n HE X 7476 m CD C48 m X 0) 70 O c I BANCROFT LIBRARY THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ^^caoR Librarj CODE, A. CHESEBROUGH, C ABLE ADDRESS, ^z^te^' cv^^^^^y^^^*^^:^ U/^n^yi/u- /6^f^j> 7 AwClIESEBROUGH';^ PRIVATE Telegraphic Code. ^^^ij- SAN FRANCISCO: A. L. BANCROFI' & COMPANY, PRINTERS. 1878. J^nncrof t 1 ihntnr C^^^ SHIPPING, CHARTERING, ETC. / Aback To Liverpool direct. Abacas To London direct. Abaft To Havre direct. Abase To Antwerp direct. AbasI To Liverpool, Havre, or Antwerp direct. Abate To a direct port in the United Kingdom, Abatis To a direct port on the continent between Havre and Hamburg, both ports inclusive, to be named be- fore sailing. Abbacy To Cork for orders to discharge at either Abbey To Cork for orders to discharge at a safe port in the United kingdom. Abbess To Cork for orders to discharge at a safe port in the U. K., or on the continent between Havre and Hamburg, both ports inclusive, at 5s. per ton extra. Abbott To Cork for orders to discharge at Liverpool, Bristol, or Dublin. Abdicate To Liverpool, Dublin or Havre direct. Abdication... .To Cork for orders to discharge in the U. K., with option of charterers to order her to Liverpool direct before sailing, at 2s. 6d. less; and 5s. e.xtra, if ordered to the continent to discharge between Havre and Hamburg, both ports inclusive. Abdicative . . .Charterers to have the privilege to order the ship to Liverpool direct before sailing, at less . Abdomen Charterers to have the privilege to order the ship to a direct port in the U. K., at . Abdominal... .Charterers want Cork and continent option. Abduce Charterers want option Liverpool or Havre direct. Abduct Charterers want option Antwerp direct. Abduction. . . .This ship is reported closed at . Abductor This ship is pressing on the market at .. Abeam Others not likely to accept same rate. Aberrate Usual additions Kingdom and Continent. 4 SHIPPING, CHARTERING, ETC. Abet Desirable spot wooden tonnage scarce. Abettor Desirable spot wooden tonnage plenty. Abeyance Iron tonnage scarce. Abhorrent .... Iron tonnage plenty. Abhor Think can close. Abide Expect close this ship in a day or two. Abigail This ship is closed at rates mentioned in my last telegram. Ability Act your judgment. Abject Act your judgment, conferring witli captain. Abjure We accept your offer. Ablation ..... .We decline your oifer. Ablative Close the ship, if no better can be done. Ablaze Market quiet under recent engagements. Ablocate We have no firm offer, but think we can obtain . Ablude By holding may do better. Ablution Telegraph state of your freight market. Abnegate Keep us posted by Telegraph. Abnormal . . . .This ship closed at . Aboard Charterer's option. Abnormity . . .Charterer's require option. Abolition 5 per cent, commission here, and 2 J per cent, at port of discharge. Ship consigned at port of discharge (inward only), to charterer's agents. Abound Ship to be loaded to her draft. Abortive. ... .Am holding this ship at . Abominable. . . Have given refusal to . Abode Will report first offer. Abominate. . .Last charter an iron vessel. Abomination . . Last charter a wooden vessel. Abolish What can you offer ? Aboriginal Forward tonnage preferred. Abrasion Backward tonnage preferred. Abreast Charterer's object cancelling option; too far off. Abridge Can you arrange ? Abroach I can arrange. Abrogate It may be arranged. Abrupt This is the best that can be done. Abscess Please confirm charter. Abscind . .... We confirm charter. SHIPPINa, GHABTERINQ, ETC. 5 Abscond Firm offer may result in business. Absentee Usual terms and commissions. Absolute Commission on this business is . Absonant Usual return to you. Absolution. . ..Waiting reply to last telegram. Absolve Failing this, telegraph quickly what you can do. Absorb Telegraph authority to close. Absorbent Load at Vallejo, Oakland or here, charterer's option. Abstinence . . . Load at Vallejo. Abstract Load at Vallejo or Oakland, charterer's option. Abstruse Load at Oakland or here, charterer's option, Abstrusion Load here. Absurd Load at Portland, Oregon. Absurdly Load at Astoria, Oregon. Absurdity Charterers to pay lighterage. Abuse Ship to pay lighterage. Abusive Twenty-four hours refusal. Academy . . . .Forty-eight hours refusal. Acacia No offers making, tonnage must be offered. Accent Cannot close on your terms, but can do Access With offer of wooden tonnage can close at . Accessory With offer of iron tonnage can close at . Accident Think can close wooden tonnage at . Acclaim Think can close iron tonnage at . Acclivity Offer us tonnage. Acclimate . . . .The ship's class is against her. Acorn We must have strictly A i tonnage. Accord At what rate can you offer wooden tonnage. Accost At what rate can you offer iron tonnage. Account Wooden tonnage offered at Accrue Iron tonnage offered at Accurse Freights dull and weak. Accusal Freights firm. Accusation . . . Freights tending upward. Accusative. . . .Prospect good. Accustom . . . .Temporar)' dullness. Activity What is the prospect for freights ? Acquaint . . . .Disengaged wooden tonnage in port increasing. Acquit Disengaged wooden tonnage in port decreasing. Acquittal Disengaged iron tonnage in port decreasing. 6 SHIPPING, CHARTERING, ETC Acrobat Disengaged iron tonnage in port increasing. Acrostic Tonnage supply near at hand, moderate. Actor Tonnage supply near at hand, excessive. Actress Wheat market firm, offerings small. Actuary Wheat market dull, offerings large. Acute Do you understand our telegram of Acuteness . . . .We understand your telegram of Acutely We do not understand your telegram of Adapt Referring to telegram already sent Adelph Wheat Z^ flour in bags. Adder Wheat "J'r' flour in bags or other lawful merchandise. Addict Ten working lay days. Address Fifteen working lay days. Adduce Twenty working lay days. Adhere Twenty-five working lay days. Adhesion . . . .Thirty working lay days. Adjacent Cannot improve our offer. Adjoin Telegraph us best rate of freight obtainable. Adjoining .... Referring to your letter of Adjudge Referring to my letter of Adjunct Give me refusal. Adjure We give you refusal. Agog Manila and return to San Francisco. Agony Guano from Baker's, Jarvis or Rowland's Island. Usual form charter Akimbo Coal, Nanaimo to San Francisco. Albata Coal, Nanaimo to Wilmington. Alcalde Coal, Departure Bay to San Francisco. Albino Coal, Departure Bay to Wilmington. Alchemy Charterers must be first rate. Alcohol Charterers are considered good. Alcove Owners wish to know charterer's name, and their responsibility. Alder One ship required for this business. Alert Vessel must not be over tons register. Algebra According to telegrams that have passed. Alias Your telegram received too late for action to-day. Shall have attention to-morrow. Alien My reply has been delayed by break in wires. Alight Telegraph reply immediately. SHIPPINO, CHARTERING, ETC. 7 Alkali Strong north wind blowing. Alloy Strong south wind blowing, prospect rain. Almond General rains throughout the State. ... ( Subject to your immediate confirmation by wire, have P I chartered this ship at following rates Alpine Telegraph your views. Adjutant This ship was spoken by an arrival here near at hand. Admire This ship was spoken by an arrival here. Admix This ship arrived yesterday, all well. Admixture . . . This ship arrived to-day, all well. Adonis This ship will probably commence discharge Adorn This ship is discharging fast. Adore I'his ship is discharging slowly. Adrift This ship commenced discharging Adult This ship is prevented from discharging by bad weather. Adroit This ship will finish discharge Adroitly This ship is now loading here. Adultery This ship is now loading at Oakland. Adulterate. . . .This ship is now loading at Vallejo. Adoption This ship requires stiffening. Adorable This ship has stiffening oa board. Affable This ship will load promptly. Affiance This ship has finished discharge. Affinity This ship will probably use her lay-days. Afflux This ship will probably be loaded next week. Affront This ship will finish loading Afoot This ship Jj, detained for crew. ISIen scarce. Agate This ship has drawn to-day at sight for Aghast Instruct Captain to remit. Agnate Cannot remit until comi)letion of discharge. Alum Will remit you Alumni Will require funds for disbursements, shall I draw sight for Amalgam . . , . Will remit you this amount. Amaranth . , , .Remitted this amount to-day in gold draft. Amber Remitted this amount to-day in currency draft. Amble Gold, payable Third National Bank, Boston. Ambush Gold, payable Tremont National Bank, Boston. Amity ,..,... Gold, payable Richardson, Hill & Co., Boston. 8 SHIPPING, CHARTERING, ETC. Amulet When will this ship sail ? Anatomy This ship will sail Anchovy Where is this ship ? Andiron Where is ship Angel What is position of ship ? Animal This ship is bound to Angler This ship sailed for Anguish This ship is reported outside coming in. Annuity Outside coming in. Antelope Anthem Antidote Antipode Anvil Apathy Aperture Aperient..... Apology Apoplexy Apostle Apothesis .... Apparatus .... Apparel Appeach Appease Appendage ... Appendix Appetite Applaud Apple Applicant Appraise Apprentice . . . Appraisal .... Approach .... Apricot Apron Aquatic Aqueduct .... FIRM NAMES. FIRM NAMES. Bancroft Libnrf Cabinet I. Friedlander. Cactus Geo. Howes & Co. Caliph Williams, Blanchard & Co. Candle J. W. Grace & Co. Carbon Rodg^ers, IVIeyer & Co. Carriage Balfour, Guthrie & Co. Carrot Wm. T. Coleman & Co. Camphene Dickson, DeWolf & Co. Camphor Falkner, Bell & Co. Camping Starr & Co. Canal Ammon, Caspari & Co. Canard J. W. H. Campbell. Canary G. W. INIcNear. Cancer Parrott & Co. Candidate N. Ten Bosch & Co. Canister Dresbach & Co. Canker C. L. Taylor & Co. Canoe C. P. Lolor. Cannon Geo. J. Theobald & Co. Canaan Henr}- Lund. Canopy J. N. Knowles. Campaign C. T. Russell & Co. Cameo Grangers' Business Association. 10 LAY-DAYS. LAY-DAYS. Naked Lay-days not to commence before July i. Namely Lay-days not to commence before July 15. Namesake Lay-days not to commence before August i. Napkin Lay-days not to commence before August 1 5. Narrow Lay-days not to commence before Sept. i . Nation Lay-days not to commence before Sepjt. 1 5. Native Lay-days not to commence before October i. Nature Lay-days not to commence before October 15. Naughty Lay-days not to commence before Nov. i. Nearly Lay-days not to commence before Nov. 1 5. Necklace Lay-days not to commence before Dec. i . Nectar Lay-days not to commence before Dec. 15. Needful Lay-days not to commence before January i. Neighbor Lay-days not to commence before January 15. Nephew Lay-days not to commence before February i. Nestle Lay-days not to commence before February 15. Netting Lay-days not to commence before March i. Neutral Lay-days not to commence before March 15. Nibble Lay-days not to commence before April i . Nightly Lay-days not to commence before April 15. Nimbly Lay-days not to commence before May i. Nippers Lay-days not to commence before May 15. Noble Lay-days not to commence before June i . Nonsense Lay-days not to commence before June 15. OANCELUNO DATES. 11 CANCELLING DATES. Norman. Cancelling date, charterer's option, July i. Nosegay Cancelling date, charterer's option, July 15. Nostrum Cancelling date, charterer's option, August i. Notion Cancelling date, charterer's option, August 15. Nourish Cancelling date, charterer's option, September i. Novel Cancelling date, charterer's option, September 15. Novice Cancelling date, charterer's option, October i. Nowise Cancelling date, charterer's option, October 15. Noxious Cancelling date, charterer's option, November i. Nugget Cancelling date, charterer's option, November 15. Nuisance .... Cancelling date, charterer's option, December i. Novelty Cancelling date, charterer's option, December 15. Nozzle Cancelling date, charterer's option, January i. Nubbin Cancelling date, charterer's option, January 15. Notary Cancelling date, charterer's option, February i. Noontide . . . .Cancelling date, charterer's option, February 15. Norther Cancelling date, charterer's option, March i . Nostril Cancelling date, charterer's option, March 15. Nuncio Cancelling date, charterer's option, April i. Nuptial Cancelling date, charterer's option, April 15. Nursling Cancelling date, charterer's option, May i. Nurture Cancelling date, charterer's option. May 15. Nutgall Cancelling date, charterer's option, June i. Nutmeg. Cancelling date, charterer's option, June 15. 12 STERLING. STERLING. s. d. Label o 3 Labor o 6 Lackey o 9 Ladder i o Ladle i 3 Laggard i 6 Lament i 9 Lampoon .... 2 o Lamp 2 3 Lance 2 6 Lane 3 o Lap 3 6 Lapse 4 o Lard 4 6 Lark 5 o Lash 6 o Lass 7 o Lath 8 o Leaf 9 o s. d. Leak 10 o Leap 12 6 Lease 15 o Leech 17 6 Leg 20 o Lent 22 6 Lewd 25 o Lid 27 6 Light 30 o Lily 32 6 Limpid 35 o Linen - S7 ^ Locket 40 o Lock 42 6 Locust 45 o Lode 47 6 Lodge 50 o Loft 52 6 Log 55 o s. d. Loin 57 6 Loo 60 o Loom 62 6 Lop 65 o Lore 6^] 6 Lot 70 o Lottery 72 6 Lounge ..... 7 5 o Lout 77 6 Lovely 80 o Loyal ^2 6 Lubric 85 o Lucid 87 6 Luggage 90 o Lunar 92 6 Luncheon. . . 95 o Lustral 97 6 Lustrous 100 o NUMERALS, ETC. 18 NUMERALS, ETC. TONS. 25c.. .Dabble $ 75 . . Decease 50 . . Defiance 50c.. . Dabbler 100 . . Deceit 75 . Defiant $ I . . Dabster 150 . . Deceitful 100 . . Definition I*. . Dactyl 200 . . Deceive 150 . .Deform 2 . .Daddy 250 . . Decency 200 . . Deformer 2i. .Daddle 300 . . Decently 250 . Deformity 3 .Daffodil 350 . Deception 300 .Defray 34- Dagger 400 . .Deceptive 350 . Defrayer 4 . . Dainty 450 . . Decimal 400 . Defunct 44. .Daintily 500 . . Declaim 450 . Degrade 5 . . Daintiness 750 . .Declaimer 500 . Degraded 5i. . Dairy^ 1000. . Declivity 600 . Deject 6 . . Damask 1500. . Decoction 700 . Delegate 6*. . Damper 2000. .Decompose 800 . Delegation 7 . .Dampish 2500. . Decorate 900 . Deliberate 7i. . Dampishly 3000. . Decoration 1000 . Delicacy 8 . . Damsel 3500. . Decorative IIOO . Delicate 8i- . Dampness 4000. . Decorous 1200 .Delight 9 . Damson 4500. . Decorum 1300 .Delightful 9i. . Dancer 5000. . Decoy 1400 .Deluge 10 . . Dander 6000. . Dedicate 1500 . Delusive loj. . Dandy 7000. . Dedication 1600 .Demagogue II . .Daphne 8000. . Dedicator 1700 .Demolish Hi. . Dapper 9000. . Deeply 1800 . Dement 12 . . Darken 10,000. . Defame 1900 .Denizen I2i. . Darkness 11,000. . Default 2000 . Denounce 13 .Darling 12,000. .Defaulter 2100 .Denotable i3i. . Dastard 13,000. .Defeat 2200 . Denouncer 14 . . Dastardly 14,000. . Defection 2300 . Deploy I4i. . Daughter 15,000. . Defective 2400 . Deposit 15 . Dauntless 16,000. . Defense 2500 . Depositor iSi- .Dawdle 17,000. . Defenseless 16 . . Daylight 18,000. . Defendant i6i- .Dazzle 19,000. .Defensive 17 . Deacon 20,000. . Defeasance 174. .Deadly 18 . . Deafen i8i. . Deafness 19 . .Dealer 194- .Dearly 20 . . Debate 50 . .Decay 14 DATES. ^ 05 5 05 r3 "J a"' rz'C O O rzrZ'CrsrinS U IS OS c3 O p o o o o 3 2? >> O) a^as bc ^ F-*4 ^^ "^ UJ 1 I ** I ^*' T7i "4^ "^^ 7^ * ^ O OJ >%^ -^ fl s S s s a o 2 C 0) - _ ^ ^r -f T* ^r: ^ ^ tf ^ a) O) -i-> > > Q^lla:2:2.^|.'S.'H:2:H?.2 .if'.^.^c.if = .^ .3 .2 .S .2 ?; 0^ -S ^ V ^^ ?;^ 6C ?2?q aax>>>>?^>^>%>j:;-cic3scice3a>a'7'7'7-jc S = se S _:S ,:; a r: c: c3 cJ ;; S i. 0) a; CD O) Oi i/ .rt 1) .3 .^ .i .^ .2 a a a a .2 a a ^ -s >,ii ^ 5 -3 aaaaaooooo cooooococo 3^ t^v a a s o'^a -- 0^;^ 5r--S'^ tc--;: i 5-rsn3oo-2'-::;3;::;2fe^5iooocicS^ b o 52-^ o c o c a ^ ^ ^ ^ 2 ' ~ o o ?q?;p:)?:pqpqpqcqpq?qpqp3pqfqp;Mpq?qpqfqMfqpqfqfq(:qfqM a a a a 3 o 5 t3 -w' 6C^ 2 ^3 a o o o o o 3?S-^3:2'^2-2-i^^^.S3Sa-S.= aJ2 3jJ4 oosaaaac ooooooooco mpqfqsqpqpqpqpqMpqpqcqCQpqpqcqeqWpqMpqMpqfQpqpQMMfq _ CT"-! ^ 05^00 CiC .dec ^^aouoc)o:ioaaaxx3icSajaa2r3s3SS~~<^" DATES. 16 "llllll n n n n n n n 2 *^ Q oj; *^ 4 > fl ii rs. o a o8eseiso893ec8aee3SS5:s?:tfs:se8?;eaec;csii>4)4)a) ! 1 ^ S .2.2.2 cz a ii ^ .1^f S3.5 s s i fcfr 16 TELEGRAMS. TELEGRAMS. Macaw Your telegram of ist instant received. Machine Your telegram of 2d instant received. Madden Your telegram of 3d instant received. Madly Your telegram of 4th instant received. Madness Your telegram of 5th instant received. Magic Your telegram of 6th instant received. Maiden Your telegram of 7th instant received. Mainly Your telegram of 8th instant received. Major Your telegram of 9th instant received. Malice Your telegram of loth instant received. Mammon . . . .Your telegram of nth instant received. Manger Your telegram of 12th instant received. Mangle Your telegram of 13th instant received. Mango Your telegram of 14th instant received. Mantel Your telegram of 15th instant received. Maple Your telegram of i6th instant received. Margin Your telegram of 17th instant received. Market Your telegram of i8th instant received. Marplot Your telegram of 19th instant received. Marshal Your telegram of 20th instant received. Mason Your telegram of 21st instant received. Matchless . . . .Your telegram of 2 2d instant received. Matting Your telegram of 23d instant received. Mattock Your telegram of 24th instant received. Mayor Your telegram of 25th instant received. Manly Your telegram of 26th instant received. Medal Your telegram of 27th instant received. Mellow Your telegram of 28th instant received. Melton Your telegiam of 29th instant received. Mending . . . .Your telegram of 30th instant received. Mendicant . . . Your telegram of 31st instant received.