1887, to June 30, 1888. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887-88 (1891), 15, 371-435. 4 pis. 1891.2 - Report upon the investigations of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " for the year end- ing June 30, 1889. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1888 (1892), 16, 395-512. 2 pis. 1892.1 - Report upon the investigations of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " from July 1, 1889, to June 30, 1891. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1889-91 (1893), 17, 207-241. 2 pis. 1893.1 - Report upon the investigations of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Albatross " for the year end- ing June 30, 1892. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1892 (1894), 18, 1-64. pi. 1894.1 Tappan, Frank L. Aquaria fish. Management and care of the aquaria and its inhabitants. Minneapolis, Minn., 1911. 97 p. illust. 8. 1911.1 See also Osburn, R. C., 1912.1, supra. Breeding chanchito. Aquarium, 1912, 1, 1-2. 1912.1 Taquin, A. Les iles Canarias et les parages 4e peche canariens. Bull. Soc. Roy. Beige Geographic, 1902, 26, 28; 131; 266; 315; 405; 502. Ibid., 1903, 27, 37. 1902.1 Taramelli, Torquato [1845] Ge- ologia delle provincie Venete. Mem. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1882, 3. ser. 13. 236 p. 3 maps. Tardy, M . Apercu sur 1'origine de ces ossements (In Note sur quelques debris de poissons trouv^s a Cormoz (departement de 1'Ain) M6m. Soc. Sci. Nat. Saone-et-Loire [n. d.] 6-12. pi. Targioni-Tozzetti, Adolfo [1823- 1902] Catalogo metodico degli ammali riportati dalle escursioni nelle provincie meridionale, in Sicilia e in Sardigna negli anni 1868-1869 dal . . . A. Targioni- Tozzetti. Parte 1, Vertebrati, etc. Atti. Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat. Milano, 1870, 12. 56 p. 1870.1 530 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TAR Targioni-Tozzetti, A. - La pesca in Italia; document! raccolti per cura del Ministero di agri- coltura, industria e commercio. 2 vols. Geneva, 1871-74. 8. 1871.1 La pesca di Sardegna. Geneva, 1872. 8. 1872.1 Relazioni sulla pesca, etc. Geneva, 1872. 72 p. 8. 1872.2 - Zoologia del viaggio intorno al globo della R. Pirocorvetta " Magenta " durante gli anni 1865-1868. Public. Real. Istit. Studi Superiori, Florence, 1877, no. 1. xxix, 257 p. 13 pis. 1877.1 - La pesca nei mari d' Italia. Firenze, 1880. 8. 1880.1 Targioni-Tozzetti, G. Le collezioni de G. E. Rumpf acquistate dal Gran- duco Cosimo III de' Medici, una volta esistenti nel Museo di Fisica e Storia Naturale di Firenze. Estratto da un catalpgo manoscritto dal Prof. G. Targioni-Tozzetti per cura di U. Mar- telli. Firenze, 1903. 213 p. 8. 1903.1 See also Rouffaer & Muller, 1902.1, supra. Tarnanii, /. K. Beitrage zur Kennt- nis der Fauna Turkestans auf Grund des von D. D. Pedaschenko gesammelten Materials. IX. Verkriippelte Karpfen aus dem Issyk-Kul-See [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1911, 42, fasc. 2, pt. I (Zool. & Physiol.), 91-99. 2 figs. 1911.1 Tarr, Ralph Stockman [1864-1912] Return to Gloucester harbor of young codfish hatched by the United States Fish Commission. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 57-58. 1884.1 Taruffi, C. Storia della teratologia, I-VIII. Bologna, 1894. 1894.1 Tasche, H. Breccie aus Fischzahnen und Knochenstiicken bei Angersbach. Notizbl. Ver. Erdkunde, Darmstadt, 1861, 3. Jahrg., 118. 1861.1 Taschenberg, Ernst Otto Wilhelm (editor} [1854 ] Bibliotheca zoolqgica. Verzeichniss der 1861-1880 erschienen Schriften. 4 vols. Leipzig, 1887-94. 8. 1887.1 This is a continuation of the work of Carus & Engelmann, 1861.1. See also the Bibliotheca zoologica of L. Agassiz, edited by H. E. Strick- land, in four volumes, London, 1848-54. - Die bisherigen Publicationen Rudolf Leuckharts (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburtstage Rudolf Leuckharts, p. ix-xiv. Leipzig, 1892. 4) 1892.1 Geschichte der Zoologie und der zoologischen Sammlungen an der Universitat Halle, 1694-1894. Abh. Naturf. Ges. Halle, 1894, 20. 176 p. 9 pis. & figs. 1894.1 - Die bisherigen Publikationen des Herrn Geheimrat Professor Dr. Ernst Ehlers. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1905, 83, 733-741. 1905.1 - Die giftigen Tiere. Stuttgart, 1909. 1909.1 Taschenberg, E. 0. W., & others. Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburts- tage R. Leuckarts. Dem verehrten Jubilar dagebracht von semen dank- baren Schulern, etc. Leipzig, 1892. xv, 413 [2] p. illust. 4. 1892.1 Contains, among others, the following articles: Die bisherigen Publicationen R. Leuckarts, zusammengestellt von O. Taschenberg. Variabilitat und Bastardbildung bei Cy- prinoiden, yon F. Heincke. Ueber die Entwicklung des Venensystems der Selachier, von C. Rabl. Notes upon the histology of the central ner- vous system of vertebrates, by C. I;. Herrick. Ueber eine Ichthyophthirius-Art aus den Aquarien der Biologischen Station zu Plon, von O. Zacharias. Tate, George [1805-1871] The his- tory of the borough, castle, and barony of Alnwick. 2 vols. Alnwick, 1868- 69. 4. 1868.1 Vertebrate animals, by R. C. Embleton. Tate, Ralph [1840-1901] Note on Axinopsis, gen. nov., versus Schizodus et Axinus. Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 412. 1868.1 Sphenonchus hamatus, a Rhaetic fossil. Geol. Mag., 1875, n. s. 2, 286. 1875.1 - Section of a well-bore (?) at Mulgundawa, near Wellington, South Australia. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1900, 24, 109-111. 1900.1 Tatham, Will. Observations on sharks. Phil. Magaz., 1803, 17, 317- 318. 1803.1 Tattersall, Walter Medley [1882] Notes on the classification and geo- graphical distribution of the Cephalo- chorda. Trans. Liverpool Biol. Soc., 1903, 17, 269-302. 1903.1 - Report on the Cephalochorda collected by Professor Herdman at Cey- lon in 1902. Suppl. Rept. Ceylon Pearl Oyster Fisheries, 1903, no. 6, 209-226. pi 1903.2 TEL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 531 Tattersall, W. M., & Coward, T. A. Faunal survey of Rostherne mere. Mem. Proc. Manchester Liter. Philos. Soc., 1914, 68, no. 8. 21 p. pi. & map. 1914.1 i. Introduction and methods. ii. Vertebrata [fishes] by T. A. Coward. Tautz, Alwin. Ueber die Zucht [und das Laichgeschaft] des Moderlie- schens (Leucaspius delineatus Sieb.) Blatter Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 487-488. 1910.1 Taylor, Edward E. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comrn. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 26-28. 1873.1 Taylor, Ellen M. Madeira; its scen- ery and how to see it. With letters of a year's residence and lists of the birds, fishes, trees, flowers, ferns and seaweeds. London, 1882. 8. 1882.1 Taylor, Fred. W. An analysis of artesian well-water from the shad-hatch- ing station at Havre de Grace, Md. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 348. 1883.1 Taylor, Harden F. The structure and growth of the scales of the sque- teague and the pigfish as indicative of life history. Bull. Bureau Fisheries 1914 (1916), 34, 285-330. 9 pis. 1916.1 An important paper, provided with an ex- haustive bibliography, p. 325-330. See also Thomson, J. S., 1904.1, infra.' Taylor, J. On the anatomy of the Cuchia. Edinburgh Journ. Sci., 1831, 5, 42-50. Isis (Oken), 1835, 310-315. 1831.1 On the respiratory organs and air-bladder of certain fishes of the Ganges. Edinburgh Journ. Sci., 1831, 5, 33-42. 1831.2 - Ueber die Athemorgane und die Luft blase gewisser Fische im Ganges. Isis (Oken), 1835, 307-310. 1835.1 Taylor, J. E. Half -hours at the sea- side. London [n. d.] 250 figs. 8. - The blind fishes of the Kentucky Mammoth cave. Sci. Gossip 1872 (1873), 54-56. figs. 1873.1 - How to make and colour casts of fishes. Sci. Gossip, 1878, 14, 107-111. pi. 1878.1 Taylor, (Sister) Monica [Sister Monica, pseudon.] The development of Symbranchus marmoratus. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1913, 59, pt. 1, 1-51. 4 pis. & 4 figs. 1913.1 Taylor, N. A. Speckled trout in Texas. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 160. 1878.1 - The striped bass in Texas. Forest & Stream, 1878, 11, 7. 1878.2 Taylor, R. C. Illustrations of ante- diluvian zoology [fishes] Mag. Nat. Hist., 1830, 3, 363-364. 1830.1 Taylor, S. Angling in all its branches reduced to a complete science. London, 1800. 8. 1800.1 Taylor, Thomas (translator) The works of Aristotle, translated from the Greek, and illustrated with copious elucidations from the commentators, by Thomas Taylor. 4 vols. London, 1806-12. 8. ' 1806.1 Taylor, William. Fossils in the Moray Firth area. Trans. Inver. Sci. Soc. Field Club, 1908, 6, 1-3. 1908.1 Lamna spallanzanii in the Moray Firth, an explanation. Ann. Scott. Nat. Hist., 1910, 250. 1910.1 Tchihatcheff, Pierre de [1812-1890] Asie Mineure, Description physique . . . et archeologique de cette centre" e. 4 parts (in 9 vols.) & atlases. Paris, 1856. 8&4. 1856.1 Part ii. Olimatologie et zoologie. 2 vols. xix, 842 p. 4 pis. - Considerations sur les poissons du Don, du Dne"pre, du Dnestre, du Boug et du Danube. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1856, 42, 441-445. L'Institut, 24, no. 1158, 100-101. 1856.2 Tegetmeier, R. B. Remarks on the progress of salmon-breeding in the Stormontfield ponds. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1868, 377. 1868.1 Tegetmeier, W. B. The whitebait and the theories respecting it. Zool- ogist, 1868, 3, 1322-1328. 1868.1 - Supposed hermaphrodite fish. Zoologist, 1872, 7, 2947-2948. 1872.1 Telfair, - Fische von der Insel Moritz. Isis (Oken), 1835, 522-523. 1835.1 Teller, Edgar E. Notes of the fossil fish-spine Phlyctamacanthus telleri East- man. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1906, n. s. 4, 162-167. 5 pis. 1906.1 A synopsis of the type specimens of fossils from the Palaeozoic formations 532 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TEL Teller, E. E. of Wisconsin. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1911, 9, 170-271. 1911.1 Cladodus, Dinichthvs, Gamphacanthus, Ony- chodus, Palseomylus, Phlyctaenacanthus, Ptycto- dus, Rhynchodus and Sphenophorus are enum- erated. Teller, Friedrich Joseph [1852-1913] Ueber den Schadel eines fossilen Dip- noers, Ceratodus sturii, n. sp. aus den Schichten der oberen Trias der Nord- alpen. Abh. Geol. Reichsanstalt, Wien, 1891, 15, pt. 3, 1-39. 4 pis. Also separate; Wien, 1891. 4 pis. 4. 1891.1 See also Stur, D. R. J., 1886.1, supra. Teller, R. K. Reproduction of eels. Scient. Anier., 1879, 40, 101-102. 1879.1 Tellkampf, Theodore A. Ueber den blinden Fisch der Mammuthhohle in Kentucky. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miil- ler), 1844, 381-395. New York Med. Journ., 5, 84-93. 1844.1 On the classification of the Aphredoderus gibbosus Le Sueur; Sco- lopsis sajanus J. Gilliams [Aphredoderus sajanus] Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1867, 8, 399-400. 1867.1 - Zur Classification des Aphre- doderus gibbosus (Le Sueur) Scolopsis sajanus (J. Gilliams) Arch. Anat. (Reichert), 1868, 88-89. 1868.1 - Note respecting the eyes of Am- blyopsis spelceus. Ann. Lyceum Nat. Hist. N. Y., 1870, 9, 150-152. 1870.1 Temminck, Coenraad Jacob [1770- 1858] Uittreksel uit een'- brief van Dr. J. C. van Hasselt. Algemeene Konst- en Letterbode, 1823, 1, 315-317; 329- 331. 1823.1 Tenison, J. E. Woods. See Woods, J. E. Tenison. Teimant, James [1808-1881] A stratigraphical list of British fossils . . . with . . . remarks on their character and localities. London, 1847. xvi, 132 p. 12. 1847.1 - Catalogue of fossils found in the British isles, forming the private collection of J. Tennant. By S. P. Woodward. London, 1858. ii, 76 p. 12. 1858.1 Syllabus, etc. Mr. Tennant's bibliographic list, by T. Rupert Jones. 23 p. Tennet, (Sir) James Emerson [1804- 1869] Sketches of the natural history of Ceylon; with narratives and anec- dotes illustrative of the habits and instincts of the mammalia, birds, rep- tiles, fishes, insects, etc. . . . London, 1861. xxiii, 500 p. illust. 1861.1 Fishes, p. 323-368. 11 figs. List of Ceylon fishes, p. 3o9-362. Instances of fishes falling from the clouds in India (From the Bombay Times, 1S56) p. 362-364. Ceylon fishes (Memorandum by Professor Huxley) p. 364-366. On the bora-chung, or " ground-fish " of Bhootan, p. 367-368. Tenney, Sanborn [1827-1877] A few words about scavengers. Amer. Nat- uralist, 1877, 11, 129-135. 1877.1 Odd forms among fishes. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1877, 11, 525-538. 33 figs. 1877.2 Tenore, Michele [1780-1861] Memo- ria sopra una nuova specie di squadro (Squalus platycephalus) etc. Atti Soc. Pontaniana, 1809, 1. Also separate; Naples, 1809. 4. 1809.1 Sul ciprino del vulture [Leuciscus vulturius] Mem. Accad. Sci. Napoli, 1844, 5, pt. 2, 1-6. figs. 1844.1 Teodoro, Francesco. Contribuzione all' anatomia ed alia fisiologia dei tubi di senso dei plagiostomi. Messina, 1871. 32 p. 4. 1871.1 Tereschenko, K. K. Beitrage zur Kenntnis des Wachstums und der Riickwanderung der Jungfische im Wolgadelta und dem vor der Miindung liegende Meeresteile im Jahre 1912 [Text in Russian] Arbeit. Ichthyol. Labor. Astrachan, 1912, 3, pt. 1, 28-56. 1912.1 Laichzeiten im Wolgadelta im Jahre 1909 [Russian with German resume"] Arbeit. Ichthyol. Labor. Astra- chani 1912 (1913), 2, 5-37. 1913.1 Termeyer, Raimondo Maria de. Es- perienze sull' anguilla tremente. Opus- coli scelti, 1781, 4, 324-335. 1781.1 Terni, Camilla. Esoftalmia epizoo- tica nei pesci. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Milano, 1906, 45, 1-32. 2 pis. 1906.1 - Esoftalmia epizootica nei pesci. Nota di patologia comparata. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1906, 8, 121-141; 153-160. 2 pis. 1906.2 - Esoftalmia epizootica in avan- notti di Salmo fario L. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1908, 10, 1-3. 1908.1 Studio batteriologico sugli in- quinamenti industrial! delle acque pub- bliche nei rapporti coll' acquicoltura e THE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 533 coll' igiene rurale. Rivist. Mens. Pesca, Milano, 1908, 10, 76-87; 93-105. 1908.2 Terry, Robert J . A neuroglia syn- cvtiuin in Batrachus (Opsanus tau) \nat . Anz., 1907, 31, 27-30. 2 figs. 1907.1 - The morphology of the pineal region in teleosts. Journ. Morphol., 1910,21,321-358. 20 figs. 1910.1 Tesch, Johan Jacob. Eier und Larven oinigor im Friihjahr laichenden Fische, l>< Bonders der slidlichen Nordsee. Verh. Rijksinstit. Onderz. Zee, Helder, 1909, 2, 3-44. map. 1909.1 - Leeftijdsbepaling bij de long door middel van de wervels [Altersbe- stimmung bei der Zimge vermittels der \\irbel] Med. Vissch., Helder, 1910, 17, 177-180. 1910.1 - Verdere onderzoekingen over den groei en het voedsel van de tong. Med. Vissch., Helder, 1913, 20, 48-53. 1913.1 - Weitere Untersuchungen iiber das Laichcn einiger Nutzfische besonders der siidlichen Nordsee. Verh. Vissche- rijonderzoek, Haarlem, 1913, 58-123. 1 map. 1913.2 - lets over het voedsel van eenige Zuiderzeevisschen yoornamelyk van de jonge ontwikkelingsstadien. Med. Vissch., Helder, 1914, 21, 125-132. 1914.1 Het voorkomen van eieren en Francesco Venini) Milano, 1793. 104 p. 8. 1793.3 - Seconda lettera sui pesci fossili del monte Bolca in risposta alia prece- dente del Signor Abate Fortis su lo stesso argomento. Opuscoli Scelti Sci. Arti., 1793, 16, 217-239. 1793.4 " Questa e la lettera del Fortis da Venezia 10 aprile 1793, furono tirate a parte con propria paginatura e col frontespizio: Due Letter e, sui pesci fossili de Bolca. Parla delle controversie insorte fra il Fortis e il Testa, G. B. Brocchi nella sua Conchiologia fosslle subapcnnina. Milano, 1814, p. 68." Vittorio dal Nero, Bibliografia, etc. 1911. - Terza lettera sui pesci fossili del monte Bolca (Al Signor Canonico D. Serafino Volta) [n. pi.] 1793. 1793.5 Thacher, James K. Median and paired fins, a contribution to the history of vertebrate limbs. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., 1876, 3, 281-310. 11 pis. & 4 figs. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Sci., 26, 323. 1876.1 - Ventral fins of ganoids. Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., 1877, 4, 233-242. 2 pis. 1877.1 Thacher, James K., & Smith, Sid- ney. On stomachs of salmon and their contents. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 1, 371. 1874.1 Thaxter, Celia. Among the isles of Shoals. Boston, 1873. 184 p. 16. 1873.1 Contains casual mention of fishes. larven van eenige Noordseevisschen gedurende de verschillende maanden van het jaar. Med. Vissch., Helder, 1914, 21, 8-18. 1914.2 Tesch, J. J., & Redeke, Heinrich Carl. See Redeke & Tesch. Tesdorpf , .4 . Xorddeutsche Binnen- fischerei. Kiel, 1888. fig. 8. 1888.1 Testa, Domenico. Due lettere. Milano, 12 agosto 1793, e 22 del 1794, ad Ippolito Pindemonte in cui parla della polemica per i pesci fossili del monte Bolca. 1793.1 " Autografe nella Biblioteca Piedemontiana nella coraunale di Verona." dal Nero, Biblio- grafia, etc., 1911. - Breve transunto della lettera terza sui pesci fossili del monte Bolca. Opuscoli Scelti Sci. Arti, 1793, 16. 1793.2 Thayer, A. W. Result of propagat- ing trout. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 936. 1880.1 Theil, Der Luzernische, des Vierwaldstattersees. Seine Grenzen und die Rechte des Staates, der Gemeinden, Korporationen und Privaten an demsel- ben. Luzern, 1868. 75 p. 8. 1868.1 Theilig, M. A. The carp. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 68. 1878.1 Thelohan, Prosper. Sur deux cocci- dies nouvelles, parasites de 1'epinoche et de la sardine. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1890, n. s. 2, 345-348. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 110, 1214-1216.- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6. ser. 6, 194-196. 1890.1 - Myxosporidies de la vesicule biliaire des poissons. Especes nouvelles. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1892, 116, 961- 964; 1091-1094. 1892.1 - Lettera sui pesci fossili del - Sur quelques nouvelles cpccidies monte Bolca (Al Signor Abate D. parasites des poissons. C. R. Mem. Soc. 534 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THE Thelohan, P. Biol. Paris, 1892, 9. ser. 4, 12-14.- Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6. ser. 10, 115- 117. 1892.2 - Recherches sur les myxospori- dies. Bull. Sci. France Belgique, 1894, 26, 100-394. 3 pis. & 6 figs. 1894.1 Poissons, p. 104-107. Therese yon Bayern (Prim Vorlaufige Mittheilung iiber einige neue Fischarten aus den Seen von Mexico. Anz. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1894, 31, 147-149. 1894.1 - Vorlaufiger Bericht iiber einige wahrend einer Reise nach Siidamerika 1898 gesammelte neue Fische. Anz. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1900, 37, 206-208. 1900.1 Therese von Bayern (Princess), & Steindachner, Franz. Ueber einige Fischarten Mexico's und die Seen, in welchen sie vorkommen. Denkschr. Akad. Wiss., Wien, 1895, 62, 517-530. 3 pis. 1895.1 Thery, Andre. Note sur un esturgeon capture dans la baie d'Alger. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Afrique du Nord, 1909, 1. annee, 14. 1909.1 Thesen, Jorgen Eitzen. Bidrag til darmkanalens histologi og physiologi hos torsken (Gadus morrhua) Arch. Math. Naturv., 1890, 40, 220-231. pi. 1890.1 - Etude sur la biologic du cceur des poissons osseux. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1896, 3. ser. 4, 101-131. 1896.1 Material investigated: Crenilabrus rupestris, Zoacceus viviparus, Trigla gurnardus, Conger con- ger, Carassius vulgaris and Gadus morrhua. Ueber Isokreatinin, eine neue stickstoffhaltige Verbindung im Fisch- fleisch. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chemie, 1898, 24, 1-17. 1898.1 Thesing, C. Biologische Streifziige. Mtinchen, 1908. 1908.1 Thesleff, E. En record insjoforell. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1893, 1, 227-228. pi. 1893.1 - En trettio skalpunds forell. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1893, 2, 159-161. 1893.2 Breflada [sjukdom hos braxen] Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1895, 4, 133-134. 1895.1 Theunissen, F. Over de rangschik- king der motorische cellen in de hersenen van Acipenser ruthenus en Lepidosteus osseus. Versl. Wis. Nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1914, 22, 963-971. 2 figs. Proc. Sect. Sci. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1914, 16, 1032-1041. 2 figs. 1914.1 Close resemblance with each other and with Amia, contrasted with selachian and teleostean conditions. Theunissen, W. F., & Kappers, C. U. Ariens. See Kappers & Theu- nissen. Theuratte, A. D. de la. Les noms vulgaires et locaux des poissons d'eau douce de la France. Repertoire alpha- betique et geographique. Etangs et Rivieres, 1898, 11, 6-11; 21-27; 42-45. 1898.1 Thienemann, August. Vorschriften bei Fischsterben. Jahresber. Fische- reiver. Westfalen, 1909-10, 18-20. 1909.1 - Die Einwirkung von bei der Papierfabrikation verwendeten Farb- stqffen auf die Tierwelt des Wassers. Zeitschr. Untersuch Nahrungs- und Genussmittel, Berlin, 1911, 22, 465-468. 1911.1 - Die Entstehung einer neuen Coregonenform in einem Zeitraum von vierzig Jahren. Zool. Anz., 1911, 38, 301-303. 2 figs. 1911.2 - Die Felchen-Kolonie des Laa- cher Sees. Sitzber. Nat. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. u. Westfalen 1910 (1911), E, 85-90. 2 figs. 1911.3 - Hydrobiologische und fischerei- liche Untersuchungen an den west- falischen Talsperren. Landwirthschaft. Jahrb., Berlin, 1911, 41, 535-716. 3 pis. 1911.4 - Ein neuer Erreger der Rotseuche der karpfenartigen Fische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 282-284. 1911.5 Der'Bergbach des Sauerlandes. Faunistisch-biologische Untersuchun- gen. Intern. Rev. Ges. Hydrobiol. Hydrograph. Biol. Suppl., 1912, 4, Heft 2 r no. 1. 127 p. 5 figs. 1912.1 Die biologische Eigenart der Talsperre. Fischerei Zeitg., 1912, 15, 605-607. 1912.2 Die Ernahrung der Talsperren- forellen. Fischerei Zeitg., 1912, 16, 328-331. 1912.3 Fischereibiologisches aus dem Dortmund-Emskanal. Jahresber. Fi- schereiver. Westfalen 1911 (1912) 8 p. 1912.4 THI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 535 - Die Silberfelchen des Laacher Sees. Die Ausbildung einer neuen Coregonenform in einem Zeitraum von 40 Jahren. Zool. Jahrb. (Abth. Syst.), 1912, 32, 173-220. 3 pis. & 2 figs. Abstract in Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 324-328. Nat. Wochenschr., 27, 364-365. 1912.5 - Die Verschmutzung der Ruhr im Sommer 1911. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 1912, 16, 55-86. 1912.6 - Das Vorkommen der Flunder (Pleuronectes flesus L.) im Main. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, 1912, 7, 675-676. 1912.7 - Die Salzwassertierwelt in West- fiilen. Verh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges.,- 1913, 23, 56-68. 1913.1 - Die Ausbildung einer neuen Felchenart in einem Zeitraum von 40 Jahren. Die Naturwissenschaf ten, 1914, 2. Jahrg., 393-396. 2 figs. 1914.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntnis der west- falischen Siisswasserfauna. V. Die Flunder im Dortmund-Emskanal. 43. Jahresber. Westfal. Provinz.-Ver., Zool. Sekt., 1915, 146-148. 1915.1 Thienemann, August, Konig, Jo- seph, & Limprich. See Konig, Thie- nemann & Limprich. Thienemann, August, & Spiecker- mann. See Spieckermann & Thie- nemann. Thienemann, Friedrich August Lud- wig [1793-1858] Lehrbuch der Zoologie. Berlin, 1828. 1828.1 Thierf elder, A. Ueber das Ortsge- dachtnis bei Fischen. Umschau, 1911. 1911.1 Thiergardt, A. Aufnahme und Ansammlung von Arsen und Blei im Korper der Fische. [n. pi.] 1897. 1897.1 Thiery, P. Note sur 1'Infralias de Provencheres-sur-Meuse. Chaumont, 1907. 36 p. illust. 8. 1907.1 Stratigraphie, par P. Thiery. Vertebras [poissons] par H. E. Sauvage. Thilenius,Georgr[1868 | Ueber die linsenformige Gefasskorper im Auge einiger Cypriniden. Berlin, 1892. 3 pis. 8. 1892.1 Thilo, Otto. Die Sperrgelenke an den Stacheln einiger Welse, des Stich- linges und des Einhornes. Inaug. Dissert, Dorpat, 1879. 22 p. pi. & 15 figs. 8. 1879.1 - Die Gliedenmassen der Fische. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1896, 39, 96-106. 1896.1 - Die Urnbildungen an den Glied- massen der Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1896, 24, 287-355. 4 pis. & 43 figs. Abstract in Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 39, 96-106. Biol. Zentralbl., 17, no. 1. 1896.2 - Das Prapariren mit Feilen. Anat. Anz., 1897, 14, 191-194. 1897.1 - Die Stacheln der Fische. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf., Leipzig, 1897, 68, 171-176. Nerthus, Altona, 3, 96-97; 105-106; 123-124; 146-148; 160-162. 1897.2 - Erganzungen zu meiner Abhand- lung " Die Umbildungen an den Glied- massen der Fische." Morphol. Jahrb., 1898, 26, 81-90. 1898.1 - Die Korperformen der Fische und Seesaugethiere. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1898, 40, 138-146. pi. & 8 figs. 1898.2 - Nachbildungen von Sperrgelen- ken an Fischstacheln und Giftstacheln von Fischen. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1898, 40, 87-88. 1898.3 - Die Entstehung der Luftsacke bei den Kugelfischen. Anat. Anz., 1899, 16, 73-87. 2 pis. 1899.1 - Ueber die Vorfahren der Schol- len. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1899, 42, 175-178. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 14, 315-343. 2 pis. & 7 figs. Biol. Centralbl., 22, 717-728. 19 figs. Also separate; St. Petersburg, 1901. 4. 1899.2 - Ueber giftige Fische. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1899, 42, 158. 1899.3 - Das Ankern der Fische und Pflanzen. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1900, 43, 18-22. 1900.1 - Die Stacheln der Fischen als Haftorgane. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1900, 43, 18-21. 1900.2 - Kinematik im Tierreiche. Biol. Centralbl., 1901, 21, no. 16, 413-428. 1901.1 - Die Vorfahren der Schollen. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1901, 5. se>. 14, 315-350. 2 pis. & 18 figs. Biol. Zentralbl., 22, no. 22, 718-728. 19 figs. 1901.2 Das Einsammeln und Aufbe- wahren zoologischer Gegenstande. Kor- 536 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THI Thilo, 0. respbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1902, 45, 104-118. 1902.1 Maschine und Tierkorper. Verb. 5. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, 501-503. 1902.2 - Stellung der Augen bei den Butten. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1902, 45, 127-128. 1902.3 - Die Umbildungen am Knochen- geriiste der Schollen. Zool. Anz., 1902, 25, 305-320. 19 figs. 1902.4 - Das Ankern der Fische. Congr. Intern. Peche Piscicult. St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 1, 120-121. 1903.1 - Die Bedeutung der technischen Wissenschaften fur den Naturf orscher. Umschau, Frankfurt, 1903, no. 53, 7. Jahrg., 1044-1048. 12 figs. 1903.2 - Die Vorfahren der Schollen (Pleuronectiden) Congr. Intern. Peche Piscicult. St. Petersb., 1903, pt. 1, 119-120. 1903.3 Die Entstehung der Schwimm- blasen. Vorlaufige Mittheilung. Kor- respbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1904, 47, 26-28. Biol. Centralbl., 23, 528-540. 1904.1 - Die Luftwege der Schwimm- c blasen. Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 591-604. 3 figs. 1906.1 Luftdruckmesser an den Schwimmblasen der Fische. Umschau, Frankfurt, 1907, 11, 544-548. Werner Klinkhardt, 1908, 1, 791-820. 7 pis. & 31 figs. 1907.1 - The manometric apparatus of fishes; nature's mechanical adaptations. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1907, 64, 301-302. 7 figs. 1907.2 - Das Schwinden der Schwimm- blasen bei den Schollen. Zool. Anz., 1907,31,393-406. 7 figs. < 1907.3 Die Augen der Schollen. Biol. Centralbl., 1908, 28, 602-608. 10 figs. Umschau, Frankfurt, 1909. 9 figs. 1908.1 - Die Bedeutung der Weber'schen Knochelchen. Zool. Anz., 1908, 32, 777-789. 7 figs. 1908.2 - Die Entwicklung der Schwimm- blase bei den Karpfen. Zool. Anz., 1908, 32, 589-597. 5 figs. 1908.3 Die Sperrgelenke der Stichlinge. Aus der Natur 1907 (1908), 24. Heft. 5 figs. 1908.4 - Die Eingeweidebriiche der Schollen. Med. Nat. Arch., 1910, 2, 497-502. 5 figs. 1910.1 - Leuchtkorper und Scheinwerfer im Tierreich. Natur, 1910, 167-170. 11 figs. - 1910.2 - Studies on the plectognaths. Arkiv Zool., Stockholm, 1912, 7, no. 30. 1912.1 Ueber Naturforschung und Technik. Korrespbl. Naturf. Ver. Riga, 1912, 55 (Sitzber.), 7-8. 1912.2 Verknocherte Schwimmblasen. Zool. Anz., 1913, 41, 289-298. 6 figs. 1913.1 Die Vorfahren der Kugelfische. Biol. Centralbl., 1914, 34, 523-545. 18 figs. 1914.1 Entstehung der Luftsacke durch Erweiterung des Magens. Umwandlung des 1. Kiemenhaut- strahls zum Pumpwerk. Erweiterung der Bauchhohle. Vorfahren hatten mit Monacanthus Irossulus grosse Aehnlichkeit. Thimm, C. A. Bibliography of trypanosomiasis. Sleeping sickness Bureau. London, 1909. 228 p. 8. 1909.1 Subject index to the bibli- ography of trypanosomiasis. Sleeping sickness Bureau. London, 1910. 13 p. 1910.1 Contains references to the trypanosomes of fishes. Thiolliere, Victor Joseph de VIsle [1801-1859] Sur les poissons fossiles des calcaires lithographiques du Bugey. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1840, 1, xcii- xciv. 1840.1 tin nouveau gisement de pois- sons fossiles dans le Jura du departement de TAin. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1849, 2. ser. 1, 43-66. 1849.1 Seconde notice, etc. See Thiolli- ere, V., & Meyer, H. de, 1850.1, infra. - Troisieme notice sur les gise- ments a poissons fossiles situes dans le Jura du departement de FAin. Ann. Soc. Agric. Lyon, 1852, 2. ser. 4, 353- 446. 1852.1 - Description des poissons fossiles provenant des gisements ' coralliens du Jura dans le Bugey. Lyons, 1854. 28 p. 10 pis. 1854.1 Seconde livraison [redig par Paul Gervais] Lyon, 1873. 12 pis. See also Eastman, C. R., 1911.1, supra. - Partie ichthyologique de la f aune de Tile de Woodlark ou Moiou (Me- lanesie) Lyon, 1856. 89 p. 8. 1856.1 THO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 537 Not ice sur Irs poissons fossiles du Bugey. el stirl'applicationdelamethode lc ( 'uvier a leur classemenl . Bull. Soc. Geol. I-Yaiice, 1858, 2. scr. 15, 782-794. 1858.1 - Suite des recherches sur les poissons fossiles du Bugey. Ann. Soc. Agrio. Lyon, 1859, 3. ser. 2, Iviii-lxviii. 1859.1 - Description des poissons fossiles provenant des gisements coralliens du , I ura dans le Bugey. Seconde livraison. Notice in Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 4. se>. 1S72, 1,200. 1872.1 Thiolliere, Victor, & Meyer, H. de. Seconde notice sur le gisement et sur les corps organises fossiles des calcaires lithographiques dans le Juradu departe- incnt de 1'Ain, comprenant la descrip- tion de deux reptiles inedits provenant de ces couches, par M. Hermann de Merer. Lvon, 1850. 80 p. 2 pis. 4. 1850.1 Thomas, - - Barbus ticto Glinth., die rote Barbe. Natur u. Haus, 1904, 12. Jahrg., 276-277. fig. 1904.1 Thomas, ,1., . 4, 175. 1880.2 Sur deux genres nouveaux de poissons faisant partie de la famille des squammipennes et rapport6s d'Australie par J. Verreaux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1881, 7. ser. 8, 140-142. 1881.1 - Sur un Saccodon d'espece nou- velle venant de 1'Equateur. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1882, 7. ser. 6, 248-251. 1882.1 Note sur le genre Aplodon, poisson de la famille des Sparidse, voisin des girelles. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 7, 141-144. 1883.1 - Note sur un poisson de genre nouveau appartenant a la famille des sparides. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1883, 7. ser. 7, 140-141. 1883.2 Note sur un poisson de la famille des Cyprinodontidae. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1884, 7. s6r. 8, 149-158. 1884.1 - Sur deux poissons de la famille des labyrinthiformes appartenant au genre Ctenotoma Peters. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1886, 7. ser. 10, 158-161. 1886.1 Sur quelques poissons nouveaux appartenant a la collection du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Soc. Phi- lom. Paris, 1886, 7. se>. 10, 161-171. 1886.2 Thompson, Beeby [1848] The Upper Lias of Northamptonshire. Part 2. The paper-shales with fish and insect limestone. Journ. Northampt. Soc., 1885, 3, 183-200. pi. 1885.1 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth [1860 ] On the hind limb of Ich- thyosaurus and on the morphology of vertebrate limbs . Journ . Anat . Phy siol . , 1886,20,532-535. 2 figs. 1886.1 Note on the blood corpuscles of the Cyclostomata. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 231-233. Anat. Anz., 2, 630-632. 1887.1 - On the auditory labyrinth of Orthagoriscus mola L. Anat. Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 93-96. 4 figs. Stud. Mus. Zool. Dundee, 1889, 1, 4. lsss.1 538 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Thompson, D. W. - On a supposed resemblance between the marine faunas of the arctic and antarctic regions. Proc. Royal Soc. Edinburgh, 1897-98, 311-349. 1897.1 Notes on the Aberdeen trawling industry with an introduction to the Aberdeen trawl and line statistics, 1901-1903. Rept. Fishery Board Scot- land 1902-03 (1905), 317-353. 8 figs. & 12 charts. 1905.1 - Report on Granton trawling statistics, 1886-1903. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland 1902-03 (1905), 259- 283. 16 figs. 1905.2 - Report on Montrose trawling statistics, 1892-1903. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland 1902-03 (1905), 285- 315. 19 figs. 1905.3 On fluctuations in the market price of fish. 2. Rept. Fishery Invest. 1904-06 (1908), 281-295. 12 figs. 1908.1 Report on the statistics of the Aberdeen trawl-fishery, 1901-06, with special reference to the cod, haddock and other " round fishes." 3. Rept. Fishery Invest. 1904-06 (1908), 219- 279. 86 figs. & 4 maps. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 10 B, no. 2. 38 p. 2 pis. & 41 figs. 1908.2 - Report on the distribution, etc., of the cod, haddock and other round fishes. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1910, 12 C, no. 2. 42 p. 41 figs. 1910.1 The works of Aristotle. Vol. iv. Historia animalium, translated and edited by D'Arcy W. Thompson. Oxford, 1910. 8. 1910.2 Contains many notes on fishes. Report on the distribution, etc., of the cod, haddock and other round fishes. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1911, 13, 1-32. 1911.1 - The scales of the herring as an index to age. Nature, 1911, 88, 98. 1911.2 - Second report on the distribu- tion of the cod and other round fishes. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1911, 13, no. 2. 1911.3 - La mer du Nord et ses pecheries. Rev. Scient., 1912, 50, pt. 2, 548-556. 1912.1 - The North Sea and its fisheries. Nature, London, 1912, 89, 593-598. Proc. Roy. Inst. Great Britain, 1912, 13 p. 1912.2 - Third report on the distribution, etc., of the cod, haddock and other round fishes. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, 1912, 14, 3-52. 70 figs. & 11 tables. 1912.3 - On Aristotle as a biologist, with a proemion on Herbert Spencer. Nature, 1913, 91, 201-204. 1913.1 - Aberdeen fishery statistics. Fisheries Scotland Scient. Invest. 1913 (1914) 64 p. 7 figs. 1914.1 Aberdeen trawling statistics for the year 1912. Fisheries Scotland Scient. Invest. 1913, no. 1. 64 p. 7 maps & 23 figs. 1914.2 - The age of a herring. Nature, 1914, 94, 60-61. 1914.3 Aberdeen trawling statistics for the year 1913. Fisheries Scotland Scient. Invest. 1914 (1915), no. 3. 70 p. 10 pis. & fig. 1915.1 [Review of] Le scuole lonica, Pythagorica ed Eleata; i pre-Aristo- telici, I, by Aldo Mieli. Nature, 1916, 98, 165-167. 1916.1 Thompson, D'Arcy Wentworth, & Ransom, W. B. See Ransom & Thompson. Thompson, Edward H. Note on the breeding of eels. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 208. 1884.1 Thompson, Florence D. The thyroid and parathyroid glands throughout vertebrates, with observations on some other closely related structures. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1910, 201, 91-132. 5 pis. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lon- don, 82, 389-390. 1910.1 Thompson, Florence D., & Vincent, Swale. See Vincent & Thompson. Thompson, (Sir) Henry [1820-1904] Fish as food. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 7. 1883.1 Thompson, John H. Record of young salmon caught near Martha's Vineyard and at Seconticut neck. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 270. 1882.1 Thompson, Joseph C., & Gilbert, Charles Henry. See Gilbert & Thomp- son. THO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 539 Thompson, Joseph ('., & Jordan, I )u ri - Notes on Cepola rubescen* L. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, n. s. 2, 214-218. 1838.3 - On the fishes new to Ireland. Ann. Nat. Hist., 1838, 1, 348-359. Ibid., 2, 14-28. 1838.4 On the red band-fish, Cepola rubescens Linn. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2. ser. 2, 214-218. 1838.5 - Observations on several British fishes, including descriptions of a new species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, 2, 402^23. Isis (Oken), 1844, 674- 677. 1839.1 i. On the British species of the genus Mono- chirus Cuv. ii. Description of a minute fish allied to the Ciliata glauca Couch and Gadus argentelus Mont. iii. On the identity of the Trigla cuculus Bl.. with the T. gurnardus of authors; together with observations on two species of the genus Gobius. iv. On the identity of Crenilabrus multi- dentatus Thomp., and Labrus pusillus Jenyna; with notes on the Irish Coregoni. On an apparently undescribed species of Lepadogaster (L. cephalus] and on the Gobius minutus Miiller, and Cyclopterus minutus Pallas, considered as the young of Cyclopterus lumpus Linn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, 3, 34-45. - Isis (Oken), 1844, 743-744. 1839.2 - On fishes; containing a notice of one species new to the British, and of others to the Irish fauna. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1839, 2, 266-273. 1839.3 Additions to the fauna of Ire- land. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 6, 6-14; 245-257. Ibid., 1844, 13, 430- 440. Ibid., 1846, 18, 310-315; 383-397. Ibid., 1847, 20, 169-176; 237-250. 1840.1 On a new genus of fishes from India [Bregmaceros macclellandi Cantor M. S.] Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 4, 184-187. fig. 1840.2 On a torpedo taken on the Irish coast. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1840, 5, 292-295. 1840.3 - Report on the fauna of Ireland : Division Vertebrata, etc. Part 1. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 10 meet., 1840. 1840.4 Notes on British char, Salmo umbla Linn. S. salvelinus Don. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 6, 439-450. On a new subgenus of fishes, allied to Ophidium. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1841, 2, 207-212. pi. 1841.2 540 AMP:RICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TH( Thompson, W. - On eels killed by the late frost, Feb. 1841. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 6, 75. 1841.3 - On the species of stickleback (Gasterosteus Linn.) found in Ireland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1841, 7, 95-104. 1841.4 Report on the fauna of Ireland : Division Vertebrata, etc. Part 2. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 13. meet., 1843. 1843.1 - Notice of the blind fish, cray- fish and insects from the Mammoth cave, Kentucky. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 111-113. 1844.1 On ova believed to be those of the large-spotted dog-fish, Scyllium catulus Linn. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 14, 23-27. fig. 1844.2 - Vessels pierced by the weapon of the sword-fish. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1844, 13, 235-236. 1844.3 - The natural history of Ireland. 4 vols. London, 1849 [-1856] illust. 8. 1849.1 Vol. iv, .edited, owing to the decease of the author, by J. R. Garrett, R. Patterson, and G. Dickie. Occurrence of the boar-fish [Capros aper] in the bay of Portland. Zoologist, 1850, 8, 2789. 1850.1 Occurrence of the porbeagle shark off the Chesil beach, also Raia marginata and Labrus lineatus at Wey- mouth. Zoologist, 1850, 8, 2970. 1850.2 - Occurrence of the tunny [Scomber thynnus] near Wey mouth. Zoologist, 1850, 8, 2916. 1850.3 Occurrence of the crested blenny [Blennius palmicornis Yarrell] at Port- land. Zoologist, 1851, 9, 3120. 1851.1 - The freshwater fishes of Ulster, contributed from the MSS. by Robert Patterson and James R. Garrett. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet., 1852, 290. 1852.1 - The variegated sole. Zoologist, 1852, 10, 3375. 1852.2 Description of a specimen of the lesser forked beard [Raniceps trifurcatus] with an announcement of the occurrence of that and two other rare British fishes at Weymouth. Zoologist, 1853, 11, 4097-4100. 1853.1 - The natural history of Irelam 4 vols. London, 1856. 8. 1856.: Fishes, vol. iv, p. 69-108. - Capture of the long-finned tunny [Thynnus macropterus] on the Chesi' beach. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861 3. ser. 7, 340. 1861.] Thompson, WilliamFrancis. A pi liminary report on the life-history the halibut. Report Comm. Fisheri( Victoria, B. C. 1914 (1915), 76-120. 1915.1 - Further notes on Erilepis, the giant bass-like fish of the north Pacific. Copeia, 1917, no. 40, 9-13. 1917.1 Thompson, William Francis, & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Thompson. Thompson, William Francis, & Starks, Edwin Chapin. See Starks & Thompson. ' Thompson, W . T. Brook trout fry; a resume of methods. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1900 (1901), 139-146. 1901.1 - Brook trout notes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1901 (1902), 152- 158. 1902.1 - Feeding; its effect on growth and egg production. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1902 (1903), 125-129. 1903.1 - The golden trout. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1903 (1904), 208-213. 1904.1 Is irrigation detrimental to trout culture? Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (1912), 103-114. 1912.1 Thompson, W. Wardlaw. Catalogue of fishes of the Cape Province. Marine Biol. Rept. Prov. Cape Good Hope, 1914, no. 2, 132-167. 1914.1 Thompson, W. Wardlaw, & Gil- christ, J. D. F. See Gilchrist & Thompson. Thompson, Zadock [1796-1856] His- tory of Vermont, natural, civil, and statistical. 3 pts. Burlington, 1842. 1842.1 A portion of this work was republished in 1858 under the title of Natural history of Vermont, etc. 224 p. Several species of fishes are described. Announcement of the discovery in the state of Vermont of Tryonyx ferox and Coitus gobia. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist, 1844-48 (1848), 2, 145. 1848.1 THO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 541 - Description of a new speeies of R.nobilior] Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1848-51 (1851), 3, 163; 305. 1849.1 - On Percopsis pellucida. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat, Hist, 1848-51 (1851), 3. lf>.V164. 1851.1 Thomsen, (wit lob, Blytt, H . H. P., A: others. Sec Blytt, //. H. P., & others. Thomson, Report on the distribution, etc., of the cod, haddock and other round fishes. Rapp. Cons. Intern. Expl. Mer. Copenhague, 1910. 1910.1 Thomson, (Sir) [Charles] Wyville [1830-1882] Notes on Prof. Steenstrup's " Views on the obliquity of flounders." Ann. Mag. Nut. Hist., 1865, 3. ser. 15, 361-371. pi. 1865.1 - The depths of the sea; account of the general results of the dredging cruises of "Porcupine" and "Light- ning" during 1868-70. London, 1873. 527 p. illust. 8. 1873.1 - Voyage of the " Challenger." Deep sea life of the Atlantic. 2 vols. London, 1877. illust. 8. 1877.1 Thomson, G. H. Protecting the undersized trout. Trans. Amer. Fish- eries Soc. 1909 (1910), 160-161. 1910.1 - Protection of the undersized fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 171-178. 1913.1 Thomson, George Malcolm. Notes on sea-fishes. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst,, 1892, 24, 202-215. 1892.1 - Notes on the New Zealand fish- eries. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1898, 30, 576-580. 1898.1 - The proposed biological station and fish hatchery near Dunedin, New Zealand. Rept. Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 7. meet., 1898, 576-578. 1898.2 - The proposed biological station and marine fish hatchery near Dunedin, New Zealand. Rept. Austral. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 8. meet., 1901, 272-274. 1901.1 - The Portobello marine fish- hatchery and biological station. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1906, 38, 529-558. 5 pis. 1906.1 - The natural history of Otago harbour and the adjacent sea, together with a record of the researches carried on at the Portobello marine fish-hatch- ery. Parti. Trans. New Zealand lust., 1913,46,225-251. pi. 1913.1 Thomson, ./. Stuart. The periodic growth of scales in Gadidac and Pleu- ronectidse as an index of age. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth 1900-03 (1902), n. s. 6, 373-375. pi. 1902.1 - The periodic growth of scales in Gadidae as an index of age. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., Plymouth, 1904, n. s. 7, 1-109. 1904.1 Contains an excellent bibliography of the subject. See also Taylor, H. F., 1916.1, supra. - Das periodische ^achstum der Schuppen der Gadiden als Grundlage zur Altersbestimmung. Allgem. Fische- rei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 188-189. 1904.2 - The dorsal vibratile fin of the rockling (Motella) Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 81. meet., 1911, 413. 1911.1 - The dorsal vibratile fin of the rockling (Motella) Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1912, 68, 241-256. pi. 1912.1 Thomson, James [1823-1900] Ex- hibition of the head of Pleuracanthus gibbosus (from the Upper Carboniferous series, Watson, Stonehouse, Lanarkshire) Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow 1864-67 (1867), 2, 39-40. 1867.1 - On teeth and dermal structure associated with Ctenacanthus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 39. meet., 1869, 102-103. 1869.1 - Note on the spines of Gyracan- thus. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1871, 3, 130-133. 1871.1 On some dermal tubercles asso- ciated with fossil fish remains. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1872, ser. 4, 10, 66-67. 1872.1 Peculiar trout of loch Islay. Sci. Gossip 1872 (1873), 85-86. figs. 1873.1 - Notes on Carboniferous fossils. 1. On the plagiostomous fishes of the Coal Measures, particularly0r^aean//t- pcecilioides-Fr&ge. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 442-443. 1910.2 - Der Lowenkopffische, alias Ei- erfisch. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 717-718. 2 figs. 1911.1 Zierfische. Ihre Pflege und Zucht. Lehrmeister-Bibliothek, Leip- zig, 1911, no. 70. 37 p. 10 figs. 1911.2 Acara tetramerus Heckel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 117-120. 2 figs. 1912.1 Thunberg, Carl Pehr [1743-1828] Beskrifning pa Syngnathus tetragonus en obekandt fisk ifran Java. Physiogr. Selsk. Handl., 1776, 1, 301. 1776.1 Museum naturalium Academise Upsaliensis . . . Prseside C. P. Thun- berg, etc. 33 pts. Upsaliae, 1787-1821. illust. 4. 1787.1 Appendix, 26 parts. Upsalise, 1794-1819. A series of 61 academic dissertations, consisting of lists of specimens in, or added to, the Museum of the Upsala Academy. Parts 1-8, 30-33, and appendix 1-6, 15 & 24 relate to zoological, parts 9-29 and appendix 7-14, 16-23, 25 & 26 to bo- tanical specimens. The pagination is very irregular: parts 1-11 (191 p.), 12-22 (p. 94-226), 30-32 (25 p.) Auctum, 2 parts (18 p.) Appen- dix, 1-8 (138 p.) 21, 22 (33 p.) & 23-26 (p. 24-52) are Continuously paged; all the other parts are separately paged. - Specimen ichthyologicum de mursena et ophichtho, quod . . . prae- side C. P. Thunberg . . . offert J. N. Ahl. Upsaliae, 1789. Inaug. Dissert. 14 p. 4. 1789.1 According to Englemann, there should be two plates for this work. Reprinted in 1799. - Beskrifning pa tvanne fiskar ifran Japan; Ostracion hexagonus, Scicena cataphracta. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl., 1790, 106. Ibid., 1792, 29.- Neue Schwed. Akad. Abh., 1790, 100. 1790.1 - Tvanne utlandska fiskar be- skrifne; Gobius patella, Silunis lineatus. Vet. Acad. Nya Handl., 1791, 190. Neue Schwed. Akad. Abh. 1791, 175. 1791.1 - Atskillige forut okande fiskar af abborslagtet [Percai Vet. Akad. Nya Handl., 1792, 13, 141-143. Ibid., 1793, 14, 55-56; 198-200; 296-298. figs. 1792.1 544 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY THU Thunberg, C. P. - Tvanne Japanske fiskar be- skrifne (Callionymus japonicus och Si- lurus maculatus) Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1792, 29. 1792.2 - Beskrifning pa rya fiskar af abborrslagtet ifran Japan. Handl. Svenska Vet. Akad., 1793, 55; 198; 296. 1793.1 - Dissertationes academic^ Upsa- lise habitse sub prsesidio C. P. Thunberg [Edited by C. H. Persoon] 3 vols. Gottingae, 1799-1801. illust. 8. 1799.1 Vol. iii,no. 1. Deniursena et ophichtho, etc. Jonas Nicolaus Ahl, resp. Afhandling om de amphibier och fiskar som i Bibelon omtalas. 3 vols. Upsala, 1827. 8. 1827.1 Thurston, Edgar [1855 ] Pre- liminary report on the marine fauna of Rameswaram and the neighbouring islands. Government Central Museum, Madras. Madras, 1887. 41 p. 6 pis. 8. 1887.1 Fishes, p. 22-27. - Note on tours along the Malabar coast (fishery) Madras, 1894. 8. 1894.1 - The sea fisheries of Malabar and South Canara. Bull. Madras Govt. Mus., 1900, 3, no. 2, 93-183. 7 pis. 1900.1 Tibbetts, N. V. Scarcity of cod and haddock on the coast of Maine. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 75-76. 1887.1 Tiberg, H. V. Vara for fisklek basta vaxter. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1896, 5, 55-57. 1896.1 Tiburtius, Tiburtz. Forsok Gjprde vid fiske-plantering i sma Skogs-Sjoar. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1894, 2, 101- 105. Fiskeritidskr. Finl., 1894,3, 159- 160; 168-171. 1894.1 Tiburtz, T. Observations sur le transport des poissons d'un etang dans un autre. Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 1794, 1, 488. 1794.1 Ticcander, Michel (respondent) Om Sysma socken i Kymmene-gards Ian, och savolax ofredels harad. Inaug. Dis- sert. Abo, 1792. 34 p. 4. 1792.1 Pehr Adrian Gadd, presses. Tice, Benjamin. Statement concern- ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 457. 1879.1 Tichenko, S. Ueber die Parasiten einiger Wolga-Fische [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1904, 19, 219-243. 1904.1 Sur Torigine du mesenchime chez le sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) Zool. Anz., 1906, 30, 728-730. 2 figs. 1906.1 Bericht iiber eine Fahrt nach Simbirsk im Fruhjahr 1905 zwecks Befruchtung von Sterleteiern [Text in Russian] Proc. Verb. Seances Soc. Nat. Univ. Kazan, 1907, 36, 1-4. 1907.1 Tichij, M. Einige Worte iiber dc Tunfisch, ' Thynnus thynnus L. [Text in Russian] Vest. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1912, 26, 447-453. 1912.1 Der Hausenfang am siidwest- lichen Ufer der Krim wahrend der Sai- son 1910-1911. 2. Teil. Zur Frage iiber die Nahrung des Hausens [Text in Russian] Vestn. Rybopromysl., St. Petersb., 1912, 27, 59-80. 1912.2 Tichij, M., & Nedozhivin, A. See Nedozhivin & Tichij. Tichomeroff, A. See Tikhomirov, A. A. Tickell, S. R. Description of a sup- posed new genus of the Gadidse, Arakan [Asthenurus atripinnis] Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 1865, 34, pt. 2, 32-33. pi. 1865.1 Tiedemann, D.Friedrich [1781-1861] Anatomic des Fischerzens. Landshut, 1809. 41 p. 4 pis. 8. % 1809.1 - Sonderbare Kiemenbildung bei den Nadelfischen. Deutsch. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Meckel), 1816, 2, 110- 112. 1816.1 Von dem Hirn und den fin- gerformigen Fortsatzen der Triglen. Deutsch. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Meckel), 1816, 2, 103-110. 1816.2 - Beschreibung einiger seltenen Thier-Misgeburten. Missgestatteter Hecht. Monstrose Karpf en. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Meckel), 1819, 6, 125. 1819.1 Tiegel, E. Vom Riickenmark der Schlangen und der Aale. Arch. Gesamt. Physiol., 1878, 17, 594-600. 1878.1 Tiesing, B. Zur Kenntnis der Augen-, Kief er- und Kiemenmuskeln der Haie und Rochen. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1895, 30 (n. s. 23), 75-126. 3 pis. 1895.1 TIM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 545 Tiesler, M'. Die Fische der russi- schen Ostseeprovinzen. Natur u. Haus, 1903, 12. Jahrg., 82-83. 1903.1 Tifft, Henry 0. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 7. 1873.1 Tigri, .4. Sulla organizazione delle anguille e sul modo di venirne a capo. Giorn. R. Accad. Med. Torino, 1872, 3. ser. 11, 765-768. Ann. Soc. Nat. Modena, 1873, 7, 115-118. 1872.1 Sulla riproduzione delle anguille. Giorn. R. Accad. Med. Torino, 1872, 3. ser. 11, 506; 632. 1872.2 Tikhomirov, A. A. Zur Entwick- lung des Schadels bei den Teleostiern. Zool. Anz., 1885, 8, 533-537. 1885.1 Tilden, Joseph. An account of a singular property of lamprey eels. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts Sci., 1815, 3, pt. 2, 335-336. 1815.1 Tilesius von Tilenau, Wilhelm Gott- lieb [1769-1857] Ueber die sogenannten Seemause, oder hornartigen Fischeyer, nebst anatomisch-physiologischen Be- merkungen iiber die Fortpflanzungs- weise der Rochen und Hayfische, etc. Leipzig, 1802. xxii, 171 p. " 5 pis. 4. 1802.1 - Description de quelques pois- sons observes pendant un voyage autour du monde. Mem. Soc. Nat. Moscou, 1809, 2, 212-249. 2 pis. 1809.1 - Piscium Kamtschaticorum " Teerpuck " et " Wachnja " descrip- tiones et icones. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1810, 2, 335-376. Ibid., 3, 225-285. 1810.1 - Abbildungen und Beschreibun- gen einiger Fische aus Japan und einiger Mollusken aus Brasilien, welche bei Gelegenheit der ersten russischen kaiserh'chen Erdumseglung lebendig be- obachtet wurden. Denkschr. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1811-12, 71-88. 2 pis. Ibid., 1813, 31-50. Notice in Isis (Oken), 2, 243. 1812.1 - Iconum et descriptionum pis- cium Kamtschaticorum continuatio, tentamen monographic generis Agoni blochiani sistens. Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1813, 4, 406-478. 1813.1 Animalia monocardia seu frigidi sanguinis imperil Rosso-Asiatici. . . . Supplendis quibusdam ranarum de- scriptionibus et iconibus inprimis pis- cium Camtschaticorum auxit et locu- pletavit G. T. Tilesius (In Pallas, P. S. Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, etc., vol. iii 1814. 4) 1814.1 - De piscium Australium novo genere. M&n. Acad. Sci. St. P6tersb., 1820, 7, 301-310. 1820.1 - Naturhistorische Abhandlungen und Erlauterungen besonders die IVtn- factenkunde betreffend. Cassel, 1826. xiv, 154 p. illust. 4. 1826.1 Tillier, J. B. Le canal de Suez et sa faune ichthyologique. Me"m. Soc. Zool France, 1902, 16, 279-318. map. 1902.1 Tillier, L. Essai sur la distribution ge"ographique des ppissons de mer. Rev. Sci. Nat. Montpelier, 1879, 8 (n. s. 1), 161-188; 305-333; 442-448. 1879.1 - Note sur la variation chez les trigles des cdtes de France. Me"m. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1879, 22 (3. se>. 2), 259-286. 1879.2 - Note sur les lois qui regissent la distribution geographique des pois- sons de mer. Me"m. Soc. Sci. Nat. Cherbourg, 1881, 23, 5-28. 1881.1 Tillier, M. Note sur la penetration de deux especes de poissons de la mer Rouge dans les eaux du canal de Suez. Bull. Soc. Aquic. Paris, 1913, 26, 90-92. 1913.1 Tilljeborg, W. Sveriges och Norges fiskar. Upsala, 1881. 4. 1881.1 Tilloch, Alexander [1759-1825] On the generation and other obscure facts in the natural history of the common eel. Phil. Mag., London, 1809, 34, 272-277. 1809.1 Timbre, A. M. le. See Le Timbre, A. M. Timbs, John. Eccentricities of the animal world; with eight engravings. London, 1869. 8. 1869.1 Fish-talk, p. 250-280. Fish in British Co- lumbia, p. 281-287. Tims, H. W. Marett. On the struc- ture of the scales in the cod. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 72. meet., 1903, 660-661. 1903.1 - The development, structure and morphology of the scales in some tele- ostean fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1905, n. s. 49, 39-68. pi. 1905.1 A suggestion as to the nature of the horny teeth of the Marsipobranchii. 546 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TIM Tims, H. W. M. Proc. .Cambridge Phil. Soc., 1906, 13, 383-386. 1906.1 Tingle, G. R. Report on salmon fisheries in Alaska, 1896. Rept. U. S. Inspector Salmon Fisheries, Washing- ton, 1897. 8. 1897.1 Tirant, A. Notes sur les poissons de la Basse Cochinchine et du Cambodge. Cochinchine Franchise, Excursions et Reconnaissances, 1885, 9, 2. Ibid., 1886, 10, 1-198. Zool. Anz., 1886, 9, 237. 1885.1 Tisdale, S. T. Fish-culture in New England. 5. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fish. Mass., 1871, 24-28. 1871.1 Habits of the black bass. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 361-364. 1871.2 Tissandier, Albert. Peche aux sau- mons dans la Colombie britannique. La Nature, 1895, 22, pt. 2, 134-138. 1895.1 Titcomb, John W. Wild trout spawn; methods of collection and utility. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1897 (1898), 73-86. 3 figs. 1898.1 - Desirability of state organiza- tion for the promotion of fish-culture and for the procurement of state legisla- tion for the propagation and protection of food and game fishes. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 120-125. 1899.1 The Canadian red trout. 6. Ann. Rept. Forest, Fish. & Game Comm. N. Y. 1900 (1901), 353-356. 1901.1 - Report on the propagation and distribution of food-fishes. Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1902 (1904), 28, 22-110. fig. 1904.1 Reminiscences of the fisheries in South America. Trans. Amer. Fish- eries Soc. 1905 (1906), 117. pi. 1906.1 - Progress and experiments in fish-culture in the Bureau of Fisheries during the fiscal year 1906 (1907) Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1907 (1908), 98-115. 2 figs. 1908.1 - Fish-cultural practices in the 'U. S. Bureau of Fisheries. Proc. 4. Internat. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bur. Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 697-757. 13 pis. & 13 figs. 1910.1 How fish are hatched. I. Fish- cultural practices in the United States Bureau of Fisheries. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1910, 70, 136-139; 152-155; 161-164; 180-182; 196-199. 39 figs. 1910.2 Tizard, Thomas Henry, & Murray, (Sir) J. Exploration of the Faroe chan- nel during . . . 1880 in Her Majesty's hired ship " Knight Errant "... with subsidiary reports, etc. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 1881 (1882) 83 p. figs. & map. Contains a subsidiary report on fishes by A. Gunther. Tod, E. M. Wet fly-fishing methodi- cally treated. London, 1909. illust. 8. 1909.1 Todaro, Francesco. Contribuzione alia anatomic e alia fisiologia de' tubi di senso de' Plagiostomi. Messina, 1870. 2 pis. 4. 1870.1 Die Geschmacksorgane der Ro- chen. Vorlaufige Mitteilung Centralbl. Med. Wiss., 1872, 10, 227-229. 1872.1 Les organes du gout et la mu- queuse bucco-branchiale des selaciens. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1873, 2, 535- 558. pi. 1873.1 Todd, Frank. Pickerel in salt water. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 320. 1877.1 - Occurrence of salmon in Resti- gouche and St. Croix rivers due to arti- ficial propagation. Bull. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 275. 1882.1 Todd, John T. Some observations and experiments made on the torpedo of the cape of Good Hope in the year 1812. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1816, 120-126. Phil. Mag., 48, 14-18. Journ. Chem. Phys. (Schweigger), 19, 14-20. Isis (Oken), 7, 843. 1816.1 - Account of some experiments on the Torpedo electricus, at La Rochelle. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1817, 32-35. 1817.1 Todd, R. A. Notes on the inverte- brate fauna and fish-food of the bays between the Start and Exmouth . Journ . Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1900-03, n. s. 6, 541- 561. 1903.1 Report on the food of fishes collected during 1903. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm. 1902-03, no. 2, 227-287. Ibid., 1904-05, pt. 1, 49- 163. 6 figs. 1903.2 Covered net experiments. 3. Rept. Mar. Biol. Assoc. Intern. Fish. Invest., 1906-08, 177-206. 4 figs. & 8 tables. 1908.1 TOM BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 547 Todd, R. A., & Allen, E. J. See Allen & Todd. Todd, Robert Bentley [1809-1860] The cyclopaedia of anatomy and phy- siology. 5 vols. in 6. London, 1853- 59. illust. 8. 1859.1 Tornebohm, A. E., & Hennig, A. Bcskrifning till blad 1 v e Williamson & Tosh. Totton, .4. Knyvett. The structure and development of the caudal skele- ton of the teleostean fish, Pleuragramma antarcticum. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1914,251-262. 2 pis. 1914.1 Earlier appearance of hypaxial elements. Persistence of enormous notorhord. Doubling of neural and ha-nial arches. Compound nature of hypurals. Toula, Franz [1845 ] Die Fische, ihre Lebensgeschichte, die Ursachen ihrer Abnahme und die Mittel, dersel- ben entgegen zu wirken. 2. Auflage. Prag, 1S74. 16 p. 8 (Sammlung ge- meinnutziger Vortrage.-Heft 14) 1874.1 - Ueber einen dem Thunfische venvandten Raubfisch der Congerien- schichten der Wiener Bucht (Pclamy- cybium sinus-vindobonensis, n. g. et n. sp.) Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1905, 55, 51-84. pi. & 11 figs. 1905.1 - Die Acanthicus-Schichten im Randgebirge der Wiener Bucht bei Giesshubl (Modling W. X. W r .) Verh. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1907, 299- 305. 1907.1 Contains mention of fossil fishes. - Eine jungtertiare Fauna von (iatun am Panamakanal. Jahrb. Geol. Reichsanst., Wien, 1908, 58, 673-760. 4 pis. 1908.1 Tourneux, F., & Legoff, A. See Legoff & Tourneux. Toussaint, A. J. D. Steenstra. See Steenstra-Toussaint, ,4. J. D. Toussaint, Fr. W. Zur Kiinst- lichen Forellenzucht. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1877, 4. Jahrg., 132-133. 1877.1 Tower, Ralph Winfred [1870] Biliary calculi in the squeteague [Cyno- *riint regalis] Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 131-135. pi. 1902.1 The gas in the swim-bladder of fishes. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 21, 125-130. 1902.2 - The voices of fishes. Bull.N.Y. Zool. Soc., 1906, no. 21, 278-279. 1906.1 - The production of sound in the drumfishes, the sea-robin and the toad- fish. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci., 1908, 18, 149-180. 4 pis. & 5 figs. 1908.1 Tower, Ralph Winfred, & Green, Erik H. See Green & Tower. Tower, Walt<-r Sfnl.lon. The passing of ihe sturgeon; a case of the unparal- lelled extermination of a species. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1908,73,361-371. 1908.1 Townsend, Charles Haskins [1859 ] Practically the entire contents of the earlier numbers of the Bulletin of the New York Zoological Society, from April 1904 to March 1910, and all of the unsigned articles on ichthyology from 1903 to date were written by Dr. Townsend. Following are some of the titles of unsigned articles in the Bulletin: The sea horse; Food of fishes; The rudd; Transportation of sharks; Fishes killed by freezing; Do fishes sleep; Do fishes hear; Have fishes memory; American fishes in New Zealand; Sunapee trout; How fishes change color; Care of goldfishes; Fishes which defend their young; Poisonous fishes; The drum fish; Blind fishes; Foods of freshwater fishes; Long-lived fishes; The sturgeons; Electri- cal fishes; Fishes that fly and climb; Luminous fishes; Water-throwing habits of fishes; The carp problem; Fishing with poisons; The burbot; The thread fish; The swell fish. Dredging and other records of the United States Fish Commission Steamer " Albatross," with bibliography relative to the work of the vessel. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1900 (1901), 387-562. 4 pis. & 3 maps. 1901.1 - Deep-sea explorations (In The new international encyclopedia, vol. vi, p. 740-743. pi. & 5 figs. 1902) 1902.1 - References to fish, with photo- raphs, in the New York Aquarium, ull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1903, 73-76. 1903.1 - Report of the division of statis- tics and methods of the fisheries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1904), 28, 143-160. 1904.1 - Notes and photos of the fishes in the New York Aquarium. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1905, 205-211; 216- 220. 1905.1 - The cultivation of fishes in natural and artificial ponds. 11. Ann. Rept. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1906, 89-112. 11 figs. 1906.1 - A large tarpon (Tarpon at- lanticus) in the New York Aquarium. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1906, 316. 1906.2 Mosquito larvae as food for whitefish fry. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1906, 266-267. 1906.3 - Remarks on the value of radio- graphs as zoological illustrations. 10. 550 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TOW Townsend, C. H. Ann. Rept. N. Y. Zool. Soc. 1905 (1906), 117-126. 9 figs. 1906.4 - Pollution of streams. An appeal to anglers. 12. Ann. Rept. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1907, 97-103. 1907.1 Observations on instantaneous changes in color among tropical fishes. 13. Ann. Rept. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1908, 93-120. 12 pis. 1908.1 - Chameleons of the sea. Some new observations on instantaneous color changes among fishes. Century Mag., Sept. 1910. 7 p. pi. & figs. 1910.1 - Zoological results of the " Al- batross " voyage. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1911, 774. 1911.1 The private fish pond; a neg- lected resource. Trans. Amer. Fish- eries Soc. 1913 (1914), 87-92. 1914.1 - The power of the shark-sucker's disk. Zool. Soc. Bull., 1915, 18, 1281- 1283. 3 figs. 1915.1 - [On the adhesive power of Echeneisi (In Eastman, C. R. The Reversus, a fishing tale of Christopher Columbus. Sci. Monthly, 1916, 3, 39) 1916.1 Townsend, Charles Raskins, & Har- bour, Thomas. Description of a new species of sea-horse from Bermuda. Bull. N. Y. Zool. Soc., 1906, no. 23, 304-305. 1906.1 Townsend, Charles Raskins, & Gill, Theodore Nicholas. See Gill & Town- send. Townsend, Charles Raskins, & Smith, Hugh McCormick. The Pacific salmons (In Sage, D. ? & others. Salmon and trout, p. 153-190. New York, 1902) 1902.1 Townsend, Charles W. A case of mistaken diagnosis [Spine of dog-fish (Squalus americanus} mistaken for bill of royal tern (Sterna regid)} Auk, Cambridge, Mass., 1903, n. s. 20, 218- 219. 1903.1 Townsend, John Kirk [1809-1851] Narrative of a journey across the Rocky mountains to the Columbia river, etc. Boston, 1839. 352 p. 8. 1839.1 . A few incidental notices of salmon and trout are given. The work was reprinted in England under the following title: - Sporting excursions in the Rocky mountains, etc. 2 vols. London, 1840. pi. 8. 1840.1 Trabucco, Ciacomo [1845 ] Fossili, stratigrafia ed eta dei terreni dei Casen- tino (Toscana) Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1900, 19. anno, 699-721. 2 pis. 1900.1 - Fossili, stratigrafia ed eta dei terreni della repubblica di S. Marino. Atti Soc. Tosc. Sci. Nat., 1906, 16, Proc.-Verb., 7-12. 1906.1 Contains some references to fossil fishes. Trachenberg, E. W. Die natiirliche Nahrung unserer Teichfische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. Jahrg., 374- 377. 1896.1 Tracy, Henry C. The common fishes of the herring family. 36. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries Rhode Island, 1906, 100-102. 6 pis. 1906.1 - A list of the fishes of Rhode Island. 36. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries Rhode Island, 1906, 38-99. 12 pis. 1906.2 .Annotated list of fishes known to inhabit the waters of Rhode Island. 40. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fisheries Rhode Island, 1910, 35-176. 1910.1 - The morphology of the swim- bladder in teleosts. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 471. 1910.2 - The morphology of the swim- bladder in teleosts (Preliminary state- ment) Anat. Anz., 1911, 38, 600-606; 638-649. 10 figs. 1911.1 Traber-Klotzsche, G. Bemerkun- gen tiber Girardinus januarius var.? Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 803-804. 1909.1 - Beobachtungen iiber Ambassis lala und dessen Laichakt. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 29-31. fig. 1910.1 Fundulus gularis var. A (blau), seine Pflege und Aufzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 246-248; 263-264. fig. 1910.2 - Weitere Beobachtungen iiber Fundulus gularis Blgr. var. A (blau) und seine Entwickelung. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 469- 472. fig. 1910.3 Belonesox belizanus Kner. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 117-119. fig. 1911.1 - Fundulus gularis var. B; der gelbe Fundulus, seine Pflege und Auf- zucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, TRA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 551 1911, 22. Jahrg., 233-235; 251-253. fig. 1911.2 Fundulus sjostedti Lonnb. und seine Zucht. Blatt, Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 669-671. fig. 1911.3 Girardinus januarius var. Wo- chcnschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 118-119. 1911.4 - Haplochilus cameronensis Blgr. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 773-775. fig. 1911.5 - Pelmatochromis sp. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 333-334. 1911.6 - Rasboraheteromorpha. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 229-230. 1911.7 Scatophagus argus. Biatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 333-335; 383-384. 2 figs. 1911.8 Fundulus arnoldi, seine Pflege und Aufzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 351-353. fig. 1912.1 Haplochilus cf. H . petersii Sau- vage. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 33-35. fig. 1912.2 Haplochilus f senegalensis Steind. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 17-18. fig. 1912.3 - Ein neuer Kampffisch, Betta spec.? von Sumatra. Seine Haltung und Lebensweise im Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 819-821. fig. 1912.4 - Zur Aufzucht des Haplochilus cameronensis. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 133-134. fig. 1912.5 - Cynolebias bellotti Stdr., seine Pflege und Aufzucht. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 25. Jahrg., 289- 291. fig. 1914.1 Traherne, John P. The habits of the salmon. London, 1889. vii, 163 p. 8. 1889.1 - Les habitudes du saumon en eau douce. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1890, 2, 87. 1890.1 Traill, J. The Greenland shark [Scymnus borealis] Scottish Naturalist, 1871-72, 1, 48-49. 1872.1 TraUl, Thomas Stewart [1781-1862] Description of a new species of Cephalus, which it is proposed to name Cephalus cochranei, Cochrane's sunfish. Mem. Wern. Nat, Hist, Soc. Edinburgh 1826-31 (1832), 6, 381-383. 1832.1 - Description of a Siluriis, known in Demerara by the name of " gilbacke." Mem. Wern. Nat. Hist. Soc. Edinburgh 1826-31 (1832), 6, 377-380. 1832.2 - Notice of the fossil fishes found in the Old Red Sandstone formation of Orkney, particularly of an undescribed species, Diplopterus Agassiz. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1841, 16, 89-92. 1841.1 Observations on the fossil fishes lately found in Orkney. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh 1840-41 (1845), 1, 37-38. 1845.1 Trapani, Gcetano. A catalogue of the different kinds of fish of Malta and Gozo, with their Maltese, Latin, Italian, English and French names, as well as their seasons. Malta, 1838. 4. 1838.1 Traquair, Ramsay Heatley [1840- 1912] For partial bibliography, see List of the scientific writings of Ramsay Heatley Traquair, 1862-94. Edin- burgh, 1894. 10 p. 8. Also list ap- pended to biographical sketch in Geol. Mag., 1909, 5. dec. 6, 242-250. For biographical sketch, see Home, /., in Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1914, 33, 336-34 1 . For obituary notice, see Wood- ward, A. S., in Nature, 1912, 90, 363- 364. Observations on the develop- ment of the Pleuronectidse. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1865, 3, 215-222. 1865.1 On the asymmetry ot the Pleuro- nectidai as elucidated by an examination of the skeleton in the turbot, halibut and plaice. Trans. Linn. Soc. London (ZooL), 1865, 25, 263-296. 4 pis. 1865.2 Observations on the internal structure of Calamoichthys, a new genus of ganoid fish from Old Calabar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1866, 3. ser. 18, 114- 117. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 6, 657-659. 1866.1 - Description of Pygopterus green- ockii Agass. with notes on the structural relations of the genera Pygopterus, Amblypterus and Eurynotus. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1867, 24, 701-714. pi. 1867.1 552 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRA Traquair, R. H. - Notes on Calamoichthys cala- baricus J. A. Smith. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, 1871, n. s. 2, 249-254. 1871.1 - Notes on the genus Phanero- pleuron Huxley, with a description of a new species from the Carboniferous formation. Geol. Mag., 1871, 8, 530- 535. pi. 1871.2 On the cranial osteology of Polypterus. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1871, 5, 166-183. pi. 1871.3 On the restoration of the tail in Protopterus annectens Owen. Rept. Brit, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 41. meet., 1871, 143. 1871.4 - On the so-called tailless trout of Islay. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1872, 6, 411-^16. pi. 1872.1 - Supplementary note on Phane- ropleuron and Uronemus. Geol. Mae., 1872, 9, 271-272. 1872.2 - On a new genus [Ganorhynchus] of fossil fish of the order Dipnoi. Geol. Mag., 1873, 10, 552-555. pi. & fig. 1873.1 - On Phaneropleuron andersoni Huxley, and Uronemus lobatus Agass. Journ. Roy. Geol. Soc. Ireland, 1873, n. s. 3. pi. 1873.2 - Description of Cycloptychius car- bonarius Huxley, from the Coal Meas- ures of north Staffordshire. Geol. Mag., 1874, 2. dec. 1, 241-246. pi. 1874.1 On Uronemus magnus, a new i/ fossil fish from the Coal Measures of Airdire, Lanarkshire. Geol. Mag., 1874, 2. dec. 1, 554. 1874.2 - On some fossil fishes from the neighbourhood of Edinburgh. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 258- 268. pi. 1875.1 On the structure and affinities of Tristichopterus alatus Egert. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1875, 27, 383-396. Pi. 1875.2 - On the structure and systematic position of the genus Cheirolepis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 15, 237- 249. pi. 1875.3 - On the structure of Amphicen- trum granulosum Huxley. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1875, 4. ser. 16, 273-282. pi. 1875.4 - Monograph on the ganoid fishes ^/ of the British Carboniferous formations. p 9 Part I, no. 1. Palaeoniscidae. Mongr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1877. 7 pis. 1877.1 Part I, no. 2 was published in 1901; no. 3 in 1907; no. 4 in 1909; no. 5 in 1911; and no. 6 in 1912. These are separately listed below. - On new and little known fossil fishes from the Edinburgh district. 3 >ts. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1877, 4. , 262-272; 275-282; 427-444. 1877.2 On the Agassizian genera Am- blypterus, Palaeoniscus, Gyrolepis and Pygopterus. Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., 1877, 33, 548-578. 1877.3 - On the structure of the lower jaw in Rhizodopsis and Rhizodus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1877, 4. ser. 19, 300- 305. 1877.4 - On the genera Dipterus, Palae- daphus, Holodus and Cheirodus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 2, 1-17. v pi. 1878.1 On the genus Rhizodus. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1878, 9, 657-660. 1878.2 . On the species of Rhadinichthys \y from the Coal Measures. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1878, 4, 237-245. 1878.3 Evidence as to the predaceous habits of the larger Palarioniscidae./ Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1879, 5, 128-130. 1879.1 Fossil fishes from the Edinburgh- , shire and Linlithgowshire oil shales. 17 Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1879, 6, 113-128. 1879.2 On the structure and affinities of the Platysomidse. Trans. Roy. Ph>s. Soc. Edinburgh, 1879, 29, 343-391. 4 pis. 1879.3 Reviewed by E. D. Cope in Amer. Naturalist, 1840, 14, 439-440. The Platysomidae are here for the first time interpreted as deep-bodied Palseoniscids. - The history of Scottish fossil, y ichthyology. Opening address. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1880, 5, 137-161. 1880.1 - Report upon a collection of fossils from Nairnshire, made by Messrs.^/ Thomas D. Wallace and Alexander Ross of Inverness. Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, 1880, 3, 215-217. 1880.2 - " Kammplatten " [ichthyodoru-r , litesi in the ironstone of borough Lee> Geol. Mag., 1881, 2. dec. 8, 334-335. 1881.1 TEA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 558 - Notice of new fish-remains from the blackband ironstone of borough Lee. near Edinburgh. Geol. Mag., issl, 2. dec. 8, 34-37. No. 2. Ibid., 491-494. 1881.2 Elasmobranchs, dipnoans and ganoids. On the cranial osteology of Rhizodopsis. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1881, 30, 167-179. 3 figs. 1881.3 - Report on fossil fishes collected by the geological survey of Scotland in E'skdale and Liddesdale. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1881, 30, 15-71. 6 pis. 1881.4 - Notice of new fish-remains from the blackband ironstone of borough Lee, near Edinburgh. No. 3. Geol. Mag., 1 s.S2, 2. dec. 9, 540-546. 1882.1 - On specimens of "tailless " trout from loch Enoch, Kirkcudbright- shire. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1882,7,29-30. 1882.2 - Notice of new fish-remains from the blackband ironstone of borough Lee, near Edinburgh. No. 4. Geol. Mag., 1883, 2. dec. 10, 542-544. 1883.1 - Description of a fossil shark Ctenacanthus costellatus) from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Eskdale, Dum- friesshire. Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, pi. 1884.1 - Description of a new species of Elonichthys from the Lower Car- boniferous rocks of Eskdale, Dumfries- shire. Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, 8-10. 1884.2 Notes on the genus Gyracanthus Agassiz. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1884, 5. ser. 13, 37-48. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 8, 91-105. 1884.3 - Notice of new fish-remains from the blackband ironstone of borough Lee, near Edinburgh. No. 5. Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, 64-65. 1884.4 - Remarks on the genus Me- galichthys Agassiz with description of a new species. Geol. Mag., 1884, 3. dec. 1, 115-121. pi. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1884, 8, 67-77. 1884.5 - On a specimen of Psephodus magnus Agassiz, from the Carboniferous limestone of East Kilbride, Lanarkshire. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1885, 7, 392-402. pi. Geol. Mag., 3. dec. 2, 338-344. pi. 1885.1 - New Palseoniscidse from the u- English Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1886, 3. dec. 3, 440-442. 1886.1 - On Harpacanthus, a new genus of Carboniferous selachian spines. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1886, 5. ser. 18, 493- 496. 2 figs. 1886.2 - Remarks on the fossils of the bone-bed at Abden, Fifeshire. Trans. '- Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, 1886, 5, 314-315. 1886.3 - Notes on Chondrosteus acipen- seroides, Agassiz. Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, 248-257. 5 figs. 1887.1 Further notes on Carboniferous Selachii. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. dec. 6, 101-104. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh, 9, 421-426. 1888.1 - New Palseoniscidse from the English Coal Measures. No. 2. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. dec. 5, 251-254. 1888.2 - Notes on Carboniferous Se- lachii. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. dec. 6, 81-86; 101-104. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 9, 412-421. Amer. Geologist, 2, 133. 1888.3 Notes on the nomenclature of the fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Great Britain. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. dec. 6, 507-517. 1888.4 - On the structure and classifica- tion of the Asterolepidse. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 4857504. 2 pis. _ p r oc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1888,10,23-46. 2 pis. 1888.5 Homosteus Asmuss, compared with Coccosteus Agassiz. Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 1-8. pi. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1889, 11, 47-57. pi. Note on the genera Tristychius and Ptychacanthus Agassiz. Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 27-28. 1889.2 On a new species of Dipterus. Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 97-99. pi. 1889.3 On the systematic position of the dendrodont fishes. Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 490-492. 1889.4 List of the fossil Dipnoi and Ganoidei of Fife and the Lothians. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1890, 17, 385-400. 1890.1 Notes on the Devonian fishes ^ of Sacumenac bay and Campbellton in 554 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRA Traquair, R. H. Canada. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, 15-22. 1890.2 See also Whiteaves, J. F., 1881.2 and 1887.1, infra. Notice of new and little known fish-remains from the blackband iron- stone of borough Lee, near Edinburgh. No. 6. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, 249-252. 1890.3 - Observations on some fossil fishes from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of Eskdale, Dumfriesshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 491-494. 1890.4 On a new species of Gyracan- thus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 417. 1890.5 - On Phlyctsenius, a new genus of Coccosteidae. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, 55-60. pi. 1890.6 Name altered to Phlyctaenaspis. Ibid., p. 144. - On the fossil fishes found at Achanarras quarry, Caithness. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 479-486. 4 figs. 1890.7 Description of Palceospondylus gunnii, p. 485. On the structure of Coccosteus x decipiens. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 5, 125-136. pi. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 211-224. pi. 1890.8 - On Phlyctsenaspis, a new genus of Coccosteidae. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1891, 10, 227-235. pi. 1891.1 - [Review of] Catalogue of the /fossil fishes in the British Museum y (Natural History), part II, by A. S. Woodward. Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. dec. 8, 123-129. 1891.2 - [Description of Homacanthus \, borealis, a new selachian from the Lower Old Red of Caithness] Trans. Geol. Soc. Edinburgh, 1892, 6, 205-208. pi. 1892.1 - List of the type and figured specimens in the " Powrie collection " of fossils. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1892, 1, 31-39. 1892.2 - A new fossil fish from Dura Den. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1892, 1, 233- 235. 1892.3 Note on an abnormally de- veloped thornback (Raia clavata L.) Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1892, 1, 29-30. fig. 1892.4 On malformed trout from Scot- tish waters. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1892, 1, 92-103. 3 pis. 1892.5 - A further description of Palceo- spondylus gunni Traquair. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1893, 12, 87-94. pi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6. ser. 6, 485. 1893.1 - Notes on the Devonian fishes of Campbellton and Scaumenac bay in , Canada. No. 2. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. dec. 10, 145-149; 262-267. fig. 1893.2 - Notes on the fossil fish from the Marl slate, passed through in No. 2 ^ shaft, Deaf Hill colliery, county Dur- ham. Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., 1893, 22, 191. 1893.3 - On a new palaeoniscid fish, Myriolepis hibernicus, from the Coal Measures, county Kilkenny, Ireland. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. dec. 10, 54-56. pi. 1893.4 On the British species of Astero- lepidae. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1893, 283-286. 1893.5 On the discovery of Cephalaspis v , in the Caithness flags. Ann. Scottish' Nat. Hist., 1893, 206-207. 1893.6 - [Review of] Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Permformation Bohmens, by Anton Fritsch. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. dec. 10, 175-178. 1893.7 An unusually coloured example of the thornback (Raia clavata Linn.) Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1893, 2, 25. pi. 1893.8 - Achanarras revisited. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1894, 12, 279-286. 2 figs. 1894.1 - The fishes of the Old Red Sand- stone of Britain. Part II, no. 1. The Asterolepidse. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1894, 63-90. 4 pis. & 17 figs. 1894.2 Part 2 of this classic work was published in 19O4, and Part 3 in 1906. See infra. Notes on Palaeozoic fishes. No, 1. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 14, 368-374. pi. 1894.3 On a new species of Diplacan-, thus, with remarks on the acanthodian shoulder-girdle. Geol. Mag., 1894, 4. dec. 1, 254-257. 1894.4 On Cephalaspis magnifica, a new fossil fish from the Caithness flag- stones. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1894, 12, 269-273. pi. 1894.5 TRA BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHKS 555 On Psammosteus foi/lori., a new fossil fisli from the upper Old Red Sand- stone of Morayshire. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1894, 3, 225-226. fig. 1894.6 - Palceospondijlus gunni Traq., from the Caithness flagstones. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist,, 1894, 3, 94-98. pi. 1894.7 A still further contribution to our knowledge of Palceospondylus gunni. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1894, 12, 312-321. pi. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 6. ser. 6, 485. 1894.8 - Notes on the fossil fish from the Marl slate. Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., 1895, 22, 194-195. 1895.1 - The deal-fish (Trachypterus arcti- cus Brtinn.) in Shetland. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist,, 1896, 6, 159-160. 1896.1 - The extinct vertebrata of the Moray firth area (In Harvie-Brown, J. A., & Buckley, T. E. Vertebrate fauna of the Moray basin, vol. ii, p. 235- 285. 9 pis. Edinburgh, 1896) 1896.2 - Notes on the occurrence of some rare fishes in Scottish waters. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1896, 5, 158-160. 1896.3 - On fossil fishes from the Lower Devonian of Gemiinden, Germany. Abstract in Nature, 1896, 54, 263. ' 1896.4 - Additional notes on the fossil fishes of the upper Old Red Sandstone of the Moray firth area. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1897, 13, 376- 385. 2 pis. 1897.1 - [Exhibition of a specimen of the supposed fossil lamprey (Palceo- spondylus gunni) from the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 313-314. 1897.2 - List of the fossil fish-remains occurring in the bone-bed at Abden, near Kinghorn, Fifeshire. Proc. Geol. Assoc. London, 1897, 16, 143-145. 1897.3 Note on the affinities of Palceo- spondylus gunni Traq., in reply to Dr. Bashford Dean, of New York. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 314-317. 1897.4 - On Cladodus neilsoni (Traquair) from the Carboniferous limestone of east Kilbride. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas- gow, 1897, 11, 41-50. pi. 1897.5 The bearing of fossil icht hyplogy on the doctrine of evolution. Tr.m- Geol. Soc. Glasgow, 1898, 11, 269-270. 1898.1 Notes on Palaeozoic fishes. No. ^ 2. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 67-70. pi. 1898.2 - On a peculiar charr from Inver- ness-shire. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1898, 7, 78-79. 1898.3 - On Cladodus neilsoni Traq., from the Carboniferous limestone of east Kilbride. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas- " gow, 1898, 11, 41-50. pi. 1898.4 On a new species of Cephalaspis, discovered by the Geological Survey of Scotland, in the Old Red Sandstone of Oban. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1899, 39, 591-593. pi. & 3 figs. 1899.1 - On Thelodus pagei (Powrie) from th'e Old Red Sandstone of Forfarshire. ^ Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1899, 39, 595-602. pi. 1899.2 Report on fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey of Scotland in the Silurian rocks of the south of Scot- " land. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1899, 39, 527-564. 5 pis. & 6 figs. 1899.3 - The bearings of fossil ichthyol- ogy on the problem of evolution. Geol.--' Mag., 1900, 4. dec. 7, 463-470; 516-524. 1900.1 [The evolution of fishes] Presi- dential address [before Section D, Zoology] Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 1900, 70. meet., 768-783. Nature, 62, 440^49; 502-508. 1900.2 Ichthyological notes. Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1900, 87-90. pi. & . fig. 1900.3 Notes on Drepanaspis gemunde- nensis Schliiter. Geol. Mag., 1900, 4. dec. 1900, 7, 153-159. 3 figs. 1900.4 The ganoid fishes of the British Carboniferous formations. Part I, no. \y 2. Palseoniscidse. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1901, 61-87. 11 pis. 1901.1 No. 1 was published in 1877, no. 3 in 1907. no. 4 in 1909, and no. 5 in 1911. Gyracanthus falciformis, n. sp. i/ Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, London, 1901, 181. 1901.2 List of the Carboniferous fishes of the west of Scotland (In British \/ Assoc. Handbook of Nat. Hist, of Gla- gow and the west of Scotland, p. 512- 516. Glasgow, 1901) 1901.3 556 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRA Traquair, R. H. Notes on the Lower Carbonifer- ous fishes of eastern Fifeshire. Geol. Mag., 1901, 4. dec. 8, 110-114. 1901.4 - Additional notes on Drepanaspis gemiindenensis Schliiter. Geol. Mag., 1902.. 4. dec. 9, 289-291. 2 figs. 1902.1 - Note on the fossil fishes of the Old Red Sandstone of Scotland (In Mem. Geol. Surv. Scotland, Explan. Sheet no. 85, p. 81-82. Glasgow, 1902) 1902.2 On a Scottish specimen of the blackfish, Centrolophus niger (Gmelin) Ann. Scottish Nat. Hist., 1902, 11, 10-13. pi. 1902.3 - On the fossil fishes of the Lower ^Devonian roofing-slate of Gemiinden in Germany. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 72. meet., 1902, 610. 1902.4 - Hugh Miller and his palaeichthy- ological work. Trans. Geol. Soc. Glas- gow, 1903, 12, 257-258. 1903.1 The Lower Devonian fishes of Gemiinden. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1903, 40, 723-739. 7 pis. & 3 figs. 1903.2 Reviewed by Bashford Dean in Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 64-65. - On the distribution of fossil fish-remains in the Carboniferous rocks pf the Edinburgh district. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1903, 40, 687-707. 2 pis. 1903.3 - The fishes of the Old Red Sand- stone of Britain. Part II, no. 2. The Asterolepidse. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1904, 91-118. 8 pis. & 10 figs. 1904.1 Part 1 of this work was published in 1894, and Part 3 in 1906. - Note on the fish-remains [ Ho- loptychius nobilissimus Ag.] recently col- lected by the Geological Survey of Scotland at Salisbury Crags, Craig- mill ar, Clubbiedean reservoir and Tor- duff reservoir, in the Edinburgh district. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 74. meet., 1904, 547. 1904.2 - On the fauna of the upper Old ^/Red Sandstone of the Moray firth area. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 74. meet., 1904, 547-548. 1904 3 of Scotland in the Upper Silurian rocks of Scotland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edin- burgh, 1905, 40, 879-888. 3 pis. & 4 figs. 1905.2 - Supplement to the Lower De- vonian fishes of Gemiinden. Trans. '" Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1905, 41, 469- 475. 3 pis. 1905.3 - The vertebrate animals of the coal period. Trans. Geo. Soc. Glasgow, 1905, 12, 224-225. 1905.4 The fishes of the Old Red Sand- stone of Britain. Part II, no. 3. The Asterolepidae. Moncgr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1906, 40, 119-130. 5 pis. & figs. 1906.1 Part ii, no. 1 of this work was published in 1894, no. 2 in 1904, and no. 4 in 1913. - A new palseoniscid fish from the v base of the Pendleside series near Holy- well, Flint. Geol. Mag., 1906. 5. dec. 3, 556-557. 2 figs. 1906.2 Description of Elonichthys denticulatus, sp. nov. - Notes on the fish-remains from Watergate bay in Cornwall (In Reid, C., & Scrivenor, J. B. The geology of the country near Newquay. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, 1906, sheet 346, p. 11) 1906.3 - The ganoid fishes of the British Carboniferous formations. Part 'I, no. 3. Palaeoniscidse. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1907, 61, 87-106. 5 pis. 1907.1 - Report on fossil fishes collected by the geographical survey of Scotland from shales exposed on the shore near Gullane, East Lothian. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh, 1907, 46, 103-117. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1907.2 - On fossil fish-remains collected by J. S. Flett, from the Old Red Sand- stone of Shetland. Trans. Roy. Soc. Edinb., 1908, 46, 321-329. 2 pis. & 3 figs. 1908.1 - Notes on the Lower Carbonifer- ous fishes of eastern Fifeshire. Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edinburgh, 1905, 16, 80-86. pi. v. 1905.1 Supplementary report on fossil fishes collected by the Geological Survey - Ganoid fishes of the British Carboniferous formations. Part I, no. 4. Palseoniscidae. Monogr. Palseontogr. Soc., 1909, 63, 107-122. 7 pis. 1909.1 See note under 1912.1, infra. - Notes on fossil fish-remains from , Nyasaland, collected by Mr. A. R. Andrew and Mr. T. E. G. Bailey. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1910, 66, 249-251. pi. 1910.1 Ganoid fishes of the British [/ Carboniferous formations. Part I, no. 5. TRE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 557 Pal8poni>>cidse. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc., 1911, 123-158. 35 pis. & 8 figs. 1911.1 See note under 1912.1, infra. - Les poissons wealdiens de Ber- nissart. M6m. Mus. Roy. Hist. Nat. Belgique, 1911, 6, 1-65. ~12 pis. & 21 figs. 1911.2 Reviewed by L. Hussakof in Science, 1912, n. B. 35. :!(),. - The ganoid fishes of the British Carboniferous formations. Part I, no. 6. Palseoniscid*. Monogr. Palseontogr. Soc., 1912, 159-180. pis. 1912.1 No. 1 was published in 1877, no. 2 in 1901, no. 3 in 1907, no. 4 in 1909, and no. 5 in 1911. Traube-Mengarini, Margherita. Ex- perimentelle Beitrage zur Physiologic des Fischgehirnes. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phys. AUh.}, 1884, 553-565. 4 figs. 1884.1 - Ricerche sui gas contenuti nella vcscica natatoria dei pesci. Atti Accad. Lincei, Rendic., 1887, 4. ser. 3, 55-62. 1887.1 - Ueber die Gase in der Schwimm- blase der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phys. Abth.*), 1889, 54-63. 1889.1 Trautshol'd, Ghermann AdoVfovich. See Trautschold, Hermann von. Trautschold, Hermann von [1817- 1902] Nomenclator palaeontologicus der jurassischen Formation in Russland. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1862, 35. 52 p. map. 1862.1 - Fischreste aus dem Devonischen des Gouvernements Tula. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1874, 13, 263- 276. 2 pis. 1874.1 Figures and describes various species of Cladodus, Orodus, Helodus, Psammodus, etc. The formation is probably later than Devonian. - Die Kalkbriiche yon Mjatsch- kowa. Eine Monographic des oberen Bergkalks. Nouv. Mem. Soc. Imp. Na- tur, Moscou, 1874, 13. 277-326. 4 pis. 1874.2 - Elements of geology. Part 2, Pa- laeontology [Text in Russian] Moskva, 1875. vi, 244 p. illust. 8. 1875.1 - Fossil fishes of the Devonian of Tula, and Carboniferous limestone of Mjatschkowa, Russia. Abstract in Amer. Journ. Sci., 1876, 3. ser. 11, 234. 1876.1 Ueber Dendrodus und Coc- costeus. Verh. K. Mineral. Ges. St. Petersburg, 1880, 2. ser. 15, 139-156. .8 pis. 1880.1 - Ueber Fischzahne des Moskaiu : Jura. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1880, 65, pt. 1, 193-197. 1880.2 Erganzung zur P'auna des rus- sischen Jura. Verh. K. Mineral. Ges. St. Petersburg, 1877, 2. ser. 12. 35 p. 6 pis. 1877.1 - Ueber Bothriolepis panderi La- husen. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 1880 (1881), 65, pt, 2, 169-179. pi. & fig. 1881.1 - Ueber Tomodus Agass. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou 1880 (1881), 66, pt. 2, 139-140. 1881.2 - Ueber Edestus und einige andere Fischreste des Moskauer Bergkalks. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1883, 57, pt. 2, 160-174. pi. & 3 figs. 1883.1 - Ueber das Genus Edestus. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, 1886, 61, pt. 1, 94-99. 1886.1 - Ueber Edestus protopirata Trd. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1888, 40, 750-753. 2 figs. 1888.1 - Ueber Coccosteus megalopteryx Trd., Coccosteus obtusus und Cheliophoruf verneuili Ag. Zeitschr. Geol. Ges., 1889, 41, 35-48. 4 pis. 1889.1 - Ueber vermeintliche Dendro- " donten. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1889,41,621-634. 3 pis. 1889.2 - Ueber Protopirata centrodon Trd. Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat, Moscou, 1890, n. s. 4, 317-321. fig. 1890.1 Travell, Warren. Paddle-fish found in mud. Copeia, 1914, no. 4, 4. 1914.1 Travers, William Thomas Locke [1819-1903] On the absence of the eel from the upper waters of the Waiau-ua and its tributaries. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst., 1870, 2, 120-122. 1870.1 Treacher, Llewellyn, & Osborne, Harold J. The higher zones of the upper Chalk in the western part of the London basin. Proc. Geol. Assoc. London, 1906,19,378-399. map & 2 figs. 1906.1 Treacher, Llewellyn, & White, H. 0. See White & Treacher. Treadwell, A. L. The use of model- ling clav in the study of the fish-embryo. Journ. Applied Micr., 1898, 1, 146-147. 4 figs. 1898.1 Tregellas, - The maigre off Yarmouth. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4725-4720. 1875.1 558 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRE Trehouart, Francois Thomas [1798- 1873] Voyage en Island et au Green- land, execute . . . sur . . . "La Re- cherche," commandee par M. Tre- houart, etc. 7 vols. & atlas. Paris, 1838-52. 8. 1838.1 Treichel, A. Diebische Fischangelei. Mitth. Westpreuss, Fischerei Ver., 1893, 6, 1-3. 1893.1 Tremeau de Rochebrune. See Rochebrune, Tremeau de. Trendelenburg, Paul. Ueber die Sauerstofftension im Blute von See- fischen. Zeitschr. Biol., 1912, 57, 495- 506. 2 figs. 1912.1 Treschow, Alfred von. Mikrosko- pische Untersuchungen und Gedanken iiber Natur und Entstehung des Schaum- nestes der Osphromeniden. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 19. Jahrg., 645-647; 666-667. 1908.1 Treskow- Weissagk , von. Von der Karpfenborse zu Cottus. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 295. 1878.1 - What dangers threaten the products of the old pond carp fisheries from artificial fish-culture? Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 303-304. 1883.1 Tretjakoff, D. Die Entstehung der ausseren Ampulle tin Ammocoetes] Anat. Anz.. 1908, 32, 165-174. 3 figs. 1908.1 Die peripherische und zentrale Endigung des Gehornerven bei Ammo- ccetes und Petrom.yzon fluviatilis. Folia Neuro-Biol., Leipzig, 1908, 1, 14-29. pi. & 2 figs. 1908.2 - Nervus mesencephalicus bei Ammocoetes. Anat. Anz., 1909, 34, 151-157. 3 figs. 1909.1 - Das Nervensystem von Ammo- ccetes. I. Das Riickenmark. II. Ge- hirn. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1909, 73, 607- 680. 3 pis. Ibid., 1910, 74, 636-779. 9 pis. 1909.2 - Ueber das Gehirn von Ammo- coetes [Text in Russian] St. Peters- burg, 1910. iv, 161 p. 12 pis. 8. 1910.1 Die zentralen Sinnesorgane bei Petromyzon. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1913, 83, 1. Abth., 68-117. 2 pis. 1913.1 Die Parietalorgane von Pe- tromyzon fluviatilis. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1915, 113, 1-112. 5 pis. & 6 figs. 1915.1 Augenahnlichkeit genugt nicht um Funktion zu erklaren. Organ innerer Sekretion. Ur- spriingliche Paarigkeit unwahrscheinlich. Treuenfels, Paul. Die Zahne von Myliobatis aquila. Inaug. Dissert. Bres- lau, 1896. 34 p. 3 pis. 8. Abstract in Zool. Anz., 1895, 18, 115-116. 1896.1 Trevelyan, W. C. Sur quelques anguilles privees. L'Institut, 1841, 9, 331-332. 1841.1 Treviranus, Gottfried Reinhold [1776- 1837] Biologie, oder Philosophic der lebenden Natur fur Naturforscher und Aerzte. 6 vols. Gottingen, 1802-22. 8. 1802.1 - Vergleichende Beschreibung des Skelets vom Rochen und Hayfische. Arch. Zool. (Wiedemann), 1804, 4, pt. 2, 54-74. 1804.1 - Ueber das Saugen und das Geruchsorgan der Insecten, und iiber den Nutzen der Schwimmblase bei den Fischen. Annal. Wetterau. Ges. Na- turk., 1812, 3, 147-161; 334-344. fig. 1812.1 Ueber die Verrichtung der Schwimmblase bei den Fischen. Ver- mischte Schrift. Anat. Physiol., 1817, 2, 156-170. 1817.1 - Untersuchungen iiber den Bau und die Functionen des Gehirns, der Nerven und der Sinneswerkzeuge in den verschiedenen Klassen und Familien des Thierreichs. Vermischte Schrift. Anat. Physiol., 1820, 3. 1820.1 Beitrage zur naheren Kenntniss der Zeugungstheile und der Fortpflan- zung der Fische. Zeitschr. PhysioL (Tiedemann), 1826, 2, 3-16. fig. 1826.1 Memoires pour servir a donner une connaissance plus exacte des parties genital es et de leur fonction chez les poissons. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 1826, 9, 358-359. 1826.2 Ueber Entwickelungsgeschichte der Thiere. Konigsberg, 1828. 8. 1828.1 Uhtersuchungen iiber die Kie- men der Fische. Isis (Oken), 1830, 684. 1830.1 - Ueber die hinteren Hemispharen des Gehirns der Vogel, Amphibien und Fische. Zeitschr. Physiol. (Tiedemann), 1831, 4, 39-68. 1831.1 Beobachtungen aus der Zo- otomie und Physiologie von G. R. Treviranus. Nach dessen Tode heraus- TRO BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 559 gegeben von L. C. Treviranus. Heft 1. Bremen, 1839. iv, 128 p. illust, 4. 1839.1 Treviranus, G. R., & Treviranus, L. C. Vermischte Schriften anatomi- schrn and physiologischen Inhalts. 4 vols. Gottingen & Bremen, 1816-21. illust. 4. 1816.1 Review in Isis (Oken), 1818, 7, 1191; Ibid., 1822, 9, 966. Treviranus, Ludolph Christian [1779- 1864] Vntersuchungen iiber die wich- tigsten Gegenstande der Naturwissen- schaft und Medizin. Gottingen, 1803. 1803.1 Tribolet, G. de. Les fossiles vivants. Bull. Soc. Nat. Neuchatel, 1899, 27, 47-53. 1899.1 Refers to Ceratodus, Notornis and Neo- mylodon. Tricht, B. van. On the influence of the fins upon the form of the trunk- myotome. Proc. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam, Sect. Sci., 1907, 9, 814-818. 2 pis. 1907.1 Over invloed der vinnen op den vorm van het rompmyotoom. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1907, 15, 874-878. pi. 1907.2 Trigt, H. von. Das Elektrogramm des kaudalen Aalherzens. Zeitschr. Biol., 1913, 62, 217-242. 41 figs. 1913.1 Trimen, Roland [1840 ] On the occurrence of a rare fish (Lophotes cepedianus) at the cape of Good Hope. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 483-484. 1891.1 The South African vertebrate fauna (In Noble, J. Illustrated official handbook of the Cape and South Africa, p. 88-90. London, 1893. 8) 1893.1 Trimmer, (Mrs.) Mary. A natural history of the most remarkable quad- rupeds, birds, fishes and insects. Chis- wick, 1830. 16. 1830.1 Fishes, p. 105-190. Trinchese, Salvatore [1836-1897] In- torno alia struttura reticolare dei cor- puscoli del sangue della torpedine e del della midolla dei nervi della Rana. Rendic. Accad. Sci. Istit. Bologna, 1877-78. 1878.1 - Ricerche sulla formazione delle piastre motrici. Mem. Accad. Sci. 1st. Bologna, 1892, 29, 279-286. 1892.1 Trinci, Giulio. Le radici ed i gangli dei nervi spinali dei teleostei nelle loro varie disposizioni. Ricerche anatomo- comparative. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1905, 16, 330-353; 38&-39S. 11 figs. 1905.1 - La composizione dei nervi spinali degli anfibi raffrontata a quella dei pesci. Monit. Zool. Ital., 1906, 18, 167-169. 1906.1 Trinks,Zdenfcp. Teichwirtschaft und Fischzucht. Mit besonderer Beriick- sichtigung der Teichwirtschaft und Fischzuchtanstalt in Kotzman sowie der fischzuchterischen Verhaltnisse in der Bukowina. Czernowitz, 1908. xi, 80 p. 7 pis. & maps. 8. 1908.1 Triplett, Norman. The educability of the perch. Amer. Journ. Psychol., 1901, 12, 354-360. 1901.1 Tristram, Henry Baker [1822-1906] Notes on the reptiles and fishes of the Sahara. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1859, 475-477. 1859.1 - Notice of the recent capture of Gymnetrus banksii, the great ribbonfish, off the coast of Durham. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1866, 147. 1866.1 Bergylt [Sebastes norvegicus] near Hartlepool. Zoologist, 1867, 2. ser. 2, 638. 1867.1 The natural history of the Bible; being a review of the physical geography, geology and meteorology of the Holy Land; with a description of every animal and plant mentioned in Holy Scripture. London, 1867. 12. 1867.2 6. edition, London, 1880. viii, 520 p. illust. 12. The survey of western Palestine. London, 1884. illust. 8. 1884.1 Freshwater fishes, p. 162-177. Tristram, Henry Baker, Ains worth, W. F., & Kingsley, - See Ains- worth, Tristram & Kingsley. Trog, Ernst. Barbus semifasciolatus Gunther. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 1-4. 3 figs. 1913.1 Trois, Enrico Filippo. Sull' intima struttura delle villosit& uterine dell' Acanthias vulgaris sotto il punto di vista zootomico-fisiologico. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1866-67, 12, 171-176. 1867.1 - Nota sulla comparsa di un Luvarus imperialis nell' Adriatico, e cenni sulla struttura di alcuni suoi visceri. Comment. Fauna, Flora & Gea, 1867, no. 2. Atti Ateneo Venezia, 1867, 4, 15-18. 1867.2 560 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY TRO Trois, E. F. - Sull' esistenza di un sistema linfatico superficial in alcune specie di pesci ossei. Comment. Fauna, Flora & Gea, 1867, 1, 254-256. 1867.3 - Prospetto sistematico dei pesci dell' Adriatico e cataloga della collezione ittiologica del R. Istituto Veneto. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1874-75, 5. ser. 1, 569-614. 1875.1 Annotazione sopra un esemplare di Trygon violacea preso nell' Adriatico. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1875-76, 5. ser. 2, 1-3. 1876.1 - Rapporto sugli aumenti [pesci] delle collezioni zoologiche e zootomiche del R. Istituto Veneto, ed osservazioni critiche sul sistema linfatico della Chelonia carretta. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1875-76, 5. ser. 2, 759-765. 1876.2 - Ricerche zootomiche e istolo- giche sul Luvarus imperialis. Mem. Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1876, 20, 423-443. pi. 1876.3 - Sopra la esistenza di veri gangli linfatici nel Lofio pescatore e nel Lofio marino. Mem. Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1876, 20, 221-226. 1876.4 - Sui nuovi aumenti [pesci] delle raccolte scientifiche del R. Istituto veneto. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1875-76, 5. ser. 2, 97-100; 223-231; 295-300. 1876.5 - Sulla struttura delle villosita uterine del Myliobatis noctula e della Centrina salviani. Atti Istit. Sci. Ve- nezia, 1875-76, 5. ser. 2, 429-433. 1876.6 - Notizie sopra 1' Echinorhinus spinosus osservato per la prima volta nelF Adriatico. Atti R. Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1876-77, 5. ser. 3, 1179-1183. 1877.1 Contribuzione allo studio del sistema linfatico dei teleostei. Ricerche sul sistema linfatico del Lophius pisca- torius, dell' Uranoscopus scaber, dei pleuronettidi e dei gadoidei. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1877-78, 5. ser. 4, 765-782. Ibid., 6, 19-36; 401-418. pi. Ibid., 7, 139-150; 333-340. Ibid., 8, 955-959. 1878.1 Nupvi fatti risguardanti la storia del sistema linfatico dei teleostei. Sommario. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1877-78, 4, 579-608. 1878.2 Sulla Platessa vulgaris [ = Pleu- ronectes platessa] nuova alle spiaggie italiane, per la prima volta scoperta nell' Adriatico. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1877-78, 5. ser. 4, 321-326. 1878.3 Catalogo delle dimostrazioni anatomiche comparative sull' angiologia dei vertebrati inferiori, e special mente sul sistema linfatico dei pesci, eseguito per la esposizione mondiale di Parigi nel 1878. Venezia, 1878. 1878.4 - Sopra la singolare disposizione della carotide esterna nella Oxyrhina spallanzanii. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1878-79, 5. ser. 5, 257-262. 1879.1 Annotazione sopra gli avanzi di un Tetrapturus belone preso nell' Adria- tico. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1879-80, 6, 643-645. 1880.1 Annotazioni sopra un organo speciale e non descritto nil Lophius piscatorius. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1879-80, 5. ser. 6, 91-99. 1880.2 Catalogo delle dimostrazioni anatomiche del Museo del R. Institute Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti . . . preparate edinviate alia Esposizione Internazionale ... in Berlino nel 1880. Venezia, 1880. 23 p. 8. 1880.3 Richerche sul sistema linfatico dell' Uranoscopus scaber. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1879-80, 5. ser. 6, 19-36. pi. 1880.4 - Sopra una particolarita anato- mica per la prima volta osservata nell' Alopecias vulpes. Atti Istit. Sci. Vene- zia, 1881-82, 5. ser. 8, 1361-1364. 1882.1 - Osservazioni sull' intima strut- tura delle branchie del Xiphias gladius. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1882-83, 6. ser. 1, 773-785. 1883.1 - Ricerche sperimentali sugli sper- matozoi dei plagiostomi. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1882-83, 6. ser. 1, 545-549. - Journ. Micrographie, 7, 193-196. 1883.2 Sulla comparsa della Scicena aquila nell' Adriatico. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1882-83, 6. ser. 1, 75-81. 1883.3 - Ricerche sulla struttura della Ranzania truncata. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1884, 6. ser. 2, 1543-1559. pi. 1884.1 Sulla comparsa accidentale dell' Echeneis naucrates nel golfo di Venezia. Atti Istit. Sci. Venezia, 1893, 7. ser. 4, 1636. 1893.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 561 Sopra un esemplare
  • . 9, 7-8. 1885.2 - Considerations sur les poissons des grandes profondeurs, en particulier sur ceux qui appartiennent au sous-ordre des Abdominales. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1886, 103, 1237-1239. 1886.1 Sur les dimensions comparatives des adultes et des jeunes chez un pois- sons elasmobranche, VAlopias vulpes. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1886, 7. se>. 10, 41-42. 1886.2 - Considerations sur les poissons des grandes profondeurs. Deuxieme note. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 104, 123-126. 1887.1 Mat^riaux pour servir a 1'his- toire ichthyologique des archipels de la Socie*te et des Pomotous. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1887, 7. ser. 11, 49-62. 1887.2 - Remarques sur la construction du nid de I'Antennarius marmoratus Less, et G., dans la mer des Sargasses. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1887, 8. ser. 4, 732-733. 1887.3 Sur la presence d'un poisson appartenant au genre Neopercis dans 1'Atlantique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1887, 105, 1032-1033. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6. ser. 1, 62-63. 1887.4 - Les ecailles du Chaunax pictus Lowe, et du Centriscus scolopax Linne. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1888, 7. ser. 12, 125-127. 1888.1 Expeditions scientifiques du " Travailleur " et du "Talisman" pendant les annees 1880, 1881, 1882, 1883. Poissons. Paris, 1888. 406 p. 28 pis. 4. 1888.2 - Poissons (In his Mission sci- entifique du Cap Horn, 1882-1883. VI. Zoologie. Paris, 1888. 35 p. 4 pis. 4) 1888.3 - Note sur un foetus gigantesque d'Oxyrhina spallanzani Bonap. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1889, 8. se"r. 1, 38-39. 1889.1 - Observations relatives a la mon- tee de I'anguille sur les cotes de France. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1889, 109, 31-33. 1889.2 Sur les poissons des eaux douces de Borneo. C. R. Congr. Intern. Zool. Paris, 1889, 81-82. 1889.3 572 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VAI Vaillant, L. L. - Les collections d'herpetologie et ichthyologie ail Museum d'Histoire Naturelle [a Paris] Rev. Scient., 1890, 45, 513-522. 1890.1 - Rapport adresse au ministre de la marine au nom du comite consultatif des peches maritimes sur la montee d'anguille. Paris, 1890. 1890.2 - Remarques sur la peche de la bichique a File de la Reunion. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 110, 93. 1890.3 - Note sur un nouveau genre de siluroides (Diastatomycter) de Borneo. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1891, 8. ser. 3, 181-182. 1891.1 Sur une collection de poissons recueillis a File Thursday (detroit de Torres) par M. Lix. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1891, 8. ser. 3, 8-11. 1891.2 - Les poissons d' aquarium. Rev. Sci. Nat. Appliquees, 1892, 24 p. 9 figs. 1892.1 - Remarques sur quelques pois- sons du haut Tonkin. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1892, 114, 1028-1029. 1892.2 Sur le genre Megapleuron. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1892, 114, 1083- 1084. 1892.3 - Sur la possibilite du transport des galets dans Fappareil digestif des poissons. Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1892, 3. ser. 20, 111-113. 1892.4 du haut Tonkin par M. Pavie. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1892, 8. ser. 4, 125- 127. 1892.5 Contribution a F etude de la faune ichthyologique de Borneo. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1893, 3. ser. 5, 23-112. pis. Also separate; Paris, 1893. 2 pis. 4. 1893.1 Sur les affinites du genre Oreo- soma Cuvier. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 116, 598-600. 1893.2 Sur les poissons des eaux douces de Borneo (In Whitehead, J. Explora- tion of Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo. Appendix. London, 1893. x, 317 p. illust. 4) 1893.3 - Sur les poissons provenant du voyage de M. Bonvalot et du Prince Henri d'Orleans. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1893, 8. ser. 5, 197-204. 1893.4 Sur une collection de poissons recueillie par M. Chaper a Borneo. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 1893, 18, 55-62. 1893.5 - Sur un nouveau genre de pois- sons, voisin des Fierasfer. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1893, 117, 745-746. 1893.6 - Liste des poissons recueillis par " La Manche " dans Focean glacial arctique (In Voyage de " La Manche " a 1'lle Jan-Mayen et au Spitzberg, juillet-aout, 1892. Paris, 1894. 268 p. 8) 1894.1 Note sur les poissons de la famille des silurides appartenant a la faune Madecasse et description d'une espece nouvelle. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1894, 8. ser. 6, 75-80. 1894.2 - Sur la faune ichthyologique du eaux douces de Borneo. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1894, 118, 209-211. 1894.3 Sur une collection de poissons recueillie en Basse-Californie et dans le Golfe par M. Le"on Diguet. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris 1894, 8. ser. 6, 69-75. 1894.4 Essai monographique sur les silures du genre Synodontis. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1895, 3. ser. 7, 233-284. 6 pis. Ibid., 1896, 8, 87-178. 1895.1 - Sur la constitution et la struc- ture de Fepine osseuse de la nageoire dorsale chez quelques poissons mala- copterygiens. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1895, 121, 909-911. 1895.2 Sur quelques poissons rapportes habitudes terricoles d'un siluroi'de africain, Clarias lazera Cuvier et Valenciennes. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1895, 1, 271-272. 1895.3 Sur un Luvarus imperial/is Ra- finesque, venant des cotes du Finistere. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1895, 1, 238-239. fig. 1895.4 Etude des poissons tues par Faction d'explosifs violents eclatant sous Feau. C. R. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1896, 40-41. 1896.1 Note sur Fceuvre ichthyologique de C. A. Lesueur. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1896, 8. ser. 8, 15-32. 1896.2 Un poisson terrestre. Le Pe- cheur, 1896, 2. ser. 1, 5. 1896.3 Quelques poissons du Soudan francais, envoi de M. Chevalier. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1896, 2, 133-135. 1896.4 VAI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 573 Sur la structure histologique des rayons osseux chez la carpe (Cyprinus carpio Linn.) Congr. Zool. Leide, 1896, 275-278. 1896.5 - Sur le mode de formation des coprolithes helicoides, d'apres les faits observes a la menagerie des reptiles sur les protopteres. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1896, 122, 742-743. Rev. Scient., 1896, 4. ser. 5, 471-^72. 1896.6 - Contribution a 1' etude ichthy- ologique du Chagres. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 220-223. 1897.1 - La repartition des siluroides dans 1'espace et dans le temps. Revue Scient., 1897, 4. ser. 7, 685-689. 1897.2 - Siluroi'de nouveau de 1'Afrique orient ale (Chimarrhoglanis leroyi) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 81-84. 1897.3 - Sur les especes a distinguer dans le genre Nebris Cuvier et Valenciennes. Bull. Mus. Hist, Nat, Paris, 1897, 3, 124. 1897.4 - Sur quelques exemplaires du genre Scorpis, appartenant aux collec- tions du Museum d'Histoire Naturelle. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 84-87. 1897.5 - Sur un poisson rare pour la faune francaise, le Trichiurus Upturns Linne. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1897, 3, 166-167. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat, Quest Nantes, 7, 53-54. 1897.6 - Contribution a 1' etude de la faune ichthyologique de la Guyane. Notes Leyden Mus., 1898, 20, 1-20. 1898.1 - D,e la structure speciale des epines chez les Apogonini et quelques autres poissons acanthopterygiens. Proc. 4. Intern. Zool. Congr., London, 1898,174-176. 2 figs. 1898.2 - On the presence of the common eel in the open sea. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 355-356. 1898.3 - Remarques sur les appendices de Bloch chez les siluroides du genre Aspredo. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1898, 126, 544-545. 1898.4 - Sur la presence de 1'anguille commune en haute mer. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1898, 126, 1429-1430. 1898.5 - Note preliminaire sur les col- lections ichthyologiques recueillies par M. Geay en 1897 et 1898 dans la Guyane francaise et le conteste Franco-Brosi- lien. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 154-156. 1899.1 - [A propos des raies cornuesi Bull. Mus. Hist, Nat. Paris, 1899, 5. 112-113. 1899.2 Protopterus retropinnis et EC- todus fo&, especes nouvelles de 1' Afrique equatoriale. Bull. Mus. Hist, Nat. Paris, 1899, 5, 219-222. 1899.3 - Contribution & I'Stude de la faune ichthyologique de la Guyane francaise et du conteste Franco-Brsi- lien. Nouv. Arch. Mus. Hist, Nat. Paris, 1900, 4. ser. 2, 123-136. pi. 1900.1 Poissons. Anatomic et phy- siologic (In his Notice sur les travaux scientifiques, p. 47-133. Paris, 1900) 1900.2 - Sur un griset ( Hexanchus griseus L. Gm.) du golfe de Gascogne. Bull. Mus. Hist, Nat.. Paris, 1901, 7, 202-204. 1901.1 - R6sultats zoologiques de 1'ex- pedition scientifique neerlandaise au Borneo central. Poissons. Notes Mus. Leiden, 1902, 24, 1-166. 2 pis. & figs. 1902.1 - Sur la faune ichthyologique des eaux douces de Borneo. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 135, 977-980. 1902.2 - Sur le genre nouveau Gyrino- cheilus, de la famille des Cyprinidae. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 136, 702- 704. 1902.3 - Sur la presence du tissu osseux chez certains poissons des terrains paleozooi'ques de Canyon city, Colorado. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 134, 1321-1322. 1902.4 Treats of the structure of dermal plates of Astraspis desiderata Walcott, recognized by Eastman in Proc. U. S. Nat. Mua., 1917, 52, 238 as an oatracoderm. Incubation bucco-branchiale observed sur un cheilodiptere de la Martinique. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 207-209. 1903.1 Note complement aire sur le portrait de Bloch. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 111-112. 1903.2 - Remarques sur la composition chimique de Tanguille, a different s ctats de son developpement. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1903, 55, 749-750. 1903.3 574 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VAI Vaillant, L. L. - Sur un exemplaire type du Plotosus nigricans Cuvier et Valen- ciennes, et remarques taxinomiques sur le groupe des Plotisina. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 117-120. 1903.4 - Poissons recueillis par M. A. Pavie en Indo-Chine (In Mission Pavie Indo-Chine, 1879-1895, vol. iii. p. 459-470. pi. Paris, 1904. 4) 1904.1 - Quelques reptiles, batraciens et poissons du Haut-Tonkin. Bull. Mus. f Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 297-301. 1904.2 - Sur un cyprino'ide nouveau de Tunisie, le Leuciscus (Phoxinellus) chaignoni. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1904, 10, 188-190. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Autun, 17, 158-162. pi. 1904.3 Notes additionelles a 1'article de Chaignon: Histoire naturelle de la Tunisie. - Sur le Mitsukurina owstoni Jordan. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1904, 138, 1517-1518. 1904.4 Description de poissons nou- veaux ou imparfaitement connus de la collection du Museum d'Histoire Na- turelle. Le genre Alabes de Cuvier. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1905, 7, 145-158. figs. 1905.1 Le genre Alabes de Cuvier. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1905, 140, 1713- 1715. 1905.2 - La faune des poissons de la region polaire antarctique. C. R. Congr. Soc. Sav. Paris, 1906, 168-170. 1906.1 - Sur les poissons recueillis pen- dant 1' expedition antarctique francaise commandee par le Dr. Jean Charcot. Note preliminaire. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat, Paris, 1906, 12, 138-140. 1906.2 - Sur une nouvelle espece de Chaenichthys [C. charcoti] provenant de I'expedition antarctique frangaise sous le commandement du Dr. Jean Charcot. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1906, 12, 246-247. 1906.3 - Poissons (In Expedition An- tarctique francaise [1903-1905] comman- dee par le Dr. Jean Charcot. Sciences naturelles: documents scientifiques. Ouvrage public sous ... la direction de L. Joubin, p. 1-52. Paris, [1907] 8) 1907.1 - Ichthyologie de 1'Afrique cen- trale (In R4sultats scientifiques des voyages en Afrique d'Edouard Foa, p. 559-568. Paris, 1908. 8) 1908.1 - Sur un individu monstrueux nycteridoide du Raja clavata Linne. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1908, 14, 112-113. 1908.2 - Note sur un emploi singulier de la peau des ttrodons. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1911, 17, 7-8. 1911.1 - Sur la disposition de 1'appareil branchial chez un cephaloptere (Mobula olfersii Miiller) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1912, 18, 287-291. 1912.1 Vaillant, Leon Louis, & Bocourt, Fir- min. Etudes sur les poissons (In their Mission scientifique au Mexique et dans TAmerique centrale, quatrieme partie, 1-265. 20 pis. Paris, 1874-1915. 4) 1874.1 This work was published in instalments as follows: p. 1-40 in 1874; 41-120 in 1878; 121- 200 in 1883; and 201-265 in 1915. The text was left incomplete upon the death of the senior author in 1915. Vaillant, Leon Louis, & Diguet, L. Sur le cephaloptere du golfe de Cali- fornie. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1898, 4, 127-129. 1898.1 Vaillant, Leon Louis, & Pe lie grin, Jacques. Cichlides nouveaux de 1'Ame- rique centrale. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1902, 8, 84-88. 1902.1 - Note sur quelques tetragonop- teres de PAmerique centrale apparte- nant a la collection du Museum. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1903, 9, 323-326. 1903.1 Vaillant, Leon Louis, & Pettit, Auguste. Sur la structure du tegument chez le Synodontis schalli Bloch- Schneider. Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1898, 4, 264-267. 1898.1 Vaillant, Leon Louis, & Sauvage, Henri Emile. Note sur quelques es- peces nouvelles de poissons des ties Sandwich. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1875, 3. ser. 3, 278-287. 1875.1 Valantin, - Observations sur les premiers essais dc pisciculture tentes dans le departement de la Lozere. Bull. Soc. Agric. Mende, 1855, 6, 132-139. 1855.1 Valatour, Martial. Recherches sur les glandes gastriques et les tuniques musculaires du tube digestif dans les poissons osseux et les batraciens. Ann. VAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 575 Sci. Nat. (ZooL), 1861, 4. ser. 16, 219- 285. 2 pis. 1861.1 Valenciennes, Achille [1794-1865] Sur le sous-genre marteau, Zygaena. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat., 1822, 9, 222- 228. 2 pis. 1822.1 - Description du cernie, Poly- prion cernium. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1824, 11, 265-269. pi. 1824.1 - Description d'une grande espece de squale, voisin des leiches [Scymnus itiicropterus borealis] Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist, Nat, Paris, 1832, 1, 454-468. fig. 1832.1 - Descriptions de plusieurs nou- velles poissons du genre Apogon. Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1832, 1, 51-60. fig. 1832.2 Poissons (In Voyage aux Indes- Orientales, public par Charles Belanger, p. 337-399. Paris, 1834) 1834.1 - Ichthyologie des lies Canaries, ou Histoire naturelle des poissons rap- portes par MM. Webb et Berthelot (In Webb, P. B., & Berthelot, S. His- toire naturelle des iles Canaries, vol. 2, pt, 2. 25 pis. Paris, 1835-50. 4) 1835.1 - Les poissons (In Cuvier, G. Le regne animal distribue d'apres son organisation, pour seryir de base a This- toire naturelle des animaux, et d'intro- duction a I'anatomie comparee iTroisi- eme] edition . . . par une reunion de dis- ciples de Cuvier, MM. Audouin, Blan- chard, etc. Paris, 1836-49) 1837.1 Considerations generates sur 1'ichthyologie de 1'Atlantique. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1838, 7, 717-722.- Rev. Zool., 1838, 244. L'Institut, 6, 338. 1838.1 - Rapport sur quelques poissons d'Amerique, rapportes par M. Petland. L'Institut, 1839, 7, 276. 1839.1 - Nouvelles observations sur 1'or- gane electrique du silure electrique (Malapterurus electricus Lacepede) Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1840, 2. ser. 14, 241- 244. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 11, 277- 280. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 2, 43-62. 1840.1 Note sur certains genres de 168. Notizen (Froriep), 12, 181-184. - Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1842, 248. 1841.1 - Determination des poissons (In Voyage autour du monde . . . sur . . . la "Bonite," etc. Zoologie, vol. i. Paris, 1842. 8) 1842.1 - Description de quelques dents fossiles de poissons trouve"es aux en- ^ virons de Staoueli, dans la province ^ d'Alger. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1844, 3. ser. 1, 99-104. pi. 1844.1 - Nouvelles recherches sur les poissons de la famille des clup4es. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1846, 23, 265-271. - Notizen (Froriep), 39, 289-295. 1846.1 - Histoire naturelle du hareng, comprenant la description zoologique et anatomique de cet important pois- son, et une histoire detaillee de sa peche ancienne et moderne. Extrait du tome xx de P Histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, 1847. 260 p. 3 pis. 8. 1847.1 - Poissons. Catalogue des prin- cipales especes de poissons rapporte"es de 1' Ame"rique meridionale (InOrbigny, A. d'. Voyage dans l'Ame"rique meri- dionale, vol. v, pt. 2. Paris, 1847. fol.) 1847.2 Histoire naturelle des poissons. Paris, 1850. Text & atlas of 122 col. pis. 8. 1850.1 - Expose" des tentatives faites pour acclimater en France plusieurs poissons des eaux douces de 1'Allemagne. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1851, 32, 817- 820. 18511 Rapport sur les esp&ces de pois- sons de la Prusse, qui pourraient etre importees et acclimate* es dans les eaux douces de la France. Ann. Agrono- miques, 1851, 2, 213. 1851.2 - Recherches sur la structure du tissu ele"mentaire des cartilages des poissons et des mollusques. Arch. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1851, 6, 505-528. 1851.3 - Note sur les silures rapport6s vivants des eaux douces de la Prusse en 1851. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1855, 41, 501-503. L'Institut, 1835, no. 1135. 1855.1 poissons et de reptiles qu'on ne peut classer d'une maniere absolue, comme marins ou d'eau douce. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.), 1841, 2. ser. 110-112. Edinburgh New Phil. Journ., 32, 165- - Description d'une nouvelle es- pece d'aspidophore peche dans 1'une des anses du port de i'empereur Nicolas (Manche de Tartarie) et rapporte par Barthe, chirurgien du bord de la fregate 576 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VAL Valenciennes, A. "La Sibylle," etc. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 47, 1043. 1858.1 - Note sur quelques poissons d'Algerie. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1858, 46, 711-715. L'Institut, 26, no. 1268. 1858.2 Sur 1' importance des recherches de M . le prof esseur Molin sur les poissons fossiles du monte Bolca. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. 1861, 63, 643. 1861.1 - Description de quelques especes nouvelles de poissons envoyees de Bour- bon par M. Morel. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1862, 64, 1165-1170; 1201-1207. 1862.1 Valenciennes, Achille, & Cuvier, (Baron) Georges. See Cuvier & Valen- ciennes. Valenciennes, Achille, & Fremy, Edmond. Note sur un precede qui permet de recpnnaitre la maturite des ceufs de certains poissons. Bull. Soc.. Acclim. Paris, 1854, 1, 146. 1854.1 - Recherches sur la composition des ceufs dans la serie des animaux. C. R. Acad. Paris, 1854, 38, 469-484; 525-533; 570-580. Annal. Chimie, 1, 129-178. Journ. Pharm., 26, 321- 336; 415-423. Ibid., 26, 5-16. Amer. Journ. Sci., 19, 38-48; 238- 243. Ibid., 20, 65-72. 1854.2 - Recherches sur la nature du cristallin dans la serie des animaux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1854, 44, 1122- 1134. Journ. Pharm., 32, 5-19. 1854.3 Valenti, Giulio. Contributo alia istogenesi della cellula nervosa e della nevroglia nel cervello di alcuni pesci condrostei. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., 1891, 12 (Mem.), 83-98. Ibid. (Proc. Verb.), 285-286. Arch. Ital. Biol., 1891, 16, 247-252. 1891.1 - Sopra i primitivi rapporti delle estremita cef aliche della corda dorsale e dell' intestine. Atti Soc. Toscana Sci. Nat., 1898, 16 (Mem.), 59-71. pi. 1898.1 Valentin, Elektricitat der Thiere (In Wagner, R. Handworter- buch der Physiologic, Bd. i, p. 256. Braunschweig, 1842) 1842.1 Valentin, Gabriel Gustav [1810-1883] Ueber die Organisation der Trabecula? carnese in der Schwimmblase von Lepisosteus spatula Lacep. Repert. Anat. Physiol. (Valentin), 1840, 5, 392- 397. 1840.1 - Ueber ein Entozoon im Blute von Salmo fario. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1841, 435-436. Ann. Sci. Nat, (Zool), 2. ser. 16, 303-305. 1841.1 - Beitrage zur Anatomic des Zitteraales (Gymnotus electricus) N. Denkschr. Schweiser. Ges. Naturw., 1842, 6. Repert. Anat. Physiol. (Valentin), 1842, 6, 353. 1842.1 - Ueber das centrale Nerven- system und die Nebenherzen der Chi- mcera monstrosa. Archiv Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1842, 25-45. 1842.2 - Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte der Fische; aus einem Schreiben an A. Kolliker. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1850, 2, 267-270. 1850.1 - Ein Beitrag zur Entwickelungs- geschichte der Doppelmissgeburten. Arch. Physiol. Heilk., 1851, 10. Jahrg., 1-40. C. R. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1852, 4, 92-102. 1851.1 Valentine, C. L. The spawn of the brook trout. Chicago Field, 1880, 12, 341. 1880.1 Valenziani, Carlo. Catalogo di libri giapponesi acquistati di recente dalla Biblioteca Vittorio Emmanuele di Roma. Boll. Ital. Studii Orientali, 1876-77, 1, 159-160; 239-240; 399-400; 418-420. 1877.1 Valery-Mayet, - Acclimatiza- tion of Salmo quinnat in France. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 138. 1884.1 - Hatching salmon eggs at Mont- pellier, France, and trouble with fungus. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 272. 1885.1 Vallaux, Camille. L'industrie des peches dans la mer du Nord. Rev. Gen. Sci., 1914, 25, 433-440. fig. 1914.1 Valle, Antonio. Crostacei parassiti dei pesci del mare Adriatico. Boll. Soc. Adriatica Sci. Nat. Trieste, 1880, 6, 55-90. Ibid., 1881, 7, 245-247. 1880.1 Valle-Pope, Edward. The fishes of Cambridgeshire (In Marr, J. E., & Shipley, A. E. Handbook of the natural history of Cambridgeshire, p. 108-113. London, 1904. 8) 1904.1 Vallet, A. G. Sur la presence de 1'iode dans I'huile de foie de morue. Journ. Pharm., 1837, 23. 501-502. 1837.1 VAN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 577 Vallot, Jean Nicolas [ 1858] Poisson a puttes. Seances Acad. Sci. Dijon, 1817, 16-18. 1817.1 - Histoire naturelle des poissons ilu depart ement de la Cote d'Or. Mem. Arml. Sci. Dijon, 1836, pt. 2, 5-310. 1836.1 - Ichthyologie francaise, ou His- toire naturelle des poissons d'eau douce de la France. Dijon, 1837. 8. 1837.1 - Determination de plusieurs pois- sons mentionnes par Aristote. Mem. Acad. Sci. Dijon, 1838, 67-103. 1838.1 - Note sur la determination de plusieurs especes de poissons indiquees par Aristote. Rev. Zool., 1839, 117. 1839.1 - Supplement a I'ichthyologie francaise, et tableau general des pois- sons d'eau douce de la France. Mem. Acad. Sci. Dijon, 1850, pt. 2, 25-178. Also separate; Dijon, 1850. 1850.1 Valmer, - Sur les aquaria d'eau de mer et d'eau douce etablis au jar- din zoologique de Londres. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1856, 3, 281-287. 1856.1 Valmont de Bomare, Jacques Chris- tophe [1731-1807] Dictionnaire rai- sonne d'histoire naturelle, contenant 1' histoire des animaux, des v^getaux et des mineraux . . . des meteores, etc. 5 vols. Paris, 1765. 8. 1765.1 The same. 2. ed. 4 vols. Paris, 1768. 4. - The same. 4. ed. 8 vols. Lyon, 1791. Valverde, Manual del pes- cador; tratado completo de pesca. Con anzuelo y con redes acompanado de indicaciones para la conservaci6n y fomento de la pesca, sobre el acuario, etc. Barcelona, 1879. 135 p. illust. 8. 1879.1 Vananda, S. G. Wonderful growth of brook trout. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 164. 1879.1 Rapid growth of brook trout. Forest & Stream, 1880, 14, 245. 1880.1 Van Antwerp, W. Growth, spawn- ing, edible qualities and manner of cook- ing German carp received from the United States Fish Commission in 1880. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 300. 1883.1 Van Cleef, J. S. How to restore trout streams. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1885 (1886), 50-55. issii.l - Decadence of our trout stream- Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1895 (1896), 28-35. 1896.1 Vancouver, George [1757-1798] A voyage of discovery to the north Pacific ocean and round the world . . . per- formed in . . . 1790-1795, in the "Dis- covery "... and ..." Chatham." [Edited with a preface by J. Vancouver] 3 vols. & atlas. London, 1798. illust. 4 & fol. 1798.1 Some manuscript zoological notes, made by A. Menzies, during the voyage, are inserted at the end of the atlas. Van de Hi, Domingo. Flora et fauna Lusitanica? specimen. Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1797, 1, 37. 1797.1 Van der Hoeven, J. See Hoeven, /. van der. Van der Lott, Fransl. See Lott, F. van der. Van der Snickt, L. See Snickt, L. van der. Vanderstell, Adrien, & Coyett, Bait. See Coyett & Vanderstell. Van der Stricht, 0. See Stricht, 0. van der. Van Dine, Delos L. The introduction of top-minnows into the Hawaiian islands [Honolulu, 1900?] 10 p. 8. 1900.1 Van Doren, Louis 0. The fishes of the east Atlantic coast that are caught with hook and line; including the fishes of the east coast of Florida, by Samuel C. Clarke. New York, 1884. 97 p., illust. 1884.1 Description of fish, their haunts, natural history, etc. Vaney, Clement, & Conte, Albert. Sur la distribution geographique et 1'adaptation aux eaux douces de quelques formes marines. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 134, 115-117. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 64, 47-48. 1902.1 - L'industrie de la peche dans les Dombes. Bull. Piscicult., Toulouse, 1908, 11-26. 1908.1 Vaney, Clement, Conte, Albert, & Chifflot, - - See Chifflot, Conte, & Vaney. Van Gehuchten, A. See Gehuch- ten, A. van. 578 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VAN Vanhaecken, Arnold. The wonders of ye deep often attempted, but never perform' d but by Arnold Vanhaecken [n . pi] 1762. fol. 1762.1 Nine plates, " painted from the life by A. V. Engrav'd by Giles King." The first, "The view and humours of Billingsgate," and the rest spirited drawings of fish, in picturesque groups. Van Hasselt, J. K., & Kuhl, Rein- rich. See Kuhl & Hasselt. Vanherman, Thomas. Method of manufacturing cheap and durable paints with fish-oil. Phil. Mag., 1806, 25, 50-57. Journ. Nat. Phil., 14, 258- 265. 1806.1 Vanhoffen, Ernst [1858] Ueber die Ceratodus-Flosse. Verh. Ges. Deutsch. Naturf ., 1890, 2, 134. Ges. Naturf. Aerzte, 63. Vers. 1890.1 Gronland. Expedition der Ge- sellschaft fur Erdkunde zu Berlin, 1891- 93. Bd.ii, pt. 1. Berlin, 1897. 1897.1 Enthalt Beschreibung von Gadus-Arten. - Von der deutschen Siidpolar- expedition; Fischereiversuche. Peter- mann's Geogr. Mitt., 1901, 47, 19-20. 1901.1 Vaniere, (Pere) Jacques. Jacobi Va- nierii, e Societate Jesu sacerdotis, prse- diumrusticum. Nova editio. Parisiis, 1765. 8. 1765.1 The same. Paris, 1780. 12. 1780.1 - Fishing. A translation from the Latin of [Prsedium rusticum] book xv, upon fish, by John Buncombe. With a brief introduction and passages from English writers selected as notes [by Joseph Haslewood] London, 1809. 44 p. 8. 1809.1 " The following pages form an article in the ' Censura literaria,' but a few additional copies have been printed for general distribution." This translation was also reprinted, without acknowledgment, by Daniel, in his "Supple- ment to the rural sports," 1813. Van Ingen, Gilbert, & Clark, Edwin P. Disturbed fossiliferous rocks in the vicinity of Rondout, N. Y. Bull. N. Y. State Mus. 1903, no. 69. 56. Ann. Rept. N. Y. State Mus., 1903, 2, 1176-1227. 13 pis. 1903.1 Van Kampen, P. N. See Kampen, P. N. van. Van Mater, J. H. Occurrence of Batistes vetula on the New Jersey coast. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 13. 1884.1 Van Slyke, Donald D., & White, George F. Digestion of protein in the stomach and intestine of the dogfish. Proc. Soc. Exper. Biol. Med. N. Y., 1910, 8, 11-12. Journ. Biol. Chem., 9, 209-217. 1910.1 Van Spall, P. W. A. See Spall, P. W. A. van. Van Vleck, Balfour H., & Jordan, David Starr. See Jordan & Van Vleck. Van Wijhe, J. W. See Wijhe, J. W. van. Varenne de Fenille, - Memoire sur les causes de la mortalite du pois- son dans les etangs pendant 1'hiver de 1788 a 1789, et sur les moyens de Ten preserver a 1'ayenir (In his Observa- tions sur 1' agriculture. Lyon, 1789) Notice in Journ. Phys. (Rozier), 35, 339. 1789.1 Varigny, Henri C. de [1855 ] Sur le rythme respiratoire de quelques pois- sons. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1892, 9. ser. 4, 886-888. 1892.1 - Les grandes pecheries aux Etats- Unis. Le " menhaden." Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1894, 6, 110- 121. Rev. Scient., 4. ser. 1, no. 11. 1894.1 Les pecheries de la Volga. Rev. Scient., 1897, 4. ser. 7, 364-368; 397-. 401. 1897.1 - Le probleme de Tanguille. La Nature, 1897, 25, pt. 2, 51-53. 2 figs. 1897.2 - Histoire d'un poisson. Rev. Scient., 1898, 4. ser. 9, 497-^99. 1898.1 La question de la pisciculture marine. Rev. Scient., 1906, 5. ser. 6, 207-210. 1906.1 Varpakhovskii, Nikolai Arkadevich [1862 ] Ichthyologische Fauna des Flusses Kleinkokschag [Text in Rus- sian] Arbeit. Naturf. Ges. Kasan, Protokolle, 1883, no. 63, 14 p. 1883.1 - Die Fische des Flusses Ssura [Text in Russian] Kasan, 1884. 14 p. 8. Abstract in Zool. Anz., 8, 474. 1884.1 - The fishes of lake Ilmen and of the river Wolchow, government of Novgorod [Text in Russian] Zapiski Akad. Nauk St. Petersb., 1886, 53, 31- 68. 1886.1 - On the ichthyological fauna of the government of Kasan [Text in VAY BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 579 Russian] Zapiski Akad. Naiik St. Petersb., 1886, 52, 1-71. map. 1886.2 - Xotiz liber die in Russland vor- kommenden Arten der Gattung Phoxi- nus. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1887, 12 (M<-(. Biol.}, 685-690. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 32, 533-536. 1887.1 - Ueber die Gattung Hemiculter Hlivk. und liber eine neue Gattung Hemiculterella. Bull. Acad. Sci. St. IV-tersb., 1887, 14-23. 1887.2 -Litteratur der Ichthyologie Russ- land fur 1886 und 1887 [Text in Rus- sian] St. Petersburg, 1888-89. 8. 1888.1 - Ueber einen Fall einer liber- zahligen Bauchflosse beim gemeinen Wels (Silurns glanis L.) Ariat. Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 379. 1888.2 - Kleine Beitrage zur ichthyo- logischen Fauna Russlands [Text in Russian] 2 pts. St. Petersburg, 1889. 8. 1889.1 - Monographic der Cypriniden- Familie Oreoleuciscus [Text in Rus- sian] St. Petersburg, 1889. 3 pis. 8. 1889.2 - Ueber die ichthyologischen Fauna des asiatischen Russlands [Text in Russian] St. Petersburg, 1889. pi. 8. 1889.3 - Sur la faune ichthyologique du bassin du fleuve Obi [Text in Russian] Ann. Mus. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb., 1897, 241-271. 2 pis. Ibid., 1899, 4, 325-374. 3 pis. 1899.1 - The fishes of lake Teletzki [Text in Russian] Ann. Mus. Acad. Imp. St. Petersb., 1900, 6, 412-427. pi. 1900.1 - Zur Ichthyofauna des Flusses Petschora. Ann. Mus. Zool. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1901, 6, 585-608. pi. 1901.1 Varpakhovskii, N. A., & Herzen- stein, S. See Herzenstein & Var- pakhovskii. Varro, Marcus Terentius [114-26 B.C.] M. T. Varronis de re rustica libri iii (In Gesner, J. M. Scriptores rei rus- tics veteres latini, etc., 1787, vol. i, 8) 1787.1 Varthema, Ludovico [1480-1510] Voyages and travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia, Persia and India ... in 1503 (In Kerr, R. A. General . . . collection of voyages and travels, etc., 1824. vol. vii. 8) 1824.1 Vassalli-Eandi, Anton Maria. Let- tre sur les ph^nomenes de la torpillr. Journ. Physique, Paris, 1799, 49, 69-72. 1799.1 Vauchelet, - Notice sur les poissons de riviere de la Guadeloupe et particulierement sur le Pisquet. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 492-504. 1863.1 Vaucher, A. Renseignements sur la pisciculture a Geneve. Intern. Fisch- erei Ausstell. Berlin, 1880 (Schweiz. Katalog) 56-76. 1880.1 Vaughan, Arthur, & Reynolds, Sid- ney Hugh. See Reynolds & Vaughan. Vaughan, Mervyn. Observations on the flight of flying-fishes. Trans. Edinburgh Field Nat. Micr. Soc., 1907, 5, 406-410. 1907.1 Vauquelin,Loms Nicolas [1763-1829] Analyse des ceufs de brochet. Journ. Pharm., 1817, 3, 385-390. Ann. Phil., 12, 148-149. 1817.1 Vauquelin, Louis Nicolas, Cuvier, (Baron) Georges, & Lacepede, (Comte) Bernhard Germain Etienne. See Lace- pede, Vauquelin & Cuvier. Vauquelin, Louis Nicolas, & Four- croy, Antoine Francois. See Fourcroy & Vauquelin. Vauvert, M. La peche de la sar- dine. Le Monde Illustre, Paris, 1870, no. 374. 1870.1 Vavra, Velav. Ueber einen Fall von Wirbelsaulenverklirzung bei einer Re- genbogenforelle (Salmo iridceus W. Gibb.) Bull. Intern. Acad. Sci. Prague, math.-nat. Sect., 1906, 11, 1-5. 2 pis. 1906.1 Vavra, V., & Fritsch, Anton. See Fritsch & Vavra. Vayssiere, Albert [1854] Note sur un Trachypterus iris trouve mort a T^ntree du port de Carry-le-Rouent (Bouches-du-Rhone) C. R. M&n. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1908, 64, 780. 1908.1 - Note zoologique et anatomique sur quelques Trachypterus pris dans le golfe de Marseille de 1874 a 1908. Ann. Fac. Sci. Marseille, 1908, 16, 121-128. 1908.2 - Note sur un oeuf double de squale. C. R. M6m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1909, 67, 872-873. 1909.1 580 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VAY Vayssiere, A., & Quintaret, G. Sur un cas d'hermaphrodisme d'un Scyllium stellare L. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1914, 158, 2013-2014. 1914.1 Appareil femelle normal, appareil male sans relation avec systdme n6phridien. Veckenstedt, Edmond. An dem Karpfenteichen der Niederlausitz. Gar- tenlaube, Leipzig, 1877, 759-762. 1877.1 - On the carp ponds of Nether- Lusatia. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 671-674. 1880.1 Veesenmeyer, (Dr.) - - Der Frau- enfisch. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1859, 15, 47-51. 1859.1 - Ueber die in einem Fischglas ausgestellten lebenden Grundeln (Cobitis fossilis und C. tcenia L.) Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1863, 19, 52-54. 1863.1 - Beitrage zur Fauna Wiirttem- bergs. Jahresh. Ver. Vaterl. Naturk. Wurttemberg, 1884, 40, 325-326. 1884.1 Beschreibung von Barbus fluviatilis Ag. var. auratus. Veit, Otto. Ueber einige Besonder- heiten am Primordialcranium von Lepi- dosteus osseus. Anat. Hefte, 1907, 1. Abth., 155-203. 1907.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss des Kopfes der Wirbeltiere. I. Die Ent- wickelung des Primordialcranium von Lepidosteus osseus. Anat. Hefte, 1911, 1. Abth., 44, 93-225. 5 pis. 1911.1 Vejdovsky, Frantisek [1849] O trene mihule (Petromyzon planeri) Sitz- ber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., 1893, no. 49, 1-4. 1893.1 Observation of spawning process in an aqua- rium containing four males and one female. Vejdovsky, F., & Mrazek, A. Centrosom und Periplast, eine vor- laufige Mittheilung. Sitzber. Bohmisch. Ges. Wiss., 1898, no. 15, 1-11. 6 figs. 1898.1 Velasco, Juan de. Historia del reino de Quito en la America meridional, escrita por el Presbiterio Don Juan de Velasco, nativo del mismo reino. Tome I, y parte I, que contiene la historia natural. Ano de 1789. Quito, 1844. 8. 1844.1 Venables, Edmund [1819-1895] The Isle of Wight. A guide . . . with . . . a ... synopsis of its topography . . . geology, zoology and botany, etc. London, 1860. xvi, 526 p. 8. 1860.1 Contains an article on freshwater fishes, by A. G. More. Venables, George. Salmon in the Thames and other rivers. London, 1858. 34 p. 8. 1858.1 - The same. 3. ed. London, 1874. 1874.1 Venegas, Miguel. Noticia de la California. Sacada de la manuscripta, formada en Mexico ano de 1739. 3 vols. Madrid, 1757. 8. 1757.1 This is translated as follows: - A natural and civil history of California . . . from the original Span- ish of Miguel Venegas. 2 vols. London, 1759. 8. 1759.1 A few references to fish occur at p. 47-48 of vol. i. A French version of this work was pub- lished at Paris in 1766, and a German one at Lemgo in 1769. Venema, G. A. De visscherij in de provincie Groningen. Groningen, 1868. 19 pis. 8. 1868.1 Venyaminov, N. Die Fische und Fischzucht in Russland [Text in Rus- sian] 2 pts. Moskva, 1876. 8. 1876.1 Verany, Jean Baptiste [ 1865] Ag- giunto al catalogo de' pesci della Liguria. Atti Sci. Ital., 1846, 492-494. 1846.1 Memoire sur le genre Nota- canthus et descriptions d'une espece nouvelle de la Mediterranee [Nota- canthus edwardsianus] Ann. Soc. Let- tres Sci. Arts Alpes-Maritimes, 1865, 1, 237-240. 1865.1 Verany, Jean Baptiste, & Filippi, Filippo de'. See Filippi & Verany. Verdun, P. Mycose renale chez une carpe commune (Cyprinus carpio L.) Note preliminaire. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1903, 55, 1313-1314. 1903.1 Verdun, P., & Herrmann, G. See Herrmann & Verdun. Verga, D. Descrizione di un nuovo Gobius frequence nelle lagune di Comac- chio, con cenni anatomici sullo stesso. Atti 3. Riunione Sci. Ital., Firenze, 1841, 379. 1841.1 Verhoeven, G. T. Antwoorde op de vraeg: aen te wijzen de soorten van visschen die het gemeyn voorwerp zijn van de vangst, zoo op de kusten als in de rivieren van Vlaenderen; de mis- bruyken die in de visscherij en in swang zijn, te kennen te geven, met de mid- VES BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 581 delen om dezelve te verbeteren. Ge- croonde verhandeling. Mechelen, 1780. 4. 1780.1 . Cour. Acad. Bruxelles, 1780. Verloop, G. N. Die Seefischerei in den Jahren 1870-1902; ihr Riickgang und die Mittel zu ihrer Hebung [Text in Dutch] Tijdschr. Nijverheid Landb. Xe.lerl. Indie, Batavia, 1904, 69, 22-52. 1904.1 - Seefischerei neben dem indi- schon Ackerbau [Text in Dutch] Tijdschr. Nijverheid Landb. Nederl. Indie, Batavia, 1904, 69, 320-336. 1904.2 Verney, (Lady). The shovel-nosed shark. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1874, 4, 65-68. fig. 1874.1 Vernon, H. M. The relations be- tween marine animal and vegetable life. Mitth. Zool. Stat. Neapel, 1898, 13, 341-425. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 63, 155-161. 1898.1 - Heat rigor in cold-blooded ani- mals. Journ. Physiol., London, 1899, 24, 239-287. 1899.1 - The death temperature of cer- tain marine organisms. Journ. Phys- iol., London, 1900, 25, 131-136. 1900.1 Verri, A., & Angelis d'Ossat, G. de. II. Contribute allo studio del Miocene nell' Umbria. Boll. Soc. Geol. Ital., 1900, 19. anno, 240-279. 1900.1 Yen-ill, Addison Emory [1839] The rules of zoological nomenclature . . . drawn up by ... H. F. Strick- land . . . with notes by A. E. Verrill. London, 1869. 8. 1869.1 - Marine fauna of Eastport, N. Y. Bull. Essex Inst., 1871, 3, 2-6. 1871.1 - On the food and habits of some of our marine fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 397-400. Canadian Natural- ist, 6, 107-111. 1871.2 - Report upon the invertebrate animals of Vineyard sound and the adjacent waters, with an account of the physical characteristics of the region. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 295-778. 1873.1 Mentions the occurrence of parasites on both fresh- and salt-water fishes. Details given refer to salt-water species. - The bluefish parasite. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 148. 1874.1 Synopsis of the North American freshwater leeches. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 666-689. 1874.2 Outlines effects of leeches on fish. Artificial propagation of the Spanish mackerel (Cybium maculatum) Amer. Journ. Sci., 1880, 3. ser. 20, 251. 1880.1 Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1881, 3. ser. 22, 292- 303. Ibid., 1882,24,360-371; 447-452. 1881.1 Nocturnal and diurnal changes in the colors of certain fishes and ol the squid (Loligo) with notes on their sleeping habits. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1897, 4. ser. 3, 135-136. Nature, 66, 451. Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1897, 113. Science, n. s. 5, 427.- Nat. Rundschau, 12, 290-291. Nat. Wochenschr., 12, 378-379. 1897.1 - A remarkable instance of the death of fishes, at Bermuda, in 1901. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1901, 4. ser. 12, 88. 1901.1 Mortality due to unusual cold. Additions to the fauna of the Bermudas from the Yale expedition of 1901, with notes on other species. Trans. Connecticut Acad. Sci., 1903, 11, 15-62. 1903.1 The Bermudas. Trans. Con- necticut Acad. Sci., 1903, 11, 413-956. figs. 1903.2 - The Bermuda islands. An account of their scenery, climate, pro- ductions, physiography, natural history and geology. New Haven, 1902. 499 p. illust 8 1902.1 " Reprinted from the Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, vol. xi, with some changes." Verveer, Maurits. Drie photogra- phien van de aldaar in 1867 gehouden tentoonstelling van visscherij-gereed- schappen, enz., door Maurits Verveer. in. pi., n. d.] fol. Not seen; reference from Bosgoed's Biblio- theca ichthyologica, 1874. Vescovi, Pietro de. Note prelimi- nare sulle funzioni cromatiche dei pesci. Atti Istit. Venet., 1886, 6. ser. 4, 535- 546. 1886.1 H ricambio dell' acqua nelle fosse nasali dei teleostei. Esperienze e ricerche. Boll. Soc. Nat. Napoli, 1889, 3, 39-46. 1889.1 582 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VES Vescovi, P. de. Ricerche anatomo-fisiologiche intorno all' apparato uditivo del teleostei. Atti Accad. Sci. Torino, 1891, 26, 389- 412. pi. 1891.1 Notizie sulla formazione di un nuova lago nella provincia di Roma, e considerazioni dal punto di vista della fauna lacustre. Boll. Soc. Rom. Stud. Zool., 1896, 5, 55-71. 1896.1 Vetter, Benjamin [1848-1893] Un- tersuchungen zur vergleichenden Ana- tomie der Kiemen- und Kiefermuscula- tur der Fische. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1874, 8, 405-458. 2 pis. Ibid., 1878, 12, 431-550. 2 pis. 1878.1 Die Fische aus dem lithographi- schen Schiefer im Dresdener Museum. Mitth. Min.-Geol. Prsehist. Mus. Dres- den, 1881, Heft 4, 1-118. 3 pis. Ab- stract in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1882, 2, 405-408. 1881.1 Ccelacanthidse, Pycnodontidse, Macrosemiidse, Pholidophoridse, Aspidorhynchidse, Pachycor- midae, Eugnathidse and other ganoids includ- ing Coccolepis, Megalurua, etc. On the denti- tion of Asthenocormus, see Mem. Carnegie Mus., 1914, 6, 416-418. Vetter, /. Die Schifffahrt, Flotzerei und Fischerei auf dem Oberrhein (Schaffhausen-Basel) Karlsruhe, 1864. 219 p. 8. 1864.1 Vetterlein, Richard. Zuchten von Anabas africanus. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 253- 254. fig. 1914.1 Vialleton, Louis. Developpement post-embryo nnaire du rein de Fam- mocete. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1890, 111, 399-401. 1890.1 Caracteres lymphatiques de certaines veines chez quelques squales. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1902, 54, 249-251. 1902.1 - Les lymphatiques du tube diges- tif de la torpille (Torpedo marmorata Risso) Arch. Anat. Micr., 1902, 6, 378-456. 2 pis. 1902.2 Sur le developpement des mus- cles rouges chez quelques teleosteens. C. R. Assoc. Anat., Nancy, 1902, 4, 47-53. fig. 1902.3 - Etude sur le coeur des lamproies, Petromyzon marinus L., P. planeri Bloch, Ammoccetes branchialis L., avec quelques remarques sur 1' anatomic com- paree du cceur des cyclostomes. Arch. Anat. Micr., 1903, 6, 283-384. 2 pis. 1903.1 - Sur le developpement des fentes branchiales de la torpille. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 61, 11-13. 1906.1 - Un probleme de 1'evolution. La theorie de la recapitulation des formes ancestrales au cours du developpement embryonnaire (loi biogenetique fonda- mentale de Haeckel) Montpellier, 1908. 244 p. 4 pis. 8. 1908.1 References to Petromyzon marinus, p. 128- 134; 142-148. Sur les arcs visceraux et leur role topographique chez les vertebres. Arch. Anat. Micr. Paris, 1908, 10, 1-122. 3 pis. & 8 figs. 1908.2 - Elements de morphologic des vertebres. Anatomic et embryologie comparees, paleontologie et classifica- tion. Paris, 1911. xiv, 790 p. 304 figs. 8. 1911.1 Viault, Francois. Recherches his- tologiques sur la structure des centres nerveux des plagiostomes. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1876, 6, 441-528. 4 pis. 1876.1 Vibert, Philip. Salmon culture in Canada. Forest & Stream; 1876, 7, 275. 1876.1 On sharks and other matters. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 269. 1877.1 Gaspe fisheries. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 442. 1879.1 Herring spawn. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 85. 1879.2 - Utility of fish-culture. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 85. 1879.3 Vibraye, P. de. Observations sur la pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1854, 1, 331-339. Also separate; Paris, 1854. 8. 1854.1 Nouvelles observations sur la pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1855, 2, 375-381. . 1855.1 - Compte rendu de divers essais pour la propagation des especes u tiles. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1858, 5, 270- 271. 1858.1 Vicq-d'Azyr, Felix [1748-1794] Pre- miere memoire pour servir a 1'histoire anatomique des poissons. Mem. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1776, 7. 1776.1 Memoire sur la structure de 1'organe de I'ouiie des oiseaux, compare avec celui de 1'homme, des quadrupedes, des reptiles et des poissons. Paris, 1777. 8. 1777.1 VIE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 583 - Des Herrn Vicq d'Azyr Ab- hundlung zur anatomischen Geschichte der Fische (In Schneider, J. G. Sainm- hmg von anatomischen Aufsatzen und Bemerkungen zur Aufklarung der Fisch- kiuule, etc. 1795. parti) 1795.1 - Eloge de Buffon (In Le Buffon, G. L. (Euvres completes, etc. 1842. vol. i. 8) 1842.1 Victorin, Johan Fredrik [1831-1855] Zoologiska anteckningar under en resa i sodra delurne af Caplandet aren 1853- 1855, af J. F. Victorin. Ur den aflidnes papper samlade och ordnade af J. W. Grill. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1858, 2, no. 10. 62 p. pi. 1858.1 Vidakovich, Victor. See Widako- wich, V. Vidal, [Jerome] Leon. Education et conservation du loup (bar) [Labrax lupus] a 1'etat de stabulation dans des vivier de la ferme aquicole de Port- de-Bouc. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1866, 2. ser. 3, 637-642. 1866.1 - Pisciculture marine. Etude sur le littoral francais de la Mediterranee au point de vue piscicole. Marseille, 1866. 8. 1866.2 - Education et conservation du muge a 1'etat de stabulation dans les viviers de la ferme aquicole de Fort-de- Bouc. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1867, 2. ser. 4, 190-200. 1867.1 - Peche et pisciculture marine; considerations sur la pisciculture ap- pliquee a la production des especes marines comestibles. Marseille, 1867. 8. 1867.2 - De T action du froid sur les poissons eleves en stabulation. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. ser. 7, 578-592. 1870.1 - Pisciculture marine. De Fac- tion du froid sur les poissons en stabula- tion. Marseille, 1871. 8. 1871.1 Vidal, Luis Mariano. Nota geolo- gica y paleontologica sobre el Jurasico superior de la provincia de Lerida. Bui. Inst. Geol. Espan. Madrid, 1915. 43 p. 6 pis. & 19 figs. 1915.1 Undina, yEtalion, Hybodus and Megalurus. Vidal, Luis Mariano, & Deperet, Charles. Contribution al estudio del Oligoceno en Cataluna. Mem. Real Acad. Cienc. Barcelona, 1906, 5, 311- 345. 1906.1 Text in Spanish and French. Some fossil teleosts are mentioned. Vieira, Lopes. Com rilmt ion a 1'etude de 1'ichthyologie maritime. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894,1, 137-139. pi. 1894.1 - Contribution a l'6tude des pois- sons d'eau douce du Portugal, d'apres la collection du muse de zoologie de P Universit6 de Coimbra, et catalogue des poissons des fleuves et rivieres du Portugal conserves au mus6e. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894, 1, 1-18; 53. 1894.2 - Note sur le Lepidopus argenteus Bonat., vel L. caudatus Giinth. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894, 1, 165-167. pi. 1894.3 Note sur un jeune individu de Selache maxima. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894, 5, 137. pi. 1894.4 - Sur les moeurs du Petromyzon marinus Linn., et du Petromyzon fluvia- tilis Linn. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1894, 1, 79-83. pi. 1894.5 Le maintien de jeunes Pe- tromyzon marinus dans un aquarium d'eau douce. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1895, 2, 14-16. 1895.1 Cobitis barbatula L. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1896, 3, 54. 1896.1 - Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal em collecao no Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1897, 4, 62-68; 136-142; 170-176. 1897.1 - Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal em colleccao no Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Continuado. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1898, 6, 65-91. 1898.1 - Una especie de peixe nova para a fauna oceanica de Portugal. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1898, 6, 119-120. 1898.2 - Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal em colleccao no Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1900, 6, 152-165. 1900.1 - Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal em colleccao no Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de Coimbra. Conclusao. Ann. Sci. Nat. Porto, 1901, 7, 139-159. 1901.1 Viennot, T. C. La peche du hareng dans le Royaume-Uni. Bull. Soc. Imp. Zool. Acclim., 1863, 10, 580-582. 1863.1 584 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VIG Vigliarolo, Giovanni. Monografia del Pristis fossili con la descrizione di una nuova specie del calcare miocenico di Lecce. Atti Real. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat., Napoli, 1891, 2. ser, 4, append, no. 3. 28 p. pi. 1891.1 Vignal, William Victor Montgomery. Note sur le systeme ganglionnaire du coeur des poissons osseux. C. R. Me"m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1880, 6. ser. 6, 196-198. 1880.1 - Note sur 1' anatomic des centres nerveux du mole, Orthagoriscus mola. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1881, 9, 370- 386. pi. 1881.1 - Note sur le systeme ganglion- naire des poissons cartilagineux. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1883, 2. ser. 1 (Notes et Revue), xvii-xx. 1883.1 - Sur les lobes accessoires de la moelle du mole (Orthagoriscus mola) C. R. Mem. Soc. Bio)., 1886, 8. ser. 3, 144-146. figs. 1886.1 Viguier, C. Reglage de la tempera- ture dans les appareils du laboratoire pour la pisciculture et l'61evage des animaux marins. Arch. Zool. Exper. Gen., 1904, 4. ser. 2 (Notes et Revue), chii-clxvi. fig. 1904.1 Vilaro, J. [1838-1904] Apuntes de zoologia. Habana, 1885. 8. 1885.1 - AlgosobrepecesdeCuba. Anal. Acad. Cienc. Med. Fis. Nat. Habana, 1890, 27, 395-397; 470-474; 538-542; 666-667. Ibid., 1891, 28, 611-623; 677-684; 727-737. Ibid., 1892, 29, 23- 29; 55-64; 130-135; 171-179; 213- 224; 252-259; 310-317; 349-356; 390- 400; 469-475; 500-511. 1890.1 Villada, Manuel M. Una vida consa- grada d, la ciencia y al estricto cumplimi- ento del deber. La Naturaleza, 1912, 3. ser. 1, Ixix-lxxiii. portr. 1912.1 Biographical sketch of Eugenic Duge's. Villada, Manuel M., Gandara, Guillermo, Urbina, Manuel, & Degou- tin, N. Breve resena de una excursion escolar a la bara de Nautla. Ano de 1908. La NaturaJeza, Mexico, 1912, 3. ser. 1, 153-164. 8 pis. & 3 figs. 1912.1 Villars, Briant. La pisciculture en Espagne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1885, 4. ser. 32, 457-459. 1885.1 Villatte des Prugnes, Robert. Faune de Farrondissement de Montlugon. Les poissons. Montlugon, 1897. 52 p. 16. 1897.1 - La peche du poisson blanc, la blanchaille. Paris, 1911. 102 p. 12. 1911.1 Villeneuve, - Anmerkungen be- treffend einem Fisch, welchen man fur den Zitterfisch [Torpedo] halt. Ham- burg. Magaz., 1763, 26, 545-552. 1763.1 Villet, Zoological Museum. description of a ... collection of . specimens in every class of natui history . . . formed at the cape Good Hope ... by ... M. Ville London, 1825 (?) 36 p. 8. 1825.1 Another edition, London, 1828. 24 p. 8. Sale catalogue with manuscript notes of th prices paid for many of the lots. Villumsen, P. Peter Jonassen. See Willumsen, Vinassa de Regny, Paolo Eugenio [1871 ] Pesci neogenici del Bolognese. Rivist. Ital. Paleont., 1899, 5, 79-84. pi. 1899.1 - Paleontologia. Milano, 1902. xi, 510 p. ilJust. 8 (Manuali Hoepli) 1902.1 Vincent, Eugene. Causes of disease in young salmonoids. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1908 (1910), 27, pt. 2, 907-916. 1910.1 Devices for use in fish hatcheries and aquaria. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1908 (1910), 27, pt. 2, 1025-1035. 1910.2 Vincent, Gerard. Note sur la faune bruxellienne des environs de Bruxelles. Ann. Soc." Malac. Belgique, 1875, 10 (Mem.), 23-32. 1875.1 Vincent, Gerard, & Rutot, A. Coup d'ceil sur l'e*tat actuel d'avancement des connaissances geologiques relatives aux terrains tertiaires de la Belgique. Ann. Soc. Geol. Belgique, 1879, 6 (Mem.), 69-155. 1879.1 Contains lists of fossil fishes from Tertiary horizons in Belgium. Vincent, P. Extrait d'un rapport adresse au ministre de T agriculture sur 1' organisation d'un 6tablissement des- tine a la reproduction artificielle de 1'alose. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1890, 2, 87. 1890.1 Vincent, Stella B. Literature for 1913 on the behavior of vertebrates. Journ. Animal Behav., 1914, 4, 414- 438. 1914.1 Vincent, Swale. The suprarenal capsules in the lower vertebrates. Proc. VIN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 585 Birmingham Nat. Hist. Phil. Soc., 1896, 10, 1-25. 2 pis. 1896.1 On the morphology and phy- siology of the suprarenal capsules in fishes. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 39-48. 1897.1 Contributions to the compara- tive anatomy and histology of the su- ])rarenal capsules. The suprarenal bodies in fishes, and their relation to the so-called head-kidney. Trans. Zool. Soc. London, 1898, 14, 41-84. 6 pis. 1898.1 - The comparative histology of the suprarenal capsules. Intern. Journ. Anat. Physiol., 1898, 15, 282-303. 3 pis. 1898.2 - The effects of extirpation of the suprarenal bodies of the eel (Anguilla anyuilla) Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1898, 52; 354-356. 1898.3 - The nature of the suprarenal body of the eel and the effects of its removal. Journ. Anat. Physiol., Lon- don, 1898, 22, xlix. 1898.4 - On the suprarenal capsules and the lymphoid tissue of teleostean fishes. Anat, Anz., 1898, 14, 151-152. 1898.5 - The ductless glands. Kept. Brit, Assoc. Adv. Sci., 77. meet., 1907, 400-401. 1907.1 Vincent, Swale, & Barnes, A . Stanley. On the structure of the red glands in the swim-bladder of certain fishes. With a note on their possible function. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1896, 2. ser. 10, 545-558. pi. 1896.1 Vincent, Swale, & Collinge, Walter E. See Collinge & Vincent. Vincent, Swale, & Thompson, Florence D. The islets of Langerhans and the zymogenous tubules in the vertebrate pancreas, with special refer- ence to the pancreas of the lower verte- brates. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1907, 3. ser. 1, 275-286. 2 pis. 1907.1 - The islets of Langerhans in the elasmobranch fishes. Journ. Anat. Physiol., London, 1907, 35, xlv-xlvi. 1907.2 Vincenzi, L. Sull' origine reale del nervo ipoglosso. Atti R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 1885, 20, 798-806. 1885.1 Vincenzo, C. G. Nota sopra la ter- minazione delle fibre nervose motrici, ne' muscoli striati delle torpedini condi- zionati col doppio cloruro d' oro e cad- mio. llendic. Accad. Bologne, 1883, 18-22. 1883.1 Vinciguerra, Decio. Appunti itti- ologici sulle collezioni del Museo Civico di Genova, 1879-85. . 1879.1 i. Enumerazione di alcune specie di pesci rac- colti in Sumatra dal Dottore O. Bocrari m-ll' anno 1878. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1879, 14, 384-397. ii. Intorno ai Macrurus del golfo di Genova. Ibid., 609-627. pi. iii. Intorno ai Blennioidi del golfo di Genova. Ibid., 1880, 15, 430-453. 4 figs. iv. Prima contribuzione alia fauna ittiolo- gica dell' isola di Borneo. Siluroidei raccolti durante il viaggio dei Signori M. G. Doria e Dr. O. Beccari. Ibid., 1880, 16, 161-182. 7 figs. v. Enumerazione di alcuni pesci raccolti a Minhla sull' Irrawaddi dal Capitano Cav. G. B. Comotto. Ibid., 1883, 18, 651-660. vi. Enumerazione di alcuni pesci raccolti alle foci del Gangee dell' Irrawaddi dal Capitano Gerolamo Ansaldo. Ibid., 1885, 2. ser. 2, 82-96. vii. Sopra alcuni pesci nuovi pel golfo di Genova. Ibid., 446-475. - Le emimetamorfosi dei pesci; cenni bibliografici. Boll. Scient. Pavia, 1880, 2, 87-95. 1880.1 L' Esposizione Internazionale di Pesca tenuta in Berlino nel 1880. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1880, 16, 348-392. 1880.2 - Le crociere dell' yacht "Cor- saro " del Capitano armatore Enrico d'Albertis. III. Pesci. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1883, 18, 607-620. 1883.1 Risultati ittiologici delle crociere del " Violante." Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1883, 18, 465-590. 3 pis. Also separate; Genova, 1883. 1883.2 Spedizione italiana nell' Africa equatoriale. Risultati zoologici. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1883, 691-703. 6 figs. Mem. Soc. Geogr. Ital., 2, pt. 3, 3-15. 1883.3 Pesci d' acqua dolce. Material! per lo studio della fauna Tunisina raccolti da G. e L. Doria [Pesci] Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1884, 20, 393-445. 4 figs. 1884.1 Viaggio di Leonardo Fea in Birmania e regioni vicine iPesci] Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1889, 2 ser. 9, 129-362. 5 pis. & 23 figs. Also separate; Genova, 1890. 234 p. 5 col. pis. map. 8. 1889.1 Appunti intorno ad alcune col- lezioni ittiologiche recentemente per- venute al Museo Zoologica della R. 586 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VIN Vinciguerra, D. University di Roma. II. Pesci di las Palmas (Isole Canarie) Roma, 1890. 1890.1 - Intorno ad alcune specie de pesci raccolte dal dottore E. Stassano presso la cpsta occidentale del Sahara. Annal. Agricolt. Roma, 1890, 61-103. 1890.2 - Di alcuni pesci raccolti nel paese dei Somali dall' Ingr. L. Brichetti- Robecchi. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, 1893, 2. ser. 13, 448-455. 1893.1 - Catalogo dei pesci delle isole Canarie. Atti Soc. Ital. Sci. Nat., Milan, 1893, 34, 295-334. 1893.2 - Sulla introduzione del salmone di California nel lago di Castel Gandolfo. Boll. Soc. Romana Zool., 1893, 2, 253- 264. 1893.3 Sull' appendici branchiali nelle specie Mediterranee del genere Dentex. Boll. Soc. Romana Zool., 1893, 2, 50-69. 1893.4 Sulla presenza di un ghiozzo d' acqua dolce nei dintorni di Roma. Boll. Soc. Romana Zool., 1893, 2, 212- 222. 1893.5 - I Coregoni e la loro introduzione in Italia. Eco dei Camp e dei Boschi, 1895, 2, no. 2. 1895.1 - Esplorazione del Giuba e dei suoi affluenti compiuta dal Capitano V. Bottego durante gli anni 1892-93 sotto gli auspicii della Societa Geo- graphica Italiana [Pesci] Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, 1895, 2. ser. 15, 19-60. pi. 1895.2 - Relazione intorno alia pesca di acqua dolce e di mare in Sicilia e ai modi per aumentare il prodotto. Boll. Not. Agrar. Minist. Agricult., 1896, 18, 105-128. 1896.1 - Ulteriori notizie sull' intro- duzione del salmone di California nel lago di Castel Gandolfo. Boll. Soc. Romana Zool., 1896, 5, 11-20. 1896.2 - Pesci raccolti da Don Eugenio dei Principi Ruspoli durante T ultimo suo viaggio nelle regioni dei Somali e dei Galla; nota. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Geneva, 1897, 2. ser. 17, 24-31. 1897.1 - Pesci raccolti dal Cap. V. Bot- tego durante la sua seconda spedizione nelle regioni dei Somali e dei Galla; nota. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1897, 2. ser. 17, 343-364. 1897.2 - I pesci dell' ultima spedizione del Capitano Bottego. Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1898, 2. ser. 19, 240-261. 1898.1 - II Cottus gobio nel bacino del Tevere. Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 1900, 1, 56-57. 1900J Sulla presenza del Salmo ma- crostigma A. Dum. nelle paludi pontine. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 1902, 13 (Suppl.) t 27-28. 1902.1 - Ueber die geographische breitung der Siisswasserfische Italiei Stenogr. Protok. Verb. Internat. Fisch. Kongr. Wien, 1905, 111-112. 1905.] - Sur Topportunite d'une ex- ploration oceanpgraphique de la Medi- terranee dans 1'interet des peches mari- times. Bull. Inst. Oceanogr., Monaco, 1909, 138, 10. 1909.1 - Missione per la frontiera Italo- Etiopica sotto il comando del Capitano Carlo Citerni [Pesci] Ann. Mus. Civ. Storia Nat. Genova, 1913, 45, 293-303. 1913.1 Vinciguerra, Decio, Besana, G., Burguieres, E., Genazzini, E., & Geryasoni, T. Relazione della com- missione di inchiesta sulla pesca nel lago di Como. Acquicolt. Lombarda, Milano, 1902, 4. 1902.1 Vinciguerra, Decio, & Bettoni, E. See Bettoni & Vinciguerra. Vinson, Auguste. De 1'acclimata- tion du gourami [Osphromenus olfax] a Tile de la Reunion, et des mpyens d'ac- climater ce poisson en Algerie et dans le midi de la France. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1861, 8, 509-514; 541-546. 1861.1 Vinycomb, John. Fictitious and symbolic creatures in art, etc. London, 1906. 276 p. illust. 8. 1906.1 The sea-horse, p. 270-274. See also references under Osburn, R. C., 1915.1, supra. Violette, A. Les echelles a poissons. Description et theorie sommaires; con- ditions hydrauliques de leur etablisse- ment; conditions legales a imposer. Bull. Soc. Centrale Aquicult. Peche, 1908, 20, 65-86; 97-113. 1908.1 Vion, R. De la prehension de la nourriture chez les animaux aquatiques. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1877, 3, 226-229. 1877.1 VIR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS - Les poissons bizarres. Bull. Soo. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1877, 3, 271-27G. 1877.2 - Acclimatation du saumon en Nouvelle-Zelande. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1879, 4, 224. 1879.1 - La maladie du saumon. Bull. Soc. Linn. Xord France, Amiens, 1879, 4, 94-95; 230-232. 1879.2 - La pisciculture aux Etats-Unis. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1881, 5, 110. 1881.1 - La vessie natatoire des poissons. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1881, 6, 110-111. 1881.2 La nourriture des poissons. Bull. Soc. Linn. Nord France, Amiens, 1883, 6, 185. 1883.1 Vipan, J. A. M. [On the nesting of a South American siluroid fish (Callich- thy* littoralis) in this country; a letter to Dr. Sclater] Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, 330-331. 1886.1 - Malaria and the "millions" fish (Girardinus pceciloides} Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1910, 146-147. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21, 797. 1910.1 Virchow, Hans. Beitrage zur ver- eleichenden Anatomic des Auges. Ber- lin, 1882. 1882.1 Ueber die Glaskorper- und Xetzhautgefasse des Aales. Morphol. Jahrb., 1882, 7, 573-590. pi. 1882.2 - Ueber die Augengefasse der Selachier und die Verbindung derselben mit den Kopfgefassen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Anat. Abth.}, 1890, 169-173. Sitzber. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1893, 33-37. 1890.1 Ueber die Spritzlochkieme der Selachier. ArchivAnat. Physiol. (Phys. Abth.}, 1890, 177-182. Sitzber. Na- turf. Freunde Berlin, 1893, 31-33. 1890.2 Ueber Spritzlochkieme von Aci- penser und ihre Verbindung mit den Kopfgefassen. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Phys. Abth.}, 1890, 586-588. 1890.3 Das Dotterorgan der Wirbel- thiere. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1892, 53 (Suppl.}, 161-206. pi. 1892.1 - [Einige embryologische und angiologische Erfahrungen iiber nord- amerikanische Wilbdthiere] Sii/l.cr. Naturf. Frrimd.' Berlin, IX'.M, 33-44. 1894.1 Contains observations on Lepidosteus osseus. - Ueber das Dottersyncytium und den Keimhaut rand . 3, 214-218. 1866.2 - Note sur le npuvel aquarium d'eau de mer du Palais de Cnstal de Sydenham, pres de Londres. L'6tat de la pisciculture en Angleterre, et les progres de la pisciculture pratique en Suisse. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1872, 2. se>. 9, 164-174. 1872.1 - Pisciculture de Chane"laz; pro- jet d'etablissement de pisciculture in- dustrielle dans le Jura (Suisse) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1873, 2. ser. 10, 465-474. 1873.1 Vrolik, A. J. Studien iiber die Verknocherung und die Knochen des Schadels des Teleostei. Arch. Zool., 1873, 1, 219-318. 5 pis. 1873.1 Vrolik, Gerard [1775-1859] Ontleed- en natuurkundige aanteekeningen over den haai. Bijdragen Natuurk. We- tensch., 1826, 1, pt. 1, 304-332. pi. 1826.1 - Anatomisch-physiologische Be- merkungen liber den Hay (Squalus) Zeitschr. Organ. Phys. (Heusinger), 1828, 2, 489-513. 1828.1 Vrolik, Willem [1801-1863] Het leven en het maaksel der dieren. 3 vols. Amsterdam, 1854. 8. 1854.1 Fishes, vol. iii, p. 213-426. Vulpian, Edme Felix Alfred [1826- 1887] Lecons sur la physiologic du systeme nerveux. Paris, 1864. 8. 1864.1 Pisces, lecon 34. - Sur les entrecroissements qui se font entre le fibre des deux moiti6s de la moelle allongee chez les poissons osseux. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1864, 6. ser. 1, 54-57. 1864.2 - Recherches sur le systeme sympathique du poisson-lune. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1865, 6. ser. 2, 181-186. 1865.1 Sur la persistance des mpuve- ments volontaires chez les poissons osseux a la suite de 1' ablation des lobes cerebraux. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1886, 102, 1526-1530. 1886.1 - Sur la persistance des phe"no- menes instinctifs et des mouvements 592 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY VUL Vulpian, E. F. A. volontaires chez les poissons psseux, apres 1' ablation des lobes cerebraux. Note complementaire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1886, 103, 620-622. 1886.2 Vulpian, Edme Felix Alfred, & Philipeaux, Jean Marie. See Phili- peaux & Vulpian. Vutskits, Gyorgy [= Georg] Ueber die geographische Verbreitung und neue Culturen der selteneren Fisch-Arten in Ungarn und Croatien [Text in Hun- garian] P6tfuz. Termesz. Kozl., Buda- pest, 1901, 33, 158-162. 1901.1 - Ueber neuere Standorte und die geographische Verbreitung der seltene- ren Fischarten Ungarns und Kroatiens. P6tftiz. Termesz. Kozl., Budapest, 1901, 33, 158-162. 1901.2 Naturgeschichte von Leucaspius delineatus. Beschreibung, Dimorphis- mus, Vorkommen in Ungarn, Lebens- verhaltnisse [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., 1903, 2, 169-188. pi. 1903.1 - Ueber neuere Standorte und die geographische Verbreitung der selte- neren Fischartens Ungarns und Kroati- ens. Math. Naturw. Ber. Ungarn, Leipzig, 1904, 19, 342-343. 1904.1 - Ein neuer Fischbestand der ungarischen Fauna [Text in Hun- garian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., Buda- pest, 1907, 6, 120-128. pi. 1907.1 Ein nordamerikanischer Fisch im Balaton-See [Text in Hungarian] P6tfiiz. Termesz. Kozl., Budapest, 1910, 42, 83-86. 1910.1 - Das Vorkommen des ameri- kanischen Forellenbarsches im Balaton- See [Text in Hungarian] Potfiiz. Termesz. Kozl., Budapest, 1910, 42. 130-133. 1910.2 - Ueber eine neue Fischart (Go- bius kessleri Gunth.] der ungarischen Fauna [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., 1911, 10, 31-43. 2 figs. 1911.1 - Meine ichthyologische Studien- reise an der unteren Donau [Text in Hungarian] Foldr. Kozlem., Budapest, 1912, 40, 163-173. 1912.1 - Ueber die Bastarde der Cypri- noiden des Balatonsees [Text in Hun- garian] Math. Termesz. Ert., Buda- pest, 1913, 31, 204-224. 1913.1 Ueber die Fischfauna der un- teren Donau [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., 1914, 13, 29-45. 2 figs. 1914.1 - Ueber die Artmerkmale von Lucioperca volgensis und den Sexualdi- morphismus von Lucioperca sandra [Text in Hungarian] Allatt. Kozlem. Kot., 1915, 14, 197-207. 2 figs. 1915.1 German r6sum6, p. 274. - Der Zander (Le sandre) Lu- cioperca lucioperca (L.) Lucioperca san- dra Cuv. und Val. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1916, 24. Jahrg., 33-39. fig. 1916.1 w W. Queries respecting the natural history of the salmon, sea-trout, bull- trout, herling, etc. Mag. Nat. Hist., ISM,' 3, 479-481. 1830.1 W. Ueber den Sterlet (Acipenser Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., , 121. Jahrg., no. 4, 58-61. fig. 1896.1 W. Zur kiinstlichen Hechtzucht. Ocstorr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 8. Jahrg., 216-217. 1911.1 W., J. The lamprey. Forest & Stream, 1877, 9, 413. 1877.1 W., J. The ribbon fish (Gymnetrus Imnksii Cuv.) taken off the coast at Amble. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumb. Durham, 1877, 6, 341-342. 1877.2 W., S. D. The fishes (Pisces) of Britain systematically arranged. Lon- don & Birmingham, 1836. 8. The Analyst, 6, 204-215. 1836.1 W., T. Habits of the black bass of the Potomac. Forest & Stream, 1876, 7, 324. 1876.1 W., W. B. B. A contribution to the history of the propagation of the eel (Murcena anguilla L.) and conger (Murce-na conger L.) Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 5, 744-745. 1832.1 Waalewyn, H. W. Bydrage tot de histologie van den vischdarm. Leiden, 1872. pi. 1872.1 Wacautah, pseudonym for Peirce, Milton P. Wackenheim, M. Forelle und Rin- gelnatter. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 77-78. 1911.1 - Beobachtungen bei der Mak- ropodenzucht. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 305-307. fig. 1912.1 Wackenheim, M. & Engmann, P. Weitere Angaben iiber das Vorkommen des Sonnenfisches im Elsass. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 238-239. 1911.1 Waddell, H. M. A letter containing additional information regarding the new electric fish (Malapterurus beninensis Mur.) Proc. Roy. Phys. Soc. Edin- burgh (1854-58) 1858, 1, 61-62. 1858.1 Wade, - Note relative au fait cite" par M. Duchemin: " Singuliere cause de la mortalit6 des carpes d'un vivier." C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1870, 70, 1023. 1870.1 Wade, Herbert T. The life of the deep sea. The modern science of marine biology. Scient. Amer., 1910, 103, 438-439. 1910.1 Wadham, Percy. Fishes, amphibi- ans, reptiles and mammals of th,e Isle of Wight (In Morey, F. A guide to the natural history of the Isle of Wight, etc. 1909. 8) 1909.1 Wachter, - - Etwas iiber Fische und Fischerei. Hannov. Mag., 1839. 32 p. 1839.1 Waele, Henri de. Sur I'embryolqgie de Trail des poissons (note pre"liminaire) Bull. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris, 1900, 6, 378-382. 1900.1 Waga, T. On the vagus nerve of the eel (Anguilla vulgaris) [Text in Russian] Trud. Obshch. Varshavskom Univ., Warsaw, 1896, 3, 19-42. pi. 1896.1 Wagener, G. Ueber einen neuen in der Chimoera monstrosa gefundenen Eingeweidewurm. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1852,543-554. 2 pis. 1852.1 Wagner, Albertus [1827-1871] De spatulariarum anatome. Berolini, 1848. 18 p. pi. 4. Inaug. Dissert. 1848.1 - Fossile Fische aus einem neu- entdeckten Lager im sudbayerisclicn Tertiar-Gebirge. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad., 1860, 1, 52-57. 1860.1 Ueber die Fisch- und Saurier- Arten, welche im unteren und oberen Lias zugleich vorkommen spllen. Sitz- ber. Bayer. Akad., 1860, 1, 36-52. ' 1860.2 Wagner, Christian. What does a fish cost? Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 605-607. isso.i Wagner, George. Notes on Polyodon. Science, 1904, n.s. 19, 554-555. 1904.1 594 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAG Wagner, G. - Notes on the fish-fauna of lake Pepin. Trans. Wisconsin Acad. Sci., 1908, 16, pt. 1, 23-37. 1908.1 - The tullibee (Argyrosomus tulli- bee Richardson) as a fish of economic importance. Bien. Kept. Comm. Fish. Wisconsin, 1907-08, 152-155. 1908.2 Tullibee (Argyrosomus tullibee Richardson) as a fish of economic im- portance. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1908 (1909), 122-124. 1909.1 Argyrosomus Johannes, a new species of cisco from lake Michigan. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 957-958. 1910.1 - On the stickleback of lake Superior. Science, 1910, n. s. 32, 28-30. 1910.2 - The whitefish of Silver island lake, Minnesota. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1910, 8, 132-134. 1910.3 The cisco of Green lake, Wis- consin. Bull. Wisconsin Nat. Hist. Soc., 1911,9,73-77. pi. 1911.1 Description of Leucichthys birgei, sp. nov. - On the present status of Lepisosteus sinensis Bleeker. Zool. Anz., 1912, 39, 738-741. fig. 1912.1 Wagner, George, & Juday, Chancey. See Juday & Wagner. Wagner, Gottfried Jacob. Der voll- kommene Fischer, welcher zeiget, wie man die Teiche anlegen, bauen, etc. 3. ed. Breslau, 1762. vii, 191 p. 8. 1762.1 - The same. 4. ed. Wien, 1785. 8. 1785.1 Wagner [Johann] Andreas [1797- 1861] Beitrage zur Kenntniss der bayerischen Fauna. Gelehrte Anz. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1846, nos. 81-84; 87. 1846.1 Beitrage zur Kenntniss der in den lithographischen Schiefern abgela- gerten urweltlichen Fische. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1851, 6, 1-80. 4 pis. 1851.1 Ueber einen Zahn des Polyp- tychodon interruptus. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1853, 25-27. 1853.1 Characteristik neuer Arten von Knorpelfischen aus den lithographischen Schiefern der Umgegend von Solen- hofen. Gelehrte Anz. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1857, 44, 288-293. 1857.1 Caracteristique de quelques nou- velles especes de poissons cartilagineux des schistes lithographiques. L'Institut, 1858, 26, no. 1287, 290-291. 1858.1 - Monographic der fossilen Fische des frankisch-oberpfalzischen litho- graphischen Schiefers. Gelehrte Anz. I Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1859, 49, col. 9-20. 1859.1 Bemerkungen iiber die Arten von Fischen und Sauriern, welche im untern wie im obern Lias zugleich \, vorkommen sollen. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1860, 36-52. 1860.1 - Die Griffelzahner (Stylodontes) eine neu aufgestellte Familie aus der/ Abtheilung der rautenschuppigen Ga-' noiden. Gelehrte Anz. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1860, 50, 81-100. 1860.2 - Ueber das Vorkommen eines fossilen Fisches im Juradolomite. Ge- . lehrte Anz. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1860, 1 50, 101-102. 1860.3 - Ueber fossile Fische aus einem neuentdeckten Lager in den Stidbayeri- schen Tertiargebilden. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1860, 50, 52-57. 1860.4 - Zur Charakteristik der Gattun- gen Sauropsis und Pachycormus nebst ihren Verwandten. Gelehrte Anz. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1860, 50, 209-227. 1860.5 - Monographic der fossilen Fische aus den lithographischen Schiefern Bay em's. Erste Abtheilung; Plakoiden und Pyknodonten. Zweite Abtheilung; Ganoidei. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1861-63, 9, 277-352; 611-748. 10 pis. 1863.1 Wagner, K. Beitrage zur Entste- hung des jugendlichen Farbkleides der Forelle (Salmo fario) Intern. Rev. Gesam. Hydrob. Leipzig, 1911, 4 (Biol. SuppL), 1-32. pi. 1911.1 Wagner, MoritzFriedrich [1813-1887] Neue Gattungen und Arten von Fischen aus Central-Amerika, beschrieben von Kner und Steindachner. Miinchen, 1865. 6 pis. 4. 1865.1 Naturwissenschaftliche Reisen im tropischen Amerika, etc. Stuttgart, 1870. xxiv, 632 p. 8. 1870.1 - Ueber die hydrographischen Verhaltnisse und das Vorkommen der Susswasserfische in den Staaten Panama Und Ecuador. Abh. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1870, 10, 63-113. 1870.2 - Die Entstehung der Arten durch raumliche Sonderung. Gesam- melte Aufsatze von M. Wagner . . . WAI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 595 herausgegeben von [seinem Neffe] . . . M. Wagner. Basel, 1889. 667 p. 8. 1889.1 Biographische Skizze von K. von Scherzer. Wagner, Paul. Fischfang im Garda- see. Die Xatur, 1897, 46. Jahrg., no. 52, 616-617. 1897.1 Wagner, Richard. Beitrag zur ge- naueren Kenntniss des Muschelkalks bei Jena. Abh. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst., 1897, n. s. 27. Heft, 105. 2 pis. & 7 figs. 1897.1 Wagner, Rudolf. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Gattung Lebias Cuv. und dor venvandten Gattungen, nebst Be- schreibung zweier neuen in Sardinien entdeckten Arten. Isis (Oken), 1828, 1050-1057. fig. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Fe- russac), 1829, 19, 373-374. 1829.1 Icones zootomicae. Lipsise, 1841. 35 pis. fol. 1841.1 - Disposition des fibres nerveuses dans 1'organe electrique de la torpille. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1847, 24, 856- 857. L'Institut, 1847, 15, no. 698, 163. 1847.1 - Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Elemente der Nervensubstanz. Gottin- ger Nachricht., 1847, 17-20. 1847.2 - Ueber den feineren Bau des electrischen Organs im Zitterrochen. Abh. Ges. Wiss. Gottingen, 1845-47, 3, 141-166. 1847.3 - Ueber die Verbreitung der Ner- ven im electrischen Organe des Zitter- rochens. Gottinger Nachricht., 1847, 81-84. 1847.4 - Fortsetzung seiner Untersu- chungen iiber die electrischen Fische. Gottinger Nachrichten, 1848, 212-222. 1848.1 - Einige Bemerkungen zu dem Aufsatze des Herrn Prof. Ecker in dieser Zeitschrift: " Ueber die Entwickelung der Nerven des electrischen Organs." Zeitschrift Wiss. ZooL, 1849, 1, 255-256. 1849.1 Wagner, Rudolf, Ovsjannikov, Phillipp, & Kovalevsky, Aleksandr Onufrievich. See Kovalevsky, Ovsjan- nikov & Wagner. Wahlberg, Arthur. Bidrag till kannedomen om Littois trask med sarskild hansyn till dess plankton. Acta Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1913, 38, no. 1. 201 p. 3 pis. & 2 maps. 1913.1 Wahlberg, V. On the investigations concerning the spawning of the codfish and the flounder in the neighbourhood of Stockholm, during the year of 1900 [Text in Swedish] Svensk Fiskeritidskr. 1901, 10, 170-173. 1901.1 Wahlberg, Y. Y. A. Account of the fishery in the southern part of the province of Elfsborg [Text m Swedish) Elfsborgs Sodra Hushalln.-Sallsk. Qvartalsskr., Boras, 1903, 179-189. 1903.1 Wahlgren, Fred. Anteckningar ofver byggnaden af rygg-margsganglierna hos rockan. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1852, 361-372. pi. 1852.1 Nagra anteckningar om en stor klumpfisk, Mola nasus Raf . Acta Univ. Lund, 1867, 4 (Math.), no. 6. 18 p. 1867.1 Wainio, Edvard. Gobio fluviatilis. Meddel. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1900, 24, 24. 1900.1 Waite, Edgar Ravenswood [1866] Vertebrates of the western Ainsty (Yorkshire) Naturalist, 1891, 111-114. 1891.1 Trout hatching at Knaresbor- ough. Naturalist, 1892, 147-148. 1892.1 New or rare fishes from Marou- bra, New South Wales. Proc. Linn. Soc. New South Wales, 1894, 2. ser. 9, 215-227. pi. 1894.1 - On the egg-cases of some Port Jackson sharks. Journ. Linn. Soc. London (ZooL), 1896, 26, 325^329. pi. 1896.1 - The mammals, reptiles and fishes of Funafuti. Mem. Australian Mus., 1897, 3, 165-201. pi. 1897.1 New South Wales sea fisheries. Trawling operations off the coast of New South Wales between the Manning river and Jervis bay, carried on by H. M. C. S. " Thetis." Scientific report on the fishes. Official report. Sydney, 1898. 45 p. 12 pis. 4. 1898.1 Sea fisheries (In Report upon trawling operations off the coast of New South Wales, p. 23-62. 12 pis. & chart. Sydney, 1898) 1898.2 - The fishes of Funafuti (Supple- ment) Mem. Australian Mus., 1899, 6, pt. 9, 537-546. fig. 1899.1 : Lampris luna Gmelin; its occur- rence in New Zealand waters. Rec. Australian Mus., 1899, 3, 166-167. 1899.2 596 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAI Waite, E. R. - Regalecus glesne Ascanius, an addition to the fauna of New South Wales. Rec. Australian Mus., 1899, 3, 163-165. 1899.3 Scientific results of the trawling expedition of H. M. C. S. " Thetis." Fishes. Mem. Australian Mus., 1899, 4, 1-132. 31 pis. & 10 figs. 1899.4 Stegostoma tigrinum, an addition to the fauna of New South Wales. Rec. Australian Mus., 1899, 3, 133-134. 1899.5 - Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe island. Rec. Australian Mus., 1900, 3, 193-209. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1900.1 - Australian fishes and the fishing industry. Wragge's Almanac, 1900, 296-301. 1900.2 Fishes of the " Thetis " expe- dition. Amer. Naturalist, 1900, 34, 438. 1900.3 - Notes on fishes from western Australia, and description of a new species. Rec. Australian Mus., 1900, 3, 210-216. pi. 1900.4 - Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe island. No. 2. Rec. Australian Mus., 1901, 4, 36-47. 4 pis. &fig. 1901.1 Occasional notes on fishes. Rec. Australian Mus., 1901, 4, 53-54. 1901.2 Studies in Australian sharks [Diagnosis of a new family Hemiscylli- da>] Rec. Australian Mus., 1901, 4, 28-35. pi. & fig. 1901.3 - New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. Rec. Australian Mus., 1902, 4, 263-273. 3 pis. 1902.1 - Notes on fishes from western Australia. No. 2. Rec. Australian Mus., 1902, 4, 179-194. 5 pis. & figs. 1902.2 Skeleton of Luvarus imperialis Rafinesque [a fish new to the western Pacific fauna] Rec. Australian Mus.. 1902,4,292-297. 2 pis. & fig. 1902.3 - Studies in Australian sharks [Galeus antarcticus Giinther] No. 2. Rec. Australian Mus., 1902, 4, 175-178. fig. 1902.4 - Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe island. No. 3. Rec. Aus- tralian Mus., 1903, 6, 20-45. 3 pis. & 2 figs. 1903.1 ; A matter of nomenclature. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 288. 1903.2 - Notes on the zoology of Paanopa or Ocean island and Naura or Pleasant island. Gilbert group. The fishes. Rec. Australian Mus., 1903, 5, no. 1, 2-3. 1903.3 Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe island. No. 4. Rec. Aus- tralian Mus., 1904, 6, 135-186. 3 pis. & fig. 1904.1 - The breeding habits of the fighting fish (Betta pugnax Cantor) Rec. Australian Mus., 1904, 6, 293-295. pi. 1904.2 Catalogue of the fishes of Lord Howe island. Rec. Australian Mus., 1904, 6, 187-230. 1904.3 - New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 2. Rec. Australian Mus., 1904, 6, 56-61. pi. 1904.4 - New records or recurrences of rare fishes from eastern Australia. No. 3. Rec. Australian Mus., 1904, 5, 231-244. 2 pis. & 2 figs. 1904.5 A review of the eleotrids of New South Wales. Rec. Australian Mus., 1904,5,277-286. 3 pis. 1904.6 - Synopsis of the fishes of New South Wales. Mem. New South Wales Club, 1904, no. 2. 59 p. 1904.7 - The breeding habits of the Earadise fish (Poly acanthus opercularis innseus) Rec. Australian Mus., 1905, 6, 1-4. 1905.1 Fishes (In The fauna of New South Wales. Official Year Book, New South W T ales, 1904-05, 763-770) 1905.2 - Notes on fishes from western Australia. No. 3. Rec. Australian Mus., 1905, 6, 55-82. 6 pis. & figs. 1905.3 - Pseudaphritis urvillii Cuvier and Valenciennes, a fish new to western New South Wales. Rec. Australian Mus., 1905, 6, 38-39. 1905.4 - Descriptions of and notes on some Australian and Tasmanian fishes. Rec. Australian Mus., 1906, 6, pt. 3, 194-210. 3 pis. 1906.1 - Studies in Australian sharks [Carcharias brachyurus Giinther, Car- charias macrurus Ramsay and Ogilby] No. 3. Rec. Australian Mus., 1906, 6, 226-229. 3 pis. & fig. 1906.2 WAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 597 - A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus., rhristchurch, 1907, 1, 1-35. 1907.1 - The generic name Crepidogaster. Her. Australian Mus., 1907, 6, 315. 1907.2 - Parascyllium collare Ramsay and Ogilby. Oviposition. Rec. Aus- tralian Mus., 1908, 7. 1908.1 - Scientific results of the New Zealand government trawling expedi- tion, 1907 [Pisces] Rec. Canterbury Mus., Christchurch, 1909, 1, no. 2, 131-272. 35 pis. 1909.1 - Vertebrata of the subantarctic islands of New Zealand [Pisces] (In The subantarctic islands of New Zea- land; reports . . . edited by Chas. Chilton, vol. ii, p. 585-600. fig. Well- ington, N. Z., 1909) 1909.2 A list of the known fishes of Kermadec and Norfolk islands, and a comparison with those of Lord Howe island. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1910,42,370-383. 2 pis. 1910.1 - Notes on New Zealand fishes. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1910, 42, 384-391. pi. & 3 figs. 1910.2 - Additions to the fish-fauna of the Kermadec islands. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1911, pt. 1, 28-29. 1911.1 - Additions to the fish-fauna of New Zealand. Proc. Trans. New Zea- land. Inst., 1911, 43, 25-26. 1911.2 - Antarctic fishes (In Shackleton, Sir E. H. British Antarctic expedition, 1907-09, vol. ii, part 2, 11-16. Sydney, 1911, 4) 1911.3 - Notes on New Zealand fishes. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1911, 44, 193-202. 2 pis. 1911.4 - Additions and corrections to the basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus., Christchurch, 1912, 1, 313-322. 1912.1 - Additions to the fish-fauna of New Zealand. Proc. Trans. New Zea- land Inst., 1912, 44, 49-51. 1912.2 - Fishes of the genus Tripterygion and related genera in New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus., Christchurch, 1913, 2, 1-16. 5 pis. 1913.1 Notes on New Zealand fishes. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1913, 45, 215-224. pis. 1913.2 - Notes on New Zealand fishes. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1913, 46, 127-131; 215-224. 4 pis. 1913.3 - Results of an examination of some drawings of New Zealand fishes. Rec. Canterbury Mus., Christchurch, 1913, 2, 17-21. pi. 1913.4 - Notes on New Zealand fishes. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1914, 47, 127-131. 4 pis. 1914.1 - A supposed incidental occur- rence of a sucker fish (Echeneis australis Bennett) in Australian waters. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. A., 1915, 39, 340-343. pi. 1915.1 - Fishes (In Australasian Ant- arctic Expedition, 1911-1914. Sci. Rept. ser. C, Zool. & Bot., vol. iii, pt. 1. 92 p. 5 pis. Adelaide, 1916) 1916.1 - Fishes of the Australian Ant- arctic Expedition, 1911-1914. Aurora, 1916, 1-90. 4 pis., 16 figs. & 2 maps. 1916.2 Waite, Edgar R., & McCulloch, A . R. The fishes of the South Australian government trawling cruise of 1914. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1915, 39, 455-476. 4 pis. 1915.1 - A revision of the genus Aracana and its allies. Trans. Roy. Soc. S. A., 1915,39,477-493. 10 pis. 1915.2 - Additions to the fish-fauna of Lord Howe island. No. 5. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1916, 40, 437-451. 4 pis. 1916.1 For no. 4 see Waite, E. R., 1904.1, supra. Wajgel, Leopold. Die Zusammenzie- hung der zwei Arten von Petromyzon (P. planeri und P. fluviatilis) in eine. Verh. Zool.-Bot. Ges. Wien, 1883, 33, 311-320. pi. & 3 figs. 1883.1 Wakeman, A. J. Ueber die Ver- teilung des Stickstoffs in der Leber des Stors. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1905, 44, 341. 1905.1 Wakiya, 7., & Takahashi, N. Nihon san shirauo [Salangidae of Japan] Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 1913, 26, 551-555. 1913.1 Walbaum, Johann Julius [1724-1799] Naturgeschichte des gelben Kohlmauls [Gadus pollachius L.] Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1783, 4, 147- 160. 1783.1 - Beschreibung der russigen Meer- quappe mit einer Bartfaser (Gadus musteld) [Motella tricirrhata Cuv.] 598 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAL Walbaum, J. J. Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1784, 5, 107-125. 1784.1 - Beschreibung des breitnasigen Hayes [Thalassorhinus platyrhynchus] Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1784, 5, 381-393. 1784.2 - Petri Artedi renovati, pars i et ii [and iii-v] i.e. Bibliotheca et philo- sophia ichthyplogica, cura lohannis lulii Walbaumii edidit. 5 pts. in 3 vols. Grypeswaldiae, [1788] 1789 [-1793] 4 pis. 8. 1788.1 The separate parts of this work are thus entitled: Pars i. Petri Artedi Angermannia-Sueci Bibliotheca ichthyologica, seu Historia litteraria ichthyologise in qua recensio fit auctorum qui de piscibus scripsere librorum titulis, loco et editionis tempore, additis iudiciis, quid quivis auctor praestiterit, quali methodo et successu scripserit, disposita secundum secula in quibus quisquis author floruit. Icththyologiae, pars i. Emendata et aucta a lohanne lulio Walbaum. Grypeswaldise, 1788. 230 p. pi. Pars ii. Petri Artedi Philosophia ichthy- ologia in qua quicquid fundamenta artis absolvit, characterum scilicet genericorum, differentia- rum specificarum, varietatum et nominum theoria rationibus demonstratur et exemplis corroboratur. Ichthyologies, pars ii. Emendata et aucta a lohanne lulio Walbaum. Grypes- waldije, 1789. 196 p. Pars iii. Petri Artedi Sueci Genera piscium in quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponi- tur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum charac- teribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae, pars iii. Emendata et aucta a lohanne lulio Walbaum. Grypeswaldias, 1792. 723 p. 3 pis. Pars iv. Petri Artedi Angermannia-Sueci Synonymia nominum piscium fere omnium; in qua recensio fit nominum piscium, omnium facile authorum, qui umquam de piscibus scrip- sere; uti Graecorum, Romanorum, Barbarorum, nee non omnium insequentium ichthyologorum, una cum nominibus inquilinis variarum na- tionum. Ichthyologise, pars iv. Editio II. Grypeswaldiae, 1793. 140 p. Pars v. Petri Artedi Sueci Descriptiones specierum piscium quos vivos prsesertim dis- secuit et examinayit, inter quos primario pisces regni Suecise facile omnes accuratissime de- scribuntur cum non paucis aliis exoticis. Ich- thyologiae, pars v. Editio II. Grypeswaldiae, 1793. 112 p. " The ' Genera Piscium ' was well edited by Walbaum ... He gave the text as it was left by Linnaeus, and indicated the original pages by marginal numbers. He brought the work up to date by additions given in footnotes, which consequently greatly added to the vol- ume." T. N. Gill, Science, 1903, n. s. 17, 745. Dr. Gill also remarks of this work : " The com- pilation has some value, not only on account of the original descriptions of species copied from previous authors, but because of the repro- ductions of the descriptions of the new genera introduced by various authors into the system. It is also of interest to the student of American species by reason of the incorporation therein, under specific names, of anonymous American species described by Schoepf." Smithson. Misc. Coll. 1872 (1874), 11, no. 247, p. 38. The editions of Artedi by Linnaeus (1738) and J. G. Schneider (1789) are referred to under the names of the editors. Walbaumii anatomia Xiphiae (In Petri Artedi renovati, i. e. Biblio- theca et philosophia ichthyologica, cura lohannis lulii Walbaumii edidit. Pars ii, p. 146-155. Grypeswaldiae, 1789. 8) 1789.1 J. T. Kleinii ichthyologia eno- data, sive index rerum ad historiam piscium naturalem synonymis recen- tissimorum systematicorum explicatus. Lipsise, 1793. vi, 114 p. 4. 1793.1 Walch, Johann Ernst Emmanuel, & Knorr, Georg Wolfgang. See Knorr & Walch. Walcott, Charles Doolittle [1850] Discovery of fish-remains in Lower Silurian rocks. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1891, 3. ser. 41, 245. 1891.1 - Supposed Trenton fossil fish. Amer. Geologist, 1891, 8, 178-180. 1891.2 Note on the discovery of Ordovician fish- remains in Colorado. - Preliminary notes on the dis- covery of a vertebrata fauna in Silurian (Ordovician) strata. Bull. Geol. Soc. America, 1892, 3, 153-172. 3 pis. 1892.1 Describes Astraspis desiderata, an ostra- coderm allied to Thyestes, also the problematical remains named Dictyorhabdus and Eryptichius. See O. Jaekel in Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1895, 162; E. D. Cope in Amer. Naturalist, 25, 137; L. Vaillant in C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1902, 134, 1321-1322; and C. R. Eastman in Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1917, 52, 235-304. - Correspondence relating to col- lection of vertebrate fossils made by the late Prof. O. C. Marsh. Science, 1900, n. s. 11, 22-23. 1900.1 This letter, directed to Prof. S. P. Langley, contains a partial list of the types of species described by Professor Marsh, and now in the National Museum. Walcott, John. The figures, de- scription and history of exotic animals comprised under the classes Amphibia and Pisces of Linnaeus. London, 1788. illust. 4. 1788.1 A copy in the British Museum contains the original drawings for some of the figures as well as that of a young Iguana that has not been reproduced. Walcott, Sylvanus. A new and com- plete natural history of quadrupeds, beasts, birds, fishes, reptiles, insects, etc. London [1795] 542 p. 159 pis. fol. 1795.1 " The work is of most interest as a literary curiosity, being a popular compilation, of no scientific value." J. A. Allen, Bibl. of Cetacea and Sirenia, 1882, p. 484. There is another edition, undated, printed at London, and revised by George Henry Millar. WAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 599 618 p. 85 pis. fol. Book iii is entitled: Anew Mini complete history of fishes in general. Walderdorfl, (Graf) W. von. Der Forellenbarsch in der Teichwirthschaft. Allgcm. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26, 7-10. 1901.1 Waldeyer, Heinrich Wilhelm Gott- fried [1836 ] Untersuchungen liber die Entwickelung der Ziihne. Konigs- berg. IMed. Jahrb., 1864, 4, 236-299. Zeitschr. Ration. Medicin, 24, 168- 213. 1864.1 Waldheim, G. Fischer de. See Fischer von Waldheim, G. Waldow, Ueber Haifischgebisse. Arch. Schiffs-Trop. Hyg., 1911, 16, 177-180. 1911.1 Waldschmidt, Julius. Beitrag zur Anatomic des Zentralnervensystems und des Gernchsorgans von Polypterus bichir. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 308-328. figs. 1887.1 - Die Bedeutung der Schwimm- blase fur die Fische. Jahresber. Nat. Ver. Elberfeld, 1906, 11. Heft, 50. 1906.1 Walecki, Anton. Materyaly do fauny ichthyologiczej Polski. II. Sys- tematyczny przeglad ryb Krajowych. A\ arszawa, 1864. 115 p. 8. 1864.1 - Przyczynek do fauny ichty- jologicznej. Pamietnik Fizjograficzny, Warsaw, 1890, 10, 273-302. 1890.1 Wales, William. Journal of a voyage made by order of the Royal Society to Churchill river, on the north-west coast of Hudson's bay, of thirteen months residence ... in 1768 and 1769. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1770, 60, 100- 136. 1770.1 Fishes, p. 127. Walke, E. H. Spawning of Esox (pike or pickerel) in North Carolina. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 295. 1883.1 Walker, C. A. On mounting fish. Scient. Amer., 1870, 22, 74-75. 1870.1 Walker, C. E. Amateur fish-culture. Westminster, 1901. 101 p. pi. 12. Walker, C. H. Location of a salmon- hatchery in Oregon. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 309-310. 1885.1 Walker, E. M. Bibliography of Canadian zoology for 1912. Trans. Roy. Soc. Canada, 1914, 3. ser. 8, sect. 4, 187-199. 1914.1 Walker, George. The fisheries of France in 1880, 1881, and 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 13, 1189-1191. 1885.1 Walker, Robert. On the occurrence of a species of Regalecus among the rocks at St. Andrews; with a few notes on its anatomy. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1862, 3. ser. 10, 13-17. 1862.1 Observations on some of the fossil fishes of Dura Den. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1863, 3. ser. 11, 72-80. 1863.1 - On a new species of Amblyp- terus (A. anconcechmodus] and other fossil fish-remains from Pitcorthie, Fife. Trans. Edinburgh Geol. Soc., 1874, 2, pt. 1, 119-124. pi. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1873, 112. 1874.1 On the occurrence of the bonito (Thynnus pelamys) near St. Andrews, with some remarks on the Scombridae. Scottish Naturalist, 1873-74, 2, 193- 196. 1874.2 On the Salmonidae of the Eden, Fife, with remarks on their condition in other rivers. Scottish Naturalist, 1873-74, 2, 337-346. 1874.3 Walker, S. T. Fish mortality in the gulf of Mexico. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1883, 6, 105-109. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1883, 5. ser. 12, 355-358. 1883.1 Walker, W. Disease in salmon. Nature, 1879, 20, 121-122. 1879.1 Wall, E., Boulenger, G. A., An- nandale, N., & Regan, C. T. See Boulenger, Annandale, & others. Wallace, Alfred Russel [1823-1913] For biographical notices, see Osborn, H. F. Scientific worthies. Dr. Alfred Russel Wallace. Nature, 1912, 89, 367-370. Idem, A great naturalist; Alfred Russel Wallace, 1823-1913. Amer. Mus. Journ., 1913, 13, 331-333. Alfred Russel Wallace, 1823-1913. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1913, 83, 523-537. Original pencil-drawings of fishes of the Rio Negro, made between 1850- 1852. 4 vols. [n. d.] obi. fol. These drawings are preserved in the British Museum of Natural History. On some fishes allied to Gym- notus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1853, 21, 75-76. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 2. ser. 14, 398-399. 1853.1 The geographical distribution of animals with a study of the relations 600 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAL Wallace, A. R. of living and extinct fauna, as elucidat- ing the past changes of the earth's surface. 2 vols. London & New York, 1876. illust. 8. 18764 - Die geographische Verbreitung der Thiere. Uebersetzt von A. B. Meyer. 2 vols. Dresden, 1876. 7 maps & 20 illust. 8. 1876.2 - Island life; insular faunas and floras, " geology, climatology. London, 1880. 8. 1880.1 Alfred Russel Wallace; letters and reminiscences, edited by James Marchant. London & New York, 1916. 8. 1916.1 Wallace, Louise B. The structure and development of the axillary gland of Batrachus. Journ. Morphol., 1893, 8, 563-568. pi. 1893.1 - The germ ring in the egg of the toadfish (Batrachus tau) Journ. Mor- phol., 1899, 15, 9-14. 2 pis. 1899.1 Wallace, W. C. Discovery of a muscle in the eye of fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1834, 26, 394. 1834.1 - Dissection of the eye of the halibut (Pleuronectes hippoglossus Linn.) Amer. Journ. Sci., 1834, 26, 392-394. 1834.2 - Dissection of the eye of the streaked bass, Perca nobilis, or P. mitchelli; with observations on the accommodation of the eye to distances. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1835, 27, 216-222. 1835.1 : Reply to Mr. Dalrymple, "On an undescribed muscle in the eye of fishes." Mag. Nat. Hist., 1838, 2, 553- 555. 1838.1 Wallace, William [1832 ] On the ova, larvae and young fishes collected by the " Garland " in the latter half of 1895. 14. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1896, 223-228. 1896.1 - Observations on ovarian ova and follicles in certain teleostean and elasmobranch fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1903, 47, 161-213. 3 pis. 1903.1 - Preliminary investigations on the age and growth-rate of plaice. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest., . 1905, no. 2, 199-227. pi. & figs, tables. 1905.1 Report on the age and growth- rate of plaice in the southern North sea, as determined by the investigation of otoliths. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. 1904-05 (1907), pt. 1, 1-47. 5 pis. & 13 figs. 1907.1 - Report on the size and age of plaice at maturity in the North sea and English channel. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest., 1909, pt. 2, 51-72. 2 pis. 6 map. 1909.1 - Further report on the age and growth-rate of plaice in the North sea and English channel, as determined by the investigation of otoliths. 3. Rept. Intern. Fish. Invest. North Sea & Adjac. Waters 1906-08 (1911), 109-175. pi. & 10 figs. 1911 = 1 Wallem, Frederik M. Om de ameri- kanske fiskerier. Christiania, 1878. 52 p. 8. 1878.1 Om de franske fiskerier og nogle fiskeri-industrielle forholde samt skibsfartsafdelingen pa undstillingen. Christiania, 1880. 198 p. 9 pis. 8. 1880.1 - Report on the American fish- eries. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 75-115. 1880.2 - Notes on the fish supply of Norway. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 5, pt. 7. 1883.1 Wallenberg, Adolf. Beitrage zur' Kenntnis des Gehirns der Teleostier und Selachier. Anat. Anz., 1907, 31, 369-399. 46 figs. 1907.1 - Neue Beitrage zur Anatomic des Gehirns der Teleostier und Selachier. Allgem. Zeitschr. Psychiatr., 1907, 64, 715-716. 1907.2 Wallenger , W. A . Curious behaviour of mahseer (Barrus tor) Journ. Nat. Hist. Soc., Bombay, 1908, 18, no. 3, 690. 1908.1 Wallengren, Hans Thure Sigurd. Bidrag till kannedomen om familj Urceolarinae Stein. Acta Universitatis Lundensis, 1897, 33, no. 8, 48 p. 2 pis. & 14 figs. 1897.1 Parasites on gills of fishes. Wallenius, Elis. Jagt- och fiskeri- forhallandena inom Kajana harad. Tidskr. Jagare & Fisk., 1896, 4, 49-56. 1896.1 - Kajaanin joella. Suomen Urh. Lehti, 1898, 1, 301-311. 1898.1 Wallenius, Johan Fredrik. Disser- tatio academica historian! descriptio- nemque paroecise Mandyharju sistens. WAL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHKS lining. Dissert. 3 pts. Abo, 1812-14. 51 p. 4. 1814.1 Wallich, Claudius. A method of re- cording e;g development for use of fish- cult urists. Kept. LI. S. Comm. Fish. 1900 (1901), 26, 185-194. pi. 1901.1 Wallich, George Charles [1815-1899] The North Atlantic sea-bed. Part I. On the presence of animal life and the formation and nature of organic de- posits at great depths. London, 1862. 7 pis. 4. 1862.1 Wallin, Ivan E. An instance of aci- dophilic chromosomes and chromatin particles. Anat. Record, 1915, 9, 421- 424. pi. 1915.1 Presence in larva of Petromyzon of divid- ing cells with acidophile chromosomes. Wallinger, W. A. Fly-fishing in the Bombay presidency. Megalops ri/l>rinoides as a fly-taker. Journ. Bom- bay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1904, 15, 719-720. pi." 1904.1 - Estuary fishing; some remarks on its decadence as an industry in the Konkan, western India. Journ. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1907, 17, 620-635., 8 figs. 1907.1 Wallis, John [1714-1793] Natural history and antiquities of Northumber- land and of so much of Durham as lies between the rivers Tyne and Tweed. 2 vols. London, 1769. illust. 4. 1769.1 Wallon, Edouard. Pisciculture. Bull. Soc. Imp. Zool. Acclim., 1864, _'. ser. 1, 300-301. 1864.1 - Rapport sur les operations de pisciculture en 1865 et recapitulation des resultats precedents. [Paris, 1866] 1866.1 - Questions de peche et d'aqui- culture fluviales et maritimes. Montau- ban, 1868. 200 p. 8. 1868.1 Wallut, Charles. Rapport . . . sur les propositions de M. Lamiral relatives au retablissement des madragues, a la creation de reservoirs et viviers sur le littoral de la Mediterranee, et sur la f abri- cationdelapoutargue. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 163-169. 1863.1 - Rapport de la commission chargee de visiter retablissement de pisciculture de M. le Marquis de Selve, Avilliers, pres la Ferte-Alais (Seine-et- Oise) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1867, 2. ser. 4, 113-121. 1867.1 Walpole, (Sir) Spencer [1839-1907] Report on Billingsgate market destruc- tion of fish in consequence of alleged inadequate accommodation, 1880. Lon- don, 1881. fol. 12 p. 1881.1 - British fish trade. Intern. Fish- eries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Hand- books, 1, pt. 1. 1883.1 - Fish transport and fish markets. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 4, pt. 4. 1883.2 Walpole, Spencer, & Buckland, F. T. See Buckland & Walpole. Walpole, Spencer, & Huxley, Thomas Henry. Disease among the salmon of many rivers of England and Wales. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 429-448. 1882.1 Walpole, Spencer, & Young, Andrew. Report on the laws affecting salmon fisheries of the Solway firth. London, 1881. 26 p. 8. 1881.1 Walpole, Spencer, Young, Andrew, & Buckland, F. T. See Buckland, Walpole & Young. Walsh, John. The gillaroo or giz- zard trout. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1774, 64, 119-120: 1774.1 - Of the electric property of the torpedo. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1774, 63, 461-480. pi. 1774.2 Of torpedos found on the coast of England. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1774, 64, 464-473. 1774.3 Walsh, John, Seignette, - , & Le Roy, J. B. See Le Roy, Walsh & Seignette. Walsh, R. F. Improved facilities for the capture, economic transmission, and distribution of sea fishes, etc. In- tern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 7, pt. 4. 1SS3.1 Walter, Emil. Die Brutschadlinge der Fische und die Mittel zu ihrer Vernichtung. Neudamm in. d.] Das Plankton und die prak- tisch verwendbaren Methoden der quan- titativen Untersuchung der Fischnah- rung. Neudamm [n. d.] Ueber fleischfressende Pflanzen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1894, 19, 35S- 361. 1894.1 Die natiirliche Nahrung unserer Teichfische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896,21,374-377. 1*96.1 602 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAL Walter, E. Die formale Einteilung der Karpfenrassen. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 3, 244-248; 257-263; 273-276. 1900.1 Zur Alterbestimmung des Karp- fens nach den Schuppen. Fischerei Zeitg., Neudamm, 1901, 4, 337-341; 353-357. 1901.1 - Die Fischerei als Nebenbetrieb des Landwirtes und Forstmannes. Aus- fiihrliche Anweisung zum Fischerei- betrieb, etc. Neudamm, 1903. xvi, 801 p. 1903.1 Die Karpfennutzung in kleinen Teichen; kurze Anleitung zur Ausniit- zung kleiner Dorf-, Haus-, Feld- und Waldteiche durch regelmassige Beset- zung mit schnellwlichsigen Karpfen. 2. ed. Neudamm, 1903. 104 p. 1903.2 Zur Forderung der Kleinteich- wirtschaft. Bericht iiber die im Jahre 1903 durch den Mecklenburgischen Fischerei-Verein veranstaltete Beset- zung von 119 Kleinteichen mit schnell- wiichsigen zweisommerigen Karpfen. Im Auftrage des Mecklenburgischen Fischerei-Vereins erstattet. Neudamm, 1904. 60 p. 8. 1904.1 Die Kleinteichwirthschaft; kurze Anweisung sur Aufzucht von Karpfen, Forellen, Schleien, Karau- schen, Raubfischen und Krebsen in kleinen Teichen, Tumpeln, etc. Neu- damm, 1906. 131 p. 24 figs. 8. 1906.1 - Das Gesetz von Minimum und das Gleichgewicht im Wasser. Einige allgemeine Betrachtungen aus dem Ge- biete des Stoffkreislaufes im Wasser in seiner Anwendung auf die Fischerei- wirtschaft. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, 1909, 4, 339-366. 1909.1 Die Karpfennutzung in kleinen Teichen. 3. ed. Neudamm, 1909. 103 p. 30 figs. & map. 8. 1909.2 Aale in der Donau. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 7, 22-23. 1910.1 - Der Flussaal. Eine biologische und fischereiwirtschaftliche Mono- graphic. Neudamm, 1910. xi, 346 p. 122 figs. 8. 1910.2 Review by E. Ehrenbaum in Der Fischer- bote, 1911, 4-11; 41-44; 77-83. Das Verhaltnis von Ernahrung und Korperform bei unseren Nutzfischen (In Aus deutscher Fischerei. Festschrift fur E. Uhles, p. 6-17. Neudamm, 1911) 1911.1 - Einfiihrung in die Fischkunde unserer Binnengewasser. Eine Ueber- sicht liber unsere mitteleuropaischen Siisswasserfische nach vorwiegend bi- ologischen und fischereiwirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten. Leipzig, 1913. 364 p. 62 figs. 8. 1913.1 - Unsere Siisswasserfische. Eine Uebersicht iiber die heimische Fisch- fauna nach vorwiegend biologischen und fischereiwirtschaftlichen Gesichts- punkten. Leipzig, 1913. 50 p. 50 col. pis. 8 (Schmeil's naturwissenschaft- liche Atlanten) 1913.2 Walter, H. Unser Hecht (Esox lucius) in Aquarium. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 40-41. 1912.1 Walter, H. E. Concerning rudimen- tary teeth in Coregonus wartmanni. Anat. Anz., 1894, 9, 470. 1894.1 Walter, /. A. Lepidosiren [Protop- terus] und ihre Stelle im System. Lotos, 1873, 23. Jahrg., 36-43. 1873.1 Walter, Julius. Einiges iiber den Organismus der Fische. Lotos, 1868. 18. Jahrg., 10-15; 53-59. 1868.1 Walther, Friedrich Ludwig [1759- 1824] Lehrbuch der Forst-Physio- graphie, oder Naturbeschreibung deren Thiere und Gewachse, welche Objecte der Jagd- und Forstwissenschaft sind. 2 vols. in 5 pts. Weilburg, 1813-20. 8. 1820.1 Vol. ii, Fische. Walther, G. Ueber die Schalenhaute von Protopterus annectens. Zeitschr. Physiol. Chem., 1889, 13, pt. 5, 464- 476. 1889.1 Walther, Johannes Kuno [1860 ] Die Entwicklung der Deckknochen am Kopfskelett des Hechtes (Esox lucius) Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1883, 16, 59- 84. 2 pis. 1883.1 Bionomie des Meeres. Jena, 1893, 1893.1 - Entstehung und Besiedelung der Tiefseebecken. Naturw. Wochen- schr., 1904, 3. 1904.1 - Die Fauna der Solnhofener Plattenkalke, bionomisch betrachtet (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Ge- burtstage von Ernst Haeckel, p. 133- 214. pi. & figs. Jena, 1904) 1904.2 Contains a faunal list of the Kimmeridgian (Upper Jurassic) fish-fauna of Solenhofen, Bavaria. WAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES (JOS Geschichte der Erde und des Leipzig, 1908. 570 p. illust . s 1908.1 Waltl, Joseph. Die Fische um Pas- sau. Correspbl. Zool. Mineral. Ver. Re- gensburg, 1872, 26. Jahrg., 74-79. 1872.1 Walton, Chas. L. The shore fauna of Cardigan bay. Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1913, n. s. 10, 102-113. 1913.1 Walton, Izaak [1593-1683] The compleut angler, or contemplative man's recreation. In two parts. By the in- genious and celebrated Mr. Isaac Wal- ton and Charles Cotton, Esq. I. Being a discourse of rivers, fish-ponds, fish and fishing. Instructions how to angle for a trout or grayling in a clear stream. Correctly and very accurately published. 2 pts. London, 1759. pt. 1, xxvi, 216 p. ; pt. 2, p. 217-340. 8 pis. 12. 1759.1 This is the first post-Linnsean edition. The editio princeps was published in May, 1653. The best-known later edition of the Angler is that of J. Major, 1824. The book was edited by Andrew Lang in 1896, and various modern editions have appeared. The standard biog- raphy is that by Sir Harry Nicolas, prefixed to an edition of the Angler published in 1836. Walton, Izaak, & Cotton, Charles. Chronological hand-list of various edi- tions of the complete angler, 1593-1893 [Compiled by Daniel B. Fearing] New York, 1893. 26 p. 8. 1893.1 Exhibited at the Grolier Club, New York, December 9-29, 1893. Walton, L. B. The relation of vari- ability to food supply as illustrated by the white daisy, Chrysanthemum leu- canthemum L., and the yellow perch, Perca flavescens Mitch. Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 728. 1907.1 Wandolleck, Benno. Pisces fur 1895 [Jahresbericht] Arch. Natur- gesch., 1907, 68. Jahrg., 2, 1-43. 1907.1 Pisces fur 1896 [Jahresbericht] Arch. Naturgesch., 1907, 68. Jahrg., 2, 43-84. 1907.2 For similar reviews of the literature see Strand, E., 1905.1 and 1907.1, supra. Also, Wundach, H. H., 1912.1, infra. Wandolleck, Benno, Philippi, Erich, & Weltner, W. Pisces fur 1893 [Jahr- esbericht] Arch. Naturgesch., 1906, 66. Jahrg., 183-238. 1906.1 Wanger, C. Ueber das Grossenver- haltniss einiger Brutfische und der Schoch'sche Mess-Apparat. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 151. Also separate; Pfafnkon-Zurich, 1893. 1 p. 1893.1 - Der Seesaibling-Rotel. Salmo salvelinus L., S. umbla L., 1'omble chevalier. II salmerino. The red-trout. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4 (Suppl.), no. 25, 223-239. 1896.1 Wanke, - - Einiges iiber Karpfen- zucht. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 26, 496-498. 1901.1 Zur Kieserbriitung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 32. Jahrg., 472- 474. 1907.1 Wappaus, J. E. Das Kaiserreich Brasilien, geographisch und statistisch dargestellt. Leipzig, 1871. 8. 1871.1 Fische, p. 1355-1358. Fischerei, p. 1419- 1421. Reprinted from Stein's Handbuch der Geo- graphic. 7. ed. Ward, D. P., & Eigenmann, Carl H. See Eigenmann & Ward. Ward, E. D. Trout culture in Men- docino. Overland Monthly, 1900, 35, 545-553. 1900.1 Ward, F. M. Young salmon in northern New Jersey. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 -(1887), 6, 345. 1887.1 Ward, Francis. The five senses in fishes. I. Sight. Journ. Ipswich Field Club, 1908, 1, 3-4. 1908.1 Markings and colors in fish. How they protect their wearers. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1908, 66, 297-298. 6 figs. 1908.2 - Marvels of fish life as revealed by the camera. London, 1911. xiv, 196 p. 1911.1 - Reflection as a concealing and revealing factor in aquatic and sub- aquatic life. Nature, 1913, 91, 596- 599. 1913.1 Pigmentation of perch and trout, p. 597-598. Ward, Henry Baldurin [1865 ] On the parasites of the lake fish. I. Notes on the structure and life history of Dis- toma opacum, n. sp. Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., 16. meet., 1894, 15, 173-182. pi. 1894.1 - A preliminary report on the worms (mostly parasitic) collected in lake St. Glair in the summer of 1893. Bull. Michigan Fish Comm., 1894, no. 4, 49. 1894.2 Record of parasites found in fish of twenty species. Some notes on the biological relations of the fish parasites of the Great Lakes. Proc. Nebraska Acad. Sci., 1894, 4, 8-11. 1894.3 604 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAR Ward, H. B. A biological examination of lake Michigan in the Traverse bay region. Bull. Michigan Fish Comm., 1896, no. 6. 1896.1 Also issued as an appendix to the twelfth biennial report of the Commission, 1897. - The whitefish (Coregonus albus) Bull. Michigan Fish. Comm., 1896, 18- 29. 1896.2 - Fish food in Nebraska streams. Studies Zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska, 1898, no. 28, 272-277. 1898.1 - Aquicultural experiment sta- tions and their work. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1898 (1899), 125-132. 1899.1 - Notes on the parasites of the lake fish. III. On the structure of the copulatory organs in Microphallus, n. g. Proc. Amer. Micr. Soc., 23. meet., 1901, 22, 175-187. pi. 1901.1 Some notes on fish food in the lakes of the Sierras. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 1903, 218-220. 1903.1 - The influence of parasitism on the host. Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 201- 218. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 56. meet., 1907, 489-523. 1907.1 Frequent reference to fish. Some points in the migration of Pacific salmon as shown by its parasites. Stud. Zool. Lab. Univ. Nebraska, 1908, no. 92. 9 p. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc., 92-102. 1908.1 - The influence of hibernation and migration on animal parasites. Proc. 7. Intern. Zool. Congr., Boston, 1909. 12 p. 1909.1 Compares conditions in marine, migratory and freshwater fishes, as regards distribution, occurrence and abundance of parasites. - The factors which control the leaping of the Pacific salmon. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 835-836. 1910.1 - Internal parasites of the Sebago salmon. Bull. Bureau Fisheries, 1910, 28, 1151-1194. pi. 1910.2 - The leaping of the Pacific salmon. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 474. 1910.3 - Notes on the leaping of the Pacific salmon. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 162-167. Fish. Ga- zette, 28, 737-738. 1910.4 - Some parasites of the sleeper shark in Icy straits, Alaska. Science, 1910, n. s. 31, 836. 1910.5 - The distribution and frequence of animal parasites and parasitic dis- eases in North American freshwater fish. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. X911 (1912), 207-241. 1912.1 - The preservation of the Ameri- can fish-fauna. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1912 (1913), 157-170. 1913.1 Ward, John [1837-1906] The fossil fishes of the north Staffordshire coal field. Trans. Midland Sci. Assoc., 1870, pt. 2, 1-23. 1870.1 Additional notes on a section of strata at Weston Sprink. Rept. Trans. North Staffordshire Club, 1904-05, 39, 122-128. 1904.1 - Palaeontology of the Pottery coalfield. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, London, 1905, pt. 3, 285-357. tables. 1905.1 Contributions to the geology and palaeontology of the Cheadle coal- field. Rept. Trans. North Staffordshire Club, 1906, 40, 102-137. 1906.1 Ward, John, & Stobbs, /. T. A newly discovered fish-bed in the Cheadle coalfield; with notes on the distribution of fossil fishes in that district. Rept. Trans. North Staffordshire Club, 1906, 40, 87-101. pi. 1906.1 Ward, Lester Frank [1841-1913] List of water plants for carp ponds. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 22- 25. 1883.1 Marsh and aquatic plants of the northern United States, many of which are suitable for carp ponds. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 257-266. 1883.2 Ward, M. F., & Pittier, Henri Frangois. See Pittier & Ward. Ward, Ogier. On the fossil fishes of this district. Ann. Rept. Eastbourne Nat. Hist. Soc., 1877, 10, 1-3. 1877.1 Ward, R. H. Ovum and testis of a lamprey. Amer. Monthly Micr. Journ., 1897, 18, no. 6, 213-217. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1897, 517. 1897.1 Ward, Samuel. Natural history of fishes. 2 vols. London, 1770. 12. 1770.1 A modern system of natural history, containing accurate descrip- tions, and faithful histories of animals, vegetables and minerals; together with their properties, and various uses in WAR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES medicine, mechanics, manufactures, etc. 12 vols. London, 1775-76. 114 pis. 12. 1775.1 - The natural history of fishes. Illustrated with a great variety of cop- per-plates, accurately drawn from na- turc, beautifully engraved. 2 vols. in 1. London, 1776. 1776.1 Evidently from a series of books on natural history. The second volume concludes with the statement: " End of vol. II. of the natural history of fishes," followed by an index of the two vol- umes. Ward, Swinburne. Notes on the "vielle" (Batrachus gigas Gthr.) Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1869, 4. ser. 3, 352-353. 1869,1 Wardlaw-Thompson, W. See Thompson, W. Wardlaw. Warelius, Antero. Kertomus tyr- viiam pitajasta 1853. Suomi, 1855, 14, 1-194. 1855.1 Warington, Robert. Observations on the habits of the stickleback (being a continuation of a previous paper) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1855, 2. ser. 16, 330-332. 1855.1 Warman, Philip Creveling [1859 ] Bibliography and index of the publica- tions of the U. S. Geological Survey. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1893, no. 100. 495 p. 1893.1 Catalogue and index of publica- tions of United States Geological Sur- vey, 1880-1901. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1901, no. 177. 858 p. 1901.1 See also references under Weeks, F. B., 1896.3, infra. - Catalogue and index of pub- lications of United States Geological Survey, 1901 to 1903. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv. 1903, no. 215. 234 p. 1903.1 Warner, J.S. Catching fish in a creek in Tennessee by a watersnake. Bull. U. S. FishComm. 1884, 4, 220. 1884.1 Warnimont, Johann. Das Roth- auge. Leudscus [Cyprinus] rutilus. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Luxembourg, 1865, 8, 321-358. 1865.1 - Phoxinus Icevis [Leudscus phoxi- nus] Die Pfrille, Pfelle, Elritze. Le veron. The minnow. Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Luxembourg 1866 (1867), 9, 209- 285. 1867.1 - Der Aesche. L'ombre. The grayling. Thymallus vexillifer (T. nil- garis] Bull. Soc. Sci. Nat. Luxembourg 1869 (1870), 11, 1-48. 1870.1 Warpachowsky, .V. .1. ,sw Var- pakhovskil, A'. A. Warren, B. H. Some birds and mammals which destroy fish and game. Kept. Pennsylvania ('nmm. Fi-ln-rii--. 1897, doc. no. 17. 412 p. 181 pis. 1897.1 Warren, Ernst. On the teeth of Petromyzon and Myxine. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1902, n. s. 46, 631-636. pi. 1902.1 Warren, H. Everett. Anatomy of the ear of the dogfish (Galeus canis) Pre- liminary paper. Trans. New York Acad. Sci., 1896, 15, 176-182. 1896.1 Warren, John C. [1778-1856] The introduction of foreign fish into our waters. , Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1851-54 (1854), 4, 287. 1854.1 Warren, Robert. Dogfish on the coasts of Sligo and Mayo. " Schools " of dogfish; their destructiveness of mackerel and herring. Zoologist, 1882, 3. ser. 6, 269. 1882.1 - Extraordinary run of herrings in the Moy estuary. Irish Naturalist, 1898, 7, no. 1, 19. 1898.1 - Blue sharks in Killala bay. Irish Naturalist, 1900, 9, 48; 108-109. 1900.1 - Porbeagle shark and tope in Killala bay. Irish Naturalist, 1900, 9, 292-293. 1900.2 - Great run of herrings in Kil- lala bay and the Moy estuary. Irish Naturalist, 1905, 14, 70. 1905.1 - Remarkable change in habits of the herrings visiting Killala bay, county Mayo. Zoologist, 1906, 4. ser. 10, 105- 107. 1906.1 Wartmann, Bernhard. Beschreibung und Naturgeschichte des Blaufelchens [Coregonus wartmanni] Beschaft. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1777, 3, 184- 213. 1777 -! - Bodensee und Seealpsee. St. Gallen, 1777-1778. 1777.2 _ Alpforelle aus dem Seealjx-i See, Salmo alpinus. Beschaft. ('><>>. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1783, 4, 67-77. Also separate; Berlin, 1783. 10 p. 8 . 1783.1 _ Auszug ernes Briefes Salmonen) Schrift. Ges. NTaturf. Freunde Berlin, 1783, 4, 431-433. 1 / 83.2 606 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WAR Wartmann, B. - Nachricht von der Alpforelle aus dem Seealper See (Salmo alpinus) [Salvelinus] Schrift. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1783, 4, 69-77. 1783.3 - Von den Rheinanken und Ulan- ken (Salmo illanca] Beschaft. Ges. Naturf. Freunde Berlin, 1783, 4, 55- 68. 1783.4 Wartmann, Bernhard, & Schrank, Franz von Paula von. See Schrank & Wartmann. Wartmann, Friedrich Bernhard [1830-1902] Unsere Fischerei. Ber. Thatigkeit St. Gallisch. Naturw. Ges,. 1867-68 (1868), 9, 133-160. 1868.1 Warwell, H . C. Eels feeding on the of Limulus. Amer. Naturalist, 31, 347-348. 1897.1 Washburn, F. L. On the mortality of fish at lake Mille Lac, Minnesota. Amer. Naturalist, 1886, 20, 896-897. 1886.1 Deep sea dredging on the U. S. steamer " Albatross." Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1886 (1887), 17-21. 1887.1 Washburn (junior), J. Statement concerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1879), 5, 388. 1879.1 Washburn, Margaret F., & Bentley, /. Madison. The establishment of an association involving color-discrimina- tion in the creek chub, Semotilus atromaculatus. Journ. Comp. Neurol., 1906, 16, 113-125. 1906.1 Washington, John. Statement con- cerning the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 430. 1879.1 Wasmann, Erich. Die heilige Hilde- garde von Bingen als Naturforscherin (In Festschrift Georg von Hertling zum siebenzigsten Geburtstag am 31. Aug. 1913 dargebracht von der Gorres- Gesellschaf t zur Pflege der Wissenschaf t in katholischen Deutschland, p. 459- 475. Kempton & Munchen, 1913) 1913.1 Freshwater fishes are considered. Hildegard von Bingen als alteste deutsche Naturforscherin. Biol. Cen- tralbl., 1913, 33, 278-288. 1913.2 Fishes of the Nahe and others described in the " Physica " of Saint Hildegarde are considered. The first printed edition of this 12th-century work appeared in 1533. See references under Geisenheyner, L., 1912.1. See also Pfeiffer, F., 1861.1, and Schulz, H., 1897.1, supra. Wasteneys, Hardolph, & Loeb, Jacques. See Loeb & Wasteneys. Watanabe, M. Nishin no uroko to sono nenrei [The scales and the age of Clupea pallasii C. & V.] Zool. Mag. Tokyo, 1913, 25, 133-145. 1913.1 Watase, S. On the caudal and anal fins of gold fishes. Journ. Coll. Sci. Japan, 1887, 1, 247-267. 3 pis. 1887.1 On the caudal and anal fins of gold-fishes. Journ. Coll. Sci. Japan, 1894, 1, 247-267. 3 pis. & 16 figs. 1894.1 - On the physical base of animal phosphorescence. Biol. Lect. Mar. Biol. Lab. Woods Hole, 1895, 101-118. fig. 1895.1 Waterbury, E. B., & others. Ob- structions to salmon in Pend d'Oreille river, Montana, requiring a fishway or removal of falls. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 421-423. 1883.1 Waterhouse, Charles Owen [1843- 1917] For obituary notice see Nature, 1917, 91, 455-456. Index zoologicus. An alphabet- ical list of names of genera and subgenera proposed for use in zoology as recorded in the " Zoological Record " 1880-1900 together with other names not included in the "Nomenclator zoologicus" of S. H. Scudder. London, 1902. 421 p. 8. 1902.1 See also references under Sharp, D., 1893.1, supra. - Supplementary list of generic names. London, 1904. 8 p. 8. 1904.1 Index zoologicus, no. ii. An alphabetical list of names of genera and subgenera proposed for use in zoology as recorded in the " Zoological Record," vols. 38-47 inclusive (1901-1910) etc. London, 1912. iv, 324 p. 8. 1912.1 Waters, Bertram H. Some addi- tional points on the primitive seg- mentation of the vertebrate brain. Zool. Anz., 1891, 14, 141-144. 1891.1 Primitive segmentation of the vertebrate brain. Reference to teleost (cod) etc. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1892, 33, 1-19. pi. 1892.1 Waterton, Charles [1782-1865] Wanderings in South America, the north-west of the United States and the Antilles, in the years 1812, 1816, 1820 and 1824. vii, 326 p. illust. London, 1885. 1885.1 Other editions 1879, 1881 and 1885. WEB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 607 Watkins, (/fcr.) M. G. Gleanings from the natural history of the ancients. London, 1896. 258 p. 8. 1896.1 Chap. xv. Ancient fish-lore. - Grayling in the Monnow. Trans. Woolhope Natural. Field Club 1893-94 (1896), 201-205. 1896.2 Watson, David Meredith Seares [1886 ] [On Megalichthys, etc.] Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 1912, 67, 1-14. 1912.1 Watson, David Meredith Seares, & Day, Henry. Notes on some Palaeozoic fishes. Mem. Proc. Manchester Lit. Phil. Soc., 1916, 60, pt. 1, no. 2. 48 p. 3 pis. & 9 figs. 1916.1 Discusses the structure and phylogenetic relations of Devonian ganoids (Rhipidistia) and Dipnoi. Pentlandia, n. g., is established upon Dipterus macropterus Traq. Watson, Edna E. The genus Gy- rocotyle, and its significance for prob- lems of cestode structure and phylogeny. Univ. Calif. Public. (Zool), 1911, 6, 353-468. 16 pis. 1911.1 Watson, G. W. Ankylosis of human teeth to the jaw. Proc. Scott. Micr. Soc., 1900, 3, 82-84. 1900.1 Includes comparative notes on attachment in lower vertebrates. Watson, Henry. Account of the stomach of the Gillaroo trout. In a letter to Sir John Pringle. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., 1775, 64, 121-123. 1775.1 Watson, W. J. Salmon and trout fishing in Ireland. Dublin, 1910. 208 p. 12. 1910.1 Watson (junior}, William. An ac- count of the blue shark together with a drawing of the same [Squalus car- charias glaucus] Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1779, 68, pt. 2, 789-790. figs. 1779.1 Watson, Window C. The salmon of lake Champlain and its tributaries. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873-75 (1876), 3, 531-540. 1876.1 - A supposed new fish in lake Champlain. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 17. 1877.1 Watt, William. The currents, tem- peratures and other physical condi- tions of the sea in relation to reproduc- tion, growth and migration of fish, etc. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit., London, 1883. Conferences, 11, pt. 19. 1883.1 - The history and statistics of the herring fishing in Norway and Sweden (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 303-315. Edin- burgh & London, 1883) 1 SS:{.L> - The natural history of the her- ring; with special reference to its mi- grations. No. 2 (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 51-64. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.3 Wattenwyl, F. von. Die Fischzucht in der Schweiz. Genf [n. d.i 3 p. 12. Watterson, H. Superiority of Amer- ican game and fish. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 362. 1877.1 Watts, H. E. Introduction of sal- mon into Australia. The Athenaeum, 1868, no. 2107, 391-392. 1868.1 Way, J. H. Result of propagating trout. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 936. 1880.1 Weaver, James Riley. The sea fish- eries of Austro-Hungary from 1877 to 1883. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1197-1198. 1885.1 Webb, C. F. Fossil teeth. Trans. Liverpool Geol. Assoc., 1888, 7, 95. 1888.1 Webb, /. G. The mortality of fish in the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886, 6, 11-13. 1886.1 Webb, /. S. On a fish of the genus Bovichthys, caught near Dunedin. Trans. Proc. New Zealand Inst. 1872 (1873), 6, 480. 1873.1 Webb, Philip Barker, & Berthelot, Sabin. Histoire naturelle des lies Canaries. 3 vols. Paris, 1835-50. 4. . 1835.1 Ichthyologie, par A. Valenciennes, vol. ii, pt. 2, 1-109. 26 pis. Webb, W. F. Five years' experience in artificial fish-breeding, showing in what waters trout will and will not thrive, with some remarks on fish and British fisheries. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 39. meet. 1869 (1870), 118. 1870.1 Webb, W. M. The ears of fishes. Knowledge, London, 1905, 59-61. 8 figs. 1905.1 Webber, Samuel. On some fresh- water fishes containing nodular bodies embedded in the fins and tail. Proc. Acad. Nat, Sci. Philad., 1852, 6, 118. 1852.1 Fish-culture in New Hampshire. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 379. 1878.1 608 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WEB Webber, S. - Naturalizing the California sal- mon. Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 260. 1878.2 Salmon and alewives in the Merrimac. Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 358. 1878.3 - Salmon in the Merrimac. For- est & Stream, 1878, 10, 442. 1878.4 - Fish-culture in New Hampshire. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 372. Forest & Stream, 1879, 13, 805. 1879.1 Weber, A. Les phenomenes de tor- sion de Tebauche cardiaque chez les lophobranches. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1906, 61, 253-254. Reun. Biol. Nancy, 1906, 53-54. 1906.1 - Les premiers stades du deve- loppement de la vessie natatoire chez les lophobranches. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1906, 8, 90-93. 2 figs. 1906.2 - L'origine de la vessie natatoire chez les lophobranches. Bibliogr. Anat., Nancy, 1906, 15, 194-214. 9 figs. 1906.3 - Recherches sur quelques stades du developpement du coeur des lopho- branches. Bibliogr. Anat. Nancy, 1906, 15, 266-287. 8 figs. 1906.4 - Recherches sur quelques stades du developpement du cceur de la raie. C. R. Assoc. Anat., 1908, 10, 10-14. 1908.1 - L'origine de 1'hypocorde chez les selaciens. C. R. M6m: Soc. Biol Paris, 1913, 74, 779-781. 1913.1 - Phenomenes de degenerescence dans les cellules en activite caryocine- tique du tube nerveux d'embryons de selaciens. Anat. Anz., 1913, 44, 356- 364. pi. 1913.2 Sur 1'existence de metanucleoles durant les premieres phases du deve- loppement embryonnaire. C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1913, 74, 865-867. 1913.3 Weber, C. 0. Ueber Fische aus der Gegend von Trier. Verh. Naturhist. Ver. Preuss. Rheinl. Westphal., 1862, 19. Jahrg. (n. s. 9. Jahrg.), 48-49. 1862.1 Weber, Ernst Heinrich [1795-1878] De aure piscium. Isis (Oken), 1821, 1059-1083. Bull. Soc. Philom. Paris, 1821, 118-122. Ann. Phil. (Thomson), 3, 321-325. 1821.1 - Beim Haring durchbohrt der Sehnerv des rechten Auges den des Linken. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, 317. 1827.1 - Disposition remarquable des nerfs optiques chez le hareng. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, no. 3. 1827.2 - Knoten und unpaare Faden, mit denen sich das Riickenmark bei einigen Fischen endigt, namentlich beim Cyprinus carpio. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, 316-317. 1827.3 - Sur le foie de la carpe (Cyprinus carpio) qui parait en meme temps rem- plir les fonctions du pancreas. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, no. 3. fig. 1827.4 - Sur quatre nerfs longitudinaux, procedant du trijumeau et du nerf vague, et parcourant toute la longueur du tronc, chez quelques poissons. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, no. 3. fig. -Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 15, 168. 1827.5 - Sur un ganglion et un filet ner- veux impair qui termine la moelle ver- tebrale chez quelques poissons, notam- ment chez la carpe. Arch. Anat. Phys- iol., 1827, no. 3. fig. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferussac), 15, 169. 1827.6 - Ueber das Geschmacksorgan des Karpfen und den Ursprung seiner Ner- ven. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, 309- 315. fig. Isis (Oken), 6, 397. 1827.7 - Ueber die Leber von Cyprinus carpio, die zugleich die Stelle des Pan- creas zu vertreten scheint. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, 294-299. . 1827.8 - Ueber vier Langennerven bei einigen Fischen, von denen zwei von dem Trigeminus und zwei von Vagus entspringen, die die ganze Lange des Rumpfes durchlaufen. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1827, 303-308. 1827.9 - Ueber die Gestalt des Gehirns der Schleie, Cyprinus tinea, im Alter von einem Jahre und bei dem erwach- senen Thiere. Arch. Anat. Physiol., 1846, 478-479. 1846.1 Weber, Fr. Ernst. Landliche Teich- wirtschaft. Praktische Winke fur bauerliche Teichbesitzer. Stuttgart, 1901. iii, 73 p. 1901.1 Weber, Johann Carl. Abbildungen der Fische, welche in den Fliissen und Seen von Bayern vorkommen. Miin- chen, 1851. 8. 1851.1 Weber, Johann Carl, & Kranz, C. A. Die Fische Deutschlands und der Schweiz in ... Abbildungen . . . von WEB BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 609 J. C. Weber. 2. Auflage. Mit systema- tisch geordnetem Text von . . . C. A. Kranz. Miinchen, 1870. 61 p. illust. 8. 1870.1 Weber, Max (Carl Wilhelm] [1852 ] Ueber die Xahrung der Alausa vulgaris und die Spermatophore von Remora velox Lilj. Arch. Xaturgesch., 1876, 42. Jahrg., 1, 169-178. pi. 1876.1 - Chinesische Fischerei. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 206- 207; 249-250; 288-289; 314-315. 1880.1 - Ueber Hermaphroditismus bei Fi8chen. Nederl. Tijdschr. Dierk. Ver. Amsterdam, 1884, pt. 1, 21-43. pi. Ibid., 1885-87, 128-134. 1884.1 - Die Abdominalporen der Sal- moniden nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Geschlechtsorgane der Fische. Mor- phol. Jahrb., 1886, 12, 366-406. pi. & 2 figs. 1886.1 - Het ovarium der ansjovis in zijn verschillende toestanden (In Bij- dragen tot de kennis der levenswijze en der voortplanting van de ansjovis, p. 21-27. Verslag Staat Nederl. Zee- visscherijen over 1886) 1886.2 - Voedsel der ansjovis (In Bij- dragen tot de kennis der levenswijze en der voortplanting van de ansjovis, p. 38-40. Verslag visscherijen, 1886) i>taat Nederl. Zee- 1886.3 - Abdominalporien bij teleostiers. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1887, 2. ser. 1, cxxxii. 1887.1 - Erwiederung an Herrn Cun- ningham (Myxine) Zool. Anz., 1887, no. 253, 318-321. 1887.2 - Over den bouw der geslachts- organen van Myxine glutinosa. Tijd- schr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1887, 2. ser. 1, ccxiii-ccxvi. 1887.3 Review of J. T. Cunningham's paper " On the structure and development of the repro- ductive elements in Myxine glutinosa L." Die Siisswasser-Fische des in- dischen Archipels, nebst Bemerkungen iiber den Ursprung der Fauna von Celebes (In Zoologische Ergebnisse einer Reise in niederlandisch Ost-Indien herausgegeben von . . . M. Weber, Bd. iii, p. 405-476. Leiden, 1890. illust. 8) 1890.1 - Eigenthiimliche Lagerung der Leber und Niere bei Siluroiden. Zool. Ergebn. Reise Nied. Ost-Ind., 1891, 1, 355-364. pi. 1891.1 Lamna cornubica. Tidjschr \Y- derl. Dierk. Ver., 1892, 2. ser. 4, iv. 1892.1 - Over de zoetwatervisschen van den Indischen Archipel. Tijdschr Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1894, 2. ser. 4, lxi "- 1894.1 - Demonstrate van dieren tijdens zijne reis in Zuid-Afrika bijeengebracht. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1895, 2. ser. 5, vii. 1895.1 - Fische von Ambon, Java, Thurs- day island, dem Burnett-Fluss und von der Siid-Kiiste von Neu-Guinea (In Zoologische Forschungsreisen in Aus- tralien und dem malayischen Archipei; mit Unterstiitzung des Herrn Dr. Paul von Ritter ausgefiihrt in den Jahren 1891-1893 von Dr. Richard Semon, Bd. v, p. 257-276. fig. Jena, 1895) 1895.2 Galaxias africanus (Galaxias ca- pensis Steind.] Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver. 1895, 2. ser. 6, xxxix. 1895.3 - Beit rage zur Kenntniss der Fauna von Siid-Afrika. I. Zur Kennt- niss der Siisswasser-Fauna von Siid- Afrika. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst. Abth.), 1897, 10, 135-199. pi. & 2 figs. 1897.1 - On the origin of the fauna of Celebes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 121-136. 1899.1 - Reference to phosphorescent organs (teleosts) strength of light, sur- face and shallow water forms. Bull. Siboga Exped. Leiden, 1901, 107-110. 1901.1 - (editor) Siboga-Expeditie. Uit- komsten op zoologisch, botanisch, ocea- nographisch en geologisch gebied ver- zameld in nederlandsch Oost-Indie, 1899-1900, aan boord H. M. " Siboga " onder commando van . . . G. F. Ty- deman uitgegeven door . . . M. Weber. Monographs. Leiden, 1901. 4. 1901.2 Introduction et description de l'expdition. No. 1. Leiden, 1902. 159 p. figs & maps. Die Fische, von M. Weber. No. 57. Leiden, 1913. 710 p. 12 pis. & figs. - Voorkomen van Xiphias gladius in de Zuiderzee. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1902, 2. ser. 7, xli. 1902.1 Fierasfer sluiteri, n. sp. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1905, 2. ser. 9, iv. 1905.1 De vischfauna van Nieuw- Guinea. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amster- dam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1906-07, 15, 610 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WEB Weber, M. 368-372. Proc. Sci. Akad. Wet. Am- sterdam, 9, 462-465. 1906.1 - Kleur en teekening bij Therapon theraps. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1907, 2. ser. 10, Ivii. 1907.1 Zoetwater vischfauna van de Aroe-eilanden. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1907, 2. ser. 10, liii. 1907.2 - Eine zoogeographische Prophe- zeiung. Zool. Anz., 1907, 32, 401-404. 1907.3 - Susswasserfische von Neu- Guinea; ein Beitrag zur Frage nach dem friiheren Zusammenhang von Neu- Guinea und Australien (In Nova Guinea; resultats de 1' expedition scien- tifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle- Guinee en 1903 sous les auspices de Arthur Wichmann, vol. v (Zool.), pt. 2, p. 201-267. 3 pis. Leiden, 1908) 1908.1 First title-page is in Dutch. Visschen van Nieuw Guinea. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1908, 2. ser. 10, xxxiv. 1908.2 - Diagnosen neuer Fische der Si- boga-Expedition. Notes Leyden Mus., 1909, 31, 143-169. 1909.1 1. Malacocephalus Icevis Lowe. 2. Macrorhamphosus schoteli, n. sp. 3. Platyrhina schonleini Mtiller u. Henle. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1909, 2. ser. 11, xlvi. 1909.2 - Eine neue Art von Macro- rhamphosus und Revision dieses Genus. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1909, 2. ser. 11, 71-79. pi. 1909.3 - Broedverzorging van Kurtus gulliveri. Tijdschr. Nederl. Dierk. Ver., 1910, 2. ser. 12, xxiii. 1910.1 - Een nieuw geyal van ouderlijke zorg voor de nakomelingen bij visschen [A new case of parental care among fishes] Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, W T is. Nat. Afd., 1910, 19, 629-634. 2 figs. Proc. Sci. Akad. Wet. Am- sterdam, 13, 583-587. 2 figs. 1910.2 Neue Fische aus niederlandisch Siid-Neu-Guinea. Notes Leiden Mus., 1910, 32, 225-230. pi. 1910.3 - Die Fische der Aru- und Kei- Inseln. Ein Beitrag zur Zoogeographie dieser Inseln. Abh. Senckenberg. Nat. Ges. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1911, 34, 1-49. 2 pis. & 11 figs. 1911.1 New species are described of Pseudomugil, Rhombatrachus, Apogon, Eleotris, Gobius and Bostrychus. - Versuch einer Revision der in- dopacifischen Anguillidae. Zool. Jahrb. (SuppL), 1912, 15, 563-596. 8 figs. & 3 tables. 1912.1 - Die Fische der Siboga-Expedi- tion. Leyden, 1913. 710 p. 12 pis. 123 figs. 4. 1913.1 - Neue Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Susswasserfische von Celebes. Bij dr. Dierk. Amsterdam, 1913, 197-213. 8 figs. 1913.2 Susswasserfische aus Nieder- landisch Slid- und Nord-Neu-Guinea (In Nova Guinea. Resultats de 1' Expe- dition Scientifique Neerlandaise a la Nouvelle-Guinee. Zoologie, vol. ix, livr. 4, p. 513-613. 3 pis. Leide, 1913. 4) . 1913.3 Weber, Max (Carl Wilhelm], & Beaufort, L. F. de. The fishes of the Indo-Australian archipelago. 3 vols. Leiden, 1911-16. 8. 1911.1 Vol. i. Index of the ichthyological -papers of P. Bleeker [Index bibliographicus et index generum et specierum] 1911. 410 p. 2 figs. Vol. ii. Malacopterygii, Myctophoidea, Os- tariophysi (Siluroidea) 1913. 404 p. 149 pis. Vol. iii. I. Ostariophysi. II. Cyprinoidea, Apodes, Synbranchi. Leiden, 1916. 455 p. 214 figs. This is the most comprehensive account of the fishes of the Indo-Australian region which has been published. - Contributions to the knowledge of Indo-Australian fishes. Verh. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1912, 17, no. 3, 1-21. fig. 1912.1 - Die Fische (In A. Maass. Dutch Zentral-Sumatra,* vol. ii, p. 1-20. Leipzig, 1912) 1912.2 - Over de zoetwatervisschen van Timor en Babber. Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1912, 133-138. Proc. Sci. Akad. Wet. Am- sterdam, 1912, 15, 235-240. 1912.3 Ueber neue Fische von Neu- Kaledonien. Zool. Anz., 1913, 42, 172- 174. 1913.1 Weber, Max [Carl Wilhelm}, Nus- baum, Jozef, & Karsten, G. See Nusbaum, Karsten & Weber. Webster, William Henry Bayley. Narrative of a voyage to the southern Atlantic ocean, in ... 1828-1830 . . . in H. M. S. " Chanticleer," etc. 2 vols. London, 1834. illust. 8. 1834.1 Wedd, C. B. Carboniferous rocks, fossils and fossiliferous horizons (In Pocock, T. I. The geology of the coun- try around Macclesfield, Congleton, WEE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 611 Crewe and Middlewich. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, London, 1906, 110, 16-17; 47-48) 1906.1 Wedderburn, John Wallis, Jones, John Matthew, & Hurdis, J. L. See Jones, Wedderburn & Hurdis. Weddige, Castrating fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 59-61. 1882.1 Wedl, Carl. Ueber die Blasenzellge- webeswiirmer der Grundel (Cyprinus gobio) Ber. Mitth. Freund. Naturw. Wien, 1846-47, 2, 488-491. 1846.1 - Filarien im Blute der Grundel (Cyprinus gobio) Ber. Mitth. Freund. Naturw. Wien, 1848, 4, 149-151. 1848.1 - Ueber die Structur der Sclero- tica bei einigen Vogeln, Fischen und den Froschen. Ber. Mitth. Freund. Naturw. Wien, 1848, 4, 470-472. 1848.2 Weed, Alfred C. Notes on the fishes of the district of Columbia and vicinity. Journ. Washington Acad. Sci., 1912, 2, 93. 1912.1 Weed, Alfred C., & Bean, Barton A. Sec Bean & Weed. Weeden, William B. Economic and social history of New England, 1620- 1789. 2 vols. Boston, 1890. 1890.1 Contains an account of the fisheries of New England. Weeger, Emil. The aquarium, a school for anglers. Fish and fishing in China. Fish. Gazette, 1879, 3, 549- 551. 1879.1 - Aufzucht der Salmonidenbrut und Ziichtung von Krebstierchen und Insektenlarven. Briinn, 1900. 1900.1 Weeks, Fred Boughton [1864] Bibliography and index of North Amer- ican geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1892 and 1893. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1896, no. 130. 210 p. 1896.1 - Bibliography and index of North American geology, paleontology, pe- trology and mineralogy for 1894. Bull. U, S. Geol. Surv. 1896, no. 135. 141 p. 1896.2 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1895. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1896, no. 146. 130 p. 1896.3 The last part was compiled in association with J. M. Nickles, by whom the work was carried on. - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1896. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1897, no. 149. 152 p. 1897.1 - Bibliography of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1897. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1898, no. 156. 130 p. 1898.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrol and mineralogy for 1898. Bull. U. Geol. Surv., 1899, no. 162. 163 p. 1899.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1899. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1900, no. 172. 141 p. 1900.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1892-1900, inclusive. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1902, no. 188. 717 p. 1902.1 - Bibliography of North American geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1901. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1902, no. 203. 144 p. 1902.2 - Index to North American geol- ogy, paleontology, petrology and min- eralogy for 1892-1900, inclusive. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1902, no. 189. 337 p. 1902.3 - North American geologic forma- tion names, bibliography, synonymy and distribution. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1902, no. 191. 448 p. 1902.4 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1902. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1903, no. 221. 200 p. 1903.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1903. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1904, no. 240. 243 p. 1904.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for 1904. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1905, no. 271. 218 p. 1905.1 - Bibliography of North Ameri- can geology, paleontology, petrology and mineralogy for the years 1901- 1905, inclusive. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1906, no. 301. 770 p. 1906.1 Weeks, Fred Boughton, & Nickles, John N. Bibliography of North 612 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WEE Weeks & Nickles. American geology for 1906 and 1907. Bull. U. S. Geol. Surv., 1908, no. 372. 317 p. 1908.1 Similar bibliographies for the years 1908- 1916 are continued by J. N. Nickles alone. References to publications on American fossil fishes are included in all of them. See also the geological and palseontological bibliographies of N. H. Darton, 1896.1, O. P. Hay, 1902.1, and Warman, P. C., 1893.1, ante. Weeks, John M. History of Salis- bury, Vermont. Middlebury, 1860. 1860.1 Fishing and fish in lake Dunmore, Otter creek, and Middlebury river, p. 107-110. Wegener, Max. Die Ektoparasiten der Fische Ostpreussens. Inaug. Dis- sert. Konigsberg i. P., 1910. 97 p. 2 pis. 1910.1 - Zur Physiologic der Schwimm- blase der Fische. Zeitschr. Allgem. Physiol., 1910, 10, 249-272. 4 figs. 1910.2 Wegerland, N. Vore indsoers og elves statsoconomiske vaerd, som teldt for fiskeavl. Meddel. Corsk Jager & Fisker-Forening, Christiania, 1878, 7. Jahrg., 1-47; 101-172. 1878.1 - The economic value of the Nor- wegian lakes and rivers as a field for fish-culture. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 539-604. 1880.1 Wegner, /. E. G. Das Ende des Xiphophorus-Streites. Blatt. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 520- 521. 1913.1 Wegner, Theodor. Die Granulaten- kreide des westlichen Miinsterlandes. Fauna vertebrata. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1905, 57, 112-232. 4 pis. & 20 figs. 1905.1 Wehrli, E. Fischleben der kleinern thurgauischen Gewasser. Beitrag zu einer Fauna des Kantons Thurgau. Frauenfeld, 1892. 44 p. 8. 1892.1 Weibel, E., & Emmerich, R. See Emmerich & Weibel. Weidenbusch, H. Ueber die Ana- lyse des Fisch- und Huhner-Fleischal- bumins und eine neue Bestimmungsme- thode des Schwefels. Annal. Chemie, 1847, 61, 370-376. 1847.1 Weidmeyer, M. C. American fish, etc. A hand-book for fishing. New York, 1885. 95 p. 8. 1885.1 Weigel, J. A. V. Fauna Silesiacse prodromus. Berlin, 1806. 1806.1 Namensverzeichniss der Fische Schlesiens, p. 11. Weigelt, A. Vorschriften fiir die Entnahme und Untersuchung von Ab- waseern und Fischwassern. Berlin. 1900. 1900.1 Weigelt, Curt. Ueber Schadlichkeit der Fabrikabfliisse, insbesondere Bleiche- reien, fur die Fische. Landwirthsch. Versuchs-Stationen, 1880, 24, 424-427. 1880.1 - Die Schadigung von Fischerei und Fischzucht durch Industrie- und Hausabwasser. Arch, fiir Hyg., 1885, 3. Also separate; Berlin, 1892. 1885.1 - Die Abfalle der Seefischerei; experimentelle Untersuchungen liber deren Natur, Menge, Verarbeitung und Verwertung. Berlin, 1891. 1891.1 - Fleischgehalt der wichtigsten Marktfische. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. 1896.1 - Regeln fiir die Pflege und Er- briitung von Lachseiern und fiir das Aussetzen von Brut, nebst Vorschriften fiir die Kontrolle der Aussetzungen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 23, 50- 52. 1896.2 - Vorschriften fiir die Entnahme und Untersuchung von Abwassern und Fischwassern, aufgestellt von einer wissenschaft lichen Kommission des Deutschen Fischerei Vereins nebst Beitragen zur Beurteilung unserer natiirlichen Fischgewasser. Zeitschr. Fischerei, Berlin, 1900, 1-287. 72 figs. 1900.1 Trutta fario. Tinea tinea, Salmo fontinalis, Gasterosteus fontinalis, Esox lucius, Anguilla vulgaris, Leuciscus erythrophthalmus, Percafluvia- tilis, and Cobitis barbatula are considered. - Unsere natiirlichen Fischge- wasser, wie sie sein sollten und wie sie geworden sind, nebst einem Anhang, enthaltend Vorschriften fiir die Ent- nahme von Wasserproben fiir die Untersuchung (In Vorschriften zur Entnahme und Untersuchung von Ab- wassern und Fischwassern, etc., 1900) Stuttgart, 1902. viii, 241 p. 1902.1 - L'assainissement et le repeuple- ment des rivieres. Bruxelles, 1903. 660 p. fig. 1903.1 Weigold, H. Die deutschen Ver- suche mit gezeichneten Dorschen (Ga- dus morrhua) Wiss. Meeresunters. Kiel (Abth. Helgoland) 1912 (1913), n. s. 10, 117-140. 3 figs. 1913.1 Weijenbergh, Hendfik. SeeWeyen- bergh, Hendrik. WEI BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHKS 613 Weijland, G. J. Rapport, betreffende . 15, 2. 1915.1 Measurements of a large ex- ample of Cestracion zygoma (Linnaeus) Copeia, 1916, no. 38, 94-95. 1916.1 Welsh, W. W., & Radcliffe, L. See Radcliffe m>tcs. \Vrli. Schwci/.. Naturf. Ges. St. Gallen, 1S<><>. 62. (it). 1869.1 - Petromyzon. On the brain and the spinal-like nerves of the brain in the Ammoccetes form. Zool. Anz., 1879, 2, 589-592. 1879.1 - Das Gehirn von Ammoccetes und Petromyzon planeri mit besonde- rer Beriicksichtigung der spinalartigen Hirnnerven. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1880, 14, 1-24. Morphol. Studien (Wiedersheim), 1880, 1. Heft, 3-26. 1880.1 Das Skelet und Nervensystem von Lepidosiren annectens (Protopterus) Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1880, 14, 155- 192. 2 pis. Morphol. Studien (Wie- dersheim), 1880, 1. Heft, 43-82. 1880.2 - Die spinalartigen Hirnnerven von Ammqccetes und Petromyzon planeri. Eine Erwiederung an Herrn Prof. A. Schneider. Zool. Anz., 1880, 3, 446-449. 1880.3 Zur Histologie der Dipnoer- Schuppen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1880, 18, 122-129. pi. Also separate; Bonn, 1880. pi. 8. 1880.4 Ueber das Becken der Fische. Morphol. Jahrb., 1882, 7, 326-327. 2 figs. 1882.1 Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbeltiere. Jena, 1884. xi, 272 p. illust. 8. 1884.1 - Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbeltiere, auf Grund- lage der Entwicklungsgeschichte. 2. ed. Jena, 1886. 890 p. 614 illust. 8. 1886.1 Zur Urgeschichte der Glied- massen der Wirbelthiere. Stuttgart, 1886. 15 figs. 4. issti.'J Das Geruchsorgan der Tetro- donten nebst Bemerkungen iiber die Hautmuskulatur derselben (In Fest- schrift A. von Kolliker zur Feier seines siebenzigsten Geburtstages gewidmet von seinen Schiilern, p. 73-84. pi. Leipzig, 1887) 1887.1 On the degeneration of the olfactory organ of certain fishes. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 57. meet., 1887, 736-738. 1887.2 On the torpid state of Pro- topterus. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 57 meet., 1887, 7:-74(). 1887.3 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIE Wiedersheim, R. E. E. - Ueber rudimentare Fischnasen. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 652-657. 4 figs. 1887.4 - Zur Biologie von Protopterus. Anat. Anz., 1887, 2. Jahrg., 707-713. fig. 1887.5 Zur Urgeschichte des Beckens und iiber die Entwicklung des Schulter- und Beckenglirtels. Freiburg, 1888-89. 8. 1888.1 - Ueber die Entwicklung des Schulter- und Beckengiirtels. Anat, Anz., 1889, 4, 428-441. 1889.1 Fische, p. 428-432. - Weitere Mittheilungen iiber die Entwicklungsgeschichte des Schulter- und Beckenglirtels. Teleostier. Anat. Anz., 1890, 5. Jahrg., 13-19. figs. 1890.1 - Das Gliedmassenskelet der Wir- belthiere, mit besonderer Beriicksichti- gung des Schulter- und Beckengiirtels bei Fischen, Amphibien und Reptilien. Jena, 1892. 266 p. 17 pis. figs. 8. 1892.1 Elements of the comparative anatomy of vertebrates. Adapted from the German ... by W. N. Parker. 2. ed. London, 1897. xvi, 488 p. figs. 1897.1 Review in Nature, 1897, 58, no. 1505, 409- 410. Grundriss der vergleichenden Anatomic der Wirbelthiere. 4. ed. Jena, 1898. 559 p. pis. & 386 figs. 8. 1898.1 - Brutpflege 'bei niederen Wir- belthieren. Biol. Centralbl., 1900, 20, 304-316; 321-342. figs. 1900.1 Cure parentali nei pesci. Rivist. Biol. General., Como, 1901, 3, 102-103. 1901.1 - Nachtragliche Bemerkungen zu meinen Aufsatz iiber den Kehlkopf der Ganoiden und Dipnoer. Anat. Anz., 1904, 24, 651-652. 1904.1 - Ueber das Vorkommen eines Kehlkopfes bei Ganoiden und Dipnoern sowie iiber die Phylogenie der Lunge. Zool. Jahrb. (SuppL), 1904, 7, 1-66. 6 pis. & fig. 1904.2 Ueber den Kehlkopf der Ganoi- den und Dipnoer. Anat. Anz., 1904, 22, 522-535. 9 figs. 1904.3 - Vergleichende Anatomic der Wirbeltiere. Fur Studierende bearbei- tete 6., umgearbeitete und stark ver- mehrte Auflage des " Grundriss der ver- gleichende Anatomic der Wirbeltiere." Jena, 1906. xix, 799 p. pi. 1906.1 Wied-Neuwied, (Prince) Maximilian Alexander Philipp zu [1782-1867] Reise nach Brasilien in den Jahren 1815-1817. 2 vols. & atlas. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1820-21. must. 4 & fol. 1820.1 Translated into French by J. B. B. Eyries. 3 vols. & atlas. Paris, 1821-22. illust. 8 & fol. - Beitrage zur Naturgeschichte von Brasilien. 4 vols [in 5] Weimar, 1825-33. illust. 8. 1825.1 Vols. iii & iv are styled " 2. Abtheilung." Fishes occupy 22 pis. - Brasilien. Nachtrage, Berich- tungen und Zusatze zu der Beschreibung meiner Reise im ostlichen Brasilien. Frankfurt-a.-M., 1850. iv, 144 p. 8. 1850.1 Translated into French by J. B. B. Eyries. Francfurt-sur-le-Mein, 1853. 109 p. 8. - Berichtigende Notiz iiber die Farbung einiger Fische. Arch. Natur- gesch., 1853, 19. Jahrg., 13-16. 1853.1 - Bericht iiber die Fortschritte der Zoologie im Jahre 1834. Arch. Naturgesch., 1835, 2. Jahrg., 268. 1835.1 Wiegmann, Arend Friedrich August [1802-1841] Observationes zoologicse criticse in Aristotelis historiam anima- lium. Lipsise, 1826. 39 p. 4. 1826.1 Wiegmann, William H. Chub mackerel in Gravesend bay. Copeia, 1914, no. 11, 3. 1914.1 Wiegmann, William H., & Nichols, John Treadwell. See Nichols & Wieg- mann. Wiehle, EmiL Unser Flussaal, An- guilla anguilla L. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 591-593; 607- 610; 622-623. 3 figs. 1910.1 Wieland, G. R. The conservation of the great marine vertebrates: imminent destruction of the wealth of the seas. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1908, 425-430. 1908.1 Wiele, C. Van de. Note sur PHelico- prion et les Edestides. Bull. Soc. Beige Ge"ol., Paleont., Hydrogeol., etc., 1899, 13, 233-234. 1899.1 Wierzbowski, M. Wykaz niek- t6rych ryb znajdujcaych sie. w Prucie kolo Delatyna [List of fishes occur- ring in Prut on the Delatyn] Kosmos. Lwow. Roczn., 1880, 5, 333-335. 1880.1 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 627 Wierzejski, A . Beitrag zur Kenntnis - Bemerkung zu Dr. Riickert's Artikel iiber die Entstehung der Excre- tionsorgane bei Selachiern. Zool. Anz., 1888, 11,539-540. isss.l - Ueber die Entwicklung des Exkretionssystems und anderer Organs bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz., 1888, 3. Jahrg., 74-76. lsss.2 - Ueber die Mesodermsegmente des Rumpfes und die Entwicklung des Exkretionssystems bei Selachiern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1889, 33, 461-516. 4 pis. 1889.1 - Over de opvattung eener spi- nale zenuw als complex van twee zelfstandige zenuwen. Ver Versl. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, Wis. Nat. Afd., 1897, 5, 273-281. 1897.1 - Ueber die Beteiligung des Ekto- derms an der Bildung des Vornieren- ganges bei Selachiern. Anat. Anz. (Verh. Anat. Ges.), 1898, 14, 31-37. 7 figs. 1898.1 - Beitrage zur Anatomic der Kopf region des Amphioxus lanceolatus. Petrus Camper, 1901, 1, 109-194. 4 pis. - Ueber die Entwicklung des Kopfskeletts bei Selachiers. C. R. 6. Intern. Congr. Zool. Berne, 1904 (Seel. Vert. Anat.), 319-322. 1904.1 Die Homologisierung des Mun- des des Amphioxus und die primitive Leibesgliederung der Wirbeltiere. Pe- trus Camper, 1906, 4, 61-102. pi. 190o.l - Over de Metamorphose van Amphioxus lanceolatus. Vers. Wis.-Nat. Afd. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1913, 21, 1549-1558. Proc. Sect. Sci. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 574-583. Loss of primitive mouth. Homology with left spiracle of selachians. Studien iiber Amphioxus. I. Mund und Darmkanal wahrend der Metamorphose. Verh. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam, 1914, 2. ser. 18, no. 1. 84 p. 5 pis. 1914.2 Beschreibung der Metamorphose des Mundes und des Prosenteron. Ilio-Colonring und Ventralwartswachsen der Kiemenspalten. Tre- mostoma und Asymmetric des Prosenterons. Kolbenformige Druse und Copelatenstadtum. Amphioxus und Tunicaten aus emer gemem- samen Form mit 2 Paaren Kiementaschen hmter (1cm Mund. Wikberg, E. Om fiskeriforhallandena i trakten af Willmanstrand. Fiskeri- tidskr. Finl, 1895, 4, 14. 1895.1 628 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Wikstrom, Don Arthur. Kalojen aanesta. Valvoja, 1889, 9, 338-349. 1889.1 Engraulis encrasicholus. Med- del. Soc. Fauna Flora Fenn., 1893, 19, 2-3. 1893.1 - Ueber die Innervation und den Bau der Myomeren der Rumpfmuscula- tur einiger Fische. Anat. Anz., 1897, 13, 401-408. * 1897.1 Ueber den Bau und die Innerva- tion der Myomeren bei den Petromyzon- ten und Myxinoiden. C. R. Congr. Nat. Medecin. Nord, Helsingfors, 1903, pt. 6, 12-15. 1903.1 Wilbraham, (Sir) Richard [1811- 1900] Travels in the Trans-Caucasian provinces of Russia and along the southern shore of the lakes of Van and Urumiah in ... 1837. London, 1839. xvii, 477 p. iUust. 8. 1839.1 Wilbrand, Johann Bernhard [1779- 1846] Ueber den Thorax der Fische, und insbesondere iiber die wahren und unachten Rippen und iiber das Brust- bein derselben. Isis (Oken), 1824, 982-986. 1824.1 Ueber den Brustkasten der Fische. Isis (Oken), 1838, 575-576. 1838.1 Wilckens, Rudolf. Palaontologische Untersuchung triadischer Faunen aus der Umgebung von Predazzo in Siidtirol. Verh. Naturhist. Medicin. Ver. Heidel- berg, 1909, 10, 81-231. 4 pis. 1909.1 Wilcocks, James C. The sea-fisher- man, or fishing pilotage, comprising the chief methods of hook and line fishing in the British and other seas, and remarks on nets, boats and boating. London, 1868. 196 p. pis. 12. 1868.1 - The fish of the Channel islands. Fish. Gazette, 1877, 2, 5-6. 1877.1 - The best means of increasing the supply of mussels for bait (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 155-171. Edinburgh, 1883. 8) 1883.1 Fish baits, p. 163-165. - The history and statistics of the pilchard fishery in England (In Fish and fisheries, edited by David Herbert, p. 290-303. Edinburgh & London, 1883) 1883.2 - Improved fishery harbour ac- commodation for Great Britain and Ireland. Intern. Fisheries Exhib. Lit. London, 1883. Conferences, 9, pt. 1. If ; Seine-trawling and beam-tra\ ing in estuaries and sea-lochs in land; their advantages and disadvai tages (In Fish and fisheries, edited David Herbert, p. 280-289. Edinbi & London, 1883) Wilcox, Joseph. Fish killed by along the gulf of Mexico and coast Florida. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. If (1887), 6, 123. 1887.] Wilcox, Lander. Statement concern- ing the menhaden fishery. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 5, 431. 1879.1 Wilcox, William A. Reappearance of young cod hatched by the United States Fish Commission. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 439. 1883.1 New England fisheries from January 1 to March 31, 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 162-166. 1885.1 Also reports for the months from April to August in later pages of the same volume. - The fisheries of New Hampshire (In The fisheries and fishery industries of the United States, edited by George Brown Goode, pt. 2, p. 103-112. Wash- ington, 1887) 1887.1 A man killed by a sword-fish. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 417-418. 1887.2 New England fisheries in Sep- tember, 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1886 (1887), 6, 33-39. 1887.3 Also reports for the months from October, 1885, to December, 1886, in later pages of the same volume. - The fisheries of Gloucester, Mass., in January, 1887, with notes on those of other localities. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 68-69. 1889.1 Also reports for the months from February to June in p. 68-80 of the same volume. - Notes on the frozen herring trade with Newfoundland and the bay of Fundy during the winter of 1886-87. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 71-73. 1889.2 Commercial fisheries of Indian river, Florida. Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 249-262. pis. 1898.1 - Notes on the fisheries of the Pacific coast in 1895. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1896 (1898), 22, 575-659. 1898.2 WIL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 629 - Notes on the foreign fishery trade and local fisheries of Porto Rico. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1899 (1900), 26, 1-34. 6 pis. & fig. 1900.1 - Notes on the fisheries of the Pacific coast in 1899. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1901 (1902), 27, 501-574. 2 pis. & 19 figs. 1902.1 - The fisheries and fish trade of Porto Rico in 1902. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1902 (1903), 28, 367-395. 1903.1 - The commercial fisheries of the Pacific coast states in 1904. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1905 (1906), no. 612. 74 p. 1906.1 Wilcox, William A., Bean, Barton A., k Ever maim, Barton Warren. See Bean, Evermann & Wilcox. Wilcox, William A., & True, Freder- erick W. See True & Wilcox. Wilczewski, De cerebro Cy- prini carpionis dissertatio. Berolinum, 1837. 8. Abstract in Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1838, clii. 1838.1 Wild, Gustav. Lachse im Neckar. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 21. Jahrg., 415-416. 1896.1 - Einige Mitteilungen liber Fische und Fischerei in Heilbronn. Jahreshefte Wiirttemberg, 1903, 69, 304-314. 1903.1 Wilde, (Sir) William Robert Wills [1815-1876] Narrative of a voyage to Madeira, Teneriffe and along the snores of the Mediterranean, including a visit to Algiers, Egypt, Palestine, Tyre, Rhodes, Telmessus, Cyprus and Greece. With observations on ... the climate, natural history . . . etc., of the coun- tries visited. 2 vols. London, 1840 illust. 8. 1840. i Wilder, Burt Green [1841] For list of scientific publications, see The Wilder Quarter-century book, p. 1-8. Ithaca, N. Y., 1893. vi, 493 p. illust. 8. Beast, bird and fish. Harper's New Monthly Mag., 1869, 40, 21-31. 1869.1 How a fish swims. Scient. Amer., 1870, 22, 24. 1870.1 - Intermembral homologies. The correspondence of the anterior and posterior limbs of vertebrates. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist. 1870-71 (1872), 14, 154-232. 5 fig<. 1872.1 - Lateral position of the vent in Amphioxus and in the larvae of Rana pipiens. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 22. meet. 1873 (1874), 275-300. figs. 1X71.1 - Note on the development and homologies of the anterior brain-mass with sharks and skates. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1876, 3. ser. 12, 103-105. fig. 1876.1 - Notes on the North American ganoids, Amia, Lepidosteus, Acipenser and Polyodon. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 24. meet. 1875 (1876), pt. 2, 151- 196. 3 pis. 1876.2 - On the brains of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1876, 51-53. 1876.3 - Garpikes, old and young. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1877, 11, 1-12; 186-195. 17 figs. 1877.1 - Notes on the western mud-fish, Amia calva. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1877, 18, 337. 1877.2 On the brain of Chimcera raon- strosa. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1877, 219-250. pi. 1877.3 - On the brains of some fish-like vertebrates. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 25. meet. 1876 (1877), 257-259. 1877.4 - On the serrated appendages of the throat of Amia. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 25. meet. 1876 (1877), 259- 263. 1877.5 - On the tail of Amia. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 25. meet. 1876 (1877), 264-267. pi. 1877.6 - Sur le cerveau du Chimcera monstrosa. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 405-407. 1877.7 - Aerial respiration in the mud- fish. Proc. Boston Soc. Nat. Hist., 1878, 19, 337. 1878.1 - On a remnant of the spiracle in Amia and Lepidosteus. Amer. Natural- ist, 1878, 19, 192. 1878.2 - On the respiration of Amia. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 26. meet. 1877 (1878), 306-313. 1878.3 - Experiments antagonizing the view that the serrulae (serrated append- ages) of Amia are accessory respiratory organs. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 34. meet. 1885 (1886), 313-315. 1886.1 630 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIL Wilder, B. G. The dipnoan brain. Amer. Naturalist, 1887, 21, 544-548. 3 figs. 1887.1 - Remarks on classification of Vertebrata. Amer. Naturalist, 1887, 21, 913-917. 1887.2 - The Wilder quarter-century book: a collection of original papers dedicated to ... B. G. Wilder . . . by some of his former students. Ithaca, N Y., 1893. vi, 493 p. 28 pis. illust. 8. 1893.1 Temperature and vertebrae, a study in evolu- tion, by D. S. Jordan, p. 13-36. The lake and brook lampreys of New York, especially those of Cayuga and Seneca lakes, by S. H. Gage, p. 421-493. - The brains of various " fishes," including the rare Japanese shark, Mitsukurina. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, 268-269. 1905.1 - The conference of neurology and vertebrate zoology of Cornell University. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, no. 535, 513. 1905.2 - On the brains of Scymnus, Mitsukurina and Chlamydoselachus, with remarks upon selachian brains from standpoints mprphic, ontogenic, taxonomic, phylogenic and pedagogic. Science, 1905, n. s. 21, no. 543, 812-814. 1905.3 Some little-known shark brains, with suggestions as to methods. Science, 1907, n. s. 25, 733. 1907.1 . - - What we owe to Agassiz. Pop. Sci. Monthly, 1907, 71, 1-20. 1907.2 - The brain of Rhinochimsera. Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc., 1908, 47, 37-38. 1908.1 - The name and brain of the gar. Science, 1912, n. s. 35, 691-693. 1912.1 Wildinson, A. G. Blind salmon of the Gaspe rivers. Forest & Stream, 1874, 3, 37. 1874.1 Wildner, E. Laichgeschaft des Da- nio analipunctatus Boul. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 34-36. fig. 1912.1 - Nochmals Danio analipuncta- tus Boul. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 295-297. 1912.2 Riickschlage bezw. Veranderun- gen bei gescheckten Varietaten, im besonderen bei gescheckten Girardinus januarius und Platypcecilus maculatus var. pulchra. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 194-196. 3 figs. 1912.3 Wildwood, Will, pseudonym for Pond, F. E. Wilhelm, G. T. Unterhaltungen aus der Naturgeschichte. 27 vols. Augs- burg, 1817-24. pis. 1817.1 Fishes, vols. ix & x. 96 pis. Wilhelmi, /. Einleitung der Abwas- ser in das Meer. Wasser und Abwasser (Zentralbl. Wasserversorgung) 1911, 4, 178-195; 222-242. 1911.1 Angaben iiber Box salpa als Schmutzwasser- fisch und die mogliche Verwendung der Gattung Box zur Abwasserreinigung. Wilkins (junior), J. T. The fisheries of the Virginia coast. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1894), 13, 355-356. 1894.1 Wilkins, S., & Eoltou, T. The Mid- land naturalist. Birmingham Nat. Hist. Micr. Soc., 1881. figs. 1881.1 Wilkins, S. A. Fresh fish in salt water. Chicago Field, 1878, 9, 404. 1878.1 Will (pseudon.) California salmon for Tennessee. Forest & Stream, 1879, 12, 105. 1879.1 - The basses of Tennessee. Forest & Stream, 1880, 15, 129. 1880.] Will, - - Die Fischerei und ihre Bedeutung fur den Forstmann. Forst- wiss. Centralbl., 1911, 55. Jahrg., 318- 330. 1911.1 Willard, W. A. A double embryo of the spiny dogfish (Squalus acanthias) Anat. Record, 1915, 9, 140. 1915.1 Willcox, M. A. Notes on the occip- ital region of the trout, Trutta fario. Zool. Bull., Boston, 1899, 2, 151-154. fig. 1899.1 Willebrand, Knut Felix von. En p Aland upptradande fisksjukdom. Oef- vers. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forh., 1864, 6, 24. 1864.1 - Om fisklefveroljans fysikaliska egenskaper. Oefvers. Finsk. Vet. Soc. Forh., 1866, 8, 49-50. 1866.1 Willem, V., & Schoenlein, K. See Schoenlein & Willem. Willemoes-Suhm, Rudolf von [1847- 1875] Ueber einige Minister' sche Fisch- Spezies. Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 1868, 831-833. 1868.1 - Ueber Ccelacanthus und einige verwandte Gattungen. Palaeontogra- WIL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 631 phica 1867-70 (1869), 17, pt. 2, 73-88. - Xoues Jahrb. Mineral., 1870, 659. Verb. Geol. Reichsanst. Wien, 1869, 399-400. 2 pis. 1869.1 - [Bemerkungen zu Huxley's Be- schreibung von Ccelacanthen-Restenj Xeties Jahrb. Mineral., 1870, 211-212. 1870.1 - On Ccelacanthus. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc. London, 1870, 26, pt. 2, 12. 1870.2 - Von der " Challenger "-Expedi- tion. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1875, 26, 4. Heft, Ixxvii-xcvi. 1875.1 Willequet, E. Fish-culture in Bel- gium. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 218-220. 1883.1 - Fish-culture in Belgium. Pro- posed government action. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883, 3, 437-439. 1883.2 Wilier, A. Bandwurmseuche (Ligu- losis) der Brachsen oder Bleie (Abramis brama) [n. pi.] 1912. 2 pis. 1912.1 Willett, Henry [ 1905] Catalogue of the Cretaceous fossils in the Brighton Museum. Presented by H. Willett. Brighton, 1871. 66 p. 8. 1871.1 Willey, Aron, & Mitchill, Samuel Latham. See Mitchill & Willey. Willey, Arthur [1867 ] The later larval development of Amphioxus. New York, 1891. 3 pis. 1891.1 - Amphioxus and the ancestry of the vertebrates. New York, 1894. xiv, 316 p. illust. 8 (Columbia Universitv biological series, no. 2) 1894.1 With bibliography. Preface by H. F. Osborn- - Zoological observations in the south Pacific. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1896, 39, 219-231. pi. Abstract in Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc. London, 1897, pt. 4, 275-276. 1896.1 - Remarks on some recent work on the Protochorda, with a condensed account of some fresh observations on the Enteropneusta. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1899, n. s. 42, 223-224. 3 figs. 1899.1 - Dolichorhynchus indicus, n. g., n. sp. A new acraniate. Quart. Journ. .Micr. Sci., 1901, 2. ser. 44, 269-271. 2 figs. 1901.1 - The mahseer and the murrel in Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 1903, 1, 19-22. fig. 1903.1 - Constitution of the fauna of Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 1904, 1, 1-13. 1904.1 - Leaf-mimicry. Spolia Zeylan- ica, 1904, 2, 51-55. fig. Abstract in Nature, 80, 247. 1904.2 Mimicry of Platax vespertilio. - A guide to the collections in the Colombo museum. Spolia Zeylanica, 1906, 3, 1-66. 1906.1 Fishes, p. 44-46. - [Review of] Dr. Richard Gold- schmidt's monograph of Amphioxides. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1906, 2. ser. 60, 581-597. 7 figs. 1906.2 - Fisheries of New South Wales. Spolia Zeylanica, 1908, 6, 188-190. 1908.1 - Fishery observations. Spolia Zeylanica, 1908, 6, 144-152. pi. 1908.2 - Rhynchobdella aculeata in Cey- lon. Nature, 1908, 77, 345. 1908.3 Observations on the nests, eggs and larvae of Ophiocephalus striatus. Spolia Zeylanica, 1909, 6, 108-123. 2 pis. & fig. 1909.1 : The occurrence of Solenostoma [S. laciniatum] off the coast of Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 1909, 6, 102-107. pi. & 2 figs. 1909.2 Notes on the freshwater fisher- ies of Ceylon. Spolia Zeylanica, 1910, 7, 88-105. 2 pis. & 3 figs. 1910.1 Willey, Arthur, & Lankester, (Sir) Edwin Ray. See Lankester & Willey. Willey, Day Allen. The salmon fish- eries of the northwest. Scient. Amer., 1905, 93, 462-463. 4 figs. 1905.1 William of Rubruk, (Friar) [also called Rubruquisj The journal of Friar William de Rubruqtus (In The travels of Sir John Mandeville, p. 261- 325. London, 1915) 1915.1 See also notes under Mandeville, Sir John, 1916.1, and Odoric of Pordenone, 1916.1, supra. Williams, - Florida, with sketches of the natural history. New York, 1839. 3 pis. 8. 1839.1 Williams, Archibald. Book of the sea. New York, 1916. 8. 1916.1 This book considers the' world's fisheries, among other topics relating to the sea, such as ocean depths, tides, currents, temperature, etc. Williams, (Rev.) David. On the dU- covery of the remains of fishes at the base of the Mountain Limestone in the 632 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIL Williams, D. vicinity of Bristol. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 12. meet., 1842, pt. 2, 60-61. 1842.1 - The maigre (Sticena aquila) in Carmarthen. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 8771 1863.1 Williams, Griffith. An account of the island of Newfoundland, with the nature of its trade, and method of carry- ing on the fishery, with reasons for the great increase of that most valuable branch of trade. London, 1766. 8. 1766.1 Williams, Henry Shaler [1847] Notes on some fish-remains from the Upper Devonian rocks in New York State. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 30. meet. 1881 (1882), 192-193. 1882.1 Describes Dipterus ithacensis. - On the plates of Holonema rugosa. Proc. Amer. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 39. meet. 1890 (1891), 337. 1891.1 On the ventral plates of the carapace of the genus Holonema of Newberry. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1893, 3. ser. 46, 285-288. figs. 1893.1 Williams, Herbert Upham. Notes on the fossil fishes of the Genesee and Portage black shales. Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci., 1886, 5, 81-84. pi. 1886.1 Williams, Roger [c. 1600-1684] Of fish and fishing in New England. Re- printed in Coll. Rhode Island Hist. Soc., 1827, 1, and in Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 164. 1873.1 The native Indian names of various fishes are given. See also Trumbull, J. H., 1873.1, supra. Williams, R. P. On the spawn of the salmon. Nat. Hist. Review, 1853-54, 1, 157-158. 1853.1 Williams, Samuel. The natural and civil history of Vermont. Walpole, N. H., 1794. 416 p. 12. 1794.1 2. ed. 2 vols. Boston, 1809. 12. Fisheries, p. 120-125; 135. Williams, Stephen Riggs [1870 ] The changes in the facial cartilaginous skeleton of the flat-fishes, Pseudopleuro- nectes americanus and Bothus maculatus. Science, 1901, n. s. 13, 378-379. 1901.1 Changes accompanying the mi- gration of the eye and observations on the tractus opticus and tectum opticum in Pseudopleuronectes americanus. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. Cambridge, 1902, 40, 1-57. 5 pis. & 7 figs. 1902.1 Williams, W. L. On a specimen of sunfish captured at Poverty bay. Proc. Trans. New Zealand Inst., 1893, 25, 110-111. pi. 1893.1 Williamson, E. B. Fishes taken near Salem, Ohio. Ohio Naturalist, 1901, 2, 165-166. 1901.1 Williamson, E. B., & Osburn, Ray- mond C. See Osburn & Williamson. Williamson, E. B., Parker, J. B., & Osburn, Raymond C. See Parker, Williamson & Osburn. Williamson, H. Proeven omtrent den Gymnotus electricus of den electri- schen aal. Verh. Holl. Maatsch. Wet. Haarlem, in. d.] 17, 201-221. Williamson, Henry Charles. Inves- tigations into the structure and develop- ment of the scales and bones of fishes [Edinburgh] 1850. 4 pis. 4. 1850.1 - On the rate of growth of certain inarine food-fishes. 11. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1893, 265-273. 1893.1 On the anatomy of the pectoral arch of the grey gurnard (Trigla gur- nardus] with special reference to its innervation. 12. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1894, 322-332. 4 pis. 1894.1 List of the pelagic ova, larvae and young fishes procured by the S. S. " Garland " and boat " Dalhousie " in 1894-1895. 13. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1895, 258-270. 1895.1 On the reproduction of the eel. 13. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1895, pt. 3, 192-219. 1895.2 - On the variation in size of certain pelagic ova. 13. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1895, 271-275. 1895.3 - Note on the stomachs and re- productive organs in a sea trout and 6 herrings caught (July 9, 1895) 28 miles off Montrose. 14. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1896. 1896.1 - Report . . . on the life-history of the eel and on the absorption of the yolk in pelagic teleostean ova. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 66. meet., 1897, 479-481. 1897.1 - Notes on some points in teleos- tean development. 16. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1898, pt. 3, 211-218. 2 pis. 1898.1 - On the pelagic fish-eggs and larvae of loch Fyne. 17. Ann. Rept. WIL BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 633 Fishery Board Scotland, 1899, 79-131. 5 pis. 1899.1 - On the mackerel of the east and west coasts of Scotland. 18. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1900, 294-329. 3 figs. 1900.1 - A comparison between the cod (Gadus callarias Linn.), the saithe (G. rircnx Linn.), and the lythe (G. pollachius Linn.), in respect to certain external and osteological characters. 20. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1902, pt. 3, 228-287. 8 pis. 1902.1 - On the postlarval and early young stages of the witch (Pleuronectes cynoglossus Linn.) 22. Ann. Kept. Fish- ery Board Scotland, 1904, pt. 3, 270- 273. pi. 1904.1 - On the specific characters of (i ad us luscus, Gadus minutus and Gadus (xntarkii. 24. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1906, pt. 3, 116-158. 3 pis. & 22 tables. 1906.1 - On two cases of hermaphro- ditism in the cod (Gadus callarias) 24. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1906, pt. 3, 290-292. 2 pis. 1906.2 On the specific characters of the haddock (Gadus ceglefinus Linn.) whiting (Gadus merlangus Linn.) Gadus pou- /o.s.srm Risso; Gadus -argenteus Guiche- not; Gadus saida Lepechin; Gadus ogac Richardson; Gadus navaga Kcelreuter; with a key to the species of Gadus found northern waters. 26. Ann. Rept. Fishery 97-134. Board Scotland, 1909, 6 pis. & diagram. pt, 3, 1909.1 - Experiments to show the in- fluence of cold in retarding the develop- ment of the eggs of the herring (Clupea harengus L.) plaice (Pleuronectes pla- tessa L.) and haddock (Gadus ceglefi- nus L.) 27. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1910, pt. 3, 100-128. pi. 1910.1 On the herrings of the Clyde and other districts. 27. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1910, pt, 3, 13-67. 1910.2 - The retardation of the develop- ment of the ova of the herring. Rept. Fisheries Board Sci. Invest., Glasgow, 1910, no. 2, 1-12. pi. - Experiment in retarding the development of the eggs of the herring. 28. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1911, pt. 3, 16-23. pi. 1911.1 - Notes on the e^s of the angler (Lophius fH.xcdtoriux) halibut (///. /;/>- glossus vulgaris) Conger vulgaris and tusk (Brosmius brosme), a young Arno- glossus sp.; abnormalities in Lophius, Gadus, Raia: diseases in Gadus, Pleuronectes, Onos, Zoarces; occurrence of Himantolophus rheinhardti, and Clu- pea pilchardus; the effectiveness of a seine-trawl in a small pond. 28. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1911, pt. 3, 46-67. 5 pis. 1911.2 - Report on diseases and ab- normalities in fishes. Rept. Fisheries Board Sci. Invest,, Glasgow, 1911, no. 2,3-39. 8 pis. 1911.3 - Report on the reproductive organs of Sparus centrodontus Defa- roche; Sparus cantharus L., Sebastes marinus (L.) and Sebastes dactylopterus (Delaroche), and on the ripe eggs and larvae of Sparus centrodontus and Sebastes marinus. Rept. Fisheries Board Sci. Invest., Glasgow 1910 (1911), no. 1. 35 p. 5 pis. 1911.4 - On the eggs of certain skates (Raia) Rept. Fisheries Board Sci. Invest., Glasgow, 1912, no. 1. 6 p. 5 pis. 1912.1 - A short resume of the researches into the European races of herrings and the method of investigation. Fisheries Scotland Sci. Invest., 1914, no. 1. 22 p. 7 figs. 1914.1 Williamson, Henry Charles, & Tosh, J. R. List of some pelagic ova, larvae and young fishes obtained by the S. S. " Garland " and boat " Dalhousie " in 1894. 12. Ann. Rept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1894, 12, pt. 3, 298-301. 1894.1 Williamson, tfugh [1735-1819] Ex- periments and observations on the Gymnotus electricus or electrical eel. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1775, 65, pt. 1, 94-107. 1775.1 Williamson, William Crawford [1816-1895] On the affinity of some fossil scales of fish from the Lancashire Coal Measures with those of the recent Salmonicte. London & Edinburgh Phil. Mag. & Journ. Sci., 1837, 3. ser. 11, 300-301. pi. 1837.1 On fossil fishes in the Lan- cashire coal field. Proc. Geol. Soc. / London, 1838, 2, 571-572. Phil. Mag., London, 3. ser. 12, 86. 1838.1 A notice on the fossil fishes of v the Yorkshire and Lancashire coalfields. 634 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIL Williamson, W. C. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1842, 3, 153- 154. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 4, 459- 460. 1842.1 - On the microscopic structure of the scales and dermal teeth of some / ganoid and placoid fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, 1849, 435-475. 4 pis. 1849.1 Sur la structure microscopique des e*cailles et des dents dermales de quelques poissons ganoides et placoi'des. L'Institut, 1850, 18, no. 847, 102-103. 1850.1 - Investigations into the structure and development of the scales and bones of fishes. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lon- don, 1851, 643-702. 1851.1 Willis, Bailey [1857 ] Index to the stratigraphy of North America, accom- panied by a geologic map of North America. U. S. Geol. Survey, Profess. Paper 71, Washington, 1912. 894 p. & map. fol. 1912.1 A useful reference work in connection with American fossiliferous horizons and formation names. Willis, H. Shad fisheries of the Susquehanna river fifty-six years ago. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 261-263. 1882.1 Willis-Bund, John William. Salmon problems. London, 1885. vi, 215 p. 12. 1885.1 Contains considerable matter relative to the natural history of the salmon. - The influence of weather on the migration of fish. Journ. Nat. Fish- Cult. Assoc., 1887, 1, 26-34. 1887.1 - A handy book of fishery manage- ment. London, 1899. xii, 280 p. 12. 1899.1 - Fishes (In his Victoria history of the county of Worcester, vol. i, p. 131-136. London, 1901) 1901.1 - The migration of salmon as affected by the changed condition of the river Severn. Verh. 5. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, 986-989. 1902.1 - Salmon migration. C. .R. 6. Congr. Intern. Zool. Berne 1904 (1905), 698-702. 1905.1 Williston, Samuel Wtndall [1852 ] For list of scientific publications, see Bibliography of Samuel Wendall Willis- ton. New Haven, 1911. 19 p. 8. New or little-known extinct vertebrates. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1894, 3, 165-176. Abstract by M. Schlosser. Arch. Anthrop., 26, 183. 1894.1 - Vertebrate remains from the lowermost Cretaceous. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1894, 3, 1-4. pi. 1894.2 - Notice of some vertebrate re- mains from the Kansas Permian. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1897, 6, 53-56. 2 figs. Science, n. s. 5, 395. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci., 16, 120-122. 1897.1 A new genus of fishes from the Niobara Cretaceous. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1899, 8, 113-115. pi. 1899.1 - A new species of Sagenodus from the Kansas Coal Measures. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1899, 8, 175-181. 4 pis. 1899.2 - Cretaceous fishes [of Kansas] Selachians and pycnodonts. Univ. Geol. Surv. Kansas, 1900, 6, 237-256. 8 pis. 1900.1 This is a reprint of " Some fish-teeth from the Kansas Cretaceous." Some fish-teeth from the Kansas Cretaceous. Kansas Univ. Quarterly, 1900,9,27-42. 9 pis. 1900.2 - [Review of] Grundziige der Palaontologie. Von Karl A. von Zittel. II. Abteilung. Vertebrata. Journ. Geol., 1912, 20, 91-93. 1912.1 Williston, S. W., & Case, E. C. The Permo-Carboniferous of northern New Mexico. Journ. Geol., 1912, 20, 1-12. 2 figs. 1912.1 Willkommen, Heinrich Moritz [1821-1895] Spanien und die Balearen. Reiseerlebnisse und Naturschilderungen, nebst wissenschaftlichen Zusatzen und Erlauterungen . . . Neue Ausgabe. Berlin, 1879. x, 350 p. illust. 8. 1879.1 Wills, L. /., & Smith, W. Campbell. Notes on the flora and fauna of the Upper Keuper Sandstones of Warwick- shire and Worcestershire. Geol. Mag., 1913, 5. ser. 10, 461-462. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 83. meet., 1914, 475- 478. 1913.1 Willughby, Francis [1635-1672] I [-X] Tabula . . . Pisces ex Raii em en- data ichthyologia Willughbeii forma minori descripti, etc. Augusta Vindeli- corum, 1789. fol. 1789.1 The engraved title-page to the plates of Willughby's Historia Piscium is also reproduced in miniature with the legend altered to read, " F. Willughbeii Ichthyographia. Totum opus recognovit, coaptavit, supplevit J. Ray . . . WIL BIBLIOGRAPHY .OF FISIIKS <:$;> 1586. Nunc forma effigies edidit negotium Acad. Csesareo Francisco cum nit ia <>t privilegio. S. C. Mcy. Aug. Vind., A. D. 1786." An original plate hy ' KirAchner representing " Ein . . . rarer Fisch " is included at the end. Willumsen, Peter Jonassen. Fra orpsmul [Hornfisks og makrels aftagem Fiskoritid. Finl., 1882, 17-19. 1882.1 Om aalen. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Mcdlemsbl., 1892, 1. Jahrg., 1-4; 13-17; 30-32; 42-45; 50-53. 1892.1 Om " fiskeperioder " Dansk Fis- keriforen. Medlemsbl., 1892, 1. Jahrg., 249-251; 266-268. 1892.2 - Forskellige slags aaleyngel. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlemsbl., 1895, 4. Jahrg., 414-415. 1895.1 Om aaleudssetning i gurresoen. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlembsbl., 1897, 6. Jahrg., 361-363; 369-370. 1897.1 " Kortsnudede " torsk. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlemsbl., 1901, 10. Jahrg., 511. 1901.1 - Lidt om fiskenes klogskab. Dansk Fiskeriforen. Medlemsbl., 1901, 10 Jahrg., 229-232. Lystfiskeritid., 1901, no. 82, 651-654. 1901.2 Wilmot, Samuel Artificial hatching of whitefish. Forest & Stream, 1875, 6, 259. 1875.1 Aquiculture and fish protection. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1875 (1876), 23-34. 1876.1 The spawning season for black Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 195. 1876.2 California salmon in lake On- tario. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 419. 1877.1 Canadian fish-culture. Trans. \rner. Fisheries Soc. 1877 (1878), 50-59. 1878.1 Notes on the western gizzard shad, Dorosoma cepedianum heterurum (Raf.) Jordan. Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 1878, 1, 263-264. Smithson. Misc. Coll., 1880, 19, art. 1. 1880.1 - Unsuccessful transportation of California salmon eggs. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1878 (1880), 6, 755. 1880.2 Introduction of California salmon into Ontario, with remarks on the disappearance of Maine salmon from that province. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 347-349. Remarks on the scarcity of male and grilse salmon in the rivers of Ontario, Canada. Bull. U. S. Fi-h Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 379-381. issj 2 Wilms, Max. Ueber die Derm id- system und Teratome, etc. Deutsches. Arch. Klin. Med., 1895, 55, 1-108. 1895.1 Wilmsem, Fr. Ph. VoUstandi^- Handbuch der Naturgeschichtc fiir dir Jugend und ihre Lehrer; zweite Vieur et moyen du Limbourg. Arch. Mus. Teyler, Haarlem, 1880, 5, 73-84. 1880.4 Winkles, Gersham H. On the exist- ence of trimethylamine in the brine of salted herrings. Quart. Journ. Chem. Soc. London, 1855, 7, 63-67. Journ. Prak. Chem., 64, 87-90. Journ. de Pharm. Sci., 28, 157-159. Annal. Chem. Phar., 93, 321-329. 1855.1 Winslow, G. M. The chondrocra- nium of the Ichthyopsida. Bull. Essex Inst., Salem, 1898, 28, 87-140. pi. - Studies Biol. Lab. Tufts College, no. 5, 147-200. 4 pis. 1898.1 640 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIN Winslow, George, & Winslow, Samuel H. See Winslow, Samuel H., & Winslow, George. Winslow, Samuel H., & Winslow, George. Condition of the shore fisheries of Massachusetts and Rhode Island in 1871. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 45. 1873.1 Winter, Fritz. Die Susswasserfische von Mitteleuropa und ihre Krankheiten. Ber. Senckenberg. Naturf. Ges. Frank- furt-a.-M., 1904, 100-102. 1904.1 Winter, Fr. W. Die Drehkrankheit der Regenbogenforelle. Wochenschr. Naturw., 1905, 4, 4. 1905.1 Winter, Fr. W., & Hein, W. See Hein & Winter. Winter, John Garrett (editor) The Prodromus of Nicolaus Steno's disserta- tion concerning a solid body enclosed by process of nature within a solid. An English version with an introduction and explanatory notes. Univ. of Mich- igan Studies, Humanistic series, 1916, 11,169-283. 9 pis. 1916.1 Contains an English rendering of the Pro- dromus, together with a bibliography of the same and list of published writings of Steno, also his biography. References to fossil fishes occur, and glossopetrge are rightly interpreted as fossil sharks' teeth. Winterbotham, W. An historical, geographical, commercial and philosoph- ical view of the United States. 4 vols. London, 1795. New York, 1796. 1795.1 Vol. ii, p. 116-118, contains a short article on the cod fishery. Winterstein, Hans. Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Fischatmung. Arch. Ges. Physiol., 1908, 125, 73-98. 2 figs. 1908.1 Winther, Georg Peter [1844-1879] Bidrag til fiskeskjaeltaendernes mor- phologi og udviklingshistorie. Natur- hist. Tidsskr. Kjobenhavn, 1872-73, 8, 527-544. 1872.1 Bidrag til kundskab om fiskeriet ved torbaek. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1874, 1. Jahrg., 271-335. 1874.1 Om bugfinnernes bygning hos vore pandserkindede og kutlingagtige fiske. Naturhist. Tidsskr. Kjobenhavn, 1874, 9, 133-180. 1874.2 ^ Om de danske fiske af slaegten Gobius. Naturhist. Tidsskr. Kjoben- havn, 1874, 3. ser. 9, 191-226. Ibid., 1877, 11, 41-56. 1874.3 - Udvendige smagspapiller hos Gobius niger Schoner. Naturhist. Tids- skr. Kjobenhavn, 1874, 3. ser. 9, 181- 190. figs. 1874.4 Bidrag til kundskab om fiskeriet i Store Belt. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1875. 2. Jahrg., 193-252; 283-312. Ibid., 1876, 3. Jahrg., 305-353. 1875.1 - Fiskenesansigt: en comparativ- anatomisk undersegelse. Naturhist. Tidsskr. Kjobenhavn, 1875, 3. ser. 10, 107-210; 253-268. Ibid., 1877, 11, 267-478. 1875.2 Beretning om et assurance- selskab mettem fiskerne ved store belt. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1876, n. s. 3. Jahrg., 20-37. 1876.1 Bidrag til kundskab om fiskeriet i Store Belt. Nord. Tiddskr. Fiskeri, 1876, 3. Jahrg., 305-353. 1876.2 Et bidrag til oplysning om sundets silderacer (Clupea harengus) Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1876, 3. Jahrg., 2-19. 1876.3 Sur la face des poissons. Ab- stract in Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1877, 6, 136-139. 1877.1 Bidrag til kundskab om fiskeriet 1 farvandet imellem Jylland, Fyen og Sjsellaad. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1878, 4. Jahrg., 289-347. Ibid., 1879, 5. Jahrg., 10-40; 81-119. 1878.1 On the races of herring observed in the sound. Extract of a paper in the Nordisk Tidsskr. Fiskeri, Copenhagen, 1876. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1878, 5. ser. 1, 295-297. 1878.2 - Prodromus ichthyologiae danicse marinse. Fortegnelse over de i de danske farvande hidtil fundne fiske. Naturhist. Tidsskr. Kjobenhavn, 1879- 80, 12, 1-68. 1879.1 - Fishes (In Schiedte, J. C. Zoologia Danica, 2. ed., vol. ii, p. 1-26. 2 vols. Kjobenhavn, 1882. 4) 1882.1 Winthrop, John. History of New England, from 1630 to 1649. 2 vols. Boston, 1825. 1825.1 Contains an account of New England fish- eries. Wintrebert, P. Sur la premiere circulation veineuse du cyprin dore (Carassius auratus L.) C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, 1908, 147, 85-87. 1908.1 Le de'terminisme de Teclosion chez le cyprin dore (Carassius auratus WIT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 641 L.) C. R. Mem. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1912, 73, 70-73. 1912.1 - Le mecanisme de Te'closion chez la truite arc-en-ciel. C. R. Me*m. Soc. Biol. Paris, 1912, 72, 724-727. 1912.2 Winwood, Henry Hoyte. Charles Moore . . . and his work, by H. H. Winwood; with a list of the fossil types and described specimens in the Bath MiiM'iim by E. Wilson. Proc. Bath Nat. Hist, Antiq. Field Club, 1892, 7. 64 p. 1892.1 - List of British Triassic fossils in the Moore collection, Bath Museum. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 75. meet., 1905, 161. 1905.1 Wirth, Ferdinand. Ergebnisse in einer Fischzuchtanstalt und Erfah- rungen iiber die Ernahrung der Fische. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1871. no. 7, 48-53. 1871.1 - Etwas iiber zwei Fischbrutan- stalten und ihre Erfolge. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1893, 1, 269; 287. Ibid., 1894, 2, 29. Also separate; Pfaffikon-Ziiriph, 1893-94. 6 p. 8. 1893.1 Wirth, J. G. Der praktische Fische- rei Betrieb. 2. ed. Leipzig, 1862. 134 p. 8. 1862.1 Wirth, M. Anleitung zum Betriebe derFischzucht. Stuttgart, 1863. 163 p. 8. 1863.1 Wirz, Ad., & Lang, Franz Vincenz. See Lang & Wirz. Wispauer, Jos. Der sommerlai- chende Saibling [Salmo salvelinus] des Konigsees. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 349-350. 1880.1 Ueber Fischcultur. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 137-138. 1880.2 Wissenbach, Schnellwuch- sigkeit der Forelle bei Nahrungsfiille. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 79. 1880.3 Witchell, Charles A., & Strugnell, W. B. The fauna and flora of Glouces- tershire. Stroud, 1892. 310 p. 8. 1892.1 Withe, G. F., & Slyke, D. D. van. See Slyke & Withe. Witthalm, L. Eigenschaften und Fang der Schleihe [Tinea vulgaris] und der Barbe [Barbus fluviatilis] Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 157-158; 165. 1880.1 Wittich, Ernst. IY1>(T IHMIC Fische aus dem Mitteloligocanen Meeressand des Mainzer Beckens. Notizbl. Ver. Geol. Erdk. Darmstadt, 1897, 4. ser. 18, 43-19. pi. Ibid., 1898, 19, 34- 49. pi. 1897.1 Beitrage zur Kenntnis der Mes- seler Braunkohle und ihrer Fauna. Abh. Grossherz. Hess. Geol. Landesanst. Darmstadt, 1898, 3, 79-147. 2 pis. 1898.1 Neue Fische aus den Mitte- loligocanen Meeressanden des Mainzer Beckens. Notizbl. Ver. Geol. Erdk. Darmstadt, 1900, 4. ser. 21, 19-29. pi. 1900.1 Wittich, Wilhelm Heinrich von [1821-1884] Ueber den Metallglanz der Fische. Arch. Anat. Physiol. (Miiller), 1854, 265-269. 1854.1 Wittig, F. Laichakt und Entwick- lung von Panzerwels (Corydoras mar- moratus) Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10. Jahrg., 286-288'. 4 figs. 1913.1 - Xenomystus nigri. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 10 Jahrg., 409-411. fig. 1913.2 Witting, E. Nanostomus eques. Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 8. Jahrg., 363-365. 2 figs. 1911.1 Wittmack, Max Carl Ludurig [1839 ] Beitrage zur Fischerei-Statistik des deutschen Reichs, Oesterreich und der Schweiz. Berlin, 1875. 4. 1875.1 - Bericht iiber die Fischerei auf der Wiener Weltausstellung 1873. Cir- cul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1874 (1875), no. 2, 43-62. 1875.2 - Karte iiber die Verbreitung einiger wichtiger Fische im Deutschen Reich und in Theilen der angrenzenden Lander. Berlin, 1875. 1875.3 Ueber die verschiedene Zusam- mensetzung der Luft in der Schwimm- blase der Fische bei verschiedenen Tiefen Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver. 1875 (1876), no. 7, 387-388. 1876.1 Wissenschaftliche Untersuchun- gen und Literatur [of fisheries] Ann. Ber Intern. Fischerei Ausstell. Berlin 1880 (1881), 6. 1881.1 Wittwer, Wilhelm Constant [1822 ] A. von Humboldt. Sein wissen- schaftliches Leben und Werken, den Freunden der Naturwissenschaften dar- 642 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WIT Wittwer, W. C. gestellt. Leipzig, 1861. xiv, 440 p. illust. 8. 1861.1 Issued as a supplement to the " Brief e iiber A. von Humboldt's Kosmos," by B. von Cotta and others. Wittzack, J. C. A. De piscium cere- bro et sistemate nervoso. Inaug. Dis- sert. Berolini, 1817. 8. 1817.1 Wix, Henry. On roach fishing and its peculiarities. London, 1860. 16 p. 1860.1 W61felin,L.G. AnderAdria. Sehil- derung des Inselgebietes, des Meeres und der Fischfangweisen um Lussin und des Fischmarktes von Lussinpiccolo. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1901, 24, 21-23; 34-36; 45-47. 1901.1 Woge, Adolf. Zuchterfolge bei Fun- dulus bivittatus Lonnberg. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 571-572. fig. 1912.1 Woldrich, J. H. Ueber die Fische und ihr Leben in den Waldbachen des Centralstockes des Bohmerwaldes. Prag, 1858. 8. 1858.1 Woldrich, J. N. Wirbeltierfauna des Pfahlbaues von Donja Dolina in Bosnien. Wiss. Mitth. Bosnien, Vienna, 1904, 9, 156-164. 1904.1 Wolf, A. G. Statement concerning the menhaden fishery. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1877 (1879), 6, 450. 1879.1 Wolff, B. Ueber ein Blastom bei einem Aal (Anguilla vulgaris) Abh. Nat. Ges. Rostock, 1911. 3 p. 8. 1911.1 Wolff, H. T. Goldfish breeds and other aquarium fishes, their care and propagation. Guide to freshwater and marine aquaria, their fauna, flora and management. Philadelphia, 1909. 385 p. 2 pis. 240 figs. 1909.1 Wolff, Max. Bemerkungen zur Morphologic und zur Genese des Am- phioxus-Ruckenmarkes. Biol. Centralbl. 1907, 27, 186-192; 196-212; 226-232. 6 figs. 1907.1 Wolff, Wilhelm. Die Fauna der siidbayerischen Oligocanmolasse. Pala> ontographica, 1897, 43, 223-320. 9 pis. 1897.1 WollebsBk, Alf. On the salmon-fish- ing of Morrum and Atraa, with notes on the observations, hydrographic and meteorologic, taken during the fishing [Text in Swedish] Meddel. Kongl. Landtbr.-Styrel., Stockholm, 1904, no. 6, 26. 1904.1. - Oversigt over Sveriges 0sters- jofiskerier [Account of the Swedish fisheries in the Baltic] Norsk Fiskeri- tidskr., 1905, 24, 161-163; 197-203; 390-401. fig. 1905.1 - Omplantning af rodspsetter [Verpflanzung von goldbutten] Norsk Fiskeritidskr., 1908, 27, 254-256. 1908.1 Wollemann, A. Die Fauna des mittleren Gaults von Algermissen. Jahrb. Kgl. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Bergakad., Berlin, 1904, 24, 22-42. 2 pis. 1904.1 - Einige Bemerkungen iiber die Fauna des Llineburger Miocans. Zeitschr. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., 1906, 58, 19-22. 3 figs. 1906.1 Wollman, Eugene. Sur quelques re- sultats des recherches entreprises par T association internationale pour 1' ex- ploration de la mer du Nord. Rev. Scient., 1908, 5. ser. 10, 141-145. ' 1908.1 Wolnitzky, Baldomero. The coast fishery of the province of Aconcagua. Chilean Comm. Buffalo Exposition. The fisheries in Chile, 1901, 53-63. 1901.1 Wolski, T., & Lorec, Z. See Lorec & Wolski. Woltereck, R. Tierische Wanderun- gen im Meere. Berlin, 1908. 1908.1 Wolterstorff, Witty Georg [1864] Das Untercarbon von Magdeburg- Neustadt und seine Fauna. Jahrb. Preuss. Geol. Landesanst. Bergakad., Berlin, 1899, 19, 1-64. 2 pis. 1899.1 Ueber Listracanthus, p. 18-23. - Beitrage zur Fauna der Tucheler Heide. Schrift. Naturf. Ges. Danzig, 1905, 11, 140-240. pi. & figs. 1905.1 - Ueber Pcecilia cf. P. pavonina (Poey) Zur Nomenklatur. Wochen- schr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 609-610. 1908.1 - Zur Kenntnis der Tetrodon cutcutia Ham. Buch. (Kugelfisch) Wo- chenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 202-204; 215-217. fig. 1908.2 - Zur Nomenklatur und Sys- tematik des Metynnis unimaculatus Steind. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1908, 5. Jahrg., 411-412. 1908.3 woo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS Ans dem Tagebuch unseres Kugelfisches (Tetrodon cutcutia Ham. Huch.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 421-424. 4 figs. 1909.1 - Bemerkungen iiber Girardinus jiiinuirlux var.? Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 804. 1909.2 - Bemerkungen zu A. Tautz; Zucht des Moderlieschens. Blatt. Aqimr.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., iss 489. 1910.1 - Der Formenkreis der Pcecilia reticulata Pet. (Girardinus reticulatus Pet.) Eine Mahnung und Bitte. Blatt. Aquar.-Torrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 626-627; 638. 1910.2 - Weitere Mitteilungen iiber den Formenkreis des Girardinus .reticulatus Pet. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 21. Jahrg., 659. 1910.3 Ueber Haplochilus calliurus Bou- lenger. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 563. 1911.1 - Zur Kenntnis des Girardinus reticulatus Pet. (Pcecilia reticulata Pet.) Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 284-286. 1911.2 - MeberCyprinoden (Lebias) iberus Val. und Fundulus hispanicus Val. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 49-52. 5 figs. 1912.1 - Ueber eine gelungene Kreuzung zwischen Pcecilia mexicana Mannchen und Mollienisia latipinna Weibchen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar Kunde, 1912, 23. Jahrg., 486. 1912.2 - Kreuzung eines Xiphophorus- Bastard d" mit Platypcecilus maculatus var. pulchra 9 . Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 608. 1913.1 Zur Bestimmung des Haplochilus senegalensis Steind. und des Haplochilus macrostigma Blgr. Blatt. Aquar.-Ter- rar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 357-358. fig. 1913.2 Zur Xiphophorus-Streitfrage. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1913, 24. Jahrg., 579-580. 1913.3 - Dr. Martin Kreyenberg [1872- 1914] Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1915, 26. Jahrg., 65-67. 1915.1 List of writings on fishes, p. 67. Wolterstorff, Willy, & Kruger, B. See Kruger & Wolterstorff. Wolterstorff, Willy, & Reuter, F. See Reuter & Wolterstorff. Wolterstorff, in////, * Schame, Paul. Ueber Pi/rrhulina uu*lrulix Kigen- mann u. Kennedy. Woch<>n-lir. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1907, 4, 623-T>i>l. 1907.1 Wood, A: Payen, .l/*.sr////i-. SVr Payen & Wood. Wood, H.C. Ueber die Bewegungen des Schleiendarmes. C. R. Trav. Soc. Helv6t. Sci., 81 sess., 1898, 120-121. 1898.1 Wood, John. Reise . . . durch die Magellanische Strasse (Voyage to the north-east, 1676] (In Arkstee, , & Merkus, Allgemeine Historic der Reisen, etc. 1754, 1759. vols. xii A: xvii) 1759.1 Wood, John George [1827-1899] The common objects of the sea-shore; in- cluding hints for an aquarium. London, 1857. iv, 132 p. Must. 8. 1857.1 - Illustrated natural history. Zo- ology complete in 3 vols. London, 1861-63. iUust. 8. 1861.1 Fishes, vol. iii. 1. edition, London, 1851-53. - The fresh and saltwater aqua- rium. London, 1867. illust. 12. 1867.1 Bible animals; being an ac- count of the various birds, beasts, fishes and other animals, mentioned in the Holy Scriptures; with new and original designs by F. W. Keyl, T. W. Wood, and E. H. Smith. London, 1868. 8. 1868.1 - Bible animals; being a deatrip- tion of every living creature mentioned in the Scriptures, from ape to the coral; with 24 fullpage engravings and 78 illus- trations in the text. London, 1869. 8. 1869.1 Wood, M. L. The fisheries of the gulf of Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 19-20. 1883.1 Wood, Robert Williams [1868] Fish-eye views, and vision under water. Johns Hopkins Univ. Circ., 1906, 1-4. pi. 1906.1 Wood, W. M. Reconnoissance of t In- shad fisheries of Winyaw bay and its tributaries by the steamer " Fish Hawk." Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 242- 243. 1 **! Report of an examination of the shad fisheries in Georgetown, S. C. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 140- 141 ISM. -2 644 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Wood, W. M. - Report of a trip by the steamer "Fish Hawk" to the St. Marys and St. Johns rivers to hatch shad. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 241-242. 1884.3 - Report of a trip made by the " Fish Hawk " to the lower part of the Chesapeake bay, to ascertain the char- acter of the fisheries for shad, herring, etc., in the spring of 1884. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 199-200. 1884.4 - Report of operations at the navy-yard shad-hatching station in Washington, D. C., during the season of 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 891-897. pi. 1884.5 - Report of the operations of the United States Fish Commission steamer "Lookout" from March 31, 1881, to November 20, 1882. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1884), 10, 35-37. 1884.6 - Report of operations in hatch- ing eggs of Spanish mackerel in Chesa- peake bay by steamer " Fish Hawk " during the summer of 1883. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1883 (1885), 11, 1089-1094. 1885.1 - Report on the work of the United States Fish Commission steamer " Fish Hawk " for two years ending December 31, 1884. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884 (1886), 12, 117-122. 1886.1 Wood, W. W. Sawfish [Pristis] in- habiting fresh water [a lake near Manila] Nature, 1876, 13, 107. 1876.1 Wood, Walter. North sea fishers and fighters, with colour and pencil illus- trations by Frank H. Mason and photo- graphs by the author. London, 1911. xv, 366 p. 70 pis. 8. 1911.1 Wood, William. New- England's prospects. A true lively and experi- mental description of that part of America, commonly called New Eng- land, etc. London, 1634. Reprinted in Publications of the Prince Society, Boston, 1865, and in Rept. U. S. Fish. Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 161-162. 1873.1 Refers to cod, salmon, and mackerel fisheries of New England, also fishes of the Merrimac and Charles rivers in Massachusetts. Wood, William [1774-1857] Zo- ography, or beauties of nature dis- played in select descriptions from the animal and vegetable, with additions from the mineral kingdom, systemati- cally arranged, illustrated with plates designed and engraved by Will. Daniell. 3 vols. London, 1807-11. 8. 1807.1 - A complete illustration of the British freshwater fishes, etc. 3 parts. London, 1842-43 (?) illust. 8. 1842.] Wood, William. Description of species of shark [Leidon echinatum ] Proc . Boston Nat. Hist. Soc., 1845^8, 2, 1845.1 - The compressed burbot or pout (Lota compressa] Amer. Natural- ist, 1870, 3, 17-21. fig. 1870.1 - Return of salmon planted in Connecticut river. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 274. 1882.1 Wood, William W. Descriptions of four new species of the Linnsean genus Blennius, and a new Exocetus. Journ. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1825, n. s. 4, 278-284. pi. Bull. Sci. Nat. (Ferus- sac), 1826, 7, 122-123. 1825.1 Woodbury, Charles L. The relation of the fisheries to the discovery and settlement of North America. Boston, 1880. 26 p. 1880.1 Woodcock, H. M. Note on a re- markable parasite of plaice and floun- ders. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1903, 12, 63-72. pi. 1903.1 - On Myxosporidia in flat-fish. Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1903, 12, 46-62. pi. 1903.2 Note on the identification of the parasite [Myxosporidian] Rept. Lancashire Sea-Fisheries Lab., 1900; 15, 207-208. 1906.1 Woodcock, H. M., & 'Johnstone, J. See Johnstone & Woodcock. Woodcock, H. M., & Minchin,#. A. See Minchin & Woodcock. Woodcock, Samuel. Destruction of trout spawn by the parents. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 8463. 1863.1 Woodland, W. N. F. On the anat- omy of Centrophorus calceus (C. crepidal- bus Bocage & Capello) Giinther. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, 865-886. 6 pis. & 12 figs. 1906.1 A suggestion concerning the origin and significance of the " renal- portal system," with an appendix re- lating to the production of subabdom- inal veins. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1906, pt. 2, 886-901. fig. 1906.2 woo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF I ISHKS 645 - Exhibition of, and remarks upon, preparations of a new gland in certain teleostean fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, 431-433. 2 figs. 1908.1 On some experimental tests of recent views concerning the physiology of gas production in teleostean fishes. Anat. Anz., 1911, 40, 225-242. 3 figs. 1911.1 - On the physiology of gas pro- duction in connection with the gas blad- ders of teleostean fish. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 81. meet., 1911, 546- 548. 1911.2 On the structure and function of the gas glands and retia mirabilia associated with the gas bladder of some teleostean fishes, with notes on the teleost pancreas. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1911, 183-248. 8 pis. & 10 figs. 1911.3 - On the systematic position of the Marsipobranchii. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 81. meet., 1911, 422-424. 1911.4 - Notes on the structure and mode of action of the " oval " in the pollack (Gadus pollachius) and mullet (Mugil chelo) Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1913, 9, 561-565. 7 figs. 1913.1 - On the supposed gnathostome ancestry of the Marsipobranchii, with a brief description of some features of the gross anatomy of the genera Geotria and Mordacia. Anat. Anz., 1913, 45, 113-153. 37 figs. 1913.2 . Wood-Mason, James, & Alcock, A . On the results of deep-sea dredging dur- ing the season 1890-1891. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1891, 6. ser. 8, 16-34; 119- 138. 2 pis. 1891.1 - On the uterine villiform papillae of Pteroplatea micrura, and their relation to the embryo. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1891, 49, 359-367. 2 pis. 1891.2 - Further observations on the gestation of Indian rays; being natural history notes from H. M. Indian Marine Survey steamer " Investigator," Com- mander R. F. Hoskyn, R. N., command- ing. Series II. No. 2. Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 1892, 50, 202-209. 1892.1 Woods, Frederick Adams. Origin and migration of the germ cells in Squalus acanthias. Amer. Journ. Anat., 1902, 1, 307-320. 14 figs. Science, 1902, n. s. 15, 582-583. 1902.1 Woods, Henry [1794 (?)-1840] On the supposed frontal spine of Hybodus in the Bath Museum. Mag. Nat. Hist ., 1839, n. s. 3, 282-283. pi. 1839.1 Woods, Henry. Catalogue of the type fossils in the Woodwardian Mu- seum, Cambridge. Cambridge, 1891. 180 p. 8. 1891.1 Fishes, p. 156-167. - Additions to the type fossils in the Woodwardian Museum. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. ser. 10, 111-118. 1893.1 Woods, Julian Edmund Tenison [1832-1889] Fish and fisheries of New South Wales. Sydney, 1882. xi, 213 p. 45 pis. & figs. 8. 1882.1 - On the natural history of New South Wales; an essay. Sydney, 1882. 50 p. 8. 1882.2 Fisheries of the oriental region. Sydney, 1888. 2 pis. 8. 1888.1 Woodward, Arthur Smith [1864] For biographical sketch, see that by H. Woodward in Geol. Mag., 1915, 6. dec. 2, 1-5, with portrait. For partial bibli- ography, see List of the scientific writ- ings of Arthur Smith Woodward . . . decade I (1882-92) Hertford, 1893. 7 p. 8. Chapters on fossil sharks and rays. I-VIII. Sci. Gossip, 1884, 20, 172-174; 227-230; 267-272. 35 figs. Ibid., 1885, 21, 106-109; 154-156; 226-229; 270-272. 29 figs. Ibid., 1886, 22, 4-6. 2 figs. 1884.1 On the anatomy and systematic position of the Liassic selachian, Squa- loraja polyspondyla Agassiz . Proc . Zool . Soc. London, 1886, 527-538. pi. 1886.1 On the palaeontology of the selachian genus Notidanus. Geol. Mag., \/ 1886, 3. ser. 3, 205-217; 253-259 pi. & 2 figs. On the relations of the mandib- ular and hyoid arches in a Cretaceous , shark (Hybodus dubrisiensis Mackie) Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1886, 218-224. pi. Note on the affinities of the so- called " torpedo " (Cyclobatis Egerton) from the Cretaceous of Mount Lebanon. Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, 508-510. - Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 57. meet., 1887, p. 716. Note on the lateral line of Squaloraja. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1887, 481. 1887 - 2 646 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Woodward, A. S. - Notes on some post-Liassic spe- cies of Acrodus. Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, no. 3, 101. 1887.3 - On a new species of Holocen- trum from the Miocene of Malta, with a list of fossil Berycidse hitherto de- scribed. Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, 1-4. 1887.4 - On a new species of Semionotus, from the lower Oolite of Brora, Suther- landshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 175-179. pi. 1887.5 On the dentition and affinities of Ptychodus Agassiz. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1887, 43, 121-131. 1887.6 On the presence of a canal sys- - tern, evidently sensory, in the shields of pteraspidian fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1887, 478^81. fig. 1887.7 - On the so-called Microdon nuchalis Dixon from the Chalk of Sus- ' sex, a new species of Platax. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1887, 5. ser. 20, 342-344. 1887.8 A comparison of the Cretaceous fish-fauna of Mount Lebanon with that of the English Chalk. Abstract of a paper read at the 1888 meeting of the British Association. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 35^355. Geol. Mag., 3. ser. 5, 471-472. Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 58. meet., 1888, 678. 1888.1 - Dr. Anton Fritsch on Ctenodus and other Palaeozoic fishes. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. dec. 5, 523-526. 1888.2 A review of Fauna der Gaskohle, etc., vol. 'i, pt. 3, 65-92. - Fossil teeth of Myliobatis. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 1, 36-47. pi. & fig. 1888.3 - M. Charles Brongniart on Pleu- racanthus. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. ser. 6, 422-425. fig. 1888.4 - [Notice of] J. S. Newberry on the structure and relations of Edestus, with a description of a gigantic new species. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. ser. 5, 374. 1888.5 - Note on the early Mesozoic ganoid, Belonorhynchus, and on the supposed Liassic genus Amblyurus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 1, 354-356. 1888.6 - Note on the occurrence of a species of Onychodus in the lower Old Red Sandstone passage beds of Ledbury, Herefordshire. Geol. Mag., 1888, 3. ser. 6, 500-501. 1888.7 - Notes on some vertebrate fossils from the province of Bahia, Brazil, col- lected by Joseph Mawson, Esq. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 133- 136. 1888.8 - Notes on the determination of the fossil teeth of Myliobatis, with a>. revision of the English Eocene species. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 1, 36-47. pi. & 2 figs. 1888.9 - On a head of Hybodus dela- bechei, associated with dorsal fin-spines, from the lower Lias of Lyme Regis, Dorsetshire. Ann. Rept. Yorkshire Phil. Soc., 1888, 58-61. pi. Amer. Naturalist, 25, 278. 1888.10 On some remains of the extinct selachian Asteracanthus from the Ox- ford clay of Peterborough, preserved in the collection of Alfred N. Leeds, Esq., of Eyebury. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 336-342. pi. 1888.11 - On Squatina cranei and Belono- stomus cinctus from the Chalk of Sussex. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1888, 44, 144- 145. 1888.12 - On the fossil fish-spines named Ccelorhynchus Agassiz. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1888, 6. ser. 2, 223-226. 1888.13 - On two ganoids from early Mesozoic deposits of Orange Free State, m South Africa. Journ. Geol. Soc., Lon- don, 1888, 44, 138-143. 1888.14 On two new lepidotoid ganoids from the early Mesozoic deposits of " Orange Free State, South Africa. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1888, 38-39. 1888.15 - Palaeontological contributions to selachian morphology. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1888, 126-129. fig. 1888.16 A synopsis of the vertebrate ^ fossils of the English Chalk. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1888, 10, 273- 338. pi. 1888.17 Fishes, p. 285-338. - Acanthodian fishes from the De- vonian of Canada. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 183-184. 1889.1 - Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum Natural History. 4 vols. London, 1889-1901. 79 pis. & 137 figs. 8. 1889.2 i. Containing the Elasmobranchii. xlvii, 474 p. 17 pis. 1889. woo IUHLIOCRAHIY OF KISI1KS ii. Containing the Kliisinobranrhii (. \ran- thodii). Holorcphalii, Ichthyodorulite, Ostra- rodrnui. Dipnoi and Trlrostomi i ( 'rossop- toryuii and clioiulrostcan Actinopterygii) xliv, ,-,r,7 p. 1C, pis. A: /is fi-s. 1MM. iii. Containing the actinoptcrygian Tclcos- toini of the order.* Choudrostei (concluded). I'rotospondvli, .lEtheospondyli and Isospondyli (in part) \1, 534 p. 18 pis. IMC.. iv. Containing the actinopterygian Teleoe- tonii of the suborders Isospondyli (in part). Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Heniibranchii, Acanthopterygii and Anacanthini. xxxviii, C.:{C, p. I'.t pis. 1901. Note on u tooth of Ceratodus from the Stormberg beds of the Orange Five State, South Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 243. 1889.3 - Note on Bucklandium diluvii Konig, :i siluroid fish from the London ( 'lay of Slieppey. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don, 1889, 208-210. pi. 1889.4 - Note on Rhinobatus bugesiacu-s, a selachian fish from Lithographic Stone [of Bavaria] Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, no. 303, 393-396. 1889.5 - Notes on some new and little- known British Jurassic fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 405- 407. 1889.6 - On Atherstonia, a new genus of palgeoniscid fishes from the Karoo formation of South Africa; and a tooth of Ceratodus from the Stormberg beds of the Orange Free State. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1889, 6. ser. 4, 239-243. pi. 1889.7 - On some remains of fossil fishes from the Rhsetic beds of Spinney hills, Leicestershire. Leic. Liter. Phil. Soc., 1889, 5-8. 1889.8 - On the Myriacanthidae, an ex- tinct family of chimseroid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 275-280. 1889.9 - On the paleontology of stur- geons. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1889, 11, 24-44. pis. & 13 figs. 1889.10 Palseichthyological notes. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 3, 297- 302 pi. 1889.11 i. On the so-called Hybodus keuperinus Murch. & Strickl. ii. On Diplodus moorei, sp. nov., from the Keuper of Somersetshire. iii. On a symmetrical hybodont tooth trom the Oxford flay of Peterborough. iv. On a maxilla of Saurichthys from the Rluetic of Aust cliff, near Bristol. Palaeontology in the Malton Museum. Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 361-365. 1889.12 - Preliminary ni.tr- <>n inn- nrw and little-known British .lura ir fishes. Geol. Mag., lsx'.. :;. lrr. 6, I is , Abstract in Kept . Brit. As.-or. Adv. Sri . 59. meet., 1889, 585-586. 1889.13 - Prof, von Zittel on pahrirli- thyology. Geol. Mag., 1SS>, 3. dec. 6, 125-130; 177-181; 227-232. 188'.) .11 Review of Karl A. von Zittel's Hamlbuch der Pala'ontolonic, Palteozoologie. Bund III. Lief. I, II. - Triassic fish-scales from Siberia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1889, 6. ser. 4, 107. 1889.15 - Evidence of a fossil tunny from the Coralline crag. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 294-296. 1890.1 - The fossil fishes of the Hawkes- bury series at Gosford. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, Palseont., 1890, no. 4, 1-55. 10 pis. Reviews in Amer. Naturalist, 25, 652-653. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 6. ser. 6, 423. 1890.2 - The fossil sturgeon of the Whitby Lias. Naturalist, 1890, 101- 108. 1890.3 - A new theory of Pterichthys. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 314-316. 1890.4 - Notes on some ganoid fishes from the English lower Lias. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 430- 436 pi. 1890.5 - On a head of Eurycormus. Note on Leedsia problematica. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, no. 313, 289-292. 1890.6 - On a new species of pycnodont fish (Mesodon damvni) from the Port- land Oolite. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. dec. 7, no. 310, 1-2. 1890.7 - On some British Jurassic fish- remains referable to the genera Eury- cormus and Hypsocormus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1890, 6. ser. 6, 341. 1890.8 - On some new fishes from the English Wealden and Purbeck beds, referable to the genera Oligopleurus, Strobilodus and Mesodon. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, 346-353. 2 pis. - On the tooth of a Carboniferous dipnoan fish, Ctenodus interrupts. Ann. Kept, Yorkshire Phil. Soc., 1890, 37-38. /. I'/ _ On two groups of teeth of tin- Cretaceous selachian fish Ptychodus. 648 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Woodward, A. S. Ann. Rept. Yorkshire Phil. Soc., 1890, 38-41. 1890.11 Remarks on the evolution of the Aspidorhynchidse. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1890, 629-637. 2 pis. 1890.12 - [Remarks upon an extinct saw- fish, Sclerorhynchus atavus, and exhibi- tion of a fragment of its rostrum] Proc. Zool. Soc. London 1889 (1890), 449- 451. fig. 1890.13 - [Review of] The Palaeozoic fishes of North America, by J. S. New- berry. Nature, 1890, 43, 146. 1890.14 - A synopsis of the fossil fishes of the English lower Oolites. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1890, 11, 285-306. pi. & 9 figs. Notice in Amer. Naturalist, 1891, 25, 278. 1890.15 - Vertebrate palaeontology in some American and Canadian museums. Geol. Mag., 1890, 3. ser. 7, 390-395; 455-460. 1890.16 - Armored Palseozoic sharks. Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. ser. 8, 422-425. 1891.1 A review of three of Dr. Otto Jaekel's papers on elasmobranchs. The Spitzbergen. 1891, 6. ser. 8, 1-15. Devonian fish-fauna of Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 3 pis. 1891.2 - Hybodont and cestraciont sharks of the Cretaceous period. Proc. Yorksh. Geol. Soc., 1891, 12, pt. 1, 62-68. 1891.3 - Note on some dermal plates of Homosteus from the Old Red Sandstone of Caithness. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1891, 198-201. 1891.4 See also Idem., 1916.1, infra, - Notes on some fish-remains from the lower Tertiary and upper Cretaceous of Belgium, collected by Monsieur A. Houzeau de Lehaie. Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. dec. 8, 104-114. pi. 1891.5 On the* palaeontology of stur- geons. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1891, 11, 24-44. pi. & 13 figs. 1891.6 Pholidophorus germanicus; an addition to the fish-fauna of the upper Lias of Whitby. Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. dec. 8, 545-546. 1891.7 Remarks on the lower Tertiary fish-fauna of Sardinia. Rept. Brit. As- soc. Adv. Sci., 61. meet., 1891, 634- 635. 1891.8 - [Review of] The pineal fon- tanelle of placoderms and catfish,' by Bashford Dean. Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. ser. 8, 513. 1891.9 Discussion of Bashford Dean's article in 19 Rept. Comm. Fish. N. Y., 1891. Description of the Cretaceous sawfish, Sclerorhynchus atavus. Geol. Mag., 1892, 3. ser. 9, 529-534. pi. & fig. 1892.1 Doubly-armoured herrings . Ann . Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 10, 412- 413. 1892.2 - The evolution of fins. Natural Sci., 1892, 1, 28-35. 8 figs. 1892.3 - The evolution of sharks' teeth. Natural Sci., 1892, 1, 671-675. 12 figs. 1892.4 The forerunners of the back- boned animals. Natural Sci., 1892, 1, 596-602. 10 figs. 1892.5 Further contributions to the Devonian fish-fauna of Canada. Geol. Mag., 1892, 3. ser. 9, 481-485. pi. & figs. 1892.6 - On some teeth of new chimaeroid fishes from the Oxford and Kimmeridge clays of England. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 10, 13-16. pi. 1892.7 - On the lower Devonian fish- fauna of Campbellton, New Bruns- wick. Geol. Mag., 1892, 3. ser. 9, 1-6. pi. 1892.8 On the skeleton of a chimaeroid fish (Ischyodus) from the Oxford Clay of Christian Malford, Wiltshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1892, 6. ser. 9, 94-96. 1892.9 'Palaeozoic fishes. Geol. Mag., 1892, 3. ser. 9, 233-235. 1892.10 Review of Prof. E. D. Cope's article, " On the characters of some Palaeozoic fishes," and of J. V. Rohon's paper, " Ueber Pterichthys." - Supplementary observations on some fossil fishes of the English lower Oolites. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1892, 12, 238-241. pi. 1892.11 Description of the skull of Pisodus oweni, an Albula-like fish of the Eocene period. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 11, 357-359. pi. 1893.1 The fossil fishes of the British Coal Measures. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. ser. 10, 72-74. 1893.2 woo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS Review of James W. Davis' paper on Pleu- ruranthidse in Trans. Roy. Dublin Soc., 1892, 4, 703-748. Further notes on fossil fishes from the Karoo formation of South Africa. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 12, 393-398. pi. 1893.3 - Note on a case of subdivision of the median fin in a dipnoan fish. Ann. Mat?. Nat. Hist,, 1893, 6. ser. 11, 241- 242. fig. 1893.4 - Note on the evolution of the scales of fishes. Natural Sci., 1893, 3, 448-450. fig. 1893.5 - On some British upper Jurassic fish-remains of the genera Cat HIM is, Gyrodus and Notidanus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 12, 398^402. pi. 1893.6 - On the cranial osteology of the Mesozoic ganoid fishes Lepidotus and Dapedius. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 559-565. 3 pis. & 7 figs. Geol. Mag., 1903, 3. dec. 10, 413^14. 1893.7 - On the dentition of a gigantic extinct species of Myliobatis from the Lower Tertiary formation of Egypt. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1893, 558-559. pi. 1893.8 - Palseichthyological notes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1893, 6. ser. 12, 281- 287. pi. 1893.9 i. On some ichthyolites from the Keuper of Warwickshire. ii. On N emacanthus monilifer from the Rhae- tic formation. iii. On Gyrolepis dubius, sp. nov., from the Rhsetic formation of Scania. iv. On a new palaeoniscid fish from Siberia. - Some Cretaceous pycnodont fishes. Geol. Mag., 1893, 3. ser. 10, 433-436; 487-493. 2 pis. 1893.10 Some extinct sharks and ganoid fishes. Natural Sci., 1893,. 2, 435-438. 3 figs. 1893.11 Review of Dr. Anton Fritsch's " Fauna der Gaskohle und der Kalksteine der Perm-For- mation Bohmens." - A description of the so-called salmonoid fishes of the English Chalk. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1894, 655-664. 2 pis. Notice in Geol. Mag., 4. dec. 2, 28-29. 1894.1 - Note on a supposed tooth of Galeocerdo, from the English Chalk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 15, 4-5. pi. & 3 figs. 1894.2 Note on a tooth of Oxyrhina from the Red Crag of Suffolk. Geol. Mag., 1894, 3. ser. 11, 75-76. 2 figs. 1894.o - Notes on the sharks' t.M-th from British Cretaceous format ion-. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1S94, 13. I'to 200. 2 pis. &nV. is'.n.l - On a second British >prri<-s of the Jurassic fish Eurycormus. Geol. Mag., 1894, 4. dec. 1, 214-216. 1894.5 - On some fish-remains of the genera Pprtheus and Cladocyclus, from the Rolling Downs formation (Lower Cretaceous) of Queensland. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 14, 444 117 pi. 1894.6 - On the affinities of the Cretaceous tish Protosphyrsena. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1894, 6. ser. 13, 510-512. 1894.7 - A contribution to the knowledge of the fossil fish-fauna of the English Purbeck beds. Geol. Mag., 1895, 4. dec. 2,' 145-152. pi. 1895.1 - A description of Ceramurus ma- crocephalus, a small fossil fish from the Purbeck beds of Wiltshire. Geol. Mag., 1895, 4. dec. 2, 401-402. 1895.2 The fossil fishes of the Tal- bragar beds (Jurassic?) Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 1895, no. 9. 27 p. 6 pis. 1895.3 With a note on their stratigraphical relations by T. W. E. David and E. F. Pittman. On the Devonian ichthyodoru- lite, Byssacanthus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1895, 6. ser. 16, 142-144. 1895.4 On the fossil fishes of the upper Lias of Whitby. Parts I-IV. Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc.,. 1895, 2. ser. 13, 25-42. 3 pis. Ibid., 155-170. 3 pis. Ibid., 1898, 14, 325-337. 3 pis. 7Wd., 1899, 16, 445-472. 2 pis. & 13 figs. 1 s! ).)..) On the Liassic fish Osteorar.his macrocephalus. Geol. Mag., 1895, 4 dec. 2, 204-206. pi. & fig. On two deepybodied species of the clupeoid genus Diplomystus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, 1895, 6. ser. 16 1-3 pi. & 4 figs. !895.7 Describes and figures Diplomystus lonoi- costatus and describes D. birdi, n. sp. - The problem of the primeval sharks. Natural Sci, 1895, 6, 38-43 3 figs. . . A synopsis of the remains of ganoid fishes from the Cambridge Seensand. Geol. Mag, IS'.ir,. l-jer. 2 207-214. pi. 650 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Woodward, A . S. - The fishes of the deep sea. Rec. Haslemere Micr. Nat. Hist. Soc., 1896, 51-54. 1896.1 - Note on the affinities of the English Wealden fish-fauna. Geol. Mag., 1896, 4. dec. 3, 69-71. 1896.2 - Notes on the collection of fossil fishes from the Upper Lias of Ilminster in the Bath Museum. Proc. Bath. Nat. Hist. Club, 1896, 8, 233-242. 2 figs. 1896.3 - On some extinct fishes of the teleostean family Gonorhynchidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1896, 500-504. pi. Abstract in Zool. Anz., 19, no. 499, 151. 1896.4 On some remains of the pycno- dont fish, Mesturus, discovered by Al- fred N. Leeds, Esq., in the Oxford Clay of Peterborough. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1896, 6. ser. 17, 1-15. 3 pis. 1896.5 - [Review of] Fishes, living and fossil, by Bashford Dean. Geol. Mag., 1896, 3. ser. 3, 135-139. 1896.6 See also Gill, T. N., 1896.18, supra. - An account of a visit to South America, made in order to examine the fossil vertebrates of that country. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 311-313. 1897.1 - A contribution to the osteology of the Mesozoic amioid fishes Caturus and Osteorachis. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1897, 6. ser. 19, 292-297; 379- 386. 2 pis. 1897.2 - Observations on Senor Ame- ghino's " Notes on the geology and palaeontology of Argentina." Geol. Mag., 1897, 4. dec. 4, 20-23. 1897.3 - On a new specimen of the Meso- zoic ganoid fish, Pholidophorus, from the Oxford Clay of Wey mouth. Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Field Club, 1897, 18, 150-152. pi. 1897.4 - On Echidnocephalus, a halo- sauroid fish from the Upper Cretaceous formation of Westphalia. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1897, 268-271. pi. 1897.5 - The antiquity of the deep-sea fish-fauna. Natural Sci., 1898, 12, 257- 260. pi. 1898.1 - The imperfection of the geo- logical record. Natural Sci., 1898, 13, no. 81, 327-332. 18982 - Note on a Devonian ccelacanth fish. Geol. Mag., 1898, 4. dec. 5, 529- 531. fig. 1898.3 - Notes on some type specimens of Cretaceous fishes from Mount Leb- anon in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 405-414. 1898.4 - Notes on some type specimens of Cretaceous fishes from Mount Leb- anon in the Geneva Museum. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, 7. ser. 2, 485- 489. 1898.5 - On a supposed tropical Ameri- can fish (Pcecilia) from the Upper Mio- cene of Oeningen, Baden. Geol. Mag., 1898, 4. dec. 5, 392-394. 1898.6 - Outlines of vertebrate pate- ontology for students of zoology. Cam- bridge, 1898. 470 p. 228 figs. 8 (Cambridge Natural Science Manuals, Biological Series) 1898.7 Reviews in Nature, 68, 337-339. Nat- ural Sci., 1899, 14, 156-159. - Preliminary note on a new speci- men of Squatina from the lithographic stone of Nusplingen, Wiirttemberg. Geol. Mag., 1898, 4. dec. 5, 289-291. pi. 1898.8 Additional notes on some type specimens of Cretaceous fishes from Mount Lebanon in the Edinburgh Museum of Science and Art. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 4, 317-321. 1899.1 - Consideragoes sobre alguno peixes terciarios dos schistos de Tau- bate, Estado dp S. Paulo, Brazil. Re- vist. Mus. Paulista, 1899, 3, 63-70. 2 pis. 1899.2 - Note on Scapanorhynchus, a Cretaceous shark apparently surviving in Japanese seas. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 487^89. 1899.3 - Note on some Cretaceous clu- peoid fishes with pectinated scales (Ctenothrissa and Pseudoberyx) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1899, 7. ser. 3, 489- 492. 1899.4 - Note sur 1'Helicoprion et les Edestides. Bull. Soc. Beige Geol., 1899, 13, 230-233. 1899.5 - On some new specimens of Pteraspis cornubica from the Devonian of Lantivet bay. Trans. Roy. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, 1899, 12, 229-232. 1899.6 woo BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I-ISI1KS 651 - On the Cretaceous fish IMctho- dus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1X99. 7. ser. 3, 353-361. 3 pis. 1899.7 - Doctor Traquair on Silurian fishes. Geol. Mag., 1900, 4. ser. 7, 66-72. 1900.1 - Evidence of an extinct eel ( r/rm-//<7//.s- unglicus, sp. n.) from the Knglish Chalk. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 5, 321-323. pi. & fig. 1900.2 - Helicoprion, spine or tooth? Geol. Mag., 1900, 4. dec. 7, 33-36. 1900.3 - Notes on fossil fish-remains col- lect cd in Spitsbergen by the Swed- ish Arctic Expedition, 1898. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1900, 4. ser. 26, no. 5. 7 p. pi. 1900.4 - Notes on the teeth of sharks and skates from English Eocene formations. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1900, 16, 1-14. pi. 1900.5 - On a new ostracoderm (Eu- phanerops longcevus) from the Upper Devonian of Scaumenac bay, Province of Quebec, Canada. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 6, 416-420. pi. 1900.6 On a new species of Deltodus from the Lower Carboniferous (Yore- dale rocks) of Yorkshire. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1900, 7. ser. 5, 419-420. pi. & fig. 1900.7 - On a new specimen of the clu- peoid fish Aulolepis typus from the English Chalk. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 5, 324-326. pi. & fig. 1900.8 On some fish-remains from the Parana formation, Argentine Repub- lic. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1900, 7. ser. 6, 1-7. pi. 1900.9 - Notes on some Upper Devo- nian fish-remains discovered by Prof. A. G. Nathorst in east Greenland. Handl. Svensk. Vet. Akad., 1901, 4. ser. 26, no. 10. 10 p. pi. 1901.1 - On a cornu of Cephalaspis carter i from the Lower Devonian of Looe. Trans. Geol. Soc. Cornwall, 1901, 12, 431-433. 1901.2 - The fossil fishes of the English Chalk. Parts- i-vii. Monogr. Palaeon- togr. Soc., London, 1902-12. 1902.1 Pt. i, Monogr. Paheontogr. Soc., 1902, 56, 1- 56. 13 pis. & figs. Pt. ii, Ibid., 57, vol. for 1903, p. 57-96. 7 pis. &figs. IM. iii, //,/,/.. 61, vol. l..r l'.()7, p. 97-128. 6 pl>. V Hi:-. I't. iv. //,/,/., 62, vol. for I'.Mtx. ,,. IL. i:>2. 7 pis. fe fi^s. Pt v. //,/,/.. 63, vol. for !'.()'.. p. 153-184. 6 pi-. \- fi^s. IM. vi. IbiiL. 64. vol. for lit K), p. is.'. _>24. 8 Pt. vii, Ihiil., 65, vol. for 1911, p. 225-204. 8 pis. & figs. On an amioid fish (Mcgalurus niuirxoni, sp. n.) from the Cn-tan-on- of Bahia, Brazil. Ann. Man;. Nat. Hist,, 1902, 7. ser. 9, 87-89. pi. 1902.2 On Atherstonia //.s7/v///x and Ctenolates avus, two new species of fossil fishes from New South Wales. Rec. Geol. Surv., New South Wales, 1902, 7, pt. 2, 89-91. pi. 1902.3 - Preliminary note on a Carbo- niferous fish-fauna from Victoria, Aus- tralia. Geol. Mag., 1902, 4. dec. 9, 471-473. 1902.4 - Note on a fossil eel from the Scandinavian Chalk. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1903, 7. ser. 12, 254-255. 1903.1 - On a Carboniferous acanthodian fish, Gyracanthides. Kept. Brit. A- Adv. Sci., 73. meet., 1903, 662-663. - Geol. Mag., 1903, 4. dec. 10, 512-513. 1903.2 - On a new species of Acrolcpi> obtained by Mr. Molyneux from the Sengwe coalfield. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1903, 59, 285-286. pi. 1903.3 - On the Carboniferous ichthyo- dorulite Listracanthus. Geol. Mag., 1903, 4. dec. 10, 486-488. 9 figs. 1903.4 - Preliminary note on a Carbo- niferous fish-fauna from Victoria, Au>- tralia. Kept, Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 73. meet,, 1903, 615-616. 1! ".:*.:. - Diplomystus marmorensis, sp. nov Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., 1904, 60, 284-285. 1904.1 - Investigation of the fauna and flora of the Trias of the British Isles. III. List of British Triassic fossils in the British Museum. Kept, Brit. As- soc. Adv. Sci., 74. meet,, 1904, 285- 288. *904.2 - Notes on the geology and fossils of the Ludlow district. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1904, 18, 429-442. 9 figs. 1904.3 - On the jaws of Ptychodus from the Chalk. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1904, 60, 133-135. pi. & fig. 1904.4 652 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Woodward, A. S. Some recent discoveries con- cerning the teeth of extinct animals. Trans. Odontol. Soc., 1904, 36, 185- 198. figs. 1904.5 A guide to the fossil reptiles, amphibians and fishes in the department of geology and palaeontology in the British Museum. 8. ed. London, 1905. 110 p. illust. 8. 1905.1 For a similar guide to the collection of recent fishes, see Ridewood, W. G., 1908. Fishes and labyrinthodonts (In Seward, A. C., & Woodward, A. S. Permo-carboniferous plants and verte- brates from Kashmir) Palasont. Indica, 1905, n. s. 2, Mem. no. 2, 10-13. 2 pis. 1905.2 On a Carboniferous fish-fauna from the Mansfield district, Victoria. Mem. Nat. Mus., Melbourne, 1906, 1, 1-32. 11 pis. 1906.1 On a new chimseroid fin-spine from the Portland stone. Proc. Dorset. Nat. Hist. Field Club, 1906, 27, 181- 182. pi. 1906.2 On a new specimen of the chimse- roid fish Myriacanthus paradoxus from the Lower Lias near Lyme Regis (Dor- set) Quart. Journ. Proc. Geol. Soc., 1906, 62, 1-4. pi. 1906.3 - On a pycnodont fish of the genus Mesodon (M. barnesi, n. sp.] from the Portland stone. Proc. Dorset Nat. Hist. Field Club, 1906, 27, 183-187. pi. 1906.4 On a tooth of Ceratodus and a dinosaurian claw from the Lower Jurassic of Victoria, Australia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 1-3. pi. 1906.5 - On Myriolepis hibernica, a palse- oniscid fish from the Irish Coal Meas- ures. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 18, 416-419. pi. 1906.6 - The relations of palaeontology to biology. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 18, 312-318. 1906.7 - The study of fossil fishes. Presidential address. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1906, 19, 266-282. 15 figs. Abstract in Nature, 74, 597-599. 1906.8 - Description of the British fossil teeth of Ceratodus (Postscript to Miall, L. C., in Monogr. Palseontogr. Soc., 1907, 61, 32-34) 1907.1 - Notes on some Upper Creta- ceous fish-remains from the provinces of Sergipe and Pernambuco, Brazil. Geol. Mag., 1907, 5. dec. 4, 193-197. pi. 1907.2 - On a new leptolepid fish from the Weald clay of Southwater, Sussex. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1907, 7. ser. 20, 93-95. pi. 1907.3 - Upper Cretaceous fish-remains from Brazil. Geol. Mag., 1907, 5. dec. 4, 193-197. pi. 1907.4 - The fossil fishes of the Hawkes- bury series at St. Peter's. Mem. Geol. Surv. New South Wales, 1908, no. 10, 1-29. 4 pis. 1908.1 On some fish-remains from the Lameta beds at Dongargaon, Central provinces. Palasont. Indica, 1908, n. s. 3, Mem. no. 3. 6 p. pi. 1908.2 Two new species are described of Eoserranus and Pycnodus. - On some fossil fishes discovered by Prof. Ennes de Souza in the Cre- taceous formation at Ilheos (state of Bahia) Brazil. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1908, 64, 358-362. 2 pis. 1908.3 New species are described of Mawsonia, Lepidotus and Scrombroclupea. - On fossil fish-remains from Snow Hill and Seymour islands (In Wissenschaftliche Ergebnisse der Schwe- dischen Sudpolar-Expedition 1901-1903 unter Leitung von Dr. Otto Norden- skjold, vol. iii, pt. 4. 4 p. pi. & 5 figs. Stockholm, 1909). 1909.1 - Presidential address to the geo- logical section. Rept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 79. meet., 1909. 10 p. Science, 1909, n. s. 30, 321-331. 1909.2 Fishes, p. 3; 6. - Note on palaBoniscid fish-scales from the Ecca shales, near Ladysmith (Teleostei) Ann. Natal Gov. Mus., London, 1910, 2, 229-231. pi. 1910.1 - On a fossil sole and a fossil eel from the Eocene of Egypt. Geol. Mag., 1910, 5. dec. 7, 402-^05. pi. 1910.2 - On.Dipteronotuscyphus~E,gerton; a ganoid fish from the Lower Keuper of Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Proc. Geol. Assoc., London, 1910, 21, pt. 5, 322-323. 1910.3 - On some Permo-Carboniferous fishes from Madagascar. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1910, 8. ser. 5, 1-6. pi. & 5 figs. 1910.4 Ecrinesomus, n. g., and Coelacanthus. woo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES 853 - A fossil fish from the Upper Lias of Dumbleton, Glos. Proc. Nat. Sci. Soc., Cheltenham, 1911, n. s. 1, 32-J-323. 1911.1 - Note on a fossil fish from Ekoi creek (South Nigeria) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 207-208. 1911.2 - On the upper Devonian os- trucodrrm, Psammosteus taylori. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist., 1911, 8. ser. 8, 649- 652. pi. 1911.3 - Description of the teeth of two new species of fishes from the Lower Carboniferous rocks of the north-west- ern province. Quart. Journ. Geol. Soc., 1912, 68, 572-573. pi. 1912.1 - Notes on some fish-remains from the Lower Trias of Spitsbergen. Bull. Geol. Inst. Univ. Upsala, 1912, 11, 291-297. pi. 1912.2 - On the snout of a pachycormid fish (Protosphyrcena stebbingi) from the Lower Chalk of South Ferriby, Lincoln- shire. Naturalist, London, 1912, 329- 330. pi. 1912.3 - On a new specimen of the Cre- taceous fish Portheus molossus Cope. Geol. Mag., 1913, 5. dec. 10, 529-531. pi. 1913.1 - Preliminary report on the fossil fishes from Dura Den. Kept. Brit. As- soc. Adv. Sci., 84. meet., 1915, 122-123. pi. 1915.1 - The use of fossil fishes in strati- graphical geology [Presidential address] Quart, Journ. Geol. Soc., 1915, 71, Ixii- Ixxv. 2 figs. 1915.2 Ostracodermi, Elasmobranchii, Holocephali, Dipnoi, Crossopterygii and Actinopterygii are considered with respect to their order of geo- logical succession. - The fossil fishes of the English Wealden and Purbeck formations. Part I. Monogr. Palseontogr. Soc., 1916, 69, 1-48. 10 pis. 1916.1 - A new species of Edestus from the Upper Carboniferous of Yorkshire; with a geological appendix by J. Pringle. Abstract in Nature, 1916, 98, 162-163. 1916.2 The specimen confirms earlier interpretations of Edestus remains as belonging to Orodus-hke sharks. - On a fossil arthrodiran fish, Homosteus milleri, from the Caithness flagstones, found in a Torquay pave- ment, Journ. Torquay Nat. Hist. Soc., 1916, 2, 65-69. pi. & figs. 1916.3 Introductory note by Harford' J. Lowe. - On a new specimen of the Lias- sic pachycormid fish Saurostomus eso- cinus Agassiz. Geol. Mag., 1916, 6. dec. 3, 49-51. pi. I. >HU Woodward, Arthur Smith, & Ether- idge (junior), Robert. See Etheridge & Woodward. Woodward, Arthur Smith, & Maw- son, Joseph. See Mawson & Wood- ward. Woodward, Arthur Smith, & Seward, A. C. See Seward & Woodward. Woodward, Arthur Stn/'/h, & Sher- born, Charles Davies. A catalogue of British fossil vertebrata. London, 1890. xxxv, 396 p. 1890.1 Pisces, p. 1-198. - A catalogue of British fossil vertebrata, supplement for 1890 [Piscesi Geol. Mag., 1891, 3. dec. 8, 25-31. 1891.1 Woodward, Bernard Barham [1853 ] The young collector's handbook of fossils. London, 1885. 32 p. illust. 12. 1885.1 The completed work was not published sep- arately but appeared as part of the volume " Sea- weeds, shells and fossils " by P. Gray and B. B. Woodward, 1886. [ ] Guide to an exhibition of old natural history books, illustrating the origin and progress of the study of natural history up to the time of Lin- naeus. London, 1905. 27 p. 8. 1905.1 British Museum (Natural History) Special guides, no. 1. Woodward, B. B., & Gray, P. See Gray & Woodward. Woodward, B. B., & Sherborn, Charles Davies. On the dates of the " Encyclopedic M6thodique." Addi- tional note. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1899, 595. 1899.1 Dates of publication of the zoological and botanical portions of some French voyages. II. Ferret and Galinier's "Voyage en Abyssmie"; Lefebvre's "Voyage en Abyssmie"; Exploration scientifique de l'Alg6rie; Castelnau's " Ame>ique du Sud"; Dumont d'Urville's "Voyage de 1'As- trolabe"; Laplace's "Voyage sur la Favorite"; Jacquemont's "Voyage dans 1'Inde"; Tre*houart's "Com- mission scientifique d'Islande"; Cail- liaud's ;* Voyage a Me>oe""; Expe"di- tion scientifique de Mor6e; Fabvre's "Commission scientifique du Nord"; Du Petit Thouars' "Voyage de la 654 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY WOO Woodward & Sherborn. Venus"; and on the dates of the " Faune francaise." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 8, 161-164; 333-336; 491-494. 1901.1 - Notes on the dates of publica- tion of the natural history portions of some French voyages. Part I. " Ame- rique meridionale " ; " Indes orientales ' ' ; Pole Sud ("Astrolabe" and "Zelee") "La Bonite"; "La Coquille " and " L'Uranie et Physicienne." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1901, 7. ser. 7, 388-391. 1901.2 - Notes on the dates of the nat- ural history portions of some French voyages. Voyage autour du monde . . . sur ... "La Coquille" . . . 1822-25 ... par L. J. Duperry, etc. A correction. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 335-336. 1906.1 - On the dates of publication of the natural history portions of the " En- cyclopedic Methodique." Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1906, 7. ser. 17, 577-582. 1906.2 Woodward, Henry [1832] Dis- covery of poison organs in fishes. In- tellectual Observ., 1864, 6, 253-257. 1864.1 - Fish-remains in the Lower De- vonian of South Devon and Cornwall. Geol. Mag., 1868, 5, 247-248. 1868.1 - Note on a tooth of Ctenodus tuberculatus [= C. cristatus] in the British Museum. Geol. Mag., 1869, 6, 317. fig. 1869.1 - On some armoured fishes. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1878, 17, 1-23. 1878.1 Guide to the collection of fossil fishes in the department of geology and palaeontology. British Museum (nat- ural history) Cromwell road, South Kensington. London, 1885. 47 p. 58 figs. 1885.1 2. ed., 1888. 51 p. 81 figs. - On a remarkable ichthyodoru- lite from the Carboniferous series, Gas- coyne, western Australia. Geol. Mag., 1886, 3. ser. 3, 1-7. pi. & 5 figs. 1886.1 Describes Edestus davisii. - The President's address: the evolution of vertebrate animals in time. Journ. Roy. Micr. Soc., 1904, 137-164. 1904.1 - Malformed plaice. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1908, 161-164. 2 figs. 1908.1 Woodward, H. B., & Usher, W.A.E. The geology of the country near Sid- mouth and Lyme Regis. Mem. Geol. Surv. United Kingdom, London, 1906, 1-90. 1906.1 Woodward, J. J. Examination of fungus growth upon the head of Hy- drargyra fasciata. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad. 1858 (1859) (Biol. Dept.), 12-13. 1859.1 Woodward, S. P. Catalogue of fossils found in the British Isles, form- ing the private collection of J. Tennant. London, 1858. ii, 7Q p. 12. 1858.1 Syllabus, etc. Mr. Tennant's bibliographic list, by T. Rupert Jones. 23 p. Woodward, Samuel [1790-1838] A synoptical table of British organic re- mains, etc. London & Norwich, 1830. xi, 50 p. illust. 8. 1830.1 Woodworth, Jay Backus, & Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate. See Shaler & Woodworth. Woolman, A Ibert J. New fishes from Chihuahua, Mexico. Amer. Naturalist, 1892, 26, 259-261. 1892.1 Report of an examination of the rivers of Kentucky, with lists of the fishes obtained. BuU. U. S. Fish Comm. 1890 (1892), 10, 249-288. pi. 1892.2 - Report upon the rivers of cen- tral Florida tributary to the gulf of Mexico, with lists of fishes inhabiting them. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1890 (1892), 10, 293-302. 2 pis. 1892.3 - Report on a collection of fishes from the rivers of central and northern Mexico. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1894 (1895), 14, 55-66. pi. 1895.1 - Report upon ichthyological in- vestigations in western Minnesota and eastern North Dakota. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1893 (1895), 19, 343-373. 1895.2 Workman, /. S. The ophthalmic and eye muscle nerves of the cat-fish. Journ. Compar. Neurol., 1900, 10, 403- 410. fig. 1900.1 Workman, W. H. Loch Broom sea monster. Zoologist, 1906, 10, 355. 1906.1 Worral, James. Letter on the intro- duction of the California salmon. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1873, 258-259. 1873.1 - The fishways of Pennsylvania. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1874 (1875), 38-44. 1875.1 wcz BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES On the Pennsylvania iishways. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1875 (1876), 40-41. 1876.1 Worth, R. H. On the fauna and bottom-deposits near the thirty-fathom line from the Eddystone grounds to Start point [1899] Journ. Mar. Biol. Assoc., 1897-99, 5, 381-387. 1897.1 Worth, S. G. The artificial propaga- tion of the striped bass (Roccus lineatus) in Albemarle sound. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1881 (1882), 1, 174-177. 1882.1 - A poor season for shad hatch- ing in North Carolina; letter to Col. M . McDonald. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 54. 1883.1 Shad hatching and carp culture. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1882 (1883), 2, 26-27. 1883.2 - The selection of sites and the construction of carp ponds. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1884, 4, 33-37. 1884.1 - The propagation of the striped bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1884 (1885), 202-212. 1885.1 - Prospectus of striped bass oper- ations for the season of 1885. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 35-36. 1885.2 Summary of fish-cultural work in North Carolina. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1885, 5, 365-367. 1885.3 - The striped bass or rock-fish industry of Roanoke island, North Carolina, and vicinity. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1887 (1889), 7, 365-367. 1889.1 - Observations on the hatching of the yellow perch. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1890 (1892), 10, 331-334. pi. 1892.1 - Observations on the spawning habits of the shad. Bull. U. S. Fish Comm. 1891 (1893), 11, 201-206. 189o.l - The recent hatching of striped bass and possibilities with other com- mercial species. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1904 (1905), 223-228. 1905.1 - Possible expansion of shad- hatchery work. Proc. 4. Internat. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bur. Fish- eries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 789-793. 1910.1 Progress in hatching striped bass. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1909 (1910), 155-159. 1910.2 - Fresh-water angling grounds for the striped buss. Trans. AIIMT. Fisheries Soc. 1911 (HH'Ji, li:> IJti. L912.1 Worthen, Amos //hlc. Notizen (Froriep), 1835, 44, Carolina Hemirhamphus. Amer. Nat- no. 964,' 279-280. 1835.3 uralist, 1872, 6, 369. L872.1 - A history of British fishes, illus- t rat ed by nearly 400 wood-cuts. 2 vols. London; 1836. 400 figs. 8. 1836.1 The same. 2. ed., with supplement. 2 vols. London, 1841. The same. 3. ed., with figures and de- scriptions of the additional species, by John Richardson. 2 vols. London, 1859. 522 wood- cuts, portr. species of freshwater fishes belonging to the genus Leuciscus Klein. Trans. Linn. Soc. London, 1837, 17, 5-10. fig. - Faunus (Gistl), 1, 128. 1837.1 - Zur Physiologic der Fische. Neue Xotizen (Froriep), 1837, 2, no. 44, 337-341. 1837.2 On a new species of smelt from the isle of Bute (Osmerus hebridicus) Kept. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci., 8. meet., 1838, pt. 2, 108-109. 1838.1 - Note on a small but perfect specimen of the eagle ray, Myliobatis aquila of British fishes. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1839, 145. 1839.1 - On the growth of the salmon in fresh water; with six coloured il- lustrations 9f the fish of the natural size, exhibiting its character and exact appearance and various stages during the first two years. London, 1839. 3 p. illust. fol. " 1839.2 - Remarks on some species of the genus Svngnathus. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist,, 1839, 3, 81-85. fig. 1839.3 - Note on the recent occurrence of new or rare fishes in England. Zoolo- gist, 1843, 1, 85. 1843.1 Note on Clupea harengus. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 1845, 13, 91. 1845.1 - Notes on tin- mullet, as ob- served at Beaufort harbor, North Caro- lina. Amer. Sportsman, 1x7-1. 4. _".o 1X7-U Descriptions of three British - Notes on the shad a> at Beaufort harbor, North Carolina, and vicinity. Amer. Sportsman, isTI, 4, 98. Kept. U . S. Fish Comm. 1872- 73 (1874), 2, 452^56. 1874.2 On the speckled trout of Utah lake (Salmo virginalis Girard) Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 363-368. Amer. Sportsman, 1874, 4, 68-69. 1874.3 - La pisciculture aux Etats-Unis. C. R. Assoc. Franc. Avanc. Sci. 2. sess. 1873 (1874), 539-542. 1874.4 Report of a reconnaissance of the shad rivers south of the Potomac. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2 (Append. C), 396-402. 1874.5 Description of a new species of .fish (Apocope couesi, sp. nov.] from the mountains of Arizona. Field & Forest, 1875, 1, 39. 1875.1 - Viviparous perch [their abun- dance at Santa Barbara) Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 132; 180. fig. 1876.1 Notes on the natural history of Fort Macon, N. C., and vicinity. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., 1877, 203-218. 1877.1 No. 3, Fishes. The young of Phycis america- nus. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 340. 1877.2 Viviparous perch. Field, 1879, 10, 348. Chicago 1879.1 Chapter on fish and fish diet The oil shark of southern Cali- '" * fornia. Chicago Field, 1880, 13, 305. 1XMJ.1 (In Harvey, W. H. The seaside book. London, 1857. 16) 1857.1 - A second supplement to the first and second editions of " A history of British fishes," by John Richardson. London, 1860. 8. 1860.1 Yarrell, William, & Clarke, William Barnard. Lettens] . . . noticing the recent occurrence of the fry of a species of Hemirhamphus on the coast of Suffolk, etc. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1837, n. s. 1, 50.5-507. fig. 1837.1 Yarrow, H. C., & Cope, E. D. See Cope Y< Buckland & Young. Young, Andrew, & Fitzgibbon, Ed- ward. ,sv<; Fitzgibbon . _>, C>(>-66. 1V.H1.1 Mcrkwiirdige Lebcn^rwotm- heiten bei Tieren. Die Natur, 1898, 47. Jahrg., 591-593. ls.ts.i - Ueber einige intcro-a nt l'tmclitri<-hc. Biol. Centralbl., 1898, 18, 714-718. 5 figs. 1898.2 Ueber Nachweis und \Orkom- men von Nuclein. Ber. Bot. Ges., 1898, 16, 185-198. 3 figs. 1898.3 Mikrochemisches Qber Sperma von Salmo. - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der natiirlichen Nahnmg junger Siisswasser- fische. Zool. Anz., 1901, 24, 390-394. 1901.1 - Beitrage zur Kenntniss der natiirlichen Nahrung junger Siis>\\ asser- fische. Deutsch. Fisc-ln-n-i /<-itg., 1902, 26, 309-311; 572-574. 1902.1 Ueber die Diatomen als Fisch- nahrung. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 27. Jahrg., 323-324. ]'.<)_>_> Ueber die natiirliche Xahrung ehiiger Siisswasserfische. Forschungs- bericht Biol. Stat. Plon, 1902, 9, (U 1902.3 Mitteilungiibergelegontlich auf- gefundene Parasiten den Fischf auna von Plon. Forschungsbericht Biol. Stat. Plon., 1903, 10, 100-104. 1 '.>:;. I Alte Ziele und nrm- Wege im Fischereiwesen. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 345-349. 1904.1 - Una voce dall' Italia sui raj >j >< >rt i tra la scienza e la pesca. Acquicolt. Lombarda, Milano, 1904, 6, 31. 1904.2 II cringe im Siisswaaser [bei Husumi Fischerei Zeitg., Nrudainin. 1905,8,832-833. I'."*:,.] - Hydrobiologische und Ii-< -lirn -i- wirtschaftliche Beobachtungen an cini- 666 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZAC Zacharias, E.O. gen Seen der Schweiz und Italiens. Forschber. Biol. Stat. Plon, Berlin, 1905, 12, 169-302. 1905.2 - Die moderne Hydrobiologie und ihr Verhaltnis zur Fischzucht und Fischerei. Arch. Hydrobiol., Stuttgart, 1905, 1, 82-108. Biol. Centralbl., 25, 322-329; 352-365. 1905.3 - Die Station fur Fischzucht und Hydrobiologie an der Universitat Tou- louse. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30. Jahrg., 42-45. 1905.4 Zur Kenntnis der Nahrung junger Aale. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1905, 30. Jahrg., 33. 1905.5 - Konnen die Fische horen oder nicht? Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1906, 3. Jahrg., 371-374. 1906.1 Die natiirliche Nahrung der jungen Wildfische in Binnenseen. Un- sere Welt, Godesberg, 1909, 1, 389-394. 1909.1 Zacher, Julius. Pseudocallisthenes; Forschungen zur Kritik und Geschichte der altesten Aufzeichnung der Alexan- dersage. HaUe, 1867. 1867.1 Zaddach, Ernst Gustav [1817-1881] Ueber Cestracion philippi. Schrift. Phys.-oekon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1872, 13 (Sitzber.), 7-8. 1872.1 - Ueber Fische mit doppelten Athmungsorganen. Schrift. Phys.-oe- kon. Ges. Konigsberg, 1873, 14 (Sitz- ber), 17-19. 1873.1 Zaringer, Joannes Baptista. Quse- dam de historia naturali et descriptio sceleti Salmonis farionis. Inaug. Dis- sert. Friburgi, 1829. viii, 70 p. 8. 1829.1 Zaghorskii, Aleksandr Petrovich [1807-1888] De systemate nerveo pis- cium considerationes. Inaug. Dissert. Dorpati, 1833. 32 p. illust. 4. ' 1833.1 Zagorsky, Alexander. See Zaghor- skii, A. P. Zahalka, Cenek. Palseontplogie kfi- doveho utvaru ve Vysocine Ripske a v Polqmenych Horach [Palaontologie der Kreideformation des Plateau des Georgs- berges bei Raudnitz] Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag 1896 (1897), no. 21. 28 p. 1897.1 Pisces, p. 15. Pasmo V. Roudnicke Vehlo- vicke a Pasmo VII, VIII. Kfidoveho utvaru v Poohfi. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, 1898, no. 5. 78 p. 2 pis. Ibid., no. 10. 20 p. pi. 1898.1 Pdsmo IX. Bfezenske kfido- veho utvaru v Poohfi [Zone IX. Etage der Kreideformation im Egergebiete] Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, 1899, no. 4. 103 p. 6 pis. 1899.1 List of fossil fishes, p. 84-85. - Pasmo I-VII. Kfidoveho ut- varu v Pojizefi. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, 1902, no. 3. 15 p. 2 pis. Ibid., no. 4. 5 p. Ibid., no. 15. 5 p. Ibid., no. 16. 22 p. 2 pis. Ibid., no. 26. 17 p. 2 pis. 1902.1 - Pasmo IX. Kfidoveho utvaru v Pojizefi. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, 1903. 157 p. pi. 1903.1 Pasmo X. Kridoveho utvaru v Pojizefi. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. Prag, 1905, no. 17. 185 p. 4 pis. 1905.1 Zone X der Kreideformation im Isergebiet. Sitzber. Bohm. Ges. Wiss. 1905 (1906), no. 17, 1-184. 1906.1 Zalenskii, Vladimir Vladimirovich [also written Sal ensky W. W.] [1847] History of the development of the sterlet, Adpenser ruthenus, preliminary communication [Text in Russian] 3 parts. Protokolui Zasyedanii Obshch- estvo Estestvoispuitatelei, Kazan 1876- 77 (1877-78), prilozheniya, no. 23 & 27; 1877-78, no. 37. 1876.1 - Embryologie der Ganoiden. I. Impregnation and cleavage of the egg of the sterlet. II. Development of the skeleton in the sterlet. Zool. Anz., 1878, 1. Jahrg., no. 11, 243-245; no. 12, 266-269; no. 13, 288-291. 1878.1 - On the development of the sterlet, Adpenser ruthenus [Text in Russian] 2 parts. Trudui Obshchestvo Estestvoispuitatelei, Kazan, 1878-80, 7, no. 3. iii, 545 p. 19 pis. 1878.2 The second part was originally numerated as vol. x, no. 2, and subsequently corrected. - Entwicklungsgeschichte des Sterlets (Adpenser ruthenus) Vorlaufige Mittheilung [Text in Russian] Sitzber. Ges. Naturf. Univ. Kasan 1877 (1878). 24 p. 1878.3 -^ The developmental history of Adpenser ruthenus. I. The embryonal ZAR BIBLIOGRAPHY Ol I-'ISIIKS fill; stage. II. Post-embryonic develop- ment of the organs [Text in Russian] Trans. Soc. Nat. Kazan, 1879, 7, pt. 3, 226 p. 9 pis. Mem. Soc. Nat. Vmv. K:is:m, 1880, 10, pt. 2, 227-545. 1879.1 - Recherches sur le ddveloppe- ment du sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) Arch. Biol, 1881, 2, 233-341. 4 pis. Also separate; Ghent, 1881. 4 pis. 8. 1881.1 - Ueber die Thatigkeit der Kalymmocyten (Testazellen) bei der I'.nt \vicklung einiger Synasciden (In Festschrift zum siebenzigsten Geburts- tage Rudolf Leuckarts, Leipzig, 1892, 109-120) 1892.1 Comparisons with fishes. - On the development of the ichthyopterygium in ganoid and dip- noan fishes [Text in Russian] Ann. Mus. Acad. St. Petersb., 1898, 215-275. 4 pis. 1898.1 - Zur Entwicklungsgeschichte des Ichthyopterygiums. Proc. 4. Internat. Congr. Zool, Cambridge, Eng., 1898, 177-183. 1898.2 - DeVeloppement des nageoires impaires des acipenserides. Ann. Zool. Acad. Sci., 1899, 4, 299-324. Also separate; St. Petersburg, 1899. 3 pis. 1899.1 Zalsman, P. G. Experiments in fish- culture. Trans. Amer. Fisheries Soc. 1913 (1914), 161-164. 1914.1 Zander, Enoch. Neuere Untersu- chungen liber die naturliche Nahrungbei Slisswasserfischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1903, 75. 1903.1 - Studien iiber das Kiemenfilter bei Slisswasserfischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1903, 75, 233-257. 17 figs. Zangerl, Jos. Fisch/.u-lii-.\iivt :i |t von Franz Fischill in (limmdm. Drill srh. Fix-hrrri Zeitg., 1K80. 3. Jahrg., 116. ( >r>t err. -un^ar. Fi>rlin-ri ., iss( ),.-,() 51, 1VN0.1 - Das Kiemenfilter bei Tiefsee- fischen. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1906, 85, 157-182. pi. & 17 figs. 1906.1 - Das Kiemenfilter der Teleostier. Eine morpho-physiologische Studie. Zeitschr. Wiss. Zool., 1906, 84, 619-713. 2 pis. 1906.2 Zanetti, C. U. Sulla non-prevalenza dei sali potassici nella bile dei pesci marini; nota preliminare. Rendic. Accad. Lincei, Roma, 1902, 5. ser. 11, pt. 2, 275-277. Monit. Zool. Ital., Firenze, 13 (Suppl.), 48-49. 1902.1 Zanichelli, ir. Sullo sviluppo d<-ll<> scheletro viscerale della trot a (Scdmo fario L.) Boll. Soc. Zool. Ital., 190P, 2. ser. 10, 239-255. Zannichelli, - - Enumeratio re- rum naturalium quse in musa>o Zan- nichelliuno asservantur. Abarus altrr. in quo fossilia figurata continrntur. Milano, 1793. L783 I Zantedeschi, Francesco [1797 7 lS7:i] Esperienze istituite sulle corronti rlrt- triche delle torpedini negli stadi
  • '.), 13, 0154-0166. map. 1909.1 - [Ein Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Lebenserscheinungen dos Seh\var/.en Meeres] Mem. Acad. Sci. St. P&enb., 1913, S. ser. 32, 1-299. 8 pis. & 2 maps. 1913.1 Contribution a la question de I' ('tude do la vie de la iner Nord [Text in Russian] Mem. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb.. phys.-math. Cl., 1913, 8. ser. 32, no. 1. 299 p. 8 pis., 13 figs. & 2 maps. 1913.2 Z otter, Johann Theophil Max. Salz- burg's Fisehe. Vonvort zu der Fisch- Summlung ties Herrn J. Aigner . . . von J. T. M. Zetter. Jahresber. Stadt. Mus. Carolino Augusteum, Salzburg, 1859. Anhang C. 1859.1 Zeyneck, Richard von. Ueber den bhiuen Farbstoff aus den Flossen yon Cn-nildbru* paro. Zeitschr. Physiol. ('hem., 1901, 34, 148-152; 568-574. pi. 1901.1 - Ueber den blauen Farbstoff aus den Flossen des Crenilabrus pavo. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Wien, math.-nat. CL, 1912, 121, Abt. 2 B, 1495-1511. 1912.1 - Ueber den blauen Farbstoff des ('/(/itltihrn-s pavo. Anz. Akad. Wiss. Wien, 1912, 49. Jahrg., 481^82. 1912.2 Zezula, B. Das Sichbetrachten der Fische im Spiegel. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1909, 20. Jahrg., 235-237. 1909.1 Zhuiovic, I own M. [1856 ] Biblio- grafia za gheologhiu Balkanskogha poluostrov ... I, 1886 [Bibliographic geologique de la presqu'ile des Balkans. I, 1886] Beoghrad, 1888. 12 p. 4. 1888.1 Servian and French in parallel columns. Zhuk, Vladimir. Ammoco3tes. Der Ban der Xeunaugenlarve [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. Nat. St. Petersb., 1907, 36, pt. 4, 1-36. 4 pis. 1907.1 Ar-usscre Merkmale, allgemeine Topographic der Glieder, Hautdecke, Skelett, Muakel, u. s. w. der Larve von Petromyzon. Zichy, Jend. See Janko, Jdnos. Ziegeler, Guitar. Fischkrankheiten. Worhenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1905, 2. Jahrg., 127-128; 149-154. Ktwas r. l\undr, !'.(,!. ti. lahru.. U'.l If,:;; C,7s (>S(). 3 I I'.MJ'.M Ziegenhagen, l*nnl. \'^\-\- da- ( .- 1'as^systom boi SalmonidrnrinlirN-tdicn. Vorh. Anat. (Jos., Anat. An/... IsiM. 10. SI S. I v.M.l - Beit rage x.ur Anatumir ei Belone. Verh. Anat. Gee., Anat. An/. . 1896, 12, 100-108. 1896.1 Ziegler, Alexander. Beobachtun^ n iiber die geographische Verbrcitung und Wanderziige der Haringe und das Knacken der Rennthiere. Petermann's Mitth., 1857, 418-420. 1857.1 Ziegler, F., & Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst. See Ziegler & Ziegler. Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst [1858 ] Embryonale Entwickelung von Salmo salar. Inaug. Dissert. Freiburg i. B., 1882. 62 p. 4 pis. 8. iss'-M - Die Entstehung des Blutes bei Knochenfischembryonen. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1887, 30, 596-665. 3 pis. - Journ. Micr. Anat., 1888, p. 192. 1887.1 - Ueber Gastrulation der Tole- tier. Vers. Deutsch. Nat., 1S87, 60, 258. 1XS7.-J - Der Urspmng der mesenchyma- tischen Gewebe bei den Selachiern. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1888, 32, 378-400. pi. I**x.l - Die Entstehung des Blutes der Wirbeltiere. Ber. Naturf. Ges. Frei- burg i. B., 1889, 4, 171-182. lss.. 1 - Biologische Bedeutung der ami- totischen (direkten) Kernteilung im Tierreich. Leipzig, 1891. - Ueber die embryonale Anlau. des Blutes bei den Wirbeltiere. Yorh. Deutsch. Zool. Ges., 1892, 18-30. 1892. 1 - Ueber das Verhalton der K<-nn im Dotter der meroblastischon \\ irlx-1- iliioro. Her. Xaturf. Ges. Freiburg i. B.. 1894, 8, 192-209. - Die Entstehung des peribl bei den Knochenfiachen. Anai. An/.. 1896,12,353-370. 12 figs. IMMi.i 670 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZIE Ziegler, H. E. - Die neueren Forschungen in der Embryologie der Ganoiden. Zool. CentralbL, 1900, 7. Jahrg., no. 4-5. 13 p. 7 figs. 1900.1 Lehrbuch der vergleichenden Entwickelungsgeschichte der niederen Wirbeltiere, in systematischer Reihen- folge und mit Beriicksichtigung der experimentellen Embryologie bearbeitet. Jena, 1902. xii, 366 p. pi. & figs. 8. 1902.1 Skelet der Knorpelfische (Sela- chier, Elasmobranchier) (In Zoologische Wandtafeln iiber Wirbelthiere, heraus- gegeben von C. Chun. Cassel & Leip- zig [1903] 4) 1903.1 Ein Embryo von Chlamydosela- chus anguineus Garni. Anat. Anz., 1908, 33, 561-574. 7 figs. 1908.1 - Die phylogenetische Entstehung des Kopfes der Wirbeltiere. Jena. Zeitschr. Naturw., 1908, 43, 653-684. pi. & 11 figs. 1908.2 - Die sogenannten Hornfaden der Selachier und die Flossenstrahlen der Knochenfische. Zool. Anz., 1908, 33, 721-727. 4 figs. 1908.3 Zoologisches Worterbuch; Erklarung der zoologischen Fachaus- driicke, Jena, 1909. 645 p. 529 figs. 8. 1909.1 - Ueber die Enterocoltheorie. Zool. Anz., 1914, 44, 136-141. 1914.1 Divertikelbildung iiberall fur kanogenetisch gehalten. Fische. Ziegler, Heinrich Ernst, & Ziegler, F. Beitrage zur Entwickelungsge- schichte von Torpedo. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1892, 39, 56-102. 2 pis. & figs. 1892.1 Zieten, Carl Hartwig von [1785-1846] Die Versteinerungen Wurttembergs, oder naturgetreue Abbildungen der in den vollstandigen Sammlungen, nament- lich der in dem Kabinet des . . . Dr. Hartmann befindlichen Petrefacten, mit Angabe der Gebirgs-Formationen, in welchen dieselben vorkommen, und der Fundorte (Les petrifactions de Wiirttemberg, etc.) Stuttgart, 1830. 102 p. illust. fol. 1830.1 German and French in parallel columns. Issued in twelve parts, each having six plates. Part 1 & 2, p. 1-16, appeared in 1830; parts 3 & 4, p. 17-32, in 1831; parts 5-8, p. 33-64, in 1832, and parts 9-12, p. 65-96, in 1833. Zietz, Amandus H. C. Pisces (In Report on the work of the Horn Scien- tific expedition to central Australia, edited by Baldwin Spencer. Part ii. Zoology, p. 176-180. pi. Appendix, p. 410-411 [London] 1896) 1896.1 - List of the edible fish of the lower Murray. Trans. Roy. Soc. South Australia, 1902, 26, 265-267. 1902.1 Zigno, (Baron} Achille de [1813-1892] For biographical notice and list of writings, see Omboni, G. A. de Zigno, Cenni biografici, etc. Padova, 1892. 55 p. 8. - Nouveau gisement de poissons fossiles. BuU. Soc. Geol. France, 1852, 10,267-269. Ibid., 1853, 11, 469-470. 1852.1 Corrections of above, Bull. Soc. Geol. France, 1854, 2. ser. 11, 469. - Sui resti fossili dei pesci trovati nel Veneto. Rivist. Period. Accad. Padova, 1857, 6, fasc. 11, 21-33. 1857.1 - Descrizione di una nuova specie di Folidofora [Pholidophorus beggiati- > anus] Atti Istit. Veneto, 1865-66, 3. ser. 11, 963-970. pi. 1865.1 Catalogo ragionato dei pesci fossili del calcare eoceno dei monti Bolca e Postale disposti secondo il metodo dell' Agassiz modificato dal Pictet. Atti Istit. Veneto, 1873-74, 4. ser. 3, 1079-1116; 1153-1187; 1389- 1421; 1639-1665; 1897-1929; 2195- 2241. Abstract in Verh. Geol. Reichs- anst. Wien, 1875, 37. 1873.1 - Annotazioni paleontologiche. Pesci fossili nuovi del calcare eoceno dei monti Bolca e Postale. Mem. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1874, 18, 287-301. 3 pis. 1874.1 Annotazioni paleontologiche. Aggiunte alia ittiologia dell' epoca eocena. Mem. Istit. Veneto Sci., 1876, 20, 445^56. Abstract in BuU. Comit. Geol. Italia, 1879, 10, 64. 1876.1 Sui vertebrati fossili dei terreni mesozoici delle Alpi Venete. N. Saggi . Accad. Sci. Padova, 1883, 9, pt. 1, 315-326. 1883.1 Sopra uno scheletro fossile di Myliobatis esistente nel museo Gazola in Verona. Mem. R. Istit. Veneto, 1885,679-688. pi. 1885.1 Due nuovi pesci fossili della , famiglia dei Balistini scoperti nel terreno '>' Eoceno del Veronese. Mem. Soc. Ital. Sci., 1887, 3. ser. 6, no. 4. 8 p. 2 pis. 1887.1 ZIT BIBLIOGRAPHY 7 .1 Zimmermann, G Antlicil an der Hiiuicii-, l\ii>tm und Hochseefisrhnvi. init l>rsiiid-n-r |i- rucksichtiguiig der Betriebsreeultate d-r Neuen Emder Haringsfischerei-Acticn- Gesellschaft, etc. Emden, 1880. LM p. 4. isso.l Zimmermann, H. Auf dm Gronghi- (Seeaal-) Fang. .\, Altona, 1903, 6, 107-109. 1903.1 Zimmermann, A'. \V. Studien iiber Pigmentzellen. I. Ueber die Anordnung des Archiplasmas in den Pigmentzellen der Knochenfische. Arch. Mikr. Anat., 1893, 41, 367-389. 2 pis. 1893.1 Zincone, Antonio. Osseryazioni ana- tomiche su di alcune appendici tattili dei pesci. Rendic. Acad. Sci., Napoli, 1876, 16, 182-193. 2 pis. 1876.1 Zindler, Alfred. Rivulus ocellatus Hensel. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1912, 9. Jahrg., 710. 1912.1 - Zucht und Pflege der Haplochi- lus spec, aus Cap Lopez. Wochenschr. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1914, 11. Jahrg., 103-104. fig. 1914.1 Zirzow, Paid. Vorrichtung zur Regenerierung des Wassers in Fisch- behaltern mittels ozonisierter Luft. D. R. Pat. Kl., 1906, 45. Heft, no. 169932. 2 p. pi. 1906.1 - A new method of combatting fungus on fishes in captivity. Proc. 4. Intern. Fish. Congr. Washington. Bull. Bur. Fisheries 1908 (1910), 28, pt. 2, 937-940. 1910.1 Zittel, Karl Alfred von [1839-1904] For biographical notices, see Pompeckj. J. F. Karl A. von Zittel. Palaeonto- graphica, 1904, 60, 6. Lief., l*-28*. Also Osborn, H. F. Karl Alfred von Zittel. Science, 1904, n. s. 19, 186-188. - Denkschrift auf Christian Kn !. Hermann von Meyer. Miinchen. ]s7<>. - Aus der Urzeit; Bilder aus .1. -r Schopfungsgeschichte. 2. ed. Mtin- 672 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZIT Zittel, K. A. chen, 1875. 630 p. illust. 12 (Naturkrafte, Bd. viii-ix) 1875.1 A popular treatise on palaeontology, contain- ing accounts of the ichthyic faunas of successive eras. The first edition was published in 1872. - Ueber Ceratodus. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1886, 16, 253-261. pi. 1886.1 - Ueber vermeintliche Haut- schilder fossiler Store. Sitzber. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1886, 16, 261-264. 1886.2 r Handbuch der Palaontologie. I. Abtheilung. Palaozoologie. Band iii. Vertebrata (Pisces, Amphibia, Reptilia, Aves) Miinchen & Leipzig, 1887-90. 900 p. 719 figs. 1887.1 Review by A. S. Woodward in Geol. Mag., 1889, 3. dec. 6, 125-130; 177-181; 227-232. - Traite de paleontologie. Tome iii. Vertebrata (Pisces, Amphibia, Rep- tilia, Aves) Traduit par Charles Barrois. Paris, 1893. 719 figs. 1893.1 Pisces, p. 5-330. 323 figs. - Grundziige der Palaontologie. \s Miinchen & Berlin, 1895. 971 p. 2048 figs. 8. 1895.1 Pisces, p. 510-603. - Palaeontology and the biogenetic law. Nat. Science, 1895, 6, 305-312. 1895.2 - Fossil fishes in the British Museum. Nat. Science, 1896, 8, 408- 410. 1896.1 A review of the first three volumes of A. S. Woodward's " Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum." - Geschichte der Geologie und ^ Palaontologie bis Ende des 19. Jahr- hunderts. Miinchen, 1899. xi, 868 p. 8. 1899.1 - K. A. von Zittel's palaontolo- gische Wandtafeln. Serie I. Fossile Tiere. Herausgegeben von Prof. Dr. K. A. von Zittel, fortgesetzt von Prof. Dr. J. F. Pompeckj. Stuttgart, 1900. 83 charts. 1900.1 Pisces, charts 34-38. Selachii und Ganoidei. - Text-book of palaeontology. Translated and edited by Charles R. Eastman. Vol. ii. London & New York, 1902. viii, 283 p. 373 figs. 8. 1902.1 Pisces, revised by A. S. Woodward, p. 1-114. - History of geology and palseon- v/ tology to the end of the 19th century. Translated by Maria Ogilvie-Gordon. London & New York, 1908. 562 p. 8 (The contemporary science series) 1908.1 Grundziige der Palaontologie (Palaozoologie) . . . neubearbeitet von F. Broili, E. Koken, M. Schlosser. II. Abteilung, Vertebrata. 2. Auflage. Mtinchen & Berlin, 1911. 598 p. 749 figs. 8. 1911.1 Pisces, p. 3-142. Zittel, Karl A. von, & Rohon, J. Victor. Ueber Conodonten. Sitzber. Akad. Wiss. Miinchen, 1887, 16, 108- 136. 2 pis. 1887.1 Ziundorf , Jakob. Mitteilungen iiber die Baugrube des Offenbacher Hafens. Ein Beitrag zur geologischen und palaontologischen Kenntnis der Cyre- nenmergelschichten im nord-ostlichen Teile des Mainzer Beckens, nebst einem Fundbericht iiber bearbeitete Baum- stamme aus prahistorischer Zeit. S7.-42. Ber. Offenbach. Ver. Nat., 1901, 87-146. 4 pis. & 3 figs. 1901.1 Zoega, F. L. Pisciculture. Rapport fait a la societe academique de 1'Oise. Mem. Soc. Acad. Oise,.1859, 4, 235-242. 1859.1 Zograf, J. N. ee Zograf, Nikolai Yurevich. Zograf, Nikolai Yurevich [1851 ] Ueber den sogenannten Labyrmthappa- rat der Labyrinthfische (Labyrinthici) Biol. Centralbl., 1886, 5, no. 22, 679- 686. 1886.1 - Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Or- ganisation des Sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus} [Text in Russian] Moskau, 1887. 2 pis. & figs. 4. 1887.1 - Les donne"es pour Tetucie de 1' organisation de 1'esturgeon [Text in Russian] Moscou, 1887. 2 pis. & fig. 4. 1887.2 - Die embryonale Riickenflosse des Sterlets (Acipenser ruthenus) Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, no. 17, 517-521. 1887.3 - On some of the affinities between the Ganoidei, Chondrostei and other fishes. Nature, 1887, 37, 70. 1887.4 Ueber die Zahne der Knorpel- Ganoiden. Biol. Centralbl., 1887, 7, 178-183; 224. 1887.5 On the construction and purpose of the so-called labyrinthine apparatus of the labyrinthic fishes. Quart. Journ. Micr. Sci., 1888, n. s. 28, 501-512. pi. 1888.1 ZOL lUlU.KH.kAI'HY OF KlSII|-> - L'aquiculture au Muse*e des Sciences Naturelles Appliquees de Mos- cou, avec une introduction de Jules de Guerne. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1894, 6, 106-110. 1894.1 - An attempt to explain the origin of the fauna of the lakes of Russia in Europe [Text in Russian] Bull. Acad. Sci. St. Petersb., 1895, 5. ser. 3, 173-190. map. 1895.1 - La peche et la pisciculture en Russie. Bull. Soc. Centr. Aquicult. Peche, 1895, 7. 1895.2 - Essai d'explication de 1'origine de la faune des lacs de la Russie d' Eu- rope. Moscou, 1896. 1896.1 - Note sur Todontographie des Ganoidei Chondrostei. Ann. Sci. Nat. (Zool.}, 1896, 8. se>. 1, 197-219. 2 pis. Abstract in Congr. Zool., Leyden, vol. iii, p. 320-322. 1896.2 Einige interessante Daten zur Frage liber die Abstammung des Tele- skopfisches [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obs6. Acclim., Moskva, 1901, 4, 109. 1901.1 TJeber die Lebensweise und systematische Stellung von Comepho- rus baikalensis. Tagebl. Intern. Zool. Congr., 1901, no. 8, p. 9. 1901.2 - Uebersicht der letzten Ausgaben des Ministeriums fiir Agricultur und Stadts-Domanen iiber Fischereigewerbe [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc. Acclim., Moskva, 1901, 6, 135-153. 1901.3 - Zur Biologic der Lophobranchii nach den Angaben Dr. Duncker's [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc. Acclim., Moskva, 1901, 5, 166- 171. 1901.4 - Aus dem I^eben der Fische [Text in Russian] Zurn. Obsc. LIub. Komn. Rast., St. Petersb., 1902. 18 p. 1902.1 - Einiges iiber die systematische Stellung und die Lebensweise des Comephorus baikalensis Pall. Verh. Intern. Zool. Congr. Berlin, 1902, 592- 595. 1902.2 Fische aus Malakka und der Malakka-Strasse [Text in Russian] Izv. Obsc. LIub. Jest., Moskva, 1902, 98 (Dnevn. Zool. Otd.), 3, no. 4, 43-44. 1902.3 Zogrraf, .Y/AW,/7 Ynr.m-h, Hindze, H. f\., Voronkov, A . I '., Bogojavlen- kii, A. 1., Chmelevskij, ( . I Gracianov, I. /. ,sw Chmelevskij, Gracianov A: other-. Zograf, \iknlni Yum-M-h, A: Kavrai- skii, T . T . Lists and descriptions of tin- collection of fishes in the mux-um of the Imperial Moscow I niversity .Text in Russian] Isvest. Univ. Moscow, 1889, 66, pt. 1. 50 p. 1889.1 Zograth, //. iKxternal character- and anatomy of Acipetiser ruther^us L.| [Text in Russian] Trav. Soc. N Moscou, lss7, 52. pt. 3. 72 p. 2 pis. & figs. 1SS7.1 Zolotniskii, N. F. Lebendi^ge- barende Fische [Text in Russian) Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc. Acclim., Moskva, 1901, 6, 154-165. fig. 1901.1 Les mceurs du Girardinus decem- maculatus, poisson vivipare. Arch. Zool. Exper. G6n., 1901, 3. ser. 9, Ixv-lxxi. fig. 1901.2 - Les poissons distinguent-ils les couleurs? Arch. Zool. Exper. Ge*n., 1901, 3. ser. 9, i-v. 1901.3 - Le poisson archer (Toxotes jacu- lator) en aquarium. Arch. Zool. Exper. Ge*n., 1902, 3. se>. 10, Ixxiv-lxxxiv. 1902.1 - Der Schtitzenfisch (Toxotes jacu- later) und sein Leben im Aquarium [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsd. Acclim., Moskva, 1902, 7, 217-240. pi. 1902.2 - Le sterlet en liberte" et en aquarium [Extrait du journal Natur und Haus, Berlin, traduction de M. Delaval] Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1902, 49, 387-392. 1902.3 - I costumi di un peace viviparo (Girardinus decemmaculatus) Riassunto. Acquic. Lombarda, Milano, 1903, 5, 169-171.' 1903.1 - Die Fischzucht im Zimmer vor 25 Jahren und Heute [Text in Russian i Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obs6. Acclim. Moskva, 1904, 2, pt. 4, 12-19. 1904.1 - - Flundernim Aquarium [Text in Russian] Jestestv. Geogr., Moskva, 1906, 11, pt. 8, 66-80. 1906.1 _ Die Fahaka (Tetrodon) und ihr Leben im Aquarium [Text in Russian] Akvarium, Moskva, 190S, pt. '2, W-g7; 99-106. 674 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZOU Zouch, (Rev.) Thomas. The life of Izaak Walton, including notices of his contemporaries. York, 1790. 4. 1790.1 Other editions: London, 1823. 93 p. 20 pis. London, 1826. 8. London, 1830. 93 p. 4. Zouiev, Basil. Blenniorum duse species ex museo academico descriptse. Acta Acad. Petropol., 1779, 2, 195-201. pi. 1779.1 - Descriptio piscis non descripti qui pertinet ad genus Scarorum For- skalii [Scarus maxilosus] Acta Acad. Petropol., 1779, 1, 229-232. fig. 1779.2 Anarrhichas pantherinus, nova species. Acta Acad. Petropol., 1781, 1, 271-277. fig. 1781.1 - Descriptio Characis leucometo- pontes. Nova Acta Acad. Petropol., 1786, 4, 275. 1786.1 - Echeneidis, nova species [E. nateratoides] Nova Acta Acad. Petro- pol., 1786, 4, 279-283. pi. 1786.2 Fcetus Squali singularis. Nova Acta Acad. Petropol., 1787, 5, 239-242. 1787.1 Gymnotus albus, nova species. Nova Acta Acad. Petropol., 1787, 5, 269-273. pi. 1787.2 - Bigarum Muraenarum, novae species [MurcenafuscaetM.alba] Nova Acta Acad. Petropol., 1789, 7, 296-301. figs. 1789.1 Zozhdestyensky, E., & Derjugin, K. See Derjugin & Zozhdestvensky. Zschiesche, A. Eizellen in der Haut von Macropoden. Zool. Anz., 1910, 36, 294-298. 1910.1 Zschokke, Fritz [1860 1 On the worms parasitic on freshwater fishes. Arch. Biol., 1884, 5. 1884.1 Parasitenfauna von Trutta solar. Basel, 1889. pi. 8. 1889.1 Faunistische Studien an Ge- birgsseen. Verb. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1890, 9, 1. Heft, 1-62. 1890.1 Die Parasiten unserer Stisswas- serfische (In Zacharias, O. Die Tier- und Pflanzenwelt des Siisswassers, vol. ii, no. 5. 46 p. Leipzig, 1891) 1891.1 - Die Fauna hochgelegener Ge- birgsseen. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1895, 11, 1. Heft, 36-123. Also sepa- rate; Basel, 1895. 98 p. 8. 1895.1 Sur les vers parasites dans les poissons d'eau douce. C. R. Soc. Helvet. Sci. Nat., 78. sess., 1896, 149-150. 1896.1 Myxosporidien; genus Core- gonus. Centralbl., Bakt. u. Parasitk., 1898, 23. 1898.1 Die Tierwelt der Hochgebirgs- seen. Denkschr. Schweiz. Ges. Naturw., 1900, 37. 400 p. 8 pis. 1900.1 Marine Schmarotzer in Siiss- wasserfischen. Verh. Naturf. Ges. Basel, 1903, 16, 118-157. pi. 1903.1 - Der Lachs und seine Wander- ung; popular er Vortrag. Stuttgart, [1905] 32 p. 1905.1 - Uebersicht iiber das Vorkommen und die Verteilung der Fische, Amphi- bien, Reptilien und Saugetiere in der Schweiz. Basel, 1905. 1905.2 Die Tiefseefauna der Seen Mitteleuropas; eine geographisch- faunistische Studie. Leipzig, 1911. ii, 246 p. iUust. 4. . 1911.1 - Die Fische der Schweiz. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1912, 20. Jahrg., 1-12; 34-41. 1912.1 Zuckerkandl, Emit [1849-1910] Ueber accessorische Nebennieren bei Torpedo marmorata. Anat. Hefte, 1906, 31,219-232. 2 pis. & 3 figs. * 1906.1 Ztirn, E. S. Einiges iiber den Karp- fen und seine Naturgeschichte. Die Natur, 1900, 49. Jahrg., 63-64. 1900.1 Zugmayer, Erich [1879 ] Descrip- tions of four new cyprinoid fishes from High Asia. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1909, 8. ser. 4, 432-435. 1909.1 Beitrage zur Ichthyologie von Zentral-Asien. Zool. Jahrb. (Syst.Abth.), 1910,29,275-298. pi. 1910.1 Four new species are described of Schizothorax and Aspiorhynchus. Leuchtorgane und Augen von Tiefseefischen. Nat. Wochenschr., 1910, 25, 329-331. 1910.2 .Diagnoses des poissons nou- veaux provenant des campagnes du yacht "Princesse Alice" (1901 a 1910) Bull. Inst. Oc6anogr. Monaco, 1911, no. 193. 14 p. 1911.1 ZUR BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISH MS - Poissons provenant des cam- pagnesdu yacht "Princesse Alice," 1901- 1910. Result. Campagn. Sclent., Mo- naco, 1911, 35, 1-159. 6 pis. & 48 figs. 1911.2 - Eight new fishes from Balu- chistan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1912, 8. ser. 10, 595-599. 1912.1 - On a new genus of cyprinoid fishes [A*i>idins n. g., Regalecus, Cetostoman. g. Zuikov, V. P. Structure microscc- pique de la medulla oblongata chez Lo- phius piscatoriu-s L.) [Text in Russian] Bull. Soc. Imp. Moscou, 1898, n. s. 11 (Protokol), 35-36. 1898.1 - Die biologische yolga-Station und ihre Arbeiten liber Fischparasiten [Text in Russian] Dnevn. Otd. Icht. Imp. R. Obsc. Acclim., Moskva, 1901, 4, 104-108. 1901.1 Zuntz, Nathan [1847 ] Ueber den Stoffwechsel der Fische. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1879, no. 3, 8.5-91. 1879.1 Ueber die Verdauung und den Stoffwechsel der Fische (nach Versuchen von Hrrrn Karl Knauthn Arch. . \nat. l'hys.,,1. ( /'/,//.s/W. .!/,//,.., 1898, 149-1 .1 l.Vts.i - Ein Krspiraiionsapparat fur Wassrrthinr. Arch. Anat. I'liVM..!. (Physiol. Abth.), 1901, 453-551. lilt. 1901.1 - Eini'Mrthoilr/urSrh.-ii /unities Ki \\ciss- und Fettgehaltes im lebenden Thierkorper. Arch. Anat. Physic .1. (Physiol. Abth.), 1903, 205-208. fi>. 1903.1 - Ueber den Winterschlaf il-r Tiere. Nat. Wochenschr., 1905, 20, 145-148. 1905.1 - Respiration und Stoffwechsel der Fische. Deutsche Med. Wochen- schr., 1914, 40. Jahrg., 777. 1914.1 Abhangigkeit von Temperatur, von K6rper- grosse, von Tierart. Zur Kenntnis des Stoffwechsels und der Atmung von Wassertieren (Berlin. Physiol. Ges.) Berlin. Klin. Wochenschr., 1914, 51. Jahrg., 621-622. 1914.2 Abhangigkeit des Stoffwechsels von der Temperatur (van't Hoffsches Gesetz) und von der Grosse der Tiere. Zuntz, Nathan, & Crohnheim, it Die Bedeutung der Naturnahrung fiir die Ernahrung der Teichfische. Neu- damm, 1911. 1911.1 Zuntz, Nathan, & Knauthe, Karl. Bemerkungen zu den Futterungsver- suche des Herrn von Schrader auf Sunde, etc. Fischerei Zeitg., 1900, 3. 1900.1 - Vorschlage zur Karpfenfiittcr- ung in mageren Teichen. Fisclu n i Zeitg., 1900, 3. 1900.2 Zur Mtihlen, Max von. Die Be- wirtschaftung unserer Binnengewasser. Bait, Wochenschr., Jurjev, 1908, 251- 256. 1908.1 Die Fischerei im Spankau'schen See. Bait. Wochenschr., Jurjev, 1908, 219-221. 1908.2 Der Peipus und die Peipusma- rane. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 190S. 33, 41-44. 1908.3 Aus den Landern der wunder- baren Fischfange. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 8. Jahrg., 241. 1911.1 Beobachtung iiber eine Lachswanderung in Alaska. Canton de Berne. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 100. 191 1 _' Abramis brama von 15 Pfund Gewicht aus dem Bieler 676 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY ZUR Zur Mtihlen, M. Canton de Neuchatel. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 153. 1911.3 Fischsterben durch Blitzschlag im See von Brenet (Neuenberger Jura) Canton de Vaud. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 69; 131. 1911.4 Einbiirgerung von Idus melanotus, Scardinius erythrpphthalmus, Abramis brama, Gobio fluvia- tilis im Joux See, und von Thymallus vulgaris in die Orbe. Canton des Grisons. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 170. 1911.5 Trutta lacustris von 107 cm Lange aus dem Silser See. Exoccetusvolitans. Nature, 1911, 87, 335. 1911.6 - Fiskar med "mal" i mun [Fische die sich Laute geben] Fran Skog och Sjo, 1911, 4, 236. 1911.7 Fiskarnas vard af sin afkomina. Fran Skog och Sjo, 1911, 4, 177. 1911.8 Referat zu Weber, M. Brutpflege einiger Fische aus Neu-Guinea. - Grosser Sandfelchen aus dem Bodensee. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, n. s. 26, 518. 1911.9 - Die Nase (le hotu) [Chondros- toma nasus] in Frankreich. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 287- 288. 1911.10 Notizen iiber die Fischfauna des Kantons Aargau. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 167-171. 1911.11 Ostsiberiens fiskerier. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1911, 20, 146-150. , 1911.12 Konsularbericht iiber den Fang von Oncor- kynchus keta und O. gorbuscha im Amur. Le poisson-chat. Bull. Suisse Peche Piscicult., 1911, 12, 70. 1911.13 Raoul Pictet suspend la vie. Svensk Fiskeritidskr., 1911, 12, 114-115. 1911.14 Experiments showed that fishes could live from 3 weeks to 2 months at a temperature of 20. At a lower temperature (in the case of Tinea vulgaris) death occurred. Seltener Fang. Deutsche Fisch- erei Zeitg., 1911,34. Jahrg., 612. 1911.15 Notiz iiber den Fang von "Mugilchels" und Scorpaena. Tabellen zur Bestimmung plank- tonischer Eier der Nordsee und benach- barter Gewasser (mit Ausschluss der Ostsee) Conseil Perm. Intern. Explora- tion de la Mer, Rapp. & Proc. Verb., 1911, 13, appendix nos. 1 & 3. 1911.16 Ueber die Fruchtbarkeit des Karpfenrogners. Oesterr. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 8. Jahrg., 322-323. 1911.17 Referat iiber Untersuchungen von F. Staff im Okolnik Rybacki, Organ des galizischen Fischerei-Vereins . Ueber Konservierung von Fischen. Blatt. Aquar.-Terrar. Kunde, 1911, 22. Jahrg., 499-500; 529-530. 1911.18 - Ueber Ortsgedachtnis bei Fischen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 107-108. 1911.19 - Vom Aal (Anguilla anguilla L.) Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 206-207. 1911.20 Vom Gangfisch (Coregonus exi- guus var. nuesslini} Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 320-322. 1911.21 - Wandernde Fische. Bull. Men- suels, Ges. Luxemburg. Naturfreunde, 1911, n. s. 5. Jahrg., 134-135. 1911.22 Beobachtungen iiber Anabas scandens und seine Wanderungen. - Warum wir Fische angeln kon- nen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19. Jahrg., 173-175. 1911.23 Ein Wels- Albino. Allgem. Fisch- erei Zeitg., 1911, n. s. 26, 517-518. 1911.24 Wiederkehr des Elbherings. Deutsche Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 34. Jahrg., 102. 1911.25 Wirkung explosiver Gerausche von Motorbooten und Geschiitzen auf Fische. Deutsche Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 34. Jahrg., 703-704; 726-727; 740. 1911.26 Zur Frage der Einbiirgerung unserer Peipusmarane in den Seen der Ostseeprovinzen. Jahrb. Abt. K. Russ. Ges. Fischzucht und Fischfang in Est-, Liv- und Kurland 1910 (1911), (Liv- landsch Abth.), 69-74. 1911.27 Zwimpfer, L. Die Ursachen der Abnahme der sogenannten Sempacher- Balchen und die Mittel zum Erhalt und Vermehrung des Fischereichthums des Sempachersees. Luzern, 1869. 2 p. fol. 1869.1 Zykoff or Zykov, V. P. See Zuikov, V.P. II LIST OF ANONYMOUS TITLES' Anonymous. Der Aal als Wander- fisch. Deutsche Landw. Presse, 1876, 3. Jahrg., 10. Anon. 1 - Der Aal [Anguilla viilgaris] Aus der Heimath (Rossmassler), 1864, 807- 810. figs. Anon. 2 - Der Aal geht aufs Land. .Landw. Zeitg. nebst Anzeig. Kassel, 1880, 2. Jahrg., 730-732. Anon. 3 - Ein Aal hat 9,000,000 Eier. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 2-3. Anon. 4 - Aale in der oberen Aisch. Bay- erische Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 69-70. Anon. 5 Aale, welche Maifische angrei- fen. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 255. Anon. 6 - Aalenes hermaphroditime. Xord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1874, 1, 90-92. Anon. 7 - Aalens kjensforhold. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1875, 2, 188-192. figs. Anon. 8 Aalesund; beretning om fiskeri- udstillingen i aalesund 1864. Af given af formanden i selskabet for aalesunds byes vel sagforer J. Thuesen. Chris- tiania, 1864. 108 p. 8. Anon. 9 Der Aalfang bei Comacchio. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 19-21. figs. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 11-12. Anon. 10 - Der Aalfang bei Leba. Oesterr.- ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 320-321. Anon. 11 Aalzuchtung. 35. Jahrg., 951-954. Ausland, 1862, Anon. 12 durende het laaste zesjarig tijdvak. Utrecht, 1862. 4. Anon. 13 - Eene Aanteekening betrefiVndr de vermoedelijke afkomst van Willem Beukelsz, waaruit tevens zou blijkm, dat het haringkaken reeds in't begin der XIV e eeuw in gebruik was. De Navor- scher, Amsterdam, 1870, 165, 438. Anon. 14 - Ein Abemteuer beim Huchen- fischen [Salmo hucho] Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 41-12. Anon. 15 Die Abnahme der Fische in Ungarn. Deutsche Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2, 247-248. Anon. 16 - About the gudgeon [Gobio fluvi- atilis] Fishing Gazette, 1880, 4, 410- 411. Anon. 17 An abridged statement of re- ports from district fishery boards and others. 30. Ann. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1912, pt. 3, 245-278. Anon. 18 Acclimatisation der Forelle und des Lachses in Tasmanien. Aus der Natur, 1865, 34 (n. s. 22), 32. Anon. 19 - The acclimatisation of salmon in Otago. Nature, 1875, 11, 209. Anon. 20 - Acclimatisation von Salmen und Forellen in Australien. Zool. Garten, 1870, 11, 129-132. Anon. Jl - Acclimatisation von Salmen, und Vogeln in Neu-Seeland. Zool. Garten, 1875, 16, 114-115. Anon. 22 - Acclimatisirung der Forelle in Tasmanien. Zool. Garten, 1875, 16. 237. Anon. 23 - Addition to list of fishes of Maryland. Kept. Comm. Fisheries Maryland, 1877, 57-94. Anon. _M Aanluiding van de plaatsen waar de meeste haring is gevangen, ge- i Initial article (" a." "an," "the," etc.) in English and other languages are disregard- d in alphabetizing, and the titles are numbered serially for the purpose of reference in the .Sul>j < t Index. 678 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Additional reports relative to the hatching and planting of the Penob- scot salmon. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), Append. B., xvi-xvii; 380-384. Anon. 25 - Additions to the list of fishes known to inhabit Narragansett bay, with remarks on rare specimens recently caught. 31. Ann. Rept. Comm. In- land Fish. Rhode Island, 1901, 57-59. Anon. 26 - Aeussere Geschlechtsunter- schiede an unseren Stisswasserfischen. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1877, 10, 38-39. Journ. Zool., 1875, 4, 215. Anon. 27 The age and growth of a pike (Esox lucius] Fish. Gazette, 1877, 10. Anon. 28 - The age and growth of fishes; the results of recent marine investiga- tions. Scient. Amer. Suppl., 1909, 68, 239. fig. Anon. 29 Translated from Prometheus. Akklimatisation eines chinesi- schen Fisches in Frankreich.. Natur (Miiller), 1878, n. s. 4, 424. Anon. 30 Akklimatisation von Karpfen in Amerika. Circul. Deutsch. Fisch- erei Ver., 1873, 238-241. Anon. 31 - Almindelinge betragtninger over en deel av Fiske-Varenes Virkning, til- beredelse og behandling. Den Ber- genske Borgerven, Bergen, 1767, 241- 257. Anon. 32 Treats of preparation of fish. - Ein alter Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio] Aus der Natur, 1873, 62 (n. s. 50), 331-332. Anon. 33 Ambassis lala. Gelber Zwerg- scheibenbarsch. Wochenschr. Aquar.- Terrar. Kunde, 1910, 7. Jahrg., 390-391. fig. Anon. 34 - American fish and how to catch them; a hand-book for fishing. By an old angler. New York, 1885. 95 p. 8. Anon. 35 - American fish-culture. Fish. Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 171-172. Anon. 36 American fisheries. Fishing Ga- zette, 1878, n. s. 2, 18; 27-28. Anon. 37 - The American fisheries. Me- morial of the Committee on Fisheries, appointed in Boston, on the American fisheries as affected by the treaty of Washington. February 9, 1872. House of Representatives. 42. Congress, 2. sess. Misc. Doc. no. 69, 1872. 6 p. 8. Anon. 38 - American ichthyology in 1878. Science News, 1879, 1, 97-100. Anon. 39 American trout in Sussex. Speaker, London, 1899, 20, 260-261. Anon. 40 - Das amerikanische Beutelnetz. Nach den der kgl. norwegischen Re- gierung von ihren Commissaren bei der Weltausstellung in Philadelphia, den Hen-en Joan Anderssen u. F. M. Wal- lem, erstatteten Berichten von W. Finn. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2, 285- 286; 301-303. Anon. 41 Amerikanische Sardinen [Clupea menhaden] Ausland, 1874, 47. Jahrg., 658-659. Anon. 42 - Analyse des saumures du ha- reng [Clupea harengus] et leur emploi en agriculture. La Ruche Scientifique, 1860, 1. annee, 39. Anon. 43 Anarchic der Fischzucht. Oes- terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 106- 107. , Anon. 44 - Ancient fish-banks near lake Ontario. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1829, 2, 253-254. Anon. 45 Anfibi e pesci di Sardegna. Sassari, 1777. figs. 8. Anon. 46 - Die Angelfischerei. Nebst ei- nem Anhange, die Krebsfischerei, das Fischstechen und der Fang mit der Schlinge. Leipzig, 1875. 8. Anon. 47 The angler; containing a com- plete description of all fresh-water fish and the most approved methods of catching them; the best places for an- gling near London, together with useful hints to anglers in general. London, 1834. 16 p. 4. Anon. 48 - The angler. How, when and where to fish in river or in sea. London, 1871. 8. Anon. 49 - The angler's companion; being a complete practical guide to angling; with the properties, names and where to be found, of all river fish, etc.; to which is added Nobbes' Art of trolling. London, 1824. 32 p. 12. Anon. 50 - The angler's complete assistant; being an epitome of the whole art of BIKUOCiUAl'IIY (H HSHI> angling; containing at one view, the harbours, seasons and depths for catch- ing all sorts of fish usually angled for. 4. ed. London in. d.i 4. Anon. 51 The first edition, which is without date, was issuec about 1780. - Angler's evenings. Papers by members of the Manchester Anglers' Association. Manchester & London, 1880. 8. Anon. 52 - The angler's guide to the rivers and lakes of north Wales, with the names of all the fishing stations, etc. Wrexham [1864] 7 p. 8. Anon. 53 - The angler's instructor, giving a description of each fish, and the rod and tackle in general use [by William Bailey ] London, 1857. 8. Anon. 54 A second edition was published in 1866 and a third in 1879. - The angler's note book and naturalist's record; a repertory of fact, inquiry and discussion on field sports and subjects of natural history. Lon- don, 1880. 4. Anon. 55 - Angling for eastern salmon (Salmo solar] in California waters. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 390. Anon. 56 The animal heat of fishes. Nature, 1879, 21, 156. Anon. 57 - Anleitung betreffend die Her- stellung von Fischwegen. Wien, 1891. 25 p. pi. 8. Anon. 58 - Anleitung iiber die Behandlung der angebriiteten Fischeier und der Fischbrut. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1877, 21-23. Zeitschr. Ver. Nass. Land.-u. Forstw., 1877, 59, 61-63. Anon. 59 - Another devil-fish story. Ac- count of devil-fish (Ceratoptera) inter- fering with a submarine diver. ' Chicago Field, 1878, 10, 181. Anon. 60 Die Anstalt fur kiinstliche Fisch- zucht in Simbach a.-I. Mitth. uber Fischereiwesen, Miinchen, 1877, 29-30. Anon. 61 - L' apparato elettrico delle razze [Rajidsei Annuar. Sci. Industrial. 1865 (1866), 2, 306-307. Anon. 62 - Arcachon, compte-rendu de la rereinonie de 1'ouverture. Bordeaux, 1866. 8. Anon. 63 Association de poissons [Caranx trachurus] et de meduses. Feuille Jeunes Naturalistes, 1895, 26, 125. Anon. 64 Aihmunn drr Fix-hr. Au- d-r Xatur. 1x71. 58 (n. S. 46<. 736 Anon. 65 The At lain it- li>hrn- I-VImm (ia/.ettr. IsT.s. . |, 2. U! Anon. 66 - Atmung bei Grundeln (Cobin- dinen) Schweiz. Fischerei-Zeitg., 1908, 16. Jahrg., 10-11. Anon ,: - The attempts to propagate sal- mon at the antipodes. Fish. Gazette, 1877, 22, 3-4. Anon. 68 Aufzucht von Karpfen. Deutsch. Landw. Pressse, 1877, 4. Jahrg., 663-664. Anon. 69 - Aus dem Werke des Herrn M. von dem Borne uber die Verbreitung der Fische in Deutschland. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1878, no. 6, 131-132. Anon. 70 Ein Ausflug an den Konigssee. Fischbrutanstalt in St. Bartholoma. Bayerische Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 4. Jahrg., 35-37. Anon. 71 Ausfuhr der wichtigsten Fisch- ereiprodukte Norwegens. Zool. Garten, 1873, 14. Jahrg., 434. Anon. 72 Aussetzung calif omischer Lachse im Rhein. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 66-67. Anon. 73 Die Aussetzung einjahriger Karpfenbrut. Landw. Zeitschr. nebst An^Regsbez., Cassel, 1878, 354-356 Anon. 74 Aussetzung von Rheinlachsen in die Donau. Zool. Garten, 1876, 17. Jahrg., 449. Anon. /5 Australian brook trout. Fish. Gazette, 1877, no. 9, 5. Anon. /6 . Australian naturalists tNote on Australian sea-horse] Intell. Ot r v _ 1862, 1, 469-470. Anon. . . The autobiography of the late Salmo salar, Esq. comprising a narrative of the life, personal adventures, and death of a Tweed salmon, edited by a fisherman. London, 186/. 68 p. V. Anon. 78 Orisinallv published in Macimllan's Maga- zine 14 ,303- then reprinted as above and afterwards included fn ,the same a, "Flood, field and forest." See Rooper. (... 1867.1, supra. Award of the Fishery Comm- sion. Docuincni- and proceedings of AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY the Halifax Commission, 1877, and the treaty of Washington of May 8, 1871. Washington, 1878. 8. Anon. 79 Az uszonyok ujira Kinonek [Der Wiederersatz von Flossen] Term. Tud. Kozl., 1870, 2, 237. Anon. 80 Die Bachforelle in der Land- wirtschaft. Schweiz. Landw. Zeitschr., 1909, 37, 1236-1239. fig. Anon. 81 - Eine badische Forellenzucht- anstalt. Die Forellenzuchtanstalt Ueberlingen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 15. Jahrg., 205-208. 4 figs. Anon. 82 - Le barbeau meridional (Barbus meridionalis) Cuvier. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Toulouse, 1901, 34, 12. Anon. 83 - Die Easier Lachse. Ein Riick- blick bis zum Jahre 1903 und ein Blick in die Zukunft bis zum Jahre 1917. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1913, 21. Jahrg., 141-142. Anon. 84 - Bass [Labrax lineatus] and bass fishing in America. Fishing Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 341-342. Anon. 85 - Batavia, de hoofdstad van Neer- lands O. Indie'n, in derzelver gelegen- heid, opkpmst, geschiedenissen, koop- handel, dieren en gewassern, beschre- ven. 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1782. pis. & maps. 4. Anon. 86 Visschen van Java, vol. iv, p. 94-105. Beitrage zur^Landeskunde Oes- terreichs unter der Enns. 4 vols. [in 2] (Verein fur Vaterlandische Ge- schichte, Statistik und Topographie) Wien, 1832-34. 8. Anon. 87 Vol. i, no. 8. Ueber die Ausarbeitung einer Fauna . . . nebst einer systematischen Auf- zahlung der in diesem Lande vorkommenden Saugethiere, Reptilien und Fische, als Prodrom einer Fauna derselben, von L. J. Fitzinger. Beitrage zur Naturkunde des Fiirstenthums Liineburg. Liineburg, 1861. 8. Anon. 88 Fische, p. 17. Not seen: title from Bosgoed's Bibliotheca Ichthyologica, 1874. Ein Beitrag zur Naturgeschichte des Aals. Deutsche Landw. Presse, 1878, 5. Jahrg., 547-548. Anon. 89 Beobachtungen iiber die schotti- schen Haringszuge. Ausland, 1860, 33. Jahrg., 525-526. Anon. 90 Beobachtungen iiber einen Aal. Aus der Natur, 1866, 37 (n. s. 25), 478- 479. Anon. 91 Beobachtungen und Erfahrun- gen bei der kiinstlichen Erbriitung yon Blaufelchen. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1914, 22. Jahrg., 63-66. Anon. 92 Beretning om dem Internationale Fiskeri-Udstilling i Bergen i aaret 1865, udgivet af udstillings-committeen. Ber- gen [1865] xxvi, 53 p. 28 col. pis. & 5 photogs. 4. Anon. 93 Beretninger om Norges fiskerier i 1869. Christiania, 1871. 2 maps. 8. Anon. 94 Bericht iiber den internationalen Fischereicongress in St. Petersburg vom 24 Februar bis 1 Marz 1902. Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1902, 27. Jahrg., 263- 266; 316-319. Anon. 95 Bericht iiber die international Fischereiausstellung in St. Petersburg, 1902. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1902, 17. Jahrg., 471-591. 37 figs. Anon. 96 - Berlin. Amtliche Berichte iiber die Austellung. Internationale Fische- rei-Ausstellung, 1880. 5 pts. Berlin, 1881. 8. Anon. 97 i. Fischzucht. xviii, 84 p. illust. ii. Seefischerei, von H. Lindeman. 244 p. illu&t. iii. Susswasserfischerei, von A. Metzger. 89 p. Ulust. iv. Fischereiproducte und Wasserthiere, von H. Dohrn. 95 p. illust. v. Wissenschaftliche Abtheilung. Beschadigung der Fische durch Frosche. Mitth. Osterlande, 1862, 16, 1. Heft, 62-64. Anon. 98 Beschreibung der Seelerche [Blennius galerita L.] Berlin, Samml., 1775, 7, 128-131. Anon. 99 Beschreibung des neuen elek- trischen, vom Lieut. Paterson entdeck- ten Fisches. Mag. Phys. Naturgesch. (Lichtenberg & Voigt), 1790, 6, 78-80. Anon. 100 Beskrifning ofyer Bohuslandske fiskarne. Vetensk. Vitterhets Samhal. Handl., Gotheborg., 1882, nos. 1-3. Anon. 101 Bijdragen tot de kennis der levenswijze en der voortplanting van de ansjovis enz., opgenomen in het ver- slag van den staat der Nederlandsche zeevischerijen over 1886. s'Graven- hage, 1887. 46 p. 4. Anon. 102 Bilder-Atlas zur Zoologie der Fische, Lurche und Kriechthiere. Leip- zig, 1898. 152 p. illust. 8. Anon. 103 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FISHES (IS1 The billfish [Bdotn Imncnta] in 1'rrsh water. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 6, 439. Anon. 104 The black bass (Grystes nigri- cans] of Virginia. Fishing Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 242-243. Anon. 105 Die Blutwarme der Fische. Natur (Miiller), 1880, n. s. 6, 311. Anon. 106 - Boar-fish [Capros aper] at the Scilly isles. Zoologist, 1870, 2. ser. 5, 2410. Anon. 107 - Der bohmische Lachs auf dem Aussterbezustand. Allgem. Fische- rei Zeitg., Miinchen, 1900, 25, 435-437. Anon. 108 - Bohmische Lachse. Zool. Gar- ten, 1871, 12. Jahrg., 158. Anon. 109 The book of fishes. Class Pisces. Published by the society for promoting Christian knowledge. London, 1834. Must. 24. Anon. 110 Bream-fishing [Abramis brama] in the Yare. Zoologist, 1869, 2. ser. 4, 1520. Anon. Ill British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Handbook of Birmingham. Prepared for the mem- bers of the . . . Association 1886. Birmingham, 1886. xxi, 378 p. 8. Anon. 112 Part iv. Zoology, edited by W. R. Hughes. Fishes and Mollusca, by G. S. Tye. - British Association for the Ad- vancement of Science. Handbook to Liverpool and the neighborhood . . . edited by W. A. Herdman. Appendix. The Isle of Man. Liverpool, 1896. vi, 191 p. 8. Anon. 113 The marine fauna of the district, and the work of the Liverpool Marine Biological Com- mittee, by W. A. Herdman. Sketch of the marine biology of the Isle of Man, by W. A. Herdman. British fish and fisheries. Lon- don, 1849. 18. Anon. 114 Bulletin statistique des peches maritimes des pays du nord de I'Europe Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, 1906, 1, 1-262. 12 pis. Anon. 115 Bulletin statistique des peches maritimes des pays du nord de 1'Europe. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. ^de la Mer, Bull. Statist., 1908, 2, 1-15*. Anon. 116 A ralrulat ion of tin the cod and \vhalr ti>li-ri-> l.doi^in^ to Massachusetts in \7('^\ copied from a paper published in !!. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1802, 8, 202-20:!. Anon. 117 A statistical table, Irs." than a page in In - Der calif ornische Larh- ' corhynchus quinnat] Oesterr.-ungar. Agricult.-Zeitg., Wien, 1879, 10. Jahrg., 291. Anon. 118 - Capture of a devil-fish [Cera- topterai Chicago Field, 1879, 10, 395. Anon. 119 - Carpe (Cyprinus carpio] at- teinte d'une 6norme tumeur fibreuse de Tabdomen. Journ. Zool. (Gervais), 1876, 5, 466. Anon. 120 Catalog der Ausstellung von Geratschaften und Produkten der See- und Binnenfischerei, in der neuen Mark- thalle am Schiffbauerdam zu Berlin, eroffnet am 25 Marz 1873. Berlin, 1873. 60 p. 8. Anon. 121 Catalog over de til den Inter- nationale Fiskeri-Udstilling i Bergen 1865 indsendte Gjenstande. Bergen, 1865. 215 p. 8. Anon. 122 Catalogo generate sezione in- dustriale italiana. Roma, 1883. 530 p. g. Anon. 123 Gruppo viii, Pesca e piscicultura. p. 405-414. Catalogue of fish in Ohio. Ohio State Fish Commission, 1875-76, 1, 42-56. A 11 - 124 Catalogus der inzendingen uit Nederland naar de Internationale ten- toonstelling van visscherij-voortbreng- selen, gereedschappen enz., te Bergen in Noorwegen. Rotterdam, 1865. 5 Anon. 125 Catalogus der tentoonstelling van visscherij-gereedschappen en voort- brengselen van de visschenj, geopend van 1 tot 31 Julii, 1867. 's Gravenhage 1867. 72 p. ? Anon. 126 Catalogus van de boekerij der Vereeniging tot Bevordering der m- landsche ichthyologie voor het jaar 1847. Arnheim, 1847. 8. Anon. 127 . Catalogus van de tentoon- stelling van visscherij-gereedschappen, gehouden door het CoUegie yoor de Zeevisscherijen, met medcworking van de vereeniging voor volksvhjt, in het lokaal dier vereeniging te Amsterdam, geopend 17 September 1861. Leyden f861. 86 p. 8. Anon. 128 682 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Catfish [Amiurus] in California. Chicago Field, 1879, 11, 196. Anon. 129 - Ceratodus, its place in the sys- tem of fishes. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1871, 3. ser. 1, 387-388. Anon. 130 Changes in colour among trop- ical fishes. Nature, 1909, 91, 174. 2 figs. Anon. 131 Chemical composition of sal- mon. Amer. Naturalist, 1873, 7, 372. Anon. 132 Chicago. World's Columbian Exposition, 1893. Official catalogue of the British section, xlii, 544 p. Lon- don, 1893. 8. Anon. 133 Sea-fisheries, by E. R. Lankester. China. Statistical Department. Special catalogue of Chinese collection ... for the International Fisheries Exhibition, London, 1883. Shanghai, 1883. 4. Anon. 134 Chinese fish; a collection of 246 water-color drawings by a native artist, on rice-paper. 2 vols. [n. p., 1844?] fol. Anon. 135 Unpublished drawings in the Fearing Col- lection, Harvard College Library. Similar drawings by native artists, painted for John Reeves, q. v., are preserved in the library of the British Museum of Natural History. The Chinese repository. 2 vols. Canton, 1832-51. 4. Anon. 136 Fishes, pt. iii, p. 462. iv, p. 46. vi, p. 68; 411. viii, p. 89. The collection of definite data respecting the times of arrival and departure of various food-fishes, and the statistics of exportation. 30. Ann. Kept. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island, 1900, 9-11. Ibid., 31. Ann. Rept., 1901, 10-11. Ibid., 32. Ann. Rept., 1902, 11-13. Ibid., 33. Ann. Rept., 1903, 16. Anon. 137 - Collection of papers dealing with the fishery survey of the bay of Bengal, reprinted with an illustrative chart under orders of the Government of Bengal. Calcutta, 1911. 104 p. chart. 8. Anon. 138 Commercial fisheries of the in- terior waters of the state. 1. Ann. Rept. Comm. Fish., Game & Forests New York 1895 (1896), 118-120. Anon. 139 The commercial fishes of Cana- dian dominion. Fishing Gazette, 1878, n. s. 2, 567-568. Anon. 140 Conger eels in the Thames. Zoologist, 1869, 2. ser. 4, 1520. Anon. 141 Conseil Permanent Internationa I pour PExploration de la Mer. Bulletin statistique des peches maritimes des pays du nord de 1'Europe. Vol. vi, pour 1'annee 1909. Copenhague, 1912. 100 p. 8. % Anon. 142 Conseil Permanent International pour 1'Exploration de la Mer. Publica- tions de circonstance no. 3 (edition anglaise) The literature of the ten principal food-fishes of the North sea in the form of compendious monographs. Copenhague, 1903. 107 p. 8. Anon. 143 La conservation des produits de la peche destines a alimentation. Rev. Maritime, Paris, 1906, 168, 529- 591. Anon. 144 Considerations sur les especes de saumons et de truites de la Grande- Bretagne. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. se>. 6, 269-271. Anon. 145 A contribution to the natural history of the herring. Nature, 1876, 14, 352. Anon. 146 Contributions to Canadian bi- ology, being studies from the marine biological stations of Canada, 1906-1910. Ottawa, 1912. 305 p. illust. 8. Anon. 147 The Coregoni. Their natural history, native waters, economic value and implements connected with their production. Forest & Stream, 1877, 8, 439-440. Ibid., 1877, 9, 3-4. Anon. 148 - Dauer der elektrischen Ent- ladung beim Zitterfisch. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1871, 4. Jahrg., 426. Anon. 149 Dauer des Lebens der Fische ausserhalb des Wassers. Aus der Natur, 1865, 34 (n. s. 22), 831. Anon. 150 De la possibilite d'acclimater dans les eaux de la marine la famille des salmones et particulierement des truites. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1863, 10, 258- 260. Anon. 151 The deal .fish [Trachypterus arc- ticus] near Whitby. Sci. Gossip, 1880, 16, 88. Anon. 152 Identified as Regalecus banksii by T. South- well. Ibid., 116. BIBLIOGRAPHY (H (is:', - Death of fishes in t hr sea during the monsoon. Ann. Mag. Xat. Hist., 1862, 3. ser. 10, 320. Anon. 153 - The deep-sea fishes of the "Talisman." Nature, 1884, 29, 483- 485. 2 figs. Anon. 154 - Description du poisson nomm lune ou mole, peche" a Brest. Journ. Physique (Rozier), 16, 58-60. Anon. 155 - Description of the Atherina menidia. Coll. Mass. Hist. Soc., 1797, 3, 102. Anon. 156 - A description of the river Thames . . . ; to which is added a brief description of those fish with their seasons, spawning-times, etc. that are caught in the Thames or sold in London. London, 1758. 8. Anon. 157 - Descriptive catalogue of the fossil organic remains of Reptilia and Pisces contained hi the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. London, 1854. xix, 184 p. 8. Anon. 158 - Descriptive notice of Salmo al- pinus [Salmo salvelinus] Mag. Nat. Hist., 1832, 6, 316-318. Anon. 159 - Deutschland's Beteiligung an der internationale Meeresforschung. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 28. Jahrg. Anon. 160 Deutsch-Ost-Afrika. Bd. iii. Fische von G. Pfeffer. Berlin, 1S96. xviii, 72 p. illust. 8. Anon. 161 Dictionnaire de la peche fluviale. Paris, 1829. 12. Anon. 162 Dictionnaire de toutes les es- peces de peches. Paris, 1796. 336 p. 8. Anon. 163 - Dictionnaire theorique et pra- tique de chasse et peche. 2 vols. Paris, 1769. 12. Anon. 164 \n anonymous work, attributed to Delisle de Sales, and derived for the most part from the ancient authors, with an improved system of ichthyology, borrowed from Buffon. - Differences between young and adult fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 6, -I-- -!/> A -n^n "Ifi^i 175-176. - The diminution of food fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1873, 7, 423-425. Anon. 166 - A Diodon vagy goly6alaku hal, mint a czapa gjdlkosa. Term. Tud. Kozl., 1876, 8, 119. Anon. 167 1 )l- a lic\\ -peril's of fish of the genus Acr<>lepi>. m tin- Mill- stone grit of Yorkshire. Geol. Mag., 1874, 2. dec. 1, !'.->. Anon - Discussion of fish-cultural con- ditions at Forest park. Si l.oui-. with special reference to the propaga of black bass. Trans. Aincr. 1 'i>ln-i !- Soc. 1911 (1912), 307-318. Anon. UN) - Dissertation sur la pche, sur la population et Tage du poisson [n.p.i 1787. 16 p. 4. Anon. 17" The distribution and in,. tions of the food-fishes. Kept. Fishery Board Scotland, 1903, 21, pt. 3, 40-77. Anon. 171 - Dundee. University College. Studies from the Museum of Zoology in University College . . . edited by D'A. W. Thompson. Dundee, 1888-90. 4. Anon. 172 Part vi. On the structure of Trachyptcru* arcticus (the northern ribbon-fish) by A. Meek. 24 p. illust. 1890. Les 6cailles de jpoissons. La Nature, 1874, 2, 37-38. fig. Anon. 173 Eels and eelpots in Non\ translated from the Danish by Hermann Jacobson. Bull. U. S. Fish Con m i. 1885,5,306. Anon. 171 - Eine eigenthiimliche Fortbewe- gungsweise verschiedener Fische. Natur (Mttller), 1873, 22, 392. Anon. 17:. Eigenthumlichkeiten der Fische wahrend ihrer Laichzeit. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei-Ver. 1874 (1875), 33-34. Ausland, 1873, 46, 678-67'.. Anon. l." Contents [i] Angling. Autumnal trout- ti>hing in tin- I. m. -..Ill-lure w..l.|. \ the sea-trout; by \. \V. I'ou.-ll. -Angling worthir.-; b\ M. <;. Watkin.-. - Trout and trout-fishing. Fishing ami n.-ln-r>: by Prof. Leebody. Trout-_fi.-hing in Suth.Tlan.lshm-; by M. (i. Walking Spring trout ing; b\ Redspinner. North, with a rod; by Alfn-.l Kinncar. A few days' fishing; I.ake. Trout in a chalk-stream. What's a grilse? Stephen Oliver on angling. Fishing and fishing literature. Fly-fishing in North- umberland. A lounge on the Lea. New seaside studies. O'Gorman's Practice of angling. A few thoughts on fly-fishing. The rod and the stream; by Titus. The natur- alist in Norway; (trout and their haunts] Pike-fishing. Country pleasures; angling and fly-fishing. The fly-fisher's guide. Notes on the fishers of the Scotch east coast. The fisher-folk of the Scottish east coast. A fortnight's fly-fishing in Brittany. Fishing in Bntish Columbia. The broads and rivers of Norfolk and Suffolk. Fish-markets and fish- ponds. Pisciculture; its progress and utility. Eels and eel-sets. [iil Scrope on salmon-fishing. The salmon and its growth. The salmon question, how our forefathers treated it; [by S. WalpoleJ Autobiography of the late Salmo Salar ICsq. About salmon; by Henry Kingsley. A slice of salmon; by H. F. Hore. The salmon and its growth. The herring harvest. Fish- culture. Oyster-farming. The pearl har- vest. A night with a salmon. The fly-fisher in winter quarters. My first salmon. Salmon-fishing; With a trout- rod: by M. G. Watkins. Natural history of salmon and sea- trout. Highland sport. Scrope's Days and nights of salmon-fishing. The Lews; its salmon and herring. Salmon-fisheries of the United Kingdom. Salmon-fishing in the Canadian river Moisie. Salmon- fishing by net and rod on the river Tay. The salmon of Clootie's Hole. A chapter on angling. The last salmon before close time. [iii] Fishing in Virginia waters; by J. C. Carpenter. The bass of the Potomac; by W. M. Laffan. Ten days' sport on salmon rivers; by Dean Sage. Salmon-fishing on the Novarro; by T. Bennett. The Androscoggin lakes; by Edward Abbott. The haunts of tin- grayling; by Maurice Thompson. Salmon- fishing on the Nipissiguit; by Thaddeus Norris. Salmon-fishing in Canada; by S. C. Clarke. Notes on salmon-fishing; by A. G. Wilkin- son. Adirondack days; by Henry Vane. The Saranac; Adirondack woods and waters; by T. A. Richards. The Racquette club; by C. Hallock. Camp Lou; by M. Cook. The primitive fish-hook; by Barnet Phillips. The Michigan grayling; by Thaddeus Norn*. Trout-fishing in the Rangeley lake*; by E. Seymour. The Mediterranean of America. Sea-trout fishing. Black-bass fishing; by J. A. Henahall. The speckled trout; by John Burroughs. A summer in New England. Fish-culture in America; by W. F. G. Shanks. Fish-culture. The fascinations of angling; by George Da wson. Pan-fish angling; by M. Thompson. Hints for practical trout- fishing. Strange sea industries and adven- tures- by W. W. Harney. Fishing adventures on the Newfoundland banks. A Newfound- land fisherman. How mackerel are caught. The story of the whale; by T. B. Thorpe. North Carolina illustrated; by D. H. Strother. By the river-side; our angling club. Spring trouting in Kent. Aboard a " banker." Salmon. Salmon-breeding. Fishing in Norway; by Charles Taylor. - The life of a salmon. Angling with the worm; by G. C. Salmon. The jack; Small fry; The trout; The grayling; The bassc; The cod- fishery; by A. H. Baldwin. Touching the oyster. The salmon; by Edward Jesse. 688 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY - Handleiding tot de kunstma- tige vermenigvuldiging van visschen, uitgegeven op last van Z. M. den Koning (der Nederlanden) en onder toezigt van de commissie voor de vischfok- kerij. s'Gravenhage, 1853. 27 p. pi. 8. Anon. 285 Translated into German under the title of " Anleitung zur kiinstlichen Vermehrung der Fische." Hessische landwirthsch. Zeitschrift, Darmstadt, 1854. - Haring en haringvisscherij . Alg. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 45. Anon. 286 Have fish a memory? A chapter in the evolution of the brain. Natural Sci., 1897, 10, 118-121. Anon. 287 - Heavy salmon. Zoologist, 1876, 2. ser. 11, 4767-4768. Anon. 288 - Der Hering an der pommerschen Kiiste. Aus der Natur, 1874, 27 (n. s. 15), 102-106; 123-127; 134-136. Anon. 289 Het nest van den stekelbaars (Gasterosteusi Kennis en Kunst (Wink- ler), 1868, 387-388. fig. Anon.. 290 'Hints to travelers. Edited by a committee of council of the Royal Geographical Society. 4 ed., edited by F. Galton, etc. London, 1889. xii, 340 p. illust. 8. Anon. 291 Reptiles and fishes, by O. Salvin. - Histoire des peches, des decou- vertes et des etablissemens des hollandois dans les mers du Nord. Ouvrage traduit du Hollandois par B. de Reste. Avec des notes, [28 1 cartes et figures. 3 vols. Paris, 1799. 8. Anon. 292 Histoire naturelle des princi- pales productions de 1' Europe meri- dionale et principalement celles des environs de Nice et des Alpes maritimes. 5 vols. Paris, 1826-27. 8. Anon. 293 Poissons, vol. v. The history of fish. New- York, 1815. 29 p. illust. 48. Anon. 294 History of the emblem of the codfish in the Hall of the House of Representatives. Compiled by a com- mittee of the House. Boston, 1895. 62 p. illust. Anon. 295 Hybrides du saumon. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1870, 2. ser. 7, 192. Anon. 296 Inauguration de la halle au poisson a Boulogne-sur-Mer et exposi- tion Internationale de peche. L'lllus- tration, 1866, no. 1228. 3 pis. Anon. 297 Der indische Hornhecht (Belone cancila) Prakt. Zierfischzuchter 1910, 44-45. Anon. 298 - Der indische nestbauende Re- genbogenfisch. Ausland, 1876, 49. Jahrg., 297-298. Anon. 299 - The inexplicable sea-monster, part beast and part fish. Nautical Magazine, 1869, 608-610. Anon. 300 - An inquiry into the present state and means of improving the salmon fisheries, including a digest of the evi- dence taken by a select committee of the House of Commons. London, 1827. 8. Anon. 301 - Instinct d'un brochet. Feuill. Jeunes Natural., 1873-74, 4. annee, 45- 46. Anon. 302 International catalogue of scien- tific literature. 1 [-13] annual issue. London, 1903 [-16] Anon. 303 Section K, Palaeontology. Section N, Zoology. Die Internationale Polarforsch- ung 1882-1883. Die Oesterreichische Polarstation Jan May en, ausgeriistet durch . . . Graf H. Wilczek; geleitet vom K. K. Corvetten-Capitan E. E. von Wohlgemuth. Beobachtungs-Er- gebnisse, etc. 3 vols. (Akad. Wiss. Wien) Wien, 1886. 4. Anon. 304 Vol. iii contains an article on Fische, by F. Steindachner. Introduction de 1'alose [Alausa prcBstabilis] en Calif ornie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1873, 2. ser. 10, 302. Anon. 305 - Introduction de 1'orfe [Leuciscus idus] en Angleterre. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1874, 3. ser. 1, 422. Anon. 306 - Introduction du black-bass (Grystes nigricans) en Angleterre. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1880, 3. ser. 7, 685. Anon. 307 Die Jagd auf den Teufelsfisch [Ceratoptera vampirus] in Siid-Karolina. Petermann's Geogr. Mitth., 1859, 123- 124. Anon. 308 De jagt op den duivelsvisch in Zuid-Karolina (Ceratoptera vampirus] Album Natuur, 1860, 316-318. Anon. 309 Jagttagelser over nordiske fiskes fede. Nord. Tidsskr. Fiskeri, 1875, Aarg. 2, 57-65. Anon. 310 OF I ISHKS - Jets over hot van^'ii Z \vaard- visschen. Alg. Vissrhrrij-C 'ourant, 1871, nos. 45-46. Anon. 311 - Johan Knudsen Haraldseid- vaags aaleteine. Norsk Fiskerit idened, Bergen, 1885, 4, no. 2, 154. Anon. 312 - Kampf zwischen einem Schwert- fisch und einem Wai. Oestor.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 179. Anon. 313 - Kampfisken. Fra alle Lande, 1876, 1, 79-80. Anon. 314 - Die Karansche (Carassius vul- garis) Allgem. Fischerei Zeitg., 1904, 29. Jahrg., 189-190. Anon. 315 - Karper og tudser. Tidsskr. Popul. Fremstilling. Naturvidensk., 1871, 4. ser. 3, 394-397. Anon. 316 - Kennt der Fisch sein Wohnge- wasser? Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1910, 18. Jahrg., 175-178. Anon. 317 - Der Kerzenfisch [Thaleichthys padficus] Natur, 1879, n. s. 6, 182. Anon. 318 - De kleine Linnaeus, of beschrij- ving van vreemde vogels, met bijvoe- ging van eenige min bekende visschen en slangen, in 65 narr het leven ge- kleurde afbeeldingen. Amsterdam [n. d.] 76 p. 62 col. pis. 16. Anon. 319 - Em kleiner Beitrag zur Natur- geschichte des Stichlings (Gasterosteus) Isis (Oken), 1834, 227-230. Anon. 320 Kiinstliche Coregonenzucht. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1908, 16. Jahrg., 7-9. Anon. 321 - Kunstliche Zucht der spani- schen Makrele (Cybium maculatum) Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 397. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 170. Anon. 322 - Kunst-vischteelt de kunstma- tige oesteren vischteelt in Frankrijk. Onze Tijd., 1868, 183-188. Tijd- schr. Xijverh., 30, 65. Anon. 323 - Kunst-vischteelt in de Veree- nigde Staten van Noord-Amerika. All- gem. Visscherij-Courant, 1871, no. 26- 30. Anon. 324 - Kunst-vischteelt in Nederland. Xaar aanleiding van een verslag over de inrigting voor de kunst /ischteelt te Salzburg. Vaderland. 's Gravenhage, 17. Julij, 1869. Anon. 325 Kunst-viscl)tcil !' Intern. Kxplor. de la Mer, Kapp., 1909, 10 A, 45-77. 23 699, An.. i Lampris guttatus p^ch6 a Mai- dyck. Bull. Sci. Depart. Xor.l.. isso. 352. Anon. 328 - Lamproies marines <-aj)tim''R8 a Autun en 1910. Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat. Autun, 1910, no. 23, Proc. Verb., 138- 139. Anon. 329 - Large sun-fish off the north of Scotland. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4725. Anon. 330 - Larvenzustande bei Fischen. Carinthia, 1865, 55. Jahrg., 183-184. Ibid., 1866, 56. Jahrg., 66. Anon. 331 - Ein lebendige Junge gebarender Fisch. Natur (Muller), 1878, n. a. 4, 83. Anon. 332 - Die Lebensdauer der Fische ausser dom \\asx-r. Zool. Garten, 1866, 7. Jahrg., 155-156. Anon. 333 Die Lebensweise des Aals. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1841, 19, 341- 342. Anon. 334 Lebenszahigkeit der Bach- forelle. Zool. Garten, 1866, 7. Jahrg., 156-157. Anon. 335 Lebenszahigkeit des Wettcr- fisches (Cobitis fossilis) Zool. Garten, 1870, 11. Jahrg., 162. Anon. 336 Lettre sur rhist9ire naturelle des poissons de.la Lorraine et sur les ombres colorizes en bleu, observed au Havre en 1783 in. p., n. d.] 16 p. 8. Anon. 337 Leuchton dor Fisrho. Aus d-r Natur, 1861, 16 (n. s. 4), 302-303. Anon. 338 Life beneath the waves, and a description of the Brighton aquarium; with numerous illustrations, including ground plan of the aquarium. London, 1871. 8. Anon. 339 The life-history of the macro- pode. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1873, 12, 222. Anon. 340 List of fishes received from tin- Smithsonian Institution in 1siW>. -\ Ann. Kept. N. ^ Hist., Albany, 1872, 39-40. Anon. 341 690 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY - List of mounted fishes in the State Museum. 24. Ann. Rept. New York State Mus. Nat. Hist., 1872, 33- 37. Anon. 342 - List of the publications record- ing the results of researches carried out under the auspices of the Marine Bio- logical Association of the United King- dom in their laboratory at Plymouth or on the North Sea coast from 1886- 1913. Journ. Marine Biol. Assoc. 1913-15 (1913), n. s. 10, 143-178. Anon. 343 - The literature of the ten prin- cipal food fishes of the North sea, in the form of compendious monographs. 1903. See Conseil Permanente International pour FExploration de la Mer. Publica- tions de Circonstance, No. 3. - Living animals of the world. A popular natural history . . . edited by Charles J. Cornish, F. C. Selous, Sir Harry Johnston, Sir Herbert Maxwell, etc. 2 vols. New York, 1902. illust. 4. Anon. 345 - London, England, International fisheries exhibition, 1883. The fisheries exhibition literature. 14 vols. Lon- don, 1884. 8. Anon. 346 Handbooks i. Walpole, Spencer. The British fish trade. Kent, W. S. Marine and freshwater fishes of the British Islands. Pollock, (Sir) Fred- erick. The fishery laws. Holdsworth, E. W. H. Apparatus for fishing. Mitchell, W. S. The place of fish in a hard-working diet, with notes on the use of fish in former times. Adams, W. M. A popular history of the fisheries and fishermen of all countries from the earliest times. ii. Day, Francis. Fish culture. Howes, G. B. Zoology and food fishes. Bertram. J. G. The unappreciated fisher folk: their round of life and labour. Fryer, C. E. The salmon fisheries. Senior, William. Angling in Great Britain. Day, Francis. Indian fish and fishing. iii. Robinson, Philip. Fishes of fancy: their place in myth, fable, fairy-tale, and folk-lore. With notices of the fishes of legendary art, as- tronomy and heraldry. Wheeldon, J . P. Angling clubs and preservation societies of London and the provinces. Lee, Henry. Sea fables explained. Sea monsters unmasked. Wheeldon, J. P. Practical lessons in the gentle craft. Manley, J. J. Literature of sea and river fishing. Conferences iv. Huxley, T. H. Inaugural address. Alfred Ernest Albert (1st duke of Edinburgh). Notes on the sea fisheries and fishing population of the United Kingdom. Shaw-Lefevre, George. Principles of fishery legislation. Walpole, Spencer. Fish transport and fish mar- kets. Levi, Leone. The economic condition of fishermen. Fryer, C. E. A national fish- eries society. Kennett-Barrine,ton, (Sir) V. H. B. River pollution by refuse from manufac- tories and mines; with some remedies proposed. Practical Fishermen's congress, London, 1883. Destruction of immature fish, etc. Lankester, E. R. The scientific results of the exhibition. v. Goode, G. B. A review of the fishery in- dustries of the United States, and the work of the United States fish commission. Hu- brecht, A. A. W. Oyster culture and oyster fisheries in the Netherlands. Joncas, L. Z. The fisheries of Canada. Campbell, J. D. The fisheries of China. Okoshi, Narinori. A sketch of the fisheries of Japan. Shea, (Sir) Ambrose. Newfoundland: its fisheries and general resources. Smitt. F. A. The Swedish fisheries. Wallem, F. M. Notes on the fish supply of Norway. Ramsay, E. P. Notes on the food fishes and edible mollusca of New South Wales, etc. Garcia Sold, Francisco. The fisheries of Spain. Adderley, (Sir) A. J. The fisheries of the Bahamas. Moloney, (Sir) C. A. West African fisheries, with particular reference to the Gold Coast colony. vi. Huxley, T. H. Fish diseases. Mait- land, (Sir) J. R. G. The culture of salmonidse and the acclimatization of fish. Duff, R. W. The herring fisheries of Scotland. Cornish, Thomas. Mackerel and pilchard fisheries. Milne-Home, David. Salmon and salmon fisheries. Marston, R. B. Coarse fish cul- ture. Cobbold, T. S. The destruction of fish and other aquatic animals by internal para- sites. Day, Francis. The food of fishes. Harding, C. W. Molluscs, mussels, whelks, etc., used for food or bait. Kent, W. S. The arti- ficial culture of lobsters. Cornish, Thomas. Crustaceans. vii. Thompson, (Sir) Henry. Fish as food. Massey-Mainwaring, W. F. B. The pres- ervation of fish life in rivers by the exclusion of town sewage. Bloomfield, J. C. The fish- eries of Ireland. Walsh, R. F. Improved fa- cilities for the capture, economic transmission, and distribution of sea fishes, etc. Temple, (Capt.) Seal fisheries. Scott, R. H. Storm warnings. Roper, Richard. Saving life at sea. Kilbourn, J. K. Fish preservation and refrigeration. Garcia Sold, Francisco. The basis for legislation on fishery questions. Howitz, D. Forest protection and tree culture on water frontages, etc. Mundahl, C. M. Line fishing. Ansell, A. W. Trawling. viii. Day, Francis. The commercial sea fishes of Great Britain. Morris, C. W. The effect of the existing national and international laws for the regulation and protection of deep sea fisheries; with suggestions for improvements of said laws. Leith, J. M. Salmon legislation in Scotland: the legislation at present applicable to the salmon fisheries in Scotland and the best means of improving it. ix. Wilcocks, J. C. Improved fishery harbour accommodation for Great Britain and Ireland. De Caux, J. W. The best system of life insurance for fishermen, and of insuring boats, gear, nets, etc. Fryer, C. E. The rela- tions of the state with fishermen and fisheries, including all matters dealing with their pro- tection and regulation. Chater F. J. T. The relation? of the state with fishermen and fisheries, including all matters dealing with their protection and regulation. Beaujon, Anthony. The history of Dutch sea fisheries: their prog- ress, decline, and revival, especially in connec- tion with the legislation on fisheries in earlier and later times. x. Houghton, William. The natural history of commercial fea fishes of Great Britain and Ireland. Blake, H. P. Improved facilities for the capture, economic transmission, and distribution of sea fishes. Cayley, J. J., & Bridgman, H. H. A central wholesale fish market for London. Smith, W. A. The best appliances and methods of breaking the force BIBLHK.RU'HY OF I ISHKS of the sea at the entrance to harbours and <- where. xi. Stirling, J. The propagation of the Sal- monidse. Andrews, T. The propagation of tlic Salmonidse. Chambers, W. O. The propa- gation of the Salmonidse. Clark, John. The salmon disease. Smith, W. A. Salmon dis- ease: its cause and prevention. Marstcn, R. B. The cultivation of freshwater fish other than salinonidse. - Chambois, W. O. The propagation of freshwater fish excluding Salmonidse. Hogarth, Ronald. The herring fishery. Munro, R. J. The herring fish- eries. Green, H. J. The herring fisheries. Miln, W. S. The Scotch east coast, Orkney and Shetland, Lewis and Barra herring fishing. Houghton, William. The natural history and cultivation of the sole. Anson, C. V., & Willett, E. H. Oyster culture. Hoek, P. P. C. Oyster culture. Carr, T. F. R. The best means of increasing the supply of mussels and other molluscs, etc. Wilcocks. J. C. The best means of increasing the. supply of mussels and other molluscs, etc. Chambers, W. O. The introduction and acclimatisation of foreign fish. Sim, G. The food of fishes, etc. Watt, W. The currents, temperatures, and other physical conditions of the sea in relation to fish. Skinner, J. Angling clubs. Miscellaneous xii. Official catalogue. Awards of the in- ternational juries. xiii. Walpole, Spencer. Official report on the exhibition. Statement of receipts and dis- bursements. Gooch, W. D. Special report on the electric lighting of the exhibition. Ceremonial at opening of exhibition and ad- dresses at closing. Report of executive com- mittee to general committee. Statistical table;-. Condensed reports on the condition of the fishing industry in the United Kingdom and abroad, used in the fir?t instance in the official catalogue. xiv. Analytical index. - The London fishery laid open; or, The arts of the fishermen and fish- mongers set in a true light. In a letter to ... London, 1759. 4. Anon. 347 - Lungefiske [Dipnoi] Naturen, 1880, 4. Jahrg., 171-174. Anon. 348 - Die Lungenfische. A us der Natur, 1864, 29 (n. s. 17), 455-458. Anon. 349 - Die Lungenfische. Ausland, 1880, 53. Jahrg., 15-17. Anon. 350 - De makreel. Kennis en Kunst (Winkler), 1870, 96-99. 'fig. Anon. 351 Makrelfisket. Aftenbladet, Chris- tiania, 1864, nos. 2 and 3. Anon. 352 Male eels in Holland. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 600-601. Anon. 353 - Massachusetts. Commissioners for the artificial propagation of fish. Report of commissioners appointed under resolve of 1856, chap. 58, con- cerning the artificial propagation of ti.-li [With other documents. Boston, 18571 54 p. 8 (Senate, no. !'.:; AIM- I'lM-imlture, by Jules Haime, p. l-64. Massachusetts. Commiaiionen of fisheries [2licries "; that for 1886 is called " Report of the fish and game commissioners," and that for IssT. " Report of the commissioner^ on inland fish- eries and game." The 6th report contain- a collection of the laws of Massachusetts relating to inland fisheries, 1623-1871. - Massachusetts. Zoological and botanical survey. Reports on the fishes, reptiles and birds of Massachusetts. Boston, 1839. 4 p. 8. Anon. 356 ( 'ontente: Storer, D. II. Reports on the ichthyology and herpetology of MMMdrawtta. Peabody, W. B. O. A report on the orni- thology cf Massachusetts. . Merges halak [Poisonous fishes; Term. Tud. Kozl., 1872, 4, 301. Anon. 357 - Merkwlirdige Brutpflege bei Fischen. Aus der Natur, 1870, 62 (n. s. 40), 324-325. Anon. 358 - Migrazione degli occhi nei pleuronettidi. Annuar. Sci. Industrial 1865 (1866), 2, 307-309. Anon. 359 Mimikry bei Siisswasserfischen. Xaturf. (Sklarek), 1872, 5. Jahrg., 8. Anon. 360 Mire va!6 az uszo-h61yag a halaknal? [On function of the swim- bladder] Term. Tud. Kozl., 1873, 5, 360-361. Anon. 361 Mode of life of the sucking-fish [Echeneis remora] and pilot fish [Nau- cratesi Amer. Naturalist, 1871, 5, 436-437. Anon. 362 Notice of Van Beneden's investigations. Monster eel. Zoologist, 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1061. Anon. 363 A monster salmon. Zoologi-t. 1869, 2. ser. 4, 1836. Anon. 364 Monstrose Forelle. Aus der Natur, 1862, 19 (n. s. 7), 15. Anon. 300 Movements of the herring. Nature, 1875, 11, 151-152. Anon De murene. Kennis en KunM (Winkler), 1869, 79-81. fig. Anon. 3tf 692 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY - The music of fishes. Fishing Gazette, 1877, no. 17, 13. Anon. 368 - Musicirende Fische. Aus der Natur, 1861, 16 (n. s. 4), 220-224; 237- 240. Anon. 369 Musikalische Fische. Aus der Heimath, 1862, 77-78. Anon. 370 Die Nahrung der Karpfen. Landw. Zeitg. nebst Anzeiger, Kassel, 1880, 2. Jahrg., 507-511; 521-522. Anon. 371 - Nahrung und Lebensweise der Salme, Forellen und Maifische. Aus der Natur, 1875, 54 (n. s. 6), 199-200. Anon. 372 - The natural history of animals, containing an account of remarkable fishes. Dublin, 1818. Anon. 373 Natural history of birds, fish, insects and reptiles. 5 vols. London, 1798. 200 figs. 8. Anon. 374 - Natural history of some of the more important food-fishes of the south shore of New England. U. S. Fish Comm. 1873, 1, 228-252. Anon. 375 - Nature portraits; studies with pen and camera of our wild birds, ani- mals, fish and insects. Text by the editor of " Country life in America." New York, 1902, 40 p. 15 pis. illust. fol. Anon. 376 - Naturgeschichte der Seeteufel [Lophius] Samml. Deutsch. Abh. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1774, 6, 83-91, 169-176. Anon. 377 - Naturgeschichte des britischen Harings. Ausland, 1863, 36. Jahrg., 646-647. Anon. 378 - Nederland. Algemeene statis- tiek van Nederland. Beschrijving, van den maatschappelijken toestand van het Nederlandsche volk in het midden der 19 e eeuw. Uitgegeven door de veree- niging voor de Statistiek in Nederland. Leiden, 1869. 8. Anon. 379 List of fishes, p. 257-261. - Nestbau der Regenbogenfische. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1876, 9. Jahrg., 46. Anon. 380 - Der Nestbau des Stichlings (Gasterosteus aculeatus) Isis (Russ), 1877, 2. Jahrg., 127-129. Anon. 381 - Nestbauende Fische. Aus der Natur, 1866, 37 (n. s. 25), 587-590. Anon. 382 - Neu curiosus eidgenossisch- schweitzerisches Hauss-Buch, 1705. Basel. Das funfzehente Capitel. Von den Schweitzer-Fischen. Schweiz. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1897, 5, 226-228; 244- 245; 267-269. Anon. 383 - Neue Fische in Zentralasien. Natur (Miiller), 1879, n. s. 5, 182. Anon. 384 - Der neue Ganoidfisch in Queens- land. Ausland, 1872, 35. Jahrg., 910- 911. Anon. 385 Neue Wandtafeln der See- und Susswasserfische. Esslingen, 1911. 4 Farbendrucktafeln in-fol. auf Karton mit Textheft. Anon. 386 Ein neuer Bastard-Lachs [Salmo] Ausland, 1872, 45. Jahrg., 1104. Anon. 387 - Ein neuer Feind der Fische. Zool. Garten, 1875, 16. Jahrg., 276. Anon. 388 Ein neuer Ganoidfisch aus Aus- tralien [Ceratodus forsteri] Ausland, 1870, 43. Jahrg., 792. Anon. 389 - Neuer Schauplatz der Natur nach den richtigsten Beobachtungen und Versuchen in alphabetischen Ord- nung durch eine Gesellschaft von Gelehrten. 10 vols. Leipzig, 1775-81. 8. Anon. 390 References to elasmobranch fishes de- scribed in this work are made by S. Garman, in the introduction to his memoir on the Plagio- stomia, 1913. Neunaugen betreffend. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 25-26. Anon. 391 : A new and complete dictionary of arts and sciences; comprehending all branches of useful knowledge. By a Society of gentlemen. 4. ed. London, 1763. illust. 8. Anon. 392 General instructions are given under the heads "Angler" and "Angling"; the various fish are described under their names, and figures are given in most cases. - New deep-sea fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1879, 13, 455^56. Anon. 393 New Essex marine fishes. Essex Naturalist, 1903, 13, 81-83. Anon. 394 - The new fish [Silurus glanis L] introduced into the British waters. Sci. Gossip 1865 (1866), 56-57. fig. Anon. 395 BIBLIOGRAPHY OK I I- III- - A new group of Cyprini [Plagopterinae] Amer. Naturalist, 1874, 8, 436-437. Anon. 396 A new nest-building fish. Pop. Sci. Rev., 1874, 321-323. Anon. 397 - The New York Fish Commis- sion [the hatchery at Cold Spring harbor] Forest & Stream, 1885, 23, 127. Anon. 398 - Een nieuwe vergiftige visch [Synanceia verrucosa] Isis (Huizinger), 1872, 1, 155-156. Anon. 399 - Noch ein Beitrag zur Aalfrage. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrg., 57-58. Anon. 400 - Noch einmal etwas iiber den Aal. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 307. Anon. 401 - Noch einmal Telrodon cutcutia. Natur u. Haus, 1905, 13. Jahrg., 99. Anon. 402 - Note on a fossil species of Chlamydoselachus. Geol. Mag., 1887, 3. dec. 4, 392-393. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 542-544. Anon. 403 - Note on Blanchardia maculata Castelnau. Mem. Queensland Mus., 1912, 1, 216. Anon. 404 - Note on the shad as observed at Beaufort harbor, North Carolina, and vicinity. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872-73 (1874), 2, 452-456. Anon. 405 - Note sur le saumon (Salmo toledi=Salmo confinis Dekay) Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1869, 2. ser. 6, 394-395. Anon. 406 - Note sur les produits de la peche dans les cours d'eau, les lacs et les etangs d'eau douce de la France. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1860, 7, 136- 138. Anon. 407 - Note sur 1'introduction, en France, du gourami, poisson de Tile Maurice. Rev. Mag. Zool., 1861, 2. ser. 13, 430-431. Anon. 408 - Notes on a fossil fish found at Southwater, August, 1906. Rept. Christ's Hospital Nat. Hist. Soc., 1906, 29. 2 pis. Anon. 409 - Notes on the development of Amia. Abstract in Proc. Amer. Assoc. Sci., 1879, 296-298. Anon. 410 - Notes on the fish caught off Pointe au Sable, July 7, 1874. Tr.-ms. Roy. Soc. Mauritius, 1S7">, u. <. 8. L30 133. Anon. Ill - Notes on the natural history of fish. Fishing (l.-i/.-tt.-. ls77, no. 6, 8-9; no. 7, 8, 9. Anon. 1 U - Notice of catfish, Amiurusalhi- dus, taken in McCloud's l:tk<-, Stockton. Chicago Field, 1879, 12. >'.). Anon. 413 Notice of catfish [Amiuriis] for Susan river and Eel lake. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 85. Anon. 414 - [Notice of catfish, 5 to 15 inches long, taken in Sausal Lagoon, win r<- planted three years before] Chicago Field, 1879, 12/53. Anon. 415 - Notice of the spoonbill-sturgeon or paddle fish (Polyodon feuille Lac&- pede] of the Ohio. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1827, 12, 201-205. Anon. 416 - Notice of trout (Salmo fonti- nalis) passing through flume under pres- sure of 376 pounds to the square inch. Chicago Field, 1879, 12, 53. Anon. 417 - Notices in regard to the abun- dance of fish on the New England Coast . in former times. Rept. U.S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 149-172. Anon. 418 - Noticia do Brasil, discripcao verdadeira da costa daquelle estado que pertence a corpa do reino de Portugal sitio da Bahia de todos os Santos (Collecgao de noticias para a historia e geografia das nacpes ultramarinas, etc. vol. iii, pars 1. Lisboa, 1825) Anon. 419 The MS. for this important work on the natural history of Brazil, which is worthy of comparison with Oviedo's Historia general de los Indias, was written in Bahia about the year 1587, and was drawn upon by a number of later writers. See Martius, C. F. P. von, in Abh. K. Bayer. Akad. Wiss., 1853, 7, 198. - Notizie dei pesci delle provincie di Como e Sondrio e del Cantone Ticino. 2. ed. Como, 1864. 105 p. 16. Anon. 420 The text is often taken verbatim from Monti, Ittiologia delia provincia e dioce^i di Como. Como, 1846. - Nouvelle m6thode de piscicul- ture. R6empoissonnement des e" tangs, rivieres et cdtes maritimes. Bordeaux, 1906. 177 p. 16. Anon. I-M Nova Acta . . . Volumen extra ordinem editum (In memoriam quat- tuor seculorurn ab I'niversitaU- l"p>:t- lionsi peractorem) Upsalia?, 1877. 4. Anon. l-JJ ii. Analyse des Fleisches einiger 1 von A. Almen. 59 p. Inaug. Divert. AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY - Nuria danrica Bleek, eine neu eingefuhrte Barbe. Natur u. Haus, 1904, 13. Jahrg., 81-82. 2 figs. Anon. 423 - Observances sobre alguns peixes do mar e rios do Algarve. Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1818, 1-48. Anon. 424 Observations regarding the sal- mon fishery of Scotland. 2. ed. Edin- burgh, 1824. 8. Anon. 425 Observations sur quelques pois- sons de la mer et des rivieres des Algar- ves; par . . . Mem. Acad. Sci. Lisboa, 1828, 6, pt. 2, 1-49. Bull. Sci. Nat, (Ferussac), 15, 402. Anon. 426 - Okunie [Ueber den Barsch] Przyroda i Przemysl, 1873, 2, 361-363. Anon. 427 Om den norske Sild. Folkeven- nen. Christiana, 1861, 10, 644. Anon. 428 - On stocking rivers, streams, lakes, ponds and reservoirs with Salmo- nidse. Stirling, N. B., 1898. 77 p. 8. Anon. 429 On the habits and food of the stickleback. Ann. Phil., 1826, n. s. 11, 173-176. Edinburgh Journ.Sci., 1826, 4, 76-80. Notizen (Froriep), 1826, 13, 209-212. Isis (Oken), 1834, 501-502. Anon. 430 - On the natural history of the salmon and on the salmon fisheries, etc. Edinb. Phil. Journ., 1825, 12, 335-360. Anon. 431 On the Petromyzon marinus. Quart. Journ. Sci. Liter. Arts Roy. Inst., 1827, n. s. no. 3, 72-76. figs. - Notizen (Froriep), 1827, 18, 321-323. Anon. 432 On the reappearance of the tile- fish (Lopholatilus chamceleonticeps) 29. Ann. Rept. Comm. Inland Fish. Rhode Island, 1899, 99-103. 2 pis. Anon. 433 Reprinted from Science, n. s. 8, 576-578. - On the voracity of the eel. Nat. Hist. Trans. Northumberland, Durham, 1877, 5, pt. 3, 341-342. Anon. 434 - Onomatologia forestalis pis- catorio-venatoria, oder Vollstandiges Forst- Fisch- und Jagd Lexicon. Frank- furt & Leipzig, 1772. figs. 8. Anon. 435 - Papers relating to the improve- ment of the salmon fisheries in the dis- trict of the river Girvan in the county of Ayr. With report and six plans by J. Leslie as to the means of facilitating the ascent of salmon over the mill-dams. Edinburgh, 1872. 8. Anon. 437 - Peche du hareng dans la mer du Nord. Extrait d'un rapport adresse au ministre de la marine, le 12 octobre 1893, par le capitaine de fregate Schil- ling commandant de F aviso " 1'Ibis " et de la station de la Manche et de la Mer du Nord. Revue maritime, 1898, 139, 367-369. Anon. 438 - Pe.cherz ptawny ryb [On the swim-bladder of fishes] Przyroda i Przemysl. 1879-80, 8, 137-139; 149- 150. Anon. 439 - The peregrination of eels. Fish. Gazette, 1880, 4, 137. Anon. 440 - La pesca in Italia nel 1897. Neptunia, Venezia, 1899, 14, 41-43. Anon. 441 - Pesci che nascono nel Danubio, e volatili che viyono lungo d' esso, de- lineati ed incisci in tavole cxii. Bologna in. d.] fol. Anon. 442 Not seen; title from Bosgoed. - Pesci rari od interessanti inviati alia Esposizione di Berlino [pel Museo civico di Storia naturale della citta di Geneva] Esposiz. Internaz. Pesca in Berlino, Sezione italiana, Catalogo, 1880, 139-140. Anon. 443 - La petite morue (Gadus tomco- dus) Naturaliste Canadien, 1870, 2, 28- 29. Anon. 444 - Der Pfeilfisch (Belone vulgaris] Samml. Deutsch. Abh. Akad. Wiss. Berlin, 1776, 8, 234. Anon. 445 - Pike and perch, by various au- thors. London, 1912. 288 p. figs. 8. Anon. 446 - The pike (Esox lucius) Sci. Gossip, 1867, 60-61. figs. Anon. 447 - Pisces Hispaniae. Atlas of 93 colored plates [n. p., ? circa 1800] Anon. 448 Platvisschen [Pleuronectidse] Kennis en Kunst (Winkler), 1869, 289- 294. fig. Anon. 449 - Otolites. Sci. Gossip, 1868, - Poison organs in a fish. Nat. 151-152. Anon. 436 Hist, Rev., 1864, 315-316. Anon. 450 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF Flsni-> 000 - Poisonous fishes, zette, 1X79, 3, <>()<>-t><)7. Fish. Ga- Anon. 451 - Poissons, oiseaux et plantes du depart ement de Saone et Loire. Autun, 1865. 8. Anon. 452 - Das Pnipariren \-on Fischeiern und Fischen fiir Sammlungen. Isis (Russ), 1880, 5. Jahrg., 340-342; 478- 479. Anon. 453 Preisaufgabe der konigliche l \\ rm i t* . r* . Akademie t-t /oo- logiques t'aites pendant mi voyage sur les cotes de la Sicile et -nr divers points du littoral de la France. :;\ ( ,N I'- 1850. 83 pis. 4. Anon Recherches faites en sur les migrations du saumon. Bull Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1X73, 2. ser. 10 660. Anon. 4,7 - Report on propagation of salt- water fish. United States Cominen , Committee, 46. Congress, 1. & 2. Session, House report, no. 85, 1880, 1. 15 p. Anon. 468 - Report on the natural hi>toiy of the herring and the operation of the acts of parliament, relating to the modes of fishing (by Col. Maxwell, Dr. Lyon, Playfair and Mr. Huxley) London, 1863. Anon. 469 - Reports of state commissions in regard to regulating sea-fisheries by law. Rept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1871-72 (1873), 1, 104-124. Anon. 470 - Reports on the natural history of salmpnoids in the Tweed and its tributaries, published by authority of the Tweed fishery commissioners. Edinburgh, 1867. 8. Anon. 471 - Reproduction artificielle de poissons; travaux execute's aux Etats- Unis de 1'Amerique. Rev. Marit. Colon., Paris, 1872, 510-543. Anon. 472 - Reproduction des Hippocampes. Arch. Cosmol. (Dubois) Bruxelles, 1868, 64. Anon. 473 - Results of the artificial propa- gation of salmon [London? 1857] 8. Anon. 474 - Ein Riesen-Hai. Ausland, 1876, 49. Jahrg., 760. Anon. 475 - Rivista di generi e di specie. Diagnosi di alcuni nuovi pesci pub- blicati nel 1860-61. Arch. Zool. Anat Fisiol, 1861, 1, 81-88. Anon. 476 Rapid growth of the pickerel The rudd and its scales [Leu- ciscux erylfir<>i>htti. 6, 494-495. Anon. 530 - Svensk zoologi, forfattad af C. Quensel . . . med illuminerade figurer, tecknade af J. W. Palmstruch [and C. W. Venus] Forsta bandet. Med text forfattad af O. Swartz [and Heft 12 by J. W. Dalmani 2 vols. Stockholm, 1806-09 [-25] col. illust. 8. Anon. 531 The swim-bladder of fishes. Amer. Naturalist, 1880, 14, 898. Anon. 532 Das System unserer Flussfisi h Aus der Heimath, 1862, 405-412. pi. Anon. 533 Taccuino delle esperienze del Galvani sulla torpedine fatte a Sini- caglia ed a Rimini T anno 1795. Nuov. Cmiento, 1869, 2. ser. 2, 310-323. Anon. 534 Tentatives d'introduction de diverses especes de poissons dans les eaux de 1'Australie. Bull. Soc. Acclim. Paris, 1864, 2. ser. 1, 305-307 Anon. 535 698 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY A Tertiary gar-pike [Lepidos- teus suessionensis] in France. Amer. Naturalist, 1875, 19, 278. Anon. 536 - The thirty-third annual meet- ing of the American Fisheries Society held at Atlantic City, New Jersey, July 26-28. Science, 1904, n. s. 20, 244. Anon. 537 - Tobiasfisch \Ammodytes tobia- nus] Samml. Deutsch. Abh. Akad. Wiss., Berlin, 1776, 8, 229-234. Anon. 538 - Translation of a letter from the Hannover Magazine, no. 23, March 21, 1763, giving an account of a method to breed fish to advantage. London, 1778. 8. Anon. 539 - Travaux de la station de re- cherches relatives a la peche maritime a Ostende. Fascicule ii. Ostende, 1905. Anon. 540 Reviewed by A. Briot in Rev. Gen. Sci., 16, 833-834. - The trawling experiments. Rept. Northumberland Sea Fish. Comm., 1904, 7-20. Anon. 541 Trawling investigations, 1906-09. I. Particulars of trawling stations of S. S. "Huxley." II. Detailed meas- urements of plaice caught at each haul of the commercial trawls, S. S. " Hux- ley." III. Summaries of hauls made by S. S. " Huxley," distinguishing the sizes of fish in 10 cm. groups. 4. Rept. North Sea Fish. Invest. Comm., 1912, 383- 497. 8 charts. Anon. 542 Trout hybrids [Possibility of intercrossing eastern and Californian troutsi Forest & Stream, 1878, 10, 255. Anon. 543 Trout in Australia and New Zealand. Zoologist, 1868, 2. ser. 3, 1484-1485. Anon. 544 - The trout [Salmo kennerlyi] of Washington territory. Forest & Stream, 1877, 7, 413. Anon. 545 - Tunny on the Somersetshire coast. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4725. Anon. 546 - Ueber Aalwehre. Deutsch. Fi- scherei Zeitg., 1879, 2, 49, 50. Anon. 547 Ueber Anlage und Betrieb kleiner und kleinster Brutanstalten fur Win- terlaichfische. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg. 67-69. Erste Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 34-36. figs. Anon. 548 - Ueber Anlage von Fisch- u. insebesondere von Karpfenteichen. Circul. Deutsch. Fischerei Ver., 1873, 263-266. Anon. 549 - Ueber Aussetzung von Fisch- brut. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 207. Anon. 550 - Ueber das Athmen der Fische. Naturforscher (Sklarek), 1872, 5. Jahrg., 128-139. Anon. 551 - Ueber das Athmen einiger indi- scher Susswasserfische. Naturf. (Skla- rek), 1875, 8. Jahrg., 295-296. Anon. 552 - Ueber das Gehor der Fische. Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 21-22. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 11. Anon. 553 - Ueber das richtige Verhaltniss der Raubfische zu den anderen Fisch- gattungen in Siisswasser-Seen. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1877, 4. Jahrg., 334. Anon. 554 - Ueber dem norwegischen Fisch- Guano. Ausland, 1860, 33. Jahrg., 240. Anon. 555 Ueber die Anlage und Einrich- tung einer Fischbrut-Anstalt. Mitth. iiber Fischereiwesen. Miinchen, 1878, 24-25. Anon. 556 Ueber die Fortpflanzung der Fische. Berichte Fischerei-Ver. Prov. Ost- und Westpreussen, 1879, no. 1, 14-16. Ibid., 1880, no. 2, 26-27.- Zeitschr. Internat. Fischerei-Austel- lung. Berlin, 1880, no. 10. Anon. 557 Ueber die Fortpflanzungsart der Aale. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1832, 34, 305-306. Anon. 558 Ueber die Gefrassigkeit des Lophius piscatorius. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1837, 3, 69. Anon. 559 Ueber die Gehorknochen von Cyprinus brama. Isis (Oken), 1821, 273-277. fig. Anon. 560 Ueber die Immunitat der Zit- terrochen gegen ihren eigenen Schlag. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1875, 8. Jahrg., 204. Anon. 561 Ueber die Lebensweise des Aals. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1841, 19, 341- 342. Anon. 562 Ueber die Lebensweise des Cyprinus auratus. Neue Notizen (Froriep), 1834, 39, 84-85. Anon. 563 IUHI.KH1KA1MIY OK FISIIKS die EtegenbogenforeUe. (Vntralhl. Cos. Forstwcscn. HMMi. :j-J. Jahrg., 17-20. Anon. 564 die Respirations-Organe tr ot thr >rv.-ral tMi herein treated of. London. i:r,., | _ Anon. .".7f. Thi.s i> a n-print ..f M Thr art of anglinu " by Richard and Charles Bowlker. IT.'.s. with MtOltlOM. - Unsere geschatztesten Tafel- fische. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeit^., l. )()(). 8. Jahrg., 115-120; 131-134. Ibid., 10. Jahrg., 225-227. Anon. 577 - Unterhaltungen in der Natur- geschichte der Fische. Altona uinl Leipzig, 1791. pis. 8. Anon. :>7^ - Unterscheidung der Hiiringe in iibersichtlicher Zusammenstellung. Leer, 1874. 8. Anon. ."'.' - Unterscheidungsmerkmale der Eier und der Alevins, resp. der Dotter- sackbrut, von Blaufelchen (Core./ wartmanni Bloch) und Gangfisch (Core- gonus macrophthalmus Niisslin) Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 15. Jahrg., 210- 212. Anon. 580 - Unusual modes of gestation in batrachians and fishes. Zoologist, 1860, 18, 7173-7179. Anon. 581 - Ursache der Athembewegungen bei den Fischen. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1873, 6. Jahrg., 196. Anon. 582 - Vaagmaer, or dealfish (Trachyp- terus arcticus] in Ireland. Zoologist, 1875, 2. ser. 10, 4343-4344. Anon. 583 - Lee variations de la pression osmotique chez les poissons. Rev. Scient., 1905, 5. ser. 4, 217. Anon. 584 - Varieta ittiologiche. Ann. Sci. Industrial (1865) 1866, 2. anno, 277- 281. Anon. 585 - Varmt blod hos fiske. Tiddskr. Popul. Fremstilling. Naturvidensk . 1880, 27, 398-399. Anon. 586 - Venomous fish [Synanceia ver- rucosa] Amer. Naturalist, 1872, 6, 491^92. Anon. 587 - Die Verbreitung d-r j l.-mi Larven und Jungfische und ihre Lebens-* verhaltnisse. Conseil Perm. Intern. Explor. de la Mer, Rapp., 1909, 10 A, 77-135. 32 figs. Anon. 588 - Verpflanzung des Huchen [Snlnm hucho] in norddeutsche Gewasser. Ann. 700 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Landwirthsch. Wochenbl., 1871, 11, 149; 299. Anon. 589 Verslag der commissie uit het Collegia voor de zeevisscherijen betref- fende de Internationale Visscherij-ten- toonstelling te Bergen in Noorwegen [s'Gravenhage, 1865] 16 p. Anon. 590 - Verslag over de zelfde tentoon- stelling, uitgebragt door de heeren. Berlin, 1866. 8. Anon. 591 - Verslag van de Internationale tentoonstelling van visscherij-gereed- schappen en voortbrengselen van de visscherij, gehoudente s'Gravenhage in Julij 1867, door het departement der Ned. Maatsch. ter bevordering van Nijverheid aldaar. Tijdschr. Maatsch. Nijverh., 1867, 8, 357-375. Nieuwe Rotterdamsche Courant, Julij, 1867. Anon. 592 - Verslag van het Collegie voor de zeevisscherijen over de tentoon- stelling van visscherij-gereedschappen enz., gehouden te Amsterdam in 1861. 's Gravenhage, 1862. 8. Anon. 593 - Verslag van het Collegie voor de zeevisscherijen over den staat der zeevisscherijen van 1857-71. 's Grav- enhage, 1871. 8. Anon. 594 Die Versuchsfischerei auf Her- ing und Sprott in der deutschen Bucht der Nordsee, Winter 1904-05. Mitth. Deutsch. Seefischerei Ver., 1905, 21, 357-406. 2 maps. Anon. 595 Verzeichnis verschiedener Fische und Krebse des adriatischen Meer- busens. Triest, 1796. 189 p. 8. Anon. 596 View of the salmon fishery of Scotland. Edinburgh, 1834. 8. Anon. 597 - Vischf okkerij ; het aankweeken van visch in vijvers. Tijdsch. Nederl. Maatsch. Bevord. Nijverh., 1872, 228- 231. Anon. 598 Vischschubben. Kennis en Kunst (Winkler), 1870, 49-50. pi. Anon. 599 Visch teelt te Velp; beschrij- ving van de Nederlandsche visch- kweekerij, onder de firma J. A. Op de Macks en Co. te Velp. Algem. Visscherij-Cour., Nov. 3, 1872, no. 45. Nov. 23, no. 48. Anon. 600 Visschen, elektrische visschen. Album Natuur, 1857 (Wetensch. Bij- blad), 45; 76. Ibid., 1859, 71. Ibid., 1860, 49. Ibid., 1863, 29. Anon. 601 Visschen, geluidgevende vis- schen. Album Nat. Bijblad., 1857, 75. Ibid. t 1859, 25. Ibid., 1862, 22; 43. Anon. 602 Visschen; muzikale visch op Borneo. Caecilia. Muzik. Tijdschr., 1870, no. 13. Anon. 603 De visschen van het uralo- kaspish-euxinisch gewest. Tijdschr. Aardrijksk. Genootsch., 1877, 2, 322. Anon. 604 La vitalite du poisson. Natu- raliste Canadien, 1897, 24, 119-120. Anon. 605 Vitality of the Salmonidse. Amer. Journ. Sci., 1866, 2. ser. 11, 109. Anon. 606 A viviparous perch. Forest & Stream, 1876, 6, 180. fig. Anon. 607 - Vollstandiges Fischbuch . . . allgemein verstandliche Belehrungen iiber die Fischteiche und Fischhal- tungen, selbige auf die wohlfeilste rich- tigste und nutzbarste Art anzulegen zu besetzen und abszuwarten nebst . . . Unterweisung zur Betreibung der Kunst und Lustfischerei, etc. Quedlin- burg, 1824. xvi, 176 p. 12. Anon. 608 Die Volumveranderungen der Fische. Naturf. (Sklarek), 1874, 7. Jahrg., 271-272. Anon. 609 Volumveranderungen des Bar- sches beim Schwimmen. Naturf. (Skla- rek), 1874, 7. Jahrg., 167. Anon. 610 Vom Aale. Deutsch. Fischere Zeitg., 1880, 3. Jahrg., 113-114. Oesterr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1. Jahrg., 1880, 59-60. Ber. Fischere'i Ver. Prov. Ost. u. Westpreussen 1879- 80 (1880), no. 3, 33-36. figs. Anon. 611 Vom Bodensee. Die Kretz- erplage in der Konstanzer Bucht. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1909, 17. Jahrg., 60-64. Anon. 612 Vom Gangfisch, Coregonus exi- guus var. nuesslini. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1911, 19, 320-322. Anon. 613 Vom Karpfen (Cyprinus carpio) Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1907, 15. Jahrg., 203-205. Anon. 614 mBLIOGRAPHY OF FISIIKS 701 - Voin Muifisch (Clupea alosa] Deutsch. Fischerei Zeitg., 1879, 2. Jahrg., 148. Anon. 615 Voracitc de poissons pelagic \\ n >. La Nature, 1913, 41, pt. 1, 335. 2 figs. Anon. 616 - Vore Haifiskerier. Aftenbladet, Christiania, 1864, no. 20. Anon. 617 - Wachstum der Forellen. Zool. Garten, 1862, 2. Jahrg., 88. Anon. 618 Walking fish. Zoologist, 1863, 21, 8450-8451. Anon. 619 - De Walvischvangst, met veele byzonderheden daartoe betrekkelyk. 4 vols. Amsterdam, 1784-86. illust. 8. Anon. 620 Vol. iv is devoted to a description of the herring fishery. - Das Wandern der Neunaugen. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1877, 4. Jahrg., 18. Anon. 621 - Wanderung der Aalbrut. Deutsche Landw. Presse, 1880, 7. Jahrg., 191-192. Anon. 622 Die Wanderungen des Aales. Natur (Miiller), 1877, n. s. 3, 249. Anon. 623 - Wasserschatz fiir den Volks- tisoh (von H-l.) Die Gartenlaube, 1871, no. 35. Anon. 624 Description and illustration of the fish- hatching station at Hiiningen, Switzerland. Wegorze i ich hodowla. Przy- roda i Przemysl, 1872, 1, 396-398; 407^09; 419-421; 456-458. Anon. 625 Welches 1st die Quelle der Elek- tricitat bei elektrischen Fischen? Aus der Natur, 1869, 49 (n. s. 37), 540-543. Anon. 626 . Der Wels (Weller, Waller, Schaid) le silure. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, 1-3. Anon. 627 Whether the eel be oviparous or a viviparous fish? Fishing Gazette, 1877, 2, 5. Anon. 628 Der Whitebait ein Haring. Aus- land, 1868, 41. Jahrg., 1128. Anon. 629 The whitefish [Coregonus] of North America. Fishing Gazette, 1877, 4. Anon. 630 The whitefish of the Great Lakes. Kept. U. S. Fish Comm. 1872- 73 (1874), 2, 79-84. Anon. 631 K Fisrhc. Auslan.l. isf.s, n. .F.-iliru . nisse, odor drullirhcr I'ntcrricht v>n der grossrn Xut/.barkrit m. Fi/.i- ogr. Krak6w, 1867, 1, 136-138 Anon. 639 - Zerstorung von Fischen. Deutsch. Landw. Presse, 1878, 6. 11'.' 420. Anon. 640 _ Zoology, British. List of the British animals in the Museum. 17 pts. London, 1848-55. 12. Anon. 641 I 'i. viii. Fish, by A. White, xxiii, 104 p. - Zoology; mammals, birds, rep- tiles, fishes. Rec. Caradoc & S- Valley Field Club, no. 8, 17-19; no. 9, 23-30; no. 10, 17-28; no. 11. : no. 12, 33-41; no. 13, 26-37; no. 14, 28-38; no. 15, 23-31; no. 16, 22-M, no. 17, 26-32. Anon. .4J _ Zur Aalfrage. Deutsrh. 1 i- 1>- erei Zeitg., 1878, 1. Jahrp., 702 AMERICAN MUSEUM OF NATURAL HISTORY Zur Fortpflanzung des Aales. - Zur Naturgeschichte der Aale. Ber. Fischerei Ver. Prov. Ost-West- Mitth. Mahr.-Schles. Ges. Ackerbau, preussen, 1879-80, no. 2, 27. Oes- Natur-Landesk; 1879, 327. Anon. 647 terr.-ungar. Fischerei Zeitg., 1880, 1. Jahrg., 30. Anon. 644 - Zur Naturgeschichte des Aales. Schweiz. Fischerei Zeitg., 1896, 4, - Zur Fortpflanzung des Aales. 25 ~ 27 - Anon - 648 Naturf. (Sklarek), 1877, 10. Jahrg., 88. Z ur Naturgeschichte des Har- Anon. 645 i ngs . Ausland, 1864, 37. Jahrg., 239. Zur Kenntniss des Scomber Anon ' 649 scombrus L. Lotos, 1862, 12. Jahrg., 63. - Zwei Eingeweide-Fische. Aus Anon. 646 der Heimat, 1861, 507-510. Anon. 650 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY This bookUmrc*oMra%5i38^t2rnped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. LD 21-40m-l,'68 (H7452slO)476 General Library University of California Berkeley