Ex Libris C. K. OGDEN TIMOTHY S QUEST BY THE SAME AUTHOR A Cathedral Courtship and Penelope s English Experiences. Illustrated. 25. 6d. Penelope s Experiences in Scotland. 6s. Marm Lisa. 6s. The Village Watch-Tower. 33. 6d. A Summer in a Canon. Illustrated. 35. 6d. Polly Oliver s Problem. Illustrated. 33. 6d. The Story of Patsy. Illustrated, is. 6d. The Birds Christmas Carol. Illustrated, is. 6d. By Mrs. Wiggin and her Sister Nora A. Smith. The Story Hour. Illustrated, as. 6d. Children s Rights. 55. The Republic of Childhood. 3 vols. 55. each. I. FROEBEL S GIFTS. II. FROEBEL S OCCUPATIONS. III. KINDERGARTEN PRINCIPLES AND PRACTICE. LONDON: GAY AND BIRD Timothy s Quest A Story for Anybody } Young or Old Who Cares to Read It By Kate Douglas Wiggin With Illustrations by Oliver Herford Gay and Bird 22 Bedford Street, Strand LONDON 1900 Annex 330?- T AUTHOR S PREFATORY NOTE TO THE SECOND ENGLISH EDITION THAT this simple story should have reached its twentieth thousand in America is a fact sufficiently gratifying to its author ; but that it should have met with so quick a response from the English public is additional ground for satisfaction. If the child Timothy has won a welcome so far from home, it is, surely, because in the sweet and common humanities of life there is no nationality ; and the imperishable child in all of us makes strangers kin wherever they may meet, even if it be only between the covers of a book. KATE DOUGLAS WIGGIN. September, 1892. SCENE I PAGE FLOSSY MORRISON LEARNS THE SECRET OF DEATH WITHOUT EVER HAVING LEARNED THE SECRET OF LIFE 3 SCENE II LITTLE TIMOTHY JESSUP ASSUMES PARENTAL RE SPONSIBILITIES ..... 17 SCENE III TIMOTHY PLANS A CAMPAIGN, AND PROVIDENCE ASSISTS MATERIALLY IN CARRYING IT OUT, OR VICE VERSA ....... 29 SCENE IV JABE SLOCUM ASSUMES THE ROLE OF GUARDIAN ANGEL . ...... 47 x TIMOTHY S QUEST SCENE V I AGE TIMOTHY FINDS A HOUSE IN WHICH HE THINKS A BABY is NEEDED, BUT THE INMATES DO NOT ENTIRELY AGREE WITH HlM .... 63 SCENE VI TIMOTHY, LADY GAY, AND RAGS PROVE FAITHFUL TO EACH OTHER 79 SCENE VII MISTRESS AND MAID FIND TO THEIR AMAZEMENT THAT A CHILD, MORE THAN ALL OTHER GIFTS, BRINGS HOPE WITH IT, AND FORWARD-LOOKING THOUGHTS 93 SCENE VIII JABE AND SAMANTHA EXCHANGE HOSTILITIES, AND THE FORMER SAYS A GOOD WORD FOR THE LITTLE WANDERERS 109 SCENE IX Now THE END OF THE COMMANDMENT is CHARITY, OUT OF A PURE HEART . . .127 SCENE X AUNT HlTTY COMES TO MAKE OVER, AND SUPPLIES BACK NUMBERS TO ALL THE VILLAGE HISTORIES 143 CONTENTS xi SCENE XI PAGE MlSS VlLDA DECIDES THAT TWO IS O.\E TOO MANY, AND TIMOTHY BREAKS A HUMMING-BIRD S EGG 161 SCENE XII LYDDY PETTIGROVE S FUNERAI 181 SCENE XIII PLEASANT RIVER is BAPTIZED WITH THE SPIRIT OF ADOPTION ....... 193 SCENE XIV TIMOTHY JESSUP RUNS AWAY A SECOND TIME, AND, LIKE OTHER BLESSINGS, BRIGHTENS AS HE TAKES HIS FLIGHT . . . . . .211 SCENE XV LIKE ALL DOGS IN FACTION, THE FAITHFUL RAGS GUIDES MlSS VlLDA TO HIS LITTLE MASTER . 22f) SCENE XVI TIMOTHY S QUEST is ENDED, AND SAMANTHA SAYS COME ALONG, DAVE . . . . .243 TIMOTHY S QUEST SCENE I NU-MIiKR TIIREK, MINERVA COURT FIRST FLOOR FRONT Flossy Morn sen learns tlic Secret of Death without ever having learned //><- Secret of Life INERVA COURT ! Veil thy face, O Goddess of Wisdom, for never surely was thy fair name so ill bestowed as when it was applied to this most dreary place ! It was a little less than street, a little more than alley, and its only possible claim to decency came from comparison with the busier thorough fare out of which it opened. This was so much fouler, with its dirt and noise, its stands of refuse fruit and vegetables, its dingy shops and all the miserable traffic that the place engendered, its rickety door ways blocked with lounging men, its Blows- abcllas leaning on the window-sills, that the Court seemed by contrast a most desirable and retired place of residence. But it was a dismal spot, nevertheless, with not even an air of faded gentility to recommend it. It seemed to have no better 6 TIMOTHY S QUEST days behind it, nor to hold within itself the possibility of any future improvement. It was narrow, and extended only the length of a city block, yet it was by no means wanting in many of the luxuries which mark this era of modern civilisation. At each corner there were groceries, with commo dious sample-rooms attached, and a small saloon, called The Dearest Spot (which it undoubtedly was in more senses than one), in the basement of a house at the farther end. It was necessary, however, for the bibulous native who dwelt in the middle of the block to waste some valuable minutes in dragging himself to one of these fountains of bliss at either end ; but at the time my story opens, a wide-awake philanthropist was fitting up a neat and attractive little bar room, called The Oasis, at a point equally distant between the other two springs of human joy. This benefactor of humanity had a vault ing ambition. He desired to slake the thirst of every man in Christendom ; but as this was impossible from the very nature of things, he determined to settle in some TIMOTHY S QUEST 7 arid spot like Minerva Court, and irrigate it so sweetly and copiously that all men s noses would blossom as the roses. To supply his brothers wants, and create new ones at the same time, was his purpose in establishing this Oasis in the Desert of Minerva Court ; and it might as well be stated here that he was prospered in his undertaking, as any man is sure to be who cherishes lofty ideals and attends to his business industriously. The Minerva Courtier thus had good reason to hope that the supply of liquid refreshment would bear some relation to the demand, and that the march of modern progress would continue to diminish the distance between his own mouth and that of the bottle, which, as he took it, was the be-all and end-all of existence. At present, however, as the Oasis was not open to the public, children carrying pitchers of beer were often to be seen hurrying to and fro on their miserable errands. There were very few children in Minerva Court, thank God ! they were not popular there. There were frowzy, sleepy-looking women 8 TIMOTHY S QUEST hanging out of their windows, gossiping with their equally unkempt and haggard neigh bours ; apathetic men sitting on the doorsteps, in their shirt-sleeves, smoking; a dull, dirty baby or two sporting itself in the gutter ; while the sound of a melancholy accordion floated from an upper chamber, and added its discordant mite to the general desolation. The sidewalks had apparently never known the touch of a broom, and the middle of the street looked more like an elongated junk- heap than anything else. Every evil smell known to the nostrils of man was abroad in the air, and several were floating about wait ing modestly to be classified, after which they intended to come to the front and outdo the others if they could. That was Minerva Court ! A little piece of your world, my world, God s world (and the Devil s), lying peacefully fallow, await ing the services of some inspired Home Missionary Society. In a front room of Number Three, a dilapidated house next the corner, there lay a still, white shape, with two women watch ing by it. TIMOTHY S QUEST 9 A sheet covered it. Candles burned at the head, striving to throw a gleam of light on a dead face that for many a year had never been illuminated from within by the brightness of self- forgetting love or kindly sympathy. If you had raised the sheet, you would have seen no happy smile as of a half- remembered, innocent childhood ; the smile is it of peaceful memory or serene anticipa tion ? that some times shines on the faces of the dead. Such life-secrets as were exposed by Death and written on that still coun tenance in charac ters that all might read, were painful ones. Flossy Morrison was dead. The name Flossy was a relic of what she termed her better days (Heaven save the mark !), Innocent Childhood. io TIMOTHY S QUEST for she had been called Mrs. Morrison of late years Mrs. F. Morrison/ who took children to board, and no questions asked nor answered. She had lived forty-five years, as men reckon summers and winters ; but she had never learned, in all that time, to know her Mother, Nature, her Father, God, nor her brothers and sisters, the chil dren of the world. She had lived friendless and unfriendly, keeping none of the ten commandments, nor yet the eleventh, which is the greatest of all ; and now there was no human being to slip a flower into the still hand, to kiss the clay-cold lips at the remem brance of some sweet word that had fallen from them, or drop a tear and say, I loved her! Apparently, the two watchers did not re gard Flossy Morrison even in the light of the dear remains, as they are sometimes called at country funerals. They were in the best of spirits (there was an abundance of beer), and their gruesome task would be over in a few hours, for it was nearly four o clock in the morning, and the body was to be taken away at ten. TIMOTHY S QUEST II 1 1 tell you one thing, Kttic, Flossy hasn t left any bother for her friends, remarked Mrs. Nancy Simmons, settling herself back in her rocking-chair. As she didn t own anything but the clothes on her back, there won t be any quarrelling over the property ! and she chuckled at her delicate humour. No, answered her companion, who, what ever her sponsors in baptism had christened her, called herself Ethel Montmorency. I s pose the furniture, poor as it is, will pay the funeral expenses, and if she s got any debts, why, folks will have to whistle for their money, that s all. The only thing that worries me is the children, said Mrs. Simmons. You must be hard up for something to worry about, to take those young ones on your mind. They ain t yours nor mine, and what s more, nobody knows who they do belong to, and nobody cares ; soon as break fast s over we ll pack em off to some insti tution or other, and that ll be the end of it. What did Flossy say about em, when you spoke to her yesterday ? I asked her what she wanted done with 12 TIMOTHY S QUEST the young ones, and she said, Do what you like with em, drat em it don t make no odds to me ! and then she turned over and died. Those was the last words she spoke, dear soul ; but, Lor , she wasn t more n half sober, and hadn t been for a week. She was sober enough to keep her own counsel, I can tell you that, said the gentle Ethel. I don t believe there s a living soul that knows where those children came from ; not that anybody cares, now that there ain t any money in em. Well, as for that, I only know that when Flossy was seeing better days and lived in the upper part of the city, she used to have money come every month for taking care of the boy. Where it come from I don t know ; but I kind of surmise it was a long distance off. Then she took to drinking, and got lower and lower down until she came here, six months ago. I don t suppose the boy s folks, or w r hoever it was sent the money, knew the way she was living, though they couldn t have cared much, for they never came to see how things were ; he was in an asylum before Flossy took him, I found that TIMOTHY S QUEST 13 out ; but, anyhow, the money stopped com ing more than three months ago. Flossy wrote twice to the folks, whoever they were, but didn t get no answer to her letters ; and she told me that she should turn the boy out in a week or two if some cash didn t turn up in that time ; she wouldn t have kept him so long as this if he hadn t been so handy taking care of the baby. Well, who does the baby belong to ? You ask me too much, re plied Nancy, taking another deep draught from the pitcher. Help yourself, Ettic, there s plenty more where that came from. Flossy never liked the boy, and always wanted to get rid of him, but couldn t afford to. He s a dreadful queer, old-fashioned little kid, and so smart that he s gettin to be a reg lar nuisance round the house. But you see he and the baby Gabrielle s her name, though they call her Lady Gay, or some such trash, after that actress that comes here so much well, 14 TIMOTHY S QUEST they are so in love with one another that wild horses couldn t drag em apart ; and I think Flossy had a kind of a likin for Gay, as much as she ever had for anything. I guess she never abused either of em ; she was too careless for that. And so what was I talkin about? Oh, yes, J don t know who the baby is, nor who paid for her keep, but she s goin to be one o your high-steppers, and no mistake. She might be Queen Victory s daughter by the airs she puts on ; I d like to keep her myself if she was a little older, and I wasn t goin away from here. I s pose they 11 make an awful row at being separated, won t they ? asked the younger woman. Oh, like as not ; but they 11 have to have their row and get over it, said Mrs. Simmons easily. You can take Timothy to the Orphan Asylum first, and then come back, and I 11 carry the baby to the Home of the Ladies Relief and Protection Society ; and if they yell they can yell, and take it out in yellin ; they won t get the best of Nancy Simmons. TIMOTHY S QUEST 15 Don t talk so loud, Nancy, for mercy s sake ; if the boy hears you, he 11 begin to take on, and we shan t get a wink of sleep. Don t let em know what you re goin to do with em till the last minute, or you 11 have trouble as sure as we sit here. Oh, they are sound asleep, responded Mrs. Simmons, with an uneasy look at the half-open door. I went in and dragged a pillow out from under Timothy s head, and he never budged. He was sleepin like a log, and so was Gay. Now, shut up, Et, and let me get three winks myself. You take the lounge, and I 11 stretch out in two chairs. Wake me up at eight o clock, if I don t wake myself; for I am clean tired out with all this fussin and plannin , and I feel stupid enough to sleep till kingdom come. SCENE II NUMJiER THREE, MINERVA COURT FIRST FLOOR HACK Ltttlc Timothy Jcssup assumes Parental Responsibilities HEN the snores of the two watchers fell on the stillness of the death-chamber, with that cheerful regularity that be tokens the sleep of the truly good, a little figure crept out of the bed in the adjoining room, and closing the door noiselessly, but with trem bling ringers, stole to the window to look out at the dirty street and the grey sky, over which the first faint streaks of dawn were beginning to creep. It was Little Timothy Jessup (God alone knows whether he had any right to that special patronymic), but not the very same Tim Jessup who had kissed the baby Gay in her crib, and gone to sleep on his own hard bed in that room, a few hours before. As he stood shivering at the window, one thin hand hard pressed upon his heart to still its beating, there was a light of sudden resolve in his eyes, a new-born look of anxiety on his unchildlike face. 20 TIMOTHY S QUEST I will not have Gay protectioned and reliefcd, and I will not be taken away from her and sent to a sylum, where I can never find her again ! and with these defiant words trembling, half spoken, on his lips, he glanced from the unconscious form in the crib to the terrible door, which might open at any moment and divide him from his heart s delight, his darling, his treasure, his only joy, his own, own baby Gay. What should he do ? Run away ; that was the only solution of the matter, and no very difficult one either. The cruel women were asleep ; the awful Thing that had been Flossy would never speak again ; and no one else in Minerva Court cared enough for them to pursue them very far or very long. And so, thought Timothy swiftly, I will get things ready, take Gay, and steal softly out of the back door, and run away to the " truly " country, where none of these bad people ever can find us, and where I can get a . mother for Gay ; somebody to dopt her and love her till I grow up a man and take her to live with me. The moment this thought darted into TIMOTHY S QUEST 21 Timothy s mind, it began to shape itself in definite action. Gabriellc, or Lady Gay, as Flossy called her, in honour of her favourite stage heroine, had been tumbled into her crib half dressed the night before. The only vehicle kept for her use in the family stables was a clothes- basket, mounted on four wooden wheels and cushioned with a dingy shawl. A yard of clothes line was tied on to one end. and in this humble conveyance the Princess would have to be trans ported from the Ogre s castle, for she \vas scarcely old enough to accompany the Prince on foot, even if he had dared to risk detection by waking her: so the clothes-basket must be her chariot, and Timothy her charioteer, as on many a less fateful expedition. After he had changed his ragged night gown for a shabby suit of clothes, he took Gay s one clean apron out of a rickety bureau A shabby suit of clothes. 1 22 TIMOTHY S QUEST drawer ( for I can never find a mother for her if she s too dirty," he thought), her Sunday hat from the same receptacle, and last of all a comb, and a faded Japanese parasol that stood in a corner. These he deposited under the old shawl that decorated the floor of the chariot. He next groped his way in the dim light toward a mantel shelf, and took down a savings-bank a florid little structure with Bank of Eng land stamped over the miniature door, into which the jovial gentleman who frequented the house often slipped pieces of silver for the children, and into which Flossy dipped only when she was in a state of temporary financial embarrassment Timothy did not dare to jingle it ; he could only hope that as Flossy had not been in her usual health of late (though in more than her usual spirits ), she had not felt obliged to break the bank. Now for provisions. There were plenty of funeral baked meats in the kitchen ; so he hastily gathered a dozen cookies into a towel and stowed them in the coach with the other sinews of war. TIMOTHY S QUEST 23 So far, well and good ; but the worst was to come. With his heart beating in his bosom like a trip-hammer, and his eyes dilated with fear, he stepped to the door between the two rooms, and opened it softly. Two thundering snores, pitched in such dif ferent keys that they must have proceeded from two separate sets of nasal organs, re assured the boy. He looked out into the alley. Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The Minerva Courtiers could not be owls as well as hawks, and there was not even the ghost of a sound to be heard. Satisfied that all was well, Timothy went back to the bedroom, and lifted the battered clothes-basket, trucks and all, in his slender arms, carried it up the alley and down the street a little distance, and deposited it on the pavement beside a vacant plot of ground. This done, he sped back to the house. How beautifully they snore ! he thought, as he stood again on the threshold. Shall I leave em a letter ? . . . P raps I better . . . and then they won t follow us and bring us back. So he scribbled a line on a bit of torn paper bag, and pinned it on the enemies door. 24 TIMOTHY S QUEST A kind Lady is goin to Adopt us it is a Grate ways off so do not Hunt good by. TIM. Now all was ready. No ; one thing more. Timothy had been met in the street by a pretty young girl a few weeks before. The love of God was smiling in her heart, the love of children shining in her eyes ; and she led him, a willing captive, into a mis sion Sunday-school near by. So much in earnest was the sweet little teacher, and so hungry for any sort of good tidings was the starved little pupil, that Timothy got religion then and there, as simply and naturally as a child takes its mother s milk. He was probably in a state of crass igno rance regarding the Thirty-nine Articles; but it was the engrafted word, of which the Bible speaks, that had blossomed in Tim othy s heart ; the living seed had always been there, waiting for some beneficent fostering influence ; for he was what dear Charles Lamb would have called a natural king- dom-of-heavenite. Thinking, therefore, of TIMOTHY S QUEST 25 Miss Dora s injunction to pray over all the extraordinary affairs of life and as many of the ordinary ones as possible, he hung his tattered straw hat on the bed-post, and knelt beside Gay s crib with this whispered prayer : Our FatJicr wJio art in heaven, please Jiclp me to find a mother for Gay, the kind that she can call Mamma, and another one for me, if there s enough, but not unless. Please excuse me for taking away the clothes-basket, which does not exactly belong to us; but if I do not take it, dear heavenly Father, how will I get Gay to the railroad? And if I don t take the Japanese um brella she will get freckled and nobody will adopt her on account of her red hair. No more at present, as I am in a great hurry. Amen He put on his hat, stooped over the sleeping baby, and took her in his faithful arms arms that had never failed her yet. She half opened her eyes, and Safe on Timothy s seeincr that she was sale on shoulder 26 TIMOTHY S QUEST her beloved Timothy s shoulder, clasped her dimpled arms tight about his neck, and with a long sigh drifted off again into the land of dreams. Bending beneath her weight, he stepped for the last time across the threshold, not even daring to close the door behind him. Up the alley and round the corner he sped, as fast as his trembling legs could carry him. Just as he was within sight of the goal of his ambition, that is, the chariot aforesaid, he fancied he heard the sound of hurrying feet behind him. To his fevered imagination the tread was like that of an avenging army on the track of the foe. He did not dare to look behind. On ! for the clothes-basket and liberty ! He would re linquish the Japanese umbrella, the cookies, the comb, and the apron all the booty, in fact as an inducement for the enemy to retreat, but he would never give up the prisoner. On the feet hurried, faster and faster. He stooped to put Gay in the basket, and turned in despair to meet his pursuers, when a little, grimy, rough-coated, lop-eared, split-tailed thing, like an animated rag-bag, leaped upon TIMOTHY S QUEST 27 his knees ; whimpering with joy, and im ploring, with every grace that his simple doggish heart could suggest, to be one of the eloping party. Rags had followed them ! Timothy was so glad to find it no worse that he wasted a moment in embracing the dog, whose delirious joy at the prospect of this probably dinnerless and supperlcss ex pedition was ludicrously exaggerated. Then he took up the rope and trundled the chariot gently down a side street leading to the station. Everything worked to a charm. They met only an occasional milk (and water) man, starting on his matutinal rounds, for it was now after four o clock, and one or two cavaliers of uncertain gait, just returning to their homes, several hours too late for their own good ; but these gentlemen were in no condition of mind to be over-interested, and the little fugitives were troubled with no questions as to their intentions. Thus they went out into the world to gether, these three : Timothy Jcssup (if it was Jcssup), brave little knight, nameless 28 TIMOTHY S QUEST nobleman, tracing his descent back to God, the Father of us all, and bearing the Divine likeness more than most of us ; the little Lady Gay, somebody nobody anybody, from nobody knows where, destination equally uncertain ; and Rags, of pedigree most doubtful, scutcheon quite obscured by blots, but a perfect gentleman, true-hearted and loyal to the core in fact, an angel in fur. These three, with the clothes-basket as personal property and a toy Bank of England as security, went out to seek their fortune ; and, unlike Lot s wife, without daring to look behind, shook the dust of Minerva Court from off their feet forever and forever. SCENE III THE RAILWAY STATION Timot/iy plans a Campaign, and Providence assists materially in carrying it out, or vice versa Y dint of skilful generalship, Tim othy gathered his forces on a green /r* bank just behind the railway "{ depot, cleared away a sufficient number of tin cans and oyster-shells to make a flat space for the chariot of war, which had now become simply a cradle, and sat down, with Rags curled up at his feet, to plan the cam paign. He pushed back the ragged hat from his waving hair, and, clasping his knees with his hands, gazed thoughtfully at the towering chimneys in the foreground and the white- winged ships in the distant harbour. There was a glimpse of something like a man s pur pose in the sober eyes ; and as the morning 32 TIMOTHY S QUEST sunlight fell upon his earnest face, the angel in him came to the surface, and crowded the boy -part quite out of sight, as it has a way of doing sometimes with children. How some father - heart would have throbbed with pride to own him, and how gladly lifted the too heavy burden from his childish shoulders ! Timothy Jessup, aged ten or eleven, or thereabouts the records had not been kept Timothy surveying the Situation. with absolute exactness Timothy Jessup, somewhat ragged, all forlorn, and none too clean at the present moment, was a poet, philosopher, and lover of the beautiful. The dwellers in Minerva Court had never discov ered the fact ; for, although he had lived in that world, he had most emphatically never TIMOTHY S QUEST 33 been of it. He was a boy of strange notions, and the vocabulary in which he expressed them was stranger still ; furthermore, he had gentle manners, which must have been indi genous, as they had certainly never been cultivated ; and, although he had been in the way of handling pitch for many a day, it had been powerless to defile him, such was the essential purity of his nature. To find a home and a mother for Lady Gay had been Timothy s secret longing ever since he had heard people say that Flossy Morrison might die. He had once enjoyed all the comforts of a home with a capital H ; but it was the cosy one with the little h that he so much desired for her. Not that he had any ill treatment to re member in the excellent institution of which he was for several years an inmate. The matron was an amiable and hard-working woman, who wished to do her duty to all the children under her care ; but it would be an inspired human being indeed who could give a hundred and fifty motherless or fatherless children all the education and care and train ing they needed, to say nothing of the love C 34 TIMOTHY S QUEST that they missed and craved. What wonder, then, that an occasional hungry little soul starved for want of something not provided by the management ; say, a morning cuddle in mother s bed or a ride on father s knee in short, the sweet daily jumble of lap- trotting, gentle caressing, endearing words, twilight stories, motherly tucks-in-bed, good night kisses all the dear, simple, every day accompaniments of the home with the little < h. Timothy Jessup, bred in such an atmo sphere, would have gladdened every life that touched his at any point. Plenty of wistful men and women would have thanked God nightly on their knees for the gift of such a son ; and here he was, sitting on a tin can, bowed down with family cares, while thou sands of graceless little scalawags were slap ping the faces of their French nurse-maids and bullying their parents, in that very city. Ah me ! As for the tiny Lady Gay, she had all the winsome virtues to recommend her. No one ever feared that she would die young out of sheer goodness. You would not have loved TIMOTHY S QUEST 35 her so much for what she was as because you could not help yourself. This feat once accomplished, she blossomed into a thousand graces, each one more bewitching than the last you noted. Where, in the name of all the sacred laws of heredity, did the child get her sunshiny nature? Born in misery, and probably in sin, nurtured in wretchedness and poverty, she had brought her radiant morning visions with her into the world. Like Wordsworth s immortal babe, with trailing clouds of glory had she come, from God who was her home ; and the heaven that lies about us all in our infancy that Garden of Eden into which we are all born, like the first man and the first woman that heaven lay about her still, stronger than the touch of earth. What if the room were desolate and bare ? The yellow sunbeams stole through the nar row window, and in the shaft of light they threw across the dirty floor Gay played oblivious of everything save the flickering golden rays that surrounded her. The raindrops chasing each other down 36 TIMOTHY S QUEST the dingy pane, the snowflakes melting softly on the casement, the brown leaf that the wind blew r into her lap as she sat on the side-walk, the chirp of the little beggar- sparrows over the cobblestones, all these brought as eager a light into her baby eyes as the costliest toy. With no earthly father or mother to care for her, she seemed to be God s very own baby, and He amused her in His own good way ; first by locking her happiness within her own soul (the only place where it is ever safe for a single moment), and then by putting her under Timothy s paternal ministrations. Timothy s mind travelled back over the past, as he sat among the tin cans and looked at Rags and Gay. It was a very small story, if he ever found any one who would care to hear it. There was a long journey in a great ship, a wearisome illness of many weeks or was it months? when his curls had been cut off, and all his memories with them ; then there was the Home ; then there was Flossy, who came to take him away; then oh, bright, bright spot! oh, blessed time ! there was baby Gay ; then, TIMOTHY S QUEST 37 worse than all, there was Minerva Court. But he did not give many minutes to reminis cence. He first broke open the Bank of England, and threw it away, after finding to his joy that their fortune amounted to one dollar and eighty-five cents. This was so much in advance of his expectations that he laughed aloud, and Rags, wagging his tail with such vigour that he nearly broke it in two, jumped into the cradle and woke the baby. Then there was a happy family circle, you may believe me, and with good reason, too ! A trip to the country (meals and lodging uncertain, but that was a trifle), a sight of green meadows, where Timothy would hear real birds sing in the trees, and Gay would gather wild-flowers, and Rags would chase, and perhaps who knows? catch, tooth some squirrels and fat little field-mice, of which the country dogs visiting Minerva Court had told the most mouth-watering tales. Gay s transport knew no bounds. Her child-heart felt no regret for the past, no care for the present, no anxiety for the future. The only world she cared for was 38 TIMOTHY S QUEST in her sight ; and she had never, in her brief experience, gazed upon it with more radiant anticipation than on this sunny June morn ing, when she had opened her bright eyes on a pleasant, odorous bank of oyster-shells, instead of on the accustomed surroundings of Minerva Court. Breakfast was first in order. There was a pump conveniently near, and the oyster-shells made capital cups. Gay had three cookies, Timothy two and Rags one ; but there was no statute of limitations placed on the water ; every one had as much as he could drink. The little matter of toilets came next. Timothy took the dingy rag which did duty for a handkerchief, and, calling the pump again into requisition, scrubbed Gay s face and hands tenderly, but firmly. Her clothes were then all smoothed down tidily, but the clean apron was kept for the eventful moment when her future mother should first be allowed to behold the form of her adopted child. The comb was then brought out, and her mop of red-gold hair was assisted to fall in TIMOTHY S QUEST 39 wet spirals all over her lovely head. Her Sunday hat being tied on, as the crowning glory, this lucky little princess, this child of Fortune, so inestimably rich in her own opinion, this daughter of the gods, I say, was returned to the basket, where she en deavoured to keep quiet until the next piece of delightful unexpectedness should rise from fairyland upon her excited gaze. Timothy and Rags now went to the pump, and Rags was held under the spout. This was a new and bitter experience, and he wished for a few brief moments that he had never joined the noble army of deserters, but had stayed where dirt was fashionable. Being released, the sense of abnormal clean liness mounted to his brain, and he tore breathlessly round in a circle seventy-seven times without stopping. This only dried his hair and amused Gay, who was beginning to find the basket confining, and who clamoured for Timfy to take her to yide. Timothy attended to himself last, as usual. He put his own head under the pump, and scrubbed his face and hands heartily ; wiping them on his well, he wiped them, 40 TIMOTHY S QUEST and that is the main thing ; besides, his handkerchief had been reduced to a pulp in Gay s service. He combed his hair, pulled up his stockings and tied his shoes neatly, buttoned his jacket closely over his shirt, and was just pinning up the rent in his hat, when Rags considerately brought another suggestion in the shape of an old chicken- wing, with which he brushed every speck of dust from his clothes. This done, and being no respecter of persons, he took the family comb to Rags, who woke the echoes during the operation, and hoped to the Lord that the squirrels would run slowly and that the field-mice would be very tender, to pay him for this. It was now nearly eight o clock, and the party descended the hillside and entered the side door of the station. The day s work had long since begun, and there was the usual din and uproar of railroad traffic. Trucks, laden high with boxes and barrels, were being driven to the wide doors. The porters were thundering and thumping and lurching the freight from one set of cars into another ; their primary TIMOTHY S QUEST 41 objects being to make a racket and demolish raw material, thereby increasing manufac ture and export, but incidentally to load or unload as much freight as possible in a given time. Timothy entered, trundling his carriage, where Lady Gay sat enthroned like a Murray Hill belle on a dog-cart, conscious pride of Sunday hat on week-day morning exuding from every feature ; and Rags followed close behind, clean, but with a crushed spirit, which he could stimulate only by the most seductive imaginations. No one molested them, for Timothy was very careful not to get in any one s way. Finally, he drew up in front of a high blackboard, on which the names of various way-stations were printed in gold letters. E SBURV SCRATCH. CONNER. HILLSIDE j^OLtf^ D C* OD TIMOTHY S QUEST The names get nicer and nicer as you read down the line, and the furtherest one of all is the very pret tiest, so I guess we ll go there, thought Timothy, not realising that his choice was based on most insecure foundations ; and that, for aught he knew, the milk of human kindness might have more cream on it at Scratch Corner than at Pleasant I guess we "11 go there. River, though the latter name was certainly more attractive. G?y approved of Pleasant River, and so TIMOTHY S QUEST 43 did Rags ; and Timothy moved off down the station to a place on the open platform where a train of cars stood ready for start ing, the engine at the head gasping and puffing and breathing as hard as if it had an acute attack of asthma. How much does it cost to go to Pleasant River, please ? asked Tim bravely of a kind-looking man in a blue coat and brass buttons, who stood by the cars. This is a freight train, sonny/ replied the man ; c takes four hours to get there. Better wait till ten forty-five ; buy your ticket up in the station. Ten forty-five ! Tim saw visions of Mrs. Simmons speeding clown upon him in hot pursuit, kindled by Gay s disappearance into a tardy appreciation of her charms. The tears stood in his eyes as Gay clam bered out of the basket and danced with impatience, exclaiming, Gay wants to yide now ! yide now ! yide now ! Did you want to go sooner ? asked the man, who seemed to be entirely too much interested in humanity to succeed in the rail road business. Well, as you seem to have 44 TIMOTHY S QUEST consid rable of a family on your hands, I guess we ll take you along. Jim, unlock that car and let these children in, and then lock it up again. It s a car we re taking up to the end of the road for repairs, bubby, so the comp ny 11 give you and your folks a free ride ! Timothy thanked the man in his politest manner, while Gay pressed a piece of moist cookie in his hand, and offered him one of her swan s-down kisses, a favour of which she was usually as chary as if it had possessed a market value. Are you going to take the dog ? asked the man, as Rags darted up the steps with sniffs and barks of ecstatic delight. He ain t so handsome but you can get another easy enough ! (Rags held his breath in suspense, and wondered if he had been put under a roaring cataract, and then ploughed in deep furrows with a sharp-toothed instru ment of torture, only to be left behind at last !) That s just why I take him, said Tim othy ; because he isn t handsome, and has nobody else to love him. TIMOTHY S QUEST 45 ( Not a very polite reason/ thought Rags ; but anything to go ! ) Well, jump in, dog and all, and they ll give you the best free ride to the country you ever had in your life ! Tell em it 5 s all right, Jim ; and the train steamed out of the depot, while the kind man waved his bandana handkerchief until the children were out of sight. SCENE IV PLEASANT RIVER S locum assumes the Role of Guardian Angel IABE SLOCUM had been down to Edge- wood, and was just re turning to the White Farm by way of the cross-roads and Hard Scrabble schoolhouse. He was in no hurry, although he always had more work- on hand than he could leave undone for a month ; and Maria also was taking her own time, as usual, even stopping now and then to crop an unusually sweet tuft of grass that grew within smelling distance, and which no mare with a driver like Jabe could afford to pass without notice. Jabe was ostensibly out on an ( errant for Miss Avikla Cummins ; but, as he had been in her service for six years, she had no D 50 TIMOTHY S QUEST expectations of his accomplishing anything beyond getting to a place and getting back in the same day, the distance covered being no factor at all in the matter. One need not apply, however, to Miss Avilda Cummins for a description of Jabe Slocum s peculiarities. They were all so written upon his face and figure and speech that the wayfaring man, though a fool, could not err in his judgment. He was a long, loose, knock-kneed, slack-twisted person, and would have been longer yit if he hedn t hed so much turned up for feet so Aunt Hitty Tarbox said. (Aunt Hitty went from house to house in Edgewood and Pleasant River, making over boys clothes ; and as her tongue flew as fast as her needle, her sharp speeches were always in circulation in both villages.) Mr. Slocum had sandy hair, high cheek bones, a pair of kindly light blue eyes, and a most unique nose ; I hardly know to what order of architecture this belonged perhaps Old Colonial would describe it as well as anything else. It \vas a wide, flat, well- ventilated, hospitable edifice, so peculiarly TIMOTHY S QUEST 51 constructed and applied that Samantha Ann Ripley (of whom more anon) declared that the reason Jabe Slocum ketched cold so easy was that, if he didn t hold his head jess so, it kep a-rainin in on him ! His mouth was simply an enormous slit in his face, and served all the purposes for which a mouth is presumably intended, save, perhaps, the trivial one of decoration. In short (a ludicrously inappropriate word for the subject), it was a capital medium for exits and entrances, but no ornament to his countenance. When Rhapsena Crabb, now deceased, was first engaged to Jabez Slocum, Aunt Hitty Tarbox said it beat her how Rhapseny ever got over Jabe s mouth ; though she could a got intew it easy nough, or raound it, if she took plenty o time. But perhaps Rhapsena appreciated a mouth (in a husband) that never was given to jawin , and which uttered only kind words during her brief span of married life. More over, there was precious little leisure for kissing at Pleasant River. As Jabe had passed the store, a few minutes before, one of the boys had called 52 TIMOTHY S QUEST out, facetiously, Say ! shct yer mouth when ye go by the deepot, Laigs ; the train s comin in ! But he only smiled placidly, though it was an ancient joke, the flavour of which had just fully penetrated the rustic skull ; and the villagers could not resist titillating the sense of humour with it once or twice a month. Neither did Jabez mind being called Laigs, the local pronunciation of the word legs ; in fact, his good humour was too deep to be ruffled. His cistern of wrathfulness was so small, and the supply pipe so unready, that it was next to impossible to put him out, so the natives said. He was a man of tolerable education ; the only son of his parents, who had endeavoured to make great things of him, and might per haps have succeeded, if he hadn t always had so little time at his disposal hadn t been so drove, as he expressed it. He went to the village school as regularly as he could not help, that is, as many days as he could not contrive to stay away, until he was fourteen. From there he was sent to the Academy, three miles distant ; but his mother soon found that he couldn t make the two TIMOTHY S QUFST 53 trips a day and be under cover by candle light ; so the plan of a classical education was abandoned, and he was allowed to speed the home plough a profession which he pur sued with such moderation that his father, when starting him clown a furrow in the morning, used to hang his dinner-pail on his arm, and, bidding him good-bye, beg him, with tears in his eyes, to be back before sundown. At the present moment Jabe was enjoying a cud of Old Virginia plug tobacco, and taking in no more of the landscape than he could avoid, when Maria, having wound up to the top of Marm Berry s hill, in spite of herself walked directly out on one side of the road, and stopped short to make room for the passage of an imposing procession, made up of one clothes-basket on wheels, one baby, one strange boy, and one strange dog. Jabe, who loved children, eyed the party with some placid interest, but with no un due excitement. Shifting his huge quid, he inquired in his usual leisurely manner, Which way yer goin , bub t the Swamp or t the Fill Is? 54 TIMOTHY S QUEST Timothy thought neither sounded especially inviting, but, rapidly choosing the lesser evil, replied, To the Falls, sir. Thy way happens to be my way, s Rewth said to Naomi ; so f gittin over the road s your objeck, n y ain t pertickler baout the gait ye travel, ye can git in n ride a piece. We don t b lieve in hurryin , Mariar n me. Slow n easy goes fur in a day, s our motto. Can ye git your folks aboard withaout spillin any of em ? No wonder he asked, for Gay was in such a wild state of excitement that she could hardly be held. I can lift Gay up, if you 11 please take her, sir, said Timothy ; and if you re quite sure the horse will stand still. Bless your soul, she 11 stan all right ; 1 Which way yer goin , bub ? TIMOTHY S QUEST 55 she 11 stan while you re gittin in n con- sid rable of a spell afterwards ; in point o fact, she likes stan in a heap better n she doos goin . Runnin away ain t no tempta tion to Maria Cummins ; let well enough alone s her motto. Jump in, sissy ! There ye be ! Now git yer baby-shay in the back of the waggon, bubby, n we 11 be s snug s a bug in a rug. Timothy, whose creed was simple and whose beliefs were crystal clear, now felt that his morning prayer had been heard, and that the Lord was on his side ; there fore he abandoned all idea of commanding the situation, and gave himself up to the full ecstasy of the ride, as they jogged peacefully along the river road. Gay held a piece of a rein that peeped from Jabe s colossal hand (which was said by the villagers to cover almost as much territory as the hand of Providence), and was convinced that she was driving Maria, an idea that made her speechless with joy. Rags wildest dreams of squirrels came true ; and, reconciled at length to cleanli ness, he was capering in and out of the 56 TIMOTHY S QUEST woods, thinking what an Arabian Nights entertainment he would give the Minerva Court dogs when he returned, if return he ever must to that miserable, squirrelless hole. The meadows on the other side of the river were gorgeous with yellow buttercups, and here and there a patch of blue iris or wild sage. The black cherry-trees were masses of snowy bloom ; the water at the river s edge held spikes of blue arrowweed in its crystal shallows ; while the roadside itself was gay with daisies and feathery grasses. In the midst of this loveliness flowed Pleasant River, Vexed in all its seaward course by bridges, dams, and mills, but finding time, during the busy summer months, to flush its fertile banks with beauty. Suddenly (a word that could seldom be truthfully applied to the description of Jabe Slocum s movement) the reins were ruthlessly drawn from Lady Gay s hands and wound about the whipstock. Gorry ! ejaculated Mr. Slocum, ef I TIMOTHY S QUEST 57 hain t left the widder Foss settin on Aunt Hitty s boss-block, n I promised to pick her up when I come along back ! That all comes o my drivin by the store so fast on account o the boys hectorin of me, so t when I got to the turn I was so kind of het up I jogged right along the straight road. Haste makes waste s an awful good motto. Pile out, young ones ! It s only half a mile from here to the Falls, n you 11 have to get there on Shank s mare, for certain ! So saying, he dumped the astonished children into the middle of the road, from whence he had plucked them, turned the docile mare, and with a Git, Mariar ! went four miles back to relieve Aunt Hitty s horse block from the weight of the widder Foss (which was no joke !). This turn of affairs was most unexpected, and Gay seemed on the point of tears ; but Timothy gathered her a handful of wild- flowers, wiped the dust from her face, put on the clean blue gingham apron, and estab lished her in the basket, where she soon fell asleep, wearied by the excitements of the day, 58 TIMOTHY S QUEST Timothy s heart began to be a little troubled as he walked on and on through the leafy woods, trundling the basket behind him. Nothing had gone wrong ; indeed, everything had been much easier than he could have hoped. Perhaps it was the weari ness that had crept into his legs, and the hollowness that began to appear in his stomach ; but, somehow, although in the morning he had expected to find Gay s new adopted mothers beckoning from every win dow, so that he could scarcely choose between them, he now felt as if the whole race of mothers had suddenly become extinct. Soon the village came in sight, nestled in the laps of the green hills on both sides of the river. Timothy trudged bravely on, scanning all the dwellings, but finding none of them just the thing. At last he turned deliberately off the main road, where the houses seemed too near together and too near the street for his taste, and trundled his family down a shady sort of avenue, over which the arching elms met and clasped hands. Rags had by this time lowered his tail TIM TIIY S QUKST 59 to half-mast, and kept strictly to the beaten path, notwithstanding manifold temptations to forsake it. lie passed two cats without a single insulting remark, and his entire demeanour was eloquent of nostalgia. Oh, dear ! sighed Timothy disconso lately ; there s something wrong with all the places. Either there s no pigeon-house, like in all the pictures of the country, or no flower garden, or no chickens, or no lady at the window, or else there s lots of baby- clothes hanging on the wash-lines. I don t believe I shall ever find At this moment a large, comfortable white house, that had been heretofore hidden by great trees, came into view. Timothy drew nearer to the spotless picket fence, and gazed upon the beauties of the side yard and the front garden gazed and gazed, and fell desperately in love at first sight. The whole thing had been made as if to order ; that is all there is to say about it. There was an orchard, and, oh, ecstasy ! what hosts of green apples ! There was an alluring grindstone under one tree, and a bright blue chair and stool under another ; 6o TIMOTHY S QUEST a thicket of currant and gooseberry bushes, and a flock of young turkeys ambling awk wardly through the barn. Timothy stepped gently along in the thick grass, past a pump and a mossy trough, till a side porch came into view, with a woman sitting there sewing bright-coloured rags. A row of shining tin pans caught the sun s rays, and threw them back in a thousand glittering prisms of light ; the grasshoppers and crickets chirped sleepily in the warm grass, and a score of tiny yellow butterflies hovered over a group of odorous hollyhocks. Suddenly the person on the porch broke into a cheerful song, pitched in so high a key and given with such emphasis that the crickets and grasshoppers retired by mutual consent from any further competition, and the butterflies suspended operations for several seconds : I 11 chase the antelope over the plain, The tiger s cub I 11 bind with a chain, And the wild gazelle with the silv ry feet, I 11 bring to thee for a playmate sweet. Timothy listened intently for some mo ments, not understanding the words, unless TIMOTHY S GUEST 6 1 the lady happened to be in the menagerie business, which he thought unlikely, but de lightful should it prove true. His eye then fell on a little marble slab under a tree in a shady corner of the orchard. That must be a country doorplate, he thought ; yes, it s got the lady s name, That must be a country doorplate. " Martha Cummins," printed on it. Now I 11 know what to call her. He crept softly on to the front side of the house. There were flower beds, a lovable white cat snoozing on the doorsteps, and a lady sitting at the open window knitting in all probability Gay s adopted mother. 62 TIMOTHY S QUEST At this vision Timothy s heart beat so hard against his jacket that he could only stagger back to the basket, where Rags and Lady Gay were snuggled together fast asleep. He anxiously scanned Gay s face ; moistened his rag of a handkerchief at the only available source of supply ; scrubbed an atrocious dirt spot from the tip of her spirited nose ; and then, dragging the basket along the path leading to the front gate, he opened it and went in, mounted the steps, plied the brass knocker, and waited in childlike faith for a summons to enter in and make himself at home. SCENE V TIIK WHITK FARM. AFTERNOON Timothy finds a Jfoitse in which lie thinks a Baby is needed, but the Inmates do not entirely agree with Him of yarn. however EANWHILE, Miss Avilda Cummins had left her window and gone into the next room for a skein She answered the knock, and, opening the door, stood rooted to the threshold in speechless astonishment, very much as if she had seen the shades of her ancestors drawn up in line in the dooryard. Off went Timothy s hat. He had not seen the lady s face very clearly when she was knitting at the window, or he would never have dared to knock ; but it was too late to retreat. Looking straight into her cold eyes with his own shining grey ones, he said bravely, but with a trembling voice, Please do you need any babies here, if you please ? (Need any babies ! What an in appropriate, nonsensical expression to be sure ; as if a baby in a house were something 66 TIMOTHY S QUEST exquisitely indispensable, like the breath of life, for instance !) No answer. Miss Vilda was trying to assume command of her scattered faculties and find some clue to the situation. Tim othy concluded that she was not, after all, the lady of the house ; and, remembering the marble doorplate in the orchard, tried again. Does Miss Martha Cummins live here, if you please ? (O Timothy ! what in duced you, in this crucial moment of your life, to touch upon that sorest spot in Miss Vilda s memory?) What do you want ? she faltered. I want to get somebody to adopt my baby, he said ; if you haven t got any of your own, you couldn t find one half as dear and as pretty as she is, and she doesn t freckle so much in the winter time. You needn t have me, too, you know, unless you need me to help take care of her. You re very kind, Miss Avilda answered sarcastically, preparing to shut the door upon the strange child ; but I don t think I care to adopt any babies this afternoon, thank you. You d better run right back home to TIMOTHY S QUEST 67 your mother, if you Vc got one, and know where t is, anyhow. But I haven t ! cried poor Timothy, with a sudden and unpremeditated burst of tears at the failure of his hopes, for he was half child as well as half hero. At this junc ture Gay opened her eyes and burst into a wild howl at the unwonted sight of Tim othy s grief ; while Rags, who was full of ex quisite sensibility, and quite ready to weep with those who did weep, lifted up his woolly head and added his piteous wails to the con cert. It was a tablcaii vivant. Samanthy Ann ! called Miss Vilda ex citedly ; Samanthy Ann ! Come right in here and tell me what to do ! The person thus adjured flew in from the porch, leaving a serpentine trail of red, yellow, and blue rags in her wake. Land o liberty ! she exclaimed, as she surveyed the group. Where d they come from, and what air they tryin to act out ? This boy s a baby agent, as near as I can make out ; he wants I should adopt this red-headed baby, but says I ain t obliged to take him too, and makes out the}- haven t 68 TIMOTHY S QUEST got any home. I told him I wan t adoptin any babies just now, and at that he burst out cryin , and the other two followed suit. Now, have the three of em just escaped from some asylum, or are they too little to be lunatics ? Timothy dried his tears in order that Gay should be comforted and appear at her best, and said penitently : I cried before I thought, because Gay hasn t had anything but cookies to eat since last night, and she 11 have no place to sleep unless you 11 let us stay here just till morning. We went by all the other houses, and chose this one because everything was just what we wanted. Nothin but cookies sence Land o lib erty ! ejaculated Samantha Ann, starting for the kitchen. Come back here, Samanthy ! Don t you leave me alone with em, and don t let s have all the neighbours runnin in. Take em into the kitchen and give em somethin to eat, and we 11 see about the rest afterwards. Gay kindled at the first casual mention of food, and trying to clamber out of the basket, TIMOTHY S QUEST 69 fell over the edge, thumping her head smartly on the stone steps. Miss Vilda covered her face with her hands, and waited shudder- ingly for another yell, as the child s carna tion stockings and terra-cotta head mingled wildly in the air. But Lady Gay disen tangled herself, and laughed the merriest burst of laughter that ever woke the echoes. That was a joke ; her life was full of them, served fresh every day, for no sort of ad versity could long have power over such a nature as hers. Come get supper, she cooed, putting her hand in Samantha s ; adding that the nasty lady needn t come, a re mark that happily es caped detection, as it was rendered in very unintelligible early English. Miss Avilda tottered into the darkened sit- in the K.itclicn. ting-room, and sank on to a black-hair-cloth sofa, while Samantha ushered the wanderers into the sunny kitchen, 70 TIMOTHY S QUEST muttering to herself: Wall, I vow! travelin* over the country all alone, n not knee-high to a toad ! They re sendin out awful young tramps this season, but they shan t go away from this house hungry, not if I know it. Accordingly she set out a plentiful sup ply of bread and butter, gingerbread, pie, and milk, put a tin plate of cold hash in the shed for Rags, sweeping him out to it with a corn broom, violently, as is the manner in that section, and, telling the children comfortably to cram their everlastin little bread-baskets full, returned to the sitting- room. Now, whatever makes you so panicky, Vildy ? Didn t you never see a tramp before, for pity s sake ? And if you re scar t for fear I can t handle em alone, why, Jabe 11 be comin along soon. The prospeck of git- tin to bed s the only thing that 11 make him n Maria hurry ; n they 11 both be cal latin on that by this time ! Samanthy Ann, the first question that that boy asked me was, if Miss Martha Cummins lived here. Now, what do you make of that ? TIMOTHY S QUEST 71 Samantha looked as astonished as anybody could wish. Asked if Marthy Cummins lived here ? How under the canopy did he ever hear Marthy s name ? Wall, somebody told him to ask, that s all there is about it, and what harm was there in it, anyhow ? Oh, I don t know, I don t know ; but the minute that boy looked up at me and asked for Martha Cummins, the old trouble, that I thought was dead and buried years ago, started right up in my heart, and begun to ache just as if it all happened yesterday. Now keep stiddy, Vildy, what could hap pen ? urged Samantha. Why, it flashed across my mind in a minute, and here Miss Vilda lowered her voice to a whisper, that perhaps Martha s baby didn t die as they told her. But, land o liberty, s posin it didn t ! Poor Marthy died herself more n twenty years ago. I know ; but supposing her baby grew up before it died, and left one of these children to roam round the world afoot and alone. You re cal latin dreadful close, pears to 72 TIMOTHY S QUEST me ; now, don t go s posin any more things. You re makin out one o them yellow- covered books, sech as the summer boarders bring out here to read ; always chock full of doin s that never would come to pass in this or any other Christian country. You jest lay down and snuff your camphire, an I 11 go out an pump that boy drier n a sand-heap ! Now Miss Avilda Cummins was unmarried by every implication of her being, as Henry James would say : but Samantha Ann Rip- ley was a spinster purely by accident She had seldom been exposed to the witcheries of children, or she would have known long before this that, so far as she was personally concerned, they would always prove irre sistible. She marched into the kitchen like a general resolved upon the extinction of the enemy. She walked out again, half an hour later, with the very teeth of her resolve drawn, but so painlessly that she had not been aware of the operation ! She marched in a woman of single purpose ; she came out a double-faced diplomatist, with the seeds of TIMOTHY S QUEST 73 sedition and conspiracy lurking, all unsus pected, in her heart. The cause ? Nothing more than a dozen trifles light as air. Timothy had sat upon a little wood en stool at her feet ; had rested his arms on her knees and looked up into her kind, rosy face with a pair of liquid eyes like grey-blue lakes, eyes which seemed and were the very windows of his soul. He had sat there telling his wee bit of a story ; just a vague, shadowy, plaintive, uncomplaining scrap of a story, without beginning, plot, or ending, but every word in it set Samantha Ann Ripley s heart throbbing. Gay, who knew a good thing when she saw it, had climbed up into her capacious lap, and, not being denied, had cuddled her head into that gracious hollow in Samantha s Timothy telling his Story. 74 TIMOTHY S QUEST shoulder that had somehow missed the pres sure of the childish heads that should have lain there. Then Samantha s arm had finally crept round the wheedlesome bit of soft humanity, and before she knew it the old flag-bottomed chair was swaying gently to and fro, to and fro, to and fro ; and the wooden rockers creaked more sweetly than ever they had creaked before, for they were singing their first cradle-song ! Then Gay heaved a great sigh of unspeak able satisfaction, and closed her lovely eyes. She had been born with a desire to be cuddled, and had had precious little experi ence of it. At the sound of this happy sigh and the sight of the child s flower face, with the upward curling lashes on the pink cheeks, the oval snow-drift of the chin, the moist tendrils of hair on the white forehead, and the helpless, unaccustomed, clinging touch of the baby arm about her neck, I cannot tell you the why or wherefore, but old memories and new desires began to stir in Samanthy Ann Ripley s heart. In short, she had met the enemy, and she was theirs ! Presently Gay was laid upon the old- TIMOTHY S QUEST 75 fashioned settle, and Samantha stationed her self where she could keep the flies off her by waving a palm-leaf fan. Now, there s one thing more I want you to tell me, said she, after she had possessed herself of Timothy s unhappy past, uncertain present, and still more dubious future ; and that is, what made you ask for Miss Marthy Cummins when you come to the door? Why, I thought it was the lady-of-the- house s name, said Timothy ; I saw it on her doorplate. But we ain t got any doorplate, to begin with. Not a silver one on your door, like they have in the city ; but isn t that white marble piece in the yard a doorplate? It s got " Martha Cummins, aged 17," on it. I thought may be in the country they had them in their gardens ; only I thought it was queer they put their ages on them, because they d have to be scratched out every little while, wouldn t they ? My grief! ejaculated Samantha: for pity s sake, don t you know a tombstun when you sec it ? 76 TIMOTHY S QUEST What is a tombstun ? Land sakes ! what do you know, any way? Didn t you never see a graveyard where folks is buried ? *I never went to the graveyard, but I know where it is, and I know about people s being buried. Flossy is going to be buried. So the white stone shows the places where the people are put, and tells their names, does it? Why, it is a kind of a doorplate, after all, don t you see? Who is Martha Cummins, aged 17 ? She was Miss Viluy s sister that went to the city, and then come home and died here, long years ago. Miss Vildy set great store by her, and can t bear to have her name spoke ; so remember what I say. Now, this " Flossy you tell me about (of all the fool names I ever hearn tell of, that beats all sounds like a wax doll, with her clo es sewed on !), was she a young woman ? I don t know whether she was young or not, said Tim, in a puzzled tone. She had young yellow hair, and very young shiny teeth, white as china ; but her neck was crackled underneath, like Miss Vilda s. It had no kissing-places in it like Gay s TIMOTHY S QUEST 77 Well, you stay here in the kitchen a spell now, n don t let in that rag-dog o yourn till he stops scratching if he keeps it up till the crack o doom ; he s got to be learned better manners. Now, I 11 go in n talk to Miss Vildy. She may keep you over night n she may not ; I ain t noways sure. You started in wrong foot foremost. SCENE VI THE Wliri K FARM. EVKMNO Timothy, Lady (Jay, and Rags prove faithful to each other AMANTHA went into the sitting-room and told the whole story to Miss Avil- da ; told it simply and plainly, for she was not given to ara besques in language, and then waited for a response. Well, what do you advise doin ? asked Miss Cummins nervously. I don t feel comp tent to advise, Vilda ; the house ain t mine, nor yet the beds that s in it, nor the victuals in the butt ry ; but as a professin Christian and member of the Orthodox Church in good and reg lar standing you can t turn them children ou doors when it s comin on dark and they ain t got no place to sleep. Plenty of good Orthodox folks turned their backs on Martha when she was in trouble. 82 TIMOTHY S QUEST There may be Orthodox hogs, for all I know, replied the blunt Samantha, who fre quently called spades shovels in her search after absolute truth of statement, but that ain t no reason why we should copy after em s I know of. I don t propose to take in two strange children and saddle myself with em for days, or weeks, perhaps, said Miss Cummins coldly, but I tell you what I will do. Sup posing we send the boy over to Squire Bean s. It s near hayin time, and he may take him in to help round and do chores. Then we 11 tell him before he goes that we 11 keep the baby as long as he gets a chance to work anywheres near. That will give us time to look round for some place for em and find out whether they ve told us the truth. And if Squire Bean won t take the boy ? asked Samantha, with as much in difference as she could assume. Well, I suppose there s nothing for it but he must come back here and sleep. I 11 go out and tell him so, I declare I feel as weak as if I d had a spell of sickness ! TIMOTHY S QUEST 83 Timothy bore the news better than Sa- mantha had feared. Squire Bean s farm did not look so very far away , his heart was at rest about Gay ; he felt that he could find a shelter for himself somewhere, and anything was better than a home with a capital H. Now, how 11 the baby act when she wakes up and finds you re gone? inquired Miss Vilda anxiously, as Timothy took his hat and bent down to kiss the sleeping child. \Vell, I don t know exactly, answered Timothy, because she s always had me, you see. But I think she 11 be all right, now that she knows you a little, if I can see her every day. She never cries except once in a long while when she gets mad ; and if you re careful how you behave, she ll hardly ever get mad at you. Well I vow ! exclaimed Miss Vilda with a grim glance at Samantha, I guess she ll have to do the behavin . So Timothy was shown the way across the fields to Squire Bean s. Samantha accom panied him to the back gate, where she gave him three doughnuts and a sneaking kiss, watching him out of sight under the pretence 8 4 TIMOTHY S QUEST of taking the towels and napkins off the grass. It was nearly nine o clock and quite dark when Timothy stole again to the little gate of the White Farm. The feet that had travelled so courageously over the mile walk to Squire Bean s had come back again slowly and wearily ; for it is one thing to be shod with the sandals of hope, and quite an other to tread upon the leaden soles of disap pointment. He leaned upon the white picket gate lis tening to the chirp of the frogs and looking at the fireflies as they hung their gleaming lamps here and there in the tall grass. Then he crept round to the side door, to implore the kind offices of the mediator before he entered the presence of the judge, whom he assumed to be sitting in awful state some where in the front part of the house. He Timothy goes to Squire Bean s. TIMOTHY S QUEST 85 lifted the latch noiselessly and entered. Oh, horror ! Miss Avilda herself was sprinkling clothes at the great table on one side of the room. There was a moment of silence. He wouldn t have me, said Timothy simply, he said I wasn t big enough to be any good. I offered him Gay, too, but he didn t want her either, and if you please, I would rather sleep on the sofa so as not to be any more trouble. You won t do any such thing, responded Miss Vilda briskly. You Ve got a royal welcome this time, sure, and I guess you can earn your lodging fast enough. You hear that ? and she opened the door that led into the upper part of the house. A piercing shriek floated down into the kitchen, and another on the heels of that, and then another. Every drop of blood in Timothy s spare body rushed to his pale face. Is she being whipped ? he whispered, with set lips. No ; she needs it bad enough, but we ain t savages. She s only got the pretty temper that matches her hair, just as you 86 TIMOTHY S QUEST said. I guess we haven t been behavin to suit her. Can I go up ? She 11 stop in a minute when she sees me. She never went to bed without me before, and truly, truly, she isn t a cross baby ! Come right along and welcome ; just so long as she has to stay you re invited to visit with her. Land sakes ! the neighbours will think we re killin pigs ! and Miss Vilda started upstairs to show Timothy the way. Gay was sitting up in bed, and the faithful Samantha Ann was seated beside her with a lapful of bribes apples, seed-cakes, an illustrated Bible, a thermometer, an ear of red corn, and a large stuffed green bird, the glory of the keeping room mantelpiece. The bribes were all useless. A whole aviary of highly coloured songsters would not have assuaged Gay s woe at that moment. Every effort at conciliation was met with the one plaint : I want my Timfy ! I want my Timfy ! At the first sight of the beloved form, Gay flun<7 the sacred bird into the furthest corner TIMOTHY S QUEST 87 of the room, and burst into a wild sob of delight as she threw herself into Timothy s loving arms. Fifteen minutes later peace had descended on the troubled homestead, and Samantha went into the sitting-room and threw herself into the depths of the high-backed rocker. Land o liberty ! perhaps I ain t het up ! she ejaculated, as she wiped her brow and fanned herself vigorously with her apron. I tell you what, at five o clock I was dread ful sorry I hadn t took Dave Millikcn, but now I m plaguey glad I didn t ! Still (and here she tried to smooth the green bird s ruffled plumage and restore him to his perch under the revered glass case), still, children will be children. Some of em s considerable more like wild cats, said Miss Avelda briefly. You just go upstairs now, and see if you find anything that looks like wild cats ; but t any rate, wild cats or tame cats, we wouldn t dass turn em ou doors this time o night for fear of flyin in the face of Provi dence. If it s a stint lie s set us, I don t see but we ve got to work it out somehow. 88 TIMOTHY S QUEST 4 I d rather have some other stint. To be sure ! retorted Samantha vigor ously. I never see anybody yet that didn t want to pick out her own stint ; but mebbe if we got just the one we wanted it wouldn t be no stint ! Land o liberty, what s that ! There was a crash of falling tin pans, and Samantha flew to investigate the cause. About ten minutes later she returned, more heated than ever, and threw herself for the second time into the high-backed rocker. That dog s been givin me a chase, I can tell you ! He clawed and scratched so in the shed that I put him in the wood-house ; then he went and clim up on that carpenter s bench, and pitched out that little winder at the top, and fell on to the milk-pan shelf and scattered every last one of em, and then upsot all my cans of termatter plants. But I couldn t find him, high nor low. All at once I see by the dirt on the floor that he d squirmed himself through the skeeter-nettin door int the house, and then I surmised where he was. Sure enough, I crep up stairs and there he was, layin between the two children as snug as you please. He was TIMOTHY S QUEST 89 snorin like a pirate when I found him, but when I stood over the bed with a candle I could see t his wicked little eyes was wide open, and he was jest makin b lieve sleep in hopes I d leave him where he was. Well, I yanked him out quicker n scat, n locked him in the old chicken-house, so I guess he 11 stay out, now. For folks that claim to be no blood relation, I declare him n the boy n the baby beats anything I ever come across for bein fond of one nother ! There were dreams at the White Farm that night. Timothy went to sleep with a prayer on his lips ; a prayer that God would excuse him for speaking of Martha s door- plate, and a most imploring postscript to the effect that God would please make Miss Vilda into a mother for Gay ; thinking as he floated off into the land of Nod, It ll be awful hard work, but I don t suppose He cares how hard t is ! Lady Gay dreamed of driving beautiful white horses beside sparkling waters . . . and through flowery meadows. . . . And great green birds perched in all the trees and flew towards her as if to peck the 90 TIMOTHY S QUEST cherries of her lips . . . but when she tried to beat them off they all turned into Timothys, and she hugged them close to her heart. . . . Rags visions were gloomy, for he knew not whether the Lady with the Firm Hand would free him from his prison in the morn ing, or whether he was there for all time. . But there were intervals of bliss when his fancies took a brighter turn . . . when Hope smiled . . . and he bit the white cat s tail . . . and chased the infant turkeys . . . and found sweet, juicy, deli cious bones in un expected places . . . and even in haled, in exquisite anticipation, the fragrance of one particularly succulent bone that he had hidden under Miss Vilda s bed. Sleep carried Samantha so many years back into the past that she heard the blithe din of carpenters hammering and sawing on a little house that was to be hers, his, theirs. Rags Dream. TIMOTHY S QUEST 91 . . . And as she watched them, with all sorts of maidenly hopes about the home that was to be ... some one stole up be hind and caught her at it, and she ran away blushing . . . and some one followed her . . . and they watched the carpenters together. . . . Somebody else lived in the little house now, and Samantha never blushed any more, but that part was mercifully hidden in the dream. ... It is, sometimes. Miss Vilda s slumber was troubled. She seemed to be walking through peaceful meadows, brown with autumn, when all at once there rose in the path steep hills and rocky mountains. . . . She felt too tired and too old to climb, but there was nothing else to be done. . . . And just as she began the toilsome ascent, a little child appeared, and catching her helplessly by the skirts im plored to be taken with her. . . . And she refused and went on alone . . . but, miracle of miracles, when she reached the crest of the first hill the child was there before her, still beseeching to be carried. . . . But again she refused, and again she wearily climbed the heights alone, always meeting the child 02 TIMOTHY S QUEST when she reached their summits, and always enacting the same scene. ... At last she cried in despair, Ask me no more, for I have not strength enough even for my own needs ! . . . And the child said, I will help you ; and straightway crept into her arms and nestled there as one who would not be denied . . . and she took up her burden and walked. . . . And as she climbed, the weight grew lighter and lighter, till at length the clinging arms seemed to give her peace and strength . . . and when she neared the crest of the highest mountain she felt new life throbbing in her veins and new hopes stirring in her heart, and she remembered no more the pain and weariness of her jour ney. . . . And suddenly an angel appeared to her and tracing the letters of a word upon her forehead, took the child from her arms and disappeared. . . . And the angel had the lovely smile and sad eyes of her dead sister, Martha . . . and the word she traced on Miss Vilda s forehead was Inasmuch 1 SCENE VII THF; OLD HOMESTEAD Mistress and Maid find to their Amazement that a Child, more than all other Gifts, brings Hope with //, and forward looking Thoughts F was called the White Farm, not because white I was an unusual colour in Pleasant River. Two houses out of every twenty in the village were made of brick and the other eighteen were painted white, for it had not then entered the casual mind that any other course was de sirable or possible. Occasionally a man of riotous imagination would substitute two shades of buff, or make the back of his barn red, but the spirit of invention stopped there and the majority of sane people went on painting white. Miss A vilda Cummins, how ever, was blessed with a larger income than most of the inhabitants of Pleasant River, and all her buildings, the great house, the sheds, the carriage and dairy houses, the ftMices and the barn, were always kept in a 96 TIMOTHY S QUEST state of dazzling purity; as if, the neighbours declared, S manthy Ann Ripley went over em every morning with a dust-cloth. It was merely an accident that the car riage and work horses chanced to be white, and that the original white cats of the family kept on having white kittens to decorate the front doorsteps. It was not accident, how ever, but design, that caused Jabe Slocum to scour the country for a good white cow and persuade Miss Cummins to swap off the old red one, so that the critters in the barn should match the rest of the establish ment. Miss Avilda had been born at the White Farm ; her father and mother had been taken from there to the old country churchyard, and Martha, aged 17, poor, pretty, wilful Martha, the greatest pride and greatest sorrow of the family, was lying under the apple-trees in the garden. Here also the little Samantha Ann Ripley had come as a child years ago, to be play mate, nurse, and companion to Martha, and here she had stayed ever since, as friend, adviser, and company-keeper to the lonely TIMOTHY S QUEST 97 Miss Cummins. Nobody in Pleasant River would have dared to think of her as any body s hired help, though she did receive bed and board, and a certain sum yearly for her services ; for she lived with Miss Cum mins on equal terms, as was the custom in the good old New England villages, doing the lion s share of the work, and marking her sense of the situation by washing the dishes while Miss Avilda wiped them, and by never suffering her to feed the pig or go down cellar. Theirs had been a dull sort of life, in which little had happened to make them grow into sympathy with the outside world. All the sweetness of Miss Avilda s nature had turned to bitterness and gall after Martha s disgrace, sad home-coming, and death. There had been much to forgive, and she had not had the grace nor the strength to forgive it until it was too late. The mystery of* death had unsealed her eyes, and there had been a moment when the sad and bitter woman might have been drawn closer to the great Father-heart, there to feel the throb of a Divine compassion that would have sweet- G 98 TIMOTHY S QUEST ened the trial and made the burden lighter. The minister of the parish proved a sorry comforter and adviser in these hours of trial. The Reverend Joshua Beckwith, whose view of God s universe was about as broad as if he had lived on the inside of his own pork- barrel, had cherished certain strong and un relenting opinions concerning Martha s final destination which were not shared by Miss Cummins. There was a long and heated argument in the parlour, in the course of which the Family Bible, the Concordance, and Barnes s Notes were liberally drawn upon by the parson. At its close Miss Avilda announced her intention of having nothing more to do with church members. Martha, therefore, was not laid with the elect, but was put to rest in the orchard, under the kindly, untheological shade of the apple-trees, that scattered their tinted blos soms over her little white headstone, shed their fragrance about her quiet grave, and dropped their ruddy fruit in the high grass that covered it, just as tenderly and respect fully as if they had been regulation willows. The Reverend Joshua thus succeeded in dry- TIMOTHY S t^UKST 99 and dis ing up the springs r i -- - oi human sympa- ^A^;/ v , das heart when -^L- ~^- ~ -, > most she needed comfort and gentle teaching ; trusting God for the moment, as well as his inexorable priest, she left her place in the old meeting-house where she had worshipped ever since she had acquired adhesiveness enough to stick to a pew, and \\-as not seen there again for main years. The Reverend Joshua had died, as all men must and as most men should, and a mild-voiced successor reigned in his place, so the Cummins pe\v was occu pied once more. Samantha Ann Ripley had had her heart history too one of a different kind. She- had kept company with David Milliken for a little matter of twenty years, off and on, and Miss Avilda had expected at various times to lose her friend and helpmate ; but fear of this calamity had at length been quite put to iv>t by the fourth and final rupture of the bond, live years before. ioo TIMOTHY S QUEST There had always been a family feud between the Ripleys and the Millikens ; so when the young people took it into their heads to fall in love with each other in spite of precedent and prejudice, they found that the course of true love ran in anything but a true channel. It was, in fact, a sort of village Montague and Capulet affair ; but David and Samantha were no Romeo and Juliet. The climate and general conditions of life at Pleasant River were not favourable to the development of such exotics. The old people interposed barriers between the young ones as long as they lived ; and when they died, Dave Milliken s spirit was broken, and he began to annoy the valiant Samantha by what she called his meechin ways. In one of his moments of weakness he took a widowed sister to live with him, a certain Mrs. Pettigrove, of Edgewood, who inherited the Milliken objection to Ripleys, and who widened the breach and brought Samantha to the point of final and decisive rupture. The last straw was the statement, sown broadcast by Mrs. Pettigrove, that Samanthy Ann Ripley s father never would a died if he d TIMOTHY S QUEST 101 ever had any doctorin ; but t was the gospel truth that they never had nobody to tend him but a hom pathy man from Scratch Corner, who, of course, bein a hom path, didn t know no more about doctorin n Cooper s cow. Samantha told David after this she didn t want to hear him open his mouth again, nor none of his folks ; she was through with the whole lot of em forever and ever, n she wished to the Lord she d had sense enough to put her foot down fifteen years ago, n she hoped he d enjoy bein trod underfoot for the rest of his natural life, n she wouldn t speak to him again if she met him in her porridge dish. She then slammed the door and went upstairs to cry as if she were sixteen, as she watched him out of sight. Poor Dave Milliken ! just sweet and earnest and strong enough to suffer at being worsted by circumstances, but never quite strong enough to conquer them. It was to this household that Timothy had brought his child for adoption. When Miss Avilda opened her eyes the morning after the arrival of the children. 102 TIMOTHY S QUEST she tried to remember whether anything had happened to give her such a strange feeling of altered conditions. It was Saturday, bak ing day that couldn t be it and she gazed at the little dimity-curtained window and at the picture of the Death-bed of Calvin, and wondered what was the matter. Just then a child s laugh, bright, merry, tuneful, infectious, rang out from some dis tant room, and it all came back to her as Samantha Ann opened the door and peered in. I Ve got breakfast bout ready, she said ; but I wish, soon s you re dressed, you d step down n see to it, n let me wash the baby. I guess water was skerse where she come from ! They re awake, are they ? Awake ? Land o liberty ! As soon as t was light, and before the boy had opened his eyes, Gay was up n poundin on all the doors, n hollerin " S manfy" (beats all how she got holt o my name so quick !), so t I thought sure she d disturb your sleep. See here, Vildy, we want those children should look respectable the few days they re here. I don t see how we can rig out the boy, but TIMOTHY S QUEST 103 there s those old things of Marthy s in the attic ; seems like it might be a blcssin on em if \ve used cm this way. I thought of it myself in the night, answered Vilda briefly. You 11 find the key of the trunk in the light-stand drawer. You see to the children, and I 11 get break fast on the table. Has Jabe come ? No ; he sent a boy to milk, n said he d be right along. You know what that means ! Miss Vilda moved about the immaculate kitchen, frying potatoes and making tea, set ting on extra portions of bread and dough nuts and a huge pitcher of milk ; while various noises, strange enough in that quiet house, floated down from above. This is dreadful hard on Samanthy, she reflected. I don t know s I d ought to have put it on her, knowing how she hates confusion and company, and all that ; but she seemed to think we d got to tough it out for a spell, any way ; though I don t expect her temper 11 stand the strain very long. The fact was, Samantha was banging doors 104 TIMOTHY S QUEST and slatting tin pails about furiously to keep up an ostentatious show of ill-humour. She tried her best to grunt with displeasure when Gay, seated in a wash-tub, crowed and beat the water with her dimpled hands, so that it splashed all over the carpet ; but all the time there was such a joy tugging at her heart strings as they had not felt for years. When the bath was over, clean petticoats and ankle-ties were chosen out of the old leather trunk, and finally a little blue-and- white lawn dress. It was too long in the skirt, and pending the moment when Saman- tha should take a tack in it, it anticipated the present fashion, and made Lady Gay look more like a disguised princess than ever. The gown was low-necked and short-sleeved, in the old style, and Samantha was in de spair till she found some little embroidered muslin capes and full undersleeves, with which she covered Gay s pink neck and arms. These things of beauty so wrought upon the child s excitable nature that she could hardly keep still long enough to have her hair curled ; and Samantha, as the shining rings dropped off her horny forefinger, was wrest- TIMOTHY S QUEST 105 ling with the Evil One in the shape of a little box of jewellery that she had found with the clothing. She knew that the wish was a vicious one, and that such geegaws were out of place on a little pauper just taken in for the night ; but her fingers trembled with desire to fasten the little gold cars of corn on the shoul- ders, or tie the strings of coral beads around the child s pretty throat. When the toilet was completed, and Samantha was emp tying the tub, Gay climbed on the bureau and imprinted sloppy kisses of sincere admiration on the radiant reflection of herself in the little looking- glass ; then, getting down again, she seized her heap of Minerva Court clothes before the astonished Samantha could interpose, and flung them out of the second-story window, where they fell on the top of the lilac bushes. Gay s toilet. io6 TIMOTHY S QUEST Me doesn t like nasty old dress, she explained, with a dazzling smile that was a justification in itself ; me likes pretty new dress ! and then, with one hand reaching up to the door-knob and the other throwing disarming kisses to Samantha, By-by ! Lady Gay go circus now ! S manfy come take Lady Gay to circus ! There was no time for discipline then, and she was borne to the break fast- table, where Timothy was already making acquaintance with Miss Vilda. Samantha entered, and Vilda, glancing at her nervously, perceived with relief that she was taking things easy. Ah ! but it was lucky for poor David Milliken that he could not see her at that moment. Her whole face had relaxed ; her mouth was no longer a thin, hard line, but had a certain curve and fulness, borrowed perhaps from the warmth of innocent baby kisses. Embarrassment and stifled joy had brought a rosier colour to her cheek ; Gay s vandal hand had ruffled the smoothness of her sandy locks, so that a few stray hairs were absolutely curling with amazement that they had escaped from their TIMOTHY S QUEST 107 sleek bondage ; in a word, Samantha Ann Ripley was lovely and lovable ! Timothy had no eyes for any one save his beloved Gay, at whom he gazed with un speakable admiration, thinking it impossible that an}- human being with a single eye in his head could refuse to take such an angel when it was in the market. Gay, not being used to a regular morning toilet, had fought against it valiantly at first ; but the tonic of the bath itself and the exer cise of war had brought the colour to her checks and the brightness to her eyes. She had forgiven Samantha, she was ready to be on good terms with Miss Vilda, she was at peace with all the world. That she was cat- ing the bread of dependence did not trouble her in the least ! No royal visitor, conveying honour by her mere presence, could have car ried off a delicate situation with more distin guished grace and ease. She was perched on a Webster s Unabridged Dictionary, and immediately began blowing bubbles in her mug of milk in the most reprehensible fashion ; glancing up after each naughty effort with an irrepressible gurgle of laughter, io8 TIMOTHY S QUEST in which she looked so bewitching, even with a milky crescent over her red mouth, that she would have melted the heart of the most pre destinate old misogynist in Christendom. Timothy was not so entirely at his ease. His eyes had looked into life only a few more summers, but their radiant morning visions had been dispelled ; experience had tempered joy. Gay, however, had not arrived at an age where people s motives can be suspected for an instant. If there had been any possible plummet with which to sound the depths of her unconscious philosophy, she apparently looked upon herself as a guest out of heaven, flung down upon this hospitable planet with the single responsi bility of enjoying its treasures. O happy heart of childhood ! Your simple creed is rich in faith, and trust, and hope. You have not learned that the children of a common Father can do aught but love and help each other. SCENE VIII THE OLD GARDEN Jabc and Samantlia exchange Hostilities, and the Former says a Good Word for the Little Wanderers r IJOD Almighty first planted a garden, and it is indeed the purest of all human pleasures, said Lord Bacon ; and Miss Vilda would have agreed with him. Her garden was not simply the purest of all her pleasures, it was her only one ; the love that other people gave to family, friends, or kindred she lavished on her posies. It was a dear, old-fashioned, odorous garden, where Dame Nature had never been forced, but only assisted, to do her duty. Miss Vilda sowed her seeds in the spring time wherever there chanced to be room, and they came up and flourished and went to 112 TIMOTHY S QUEST seed just as they liked, these being the only duties required of them. Two splendid groups of fringed pinies, the pride of Miss Avilda s heart, grew just inside the gate, and hard by the handsomest dahlias in the village, quilled beauties like carved rosettes of gold and coral and ivory. There was plenty of feathery sparrowgrass, so handy to fill the black and yawning chasms of summer fireplaces and furnish green for bouquets. There was a stray peach or greengage tree here and there ; and if a plain, well-meaning carrot chanced to lift its leaves among the poppies, why, they were all the children of the same mother, and Miss Vilda was not the woman to root out the invader and fling it into the ditch. There was a bed of yellow tomatoes, where, in the season, a hundred tiny golden balls hung among the green leaves ; and just beside them, in friendly equality, a tangle of pink sweet-williams, fragrant phlox, delicate bride s-tears, Canter bury bells blue as the June sky, none- so-pretties, gay cockscombs, and flaunting marigolds, which would insist on coming up all together, summer after summer, regardless TIMOTHY S QUEST 113 of colour harmonies. Last, but not least, there was a patch of sweet peas, on tiptoe for a flight, With wings of gentle (lush o er delicate white. These dispensed their sweet odours so gener ously that it was a favourite diversion among the village children to stand in rows outside the fence, and, elevating their bucolic noses, simultaneously sniff Miss Cummins peas. The garden was large enough to have little hills and dales of its own, and its banks sloped gently down to the river. There was a gnarled apple-tree hidden by a luxuriant wild grapevine, a fit bower for a lov d Celia or a fair Rosamond. There was a spring, whose crystal waters were cabined, cribbed, confined, within a barrel sunk in the earth ; a brook singing its way among the alder bushes and dripping here and there into pools, over which the blue harebells leaned to see themselves. There was also a summer- house on the brink of the hill ; a weather- stained affair, with a hundred names carved on its venerable lattices names of youths and maidens who had stood there in the moonlight and plighted rustic vows. II ii4 TIMOTHY S QUEST If you care to feel a warm glow in the region of your heart, imagine little Timothy Jessup sent to play in that garden sent to play for almost the first time in his life ! Imagine it, I ask, for there are some things too sweet to prick with a pen-point. The boy stayed there fifteen minutes, and running back to the house in a state of intoxicated delight went up to Samantha, and laying an insistent hand on hers, said excitedly, Oh, Samanthy, you didn t tell me there is shining water down in the garden ; not so big as the ocean, nor so still as the harbour, but a kind of baby river running along by itself with the sweetest noise. Please, Miss Vilcla, may I take Gay to see it, and will it hurt it if I wash Rags in it ? Let em all go, suggested Samantha ; there s Jabe dawdlin along the road, and they might as well .be out from under foot. Don t be too hard on Jabe this morning, Samanthy, he s been to see the Baptist minister at Edgewood ; you know he s going to be baptized some time next month. Well, he needs it ! But, land sakes ! you couldn t make them Slocums pious f you TIMOTHY S QUEST 115 kcp on baptizin of em till the crack o doom. I never beam tell of one o them long-legged Slocums gittin baptized in July. They allcrs take em after the freshets in the spring o the year, n then they have to be tumble careful to douse em lengthways of the river. Look at him, will yc ? I b lieve he s grown sence yesterday! If he d ever stood stiff on his feet when he was a boy, he needn t a been so everlastin tall ; but he was for ever roostin on fences with his laigs danglin till the heft of his feet stretched em out it couldn t do no difrent. I ain t got no patience with him. Jabe has considerable many good points, said Miss Cummins loyally ; he s faithful you always know where to find him. Good reason why, retorted Samantha. You ahvays know where to find him cause he gen ally hain t moved sence you seen him last. Ciittin religion ain t goin to help him much. If he ever hears tell bout the gate of heaven bein open t the last day, he won t a begun to begin thinkin bout gittin in till he hears the door shet in his face ; n then he ll set ri down s comf table s if he Ii6 TIMOTHY S QUEST was inside, n say, " Wall, better luck next time : slow an sure s my motto ! " Good- mornin , Jabe ; had your dinner? I ain t even hed my breakfast, responded Mr. Slocum easily. Blessed are the lazy folks, for they always git their chores done for em, remarked Samantha scathingly, as she went to the buttery for provisions. Wall, said Laigs, looking at her with his most irritating smile, as he sat down at the kitchen table, I don t find I git thru any more work by tumblin out o bed t sun-up n I dew f I lay a spell n let the univarse git het up n runnin a leetle mite. "Slow n easy goes fur in a day," s my motto. Rhapseny, she used to say she should think I d be ashamed to lay abed so late. " Wall, I be," s I, " but I d ruther be ashamed n git up ! " But you re an awful good cook, Samanthy, if ye air allers in a hurry, n if yer hev got a sharp tongue ! The less you say bout my tongue the better ! snapped Samantha. Right you are, answered Jabe with a good-natured grin, as he went on with his TIMOTHY S QUEST 117 breakfast. lie had a huge appetite, another grievance iu Samantha s eyes. She always said there was no need of his being so slab-sided n slack-twisted n knuckle-jointed that he ate enough in all conscience, but he wouldn t take the trouble to find the victuals that would fat him up n fill out his bag o bones. Just as Samantha s well -cooked viands began to disappear in Jabe s capacious mouth (healwaysate precisely as if he were stoking an engine) his eye rested upon a strange object by the wood- box, and he put down his knife and ejacu lated, Well, I swan ! Now when n where d I sec that baby-shay ? Why, t was yesterday. Well, I vow, them young ones was comin here, was they ? What young ones? asked Miss Vilda, exchanging astonished glances with Samantha. n8 TIMOTHY S QUEST And don t begin at the book o Genesis n go clean through the Bible, s you gen ally do. Start right in on Revelations, where you belong, put in Samantha ; for to see a man unexpectedly loaded to the muzzle with news, and too lazy to fire it off, was enough to try the patience of a saint ; and even David Milliken would hardly have applied that term to Samantha Ann Ripley. Give a feller time to think, will yer? expostulated Jabe, with his mouth full of pie. " Everything comes to him as waits " d be an awful good motto for you ! Where d I see em ? Why, I fetched em as fur as the cross-roads myself. Well, I never ! I want to know ! cried the two women in one breath. I picked em up out on the road, a little piece this side o the station. T was at the top o Marm Berry s hill, that s jest where t was. The boy was trudgin along draggin the baby n the basket, n I thought I d give him a lift, so s I, " Goin t the Swamp or t the Falls ? " s I. " To the Falls," s e. " Git in," s I, " n I 11 give yer a ride, f y ain t in no hurry," s I. So in he got, n the TIMOTHY S (,>UKST 119 baby tc\v r . When I got putty near home, I happened tor think I d oughtcr gone roun by the tan ry n picked up the widder Foss, n so s I, " I ain t goin no nearer to the Falls ; but I guess your laigs is good for the balance o the way, ain t they ? " s I. " I guess the\" be ! " s e. Then he thanked me s perlite s Deacon Sawyer s first wife, n I left him n his folks in the road where I found em. Didn t you ask where he belonged nor where he was bound ? T ain t my way to waste good breath askin questions t ain t none o my bis ness, replied Mr. Slocum. You re right, it ain t, responded Sa- mantha, as she slammed the milk-pans in the sink ; n it s my hope that some time when you get good and ready to ask some body somethin , they ll be in too much of a hurry to answer you ! lie they any of your folks, Miss Vildy? asked Jabe, grinning with delight at Saman- tha s ill-humour. No, she answered briefly. What yer cal latin tcr do with em? 120 TIMOTHY S QUEST I haven t decided yet. The boy says they haven t got any folks nor any home ; and I suppose it s our duty to find a place for em. I don t see but we Ve got to go to the expense of takin em back to the city and puttin em in some asylum. How d they happen to come here ? 4 They ran away from the city yesterday, and they liked the looks of this place ; that s all the satisfaction we can get out of em, and I dare say it s a pack of lies. That boy wouldn t tell a lie no more n a seraphim ! said Samantha tersely. You can t judge folks by appearances, answered Vilda. But anyhow, don t talk to the neighbours, Jabe ; and if you haven t got anything special on hand to-day, I wish you d patch the roof of the summer-house and dig us a mess of beet greens. Keep the children with you, and see what yon make of em ; they re playin in the garden now. All right. I 11 size cm up the best I ken. Mebbe it ll hender me in my work some, but time was made for slaves as the molasses said when they told it to hurry up in winter time. TIMOTHY S QUEST 121 Two hours later, Miss Vilcla looked from the kitchen window and saw Jabez Slocum coming across the road from the garden. Timothy trudged beside him, carrying the basket of greens in one hand, the other locked in Jabe s huge paw, his eyes up turned and shining with pleasure, his lips moving as if he were chatter ing like a magpie. Lady Gay was just where you might have expected to find her, mounted on the towering height of Jabe s shoulder, one tiny hand grasping his weather-beaten straw hat, while with the other she whisked her willing steed with an alder switch which had evidently been cut for that purpose by the victim himself. That s the way he s sizin of cm up, said Samantha, leaning over Vilda s shoulder with a smile. I 11 bet they Vc sized him up enough sight better n he has them ! Jabc left the children outside, and came in with the basket. Putting his hat in the Her Willing Steed. 122 TIMOTHY S QUEST wood-box and hitching up his trousers im pressively, he sat down on the settle. Them ain t no children to be wanderin about the earth afoot n alone, " same s Hitty went to the beach " ; nor they ain t any com mon truck ter be put inter sylums n poor- farms. There s some young ones -that s so everlastin chuckle-headed n hombly n con- trairy that they ain t hardly wuth savin ; but these ain t that kind. The baby, now you Ve got her cleaned up, is han somer n any baby on the river, n a reg lar chunk o sunshine besides ; I d be willin ter pay her a little suthin for livin alongside. The boy well, the boy is an extra-ordinary boy. We got on tergether s slick as if we was twins. That boy s got idees, that s what he s got ; n he s likely to grow up into well, most anything. If you think so highly of em, why don t you adopt em ? asked Miss Vilda curtly. That s what they seem to think folks ought to do. I ain t sure but I shall/ Mr. Slocum responded unexpectedly. If you can t find a better home for em somewheres, I ain t TIMOTHY S QUEST 123 sure but I 11 take em myself. Land sakes ! if Rhapseny was alive I d adopt em quicker n blazes ; but marm won t take to the idee very strong, I don t s pose, n she ain t much on bringin up children, as I ken testify. Still, she s a heap better n a brick asylum with a six-foot stone wall round it, when yer come to that. But I b lieve we ken do better for em. I can say to folks, " See here : here s a couple o smart, han some children. You can have em for nothin , n needn t resk the onsartainty o gittin married n raisin yer own ; n when yer come tcr that, yer wouldn t stan no charnce o gittin any as likely as these air, if ye did. " That s true as the gospel ! said Saman- tha. It nearly killed her to agree with him, but the words were fairly wrung from her unwilling lips by his eloquence and wisdom. Well, we 11 sec what we can do for em, said Vilda in a non-committal tone; and here they 11 have to stay, for all I see, till we can get time to turn round and look cm up a place. And the way their edjercation has been leit be, continued Mr. Slocum, is a burnin 124 TIMOTHY S QUEST shame in a Christian country. I don b lieve they ever see the inside of a schoolhouse ! I Ve learned em more this mornin n they ever hearn tell of before, but they re s ignorant s Cooper s cow yit, spite o what I Ve done for em. They don know tansy from sorrel, nor slip ry ellum from pennyroyal, nor burdock from pig weed ; they don know a dand lion from a hole in the ground ; they don know where the birds put up when it comes on night ; they never see a brook afore, nor a bull-frog; they never hearn tell o cat-o -nine-tails, nor jack-lanterns, nor see-saws. Land sakes ! We got ter talkin bout so many things that I clean forgot the summer- house roof. But there ! this won t do for me, I must be goin ; there ain t no rest for the workin -man in this country. If there wan t no work for him, he d be wuss off yet, responded Samantha. Right ye are, Samanthy ! Look here, TIMOTHY S QUEST 125 when d you want that box you give me to fix? I wanted it before hayin , but I s pose any time before Thanksgivin 11 do, seein it s you. What s wuth doin t all s wuth takin time over, s my motto, said Jabe cheerfully, but seein it s you, I 11 wrassle round n* nail that cover on ter night or bust ! SCENE IX A VILLAGE SAHl .ATII * Now the End of the Commandment is Charity, out of a rnrc Heart} T was Sunday morning, and the very peace of God was brooding over Pleasant River. Timothy, Rags, and Gay were playing decorously in the orchard. Maria was hitched to an apple- tree in the side yard, and stood there serenely with her eyes half closed, dreaming of oats past and oats to come. Miss Vilda and Samantha issued from the mosquito-netting door, clad in Sunday best ; and the children approached nearer, that they might share in the excitement of the departure for meeting. Gay, who clamoured to go entirely on general principles, as she had not the slightest desire for spiritual in struction, being decidedly of the earth, earthy, was pacified by the gift of a rag doll that Samantha had made for her the evening be fore. It was a monstrosity, but Gay dipped it instantly in the alembic of her imagination and it became a beautiful, responsive little I 130 TIMOTHY S QUEST daughter, which she clasped close in her arms, and on which she showered the tenderest tokens of maternal affection. Miss Vilda handed Timothy a little green paper-covered book, before she climbed into the buggy. That s a catechism, she said ; and if you 11 be a good boy and learn the first six pages and say em to me this after noon, Samantha 11 give you a top that you can spin on week-days/ What is a catechism ? asked Timothy, as he took the book. It s a Sunday-school lesson. Oh, then I can learn it/ said Timothy, brightening ; I learned three for Miss Dora, in the city. Well, I m thankful to hear that you Ye had some spiritual advantages ; now, stay right here in the orchard till Jabe comes ; and don t set the house afire, she added, as Samantha took the reins and raised them for the mighty slap on Maria s back which was necessary to wake her from her Sunday slumber. Why would I want to set the house afire ? Timothy asked wonderingly. TIMOTHY S QUEST 131 Well, I don t know s you would want to, but I thought you might get to playin with matches, though I Ve hid em all. Play with matches ! exclaimed Timothy, in wide-eyed astonishment that a match could appeal to anybody as a desirable plaything. Oh, no, thank you ; I shouldn t have thought of it. I wish I hadn t suggested it then ; I declare, I don t know as we ought to have left em alone, said Vilda, looking back, as Samantha urged the moderate Maria over the road ; though I don t know exactly what they could do. Except run away, said Samantha re flectively. I wish to the land they would ! It would be the easiest way out of a troublesome matter. Every day that goes by will make it harder for us to decide what to do with em, for you can t do by those you know the same as if they were strangers. There was a long main street running through the village north and south. To ward the north it led through a sweet-scented wood, where the grass tufts grew in verdant 132 TIMOTHY S QUEST strips along the little-travelled road. The morning had been damp, though now the sun was shining brilliantly. The spiders webs still covered the fields, gossamer laces of moist, spun silver, through which shone the pink and lilac of the meadow grasses. The wood was a quiet place, and more than once Miss Vilda and Samantha had discussed matters there which they would never have mentioned at the White Farm. Maria went ambling along serenely through the arcade of trees, where the sun went wandering softly, as with his hands before his eyes : overhead, the vast blue canopy of heaven ; under the trees, the soft brown leaf carpet, woven by a thousand autumns. I don t know but I could grow to like the baby in time, said Vilda, though it s my opinion she s goin to be dreadful trouble some ; but I m more n half afraid of the boy. Every time he looks at me with those searchin eyes of his, I mistrust he s goin to say something about Marthy all on account of his giving me such a turn when he came to the door. He d be awful handy round the house, TIMOTHY S QUKST 133 though, Vilely ; that is, if lie is hand)- pickin up chips, n layin fires, n what not ; but, s you say, he ain t so takin as the baby at first sight She s got the same \vinnin way with her that Marthy lied ! Yes, said Miss Vilda grimly; and I guess it s the devil s own way. Well, yes, mebbc ; n then again mebbe t ain t. There ain t no reason why the devil should own all the han some faces n tunesome laughs, t I know of. It doos , .,, seem s if beaut} was turrible misleadin , ll I ve bell glad sometimes the Lord didn t resk none of it on me, for I was behind the door when good looks was give out, n I m \\illin t own up to it ; but, all the same, I like to see putty faces roun me, n I guess when the Lord sets his mind on it lie can make goodness n beauty git along comftably in the same bod} . When yer come to that, hombly folks ain t aliens as good s they might be, n no com fort to anybody s eyes, nuther. 134 TIMOTHY S QUEST You think the boy s all right in the upper story, do you ? He s a strange kind of a child, to my thinkinV I ain t so sure but he s smarter n we be, but he talks queer, n no mistake. This mornin he was pullin the husks off a young ear o corn that Jabe brought in, n s e, " S manthy, I think the corn must be the happiest of all the veg tables." " How you talk ! " s I ; " what makes you think that way ? " " Why, because," s e, " God has hid den it away so safe, with all that shinin silk round it first, n then the soft leaves wrapped outside o the silk. I guess it s God s fav rite veg table ; don t you, S manthy ? " s e. And when I was showin him pictures last night, n he see the crosses on top some o the city meetin -houses, s e, " They have two sticks on most all the churches, don t they, S manthy ? I s pose that s one stick for God, and the other for the people." Well, now, don t you remember Seth Pennell, o Buttertown, how queer he was when he was a boy? We thought he d never be wuth his salt He used to stan in the front winder n twirl the curtin tossel for hours to a time. And don t you TIMOTHY S QUEST 135 know it come out last year that he d wrote a reg lar book, with covers on it n all, n that he got five dollars a colume for writin poetry verses for the papers ? Oh, well, if you mean that/ said Vilda argumentatively, I don t call writin poetry any great test of smartness. There ain t been a big fool in this village for years but could do somethin in the writin line. I guess it ain t any great trick, if you have a mind to put yourself down to it. For my part, I Ve always despised to see a great, hulkin man, that could handle a hoe or a pitchfork, sit down and twirl a pen-stalk. Well, I ain t so sure. I guess the Lord lies his own way o managin things. We ain t all cal lated to hoe perta- ters nor yet to write poetry verses. There s as much dif rence infolks s there is in anybody. Now, I can take care of a dairy as well as the next one, n nobody was ever hcarn to com plain o my butter ; but there was that lady in New York State that used to make flowers Apropos of Poets. 136 TIMOTHY S QUEST n fruit n graven images out o her churn in s. You Ve hearn tell o that piece she carried to the Centennial ? Now, no sech doin s s that ever come into my head. I Ve went on makin round balls for twenty years ; n , massy on us, don t I remember when my old butter stamp cracked, n I couldn t get another with an ear o corn on it, n hed to take one with a beehive, why, I was that homesick I couldn t bear to look my butter n the eye ! But that woman would have had a new picter on her balls every day, I shouldn t wonder ! (For massy s sake, Maria, don t stan stock-still n let the flies eat yer right up !) No, I tell yer, it takes all kinds o folks to make a world. Now, I couldn t never read poetry. It s so dull, it makes me feel s if I d been trottin all day in the sun ; but there s folks that can stan it, or they wouldn t keep on turnin of it out. The children are nice children enough, but have they got any folks anywhere, n what kind of folks, n where d they come from, anyhow ? that s what we ve got to find out, n I guess it 11 be consid able of a chore ! TIMOTHY S QUEST 137 I don t know but you re right. I thought some of senclin Jabe to the city to-morrow. Jabe? Well, I s pose he d be back by nother spring ; but who d we get ter shovel us out this winter, seein as there ain t more n three men in the whole village? Aunt Hitty says twenty-year engagements s goin out o fashion in the big cities, n I m glad if they be. They d a never come ///, I told her, if there d ever been an extry man in these parts, but there never was. If you got holt o one by good luck, you had ter keep holt, if t was two years or twenty-two, or go with out. I used ter be too proud ter go without ; now I Ve got more sense, thanks be ! Why don t you go to the city yourself, Vildy ? Jabe Slocum ain t got sprawl enough to find out anythin wuth knowin . I suppose I could go, though I don t like the prospect of it very much. I haven t been there for years, but I d ought to look after my property there once in a while. Dear}- me! it seems as if we weren t ever going to have any more peace. Mebbc we ain t, said Samantha, as they wound up the meeting-house hill ; but ain t I3 TIMOTHY S QUEST we hed bout enough peace for one spell ? If peace was the best thing we could get in this world, we might as well be them old cows by the side o the road there. There ain t nothin so peaceful as a cow, when you come to that ! The two women went into the church more perplexed in mind than they would have cared to confess. During the long prayer (the minister could talk to God at much greater length than he could talk about Him), Miss Vilda prayed that the Lord would provide the two little wanderers with some more suitable abiding-place than the White Farm ; and that, failing this, He would in form His servant whether there was anything unchristian in sending them to a comfortable public asylum. She then reminded Heaven that she had made the Foreign Missionary Society her residuary legatee, a deed that established her claim to being a zealous mem ber of the fold, so that she could scarcely be blamed for not wishing to take two orphan children into her peaceful home. Well, it is no great wonder that so faulty a prayer did not bring the wished-for light at TIMOTHY S QUEST 139 once ; but the ministering angels, who had the father less little ones in their care, did not allow Miss Vilda s mind to rest quietly. Just as the congregation settled itself after the hymn, and the palm-leaf fans began to sway in the air, a swallow flew in through the open window ; and, after fluttering to and fro over the pulpit, hid itself in a dark corner, unnoticed by all save the small boys of the congregation, to whom it was, of course, a priceless boon. Miss Vilda could not keep her wandering thoughts on the sermon any more than if she had been a small boy. She was anything but superstitious ; but she had seen that swallow, or some of its ancestors, before. . . It had flown into the church on the very Sunday of her mother s death. . . . They had left her sitting in the high-backed rocker by the window, the great family Bible and her spectacles on the little light- stand beside her. . . . When they returned from church, they had found their mother sitting as they left her, with a smile on 140 TIMOTHY S QUEST her face, but silent and lifeless. . . . And through the glass of the spectacles, as they lay on the printed page, Vilda had read the words, For a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter ; had read them wonderingly, and marked the place with reverent fingers. . . . The swallow flew in again, years after ward. . . . She could not remember the day or the month, but she could never forget the summer, for it was the last bright one of her life, the last that pretty Martha ever spent at the White Farm. . . . And now here was the swallow again. . . . For a bird of the air shall carry the voice, and that which hath wings shall tell the matter. Miss Vilda looked on the book and tried to follow the hymn ; but passages of Scrip ture flocked into her head in place of good Dr. Watts verses, and when the little melo- deon played the interludes she could only hear : Yea, the sparrow hath found her an house and the swallow a nest where she may lay her young, even Thy altars, O Lord of Hosts, my King and my God. TIMOTHY S QUEST 141 As a bird that wandereth from her nest, so is a man that wandereth from his place. The foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of Man hath not where to lay His head. And then the text fell on her bewildered ears, and roused her from one reverie to plunge her in another. It was chosen, as it chanced, from the First Epistle of Timothy, chapter first, verse fifth : Now the end of the commandment is chanty, out of a pure heart. 1 That means the Missionary Society, said Miss Vilda to her conscience doggedly ; but she knew better. The parson, the text, or was it the bird ? had brought the message ; but for the moment she did not lend the hearing car or the understanding heart. SCENE X THE SUPPER TABLE A Tint Ilitty comes to make over] and supplies Back Numbers to all the Village Histories /^ A "NT HITTY, otherwise Mrs. Silas Tarbox, was as cheery and loquacious a person as you could find in a Sabbath day s journey. She was armed with a substantial amount of knowledge at almost every conceivable point ; but if an un expected emergency ever did arise, her imagination was equal to the strain put upon it and rose superior to the occasion. Yet of an evening, or on Sunday, she was no village gossip ; it was only when you put a needle in her hand or a cutting-board in her lap that her memory started on its interminable journeyings through the fields of the past. She knew every biography and every ought-to-be- ography in the county, and could tell you the branches of every genealogical tree in the village. It \vas dusk at the White Farm, and a late K 146 TIMOTHY S QUEST supper was spread upon the hospitable board. Aunt Hitty was always sure of a bountiful repast If one were going to economise one would not choose for that purpose the day when the village seamstress came to sew ; especially when the aforesaid lady served the community in the stead of a local news paper. The children had eaten their bread and milk, and were out in the barn with Jabe, watching the milking. Aunt Hitty was in a cheerful mood as she reflected on her day s achievements. Out of Dr. Jonathan Cum mins old cape coat she had carved a pair of brief trousers and a vest for Timothy ; out of Mrs. Jonathan Cummins waterproof, a ser viceable jacket ; and out of Deacon Abijah Cummins linen duster an additional coat and vest for warm days. The owners of these garments had been dead many years, but nothing was ever thrown away, and, for that matter, very little given away, at the White Farm, and the ancient habiliments had finally been diverted to a useful purpose. I hope I shall relish my vittles to-night, said Aunt Hitty, as she poured her tea into TIMOTHY S QUEST 147 her saucer, and set the cup in her little blue cup plate ; but I Ye had the ncuralgy so in my face that it s be n more n ten days sence I Ye bc n able to carry a knife to my mouth. . . . Your meat vittles is always so tasty, Miss Cummins. I was savin to Mis Sawyer last week I think she lets her beef hang too long. It s dretful tender, but I don t b lieve its hullsome. For my part, as I Ye many a time said to Si, I like meat with some chaw to it. Mis Sawyer don t put half enough vittles on her table. She thinks it scares folks ; it don t me a mite, it makes me s hungry as a wolf. When I set a table for comp ny I pile on a hull lot, n I find it kind o discourages em. . . . Mis South- wick s hevin a reg lar brash o house- cleanin . She s too p ison neat for any earthly use, that woman is. She s fixed clam-shell borders roun all her garding beds, an got enough left for a pile in one corner, where she s goin to set her oleander kag. Then she s bought a haircloth chair and got a new three-ply carpet in her parlour, n put the old one in the spare-room n 1 the back- entry. Her daughter s down here from 148 TIMOTHY S QUEST New Haven. She s married into one of the first families o Connecticut, Lobelia has, n she puts on a good many airs. She s rigged out her mother s parlour with lace curtains n one thing n other, n wants it called the drawin -room. Did ye ever hear tell such foolishness ? " Drawin -room ! " s I to Si ; " what s it goin to draw ? Nothin but flies, I guess likely ! " (No more, thank you, my cup ain t out yet.) Mis Pennell s got a new girl to help round the house one o them pindlin light-complected Smith girls, from the Swamp look s if they was nussed on bonny-clabber. She s so hombly I sh d think t would make her back ache to carry her head round. She ain t very smart, neither. Her mother sent word she d pick up n do better when she got her growth. That made Mis Pennell hoppin mad. She said she didn t cal late to pay a girl three shillin s a week for growin . Mis Pennell s be n feelin consid able slim, or she wouldn t a hired help; it s just like pullin teeth for Deacon Pennell to pay out money for any thing like that. He watches every mouthful the girl puts into her mouth, n it s made TIMOTHY S QUEST 149 him bout down sick to see her fleshin up on his vittles. They say he has her put the mornin coffee-groun s to dry on the winder- sill, n then has cm scalt over for dinner ; but, there ! I don t know s there s a mite o truth in it, so I won t re peat it. They went to him to git a subscription for the new hearse the other day. Land sakes ! we need one bad enough. I thought for sure, at the last funeral we had, that they d never git Mis Strout to the grave yard safe and sound. I kep a-thinkin all the way how she d a took on, if she d bc n alive. She was the most timersome woman t ever was. She was a Thomson, n all the Thomsons was scairt at their own shaddcrs. Ivory Strout rid right behind the hearse, n he says his heart was in his mouth the hull durin time for fear t would break down n spill poor Ann out. He didn t git much comfort out Gossip. 150 TIMOTHY S QUEST the occasion, I guess ! Wan t he mad he hed to ride in the same buggy with his mother- in-law ! The minister planned it all out, n wrote down the order o the mourners, n passelled him out with old Mis Thomson. I was stan in close by, n I heard him say he s posed he could go that way if he must, but t would spile the hull blamed thing for him ! . . . Well, as I was sayin , the ^leckmen went to Deacon Pennell to get a contribution towards buyin the new hearse ; an do you know, he wouldn t give em a dollar ! He told em he give five dollars towards the other one more n twenty years ago, n hadn t never got a cent s worth o use out of it. That s Deacon Pennell all over ! As Si says, if the grace o God wan t given to all of us without money n without price, you wouldn t never hev ketched Deacon Pennell experiencin religion ! He puts an awful sight of energy into it when he sings " I m glad salvation s free ! " and it would have to be a free gospel that would convict him o sin, that s certain ! . . . They say Seth Thatcher s married out in lowy. His mother s tickled most to death. She heerd he was settin TIMOTHY S QUEST 151 up with a girl out there, n she was scairt to death for fear he d get served as Lemuel n Cyrus was. The Thatcher boys never hed any luck gettin married, n they always took disappointments in love tumble hard. You know Cyrus set in that front winder o Mis Thatcher s, n rocked back n forth for ten year, till he wore out five cane-bottomed cheers, n then rocked clean through down cellar all on account o Crany Ann Sweat. Well, I hope she got her comeuppance in another world she never did in this ; she married well n lived in Boston. . . . Mis Thatcher hopes Seth 11 come home to live. She s dretful lonesome in that big house, all alone. She d oughtcr have somebody for a company-keeper. She can t see nothin but trees n cows from her winders. . . . Beats all, the places they used to put houses. Either they d get em right under foot so t you d most tread on em when you walked along the road, or else they d set em clean back in a lane, where the women folks couldn t see face o clay week in n week out. (A few more o your cold string beans, Miss Cummins.) 152 TIMOTHY S QUEST Joel Whitten s widder s just drawed his pension along o his bein in the war o 1812. It s took em all these years to fix it. Massy sakes ! don t some folks have their luck but tered in this world ? . . . She was his fourth wife, n she never lived with him but thir teen days fore he up n died. ... It doos seem s if the guv ment might look after things a little mite closer. . . . Talk about Joel Whitten s bein in the war o 1812 ! Everybody knows Joel Whitten wouldn t have fit a skeeter ! He never got any further n Scratch Corner, anyway, n there he clim a tree or hid behind a hen-coop some- wheres till the regiment got out o sight. . . . Yes : one, two, three, four, Huldy was his fourth wife. His first was a Hogg, from Hoggses Mills. The second was Dorcas Doolittle, aunt to Jabe Slocum ; she didn t hardly know enough to make soap, Dorcas didn t. . . . Then there was Delia Weeks, from the Lower Corner. . . . She didn t live long. . . . There was somethin wrong with Delia. . . . She was one o the thin- blooded, white-livered kind. . . . You couldn t get her warm, no matter how hard you tried. TIMOTHY S QUEST 153 . . . She d set over a roarin fire in the cook- stove even in the prickliest o the dog-days. . . . The mill-folks used to say the Whittens burnt more cut-roun s n stickens n any three fam lies in the village. . . Well, after Delia died, then come Huldy s turn, n it s she, after all, that s drawed the pension. , Huldy took Joel s death consid able hard, scein as she never had him but thirteen days, but I guess she 11 perk up, now she s come int this money. . . . She s awful leaky- minded, Huldy is, but she s got tender feelin s. . . . One day she happened in at noon-time, n set down to the table with Si n I. ... All of a suddent she bust right out cryin when Si was offerin her a piece o tripe, n then it come out that she couldn t never bear the sight o tripe, it reminded her so of Joel ! It seems tripe was a favourite dish o Joel s. All his wives cooked it first-rate. (Don t you 154 TIMOTHY S QUEST trouble to give me another plate, Samanthy. I ve eat pretty close, and I can take my pie right on this one n save washin now you ve got such a big family.) Jabe Slocum seems to set consid able store by them children, don t he ? . . . I guess he ll never ketch up with his w r ork, now he s got them hangin to his heels. . . . He doos beat all for slowness ! Sfocum s a good name for him, that s certain. An s if that wan t enough, his mother was a Still- well, n her mother was a Doolittle ! . . . The Doolittles was the slowest fam ly in Lincoln County. (Thank you, I m well helped, Samanthy.) Old Cyrus Doolittle was slower n a toad funeral. He was a carpenter by trade, n he was twenty-five years buildin his house, n it warn t no great, either. . . . The stagin was up ten or fifteen years, n he shingled it four or five times before he got roun , for one patch o shingles used to wear out fore he got the next patch on. He n Mis Doolittle lived in two rooms in the L. There was elegant banisters, but no stairs to em, n no entry floors. There was a tip top cellar, but there wa n t no way o gittin TIMOTHY S QUEST 155 clown to it, n there wan t no conductors to the cisterns. There was only one door panel painted in the parlour. Land sakes ! the neighbours used to happen in bout every week for years n years, hopin he d get another one finished up, but he never did not to my knowledge. . . . Why, it s the gospel truth that when Mis Doolittle died he had to have her embalmed, so t he could git the front door hung for the fun ral ! It was pretty expensive, but money wan t so much importance to Mr. Doolittle if he could save himself hurryin . (No more tea, I thank you.) . . . Spcakin o slow folks, Elder Banks tells an awful good story bout Jabe Slocum. . . . There s another man down to Edgewood, Aaron Peek by name, that s bout as lazy as Jabe. An one day, when the loafers roun the store was talkin bout em, all of a sud- dent they see the two of em startin to come clown Marm Berry s hill, right in plain sight of the store. . . . Well, one o the Edgewood boys bate one o the Pleasant River boys that they could tell which one of em was the laziest by the way they come down that hill. ... So they all watched, n biine by, when 156 TIMOTHY S QUEST Jabe was most down to the bottom of the hill, they was struck all of a heap to see him break into a kind of a jog trot n run down the balance o the way. Well, then, they fell to quarrellin ; for o course the Pleasant River folks said Aaron Peek was the laziest, n the Edgewood boys declared he hedn t got no such record for laziness s Jabe Slo cum hed ; an when they was explainin of it, one way n nother, Elder Banks come along, n they asked him to be the judge. When he heerd tell how t was, he said he agreed with the Edgewood folks that Jabe was lazier n Aaron. " Well, I snum, I don t see how you make that out," says the Pleasant River boys ; " for Aaron walked down, n Jabe run a piece o the way, t any rate." "If Jabe Slocum run," says the Elder, as impressive as if he was preachin , " if Jabe Slocum ever run, then t was because he was too doggoned lazy to hold back \ " an that settled it ! ... No, I couldn t eat Couldn t eat another mo sel. TIMOTHY S QUEST 157 another mossel, Miss Cummins ; I Ve made out a splendid supper. . . . You can t git such pie n doughnuts anywhere else in the village, n what I say I mean. . . . Do you make your riz doughnuts with emptin s ? I want to know ! Si says there s more faculty in cookin flour food than there is in meat victuals, n I guess he s bout right. It was bed-time, and Timothy was in his little room carrying on the most elaborate and complicated plots for reading the future. It must be known that Jabe Slocum was as full of signs as a Farmer s Almanac, and he had given Timothy more than one formula for attaining his secret desires old, well- worn recipes for luck, which had been tried for generations in Pleasant River, and which were absolutely certain in their results. The favourites were : Star bright, star light, First star I vc seen to-night, Wish I may, wish I might, Get the wish I wish to-night ; and one still more impressive : Four posts upon my bed, Four corners uveihead ; 158 TIMOTHY S QUEST Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, Bless the bed I lay upon. Matthew, John, Luke, and Mark, Grant my wish and keep it dark. These rhymes had been chanted with great solemnity, and Timothy sat by the open window in the sweet darkness of the summer night, wishing that he and Gay might stay for ever in this sheltered spot. I 11 make a sign of my very own, he thought. I 11 get Gay s ankle-tic, and put it on the win dow-sill, with the toe pointing out. Then I 11 wish that if we are going to stay at the White Farm, the angels will turn it around, " toe in," to the room, for a sign to me ; and if we Ve got to go, I 11 wish they may leave it the other way ; and, oh dear, but I m glad it s so little and easy to move ; then I 11 say Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, four times over, without stopping, as Jabe told me to, then I 11 say my prayer and what I can remember of the catechism, then I 11 see how it turns out in the morning. . . . But the incantation was more soothing than the breath of Miss Vilda s scarlet TIMOTHY S QUEST 159 poppies, and before the magical verse had fallen upon the drowsy air for the third time, Timothy was fast asleep, with a smile of hope on his parted lips. There was a sweet summer shower in the night. The soft breezes, fresh from shaded dells and nooks of fern, fragrant with the odour of pine and vine and wet wood-violets, blew over the thirsty meadows and golden stubble-fields, and brought an hour of gentle rain. It sounded a merry tintinnabulation on Samantha s milk-pans, wafted the scent of dripping honeysuckle into the farmhouse windows, and drenched the night-caps in which prudent farmers had dressed their haycocks. Next morning the green world stood on tiptoe to welcome the victorious sun, and every little leaf shone as a child s eyes might shine at the remembrance of a joy just past. A bobolink, perched on a swaying apple- branch above Martha s grave, poured out his soul in grateful melody. Timothy, wakened by Nature s sweet good-morning, leaped from the too fond embrace of Miss Vilcla s feather- i6o TIMOTHY S QUEST bed, and lo, a miracle ! Timothy s angels had interpreted his signs in their own way. The woodbine clung close to the wall beneath his window. It was tipped with strong young shoots reaching out their in nocent hands to cling to any support that offered ; and one baby tendril that seemed to have grown in a single night, so delicate it was, had somehow been blown by the sweet night wind from its drooping-place on the parent vine, and, falling on the window-sill, had curled lovingly round Gay s fairy shoe and held it fast ! SCENE XI TIM : HONEYSUCKLE TORCH T was a drowsy afternoon. The grasshoppers chirped lazily in the warm grasses, and the toads blinked sleepily under the sha dows of the steps, scarcely snap ping at the flies as they danced by on silver wings. Down in the old garden the still pools, in which the laughing brook rested itself here and there, shone like glass under the strong beams of the sun, and the baby horned- pouts, rustling their whiskers drowsily, scarcely stirred the water as they glided slowly through its crystal depths. The air was fragrant with the odour of new-mown grass and the breath of wild strawberries that had fallen under the sickle to make the sweet hay sweeter with their crimson juices. The whir of the scythes and the clatter of the mowing-machine came from the distant meadows. Field mice and 164 TIMOTHY S QUEST *V ground sparrows were aware that *,*) it probably was all up with their little summer residences, for ,- ^.V^L, f%& ^ haying-time was at its height, and the Giant, mounted on the Avenging Chariot, would speed ily make his appearance; butter cups and daisies, tufted grasses and blossoming weeds, must all bow their heads before him, and if there was anything more valuable hidden at their roots, so much the worse ! Supposing a bird or mouse had been especially far-sighted and had located his family near a stump fence on a particularly uneven bit of ground, why there was always a walking Giant going about the edges with a gleaming scythe, so that it was no wonder, when reflecting on these matters after a day s palpi tation, that the little denizens of the fields thought it very natural that there should be Nihilists and Socialists in TIMOTHY S QUEST 165 the world, plotting to overturn monopolies and other gigantic schemes for crushing the people. Rags enjoyed the excitement of haying immensely. 1 1 is life was one long holiday now, and the close quarters, scanty fare, and wearisome mo notony of Minerva Court only visited his memory dimly when he was suffering the pangs of indigestion. In the first few weeks of his life at the White Farm, before his appetite was satiated, he was wont to cat all the white cat s food as well as his own ; and as this highway robbery took place in the retirement of the shed, where Samantha Ann always swept them for their meals, no human being was any the wiser, and only the angels saw the white cat nettinir whiter and whiter i66 TIMOTHY S QUEST and thinner and thinner, while every day Rags grew more corpulent and aldermanic in his figure ; although as his stomach was more favourably located than an alderman s, he could still see the surrounding country, and he had the further advantage of pos sessing four legs, instead of two, to carry it about. Timothy was happy, for he was a dreamer, and this quiet life harmonised well with the airy fabric of his dreams. He loved every stick and stone about the old homestead already, because the place had brought him the only glimpse of freedom and joy that he could remember in these last bare and anxious years ; and if there were other and brighter years, far, far back in the misty gardens of the past, they only yielded him a secret sense of having been, a memory that could never be captured and put into words. Each morning he woke fearing to find his present life a vision, and each morning he gazed with unspeakable gladness at the sweet reality that stretched itself before his eyes as he stood for a moment at his window above the honeysuckle porch. TIMOTHY S QUEST 167 There were the cucumber frames (he had helped Jabe to make them) ; the old summer- house in the garden (he had held the basket of nails and handed Jabc the tools when he patched the roof) ; the little workshop where Samantha potted her tomato plants (he had been allowed to water them twice, with fingers trembling at the thought of too little or too much for the tender things) ; and the grindstone where Jabe ground the scythes and told him stories as he sat and turned the wheel, while Gay sat beside them making dandelion chains. Yes, it was all there, and he was a part of it. Timothy had all the poet s faculty ot interpreting the secrets that are hidden in everyday things, and when he lay prone on the warm earth in the cornfield, deep among the vanished crispness of the jointed stalks, the rustling of the green things growing sent thrills of joy along the sensitive currents of his being. He was busy in his room this afternoon putting little partitions in some cigar boxes, where, very soon, two or three dozen birds eggs were to repose in fleece-lined nooks ; for Jabe Slocum s collec- 168 TIMOTHY S QUEST tion of three summers (every egg acquired in the most honourable manner, as he explained) had all passed into Timothy s hands that very day, in consideration of various services well and conscientiously performed. What a delight it was to handle the precious bits of things, like porcelain in their daintiness ! to sort out the tender blue of the robin, the speckled beauty of the sparrow ; to put the peewee s and the thrush s each in its place, with a swift throb of regret that there would have been another little soft throat bursting with a song, if some one had not taken this pretty egg. And there was, over and above all, the never-ending marvel of the one humming-bird s egg that lay like a pearl in Timothy s slender brown hand. Too tiny to be stroked like the others, only big enough to be stealthily kissed. So tiny that he must get out of bed two or three times in the night to see if it is safe. So tiny that he has horrible fears lest it should slip out or be stolen, and so he must take the box to the window and let the moonlight shine upon the fleecy cotton, and find that it is still there, and cover it safely over again TIMOTHY S QUEST 169 and creep back to bed, wishing that he might see a thumb s bigness of burnished plumage sheltering it with her speck of a breast. Ah ! to have a little humming-bird s egg to love, and to feel that it was his very own, was something to Timothy, as it is to all starved human hearts full of love that can find no outlet. Miss Vilda was knitting, and Samantha was shelling peas on the honeysuckle porch. Several days had passed since Miss Cummins had gone to the city and come back no wiser than she went, save that she had made a somewhat exhaustive study of the slums, and had acquired a more intimate knowledge of the ways of the world than she had ever possessed before. She had found Minerva Court, and designated it on her return as a sink of iniquity, to which Afric s sunny fountains, India s coral strand, and other tropical localities frequented by missionaries were virtuous in comparison. For you don t expect anything of black heathens, said she ; but there ain t any question in my mind about the accountability of folks livin in a Christian country, where 170 TIMOTHY S QUEST you can wear clothes and set up to an air tight stove and be comfortable, to say nothin of meetin -houses every mile or two, and Bible Societies and Young Men s and Young Women s Christian Associations, and the gospel free to all with the exception of pew rents and contribution boxes, and those omitted when it s necessary. She affirmed that the ladies and gentlemen whose acquaintance she had made in Minerva Court were, without exception, a mess o malefactors, whose only good point was that, lacking all human qualities, they did not care who she was, nor where she came from, nor what she came for ; so that, as a matter of fact, she had escaped without so much as leaving her name and place of resid ence. She learned that Mrs. Nancy Sim mons had sought pastures new in Montana ; that Miss Ethel Montmorency still resided in the metropolis, but did not choose to disclose her modest dwelling-place to the casual in quiring female from the rural districts ; that a couple of children had disappeared from Minerva Court, if they remembered rightly, but that there was no disturbance made TIMOTHY S QUEST 171 about the matter, as it saved several people much trouble ; that Mrs. Morrison had had no relations, though she possessed a large circle of admiring friends ; that none of the admiring friends had called since her death or asked about the children ; and finally, that Number Three had been turned into a saloon, and she was welcome to go in and slake her thirst for information with something more satisfactory than she could get outside. The last straw, and one that would have broken the back of any self-respecting (un married) camel in the universe, was the offensive belief on the part of the Minerva Courtiers, that the rigid Puritan maiden who was conducting the examination was the erring mother of the children, visiting in dis guise their former dwelling-place. The con versation on this point becoming extremely pointed and jocose, Miss Cummins finally turned and fled, escaping to the railway station as fast as her trembling legs could carry her. So the trip was a fruitless one, and the mystery that enshrouded Timothy and Lady Gay was as impenetrable as ever. I wish I d a gone to the city with you, i;z TIMOTHY S QUEST remarked Samantha. Not that I could a found out anything more n you did, for I guess there ain t anybody thereabouts that knows more n we do, and anybody t wants the children won t be troubled with the rela tion. But I d like to give them bold-faced jigs n hussies a good piece o my mind for once ! You re too timersome, Vildy ! I b lieve I 11 go some o these days yet, and carry a good stout umbrella in my hand too. It says in a book somewhars that there s insults that can only be wiped out in blood. Ketch em hintin that I m the mother of anybody, that s all ! I declare I don know what our Home Missionary Societies s doin not to regenerate them places or exterminate em, one or t other. Somehow our religion don t take holt as it ought to. It takes a burnin zeal to clean out them slum places, and burnin zeal ain t the style nowadays. As my father used to say, " Religion s putty much like fish n pertetters ; if it s hot, it s good, n if it s cold t ain t wuth a " well, a short word came in there, but I won t say it. Speakin o religion, I never had any experi ence in teachin , but I didn t s pose there TIMOTHY S QUEST 173 was any knack bout teachin religion, same as there is bout teachin readin n rith- metic, but I hed hard work makin Timothy understand that catechism you give him to learn the other Sunday. lie was all upsot with doctrine when he come to say his lesson. Now you can t scare some children with doc trine, no matter how hot you make it, or mebbe they don t more n half believe it ; but Timothy s an awful sensitive creeter, n when he come to that answer to the question " What are you then by nature ? An enemy to God, a child of Satan, and an heir of hell," he hid his head on my shoulder and bust right out cry in . " How many Gods is there ? " s e, after a spell. " Land ! " thinks I, " I knew he was a heathen, but if he turns out to be an idolater, whatever shall I do with him ! " " Why, where Vc you be n fetched up ? " s I ; "there s only one God, the High and Mighty Ruler of the Univarsc," s I. " Well," s e, " there must be more n one, for the God in this lesson isn t like the one in Miss Dora s book at all ! " Land sakes ! I don t want to teach catechism agin in a hurry, nor till I Ye hed a little spiritual instruction from the 174 TIMOTHY S QUEST minister. The fact is, Vildy, that our b liefs, when they re picked out o the Bible and set down square and solid thout any softening down n explainin that they ain t so bad as they sound, is too strong meat for babes. Now, I m Orthodox to the core (here she lowered her voice as if there might be a stray deacon in the garden), but pears to me if I was makin out lessons for young ones I wouldn t fill em so plumb full o brimstun. Let em do a little suthin to deserve it Tore you scare em to death, say I. Jabe explained it all out to him after supper. It beats all how he gets on with children. I d ruther hear how he explained it, answered Samantha sarcastically. He s great on expoundin the Scripters jest now. Well, I hope it 11 last. Land sakes ! you d think nobody ever experienced religion afore, he s so set up bout it. You d s pose he kep the latch-key o the heavenly mansions right in his vest pocket, to hear him go on. He couldn t be no more stuck up bout it if he was the only sinner that ever repented. I notice he took plaguey good care to git TIMOTHY S QUEST 175 converted in the meetin -house nearest home. You wouldn t ketch him travellin fur for his salvation. There goes Elder Nichols, said Miss Vilcla. Xo\v there s a plan we hadn t thought of. We might take the children over to Purity Village. I think likely the Shakers would take em. They like to get young folks and break em in to their doctrines. Tim d make a tip-top Shaker/ laughed Samantha. He d be an Elder afore he was twenty-one. I can seem to see him now, with his hair danglin long in his neck, a blue coat buttoned up to his chin, and his hands scc- sawin up n down, prancin round in them solemn dances. Tim would do well enough, but I ain t so sure of Gay. They d have their hands full with her, I guess ! I guess they would. Anybody that wanted to make a Shaker out o her would a had to begin with her grandmother ; and that wouldn t a done nuther, for they don t b lieve in manyin , and the thing would a stopped right there, and Gay wouldn t never a been born hit the world. 176 TIMOTHY S QUEST 4 And been a great sight better off, inter polated Miss Vilda. Now don t talk that way, Vildy. Who knows what lays ahead o that child ? The Lord may be savin her up to do some great work for Him, she added, with a wild flight of the imagination. She looks like it, don t she ? asked Vilda with a grim intonation ; but her face softened a little as she glanced at Gay asleep on the rustic bench under the window. The picture would have struck terror to the sad-eyed aesthete, but an artist who liked to see colours burn and glow on the canvas would have been glad to paint her ; a little frock of buttercup calico, bare dimpled neck and arms, hair that put the yellow calico to shame by reason of its tinge of copper, skin of roses and milk that dared the microscope, red smiling lips, one stocking and ankle-tic kicked off and five pink toes calling for some silly woman to say, This little pig went to market ; a great bunch of nasturtiums in one warm hand, the other buried in Rags, who was bursting with the white cat s dinner, and in such a state of snoring bliss that TIMOTHY S QUEST 177 his tail wagged occasionally, even in his dreams. She don t look like a missionary at this minute, if that s what you mean, said Sa- mantha hotly. She may not be called n elected to traipse over to Africy with a Test - ment in one hand n a sun umbreller in the other, savin souls by the wholesale ; but t ain t no mean service to go through the world stealin in to folks hearts like a ray o sunshine, n lightin up every place you step foot in ! I ain t sayin anything against the child, Samanthy Ann ; you said yourself she wan t cut out for a Shaker ! No more she is, laughed Samantha, when her good-humour was restored. She d like the singin n dancin well enough, but t would be hard work smoothin the kink out of her hair n fixin it under one o their white Sunday bunnets. She wouldn t like livin altogether with the women-folks nuther. M Gay asleep. 1 78 TIMOTHY S QUEST The only way for Gay 11 be to fetch her right up with the men-folks, n hev her see they ain t no great things, anyway. Land sakes ! if t warn t for dogs n dark nights, I shouldn t care if I never see a man ; but Gay has em all on her string a ready, from the boy that brings the cows home for Jabe to the man that takes the butter to the city. The tin peddler give her a dipper this mornin, and the fish-man brought her a live fish in a tin pail. Well, she makes the house a great sight brighter to live in, you can t deny that, Vildy. I ain t denyin anything in partic ler. She makes a good deal of work, I know that much. And I don t want you to get your heart set on one or both of em, for t won t be no use. We could make out with one of em, I suppose, if we had to, but two is one too many. They seem to set such store by one another that t would be like partin the Siamese twins ; but there, they d pine a while, and then they d get over it. Any how, they 11 have to try. Oh, yes ; you can git over the small-pox, but you 11 carry the scars to your grave most TIMOTHY S QUEST 179 likely. I think t would be a sin to part them children. I wouldn t do it no more n I d tear away that scarlit bean that s twisted itself round n round that pink hollyhock there. I stuck a stick in the ground, and carried a string to the winder ; but I didn t git at it soon enough, the bean vine kep on growin the other way, towards the hollyhock. Then the other night I got my mad up, n I jest oncurled it by main force n wropped it round the string, n if you 11 believe me, I happened to look at it this mornin , n there t was, as nippant as you please, coiled round the hollyhock agin ! Then says I to myself, "SamanthaAnnRipley,you Ve known what t was to be everlastin ly hectored n interfered with all your life, now s posin you let that bean have its hollyhock, if it wants it! " Miss Vilda looked at her sharply as she said, Samantha Ann Ripley, I believe to my soul you re fussin bout Dave Milliken again. Well, I ain t ! Every time I talk bout hollyhocks and scarlit beans I ain t meanin Dave Milliken n me not by a long chalk ! igo TIMOTHY S QUEST I was only givin you my views bout partin them children, that s all ! Well, all I can say is, remarked Miss Vilda obstinately, that those that s desirous of takin in two strange children, and board- in and lodgin em till they get able to do it for themselves, and runnin the resk of their turnin out heathens and malefactors like the folks they came from, can do it if they want to. If I come to see that the baby is too young to send away anywheres I may keep her a spell, but the boy has got to go, and that s the end of it. You Ve been crowdin me into a corner about him for a week, and now I Ve said my say ! Alas ! that tiny humming-bird s egg was crushed to atoms crushed by a boy s slender hand that had held it so gently for very fear of breaking it. Poor little Timothy Jessup had heard his fate for the second time, and knew that he must move on again, for there was no room for him at the White Farm. SCENE XII THE VILLAGE I.yddy Pcttigroi c s Funeral YDDY PETTIGROVE, David Milliken s sister, was dead. n Not one person, but a dozen, had called in at the White Farm to announce this fact and look curiously at Samantha Ann Ripley to see how she took the news. To say the truth, the community did not seem to be overpowered by its bereavement. There seemed to be a general feeling that Mrs. Pettigrove had never been wanted in Pleasant River, coupled with a mild surprise that she should have been welcome anywhere else, even in heaven, where she must have gone, being a church member. Speculation was rife as to who would keep house for Dave Milliken, and whether Samantha Ann would bury the Ripley-Milliken battle-axe and go to the funeral, and whether Mrs. Pettigrove had left her property to David, as was right, or to her husband s sister in New Hampshire, 184 TIMOTHY S QUEST which would be a sin and a shame, but jest as likely as not, though she was well off and didn t need it no more n a toad would a pocket-book, and couldn t bear the sight o Lyddy besides, and whether Mr. Petti- grove s first wife s relations would be asked to the funeral, bein as how they hadn t spoke for years, n wouldn t set on the same side the meetin -house, but when you come to that, if only the folks that was on good terms with Lyddy Pettigrove was asked to the funeral, there d be a slim attendance, and so on. Aunt Hitty was the most important per son in the village on these occasions. It was she who assisted in the last solemn pre parations and took the last solemn stitches. When all was done, she hung her little reticule on her arm, and started to walk from the house of bereavement to her own home, where Si was anxiously awaiting his nightly draught of gossip. No royal herald could have been looked for with greater interest or greeted with greater cordiality. All the housewives that lived on the direct road were on their doorsteps, so as not to TIMOTHY S QUEST 185 lose a moment, and all that lived off the road had seen her from the upstairs windows, and were at the gate to waylay her as she passed. At such a moment Aunt Kitty s bosom swelled with honest pride, and she humbly thanked her Maker that she had been bred to the use of scissors and needle. Two days of this intoxicating popularity had just past ; the funeral was over, and she ran in to the White Farm on her way home, to carry a message and to see with her own eyes how Samantha Ann Ripley was com porting herself. You didn t git out to the fun ral, did ye, Samanthy ? she asked, as she seated her self cosily by the kitchen window. No, I didn t. I never could see the propriety o goin to see folks dead that you never went to see alive. How you talk ! That s one way o puttin" it ! Well, everybody was lookin for you, and you missed a very pleasant fun ral. David n I arranged everything as neat as wax, and it all went off like clockwork, if I do say so as shouldn t. Mis Pettigrovc made a beautiful remains. KIder Weeks. 186 TIMOTHY S QUEST I m glad to hear it. It s the first beauti ful thing she ever did make, I guess ! How you talk ! Ain t you a leetle hard on Lyddy, Samanthy? She warn t sech a bad neighbour, and she couldn t help bein kind o sour like. She was born with her teeth on aidge, to begin with, and then she d be n through seas o trouble with them Petti- groves. 1 Like enough ; but even if folks has be n through seas o trouble, they needn t be everlastin ly spittin up salt brine. " Passin through the valley of sorrow they make it full o fountings " ; that s what the Psalms says bout bearin trouble. Lyddy warn t much on fountings, said Aunt Hitty contemplatively ; but there, we hadn t ought to speak nothin but good o the dead. Land sakes ! You d oughter heard Elder Weekses remarks ; they was splendid. We ain t hed better remarks to any fun ral here for years. I shouldn t a suspicioned he was preachin bout Lyddy, though. Our minister s sick abed, you know, n warn t TIMOTHY S QUEST 187 able to conduct the ex cises. Si thinks he went to bed a-purpose, but I wouldn t hev it repeated ; so David got Elder Weeks from Moderation. He warn t much acquainted with the remains, but he done all the better for that. He s got a wond ful faculty for fun rals. They say he s sent for for miles around. He d just come from a fun ral nine miles the other side o Moderation, up on the Blucb ry road ; so he was a leetle mite late, n David n I \vas as nervous as witches, for every room was cram full n the thermometer stood at 87 in the front entry, n the bearers sot out there by the well- curb, with the sun beatin down on em, n two of em, Squire Hicks n Deacon Dunn, was fast asleep. Inside, everything was as silent s the tomb, cept the kitchen clock, n that ticked loud enough to wake the dead most. I thought I should go inter conniptions. I set out to git up n throw a shawl over it, it ticked so loud. Then, while we was all scttin there s solemn s the last trump, what does old Aunt Beccy Burnham do but git up from the kitchen corner where she sot, take the corn-broom from behind the i88 TIMOTHY S QUEST door, and sweep down a cobweb that was lodged up in one o the corners over the mantelpiece ! We all looked at one nother, n I thought for a second somebody d laugh, but nobody dassed, n there warn t a sound in the room s Aunt Beccy sot down agin without movin a muscle in her face. Just then the minister drove in the yard with his horse sweatin like rain ; but behind time as he was, he never slighted things a mite. His prayer was twenty-three minutes by the clock. Twenty-three minutes is a leetle mite too long this kind o weather, but it was an all-embracin prayer, n no mistake ! Si said when he got through, the Lord had His instructions on most any p int that was likely to come up durin the season. When he got through his remarks there warn t a dry eye in the room. I don t s pose it made any odds whether he was preachin bout Mis Pettigrove or the woman on the Blueb ry road it was a movin , elevatin discourse, n that was what we went there for. It wouldn t a be n so elevatin if he d told the truth/ said Samantha ; but there/ I ain t goin to spit no more spite out. TIMOTHY S QUEST 189 Lycldy Pcttigrove s dead, n I hope she s in heaven, and all 1 can say is, that she 11 be dretful busy up there ondoin all she done down here. You say there was a good many out ? Yes ; we ain t hed so many out for years, so Susanna Rideout says, and she d ought to know, for she ain t missed a fun ral sence she was nine years old, and she s eighty-one, come Thanksgivin , ef she holds out that long. She says fun rals is bout the only recreation she has, n she doos git a heap o satisfaction out of em, n no mistake. She 11 go early, afore any o the comp ny assembles. She 11 say her clock must a be n fast, n then they 11 ask her to set down n make herself to home. Then she ll choose her seat accordin to the way the house is planned. She won t git too fur from the remains, because she ll want to see how the fam ly appear when they take their last look, but she 11 want to git opp site a door, where she can peek into the other rooms n see whether they shed any tears when the minister begins his remarks. She allers takes a little gum camphire in her igo TIMOTHY S QUEST pocket, so t if anybody faints away during the long prayer she s right on hand. Bein near the door, she can hear all the minister says, n how the order o the mourners is called, n ef she ain t too fur from the front winders she can hev a good view of the bearers and the mourners as they get into the kerridges. There s a sight in knowin how to manage at a fun ral ; it takes faculty, same as anything else. How does David bear up ? asked Miss Vilda. Oh, he s calm. David was always calm and resigned, you know. He shed tears durin the remarks, but I s pose, mebbe, he was wishin they was more appropriate. He s about the forlornest creeter now you ever see in your life. There never was any self-assume to David Milliken. I declare it s enough to make you cry jest to look at him. I cooked up victuals enough to last him a week, but that ain t no way for men- folks to live. When he comes in at noon time he washes up out by the pump, n then he steps int the butt ry n pours some cold tea out the teapot n takes a drink of it, n TIMOTHY S QUEST 191 then a bite o cold punkin-pie n then more tea, all the time stan in up to the shelf stid o sittin down like a Christian, and lookin out the winder as if his mind was in Hard Scrabble n his body in Buttertown, n as if he didn t know whether he was eatin pie 1 The tears that blinded her eyes. or putty. Land ! I can t bear to watch him. I dassay he misses Lyddy s jawin ; it must seem dretful quiet. I declare it seems to me that meek, resigned folks, that s too good to squeal out when they re abused, is allers the ones that gits the hardest knocks ; but I don t doubt but what there s goin to be an cverlastin evenupness somewheres. 192 TIMOTHY S QUEST Samantha got up suddenly and went to the sink window. It s bout time the men come in for their dinner, she said ; and although Jabe was mowing the millstone hill, in a flaming red flannel shirt, she could not see him because of the tears that blinded her eyes. SCENE XIII THE VILLAGE Pleasant River is baptized with the Spirit of Adoption N UT I didn t come in to talk bout the fun ral/ continued Aunt Hitty, wishing that human flesh were transpar ent so that she could see through Samanthy Ann Ripley s back. I had an errant n oughter be n in afore, but I Ve been so busy these last few days I couldn t find rest for the sole o my foot skersely. I ve sewed in seven dif rent houses sencc I was here last, and I ve made it my biz ness to try n stop the gossip bout them children n give folks the rights o the matter, n git em int restcd to do somethin, for em. Now there ain t a livin soul that wants the boy, but Timothy, said Miss Vilda hurriedly run and fetch me a passle of chips, that s a good boy. Land sakes, Aunt Hitty, you needn t tell him to his face that nobody wants him. He s got feelin s like any other child. 196 TIMOTHY S QUEST He set there so quiet with a book in front of him I clean forgot he was in the room/ said Aunt Hitty apologetically. Land ! I m so tender-hearted I can t set my foot on a June bug, n t ain t likely I d hurt any body s feelin s, but as I was sayin , I can t find nobody that wants the boy, but the Doctor s wife thinks p raps she ll be willin to take the baby n board her for nothin , if somebody else 11 pay for her clothes. At least she ll try her a spell n see how she behaves, n whether she s good comp ny for her own little girl that s a reg lar limb o" Satan anyway, n consid able worse sence she s had the scarlit fever, n deef as a post too, tho they re blisterin her, n she may git over it. I told her I d bring Gay over to-night as I was comin by, bein as how she was worn out with sickness n house-cleanin n one thing n nother, n couldn t come to git her very well herself. I thought mebbe you d be willin to pay for her clothes ruther n hev so much talk bout it, tho I Ve told everybody that they walked right in to the front gate, n you n Samanthy never set eyes on em before, n didn t know where they come from. TIMOTHY S QUEST 197 Samantha wiped her eyes surreptitiously with the dishcloth, and turned a scarlet face away from the window. Timothy was get ting his passle of chips. Gay had spied him, and toddling over to his side, holding her dress above the prettiest pair of feet that ever trod clover, had sat down on him (a favourite pastime of hers), and after jolting her fat little person up and down on his patient head, rolled herself over and gave him a series of bear-hugs. Timothy looked pale and languid, Samantha thought, and though Gay waited for a frolic with her most ador able smile, he only lifted her coral necklace to kiss the place where it hung, and tied on her sun-bonnet soberly. Samantha wished that Vilcla had been looking out of the win dow. Her own heart did not need softening, but somebody else s did, she was afraid. I in much obliged to you for takin so much interest in the children, said Miss Vilda primly, and partic lerly for clearin our characters, which everybody that lives in this village has to do for each other bout once a week, and the rest o the time they take for spoilin of em. And the Doctor s 198 TIMOTHY S QUEST wife is very kind, but I shouldn t think o sendin the baby away so sudden while the boy is still here. It wouldn t be no kindness to Mrs. Mayo, for she d have a reg lar French and Indian war right on her premises. It was here the children came, just as you say, and it s our duty to see em settled in good homes, but I shall take a few days more to think bout it, and I 11 let her know by Saturday night what we Ve decided to do. That s the most meddlesome, interferin , gossipin woman in this county, she added, as Mrs. Silas Tarbox closed the front gate, and I wouldn t have her do another day s work at this house if I didn t have to. But it s worse for them that don t have her than for them that does. Now there s the Bap tist minister drivin up to the barn. What under the canopy does he want ? Tell him Jabe ain t to home, Samanthy. No, you needn t, for he s hitched, and seems to be comin to the front door ! I never could abide the looks of him, said Samantha, peering over Miss Vilda s shoulder. T ain t his doctrines I object to so much, though bein a good Congrega- TIMOTHY S QUEST 199 tionalist I don t see no sense in em, but a man with a light chiny blue eye like that ought not to be allowed to go int the minis try. You can t love your brother whom you hev seen with that kind of an eye, and how are you goin to love the Lord whom you hev not seen ? Mr. Southwick, who was a spare man in a long linen duster that looked as if it had not been in the water as often as its wearer, sat clown timidly on the settle and cleared his throat. I ve come to talk with you on a little matter of business, Miss Cummins. Brother S locum has a conferred with me on the subject of a a couple of unfortunate children who have a strayed, as it were, under your hospitable roof, and whom a you are properly anxious to place a under other roofs, as it were. Now you are aware, perhaps, that Mrs. Southwick and I have no children living, though we have at times had our quivers full of them a as the Scrip ture says, but the Lord gave and the Lord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord ; however, that is a neither here 200 TIMOTHY S QUEST nor there. Brother Slocum has so interested us that my wife (who is leading the Woman s Auxiliary Praying Legion this afternoon or she would have come herself) wishes me to say that she would like to receive one of these a little waifs into our family on probation, as it were, and if satisfactory to both parties, to bring it up a somewhat as our own, in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. Samantha waited in breathless suspense. Miss Vilda never would fling away an oppor tunity of putting a nameless, homeless child under the roof of a minister of the Gospel, even if he was a Baptist with a chiny blue eye. At this exciting juncture there was a clatter of small feet ; the door burst open, and the unfortunate waifs under considera tion raced across the floor to the table where Miss Vilda and Samantha were seated. Gay s sun-bonnet trailed behind her, every hair on her head curled separately, and she held her rag-doll upside down with entire absence of decorum. Timothy s paleness, whatever the cause, had disappeared for the moment, and his eyes shone like stars. TIMOTHY S QUEST 201 Oh, Miss Vilda ! he cried breathlessly ; dear Miss Vilda and Samanthy, the grey hen did want to have chickens, and that is what made her so cross, and she is set ting, and we Ve found her nest in the alder bushes by the pond ! ( Gay hen s net in er buttes by er pond, sung Gay, like a Greek chorus.) And we sat down softly beside thepond, but Gay sat into it. ( Gay sat wite into it, an dolly clot her dess wet, but Gay nite ittle did ; Gay didn t det wet ! ) And by-and-by the grey hen got off to get a drink of water ( To det a dink o water - ) And we counted the eggs, and there were thirteen big ones ! ( Fir-teen drate bid ones ! ) So that the darling thing had to s-w-ell out to cover them up ! 202 TIMOTHY S QUEST ( Darlin fin ser-welled out and turveved em up ! ) said Gay, going through the same operation. Yes, said Miss Vilda, looking covertly at Mr. Southwick (who had an eye for beauty, notwithstanding Samantha s stric tures), that s very nice, but you mustn t stay here now ; we are talkin to the minister. Run away, both of you, and let the settin hen alone. Well, as I was goin to say, Mr. Southwick, you re very kind and so s your wife, and I m sure Timothy, that s the boy s name, would be a great help and comfort to both of you, if you re fond of children, and we should be glad to have him near by, for we feel kind of responsible for him, though he s no relation of ours. And we ll think about the matter over night, and let you know in the morning. Yes, exactly, I see, I see ; but it was the young child, the a female child, that my wife desired to take into her family. She does not care for boys, and she is particu larly fond of girls, and so am I, very fond of girls a in reason. Miss Vilda all at once made up her mind TIMOTHY S QUEST 203 on one point, an:l only wished that Samantha wouldn t stare at her as if she had never seen her before. I m sorry to disappoint your wife, Mr. Southwick. It seems that Mrs. Tarbox and Jabez Slocum have been offerin the child to every family in the vil lage, and I s pose bime bye they 11 have the politeness to offer her to me ; but, at any rate, whether they do or not, I propose to keep her myself, and I d thank you to tell folks so, if they ask you. Mebbe you d better give it out from the pulpit, though I can let Mrs. Tarbox know, and that will answer the same purpose. This is the place the baby was brought, and this is the place she s goin to stay. Vildy, you re a good woman ! cried Samantha, when the door closed on the Rev erend Mr. Southwick. I m proud o you, Vildy, n I take back all the hard thoughts 1 Ve be n hevin about you lately. The idee o that chiny-eyed preacher thinkin he was goin to carry that child home in his buggy with hardly so much as sayin " Thank you, inarm ! " I like his imperdence ! His wife lied better wash his duster afore she adopts 204 TIMOTHY S QUEST any children. If they d carry their theories bout immersion s fur as their clo es, 5 t wouldn t be no harm. You needn t give me any compliments. I don know as I d have agreed to keep either of em ef the whole village hadn t intefered and wanted to manage my business for me, and be so dretful charitable all of a sudden, and dictate to me and try to show me my duty. I haven t had a minute s peace for more n a fortnight, and now I hope they 11 let me alone. I 11 take the boy to the city to-morrow, if I live to see the light, and when I come back I 11 tie up the gate and keep the neighbours out till this nine days wonder gets crowded out o their heads by somethin new. You re goin to take Timothy to the city, are you ? asked Samantha sharply. That s what I m goin to do ; and the sooner the better for everybody concerned. Timothy, shut that door and run out to the barn, and don t you let me see you again till supper-time ; do you here me? And you re goin to put him in one o them Homes ? TIMOTHY S QUEST 205 Yes, I am. You see for yourself we can t find any place fer him hereabouts. Well, I Ve be n waitin for days to see what you was goin to do, and now I 11 tell you what I m going to do, if you d like to know. I m goin to keep Timothy myself; to have and to hold from this time forth and for evermore, as the Bible says. That s what I m goin to do ! Miss Cummins gasped with astonishment. I mean what I say, Vildy. I ain t so well off as some, but I ain t a pauper, not by no means. I Ve b en layin by a little every year for twenty years, n you know well enough what for ; but that s all over for ever and ever, amen, thanks be ! And I ain t got chick nor child, nor blood relation in the world, and if I choose to take somebody to do for, why, it s nobody s affairs but my own. You can t do it, and you sha n t do it ! 206 TIMOTHY S QUEST said Miss Vilda excitedly. You ain t goin to make a fool of yourself, if I can help it. We can t have two children clutterin up this place and eatin us out of house and home, and that s the end of it. It ain t the end of it, Vildy Cummins, not by no manner o means! If \ve can t keep both of em, do you know what I think bout it ? I think we d ought to give away the one that everybody wants and keep the other that nobody does want, more fools they ! That s religion, accordin to my way o thinkin . I love the baby, dear knows ; but see here. Who planned this thing all out ? Timothy. Who took that baby up in his own arms and fetched her out o that den o thieves ? Timothy. Who stood all the resk of gittin that innocent lamb out o that sink of iniquity, and hed wit enough to bring her to a place where she could grow up respectable? Timothy. And do you ketch him sayin a word bout himself from fust to last? Not by no manner o means. That ain t Timothy. And what doos the lovin gen rous, faithful little soul git ? He gits his labour for his pains. He hears folks say TIMOTHY S QUEST 207 right to his face that nobody wants him and everybody wants Gay. And if he didn t have a disposition like a cherubim-an-seraphim (and better, too, for they " continually do cry," now I come to think of it), he d be sour and bitter stid o bcin good as an angel in a picture-book from sun-up to sundown ! Miss Vilda was crushed by the overpower ing weight of this argument, and did not even try to stem the resistless tide of Samantha s eloquence. And now folks is all of a high to take in the baby for a spell, jest for a plaything, because her hair curls, n she s han some, n light complected, n a girl (whatever that amounts to is more n I know !), and that blessed boy is trod under foot as if he warn t no better n an angle-worm! And do you mean to tell me you don t see the Lord s hand in this hull bus ness, Vildy Cummins ? There s other kinds o meracles besides budclin rods n burnin bushes n loaves n fishes. What do you s pose guided that boy to pass all the other houses in this village n turn in at the White Farm ? Don t you spose he was led ? Well, I clon t need a Bible 208 TIMOTHY S QUEST nor yit a concordance to tell me he was. He didn t know there was plenty n to spare inside this gate ; a great empty house n full cellar, n hay n stock in the barn, and cowpons in the bank, n two lone, mis able women inside, with nothin to do but keep flies out in summer-time, n pile wood on in winter-time, till they got so withered up n gnarly they warn t hardly wuth getherin int the everlastin harvest ! He didn t know it, I say, but the Lord did ; n the Lord s intention was to give us a chance to make our callin n election sure, n we can t do that by turnin our backs on His messenger, and puttin of him ou doors ! The Lord intended them children should stay together or He wouldn t a started em out that way ; now that s as plain as the nose on my face, n that s consid able plain as I Ve be n told afore now, n can see for myself in the glass without any help from anybody, thanks be ! Everybody 11 laugh at us for a couple o soft-hearted fools, said Miss Vilda feebly, after a long pause. We 11 be a spectacle for the whole village. A Spectacle for Angels. TIMOTHY S QUEST 209 What if we be ? Let s be a spectacle, then ! said Samantha stoutly. We ll be a spectacle for the angels as well as the village, when you come to that ! When they look down n see us gittin out side this door yard n doin one o the Lord s chores for the first time in ten or fifteen years, I guess they will be consid able excited ! But there s no use in talkin , I Ve made up my mind, Vildy. We Ve lived together for thirty years n ain t hardly hed an ugly word, n dretful dull it hez be n for both of us, n I sh an t live nowheres else without you tell me to go ; but I Ve got lots o good work in me yit, n I m goin to take that boy up n give him a chance, n let him stay alongside o the thing he loves best in the world. And if there ain t room for all of us in the fourteen rooms o this part o the house, Timothy n I can live in the L, as you ve aliens intended I should if I got married. And I guess this is bout as near to gittin married as either O 210 TIMOTHY S QUEST of us ever 11 git now, n consid able nearer n I Ve expected to git lately. And I 11 tell Timothy this very night, when he goes to bed, for he s grievin himself into a fit o sickness, as anybody can tell that s got a glass eye in their heads ! SCENE XIV A POINT OF HONOUR TiniotJiv Jessup runs mciiv a Second Time, nn<f, like Other Blessings, brightens as he takes Jiis Flight T was almost dusk, and Jabe Slocum was struggling with the nightly problem of getting the cow from the pasture without any ex penditure of personal effort. Timothy was nowhere to be found, or he would go and be glad to do the trifling service for his kind friend without other remunera tion than a cordial Thank you. Failing Timothy there was always Billy Pcnnell, who would not go for a Thank you, being a boy of a sordid and miserly manner of thought, but who would go for a cent and chalk the cent up, which made it a more reasonable charge than would appear to the casual observer. So Jabe lighted his corn cob pipe, and extended himself under a willow-tree beside the pond, singing in a cheerful fashion, 214 TIMOTHY S QUEST Tremblin sinner, calm your fears ! Jesus is always ready. Cease your sin and dry your tears, Jesus is always ready ! And dretful lucky for you He is ! muttered Samantha, who had come to look for Timothy. Jabe ! Jabe ! Has Timothy gone for the cow ? Dunno. Jest what I was goin to ask you when I got roun to it. Well, how are you goin to find out ? Find out by seein the cow if he hez gone, an by not seein no cow if he Sapw^tff-^J^/ , , T , ^f^^-^S^ " "" ham t. 1m com- ^^^^"- ,,. ,. ... f table either way it turns out. One o them writin fellers that was up here summerin said, " They also serve who d ruther stan n wait " d be a good motto for me, n he s about right when I Ve be n hay in . Look- down there at the shiners, ain t they cool? Gorry ! I wish I was a fish ! If you was you wouldn t wear your fins out, that s certain ! TIMOTHY S QUEST 215 Come now, Samanthy, don t be hard on a feller after his day s work. Want me to git up n blow the horn for the boy ! No, thank you, answered Samantha cuttingly. I wouldn t ask you to blow out your precious breath for fear you d be too lazy to draw it in agin. When I want to get anything done I can gen ally spunk up sprawl enough to do it myself, thanks be ! Wall, now, Samanthy, you cheat the men- folks out of a heap o pleasure bein so all- fired independent, did ye know it ? " Tremblin sinner, calm your fears! Jesus is always ready." When d you see him last ? I hain t seen him sence bout noon-time. Warn t he in to supper ? No. \Ve thought he was off with you. Well, I guess he s gone for the cow, but I should think he d be hungry. It s kind o queer. Miss Vilda was seated at the open window in the kitchen, and Lady Gay was enthroned in her lap, sleepy, affectionate, tractable, adorable. How would you like to live here at the White Farm, deary? asked Miss Vilcla. 216 TIMOTHY S QUEST Oh, yet. I yike to live here if Timfy doin to live here too. I yike oo, I yike Samfy, I yike Dabe, I yike white tat n white tow n white bossy n my boofely desses n my boofely dolly n er day hen n I yikes evelybuddy. But you d stay here like a nice little girl if Timothy had to go away, wouldn t you? No, I won t tay like nite ittle dirl if Timfy do way. If Timfy do way, I do too. I s Timfy s dirl. But you re too little to go away with Timothy. Ven I ky an keam an kick an hold my bwef I s ow you how ! No, you needn t show me how, said Vilda hastily. Who do you love best, deary, Samanthy or me? I yuv Timfy bet. Lemme twy rit-man- poor-man-bedder-man-fief on your buckalins, pease. Then you 11 stay here and be my little girl, will you ? Yet, I tay here an be Timfy s ittle dirl. Now oo p ay by your own seff ittle while, TIMOTHY S QUEST 217 Mit Vildy, pease, coz I dot to dct down an find Samfy an put my dolly to bed coz she s defful seepy. It s half-past eight, said Samantha coming into the kitchen, and Timothy ain t nowheres to be found, and Jabe hain t seen him sence noon-time. You needn t be scared for fear you Ve lost your bargain, remarked Miss Vilda sarcastically. There ain t so many places open to the boy that he 11 turn his back on this one, I guess ! Yet, though the days of chiv alry were over, that was precisely what Timothy Jessup had done. Wilkins Woods was a quiet stretch of timber land that lay along the banks of Pleasant River ; and though the natives, for the most part, would never have noticed if it had been paved with asphalt and roofed in with oil-cloth, it was, nevertheless, the most tranquil bit of loveli ness in all the country round. 2i8 TIMOTHY S QUEST For there the river twisted and turned and sparkled in the sun, and bent itself in grace ful courtesies of farewell to the hills it was leaving ; and kissed the velvet meadows that stooped to drink from its brimming cup ; and lapped the trees gently, as they hung over its crystal mirrors the better to see their own fresh beauty. Here it wound about and in and out, laughing in the morning sun light, to think of the tiny streamlet out of which it grew ; paling and shimmering at evening when it held the stars and moonbeams in its bosom ; and trembling in the night wind to think of the great unknown sea into whose arms it was hurrying. Here was a quiet pool where the rushes bent to the breeze and the quail dipped her wing ; there, a winding path where the cattle came down to the edge, and having looked upon the scene and found it all very good, dipped their sleek heads to drink and drink and drink of the river s nectar. The first pink mayflowers pushed their sweet heads through the reluctant earth here, and there TIMOTHY S QUEST 219 waxen Indian pipes grew in the moist places, and yellow violets hid themselves beneath their modest leaves. And here sat Timothy, with his heart in his eyes, bidding good-bye to all this soft and tender loveliness ; by his side, faithful unto death (but very much in hopes of something better), sat Rags, who thought it a fine enough prospect, but one that could be beaten at all points by a bit of shed-view he knew of, a superincumbent hash-pan, an empty milk- dish, and an emaciated white cat flying round a corner ! The remembrance of these past joys brought the tears to his eyes, but he forbore to let them flow lest he should add to the griefs of his little master, which, for aught he knew, might be as heavy as his own. Timothy was comporting himself, at this trying crisis, neither as a hero nor as a martyr. There is no need of exaggerating his virtues. Enough to say, not that he was a hero, but that he had in him the stuff out of which heroes are made. Win his heart and fire his imagination, and there is no splendid deed of which the boy would not have been 220 TIMOTHY S QUEST capable. That he knew precisely what he was leaving behind, or what he was going forth to meet, would be saying too much. One thing he did know : Miss Vilda had said distinctly that two was one too many, and that he was the objectionable unit referred to. In addition to this he had more than once heard that nobody in Pleasant River wanted him, but there would be plenty of homes open to Gay, if he were safely out of the way. A little allusion to a Home, which he caught when he was just bringing in a four-leaved clover to show to Samantha, com pleted the stock of ideas from which he reasoned. He was very clear on one point ; that he would never be taken alive and put in a home with a capital H. He respected Homes, he approved of them, for other boys, but personally they were unpleasant to him, and he had no intention of dwelling in one if he could help it. The situation did not appear utterly hopeless in his eyes. He had his original dollar and eighty-five cents in money ; Rags and he had supped like kings off wild blackberries and hard gingerbread ; and, more than all, he was young and merci- TIMOTHY S QUEST 221 fully blind to everything but the immediate present Yet even in taking the most com monplace possible view of his character it would be folly to affirm that he was anything but unhappy. His soul was not sustained by the consciousness of having done a self- forgetting and manly act ; for he was not old enough to have such a consciousness, which is something the good God gives us a little later on, to help us over some of the hard places. Nobody wants me ! Nobody wants me ! he sighed, as he lay down under the trees. Nobody ever did want me, I wonder why ! And everybody loves my darling Gay and wants to keep her, and I don t wonder about that. But, oh, if I only belonged to somebody ! (Cuddle up close, little Ragsy ; we ve got nobody but just each other, and you can put your head into the other pocket that hasn t got gingerbread in it, if you please!) If I only was like that little butcher s boy that he lets ride on the seat with him, and hold the reins when he takes meat into the houses, or if I only was that freckle-faced boy with the straw hat that 222 TIMOTHY S QUEST lives on the way to the store ! His mother keeps coming out to the gate on purpose to kiss him. Or if I was even Billy Pennell ! He s had three mothers and two fathers in three years, Jabe says. Jabe likes me, I think, but he can t have me live at his house, because his mother is the kind that needs plenty of room, he says and Samanthy has no house. But I did what I tried to do. I got away from Minerva Court and found a lovely place for Gay to live, with two mothers instead of one ; and maybe they 11 tell her about me when she grows bigger, and then she 11 know I didn t want to run away from her, but whether they tell her or not, she s only a baby, and boys must always take care of girls ; that s what my dream-mother whispers to me in the night, and that s . . . what ... I m always . . . Come! gentle sleep, and take this friend less little knight-errant in thy kind arms ! Bear him across the rainbow bridge, and lull him to rest with the soft plash of waves and sighing of branches ! Cover him with thy mantle of dreams, sweet goddess, and give iim in sleep what he hath never had in waking ! TIMOTHY S QUEST 223 Meanwhile, a more dramatic scene was being enacted at the White Farm. It was nine o clock, and Samantha had gone from pond to garden, shed to barn, and gate to dairy, a dozen times ; but there was no sign of Timothy. Gay had refused to be un dressed till Timfy appeared on the premises, but had fallen asleep in spite of the most valiant resolution, and was borne upstairs by Samantha, who made her ready for bed without waking her. As she picked up the heap of clothes to lay them neatly on a chair, a bit of folded paper fell from the bosom of the little dress. She glanced at it, turned it over and over, read it quite through. Then, after retiring behind her apron a moment, she went swiftly downstairs to the dining-room where Miss Avilda and Jabe were sitting. There ! she exclaimed, with a trium phant sob, as she laid the paper down in front of the astonished couple. That s a letter from Timothy. He s run away, n I don t blame him a mite, n I hope folks 11 be satisfied now they ve got red of the blessed angel, n turned him ou doors with- 224 TIMOTHY S QUEST out a roof to his head ! Read it out, n see what kind of a boy we Ve showed the door to! Dere Miss vilder and sermanthy. i herd you say i cood not stay here enny longer c=. and other people sed nobuddy wood have me and what you sed about the home but as i do not like homes i am going to run away if its all the same to you. Please give Jabe back his birds egs with my love and i am sorry i broak the humming bird s one but it was a naxident. Pleas take good care of gay and i will come back and get her when I am ritch. I thank you very mutch for such a happy time and the white farm is the most butifull plase in the whole whirld. TlM. p. s. i wood not tell you if i was going to stay but billy penel thros stones at the white cow witch i fere will get into her milk so no more from TlM. The Letter. TIMOTHY S QUEST 225 p. s. i am sorry not to say good by but i am afracle on acount of the home so i put them here. The paper fell from Miss Vilda s trembling fingers, and two salt tears dropped into the kissing places. The Lord forgive me ! she said at length it was many a year since any one had seen her so moved. The Lord forgive me for a hard-hearted old woman, and give me a chance to make it right. Not one reproachful word does he say to us about showin partiality not one! And my heart has kind of yearned over that boy from the first, but just because he had Marthy s eyes he kept bringin up the past to me, and I never looked at him without remembcrin P 226 TIMOTHY S QUEST how hard and unforgivin I d be n to her, and thinkin if I d petted and humoured her a little and made life pleasanter, per haps she d never have gone away. And I Ve scrimped and saved and laid up money till it comes hard to pay it out, and when I thought of bringin up and schoolin two children I cal lated I couldn t afford it ; and yet I Ve got ten thousand dollars in the bank and the best farm for miles around. Samanthy, you go fetch my bonnet and shawl, Jabe, you go and hitch up Maria, and we ll go after that boy and fetch him back if he s to be found anywheres above ground ! And if we come across any more o the same family trampin around the country, we ll bring them along home while we re about it, and see if we can t get some sleep and some comfort out o life. The Mission ary Society will have to look somewheres Melted. TIMOTHY S QUEST 227 else for money, I guess. There s plenty o folks that don t get good works set right down in their front yards for em to do. I 11 look out for the individyals for a spell, and let the other folks support the societies ! SCKNE XV WILKINS WOODS Like nil Do^s in Fiction, the FnilJifu! R Miss Vi/ila to his Little Master AMANTHA ran out to the barn to hold the lan tern and see that Jabe did not go to sleep while he was harnessing Maria. But he seemed unusually spry for him, although he was conducting himself in a somewhat strange and unusual manner. His loose figure shook from time to time, as with severe chills ; he appeared too weak to hold up the shafts, so he finally dropped them and hung round Maria s neck in a sort of mild speechless convulsion. What under the canopy ails you, Jabe Slocum ? asked Sainantha. I s pose it s one o them everlastin old addled jokes o yourn you re tryin to hatch out, but it s a poor time to be jokin now. What s the matter with you ? " Ask me no questions n I 11 tell you no lies," is an awful good motto, chuckled Jabe, with a new explosion of mirth that stretched 232 TIMOTHY S QUEST his mouth to an alarming extent. Oh, there, I can t hold in nother minute. I shall bust if I don tell somebody ! Set down on that nail kag, Samanthy, n I 11 let you hev a leetle slice o this joke if you 11 keep it to yourself. You see I know bout whar to look for this here runaway ! You hevn t got him stowed away any wheres, hev you? If you hev, it ll be the last joke you ll play on Vildy Cummins, I can tell you that much, Jabe Slocum. No, I hain t stowed him away, but I can tell putty nigh whar he s stowed hisself away, and I m ready to die a-laffin to see how it s all turned out jest as I suspicioned t would. You see, Samanthy Ann, I thought bout a week ago t would be well enough to kind o create a demand for the young ones so t they d hev some kind of a market value, and so I got Elder Southwick n Aunt Hitty kind o started on that tack. It worked out slick as a whistle, for they didn t know I was usin of em as innercent instruments, and Aunt Hitty don t need much encouragement to talk ; it s a heap easier for her to drizzle n it is to hold up ! Well, I Ye be n sur- TIMOTHY S QUEST 233 misin for a week that the boy meant to run away, and to-day I was dead sure of it ; for he come to me this afternoon, when I was restin a spell on account o the hot sun, and he was awful low-sperrited, n he asked me every namable kind of a question you ever hearn tell of, and all so simple-minded that I jest turned him inside out thout his knowin what I was doin . Well, when I found out what he was up to I could a stopped him then n there, tho I don know s I would anyhow, for I shouldn t like livin in a sylum any better n he doos ; but thinks I to my self, thinks I, I d better let him run away, jest as he s a-plannin and why ? Cause it ll show what kind o stuff he s made of, and that he ain t no beggar layin roun whar he ain t wanted, but a self-respectin boy that s wuth lookin after. And thinks I, Samanthy n I know the wuth of him a ready, but there s them that hain t waked up to it yit, namely, Miss Vildy Trypheny Cummins ; and as Miss Vildy Trypheny Cummins is that kind o cattle that can t be drove, but hez to be kind o coaxed along, mebbe this runnin -away bi/.ness 11 be the 234 TIMOTHY S QUEST thing that ll fetch her roun to our way o thinkin. Now I wouldn t deceive nobody for a farm down East with a pig on it, but thinks I, there ain t no deceivin bout this. He don know I know he s goin to run away, so he s all square ; and he never told me nothin bout his plans, so I m all square ; and Miss Vildy s good as eighteen-karat gold when she gets roun to it, so she 11 be all square ; and Samanthy s got her blinders on n don t see nothin to the right nor to the left, so she s all square. And I ain t inter- ferin with nobody. I m jest lettin things go the way they Ve started, n stan in to one side to see whar they 11 fetch up, kind o like Providence. I m leavin Miss Vildy a free agent, but I m shapin circumstances so s to give her a chance. But, land ! if I d fixed up the thing to suit myself I couldn t a managed it as Timothy hez, thout knowin that he was managin anything. Look at that letter bizness now ! I couldn t a writ that letter better myself! And the sperrit o the little feller, jest takin his dorg n lightin out with nothin but a perlite good-bye! Well, I can t stop to talk no more bout it TIMOTHY S QUEST 235 now, or we won t ketch him, but we 11 jest try Wilkins Woods, Maria, n see how that goes. The river road leads to Edgewood n Hillside, whar there s consid able hayin bein done, as I happened to mention to Timothy this afternoon ; and plenty o blackberries side the road, specially after you pass the wood-pile on the left-hand side, whar there s a reg lar garcling of em right side of an old hoss-blanket that s layin there ; one that I happened to leave there one time when I was sleepin ou doors for my health, and that was this afternoon bout five o clock, so I guess it hain t changed its location sence. Jabe and Miss Vilda drove in silence along the river road that skirted Wilkins Woods, a place where Jabe had taken Timothy more than once, so he informed Miss Vilda, and a likely road for him to travel if he were on his way to some of the near villages. Poor Miss Vilda ! Fifty years old, and in twenty summers and winters scarcely one lovely thought had blossomed into lovelier deed and shed its sweetness over her arid Transformed. 236 TIMOTHY S QUEST and colourless life. Now, under the magic spell of tender little hands and inno cent lips, of luminous eyes that looked wistfully into hers for a welcome and the touch of a groping helpless ness that fastened upon her strength, the woman in her woke into life, and the beauty and fragrance of long-ago summers came back again as in a dream. After having driven three or four miles, they heard a melancholy sound in the distance ; and as they approached a huge wood-pile on the left side of the road, they saw a small woolly form perched on a little rise of ground, howling most melodi ously at the August moon, that hung like a ball of red fire in the cloudless sky. That s a sign of death in the family, ain t it, Jabe? whispered Miss Vilda faintly. Howling at the MOOD. TIMOTHY S QUEST 237 So they say, he answered cheerfully , but if t is I can count for it, bein as how I fertilised the pond lilies with a mess o four white kittens this afternoon ; and as Rags was with me when I done it, he may know what he s bayin bout, if t is Rags, n it looks enough like him to be him, n it is him, by Jiminy, n Timothy s sure to be somewheres near. I 11 get out n look roun a little. You set right still, Jabe ; 1 11 get out myself, for if I find that boy I Vc got some thing to say to him nobody can say for me. As Jabe drew the waggon up beside the fence, Rags bounded out to meet them. He knew Maria, bless your soul, the minute he clapped his eyes on her, and as he approached Miss Vildy s congress boot his quivering whiskers seemed to say, Now, where have I smelled that boot before? If I mistake not, it has been applied to me more than once. Ha ! I have it ! Miss Vilda Cummins of the White Farm, owner of the white cat and hash-pan, and companion of 238 TIMOTHY S QUEST the lady with the firm hand, who wields the broom ! whereupon he leaped up on Miss Cummins black alpaca skirts, and made for her flannel garters in a way that she particularly disliked. Now, said she, if he s anything like the dogs you hear tell of, he 11 take us right to Timothy. Wall, I don know, said Jabe cautiously ; there s so many kinds o dorg in him you can t hardly tell what he will do. When dorgs is mixed beyond a certain p int it kind o muddles up their instincks, n you can t rely on em. Still you might try him. Hold still, n see what he 11 do. Miss Vilda held still/ and Rags jumped on her skirts. Now, set down, n see whar he 11 go/ Miss Vilda sat down, and Rags went into her lap. Now, make believe start somewheres, n mebbe he ll get ahead n put on the right track. Miss Vilda did as she was told, and Rags followed close at her heels. Gorry ! I never see sech a fool ! or TIMOTHY S QUEST 239 wait, I 11 tell you what s the matter with him. Mebbe he ain t sech a fool as he looks. You see, he knows Timothy wants to run away and don t want to be found n clapped into a sylum, n nuther does he. And not bein sure o your intentions, he ain t a-goin to give hissclf away ; that s the way I size Mr. Rags up ! Nice doggy, nice doggy ! shuddered Miss Vilda, as Rags precipitated himself upon her again. Show me where Timothy is, and then we ll go back home and have some nice bones. Run and find your little master, that s a good doggy ! It would be a clever philosopher who could divine Rags special method of logic, or who could write him down either as fool or sage. Suffice it to say that, at this moment, having run in all other possible directions, and wishing, doubtless, to keep on moving, he ran round the wood-pile ; and Miss Vilda, following close behind, came upon a little figure stretched on a bit of grey blanket. The pale face shone paler in the moonlight ; there were traces of tears on the cheeks ; but there was a heavenly smile on his parted 240 TIMOTHY S QUEST lips, as if his dream-mother had rocked him to sleep in her arms. Rags stole away to Jabe (for even mixed dogs have some deli cacy), and Miss Vilda went down on her knees beside the sleeping boy. Timothy, Timothy, wake up ! No answer. Timothy, wake up ! I Ve come to take you home ! Timothy woke with a sob and A dog s delicacy. a start at that hated word, and seeing Miss Vilda at once jumped to con clusions. Please, please, dear Miss Vildy, don t take me to the Home, but find me some other place, and I 11 never, never run away from it ! * You blessed child, I Ve come to take you back to your own home at the White Farm. It was too good to believe all at once. Nobody wants me there, he said hesi tatingly. Everybody wants you there, replied Miss Vilda, with a softer note in her voice than anybody had ever heard there before. TIMOTHY S QUEST 241 Samantha wants you, Gay wants you, and Jabe is waiting out here with Maria, for he wants you. But it s your house and you don t want me ! faltered the boy. I want you more than all of em put together, Timothy ; I want you, and I need you most of all, cried Miss Vilda, with the Alleluja. tears coursing down her withered cheeks ; if you 11 only forgive me for hurtin your feelin s and makin you run away, you shall come to the White Farm and be my own boy as long as you live. Oh, Miss Vildy, darling Miss Vildy ! are we both of us adopted, and are we truly going to live with you all the time and never have to go to the Home? Whereupon, i > 242 TIMOTHY S QUEST the boy flung his loving arms round Miss Vilda s neck in an ecstasy of gratitude ; and in that sweet embrace of trust and confidence and joy, the stone was rolled away, once and for ever, from the sepulchre of Miss Vilda s heart, and Easter morning broke there. SCENE XVI THK NEW HOMESTEAD Timothy s Quest is ended, and Sawanlha .wys, Come iilon^, Dave ! ABE SLOCUM ! Do you know it s goin on seven o clock n not a single chore done? Jabe yawned, turned over, and listened to Samantha s unwel come voice, which (considerably louder than the voice of conscience) came from the outside world to disturb his delicious morning slumbers. Jabe Slocum, I say ! Do you hear me ? Hear you ? Gorry ! you d wake the seven sleepers if they was anywhar within ear-shot ! 4 Wall, will you git up ? Yes, I 11 git up if you re goin to hev a brash bout it, but I wish you hedn t waked me so awful suddent. " Don t ontwist the mornin glory," s my motto. Wait a spell a 246 TIMOTHY S QUEST the sun 11 do it, n save a heap o wear n tear besides. Go long ! I 11 git up. I ve heerd that story afore, n I won t go long tell I hear you step foot on the floor. Scoot ! I tell yer I 11 be out in a jiffy. Yes, I think I see yer. Your jiffies are consid able like golden opportunities, there ain t time for more n one of em in a lifetime! and having shot this Parthian arrow, Samantha departed as one having done her duty in that humble sphere of action to which it had pleased Provi dence to call her. These were beautiful autumn days at the White Farm. The orchards were gleaming, the grapes hung purple on the vines, and the odour of ripening fruit was in the hazy air. The pink spiraea had cast its feathery petal by the grey stone walls, but the welcome golden-rod bloomed in royal profusion along the brown TIMOTHY S QUEST 247 waysides, and a crimson leaf hung here and there in the tree-tops, just to give a hint of the fall styles in colour. Heaps of yellow pumpkins and squashes lay in the corners of the fields ; cornstalks bowed their heads beneath the weight of ripened ears ; beans threatened to burst through their yellow pods; the sound of the threshing-machine was heard in the land ; and the hull univarse wanted to be waited on to once/ according to Jabe Slocum ; for, as he affirmed, Yer couldn t ketch up with your work nohow, for if yer set up nights n worked Sundays, the craps d ripen n go to seed on yer fore yer could git em harvested ! If there was peace and plenty without there was quite as much within doors. I can t hardly tell what s the matter with me these days, said Samantha Ann to Miss Vilda, as they sat peeling and slicing apples for drying. My heart has felt like a stun these last years, and now all to once it s so soft I m ashamed of it. Seems to me there never was such a summer ! The hay never smelt so sweet, the birds never sang so well, the currants never jelled so hard ! Why, I 248 TIMOTHY S QUEST can t kick the cat, though she s more ever- lastin ly under foot n ever, n pretty soon I sha n t even have sprawl enough to jaw Jabe Slocum. I b lieve it s nothin in the world but them children ! They keep a-runnin after me, n it s dear Samanthy here, n dear Samanthy there, jest as if I warn t a hombly old maid ; n they take holt o my hands on both sides o me, n won t stir a step till I go to see the chickens -with em, n the pig, n one thing n nother, n clappin their hands when I make em ginger bread men, and kissin of me when I give em pond lilies to smell of. And that reminds me, 1 see the school-teacher goin down along this mornin , n I run out to see how Timothy was gittin along in his studies. She says he s the most ex-tra-ordinary scholar in this deestrick. She says he takes holt of every book she Going to see the Chickens. TIMOTHY S QUEST gives him jest as if t was reviewin stid o the first time over. She says when he speaks pieces, Friday afternoons, all the rest o the young ones set there with their jaws hangin , n some of em laughin n cryin t the same time. She says we d oughter see some of his comp sitions n she ll show us some as soon as she gits em back from her beau, that works at the Waterbury Watch Factory, and they re goin to be married s quick as she gits money enough saved up to buy her weddin clo es, n I told her not to put it off too long or she d hev her clo es on her hands, stid of her back She says Timothy s at the head of the hull class, but, land ! there ain t a boy in it that knows enough to git his clo es on right side out. She s a splen- did teacher, Miss* Boothby is ! She tells me the seeleck men hev raised her pay to four dollars a week n she to board her self, n she s wuth every cent of it. I like The 250 TIMOTHY S QUEST to see folks well paid that s got the patience to set in-doors n cram information inter young ones that don t care no more bout learnin n a skunk-blackbird. She give me Timothy s writin book for you to see what he writ in it yesterday, n she hed to keep him in t recess cause he didn t copy " Go to the ant, thou sluggard, and be wise," as he d oughter. Now let s see what t is. My grief ! it s poetry sure s you re born. I can tell it in a minute cause it don t come out to the aidge o the book one side or the other. Read it out loud, Vildy. " Oh ! the White Farm and the White Farm 1 I love it with all my heart ; And I m to live at the White Farm, Till death it do us part." Miss Vilda lifted her head, intoxicated with the melody she had evoked. Did you ever hear anything like that ? she exclaimed proudly. " Oh ! the White Farm and the White Farm ! I love it with all my heart ; And I m to live at the White Farm, Till death it do us part." Just hear the sent ment of it, and the \vay it sings along like a tune. I m goin to TIMOTHY S QUKST 251 show that to the minister this very night, and that boy s got to have the best education there is to be had if we have to mortgage the farm. Samantha Ann was right. The old home stead wore a new aspect these days, and a love of all things seemed to have crept into the hearts of its inmates, as if some benefi cent fairy of a spider were spinning a web of tenderness all about the house, or as if a soft light had dawned in the midst of great darkness and was gradually brightening into the perfect day. In the midst of this new-found gladness and the sweet cares that grew and multiplied as the busy days went on, Samantha s appe tite for happiness grew by what it fed upon, so that before long she was a little unhappy that other people, some more than others, were not as happy as she ; and Aunt Hitty was heard to say at the sewing-circle (which had facilities for gathering and disseminating news infinitely superior to those of the Asso ciated Press), that Samantha Ann Ripley looked so peart and young this summer, Dave Mil liken had better spunk up and try again. 252 TIMOTHY S QUEST But, alas ! the younger and fresher and happier Samantha looked, the older and sadder and meeker David appeared, till all hopes of his spunking up died out of the village heart ; and, it might as well be stated, out of Samantha s also. She always thought about it at sundown, for it was at sundown that all their quarrels and reconciliations had taken place, inasmuch as it was the only leisure time for week-day courting at Pleasant River. It was sundown now ; Miss Vilda and Jabez Slocum had gone to Wednesday even ing prayer-meeting, and Samantha was look ing for Timothy to go to the store with her on some household errands. She had seen the children go into the garden a half-hour before, Timothy walking gravely, with his book behind him, (jay blowing over the grass like a feather. She walked towards the summer-house ; Timothy was not there, but little Lady Gay was having a party all to herself, and the scene was such a pretty one that Samantha stooped behind the lattice and listened. There was a table spread for four, with TIMOTHY S QUEST 253 bits of broken china and shells for dishes, and pieces of apple and gingerbread for the feast. There were several dolls present, notably one without any head, who was not likely to shine at a dinner-party ; but Gay s first-born sat in her lap. Only a mother could have gazed upon such a battered thing The Pinner-Party. and loved it. Gay took her pleasures madly, and this faithful creature had shared them all ; but not having inherited her mother s somewhat rare recuperative powers, she was now fit only for a free bed in a hospital a state of mind and body which she did not in the least endeavour to conceal. One of her shoe-button eyes dangled by a linen 254 TIMOTHY S QUEST thread in a blood-curdling sort of way. Her nose, which had been a pink glass bead, was now a mere spot, ambiguously located. Her red worsted lips were sadly ravelled, but that she did not regret, for it was kissin as done it Her yarn hair was attached to her head with safety-pins, and her internal organs intruded themselves on the public through a gaping wound in the side. Never mind ! if you have any curiosity to measure the strength of the ideal, watch a child with her oldest doll. Rags sat at the head of the dinner-table, and had taken the precaution to get the headless doll on his right, with a view to eating her gingerbread as well as his own doing no violence to the proprieties in this way, but rather concealing her defects from a carping public. I tell you sompfin , ittle Mit Vildy Tum- mins, Gay was saying to her battered off spring. You s doin to have a new ittle sit-ter to-mowowday, if you s a dood ittle dirl an does to seep nite an kick, you ser- weet ittle Vildy Tummins ! (All this punc tuated with ardent squeezes fraught with delicious agony to one who had a wound in TIMOTHY S QUEST 255 her side !) Vay fink you s worn out, weety, but we know you isn t, don we, weety ? An I 11 tell you nite ittle tory to-night, tause you isn t seepy. Wunt there was a ittle day hen at tole a net an laid fir-teen waw edds in it, an bime bye erleven or seventeen ittle chits few out of em, an Mit Vildy dopted em all ! I n t that a nite tory, you ser-weet ittle Mit Vildy Tummins ? Samantha hardly knew why the tears should spring to her eyes as she watched the dinner-party unless it was because we can scarcely look at children in their unconscious play without a sort of sadness, partly of pity and partly of envy, and of longing too, as for something lost and gone. And Saman tha could look back to the time when she had sat at tables set with bits of broken china yes, in this very summer-house, and little Martha was always so gay, and David used to laugh so ! But there was no use in tryin to make folks any dif rent, specially if they was such nat ral born fools they couldn t see a hole in a grindstun thout hevin it hung on their noses ! and with these large and charitable views of human 256 TIMOTHY S QUEST nature, Samantha walked back to the gate, and met Timothy as he came out of the orchard. She knew then what he had been doing. The boy had certain quaint thoughts and ways that were at once a revelation and an inspiration to these two pla ; n women, and one of them was to step softly into the side orchard on pleasant evenings, and with out a word, to lay a nosegay on Martha s little white doorplate. If Miss Vilda chanced to be at the window he would give her a quiet smile, much as to say, We have no need of words, we two ! And Vilda, like one of old, hid all these doings in her heart of hearts, and loved the boy with a love passing Timothy s Thoughtfulness. knowledge. Samantha, with Timothy by her side, walked down the hill to the store. Yes, David Milliken was sitting all alone on the loafer s bench at the door, and why wasn t he at prayer-meetin , where he ought to be ? TIMOTHY S QUEST 257 She was glad she chanced to have on her clean purple calico, and that Timothy had insisted on pinning a pink Ma thy Washing ton geranium in her collar, for it was just as well to make folks mouth water whether they had sense enough to eat or not. Who is that sorry-looking man that always sits on the bench at the store, Samanthy ? That s David Milliken. Why does he look so sorry, Samanthy ? 1 Oh, he s all right. lie likes it fust- rate, wearin out that hard bench settin on it night in n night out, like a bump on a log ! But, there, Timothy, I Ve gone n forgot the whole pepper, n we re goin to pickle seed cowcumbers to-morrer. You take the lard home n put it in the cold room, n ondrcss Gay n git her to bed, for I Ve got to call int Mis Mayhew s goin -ilong back/ It was very vexatious to be obliged to pass David Milliken a second time ; though there warn t no sign that he cared anything about it one way or nother, bein blind as a bat, n deef as an adder, n dumb as a fish, n settin stockstill there with no coat on, R 258 TIMOTHY S QUEST n the wind blovvin up for rain, n four o the Millikens layin in the churchyard with gallopin consumption. It was in this frame of mind that she purchased the pepper, which she could have eaten at that moment as calmly as if it had been marrow-fat peas ; and in this frame of mind she might have continued to the end of time had it not been for one of those unconsidered trifles that move the world when the great forces have given up trying. As she came out of the store and passed David, her eye fell on a patch in the flannel shirt that covered his bent shoulders. The shirt was grey, and (oh, the pity of it !) the patch was red ; moreover, it was laid forlornly on outside, and held by straggling stitches of carpet thread put in by patient, clumsy fingers. That patch had an irresistible pathos for a woman ! Samantha Ann Ripley never exactly knew what happened. Even the wisest of New England virgins has emotional lapses once in a while, and this one confessed afterwards that her heart riz right up inside of her like a yeast cake. Mr. Berry, the postmaster, TIMOTHY S QUEST 259 was in the back of the store reading postal cards. Not a soul was in sight. She managed to get down over the steps, though something with the strength of tarred ship- ropes was drawing her back ; and then, look ing over her shoulder with her whole brave, womanl}- heart in her swimming eyes, she put out her hand and said, Come along, Dave ! And David straightway gat him up from the loafer s bench and went unto Samantha gladly. And the} remembered not past unhappi- ness because of present joy ; nor that the chill of coming winter was in the air, because it was summer in their hearts ; and this is the eternal mainc of love. LIST OF NOVELS Published by GAY and BIRD 22 Bedford Street, Strand, London, W.C. A SEQUEL TO THE KING 8 HEXCJfMAN. TUnber the Spell of ^be ffleur be His Entitled originally King or Knave. A Talc of the Huguenot Days and Henry of Navarre. By William Henry Johnson] Crown Svo, Illustrated, cloth gilt, 6/- Scotsnian : ".Mr. [ohnson has chosen for the theme of his story the great kind s hot and unscrupulous wooing of Gabrielle d Kstrces, prosecuted with reckless audacity at the very time when he was fighting his way to the crown of France. . . . The >tory of Gabrielle d Kstrees is a moral tragedy impressively told." Spectator: " Chiefly concerned with the amorous adventures of Henry of Navarre and not lacking in cleverness." By Cora Linn Daniels flIMracles of Hnticbnet By Selma Lagerlcif Authorised Translation by P. B. Flach Crown 8vo, cloth gilt, 6 - "VV. L. COURTNEY concludes more than a column notice in the Daily Telegraph by saying : " A book that is alike remarkable in its style, its language, and its thoughts." Cosmopolis: "A masterpiece of the highest order. A chef d a HZ rf which places the young author in the front rank of the literary artists of her day." Scotstnan : "A work of much power. . . . it demands earnest attention." Daily Chronicle: "Undoubtedly a masterpiece. It possesses in a very high degree literary charm and grace." Truth : " A really charming and charmingly-translated Swedish novel."" Bookman : " Miss Lagerlof is a gifted and unique writer." Minos of Silence By George Cossins Author of " Isban Israel." Croivn 8vo, cloth gilt, b\- Lloyd s Weekly : " A really excellent piece of fiction." 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An admirable hook for hoys, exciting and yet filled with historical information. The hook opens with an account of Boston in Colonial times. The chapters devoted to the expedition against Louisbourg give the writer a chance to describe various battles by sea and land. Scotsman: " A well-written boy s book ...... Their boyish pranks at school and their experiences on the inarch and as prisoners of the French, form an interesting narrative of good, healthy reading of which no cheerful boy will tire." H Ji)anfcee Dolunteer By M. Imlay Taylor Author of " On the Red Staircase," 1 " An Imperial Lover." Crown Svn, cloth gilt, >/- Leeds Mercury: " Will fully maintain and even add to his reputation as an able writer." Daily Chronicle. " Its chief interest lies in the fact that it shows the early periods of the sanguinary struggle between Great Britain and her North American Colonies ...... There is not a dull page in this excellent historical romance." Scotsman: "It should be read with enjoyment by every one who takes it up." jftorn IRinobom to Colony jBy Mary Devereux With Illustrations by HENRY SA.NDHAM. (. rticn $-(>, cloth gilt, 6f- A charming story of the quaint old town of Marblehead in the early days of the Revolution. Wilful Mistress Dorothy Devereux, the brave little heroine of the romance, is a delightfully inconsistent and fascinating character. Stoi^ of (Sosta Berling By Selma Lagerlof Authorised Translation by P. B. Flach Crown 8vo, handsomely bound, 6j- Another translation has simultaneously appeared in London, but has eight chapters omitted and is pronounced an inferior translation. The Daily Chronicle: " It is unlike anything that has yet appeared in Scandinavian literature. Bubbling over with enthusiasm for the beautiful and heroic, instinct with a juvenile freshness and vigour, giving the freest play to an exhuberant fancy and a world-wide imagination, and abounding with wondrous adventures and masterly descriptions presented in a style of singular purity and nobility. It at once divided literary Sweden into two hostile camps, and has been the bone of critical contention in that country ever since. Miss Flach knows Swedish much better than Miss Tudeer, and her English is infinitely superior." The Pall Mall Gazette: "Gosta Berling s is a subtle and complex character, strange in its issues, yet compelling you to feel that it is one of the root characters of humanity ; certainly a triumph of portraiture not restrained, but never inartistic. ... A thing of beauty in its way ; and Keats has told us what that signifies." Sworb of Justice By Sheppard Stevens Author of "fain the. King." 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He falls in love with a lady whom he does not know to be the Duke of Buckingham s mistress and is then fallen in love with by a girl masquerading as a boy. They join Bryan s Company known as the Duke of Buck ingham s Servants and her sex being undiscovered she enraptures the audience in playing As You Like It. The Duke himself is well sketched in, as also is the Duke s future murderer Felton." Scotsman: " The basis of the story is excellent ..... and the various sad and pathetic touches to the tale are altogether interest ing and has the merit of being told in clear and graceful language." People: "Mr. Burchell is a master of the picturesque, and also has considerable strength in characterisation." World: "A thoroughly well-written, humorous, and most readable- production, skilfully constructed, and essentially a tale told in a merry vein." Academy : "A pleasant story." Outlook: " Really is a romance and exceedingly well-written to boot. The Duke is he of Buckingham who figures in The Three Musketeers. " Daily Mail : " Mr. Burchell has an exact book-knowledge of English life in the XVII. century and he has employed it artfully in his well- written romance. . . . There is plot hen;, but one s pleasure in this story as a whole comes from the author s clean careful work manship and his faithful presentment of social life in the days of King James." the 2)a\>s of Iking James OR IRomances of Xonfcon in tbe Ifcen Gime By Sidney Herbert Burchell Croivn 8vo., tastefully bound, o/- *+* This volume consists of three stories "The Goldsmith of Cheape." "The King s Prerogative." "The Aldgate," and at the end will he found many valuable historical notes. Athena um: " The stories are well written, readable romances, showing careful workmanship and scrupulous composition." Birmingham Post: " One seems almost to be reading some omitted chapters of Sir Walter Scott s Fortunes of Nigel. 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The tale is put into the mouth of an Ambassador Extraordinary of the King of France to the Russian Court in the year 1703 No more need here be said of the developments than that Peter the Great proves himself in the end a man of more tender heart than the Peter of history. M. Taylor gives us a picturesque and interesting sketch of Moscow society during an eminently interesting period, and tells a capital story." Spectator: " Mr. Taylor who gave us a realistic picture of the boyhood of Peter the Great in his previous novel, On the Red Staircase, assigns the title-r61e of An Imperial Lover to the same truculent Sovereign. The narrator is a French Ambassador, the Vicomte de Brousson, despatched to Moscow in 1 703, whose secretary, a gallant young French officer, falling in love with a beautiful Russian lady, finds a formidable rival in the Czar. 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