it 1 f / SONNETS Si MAD 1 GAL ! 1 MR: ANGELO O U V./ . ROT! A A u Ci GO INTO ENGLISH >BY WILLIAM A WELLS A EXLIBKS UNIVERSITY OFCALIFOKMA JOHN HENRY NASH LIBRARY <> SAN FRANCISCO * PRESENTED TO THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ROBERT GORDON SPROUL, PRESIDENT. <8> BY <*> MR.ANDMRS.MILTON S.RAY CECILY, VIRGINIA AND ROSALYN RAY AND THE RAY OIL BURNER COMPANY SAN FRANCISCO NEW YORK SONNETS AND MADRIGALS OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI SONNETS AND MADRIGALS OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI RENDERED INTO ENGLISH VERSE BY WILLIAM WELLS NEWELL WITH ITALIAN TEXT INTRODUCTION AND NOTES HOUGHTON MIFFLIN AND COMPANY MDCCCC :^^S Copyright 1900 by William We/Is Newell A// rights reserved CONTENTS Michelangelo as Poet Page i Sonnets " i Epigrams " 26 Madrigals " 28 Notes " 59 Index of First Lines " 105 MICHELANGELO AS POET MICHELANGELO AS POET jiCHELANGELO,who considered himself as primarily sculp- tor, afterwards painter, dis- claimed the character of poet by profession. He was never- theless prolific in verse; the pieces which survive, in number more than two hundred, probably represent only a small part of his activity in this direction. These com- positions are not to be considered merely as the amusement of leisure, the byplay of fancy; they represent continued meditation, frequent reworking, careful balancing of words ; he worked on a sonnet or a madrigal in the same manner as on a statue, conceived with ardent imagination, undertaken with creative energy, pursued under the pressure of a superabundance of ideas, occasionally abandoned in dissatisfac- tion, but at other times elaborated to that final excellence which exceeds as well as includes all merits of the sketch, and, as he himself said, iii MICHELANGELO AS POET constitutes a rebirth of the idea into the realm of eternity. In the sculptor's time, the custom of literary society allowed and encouraged in- terchange of verses. If the repute of the writer or the attraction of the rhymes com- manded interest, these might be copied, reach an expanding circle, and achieve celebrity. In such manner, partly through the agency of Michelangelo himself, the sonnets of Vittoria Colonna came into circulation, and obtained an acceptance ending in a printed edition. But the artist did not thus arrange his own rhymes, does not appear even to have kept copies ; writ- ten on stray leaves, included in letters, they remained as loose memoranda, or were suffered altogether to disappear. The fame of the au- thor secured attention for anything to which he chose to set his hand ; the verses were copied and collected, and even gathered into the form of books; one such manuscript gleaning he revised with his own hand. The sonnets be- came known, the songs were set to music, and the recognition of their merit induced a con- temporary author, in the seventy-first year of the poet's life, to deliver before the Florentine Academy a lecture on a single sonnet. Diffusion through the printing-press, how- iv MICHELANGELO AS POET ever, the poems did not attain. Not until sixty years after the death of their author did a grand-nephew, also called Michelangelo Buonarroti, edit the verse of his kinsman ; in this task he had regard to supposed literary pro- prieties, conventionalizing the language and sentiment of lines which seemed harsh or im- polite, supplying endings for incomplete com- positions, and in general doing his best to de- prive the verse of an originality which the age was not inclined to tolerate. The recast was accepted as authentic, and in this mutilated form the poetry remained accessible. Fortu- nately the originals survived, partly in the handwriting of the author, and in 1863 were edited by Guasti. The publication added to the repute of the compositions, and the sonnets especially have become endeared to many Eng- lish readers. The long neglect of Michelangelo's poetry was owing to the intellectual deficiencies of the succeeding generation. In spite of the partial approbation of his contemporaries, it is likely that these were not much more ap- preciative, and that their approval was ren- dered rather to the fame of the maker than to the merits of the work. The complication of v MICHELANGELO AS POET the thought, frequently requiring to be thought out word for word, demanded a mental effort beyond the capacity of literati whose ideal was the simplicity and triviality of Petrarchian imitators. Varchi assuredly had no genuine comprehension of the sonnet to which he de- voted three hours of his auditors' patience; Berni, who affirmed that Michelangelo wrote things, while other authors used words, to judge by his own compositions could scarce have been more sensible of the artist's emo- tional depth. The sculptor, who bitterly ex- pressed his consciousness that for the highest elements of his genius his world had no eyes, must have felt a similar lack of sympathy with his poetical conceptions. Here he stood on less safe ground ; unacquainted with classic literature, unable correctly to write a Latin phrase, he must have known, to use his own metaphor, that while he himself might value plain homespun, the multitude admired the stuffs of silk and gold that went to the making of a tailors' man. It is likely that the resulting intellectual loneliness assumed the form of modesty, and that Michelangelo took small pains to preserve his poetry because he set on it no great value, vi MICHELANGELO AS POET The verse, essentially lyric, owed its inspi- ration to experience. A complete record would have constituted a biography more inti- mate than any other. But such memorial does not exist ; of early productions few sur- vive ; the extant poems, for the most part, ap- pear to have been composed after the sixtieth year of their author. The series begins with a sonnet written in 1506, when Michelangelo was thirty-one years of age. The sculptor had been called to Rome by pope Julius, who conceived that the only way to ensure an adequately magnificent mausoleum was to prepare it during his own lifetime. A splendid design was made for the monument destined to prove the embarrass- ment of Michelangelo's career ; but the pope was persuaded that it was not worth while to waste his means in marbles, and in the spring of 1506 the artist fled to Florence. In that city he may have penned the sonnet in which Julius is blamed for giving ear to the voice of Echo (misreporting calumniators) instead of holding the balance even and the sword erect (in the character of a sculptured Justice). The writer adds a bitter complaint of the injustice of fate, which sends merit to pluck the fruit vii MICHELANGELO AS POET of a withered bough. Another sonnet of the period seems to have been written in Rome ; the subscription reads: "Your Michelangelo,, in Turkey." The piece contains an indict- ment against the papal court, at that time oc- cupied with plans for military advancement, where the eucharistic cup is changed into hel- met, and cross into lance ; for safety's sake, let Christ keep aloof from a city where his blood would be sold dropwise. Work there is none, and the Medusa-like pope turns the artist to stone ; if poverty is beloved by hea- ven, the servants of heaven, under the oppo- site banner, are doing their best to destroy that other life. In 1509, a sonnet addressed to Giovanni f Pistoia describes the sufferings endured in executing the frescoes of the Sis- tine chapel. We are shown Michelangelo bent double on his platform, the paint oozing on his face, his eyes blurred and squinting, his fancy occupied with conjecture of the effect produced on spectators standing below. Al- lusion is made to hostile critics ; the writer bids his friend maintain the honor of one who does not profess to be a painter. While look- ing upward to the vault retained in the mem- ory of many persons as the most holy spot in viii MICHELANGELO AS POET Europe, it is well to recollect the sufferings of the artist, who in an unaccustomed field of labor achieved a triumph such as no other decorator has obtained. A fourth sonnet, ad- dressed to the same Giovanni, reveals the flam- ing irritability of a temper prone to exaggerate slights, especially from a Pistoian, presumably insensible to the preeminence of Florence, " that precious joy." With this group can be certainly classed only one sonnet of a different character (No. XX). This was penned on a letter of De- cember, 1507, addressed to Michelangelo at Bologna, where he was then leading a miser- able life, engaged on the statue of Julius ; this work, on which he wasted three years, was finally melted into a cannon, in order that the enemies of the pope might fire at the latter by means of his own likeness. The verse is a spontaneous and passionate outburst of admira- tion for a beautiful girl. With this piece might be associated two or three undated composi- tions of similar nature, which serve to show the error of the supposition that the artist was insensible to feminine attractions. It may be affirmed that the reverse was the case, and that the thoughtful temper of the extant poetry ix MICHELANGELO AS POET is due solely to the sobering influences of time. The verse which might have exhibited the transition from early to later manhood has not been preserved ; during twenty years survive no compositions of which the date is assured. Subsequently to that time, assistance is derived from the fortunate accident that several of the sonnets were written on dated letters. It is true that this indication is far from furnishing secure testimony. Even at the present day, when paper is so easily obtained, I have known a writer of rhyme who was in the habit of using the backs of old letters. That Michel- angelo sometimes did the same thing appears to be demonstrated by the existence of a son- net (No. L), which, though written on the back of a letter of 1532, professes to be com- posed in extreme old age. The evidence, therefore, is of value only when supported by the character of the piece. Nor is internal testimony entirely to be depended on. It is to be remembered that all makers of verse re- model former work, complete imperfect essays, put into form reminiscences which essentially belong to an earlier stage of feeling. Attempts to classify the productions must follow a sub- MICHELANGELO AS POET jective opinion, very apt to err. Nevertheless something may be accomplished in this direc- tion. The nephew states that two sonnets (Nos. XXIV and XXV) were found on a leaf con- taining a memorandum of 1529. Extant is another sonnet, certainly written on a page having an entry of that year. These three sonnets seem to breathe the same atmosphere ; the emotion is sustained by a direct impulse, the verse is apparently inspired by a sentiment too lyric to be unhappy; the employment of theologic metaphor and Platonic fancy is still subsidiary to emotion. Allowing for the im- aginative indulgence of feeling common to lyrical poets, it seems nevertheless possible to perceive a basis of personal experience. With these pieces may be associated a number of sonnets and madrigals, among the most beau- tiful productions of the author, which may conjecturally be assigned to the period before his permanent Roman residence, or at any rate may be supposed to represent the impressions of such time. As compared with the work which may with confidence be dated as pro- duced within the ensuing decade, these corre- spond to an earlier manner. Wanting the xi MICHELANGELO AS POET direct and impetuous passion of the few youth- ful verses, they nevertheless show a spiritual conception of sexual attachment, not yet re- solved into religious aspiration. They sug- gest that the inflammable and gentle-hearted artist passed through a series of inclinations, none of which terminated in a permanent alliance. At the end of 1534, near his sixtieth year, Michelangelo came to live in Rome ; and to that city, three years later, Vittoria Colonna came for a long visit, in the twelfth year of her widowhood, and the forty-seventh of her life. An acquaintance may have been established in the course of previous years, when the lady visited Rome, or possibly even at a prior time. Whatever was the date of the first encounter, allusions in the poems seem to imply that the meeting produced a deep im- pression on the mind of the artist (Madrigals LIV, LXXII). At all events, the relations of the two grew into a friendship, hardly to be termed intimacy. Only a very few of the poems are known to have been addressed to Vittoria ; but the veiled references of several pieces, and the tone of the poetry, appear to justify the opinion that admiration for this xii MICHELANGELO AS POET friend was the important influence that af- fected the character of the verse written during the ten years before her death in 1547. In Rome, the Marchioness of Pescara made her home in the convent of San Silvestro, where she reigned as queen of an intelligent circle. A charming and welcome glimpse of this so- ciety is furnished by Francis of Holland, who professes to relate three conversations, held on as many Sunday mornings, in which the sculptor took a chief part. It is not diffi- cult to imagine the calmness and coolness of the place, the serious and placid beauty of the celebrated lady, the figure of Michelangelo, the innocent devices by which the sympathetic Vit- toria contrived to educe his vehement outbursts on artistic questions, the devout listening of the stranger, hanging on the chief artist of Italy with the attention of a reporter who means to put all into a book. So far as the conversa- tion represents a symposium on matters of art, no doubt the account is to be taken as in good measure the method adopted by Francis to put before the world his own ideas ; but among the remarks are many so consonant to the charac- ter of the sculptor that it is impossible to doubt the essential correctness of the narration. xiii MICHELANGELO AS POET In the language of Michelangelo speaks haughty reserve, the consciousness of superiority, ac- companied by a sense that his most precious qualities exceeded the comprehension of a world which rendered credit less to the real man than to the fashionable artist, and whose attention expressed not so much gratitude for illumination as desire of becoming associated with what society held in respect. All students who have had occasion to con- cern themselves with the biography of Vittoria Colonna have become impressed with the ex- cellence of her character. After the loss of a husband to whom she had been united in ex- treme youth, she declared her intention of form- ing no new ties ; and it must have been an exceptional purity which the censorious and corrupt world could associate with no breath of scandal. She had been accounted the most beautiful woman in Italy, of that golden-haired and broadbrowed type recognized as favorite ; but her intelligence, rather than personal attrac- tions or social position, had made her seclusion in Ischia a place of pilgrimage for men of let- ters. The attraction she possessed for the lone- ly, reserved, and proud artist is a testimony that to her belonged especially the inexplicable at- xiv MICHELANGELO AS POET traction of a sympathetic nature. Such disposi- tion is a sufficient explanation of her devotion to the memory of a husband who appears to have been essentially a condottiere of the time, a sol- dier who made personal interest his chief con- sideration. She may also be credited with a sound judgment and pure ethical purpose in the practical affairs of life. Yet to allow that Vittoria Colonna was good and lovable does not make it necessary to wor- ship her as a tenth muse, according to the partial judgment of her contemporaries. Un- fortunately, time has spared her verses, respect- ing which may be repeated advice bestowed by Mrs. Browning in regard to another female author, by no means to indulge in the perusal, inasmuch as they seem to disprove the presence of a talent which she nevertheless probably pos- sessed. In the case commented on by the modern writer, the genius absent in the books is revealed in the correspondence ; but episto- lary composition was not the forte of the Mar- chioness of Pescara, whose communications, regarded as pabulum for a hungry heart, are as jejune as can be conceived. Neither is she to be credited with originality in her attitude toward political or religious problems. It does xv MICHELANGELO AS POET not appear that she quarreled with the princi- ples of the polite banditti of her own family ; nor was she able to attain even an elementary notion of Italian patriotism. She has been set down as a reformer in religion ; but such ten- dency went no further than a sincere affection toward the person of the founder of Christian- ity, a piety in no way inconsistent with ritual devotion. When it came to the dividing of the ways, she had no thought other than to follow the beaten track. Nor in the world of ideas did she possess greater independence ; with all her esteem for Michelangelo as artist and man, it is not likely that she was able to estimate the sources of his supremacy, any more than to foresee a time when her name would have interest for the world only as asso- ciated with that of the sculptor. It may be believed that a mind capable of taking pleasure in the commonplaces of her rhyme could never have appreciated the essential merits of the mystic verse which she inspired. Here, also, Michelangelo was destined to remain uncom- prehended. Vittoria presented him with her own poems, neatly written out and bound, but never seems to have taken the pains to gather those of the artist. Intellectually, therefore, xvi MICHELANGELO AS POET her limitations were many ; but she was en- dowed with qualities more attractive, a gentle sympathy, a noble kindness, a person and ex- pression representative of that ideal excellence which the sculptor could appreciate only as embodied in human form. While earlier writers of biography were in- clined to exaggerate the effect on Michelangelo of his acquaintance with Vittoria Colonna, later authors, as I think, have fallen into the opposite error. To Vittoria, indeed, whose thoughts, when not taken up with devotional exercises, were occupied with the affairs of her family or of the church, such amity could occupy only a subordinate place. One of her letters to Michelangelo may be taken as a po- lite repression of excessive interest. But on the other side, the poetry of the artist is a clear, almost a painful expressioa of his own state of mind. We are shown, in the mirror of his own verse, a sensitive, self-contained, solitary nature, aware that he is out of place in a world for which he lacks essential graces and in which he is respected for his least worthy qualities. That under such circumstances he should value the kindness of the only woman with whom he could intelligently converse, that he should xvii MICHELANGELO AS POET feel the attraction of eyes from which seemed to descend starry influences, that he should suf- fer from the sense of inadequacy and transi- toriness, from the difference of fortune and the lapse of years, the contrasts of imagination and possibility, was only, as he would have said, to manifest attribute in act, to suffer the nat- ural pain incident to sensitive character. In the most striking of the compositions de- voted to the memory of Vittoria Colonna Michelangelo speaks of her influence as the tool by which his own genius had been formed, and which, when removed to heaven and made identical with the divine archetype, left no earthly substitute. That the language was no more than an expression of the fact is shown by the alteration which from this time appears in his verse. Poetry passes over into piety ; artistic color is exchanged for the monotone of religious emotion. One may be glad that the old age, of whose trials he has left a terrible pic- ture, found its support and alleviation ; yet the later poems, distressing in their solemnity, pie- tistic in their self-depreciation, exhibit a declin- ing poetic faculty, and in this respect are not to be ranked with their forerunners. The verse of Michelangelo has been lauded xviii MICHELANGELO AS POET as philosophic. The epithet is out of place ; if by philosophy be meant metaphysics, there is no such thing as philosophic poetry. Poetry owes no debt to metaphysical speculation, can coexist as well with one type of doctrine as with another. The obligation is on the other side ; philosophy is petrified poetry, which no infusion of adventitious sap can relegate to vital function. Like all other developments of life, philosophic theories can be employed by poets only for colors of the palette. If Platonic conceptions be deemed exceptional, it is because such opinions are themselves poetry more than metaphysics, and constitute rather metaphorical expressions for certain human sentiments than any system of ratiocination. For the purposes of Michelangelo, these doc- trines supplied an adequate means of presenta- tion, quite independent of the abstract verity of the principles considered as the product of reasoning. With the sculptor, it was the impressions and feelings of later life that this philosophy served to convey. The few remains of compar- ative youth lead us to suppose that in the verse of this time the reflective quality was subordi- nate ; the productions of later manhood breathe xix MICHELANGELO AS POET a gentle emotion, which, allowing for contrasts, may be compared with that animating the poetry of Wordsworth ; only in compositions belonging to incipient age do we find a full development of Platonic conceptions ; these, again, constitute a step in the progress toward that Christian quietism into which the stream of the poet's genius emerges, as from its impet- uous source, through the powerful flow of its broadening current, a great river at last empties itself into the all-encompassing sea. This philosophy was no result of reading, but a deposit from conversations which the youth had overheard in the Medicean gardens, where he may have listened to the eloquence of Marsilio Ficino. When the time came, these reminiscences were able to influence im- agination and color fancy. For a commentary on Michelangelo, one has no need to go to the Phaedrus or Symposium ; the verse, like all true poetry, is self-illuminative. That God is the archetype and fountain-head of all excel- lency, that external objects suggest the perfec- tion they do not include, that objects of nature, reflected in the mirror of the intelligence, move the soul to perform the creative act by which outward beauty is reborn into her own likeness, xx MICHELANGELO AS POET and loved as the representation of her own divinity, that the highest property of external things is to cause human thought to transcend from the partial to the universal, these are conceptions so simple and natural that no course of study is necessary to their apprecia- tion. The ideas are received as symbols of certain moral conditions, and so far not open to debate. Only when the attempt is made to generalize, to set them up as the sum of all ex- perience, do they become doubtful ; the prin- ciples are better comprehended without the dialectic, and indeed it frequently happens that he who has paid most attention to the latter is least informed respecting the true significance of the imaginations for the sake of which the argument professes to exist. Hand in hand with this Hellenic, one might say human mysticism, went the Christian mys- ticism expressed in the poetry of Dante. In place of the serene archetype, the apotheosis of reason, we are presented with the archety- pal love, reaching out toward mankind through the forms of nature. No longer the calm friend, the beloved person is conceived as the ardent angel, messenger from the empyrean, descend- ing and revealing. It has been held that these xxi MICHELANGELO AS POET two forms of thought are irreconcilable; I should consider them as complementary. Be- fore the beginnings of the Christian church had been effected a union of Platonic imagination with Hebrew piety j Christian sentiment ex- presses in terms of affection the philosophic doctrine, also pious and poetic, however pro- claimed under the name and with the coloring of sober reason. It could not have been expected that in the poetical activity which of necessity with him remained a subordinate interest, Michelangelo should have manifested the full measure of that independent force, which in two arts had proved adequate to break new channels. This third method of expression served to manifest a part of his nature for which grander tasks did not supply adequate outlets ; the verse accordingly reveals new aspects of character. It was for gentle, wistful, meditative emotions that the artist found it necessary to use rhyme. If not torrential, the current was vital ; no line un- freshened by living waters. This function ex- plains the limitation of scope ; essays in pasto- ral, in terza rima, served to prove that here did not lie his path ; in the conventional forms of the sonnet and the madrigal he found the xxii MICHELANGELO AS POET medium desired. The familiarity of the form did not prevent originality of substance ; he had from youth been intimate with the youth- ful melodies of Dante, the lucid sonnets of Petrarch; but his own style, controlled by thought, is remote from the gentle music of the one, the clear flow of the other. The verse exhibits a superabundance of ideas, not easily brought within the limits of the rhyme ; amid an imagery prevailingly tender and reflective, now and then a gleam or a flash reveals the painter of the Sistine and the sculptor of the Medicean chapel. Essentially individual is the artistic imagery. As Michelangelo was above all a creator whose genius inclined him toward presentation of the unadorned human form, so his metaphors are prevailingly taken from the art of sculpture, a loan which enriches the verse by the associa- tion with immortal works. These comparisons, taken from the methods of the time, are not al- together such as could now be employed. At the outset, indeed, the procedure scarcely dif- fered; with the sculptor of the Renaissance, the first step was to produce a sketch of small di- mensions ; the same thing is done by the mod- ern artist, who commonly uses clay and plaster xxiii MICHELANGELO AS POET in place of wax. It is in the nature of the de- sign, or, as Michelangelo said, of the " model," that, as having the character of an impression, it must superabound in rude vitality, as much as it is deficient in symmetry and u measure." The next step, then as now, might be the pre- paration of a form answering in size to that of the intended figure, but also in wax or clay. In the final part of the process, however, the dis- tinction is complete ; in the sixteenth century no way was open to the maker, but himself to perfect the statue with hammer and chisel. The advance of mechanical skill has enabled the modern artist to dispense with this labor. It may be questioned whether the consequent sav- ing of pains is in all respects an advantage ; at least, I have the authority of one of the most accomplished of modern portrait sculptors for theopinion that in strict propriety every kind of plastic work ought to receive its final touches from the hand of the designer. Even if this were done, the method would not answer to that of the earlier century, when it was the practice to cleave away the marble in successive planes, in such manner as gradually to disengage the outlines of the image, which thus appeared to lie veiled beneath the superficies, as an indwell- xxiv MICHELANGELO AS POET ing tenant waiting release from the hand of the carver. Moreover, the preciousness of the ma- terial had on the fancy a salutary influence ; be- fore beginning his task, the sculptor was com- pelled to take into account the possibility of execution. He would commonly feel himself obliged to make use of any particular block of marble which he might have the fortune to possess; it might even happen that such block possessed an unusual form, as was the case with the stone placed at the disposal of Michel- angelo, and from which he created his David. The test of genius would therefore be the abil- ity, on perception of the material, to form a suitable conception ; a sculptor, if worthy of the name, would perceive the possible statue within the mass. The metaphor, so frequently and beautifully used by Michelangelo, which represents the artist as conceiving the dormant image which his toil must bring forth from its enveloping stone, is therefore no commonplace of scholastic philosophy, no empty phrase de- claring that matter potentially contains unnum- bered forms, but a true description of the pro- cess of creative energy. Inasmuch as by an inevitable animism all conceptions derived from human activity are imaginatively trans- XXV MICHELANGELO AS POET ferred to external life, the comparison is ex- tended into the realm of Nature, which by a highly poetic forecast of the modern doctrine of evolution is said through the ages to aim at at- taining an ideal excellence. The impulse visi- ble in the art of the sculptor thus appears in his poetry, which, also perfected through un- wearied toil, terminates in a result which is truly organic, and of which all parts seem to derive from a central idea. A lyric poet, if he possess genuine talent, is concerned with the presentation, not of form or thought, but of emotion. His fancy, there- fore, commonly operates in a manner different from that of the artist, whose duty it is pri- marily to consider the visual image ; the verse of the latter, if he undertakes to express him- self also in the poetic manner, is usually charac- terized by a predominance of detail, an overdis- tinctness of parts, an inability of condensation, qualities belonging to an imagination conceiv- ing of life as definitely formal rather than as vaguely impressive. On the contrary, Michel- angelo is a true lyrist, whose mental vision is not too concrete to be also dreamy. This property is a strange proof of the multiformity of his genius, for it is the reverse of what one xxvi MICHELANGELO AS POET would expect from a contemplation of his plastic work. The inspiration, though in a measure biographic, is no mere reflection of the experience ; notwithstanding the sincerity of the impulse, as should be the case in lyric verse, the expression transcends to the uni- versal. It does not detract from his worth as a lyri- cal writer, that the range of the themes is nar- row, a limitation sufficiently explained by the conditions. The particular sentiment for the expression of which he needed rhyme was sex- ual affection. In the verse, if not in the art, u all thoughts, all passions, all delights " are ministers of that emotion. Michelangelo is as much a poet of love as Heine or Shelley. The sonnets were intended not to be sung, but to be read ; this purpose may account for occasional deficiencies of music. The beauty of the idea, the abundance of the thought, the sincerity of the emotion, cause them to stand in clear contrast to the productions of contem- porary versifiers. Less attention has been paid to the madri- gals, on which the author bestowed equal pains. These are songs, and the melody has affected the thought. The self-consciousness of the xxvii MICHELANGELO AS POET poet is subordinated to the objectivity of the musician who aims to render human experi- ence into sweet sound. For the most part, and with some conspicuous exceptions, even where the idea is equally mystical, the reason- ing is not so intricate nor the sentiment so biographic. A certain number have the char- acter of simple love-verse. In these composi- tions ardor is unchecked by reflection, and de- sire allowed its natural course, unquenched by the abundant flow of the thought which it has awakened. What assumes the aspect of love- sorrow is in reality a joyous current of life mocking grief with the music of its ripples. If one desired to name the composer whom the sentiment suggests, he might mention Schumann rather than Beethoven. Other indifferent artists have been excellent poets, and other tolerable versifiers clever ar- tists ; but only once in human history has co- existed the highest talent for plastic form and verbal expression. Had these verses come down without name, had they been disinterred from the dust of a library as the legacy of an anony- mous singer, they would be held to confer on the maker a title to rank among intellectual benefactors. It would be said that an unknown xxviii MICHELANGELO AS POET poet, whose verse proved him also a sculptor, had contributed to literature thoughts whose character might be summed up in the lines of his madrigal : "Dalle piu alte stelle Discende uno splendore Che Y desir tira a quelle ; E qui si cbiama amore. xxix SONNETS EPIGRAMS AND MADRIGALS A SELECTION FROM THE SONNETS OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI ITALIAN TEXT AL cieldiscese, e col mortal suo,poi Che visto ebbe I 9 inferno giusto e V pio, R/V0r0 vivo a contemplare D/0, Per dar di tutto II vero lume a not : Lucente stella, cbe co 9 raggi suot Fe chiaro, a torto, el nido ove naqqif to ; Ne sare' V premto tutto V mondo rio : Tu sol, cbe la creastt, esser quel puoi. D/ Dante dico, cbe mal conosciute Fur F opre suo da quel popolo tngrato, Cbe solo a 9 iusti manca di salute. Fuss 9 to pur lui ! c a talfortuna nato, Per I 9 aspro esilio suo, con la virtute, Dare 9 del mondo ilpm felice stato. A SELECTION FROM THE SONNETS OF MICHELANGELO BUONARROTI TRANSLATION ROM heaven he came, and clothed in mortal clay, traversed the vengeful and the chastening woes, living, again toward height eternal rose, For us to win the light of saving day ; Resplendent star, whose undeserved ray Made glory in the nest where I had birth ; Whose recompense not all a stained earth, J$ut 'Thou his Maker, Thou alone couldst pay. Dante I mean, and that unfair return Endured from a community ingrate, That only to the just awardeth scorn ; Would I were he ! To equal fortune born, For his pure virtue, for his exile stern, I would resign earth's happiest estate. II DA che concetto ha I 9 arte intera e diva La forma e gli atti d 9 alcun, poi di quello D 9 umil materia un semplice modello 6 '/ primo par to che da quel deriva. Ma nel secondo pot di pietra viva S* adempion le promesse del martello ; E si rinasce tal concetto e bello, Che ma 9 non e chi suo eterno prescriva. Simtl, di me model, nacqu 9 io da .prima ; Di me model, per cosa piu perfetta Da voi rinascer poi, donna alta e degna. Se V poco a cere see, e V mio superchio lima Vostra pieta ; qual penitenzia aspetta M/0 fiero ardor, se mi gastiga e insegna ? in NON ba r ottimo artista alcun concetto, Ch 9 un marmo solo in se non circonscriva Col suo sovercbio ; e solo a quello arriva "La man cbe ubbidisce air intelletto. \l mal cb 9 io fuggo, e V ben ch 1 io mi prometto, In te, donna leggiadra, a It era e diva, 'Tal si nasconde ; e perch 9 io piu non viva, Qontraria bo I 9 arte al disiato ejfetto. Amor dunque non ba, ne tua beltate, O durezza, o for tuna, o gran disdegno, Del mio mal colpa, o mio destiho o sorte ; Se dentro del tuo cor morte e pietate Porti in un tempo, e cbe V mio basso ingegno Non sappia, ardendo, trarne altro che morte. 4 II SOME deed or form of our humanity When genius hath conceived of art divine, Her primal birth, an incomplete design, Is shaped in stuff of humble quality. More late, in living marble' 's purity The chisel keepeth promise to the full ; Reborn is the idea so beautiful, That it belongeth to eternity. So me did Nature make the model rude, The model of myself, a better thing By nobleness of thine to be renewed'; If thy compassion, its work cherishing, Enlarge, and pare ; mine ardor unsubdued Awaiteth at thy hand what chastening ! in THE chief of artists can imagine nought, Other than form that hideth in a stone, Below its surface veiled ; here alone Arriveth hand, obedient to his thought. So, fair and noble lady, e'en in thee, The good I seek, the evil that I fly, Remain enveloped ; whence reluctant, I Create my aspiration's contrary. It is not love, 't is not thy beauty fair, Ungentle pride, thy fortune ruling so, Nor destiny of mine, that hath to bear The censure, if my genius faint and low, While Death and 'Pity both thou dost conceal, Though passioned, can only Death reveal. 5 IV COM* esser, donna, pub quel ch' alcun vede Per lunga sperienza, che piu dura I/ immagin viva in pietra alpestra e dura, Che 'I suo fattor, che gli anni in cener riede ? La causa air effetto inclina e cede, Onde dair arte e vinta la natura. 10 V so, che V provo in la bella scultura ; Ch* all 9 opra il tempo e morte non tien fede. ~Dunque posso ambo not dar lunga vita In qual sie modo, o di color e o sasso, Di not sembrando /' uno e I' altro volto : S/ che milt anni dopo la partita Quanta e voi bella fusti, e quant' io lasso Si veggia, e com' amarvi io non fui stolto. Io mi son caro assai piu cV io non soglio ; Poi cV io f ebbi nel cor, piu di me vaglio : Come pietra cb' aggiuntovi /' intaglio, 6 di piu pregio che V suo primo scoglio. O come scritta o pinta carta o foglio, Piu si riguarda d 9 ogni straccio o taglio ; Tal di me fo, da poi cV io fui bersaglio Segnato dal tuo viso : e non mi doglio. Sicur con tale stampa in ogni loco Vo, come quel c' ha incanti o arme seco, Cb' ogni periglio gli fan venir meno. I' vaglio contro all 9 acqua e contro alfoco, Col segno tuo rallumino ogni cieco, E col mio sputo sano ogni veleno. 6 IV How, lady, can the mind of man allow, What lapse of many ages bath made known, That image shapen of pure mountain stone Outlive the life that did with life endow ? before effect the very cause doth bow, And Art is crowned in Nature's deep despair. I know, and prove it, carving form so fair, That Time and Death admire, and break their vow. Power , therefore, I possess, to grant us twain Estate, in color, or in marble cold, That spent a thousand summers, shall remain The face of either, and all eyes behold How thou wert beautiful, and gaze on me, Weary, yet justified in loving thee. v I FEEL myself more precious than of yore, Now that my life thy signature doth show, As gem inscribed with its intaglio }Lxcelleth pebble it appeared before, Or writ or painted page is valued more Than idle leaf discarded carelessly ; So I, the target of thine archery, Grow proud of marks I need not to deplore. Signed with thy seal, in confidence I dwell, As one who jour ne^eth in woundless mail, Or hath his way protected by a spell ; O'er fire and flood I equally prevail, Do works of healing by the signet's might, Poison allay, and yield the blind their sight. 7 VI QUANTO si gode, lieta e ben contesta D/ far, sopra 9 crin d 9 or d 9 una, grillanda ; Che f altro inanzi I' uno a/I 9 altro manda, Come ch 9 il primo sia a baciar la testa ! Contenta e tutto il giorno quella vesta Che serra Y petto, e poi par che si spanda ; E que I c 9 oro filato si domanda L guanci 9 e Y collo di toe car non rest a. Ma piu lieto quel nastro par che goda, Dorato in punta, con si fatte tempre, Che pr erne e tocca il petto ch 9 egli allaccia. E la schietta cintura che s 9 annoda M/ par dir seco : qui vo 9 stringier sempre ! Or che farebbon dunche le mie braccia? VII SE nel volto per gli occhi il cor si vede, Altro segnio non ho piu manifesto Delia mie fiamma : addunche basti or questo, Signior mie caro, a domandar mercede. Forse lo spirto tuo, con maggior fede Ch 9 io non credo, che sguarda il foco onesto Che m 9 arde, fie di me pietoso e presto ; Come grazia ch 9 abbonda a chi ben chiede. O felice quel di, se questo e certo ! Fermisi in un momenta il tempo e I 9 ore, I/ giorno e il sol nella su 9 antica traccia ; Accio ch 9 i 9 abbi, e non gia per mie merto, II desiato mie dolce signore Per sempre nell 9 indegnie e pronte braccia. 8 VI THE blossom-twined garland of her hair T>elighteth so to crown her sunny tress, That flowers one before the other press To be the first to kiss that forehead fair ; Her gown all day puts on a blithesome air, Qlingeth, then flow eth free for happiness ; Her meshed net rejoiceth to caress The cheek whereby it lies, and nestle there ; More fortunate, her golden-pointed lace Taketh her breathing in as close a hold As if it cherished what it may enfold ; And simple zone that doth her waist embrace Seemetb to plead : " Here give me leave to stay ! " What would my arms do, if they had their way ? VII IF eyes avail heart-passion to declare, My love requires no more explicit sign, For eloquent enow are looks of mine, O dear my mistress, to convey my prayer. 'Perchance, more credulous than I believe, Thou seest how purely doth my passion burn, And now art ready toward desire to turn, As he whoasketh mercy must receive. If so befall, on that thrice happy day Let course of time be suddenly complete, The sun give over his primeval race ; That through no merit of my own, I may henceforth forever, my desired sweet \n these unworthy, eager arms embrace ! 9 VIII SPIRTO ben nato, in cul si speccbia e vede Nelle tuo belle membra oneste e care Quant e natura e 'I del tra no' pub fare, Quand' a null' a lira suo bell 9 opra cede : Spirto leggiadro, in cut si spera e crede Dentro, come di fuor nel viso appare, Amor, pieta, merce ; cose si rare, Che ma' f urn' in belt a con tanta fede : L' amor mi prende, e la belta mi lega ; La pieta, la merce con dold sguardi Ferma speranz' al cor par che ne doni. Qual uso o qual governo al mondo niega, Qual crudelta per tempo, o qual piu tardi, C' a si bel viso morte non perdoni ? IX DIMMI di grazia, amor, se gli occhi met Veggono 'I ver della belta cb' aspiro, O s' io I' ho dentro allor che, dov' io miro, Veggio piu bello el viso di costei. Tu 'I de' saper, po' che tu vien con lei A torm' ogni mie pace, ond' io m' adiro ; Ne vorre' manco un minimo sospiro, N* men ardente foco chiederei. La belta che tu vedi e ben da quella ; Ma crescie poi ch' a miglior loco sale, S* per gli occhi mortali all' alma corre. Quivi si fa divina, ones t a e bella, Com' a se simil vuol cosa immortale : Questa, e non quella, a gli occhi tuo' precorre. io VIII O SPIRIT nobly born, wherein we see Through all thy members innocent and dear, As if reflected in a mirror clear, What tteaven and Nature can make life to be ; O spirit gentle, where by faith we know Indwell what doth thy countenance declare, "Love, Mercy, and Compassion, things so rare, That never beauty hath combined them so ; The love to charm, the beauty -to retain, The tenderness, the pity, to uphold By glances mild the soul that doubteth grace ; What mortal law, what custom doth ordain, What doom unmerciful to young or old, That Death may not forgive so fair a face ? IX " LOVE, be my teacher, of thy courtesy ; The beauty, whither my regards aspire, Doth it exist ? Or is what I admire yiade beautiful by force of fantasy ? Thou, Love, must know, who in her company Arrivest oft to vex me with desire, Although I would not choose to quench the fire, Abate its glow, nor part with any sigh." u The beauty thou hast seen from her did shine, And meet thy mortal vision ; but its ray Ascended to the soul, a better place ; There seemed she lovely, for a thing divine Hath joy of its own image ; in this way Came beauty thou beholdest in her face" II NON posso altra figura immaginarmi, O di nud 9 ombra o di terrestre spoglia, Col piii alto pensier, tal che mie voglia Contra la tuo belta di quella s 9 armi. Che, da te mosso, tanto sciender parmi, Ch 9 amor d 9 ogni valor mi priva e spoglia ; Ond 9 a pensar di minuir mie doglia, Ttuplicando, la morte viene a darmi. Pero non val cbe piu sproni mie fuga, Doppiando V corso alia belta nemica ; Che il men da I piu velocie non si s cost a. Amor con le sue man gli occbi m' asciuga^ Promettendomi car a ogni fatica ; Cbe vile esser non pub cbi tanto costa. XI LA vita del mie amor non e V cor mio^ Ch 9 amor, di quel ch 9 io t 9 amo, e senza core ; Dov 9 e cos a mortal piena d 9 err ore, Esser non pub gia ma 9 , ne pensier rio. Amor nel dipartir I 9 alma da Dio Me fe 9 san occbio, e te luc 9 e splendor e ; N2 pub non rivederlo in quel che muore D/ te, per nostro mal, mie gran disio. Come dalfoco el caldo esser diviso N0 pub, dal bell 9 etterno ogni mie stima, Ch 9 esalta, ond 9 ella vien, cbi piu V somiglia. Tu c 9 bai negli occbi tutto 9 l paradiso, Per ritornar la dov 9 i 9 t 9 ama 9 prima, Ricorro ardendo sott 9 alle tuo ciglia. 12 MY strong imagination cannot make 'Prom solid earth or air of reverie, The form of beauty, that my will can take To be its shield and armor against thee. Abandoned, I decline, till everything "Doth vanish, that I am and I possess ; The thought that haply I may suffer less, ~Destroyeth me beyond all suffering. No hope of safety, when to turn and Jlee Will only speed an enemy 9 s career ; The slower from the fleeter cannot strays Yet Love consoleth and caresseth me, "Declaring that my toil may yet be dear ; A thing so costly is not thrown away. XI MY love doth use no dwelling in the heart, Eut maketh mansion only in the soul ; He entereth not where sinful hopes control, Where error and mortality have part. From source in God commanded to depart, Myself He made the eye, the lustre, thee ; I cannot choose but His eternal see, In what, alas ! is thy decaying part. N0 more may fire be sundered from its heat, Than my desire from that celestial Fair Whence thine derives, wherewith it doth compare ; My soul, enkindled, maketh her retreat To primal home, where love did first arise, The Paradise secluded in thine eyes. 13 XII I' MI credetti, il prlmo giorno cb 9 io M/tt?' tante bellezze uniche e sole, Fermar gli occbi, com 9 aquila nel sole, Nella minor di tante cb 9 i desio. Po 9 conosciut 9 bo il fallo e I 9 erro mio ; Cbe chi senz 9 ale un angel seguir vole, I/ seme a 9 sassi, al vento le parole Indarno ispargie, e f intelletto a D/0. Duncbe, s y appresso il cor non mi sopporta L' infinita belta, cbe gli occbi abbaglia^ N di Ionian par m* assicuri o fidi; Cbe fie di me? qual guida o quale scoria Fie cbe con teco ma 9 mi giovi o vaglia, S' appresso m 9 ardi^ e nel partir m 9 uccidi ? XIII VEGGIO co 9 bei vostri occhi un dolce lume^ Cbe co 9 mm ciecbi gia veder non posso ; Porto co 9 vostri piedi un pondo a dosso^ Cbe de mie 9 zoppi non e gia costume ; Volo con le vostr 9 ale senza plume ; Col vostr 9 ingegno al del sempre son mosso; Dal vostr 9 arbitrio son pallido e rosso ; Freddo al sol, caldo alle piu fredde brume. NW voter vostro e sol la voglia mia^ I mie 9 pensier nel vostro cor si fanno^ NW vostro fiato son le mi a parole. Come luna da se sol par cb 9 io sia ; Che gli occbi nostri in del veder non sanno Se non quel tanto cbe n 9 accende il sole. H XII I DEEMED w ben erst upon my prospect shone The mateless splendor of thy beauty* s day, That as an eagle seeks the sun alone, I might have rested only on a ray. With lapse of time, mine error have I known, For who would soar in angels 9 company, On stony ground his idle seed hath sown, Lost words in air, and thought in deity. If near at ban ft, I may not well abide Thy brilliancy that overcometh sight, And far, appear to leave consoling light, Ah, what shall I become ? what friend, what guide, Will render aid, or plead my cause with thee, If either thou consumes t or grievest me ? XIII WITH thy clear eyes I view a radiance fair, before to my blind vision quite unknown ; I carry with thy feet a weight, mine own, Of halting steps, were never free to bear ; Upon thy wings I soar to heaven, and there By thy swift genius are its glories shown ; I pale and redden at thy choice alone, Grow chill in sunlight, warm in frosty air. Thy will is evermore my sole desire, Within thy heart conceived each wish of mine, My accents framed purely of thy breath ; Like to the moon am I, that hath no fire, But only is beheld in heaven to shine According as the sun illumineth. 15 XIV S' UN casto amor, i una pieta superna, S' una fortuna infra dua amanti equale, S' un' aspra sorte alf un dell' altro cale, S' un spirto, s' un voter duo cor governa ; S' un y anima in duo corpi e fatta eterna, Kmbo levando al cielo e con pari ale ; S' amor d' un colpo e a" un dorato strale Le viscier di duo petti arda e discierna ; S' amar I' un /' altro, e nessun se medesmo, D' un gusto e d* un diletto, a tal mercede, C' a un fin voglia /' uno e V altro porre ; Se mille e mille non sarien centesmo A tal nodo a" amore, a tanta fede ; E sol I* isdegnio il puo romper e e s dor re ? xv PERCHfe tuo gran bel/ezze al mondo sieno In donna piu cortese e manco dura, Prego se ne ripigli la natura Tutte quelle ch 9 ogn' or ti vengon meno ; E serbi a riformar del tuo sereno E divin volto una gientil figura Del del, e sia d* amor perpetua cura Rifarne un cor di grazia e pieta pieno. E serbi poi i miei sospiri ancora, E le lacrime sparte insieme accoglia, E doni a cbi quella ami un 9 a lira volt a. Forse a pieta chi nasciera 'n quell 'or a "La movera con la mie propria doglia ; Ne fia persa la grazia cV or m* e tolta. 16 XI V IF one chaste love, one sacred piety, One fortune shared 'twixt two lovers so, That either 9 s care from heart to heart may flow, Impelled by one desire, one energy ; If bodies both are by one soul controlled, That winged bears them up to heaven's gate ; If love, with one essay, doth penetrate And burn two bosoms with one shaft of gold ; If living each in other, self forgot, One liking, one felicity, awake One will to move toward one desired lot ; If thousand ties as holy, fail to make A thousandth part ; the consecrated knot, Shall pride, and pride alone, avail to break ? xv THAT womanhood more tender and less cold Be clothed with beauty equal and the same, I pray that heaven may from thee reclaim Her gifts, that hourly perish and grow old, Of thy serene and radiant face remould A gentle heavenly form, and \j)ve assign The task to store a heart more mild than thine With mercies sweet and charities untold. My sighs let him preserve, from every place My fallen wasted tears unite again, And on the friend of this new fair bestow. Thus may befall, that he who sues for grace Compassion shall awaken by my pain, And love that I have lost be garnered so. 17 XVI LA ragion meco si lamenta e dole, Parte cb 9 ? spero amando esser felice ; Con forti esempli e con vere parole "La mie vergognia mi ramenta, e dice : Che ne riportera 9 dal vivo sole, Altro cbe morte ? e non come fenice. Mtf poco giova : cbe chi cader vuole, Non basta I 9 altrui man pront 9 e vitrice. I' conosco e mie 9 danni, e V vero intendo : Da/I' alia banda, albergo tin altro core, Che piu m 9 uccide dove piu m 9 arrendo. In mezzo di due mort 9 e V mie signiore ; Questa non voglio, e questa non comprendo : Cost sospeso, il corpo e I 9 alma muore. XVII NON so se s' e la desiata luce "Del suo primo fattor, che I 9 alma sente ; O se dalla memoria della gente Alcun' altra belta nel cor trainee ; O se fama o se sognio alcun prodduce Agli occhi manifesto, al cor presente ; D/ se lasciando un non so che cocente, Cb* e forse or quel ch* a pianger mi conduce ; Quel cb' ? sento e ch 9 i 9 cerco : e chi mi guidi Meco non e ; ne so ben veder dove Trovar mel possa, e par c 9 altri mel mostri. Questo, signior, m 9 avvien, po cb 9 i 9 vi vidi ; C' un dolce amaro, un si e no mi muove : Certo saranno stati gli occhi vostri. XVI As oft as I am free to nourish faith That in my love may lie my happiness, With wisdom old and word of soberness humility reproveth me, and saith : " What canst thou hope within the vivid sun, Save be consumed, and find no Phcenix-birth ? " \n vain ; for helping hand is nothing worth T0 rescue life that fain would be undone. I hear her warn, my peril understand, Yet inwardly discern a heart concealed, That tortureth the more, the more I yield ; Between two Deaths my lady seems to stand, One mystical, one hateful to espy ; Irresolute, both soul and body die. XVII I KNOW not if it be the longed-for light Of its Creator, that the soul doth feel, Or long-retentive Memory reveal Some creature-beauty, dwelling inly bright ; Or if a history, a dream, I keep To eyes apparent, treasured in the heart, Whereof ferment eth some uneasy part, That now, perchance, inclineth me to weep ; I long, I seek, and find not any guide, N0r whither, of myself have wit to know, Yet vague perceive a presence point the way ; Such life I lead since thee my looks espied, From bitter change to sweet, from aye to no ; I think, thine eyes lent that enkindling ray. '9 XVIII PERCH!: ebo non tore 9 e non distende D' intorn 9 a questo globo fredd 9 e molle Le braccia sua lucenti, el vulgo voile Notte cbiamar quel sol cbe non comprende. E tan? e debol, cbe s 9 alcun accende \Jn picciol torchio, in quella parte tolle La vita dalla nott 9 ; e tant 9 e folle, Che I 9 esc a col fucil la squarcia e fende. E se gli e pur cbe qualcbe cosa sia, Cert 9 e figlia del sol e della terra ; Che I 9 un tien I 9 ombra, e I 9 altro sol la cria. Ma sia che vuol, cbe pur chi la loda erra ; Vedova, scur 9 , in tant a gelosia, Cb 9 una lucciola sol gli pub far guerra. XIX O NOTT', o dolce tempo benche nero (Con pace ogn 9 opra sempr 9 al Jin assaltd), l&en ved 9 e ben intende chi t 9 esalta ; E chi t 9 onor 9 , ha I 9 intellett 9 intero. Tu mozzi e troncbi ogni stanco pensiero ; Che I 9 umid 9 ombra ogni quiet 9 appalta : E dall 9 infima parte alia piu a It a In sogno spesso porti ov 9 ire spero. O ombra del morir, per cui si ferma Ogni miseria ? alma al cor nemica^ Ultimo delli afflitti e buon rimedio; Tu rendi sana nostra earn 9 inferma^ Rasciug 9 i pianti, e posi ognifatica, Efuri a chi ben vive ogn 9 ir 9 e tedio. 20 XVIII WHEN Pbcebus bath no mind to strain and press Our chilly sphere in his embraces bright, His negligence the multitude call Night, A name of absence, till be glow again. So impotent is she, so weak and vain, That kindle up a torch, its petty light "Doth work her death ; and frame she hath so slight, That fashing of a flint will rend in twain. If Night in her own self be anything, Call her the daughter of the Earth and Sun, The last creating, first receiving shade. Be what she may, how glorify a thing ^Widowed, dim-eyed, so easily undone, That glowworm's lantern turneth her afraid ? XIX O NIGHT, O season in thy darkness sweet (For every toil falls peaceful to its close), lie deemeth well who laudeth thy repose, And who exalt eth, payeth homage meet. Thy dewy shade, with quiet falling slow, "Divides the fret of never-pausing thought ; From deep of being to the summit brought, In dream thou guidst me where I hope to go. Shadow of "Death, the safe protecting gate barred by the soul against her hunter Grief, Of human woe the final, only cure ; The fever of the blood dost thou abate, Dry lingering tears, give weariness relief, And anger steal from him who liveth pure. 21 XX NON vlder gli occbl mm cosa mortale Allor cbe ni bel vostrl intera pace Trovai ; ma dentro, ov' ogni mal displace, Qbi a" amor /' alma a se simil m* assale. E se creata a Dio non fusse eguale, Altro cbe V bel di fuor, ch* agli occhi place, Piu non vorrla ; ma perch' e si fallace, Trascende nella forma universale. 10 dlco, cV a cbl vlve quel cbe muore Quetar non puo disir ; ne par s' aspettl L* eterno al tempo, ove altrl cangla II pelo, Voglia sfrenata el senso e, non amore, Che r alma ucclde ; e '/ nostro fa perfetti Gli amid qui, ma piu per morte in clelo. XXI PER rltornar la donde venne fora, L' immortal forma al tuo career terreno Venne com' angel dl pieta si pleno Che sana ogn' intelletto, e V mondo onora. Questo sol m* arde, e questo m? Innamora ; Non pur dl fora II tuo volto sereno : Ch* amor non gla dl cosa cbe men meno 'Tien ferma speme, In cu* virtu dimora. Ne altro avvlen dl cose alt ere e nuove In cul si preme la natura ; e '/ clelo cV a lor parto largo s' appareccbia. Ne D/0, suo grazla, ml si mostra altrove, Piu cbe *n alcun leggladro e mortal veto ; E quel sol amo, per cbe 'n quel si speech ia. 22 XX MINE eyes beheld no perishable thing, When holy peace I found in orbs of thine, And inwardly obtained a hope divine, A joy my kindred soul enamoring. \3nless create God's equal, to receive Equality with Him, she might depend On shows external ; because these deceive, Toward universal form she doth transcend. "Life cannot sate its wishes with decay, N0r yet Eternity commandment take from years wherein we wither and grow chill; 'T is lust hath energy the soul to slay, 'Not love, that fain would the beloved make Perfect on earth, in heaven, more perfect still. XXI ONE day to rise toward height where it began, The form immortal to thine earthly cell, An angel of compassion, came to dwell With balm and healing for the mind of man. Such life it is that doth thy life endear, And not thy face serene, its envelope ; In shadows that decline and disappear, Immortal Love cannot repose his hope. 'T is true of all things marvellous and fair, Where Nature taketh forethought, and the sky Is bountiful in their nativity ; God's grace doth nowhere else so far prevail As where it shineth through a body's veil ; And that I love, for He is mirrored there. XXII SE V mie rozzo martello i duri sassi Forma d' uman aspetto or questo or quello, Dal ministro, cV el guida iscorgie e tiello Prendendo il moto, va con gli altrui passi : Ma quel divin, ck* in cielo alberga e stassi, Altri, e se piu^ col proprio andar fa bello ; E se nessun martel senza martello Si puo far, da quel vivo ogni altro fassi. E perche V colpo e di valor piu pieno Quant 9 alza piu se stesso alia fucina, Sopra V mie, questo al del n 9 e gito a volo. Onde a me non finito verra meno, S' or non gli da la fabbrica divina Aiuto a farlo, c' al mondo era solo. 24 XXII IF my rude hammer lend enduring stone Similitude of life, being swayed and plied By arm of one who doth its labor guide, It moveth with a motion not its own ; But that on high, which lieth by God's throne, Itself, and all beside makes beautiful ; And if no tool be wrought without a tool, The rest are fashioned by its power alone. As falls a blow with greater force and heat "The further it descends, for forging mine, The lifted hammer high as heaven flew ; Wherefore mine own will never be complete Unless perfected from the forge divine, For that which shaped it earth may not renew. E P I GR AM M I CARO nf e V sonno, e piu /' esser di sasso, Mentre cbe V danno e la vergogna dura : Non veder^ non sentir, m y e gran ventura ; Pero non mi destar, deb ! par/a basso. II lo dho a voi, cV al mondo avete data L' anima e V corpo e lo spirito 'nsieme : \n questa cassa oscura e V vostro lato. ill AMORE e un concetto di bellezza Immaginata, cut sta dentro al core. Arnica di virtute e gentilezza. 26 EPIGRAMS I ON THE STATUE OF NIGHT IN THE MEDICEAN SACRISTY SWEET is to sleep, and marble peace to know, Now, while dishonor and disgrace are near ; J T is all my fortune not to see, nor bear ; therefore do not awake me ; ah ! speak low ! II LINES WRITTEN ON A COFFIN CARRIED BY DEATH THOU, thou, who hast bequeathed to the world The spirit and the body and the soul, Here is thy home, here in this casket dim. ill LOVE e'en is an idea, that may express Imagined beauty, dwelling in the heart, A friend of virtue and of gentleness. MADRIGALI PER molti^ donna, anzi per mille amanti, Creata fusti, e d* angelica forma. Or par che 'n del si dorma, S' un sol s' apropia quel cb' e dato a tanti. Ritorna a nostri pianti \l sol degli occbi tuo\ che par che schivi Chi del suo dono in tal miseria e ndto. Deb / non turbate i vostri desir santi : Che chi di me par che vi spogli e privi, Col gran timor non gode il gran peccato. Che degli amanti e men fe lice stato Quello, ove V gran desir gran copia affrena^ C' una miseria di speranza plena. 28 MADRIGALS FLORENTINE EXILES FOR many, for a thousand lovers, thou, Lady, wert made of form angelical. Asleep, perchance, lie sealed heavens now, White one enjoyeth grant designed for all. Ah render to our sighs "The sunlight of thine eyes, "That shunneth him, who into sorrow born, Doth /anguish of their benefit forlorn ! THE CITY OF FLORENCE NAY, calm your holy aspiration ; know That be who maketh you my boon forego, In fear doth expiate his mighty crime. And aye with lovers sadder is the time, When love expireth of satiety, Than while aboundeth hope in misery. 29 II NON sempre al mondo e si pregtato e caro Quel cbe molti contenta, Che non sie 'Icun cbe senta, Quel cb' e lor dolce, spesse volte amaro. I/ buon gusto e si raro, Cb' a forza al vulgo cede, Allor cbe dentro di se stesso gode. Ona" io, perdendo, imparo Quel che di fuor non vede Chi r alma attrista e* suo' sospir non ode. I/ mondo e cieco, e di suo 9 gradi o lode Piu giova a chi piu scar so esser ne suole : Come sferza cbe 'nsegnia, e parte duole. Ill e troppo molesta, Ancor che dolce sia, La grazia c' altru 9 fa preda e prigione ; Mie liberta, per questa Tuo somma cortesia^ Piu che d' un fufto al vero amor s* oppone. D/ par passi e ragione : Ma se I 9 un da piu che t altro non dona, ben giusta quistione ; Cbe f un sormonta, e /' altro non perdona. II HOWEVER worship-worthy and complete Be deemed a work that many lovers know, May live the man who doth not find it so, deriving bitter from the lauded sweet. Taste is so rare, a thing so isolate, That from the multitude it must recede, Alone upon internal joy to feed ; Wherefore in self retired, and passionate, I see what vieweth not the outer eye, Qold to the soul and heedless of her sigh. The world is blind, and from its praises vain He learneth most who freest doth remain, Suffers, and hath a lesson in his pain. in 'T is burdensome, however it be sweet, The friendly boon that doth oblige the friend ; My liberty, thy courtesy to meet, Worse than if robbed, doth with true love con- tend. The soul of friendship is equality ; \f friend more freely than his fellow give, Ariseth rivalry; The first excelleth, last doth not forgive. IV ORA in sul destro, or a in sul manco piede Variando, cerco della mia salute : Pra V vizio e la virtute I/ cor confuso mi travaglia e stanca ; Come cbi V del non vede, Che per ogni sentier si perde, e manca. Porgo la carta bianca A' vostri sacri incbiostri^ Cb 9 amor mi sganni, e pieta V ver ne scriva . Che r alma da se franca Non piegbi a gli error nostri Mto breve resto, e cbe men cieco viva. Chie^ggio a voi, alia e diva Donna , saper se 'n del men grado tiene V umil peccato cbe V super chio bene. IV A PILGRIM seeking my salvation still, from foot to foot I change, As wearily I range Quite indeterminate 'twixt good and ill, A stumbling far er-by, Who, viewless of the sky, Doth lose his way and wander at his will. 'The white and vacant leaf Inscribe with word of thine ; Let love and pity come to my relief, And liberate my soul From dark and doubt-control F0r petty period that yet is mine. iMdy, I ask thy saintliness divine, If heaven on high a lower seat provide F0r shamefast sin, than virtue satisfied? 33 GLI occbi miei vaghi delle cose belle, E /' alma insieme della sua salute, Non hanno altra virtute Cb' ascenda al del, che mirar tutte quelle. Dalle piii a lie stelle Discende uno splendore, Cbe '/ desir tira a quelle ; E qui si cbiama amore. Ne altro ha gentil core, Cbe /' innamori e arda, e che V consigli, Cb' un volto cbe ne gli occhi lor somigli. VI SE dal cor lieto divien hello il volto, Dal tristo il brutto ; e se donna aspra e bella Ufa, chi fie ma* quella Che non ardi di me, com 9 io di lei? Po 9 c y a destinguer molto Dalla mie chiara Stella Da hello a bel fur fatti gli occhi met ; Contra se fa costei Non men crudel, che spesso Dichi : dal cor mie, smorto il volto viene. Che s' altri fa se stesso, Pingendo donna; in quella Che far a po 9 se sconsolato tiene ? Dune 9 anbo n 9 arie bene, Ritrarla col cor lieto e I viso asciutto ; Sefarie bella, e me non f arie brutto. 34 MY glances pleased with everything that's fair , My soul inclined toward her celestial gain, Devoid of power high heaven to attain, Can find no way, save only gazing there. Stars loftiest above A radiancy lend, Kidding desire ascend; "That light is here named 1j)ve. Nor gentle heart hath any other friend "To fortify, enamor, and advise, Than countenance with star-resembling eyes. VI IF happy heart make beautiful the face, Rut sad heart foul ; and for a lady's sake Re born the cause that such effect doth make, How hath she courage for refusing grace To me, whose birth-star bright Accordetb the clear sight That rightly chooseth between fair and fair? Sure she who hath my mind Proves to herself unkind, My feature if she render full of care ; or if in likeness shown A painter leaves his own, Small loveliness can wait On labor of a hand disconsolate. Then let her please to favor mine estate, That I may paint blithe heart and smiling eye ; She will grow fair, and not unlovely I. 35 VII NEGLI anni molti e nelle molte pruove, Cercando, il saggio al buon concetto arriva D' un immagine viva, Vicino a morte, in pietra alpestra e dura : C' air alte cose e nuove Tardi si viene, e poco poi si dura. Simi/mente natura D/ tempo in tempo, d* uno in altro volto, S' al sommo, errando, di bellezza e giunta NW tuo divino, e vecchia, e de y perire. Onde la tema, molto Con la belta congiunta, D/ stranio cibo pasce il gran desire : N so pensar, ne dire, Qual nuoca o giovi piu, visto V tuo 'spetto, O ^l fin dell' universo, o 'I gran diletto. VIII Si come per levar, donna, si pone In pietra alpestra e dura Una viva figura, Che la piu crescie u* piu la pietra scema ; Tal alcun' opre buone, Per r alma che pur trema, Cela il superchio della propria carne Co I' inculta sua cruda e dura scorza. Tu pur dalle mie streme Parti puo' sol levarne ; Cb' in me non e di me voler ne forza. VII YEAR after year, essay beyond essay, Seeking, the lessoned maker doth arrive At the idea, he leaveth aye alive In alpine marble, though his life be flown ; For only in the twilight of his day He reacheth what is noble and his own. Thus Nature, long astray From age to age, from face to fairer face, lHath finally achieved thy perfect -grace, When she herself is old, and near her end. Therein I find to dwell A fear, that with thy loveliness doth blend, And my desire toward passion strange compel ; I cannot think or tell, If sweet or painful be thy beauty bright, The worlds conclusion, or my love-delight. VIII IN mountain-marble white, Doth hide a statue bright, "That waxeth ever while the rock doth wane ; E'en so from flesh-control The timid trembling soul Mine inward fair would liberate in vain. Lady, I look to thee Alone to set me free, For in myself doth will nor power remain. 37 IX SE d 9 una pietra viva L' arte vuol cbe qui viva Al par degli anni il volto di costei ; Cbe dovria il del di lei, Sendo mie quest a, e quella suo fattura ; N* gia mortal, ma diva, Non solo a gli occbi mei ? E pur si parte, e picciol tempo dura. Dal lato destro e zoppa mie ventura, S' un sasso resta, e coste 9 morte affretta. Chi nefara vendetta ? Natura W, se de 9 suo' nati sola I/ opra qua dura^ e la suo V tempo invola. NON pur a" argento o d" oro^ Vinto dalfoco^ esser po' plena aspetta Vota d 9 opra perfetta \M forma, che solfratta il tragge fora : Tal ioj colfoco ancora D' amor dentro ristoro II desir voto di belta infinita, D/ costei ch 9 i 9 adoro, Anima e cor della mie fragil vita. Alta donna e gradita In me discende per si brevi spazi, C' a tr aria fora, convien mi rompa e strati. IX IN alpine stone and pure If art may bid endure Her countenance as long as summers flow ; What period should heaven on her bestow, Its own creation, radiant and free, For others, as for me ? And yet is she with fading life endued. My Fortune then in her best foot is lame, If Death the substance, Life the semblance claim. On whom devolves the feud? On Nature's self, if of her sons alone The work survive, and Time despoil her own. FOR silver or for gold, After in fire these have been made to flow, Doth wait the empty mould, That shattered, will the lovely image show ; Through passion-ardor, so My vacancy I store With the divine unbounded loveliness Of her whom I adore, The soul and essence of my fragileness, Whose beauty doth inpour, And occupy by passages so strait, That broken I must be to liberate. 39 XI BEATI, vol cbe su nel del godete Le la crime cbe V mondo non r is tor a, avvi amor guerra ancora, O pur per morte liberi ne siete ? La nostra eterna quiete, uor a" ogni tempo, e priva D' invidia amando, e d' angosciosi pianti. "Duncbe a mal pro ch y ? viva Convien, come vedete^ Per amare e servire in dolor tanti. Se V cielo e degli amanti Amico, e V mondo ingrato Amando^ a cbe son nato ? A viver molto ? E questo mi spaventa : Che V poco e troppo a cbi ben serve e stenta. XII NON pur la morte, ma V timor di quella "Da donna iniqua e bella, Ch' ogn 9 or' m' ancide, mi difende e scampa . E se taF or m 9 avvampa P/'w che V usato il foco in cb' io son corso, Non trovo altro soccorso Cbe I 9 imagin sua ferma in mezzo il core ; Cbe dove e morte non s' appressa amore. 40 XI " O BLESSED spirits, who in world's release Are recompensed for tears it could not pay, Tell me if Love wage war on you a/way , Or Death hath yonder made his quarrel cease ? " " Our everlasting peace, All time beyond, here loveth unacquaint With mortal lovers 9 sorrow and complaint" " Then sad it is for me To linger, as you see, Loving and serving where my heart doth faint. If Heaven be lovers' friend, And Earth their anguish lend, Need I live long ? The thought doth came me fear; To wistful lover minutes years appear" XII NOT "Death alone, but his indwelling dread Doth succor and set free "Prom sway of one unjust as cherished, Who constantly doth make assault on me ; As oft as flameth with unwonted force The fire that folds me, I have no resource Save keep his image central in the heart ; Where Death abides, Love hath not any part. XIII S' EGLI e che V buon desio Porti dal mondo a D/0 Alcuna cosa bella, Sol la mie donna e quella^ A cbi ha gli occhifatti corn 9 bo io. Qgni altra cosa oblio^ E sol di tan? ho cur a. N0 e gran maraviglia^ S' io I' amo e bramo e chiamo a tutte t ore . N' e proprio valor mio^ S^ /' alma per natura S' appoggia a chi somiglia Ne gli occhi gli occhi^ ond 9 ella scende fore ; Se sente il primo Amore Come suo fin, per quel qua questa onora : Ch* amar die V servo cb* el signore adora. 42 XIII IF any beauteous thing Can human hope exalt to God on high, For one who hath the vision made as I, Alone my lady may like comfort bring, Wherefore it is not strange, If from the rest I range To love her, to pursue and supplicate ; 'T is Nature's law, not mine, That bids the soul incline Toward eyes reminding of its first estate, W 'hereby it hath recourse To its own end and source, The primal Love, that her with beauty storeth ; He loves the vassal, who the lord adoreth. 43 XIV QUANTUNCHE ver j/tf, che f alta e divina Pieta qui mostri il tuo bel volto umano ; Donna^ il placer lontano M* e tardi j}, cbe dal tuo non mi parto : C' all 9 alma pellegrina Gli e duro ogn 9 altro sentiero erto e arto. Ona" il tempo comparto, Per gli occbi il giorno e per la notte il core ; A r acque I' uno, a F altro il foco ardente; Senz' intervallo alcun, cV al cielo aspiri. Dal destinato parto Si mi ti dette amore, Ch* alzar non oso i mie* ardenti desiri ; Se '/ ver non e, che tiri La mente al del per grazia o per mercede : Tardi ama il cor quel I* occhio non vede. XIV THOUGH true it be, that Charity divine Show mirrored in yon lovely face of thine, Yet, lady, moves the distant hope so slow, That from thy beauty I lack power to go ; The pi/grim soul, that would with thee delay, Finds rough and stern the strait and narrow way. My time I therefore part, To eyes give day, and darkness to the heart, To last the water, and to first the fire, N0 interval, toward heaven to aspire. A destiny of birth Enchained me to the earth In grant of thee, save mercy of the sky Please to descend, and lift my heart on high ; Heart will not love what looks cannot espy. 45 XV A L' alia tuo lucente diadema Per la strada erta e lunga Non e, donna, cbi giunga, S' umilta non v' aggiugni e cortesia : I/ montar cresce, e Y mie valore scema ; E la lena mi manca a mezza via. Che tuo belta pur sia Superna, al cor par cbe diletto renda, Che d y ogni rara altezza e giotto e vago : Po' per gioir della tuo leggiadria^ Eramo pur cbe discenda La dov' aggiungo : e *n tal pensier m* appago, S^ V tuo sdegnio presago, Per basso amare e alto odiar tuo stato^ A te stessa perdona il mie peccato. XVI DEH ! dimmi, amor, se /' alma di costei Fosse pie t os a com* ba bell y il volto, S* alcun saria si stolto Ch' a se non si togliessi e dessi a lei ? E/ to cbe piu potrei Servirla^ amarla, se mi foss* arnica; Che, sendomi nemica, L' amo piu cb y allorfar non doverrei ? XV THY lucent-crowned beauty to attain Upon a narrow and laborious way, "The pilgrim vainly maketh bis essay, Save thy humility bis feet forestall ; The path aspireth while the strength doth wane, Ana 7 midway on the road I pant and fall. Although thy loveliness celestial B* heaven 9 s thing, yet aye it doth delight The heart inclined toward stranger of the height ; Wherefore thy sweetness full to comprehend, I long to have thee stoop, and condescend As low as I, of the idea content, If thy disdain severe and prescient Itself forgive for sinfulness of mine, To love thee lowly, and to hate divine. XVI AH tell me, Love, bad she a heart as kind As beauty that her feature doth partake, Could there be found the wretch so dull and blind, That would not choose himself from self to take, And give to her ? ^et even if she grew My loving friend, what more could I bestow, When in her coldness, while she seems my foe, I love her better than I else could do ? 47 XVII COME pud esser ch' to non sia piu mio ? O dio, o dio, o dio ! Chi mi tolse a me stesso, Ch 9 a me fuss e piu presso, O piu di me, che mi possa esser io ? O dio, o dio, o dio ! Come mi passa V core Chi non par che mi tocchi! Che cosa e questa, amore, CV al core entra per gli occhi ; E s' avvien che trabocchi Per poco spazio, dentro par che cresca ? XVIII OGNI cosa cV F veggio mi consiglia, E prega, e forza ch y io vi segua et ami ; Che quel che non e voi, non e il mio bene. Amor, che sprezza ogni altra maraviglia, Per mia salute vuol ch* io cerchi e brami Voi sole solo : e cost F alma tiene D' ogni a It a spene e a? ogni valor priva ; E vuol ch* io arda e viva Non sol di voi, ma chi di voi somiglia Degli occhi e delle ciglia alcuna parte. E c hi da voi si parte, Occhi mia vita, non ha luce poi ; Che 'I del non e dove non sete voi. XVII How came to pass that I am mine no more ? Ah me ! Who took myself from me To draw more close to me "Than ever I could be, More dearly mine, than I myself before ? Ah me ! How reached he to the heart Touching no outward part ? Who prithee may Love be, That entered at the eyes, And if in breathed sighs He go abroad, increaseth inwardly ? XVIII ALL Nature urgently doth me advise, Implore, compel, to follow thee, and cling To my sole blessed thing. Love, who doth other loveliness despise, To make me seek salvation only here, Doth in my heart destroy Desire of other joy, And only measure of delight allow In beauty semblant to thine eye and brow ; Yet being no longer near To you, clear eyes, its light hath ceased to shine, For only where you dwell is heaven of mine. 49 XIX CHI e quel che per for -za a te mi mena, Ohime obime obime ! 'Legato e stretto, e son libero e sciolto ? Se tu 'ncateni altrui senza catena, E senza mani o braccia m 9 bai raccolto, Chi mi dtfendera dal tuo bel volto ? xx SE V commodo de git occhi alcun constringe Con r usO) parte insieme La ragton perde, e teme ; Che piii s' inganna quel cV a se piu crede . Onde nel cor dipinge Per bello quel a ptcciol belta cede. Ren vi fo, donna, fede Che V commodo ne V uso non m' ha preso, S? di raro e mie y veggion gli occhi vostri Circonstritti ov' a pena il desir vola. Un punto sol m 9 ha acceso ; Ne piu vi vidi cV una volta sola. XIX WHO theeward draws me, spite my striving vain ? Ah woe is me ! Am I at once imprisoned and free ? If thou dost chain me without any chain, And handless, armless, all my life embrace, Who shall defend me from thy lovely face ? xx IF habit of the eyes engender ease, Faint Reason on her way Feareth to go astray, Lest inwardly she taketh For beauty fair, what beauty quite for saketh. Lady, it doth appear That ease and custom have not made you dear, For that my looks are foreign to your, own, "Toward whose confine my wishes dare not soar ; I was inflamed in a breath alone ; Your feature I have gazed on once, no more. XXI UN uomo in una donna, anzi uno dio, Per la sua bocca parla : Ond* io per ascoltarla Son fat to tal, che ma 9 piu saro mio. I y credo ben, po' ch 9 io A me da lei fu tolto, Fuor di me stesso aver di me pietate : Si sopra V van desio Mi sprona U suo bel volto, Ch 9 io veggio morte in ogn 9 altra beltate. O donna, che passate Per acqua e foco /* alme a* lieti giorni, D eh fate cV a me stesso piu non torni ! XXII Io dice cbefra noi, potenti del, Convien cV ogni river so si sopporti ! Poi che sarete morti Di mille 'ngiurie e torti, Amando te com 9 or di lei tu ardi, Far ne potrai giustamente vendetta. Ahime lasso chi pur tropp* aspetta Cb 9 i 9 gionga a 9 suoi conforti tanto tardi ! Ancor, se ben riguardi, Un generoso alter 9 e nobil core Perdon 9 , e porta a chi P offend" amore. XXI THOUGHTS of a man, nay of a god alone, Her lips of woman render eloquent; Whence \, who listen purely with content, May nevermore depart and be mine own. Since she my life hath taken, And self have I forsaken, I pity self that I was wont to be. From wavering will astray Her fair face maketh free, Till other beauty death appears to me. Thou, who dost souls convey To Paradise through chastening fire and wave, Lest I to self return, dear lady, save! XXII FLORENTINE EXILE O'ER us, I think, divinities on high ! Impendeth every shameful overthrow ! MICHELANGELO Albeit thou underlie A thousand deaths of injury and woe, A period will be, When loved by her as she is loved by thee, Thou mayest the sweet of lawful vengeance know. FLORENTINE EXILE Alas ! for aye aweary doth he dwell, Who waiteth for his comfort coming slow ! And perfect truth to tell, A generous heart, of proud nobility, Yorgiveth, and doth love its enemy. 53 XXIII S* ALCUNA parte In donna e che sia bella, "Bencbt F altre sian brutte, "Debb 9 to amarle tutte P 'el gran placer ch 9 to prendo sol di quella? La parte che s 9 appella, Mentre il gioir n 9 attrista, A la ragion, pur vuole Che r innocente error si scusi e ami. Amor, che mi favella Delia noiosa vista, Com 9 irato dir suole, Che nel suo regno non s 9 attenda o chiami. E V del pur vuol ch 9 to brami A quel che spiace non sia pieta vana ; Cht V uso agli occhi ogni malfatto sana. XXIV MESTIER non era all 9 alma tuo beltate \jegarme vinto con alcuna cor da; Che^ se ben mi ricorda, Sol d 9 uno sguardo fui prigione e preda : C 9 alle gran doglie usate Forz* e c 9 un debt I cor subito ceda. Ma chi fie ma 9 che ere da, Yreso da 9 tuo 9 begli occhi in brevi giorni U legnio secco e arso verde torni? 54 XXIII IF that she own a feature passing fair, While void of happy liking live the rest, Ought I affection toward the whole to bear, For sake of beauty by the one possessed ? "The lovely part, distrest, My praise doth deprecate, And sue to Reason for her sisters' sake, That also they be cherished, and forgiven For fault they did not mean. Then Love, irate, Who thinketh but on pain that they have given, Saith, in his court there lieth no appeal. Yet Heaven willeth fondness that I feel, When toward her imperfection merciful, Time maketh her, for me, all beautiful. XXIV THY sweetness had no need of cord or chain Its prisoner to bind; Too well I bear in mind, How I was conquered by a glance alone ; The heart subdued by many an ancient pain Hath lost the fortitude it erst did own. Yet who hath ever known, That wakened by a look, in time so brief, A withered tree should kindle and bear leaf? 55 XXV AMOR, se tu si dio, N0w puo' do cbe tu vuoi ? Deb fa' per me, se puoi, Quel ch 9 10 farei per te, s 9 amor fuss 9 io ! Sconviensi al gran desio D' alia belta la speme^ Viepiu f effetto, a cbi e presso al morire. Pon nel tuo grado il mio : Dolce gli fie cbi V preme ? Che grazia per poc* or, doppia V martire. Ren ti voglio ancor dire : Cbe sarie morte, s 9 a 9 miseri e dura, A cbi muor giunto air alta sua ventura ? XXV " O LOVE, thou art divine, A god to work thy will ; Prithee, for me fulfil All I would do for thee, if deity were mine." " He were no friend of thine, Who hope of lofty beauty should bestow On one who presently must life forego ; Come put thee in my place, Thy idle prayer retrace ; Wilt thou implore a gain, That granted, only would enlarge the pain ? Death hath a sober face ; If even the unhappy find him rude, How stern to one arrived at full beatitude? " 57 NOTES ON THE SONNETS EPIGRAMS AND MADRIGALS NOTES ON THE SONNETS The Roman numbers^ in the Introduction and Notes, refer to the numeration of Guasti (Le Rime di Michelangelo Buonarroti , Florence, 1863). ENGLISH TRANSLATIONS OF THE POEMS. On the corrupted texts of 1623 were based the versions of J. E. Taylor (Michael Angelo considered as a Philosophic Poet. With Translations. London, 1840), and of J. S. Harford (Life of Michael Angelo Buonarroti. With Translations of many of his Poems and Letters. London, 1857). The beautiful renderings of Wordsworth (five son- nets) depended on the same faulty presen- tation. The correct texts of Guasti were followed by J. A. Symonds in his complete translation of the sonnets (The Sonnets of Michael Angelo Buonarroti and Tommasi Campanella. London, 1878). In his bio- graphy of the sculptor (The Life of Michael- Angelo Buonarroti. London, 1893), Symonds rendered several of the madrigals. A selection 61 NOTES from the poems, with the Italian text, and renderings by different hands, was edited by Mrs. E. D. Cheney (Selected Poems from Michael-Angelo Buonarroti. With Transla- tions from various sources. Boston, 1885). This publication includes thirteen epitaphs for Cecchino Bracchi, and the verses written by Michelangelo on the death of his father, as well as a number of the sonnets of the last period (after 1547). Versions of single son- nets may be found scattered through periodical literature. i [i] Donate Giannotti wrote an essay con- cerning the duration of the journey through Hell and Purgatory, as related in the " Divina Commedia." This discussion he cast into the form of a dialogue, in which Michelangelo is given the principal part ; the conversation is dated as taking place in 1545, and one of the interlocutors is made to recite the sonnet which, with doubtful accuracy, is said to have been composed a few days before. The work of Giannotti is interesting as containing the esti- mate of a contemporary concerning the char- acter of Michelangelo, but the words assigned to him cannot be considered as a record of his actual expressions. The essayist seems to have applied to the artist for material, as indicated by the subscription of the following sonnet, probably composed at this time. 62 NOTES QUANTE DIRNE SI DE* NON SI PUO DIRE His praise remains unuttered, for bis fire Of glory burneth with o* ervivid flame ; The home that wronged him easier to blame, Than toward his humblest merit to aspire. This man for us descended, where God's ire Subdueth sin, once more toward heaven rose ; The gates that his Creator did not close, A cruel city barred to his desire. Ah ruth/ess mother, nurse of her own woe, In measure as her sons are excellent, Their sorrow making bitterly to flow ! Of thousand instances one argument ; No man hath lived more shamefully exiled, N0 age hath known a like, a greater child. 2 [xiv] The sketch, characterized by rude vigor, lacks the truth and harmony essential to a beautiful work; these qualities are to be attained by the final touches of the hammer, or, as we should now say, of the chisel. So it is only the influence of the beloved person which can per- fect the incomplete design of Nature, and be- stow on the character its final excellence. Of all the sonnets, this is the most celebrated. Respecting an inferior variant, the younger Buonarroti, in an obscure mention, appears to say that it was contained in a letter of the 63 NOTES sculptor written in 1550, which letter made mention of the marchioness of Pescara; and this assertion has led Guasti to refer the son- net to that date. It is quite clear, however, that the treatment does not belong to the later period, after the death of Vittoria Co- lonna, in which the productions of Michel- angelo had assumed the monotone of a color- less piety. It seems to me more likely that the time of composition is to be set earlier than 1534, and that the conception, ideal in character, had no relation to Vittoria, with whom the sculptor had perhaps not yet be- come acquainted. 3 [xv] The sculptor, who is designated as the best of artists, on beholding the block of marble at his disposal, obtains the suggestion of a statue ; this possible work appears to him as a figure concealed beneath the veil of superincum- bent matter, which he proceeds to remove. His success will depend on the clearness of internal vision ; if he lack the vivid conception, the re- sult will be an abortive product, which meta- phorically may be called a likeness of Death. So if the lover, in place of the "mercy" which he desires to awaken, can create in the heart of his lady only a feeling inconsistent with his wishes, the blame should be laid solely to his own insufficiency. The idea is poetic, not philosophic, and the sonnet a poem of love, NOTES belonging to what I have called the earlier manner of the poet. The sonnet has been paraphrased by Emerson : NEVER did sculptor's dream unfold A. form which marble doth not hold In its white block ; yet it therein shall find Only the hand secure and bold Which still obeys the mind. So hide in thee, thou heavenly dame, The ill I shun, the good I claim ; I, alas ! not well alive, Miss the aim whereto I strive. Not love, nor beauty's pride, Nor fortune, nor thy coldness can I chide, If whilst within thy heart abide Both death and pity, my unequal skill Trails of the life, but draws the death and ill. In this rendering the fourth line is open to criticism ; it is not want of manual skill that is the cause of failure, but the inability to form an adequate idea. Harford modernizes the introductory lines : WHATE'ER conception a great artist fires, Its answering semblance latent lies within A block of marble. The metaphor is thus reduced to the scho- lastic platitude, that in all matter lies the potentiality of form. So Varchi understood 65 NOTES the lines, and cites Aristotle as authority that the action of an agent is nothing but the extraction of a thing from potency to act; with changes on such intolerable jargon he occupies two pages. The lecture, intended to be flattering, only serves to show with what contemporary crassness the delicate conceptions of Michelangelo were obliged to struggle. 4 [xvn] The contrast between the perma- nence of the artistic product and the transito- riness of the mortal subject suggests reflections which may take different turns. (See madrigal No. 9 [xin].) One is reminded of certain sonnets of Shakespeare. 5 [xix] The lover feels himself enriched by the impression of the beloved, which, like the divine name on the seal of Solomon, confers the power of working miracles. The pretty composition is among the few which may be said to be inspired by a really cheerful and joy- ous sentiment, and, like the preceding, may be held to belong to the earlier manner of the poet. 6 [xx] This most beautiful sonnet, somewhat immature in its music, is a precious relic of Michelangelo's early love verse. The poem was written below a letter from his father, received in Bologna, and dated 24 December, 1507. Subscribed is the line : La m' arde e lega et emmi 66 NOTES e parmi un zucchero. " She burns me and binds me and eats me, and I think her a sugarplum/' The lines, therefore, have a biographic inspi- ration, and may be presumed to have been in honor of some young beauty of Bologna. A fragment of a madrigal seems akin. [CII] LEZZI, vezzi, carezze, or feste e perle ; Chi potria ma* vederle Cogli atti suo 9 divin F uman lavoro, Ove r argento e /' oro Da le' ricieve o dupltca suo luce ? Ogni gemma piu luce Dagli occbi suo 9 cbe da propia vlrtute. u LOOKS, laughter, graces, gaud, and pearl ; Who that gazeth on the girl "Ever hath a thought to spare For the gold that gleameth there, Or if stiver sparkle fair? Every gem that on her lies Eorrowetb lustre from her eyes" In this connection also should be cited the sonnet which Guasti has placed next in order, and which also seems to contain inter- nal evidence of belonging to a period rela- tively early. 67 NOTES [XXI] D' ALTRUI PIETOSO E SOL DI SE SPIETATO To others kind, and only self-oppressed, Doth live a lowly worm, that to adorn A lady's beauty will her life divest, In death alone appearing nobly born. So would my lady might esteem no scorn Her life in my mortality to vest, That I might shed this slough, and be re-born forth from my being to a state more blest. Would that of me the silken thread were twined, That fashioned to her happy gown, doth use So fair a bosom with content to bind, "By day at least to wear me ; or the shoes, That like the column's base, her steps sustain, If only in the falling of the rain! It would seem that these remains of the poetical activity of early manhood, though not numerous, are yet sufficient to refute the rash generalizations of biographers who under- take to sum up the personality from their im- pressions of the artistic product. It does seem strange that with these lines before him, Mr. Symonds could have written : " Michel- angelo emerges as a mighty master who was dominated by the vision of male beauty, and who saw the female mainly through the fas- cination of the other sex. The defect of his 68 NOTES art is due to a certain constitutional callous- ness, a want of sensuous or imaginative sen- sibility for what is specifically feminine. . . . Michelangelo neither loved nor admired nor yielded to the female sex. ... I find it diffi- cult to resist the conclusion that Michelangelo felt himself compelled to treat women as though they were another and less graceful sort of males. What he did not comprehend and could not represent was woman in her girlishness, her youthful joy, her physical attractions, her magic of seduction. . . . What makes Michelangelo's crudity in his plastic treatment of the female form the more remarkable is that in his poetry he seems to feel the influence of women mystically. I shall have to discuss this topic in another place. It is enough here to say that, with very few exceptions, we remain in doubt whether he is addressing a woman at all. There are none of those spontaneous utter- ances by which a man involuntarily expresses the outgoings of his heart to a beloved object, the throb of irresistible emotion, the physical ache, the sense of wanting, the joys and pains, the hopes and fears, which belong to genu- ine passion. . . . Michelangelo's c donna' might just as well be a man ; and indeed, the poems he addressed to men, though they have nothing sensual about them, reveal a finer NOTES touch in the emotion of the writer." (Life, vol. i, c. vi, 8. See vol. ii, pp. 3815.) The reasons for the limitation which may have prevented Michelangelo from adequately representing the sensuous aspect of woman- hood, should be sought in the character of his plastic genius. So far as the power of appreciation is concerned, and especially in regard to the spirit of the verse, the opinion of Mr. Symonds appears to me to reverse the fact. The nature of the artist may be pronounced especially sensitive to the physi- cal influence of woman. If, in the extant poetry, this sentiment appears in chastened form, such calmness may be set down solely to the period of life. Yet even in these later compositions, extreme impressibility is revealed in every line. Mr. Symonds's error has prevented him from entering into the spirit of the sonnets, and also constitutes a deficiency in his instructive biography. (See note to sonnet No. 13 [xxx].) 7 [xxn] The verse, direct and passionate, though doubtless of a later date, still bears the character of pieces which must be pro- nounced relatively early. Observable is the use of theologic metaphor, employed only for the sake of poetic coloring, and not yet sublimed to pure thought. 70 NOTES 8 [xxiv] This delightful sonnet, according to the nephew, was found on a letter bearing date of 1529. (See p. 7.) The lines seem to give the idea of a gentle and lovely personage whose countenance shines out as through a golden mist. In later compositions, the con- flict of Death and Love is worked out differ- ently. (See madrigal No. 9 [xm] .) 9 [xxv] On the same authority, this inex- pressibly charming production is assigned to 1529. Here appear the germs of Platonic imag- ination. The soul, a divine essence, endows the visible suggestion with the spiritual essence derived from its own store. But the object is not completely divinized ; the end is still possession. The reflective element will in- crease, the sensuous lessen, until poetry passes over into piety. 10 [xxvn] The love verse is not to be taken as wholly biographic, but rather as ideal. 1 1 [xxvm] The atmosphere of the sonnet is that of later time and of a more rarefied height. We are now in full Platonism. The soul, heaven-born, perceives in the eyes of the beloved its primal home, the Paradise whence itself has descended, and the heavenly affection of which earthly love is a reminiscence. But the period may still be before the Roman resi- dence, and the meeting with Vittoria Colonna. NOTES 1 2 [xxix] This sonnet may safely be set down as belonging to the later time. The sentiment of unhappy attachment, impossible desire, wistful loneliness, breathes through the verse. The piece contains two mysti- cal but grand lines. Whoever has hoped for an elevation not given to mortals has wasted his thought in the endeavor to penetrate the recesses of deity, as seed is lost on the stony ground, and words spent in the limitless air. 13 [xxx] This gentle and tender poem, of the earlier period, somewhat similar in sentiment to No. 5 [xix], and obviously from the heart, is penetrated by the same feeling as that discernible in Nos. 8 and 9 [xxiv and xxv], Varchi, with his charac- teristic want of perception, chose to fancy that it might be addressed to a man, like the following, said to be composed for Tommaso Cavalieri. [ xxxi ] A CHE PIU DEBB' 10 MAI L' INTENSA VOGLIA WHAT right have I to give my passion vent In bitter plaint and words of sighing breath, If Heaven, soon or late, apparelleth Each living soul in mantle of lament ? Why ere his time, invoke the feet of Death, When Death will come? Nay, rather let my glance 72 NOTES At last dwell peaceful on his countenance. Since other good my sorrow vanquisheth. Yet if no power is mine to shun the blow I court and seek ; what help will be my own, To interpose 'twixt dolor and delight ? Since prison and defeat allure me so, It is not strange, if naked and alone, I remain captive of an armed knight. The words cavalier armato are supposed to have referred to the aforesaid Cavalieri, a Roman youth whom Varchi describes as all that was beautiful and lovable. The highest male beauty seems to have had for Italians of the Renaissance an attraction similar to that which it possessed for Athenians, a charm which our modern taste does not entirely com- prehend. Thus the early death of Cecchino Bracchi had produced a great sensation ; the epitaphs addressed to his memory by Michel- angelo, who had never looked on his face, at- test the sincerity of his own sentiment. For Cavalieri, whom the artist had known in 1533, he seems to have felt what can be de- scribed only as a passion ; the three extant let- ters addressed to the young man breathe that timidity, sense of inferiority, and fear of mis- understanding which ordinarily belong only to sexual attachment. This emotion needs no apology other than that contained in a letter to this friend : u And if you are sure of my 73 NOTES affection, you ought to think and know that he who loveth remembereth, and can no more forget the things he fervently loves, than a hungry man the food that nourishes him ; nay, much less may one forget beloved ob- jects than the food on which man liveth ; for they nourish both soul and body, the last with the greatest sobriety, and the first with tran- quil felicity and the expectation of everlasting salvation." (Lettere, No. 4, 16.) The susceptibility of Michelangelo toward exter- nal impressions is noted by Giannotti, who makes him affirm that as often as he set eyes on any person endowed with excellence he could not help becoming enamored of him in such manner that he surrendered him- self to him as a prey. (Guasti, Rime, p. xxxi.) To the point is Michelangelo's own estimate of his character expressed in a son- net. [ xvin ] AL COR DI ZOLFO, ALLA CARNE DI STOPPA THE heart of sulphur and the flesh of tow, The bones inflammable as tinder dried, The soul without a bridle, without guide, \n liking prompt, toward joy o'er swift to go, The reason purblind, halting, lame, and slow, Tangled in nets wherewith the world doth teem, N0 marvel 9 t is, if even in a gleam 74 NOTES I kindle up in flame that first doth glow. 'With that fair art endowed, whereby the mind From heaven that bringeth, Nature doth outvie, And with itself all being occupy , If I thereto was born nor deaf nor blind, Proportionate to heat that I desire, 'T is fault of him who made for me the fire. It is well to know that Cavalier! seems to have had a modest and noble nature, and that his personal attachment and artistic apprecia- tion soothed the declining days of Michel- angelo, at whose end he was present. The mention of Michelangelo himself (Lettere, No. 466 ; Symonds, Life, vol. ii, p. 130) seems to prove that this sonnet was really composed for his young friend. But it is one thing to conclude that the piece was addressed to Cavalieri, quite another to suppose that it was inspired by him. The ideas are the same as those elsewhere appear- ing in reference to women. The composi- tion does not appear to me one of the most original, and I should be disposed to regard it as ordinary love verse, into which, out of compliment, the writer had introduced the punning allusion. In any case, it is to be observed that in the Platonic compositions treating of male friendship, the- whole argu- ment is metaphorical, the comparisons being 75 NOTES borrowed from the earlier poetry of sexual love. Fundamental is the question, What pro- portion of Michelangelo's verse was intended to relate to men, and how far can such verse, if existent, be taken to imply that he had no separate way of feeling for women ? The opinions of Mr. Symonds have already been cited (see note to No. 6 [xx]). In noticing Michelangelo's use of the idiomatic Tuscan word signore, lord, as applied in the sonnets to female persons as well as male (the Eng- lish liege may similarly be used), he says, " But that Michelangelo by the stgnore always or frequently meant a woman can be dis- proved in many ways. I will only adduce the fragment of one sonnet " (No. LXXXIII). It is a pity that Mr. Symonds did not enter into detail ; I am quite at a loss for any cir- cumstances that can be held to warrant his declaration. For the word, the sonnets only afford information. No. xvi, containing the words signior mie car, is a variant of No. xv, expressly addressed to a lady. In No. xxn, no one will doubt that the reference is to a woman. In No. xxxv the sex is shown by the epithet leggiadre, fair, applied to the arms (Mr. Symonds renders u fragile "). No. xxxvn qualifies signor by donna. No. LV treats of the shyness of a lady in presence of NOTES her lover. In No. XL, instead of signior, the variant gives donna. No. XLVII seems obvi- ously addressed to Vittoria Colonna. In No. xxxvi, the feminine application appears to be indicated by the description of the sover- eign person as reigning nella casa d y amore. Thus in not a single instance can the sug- gestion of Mr. Symonds be accepted. There remains the fragment mentioned, No. LXXXIII, a beautiful and interesting piece, unhappily imperfect. " Yonder it was that Love (amor ; variant, signior)^ his mercy, took my heart, rather my life ; here with beauteous eyes he promised me aid, and with the same took it away. Yonder he bound me, here he loosed me ; here for myself I wept, and with infinite grief saw issue from this stone him who took me from myself, and of me would none." It will be seen that the masculine pronoun is rendered necessary by the reference to personified Love, and that the allusion is clearly to sexual passion. Mr. Symonds has not entirely comprehended the scope of the fragment. The mystical description of Love as issuing from a stone (sasso) may probably be an application of the familiar sculpturesque metaphor. As, in the instances considered, the opinion of Mr. Symonds appears void of foundation, so it is counter to the tenor of the poetry. 77 NOTES If No. xxxi really was written for Cavalieri, the reference probably consisted of no more than the introduction, into the ordinary phrases of a love poem, of a complimentary play on words. As for the metaphor by which a lady is compared to an armed enemy, that was already commonplace in the day of Dante. 14 [xxxn] From pieces dealing with ideal affection we pass to one obviously biographic in its inspiration. The poem is written be- low a letter of 1532, addressed to the sculptor when in Rome. The artist seems to refer to his own impetuous nature, too liable to quarrel with friends. Analogous is the sonnet addressed to Luigi del Riccio. (See madrigal No. 3 [iv] note.) But this composition evi- dently relates to a lady, as is shown by the mention of the dorato strale, gilded dart of Love. 15 [xxxm] As with all lyric poetry, so in the compositions of Michelangelo, it is not to be assumed that every expression of emotion of necessity corresponds to some par- ticular experience. Yet the tenderness, mel- ancholy, and gentle regret which inspire the verse evidently reflect the character and habit- ual manner of feeling of the author. Related in sentiment are the following sonnets : 78 NOTES [xxvi] NON MEN GRAN GRAZIA, DONNA, CHE GRAN DOGLIA BY happiness as deep as agony "Below the scaffold is the caitiff slain, 'When lost to hope, and ice in every vein, His pardon comes, his sudden liberty ; So when, beyond thy wonted charity, My heaven overcast with many a pain Thy sovereign pity doth make clear again^ More deep than anguish, pierceth ecstasy. Sweet news and cruel in so far agree, As either in a moment may destroy The heart by grief, or sunder it through joy ; If thou desirest that I live for thee, The rapture mete, for many a creature frail Hath died of grace too free for its avail. [xxxv] SENTO D' UN FOCO UN FREDDO ASPETTO ACCESO I SEE a face that in itself is cold, Yet lit with fire that burneth me afar ; Two arms, that quiet and unmoving are, 'Whereby all else is moved and controlled ; The vision of a beauty I behold, Immortal, yet pursuing me to death ; 79 NOTES A power that free, my own envelopetb ; Another's balm, that may my hurt enfold. How can befall, that a fair countenance Hath power to cause effect so contrary, Creating what it doth now own ? Perchance, The life that taketh my felicity, Yet doth itself deny, is like the sun, That yieldeth the world he at, yet heat hath none. [xxxvm] RENDETE A GLI OCCHI MIEI, O FONTE O FIUME AH give me back, or river thou or source, The turbid waters that enlarge thee so, That thy augmented current doth overflow, And hasten on an unaccustomed course ; O laden air, whose gathered mists allay And temper heaven's shining to these eyes, Return my weary heart her many sighs, And cloudless leave the countenance of day. Earth, render to my feet their steps again, Along the track they trod let grass grow green ; Restore, deaf Echo, my petitions vain ; And ye, alas ! unmoved eyes serene ! Give mine their wasted looks, that they may see Some kinder loveliness, disdained by thee ! Witb these sonnets of ideal love may be compared one later in date, apparently more biographic in sentiment, and doubtless in- spired by Vittoria Colonna. 80 NOTES S I AVESSI CREDUTO AL PRIMO SGUARDO HAD I believed, when first I met the glow Of this bright soul, my sun, that I might rise Through fire renewed in such triumphal wise As doth the Pbcenix from her ashes go, "Like some fleet-footed creature, pard or roe, That seeks its joy and flieth from its fear, To meet the act, the smile, the accent dear, I would have leaped, now in my swiftness slow. Yet why indulge regret, the while I see In eyes of this glad angel, without cease, My calm repose and everlasting peace ? More painful days, perchance, had dawned on me, If I had earlier met, yet been denied The wings she lendeth me to fly beside. 1 6 [xxxix] The timid lover, who finds himself involved in the dangers of a hopeless passion, endeavors to withdraw from the per- ilous situation, but in so doing finds himself confronted by another danger, that of losing the affection which has become his life. As the vain desire will prove the death of the body, so the renunciation will be that of the soul ; thus the suitor, according to the famil- iar metaphorical system furnished by plastic 81 NOTES art, is said to see his lady with a statue of Death on either hand. The beautiful and mystic sonnet was writ- ten on a stray leaf bearing a memorandum of 1529, and was probably composed in that year. According to the statement of the nephew, Nos. 8 and 9 [xxiv and xxv] were also written on letters of that year ; and these two poems correspond in sentiment with the present piece. 1 7 [XL] This most beautiful sonnet might conjecturally be referred to the same period as No. 1 2 [xxix] . The spirit of the verse ought to be enough to satisfy any reader that it was composed with reference to a woman. (See note to No. 13 [xxx].) 1 8, 19 [XLIII, XLIV] These two pieces, containing respectively the dispraise and praise of night, are obviously intended to be counter- parts, the first forming an introduction to the second. The consolations belonging to dark- ness and slumber have furnished themes to very many writers of verse; but among all such pieces Michelangelo's tribute is entitled to preeminence. The emotion, deepening with the progress of the rhyme, ends in one of those outbursts which make the poetry a key to the character. Two other sonnets treating of the same subject do not appear to be connected. 82 NOTES [XII] COLUI CHE FECE, E NON DI COSA ALCUNA HE who did erst from primal nothing bring Time, integral and property of none, To half) dividing^ gave the distant sun, To half the moon, a lamp more neighboring. All in a moment, 'Destiny and Chance Regan, and over mortals ruled with power ; To me they gave the still and sober hour, As like to like, in birth and circumstance. As attribute in action is expressed, And darkness is the property of night, So e'en to be myself is sad to be ; Yet is my troubled spirit soothed to rest, Remembering, its dusk may render bright The sun that fortune lent for friend to thee. In No. XLII Night is lauded, as the shadow in which man is engendered, while in the day the soil is broken only for the seed of the corn ; but the composition does not rival the sweetness and sublimity of No. XLIV. 20 [LII] This fine sonnet, belonging to the later period, may be set down as among those inspired by Vittoria Colonna. Thor- oughly characteristic is the grand fifth line, in which the soul is said to have been created as God's equal. The nephew, of course, diluted such daring conceptions into common- 83 NOTES place, and his restoration altogether fails to convey the essential meaning of the piece. Wordsworth, unfortunately, knew only the emasculated version. Similar in theme is another sonnet, No. LX, also rendered by Wordsworth, from a text more nearly representative. In this instance the English poet has transcended his source, and furnished a proof that on fortunate occa- sions a translation may belong to the very best poetry, and deserve that immortality which commonly belongs only to expressions of original genius. YES! hope may with my strong desire keep pace, And I be undeluded, undismayed ; For if of our affections none find grace In sight of heaven, then wherefore hath God made The world which we inhabit ? better plea Love cannot have, than that in loving thee Glory to that eternal peace is paid, Which such divinity to thee imparts, As hallows and makes pure all gentle hearts. His hope is treacherous only, whose love dies With beauty, which is varying every hour ; Rut in chaste hearts uninfluenced by the power Of earthly change, there blooms a deathless flower, "That breathes on earth the air of Paradise. NOTES 21 [LVI] The sonnet is to be classed with the preceding. In a variant, the theologic metaphor is carried further : u From without, I know not whence, came that immortal part which separateth not from thy sacred breast, yet traverseth the entire world, healeth every intellect, and honoreth heaven." 22 [LXI] As all tools used by man are formed by means of other tools, the archetypal tool must be that celestial instrument by which the world is fashioned. On earth, Vittoria Colonna had been the hammer (as we now say, the chisel) by which had been inspired the creative activity of the artist. By her death, this influence had been withdrawn to heaven, there to become united with the all- forming hammer of the eternal Maker ; it is, therefore, only from on high that the artist can look for the completion of his own genius. To the text, in the hand of Michelangelo, is added a sentence expressing his sense of the incomparable merit of Vittoria, as the divine instrument which none other is able to wield, and a prayer that his own hammer, as he metaphorically says, may also attain a reception in heaven. The mystically expressed, but in reality simple and direct verse is crowded with ideas which strive for utterance. The sculptor 85 NOTES seems to have written prophetically ; after the passing away of Vittoria, the last of his ani- mating impulses appears to have been removed, and his life becomes that of a recluse, strug- gling with the infirmities of advancing age. Several other pieces relate to the death of Vittoria. [ LXIl] QUAND' EL MINISTRO DE' SOSPIR ME' TANTI WHEN she who ministereth sighs, withdrew from the world's sight, from her own self and mine, Nature, who made her in our eyes to shine, Remained abashed, and downcast all who knew. Yet be not Death of his loud vauntings rife O'er the suns sun, as over others ; Love Hath him subdued, and her endowed with life Roth here below, and with the pure above. "Unjust and haughty "Death did so engage To hush her praises, and her soul bestow Where it would seem less beautiful ; and lo ! Reverse effects illuminate Time's page ; On earth, more life than she in life possessed, While Heaven who wished her, now enjoyeth blest. The thought, that Nature is disgraced in the loss of its best creation, is repeated in Michelangelo's poetry. (See sonnet No. 4 [xvn] , madrigal No. 9 [xin] .) 86 NOTES Two other sonnets, Nos. LXIII and LXIV, breathe an atmosphere of the most gloomy despair. The first expresses a profound self- reproach ; the time to soar heavenward was while the sun of life still shone; 'it is now too late. The second declares that the flame has expired, to leave only ashes without a spark. I do not doubt that here also belongs an- other sonnet, placed by Guasti as if belonging to an earlier date. [LI] TORNAMI AL TEMPO ALLOR CHE LENTA E SCIOLTA GIVE me the day when free was cast the rein For headlong ardor's unreflecting race ; Restore to me the calm angelic face Wherewith interred seems Virtue to remain ; Give back the wanderings, the steps of pain , So slow to him by weary age oppressed; Give water to my eyes, fire to my breast, If thou wilt take thy fill of me again. If, Love, 9 t is true, thou livest on no more Than sighs and tears of lovers bitter-sweet, A weary age bath nought of thy desire ; The soul already near the further shore, With shield of holier darts doth thine defeat, And the burned wood is proof against the fire. NOTES A madrigal relates to the same theme. [VI] PER NON S' AVERE A RIPIGLIAR DA TANTT THAT perfectness of beauty free from peer Might be reclaimed and garnered without fail, Upon a lady excellently clear Was it bestowed beneath a shining veil; The heavenly boon had hardly been repaid, If scattered among all that Heaven had made. Nov.}, from world unaware, \n breathing of a sigh, Hath God who reigns on high Resumed, and hid away his beauty fair. Yet, though the body die, Cherish shall memory still Sacred and sweet, her written legacy. Compassionate and stern, if Heaven's will To all had granted what to her alone, We all had died for making good the loan. The madrigal recites that deity had chosen to embody in a single life the sum of beauty, to the end that the celestial gift might be more easily resumed. Similar concetti are to be found in the series of epitaphs composed on Cecchino Bracci, in 1544. Mr. Symonds very unjustly criticises the verse as constrained, affected, and exhibiting an absence of genuine grief. 88 NOTES ON THE EPIGRAMS 1 [l] THE NIGHT OF THE MEDICI CHAPEL. According to Vasari, when the statues of the Medici Chapel were exposed to view, after Michelangelo's departure for Rome, early in 1535, an unknown author affixed a quatrain to the image of Night. This person was afterwards known as Giovanni di Carlo Strozzi, at the time eighteen years of age. The verse, not ungraceful but superficial, recited that Night, carved by an angel, was living, for the very reason that she seemed to sleep, and if accosted, would make reply. To this fanciful compliment, Michelangelo responded in the beautiful quatrain, which exhibits his view of the Medicean usurpation. It were to be wished that in presence of the awful forms, visitors would bear in mind the sculptor's advice. I have heard a young American lady, in a voice somewhat strident, expound to her mother the theme of the statue, reading aloud the information fur- nished by Baedeker. 2 [ll] DEATH AND THE COFFIN. The younger Buonarroti cites the statement of Bernardo Buontalenti, that in his house in Rome, halfway up the stair, Michelangelo NOTES had drawn a skeleton Death carrying on his shoulder a coffin, on which were inscribed these lines. The story is interesting, in con- nection with the part taken by Death in the verse of the sculptor. Gianotti represents him as declining to attend a merry-making on the ground that it was necessary to muse on Death. (See madrigal No. 12 [xvi].) The idea appears to be that death cannot be dreadful, since it bequeaths to life not only the immortal soul, but even the body ; pro- bably the artist meant to say the body made immortal through art. 3 [v] DEFINITION OF LOVE. With this definition from the subjective point of view, may be compared madrigal No. 5 [vni] . As usual the imagination of the poet takes plastic form ; Love, in his mind, is a statue lying in the heart, and waiting to be un- veiled. Akin is the celebrated sonnet of Dante, Amor e cor gentil sono una cosa, which contains the same conception, and which perhaps Michelangelo may have remembered. But the more mystical idea of the sculptor borrows only the suggestion. 90 NOTES ON THE MADRIGALS 1 [i] During his Roman residence, Mi- chelangelo was brought into intimate rela- tions with Florentine exiles, who gathered in Rome, where ruled a Farnese pope, and where certain cardinals favored the anti- Medicean faction. From the course of a turbulent mountain-brook, Florence, follow- ing an inevitable law, was obliged to issue into the quiet but lifeless flow of inevitable despotism. It could not be -expected that the fiery Michelangelo could comprehend the inexorableness of the fate which, in conse- quence of the necessities of trade, compelled Florence to prefer conditions ensuring tran- quillity, though under an inglorious and cor- rupt personal rule. The sublime madrigal shows the depth of his republican senti- ments. (See No. 22 [LXVIII] .) 2 [in] The difficult but very interesting madrigal gives a profound insight into the spirit of the writer, who felt himself to move in a society foreign from the higher flight of his genius. His habits of isolation are re- marked by contemporaries. Giannotti, in the dialogue above mentioned, discourses amusingly on this trait of character, putting 9' NOTES into the mouth of the artist a reply to an in- vitation. " I won't promise." " Why ? " " Because I had rather stay at home." " For what reason ? " " Because, if I should put myself under such conditions, I should be too gay; and I don't want to be gay." Luigi del Riccio, introduced as interlocutor, exclaims that he never heard of such a thing ; in this sad world one must seize every oppor- tunity of distraction ; he himself would supply a monochord, and they would all dance, to drive away sorrow. To this comforting pro- position, Michelangelo returns that he should much prefer to cry. Giannotti romances; but Francis of Holland is nearer the fact when he makes the sculptor answer an accu- sation urged against solitary habits. The artist declares that there is good ground for such accusation against one who withdraws from the world by reason of eccentricity, but not against a man who has something better to do with his time. The particular occasion of the madrigal seems to have been dissatisfac- tion with praise lavished on what to Michel- angelo seemed an unworthy work. Southey paraphrases the poem, but gives the idea only imperfectly. Here, in connection with the idea of beauty as furnished from within, may be introduced a version of a madrigal interesting rather on 92 NOTES account of the philosophic conception than the poetic excellence. (See also sonnet xvm, translated in the note to No. xxx.) [vn] PER FIDO ESEMPLO ALLA MIA VOCAZIONE ON me hath been bestowed by birthtide-gift, Of both mine arts the mirror and the light, beauty, my model in my calling here. It only hath the competence to lift The vision of the artist to that height At which I aim in form or color clear. If judgment rash and fantasy unwise Degrade to sense the beauty, that doth bear And raise toward heaven all sane intelligence, Man's wavering glances have no power to rise, Above inconstant, faithful only where They linger, unless mercy call them thence. 3 [ IV ] ^ ne mac lrigal is addressed to Luigi del Riccio, friend of Michelangelo's declining years, and a correspondent to whom were transmitted many of the extant poems. In 1544 Luigi, during a sickness of the sculptor, took him into his own house and acted as his nurse ; but shortly afterwards, he refused a request of the artist, declining to suppress an engraving he had been requested to destroy. 93 NOTES The indignation of Michelangelo found vent in a bitter letter. Riccio died in 1546. Sy- monds (Life, vol. ii, p. 194) thinks that Michelangelo speedily excused his friend and repented his anger. Here the whole heart of the artist is disclosed, and we have a revela- tion of the manner in which internal brooding and many disappointments had rendered some- what morose a gentle and affectionate nature, characterized by pride amounting to a fault. With the idea may be compared Emerson's essay on u Gifts." " Hence the fitness of beautiful, not useful things, for gifts. This giving is usurpation, and therefore, when the beneficiary is ungrateful, as all beneficiaries hate all Timons, not at all considering the value of the gift, but looking back to the greater store it was taken from, I rather sym- pathize with the beneficiary than with the anger of my lord Timon. For the expec- tation of gratitude is mean, and is continually punished by the total insensibility of the obliged person. It is great happiness to get off without injury and heart-burning from one who has had the ill-luck to be served by you. It is a very onerous business, this of being served, and the debtor naturally wishes to give you a slap." He adds, entirely in the spirit of Michelangelo, " No services are of any value, but only likeness." 94 NOTES 4 [v] The poet addresses to his friend Vittoria Colonna a theologic inquiry, after the manner of the appeals of Dante to Bea- trice. Apparently the letter included a blank leaf for an answer. The question is, " In heaven are contrite sinners less valued than self-satisfied saints ? " The obvious reply must be that in the nature of things such saints are impossible. The inquiry, there- fore, is not to be taken as serious, but as playful and ironical. I should be inclined to interpret the verse as asking, " Am I, an humble artist, but sincerely devoted, of less value in your eyes than the very courtly and important personages by whom you are sur- rounded ? " (as Vittoria was in close intimacy with high ecclesiastical functionaries). The sentiment is gay and jesting, while full of pleading affection. 5 [vin] If of all the compositions of Mi- chelangelo, one were asked to name the most representative, it would be natural to select this incomparably lovely madrigal. No lyric poet has brought into a few words more music, more truth, more illumination. The four lines cited at the end of the Introduction might well be taken as the motto for a gather- ing of the poems; and if the arrangement had not seemed inconsistent with the number- ing of the pieces, I would gladly have placed 95 NOTES the madrigal at the end, as summing up the es- pecial contribution of Michelangelo to letters. 6 [ix] A charming and light-hearted piece of music, obviously belonging to the earlier period of Michelangelo's poetic activity. The verse is written on blue paper, with the sub- scription, u Divine things are spoken of in an azure field " (in heaven). The suggestion is furnished by a conventional concetto of the period ; but the familiarity does not prevent the thought lending itself to genuinely poeti- cal treatment. No. x is a pretty variant, in which the cruelty of the lady is compared to the hardness of the marble in which her image is wrought. The lines are subscribed " for sculptors " (Da scultori). The close connection with his art lends to even the most simple of these verses an unspeakable attraction. 7 [xi] In this magnificent song, worthy of the greatest of lyric poets, we are still oc- cupied with the concepts of plastic art. The artist achieves the complete expression of his idea only through painful toil, and often lapse of years which leave him ready to depart from a world in which accomplishment is itself a sign of ripeness for death. With that uni- versal animism, as we now say, by which all general truths of man's life are felt to be also applicable to the course of Nature, the poet NOTES is entitled to apply the idea to external being. And with what insight ! If ever genius can be said to have forecast the conclusions of scientific inquiry, it is so in this instance; Michelangelo presents us with a truly modern conception of Nature, as the creative artist, who through a series of ages and a succession of sketches, is occupied with continually un- successful, but ever-improving efforts at the expression of her internal life. The perfec- tion of the creature, which marks the accom- plishment of the undertaking, signifies also the end of the process ; with such completeness is felt the sorrow incident to all termination, and especially the pain of the mortal, who feels that delight in perfect beauty enforces the consciousness of his own transitoriness, and emphasizes the sense of Nature as perish- able. Hence, perhaps it may be explained that all perception of perfect loveliness i said to be accompanied by a sensation of fear. The piece possesses a grandeur of rhythm corresponding to its depth of intellectual ap- prehension, and is worthy to stand beside the greatest of the artist's plastic productions, as equally immortal. In such verse Michel- angelo rose to the level of a world poet ; nor has early English literature anything of a kin- dred nature worthy to be placed in comparison. 8 [xn] Michelangelo perpetually varies 97 NOTES but never repeats the theme. Once more, it is not the trembling of the hand which causes the artist's failure ; it is the uncertainty of the mind, not clear as to its intent. 9 [xin] Again the bitter contrast of the permanence of art with the fleeting period of human life. We have had the idea in sonnet xvii. But the argument is now carried a step further. According to mediaeval (and also modern) national morality, the destruction of kindred implies the duty of blood-vengeance. On whom, then, devolves the conduct of the feud made necessary by the taking away of the beloved ? Not on man, but on Nature, whose pride must be offended by the prefer- ence given to the works of her children as compared with the transitoriness of her own. The permanence of the artistic product is therefore a sign that Nature herself is bound to require of Time atonement for the wrong done to imagination ; and thus art is made the prophet of restoration. 10 [xiv] The metaphor is now furnished by the work of the metal-caster; and since in this case there has been no change in the conditions of manufacture, the comparison still seems simple and natural. 11 [xv] The tender, simple, and univer- sally applicable lament at the same time in- cludes its own consolation. NOTES 12 [xvi] The idea of Death as deliverer from Love is often repeated by the poet. Giannotti probably followed rather the verse than any spoken words in the sentences he has put into the lips of the artist : " I remind you that to re-discover one's self, and to enjoy one's self, it is not necessary to seize on so many pleasures and delights, but only to reflect on death. This is the only thought which enables us to recognize ourselves, which maintains us in unity with ourselves, and prevents us from being robbed by parents, kinsfolk, friends, great masters, ambition, ava- rice, and other vices and sins, which take man from man, and keep him dispersed and dissi- pated, without suffering him ever to find him- self and become at one with himself. Mar- vellous is the effect of this thought of death, which in virtue of its nature all-destructive, nevertheless conserves and supports those who include it in their meditation, and defends them from every human passion. Which, methinks, I have sufficiently indicated in a madrigal, where, in treating of love, I con- clude that against it is no better defence than the thought of death." A beautiful variation, characterized by the author's invariable originality, is furnished by the number next in Guasti's edition. 99 NOTES [ XVII ] NELLA MEMORIA DELLE COSE BELLE WHEN Memory may cherish and endear Some lovely sight, resolve availeth not For her discrowning, until Death appear, And exile her, as she made him forgot, Chill flame to frost, change laughter into pain, And make abhorred the beauty loved before, That tenanteth the empty heart no more. Yet if she turn again Her lucid eyes toward home of their desire, With arid bough more ardent grows the fire. 13 [xvm] The idea that only through contemplating the person of the beloved can the soul transcend from time to eternity is familiar in the later compositions of Michel- angelo. Compare sonnet 21 [LVI], 14 [xix] The same conception receives a different treatment ; mortal beauty is now represented as exercising too potent an attrac- tion, and preventing the desire from mounting beyond it. 15 [xxi] The thought has been elabo- rated in a modern sense by Lowell in his " Endymion : " 100 NOTES GODDESS, reclimb thy heaven, and be once more An inaccessible splendor to adore, A faith, a hope of such transcendent worth As bred ennobling discontent with earth ; Give back the longing, back the elated mood That, fed with thee, spurned every meaner good ; Give even the spur of impotent despair "That, without hope, still bade aspire and dare ; Give back the need to worship that still pours Down to the soul that virtue it adores ! So far the idea coincides with that of Mi- chelangelo ; but the conclusion of the later poet varies : Goddess triform, I own thy triple spell, My heaven 9 s queen, queen, too, of my earth and hell! Such could not be the termination of the author of the Renaissance, at a time when his star was Vittoria Colonna. 1 6 [xxin] The sweet and plaintive verse was popular as a song even in the lifetime of Michelangelo, as may be inferred from its mention by Varchi. 17 [xxv] The madrigal has all the spirit of English song in the early part of the sev- enteenth century; but what English verse, having the same idea, could be mentioned in comparison ? 101 N OTES 1 8 [LII] The beautiful song exhibits a great number of variations. Perhaps on ac- count of the musical character, counteracting a meditative tendency, Platonic philosophy appears only as lending a gentle mist trans- formed by the sunshine of pleasurable passion. 19 [LIII] Compare No. LXXII. I should assign this madrigal, in spite of its light character, to the later epoch. 20 [LIV] The ninth line appears to con- tain a reference to Vittoria Colonna, who lived in a convent, toward which the desires of the poet, as he says, scarce dared to reach. 21 [LVII] It can scarce be doubted that the attribution of masculine thought to the beloved is a reference to the character of Vittoria. 22 [LXVIII] The dialogue of this madri- gal is intentionally veiled, as if the poet were conscious of dealing with a dangerous theme. Sublime are the last two lines, containing all the Michelangelo of the Sistine frescoes ; the sentiment is not the purely Christian concep- tion of forgiveness of injuries, the mildness which on principle turns the other cheek. Significant is the word altero, haughty ; Mi- chelangelo describes the sentiment of a great and proud spirit, so lofty as to feel a supe- riority to personal resentment, so truly Flo- 102 NOTES rentine as to receive no satisfaction in the prospect of vengeance taken on a citizen of Florence. 23 [LXIX] A pretty piece of poetic ratio- cination, cast into the form of a case tried before a court of love, and ending, in the spirit of the poet, with a universal truth. 24 [LXXII] Compare No. 20 [LIV], It will be seen that the allusions give some rea- son to believe that the idea is intended to be biographic, though of course not to be taken as entirely literal. 25 [xcm] A pleasing way of expressing a sense of the incompatibility of Love and Death, that appears in many variations, and must be considered biographic in its senti- ment. 103 INDEX OF FIRST LINES INDEX OF FIRST LINES The Ionian numbers refer to the numeration ofGuasti SONNETS PAGE xxxi. A cbe piu debb 9 io mail 9 intensa voglia 72 xvin. A/ cor di zolfo, alia came di stoppa 74 XLI. Colui cbe fece^ e non di cos a alcuna 83 xvn. Com 9 esser^ donna ^ pub quel ch 9 alcun vede 7 xiv. "Da cbe concetto ba I 9 arte inter a e diva 5 I. Dal del discese^ e col mortal suo^ poi 3 xxi. D' altrui pietoso e sol di se spietato 68 xxv. T>immi di grazia, amor^ se gli occbi met 1 1 xxix. I' ml credetti^ il primo giorno ch 9 io 1 5 xix. 10 ml son caro assai piu ch 9 io non soglio j xxxix. La ragion meco si lamenta e dole 19 xxvin. Ltf vita dal mie amor non e V cor mio 1 3 xv. Non ha I 9 ottimo artist a alcun concetto 5 xxvi. N0 men gran grazia^ donna^ cbe gran doglia 79 xxvu. Non posso altra figura immaginarmi 1 3 XL. Non so se s 9 e la desiata luce 19 LII. Non vider gli occbi miei cos a mortale 23 XLIV. O nott 9 , o dolce tempo bencbe nero 21 XLIII. Perche Febo non tore 9 e non distende 21 xxxin. Perche tuo gran bellezze al mondo sieno 1 7 LVI. Per ritornar la donde venne fora 23 LXII. Quand 9 el ministro de 9 sospir me 9 tanti 86 II. Quante dime si de 9 non si pub dire 63 107 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE xx. Quanto si gode lieta e ben contesta 9 xxxviii. Rendete a gli occbi miei, o fonte o fiume 80 LXI. Se '/ mie rozzo martello i duri sassi 25 xxn. S* nel volto per gli occhi il cor si vede 9 xxxv. Sento a" unfoco un freddo aspetto acceso 79 L. S' /' avessi creduto al primo sguardo 8 1 xxiv. Spirto ben nato, in cm si speccbia e vede 1 1 xxxn. S* un cas to amor, s' una pieta superna 1 7 Li. Tornami al tempo a I/or che lent a e sciolta 87 xxx. Veggio co 9 bet vostri occbi un dolce lume 1 5 EPIGRAMS I. Caro n? e V sonno^ e piu V esser dt sasso 27 II. lo dico a voi, cV al mondo avete dato 27 v. hmore e un concetto di bellezza 27 MADRIGALS xxi. A /' alia tuo lucente diadema 47 xcill. Amor^ se tu se* dio 57 xv. Barf/, voi cbe su nel del godete 41 LIU. Chi e quel che per for za a te mi mena 5 1 xxv. Come pub esser cV io non sia piu mio 49 xxin. Deb / dimmi, amor, se /' alma di costei 47 vin. Gli occhi mm vagbi delle cose belle 3 5 LXVIII. 10 dico che fra noi, potenti del 53 en. Lezzi) vezzi, carezze, or feste e perle 67 LXXIII. Mestier non era air alma tuo beltate 55 108 INDEX OF FIRST LINES PAGE xi. Negli annl molte e nelle molte pruove 37 XVII. NW/tf memoria delle cose belle 100 xiv. N0 pur d' argento o d' oro 39 XVI. Non pur la morte, ma V timor di quella 41 in. Non sempre al mondo e si pregiato e caro 3 1 Lll. Ogni cosa cb 9 i 9 veggio mi consiglia 49 v. Ora in sul destro, or a in sul manco piede 3 3 iv. Perche e troppo molesta 3 1 vii. Per fido esemplo alia mia vocazione 93 I. Per molti, donna, anzi per mille amanti 29 vi. Per non s' avere a ripigliar da tanti 88 xix. Quantuncbe ver sia, cbe /' alt a e divina 45 LXIX. S' alcuna parte in donna e cbe sia bella 55 ix. S^ dal cor lieto divien hello il volto 3 5 xill. S* a" una pietra viva 39 xvin. S' egli e cbe '/ buon desio 43 LIV. S* V commodo de gli occbi alcun constringe 5 1 xil. S/ come per levar, donna, si pone 3 7 LVII. Uw uomo in una donna, anzi uno dio 53 109 THREE HUNDRED COPIES PRINTED BY H. O. HOUGHTON & CO. CAMBRIDGE, MASS. U. S. A. u: & ~"* J - J - v -- i ^- ' ' " '""'"jw f.'-m. i j u i-mr^-- ; ' ^ r ^ ^ H ^