JJCSB LIBRARY u /Us LITTLE MILL DAM; WITH OTHER SELECT AND ORIGINAL "True to nature, and true in sentiment. NEW YORK : KIGGINS & KELLOGG, PUBLISHERS, 123 & 125 WILLIAM STREET. THE LITTLE MILL DAM. ONE day the master of a small school, which wai kept in the outskirts of a retired country village, in the mountainous regions of New England, thought he would go out in one of the recesses to seek a little recreation. He had been in the school only a few days, and was as yet scarcely acquainted with his new charge. On the steps of the door of the school- house there were two of the boys " whittling." They started up hastily as they saw him coming, but he requested them to sit still, saying that he could pass them as they were. " But where are all the other boys?" said he. " They are behind the school-house." " What are they doing there ?" Such a question would in many cases put school- boys on their guard ; but the tone of the master in this case was so good humored and pleasant, that the little flaxen haired boy to whom it was addressed answered, without hesitation, " They are making a dam." " Making a dam !" repeated the master ; " that is fine amusement; I must go and see them. Come, go and show me the way." The little boy laid down his knife and wood, and with an air of timidity and constraint, as if he was not accustomed to such kind of intercourse with his teach- er, led the way. There was a range of hills behind the school-house, 6 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. covered with a dark and almost impenetrable forest. The margin of this forest extended down very near the school-house, assuming here however the form of an open wood. A brook which had its origin in a dark ravine far up the hills, which the boys had never ex- plored, came bubbling down behind the school-house, and passing it on one side, it crossed the street under a bridge, and then winding its way through some meadows half covered with wood, on the other side, it glided at last into a beautiful bend which stretched out in the centre of the valley in which the town was situated. As the master, preceded by his little guide, passed around the corner of the school-house, he heard the sound of loud and angry voices, at the brook beyond. Half a dozen boys were vociferating together, and little could he understand except that they were disputing about the best way to fix their dam. Among the con- fused mass of sounds, however, two could be distin- guished, which seemed to be the leading ones in the discussion. " I say, Jack Wilder, that is not fair ; this is our dam, and you've no right to come here and spoil it. I tell you let it alone." " I a'nt spoiling it, I tell you ; I am only fixing it. You don't any of you know how to build a dam." Just then a timid looking little boy, who had been standing back at a little distance from the brook, hur- ried to the disputants, and said, in a low voice, " Hush ! hush ! there's the master." The boys looked up, and most of them retreated, as by a sort of involuntary instinct, a step or two from the scene of dispute. Jack Wilder muttered, "What do T care for that." THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 7 Jack Wilder was standing across the dam of wet sods which the boys had made. One foot was in the water, and the other half up to the ancle in the mud below the dam. He had a torn and shapeless hat over his ears. He was short, but thick and stout, and in his broad and sun-burnt face there was a frank and good- humored, but reckless expression. He raised himself erect, still keeping his foot firmly planted in the mud, and said again, but he took good care to say it so low that he was pretty sure that the master could not hear, " Who cares for the master." In fact the master was not looking towards them. A large and stout looking boy, named Samuel, who was sitting on the bank several feet from the brook, saw the master when coming round the corner, and he observed that when he. came within hearing of the boys, he stopped and looked back towards the meadow and pond beyond it, as if enjoying the prospect. Sa- muel thought from his manner, that he wished to give the boys an opportunity to see him before he came amongst them. Be that as it may, however, the master now slowly advanced, and when he was pretty near the group, he addressed them in a tone of good-humor- ed curiosity. " What are you doing, boys ?" " Making a dam, sir," said Jack Wilder, promptly, without altering his attitude in the least, except to push back his old hat a little from his face. " I hope you have good tight boots," continued the master, smiling. " Sir?" said Jack, with a stare; then looking down to his feet. 3 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. " I suspect that you don't care much about wet feet. You'd make a good soldier/' Up to this time, Jack looked as though he was in doubt whether his new visitor came as a friend or as an enemy, and as though he was preparing for either case, as the result might determine it. There was something too in the attitudes and looks of the other boys which indicated plainly the same sort of anxious uncertainty. Men so frequently give the name of mischief to Avhat boys call fun, that they seldom re- ceive a visit in such circumstances as these without some solicitude. Jack however considered the master's compliment to his hardihood in the light of an olive branch, and the serious features of his face relaxed into a smile. The other.boys too began to look somewhat relieved. " I used to like making dams when I was a boy," continued the master; "but can't you make a better dam than that ?" "Yes, sir," said Jack; "I was just showing them how." " I should think you might make a better one then than that. That is not equal to a beaver's ; I should suppose that boys could do better than beavers." The boys smiled. " I am glad that you have got this plan for amuse- ment in recess, for I have been thinking that I must have some pleasant way of spending my recess. And now I propose that you undertake to make a first rate dam, and I will come at every recess, and sit down here, and see how you get on." The boys looked at one another, as if they hardly knew how to consider this proposal. " What is the matter ? you look as though you THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 9 thought this was a strange proposal. Don't you sup- pose that I want a recess as well as you ?" " I never heard of such a thing," said Jack Wilder. " Well, I do," said the teacher, " and I should like such a plan as this very much." " I am willing," said Jack ; " we will tear this all away first, and begin anew ;" and he began immedi- ately to pull off the soaked and dripping socte, and to throw them upon the bank. "Stop a minute," said the master; "let us form a plan before we begin the work. Whenever men un- dertake any enterprise, they always first form the plan very carefully, and assign to each individual his share, and go on regularly. In fact even beavers do this. Now there are a great many kinds of dams which you might build. Let us consider first what we shall do. I will go and sit down on that stone, and you may all come around me, and we will talk it all over." " See there," said the little boy who warned the boys of the approach of the master; " the dam is all wash- ing away." The boys looked around, and saw that the water was pouring swiftly over the top of the dam, at the breach which Jack had made. As the stream passed over, it washed sod after sod away, and threatened "soon to destroy entirely the whole fabric which the boys had made. Several boys ran to stop the breach. " Never mind," said the master, "let it go; we shall form a better plan than that." The boys stood looking at the torrent, as, swelling more and more, it burst over its frail barrier, and glided swiftly away into the stream below. They then ga- thered* around the master, to hear what he had to say. 10 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. " Nov/, boys, I propose that we proceed in a regular, systematic manner, as men do, when they unite to ac- complish any common object. You will see what is the advantage of system and regularity before we get through." The boys seemed well enough pleased with the idea of proceeding systematically and regularly, though they looked somewhat puzzled, as if they hardly knew what system and regularity would require in building a boys' dam. " In the first place, are you sure that you have got the best spot ?" " I think it is a very good place," said James, a tall, black-eyed boy, who seemed to be one of the older boys, although he had not spoken before ; he was neatly dressed, and had in his hand a sort of cane, which he had made from a straight shoot of an apple-tree in his father's garden. " In order to have a good place for a dam," continued the master, " what is necessary ?" " It ought to be a good deep place," said Jack Wilder. " I don't think that place is worth a straw ; I can find a dozen places better than that." " I think," continued the master, in reply to his own question. " that the stream ought to be pretty narrow just where the dam is to be, and then it can be made easily, and the banks ought to recede from each other just above, so as to form a large basin, and then the pond will be large, when it is filled. " Yes, sir," said all the boys. " Well, I propose that we appoint a committee of two boys, to go along the brook to examine it, and find the best possible place. Perhaps they will select two THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 11 or three places, and tell us about them, and then we can choose. Should you like such a plan ?" " Yes, sir, yes, sir," said the boys. The master nominated two of the boys for the pur- pose, and said to them, " You must examine the whole stream, far up and down, or at least as far as we can conveniently go in recess, and if you are in doubt you must report several places, with the reasons in favor of each." " When shall we do it ?" asked one of the committee. " They had better go and do it now," said Jack Wil- der. "I will go and help them. Come." " No," said the master, " you must not volunteer to go and help them ; they are regularly appointed, and must do it alone. We shall presently determine when we shall wish them to report, and then they must be left to make the examination whenever they please, only they must be ready at that time. We may want you, Jack, for some other service. " There are several other committees which we must appoint, in order that our preparations may be properly made. What shall we make the dam of?" " Sods," said the boys. "Is that the best thing to make it of?" " Yes, sir," said James ; " the boys always make them of sods." "We can get better ones than these," said Jack Wilder. " Yes," said James, " there are some noble ones over there, on the bank," pointing with his cane. ' Do you know," asked the master, " how the bea- vers make their dams ?" The boys hesitated, and looked at one another. 12 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. "My father has got an account," said little John, " in his library." " Did you never read it?" " Yes, sir." " Well, don't you remember any thing about it ?" John did not reply ; and -while they were all hesitat- ing on this subject, Samuel, who had remained sitting on the bank where he was at first, during all this con- versation, arose and said respectfully to the teacher, " I believe, sir, the first thing they do is to gnaw off a tree and lay it across the stream." " What is that for ?" " To make the dam strong," said Jack Wilder. " That is a capital plan ; we '11 do ours so." " How shall we get down the tree ?" said James, addressing himself to Jack Wilder; " you don't expect we can gnaw it down like the beavers, do you ?" " We can bring an axe and cut it down ; I can cut one down myself," said Jack, eagerly ; " there's no dif- ficulty in that." " Who shall bring an axe ?" said the master ; " we must appoint a committee for that too. A committee of one will do ; who shall he be ?" " I can bring my father's," said James. " Perhaps he may want to use it, or he may be afraid we shall dull it." " Why can't we take a log off of the school wood- pile ?" said one of the boys ; " there are some there which are just the thing." " Who does the school wood-pile belong to ?" asked the teacher. " It belongs to the school," said Jack, " so that we have a right to take it." "I don't know that," said the teacher; "it belongs THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 13 to the district, who have bought it to be used for school. I think we have no right to take it to make a dam of. We will not have any thing in the dam but what we get honestly." ' Will a little axe do ?" asked John, timidly. "Why, what if it will?" "Why, Ihave got a little one, which my father bought me. I know I can bring that, for my father lets me do what I please with it." "This is just what we want, John ; I appoint you a committee to bring an axe. What else is to be done ?" " Nothing else," said Jack; " we shall not want any thing but an axe." " I don't know," said the master; " I believe we shall want a good many more things. But," added he, tak- , ing out his watch, " it is time for me" to go in. The recess is out, so that I believe we shall have to leave the business here. We must not neglect our duties fur our play ; if we do, it will soon cease to give us any plerrsftre." The boys looked disappointed and sorry, that the time of their recess had expired just as they became most interested in forming their plans. "When shall I bring the axe?" said little John, walking backwards before the master, as he was walk- ing slowly away. "Oh," said the teacher, "I forgot; I think it will be well to wait and not do any thing about it until we have appointed the other committees. Though, on the whole, you may bring it, if you please, this afternoon ; we may want to use it." It need not be said, that nothing was talked of. or thought of among the boys, during the intermission at 14 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. noon, but the dam and the committees. All the details of the arrangements, so far as they were made, were fully talked over. Jack Wilder was as eager and as earnest as any of them; his whole soul was in the work. He said he would have a dam large enough to turn a mill. The boys gathered around the spot half in hour be- fore school-time in the afternoon, talking over all the plans ; but the master was not there, and nothing could be done. They were impatient for school to begin, that it might in due time bring the recess. But their im- patience neither hurried nor retarded its approach. It came just at the usual time. The boys poured out in a torrent, and in a minute or two after the master came walking slowly after them. "Well," said the master, when they were all fairly on the ground, " how far had AVC got in appointing our committees?" " I was to give an axe," said little John eagerly ;^ here it is," continued he, holding up a small axe, which, from its size, seemed to be made for such a purpose as this. "Let's see it," said Jack Wilder; "that's a real one." " We also appointed a committee to choose a place ; but before asking them what they have done, we will make some other necessary arrangements. " In the first place, whose land is this ?" " I believe," said James, " it belongs to Mr. Wil- liamson's farm." " Do you think then we ought to make a dam upon it. without his permission ?" " He won't care." " I don't believe it belongs to him," said Jack Wilder ; THE LITTLK MIL.L DAM. 15 " it belongs to tke School. We have a right to do what we've a mind-to, here." " When thfey baild a school-house," replied the mas- ter, " I believe they generally buy a small piece of land, only large enough for the purpose ; that*is,^t place to put the building upon, and a small yard opposite. Now should you tftmk that the school land extended as far as here?" The boys all admitted reluctantly that it could not. There was a pause. They all were disappointed and sad at the appearance of this unexpected difficulty. "I don't think it would be right," continued the master, " for us to do any thing of this kind, on another man's land, without his permission. And besides, it will be much pleasanter for us to have it, for then we shall feel safe. We shall have a good title, as men say in such a case ; they are always careful to have a good title, before they commence any work of this kind. But how we shall get our title is the question." The boys were silent, and looked one at the other, en- tirely at a loss what to say or do. They secretly thought that the teacher was far too scruplous in this case. At last little John ventured to say that he thought if the teacher would go and ask Mr. Williamson, he guessed that he would let them make their dam. " I might ask him," said the teacher, " but one of you can do it just as well. Why cannot we do this as we have done our other business ? appoint some one to do it." The countenances of the boys brightened at this proposal, and the teacher requested them to name some one, who would be a good person to undertake the ne- gotiation with ]Mr. Williamson. After some hesita- tion, one of the boys named Samuel, as he was older 16 THE LITTLE .MILL DAM. than the rest; but Samuel looked embarrassed, and said tbat he would a Little rather not do it. "Why," said the teacher, smiling, "what are you afraid of?" " I don't know," replied Samuel; "I should rather some one else would go." " Well, we must not compel Samuel to go," replied the teacher. "But then reflect," continued he, ad- dressing himself to Samuel, " that all these boys want you to do it; here is a service, which, if it is perform- ed successfully, will promote the plans and the happi- ness of a great number. " It is perfectly proper to make such a request ; there is no probability that it will be denied. There certainly cannot come from it any injury, for the worst that can be anticipated is, that Mr. Williamson should say, ' No ;' and have not you got courage to hear a man say, No ?" Samuel laughed, and, after a little more hesitation, said he would go and do as well as he could. Various other committees were raised. Two boys were commissioned to go and look at a place where clay could be found, for the teacher told them that clay was the best substance to retain water, and if a good bed of it could be found near, it would be well to line the inside of their dam with it. Others were appoint- ed to find a suitable place to get turf if they should need any, and another still to bring a spade or a hoe to school the next day. And finally two boys were com- missioned to look around in the woods to find a small tree, about eight inches in diameter, which would do to place across, to strengthen the dam ; and Samuel was requested to ask permission of Mr. Williamson to cut such an one down. In this, and in similar arrangements, the second re- THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 17 cess was consumed, and the boys returned to their la- bors in school. That night, after school, Samuel went with a trem- bling heart on his mission. He walked slowly along the road until he came to a large farm-house. It stood back from the road in a snug little nook, formed by a turn of the road, and the swelling of the land around and behind it. The house was of one story, and paint- ed red ; and there was in the spacious yards and nu- merous out-buildings an air of prosperity and thrift, which makes an American farm-house so often an agreeable picture. Samuel turned up into the yard, inwardly wishing that he had got fairly through his mission. As he was walking up towards the door, he saw that the farmer was busy, with several of his men, laying a wall for the underpinning of a small building which he was about to put up. Samuel's unwillingness to execute the commission intrusted to him, was sensibly increased when he saw himself coming into the far- mer's presence, and especially when he saw that he was busy, and that he was surrounded with other men. He hesitated for a moment, but he reflected that very probably one great object that the teacher had in view- in interesting himself in the plays of the boys, and especially in sending him on such a commission as this, was to teach them all business habits, and to fit them to transact with more energy and system the more important business, in which they would in after life all be from time to time engaged. " It is," thought he, " as the teacher said, perfectly proper for roe to attend to this business, and it will teach me a good lesson." So saying, he pushed for- ward boldly towards the place where the farmer was 2* * 18 THE LITTLE HILL VJOC. at work, and stood before him, waiting till he should be a moment at leisure, as he thought, but really wait- ing because he did not like to begin. They who have any duty to perform, if they pro- crastinate it a moment after the proper time for its execution has arrived, only increase the difficulty of executing it at all. And the longer it is delayed, the more difficult it is to begin. So Samuel found it in this case. He waited and waited, hoping that some favorable moment would arrive,. but in vain. He might have known that it would have been in vain to wait, for the farmer had no idea that he wished to speak to him, and consequently went on with his work, talking with his men about the stones and the manner of lay- ing them, and apparently taking no notice that a boy was looking on. At last, however, Samuel became tired of waiting, and wished that he had spoken when he first came up. He now saw that it would have been much more easy to have done it then than after so long a delay. At last, however, after making a desperate effort, he succeeded in saying, " Mr. Williamson, the boys want me to- ask you to let us build a dam on your land." " What ?" said Mr. Williamson, looking up/surprised, as if he had not rightly understood what Samuel had said to him. " The boys want to know if you will let them build a dam behind the school-house on your land." " The boys ? what boys ?" " The boys that belong to the school." " What do they want to build a dam for ?" " Only for play," said Samuel ; " they want to build a dam behind the school-house, and we heard the land was yours." THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 19 " it seems to me this is a strange request," said the farmer. " Boys are not usually quite so scrupulous. I don't understand it." " Why, the boys want to build a dam, and the master said we had no right to do it on your land without your leave." " Oh ho," said the farmer, " the master ; yes, tell the boys they may build as many dams as they please. I am not afraid of their floating much land," said he, looking at the men who were working with him, and laughing ; " and tell the boys," continued he, " that I am very glad they are so careful about the right of property." " There is one thing more," said Samuel, who now felt quite assured and self-possessed, in consequence of the success of his first petition; "there is one thing more ; they wanted me to ask you if they might cut down a small tree about eight inches through." "A tree?" said the farmer, "a tree; why, that is another thing altogether. I don't like to have my trees cut down." " We only want one," said Samuel. " Let me think," said the farmer " a tree ; what kind of a tree do you want ?" " I don't know," replied Samuel ; " they did not tell me what kind ; I suppose any tree will do." " What do they want it for ?" " To make the dam with." " To make the dam with ? you are going on a great scale. Yes, I suppose I must let you have a tree ; but then you must go back on the hill for it. I don't like to have any of the trees cut down in the field there back of the school-house." " How far back must we go ?" 2U THE LITTLE MILL DAM. " Oh, I don't know ; go up as far as you conveniently can. I had rather they would cut down a hemlock too, if it would answer their purpose as well ; but at any rate they may have one ; and I wish you would tell them that I am glad they take care to get leave ; it is always best to secure a good title." The following day was a busy scene at the brook behind the school-house ; the boys were all on the spot at the commencement of the recess. The various committees appeared with their reports, and all with a spirit of enterprise and zeal which would have been amply sufficient to accomplish a much more important undertaking. Several places for the dam were propos- ed. One was objected to, because the banks where the dam would come were too far apart, so as very much to increase the labor of constructing the dam. Another, because, though the stream was narrow where the dam would be formed, the banks above did not re- cede from each other as they ought to, so as to form a large basin to be filled with water when it should rise. A third was found fault with, because it was too far up the stream, making the distance from the school inconvenient. The master explained to the boys that here was a case where the majority must govern. "How easy it would be now," said he, "for each one of you to form an opinion, not all to go to talking loudly and boisterously about it, each maintaining his own opinion, and determining not to yield to the others. Then if one party should undertake to begin in one place, the others might begin in another, and thus we might have rival and contending paries. " Men have contrived a way to avoid all such danger. They first give each man an opportunity to say all that he wishes to, and then they quietly vote, with the un- THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 21 derstanding that the majority will rule. Will you do so now ?" " Yes, sir," said all the boys, cordially. While the master had thus been speaking, the boys had formed themselves into a ring around him ; and they were now called upon, one by one, to say all they had to say before the question was finally taken. Most of the boys said nothing, for they were not accustomed to regular debate. Various opinions were, however, expressed by others, and then the question was taken. The boys differed in their final vote, but there was a majority in favor of a place a little further up the stream than the late dam, and the boys all seemed to acquiesce pleasantly in the decision. "I have taught them," thought the teacher, as he saw their pleasant countenances, " one good lesson in republicanism." The teacher was right. I do not know how much arithmetic or geography he had taught them that day. But that fifteen minutes, with its lessons in the exer- cise of judgment and of calm deliberation, and in the sacrifice of individual preference to the general welfare, and cheerful co-operation for a common purpose, may possibly have been the most valuable fifteen minutes of the day. After the place for the dam was thus chosen, the boys said, that the first thing was, to cut down the tree. " No," said the teacher, " that is not the first thing. I have often heard mothers complain, when boys were at work upon dams and ponds, that they wet their feet, and ruudded their clothes, so as to give them a great deal of trouble. Now we must avoid that ; and in order to do it, we must make, first, a little channel on one side of where the dam is going to be, so as to allow the water to pass off there. Then we must put 22 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. some good dry earth down over the rest of the bed of the stream, so as to have a neat dry place to work m." The boys agreed that this was a good plan ; and in a short time this object was accomplished, by the help of a hoe which one of the boys had brought. They made a deep cut on one side of the bed of the stream, as the teacher had proposed, large enough to allow all the water to pass through, so that they might finish the dam completely before they stopped up the passage. They then began to think of going up the stream for a tree. The teacher told them, that as the farmer wished them to go as far up the stream as possible, there must be a little calculation in order to determine how far up they could go. He told them, too, that he thought the best plan was for one of the boys to take his watch, and then all the boys could walk along the path which led into the woods, until five minutes of the recess was out. " Then," said the teacher, " you will have five minutes to cut down the tree ; and after that, five mi- nutes more to return. Do you think you can cut down the tree in five minutes ?" " Yes, sir," said all the boys. " Well," said the teacher, " you know we must all be in when the recess has expired ; so that if you mee" with any difficulties, you must leave your tree unti next time, should you not get it down, and cut and dimmed and prepared to bring back, at the time allot- ted. Here," said he, " Jack Wilder, you may carry the watch, but remember you must do nothing else, on any account ; and the other boys must leave their work, and set out on their return, immediately, when you say it is time." Then he sat upon the green bank, and saw the company of boys going off on their expe- THE LITTLE MILL DAM. 23 dition, Jack Wilder before the rest, holding the watch very carefully, and keeping an almost constant eye upon the minute hand. " The boy is learning a lesson of carefulness," thought he ; " and he needs it, for he is the most careless boy of the company." Thus far several days had elapsed, during which no visible progress had been made. The stream flowed just as before, without obstruction, and some of the little boys began to be impatient. When, however, at length, ithe work actually commenced, it proceeded rapidly, and in what some of the boys called a magnificent style. They brought down from the hills the trunk of the tree which they had cut, and they fastened the two ends firmly into the bank on each side, digging trenches for the purpose. They then took a great number of small sticks made of the limbs of their tree, which they drove down obliquely on the upper side of the log which they had placed across, the upper ends of the sticks resting against the log. They then banked p the upper side of the dam with earth, so as to form quite a pathway on the top. A passage-way was left for the water, which they contrived to arch over with stones, the teacher having explained the principles of the arch, and shown them how to construct it in this instance. The work was thus completed, though it was perfectly dry, as the water had passed unobstructed under the arch during all their operations. At last, one day, at the beginning of a recess, one of the boys was commissioned to stop up the arch and allow the -dam to fill. The boys leaped around it with delight as the water rose, filling every corner and every in- dentation in the shore, and rising higher and higher, until it was nearly level with the top. They ran back and forth across the path which the broad top of 24 THE LITTLE MILL DAM. the dam afforded, and leaped in exultation across the stream where it fell into the capacious basin which they had inclosed. The teacher sat on the bank enjoying their pleasure. The enjoyment which the whole scene had afforded him did not arise merely from the thought that he had been most effectually teaching them habits of order and system in the transaction of business. He sym- pathized with them in the pleasure of the work : it was amusement to him as well as to them, for, though he was a man, he had not ceased to partake in the feelings of the boy. BLACK GILES THE POACHER. POACHING GILES* lives on the borders of one of those great moors in Somersetshire. Giles, to be sure, has been a sad fellow in his time ; and it is none of his fault if his whole family do not end their career, either at the gallows or at Botany Bay. He lives at that mud cottage with the broken windows, stuffed with dirty rags, just beyond the gate which divides the upper from the lower moor. You may know the house at a good distance l.y the ragged tiles on the roof, and the loose stones which are ready to drop out from the chimney ; though a short ladder, a hod of mortar, and half an hour's leisure time, would have prevented all this, and made the little dwel- ling tight enough. But as Giles had never learned any thing that was good, so he did not know the value of such useful sayings, as, that 'a tile in time saves nine.' Besides this, Giles fell into that common mistake, that a beggarly looking cottage, and filthy ragged children, raised most compassion, and of course drew most char- ity. But as cunning as he was in other things, he was out in his reckoning here ; for it is neatness, housewifery, and a decent appearance, which draw the kindness of the ricli and charitable, while they turn away disgusted from filth and laziness ; not out of pride, but because they see that it is next to impossible to mend the condi- tion of those who degrade themselves by dirt and sloth ; * In England the proprietors of the land when they let it to tenants, reserve the riclit to themselves of hunting the game upon it, such aa hares, partridges, &.c. Whenever any other person takes or kills this game it is called poaching. 3 26 BLACK GILES. and few people care to help those who will not help themselves The common on which Giles's hovel stands is quite a deep marsh in a wet winter: but in summer it looks green and pretty enough. To he sure it would be rather convenient when one passes that way in a carriage, if one of the children would run out and open the gate : but instead of any one of them running out as soon as they heard the wheels, which would be quite time enough, what does Giles do, but set all his ragged children, with dirty faces, matted locks, and naked feet and legs, to lie all clay upon a sand bank hard by the gate, waiting for the slender chance of what may be picked up from trav- ellers. At the sound of a carriage, a whole covey of these little scare-crows start up, rush to the gate, and all at once thrust out their hats and aprons ; and for fear that this, together with the noise of their clamorous begging, should not sufficiently frighten the horses, they are very apt to let the gate slap full against you, before you are half way through, in their eager scuffle to snatch from each other the halfpence which you have thrown out to lliern. I know two ladies who were one day very near being killed by these abominable tricks. Thus five or six little idle creatures, who might be earning a trifle by knitting at home, who might be use- ful to the public by working in the field, and who might assist their families by learning to get their bread twenty honest ways, are suffered to lie about all day, in the hope of a few chance halfpence, which, after all, they are by no means sure of getting. Indeed, when the neighboring gentlemen found out that opening the gate was the family trade, they soon left off giving any thing. And I myself, though I used to take out a penny ready to give, had there been only one to receive it, when I see BLACK GILES. 5*7 a whole family established in so beggarly a trade, quietly put it back again in my pocket, and give nothing at all. And so few travellers pass that way, that sometimes after the whole family have lost a day, their gains do not amount to two-pence. As Giles had a far greater taste for living by his wits than his work, he was at one time in hopes that his children might have got a pretty penny by tumbling for the diversion of travellers, and he set about training them in that indecent practice ; but unluckily the moors being level, the carriage travelled faster than the children tumbled. He envied those parents who lived on the London road, over the Wiltshire downs, which downs being very hilly, it enables the tumbler to keep pace with the traveller, till he sometimes extorts from the light and unthinking, a reward instead of a reproof. I beg leave, however, to put all gentlemen and ladies in mind, that such tricks are a kind of apprenticeship to the trades of begging and thieving; and that nothing is more injurious to good morals, than to encourage the poor in any habits which may lead them to live upon chance. Giles, to be sure, as his children grew older, began to train them to such other employments, as the idle habits they had learned at the gate very properly qualified them for. The right of common, which some of the poor cottagers have in that part of the country, and which is doubtless a considerable advantage to many, was con- verted by Giles, into the means of corrupting his whole family ; for his children, as soon as they grew too big for the trade of begging at the gate, were promoted to the dignity of thieves on the moor. Here he kept two or three asses, miserable beings, which if they had the good fortune to escape an untimely death by starving, did not fail to meet with it by beating. Some of the biggest BLACK GILES. boys were sent out with these lean and galled animals to carry sand or coals about the neighboring towns, Both sand and coals were often stolen before they got them to sell ; or if not, they always took care to cheat in selling them. By long practice in this art, they grew so dexterous, that they could give a pretty good guess how large a coal they could crib out of every bag before the buyer would be likely to miss it. All their odd time was taken up under the pretence of watching their asses on the moor, or running after five or six half-starved geese : but the truth is these boys were only watching for an opportunity to steal an odd goose of their neighbor's, while they pretended to look after their own. They used also to pluck the quills or the down from these poor live creatures, or half milk a cow before the farmer's maid came with her pail. They all knew how to calculate to a minute what time to be down in a morning to let out their lank hungry beasts, which they had turned over night into the farmer's field to steal a little good pasture. They contrived to get there just time enough to escape being caught replacing the stakes they had pulled out for the cattle to get over. For Giles was a prudent long-headed fellow; and whenever he stole food for his colts, took care never to steal stakes from the hedges at the same place. He had sense enough to know that the gain did not make up for the danger ; he knew that a loose fagot, pulled from a neighbor's pile of wood after the family were gone to bed, answered the end better, and was not half the trouble. Among the many trades which Giles professed, he sometimes practised that of a rat catcher ; but he was addicted to so many tricks, that he. never followed the same trade long ; for detection will, sooner or later, fol- BLACK GILES. 2U low the best concerted villany. Whenever he was sent for to a farm-house, bis custom was to kill a few of the old rats, always taking care to leave a little stock of young ones alive, sufficient to keep up the breed ; ' for,' said he, ' if I were to be such a fool as to clear a house or a barn at once, how would my trade be carried on ?' Arid where any barn was over-stocked, he used to borrow a few rats from thence, just to people a neighboring granary which had none ; and he might have gone on till now, had he not unluckily been caught one evening emptying his cage of rats under parson Wilson's barn door. This worthy minister, Mr. Wilson, used to pity the neglected children of Giles, as much as he blamed the wicked parents. He one day picked up Dick, who was far the best of Giles's bad boys. Dick was loitering about in a field behind the minister's garden in search of a hen's nest, his mother having ordered him to bring home a few eggs that night, by hook or by crook, as Giles was resolved to have some pancakes for supper, though he knew that eggs were a penny apiece. Mr. Wilson had long been desirous of snatching some of this vagrant family from ruin ; and his chief hopes were bent on Dick, as the least hackneyed in knavery. He had once given him a new pair of shoes, on his promis- ing to go to school next Sunday; but no sooner had Rachel, the boy's mother, got the shoes into her posses- sion, than she pawned them for a bottle of gin ; and odered the boy to keep out of the parson's sight, and to be sure to play his marbles on Sunday for the future, at the other end of the parish, and not near the church-yard. Mr. Wilson, however, picked up the boy once more, for it was not his way to despair of any body. Dick was just going to take to his heels, as usual, for fear the old story of the shoes should be brought forward ; but, 30 BLACK GILES. finding he could not get off, what does he do but run into a little puddle of muddy water which lay between him and the minister, that the sight of his naked feet might not bring on the dreaded subject Now it happened that Mr. Wilson was planting a little field of beans, so he thought'this a good opportunity to employ Dick, and he told him he had got some pretty easy work for him. Dick did as he was bid ; he willingly went to work, and readily began to plant his beans with despatch and regu- larity according to the directions given him. While the boy was busily at work by himself, Giles happened to come by, having been skulking round the back way to look over the parson's garden wall, to see if there was any thing worth climbing over for on the ensuing night. He spied Dick, and began to scold him for working for the stingy old parson, for Giles bad a natural antipathy to whatever belonged to the church. 'What has he promised thee a day?' said he; 'little enough I dare say.' ' He is not to pay me by the day,' said Dick, ' but says he will give me so much when I have planted this peck, and so much for the next.' ' Oh, oh! that alters the case,' said Giles. 'One may, indeed, get a trifle by this sort of work. I hate your regular day-jobs, where one can't well avoid doing one's work for one's money. Come, give me a handful of the beans, I will teach thee how to plant when thou art paid for planting by the peck. All we have to do in that case is to despatch the work as fast as we can, and get rid of the beans with all speed ; and as to the seed coming up or not, that is no business of ours ; we are paid for planting not for growing. At the rate thou goest on thou wouldst not get sixpence to night Come along, bury away.' So saying he took his hatful of the seed, and where Dick had been ordered to set one bean, Giles BLACK GILES. 31 buried a dozen ; of course the beans were soon out. But though the peck was emptied, tlie ground was unplant- ed. But cunning Giles knew this could not be found out till the time when the beans might be expected to come up, 'and then Dick,' says he, 'the snails and the mice may go shares in the blame, or we can lay the fault on the rooks or the black-birds.' So saying he sent the boy into the parsonage to receive his pay, taking care to secure about a quarter of the peck of beans for his own colt. He put both bag and beans into his own pocket to carry home, bidding Dick tell Mr. Wilson that he had planted the beans and lost the bag. In the meantime Giles's other boys were busy in emp- tying the ponds and trout streams in the neighboring manor. They would steal away the carp and tench when they were no bigger than gudgeons. By this un- timely depredation they plundered the owner of his property, without enriching themselves. But the pleas- ure of mischief was reward enough. These, and a hundred other little thieveries, they committed with such dexterity, that old Tim Crib, whose son was transported at the last assizes* for sheep stealing, used to be often reproaching his boys that Giles's sons were worth a hun- dred of such blockheads, as he had; for scarce a night passed but Giles had some little comfortable thing for supper which his boys had pilfered iri the day, while his undutiful dogs never stole any thing worth having. Giles, in the meantime, was busy in his way, but as busy as he was in laying his nets, starting coveys, and training dogs, he always took care that his depreda- tions should not be confined merely to game. Giles's boys had never seen the inside of a church * Session of a court fur the trial of criminals. 32 BLACK GILES. since they were christened, and the father thought he knew his own interest better than to force them to it; for church time was the season of their harvest. Then the hens' nests were searched, a stray duck was clapped under the smock frock, the tools which might have heen left by chance in a farm-yard were picked up, and all the neighboring pigeon-houses were thinned, so that Giles used to boast to tawny Rachel his wife, that Sun- day was to them the most profitable day in the week. With her it was certainly the most laborious day, as she always did her washing and ironing on the Sunday morning, it being, as she said, the only leisure day she had, for on the other days she went about the country telling fortunes, and selling dream-books and wicked songs. Neither her husband's nor her children's clothes were ever mended, and if Sunday, her idle day, had not come about once in every week, it is likely they would never have been washed neither You might however see her as you were going to church smoothing her own rags on her best red cloak, which she always used for her ironing-cloth on Sundays, for her cloak when she travelled, and for her blanket at night ; such a wretched manager was Rachel! Among her other articles of trade, one was to make and sell peppermint, and other distilled waters. These she had the cheap art of making without trouble and without expense, for she made them without herbs and without a still. Her way was, to fill so many quart bottles with plain water, put- ting a spoonful of mint water in the mouth of each these she corked down with rosin, carrying to each cus- tomer a phial of real distilled water to taste by way of sample. This was so good that her bottles were common- ly bought up without being opened ; but if any suspicion arose, and she was forced to uncork a bottle, by the few BLACK OfLKS. 33 drops of distilled waters lying at the top, she even then escaped detection, and took care to get out of reach before the bottle was opened a second time. She was too prudent ever to go twice to the same house. There is hardly any petty mischief that is not con- nected with the life of a poacher. Mr. Wilson was aware of this ; he was not only a pious clergyman, but an up- right justice. He used to say, that people who were truly conscientious, must be so in small things as well as in great ones, or they would destroy the effect of their own precepts, and their example would not be of gene- ral use. For this reason he never would accept of a hare or a partridge from any unqualified person* in the parish: He did not content himself with shuffling the thing off by asking questions, and pretending to take it for granted in a general way that the game was fairly come at ; but he used to say, that by receiving the booty he connived at a crime, made himself a sharer in it; and if he gave a present to the man who brought it, he even tempted him to repeat the fault. One day poor Jack Weston, an honest fellow in the neighborhood, whom Mr. Wilson had kindly visited and relieved in a long sickness, from which he was but just recovered, was brought before him as he was sitting on the justice's bench ; Jack was accused of having knocked down a hare ; and of all the birds in the air who should the informer be but black Giles the poacher ? Mr. Wilson was grieved at the charge ; he had a great regard for Jack, but he had still a greater regard for the law. The poor fellow pleaded guilty. He did not deny the fact, but said he did not consider it as a crime, for he did not think game was private property, and he owned he *That is any person whom he knew not to be authorised to hunt tbera. 34 BLACK GILKS. had a strong temptation for doing what lie had done, which he hoped would plead his excuse. The justice desired to know what this temptation \vas. ' Sir,' said the poor fellow, ' you know J was given over this spring in a bad fever. I had no friend in the world hut you, sir. Under God you saved my life hy your charitable relief; and I trust also you may have helped to save my soul by your prayers and your good advice ; for, by the grace of God, I have turned over a new leaf since that sickness. 'I know 1 can never make you amends for all your goodness, hut I thought it would be some comfort to my full heart if 1 could but once give you some little token of my gratitude. So I had trained a pair of nice turtle doves for madam Wilson, but they were stolen from me, sir, and 1 do suspect black Giles stole them. Yesterday morning, sir, as I was crawling out to my work, for 1 am still but very weak, a fine hare ran across niy path. I did not stay to consider whether it was wrong to kill a hare, but I felt it was right to show my gratitude ; so, sir, without a moment's thought 1 did knock down the hare, which I was going to carry to your worship, because I knew madam was fond of hare. I am truly sorry for my fault, and will submit to what- ever punishment your worship may please to inflict.' Mr. Wilson was much moved with this honest con- fession, and touched with the poor fellow's gratitude. What added to the effect of the story, was the weak condition and pale sickly looks of the offender. r?ut this worthy magistrate never suffered his feelings to bias *iis integrity ; he knew that he did not sit on that bench to indulge pity, but to administer justice; and while he was sorry for the offender, he would never justify the offence. 'John,' said he, ' 1 am suprised that you could BLACK GILES. 35 for a moment forget that I never accept any gift which causes the giver to break a law. On Sunday I teach you from the pulpit the laws of God, whose minister I arn. At present I fill the chair of the magistrate, to en- force and execute the laws of the land. Between those and the others there is more connection than you are aware. I thank you, John, for your affection to me, and I admire your gratitude ; but I must not allow either affection or gratitude to be brought as a plea for a wrong action. It is not your business nor mine, John, to settle whether the game laws are good or bad. Till they are repealed we must obey them. 3Iany, I doubt not, break these laws through ignorance, and many, I am certain, who would not dare to steal a goose or a turkey, make no scruple of knocking down a hare or a partridge. You will hereafter think yourself happy that this your first attempt has proved unsuccessful, as I trust you are too honest a fellow ever to intend to turn poacher. With poaching much moral evil is connected ; a habit of nightly depredation ; a custom of prowling in the dark for prey produces in time a disrelish for honest labor. He whose first offence was committed without much thought or evil intention, if he happens to succeed a few times in carrying off his booty undiscovered, grows bolder and bolder: and when lie fancies there is no shame attending it, he very soon gets to persuade him- self that there also is no sin. While some people pre- tend a scruple about stealing a sheep, they partly live by plundering of warrens. But remember that the war rener pays a high rent, and that therefore his rabbits are as much his property as his sheep. Do not then deceive yourselves with these false distinctions. \I1 property is sacred, and as the laws of the land are in- tended to fence in that property, he who brings up his 36 RT.ACK GILES. children to break down any of these fences, brings them up to certain sin and ruin. He who begins with rob- bing orchards, rabbit-warrens, and fish-ponds, will pro- bably end with horse-stealing or high-way robbery. Poaching is a regular apprenticeship to bolder crimes, lie whom I may commit as a boy to sit in the stocks for killing a partridge, may be likely to end at the gal- lows for killing a man. ' Observe, you who now hear me, the strictness and impartiality of justice. I know Giles to be a worthless fellow, yet it is my duty to take his information ; I know Jack Weston to l)e an honest youth, yet I must be oblig- ed to make him pay the penalty. Giles is a bad man, but he can prove this fact; Jack is a worthy lad, but he has committed this fault I am sorry for you, Jack ; but do not let it grieve you that Giles has played worse tricks a hundred times, and yet got off, while you were detected in the very first offence, for that would be grieving because you are not as great a rogue as Giles. At this moment you think your good luck is very une- qual ; but all this will one day turn out in your favor. Giles is not the more a favorite of Heaven because he has hitherto escaped Botany Bay, or the hulks ; nor is it any mark of God's displeasure against you, John, that you were found out in your very first attempt.' Here the good justice left off speaking, and no one could contradict the truth of what he had said. Westou humbly submitted to his sentence, but he was very poor,- and knew not where to raise the money to pay his fine. His character had always been so fair, that several farm- ers present kindly agreed to advance a trifle each to prevent his being sent to prison, and he thankfully pro- raised to work out the debt The justice himself, though he could not soften the law, yet showed Weston so BLACK GILES. 37 much kindness, that lie was enabled before the year was out, to get out of this difficulty. He began to think more seriously than he had ever yet done, and grew to abhor poaching, not merely from fear, but from prin- ciple. I think my readers have by this time become so well acquainted with black Giles the poacher, that they will not expect to hear any great good, either of Giles him- self, his wife Rachel, or any of their family. I am sorry to expose their tricks, but it is their fault, not mine. If 1 pretend to speak about people at all, I must tell the truth. I am sure, if folks would but turn about and mend, it would be a thousand times pleasanter to me to write their histories ; for it is no comfort to tell of any body's faults. If the world would but grow good, I should be glad enough to publish it ; but till it really be- comes so, I must goon describing it as it is; otherwise, I should only mislead my readers, instead of instructing them. It is the duty of a faithful historian to relate the evil with the good. As to Giles and his boys, I am sure old widow Brown has good reason to remember their dexterity. Pool- woman ! she had a fine little bed of onions, in her neat and well-kept garden ; she was very fond of her onions, and many a rheumatism has she caught by kneeling down to weed them in a damp day, notwithstanding the little flannel cloak and the bit of an old mat which madam Wilson gave her, because the old woman would needs weed in wet weather. Her onions she always carefully treasured up for her winter's store ; for an onion makes a little broth very relishing, and is indeed the only savoury thing poor people are used to get. She had also a small orchard, containing about a dozen apple-trees, with which in a good year she had been 4 ,18 BLACK GILES. known to make a couple of barrels of cider, which she sold to her landlord towards paying her rent, besides having a little keg which she was able to keep back for her own drinking. Well! would you believe it, Gilea and his boys marked both onions and apples for their own ; indeed, a man who stole so many rabbits from the warrener, was likely enough to steal onions for sauce. One day, when the widow was abroad on a little busi- ness, Giles and his boys made a clear riddance of the onion bed ; and when they had pulled up every single onion, they then turned a couple of piga into the garden, who, allured by the smell, tore up the bed in such a manner, that the widow, when she came home, had not the least doubt but the pigs had been the thieves. To confirm this opinion, they took care to taave the latch half open at one end of the garden, and to break down a slight fence at the other end. I wonder how aay body can find in his heart not to pity and respect poor old widows. There is something so forlorn and helpless in their condition, that methinka it is a call on every body, men, women, and children, to do them all the kind services that fall in their way. Surely their having no one to take their part, is an addi- tional reason for kind-hearted people not to hurt and oppress them. But it was this very reason which led Giles to do this woman an injury. With what a touch- ing simplicity is it recorded in Scripture, of the youth whom our blessed Savior raised from the dead, that he was the only son of his mother, and she a widow ! It happened unluckily for poor widow Brown that her cottage stood quite alone. On several mornings together, (for roguery gets up much earlier than industry,) Giles and his boys stole regularly into her orchard, fol- lowed by their jack-asses. She was so deaf that she 39 could not hear the asses if they had brayed ever so loud, and to this Giles trusted ; lor lt was very cautious in his rogueries; since lie could not otherwise have con- tvived so long to keep out of prison } for though he was almost always suspected, he had seldom been taken up, and never convicted. The boys used to fill tlteir bags, load their asses, and then inarch off"; and if in their way to the town where the apples were to be sold they chanc- ed to pass by one of their neighbors who might be likely to suspect them, they then all at once began to scream out, ' Buy my coal 1 buy my sand ! ' Besides the trees in her orchard, poor widow Brown had in her small garden, one apple-tree particularly fine; it was a redstreak, so tempting and so lovely, that Giles's family had watched it with longing eyes, till at last they resolved on a plan for carrying off" all this fine fruit in their bags. But it was a nice point to manage. The tree stood directly under her chamber-window, so that there was some danger that she might spy them at the work. They therefore determined to wait till the next Sunday morning, when they knew she would not fail to be at church. Sunday came, and during service Giles attended. It was a lone house, as I said before, and the rest of the parish were safe at church. In a trice the tree was cleared, the bags were filled, the asses were whipped, the thieves were off, the coast was clear, and all was safe and quiet by the time the sermon was over. Unluckily, however, it happened, that this tree was so beautiful, and the firuit so fine, that the people, as they used to pass to and from the church, were very apt to stop and admire widow Brown's red-streaks : and some of the farmers rather envied her that in that scarce season, when they hardly expected to make a pie out of a large orchard, she was likely to Tiake a cask of cider 40 BLACK GILES. from a single tree. I am afraid, indeed, if I must speak out, she herself rather set her heart too much upon this fruit, and had felt as much pride in her tree as gratitude to a good Providence for it; but this foiling of hers was no excuse for Giles. The covetousness of this thief had for once got the better of his caution ; the tree was too completely stripped, though the youngest boy Dick did beg hard that his father would leave the poor old woman enough for a few dumplings; and when Giles ordered Dick in his turn to shake the tree, the boy did it so gently that hardly any apples fell, for which he got a good stroke of the stick with which tlia old man was beating down the apples. The neighbors on their return from church stopped as usual, but it was not, alas! to admire the apples, for apples there were none left, but to lament the robbery, and console the widow; meantime the red-streaks were safely lodged in Giles's hovel under a few bundles of new hay which he had contrived to pull from the farmer's mow the night before, for the use of his "jack-asses. Such a stir, however, began to be made about the wid- ow's apple-tree, that Giles, who knew how much his character had laid him open to suspicion, as soon as he saw the people safe in church again in the afternoon, ordered his lx>ys to carry each a hatful of the apples and thrust them in at a little casement window which hap- pened to be open in the house of Samuel Price, a very honest carpenter in that parish, who was at church with his whole family. Giles's plan, by this contrivance, was to lay the theft on Price's sons- in case the thing should come to be further inquired into. Here Dick put in a word, and begged and prayed his father not to force them to carry the apples to Price's. But all that he got by his begging was such a knock as had nearly laid him BLACK GILES. 41 on the earth. 'What, you cowardly rascal,' said Giles, you will go and ''peach, I suppose, and get your father sent to gaol.' Poor widow Brown, though her trouble had made her still weaker than she was, went to church again in the afternoon: indeed she rightly thought that her being in trouble was a new reason why she ought to go. Dur- ing the service she tried with all her might not to think of her red-streaks, and whenever they would come into her head, she took up her prayer-book directly, and so she forgot them a little ; and indeed she found herself much easier when she came out of the church than when she went in ; an effect so commonly produced by prayer, that methinks it is a pity people do not try it oftener. Now it happened oddly enough, that on that Sunday, of all the Sundays in the year, the widow should call in to rest a little at Samuel Price's, to tell over again the lamentable story of the apples, and to consult with him how the thief might be brought to justice. But O, reader! guess if you can, for I am sure I cannot tell you, what was her surprise, when, on going into Samuel Price's kitchen, she saw her own red- streaks lying on the window! The apples were of a sort too remarkable, for color, shape, and size, to be mistaken. There was not such another tree in the parish. Widow Brown immediately screamed out, * Alas-a-day ! as sure as can be, here are my red-streaks ; I could swear to them in any court.' Samuel Price, who believed his sons to be as honest as himself, was shocked and troub- led at the sight. He knew he had no red-streaks of his own, he knew there were no apples in the window when he went to church: he did verily believe these apples to be the widow's. But how they came there he could not possibly guess. He called for Tom. the only 4* 42 BLACK GILES. one of bis sons who now lived at home. Tom was at the Sunday-school, which he had never once missed since Mr. Wilson the minister had set up one in the parish. Was such a hoy likely to do such a deed ! A crowd was by this time got about Price's door, among which were Giles and his boys, who had already taken care to spread the news that Tom Price was the thief. Most people were unwilling to believe it. His character was very good, but appearances were strongly against him. Mr. |t\Tilson, who had staid to christen a child, now came in. He was much concerned that Tom Price, the best boy ia his school, should stand ac- cused of such a crime. He sent for the boy, examined, and cross-examined him. No marks of guilt appeared. But still though l>e pleaded not guilty f there lay the red- streaks in his fathers window. All the idle fellows in the place, who were most likely to have committed such a theft themselves, were the very people who fell with vengeance on poor Tom. The wicked seldom give any quarter, 'This is oae of your sanctified ones!* cried they. ' This was all the good that Sundtiy-schools did ! For their parts they never saw any good come by religion. Sunday was the only day for a little pastime, and if poor boys must be shut up with their godly books,, when they ought to be out taking a little pleasure, it was no wonder they made lli.'in. i-lves amends by such tricks/ Another said he should like to see parson Wilson's right- eous one well whipped. A third hoped he would be- clapped in the stocks for a young hypocrite as he was ; while old Giles, who thought the only way to avoid suspicion was by being more violent than the rest, de- clared, ' that he hoped the young dog would be trans- ported for life.' Mr. Wilson was too wise and too just to proceed BLACK GILES. 43 against Tom without full proof. He declared the crime was a very heavy one, and he feared that heavy must be the punishment. Tom, who knew his own inno- cence, earnestly prayed to God that it might be made to appear as clear as the noon-day ; and very fervent were his secret devotions on that night. Black Giles passed his night in a very different man- ner. He set off as soon as it was dark, with his sons and then jack-asses, laden with their stolen goods. As such a cry was raised about the apples, he did not think it safe to keep them longer at home, but resolved to go and sell them at the next town ; borrowing without leave a lame colt out of the moor to assist in carrying off his booty. Giles and his eldest sons had rare sport all the way in thinking, that while they were enjoying the profit of their plunder, Tom Price would be whipt round the market place at least, if not sent beyond sea. But the younger boy Dick, who had naturally a tender heart, though hardened by his long familiarity with sin, could not help -n-ying, when he thought that Tom Price might, perhaps, l>e transported for a crime which he himself had helped to commit. He had had no compunction about the robbery, for he had not been instructed in the great principles of truth and justice ; nor would he therefore, perhaps, have had much remorse about accusing an innocent boy. But, though utterly devoid of principle, he had some remains of natural feeling and of gratitude. Tom Price had often given him a bit of his own bread and cheese ; and once, when Dick was like to be drowned, Tom had jumped into the pond with his clothes on, and saved his life when he was just sinking ; the remem- brance of all this made his heart heavy. He said noth- ing ; but as he trotted barefoot after the asses, he heard 44 BLACK GILES. his father and brothers laugh at having; outwitted the godly ones; and he grieved to think how poor Tom would suffer for his wickedness, yet fear kept him silent ; they called him a sulky dog, and lashed the asses till they bled. In the meantime Tom Price kept up his spirits as well as he could. He worked hard all day, and prayed hearti- ly night and morning. It is true, said he to himself, I am not guilty of this sin ; but let this accusation set me on examining myself, and truly repenting of all my other sins; for I find enough to repent of, though I thank God I did not steal the widow's apples. At length Sunday came^ and Tom went to school as usual. As soon as he walked in there was a great deal of whispering and laughing among the worst of the boys ; and he overheard them say, ' Who would have thought it? This is master's favorite ! This is parson Wilson's sober Tommy ! We shan't have Tommy thrown in our teeth again if we go to get a bird's nest, or gather a few nuts on a Sunday.' 'Your demure ones are always hypocrites,' says another. ' The still pig gets all the milk,' says a third. Giles's family had always kept clear of the school. Dick, indeed, had sometimes wished to go ; not that he had much sense of sin, or desire after goodness, but he thought if he could once read, he might rise in the world, and not be forced to drive asses all his life. Through this whole Saturday night he could not sleep. He longed to know what would be done to Tom. He began to wish to go to school, but he had not courage ; sin is very cowardly. So on the Sunday morning he went and sat himself down under the church wall. Mr. Wilson passed by. It was not his way to reject the most wicked, till he had tried every means to bring them BLACK GILES. 45 over; and even th3n he pitied and prayed for them. lie had, indeed, long left off talking to Giles's sons ; but seeing Dick sitting by himself, he once more spoke to him, desired him to leave off his vagabond life, and go with him into the school. The boy hung down his }>ead, but made no answer. He did not, however, either rise up and run away, or look sulky, as he used to do. The minister desired him once more to go. ' Sir,' said the boy, ' I can't go ; I am so big I am ashamed.' ' The bigger you are the less time you have to lose.' ' But, sir, I can't read.' ' Tjien it is high time you should learn.' ' I should be ashamed to begin to learn my let- ters.' 'The shame is not in beginning to learn them, but in being contented never to know them.' ' But, sir, I am so ragged ! ' ' God looks at the heart, and not at the coat.' 'But, sir, I have no shoes atyl stockings.' 'So much the worse. I remember who gave you both (Here Dick colored.) It is bad to want shoes and stock- inirs, but still if you can drive your asses a dozen miles without them, you may certainly walk a hundred yards to school without them.' 'But, sir, the good boys will hate me, and won't speak to me.' ' Good boys hate no- body ; and as to not speaking to you, to be sure they will not keep your company while you go on in your present evil courses, but as soon as they see you wish to reform, they Avill help you, and pity you, and teach you ; and so come along.' Here Mr. Wilson took this dirty boy by the hand, and gently pulled him forward, kindly talking to him all the way, in the most condescending manner. How the whole school stared to see Dick Giles come in ! No one, however, dared to say what he thought. The business went on, and Dick slunk into a corner, partly to hide his rags, and partly to hide his sin ; for 46 BLACK GILES. last Sunday's transaction sat heavy on his heart, not be- cause he had stolen the apples, but because Tom Price had been accused. This, I say, made him slink behind. Poor boy! he little thought there was OXE saw him who sees all things, and from whose eye no hole nor corner can hide the sinner ; ' for He is about our bed, and about our path, and spieth out all our ways.' It was the custom in that school, and an excellent custom it is, for the master, who was a good and wise man, to mark down in his pocket-book all the events of the week, that he might turn them to some account in his Sunday evening instructions ; such as any useful story in the newspaper, any account of boys being drowned as they were out in a pleasure-boat on Sundays, any sudden death in the parish, or any other remarkable visitation of Providence; insomuch, that many young people in the place, who did not belong to the school, and many parents also, used to drop in for an hour on a Sunday evening, when they were sure to hear something profitable. The minister greatly approved this practice, and often called in himself, which was a great support to the master, and encouragement to the people who attended. The master had taken a deep concern in the story of widow Brown's apple tree. He could not believe Tom Price was guilty, nor dared he pronounce him innocent: but he resolved to turn the instructions of the present evening to this subject. He began thus: 'My dear boys, however light some of you may make of robbing an orchard, yet I have often told you there is no such thing as a little sin, if it be wilful or habitual. I Avish now to explain to you, also, that there is hardly such a thing as a single solitary sin. You know I teach you not merely to repeat the commandments as an exercise for your BLACK GILES. 47 memory, but as ft rule for your conduct. If you were to come here only to learn to read and spell on a Sunday, I should think that was not employing God's day for God's works; but I teach you to read that you may, by this means, come so to understand the Bible and the Catechism, as to make every text in the one, and every question and answer in the other, to be so fixed in your hearts, that they may bring forth in you the fruits of good living.' Master. How many commandments are there ? Boy. Ten. Master. How many commandments did that boy break who stole widow Brown's apples? Boy. Only one, master ; the eighth. Master. What is the eighth ? Boy. Thou shalt not steal. Master. And you are very sure that this was the only one he broke? Now suppose I cou'cl prove to you that he probably broke not less than six out of those ten commandments, which the great Lord of heaven him- self stooped down from his eternal glory to deliver to men, would you not, then, think it a terrible thing to steal, whether apples or guineas ? Boy. Yes, master. Master. I will put the case. Some wicked boy has robbed widow Brown's orchard. (Here the eyes of every one were turned on poor Tom Price, except those of Dick Giles, who fixed his on the ground.) I accuse no one, continued the master, Tom Price is a good boy and was not missing at the time of the robbery ; these are two reasons why I presume that he is innocent ; but whoever it was, you allow that by stealing these apples he broke the eighth commandment ? Bojf. Yes, master, 48 LACK GILES, Master. On what day were these apples stolen ? Boy. On Sunday. Master. What is the fourth commandment? Boy. Thou shall keep holy the Sahhath-day. Master. Does that person keep holy the Sabhatn-day who loiters in an orchard on Sunday, when he snould be at church, and steals apples when he ought to be say- ing his prayers? Boy. No, Master. Master. What command does he break ? Boy. The fourth. Master. Suppose this boy had parents who had sent him to church, and that he had disobeyed them by not going, would that be keeping the fifth commandment ? Boy. No, master; for the fifth commandment says, Thou sJmlt honor thy father and thy mother. This was the only part of the case in which poor Dick Giles's heart did not 'smite him ; he knew he had disobeyed no father; for his father, alas ! was still wick- eder than himself, and had brought him up to commit the sin. But what a wretched comfort was this ? The master went on. Master. Suppose this boy earnestly coveted this fruit, though it belonged to another person, would that be right ? Boy. No, master ; for the tenth commandment says, Thou shalt not covet. Master. Very well. Here are four of God's positive commands already broken. Now do you think thieves ever scruple to use wicked words ? Boy. I am afraid not, master. Here Dick- Giles was not so hardened but that he remembered how many curses had passed between him and his father while they were filling the bags, and he was afraid to look up. Thf mnstor wont on. BtACK GILES. 49 1 will now go one step further. If the thief, to all his other sins, has added that of accusing the innocent to save himself, if he should break the ninth commandment, by bearing false witness against a harmless neighbor, then six commandments are broken for an apple ! But if it be otherwise, if Tom Price should be found guilty, it is not his good character shall save him. I shall shed tears over him, hut punish him I must, and that severely. ' No, that you shan't,' roared out Dick Giles, who sprung from his hiding place, fell on his knees, and burst out a crying, ' Tom Price is as good a boy as ever lived ; it was father and I who stole the apples ! ' It would have done your heart good to have seen the joy of the master, the modest blushes of Tom Price, and the satisfaction of every honest boy in the school. All shook hands with Tom, and even Dick got some portion of pity. 1 wish I had room to give my readers the moving exhortation which the master gave. But while Mr. Wilson left the guilty boy to the management of the master, he thought it became him, as a minister and a magistrate, to go to the extent of the law in punishing the father. Early on the Monday morning he sent to apprehend Giles. In the meantime Mr. Wilson was sent for to a gaidoner's house two miles distant, to attend a man who was dying. This was a duty to which all others gave way in his mind. He set out directly ; but what was his surprise, on his arrival, to see, on a little bed on the floor, poaching Giles lying in all the agonies of death ! Jack Weston, the same poor young man against whom Giles had informed for killing a hare, was kneeling by him, offering him some broth, and talking to him in the kindest manner. Mr. Wilson begged to know the meaning of all this ; and Jack Weston spoke as follows: 50 BLACK 'At four n< the morning, ns I was going out to mow, passing under the high wall of this garden, I heard a most dismal moaning. The nearer I came the more dismal it grew. At last, who should I see but poor Giles groaning, and struggling under a quantity of bricks and stones, but not able to stir. The day before he had marked a fine large net on this old wall, and resolved to steal it, for he thought it might do as well to catch partridges aa to preserve cherries ; so, sir, standing on the very top of this wall, and tugging with all his might to loosen the net from the hooks which fastened it, down came Giles, net, wall, and all ; for the wall was gone to decay. It was very kigh indeed, and poor Giles not only broke his thigh, but has got a terrible blow on his head, and is bruised all over like a mummy. On seeing me, sir, poor Giles cried out, " Oh, Jack ! I did try to ruin thee by lodging that information, and now thou wilt be revenged by letting me lie here and perish." " God forbid, Giles! cried I ; thou shall see what sort of revenge a Christian takes." So, sir, I sent oft' the gardener's boy to fetch a surgeon, while I scampered home and brought on my back this bit of a hammock, which is indeed my own bed, and put Giles upon it . we then lifted him up, bed and all, as tenderly as if he had been a gentleman, and brought him in here. My wife has just brought him a drop of nice broth ; and now, sir, as I have done what I could for this poor perishing body, it was I who took the liberty to send to you to come to try to help his poor soul, for the doctor says he can't live.' Mr. Wilson could not help saying to himself, Such an action as this is worth a whole volume of comments on that precept of our blessed Master, Love your cntmies; do good to them that hate you. Giles's dying groans con- firmed the sad account Weston had just given. The BtAGK GILES. 81 poor wretch rould neither pn;y himself nor attend to the minister. He could only cry out, 'Oh! sir, what will become of me? I don't know how to repent. O my poor wicked children ! Sir, I have bred them all up in sin and ignorance. Have mercy on them, sir ; let me not meet them in the place of torment to which I am going. Lord grant them that time for repentance which I have thrown away ! ' He languished a few days, and died in great misery: a fresh and sad instance that people who abuse the grace of God and resist his Spirit, find it difficult to repent when they will. Except the minister and Jack Weston, no one came to see poor Giles, besides Tommy Price, who had been so sadly wronged by him. Tom often brought him his own rice-milk or apple-dumpling ; and Giles, ignorant and depraved as he was, often cried out, ' That he thought now there must be some truth in religion, since it taught even a boy to deny himself, and to forgive an injury. Mr. Wilson the next Sunday, made a moving discourse on the danger of what are called petty offences. This, together with the awful death of Giles, produced such an effect, that no poacher has been able to show his head in that parish ever since. TAW NET RACHEL, was the wife of poaching Giles. There seemed to be a conspiracy in Giles's whole fami- ly to maintain themselves by tricks and pilfering. Reg- ular labor and honest industry did not suit their idle habits. They had a sort of genius at finding out every unlawful means to support a vagabond life. Rachel travelled the country with a basket on her arm. She pretended to get her bread by selling laces, cabbage-nets, ballads and history books, and used to buy old rags and rabbit skins. Many honest people trade in these things, 52 BLACK GILES. and I am sure I do not mean to say a word against honest people, let them trade in what they will But Rachel only made this traffic a pretence for getting ad- mittance into farmers' kitchens in order to tell fortunes. She was continually practising on the credulity of silly girls; and took advantage of their ignorance to cheat and deceive them. Many an innocent servant has she caused to be suspected of a robbery, while she her- self, perhaps, was in league with the thief. Many a harmless maid has she brought to ruin by first contriving plots and events herself, and then pretending to foretell them. She had not, to be sure, the power of really for- telling things, because she had no power of seeing into futurity : but she had the art sometimes to bring them about according as she foretold them. So she got that credit for her wisdom which really belonged to her wickedness. Rachel was also a famous interpreter of dreams, and could distinguish exactly between the fate of any two persons who happened to have a mole on the right or the left cheek> She had a cunning way of getting her- self off when any of her prophecies failed. When she explained a dream according to the natural appearance of things, and it did not come to pass; then she would get out of that scrape by saying, that this sort of dreams went by Contraries. Now of two very opposite things, the chance always is that one of them may turn out to be true ; so in either case she kept up the cheat. Rachel, in one of her rambles, stopped at the house of farmer Jenkins. She contrived to call when she knew the master of the house was from home, which indeed was her usual way. She knocked at the door; the maids being in the field haymaking, Mrs. Jenkins went to open it herself. Rachel asked her if she won hi please BLACK GILES. DO to let her light her pipe? This was a common pretence, when she could find no other way of getting into a house. While she was filling her pipe, she looked at Mrs. Jenkins, and said, she could tell her some good fortune. The farmer's wile, who was a very inoffensive, but a weak and superstitious woman, was curious to know what she meant. Rachel then looked about care- fully, and shutting the door with a mysterious air, asked her if she was sure nobody would hear them. This ap- pearance of mystery was at once delightful and terrifying to Mi's. Jenkins, who, with trembling agitation, bid the cunning woman speak out. ' Then,' said Rachel in a solemn whisper, ' there is to my certain knowledge a pot of money hid under one of the stones in your cellar.' ' Indeed !' said Mrs. Jenkins, ' it is impossible, for now I think of it, I dreamt last night I was in prison for debt.' 'Did you really ?' said Rachel; 'that is quite surpris- ing. Did yon dream this before twelve o'clock or after ? ' O it was this morning, just before I awoke. 'Then I am sure it is true, for morning dreams always go by contraries,' cried Rachel. ' How lucky it was you dreamt it so late.' Mrs. Jenkins could hardly contain her joy, and asked how the money was to be come at. ' There is but one way,' said Rachel ; ' I must go into the cellar. I know by my art under which stone it lies, but I must not tell.' Then they both went down into the cellar, but Rachel refused to point at the stone unless Mrs. Jenkins would put five pieces of gold into a basin and do as she directed. The simple woman, instead of turning her out of doors for a cheat, did as she was bid. She put the guineas into a basin which she gave into Rachel's hand. Rachel 5* O 1 ! ULACK GILES. strewed some white powder over the gold, muttered some barbarous words, and pretended to perform the black art She then told Mrs. Jenkins to put the basin quietly down within the cellar; telling her that if she offered to look into it, or even to speak a word, the charm would be broken. She also directed her to lock the cellar door, and on no pretence to open it in less than forty-eight hours. ' If,' added she, ' you closely follow these directions, then, by the power of my art, you will find the basin conveyed to the very stone under which the money lies hid, and a fine treasure it be !' Mrs. Jen- kins, who firmly believed every word the woman said, did exactly as she was told, and Rachel took her leave with a handsome reward. When farmer Jenkins came home he desired his wife to draw him a cup of cider ; this she put oft' so long that he began to be displeased. At last she begged he would be so good as to drink a little beer instead. He insisted on knowing the reason, and when at last he grew angry, she told him all that had passed ; and owned that as the pot of gold happened to be in the cider cellar, she did not dare open the door, as she was sure it would break the charm. 'And it would be a pity you know,' said she, 'to lose a good fortune for the sake of a draught of cider.' The farmer, who was not so easily imposed upon, suspected a trick. He demanded the key, and went and opened the cellar door ; there he found the basin, and in it five round pieces of tin covered with powder. Mrs. Jenkins burst out a-crying; but the fanner thought of nothing but of getting a warrant to apprehend the cunning woman. Indeed she well proved her claim to that name, when she insisted that the cellar door might be kept locked till she had time to get out of the reach of all pursuit. BLACK GfJLES. Poor Sally Evans! I am sure she rued the day that ever she listened to a fortune-teller. Sally was as harm- less a girl as ever lived ; but Sally was credulous, igno- rant, and superstitious. She delighted in dream-books, and had consulted all the cunning women in the country to tell her whether the two moles on her cheek denoted that she was to have two husbands, or two children. If she picked up an old horse-shoe going to church, she was sure that would be a lucky week. She never made k a black-pudding without borrowing an old wig to hang in the chimney, firmly believing there was no other means to preserve them from burning. She would never go to bed on Midsummer eve without sticking up in her room the well-known plant called Midsummer- men, as the bending of the leaves to the right or to the left, would not fail to tell her whether Jacob, of whom we shall speak presently, was true or false. She would raiuer go five miles about than pass near a church-yard at night. Every seventh year she would not eat beans because they grew downward in the [>od, instead of up- ward ; and, though a very neat girl, she would rather have gone with her gown open, than have taken a pin from an old woman, for fear of being bewitched. Poor Sally had so many unlucky days in her calendar, that a large portion of her time became of little use, because on these days she did not dare set about any new work. And she would have refused the best offer in the country if made to her on a Friday, which she thought so un- lucky a day that she often said what a pity it was that there were any Friday in the week. Sally had twenty pounds left her by her grandmother. She had long been courted by Jacob, a sober lad, with whom she lived fellow servant at a creditable farmer's. Honest Jacob, like his namesake of old, thought it little to wait 56 BLACK GILES. seven years to get this damsel to wife, because of the love he bore her, for Sally had promised to marry him when he could match her twenty pounds with another of his own. Now there was one Robert, a rambling idle young gardener, who, instead of sitting down steadily in one place, used to roarn about the country, and do odd jobs where he could get them. No one understood any thing about him, except that he was a down-looking fellow, who came nobody knew whence, and got his bread nobody knew how, and never had a penny in his pocket. Robert, who was now in the neighborhood, happened to hear of Sally Evans and her twenty pounds. He immediately conceived a longing desire for the latter So he went to his old friend Rachel the fortune-teller, told her all he had heard of Sally, and promised if she could bring about a marriage between them, she should go shares in the money. Rachel undertook the business. She set off to the farm-house, and fell to singing one of her most enticing songs just under the dairy window. Sally was so struck with the pretty tune, which was unhappily used, as is too often the case, to set off some very loose words, that she jumped up, dropped the skimmer into the cream and ran out to buy the song. While she stooped down to rummage the basket for those songs which had the most tragical pictures (for Sally had a tender heart, and de- lighted in whatever was mournful) Rachel looked stead- fastly in her face, and told her she knew by art that she was born to good fortune, but advised her not to throw herself away. ' These two moles on your cheek,' added she, ' show you are in some danger.' ' Do they denote husbands or children ? ' cried Sally, starling up, and letting fall the song of the Children in the Wood. 57 ' Husbands,' muttered Rachel. 'Alas! poor Jacob!' said Sally, mournfully, 'then he will die first, won't he ?' 'Mum for that,' quoth the fortune-teller, 'I will say no more.' Sally was impatient, but the more curiosity she dis- covered, the more mystery Rachel affected. At last, she said, ' if you will cross my hand with a piece of silver, I will tell your fortune. By the power of my art I can do this three ways ; first by cards, next by the lines on your hand, or by turning a cup of tea grounds; which will you have ? ' 'O, all! all!' cried Sally, looking up with reverence to this sun-burnt oracle of wisdom, who was possessed of no less than three different ways of diving into the secrets of futurity. Alas! persons of better sense than Sally have been so taken in ; the more is the pity The poor girl said she would run up stairs to her little box where she kept her money tied up in a bit of an old glove, and would bring down a bright queen Ann's sixpence very crooked. ' I am sure,' added she, ' it is a lucky one, for it cured me of a very bad ague last spring, by only laying it nine nights under my pillow without speaking a word. But then you must know what gave the virtue to this sixpence was, that it had belonged to three young men of the name of John ; 1 am sure I had work enough to get it. But true it is, it certainly cured me. It must be the sixpence, you know, for I am sure I did nothing else for my ague, except indeed, taking some bitter sluff every three hours which the doctor called bark. To be sure I lost my ague sooa after I took it. bm I am certain it was owing to the crook- ed sixpence, and not to the bark. And so, good woman, you may come in, if you will, for there is not a soul in 58 BLACK GILES, the bouse but me.' This was tbe very thing Rachel Wanted to know, and very glad she was to learn it. While Sally was above stairs untying her glove, Ra- chel slipped in to the parlor, took a small silver cup from the beaufet, and clapped it into her pocket. Sally raw down, lamenting that she had lost her sixpence, which she verily believed was owing ta her liaving put it into- a left glove, instead of a right one. Rachel comforted 5 her by saying, that if she gsve her two plain ones instead,, the charm would work just as well. Simple Sally thought herself happy to be let off so easily, never cal- culating that a smooth shiHing was worth two crooked sixpences. But this skill was a part of 'be black art ii> which Rachel excelled. She took tire money and begat? So examine the lines of Sally's left band. She bit her withered lip, shook her head, aad bade her poor dupe beware of a young man who had black hair. ' No, indeed,' cried Sally, all hi a fright, ' you mean black eyes, fbr oar Jacob has got brown hair, *t is his eyes that are black.' 'That is the very thing I was going to say,' muttered* Rachel, 'I meant eyes,. though I said hair, for I know his hair is as brown as a chestnut, and his- eyes as black as a sloe/ 'So they are, snre enough/ cried Sally, 'how in the world could you know that?* forgetting that she herself had just told her so. And it is thus that these hags pick out of the credulous all which they afterwards pretend to reveal to them. * O, I know a pretty deal more than that,' said RacheF, 'but you must beware of this man,' 'Why so, 7 cried Sally, with great quickness: 'Be- cause,' answered Rachel, ' you are fated to marry a mart worth a hundred of him, who has bluo eyes, light hair, and a stoop in the shoulders/ SLACK GILES. 59 ' No, indeed, but I can 't,' said Sally ; ' 1 have promised Jacob, and Jacob 1 will marry.' ' You cannot, child,' returned Ilachel in a solemn tone ; 'it is out of your power, you are fated to marry the gray eyes and light hair.' ' Nay, indeed,' said Sally, sighing deeply, ' if I am fated I must ; I know there 's no resisting one 's fate.' This is a common cant with poor deluded girls, who are not aware that they themselves make tlreir fate by their folly, and then complain there is no resisting it. 'What can I do ?' said Sally. ' 1 will tell you that, too,' said Rachel. ' You must take a walk next Sunday afternoon to the church-yard, and the first man you meet in a blue coat, with a large posy of pinks and southern-wood in his bosom, sitting on the church-yard Avail, about seven o'clock, he will be the man.' ' Provided,' said Sally, much disturbed, ' that he has gray eyes and stoops.' ' O, to be sure,' said Rachel, ' otherwise it is not the right man.' ' But if I should mistake,' said Sally, ' for two men may happen to have a coat and eyes of the same color ? ' 'To prevent that,' replied Rachel, 'if it is the right man, the two first letters of his name will be R. P. This man has got money beyond sea.' 'O, I do not value his money,' said Sally, with tears in her eyes, ' for I love Jacob better than house or land ; hut if I am fated to marry another, I can't help it ; you know there is no struggling against my fate.' Poor Sally thought of nothing, and dreamt of nothing all the week but the blue coat and the gray eyes. She made a hundred blunders at her work. She put her little knife out of her pocket for fear it should cut love 60 BLACK GILES. and would not stay in the kitchen if there was not an even number of people, lest it should break the charm. She grew cold and mysterious in her behavior to faith- ful Jacob, whom she truly loved. But the more she thought of the fortune-teller, the more she was convinced that brown hair and black eyes were not what she was fated to marry, and therefore, though she trembled to think it, Jacob could not be the man. On Sunday she was too uneasy to go to church; for poor Sally had never been taught that her being uneasy was only a fresh reason why she ought to go thither. She spent the whole afternoon in her little garret, dress- ing in all her best. First she put on her red riband, which she had bought at the fair : then she recollected that red was an unlucky color, and changed it for a blue riband, tied in a true lover's knot ; but suddenly calling to mind that poor Jacob had bought this knot for her of a pedlar at the door, and that she had promised to wear it for his sake, her heart smote her, and she laid it by, sighing to think she was not fated to marry the man who had given it to her. When she had looked at her- self twenty times in the glass (for one vain action al- ways brings on another) she set off, trembling and shaking every step she went. She walked eagerly towards the church-yard, not daring to look to the right or left, for fear she should spy Jacob, who would have offered to walk with her, and so have spoilt all. As soon as she came within sight of the wall, she spied a man sitting upon it : Her heart beat violently. She looked again ; but alas! the stranger not only had on a black coat, but neither hair nor eyes answered the description. She now happened to cast her eyes on the church-clock, and found she was two hours before her time. This was some comfort. S^e walked away BLACK GILES. Ol and got rid of the two hours as well as she could, paying great attention not to walk over any straws which lay across, and carefully looking to see if there were never an old horse-shoe in the way, that infallible symptom of good fortune. While the clock was striking seven, she returned to the church-yard, and O ! the wonderful power of fortune-tellers! there she saw him! there sat the very man ! his hair as light as flax, his eyes as blue as butter-milk, and his shoulders as round as a tub. Every tittle agreed to the very nosegay in his waistcoat button-hole. At first, indeed, she thought it had been sweetbrier, and glad to catch at a straw, whispered to herself, it is not he, and I shall marry Jacob still; but on looking again, she saw it was southern-wood plain enough, and that of course all was over. The man accosted her with some very nonsensical, but too accep- table, compliments. She was naturally a modest girl, and but for Rachel's wicked arts, would not have had courage to talk with a strange man ; but how could she resist her fate you know? After a little' discourse, she asked him, with a trembling heart, what might be his name? Robert Price, at your service, was the answer. 'Robert Price! that is R. P. as sure as I arn alive, and the fortune-teller was a witch ! It is all out! it is all out! O the wonderful art of fortune-tollers !' The little sleep she had that night, was disturbed with dreams of graves, and ghosts, and funerals, but as they were morning dreams, she knew those always went by contraries, and that a funeral denoted a wedding. Still a sigh would now and then heave, to think that in that wedding Jacob would have no part. Such of my read- ers as know the power which superstition has over the weak and credulous mind, scarcely need be told, that poor Sally's unhappiness was soon completed. She G 62 BLACK GILES. forgot all her vows to Jacob ; she at once forsook an honest man whom she loved, and consented to marry a stranger, of whom she knew nothing, from a ridiculous notion that she was compelled to do so by a decree which she had it not in her power to resist She mar- ried this Richard Price, the strange gardener, whom she soon found to be very worthless, and very much in debt He had no such thing as ' money beyond sea,' as the for- tune-teller had told her; but alas! he had another wife there. He got immediate possession of Sally's twenty pounds. Rachel put in for her share, but he refused to give her a farthing, and bid her get away or he would have her taken up on the vagrant act. He soon ran away from Sally, leaving her to bewail her own weak- ness ; for it was that indeed, and not any irresistible fate, which had been the cause of her ruin. To complete her misery, she herself was suspected of having stolen the silver cup which Rachel had pocketed. Her master, however, would not prosecute her, as she was falling into a deep decline, and she died in a few months of a broken heart, a sad warning to all credulous girls. Rachel, whenever she got near home, used to drop her trade of fortune-telling, and only dealt in the wares of her basket Mr. Wilson, the clergyman, found her one day dealing out some very wicked ballads to some children. He went up with a view to give her a repri- mand ; but had no sooner begun his exhortation than up came a constable, followed by several people. ' There she is, that is the old witch who tricked my wife out of the five guineas,' said one of them, ' Do your office constable, seize that old hag. She may tell for- tunes and find pots of gold in Taunton jail, for there she will have nothing else to do ! ' This was that very farmer Jenkins, whose wife had BLACTK GILES. 63 fceen cheated by Rachel of the five guineas. He had taken pains to trace her to her own parish : he did not o much value the loss of the money, as he thought k was a duty he owed the public to clear the country of such vermia. Mr. Wilson immediately committed her. She took her trial at the next court, when she was sen- tenced t a year's imprisonment. In the mean time, the pawnbroker to whom she had sold the silver cup, which she had stolen from poor Sally's master, impeached her, and as the rebbery was ftilly proved upon Rachel, she was sentenced for this crime te Botany Bay; and a ihappy day it was for the eoiiRty, when such a nuisance was sect eat of it. She was transported much about the same rime that her husband Giles lost hie life ia stealing the net from the garden wall, as related already. I have thought it my duty to print this little history, as a kind f warning to all young men and maidens not to have any thing to say to cheats, impostors, cunning- tvomen.fortune4etters, cervjitrors, and interpreters of dreams. Listen to nee, your true friend, when I assure you that Cfod never revesls to weak ap.d wicked women those secret designs of his providence, which no human wis- dom is able to foresee. To consult these false oracles is not only foolish, but sinful. It is foolish, because they are themselves as -ignorant as those whom they pretend to teach : and it is sinful, because it is prying into that futurity which God, in mercy as well as wisdom, hides from men. God indeed orders all things; but when you have a mind to do n foolish thing, do not fancy you are fated to do it. This is tempting Providence, and not trusting him. It is indeed charging God with fotty. Prudence is his gift, and you obey him better when you make use of prudence, under the direction of pray- er, than when you madly run into ruin, and think you 64 BLACK GILES. are only submitting to your fate. Never fancy that you are compelled to undo yourself, or to rush upon your own destruction, in compliance with any supposed fatal- ity. Never believe that God conceals his will from a sober Christian who obeys his laws, and reveals it to a vagabond gypsey who runs up and down breaking the laws both of God and man. King Saul never consulted the witch till he left of serving God. The Bible will direct us what to do better than any conjuror, and there are no days unlucky but those which we make so by our own vanity, sin and folly. OH! OH! OH! Translated from the French of Guisot, for the Family 81017 Book. OH ! oh ! oh ! cried little Lewis, " my tooth, my tooth ! " My tooth aches ; I cannot eat with it ;" so he laid down his breakfast upon the table. " It will ache until you have it out," said his mother. " Oh ! I cannot have it out ; it would hurt me very much." " Then you must not complain if it aches." " But I cannot eat with it." " Very well, then, let me pull it out. It is only a milk tooth ; it will come out very easy." " Oh ! no, no ; it has very long roots, I know." " Very well, then ; if you choose to keep it in, you must submit to the trouble it occasions you." Lewis did not answer, and his mother said no more. She wished to form and cultivate his own reason and the power of self-command, and therefore her positive orders and direct prohibitions were as few as possible. A command will not cure a fault, and a prohibition can control only the external conduct. She there- fore practised teaching her children to act for them- selves. She considered this one of the cases where her child ought to be left to act for himself, and upon his own responsibility. Lewis tried once more to eat his breakfast, but his tooth troubled him at every attempt ; so he laid down his bread and his apple, and went out to play with lit- 6* 66 OH ! OH ! OH ! tie Pompey. Pompey was a charming little dog, and of a very gentle disposition, and he was accustomed to bear all sorts of usage without complaint. Lewis took him by his paws. " Stand up, Pompey; make a bow ; give me your paw ; no, not that paw, the other one." Pompey obeyed with the best grace in the Avorld, though the exercise was not the most agreeable to him. Lewis, in order to vary the amusement, concluded to pull up Pompey by his tail, to make him rise on his fore feet, so as to make him turn summerset. At his first attempt, Pompey only growled a little ; at the se- cond, he growled a little louder ; at the third, Lewis pulled him so hard by the tail, that Pompey got out of patience, and turned round and bit him slightly on his little finger. " Oh ! oh ! oh ! he cried out, " that ugly Pompey has bitten me. Ma ! ma ! Pompey has bitten me. Oh ! how it aches, how it aches !" " Let me see ; where ? Oh ! that is nothing ; you can hardly see the mark of the tooth. What did you do to him?" " I only pulled him by his tail to make him turn summerset." " Well, you certainly must have hurt him a great deal more, pulling him by the tail, than he has hurt you by that little bite. He bore it more patiently than you do." " I don't mean to play with him any more." " Well, you can do just as you please, my son ; I don't think he will complain." Lewis then went away, and as he passed by Pom- pey, the dog began to growl again. "Be still, be still," said the boy; "don't you bite me OH ! OH ! OH ! 67 again !" and he held his little finger in his other hand tight, as if he was afraid it would be torn away from him. He went to try to find his sister Henrietta, to play with her. But he found that she had just prick- ed her finger with a needle, and she was not in very good humor for his proposals. " Go away and let me alone," said she ; " I have pricked myself ;" and she stood watching the blood as it flowed down through the glass of water which she was holding her finger into, forming a curious looking red cloud. " What a droll prick," said Lewis ; " your blood does not sink : how curiously it looks." " A droll prick, you call it, do you ? I'll let you know how droll it is ;" and she pricked him with the needle which she still held in her hand. " Oh ! oh ! oh ! ma, Henrietta has pricked me ; give me a glass of water ; oh !" The nursery maid, who heard him, brought some water, without looking at him, pressing her right hand upon her cheek. "Look here," said he, "see how she has pricked me." " What of that ?" replied the maid ; " it is nothing at all ; what should you say if you had the tooth-ache as I have ?" " Have you got the tooth-ache ?" " Yes, terribly ; I have not slept any for three nights, and I shall have to go to-morrow and have it taken out, for I cannot let my work go any longer ;" and she went and took her sewing. After having squeezed his finger till he could not get out another drop of blood, Lewis did not know what to do ; he could not think of any way to amuse himself. Pompey growled at him, 68 OH ! OH ! OH ! Henrietta was out of humor, the maid had the tooth- ache and was busy ; all were occupied with their own troubles. Lewis thought the house was in rather a sad condition, so he went off to find his mother. He thought that, at least, she would not growl at him. At that instant, he heard on the stairs the voice of one of his playmates, little Charles. He ran towards the door to open it for him. Charles had come with his teacher, to propose to him to go with five or six other boys of their age, to take a walk by the canal to see the skating. This was just the thing. Lewis obtain- ed his mother's permission, took his great coat, his fur gloves, and off they went. It was in the middle of winter, but the weather was dry, and the sun shone splendidly. The little boys ran and leaped along the road. Lewis did so at first, but after a while his nose began to be cold, and he had to keep one of his hands over it constantly. Presently, his fingers began to grow numb. He put his other hand into his pocket, complaining bitterly that he was obliged to keep one of them in the air. Next, his feet began to be cold. It was in vain that they told him if he ran it would warm them. " How in the world do you think I can run ?" said he ; " my feet are absolutely frozen." He dragged himself along sorrowfully by the side of his teacher, slipping every step, liberating his nose now and then to breathe into his fingers, and then grasping it again in great haste. At length they reached the banks of the canal. It was covered with skaters, who, with a free and graceful air, their heads high, their arms sometimes crossed and sometimes extended, sometimes folded and sometimes freely swinging, moved swiftly and gracefully over the smooth surface upon which the timid walkers could scarcely OH ! OH ! OH ! 69 oiand. The boys, with the permission of their teach- er, went down upon the ice to have some slides. Lew- is allowed himself to be persuaded to go with them ; and then you might have seen them sliding re- peatedly over the same place, so as to make a long path, polished like a mirror; upon which, after a short run, they could slide nobly. Lewis had not yet dared to do this. " Come, Lewis, come," said one of his companions, " take a slide ; you will certainly freeze if you do not move about more." Lewis thought he would try. He went back a few steps, and then ran till he came to the edge of the ice, and gave a slide, still keeping one hand upon his nose, and the other in his pocket. However, he went on, and kept himself upright ; but a minute after, a roguish little fellow, more skilful than he, slid after him, and reached him before he got half through his slide. They came in violent contact, and Lewis was knocked down upon the ice. " Oh ! oh ! oh !" cried Lewis. " Oh ! oh ! oh ! who is that who knocked me down ? I can't get up, oh ! help me get up, oh! oh !" and he lay there still, not trying to get up, because he would not use his hands to raise himself from the ice. The rest of the boys laughed at his clumsiness ; then the teacher came to him, helped him up, tried to comfort him by telling him that such falls would not hurt him any, that the paift would soon be over. But Lewis, crying and cnns, went off of the canal and leaned against a tree up