I 1«^^ ;v:::3^M Y^Z I UC-NRLF :*■■• ■r'^-;r*\>v 04^(1^ Cl)c 5I?attonal Hfftrarp of Ofaies Sataloaue OF if^anuscripts 1 3Rare ^oofes EXHIBITED IN THE (threat l^all of tt)e Jltbrarp 1916 PRINTED AT THE PRIVATE PRESS OF THE LIBRARY I916 Wm':-: II L IRattonal Xtbran? of UClalee Catalodue OF flDanu0cript0 an^ lRarc £ook0 hi ^tt; -MitmidEifiuidCf a^- THE BLACK HOOK OF CARMARTHEN. Frontispiece. Clje Jl5attonal ILibrarp of JKUales €atal©aiuie OF iilanuscripts $ Bare iSoofes EXHIBITED IN THE (threat I^aU of tttt Hibrarp 1916 PRINTED AT THE PRIVATE PRESS OF THE LIBRARY 1916 Contente Page Manuscripts . . . . . . . , . . g MSS., Documents, &c., relating to Eisteddfodau . . 13 Llanover MSS. . . . . . . . . . . 15 Welsh Books before 1601 . . . . . . 18 Welsh Books between 1601 and 1660 . . . . 26 Some Notable Welsh Books after 1660 . . . . 40 Books of Welsh Interest before 1600 . . . . 44 Books of Welsh Interest between 1601 and 1660 . . 51 Books printed at the Hafod Press . . . . . . 58 Arthurian Romances . . . . . . . . 59 Dr. Gwenogvryn Evans's Series of Welsh Texts . . 65 Books printed at the Kelmscott Press . . . . 67 Books printed at the Doves Press . . . . . . 78 Books printed for Sydney Humphries, Esq. . . . . 79 Two Notable Books . . . . . . . . 82 Publications of the Library . . . . . . 83 f^AOiinn 3illu0trattons The Black Book of Carmarthen (Frontispiece) To FACE PAGE The White Book of Roderick .. 9 Ystoryaeu Seint Greal .. 12 Chaucer's " Canterbury Tales " . . .. 16 Yny Ihyvyr hwnn y traethir, 1546 . . .. 18 Car-wr y Cymru, 1631 .. 33 Testament Newydd, 1646 | Psahnau Edmwnd Prys, 1648 J .. 34 Canwyll y Cymru, 1659 • • .. 38 Can ar Fesur Triban, 1718 .. 40 Can Senn iw hen Feistr Tobacco, 1718 .. 42 First Book by John Penry, 1587 . . .. 48 pV vd^V^^ vmna6 vttv rmtt> nctr. Or v«^V^ ^M tttil oci> ytwlHoug^ y> gimtfl b • di mi oi gr^nttnf oi maid) o 8*v cm donw tt cl)ct t ef §T\ib at miTi atn^ ^u vflf'^ at* cti d^'^. at* nn^ d ci) o i? \T^t t)vtw. c\? at^mner. a) ft - "Vmd^osr^ott cvcai. Sr \tu^ v8t? l)mtter/\?vtt 5u(j'f oant^intii tMir^saiaauttGitT.flptidnyttD ^y ft vtt\ ctmv? \n afei 1) ptm^j co vv v mw r^tn6 o aiH) dimiv> t\o r CDCt^ ^ e amciunetr -^yf Vfld) atvnutcV'flcvn^iatV' m^r Uyxdiu vffflct* aonigunr )?gVr ft! saiflmmctr aoe^if tlai> v^^^ vat lnnmvV3ian* ft! omttl acncCnnmfltor. ar ^71 ai*yMiattiH^ or cu mi 9lJCi^VvdivDtr aniC^ VC«t!^anin^^atnl)ct» ac^J^i UJt- vrvjcti? vvicninw5f^ ()Ct^(>yf vd^cr. ac cti (Uu)C^- 8:ian'nrnrytvaitidl>r avttit^ Orvoitttr ag^afgawiuuia^r a>itiva(jc ammniittf ^v^tyt^ -yaicu^^'t. a-KKt^imcv vn Ua(j it»b \m onaOmir yn cti caitu • 0iy\)(tn yUciffcvl^vwtv ar)j0ijGlfa«r cui^antttn^tm ^^afstDvcu. ^vp^j y^v aaiu^imr tiyrna aitct m tnaidio9T?(m cut)atrtH'\|)^tiatt \3Cta9'Vi^wv>vam cttiuvutD- '^(mUioctttr aaiugtiitf Cn^i^trV' ll^^aii^ciaa diailv^Vvnnptv ncdu aoiucoDicmnn.tttoD«v ttv adwabii vft adiaos ocdX^yn ttv- ftuatifuttav aoitir y^at*a otmcir. ftc cttlivtt^'^f" V^^^ ctHun?! vcocti^ vcf^^tograti vvnmvo adc^ At*W \?tu^ 01 suet*, dr vtta oti\miimft?l' V? vitt^vniaud \m*tfttnto9^icmti vctittaia^ ftivnuv^i^flv^^atT OcKTatvt- vfaiaanwetr l^ytttiv t^tyao ^lfld)Ctt\m vdiv^i^ a cnttgtmtT^arvtta vtytvi^M LLYVYR GWYN RHYDUERCH (THE WHITE BOOK OF RODERICK). Written ciyca 1300 — 1350. To face p. 9. Cl)e ilJattonal JLtbrarp of Males. Catalogue of MSS. AND Books Exhibited. MANUSCRIPTS. BLACK BOOK OF CARMARTHEN. Black Book of Carmarthen. The oldest Manuscript in the Welsh Language. Vellum. Modern binding. Writ- ten in the Priory at Carmarthen, in several hands, the oldest portion being written before the year 1195. Poetry. A compound of Mythology, ReUgion, His- tory, and Literature, belonging to a period earlier than the MS. One of the Four Ancient Books of Wales. Pen- iarth MS. i. See illus. i A Transcript of the Black Book of Carmarthen, in the hand of Robert Vaughan of Hengwrt. This MS. is beautifully written in imitation of the original, and the contents correspond in all respects. Octavo. On veUum. Pen- iarth MS. 107. 2 Robert Vaughan (bom 1592, died 1666), a man of scholarly tastes, was the founder of the great Hengwrt (afterwards Pen- iarth) Collection of MSS. BOOK OF TALIESIN. Book of Taliesin. Contains the Poems attributed to the Welsh Bard Taliesin. Vellum. Bound in rough calf. Written at Neath or Margam circa 1275. One of the Four Ancient Books of Wales. Peniarth MS. 2. 3 LLYVYR GWYN RHYDDERCH. Llyvyr Gwyn Rhydderch (The White Book of Rhydd- erch). The Mabinogion and other Romances. Vellum. Bound in vellum. Written in several hands about 1300- 1350, but some portion was written before the year 1300. B 10 MANUSCRIPTS— continued. LLYVYR GWYN RHYDDERCH— continued. The Mabinogion stories in this MS. are eariier than the same stories in the Red Book of Hergest, and there is internal evidence that the scribe of the Red Book either used this MS. or that both were copied from an older original now lost. Peniarth MSS. 4, 5. See illus. 4 LAWS OF HOWEL DDA. Laws of Howel Dda. The oldest existing MS. of the Laws. Vellum. Bound in vellum. Written circa 1175-1200. A Latin version. With quaint but graphic illustrations of the subjects of the Laws. Peniarth MS. 28. 5 LLYVYR DU O'R WAUN. Llyvyr Du o'r Waun (The Black Book of Chirk). The oldest MS. of the Laws of Howel Dda in Welsh. Vellum. Written circa 1200. Transcribed from a much older MS., now lost. On page 31 is an elegy on Llewelyn ap Griffith, Prince of Wales, written at the time of his death (1282) on a space left blank by the original scribe. 6 YSTORYAEU SEINT GREAL YsTORYAEU Seint Greal (The Romances of the Holy Grail). In Welsh. VeUum, 283 leaves. Strongly bound in smooth calf, with clasps. Written sometime before the year 1400. Peniarth MS. 11. See illus, 7 BEDE, The Venerable The Ecclesiastical History of Britain. Latin. Writ- ten before the year 1200. FoUo. On vellum. Illumin- ated Capitals. Rubricated throughout. Bound in stout oak boards formerly covered with white calf, of which only part remains, the clasp is also missing. Peniarth MS. 381. 8 CHAUCER, Geoffrey. {Born 1330-1340, died 1400). The Canterbury Tales. Known as the Hengwrt Chaucer. One of the most important Chaucer MSS., and of great interest, having the Tales arranged in the order Chaucer intended them to be read. Circa 1420. On vellum. Folio. First page illuminated. Bound in boards covered with pig-skin. II MANUSCRIPTS— continued. CHAUCER, Geoffrey — continued. Professor Skeat writes of this MS. : " The Hengwrt MS. of the Canterbury Tales is known to be one of the best. It stands second among the seven MSS. selected and printed by the Chaucer Society. An examination of its contents shows that it is unique, not only in the arrange- ment of the Tales, but in particulars relating to the Tales themselves." Peniarth MS. 392. See illus. 9 HENRY of Huntingdon. Chronicle of Henry of Huntingdon. Latin. Twelfth century, supposed to be the oldest copy extant of this Chronicle. FoUo. On vellum. Decorated capitals in red and green. Peniarth MS. 382. 10 LIVES OF THE SAINTS. Lives of the saints, pedigrees, etc., in the hand of Guttyn Owain, historian and herald bard to the Abbeys of Basingwerk (Flintshire) and Strata Florida (Cardigan- shire). Written 1455-56. Octavo. On paper. Llan- stephan MS. 28. II CAIN, Rhys Poems by Rhys Cain, in his hand, written between 1574 and 1582. Octavo. On paper. Peniarth MS. 68. 12 PRYS, Edmund and KYNWAL, William The Flyting Poetry between Archdeacon Edmund Prys (1541 ?-i624) and WilUam Kynwal {fl. 1560-1600), almost certainly in the autograph of Edmund Prys. Before 1600. Octavo. On paper. Llanstephan MS. 43. 13 HUW ARWYSTLI Poems, chiefly by Huw Arwystli, and in his autograph, as may be inferred from the fact that many of the Poems are on separate sheets, which arc worn across the middle of the page in consequence of being folded and carried in the pocket. Written between 1540 and 1580. Octavo. On paper. Peniarth MS. 82. 14 B2 12 MANUSCRIPTS— continued. LIVES OF THE APOSTLES AND SAINTS Lives of the Apostles and Saints, in the hand of John Jones of GelU Lyvdy, written 1607-1611. Octavo. On paper. Peniarth MS. 217. 15 John Jones of Gelli Lyvdy excelled as a penman, writing liis texts in a fine hand, and embellishing them with capitals and head and tail pieces, which are beautiful. He was the contem- porary of Robert Vaughan, and a diligent collector of MSS. ; he also copied a very large number of MSS., including many since lost. He bequeathed his collection to his friend Robert Vaughan, and it now forms part of the Peniarth Collection in the National Library. JONES, Edward, of Maes y Plwm. Manuscript Poems — Hymns, &c., 1789. Octavo. On paper. 16 (Lent by The Rt. Hon. J. Herbert Lewis, M.P.) PROPHECIES, POETRY, etc. Prophecies, Poetry, etc., in various hands, many of them autographs. Pages 145-182 may be in the hand of EUis Wynn of Glasynys (born 1671, died 1734), author of Y Bardd Cwsc, and one of the greatest writers of Welsh prose. FoUo. On paper. Peniarth MS. 196. 17 GEOFFREY of Monmouth. HisTORiA Regum Britannia. On vellum. XIV century. Initials in red. The oldest Welsh text of Geoffrey of Monmouth's History. One of the Dingestow Court MSS. presented to the National Library, August, 1916. 18 HiSTORiA, etc., in Welsh. Vellum. Bound in old smooth calf. Written between 1475 and 1500. With numerous illustrations of the kings mentioned in the text, from Aeneas to Cadwaladyr Vendigeit. Peniarth MS. 23. 19 at aonicmv^gtjdv^ac cuXvoct \)\ab(n.le tomiuvat^ ^mq) wt^ ftcuv M(et cf mtocttte oti^aHact) obop (a* J}^\m wytm djtfeeitl) gnu y\Til):)ittaeauaie o \w*vo w cf cutoctifeclctii^miuvntvclvcrain ^udnHU^of ftc vuiwuttmt cf ^» dcr-aaHvpHuoiati^ c^avy dt. aji6w t^ui^y:(ftt^. 2ii)\t{)c\\ denatkaafco cf wpttttift^ votvw^^ ^m\OiS^iouacvuDimf^c\nvmtnua^o ef atit»:(^)i]aivy (jtt^dfe vpett^ut i)il)in {!^M diyuTc 8^ tn\tv(n\i) wov oitbeuoy ijtcramiotyiivutiid^cv^t ampler yiiet1)vvi^f ovtv* cict\ait^uelvcij o\m o\\vi:aarcl)i8i>ti.^ ifeuaf vroft aou(ilKbvvvteiu4cat^^vm\y yttigtccuaoiu^*' ^\d t)\tt^ca aov(^ar*^mo^()cij i)v g^y Ovo oi n^ ^\t ilcyualn ai!tx^6 oegt6eiw^0[t)tt^^#try g^civdcvtia. Tgjvei^ aibuactb^j()yt wmieo v v^^^Kfft^ctvl)^^^ yDaet^^^^Jcw^m^^anoufeva))gvi^.^^)au!)(toco fe^ YSTORYAEU SEINT GREAL Written at the end of the 14th century. To face p. 12. 13 MSS., DOCUMENTS, &c., relating to EISTEDDFODAU. CAERWYS EISTEDDFOD, 1523. KiNMEL MS. 99. A 17th century transcript of the Com- mission authorizing the holding of the Caerwys Eistedd- fod on the 20th July in the 15th year of Henry VIII, with a Ust of the bards and musicians in each grade. 20 CARDIGAN EISTEDDFOD, 1773. Add. MS. 19-B. The poetical works of John Jenkins {alias The little Shoemaker) of Cardigan with references to meetings of bards (then called Eisteddfodau) held at Llanidloes and Cardigan in 1773. 21 BALA EISTEDDFOD, 1789. 22 Add. MS. 323-F. A printed notice to the Bards at the above Eisteddfod with the adjudication on the chief ode. CYMREIGYDDION SOCIETY, 1796. Add. MS. 244-D. The Minute book of the Cymreigyddion Society of London, containing a resolution offering to promoters of Eisteddfodau in Wales the patronage of the Society. 23 PROCLAMATION for a MEETING of the BARDS. 1798. Add. MS. 164-c. This is probably one of the earliest printed notices in connection with a Gorsedd. The meet- ing w£is convened on Primrose Hill, 1798. 24 SUMMONS TO GORSEDD, 1798. Add, MS. 169-c. Copy of a notice in the writing of lolo Morganwg summoning Edward Jones (Bardd y Brenin) to a meeting of the Bards " in the long Fields behind the British Museum " with the subjects he was to speak on. 1798, 25 CAERWYS EISTEDDFOD, 1798. Add. MS. 322-E. A printed notice with reference to the holding of the Caerwys Eisteddfod in 1798. 26 HOUSE OF BARDIC MEETINGS, circa 1800. Add. MS. 40-c. A picture in one of the Edward Jones (Bardd y Brenin) MSS. It apparently portrays a place where meetings of the bards were held from time to time. Date about 1800. 27 LLANDDEINIOLEN EISTEDDFOD, 1802. Add. MS. 325-E. An Ode to be recited at the above Eis- teddfod by David Thomas (Dafydd Ddu Eryri). Holo- graph. 28 14 MSS., DOCUMENTS, &c., relating to EISTEDDFODAU— continued. CARMARTHEN EISTEDDFOD, 1819. Crosswood MS. The Minute book of the Cambrian Society which organised the Carmarthen Eisteddfod of 1819 in the writing of the Rev. David Rowlands (of Tregaron) the Secretary. 29 EISTEDDFODAU, 1792-1819. GwALLTER Mechain MS. A List and short account of the earliest modern Eisteddfodau in the writing of the Rev. Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechain). 30 CARMARTHEN EISTEDDFOD, 1819. A Non -Subscriber's Ticket with the lines : 31 " Mae o leisiau melusion," " Mil o hyd y mola hon." — Llywelyn ah Ifan. MERTHYR EISTEDDFOD, 1846. 32 Gwallter Mechain MS. A short ode written by the Rev. Walter Davies (Gwallter Mechcdn) in his 86th year on the occasion of the failure of the bards of Gwent and Mor- ganwg to reach the Merthyr Eisteddfod in time owing to the break-down of the steam engine. Holograph. LLANGOLLEN EISTEDDFOD, 1858. Add. MS. Original MSS. of the following prize competi- tions at the above Eisteddfod : 33 " Myfanwy Fychan," by Ceiriog ; " Brwydr Maes Bosworth," by Eben Fardd. SWANSEA NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD, 1863. Add. MS, One of the Odes sent in for the chair prize at the above Eisteddfod: Awdl "Albert Dda," by Tal- haiarn. Holograph. 34 ABERYSTWYTH NATIONAL EISTEDDFOD, 1865. Add. MS. Dammegion Esop, "Jisop's Fables." A metrical version of ^sop's Fables by the Rev. Morris WilUams (Nicander), a prominent competitor at the Aberystwyth National Eisteddfod, 1865. Holograph. 35 CARMARTHEN EISTEDDFOD, 1867. Add. MS. 357-B. A translation of Gray's Bard into Welsh sent in for the competition at the above Eisteddfod by John Jones (Talhaiarn). Holograph. 36 CARNARVON EISTEDDFOD, 1877. Add. MS. The original MS. of the Ode which won the chair at the above Eisteddfod : " Y Gadair Ddu," by Tudno. 37 15 LLANOVER COLLECTION OF MSS. The Llano ver collection of MSS. has been deposited in the National Library of Wales bv the kindness of Major- General Sir Ivor Herbert, Bart.. "K.C.M.G., M.P. Many of the MSS. have notes in the handwriting of lolo Morganwg; and Nos. 38-47 were written by him. PRIMROSE HILL EISTEDDFOD, 1794. MS. 10. An account in the writing of lolo Morganwg of the proceedings at the above Eisteddfod when the sword was unsheathed against " Howel Morgans a man lawless and depredatory," and " Owen the Red Bard of Breck- nock according to the rights and institutes of the Bards of the Province of Dimetia." 38 TRIADS. MS. 23. Triads collected by lolo Morganwg. Triads of the Four Nations — Welsh, English, French and Irish. 39 LLEWELYN, Thomas, of Rhigos. MS. 35. An account of Thomas Llewelyn, containing the statement that he translated the Bible into Welsh. In the writing of lolo Morganwg. 40 COELBREN Y BEIRDD. MS. 51. An account of Coelbren y Beirdd (Bardic Alpha- bet) by lolo Morganwg. 41 ENGLYNION MARWNAD DAFYDD ap GWILYM. MS. 52. A copy of the above Englynion which state that Dafydd ap Gwilym died in 1368 and was buried at Talley Abbey. In the writing of lolo Morganwg. 42 TRIADS. MS. 56. A collection of Triads in the writing of lolo Mor- ganwg. 43 The chair OF TIR lARLL. MS. 57. The orders and customs of the Chair of Tir larll in Glamorgan. 44 WILLIAMS, Edward, " lolo Morganwg." MS. 61. lolo's poem entitled " Breiniau Dyn " (The Rights of Man) in his own writing. 1798. 45 COELBREN Y BEIRDD. 46 MS. 63. The Bardic Alphabet called Coelbren y Beirdd. i6 LLANOVER COLLECTION OF MSS.— continued. WILLIAMS, Edward, " lolo Morganwg." MS. 71. Satiric Pamphlet by a Welsh Bard (lolo Mor- ganwg), with a dedication to " Bulty Pitt." lolo's own MS. 47 THOMAS AP lEUAN of Tre'r Bryn. Manuscripts B la, B ib, B 2, B 8. AU these manuscripts are in the writing of Thomas ap leuan of Tre'r Bryn, Coy- church, Glamorgan, who flourished during the last quar- ter of the 17th century. 48 WELSH GRAMMAR. 49 MS. B 4. A Welsh Grammar and Rules of Poetry, written in the 17th century. It belonged at one time to Joshua Thomas of Leominster, the Baptist historian, and sub- sequently came into the possession of lolo Morganwg. DAFYDD, Meurig MS. B 5. The first part of this manuscript contains the poems of Meurig Dafydd, a Glamorganshire bard. They were written between the years 1585 and 1593. Holo- graph. 50 LLEWELYN SION. MSS. B 6, B 9, B 17, B 18. These Manuscripts are in the writing of Llewelyn Sion, a Glamorganshire Bard and professional copyist, who died in 1616. They contain a great deal of material which is not found elsewhere. 51 DAFYDD, Edward, of Margam. MS. B 12. A Manuscript of Poetry written in the 17th century. Some of the poems are in the autograph of Edward Dafydd of Margam. 52 " LLYFR THOMAS BONA." MS. B 20. This Book is called " lAyix Thomas bona " because it was purchased by lolo from a collector of that name in Carmarthenshire. The book however contains poetry written in different hands of the i6th and 17th centuries, some of the poems being in the writing of their authors. 53 WILLIAMS, David, of Penlline. MS. B 22. A book of poetry, mostly written by the Rev. David Williams, PenUin, about the year 1690. 54 v u^ i1 m ^^^^^ptoiige^ c^t|r^ <^m fei&v^ ^ ^n^j} to ^^/ (^^1^ me Sbz^ aix^ c^ J^gmitjm Cf mam ,m ^ ^a^ To face p. i6. (^^ tzC oil (JC^; /^&_;^ If ^ CJ>^? "ri SiGn,i,i CUSTODIS." PSALMS — (Edmund Prys, Archdeacon of Merioneth.) Llyfr y Psalmau, I Wedi ev | cyfieithv, a'i | cyfansoddi | ar fesvr cerdd, | yn Gymraeg. | Drwy waith | Edmwnd Prys I Archdiacon | Meirionnydd, | A'i Printio | Yn Llvn- dain ] 1621. [Bonham Norton and John Bill]. Small 4to. 204 x 164. ff ii, 64 numbered irregularly. 93a The first edition of Prys's Psalms, issued with the Welsh Prayer Book of 162 1. Translations of the Te Deum, the Bene- dicite, the songs of Zacharias and Simeon, and the Gloria are prefixed. DENT, Arthur Pregeth dduwiol I yn traethu am iawn ddull, | ac ag-wedd gwir edifei- Gwenidog | Gar Duw, rwch. I A bregethodd A. Dent, Ac a gyfieithwyd yn Gamber-aec ar I ddymuniad syrnyn o ddynion duwiol yn | ewyllysio ffynniant gwir Grefydd, a | chynnydd yn | y ffydd. | • . . 1 Llvndain, | Printiedig gan Nicholas Dervven dros | Mi- hangel Wreichionen, ac | a geir ar werth yn y Gwydd-dy Gwyrdd | tan arwydd y Bibl-glas. | 1629. Small 8vo. 145x90. pp. iv, 60 (i blank) . "B.IL^ 94 Note that the names of the printer and publisher are trans- lated into Welsh. BAYLY, Lewis, Bishop of Bangor. Yr I Ymarfer I o DDVWiOL- | DEB : yn Cyfar- | wyddo dyn i ryngu | bodd Duw : | Yr hwn lyfr a osodwyd allan | yn saeson-aec o waith y gwir | barchedig dad Lewis Escob Bangor, | ac a gyfieithwyd yn gamber-aec | o waith Row. Vaughan o Gaer- | gai o sir Feirion wr | bonheddig. | ... I Printiedig gan FeUx Kyngston tros Robert Allot, ac ydynt iw cael tan lun yr Arth | jon monwent St. Paul yn Llundain. 1630. i2mo. 136 X 80. pp. [xxxvi], 706. 95 31 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN 1601 and 1660— continued. BIBLE. 1630. Y BiBL I Cyssegr-lan, I sef yr Hen | Destament | A'r Newydd. | 2 Tim. 3. 16, 17. | . . . | Printiedig | yn Llvn- dain gan | Robert Barker Printiwr i | Ardderchoccaf fawrhydi y Bre- | nin : a chan Assignes lohn Bill, | Anno Dom. 1630. Cr. 8vo. 164x114. Printed in a small Roman type in double columns, with marginal references. Titles set in wood-cut border, with wood-cut head and tail pieces, and capitals. The Bible is preceded by the Short Prayer Book, and is followed by an edition of Prys's Psalms, It also includes the Apocrypha. Collation : A-F (in eights), G 2 (last of P. B.), [G 3] (Title of Bible), G 4-[G 5] (Dr. Parry's dedication to James I), [G 6-7] (Dr Morgan's dedication to Queen EUza- beth, [G 8] (At y darUeydd), [G 9] {blank leaf}), {here fol- low two leaves without signature, probably G i and G 10 (comprising an extra page of the catechism, the names of the promoters, and the table of the books*), A-Z (omitting J, U and W) in eights, Aa-Zz (omitting Jj, Uu and Ww) in eights, Aaa-Lll (omitting Jjj) in eights, A-E in eights. (Prys's Psalms) = total of 554 leaves. Text of P.B. begins on A2, O.T on A, Apoc. on Nn 6, N.T. on Yy 6, Prys's Psalms A3. 96 Copy exhibited is imperfect, wanting 2 leaves. The first people's edition, known as the 'Beibl Bach,' and sold for 5s. Hence the stanza in Canwyll y Cymru : " Mae'r bibl bach yn awr yn gysson, Yn iaith dy fam iw gael er coron, Gwerth dy grys cyn bod heb hwimw, Mae'n well na thref dy dad ith gadw." A reprint of the 1620 edition. Sir Thomas Middleton, Rowland Heylin, and other citizens of London, contributed towards the cost of printing and publishing. It is not improbable that the Rev. Robert Idwyd, Vicar of Chirk, Denbighshire, corrected the press for this edition. CAR-WR Y CYMRU. Car-wr y Cymru, | Yn anfon ychydig gymmorth | i bob Tad, a mam sy'n ewyllysio | bod eu plant yn blant i Dduw 1 hef yd : a chael o honynt wir | wybodaeth o ffordd ♦The arrangement is due to a mistmderstanding by the printer in preparing the pages for a sheet and a quarter, consequently some copies have been bound wrongly. 32 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN I60I and 1660— continued. CAR-WR Y CYMRU— continued. I iechydwriaeth. | Neu ymddiddan Ysprydol rhwng | rhieni a'u plant, yn cynnwys eu | dyled-swydd iw | gilydd. I ... I Printiedig yn Llundain gan Nicholas Okes dros | JPhilemon Stephens, a Christopher Me- | redyth, . . . 1630. 97 Small 8vo. 137 x 88. pp. iv (3 blank), 12 (i blank) = 16. Bound with Car-wr y Cymru, 163 1, but it is a totally diflEerent work. Author unknown. Reprinted 1764, and 1765 (called " y pedwaredd argraphiad "). The name of Robert Llwyd, Vicar of Chirk, has been associated with this little book. He may have been the author, or the association of his name with this book may be due to misunderstanding of the difference between the two publications with the title Car-wr y Cymru. Car-wr y Cymru, | Yn annog ei genedl anwyl, a'i gyd- | wlad-wyr er mwyn Crist ai heneidiau i | chwilio, yr Scryth- yrau, yr [sic] ol gorchy- | myn Crist. loh. 5. 39. | Y rhai, yr awr'hon yn ddiweddar a brintiwyd | o newydd yn Gym- raec ; ac a geir ar werth | yn llyfran cynnwys, a bychain eu maintioli a'i | pris, drwy fawr ddiwydrwydd, a thraul swrn I o wyr Duwyol, enwog ac ewyllys-gar | i wneuthur daioni i'r | Cymru. | . . . | Llvndain, | Printiedig gan Felix Kyngston, | drwy awdurdod. 1361 [for 1631]. Ends : Felix Kyngston ai preintiodd, dros yr Awdur, drwy Awdurdod. See illustration. Small 8vo. 137 x 88. pp. x, 124. 98 Another issue, later, with date on title corrected, 1631, and in fourth line of title " yr ol gorchymyn " corrected to " yn ol gorchymyn " — the two issues are in all other respects identical. See note to Car-wr y Cymru, 1630. 98a The story of this little book, and its predecessor with the same main title, is one of the bibliographical puzzles awaiting investiga- tion. This work was reprinted with some omission in 1677. DAVIES, John, D.D., Rector ofMallwyd. Antique | Lingua Britannic^, | Nunc vulgo dictae Cambro-Britannicas, j A suis Cymraecae vel Cambricae, | Ab ahis Wallicae, | et | Lingvae Latinae, | Diction-arium Duplex. I Prius, I Britannico-Latinum [by J. D.], Pluri- mis I venerandae antiquitatis Britannicae | monumentis respersum. | Posterius, | Latino-Britannicum [by T. Wil- liams]. Accesserunt Adagia Britannica, & plura, & L ' vCar-wr y Cyrnrii Yn annog ei gcncdl^riwyl-/aV'g^>-;u-*> iotad-rvyr er ?nw)n Cnjl 4i hemiettau i chwilio, yr Sctychyrau, yr ol gorch^- mynCrift.Ioh.5.39. 7 rhai^yr Aw f hop -jn ddmeddar a hrintivi^d Npnewyddyn Gymraec; ac ^ f;cirar-A;ei:h yn Jlyfran cynnwys, a bychainecu niaiiiU'Iia-'i prhydnvy fa^vr ddivcylrr0ydd,ad'raidfir'M^ o wyr DuwyoJ, en wog ac ewyJIys-gar i Tv/ieulhur djio.ji^i'r :*, Cyniru. ' " ' ' ■ "'•,•• pryn y gwff', ac ha wcah, &c.Z)/Vj4.j3.2^, . MAtH.22.i5, 7 ■' Yrydychnievvnaniryfulcdd, o herwytid na wf d-Jocli -r Scryrhyrau, rw nci ch [^uvv- •AHdkeobfccTo fcciibrcs'omr.cs,.., t^' . . , _ HcHoni. i, in .'■uc , Et dtmidhiaaBihliain mujius {'unnie, '& vetiiiat^jl^llkii ■ cififoftcam^ ffiagfitjiudiofufci^h'e. . "' -'-'- "■". 'X A - ' LLVNTfAlN, .^Vj^riouedJg gan Felix' K y n g st o;;^.' y/V^"'- tLTvrf arfdnrdod, 1361," ^^ 'n r^— '- -■■-^"•" ■ • ^»^ CAR-WR Y CYMRU, 1631. Ll. Edwards' HEguiisT. To face p. 32. 33 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN I60I and 1660— continued. DAVIES, John, D.D.— continued. emendatiora quam anteh^c cdita. [The whole edited by J. D.]. I ... I Londini, | Impress, in aedibus R. Young, Impensis Joan. | Davies. SS. Tli. D. An. Dom. 1632. Small folio. 278x193 (Copy A) ; 293x188 (Copy B). ff. 197 unnumbered. 99 PARSONS, Robert, The Jesuit. Llyfr 1 Y Resolusion, I yr hvvn sydd j yn Dysgv i ni Bawb I wneuthur ein goreu, a | rhoi cwbl o'n bryd a'n me- I ddwl ar fod yn wir Gristian- | ogion, hynny ydyw ar yma- | dael a'n dnvg uchedd, a | throi ar ddaioni a I duwioldeb ; | wedi ei gyfieithu yn Gymraeg ] y gan I[ohn] D [a vies] er lies iw | blwyfolion ; | A'i brintio yn Llundain yn nhy | lohn Beale tros yr un | I. D. 1632. i2mo. pp. [xii], 520, 8. 126x74. 100 A translation of The Christian Directory. PRAYER BOOK, 1634. LiYFR [sic] GwEDDi Gyffredin, a Gwenidogaeth [sic] y Scarmenatau [sic] a chynneddfau a ceremoniau eraill yn Eglwys Loegr. A Brintiwyd yn llundain gan Assignes lohn Bill ag i'w gwerthu gida Robert Milborne yn sin y milgi yn mynwent S. Paul. 1634. Small 4to. 190 x 145. Printed in black letter with wood- cut title-pages and capitals. The Psalms have a separate t.-p. reading " Psalmau | Dafydd o'r vn | cyfieithiad a'r Bibl cyffredin. | laco 5. 13. | ... | Anno 1634." Collation : A-B 8, A-T 6 (in eights), V (2 ff), Aa-Ll (in eights), Mm (2 ff.). Imperfect, wanting title. loi Bound with Llyfr y | Psalmau, | Wedi ev | cyfieithv, a'i | cyfansoddi ar fesvr cerdd, | yn Gymraeg. | Drwy waith Edmund Prys, Archdiacon | Meirionnydd. | A'i Printio, | Yn Llun- dain. 1638. Small 4to. 190x145. Printed in black letter, with wood-cut head and tail pieces, and title set in wood-cut border ; double columns. Collation : A-[A 4], B-C in eights, D (4 ff.), E-I in eights. Imperfect, wanting the last three leaves. loia 34 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN 1601 and 1660— continaed. NEW TESTAMENT and PSALMS {Edmund Prys, 1646- 1648). Testament ] Newydd ein ] Harglwydd ] a'n Hiachawdr Jesv Grist. | Rhvf. i. 16. | Nid oes arnaf gywilydd Efengyl Christ, | oblegid gallu Duw yw hi, er lechy- | dwriaeth i bob vn a'r sydd yn credu. | Woodcut [Rose, thistle, fleur-de-lis, and harp, each crowned]. Printiedig yn Llundain gan | Matthew Symmons yml y Hew | gor- eurog yn heol Alders-gat. 1646. See illus. 102 Collation : — Title [a i] verso blank. Text N. T. a 2, a to kk ini2s. pp. [2] 820=822. pp. 533-556 wanting. 150x80. This is of special interest because it is the only known copy of the New Testament with the date 1646. There are two issues with the date 1647 differing slightly, and another dated 1654, of which a copy has been recorded, but its whereabouts is now unknown. The issues of 1647 contain the N. T. only. The 1654 issue has Prys's Psalms at the end, as in this issue dated 1646. Bound with Llyfr y I PsALMAU, | wedi ev | cyfiethu, ] a'i cyfansoddi | ar fesur cerdd, | yn Gymraeg. | Drwy waith | Edmwnd Prys, I Archdiacon Meirionnydd. | Woodcut, Tudor rose. | A'i Printio | Yn Llundain, 1648. See illus. Collation : — Title [a i] verso blank, Y Llythyrenau, etc., a 2. At y Darlleydd ystyriol, a 3. Te deum and other canticles, a 4, y recto. Text of Psalms a 7 verso to m 8. Tabl, m 9-11 recto, -verso and m 12 blank. FoUos 8+134 +4 = 292 pp. 150x80. A 7 verso is paged i, then follows 2-134 ^^ folios, some incorrectly numbered but total correct. 102a NEW TESTAMENT 1647. Testament | Newydd ein | Harglwydd | a'n Hiachawdwr | Jesv Grist. | Rhvf. i. 16. | . . . | Printiedig yn Llundain gan I Matthew Symmons yn ymyl y llew | goreurog yn heol Alders [ gat. 1647. 103 pp. ii, 790 (1-261, 292-820). 134 X 75. Two issues bearing the same date, but differing in detail. F[ISHER], E[DWARd], Theological writer. MaDRVDDYN Y I DiFINYDDIAETH | DlWEDDARAF I | neu | Llyfr Saesoneg a elwir, | The Marrow of Modem Divinity. 1 Oblegid y Cyfammod o weithredoedd, a'r Cy- | fammod o ras, a'u hymarfer hwy ill dau, a'u diweddion, | dan yr TESTAMENT NEWYDD 1646. «.',K , ■ *'*T''>»'ini(>Lic!hui bobvnfv OS. mid „. I, ,M„„ .. > p.,[„u |,y„^ 15,^ i>4l J.... < I > I ,.ju f) »tJ. tufaifumu ya y !|y '> AjfoiliMiiuliyminjiihfdJiniToda, w(df ■ D I VV E DD. LLYFR Y PSALMAU, - W E D I E V CYFIETHa A'l CYFANSO'DDl AR FESUa CERDD, YN GYM^lAF.^. Ur'.- y \'..i'uli EDMUND P R y S, Archdiacon Mcirionn^fdJ. [V. PSALMAU EDMWXD PRYS 1648. To face p. 34. ISSUED TOGETHER. UNIQUE COPY. 35 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN I60I and 1660— continued. F[ISHER], E[DWARD]— continued. hen Destament, a'r Testament Newydd. | Ym mha un, y dangosir yn eglur, pa cyn bcllhed | y mae dyn yn scfyll ar y gyfreith o rhan ei Cyfiawn- | haad, ac ar hynny yn haeddu ei alw | yn Ddeddfwr. | A pha cyn bellhed y mae arall yn bychanu'r gy | fraith o rhan Sancteiddiad, ac ar hynny yn haeddu | ei alw yn Ddeddf-wrthwynebwr. | A'r llwybr canohg rhwng y ddau, yr hon a | arwain i fywyd tragwyddol trwy lesu Christ. | Mewn Cyd-ymddi- ddaniad rhwng. | EvangeUsta. Gwenidog yr Efengyl. I Nomista. Deddfwr, neu wr yn dal o ochor y cyfraith. j Antinomista. | Deddf-wrthwynebwr, neu wr yn llwyr by- I chanu'r gyfraith. | Neophitus. | Christion iefangc. I waith E. F. yn y Saesneg. | O cyfieithiad J. E. [i.e. John Edwards, " Sion Tre-Redyn "], i'r Gymraeg. | . . . Printiedig yn Llundain gan T. Mabb a A. Coles, dros WiUiam Ballard, ag i cael ar werth yn i slop ef , dan lun y Bibl' yn heol'r ud yn Ninas Bristol, 1651. pp. [xiv], 304. 139x92. 104 JONES, Richard, Minister of the Gospel atLlanfair-Caereinion. pTESTUN Testament Newydd . . . yn benhillion Cymraeg ... a osodwyd allau \i.e allan] trwy lafur R. J., etc.'\ Ai Printio, Yn Llundain, ag iw werthu gan | John Brown tan y fesen eurad yn mon-wynt ] Paul. Mdcliii. i2mo. 141x87. pp. xiv, 54. 105 Part of title-page wanting. Title taken from British Museum Catalogue. [LLWYD, Morgan, Wynedd.] Dirgelwch I I RAi IW I Ddeall I Ac i eraill iw | Watwar, sef I Tri aderyn yn ymddiddan | yr Eryr, a'r Golomen, a'r Gigfran. | Neu Arwydd | i annerch | y Cymru. | Yn y flwyddjni mil a chwe- | chant a thair ar ddec a deugain,| Cyn Dyfod, | 666. | Printiedig yn Llundain gan James Flesher, ac a | werthir gan Thomas Brewster, tan lun | y tri Bibl yn ymmyl Pauls. [1653 ?]. Small 8vo. 158x100. pp. [ii], 108. 106 The author's copy with his signature on page i. BIBLE, 1654. Y Bibl | Cyssegr-lan, Sef yr Hen | Destament | a'r | Newydd. | 2. Tim. 3. 16, 17. | ... 1 Printiedig yn Llun- dain gan James Flesher, ac a | wertliir gan Thomas 36 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN 1601 and 1660— continued. BIBLE, 1654 — continued. Brewster, tan lun y tri Bibl yn ] ymmyl Pauls ; yn y Flwyddyn 1654. | 107 Cr, 8vo. 172x112. Printed in a small Roman typCi in double columns, with marginal references. Titles set in a narrow border. Collation : A-Z, Aa-Nn4, A-M (in eights). A reprint of the edition of 1 620 without the Apocrypha. The English / as pronounced in Joseph, Jeremiah, etc., appears in this edition for the first time, although its use for I [e.g. Jsrael, Jsaac), is to be seen in the editions of 1620 and 1630. 6000 copies were printed, and some were bound up with an edition of Prys's Psalms (dated 1656) at the end, but the copy exhibited does not possess this addition. The price seems to have been 6s. JONES, Richard, Minister of the Gospel atLlanfair-Caereinion. Perl y Cymro : | neu, | Cofiadur | y | Beibl, | Ar fesurau Psalmau Dafydd yn drefnus | wedi gyfansoddi, mal y geUir ar fyrr o amser | gofio y pyngciau pennaf or Ys- grythur Ian : | Trwy waith a llafur R. J. | . . . | Chrono- gram I MoLIant lehofa a gan | RICharD Zones. | Print- iedig yn Ghaer Ludd [London] gan T. H. ar gost yr | Awdur, ac ydynt i werth gan E. Brewster tan | arwydd y Garan ym mynwent Paul, 1655. Small 8vo. 145 X 97. pp. xxiv, 234 (wrongly numbered after 199). Has a title in English facing the Welsh {beginning : The British Gemm : | or, an | Abstract | of the [ Bible), | and one in Latin {beginning : Gemma Cambri :). 108 VALENTINE, Henry Defosiwneu I Priod, I Wedi ei cymhwyso i bum | rhan gweddi : | sef, | I. Cyffes. | II. Rhagddeisyfiad. | III. Deisyfiad. | IV. Talu-diolch. | V. Erfyniad. | Ac Arch arbennig tros y claf. | A | Chynghorieu a gweddiau ar ddydd yr Arglwydd, o fiaen | Cymmun, erbyn dydd mar- wolaeth, a dydd y farn. | A | Dwy weddi beunyddiol, sef boreuol a phrydnhawnol : | Wedi ei cyfiaethu yn Gjnn raec, | Trwy waith | W. L. M.A. \ Rhuf. ii. 14. | Lun- dain, Printiedig i Richard | Harriot yn monwent Eglwys | S. Dunstan. 1655. i2mo. 103x53. pp. xiv, 316. There is also an en- graved title-page. 109 37 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN 1601 and 1680— eontlnned. JONES, William, Minister of the Gospel at St. Davids. Y TrYDYDD I AR PeDVVAREDD I GORCHYMYNNION. | Wcdi ei traethu mewn pegethau [sic] gan Willi- | am Jones Gwenidog ei Grist yn yr efen- | gyl yn Nhy Ddewi, ag yn awr gwedi ei | gwneuthur yn gyffred in er mwyn rhy- | byddio y Cyfryw rai or Cymm ag ydynt | drwy gam- arfer yn diystyru henw Duw ac | yn halo gi ei Sabboth fel gwedi ei ce- | ryddu yngwydd pawb y c^'wilyddiant ei| pechod au neu or Ueiaf, fel 50- ofna rhai | erail gyd-ddwyn a hwynt yn y fath be- | than. | . . . | London, | Printed for John Williams at the signe of the Crown in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1656. Small 4to. 180x140. pp. [iv], 42. no BOEHME, Jacob Yr I Ymroddiad | neu | Bapuryn | a | Gyfieuthiwyd [gan ]Morgan Llwyd o Wynedd] | Ddwywaith | I | Helpu y cymru unwaith [sic] | allan or Hunan ar | drygioni. | Fe ai cyfieithwyd yn y fiwy- | ddyn 1654. (Y Discybl ai Athraw O newydd. Nid y llyfr oeddgynt or vn henw, neur hen Lucidarius, ond yr egluryn newydd, . . . Fe ai cyfieithwyd ynyfiwyddyni655, . . . ). Ag ai printiwyd 1657. i2mo. 144x82. pp. [vi], 128. Ill Issued with : — LLWYD, Morgan, Wynedd. Cyfarwyddid 1 IR I Cymru. | A ysgrifenwyd yn | 1655. Printiedig yn Llundain, | 1657. i2mo. 144x82. pp. [ii (t.p.)], 24 (last blank). iiia Also originally issued with : — LLWYD, Morgan, Wynedd. Gwyddor I VCHOD. I ... 1 Printiedig yn Llundain, | 1657. i2mo. 142x85. pp. [ii (t.p.)], 32 (last 2 unnumbered). The initials LI. G. M. given at the end of the poem on p. 30, are supposed to stand for Llwyd Gan M6r. ilib The signatures are continuous throughout the three items, and are as follows : — A*-E (in twelves), F-G (in eight and four), II 1-8. *A4 sigued A2 in error. Three partial copies exhibited : — A containing items 1 and 2, B containing items 2 and 3, C containing item 3. 38 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN 1601 and 1660— continued. USHER, James ArchU^hop of Armagh. Prifannau I Crefydd Gristnogawl I A I Llwybraidd fodd byrr | or Athrawiaeth o honi | O waith Jago Usher Escob Armagh, | A Chyfieithiad | Row. Vaughan, Esq. | ... I Llvndain, | Argraphedig gan Joa. Streater, tros Philip 1 Chetwinde, 1658. 112 In two parts, i2mo. 149x86. Pt. I, pp. [x], 32; Pt. II, [ii], 42 (i blank). Eng. port, of Archbp. Usher. Contains the Welsh Alphabet followed by 2 religious catechisms. The second part has a separate title : — Y Llwybraidd-fodd | Byrro ] GristianogawlGrefydd, I Gyd I Ag adroddiad hynodol | o ryw fannau o Athraw- iaeth, or I hyn, (er mwyn eglurwch) a grybwyll- ] wyd yn y Llyfran or | blaen. [ . . . | Gwaith Jago Usher Escob Armagh, | A Chyfieithiad | Row. Vaughan, Esq. | Llvn- dain, Argraphedig gan Joan Streater, tros Philip Chet- winde, 1658. 112a DESPAGNE, John Yr I Arfer I o I Weddi yr Arglwydd. | A | Ymddi- ffynnir yn er- | byn dadleuon y newyddiaid or | amser- oedd yma. | Gan Joan Despagne, Gweinidog yr Efengyl, | Cyfieithiad R[owland] Vfaughan] Es[qre]. | . . . | Llvn- dain, I Argraphedig gan Joa. Streater, tros Philip | Chet- winde, 1658. i2mo. 147x85. pp. [xxiv], first two leaves blank, 92 (88-92 unnumbered). 113 PRICHARD, Rhys, 1579-1644, Vicar of Llandovery. [Rhan o waith] I Mr. Rees Prichar[d] | Gynt Ficcar Llan-ddyfri yn Shir Gaer-f [yr] | ddyn, a osodwyd allan er Daioni'r | Cymru. | Some part of the Works | of | Mr. Rees Prichard | Sometimes Vicker of Llandyfri in the Co. of Carmarthen | , . . | Printiedig yn Llundain, | Ag a werthir gan Thomas Brewster, tan lun y tri B[ibl] | ymmyl Pauls, 1659. The second part. 8vo. 158x98. pp. [xiv], 160. 114 Ends : " Att y Darlleydd. . . . Dymma yr ail waith y print- iwyd y llyfr hwn, . . . H.M. — 30 Tachwedd, 1658 " and has the imprint repeated. The words and letters in [ ] have been trim- med off by the binder. The only known copy of the 2nd issue of part II and, though badly trimmed by the last binder, is complete except for the initial blank leaf which is wanting. Mr. REES PRICHAR Gynt Ficcar Ll an-ddyfri yn Shir Gaer-1 ddynjaofodwyd allaner Daionir Cymru. Some part oft he WorJ^r F Mr.REES PRICHARl Sometimes Vick^r ofLUndyfri in the Co of Carmarthen Joan cedd ganw/ll yn llofeii ag ^ft gohuo a dwitffat^ ych evyll [gar i orfolcddu- dros amfer jjt oi oUu Jonn5-35- Hyn a. Serif enKtr i V genhedlaetb J ad'el, ar hohtf gr foliannant yr Arglvydd^ Pfal. i02. 1 8. Print'iedigyn LLUNDAIN, Agawerthir gan thomoi BreiPifery taa !an y tri F ytnmyl Fau/sy 165^. "CANWYLL Y CYMRY," 1659. The first line of title, " Rhan o Waith," and some letters at the side have been cut off by binder. To face p. 38. 39 WELSH BOOKS BETWEEN I60I and 1660— continued. PRICHARD, Rhys— continued. [Rhan o Waith etc.] — Fourth Issue. Ends : " Att y Darlleydd . . . Dymma'r bedwerith waith y prinitiwyd [sic] y llyfer [sic] hwn, . . . H.M. — 39 [sic] Tachwedd, 1658." The imprint on the same page is as follows : Printedig yn Llundain ag a werthir gan Anna Brewster, tan lun y tri Bibl yn ymmyl Pauls. 1658. Svo. 166X100. pp. [xiv ?], 160. 114a Imperfect copy, hut the only example known of the 4th issue of part II. It will be observed that it is printed by Anna not Thomas Brewster, and is dated 1658 instead of 1659 which is the date on both the 2nd and 3rd issues. It is also entirely reset, being printed in a different type. In resetting it is possible a slip was made in giving the final imprint date as 1658. No copy of the first issue is known. A copy of the third issue is in the British Museum. See Nos. 1 14, 1 18, 1 19. (Lent by Mr. J. H. Davies, M.A.) PRIDEAUX, John, Bishop of Worcester. EvcHOLOGiA : I nev, | Yr Athrawiaeth i arferol | Weddio o Waith y | Gwir anrhydeddus Dad ] loan Prideawx, | Y diweddar Escob o Gaerfrangon. | Rhodd a adawodd ef ar ei ddydd | diwedd iw ferched yn ddirgel, ] iw hy- fforddi hwy ir cyfriw | reidiol arferau, on | Llyfr Gweddi gyffredin. | Ac a ddichou [sic] roi bodlonrwydd | yni mhob achos heb edrych ] ar ol y goleuadau newyddion | ai parodbryd lewyrchoedd. | Cyfieithiad | Row. Vaughan Esq. I ar Ddeisyfiad | William Salesbury Esq. | . . . Ar- graphedig gan E. C. tros P[hilip] C[hetwinde]. N.D., circa 1660, 115 i2mo. 146x80. pp. xxiv, 312. Eng. port, of Prideaux. ROBERTS, Griffith, author of the first Welsh Grammar. Ynglynion I ar y Pader, y Credo, ag | ar deg gorchymyn o waith I D:G:R: [i.e. Dr. G. Roberts] yr Athraw mawr ] o dre Fulan. No imprint. N.D. [circa 1650 — 1660.) Foolscap Svo. 150XI15. ff. 4. 116 These verses were re-printed from the Welsh Grammar of Dr. Roberts published in Milan in 1 567. See No. 70, 40 SOME NOTABLE WELSH BOOKS AFTER 1660. ALLWYDD NEU AGORIAD Allwydd NEU Agoriad I Paradwys I i'r I Cymrv. I Hynny yw : I Gweddiau, Devotionau, Cynghorion, | ac Athraw- iaethau tra duwiol ac an- | genrheidiol i bob Christion yn | mynnu agoryd y Forth a | myned i mewn i'r Nef . | [W]edi eu cynnullo amryw lyfrau | duwiol, a'i cvfeithu yn Gym- raeg : | neu wedi eu cyfansoddi, | gan I. H. | Yn Lvyck. | [IJmprintiwyd yn y Flwyddyn | M DC lxx, i2mo. 126x68 (much trimmed), pp. 504 {first 24 and last 26 pp. unnumbered). Imperfect copies — Copy A wants pp. 121-266, 287-336, 361-408, and all after 456. Copy B wants all pp. before 51. 117 Two examples of tliis volume of Rom.an Catholic devotions. The book was published in London, but the place of printing given as L'VTck is known to have been Liege in Belgium. The translator was Father Hugh Owen, otherwise known as John Hughes, who was bom in Anglesey in 161 5 and died at Holywell, 1686. He also issued the translation made by his father of the Imitatio Christi. See No. 121. PRICHARD, Rhys, i 579-1644, Vicar of Llandovery. Y Drydedd Ran o waith Mr. Rees Prichard, gynt Ficar Llanymddjrfri yn Sir Gaerfyrddin, gyda Llythyr at Plwy- folion Llanddyfri, Llanfair ar Brin, a Llanedi yn sir Gaerfyrddin, a Llythyr at y Cymru a ddarllenant y Ll3rfr hwn, ynghyd ag Ymholiad beunyddiol o waith Usher, a'r lleill o waith S. Bernard. Llundain [1670]. 118 The third part. Very imperfect, the only copy known of part III. The title given has been copied from Rowland's Llyfryddiaeth y Cymry. (Lent by Mr. J. H. Davies, M.A.) Gwaith I Mr. Rees Prichard, | Gynt Ficer Llanddyfri yn Shir Gaer- | fyrddin : A brintiwyd o'r blaen mewn | tri Llyfr, wedi gyssylltu oil a chwbl (er | nid yn yr vn drefn a chynt) ynghyd a | Phedwaredd Ran, y nawr gynta yn | brintiedig. | The Works of Mr. Rees Prichard, sometimes Vi- I car of Llandovery in Carmarthen-shire : Printed | be- fore in three books, but now printed together ] as one book, though not in the same order as | formerly (for a reason, given in the Preface) ; | with an Addition in many things out of Manu- | scripts, not seen before by the Publisher ; besides | a fourth Part now the first time imprinted. | ... I London, | Printed by J. Darby, viz. one third Part, «3 r^ .0* .. O «(2: O 12; ^u <» • ^ V 1.4 •p <^ -5 -^ "S »< ^ ~ ** O .V Q ~ <5 V S ^ ^-fe ?«•• ^2 '^ »5 ' c^ e; - s :; '^ .^ "^ 's a 5 "^ »■ ^r«-- 3 fc-c '^ i^ 5 ^ 1 •Si^^ ^.j--^^ ^;^!7 a-^-^ 6 c fm w t~^ CuO rf^ 4 'a k3i n3 St: ^ •> c Ti t>> >s t> CM ,« !fi If) o ~ o -r H ;= I" rid b4 53 n s « ^ « > a o ^ 2? W)'? : 'ra ^ b: n s « ^ «r E r'' ^ oj C n ^ ^ C « *« c« t> 5S t ^ '^ Tj ntJ Tj O O O »i ,J= U3 ..Q IS ^ ^ ^.■- '^3 HD ra J= '^ ^ i:: w x: _^ c ^- c -a ^ - - „ o E o ;z; oa- ^ - — " '^ ►ra "^ -3 fcO rj -Q '"' iJ3 ' -3 > ^ 41 SOME NOTABLE WELSH BOOKS AFTER 1660— contlnaed. PRICHARD, Rhys— continued. and the fourth I (now first printed) for Samuel Gelibrand, at the Golden- j Ball in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1672. pp. xlviii, 592. 8vo. 169x108. 119 This, the first collected edition, contains a fourth part prin- ted for the first time. Though the pagination is continuous this final part has a separate title-page. See Nos. 114, 114a, 118. JEWEL, John, Bishop of Salisbury. Dadseini- 1 AD Meibion y I Daran. I Sef ail-printiad o lyfr Escob Juel | a Elwir | Deffyniad ] Ffydd Eglwys Loegr ; I Ac o Epistol yr Escob Dafies | at y Cembru. | An Eccho of the Sons | of Thunder | Being a second im- pression of Bishop Ju- I el's Apologie, and of Bishop Davies | his Epistle, in the British tongue. | . . . | Printiedig yn Rhydychen [i.e Oxford] gan W. H. | ac a werthir gan lyfrwyr Gwrecsam, a | Llanfylhn, a mersiand- wyr Pen y | bont ar ogwr. 1671. Small Svo. 148x100. pp. [xx], 250, [ii] (letters of the Welsh alphabet)]. The last few pp. (245-250) bound wrongly. "B.!!. 120 The second edition of Morris Kyffin's (died 1 599) translation of Bishop Jewel's Apologia Ecclesics Anglicancs, containing also Bishop Davies' Epistle. Charles Edwards, the Oxford scholar, who died in 1691, commends the work to the reader. For the first edition see No. 79. KEMPIS, Thomas a', i.e., Thomas Haemmerlein, called A'Kempis. DiLYNiAD I Christ, | a elwir yn gyffredin | Thomas a Kempis. | Gwedi ei gyfieithu'n Gymraec ers | talm o amser ynol Editiwn | yr Awdur gan | Hvw Owen | Gwenynoc ym Mon, Esq ; | Llundain, | Gwedi ei im- printio ar gost I. H. Mdclxxxiv. i2mo. 114x56. pp. [xxiv (4 blank)], 448. 121 First Welsh edition of the Imitation of Christ by Thomas a Kempis. See note to No. 117. BUNYAN, John Taith I NEU I SiWRNAi | Y | Pererin, | Tan Rith neu Gy- ffelybiaeth | Breuddwyd : | Yn yr hwn y dangosir, | I. Y Modd y mae Pechadur yn Cychwyn, | neu yn Dech- reu ei Siwmai, or Byd | hwn tua'r Nefoedd. | II. Y Peryglon y mae fo'n cyfarfod ag | hwynt, yn ei Daith. | III. Ei Ddyfodiad o'r diwedd ir Wlad ddy- | munol neu'r Nefoedd, mewn Diogelwch. | . . . | Wedi Lisenso gan D 42 SOME NOTABLE WELSH BOOKS AFTER 1660— continued. BUNYAN, John — continued. R. Midgley, y 23 o fis | Tachwedd, 1687. | Printiedig yn Llundain gan J. Richardson, | yn y Flwyddyn 1688. i2mo. 144x84. [pp. xii], 324. 122 This is a perfect copy of the first Welsh translation. In the " I/lythr at y Cymru " at the beginning of the book it is stated that the work is by 4 persons {i.e. Gwr bonheddig o Wynedd, Gwr o Ben- kadair, Yscolhaig ieuangc a Stephen Hughes.) Taith y Pererin : | neu | Siwrneu Dyn | o'r byd hwn | ir byd a ddaw | Dan Gyffelybiaeth | Breuddwyd | Yn yr Hwn a Dangosir, | Yn gyntaf, y Modd o'i gychwynfa ef, I Yn ail, ei Siwrneu ddyrys. | Yn drydydd, ei ddy- fodiad or diwedd i'r | wlad ddymunol, Teymas Nef, | O wneuthuriad John Bunyan, yn Saesnaeg. | Y Llyfr hwn a Argraphwyd yn Sasnaeg bym- | theg o weithiau, Ac unwaith or blaen yn | gymraeg o gyfieuthad cymmysg ddwylo. I Hwn yw'r ail Argraphiad yn gymraeg, a'r j cyntaf o gyfieuthad, Thomas Jones. | Argraphwyd yn y Mwythig, gan Thomas Jones. | Mdclxxxxix. Small 8vo. 138x91. pp. [ii], 206. 123 WYNN, Ellis, Lasynys. GwELEDiGAETHEU | Y | Bardd Cwsc. | Y | Rhann Gyntaf. | Argraphwyd yn Llundain gan | E. Powell, i'r Awdwr. 1703- 6to. 128x77. pp. 154. 124 A perfect copy of the first edition of part I. The name of the author is not given in the book. Bound with Floras Poetarum Britannicorum. GWELEDIGAETHEU | Y | Bardd Cwsc. | Y | Rhann Cyn- taf. I Argraphwyd yn y Flwyddyn 1728. i2mo. 143x83. pp. 144. 125 The second edition, complete except for three leaves (pp. 59-62 and 143-4) ; the last has been replaced in MS. EVANS, Theophilus, Vicar of Llangammarch. Drych I Y I Prif Oesoedd I Yn Ddwy Ran. | Rhan I. Sy'n traethu am Gyff-genedl | y Cymru, a'r Rhyfel a fu rhyngddynt, | a'r Rhufeiniaid Gwyddyl Ffich- | tiaid, ac a'r Saeson. Fu Coel-gre- | fydd a'i Moesau cyn iddynt dderbyn y j Grefydd Grist'nogol. | Rhan II. Sy'n crybwyll am Brege- | thiad yr Efengyl ym Mhrydain, | a pha beth Can o Senn Iw hen Feillr TOBACCO A Gyfanfoddodd GwafanaethwrAmmodol iddo Gyn't pan doroddar ei Ammod ac ef, ynghyd a'r RhefTymmeu paham y defT- ygioddyngwafanaeth y Concwerwr beu- nyddiol bwnnw. Ar hen Don ac oedd dri- gannol yn y Deyrnas hon Lawer Blvvydd yn faith Cyn Tirio'r crwydryn ynthi ag a Elwid y Frwyver ids^ neu Dav y Coed a Thany Grvyii Y mae'x 8 fyla/ gyntafj o'r breichiau yn groes rowiog o r draws gyhydedd, a'r berreun amlaf yn Cyfocho- ri. ^rgra^hwyi yn Nhrc-Hedyn, ^^» IfaacCar ter jfwj^ Fljpyddyniyy^' One of the F'irst Two Books Printed in Wales. 17 18. To face p. 42. 43 SOME NOTABLE WELSH BOOKS AFTER 1660— continaed. EVANS, Theophilus — continued. bynnag a ddigwyddodd mywn | perthynas i Grefydd, Disgyblaeth, | ac Athrawiaeth y Brif Eglwys, yng- | hyd a Moesau'r Prif Gristno- | gion yn gyffredinol. | Wedi ei gasglu allan o'r Awdwyr gorau a | sgrifennasant a'r y Testunau hynny, gan | Theophilus Evans. | . . . j Ar- graphwyd, yn y Mwythig gan John | Rhydderch tros yr Awdur, 1716. 126 Small 8vo. 141 x 87. pp. 306 (first 16 pp. unnumbered). A perfect copy of the first edition. CAN. Can ar Fesur Triban ynghylch Cydwybod a'i Chynhedd- fau. I ... I Argraphwyd yn Nhre-Hedyn [Adpar, near Newcastle Emlyn], gan Isaac Carter | yn y Flwyddyn 1718. Small 8vo. 160 x 100. pp. 8. see illtis. Bound with Cydwybod y cyfaill gorau a'r y Ddaear. 127 THOMAS, Alban Can o Senn iw hen Feistr ] Tobacco | A Gyfansoddodd Gwasanaethwr Ammodol | iddo Gyn't pan dorodd ar ei Ammod ac | ef, ynghyd a'r Rhessymmeu paham y deff- I ygiodd yng wasanaeth y Concwerwr beu- | nyddiol hwnnw. Ar hen Don ac oedd dri- | gannol yn y Deymas hon Lawer Blwydd | yn faith Cyn Tirio'r crwydryn ynthi | ag a Elwid y Frwynen Ids, neu Dan y Coed \ a Than y Gwydd. Y mae'r 8. sylaf gyntaf | o'r breichiau yn groes rowiog o'r draws | gyhydedd, a'r berreu'n amlaf yn Cyf- ocho- I ri. [ed. by Alban Thomas]. Argraphwyd yn Nhre-Hedyn [Adpar, near Newcastle Emlyn], gan Isaac Carter yn y Flwyddyn 1718. Small 8vo. 164x100. pp. 8. see illus. Bound with Y mwyaf o'r Almanaccau. 128 The two foregoing pamphlets [Can ar fesur trihan and the Cdn i Tobacco) are the earliest known examples of books printed in Wales. Further, they are the only known copies. Their dis- covery antedates the commencement of printing in Wales by one year, it still bei:ig commonly stated that the earliest production of Isaac Carter's press was issued in 17 19. There is reason for believing that Cdn ar fesur trihan is the earlier of the two. D2 44 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600. [HIGDEN, Ralph or Ranulphus] The Descrypcyon of Englonde. | Here foloweth a lytell treatyse the whiche treeateh of the descri- | pcion of this londe which of olde tyme was named. Albyon. And | after Brytayne And nowe is called Englonde and speketh of the I noblesse and worthynesse of the same. | Folio 14 — Here foloweth the descrypcyon of the londe of Walys. Folio 21 — (Here endeth the descrypcyon of Bry- I tayne nowe called Englonde, whiche En | glonde coteyneth Walys, Scotlonde, & | Irlonde. And of olde tyme it hathe so co- | tynued, therefore the descrypcyon of the I same is truely taken oute of Polycrony- | con [By Ralph Higden] y* Englysshmen may knowe the com | modytees, ppretees, and meniaylles of theym. Fynysshed, & enprynted in Flete strete | in the sygne of the George by Rycharde Pynson prynter vnto the kynges noble | grace, the yere of oure lorde a. M.cccc.x (1510) die vero. xix. Decembris. Small folio. 270x195. 21 folios, unnumbered. 'B^JL. In double columns. 129 Title appears on recto of folio i , which also bears a woodcut ill. of London, (showing the Tower, etc.) The text ends on the recto of the last folio ; on the verso appears Pynson's device. SALESBURY or SALISBURY, William, 1520-1600 ? The baterie | of the Pope's Botereulx, common- | lye called the high Altare. Com- | piled by W[iUiam] S [ales- bury] in thei yere | of oure Lorde. | 1550. | . . . Ends : Imprinted at London by Robert Crowley, dwellyng in Elye rentes in Holburne. The yere of our Lord M.d.l. Small 8vo. 144x95. $4 iolios, unnumbered. 'B.IL, 130 (Lent by Mr. J. H. Davies, M.A.) RECORD, Robert, Born at Tenby, (1510 ?-i558). The pathway to | Knowledg, contai- | ning the first prin- I ciples of Geometric, as they | may moste aptly be applied vn- | to practise, bothe for vse of | instrumentes Geome- | tricall, and astrono- | micall and | also for pre- lection of plattes in euerye | kinde, and therfore much ne- I cessary for all sortes of | men. | . . . | (The Second Booke | of the Principles | of Geometry, con- taining certaine | Theoremes, whiche may be cal- | led Approued truthes. And be as | it were the moste cer- taine I groundes, wheron the | practike coclusions ] of 45 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600— continued. RECORD, Robert — continued. Geometry ar | founded. ] Whervnto are annexed certaine declarations by | examples, for the right vnderstanding of the I same, to the ende that the simple reader | might not iustly coplain of hardnes | or obscuritec, and for the same | cause ar the demonstra- | tions and iust profes | omitted, vntill a I more conui 1 ent time.) 2pts. Ends: Imprinted at London | ... by Reynolde Wolfe | . . . M.D.LI. Small 4to. 188x126. gi iolios, unnumbered. 131 The Castle of Knowledge | (Containing the expUcation of the sphere | bothe celestiall and materiall, and diuers other 1 thinges incident therto. With sundry plea- | saunt proofes and certaine newe demon- | strations not written before in any | vulgare woorkes.) Ends : Im- printed at London by Reginalde | Wolfe, Anno Domini 1556. Small foUo. 284x187. pp. [xvi], 288. 132 Woodcut title-page. The whetstone | of witte, | whiche is the seconde parte of I Arithmetike : containyng the xtrac- | tion of Rootes : The Cossike practise, | with the rule of Equation : and | the woorkes of Surde | Nombers. | . . . j These Bookes are to bee solde, at | the Weste doore of Poules, | by Jhon Kyngstone. | Ends : Imprinted at London, | by Jhon Kyngston. | Anno domini. 1557. I33 Small 4to. 195 X 140. 164 folios unnumbered, b. C. GESNER, Conrad Mithridates. I De Diffe \ rentiis lingva- 1 rvm tvm vetervm I ... I Conradi Gesneri | . . • | m.d.lv. | Tigvri excvdebat | Froschovervs. Small 8vo. 163 X 100. ff. ii, 78, and folding sheet. 134 Contains the Lord's Prayer in Welsh, an older version than that given in Yn y Lhyvyr Hwnn, 1546. Gesner states that this was given to him by John Bale, Bishop of Ossory. It occurs on folio 13 verso, and also in the folding sheet at the end, which is dated " Septimo calendres Septembris " (i.e., August 25), 1555. The sheet gives the Lord's Prayer in 23 languages. The Mithridates was repubhshed in 1610 with the same ver- sion of the Lord's Prayer, and in addition verses 1-5 of Gen. I from the Welsh Bible of 1588. (Lent by Mr. J. H. Davies, M.A.). 46 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600— continued. EVANS, Lewis, Schoolmaster, (C. 1535-1580). The Castle of Christi- | anitie, detecting the long erring estate, as well of | the Romaine Church, as of the Byshop of Rome : toge- | ther with the defence of I the CathoHque [ Faith : | Set forth, by Lewys Euans, | ... I Imprinted at London by | Henry Denham. (1568). 8vo. 136x92. ff. [12], 72, [4 (address to the reader, etc.)]. The author, a native of Monmouthshire, was obUged to leave London for Antwerp because of his Romanist opinions. After- wards, becoming reconciled to the Church of England, he wrote this abusive book against the Church of Rome. It obtained for him Queen Elizabeth's pardon. 135 LHUYD, Humphrey, of Denbigh. CoMMENTARiOLi | Britan- | nicae dcscri- 1 ptionis fragmen- I tvm. I Avctore | Humfredo Lhuyd, Denbyghiense, | Cambro Britanno. | . . . | Coloniae Agrippinae | Apud loannem Birckmannum. | M.d.lxxii. | Cum gratia & Priuilegio Caesa. Maiest. 136 Small 8 vo. 144x94. pp. [xvi], 80 [i blank]. The title-page of this copy bears the autographs of Sir Robert Cotton, and his celebrated friend William Camden, the antiquary. The Breuiary of | Britayne. | As this most noble, and renow- | med Hand, was of auncient ] time deuided into three King- | domes, England, Scotland and | Wales. | Contaynyng a learned discourse | of the variable state, & altera- | tion therof, vnder diuers, as | wel natural : as forren prin- | ces, & Conquerours. | Together with the Geographicall de- | scription of the same, such as nether by elder, nor later writers, the | like hath been set f oorth before. | Writen in Latin by Humfrey | Lhuyd of Den- bigh, a Cambre | Britajme, and lately Englished | by Thomas Twyne, | Gentleman. | (Imprinted at London, by Richard Johnes . . . ) 1573. Small 8vo. 140x90. pp. [xxxviii] (i blank), ff. 96 (i blank page). 137 PRICE, Sir John, of Brecon HiSTORiAE I Brytannicae Dc- ] fcnsio, loanne Priseo Eqvestris | Ordinis Bry- | tanno avthore. | [Woodcut]. Londini, | Impressum in sedibus H. Binneman typo- graphi, | impensis Humfredi Toy. Anno. 1573. Small 4to. 192x141. pp. [xxxii] {unnumbered) 160, [x] {unnumbered). 138 Bound with De Mona Druidutn, cS-c, which follows the Defensio, and is a different work. 47 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600- contlDued. CARADOC, of Llancarfan. The Historie of Cambria, | now called Wales : | A part of the most fa- mous Yland of Brytaine, | written in the Brytish Ian- guage [by Caradoc of Llancarfan] aboue two hundreth | yeares past : translated into | English by H. Lhoyd | Gentleman : | Corrected, augmented, | and continued out of Re- j cords and best approoued | Authors, by Dauid Powel | Doctor in diui- | nitie. Ends : 1584 [printers device] Imprinted at Lon- j don by Rafe Newbe- j rie and Henrie | Denham . . . 139 Small 4to. 180x140. pp. [xvi], 22, [2 {blank leaf )], 402*, [12 (Index)]. "B.IL. Title in wood-cut border and the whole decorated with numerous wood-cuts, the portraits having previously appeared in Holinshed's Chronicle. * pp. 2i8-iy are given as 208-9, and 398-9 are reversed. Another Copy bound in vellum. 139a PARRY, William, Doctor of Laws. A Trve I AND PLAINE DECLARA- | TiON of the horrible Trea- sons, pra- I ctised by WiUiam Parry the Traitor, | against the Queenes Maiestie. The maner of | his Arraignment, Conuiction and execution, toge- | ther with the copies of sundry letters of his | and others, tending to diners purposes, | for the proof es of his Treasons. | Also an addition not impertinent | thereunto, containing a short collection | of his birth, education and course | of life. | Moreover, a fewe obseruations | gathered of his owne wordes and wrytings, for | the farther manifestation of his I most disloyal, deuilish and | desperate purpose. | (A prayer for all Kings, Princes, Countreyes and people, which doe professe the Gospel : And especially for our soueraigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, etc.). At London by C[hristopher] B[arker]. Cum privilegio. [1585]. Small 4to. 184x130. pp. [ii], 54, 8. B.IL. 140 PONTICUS, LuDOVicus, Virunius, and GIRALDUS Cam- brensis PoNTici ViRVNNii I Viri Doctissimi Bri- | tannicae historiae li- I bri sex, magna et fide | et diUgentia con- | scripti : | Ad Britannici codicis fidem cor- | recti, & ab infinitis mendis Hberati: qui- | bus prsefixus est catalogus Regum | Britannise : per Dauidem ] Pouelum, S. Theolog profes- sorem. | [Page 45 — " Itinerarivm | Cambriae : | Sev 48 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600— continued. PONTICUS, LuDOVicus, and GIRALDUS Cambrensis — continued. laboriosae Baldvini | Cantuar. Archiepiscopiper | Walliam legationis, accu- | rata descriptio, Auctore Sil. Giraldo | Cambrense. | Cum Annotationibus Davidis | Poveli sacrae Theologige | professoris). | Londini Apud Edmundum Bollifantum, impensis Henrici Denhami & Radulphi Nuberij. I 1585. Small 8vo. 148x97. pp. [xiv], 290 (6 unnumbered). pp. 45-46 wanting (blank ?). 141 PENRY, John, Born in Brecknockshire, (1559-1593). A Treatise | containing | the Aeqvity of | an Hvmble Svppli- I cation which is to be | exhibited vnto Hir Graciovs Maiesty and | this high Court of Parliament in the behalfe of the Countrey of | Wales, that some order may | be taken for the preaching of | the Gospell among those I people, | Wherein also is set downe as much of the I estate of our people as without offence | could be made known, to the end that | our case (if it please God) may be piti- | ed by them who are not of this assem- | bly, and so they also may bee driuen to | labour on our be- halfe. I At Oxford, I Printed by Joseph Barnes, and are to be sold in Pauls Church-yard at the | signe of the Tygershead. 1587. See illus. Small 8vo. 130x83. pp. 64 (i blank). 142 An Exhortation vnto the gouer- [ nours, and people of hir Maiesties | countrie of Wales, to labour earnestly, | to haue the preaching of | the Gospell planted a- | mong them. I There is in the ende something | that was not in the former | impression. . . . 1588. Small 8vo (in fours). 137x92. pp. ii, no. 143 The first or " former impression " indicated in the title was printed early in 1588, and no copy is on record. The second is unknown save for the copy here shown. The third issue is also dated 1588. It seems probable that for some reason the address " To the LL. of the Counsel," pp. 65-110 of the second issue was suppressed, and p. 65 reprinted. See " A new tract from the Marprelate press " by J. Dover Wilson, in The Library, N.S., vol. X, 1909, pp. 225-240. Also exhibited the third issue, omitting all after p. 65, which page has been re-set, and diflPers from the second issue, while the title and pp. 1-64 agree in every detail. i2mo. 134x92. pp. ii, 65. 144 A TREATISE CONTAINING THE AEaVITY OF AN HVMBLE SVPPLI- C AT ION WHICH IS TO BE EXHIBITED rNTO HIR GRACIOVS MAIESTY AND this high Coun of Parliament in thebehalfe oft he (^ountrey of Wales, chat lomc order mav be taken fifr the freachmg of the Cofpcll among cholc people. Wherein alfo is fct downe as much of the eftate ofour people as without offence could be made known, to the end that our ca(c (if it pleafe God) may be piti- ed by them who are not of this aflcm- bly.andfo they alfo may bee dhuen to labour on our bchalfe. AT OXFORD, Printed by Joseph Barnes, and are to he fold m I^amIs Chtfrch-jrard at the Ji^ne of the Tigers head. I 5 8 7. FIRST BOOK 15V JOHN I'ENRY. 1587. To fact- [). 48. 49 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600— continued. PENRY, John— continued. Th'Appellation of I loHN Penri, vnto the Highe | court of Parliament, from the bad and inju- | rious deaUng of th' Archb. of Canterb. & | other his colleagues of the high commission : Wher- | in the complainant, humbly sub- mitting himselfe | and his cause vnto the determination of this ho- I norable assembly : craueth nothing els, but either | release from trouble and persecution, or just | tryaU. | . . . 1589. Small 8vo (in fours). 138x90. pp. [ii], 52. 145 Bovind with " A view " etc. 1588. A viEWE of some part of such pub- | like wants & disorders as are in the seruice | of God, within her Maiesties coun- trie I of Wales, togither with an humble Petiti- | on, vnto this high Court of Parlia- | ment for their speedy redresse. I Wherein is shewed, | not only the necessitie of reform- ing ) the state of rehgion among that people, but | also the onely way, in regarde of substaunce, | to bring that reformation to passe. [1588]. Small 8vo. 146x88. pp. xiv, 84 (last blank). 146 Boimd with "Th'Appellation." An Hvmble Mo- | tion with svb- | mission vnto the right I honorable LL. of hir Ma- | iesties Privie Covnsell. | Wherein is laid open to | be considered, how necessarie it were | for the good of this Lande, and the Queenes Ma- I jesties safety, that Ecclesiasticall discipUne were | reformed after the worde of God : And | how easily there might be pro- | vision for a learned | Ministry | . . . Anno 1590. Small 4to. 176x136. pp. 112 (last blank— first four pp. unnumbered). Wanting pp. 73-80. which have been supplied in MS. There is another copy in the Library containing these pp. 147 A Treatise | wherein is ma- | nifestUe proved, that | re- formation and those | that sincerely fauor the same, | are vnjustly charged to be enemies, | vnto hir Maiestie, and I the state. | Written both for the | clearing of those that stande in that | cause : and the stopping of the sclaunde- | rous mouthes of all the ene- | mies thereof. | . . . [Edinburgh ?] 1590. Small 4to. 188x144. 36 foUos unnumbered. 148 50 BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST BEFORE 1600— continued. BARROWE, Henry, GRENEWOOD, John and PENRIE ; John The Examinations of | Henry Barrowe John Grene- WOOD I AND John Penrie, before the high | commis- sioners, and Lordes of the Counsel. | Penned by the pri- soners themselues | before their deathes. | [Ornament]. Ther is nothing couered, that shal not | be reuiled : neither hid, that shal not be knowen. ] Luke 12. 2. | ffor euery worke God himself wil bring | Vnto iudgement, with euery secret thing whither ] good or euil. Eccles. 2, I. I [1593]. Small 4to, 182x120. fi. 16, unnumbered. "B.IL. With- out place, date, or printer. 149 Whilst Barrow, Greenwood, and Penry were closely confined they secretly wrote this account and caused it to be smuggled out of the prison in fragments. Sympathisers conveyed the slips abroad, and had them printed at Dort by one Hause, under the supervision of Arthur Byllet. THOMAS, Lewis, 1568 — circa 1619. Seauen Sermons, | or, | The Exercises of seuen | Sab- baoths. I I. The Prophet Dauids Arithmeticke, | 2. Peters Repentance. | 3. Christs last Supper. | 4. Christ combating with Satan. | 5. The Sea-mans Carde. | 6. The Sinners Bath. | 7. The forming of Eue the first woman. | Together with a short Treatise upon the | Com- maundements. | . . . | Printed by Valentine Sims, | 1599. Foolscap Svo. 134x88. ff. [3], 116. Sig. A-P6. Printed in Roman type and decorated with wood-cut head and tail pieces ; title set in border. Text begins on A4 (fo. i), ff. 67 and 92 are blank. 150 A native of Glamorganshire, or Radnorshire. Educated at Oxford, where he matriculated imder the name of Lewis Evans, and graduated B.A. in 1586-7, being then described as Lewis Evans alias Thomas. Eventually beneficed in Glamorgan. 51 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between 1601 and 1660. VAUGHAN, Rowland, of New Court, Herefordshire. Most Approved, | And | Long experienced Water- | VVorkes. | Containing, | The manner of Winter and Sum- mer- I drowning of Medow and Pasture, by the aduan- tage I of the least, Riuer, Brooke, Fount, or Water- | prill adiacent ; there-by to make | those grounds (especi- ally if they | be drye) more Fertile |Ten for One. | As also a demonstration of a Proiect, | for the great benefit of the Common-wealth | generally, but of Hereford-shire | especially. | . . . j By Rowland Vavghan, Esquire. | Im- printed at London by George Eld. | i6io. 151 Small 4to. 176X 135. ff 69 unnumbered. Wants the plate. DRAYTON, Michael PoLY-OLBiON I or I A Chorographicall Description of Tracts, Riuers, | Mountaines, Forests, and other Parts of this re- nowned Isle I of Great Britaine, | With intermixture of the most Remarquable Stories, Antiquities, Wonders, Rarityes, Pleasures, and Commodities of | the same : Digested in a Poem | By | Michael Drayton. | With a Table added, for direction to those occurrences of Story and Antiquitie, | whereunto the Course of the Volume easily leades not. | Esq. | London. | Printed by H. L. for Mathew Lownes : I. Browne : I. Helme, | and I. Busbie. 1613. pp. [xxvij, 304. 270x180. 18 maps. 152 Together with The I Second Part, | or | A continvance | of Poly-olbion | from the eigh- | teenth song. | Containing all the Tracts, Riuers, Moun- | taines, and Forrests : | Intermixed with the most remarkable Stories, | Antiquities, Wonders, Rarities, Pleasures, and Com-modities, of the East, and Northerne parts of this Isle, | lying betwixt the two famous Riuers of | Thames, and Tweed. | London, | Printed by Augustine Mathewes for lohn Marriott, | lohn Grismand, and Thomas Dewe. | 1622. pp. [x], 168. 12 maps. 152a WILLAN, Robert, D.D., Chaplain to Charles I. Conspiracie I Against | Kings, | Heavens ] Scorne. | A Sermon preached at Westmin- | ster-Abbey before the Judges, vpon j the fifth of Novemb. | 1622. | By | Ro; 52 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between 1601 and 1660 — continued. WILLAN, Robert — continued. Willan, Doctor in Diuinity. | Si totus orbis aduersum me coniuraret, vt quippiam | moliar aduersus regiam Mai- estatem, ego tamen | Deum timerem, & ordinatum ab 60 Regem offen - | dere temere non auderem. | Bern. Epist. 170., ad Ludouic. Franc. Regem. | London, | Printed by John Bill. 1622. 153 Small 4to. 215x160. pp. [viii], 46+two blank leaves preceding Ai (except for signature also blank), two blank leaves (G4 and Hi) following p. 46, [H2] with imprint on recto, two further blank leaves (H3-4) and a blank fly-leaf. A fine copy, bound in contemporary vellum, dedicated by Dr. Willan to John Williams, Bishop of Lincoln, afterwards Arch- bishop of York, whose arms are stamped in gold on the front cover. [VAUGHAN, Sir William], " Orpheus Junior," pseud. The I Golden | Fleece | Diuided into three Parts, | Vnder which are discouered the Errours | of ReUgion, the Vices and Decayes of the King- | dome, and lastly the wayes to get wealth, and to | restore Trading so much com- I playned of. | Transported from | Cambrioll Col- chos, out of the Southermost | Part of the Hand, com- monly called the | Newfovndland, | By Orpheus Junior, For the generall and perpetuall Good of | Great Britaine. London, | Printed for Francis WilUams, . . . | 1626. Small 4to. 181 x 136. pp. [xxviii], 150, 106, 96. Has a folding-map of Newfoundland following the preliminary pages. 154 Sir Wm. Vaughan, a pioneer in the settling of Newfoundland, wrote this allegory in praise of the colony. It is a perfect and well-preserved copy. JAMES, Thomas, Captain, (C. 1590-1635), the Navigator. The I Strange | And Dange- | rovs Voyage of | Cap- TAiNE Thomas Iames, in | his intended Discouery of the Northwest | Passage into the South Sea. | Wherein | The Miseries indvred both | Going, Wintering, Returning ; and the Rarities | obserued, both Philosophicall and Mathematical!, | are related in this lournall of it. | Pub- lished by His Maieties | command. | To which are added, A Plat or Card for the | SayUng in those Seas. | Diuers little Tables of the Author's, of the Va- | riation of the Compasse, &c. | With | An Appendix concerning Longi- tude, by Master | Henry Gellibrand Astronomy Reader | 53 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between I60I and 1660— continued. JAMES, Thomas — continued. of Gresham Colledge in London. | And | An aduise con- cerning the Philosophy of these late | Discoueryes, By W[illiam] W[atts]. | London, | Printed by lohn Legatt, for lohn Partridge. | 1633. Small 4to. 173 X 132. pp. [viii], 120 [24 (the portion by Watts)]. Imperfect : wants leaves Ai (blank ?) and Q4 (blank?). 155 Thomas James, the leader of this remarkable voyage, a member of the Inner Temple, was born at Wem-y-cwm, near Abergavenny. POWELL, Vavasor, (1617-1670). Christ and Moses | Excellency, | or | Sion and Sinai's Glory. I Being | A Triplex Treatise, distinguishing | and explain- ing the I Two Covenants | or the Gospel and Law : | and I Directing to the right understanding | appljdng, and finding of the Informing | and Assuring Promises, that be- I long to both Covenants. | By Vavasor Powell, Preacher | of the Gospel in Wales. | . . . | London, Printed by R. I. for Hannah Allen, | at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1650. 156 8vo. 140x90. pp. [xxviii], 552 {last 3 unnumbered.) Saving Faith | Set forth | In Three Dialogues, or | Con- ferences : I Between Christ and a | i PubUcan, | 2 Phari- see, I 3 Doubting Beleever. | Whereunto is added | Two Sermons | One of them | Preached before the Parlia- ment I the other | Before the Lord Mayor of the City of I London. | By Vavasor Powell, Mi- | nister of the Gospell. I London, | Printed by Robert Ibbitson for Livewell Chapman, | at the Crown in Popes-head Alley, 1651. I Small 8vo. 138x90. pp. [xii], 62 [for 64, 31-2 re- peated ; last 3 blank]. 157 Bound with Christ Exalted | above all Creatures | By | God His Father. | or | A Sermon Preached | before the Right Ho- I nourable, the Parliament | of the Commonwealth | of England. | (At their solemne Fast, observed | the last day of the last Month | called February 1649). | By Vavasor Powell. | . . . | London, Printed by Robert 54 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between I60I and 1660 — eontinned. POWELL, Vavasor — continued. Ibbitson for Livewell Chapman | at the Crown in Popes- head Alley. I Mdcli, | Small 8vo. 138x90. pp. [iv] (blank leaf and t.p.), 96 (pp. 40-43 wrongly numbered). 158 [Another Copy, wanting first blank leaf, bound with No. 159a]. 158a Also bound with God the Father Glorified : | And the worke of mens Re- I demption, and Salvation, | finished by Jesus Christ on Earth. | Opened in a | Sermon | Before the Right Honourable the | Lord Maior, and the Right Wor- | ship- full the Sheriffes, Aldermen, and Re- | corder of the City of London, | the second day of the tenth Moneth | (called December) 1649. | By Vavasor Powell, a willing (though weak) La- | bourer in Christs Vine-yard in Wales. I The second Impression. | . • . | London Printed by Charles Sumptner, for Hannah Allen, | at the Crowne in Popes-Head Alley. 1650. 159 Small 8vo. 138x90. pp. [viii], 144, [Another Copy, bound with No. 158a]. 159a nD3 IDiy I or the [ Bird in the Cage, | Chirping | Four distinct Notes to his Consorts abroad, | . , . . | And as a Perface [sic] hereto, an Epistle to the Welsh | Churches, and a brief Narrative of the former | Propagation, and late Restriction of the Gospel, | (and the true Preachers and Professors thereof) | in Wales. And a short Vindi- cation of the I Author and others, from the Calumniation of I their Adversaries concerning the same. | By Vava. Powell. 1 The second Edition Corrected and Enlarged | ... 1 London Printed, for L. C. at the next shop to Popes- I head Alley, on the West-side in Comhill, 1662. | Collation: Title, i leaf; Epistle dedicatory, 11 pp. ; A brief narrative, etc., 13 pp. ; A word in Season, pp. 1-54; Some scriptural observations, pp. 55-142; Lament- ations of Jeremiah in metre, 1-25 ; A true Christians Pilgrimage, pp. 26-46. Errata 47. 48 blank. Signatures are continuous. 8vo. 145 X 97. pp. xxvi, 142, 48. 160 This is the earlier issue of the second edition, with the page of errata at the end. In the later i.ssue, the errors were corrected, and the errata omitted. 55 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between 1601 and 1660— continued. POWELL, Vavasor — continued. [Another Issue]. A copy of the later issue of the 2nd edition with the press errors corrected and the errata page omitted. Note line 13 of t.p. " Perface " in earlier issue, corrected in this. 161 VAUGHAN, Henry, the Silurist. SiLEX SciNTiLLANS : | or | Sacred Poems | and | Private Eiaculations | by Henry Vaughan Silurist | London, printed by. T. W. for H. Blunden | at ye Castle in Corne- hill. 1650. Small 8 vo. 150x88. -pp. 110 {first 6 unnumbered), en- graved title-page. 162 Second edition — SiLEX SciNTiLLANS I | Sacrcd I Poems | and private | Ejacu- lations. I The second Edition, In two Books ; | By Henry Vaughan, Silurist. | . . . | London, printed for Henry Crips, and Lodowick Lloyd, ... | ... | 1655. 163 Small 8vo. 153x90. pp. [xvi (first leaf blank)], no {first 6 unnumbered), 84, [iv (Table)]. Total, 214 pp. Olor I IscANVs. I A collection | of some select | Poems, | and I translations, | Formerly written by | Mr. Henry Vaughan Silurist. | Published by a Friend. | . . . | London, | printed by T. W. for Humphrey Moseley, | ... I 1651. Small 8vo. 144x94. pp. [xviii], 158. Has also an en- graved title-page by Robert Vaughan. 164 Another edition — Olor Iscanvs. | A collection | Of | some Select | Poems, | Together with these Translations fol- | lowing, viz. j I. Of the benefit wee may get by our Enemies, ] 2. Of the diseases of the mind, and of the body. Both | writ- ten in Greek, by that great Philiosopher Plutarch. 3. Of the diseases of the mind, and of the body, and which of them is most pernicious, written in Greek by Maximus Tyrius. | 4. Of the praise and happiness of a Country Life ; | written in Spanish by Antonio de Guev- ara : Bishop of | Carthagena. | All EngUshed by H. Vaughan, Silurist. | London : Printed, and are to be sold by Peter Parker, | . . . | . . . | 1679. Small 8vo. 142x92. pp. [xii], 158 [ii (errata)]. 165 56 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between I60I and 1660— contlnaed. VAUGHAN, Henry — continued. Flores Solitudinis. I Certaine Rare and Elegant | Pieces; viz. I Two Excellent Discourses | Of i. Temperance, and Patience ; | 2. Life and Death. | By | I. E. Nierembergius. | The World | Contemned ; By | Eucherius, Bp. of Lyons. | And the Life of | Paulinus, | Bp of Nola. | Collected in his Sicknesse and Retirement | By | Henry Vaughan, Silurist. I ... I London, Printed for Humphrey Moseley at the I Princes Armes in St. Pauls Church-yard. 1654. i2mo. 145x80. pp. [xx,] 192. 166, [xvi (Books printed by H. Moseley)]. AH three parts separately titled; pagin- ation of second and third part continuous. 166 Another Copy. 143x78. Wants list of Books printed by H. Moseley at the end. 167 NOLLE, Heinrich Hermetical I Physick : I or, I The right way to pre- 1 serve, and to restore | health. | By | That famous and faith- | full Chymist, | Henry Nollivs. | Englished bj^ | Henry Uaughan, Gent. London, printed for Humphrey Moseley, . . . 1655- i2mo. 120x70. pp. [viii], 130. The signatures on sheets A & B are wrongly numbered. 168 The translator was Henry Vaughan, the Silurist, q.v. PUGH, Thomas Brittish and Out-landish I Prophesies : | most | Of above a 1000 years Antiquity, | the rest very Antient ; Fore-teUing | The several Revolutions which hath and shall befall the Scepter of England ; | the Coming in of the Normans, Continuance and Ex- | tirpation ; the late Warrs ; the late Kings death ; his High- | ness's Con- quest and arrival to the Scepter, Sovereigntie | and Gov- ernment of Great Brittain ; the fall of the Turk, ( Pope, Emperour of Germany, and most of the great | Princes of the world by their particular names ; | and that his Highness that now is shall | Conquer most of them : | Also, I His Highness's lineal descent from the antient Princes of | Brittain, clearly manifesting that Hee is the Conquerour | they so long prophesied of. Also, a short account of the late | King's Original ; published in Welsh and English for | the satisfaction of the Intelligent in 57 ENGLISH BOOKS OF WELSH INTEREST between 1601 and 1660 — continued. PUGH, Thomas— continued. either | Tongue. | By Thomas Pugh, Gentleman. ] Lon- don I Printed, and are to be sold by Lodowick Lloyd at his Shop I next to the Castle in Corn-hill, 1658. Small 4to. 177x135- PP- M, 192. 169 LLOYD, David, Canon of St. Asaph. (1617-1663). The I Legend | of | Captain Jones. | Relating | His ad- venture to Sea : His first landing, and | strange Combat with a mighty Bear. | His furious Battel with his six and thirty men, | against the Army of eleven Kings, with their | overthrow and deaths. | His reUeving of Kemper Castle. I His strange and admirable Sea-fight with six huge Gallies of Spain, and nine thousand | Souldiers. | His taking Prisoner, and hard Usage. | Lastly, His set- ting at Liberty by the Kings com- | mand, and return for England. [Written in verse by D. Lloyd]. London, I Printed for Humphrey Moseley, and are to be sold | at his shop, at the Prince's Armes in | St. Paul's Church- yard. 1659. Small 8 vo. 138x93. pp. [xxiv ?], 72. 170 The second part has a separate title-page and is dated 1656. 58 WORKS PRINTED AT THE HAFOD PRESS. Tn 1803 Thomas Johnes set up a private printing press at Hafod, near Devil's Bridge. A number of works were issued from the press during the years 1803-10, including editions of the Chronicles of Monstrellet and Froissart. Twenty-five copies of each of these two works were printed on large paper, six of the 25 copies having a duplicate set of the plates coloured by hand. FROISSART, Jean Sir John Froissart's | Chronicles | of | England, France and the adjoining countries, | from the latter part of the Reign of | Edward II. to the Coronation of Henry IV. I Newly translated | From the best French Editions, with Variations and Additions from many celebrated Manuscripts. | By Thomas Johnes. | . . . | At the Hafod Press, I By James Henderson. | Mdccciii. FoUo. 388x255. 4 volumes, coloured plates. 171 MONSTRELLET, Enguerrand de The I Chronicles | of | Enguerrand de Monstrelet ] A gentleman formerly resident at Cambray in Cambresis ; Containing | An Account of the | Cruel Civil Wars Between I The Houses of Orleans and Burgundy; | Of the possession of Paris and Normandy by the | English, — Their ex- pulsion thence, — and of other memorable | events that happened in the kingdom of France as well as in other countries. | A History of fair example and of great profit to the French, | beginning at the year Mcccc. where that of Sir I John Froissart finishes, and ending at the | year Mcccclxvii. and continued | by others to the year | Mdxvi. I Translated | By Thomas Johnes, Esq. | At the Hafod Press. | Mdcccix. FoUo. 388x255. 4 volumes, coloured plates. 172 59 ARTHURIAN ROMANCES. MAP, Walter Vol. I. Begins: [C]y commence la table et registre des rubriches du premier volume du liure ou romat fait & copose a la perpetuation de memoire des vertueux faiz & gcstes de plusieurs nobles & excelles cheualiers q f uret au teps du tres noble & puissat roy art' copaignos de la table rode. Specialemet a la louege du tres vaillat cheualier lacelot du lac filz du roy ban de benoic es parties de gaulles q len dit a present estre la duchie de berry. [Compiled by Walter Map, whose name appears on the colophon of the second volume] . Ends : Ce present & premier volume a este Imprime a Rouen en lostel de gaillard le bourgois Lan de grace mil.cccc.iiii.xx. & huytle. xxiiii. iour de nouebre, (1488). Par iehan le bourgois. A lexaltacion de la nob- lesse, et de la bonne cheualerie, q fut en la grade bretaigne eu teps du tres noble & vailat roy artus, et de la table ronde Et a lexaltacion des courages des iennes nobles ou au tres q seveullet erxcerciter aux armes & acquerir lordre de cheualerie. [printer's mark]. Vol. II . Begins : Cy commence le second volume de la Table ronde, autrement dit Lancelot du lac. [Table fol- lows] . Ends : Cy fine le derrenier volume de la table rode faisant mencion des fais & proesses de moseigneur lacelot du lac & dautres plusieurs nobles & vilalans hommes ses compaignons. Compile & extraict precisement & au iuste des vrayes histoires faisantes de ce mencion, par tresnotable homme & tresexpt historien maistre Gaultier map. Et imprime a Paris par Jehan du pre. En la de grace, milcccc.iiii.xx. & viii. (1488) le xvi. iour de sep- tembre. 2 Vols., folio. 355x255. Gothic letter, printed in double columns, 48 lines to a full page, without title or pagination, large woodcuts. Formerly in the Heber collection. 173 Collation Vol. I, (aa 4 £E), a to m in 8s, n6, o to z in 8s, A to K in 8s, I,4[+2£E*], total 272 folios. Vol. II, A to O in 8s, PQ in 6s, R to V in 8s, aa bb in 8s, cc6, dd to ff in 8s, gg6, hh to kk in 8s, total 232 folios. • The first two leaves of volume II (comprising the table) being without signatures, have been bound at the end of volume I by mistake. The initials have not been rubricated. E2 6o ARTHURIAN ROMANCES— continued. MAP, Walter — continued Le premier (-tiers) volume I DE LANCELOT DU LAC, Nou- uellement impri- | me a Paris | [pour Jehan Petit] 1513- 1520. Vol. Ill ends : Cy fine le dernier volume de la table ronde faisant mention des faitz & prouesses de Mo- seigneur Lancelot du lac & daultres plusieurs nobles et vaillans hommes ses copaignons Nouvellement imprime a Paris pour Jehan Petit Ubraire iure de luniuersite de paris demourant en la grant rue Sainct Jacques. Lan mil cinq cens & xx, (1520) le quinziesme iour du moys de decembre. 3 vols. Small folio. 257x183. ®.1L. Woodcut illus- trations and initial letters, without pagination. Printed in double columns. 44 lines to a full page. Vol. I, 214, II, 166, III, 208 leaves. 174 GEOFFREY of Monmouth. BrITANIE UTRIUSQ3 | REGU & PRICIPU OrI [ GO & GESTA INSIGNIA I ab Galfrido Monemutensi ex antiquissi- | mis Britannici sermonis monumentis in latinii sermone tra- ducta : & ab Ascensio Cu | ra & impedio magistri luonis Cauellati in | lucem edita : pstant in eiusdem aedibus. | [Printer's mark]. Ends : lo. Badius Ascensius Lectori Sa. . . . 1508. SmaU quarto. 201 X 142. 109 folios [i blank wanted]. Numerous wood-cut capitals. 175 Britannie UTRIUSQ3 Regu I Et Principum Origo & gesta insignia ab Galfrido Monemu- | tensi ex antiquissimis Britannici sermonis monumentis in | latinum traducta : & ab Ascensio rursus maiore accuratione | impressa. [Printer's mark]. Venundantur in eiusdem aedibus. Ends : lo. Badius Ascensius Lectori Sa. . . . 1517. Small quarto. 189x140. no folios. Numerous wood- cut capitals. 176 MERLIN. Vol. 1. SEnSUYT le P- I MIER VOLUME | DE MeRLIN. | Nouuellemet imprime a Pa- | ris en la grant rue sainct Jac- I ques a lenseigne de la Roze | blanche couronnee [by Ph. le Noir]. [Woodcut]. Vol. II. Le second volume | de Merlin, nouuel | lement imprime a Paris. [Woodcut]. 6i ARTHURIAN ROMANCES -continued. MERLIN — continued. Vol. III. Les prophecies de I Merlin, nouuelle- | ment Imprimees a Paris. [Woodcut]. Vol. Ill ends : Cy finent les Prophecies de Merlin Nouuellement imprimees a Paris. En la grant rue sainct Jncques [sic] a lenseigne de la Rose blanche couronnee. Et fut le dit Uure de Merlin acheue dimprimer le second iour de Juing, 1526. 3 Vols., 8vo. 185x125. 180, 144, 126 folios, (g.l., printed in double columns, with nimierous wood-cut capitals. 177 PERCEVAL le Gallois Tresplaisante et Re- | creatine Hystoire | du Trespreulx et vaillant CheuaUier | Perceual le galloys Jadis cheu- allier | de la Table ronde. Leql acheua | les aduetures du saict Gra | al. Auec aulchuns faictz | belliqueulx du noble | cheuallier Gauuai | Et aultres Che | ualliers estas I au temps | du noble | Roy | Arthus non au parauant Imprime. | Auec priuilege, | On les vend au Pallais a Paris, En la bou- | tique de Jehan 15gis. Jehan Sainct denis, et Ga | hot du pre, Marchans hbraires demourant au- 1 diet heu. Ends : Fin du Romant et Hys- toire du preulx et vaillant CheuaUier Perceual le Galloys, Jadis CheuaUier de la Table rode. Lequel acheua les aduentures du Sainct Graal. Auec auchuns faitz beUi- queulx du noble cheuaUier Gauuain. Et aultres Cheual- Hers estans au teps du noble Roy Arthus. Le tout nouueUement Imprime a Paris, pour honestes personnes Jehan sainct denys, et Jehan longis, marchans Librairesde- mourans audict lieu. Et fut acheue de Imprimer le premier lour de Septembre. Lan mil cinq cens trente. (1530). SmaU folio. 248x176. 228 leaves. "B.IL., printed in double columns, woodcut capitsds, and one large figure (aa 4 verso), title printed in red and black in woodcut border. Collation : aa (4 ff) AA (4 ff) a — v. A* — R 4 (in sixes) ; 44 lines to a fuU page, 178 • A4 signed x.iiii. BORRON, Helie de Gyron le Courtoys I Auecques la deuise des armes de tous les cheu- | aUers de la table ronde. Ends: Imprime a paris 62 ARTHURIAN ROMANCES— continued. BORRON, Helie de — continued. pour Antho- | ine Verard marchant libraire demourat | a Paris pres petit pont Deuant la rue ) neufue nostre Dame a lenseigne Saint | iehan, leuangeliste. Ou au palais au pre- I mier pillier Deuant la chappelle ou len | chante la Messe De messeigneurs les | presidens. No date (1501 ?). Folio. 330x238. ff. 258. (S.H. Printed in double col- umns. 46 lines to a column ; few wood-cut lUus. and Initials. 179 The last of the original Arthurian romances, written about 1220. BOUCHARD, Alain Les Croniques Annal | les des pays dangleterre et bretaigne, contenant les faictz ] et gestes des roys et princes qui ont regne oudit pays, | et choses Dignes De memoire aduenues Durant | leurs regnes puis Brutus iusques au trespas | du feu due de bretaigne Francoys second du | nom Dernier decede. Faictes et redigees ] par noble homme et sage maistre Alain | Bouchard en son viuant aduocaten | la court de parlement et depuis | augmentees et continuees | iusques en Lan Mil | cinq cens. xxxi. I Auec privilege. | On les vend a Paris en la grant salle du palais j au premier pillier en la bouticque de Galiot du pre | marchant Libraire iure De luniversite. | Mil.v.C.xxxi (1531). Galliot dv pre. Ends : Fin des cronicques annalles des pays dangle- terre et bretaigne armoricque faictes et compilees par noble homme et sage maistre Allain bouchart en son viuant aduocat en la court de parlemet a paris esquelles sont adioustees puis le trespas du feu due Jehan de bre- taigne, xii^. du nom les choses dignes de memoyre ad- uenues es ditz pays iusques en lan mil cinq cens, xxxi. Nouuellement reueues et cortigees et Jmprimees a Paris par Anthoine cousteau imprimeur le vnziesme iour de Septembre Mil cinq cens. xxxi. Pour honorables per- sonnes Jehan petit et GaUiot du pre libraires iurez de Luniuersite dudit lieu. Small folio. 314x202. 233 folios. ®.IL, Title, in red and black, inset in engraved border ; several wood-cut illustrations, numerous wood-cut capitals and a printer's mark. Bound in red morocco. 180 63 ARTHURIAN ROMANCES— coDtinued. MALORY, Sir Thomas King Arthur. Quarto. 246x182. "B.C, printed in double columns, without pagination, with woodcuts. 42 lines to a full page. 181 This is either the 1529 edition printed by Wynkyn de Worde, or an undescribed re-issue of it, anterior to Copland's and East's edition of 1557. The preHminary leaves were probably fourteen {i.e. six for aaa and eight for bbb), but here we have only leaves bbb 2-8 ; after which follow a-v in alternate eights and sixes, except V, which is 8 instead of 6 (wanting e i, e 8, / 4, / 5); next A-Y (A-C in sixes, D-H in eights .I-V in sixes, X in four, Y in six leaves) ; then A, B, D, D, in sixes, and E leaves 1-4. Thus there are probably two leaves wanting at the end, besides seven at the beginning, and the four specified above, as well as a portion of leaf C 4. Hazlitt, in his collection of Notes (I) gives an appar- ently elaborate description of the copy of the 1529 Wynkyn de Worde edition which is preserved in the British Museum, but states that D is the last sheet, and that the printer's device was to be found on i) 5. If he be correct, then the edition described above cannot be the one of 1529, which it appears to coincide with in all other respects. It is certainly not that of 1498, nor that of Copland, nor that of East, but it contains woodcuts from the identical blocks used in the 1498 edition. With the engraved bookplate of " Sinclair " {i.e. Henry, Baron Sinclair, who died in 1723) ; under it the signature of J. St. Clair, his son, who died in 1762. Through the marriage of Grisel Sinclair (daughter of Henry) with John Paterson, the book passed into possession of the Erskines, Earls of Rosslyn, and the crest of the second Earl (about 1705-10) is stamped in black on the back. The Story of the most noble and ] worthy Kynge Arthur, the whiche was one of the worthyes | chrysten, and also of his noble and valiaute knyghtes | of the rounde Table. Newly imprynted | and corrected. 1557. [Woodcut]. Imprynted at London by Wyllyam Copland. Ends : Imprynted at Londo in Fletestrete at the sygne of the Rose Garlande, by Wyllyam Copland. Quarto. 261x179. 311 leaves, "B.IL. Printed in double columns, without pagination ; 44 lines to a full page. Each book has a woodcut, and after the colophon is a leaf containing the device of R. Copland with the name of Wyllyam Coplande, who succeeded him, beneath. The first five leaves are in facsimile ; some following and at the end are re-mounted. 182 The Most | Ancient and | Famovs History | of the Re- nowned I Prince | Arthvr ] King of Britaine, | Wherein is declared his Life and Death, | with all his glorious 64 ARTHURIAN ROMANCES— contlDued. MALORY, Thomas— continued. Battailes against the | Saxons, Saracens and Pagans, which (for the honour of his | Country) he most wor- thily atchieued. | As also, all the Noble Acts, and Heroicke I Deeds of his VaUant Knights of | the Rovnd Table. | Newly refined, and pubUshed for the dehght, and | profit of the Reader, j London, | Printed by WiUiam Stansby, I for lacob Bloome, 1634. Quarto. 182x133. "B.IL. 3 parts each with title, etc. (without pagination). Woodcut frontispiece repeated to each part. Formerly in the collection of Alexander L Beresford Hope. 183 Collation : % §, A — Jj, 7 leaves, A — Rr i, 8 leaves, A — Pp 4 (all in fours) = total 428 leaves, 37 lines to a full page. BOURCHIER, John, Baron Berners. Arthur of Brytayn. | The hystory of the moost noble and valyaunt knyght Arthur of | lytell brytayne, translated out of Frensshe in to engUsshe by the no- | ble Johan bourgh- cher knyght lordeBarners, newly Imprynted. | [Woodcut]. Ends : Imprynted at London in Powles | churche yeard at the sygne of the Cocke | by Roberte Redborne. {Circa 1576). Small foHo. 270 x 187. 180 (leaves wrongly numbered). "B^a,, printed in double columns, woodcuts. Collation : Six leaves, A — Y, A — G in sixes, 43 Unes to a full page. 184 LANCELOT du lac, hero of romance. HiSTOIRE, I CONTENANT LES | GrANDES PrOVESSES, | VaIL- LANCES, ET Heroi- | ques faicts d'armes de Lancelot | du Lac, CheuaUer de la | Table ronde, | Divisee en trois Uvres. I Auec briefs sommaires donnans au plus pres | I'inteUi- gence du tout, & vne table des plus | principales ou re- marquables matieres y | traictees. [Ornament]. | A Lyon, | Par Benois Rigavd. | 1591. Octavo. 165x110. pp. 166+ [18]. Several wood-cut capitals. Bound in vellum. 185 65 examples of iFtne printing. DR. J. GWENOGVRYN EVANS' SERIES OF WELSH TEXTS. RED BOOK OF HERGEST. The Text | of the | Mabinogion | and other Welsh Tales | from the | Red Book of Hergest | edited by | John Rhys, M.A. I Professor of Celtic in the University of Oxford | and I J. Gwenogvryn Evans | . . . | Oxford | For private circulation only | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | 1887. Large 8vo. 250x150. pp. xxiv, 356. 5 facs. Printed on hand-made paper ; bound in vellum. 186 The Text | of ] The Bruts | from the | Red Book of Hergest | edited by | John Rhys, M.A. | Professor of Celtic in the University of Oxford | and | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Honorary M.A., Oxford. | , . . | Oxford | issued to sub- scribers only I By J, G. Evans, 7 Clarendon Villas | 1890. Large 8vo. 249 x 158. pp. xxxvi, 452. 5 facs. Printed on hand-made paper ; bound in vellum. 187 BLACK BOOK OF CARMARTHEN. Facsimile | of the | Black Book of Carmarthen | Re- produced by the | Autotype Mechanical Process | with a Palseographical Note | by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Honorary M.A., Oxford. | Oxford | Issued to subscribers only I By J. G. Evans . . . | 1888. Large 8vo. 250x160. pp. xxii, 108 (facs.), 6 pp. (sub- scribers). 188 BOOK OF LLAN DAV. The Text | of the j Book of Llan Dav | Reproduced from the | Gwysaney Manuscript | by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans, | Honorary M.A., Oxon. | With the co-operation of I John Rhys, M.A., | Professor of Celtic in the Uni- versity of Oxford. I Oxford : | Issued to Subscribers only I M.D.ccc.xciii. Large 8vo. 254x168. pp. lii, 428. 11 facs. Printed on Japanese " vellum " ; bound in vellum. 189 66 DR. J. GWENOGVRYN EVANS' SERIES OF WELSH TEXTS— continued. BLACK BOOK OF CARMARTHEN. The I Black Book | of Carmarthen | Reproduced & Edited | by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Hon. M.A., & Hon. D.Litt, (Oxon). | . • . | Pwllheli: | Issued to Subscribers only. I M.DCCCC.vi. Large 8vo. 254 x 174. pp. xlvi, 160. Printed on Roman vellum ; bound in vellum. 190 WHITE BOOK OF RHYDDERCH. The I White Book | Mabinogion : | Welsh Tales and Ro- mances I Reproduced from the | Peniarth Manuscripts : | Edited by ] J. Gwenogvryn Evans. | . . . | Pwllheli : Issued to Subscribers only. | M.dcccc.vii [for 1909]. Large 8vo. 275x180. pp. xxx, 1-89 (57-8 skipped), 90-94* (in duplicate), 95-131* (132-192 skipped), 193-203, 204-225 (in duplicate), 226-254, (255-278 skipped), 279-312=252 pages Printed on Japanese vellum; wrappers. 191 *Verso of final numbers blank. BOOK OF ANEIRIN. The Text | of the | Book of Aneirin | Reproduced & Edited | by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Hon. M.A., & Hon. D.Litt. (Oxon.) | Hon. D.Litt. (Wales). | . . . 1 Pwllheh : Issued to Subscribers only. | M.dcccc.viii [for 1910J. Large 8vo. 254 x 172. pp. [iv], 38. Printed on Roman vellum ; bound in vellum, i')2 BOOK OF TALIESIN. Facsimile and Text | of the | Book of Taliesin | Re- produced and Edited | by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Hon. M.A., and Hon. D.Litt. (Oxon.) | Hon. D.Litt. (Wales) ... I Llanbedrog, N. Wales: | Issued to subscribers only M.D.cccc.x [for 1916]. Large 8vo. 266x190. pp. [iv], 1, 179 (p. 2 skipped, 49-50 blank, 169a and 169b unnumbered). Text inter- leaved with 76 facs. Printed on linen-made paper ; bound in | vellum. 193 Poems ] from the | Book of Taliesin | Edited, | amended, and translated by | J. Gwenogvryn Evans | Hon. D. Litt. (Wales). I ... I Tremvan, Llanbedrog, N. Wales | 1915 [for 1916]. Small 8vo. 163 X 113. pp. xviii, 200. Printed on hand- made paper ; bound in | vellum. 194 67 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS, 1891—1898. This Press was founded at Hammersmith by William Morris who wrote " I started printing books with the hope of producing some which would have a definite claim to beauty, while at the same time they should be easy to read and should not dazzle the eye, or trouble the intellect of the reader by eccentricity of form in the letters." Three founts of type were designed by Morris, and used at the press. They are known as, i, The Golden type, 2, The Troy type, and 3, The Chaucer type. Facsimiles of each type, and of the printer's mark, follow. This is the Golden type* Cbis is the TTroy type* This is the Chaucer type* In addition to the type, Morris designed 384 initial letters of various sizes, 60 different borders (three of which were never used), 158 designs for marginal ornaments, and numerous other decorations. These were engraved on wood, as well as the illustrations drawn by Burne-Jones for the Chaucer and several other volumes. All the books were printed on special hand-made paper. On the death of William Morris, which took place on Oct. 3, 1896, his trustees completed certain work in hand, and 68 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. the press was then closed. The wood blocks were sent to the British Museum, with a condition that they shall not be repro- duced or printed from for a space of one hundred years. The type remains in the hands of the trustees, and has since been used for the printing of fine editions of its designer's poems, lectures and prose romances. WiUiam Morris's work at the Kelmscott Press has done much to revive an interest in artistic printing and book- making. The Kelmscott Press Chaucer is the finest production of the modern printing press. The projected Froissart, of which two specimen pages were issued after Morris's death, would have been a worthy rival of the Chaucer. The books are given in the order of pubUcation. MORRIS, William The Story of the Glittering Plain. Which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of the Undying. Written by WilUam Morris. Small 4to. Golden type. Border i. Dated April 4, issued May 8, 1891. 195 Poems by the Way. Written by WiUiam Morris. Small 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borden. Dated Sept. 24, issued Oct. 20, 1891. 196 BLUNT, Wilfred Scawen The Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus by Wilfred Scawen Blunt with the Love Sonnets of Proteus by the same author now reprinted in their full text with any sonnets omitted from the earUer editions. London. Mdcccxcii. Small 4to. Golden type. In black and red, Border i. Dated Jan. 26, issued Feb. 27, 1892. 197 RUSKIN, John The Nature of Gothic. A chapter of the Stones of Venice. By John Ruskin. With a preface by WiUiam Morris. SmaU 4to. Golden type. Border i. Diagrams in text. Dated in preface February 15, issued March 22, 1892. 198 MORRIS, William The Defence of Guenevere, and other poems. By Wil- Uam Morris. SmaU 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 2 and i. Dated April 2, issued May 19, 1892. 199 69 THE KELMSCOTT PRFSS-contlnued. MORRIS, William — continued. A Dream of John Ball and a King's Lesson. By William Morris. Small 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 3a, 4, and 2. With a woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones. Dated May 13, issued Sept. 24, 1892. 200 JACOBUS, de Voraigne The Golden Legend. By Jacobus de Voraigne. Trans- lated by William Caxton. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 3 vols. Large 4to. Golden type. Borders 5a, 5, 6a and 7. Woodcut title and two woodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones. Dated Sept. 12, issued Nov. 3, 1892. 201 LEFEVRE, Raoul The Recuyell of the Historyes of Troye. By Raoul Lefevre. Translated by William Caxton. Edited by H. Halliday Sparling. 2 vols. Large 4to. Troy type, with table of chapters and glossary in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 5a, 5, and 8. Woodcut title. Dated Oct. 14, issued Nov. 24, 1892. 202 BIBLIA INNOCENTIUM BiBLiA Innocentium : Being the Story of God's Chosen People before the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ upon Earth, written anew for children by J. W. Mackail, some- time Fellow of BaUiol College, Oxford. 8vo. Border 2. Dated Oct. 22, issued Dec. 9, 1892. 203 REYNARD THE FOX. The History of Reynard the Foxe By William Caxton, Reprinted from his edition of 1481. Edited by H. Halli- day SparUng. Large 4to. Troy type, with glossary in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 5a and 7. Woodcut title. Dated Dec. 15, 1892, issued Jan. 25, 1893. 204 SHAKESPEARE, William The Poems of William Shakespeare, Printed after the original copies of Venus and Adonis, 1593. The Rape of Lucrece, 1594. Sonnets, 1609. The Lover's Complaint. Edited by F. S. Elhs. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders i and 2. Dated Jan. 17, issued Feb. 13, 1893. 205 70 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued MORRIS, William News from Nowhere : Or, An Epoch of Rest, Being some Chapters from a Utopian Romance, by William Morris. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 9a and 4, and a woodcut engraved by W. H. Hooper from a design by C. M. Gere. Dated Nov. 22, 1892, issued March 24, 1893. 206 The order OF CHIVALRY. The Order of Chivalry. Translated from the French by Wilham Caxton and reprinted from his edition of 1484. Edited by F. S. Ellis. And L'Ordene de Chevalerie, with translation by WilUam Morris. Small 4to. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 9a and 4, and a wood- cut designed by Sir Edward Burne- Jones. The Order of Chivalry dated Nov. 10, 1892, L'Ordene de Chevalerie dated February 24, 1893, issued April 12, 1893. 207 CAVENDISH, George The Life of Thomas Wolsey, Cardinal Archbishop of York. Written by George Cavendish. Edited by F. S. ElUs from the author's autograph MS. 8vo. Golden type. Border i. Dated March 30, issued May 3, 1893. 208 GODFREY [de Bouillon], King of Jerusalem 209 The History of Godefrey of Boloyne and of the con- quest of Iherusalem. Reprinted from Caxton's edition of 1481. Edited by H. Halhday Sparling. Large 4to. Troy type, with hst of chapter headings and glossary in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 5a and 5, and woodcut title. Dated April 27th, issued May 24, 1893. MORE, Sir Thomas, Lord High Chancellor Utopia written by Sir Thomas More. A reprint of the 2nd edition of Ralph Robinson's translation, with a foreword by WiUiam Morris. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo. Chau- cer type, with the reprinted title in Troy type. In black and red. Borders 4 and 2. Dated August 4, issued Sep- tember 8, 1893. 210 TENNYSON, Alfred, 1st Baron Tennyson Maud, A Melodrama. By Alfred Lord Tennyson. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders loa and 10, and woodcut title. Dated Aug. 11, issued September 30, 1892. 211 71 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. MORRIS, William Gothic Architecture : A lecture for the Arts and Crafts Exhibition Society. By William Morris. i6mo. Golden type. In black and red. 1893. 212 MEINHOLD, JoHANN Wilhelm SiDONiA THE Sorceress. By WilUam Meinhold, trans- lated by Francesca Speranza Lady Wilde. Large 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Border 8. Dated Sept. 15, issued November i, 1893, 213 ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel Ballads and Narrative Poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and woodcut title. Dated Oct. 14, issued in November, 1893. 214 FLORUS, King of Ausay The Tale of King Florus and the fair Jehane. Trans- lated by William Morris from the French of the 13th century. i6mo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders iia and 11, and woodcut title. Dated Dec. 16, issued Dec. 28th, 1893. 215 MORRIS, William The Story of the Glittering Plain which has been also called the Land of Living Men or the Acre of the Undying, Written by William Morris. Large 4to. Troy type, with Ust of chapters in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 12a and 12, 23 designs by Walter Crane, engraved by A, Leverett, and a woodcut title. Dated Jan. 13, issued Feb. 17, 1894, 216 AMIS and AMILE. Of the Friendship of Amis and Amile. Done out of the ancient French by William Morris. i6mo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders iia and 11, and wood- cut title. Dated March 13, issued April 4, 1894. 217 ROSSETTI, Dante Gabriel Sonnets and Lyrical Poems by Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders la and I, and woodcut title. Dated Feb. 20, issued April 21, 1894. 218 72 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. KEATS, John The Poems of John Keats. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders loa and lo, and woodcut title. Dated March 7, issued May 8, 1894. 219 SWINBURNE, Algernon Charles Atalanta in Calydon : A Tragedy. By Algernon Charles Swinburne. Large 4to. Troy type, with argument and dramatis personse in Chaucer type ; the dedication and quotation from Euripides in Greek type designed by Selwyn Image. In black and red. Borders 5a and 5, and woodcut title. Dated May 4, issued July 24, 1894. 220 CONSTANTIUS CHLORUS, Roman Emperor The Tale of the Emperor Coustans and of the Over Sea. Done out of ancient French by William Morris. i6mo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders iia and 11, both twice, and two woodcut titles. Dated August 30, issued Sept. 26, 1894. 221 MORRIS, William The Wood beyond the World. By WiUiam Morris. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 13a and 13, and a frontispiece designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones, and engraved on wood by W. Spielmeyer. Dated May 30, issued Oct. 16, 1894. 222 BOOK of WISDOM and LIES. 223 The Book of Wisdom and Lies. A book of traditional stories from Georgia in Asia. Translated by Oliver War- drop from the original of Sulkhan-Saba Orbeliani. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and woodcut title. Finished Sept. 29, issued Oct. 29, 1894. SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe The Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. Vol. I. Edited by F. S. Ellis. 8vo. Golden type. Borders la and I, and woodcut title. Not dated, issued Nov. 29, 1894. Vol. II. In black and red. Not dated, issued March 25, 1895. Vol. III. In black and red. Dated August 21, issued October 28, 1895. 224 73 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. PSALMI PENITENTIALES. PsALMi PENITENTIALES. An English rhymed version of the Seven Penitential Psalms. Edited by F. S. EUis. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Dated Nov. 15, issued Dec. 10, 1894. 225 BEOWULF. The Tale of Beowulf. Done out of the Old English tongue by William Morris and A. J. Wyatt. Large 4to. Troy type, with argument, side-notes, list of persons and places, and glossary in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 14a and 14, and woodcut title. Dated Jan. 10, issued Feb. 2, 1895. 226 PERCEVAL, le Gallois, Knight of the Round Table Syr Perecyvelle of Gales. Overseen by F. S. Ellis, after the edition edited by J. O. HaUiwell from the Thornton MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 13a and 13, and a woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones. Dated Feb. 16, issued May 2, 1895. 227 MORRIS, William The Life and Death of Jason, A Poem. By WiUiam Morris. Large 4to. Troy type, with a few words in Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 14a and 14, and two woodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones and engraved on wood by W. Spielmeyer. Dated May 25, issued July 5, 1895. 228 Child Christopher and Goldilind the Fair. By Wil- ham Morris. 2 vols. i6mo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 15a and 15, and woodcut title. Dated July 25, issued Sept. 25, 1895. 229 ROSETTI, Dante Gabriel Hand and Soul. By Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Reprinted from " The Germ " for Messrs. Wray and WiUiams of Chicago. i6mo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 15a and 15, and woodcut title. 23a HERRICK, Robert Poems chosen out of the works of Robert Herrick. Edited by F. S. Elhs. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and woodcut title. Dated Nov. 2i» 1895, issued Feb. 6, 1896. 231 74 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. COLERIDGE, Samuel Taylor Poems chosen out of the works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge. Edited by F. S. EUis. 8vo. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 13a and 13. Dated Feb. 5, issued April 12, 1896. 232 MORRIS, William The Well at the World's End. By William Morris. Large 4to. Double columns. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders i6a, 16, 17a, 17, iSa, 18, 19a, and 19, and 4 woodcuts designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Dated March 2, issued June 4, 1896. 233 CHAUCER, Geoffrey The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer. Edited by F. S. EUis. Folio. Chaucer type, with headings to the longer poems in Troy type. In black and red. Borders 20a to 26, woodcut title, and 87 woodcut illustrations designed by Sir E. Burne-Jones. Dated May 8, issued June 26, 1896. 234 MORRIS, William The Earthly Paradise. By William Morris. Vol. I. Prologue : The Wanderers. March : Ata- lanta's Race. The Man born to be King. Medium 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 27a, 27, 28a, and 28, and woodcut title. Dated May 7, issued July 24, 1896. 235 Vol. II. April: The Doom of King Acrisius. The Proud King. In black and red. Borders 29a, 29, 28a, and 28. Dated June 24, issued Sept. 17, 1896. 236 Vol. III. May: The Story of Cupid and Psyche. The Writing on the Image. June : The Love of Alcestis. The Lady of the Land. In black and red. Borders 30a, 30, 27a, 27, 28a, 28, 29a, and 29. Dated Aug. 24, issued Dec. 5, 1896. 237 Vol. IV. July : The Son of Croesus. The Watching of the Falcon. August : Pygmalion and the Image. Ogier the Dane. In black and red. Borders 31a, 31, 29a, 29, 28a, 28, 30a, and 30. Dated Nov. 25, 1896, issued Jan. 22, 1897. 238 75 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. MORRIS, William — The Earthly Paradise, continued. Vol. V. September: The Death of Paris. The Land East of the Sun and West of the Moon. October : The Story of Acontius and Cydippe. The Man who never laughed again. In black and red. Borders 2ga, 29, 27a, 27, 28a, 28, 31a, and 31. Finished Dec. 24, 1896, issued Mar. 9, 1897. 239 Vol. VI. November : The Story of Rhodope. The Lovers of Gudrun. Medium 4to. Golden type. In black and red. Borders 27a, 27, 30a, and 30. Finished Feb. 18, issued May 11, 1897. 240 Vol. VII. December : The Golden Apples. The Fostering of Aslaug. January : BeUerophon at Argos. The Ring given to Venus. In black and red. Borders 29a, 29, 31a, 31, 30a, 30, 27a, and 27. Finished March 17, issued July 29, 1897. 241 Vol. VIII. February : BeUerophon in Lycia. The Hill of Venus. Epilogue. L'Envoi. In black and red. Borders 28a, 28, 29a, and 29. Finished June 10, issued Sept. 27, 1897. 242 MARY, the Blessed Virgin 243 Laudes Beatae Mariae Virginis. Latin poems taken from a Psalter written in England about A.D. 1220. Edi- ted by S. C. Cockerell. Large 4to. Troy type. In black, red, and blue. Dated July 7, issued August 7, 1896. The FLOURE and the LEAFE. The Floure and the Leafe, and The Boke of Cupide, God of Love, or The Cuckow and the Nightingale. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Medium 4to. Troy type, with note and colophon in Chaucer type. In black and red. Dated Aug. 21, issued November 2, 1896. 244 SPENSER, Edmund The Shepheardes Calender : Conteyning Twelve JEg- logues, proportionable to the Twelve Monethes. By Edmund Spenser. Edited by F. S. Ellis. Medium 4to. Golden type. In black and red. With twelve full page illustrations by A. J. Gaskin. Dated Oct. 14, issued Nov. 26, 1896. 245 F 76 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. MORRIS, William The Water of the Wondrous Isles by William Morris. Large 4to. Chaucer type, in double columns, with a few lines in Troy type at the end of each of the seven parts. In black and red. Borders i6a, 17a, i8a, 19 and 19a, Dated April i, issued July 29, 1897. 246 FROISSART, Jean 247 Two Trial Pages of the projected edition of Lord Berners' translation of Froissart's Chronicles. Folio. Chaucer type, with heading in Troy type. In black and red. Bor- der 32, containing the shields of France, the Empire, and England, and a half border containing those of Reginald Lord Cobham, Sir John Chandos, and Sir Walter Manny. Printed on vellum. Dated Sept., issued Oct. 7, 1897. DEGREVANT, Sir, hero of romance 248 The Romance of Sir Degrevant (or Sire Degrevaunt). Edited by F. S. ElUs after the edition printed by J. O. Halliwell. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders la and i, and a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne- Jones. Dated Mar. 14, 1896, issued Nov. 12, 1897. ISUMBRAS, Sir, hero of romance The Romance of Sir Isumbras (or Syr Ysambrace). Ed- ited by F. S. Ellis after the edition printed by J. 0. Halli- well from the MS. in the Library of Lincoln Cathedral, with some corrections. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and a woodcut designed by Sir Edward Burne- Jones. Dated July 14, issued Nov. 11, 1897. 249 COCKERELL, Sydney Carlyle Some German Woodcuts of the fifteenth century. Being thirty-five reproductions from books that were in the library of the late WiUiam Morris. Edited with a Ust of the principal woodcut books in that library, by S. C. Cock- erell. Large 4to. Golden type. In red and black. Dated Dec. 15, 1897, issued January 6, 1898. 250 MORRIS, William The Story of Siguard the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs. By WiUiam Morris. Small foUo. Chaucer type, with title and headings to the four books in Troy type. In black and red. Borders 33a and 33, and two iUustrations designed by Sir Edward Burne- Jones. Dated January 19, issued February 25, 1898. 251 77 THE KELMSCOTT PRESS— continued. MORRIS, William — continued. The Sundering Flood written by William Morris. Over- seen for the press by May Morris. 8vo. Chaucer type. In black and red. Border lo, and a map. Dated Nov. 15, 1897, issued Feb. 25, 1898. 252 Love is Enough, or The Freeing of Pharamond : A Morality written by William Morris. Large 4to. Troy type, with stage directions in Chaucer type. In black, red, and blue. Borders 6a and 7, and two illustrations designed by Sir Edward Bume- Jones. Dated Dec. 11, 1897, issued Mar. 24, 1898. 253 A Note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott Press, together with a short description of the Press by S. C. Cockerell, and an annotated Ust of the books printed thereat. 8vo. Golden type, with five pages in the Troy and Chaucer types. In black and red. Borders 4a and 4, and a woodcut designed by Sir E. Burne- Jones. Dated March 4, issued March 24, 1898. 254 78 THE DOVES PRESS. The Doves Press was founded in 1900, The aim of its work has been the clear expression, in type, of the thought to be conveyed by the printed book, and in subordination thereto of as much Beauty as may be created by the proper use of the type to that end, — its distribution, stress, and com position. The last book to be printed by the Press, an An- thology, in German, of the Poems of Goethe, and the third and final edition of the Catalogue Raisonne of all Books printed and pubUshed at the Doves Press, 1900 — 1916, will be issued in the autumn. Of the printed books of the Press the prin- cipal are. The English Bible in 5 volumes ; Hamlet, The Sonnets; and the three Roman plays of Shakespeare ; Paradise Lost and Paradise Regained ; Faust, and other works, in German, of Goethe ; Sartor Resartus, Emerson, Unto this Last ; The Prelude, and Anthologies of Wordsworth, Shelley, and Keats ; Men and Women, and Dramatis Personae ; and Seven Poems and Two Translations by Tennyson. The type was designed by Jenson, and the larger capitals by that distinguished pen man, Edward Johnston. 15 July, 1916. T.J.C.-S. TACITUS, PuBLius Cornelius CoRNELii Taciti de Vita et Moribus Iulii agricolae Liber. Edited by J. W. Mackail. Small 4to. Pub- lished January, 1901. 255 The first book printed at the Doves Press. SANDERSON, T. J. Cobden- Credo : Pleni sunt coeli et terra tua gloria, by T. J. Cob- den-Sanderson. Small 8vo. 1907. 256 SHELLEY, Percy Bysshe [Poems selected and arranged by T. J. Cobden-Sanderson]. Small 4to. Printed in black and red. 1914. 257 WORDSWORTH, William The Prelude, an autobiographical poem by William Wordsworth, 1799-1805. Small 4to. Printed in black and red. 1915. 258 CATALOGUE. Catalogue raisonne of books printed at the Doves Press 1900-1911. Small 4to. Printed in black and red. Second edition. May, 1911. 259 79 BOOKS PRINTED FOR AND PRESENTED BY SYDNEY HUMPHRIES, Esq. SHAKESPEARE. William The Tragical History of Hamlet Prince of Denmark. ..." New Place " Edition. Edited by Sydney Hum- phries, Published by Adam & Charles Black. London, McMXi. Portrait after an original engraving by Hou- braken. Quarto. 260 Note. — The Editor being convinced that the First Quarto, 1603, is a genuine early draft of the Play, incorporated with the 1604 edition, certain lines from the 1603 quarto, which could be inserted without prejudice to the generally accepted version. Of the 1603 interpolations, the following seem to justify record : (a) " None lives on earth, but he is born to die." (b) " Silent, as is the mid-time of the night." (c) " For that we think is surest, we often lose." {d) " Great God of heaven 1 what a quick change is this ! " (e) " my sins remain below : No king on earth is safe, if God's his foe." A much disputed passage has been amended as follows : (/) " the dream of evil, Doth all the noble substance, oft doubt, To his own scandal." The following emendations are also believed to be original : (g) " Marry, this mimching Mallico ? It means mischief." (h) " Too slightly timber'd for one so love-arm'd," MILTON, John Areopagitica. Written by Mr. John Milton. Printed for Sydney Humphries. Published by Adam and Charles Black. London, Mcmxi. Portrait after an original en- graving by Houbraken. Quarto. 261 Note. — This edition was printed at the suggestion of Mr. C. T. Hagberg Wright, LI^.D., Secretary and Librarian of the London Library, who mentioned to the editor that no finely printed edition had yet been published. BACON, Francis Bacon's Essays. " Sydney " Edition. Edited by Sydney Humphries. London: Adam & Charles Black. Mcmxii. Portrait from an original early proof engraving after Simon de Passe. Octavo. 262 Note. — The editor conceived that there was still room for a finely printed large type edition, introducing an entirely new set of ornamental initial letters, upon the lines of the last edition — 1625 — seen through the press by Bacon himself. These initial letters, as also the designs for the covers, were drawn by Mr. A. A. Turbayne, and are reproduced upon a small 8o BOOKS PRINTED FOR AND PRESENTED BY SYDNEY HUMPHRIES, Esq.— contd. BACON, Francis— Bacon's Essays, continued. scale. The original drawings for the whole series are to be found in facsimile in Arma Virumque Cano (q.v.). The Scotsman critique of this edition of the Essays, said — " They could scarcely have done Bacon better if he had been Shakespeare." HUMPHRIES, Sydney The National Monument to be completed for the Scottish National Gallery on the model of the Parthenon at Athens, an appeal to the Scottish people by William Mitchell, S.S.C., with 6 illustrations in colour and plans. London : Adam & Charles Black, 1907. Quarto. 263 Declined with Thanks, privately printed by R. & R. Clark, Ltd., Edinburgh, 1909. Small foHo. Hand-made paper, water-mark reproducing Frontispiece device. Only 20 copies printed. 264 Imperialism and Patriotism and the European Crisis. Adam and Charles Black. London, Mcmxiv. Small foUo. Note. — The Pamphlet Imperialism and Patriotism was finished March 29th, 19 14, and upon the outbreak of the War, was pub- lished with additional matter bearing upon the crisis, for the benefit of the British Red Cross Fimd. A special interest now attaches to the reproduction on page 40 of Lord Kitchener's instructions to the soldiers of the Expedition- ary Army, to be kept in their Active Service Pay Books. 265 Agincourt Mccccxv Waterloo Mdcccxv. For Empire and greatness it importeth most that a nation do profess arms as their principal honour study and occupation. London Mcmxv. Small folio. Edition limited to 20 copies. 266 Note. — This volume was printed and was intended to be pub- lished for the benefit of the Officers' Families' Fimd, and was offered to the Times, but in a friendly letter the Sub-Manager regretted his inability to take it up, while expressing the hope that some other paper might do so. The ill-success attending the pubhshing of Imperialism and Patriotism led to the issue of twenty copies only, most of which were presented to Public Li- braries. Arma Virumque Cano. Mcmxv. Privately printed for Sydney Humphries. Small FoUo. Edition limited to 40 copies. The frontispiece reproduces on a two-thirds scale, a page of the projected Kelmscott Press edition of 8i BOOKS PRINTED FOR AND PRESENTED BY SYDNEY HUMPHRIES, Esq.— contd. HUMPHRIES, Sydney— Arma Virumque Cano, contd. Froissart. The text of this page is an essential portion of the literary contents of the volume. The title reproduces the ornamental portion of the second page of the Froissart. The two pages represent some of William Morris's finest decorative work. 267 Note. — This volume was originally entitled Disjecta Membra, the intention being to do justice to the fine set of initial letters, and other ornaments designed by Mr. A. A. Turbayne for the Sydney edition of Bacon's Essays. The book was also planned as a last effort on the part of the editor to produce the finest pos- sible example of machine-printing, and book production. The [eminent printers, Messrs. R. & R. Clark, Limited, Edinburgh, had absolute carte blanche to produce the finest result, and as an ex- ample of a book printed during the stress of War, the volume is worthy of special regard. After the attack upon Lord Kitchener in a portion of the Press, the title was changed to Arma Virumque Cano — (I sing of Arms and the MAN) — the first item reproducing an account of Lord Kitchener's first speech in the House of Lords. The last page in the section " War Echoes " reproducing the terms of Lord Kitchener's installation as a Knight of the Garter. 82 TWO NOTABLE BOOKS. JUSTINIAN I., Emperor of the East. Digesta. — Infortiatum Begins : (on folio A 2, recto) Soluto matrimonio quem- admodum dos petatur. [With the Commentary sur- rounding the text.] [Jacobus Rubeus : Venice, 1478 ?], Folio. 432 X 290. Printed in Gothic letter of two sizes in double twin-columns. 268 Collation: Sig. a-z, %, & A-P, total =289 leaves. Without title-page or pagination. Text begins on a ii. 77 hnes (of the smaller type) to a full page. First leaf blank, (with MS. index), last leaf contains register on recto and has been repaired and movinted. The initials have been added in red and blue. The volume presents a fine example of 15th century printing. CURTIS, Edward S., of Seattle, Washington. The North American Indian ; being a series of volumes picturing and describing the Indians of the United States and Alaska. Written, illustrated and published by E. S. C. Edited by F. W. Hodge. Foreword by T. Roose- velt. Field research conducted under the patronage of J. P. Morgan. (Cambridge, U.S.A. : University Press), 1907. In progress. 269 20 vols. (9 so far published), together with a corre- sponding number of albums of plates. 316 X 242 (vols.) ; 565x472 (plates). Specially bound in brown crushed morocco by Mr. Henry Blackwell of New York, with a special donatory page inserted. The work is one of the most costly and siunptuous scientific works ever produced, the subscription price for each set in the cheapest style of binding being $3,000 (;S6i5). Not only is each volume illustrated by some 80 beautiful plates, but an additional set of large plates accompanies the work. The plates are of notable artistic merit. As indicated on the special donatory page this work is being presented to the National Library by Mr. Henry Blackwell of New York. Mr. Blackwell is a grandson of " Alun," the poet, and is one of the leading bookbinders of America. 83 PUBLICATIONS OF THE LIBRARY. Charter of Incorporation and Statutes, pp. 32, wrap- per. Aberystwyth, 1908. Charter of Incorporation, Supplemental Charter. Statutes, and Standing Orders, pp. 40, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1911. The Same, [with revised Statutes, and Rules and Regu- lations], pp. 48, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1912. Charter of Incorporation and Report on the progress OF THE Library from the granting of the Charter to the 31st March, 1909, pp. 70, & 7 illustrations. Crown 4to. Stiff wrapper. Oswestrj'', 1909. Report of the Council on the progress of the Library from April, 1909 to Sept., 1910, pp. vi +70, & 6 illustra- tions (i coloured). Crown 4to. Stiff wrapper. Aber- ystw>'th, 1 91 1. Report of the Council on the progress of the Library from Oct. 1910 to Oct. 1913, pp. vi +94, & 13 illustra- tions. Crown 4to. Stiff wrapper. Aberystw>'th, 1913. Catalogue of Manuscripts and Books from the collections presented by Sir John Wilhams, Bart., exhibited to the pubHc July and August. 1909, pp. 16, & 2 illustrations. Crown 8vo. Wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1909. Out of print. " BiBLiOTHECA Celtica, a register of publications relating to Wales and the Celtic peoples and languages." Vol. I. for the year 1909, Demy 8vo, pp. viii+124. Cloth. Aber>'stwyth, 1910. Out of print. Vol. II. for the year 1910. Demy 8vo, pp. viii+226. Cloth. Aberystwyth, 1912. 2s. 6d. net. Vol. III. for the year 1911. Demy 8vo, pp. viii +248. Cloth. Abers'stwyth, 1913. 2s. 6d. net. Vol. IV. for the year 1912. Demy 8vo, pp. viii 4-262. Cloth. Aberystwyth, 1915. 2s. 6d. net. VoL V. for the year 1913. In preparation. To be continued. Catalogue of Tracts of the Civil War and Common- wealth period relating to Wales and the borders. Demy 8vo, pp. x+86. Cloth. Aber^^stwyth, 1911. 2s. 6d. net. A Short Account of the Library and the scheme of buildings . . . pp. 16, & 3 illustrations, 1911, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1911. Re-issued 1911, 1912, 1912, 1913. 84 List of Publications — continued. The National Library of Wales and its claim to Public Support, pp. 12. Aberystwyth, 1913. Re- issued 1914. Memorandum on the Claims of the National Library OF Wales to be included in the Copyright Bill now before Parliament as a Public Library entitled to receive a copy of each book published in the British Isles. . . . pp. 12, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1911. The National Library of Wales in relation to other Libraries and Institutions ... An Address de- livered at a meeting of the Welsh Bibliographical Society . . . 1910, pp. 12, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 191T. On the Importance of a National Collection of Public Documents for Wales, a paper read at the C>'mmro- dorion Section of the National Eisteddfod of 1912 by J. Herbert Lewis, M.P., pp. 20, wrapper. Carmar- then, 1912. A Bibliography of Robert Owen, The Socialist. 1771- 1858. pp. 54, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1914. is. net. Descriptive Catalogue of Loan Collections of Books for the use of the Su mier Schools for Teachers . . . 1915. pp. 36, wrapper. Aberystwyth, 1915. Shakespeare Tercentenary, 1916. Annotated Cata- logue of Books, etc., exhibited at the University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, May, 1916. pp. 20, paper. Aberystwyth, 1916. 2d. Jointly with the Guild of Graduates of the University of Wales. Welsh Texts — No. i. The Laws of Howel Dda, from Sir John WiUiams's MS. 116 in the National Library of Wales. Edited by Timothy Lewis, M.A. Royal 8vo. pp. viii-M22, & i facsimile. Buckram. London, H. Sotheran & Co., 140, Strand, and Aberystwyth, 1912. los. 6d. net. IN PREPARATION. Calendar of Deeds and Documents relating to Wales, Vol. I. Catalogue of Additional Manuscripts. Vol. L Card Catalogue of printed Books. Catalogue of Persian & other Oriental IManuscripts. GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY B0DDEMfl7Mfl RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT lO^m^ 202 Main Library LOAN PERIOD 1 HOME USE 2 3 4 5 < S ALL BOOKS AAAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS 1 -month loans may be renewed by calling 642-3405 6-month loans may be recharged by bringing books to Circulation Desk Renewals and rechorges may be made 4 days prior to due date DUE AS STAMPED BELOW ^^m^- MAY 1 6 m D CIRCULAT:^*- ^ UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 3/80 BERKELEY CA 94720 ®s mW^Ww^^^