THE TRUTH OF LIFE Copyright Reserved STUART. THE PRINTER PALO ALTO, CALIFORNIA This little volume was written through inspiration. And the writings which compose this volume were written through the hand of this medium by inspiration at different intervals with great velocity of speed and spiritual power. They have been written with great hope to make the Bible plain to many who are yet uncertain of this life and the laws of God. Therefore they are published with great sincerity in bring- ing many into this truth. INESS ARNOLD. 984811 INDEX Page 1. Synopsis of the Holy Bible. 5 2. God the Creator. 8 3. Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost are one. 11 4. Facts of Jesus' birth and His life on earth. 13 5. Every human race worships God. 17 6. The Father concerning God and life's mystery. 20 7. The ascension and descension of life. 26 8. The spiritual spheres. 29 9. This life could be a peaceful one. 33 The Truth of Life CHAPTER I Synopsis of the Holy Bibla //, We will give to you these writings concerning the Holy Bible. The fact remains that the Bible was written and it con- tains the facts and spiritual truths from Genesis to Revelations. The Bible in many instances is real without giving it the spir- itual standpoint of view and therefore it is read and passed by as a book of fiction. That the Bible is authentic in the knowl- edge of the world. The Bible has disappearance and reap- pearance, assures us that some unseen power has preserved a copy, so the records should not be lost to mankind; the spirit- ual powers have a system through which they operate and are able to bring this truth back for the good and welfare of man. Do we not read in the early Biblical periods, the angels deliv- ered the word jf God from the spiritual spheres unto the men- tal focus of man's spiritual vision of that era. Man's under- standing of God in that period was very limited, and so it is of today; not many have the full understanding of the spiritual powers, when the word of God was given unto the inspired men of that day they were called prophets and seers. For God had taken great care to choose his servants, as they had to serve as leaders and rulers in the adjustment of his great plan. It must be remembered and understood that man's under- standing of God's power was limited, consequently these men were looked upon as great men as they understood the spirit- ual power. As we are now in the beginning of this great book and to many they do not have the full understanding of the creating of Adam and Eve, this has been a great question in many a one's mind. As they do not understand how man can be created like God when he is not material in body. Man was created in the image and likeness of God that is in soul. Can you not conceive the idea? How easy it -was for God, after creating the physical body of Adam to inspire that body with his life. This body made of earth could become a living animated man filled with the God life as God's life rules over all. Therefore God is male and female in order to have a crea- tive being to comply with the natural laws of earth. He cre- ated the female as he did the male, which he did as stated in Gen. 1-27 verse. So God created man in His own image, in the image of God created he him male and female, created he them. To create male and female was to multiply the people THE TRUTH OF LIFE of earth as this earth was created for man and that man might cultivate and improve the land. With man and this great re- productive and creative plan gives to us the great spiritual energy or force from God, the Creator, as we are in the image of God thiv" force is used, so does it increase within the God- head, And there will be no exhaustion in this force, but con- ti'uMl renewal for as we go along in life and use this force the more knowledge we bring out of this life, therefore we are renewing our force and it gives an outlet to the great spirit- ual energy from the God-head. This earth is only a planet and only one of many little planets in God's universe. Think of its magnitude, and yet God fills all space in all the planets in his universe. As you understand this gives to us all a great spiritual force from the God head to work fr^m. The creation of Adam and Eve then began the intelligent awakening as liv- ing thinking beings as God had created them in his own image and likeness, they also had the intelligent thinking and were increasing steadily into multitudes, and by their intelligence they then saw the necessity of law and order. Where else could they receive such advice from, unless from God? As they were of the first generations, who could instruct! There was no one before them but God, and they knew of his power. God saw it necessary to teach his children, so they would know of this great spiritual power, thus his selection of men whose minds could be attuned to the spiritual vibration were at once inspired, and their vision opened that they could see the power f f God and the angels who brought the word of God. They now knew of this great spiritual power, otherwise how could the people know that these messages came from anywhere if these men were not selected and their minds attuned to the spiritual vibration? How were they to know of any other life if not led and shown ? This pives us from the beginning pro- phets. As God had required prophets, seers, teachers, and heal- ers. God has brought this spiritual vibration to man on earth, therefore there will be m exhausti~n, but a continual renewal. This great book, the Holy Bible, is well named, as it contains much of this life, it contains the key to unlock eter- nal life to all mankind, but many doubting this life lose sight of the key and oftimes prefer to think there is no God outside of nature, he does not realize that every being in life has a place to fill and each one has their own place to fill. We must learn all cannot fill the same department in this great life, yet every department in this preat life is of equal value in per- fecting of the universe. Some are attuned to one kind of work while another a different work to perform. God has intended for all to go on and on and fill his place in this life as God fits man to be useful in this life. And why doubt ye that som^ have spiritual visions and can see and receive messages from THE TRUTH OF LIFE God when this great reproduction and creative plan gives to us the great spiritual energy and force from God. Why doubt this any more than to doubt the inventor? Where does he get his idea of how to invent something to be used by man? The thought comes to him from somewhere, as he is living in one department of this life and why not the thought to the seer came from somewhere. We are all of the same life. We must carefully study the Bible and take in consideration of the means by which the Bible was given to mortal man centuries ago should cause you to see the great truth revealed therein, which can never be destroyed or obliterated from man's vision of today no more than in the beginning as God intended for this spiritual growth to go on and on as the earth became more populated and that as the race becomes more spiritually awak- ened they will see a greater view of the Bible and its authen- ticity. If we study this great spiritual force with sincerity we will find it proves the fundamental principles of life which sci- ence alone can not prove. We must never lose sight of the spiritual for without this spiritual force we have nothing but an empty shell. When Adam was created there was nothing but a shell until God inspired that body with his life that the body could become a living animated man by recognizing this spiritual power and you become an illuminated soul vibrating with all that is Godlike and you will understand your relation to God and to the universe, and with this understanding of the spiritual power you will become capable of knowing still greater things than these. We will study carefully the Bible as we go along and we find the Bible embraces all. We of today do not study our Bibles from the spiritual standpoint and that is why we find many who disbelieve in this spiritual power, and they do not under- stand the fundamental principles of life. As God created Adam and Eve, so did he create us, likewise we all take God's life into our bodies and become a living animated man. The spiritual powers have wonderful means and system through which they operate for the good and welfare of man. Conse- quently we must not lose sight of the great spiritual power if we want to have an intelligent awakening as living, thinking beings. Men of today can be selected for instructors if they would live so their minds could be attuned to the spiritual vi- bration. The fact remains that the Bible was written and it contains historical facts and spiritual truths from the begin- ning of the book to the end. CHAPTER II God the Creator God created heaven and earth, and the men of science have tried to follow up the mode of life principles in order to solve the problem of creation. Once it was convincing that the the- ory of unfolding or solved preposterous bibljcal declaration of creation in seven days, science took the smallest molecule down to the lowest form of animal life to vegetable from the atom, and from animal to man science has gone deep into the mysteries of life, endeavoring to form a rational conclusion in solving the problem of creation. He has discovered natural law through each form and he endeavored to teach that from molecule. Each form was of a higher type with man with his reasoning faculty, but science can only go so far, for they have not the full understanding of this life; with all of this careful research and years of study they can not solve this great problem, they can only go just so far and can proceed no fur- ther. The unseen force behind the visible expressions, which is the life energy, he is still perplexed to explain. Its source and origin remain in the obscure. This is beyond scientist, as God was the creator, but it is possible for the science to gain knowledge concerning the natural law, as this belonging to the world also through gravitation, vibration, and electricity combined through atmospheres, he may learn to apply them for the use and benefit of mankind. Man uses all this wonder- ful power and after all they never have found out what is back of these forces, as every one is so wonderfully constructed, so perfect in operation, system working through system, does this not prove that they are abiding in the law of attraction or repulsion. With the two great forces in nature, like creative and also destructive, also with life and decay, this is all of this wonderful life forces which no man has had the spiritual power to come forth and make plain this complication of life forces. We have found that nature provides a wonderful storehouse where we can draw from for our great supplies to carry us on in life, wherein nothing is lost, and under the right assim- ilation of chemicals . marvelous results are produced, but we must understand the system in which to use these chemicals so they will produce without a great loss. When this life force departs from any form of life, decay at once sets into opera- tion, but the life force returns to this nature's storehouse of energy, to be used as the demand requires, when the atmo- sphere again claims the elements, can you not understand in a greater sense evolution may be a factor in natural law? The two great forces, creative and destructive, and the using over again the elements from decaying form in rebuilding other modes of life so perfect in operation system working through THE TRUTH OF LIFE system, all abiding by this life law. The same great creative power is used in constructing your bodies, as we all come from this great life force. It matters not what it is, for in all forms of life there is a constant giving and receiving of renewed en- ergy. The physical body is constantly throwing off refuse, consequently this body must draw to it a new supply from somewhere, therefore can you not conceive how it is possible that life is evolutionary in the life force? But this does not cause a direct or distinct growth, for the refuse thrown off this physical body must be replaced by a new supply. This body could not retain this life did it not draw fr^m this nature's storehouse. The Biblical explanation of creation could not be more perfect, but it may be beyond your understanding, and perhaps not, as time is measured, d^es it not explain how the earth first was without form, and it was thus until it was b~rn from some other system. The earth bore no individual form, it remained space until the earth took the right magnetic posi- tion to receive light from the sun, and when ^nce on its right path, it gradually drew together all necessary elements to form this earth, and it produced wonderful eruptions, causing and r-reatincr bodies of water. The operation of this eruption pro- duced the heights and levels of earth. This creation all had to abide by natural law inherent, by abiding by this natural law it gradually produced f^rms "f life. This ear^h was without living beings until the time came for a thinking being to in- habit and insist the perfection of your wonderful world. God created human beings and all living creatures of earth. We read that the Bible declares that God said: Let the waters brine forth abundantly the moving creatures that hath life, and the fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. This is the point we must acknowledge that behind all is God, f^r he is the supreme power, or in other words, the life force unsolvable by man. We will admit God's operation may be ascertained the law through which he manifests, but not God of himself. As we go further into this creation we find man was created in the imasre and likeness of God. Read I. Gen 26 to 31 verse 2 Gen. 7th verse. We learn the trinity created in man in part the s^ul, spirit and mortal man these three combined makes three in one. Also the Godhead consists of the trinity, God the father, the son and the Holy Ghost ; this is three in one. This form the supreme power. The Holy Ghost is the overruling soul of the universe and this is the all creative bein*yes became weak to the light and you do not care t^ look at the light and you again turn to the dark for you imagine that the dark is better for your eyes. This shows that you have lost si choose from the biddings of his own conscience, the lower life or the higher. Man has his won problem to work out and if he prefers to close the door and shut out God's voice known as conscience and blind his eyes to the light, and trying to think that he is the possessor of his soul and can do as he pleases about his way of living, endeavoring to feel there is no higher power than of himself, and by living within these thoughts he does not advance very far mentally or spiritually, but he must travel the long, long road towards the end, which comes to all. Death or life as your choice. I do not mean eternal death, for life never dies, but a death like stagnation which may taV^ years and years to overcome. And to overcome this stagnation you must be willing to open the door that the God life may enter. If not, you can not escape from your destination; if not in mortal life yu must be awakened in the spiritual spheres. You would think man could be more careful in chos- ing the long route to travel that they would not come to death sta^nati^n and loose the light and glory of the spiritual life. There is much in a man 's life that seems to fascinate your imag- ination which leads you to the downward steps, and yet you realize that you are on the wrong road, and yet to turn back you say seems cowardly. So you go on and on, but when you realize your mistake, you should stop, for in reality it is not turning back, for when you are conscious of error and you correct it. and this brings you a step forward, instead of one step downward. When the spiritual part of your desires to rule never feel timid, for fear of criticism from your so-called friends, of the downward life, the one called friend is on who will clasp you by the hand and rejoice at your victory of turn- ing back into the right road and when yni once overcome this 32 THE TRUTH OF LIFE great error in your life you will never entertain fear of mortal man and stop at man's criticism, but you will walk firmly in the light that Christ gave to you. With your eyes open wide and no more will you fear of going in the wrong path and you will ever be ready to assist those who need you and by assisting others just so much more richly are you assisted in becoming God conscious, thus the outcome of a good life from mortal to the spiritual sphere, and you will smile with God and live in his eternal life for the victory you have won. CHAPTER IX This Life Could Be a Peaceful One Our lives on earth need not be one of sorrow and gloom if you only understood the peaceful life that surrounds you at all times, the peaceful life is like unto a great calm body of water, whose surface is smooth and beautiful, reflecting all nature's charms. Yet how easy can the calmness be changed into ripples, with just one little stone being thrown into this immense body of water causing numberless ripples or vibra- tions. The ripples goes on and on until it has spent its force and becomes one with this calm body of water again. Just so it is with an unbalanced human life. A man may look ever so happy and be undisturbed and all is peaceful with him and you would think this man would not let anything come in and break this peaceful life of his. And yet with some little dis- turbance, which may be so small, which may enter either through his own mistake or else some annoyance caused by an- other person, he at once sets into motion feelings of confusion and his peaceful life at once becomes disturbance, anger, jeal- ousy or other wise according to the emotion evoked. Does this not prove an unbalanced inward condition, or the opposite from a well poised being? Does this not prove that he is not yet of the peaceful life. Man has so accustomed himself to consult with reasons, which often jumps at conclusions coldly and blindly, very frequently creating a self-satisfied explana- tion to the one involved. Man must learn how to consult his spiritual brain, but man has not learned how, consequently this organ has been largely neglected and overlooked, for there is so little real spirituality in the life of mankind. When peaceful life, or, in other words, when mortals awaken to real man, the one who is the dynamic force within the body and which is locked to the body at the center, wherein is con- tained the real life and most sensitive brain belonging to the real man the spiritual self-c^nsciou^. this organ the brain has become dead to the spiritual life and it must be awakened and brought into operation before he can become a spiritual con- scious being and as you become awakened to your real beinar yon will then know as the spirit is linked to the center of your body, just so are you linked to God, the center of life. Can you not see where all should be a peaceful life ? Then can you not readily perceive how necessary it is to awaken this spiritual brain in your body in order for you to become God-conscious within your being and the more peaceful you become because the spiritual brain is far more stronger than the head brains. as the spiritual brain is the ruler, so much of your so-called trouble, such as anger, jealousy, hate, which unbalances the inward condition. Thus the cause for so much of the lower 34 THE TRUTH OF LIFE attitudes within man predominating today as in the past, be- cause he does not exercise the spiritual brain, known as the solar plexus. It has been kept in subjection and the head al- lowed to rule you can not expect to go on through your life un earth under such conditions and have, a peaceful life before you. Man must awaken up to the realization of attuning him- self to God and adjustment of himself to the spiritual law in life, thus placing himself in the vibration which creates peace- ful conditions. You cannot escape peaceful conditions, for life is full of vibrations, whether conscious of their existence or not, you must come in touch of this vibration, then do you really begin to live to understand and to create an inward peaceful life which surely will reflect and radiate peace which cannot easily be disturbed, by man of earth, for you have be- come one with this peaceful life, and you know of this won- derful strength, for your strength comes from the interior, and never from the exterior, and if you give this one thought you will observe this in natural law all through life. Everything in life draws from the real force. Everything that comes forth from the ground draws from this life force, for instance, the branches of the trees do not draw their nourishment from the bark of the tree. No ; the roots spreads out into the earth and draws the elements necessary and supply the huge trunk, and all the branches draw from the trunk of the tree. We can place man on the same base with a tree, for man draws or at- tracts to his being all of the necessary elements for the sus- tenance of the body, and gives to the body that life force which makes it alive and enables it to operate in all the diverse duties pertaining to the physical life of man. The material draws material sustenance, while the soul draws from the life f^rce. Your soul draws all vibrations necessary for its nourishment to the spirit, while the spirit operates through your physical body, consequently you can understand how the spirit is linked to the soul. Everything in life draws fr^m this one force, thus the soul then must draw from God. the real force, its life, an d this one force is the same nly in decree, according to your de- mand. You may say, can everything draw fr^m this one life- force and it never exhausts? No; the more this life-force is used or drawn from the greater the supply, because it is crea- tive. In trying to bring the truth to you of this great life- force and trying to explain that the inner supplies the outer expression or form of life, to enjoy and live this peaceful life endeavor to use the inner soul brain to its fullness, this re- requires calmness, deliberation, negativeness in solving all per- plexities, in other words, learn to