WOOLSON'S ECONOMY (Trade Mark Registered) Household Inventory and Insurance Record LIST YOUR INSURANCE FJRE GEORGE B. WOOLSON & CO. PUBLISHERS 120 West 32nd Street, NEW YORK CITY INVALUABLE IN CASE OF LOSS BY Woolson's Economy Household Inventory and Insurance Record INVALUABLE IN CASE OF FIRE This book provides for a complete inventory of the contents of a dwelling house. There is a separate page for each room including; Hall, Reception Room, Parlor, Library or Living Room, Dining Room, Billiard Room, Kitchen and Pantries, Laundry and Cellar, Sleeping Rooms, Bath Room and Linen Closet, Closets, Attic, Etc., Barn and Outbuildings. On each page is printed the name of every possible thing that would naturally be in that room and there are plenty of extra lines for additions. The following list of printed headings of the page for the parlor shows how thoroughly the possible contents are listed; Andirons, Bric-a-brac, Book-cases, Books, Carpets, Chairs, Clocks, Curtains, Cushions, Hassocks, Jardinieres, Couch, Lamps, Mirror, Musical Instruments, Pictures, Piano, Piano Stool and Cover, Portieres, Printed Music, Rugs, Statuary, Tables, Tapestry, Window Shades. Look over your .parlor and see what is omitted. Columns are provided showing the cost, date pur- chased and description of each article. At the back of the book is a page for keeping a record of insurance policies, amount, premium, date of expiration, and agent's name. It is a valuable book for any man or woman keeping house. It would be worth 100 times its price in case of fire. The general arrangement of the book has been approved by fire insurance officials. To ^"ire- Insurance. Agents who wish to use this book as 'an .'advertisysnqfe&k' we will make special prices in lots of 100 or" more. > ,* \.- SIZE 91/4 *