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AUTHORIZED TRANSLATION SEVENTH ENLARGED AND REVISED GERMAN EDITION, CHARLES GILBERT CHADDOCK, M.D., Frofeuor of Nervous and Mental Diseases, Marion-Sims College of Medicine, St. Louis ; Fellow of the Chicago Academy o( Medicine; Corresponding Memlier of the Detroit Academy of Medicine; Associate Member of the American Medico-Psychological Association, etc. PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON : THE F. A. DAVIS CO., PUBLISHERS. 1893, Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1892, by THE F. A. DAVIS COMPANY, In the Of&ce of the Librarian of Congress, at Wasliington, D. C, U. S. A. All rights reserved. Philadelphia, Pa., U. S. A.: The Medical Bulletin Printing Hous«, 1916 Cherry Street. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Very few ever fully appreciate the powerful influence which sexuality exercises over feeling, thought, and conduct, both in the individual and in society, Schiller, in his poem, " Die Welt- weisen," recognizes it with the words : — * Einstweilen bis den Bau der Welt Philosopliiie zusammenhalt, Erhalt sie das Getriebe Durch Hunger und durch Liebe."* It is remarkable that the sexual life has received but a very subordinate consideration on the part of philosophers. Schopenhauer (" The World as Will and Idea ") thought it strange that love had been thus far a subject for the poet alone, and that, with the exception of superficial treatment by Plato, Rousseau, and Kant, it had been foreign to philosophers. What Schopenhauer and, after him, the Philosopher of the Unconscious, E. v. Hartmann, philosophized concerning the sex- ual relations is so imperfect, and in its consequences so distaste- ful, that, aside from the treatment in the works of Michelet ("L'amour") and Mantegazza ("Physiology of Love"), which are to be considered more as brilliant discussions than as scien- tific treatises, the empirical psychology and metaphysics of the sexual side of human existence rest upon a foundation which is scientifically almost puerile. The poets may be better psychologists than the psychol- ogists and philosophers ; but they are men of feeling rather than of understanding, and at least one-sided in their consideration of the subject. They cannot see the deep shadow behind the light and sunny warmth of that from which they draw their inspira- tion. The poetry of all times and nations would furnish inex- haustible material for a monograph on the psychology of love ; but tlifi great problem can be solved only with the help of 1 " Meanwhile, until Philosophy shall at last unite and maintain the world, Hunger and Love impel it onward." (iii) iv PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. Science, and especially with the aid of Medicine, which studies the psychological subject at its anatomical and physiological source, and views it from all sides. Perhaps it will be possible for medical science to gain a stand-point of philosophical knowledge midway between the despairing views of philosophers like Schopenhauer and Hart- mann ^ and the gay, naive views of the poets. It is not the intention of the author to lay the foundation of a psychology of the sexual life, though without doubt psycho- pathology would furnish many important sources of knowledge to psychology. The purpose of this treatise is a description of the patho- logical manifestations of the sexual life and an attempt to refer them to their underlying conditions. The task is a diffi- cult one, and, in spite of years of experience as alienist and medical jurist, I am well aware that what I can offer must be incomplete. The importance of the subject for the welfare of society, especially forensically, demands, however, that it should be ex- amined scientifically. Only he who, as a medico-legal expert, has been in a position where he has been compelled to pass judgment upon his fellow-men, where life, freedom, and honor were at stake, and realized painfully the incompleteness of our knowledge concerning the pathology of the sexual life, can fully understand the significance of an attempt to gain definite views concerning it. Even at the present time, in the domain of sexual crimi- nality, the most erroneous opinions are expressed and the most unjust sentences pronounced, influencing laws and public opinion. He who makes the psychopathology of sexual life the object of scientific study sees himself placed on a dark side of human life and misery, in the shadows of which the god-like * Hartmann's philosophical view of love, in the " Philosophy of the Unconscious," p. 583, Berlin, 1869, is the following : " Love causes more pain than pleasure. Pleasure is illusory. Reason would cause love to be avoided if it were not for the fatal sexual instinct ; therefore, it would he best for a man to have himself castrated." The same opinion, minus the consequence, is also expressed by Schopenhauer (" Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung," 3. Aufl., Bd. ii, p. 586 u. flF.). PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. V creations of the poet become liideous masks, and morals and aesthetics seem out of place in the " image of God." It is the sad province of Medicine, and especially of Psy- chiatry, to constantly regard the reverse side of life, — human weakness and misery. Perhaps in this difficult calling some consolation may be gained, and extended to the moralist, if it be possible to refer to morbid conditions much that offends ethical and aesthetic feeling. Thus Medicine undertakes to save the honor of man- kind before the Court of Morality, and individuals from judges and their fellow-men. The duty and right of medical science in these studies belong to it by reason of the high aim of all human inquiry after truth. The author would take to himself the words of Tardieu (" Des attentats aux moeurs"): "Aucune misere physique on morale, aucune plaie, quelque corrompue qu'elle soit, ne doit effrayer celui qui s'est voue a la science de I'homme et le min- istere sacre du medecin, en I'obligeant a tout voir, lui permet aussi de tout dire." ^ The following pages are addressed to earnest investigators in the domain of natural science and jurisprudence. In order that unqualified persons should not become readers, the author saw himself compelled to choose a title understood only by the learned, and also, where possible, to express^ himself in terminis tecJinicis. It seemed necessary also to give certain particularly revolting portions in Latin ^ rather than in German. It is hoped that this attempt to present to physician and jurist facts from an important sphere of life will receive kindly acceptance and fill an actual hiatus in literature; for, with the exception of certain single descriptions and cases, the literature presents only the writings of Moreau and Tarnowsky, which cover but a portion of the field.^ * " No physical or moral misery, no sufferina;, however corrupt it may be, should frighten him who has devoted himself to a knowledge of man and the sacred ministry of medicine ; in that he is obliged to see all things, let him be permitted to say all things." 2 Tire Latin is left untranslated. ' The works of Moll and von Schrenck-Notzing have since appeared. — Trans. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The distinguished author of " Psychopathia Sexualis " speaks for himself and his work in its preface ; but there are not wanting others to speak for him. Dr. A. von Schrenck-Notzing, of Munich, writes ^ : — " It may be questioned whether it is justifiable to discuss the anomalies of the sexual instinct apart, instead of treating of them in their proper place in psychiatry. As a rule, they are certainly only symptoms of a constitutional malady, or of a weakened state of the brain, which manifest themselves in the various forms of sexual perversion. " Moreover, attention has been directed to the baneful influ- ence possibly exerted by such publications as ' Psychopathia Sexualis.' To be sure, the appearance of seven editions of that work could not be accounted for were its circulation con- fined to scientific readers. Therefore, it cannot be denied that a pornographic interest on the part of the public is accountable for a part of the wide circulation of tlie book. But, in spite of this disadvantage, the injury done by implanting knowledge of sexual pathology in unqualified persons is not to be compared with the good accomplished. History shows that uranism was very wide-spread long before the appearance of ' Psychopathia Sexualis.' The courts have constantly to deal with sexual crimes in which the responsibility of the accused comes in question. "For the physician himself, sexual anomalies, treated as they are in a distant manner in text-books on psychiatry, are in greater part a terra incognita. Exact knowledge of the causes and conditions of development of sexual aberrations, * Die Suggestions-Therapie, etc., F. Enke, Stuttgart, 1893. (Vii) viii translator's preface. and of the influence on them of hereditary constitution, educa- tion, the impressions of every-day life, and modern refined civil- ization, is the prerequisite for a rational prophylaxis of sexual aberrations, and for a correct sexual education. Without care- ful study of the circumstances which attend the development of sexual anomalies, we should never be in a position to use eflect- ual therapeusis. The majority of these unfortunates — Krafft- Ebing calls them Nature's step-children — are devoid of insight into their malady ; like insane patients destitute of understand- ing of the ethical development of man, they are happy in their abnormal instinctive tendency. For this reason, in spite of the great prevalence of uranism, very few of its subjects seek med- ical treatment. While the terminal forms of sexual aberrations end in asylums for the insane, the doubtful cases, in which incompleteness of development or apparent viciousness render correct diagnosis difficult, make up the majority. But a thorough knowledge of the aberrations of the sexual instinct is absolutely indispensable to the jurist. The reasons given are thus suffi- ciently important to demonstrate the need of a hand-book on ' psychopathia sexualis.' " These words also hold true for English-speaking physicians and jurists, — who can scarcely fail to welcome the translation of a work so systematic and comprehensive as " Psychopathia Sexualis " ; a work conceived and executed in the highest scien- tific and humane spirit ; a work which not only broadens and systematizes our knowledge of psycho-sexual phenomena, but also demonstrates, in the results of hypnotic suggestion, how impor- tant mental therapeusis must ultimately become in the hands of the physician ; a work which is a trustworthy guide in the study of the concrete case of sexual crime, and a philosophical treatise on the inter-relations of sexual criminality, disease, and criminal anthropology. The difficulties of translation have not been slight; but minor errors cannot destroy the author's meaning. For much encouragement in the work of translation my gratitude to Dr. James G. Kiernan and Dr. G. Frank Lydston, of Chicago, both well-known investigators in this domain of translator's preface. ix psychopathology, is here expressed ; and to Dr. William A. Stone, Assistant Superintendent at the Michigan Asylum, Kal- amazoo, I am greatly indebted for assistance in the preparation of the manuscript. Charles Gilbert Chaddock. St. Louis, Mo., November, 1892. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE I. Fragment of a Psychology of the Sexual Life, ... 1 Power of the sexual instinct, 1 Sexuality as the foundation of ethical feeling, .... 1 Love as a passion, 2 History of development of sexuality, 2 Modesty, 2 Christianity, 4 Monogamy, 4 Woman's place in Islam, 5 Sensuality and morality, 5 Decadence of sexual morality, 6 Development of sexual feelings in the individual ; puberty, . T Sensuality and religious enthusiasm, ..... 9 Relations between the spheres of religion and sexuality, . . 9 Sensuality and art, 10 Idealizing tendency of first love, 11 True love, 11 Sentimentality, 11 Platonic love, 12 Love and friendship, 12 Difierence between male and female love, . . . . .13 Celibacy, 14 Unfaithfulness, 15 Marriage, 15 Desire for adornment, . . . . . . . .16 Facts of physiological fetichism, IT Religious and erotic fetichism, 17 Eyes, odors, voices, and mental qualities as fetiches, . . 21 Hair, hand, and foot of woman as fetiches, .... 22 II. Physiology, 23 Sexual maturity, 23 Duration of sexual instinct, 23 (xi) xu TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sexual sense, Localization (?), Physiological development of sexuality, Erection ; erection-centre, . Sexuality and the olfactory sense. Flagellation an excitant of sexual desire. Sects of flagellants, .... Paullini's " Flagellum Salutis," Erogenous zones, .... Control of the sexual instinct, . Cohabitation, ..... Ejaculation, III. General Pathology, Frequency and importance of pathological manifestations, Schema of the sexual neuroses. Spinal neuroses. Cerebral neuroses, Paradoxia sexualis, . Anaesthesia sexualis (congenital). Anaesthesia sexualis (acquired), Hyperaesthesia sexualis, Paraesthesia sexualis. Perversion and perversity, Sadism, .... An attempt to explain sadism. Sadistic lust-murder, . Anthropophagy, Violation of corpses, . Injury of women. Defilement of women, Symbolic sadism, Sadism with any object. Whipping of boys. Sadistic acts with animals, Sadism in woman, Mosochism, Relation of passive flagellation to masochism, TABLE OF CONTENTS. Ideal masochism, Symbolic masochism, Rousseau, . ' , Larvated masochism, . Feminine masochism, . An attempt to explain masochism. Masochism and sadism, Fetichism, Part of the female body as a fetich, Female attire as a fetich, , Special materials as fetiches, Contrary sexual instinct, or homo-sexuality, Acquired homo-sexuality, . Simple reversal of sexual feeling. Eviration and defemination. Transition to metamorphosis sexualis paranoi Metamorphosis sexualis paranoica, Congenital homo-sexuality, Psychical hermaphroditism, Urnings, Effemination and viraginity. Androgyny and gynandry. Diagnosis, prognosis, and" therapy of contrary ica sexuality. IV. Special Pathology, Pathological sexuality in the various forms of mental dis Imbecility, Dementia, . Paretic dementia, Epilepsy, . Periodical insanitj'^, Psychopathia sexualis periodica Mania, .... Satyriasis and nymphomania, Melancholia, Hysteria, .... Paranoia, .... Xlll PAGE 115 116 119 123 13t 139 148 152 151 167 180 185 188 191 197 202 216 222 230 255 279 304 319 358 358 359 361 363 364 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 xiv TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE V. Pathological Sexuality in its Legal Aspects, . . . 3t8 Dangers to society from sexual crimes, 378 Increase of sexual crimes, ....... 378 Causes, 378 Defective appreciation of such crimes by jurists, . . . 379 Conditions necessary to remove legal responsibility, . .381 Exhibition, 382 Violation of statues, 396 Rape and lust-murder, 397 Bodily injury, injury to property, and torture of animals de- pendent on sadism, 401 Eetichism, 401 Yiolation of children, 402 Sodomy, ..." 404 Pederasty, 408 Cultivated pederasty, 414 Social life of pederasts, 415 Ball of the woman-haters, . . 417 Paedicatio mulierum, ......... 420 Lesbian love, 428 Necrophilia, 430 Incest, 431 Immoral acts with persons in the care of others, , . . 432 I. A FRAGMENT OF A PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. The propagation of the human species is not committed to accident or to the caprice of the individual, but made secure in a natural instinct, which, with all-conquering force and might, demands fulfillment. In the gratification of this natural impulse are found not only sensual pleasure and sources of physical well-being, but also higher feelings of satisfaction in perpetuating the single, perishable existence, by the transmission of mental and physical attributes to a new being. In coarse, sensual love, in the lustful impulse to satisfy this natural instinct, man stands on a level with the animal ; but it is given to him to raise himself to a height where this natural instinct no longer makes him a slave : higher, nobler feelings are awakened, which, notwithstanding their sensual origin, expand into a world of beauty, sublimity, and morality. On this height man overcomes his natural instinct, and from an inexhaustible spring draws material and inspiration for higher enjoymeiit, for more earnest work, and the attainment of the ideal. Maudsley {Deutsche Klinik, 1873, 2, 3) rightly calls the sexual feeling the foundation for the development of the social feeling. " Were man to be robbed of the instinct of procreation and all that arises from it mentally, nearly all poetry and, perhaps, the entire moral sense as well, would be torn from his life." Sexuality is the most powerful factor in individual and social existence; the strongest incentive to the exertion of strength and acquisition of property, to the foundation of a home, and to the awakening of altruistic feelings, first for a person of the opposite sex, then for the offspring, and, in a wider sense, for all humanity. (1) 2 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Thus all ethics and, perhaps, a good part of sDsthetics and religion depend upon the existence of sexual feeling. Though the sexual life leads to the highest virtues, even to the sacrifice of the ego, yet in its sensual force lies also the danger that it may degenerate into powerful passions and develop the grossest vices. Love as an unbridled passion is like a fire that burns and consumes everything ; like an abyss that swallows all, — honor, fortune, well-being. It seems of high psychological interest to trace the devel- opmental phases through which, in the course of the evolution of human culture to the morality and civilization of to-day, the sexual life has passed.^ On primitive ground the satisfaction of the sexual appetite of man seems like that of the animal. Openness in the sexual act is not shunned ; man and woman are not ashamed to go naked. To-day we see savages in this condition (comp. Ploss, "Das Weib," p. 196, 1884); as, for example, the Australians, the Polynesians, and the Malays of the Phillipines. The female is the common property of the males, the temporary booty of the strongest, who strive for the possession of the most beautiful of the opposite sex, thus carry- ing out instinctively a kind of sexual selection. Woman is a movable thing, a ware, an object of bargain and sale and gift ; a thing to satisfy lust and to work. The appearance of a feeling of shame before others in the manifestation and satisfaction of the natural instinct, and modesty in the intercourse of the sexes, form tlie beginning of morality in the sexual life. From this arose the effort to con- ceal the genitals ("And they knew that they were naked") and the secret performance of the sexual act. The development of this degree of culture is favored hy the rigors of climate and the necessity for complete protection of the body thus entailed. Thus in part the fact is explained that among northern races modesty may be proved anthropo- logically earlier than among southern races. A further stage in the development of culture in sexual * Comp. Lombroso, " The Criminal." PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 3 life is marked when the female ceases to be a movable thin^. She becomes a person ; and if still for a long time placed ftir below the male socially, yet the idea that the right of disposal of herself and her favors belongs to her is developed. Thus she becomes the object of the male's wooing. To the barbarous sensual feeling of sexual desire the beginnings of ethical feeling are added. The instinct is intellectualized. Pro|)- erty in women ceases to exist. Individuals of the opposite sexes feel themselves drawn toward each other by mental and physi- cal qualities, and show love for each other only. At this stage woman has a feeling that her charms belong only to tlie man of her choice, and wishes to conceal them from others. Thus, by the side of modesty, the foundations of cliastity and faith- fulness — as long as the bond of love lasts — are laid. Woman attains this degree of social elevation earlier when, at the transition from nomadic life to a state of fixed habitation, man obtains a house and home, and the necessity arises for him to possess in woman a companion for the house- hold, — a housewife. Among the nations of the East, the Egyptians, the Israelites, and the Greeks, and among those of the West, the Germans, early attained this stage of culture. Among all these races, at this stage of advancement, the esteem in which virginity, chastity, modesty, and sexual faithfulness are held is in marked contrast with other nations which offer the female of the house to the guest for his sexual enjoyment.^ That this stage in the culture of sexual morality is quite high and makes its appearance much later than other de\elop- mental forms of culture — as, for example, aesthetics — is seen from the condition of the Japanese, with whom it is the custom to marry a woman only after she has lived for a year in the tea-houses (which correspond with European houses of prosti- tution), and to whom the nakedness of women is nothing shock- ing. At all events, among the Japanese every unmarried woman can prostitute herself without lessening her value as a future wife, — a proof that with this remarkable people woman possesses 1 Comp. Westermarck, " History of Humau Marriage." McMillan & Co., 1891. 4 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. no ethical worth, but is valued in marriage only as a means of enjoyment, procreation, and work. Christianity gave the most powerful impulse to the moral elevation of the sexual relations by raising woman to social equality witli man and elevating the bond of love between man and woman to a religio-moral institution/ The fact that in higher civilization human love must be monogamous and rest on a lasting contract was thus recognized. If nature does no more than provide for procreation, a common- wealth (family or state) cannot exist without a guaranty that the offspring shall flourish physically, morally, and intellectually. Christendom gained both mental and material superiority over 1 This generally entertained idea, also held by many historians, requires some limita- tion, in that the symbolic and sacramental character of marriage was first made clear and unequivocal by the Council of Trent, even though there was ever in the spirit of Christianity that which would free woman and raise her from the inferior position occupied by her in the ancient world and the Old Testament. That this took place so late may well be due in part to the traditions of Genesis of the secondary creation of woman from the rib of man, and of her part in the Fall, and the consequent curse : " Thy will shall be to thy husband." Since the Fall, for which the Old Testament made woman responsible, became the corner-stone of the fabric of church- teachings, the wife's social position could but remain inferior until the spirit of Christianity had gained a victory over tradition and scholasticism. It is remarkable that, with the exception of the interdiction of putting away a wife (Matt, xix, 9), the gospels contain nothing favoring woman. Gentleness toward the adulteress and the repentant Magdalene does not aflect the position of the wife in itself. The Epistles of Paul specifically declare that the position of woman shall not be altered (II Corinth, xi, 3-13 ; Ephes. v, 23 : " Wives, submit yourselves unto your husbands ;" and 33, " And the wife see that she reverence her husband "). Passages in Tcrtullian show how the Fathers of the Church were prejudiced against woman by Eve's guilt : " Woman, thou shouldst forever go in sorrow and rags, thy eyes filled with tears 1 Thou hast brought man to the ground 1" St. Hierouymus lias nothing good to say of woman. He says, " Woman is a door for the devil, a way to evil, the sting of the scorpion." (" De cultu feminarum," i, 1.) Canonical Law declares : " Only man was created in the image of God, not woman ; therefore, woman should serve him and be his maid 1" The Provincial Council of Macon, in the sixth century, earnestly debated the ques- tion whether woman had a soul. The effect of these ideas in the Church on the peoples embracing Christianity was direct. Among the Germans, after the acceptance of the new faith, for the foregoing reason, the weregild for a wife — the simple expression of her value — decreased (J. Falke, " Die ritterliche Gesellschaft," p. 49. Berlin, 1863). Concerning the value of each sex among the Jews, vide Leviticus, xxvii, 3 and 4. Moreover, polygamy, which is expressly recognized in the Old Testament (Deut. xxl, 15), is nowhere explicitly interdicted in the New Testament. Christian princes {e.g., tlie Marovingian kings, Clotar I, Childebert I, Pepin I, and many of the royal Franks) lived in polygamy; and at that time the Church made no opposition to it (Weinhold, " Die deut- schen Frauen Im Mlttelalter," ii, p. 1.5). Comp. also linger, " Die Ehc," etc., and the excel- lent work by Louis Bridel, " La femme et le droit," Paris, 1884, PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 5 the polygamous races, especially Islam, through the equalization of woman and man, and by establishing monogamous marriage and securing' it by legal, religious, and moral ties. If Mohammed was actuated by a desire to raise woman from her place as a slave and means of sensual gratification to a higher social and matrimonial plane, nevertheless, in the Mohammedan world woman remained far below man, to whom alone divorce was allowed and also made very easy. Islam kept woman from any participation in public life under all circumstances, and thus hindered her intellectual and moral development. In consequence of this the Mohammedan woman has ever remained essentially a means of sensual gratifi- cation and procreation ; while, on the other hand, the virtues and capabilities of the Christian woman, as housewife, educator of children, and equal companion of man, have been allowed to unfold in all their beauty. Islam, with its polygamy and harem-life, is glaringly contrasted with the monogamy and family life of the Christian world. The same contrast is apparent in a comparison of the two religions with reference to the conception of the hereafter. The picture of eternity seen by tlie faith of the Christian is that of a paradise freed from all earthly sensuality, promising the purest of intellectual happiness ; the fiincy of the Mussulman fills the future life with the delights of a harem full of houris. In spite of all the aids which religion, law, education, and morality give civilized man in the bridling of his passions, he is always in danger of sinking from the clear height of pure, chaste love into the mire of common sensuality. In order to maintain one's self on such a height, a con- stant struggle between natural impulses and morals, between sensuality and morality, is required. Only characters endowed with strong wills are able to completely emancipate themselves from sensuality and share in that pure love from which spring the noblest joys of human life. It is yet questionable whether, in the course of the later centuries, mankind has advanced in morality. It is certain, however, that the race has become more modest ; and this phe- 6 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. iiomenon of civilization — this hiding of the animal propensities — is, at least, a concession that vice makes to virtue. From a reading of Scherr's works (" History of German Civilization ") one would certainly gain the impression that, in comparison with those of the Middle Ages, our own ideas of morals have become refined, even when it must also be allowed that in many instances finer manners, without greater morality, have taken the place of earlier obscenity and coarseness of expression. When widely separated periods of history are compared, no doubt is left that public morality, in spite of occasional temporary retrogression, makes continuous progress, and tliat Christianity is one of the most powerful of the forces favoring moral progress. To-day we are far beyond the sexual conditions which, as shown in the sodomitic worship of the gods, in the life of the ])eople, and in the laws and religious practices, existed among the ancient Greeks, — to say nothing of the worship of Phallus and Priapus among the Athenians and Babylonians, of the bacchanals of ancient Rome, and the prominent place prostitutes took among these peoples. In the slow and often imperceptible progress which human morality makes there are variations or fluctuations, just as in the individual sexuality manifests an ebb and flow. Periods of moral decadence in the life of a people are always contemporaneous with times of effeminacy, sensuality, and luxury. These conditions can only be conceived as occur- ring witli increased demands upon the nervous system, which must meet these requirements. As a result of increase of nervousness, there is increase of sensuality, and, since this leads to excesses among tlie masses, it undermines the foundation of society, — the morality and purity of family life. When this is destroyed by excesses, unfaithfulness, and luxury, then the de- struction of the state is inevitably compassed in material, moral, and political ruin. Warning examples of this character are presented by Rome, Greece, and France under Louis XIV and XV.^ In such times of political and moral destruction 1 Comp. Fiiecllander " Sittengeschichte Roms." Wiedemeister, " Der Casaren- wahnsinn." Suetonius. Moreau, " Des aberrations du sens g6n6sique." PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 7 monstrous perversions of the sexual life were frequent, which, however, may in part be referred to psycho-pathological or, at least, neuro-pathological conditions existing in the people. It is shown by the history of Babylon, Nineveh, Rome, and also by tlie " mysteries " of life in modern Capitals, that large cities are the breeding-places of nervousness and degen- erate sensuality. The fact which may be learned from reading Floss's work is remarkable, viz., that perversion of the sexual instinct (save among tlie Aleutians, and in the form of mastur- bation among the females of the East and the Nama Hottentots) does not occur in uncivilized or half-civiUzed races.^ The study of the sexual life in the individual must begin at its development at puberty, and follow it through its different phases to the extinction of sexual feelings. In liis " Physiology of Love," Mantegazza describes the longings and impulses of awakening sexual life, of wliich presentiments, indefinite feel- ings, and impulses have existed long before the epoch of puberty. This epoch is, physiologically, the most important. In tlie abundant increase of feelings and ideas wliich it en- o-enders is manifested the significance of the sexual factor in mental life. These impulses, at first vague and incomprehensible, arising from the sensations which are awakened by organs which were previously undeveloped, are accompanied by a powerful excita- tion of the emotions. The psychological reaction of the sexual impulse at puberty expresses itself in a multitude of manifesta- tions which have in common only the mental condition of emo- tion and the impulse to express in some way, or render objective, the strange emotionality. Religion and poetry He close to it, which, after the time of sexual development is past and these originally incomprehensible feelings and impulses have cleared up, receive ^wwerful incentives from the sexual sphere. He who doubts this has only to think how often religious enthusiasm occurs at the time of puberty ; how frequent sexual episodes are 1 These statements, however, are opposed to Friedreich ("Hdb. d. gerlchtsarztl Praxis," 1, p. 371, 18-43), and also Lombroso (op. cit., p. 42), according t« whom pederasty is very frequent among the uncivilized Americans. 8 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. in the lives of the saints;^ how powerfully sensuality expresses itself in the histories of religious fanatics ; and in what revolting scenes, true orgies, the religious festivals of antiquity, no less tlian the " meetings " of certain sects in modern times, express themselves, — to say nothing of the lustful mysteries which char- acterized the cults of the ancients. On the other hand, we see that unsatisfied sensuality very frequently finds an equivalent in religious enthusiasm.^ This relation between religious and sexual feeling is also shown on the basis of unequivocal psycho-pathological states. It suffices to recall how intense sensuality makes itself manifest in the clinical histories of many religious maniacs ; the motley mixture of religious and sexual delusions that is so frequently observed in psychoses {e.g., in maniacal women, who think they are or will be the Mother of God), but particularly in mastur- batic insanity ; and, finally, the sensual, cruel self-punishments, injuries, self-castrations, and even self-crucifixions resulting from abnormal sexual-religious feeling. Any attempt to explain the relations between religion and love has diflieulties to encounter. Many analogies present themselves. The feeling of sexual attraction and religious feeling (considered as a psychological fact) consist of two elements. In religion the primary element is a feeling of dependence, — a fact which Schleiermacher recognized long before the later studies in anthro- pology and ethnography, founded on the observation of primitive condi- tions, had led to the same conclusion. It is only at a higher stage of cul- ture that the second and essentially ethical element — love of God — enters 1 Comp. Friedreich, "gerichU. Psychologic, " p. 389, who has collected numerous examples. Thus the nun Blanbekin was always troubled with the thought about what had become of the part lost at the circumcision of Christ. Veronica Juliani, canonized by Pope Pius II, in memory of the divine lion, took an actual lion in her bed and kissed it, and let it suck from her breast ; and even secreted a few drops of milk for it. St. Catherine, of Genoa, often burned with such inward Are that, in order to cool herself, she would He down on the ground and cry " Love, love, I can endure it no longer 1 " At the same time she felt a peculiar inclination for her confessor. One day she lifted his hand to her nose and smelled an odor wliich penetrated to her heart, " a heavenly perfume, so delightful that it would wake the dead." St. Armelle and St. Elizabeth were troubled with a similar longing for the child Jesus. The temptations of St. Anthony, of Padua, are well known. An old prayer is significant: " O, that I had found thee. Holy Emanuel ; O, that I h.ad thee in my bed to bring delight to body and soul. Come and be mine, and my heart shall be thy resting-place." 2 Comp. Friedreich, " Diagnostik der psych. Krankheiten," p. 247 u.ff. ,- Neumann, "Lehrb.d. Psychiatric," p. 80. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. ' 9 into religious feeling. In the place of the evil spirits of the primitive peoples came the two-faced — now kind, now angry — creations of the more complicated mythologies, until, finally, the God of love, as the giver of eternal happiness, is reverenced, whether this be hoped for from Jehovah, as a blessing on earth ; from Allah, as a ph^'sical blessing in Paradise ; from Christ, as eternal bliss in heaven ; or as the Nirvana of the Buddhists. In sexual desire, love, the expectation of unbounded hapjjiness is the primary element. The feeling of dependence is of secondar^^ develop- ment. The nucleus of this feeling exists in both parties, but it may re- main undeveloped in one. As a rule, owing to her passive part in procreation and social conditions, it is more pronounced in woman ; but excei)tionally this is true of men having minds that approach the feminine type. In both the religious and sexual spheres love is m^^stical, trans- cendental. In sexual love the real purpose of the instinct, the propaga- tion of the species, does not enter into consciousness ; and the strength of the desire is greater than any that consciousness of purpose could create. In religion, however, the good sought and the object of devotion are of such nature that they cannot become a part of empirical knowledge. Therefore, both mental processes give unlimited range to the imagination. But both have an immortal object, in as far as the bliss which the sexual sentiment creates in fancy seems incomparable and infinite in con- trast with all other pleasurable feelings; and the same is true of the promised blessings of faith, which are conceived to be eternal and supreme. From the correspondence between the two states of conscious- ness, with reference to the commanding importance of their objects, it follows that they both often attain an intensity that is« irresistible, and which overcomes all opposing motives. Owing to their similarity in that their objects cannot be attained, it follows that both easily degenerate into silly enthusiasm, in which the intensity of feeling far surpasses the clearness and constancy of the ideas. In both cases, in this enthusiasm, with the expectation of a happiness that cannot be attained, the necessity of unconditional submission plays a part. Owing to the correspondence in many points between these two emotional states, it is clear that when they are very intense the one may take the place of the other ; or one may appear by the side of the other, since every intensification of one element of mental life also intensifies its associations. The constant emotion thus calls into consciousness now one and now the other of the two series of ideas with which it is con- nected. Either of these mental states may become transformed into the impulse to cruelty (actively exercised or passively suffered). In the religious life this is expressed by sacrifice. Primarily this is done with the idea that the victim is materially enjoyed by the deity ; then, in reverence, as a sign of submission, as a tribute ; and, finally, with the belief that sins and transgressions against the deity are thus atoned 10 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. for and blessing obtained. If, however, the offering consist of self-punish- ment, which occurs in all religions, in individuals of very excitable re- ligious nature, it serves not only as a symbol of submission and as an equivalent in the exchange of present pain for future bliss, but everything that is thought to come from the deity, all that happens in obedience to divine mandate or to the honor of the godhead, is felt directly as pleasure. Thus religious enthusiasm leads to ecstasy, to a condition in which con- sciousness is so preoccupied with feelings of mental pleasure that the concept of suffering endured can only be apperceived without its painful quality. The exaltation of religious enthusiasm may lead actively to pleasure in the sacrifice of another, if pity be overcompen sated by feelings of religious pleasure. Sadism, and particularly masochism (v. infra), show that in the sphere of the sexual life there may be similar phenomena. Thus the well-established relations between religion, lust, and cruelty ^ may be comprehended in the following formula : States of religious and sexual excitement, at the acme of their development, maj^ correspond in the amount and quality of excitement, and, therefore, under favoring cir- cumstances, one may take the place of the other. Both, in pathological conditions, may become transformed into cruelty. The sexual factor proves to be no less influential in awaken- ing gesthetic feelings. AVliat would poetry and art be without a sexual foundation 1 In (sensual) love is gained that warmth of fancy witliout which a true creation of art is impossible ; and in the fire of sensual feelings its glow and warmth are preserved. It may thus be luiderstood why great poets and artists have sensual natures. This world of ideals reveals itself with the inception of the processes of sexual development. He who, at this period of life, cannot become enthusiastic for all that is great, noble, and beautiful, remains a Philistine all his life. At this epoch does not the least of natural poets forge verses ] At the limits of physiological reaction there are events which take place at the time of puberty in which these obscure feelings of longing express themselves in paroxysms of despair 1 The relation of this trio finds its expression not only in the events of real life, as above indicated, but also in romance, and even in the sculpture of degenerate eras. As an example we may point to the group of St. Theresa, by Bernini, who " sinks in an hysterical faint on a marble cloud, with an amorous angel plunging the arrow (of divine love) into her heart" (Llibke). PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 11 of self and tlie world, which may go on to tcedium vitce, and are often accompanied by a desire to do harm to others (weak analogies of a psychological connection between lust and cruelty). Youthful love has a romantic, idealistic character. It elevates the beloved object to apotheosis. In its inception it is platonic, and turns to forms of poetry and romance. With the awakening of sensuality there is danger that this idealizing power may be brought to bear upon persons of the opposite sex who are mentally, physically, and socially of inferior station. Thus there may occur messaUiances, seductions, and errors, with the whole tragedy of a passionate love that comes in conflict with the dictates of social position and prospects, and sometimes terminates in suicide or double suicide. Over-sensual love can never be lasting and true. For this reason the first love is, as a rule, very fleeting ; because it is nothing else than the flare of a passion, the flame of a Are of straw. Only the love tliat rests Tipon a recognition of the social qualities of the beloved person, only a love which is willing not only to enjoy present pleasures, but to bear suftering for the beloved object and sacrifice all, is true love. The love of a strongly constituted man shrinks before no difliculties or dangers in order to gain and keep possession of its object. Love expresses itself in acts of heroism and daring. Such love is in danger, under certain circumstances, of becoming criminal, if moral principles be weak. Jealousy is an ugly spot in this love. The love of a weekly constituted man is senti- mental. It sometimes leads to suicide when it is not returned or meets with obstacles, while, under like conditions, the strongly constituted man may become a criminal. Sentimental love is in danger of becoming a caricature, i.e., when the sensual element is weak (the Knight of Toggenburg, Don Quixote, many minnesingers and troubadours of the Middle Ages). Such love is flat and soft, and may be even silly ; but tlie true expression of this powerfid feeling awakens appropriate pity, respect, or sorrow in the hearts of others. 12 PSYCOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Frequently this weak love expresses itself in equivalents — in poetry, which, however, under such circumstances, is effemi- nate ; in aesthetics which are overdrawn ; in religion, in which it gives itself up to mysteries and religious enthusiasm ; or, where there is a more powerful sensual foundation, founds sects or expresses itself in religious insanity. The immature love of the age of puberty has something of all this in it. Of all the poems and rhymes written at this time of life, they only are readable that are the product of poets divinely endowed. Notwithstanding all the ethics which love requires in order to develop into its true and pure form, its strongest root is still sensuality. Platonic love is an impossibility, a self-deception, a false designation for related feelings. In as far as love rests upon sensual desire, it is only con- ceivable in a normal way as existing between individuals of opposite sex and capable of sexual intercourse. If these con- ditions are wanting or destroyed, then, in the place of love, comes friendship. The role which the retention of sexual functions plays in the case of a man, both in originating and retaining the feeling of self-respect, is remarkable. In the deterioration of manliness and self-confidence which the onanist, in his weakened nervous state, and tlie man that has become impotent, present, may be estimated the significance of this factor. Gyurkovechky (miinnl. Inipotenz. Vienna, 1889) sa^ys, very justly, that old and young men essentially differ mentally, on account of the con- dition of their virility, and that impotence has a detrimental effect upon the feeling of well-being, mental freshness, activity, self-confidence, and the play of fancy. This loss becomes the more important the younger a man is when he loses his virility and the more sensuall3' he was constituted. Under such circumstances a sudden loss of virility may induce severe melancholia, and even lead to suicide. For such natures life without love is unbearable. But, also, in cases where the reaction is not so deep, the man bereft of his virility is morose and spiteful, egotistic, jealous, contrary, listless, has but little self-respect or sense of honor, and is cowardly. Analogies are seen in the Skopzens,^ who, after their castration, change for the worse. * A Russian religious Beet. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 13 The loss of virility is still more noticeable in certain v,eekly con- etituted individuals, where it expresses itself in formal effemination (v. infi'a). In a woman who has become a matron the condition is of much less importance psychologically, thouij;h it is noticeable. If the past period of sexual life has been satisfactory, if chil- dren delight the heart of the aging mother, tlien she is scarcely conscious of the change of her personality. The situation is different, however, where sterility or circum- stances have kept a woman from the performance of her natural functions and denied her that happiness. These facts place in a clear light the differences which exist between man and woman in the psychology of the sexual life, and in all the sexual functions and desires. Undoubtedly man has a much more intense sexual appetite than woman. As a result of a powerful natural instinct, at a certain age, a man is drawn toward a woman. lie loves sen- sually, and is influenced in his choice by physical beauty. In accordance with the nature of this powerful impulse, he is aggressive and violent in his wooing. At the same time, this demand of nature does not constitute all of his mental existence. AVhen his longing is satisfied, love temporarily retreats behind other vital and social interests. With a woman it is quite otherwise. If she is normally developed mentally, and well bred, her sexual desire is small. If this were not so the whole world would become a brothel and marriage and a family impossible. It is certain that the man that avoids women and the woman that seeks men are abnormal. Woman is wooed for her favor. She remains passive. This lies in her sexual organization, and is not foiuided merely on the dictates of good breeding. Nevertheless, the sexual sphere occupies a mucli larger place in the consciousness of woman than in that of man. The need of love in her is greater than in man, and is continual, not inter- mittent ; but this love is rather more spiritual than sensual. While a man loves a woman first as wife and then as mother of 14 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. his children, a Avoman is primarily conscious of a man as the father of her children and then as husband. In the choice of a life-companion a woman is influenced much more by the mental than the physical qualities of a man. When she has become a mother she divides her love between child and husband. Sensuality disappears in the mother's love. Thereafter, in marital intercourse, the wife finds less sensual satisfaction than proof of the love of her husband. A woman loves with her whole soul. To her love is life ; to a man it is the joy of life. To him misfortune in love is a Avound ; but it costs a woman her life, or at least her happiness. A psychological question worthy of consideration is whether a woman can truly love twice in her life. Certainly the mental inclination of woman is monogamous, while in man it is polygamous. The weakness of men in comparison with women lies in the great intensity of their sexual desires. Man becomes dependent upon woman, and the more, the weaker and more sensual he becomes; and this just in proportion as he becomes neuropathic. Thus may be understood the fact that, in times of efFeminateness and luxury, sensuality flourishes luxuriantly. Then arises the danger to society that mistresses and their dependents may rule the state and compass its ruin (the mistresses of the courts of Louis XIV and XV ; the prostitutes of ancient Greece). The biographies of many statesmen of ancient and modern times show that they were the instruments of women, owing to their great sensuality, which had its foundation in their neuro- pathic constitutions. The fact that the Catholic Church enjoins celibacy upon its priests, in order to emancipate them from sensuality and preserve them entirely for the purpose of their calling, is an example of discerning psychological knowledge of mankind ; but it is unfortunate that the priests, living in celibacy, lose the elevating effect which love and matrimony exert upon the development of character. From the fact that man by nature plays the aggressive role in sexual life, he is in danger of overstepping the limits which morality and law have set. The unfaithfulness of a wife, PSYCHOLOGY OF TUE SEXUAL LIFE. 15 in comparison with that of a husband, is morally much more weighty, and should be more severely punished legally. The unfaithful wife dishonors not only herself, but also her husband and her family, not to speak of the possibility o^ pater incertus. Natural instinct and social position favor unfaithfulness on the part of a husband, while the wife is aftbrded much protection. In the case of an unmarried woman, sexual intercourse is some- thing quite different from what it is in an unmarried man. Of a single man society demands decency ; of a woman, also chastity. In the cultivated social life of to-day, woman, occupy- ing a sexual position and concerning lierself in the interests of society, can only be thought of as a wife. The aim and ideal of woman, even when she is sunken in' the mire of vice, is, and remains, marriage. Woman, as Man- tegazza justly remarks, desires not only satisfaction of her sexual feeling, but also protection and support for herself and her chil- dren. A man of right feeling, no matter how sensual he may be, demands a wife that has been, and is, chaste. The emblem and ornament of a woman seeking this, her only worthy purpose in life, is modesty. Mantegazza finely characterizes modesty as " one of the forms of psychical self-respect " in woman. This is not the place for anthropological and historical consideration of this, the most beautiful attribute of woman. Probably, feminine modesty is an hereditarily evolved product of the development of civilization.^ In remarkable contrast with it, there is occasional exposi- tion of physical charms, conventionally sanctioned by the law of fashion, in which even the most discreet maiden allows her- self to indulge in the ball-room. The reasons which lead to this display are evident. Fortunately the modest girl is as little conscious of them as of the reason for the occasionally recur- ring mode of making certain portions of the body more promi- nent (panniers) ; to say nothing of corsets, etc. 1 Westermarck {op. cit., p. 211), after a careful review of the evidence, says : " Tliese facts appear to prove that the feeling of shame, far from being the original cause of man's covering his body, is, on the contrary, a result of this custom ; and that the covering, if not used as a protection from climate, owes its origin, at least in a great many cases, to the desire of men and women to make themselves attractive."— Trans, 16 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. erson of the opposite sex occurs simultaneously with sensual excitement, and the latter is thus increased. 1 Comp. Max Miiller, who derives the word fetich etymologlcally from factitious (arti- ficial, an insignificant thing). 18 PSYCOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Emotional and visual impressions are brought into associa- tive connection, and this association is strengthened in propor- tion as the recurring emotion awakens the visual memory-picture, or the latter (another meeting) renews sexual excitement, which may possibly reach the intensity of orgasm and pollution (dream- picture). In this case the whole physical personality has the effect of a fetich. As Binet and others show, merely parts of the whole, simply peculiarities, either physical or mental, may affect the person of the opposite sex as a fetich, when the perception of them is associated with (accidental) sexual excitement (or induces it). It is well known from experience that accident determines this mental association, that the objects of the fetich may be individually very diverse, and that thus the most peculiar sym- pathies (and antipathies) arise. These physiological facts of fetichism explain the individual sympathies between husband and wife; the preference of a certain person to all others of the same sex. Since the fetich represents a symbol that is purely individual, it is clear that its effect must be individual. Since it is colored by the most intense pleasurable feeling, it follows that possible faults in the beloved object are overlooked ("Love is blind"), and an exaltation of it is induced that to others is incomprehensible, and even silly imder some circumstances. Thus it is clear why lovers are not understood by their unaffected fellow-men ; and why they deify their idols, develop a true cult of devotion, and invests them with attributes which objectively they do not possess. Thus we may understand why love appears sometimes more like a passion, sometimes as a formal, exceptional mental state, in which the unattainable seems attainable, the ugly beautiful, the profane sacred, and every other interest, every duty, disappears. Tarde {Archives de Vanthropologle criminelle, v year. No. 30) rightfully emphasizes the fact that the fetich may vary with nations as well as with individuals, but that the general ideal of beauty remains the same among civilized people of the same era. PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 19 Binet deserves great credit for having studied and analyzed in detail the fetichism of love. The particular sympatliies all spring from it. Thus one is attracted to slender, another to plump beauties, to blondes or brunettes. For one a peculiar expression of the eyes ; for another a peculiar tone of the voice, or a particular (even an artificial) odor (perfume) ; or the hand, the foot, the ear, etc., may be' the individual fetich (charm), — the beginning of a complicated chain of mental processes which, as a whole, represent love, i.e., the longing to possess, physically and mentally, the beloved object. This fact is important, as showing a condition for the orighi of a fetichism that falls within physiological limits. The fetich may constantly retain its significance without being pathological ; but this is possible only when the particular concept is developed to a general concept ; when the resulting love comes to take as its object the whole mental and physical personality. Normal love can be nothing but a syntliesis, a generaliza- tion. Ludwig Brunn,^ under the heading, " The Fetichism of Love," cleverly says : — "Thus normal love appears to us as a symphony of tones of all kinds. It results from the most various stimuli. It is likewise polytheistic. Fetichism recognizes only the tone of a single instrument; it results from a certain stimulus; it is monotheistic." On slight reflection any one Avill see that real love (this word is only too often abused) can be spoken of only when th(! whole person is both physically and mentally the object of adoration. Love must always have a sensual element, i.e., the desire to possess the beloved object, to be united with it and fulfill the laws of nature. But when merely the body of the person of the opposite sex is the object of love, when satisfaction of sensual pleasure is the sole object, without desire to possess the soul and enjoy mutual communion, love is not genuine, no more than that of platonic lovers, who love only the soul and avoid sensual pleasure (many cases of contrary sexualit}). For the former merely the body, for the latter simply the soul, is a 1 Deutsches Moutagsblatt, Berlin, August 20, 1888, \ 20 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. fetich, and the love fetichism. Such cases certainly represent transitions to pathological fetichism. This assumption is even more justified when, as a further criterion of real love, mentaP satisfaction must be given by the sexual act. There remains to be mentioned, within the physiological phenomena of fetichism, the fact that among the many things that may become fetiches there are certain ones that gain such significance for a majority of persons. As such for a man may be mentioned the hair, the hand, the foot of a woman, the expression of her eyes. Certain ones of these gain a remarkable significance in the pathology of fetichism. These facts clearly play a role in the feminine mind, either consciously or unconsciously. One of the greatest cares of women is the cultivation of the hair, to which often an unreasonable amount of time and money is devoted. How a mother cares for her little daughter's hair ! What a part the hair-dresser plays! Falling of the hair would cause despair in a young lady. I recall a proud lady who became insane over it, and died by suicide. Young ladies like to talk of coifl:\ires, and are envious of beautiful hair.^ ^ Magnan's " spinal cerebral posterieur," who fiuds pleasure in every woman, and on whom every woman looks with favor, has only desire to satisfy his lust. Purehased or forced love is not real love (Mantegazza). The one who originated the saying, " Sublata lucerna nullum discrimen inter feminas," must have been a cynic indeed. Power in a man to perform love's act is no proof that this makes possible the greatest pleasure of love. There are, indeed, urnings who are potent for women, — men who do not love their wives, but who arc still able to perform the marital " duty." In most cases of this kind, indeed, there is no lustful pleasure ; it is essentially a kind of onanistic act, for the most part made possible by means of help of imagination that calls up another beloved person. By this deception sensual pleasure can be induced, but this rudimentary psychical satisfaction is the result of a mental trick, just as in solitary onanism, where fancy has to assist in order to induce sensual pleasure. As a rule, the degree of orgasm necessary as a means to the attainment of lustful pleasure seems attainable only when the imagination intervenes. Where mental impediments exist (Indifference, repugnance, disgust, fear of infection or pregnancy, etc.), sensual pleasure seems usually wanting. 2 "The important part played by the hair of the head as a stimulant of sexual passion appears in a curious way from Mr. Sibree's account of King Radama's attempt to introduce European customs among the Hovas of Madagascar. As soon as he had adopted the military tactics of the English, he ordered that all his officers and soldiers should have their hair cut, but this command produced so great a disturbance among the women of the capital that they assembled in great numbers to protest against the king's order, and could not be quieted until they were surrounded by troops, and their leaders cruelly speared." — Westermarck, op. cit. Here male hair was a physiological fetich of females. It represents a relation of the Bexes that civilization has gradually reversed. While in civilized society woman exer- PSYCHOLOGY OF THE SEXUAL LIFE. 21 Beautiful hair is a powerful fetich witli many men. In the legend of the Loreley, wlio lured men to destruction, the golden hair, whicli slie combs with a golden comb, appears as a fetich. Frequently the hand and foot possess an attractiveness no less powerful, when, indeed, often (though by no means in- variably) masochistic and sadistic feelings aid in determining the peculiar kind of fetich. By a transference through association of ideas, tlie gloves or shoes may obtain the significance of a fetich. Brunn {op. cit.) justly points out that among the customs of the Middle Ages drinking from tlie shoe of a beautiful woman (still to be found in Poland) played a remarkable part in gal- lantry and homage. The shoe also plays an important 7'6le in the leeend of Aschenbrodel. The expression of the eyes is particularly important as a means of kindling the sparks of love. A neuropathic eye fre- quently affects persons of both sexes as a fetich. " Madame, vos beaux yeux me font mourir d'amour " (Moliere). There is superfluity of examples showing that odors of the body may become fetiches. This fact is also taken advantage of in the ars amcmdi of woman, either consciously or unconsciously. Ruth sought to attract Boaz by perfuming herself The demi-momle of ancient and modern times is noted for its use of perfume. Jiigcr, in his " Discovery of the Soul," calls attention to many olflictory sympathies. Cases are known where men have married ugly women simply because their personal odors were exceedingly pleasing. Binet makes it probable that the voice may also become a fetich. He relates a case in point of Dumas, who used it in his cises her ingenuity to increase her attractiveness, among savages it is the men who are anxious to Increase their physical charms. This reversal of the primitive relation is a very interesting fact, and is probably to be explained by the transference of the " liberty of choice " from woman to man which civilization has gradually induced. Westermarck {op. cit., p. 185) says: " It should be noted that it is, as a rule, the man only that runs tlie risk of beino- obliged to lead a single life. Hence it is obvious that, to the best of his ability, he must endeavor to be taken into favor by making himself as attractive as possible. In civilized Europe, on the other hand, the opposite occurs. Here it is the woman that Las the greatest difficulty in getting married, and she is also the vainer of the two."— Trans. 22 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. novel, " La Maison du Vent." It was the case of a wife who fell in love with a tenor's voice, and thus became untrue to her husband. Belot's romance, " Les Baigneuses de Trouville," speaks in favor of this assumption. Binet thinks that many marriages with singers are dae to the fetich of their voices. He also calls attention to the interesting ilict that among singing- birds the voice has the same sexual significance as odors among quadrupeds. The birds allure by their song, and the male that sings most beautifully flies at night to his charmed mate. The patliological facts of masochism and sadism show that mental peculiarities may also act as fetiches in a wider sense. Thus the fact of idiosyncrasies is explained, and the old saying, " De gustihiis non est disputandum,^^ retains its force. II. PHYSIOLOGY. During the time of the physiological processes in the reproductive glands, desires arise in the consciousness of the individual which have for their purpose the perpetuation of the species (sexual instinct). Sexual desire during the years of sexual maturit^^ is a physiological law. The duration of the physiological processes in the sexual organs, as well as the strength of the sexual desire manifested, vary, both in indi- viduals and in races. Race, climate, heredity, and social circumstances have a very decided influence upon it. The greater sensuality of southern races .as compared with the sexual needs of those of the North is well known. Sexual development in the inha])itants of tropical climes takes place much earlier than in those of more northern regions. In women of northern countries ovulation, recognizable in the development of the body and the occurrence of a periodical flow of blood from the genitals (menstruation), usually begins about the thirteenth or fifteenth year; in men puberty, recognizable in the deepening of the voice, the appearance of hair on the face and the mons veneris, and the occasional occurrence of pollutions, etc., takes place about the fifteenth year. In the inhabit- ants of tropical countries, however, sexual development takes place several years earlier in women, — sometimes as early as the eighth year. It is worthy of remark that girls who live in cities develop about a year earlier than girls living in the country, and that the larger the town the earlier, ceteris paribus, the development takes place. Heredity, however, has no small influence on libido and sexual power. Thus there are families in which, with great physical strength and longevity, great libido and virility are preserved until a great age, while in other families the vita sexualis develops late and is early extinguished. In women the time of the activity of the reproductive glands is shorter than in men, in whom the sexual function may last until a great age. Ovulation ceases about tliirty years after puberty. This period of cessation of activity of the ovaries is called the change of life (climac- terium). This biological phase does not represent merely a cessation of function and final atrophy of the reproductive organs, but also a trans- formation of the whole organism. In Middle Europe the sexual maturity of men begins about the eighteenth year, and their virility reaches its acme at forty. After that age it slowly declines. The potentia generandi ceases usually at the age of sixty-two, but potentia cceundi may be present even in old age. The existence of the (23) 24 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. sexual instinct is continuous during the time of sexual life, but it varies in .intensity. Under physiological conditions it is never intermittent (period- ical), as in animals. In men it manifests an organic variation of intensity in consonance with the collection and expenditure of semen ; in women the increase of sexual desire coincides with the process of ovulation, and in such a way that libido sexualis is greater after the menstrual period. Sexual instinct — as emotion, idea, and impulse — is a function of the cerebral cortex. Thus far no definite region of the cortex has been proved to be exclusively the seat of sexual sensations and impulses,^ Owinof to the close relations which exist between the sexual instinct and the olfactory sense, it is to be presumed that the sexual and olfactory centres lie close together in the cerebral cortex. The development of the sexual life has its beginning in the organic sensations which arise from the developing reproductive glands. These excite the attention of the individual. Readings and the experiences of every-day life (which, un- fortunately, to-daj' are too early and too frequently suggestive) convert these notions into clear ideas. These become accentuated by organic sen- sations which are pleasurable. With this accentuation of erotic ideas by lustful feelings, an impulse to induce these (sexual desire) is developed. Thus there is established a mutual dependence between the cerebral cortex (as the place of origin of sensations and ideas) and the reproduc- tive organs. The latter, by reason of physiological processes (hyper- emia, secretion of semen, ovulation), give rise to sexual ideas, images, and impulses. The cerebral cortex, by means of apperceived or reproduced sensual ideas, reacts on the reproductive organs, inducing hyper.iemia, secretion of semen, erection, ejaculation. This results by means of centres for vasomotor innervation and ejaculation, which are situated in the lumbar portion of the cord and lie close together. Both are reflex centres. The erection-centre (Goltz, Eckhard) is an intermediate station placed between the brain and the genital apparatus. The nervous paths which connect it with the brain })robably run through the pedunculi cerebri and the pons. This centre may be excited by central (psychical and organic) stimuli, by direct irritation of the nerve-tract in the pedun- culis cerebri, pons, or cervical portion of the cord, as well as by periph- eral irritation of the sensory nerves (penis, clitoris, and annexa). It is not directly subordinated to the will. The excitation of this centre is conveyed to the corpora cavernosa by means of nerves (nervi erigentes — Eckhard) running in the first three sacral nerves. The action of the nervi erigentes, which renders erection possible. » The olfactory centre is presumed by Ferrier (" Functions of the Brain ") to be in the region of the gynts wicinatus. Zuckerkandl (" Ueber das Riechceutrum," 1887), from researches in comparative anatomy, concludes that the olfactory centre has its seat in Ammon's horn. PHYSIOLOGY. 25 is an inliibitoiy one. They inhibit the ganglionic nervous mechanism in the corpora cavernosa upon the action of which the smooth muscle-fibres of the corpora cavernosa are dependent (Kolliker and Kolilrausch). Under the influence of the action of the nervi erigentes these fibres of the corpora cavernosa become relaxed and their spaces fill with ])lood. Simul- taneously, as a result of the dilatation of the capillary net-work of the corpora cavernosa, pressure is exerted upon the veins of the penis and the return of blood is impeded. This eflect is aided by contraction of the bulbo cavernosus and ischio cavernosus muscles, which are inserted by means of an aponeurosis on the dorsal surface of the penis. The ei-ection-centre is under the influence of both exciting and in- hibitory innervation arising in the cerebrum. Ideas and sense-j)ercep- tions of sexual content have an exciting eflect. Also, according to observations made on men that have been hung, it is evident that the erection-centre may be excited by excitation of the tract in the spinal cord. Observations on the insane and those suffering with cerebral dis- ease show that this is also possible as a result of organic irritation in the cerebral cortex (psycho-sexual centre ?). Spinal diseases (tabes, especially myelitis) aflecting the lumbar portion of the cord, in tlieir earlier stages, may directly excite the erection-centre. Reflex excitation of the centre is possible and frequent in the fol- lowing ways : by irritation of the (peripheral) sensory nerves of the genitals and surrounding parts by friction ; by irritation of the urethra (gonorrhoea), of the rectum (hannorrhoids, oxyuris), of the bladder (distension with urine, especially in the morning, irritation of calculi); by distension of the vesicular seminales with semen ; b}- hypera'mia of the genitals, occasioned by lying on the back, and thus inducing pressure of the intestines upon the blood-vessels of the pelvis. The erection-centre may also be excited by irritation of the nervous ganglia which are so abundant in the prostatic tissue (prostatitis, intro- duction of catheter, etc.). The experiment of Goltz, according to whom, when (in dogs) the lumbar portion of the cord is severed, erection is more easily induced, shows that the erection-centre is also subject to inhibitory- influences from the brain. In men the fact that the will and emotions (fear of unsuccessful coitus, surprise inter actum sexualem, etc.) may inhibit the oecurrence of erection, and cause it, when present, to disappear, also indicates this. The duration of erection is de]iendent upon the duration of its ex- citing causes (sensory stimuli), tlie absence of inhibitory influmices, the nervous energy of the centre, and the early or late occurrence of ejacu- lation (v. infra). The central and highest portion of the sexiial mechanism is the cerebral cortex. It is justifiable to presume that there is a definite region of the cortex (cerebral centre) which gives rise to sexual feelings, ideas. 26 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. and impulses, and is the place of origin of the psycho-somatic processes which we designate as sexual life, sexual instinct, and sexual desire. This centre is excitable to both central and peripheral stimuli. Central stimuli, in the form of organic excitation, may be due to diseases of the cerebral cortex. Physiologically they consist of psy- chical stimuli (memory and sensory perceptions). Under physiological conditions these stimuli are essentially visual perceptions and memory-pictures {i.e., lascivious stories) and also tactile impressions (touch, pressure of the hand, kiss, etc.). Within physiological limits auditory and olfactory perceptions cer- tainly play but a very subordinate i^ole. Under pathological conditions (v. infra) the latter have a very decided influence in inducing sexual excitement. Among animals the influence of olflxctory perceptions on the sexual sense is unmistakable. Althaus (" Beitrage zur Phj^siol. und Pathol, des Olfactorius." Archiv fur Psych., xii, H 1) declares that the sense of smell is important with reference to the reproduction of the species. He shows that animals of opposite sexes are drawn to each other by means of olfactory perceptions, and that almost all animals, at the time of rut- ting, emit a very strong odor from their genitals. An experiment by Schiff is confirmatory of this. He extirpated the olfactory nerves in puppies, and found that, as the animals grew, the male was unable to distinguish the female. On the other hand, an experiment by Mante- gazza ("Hygiene of Love "),who removed the eyes of rabbits and found that the defect constituted no obstacle to procreation, shows how im- portant in animals the olfactor}^ sense is for the vita sexualis. It is also remarkable that many animals (musk-ox, civet-cat, beaver) possess glands on their sexual organs, which secrete materials having a verj' strong odor. Althaus also shows that in man there are certain relations existing between the olfactory and sexual senses. He mentions Cloquet (" Osphrd- siologie," Paris, 1826), who calls attention to the sensual pleasure excited by the odors of flowers, and tells how Richelieii lived in an atmosphere loaded with the heaviest perfumes, in order to excite his sexual functions. Zippe (Wien. Med. Wochey\schrift, 1819, Nr. 24), in connection with a case of kleptomania in an onanist, likewise establishes such relations, and cites Hildebrand as authority, who in his popular physiology says : " It cannot be doubted that the olfactory sense stands in remote connec- tion with the sexual apparatus. Odors of flowers often occasion pleasur- able sensual feelings, and when one remembers the passage in the ' Song of Solomon,' ' And my hands dropped with myrrh and my fingers with sweet-smelling myrrh upon the handles of the lock,' one finds that it did not escape Solomon's observation. In the Orient the pleasant perfumes are esteemed for their relation to the sexual organs, and the women's apartments of the Sultan are filled with the perfumes of flowers." PHYSIOLOGY. 27 Most, professor in Kostock (coinp. Zippo), relates : " I learned from a sensual young peasant that he had excited many a chaste girl sexually-, and easily gained his end, by carrying his handkerchief in his axilla for a time, while dancing, and then wiping his partner's perspiring face with it." The case of Henry III shows that contact with a person's perspira- tion may be the exciting cause of passionate love. At the betrothal feast of the King of Navarre and Margaret of Yalois, he accidentally dried his face with a garment of Maria of Cleves, which was moist with her perspiration. Although she was the bride of the Prince of Conde, Henry conceived immediately such a passionate love for her that he could not resist it, and made her, as history shows, very unhajipy. An analogous instance is related of Henry I\^, whose passion for the beauti- ful Gabriel is said to have originated at the instant when, at a ball, he wiped his brow with her handkerchief. Professor Jiiger, the "discoverer of the soul," refers to the same thing in his well-known book (2d ed., 1880, clinp. xv, p. 173); for he regards the sweat as important in the production of sexual effects and as being especially seductive. One learns from reading the work of Ploss (" Das Weib ") that attempts to attract a person of the opposite sex by means of the perspi- ration may be discerned in many forms in popular psychology. In reference to this, a custom which holds among the natives of the Philippine Islands when they become engaged, as reported by Jager, is remarkable. When it becomes necessary for the engaged pair to separate, they exchange articles of wearing-apparel, l)y means of which each be- comes assured of faithfulness. These objects are carefully preserved, covered with kisses, and smelled. The love of certain libertines and sensnal women for perfumes* indicates a relation between the olfactor}^ and sexual senses. A case mentioned by Ileschl ( Wiener Zeitschrift f. pract. Heil- kunde, March 22, 1861) is remarkable, where the absence of both olfac- tory lobes was accompanied l)y imperfectly developed genitals. It was the case of a man aged 45, in all respects well developed, with the excep- tion of the testicles, which were not larger than beans and contained no seminal canals, and the larynx, which seemed to ])e of feminine dimen- sions. Every trace of olfiictory nerves was wanting, and the trigona olfactoria and the furrow on the under surface of the anterior lobes were absent. The perforations of the ethmoid plate were sparingly present, and occupied by nerveless processes of the duia instead of by nerves. In the mucous membrane of the nose there was also an absence of nerves. Finally, the clearly-defined relation of the olfactory and sexual senses in mental diseases is worthy of notice, in that in llic psychoses of 1 Comp. Laycock, who (" Nervous Diseases of Women," 1840) found that iu women the love for musk and similar perfumes was related to sexual excitement. 28 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. both sexes dependent on masturbation, as well as in insanity due to disease of the sexual organs of the female, or during the climacteric, ^ olfactory hallucinations are especially frequent, while in cases where a sexual cause is wanting they are very infrequent. I am inclined to doubt ^ that olfactory impressions in man, under nor- mal conditions, as in animals, play an important role in the excitation of the sexual centre. On account of the importance of this consensus for the understanding of pathological cases, it is necessary here to thoroughly consider the relations existing between the olfactory and sexual senses. The sexual sphere of the cerebral cortex may be excited, in the sense of an excitation of sexual concepts and impulses, by processes in the generative organs. This is possible as a result of all conditions which also excite the erection-centre by means of centripetal influence (stimulus resulting from distension of the seminal vesicles ; enlarged Graafian follicle; any sensory stimulus, however produced, about the genitals ; hypersemia and turgescence of the genitals, especially of the erectile tissue of the corpus cavernosum of the penis and clitoris, as a result of luxurious, sedentary life; plethora abdominalis, high external temperature, warm beds, clothing ; taking of cantharides, pepper, and other spices). Libido sexualis may also be induced by stimulation of the gluteal region (castigation, whipping).^ This fact is not unimportant for the understanding of certain patho- logical manifestations. It sometimes happens that in boys the first excitation of the sexual instinct is caused by a spanking, and they are thus incited to masturbation. This should be remembered by those who have the care of children. On account of the dangers to which this form of punishment of children gives rise, it would be better if parents, teachers, and nurses were to avoid it e^tirel3^ Passive flagellation raay excite sensuality, as is shown by the sects of flngellants, so widespread in the thirteenth and fifteenth centxiries. They were accustomed to whip themselves, partly as atonement and partly to kill the flesh (in accordance with the principle of chastity * Also in the. insanity of gestation. — Trans. 2 Tlie following case, reported by Binet, seems to be in opposition to this idea. Unfortunately nothing is said concerning the mental characteristics of the person. In any event, it is certainly confirmatory of the relations existing between the olfactory and sexual senses : — D., a medical student, was seated on a bench in a public park, reading a book (on pathology) . Suddenly a violent erection disturbed him. He looked up and noticed that a lady, redolent with perfume, had taken a seat upon the other end of the bench. D. could attribute the erection to nothing but the unconscious olfactory impression made upon him. 3 Meibomius, " De flagiorum usu in re medica," London, 1765 ; Boileau, " The His- tory of the Flagellants," London, 1783. PHYSIOLOGY. 29 promulgated by the Church, — i.e., the emuuciputiou of the soul from sensuality). These sects were at first favored by the Church; but, since sensu- ality was only excited the more by flagellation, and the fact became ap- parent in unpleasant occurrences, the Church was finally compelled to oppose it. The following facts from the lives of the two heroines of flagellation, Maria Magdalena of Pazzi and Elizabeth of Genton, clearly show the significance of flagellation as a sexual excitant. The former, a child of distinguished parents, was a Carmelite nun in Florence (about 1580), and, by her flagellations, and, still more, through the results of them, she became quite celebrated, and is mentioned in the Annals. It was her greatest delight to have the prioress bind her hands behind her and have her whipped on the naked loins in the presence of the asseml)led sisters. But the whippings, continued from her earliest youth, quite de- stroyed her nervous system, and perhaps no other heroine of flagellation had so many hallucinations (" Entziickungen "). While being whipped her thoughts were of love. The inner fire threatened to consume her, and she frequently cried, " Enough ! Fan no longer the flame tliat consumes me. This is not the death I long for ; it comes with all too nuich jjleasure and delight." Thus it continued. But the spirit of impurity wove the most sensual, lascivious fancies, and she was several times near losing her chastity. It was the same with Elizabeth of Genton. As a result of whipping she actually passed into a state of bacchanalian madness. As a rule, she rested when, excited by unusual flagellation, she believed herself united with her " ideal." This condition was so exquisitely pleasant to her that she would frequently cry out, " love, eternal love, O love, you creatures 1 cry out with me, love, lovel" It is known, on the authority of Taxil (op. cit., p. 175), tliat rakes sometimes have themselves flagellated, or pricked until blood flows, just before the sexual act, in order to stimulate their diminished sexual power. These facts find an interesting confirmation in the following experi- ences, taken from Baullini's " Flagellum Salutis"(lst ed., IG'JS; repro- duction, Stuttgart, 1847): — *' There are some nations, viz., the Persians and Russians, where the women regard blows as a peculiar sign of love and favor. Strangely enough, the Russian women are never more pleased and delighted tliiin when they receive hard blows from their husbands, as John Barclay relates in a remarkable narrative. A German, named Jordan, went to Russia, and, pleased with the country, he settled there and took a Russian wife, whom he loved dearly and to whom he was always kind in every- thing. But she always wore an expression of dissatislaction, :\\u\ went about with sighs and downcast eyes. The husband asked the reason, for he could not understand what was wrong. < Aye,' she said, ' though you 30 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. love me you do not show me any sign of it.' He embraced her and begged to be told what he had carelessly and unconsciously done to hurt her feelings, and to be forgiven, for he would never do it again. ' I want nothing,' was the answer, 'but what is customary in our country, — the whip, the real sign of love.' Jordan observed the custom and accustomed himself to it, and then his wife began to love him dearly. Similar stories are told by Peter Petrius, of Erlesund, with the addition that the husbands, immediately after the wedding, among other indispensable household articles, provide themselves with whips." On page IS of this remarkable book, the author says further: " The celebrated Count of Mirindula, John Picus, relates of one of his intimate acquaintances that he was an insatiable fellow, but so lazy and incapable of love that he was practically impotent until he had been roughly handled. The more he tried to satisfy his desire, the heavier the blows he needed, and he could not attain his desire until he had been whipped until the blood came. For this purpose he had a suitable whip made, which was placed in vinegar the day before using it. He would give this to his companion and on bended knees beg her not to spare him, but to strike blows with it, the heavier the better. The good count thought this singular man found the pleasure of love in this punishment. While in other respects he was not a bad man, he understood and hated his weakness. Coelius Rhodigin relates a similar story, as does also the celebrated jurist, Andreas Tiraquell. In the time of the skillful physician, Otten Brunfelsen, there lived in Munich, then the Capital of the Bavarian Electorate, a debauchee who could never perform his [sexual] duties without a severe preparatory beating. Thomas Barthelin also knew a Venetian who had to be beaten and driven before he could have inter- course, — just as Cupid himself moved reluctantly driven by his followers with sprays of hyacinth. A few years ago there was in Liibeck a cheese- monger, living on Mill Street, who, on a complaint to the authorities of unfoithfulness, was ordered to leave the city. The prostitute with whom he had been went to the judges and begged in his behalf, telling how dif- flcult all intercourse had become for him. He could do nothing until he had been mercilessly beaten. At first the fellow, from shame and to avoid disgrace, would not confess, but after earnest questioning he could not deny it. There is said to have been a man in the Netherlands who was similarly incapable, and could do nothing without blows. On the decree of the authorities, however, he was not only removed from his position, but also properly punished. A credible friend, a physician in an im- portant city of the kingdom, told me, on July 14th, last year, how a woman of bad character had told a companion, who had been in the hos- pital a short time before, that she, with another woman of like character, had been sent to the woods by a man Avho followed them there, cut rods for them, and then exposed his nates, commanding them to belabor him well. This they did. It is easy to conclude what he then did with them. PHYSIOLOGY. 31 Not only men have been excited and inflamed to lasciviousness, but also women, that they too might experience greater intensity of pleasure. For this reason the Roman woman had herself whipped and beaten by the lupercis. Thus Juvenal writes : — " ' Steriles moriuntur, et illis Turgida non prodest coiidila psycido Lyde : Nee prodest agili palinas praebere Lupeico.' " In men, as well as in women, erection and orgasm, or even ejacu- lation, may be induced by irritation of various other regions of the skin and mucous membrane. These " erogenous " zones in woman are, while she is a virgin, the clitoris, and, after defloration, the vagina and cervix uteri. In woman the nipple particularly seems to i)ossess this quality. Titillatio hujus regionis plays an important i)art in the ars erotica. In his " Typograpical Anatomy," 1865, Bd. i, p. 552, Hyrtl cites Val. llilde- brandt, who observed a peculiar anomaly of the sexual instinct in a girl, which he called suctusstupratio. She had her mammse sucked by her lover, and finally, by gradually drawing on her nipples, she became able to suck them herself, — an act that gave her most intense ])leasure. Ilj'rtl also calls attention to the fact that cows sometimes suck the milk from their own udders. L. Brunn {Zeilg.f. Literatui^, etc., d. Hamburg. Cor- respondent, 1889, ISTr. 21), in an interesting article on " Sensuality and Love of Kin," points out how zealously the nursing mother gives herself to nursing the babe, " for love of the weak, undeveloped, helpless being." It is easy to assume that, by the side of the ethical motives, the fact that the sucking may be attended liy feelings of physical i)leasure plays a part. The remark of Brunn, which is correct in itself, but one-sided, that, according to Houzeau's experience, among the majority of animals it is only during the time of nursing that the relations between mother and offspring are close, and thereafter indifterent, also speaks in favor of this assumption. Bastian found the same thing (blunting of the feeling for the ofl- spring after weaning) among savages. Under pathological conditions, as is shown by Chambard, among others, in his thesis for the doctorate, other portions of the body (in hysterical persons) about the mammae and genitals may attain the signifi- cance of " erogenous " zones. In man, physiologically, the only " erogenous " zone is the glans penis, and, perhaps, the skin of the external genitals. Under pathological conditions the anus may become an " erogenous area. Thus anal auto-masturbation, which seems to be only too frequent, and passive pederasty would be explained. (Comp. Garnier, " Anomalies sexuelles," Paris, p. 514 ; F. Moll, " Contriire Sexualempfindung," p. 163.) The psycho-physiological process comprehended in the idea of sexual c. " 32 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. instinct is composed of (1) concepts awakened centrally or peripherally ; (2) the pleasurable feelings associated with them. The longing for sexual satisfaction (libido sexualis) arises from them. This desire grows stronger constantly, in proportion as the ex- citation of the cerebral sphere accentuates the feeling of pleasure by appropriate concepts and activity of the imagination ; and the pleasurable sensations are increased to lustful feeling by excitation of the erection centre and the consequent hyperffiuiia of the genitals (entrance of liquor prostaticus into the urethra, etc.). If circumstances are favorable for the performance of the sexual act satisfactorily, the constantly-increasing desire is complied with ; if, how- ever, conditions are unfavorable, inhibitory concepts occur, overcome the sexual longing, and prevent the sexual act. To civilized man cultivation of a readiness with ideas which inhibit sexual desire is necessary and distinctive. The moral freedom of the individual, and the decision whether, under certain circumstances, excess, and even crime, be committed or not, '^'epend, on the one hand, upon the strength of the instinctive concepts and the accompanying organic sen- sations; on the other, upon the power of the inhibitory concepts. Con- stitution and, especially, organic influences have a marked effect upon the instinctive impulses ; education and cultivation of self-control have a decisive influence on the opposing concepts. The exciting and inhibitory powers are variable quantities. Over- indulgence in alcohol in this respect is very fatal, since it awakens and increases libido sexualis, while at the same time it reduces moral resistance. The Act of Cohabitation.^ The essential condition for the man is sufficient erection. Anjel (Arch, fur Psych., viii, II. 2) calls attention to the fact that in sexual excitement the erection centre is not alone influenced, — the nervous ex- citement is distributed to the entire vasomotor system of nerves. The proof of this is the turgescence of the organs in the sexual act, injection of the conjunctiva, prominence of the eyes, dilatation of the pupils, and cardiac palpitation (resulting from paralysis of the vasomotor nerves of the heart, which arise from the cervical sjanpathetic, and the consequent dilatation of the cardiac arteries, and the increased stimulation of the cardiac ganglia induced by the consequent hypersemia of the cardiac walls). The sexual act is accompanied by a pleasurable feeling, which, in the male, is conditioned by the passage of semen through the ductus ejaculatorii to the urethra, caused by sensor}^ stimulation of the genitals. The pleasurable sensation occurs earlier in the male than in the female, grows rapidly in intensity until the moment of commencement of ejacu- * Comp. Roubaud, " Tralt6 de I'impuissance et de la 6t6nlit6." Paris, 1878. PHYSIOLOGY. 33 lation, reaching its lieight in the instant of free emission, and disappears quickly post ejaculaiionem. In the female the pleasurable feeling occurs later and comes on more slowly, and generally outlasts the act of ejaculation. The distinctive event iu coitus is ejaculation. This function is de- pendent on a centre (genito-spinal), which Budge has shown to be situated at the level of the fourth lumbar vertebra. It is a reflex centre. The stimulus that excites it is the ejection of sperma from the vesicula; semi- nales into the pars membranacea urethne, which follows reflexly from stimulation of the glans penis. As soon as the collection of semen, with ever-increasing pleasurable sensation, has reached a suflicient amount to be effectual as a stimulus of the ejaculation-centre, the centre acts. The reflex motor jxith lies in the fourth and fifth lumbar nerves. The action consists of a convulsive excitation of the bulbo-cavernosus muscle (inner- vated by the third and fourth sacral nerves), which forces the semen out. In the female as well, at the height of sexual and pleasnra]>le ex- citement, a reflex movement occurs. It is induced by stimulation of the sensory genital nerves, and consists of a peristaltic movement in the tubes and uterus as far down as the portio vaginalis, which presses out the mucous secretions of the tubes and uterus. Inhibition of the ejaculation centre is possible as a result of cortical influence (want of desire in coitus, emotions in general ; influence of the will, in a measure). Under normal conditions, with the completion of the sexual act, libido sexualis and erection disappear, and the psychical and sexual excitement gives place to a comfortable feeling of lassitude. III. GENERAL PATHOLOGY.' (NEUROLOGICAL AND PSYCHOLOGICAL.) Abnormality of the sexual functions proves to be especially frequent in civilized races. This fact is explained in part by the frequent abuse of the sexual organs, and in part by the circum- stance that such functional anomalies are often the signs of an abnormal constitution of the central nervous system, which is, for the most part, hereditary (" functional signs of degeneration "). Since the generative organs stand in important functional connection with the entire nervous system, and especially with its psychical and somatic functions, it is easy to understand the frequency of general neuroses and psychoses arising in sexual (functional or organic) disturbances. Schema of the Sexual Neuroses. I. Peeipheral.2 -^ 1. Sensory. 2. Secretory. 3. Motor. II. Spinal. III. Cerebral. f 1 1 a. Anjesthesia. b. HypeKKsthesia. c. Neuralgia. a. Aspermia. \ h. Pol^'spermia. ( a. Pollutions (spasm). 1 6. Spermatorrhoea (paralysis). Affections of the erection centre. Affections of the ejaculation centre. Paradoxia. 2. Anaesthesia. 3. HyperiBsthesia. * 4. Paresthesia. 1 Literature : Parent-Duchatelet, Prostitution dans la ville de Paris, 1837. — Rosen- baum, Entstehung der Syphilis, Halle, 1839; also, Die Lustseuehe ini Alterthum, Halle, 1839. — Descuret, La medecine des passions, Paris, 1860. — Casper, Klin. Novellen, 1863. — Bastian, Der Mensch in der Geschichte. — Friedlander, Sittengeschichte Roms. — Wiede- meister, Casarenwahnsinn. — Scherr, Deutsclie Cultur- und Sittenge- schichte, Bd. i. Cap. 9. — Tardieu, Des attentats aux moeurs., 7 6dit., 1878. — Emminghaus, Psychopathol., pp. 98, 225, 230, 232. — Schii]e,Handbuch der Geisteskrankheiten, p. 114. — Marc, Die Geisteskrauk- heiten, iibers v. Llcler, ii, p. 128. — v. Krafft, Lebrb. dtr Psycliiatrie, 4 Aufl., i, p. 90 ; Lehrb. d. ger. Psychopathol., 2 Aufl., p. 234; Archiv f. Psychiatric, vii, 2. — Moreau, Des aberra- tions du sens g6n6sique, Paris, 1880. — Kirn, Allg. Zeitschr. f. Psychiatric, xxxix. Heft 2 u. 3. — Lombroso, Geschlechtstrieb u. Verbrechen in ihren gegenseitlgen Beziehungen (Goltdammer's Archiv, Bd. xxx.). — Tarnowsky, Die krankhaften Erscheinungen des Geschlechtssiuns, Berlin, 1886. — Ball, La Folie drotique, Paris, 1888. — Serieux, Recberches cliniqucssurlcs anomalies de I'instinct sexuel, Paris, 1888. — Hammond, Sexual Impotence. 2 Vide Ultzmann, Genito-Urinary Neui-oscs in the Male (published by The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia), for discussion of peripheral neuroses. (34) GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 35 11. SPINAL NEUROSES. 1. Affections of the Erection Centre. (a) Irritation (priapism) arises reiiexly Iroin peripheral sensory irritants {e.g., gonorrhcea) ; directly, from organic irritation of the nerve- tracts from the brain to the erection centre (spinal disease in the lower cervical and npper dorsal regions), or of the centre itself (certain poisons) ; or from psychical irritation. In the latter case satyriasis exists, i.e., alj- normal dnration of erection, with lil:)ido sexnalis. In simply reflex or direct organic irritation, libido sexnalis may be wanting, and the prinpism be accompanied by nnpleasant feelings. (b) Paralysis from destruction of the centre or of the nerve-traots (nervi erigentes), in diseases of the spinal cord (paralytic impotence). A milder form is that of lessened excitability of the centre, resulting from overstimulation (in sexual excesses, especially in onanism), or from alcoholic intoxication, abuse of bromides, etc. It ma}' be accom])anied by cerebral an;tsthesia, and often with anaesthesia of the external genitals. Cerebral h^^penesthesia is here more frecpient (increased libido sexnalis, lust). A peculiar form of diminished excitability is shown in those cases where the centre responds only to certain stimuli. '^Flius tliere are men for whom sexual contact with their virtuous wives does not supply the necessary stimulus for the excitation of an erection, but in whom it occurs when the act is attempted with a prostitute, or in the form of some unnatural sexual act. As ftir as psychical stimuli are here con- cerned, they may be inadequate {v. infra, paraesthesia and perversion of sexual instinct). (c) Inhibition. The erection centre may become functionally inca- pable as a result of cerebral influence. This inhibitory influence is an emotion (disgust, fear of contagion), or an idea^ of impotence. There are many men in the first condition who have an unconcpiei-able loathing for their wives, or fear of infection, or are suffering witli ])erverse sexual feelings. In the latter condition are neuro})atliic individuals (neuras- thenics, hypochondriacs), frequently weakened sexually (masturbators), who have reason, or think they have, to mistrust their sexual power. This idea acts as an inhibitory concept, and makes the act with the per- son concerned of the o^jposite sex temporarily or absolutely impossil)le. (d) Irritable weakness. In this condition there is abnormal im- pressionability of the centre, but accompanied by rapid diminution of its energy. There may be functional disturbance of the centre itsell", or weak- ness of the innervation through the nervi erigentes ; or there may be 1 An interesting example of how an imperative conception of non-sexual content can exert an influence is related by Magnan (Ann. m6d. psych., 1SS.5) : Student, aged 21, strongly predisposed hereditarily, previously a niastnrbator, constantly struggles with the number 13 as an imperative conception. As soon as he attempts coitus the Imperative idea inhibits erection and makes the act impossible. 36 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. weakness of the ischio-cavernosus muscle. Cases in which the erection is ineffectual, on account of abnormally early ejaculation, form a transition to the following anomalies : — 2. Affections of the Ejaculation Centre. (a) Abnormally easy ejaculation from absence of cerebral inhibi- tion, resulting from excessive psychical excitement or irritable weakness of the centre. In this case, under certain circumstances, the simple con- ception of a lascivious situation is sufficient to set the centre in action (high degree of spinal neurasthenia, usually resulting from sexual abuse). A third possibility is hypenesthesia of the urethra, by virtue of which, when the semen enters it, an immediate and excessive reflex action of the ejaculation centre is induced. In such a case, simple proximity to the female genitals may be sufficient to induce ejaculation {ante portain). In case of hyperaesthesia of the urethra as a cause, the ejacula- tion may be accompanied by painful, instead of pleasurable, sensations. Usually, in cases where there is hypenesthesia of the urethra, there is, at the same time, irritable weakness of the centre. Both functional disturbances are important in the production of pollutio nimia and diurna. The accompanying pleasurable feeling may be pathologically ab- sent. This occurs in defective men and women (anaesthesia, aspermia?), and, further, as a result of disease (neurasthenia, hysteria) ; or (in pros- titutes) it follows overstimulation and the blunting thus induced. The intensity of the pleasural)le feeling depends on the degree of psychical and motor excitement accompaming the sexual act. Under pathological conditions this may become so pronounced that the movements of coitus take on the character of involuntary convulsive movements, and even pass into general convulsions. (b) Abnormally difficult ejaculation. It is occasioned by inexcita- bility of the centre (absence of libido, paral3^sis of the centre : organic, from disease of brain or spinal cord ; functional, from sexual abuses, marasmus, diabetes, morphinism), and, in this case, for the most part, in connection with anaesthesia of the genitals and paralysis of the erection centre. Or it is the result of a lesion of the reflex arc, or of peripheral anaesthesia (urethra), or of aspermia. The ejaculation occurs not at all, or tardily, in the course of the sexual act, or only afterward, in the form of a pollution. III. CEREBRAL NEUROSES. 1. Paradoxia, i.e., sexual excitement occurring independ- ently of the period of the physiological processes in the generative organs. 2. Ancestliesia (absence of sexual instinct). Here all GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 37 organic impulses arisiiii^- in the sexual organs, as well as all concepts, and visual, auditory, and olfactory sense-impressions, fail to excite the individual sexually. This is physiological in childhood and old age. 3. Hypercesthesia (increased desire, satyriasis). In this state there is an abnormally increased impressionability of the vita sexualis to organic, psychical, and sensory stimuli (abnormally intense libido, lustfulness, lasciviousness). The stimulus may be central (nymphomania, satyriasis) or periph- eral, functional or organic. 4. Parwstliesia (perversion of the sexual instinct, i.e., excitability of the sexual functions to inadequate stimuli). These cerebral anomalies fall within the domain of psycho- pathology. The spinal and i)eripheral anomalies may occur in combination with them, but these affect persons, as a rule, that are free from mental disease. They may occur in various combinations, and become the cause of sexual crimes. For this reason, they demand consideration in the following description. However, the cerebral anomalies claim the principal interest, since they very frequently lead to the commission of perverse and even criminal acts. A. Paradoxia. Sexual Instinct Manifesting itself lNDEPENDENTL"k OF Physiological Prooesses. 1. Sexual Instinct Manifested in Childhood. Every physician conversant with nervous affections and diseases incident to cliildhood is aware of the fact that mani- festation of sexual instinct may occur in very young children. The observations of Ultzmann concerning masturbation in childhood^ are worthy of attention in relation to it. It is necessary here to differentiate between the numerous cases where, as a result of phimosis, balanitis, or oxyuris in rectum or vagina, young children have itching of the genitals, and ex- perience a kind of pleasurable sensation from manipulations * Louyer-Villermay speaks of niMsturhatinn in a girl of ;> or 4 years, and Moreau ("Aberrations clu sens genesique," 2 edit., p. 309) of the same in one of 2 years. See, further, ALiudsley, "Physiology and Pathology of Mind;" Hirschsprung (Kopenhagen), Berlin, kliu. Wochenschr., 1866, Nr. 38 ; Lombroso, " The Criminal," Cases 10, 19, aud 21. 38 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. thus induced, and tlius come to practice masturbation ; and those cases in which sexual ideas and impulses occur in the child as a result of cerebral processes without peripheral causes. It is only in this latter class of cases that we have to do with the early manifestation of sexual instinct. In such cases it may always be regarded as an accompanying symptom of a neuro- psychopatliic constitutional condition. A case of Marc's ("Die Geisteskrankheiten," etc., von Ideler, i, p. 66) illustrates very well these conditions. The subject was a girl of eight years, of respectable family, who was devoid of all child-like and moral feelings, and had masturbated from licr fourth year; at the same time she consorted with boys of the age of ten or twelve. She had thouglit of killing her parents, that she might become her own mistress and give herself up to pleasure with men. In these cases of early manifestation of Hbido the children come also to masturbate ; and, since they are greatly predisposed constitu- tionally, they frequently sink into dementia, or become subjects of severe degenerative neuroses or psychoses. Lombroso (Archiv di Psichiatria^ iv, p. 22) has collected a number of cases of children affected with very decided hereditary' taint, which belong in this categor}-. One was that of a girl who masturbated shame- lessly and almost constantly at the age of three. Another girl began at the age of eight, and continued to practice masturbation when married, and even during pregnane}'. She was pregnant twelve times. Five of the children died earl}-, four were hydrocephalic, and two boys began to masturbate, — one at the age of seven, the other at the age of four. Zambaco {L^Encephale, 1882, Nr. 1, 2) tells the disgusting story of two sisters alfected with premature and perverse sexual desire. The elder, R., masturbated at the age of seven, practiced lewdness with boys, stole wherever she could, seduced her four-year-old sister into masturbation, and at the age of ten was given up to the practice of the most revolting vices. Even ferrum candens ad clitoridem had no effect in overcoming the practice, and she masturbated with the cassock of a priest while he was exhorting her to reformation. o 2. Be-aivakening of Sexual Indivrt in Old Age} There are infrequent cases in which the sexual instinct per- sists until a great age. " Senectus non quidem annis sed viribus * Comp. Kirn, Zeitschr. f. Psych., Bd. xxxix. Legrand du Saulle, Annal. d'byg., 1868, Oct. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 39 magis sestimatiir " (Zittmann). Oesterlen (Maschka, Handb., iii, p. 18) mentions the case of a man aged 83, who was sentenced to three years' imprisonment by a Wurtemberg court on account of sexual misdemeanors. Unfortunately nothing is said of the nature of the crime or of the mental condition of the criminal.^ The manifestation of sexual instinct in old age is not in itself pathological; but presumption of pathological conditions must necessarily be entertained when the individual is decrepit and his sexual life has already long become extinct; and when the impulse, in a man whose sexual needs were in his early life, perhaps, not very marked, manifests itself with greater strength, and strives for even perverse satisfaction in a shame- less and impulsive manner. In such cases there is at once suggested a presumption of pathological conditions. Medical science recognizes the fact that such an impulse depends upon the morbid alterations of the brain which lead to senile dementia. This abnormal manifestation of sexual life may be the precursor of senile dementia, and make its appearance even long before there are any well-defined manifestations of intellectual weak- ness. The attentive and experienced observer will always be able to detect in this prodromal stage an alteration of character in pejus ^ and a deterioration of the moral sense accompanying the peculiar sexual manifestation. The libido of those passing into senile dementia is at first expressed in lascivious speech and gesture. The next objects of the attempts of these senile subjects of brain atrophy and psychical degeneration are children. This sad and dangerous fact is explained by the better opportunity they have of falling in with children, but more especially by a feeling of imperfect sexual power. Defective sexual power and greatly diminished moral sense explain the additional fact of the perversity of the 1 The translator has lately seen a case of this kind that illustrates the lack of care taken by our criminal courts. A very infirm man, aged 55 to 60, under favoring circum- stances, made an unsuccessful sexual assault on a ffirl ag-od about 18. At his trial he made full confession, and explained his act as due to ordinary sinfulness. He was the father of a family and living with his wife, and up to that time blameless sexually. He was sentenced to five years of hard labor ! He was incapable of almost the lijjhtest work. Conversation with him while in jail showed at once that he was well advanced in senile dementia. Legal question concerning his mental condition was not raised, — because he confessed, probably ! 40 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. sexual acts of these aged men. They are the equivalents of the impossible physiological act. The annals of legal medicine distinguish, as such, exhibition of the genitals,^ lustful handling of the genitals of children,^ inducing them to perform manustupration of the seducer, and performing masturbation^ or flagellation on the victim. In this stage the intellect may still be sufiiciently intact to allow avoidance of publicity and discovery, while the moral sense is too far gone to allow consideration of the moral significance of the act and resistance to the impulse. With the progress of dementia, these acts are more and more shamelessly committed. Then care on account of- defective sexual power disappears, and adults also become the objects of the senile passion ; but the defective sexual power necessitates equivalents for coitus. Not infrequently sodomy results, and, as Tarnowsky (op. ciV., p. 77) ])oints out, in the sexual act performed with geese, chickens, etc., the sight of the dying animal and its death-struggles at the time of coitus afford complete satisfaction. The perverse sexual acts with adults are quite as horrible, and may be explained psychologically in the same way. Case 49, in the author's "Text-Book of Legal Psycho- pathology," second ed., p. 161, demonstrates how enormously increased sexual lust may be during the course of senile dementia. Quum senex libidinosus germanam suam filiam semulatione motus necaret et adspectu pectoris sciosi puellae moribundse delectaretur. Erotic delirium and states of satyriasis may occur, in the course of the malady, with or without maniacal episodes, as the following case shows: — Case 1. J. Rene, always given to indulgence in sensuality and sexual pleasures, but ahvays with regard for decorum, has shown, since his seventj^-sixth year, a progressive loss of intelligence and increasing per- version of his moral sense. Previously bright and outwardly moral, he now wasted his property- in concourse with prostitutes, frequented brothels 1 Cases, vide Las6gue : " Les exhibitionist.es," Union m^dicale, 1877, May 1st. 2 Legraud du Saulle, La folie devant les tribuuaux, p. 530. ' Kiru, Maschka's Haudb. d. ger. Med., pp. 373, 374 ; Allg. Zeitscbrift f. Pgychiatrie, Bd. xxxix, p. 220. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 41 only, asked every woman on the street to marry him or allow coitus, and thus became so publicly obnoxious that it was necessary to place him in an asylum. There the sexual excitement increased to a veritable saty- riasis, which lasted until he died. He masturbated continuously, even before others ; took delight only in obscene ideas ; thought the men about him were women, and followed them with indecent proposals (Legrand du Saulle, " La Folic," p. 533). Moreover, women previously moral, when affected with senile de- mentia, may manifest similar conditions of great sexual excitement (nymphomania, furor uterinus). It may be seen from a reading of Schopenliauer,' that, as a result of senile dementia, the abnormally excited and perverse instinct may be directed exclusively to persons of tlie same sex {v. infra). The manner of the satisfaction is liere passive pederasty, or, as I ascertained in the following case, mutual masturbation : — Case 2. Mr. X.,aged 80, of high social position, from a family hav- ing hereditary taint. He was always very sensual and a cynic, of uncon- trollable temper, and, according to his own confession, as a 3'oung man, preferred masturbation to coitus. However, he never showed signs of contrary sexual instinct, and kept mistresses, raising a child bj^ one. At the age of forty-eight he married, out of inclination, and begat six chil- dren, and never gave his wife cause for complaint. I could ol)tain but an incomplete history of his family. It was certain that his brother was suspected of love for men, and that a nephew became insane as a result of excessive masturlmtion. The patient, alwaj^s peculiar and quick-tempered, for years has been growing more extreme in character. He has become exceedingly sus- picious, and slight opposition to his wishes induces attacks of anger which may become actual raving, and in which he may raise his hand ao"ainst his wife. For a year there have been unmistakable siirns of in- cipient senile dementia. The patient has become forgetful, localizes ])ast events incorrectly, and has false ideas of time. For fourteen months it has been noticed that he manifests attection for certain male servants, especially for a gardener's lioy. Otherwise rude and overbearing to servants, he surfeits his favorite with favors and i)resents, and commands his family and his house officials to treat the boj' with the greatest respect. The aged patient awaits the hour of rendezvous in true sexual excitement. He sends his family away, that he may l)e with his favorite undisturbed, and remains shut up with him for hours ; and when the 1 Die Welt ale Wille uud Vorstellung, 1859, B. ii, p. 461 et seq. 42 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. doors are opened again, lie is found \ying on the bed exhausted. Besides this object of his passion, the patient had intercourse episodically with other servaiits. It is certain that he enticed them, asked them for kisses, exhibited himself, allowed manipulation ad genitalia, and practiced mutual masturbation. By these practices absolute demoralization was brought about. The family was powerless ; for any opposition caused violent outbreaks of anger and even threats against his relatives. The patient was completely without appreciation of his perverse sexual acts; and therefore the only course left to the afflicted family was to remove all authority from his hands and place him in an as^dum. No erotic inclina- tion toward the opposite sex was observed, though the patient occupied a sleeping-apartment with his wife. With reference to the perverse sexu- ality and the defective moral sense of this unfortunate man, it is worthy of note that he questioned the servants of his daughter-in-law as to Tvhether she had a lover. B. Anesthesia Sexualis (Absence op Sexual Feeling). 1. As a Congenital Anomaly. Only those cases can be regarded as unquestionable exam- ples of absence of sexual instinct dependent on cerebral causes, in which, in spite of generative organs normally developed and the performance of their functions (secretion of semen, menstrua- tion), the corresponding emotions of sexual life are absolutely wanting. These functionally sexless individuals are seldom seen, and are, indeed, always persons having degenerative defects, and in whom other functional cerebral disturbances, states of psychical degeneration, and even anatomical signs of degenera- tion, are observed. Legrand du Saulle describes a classical case that falls under this head {Annales medico-psychol.^ May, 1876). Case 3. D., aged 33, had a mother who suffered with insanity of persecution. Tlie mother's fixther also suffered with persecutory insanity, and committed suicide. Her mother was insane, and this woman's mother Ijccame insane in the piierperal state. Three of her mother's children died in babyhood, and tliose that lived longer had an abnormal character. As early as his thirteenth year, D. was troubled with the thought of be- coming insane. At fourteen he attempted suicide. Later, vagabondage, and, as a soldier, repeated insubordination and craz}' pranks. His intel- ligence was very limited ; no sign of degeneration, genitals normal. At seventeen or eighteen he had eniissions of semen, had never mastur])ated or had sexual feeling, and never had sought intercourse with women. Case 4. P., aged 36, common laborer, was received at my clinic. in GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 43 the beginning of Novenil)or on account of spastic spinal paralysis. ITe declares he comes of a healtliy family. A stutterer from his youth. Cranium microcephalic (cf. 5.'} cm.). I'atient somewhat imbecile. He was never sociable, never had a sexual emotion. The sight of a woman never had anything enticing for him. He never had a desire to masturbate. Erections frequent, but only on waiving in the morning with a full bladder, and without a trace of sexual feeling. I'ollutions ver}' infrequent, aliout once a year, in sleep, — and usuall}' while dreaining that he is concerned with a female. These dreams, however, as his dreams in general, are not markedly erotic. He says the act of pollution is not accompanied by an}- pleasurable sensation. Patient does not feel this absence of sexual sensa- tions. He gives the assurance that his brother, aged 34, is in exactly the same sexual condition as himself, and he makes it seem probable that a sister, aged 21, is in a similar state. A younger brother, he sa^^s, is normal sexually. The examination of his genitals reveals nothing abnormal besides phimosis. Hammond ("Sexual Impotence"), even with his wide ex- perience, reports only the following three cases of anaesthesia sexualis : — Case 5. Mr. W., aged 33 ; strong, healthy, with normal genitals. He had never experienced libido, and had vainly sought to awaken his de- fective sexual instinct b}' means of obscene stories and intercourse witli prostitutes. On the occasion of such attempts he experienced only dis- gust, with even a feeling of nausea, and ])ecame nervousl^^ and mentally exhausted. Only once, when he forced the situation, did he have a tran- sitory erection. AV. had never masturbated, and had had })ollutions about once every two months from his seventeenth year. Important interests demanded that he marry. He had no horror feminse^ and longed for a home and a wife, but felt that he was incapable of the sexual act. He died, unmarried, in the American civil w^ar. Case 0. X.,aged 27; genitals normal ; never felt libido. Mechanical or thermic stimuli easily induced erection, ])ut instead of liludo sexualis there was regularly a desire for alcoholic indulgence. 8uch excesses also induced erections, and he then sometimes masturbated. He had a dis- inclination for w^omen and a loathing of coitus. If, with an erection, he made an attempt at coitus, it disappeared at once. Death in coma during an attack of cerebral hyperaemia. Case Y. Mrs. 0., normally developed, healthy, menstruated regu- larly; aged 35, fifteen years married. She never experienced libido, and never had any erotic excitement in sexual intercourse with her husl)and. She was not averse to coitus, and sometimes seemed to experience pleasure in it, but she never had a wish for repetition of cohabitation. 44 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. In connection with such pure cases of anaesthesia there should be considered other cases in which the mental side of the vita sexualis is a blank leaf in the life of the individual, but where elementary sexual sensations manifest themselves at least in masturbation (comp. the transitional Case 6). According to Magnan's ingenious classification, which, however, is not strictly correct and somewhat too dogmatic, in such cases the sexual life is so limited as to be designated spinal. Possibly in some such cases there exists virtually a mental side of the vita sexualis, but it is very weak, and undermined by masturbation before it attains development. These represent the transitional cases from the congenital to the acquired (psychical) anaesthesia sexualis. This danger threatens many masturbators of vicious constitution. It is psychologically interesting that when the sexual element is early vitiated, then an ethical defect is mani- fested. The two following cases, previously published by me in the Archiv filr Psijchiatrle, vii, are given here as illustrations worthy of consideration : — Case 8. F. J., aged 19, student ; mother was nervous, sister epileptic. At the age of four, acute brain affection, lasting two weeks. As a child he was not affectionate, and was cold toward his parents ; as a student he was peculiar, retiring, preoccupied with self, and given to much reading. Well endowed mentally. Masturbation from fifteenth 3'ear. Eccentric after puberty, with continual alternation between religious enthusiasm and materialism, — now studying theology, now natural sciences. At the uni- versity his fellow-students took him for a fool. He read Jean Paul almost exclusivelj^, and wasted his time. Absolute absence of sexual feeling toward the opposite sex. Once he indulged in intercourse, experienced no sexual feeling in the act, found coitus absurd, and did not repeat it. Without any emotional cause whatever, he often had a thought of suicide. He made it the subject of a philosoi)hical dissertation, in which he con- tended that it was, like masturbation, a justifiable act. After repeated ex- periments, which he made on himself with various poisons, he attempted suicide with fift^-seven grains of opium ; but he was saved, and sent to an asylum. Patient is destitute of moral and social feelings. His writings dis- close incredible frivolit}^ and vulgarity. His knowledge is of a wide range, but his logic is peculiarly distorted. There is no trace of emotion- ality. He treats ever3'thing (even the sublime) with incomparable C3'ni- GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 45 cism and irony. He pleads for the justification of suicide with false philosophical premises and conclusions, and, as one would speak of the most indifferent atfair, he declares that he intends to accomplish it. lie regrets (hat his penknife has been taken from him. If he had it he would open his veins as Seneca did, — in the bath. A short time before a friend had given him, instead of a poison as he supposed, a cathartic. Instead of having been a means to send him to the other world, it liad sent him to the water-closet. Only the Great Operator could eradiculc his foolish and fatal idea l)y removing his senses, etc. The patient has a large, rhombic, distorted skull, the left half of the forehead being flatter than the right. The occiput is very straight. Ears far back, widely projecting, and the external meatus forms a narrow slit. Genitals very lax ; testicles unusually soft and small. Now and then the patient suffers with onomatomania. He is com- pelled to think of the most useless problems and give up to an inter- minable distressing and worrying thought ; and is so fatigued after it that he is no longer capable of any rational thought. Alter some inonths the patient was sent home unimproved. There he spent his time in reading and frivolities, and busied himself with the thought of founding a new Christianity, because Christ had been subject to grand delusions and had deceived the world with wonders (!). After remaining at home some years the sudden occurrence of a maniacal outhn-ak brought him again to the asylum. He presented a mixture of [)rimordial delirium of persecution Cdevil, anti-christ, persecution, poisoning, persecutory voices) and delusions of grandeur (Christ, redemption of the world), with im- pulsive, incoherent actions. Alter five months there Avas a remission of this intercurrent acute mental disease, and the patient returned to the level of his original intellectual peculiarity and moral defect. Case 9. E., aged 30, journeyman-painter, was arrested while trying to cut oft' the scrotum of a l)oy he had caught in the woods, lie gave as a motive for this act that he wished to cut into it in order that the world should not multii)ly. Often in his youth, with like purpose, he had cut into his own genitals. It is impossible to learn anything of his ancestry. From his child- hood he was mentally abnormal, violent, ncA'cr livel}', very irritable, irascible, selfish, and weak-minded. He hated women, loved solitude, and read much. He sometimes laughed to himself and did silly things. Of late years his hatred of women had increased, especially of those that were pregnant, they being responsible for the misery of the world. He also hated children, and cursed his father. He entertained communistic ideas, and berated the rich and the ministr}', and God, Avho had allowed him to come into the world so poor. He declared that it would be better to castrate all children than to alloAV others to come into the world that could only be fated to endure poverty and misery. He had alwa^'s had the intentio'i, from his fifteenth year, to castrate himself, in order to have 46 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. no part in increasing unhappiness and adding to the number of men. He hated tlie female sex because it was a means of procreation. Ouly twice in his life had he allowed women to practice manustupration on him, and, with the exception of this, he had never had anything to do with them. Occasionally he had sexual desire, but never for a natural satisfaction of it. When nature did not help him, he occasionally helped himself by means of masturbation. He is a powerful, muscular man. The formation of the genitals pre- sents no abnormality. On the scrotum and penis are numerous scars, which resulted from his attempts at self-emasculation, but which, he asserts, were not carried out on account of pain. Genu valgum of right limb. No evidence of onanism could be discovered. He is moody, defiant, irritable. Social feelings are absolutely foreign to him. With the exception of imperfect sleep and frequent headaches, there are no functional disturbances. From cases of this kind, depending on cerebral causes, there must be distinguished others where the absence of func- tion arises from an absence or malformation of the generative organs, as in certain hermaphrodites, idiots, and cretins. A case belonging here is found in Masclika's hand-book. Case 10. Complainant pleads for divorce on account of impotence of her husband, who has never had intercourse with her. She is thirty- one years old, and a virgin. The husband is somewhat weak mentally, physically strong ; the genitals well developed. He declares that he has never had a complete erection or a flow of semen, and says that he is totally inditi'erent about intercourse with women. Ultzmann's^ observations show that anaesthesia sexuaUs is not caused by aspermia simply. He shows that even in con- genital aspermia the vita sexualis and sexual power may be entirely satisfying ; an additional proof that defective libido ah origme is to be sought for in cerebral conditions. The naturoi frlgklas of Zacchias are examples of a milder form of anaesthesia. They are met more frequently among women than among men. The characteristic signs of this anomaly are : slight inclination to sexual intercourse, or pro- nounced disinclination to coitus without sexual equivalent, and » " Ueber mannliche Sterilitat," Wiener med. Presse, 1878, Nr. 1. " Ueber Potentia generandi et coeundi," Wiener Klinik, 1885, Heft 1, 8. 5. Translated under the title of Genlto-Urinary Neuroses, etc. The F. A. Davis Company, Philadelphia, GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 4:7 failure of corresponding psychical, pleasurable excitation during coitus, which is indulged in simply from sense of duty. I have often had occasion to hear com[)laints froQi husbands about tliis. In such cases the wives have always proved to be neuropathic ah origine. Some were at the same time hysterical. 2. Acquired Aneesthesia. Acquired diminution of sexual instinct, extending througli all degrees to extinction, may depend on various causes. These may be organic and functional, psychical and somatic, central and peripheral. The diminution of libido, as age advances, and its temporary disappearance alter the sexual act, are physio- logical. The variations witli reference to tlie duration of the sexual instinct are dependent upon individual factors. Educa- tion and manner of life have a great influence upon the intensity of the vita sexualis. Intense mental activity (hard study), physi- cal exertion, emotional depression, and sexual continence de- cidedly diminish sexual inclination. Continence at first induces increase, but sooner or later, according to constitutional condi- tions, the activity of the generative organs decreases, and with it libido. At all events, in a person sexually mature, a close connection exists between the activity of the generative glands and the degree of libido. That this relation is not determinate is shown by the cases of sensual women, who, after the climac- terium, continue to have sexual intercourse, and may mani- fest states of sexual excitement (cerebral). Also in eunuchs it is seen that libido may long outlast the production of semen. On the other hand, however, experience teaches that libido is essentially conditioned by the function of the generative glands, and that the facts mentioned are exceptional manifesta- tions. As peripheral causes of diminution or extinction of libido, may be mentioned castration, degeneration of the sexual glands, marasmus, sexual excesses in the form of coitus and masturba- tion, and alcoholism [cocainism]. In the same way, the disap- pearance of libido in general disturbances of nutrition (diabetes, morphinism, etc.) may be explained. Finally, the atrophy of 48 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. the testicles should be remembered, which has sometimes been observed to follow focal lesions of the brain (cerebellum). A diminution of the vita sexualis, from degeneration of the tracts of the cord and genito-spinal centre, occurs in diseases of the spinal cord and brain. A central interference with the sexual instinct may be organically induced by cortical disease (dementia paralytica in its advanced stages); functionally, by hysteria (central anaesthesia ]) and emotional insanity (melan- cholia, hypochondria). C. Hyperesthesia (Abnormally Increased Sexual Desire). Pathology has no easy task," in the single case, when it has to decide whether the impulse to sexual satisfaction has reached a pathological degree. Emminghaus (" Psycliopathologie," p. 225) declares that the immediate re-awakening of desire after satisfaction, with its occu[)ation of the entire attention, and no less the excitation of libido hj the siglit of persons and things which in themselves should have but an indifferent sexual effect, are decidedly abnormal. In general, sexual instinct and its corresponding needs are in proportion to pliysical strength and age. Sexual desire rapidly increases after puberty, until it reaches a marked degree; is strongest from the twentieth to the fortieth year, and then slowly decreases. Married life seems to preserve and control the instinct. Sexual intercourse with many persons increases the desire. Since woman has less sexual need than man, a predominat- ing sexual desire in her arouses a suspicion of its pathological significance; and the more, when this finds expression in desire for adornment, coquetry, or male society, which, passing beyond the limits set by good breeding and manners, becomes quite noticeable. The constitution, in both sexes, is of the greatest signifi- cance. An abnormally strong sexual instinct is frequently accompanied by a neuropathic constitution ; and such individuals pass a great part of their lives heavily burdened w ith the weight of this constitutional anomaly of their sexual life. The power of the sexual impulse in such cases may at times rise to the GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 49 importance of an organic necessity, and really endanger the freedom of the will. The want of satisfaction of this impulsive desire may, under such conditions, induce a condition allied to actual rutting, or a psychical condition, accompanied by emotions of fear, in which the individual gives up to tlie impulse, and responsibility becomes doubtful. If the individual does not give up to his powerful impulse, he is in danger, by reason of his enforced abstinence, of ruining his nervous system by inducing a neurasthenia, or seriously increasing such a con- dition if it be already present. In normally constituted indi- viduals, too, the sexual instinct is an inconstant quantity. Aside from the temporary indifference following satisfaction, and the diminution of sexual desire in long-continued con- tinence after a certain reactionary stage of sexual desire is overcome, the manner of life has a great influence. Those living in large cities, who are constantly reminded of sexual things and incited to sexual enjoyment, certainly have more sexual desire than those living in the country. A dissipated, luxurious, sedentary manner of life, preponderance of animal food, and the consumption of spirits, spices, etc., have a stimu- lating influence on the sexual life. In woman the sexual inclination is post-menstrually increased. At this time, in neuropathic women, the excitement may reach a pathological degree. The great libido of consumptives is remarkable. Hofmann tells of a consumptive peasant who satisfied his wife sexually on the evening before his death. The sexual acts are coitus (eventually rape) and, fauie cle mieux, masturbation ; and, with defective moral sense, pederasty or bestiality. If sexual power is diminished or ex- tinct, with excessive sexual desire, all manner of perversity of sexual acts becomes possible. Excessive libido may be peripherally or centrally induced. The former manner of origin is the more infrequent. Pruritus and eczema of the genitals may cause it ; and likewise certain substances, like cantharides, which powerfully stimulate sexual desire. Not infrequently, in women at the climacteric, sexual 50 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. excitement occurs, occasioned by pruritus; and also in cases where there is neuropathic taint. Magnan {Aiinales medico- psycliol.^ 1885, p. 157) reports the case of a lady who was afflicted mornings with attacks of frightful erethismus genitalis, and the case of a man, aged 55, who was tormented at night by unbearable priapism. In each case there was a neurosis. The central origin of sexual excitement is of frequent occurrence^ in persons having neurotic taint or hysteria, and in conditions of psychical exaltation. Here, where the cortex and the psycho-sexual centre are in a condition of hyperses- thesia (abnormal excitability of the imagination, increased ease of association), not only visual and tactile impressions, but also auditory and olfactory sensations, may be sufficient to call up lascivious concepts. Magnan {op. cit.) reports the case of a young woman who had an increasing sexual desire from puberty, and satisfied it by masturbation. Gradually she grew to become sexually excited at the sight of any man pleasing to her ; and, since she was unable to control herself, she would some^mes shut herself up in a room until the storm had passed. At last she gave herself up to men of her choice, that she might get i-est from her tormenting desire ; but neither coitus nor masturbation brought relief, and she went to an asylum. The case of a mother of five children is added, who, in despair about her inordinate sexual impulse, attempted suicide, and then songht an asylum. There her condition improved, but she never trusted herself to leave it. There are several illustrative cases in men and women in the author's article, " On Certain Anomalies of Sexual Instinct," Cases 6 and 7 {ArcJiiv fiir Psycliiatrie^ vii, 2) ; Cases 3 and 5 are given here. * In individuals in whom intense sexual hypersesthesia is associated with acquired irritable weakness of the sexual apparatus, it is possible that simply at tlie sight of a pleasing female figure, without peripheral irritation of the genitals, not only the mechanism of erection, but also that of ejaculation, may be excited to action from the psycho-sexual centre. For such individuals, all that is necessary to induce orgasm, or even ejaculation, is to imagine themselves in a sexual situation with a female that sits opposite them in railway- coupe or drawing-room. Hammond {op. cit., p. 40) describes several cases of this kind that came to him for treatment for impotence that followed ; and he mentions that these Individuals used the term "ideal coitus " for the act. Dr. Moll, of Berlin, told me of a similar case ; and in this instance the same designation was chosen for the act. GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 51 Case 11. On the afternoon of Jnly 7, 1874, Clemens, engineer, being on his way, on business, from Trieste to Vienna, left the train at the town of Brnck, and, passing through the town to the neighljoring village of St. Ruprecht, attempted a rape on an old woman, aged 70, whom he found alone in a house. He was seized by the neighljors and arrested l)y the local })olice. At his hearing he declared that he had tried to find the pound, in order to satisfy his sexual desire with a bitch. lie said that he often suftered with such' sexual excitement. lie did not deny his act, but excused it as the result of disease. The heat, the motion of the cars, and anxiety al)Out his family, to which he wished to go, had confusc^d him and made him ill. Shame and remorse were not sliowu. His con- duct was open, his mien gay ; eyes red and ])right, head hot, tongue coated ; pulse full, soft, beating over 100 ; fingers somewhat tremulous. The state- ments of the accused were precise, but hurried; his glance uncertain, and with an unmistakable expression of lasciviousness. To the medical expert summoned to examine him, he gave the impression of one suli'ering with disease, — as if he were in the beginning of alcoholic insanity. C. is forty-five years old, married, father of one child. He does not know what diseases his parents or other members of his I'amily have had. In childhood he was weak and neuropathic. At the age of five his head was injured by a blow with a hoe. A scar one-half cm. broad by one proaching the climacterium, and of late the menses have been profuse and too frequent. Since this period she is pleased to note that the previously powerful sexual impulse has declined. Proper behavior. Slight degree of descensus uteri and prolapsus ani. Hypersesthesia sexualis may be continuously present with exacerbations, or it may be intermittent or periodic. In the latter case it is a cerebral neurosis per se (vide " Special Pathology"), or an accomi)anying symptom of a condition of general psychical excitement (mania ; episodically in dementia paralytica, dementia senilis, etc.). Lentz has published a remarkable case of intermittent satyriasis {BiiUefm de la societe de med. legale de Belgiqite, Nr. 21):— Case 13. For three years the generally respected farmer D., married, aged 35, has manifested states of sexual excitement, with increasing fre- quency and severity, which, during the past year, have liecome true paroxysms of satj'riasis. It was impossible to discover hereditary or other organic cause. D. was compelled, at times when his sexual ex- citement was excessiA^e, to perform the sexual act from ten to fifteen times in twenty-four hours, without deriving any feeling of satistaction. Gradually he developed a condition of general nervous h3'per-irrital)ility (erethisme. (jeneral) with increased emotional irritability to the extent of pathologietil outbreaks of anger, and impulse to over-indulgence in alco- hol, which induced s3'mptoms of alcoholism. His attacks of satyriasis became so violent that consciousness was interfered with, and the patient raged about in blind impulse to sexual acts. He demanded that his wife give herself to other men or to animals in his presence ; that she allow copulation with him^presentibus Jiliahus^hecsiXx^Q this would afford him 54 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. greater enjoyment. Memory for the events at the height of these attacks, in which the extreme irritability even led to outbreaks of maniacal rage, was entirely wanting. D. himself thought tliat he must have had moments in which he no longer had control of his senses, and without satisfaction from his wife would have been compelled to seize the next best female. After an attack of violent emotion, these attacks of sexual excitement suddenly disappeared entirel3\ The two following cases show how powerful, dangerous, and painful sexvial hypersesthesia may become in those afflicted with this anomaly : — Case 14. Ht/peraesthesia Sexualis — Delirium Acutum ex Ahstinentia. — On May 29, 1882, F., aged 29, single, shoemaker, was received at the clinic. Father was of passionate temper; mother neuropathic, and had an insane brother. Patient had never been seriously ill previously, and was not a drinker, but had always been sexuall}- very passionate. Five days before, he was taken acutel}" ill mentally. He made two attempts at rape in broad daylight, before witnesses, and when arrested talked in delirium onl^' of obscene things, and masturbated without stint, and for three days had been raving mad. On admission lie presented the picture of a severe acute delirium, with violent motor symptoms of irri- tation, and fever. Under treatment with ergotin a cure was etfected. On January 5, 1888, second admission, in a state of violent mania. On January 4, he had become morose, irritable, whining, and sleepless ; and then, after vain assaults on women, had manifested sjmptoms of increasing angry excitement. On January 6, progress of the condition to severe acute delirium (great disturbance of consciousness, jactation, grinding of the teeth, grimacing, and other motor symptoms of irritation ; temperature as high as 40.7° C.) ; impulsive masturbation. Recovery was complete b}' January 11, under energetic treatment with ergotin. After his recovery the patient gives an interesting account of the cause of his illness. Always ver}' passionate sexually ; first coitus at the age of sixteen. Continence caused headache, great psj'chical irrita- bility, lassitude, great loss of pleasure in work, and sleeplessness. Since he had few opportunities in the country to satisfy his desire, he had recourse to mastiu'bation. It was necessary for him to masturbate once or twice dail}'. No coitus in two months. Increasing sexual excitement ; could think of nothing save means for the gratification of his impulse. Masturbation was not suflScient to banish the constantly increasing torment ex ahstinentia. During the last four days violent impulse to coitus ; increasing sleeplessness and irritabilit}-. There was only a sum- marj' recollection of the height of the illness. Patient recovered in GENERAL PATHOLOGY. 55 December. A very respectable man ; he considers his inordinate desire decidedly pathological, and is anxious about his future. Case 15. On July 11, 1884, K., aged 33, servant, was admitted sufter- ing with paranoia persecutoria and neurasthenia sexualis. Mother was neuropathic; father died of spinal disease. From childhood he luul :iii intense sexual desire, of which he became conscious as early as his sixth year. From tliis age, masturbation ; from fifteenth year, f ante de mieux, pederasty ; occasionally, sodomitic indulgences. Later, abusus coitus in marriage cum uxore. Now and then even perverse impulse to commit eunnilingus and to administer cantharides to his wife, because her libido did not equal his own. His wife died after a short i)eriod of married life. Patient's circumstances became straightened, and he had no means to indulge himself sexuall3^ Then masturbation again; employment of lingua canis to induce ejaculation. At times, priapism and conditions approaching satyriasis. He was then driven to masturbate, in order not to become stuporous. Beneficial diminution of the libido nimia, with the gradually predominating sexual neurasthenia and hypochondria. The following case, valuable for an understanding of many Messalinas, some of whom are historically celebrated, is a classical example of pure hyperaesthesia sexualis, which I take from Trelat's "Folic lucide": — Case 16. Mrs. V. has suffered with a passion for men since her earliest youth. Of good family, well l)red, of pleasant disposition, ex- ceedingly modest, she was, as a little girl, a terror to her familj-, because she could scarcely be alone with a person of the opposite sex, no matter whether it was with child or man of any age, without exposing herself immediately and demanding satisfaction for her sexual passion, even going so far as to lay hold of him. An attempt was made to cure her by marriage. She loved her husband passionately, but even with him she could not keep from demanding coitus of every one with whom she could be alone, no matter whether it was servant, laborer, or school-bo}'. Nothing could cure her of this impulse. Even when she became a grandmother, she was still a Messalina. One day she locked a twelve-j'ear- old boy in her room and tried to seduce him. The boy defended himself and escaped. She was scA'erely punished by his brother. All was in vain. She was put in a cloister. There she was an example of morality, and gave not the slightest cause for blame. Immediately after her return the scandal began again. The family banished her, and set aside money to support her. She earned by her own hand-work enough to buy herself lovers. Any one seeing this neatly dressed matron, of good manners and amiable disposition, would never suspect how recklessly passionate she still was at the age of sixtj^-five. On January T, 1854, her family, in 56 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. despair at new scandals, placed her in an asylum. She lived there until May, 1858, when she died of apoplexia cerebri, in her seventy -third year. Her conduct in the asylum was exemplary. Left to herself, and under favorable conditions, her sexual impulses manifested themselves shortly before her death. With the exception of this, during an observation of four j'ears by physicians of the asylum, she never showed a sign of mental abnormality. D. Paresthesia op Sexual Feeling (Perversion op the Sexual Instinct). In this condition there is perverse emotional coloring of the sexual ideas. Ideas physiologically and psychologically ac- companied by feelings of disgust, give rise to pleasurable sexual feelings ; and the abnormal association finds expression in passionate, uncontrollable emotion. The practical results are perverse acts (perversion of the sexual instinct). This is more easily the case if the pleasurable feelings, increased to passionate intensity, inhibit any opposing ideas with corresponding feelings of disgust ; or the influence of sucli opposing concepts may be impossible on account of the absence or loss of all ideas of morality, aesthetics, and law. This loss, however, is only too frequently found wliere the spring of ethical ideas and feelings (a normal sexual instinct) has been poisoned from the begin- ning. With opportunity for the natural satisfaction of the sexual instinct, every expression of it that does not correspond with the purpose of nature, — i.e., propagation, — must be regarded as per- verse. The perverse sexual acts resulting from paraesthesia are of the greatest importance clinically, socially, and forensically ; and, therefore, they must here receive careful consideration ; all aesthetic and polite disgust must be overcome. Perversion of the sexual instinct, as will be seen from what follows, is not to be confounded with perversity in the sexual act ; since the latter may be induced by conditions which are not psych opathology. The concrete perverse act, monstrous as it may be, is not decisive. In order to differentiate between disease (perversion) and vice (perversity), one must investigate the whole personality of tlie individual and the original impulse SADISM. 57 leading to the perverse act. Therein will be found the key of diagnosis (v. infra). Paraesthesia may occur in combination with h}']iera3sthesia. Tliis association seems to be frequent clinically. Sexual acts are then confidently to be expected. The perverse direction of sexual activity may be toward sexual satisfaction with the opposite or the same sex. Thus two great groups of perver- sions of the sexual life may be distinguished. 7. Sexual Inclination toward Persons of the Opposite Sex, with Perverse Activity of the Instinct. 1. Association of Active Cruelty and Violence irith Lnst — Sadism} — That lust and cruelty frequently occur together is a fact that has long been recognized and not infrequently observed. Writers of all kinds have called attention to this phenomenon.^ The not infrequent cases where individuals of very excitable sexual natures bite or scratch the companion in intercourse fall within physiological limits.^ The older authors have called attention to the relation between lust and cruelty. Blumroder (" TJeber Irresein," Leipzig, 1836, p. 51) saw a man who had several wounds bitten into the pectoral muscle, which a woman, in great sexual excitement, had given him at the acme of lustful feeling during coitus. Blumroder (" Ueber Lust und Schmerz," Friedreich's Magazin fur Seelenkunde, 1830, ii, 5) calls especial attention to the ps^'- chological connection between lust and murder. In relation to this, he especially refers to the Indian myths of Siva and Durga (Death and Lust) ; to human sacrifice with sensual mysteries ; and to sexual instinct at puberty with a lustful impulse to suicide, with whipping, pinching, and pricking of the genitals, in the blind impulse to satisf^^ sexual desire. Lombroso (" Verzeni e Agnoletti," Rome, 1874) also cites numerous exam- ples of the occurrence of a desire to murder with greatl}' increased lust. 1 So named from the notorious Marquis de Sade, whose obscene novels treated of lust and cruelty. In French literature the expression " Sadism "has been applied to this perversion. 2 U. A. Novalis, in his " Fragments " \ Gorres, " Christliche Mystik," Bd. iii, p. 460. ' Comp. also Alfred deMusset's famous verses to the Audalusian ^irl : — " Qu'elle est superbe en son d6sordre — quand elle tonibe les seiiis nus — Qu'on la volt, b^ante, se tordre — dans un baiser de rage et mordre — En hurlant des mots inconnus I" 58 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. On the other hand, when murderous hist has been excited, lust itself often follows. Lombroso (ojJ. cit.) alludes to the fact, mentioned by Mantegazza, that, with fea,r of being plundered by bandits, there was always a dread of brutal lust.^ These examples form transitions to the pronounced pathological cases. The examples of the degenerate Caesars (Nero, Tiberius) are also instructive. They took delight in having j'ouths and maidens slaughtered before their eyes. Not less so is the history of that monster, Marsehalls Gilles de Rays (Jacob, " Curiosit^s de I'histoire de France," Paris, 1858), who was executed in 1440, on account of mutilation and murder, which he had practiced for eight years on more than eight hundred children. As the monster confessed it, it was from reading Suetonius and the djescrip- tions of the orgies of Tiberius, Caracalla, etc., that the idea was gained of locking children in his castles, torturing them, and then killing them. This inhuman wretch confessed that in the commission of these acts he enjoyed inexpressil:»Ie pleasure. He had two assistants. The bodies of the unfortunate children were burned, and onl}' a number of heads of particularly beautiful children were preserved — as memorials. In an attempt to explain the association of lust and cruelty, it is necessary to return to a consideration of the quasi-physio- logical cases, in which, at the moment of most intense lust, very excitable individuals, who are otherwise normal, commit such acts as biting and scratching, wliich are usually the result of anger. It must further be remembered that love and anger are not only tlie most intense emotions, but also the only two forms of active (sthenic) emotion. Both seek their object, try to possess themselves of it, and naturally exhaust themselves in a physical effect on it ; both throw the psycho-motor sphere into the most intense excitement, and thus, by means of this excita- tion, reach their normal expression. From this stand-point it is clear how lust impels to acts that otherwise are expressive of anger.^ The one, like the 1 During the excitement of battle the idea of lust forces its way into consciousness. Comp. the description of a battle by a soldier, by Grillparzer : — " And as the signal rang out, the armies met, breast to breast — lust of the gods I — here, there, the murderous steel slays enemy, friend. Given and taken — death and life — with wavering change — wildly raging in frenzy." 2 Schulz (Wiener Med. Wochenschrift, No. 49, 1869) reports a remarkable case of a man, aged 28, who could perform coitus with his wife only after working himself into an artificial fit of anger. SADISM. 59 other, is a state of exaltation, an intense excitation of tlie wliole psycho-motor spliere. Thus tliere arises an impulse to react on tlie object that induces the stimulus, in every possible way, and with the greatest intensity. Just as maniacal exaltation easily passes to furibund destructivencss, exaltation of the sexual emotion often induces an impulse to expend itself in senseless and apparently harmful acts. To a certain extent these are psychical accompaniments; but it is not simply an unconscious excitation of innervation of muscles (which also sometimes occurs as blind violence) ; it is a true hyperbulia, a desire to exert the most intense effect on the individual crivhiir rise to the stimulus. The most intense means, however, is the infliction of pain. Through such cases of infliction of pain, during the most intense emotion of lust, we approach the cases in which a real injury, wound, or death, is inflicted on the victim.' In these cases, the impulse to cruelty, which may accompany the emotion of lust, becomes unbounded in a psychopathic individual; and, at the same time, owing to defect of moral feeling, all normal inhibitory ideas are absent or weakened. Such monstrous, sadistic acts have, however, in men, in whom they are much more fre(iuent than in women, another source in physiological conditions. In the intercourse of the sexes, the active or aggres- sive role belongs to man ; woman remains passive, defensive." It affords a man great pleasure to wdn a woman, to conquer her; and in the ars aimmdi^ the modesty of a w^oman who keeps herself on the defensive until the moment of surrender, is an element of great psychological significance and im- portance. Under normal conditions a man meets obstacles which it is his part to overcome, and for which nature has given him an aggressive character. This aggressive char- acter, however, under pathological conditions, may likewise be excessively developed, and express itself in an impulse * Concerning analogous acts in rutting animals, vide Lombroso, " The Criminal." '■* Among- animals it is always the male who pursues the female with proffers of love. Playful or actual flight of the female is not infrequently observed ; and then the relation is like that between the beast of prey and the victim. 60 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. to subdue absolutely the object of desire, even to destroy or kill it.^'^ If both these constituent elements occur together, — the abnormally intensified impulse to a violent reaction toward the object of the stimulus, and the abnormally intensified desire to conquer the woman, — then the most violent outbreaks of sadism occur. Sadism is thus nothing else than an excessive and mon- strous pathological intensification of phenomena, — possible, too, in normal conditions in rudimental forms, — which accom- pany the psychical vita sexualis, particularly in males. It is, of course, not at all necessary, and not even the rule, that the sadistic individual should be conscious of his instinct. What he feels is, as a rule, only the impulse to cruel and violent treatment of tlic opposite sex, and the coloring of the idea of such acts with lustful feelings. Thus arises a powerful impulse to commit the imagined deeds. When the actual motive of this instinct is not comprehended by the individual, the sadistic acts have the character of impulsive deeds. When the association of lust and cruelty is present, not only does the lustful emotion awaken the impulse to cruelty, but vice versa ; cruel ideas and acts cause sexual excitement, and in this way are used by perverse individuals.^ 1 The conquest of woman takes place to-day in the social form of courting, in seduc- tion and deception. From the history of civilization and anthropology we know that there have been times, as there are savages to-day that practice it, wliere brutal force, robbery, or even blows that made a woman powerless, were made use of to obtain love's desire. It is possible that tendencies to such outbreaks of sadism are atavistic. 2 In the Jahrbiicher fi\r Psychologic, ii, p. 128, Sehafer (Jena) refers to tlie reports of two cases by A. Payer. In the first case states of great sexual excitement were induced by the sitjht of battles or of paintings of them ; in the second, by cruel torturing of small animals {vide Case 24). It is added : " The pleasure of battle and murder is so predomi- nantly an attribute of the male sex throughout the animal kingdom, that there can be no question about the close relation existing between this side of the masculine character and male sexuality. I believe, too, that by unprejudiced observation I can show that, in men who are absolutely normal mentally and physically, the first indefinite and incom- prehensible precursors of sexual excitement may be induced by reading exciting scenes of the chase and war, — i.e., they give rise to unconscious longings for a kind of satisfaction in warlike games (wrestling), in which, also, the fundamental sexual impulse to the most perfect and intense contact with a companion is expressed, with the more or less clearly defined secondary thought of conquest." 3 It sometimes happens that an accidental sight of blood, etc., is what first excites the preformed psychical mechanism of the sadistic individual, and awakens the instinct. SADISM. 61 A difFerentiation of original and acquired cases of sadism is scarcely possible. Many individuals, tainted ah origine^ tor a long time do every tiling to conquer the perverse instinct. If they are potent, at first they arc able to lead a normal vita sexualis, often with the assistance of subjective ideas of a per- verse nature. Later, after the opposing motives of an ethical and aesthetic kind have been gradually overcome, and after the constantly repeated experience tliat the natural act does not bring complete satisfaction, the abnormal instinct bursts forth. Owing to this late expression, in acts, of an originally perverse disposition, the appearances are those of an accjuired perversion. As a rule, it may be safely assumed that this psychopathic state exists ah origiue. Sadistic acts vary in monstrousness with variation in tlie power of the perverse instinct over the individual afflicted, and with variation in the strength of opposing ideas that may be present, which almost always are more or less weakened by original ethical defect, hereditary degeneracy, or moral insanity. Thus there arises a long series of forms which begins with capital crime and ends with silly acts which afford the perverse desires of the sadistic individual merely symbolic satisfaction. Sadistic acts may be further differentiated with reference to their nature : either as they are indulged in after consum- mated coitus by which the libido nimia remains unsatisfied ; or, with diminished virility, as they are used to stimulate tlie diminished power ; or, finally, where virility is absolutely want- ing, as tliey become an equivalent for the impossible coitus, for the hiduction of ejaculation. In the last two cases, notwith- standing the impotence, there is still intense libido ; or tliere was, at least, intense libido in the individual at the time when the sadistic acts became habitual. Sexual hypertesthesia is always to be regarded as the basis of sadistic inclinations. The impotence which occurs so frequently in the psychopathic and neuropathic individuals here considered, as a result ol* excesses indvdged in from early youth, is usually dependent upon spinal weakness. Often, too, there is a kind of psychical impottMice, induced by concentration of thought on the perverse act witli 62 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. simultaneous fading of the idea of normal satisfaction. No matter what the external form of the act may be, the mentally perverse predisposition and instinct of the individual are essential to an understanding of it. (a) Lust-Murder^ {Lust Potentiated as Cruelty^ Murderous Lust Extending to Anthropophagy). — The most horrible ex- ample, and one which most pointedly shows the connection between lust and a desire to kill, is the case of Andreas Bichel, which Feuerbach published in his " aktenmiissige Darstellung merkw iirdiger Verbrechen." B. puellas stupratas necavit et dissecuit. With reference to one of his victims, at his examination he expressed himself as follows : " I opened her breast and with a knife cut through the fleshy parts of the body. ' Then I arranged the body as a butcher does a beef, and hacked it with an axe into })ieces of a size to fit the hole which I had prepared up iu the mountain for burying it. I may say that while opening the bod}' I was so greedy that I trembled, and could have cut out a piece and eaten it." Lombroso, too (" Geschlechtstrieb und Verbrechen in ihren gegen- seitigen Beziehungen." Goltdammer's Archiv, Bd. xxx), mentions cases falling in the same category. A certain Phillipe indulged in choking l)rostitutes, post-actum, and said : " I am fond of women, but it is sport for me to choke them after having enjoyed them." A certain Grassi (Lombroso, op. cit., p. 12) was one night seized with sexual desire for a relative. Irritated by her remonstrance, he stabbed her several times in the abdomen with a knife, and also stabbed her father and uncle who attempted to hold him back. Immediately thereafter he hastened to visit a prostitute in order to cool his sexual passion in her arms. But this was not sufficient. He then murdered his father and slaucfhtered several oxen in the stable. '&' It cannot be doubted, from what has gone before, tliat a great number of so-called lust-murders depend upon a combi- nation of hypersesthesia and parsesthesia sexualis. As a result of this perverse coloring of tlie feelings, further acts of bestiality with the body may result,— e.g., cutting it up and wallowing in the intestines. The case of Bichel points to this possibility. A modern example is that of Menesclou {Amiales ^Comp. Mctzgei's ger. Arzneiw., herausgegcben von Remer, p. 539 ; Klein's Aii- naleu, x, \>. 176, xviii, p. 311; Hcinroth, System der psych, ger. Med., p. 270; Neuer Pitaval, 1855, 23, Th. (Fall Blaize Ferrage). SADISM. 63 dlnjgiene piMlque), who was examined by Lasegue, Biouardel, and Motet, declared to be mentally sound, and executed. Case IT. A four-3'ear-old girl was missing from her parents' home, April 15, 1880. On April 16th, Menesclou, one of the occupants of the house, was arrested. The forearm of the child was found in his pocket, and the head and entrails, in a half-burned condition, were taken from the stove. Parts of the body were found in the water-closet. The genitals could not be found. M., when asked their whereabouts, became eml)ar- rassed. The circumstances, as well as an obscene poem found on his person, left no doubt that he had violated the child and then nmrdered her. M. expressed no remorse, asserting that his deed was an accident. His intelligence is limited. He presents no anatomical signs of degen- eration ; is somewhat deaf, and scrofulous. M., aged 20 ; convulsions at the age of nine months. Later, he suf- fered from poor sleep (enuresis nocturna) ; was nervous, and developed tardily and imperfectly. From the time of puberty he was irritable, showed evil inclinations ; was lazy ; could not be taught, and in all trades proved to be of no use. He grew no better even in the House of Cor- rection. He was made a marine, but there, too, he proved usi'less. When he returned home he stole from his parents, and spent his time in bad company. He did not run after women, but gave himself up passionate!}' to masturbation, and occasionally indulged in sodomy with bitches. His mother suffered with mania menstrualis periodica. An uncle was insane, and another an inebriate. The examination of M.'s brain showed morbid changes of the frontal lobes, of the first and second temporal convolutions, and of a part of the occipital convolutions. Case 18. Alton, a clerk in I]ngland, goes out of town for a walk. He lures a child into a thicket, and returns after a time to his office, where he makes this entry in his note-book : " Killed to-day a young girl ; it was fine and hot." The child was missed, searched for, and found cut into pieces. Many parts, and among them the genitals, could not be found. A. did not show the slightest trace of emotion, and gave no explanation of the motive or circumstances of his horrible deed. He was a psycho- pathic individual, and occasionally subject to states of de[)ression with tedium vitfie. His father had had one attack of acute mania. A near relative suffered from mania with homicidal impulses. A. was executed. In such cases it may even happen tliat appetite for lli(> tiesli of the murdered victim arises, and, in consequence of this per- verse coloring of the idea, parts of the body may be eaten. Case 19. Leger, vine-dresser, aged 24. From youth moody, silent, shy of people. He starts out in search of a situation. He wanders about eight days in the forest, there catches a girl twelve years old, violates her, 64 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. mutilates her genitals, tears out her heart, eats of it, drinks the blood, and buries the remains. Arre-sted, at first he lied, but finally confessed his crime with cynical cold-bloodedness. He listened to his sentence of death with indifference, and was executed. At the post-mortem exami- nation, Esquirol found morbid adhesions between the cerebral membranes and the brain (Gorget, " Darstellung der Prozesse Leger, Feldtmann," etc., Darmstadt, 1827). Case 20. Tirsch, hospital beneficiary of Prag, aged 55, always silent, peculiar, coarse, very irritable, grumbling, revengeful, was sentenced to twenty j^ears' imprisonment, on account of violating a girl ten years old. He had attracted attention on account of outbursts of anger from insig"- nificant causes, and also on account of ta?dium vitae. In 1864, on account of the refusal of an oflfer of marriage which he niade to a widow, he devel- oped a hatred toward women, and on July 8th he went about with the intention of killing one of this hated sex. Yetulam occurentem in silvam allexit, coitum i)0})oscit, renitentem prostravit, jugulum feminte compressit " furore captus." Cadaver virga betula? desecta verberare voluit neque tamen id perfecit, quia conscientia sua haec fieri vetuit, cultello mammae et genitalia desecta domi cocta proximis diebus cum globis comedit. On September 12th, when he was arrested, the remains of this meal were found. He gave as the motive of this act " inner impulse." He himself wished to be executed because he had always been persecuted. In confinement there were great emotional irritability and occasional outbursts of fury, preceded by refusal of food, which made isolation, lasting several days, necessary. It was authoritatively established that the most of his earlier excesses were coincident with outbreaks of excitement and fury (Maschka, Prager Vierteljahrsschrift^ 1866, i, p. 79). The AVhitechapel murderer, who still eludes the vigilance of the police, probably belongs in tliis category of psycho-sexual monsters.^ The constant absence of uterus, ovaries, and labia, in the victims (ten) of this modern Bluebeard, allows the pre- sumption that he seeks and finds still further satisfaction in 'anthropo])liagy. • In other cases of lust-murder, for physical and mental reasons {vide supra), violation is omitted, and the sadistic crime alone becomes the equivalent of coitus. The prototype of such cases is the following one of Verzeni. The life of his victim hung on the rapid or retarded occurrence of ejaculation. Since ^ Comp. Spitzka, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, December, 1888 ; Kiernau, The Medical Standard, November, December, 1888. SADISM. 65 this remarkable case presents all the peculiarities which modern science knows concerning the relation of lust to lust-murder with anthropophagy, and especially since it was carefully studied, it receives detailed description here : — Case 21. Vincenz Verzeni, born in 1849; ^ince January 11, 1872, in prison; is accused (1) of an attempt to strangle his nurse Marianne, four years ago, while she lay sick in bed; (2) of a similar attempt on a married woman, Arsulli, aged 27 ; (o) of an attempt to strangle a married woman, Gala, by grasping her throat while kneeling on her body ; (4) on suspicion of the following murders : — In December a fourteen-year-old girl, Johanna Motta, set out for a neighboring village between seven and eight o'clock in the morning. Since she did not return, her master set out to find her, and discovered her body near the village, lying by a path in the fields. The corpse was frightfully mutilated with numerous wounds. The intestines and genitals had been torn from the opened body, and were found near by. The naked- ness of the body and erosions on the thighs made it seem probaljle that there had been an attempt at rape ; the mouth filled with earth pointed to suflbcation. In the neighborhood of the body, under a pile of straw, were found a portion of flesh torn from the right calf, and pieces of clothing. The perpetrator of the deed remained undiscovered. On August 28, 1871, a married woman, Frigeni, aged 28, set out in the fields early in the morning. Since she did not return by eight o'clock, her husband started out to fetch her. He found her a corpse, lying naked in the field, with the mark of a thong around her neck, with which she had been strangled, and with numerous wounds. The abdomen had been slit open, and the intestines were hanging out. On August 29, at noon, as Maria Previtali, aged 19, went through a field, she was followed by her cousin, Verzeni. He dragged her into a field of grain, threw her to the ground, and began to choke her. As he let go of her for a moment to ascertain whether there were any one near, the girl got up and, by her supplicating entreaty, induced Verzeni to let her go, after he had pressed her hands together for some time. Verzeni was brought before a court. He is twenty -two years old. His cranium is of more than average size, but asymmetrical. The right frontal bone is narrower and lower than the left, the right frontal promi- nence being less developed, and the right ear smaller than the left (by 1 centimetre in length and 3 centimetres in breadth) ; both ears are defective in the inferior half of the helix ; the right temporal artery is somewhat atheromatous. Bull-necked; enormous development of the zygomee and inferior maxilla ; penis greatly developed, frffinum wanting ; slight divergent alternating strabismus (insufficiency of the internal rectus muscle, and myopia). Lombroso concludes, fi'om these signs of degenera- 66 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. tion, that there is a congenital arrest of development of the right frontal lobe. As seemed probable, Verzeni has a bad ancestry, — two uncles are cretins ; a third, microcephalic, beardless, one testicle wanting, the other atrophic. The father shows traces of pellagrous degeneration, and had an attack of hypochondria pellagrosa. A cousin suffered from cerebral hj'^perjemia ; another is a confirmed thief. Verzeni's family is bigoted and low-minded. He himself has ordi- nary intelligence ; knows how to defend himself well ; seeks to prove an alibi and cast suspicion on others. There is nothing in his past that points to mental disease, but his character is peculiar. He is silent and inclined to be solitary. In prison he is cynical. He masturbates, and makes every effort to gain sight of women. Verzeni finally confessed his deeds and their motive. The com- mission of them gave him an indescribably pleasant (lustful) feeling, which was accompanied by erection and ejaculation. As soon as he had grasped his victim by the neck, sexual sensations wei'e experienced. It was entirel}' the same to him, with reference to these sensations, whether the women were old, 3'ouug, ugly, or beautiful. Usually, simply choking them had satisfied him, and he then had allowed his victims to live ; in the two cases mentioned, the sexual satisfaction was delayed, and he had continued to choke them until they died. His satisfaction in this garrot- ing was greater than in masturbation. The abrasions of the skin on Motta's thighs were produced b}^ his teeth, while sucking her blood in most intense lustful pleasure. He had torn out a piece of flesh from her calf and taken it with him to roast at home ; but on the way he hid it under the straw-stack, for fear his mother would suspect him. He also carried pieces of the clothing and intestines some distance, because it gave him great pleasure to smell and touch them. The strength which he possessed in these moments of intense lustful pleasure, was enormous. He had never been a fool ; while committing his deeds he saw nothing around him (apparently as a result of intense sexual excitement, annihila- tion of apperception — instinctive action). After such acts he was always very happy, enjoying a feeling of great satisfixction. He had never had pangs of conscience. It had never occurred to him to touch the genitals of the martyred women, or to violate his victims. It had satisfied him to throttle them and suck their blood. These statements of this modem vampire seem to rest on truth. Normal sexual impulses seem to have remained foreign to him. Two sweethearts that he had, he was satisfied to look at ; it was very strange to him that he had no inclinations to strangle them or press their hands ; but he had not had the same pleasure with them as with his victims. There was no trace of moral sense, — remorse and the like. Verzeni said himself that it would be a good thing if he were to be kept in prison, because with freedom he could not resist his impulses. Verzeni was sentenced to imprisonment for life (Lombroso," Verzeni e SADISM. 67 Agnoletti," Rome, 1873). The confessions which Yerzeni made after his sentence, are interesting : — "I had an unspeakable deliglit in strangling women, experiencing during the act erections and real sexual pleasure. It was even a pleasure only to smell female clothing. The feeling of pleasure while strangling them was much greater than that which I experienced while mastur- bating. I took great delight in drinking Motta's blood. It also gave me the greatest pleasure to pull the hair-pins out of the hair of my victims. " I took the clothing and intestines, because of the pleasure it gave me to smell and touch them. At last my mother came to suspect me, because she noticed spots of semen on my shirt after each nmrder or attempt at one. I am not crazy, but in the moment of strangling my victims 1 saw nothing else. After the commission of the deeds I was satisfied and felt well. It never occurred to me to touch or look at the genitals or such things. It satisfied me to seize the women by the neck and suck their blood. To this very day I am ignorant of how a woman is formed. During the strangling and after it, I pressed myself on the entire body without thinking of one part more than another." Verzeni arrived at his perverse acts entirely independently, after having noticed, when he was twelve years old, that he experienced a peculiar feeling of pleasure while wringing the necks of chickens. After this he had often killed great numbers of them, and then said that a weasel had been in the hen-coop (Lombroso, Goltdammer's Archiv^ J3d. XXX, p. 13). Lombroso mentions an analogous case (Goldtdammer's Archiv) which occurred in Vittoria (Spain) : — Case 22. A certain Gruj^o, aged 41, with a blameless past life, having been three times married, strangled six women in the course of ten years. They were almost all public prostitutes and quite old. After the strangling he tore out their intestines and kidneys per vaginam. Some of his victims he violated before killing, others, on account of the occurrence of impotence, he did not. He set about his horrible deeds with such care that he remained undetected for ten years. (b) Mutilatimi of Corpses. — Following the preceding hor- rible group of perversions of the sexual instinct, which arise from hyperaesthesia and parsesthesia sexualis with retained virility, come naturally the necrophiles ; for in these cases, just as with lustful murderers and analogous cases, an idea which in itself awakens a feeling of horror, and before which a healthy person would shudder, is accompanied by lustful feel- 68 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. ings, and thus leads to the impulse to indulge in acts of necrophilia. The cases of mutilation of bodies mentioned in literature seem to be pathological ; but, with the exception of the cele- brated one of Sergeant Bertrand {v. infra), they come far from being- described and observed with exactness. In certain cases there may be nothing more than the possibility that unbridled desire sees in the idea of death no obstacle to its satisfaction. The seventh case mentioned by Moreau is perhaps such a one : — A man, aged 23, attempted to rape a woman, aged 53. Struggling, lie killed her and then violated her, threw her in the water, and fished her out again for renewed violation. The murderer was executed. The meninges of the anterior lobes were thickened and adherent to the cortex. French writers have recorded numerous examples of necrophilia. Two cases concerned monks, where they were performing the watch for the dead. In a third case the subject was an idiot, who also suffered from periodical mania, and after commission of rape was sent to an insane asylum, and there mutilated female bodies in the mortuary. In other cases, however, there is undoubtedly direct prefer- ence of a corpse to the living woman. When no other act of cruelty — cutting into pieces, etc. — is practiced on the cadaver, it is probable that the lifeless condition itself forms the stimulus for the perverse individual. It is possible that the corpse — a human form absolutely without will — satisfies an abnormal desire, in that the object of desire is seen to be capable of absolute subjugation, without possibility of resistance. Brierre de Boismont (Gazette medicale, July 21, 1859) relates the history of a corpse-violator who, after bribing the watchman, had gained entrance to the corpse of a girl of sixteen, who belonged to a family of high social position. At night a noise was heard in the death-chamber, as if a piece of furniture had fallen over. The mother of the dead girl effected an entrance, and saw a man dressed in his night-shirt springing from the bed where the bod}' \a,y. It was at first thought that the man was a thief, but the real explanation was soon discovered. It was after- ward ascertained that the culprit, a man of good family, had often violated the bodies of young women. He was sentenced to imprisonment for life. The story of a prelate, reported by Taxil (" La prostitution contemporaine," p. 171), is of great interest as an example of SADISM. 69 necrophilia. From time to time he would visit houses of prosti- tution in Paris and order a prostitute, dressed in white like a corpse, to be laid out on a bed. At the appointed hour he would appear in the room, which, in the meantime, had been elaborately prepared as a room of mourning ; then he would act as if read- ing a mass for the soul, and finally throw himself on the girl, who, during the whole time, was compelled to play the role of a corpse.^ The cases in which the perpetrator injures and cuts up the corpse are clearer. Such cases come next to those of lust- miu'der, in that, in these individuals, cruelty, or at least an impulse to attack the female body, is connected with lust. It is possible that a remnant of moral sense deters from the cruel act on a living woman, and possibly the fancy passes beyond lust- murder and rests on its result, the corpse. Here, also, it is possible that the idea of defenselessness of the body plays a role. Case 23. Sergeant Bertrand, a man of delicate ph_ysical constitution and of peculiar character; from childhood silent and inclined to solitude. The details of the health of his family are not satisfactorily known; but the occurrence of mental diseases in his ancestry is ascertained. It is said that while he was a child he was affected with destructive impulses, which he himself could not exjilain. He would ])reak whatever was at hand. In early childhood, without teaching, he learned to masturbate. At nine he began to feel inclinations toward persons of the opposite sex. At tliirteen the impulse to sexual intercourse became powerfully awakened in him. He now masturbated excessively. When he did tliis his fancy always created a room filled with women. He would imagine that he carried out the sexual act with them, and then killed them. Immediately thereafter he would think of them as corpses, and of how he defiled them. Occasionally, in such situations, the thought of carrying out a similar act with male corpses would come up, but it was always attended with a feeling of disgust. In time he felt the impulse to carry out such acts with actual corpses. For want of human bodies, he obtained those of animals. He would cut open the al)domen, tear out the entrails, and masturbate during the act. He declares that in this way he experienced inexpressible pleasure. In 1 Simon (Crimes et Dalits, p. 209) mentions an experience of Lacassague's, to whom a respectable man said that he was never intensely excited sexually except when a spectator at a funeral. 70 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. 1846 these bodies no longer satisfied him. He now killed dc^s, and pro- ceeded with them as before. Toward the end of 1846 he first felt the desire to make use of human bodies. At first he had a horror of it. In 1847, being b^^ accident in a grave-3'ard, he ran across the grave of a newly- buried corpse. Then this impulse, with headache and palpitation of the heart, became so powerful that, although there were people near by, and he was in danger of detection, he dug up the body. In the absence of a convenient instrument for cutting it up, he satisfied himself by hacking it with a shovel. In 1841 and 1848, during two weeks, as reported, the impulse, accom- panied by violent headache, to commit brutalities on corpses, actuated him. Amidst the greatest dangers and difficulties, he satisfied this im- pulse some fifteen times. He dug up the bodies with his hands, in nowise sensible, in his excitement, to the. injuries he thus inflicted on himself. When he had obtained the body, he cut it up with a sword or pocket-knife, tore out the entrails, and then masturbated. The sex of the bodies is said to have been a matter of indifference to him, though it was ascertained that this modern vampire had dug up more female than male corpses. During these acts he declares himself to have been in an indescribable state of sexual excitement. After having cut them up, he had sometimes re- interred the bodies. h\ July, 1848, he accidentally came across the body of a girl of sixteen. Tlien, for the first time, he experienced a desire to carry out coitus on a cadaver. " I covered it with kisses and pressed it wildly to m}'^ heart. All that one coidd enjoy with a living woman is nothing in comparison with tlie i)leasure I experienced. After I had enjoyed it for al>out a quarter of an hour, I cut the bod^' up, as usual, and tore out the entrails. Then I bnried the cadaver again." Onl^- after this, as B. de- clares, had he felt the impulse to use the bodies sexually before cutting them up, and thereafter he had done it in three instances. The actual motive of the exhuming of the bodies, however, was then, as before, to cut them up ; and the enjoyment in so doing was greater than in using the bodies sexually. The latter act had alwa_ys been nothing more than an episode of the princii)al one, and had never quieted his desires ; there- fore, he had always cut up the body afterward or mutilated another body. The medico-legal examiners gave an opinion of " monomania." Court- martial sentence to one year's imprisonment. (Michea, Union med., 1 849 ; Lunier, Aunal. med.-psychol.^ 1849, p. 153; Tardieu, "Attentats aux moeurs," 1878, p. 114 ; Legrand, " La folie devant les tribun.," p. 524.) (c) Injur ij of Women {Stdhhing, Flagellafion, etc.). — Fol- lowing lust-murder and violation of corpses, come cases closely allied to the former, in which injury of the victim of lust and sight of the victim's hlood are a delight and pleasure for degener- SADISM. 71 ate men. . The notorious Marquis de Sade,^ after whom the com- bination of lust and cruelty has been named, was such a monster. Coitus only excited him when he could prick the object of his desire until the blood came. His greatest pleasure was to in- jure prostitutes and then bind their wounds. Here also belongs the case of a captain mentioned by Brierre de Boismont, who always compelled the object of his affection to place leeches ad pudenda before coitus, which was very frequent. Finally this woman became very anaemic and, as a result of this, insane. The following case, borrowed from my own clientele, very clearly shows the connection between lust and cruelty, with desire to shed and see blood : — Case 24. Mr. X., aged 25 ; fiitber syphilitic, died of paretic de- mentia ; mother hysterical and neurasthenic. He is a weak individual, constitutionally neuropathic, and presents several anatomical signs of degeneration. When a child, hypochondria and imperative conceptions ; later, constant alternation of exaltation and depression. While yet a child of ten, the patient felt a peculiar lustful desire to see blood flow from his fingers. Thereafter he often cut or pricked himself in the fingers, and took great delight in it. Very early, erections were added to this, and also if he saw the blood of others ; for example, when he saw a servant-girl cut her finger it gave him nn intense lustful feel- ing. From this time his vita sexualis became more and more powerful. Without any teaching he began to masturbate, and always during the act there were memory-pictures of bleeding girls. It now no longer sufliced him to see his own blood fiow ; he longed to see the l)lood of young females, especially those tliat were attractive to him. Often he could scarcely overcome the impulse to injure two cousins and a certain servant. But also young women that were in themselves not attractive induced this impulse when they excited him by some peculiarity of dress or adornment, especially coral jewelry. It was necessary for him to » Taxil {op. cit.) gives more detailed accounts of this sexual monster, which must have been a case of habitual satyriasis, accompanied by perverse sexual instinct. Sade was so cynical that he actually sought to idealize his cruel lasciviousness, and become the apostle of a theory based upon it. He became so bad (among other things he made an in- vited company of ladies and gentlemen erotic by causing to be served to them chocolate bon- bons which contained cantharides) that he was committed to the insane asylum at Char- enton. During the revolution of 1790, he escaped. Then he wrote obscene novels filled with lust, cruelty, and the most obscene scenes. When Bonaparte became Consul, Sade made, him a present of his novels magnificently bound. The Consul had the works de- stroyed, and the author committed to Charenton again, where he died, at the age of sixty- four. 72 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. overcome these desires ; but in his imagination bloody thoughts were constantl}" present, and induced lustful excitement. There was an inner relation existing between both thoughts and feelings. Often there were other cruel fancies. He imagined himself in the role of a tyrant who had the people shot in crowds with grape-shot. He was compelled to fanc3' a scene as it would be if enemies were to take a city and mutilate, torture, kill, and rape the 3'oung women. In times of quiet this patient, who had a mild disposition and was not morally defective, was shamed and horrified by such cruel, lustful fancies, and thej^ always became immediately latent as soon as his sexual excitement had been satisfied by masturbation. After a few years the patient became neurasthenic. Then simple imaginary representation of blood and scenes of blood was sufficient to induce ejaculation. In order to free himself from his vice and his cruel imagination, he began to indulge in sexual intercourse with females. Coitus was possible, but only when the patient called up the idea that the girl's fingers were bleeding. Without the assistance of this idea no erection was possible. The cruel thought of cutting was limited to the woman's hand. At times of greatest sexual excitement, simpl}^ the sight of the hand of an attractive woman was sufficient to induce violent erec- tions. Frightened by the popular stories al)out the injurious results of onanism, he abstained and fell into a condition of severe general neuras- thenia, with hypochondriacal dj^sthymia and taedium vitfe. Careful and watchful medical treatment cured the patient after a few months. He has remained mentally well three j^ears ; but now, as before, he is very sensual, though it is very seldom that he is troubled by his earlier bloody ideas. X. has given up masturbation entirely. He finds satisfaction in natural sexual indulgence, is virile, and it is no longer necessarj^ for him to call up ideas of blood. The following case, reported by Tarnowsky {pp. cit, p. 61), shows that such lustful, cruel impulses may be simply episodical, and occur in certain exceptional states of mind in neurotic individuals: — Case 25. Z., physician; neuropathic constitution, reacting badly to alcoliol. Under ordinary circumstances capable of normal coitus, as soon as he has indulged in wine he finds that his increased libido is no longer satisfied by simple coitus. In this condition he is compelled to prick the nates puellas or to make stabs with the lancet, to see blood, and feel the entrance of the blade into the living body, in order to have ejaculation and experience complete satiety of his lust. The majority of those afflicted with this form of the perver- sion seem insensible to the normal stimulus of w^oman. In the SADISM. 73 first case (24), the assistance of the idea of blood was necessary in order to obtain erection. The following case is that of a man who, by masturbation, etc., hi early youth, had diminished his ' power of erection so that the sadistic act took the place of coitus : Case 26. The girl-stabher of Bpzen (reported by Demme, " Buch der Verbrechen," Bd. ii, p. 341). In 1829, H., aged 30, soldier, became the subject of legal investigation. At dilierent times and in different places, he had wounded girls with bread-knives or pocket-knives, by stab- bing them in the abdomen, i)robably in the region of the genitals. He gave, as a motive for these acts, heightened sexual impulse, increasing to the intensity of fury, Avhich found satisfaction only in the thought and act of stabbing persons of the female sex. This impulse would pursue him for days at a time. He would then pass into a confused mental state, which would clear aAva}' only when the impulse had been satisfied by the deed. In the. act of stabbing he had a satisfaction like that of comi>leted coitus, which was increased by the sight of the blood that ran from the knife. In his tenth year the sexual instinct became powerfully manifest. At first he gave himself up to masturbation, and felt phj'sically and mentally weakened by it. Before he became a girl-stabber he had satisfied his sexual lust in violation of immature girls, by causing them to practice masturbation on him, and by sodomy. Gradually the thought came to him of how pleasurable it would be to stab a young and prett}' girl in the region of the genitals, and take delight in the sight of the blood running from the knife. Among his effects were found copies of objects of art and obscene pictures, painted by himself, of Mary's conception, and of the "congealed thought of God" in the lap of the Virgin. He was considered a peculiar, very irritable man, shy of people, given to women, moody, and glum. He was apparently a person * that had become impotent through earlier sexual excesses, and who was thus predisposed, by the continuance of intense libido sexualis, and heredity, to perversion of the sexual life. Case 27. In the " sixties " the inhabitants of Leipzig were frightened by a man who was accustomed to attack .young girls on the street and stab them in the upper-arm with a dagger. Finally arrested, he was recognized as a sadist, who, at the instant of stabbing, had an ejacula- tion, and with whom the wounding of the girls was an ecpiivalent for coitus. (Wharton, " A Treatise on Mental Unsoundness," §623. Phila- delphia, 1873.) 2 1 Comp. Krauss, Psychologic des Verbreehens, 1884, p. 188 ; Dr. Ilofer, Aunalen der Staatsaizneikunde, 6 Jalirgang, Holt 3 ; Schmidt's Jahrbiicher, Bd. lix, y. 94. 2 According to newspaper reports, in December, 1890, several similar attacks were made in Mainz. A young fellow between fourteen and sixteen years old pressed against women and girls and stabbed them in the legs with a sharp-pointed instrument. He was arrested, and seemed to be insane. Further details of the case are not known. 74 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Impotence exists, likewise, in the next three cases. It may be psycnical, liowever, in that the principal tone of the vita sexualis lies in the sadistic inclination, and the normal elements are distorted : — Case 28. The girl-cutter of Augsburg (reported by Demme, " Buch der Yerbrechen," vii, p. 281). Bartle, wine-merehant. He was subject to livel}^ sexual excitement at the age of fourteen, though decidedly opposed to its satisfaction b}^ coitus, his aversion going so far as disgust for the female sex. At that time he already had the idea to cut girls, and thus satisfy his sexual desire. He refrained from it, however, on account of lack of opportunity and courage. He practiced masturbation, and now and then had pollutions with erotic dreams of girls that had been cut. At the age of nineteen he first cut a girl. During the act he had a seminal emission, and experienced intense pleasure. From that time the impulse became constantl}^ more powerful. He chose only young and pretty girls, and, as a rule, asked them before the deed whether they were still single. The ejaculation or sexual satisfaction occurred only when he was sure that he had actually wounded the girls. After such an act he always felt tired and bad, and was also troubled with qualms of conscience. Until thirty-two 3'ears old he carried on this process of cutting, but always with care not to wound the girls dan- gerously. From that time until his thirt3'-sixth year he was able to control his impulse. Then he sought to satisfy himself by simply press- ing the girls on the arm or neck ; but this gave rise to erections and not to ejaculation. Then he sought to attain his object by pricking the girls with a knife in its sheath ; but this did not suffice. Finally, he stabbed with the open knife and had complete success, for he thought that a girl when stabbed bled more and had more pain than one that was merely cut. In iiis thirty-seventh year he was detected and arrested. In his dwelling was found a collection of daggers, sword-canes, and knives. He said that the mere sight of these weapons, and still more the grasping of them, gave him an intense feeling of sensual pleasure, with violent excitement. According to his confession he had injured, in all, fifty girls. His external appearance was rather pleasing. He lived in very good circumstances, but was peculiar and s\\y. Case 29. J. H., aged 25, in 1883 came for consultation concerning severe neurasthenia and hypochondria. Patient confesses that he has practiced onanism since his fourteenth ,year, infrequentl}^ up to his eighteenth year ; but since that time he has been unable to resist the impulse. Up to that time he had no opportunity to approach females, for he had been anxiously cared for and never left alone, on account of his invalidism. He had had no real desire for this unknown pleasure ; but he accidentallj' learned what it was when one of his mother's maids SADISM. 75 cut her hand severely on a pane of glass she had broken while washing windows. While hel[)ing to stop the blood he could not keep from suck- ing up the blood that flowed from the wound, and in the act he experi- enced extreme erotic excitement, with complete orgasm and ejaculation. From this time, in every possible way, he sought to see, and if possible to taste, the fresh blood of females. That of 3'oung girls was preferred by him. He spared no pains or expense to obtain this pleasure. At first he availed himself of a young servant who allowed her finger to be pricked with a needle or lancet at his request. When his mother discovered this, she discharged the girl. Then he was driven to prosti- tutes as a substitute, with success frequently enough, though with some dilliculty. In the intervals he practiced onanism and manustupration per feminam, which, however, never aftbrded him comi)lete satisfaction, but, on the contrary, caused listlessness and self-reproach. On account of his nervous difficulties he visited man}' sanitariums, and he was twice a voluntary patient in institutions. He used hydrotherapy, electricit}^, and strengthening cures, without particular success. For a time it was possible, by means of cold sitz-baths, monobromate of camphor, and bromides, to diminish his sexual excitability and onanistic imi)ulse. However, when the patient felt himself free again, he would immediately fall into his old passions and spare no pains or money in order to satisfy his sexual desire in the abnormal manner described. Case 30 (communicated by Dr. A, Moll, Berlin). L. T., aged 21 ; merchant in a Rhenish city. He belongs to a family in which thei'e are several nervous and ps3'chopathic members. A sister suffers with hysteria and melancholia. The patient was always of quiet disposition and timid. At school he frequently kept apart from other pupils, particularly when they talked about girls. In the presence of ladies he thought every expres- sion he made was an offense against decency. Thus, for example, he thought it very improper, in the presence of ladies, married or unmar- ried, to speak of going to bed, rising, etc. In the elementary classes the patient learned well. Later he became more indolent and did not make good progress. August 17, 1890, the patient visited Dr. Moll on account of abnor- mal symptoms of a sexual kind. He did this on the advice of a phy- sician, X., a relative, in whom he had previously confided. Tlie i)atient conveys the impression of being very apprehensive and sh}-, and in answer to questions says that he is very timorous, and that particularly in the presence of others all his self-confidence and assurance leave him. Dr. X. confirmed this statement. The beginning of his sexual life the patient was able to refer to his seventh year. At that age he frequently played with his genitals, and was often punished for it. In this onanism, in which he said he had erection, he constantly thought of whipping a woman on the naked 76 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. nates with a rod until the skin raised in weals. " It delighted me," said the patient, " when I thought that she was a proiid^ beautiful lady, and that I performed the act in the presence of others, especially women, particularly with the idea that she might feel the j^owe?' I had over her. For this reason I early sought reading about punishment, e.g., about the abuse of Roman slaves. However, I had erections only when the con- ceived abuse consisted of blows delivered on the back or nates. At first I thought this kind of excitement would disappear in time, and said nothing about it to any one." Masturbation, early indulged in, the patient continued to practice, and alwa} s with the same thought. After his thirteenth or fourteenth year he had ejaculation with the act. Decimum septimum annum agens primum feminam adiit coeundi causa neque coitum perficere potuit libidine et erectione deficientibus. Mox autem iterum apud alteram coitum cona- tus est nullo succesu. Tum feminam per vim verberavit. Tantopere erat excitatus ut mulierem dolore clamantem atque lamentantem verberare non desierit. He never thought of any legal punishment for his acts, and, in fact, escaped it. In this procedure erection, orgasm, and ejaculation occurred. The patient performed the act in such a way that he took the woman between his knees, with the penis in contact with her body, but without emissio penis in vagiuam, which seemed entirely superfluous to him. But the patient afterward experienced such a feeling of shame about the beating, and was overcome with such great depression, that he often contemplated suicide. In the following three years he still visited women occasionally. But he never again asked one to allow him to beat her. He sought to obtain erection by thinking of the beating ; l)ut this was without residt, and manustupration l)y the woman did not induce erection. Finally, after an unsuccessful attempt of this kind, the patient determined to give his confidence to a ph^-sician. The patient made several other statements concerning his vita sexualis. His abnormal sexual desire had troubled him by its intensity. He went to sleep with sexual thoughts ; the^' troubled him through the night and were still with him when he awoke. He was never safe for any length of time from the impulsion of the abnormal ideas that excited him; to which, indeed, he gave himself up willingly, and from which he could free himself for a short time only by onanism. In response to my question, the patient stated that any other means of punishment of women than beating the back, and nates particu- larly, had no charm for him. Neither binding them, walking on them, nor striking them, gives him such pleasure. This is to be emphasized the more, since the whipping given the woman affords him sexual pleasures because its effect on her is " humiliating, mortifying," and because she should " feel that she is completely in his power." Too, it would give the patient no pleasure to beat a woman on an^^ other part of her body SADISM. 77 than those mentioned, or to cause her pain in any other way than by blows. Mnltuni minorem ei aftert vohiptatem si nates suae a miiUere verberantur; tamen ea res ssepe ejacuiationem seminis eflecit, sed hajc fieri putat erectione deficienti. Inter verbera autem penem in vaginam immittendo nullam volnptateni m habere ratus (pialibet parte coi-poris feminte pene tacte semen ejaculat. Junt as in beating the looman his pleasure lay in liumiliatimj her, so with the relations reversed he was sexually excited by the fact that the beating humiliated him and he felt himself to be completely in the womayVs power. No other personal humilia- tion than a beating on his nates could excite him. To allow himself to be bound or walked on by a woman is repugnant to him. The patient's dreams, as far as they were of an erotic nature, were directed in the same wa}' as his sexual inclinations while awake ; actual ejaculation also often took place in dreams. Whether the perverse sexual thoughts first occurred in dreams or the waking state, the patient is not able to state, owing to the fact that his memory goes back so far, — to his seventh year. But he thinks that these thoughts first occurred to him while awake. In his dreams it frequently seemed to liini that he was striking a man, which also caused ejaculation. In the waking state it excited him but very little to think of striking a man. The nude form of a man had no attraction whatever for him, while the nude form of a woman had a decided charm for him, though his libido found its real satisfaction only when the acts previously described took place ; and, as he states, he feels no desire for coitus in vaginam. The treatment of the patient is directed to the attainment of normal coitus with normal desire, where possible ; for it may be assumed that, with success in making his sexual life normal, the patient's sh3'ness and apprehensiveness, which cause him great annoyance, may be much easier removed. The treatment followed by me (Dr. Moll) during three months and a half was as follows : — 1. The patient, who had a great desire to be cured, was most strictly forbidden to give himself up to the perverse thoughts. Of course, I did not give him the foolish advice not to think of blows at all. The patient could not follow such advice, since the thoughts come to him without any act of his own, even when he accidentally reads the word " blow " (schlagen). I forbade him only ever to voluntarily give himself to such thoughts. I advised him more particularly to do everj^thing in order to turn his ideas in another direction. 2. I allowed him, commanded him even, to think of nude women, because many nude females interested him, even though, as he thought, they did not excite him sexually. 3. I sought, by means of hypnosis — which was hard to induce — and suggestion, to fortify the patient in this as far as possible. All attempts at coitus were forbidden in order to save the patient from a discouraging result. 78 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Within two months and a half tliis treatment led to the result that, as the patient stated, the perverse ideas occurred much less frequently and were constantly retreating to the background ; indeed, according to the patient's statement, erections occurred with the thoughts of nude women, became more frequent, and often induced him to masturbate with the thought of coitus without the occurrence of any idea of blows. Erotic dreams occurred but infrequentl}'. These were concerned some- times with normal coitus, sometimes with blows. After two months and a half of the treatment I advised the patient to attempt coitus. Since then he has tried four times. I advised him to choose alwa^^s a woman who pleased him, and sought to increase his sexual excitement before coitus by means of tincture of cantharides. The four attempts, the last of which took place on November 29, 1890, resulted as follows : At the first, prolonged manipulation of the penis by the woman was necessary in order to induce erection. Then immisio in vaginam and ejaculation with orgasm took place. During the whole act there occurred no thought of beating the woman or being beaten, but the woman in herself excited him sufficiently for the performance of coitus. At the second attempt the result was better and more quickly attained ; manipulation ad genitalia by the woman was not long required. In the third attempt coitus was attained only after the patient had thought of beating for a long time, and had thus induced erection ; but beating was not indulged in. At the fourth attempt coitus was attained without any thought of beating and without any manipulation ad genitalia. Of course, the case described cannot yet be regarded in any way as cured. Though the patient were able to perform coitus in a normal or nearly normal way, that does not mean that he will alwa3^s be able to do it in the future ; moreover, the thought of beating still affords him great pleasure, even though it occurs much less frequently than for- merly. Yet there is a possibility that the abnormal desire, which has been weakened, will remain weakened in the future, and perhaps disappear. This carefully observed case is, for several reasons, particu- larly interesting. It discloses clearly one of the hidden roots of sadism, — the impulse to complete subjugation of the woman, which here became consciously entertained. This is the more remarkable since it occurred in an individual decidedly timid, and in other respects modest and even apprehensive. The case also shows clearly that powerful libido, which even impels the individual to overcome all obstacles, may be present, while at the same time coitus is not desired, because the principal inten- sity of feeling is, ah oi'igine, connected with the cruel part of SADISM. 79 the sadistic (lustful and cruel) circle of ideas. This case also contains weak elements of masochism {v. infra). Cases are by no means iniiequent in which men witli perverse inclinations induce prostitutes, by paying them high prices, to allow themselves to be whipped and even wounded by them. Works on prostitution contain reports of them {vide Coffignon, '" La Corruption a Paris," etc.). (d) DejUement of Women. — The perverse sadistic impulse, to injure women and put contempt and humiliation upon them, is also expressed in the desire to defile them with disgusting or, at least, foul things. The following case, published by Arndt ( Vierteljalirsschr. f. ger. Medicln, N. F. xvii, H. 1), belongs here: — Case 31. A., medical student at Greifswald, aecusatus quod iteium iterumque puellis lionestis parentibus natis in publico genitalia sua e bracis dependentia plane nudata qua3 antia sumnio aniiculo (overcoat) tecta erant, ostenderat. Nonnunquani puellas fugientes secutus easque ad se attractas urina oblivit. Hasc luce clara facta sunt ; nunquam aliquid haec faciens locutus est. A. is twenty-three years old, powerfully built, neat in dress, and decent in manners. Indication of cranium progeneum ; chronic pneu- monia of the apex of the right lung ; emphysema. Pulse, 60 ; in excite- ment, not more than 70 to 80. Genitals normal. Conq)hunts of occa- sional disturbances of digestion and hardness of the abdomen, vertigo ; excessive excitement of the sexual desires, which early led to onanism. The sexual desire has never been directed toward a natural method of satisfaction. Complaints of occasional attacks of depression, or llioughts of deprecation of self, and of perverse impulses, tor Avhich he could tind no motive ; such as laughing at serious things, throwing his money in the water, and running about in the pouring rain. The father of the culprit is of a nervous temperament ; his mother is subject to nervous headache. A brother suffered with epileptic convulsions. From his youth the culprit presented a nervous temperament, was inclined to convulsions and attacks of syncope, and when he was severely scolded would fall into a state of momentary stillness. In 1869 he studied medicine in Berlin. In 1810 he went to the war as a hospital- assistant. His letters at this time betray a peculiar torpidity and weak- ness. On his return home, in 1811, his emotional irritability was noticed by those about him. Thereafter frequent complaints of bodily ailments ; unpleasantness resulting from a love aftair. In November, 1811, he pursued his studies diligently in Greifswald. Uc was considered very 80 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. gentlemanly. In confinement he is quiet, calm, and sometimes self- absorbed. His acts he attributes to painful sexual excitement, which of late had become excessive. He declared that he had been fully conscious of his perverse acts, and had afterward been ashamed of them. He had not experienced actual sexual satisfaction in their commission. He obtained no correct insight into his position. He considered himself a kind of martyr, — fallen a victim to an evil power. Presumption of irresponsibility, as a result of absence of free will. The impulse to defile occurs also, paradoxically, in the aged, when there is a re-appearance of sexual instinct, which, under such circumstances, is so often expressed in perverse acts. Thus Tarnowsky reports (p. 76) the following case ; — Case 32. I knew such a patient, who had a woman dressed in a decollete ball-dress lie down on a low sofa in a brightly lighted room. Ipse apud januam alius cubiculi obscurati constitit adspiciendo aliquantulum feminam, excitatus in eam iusiluit excrementa in sinus ejus deposuit. Hsec faciens ejaculationem quandam se sentire confessus est. An officer of Vienna informs me that men, by means of large sums of money, induce prostitutes to suffer ut ilU viri in ora earum spuerent et faeces et urinas in ora explerent.^ Tlie following case by Dr. Pascal (" Igiene dell' amore ") seems also to belong here : — Case 33. A man had an inamorata. His relation with her was that he had her allow him to blacken her hands with coal or soot, and then she had to sit before a mirror ia such a way that he could see her hands in it. While conversing with her, which was often for a long time, he looked constantly at her mirrored hands, and finally, after a time, he would take his leave, fully satisfied. The following case, communicated by a physician, may be of interest in relation to this subject : — An officer was known in a brothel in K. only by the name of " Oil." " Oil " induced erection and ejaculation only by having puell. publ. nudam step into a tub filled with oil, while he rubbed the oil all over her body. These acts lead to the presumption that certain cases of injury of females {e.g., sprinkling with sulphuric acid, ink, * Leo Taxil (La Corruption, Paris, Noiret, p. 223) makes the same statements. There are also men who demand introductio linguae meretricis in anum. SADISM. 81 etc.) depend upon a perverse sexual impulse; at least, here it is a kind ol' injury, and those injured are always females, and the perpetrators males. At least in the future, in crimes of this kind, pains should be taken to examine the vita sexualis of tlie culprits. The case of Bachmann, given below, throws a clear light on the sexual nature of such crimes; for, in this case, the sexual motive in the deed is proven. (e) Otiier Attacks on Females — SymhoUc Sadism. — The foregoing groups do not exhaust the forms in which the sadistic impulse toward women is expressed. If the ini})uLse is not overmastering, or there is yet sufficient moral resistance, it may happen that the perverse inclination is satisfied by an act that is apparently quite senseless and silly, but which has a symbolic meaning for the perpetrator. This seems to be the meaning of the two following cases : — Case 34. (Dr. Pascal, " Igiene dell'amore.") A man was accustomed to go, on a certain day once a month, to an inamorata and cut her " bang." This gave him the greatest pleasure. He made no other demands on the girl. Case 35. A man in Vienna regularly visits several prostitutes only to lather their faces and then to remove the lather with a razor, as if he were shaving them. He never hurts the girls, but becomes sexually excited and ejaculates during the procedure. The significance of the following cases, in which a sadistic comedy is played, is clearer : — Case 36. A man always announces to a puella publica his intended visits. She must stand at the window, awaiting him, with her face done up, and, on his entrance into the room, complain of severe toothache. He is sorry for her, asks particularly about the pain, takes the cloth oil" and puts it on again ; but he never has coitus, and finds his satisfaction simply in this act.' The following case, which, unfortunately, was not carefully examined scientifically, is peculiar to itself: — * Leo Taxil {op. cit., p. 324) relates that in Parisian brothels instruments are kept ready which look like knouts, but which are merely tubes filled with air, such as clowns use in circuses. Sadistic men use them to create for themselves the illusion that they are whipping women. 6 82 PSTCOPATHIA SEXUALIS. In an examination before a criminal court in Vienna, the follow- ing facts were brought to light : Count N., accompanied by a young girl, appeared in the public garden of an hotel, and, by his actions there, gave public offense. He demanded of his companion that she kneel down before him and implore him with folded hands. Then she was comj^elled to lick his boots. Finally, he demanded of her, publiclj^, " an unheard- of thing " (osculum ad nates, or the like), and only desisted after she had sworn to do it at home. In this case, the most remarkable thing was the desire of the perverse individual to humiliate the woman before witnesses (comp. the fancies of sadists, Case 29) ; further, that the desire to humiliate the woman came entirely into the foreground, and acts of a purely symbolic nature were undertaken. Of course, with these, in this imperfectly-observed case, acts of cruelty were probable. (f) Sadism with Other Objects — Wliipping of Boys. — Besides the sadistic acts with females described, others occur with other living, sensitive objects, — children and animals. There may be a full consciousness that the impulse is really directed toward women, and that only faute de mieux the next attainable objects (pupils) are abused. But the condition of the perpetrator may be such that the impulse to cruel acts enters consciousness accompanied only by lustful excitement, while its real object (which alone can explain the lustful coloring of such acts) remains in the dark. The first alternative suffices as an explanation of the cases which Dr. Albert describes (Friedreich's Blatter f. ger. Med., p. 77, 1859), — cases in which lustful teachers whipped their pupils on the naked nates without cause. We must think of the second alternative, the sadistic impulse with unconsciousness of its object, when boys are immediately excited sexually at the sight of punishment of their companions, and are thus deter- mined in their later vita sexualis, as in the following cases : — Case 37. K., aged 3T, merchant, applied to me in the fall of 1889 for advice concerning an anomaly of his vita sexualis, which made him fear invalidism and impossibility of future happiness in marriage. Patient came of a nervous famil3\ As a child he was* delicate, weak, and nervous. Healthy except for measles ; he later became strong. SADISM. 83 At the age of fight, whih' at scliool, ho saw how the teacher imn- ishecl the hoys by taking their heads between his thighs and spanking them with a ferule. This sight caused the patient kistful excitement. " Without any idea of the danger and enormity of onanism," he satisfied himself with it, and from that time often masturbated, during which he always calk'd uj) the nu'iu()rv-i)icture of a l)oy being punished. Tlius it continued until ins twentieth year. Then he learned tiic significance of onanism, was terribly frightened, and tried to overcome his impulse to masturbate; but he fell into the ])ractice of j^sychical onanism, which he regarded as innocuous :iiid morally defensilile, and for which he made use of the memory-pictures of I)oys being whipped, previously mentioned. Patient now became neurasthenic, suffered with polbilions, and tried to cure himself by visiting brothels; but he could not induce erec- tion. Then he sought to obtain uormal sexual feelings by means of social intercourse with ladies ; but he recognized that he was entirely insensible to the charms of the fair sex. The patient is an intelligent man, uonnally develojjed, :nid of {esthetic taste. There is no inclination to persons of his own sex. My advice consisted of means to comliat (lie ueuraslhenia and pollutions; interdiction of psychical and manual onanism; avoidance of all sexual excitants; aud, possibly, hypnotic treatment to ultimately induce a return of the vita sexualis to its normal condition. Case 38. Abortive sadism. N., student, came under observation in December, 1890. He had practiced masturl)ation from early youth. According to his statements, he became sexually excited when lie saw his father whip the children, and, later, when he saw the teacher whij) liis comi)anions. When a spectator of sucli scenes, he always experienced lustful feelings. He could not ^ay exactly wheu this first occurred, but it may have been at about the age of six. lie could not tell exactly when he began to masturbate, but he stated with certainty that his sexual instinct was first awakened by the punishment of others, and thus he un- consciously came to practice onanism. The patient remembered clearly that from the age of four to the age of eight he was freciuently spanked, and that this caused him pain, never lustful pleasure. Since he did not always have oi)portunity to see others whipped, he began to imagine how others were punished. This excited his lust, and he would then masturbate. Whenever he could, hv managed to see others punished at school. Now and then he also felt desire to whip others. At the age of twelve he induced a comrade to allow him to whip him. He found great sexual pleasure in it. When, however, his companion beat him in return, he experienced nothing but pain. The impidse to beat others was never very strong. The patient ex- perienced more satisfaction in filling his imagination with scenes of whip- ping. He never indulged in any other sadistic acts, and never had any 84 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. desire to see blood, etc. Until his fifteenth 3'ear his sexual indulgence consisted of onanism, indulged in after such fancies. After that (dancing lessons, association with girls), the early fancies disappeared almost en- tirely, and were accompanied by but weak lustful feelings ; so that the patient gave them up entirely. In their place came thoughts of coitus in a natural way, without anything sadistic. The patient indulged in coitus for the first time "on account of his health." He then tried to abstain from onanism, but was not success- ful, though he often indulged in coitus, and with more pleasure than he had in onanism. He wished to be freed from onanism as somethina: vicious. He had coitus once a month, but masturbated once or twice every night. He was normal sexually, with the exception of the onanism. There was no neurasthenia ; genitals normal. Case 39. P., aged 15, of high social position, came of an h3'sterical mother, whose brother and father died in an asjdum. Two children of the family- died, in early childhood, of convulsions. The patient is talented, virtuous, and quiet ; but at times he is very disobedient, stubborn, and passionate. He has epilepsy, and practices onanism. One day it was learned that P., with money, induced a comrade of fourteen, B., to allow himself to be pinched on the arm, back, and thigh. When B. cried, P. became excited and struck at B. with his right hand, while with his left he made manipulations in the left pocket of his trousers. P. confessed that to maltreat his friend, of whom he was very fond, gave him peculiar delight ; and that ejaculation while hurting his friend gave him much more pleasure than when he masturbated alone, (v. Gyurkovechky, " Pathol, und Therapie der mannl. Impotenz.," p. 80, 1889.) That in all these cases of sadistic abuse of boys there can be no thought of a combination of sadism and contrary sexual instinct, as often occurs {v. infra) in individuals of contrary sexuality, is shown — aside from the absence of all positive signs of it — by a study of the next group, where, in association with the object of injury, — animals, — the instinct for women is seen to appear repeatedly. (g) Sadistic Acts urith Animals. — In numerous cases, sadist- ically perverse men that are afraid of criminal acts with human beings, or that care only for the sight of the suffering of a sen- sitive being, make use of the sight of dying animals, or torture animals, to stimulate or excite their lust. The case of a man in Vienna, which is reported b}' Hofmami in his " Text-Book of Legal Medicine," is noteworthy in relation to this. According to the evidence of several prostitutes, before the sexual act he SADISM. 85 was accustomed to excite himself l)y torturing chickens and pigeons and other birds, and, therefore, was called '' Ilendlmann " (chicken). For the elucidation of such cases the observation of Lombroso is of value, according to whom two men had ejaculation when they killed chickens or pigeons, or wrung their necks. The same author, in his " Uomo delinque'nte," p. 201, speaks of a poet of some reputation, who became powerfully excited sexually whenever he saw calves slaughtered, and also at the sight of bloody flesh. According to Mantegazza (op. cit.,]). 114), among degenerate China- men, a horrible sport consists of committing sodomy with geese, and cutting their necks otf tempore ejaculationis ! Mantegazza (" Fisiologia del piacere," 5th ed., pp. 394, 395) men- tions the c^ase of a man who once saw chickens killed, and from that time had a desire to wallow in their warm, steaming entrails, because he experienced a feeling of lust while doing it. Thus, in these and similar cases, the vita sexnalis is so constituted ab origine that the sight of blood, death, etc., excites lustful feeling. It is so in the following case : — Case 40. C. L., aged 42, engineer, married, father of two children; from a neuropathic family ; father irascible, a drinker ; mother hysterical, subject to eclamptic attacks. The patient remembers that in childhood he took particular pleasure in witnessing the slaughtering of domestic animals, especially swine. He thus experienced lustful pleasure and ejaculation. Later he visited slaughter-houses, in order to delight in the sight of flowing blood and the death throes of the animals. When he could find opportunity, he killed the animals himself, which always aflbrded him a vicarious feeling of sexual pleasure. At the time of full maturity he first attained to a knowledge of his abnormality. The patient was not exactly opposed in inclination to women, but close contact with them seemed to him repugnant. On the advice of a physician, at twentj^-five he married a woman who pleased him, in the hope of freeing himself of his abnormal condition. Although he was very partial to his wife, it Avas o\\\y seldom, and after great trouble and exertion of his imagination, that he could perform coitus with her; nevertheless, he begat two children. In 18G6 he was in the war in Bohemia. His letters written at that time to his wife, were composed in an exalted, enthusiastic tone. He was killed in the battle of Koniggriitz. If, in this case, the capability of normal coitus was much impaired by the predominance of perverse ideas, in the next it seems to have been entirely repressed : — 86 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALTS. Case 41, (Dr. Pascal, " Igiene dell' amore.") A gentleman visited prostitutes, had them purchase a living fowl or rabbit, and required them to torture the animal. He had in mind the head and tearing out the eyes and entrails. If he found a girl who would consent, and go about it right cruelly, he was delighted, and paid her and went his way without asking anything more or touching her. The last two sections show that the suffering of any living being may become a source of perverse sexual enjoyment to sadistically constituted persons, and that there may be sadism with almost any [living] object. However, it would be errone- ous and an exaggeration to try to explain by sadistic perversion all the remarkable and surprising acts of cruelty that occur ; and, in the innumerable cruelties, as they here and there occur in history or in certain psychological manifestations among the people at the present time, it would be erroneous to assume sadism as a motive. Cruelty arises from various sources, and is natural to primi- tive man. Compassion, in contrast with it, is a secondary manifestation, and acquired late. The instinct to fight and destroy, so important an endowment in prehistoric conditions, is long afterwnrd operative ; and, in the ideas engendered by civilization, like that of " the criminal," it finds new objects, even though its original object — " the enemy " — still exists. That not simply the death, but also torture, of the conquered is demanded, is in part explained by the sense of power, which satisfies itself in this way ; and in part by the insatiableness of the impulse of vengeance. Thus all cruelty and all historical enormities may be explained without recourse to sadism (which may often have been in operation, but which cannot be assumed, since it is relatively an infrequent perversion). At the same time, there is still another powerful psychical element to take into consideration, which explains the attraction that is still exerted by executions, etc. ; and that is, the pleasure there is in intense and unusual impressions and rare sights, in contrast with which, in coarse and blunted beings, pity is silent. But undouV)tedly there are individuals for whom, in spite of, or even by reason of, their lively compassion, all that is con- SADISM. • 87 nectecl with deatli and suffering lias a mysterious attraction ; who, with inward opposition, and yet following a dark impulse, occupy themselves with such things, or at least with pictures and notices of them. Still, this is not sadism, as long as no sexual element enters into consciousness ; and yet it is possible that, in unconscious life, slender threads connect such manifestations with the hidden depths of sadism. (h) Sadism 171 Wbinan. — That sadism — a perversion, as we have seen, frequent in men — is much less frequent in women, is easily explained. In the first place, sadism, in which the need of subjugation of the opposite sex forms a constituent element, in accordance with its nature, represents a pathological intensification of the masculine sexual character ; in the second place, the obstacles which oppose the expression of this mon- strous impulse are, of course, much greater for a woman than for a man. Yet sadism occurs in women ; and it can only be explained by the primary constituent element, — the general hyper-excitation of the motor sphere. Only two cases have thus far been scientifically studied. Case 42. A married man presented himself with nnmerons scars of cnts on his arms. He told their origin as folloAvs : When he wished to approach his wife, who was young and somewhat " nervous," he first had to make a cut in his arm. Then she would suck the wound, and during the act become violently excited sexually. This case recalls the wide-spread legend of the vampires, the origin of which may perhaps be referred to such sadistic facts.^ In a second case of feminine sadism, for which I am indebted to Dr. Moll, of Berlin, by the side of the perverse im- pulse, as so frequently occurs, there is anaesthesia for the nor- mal activities of the sexual life ; and here there are also traces of masochism (v. infra). 1 The legend is especially spread throughout the Balkan peninsula. Among the Greeks it has its origin in the mj'th of the lamkp and marmolykea, — blood -sucking women. Goethe made use of this in his "Bride of Corinth." The verses referring to vampirism, "suck thy heart's blood," etc., can be thoroughly understood only when compared with their ancient sources. 88 • PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Case 43. Mrs. H., of H., aged 26, comes of a nervous family, in which nervous or mental diseases are said not to have occurred ; but the patient herself presents signs of hj'steria and neurasthenia. Although eight years married, and the mother of a child, Mrs. H. never had desire to perform coitus. Very strictly educated as a 3'oung girl, until her mar- riage she remained almost innocent of any knowledge of sexual matters. She has menstruated regularly since her fifteenth year. There does not seem to be any essential abnormality of the genitals. To the patient coitus is not only not a pleasure, but even an unpleasant act ; and re- pugnance to it has constantly increased. The patient cannot understand how any one can call such an act the greatest delight of love, which, to her, is something far higher and unconnected with such a sensual impulse. At the same time, it should be mentioned that the patient really loves her husband. In kissing him, too, she experiences a decided pleasure, which she cannot exactly describe. But she cannot conceive how the genitals can have anything to do with love. In other respects Mrs. H. is a decidedlj^ intelligent woman, of feminine character. Si oscula dat conjugi, magnum voluptatem percipit in mordendo eum. Gratissimum ei esset conjugem mordere eo modo ut sanguis fluat. Contenta esset, si loco coitus morderetur a eonjuge ipsaeque eum mordere liceret. Tamen eam poeniteret, si morsu magnum dolorem faceret. (Dr. Moll.) In otlier cases of sadism which histol-y and hterature afford, we are compelled to think of a reversal of the feminine sex- ual character, — a partial viraginity, — in order to explain the sadistic acts. In history there are examples of famous women who, to some extent, had sadistic instincts. These Messalinas are particularly characterized by their thirst for power, lust, and cruelty. Among them are Valeria Messalina herself, and Catherine de Medici, the instigator of the Massacre of St. Bartholomew, whose greatest pleasure was found in having the ladies of her court whipped before her eyes, etc. The gifted Henry von Kleist, who was undoubtedly ment- ally abnormal, gives a masterly portrayal of complete feminine sadism in his " Penthesilea." In scene xxii, Kleist describes his heroine with Achilles, whom she had been pursuing in the fire of love, betrayed into her hands, as, overcome with lustful, murderous fury, she tears him in pieces and sets her dogs on him: "She strikes, tearing the armor from his body; they set MASOCHISM 89 their teeth in his wliite hreast, — she and her dogs, the rivals, Oxus and Sphynx, — they on the right side, she on the left; and as I approached hlood dripped from her hands and moutli." And later, when Penthesilea becomes satiated : " Did I kiss him to death'? No. Did I not kiss him 1 Torn in pieces'? Then it was a mistake; kissing rhymes with biting, and one who loves with the whole heart might easily mistake the one for the other." ' 2. The Association of Passively Endured Cruelty mid Violence, with Lust — Masochism.^ — Masochism is the opposite of sadism. While the latter is the desire to cause pain and use force, the former is tlie wish to suffer pain and be subjected to force. By masochism 1 luiderstand a peculiar perversion of the psychicfil vita sexualis, in which the individual affected, in sexual feeling and thought, is controlled by the idea of being completely and unconditionally subject to the will of a person of the opposite sex ; of being treated by this person as by a roaster, — humiliated and abused. Tliis idea is colored by lustful feelinir; the individual affected lives in fancies, in whicli he creates situations of this kind, and often attempts to realize them. By this perversion his sexual insthict is not uifrequently made more or less insensible to the normal stimulus of tlie opposite sex, — incapable of a normal vita sexualis, — psydiically impo- tent. But this psychical impotence does not in any way depend upon a horror sexus alterius, but upon the fact that this per- verse instinct finds an adequate satisfaction differing from the normal, — in woman, to be sure, but not in coitus. But cases also occur, in which, with the perverse impulse, there is also sensibility, in a measure, to normal stimuH, and intercourse under normal conditions takes ])lace. In other cases the impotence is not ])urely psychical, but physical, i.e., spinal; for this perversion, like almost all other perversions of the sexual instinct, is developed only on the basis of a psycho- 1 In the latest literature we find the matter treated, but particularly in Sacher- Masoch's novels, which are hereafter to be alluded to, and in Ernest von Wildenbruch's <' Brunhilde," Rachilde's " La Marquise de Sade," etc. 2 So named from the writer, Saclier-Masoeh, whose romances and novels have as \hy boys of my own age, particularly when I was taken over the knee and spanked. It particularly delighted me when this was done by handsome 3'oung persons or bo3's having well formed legs and closely-fitting trousers. Bj- means of such ideas I also came to masturbate; and I practiced onanism quite frequently, — almost dail}'^, and, in fact, in absolute ignorance of the terrible results of the vice. Thus it continued until my eighteenth year, when, thus far absolutely unsuspecting, I was made aware of the vicious results of the practice. " From this time began the terrible struggle with the desire to give it up, whicli I only too often abandoned. The fancies mentioned did not leave me ; I longed to be whipped b}' handsome young persons aged from twenty to twent3'-two years, wearing tight trousers. My fancy was filled especially with 3'oung soldiers and hussars. At times I was able to re- press my imagination and avoid onanism ; but I then had pollutions with dreams of the same nature. " After my twentieth year, to my astonishment, the sexual in- clination toward women, which I had noticed in comrades of m3' own age, and the occurrence of which I expected in myself, did not appear. I was cold toward women, and embarrassed in tlieir [)resence. At the same time, feminine nudit3'^ was not unpleasant; on the contrary, there was something attractive about it, but m3" sensuality was not excited. " I twice attempted coitus ; I was not troubled about being i^n l>ed with tlie girl, but rather kissed and embraced her with pleasure, and even had traces of erection, but that was all. Since then I have had no hope, and occasionally returned to onanism, which I had avoided for some months previousl3\ Nevertheless, I cultivated social intercourse with ladies, and particularh' 3'oung girls ; and I was esteemed in societ3', and liked for mv graceful dancing. I was always hoping that in this wa3'^ m3' unhai)p3' tendenc;' would be overcome successfull3', but in vain ; it grew constantly stronger. Thus I have lived hours of wretchedness ; and the ghost of suicide has passed before me. I once confided in a ph3'sician in Pesth, but he had only the usual remedies for persons suf- fering with sexual weakness, — cold baths, quieting medicines, intercourse with women, etc. "I tried ever3'thing in vain, until b3' accident a book on contrar3'^ sexual instinct fell into m3^ hands, and gave me the last ra3^ of hope. I have a respected position as a merchant, and api)reciate thoroughly the joys of family life ; and I have an opportunity- to marry', under the most favorable circumstances, a young girl whom I love, and who loves me. But I feel the cruel impossibilit3^ of this step. I suffer terribl3' in think- ing about these repulsive abnormalities. M3' onl3' hope lies in a cure by means of hypnosis. Ma3' it not be in vain 1 " MASOCHISM. 103 Pity and a scientific interest induced me to invite the writer of the preceding lines to come to see me. Early in February Mr. D. came. He was distinguislied, pleasing, and masculine in appearance. Exam- ination of the case showed it to be one of masocliisni. He distinctly remembered that, when he once saw fellow-pupils whipped b3' the teacher, it gave him a feeling of lustful pleasure. He cannot remember that he was ever whipped by a teacher. His masochism had been an absolidely primary manifestation, and incomprehensible to him. Only gradually and/aute de mieux had he come to practice onanism, during which ideas of flagellation, in which he played the passive role, filled his mind. He had never had desire to be whipped by the teacher; he always wished to be flogged by fellow-pupils and well-grown young persons. Since ma- turity he had never been able to induce himself to satisfy' his masochistic inclinations. In intercourse with puellis he had repeatedly had the thought to have himself whipped by them ; but since this was not accompanied by sensual feeling, it was not carried out. The patient declares that his in- clinations toward persons of his own sex are purelj' masochistic. In other respects he finds nothing interesting in men. Until his eighteenth year the patient had also sadistic tendencies. He was enthusiastic about the position of the pedagogue and wanted to be a teacher in order to be able to flog boys. This ideal sadism later disappeared entirely. The patient complains that he feels alone in the world, like a pariah, and that he is different from other men. But his libido toward women had much diminished, possibly as a result of his masturbation. He had no erec- tion at the sight of feminine charms, but the sight of a riding-whip or a cane excited him powerfully sexually. When he attempted coitus, no masochistic ideas occurred. Such ideas aroseiniowever, whenever he saw attractive 3'oung men. He believed that if he were freed from his ideas of flagellation, he would be helped; for his sensuality would then direct itself in a normal path. The patient has neuropathic eyes, but is free from all degenerative signs. In the direction of hereditar}^ taint, it is noteworthy that his maternal grandfather was peculiar, and shot himself while in a psycho- pathic condition. The patient feels well, save for slight neurasthenic troubles. Patellar reflex increased. The genitals are {)erfectly normal. His dreams with pollutions are exclusively about flagellation by 3'oung persons, particularly soldiers with tight trousers. The principles of treatment laid down were : 1. Removal of the symptoms of neurasthenia. 2. Suggestive treatment looking to (a) avoidance of onanism ; (/>) indifierence toward his own sex and the disappearance of thoughts of flagellation, both while awake and asleep; (c) libido exclusively toward persons of the opposite sex, the occurrence of erections at siglit of beautiful women, complete power with women, and dreams of women exclusivel}'. At the first sitting, by means of 104 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALlS. Bernlieim's method, the patient passed quickly into a state of deep lethargy. At the second sitting (February 5) a cataleptic condition of the muscles was induced. Sittings almost daily. It was seen that stroking the brow induced deeper hypnosis with catalepsy, which, how- ever, did not go beyond deep lethargy. Suggestion was begun in the third sitting. Februar}' 10. The patient says that he has no longer any interest in men, but a growing interest in women. He begins to dream of women. February 13. He feels himself free from masochism during the day, and canes and whipping do not interest him any more. At night he still has "weak" dreams of flagellation concerning men, but without lustful feeling or pollution. A short time ago he had had a dream that was entirely strange, and without erotic coloring, to the eflect that he whipped himself. February 19. The patient attempted coitus with a puella pleasing to him. Erection was incomplete, and ejaculation did not occur; so he gave up the attempt. The patient finds that his libido toward women is still very slight. He was not discouraged b}' his failure, and expected ultinmte success; for he felt free from his abnormal tendencies, and like another man. On February 20, unfortunately, the patient had to dis- continue treatment, being called home bj^ duties there. The foct that traces of sadism (y. infra) were simultaneously present, lends certainty to the diagnosis of this rudimentary case as one of masochism. The purely psychical character of this lat- ter perversion is uHQuestionahle. At the same time, the case is comhined with incompletely developed contrary sexual instinct, an association not infrequent in masochists and sadists. In contrast with this case of rudimentary masochism, in which there is some difficulty of diagnosis, follows a typical case of masochism, in which the whole circle of ideas peculiar to this perversion appears completely developed. This case, in which there is a detailed personal description of the whole psy- chical state, is different from Case 44 only in that here there is no thought of a realization of the perverse fancies ; and that, not- withstanding the perversion of the vita sexualis, normal stimuli are so far effectual that sexual intercourse is possible under normal conditions. Case 50. I am thirt^'-flve 3'ears old, mentall}' and physically normal. Among all my relatives, in the direct as well as in the lateral line, I know MASOCHISM. 105 of no case of mental disease. M}^ father, who, at ni}- birth, was thirty years old, as far as I know, had a preference for voluptnous, large women. Even in my early childhood I loved to revel in ideas about the absolute mastery of one man over others. The thought of slavery had something exciting in it for me, and alike whether from the stand-point of master or servant. That one man could possess, sell, or whip another, caused me intense excitement ; and in reading " Uncle Tom's Cabin " (which I read at about the beginning of puberty), I had erections. Par- ticularly exciting for me was the thought of a man's being hitched up before a wagon in which another man sat with a whip, driving and whip- ping him. Until my twentieth year these ideas were purely objective and sexless, — i.e., the one in subjugation in my faiic}' was another (not myself), and the master was not necessarily a woman. These ideas were, therefore, without effect on my sexual instinct, — i.e., on the way in which it was expressed. Though these ideas caused erections, yet I have never masturbated in nw life ; and from my nineteenth year I had coitus with- out the help of these ideas and without any relation to them. I always had a great preference for elderly, voluptuous, large women, though I did not scorn younger ones. After my twenty-first year my ideas became objective, and it became an essential thing that the '' mistress " should be a woman over forty years old, tall, and powerful. From this time I tms always, in my fancies, the snbject ; the " mistress " was a rough woman, who made use of me in every way, also sexually ; who harnessed me before a carriage, and made me take her for a drive; whom I must follow like a dog; at whose feet I must lie naked, and be punished — i.e., whipped — by her. This was the constant element in my ideas, around which all others were grouped. In these fancies I always found endless pleasure, which caused erection, but never ejaculation. As a result of the induced sexual ex- citement, I would immediately seek a woman, preferably one correspond- ing exteriorly with my ideal, and have coitus with her without any actual imitation of my fancies, and sometimes also without any thought of them during the act. At the same time, I also had inclination toward women of a different kind, and had coitus with them without being impelled to it by my fancy. Notwithstanding all this, my life was not exceedingly abnormal sexually ; yet these ideas were certain to occur periodically, and they have remained essentially unchanged. With growing sexual desire, the inter- vals constantly grew shorter. At the present time the ideas come every two or three weeks. If I have had coitus, the occurrence of the fancies is perhaps postponed. I have never attempted to realize my very definite and characteristic ideas, — i.e., to connect them with the objective world, but I have contented myself with reveling in the thoughts; because I was convinced that my ideal would not allow even an approach to realiza- tion. The thought of a comedy with paid prostitutes always seemed to 106 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALlS. me silly and purposeless ; for n person hired b}^ me could never take the place in my imagination of a " cruel mistress." I doubt whether there are sadistically constituted women like Sacher-Masoch's heroines. But, if there were such women, and I had the fortune (I) to find one, still, in a world of reality, intercourse with her would alwa^'S seem only like- a farce to me. Indeed, I can sa}^ that, were I to become the slave of a Messalina, I believe that, owing to the other necessar^^ renunciations, my desired manner of life would soon pall on me, and in my lucid intervals I should try to obtain my freedom at all hazards. Yet I have found a way in which to induce, in a certain sense, a realization. After my sexual desire has been intensely excited by revel- ing in my fancj^, I go to a prostitute and there call up before my mind's eye, with great intensity, some scene of the kind mentioned, in which I play the principal role. After thinking of such a situation for about half an hour, with a constantly resulting erection, I perform coitus with increased lustful pleasure and strong ejaculation. After the latter, the vision fades awa3\ Ashamed, I depart as quickl}^ as possible, and try not to think of the affair. Then, for about two weeks, I have no more such ideas ; indeed, after a particularly satisfactory coitus, it may happen that, until the next attack, I have no sympathy' whatever with masochistic ideas. But the next attack is sure to come sooner or later. I must, however, state that I also have coitus without being prepared by such ideas, especially, too, with women that are acquainted with me and m}' position, and in whose presence I abhor such fancies. Under the latter circumstances, hoivever, I am not always potent, while, with masochistic ideas, my virility is perfect. It does not seem superfluous to add that otherwise, in my thought and feeling, I am very esthetic, and despise anything like maltreatment of a human being. Finally, I will not leave unmentioned the fact that the form of address is of importance. In ni}' fancies it is essential that the " mistress " address me in the second per- son (Da), while I must address her in the third (Sie). This circum- stance of being thus familiarly addressed (I)u) by a person so inclined, as the expression of absolute mastery, has, from my youth, given me lustful pleasure, and does to-day. I had the fortune to find a wife who is in everj'thing, but especially sexually, attractive to me ; though, as I scarcely need say, she in no way resembles my masochistic ideal. She is gentle, but proud ; for without the latter characteristic I cannot conceive such a thing as sexual charm. The first few months of married life were normal sexually ; the maso- chistic attacks did not occur, and I had almost lost all thought of maso- chism. Then came the first confinement and the necessary abstinence. Punctually, then, with the occurrence of libido, came the masochistic fancies again, which, in spite of my great love for ni}' wife, necessitated coitus with another, with the accompaniment of masochistic ideas. It is here worthy of note that coitus maritalis, which was later resumed, MASOCHISM. 107 did not prove sufficient to banish the masochistic ideas, as masochistic coitus alwa3's does. As for the essential element in masochism, I am of the opinion that the ideas, — i.e., the mental element, — are the end and aim. If the realization of the masochistic ideas {i.e., passive flagellation, etc.) be the desired end, then it is in oi)position with the fact that the majority of niasochists never attempt realization ; or, when this is attempted, great disappointment occurs, or at least the desired satisfac- tion is not obtained. Thus the reveling in imagination is the principal thing ; and, in fact, this gives an unspeakable delight that takes its subject beyond external things, beyond all troubles and cares. It is an astonishing fact that there is an author, who, instead of keeping them to himself, as others do, discloses his imaginar}^ ideals to the world in novels and romances. In " Venus in Furs," we find those that are like us in feeling, — word for word, line for line, are expressed the ideas so familiar to us, which we believe to be our own exclusive discovery. Until then I did not think it possible that there could be, in an)'- other brain than mine, the lustful thought of being harnessed to a plow and made to work like a draught-horse. And the ill-temper of the mistress to be served at the toilet and bath ; the imprisonment, — ah, how familiar such ideas are to us from childhood I Therefore, perhaps by reason of this open disclosure of things that should be secret, the reading of this book shocks masochists, undeceives them, and exerts a curative influence. Finally, I shouUl mention that, according to m}' experience, the number of masochists, especially in large cities, seems to be quite large. The only sources of such information are — since men do not reveal these things — words of prostitutes; and, since they agree on the essen- tial points, it may be concluded that certain facts ai-e proved. Thus there is the fact that every experienced prostitute is accus- tomed to keep some suitable instrument (usually a whip) for flagellation ; but it must be remembered that there are men who have themselves whipped simply to increase their sexual pleasure; who, in contrast with masochists, regard flagellation as a means to an end. On the other hand, almost all prostitutes agree that there are many men who like to play " slave," — i.e., like to be so called, and have themselves scolded and trod upon and beaten. As has been said, the number of masochists is larger than has yet been dreamed. As you can imagine, reading the "New Investigations "Mnade a 1 The autlior's " Neue Forsehun.?en auf d. Gebiet d. Psychopathia Sexualis," Stutt- gart, 1891, which is, for the most part, incorporated iu this edition of " Psychopathia Sex- ualis." 108 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. great impression on me. I slionld like to have faith in a cure, in a logical cure, so to speak, in accordance with the motto : '' Tout comprendre c'est tout gue'rir." (To understand all is to cure all.) Of course the word cur-e is to be taken with some limitation, and there must be a distinction made between general feelings and concrete ideas. The former can never be overcome ; they come like a stroke of liohtnino- are there, and one does not know whence or how. But this practice of masochism in imagination, by means of con- crete, associated ideas, can be avoided, or at least restricted. Now the thing is changed. 1 say to myself: What! you bus3'yonr mind with things whicli not only the aesthetic sense of others, but also your own, disapproves? You regard that as beautiful and desirable which, in your own judgment, is at once ugl}', coarse, sill3^, and impos- sible? You long for a situation which in reality' you can never obtain? This opposing idea has an immediate inhibitory and undeceiving effect, and takes the edge off the fancy. Too, since reading the " New In- vestigations " (early tliis year), I have actuallj^ not reveled in my fancy once, though the masochistic tendenc}' has occurred with regu- larity. I must also confess that, in spite of its marked pathological char- acter, masochism is not only incapable of destroying my pleasure in life, but it does not in the least affect my outward life. When not in a maso- chistic state, as far as feeling and action are concerned, I am a perfectly normal man. During the activity of the masochistic tendencies there is, of course, a great revolution in my feeling, but my outward manner of life suffers no change ; I have a calling that makes it necessary for me to move much in public, and I pursue it in the masochistic condition as well as ever. The autlior of the foregoing lines also sends me the follow- ing notes : — 1. Masochism, according to my experience, is, under all circum- stances, congenital, and never acquired by the individual. I know posi- tively that I was never spanked; that my masochistic ideas were mani- fested from my earliest youtii ; and that, as long as I have been capal)le of tliinking, 1 have had such thoughts. If the origin of them had been tlie result of a particular event, especially of a beating, I siiouid certainly not have forgotten it. It is characteristic that the ideas were present before there was any libido. At that time the ideas were abso- lutely sexless. I remember tliat, when a bo}', it affected (not to say excited) me intensely when an older boy addressed me in the second person (D//), wliile I spoke to iiim in tlie third (»S'?>). I would keep up a conversation with him, and have tiie excliange of address take place as often as possible. Later, when I had become more mature sexually, such MASOCHISM. 109 things uffected me only when tlie^- occurred wiUi a married woman, and one rehitively old. 2. Pliysically and mentally I am in all respects masculine. I have a superabundant growth of beard, and my whole body is very hairy. In my relations to the female sex that are not masochistic, the dominating position ol" the man is an indispensible condition, and any attempt to change it v/ould meet with my energetic opposition. I am energetic, if not over-courageous ; but the want of courajiC is not manifest when my pride is injured. I am not sensitive to events in nature (thunder-storms, storms at sea, etc.).* Too, my masochistic tendencies have nothing feminine or efiemi- nate about them (?). To be sure, in these the inclination to be sought and desired by the woman is dominant; but the general relation desired with her is not that in which a Avoman stands to a man, but that of tlie slave to the master, tiie domestic animal to its owner. If one regards the ultimate aim of masochism without prejudice, it must be acknowl- edged that its ideal is the position of a dog or horse. Both are owned by masters, and punished by them ; and the masters are responsible to no one. Just this unlimited power of life and death, as exorcised over slaves and domestic animals, is the end and aim of all masochistic ideas. 3. The foundation of all masochistic ideas is libido ; and as this ebbs and flows, so do the masochistic fancies. On the other hand, as soon a^ the ideas are present, they greatly intensify tlie libido. I am by no means excessively sensual naturally. However, when the masochistic ideas occur, I am impelled to coitus at any cost (for the most pait I am driven to the lowest women); and if these impulses are not soon obeyed, libido soon becomes almost satyriasis. One is almost justified in look- ing upon this as a circuius viliosus. Libido occurs eitlier in the course of time, or as the result of espe- cial excitement (also ol" a kind that is not masochistic, — e.g., kissing). In spite of its manner of origin, this libido, by virtue of the masochistic ideas it engenders, is soon transformed into a masochistic and impure libido. Moreover, there is no doubt that external, accidental impressions, particularly loitering in the streets of a large city, greatly intensily the desire. The sight of beautiful and imposing fenuvle forms, in imtui^e as well as in art, is exciting. For those subject to masocliisin, — at least during the attacks, — the whole external world becomes masochistic. The box on the ear administered by the teacher to the pupil and the crack of the driver's whip make deep imi)ressions on the masochist, while they leave him inditferent or annoy him when he is not in the masochistic state. 1 This difference of courage in the face of events in nature, on the one hand, and in the face of personal conflict, on the other, is certainly remarkable (comp. Case 4-1), eveo though it is the only indication of effemination mentioned in this case. 110 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. 4. An example of masochistic ideus follows : " Slie " is a peasant woman, — a roiigli, tall, large-boned woman of forty or fifty years. She is the possessor of a small, remote farm, which she works with the help of her slave alone. The work begins before sunrise. At four o'clock in the morning she opens the shed where she has kept me shut up over night, and wakens me, as I lie on the ground, with a kick ; then she leads me out and liarnesses me to a milk-cart bound for town. She leads me by a halter, and urges me along. On the road she gets on the heavily- loaded wagon, and sleeps until the destination is readied. There, in the open market-place of the town, still harnessed to the wagon, I lie down on the bare ground to rest. Those passing knock against me or step on me, with Mit giving me any attention. After the stock is sold, we start homeward. After a short rest the work begins again, always under the direction of the mistress, who holds me by the halter and urges me on. At seven or eight o'clock at night I am put up to rest, and sleep until the next morning, when the same thing begins again. Work and blows, blows and work; no pleasure, no recreation, day in and day outl Another time I fancy myself in the ro/e of a paid lover of an elderly female roue, who makes use of me, sexuallj^, in the most reckless manner; and in this direction makes the most shameful demands on me. If I do not submit to these willingly, I am beaten and punished ; and, at the same time, she despises me unspeakably ; gives me the lowest house- work to do ; and on every occasion shows me how low an opinion she has of m}'^ manhood, I cannot clothe the character of masochism in any better formula than the following : A real masochist, without reflection, prefers the kick of a low woman to tlie embrace of a Venus. 5. In reading Sacher-Masoch, it struck me that in masochists, now and then, there was also an undercurrent of sadistic feeling. Too, I have now and then discovered in m^'self sporadic feelings of sadism. I must remark, however, tiiat the sadistic feelings are not so marked as the masochistic; and that, aside from the fact that they are infrequently accessory, the sadistic fancies never leave the spliere of abstract feeling, and, above all, never take the form of concrete, connected ideas (like tliose above mentioned). The effect on libido, however, is the same with both. If this case is remarkable on account of the complete de- velopment of the psychical state that constitutes masochism, the following one is noteworthy because of the great extravagance of the acts resulting from the perversion. The case is also par- ticularly suited to make clear the reason for the subjection and humiliation at the hands of the woman, and the peculiar sexual coloring of the resulting situations : — MASOCHISM. Ill Case 61. Masochism. — Mr. Z., ofllcial, aged 50; tall, muscular, healthy. He is said to come of heallhy parentage, but his father was thirty j^ears older than his mother. A sister, two years older than Z., suffers with delusions of persecution. There is nothing reinarkal)le in Z.'s external appearance. Skeleton entirely masculine; abundant beard, but no hair on trunk. He characterizes himself as a num of sanguine temperament, whom no one can depress ; though irascible and quick- temi)ered, he is quick to regret outbursts. Z. says he has never masturbated. From his youth there have been nightly pollutions, in which girls i)lay a i)art ; but the sexual act, never. For example, he dreams that a pleasing woman lies heavily on him, or that, as he lies sleeping on the grass, she playfully walks up his back. Z. had always been averse to coitus with a woman. This act seemed animal to him. Nevertheless, he was drawn to women. It was onl}- in the society of beautiful women and girls that he felt well and in his place. He was very gallant without being forward. A voluptuous woman of beautiful form, and particularly with a pretty foot, when seated, had the power to throw him into intense ex- citement. He was impelled to offer himself as a chair, in order " to offer so much devotion." A kick, a box on the ear from her, would be heaven to him. He had a horror at the thought of coitus with her. He felt the need to serve the woman. He thought how ladies liked to ride. He reveled in the thought of how fine it would be to be wearied by the burden of a beautiful woman, in order to give her pleasure. He painted the situation in all colors; thought of the beautiful foot armed with spurs, the beautiful legs, and the soft, full thighs. Every beautiful mature woman, every pretty female foot, always excited his imagina- tion; but he never betrayed the peculiar feelings that seemed to him abnormal, and was able to control himself. But he felt no need 'to fight against them ; on the contrary, it would have hurt him had he been com- pelled to give up the feelings that had become so dear to him. At the age of thirty-two Z. happened to make the acquaintance of an attractive woman, aged twenty -seven, who had been separated from her husband, and whom he found in need. He took her, and worked for her, without any selfish motive, for months. One evening she impatiently demanded sexual satisfaction from him, and almost used violence. Coitus was successful. Z. took the woman, lived with her, and indulged in coitus moderately ; but coitus was more a burden than a pleasure; erec- tions became weak, and he could no longer satisfy the woman. She finally declared that she would not have intercourse with him, because he only excited without satisfying her. Though he loved the woman very much, he could not give up his peculiar fancies. After this he lived with her only in friendly relations, and deeply regretted that he could not serve her in the way she desired. Fear of how she would receive his propositions, and a feeling of 112 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. sbaine, kept him from confessing. He found a substitute in his dreams. Thus, for example, he dreamed that he was a proud, fiery steed, ridden by a beautifid lady. He felt her weight, the bit he had to obey, the press- ure of the thighs on his flanks; he heard her beautiful, joyous voice. The exertion threw him into a perspiration ; the touch of the spurs did the rest, and always induced pollution with great lustful pleasure. At other times he dreamed that he was a small, weak horse. Then a large, heavy woman came and mounted the horse, and set off on a long journey in the mountains. Recklessly, and without mercy, she allowed the poor animal to feel her weight; she made herself comfortable on his back; while he threatened to give out under her, she had the greatest enjoyment, and Avith calm mind enjoyed the beautiful scenery. Under the influence of such dreams, seven years ago Z. overcame his reluctance, in order to experience such things in reality. He was suc- cessful in creating suitable opportunity. He speaks of it as follows : " I knew how to arrange it so that on an occasion she would, of her own will, seat herself on my back. Then I endeavored to make this situation as pleasant as possible, and easily made it so that on the next occasion she said, spontaneous!}- : ' Come, give me a little ride 1 ' Swelling with pride, and with both hands braced on a chair, I made my back horizontal, and she mounted astride, after the manner of a man. I then did the best I could to imitate the movements of a horse, and loved to have her treat me like a horse, without any thought of me. She could beat, prick, scold, or caress me, just as she felt inclined. I could carry on my back persons weighing from sixty to eighty kilos, for half or three-quarters of an hour, without interruption. At the end of this time I usually asked for a rest. During this the intercourse between the mistress and me was perfectly harmless and without any relation to what had preceded. After about a quarter of an hour I was always rested, and placed myself at the disposal of the mistress again. When time and circumstances allowed it, I did this three or four times in succession. It sometimes happened that I ])racticed it both in the morning and afternoon. After it I never felt wear\' or had any uncomfortable feeling ; but on such days I had very little ap[)etite. When possible, I liked best to bare my trunk, that I might feel the rider more perfectly. The mistress had to be decent. I liked her best in pretty shoes and stockings, with short, closed drawers, reaching to the knee ; with the upper portion of her person completely dressed, and with hat and gloves." Mr. Z. further sa,ys that he has not performed coitus in seven years ; but he thinks he is potent. The riding was a perfect substitute for that " animal act," even when ejaculation was not induced. For eight months Z. had determined to give up his masochistic play, and had kept his determination. But he thought that if a woman only half-way pretty were to address him directly, and say, " Come, I want to ride you," he would not be strong enough to withstand the tempta- MASOCHISM. 113 tion. Z. wishes to know whether his nbnormality is curable; wliether he is uuworthy as a vicious man, or an uivalicl deserving pity. The following case seems very similar : — Case 52. A man finds satisfaction in the following manner : Occa- sionally he goes to a puella publica. Here he has a porcelain ring, like those used in hanging curtains, put on his penis. Two cords are attached to the ring and drawn backward between his legs and attached to the bedstead. Then he tells the woman to beat him mercilessly with a whip and cry "whoa" to him constantly, and treat and abuse him as if he were an unruly horse. The more the woman spurs him on to pull, with shouts and blows, the greater his sexual excitement becomes. Erection occurs (probably mechanically favored by compression of the dorsal vein of the penis, which, when the cords are strained, must be closed by the pressure of the hard ring). With increasing erection, the whole member is compressed by the ring, and finally ejaculation occurs, with lustful feeling. Even in the foregoing series of cases, witli other things, the act of being walked upon has played a role as a means of expressing the masochistic situations of humiliation and pain. The exclusive and most extensive use of this means for perverse excitation and satisfaction is shown in the following classical case of masochism, which Hammond reports {op. cit, p. 28) from an observation by Dr. Cox,^ of Colorado : — Case 53. X., a model husband, very moral, the father of several children, has times— i.e., attacks— in which he visits brothels, chooses two or three of the largest girls, and shuts himself up with them. He bares the upper portion of his body, lies down on the floor, crosses his hands on his abdomen, closes his eyes, and then has the girls walk over his naked breast, neck, and face, urging them at every step to press hard on his flesh with the heels of their shoes. Sometimes he wants a heavier girl, or some other act still more cruel than this procedure. After two or three hours he has enough. He pays the girls willi wine and money, rubs his blue bruises, dresses himself, pays his bill, and goes back to his business, only to give himself the same strange pleasure again after a few weeks. Occasionally it happens that he has one of the girls stand on his breast; and the others then turn her around until his skin is torn and bleeding from the turning of the heels of her shoes. Frequently one of 1 Transactions of the Colorado State Medical Society, quoted in the Alienist and Neurologist, 1883, p. 345. 8 114 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. the girls has to stand on him in such a way that one shoe is over the eyes, with its heel pressing on one eye, while the other rests across his neck. In this position he endures the pressure of a person weighing about one hundred and fifty pounds for four or five minutes. The author speaks of dozens of similar cases that are known to him. Hammond presumes, with reason, that this man had become impotent for inter- course with women; that, in this strange procedure, he found an equiva- lent for coitus ; and that, when the heels drew blood, he had pleasant sexual feelings, accompanied by ejaculation. The ten cases of masochism thus far described, and the numerous analogous cases mentioned by those who report them, form a counterpart to the previously described group "c" of sadism. Just as in sadism men excite and satisfy themselves by maltreating women, so in masochism the same effect is sought in the passive reception of similar abuse. But group "a" of the sadists, — that of lust-murder, — strange as it may seem, is not without its counterpart in masochism. In its extreme conse- quences, masochism must lead to the desire to be killed by a person of the opposite sex, in the same way that sadism has its acme in active lust-murder. But the instinct of self-preservation opposes such a result ; so that the extreme is not actually car- ried out. When, however, the whole structure of masochistic ideas is purely psychical, in the imagination of such individuals, even the extreme may be reached; as the following case shows : — Case 54. A middle-aged man, married and the father of a family, who has alwa3's led a normal vita sexualis, but who says he comes of a very nervous family, makes the following communication : In his early youth he was powerfully excited sexually at the sight of a woman slaughtering an animal with a knife. From that time, for many years, he had reveled in the lustfullj'-colored idea of being stabbed and cut and even killed b}^ women with knives. Later, after the beginning of normal sexual intercourse, these ideas lost completely their perverse stimulus for him. This case should be compared with the statements made under Case 44, according to which men find sexual pleasure in being lightly pricked with knives in the hands of women, who, at the same time, threaten them with death. Such fancies, perhaps, give the key to an understanding of MASOCHISM. 115 the following strange case, for which I am indebted to a com- munication from Dr. Korber, of Uankau : — Case 55. A lady iiifikes nie the following coinnuinicatioii : While still a young and innocent girl, she was married to a man of al)out thirty years. On their wedding-nigiit he forced a towel and soap into her hands, and, without any other expression of love, wanted her to lather his chin and neck (as if for shaving). The inexperienced young wife did it, and was not a little astonished, during the first weeks of married life, to learn its secrets in absolutely no other form. Her husband always told her tiiat it gave him the greatest delight to have his face lathered by her. Later, after she had sought the advice of friends, she induced her husband to perform coitus, and iiad three chil- dren in the course of time (by him, she states with everj^ assurance). The husband is industrious and reliable, but a moody man, with little perse- verance ; by occupation a merchant. It may be inferred that this man conceived the act of being shaved {i.e., the lathering as a preparatory measure) as a rudi- mentary, symbolic realization of ideas of injury or death, or of fancies about knives; like those the man previously mentioned had had in his youth, and by means of which he had lieen sexually excited and satisfied. The perfect sadistic counterpart to this case, looked upon in this light, is offered by Case 35, which is a case of symbolic sadism. At any rate, there is a whole group of masochists who satisfy themselves with the symbolic representations of situations corresponding with their perversion ; a group that corresponds w^ith group "e" of "symbolic" sadists, just as the previously mentioned cases of masochism correspond with the groups "c" and " a " of sadism. Thus, just as the perverse longings of the masochist may, on the one hand, advance to "passive lust- murder" (to be sure, only in imagination); so, on the other hand, they may be satisfied with simple symbolic representations of the desired situations, which otherwise are expressed in acts of cruelty (this, of course, taken objectively, goes much further than the idea of being murdered, but in fact not so far, owing to the determining subjective conditions). With Case 55, other similar cases should be here described, in which the acts desired and planned by the masochist have a 116 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. purely symbolic character, and, to a certain extent, serve to indi- cate the desired situation. Case 56. (Pascal, " Igiene dell' amore.") Every three months a man of about fort}' -five years would visit a certain prostitute, and pay her ten francs for the following act. The puella had to undress him, tie his hands and feet, bandage his eyes, and draw the curtains of the win- dows. Then she would have her guest sit down on a sofa, and had to leave him there alone. After half an hour she had to come back and un- bind him. Then the man would pay her and leave perfectly satisfied, to repeat his visit in about three months. In the dark this man seems to have extended this situation, of being helpless in the hands of a woman, further in imagina- tion. The followuig case, in which again a complicated comedy, in the sense of masochistic desires, is played, is still more pecu- liar : — Case 57. (Dr.' Pascal, ibid.) A gentleman in Paris was accustomed to call on certain evenings at a house where a woman, the owner, acceded to his peculiar desire. He entered the salon in full-dress, and she, likewise in evening toilette,\ia.d to receive him with a very haughty manner. He addressed her as " Marquise," and she had to call him "dear Count." Then he spoke of his good fortune in finding her alone, of his love for her, and of a lover's rendezvous. At this the lad}' had to feel insulted. The pseudo-count grew bolder and bolder, and asked the pseudo-mar- quise for a kiss on her shoulder. There is an angry scene ; the bell is rung; a servant, ju'epared for the occasion, appears, and throws the count out of the house. He departs well satisfied, and paj'S the actors in the farce handsomel3^ In connection with this case of symbolic masochism, two more are here given, in which the psycliical perversion was en- tirely confined to the sphere of thouglit and imagination, and no realization was attempted. The first is that of an individual, mentally and physically predisposed, bearing degenerative signs, in whom mental and physical impotence occurred early : — Case 58.. Mr. Z., aged 22, single, was brought to me I)}' his father for medical advice, because he was very nervous and apparently abnoi*- raal sexually. Mother and maternal grandmother were insane. His father begat him at a time when he was suffering severely nervously. Patient is said to have been a very lively and talented child. At the age of seven he was noticed to practice masturbation. After his ninth MASOCHISM. 117 year he became inattentive, forgetful, and did not progress in his studies, constant!}^ requiring iielp and protection. With diflicult}' he got tlirough the Gymnasium, and during his time of freedom had attracted attention by his indolence, absent-mindedness, and various foolish acts. Consultation was occasioned by an occurrence on the street, in which Z. had forced himself on a young girl in a very impetuous manner, and in great excitement had tried to have a conversation with her. The patient gave as a reason, that, by conversing with a respectable girl, he wished to excite himself so that he could be potent in coitus with a prostitute I His father characterizes him as a man of perfectl}^ good disposition, moral, but lazy, and dissatisfied with himself; as one often in despair about his want of success in life ; as indolent, and interested in nothing but music, for which he possesses great talent. The patient's exterior — his plagiocephalic head ; his large, promi- nent ears; the deficient innervation of the right facialis about the mouth ; tiie neuropathic expression of the eyes — indicates a degenerate, neuro- pathic individual. Z. is tall, of powerful frame, and, in all respects, of masculine ap- pearance. Pelvis masculine; testicles well developed ; penis remarkably large ; mons veneris with abundant hair. The right testicle hangs much lower than the left; the cremasteric reflex is weak on both sides. The patient is below the average intellectually. He feels his deficiency, complains of his indolence, and asks to have his will strengthened. His awkward, emltarrassed manner, timid glances, and relaxed attitude, point to masturbation. The patient confesses that from his seventh year, until a year and a half ago, he practiced it, years at a time, from eight to ten times daily. Until a few years ago, when he became neuras- thenic (cephalic pressure, loss of mental power, spinal irritation, etc.), he says he always found great sensual pleasure in it. Since then this had been lost, and the desire to masturbate had disappeared. He had con- stantly grown more bashful and indolent, less energetic, and more cowardly and apprehensive. He had lost interest in ever3'thing, and did his business only from a sense of duty, feeling very low-spirited. He had never thought of coitus, and, from his stand-point as an onanist, he could not understand how others could find pleasure in it. Investigations in the direction of contrary sexual instinct gave a negative result. He says he never was drawn toward persons of his own sex ; he rather thinks that he has now and then had a weak inclina- tion for females. He asserts that he came to masturbate independentlv- In his thirteenth year he first noticed ejaculations as a result of mastur- batic manipulations. It was onl}' after long persuasion that Z. consented to entirely unveil his vita sexualis. As his statements, which follow, show, he may be classified as a case of ideal masochism, with rudimentary sadism. 118 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. The putient distinctl}' remeuibers that, at the age of six, without any cause, he had " ideas of violence." He was compelled to imagine that a servant-girl spread his legs apart and showed his genitals to another ; that she tried to throw him into cold or hot water, in order to cause him pain. These " ideas of violence " were attended with lustful feeling, and became the cause of masturbatic manipulations. Later the patient called them up voluntarilj', in order to incite himself to masturbation. They also played a part in his dreams ; but they never induced pollution, apparently because the patient masturbated excessively during the day. In time, to these masochistic " ideas of violence," others of a sadistic nature were added. At first they were scenes in which boys forcibly practiced onanism on one another, or cut off the genitals. He often imagined himself such a bo}', now in an active, now in a passive, role. Later he busied himself with mental pictures of girls and women that exhibited themselves to one another. He reveled in the thought, for example, of a servant-girl spreading another girl's legs apart and pulling the genital hair; or in the thought of boys treating girls cruell}', and pricking and pinching their genitals. Such ideas also always induced sexual excitement, but he never experienced any impulse to carr^' them out actively or to have them performed on himself passivel}'. It satisfied him to use them for mastur- bation. Since a year and a half ago, with diminishing sexual imagination and libido, these ideas and impulses had become infrequent, but their content remained unchanged. The masochistic " ideas of violence " pre- dominated over the sadistic. Now, when he sees a lad}', he has the thought that she has sexual ideas like his own. In this way, in part, he explains his embarrassment in social intercourse. Owing to the fact that he had heard that he would get rid of his burdensome sexual ideas, if he were to accustom himself to natural sexual indulgence, during the last year and a half he has twice attempted coitus though he only experienced repugnance, and was not confident of success. On both occasions the attempt was a fiasco. The second time he made the attempt, he felt sucli aversion that he pushed the girl awa}'^ and fled. The second case is tlie following one, placed at my disposal by a colleague. Even though it be aphoristic, it seems particu- larly suited to throw a clear light on the distinctive element of masochism, — the consciousness of subjection, in its peculiar psycho-sexual effect : — Case 59. Masochism. — Z., aged 27, artist. He is powerfully built, of pleasing appearance, and is said to be free from hereditarj^ taint. Healthy in 3'OuLh, since his twent3'-third year he has been nervous and inclined to be h3'pocliondriacal. Though inclined to indulgence sexuall}-, MASOCHISM. 119 he is not veiy virile. In spite of associations with females, his relations with tliem are limited to innocent attentions. At the same time, his desire to devote himself to women that are cold toward him is remark- able. Since his twenty-fifth year he has noticed that females, no matter how ugl}', always excite him sexually-, whenever he discovers anything domineering in their character. An angry word from the lips of such a woman is suflicient to give him the most violent erections. Thus, one day, he sat in a cafe and heard the (ngly) female cashier scold the waiters in a loud voice. This threw him into the most intense sexual excite- ment, which soon induced ejaculation. Z. requires the women, with whom he is to have sexual intercourse, to repulse and annoy him in various ways. He thinks that only a woman like the heroines of Sacher- Masoch's romances could charm him. Cases like this, in which the whole perversion of the vita sexualis is confined to tlie sphere of imagination, — to the inner world ot thought and instinct, — and only accidentally comes to the knowledge of others, do not seem to be infrequent. Their practical significance, like that of masochism in general (which has not the great forensic importance of sadism), is confined to the psychical impotence to which such individuals, as a rule, become subject ; and to the intense impulse to solitary indul- gence, with adequate imaginary ideas, and its results. That masochism is a perversion of uncommonly frequent occurrence is sufficiently shown by the relatively large number of cases that have thus far been studied scientifically, as well as by the agreement of the various statements reported. The works concerning prostitution in large cities also con- tain numerous statements concerning this matter, Leo Taxil (op. ciL, p. 228) describes masocliistic scenes in Parisian brothels. The man affected with this perversion is there also called " slave." Coffignon (" La corruption a Paris ") has a chapter in his book entitled " Les Passionels," which contains contributions to this subject. It is interesting and worthy of mention, that one of the most celebrated of men was subject to tliis perversion, and describes it ui his autobiography (tliough somewhat erroneously). From " Jean Jacques Rousseau's Confessions " it is evident that he was affected with masochism. 120 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Rousseau, with reference to whose life and malady Mobius (" J. J. Rousseau's Krankengeschichte," Leipzig, 1889) and Chatelain (" La folie de J. J. Rousseau," Neuchatel, 1890) may be consulted, tells, in his " Con- fessions" (part i, book i), how Miss Lambercier, aged thirt}^ greatly im- pressed him wlien he was eight yeai-s old and lived with her brother as his pupil. Her solicitude, when he could not immediately answer a question, and her threats to punish him if he did not learn well, made the deepest impression on him. Wlien,one day, he had blows at her hands, with the feeling of pain and shame, he also experienced sensual pleasure tliat incited a great desire to be whipped by her again. It was only for fear of disturbing the lady, that Rousseau failed to make other opportunities to experience this lustful, sensual feeling. One da^^, how- ever, he unintentionally gave cause for a whipping at Miss Lambercier's hands. This was the last ; for Miss Lambercier must have noticed something of the peculiar effect of the punishment ; and from this time on she did not allow the eight-year-old bo}' to sleep in her room. From this time Rousseau felt a desire to have himself punished by ladies pleasing to him, a la Lambercier; but he asserts that until his youth he knew nothing of the relation of the sexes to each other. As is known, Rousseau was first introduced to the real mystei'ies of love in his thirtieth 3^ear, and lost his innocence through Madame de Warrens. Until that time he had had only feelings and impulses attracting him to woman, in the nature of passive flagellation and other masochistic ideas. Rousseau describes, in exfenso, how he suffered, with his great sexual desires, by reason of his pecuhar sensuaUty, which had undoubtedly been awakened by his whippings; for he reveled in desire, and could not disclose his longings. It would be erroneous, however, to suppose that liousseau was concerned merely with flagellation. Flagellation only awakened ideas of a masochistic nature. At least, in these ideas lies the psychological nucleus of his interesting study of self The essential element with Rousseau was the feeling of subjection to the woman. This is clearly shown by the "Confessions," in which he expressly emphasizes that " Eire mix genoiix cVune maitresse imperieuse^ obeir a ses ordres, avoir des pardons a lui demander, — etaient pour moi de tres douces jouissances.^^ ^ This passage proves that the consciousness of subjection and humiliation before the woman was the most important element. ' " To be at the feet of an imperious mistress ; to obey her orders ; to be compelled to sue her for pardon, — these things are my most intense delight." MASOCHISM. 121 To be sure, Rousseau was liimself in error in supposing that this impulse to be humiliated before a woman had arisen by association of ideas from the idea of flagellation : — " N'osant jamais declarer mon gout, je I'amusais du moins par des rapports qui m'en conservaient I'idee." ^ It is only in connection with the numerous cases of maso- chism, the existence of which has now been established, and among which there are so many that are in nowise connected with flagellation, showing the primary and pure psychicnl char- acter of this histinct of subjection, — it is only in connection with these cases that a complete insight into Rousseau's case is ob- tained, and the error detected into which he necessarily fell in the analysis of his own condition. Binet {Revue Antlirop6logiq}ie, xxiv, p. 256), who an- alyzes Rousseau's case in detail, also justly calls attention to its masochistic significance, when he says : " Ce qu'aime Rousseau dans les femmes, ce n'est pas seulement le sourcil fronc6, la main levee, le regard severe, I'attitude imperieuse, c'est aussi I'etat emotionnel, dont ces faits sont la traduction exterieure ; il aime la femme fiere, dedaigneuse, I'ecrasant a ses pieds du poids de sa royale colere."^ The solution of this enigmatical psychological fact Binet finds in his assumption that it is an instance of fetichism, only with the difference that the object of the feticliism — /.vith their consorts. From this he passes to lust-murder and other lustful acts of cruelty in man, and assumes that hunger and the sexual appetite are, in their origin, identical ; that the sexual cannibalism of lower forms of animal life has an influence in higher forms and in man, and that sadism is an example of atavism. This explanation of sadism would, of course, also explain masochism ; for if the origin of sexual intercourse is to be sought in cannibalistic processes, then both the sur- vival of one sex and the destruction of the other would fulfill the purpose of nature, and thus the instinctive desire to be the victim would be explained. But it must be stated in objection that the basis of this reasoning is Insufficient. The extremely complicated pro- cess of conjugation in lower organisms, into which science has really penetrated only during the last few years, is by no means to be regarded as simply a devouring of one indi- vidual by another (comp. Weismann, Die Bedeutung der Sexuellen Fortpflanzung fiirdie Selectionstheorie, p. 51, Jena, 1886). FETICHISM. 153 of tlie body (or even articles of attire) and the worsliip of thorn, in obedience to sexual impulses, frequently call to mind the reverence for relics, holy objects, etc., in religious cults. This physiological fetichism has already been described in detail on page 11 et seq. By the side of this physiological fetichism, however, there is, in the psycho-sexual sphere, an undoubted pathological, erotic fetichism, of which there is already a numerous series of cases presenting phenomena having great clinical and psychiatric interest, and, under certain circumstances, forensic importance. This pathological fetichism does not confine itself to certain parts of the body alone, but it is even extended to inanimate objects, which, however, are almost always articles of female wearing- apparel, and thus stand in close relation with the female person. This pathological fetichism is connected, through gradual transitions, with physiological fetichism ; so that (at least in body-fetichism) it is almost impossible to sharply define the beginning of the perversion. Moreover, the whole field of body-fetichism does not really extend beyond the limits of things which normally stimulate the sexual instinct. Here the abnormality consists only in the fact that the whole sexual interest is concentrated on the impression made by a part of the person of the opposite sex, so that all other impressions fade and become more or less indifferent. Therefore, the body- fetichist is not to be regarded as a monstrum per excessum^ like the sadist or masochist, but rather as a monstrum per defectum. What stimulates him is not abnormal, but rather what does not affect him, — the limitation of sexual interest that has taken place in him. Of course, this limited sexual interest, within its narrower limits, is usually expressed with a corresi)ondhigly greater and abnormal intensity. It would seem reasonable to assume, as the distinguishing mark of patliological fetichism, the necessity for the presence of the fetich as a conditio sine qua non for the possibility of per- formance of coitus. But when the facts are more carefully studied, it is seen that this limitation is really only indefinite. There are numerous cases in which, even in the absence of the 154 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. ., fetich, coitus is possible, but it is iucomplete and forced (often with the help of fancies relating to the fetich), and particularly unsatisfying and exhausting ; and, too, closer study of the dis- tinctive subjective psychical conditions in these cases shows that there are transitional states, passing, on the one hand, to mere physiological preferences, and, on the other, to psychical impo- tence in the absence of the fetich. It is therefore better, per- haps, to seek the pathological criterion of body-fetichism in purely subjective psychical states. The concentration of the sexual interest on a certain portion of the body that has no direct relation to sex (as have the mammae and external genitals) — a peculiarity to be emphasized — often leads body- fetichists to such a condition that they do not regard coitus as the real means of sexual gratification, but rather some form of manipulation of that portion of the body that is effectual as a fetich. This perverse instinct of body-fetichists may be taken as the patliological criterion, no matter whether actual coitus is also possible or not. Fetichism of inanimate objects or articles of dress, how- ever, in all cases, may well be regarded as a pathological phe- nomenon; since its objects fall without the circle of normal sexual stimuli. But even here, in the phenomena, there is a certain outward correspondence with processes of the normal psychical vita sexualis ; the inner connection and meaning of pathological fetichism, however, are entirely different. In the ecstatic love of a man mentally normal, a handkerchief or shoe, a glove or letter, the flower " she gave," or a lock of hair, etc., may become the object of worship, but only because they repre- sent a mnemonic symbol of the beloved person — absent or dead — whose whole personality is reproduced by them. The patho- logical fetichist has no such relations. The fetich constitutes the entire content of his idea. When he is possessed by it, sexual excitement occurs, and the fetich makes itself felt.^ According to all observations thus, far made, pathological 1 In Zola's " ThereseRaquiu," where the lover repeatedly kisses his mistress's boot, the case is quite diflTereut from that of shoe- and boot- fetichists, who, at the sight of every boot worn by a lady, or even alone, are thrown into sexual excitement, even to the extent of ejaculation. ' FETICHISM. 155 feticliism seems to arise only on the basis of a psychopathic con- stitution tliat is for the most part hereditary, or on the basis of existent mental disease. Thus it happens that it not infrequently appears combined with the other (original) sexual perversions that arise on the same basis. Not infrequently feticliism occurs in the most various forms in combination with contrary sexuality, sadism, and maso- chism. Indeed, certain forms of body-fetichism (hand- and foot- feticliism) probably have a more or less distinct connection with the latter two perversions {v. infra). But if feticliism also rests upon a congenital general psycho- pathic disposition, yet this perversion is not, like those previously considered, essentially of an original nature ; it is not congeni- tally perfect, as we may well assume sadism and masochism to be. While in the sexual perversions thus far described we have met only cases of a congenital nature, here we meet only acquired cases. Aside from the fact that in feticliism the causa- tive circumstance of its acquirement is often demonstrable, here the physiological conditions are wanting, which in sadism and masochism, by means of sexual hyperaesthesia, are intensified to perversions, and justify the assumption of congenital origin. In feticliism, every case requires an event which affords the subject of perversion. As has been said, it is, of course, physiological in sexual life to be partial to one or another of woman's pecu- liarities, and to be enthusiastic about it ; but concentration of the entire sexual interest on such partial impressions is here the essential thing ; and for this concentration there must be a par- ticular reason in every individual affected. Therefore, we may accept Binet's conclusion that in the life of every fetichist there may he assumed to have been some event which determined the association of lustful feeling ivith the single impression. This event is to be referred to the time of early youth, and, as a rule, occurs in connection with the first awakening of the vita sexualis. This first awakening is associated with some partial sexual im- pression (since it is always something standing in some relation to woman), and stamps it for life as the principal object of sexual interest. The circumstances under which the association arises 156 PSYCHOPATHU SEXUALIS. are usually forgotten. It is only the result of the association that is retained. The general predisposition to psychopathic states and the sexual hypersesthesia of such individuals are all that is original liere.^ Like the other perversions thus far considered, erotic (patho- logical) fetichism may also express itself in strange, unnatural, and even criminal acts : gratification with the female person loco indebito, theft and robbery of objects of fetichism, pollution of such objects, etc. Here, too, it only depends upon the intensity of the perverse impulse and the relative power of opposing ethical motives, whether and to what extent such acts are per- formed. These perverse acts of fetichists, like those of other sexually perverse individuals, may either alone constitute the entire external vita sexualis, or occur together with the normal sexual act. This depends upon the condition of physical and psychical sexual power, and the degree of excitability to normal stimuli that has been retained. Where excitability is dimin- ished, not infrequently the sight or touch of the fetich serves as a necessary preparatory act. The great practical importance which attaches to the facts of fetichism, in accordance with what has been said, lies in two factors. First, pathological fetichism is not infrequently a cause o{ psychical impotence} Since the object upon which the sexual interest of the fetichist is concentrated stands, in itself, in no immediate relation to the normal sexual act, it often happens that the fetichist diminishes his excitability to normal stimuli 1 Though Biuet {op. cit.) declares that every sexual perversion, without exception, depends upon such an " accident acting on a predisposed subject " (where, under predis- position, only hyperjesthesia in general is understood), yetsuch an assumption for other per- versions than letichism is ueitlier necessary nor satisfactory. For example, it is not clear how the sight of another's punishment could excite sexually even a very excitable individual, if the physiological relationship of lust and cruelty had not been developed into original sadism in an abnormally excitable individual. 2 When young husbands who have associated much with prostitutes feel impotent in the face of the chastity of their young wives — a thing that frequently occurs — the con- dition may be regarded as a kind of (psychical) fetichism in a wider sense. One of my patients was never potent with his beautiful and chaste young wife, because he was accus- tomed to the lascivious methods of prostitutes. When he now and then attempted coitus with puellis he was perfectly potent. Hammond (op. cit.) reports a very similar interesting case. Of course, in such cases, a bad conscience and hypochondriacal fear of impotence play an important part. FETICHISM. 157 by his perversion, or, at least is capable of coitus only by means of concentration of liis fancy U[)on his fetich. In this perver- sion, and in the difficulty of its adequate satisfaction, just as in the other perversions of the sexual instinct, lie conditions favor- ing psychical and physical onanism, which again reacts dele- teriously on the constitution and sexual power. Tliis is especially true in the case of youthful individuals, and par- ticularly in the case of those who, on account of opposini^ ethical and aesthetic motives, shrink from the realization of their perverse desires. Secondly, fetichism is of great forensic importance. Just as sadism may extend to murder and the infliction of bodily injury, fetichism may lead to theft and even to robbery for the possession of the desired articles. Erotic fetichism has for its object either a certain portion of the body of a person of the opposite sex, or a certain arti- cle or material of wearing-apparel of the opposite sex, (Only cases of pathological fetichism in men have thus far been ob- served, and therefore only portions of the female person and attire are spoken of here.) In accordance with tliis, fetichists fall into three groups. (a) The Fetich is a Part of the Female Body. — Just as, in physiological fetichism, the eyes, the hand, the foot, and the hair of woman very frequently become fetiches, so, in tlie patli- ological domain, the same portions of the body become the sole objects of sexual interest. This exclusive concentration of interest on these parts, by the side of which everything else feminine fades, and all other sexual value of woman may sink to m/, so that, instead of coitus, strange mani[)ulations of the fetich become the object of desire, — this it is that makes these cases pathological. Case 74. (Binet, op. cit.) X., aged 34, teacher in a G^imiasiiun. In childhood he snftered with convnlsions. At the age of ten he began to masturbate, with histful feelings, which were connected witii very strange ideas. He was particularly partial to women's eyes ; but since he wished to imagine some form of coitus, and was absolutely innocent in sexual matters, to avoid too great a separation from the eyes, he evolved the idea of making the nostrils the seat of the female sexual organs. Then his lively sexual desires were connected with this idea, lie 158 PSYCHOPATH I A SEXUALIS. sketched drawings representing correct Greek profiles of female heads, but the nostrils were so large that immissio penis would have been possible. One day, in an omnibus, he saw a girl in whom he thought he rec- ognized his ideal. He followed her to her home and immediately pro- posed to her. Shown the door, he returned again and again, until arrested. X. never had sexual intercourse. Hand-fetichists are very numerous. The following case is not really pathological. It is given here as a transitional case : — Case 75. B., of neuropathic family, very sensual, mentally intact. At the sight of the hand of a beautiful young lady he is always charmed and feels sexual excitement to the extent of ejaculation. It is his de- light to kiss and press such hands. As long as they are covered with gloves he feels unhappy. By pretexts he tries to get hold of such hands. He is indifferent to the foot. If the beautiful hands are ornamented with rings, his lust is increased. Only the living hand, not its image, causes him this lustful excitement. It is only when he is exhausted sexually by frequent coitus that the hand loses its sexual charm. At first the memory-picture of female hands disturbed him even while at work. TBinet, op. cit.) Binet states that such cases of enthusiasm for the female hand are numerous. Here it may be recalled that, according to Case 24, a man may be partial to the female hand as a result of sadistic impulses ; and that, according to Case 46, the same thing may be due to masochistic desires. Thus such cases have more than one meaning. But this is by no means to say that all, or even a majority, of the cases of hand-fetichism allow or require a sadistic or masochistic explanation. The following interesting case, that has been studied in detail, shows that, in spite of the fact that at first a sadistic or masocliistic element seems to have exercised an influence, at the time of the individual's maturity and the complete development of the perversion, the latter contained nothing of these elements. Of course, it is possible that, in the course of time, these disap- peared ; but here the assumption of the origin of the fetichism in an accidental association meets every requirement : — Case 76. A case of hand-fetichism, communicated by Albert Moll. P. L., aged 28, a merchant of Westphalia. Aside from the fact that the patient's father was remarkably moody and somewhat quick-tempered, nothing of an hereditary nature could be proved in the family. At FETICHISM. 159 school the patient was not very diligent; he was never able to concen- trate his attention on any one subject for any length of time ; on the other hand, from childhood he had a great inclination for music. His temperament was always nervous. In August, 1890, he came to me complaining of headache and abdominal pain, which in every way gave the impression of being neu- rasthenic. The patient also said he was destitute of energy. Only after accurately directed questions did the patient make the following state- ments concerning his sexual life. As far as he could remember, tlie beginnings of sexual excitement occurred in his seventh year. When- ever he saw a boy of his own age urinate and caught sight of his geni- tals, he became lustfully excited. L. states with certainty that this excitement was associated with very evident erections. Led astray by another boy, L. learned to masturbate at the age of seven or eight. "Being of a very excitable nature," said L., "I practiced masturbation very frequently until my eighteenth year, without gaining any clear idea of the evil results or the meaning of the practice." He was particular!}' fond of practicing mutual onanism with i^me of his school-friends, but it was by no means an indifterent matter who the other boy was ; on the contrary, only a few of his companions could satisfy him in this respect. To the question as to what particularly caused him to prefer this or that boy, L. replied that a white, beautifully-formed hand in his school-fellows impelled him to practice mutual onanism with them. L. further remem- bered that frequently, at the beginning of the g3'mnastic lesson, he would exercise by himself on a bar standing apart. He did this for the purpose of exciting himself as much as })ossible ; and he was so success- ful that, without using his hand and without ejaculation, — L. was still too young, — he had lustful pleasure. Another early event which L. remembers is interesting. One day his favorite companion, N., who practiced mutual onanism with him. proposed that L. should try to get hold of his (N.'s) penis, and he would do all he could to prevent it. L. acquiesced. In this way the onanism wau directly coml»ined with a struggle between both parties, in which N. was always overcome. The struggle always finally ended in N.'s being compelled to allow L. to practice onanism on him. L. assured me that this kind of masturbation had given him, as well as N., especial pleasure.' In this way L. contin- ued to practice masturbation very frequently until his eighteenth year. Warned by a friend, he then began to struggle with all his might against his evil habit. He became more and more successful, and finally, after the first performance of coitus, he stopped the practice of onanisui entirely. But this was only accomplished in his twenty -second year. It now seems incomprehensible to the patient — and he says he is filled with disgust at the thought of it — how he could ever have found pleasure in 1 A kind of rudimentary sadism in L. and masochism in N. 160 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. performing masturbation witla other boys. Now, nothing could induce him to touch another man's genitals, the sight of which is even unpleas- ant to him. He has lost all inclination for men, and feels attracted by women exclusively. It must be mentioned, however, that, though L. has a decided inclination for the female sex, he presents an abnormal phenomenon. The essential thing in woman that excites him is the sight of her beautiful hands ; L. is by far more impressed when he touches a beautiful female hand than he would be were he to see its possessor in a state of complete nudity. The extent to which L.'s preference for beautiful female hands goes is shown by the following incident : — L. knew a beautiful young lady possessed of every charm, but her hands were quite large and not beautifully formed, and often they were not as clean as L. could wish. For this reason it was not only impossible for L. to conceive a deeper interest in the lady, but he was not able even to touch her. L. believes that there is nothing more disgusting to him than dirty finger-nails ; this alone would make it impossible for him to touch a woman who in all other respects was most beautiful. L. for- merly, as a substitute for coitus, had the puella perform genital manipu- lation with her hand until ejaculation took place. To the question as to what there was about a woman's hand that attracted him in particular, whether he saw in it a symbol of power, and whether it gave him pleasure to be directly humiliated by a woman, the patient answered that only the beautiful form of the hand charmed him; that it afforded him no gratification to be humiliated by a woman ; and that he had never had any thought to regard the hand as the symbol or instrument of a woman's power. The preference for the hand is still so great that the patient has greater pleasure when his genitals are touched by it than when he performs coitus in vaginam. Yet, the patient prefers to perform the latter, because it seems to him to be natural, while the former seems abnormal. The touch of a beautiful female hand on his body immediately causes him to have erection ; he thinks that kissing and other contacts do not exert nearly so strong an influence. It is only of late years that the [)atient has performed coitus frequently, but it has always been very ditlicult for him to determine to do it. Too, in coitus, he did not find the complete satisfaction he sought. However, when he finds himself near a woman whom he would like to possess, sometimes, at mere sight of her, his sexual excitement becomes so intense that ejaculation results. L. says expressly that during this he does not intentionally touch or press his genitals ; ejaculation under such circumstances affords him much more pleasure than he experiences in actual coitus.^ To go back, the patient's dreams were never about coitus. When 1 Great sexual hyperaesthesia. Comp. uote on p. 50. FETICHISM. 161 he had polhitions tit night, they were ahiiost always associated with other thoughts than those that occur in the normal man. The patient's dreams are of events of his school-days. During his school-days, besides the mutual onanism described, he had ejaculations whenever he became anxiously excited. When, for example, the teacher dictated an extem- l)oraneous exercise, and Ij. w:is unable to follow in translation, ejaculation often occurred. 1 The pollutions that now occur occasionally, at night, are only accompanied by dreams that have the same or a simihir subject, — the events at school just mentioned. On account of liis unnatural feeling and sensibility, the patient thinks he is incapable of loving a Avoman long. Treatment of the patient's perversion has not yet been possible. This case of haiid-ll'ticliisin certainly does not depend on masochism or sadism, but is to be explained simply by early in- dulgence in mutual onanism. There is here, also, quite as little of contrary sexual instinct. Before the sexual appetite was clearly conscious of its object, the hands of school-fellows were used. As soon as the instinct for the opposite sex Decame evi- dent, the interest for the hand was transferred to woman. In hand-fetichists, who, according to Binet, are so numer- ous, it is possible that other associations lead to the same result. Next to the hand-fetichists, naturally come the foot-fetich- ists. While glove-fetichism, which belongs to tlie next group of object-fetichism, seldom takes the place of hand-fetichism, we find shoe- and boot- fetichism, of which there are innumerable cases occurring everywhere, taking the place of enthusiasm for the naked female foot. There are only here and there traces of the latter enthusiasm, and these are scarcely pathological. It is easy to see the reason for tliis. Th(> I'emale hand is usually seen uncovered ; the foot, covered. Thus the early associations which d(>termhie the direction of tlie vita sexualis are naturally connected with the naked hand, but with the covered foot. Shoe-fetichism also finds its place in the following group of dress-fetichism ; however, on account of its demonstrable ^ This is also sexual liypercesthcsia. Any intense excitement affects the sexual sphere (Binet's "djnamogeuie g6nerale")- Concerning this, Dr. Moll communicates the following case : " A similar thing is described by Mr. E., aged 27; merchant. While at school, and afterward, he often had ejaculation with pleasurable feeling when he was seized with a feeling of intense anxiety. Besides, almost every other physical or mental pain exerted a similar influence. E., as he states, has a normal sexual instinct, but suffers with neiTous impotence." 11 162 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. masochistic character in the majority of cases, it has been, for the most part, described already (p. 123 et seq.). Besides the eyes, hand, and foot, the mouth and ears often play the role of a fetich. Among others, Moll (oj). cit.) men- tions such cases. (Comp. also Belot's romance, " La Bouche de Madame X.," vvliich, B. states, rests upon actual observation.) The following remarkable case came under my personal observation : — Case 77. A gentleman of very bad heredity consulted me concern- ing impotence that was driving him almost to despair. While he was young, his fetich was women of plump form. He married such a lady, and was hapi)y and potent with her. After a few months the lady fell very ill, and lost much flesh. When, one day, he tried to resume his marital dut}', he was absolutely impotent, and remained so. If, however, he attempted coitus with plump women, he was perfectly potent. Even bodily defects may become fetiches. Descartes, who himself (" Traite des Passions," cxxxvi) expresses some opinions concerning the origin of peculiar atfections in associations of ideas, was always partial to cross-eyed women, l)ecause the object of his first love had such a defect. (Binet, op. cit.) Lydston ("A Lecture on Sexual Perversion," Chicago, 1890 ^) reports the case of a man who had a love-afiair with a woman whose right lower extremity had been amputated. After separation from her, he searched for other women with a like defect.^ — A negative fetich. When the part of the female body forming the fetich is capable of removal, like the hair, the most extravagant acts may be performed. Therefore, hair-fetichists form an in- teresting and forensically-important category. While such admirers of female hair are probably not infrequent within physiological limits, and possibly various senses (sight, smell, and hearing, through crepitant sounds, — and certainly touch, just as with velvet- and silk- fetichists, v. infra) are thus excited with an accompaniment of lustful feeling ; yet, a series of similar pathological cases has also been observed, in which the hair-fetichism had become an overpowering impulse, and driven 1 Phila. Med. and Surg. Rep., Sept. 7, 1889. 2 This ease was originally reported by Dr. A. R. Reynolds, Chicago (Western Med. Reporter, Nov., 1888). FETICHISM. 163 the iiulividuals to commit crimes.^' •^ These form the group of hair-iU'spoilers. Cuse IS. A hair-deapoiler. P., aged 40, artistic locksmitli, single. His father was tciiii)or:irily insane, and his niotlier was very nervous. He developed well, and was intelligent ; but he was early affected with tics and imperative ideas. He had never masturbated. He loved pla- tonically, and often busied himself with matrimonial i)lans. He hud coitus infrequently^ with prostitutes, but never felt satisfied with such intercourse — rather, disgusted. Three years ago he was overtaken )>y misfortune (financial ruin), and, besides, he had a fel)rile disease, with delirium. These things had a very bad effect on his liercditarily-[)re- disposed nervous system. On August 28, 1881), P. was arrested at the Trocadero, in Paris, in flagranti, as he forcibly cut off a young girl's hair. He was arrested with the hair in his hand and a pair of shears in his pocket. He excused himself on the ground of momentary mental confusion and an unfortunate, irresistible passion; he confessed that he had ten times cut olf hair, which he took great delight in keeping at home. On searching his home, sixty-five switches and tresses of hair were found, assorted in packets. P. had already been once arrested, on December 15, 1886, under similar circumstances, but was released for lack of evidence. P. states that, for the last three years, when he is alone in his room at night, he feels ill, anxious, excited, and dizzy, and then is troubled by the impulse to touch female hair. When it happened that he could act- ually take a young girl's hair in his hand, he felt intensely excited sexu- ally, and had erection and ejaculation without touching the girl in any 1 Moll (ojj. cit., p. 181) reports: " A man, X., becomes inteusely excited sexually whenever he sees a woman with the hair iu a braid ; loose hair, no matter how beautil'ul, cannot produce this effect." Of course, it is not justifiable to consider all hair-despoilers feticliists, for in a few cases such acts are done for the purpose of gain,— i.e., the stolen hair is not a fetich. 2 Magnan (Arch, dc Neurologic, vol. xxxiii, No. 09, 1892) gives the details of a case of sexual perversion in a degenerate individual, where the elements of fetichisin and sadism were combined, and/rt?«ie de mieux the sadistic impulse found satisfaction in self-mutilation. The perverse impulse began at the age of six ; the sight of a boy or girl with a delicate, white skin awakened in him sexual appetite, with a desire to bite and eat a piece of the skin. While caressing a horse, the impulse to bite the soft skin of its nostrils arose, and afterward the memory of this became associated with the act of onanism. Later, he began to prick himself with pins, knives, etc., while masturbating. The desire to bite and eat skin was also provoked by the sight of shining blades, like those of scissors. He was always able to resist the impulse to attack young girls ; but the struggle was hard, and for eight months he hesitated before venting his passion on his own person. He Mas finally arrested in the act of cutting a large piece of skin from his arm with scissors. Asked the motive of his self-mutilation, he stated that for several hours he had been following a young girl who had a fine, white skin, and was burning with desire to cut out a piece of it and eat it. On his person there were many scars of previous mutilations. The impulse was devoid of natural sexual desire. Chewing the piece of skin provoked ejaculation, — Trans. 164 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. other way. On reaching home, he would feel ashamed of what had taken place ; but the wish to possess hair, always accompanied by great sensual pleasure, became more and more powerful in him. He wondered that pre- viously, even in the most intimate intercourse with women, he had ex- perienced no such feeling. One evening he could not resist the impulse to cut off a girl's hair. With the hair in his hand, at home, the sensual process was repeated, lie was forced to rub his body with the hair and envelop his genitals in it. Finally, quite exhausted, he grew ashamed, and could not trust himself to go out for several days. After months of rest he was again impelled to possess himself of female hair, indifferent as to whose it might be. If he attained his end, he felt himself possessed by a supernatural power and unable to give*up his booty. If he conld not attain the object of his desire, he l)ecarae greatly depressed, hurried home, and there reveled in his collection of hair. He combed and fondled it, and thus had intense orgasm, satisfying himself l)y masturbation. Hair ex- posed in the cases of hair-dressers made no impression on him ; it required hair hanging down from a female head. At the height of his act, he states, he is in such a state of excite- ment that he has only imperfect appercei)tion and snbsequent memory of what he does. When he touches the hair with the shears he has erection, and, at the instant of cutting it off", ejaculation. Since liis misfortune, about three years ago, he states that he has had weakness of memory, is easily exhausted mentally, and has been troubled by sleeplessness and night-terrors. P. deeply regrets his crime. Not only hair, but a number of hair-pins, ribbons, and other articles of the feminine toilet, were found in his possession, which he had had presented to him. He had always had an actual mania for collecting such things, as well as newspapers, pieces of wood, and other worthless trash, which he would never give up. He also had a strange and, to him, inexplicable fear of passing a certain street ; if he ever tried it, it made him ill. The opinion (medico-legal) showed him to be hereditarily predis- posed, and proved the imperative, impulsive, and decidedly involuntary character of the criminal acts, which had the significance of an impera- tive act, induced by an imperative idea, with an accompaniment of over- powering abnormal sexual feeling. Pardon ; asylum for insane. (Voisin, Socquet, Motet, Annales dliygiene, April, 1890.) Following this case, is a similar one which also deserves attention ; for it has been well studied, and may be called almost classical ; and, too, it places the fetich, as well as tlie original associative awakening of the idea, in a clear light : — Case 79. A hair-despoiler. E., aged 25. Maternal aunt, epileptic ; brother had convulsions. E. says he was fairly healthy as a child^ and FETICHISM. 165 learned quite easily. At the a.<:^e of fifteen lie had a sensual feeling of pleasure, with erection, at tlie sight of one of the village beauties combing her hair. Until that time persons of the opposite sex had made no impres- sion on him. Two months later, iu Paris, the sight of young girls with their hair llowing down over their slioulders ahvays excited him intensely. One day he could not resist an opportunity to twist a young gill's hair in his fingers. For this he was arrested and sentenced to imprisonment for three months. After that he served five 3'ears as a soldier. During tliis time hair was not dangerous for him, though also not very accessible ; but he dreamed sometimes of female heads witli the hair braided or flowing. Occasional coitus with women, but without having their hair effective as a fetich. Once more in Paris, he again dreamed as before, and )>ecame greatly excited l)y female hair. He never dreamed about the wliole form of a womon, only of heads with braids of hair. His sexual excitement due to this fetich had become so intense of late that he had resorted to masturbation. The idea of touching female hair, or, better, of jiossessing it to masturbate while hamlling it, grew more and more powerl'ul. Of late, when he had female hair in his fingers, ejaculation was induced. One day he succeeded in cutting hair, about 25 centimetres long, from three little girls in tlie street, and keeping it in his possession, wlien he was arrested in a fourth attempt. Deep regret and shame. He was not sen- tenced. Since spending some time in the asylum, he has so far improved that female hair no longer excites him. Set at liberty, he tliought of going to his native place, where the women wear their hair done up. (Magnan, Archiv. de Vanthropol. criminelle, v, Nr. 28.) A third case is the following, which is likewise suited to illustrate the psychopathic nature of such phenomena ; and the remarkahle means which induced a cure are worthy of note : — Case 80. Hair-felichiHin. Mr. X., between thirty and forty years old ; from the higher class of society ; single. He says that ho comes of a healthy family, but from childhood has been nervous, vacillating, and peculiar ; that since his eighth year he has been powerfully attracted by female hair. This was particularly true in the ca'Se of .young girls. When he was nine years old, a girl of thirteen seduced him. He did not understand it, and was not at all excited. A twelve-}' ear-old sister of this girl also courted, kissed, and hugged him. He allowed this quietly, because this girl's hair pleased him so well. When about ten years old, he began to have sensual feelings at the sight of female liair that i)leased him. Gradually these feelings occurred spontaneously, and memor3"-pictures of girls' hair were always immediately associated with them. At the age of eleven he was taught to mnsturbate by school-mates. The associative connection of sexual feelings and a fetichistic idea was already established, and always appeared when the patient indulged in evil practices with his 166 PSYCHOPATIIIA SEXUALIS. companions. With advancing years, the fetich grew more and more power- ful. Even false hair began to excite him, but he always preferred natural hair. When he could touch or kiss it, he was perfectly happy. He wrote essays and poems on the beauty of female hair ; he sketched heads of hair and masturbated. After his fourteenth 3'ear he became so power- fully excited by his fetich that he had violent erections. In contrast with his early taste while a boy, he Avas now charmed only by luxuriant, thick black hair. He experienced intense desire to kiss such hair, particularly to suck it. To touch such hair aflbrded him but little satisfaction ; he obtained much more pleasure in looking at it, but particularly in kissing and sucking it. If this were impossible, he would become unhappy, even to the extent of ta^dium vitffi. Then he would attempt to relieve himself, imaofinino; fantastic " hair-adventures " and masturliating. Not infre- quently, in the street and in crowds, he could not keep from imprinting a kiss on ladies' heads. He would then hurry home to masturbate. Sometimes he could resist this impulse ; but it was then necessary for him, filled with feelings of fear, to run away as quickly as possible, in order to escape the domination of his fetich. He was only once im- pelled to cut off a girl's hair in a crowd. In the act he was seized with fear, and was not successful with his pocket-knife; and, by flight, he nar- rowly escaped detection. When he became mature, he attempted to satisfy himself in coitus with puellis. He induced powerful erection by kissing the hair, but could not induce ejaculation. Therefoi-e, he was unsatisfied by coitus. At the same time, his favorite idea was coitus with kissing of hair; but even this did not satisfy him, because it did not induce ejaculation. Faute de rtiieux^ he once stole the combings of a lady's hair, put it in his mouth, and masturbated while calling its owner up in imagination. In the dark a woman could not interest him, because he could not then see her hair. Flowing hair also had no charm for him ; nor did the hair about the genitals. His erotic dreams were all about hair. Of late the patient had become so excited that he had a kind of sat3a'iasis. He was incapa- ble of business, and felt so unhappy that he sought to drown his sorrow in alcohol. He drank large quantities, had alcoholic delirium, an attack of alcoholic epilei)sy, and required hospital treatment. After the intoxi- cation had passed away, under appropriate treatment, the sexual excite- ment soon disappeared ; and when the patient was discharged, he was freed from his fetichistic idea, save for its occasional occurrence in dreams. The physical examination showed normal genitals and no degenerative signs whatever. Such cases of hair-feticliism, wliich lead to attacks on female hair, seem to occur everywhere, from time to time. In November, 1890, according to reports in American newspapers, FETICHISM. 167 several cities in tlie United States were troubled by such liair- despoilers. (b) The Fetich is an Article of Female Attire. — Tlie great importance of adornment, ornament, and dress, in tlie normal vita sexualis of man, is very generally recognized. Culture and fashion^ have, to a certain extent, endowed woman with arti- ficial sexual characteristics, the removal of which, when woman is seen unattired, in spite of the normal sensual effect of this sight, may exert an opposite influence.^ It should not be over- looked that female dress often shows a tendency to emphasize and exaggerate certain sexual peculiarities, — secondary sexual characteristics (bosom, waist, hips). In most individuals the sexual instinct awakes long before there is any possibility or op- portunity of intimate intercourse, and the early desires of youth are concerned with tlie ordinary appearance of the attired female form. Thus it happens that not infrequently, at the beginning of the vita sexualis, ideas of the persons exerting sexual charms and ideas of their attire become associated. This association may be lasting — tlie attired woman may be always preferred — if the individuals dominated by this perversion do not in other respects attain to a normal vita sexualis, and find gratification in natural charms. In psychopathic individuals, sexually hyperoesthetic, as a result of this, it actually happens that tlie dressed woman is always preferred to the nude female form. It may be recalled that in Case 48 the woman was not to take off a garment, and * The frequent changes of style of dress wliich fasliion dictates may be referred to a physiological law. The reaction of the nervous system to a constant stinuilus diminishes in proportion to the duration of the action of the stimulus. Constant association with nudity removes its power to excite sexually. Owing to this, the savage endeavors to attract attention by changing his physical peculiarities ; he dresses his hair in some remarkable way, or paints his body ; then he tattooes his skin, or performs striking sclf-mntilation, such as half-castration and circumcision (comp. Westermarck, op. cit., p. 205). Finally, muti- lation is replaced by movable appendages, upon which ornaments are worn ; and thus there is affoi-ded opportunity for cliant/e, in obedience to the unconscious physiological require- ment, which is called a " taste for change." Undoubtedly, woman's desire for changes of fashion is primarily dependent upon man's desire to be j^leased ; and her function in this direction has certainly been transferred from him to her by civilization (comp. p. ](!). — Trans. 2 Comp. Goethe's remarks about his adventure in Geneva (" Briefe aus der Schweiz," 1. Abtheil., Schluss), 168 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. that in Case 51, equus erotlcus, the woman was preferred dressed. In Case 89, of the sixth edition, — that of a man manifesting contrary sexuahty, — the same preference is expressed. Dr. Moll {ojj. cit.) mentions a patient who could not per- form coitus with puella nuda ; the woman had to have on a chemise, at least. The same author {pp. cit., p. 129) mentions a man affected with contrary sexuality, who was suhject to the same dress-fetichism. The reason for this phenomenon is apparently to^ be found in the mental onanism of such individuals. In seeing innu- merable clothed forms, they have cultivated desires before seeing nudity.^ A more marked form of dress-fetichism is that in which, instead of the dressed woman, a certain kind of attire becomes a fetich. One can understand how, witli an intense and early sexual impression, combined with the idea of a particular gar- ment on the woman, in hyperoesthctic individuals, a very intense interest in this garment might be developed. Hammond (op. cit.) reports tlie following case, taken from Roubaud (" Traite de I'impuissance," Paris) : — Case 81. X., son of a general. He was raised in the coiintr3\ At the age of fonrteen he was initiated into the joys of love by a yonng lady. This lady was a blonde, and wore her hair in ringlets; and, in order to avoid detection in sexual intercourse with her 3'Oung lover, she always wore her usual clothing, — gaiters, a corset, and a silk dress. When his studies were completed, and he was sent to a garrison where he could enjoy freedom, he found that his sexual desire could be excited onl}- under certain conditions. A 1)runette could not excite him in the least, and a woman in night-clothes could stifle every bit of love in him. In order to awaken his desire, a woman had to be a blonde, and wear gaiters, a corset, and a silk dress, — in short, she had to be dressed like the lady who had first awakened his sexual desire. He was always compelled to give up thoughts of matrimony, because he knew he would be unable to fulfill his marital duty with a woman in night-clothes. Hammond reports another case where coitus maritalis could be performed only by the help of a certain costume; and Dr. Moll mentions 1 The fact that the partly-veiled form is often more charming than when it is per- fectly nude, is, as far as object goes, similar, but quite different psychically. Tliis depends upon the effect of contrast and expectation, which are common phenomena, and in no sense pathological. FETICHISM. 169 several similar cases in individuals of lietero- and homo- sexuality-. The cause may often be shown to be an early association, and such may always be assumed. It is only in this way that one can explain why a certain costume cannot be resisted by such individuals, no matter what person wears the fetich. Thus one can understand wh3', as Coflignon (op. cit.) I'elates, men at brothels demand that the women with whom they are concerned put on certain costumes, such as that of a ballet- dancer, or nun, etc. ; and why these houses are furnished with a com- plete wardrobe for such puri)Oses. Binet {op. cit.) relates the case of a judge who was exclusively in love with Italian girls who came to Paris as artists' models', and their peculiar costume. The cause was here demonstrabl}^ an impression made at the time of the awakening of the sexual instinct. st-jf A third form of dress-feticliism, having a much higher degree of pathological significance, is by (ar tlie most frequent. In this form it is no longer the woman herself, dressed, or even dressed in a particular fashion, that constitutes the principal sexual stimulus, but the sexual interest is so concentrated on some certain article of female attire that the lustful idea of this object is entirely separated from the idea of woman, and thus obtains an independent value. This is the real domain of dress- fetichism, where an inanimate object — an isolated article of wearing-apparel — is alone used for the excitation and satisfaction of the sexual instinct. This third form of dress-fetichism is also the one that is important forensically. In a large number of these cases the fetiches are articles of female underwear, whicli, owing to their private use, are suited to occasion such associations. Case 82. K., aged 45, shoemaker, is reported to be without hereditary taint. He is peculiar, and has small mental endowment. He is of mascu- line habitus and without signs of degeneration. Previously blameless in conduct, on the evening of July 5, ISVG, he was detected taking stolen female under-garments from a place of concealment. There wore found with him about three hundred articles of the female toilet, among them, besides chemises and drawers, night-caps, garters, and a female doll. When arrested he was wearing a chemise. Since his thirteenth year he had been a slave to an impulse to steal women's linen ; but, after his first punishment for it, he had become very careful, and stolen with refinement and success. When this longing came over him, he would grow anxious, and his head would become heavy. Then he could not resist the impulse, 170 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. cost what it might. He was indifferent to the source of the articles. At night, on going to bed, he would put on the stolen clothing and create beautiful women in imagination, thus inducing pleasurable feeling and ejaculation. This was apparently the motive of his thefts ; at least, he had never disposed of any of the articles, but had hidden them here and there. He declared that, earlier in his life, he had indulged in normal sexual intercourse with women. He denied onanism, pederasty, and other sexual acts. He said he was engaged at twenty-five, but the engagement was broken through no fault of his. He was Incapable of insight into the abnormality of his condition and the wrong of his acts. (Passow, Vie?'- teljahrsschrift f. ger. Medic, N. F. xxviii, p. 61 ; Krauss, " Psychologic des Yerbrechens," 1884, p. 100.) Hammond {op. cit.) reports a case of passionate interest in single articles of female wearing-apparel. Here, also, the patient's pleasure consisted in wearing a corset and other female garments (without any traces of contrary sexual instinct). The pain of tight lacing, experienced by himself or induced in women, is a delight to him, — sadistic-masochistic element. A case probably belonging here is one reported by Diez ('"Der Solbstmord," 1838, p. 24), where a young man could not resist the impulse to tear female linen. While tearing it, he always had ejaculation. A combination of fetichism with an impulse to destroy the fetich (in a certain sense, sadism with inanimate objects) seems to occur quite frequently (comp. Case 98). An article of dress, which, though it has not really a pri- vate character, by its material and color, as well as by the place where it is worn, recalls under-garments, and hence has sexual relations, is the apron (comp. also the metonymic use of the word " apron '^ for " petticoat " in the saying, " To chase every apron," etc.). This explains the following case: — Case 83. C, aged 37 ; of a badlj^ tainted family' ; of small mental en- dowment ; plagiocephalic. At fifteen his attention was attracted by aprons hung out to dry. He bound them about himself and masturbated behind the fence. From that time he could not see aprons without repeating the act. If any one — no matter whether man or woman — with an apron on came near him, he was compelled to run after the person. In order to free FETICHISM. 171 him from this constant stealing of aprons, he was sent as a marine in his sixteenth year. In this calling he saw no aprons, and had continnal rest. When, at nineteen, he returned home, he was again compelled to steal aprons, and, as a result, got into serious complications, and was several times locked up. He sought to free himself of his weakness b^^ a sojourn of several years in a cloister. When he came out, he was just as bad as before. As a result of a new theft, he underwent a medico-legal examination, and was committed to an asylum. He never stole anj'thing but aprons. It was a pleasure to him to revel in the memory of the first apron he ever stole. His dreams were filled with aprons. He occasion- ally used the memory of his thefts to make coitus possible, or for mastur- bation. (Charcot and Magnan, Arch, de neurolog., 1882, Nr. 12.) In a case reported by Lombroso (" Amori anomali precoci nei pazzi," Arch, di psich., 1883, p. 17), analogous to those of this series, a boy of very l.)ad heredit}^, at the age of four, had erections and great sexual excitement at the sight of 'white garments, particularly under- clothing. He was lustfully excited by handling and crumpling them. At the age of ten he began to masturbate at the sight of white, starched linen. He seems to have been affected with moral insanity, and was executed for murder. The following case of petticoat-fetichism is combined with peculiar circumstances : — • Case 84. Z., aged 35 ; official ; the only child of a nervous mother and healthy father. From childhood he was " nervous," and at the con- sultation his neuropathic eyes, delicate, slender body, fine features, very thin voice, and sparse growth of beard attracted attention. The patient presents nothing abnormal except symptoms of slight neurasthenia. Genitals and sexunl functions normal. Patient states that he has only masttu'bated four or five times, and that when he was ver}' young. As early as at the age of thirteen, the patient was powerfully excited sex- ually l)y the sight of wet female dresses ; while the same dresses, when dry, had no effect upon him. His greatest delight was to look at women with wet garments in tiie rain. If he met a woman having a pleasing face under sucIl circumstances, he experienced an intense feeling of lust- ful })leasure, had erection, and felt impelled to perform coitus. He states that he has never had any desire to wet female dresses or to throw water on women. He can give no ex])lanation of the origin of his peculiarity. It is possible that, in this case, the sexual instinct was first awak- ened b}^ the sight of a woman as she exposed her charms by raising lier skirts in wet weather. The obscure instinct, not yet conscious of its object, then became directed to the wet garments, as in other cases. Lovers of female handkerchiefs are frequent, and, there- 172 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. fore, im[)ortaut foreiisically. As to the frequency of liandker- eliief-feticliism, it may be remarked that the handkerchief is the one article of feminine attire which, outside of intimate associa- tion, is most frequently displayed, and which, with its warmth from the person and specific odors, may by accident fall into the hands of otliers. The frequency of early association of lustful feelings with the idea of a handkerchief, which may always be presumed to have occurred in such cases of fetichism, probably is due to this. Case 85. A baker's assistant, aged 32, single, previously of good repute, was discovered stealing a handkerchief from a lad3\ In sincere remorse, he confessed that he had stolen from eighty to ninetj^ such hand- kerchiefs. He had cared only for handkerchiefs, and, indeed, only for those belonging to young women attractive to him. In his outward appear- ance the culprit presents nothing peculiar. He dresses himself with much taste. His conduct is peculiar, anxious, depressed, and unmanly, and he often lapses into whining and tears. Lack of self-reliance, weakness of comprehension, and slowness of perception and reflection, are noticeable. One of his sisters is epileptic. He lives in good circnmstances ; was never severely sick ; developed well. In relating his history, he shows weakness of memory and lack of clearness ; calculation is hard for him, though when young he learned and comprehended easily. His anxiousr, uncertain state of mind gives rise to a suspicion of onanism. The culprit confessed that he had been given to this practice excessively since his nineteenth j^ear. For some years, as a result of his vice, he had suffered with depression, lassitude, trembling of the limbs, pain in the back, and disinclination for work. Frequently a depressed, anxious state of mind came over him, in which he avoided people. He had exaggerated, fan- tastic notions about the results of sexual intercourse with women, and could not bring himself to indulge in it. Of late, however, he had thought of marriage. AVith great remorse and in a weak-minded wa}^, X. now confessed that six months before, while in a crowd, he became violently excited sexually at the sight of a pretty young girl, and was compelled to crowd up against her. He felt an impulse to compensate himself for the want of a more complete satisfaction of his sexual excitement, by stealing her handkerchief. Thereafter, as soon as he came near attractive females, with violent sexual excitement, palpitation of the heart, erection and impetus coeundi^ the impulse would seize him to crowd up against them a\\(\,faule de mieux^ steal their handkerchiefs. Although the conscious- ness of his criminal act never left him for a moment, he was unable to make any resistance to the impulse. During the act he felt an anxiety which was in part due to his inordinate sexual impulse, and partly to the FETICHISM. 173 fear of detection. The medico-legal opinion riglitly gave weight to the congenital mental enfeeblement and tlie pernicious influence of masturba- tion, and referred the abnormal imi)ulses to a perverse sexual impulse, calling attention to the presence of an interesting and well-known })hysio- logical connection between tlie olfactory and sexual senses. The iiial)ility to resist the pathological impulse was recognized. X. was not punished. (Zippe, W'iene?- Med. Wochenschrift, 1879, Nr. 23.) I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Fritscli, of Vienna, for further facts concerning tliis liandkercliief-fetichist, who was again arrested in August, 1890, in tlie act of taking a handker- chief from a kidy's pocket : — On searching his house, four hundred and forty-six ladies' handker- chiefs were found. Hi3 stated that he had bui'ued besides two bundles of them. In the course of the examination, it was further shown that X. had been })unished with imprisonment for fourteen days, in 1883, for stealing twenty-seven handkerchiefs, and again with imprisonment for three weeks, in 1886, for a similar crime. Concerning his relatives, nothing more could be learned than that his lather was subject to congestions, and that a brother's daughter was weak-minded and constitutionally neuro- pathic. X. had married in 1879, and embarked in an independent business, and in 1881 he made an assignment. Soon after that, his wife, who could not live with him, and with whom he did not perform his marital duty (denied by X.), demanded a divorce. Thereafter he lived as assistant baker to his brother. He complained bitterly of an impulse for ladies' handker- chiefs, but when opportunity olfered, unfortunately, he could not resist it. In the act he experienced a feeling of delight, and felt as if some one were forcing him to it. Sometimes he could restrain himself, but, when the lady was pleasing to him, he yielded to the lirst impulse. He would be wet with sweat, partly from fear of detection, and partly on account of the impulse to perform the act. He says he has been sensually excited, by the sight of handkerchiefs belonging to women, since puberty. He cannot recall the exact circumstances of this fetichistic association. The sensual excitement, occasioned by the sight of a lady with a handkerchief hanging out of her pocket, had constantly increased. This had repeatedly caused erection , but never ejaculation. After his twenty-first year, he says, he had inclination to normal sexual indulgence, and had coitus without difficulty without ideas of handkerchiefs. With increasing fetichism, the appropriation of handkerchiefs had afforded him much more satisfaction than coitus. The appropriation of the handkerchief of a lady attractive to him was the same to him as intercourse with her would have been. In the act he had true orgasm. If he could not gain possession of the handkerchief he desired, he 174 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. would become painfully excited, tremble, and sweat all over. He kept separate the handkerchiefs of ladies particularly pleasing to him, and reveled in the sight of them, taking great pleasure in it. The odor of them also gave him great delight, though he states that it was really the odor peculiar to the linen, and not the perfume, which excited him sen- sually. He had masturbated but very seldom. X. comj)laiued of no physical ailments except occasional headache and vertigo. He greatly regretted his misfortune, his abnormal impulse, — the evil spirit that impelled him to such criminal acts. He had but one wish : that some one might help him. Objectively there are mild neuras- thenic symptoms, anomalies of the distribution of blood, and unequal pupils. It was proved that X. had committed his crimes in obedience to an abnormal, irresistible impulse. Pardon. Such cases of handkerchief-fetichism, where an abnormal mdividual is driven to tlieft, are very numerous. They also occur in combination with contrary sexuahty, as is proved by the following case, which I borrow from page 125 of Dr. Moll's Irequently-cited work ^ : — Case 86. Handkei' chief -fetichism in a Case of Contrary Sexual Instinct. — K., aged 38 ; mechanic ; a powerfully built man. He makes numerous complaints, — weakness of the legs, pain in the back, headache, want of pleasure in work, etc. The complaints give the decided impres- sion of neurasthenia with tendency to hy})ochondria. Only after the patient had been under my treatment several months did he state that he was also abnormal sexually. K. had never had any inclination whatever for women ; but hand- some men, on the other hand, had a peculiar charm for him. Patient had masturbated frequently until he came to me. He had never prac- ticed mutual onanism or pederasty. He did not think that he would have found satisfaction in this, because, in spite of his preference for men, an article of white linen was his chief charm, though the beauty of its owner played a role. The handkerchiefs of handsome men particu- larly excite him sexually. His greatest delight is to masturbate m men's handkerchiefs. For this reason he often took his friend's handkerchiefs. ^ On page 134 {op. cit.) Dr. Moll writes concerning this impulse in hetero-sexual individuals : " The passion for handkerchiefs may go so far that the man is entirely under their control. A woman tells me : ' I know a certain gentleman, and when I see liim at a distance I only need to draw out my handkerchief so that it peeps out of my pocket, and I am certain that he will follow me as a dog follows its master. Go where I please, this gen- tleman will follow me. He may be riding in a carriage or engaged in important business, and yet, when he sees my handkerchief he drops everything in order to follow me, — i.e., my handkerchief.' " FETICHISM. 175 In order to save himself from detection, he always left one of his own handkerchiefs with his friend in place of the one he stole. In tliis way he sought to escape the suspicion of theft, by creating the ap[)earance of a mistake. Other articles of men's linen also excited K. sexually, but not to the extent handkerchiefs did. K. had often performed coitus with women, having erection and ejaculation, but without lustful pleasure. There was also nothing which could stimulate the patient to the performance of coitus. Erection and ejaculation occurred only when, during the act, he thought of a man's handkerchief; and this was easier for the patient when he took a friend's handkerchief with him, and had it in his hand during coitus. In accord- ance with his sexual perversion, in his nightly pollutions with lustful ideas, men's linen played the principal I'ole. It is possible that, in this interest in (used) handkerchiefs, elements of feeling in the sense of masochism, group " c." are also often at work. Still far more frequent than the fetichism of linen garments is that of women's shoes. These cases are, in fact, almost innumerable, and a great many of them have been scicnitifically studied; but I have but a few reports at second hand of the similar glove-fetichism (concerning the reason for the relative infrequency of glove-fetichism, vide p. 161). In shoe-fetichism the close relationship of the object to tlie feminine person, which explains linen-fetichism, is absolutely wanting. For this reason, and because there is a large number of well-observed cases at hand, in which the fetichistic enthusi- asm for the female shoe or boot consciously and undoubtedly arises from masochistic ideas, an origin of a masochistic nature, even when it is concealed, may always be assumed in shoe- fetichism, when, in the concrete case, no other manner of origin is demonstrable. For this reason the majority of the cases of shoe- or foot- fetichism have been given under " Masochism." There the constant masochistic character of this form of erotic fetichism has been sufficiently demonstrated by means of tran- sitional conditions. This presumption of the masochistic char- acter of shoe-fetichism is weakened and removed only where another accidental cause for an association between sexual excitation and the idea of women's shoes — the occurrence of which is quite improbable a priori — is demonstrable. In the 176 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. two following cases, however, there is such a demonstrable connection : — Case 87. Shoe-feticnism. Mr. v. P., of an old and honorable fam- ily, Pole, aged 32, consulted me, in 1890, on account of " unnaturalness " of his vita sexualis. He gave the assurance that he came of a perfectly healthy family. He had been nervous from childhood, and had suffered with chorea minor at the age of eleven. For ten years he had suftered with sleeplessness and various neurasthenic ailments. From his fifteenth year he had recognized the ditference of the sexes and been capable of sexual excitation. At the age of seventeen he had been seduced by a French governess, but coitus was not permitted ; so that intense mutual sensual excitement (mutual masturbation) was all that was possible. In this situation his attention was attracted by her very elegant boots. They made a very deep impression. His intercourse with this lewd person lasted four months. During this association her shoes became a fetich for the unfortunate boy. He began to have an interest in ladies' shoes in general, and actually went about trying to catch sight of ladies wearing pretty l)Oots. The shoe-fetichism gained great power over his mind. He had the governess touch his penis with her shoes, and thus ejaculation with great lustful feeling was immediately induced. After separation from the governess, he went to puellis, whom he had perform the same mani})ulation. This was usually sufficient for satisfaction. Only seldom did he resort to coitus as an auxiliary, and inclination for it grew less and less. His vita sexualis consisted of dream-pollutions, in which women's shoes played the exclusive role ; and of gratification with women's shoes apposita ad mentulam, but this had to be done by the puella. In the society of the opposite sex the only thing that in- terested him was the shoe, and that only when it was elegant, of the French style, with heels, and of a brilliant black, like the original. In the course of time the following conditions have become acces- sory : A {)rostitute's shoe that is elegant and chic ; starched petticoats, aud black hose, if possible. Nothing else in woman interests him. He is absolutely indifferent to the naked foot. Women have not the slightest mental charm for him. He had never had masochistic desires, in the sense of being trod upon. In the course of years his fetichism had gained such power that when he saw a lady on the street, of a certain appearance and with certain shoes, he was so intensely excited that he had to masturbate. Slight pressure on the penis suflSced to induce ejaculation, in his state of severe neurasthenia. Shoes displayed in shops, and, of late, even advertisements of shoes, sufficed to excite him intensely. In states of intense libido he made use of onanism, if slioes were not at his immediate command. The patient quite early recog- nized the pain and danger of his condition, and, even when he was free from neurasthenic ailments, he was morally very much depressed. He FETICHISM. 177 sought help of various physicians. Cohl-water cures and hypnotism were unsuccessful. The most celebrated physicians advised him to marry, and assured him that, as soon as he once really loved a girl, he would be free from his fetichism. The patient had no confidence in his future, but he followed the advice of the physicians. He was cruelly disappointed in the hope which the authority of the physicians had aroused in him, though he led to the altar a lady distinguished by both mental and i)liysical charms. The wedding-night was terrible; he felt like a criminal, and did not approach his wife. The next day he saw a prostitute with the required chic. lie was weak enough to have inter- course with her in his way. Then he bought a pair of elegant ladies' boots, and hid them in bed, and, by touching them, while in marital embrace, after a few days, he was able to perform his H)arital duty. He ejaculated tardily, for he had to force himself to coitus ; and, after a few weeks, this artifice ftiiled, because his imagination failed. He felt unspeakably miserable, and would have preferred to make an end of himself. He could 'no longer satisfy his wife, who was sensual, and much excited by their previous intercourse; and he saw her suffering severely, both mentally and morally. He could not, and would not, dis- close his secret. He experienced disgust in marital intercourse; he felt afraid of his wife, and feared the coming of night and being alone with her. He could no longer induce erection. He again made attempts with prostitutes, and satisfied himself by touching their shoes. Then the puella had to touch his penis, when he would have ejaculation ; but, if this did not take place, he would attempt coitus with the lewd woman ; without success, however, for ejaculation would occur immediately. In absolute despair, the patient comes for consultation. He deeply regretted that, against his inner conviction, he had followed the unfortunate advice of the physicians, and made a virtuous wife unhappy, having deeply injured her, both mentally and morally'. Could he answer God for continuing such a marriage? Even if he were to discover himself to his wife, and she were to do everything for him, it would not help him; for the familiar perfume of the demi-monde was also necessary. Aside from his mental pain, this unfortunate man presented no remarkable symptoms. Genitals perfectly normal. Prostate somewhat enlarged. He complained that he was so under the domination of his boot-ideas that he would even blush when boots were talked about. His whole imagination was given up to such ideas. When he was on his estate, he often suddenly had to go a distance of ten miles to the city, to satisfy his fetichism with shoe-stores or with puellis. This pitiable man could not bring himself to take treatment ; for his faith in physicians had been greatly shaken. An attempt to ascer- tain whether hypnosis and a removal of the fetichistic association by this means, were possible, increased the mental excitement of the unfor- 178 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. tuiiate man, who was exclusively controlled by the thought that he had made his wife unhappy. Case 88. X., aged 24, from a badly-tainted family (mother's brother and grandfather insane, one sister epileptic, another sister subject to migraine, parents of excitable temperament). During dentition he had had convulsions. At the age of seven he was tauglit to masturbate by a servant-girl. X. first experienced pleasure in these manipulations when this girl occasionally stroked his penis with he?' foot with her shoe on. Thus, in the predisposed bo^^ an association was established, as a result of which, from that time on, merely the sight of women's shoes, and, finall}^, merely the idea of them, sufficed to induce sexual excite- ment and erection. He now masturbated while looking at women's shoes, or while calling them up in imagination. At school the teacher's shoes excited him intensely', and in general he was aff"ected by shoes that were partly concealed by female garments. One day he could not keep from grasping the teacher's shoes, — an act that caused him great sexual excitement. In spite of punishment he could not keep from performing this act repeatedly. Finally, it was recognized that there must be an abnormal motive in play, and he was sent to a male teacher. He then reveled in the memory of shoe-scenes with his former school-mistress, and thus had erections, orgasm, and, after his fourteenth 3'ear, ejacula- tion. At the same time, he masturbated while thinking of a woman's shoe. One day the thought came to him to increase his pleasure b}' using such a shoe for masturbation. Thereafter he freq[uently took shoes secretly, and used them for that purpose. Nothing else in a woman could excite him ; the thought of coitus filled him with horror. Men did not interest him in any way. At the age of eighteen he opened a general store, and, among other things handled ladies' shoes. He was excited sexually by fitting shoes for his female patrons, or by manipulating shoes that the}- had worn. One day, while doing this, he had an epileptic attack, and, soon after, another, while practicing onanism in his customar>' ^vay. Then he recognized, for the first time, the injury to health caused by his sexual practices. He tried to overcome his onanism, sold no more shoes, and strove to free himself from the abnormal association between women's shoes and the sexual function. Then frequent pollutions, with erotic dreams about shoes, occurred, and the ejjileptic attacks continued. Though devoid of the slightest feeling for the female sex, he determined on marriage, Avhich seemed to him to be the only remedy. He married a pretty young lady. In spite of lively erections when he thought of his wife's shoes, in attempts at cohabitation he was absolutely impotent ; for his distaste for coitus, and for close intercourse in general, was far more powerful than the influence of the shoe-idea, which induced sexual excitement. On account of his impotence, the patient applied to Dr. Hammond, who treated his epilepsy with bromides, FETICHISM. 179 and advised bim to hang a shoe up over his bed, and looiv at it fixedly during coitus, at the same time imagining his wife to be a slioe. The patient became free from epile[)tic attacks, and potent so that lie could have coitus about once a week. Too, his sexual excitation by women's shoes grew less and less. (Hammond, " Sexual Impotence.") Following these two cases of slioe-l'eticliism, which appar- ently depend merely upon accidental association, and are not favored by any inner relation between the things themselves, is given the very strange case of a fetichist who was excited sexu- ally only by the idea of a night-cap on the head of an ugly old woman ; also a case arising apparently from merely accidental association : — Case 89. L., aged 3T, clerk, from tainted family, had his first erec- tion at five years, when he saw his bed-fellow — an aged relative — put on a night-cap. The same thing occurred later, when he saw an old servant put on her night-cap. Later, simi)ly the idea of an old, ugly woman's head, covered with a night-cap, was sufficient to cause an erection. Simply the sight of a cai), or of a naked woman or man, made no im[)res- sion, but the mere touch of a night-cap induced erection, and sometimes even ejaculation. L. was nota masturbator,and had never been sexually active until his thirty-second year, when he married a young girl with whom he had fallen in love. On his marriage-night he remained cold until, from necessit}^ he brought to his aid the memory-[)icture of an ugly woman's head with a night-cap. Coitus was innned lately suc- cessful. Thereafter it was always necessar}^ for him to use this means. Since childhood he had been subject to occasional attacks of depression, with tendency to suicide, and now and then to frightful hallucinations at night. When looking out of windows, he became dizzy and anxious. He was a perverse, peculiar, and easily embarrassed man, of bad mental constitution. (Charcot and Magnan, Arch, de neural., 1882, No. 12.) In this very peculiar case, the simultaneous coincidence of the first sexual excitation and an absolutely heterogeneous impression seems to have determined the association. Hammond (o/>. cit.) also mentions a case of accidental associative fetichism that is quite as peculiar. A married man, aged 30, who, in other respects, was healthy, physically and mentally, is said to have suddenly lost his sexual power, after moving to another house, and to have regained it as soon as the furniture of the sleeping-room had been arranged as it was before. 180 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. (c) Tlie Fetich is Some Special Material. — There is a third principal group of fetichists who have as a fetich neither a por- tion of the female body nor a part of female attire, but some particular material which is so used, not because it is a material for female garments, but because in itself it can arouse or in- crease sexual feelings. In many cases of this kind, the act of feeling of such material during the sexual act seems indis- pensable, in order to make the latter possible, or at least satis- factory. Such materials are furs, velvet, and silk. These cases differ from the foregoing instances of erotic dress- fctichism, in that these materials, unlike female linen, do not liave any close relation to the female body ; and, unlike shoes and gloves, they are not related to certain parts of the person whicli have peculiar symbolic significance. Moreover, this fetichism cannot be due to an accidental association, like that in the cases of the night-caps and the arrangement of the sleeping-room ; for these cases form an entire group liaving the same object. It must be presumed that certain tactile sensa- tions (a kind of tickling wliicli stands in some distant relation to lustful sensations]), in hyper^esthetic individuals, furnish the occasion for the origin of this fetichism. The following is a personal observation of a man affected with this peculiar fetichism : — Case 90. N. N., aged 37 ; of a neuropathic femil}^ ; neuropathic constitution. He makes the following statement : " From my earliest youth I have always had a deeply -rooted partialit}^ for furs and velvet, in that these materials cause me sexual excitement, and the sight and touch of them give me lustful pleasure. I can recall no event that caused this peculiarity (such as the simultaneous occurrence of the first sexual ex- citation and an impression of these materials, — i.e., first excitation by a woman dressed in them) ; in fact, I cannot remember when this enthusiasm began. However, by this I would not exclude the possibility of such an event, — of an accidental connection in a first impression and consequent association ; but I think it verj' improbable that such a thing took place, because I believe such an occurrence would have deepl}' impressed me. All I know is, that even when a small child I had a lively desire to see and stroke furs, and thus had an obscure sensual pleasure. With the first occurrence of definite sexual ideas,— -i.e., the direction of sexual thoughts to woman, — the peculiar preference for women dressed in such materials was FETICH ISM. 181 present. Since then, up to mnturo mnnliood, it has remn,ineed only when the fur has very thick, fine, smooth, and rather long hair, that stands out like that of the so-called bearded furs. I have noticed that the effect depends upon this. I am entirely indifferent not only to the common coarse, bushy furs, l>ut also to those that are commonl}' regarded as beautiful and precious, from which the long hair has been removed (seal, beaver), or of which the hair is naturally short (ermine) ; and likewise to those of which the hair is over-long and lies down (monkey, bear). The specific 182 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. effect is exerted onlj^ l)y tbe standing long liair of the sable, marten, skunk, etc. But velvet is made of thick, fine, standing hairs (fibres) ; and its effect may be due to this. The effect seems to depend upon a very definite imj^ression of the points of thick, fine hair upon the end- organs of the sensory nerves. " But how this peculiar impression on the tactile nerves is related to sexual instinct is a perfect enigma to me. The fact is, that this is the case with many men. I would also state expressly that beautiful female hair pleases me, but plays no more important part than the other charm ; and that while touching fur I have no thought of female hair. The tac- tile sensation, also, has not the least resemblance to that imparted by female hair. There is never association of any other idea. Fur, per se, arouses sensuality in me, — how, I cannot explain. " The mere aesthetic effect, the beauty of costly furs, to which every one is more or less susceptible; which, since Raphael's Fornarina and Reuben's Helene Fourment, has been used as the foil and frame of female beauty by innumerable painters; and which plays so imi>ortant a role in fiishion, — the art and science of female dress, — this aesthetic effect, as has been remarked, explains nothing here. Beautiful furs have the same aesthetic effect on me as on normal individuals, and aftect me in the same way that flowers, ribbons, precious stones, and other ornaments affect every one. Such things, when skillfully used, enhance female beauty, and thus, under certain circumstances, may have an indirect sen- sual effect. They never have a direct, powerful, sensual effect on me, as do the fetich-maferials mentioned. '' Though in me, and, in fact, in all ' fetichists,' the sensual and aes- thetic effect must be strictly dift'erentiated, nevertheless, that does not prevent me from demanding in my fetich a whole series of aesthetic qual- ities in form, style, color, etc. I could give a very lengthy description of these qualities that my taste demands ; but I omit it as not ])eing essential to the real subject in hand. I would onlj- call attention to the fact that erotic fetichism is complicated with purely aesthetic tastes. " The specific erotic effect of my fetich-materials can be explained no better by the association with the idea of the person of the female wear- ing them, than by their resthetic impression. For, in the first place, as has been said, these materials, as such, affect me when entirely isolated from the body ; and, in the second place, articles of clothing of a much more private nature, and which undoubtedl}' call up associations, exert a much weaker influence over me. Thus the fetich-materials have an inde- pendent sensual value for me ; why, is an enigma to me. " Feathers in women's hats, fans, etc., have the same erotic fetichistic effect on me as furs and velvet (similar tactile sensation of airy, peculiar tickling). Finally, the fetichistic effect, with much less intensity, is exerted b}' other smooth materials (satin and silk) ; but rough goods (cloth, flannel) have a repelling effect. FETICH ISM. 183 " In conclusion, T will mention that somewhere I read an article by- Carl Vogt on mierocei)halic inoii, aceortlinrentiation from children of the opposite sex. These impressions, however, n^main destitute of mental meaning, because they apparently are without sexual coloring ; for the central organ (cortex) of sexual emotions and ideas is not yet capable of activity, owing to its undeveloped condition. With the inception of anatomical and functional develop- ment of the generative organs, and the differentiation of form belonging to each sex, which goes hand in hand with it in the boy or girl, rudiments of a mental feeling corresponding with 186 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. the sex are developed ; and in this, of course, education and external influences in general have a powerful efl"ect upon the individual, who is now all attention. If the sexual development is normal and undisturbed, a definite character, corresponding with the sex, is developed. Certain definite inclinations and reactions in intercourse with persons of the opposite sex arise ; and it is psychologically worthy of note with what relative rapidity the definite mental type corresponding with the sex is evolved. While modesty, for example, during childhood, is essen- tially but an uncomprehended and incomprehensible exaction of education and imitation, and in the innocence and naivete of the child but imperfectly expressed ; in the youth and maiden it becomes an imperative requirement of self-respect; and, if in any way it is offended, intense vasomotor reaction (blushing) and psychical emotion are induced. If the original constitution is favorable and normal, and factors injurious to the psycho-sexual development exercise no influence, then a psycho-sexual personality is developed that is so unchangeable, and corresponds so completely and harmoniously with the sex the individual represents, that subsequent loss of the generative organs (as by castration), or the climacteric or senility, cannot essentially alter it. But this, of course, is not to declare that the castrated man or woman, the youth and the aged man, the maiden and matron, the impotent and the potent man, do not differ essentially from one another mentally. An interesting and important question for what follows is, wlietlicr the peri])]ieral influences of the generative glands (testes and ovaries), or central cerebral conditions, are the determining Ihctors in psycho-sexual development. The fact that congenital deficiency of the generative glands, or removal of tliein before puberty, has a great influence on physical and psycho-sexual development, so that the latter is distorted and assumes a type more closely resembling the opposite sex (eunuchs, certain viragoes, etc.), betokens their great importance in this respect. But that the physical processes taking place in the genital HOMO-SEXUALITY. 187 organs are only co-operative, and not the exclusive factors in the process of development of the psycho-sexual character, is shown hy the fact that, notwithstanding a normal anatomical and physiological state of these organs, a sexual instinct may be developed which is the exact opposite of that characteristic of the sex to which the individual belongs. In this case, the cause is to be sought only in an anomaly of central conditions, — in an abnormal psycho-sexual consti- tution. This constitution, as far as its anatomical and functional foundation is concerned, is absolutely unknown. Since, in almost all such cases, the individual subject to the perverse sexual instinct displays a neuropathic predisposition in several directions, and the latter may be brought into relation with hereditary degenerate conditions, this anomaly of psycho-sexual feeling may be called, clinically, a functional sign of degeneration. This perverse sexuality appears spontaneously, witliout external cause, with the development of sexual life, as an individual manifestation of an abnormal form of the vita scxualis, and then has the force of a congenital phenomenon ; or it develops upon a sexuality the beginning of which was normal, as a result of very definite injurious influences, and thus appears as an acquired anomaly. Upon what this enigmatical phenomenon of acquired homo-sexual instinct depends is still inexplicable, and only a matter for hypothesis. Careful examination of the so-called acquired cases makes it probable that the predisposition also present here consists of a latent homo-sexuality, or, at least, bi-sexuality, which, for its manifestation, requires the influence of accidental exciting causes to rouse it from its slumber. In so-called contrary sexual instinct there are degrees of the phenomenon which quite correspond with the degrees of predisposition of the individuals. Thus, in the milder cases, there is simple herraapliroditism ; in more pronounced cases, only homo-sexual feeling and instinct, but limited to the vita sexualis; in still more complete cases, the whole psychical personality, and even the bodily sensations, are transformed to correspond with the sexual perversion ; and, in the complete cases, the physical form is correspondingly altered. 188 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. The following division of the various phenomena o, this psycho-sexual anomaly is made, tlierefore, in accordance with these clinical facts : — A. Homo-sexual Feeling as an Acquired Manifestation. — The determining condition here is the demonstration of per- verse feeling for the same sex ; not the proof of sexual acts with the same sex. These two phenomena must not be confounded with each other ; perversity must not be taken for perversion. Perverse sexual acts, not dependent upon perversion, often come under observation. This is especially true with reference to sexual acts between persons of the same sex, particularly pederasty. Here paraesthesia sexualis is not necessarily at work ; but hypereesthesia, with physical or mental impossi- bility of natural sexual satisfaction. Thus we find homo- sexual intercourse in impotent masturbators or debauchees, or faute de mieux in sensual men and women in imprisonment, on ship-board, in garrisons, bagnios, boarding-schools, etc. There is an immediate return to normal sexual intercourse as soon as obstacles to it are removed. Very frequently the cause of such temporary aberration is masturbation and its results in youtliful individuals. Nothing is so prone to contaminate — under certain circum- stances, even to exhaust — the source of all noble and ideal sentiments, which arise of themselves from a normally develop- ing sexual instinct, as the practice of masturbation in early years. It despoils the unfolding bud of perfume and beauty, and leaves behind only the coarse, animal desire for sexual sat- isfaction. If an individual, spoiled in tliis manner, reaches an age of maturity, there is wanting in him that aesthetic, ideal, pure, and free impulse which draws one toward the opposite sex. Thus the glow of sensual sensibility wanes, and the inclination toward the opposite sex becomes weakened. This defect influences the morals, character, fancy, feeling, and instinct of the youthful masturbator, male or female, in an unfavoral)le way, and, under certain circumstances, allows the desire for the opposite sex to sink to nil ; so that masturbation is preferred to the natural mode of satisfaction. ACQUIRED HOMO- SEXUALITY. 189 Sometimes the development of liiylier sexual feelings toward the opposite sex suffers, on account of hypochondriacal fear of infection m sexual intercourse; or on account ol" an actual infection ; or they suffer as a result of a faulty education which points out such dangers and exaggerates them. Again (especially in females), fear of the result of coitus (pregnancy), or ahhorrence of men, by reason of mental or moral weakness, may direct into perverse channels an instinct that makes itself felt with abnormal intensity. But too early and perverse sexual satisfaction injures not merely the mind, but also the body; inas- much as it induces neuroses of the sexual apparatus (irritable weakness of the centres governing erection and ejaculation ; defective pleasurable feeling in coitus), while, at the same time, it maintains the imagination and libido in continuous excitement. Almost every masturbator at last reaches a jioint where, frightened on learning the results of the vice, or on expcuiencing them (neurasthenia), or led by example or seduction to the op- posite sex, he wishes to free himself of the vice and re-instate his vita sexualis. The moral and mental conditions are the most un- favorable possible. The pure glow of sexual feeling is destroyed ; the fire of sexual instinct is wanting, and self-confidence, no less ; for every masturbator is more or less timid and cowardly. If the youthful sinner at last comes to make an attem[)t at coitus, he is either disappointed because enjoyment is wanting, on account of defective sensual feeling, or he is lacking in the mental strength necessary to accomplish the act. The fiasco has a fatal effect, and leads to absolute psychical impotence. A bad conscience and the memory of past failures prevent success in any further attempts. The constant libido sexualis, however, demands satisftiction ; but this moral and mental perversion separates him further and further from women. For various reasons, however (neurasthenic complaints, hypochondriacal fear of the results, etc.), the individual is kept from masturba- tion. Occasionally, under such circumstances, there may be bestiality. Intercourse with the same sex is then near at hand, — as a result of occasional seduction or of the feelings of 190 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. friendship which, on tlie level of pathological sexuality, easily associate themselves with sexual feelings. Passive and mutual onanism then becomes the equivalent of the avoided act. If there is a seducer, — which, unfortunately, is so frequent, — then the cultivated pederast is produced, — i.e., a man who performs quasi acts of onanism with persons of his own sex, and, at the same time, feels and prefers himself in an active role correspond- ing with his real sex ; who is mentally indifferent not only to persons of the opposite sex, but also to those of his own sex. Sexual aberration in the normally constituted, untainted, mentally healthy individual, reaches this degree. No case has been demonstrated in which perversity has been transformed into perversion, — into a reversal of the sexual instinct.^ With tainted individuals, the matter is quite different. The latent j)erverse sexuality is developed under the influence of neurasthenia induced by masturbation, abstinence, or otherwise. Gradually, in contact with persons of the same sex, sexual excitation by them is induced. Related ideas are colored with 1 Garnior (Anomalies Sexuelles, Paris, pp. 508, .509) reports two cases (Cases 223 and 23o) tliat are apparently opposed to this assumption, particularly tlie first, in Avhieh despair about the unfaithfulness of a lover led the individual to submit to the seductions of men. But the case itself clearly shows that this individual never found pleasure in homosexual acts. In Case 233, the individual was effeminated ab oriijine, or was at least a psychical hermaphrodite. Those who hold to the opinion that the origin of homo-sexual feelings and instinct is found to be exclusively in defective education and other psychological influences are entirely in error. An untainted male may be raised never so much like a female, and a female like a male, but they will not become homo-sexual. The natural disposition is the determining condition ; not education and other accidental circumstances, like seduction. There can be no thought of contrary sexual instinct save when tiie person of the same sex exerts a psycho-sexual influence on the individual, and thus brings about libido and orgasm, — i.e., has a psychical attraction. Those cases arc quite different in which, /awZe de mieux, with great sensuality and a defective ?estlietic sense, the body of a person of the same sex is used for an onanistic act (not for coitus in a psychical sense). In his excellent monograph, Moll shows very clearly and convincingly the impor- tance of original predisposition in contrast with exciting causes (coinp. i>/j. cit., pp. 1.5(>- 175). He knows " many cases where early sexual intercourse with men was not capable of inducing perversion." Moll significantly says, further: " I know of such an epidemic (of mutual onanism) in a Berlin school, where a person who is now an actor shamelessly introduced mutual onanism. Though I now know the names of very many urnings in Berlin, yet I could not ascertain, even with anything like probability, that among all the scholars of that school at that time there was one that had become an urning ; but, on the other hand, I have quite certain knowledge that many of those scholars are now normal sexually, in feeling and intercourse." ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 191 lustful feelings, and awaken corresponding- desires. This decidedly degenerate reaction is tlie beginning of a process of physical and mental transformation, a description of which is attempted in what follows, and which is one of the most inter- esting psychological phenomena that has been observed. This metamorphosis presents different stages, or degrees. /. Degree: Simple Reversal of Sexual Feeli/ng. — This degree is attained when persons of the same sex have an aphrodisiac effect, and the individual has a sexual feeling for them. Character and feeling, however, still correspond with the sex of the individual {)resenting the reversal of sexual feel- ing. He feels himself in the active role ; he recognizes his impulse toward his own sex as an aberration, and finally seeks aid. With episodical improvement of the neurosis, at first even normal sexual feelings may re-appear and assert themselves. The following case seems well suited to exemplify this stage of the psycho-sexual degeneration : — Case 94. Acquired Contrary Sexual Instinct. — " I am an official, and, as far as I know, come of an nntainted family. My father died of an acute disease ; my mother is living and is quite nervous. A sister has been very intensely religious for some years. " I myself am tall, and, in speech, gait, and manner, give a perfectly masculine impression. Measles is the only disease I have had ; but since my thirteenth year I have suffered with so-called nervous headache. My sexual life began in my thirteenth year, when I became acquainted with a boy somewhat older than myself, with whom 1 toolv pleasure in mutual fondling of the genitals. I had the first ejaculation in my four- teenth year. Seduced to onanism by two older school-mates, I practiced it partly with others and partlj^ alone ; in the latter case, however, always with the thought of persons of the female sex. My libido sexualis was very great, as it is to-day. Later, I tried to win a pretty, stout servant- girl who had very large mamma? ; id solum assecutus sum, ut me praesente superiorem corporis sui partem enudaret mihique concederet os mam- masque osculari, dum ipsa penem meum valde erectum in mauum suam recepit eumque trivit. " Notwithstanding my urgent demand for coitus, she would not allow it ; but she finally permitted me to touch her genitals. " After going to the University, I visited a brothel and succeeded without especial effort. " There an event occurred which brought a change in me. One 192 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. evening I accompanied a friend home, and in a mild state of intoxication I grasped him ad genitalia. He made bnt slight opposition. I then went up to his room with him, and we practiced mutual masturbation. From that time we indulged in it quite frequently ; in fact, it came to immissio penis in os, with resultant ejaculations. But it is strange that I was not at all in love with this person, but passionately in love with another friend, near wliom I never felt the slightest sexual excitement, and whom I never connected with sexual matters, even in thought. My visits to brothels, where I was gladly received, became more infrequent ; in my friend I found a substitute, and did not desire sexual intercourse with women. "We never practiced pederasty, and that word was not even known between us. From the beginning of this relation with my friend, I again masturbated more frequentl}', and naturally the thought of females re- ceded more and more into the background, and I thought more and more about young, handsome, strong men with the largest genitals. I preferred young fellows, from sixteen to twenty -five 3'ears old, without beards, but they had to be handsome and clean. Young laborers dressed in trousers of Manchester cloth or English leather, particularly masons, especially excited me. " Persons in my own position had hardly any effect on me; but, at the sight of one of those strapping fellows of the lower class, I experi- enced marked sexual excitement. It seems to me that the touch of such trousers, the opening of them, and the grasping of the penis, as well as kissing the fellow, would be the greatest delight. My sensibility to female charms is somewhat dulled ; yet in sexual intercourse with a woman, par- ticularly when she has well-developed mammae, I am always potent without the help of imagination. I have never attempted to make use of a young laborer, or the like, for the satisfaction of my evil desires, and never shall ; but I often feel the longing to do it. I often impress on myself the mental image of such a man, and then masturbate at home. "I am absolutely devoid of taste for female work. I rather like to move in female societ}^, ])ut dancing is repugnant to me. I have a lively interest in the fine arts. That my sexual sense is partly reversed is, I believe, in part due to greater convenience, which keeps me from entering into a relation with a girl ; as the latter is a matter of too mnch trouble. To be constantly visiting houses of prostitution is, for aesthetic reasons, repugnant to me; and thus I am always returning to solitary onanism, which is very difficult for me to avoid. " Hundreds of times I have said to myself that, in order to have a normal sexual sense, it would be necessary for me, first of all, to over- come my irresistible passion for onanism, — a practice so repugnant to my {esthetic feeling. Again and again I have resolved with all my might to fight this passion ; but I am still unsuccessful. When I felt the sexual impulse gaining strength, instead of seeking satisfaction in the natural ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 193 manner, I preferred to masturbate, because I felt that I would thus have more enjoyment. " And yet experience has taught me that I am always potent with girls, and that, too, without trouble and without the help of imagining mas- culine genitals. In one case, liowever, I did not attain ejaculation because the woman — it was in a brothel — was devoid of every charm. I cannot avoid the thought and severe self-accusation that, to a certain extent, my contrary sexiuilily is the result of excessive onanism ; and this especially depresses me, because I am compelled to acknowledge that I scarcely feel strong enough to overcome this vice by the force of my own will. " As a result of my relations with m}' fellow-student and^ school- mate for years, mentioned in this communication, — which, however, beaaa while we were at the Universitv, and after we had been friends for seven 3'ears, — the impulse to unnatural satisfaction of libido has grown much stronger. I trust 3'ou will permit the description of an incident which occupied me for months : — " In the summer of 1882, I made the acquaintance of a companion six years younger than myself, who, with several others, had been intro- duced to me and my acquaintances. I very soon felt a deep interest in this handsome man, who was unusuall}^ well proportioned, slim, and full of health. After a few weeks of association, this feeling became friend- ship, and at last passionate love, with feelings of the most intense jealousy. I very soon noticed that, in this, sexual excitation was also very marked ; and, notwithstanding my determination, aside from all others, to keep myself in check in relation to this man, whom I respected so highly for his superior character, one night, after free indulgence in beer, as we were enjoying a bottle of champagne in my room and drinking to good, true, and lasting friendship, I yielded to the irresistible impulse to embrace him, etc. " When I saw him, next day, I was so ashamed that I could not look him in the face. I felt the deepest regret for my action, and accused myself bitterlj^ for having thus sullied this friendship, which was to be and remain so pure and precious. In order to prove to him that I had lost control of myself only momentarily, at the end of the semester I uroed him to make an excursion with me : and after some reluctance, the reason of which was only too clear to me, he consented. Several nights we slept in the same room without any attempt on my part to repeat my action. I wished to talk with him about the event of that night, but I could not bring myself to it; even when, during the next semester, we were separated, I could not induce myself to write to him on the subject ; and when I visited him, in March, at X., it was the same. And yet I felt a great desire to clear up this dark point by an open statement. In October of the same year, I was again in X., and this time found courage to speak without reserve ; indeed, I asked him why he had not re- sisted me. He answered that, in part, it was because he wished to please 13 194 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. me, find, in part, owing to the fact that he was somewhat apathetic as a result of being a little intoxicated. I explained to him my condition, and also gave him " Ps3'chopathia Sexualis " to read, expressing the hope that by the force of mj^ own will I should become fully and lastingly master of my unnatural impulse. Since this confession, the relation be- tween this friend and me has been the most delightful and happ^- possible ; there are the most friendly feelings on both sides, which are heart-felt and true; and it is to be hoped that the3' will endure. " If I should not improve my abnormal condition, I am deter- mined to put myself under your treatment; the more because, after a careful study of your work, I cannot count myself as belonging to the category of so-called urnings; and, too, because I have the firm conviction, or hope, at least, that a strong will, assisted and combined with skillful treatment, could transform me into a man of normal feeling." Case 95. lima 8.,^ aged 29 ; single ; merchant's daughter. She comes of a family having bad nervous taint. Father was a drinker and died by suicide, as also did the patient's brother and sister. A sister suffers with convulsive hysteria. Mother's father shot himself while insane. Mother was sickly, and died paralyzed after apoplexy. The patient never had any severe illness. She is bright, enthusiastic, and dreamy. Menses at the age of eighteen without difficulty ; but thereafter they were very irregular. At fourteen, chlorosis and cataleps}^ from fright. Later, hys- teria gravis and an attack of hysterical insanity. At eighteen, relations with a young man which were not platonic. This man's love was pas- sionately returned. From statements of the patient, it seems that she was very sensual, and after separation from her lover practiced mastur- bation. After this she led a romantic life. In order to earn a living, she put on male clothing, and became a tutor ; but she gave up her place because her mistress, not knowing her sex, fell in love with her and courted her. Then she became a railway -emplo3'e. In the company of her companions, in order to conceal her sex, she was compelled to visit brothels with them, and hear the most vulgar stories. This became so distasteful to her that she gave up her place, resumed the garments of a female, and again sought to earn her living. She was arrested for a theft, and on account of severe hystero-epilepsy was sent to the hospital. There, inclination and impulse toward the same sex were discoA'ered. The patient became troublesome on account of passionate love for female nurses and patients. Her sexual perversion was considered congenital. With regard to this the patient made some interesting statements : — " I am judged incorrectly, if it is thought that I feel myself a man toward the female sex. In my whole thought and feeling I am much more a woman. I loved my cousin as only a woman can love a man. 1 Comp. author's Experimental Study iu the Domain of Hypnotism, 1889. G. P. Putnam's Sous, New York. ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 195 " The change of my feeling oiiginated in this, tliat, in Pesth, dressed as a man, I had an opportunity to observe my cousin. I saw that I had wholly deceived myself in him. That gave me terrible heart-[)angs. I knew that I could never love another man ; that I belonged to those who love but once. Of simihir ellect was the fact that, in the society of my companions at the railway, 1 was coini)elled to hear the most ottensive language and visit the most disreputable houses. As a result of the in- sight into men's motives, gained in this way, I took an unconquerable dislike to them. However, since I am of a very passionate nature and need to have some loving person on whom to depend, and to whom I can wholly surrender myself, I felt myself more and more jJowerfuUy drawn toward intelligent women and girls who were in sympathy Avith me." The contrary sexual instinct of this patient, wliich was clearly acquired, expressed itself in a stormy and decidedly sensual way, and was further augmented by masturbation ; be- cause constant oversight in liospitals made sexual satisfaction witli the same sex impossible. Character and occupation re- mained feminine. There were no manifestations of viraginity. According- to information lately received by the author, this patient, after two years of treatment in an asylum, was entirely freed from her neurosis and sexual perversion, and discharged cured. Case 96. X., aged 19; mother nervous; two sisters of mother's father were insane. Patient of nervous temperament ; well endowed mentally ; well developed ; normally formed. When he was twelve years old, he was seduced into mutual onanism by an elder brother. After this, the patient continued the vice alone. In the last three years, during the act of masturbation, he had had peculiar fancies in the sense of "contrary sexual instinct." He fancies himself a female ; as, for example, a ballet-dancer in the act of coitus with an oflicer or circus rider. These perverse fancies have ac- companied the act of masturbation since the patient became neurasthenic. He understands the harm of masturbation, fights desperately against it, but always gives up to the impulse. If he is able to withstand the impulse for a few daj^s, a normal desire for sexual intercourse with females is awakened ; but a certain fear of infection holds these desires in check, and always drives him again to masturbation. It is worthy of remark that this unfortunate's lascivious dreams concerned only females. In the course of the last few months, the patient had become very neurasthenic and hypochondriacal. He feared tabes, 196 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. I advised treatment of the neurasthenia, suppression of mastur- bation, and marital cohabitation, if possible, after improvement of the neurasthenia. Case 97. Mr. X, aged 35, single, official ; mother insane, brother hypochondriacal. Patient was healthy, strong, of lively sensual temperament. He had manifested powerful sexual instinct abnormall}- early, and mastur- bated while yet a small boy. He had coitus the first time at the age of fourteen, he says, with enjo^^ment and complete power. When fifteen years old, a man sought to seduce him, and performed manustupration on him. X. experienced a feeling of repulsion, and freed himself from tlie disgusting situation. At maturity he committed excesses in libido, with coitus ; in 1880 he became neurasthenic, being afflicted with weak- ness of erection and ejaculatio prsecox. He tlius became less and less potent, and no longer experienced pleasure in the sexual act. At this time of sexual decadence, for a long time, he still had what was previ- ously foreign to him, and is still incompreliensible to him, — an inclina- tion for sexual intercourse witli immature girls of the age of twelve or thirteen. His libido increased as virility diminished. Graduall}' he developed inclination for boys of thirteen or fourteen. He was impelled to approach them. Quodsi ei occasio data est ut tangere posset pueros qui ei placuere, penis vehementer se erexit tum maxinie quuni crura puerorum tangere potuisset. Abhinc feminas non cupivit. Nonnunquam feminas ad coitum coegit sed erectio debilis, ejaculatio prjematura enit sine ulla voluptate. Now only yowths interested him. He dreamed about them and had pollutions. After 1882 he now and then had opportunity coucumbere cum juvenibus. This led to powerful sexual excitement, which he satis- fied by masturbation. It was only exceptional for him to venture to touch his bed-fellow and indulge in mutual masturbation. He shunned pederast}'. For the most part, he was compelled to satisfy his sexual needs by means of solitary masturbation. In the act he called up the vision of pleasing boys. After sexual intercourse with such boys, he always felt strengthtoed and refreshed, but morally depressed; because there was consciousness of having performed a perverse, indecent, and punishable act. He found it painful that his disgusting impulse was more powerful than his will. X. thinks that his love for his own sex has resulted from great excess in natural sexual intercourse, and bemoans his situation. On the occasion of a consultation, in December, 1889, he asked whether there were any means to bring him back to a normal sexual condition, since he had no real horror feminse, and would very gladly marry. This intelligent patient, free from degenerative signs, presented no abnormal symptoms except those of sexual and spinal neurasthenia of moderate degree. ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 197 //. Degree: Eviration and Defcminatlon. — If, in cases of contrary sexual instinct thus developed, no restoration occurs, then deep and lasting- transformations of the psychical person- ality may occur. The process completing- itself in tliis way may be briefly designated eviration. The patient undergoes a deep change of character, particularly in his feelings and inclinations, which become those of a female. After this, he also feels him- self to be a woman during the sexual act, has desire only for passive sexual indulgence, and, under certain circumstances, sinks to the level of a prostitute. In this condition of deep and more lasting psycho-sexual transformation, the individual is like the (congenital) urning of high grade. The possibility of a restoration of the previous mental and sexual personality seems, in such a case, excluded. The following case is a classical example of this variety of lasting acquired contrary sexual instinct: — Case 98. Sch., aged 30, ph3-sician, one day told me the story of his life and malady, asking explanation, and advice concerning certain anom- alies of his vita sexiialis. The following description gives, for the most part verbatim, the details of the autobiography; only in some portions is it shortened : — " My parents were healthy. As a child I was sickly ; but with good care I thrived^ and got on well in school. When eleven years old, I was taught to masturbate by my playmates, and gave myself np to it pas- sionately. Until I was fifteen, I learned easily. On account of frequent pollutions, I became less capable, did not get on easily in school, and was uncertain and embarrassed when called on by the teacher. Frightened by my loss of capabilit}^, and recognizing that the loss of semen was responsible for it, I gave np masturbation; but the pollutions became even more frequent, so that I often had two or tliree in a night. In despair, I now consulted one physician after another. None were able to help me. " Since I grew weaker and weaker, by reason of the loss of semen, with the impulse to sexual satisfoction growing more and more pow- erful, I sought houses of prostitution. But I was there unable to find satisfaction ; for, even though the sight of a naked female pleased me, neither orgasm nor erection occurred ; and even manustupration hy the puella was not capable of inducing erection. Scarcely would I leave the house, when the impulse would seize me again, and I would have vio- lent erections. I grew ashamed before the girls, and ceased to visit such houses. Thus a couple of years passed. My sexual life consisted of 198 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALTS. pollutions. My inclination toward the opposite sex grew less and less. At nineteen I went to the University. The theatre had more attractions for me. I wished to become an actor. My parents were not willing. At the Capital I was compelled now and then to visit girls with my com- rades. I feared such a situation ; because I knew that coitus was impos- sible for me, and because my friends might discover my impotence. Therefore, I avoided, as far as possible, the danger of becoming the butt of jokes and ridicule. " One evening, in the opera-house, an old gentleman sat near me. He courted me. I laughed heartily at the foolish old man, and entered into his joke. Exinapinato genitalia mea prehendit, quo facto statim penis mens se erexit. Frightened, I demanded of him what he meant. He said that he was in love with me. Having heard of hermaphrodites in the clinics, I thought I had one before me, and became curious to see his genitals. The old man was verj' willing, and went with me to the water-closet. Sicuti penem maximum ejus erectum adspexi, perter- ritus effugi. " This man followed me, and made strange proposals which I did not understand, and repelled. He did not give me any rest. I learned the secrets of male love for males, and felt that my sexuality was excited by it. But I resisted the shameful passion (as I then regarded it), and, for the next three years, I remained free from it. During this time I repeat- edly attempted coitus with girls in vain. My attempts to free myself of my impotence l)y means of medical treatment were also vain. Once, when my libido sexualis was troubling me again, I recalled what the old man had told me : that male-loving men were accustomed to meet on the E. Promenade. " After a hard struggle, and with beating heart, I went there, made the acquaintance of a blonde man, and allowed myself to be seduced. The first step was taken. This kind of sexual love was satisfactory to me. I always preferred to be in the arms of a strong man. The satis- faction consisted of mutual manustupration ; occasionally in oscidum ad penem alterius. 1 was then twenty -three years old. Sitting, together with my comrades, on the beds of patients in the clinic during the lec- tui-es, excited me so intensely that I could scarcel^^ listen to the lectures. In the same year 1 entered into a formal love-relation with a merchant of thirty -four. We lived as man and wife. X. plaj^ed the man, and fell more and more in love. I gave up to him, but now and then I had to play the man. After a time I grew tired of him, became unfaithful, and he became jealous. There were terrible scenes, which led to temporary separation, and finallj' to actual rupture. (The merchant afterward became insane, and died by suicide.) " I made many acquaintances, and loved the most ordinary people. I preferred those having a full beard, and who were tall and of middle age, and able to play the active role well. 1 developed a proctitis. The pro- ACQUIRED IIOMO-SEXUALITY. 199 fessor thought it was the result of sitting too much while preparing for exaininations. I developed a fistula, and had to undergo an operation ; but this did not cure me of my desire to allow myself to be used passively. I became a physician, and went to a provincial city, where I had to live like a nun. I developed a desire to move in ladies' society, and was gladly welcomed there ; because it was found that I was not so one-sided as most men, and was interested in toilettes and such feminine things. However, I felt very unhappy and lonesome. P^ortunately, in this town, I made the acquaintance of a man, a ' sister,' who felt like me. For some time I was taken care of by him. When he had to leave, I had an attack of despair, with depression, which was accompanied by thoughts of suicide. " When it became impossible for me to longer endure the town, I became a military surgeon in the Capital. There I began to live again, and often made two or three acquaintances in one day. I had never loved boys or young people ; only fully-developed men. The thought of falling into the hands of the police was frightful. Thus I have escaped the clutches of the blackmailer. At the same time, I could not keep myself from the satisfaction of my impulse. After some months I fell in love with an official of forty. I remained true to him for a year, and we lived like a pair of lovers. 1 was the wife, and was formally courted by the lover. One day I was transferred to a small town. We were in despair. The last night was spent in continually kissing and caressing one another. " In T. I was unspeakably unhappy, in spite of some ' sisters' whom I found. I could not forget my lover. In order to satisfy my sexual desire, which cried for satisfaction, I chose soldiers. Money obtained men; but tliey remained cold, and I had no enjoyment with them. I was successful in being re-transferred to the Capital. There, there was a new love-relation, but much jealousy; because my lover liked to go into the society of ' sisters,' and was proud and coquettish. There was a rupture. I was very unhappy and very glad to be transferred from the Capital. I now stayed in C, alone and in despair. Two infantry privates were brought into service, but with the same misatisfactory result. When shall I ever find true love ngain ? " I am over medium height, well developed, and look somewhat aged ; and, therefore, when I wish to make conquests I use the arts of the toilet. My manner, movements, and face are masculine. Phj^sically I feel as youthful as a boy of twenty. I love the theatre, and especially art. My interest in the stage is in the actresses, whose every move- ment and gesture I notice and criticise. " In the society of gentlemen I am silent and embarrassed, while in the society of those like mj'self I am free, witty, and as tawning as a cat, if a man is sympathetic. If I am without love, I become deeply melancholic; but the favors of the first handsome man dispel m^'^depres- 200 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. sion. In other ways I am frivolous ; anything but ambitious. My profession is nothing to me. Masculine pursuits do not interest me. I prefer novels and going to the theatre. I am effeminate, sensitive, easily moved, easily injured, and nervous. A sudden noise makes my whole body tremble, and I have to collect myself in order to keep from crying out." Remarks: The foregoing case is certainly one of acquired con- trary sexual instinct, since the sexual instinct and impulse were origi- nally directed toward the female sex. Sch. became neurasthenic through masturbation. As an accompanying manifestation of the neurasthenic neurosis, lessened impressionability of the erection-centre and consequent rela- tive impotence came on. As a result of tliis, sexual sensibility toward the opposite sex was lessened, with simultaneous persistence, of libido sexualis. The acquired contrarj^ sexual instinct must be abnormal, since the first touch by a person of the same sex is an adequate stimulus for the erection-centre. The perverse sexual feeling became complete. At first Sch. felt like a man in the sexual act; but more and more, as the change progressed, the feeling and desire of satisfaction changed to the form which, as a rule, characterizes the (congenital) urning. This eviration induces a desire for the passive role, and, further, for (passive) pederasty. It makes a deeper impress on the character. The character becomes feminine, inasmuch as Sch. now prefers to move in the society of actual females, has an increasing desire for feminine occupa- tions, and, indeed, makes use of the arts of the toilet in order to improve his fading charms and make " conquests." The foregoing facts, concerning acquired contrary sexual instinct and efFemination, find an interesting confirmation in the following ethnological data : — Even Herodotus describes a peculiar disease which frequently aflfected the Scythians. The disease consisted in this : that men became effeminate in character, put on female garments, did the work of women, and even became effeminate in appearance. As an explanation of this insanity of the Sc3thians,^ Herodotus relates the myth that the goddess Venus, angered b}' the plundering of the temple at Ascalou by the Scythians, had made women of these plunderers and their posterity. iComp. Sprengel, " Apologie des Hippokrates," Leipzig, 1792, p. 611; Friedreich, " Literiirgeschichte dcr psych. Krankheiten," 1830, p. 31; Lallemand, "Des pertes s6mi- nales," Paris, 1836, i, p. 581 ; Nysten, "Dictionn. de ra6decine," xi edit., Paris, 18.58, Art. " eviration et Maladie des Scythes " ; Marandon, ' De la maladie des Scytlies"; "Amial. m6dico-psychol.," 1877, Mars, p. 161 ; Hammoud, American Journal of Neurology £^nd Psychiatry, August, 1882. ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 201 Hippocrates, not believing in supernatural diseases, recognized that impotence was here a causative factor, and explained it, though in- correctly, as due to the custom of the Scythians, by attributing it to dis- ease of the jugular veins induced by excessive riding. He thought that these veins were of great importance in the preservation of the sexual powers, and that when they were severed, impotence was induced. Since the Scythians considered their impotence due to divine punishment, and incurable, they put on the clothing of females, and lived as women among women. It is worthy of note that, according to Klaproth (" Reise in den Kaidcasus," Berlin, 1812, v, p. 285) and Cliotomski, even at the present time impotence is very frequent among the Tartars, as a result of riding unsaddled horses. The same is observed among the Apaches and Nava- jos of the Western Continent, who ride excessively, scarcely ever going on foot, and are remarkable for small genitals and mild libido and virility. Sprengel, Lallemand, and Nysten recognized the fact that ex- cessive riding may be injurious to the sexual organs. Hammond reports analogous observations of great interest con- cerning the Pueblo Indians of New Mexico. These descendants of the Aztecs cultivate so-called " mujerados," of which ever^' Pueblo tribe re- quires one in the religious ceremonies (actual orgies in the spring), in which pederasty i)la3's an important part. In order to cultivate a "mu- jerado," a very powerful man is chosen, and he is made to masturbate ex- cessivel}^ and ride constantly. Gradually such irritable weakness of the genital organs is engendered that, in riding, great loss of semen is induced. This condition of irritability passes into paralytic impotence. Then the testicles and penis atroph}-, the hair of the beard falls out, the voice loses its depth and compass, and physical strength and energy decrease. In- clinations and disposition become feminine. The " mujerado " loses his position in society as a man. He takes on feminine manners and customs, and associates with women. Yet, for religious reasons, he is held in honor. It is probable that, at other times than during the festivals, he is used by the chiefs for pederasty. Hammond had an opportunity to ex- amine two " mujerados." One had become such seven 3'ears before, and was tiiirty-five years old at the time. Seven years before, he was entirely masculine and potent. He had noticed gradual atrophy of the testicles and penis. At the same time he lost libido and the power of erection. He differed in nowise, in dress and manner, from the women among whom Hammond found him. The genital hair was wanting, the penis was shrunken, the scrotum lax and pendulous, and the testicles were very much atrophied and no longer sensitive to pressure. The " mujerado " had large mamm» like a pregnant woman, and asserted that he had nursed several children whose mothers had died. A second '^mujerado," aged thirty-six, after he had been ten years in the condition, presented the same peculiarities, though with less de- 202 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. A'eloptnent of mammae. Like the first, the voice was high and thin. The body was plump.^ III. Degree: Stage of Transition to Metamorphosis Sexualis Paranoica. A further degree of development is represented by those cases in which bodily sensation is also transformed in the sense of a transmutatio sexus. In this respect the following case is unique : — 1 The following description of the " bote" is taken from Di-. J. G. Kiernan's article on " Responsibility lu Sexual Perversion," read before the Chicago Medical Society, March 7, 1893 : "In accordance with the well-known physiological law, that too frequent excitation of a nerve exhausts the reaction of that nerve to that excitant, sexual excess exhausts the normal reaction, whence it occurs that abnormal stimulus is required and the vice type of sexual perversion results. Such vice types crop up among savages. Dr. A. B. Holder (N. Y. Med. Jour., 1889) describes a sexual pervert called the 'bote' by the Montana and the ' burdach ' by the Washington Indians. Such a pervert is found among all the tribes of the Northwest. Like all other sexual perverts, these 'botes 'can recognize each other. Dr. Holder has found that the ' bote ' wears the squaw dress, parts his hair like a squaw, and assumes feminine speech and manners. Their features are often masculine. In childhood feminine dress and manners are assumed, but not until puberty do ' bote ' practices result. These consist in taking the male organ of the active party in the lips of the ' bote,' who experiences the sexual orgasm at the same time. A ' bote ' examined by Dr. Holder was a splendidly formed fellow, of prepossessing face, in perfect health, active in movement, and happy in dispo.sition. By oflering payment, he induced him to submit himself, though with considerable reluctance, to a thorough examination. He was five feet eight inches high, weighed one hundred and fifty-eight pounds, and had a frank, intelligent face, — being an Indian, of course beardless. He was thirty-three years of age, and had worn woman's dress for twenty-eight years. His dress was the usual dress of the Indian female, consist- ing of four articles, — a single dress or gown of half a dozen yards of cloth, made loose with wide sleeves, and skirt reaching to the ankles, the skirt and body of one piece, very much like the 'Mother Hubbard ' nerjligee worn by ladies ; a beaded belt loosely confining this at the waist ; stockings from government annuity goods, and buckskin moccasins extending above the ankles. The hair, twenty-four or twenty-six inches long, was parted in the centre and allowed to hang loose in two masses behind the shoulders. Since among the Sioux and some other tiibes it is usual for men to wear their hair in this way, it is well to observe that in this tribe (Absaroke) the men usually wear the hair in long braids, and always part it on the side and ' roach ' the front. His skin was smooth and free from hair, there being absolutely none on the legs, arms, or breast, or in the arm-pits. This is of no special siginficance, as male and female Indians are both free from hair on these parts of the body. The mamniiB were as rudimentary as those of the male. When he removed his dress he threw his thighs together so as to completely conceal the organs, whether male or female ; such a movement is made by timid women under examination, — a movement usually suc- cessful in the female, owing to the non-projecting character of the genitals and to the rotundity of the thighs ; but not usually easy, for the reverse reasons, in the male. In this the 'bote' — either from the conformation of the thighs, which had the feminine rotundity, or from skill acquired by habit — succeeded completely. When he separated his thighs, male organs came into view, in size perhaps not quite so large as the physique of the man would indicate, but in position and shape altogether normal. The penis was flaccid. The ' bote ' in habits very closely resembles a class described by Hippocrates among the Scyth- ians of Caucasus, called by the Greeks anandreis, a word strikingly similar in meaning to 'bote.'"— Tran8. ACQUIRED IIOMO-SEXUALITY. 203 Case 99. Autobiography. " Born in Hungary in 1844, for many years I was the onl}' cliild of my parents ; for the other children died for the most part of general weakness. A brother came late, who is still living. " I come of a family in which nervous and mental diseases have been numerous. It is said that I was very pretty as a little child, with blonde locks and transparent skin ; very obedient, quiet, and modest, so that I was taken everywhere in the society of ladies without any offense on my part. " With a very active imagination — my enem}'^ tlirougli life — my talents developed rapidly. I could read and write at the age of four; my memory reaches back to my third year. I i)la3'ed Avith everything that fell into my hands, — with leaden soldiers, or stones, or ribbons from a children's store; but a machine for working in wood, that was given to me as a present, I did not like. I liked best to be at home with my mother, who was ever3'thing to me. I had two or three friends, with whom I got on good-naturedly; but I liked to play with their sisters quite as well, w4io always treated me like a girl, which at first did not eml)ar- rass me. I must have already been on the road to become just like a girl ; at least, I can still well remember how it was always said : ' He is not intended for a boy.' At this I tried to play the bo}^, — imitated my companions in everything, and tried to surpass them in wildness. In this I succeeded. There was no tree or buildino; too hio;h for me to reach its top. I took great delight in soldiers. I avoided girls more, because I did not wish to play with their play-things; and it always annoyed me that they treated me so much like one of themselves. " In the society of mature people, however, I was always modest, and, also, always regarded with favor. Fantastic dreams about wild animals — which once drove me out of 1>ed without wakino- me — fre- quentlj' troubled mo. I was always very simply, but very elegantly, dressed, and thus developed a taste for beautiful clothing. It seems peculiar to me that, from the time of my school-days, I had a partiality for ladies' gloves, wdiich I put on secretly as often as I could. Thus, when once mj' mother was about to give away a pair of gloves, I made great opposition to it, and told her, when she asked why I acted so, that I wanted them mj'self. I was laughed at; and from that time I took good care not to display my preference for female things. Yet m^- delight in them was very great. I took especial pleasure in masquerade costumes, — i.e., only in female attire. If I saw them, I envied their owners. What seemed tome the prettiest sight was : two young men, beautirully dressed as white ladies, with masks on; and yet I would not have shown mjself to others as a girl for anything; I was so afraid of being ridiculed. At school I worked very hard, and was always among the first. From childhood my parents taught me that duty came first; and they always set me an example. It was also a pleasure for me to 204 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALlS. attend school ; for the teachers were kind, and the elder scholars did not plague the younger ones. We left my first home ; for my father was compelled, on account of his business, — which was dear to him, — to sep- arate from his family for a yea,v. We moved to Germany. Here there was a stricter, rougher manner, partly in teachers and partly in scholars ; and I was again ridiculed on account of m}' girlishness. My school- mates went so far as to give a girl, who had exactly my features, m3' name, and me hers ; so that I hated the girl. But I later came to be on terms of friendship with her after her marriage. My mother tried to dress me elegantly ; but this was repugnant to me, because it made me the object of joke. So, finally, I was delighted when I had correct trousers and coats. But with these came a new annoyance. Thej^ irritated my genitals, particularly when the cloth was rough ; and the touch of tailors while measuring me, on account of their tickling, which almost con- vulsed me, was unendurable, particularly about the genitals. Then I had to practice gymnastics ; and I simplj^ could do nothing at all, or only indifferently the things that girls cannot do easily. While bathing I was troubled b}^ feeling ashamed to undress ; but I liked to bathe. Until my twelfth j-ear I had a great weakness in my back. I learned to swim late, but ultimately so well that I took long swims. At thirteen I had pubic hair, and was about six feet tall ; but my face was feminine until my eighteenth year, when my beard came in abundance and gave me rest from resemblance to woman. An inguinal hernia that was acquired in my twelfth year, and cured when I was twentj'^, gave me much trouble, particularly in gymnastics. Besides, from my twelfth year on, I had, after sitting long, and particularly while working at night, an itching, burning, and twitching, extending from the penis to my back, which the acts of sitting and standing increased, and which was made worse by catching cold. But I had no suspicion whatever that this could be connected with the genitals. Since none of mj' friends suffered in this way, it seemed strange to me ; and it required the greatest patience to endure it ; the more owing to the fact that my abdomen troubled me. " In sexualibus I was still perfectly innocent ; but now, as at the age of twelve or thirteen, I had a definite feeling of preferring to be a young lady. A young lady's form was rnore pleasing to me; her quiet manner, her deportment, but particularly her attire, attracted me. But I was careful not to allow this to be noticed; and yet, I am sure that I should not have shrunk from the castration-knife, could I have thus attained my desire. If I had been asked to say why I preferred female attire, I could have said nothing more than that it attracted me power- fully ; perhaps, too, I seemed to myself, on account of my uncommonly white skin, more like a girl. The skin of my face and hands, particu- larly, was very sensitive. Girls liked my society; and, though I should have preferred to have been with them constantly, I avoided them when I could ; for I had to exaggerate in order not to appear feminine. In ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITT. 205 my heart I always envied them. I was particularly envious when one of my young girl friends got long dresses and Vore gloves and veils. When, at the age of fifteen, I was on a journey, a 30ung lady, with whom I was hoarding, proposed that I mask as a lad}' and go out with her; l)ut, owing to the fact that she was not alone, I did not acquiesce, niiicli as 1 siiould have liked it. Others stood on very little ceremony with me. Wiiile on this journey, I was pleased at seeing boys in one cit}'' wearing blouses with short sleeves, and the arms bare. A lady elaborately dressed was like a goddess to me; and if even her hand touched me coldly I was happy and envious, and only too gladly would have put myself in her place in the beautiful garments and lovely form. Never- theless, I studied assiduously, and passed through the Realschule and the Gymnasium in nine years, passing a good final examination. I remember, when fifteen, to have first expressed to a friend the wish to be a girl. In answer to his question, I could not give the reason why. At seventeen I got into fast society; I drank beer, smoked, and tried to joke with waiter-girls. The latter liked my society, but they always treated me as if I wore petticoats. I could not take dancing lessons, they repelled me so; but if I could have gone as a mask, it would have been different. My friends loved me dearly ; I hated only one, who seduced me into onanism. Shame on those days, which injured me for lifel 1 practiced it quite frequently, but in it seemed to myself like a double man. I cannot describe the feeling; I think it was masculine, but mixed with feminine elements. I could not api)roach girls; I feared them, but they were not strange to me. They impressed me as being more like myself; I envied them. I would have denied myself all l)leasures if, after my classes, at home I could have been a girl and thus have gone out. Crinoline and a smoothly-fitting glove were my ideals. With every lady's gown I saw I fancied how I should feel in it, — i.e., as a lady. I had no inclination toward men. But I remember that I was somewhat lovingly attached to a very handsome friend with a girl's face and dark hair, though 1 think I had no other wish than that we both might be girls. "At the high-school I finally once had coitus; hoc modo sensi, me libentius sub puella concubuisse et penem meum cum cunno mutatum maluisse. To my astonishment, too, the girl had to treat me as a girl, and did it willingly ; but she treated me as if I were she (she was still quite inexperienced, and, therefore, did not laugh at me). "When a student, at times I was wild, but I always felt that I assumed this wildness as a mask. I drank and duelled, but I could not take lessons in dancing, because I was afraid of betraying myself. My friendships were close, but without other thoughts. It pleased me most to have a friend masked as a lady, or to study the ladies' costumes at a ball. I understood such things perfectly. Gradually I began to feel like a girl. 206 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. " On account of unhappy circumstances, I twice attempted suicide. Without any cause I once slept fourteen days, liad many hallucinations (visual and auditory- at the same time), and was with both the living and the dead. The latter liahit of thought remains. I also had a friend (a lady) who knew my hobby and put on my gloves for me ; but she always looked upon me as a girl. Thus I understood women better than other men did, and in what the}' differed from men ; so I was always treated more feminarum, — as if they had found in me a female friend. On the whole, I could not endure obscenity, and indulged in it myself only out of brao<>adocio when it was necessary. I soon overcame mv aversion to foul odors and blood, and even liked them. I was wanting in onl^' one respect: I could not understand my own condition. I knew that I had feminine inclinations, but believed that I was a man. Yet I doubt whether, with the exception of the attempts at coitus, which never gave me pleasure (which I ascribe to onanism), I ever admired a woman with- out wishing I were she ; or without asking myself whether I should not like to be the woman, or be in her attire. Obstetrics I learned with dif- ficulty (I was ashamed for the exposed girls, and had a feeling of pity for them) ; and even now I have to overcome a feeling of fright in obstetrical cases; indeed, it has happened that I thought I felt the trac- tion myself After filling several positions successfully as a physician, I went through a militar}^ campaign as a volunteer surgeon. Riding, whicli, while a student, was painful to me, because in it the genitals had more of a feminine feeling, was difficult for me (it would have been easier in the female style). " Still, I always thought I was a man with obscure masculine feel- ing ; and whenever I associated with ladies, I was still soon treated as an inexperienced lady. When I wore a uniform for the first time, I should have much preferred to have slipped into a lady's costume, with a veil ; I was disturbed when the statel}' uniform attracted attention. In pri- vate practice I was successful in the three principal branches. Then I made another military campaign ; and during this I came to understand my nature; for I think that, since the first ass, no beast of burden has ever had to endure with so much patience as I have. Decorations were not wanting, but I was indiflTerent to them. " Thus I went through life, such as it was, never satisfied with myself, full of dissatisfaction with the world, and vascillating between sentimentality and a wildness th-at was for the most part affected. " My experience as a candidate for matrimou}'^ was very peculiar. I should have preferred not to marry, but famil}^ circumstances and prac- tice forced me to it. I married an energetic, amiable lad}', of a family in which female government was rampant. I was in love with her as much as one of us can be in love, — i.e., what we love we love with our whole hearts, and live in it, even though we do not show it as much as a gen- uine man does. We love our brides with all the love of a woman, almost ACQUIRED HOMO-SKXUALITY. 207 as a woman might love her bridegroom. But I cannot say this for myself; for I still believed that I was but a depressed man, who would come to iiimself, and find himself out by marriage. But, even on my marriage-night, I felt that 1 was only a woman in man's form ; sub femina locum meum esse mihi visum est. On the whole, we lived contented and happy, and for two years were childless. After a difficult pregnancy, during which I was in mortal fear of death, the (irst boy was born in a ditllcult labor, — a boy on whom a melancholy nature still hangs; who is still of melancholy disposition. Then came a second, who is ver3' quiet; a third, full of peculiarities ; a fourth, a fifth ; and all have predisposition to neurasthenia. Since I always felt out of my own place, I went much in gay society' ; but I always worked as much as human strength would allow. I studied and operated ; and I experimented with many drugs and methods of cure, always on myself. I left the regulation of the house to my wife, as she understood house-keeping very well. M3' mar- itaV duties I performed as well as I could, but without personal satisfac- tion. Since the first coitus, the masculine position in it has been repug- nant, and, too, diflicult for me. I should have much preferred to have the other i^ole. When I had to deliver my wife, it almost broke my heart; for I knew how to appreciate her pain. Thus Ave lived long- together, until severe gout drove me to various baths, and made me neurasthenic. At the same time, 1 became so amemic that everj' few months I had to take iron for some time ; otherwise I would be almost chlorotic or hysterical, or both. Stenocardia often troubled me; then came unilateral cramps of chin, nose, neck, and lar^'nx ; hemicrania and cramps of the diaphragm and chest-muscles. For about three ytnirs I had a feeling as if the prostate were enlarged, — a bearing-down feeling, as if giving birth to something; and, also, pain in the hips, constant pain in the back, and the like. Yet, with the strength of despair, I fought against these complaints, which impressed me as being female or effeminate, until three years ago, when a severe attack of arthritis completely broke me down. "But before this terril)le attack of gout occurred, in despair, to lessen the pain of gout, I had taken hot baths, as near the temperature of the body as possible. On one of these occasions it happened that I suddenly changed, and seemed to be near death. I sprang with all my remaining strength out of the bath : I had felt exactly like a woman with libido. Too, at the time when the extract of Indian hemp came into vogue, and was highly j)rized, in a state of fear of a threatened attack of gout (feeling perfectly indilferent about life), I took three or four times the usual dose of it, and almost died of haschisch poisoning. Convulsive laughter, a feeling of unheard of strength and swiftness, a peculiar feeling in brain and eyes, millions of sparks streaming from the brain through the skin, — all these feelings occurred. But I could not force myself to speak. All at once I saw myself a woman from my toes 208 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. to m}' breast; I felt, as before while in the bath, that the genitals had shrunken, tlie pelvis broadened, the breasts swollen out; a feeling of unspeakable delight came over me. I closed my eyes, so that at least I did not see. the face changed. My physician looked as if he had a gigantic potatoe instead of a head ; my wife had the full moon on her nates. And yet I was strong enough to briefly record my will in my note-book when both left the room for a short time. " But who could describe m3' fright, when, on the next morning, I awoke and found myself feeling as if completely changed into a woman ; and when, on standing and walking, I felt vulva and mammas 1 When at last I raised myself out of bed, I felt that a complete transformation had taken place in me. During my sickness a visitor said : ' He is too patient for a man.' And the visitor gave me a plant in bloom, which seemed strange, but pleased me. From that time I was patient, and would do nothing in a hurry ; but I became tenacious, like a cat, though, at the same time, mild, forgiving, and no longer bearing enmity, — in short, I had a woman's disposition. During the last sickness I had many visual and auditor^' hallucinations, — spoke with the dead, etc. ; saw and heard familiar spirits; felt like a double person; but, while lying ill, I did not notice that the man in me had been extinguished. The change in my disposition was a piece of good fortune which came over me like lightning, and which, had it come with me feeling as I formerly did, would have killed me; but now I gave myself up to it, and no longer recognized myself. Owing to the fact that I still often confounded neu- rasthenic symptoms with the gout, I took many baths, until an itching of the skin with the feeling of scabies, instead of being diminished, was so increased that I gave up all external treatment (I was made more and more anosmic by the baths), and hardened myself as best I could. But the imperative female feeling remained, and became so strong that I wear only the mask of a man, and in everything else feel like a woman ; and gradually' I have lost memory of the former individuality. What was left of me from the gout, the influenza ruined entirely. " Present Condition: I am tall, slightly bald, and the beard is grow- ing gray. I begin to stoop. Since having the influenza, I have lost about a quarter of m^'^ strength. Owing to a valvular lesion, my face looks somewhat red; full beard; chronic conjunctivitis; more muscular than fat. The left foot seems to be developing varicose veins, and it often goes to sleep; but it is not really thickened, though it seems to be. " The mammar}^ region, though small, swells out perceptibl}'. The abdomen is feminine in form ; the feet are placed like a woman's, and the calves, etc., are feminine ; and it is the same with arms and hands. I can wear ladies' hose, and gloves, 7^ to V| in size. I also wear a corset without annoyance. My weight varies between 168 and 184 pounds. Urine without albumen or sugar, but it contains an excess of uric acid. But if there is not too much uric ficid in it, it is clear, and almost as ACQUIRED nOMO-SEXUALITY. 209 clear as water after any exciteiuont. Bowels usually regular; but should they not be, then come all the symptoms of female obstipation. Sleep is poor, — for weeks at a time only two or three hours long. Appetite quite good ; but, on the whole, ray stomach will not bear more than that of a strong woman, and reacts to irritating food with cutaneous eruption and burning in the urethra. The skin is white, and, for the most part, feels quite smooth ; there has been unbearable cutaneous itching for the last two 3'ears ; but during the last few weeks it has diminished, and is now present only in the popliteal spaces and on the scrotum. " Tendency to perspire. Perspiration was previously as good as wanting, but now there are all the odious peculiarities of the female per- spiration, particularly about the lower part of the bod3- ; so that I have to keep myself cleaner than a woman. (I perfume my handkerchief, and use perfumed soap and eau-de-Cologne.) " General Feeling : I feel like a woman in a man's form ; and even though I often am sensible of the man's form, yet it is always in a fem- inine sense. Thus, for example, I feel the penis as clitoris ; the urethra as urethra and vaginal orifice, which always feels a little wet, even when it is actually dry; the scrotum as labia majora ; in short, I alwaj'^s feel the vulva. And all that that means one alone can know who feels or has felt so. But the skin all over my body feels feminine; it receives all impressions, whether of touch, of warmth, or whether unfriendly, as feminine, and I have the sensations of a woman. I cannot go with bare hands, as both heat and cold trouble me. When the time is past when we men are })ermitted to carry sun-umbrellas, I have to endure great sensitiveness of the skin of my face, until sun-umbrellas can again be used. On awaking in the morning, I am confused for a few moments, as if I were seeking for niyself ; then the imperative feeling of being a woman awakens. I feel the sense of the vulva (that one is there), and always greet the day with a soft or loud sigh ; for I have fear again of the play that must be carried on throughout the da}'. I had to learn everything anew ; the knife — apparatus, everything — has felt different for the last three years ; and with the change of muscular sense I had to learn everything over again. I have been successful, and only the use of the saw and bone-chisel are difficult; it is almost as if my strength were not quite sufficient. On the other hand, I have a keener sense of touch in working with the curette in the soft parts. It is unpleasant that, in examining ladies, I often feel their sensations ; but this, indeed, does not repell them. The most unpleasant thing I experience is foetal movement. For a long time — several months — I was troubled by read- ing the thoughts of both sexes, and I still have to fight against it. I can endure it better with women ; with men it is repugnant. Three years ago I had not yet consciously seen the world with a woman's eyes ; this change in the relation of the e3'es to the brain came almost sud- denly, with violent headache. I was with a lady whose sexual feeling u 210 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. was reversed, when suddenl}^ I saw Ler changed in the sense I now feel m3'self, — viz., she as man, — and I felt myself a woman in contrast with her; so that I left her with ill-concealed vexation. At that time she had not yet come to understand her own condition perfectly. " Since then, all my sensory impressions are as if they were feminine in form and relation. The cerebral system almost immedi- ately adjusted itself to the vegetative ; so that all my ailments were manifested in a feminine way. The sensitiveness of all nerves, particu- larl}' that of the auditory and olfactory' and trigeminal, increased to a condition of nervousness. If only a window slammed, I was frightened inwardly ; for a man dare not tremble at such things. If food is not absolutely fresh, I perceive a cadaverous odor. I could never depend on the trigeminus; for the pain would jump whimsically from one branch of it to another; from a tooth to an eye. But, since m}' trans- formation, I bear toothache and migraine more easil}^, and have less feel- ing of fear with stenocardia. It seems to me a strange fact that I feel myself to be a fearful, weak being, and yet, when danger threatens, I am much rather cool and collected ; and this is true in dangerous operations. The stomach rebels against the slightest indiscretion (in female diet) that is committed without thought of the female nature, either by ructus or other symptoms ; but particularl}'^ against abuse of alcoholics. The indisposition after intoxication that a man who feels like a woman expe- riences is much worse than any a student could get up. It seems to me almost as if one feeling like a woman were entirely controlled by the vegetative system. " Small as my nipples are, they demand room, and I feel them as mammae ; just as during the beginning of puberty, the nipples swelled and pained. On this account, the white shirt, the waistcoat, and the coat troul)le me. I feel as though the pelvis were female ; and it is the same with the anus and nates. At lirst the sense of a female abdomen was trouble- some to me ; for it cannot bear trousers, and it always possesses or in- duces the feminine feeling. I also have the imperative feeling of a waist. It is as if I were robbed of my own skin, and put in a woman's skin that fitted me perfectly, but which felt everything as if it covered a woman ; and whose sensations passed through the man's body, and exterminated the masculine element. The testes, even though not atrophied or degenerated, are still no longer testes, and often cause me pain, with the feeling that they belong in the abdomen, and should be fastened there ; and their mobility often bothers me. " Every four weeks, at the time of the full moon, I have the moli- men of a woman for five days, physically' and mentall}^, only I do not bleed ; but I have the feeling of a loss of fluid; a feeling that the genitals and abdomen are (internally) swollen. A very pleasant period comes when, afterward and later in the interval for a day or two, the physiologi- cal desire for procreation comes, which with all power permeates the ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 211 woman. M3' whole body is tlien filled with this sensation, as an immersed piece of sugar is filled with water, or as full as a soaked sponge. It is like this : first, a woman longing for love, and then, for a man ; and, in fact, the desire, as it seems to me, is more a longing to be possessed than a wish for coitus. The intense natural instinct or the feminine concupis- cence overcomes the feeling of modesty, so that indirectly coitus is desired. I have never felt coitus in a masculine way more than three times in my life ; and even if it were so in general, I was always indifferent about it. But, during the last three years, I have experienced it passively, like a woman ; in fact, oftentimes with the feeling of feminine ejaculation; and I always feel that I am impregnated. 1 am always fatigued as a woman is after It, and often feel ill, as a man never does. Sometimes it caused me so great pleasure that there is nothing with which I can com- pare it ; it is the most blissful and powerful feeling in the world ; at that moment the woman is simply a vulva that has devoured the whole person. " During the last three years I have never lost for an instant the feeling of being a woman, and now, owing to habit, this is no longer an- noying to me, though during this period I have felt debased ; for a man could endure to feel like a woman without a desire for enjoyment; but when desires come ! The happiness ceases ; then come the burning, the heat, the feeling of turgor of the genitals (when the penis is not in a state of erection the genitals do not play any part). In case of intense desire, the feeling of sucking in the vagina and vulva is really terrible — a hellish pain of lust hardly to be endured. If I then have opportunity to per- form coitus, it is better; but, owing to defective sense of being possessed by the other, it does not afford complete satisfaction ; the feeling of sterility comes with its weight of shame, added to the feeling of passive copulation and injured modesty. I seem almost like a prostitute. Reason does not give any help; the imperative feeling of femininity dominates and rules everything. The difficulty in carrying on one's occupation, under such circumstances, is easily appreciated ; but it is possible to force one's self to it. Of course, it is almost impossible to sit, walk, or lie down ; at least, any one of these cannot be endured long ; and with the constant touch of the trousers, etc., it is unendurable. "Marriage then, except during coitus, where the man has to feel himself a woman, is like two women living together, one of whom re- gards herself as in the mask of a man. If the periodical molimen fail to occur, then come the feelings of pregnancy or of sexual satiety, which a man never experiences, but which take possession of the whole being, just as the feeling of femininity does, and are repugnant in themselves ; and, therefore, I gladly welcome the regular molimen again. When erotic dreams or ideas occur, I see myself in the form I have as a woman, and see erected organs presenting. Since the anus feels feminine, it would not be hard to become a passive pederast ; only positive religious command 212 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. prevents it, as all other deterrent ideas would be overcome. Since such conditions are repugnant, as they would be to any one, I have a desire to be sexless, or to make myself sexless. If I had been single, I should long ago have taken leave of testes, scrotum, and penis. " Of what use is female pleasure, when one does not conceive ? What good comes from excitation of female love, when one has only a wife for gratification, even though copulation is felt as though it were with a man ? What a terrible feeling of shame is caused by the feminine perspiration ! How the feeling for dress and ornament lowers a man ! Even in his changed form, even when he can no longer recall the mascu- line sexual feeling, he would not wish to be forced to feel like a woman. He still knows very well that, before, he did not constantly feel sexually ; that he was merely a human being uninfluenced by sex. Now, sud- denly, he has to regard his former individuality as a mask, and constantly feel like a woman, only having a change when, every four weeks, he has his periodical sickness, and in the intervals his insatiable female desire. If he could but awake without immediately being forced to feel like a woman! At last he longs for a moment in which he might raise his mask ; but that moment does not come. He can only find amelioration of his misery when he can put on some bit of female attire or finery, an under-garment, etc. ; for he dare not go about as a woman. To be com- pelled to fulfill all tlie duties of a calling with the feeling of being a woman costumed as a man, and to see no end of it, is no trifle. Religion alone saves from a gi'eat lapse ; but it does not prevent the pain when temptation affects the man who feels as a woman ; and so it must be felt and endured ! When a respectable man who enjo3's an unusual degree of public confidence, and possesses authority, must go about with his vulva — imaginary though it be; when one, leaving his arduous daily task, is com- pelled to examine the toilette of the first lady he meets, and criticise her with feminine eyes, and read her thoughts in her face; when a journal of fashions possesses an interest equal to that of a scientific work (I felt this as a child) ; when one must conceal his condition from his wife, whose thoughts, the moment he feels like a woman, he can read in her face, while it becomes perfectly clear to her that he has changed in body and soul, — what must all this be? The misery caused by the feminine gentleness that must be overcome ! Oftentimes, of course, when I am away alone, it is possible to live for a time more like a woman ; for ex- ample, to wear female attire, especialty at night, to keep gloves on, or to wear a veil or a mask in my room, so that thus there is rest from exces- sive libido. But when the feminine feeling has once gained an entrance, it imperatively demands recognition. It is often satisfied with a moder- ate concession, such as the wearing of a bracelet above the cuff"; but it imperatively demands some concession. My only happiness is to see myself dressed as a Avoman without a feeling of shame ; indeed, when m}'^ face is veiled or masked, I prefer it so, and thus think of mj'self. Like ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 213 every one of Fashion's fools, I h.ave a taste for the prevailing mode ; so greatly am I transformed . 'I'o become accustomed to the thought of feeling only like a woman, and only to remember the previous manner of thought to a certain extent in contrast with it ; and, at the same time, to express one's self as a man, — it re(iuircs a long time and an infinite amount of persistence. " Nevertheless, in spite of everything, it will happen that I betray m3'self by some expression of feminine feeling, either in sexiialibus^ when I say that I feel so and so, expressing what a man without the female feeling cannot know; or when I accidentally betray that female attire is my talent. Before women, of course, this does not amount to an}-- thing ; for a woman is greatly flattered when a man understands some- thing of her matters; but this must not be displayed to my own wife. How frightened I once was when my wife said to a friend that I had great taste in ladies' dress 1 How a haughty, stylish lady was astonished when, as she was about to make a great error in the education of her little daughter, I described to her in writing and verbally all the feminine feelings ! To be sure, I lied to her, saying that my knowledge had been gleaned from letters. But her confidence in me is as great as ever; and the child, who was on the road to insanity, is rational and happy. She had confessed all the feminine inclinations as sins ; now she knows what, as a girl, she must bear and control 1)y will and religion; and she feels that she is human. Both ladies would laugh heartily, if they knew that I had onl^^ drawn on my own sad experience. I must also add that I now have a finer sense of temperature and, besides, a sense of the elasticity of the skin and tension of the intestines, etc., in patients, that was unknown to me before ; that in operations and autopsies, poisonous fluids more readily penetrate my (uninjured) skin. Every autopsy causes me pain; examination of a i)rostitute, or a woman having a discharge, a cancerous odor, or the like, is actually repugnant to me. In all respects I am now under the influence of antipathy and sympathy, from the sense of color to my judgment of a person. Women usually see in each other the periodical sexual disposition; and, therefore, a lady wears a veil, if she is not always accustomed to wear one, and usually she perfumes her- self, even tliough it be only with handkerchief or gloves; for her olfactor}' sense in relation to her own sex is intense. Odors have an incredible eflTect on the female organism ; thus, for example, the odors of violets and roses quiet me, while others disgust me ; and with ihlang-ihlang I cannot contain myself for sexual excitement. Contact with a woman seems homogeneous tome; coitus with my wife seems possible tome because she is somewhat masculine, and has a firm skin ; and yet it is more an amor lesbicus. " Besides, I always feel passive. Often at night, when I cannot sleep for excitement, it is finally' accomplished, si femora mea distensa habeo, sicut mulier cum viro concumbens, or if I lie on my side ; but an 214 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. arm or the bed-clothing must not touch the mammae, or there is no sleep; and there must he no pressure on the abdomen. I sleep best in a chemise and night-robe, and with gloves on ; for m}^ hands easily get cold. I am also comfortable in female drawers and petticoats, because they do not touch the genitals. I liked female dresses best when crinoline was worn. Female dresses do not annoy the feminine-feeling man ; for he, like ever^^ woman, feels them as belonging to his person, and not as something foreign. " My dearest associate is a lady suffering with neurasthenia, who, since her last confinement, feels like a man, but who, since I explained these feelings to her, coitu abstinet as much as possible, a thing I, as a husband, dare not do. She, by her example, helps me to endure my con- dition. She has a more perfect memory of the female feelings, and has often given me good advice. Were she a man and I a j^oung girl, I should seek to win her ; for her I should be glad to endure the fate of a woman. But her present appearance is quite different from what it formerly was. She is a very elegantly dressed gentleman, notwithstand- ing bosom and hair ; she also speaks quickly and concisely, and no longer takes pleasure in the things that please me. She has a kind of melan- choly dissatisfaction with the world, but she bears her fate worthily and with resignation, finding her comfort only in religion and the fulfillment of duty. At the time of the menses, she almost dies. She no longer likes female society and conversation, and has no liking for delicacies. " A youthful friend felt like a girl from the very first, but he had inclinations toward the male sex. His sister had the opposite condi- tion ; and when the uterus demanded its right, and she saw herself as a loving woman, in spite of her masculinity, she cut the matter short, and committed suicide by drowning. " Since complete effemination, the principal changes I have observed in myself are : — " 1. The constant feeling of being a woman from top to toe. " 2. The constant feeling of having female genitals. " 3. The periodicity of the monthly molimen. " 4, The regular occurrence of female desire, though not directed to any particular man. " 5. The passive female feeling in coitus. " 6. After that, the feeling of impregnation. " 7. The female feeling in thought of coitus. " 8. At the sight of women, the feeling of being of their kind, and the feminine interest in them. " 9. At the sight of men, the feminine interest in them. " 10. At the sight of children, the same feeling. "11. The changed disposition and much greater patience. " 12. The final resignation to my fate, for which I have nothing to thank but positive religion ; without it I should have long ago committed suicide. ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 215 " To be a man and to be compelled to feel that cliaque ferame est futuee on elle dc'sire d'etre, is hardly to be eudured." The foregoiii*;- uutobiograpliy, scientifically so important, was accompanied by the following no less interesting letter : — " Sir : I must next beg 3'our indulgence for troubling 3'ou with my communication. I lost all control, and thought of mj'self only as a monster before which I myself shuddered. Then your work gave me courage again ; and I determined to go to the bottom of the matter, and examine my past life, let the result be what it might. It seemed a dut}^ of gratitude to you to tell you the result of my recollection and observation, since I had not seen any description by you of an analogous case; and, finally, I also thought it might perhaps interest you to learn, from the pen of a physician, how such a worthless human, or masculine, being thinks and feels under the weight of the imperative idea of being a woman. " It is not perfect ; but I no longer have the strength to reflect more upon it, and have no desire to go into the matter more deeply. Much is repeated ; but I beg 3^ou to rememljer that any m:isk may be allowed to fall off, i)articularly when it is not voluntarily worn, but enforced. " After reading your work, I hope that, if I fulfill my duties as phj'sician, citizen, father, aud husband, I may still count myself among human beings who do not deserve merely to be despised. " Finally, I wished to lay the result of my recollection and reflec- tion before you, in order to shoAV that one thinking and feeling like a woman can still be a physician. I consider it a great injustice to debar woman from Medicine. A woman, through her feeling, gets on the track of many ailments which, in spite of all skill in diagnosis, remain obscure to a man ; at least, in the diseases of Avomen and children. If I could have my way, I should have every physician live the life of a woman for three months ; then he would have a better understanding and more considera- tion in matters atfecting the half of humanity from which he comes ; then he would learn to value the greatness of women, and appreciate the diflSculty of their lot." Bemarkn: The badly-tainted patient is originally psycho-sexually abnormal, in that, in ('hanicter and in the sexual act, he feels as a female. This abnormal feeling remained purely a ps3xhical anomaly' until three years ago, when, owing to severe neurasthenia, it received overmastering support in imperative bodily sensations of a transmutatio sexus, which now dominate consciousness. Then, to the patient's horror, he felt bodily' like a woman ; and, under the impulse of his imperative femiuine sensa- tions, he experienced a comi)lete transformation of his former masculine feeling, thought, and will ; in fact, of his whole vita sexualis, in the sense of eviration. At the same time, his ego is able to control these abnormal psycho-physical manifestations, and prevent descent to paranoia, — a 216 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. remarkable example of imperative feelings and ideas on the basis of neurotic taint, which is of great value for a comprehension of the way in which the psycho-sexual transformation may be accomplished. IV. Degree: Metamorphosis Sexucdis Paranoica. — A final possible stage in this disease-process is the delusion of a trans- formation of sex. It arises on the basis of sexual neurasthenia that has developed into neurasthenia universaHs, resulting in a mental disease, — paranoia. The following cases show the development of the inter- esting neuro-psychological process to its height : — Case 100. K., aged 36, single, servant, received at the clinic on February 26, 1889, is a typical case of paranoia persecutoria, resulting from neurasthenia sexualis, with olfactory hallucinations, sensations, etc. lie comes of a predisjiosed family. Several brothers and sisters were ps3'choi)athic. Patient has an hydrocephalic skull, depressed in the region of the right fontanelle ; eyes neuropathic. He has always been very sensual ; began to masturbate at nineteen ; had coitus at twenty- three ; begat three illegitimate children. He gave up further sexual intercourse, on account of fear of begetting more children, and of being unable to provide for them. Abstinence proved very painful to him. He also gave up masturbation, and was then troubled with pollutions. A year and a half ago he became sexually neurasthenic, had diurnal pollu- tions, became thereafter ill and miserable, and, after a time, generally neu- rasthenic, finally developing paranoia. A 3'ear ago he began to haA'e parsesthetic sensations, — as if there were a great coil in the place of his genitals ; and then he felt that his scrotum and penis were gone, and that his genitals were changed into those of a female. He felt the growth of his breasts ; that his hair was that of a woman ; and that feminine gar- ments were on his bod}^ He thought himself a woman. The people in the street gave utterance to corresponding remarks : " Look at the woman ! The old blowhard ! " In a half dreamy state, he had the feeling as if he played the part of a woman in coitus with a man. During it he had the most lively' feelings of pleasure. During his stay at the clinic, a remission of the paranoia occurred, and, at the same time, a marked improvement of the neurasthenia. Then the feelings and ideas due to a developing metamorphosis sexualis disappeared. A more advanced case of eviration, on the way to a trans- formatio sexus paranoica, is the following : — Case 101. Franz St., aged 33; school-teacher; single; prol)ably of tainted family ; always neuropathic ; emotional, timid, intolerant of alco- ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 217 hoi; began to masturbate at eighteen. At thirty there were manifesta- tions of neurasthenia sexualis (pollutions with consequent ftitigue, which at last began to occur during the day ; pain in the region of the sacral plexus, etc.). Graduall}^, spinal irritation, pressure in the head, and cere- bral neurasthenia were added. Since the beginning of 1885 the patient had given up coitus, in which he no longer experienced pleasurable feel- ing. He masturbated frecpiently. In 1888 he began to have delusions of suspicion. He noticed that he was avoided, and that he had unpleasant odors about him (olfactory hallucinations). In this way he explained the altered attitude of people, and their sneezing, coughing, etc. He smelled corpses and foul urine. He recognized the cause of his bad smells in inward pollutions. He recognized these in a feeling he had as if a fluid flowed up from the sym- physis toward the breast. Patient soon left the clinic. In 1889 he was again received in an advanced stage of paranoia masturbatoria persecutoria (delusions of physical persecution). In the beginning of May, 1889, the patient attracted notice, in that he was cross when he was addressed as " mister." He protested against it, because he was a woman. Voices told him this. He noticed that his breasts were growing. Some weeks Ijefore, others had touched him in a sensual manner. He heard it said that he was a whore. Of late, dreams of pregnancy. He dreamed that, as a woman, he indulged in coitus. He felt the immissio penis, and, during the hallucinatory^ act, also a feeling of ejaculation. Head straight ; facial form long and narrow ; parietal eminences prominent; genitals normally developed. The following case, observed in the asylum at Illenaii, is a pertinent example of lasting delusional alteration of sexual consciousness : — Case 102. Metamorphosis Sexualis Paranoica. — N., aged 23, single, pianist, was received in the asylum at Illenau in the last part of October, 1865. He came of a family in which there was said to be no hereditary taint ; but it was tuberculous (father and brother died of pulmonar}'^ tuberculosis). Patient, as a child, was weakly and dull, though especially' talented in music. He was always of abnormal character; silent,* retir- ing, unsocial, and sullen. He practiced mastin-liation after fifteen. After a few 3^ears neurasthenic symi)toms (palpitation of the heart, lassitude, occasional pressure in the head, etc.), and also hypochondriacal symp- toms, were manifested. During the last year he had worked with great difficulty. For about six months neurasthenia had increased. He com- plained of palpitation of the heart, pressure in the head, and sleep- lessness; was very irritable, and seemed to be sexually excited. He declared that he must marry for his health. He fell in love with an 218 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. artist, but almost at the same time (September, 1865) he fell ill with paranoia persecutoria (ideas of enemies, derision in the street, poison in food ; obstacles were placed on the bridges to keep him from going to his inamorata). On account of increasing excitement and conflicts with those about him that he considered inimical to him, he was taken to the asy- lum. At first he presented the picture of a typical paranoia persecutoria with symptoms of sexual, and later general, neurasthenia, though the delusions of persecution did not rest upon this neurotic foundation. It was only occasionally that the patient heard such sentences as this : " Now the semen will be drawn out of him. Now the bladder will be cut out." In the course of the years 1866-68, the delusions of persecution be- came less and less apparent, and were for the most part replaced by erotic ideas. The somatic and mental basis was a lasting and powerful excitation of the sexual sphere. The patient fell in love with every woman he saw, heard voices which told him to approach her, and begged to be allowed to marry, declaring that, if he was not given a wife, he would waste away. With continuance of masturbation, in 1869, signs of future effemination made themselves manifest. " He would, if he should get a wife, love her ouly platonicall3\" The patient grows more and more peculiar, lives in a circle of erotic ideas, sees prostitution practiced in the asylum, and now and then hears voices which impute immoral con- duct with women to him. For this reason he avoids the society of women, and only associates with them for the sake of music when two witnesses are with him. In the course of the year 1872, the neurasthenic condition became markedly increased. Now paranoia persecutoria again comes into the foreground, and takes on a clinical coloring from the neurotic basis. Olfoctory hallucinations occur. Magnetic influences are at work on him (false interpretation of sensations due to spinal asthenia). With con- tinued and intense sexual excitement and excess in masturbation, the process of effemination constantly progresses. Only episodically is he a man and inclined toward a woman, complaining that the shameless pros- titution of the men in the house makes it impossible for a lad}^ to come to him. He is djang of magnetically poisoned air and unsatisfled love. Without love he cannot live. He is poisoned by lewd poison that affects his sexual desire. The lady that he loves is sunk in the lowest vice. The prostitutes in the house have fortune-chains ; that is, chains in which, without moving, a man can indulge in lustful pleasure. He is ready now to satisfy himself with prostitutes. He is possessed of a wonderful ray of thought that emanates from his eyes, which is worth twenty millions. His compositions are worth 500,000 francs. With these indications of delusions of grandeur, there are also those of persecution — the food is poisoned by venereal excrement ; he tastes and smells poison, hears infamous accusations, and asks for instruments to close his ears. From ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 219 August, 1872, however, the signs of effemination become more aud more fre(][uent. He acts somewhat afl'ected, declaring that he can no longer live among men that drink and smoke. He thinks and feels like a woman. He must thenceforth be treated like a woman and ti'ansferred to a female ward. He asks for confections and delicate desserts. Occas- ionall}^, on account of tenesmus and cystospasm, he asks to be transferred to a lying-in hospital and treated as a woman very ill in pregnancy. The abnormal magnetism of masculine attendants has an unfavorable effect on him. At times he still feels himself to be a man, but in a way which in- dicates his abnornmlly altered sexual feeling. He pleads only for satis- faction by means of masturbation, or for marriage without coitus. Mar- riage is a sensual institution. The girl that he would take for a wife must be a masturbator. About the end of December, 1872, his personality became completely feminine. From that time he remained a woman. He had always been a woman, but in his babyhood a French Quaker, an artist, had put masculine genitals on hun, and by ru1)bing and distorting his thorax had prevented the development of his breasts. After this he demanded to be transferred to the female department, protection from men that wished to violate him, and asked for female clothing. Eventually he also desired to be given employment in a t03^-shop, with crocheting and embroidery work to do, or a place in a dress-making establishment with female work. From the time of the transformatio sexus, the patient begins a new reckoning of time. He conceives his previous personality in memory as that of a cousin. He always speaks of himself in the third person, and calls himself the Countess V., the dearest friend of the Empress Eugenie; asks for perfumes, corsets, etc. He takes the other men of the ward for girls, tries to raise a head of hair, and demands " Oriental Hair-Remover," in order that no one may doubt his gender. He takes delight in praising onanism, for " she had been an onanist from fifteen, and had never desired any other kind of sexual satisfaction." Occasionally neurasthenic symptoms, olfactory hallucinations, and persecutory delusions are observed. All the events up to the time of December, 1872, belong to the personality of the cousin. The patient's delusion that he is the Countess V. can no longer be corrected. She proves her identity by the fact that the nurse has ex- amined her, and finds her to be a lady. The countess will not marry, because she hates men. Since he is not provided with female clothing and shoes, he spends the greatest part of the day in bed, acts like an invalid lady of position, affectedly and modestly, and asks for bon-bons and the like. His hair is done up in a knot as well as it allows, and the beard is pulled out. Breasts are made out of biscuits. In 1874 caries began in the left knee-joint, to which pulmonary tuberculosis was soon added. Detith on December 2, 1874. Skull normal. Frontal lobes atrophic. Brain anaemic. Microscopical (Dr. 220 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALTS. Scbiile) : In the superior layer of the frontal lo1je, ganglion cells some- what shrunken; in the adventitia of the vessels, numerous fat-corpuscles; glia unchanged ; isolated pigment particles and colloid bodies. The lower layers of the cortex normal. Genitals very large ; testicles small, lax, and show no change macroscopically on section. The delusion of sexual transformation, displayed, in its con- ditions and phases of development, in the foregoing case, is a manifestation remarkably infrequent in the pathology of the human mind. Besides the foregoing cases, personally observed, 1 have seen such a case, as an episodical phenomenon, in a lady having contrary sexuality (Case 92 of the sixth edition of this work), one in a girl affected with original paranoia, and another in a lady suffering witli original paranoia. Save for a case briefly reported by Arndt, in his text-book (p. 172), and one quite superficially described by Serieux ("Recherches Clinique," p. 33), and the two cases known to Esquirol, I cannot recall any cases of delusion of sexual trans- formation in literature. Arndt's case may be briefly given here, though, like Esquirol's cases, it gives nothing concerning the genesis of the delusion : — Case 103. A middle-aged woman in the asylum at Greifswald thought she was a man, and acted out her belief She cut her hair short, and parted it on one side in the military fashion. A sharply-cut pro- file, a nose somewhat large, and a certain heaviness of all the features gave the face something characteristic, and, in combination with the short hair combed smoothl}^ over the ears, gave the whole head a decid- edly masculine appearance. She was tall and lean ; her voice low and rough ; the larynx angularly prominent ; her attitude erect ; her gait, like all her movements, heavj^, but not awkward. She looked like a man in female dress. Asked how she had come to think she was a man, she would almost always cry excitedl}' : " Just look at me ! Don't I look like a man ? I feel like a man, too. I have always felt so, but I only gradually came to understand it clearly. The man who should be my husband is not a real man. I raised my children mj'self. I always felt somewhat like this, I>ut I came to understand later. Did I not alwaj^s work like a man? The man who passed for my husband only helped. He did what I planned. From my youth I have been more masculine than feminine. I have always had more liking for the garden and farm than for work in the house and kitchen. But I never understood the reason. Now I know I am a man, and I shall bear mj'self like one. It is a shame to make me always wear women's clothes." ACQUIRED HOMO-SEXUALITY. 221 Case 104. X., aged 26, tall, and of handsome appearance. Since his earliest youth he has loved to wear female attire. As he grew up, he managed it so that, when he was a participant in theatricals, he always had a female part. After an attack of mental excitement, he imagined that he was actually a woman, and tried to convince others of it. He liked to undress himself, and dress his hair and put on female clothing. In this state he wished to go out on the street. In other respects he was i^erfectly reasonable. He would spend the whole day arranging his hair and looking at himself in the glass, costuming himself in a night-dress as much like a woman as possible. In walking he imitated women. One day, when Esquirol acted as if a])0iit to lift up his dress, he flew into a passion and upbraided him for his want of modesty (Escpiirol). Case 105. Mrs. X., widow. Owing to the death of her husband and loss of fortune, she had been greatly trouT)led in mind. She became disturbed mentally, and was admitted to the Salpetrifere after attempting suicide. Mrs. X., lean, thin; constantly maniacal; she believes herself a man, and flies angry if she is addressed as " madam." Once, when male clot hing was placed at her disposal, she was beside herself with joy. She died, in 1S02, of a consumptive malady; and she expressed her delusion of being a man until shortly before her death (Esquirol). I liave already mentioned the interesting- relations existing between tlie facts of delusional transformation of sex and the so-called insanity of the Scythians. Marandon (" Annak^s medico-psychologiques," 1877, p. 161), hke others, has erroneously presumed that with the ancient Scythians there was an actual delusion, and that the condition was not merely that of eviration. According to the law of em- pirical actuality, the delusion, so infrequent to-day, must also have been very infrequent in ancient times. Since it can only be con- ceived as arising on the basis of a paranoia, there can be no thought of its endemic occurrence ; it can only be regarded as a superstitious manifestation of eviration (tlie result of anger of the goddess), as is also evident from the statements of Hippocrates. The facts of the so-called Scythian insanity, as well as the facts lately learned about the Pueblo Indians, are also note- worthy anthropologically, in that atrophy of the testes and geni- tals in general, and approximation to the female type, physically 222 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. and mentally, were observed. This is the more remarkable, since, in men who have lost their procreative organs, snch a reversal of instinct is quite as unusual as in women, mutatis mutandis^ after the natural or artificial climacteric. B. Homo- Sexual Feeling as an Abnormal Congenital Manifestation} — The essential feature of tliis strange manifesta- tion of the sexual life is the want of sexual sensibility for the opposite sex, even to the extent of horror, while sexual inclina- tion and impulse toward the same sex are present. At the same time, the genitals are normally developed, the sexual glands perform their functions properly, and the sexual type is completely differentiated. Feeling, thought, will, and the whole character, in cases of the complete development of the anomaly, correspond with the peculiar sexual instinct, but not with the sex which the individual represents anatomically and physiologically. This abnormal mode of feeling may not infrequently be recognized in the manner, dress, and calling of the individuals, who may go so far as to yield to an impulse to don the distinctive clothing corresponding with the sexual role in which they feel them- selves to be. Anthropologically and clinically, this abnormal manifesta- tion presents various degrees of development : — 1. Traces of hetero-sexual, with predominating homo- sexual, instinct (psycho-sexual hermaphroditism). 2. There exists inclination only toward the same sex (homo-sexuality). 1 Bibliography (besides works mentioned hereafter) : Tardieu, Des attentats aux moeurs, 7 6dit., 1878, p. 210.— Hofmann, Lehrb. d. ger. Med., 3 Aufl., pp. 172, 850.— Gley, Revue pbilosophique, 188-t, Nr. 1. — Magnau, Aunal. med.-psychol., 1885, p. 458. — Shaw and Ferris, Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1883, April. — Bernhardi, Der Uraulsmus, Berlin (Volksbuchhandlung), 1882. — Chevalier, De I'inversion de I'instinct sexual, Paris, 1885. — Ritti, Gaz. hebdom. de m^decine et de chirurg., 1878,4. Januar. — Tamassia, Rivista sperim, 1878, pp. 97-117. — Lombroso, Archiv. di Psichiatr., 1881. — Charcot et Magnan, Archiv. de neurologie, 1882, Nr. 7, 12. — Moll, Die contrare Sexualerapfinduug, Berlin, 1891 (numerous bibliographic references). — Chevalier, Archives de 1 'anthropologic criminelle, vol. V, No 27 ; vol. vl, No. 31. — Reuss, " Aberrations du sens g6nerique," Annales d'hygi&ne publique, 1886. — Saury, Etude clinlque sur la folic h6r6ditaire, 1886. — Brouardel, Gaz. des liopiteaux, 1886 and 1887. — Tiller, L'instiiict sexuel chez I'honime et chez les animaux, 1889. — Carlier, Les deux prostitutions, 1887. — Lacassagne, art. " Pederastie,"in the Diction, eocyclopfedique. — Vibert, art. " Pederastie," iu the Diction. pi6d. et de chirurgie, . CONGENITAL UOMO-SEXUALITY. 223 3. The entire mental existence is altered to correspond with the abnormal sexual instinct (effemination and viraginit} ). 4. The form of the body approaches that which corresponds to the abnormal sexual instinct. However, actual transitions to hermaphrodites never occur, but, on the contrary, completely differentiated genitals ; so that, just as in all pathological per- versions of the sexual life, the cause must be sought in the brain (androgyny and gynandry). The first definite communications * concerning this enigmatical plie- nomenon of Nature are made by Caspar (" Ueber Nothzucht und Piider- astie," Caspar's Vierteljahrsschrift, 1852, i), who, it is true, classes it with pederasty, but makes the pertinent remark that this anomaly is, in most cases, congenital, and, at the same time, to be regarded as a mental hermaphroditism. There exists here an actual disgust of sexual contact with women, while the imagination is filled with beautiful young men, and with statues and pictures of them. It did not escape Casper that in "^nch cases emissio penis in anum (pederasty) is not the rule, but that, by means of other sexual acts (mutual onanism), sexual satisfaction is sought and olttained. In his " Clinical Novels " (18(53, p. 33) Casper gives the interesting confession of a man showing this perversion of the sexual instinct, and does not hesitate to assert that, aside from vicious imagination and Aice, as a result of over-indulgence in normal sexual intercourse, there are numerous cases in which pederasty has its origin in a remarkable, obscure impulse, which is congenital and inexplicable. About the middle of the " sixties," a certain assessor, Ulrichs, himself subject to this perverse instinct, came out and declared, in numerous articles,^ that the sexual 1 Dr. Moll, of Berlin, called my attention to the fact that iu Moritz's Magazin f. Erfahrungsseeleukuude, vol. viii, Berlin, 1791, there are references to contrary sexual instinct in man. In fact, there two biographies of men are reported who manifested an enthusiastic love for pensons of their own sex. In the second case, which is particularly noteworthy, the patient himself explains his aberration by the fact that, as a child, he was caressed only by grown persons, and, as a boy of ten or twelve years, only by his school- fellows. " This, and the want of association with persons of the ojjpositc sex, in nie, caused the natural inclination toward the female sex to be entirely diverted to the male sex. I am still quite indifferent to women." It cannot be determined whether such a case is one of congenital (psycho-sexual hermaphroditism ?) or acquired contrary sexual instinct. The oldest case of contrary sexual instinct, that has thus far been proved in Germany, is that of a woman who was married to another, and gratified herself sexually with a leathern priapus. A case of vira- ginity, historically and legally interesting, derived from the legal proceedings, which took place early in the eighteenth century, is reported by Dr. Miiller (Alexandersbad), in Fried- rich's Blatter f. ger. Medicin, 1891, part iv. 2 " Vindex, Inclusa, Vindicta, Formatrij., Ara spei, Gladius furens, kritische Pfeile," Leipzig (Otto u. Kadler), 186-1-1880. 224 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. mental life was not connected with the bodily sex ; that there were male individuals that felt like women toward men (" anima muliebris in corpore virili inclusa "). He called these people " urnings,'' and demanded nothing less than the legal and social recognition of this sexual love of the urn- ings as congenital and, therefore, as right ; and the permission of mar- riage among them. Ulrichs failed, however, to prove that this certainly congenital and paradoxical sexual feeling was physiological, and not pathological. Griesinger (Archiv f. Fsychiatrie, i, p. 651) threw the first ray of light on these facts, anthropologically and clinically, by pointing out the marked hereditary taint of the individual, in a case which came under his own observation. We have Westphal (Archiv f. Psxjchiatrie, ii, p. 13) to thank for the first systematic consideration of the manifestation in question, which he defined as " congenital reversal of the sexual feeling, with consciousness of the abnormality of the manifestation," and designated with the name, since generally accepted, of contrary sexual instinct. At the same time, he began a series of cases,' which, up to this time, has reached ninety-three, those reported in this monograph not being included.- Westphal leaves it undecided as to whether contrary sexual feeling is a symptom of a neuropathic or of a psychopathic condition, or whether 1 In male individuals: (1) Casper, Klin. Novellen, p. 36 (Lehrb. d. ger. Med., 7 Aufl., p. ITfi); (2) Westphal, Archiv f. Psyth., ii. p. 73; (3) Schralnke, id., iii, p. 235; (4) Scholz, Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger. Med., xix ; (.5) Goek, Arch. f. Psych., v., p. 5f>i ; (6) Ser- vaes, icZ., vi, p. 484; (7) Westphal, id.,vi, 620; (8,9, 10) Stark, Zeitsch. f. Peychiatrie, Bd. 31 ; (11) Linian (Casper's Lehrb. der ger. Med., 6 Aufl., p. 509), p. 291 ; (12) Legrand du Saullc, Aiinal. nied.-psychol., 1876, May ; (13) Sterz, Jahrb. f. Psychiatric, iii, HeftS ; (14) Krueg, Brain, 1884, Oct. ; (15) Charcot et Maguan, Arch, de ncurolog., 1882, Nr. 9; (16, 17, 18) Kirn, Zeitsc.hr. f. Psych., Bd. 39, p. 216; (19) Rabow, Erlenmeyer's Centralb.,1883, Nr. 8 ; (20) Bluuier, Americ. Journ. of Insanity, 1882, July ; (21) Savage, Journal of Mental Science, 1884, October; (22) Scholz, Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger. Med., N. F. Bd. 43, Heft. 7; (23) Magnan, Ann. mcd. psychol., 1885, p. 461 ; (24) Chevalier, De Tinversion de I'instinct sexucl, Paris, 1885, p. 129 ; (25) Mor.selli, La Riforraa medica, iv, March ; (26) Leonpacher, Friedreich's Blatter, 1888, H. 4 ; (27) Hollander, Allg. Wiener Med. Zeitg., 1882; (28) Krcise, Erlenmeyer's Centralblatt, 1888, Nr. 19; (29, 30, 31, 32) v. Krafft, Psy- chopathia sexualis, 3 Aufl., Beob. 32, 36, 42, 43 ; (.33) Golenko, Russ. Archiv f. Psychiatric, Bd. ix, H. 3 (v. Rothe, Zeitschr. f. Psychiatric) ; (34) v. Krafft, Internationales Centralblatt f. d. Physiol, u. Pathologic der Harn-u. Sexual organc, Bd. 1, H. 1; (35) Cantarano, La Psichiatria, 1887, v., p. 195; (36) Serieux, Recherches cliniques sur les anomalies de I'instinct sexuel, Paris, 1888, obs. 13; (37-42) Kiernan, The Medical Standard, 1888, 7 cases ; (43-46) Rabow, Zeitschr. f. klin. Mediciu, Bd. xvii, Suppl. ; (47-51) v. Krafft, Neue Forschungen, Beob. 1, 3, 4, 5, 8) ; (52-61) v. Krafft, Psychopath. Sexualis, 5 Aufl., Beob. 53, 61, 64, 66, 73, 75, 78, 84, 85, 87 ; (62-65) v. Krafft, Neue Forschungen, 2 Aufl., Beob. 3, 4, 5,6; (66, 67) Hammond, Sexual Impotence; (68-71) Garnicr, Anomalies sexuelles, 1889, Obs. 227, 228, 229, 230; (72) Muller, Friedreich's Blatter, 1891; (7:^87) v. Krafft, Psychopathia Sexualis, 6 Aufl. , Beob.78, 81 , 82, 84, 85, 86, 87, 89, 93, 94, 96, 97, 98, 101 , 102. In female individuals : (1) Westphal, Arch. f. Psych., ii, p. 73 ; Gock, op. cit., Nr. 1 ; (3) Wise, The Alienist and Neurologist, 1883, January ; (4) Cantarano, La Psichiatria, 1883, p. 201 ; (5) Serieux, op. cit., obs. 14; (6) Kiernan, op. cit. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 225 it may occur ns an isolated manifestation. He holds fast to the oi)iiiion that the condition is congenital. From the cases ])iil)lislied up to 1877, I have designated this peculiar sexual feeling as a timctional sign of degeneration, and as a partial manifestation of a neuro-psychopathic state, in most cases hereditary, — a supposition which has found renewed contirmation in a consideration of additional cases. The follow- ing peculiarities may be given as the signs of this neuro- psychopathic taint : — 1. The sexual life of individuals thus organized manifests itself, as a rule, abnormally early, and thereafter with abnormal power. Not infrequently still other perverse manifestations are presented besides the abnormal method of sexual satisfaction, which in itself is conditioned by the peculiar sexual feeling. 2. The psychical love manifest in these men is, lor the most part, exaggerated and exalted in the same way as their sexual instinct is manifested in consciousness, with a strange and even compelling force. 3. By the side of the functional signs of degeneration attending contrary sexual leeling are found other functional, and in many cases anatomical, evidences of degeneration. 4. Neuroses (hysteria, neurasthenia, epileptoid states, etc.) co-exist. Almost always the existence of temporary or lasting neurasthenia may be proved. As a rule, this is constitutional, having its root in congenital conditions. It is awakened and maintained by masturbation or enforced abstinence. Tn male individuals, owing to these practices or to congeni- tal disposition, there is finally neurasthenia sexualis, Avhich mani- fests itself (essentially in irritable weakness of the ejaculation centre. Thus it is explained that, in most of the cases, simply embracing and kissing, or even only the sight of the loved per- son, induce the act of ejaculation. Frequently this is accom- panied by an abnormally pow^crful feeling of lustful pleasure, which may be so ^intense as to suggest a feeling of magnetic currents passing through the body. 5. In the majority of cases, psychical anomalies (brilliant endowment in art, especially music, poetry, etc., by the side of 15 226 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. bad intellectual powers or original eccentricity) are present, which may even go so far as pronounced conditions of mental degeneration (dementia, moral insanity). In many urnings, either temporarily or permanently, in- sanity of a degenerative character (pathological emotional states, periodical insanity, paranoia, etc.) makes its appearance. 6. In almost all cases where an examination of the physical and mental peculiarities of the ancestors and blood-relations has been possible, neuroses, psychoses, degenerative signs, etc., have been found in tlie families.^ The depth of congenital contrary feeling is shown by the fact that the lustful dream of the male-loving urning has for its content only male individuals ; that of the female-loving woman, only female individuals, with corresponding situations. The observation of Westphal, that the consciousness of one congenitally defective in sexual desires toward the opposite sex is painfully affected by the impulse toward the same sex, is true in only a number of cases. Indeed, in many instances, the consciousness of the abnormality of the condition is want- ing. The majority of urnings are happy in their perverse sex- ual feeling and impulse, and unhappy only in so far as social and legal barriers stand in the way of the satisfaction of their instinct toward their own sex. The study of contrary sexual feeling points directly to anomalies of the cerebral organization of the affected individu- als. Gley {Revue philosoph., January, 1884) believes that he is able to solve the riddle by the theory that the individuals have a female brain and male sexual glands ; and, further, that path- ological brain conditions determine the sexual life, while nor- mally the sexual organs determine the sexual functions of the brain. One of my patients offered me an interesting theory in 1 Tarnowsky (op. cit., p. 34) records a case which shows that contrary sexual feeling, as a concomitant manifestation with neurotic degeneration, may "also affect the descendants of parents having no neurotic taint. In this instance, lues of the parents played a part, as in a similar case of Scholz (Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger. Med.), in which the perversion of the sexual desires stood iu causal relation with an arrest of psychical development, caused by tr^umatisni. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 227 explanation of original contrary sexual instinct. He started with the actual bi-sexuality shown by the Ibetus anatomically up to a certain age. While normally the organs which attain complete development exclusively condition and determine the sexual type, and the influence of tlie opposite organs, which remain rudimentary, is nil, it is conceivable tliat, under the influence of a factor inimical to the normal development of the brain (hereditary taint, etc.), these rudimentary organs like- wise exercise an influence which, under certain circumstances, may be even greater than that of the fully developed organs Avhicli determine the external sexual type. In a similar manner, Kiernan {Medical Standard^ 1888) and G. Frank Lydston {PhiJa. Med. and Surg. Reporter, 1888) attempt to explain a part of the cases of congenital sexual paranoia. Magnan, too {Ann. med. psycliol.., 1885, p. 458), writes, in all earnestness, of the brain of a woman in the body of a man, and vice versd.^ The attempted explanations of congenital urnings are not less superficial ; for instance, that of Ulrichs, who, in his " Memnon," 1868, speaks of an "anima muliebris virili corpore inclusa (virili corpori innata)," and thus tries to explain the congenital origin and the female character of his abnormal sex- ual instinct. The idea of the patient, the subject of Case 124, is original. He supposes that when his father begat him he thought to beget a girl, but, instead of a girl, a boy resulted. One of the strangest explanations of congenital contrary sexual feeling is made by Mantegazza {o}}. cit., p. 106, 1886). According to this author, in such individuals there exist anatomical anomalies which, by an error of Nature, consist in a distribution to the rectum of the nerves intended for the geni- tals; so that only in this situation the lustful sensation is aroused which otherwise results from stimulation of the geni- tals. But how does this author, in other ways so acute, ex- plain the great majority of cases, where pederasty is abhorred by those aflected with contrary sexual feeling'? Besides, Nature 1 This supposition is overthrown by the result of the post-mortem of my case (118), where the brajn-weight was 1150 gramnjes, and of Case 130, where it was 1175 grammes. 228 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. never makes such leaps. Mantegazza rests his hypothesis upon the statements of an acquaintance, a celebrated writer, who assured him that he was not sure that he took a greater pleasure in coitus than in defecation ! Allowing the correctness of his experience, still it would only prove that the man was sexually abnormal, and that his pleasure in coitus was reduced to a minimum. An explanation of congenital contrary sexual feeling may perhaps be found in tlie fact that it represents a peculiarity bred in descendants, but arising in ancestry. The hereditary factor might be an acquired abnormal inclination for the same sex in the ancestors {v. infra), found fixed as a congenital ab- normal manifestation in the descendants. Since, according to experience, acquired physical and mental peculiarities, not simply improvements, but essentially defects, are transmitted, this hypothesis becomes tenable. Since individuals affected with contrary sexual feeling not infrequently beget children, — at least, they are not absolutely impotent (women never are), — a transmission to descendants is ])ossible. This supposition is decidedly favored by Case 124, in which the eight-year-old daughter of an individual affected with contrary sexual feeling, practiced mutual masturbation — a sexual act — at an age which permits the presumption of con- trary sexual feeling. No less significant is the communication made to me by a young man of twenty-six, who belongs to the third group of contrary sexuality. He knew with certainty that his father, who had died some years before, was also sub- ject to contrary sexuality. An informant assured me, at least, that he knew many other men with whom his father had sus- tained "relations." Wliether, in the case of the father, it was an acquired or a congenital contrary sexual instinct, and to what group he belonged, could not be ascertained. The foregoing hypothesis seems tlie more plausible, when it is considered that the first three degrees of congenital con- trary sexual instinct correspond exactly witli tlie developmental stages which are discoverable in the development of the acquired anomaly. One, therefore, feels inclined to designate CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 229 the various degrees of cong-enital contrary sexual instinct as various degrees of an hereditarily-induced sexual anomaly, acquired from the progenitors or otherwise developed. Here, too, the law of progressive heredity must be taken into con- sideration. The sexual acts, by means of which male urnings seek and find satisfaction, are multifarious. There are individuals, of fine feeling and strength of will, who sometimes satisfy themselves with platonic love, with the risk, however, of becoming nervous (neurasthenic) and insane, as a result of this enforced absti- nence. In other instances, for the same reasons which may lead normal individuals to avoid coitus, onanism, /rn*^ de mieux, is indulged in. In urnings with nervous systems congenitally irritable, or injured by onanism (irritable weakness of tlie ejaculation centre), simple embraces or caresses, with or without contact of the genitals, are sufiicient to induce ejaculation and consequent satisfaction. In less irritable individuals, the sexual act consists of manustupration by the loved person, or mutual onanism, or imitation of coitus between the tliighs. In urnings morally perverse and potent, quoad erectionem, the sexual desire is satis- fied by pederasty, — an act, liowever, which is repugnant to per- verted individuals that are not defective morally, much in the same way as it is to normal men. The statement of urnings is remarkable, that the sexual act with persons of the same sex, which is adequate for them, gives them a feeling of great satis- faction and accession of strength, while satisfaction by solitary onanism, or by enforced coitus witli a woman, afl^ects them in an unfavorable way, making them miserable and increasing their neurasthenic symptoms. The manner of satisfaction of the female urning is little known. In one of my cases, the girl mastur- bated, and during the act felt herself to be a man ; and her fiincy created a beloved female person. In another case, the act consisted of practicing onanism on the person loved, and fond- ling her genitals. Amor lesh'iGus is presumably not infrequent here, for which an enlarged clitoris or an artificial priapus may be used. 230 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. As to the frequency^ of the occurrence of the anomaly, it is difficult to reach a just conclusion, since those affected with it break from their reserve only very inlrequently ; and in crimi- nal cases the urning with perversion of sexual instinct is usually classed with the person given to pederasty for simply vicious reasons. According to Casper's and Tardieu's, as well as ray own, experience, this anomaly is much more frequent than reported cases would lead us to presume. Ulrichs ("Kritische Pfeile," p. 2, 1880) declares that, on an average, there is one person affected with contrary sexual instinct to every two hundred mature men, or to every eight hundred of the population ; and that the percentage among the Magyrs and South Slavs is still greater, — statements which may be regarded as untrustworthy. The subject of one of my cases knows personally, at his home (13,000 inliabitants), fourteen urnings. He further declares that he is acquainted with at least eighty in a city of 60,000 inliabitants. It is to be presumed that this man, otherwise worthy of belief, makes no distinction between the congenital and the acquired anomaly. 1. Psijchlcal HermaphroJltism.'^ — The characteristic mark of this degree of inversion of the sexual instinct is that, by the side of the pronounced sexual instinct and desire for the same sex, a desire toward the opposite sex is present ; but the latter is much weaker and is manifested episodically only, while the homo-sexuality is primary, and, in time and intensity, forms the most striking feature of the vita sexualis. 1 That Inversiou of the sexual instinct is not infrequent is proved, amongother things, by the circumstance that it is frequentl}' a subject in novels. Chevalier {op. cit.) points out in Fivnch literature, besides tlie novels of Balzac, like " La Passion au Desert " (treating of bestiality) and " Sarrazine" (treating of tlie love of a woman for a eunuch), Diderot's " La Religieuse " (a story of one given to amor lesbuvis) ; Balzac's " La Fille aux Yeux d'Or " (amor lexbicus); Th. Gautier's " Mademoiselle de Maupin " ; Feydeau's " La Comtesse de Chalis " ; Flaubert's " Salammbo," etc. Belot's " Mademoiselle Giraud, Ma Femme" may also be men- tioned (now translated into English). It is interesting that the heroines of these (Lesbian) novels appear in the character and role of the husband of a lover of the same sex, and that their love is extremely passionate. Moreover, the neuropathic foundation of this sexual per- version does not escape the writers. This theme is treated, in German literature, in " Fri- dolin's heimliche Ehe," by Wilbrand ; in " Brick and Brack oder Licht in Schatten," by Emerich Graf Stadion. The oldest urning's romance is probably that published by Petronius at Rome, under tlie Empire, under the title Satyricon. 2 Comp. author's work, " Ueber psychosexuales Zwitterthum," in the internationalen Centralblatt f. d. Physiologic u. Pathologic der Harn und Sexualorgane, Bd. i, Heft 3. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALlTY. 231 The hetero-sexual instinct may be but rudimentary, mani- festing itself simply in unconscious (dream) liie; or (episodically, at least) it may be powerfully exhibited. The sexual instinct toward tlie opposite sex may be strength- ened by the exercise of will and self-control; by moral treatment, and possibly by hypnotic suggestion ; by improvement of the constitution and the remo^al of neuroses (neurastlienia) ; but especially by abstinence from masturbation. However, there is always the danger that homo-sexual feelings, in that they are the most powerful, may become permanent, and lead to endur- ing and exclusive contrary sexual instinct. This is especially to be feared as a result of the influences of masturbation (just as in acquired inversion of the sexual instinct) and its neurasthenia and consequent exacerbations ; and, further, it is to be found as a consequence of unfavorable experiences in sexual inter- course with persons of the opposite sex (defective feeling of pleasure in coitus, failure in coitus on account of weakness of erection and premature ejaculation, infection). On the other hand, it is possible tliat aesthetic and ethical sympathy with persons of the opposite sex may favor the development of hetero- sexual desires. Thus it happens that the individual, according to the predominance of favorable or unfavorable influences, experiences now hetero-sexual, now homo-sexual, feeling. It seerrjs to me probable that such hermaphrodites from constitutional taint are not infrequent.^ Since they attract very little attention socially, and since such secrets of married life are only exceptionally brought to the knowledge of the phy- sician, it is at once apparent why this interesting and practically important transitional group to the group of absolute contrary sexuality, has thus far escaped scientific investigation. Many cases of frigiditas uxoris and mariti may possibly depend upon this anomaly. Sexual intercourse with the opposite sex is, in itself, possible. At any rate, in cases of this degree, no horror sexus alterius exists. Here is a fertile field for the application 1 This idea is supported by the statements of an unmarried urning which Dr. Moll, of Berlin, kindly communicated to me. He could report a number of cases of his acquaint- ance, in which married men at the same time had " relations " with men. 232 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. of medical and moral therapeutics (^v. iiifrci). The differential diagnosis from acquired contrary sexual: instinct may present difficulties ; for in such cases, as long as the vestiges of a normal sexual instinct are not absolutely lost, the actual symp- toms are the same {v. infra). In the first degree, the sexual satisfaction of homo-sexual impulses consists in passive and mutual onanism and coitus inter femora. Case 106. Psychical Hermaphroditism in a Lady. — Mrs. M., aged 44, exemplifies the fact that an inverted and a normal sexual instinct may be united in one person, be it in man or woman. The father of this lady was very musical, and very talented as an artist. He took life easily ; and to his extraordinary beauty was added a great admiration for the opposite sex. After several apoplectic attacks, he died demented in an asylum. Father's brotlier was neuro-psycho()athic,and when a child was a somnambulist ; and all his life he was afflicted with hyperesthesia sexualis. Thus, although married and the father of married sons, he tried to seduce his niece, Mrs. M., with whom he was wildly in love, when she was eighteen years old. Father's father was very eccentric and a distin- guished actor. He first studied theology, but, as a result of partiality' for the dramatic muse, he became an actor and singer. He committed excesses in baccho et venere ; was a spendthrift .and luxurious. He died at forty-nine, of apoj)lexia cerebri. Mother's father and mother died of tuberculosis of the lungs. Mrs. M. was one of eleven children, of whom six are still liv- ing. Two brothers, who resembled the mother physically, died, at six- teen and twenty, of tuberculosis. A brother suffoi-s with laryngeal phthisis. Four living sisters and Mrs. M. resemble the father physi- call}'^, and the eldest is unmarried, very nervous, and shy of people. Two younger sisters are married, healthy, and have healthy children. The other is unmarried, and suffers with nervous complaints. Mrs. M. has four children, several of whom are delicate and neuropathic. The patient can tell nothing of importance concerning her child- hood. She learned easily, and was festheticall}'^ and poetically inclined. She was considered a little high-strung, and too much given to novel- reading and sentimentality. Her constitution was neuropathic, and she was extremely sensitive to changes of temi)orature, sometimes having annoj'ing cutis anserina as a result of slight draughts. It is remark- able that one daj', when she was about ten years old, she thought that her mother no longer loved her; and she put matches in her coffee to make herself really sick, that she might thus excite her mother's love for her. Pubert}' began, without difficulty, at the age of eleven. Thereafter the menses were regular. Before the time of puberty sexuality raani- CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 233 fested itself, and, according to the opinion of the patient, its promptings have been abnoruially intense all her life. The first feelings and impulses were decidedly inverted. She conceived a passionate but platonic love for a young lady. She wrote verses and sonnets to her, and was per- fectly happy if she could admire "the entrancing charms" of her god- dess in the bath, or steal a glimpse of her neck, shoulders, and breast while she was dressing. The wild impulse to touch these physi- cal charms was always overcome. While a j'oung girl, she bad actually been in love with Madonnas of Raphael and Guido Reni. In all kinds of weather she would run after pretty girls and ladies for hours at a time, admiring their beauty, losing no opportunity to please them, offer- ing tliem bouquets, etc. The patient asserted that, until tiie age of nine- teen, she was absolutely without a suspicion of a difference of sex; because she had been educated as in a cloister by a very prudish aunt, who was an old maid. As a result of this great ignorance, the patient became the victim of a man who was passionately' in love witli her, and who had coitus with her b}' means of stratagem. She became the wife of this man, bore one child, and lived an " eccentric" sexual life with him. She felt perfectl}^ satisfied with married intercourse. After a few years she became a widow. Since then, women have again been the object of her love, primarily, as the i)atient thinks, from fe:ir of the results of sexual intercourse witii a m:in. At twenty-seven, second marriage, without love, to a phthisical husband. Patient was three times confined, and fulfilled her maternal duties. Iler physical healtii failed, and in the later j'ears of this mar- ried life she had an increasing aversion for her husband, partly due to a sense of his disease, though, at the same time, there was constantly present an intense desire for sexual indulgence. Three years after the death of her second husband, the patient dis- covered tiie fact that her nine-year-old daughter, by her first husband, was given to masturbation, and that she was failing in physical health. The patient read of this vice, and could not overcome the impulse to indulge in the practice, becoming, in consequence, an onanist. She is unable to bring herself to give the details of this period of her life. She says that she was frightfully excited sexually, and had to send her daughters from home to save them from terrible consequences ; but the two boys she was able to keep at home. Patient became neurasthenic ex mastnrliatione (spinal irritation, feeling of pressure in head, weariness, lack of mental control), and, at times, had d3'sthymia and painful ta^dium vit». Her sexual feeling- would be directed at one time to women, at another to men. She was able to restrain herself, and suffered much from abstinence, especially because, on account of her neurasthenic troubles, she sought to obtain relief in masturbation, though only in case of great necessity. At the present time, though forty-four jears old, and menstruating regularly, 234 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. she suffers intensely with a passion for a 3'oung man whose presence she cannot avoid on account of the exigencies of occupation. Patient presents nothing remarkable in external appearance. She is gracefully formed, ])ut the muscular system is not strongly developed. Pelvis is, in all respects, that of a female, but the arms and legs are de- cidedly large and of masculine form. Ladies' shoes do not fit her, but, being opposed to exciting attention, she forces her feet into female shoes, and they are, therefore, much deformed. Genitals normally developed, and present no other abnormality than descent of the uterus, with hyper- trophy of the vaginal portion. On thorough examination it is seen that the patient is essentially homo-sexual, and that the desire for the oppo- site sex is but episodical and sensual. Thus, at present, she suffers intensely with sexual desires for every man with whom she comes in con- tact, but it is a more refined and higher pleasure for her to imprint a kiss on the soft, round cheek of a maiden. This pleasure is one she often enjoys, because she is mucli beloved as the " dear aunt " by all the " sweet creatures " ; for she voluntarily does them the most various chivalrous favors, always feeling herself at such times as a man. Case 107. Contrary Sexual Instinct loith Sexual Satisfaction in Hetero-Sexual Intercourse. — Mr. Z.,aged 36, Hollander, consulted me, in 1888, on account of an anomalj^ of his sexual feelings, which had become a matter of anxiety" to him in connection with an intended marriage. Patient's father was neuropathic, and suffered with nightmare and night- terrors. Grandfather was mentally unsound ; father's brother an idiot. Patient's mother and her family were healthy and normal mentally. The patient had four sisters and one brother, tlie latter being subject to moral insanity. Three sisters are healthy, and living happ^' married lives. As a child, the patient was weak, nervous, and subject to night-ter- rors, like his father ; but lie ncA'er had any severe sickness except coxitis, as a result of which he limps slightly. Sexual impulses were manifested early. At eiglit, without any teaching, he began to masturbate. From his fourteenth year, ejaculation. He was mentally well endowed, and his principal intei'est was in art and literature. He was alw.ays weak mnscn- larly, and had no inclination for boyish sports and later for manly occu- pations. He had a certain interest for female toilettes^ ornaments, and occupations. From the time of puberty the patient noticed in himself an inexplicable inclination toward male persons. Youths of the lowest classes were especially attractive to him. Cavahymen especially excited his interest. He experienced a lustful desire to press himself against such individuals from behind. Occasionally, in crowds, it was possible for him to do this ; and in such an event an intense feeling of pleasure passed over him. After his twenty-second 3'ear, on such occasions, he now and then had an ejaculation. From that time ejaculation occurred when a sympathetic man laid his hand on the patient's thigh. He was now in gi-eat anxiety lest he might sometime assault a man sexually. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITV. 235 People of the lower classes, wearing tight, brown trousers, were especiall}' dangerous for him. His greatest pleasure would be: to embrace such a man and press himself on him ; but, unfortunately, the morality of his country did not allow such a thing. Pederast^^ seemed disgusting to him. It gave him great pleasure to gain a sight of the genitals of males. He was always compelled to look at the genitals of ever}' man he met. In circuses, theatres, etc., only male performers interested him. Patient has never noticed any inclination for women. He does not avoid them, even dances with them on occasion, but he never feels the slisfhtest sensual excitation under such circumstances. At the age of twent3-eight the patient was neurasthenic as a result of his excessive masturbation. Then frequent pollutions in sleep occurred, which weakened him very much. It was only occasionally that he dreamed of men when he had pollutions ; and never of women. A lascivious dream-picture (pederasty) had occurred but once. He dreamed of d3'ing-scenes, of being attacked by dogs, etc. After these, as before, he suffered with great libido sexualis. Often there came up before him such lascivious thoughts as gloating over the death of animals in the slausxhter-house, or allowing: himself to be whipped by boys; but he always overcame such desires, and also the impulse to dress in a military uniform. In order to cure himself of masturbation, and to thoroughly satisfy his libido, he determined to frequent brothels. He first attempted sexual intercourse with a woman when twenty-one, after over-indulgence in wine. The beauty of the female form, and female nudity in general, made no impression on him. However, he was able to enjoy the act of coitus, and thereafter he visited brothels regularly for " purposes of health." From this time he took great pleasure in hearing men tell stories of their sexual relations with the opposite sex. Ideas of flagellation would also come to him while in a brothel, but the retention of such fancies was not essential for the performance of coitus. He considered sexual intercourse with prostitutes onl}^ a remedy against the desire for masturbation and men, — a kind of safety-valve to prevent compromising himself with some man. The patient now wishes to marry, but fears not onl^^ that he could have no love for a decent woman, but also that he might be impotent for intercourse with one. Hence his thought and need of medical advice. The patient is very intelligent, and is, in all respects, of masculine appearance. In dress and manner he presents nothing that would attract attention. Gait, voice, and skeleton, — the pelvis especiall}', — masculine in character. Genitals of normal deveIoi)ment, The normal growth of hair for a male is abundant. The patient's relatives and friends have not the slightest suspicion of his sexual anomalies. In his inverted sexual fancies, he has never felt himself in the role of a woman toward a man. For some years he has been entirely free from neurasthenic troubles. 236 PSTCHOPATHTA SEXUALIS. The question as to whether he considered himself a subject of coti- genital inversion of sexual instinct he could not answer. It seems prob- able that there was a congenital weak inclination for the opposite sex, with a greater one for the same sex, which, as a result of early mastur- bation in consequence of the homo-sexual instinct, was still more weak- ened, but not reduced to nil. With the cessation of masturbation, the feeling for women became in a measure more natural, but only in a coarsely sensual way. Since the patient explained that, for reasons of family and business, it was necessary' for him to marry, it was impossible to avoid this delicate question. Fortunatel}'^, the patient limited his inquiries to the question as to his virility as a husband ; and it was necessar}' to reply that he was virile, and that lie would probal)ly be so in conjugal intercourse with the wife of his choice, — at least, if she were to be in mental sympathy with him ; besides, that he could at all times improve his power by exercising his imagination in the right direction. The main thing was to strengthen the sexual inclination for the opposite sex, which was defective, but not absolutely wanting. This could be done by avoiding and opposing all homo-sexual feelings and impulses, possibly with the help of the artificial inhibitory influences of hypnotic suggestion (removal of homo-sexual desires by suggestion); by the excitation and exercise of normal sexual desires and impulses ; b^' complete abstinence from masturbation, and eradication of the remnants of the neurasthenic condition of the nervous system by means of hydro- therapy, and possibl}^ general faradization, I am indebted to a physician, aged thirty, Tor the following autobiography, which in another respect is noteworthy : — Case 108. Mental Hermaphroditism; Abortive Contrary Sexual Instinct. — " In my ancestry I am somewhat predisposed hereditarily. My gi'and father on my father's side was a high-liver and a speculator. My father was a man of character, but for more than thirty ^-ears he has suftered with folic circulaire, without, however, being much hindered by it in business. M3' mother, like her father before her, suffers with steno- cardiac attacks. My mother's father and brother are said to have been sexually hyperaesthetic. My onl}' sister, about nine years older than myself, was twice subject to attacks of eclampsia, and during puberty was religiouslj'^ exalted, and probably also sexually hyperaesthetic. During many years she had to suffer w itli a severe hysterical neurosis, but she is now completel}' well. "As an only son, and born late, I was the apple of mj' mother's eye ; and I have her indefatigable care to thank that I survived childhood, after having passed through all the possible diseases of children (hydro- CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 237 cephalus, measles, eroiii), siii:ill-[)ox, iuul, :it Uiirteeii, cliroiiic intestinal catarrh that lasted a year). My mother, being herself very religious, raised me, without spoiling me, in a religious way, and implanted in me, as the guiding moral principle, an unyielding devotion to duty, whicii was furtlier carried to an extreme in me by a teacher whom I still call a friend. Owing to m^^ delicate health, my childhood, in greater part, was spent in bed ; and I was thus given to quiet occupations, esi)ecially reading; and thus as a boy I came to be — if not blase — premature at least. As earl}' as eight or nine the parts of books tliat excited me most were those where injuries or operations that had to be endured by beautiful girls or ladies, were described. Thus I was thrown into great excitement by a story in which was pictured a maiden that had run a thorn into her foot, with a boy taking it out for her. Indeed, every time that I looked upon this picture, which was in nowise las- civious, I h:id an erection. Whenever possible, I went to see chickens killed; and if I had missed that, I looked at tiie spots of blood, and stroked the warm bodies of the birds, with pleasurable shudders. 1 would emphasize the ftict that I have always been a great lover of :uii- mals, and have felt disgust and pity while killing larger animals, and even in the vivisection of frogs. " The killing of chickens is still a great sexual stimulus for me, and especially holding them, during whicli I have palpitation of the heart and precordial oppression. It is of interest that m^^ father had a passion for binding together the hands of girls and young women. " I think that another of my sexual abnormalities is attributable to this strain of cruelty. As I shall clearly describe later, one of m}^ fa- vorite games was that of an improvised doll theatre, where I prescribed the parts of my companions. Almost always it was a young girl who, at the command of her papa, wliom I represented, had to have a pain fid operation done on her foot. The more the girl cried, the more satisfac- tion I had. How I came to hit upon the foot as the constant object of operation will be seen from the following: When a verj^ young boy, I happened to see my eldest sister«change her stockings. When she hastily hid her feet, my attention was attracted, and immediately the sight of her bare feet to the ankles came to be the ideal of my longing. Naturally, this made my sister very careful ; and thus there was occasioned a con- stant quarrel, which, on my part, was kept up with all the wiles of cun- ning and flattery, and with even explosions of anger, until my seventeenth yeai'. In otlier respects my sister was very indifferent. Indeed, her kiss is repugnant to me. Faute de mieux, I made use of tlie feet of ser- vants; masculine feet had no effect on me. My greatest desire would have been to cut the nails, or, sit venia verbo, the corns, on the beautiful foot of a woman. My lustful dreams were concerned with these things. Indeed, I applied myself to the study of medicine really in the expec- tation of gaining an opportunity to satisfy my desires, or cure them. 238 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Thank God, I attained the latter. After undertaking the first dissection of the lower extremity of a female, this unhappy desire was removed from me. I was unhappy because I was always deeply ashamed of this impulse. I think 1 may spare further details concerning it, since this peculiar enthusiasm, which even inspired me to write verses, has been sufficiently described by others. " Now, concerning the last phase of my sexual errors : I was about thirteen, and had just begun to mature, when a school-mate, who hap- pened to be our guest, teased me one night by kicking me wath his bare feet under the covers. I seized his foot, and immediately became greatly excited, and had a pollution after it, — the first that I had. The boy was peculiarly girlish in form, and was also mentally effeminate. Too, another comrade who had very small and delicate hands and feet, whom I once saw in a bath, caused unusual excitement in me. I thought it a great piece of good fortune to be in bed with either of these, though any nearer sexual intercourse than eml)racing them never came into my mind. Moreover, I always thrust such thoughts aside with aversion. Some 3^ear8 later, when about sixteen or eighteen, I made the acquaint- ance of two other boys that awakened my sexual feeling. When I played with either of these, I immediately had an erection. Both were very energetic and lively, but delicately formed and child-like. At the occur- rence of puberty I lost interest in both of them, though a warm friend- ship was preserved. I should never have allowed myself to have indulged in vicious practices with them. " When I went to the Universit}'^, I forgot completely these errors of ray libido sexualis, and from principle I kept from sexual intercourse until I was twent3'-four, in spite of the contempt of my companions. When pollutions became too frequent, and I began to fear cerebral neu- rasthenia ex abstinentia, I gave myself up to normal sexual indulgence, thougli somewhat mechanically ; and it was, of course, very beneficial to me. " The especial field of work to which I have devoted myself is re- sponsible for the fact that I am almost* impotent with puellis publicis, and also for the fact that the naked form of a woman disgusts rather than excites me. The act always satisfies me the most, if, during it, I can keep the vision of the face before me ; but since, on the other hand, the idea that the girl near me is enjoyed by another is unbearable, for years I have found it absolutely necessary for my mental comfort, in spite of the pecuniary sacrifice, to keep a mistress, and, indeed, a virgin. Otherwise the most terrible jealousy made me absolutely in- capable of work. I must also mention that, at thirteen, I fell in love platonically for the first time; and since then I have often pined in chaste love. What distinguishes my case from all others is the fact that I have never once masturbated in my life. " Some weeks ago, in sleep, I was frightened by a dream of a naked CONGENITAL UOMO-SEXUALITY. 239 boy, from which I awoke with an erection. In conclusion, I venture to undertake the diflicull task of describing my present condition : Medium height, gracefully formed. Skull dolichocephalic, with prominence in the occipital region ; circumference, 59 centimetres ; frontal prominence marked; glance somewhat neuropathic; pu[)ils medium ; teeth very de- fective ; musculature strong and tense ; abundant hair, blonde. Varicocele on the left side ; frenulum too short, which hindered me in coitus. I severed it myself three years ago. Since then ejaculation is retarded, and pleasurable feeling much diminished. Temperament choleric. Quick of comprehension; good at drawing conclusions; energetic; for one hereditarily predisposed, very persevering. I learn languages easily, and have a good ear for music, but otherwise I have no talent for the arts. I am always ambitious to do my duty, but I am constantl}^ troubled with taedium vitae, and only kept from attempts at suicide by m}' religion and the thought of m^' mother. Otherwise I am a t3pical candidate for suicide. I am ambitious, jealous, have a fear of i)aral3'sis ; left-handed. I am filled with socialistic ideas. I like adventures, and I am courageous. I have decided never to marry." Case 109. Psychical Herviaphroditism. Autobiography. — " I was born in 1868. The families of both my parents are healthy ; at any rate, mental disease has never occurred in them. My father was a merchant ; he is now sixty-five years old, and for years has been nervous and espe- cially inclined to be melancholic. Before his marriage, mj' father is said to have lived fast. My mother is healthy, though not \eYy strong. There are two other healthy children. • " I was very early developed sexually, and in my fourteenth year was so much troubled by pollutions that I was frightened. Under what circumstances they occurred, particularly the nature of the dreams that were connected with them, I am no longer able to state. The fact is, that for years I have only felt myself drawn toward men sexually ; and, with ever}' effort and a terrible struggle, I am still unable to overcome this unnatural impulse that is so repugnant to me. It is said that I had many severe illnesses in my childhood, and that my life was often de- spaired of. To this was probably due the fact that I was spoiled and made very delicate. I was alwaj's much in tlie house, preferred to pla}' with dolls rather than with soldiers, and I liked to play quietly in the bouse better than to play noisily in the streets. I entered the Gymna- sium at the age of ten. Though I was lazy, I was among the best scholars ; for I learned very easil}^, and was the favorite of my teacher. From my earliest childhood (seventh year), I took pleasure in little girls. I remember that, even until my thirteenth year, I had formal love- affairs with them, and was jealous of those who associated with them ; that I took pleasure in looking under the petticoats of ni}' sister's friends and the servants ; and that I had erections when touching the persons of my female playmates. I can, however, recall with certainty that boys 240 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. attracted and excited me sexually just as early and powerfully. I always took great delight in reading and in the theatre. I had a doll-theatre, with which I plaj^ed by preference. I knew whole pieces by heart, and copied the actors I saw, taking especially the female parts, in which I was delighted to put on female attire. "As my sexual life became more pronounced, my inclination for boj's won the upper hand. I fell corapletelj' in love with my compan- ions, and had lustful feeling if one of them who pleased me touched my body. I became very shy, and refused to take gymnastic and swimming lessons. I thought I was different from my comrades, and did not like to undress before them. I liked to look at the penes of m}' companions, and easily had erections. I masturbated but once, and that in my youth. When a friend told me that one could have pleasure without women, I likewise tried it; but I found no pleasure in it. At that time, also, a book fell in my hands which warned against the effects of onanism. After that one trial I never did it again. In my fourteenth or fifteenth year, I made the acquaintance of two younger boys who excited me sex- ually to the highest degree. I was especially in love with one of them. I became sexually excited in his presence, and was restless when I did not have him near me. I was jealous of those who associated with him, and embarrassed in his presence. He had no suspicion of my condition. I felt very unhappy, and often wept gladly, feeling then relieved. Yet I could not understand this feeling, and always felt its irregularity. I was also especially unhappy because my ability to work disappeared all at once. I, who before- had learned with ease, suddenly had difficulty; m}' thoughts were never on the subject. Only by straining every nerve could I get anything through mj' head. I always had to study aloud, in order to keep my attention on the matter in hand. My memory, whicii was previously excellent, often left me in the lurch. Nevertheless, I continued to be a good scholar, and I still pass for a talented man ; but I have terrible difficulty in learning anything. I exerted all my energy to free myself from this sad condition. Daily I went swimming; I practiced turning, rode much, and practiced fencing, in all of which I enjoyed myself very much. I still like to be on a horse's back, though I know nothing about horses, and have no particular talent for physical exercises. I was never absent from a drinking-party, and I smoked. I was much liked. In cafes I associated much with waitresses, and liked to amuse mj^self with them, without, however, being sexuall}'^ excited b^'^ them. Among my friends and teachers, I passed for a man who was much with women, and spoiled by them. Unfortunately, this was not true. " At the age of nineteen I went to the Universit3^ M}^ first semester was spent at the University of B., and it is still terrible to recall it. My sexual appetite powerfully excited me, and at night, for hours at a time, I ran about looking for men, especially when I was intoxicated. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY, 2-41 The next morning I would be crazy about in3'self. Fortunately, I found no one. In the second semester, I went to M. This was my happiest time. I had pleasant friends, and, for a wonder, took pleasure in women, and was ver}^ happy about it. I had a love-alfair with a young girl of spoiled character, with whom I spent wild nights. I was extraordinarily virile. I, who had formerly beeu chaste, also associated with other women, as never before. 1 felt fresh and well after coitus. I was not charmed so much by the female figure, which was never beautiful to me, as by — I know not what. In short, I knew women whose touch imme- diately induced erection. This joy and state of delight did not last Ions. I was so foolish as to take rooms with a friend. We had one sleeping-room. M3' friend was very talented and amiable, and a favorite with women ; and it was by these characteristics that he at first so strongly attracted me. In fact, I love only highly-educated men ; unedu- cated, powerful persons are able to excite me intensely only for the moment, and cannot retaiu my affections. I soon fell in love with my friend. Then came the terrible time that destroyed my health. I slept in the same room with my friend, aud had to see him undress dail}' ; so that it required all my strength to keep from betraying m3'self. I be- came nervous, cried easilv, aud was jealous of those who associated with my friend. I still associated with women ; but it was only with difficulty that I could perform coitus, which, like woman, was repugnant to me. The same women who had excited me intensely, no longer had any eflTect on me. I followed my friend to W., where he met an earlier friend, with whom he associated. I became jealous and sick with love and longiug. At the same time, I associated with women again, but seldom, and onl}^ with difficulty, indulged in coitus. I became terriblj^ depressed and almost insane. Work was out of the question. I led a foolish, wild life, and spent a great amount of money, almost throwing it away. Then, after six weeks of it, I broke down, and had to visit a water-cure, where I spent many months. There I came to myself again, and soon became much liked ; for I can be very gay, and I take great pleasure in the society of educated ladies. In conversation, I prefer married women to younger girls ; I am also very gay in the society of gentleuien at the beer-table and bowling-alley. " At this sanitarium I met a man of twenty-nine, who was appar- ently constituted like myself. The fellow forced himself upon me, and wanted to embrace and kiss me ; but he was very repugnant to me, though he excited me, and his touch caused erection, and even ejaculation. One evening he got me to perform mutual onanism. After it I spent a most frightful, sleepless night ; I was terribly disgusted with the whole affair, and thought I should never do such a thing with a man again. All da^^ long I could get no rest. It was terrible to me that, in spite of this, and against my will, this man so excited me sexually; 3'et, on the other hand, it gave me satisfaction that he was in love with me, aud apparent!}' had 16 242 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. to go through struggles similar to my earlier ones. From that time I was successful in keeping him away from me. " I again went to various Universities, and also visited many water- cures, with temporary, but never permanent, benefit. I fell in love, top, with many friends, but never so deeply as with the friend at M. I no longer had sexual intercourse, neither with women — I was incapable of it — nor with men ; for I had no opportunity for it with the latter, and I forced myself to avoid it. I still often met my friend of M. ; we are as good friends as ever, and, much to my delight, he no longer excites me. It is usually so ; when for a long time I have not seen a person who excites me, the sexual influence disappears. " I passed ray examinations with distinction. During the last j^ear before they took place, — when I was twenty-three, — I began to practice masturbation ; for I could find no other way in which to gratify my burdensome sexual appetite. Still, I did it very infrequently ; for after it I was always disgusted, and spent a sleepless night. But when I have drunk much, I lose all strength; and then I run about for hours, seeking men, and finally come to onanism, to awake the next day with a dull head and a horror of mj'self, and go about all day in a melancholy state. As long as I have control of myself, I use all m^^ strength to combat my nature. It is terrible when one can have no pleasure in asso- ciating with friends, and ever^^ erect soldier or butcher-bo}^ makes one tremble and throb. It is frightful when night comes, and I watch at the window for some one to urinate against a wall across the way, and give me an opportunity to see his genitals. These thoughts are terrible ; and besides, there is the consciousness of the immorality and criminality of my state of mind and my longing. I have a repugnance for myself that I cannot describe. I consider vay condition abnormal ; I cannot think that it is congenital, but I believe that the impulse was bred in me by faulty education. My suffering makes me reckless and egotistical ; it takes away all kindness of disposition, and makes me careless about mj^ family. I am moody, and often almost insane ; often I am so depressed that I know not what to do, and then am easil}- moved to tears. And yet I have a horror of sexual intercourse with men. One evening when I came from a drinking-party, drunk and excited and in a half-conscious state, and, full of desire, was wandering about, I met a young man, who got me to perform mutual masturbation. Though he excited me, after the act I was beside myself. To-day, when I go by tlie place, I am overcome with horror ; and latelj^, when riding by it, without any cause, I fell from my gentle horse, that I know so well, — I was so overcome hy the memory of my unworthy deed. " I love family life and children, and social intercourse ; and, with my position in societj'^, I am suited to have a family. But I must give up all that ; and yet, I cannot abandon hope of cure. And so I vacillate between hopeful gaiety and frightful hopelessness, and neglect business CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 243 and famil3^ Indeed, I do not ask that I may niarrj and found a familj- ; I wish only to overcome the terrible inclination for the male sex ; only to associate qnietlj' with my friends, and to learn to respect myself again. " No one has any suspicion of my condition ; I pass rather for a great roue^ — a reputation I try to maintain. I often try to have relations with girls, for which I often have opportunity. I have known many who loved me, and who would have sacrificed their honor for me; but I have no love to ofler them, and nothing sexual to give. And yet I can love a man. I am excited only l)y young men, — /.e., aged from seventeen to twenty-live, without full beards, and preferablj^ with no beards at all. I can love only those that are educated, respectable, and amiable. I am, in short, very proud, and quick; I am also enthusiastic, and easily led by persons who please me. These I try to imitate, but I am very sensitive with them, and easily hurt. I put much value on appearances, love beautiful fui'niture and dress, and assume a distinguished manner and elegant address. I am unhappy in that my neurasthenic condition keeps me from doing and learning what I should like." Last fall I made the patient's acquaintance. He is destitute of degenerative signs, and of perfectly masculine appearance, even though he is delicately formed and slender. Genitals perfectly normal. Appeai-- ance distinguished, with nothing striking. He is much troubled about Ids sexual perversion, and wishes to be freed from it at any price. In spite of the greatest effort on the part of both physician and patient, only a slight degree of hypnosis, insufficient for suggestive treatment, could be induced. Case 110. Psychical Hermaphroditism — Mouth-fetichism. — "I am thirty-one 3'ears old, and an official in a manufactory. My parents are healthy, and have nothing abnormal about them. My paternal grand- father is said to have had brain disease ; my maternal grandmother died melancholic; a cousin of my mother was given to drink; several other blood-relations are abnormal mentally. " I was four years old when my sexual appetite awoke. A man between twenty and thirty years old, who played with us children, and took us in his arms, excited in me the desire to embrace and kiss him passionately^ This desire for sensual kissing on the mouth is character- istic of me, and it still forms the chief charm of my sexual gratification. " I experienced a similar excitation in about my ninth year. A man who was ugly and dirty, and had a red beard, likewise excited in me this desire for him. Here was manifested, for the first time, a char- acteristic peculiar to me, which is still present, — i.e., the peculiar stimulus which coarseness — the filthiness of a person in dress and con- duct — is to my senses at times. "While in the Gymnasium, from my eleventh to my fifteenth year, I was affected with a passion for a comrade. In this case, it was also my greatest pleasure to embrace him, and kiss liim on the mouth. I was 244 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. often seized with a, desire for him as intense as that I now have for per- sons I love. I think, however, that I first had erections in my thirteenth year. During these years, as I have said, I had only the desire to embrace and kiss ; ciipiditas videndi vel tangendi aliorum genitalia mihi plane deerat. I was a perfectly innocent, naive boy, and, until Biy fif- teenth year, did not know the meaning of an erection; indeed, I never once ventured to kiss the beloved person ; for I felt that it would be doing something strange. I felt no desire to masturbate, and also had the good fortune not to be seduced to it by older comrades. I have never yet masturbated ; I feel a certain repugnance for it. " In my fourteenth and fifteenth years I was seized with a passion for several young persons, some of whom still attract me. Thus I was very much in love with a boy with whom I had never spoken. It was even a delight to meet him on the street. " That my passions were of a sensual nature is shown by the foct that, when I pressed and caressed the hands of those I loved, I had pow- erful erections. But it has always been my greatest pleasure amplecti et OS osculari ; I desired nothing else. " I did not know that what I experienced was sexual love ; I only said to myself that it was impossible that I alone felt such stimuli. " Until my fifteenth year a woman had never excited me; but one evening, when I was alone with our servant-girl in a room, I experienced the same desire that I had for many boys. At first I played with her ; and, when I found that she liked to be kissed, I covered her with kisses. I felt such sensual pleasure in it as I now seldom experience. Mouth to mouth, we kissed each other, and after about ten minutes ejaculation occurred. Thus I gratified myself two or three times a week. I soon began a similar relation with our cook, and with other servant-girls. Ejaculation always took place after kissing for about ten minutes. " In the meantime, I had taken dancing-lessons. There I was first charmed by a nice girl ; but this love soon disappeared, and I fell in love with another girl, with whom I never became acquainted, but at the sight of whom I felt an attraction like that of boys, and unlike the purely brutal passion I felt for other girls. At this time my impulse for girls was at its acme ; I was pleased by about an equal number of girls and boys. As mentioned above, I gratified my sensuality by kiss- ing the servant-girl and inducing ejaculation. Thus I spent the time from my sixteenth to m}^ eighteenth year. The departure of the servant deprived me of opportunity. " Then came two or three years during which I had to give up sexual pleasure. In general, girls pleased me less; and, too, now that I had grown older, I was ashamed to surrender myself to the servant-girls. " It was not possible for me to obtain a mistress ; for, notwith- standing my years, I was carefull}'^ watched by my parents, and asso- ciated but little with young men, and thus had but little independence. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 245 With tlie (liminution in the desire for women, the attractiveness of youths increased. " Since I had had, since my sixteenth year, frequent pollutions at night with dreams, — in part of women and in part of men, — which weak- ened and depressed me exceedingly, I desired to make an end of them by means of normal coitus. But scruples and the belief that prostitutes would have no eflect on me, kept me from the brothel until my twenty- first year. For two or three 3'ears I went through a daily struggle (if there had been male houses of prostitution, no scruples would have hindered me). Finally I visited a brothel. I could not even induce erection ; for one reason because the girl, though she was unusually fresh and pretty for a prostitute, did not affect me ; but really because she would not kiss me on the mouth. I was very much depressed, and thought I was Impotent. Three weeks afterward I visited another pros- titute, and she immediately induced erection by her kiss. She was erect and had thick lips, and was much more sensual than the first one. After only three minutes of simple kissing, mouth to mouth, ejac- ulation was induced, — of course, ante portam. Thus it was only after I had visited prostitutes about seven times that I was successful in coitus. " At one time I would have no erection at all, because the girl made no impression on me ; again I would ejaculate prematurely. The first times I was reluctant penem introducere ; and, too, even after I was suc- cessful in normal coitus, 1 found no pleasure in it. Sensual satisfac- tion comes with kissing on the mouth; for me this is the principal thing, coitus serving onl}' as something secondary to embracing. Coitus, no matter how much the woman might charm me, would be an indifferent matter without kissing; indeed, erection disappears, or does not occur at all, when the woman will not kiss on the mouth. Yet, I cannot kiss every woman, but only such as have faces pleasing to me ; a prostitute, the sight of whom is repugnant to me, with any amount of kissing, which then only disgusts me, cannot excite rae. "Thus, during the last four years, I have visited brothels about every ten days or two weeks. Only seldom does coitus fail ; for I have learned m^- peculiarities, and in the choice of a prostitute know imme- diately whether she will excite me or have no effect. Of late, however, it has again hapi)ened that I thought the woman would stimulate me, and yet no erection occurred. This happened when, the day before, I had to repress too forcibly' the desire for men. "At first, when I went to brothels, the sensual pleasure was very slight; only a very few times did I have true lustful feeling (as in kiss- ing previousl}^). Now, on the contrary, for the most part I experience sensual pleasure. The lower houses have a particular charm for me ; for of late the coarseness of the women, the dark entrance, the yellow light of the lamps, and all the surroundings, have a peculiar charm for me; probably because my sensuality is unconsciously excited by meet- 246 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. ing soldiers, who frequent such places, and who at the same time lend a certain charm to the women. If I but find a woman whose face attracts me, I can have intense lustful pleasure. Besides by prostitutes, my de- sire can be excited by peasant-girls, servant-girls, working-women, and o-irls of the lower classes, — in general, by those in common dress. Red cheeks, thick lips, and erect forms please me particularly. I am abso- lutely indifferent to res[>ectable women and young ladies. " M}' pollutions are usually without lustful pleasure, and often occur with dreams of men, but very seldom — almost never — with dreams of women. As is shown by the last circumstance, in spite of regular coitus, my desire is still for young men. Indeed, I may say that it has only in- creased, and that very markedly. Though immediately after coitus the girls have no charm for me, yet the kiss of a pleasing woman could immediately induce erection again. For the first few days after coitus, 3'oung men seem the most attractive to me. " Sexual congress with women does not satisfy all my sensual desire. I have days when I frequently have erections with an intense desire for young men ; then come quieter days, with moments of complete indiffer- ence for women and latent desire for men. On the other hand, too great sensual rest makes me melancholy ; viz., when such rest follows moments of repressed excitement. Onl}', then, when the thought of beloved 3^out]is again causes erection, do I feel liglit-liearted again. Then the rest changes to intense nervousness ; I feel depressed, and sometimes have headache (after repressed erection). This nervousness often in- creases to ungovernable restlessness, which I then seek to overcome by coitus. " Last 3'ear an essential change took place in my sexual life, when I dared to enjoy male love for the first time. In spite of pleasurable coitus with women (more correctly, pleasurable kissing with resultant ejaculation), my desire for young men gave me no peace. I determined to go to a brothel much frequented by soldiers, and, in extremity, to buy a soldier for myself. I had the good luck to meet immediately one like myself, who, notwithstanding his much lower station, in character and behavior was not unworthy of me. What I experienced (and still experience) with this young man is sometliing different from what I feel with women. The sensual pleasure is not greater than with prostitutes, whose kisses and embraces excite me extraordinarily ; but I can experi- ence lustful pleasure with him at any time, and for him I have a feeling that is wanting for women. Unfortunatel3', I have been able to embrace and kiss him on-ly about eight times. " Thougli we have been separated many months, he having been sent to a garrison in Hungar}', we have not forgotten eacli other, and keep up a regulaV correspondence. In order to possess him, I dared to go to a brothel and there embrace him, being in danger of being betraj'ed. CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 247 " Early in our aeqiifiintance there came a time when I heard nothiiio' more of him ; for he did not think he could trust me. Durino: these weeks I endured anxiet}' and pain that brought me into a state of depression and anxious restlessness, such as I had never before expe- rienced. Scarcely to have found a lover and then to be compelled to lose him, seemed the greatest misfortune to me. When, thanks to my efforts, we met again, my joy was unbounded ; indeed, I was so excited that, in his embrace again for the first time, in spite of my sensual lust, I could not induce ejaculation. " Usus sexualis in osculis et amplexionibus soils constltit, pene meo ludere ei licebat (while the touch on it of a woman's hand is unen- durable to me, and I never allow it). It is also to be noted that, in the company of my lover, I immediately have an erection; the pressure of his hand, or even his look, is sufficient. Evenings, for hours at a time, I have gone about with him, never tiring of his society for a moment, despite his inferior station. With him I feel liappy, and the sexual satisfaction is merely the crowning of our love. Although I had finally found the man like myself, whom I had so long sought, and I could at last enjo}!- male love, yet I have not become insensitive to women ; and I visit brothels when I am too sorely troubled by desire. I had hoped to be able to spend this winter in the city where m^^ lover is ; but this is, unfortunately', impossible, and I am now forced to be separated from him for an indefinite period. Nevertheless, we shall try to see each other, if only for a sliort time, and only once or twice a 3'ear; at least, I hope that in the future we may again be together for a longer time. Thus, for this winter, I am again compelled to be without a friend like myself. I had, indeed, resolved, on account of the danger of discovery, never to try to find another urning ; but this is impossible. Sexual intercourse with women does not satisfy me, and my desire for young men constantly increases. I am often afraid of myself; afraid that, in asking all prostitutes, as I do, whether the}^ know others like me, I might be discovered. Yet I cannot keep from seeking a 3-outh like myself; indeed, I know that in case of necessit}^ I shall buy a soldier, though I know perfectly well the penalty meted out to one caught in such circumstances. " I can no longer do witliout male love ; without it I should always be out of harmony with myself. My ideal would be to be associated with a number hke myself; but I should be satisfied if I could have unrestrained intercourse with one lover. I could easily dispense with women, if I had regular male satisfaction ; but I think that at long inter- vals I should embrace a woman for the sake of variety, as my nature is absolutely hermaphroditic in a jisycho-sexual sense (women I can only desire sensually, but I can love and sensually* desire young men). If there were marriage between men, I think I should not avoid a life-long union ; while marriage with a woman seems to me something impossible. 248 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. For, in the fir.st place, though the woman charmed me, the charm wonld soon be lost in regular intercourse, and then all sexual indulgence, if not impossible, would certainly be devoid of pleasure for me ; and, in the second place, true love for the wife would be wanting — the attraction that I feel with young men I love, and which makes the intercourse that is not simply sensual seem desirable to me. The constant association with a 3'outh physically pleasing and in mental harmony with me, and who could understand all my feelings and share my intellectual opinions and desires, would, it seems to me, be the greatest happiness. " The young men who please me must be between eighteen and twenty-eight. As I have grown older, the limit of age in those pleasing to me has increased ; otherwise, I am pleased with the most various forms. The principal 7'ule, if not the exclusive one, is played by the face. Blondes excite me more than dark persons ; the}^ must have no beard, but merel}' a small moustache that is not too thick, or none at all. As for the rest, the onl}^ thing I can say is, that certain kinds of faces please me. Faces with large, straight noses are excluded, as are also pale cheeks; but there are exceptions. I regard soldiers with favor, and many please me when in uniform who do not affect me when in civil dress. Just as in women certain ordinary' articles of dress (like light- colored jackets) please me, so the military costume attracts me. To go to dance-halls — usually beer-halls — where there are many soldiers, and mix with the crowd of soldiers and bo3^s that please me, and try to get a kiss and embrace, — this mingling with them would, of course, be an excitant only of sensuality ; intellectually and sociallj^, everj'thing com- mon in speech and conduct is repugnant to me. " With young men of higher position, my sensual desire is less prominent. " What I have said of the attractiveness of certain kinds of dress is not to be understood in the sense that they attract me in themselves. This charm only means that the dress ma}^ help to strengthen or make prominent the attraction exerted by the face, when, perhaps, the same face in itself would not attract me to the same extent. I may say the same thing, though with a different meaning, of the odor of lighted cigars. In indifferent persons the odor of cigars is rather repugnant than pleasing to me, but exciting in those sexuall}' attractive. The kiss of a prostitute smelling of cigar-smoke, affords greater pleasure (because, even though in part unconsciously, I am reminded of the kiss of a man). Therefore, I took pleasure in kissing my lover just after he had smoked. (It is to be noted that I myself have never smoked a cigar or cigarette, and have never even tried to smoke.) I am tall and thin ; mj'^ face is masculine ; ni}^ eyes are restless ; and in my whole form I often have something girlish. My health leaves much to be desired. It is much influenced by my sexual anomaly. As previously mentioned, I am very nervous, and I often have paroxysms of onomatomania. At times, I also CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 249 liave terrible depression and meLaneholia, Avlien I see the difTicult}' of gratification corresponding with my niale-loving nature ; and when I am greatl}^ excited sexually, and have overcome the desire, owing to impos- sibility of male gratification. In such conditions, often the depression is associated with absolute lack of sexual desire. In work I am indus- trious, but often too quick ; for I am inclined to work too rapidly and violently'. I have a lively interest in art and literature. Among poets and writers of fiction, I prefer, for the most part, those who describe refined feelings, peculiar passions, and far-fetched impressions ; an arti- ficial or hyper-artificial style pleases me. Likewise in music, it is the nervous, exciting music of a Chopin, a Schumann, a Schubert, or a Wagner, etc., that is in most perfect harmony with me. Everything in art that is not onlj^ original, but bizarre, attracts me. " I do not like pl^ysical exercise, and do not practice it. "In character I am kind and compassionate; and, though I have much to suffer with m}' anomaly, I am not unhapp}- because I love young men, but because the satisfaction of such love is considered improper, and because I cannot gratify it without restraint. I cannot regard male love as a vice, though I can well understand why it is considered vicious. But, since this love is regarded as criminal, in gratifying it I am in harmony with myself, but not with our age of the world; and, therefore, I must, necessarily, be somewhat depressed ; the more, since I have a frank character that hates a lie. The pain of having alwaj^s to hide it all in m5^self has induced me to confess my anomaly to a few friends, of whose silence and appreciation I am confident. Never- theless, my situation often seems sad. On account of the diflSculty of gratification and the general abhorrence of male love, I am often a little proud that I have such anomalous feelings. Of course, I shall never marry. This does not seem any misfortune, even though I love family life, and have thus far lived only with my parents. I live in the hope that later I shall have a lover; I must have one; witliout one, the future seems dark and barren, and all the ambitions usually cherished — honor, position, etc. — seem empty and unattractive. If I should not have this hope fulfilled, I know I shall be unable to long devote myself to my busi- ness with pleasure, and I shall soon be in a condition to sacrifice ever}^- thing to obtain male loA'e. I no longer have au}' moral scruples on account of m}^ anomalous inclination ; I have, in fact, never been troubled because I felt attracted to boys. I am much more inclined to judge morality and immorality in accordance with my feelings than in accord- ance with fixed principles; for I have always been given to skepticism, and have never yet studied out a fixed belief for myself. As yet, only what injures others seems to me to be evil and immoral, and that that I would not have inflicted on myself; and, in this direction, I may say that I try to infringe on the rights of others as little as possible, and that I am capable of great indignation at injustice inflicted on another. But, 250 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. why love of men should be something immoral, I cannot understand; purposeless activity of the sexual instinct (if the immoral is to be seen in all that is useless and unnatural) is also found in intercourse with prostitutes, and even in marriage where means to prevent conception are used; and it seems to me that the sexual intercourse of men must be placed on the same level with all sexual congress that has not procrea- tion as an end. But that only sexual gratification that lias this pur- pose is moral, seems to me to be questionable. Certainly, sexual satis- faction that is not directed to procreation is not contrary to nature; and, whether it has not other purposes unknown to us, is uncertain ; and, even if it were purposeless, it would not necessarily be despicable (it is not certain that the measure of a moral act is its usefulness). " I am very certain that present prejudice will disappear, and that when once such individuals experience male-love, the right of unrestricted love will be acknowledged. For the possibilit}' of such recognition one need but recall the Greeks and their friendships, which were nothing but sexual love; and one has only to think that, despite such unnatural vice, practiced by their greatest men in intellectual and aesthetic matters, the Greeks are still regarded as an unatta,inable example, and held up for imitation. " I have already thought j)f having my anomaly cured b}^ h3q3no- tism. If it were to be of any use, which I doubt, j^et I should certainl^^ desire to be assured of a lastino- love for women. For even though I cannot satisfy myself with men, yet I prefer to feel this capability of in- ordinate lust and love, even ungratified, to being absolutely' without feel- ing. Thus I still have the hope that I shall find opportunity to satisfy the love I desire, the love that would make me happy; and I should not prefer the suggestive removal of homo-sexual feelings, without the simul- taneous substitution of a hetoro-sexual equivalent, to ni}' present con- dition. Finally, I should like to add, in contrast with the statements of urnings in the published biographies, that I, at least, find it very diflficult to recognize those like myself Though I have described my sexual anomaly somewhat in detail, it seems to me that the following notes are important for a better understanding of mj' condition : — " Of late I have given up immissio penis, and confined myself to coitus inter femora? puellre. Ejaculation occurs earlier than with conjunctio membrorum, and I experience a certain lustful feeling in the penis itself If this manner of sexual intercourse is quite pleasant to me, it is, perhaps, in part to be referred to the fact that in this kind of sexual indulgence the sex is quite indifferent, and I am, perhaps, uncon- sciously reminded of masculine embrace. But this memory is abso- lutely unconscious, and but obscurely felt; for I am not indebted to my imagination for my pleasure, but it is due immediately to kissing the woman's mouth. I feel that the charm which the brothel and prostitutes have for me also begins to fade; but I am sure certain women will CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 251 alwa3'S be able to excite me by their kisses. Still, no woman is, or ever will be, so attractive as to induce me to overcome obstacles in winning ber ; but even the clanger of discovery and disgrace could only with difficulty restrain me from seeking a man's embraces. " Thus I lately allowed myself to be induced to bu}' a soldier at a prostitute's house. The lustful pleasure was very great, but the subse- quent feeling of satisfaction was especially very exhilarating. The next day I felt similarly strengthened (capable of erection at any moment) ; and though I have not yet been able to meet the soldier again, the thought that I shall venture to purchase another gives me peace. But I could be perfectly satisfied only in finding one feeling like myself, of my own position and education. " I have not yet mentioned that the female form (with the exception of the face) and genitals have no attraction for me (to touch the latter with my hand would be disgusting to ine) ; but membrum virile me tangere dum os meum os ejus osculatur, mihi exoptatum esse ; indeed, to kiss tluit of a very pleasing man would not be disgusting to me. Onanism, as has been said, would be quite impossible for me." Case 111. Psychical Hermaphroditism. — Hetero-sexual feeling early interfered with by masturbation, but episodically very intense. Homo- sexual feeling ah origine perverse (sexual excitation by men's boots). Mr. X., of high social position, Russian, aged 28, came to me in September, 1887, in a despairing mood, to consult me on iiccount of a perversion of his vita sexnalis, which made life seem almost unbearable to him, and which had repeatedly brought him near to suicide. The patient comes of a family in which neuroses and psychoses have been of frequent occurrence. In the father's family there had been consanguineous mar- riages for three generations. The father is said to have been a healthy man, and to have lived morally in marriage. However, his father's preference for fine-looking servants seems remarkable to the son. The mother's family is described as eccentric. The mother's grandfather and great-grandfather died melancholic ; her sister was insane ; a daughter of the grandfather's brother was hysterical, and had nymphomania. Only three of the mother's twelve brothers and sisters married. Of these, one brother was homo-sexual, and always nervous as a result of excessive masturbation. The patient's mother is said to be a bigot, and of small mental endowment, nervous, irritable, and inclined to melancholia. Patient has a sister and a brother. The brother is frequently melancholy, and, though mature, has never shown the slightest trace of sexual inclinations. The sister is an acknowledged beauty, and much sought by gentlemen. This lady is married, but childless, as reported, owing to the impotence of her husband. She has always been indirterent to the attentions shown her by men, but is charmed by female beauty, and actually in love with some of her female friends. 252 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. With respect of himself, the patient asserts that, when four jj'ears old, he dreamed of handsome jockeys wearing shining boots. Too, he never dreamed of women when he grew older. His nightlj' pollutions were always induced by " boot-dreams." From his fourth j^ear he had a peculiar partiality for men, or, more correctly, for lackeys wearing shining Jboots. At first they only excited his interest, but, with devel- opment of his sexual functions, the sight of them caused powerful erections and lustful pleasure. It was only servants' boots that affected him ; the same kind of boots on persons of like social station were with- out effect on him. In a liomo-sexual sense, there was no sexual impulse connected with these situations. Even the thought of such a possibility was disgusting to him. At times, however, he had sensually-colored ideas, — like being his servant's servant, and drawing off his boots ; but the idea of being stepped on by him, or of having to blacken his boots, was most pleasing. The pride of the aristocrat rose up against such thoughts. In general, these notions about boots were disgusting and painful to him. Sexual instinct was early and powerfull}' developed. It first found expression in indulgence in sensual thoughts about boots, and, after puberty, in dreams accompanied b^' pollutions ; otherwise, the mental and ph3'sical development was undisturbed. Patient was well endowed men- tally, — learned easily, finished his studies, and became an officer. On account of his distinguished, manly appearance and his high position, he was much sought in society. He characterizes himself as a clever, quiet, strong-willed, but super- ficial man. He asserts that he is a passionate hunter and rider, and that he has never had au}^ inclination for feminine pursuits. In the society of ladies he has always been reserved ; dancing alwaA's tired him. He had never had any interest in a lady of high social position. As for Avomen, only the buxom peasant girls, such as are the models of painters in Rome, had interested him. He had, however, never felt any sexual interest in such representatives of the female sex. In the theatre and circus only male performers had excited his interest ; but, at the same time, thej' had caused him no sensual feelings. As for men, onl}- their boots excited him, and, indeed, only when the wearers belonged to the servant class and were handsome men. Men of his own position, wear- ing never so fine boots, were absolutely indifferent to him. With reference to his sexual inclinations, the patient is still uncer- tain whether he feels more inclination towai'd the opposite sex or toward his own sex. He is inclined to think that originally he had more in- clination for women, but that this sympathy was, in any case, very weak. He states with certainty' that the sight of a naked man made no impres- sion on him, and that the sight of male genitals was even repugnant to him. In the case of women, this was not exactly- the case, but he was not excited sexually even by the most beautiful feminine form. When a CONGENITAL HOMO-SEXUALITY. 253 young officer, he was now ami then compelled to accompany his comrades to brotliels. He was the more easily persuaded to this, since he hoped by this means to be rid of his vile partiality for boots ; but he was impotent unless he brought the thought of boots to his aid. Under such circum- stances, the act of cohabitation was normally performed, but without pleasurable feeling. Tatieut felt no impulse to intercourse with women, always requiring some external cause, — t.e., persuasion. Left to himself, his vita sexualis consisted in reveling in ideas about boots, and in corre- sponding dreams with pollutions. Since more and more there became connected with them the impulse to kiss his servant's boots, to draw them off, etc., the patient determined to use every means to rid himself of this disgusting desire, which deeply wounded his pride. At that time, being in his twentieth year, and in Paris, he recalled a very beautiful peasant girl, who lived in his distant home. He hoped, with her assist- ance, to free himself of his perverse sexual inclination. He went directly home, and tried to win the girl's favor. It seems that the patient was not naturally homo-sexual. He asserts that at that time he was actually in love with this person, and that her glance, or the touch of her dress, gave him sensual i)leasure; and, when she once kissed him, he had a powerful erection. After about a year and a half, the patient succeeded in gaining his desires with this person. He was potent, but ejaculated tardily (ten to twenty minutes), and never had a pleasurable feeling in the act. After about a year and a half of sexual intercourse with this girl, his love for her grew cold, because he did not find her so " fine and pure " as he wished. From this time it was necessary for him to call upon ideas about boots for help, which had been latent, in order to be potent in sexual intercourse with her. In proportion as his power failed, these ideas arose spontaneously. Thereafter he had coitus with other women. Now and then, especially when the woman was in sym- pathy with him, the act took place without any assistance of imagina- tion. It once happened that the patient committed a rape. It is remarkable that on this single occasion he had a pleasurable feeling in the (forced) act. Immediately after the deed he had a feeling of disgust. When, an hour after the forced indulgence, he had coitus with the same woman, with her consent, he experienced no feeling of pleasure. With decrease of virility, — i.e., when it was preserved only in con- nection with ideas about boots, — libido for the opposite sex decreased. The patient's slight libido and weak inclination for women are evidenced by the fact that, while he still sustained sexual relations with the peasant girl, he began to masturbate. He learned the vice from " Rousseau's Confessions," the book accidentally falling into his hands. Tlie boot- fancies immediately linked themselves with corresponding impulses. His then had violent erections, masturbated, and ejaculation aflbrded 254 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. liim a lively feeling of pleasure, which was denied to him in coitus; and at first he felt himself fresher and brighter, as a result of the masturba- tion. In time, however, symptoms of sexual, and, later, of general, neurasthenia, with spinal irritation, appeared. He then at first gave up masturbation, and sought his first love; but she was now more than ever indifferent to him. Since he finally became impotent, even when he called ideas of boots to his assistance, he gave up women entirely, and again practiced masturbation ; by which he felt himself protected from the impulse to kiss and blacken servants' boots. At the same time, he continued to feel that his sexual position was a painful one. He again occasionally attempted coitus, and was successful in it as soon as he thought of blackened boots. Too, after continued abstinence from mas- turbation, he was sometimes successful in coitus without any artificial aid. The patient says that his sexual needs are intense. If he has not had an ejaculation in a long time, he becomes congestive and psychically much excited, and tormented by repugnant images of boots, so that he is forced to have coitus, or, preferably, to masturbate. For some time his moral position has been complicated most pain- fully by the fact that, as the last of a wealthy line of high position, and at the importunate desire of his parents, he must marry. The bride is of rare beauty, and mentally in perfect sympathy' with him ; but, as a woman, she is as indifferent to him as any other. J^sthetically she sat- isfies him " as a work of art ; " in his eyes, she is an ideal. To honor her in a platonic way would be happiness worth striving for; but to possess her as a wife is a painful thought. He is certain beforehand that with her he will be impotent, save with the help of ideas of boots. To use such means, however, is in opposition to his respect and his moral and aesthetic feeling for the lady. Were he to soil her with such thoughts, she would lose, in his e3'es, all her aesthetic value; and then he would become impotent for her, and she would become repugnant to him. The patient considers his position one of despair, and confesses that he has latel}' been repeatedly near suicide. He is a man of much intelligence, and decidedly of masculine appear- ance, with abundant growth of beard, deep voice, and normal genitals. The eye has a neuropathic expression. No signs of degeneration. Symptoms of spinal neurasthenia. It was possible to reassure the patient, and give him hope of his future. The medical advice consisted in means for combating the neuras- thenia, and the interdiction of masturbation and indulgence of the fanc^'^ in images of boots, in the hope that, with the removal of the neuras- thenia, cohabitation without ideas of boots would become possible ; and that, in time, the patient would become morally and physically capable of marriage. URNINGS. 255 In the latter part of October, 1888, the patient wrote me that he had resolutely resisted masturbation aiul his imagination. In the inter- val he had had but one dream about boots, and scarcely a pollution. He had been free from homo-sexual inclinations, but, in spite of this, there was often considerable sexual excitement, witliout anything like adequate libido for women. In this deplorable situation, he was com- pelled, by circumstances, to marry in three months. 2. Homo-Sexual Individuals^ or Urnings. — In distinction from the preceding group of psycho-sexual liermaplirodites, there are here, ah origlne, sexual desires and inclinations for persons of the same sex exclusively ; but, in contrast with the following group, the anomaly is limited to the vita sexualis, and does not more deeply and seriously affect the character and mental personality. The vita sexualis of these urnings, mutatis 7nufandis, is entirely like that in normal hetero-sexual love ; but, since it is the exact opposite of tlie natural feeling, it becomes a carica- ture, and this the more, since these individuals, at the same time, as a rule, are subject to hyperaesthesia sexualis, and, therefore, their love for their own sex is emotional and passionate. The urning loves and deifies the male object of his affec- tions, just as a man idealizes the woman he loves. He is capable of the greatest sacrifice for him, and experiences the pangs of unfortunate, often unrequited, love ; suffers from the unfaithfulness of the beloved object, and is subject to jealousy, etc. The attention of the male-loving man is given only to male dancers, actors, athletes, statues, etc. The sight of female charms is indifferent to him, if not repulsive. A naked woman is disgusting to him, ^vhile the sight of male genitals, hips, etc., affords him infinite pleasure. The bodily contact of a sympathetic man induces a thrill of delight ; and, since such individuals are mostly sexually neurasthenic, congenitally or from onanism or enforced absti- nence from sexual intercourse, under such circumstances ejac- ulation is very easily induced, which, in the most intimate intercourse with women, cannot be induced at all, or only by mechanical means. The sexual act with a man, in many 256 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. instances, affords pleasure, and leaves behind a feeling of well- being. Should the urning be able to force himself to coitus, in which, as a rule, disgust has the effect of an inhibitory con- cept, and makes the act impossible, then his feeling is something like that of a man compelled to take disgusting food or drink. However, experience teaches that not infrequently urnings falling in this group marry, either out of ethical or social con- siderations. Such unfortunates are relatively potent, in that in marital intercourse they incite their imagination, and, instead of think- ing of their wives, they call up the image of some loved male person. But for them coitus is a great sacrifice, and no pleasure; and it makes them, for days after, nervous and miserable. If such urnings, by means of powerful excitation of their imagina- tion, or under the influence of alcoholic drinks, or by erections induced by an overfilled bladder, etc., are enabled to overcome the inhibitory feelings and ideas, then they are still entirely im- potent ; Avhile simply the touch of a man may induce powerfid erection, and even ejaculation. Dancing with a woman is unpleasant to an urning, but to dance with a man, especially one with an attractive form, seems to him the greatest of pleasures. The male urning, in so far as he possesses higher culture, is not opposed to non-sexual inter- course with women, when by mind and refinement they make con- versation pleasant. It is only of woman in her sexual role that he has a horror. The homo-sexual woman offers the same mani- festations, mutatis mutandis. In this degree of sexual degen- eration, character and occupation correspond Avith the sex which the individual represents. The sexual perversion remains iso- lated, but an anomaly of the mental being of the individual which deeply affects the social existence. In accordance with this, many of these individuals, in the sexual act, feel themselves in the role which would naturally belong to them in hetero- sexual intercourse. However, transitions to group 3 occur, in as much as some- times the passive role which corresponds with the homo-sexual manner of feeling, is thought of or desired, or at least forms URNINGS. 257 the subject of dreams. Moreover, inclinations for occupations and tendencies of taste are manifested, which do not correspond with the sex of the individual. In many cases, one gets the impression that such symptoms are artificial, the result of educa- tional influences; in otlier cases, that they represent deeper acquired degenerations of the original anomaly, induced by the perverse sexual activity (masturbation), analogous to the signs of progressive degeneration observed in acquired inversion of the sexual instinct. With regard to the manner of sexual satisfaction, it must be stated that with many male urnings simple embraces are sufficient to induce ejaculation, since they are subject to irritable weakness of the sexual apparatus. In case of sexual hyperaes- thesia, ^nd where there is para^sthesia of the moral sense, great pleasure is afforded by intercourse with persons of the lowest condition. On the same basis, desires to commit pederasty (active, of course) and other similar acts occur, though it is but seldom, and apparently only in cases of moral defect, and by reason of libido nimia hi individuals especially passionate, that pederasty is indulged in. The sensual desire of mature urnings, in contradistinction from old and decrepit dehaiichees, iclio prefer hoys (and indidge in pederasty hy preference), seems never to he directed to immature males. Only lor want of better material, and in case of violent passion, does the urning become dangerous to boys. The manner of sexual satisfaction in female urnings may be mutual and passive masturbation. To them coitus is quite as disgusting, wearisome, and inadequate as it is to the male urning. Case 112. The following is an extract from a very circumstantial autobiography whicli a physician affected with contrary sexual instinct has put at my disposal : — "I ain now forty years old, of healthy family, ^ and have always been healthy and considered a model of physical and mental strength and energy. I am of powerful build, but have only a moderate beard, and^with the exception of hair in the axilla and on tlie mons veneris, 1 Later it became known that a near relative died insane, and, further, that eight of his parent's children had died of acute or chronic hydrocephalus at ages ranging from one to fifteen. IT 258 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. my body is hairless. The penis, even soon after birth unusually large, measures, in statu erectionis, 24 centimetres long by 11 centimetres in circumference. I am a skillful rider, athlete, and swimmer, and have passed tlirough two great campaigns as a military surgeon. I never experienced any taste for female attire and vocation. Up to the time of puberty I was shy toward the female sex, and I am yet sh}^ with new acquaintances. " I have always had a distaste for dancing. In my eighth year an inclination for m}^ own sex made its appearance. I next experienced pleasure in regarding my brother's genitals, I induced my brother to indulge with me in mutual fondling of the genitals, as a result of which I had an erection. Later, in l)atliing with the school-children, the boys excited a lively interest in me ; the girls, none at all. I had so little in- terest in them that, as late as my fifteenth j^ear, I believed tlmt they also had a penis. In company with bo3'S like m3'self, I took pleasure in mutual manustupration. At eleven and a half ^^ears I was given a strict tutor, and thereafter could steal to my friends but seldom. I learned very easily', but could not get along with my teacher ; and when one day he made it too hard for me, I became furious and struck at him with a knife, and would have gladly stabbed him, if he had not fallen into my arms. In my thirteenth year, for a similar cause, I escaped from the teacher, and "wandered about for six weeks in the neighboring countr3% " I now entei'ed the G^^mnasium. At that time I was already sexually developed, and amused myself while bathing with mj' comrades in the way above mentioned, and later by imitatio coitus between the thighs. I was then thirteen years old. I took absolutely no pleasure with girls. Violent erections caused me to play with my genitals, and I came to take m^' penis in my mouth, wdiich I succeeded in doing by bending over. This induced ejaculation. I thus learned masturbation. I was much frightened, looked upon m^'self as a criminal, and confessed to a companion of sixteen. lie encouraged and quieted me, and entered into a love-bond with me. We were happ}', and satisfied ourselves by mutual onanism. At the same time, I masturbated. After two years the bond was broken ; but to this day, Avhen we occasionally meet, — my friend is a high official, — the old fire lights up anew. " That time with m}- friend H. was a happj^ one, the return of which I would gladly buy with my heart's blood. Then life was a pleasure, learning was mere play, and I had a feeling for everything beautiful. " During this time a physician, a friend of my father's, seduced me b^'^ caressing me and practicing masturbation on me on the occasion of a visit, and by explaining the sexual act to me. He advised me never to practice manustupration, since it was injurious to health. He then practiced mutual onanism with me, and explained that this was tlie only wa}^ in which he could perform the sexual function. He had a horror of women, and, therefore, had lived unhappily with his deceased wife. URNINGS. 259 He gave me a pressing invitation to visit him as often as possible. The physician was a pompous man, and the father of two sons aged fourteen and fifteen resi)ectively, with whom in the following year I entered into love-relations similar to those I had with my friend H. " I was ashamed of my unfaithfulness to him, but at the same time continued my relations witli the physician. He practiced mutual mas- turbation with me, showed me our spermatozoa under the microscope, and pornographic works and i)ictures, which, however, did not please me, be- cause I had interest only for male forms. On the occasion of later visits, he asked me to do him a favor which he had never yet enjoyed, and which he very much desired. Since I loved him, I acquiesced in everything. He dilated my anus with instruments, and practiced pederasty on me, and at the same time performed masturbation, so that I experienced pleasure and pain at once. After this discovery I went immediatel}' to my friend H.,witli the thought that this beloved man would be able to give me still greater pleasure. We practiced pederasty on each other, but were both deceived, and did not repeat it; for passively I had only pain, and actively no pleasure, while mutual onanism gave us both the greatest enjoyment Thereafter, out of gratitude, I was still frequently at the disposal of the physician onl3^ Up to my fifteenth year I practiced passive or mutual onanism with my friend. Now I was quite grown, and had all kinds of signs made to me by women and girls ; but I fled from them as Joseph did from Potiphar's wife. At fifteen I came to the Capital. I had but infrequent opportunity for the satisfaction of my sexual inclination. I reveled in the sight of pictures and statues of male forms, and could not keep from kissing the beloved statues. The fig-leaves on the genitals were my principal annoyance. " At seventeen I went to the University. There, again, I lived two years with m^^ friend H. " When I was in my eighteenth 3'ear, while in a state of mild intox- ication, I was set on to have coitus with a woman. I forced myself to it, but immediately afterward I fled the house, overcome with disgust. Just as after the first active manustupration, I had a feeling as if I had committed a crime. On the occasion of another attempt, while in a sober condition, in spite of every eflbrt of a beautiful naked girl, I could not get an erection ; though the mere sight of a boy or the touch of a man's hand on my thigh, would always throw my penis into violent erection. A short time before, my friend H. had had a similar expe- rience. In vain w^e racked our brains to discover the reason for it. Now I let women alone, and found enjoyment with friends in passive and mutual onanism, among others with both the sons of the physician, who had used them for pederasty after my departure. " When nineteen years old, I made the acquaintance of two genuine urnings : — '' A., aged 56, of etfeminate appearance, beardless, of small endow- 260 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. ment mentally, possessing a powerful sexual desire that had been mani- fested abnormally early, had indulged in urnings' love since his sixth yeai'. Once a raontli he visited the Capital. I had to sleep with him. He was insatiable in mutual onanism, and made me take part in active and passive pederasty, which was an unpleasant part of the bargain for me." " B., a merchant, aged 36, of masculine appearance, was as passionate as I was. He knew iiow to make his manipulations on me such a stim- ulus that I had to serve him passively in pederasty. He was the only one with whom I ever had any pleasure in passive pederasty. He con- fessed to me that when he but knew tliat I was near, he had the most painful erections; and that when I could not serve him, he was compelled to satisfy himself bj' masturbation. " While pursuing these love-aftairs, I was clinical assistant in hos- pital, and was considered ambitious and skillful in my work. I naturally sought throughout literature for an explanation of my sexual peculiarity. I found it in part as a crime deserving punishment, while for myself I could onlj' recognize in it the natural satisfixction of my sexual desire. I was aware that this was congenital with me. But feeling myself in oppo- sition to tlie whole world, often near insanity and suicide, I again sought to satisfy my powerful sexual desire with women. The result was always the same, — either want of suHicient erection, or, when it became possible, to force myself to the act, disgust and horror of its repetition. As a military surgeon, I suffered terribly from the sight and touch of thousands of naked male forms. Fortunately, I formed a love-bond with a lieu- tenant affected similarly, and passed again a time of liappiness. For love of him I consented to pederasty, for which he longed. We loved each other until he lost his life at Sedan. From tliat time I never gave myself to active or passive pederast}^ although I had many love-affairs, and was a person much sought. "At twent^'-three I went to the countr}' as a phj'sician, and was sought and esteemed. I satisfied myself with boys over fourteen. I interested myself in political affairs, and made an enemy of the clergy- man, and, being betrayed by one of my lovers, was denounced and com- pelled to flee. The legal investigation, fortunately, did me no harm. I was able to return, but I was greatl}' shaken; and I went to the war (18V0) as a soldier, in the hope of meeting my death. I returned, how- ever, with many distinctions, much matured; and I found still more pleasure in earnest work in my profession. I hoped that the extinction of my excessive sexual desire was near at hand, exhausted by the great hardships of the campaign. " Scarcel}^ had I recovered, when the old unbounded desire again appeared, and led to new unbridled satisfaction. Of course, I often thought of it; but my inclination, so revolting to the world, did not seem so to me. URNINGS. 261 " For a 3'ear, by means of the greatest exercise of mj'^ will, I ab- stained ; tlien I went to the Capital to force ni^'self to cohabit with a woman. T, who at the sight of the dirtiest raganiiitlin had painful erec- tions, could scarcely induce one with the most beautiful woman. Over- come, I returned home and obtained a young man-servant for my personal service and satisfaction. "The solitude of life as a country physician, and the longing for children, drove me to marriage; besides, I wished to make an end to gossip, and I hoped finally to triumph over my fatal desire. " I knew a young girl, of whose respect and love for me I was con- vinced. Through my esteem and honor for ni}' wife, I was enabled to perform the conjugal duties, and begat four boys. The boyish appear- ance of my wife was of effectual assistance. I called her my ' Raphael.' I forced into my fancy images of boys, in order to. induce erection. If my fancy ceased for a moment, the erection failed. I was unable to sleep with my wife. Within the last few years coitus has become con- stantly more difficult to attain, and for two 3'ears we have given up all 'attempts. My wife knows my mental condition, and her esteem and love for me may become estranged. "My sexual inclination for ni}^ own sex is unchanged, and, unfor- tunately, too often forces me to become untrue to m\^ wife. To this da}', the sight of a youth of sixteen puts me into violent sexual excitement with painful erections, so that occasionally I am compelled to help myself with manustupration of him and onanism on myself. " The sufferings I endure are indescrible. Faitte de mieux, I have my wife practice manustupration on me ; but what my wife's hand accom- plishes with great elfovt in half an hour is produced by the hand of a boy in a few seconds. Thus I live, miserable, a slave of the law and of my duty to m}^ wife ! I never had pleasure in active or passive pederast}'. If I ever practiced or suffered it, it was only from gratitude or desire to please." The physician to whom I owe the preceding antobiography assures me that he, up to this time, has had sexual intercourse with at least six liundred urnings. There were, indeed, many among them who to-day occupy high and respected positions. Only about ten per cent, of them came later to love women. Another portion did not avoid women, but were more inclined to their own sex ; the remainder were exclusively and lastingly Tunings. This physician asserted that among the six hundred he never found abnormal formation of the genitals ; but there were, however, frequent approaches to the female form, as well as in- 262 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. complete growth of liair, delicate complexion, and higher voice. Development of the mammse was not infrequent. He asserted that from his thirteenth to his fifteenth year he had milk in his mammae, which his friend H. sucked out. Only about ten per cent, of this number showed inclination for female occupations, etc. All his acquaintances were affected with a sexual desire that was abnormally powerful, and made its appearance abnor- mally early. The vast majority felt themselves as the man in their relations with the other, and satisfied themselves bv mutual onanism, or by manustupration on the person of the lover, or by masturbation at his hands. The majority were inclined to active pederasty ; but very frequently the law and sesthetic feeling were reasons for the non-performance of the act. Those feeling them- selves toward the others as women were few, and the inclination to passive pederasty was very infrequent. In the beginning of 1887, this ph\"sician was arrested for having coinniited acts of indecency on the persons of two boys under fourteen years. The crime consisted in his having first rubbed nientulani pro- priam inter femora viri until ejaculatio, and the same procedure cum mentiila propria inter femora pueri. At the examination it was recog- nized tliat an abnormal instinct was in play, though, at the same time, it was shown tliat the culprit was not mentally unsound, and not deprived of free will ; at least, he had not acted in obedieuce to an uncontrollable impulse. Therefore, he was sentenced to prison for one 3'ear, the mildest possible punishment. Case 113. Mr. X., Hungarian, merchant, consulted me on account of neurasthenia and sleeplessness, which had existed for j'ears. The in- vestigation of the cause of his trouble led the patient to confess that he had an al)normal sexual instinct for his own sex, that he was very pas- sionate, and that his nervous trouble might well come from that. The following, taken from the history of this intelligent patient, possesses scientific interest: — " My abnormal sexual instinct reaches back to my childhood. When three 3'ears old, I got hold of a journal of fashions. The beautiful pictures of the men I kissed until the i)aper was torn to tatters, but I paid no attention to the female figures. I did not like to plaj^ with boys. I preferred to play with girls, because they always had dolls. I espe- cially liked to cut out dolls' clothes ; and to-da}-, in spite of ray thirt3'^- three j'^ears, dolls still possess an interest for me. When a boy, for hours I would liirk about available places, in order to get a sight of male genitals. When I succeeded, a strange, dizzj^ feeling came over me. URNINGS. 263 Weak, unattractive men or l)03's made no impression on me. At thirteen I began to masturbate. From my thirteenth till my fifteenth year, I slept with a handsome young man. That was happiness. Hours at a time at night, with erections, I would wait for his return. If in bed he chanced to touch my genitals, it gave me delight. At fourlet'ii I had a school-mate whose instincts were like my own. For hours at a time, dur- ing school-hours, we held each other's genitals. Ah, those were happy hours 1 As often as I could, I lingered in bath-houses. That was always a feast for me. The sight of male genitals induced violent erec- tions. At sixteen I came to the metropolis. Seeing so many hand- some men charmed me. In my eighteenth year I attempted coitus with a prostitute, but disgust and fear made it impossible. Other attemjits were lailures, until m}^ nineteenth year, when I tried again with success ; but the act afforded me no pleasure, rather inducing a feeling of disgust. I conquered myself, and was proud of my success at being a man, which I had gradually begun to doubt. " Subsequent attempts were no longer successful. The disgust was too great. When the woman was undressing, it became necessary, on account of my feeling of repugnance, to put out the light. I now con- sidered mj'self impotent, consulted physicians, and visited baths and sanitariums to cure m}' supposed impotence; for I still did not know what to think of it. I took pleasure in the society of ladies, perhaps out of conceit ; for I impressed most ladies as being sympathetic and amiable; but I valued in them nothing more than mental and aesthetic qualities. I liked to dance with them ; but if one pressed against me in dancing, I experienced a feeling of repugnance, and even disgust, and felt like striking her. If in joke I happened to dance with a gentleman, I always took the part of the lady. I would press and rub against him, and take a perfect delight in it. When I was eighteen, a gentleman who came into the office, said, ' That is a fine 3'outh ; in the East he would bring a pound sterling eveiy time 1 ' I puzzled my head over that. Another gentleman liked to joke with me, and steal kisses of me as he was going away, which I would have given him only too gladl3^ He afterward became ray lover. These circumstances excited m3' attention, and I waited for an opportunity. " When I was twenty-five years old, it happened that a man wdio was formerly a Capucine monk became attracted to me. For me he was like a Mephistopheles. Finally he spoke to me. To this day I can almost feel the beating of my heart that he caused me ; I almost fainted. He made a rendezvous for that evening at a public house. I went, but at the threshold I turned back, afraid. On the next evening he met4ne again. He overcame my scruples, and took me to his room. I was scarcel}' able to walk for excitement. My seducer made me sit on his sofa, and, smil- ing at me, he fixed his wonderful black eyes on me, and I lost conscious- ness. This delight, this ideal, divine sense of pleasure that filled my 264 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. whole being, — I conld write too mnoh about it. I think only an innocent youth, over head and eai's in love, who for the first time has his love's longing fulfilled, could be as happy as I was that night. My seducer demanded my life, in joke; but I at fii'st thought him in earnest. I begged him to let me be happy for a time, and then, united to him, I would end my life. It would have been entirely in accordance with the high-flown ideas I entertained at that time. For five j^ears after that, I kept up a relation with the man, who is still so dear to me. Oh, how liappy, and 3'et, often, how unhapp^'^, I was during those years 1 If I but saw him speak to a handsome young man, I became wildly jealous. " When twenty-seven, I became engaged to a young lad3'. Her mind and aesthetic feeling, as well as financial considerations, induced me to think of marriage. At the same time, I am very fond of children, and, whenever I meet even the commonest day-laborer and his wife and a prett}' child, I envy the man his good fortune. Thus I made a fool of myself I managed to get through the time of courtship; when kissing my bride I felt more anxiety and fear than pleasure. On one or two occasions, however, after luxurious dinners, while kissing her passion- ately, I had erections. How happ}' I was at that ! I saw mj^ self already a father. I twice came near breaking oft' the engagement. On m^' mar- riage-da}', when all the guests had assembled, I locked myself in a room, cried like a child, and felt that I could not proceed with the ceremony. At the persuasion of all the relatives, to whom I made the best excuses that occurred to me, I allowed myself to be taken, in ordinary street- costume, to the altar. " As great good fortune would have it, at the time of the marriage, my wife was menstruating. Oh, how thankful I was for this excuse ! I am now convinced that this circumstance is all that made later cohab- itation possible. How it later became possible for me to cohabit with my wife, and have a lovel}' boy, I do not know. He is the comfort of ray ruined life. I can onl}' thank God for the happiness of having a child. I was a cheat, so to speak, in the marriage-bed. My wife, whom I respect for her high qualities of character, has no suspicion of my condition, but she often complains of mj'^ coldness. AVith her goodness of heart and simplicity, it was possible for me to make her think that the conjugal duty should be performed but once a month. Since she is in nowise sensual, and I can find excuse in mj' nervousness, I am successful in keeping up the swindle. Cohabitation is the greatest sac- rifice for me. B3' taking considerable wine, and bj' making use of the erec- tions which occur in the morning, as the result of an overfilled bladder, it is possible for me to perform coitus once a month ; but it affords me no pleasurable feeling, and I am worried and experience an increase of my nervous difficulties all day long after it. The consciousness of having fulfilled my duty toward my wife, whom in all other respects I love, affords me moral consolation and satisfaction. With a man, it is URNINGS. 265 otherwise. With him I can perform the act several times in a night, always taking the sexual role of a man. In this, I experience the great- est pleasure, the purest happiness. I feel myself refreshed and invigor- ated by it. Of late, my desire for men lias somewhat decreased ; in fact, I have courage even to avoid a handsome young man that approaches me. Will it last? I fear not. I am absolutelv unable to do without male love; if I am compelled to forego it, I become depressed, feel wear^' and miserable, and have pain and pi*essure in my head. I have always regarded my pitiable peculiarity as something congenital, and I would feel happy if I had only not married. I pity my good wife. Often the fear seizes me that I cannot endure it with her longer; then thougiits about divorce, suicide, and flight to America come to me." No one seeing the patient to whom I owe this communication would suspect his condition. His outward appearance is, in all respects, masculine ; he has a well-developed, full beard, strong and deep voice, and normal genitals. The cranium is normally formed ; signs of degenera- tion are absolutely wanting, and only an exquisitely nervons e^'C makes one suspect a neuropathic condition. The vegetative organs perform their functions normally. The patient presents the usual symptoms of a neurasthenia, which ma}', in all essentials, be ascribed to sexual excesses with persons of his own sex, in a man abnorinall}'^ passionate ; and to the injurious influences of forced, though infrequent, coitus with the wife where horror feminse exists. The patient declares that he comes from healthy parents, and that he knows of no neuroses or mental disease in his ancestry. His elder brother was married three years. There was a separation, because the husband never had sexual intercourse with his wife. He married a second time. The second wife also complained of neglect on the part of the husband ; but she had four children, concerning whose legitimac}' no doubt was ever raised. A sister is hysteropathic. The pntient says that, when a young man, he suffered with momen- tary attacks of dizziness, during which it seemed to him as if he were about to die. He says that he has always been very excitable and emotional, and an enthusiast for the arts, especially poetr}- and music. He himself designates his chai-acter as enigmatical, abnormal, nervous, restless, extravagant,. and undecided. He is often exalted without real reason, and then again depressed, even to thoughts of suicide. He may pass through quick and sudden changes, — " religious and frivolous, optimistic and cynical, cowardly and brave, credulous, amiable, and sus- picious ; inclined to do others harm, and sorrowful to tears over the misfortunes of others; and with this, generous to excess, and then again miserly a la Harpagon.''^ The patient is certainly a tainted individual. He seems to be very well endowed intellectually, and, as he says, to have learned easily, and been among the first at school. The marriage of this man was not happ}-. Notwithstanding the 266 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. fact that it was but very infrequently that lie performed the inadequate and injurious sexual act with his wife, aud that he sought and found a substitute in male lovers, he remained neurasthenic. His disease, at times, presents marked exacerbations, even manifesting itself in despair- ing depression about his matrimonial, sexual, and mental condition, wliicli even extends to violent tedium vitoe. His wife became hysteropathic and anaemic, and the patient attributed this to sexual abstinence. Try as he would to force himself, of late years he has not been able to perform coitus, erection failing completely ; while, in intercourse with male lovers, he is very potent. The son of these unfortunate parents, who is now over nine j'ears old, develops well. Tlie patient adds that formerly, in coitus with his wife, he was potent only when he thought of a beloved man. (From the author's " Lehrb. der Psychiatric. ") Case 114. Autobiography. " The writer of this is a congenital urning. If I have not consorted with other urnings, nevertheless, I am fully informed of my condition ; for it has been my lot to see almost all literature on the subject. A short time ago, your work, ' Psychopathia Sexualis,' was sent to me. I saw in it that j'ou were working and study- ing without })rejudice in the interest of science and humanit}'. " If I cannot tell you much that is new, yet I will speak of a few things which I trust you will receive as one more stone to be used by you in your work; which, I am confident, will, in your hands, aid in savin o- us. " Wiien you presume that there is often an liereditary tainted con- dition, perhaps 3'ou are right. My father was subject to spinal disease before my birth ; later, lie became mentally unsound, and took his own life. " Another point, which I am inclined to doubt, is the one mentioned by you in another place, — i.e., that onanism practiced from youth may lead to perverse instinct. " I (merchant, owner of a small business, unmarried) am in the be- ginning of my thirtieth year. I am apparentl}' healthy, and show scarcel}^ a deviation from tlie normal masculine type. The first sexual impulses were immediately and exclusively directed to the male sex, and I experi- enced them from my tenth year. I have masturbated since my twelfth year. Since, in spite of all attempts, coitus with ^ women was always absolutely impossible for me ; and since I have ncA^er had desire for women — on the contrary, rather aversion; and since my attempts have never resulted in the slightest erection, I have been compelled to satisfy myself by onanism. "If now I am to confess the manner of my sexual satisfaction, I may say that in my earlier years my fellow-pupils and companions ex- cited me sexually. Now my impulse consists in a desire for boj^s of about ten, but mostly for youths of from fifteen to twenty ^^ears. *' For a long time, strong and healthy cadets, of fine form, have had URNINGS. . 267 a particular charm for me ; and b}^ their handsome uniforms and fine pres- ence they especially excite m^^ desire. I have no opportunity to approach then), or even to enter into distant social intercourse with them ; but I am compelled to satisfy myself with following them in the streets and squares ; or in restaurants, horse-cars or railway's, by sitting near them, and, when it is possible to do it unnoticed, under such circumstances, by practicing onanism. My most ardent wish has often been to become the friend, servant, or slave of such a young man. " I have never even dreamed of direct pederasty ; vay desire has always been bodily contact, embrace, manustupration of my genitals by my lover, and, on my part, a kiss on his genitals or podex. " I often have the desire, however, to represent Sacher-Masoch in his ' Venus in Purs.' There a man makes himself the voluntary slave of a woman, and feels an intense thrill of lustful pleasure, if he is onl}^ chastised and humiliated by her. But I naturally feel that I could, under no circumstances, become the slave of a woman, but only of a man ; more correctly, of a young man ; one, however, for whom I should have such an infinite love that I could give myself up entirely to his mercy or 'cruelty. " The lustful images that float before my mind in masturbation are those of this or that 30ung man that I have just seen. As a sad and incomplete substitute, I practice this onanism constantl3\ " I pass into a lustful dream in this way (and I say all here, because I wish to write only the truth and the whole truth) : I choose a young man that pleases me by his form, and in imagination give m^'self np to involuntary obedience to him. I imagine that he wishes to humiliate me, and that he commands me, for example, to kiss his feet; or compels me to smell his socks. For want of the desired actuality, I take my own socks, smell of them, take them into my mouth, rub them over m3^ geni- tals, and immediately erection and ejaculation, with sensual pleasure, take place, " Yes, I am so dominated by this mental imager}' that I imagine that the young man is my confessor, and, in order to humiliate me, orders me to eat of his excrement. Here again, in want of actuality, I eat of my own excrement, but only in small quantit^y. Then, with an imperfect feeling of disgust and violent palpitation of the heart, erection and ejaculation take place, " However, I come to this vile, feverish imagery and the perform- ance of these acts, only when it has not been possible for me for a long time to satisfy myself by onanism in the immediate vicinity of a young man. " This is for me more natural, because I then have more pleasure, and experience a more perfect physical and mental benefit, even though m}' ideal of actual and direct satisfaction in mutifal understanding were never to be accorded me. 268 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. "I ciimost believe that tlie above-mentioned disgnsting imagery is only the evil result of constant want of normal satisfaction, — i.e., of my normal satisfaction as an urning ; and that with a regular satisfaction, body to body, the imagery that becomes almost insane would be less intense, and certainly would not go to such extravagance. Or it is the ultimate result of an attempt at abstinence ; for these idiotic, sensual images only come after a long period of it. " I believe, indeed, that, under other social conditions, I should be capable of great and noble love and self-sacrifice. My thoughts are in no way exclusively carnal or diseased. How often, at the sight of a handsome young man, a deep feeling of impatience seizes me, and I breathe at once the sweet words of Heine : — " ' Du bist wie eine Blume, so hold, so schon, so rein,' etc.* " And once, when I was compelled to part with a young man who had honored and valued me as his friend and protector, though my love had remained unknown to him, those fine verses b}^ Scheffel kept passing through my mind, especially' the last, — mutatis mutandis : — " ' Grau wie der Himmel, steht vor mir die Welt, Doch wend' es sich zum Guten oder Bosen, Du, lieber Freuud, in Treuen denk' ieh Dein ! Behiit Dich Gott 1 es war' zu schon gewesen, Behiit Dich Gott, es hat nieht sollen sein I '' " I have never independently revealed my love to a young man, and have never spoiled or injured one morally ; but I have, now and then, made the way easy for many. Under such circumstances, nothing is too much trouble, and I obtain victims as only I can. "When I have an opportunity to have such a beloved friend about me, to educate, protect, and help, if my recognized love find a (natural, unsexual) return, then all my disgusting mental imagery grows less and less intense ; then my love becomes almost platonic and ennobled, to sink again into the mire when this worthy satisfaction is removed. "As for the rest, and without over-estimating mj^self, I may say that I am not one of the worst of men. Brighter mentall}- than the avei'age man, I take interest in all that moves humanity. I am amiable, and easil}' moved to pity, and am incapable of doing any animal, much less a man, an injury ; but, on the contrarj', do good wherever I can. " When I have nothing to reproach myself with in my own con- science, and must, at the same time, set myself in opposition to the 1 " Thou art like any flower, so sweet, so beautiful, so pure," etc. 2 " Lowering like the heavens, frowns the world on me, Tet blest or cursed will be the fate I meet. With trusting heart, dear friend, I think of thee I God keep thee, dear ! it would have been too sweet 1 God keep thee, dear ! such happiness was not to be 1" URNINGS. 269 I judgment of the world, I suffer very imicli. Indeed, I have done no one harm, and I consider my love, in its noblest activity, to be quite as holy as that of a normal man ; but, with the unhappy lot which impa- tience and ignorance cast upon us, I sutler even to the extent of tsedium vitae. "No pen, no tongue can describe all the misery' , all the unhapp^'^ situations, the constant fear of having this peculiarit}' recognized, and of being cast from society. The one thought that, as soon as recognized, one's existence would be lost, and he would be cast away from all, is as terrible as any thought can be. Then all the good that one had ever done would be forgotten ; then, in the pride of his great moralit}', every normal man would be moved to scorn, even though he himself had been never so frivolous in his own love. "Then what does our misery amount to? We ma^^ cursing man, end our unhappy lives. Truly, I often long for the quiet of an asylum. My life may end when it will, the quicker the better; I am ready. " To refer to one more point : I also believe, like the others that have written to you, that our nervousness is first acquired as a result of our unhai)py, unspeakably miserable life among our fellow-creatures. " And still another : You write, at the conclusion of your work, concerning the repeal of the legal enactments concerned. Indeed, humanity would not be destro3^ed if they were repealed. In Italy there is no such law, as far as I know ; and Italy is not a wilderness, but a cultivated nation. " As for myself, compelled as I am to undermine my life by onan- ism, the law could not touch me ; for I have never sinned against it in a letter. But, at the same time, I suffer under the accursed scorn to which we are subjected. How can the ideas of society be changed, so long as there is a law which strengthens it in its immorality? The law must, of course, correspond with public opinion; but it should not be in harmony with the erroneous opinion of ignorance, but only in accord with the ideas of the best and most scientific thinkers, — not with the wish and prejudice of the vulgar. True thinking minds cannot much longer be satisfied with the old idea. " Pardon me, Professor, if I close without a signature. Do not try to find me. I could tell you nothing more. I give 3'ou these lines in the interest of future suflferers. Publish from them, in the interest of science, truth, and justice, what seems to you to be necessarv." Case 115. On a summer evening, at twilight, X. Y., a physician of a city in North Germany, was detected by a watchman while committing a misdemeanor with a countr3'man in a field. He was practicing mastur- bation on him, and then mentulam alius in os suum immisit. X. escaped legal prosecution by flight. The authorities dismissed the complaint, because there had been no publicity, and because immissio membri in anum had not taken place. Among X.'s effects was found an extensive 270 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. correspondence of a. perverse sexual charjicter, which showed that he had had perverse intercourse for years witli all classes of people. X. came of a neurotic family. His paternal grand fatlier died by suicide while insane. His father was a weak, peculiar man. One l)rother masturbated at the age of two. A cousin was sexuallj- perverse, and practiced perverse acts, similar to tliose of X., while a youth ; he became weak-minded, and died of spinal disease. A paternal great-uncle was an hermaphrodite. His mother's sister was insane. His mother is said to have been healtliy. X.'s brother is nervous and irascible. X., likewise, was nervous as a child. The mewing of a cat would create great fear in him ; and if one but imitated the voice of a cat, he would cry bitterly, and run to others for protection. Slight physical dis- turbance caused violent fever. He was a quiet, dreamy child, of excita- ble imagination, but of slight mental capabilities. He did not indulge much in boyish games; he preferred feminine pursuits. It gave him especial pleasure to curl the hair of the houso-maid or of his brother. At thirteen X. went to an Institute. Tliere he practiced mutual masturbation, seduced his comrades, and, by his cynical conduct, made them unmanageable ; so that he had to be taken home. At that time the parents found love-letters with lascivious contents, showing perverse sexuality. From the age of seventeen he studied under the strict sur- veillance of a professor in a Gymnasium. He made but sad progress in learning. He had only a talent for music. After finishing his studies, the patient entered the University', at the age of nineteen. There he attracted attention by his cynical charac^ ter and his association with young persons who were thought to be given to masculine love. He began to be dandified ; wore striking cravats, and shirts that were low cut ; he forced his feet into narrow shoes, and curled his hair in a remarkable wa3^ This peculiarity disappeared when he left the school, and had returned home. At the age of twenty-four he was for a long time neurasthenic. From that time until his twenty -ninth year, he was earnest and skill- ful in his profession ; but he avoided the society of the opposite sex, and constantly associated with men of doubtful character. The patient would not allow a personal examination. In writing, he made the excuse for this that it would be of no use, because his impulse to his own sex had existed from his earliest childhood, and was congenital. He had always had horror feminse, and had never been inclined to avail himself of the charms of women. Toward men he felt himself in the role of a man. He recognized his impulse toward his own sex as abnormal, and excused his sexual indulgence as being the result of an abnormal natural condition. Since his flight X. lives out of Germany, in Southern Italy, and, as I learned from a letter, now, as before, he indulges in perverse love, X, js an ef^rngst, stately man, of ma,sculine features, well-growii bea^d, and URNINGS. 271 normally developed genitals. Dr. X. furnished me, a short time ago, with his autobiography, of wiiich the following is worthy of mention : — " When, at the age of seven, I entered the private school, I felt very uncomfortable, and found very little sym[)athy with m3' companions. Only toward one of them, who was a very huntlsome child, did I feel attracted, and I loved him wildl3^ In ciiildish games I always knew how to arrange it so that I could appear in feminine attire ; and my greatest pleasure was to form intricate coiffures for our servant-girls. I often regretted that I was not a girl. "My sexual instinct awakened when I was thirteen, and from the moment of its appearance was directed toward youthful, strong men. At first I was not reall}' certain tliat this was abnormal, but conscious- ness of it came when I saw and heard how my companions were charac- terized sexuall3\ I began to masturbate at the age of thirteen. At seventeen I left home and went to the Gymnasium of a large Capital, where I was put to board with a married professor of the Gymnasium, with whose son I afterward had sexual relations. It was with him that I first had sexual satisfaction. Thereafter I made the acquaintance of a 3'oung artist, who very soon noticed that I was abnormal, and confessed to me that he was in the same condition. I learned from him that this abnormality was very frequent ; and this knowledge overcame the trouble that I had had in supposing that I was alone in my abnormality. Tliis yonng man had an extensive acquaintance with persons in like condi- tion, to which he introduced me. There I became the object of general attention, for on all sides I was declared to be very attractive physically. I soon became insanely loved by an old gentleman ; but, not finding him to my taste, I endured him but a short time, and then gave ear to a young and handsome officer who lay at my feet. He was really my first love. "After passing my final examination, at the age of nineteen, free from the discipline of school, I made the acqnaintance of a great number of people like myself, and among them Karl Ulrichs (Numa Numan- tinus). " When, later, I took up the study of medicine, and associated with many normal youths, I was often in a position where I was compelled to visit public prostitutes. After having consorted to no purpose with various prostitutes, some of whom were ver}^ beautiful, the opinion was spread among my acquaintances that I was impotent, and I strengthened this by telling of previous sexual excesses. At thnt time I had numerous external relations with persons who prized my ph^^sical peculiarities, which were considered very beautiful. The result of this was, that I was exciting somebody all the time ; and I received such a mass of love-letters that I was often in emltarrassment. The acme of this was reached later, when, as a phj^sician, I lived in the hospital. There I moved about like a celebrated person, and the scenes of jealousy that took place, on my 272 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. account, almost led to the discovery of the whole thing. Shortly after this, I fell ill with an inflammation of my shoulder-joint, from which I recovered after three months. During this illness I received subcu- taneous injections of morphine several times daily, which were suddenly discontinued, and which I practiced thereafter secretly after my recovery. For the purpose of special study, I spent some mouths in Yienna, before entering into private practice, and there, by means of some recommenda- tions, I gained entrance to various circles of people like mj^self I there learned that the abnormality in question, in its various forms, is spread through the lower classes as well as the higher, and that those who are approachable for money are not infrequently met among the higher classes. " When I established myself in the country, I hoped to cure myself of the morphine habit by means of cocaine ; and then I became a victim of cocaine, which, only after three relapses, I was able to rid mj^self of (about two years ago). In my position, it was impossible for me to find sexual satisfaction, and I noticed with pleasure that the use of cocaine had overcome my desire. When, on the first occasion, at the urgent request of my aunt, I had emancipated myself from cocaine, I traveled for a few weeks, in order to improve my health, the perverse impulses were again awakened in their old strength, and, one evening, while out in the fields by the city amusing myself with a man, I noticed that I had been detected by the authorities and advertised ; but that the act of which I was accused was not punishable, in accordance with the opinion ex- pressed by the highest court of the German kingdom. I had, therefore, to be careful ; for already the announcement of the crime had been heralded on all sides. I saw that, after this, I would be compelled to leave Germany, and find a new home where neither the law nor public opinion would be opposed to that impulse, which, like all abnormal instincts, could not be overcome by the will. Since I was never deceived for a moment about the matter, in recognizing my impulses as opposed to social usages, I repeatedly attempted to become master of them ; but by these efforts they were increased in power. This same observation has been communicated to me by acquaintances. Since I was exclusively drawn toward strong, youthful, and masculine individuals, and they were very seldom inclined to yield to my wishes, I was compelled to bu}^ them. Since my desire was limited to persons of the lower classes, I was always able to find such as were purchasable with money. I hope that the following state- ments will not awaken jour repugnance. At first I intended to omit them ; but, for the completeness of this communication, I may include them, since they serve to enrich the clinical material. I am compelled to perform the sexual act in the following way : — " Pene juvenis in os recepto, ita ut commovendo oi'e meo eflecerira, ut is quern cupio, semen ejaculaverit, sperma in perineum exspuo, femora comprimi jubeo et penem meum adversus et intra femoi'a compressa URNINGS. 273 immitto. Dum haec Hunt, necesse est, ut jiivenis me, quantum potest, ampleetatur. Quae prius me lecisse narravi, eanclem mihi aft'erunt volup- tatem, acsi ipse ejaculo. Ejaculationem pene in anum immittendo vel manu terendo assequi, milii nequaquam amoinum est. " Sed inveni, qui penem meum receperint atque ea facientes, quae supra exposui, eft'ecerint, ut libidines meae plane sint saturatae. " Concerning my person, I must still mention the following : I am 186 centimetres tall, of masculine appearance, and, with the exception of abnormal irritability of the skm, healthy. My hair and beard are black and thick. My genitals are of medium size and normally formed. I am able, without any trace of fatigue, to perform the sexual act from four to six times in twenty -four hours. My life is very regular. I use alcohol and tobacco very sparingly. I play the piano quite well, and some of my unpretentious compositions have been much applauded. I have lately finished a novel, which, as m}- first w^ork, has been verj^ favora])l3^ criticised by my friends. The story has several problems taken from the life of urnings in the subject-matter. "Among the large number of fellow-sufferers that are personally known to me, I have naturally been in a position to make observations concerning the condition and the degrees of abnormality ; and, perhaps, the following communications may be of service to you : — " The most abnormal thing that I am acquainted with, was the impulse of a gentleman who lived in Berlin. He preferred, above all others, young fellows with unwashed feet, wdiich he would lick passion- ately. A gentleman in Leipzig was similar to him ; who, where it was possible, would linguam in anum immittere, preferring the parts to be uncleaned. Several have assured me that the sight of riding-boots or of parts of military uniforms, induced such excitement in them that ejacula- tion resulted. A man in Paris compelled a friend ut in os ei mingat. " With reference to the degree in which many feel themselves as women, which is with me not the case, two persons in Vienna are ex- amples. They bore feminine names. One is a barber who calls himself 'French Laura'; the other w^as formerl}- a butcher, who calls himself ' Selcher-Fanny.' Both of them never missed an opportunity', during the carnival time, to show themselves in very fantastic feminine masks. In Hamburg there is a person that many people believe to be a woman, be- cause he always goes about the house in feminine attire, and only occa- sionally leaves the house, and always in such clothing This man wished to stand as godmother at a christening, and, as a result of it, gave rise to great scandal. " Feminine timidit}^, frivolity, obstinacy, and weakness of character, are the rule in such individuals. " Several cases of perverse sexuality are known to me where epileps}^ and ps3'choses are present. Hernias are remarkably frequent. In prac- tice many persons come to me to be treated for diseases of the anus, 18 274 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. because of recommendation by friends. I saw two syphilitic and one local chancre, and several fissures ; and at present I am treating a gentleman for condylomata of the anus, which form a rounded tumor as large as a fist. One case of primary aff"ection of the soft palate I saw in Vienna, in a 3roung man who was accustomed to frequent mask-balls dressed as a girl, and entice young men ; he would then pretend that he was menstruating, and thus induce the others to use him per os. The assertion was made that in this way he had deceived fourteen men in one evening. Since, in none of the publications concerning contrary sexuality that I have seen, I have found anything concerning the intercourse of pederasts among themselves, 1 venture to communicate something con- cerning it in conclusion : — "As soon as individuals that are affected with contrary sexuality become acquainted, there is a detailed narration of their experiences, loves, and seductions, as far as the social diflference between them allows such entertainment. Onl}^ in very few cases is tliis amusement uncom- mon witli new acquaintances. Among themselves, they call themselves ' auuts ' ; in Vienna, ' sisters ' ; and two very masculine public prostitutes in Vienna, wliom I accidentally became acquainted with, and who lived in a perverse sexual relation with each other, told me that for the cor- responding condition in women the name ' uncle' was used. Since be- coming conscious of my abnormal instinct, I have met thousands of such individuals. " Almost every large city has some meeting-place, as well as a so-called promenade. In smaller cities there are relativel3'^ few ' aunts,' thougli in a small town of 2300 inliabitants I found eight, and in one of 7000 eigiiteen of whom I was absolutely' sure, — to say nothing of those wliom I suspected. In my own town of 30,000 inhabitants, I personally know about one hundred and twenty 'aunts.' Tlie greater number of them, and I especially, possess the capability of judging anotlier imme- diately as to whether they are alike or not, whicli, in the language of the ' aunts,' is called ' reasonable ' or ' unreasonable.' My acquaintances are often astounded at the certainty' of my judgment. Individuals that are apparentl}^ absolutelj^ masculine I recognize as 'aunts' at the first sight. On the other hand, I am able to behave myself in such a mascu- line way that, in circles to which I have been introduced by acquaintances, there is a doubt as to my genuineness. When I am in the mood, I can act exactly like a girl. " Since the majority of ' aunts,' like myself, in no wa^^ regret their abnormality, but would be sorry if the condition were to be changed ; and, moreover, since the congenital condition, according to my own and all other experience, cannot be influenced ; therefore, all our hope rests upon the possibility of a change of the laws with reference to it, so that only rape or the commission of public off'ense, when this can be proved at the same time, shall be punishable." URNINGS. 275 Case 116. GonWary Sexual Im^Hnct in a Woma7i. — S, J., aged 38, governess, eunie to nie for advice about a nervous trouble. Her father was temporarily insane, and died of a Ijrain disease. The patient is an only child, and even when quite young she suftered with feelings of anxiety and painful ideas. She thought, for example, that she would awake in her coflin after it had been closed ; that at confession she might forget something, and make a sinful confession. She suffered much with headache. She was always very much excited and appre- hensive, but yet she had to see horrible things, like corpses, etc. Even in her earliest childhood, the patient was excited sexually, and began to masturbate without any teaching. The menses began at fourteen, and were always accompanied by colicky pains, violent sexual excitement, migraine, and depression. After her eighteenth year she learned to repress her impulse to masturbate. The patient has never felt any inclination toward persons of the opposite sex. If she thought of marriage, it was only because she sought in matrimony a means of being supported. On the other hand, she felt powerfully attracted by girls. At first she regarded this inclina- tion as friendship; but in the depth of her attachment to female friends, and in the longing she constantly felt for them, she recognized that the feeling was something more than friendship. The patient cannot understand how a girl can love a man, but she can easily see how a man might love a girl. She always has a lively interest in beautiful women and girls, and is powerfully excited at sight of them. Her longing had always been to kiss and embrace such dear creatures. She had never dreamed of a man, but only of girls. Her delight had been to revel in the sight of them. Separation from such female friends had always made her desperate. The patient, whose appearance is perfectly feminine and very respectable, states that she has never felt herself in an}- particular ro/e with her friends, not even in dreams. Female pelvis; large mammae; no sign of beard. Case in. Mrs. R., Russian, aged 35, of high social position, was brought to me, in 1886, by her husband for advice. Father was a physician, and very neuropathic. Paternal grand- father was health}' and normal, and reached the age of niuet^^-six. Facts concerning paternal grandmother are wanting. All the children of father's family are said to have been nervous. The patient's mother was nervous, and suffered with asthma. The mother's parents were healthy. One of the mother's sisters had melancholia. From her tenth year patient has been subject to habitual headache. With the exception of measles, she has had no illness. She was capable, and enjoyed the best of training, having especial talent for music and languages. It became necessary for her to prepare herself for the work of a governess, and during her earlier years she was mentally overworked. 276 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. She passed through an attack of melancholia sine delirio, of some months' duration, at seventeen. The patient asserts that she has alwaj^s had sympathy only for her own sex, and found only an aesthetic interest in men. She never had any taste for female work. As a little girl, she preferred to play with boys. She says she remained well until her twenty-seventh year. Then, without external cause, she became depressed and considered herself a bad, sinful person, had no pleasure in anything, and was sleepless. During this time of illness she was also troubled witli imperative conceptions : that she must think of the death of herself and her relatives. Recovery after about five moifths. She then became a governess, was overworked, but remained well, except for occasional neurasthenic symptoms and spinal irritation. At twenty-eight she made the acquaintance of a lady five years younger than herself. She fell in love with her, and her love was returned. The love was verj' sensual, and satisfied by mutual mastur- bation. "I loved her as a god ; her's is a noble soul," she said, when she mentioned this love-bond. It lasted four years, and was ended by the (unfortunate) marriage of her friend. In 1885, after much emotional strain, the patient became ill with symptoms of hystero-neurasthenia (dyspepsia, spinal irritation, and tonic spasmodic attacks; attacks of hemiopia with migraine and transitory aphasia; pruritus pudendi et ani). In Februarys, 1886, these symptoms disappe:ired. In March she became acquainted with her present husband, and married liim without taking much time for reflection ; for he was rich, much in love with her, and his character was in sympathy with her own. On April 6th, she read the sentence, " Death misses no one." Like a flash of lightning in a clear sky, the former imperative conceptions of death returned. She was forced to meditate on the most horrible manner of death for herself and those about her, and constantly imagine death- scenes. She lost rest and sleep, and took no pleasure in anything. Her condition improved. Late in May, 1886, she was married, but was still troubled by painful thonghts at that time: that she would bring mis- fortune on her husband and those about her. First coitus on June 6, 1886. She was deepl}^ depressed morally by it. She had had no such conception of matrimou}'. The husband, who really loved his wife, did all he could to quiet her. He consulted phy- sicians, who thought all would be well after pregnanc3^ The husband was unable to explain the peculiar behavior of his wife. She was friendly toward him, and suffered his caresses. In coitus, which was actuallj'^ carried out, she was entirel}'^ passive, and after the act she was tired, exhausted all day long, nervous, and troubled with spinal irritation. A bridal tour brought about a meeting with her old friend, who had lived in an unhappy marriage for three years. The two ladies trembled URNINGS. 277 with joy and excitement as they sank iiit^ abnormal. As proof of this, may be cited his cynicism ; his incredible frivolity in his application of his vices to re- ligion, in which direction we cannot follow him without overstepping the bounds set by scientific inquiry'- ; his perverse philosophical ideas with reference to his sexual perversion ; his perverse manner of looking at the world ; his ethical defect in all directions ; his vagabondage ; and his per- verse mind and exterior. G. makes the impression of an original paranoiac. (Personal case. Zeitschrift fur Fsychiatrie.) Case 126. Taylor had occasion to examine a certain Eliza Edwards, aged 24. It was discovered that she was of masculine sex. E. had worn female clothing from her fourteenth 3^ear, and also been an actress. The hair was worn long after the manner of females, and parted in the middle. The form of the face was feminine, but otherwise the body was masculine. The beard was carefully pulled out. The masculine, well-developed geni- tals were fixed in an upward position by an artful bandage. The con- dition of the anus indicated passive pederasty. Case 127. An official of middle age, who for some years had been happy in family life, and was married to a virtuous woman, presented a peculiar manifestation of contrary sexual feeling. One day, through the indiscretion of a prostitute, the following scandal became public : About once a week X. would api)ear in a house of prostitution, and there dress himself up as a woman, always requiring, as a part of his costume, a coiflliire. When his toilet was completed, he would lie down on the bed, and have the prostitute perform manustupra- tion. But he very much preferred to have a male person (a servant of EFFEMINATION AND VIRAGINITY. 303 the house). This man's father was hereditarily tainted, had been insane several times, and was afflicted with hypertesthesia and pamesthesia sexualis. Case 128. C. R., maid-servant, aged 2fi, suffered from the time of her development with original paranoia and hysteria. As a result oi" her delusions, her life had been somewhat romantic, and in 1884, in Switzer- land, where she had gone as a result of delusions of persecution, she came under the observation of the authorities. On this occasion, it was ascer- tained that R. was affected with contrar}^ sexual instinct. Concerning her parents and relatives there is no information at hand. R. asserted that, with the exception of an inflammation of the lungs at the age of sixteen, she had never been severely ill. First menstruation at fifteen, without any difficulties ; thereafter it was very often irregular and abnormally excessive. The patient declared that she never had had inclinations toward the opposite sex, and had never allowed the approach of a man. She never could understand how her friends could describe the beautj^ and amiability of men. But it was charming and inspiring for her to imprint a kiss on the lips of a beloved female friend. She had a love for girls that was incomprehensible to her. She had passionately loved and kissed some of her female friends, and she would have given up her life for them. Her greatest delight would have been to have constantly lived with such a friend and absolutely possessed her. In this she felt toward the beloved girl like a man. Even as a little child, she had an inclination only for the play of boys, and she loved to hear shooting and military music, was always much excited by them, and would gladly have gone as a soldier. The chase and war have been her ideals. In the theatre only feminine performers interested her. She knew very well that the whole of this inclination was unwomanly, but she could not help it. It had always been a great pleasure for her to go about in male clothing, and in the same way she had always preferred masculine work, and had shown unusual skill in it; while with refer- ence to feminine occupations, especially handiwork, she had to say the contrary. The patient had also a weakness for smoking and spirits. On account of persecutory delusions, in order to rid herself of her persecu- tions, tbe patient had often gone about in male attire, and played the part of a man. She did this with such (congenital) skill that, as a rule, she was able to deceive peoi)le concerning her sex. It is authoritatively established that in 1884, for a lonar time, the patient went about in male attire, now in the garments of a civilian, now in the uniform of a lieutenant; and in August of the same year, dressed as a male servant, she fled to Switzerland as a result of delusions of per- secution. There she found service in a merchant's family, and fell in love with the daughter of the house, " the beautiful Anna," who, on her side not recognizing the sex of R., fell in love with the handsome young man. 304 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Concerning this episode the patient makes the following character- istic statement : " I was madly in love with Anna. I don't know how it came about, and I cannot put myself right concerning this impulse. In this fatal love lies the reason why I played the role of a man so long. I have never yet felt any love for a man, and I believe that m}^ love is for the female and not the male sex. I can in nowise understand my condition." From Switzerland R. wrote letters home to her friend, Amelia, which were produced at the examination. They are letters showing pas- sionate love, which goes be^^ond the bounds of friendship. She apostro- phizes her friend, " M}' flower, sun of my heart, longing of my soul." She was her greatest happiness on earth ; her heart was hers. And in her letters to her friend's parents she wrote : " You, too, should watch your flower, for, if she should die, you also would be unable to endure life." For the purpose of investigating her mental condition, R. remained for some time in an asj'lum. On one occasion, when Anna was allowed to pay R. a visit, there was no end of passionate embraces and kisses. The visitor acknowlec^ed freely that they had before secretly embraced and kissed in the same way. R, is a tall, slim, stately person, of feminine form in all respects, but with masculine features. Cranium regular; no anatomical signs of degeneration. Genitals normal and indicative of virginity. All the circumstances indicate that she has onl}^ indulged in platonic love. Glance and appearance are indicative of a neuropathic person. Severe hysteria, occasional cataleptoid attacks, with visionar}^ and delirious states. The patient is very easily brought into a state of somnambulism by hypnotic influence, and in this condition is susceptible to all possible suggestions. (Personal case. FriedreiclVs Blatter, 1886, Heft 1.) 4. Androgijny and Gynandry. — Forming direct transitions from the foregoing groups are those individuals of contrary sex- uahty in whom not only the character and all the feelings are in accord with the ahnormal sexual instinct, but also the skeletal form, the features, voice, etc. ; so that the individual approaches the opposite sex anthropologically, and in more than a psychical and psycho-sexual way. This anthropological form of the cere- bral anomaly apparently represents a very high degree of degen- eration ; but that this variation is based on an entirely different ground than the teratological manifestation of hermaphroditism, in an anatomical sense, is clearly shown by the fact that thus far, in the domain of contrary sexuality, no transitions to hermaph- roditic malformation of the genitals have been observed. The genitals of these persons always prove to be fully differentiated ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 305 sexually, though not infrequently there are present anatomical signs of degeneration (epispadiasis, etc.), in the sense of arrests of development in organs that are otherwise well differentiated. There is yet wanting a sufficient record of cases belonging to this interesting group of women in masculine attire with mas- culine genitals, and men in feminine dress with the sexual or- gans of the female. Every experienced observer of his fellow-men remembers masculine persons that were very remarkable for their womanish character and type (wide hips, form rounded by abundant development of adipose tissue, absence or insufficient development of beard, feminine features, delicate complexion, falsetto voice, etc.) ; and, on the other hand, women that, by reason of build, pelvis, gait, attitude, heavy and decidedly masculine features, rough and deep voice, etc., had little to remind one of femininity. We have already met some indications of such an anthropo- logical transformation in foregoing groups, as in Case 106, where the woman had the feet of a man; and in Case 112, where there was development of mammae and production of milk during puberty. In persons belonging to the fourth group, and in certain ones in the third, forming transitions to the fourth, there seems to be a feeling of shame (sexual) toward persons of the same sex, and not toward those of the opposite sex. Case 129. Androgyny. Mr. v. H., aged 30, single; of neuropathic mother. Nervous and mental diseases are said not to have occurred in the patient's family, and his only brother is said to be mentally and physically completely normal. The patient developed tardily physically, and, therefore, spent much of his time at the sea-shore and climatic resorts. From childhood he was of neuropathic constitution, and, accord- ing to the statements of his relatives, unlike other boys. His disinclina- tion for masculine pursuits and his preference for feminine amusements were early remarked. Thus he avoided all boyish games and gymnastic exercises, while doll-play and feminine occupations were particularly pleasing to him. Thereafter he developed well physically, and escaped severe illnesses, Init he remained mentally abnormal, incapable of an earnest aim in life, and decidedly feminine in thought and feeling. In his seventeenth year pollutions occurred, became more frequent, and finally took place during the day ; so that the patient grew weak, and 20 306 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. manifested various nervous disturbances. Symptoms of neurasthenia spinalis made tlieir appearance, and have lasted up to the last few years, but they have become milder with the decrease in the number of pollu- tions. Onanism is denied, but is very probable. An indolent, effeminate, dreamy habit of thought has become more and more noticeable ever since puberty. All efforts to induce the patient to take up an earnest pursuit in life were vain. His intellectual functions, though formally quite undisturbed, were never equal to the motive of an independent character, and the higher ideals of life. He remained dependent, an overgrown child ; and nothing more clearly indicated his original abnormal condi- tion than an actual incapability to take care of money, and his own con- fession that he had no ability' to use mone}- reasonably; that as soon as he had money he wasted it for curios, toilet-articles, and the like. Incapable as he was of a reasonable use of money, the patient was nd more capable of leading a social existence; indeed, he was incapable of gaining an insight into its significance and value. He learned very poorl}^, spending his time in toilettes and artistic nothings, particularly in painting, for which he evinced a certain capa- bility ; but in this direction he accomplished nothing, since he was wanting in perseverence. He could not be brought to take up any earnest thought ; he had a mind only for externals, was alwaj-s distracted, and serious things quickl}' wearied him. Preposterous acts, senseless journeys, waste of money, and debts repeatedly occur throughout the course of his later life; and even for these positive faults in his life he was wanting in understanding. He was self-willed and intractable, and never did well as soon as an attempt was made to put him on his feet and point out to him his own interests. With these manifestations of an original abnormal and defective mind, there were notable indications of perverse sexual feeling, which were also indicated in the somatic habitus of the patient. Sexually, the patient felt like a woman toward men, and had inclinations toward peoi)le of his own sex, with indifference, if not actual disinclination, for females. In his twenty-second 3'ear it is asserted that he had sexual inter- course with women, and was able to perform the act of cohabitation nor- malij' ; but, partly on account of increase of neurasthenic symptoms which was occasional after coitus, and partly on account of fear of infec- tion, — but really by reason of a want of satisfaction, — he soon ceased to induloe in such intercourse. Concernino- his abnormal sexual condition, he is not quite clear; he is conscious of an inclination toward the male sex, but confesses, only in a shame-faced way, that he has certain pleasur- able feelings of friendship for masculine individuals, which, however, are not accompanied b^' any sensual feelings. The female sex he does not exactly abhor ; he could even bring himself to marry a woman who could have an attraction for him, by means of similarity in artistic tastes, if he could but be freed from conjugal duties, which were unpleasant to him, ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 307 and the performance of which made him tired and weak. He denied having had sexual intercourse with men, but his blushing and embarrass- ment, and, still more, an occurrence iu N., where the patient, some time before, provoked a scandal by attempting to have sexual intercourse with youths, gave him the lie. Too, his external appearance, habitus, form, gestures, manners, and dress are remarkal)le, and decidedly recall the feminine form and charac- teristics. The patient, however, is over middle height, but thorax and pelvis are decidedly of feminine form. The bod}' is rich in fat ; the skin is well cared for, delicate, and soft. This impression of a woman in mascu- line dress is further increased by a thin growth of hair on the face, which is shaven, with the exception of a small moustache; bj^ the mincing gait; the shy, effeminate manner; the feminine features; the swimming, neuro- pathic expression of the eyes; the traces of powder and paint; the cur- tailed cut of the clothing, with the bosom-like prominence of the upper garments; the fringed, feminine cravat; and the hair brushed down smoothly from the brow to the temples. The physical examination makes undoubted the feminine form of the body. The external genitals are well developed, though the left testicle has remained in the canal; the growth of hair on the mons veneris is thin, and the latter is unusually rich in fat and prominent. The voice is high, and without masculine timbre. Too, the occupation and manner of thought of v. H. are decidedly feminine. He has a boudoir and a well-supplied toilet-table, with which he spends manj" hours in all kinds of arts for beautifying himself. He abhors the chase, practice with arms, and such masculine pursuits, and calls himself an seathete ; speaks with preference of his paintings and attempts at poetry. He is interested in feminine occupations, which — e.gr., embroidery — he engages in, and calls his greatest pleasure. He could spend his life in an artistic and aesthetic circle of ladies and gentlemen, in conversation, music, and aesthetics. His conversation is preferably about feminine things, — fashions, needlework, cooking, and household work. The i)atient is well nourished, but anjemic. He is of neuropnthi(! constitution, and presents symptoms of neurasthenia, which are main- tained by a bad manner of life, lying abed, living in-doors, and effemi- nateness. He complains of occasional pain and pressure in the head, and habitual obstipation. He is easily frightened ; complains of occasional lassitude and fatigue, and drawing pains in the extremities, in the direc- tion of the lumbo-abdominal nerves. After pollutions, and regularly after eating, he feels tired and relaxed ; he is sensitive to pressure over the spinous processes of the dorsal vertebr;^, as also to pressure along accessible nerves. He feels peculiar sympathies and antipathies for cer- tain persons, and, when he meets people for whom he has an antipathy, he falls into a condition of peculiar fear and confusion. His pollutions, though now they occur but seldom, are pathological, in that they occur by day, and are unaccompanied by any sensual excitement. 308 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Opinion: 1. Mr. v. H., according to all observations and reports, is mentally an abnormal and defective person, and that, in fact, ah origine. His contrary sexual instinct represents a part of his abnormal phj'sical and mental condition. 2. This condition, in that it is congenital, is incurable. There exists defective organization of the highest cerebral centres, which renders him incapable of leading an independent life, and of obtaining a position in life. His perverse sexual instinct prevents him from exercising normal sexual functions ; and this is attended by all the social conse- quences of such an anomnly, and the danger of satisfaction of perverse impulses arising out of his abnormal organization, with consequent social and legal conflicts. Fear of the latter, however, cannot be great, since the (perverse) sexual impulse of the patient is weak. 3. Mr. V. H,, in tlie legal sense of the word, is not irresponsible, and neither fit for, or in need of, treatment in a hospital for the insane. It is possible for him — though but an overgrown child, and incapable of per- sonal independence — to live in society, though under the care and guid- ance of normal individuals. Too, to a certain extent, it is possible for him to respect the laws and restrictions of societ}^, and to judge his own acts ; but, with respect of possible sexual errors and conflicts with crimi- nal laws, it must be emphasized that his sexual instinct is abnormal, having its origin in organic pathological conditions ; and this circum- stance should eventually be used in his favor. On account of his notorious lack of independence, he cannot be discharged from parental care or guardianship, inasmuch as otherwise he would be ruined financially. 4. Mr. V, H. is also phj^sically ill. He presents signs of slight anjemia and of neurasthenia spinalis. A rational regulation of his man- ner of life and a tonic regimen, and, if possible, hydro-therapeutic treat- ment, seem necessary. The suspicion that this trouble has its origin in early masturbation should be entertained, and the possibilit}^ of the existence of spermatorrha?a, that is of importance etiologically and thera- peutically, lies near. (Personal case. Zeitschv. f. Psychiatrie.) Case 130. Miss X.,aged 38, consulted me, late in the fall of 1881, on account of severe spinal irritation and obstinate sleeplessness, in combat- ing which she had become addicted to morphine and chloral. Her mother and sister were nervous sufterers, but the rest of the family were healthy. The trouble dated from a fall on her back in 1872, at which time the patient was terribly frightened, though, when a girl, she had been subject to muscular cramps and hysterical symptoms. Following this shock, a neurasthenic and hysterical neurosis developed, with predominating spinal irritation and sleeplessness. Episodically, h3'sterical paraplegia, lasting as long as eight months, and hysterical hallucinatory delirium, with convulsive attacks, occurred. In the course of this, symptoms of morphinism were added. A stay of some months in the hospital relieved the latter, and considerably^ improved the neurasthenic neurosis, in the ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRT. 309 treatment of which general faradization exerted a remarkably favorable influence. Even at the first meeting, the patient produced a remarkable im- pression by reason of her attire, features, and conduct. She wore a gentleman's hat, her hair closely cut, eye-glasses, a gentleman's cravat, a coat-like outer garment of masculine cut that reached well down over her gown, and boots with high heels. She had coarse, somewhat masculine features ; a harsh, deep voice ; and made rather the Impression of a man in female attire than that of a lady, if one but overlooked the bosom and the decidedly feminine form of the pelvis. During the long time that she was observed, there were never signs of erotocism. When questioned concerning her attire, she would only respond that the style she chose suited her better. Gradual!}' it was ascertained from her that, even when she was a small girl, she Imd had a preference for horses and masculine pursuits, and never any interest in feminine occupations. Later she developed a particular pleasure in reading, and prepared herself to be a teacher. Dancing had never pleased her ; it had always seemed silly to her. Too, the ballet had never interested her. Her greatest pleasure had always been in the circus. Until her sickness, in 1812, she had neither had inclination for persons of the opposite nor for those of her own sex. From that time she had, what was remarkable to herself, a peculiar friendship for females, particularly for 3'oung ladies ; and she had a desire, and satisfied it, to wear hats and coats of masculine st3ie. Since 1869, besides, she had worn her hair short, and parted it on the side, as men do. She asserts that she was never sensually excited in the company of men, but tliat her friendship and self-sacrifice for sj^mpathetic ladies was unbounded ; while from that time she also experienced repug- nance for gentlemen and their societ}^ Her relatives report that, before 1812, the patient had a proposal of marriage, which she refused; and that when she returned from a sojourn at a watering-place, in 1814, she was sexually changed, and occasionally showed that she did not regard herself as a female. Since that time she would associate only with ladies, and has had a kind of love-relation with one or another, and made remarks which indi- cated that she looked upon herself as a man. This predilection for women ^as decidedly more than mere friendship, since it expressed itself in tears, jealousy, etc. When, in 1814, she was stopping at a watering-place, a 3'oung lady, who took her for a man in disguise, fell in love with her. When this lady married, later, the patient was for a long time depressed, and spoke of unfaithfulness. Moreover, since her sickness, her relatives were struck by her desire for masculine attire, her masculine conduct, and disinclination for feminine pursuits ; while previously, at least sexually, she had presented nothing unusual. Further investigations showed that the patient had a love-relation, 310 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. which was not purely platonic, with the lady described in Case 118 ; and that she wrote her affectionate letters like those of a lover to his beloved. In 1881 I again saw the patient in a sanitarium, where she had been placed on account of hystero-epileptic attacks, spinal irritation, and morphinism. The contrary sexual feeling existed unchanged, and only by the most careful watching was the patient kept from improper advances toward her fellow-patients. Her condition remained quite unchanged until 1889. Then the patient began to fail, and she died of " exhaustion," in August, 1889. The autopsy showed, in the vegetative organs, amyloid degeneration of the kidneys, fibroma of the uterus, and cyst of the left ovary. The frontal bone was much thickened, uneven on the inner surface, with numerous exostoses ; dura adherent to vault of cranium. Long diameter of skull, 175 millimetres; lateral diameter, 148 millimetres; weight of the oedema- tous, but not atrophied, brain, 1175 grammes. The meninges delicate, easil}^ removed. Cortex pale. Convolutions broad, not numerous, regularly arranged. Nothing abnormal in cerebellum and great ganglia. Case 131. Gynmidry} History: On November 4, 1889, the step- father of a certain Count Saudor Y. complained that the latter had swindled him out of 800f , under the pretense of requiring a bond as secretary of a stock company. It was ascertained that Sandor had entered into matrimonial contracts and escaped from the nuptials in the spring of 1889 ; and, more than this, that this ostensible Count Sandor was no man at all, but a woman in male attire, — Sarolta (Charlotte), Countess Y. S. was arrested, and, on account of deception and forgerj" of public documents, brought to examination. At the first hearing S. confessed that she was born on Sept. 6, 1866; that she was a female. Catholic, single, and worked as an authoress under the name of Count Sandor Y. From the autobiography of this man-woman I have gleaned the following remarkable facts that have been independently confirmed : — S. comes of an ancient, noble, and highly-respected famil}^ of Hun- gary, in which there haA'e been eccentricity and family peculiarities. A sister of the maternal grandmother was hysterical, a somnambulist, and lay seventeen jears in bed, on account of fancied pai'alysis. A second great-aunt spent seven years in bed, on account of a fancied fatal, illness, and at the same time gave balls. A third had tlie whim that a certain table in her salon was bewitched. If anything were laid on this table, she would become greatl^^ excited and cry, " Bewitched I bewitched 1" and run with the object into a room which she called the "Black Chamber," and the key of Avhich she never let out of her hands. After the death of this lady, there were found in this chamber a number of shawls, ornaments, 1 Comp. the expert medical opinion of this ease, by Dr. Birnbacher, in Friedreich's Blatter f. ger. Med., 1891, H. 1. ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 311 bank-notes, etc. A fourtli great-aunt, during two 3^ears, did not leave her room, and neither washed herself nor combed her hair ; tlien she again made her appearance. All these ladies were, nevertheless, intel- lectual, finely educated, and amiable. S.'s mother was nervous, and could not bear the light of the moon. From her father's family it is said she had a trace too much. One line of the family gave itself up almost entirely to spiritualism. Two blood-relations on the father's side shot themselves. The majority of her male relatives are unusually talented ; the females are decidedly narrow and domestic. S.'s lather had a high position, which, however, on account of his eccentricity and extravagance (he wasted over a million and a half), he lost. Among many foolish things that her father encouraged in her was the fact that he brought her up as a boy, called her Sandor, allowed her to ride, drive, and hunt, admiring her muscular energy. On the other hand, this foolish father allowed his second'son to go about in female attire, and had him brought up as a girl. This farce ceased in his fifteenth year, when the son was sent to a higher school. Sarolta-Sandor remained under her father's influence till her twelfth year, and then came under the care of her eccentric maternal grand- mother, in Dresden, b}^ whom, when the masculine play became too ob- vious, she was placed in an Institute, and made to wear female attire. At thirteen she had a love-relation with an English girl, to whom she represented herself as a boy, and ran away with her. Sarolta returned to her mother, who, however, could do nothing, and was compelled to allow her daughter to again become Sandor, wear male clothes, and, at least once a year, to fall in love with persons of her own sex. At the same time, S. received a careful education, and made long journeys with her father, — of course, always as a young gentleman. She early became independent, and visited cafes^ even those of doubtful char- acter, and, indeed, boasted one day that in a brothel she had had a girl sitting on each knee. S. was often intoxicated, had a passion for mascu- line sports, and was a very skillful fencer. She felt herself drawn particularly toward actresses, or others of similar position, and, if possible, toward those who were not ver}' young. She asserts tliat she never had any inclination for a young man, and that she has felt, from year to 3'ear, an increasing dislike for young men. "I preferred to go into the society of ladies with ugly, ill-favored men, so that none of them could put me in the shade. If I noticed that any of the men awakened tlie sjanpathies of the ladies, I felt jealous. I preferred ladies who were bright and prettj' ; I could not endure them if they were fat or much inclined toward men. It delighted me if the passion of a lady was disclosed under a poetic veil. All immodest}^ in a woman was disgusting to me. I had an indescribable aversion for female 312 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. attire, — indeed, for everything feminine, — but only in as ftxr a,s it con- cerned nie ; for, on tbe other hand, I was all enthusiasm for the beau- tiful sex." During the last ten j'ears S. had lived almost constantl}'^ away from her relatives, in the guise of a man. She had had many liaisons with ladies, traveled much, spent much, and made debts. At the same time, she carried on literary work, and was a valued collaborator on two noted journals of the Capital. Her passion for ladies was very changeable ; constancy in love was entirely wanting. Onl}' once did such a liaison last three years. It was years before that S., at Castle G., made the acquaintance of Emma E., who was ten years older than herself. She fell in love with her, made a marriage- contract with her, and they lived together, as man and wife, for three years at the Capital. A new love, which S. regarded as a fate, caused her to sever her matrimonial relations with E. The latter would not have it so. Only with the greatest sacrifice was S. able to purchase her freedom from E., who, it is reported, still looks upon herself as a divorced wife, and regards herself as the Countess Y. I Tiiat S. also had the power to excite passion in other women is shown by the fact that when she (before her marriage with E.) had grown tired of a Miss D., after having spent thousands of guldens on her, she was threatened with shooting by D. if she should become untrue. It was in the summer of 1887, while at a watering-place, that S. made the acquaintance of a distinguished official's family. Immediatel}' she fell in love with the daughter, Marie, and her love was returned. Her mother and cousin tried in Aain to break up this affair. During the winter, the Jovers corresponded zealousl}'. In April, 1888, Count S. paid her a visit, and in Ma}', 1889, attained her wish; in that Marie — who, in the meantime, had given up a position as teacher — became her bride in the presence of a friend of her lover, the ceremony being per- formed in an arbor, by a false priest, in Hungary. S., with her friend, forged the marriage-certificate. The pair lived happily, and, without the interference of the step-father, this false marriage, probably, would have lasted much longer. It is remarkable that, during the comparatively long existence of the relation, S. was able to deceive completely the family of her bride with regard to her true sex. S. was a passionate smoker, and in all respects her tastes and pas- sions Avere masculine. Her letters and even legal documents reached her under the address of " Count S." Slie often spoke of having to drill. From remarks of the father-in-law, it seems that S. (and she afterward confessed it) knew how to imitate a scrotum with handkerchiefs or gloves stuffed in the trousers. The father-in-law also, on one occasion, noticed something like an erected member on his future son-in-law (probably a ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 313 priapus). She also occasionally remarked that she was obliged to wear a suspensory bandage while riding. The fact is, S. wore a bandage around the bod}^ possibly as a means of retaining a priapus. Though S. often had hersell" shaved pro forma^ the servants in the hotel whei'e she lived were convinced that she was a woman, because the chambermaids found traces of menstrual blood on her linen (which S. explained, however, as hsemorrhoidal) ; and, on the occasion of a bath which S. was accustomed to take, they claimed to have convinced them- selves of her real sex by looking through the key-hole. The family of Marie make it seem probable that she for a long time was deceived with regard to the true sex of her false bridegroom. The following passage in a letter from Marie to S., August 26, 1880, speaks in favor of the incredible simplicity and innocence of this unfortunate girl : " I don't like children any more, but if I had a little Bezerl or Patscherl by vay Sandi, — ah, what happiness, Sandi minel" A large number of manuscripts allow conclusions to be drawn concerning S.'s mental individuality. The chirography possesses the character of firmness and certainty. The characters are genuinely mas- culine. The same peculiarities repeat themselves everywhere in their contents, — wild, unbridled passion ; hatred and resistance to all that opposes the heart thirsting for love ; poetical love, which is not marred by one ignoble blot ; enthusiasm for the beautiful and noble ; appreciation of science and the arts. Her writings betray a wonderfullj'^ wide range of reading in classics of all languages, in citations from poets and prose writers of all lands. The evidence of those qualified to judge literary work shows that S.'s poetical and literary ability is by no means small. The letters and writings concerning the relation with Marie are psychologically worthy of notice. S. speaks of the happiness there was for her when by M.'s side, and expresses boundless longing to see her beloved, if only for a moment. After such a happiness, she could have but one wish, — to exchange her cell for the grave. The bitterest thing was the knowledge that now Marie, too, hated her. Hot tears, enough to drown herself in, she had shed over her lost liappiness. Whole quires of paper are given up to the apotheosis of this love, and reminiscences of the time of the first love and acquaintance. S. complained of her heart, that would allow no reason to direct it ; she expressed emotions which were such as onl}^ could be felt, — not sim- ulated. Then, again, there were outl)reaks of most silly passion, with the declaration that she could not live without Marie. " Thy dear, sweet voice ; the voice whose tone perchance would raise me from the dead ; that has been for me like the warm breath of Paradise I Thy presence alone were enough to alleviate my mental and moral anguish. It was a magnetic stream ; it was a peculiar power your being exercised over 314 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. mine, which I cannot quite define ; and, therefore, I cling to that ever- true definition : I love you because I love you. In the night of sorrow I had but one star, — the star of Marie's love. That star has lost its light; now there remains but its shimmer, — the sweet, sad memory which even lights with its soft ray the deepening night of death, — a ray of hope." This writing ends with the apostrophe : " Gentlemen, you learned in the law, psychologists and pathologists, do me justice! Love led me to take the step I took ; all my deeds were conditioned by it. God put it in my heart. " If He created me so, and not otherwise, am I then guilty ; or is it the eternal, incomprehensible way of fate ? I relied on God, that one day my emancipation would come; for m}^ thought was only love itself, which is the foundation, the guiding principle, of His teaching and His kingdom. "O God, Thou All-pitying, Almighty One! Thou seest my dis- tress ; Thou knowest how I sufter. Incline Thyself to me ; extend Thy helping hand to me, deserted by all the world. Only God is just. How beautifully does Victor Hugo describe this in his ' Legendes du Sifecle ' I How sad do Mendelssohn's words sound to me : ' Nightly in dreams I see thee 'I" Though S. knew that none of her writings reached her lover, she did not grow tired writing of her pain and delight in love, in page after page of deification of Marie. And to induce one more pure flood of tears, on one still, clear summer evening, when the lake was aglow with the setting sun like molten gold, and the bells of St. Anna and Maria- Worth, blending in harmonious melancholy, gave tidings of rest and peace, she wrote : " For that poor soul, for this poor heart that beat^ for thee till the last breath." Personal Examination : The first meeting which the experts had with S. was, in a measure, a time of embarrassment to both sides; for them, because perhaps S.'s somewhat dazzling and forced masculine car- riage impressed them ; for her, because she thought she was to be marked with the stigma of moral insauit3^ She had a pleasant and intelligent face, which, in spite of a certain delicacy of features and diminutive- ness of all its parts, gave a decidedly masculine impression, had it not been for the absence of a moustache. It was even difficult for the experts to realize that they were concerned with a woman, despite the fact of female attire and constant association ; while, on the other hand, inter- course with the man Sandor was much more free, natural, and apparently correct. The culprit also felt this. She immediately- became more open, more communicative, more free, as soon as she was treated like a man. In spite of her inclination for the female sex, which had been present from her earliest years, she asserts that in her thirteenth 3'ear she first felt a trace of sexual feeling, which expressed itself in kisses, ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 315 embraces, and caresses, with sensual pleasure, and this on the occasion of her elopement with tlie red-haired English girl from the Dresden Institute. At that time feminine forms exclusively appeared to her in dream-pictures, and ever since, in sensual dreams, she has felt herself in the situation of a man, and occasionally, also, at such times, experienced ejaculation. She knows nothing of solitary or mutual onanism. Such a thing seemed very disgusting to her, and not conducive to manliness. She had, also, never allowed herself to be touched ad genitalia by others, because it would have revealed her great secret. The menses began at seventeen, but were always scanty, and without pain. It was plain to be seen that S. had a horror of speaking of menstruation ; that it was a * thino; repuonant to her masculine consciousness and feelin<>\ She recoa^- nized the abnormality of her sexual inclinations, but had no desire to have them changed, since in this perverse feeling she felt both well and happy. The idea of sexual intercourse with men disgusted her, and she also thought it would be impossible. Her modesty was so great that she would prefer to sleep among men rather than among women. Thus, when it was necessarj^ for her to answer the calls of nature or to cliange her linen, it was necessary for her to ask her companion in the cell to turn her face to the window, that she might not see her. When occasionally S. came in contact with this companion, — a woman from the lower walks of life, — she experienced a sexual excite- ment that made her blush. Indeed, without being asked, S. related that she was overcome with actual fear when, in her cell, she was compelled to force herself into the unusual female attire. Her only comfort was, that she was at least allowed to keep a shirt. Remarkable, and what also speaks for the significance of olfactory' sensations in her vita sexualis, is her statement that, on the occasions of Marie's absence, she had sought those places on which Marie's head was accustomed to repose, and smelled of them, in order to experience the delight of inhal- ing the odor of her hair. Among women, those who are beautiful, or voluptuous, or quite young do not particularly interest her. The physical charms of women she makes subordinate. As by magnetic attraction, she feels herself drawn to those between twenty-four and thirty. She found her sexual satisfaction exclusivel}' in corpora feminae (never in her own person), in the form of raannstupration of the beloved woman, or cunnilingus. Occasionally she availed herself of a stocking stuffed with oakum as a priapus. These admissions were made only unwillingl}' by S., and with apparent shame; just as in her writings, immodesty or cynicism are never found. She is religious, has a lively interest in all that is noble and beau- tiful, — men excepted, — and is very sensitive to the opinion others ma}'^ entertain of her morality. 316 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. She deeply regrets that in her passion she made Marie unhappy, and regards her sexual feelings as perverse, and such a love of one woman for another, among normal individuals, as morall}' reprehensible. She has great literary talent and an extraordinary" memor3^ Her only weak- ness is her great frivolity and her incapability to manage money and property reasonably. But she is conscious of this weakness, and does not care to talk about it. She is 153 centimetres tall, of delicate skeleton, thin, but remark- ably muscular on the breast and thighs. Her gait in female attire is awkward. Her movements are powerful, not unpleasing, though they are somewhat masculine, and lacking in grace. She greets one with a ' firm pressure of the hand. Her whole carriage is decided, firm, and somewhat self-conscious. Her glance is intelligent; mien somewhat diffident. Feet and hands remarkably small, having remained in an infantile stage of development. Extensor surfaces of the extremities remarkably well covered with hair, while there is not the slightest trace of beard, in spite of all shaving experiments. The hips do not corre- spond in any way with those of a female. Waist is wanting. The pelvis is so slim, and so little prominent, that a line drawn from the axilla to the corresponding knee is straight, — not curved inward b}' a waist, or outward by the pelvis. The skull is sliglitly oxycephalic, and in all its measurements falls below the average of the female skull by at least one centimetre. The circumference of the head is 52 centimetres ; the occipital half- circumference, 24 centimetres ; the line from ear to ear, over the vertex, 23 centimetres ; the anterior half-circumference, 28.5 centimetres ; the line from glabella to occiput, 30 centimetres ; the ear-chin line, 26.5 centimetres; long diameter, 17 centimetres; greatest lateral diameter, 13 centimetres; diameter at auditory nieati, 12 centimetres; zygomatic diameter, 11.2 centimetres. The upper jaw projects strikingly, its alveolar process projecting beyond the under jaw about 0.5 centimetre. The position of the teeth is not fullj'^ normal ; the right upper canine has not developed. Mouth remarkably small. Ears prominent ; lobes not diffei'- entiated, passing over into the skin of the cheek. Hard palate narrow and high ; voice rough and deep ; mamma? fairl}" developed, soft, and without secretion. Mons veneris covered with thick, dark hair. Gen- itals completel}' feminine, without trace of hermaphroditic appearance, but at the stage of development of those of a ten-year-old girl. The labia majora touch each other almost completely ; labia minora have a cock's- comb-like form, and project under the labia majora. The clitoris is small, and very sensitive. Frenulum delicate ; perineum very narrow ; introitus vaginse narrow ; mucous membrane normal. Hymen wanting (probabl}^ congenitally) ; likewise, the caruncula? myrtiformes. Vagina so narrow that the insertion of a membrum virile would be impossible, and it is also very sensitive ; certainly coitus had not taken place. Uterus is felt, ANDROGYNY AND GYNANDRY. 317 through the rectum, to be about tlie size of a wahiut, immovable, and retroflected. The pelvis appears generally narrowed (dwarf-pelvis), and of decid- edly masculine type. The distance between anterior superior spines is 22.5 centimetres (instead of 26.3 centimetres). Distance between the crests of the ilii, 2G.5 centimetres (instead of 29.3 centimetres) ; between the trochanters, 2*7.7 centimetres (31); the external conjugate diameter, 17.2 centimetres (19 to 20) ; therefore, pri?sumably, the internal conju- gate would be 7.7 centimetres (10.8). On account of narrowness of the pelvis, the direction of the thighs is not convergent, as in a woman, but straight. The opinion given showed that in S. there was a congenitally abnormal inversion of the sexual instinct, which, indeed, expressed itself, anthropologically, in anomalies of development of the body, depending upon great hereditary taint ; further, that the criminal acts of S. had their foundation in her abnormal and irresistible sexualit}". S.\s characteristic expressions — " God put love in my heart. If He created me so, and not otherwise, am I, then, guilty' ; or is it the eternal, incomprehensible way of fate?" — are really justified. The court granted pardon. The " countess in male attire," as she was called in the newspapers, returned to her home, and again gave her- self out as Count Sandor. Her only distress is her lost happiness with her beloved Marie. '**^)C^ A married woman, in Brandon, Wisconsin, whose case is reported by Dr. Kiernan ( The Medical Standard^ 1888, November and December), was more fortunate. She eloped, in 1883, with a young girl, married her, and lived with her as husband undisturbed. An interesting " historical " example of androgyny is a case reported by Spitzka {Chicago Medical Review^ August 20, 18^1). It was that of Lord Cornbury, Governor of New York, who lived in the reign of Queen Anne. He was apparently affected with moral insanity ; was terribly licentious, and, in spite of his high position, could not keep himself from going about in the streets in female attire, coqvietting with all the allure- ments of a prostitute. In a picture of him that has been preserved, his narrow brow, asymmetrical face, feminine features, and sensual mouth at once attract attention. It is certain that he never actually regarded himself as a woman. Moreover, in individuals afflicted with contrary sexual instinct, in themselves, the perverse sexual feeling and inclina- tion may be complicated with other perverse manifestations. Thus here, with reference to the activity of the instinct, there 318 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. may be acts quite analogous to acts indulged in by individuals in perverse satisfaction of the instinct, but who, at the same time, have a natural inclination toward persons of the opposite sex. Owing to the circumstance that abnormally increased sex- uality is almost a regular accompaniment of contrary sexual feeling, acts of lustful crVielty in the satisfaction of libido are easily possible. A remarkable example of this is the case of Zastrow (Casper-Liman, 7. Auflage, Bd. i, p. 190; ii, p. 487), who bit one of his victims (a boy), tore his prepuce, slit the anus, and strangled the child. Z. came of a psychopathic grandfather and melancholic mother. His brother indulged in abnormal sexual pleasures, and committed suicide. Z. was a congenital urning, and in habitus and occupation mascu- line. There was phimosis. Mentally, he was a weak, perverse, unsocial man. He had horror feminge, and, in his dreams, he felt himself like a woman toward a man. He was painfull}^ conscious of his want of normal sexual feeling and his perverse instinct, and sought satisfaction in mutual onanism, with frequent desire for pederasty. Similar sadistic feelings of this kind, in those afflicted with contrary sexual instinct, are found in some of tlie foregoing his- tories (comp. Cases 107 and 108 of this edition, and Case 96 of the sixth edition). But masochism also occurs (comp. Case 43, sixth edition ; Cases 111 and 114 of this edition; and Case 3, in the first edition of " Neue Forschungen "). As examples of perverse sexual satisfaction dependent on contrary sexual instinct, ma}^ be mentioned the Greek, who, as Athenaus reports, was in love with a statue of Cupid, and defiled it, in the temple of Delphi ; and besides the monstrous cases reported b^^ Tardieu (" Attentats," p. 272), the terrible one reported b}- Lombroso (" L'uomo delinquente," p. 200), of a certain Artusio, who wounded a boy in the abdomen, and abused him sexually by means of the incisions. Cases 86, 110, and 111, also, show that fetichism may also occur with contrary sexual instinct. DIAGNOSIS AND PROGNOSIS. 319 DIAGNOSIS, PROGNOSIS, AND TUERAPY OF CONTRARY SEXUAL INSTINCT. While up to this time contrary sexual instinct has had but an anthropological, clinical, and forensic interest for science, now, as a result of the latest investigations, there is some thought of therapy in this incurable condition, which so heavily burdens its victims, socially, morally, and mentally. A preparatory step for the application of therapeutic meas- ures is the exact differentiation of the acquired from tlie con- genital cases ; and among the latter, again, the assignment of the colicrete case to its proper position in the categories that have been established empirically. The diagnostic differentiation of the acquired from the congenital condition is made without difficulty in the early stages of the anomaly. If sexual inversion has already taken place, then the history of the development of the case will throw light upon it. The important decision, prognostically, as to whetlier the contrary sexual instinct is congenital or acquired, can only be made in such cases by means of the most minute details of the history. The establisliment of the fact that contrary sexual instinct existed before indulgence in masturbation is of great importance with reference to deciding wliether the anomaly is congenital or not. In this, however, a difficulty arises, owing to the possibility of imperfect localization of past events (illusions of memory). For the presumption of acqidred contrary sexual instinct, it is important to prove the existence of hetero-sexual instinct before the beginning of solitary or mutual onanism. In general, the acquired cases are characterized in that : — 1. The homo-sexual instinct appears secondarily, and always may be referred to influences (masturbatic neurasthe- nia, mental) which disturbed normal sexual satisfaction. It is, however, probable that here, in spite of powerful sensual libido, the feeling and inclination for the opposite sex are weak ah origine, especially in a spiritual and aesthetic sense. 320 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. 2. The homo-sexual instmct, as long as inversio sexUalis has not taken place, is looked upon, by the individual affected, as vicious and abnormal, and yielded to only /ante de mieux. 3. The hetero-sexual instinct long remains predominant, and the impossibility of its satisfaction gives pain. It weakens in proportion as the homo-sexual feeling gains in strength. On the other hand, in congenital cases (a) the homo-sexual instinct is the one that occurs primarily, and becomes dominant in the vita sexualis. It appears as the natural manner of satis- faction, and also dominates the dream-life of the individual. (/?) The hetero-sexual instinct fails completely, or, if it should make its appearance during the life of the individual (psycho- sexual hermaphroditism), it is still but an episodical phenomenon which has no root in the mental constitution of the individual, and is essentially but a means of satisfaction of sexual desire. The differentiation of the above groups of congenital con- trary sexuality from one another, and from the cases in which the anomaly is acquired, will, after the foregoing, present no difficulties. The prognosis of the cases of acquired contrary sexual instinct is, at all events, much more favorable than that of the congenital cases. In the former, the occurrence of effemination — the mental inversion of the individual, in the sense of per- verse sexual feeling — is the limit beyond which there is no longer hope of benefit from therapy. In the congenital cases, the various categories established in this book form as many stages of psycho-sexual taint, and benefit is prohahle only within the category of the psycliical hermaphrodites, though possible (vide the case of Schrenk-Notzing) in that of the urnings. The prophylaxis of these conditions becomes thus the more important, — for the congenital cases, prohibition of the reproduction of such unfortunates ; for the acquired cases, pro- tection from the injurious influences which experience teaches may lead to the fatal inversion of the sexual instinct. Numerous predisposed individuals meet this sad fate, be- cause parents and teachers have no suspicion of the danger which masturbation brings in its train to such children. THERAPY. 321 In many scliools and academies masturbation and vice are actually cultivated. At present much too little attention is given to the mental and moral peculiarities of the pupils. If only the tasks are done, nothing more is asked. That many pupils are thus ruined in body and soul is never considered. In obedience to affected prudery, the vita sexualis is veiled lioni the develo[)hig youth, and not the slightest attention given to the excitations of his sexual instinct. How few family physicians are ever called in, during the years of development of children, to give advice to their patients that are often so greatly predisposed ! It is thought that all must be left to Nature; in the mean- time, Nature rises in her power, and leads the helpless, unpro- tected innocent into dangerous by-paths. A more detailed treatment of this prophylactic side of the subject is impossible liere.^ To parents and teachers, the experiences detailed in this work, and numerous scientific works on masturbation, give suggestions. The lines of treatment, when contrary sexual instinct ex- ists, are the following : — 1. Prevention of onanism, and removal of other influences injurious to the vita sexualis. 2. Cure of the neurosis (neurasthenia sexualis and univer- salis) arising out of the unhygienic conditions of the vita sexualis. 3. Mental treatment, in the sense of combating homo- sexual, and encouraging hetero-sexual, feelings and impulses. The most important part of the treatment lies in fulfilling the third indication, particularly with reference to onanism. Only in very few cases, where acquired contrary sexual 1 With reference to prophylaxis, the following words, which were written to me by the subject of Case 88 of the sixth edition, are noteworthy : "If it were only possible that — not as among the Spartans, where the weaklings were allowed to perish for the sake of perfect selection, in accordance with the Darwinian idea — our contrary sexual instincts might be recognized early in youth ; and if it were only possible that, at this time of life, the worst of all diseases could be cured by suggestion ! Probably cure could be more easily effected in youth than later." 21 322 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. instinct has not progressed far, can the fulfillment of 1 and 2 be sufficient, as the following case, fully reported by the author in the Irrenfreund, 1884, No. 1, proves: — Case 132. Count Z., aged 51, of psychopathic mother, was early sent to a military school, and there was taught onanism. He developed well, and had normal sexual feelings, })ut, as a result of mastui'bation, he became somewhat neurasthenic in his seventeenth year. He enjoyed intercourse with women, was married at twenty-five, but after a year more became neurasthenic, and absolutely lost his inclination for women. In its place came contrary sexual instinct. Involved in an accusation for high treason, he was sent to prison for two years, and then to Siberia for five years. In these seven years, under the influence of continued masturbation, neurasthenia and contrary sexual instinct constantly increased. With his freedom restored at the age of thirty-five, the patient began to visit all kinds of health-resorts on account of his great neurasthenia ; and this has since been his occupation. In all these years his abnormal sexual feeling has not changed in any way. For the most part, he lived away from his Avife, whom, it is true, he esteemed for her mental qualities ; though he avoided her, as he did every other woman. His contrary sexual feeling is purely platonic. " Friend- ship," sweet embraces, and kisses sufficed him. Pollutions, which occasion- ally occurred, were induced by lascivious dreams which had for subject persons of his own sex. Also, during the day, the most beautiful woman had no charm for him, while simply the sight of handsome men induced erection and ejaculation. Only athletes and male dancers in the circus and ballet interested him. At times of greater excitability, even masculine statues gave him erections. Now and again he resumed his old vice of masturbation. This man of aesthetic culture had a horror of pederasty. He felt, always, that his perverse sexual feeling was something abnormal, without, however, in his aj^parently much weakened libido and virility, feeling unhappy. The examination gave the usual findings of neurasthenia. De- velopment, manner, and attire presented nothing remarkable. Electrical massage was unusually successful. After a few sittings the patient was mentally and physically much better. After twenty sittings libido was again awakened, not in the same way, but normally, as the patient had felt until his twenty-fifth year. Lascivious dreams were concerned only with women; and one day the patient joyfully gave the information that he had had coitus, and that he had had the same natural feeling in it that he had had twenty-six j^ears before. He then began to live with his wife again, and hoped that he was lastingly freed from neurasthenia and con- trary sexual instinct. His hope was fulfilled for the six years during which I was able to keep the patient under observation. THERAPY. 323 As a rule, physical tieatment, even tliough it be re-iiiforced morally by good advice with reference to the avoidance of mas- turbation, tlio repression of homo-sexual feelings and impulses, and the encouragement of hetero-sexual desires, will not prove sufficient, even in cases of acquired contrary sexual instinct. Here a method of mental treatment — hypnotic suggestion — is all that can bring benefit. The foHowing case is interesting ; and it is an example of successful auto-suggestion that gives encouragement for the milder forms of the anomaly : — Case 133. Aatobiograpln/ of a Psijchical Hermai>hrodite. Success- ful Straggle against Homosexual Inclinations made by the Patient himself. — " My father once had a stroke, but has recovered save for paralj'sis of the face. My mother was very aneemic and melancholic. Both suf- fered severely with hemorrhoids, and my father ascribed to this trouble the lumbar pain with which he suffered from time to time after his marriage. " I am, if I may so express myself, a passive character. When a child, I indulged in all kinds of fancies, religious as well as others. I suffered with incontinence of urine, and it is said that in sleep I handled my genitals, so that my father fastened my hands to the bed! (I was then a mere child, and had not masturl)ated.) I was always very shy and embarrassed in social intercourse. When about fourteen or fifteen 3'ears old, I was seduced into onanism. The impulse and desire for women, occurring in connection with the aw\akening sexual feeling, were, in reality, only of a platonic nature ; I was also without the society of ladies. When about eighteen, I attempted to satisf}^ my sexual desire in the natural way, more in obedience to a feeling of curiosity than from inner longing. Since that time, without having experienced any real in- clination for women, as often as possible I have satisfied my desire by means of sexual intercourse. " Soon after puberty I became very anremic, and appeared much older than I really was. Then came melancholic and i)eculiar ideas. It was a delight to me to fancy myself humiliated in tlie extreme. It may be of interest to add that, at that time, I was troubled with religious doubts, and only later found the courage to rise above religions. I fell in love with young men. At first I opposed these ideas ; later they be- came so powerful that I became a genuine urning. Women seemed to me to be human beings of the second class. I was in a state of despair. My sickened soul was filled with tsedium vitae and thoughts inimical to humanity. One day I read : ' What will it come to ? ' And ere I knew it, I was a socialist ; but an ideal one. Life again had value for me, for I had 324 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. an ideal, — the joyous struggle for the social elevation of the proletariat. This caused a powerful revolution in me. As in my best years (from the age of sixteen to seventeen), I took interest in art, particularly in dramatic art. I am, at the present time, writing a play and a story, and I am occupied with the grandest thoughts. I read a remark of Schlegel's concerning Sophocles, who was indebted to his physical exercise for his energy and creative power, and to music for his artistic proportions. In another place I read : ' The dramatist must, above all things, be mentally intact.' This depressed me ; for my contrary sexual feelings could not arise in a perfectly normal mind. " I thought of having myself treated hjqmotically ; but shame held me back. Then I said to myself that I was a weakling, indeed, to have so little confidence in myself, and began in earnest to combat my abnormal desires. At the same time, I struggled against my nervousness by lead- ing the projier kind of a life. I rowed, fenced, and was much in the open air ; and 1 was delighted when, at last, I awoke and seemed to be an entirely different man. When I thought of the time from my twentieth to my twenty-sixth year, it seemed to me that, during those j^ears, a strange and depressive being had been dwelling within me. " I was astonished that the handsomest rider or the trimmest waiter excited in me almost no interest ; even the muscular masons had no effect on me. I was disgusted when I thought that, at one time, such men had seemed handsome to nie. M3- self-respect increased ; I am good-natured, but my character is entirely active. Since my twentieth year my ap- pearance has steadily improved. My appearance now corresponds per- fectly with my years. There were recurrences of my abnormal inclina- tions, to be sure ; but I struggled against them energetically. I satisfy my libido only by means of natural intercourse, and I hope that, by con- tinuing to lead a proper life, my pleasure in natural coitus will increase." As a rule, only suggestion coming from a second person, and that by means of hypnosis, promises any success. In such cases, the object of post-hypnotic suggestion is to remove the impulse to masturbation and homo-sexual feelings and impulses, and to encourage hetero-sexual feelings ■with a sense of virility. A prerequisite is, of course, the possibility to induce hypnosis of sufficient intensity. It is, unfortunately, in these very cases of neurasthenia that this is impossible, since they are often excited, embarrassed, and in no condition to concentrate their thoughts. Thus, in a case reported by me in the Internailonal. Cen- tralhlatt fur die Pliyslologie und Pathologle der Ham- und THERAPY. 325 Sexualorgane, Bd. i, Heft 2, p. 58, it was impossible for me to induce liypnosis, thouglr the patient desired it, and did every- thing to malve it successfid. By reason of the great benefit that can be given to such unfortunates, and with Ladame's case in view (v. infra), in the future, in all such cases, every- thing should be done to bring about hypnosis, — the only means of salvation. The result, in the three following cases, was satisfactory : — Case 134. Contrary Sexual Instinct Acquired through Masturba- tion. — Mr. X., merchant, aged 29. Father's parents healtliy. Notliiiig nervous in father's family'. Father was an irritable, peevish old man. One brother of the father was a man-about-town, and died unmarried. Motlier died in third confinement, when the patient was six years old ; she had a deep, rougii, masculine voice, and coarse appearance. Of tiie children, one brother is irritable, "melancholic," and indifferent to women. When a child patient had scarlet fever with delirium. Until his fourteenth year he was light-hearted and social, but, after that, quiet, solitary, and " melancholic." The first trace of sexual feeling appeared in his tenth or eleventh year, and at that time he lenrned masturbation from other boys, and practiced mutual onanism with them. At the age of thirteen or fourteen, ejaculation for the first time. Patient has felt no evil results of onanism until the last three months. In school he learned easily, but was troubled with headaches. After the age of twenty, pollutions, in spite of daily practice of onanism. With pollutions, " procreative " dreams, as man and wife might perform the act, occurred. In his seventeenth j'ear he was seduced into mutual onanism by a man having a love for men. He found satisfaction in this, inasmuch as he Avas always very passionate sexually. It was a long time before the patient again souglit new opportunities for intercourse with males. He did it simply to rid himself of semen. He felt no friendship or love for the person with whom he had intercourse. He felt satisfac- tion only when he played the passive role, — when manustupration was practiced on liim. When the act was once completed, he had no respect for the individual. If it liai)pened that, later, he came to respect the man, then he ceased to indulge in the act with liim. Later it became indifferent to him whether he mastin-bated or had masturbation practiced on him. When he himself practiced onanism, he always thought of pleasing men practicing onanism on him during the act. He preferred a hard, rough hand. The patient thought that, had he not been led astraj% he would have arrived at a natural mode of satisfaction of his sexual desires. He 326 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. never felt love for his own sex, tliongb lie liad pleased liimself with the thought of loving men. At first lie had had*sensual inclinations toward the opposite sex. He 'had taken pleasure in dancing, and he had been pleased with women, hut he had taken more pleasure in the figure than the face. Too, he had had erections at the sight of women that pleased him. He had never attempted coitus, for fear of infection ; whether he was potent or not with women, he did not know. He thought he could be so no longer, because his feeling for women had grown cold, especially during late years. While previously, in his sensual dreams, he had had ideas of both men and women, of late years he had dreamed only of approaches to men ; he could not remember that he had dreamed, m late years, of sensual rela- tions with a woman. At the theatre, as well as in the circus and ballet^ the feminine figure had always interested him. In museums masculine and feminine statues had aftected him equal!}'. Patient is a great smoker, a beer-drinker, loves male societ}', and is a gymnast and skater. Anything dandified was repugnant to him, and he had never felt any desire to please men ; he would even have preferred to please women. He now felt his position to be painful, because onanism bad ob- tained the upper hand. Masturbation, that had previously been practiced without evil etfects, now began to disclose its bad results. Since Jul}', 1889, he had suffered with neuralgia of the testicles. The pain occurred particularly at night ; and at night there was also trembling (increased reflex excitability). Sleep was not refreshing, and he would wake up with pain in the testicles. He was inclined, now, to indulge more frequently in onanism. He was afraid of the consequences of the habit. He hoped that his sexual life might still be turned into normal channels. Now, he thought of the future; he had a relation with a girl, who was attractive to him, and the thought to possess her as a wife was pleasing. For five days he had abstained from onanism, but he could scarcely believe that he would be able, with his own strength, to overcome the habit. Of late he had been ver}^ much depressed, having lost all desire for work, and become tired of life. Patient is tall, powerful, well nourished, and has a thick growth of beard. Skull and skeleton normal. Knee-jerks very prompt ; deep re- flexes in upper extremities much increased. Pupils dilated, equal, and act promptly. Carotids of equal calibre ; hyperaesthesia urethrse ; cords and testicles not sensitive ; genitals normal. The patient was calmed, and given hope for the future, provided that he give up onanism and attempt to transfer his sexual desires from persons of his own sex to females. Hip-baths (24° to 20° R.) ; ext. secal. count, aquos., 0.5; antipj'rin, 1.0 {pro die) ; pot. brom., 4.0 (evenings), were ordered. THERAPY. 327 December 13th. To-day the patient came, in a disturbed condition of mind, complaining that, unaided, he was unable to resist the impulse to masturbate, and he asked for help. A trial of hypnosis induced a condition of deep lethargy in the patient. He was given the following suggestions : — 1. I can not, must not, and will not masturbate again. 2. I abhor the love for my own sex, and shall never again think men handsome. 3. I shall and will become well again, fall in love with a virtuous woman, be happy, and make her happy. December 14th. While out walking to-day, patient saw a handsome man, and felt himself powerfully drawn toward him. From this time there were hypnotic sittings every second day, With the above suggestions. December 18th (fourth sitting), somnambulism occurred; the im- pulse to onanism and interest in men disajipear. At the eighth sitting " complete virilit}' " was added to the above suggestions. The patient feels himself morally elevated and physically strengthened. The neuralgia of the testicles has disappeared. He now found that he was without sexual feeling. He now believed himself free from masturbation and contrary sexual inclination. After the eleventh sitting he thought that further help was un- necessary. He wished to go home, and marry. He felt well and potent. Early in January, 1890, treatment ceased. In March, 1890, the patient wrote : " I have since had several occa- sions on which it has been necessary for me to use all ni}^ moral strength in order to overcome my habit, and, thank God, I have been successful in freeing mj'self from this vice. Several times I have had opportunity for sexual intercourse, and I have found pleasure in it. I look calmly on my happy future." Case 135. Acquired Contrary Sexual Tnslinct. Marked Improve- ment tinder Hypnotic Treatment. — Mr. P., born in 1863, official in a manufactory. He comes of a highly respected patrician family of Middle German}^, in which nervousness and insanity have been of frequent occurrence. His great-grandfather on the father's side and his sister died in- sane ; the grandmother died of apoplexy ; father's brother died insane, and a dauo;hter of the latter died of cerebral tuberculosis. The maternal grandmother was melancholic for j^ears ; maternal grandfather, insane. A maternal uncle took his life in an attack of insanity. The patient's father is very nervous. An elder brother is very neurasthenic, and has anomalies of the vita sexualis; another is the subject of Case 155 ; a third is eccenti'ic in conduct, and is said to be subject to fixed ideas. A sister suffers with convulsions, and another died of them when a little child. 328 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. The patient is constitutionally predisposed ; for he was early very peculiar, irritable, irascible, and impressed those around him as being abnormal. His vita sexualis appeared very early and in great intensity, and was satisfied, without any seductions, in onanism. From his sixteenth year the prematurely developed boy visited brothels of the Capital, using his permissions to go out on Sundays and holidays for that purpose. He toolv pleasure in coitus, but during the week he satisfied himself with onanism. After his twentieth year, when he became independent, the patient indulged with prostitutes excessively, and fell ill with neurasthe- nia sexualis, becoming relatively impotent and unsatisfied in coitus, owing to weakness of erection and premature ejaculation. His sexual libido became more powerful than ever, and was satisfied in onanism. Early in 1888 the patient made the acquaintance of a young man. " By his pleas- ing face, his attractive manner, and his beautiful form, he conquered me entirely. I wished to speak to him, and was happ}' at mere sight of him. I was completely in love with him. With this, my love for women was extinguished. Any man could excite me to such an extent that, for some moments, I would feel ray memory fail, and I would stammer. " Soon after this I made the acquaintance of a gentleman who was likewise very attractive, and who had a decided influence on my future life. He was male-loving. I confessed to him that I no longer felt any- thing but aversion for the female sex, and that I was attracted to men. " When I once asked my companion how he brought it about that soldiers would surrender themselves to him, he answered that the princi- pal thing was skill ; almost any of them could be brought to it. Late in 1888, thinking of these words, I was attracted by an officer's servant, and was intensely excited by him, but ejaculation never occurred. Since I saw tliat the soldier would surrender himself without trouble, I ap- proached him. Alium quondam militem in cubiculum allectum rogavi ut veste exuta mecum in lectum concumberet. Rogatus fecit quae volui et alter alterius penem trivit. " Though after this success I misused manj^ persons, I was never really in love, so to speak, with but one. He was a very handsome young fellow of seventeen. His voice was so attractive to me, and his manner was so delicately proper, that I cannot forget him. In my dreams I thought only of handsome young men, and often for whole nights I could not sleep, owing to sensual feeling." Early in 1889 the patient's conduct awakened a suspicion of male- love. A threatening communication frightened him, and plunged him in deep depression, so that he contemplated suicide. At the advice of the family physician, he came to the Capital. Since the patient was unable to overcome his habitual desires by his own will, hypnotic treatment was undertaken. It induced but mild lethargy, and, in opposition to the seduction of former lovers, it had but little effect. THERAPY. 329 At that time the patient was wanting in earnest desire. There was some improvement in matters, in the faee of the disgrace to relatives and the prospect of a legal examination that was actually threatening. The patient determined to attempt a cure with the author. I found him to be a delicate, pale, very neurasthenic man, much de- pressed, and despairing about the future. He was without degenerative signs. He realized his perverted situation, and seemed to be willing to do an3"thing in order to become again a decent, moral man. He regretted exceedingly his sexual perversion, which he regarded as abnormal, but also as having been acquired. He made no attempt to conceal the fact tliat he could not control himself with young men, and likewise he would not say that he could abstain from onanism, to which, faute de mieux, he was driven. Onl,y a powerful, imperious will could keep him from it. Thus far his male-love had consisted exclusively of mutual onanism. Erections occurred only when touching men he loved ; ejaculation re- sulted early, but simple embrace was not sufficient. He had never felt himself in any particuhir sexual role toward a man. Genitals and vegetative organs normal. In addition to treatment directed to his neurasthenia, on April 8, 1890, hypnotic suggestion was begun. Hypnosis was easily induced by simpl}^ looking at him, with verbal suggestion. After a half-minute the patient passed into deep lethargy, with a cataleptiforra state of the muscles. The awakening was brought about b}' suggesting it at count- ing three. Post-hypnotic suggestions were alwaj's successful. The intra-hypnotic suggestions were : — 1. The interdiction of onanism. 2. The command that male-love should be felt to be disgraceful and despicable, and that it should be impossible. 3. The command to regard only women as beautiful; to approach them, to dream of them, and to have libido and erection at sight of them. The sittings occurred daily. On April 14th, the patient announced, with thankfulness and a kind of moral satisfaction, that he had had pleasure in coitus, and had ejaculated tardily. On April 16th, he felt free from inclination to masturbate, attracted to women, and perfectly indifferent to men. He dreamed of female charms and coitus with women. May 1st, the patient seemed and felt himself to be normal sexually. He has become a ditferent man mentally, full of courage and self-confidence. He has coitus with complete satisfaction, and thinks that he is insured against relapse. In a later letter Mr. P. writes : " As was only to be expected, I find myself lastingly freed from my errors. All that remains to remind me of my unhappy time are the dreams, which, though they are infrequent, come from my past, which I have no power to banish, and 330 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. which sometimes, indeed, pleasantly occupy my thoughts. But by my own will I yet hope soon to succeed in freeing m3fself absolutely from them. Should I ever become weak again, the ideas you have im- pressed on me would, I am sure, make an energetic resistance, and I should not succumb." On October 20, 1890, P. wrote me: " I am completely cured of onanism, and I have no pleasure in male-love. Yet complete virility does not seem to have been re-established, notwithstanding the fact that I lead a virtuous life. Nevertheless, I feel satisfied." Case 136. Acquired Contrary Sexual Instinct. — Mr. Z., aged 32, divorced. He comes of a hysteropathic mother. Maternal grandmother suffered with hysteria, and her brothers and sisters were neurotic. One brother is an urning. Z. was but poorly endowed mentally, and did not learn easil}'. No sickness besides scarlatina. When thirteen, he was tauglit to masturbate by companions in a school. Sexually, he was hyperaesthetic, and, at seventeen, began to indulge in coitus, with full pleasure and power. For reasons of position and mone}', he married at twenty-six. The marriage was very unhappy. After a year Mrs. Z. became incapable of coitus, by reason of uterine disease. Z. satisfied his inordinate desires with other women, faute de mieux, by masturba- tion. Besides, he gave himself up to pla3', led an absolutely dissolute life, became exceedingly neurasthenic, and sought to strengthen his weakened nerves b}'^ drinking great quantities of wine and brandy. To his essential cerebral asthenia were added peripheral alcoholic cramps and globus, and lie became very emotional. His libido nimia continued unabated. On account of his disgust of prostitutes and fear of infection, satisfaction b^^ coitus was exceptional. For the most part, the patient helped himself with onanism. Four years ago he noticed weakening of erection and decrease of libido for women. He began to feel himself drawn toward men, and his lascivious dreams were no longer concerned with women, but with men. Three j'ears ago, while being rubbed by a batli-attendant, he became powerfully excited sexually (the attendant also had an erection, to pa- tient's surprise). He could not keep from embracing and kissing the attendant, and allowing liim to perform masturbation on him, the attendant doing it most willingly. From this time this mode of sexual indulgence was all that he cared for. Women became a matter of entire indifference to him ; he devoted himself exclusively to men. With them he practiced mutual masturbation, and had a longing to sleep with them. He abliorred pederasty. He was entirel3^ satisfied until (August, 1890) an anonymous letter, warning him to be careful, brought him to his senses. He was much frightened, had hysterical attacks, and became much depressed. He was embarrassed before men, seemed like a pariah in society, contemplated suicide, and finally confessed to a priest, who comforted him. He now fell into a religious state (equivalent), and, out THERAPY, 331 of remorse and to cure himself of his abnormal sexual inclinations, wished to go into a cloister. While in this state, my " Psychopathia Sexnalis " fell into liis hands. He was frightened and filled with shame, but found a comfort in it, inasmuch as he concluded that he must have some malady. His first thought was to rehabilitate himself sexually in his own eyes. He overcame all disinclination, and visited a brothel. At first he was not successful, on account of great excitement, but he fiuallj' succeeded. Since, however, his contrary sexual inclinations were not overcome, in spite of all his efforts to put them down, he finally came to me, asking for assistance. He felt himself to be terribly unfortunate, and very near to despair and suicide. He saw destruction before him, and would be saved at any price. His confession was interrupted by numerous hysterical attacks. Comforting and encouraging words about his future had a calming influence. Physically, patient presented a slightly retreating brow, with no other anatomical signs of degeneration. Spinal irritation, exaggerated deep reflexes, and a sense of pressure in the head pointed to a neuras- tiienic condition. No genital anomalies, though there was hyperaesthesia urethras. Mien distressed ; attitude relaxed ; mind distracted and vacil- lating. Hipbaths, massage, ergot with antipyrin and pot. brora., ordered, with interdiction of onanism, intercourse with men, and lascivious thoughts of them. After a few days the patient came complaining that he was not equal to the task. He said his will was too weak. In this precarious situation, it seemed that nothing but hypnotic treatment could bring improvement, September 11, 1889. First sitting. Bernheim's method used, in order to induce lethargy as quickl_y as possible. Suggestions : — 1. I abhor onanism, and will not masturbate again, 2. I regard the inclination for men disgusting, — horrible; and I shall never think men handsome and enticing. 3. Women alone I find enticing. Once a week I shall cohabit, with full pleasure and power. The patient received these suggestions, and repeated them in a drawling tone. The sittings took place every second day. After the fifteenth, it was possible to induce the somnambulic stage of hypnosis with au}^ post- hypnotic suggestions desired. The patient improved morally and mentall}^, but symptoms of cere- bral neurasthenia troubled him still, and, now and then, dreams of men occurred ; and there were, also, in the waking state, inclinations toward men, which depressed him exceedingly. 332 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Treatment until September 24th. Result : Free from onanism ; no longer excitable to men, though impressionable to women. Normal coitus once in eight days. Hysterical symptoms absent ; neurasthenic symptoms much ameliorated. On October 6th tlie patient reported by letter that he was feeling well, and expressed his gratitude for his salvation; he felt as if given a new life. December 9, 1889, patient again came for treatment. Of late he had had lascivious dreams of men twice, but had experienced no inclina- tion toward men in the waking state. He had also resisted the impulse to masturbate, though, while living alone in the country, he had had no opportunity for coitus. He had inclinations only for the opposite sex, and, as a rule, dreamed only of females. Returned to the cit}"^, he had indulged in coitus with pleasure. The patient felt himself morally rehabilitated, being almost free from neurasthenic symptoms; and, after three more hypnotic sittings, he declared himself perfectly well, and confident that he would not relapse. Such a relapse occurred, however, in September, 1890, when, after over-exertion on an excursion into the mountains, and emotional strain with want of opportunity for coitus, he had again become neurasthenic. Again he had dreams of men, and felt drawn toward attractive male forms; he ma^sturbated many times, and, after returning to the city, found no real pleasure in coitus. B^^ means of anti-neurasthenic treatment and hypnosis, it was possible soon to restore the previous condition. In the course of the years 1890 and 1891 the patient now and then had contrary sexual feelings and dreams, but only when, as a result of emotional strain or excesses, his neurosis re-appeared. At such times satisfaction in coitus was wanting. He would then find it necessary to undergo a few hypnotic sittings, in order to restore his equilibrium — always with success. At the end of 1891 the patient pointed with satisfaction to the fact that, since treatment, he had been able to avoid masturbation and male-intercourse, and liad regained his self-confidence and self-respect. The foreg-oing details of the successful results of hypnotic suggestion, in cases of acquired contrary sexual feeling, make it seem possible that those unfortunates that are afflicted with the congenital perversion may be helped in some degree by the same means. To be sure, here the condition is entirely different, since a congenital condition must be combated, an abnormal psycho- sexual life annihilated, and a new one created, A prioi'i this THERAPY. 333 task seems impossible; at least, in the perfect urniiig. That the apparently impossible is artificially possible may be seen from the case of Schrenk-Notzing, wliich follows below. It fjir sur- passes the case reported by me {v. infra), in which at least the homo-sexual feelings and impulses were removed by means of liyi)iiotic suggestion. The case of Ladame (v. infra) is an analogous one. The conditions are more favorable in psycho-sexual hermaphrodites, where at least there are rudiments of hetero-sexual feelings that may be strengthened and made operative by suggestion. Case 137. " I was born in 1858, out of wedlock. It was only late that I was able to trace my obscure origin, and obtain knowledge of my parents; and this knowledge is, unfortunately, very obscure and imper- fect. My father and mother were cousins. My father died three years ago. He had later married, and, as far as I know, had several healthy children. " I do not think that my father had contrarj' sexual feelings. Without knowing him as my father, I often saw him when I was a child. He was a powerful, masculine man. As for the rest, it is said that, at the time of my birth, or before, he was sexually ill. " I have often seen my mother on the street, but I did not then know that she was my mother. At the time of my birth she may have been about twenty-four years old. She was tall, and quick and energetic of movement, and her character was decided. At the time of my birth she is reported to have gone about much in male attire, to have worn short hair, to have smoked a long pipe, and in general to have been re- markable for her eccentric character. She was exceedingly well edu- cated, and is said to have been beautiful in her youth. She left a for- tune, — considerable even when measured b^^ our })resent ideas, — but she died unmarried. " In any case, all this would point to homo-sexual inclinations, or, at least, to abnormalities. On the other hand, several years before my birth, my mother took care of a little girl. This step-sister, whom I never knew, married young, but early in her married life, for reasons unknown to me, she poisoned herself. " I am 1.7 metres tall, measure 92 centimetres around the waist, and 102 centimetres around hips, and, therefore, I think my pelvis is somewhat over-developed. The subcutaneous fat has always been abund- ant. Skeletal form is strong. The muscular system is well formed, but, from lack of exercise, perhaps owing to the influence of early, long- continued, and frequent indulgence in onanism, it is not well developed ; so that I appear stronger than I really am. Hair of head and f:ice is 334 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. normal ; genital hair, somewhat thin. The upper portion of the body is as good as without hair. In all other wa3's my appearance is fully mas- culine. Gait, attitude, and voice are those of a fully developed man, and other urnings have often told me that they would never have suspected my passion. I served in the army, and always found pleasure in all knightly exercises, — riding, fencing, swimming, etc. " My early training was under a priest. I had but few real play- mates. The famil}' life of my foster-parents was faultless. In October, 1861, 1 entered the Institute. Here I indulged in my first perverse acts, which I shall describe more fully when I come to the development of my sexual life. " I finished the G^'mnasium, served my voluntary years in the army, and then studied forestry, being now a director of estates. During my early years my mental development Avas very slow. I first learned to speak in my third year, and tlius the supposition that I had hydrocepha- lus was strengthened. Prom the time of beginning school, mj' mental development was abnormal ; indeed, I learned easily, but I have never been able to concentrate my activity on any particular subject. I have a great interest in art and aesthetics, but almost none in music. In early years my character was the worst possible. Without being able to give an}' reason for it, during the last twelve years there has been an entire transformation. Now, there is nothing I hate more than a lie, and 1 never speak untruth even in jest. In financial matters, without being avaricious, I have become an economical manager. " It is enough that, with a deep feeling of shame, I look back on my past; and, if I could be freed from m^' unhappy sexual perversion, or perversity, I should justly' regard myself as a true gentleman. I am kind, and always ready to be charitable to the extent of m^^ means ; I am gay-spirited, and regarded with favor socially. I have no trace of that nervous irritability which is so often noticeable in others like me. Too, I am not wanting in personal courage. There is nothing in the early period of my development that points to abnormality. To be sure, as a child, I liked to lie in bed on my abdomen, and, of a morning, I often took deliglit in rolling about on my abdomen, much to the amusement of my foster-parents; but I cannot recall that, at such times, I ever had sensual feeling. I never sought much to play with girls, and I never pla3red with dolls. I early heard talk about sexual matters; but I never thought an3thing about it. In my dreams, too, at that time, there was nothing sexual ; and, in my association with boys of my own age, there was nothing of that kind. I think I may say that my vita sexualis was really first awakened after I had been seduced into mutual masturbation, in my thirteenth j'ear, by a room-mate at the Institute. At that time ejaculation did not take place, but first about a year later. Nevertheless, I gave myself up to the vice of onanism passionately. At this time, however, the first signs of homo-sexual inclination were mani- THERAPY. 335 fested. Youthful, powerful men, market-helpers, workmen, and soldiers took possession of my dreams, and played an important rule in my fancy while masturbating. At this time was also first shown the ten- dency to pederasty, especially passive. Up to m^^ fourteenth year I frequently made mutual attempts :it pederasty witli my seducer, but neither of us were successful in bringing about immissio. At the same time, there was also a weak inclination for the female sex. About a year after the first indulgence in onanism, I was once with a puella publica, but 1 had neither ejaculation nor any especial feeling of sensual pleasure. Thereafter, and up to my nineteenth year, I performed coitus in public houses about six times. Erection and ejaculation occurred i)romptly, but without marked sensual pleasure. At least onanism, particularly mutual onanism, I liked quite as much. I have never had any love for athletes. About ten years ago, while at II., a watering-place, I thought I was in love with a beautiful lady of a highly respectable family ; I was happy in her presence, and thought myself h:ippy in find- ing my love returned. For a time this affair kept me from mastur- bating ; I was only afraid that, weakened by onanism that had been practiced for years, I should be incapable of performing my marital duty. When we became widely separated, my feeling quickly cooled ; I found that I had deceived myself; and, after about two years, without jealousy, 1 was able to hear that the lady had married. My inclination for women — if, in reality, I have ever had an}' — grew colder and colder. Two and a half years ago, when I visited a public house with very virile friends, I last performed coitus. There was erection, but no ejaculation. Women have become indifferent to me. A prostitute wdio acts coarsely excites my repugnance. With intellectual women, i)articularl3^ when they are elderly, I like to converse, but in their society I am often un- skillful and awkward, often devoid of tact. I have never been able to find any charm in woman's physical form. " But, to return to the perverse inclinations. When, at the age of fourteen, I went to H., I lost sight of my lover and seducer. He was some years older than I, and was an official ; and, in this capacity, when I was nineteen, I again met him once on the railwa}^ We immediately- cut the journey short, and lodged together, attemi)ting mutual pederasty ; but, on account of pain, immissio was not successful. We amused our- selves in mutual onanism. In H. I had sexual intercourse with two fellow-students, but this intercourse was confined to frequent mutual onanism, owing to the fact that they w'ere not inclined to pederasty. During the last year of my stay (when I was nineteen), I had intercourse with another person, which likewise consisted of onanism ; but our inter- course was more intimate, and we always retired, and practiced mutual onanism in bed. From Easter, 1869, until July, 1870, I had no lover. I practiced onanism alone. When the war broke out, I ofl'ered myself as a volunteer, but was not accepted. At the same time a former school- 336 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. mate offered himself. He had developed into a remarkably handsome man. I had to spend one night with him in an over-crowded hotel. Though as students we had never associated sexually", he was not averse to my desire, and attempted pederast}'. In tliis instance pain prevented success; but, in the attempt, ejaculatio ante anum meum oc- curred. Even now I can recall the pleasurable feeling I had in it, — a feeling previously unknown. After the war I frequently met this friend, but our intercourse was later limited to onanism. During the following eighteen j^ears I had but two opportunities for homo-sexual intercourse. The first was in the winter of 1879, on the occasion of meeting a hand- some hussar in a railway carriage. I induced him to sleep with me at an hotel. Later he confessed to me that he had previously practiced mutual masturbation with the son of a landed proprietor of his town. I could not bring him to pederast}'. On the other hand, I induced ejaculation in him b}'^ receptio penis ejus in os meum. This caused me no satisfaction, but rather disgust. I have never tried it again ; and, too, I have never allowed receptio penis mei in os alterius. In 1887, likewise on the rail- way, I made the acquaintance of a sailor, and induced him to stay with me at an hotel. He said he had never practiced pederasty, but he was ready for it. He was apparently sensuall}' excited ; he had an erection immediately, and performed the act with evident passion. It was the first time that pederast}^ was successfully performed. I had terrible pain, but also indescribable pleasure. "With my sojourn here, m^' vita sexualis has undergone a complete change. I have learned how easy it is to find persons who, partly for money and partly from desire, yield to our inclinations. I have also not been spared annoying experiences with cheats. Until the end of the last year (since tlien, owing to fear of venereal infection, I have not gone beyond mutual masturbation), I enjoyed male-love to the full extent, particularly in passive pederasty. I have never practiced active peder- ast}^, because I have found no one able to endure the pain. " Generally, I seek my lovers among cavalrymen and sailors, and, eventual!}', among workmen, especially butchers and smiths. Robust forms, with healthy facial complexions, attract me especially. Leathern riding-trousers have a particular charm for me. I have no partiality for kissing and the like. I also love large, hard, and calloused hands. "I do not wish to leave unmentioned that, under certain circum- stances, I have great control of myself. " As director of an estate, I lived in a large house. My personal servant was a very handsome young man who had served in the hussars. After once having spoken with him, in general terms, on the subject, and found that he could not be approached, for years I lived in close intimacy with him, and enjoyed his beauty, but never touched him. I think that, to this day, he knows nothing of my passion. Likewise, two and a half years ago, in C, I made the acquaintance of a sailor, who is still regarded TUERAPY. 337 by me and my acquaintances as one of the handsomest men we know. After an absence of moie than two years, on invitation, he visited me a few weelvs ago. I knew how to arrange matters so that we slept in the same room, and I burned with desire to be nearer to him. As a prelim- inary, however, I sounded him in confidential talk ; and, when I found that he despised everything connected with male-love, I had not the heart to ai)proach him more closely. For weeks we slept in the same room, and I took constant delight in his divine form (at first, was sexually excited, in fact) ; I bathed with him, in the Roman manner, in order to see his beautiful form naked, — but he never learned anything of my passion. I still have an ideal, platonic relation with this young man, who, for one of his position, has an unusual education and line talent for poetry. " Until my thirty -eighth 3'ear I had not a clear understsinding of my condition. I always thought that, by early and frequent mastur- bation, I had become averse to women, and hoped alwaj's that, when the right woman came, I should be able to abandon onanism and find pleasure in her. Here it was that I first came to fully understand my condition, after making the acquaintance of others suffering and feeling like myself. At first I was frightened ; laterj^ came to look upon my fate as something not dependent on myself. Too, 1 made no further eflTort to resist temptation. " Two or three weeks ago ' Psychopathia Sexualis ' fell into my hands. The work has made an unexpectedly deep impression on me. At first I read the work with an interest that was undoubtedly lasciv- ious. The description of the cultivation of mujei'ados, for example, excited me uncommonly. The thought of a young, powerful man being- emasculated in this manner, in order, later, to be used for })ederast3^ by a whole tribe of wild, powerful, and sensual Indians, so excited me that I masturbated five times during the next two days, fancying myself such a presumptive mujerado. The farther I read in the book, however, the more I saw its moral earnestness; the more I felt disgust with m^^ con- dition ; and the more I saw that I must do everything, if it were possible, to bring about a change in my condition. When I had finished the book, I was determined to seek assistance from its author. " The readino; of this work had an undoubted effect. Since then I have masturb;ited only twice, and have practiced onanism with cavalry- men only twice. In every instance I have had really less pleasure and satisfaction than before, and I always have the feeling: ' Ah, if I could only be free from it 1 ' Nevertheless, I confess that, even now, in the society of handsome soldiers, I immediately have erection. " In conclusion, I may add that, in spite of, or, perhaps, on account of, onanism, I have never had pollutions. The ejaculation of semen, which usually consists of only a few drops, and it has always been so, takes place only after prolonged friction. If, for any reason, I have not 23 338 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. masturbated for a long time, the ejaculation takes place quickly, and is more abundant. About twelve years ago Hansen tried in vain to liypnotize me." In the spring of 1891 the writer of the foregoing autobiography visited me, with the declaration that he could live no longer in his con- dition ; that he looked to hypnotic treatment as the only hope of salva- tion, for he had not strength enough to resist his impulse to masturba- tion and satisfaction with persons of his own sex. He felt like a pariah ; like an unnatural man ; like one outside the laws of nature and society, and in danger of criminal prosecution. He felt moral repugnance when lie performed the act with a man, but 3 et the sight of any handsome soldier actually electrified him. For years he had not had the slightest S3'mpathy with women, not even mentalh'. The patient looked to be exactly the person, ph3^sically and mentall}", described by himself in his autobiography. His head was exquisitely hydrocephalic, and also i>lagioceplialic. At first attempts at h^'pnosis met with difficulties. Only by Braid's method, with the help of a little chloroform, was deep lethargy attained at the third sitting. From that time simpl}' looking at a shining object was sufficient. The suggestions consisted of tlie comman^ to avoid masturbation, the removal of homo- sexual feelings, and the assurance that the patient would have inclination for women and be virile, and have pleasure onlj' in hetero-sexual inter- course. Masturbation was indulged in but once; after the eighth sitting the patient dreamed of a woman. When, after the fourteenth sitting, the patient had to return, on account of pressing business, he declared that he was quite free from any inclination to masturbate or to indulge in mule-love, but that he was by no means absolutely free from his partiality for men. He felt a returning interest in the female sex, and hoped to be freed finally from bis unhappy condition by continuance of the treatment. Case 138. Psychical Hermaphroditism. — Mr, von P., aged 25, single, comes of a neuropathic ft\mil3'. As a child he had convulsions. He recovered, but remained weak, emotional, and irritable. No severe illnesses. Before his tenth year sexuality was manifested. His earliest remembrance concerning it was tliat of lascivious feelings in company with the servants of the house. When older, he had sensual dreams which were of intercourse with men. In circuses the male performers alone interested him. Youthful, powerful men were most enticing to him. Often, he could scarcelj'^ resist the longing to fall ou their necks and kiss them. Of late simply' the touching of such persons had become sufficient to give him pleasure and induce ejaculation. The impulse to engage in " affairs " with men he had, thus far, fortunately resisted. The patient is a psy- chical hermaphrodite, in so far as he is not insensitive to the charms of women, and finds men more pleasing than women. In fact, feminine THERAPY. 339 nudity had never pleased him, and he can remember only to have dreamed once of coitus with a woman. On account of his great sexual desire, and because he was ashamed to give himself up to men, after his twentieth year he began to have sexual intercourse with women. Since then, he has very seldom indulged in manual onanism, but often in mental masturbation, during which the forms of handsome men float through his fiuicy. He had coitns with success, but without pleasure or sensual feeling. On account of circumstances, he was forced to abstain from his twenty-second until his twenty-fourth year. This abstinence was painful, and he relieved himself, now and then, by mental onanism. When, a year ago, he had opportunity again for coitus, he noticed failure of libido for women, imperfect erection, and premature ejaculation. Finally he gave up coitus; then liliido for men was manifested. In the condition of irritable weakness of the ejaculatory centre, mere touching of sympathetic men was suflicient to induce ejacula- tion. Patient is an only child. The circumstances of his ftimilj^ demand that he marr^-. He justly hesitates to do this, thinks he is mentally impotent, and asks for advice and help. He points out that his feeling for men must be eradicated in order to help him. Patient's appearance is, in all respects, masculine. His head is slightly hydrocephalic and rliombic. Abundant growth of beard. Geni- tals normal; cremasteric reflex cannot be excited. No manifestations of neurasthenia. Neuropathic eyes. Pollutions infrequent. Erections occur only as a result of contact with men. July 16, 1889, hypnotic suggestion, after Bernheim's method, was begun. It was first at the third sitting that deep lethargy was induced. Suggestions : " You have no longer any desire for men. Only woman is beautjful and desirable. You will love a woman, marry, be happ3', and make her happ3\ You are fully potent; you feel that already." In daily h^'pnosis, which never goes beyond lethargy, the patient accepts the suggestions. On July 24th, he announces that he has had pleasure in coitus ; and the male servants no longer interest him. At the same time, he still finds men more beautiful than women. On August 1, 1889, it was necessary to discontinue treatment. Result : Completely potent ; entire indifference for men, but also for women. The same treatment met with decided success in a case of psycho-sexual hermaphroditism, reported by me in vol. i of the Internat. Centralhlatt filr die Physiol, u. Path, der Ham- und Sexualorgane. 340 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Case 139. Mr. von X., aged 25, landed proprietor. He comes of a neuropathic, passionate father. Father is said to have been noi'mal sexually. His mother was nervous, as were her two sisters. Maternal grandmother was nervous, and his maternal grandfather was a 7'oue, much given to venery. Patient is like his mother, and an only child. From birth he was weak, suffered much with migraine, and was nervous. He passed through several illnesses. At fifteen he began masturbation, without having been taught it. Until his seventeenth year he says he never had feeling for men, or, in fact, anj^ sexual inclination ; but at this time desire for men arose. He fell in love with a comrade. His friend returned his love. They embraced and kissed and indulged in mutual onanism. Occasionally patient practiced coitus inter femora viri. He abhorred pederasty. Las- civious dreams were concerned only with men. In the circus and theatre males alone interested him. The inclination was for those of about twenty years. Handsome, tall forms were enticing to him. Given these conditions, he was quite iuditferent to other characteristics of tlie men. In his sexual affairs with men his part was always that of a man. After his eighteenth year the patient was always a source of anxiety to his highly respected parents, for he then began a love-affair with a male waiter, who fleeced him and made him an object of remark and ridicule. He was taken home. He consorted with servants and hostlers. He caused a scandal. He was sent away for travel. In London he got into a " blackmailing scrape," but succeeded in escaping to his home. He profited in no wa3' by this bitter experience, and again showed disgraceful inclinations toward men. Patient was sent to me to be cured of his fatal peculiarity (December 12, 1888). Patient is a tall, stately, robust, well-nourished young man, of musculine build ; large, well-formed genitals. Gait, voice, and attitude are masculine. He has no pro- nounced masculine passions. He smokes but little, and only cigarettes ; drinks little, and is fond of confectioner}'. He loVes music, arts, aesthetics, flowers, and moves in ladies' society b}'^ preference. He wears a moustache, the face being otherwise cleanly shaved. His garments are in nowise remarkable. He is a soft, blase fellow, and a do-nothing. He lies abed mornings, and can scarce!}' be made to rise before noon. He says he has never regarded his inclination toward his own sex as abnormal. He looks 'upon it as congenital; but, taught by his evil experiences, he wishes to be cured of his perversion. He has little faith in his own will. He has tried to help.himself, but always begins to masturbate. This he finds injurious, inasmuch as it causes slight neuras- thenic symptoms. There is no moral defect. The intelligence is a little below the average. Careful education and aristocratic manners are apparent. The exquisite neuropathic eye betraj'S the nervous constitu- tion. The patient is not a complete and hopeless urning. He has hetero- THERAPY. 341 sexual feeling.'^, hut his sensual inclinations toward the opposite sex are manifested weakhj and infrequently. When nineteen, he was first taken to a brothel by friends. He experienced no liorror feminju, had eflicient erections, and some pleasure in coitus, but not tlie instinctive delight he experienced while embracing men. Since then, patient asserts that he has had coitus six times, twice sua sjionte. He gives the assurance that he is always capable of it, but he does it only faute de mieux^ as he does masturbation, when tlie sexual impulse troubles him, as a substitute for intercourse with men. He has thonght of the possibility of finding a sympathetic lady and marrying her. He would regard marital cohabitation and abstinence from inter- course with men as hard duties. Since there were rudiments of hetero-sexual feelings present, and the case could not be looked upon as hopeless, it seemed tliat treatment was indicated. Tlie indications were clear enough, but there was no support for them in the will of the indolent patient, so unconscious of his own position. It lay near to seek support for the moral intluence in hypnosis. The fulfillment of this hope seemed doubtfid, because the famous Hansen had tried several times, in vain, to hypnotize him. At the same time, by reason of the most important social interests of the patient, it was necessary to make another attemi)t. To my great surprise, Bendieim's procedure induced immediately a condition of deep lethargy, with possil)ility of post-hypnotic suggestion. At the second sitting somnambulism was induced by merely look- ing at him. The patient is obnoxious to suggestions of all kinds ; indeed, contractures are induced by stroking him. He is awakened by counting- three. Awakened, patient li:is amnesia for all the events of the hypnotic state. Hypnosis is induced every second or third day for the communi- cation of hypnotic suggestions. At the same time, moral and hydro- therapeutic measures are employed. The hypnotic suggestions were as follow: — 1. I al)hor onanism, because it makes me sick and miserable. 2. I no longer have inclination toward men ; for love of men is against religion, nature, and law. 3. I feel an inclination toward women ; for woman is lovely and desirable, and created for man. During the sittings the patient always repeats these suggestions. After the fourth sitting it was noticeable that, when taken into societ}', he paid court to ladies. Shortly after that, when a famous prima-donna sang, he was all enthusiasm for her. Some days later the patient sought the address of a brothel. At the same time, he preferred the societ}^ of young gentlemen ; but the most careful watching failed to reveal anything suspicious. February iTth. Patient asks to be allowed to indulge in coitus, and is very well satisfied with his experience with one of the demi-monde. 342 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Miircli 16th. Up to this time, hypnosis twice a week. The patient always passes into deep somnambulism by simpl}' being looked at, and, at request, repeats the suggestions. He is obnoxious to all kinds of post-hypnotic suggestion, and, in the waking state, knows not the least of the influences exerted on him in the hypnotic state. In the h3'pnotic condition he alwa^^s gives the assurance that he is free from onanism and sexual feeling for men. Since he gives the same answers in hypnosis, — e.g., that on such and such a date he practiced onanism for the last time, and that he is too much under the will of the physician to be able to lie, — his assertions deserve belief; the more, since he looks well and is free from all neurasthenic symptoms, and, in the society of men, not the slightest suspicion rests on him. An open, free, and manlj' bearing is developed. Moreover, since, of his own will, he now and then indulges in coitus with pleasure, and occasional pollutions are induced l)y lascivious dreams which concern women, there can be no douljt of the favorable change of his vita sexualis ; and it is presumable that the hypnotic suggestions liave developed into auto-suggestive inclinations, which direct his feel- ings, thoughts, and will. ProbabI}' the patient will always remain a uatura frigid a ; but he more often speaks of marriage, and of his inten- tion to win a wife as soon as he has become acquainted with a s^Mupa- thetic lady. In July, 1889, I received a letter from his father, which told me of his good health and conduct. On Ma}' 24, 1890, by chance, I met m}' former patient, while on a journey. His bright, healthful appearance allowed the most favorable opinion of his condition. He told me that he still had sympathetic feeling for some men, but never anything like love. He occasional!}' had pleasurable coitus with women, and now thought of marriage. I hy})notized him, in tlie former manner, to try iiim, and asked for the commands 1 had given him. In a deep condition of somnam- bulism, and in the same tone of voice as formerl}', tlie patient repeated the suggestions he had received in December, 1888, — an excellent example of the possible duration and power of post-hypnotic suggestion. Case 140. Psychical Hermaphroditism ; Improvement ivith Hypnotic Treatment.— Mr. von K.,iiated in the interval, and that he had resisted his inclination to men. Too, he had not dreamed of men, but twice of women, though only platonically. His cerebral asthenia (ex abstinentia ?) had increased. He apparently suffers for the want of mental and sensual satisfaction of his vita sexualis ; for homo-sexual love and masturbation have become impossible for him, and intercourse with women is denied him. The patient is thus painfull}^ depressed to the extent of taedium vitjie. He is now subjected to anti-neurasthenic treatment (hydro-thera- peutic and electro-therapeutic), and the treatment by hypnosis is re- sumed. Only after ten weeks of painstaking treatment did the neuras- thenic symptoms disappear. Progressing parallel with this, there was a change of his mental personality. The patient was gratified to note that he grew stronger ; that his sexual life no longer plaj-ed a dominating part. Though he felt more drawn toward men than women, yet he easily resisted homo-sexual desires. His former boudoir became a work-room ; instead of to adorn- ment and frivolous reading, he gave himself to walks in the mountains and forests. On account of the danger of a fiasco, the initiative in hetero-sexual attempts was left to the patient. It was not until the fourteenth week of treatment that the patient made an attempt. It was perfectly successful. The patient became happy, and sound in body and mind, and expressed the best hope of his future, even having thoughts of marriage. He experienced increasing pleasure in normal sexual intercourse; THERAPY. 347 he occnRionall}^ bad lascivious dreams of women, and no longer dreamed of men. The patient stopped treatment at the end of September. He felt perfectly normal in hetero-sexual intercourse, devoid of neurasthenia, and had thoughts of marriage. Yet he freel}' confessed that he still alwaj^s had erections at the sight of a naked, handsome man ; though he could easily resist the desires that arose, and in dreams had exclusivel}^ " rela- tions avec la femme.'''' In April, 1891, I again saw the patient, and he was in the best of health. He regarded his vita sexualis as perfectly normal ; for he had coitus regularly with pleasure and full virility, dreamed only of women, and had no inclination to masturbation. Yet he made the interesting confession that frequently, post coitum, he still had a temporary " gout jMur riiomme,^^ which he could easily control. He thought he was last- ingly cured, and was occupied with thoughts of marriage. Case 143. Congenital Contrary Sexual Feeling. Successful Be- moval of Homo-Sexual Feelings by Suggestions. — L., doctor of philoso- phy, aged 34, Grerman, consulted me, in the spring of 1888, on account of perversion of his vita sexualis, and asked whether he could not be freed from it b}^ means of hypnotic treatment. Patient came of a health}^ mother, in whose family, for genera- tions, there had been neither insanity nor nervous disease. He, like his only brother, is much like his father mentally. His brother is very sensual, and also psychically abnormal, and given to over-indulgence in drink. His father was a neuropathic, eccentric man. Nothing is known of any abnormal sexual manifestations in him, though, like all his brothers, he had a tendency to over-indulgence in alcohol. This vice seems to have been inherited from his mother (grand- mother of patient), who was a notorious drinker. The father of this woman (great-grandfather of patient) was also a great drinker. No other ancestral history was obtainal)le. Patient states that from childhood he was nervous and easily ex- cited. He learned very easily, and had a talent for languages. He was always interested in art, particularly in music and poetry. His education was excellent, and given at home. When he was thirteen, his father told him that he should never touch his genitals, for it was wrong to do so, and to do it might bring unhappiness. Occasionally his father showed him pictures of syphilitic diseased conditions, etc., in an anatomical museum, and the patient was disgusted and frightened. He believed that his later fear of sexual intercourse with women was partly nourished by this early erroneous teaching. However, the patient seeks the principal cause of his sexual per- version in a defect of organization. When a small boy, he had a silly en- thusiasm for companions. He also remembers that, at that time, he had a 348 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. desire only for girlish games, and preferred the society' of girls. When a boy, he had a passion for crocheting and embroidering. At fourteen he was still without an}^ sexual knowledge, and fell into the hands of a pederast. He ran away, frightened, when he learned what was to be done with him. When fifteen, a sympathetic companion was accustomed to lay his head in the patient's lap. This gave the patient a peculiar pleasurable feeling, but he knew no explanation of it. At sixteen he had the first erections — at the sight of men. At twenty he first learned that his sexual condition was perverse, and recognized the fact that what he had taken for friendship was love. He was much frightened at the discovery, and much pjuned. His sympa- thies were directed toward young men of the upper class that were handsomely formed and of pleasing appearance. The society of ladies had no effect on him. He was never attracted by the charms of the opposite sex. In his fifteenth 3'ear he had a sensual dream, in which he thought a girl of elegant figure sat opposite him, on a sofa. In the theatre it was only the art of the actresses that he admired ; the actors excited his real interest. Drinking and smoking had always been very repugnant to him. Hunting and gymnastics, and other masculine occupations, had no interest for him. He did not enter the army, because his general ph}- sieal weakness precluded it. The patient has but little sexual desire. He has never had any im- pulse to satisfy himself with persons of his own sex. Some j-ears ago, when he first tried to embrace a man lovingly, he had powerful erection and became greatl^^ excited ; but he was able to control himself and to repel his lover. Thereafter he always avoided such attempts. It was only seldom that he became powerfully excited sexually, and even then he was not driven to satisf3' himself. He was never given to onanism. During the establishment of puberty, the patient liad frequent dreams with pol- lutions, but these were not induced by erotic fancies of any kind. Some years ago, for a long time, ejaculation was alwaj's induced by the embrace of a S3'mpathetic man, but this condition of irritable weak- ness disappeared. As years passed, the patient, who had always had a desire for mariiage and a fomily, became anxious on account of the con- viction that tlie inclination toward females, for which he had hoped, would never come. It became more and more clear to him that he was abnormal, and he began to have fears about his virility and his future happiness in life. In order to test the matter, he sought a brothel. He foinid a pros- titute of beautiful form ; he had the best will to satisfy himself that he was virile ; the woman did all she could, but in vain. There was no erection, and he withdrew, ashamed. New attempts, under the most favorable circumstances, were likewise failures, though the patient THERAPY. 349 brought his imagination to his aid, and thought liimsclf to be embracing a man instead of a woman. lie now realized that his ideal — to consummate marriage — was impossible. He felt himself very unfortunate, and dissatisfied with life. Besides, it forced itself upon him that morally he was lowered, because he could not overcome his inclination for his own sex, and his friendship for respectable men of his circle was degraded by sexual feelings. In his consultation with me, the patient was unending in the description of his painful situation. His ideal was marriage. He longed for it, for l)urely ethical reasons. He thought of it as something holy; but the begetting of children, the sexual act, was very repugnant to' him. At the same time, he saw that he could not really mai'ry without being potent. Would not hypnotic suggestion exercise a favorable influence on his sexual life ? He had not the energy of a man of normal sexual condition. He seemed to himself to be all Avrong. He would endure all — to be poor and miserable — if he could but have a normal sexual inclination. When the patient was gently told of the congenital and deep con- stitutional significance of his sexual anomaly, and shown that, therefore, the creation of a normal sexual condition was doubtful, he tliought tliat he would be satisfied to remain in his condition. But he wished to know whether it were not possible to eradicate his inclination for men, without attempting to create an ecpiivalent for women ; and if, in hypnosis, it could not be suggested to him that, in the future, men be a matter of indiflerence to him, and that, in intercourse with his friends, he no longer be excited sexually. Such a result would elevate very much his moral feeling, and make him satisfied and unembarrassed in social relations with hi^ friends. The possibility of such suggestive removal of feelings by hypnosis could not be gainsaid, though he was in doubt as to whether he could be hypnotized or not, since the hypnoscope had proved to have no eflect u[)on him. Out of pity and scientific interest, I decided to make an immediate attempt at hypnosis, after Bernheim's method. The patient passed easily into a condition of deep lethargy, and, in a drawling voice, repeated the following suggestion : " I feel that, from this time, I am sexually indifl'erent to men; and, that a man is as sexually indifferent to me as a woman." When I counted three, — having suggested previously that he awake at three, — the patient came to himself, as if out of a deep sleep, and per- formed immediately the post-hypnotic suggestion to oi)en the door of the stove. He said that he had not lost consciousness entirely, that he had felt as one paralyzed and without will, and that he hud felt a peculiar creeping sensation in all his limbs. After five days the patient came again. In manner he was a difierent person, and he said, joyfully, that he felt like another man. Energy and will-power — the loss of which he had felt so keenly — had 350 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. returned. He felt, now, entirely unembarrassed toward men, and had a new joy in living. The following seven days he was hypnotized. Hypnosis is no longer as deep as at first, though the suggestion is always accepted and repeated. However, he is quite profoundly influenced ; for, the sugges- tion given, he sleeps on, in a state of lethargy, for ten minutes, and has to be awakened by suggestion. This alwaj-s occurs as if from a deep sleep, — slowly, and through a stage of somnolence. After the eighth sitting the patient found himself well and happy, and in possession of full self-confidence. He had the feeling and the evidence that men had no influence on him. He thought he could dispense with h3'pnotic treatment, and grate- fully took his leave, with the promise that, should the influence of the suggestion fade, he would come again. Since then, I have heard nothing more of this interesting patient, and I have reason to hope that he remains improved. The patient is, in all respects, of masculine appearance; beard abundant. Physically, with the exception of slight neurasthenic s^mp- toms,he presents nothing remarkable. Genitals normal. (Personal case. Internal. Gentralblatt, etc., Bd. i. Heft 1.) Case 144. X., aged 33; single; tall. Mentally, of small endow- ment ; comes of tainted famil3^ Paternal grandfather died at thirty -four with a mental disease, which is said to have developed as a result of onanism and spermatorrhoea. His father and brother suffered with dis- turbances of the sexual functions. There was insanity in the mother's family ; other branches of the family were noted for their irritable and eccentric character. The patient has too small a head, a retreating brow, abnormal ears, sparse growth of hair, and a hernia, which is probably congenital. Genitals large, and normall}^ developed. Great impressionability ; neiiropathic constitution ; occasional tse- dium vitJB. For several 3'ears, peculiar, imperative ideas : that he is a locomotive ; a horse ; a velocipede ; and, that he must act accordingly. From his earliest youth, contrary sexual feeling (congenital). Horror feminse ; sexual inclination toward boys ; satisfaction by sensual contact, and, faute de mieux, masturbation. One day he had an aftair with a boy dressed in gray, Avhich made a deep impression on him. Since then, while masturbating, the image of the boy comes into his mind ; and he cannot see gra}' clothes without having powerful erections. On the advice of phj'sicians whom he consulted, he attempted coitus with women, but was cold and impotent, notwithstanding the assistance of memory -pictures of the boy dressed in gray ; and he finally gave up the efforts. March 27th, first hypnotic sitting. Small result. He resists, and says his fancy keeps him from going to sleep. THERAPY. 351 In a further series of sittings he declares that he experiences un- favorable effects, — is more excited, and trouljled by imperative ideas and the desire to masturbate. He maizes fun of the physician and hypnotism, and offers much resistance, with the expression that hypnotism is good for nothing, and only makes people crazy. However, gradually it became possible to induce somnambulism. After twenty-flve sittings the patient confessed that he was better, and that he was less troubled with imperative ideas and onanism. The sit- tings were repeated ever}^ week or two. The patient felt mentally and morally well, ceased to masturbate, but, at the end of treatment, was in- different toward the opposite sex (Dr. Ladame, Beuue de Vhyjmotisme, September 1, 1889). In the two foregoing cases there was successful suggestive removal of homo-sexual feelings, — a result which, as Case 143 sliows, means a great improvement for such unfortunate indi- viduals, in that it protects them from shame and the law. An entirely different and phenomenal result is presented hy the following case, reported hy Dr. v. Schrenk-Notzing in the Wiener internat. Idin. Rwulsehmi, October 6, 1889, No. 40, which is a case of effemination. It discloses a new method of treatment of urnings ; but it is necessary to guard against illusions. Only where hypnosis can be deepened to somnam- bulism, are decided and lasting results to be expected: — Case 145. Gomjenital Contrary Sexual Instinct Improved by Hypnotic Suggestion. — R., official, aged 28. January 20, 1888, he sought medical advice. He is the brother of the patient who is the subject of Case 135, and, therefore, of a badly tainted fomily (u. supra). Toward the end of treatment, he confessed that he was the author of the autobiography which was pviblished as Case 83 in the fifth edition of this work, and it is here reproduced : — " In brief, my abnormality consists of this, that in sexual relations I feel myself to be completely feminine. Since my earliest youth, in my sexual acts and fancies, I have always had before my eyes only images of masculine beings and masculine genitals. " Until I went to the University, 1 found nothing in this (I had never spoken with others about my fancies, but rather, while at the Gymnasium, lived a silent and retired life). " While at the University, it struck me that female persons made not the slightest impression on me. Since then, in houses of prostitution, etc., I have attempted coitus, or only to obtain an erection, with women, but always in vain. 352 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. " Erection ceased immediately, as soon as I was in a room alone with a woman. At first I considered it impotence, though, at the same time, I was so excited sexually that I had to masturbate several times during the day in order to sleep. " Quite different, however, has been the development of my feel- ings toward the masculine sex, and it has grown stronger every year. At first they expressed themselves in extraordinary, enthusiastic friend- ship for certain persons, under whose windows at night I would wait for hours ; whom in all possible ways I would try to meet on the streets, and with whom I sought to come in contact. I wrote such persons the most passionate letters, in which, however, I was shy in express- ing my feelings too plainly. Later, after my twentieth year, I came to understand the essential nature of my inclinations, particularly from the sensual pleasure I experienced as soon as I came in direct contact with any of these friends. These persons were all finely built men, with dark hair and eyes. I have never had my feelings excited by boys. Real pederasty is absolutely incomprehensible to me. About this time (twenty-second to twenty-third year) the circle of my beloved friends grew more and more extensive. Now I can scarcely see a handsome man on the street without having the wish to possess him excited in me. The fact is, I especially love persons of the lower classes, whose powerful forms attract me, — soldiers, policemen, car-drivers, etc., — i.e., all that wear uniforms. If one of these returns my look, I feel a kind of thrill go through my whole body. I am especially excitable in the evening, and merely the heavy tread of a soldier is alone sufllcient to induce the most powerful erections. I take a very peculiar pleasure in following such persons and looking at them. As soon as I learn that they are married, or that they consort with girls, my excitement very frequently ceases. *' A few months ago I became able to control my inclinations to such an extent that they were not directly noticeable. About this time I followed a soldier who seemed likely to acquiesce in my desire, and spoke to him. For money he was ready for anything. At once I was filled with a most violent longing to embrace and kiss him, and the danger of being noticed did not deter me from doing it. lie had scarcely grasped my genitals when ejaculation followed. With this meeting, I had finally attained the long-desired goal of my life, I knew that my whole nature would find its happiness and satisfaction in it, and from this time I gave myself up entirely to the effort to find a person whom I could love, and from whom I should never part. For my acts I do not experience the slightest twinge of conscience. " To be sure, in quiet moments, I very well appreciate the difference between my way of thinkmg and the way of the world ; as a lawyer, too, I naturally recognize the dangers of a relation of the kind I desire ; but, as long as my entire nature does not change, I shall not be able to THERAPY. 353 give up the opportunities offered me. Nevertheless, I should be willing to undergo any cure to be freed from my abnormal condition. " I recognize my feminine feeling, among otlier things, in tlie fact that any sensual idea in connection with a woman must be forced, and seems unnatural to me. I am also sure that my respect for a woman — I move much in the society of ladies, and enjoy it — would change imme- diately to repugnance, were I to notice any sensual inclination in her toward me. In my di'eams and sensual fancies of men, I always think of myself in such positions with them that their faces are always toward mine. My greatest delight would be to have a powerful man, undressed, take me in his arms with a force 1 could not resist. In such situations I always think of myself in a passive role, and have to force my feelings, in order to think of myself in any other position. In this, I am truly feminine. Great as my desire may be to a|)proach certain persons, my struggle is as great not to allow this to be noticed. Moustaches, abund- ance of hair, and even dirt, seem to be especially enticing. It is hardl>' necessary to say that, to me, mj^ condition, with reference to society, is absolutely desperate ; and, if I had not the hope of finding a l)eing that would understand me, life would be scarcely endurable. I feel that sexual commerce with a man is the only means of successfully combating my impulse to onanism. Though this has a very bad effect on me, I cannot keep myself from it constantly, because, as I have ©ften found, I will be even more weakened by pollutions at night and persistent erections during the day. " Up to this time I have truly loved but two men. Both were ofBcers, remarkably endowed mentally, handsomely and gracefully formed, and of dark skin and eyes. I became acquainted with the first at the University. I was madly in love with him, and suffered unspeakably on account of his indifference. I spent nights under his window, simply to be near him. When he was oflicially transferred, I was in despair. " Soon after, I became acquainted with an officer that resembled him, who likewise enchained me at first sight. I sought every opportu- nity to meet him, spent the day in the streets, and at places where I hoped to get a sight of him. I knew how the blood came into my face when, unsuspected, I saw him. When I saw him friendly with others, I could scarcely contain myself for jealous}-. When I sat near him, I was impelled to touch him. I could scarcely conceal my excitement when I touched his knee or thigh. I never ventured, however, to express my feelings to him ; for, from his conduct, I was convinced that he would not understand them or share them. " I am twenty-seven years old, of medium height, and well-developed, and would be considered handsome. My chest is somewhat narrow, hands and feet small, and voice weak. Mentally, I think I am well en- dowed ; for I passed the State examination with distinction, speak several languages, and am a good painter. 23 354: PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. " In my calling I pass for one that is industrious and conscientious. My acquaintances think me cold and peculiar. I do not smoke, do not pla^' games, and cannot sing or whistle. My gait, like my voice, is some- what aflected. I have much taste for elegance, love adornment, sweet- meats, and perfumes, and prefer the society of ladies." From Dr. von Schrenk's notes of the case, it is learned, further, that social and criminal deterrents, on the one hand, and uncontrollable desire for his own sex, on the other, caused violent mental struggles, and made life unendurable. For this reason the patient confided in the ph3"sician. January' 22, 1889, hypnotic treatment, with suggestion, after the method of Nancy, was begun with the patient. Gradually it became possible to induce somnambulism. The suggestions were made with reference to indifference to men, and ability to resist them, and to increase of interest in women ; mastur- bation was thus forbidden, and women substituted for men in lascivious dreams. After a few sittings pleasure at sight of women was induced. At the seventh sitting successful coitus was suggested; this was fulfilled. During the next three months the patient renuiined, under the in- fluence of occasional hj'pnotic suggestions, in the full possession of normal sexual functions, April 22, 1889, there was a relapse, induced by a companion. At the next sitting, remorse and shame. As expiation, coitus with'a woman in the presence of his seducer. The patient complained that coitus with women below him in station did not satisfy his sesthetic feelings. He hoped to find satisfaction in a happ3' marriage. After fort3'-five sittings (Maj^ 2, 1889) the patient con- sidered himself cured. Treatment ceased. He became eno-aoed to a young lad}' some weeks later, and presented himself again, after six months, as a happy bridegroom. He thought that, in his happiness with his wife, he had a sure preventive against relapse. The author emphasizes the fact that the hj'pnotic treatment had no injurious collateral effect, and leaves undecided the question as to whether the cure is permanent or not, with R.'s ver^' bad heredit3% But he expresses the conviction that, in case of relapse, renewed hj^p- notic treatment would not be contra-indicated. Since the incredible result of this case interested me exceed- ingly, as did its further course, I wrote to the autlior, requesting information concerning liis patient. Dr. V. Schrenk very kindly placed at my disposal the follow- ing letter, which he had received from the patient in January, 1890:— " B}^ means of suggestive treatment given me by Baron Schrenk, for the first time I became possessed of the psychical condition that THERAPY. 355 permitted me to have intevcouvse wM,li a woman, which, up to that time, in spite of repeated efforts, I had been unable to do successfull3\ " Since my itsthetic needs were unsatisfied by intercourse with prostitutes, I thought to find ni}' real salvation in matrimony. The earlier friendly inclination toward a lady known in my youth oftered me the opportunity, the more because I believed that she, of all others, would be in a position to awaken feelings for the opposite sex which were abso- lutely foreign to me. Her character, — i.e., our harmony, — is in such accord with my inclinations that I am full}^ convinced that I shall also find complete psycliical satisfaction. This conviction has not changed during the eight months of my engagement. " I intend to be married in about four weeks. " As far as my position with respect of ni}^ own sex is concerned, my power of resistance — and this is the lasting positive result of this treatment — is absolutely changed in degree. While previously it was impossible for me to overcome an intense sexual excitation when I saw a finely formed car-driver, to-dny, in the company of my former lovers, I am without sexual excitement. At the same time, I must add that now, as formerly, their society has a certain attraction for me, though it is not to be compared with my earlier passion. " On the other hand, I have refused repeated persuasions to indulge in sexual intercourse with men, without expending much force in resist- ance, — persuasions which formerly I should have been unable to resist. I may say, indeed, that it is a feeling of compassion for my former lovers, that have proved their passionate devotion to me, which keeps me from directly repulsing them. My action seems to be due to a feeling of duty, rather than to inner need. " Since the conclusion of treatment, I have not consorted with pros- titutes. This circumstance, and the numerous letters and persuasions from my former lover, may well be the reason why, in the eight months that have elapsed, I have allowed him to persuade me to sexual intercourse on three or four occasions. At these times I have always been conscious of being completely master of myself, as compared with my earlier pas- sionate condition in like situations, as the violent reproaches of my friend convinced me. I always feel a certain unconquerable rejnignance, which cannot he based on moral grounds, but which, I believe, must be attributed to the treatment. I no longer feel a love for him in the former sense. Besides, since the treatment, I have sought no opportunities for sexual intercourse with men, and I feel no need of it. But, formerly, not a day passed on which I did not feel impelled to it, so that at times I was unable to think of anything else. Aw^ake or dreaming, ideas of sexual content are very infrequent. " I may express the belief that my marriage, that is to take place in a few weeks, and the much desired change of place that is bound to it, will entirely remove the residuum of my earlier condition. I conclude 356 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. tliese lines with the honest assurance that, subjectively, I am another man, and that this change has restored the mental equilibrium that was previously wanting." The foregoing words, which Dr. v. Schrenk completes with the verbal statement of the patient that he had not practiced onanism again, are a brilliant proof of the lasting effect of post- hypnotic suggestion. I consider the hetero-sexual instinct of the patient to be the artificial creation of his excellent physician ; and the patient himself seems to recognize this, in tliat he speaks of a repugnance which "docs not rest on moral grounds, but which depends on the treatment." The further fate of this interesting patient may be learned from the following letter, kindly submitted by Dr. v, Schrenk: — " Honored Sir : Having been home some days from my wedding- journey, I wish to send you a short report of my present condition. During the week before mj"^ wedding I was in great excitement, because I feared that I should be unable to perform certain duties. The impelling thoughts of my friend, who wished another meeting with me, at any price, had no effect on me. We had not seen each other since I heard from you last. [Receipt of the professor's letter.] However, I was much troubled with the thought that my marriage must be unhapp}'. Now, however, I have no anxiet3\ To be sure, on the first night, success was difficult, — to induce sexual excitation in mj-self, — but on the follow- ing night, and since, the influences needed for a normal man, I believe, would have been sufficient for me. I am also convinced that the harmony between us, which, of course, is mentally of long standing, will become more and more complete. A relapse to the former condition seems impossible. It is, perhaps, significant for my present condition, that I one niglit dreamed of my former lover, and that the dream was not sensual, and did not excite me sensually. " I am satisfied with my present circumstances. I am, of course, well aware that my present inclinations are far from being of a degree equal to what they formerly were. I believe, however, that they will daily grow stronger. Already ray former life is incomprehensible, and I cannot understand why I did not earlier tliink to overcome the abnormal sexual instinct by normal sexual indulgence. A relapse would now be possible only with an entire change of my mental life; and, in a word, it seems impossible. " Your obedient servant, d." From a letter of Dr. v. Schrenk's, of December 7th, I extract the following : — THERAPY. 357 " In this case the cure seems to be of longer duration than I ex- pected ; for, on speaking with tlie patient, some months ago, he said that he was perfectly happy in marriage, and, as I hear, he expects soon the happiness of a fatlier." Dr. V. Schrenk has reported in the Wiener infernationalen klinischen Eundschau, 1891, No. 26, hiter and very interesting facts concerning his patient, which, therapeutically, are very satisfactor3^ IV. SPECIAL PATHOLOGY. THE MANIFESTATIONS OF ABNORMAL SEXUAL LIFE IN THE VARIOUS FORMS AND STATES OF MENTAL DISTURBANCE. Arrest of Mental Development. Sexual life in idiots is, in general, but slightly developed. It is wanting entirely in idiots of high grade. In such instances the genitals are frequently small and deformed, and menstrua- tion is late or does not occur at all. There is impotence, or sterility, as the case may be. Even in idiots of low grade, sexuality is not prominent. In infrequent cases it is manifested with a certain periodicity, and then with greater intensity. It may then be expressed impulsively, and be violently satisfied. Perversions of the sexual instinct do not occur at the lowest levels of mental development. When the desire for sexual satisfaction is opposed in these cases, great passion is excited, with danger of murderous assault on the persons attacked. It is to be expected that idiots should not exercise choice, and they attempt to satisfy the sexual instinct on their nearest relatives. Tims Marc-Ideler reports the case of an idiot who attempted to rape his sister, and had almost strangled her when he was discovered. Friedreich reports an analogous case {Friedreich's Blatter, 1858, p. 50). I have repeatedly had occasion to give opinions in cases of attempts to rape little girls. Giraud (Annal. med. psych. ^ 1885, Nr. 1) also reports a case of this kind. Consciousness of the significance of the act is alwa3's wanting; an instinctive knowledge that such obscene acts are not publicly per- mitted is often present, and causes the attempted sexual act to be undertaken in a deserted place. In imbeciles the sexual instinct is usually developed as in normal individuals. The moral inhibitory ideas are cloudy, (358) IMBECILITY. 359 and, therefore, the sexual impulse is more or less openly mani- fested. For this reason imheciles are sources of disturbance in society. Abnormal intensity and perversion of the sexual instinct are infrequent. The most frequent manner of satisfaction of the sexual desire is onanism. The weak-minded seldom make sexual attacks on adults of the opposite sex. Sexual satisfaction witli -animals is frequently attempted. The great majority of cases of injury (sexual) to animals must be attributed to imbeciles. Children are quite often their victims. Einminghaus (Maschka's Haiulb. iv.,p. 234) draws attention to the frequency of open manifestation of sexual instinct, wliicli comprises open masturbation, exhibition of the genitals, attacks on children and those of the same sex, and sodomy. Giraud (AnnaJ. med. j^sycJioh, 1855, Nr. 1) has reported a w^hole series of immoral attacks on children : — 1. H., aged 17, imbecile, enticed a little girl into a barn, by giving her nuts. There he exposed her genitals and showed his own, making movements of coitus on the child's abdomen. He had no idea of the moral significance of the act. 2. L., aged 21 ; imbecile ; degenerate. While he was watching cattle, his sister of eleven years, with a playmate of eight years, came and told him how some unknown man had attempted to do them violence. L. led the children to a deserted house and attempted coitus with the jounger child, but let her go because no emission occurred, and because the child cried out. On the way home lie promised to marr3' her if she would not say anything. At the trial he tliought tliat by marriage he could right the wrong he had done.^ 3. G., aged 21, microcephalic, imbecile, has masturbated since his sixth year, and practiced active and passive pederasty. He has repeat- edly tried to perform pederasty with boys, and attacked little girls. He was absolutely witliout an understanding of his acts. His sexual desire was manifested periodicall}^ and intensel}', as in animals.^ 1 For numerous cases, v. Henke's Zeitschr.,xxiii. — Erganzungsheft, p. 147. — Combes, Annal. m^d. ps}'cliol., 18G0. — Liinan, Zweifelh. Geisteszustamlc, p. 389. — Casper-Liinau, Lehrb., 7. Auflage, Fall 29.5.— Bartels, Friedreifh's Blatter f. geriehtl. Med., 1890, Heft 1. 2 Other cases of pederasty, v. Casper. Kliu. Novellen, Fall 5 ; Combes, Annal. m6d. psycliol. 360 PSYCSOfATHiA SEXUALlS. 4. B., aged 21 ; imbecile. While alone in a forest with his sister of nineteen, he demanded that she allow coitus. She refused. He threat- ened to strangle her, and stabbed her with a knife. The frightened girl fondled his penis, and he then left her and quietly went on with his work. B. has a deformed, microcephalic skull, and has no sense of the signifi- cance of his act. Emminghaus {pp. cit., p. 234) reports the case of an exhibitionist : — Case 146. A man, aged 40, married, had for sixteen j-ears been accustonied to exhil)it himself in parks, at dusk, to little girls and ser- vants, and drew tiieir attention to himself l\y whistling. After having been frequently punished for it, he avoided the places, but he carried on his practice elsewhere. H3^drocephalus. Mental weakness of slight degree. Mild sentence passed. Case 14Y. X., of tainted family ; imbecile; defective and perverted in intellect, feeling, and will. For help and protection he was brought before an officer. It was complained that he had repeatedly exposed his genitals to servant-girls, and had shown himself at windows with the ui)per ])ortion of his body naked. . No other manifestations of sexual instinct. No onanism reported. (Sander, Archiv f. Psych., i, p. 655.) Case 148. PederaMyioith a Child. — On April 8, 1884, at ten o'clock A.M., while X. was sitting on the street, holding a boy of eighteen months on her lap, a certain Vallario approached and took the child from X., saying he was going to take it for a walk. He went the distance of half a kilometre, and returned, saying that the child had fallen from his arms, and thus injured its anus. The anus was torn, and blood was pouring from it. At the place where the deed was done, traces of semen were found. V. confessed his horrible crime, and, at his final trial, be acted so strangeh' that an examination of his mental condition was made. He had impressed the prison attendants as being an imbecile. V., aged 45, mason, defective morally and intellectuall}^ is dolicho-microcephalic ; has narrow, deformed facial bones, and the halves of the face and the ears are asymmetrical; the brow is low and retreating; genitals normal. Y. shows general diminution of cutaneous sensibility, is im- becile, and lias no ideas. He lives in the present, has no ambition, and does nothing of his own will. He has no desires and no emotional feeling. He has never had coitus. Nothing more could be ascer- tained about his vita sexualis. Proofs of intellectual and moral idiocy, due to microcephal}^ ; the crime is referred to a perverse, uncontrollable sexual impulse. Sent to an as^-lum. (Yirgilio, i7 il!/ameo7mo, V. ^^ear, No. 3.) DEMENTIA. 361 A case mentioned by L. Meyer {Arch. f. Psych., Bd. i, p. 103) shows how female imbeciles may indulge in shameless prostitution and immorality.^ States of Acquired Mental Weakness. The numerous anomalies of the vita sexualis in senile dementia have been described in the section on " General Pathology." In other conditions of acquired mental weakness, — those due to apoplexy ; trauma capitis ; to the secondary stages of psychoses ; or to inflammatory processes in the cortex (lues, paretic dementia), — perversions of the sexual instinct seem to be infrequent ; and here the immoral sexual acts seem to depend on abnormally increased or uninhibited sexual feeling, which, in itself, is not abnormal. (1) Dementia Consecutive to Psychoses. Casper {KUn. NoveUen., Fall 31) reports a case that belongs here. It is tbat of a physician, aged 33, who attempted rape on a child. He was weakened mentally, as a result of hypo- chondriacal melancholia. He excused his deed in a very silly way, and had no appreciation of the moral and criminal meaning of the act, which was apparently the result of a sexual impulse that could not be controlled on account of his mental weakness. Case 21, in Liman's ZweifeJhafte GeisteszusfdndeM, is an analogous case (dementia after melancholia ; offense against morals by exhibition). (2) Dementia After Apoplexy. Case 149. B., aged 52. He passed through a cerebral attack, and was no longer al)le to carry on his business as a merchant. One day, in the absence of his wife, he locked two girls in the house, gave them liquors to drink, and then carried out sexual acts with the children. He commanded them to say nothing, and went to his business. The medical expert established mental weakness, resulting from repeated apoplexies. B., who, up to this time, had been well- » V. Sander, Vierteljahrsschr. f. ger M., xviii, p. 31. — Casper, Klin. Novellen, Fall 27. 362 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. bebuved, says he committed the criminal act because of an uncontrollable and incomprehensible impulse ; and that, when he came to himself, he was ashamed, and sent the girls away. Since his apoplectic attack, B. had been weak-minded, incapable of business, and hemiplegic; but, soon after arrest, he made an unskillful attempt at suicide. He often cried childishly. His moral and intellectual energy in opposing his sensual impulses was certainl}^ much weakened. No sentence. (Giraud, Ann. med. Ps-ciiical state, in a kind of mental confusion, and abso- lutel}^ absorbed in his perverse sexual fancy, is clearly shown b^^ the species facti. Thus is explained the fact that he became aware of the approach of the police onl}- when it was too late to try to escape. In this hereditary' and degenerate impulsive exhibitionism, it is interesting to note how the perverse sexual impulse is awakened from its latency b}' the influence of alcohol. A forensically important variety of exhibition, which, clini- cally, certainly rests upon a similar neurotic and degenerate foundation, and which expresses itself in a peculiar act, con- ditioned by violent libido (liypersesthesia sexualis), associated with diminished virility, is made up of the so-c?i\\edi frotteurs. The three following cases, borrowed from Magnan (op. cit.)^ are typical : — Case 180. D.,aged 44, hereditaril}' predisposed, drinker, and suffer- ing with lead poisoning. Until the last 3'ear he had masturbated much, and often drawn pornographic pictures, and shown them to his acquaint- FROTTAGE. 395 anees. He had repeatedly dressed himself as a woman in secret. For two 3'ears, since becoming impotent, he had felt desire, while in crowds at dnsk, mentulam denudare eamque ad nates mulieris crassissimne terere. Once, when discovered in the act, he had been sentenced to imprisonment for four months. His wife kept a milk-shop. Iterum iterumque sibi teraperare non potuit quin genitalia in ollam lacte completam mergeret. In the act he felt lustful pleasure, "as if touched with velvet." He was cynical enough to use this milk for himself and the customers. During impris- onment alcoholic persecutory insanity developed in him. Case 181. M., aged 31 ; married six years; father of four children; badly predisposed; subject to melancholia at times. Three years before, he was discovered by his wife with a silk dress on, masturbating. One day he was discovered, in a store, in the act of froUage on a lady. He was ver3'^ repentant, and asked to be severely punished for his irresistible impulse. Case 182. G., aged 33 ; badly predisposed hereditarily-. At an omnibus-station he was discovered in the act of froltage with his penis on a \iiiXy. Deep repentance ; but he stated that at the sight of a notice- able posteriora of a lad}', he was irresistibly impelled to practice frot- tage^ and that he became confused and knew not what he did. Sent to an asylum. Case 183. A frotteiir. Z., born in 1850; of blameless life previ- ously ; of good famil}' ; private official. He is well-to-do financiall}^ ; untainted. After a short married life he became a widower, in 1873. For some tin7c he had attracted attention in churches, because he crowded up behind women, both old and young indifferently, and toyed with their tonrnures. He was watched, and one day he was arrested in the act. Z. was terribly frightened, and in despair about his situation ; and, in making a full confession, he begged for pardon, for nothing but suicide remained for him. For two years he had been subject to the unhappy impulse to go in crowds of people, — in churches, at box-offices of theatres, etc, — and press up behind females and manipulate the prominent portion of their dresses, having orgasm and ejaculation during the act. Z. states that he was never given to masturbation, and had never been in any way perverse sexuallj^ Since the early death of his wife, he had gratified his great sexual desire in temporary love-affairs, having always had an aversion for i)rostitutes and brothels. The imi)ulse to frottage had suddenly seized him, two years before, while he ha[)pened to be in church. Though he was conscious that it was wrong, he could not help yielding to it immediately. Since then he had been excitable to the posteriora of females, and had been actually impelled to seek opportu- nity for frottage. Tlie only thing on women that excited him was the tournure ; every other part of the body and attire was a matter of indiff'er- 396 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. ence to him; and it made no difference to him whether the woman was old or young, beautiful or ugly. Since this began, he had had no more inclination for natural gratification. Of late fr-ottage scenes had appeared in his dreams. Daring his acts he was fully conscious of his situation and the act, and tried to perform it in such a way as to attract as little attention as possible. After his act he was alwaj^s ashamed of what he had done. The medical examination revealed no sign of mental disease or mental weakness, but s3'niptoms of neurasthenia sexualis, — ex abstinentia libidinosi (?), — which was also proved by the circumstance that even simple touching of the fetich with the unexposed genitals sufficed to induce ejaculation. Apparently Z., weakened sexually and distrusting his virility, and yet libidinous, had come to practice frottage by having the sight of posteriora feminae fall together accidentally with sexual excitement ; and this associative combination of a perception with a feeling permitted the former to attain the significance of a fetich. As an act which offends pubhc morals, and which is, there- fore, punishable, the violation of statues — a whole series of cases of which Moreau {op. cit.) has collected from ancient and modern times — may be enumerated here. They are, unfortunately, given too much like anecdotes to allow satisfactory judgment of them. They always give the impression of being pathological, — like the stoiy of a young man (related by Lucianus and St. Clemens, of Alexandria) who made use of a Venus of Praxiteles for the gratification of his lust ; and the case of Clisyphus, who violated the statue of a goddess in the Temple of Samos, after having placed a piece of meat on a certain part. In modern times, the Journal Vevenemeut of March 4, 1877, relates the story of a gardener who fell in love with a statue of the Venus of Milo, and was discovered attempting coitus with it. At any rate, these cases stand in etiological relation with abnormally intense libido and defective virility or courage, or lack of opportunity for normal sexual gratification. The same thing must be assumed in the case of the so-called voyeurs^^ — i.e., men who are so cynical that they seek to ^ Dr. Moll calls this perversion (?) mixoscopia (from tu^ts, cohabitation ; and ffKeirreiv, to look). His assumption that it is related to masochism, in that there is a stimulus for the voyeur in suffering at seeing a woman in the possession of another, does not seem to me to be justified. For further details, vide Moll, " Die contrare Sexual- empfindung," p. 137. LUST-MURDER. 397 get sight of coitus, in order to assist their virility; or who seek to have orgasm and ejaculation at the sight of an excited woman. Concerning this moral aberration, which, for various reasons, cannot be further described here, it will suffice to refer to Coffig- non's book, " La Corruption a Paris." The revelations, in the domain of sexual perversity, and also perversion, which this book makes, are horrible. 2. Rape and Lust-Murder. (Austrian Statutes, § 125, 127 ; Austrian Abridgment, § 192 ; Germau Statutes, § 177.) By the term rape, the jurist understands coitus, outside of the marriage relation, with an adult, enforced by means of threats or violence ; or with an adult in a condition of defense- lessness or luiconsciousness ; or with a girl under the age of fourteen years. Immissio penis, or, at least, conjunctio mem- brorum (Schiitze), is necessary to establish the fact. To-day, rape on children is remarkably frequent. Hofmann C"' Ger. Med.," i, p. 155) and Tardieu ("Attentats") report horrible cases. The latter establishes the fact that, from 1851 to 1875 inclusive, 22,017 cases of rape came before the courts in France, and, of these, 17,657 were committed on children. The crime of rape presumes a temporary, powerful excita- tion of sexual desire, induced by excess in alcohol, or by some other condition. It is highly improbable that a man morally intact would commit this most brutal crime. Lombroso (Golt- damnier's Arch.) considers the majority of men who commit rape to be degenerate, particularly when the crime is done on children or old women. He asserts that, in many such men, he has found actual signs of degeneracy. It is a fact that rape is very ol'tcn the act of degenerate male imbeciles,^ where, under some circumstances, the bond of blood is not respected. Cases as a result of mania, satyriasis, and epilepsy, have occurred, and are to be kept in mind. 1 Anual. m6dico-psychol., 1849, p. 515; 1863, p. 57; 1864, p. 215; 1866, p. 253. 398 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. The crime of rape may follow the murder of the victim.^ There may be unmtentional murder, murder to destroy the only witness of the crime, or murder out of lust {v. siqjva). Only for cases of the latter kind should the term lust-murder'^ be used. The motives of lust-murder have been previously consid- ered. The cases given in illustration are characteristic of the manner of the deed. The presumption of a murder out of lust is always given when injuries of the genitals are found, the character and extent of which are such as could not be ex- plained by merely a brutal attempt at coitus ; and, still more, when the body has been opened, or parts (intestines, genitals) torn out, and are wanting. ^ Lust-murders dependent upon psychopathic conditions are never committed with accomplices. Case 184. Weak-mindedness^ Epilepsy. Attempt at Rape; Murder. — On the evening of May 27, 1888, an eight-year-old boy, Blasius, was playing with other children in the neighborhood of the village of S. An unknown man came along and enticed the boy into the woods. The next day the boy's body was found in a ravine, with the abdomen slit open, an incised wound in the cardiac region, and two stab-wounds in the neck. Since, on May 21st, a man, answering to the description given of the murderer by the children, had attempted to treat a six-year-old girl in a similar manner, and had only accidentally been detected, it was presumed to be a case of lust-murder. It was proved that the body was found in a heap, with only the shirt and jacket on ; also, that there was a long incision in the scrotum. Suspicion fell upon a peasant, E. ; but, on confrontation with the children, it was not possible to identify him with the stranger who had enticed the boy into the woods. Besides, with the help of his sister, he proved an alibi. The untiring efforts of the officers brought new evi- dence to light, and finally E. confessed. He had enticed the girl into the woods, thrown her down, exposed her genitals, and was about to abuse her; but, as she had an eruption on her head, and was crying loudly, his desire cooled, and he fled. After he enticed the boy into the woods, with the pretext of show- 1 Comp. the cases of Tardieu, Attentats, p. 182-192. 2 Comp. Haltzeudorff, Psychologic des Mords. ^ Tardieu, Attentats, Case 51, p. 188. LUST-MURDER. 399 ino- him a bird's nest, he was taken with a desire to abuse him. Since the boy refused to take oft" his trousers, he did it for him; and when the boy began to cry out, he stabbed him twice in the neck. Then he made an incision, just above tlie pubes, in imitation of female genitals, in order to use it to satisfy his lust. But, since the body grew cold immediately, he lost his desire, and, cleaning his knife and hands near the body, he fled. When he saw the boy dead, he was filled with fear, and his limbs became weak. During his examination E. looked apathetically at a garland. He had acted in a state of mental weakness. He could not understand how he came to do such a thing. He must have been beside himself; for he often became senseless, so that he would almost fall down. Previous employers report that he had periods when he was devoid of thought and confused, doing no work all day, and avoiding others. His father states that E. learned with difliculty, was unskillful at work, and often so obstinate that one did not think to punish him. At such times he would not eat, and occasionally run away and remained all day. At such times he also seemed quite lost in thought, screwed his face up, and said senseless things. When quite a boy, he still sometimes wet the bed, and often came home from school with wet or soiled clothing. He was very restless in sleep, so that no one could sleep beside him. He had never had playmates. He had never been cruel, bad, or immoral. His mother gave similar testimony ; and further, that, in his fifth year, E. first had convulsions, and once lost the power of speech for seven days. Sometime about his seventh year he once had convul- sions for fort}^ tlays, and was also dropsical. Later, too, he was often seized in sleep, and he often then talked in his sleep ; and mornings, after such nights, the bed was found wet. At times it was impossible to do anything with him. Since his mother did not know whether it was due to viciousness or disease, she did not venture to punish him. Since his convulsions, in his seventh year, he had failed so in mind that he could not learn even the common prayers ; and he also became very irascible. Neighbors, persons prominent in the community, and teachers state that E. was peculiar, weak-minded, and irascible ; that at times he was very strange, and apparently in an exceptional mental state. The examinations of the medical experts gave the following results : — E. is tall, slim, and poorly nourished. His head measures 53 centi- metres in circumference. The cranium is rhombic, and in the occipital region flattened. His expression is devoid of intelligence ; his glance is fixed, expressionless ; his attitude is careless, and his body is bent forward. 400 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Movements are slow and heavy. Genitals normally developed. E.'s whole appearance points to torpidity and mental weakness. There are no signs of degenerative marks, no abnormality of the vegetative organs, and no disturbances of motility or sensibilit3\ He comes of a perfectly healthy family. He knows nothing of convulsions or of wetting his bed at night, but he states that, of late years, he has had attacks of vertigo and loss of mind. At first, in circumlocution, he denies the murder. Later, in great contrition, before the examining judge, he confessed all, and gave a clear motive for his crime. He had never had such a thought before. He has been given to onanism for years ; he even practiced it twice daily. He states that, for want of courage, he had never ventured to ask coitus of a woman, though in dreams such scenes exclusively passed before him. Neither in dreams nor in the waking state had he ever had perverse instincts ; particularly no sadistic or contrary sexual feelings. Too, the sight of the slaughter of animals had never interested him. When he enticed the girl into the woods, his desire was to satisfy his lust with her ; but how it happened that he tried such a thing with a boy, he could not explain. He thought he must have been out of his mind at that time. The night after the murder he could not sleep on account of fear; he had twice confessed already, to ease his conscience. He was only afraid of being hung. This should not be done, as he had done the deed in a weak-minded condition. He could not tell why he had cut open the boy's abdomen. It had not occurred to him to handle the intestines, smell them, etc. He stated that, after the attempt on the girl in the day-time, and in the night, after the murder of the boy, he had convulsions. At the time of his crime he was indeed conscious, but he had not thought at all of what he did. He suffered much with headache; could not endure heat, thirst, or alcohol ; there were times when he was perfectly confused. The test of his intelligence showed a high grade of weak-mindedness. The opinion (Dr. Kautzner, of Graz) showed the imbecility and neurosis of the accused, and made it probable that his crime, for which he had only a general recollection, had been committed in an exceptional (pi'fe-epileptic) mental state, conditioned by the neurosis. Under all circumstances, E. was considered dangerous, and probably would require commitment to an asylum for life. SADISM AND FETICHISM. 401 3. Bodily Injury, Injury to Property, and Torture of Animals Dependent on Sadism. * (Austrian, § 152, 411; German, § 223 [bodily injury]. Austrian, § 85, 468; German, § 303 [injury to property]. Anstrian Police Regula- tions; German Statutes, § 360 [torture of animals].) Aside from lust-murder, described in the foregoing section, as milder expressions of sadistic desires, impulses to stab, flagellate, or defile females, to flagellate boys, to maltreat animals, etc., also occur. The deep degenerative significance of such cases is clearly- demonstrated by the series of examples given under " General Pathology." Such mentally degenerate individuals, should they be unable to control their perverse impulses, could only be objects of care in asylums. 4. Bodily Injury, Robbery, and Theft Dependent on Feticiiism. (Austrian, § 190 ; German, § 249 [robbery]. Austrian, § 171, 460 ; German, § 242 [theft].) It is seen from the section on fctichism, under " General Pathology," that pathological fetichism may become the cause of crimes. There are now recognized, as such, hair-despoiling (Cases 78, 79, 80); robbery or theft of female linen, handker- chiefs, aprons (Cases 82, 83, 85, 86), shoes (Cases 68, 87, 88), and silks (Case 93). It cannot be doubted that such individuals are subjects of deep mental taint. But, for the assumption of an absence of mental freedom and consequent irresponsibility, it ^ Masochism may, under certain circumstances, attain forensic importance. Modern criminal law no longer recognizes the principle, " volenti non fit injuria" ; and the present Austrian statute, in § 4, says expressly : " Crimes may also be committed on persons who demand their commission on themselves." As Herbst (Handb. d. osterr. Strafrechts., Wien, 1878, p. 73) remarks, there are, nevertheless, crimes conditioned by the absence of assent on the part of the injured indi- vidual, which cease to be such as soon as the injured individual has given consent, — e.g., theft, rape. But Herbst also enumerates here the limitation of personal freedom (?). Of late a decided change of views on this point has taken place. The German criminal law regards the consent of a man to his own death of such importance that a very difiFerent and much milder punishment is inflicted under such circumstances (§ 216) ; and it is the same in Austrian law (Austrian Abridgment, § 233). The so-called double suicide of lovers was the act considered. In bodily injury and deprivation of freedom, the consent of the victim must also receive consideration at the hands of the judge. Certainly a knowledge of masochism is of importance in making a judgment of the probability of asserted consent. 26 402 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. must be proved that there was an irresistible impulse, which, either owing to the strength of the impulse itself, or to the existence of mental weakness, made control of the punishable, perverse impulsion impossible. Such crimes and the peculiar manner in which they are performed, — in which they differ very much from common robbery and theft, — always demand a medico-legal examination. But that the eict per se does not, by any means, necessarily arise from psycho-pathological conditions is shown by the infrequent cases of hair-despoiling ^ simply for the purpose of gain. 5. Violation of Individuals Under the Age of Fourteen. (Austrian Statutes, § 128, 132; Austrian Abridgment, § 189, lOP; German Statutes, § 174, ITG^.) By violation of sexually immature individuals, the jurist understands all the possible immoral acts with persons under fourteen years of age that are not comprehended in the term rape. The term violation, in the legal sense of the word, com- prehends the most horrible perversions and acts, which are possible only to a man who is controlled by lust and morally weak, and, as is usually the case, lacking in sexual power. A common feature of these crimes, committed on persons that are more or less children, is that they are unmanly, childish, and often silly. It is a fact that such acts, with exceptions in pathological cases, like those of imbeciles, paretics, and senile dements, are almost exclusively committed by young men who lack courage or have no faith in their virility ; or by roues who have, to some extent, lost their virility. It is psychologi- cally incomprehensible that an adult of full virility, and mentally sound, should indulge in sexual abuses with children. The imagination of debauchees, in actively or passively picturing tlie immoral acts, is exceedingly lively ; and that the following enumeration of the sexual acts of this kind known to law exhausts all the possibilities is questionable. Most fre- quently the abuse consists of sexual handling (under some ^ According to Austrian law, this crime should fall under §411, as slight bodily injury; according to the German criminal law, it is bodily injury (comp. Liszt, p.325^. VIOLATION. 403 circumstances, flagellation ^), active manustupration, or seducing children by inducing tliem to perform onanism, or lustful hand- ling, on the seducer. Less frequent acts are cunnihngus, irru- mare on boys or girls, psedicatio puellarum, coitus inter femora, and exhibition. In a case which Maschka reports (" Handb.," iii, p. 174), a young man had naked girls, from eight to twelve years old, dance about in his room, and urinate before him, until he ejaculated. Not infrequently bo3'8 are abused b}-^ sensual women, who undertake to bring about conjunctio membrorum with them, in order to satisfy themselves b}' means of friction or onanism.^ Tardieu saw one of the most disgusting examples. A servant, in company with her lover, masturbated children intrusted to them, per- formed cunnilingus with a girl of seven, and introduced parsnips and potatoes into her vagina, and put similar things into the rectum of a baby of two years 1 Case 185. Z., aged 62; deeply tainted, masturbator. He states he has never had coitus, but has frequently i)racticed fellatio. He is in an asylum, on account of paranoia. It had been his greatest pleasure to entice girls, aged from ten to fourteen j^ears, and practice cunnilingus and other vile acts with them. In these acts he had orgasm and ejacu- lation. Masturbation did not give him the same satisfaction, and induced ejaculation only with difficult3^ Faute de mieux he also practiced fel- latio with men ; occasionally an exhibitionist. Phimosis ; asj^mmetrical cranium. (Pelanda, Arch, di Psichiatria, x, fascic. 3, 4.) Case 186. X., priest, aged 40. He was accused of enticing girls, aged from ten to thirteen, undressing and fondling them lustfully, and finally masturbating. He is tainted, and has been an onanist from childhood ; morally imbecile ; always very excitable sexually. Head somewhat small. Penis unusually large; indications of hypospadiasis. (Pelanda, luc. cit.) Case 187. K., aged 23 ; laborer. He was accused and convicted of repeatedly enticing boys, and now and then girls, to an out-of-the- way place, and practicing abuses with them (mutual masturbation, fellatio puerorum, fondling of the genitals of the girls). K. is an imbecile, and i)hysically deformed, being scarcely 1.5 metres tall ; cranium rachitic and hydrocephalic ; teeth bad, — furrowed, defective, and irregular. Large lips, idiotic expression, stuttering speech, and an awkward attitude complete the picture of ps3^cho- physical degeneration. K. behaves like a child discovered in some mischievous act. Scarcely any growth of beard. Genitals well and 1 Cases, i/i There has been, heretofore, but little legal consideration of the mental condition in those given to violation of animals. In several cases known to tlie writer, tlie individnals were weak- minded. In Schauenstein's case there was insanity. The following case of bestiality is one that was certainly conditioned by disease. He was an epileptic. In this case the desire for animals appeared as an equivalent of the normal sexual desire : — Case 188. X., peasant, aged 40; Greek-Catholic. Father and motner were hard drinkers. Since his fifth year patient has had epilep- tic convulsions, — i.e., he falls down unconscious, lies still two or three minutes, and then gets up and runs wildly about with staring eyes. Sex- uality was first manifested at seventeen. The patient had inclinations neither for women nor for men, but for animals (birds, horses, etc.). He had intercourse with hens and ducks, and later with horses and cows. Never any onanism. The patient paints pictures of saints ; is of very limited intelligence. For years, religious paranoia, with states of ecstasy. He has an " un- speakable " love for the Virgin, for whom he would sacrifice his life. Taken to hospital, he proves to be free from infirmity and signs of degeneration. 406 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. He bad always had an aversion for women. In a single attempt at coitus with a woman he was impotent, but with animals lie was alwa^'s potent. He is ashamed before women ; coitus with women he regards almost as a sin. (Kowalewsk3', Jahrh. f. Psychiatrie^ vii, Heft 3.) Case 189. On the afternoon of September 23, 1889, W., aged 16, shoe-maker's apprentice, caught a goose in a neighbor's garden, and con)mitted bestiality on the fowl until the neighbor approached. On being accused by the neiglibor, W, said, " Is there anything wrong with the goose?" and then went away. At his examination he confessed the act, but excused himself on the ground of temporary loss of mind. Since a severe ilhiess, in his twelfth year, he several times a "month had attacks, with heat in his liead, in which he was intensely excited sex- nally, could not help himself, and did not know what he did. He had done the act in such an attack. He answered for himself in the same Ava^' at the trial, and stated that he knew nothing of the species facti except from the statements of the neighbor. His father states that W., who comes of a healthy family, has alwaj'S been sickly since an attack of scarlatina in his fifth year, and tliat, at the age of twelve, he had a febrile cerebral disease. W. had a good reputation, learned well in school, and, later, helped his father in his work. He was not given to masturbation. The medical examination revealed no intellectual or moral defect. The ph3'sical examination revealed normal genitals; penis relatively greatl^-^ developed ; marked exaggeration of the patellar reflexes. In other respects, negative result. The history of the condition at the time of the deed was not to be de- pended upon. There was no histor}^ of previous attacks of mental disturb- ance, and there were none during the six weeks of observation. There was no perversion of tlie vita sexualis. The medical opinion allowed the pos- sibility that some organic cause (cerebral congestion), dependent upon cerebral disease, ma}' have exercised an influence at the time of the commis- sion of the criminal act. (From the opinion of Dr. Fritsch, of Vienna.) Case 190. Impulsive Sodomy. — A., aged 16; gardener's boy ; born out of wedlock; fiither, unknown ; mother, deeply tainted, hystero-epi- leptic. A. has a deformed, asymmetrical cranium, and deformity' and asymmetry of the bones of the face ; the whole skeleton is also deformed, asymmetrical, and small. From childhood he was a masturbator; always morose, apathetic, and fond of solitude ; very irritable, and pathological in his emotional reaction. He is imbecile, probably much reduced phys- ically by masturbation, and neurasthenic. Besides, he presents In'stero- pathic symptoms (limitation of the visual field, dyschromatopsia ; dimi- nution of the senses of smell, taste, and hearing on the right side ; anesthesia of the right testicle, clavus, etc.). A. is convicted of having committed masturbation and sodomy on dogs and rabbits. When twelve years old he saw how boys masturbated a dog. He imitated it, and thereafter he could not keep from abusing UNNATURAL ABUSE — SODOMY. 407 clogs, cats, and ral)bits in this vile manner. Much more frequently, how- ever, he committed sodomy on female rabbits, — the only animal that had a cliarm for him. At dusk he was accustomed to repair to his master's rabbit-pen, in order to gratify his vile desire. Rabbits with torn rectums were repeatedly found. The act of bestiality was alwa^'S done in the same manner. There were actual attacks which came on ever^^ eight weeks, alwaj-s in the evening, and always in the same way. A. would become very uncomfortable, and have a feeling as if some one were pounding his head. He felt as if losing his reason. lie struggled against the imperative idea of committing sodomy with the rabbits, and thus had ^n increasing feeling of fear and intensification of headache, until it became unbearable. At the height of the attack there was sound of bells, cold perspiration, trembling of the knees, and, finally, loss of resistive power, and impulsive performance of the perverse act. As soon as this was done, he lost all anxiety ; the nervous C3'cle was completed, and he was again master of himself, deepl}^ ashamed of the deed, and fearful of the return of an attack. A. states that, in such a condition, if called upon to choose between a woman and a female rabbit, he could make choice only of the latter. In the intervals, of all domestic animals, he is partial only to rabbits. In his exceptional states simple caressing or kissing, etc., of the rabbit suffices, as a rule, to afford him sexual satis- faction ; but sometimes he has, when doing this, such furor sexualis that he is forced to wildly perform sodomy on the animal. The acts of bestialit}' mentioned are the only acts which afford him sexual satisfaction, and they constitute the only manner in which he is capable of sexual indulgence. A. states that, in the act, he never had a lustful feeling, but satisfaction, inasmucli as he was thus freed from the painful condition into which he was brought b}- the imperative impulse. The medical evidence easily proved that this human monster was a psychically degenerate, irresponsible invalid, and not a criminal. (Boe- teau, La France medicale, 38tli year. No. 38.) The following case seems to be devoid of a psychopathic basis : — Case 191. Sodomy. — In a provincial town a man was caught in intercourse with a hen. He was thirty years old, and of high social position. The chickens had been dying one after another, and the man causing it had been searched for a long time. To the question of the judge, as to the reason for such an act, the accused said that his genitals were so small that coitus with women was impossible. Medical exam- ination showed that the genitals were actually extremely small. The man was mentally entirely sound. There were no statements concerning any abnormalities at the time of puberty, etc. (Gyurkovechky, " Mannl. Impotenz," 1889, p. 82.) 408 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. (b) Wit?i Persons of the Same Sex — Pederasty ; Sodomy in its Strict Sense. German law takes cognizance of unnatural sexual relations only between men ; Austrian, between those of the same sex ; and, therefore, unnatural relations between women are punish- able. Among the immoralities between men, pederasty (immissio penis in anum) claims the principal interest. Indeed, the jurist thought only of this perversity of sexual activity ; and, accord- ing to the opinions of distinguished interpreters of the law (OppenhofF, " Stgsb.," Berlin, 1872, p. 324, and Rudolf and Stenglein, " D. Strafgesb. f. d. Deutsche Reich," 1881, p. 423), immissio penis in corpus vivum belongs to the criminal act covered by § 175. According to this interpretation, legal punishment would not follow other improper acts between male persons, so long as they ioere not complicated with offense to imhlic decency., ivith force., or iindertalcen with boys under the age of fourteen. Of late this interpretation has again been abandoned, and the crime of unnatural abuse between men has been assumed when merely acts similar to cohahitation were performed.^ The study of contrary sexual instinct has placed male love of males in a very different light from that in which it, and particularly pederasty, stood at the time the statutes were framed. The fact that there is no doubt about the pathological basis of many cases of contrary sexual instinct shows that pederasty may also be the act of an irresponsible person, and makes it necessary, in court, to examine not merely the deed, but also the mental condition of the perpetrator. The principles laid down previously must also be adhered to here. Not the deed, but only an anthropological and clinical judgment of the perpetrator can permit a decision as to 1 How difficult, unpleasant, and dangerous for the jurist judgment of these " coitus- like " acts for the establisliment of the objective fact of the crime may be is well shown by an article on the puuishableness of male intercourse, in the Zeitschr. f. d. gesammte Strafrechtswissenschaft., Bd. vii, Heft 1, as well as by a similar one in Friedreich's Blatter f. ger. Medicin, 1891, Heft 6. Vide, further, Moll, Coutrare Sexualempflndung, p. 223 et seq., and Bernhardi, Der Uranism us, Berlin, 1882. UNNATURAL ABUSE — SODOMY. 409 whether we have to do witli a perversity deserving punishment, or with an abnormal perversion of the mental and sexual life, which, under certain circumstances, excludes punishment. The next legal question to settle is whether the contrary sexual feeling is congenital or acquired ; and, in the latter case, whether it is abnormal perversion or moral perversity. Congenital contrary sexual instinct occurs only in predis- posed (tainted) individuals, as a jiartial manifestation of a defect evidenced by anatomical or functional abnormahties, or both. The case becomes clearer, and the diagnosis more certain, if the individual, in character and disposition, seems to correspond entirely with his sexual peculiarity; and if the inclination toward persons of the opposite sex is entirely w^anting, and horror of sexual intercourse with them is felt ; and if tlie indi- vidual, in tlie impulses to satisfy the contrary sexual instinct, shows other anomalies of tlie sexual sphere, sucli as more pro- nounced degeneration in the form of periodicity of the impulse and impulsive conduct, and is a neuropathic and psychopathic person. Another question concerns the mental condition of the urning. If this be such as to remove the possibility of moral responsibility, then tlie pederast is not a criminal, but an irre- sponsible insane person. This condition in congenital urnings is apparently less frequent than another. As a rule, these cases •present elementary psychical disturbances, which do not remove responsibility. . But this docs not settle the question of the responsibility of the urning. The sexual instinct is one of the most powerful organic needs. There is no law tliat looks upon its satisfaction outside of marriage as punishable in itself; if the urning feels perversely, it is not his fault, but the fault of a condition natural to him. His sexual instinct may be aestheti- cally very repugnant, but, from his stand-point, it is natural. And, too, in the majority of these unfortunates, the perverse sexual instinct is abnormally intense, and their consciousness recognizes it as nothing unnatural. Thus they fail to have moral and aesthetic ideas to assist them in resisting the instinct. Innumerable normally constituted men are in a position to 410 PSYCHOPATH! A SEXUALIS. overcome the desire for satisfaction of their Ubido without suffer- ing from it in health. Many neuropathic individuals, — and urnings are almost always neuropathic, — on the contrary, become nervously ill when they do not satisfy the sexual desire, either as Nature prompts or in a way that is for them perverse. The majority of urnings are in a painful situation. On the one hand, there is an impulse toward persons of their own sex that is abnormally intense, the satisfaction of which has a good effect, and is natural to them ; on the other, is public sentiment which stigmatizes their acts, and the law which threatens them with punishment. Before them lies mental despair, — even insanity and suicide, — at the very least, nervous disease ; behind them, shame, loss of position, etc. It cannot be doubted that, under these circumstances, states of necessity and compulsion may be created by the unfortunate natural disposition and constitution. Society and the law should under- stand these facts. The former must pity, and not despise, such unfortunates ; the latter must cease to punish them, — at least, while they remain within the limits which are set for the activity of their sexual instinct. As a confirmation of these opinions and demands concerning these step-children of Nature, it is permissible to reproduce here the memorial of an urning to the author. Tiie writer of the following lines is a man of high position in London : — " You have no idea wliat a constant struggle we all — particularly those of us that have the most mind and finest feelings — have to endure, and how we suffer under the prevailing false ideas about us and our so-called immorality. "Your opinion that the phenomenon under consideration is pri- marily due to a congenital ' pathological ' disposition will, perhaps, make it possible to overcome existing prejudices, and awaken pity for poor, ' abnormal ' men, instead of the present repugnance and contempt. Much as I believe that the opinion expressed by 3'ou is exceedingly beneficial to us, I am still compelled, in the interest of science, to repudiate the word ' pathological' ; and j^ou will permit me to express a few thoughts with respect of it. " Under all circumstances the phenomenon is anomalous ; but the word ' pathological ' conveys another meaning, which I cannot think suits this phenomenon ; at least, as I have had occasion to observe it in very manj' cases. I will allow, a priori, that, among urnings, a far UNNATURAL ABUSE — SODOMY. 411 liigher proportion of cases of insanitj^ of nervous exhaustion, etc., may be observed than in other normal men. Does this increased nervousness necessarily depend upon the character of urningism, or is it not, in the majority of cases, to be ascribed to the effect of the laws and the preju- dices of society, which prohibit the indulgence of their sexual desires, depending on a congenital peculiarit}', while others are not thus restrained ? " The youthful urning, when he feels the first sexual promptings and niiively ex])resses them to his comrades, soon finds that he is not understood ; he shrinks into himself. If he tell his parents or teacher what moves him, that which is as natural to him as swimming is to a fish is described as wrong and sinful, and he is told it must be fought and overcome at any price. Then an inner conflict begins, a powerful repression of sexual inclinations ; and the more the natural satisfaction of desire is repressed, the more lively the fancy becomes, and paints the very pictures that the wish is to banish. The more energetic the charac- ter that carries on this inner conflict, the more the whole nervous system must suffer. Such a powerful repression of an instinct so deeply implanted in us, in my opinion, develops the abnormal symptoms which are observed in many urnings ; but this does not necessarily follow from the urning's disposition. " Some continue the conflict for a longer or shorter time, and thus injure themselves; others at last come to the knowledge that the power- ful instinct born in them cannot possibly be sinful, and, therefore, they ■ cease to try to do the impossible, — the repression of the instinct. Then, however, begin constant suffering and excitement. When a normal man seeks satisfaction of sexual inclination, he knows how to find it easily ; it is not so with the urning. He sees men that attract him, but he dares not say — na}^ not even beti-a}' by a look — what his feelings are. He thinks that he alone of all the world has such abnormal feelings. Natu- rally he seeks the society of young men ; but he does not venture to confide in them. Thus he comes to provide himself with a satisfaction that he cannot otherwise obtain. Onanism is practiced inordinately, and fol- lowed by all the evil results of that vice. When, after a time, the nerv- ous system has been injured, the abnormality is again not the result of urningism, but it is produced l)y the onanism to which the urning resorts, as a result of the public sentiment that denies him opportunity to satisfy the sexual instinct that is natural to him. *' Or, let us suppose the urning has had the rare fortune to soon find a person like himself; or, that he has been introduced by an experi- enced friend to the events of the world of urnings. Then he is spared much of the inner conflict; but, at the same time, fearful cares and anxieties follow his footsteps. Now he knows that he is not the only one in the world that has such abnormal feelings ; he opens his eyes and wonders that he meets so many of his kind in all social circles and in all 412 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. callings ; lie also learns that, in the world of urnings, as in the other, there is prostitution, and that men as well as women can be bought. Thus there is no longer anj^ want of opportunity for sexual satisfaction. But here how differently the experience is gained from that obtained in the normal manner of sexual indulgence ! " Let us consider the happiest case. After longing all one's life, the friend of like feeling is found. But he cannot be approached openly, as a lover approaches the girl lie loves. In constant fear, both must con- ceal their relations ; nay, even intimac}^ that might easily excite sus- picion — especially should they not be of like age, or should the3" belong to different classes — must be kept from the world. Thus, even in this relation, is forged a chain of anxiety and fear that the secret will be betrayed or discovered, which leaves them no J03" in the indulgence. The slightest thing that would not affect others makes them tremble with fear that suspicion might be excited and the secret discovered, and destroy social position and business. Could this constant anxiety and care be endured without leaving a trace, without exerting an influence on the entire nervous system ? " Another less fortunate man does riot find a friend of like feeling, but falls into the hands of a handsome man, who sought him until the secret was discovered. Now the most refined blackmail is extorted. The unfortunate, persecuted man, brought to the alternative of paying or of losing his social position, and bringing disgrace on himself and his family, pays ; and the more he gives, the more voracious the vampire becomes ; until at last there remains nothing but absolute financial ruin or dishonor. Who can wonder that nerves are not equal to such a terrible struggle 1 " They give way; insanity comes on ; and the miserable man at last finds the rest in an asylum that he could not find in the world. Another, in the same situation, driven to despair, finds relief in suicide. It cannot be known how many of the suicides of young men are to be attributed to this combination of circumstances. " I do not think that I am in error when I declare that at least one- half of the suicides of young men are due to such conditions. Even in those cases where urnings are not persecuted by a heartless villain, but where a happy relation between two men exists, discovery, or even the fear of it, very often leads to suicide. How many officers, how many soldiers, having such relations with their subordinates or companions, in the moment when they have believed themselves discovered, have sought to escape the threatened disgrace by means of a bullet I And it is the same in all callings. " Therefore, if it must be admitted that, among urnings, more mental abnormalities and more insanity are actually observed than among other men, j^et this does not prove that the mental disturbance is a necessary accompaniment of the urning's condition, and that the latter induces the former. UNNATURAL ABUSE — SODOMY. 413 " According to my firm conviction, l)y far the greater number of cases of mental disturbance or abnoruuxl disposition observed in urnings are not to be attributed to the sexual anomaly ; but they are caused by the existing notions concerning urnings, and the resulting laws, and dominant public sentiment concerning the anomaly. Any one with an adequate idea of the mental and moral suffering, of the anxiety and care, that the urning must endure ; of the constant hypocrisy and secrecy he must practice, in order to conceal his inner instinct ; of the difficulties that meet him in satisfying his natural desire, — can only be suriuised that more insanity and nervous disturbance does not occur in urnings. The greater i)art of these abnormal states would not be developed, if the urning, like another, could find a simple and easy way in which to satisfy his sexual desire, — if he were not forever troubled by these anxieties 1 " De lege lata, as far as the uriiiiig is concerned, the para- graph with reference to pederasty must not be applied without the proof of actual pederasty ; and psychical and somatic abnor- malities must be examined by experts with respect of an esti- mate in the individual of the question of guilt. De lege ferenda, the urnings wish a repeal of the para- graphs. The jurist could not consent to this, if he were to remember that pederasty is much more frequently a disgusting vice than the result of physical and mental intirmity ; and that, moreover, many urnings, though driven to sexual acts with their own sex, are yet in nowise compelled to indulge in peder- asty, — a sexual act which, under all circumstances, must stand as cynical, disgusting, and, when passive, as certainly injurious. Whether for reasons of exp(xliency (difficulty of iixing tlie guilt, encouragement of blackmail, etc.), it would not be oppor- tune to strike from the statutes the legal punishment of the male-loving man, and to protect youth by the use of the para- graphs concerning sexual abuses, is a future question for jurists. What has been said concerning congenital contrary sexu- ality and its relation to the law is also applicable to the acquired abnormality. The accompanying neurosis or psychosis should have much diagnostic and forensic weight with reference to the question of guilt. It only remains to describe acquired non-pathological ped- erasty, — one of the saddest pages in the history of human delinquencies ; — 414 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. Cultivated Pederasty.^ The motives that bring to pederasty a man originally nor- mal sexually and of sound mind are various. It is used tem- porarily as a means of sexual satisfaction faute de mieux, — as in infrequent cases of bestiality, — where abstinence from normal sexual indulgence is a necessity.^ It thus occurs on shipboard during long voyages, in prisons, in baths, etc. It is highly prob- able that, among men subjected to such conditions, there are single individuals of low morals and great sensuality, or actual urnings, who seduce the others. Lust, imitation, and desire further their purpose. The strength of the sexual instinct is most markedly shown by the fact that such circumstances are sufficient to overcome repugnance for the unnatural act. Another category of pederasts is made up of old i-oiies that have become supersatiated in normal sexual indulgence, and who find in pederasty a means of exciting sensual pleasure, the act being a new method of stimulation. Thus they tem- porarily renew their power, that has been psychically and phys- ically reduced to so low a state. The new sexual situation makes them, so to speak, relatively potent, and makes pleasure possible that is no longer possible in normal intercourse. In time power to indulge in pederasty is also lost. The individual may thus finally be reduced to passive pederasty as a stimulus to make possible temporary active pederasty ; just as, occasion- ally, flagellation or looking on at obscene acts (Maschka's case of mutilation of animals) is resorted to for the same purpose. The termination of sexual activity expresses itself in all kinds of abuse of children, — cunnilingus, fellare, and other enormities. This kind of pederasts is the most dangerous, since they deal mostly with boys, and ruin them in body and soul. 1 For interesting histories and notes, v. Krause, Psychol, des Verbrechens, p. 174. — Tardieu, Attentats. — Maschka, Handb., iii, p. 174. This vice seems to have come through Crete from Asia to Greece, and, in the times of classic Hellas, to have been wide-spread. From there it spread to Rome, where it flourished luxuriantly. In Persia and China (where it is actually tolerated) it is wide-spread, as it also is in Europe. (Comp. Tar- nowsky et al.) 2 Lombroso (Der Verbrecher, p. 20 et seq.) shows that also, in case of animals, Intercourge with the same sex occuis where normal indulgence is impossible. CULTIVATED TEDERASTY. 415 In reference to this, the experionees of Tarnowsky (op. cit., p. 53 et seq.), gathered from the society of St. Petersburg, are terrible. The places where pederasty is cultivated are lustitutes. Old roues and urn- ings play the role of seducers. At first it is difficult for the person to carry out the disgusting act. Fancy is made to assist b3' calling up the image of a woman. Gradually, with practice, the unnatural act be- comes easy, and at last the individual, like one injured by masturbation, becomes relatively impotent for women, and lustful enough to find pleas- ure in the perverse act. Such individuals, under certain circumstances, give themselves for money. As Tardieu, Hofmann, Simon, and Taylor show, such individuals are not infrequently fonnd in large cities. From numerous statements made to me by urnings, it is learned that actual prostitution and houses of prostitution for male-loving men exist in large cities. The arts of coquetry used by these male prostitutes are noteworthy, — ornament, perfumes, feminine styles of dress, etc., to attract pederasts and urnings. This imitation of feminine peculiarities is spontaneous and unconscious in congenital cases, and in many acquired cases of (abnormal) contrary sexual instinct. The following lines are of interest to the psychologist, and offer the officers of the law important fects concerning the social life and practice of pederasts :-.— Coffignon, " La Corruption a Paris," p. 327, divides active peder- asts into " amateurs,''^ " entreteneurs,^^ and " souteneurs.^'' The " amateurs " (" rivettes ") are debauched persons, but also fre- quently congenitally perverse sexually, of position and fortune, who are forced to guard themselves against detection in the gratification of their homo-sexual desires. For this purpose they visit brothels, lodging- houses, or the private houses of female prostitutes, who are usually on good terms with male prostitutes. Thus they escape blackmail. Some of these " amateurs " are cunning enough to indulge their vile desires in public places. They thus run the risk of arrest, but, in a large city, little risk of blackmail. Danger is said to add to their secret pleasure. The '•'• entreteneurs'''' are old sinners who, even with the danger of falling into the hands of blackmailers, cannot deny themselves the pleasure of keeping a (male) mistress. The " souteneurs " are pederasts that have been punished, who keep their ^'- jesus^''"' whom they send out to entice customers {'■'■ faire chanter les rivettes "), and who then, at the right moment, if possible, appear for the purpose of plucking the victim. Not infrequently they live together in bands, the members, in accordance with individual desire, living together as husbands and wives, 416 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. In such bands there are formal marriages, betrothals, banquets, and introductions of brides and grooms into their apartments. These " souteneurs'''' attach their ^'■jesus " to themselves. The passive pederasts are '■'• petitsjusus,^^ "j'esus,'' or " aunts.'''' The ^^ petits jesus " are lost, depraved children, whom accident places in the hands of active pederasts, who seduce them, and reveal to them the horrible means of earning a livelihood, either as " entretenus " or as male street-wallcers, with or without " souleneurs." The most suitable and promising " petits jesus " are given into the hands of persons who instruct these children in the art of female dress and manner. Gradually they then seek to emancipate themselves from their teachers and masters, in order to become '•''femmes entretenues'" ; and not infrequently by means of anonymous denunciation of their " souteneurs " to the police. It is the object of the '■'■ souteneur " and the '''' jjetit jesus " to mal^e the latter appear 3'oung, as long as possible, by means of all the arts of the toilet. The limit of age is about twentj^-five j^ears ; then they all become '•'■ jesus " and '■'^ femmes entretenues,^'' and are then sustained by several " souteneurs.'''' The ^^ jesus " fall into three categories : '■' Jilles gallantes,^^ i.e., those that have fallen again into the hands of a ^^ souteneur ^^ ] "/jzerrewses" (orduiary street-walkers, like their female colleagues) ; and '' domestics.''^ The " domestics " hire out 'to active pederasts, either to gratify their desires or to obtain ^^ petits jesus " for them. A sub-group of these " doinestics " is formed by such of them as enter the service of '■'■ ])etits jesus ''^ as '■^femmes de chambre."" The principal object of these " domestics " is to use their positions to obtain compromising knowledge, with which they later practice blackmail, and thus assure themselves ease in their old age. The most horrible class of active pederasts is made up of the " awits,^^ — i.e., the " souteneurs " of (male) prostitutes, — who, though normal sexnall}^, are morally depraved, and practice pederasty (passive) only for gain, or for the purpose of blackmail. The wealthy ''■amateurs''^ have their reunions and places of meeting, where the passive ones appear in female attire, and horrible orgies take place. The waiters, musicians, etc., at such gatherings, are all pederasts. The '■'■ filles gallantes " do not venture, except during the carnival, to show themselves on the street in female dress ; but the^^ know how to lend to their appearance something indicative of their calling, by means of style of dress, etc. The}^ entice b}^ means of gesture, peculiar movements of the hands, etc., and lead their victims to hotels, baths, or brothels. What the author saj^s of blackmail is generally known. There are cases where pederasts have allowed their entire fortune to be wrung from them. CULTIVATED PEDERASTY. 417 The following notice from a Berlin (National "?) newspaper, of February, 1884, which fell into my hands by accident, seems suited to show something of the life and customs of urnings : — " The Woman- Haters'^ Ball. — Almost every social element of Berlin has its social reunions, — the fat, the bald-headed, the young, — and why not the woman-haters ? This species of men, so interesting psychologically and none too edifying, had a great ball to-day. ' Grand Vienna Mask-Ball,' — so ran the notice. The sale of tickets was very rigorous ; they wish to be very exclusive. Their rendezvous was a well-known dance-hall. We enter the hall about midnight. The graceful dancing is to the strains of a fine orchestra. Thick tobacco-smoke, veiling the gas-lights, does not allow the details of the moving mass to become obvious ; only during the pause between the dances can we obtain a closer view. The masks are by far in the majority ; black dress-coats and ball-gowns are seen only now and then. " But what is that ? The lady in rose-tarletan, that just now passed us, has a lighted cigar in the corner of her mouth, and puffs like a trooper ; and she also wears a small, blonde beard, lightly painted out. And yet she is talking with a very decollete ' angel ' in t7-icots, who stands there, with bare arms folded behind her, likewise smoking. The two voices are masculine, and the conversation is likewise very mascu- line ; it is about the ' d — tobacco, that permits no air.' Two men in female attire. A conventional clown stands there, against a pillar, in soft conversation with a ballet-dancer, with his arm around her faultless waist. She has a blonde ' Titus-head,' sharp-cut profile, and apparently a voluptuous form. The brilliant ear-rings, the necklace with a medallion, the full, round shoulders and arms, do not permit a doubt of her ' genu- ineness,' until, with a sudden movement, she disengages herself from the embracing arm, and, yawning, moves away, saying, in a deep bass, ' Emile, you are too tiresome to-day ! ' The ballet-dancer is also a male I " Suspicious now, we look about further. We almost suspect that here the world is topsy-turvy ; for here goes, or, rather, trips, a man — no, no man at all, even though he wears a carefull}^ trained moustache. The well-curled hair; the powdered and painted face with the blackened eyebrows ; the golden ear-rings ; the bouquet of fiowers reaching from the left shoulder to- the breast, ornamenting the elegant black gown ; the golden bracelets on the wrists ; the elegant fan in the white-gloved hand, — all these things are anything but masculine. And how he to^^s with the fan ! How he dances and turns, and trips and lisps I And yet kindly Nature made this doll a man. He is a salesman in a great milli- nery store, and the ballet-dancer mentioned is his 'colleague.' " At a little corner-table there seems to be a great social circle. Several elderly gentlemen press around a group of decollete ladies, who 27 418 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. sit over a glass of wine and — in the spirit of fun — make jokes that are none too delicate. Who are these three ladies ? ' Ladies ! ' laughs my knowing friend. ' Well, the one on the right, with the brown hair and the short, fancy dress, is called " Butterrieke," and he is a hair-dresser ; the second one — the blonde in a singer's costume, with the necklace of pearls — is known here by the name of " Miss Ella of the tight-rope," and he is a ladies' tailor; and the third, — that is the widelj' -celebrated " Lottie."' " But that person cannot possibly be a man ? That waist, that bust, those classic arms, the whole air and person are markedly feminine I " I am told that ' Lottie ' was once a book-keeper. To-day she, or, rather, he, is exclusively ' Lottie,' and takes pleasure in deceiving men about his sex as long as possible. ' Lottie ' is singing a song that would hardly do for a drawing-room, in a high voice, acquired by years of prac- tice, which many a soprano might envy. ' Lottie ' has also ' worked ' as a female comedian. Now the quondam book-keeper has so entered into the female role that he appears on the street in female attire almost exclu- sively, and, as the people with whom he lodges state, uses an embroidered night-dress. " On closer examination of the assembly, to my astonishment, I discover acquaintances on all hands : ni}' shoe-maker, whom I should have taken for anything but a woman-hater — he is a ' troubadour,' with sword and plume ; and his ' Leonora,' in the costume of a bride, is accus- tomed to place my favorite brand of cigars before me in a certain cigar- store. ' Leonora,' who, during an intermission, removes her gloves, I recognize with certainty by her large, blue hands. Right ! There is my haberdasher, also ; he moves about in a questionable costume as Bac- chus, and is the swain of a repugnantly bedecked Diana, who works as a waiter in a beer-restaurant. The real ' ladies ' of the ball cannot be described here. They associate only with one another, and avoid the woman-hating men ; and the latter are exclusive, and amuse themselves, absolutely ignoring the charms of the women." These facts deserve the careful attention of the police, who should be placed in a position to cope with male prostitution, as they now do with that of women. Male prostitution is certainly much more dangerous to society than that of females; it is the darkest stain on the history of humanity. From the statements of a high police official of Berlin, I learn that the police of Berlin are conversant with the male demi-rnonde of the German Capital, and do all they can to sup- press blackmail among pederasts, — a practice which often does not stop short of murder. CULTIVATED PEDERASTY. 419 The foregoing facts justify the wish that the law-maker of the future may, for reasons of utiHty, at least, abandon the prosecution of pederasty. With reference to tliis point, it is wortliy of note that the French Code does not punish it so long as it does not become an offense to public decency. Probably for politico-legal reasons, the new Italian Penal Code passes over the crime of unnatural abuse in silence, as do the statutes of Holland and, as far as I know, Belgium and Spain. In how far such cultivated pederasts are to be regarded as mentally and morally sound may remain an open question. The majority of them suffer with genital neuroses. At least, in these cases, there are the stages of transition to acquired patho- logical contrary sexual instinct. The responsibility of these individuals, who are certainly much lower than the women who prostitute themselves, in general cannot be questioned. The various categories of male-loving men, with respect of the manner of sexual indulgence, may be thus characterized in general : — The congenital urning becomes a pederast only exception- ally, and eventually resorts to it after having practiced and exhausted all the possible immoral acts with males. Passive pederasty is for him the ideally and practically adequate form of the sexual act. He practices active pederasty only to please another. The most important point here is the congenital and unchangeable perversion of the sexual instinct. It is otherwise with the pederast by cultivation. He has once acted normally sexually, or, at least, liad iionual incli- nations, and occasionally has intercourse with the op})osite sex. His sexual perversity is neither congenital nor unchangeable. He begins with pederasty and ends in other perverse sexual acts, induced by weakness of the centres for erection and ejaculation. At the height of his power, his sexual desire is not for passive, but for active pederasty. He yields himself to passive [)ederasty only to please another ; for money, in the role of a male prosti- tute ; or as a means, when virility is declining, to make active pederasty still occasionally possible. 420 PSTCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. A horrible act, that must be alluded to, in conclusion, is psedicatio mulierum,^ and even uxorum. Sensual individuals sometimes do it with hardened prostitutes, or even with their wives. Tardieu gives examples where men, usually practicing coitus, sometimes indulged in pederasty with their wives. Occa- sionally fear of a repetition of pregnancy may induce the man to perform, and the woman to tolerate, the act. Case 192. Imputation of pederasty that was not proved. Resume from the legal proceedings : — On May 30, 1888, Dr. S., chemist, of H., in an anonymous letter, was accused by his step-father of having immoral relations with G., aged 19, the son of a butcher. Dr. S. received the letter, and, astounded by its contents, hastened to his law3'er, who promised to proceed discreetly in the matter, and to ascertain from the authorities whether he would be publicly prosecuted. On the next morning, G., who lived in the house of Dr. S., was arrested. At the time he was sick with gonorrhoea and orchitis. Dr. S. tried to induce the authorities to release G., and advised caution, but he was refused. In his statement to the judge, S. said that he became acquainted with G. on the street, three years previously, and then saw no more of him until the fall of 1887, when he met him in his father's shop. After November G. supplied Dr. S.'s kitchen with meat, — coming in the evening to get the order, and bringing the meats the next morning. Thus S. gradually became well acquainted with G., and came to have a very friendly feeling for him. When S. fell ill and was, for the most part, confined to his bed until the middle of May, 1888, G. gave him so much attention that S. and his wife were much attracted to him on account of his harmless, child-like, and happy disposition. Dr. S. showed and explained to him his collection of curiosities, and they spent the evenings pleasantly together, the wife also being usually present ; besides, S. and G. experimented in making sausages, jelly, etc. In February, 1888, G. fell ill with gonorrhoea. Dr. S., being his friend, and having studied medicine for several terms, took care of G., procured medicine for him, etc. In May, G. being still sick, and, for several reasons, inclined to leave home, S. and his wife took him into their own home to care for him. S. denied the truth of all the suspicions that had been raised by this relation, and defended himself by pointing to his life of previous respectability, his education, and to the fact that G., at the time, was suffering with a disgusting, contagious disease, and that he himself had a painful affection (nephritic calculus, with occasional attacks of colic). * Comp. Tardieu, Attentats, p. 198. — Martineau, Deutsche Med. Zeitung, 1882, p. 9. — Virchow's Jahrb., 1881, i, p. 533. — Coutagne, Lyon Medical, Nos. 35, 36. CULTIVATED PEDERASTY. 421 Opposed to this statement of Dr. S.'s must be mentioned the facts that were brought out in court, and whicli led to conviction in the first trial. The relation of S. to G. had, by reason of its obviousness, given cause for remark by private individuals, as well as by those in public houses. G. spent almost all his evenings with S.'s family, and, finally, came to be quite at home there. They took walks together. Once, while out on such a walk, S. said to G. that he was a pretty fellow, and that he (S.) was very fond of him. On the same occasion, there was also talk of sexual matters, and also of pederasty. S. said he touched on these sub- jects only to warn G. With reference to the intercourse at home, it was proved that occasionally S., while sitting on a sofa, embraced G., and kissed him. This happened in the presence of the wife, as well as of the servant-girls. When G. was ill with gonorrhcea, S. instructed him in the method of using a syringe, and, at the time, took the penis in his hand. G. testified that S., in answer to his question why he was so fond of him, said, " I don't know, myself" When, one day, G. remained away, S., with tears in his eyes, complained of it to him when he returne tionall}', as a result of intense sexual desire, or with a low or lowered moral sense, out of desire to please another. 2. On the basis of acquired contrary sexual instinct : — (a) As a result of long years of onanism, which finally causes impotence for women with continuance of intense sexual desire. (6) As a result of severe mental disease (senile dementia, brain- softening of the insane, etc.), in which, as experience teaches, an inversion of the sexual instinct may take place. Passive pederasty occurs : — I. As a non-pathological phenomenon : — 1. In individuals of the lowest class, who, having had the misfortune to be seduced in boyhood by debauchees, endured pain and disgust for CULTIVATED PEDERASTY. 427 the sake of money, and became depraved morally, so that, in more mature years, they have fallen so low that they take pleasure in being male prostitutes. 2. Under circumstances analogous to those of I, 1, — as a remunera- tion to another for having allowed active pederasty. II. As a pathological phenomenon : — 1. In individuals atfeeted with contrary sexual instinct, witii endur- ance of pain and disgust, as a return to men for the bestowal of sexual favors. 2. In urnings who feel toward men like women, out of desire and lust. In such female-men there is horror feminae aud absolute incapability for sexual intercourse with women. Character and inclinations are feminine. The empirical facts that have been gathered by legal medicine and psychiatry are all included in this classification. Before the court of medical science, it would be necessary to prove that a man belonged to one of the above categories in order to carry the conviction that he was a pederast. In the life and character of Dr. S., one searches in vain for signs which place him in one of the categories of active pederasts which science has established. He is neither one forced to sexual abstinence, nor one made impotent for women by debauchery ; neither is he congenitall}^ male-loving, nor alienated from women by masturbation, and attracted to men through continuance of sexual desire ; and, finally, he is not sexually perverse as a result of severe mental disease. In fact, the general conditions necessary for the occurrence of pederasty are wanting in him, — moral imbecility or moral depravity, on the one hand, and inordinate sexual desire, on the other. It is likewise impossible to classify the accomplice, G., in any of the empirical categories of passive pederasty ; for he possesses neither the peculiarities of the male prostitute nor the clinical marks of effem- ination ; and he has not the anthropological and clinical stigmata of the female-man. He is, in fact, the very opposite of all this. In order to make a pederastic relation between the two plausible medico-scientifically, it would be requisite for Dr. S. to present the ante- cedents and marks of the active pederasts of I, 2, and G., those of the passive pederasts of II, 1 or 2. The assumption lying at the basis of the verdict is, from a psycho- logical stand-point, legally untenable. With the same right, every man might be considered a pederast. It remains to consider whether the explanations given by Dr. S. and G. of their remarkable friendship are psychologically valid. Psychologically it is not without parallel that so sentimental and eccentric a man as S. — without any sexual excitement whatever — should entertain a transcendental friendship. It suflices to recall the friendship of school-girls, the self-sacrificing friendship of sentimental young persons 428 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. in general, and the partiality which this sensitive man sometimes showed even for domestic animals, — where no one would think of sodomy. With S.'s mental character, extraordinary friendship for the youth G. may be easily comprehended. The openness of this friendship permits the con- clusion that it was innocent, much rather than that it depended upon sensual passion. The defendants succeeded in obtaining a new trial. The new trial took place on March T, 1890. There was much evidence presented in favor of the accused. The previous moral life of S. was generally acknowledged. The Sister of Charity who cared for G. in S.'s house, never noticed anything suspicious in the intercourse between S. and G. S.'s former friends tes- tified to his morality, his deep friendship, and his habit of kissing them on meeting or leaving them. The anal abnormalities previously found on G. were no longer present. Experts called by the court allowed the possibility that they had been due simply to digital manipulations ; their diagnostic value in any case was contested by the experts called by the defense. The court recognized that the imputed crime had not been proved, and exonerated the defendants. Lesbian Love.^ Where the sexual intercourse is between adults, its legal importance is very slight ; it could come into consideration only in Austria. In connection with urningism, this phenomenon is of antliropological and clinical value. The relation is the same, mutatis mutandis, as between men. Lesbian love does not seem to approach urningism in frequency. The majority of female urnings do not act in obedience to an innate impulse, but they are developed under conditions analogous to those which produce the urning by cultivation. These "forbidden friendships" flourish especially in penal institutions for females. Kraussold {op. cit.) reports : " The female prisoners often have such friendships, which, when possible, extend to mutual manustupration. " But temporar}^ manual gratification is not the only purpose of such friendships. They are made to be enduring, — entered into system- atically, so to speak, — and intense jealousy and a passion for love are 1 Camp. Mayer, Friedreich's Blatter, 1875, p. 41.— Kraussold, Melancbolie und Schuld, 1884, p. 20.— Andronico, Archiv di psich. scienze penali ed antbropol. crim., vol. iii, p. 145. LESBIAN LOVE. 429 developed which could scarcely be surpassed between persons of opposite sex. When the friend of one prisoner is merely smiled at by another, there are often the most violent scenes of jealousy, and even beatings. " When the violent prisoner has been put in irons, in accordance witli the prison-regulations, she says ' she has had a child by her friend.' " We are indebted to Parent-Duchatelet (" De la prosti- tution," 1857, vol. i, p. 159) for interesting communications con- cerning Lesbian love. According to this experienced author, repugnance for the most disgusting and perverse acts (coitus in axilla, inter mamni.ie, etc.) which men perform on prostitutes is not infrequently responsible for driving these unfortunate creatures to Lesbian love. From his statements it is seen that it is essentially prostitutes of great sensuality who, unsatisfied with intercourse with impotent or perverse men, and impelled by their disgusting practices, come to indulge in it. Besides these, there are prostitutes who let themselves be known as given to tribadism ; persons who have been in prisons for years, and in these hot beds of Lesbian love, ex abstinentia, acquired this vice. It is interesting to know that prostitutes hate those who practice tribadism, — just as men abhor pederasts ; but female prisoners do not regard the vice as indecent. Parent mentions the case of a prostitute who, while intoxicated, tried to force another to Lesbian love. The latter became so enraged that she denounced the indecent woman to the police. Taxil {op. cit. p. 166, 170) reports similar instances. Mantegazza (" Anthropol. cnlturhistorische Studien," p. 97) also finds that sexual intercourse between women has especially the signifi- cance of a vice which arises on the basis of unsatisfied hyperaesthesia sexualis. In many cases of this kind, however, aside from congenital contrary sexual instinct, one gains the impression that, just as in men {vide supra), the cultivated vice gradually leads to acquired contrary sexual instinct, with repugnance for sexual intercourse with the opposite sex. At least Parent's cases were probably of this nature. The corre- spondence with the lover was quite as sentimental and exaggerated in tone as it is between lovers of the opposite sex ; unfaithfulness and sepa- ration broke the heart of the one abandoned ; jealousy was unbridled, and led to bloody revenge. The following cases of Lesbian love, by Mante- gazza, are certainly pathological, and possibly examples of congenital contrary sexual instinct : — 1. On July 5, 1777, a woman was brought before a court in London, who, dressed as a man, had been married to three ditferent women. She 430 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. was recognized as a woman, and sentenced to imprisonment for six months. 2. In 1773, anotlier woman, dressed as a man, courted a girl, and asked for her hand ; but the tricli did not succeed. 3. Two women lived together as man and wife for thirty years. On her death-bed the " husband " confessed her secret to those about her. Coffignon {op. cit., p. 301) makes later statements worthy of notice. He reports that this vice is, of late, quite the fashion, — partly owing to novels on the subject, and partly as a result of excessive work on sew- ing-machines, the sleeping of female servants in the same bed, seduction in schools by depraved pupils, or seduction of daughters by perverse servants. The author declares that this vice (" saphism ") is met more frequently among ladies of the aristocracy and prostitutes. He does not differentiate physiological and pathological cases, nor, among the latter, the acquired and congenital cases. The details of a few cases, which are certainly pathological, correspond exactly with the facts that are known about men of contrary sexuality. The saphists have their places of meeting, recognize each other by peculiar glances, carriage, etc. Saphistic pairs like to dress and orna- ment themselves alike, etc. They are then called ^^ petites soeurs " (little sisters). 7. Necrophilia.^ (Austrian Statutes, § 306.) This horrible kind of sexual indulgence is so monstrous that the presumption of a psychopathic state is, under all cir- cumstances, justified ; and Maschka's recommendation, that the mental condition of the perpetrator should always be in- vestigated, is well founded. In any case, an abnormal and decidedly perverse sensuality is required to overcome the natu- ral repugnance Avhich man has for a corpse, and permit a feeling of pleasure to be experienced in sexual congress with a cadaver. Unfortunately, in tlie majority of the cases reported, the mental condition was not examined; so that the question whether necrophilia is compatible with mental soundness must remain open. But any one having knowledge of the horrible aberrations of the sexual instinct would not venture, without further consideration, to answer the question in the negative. » Comp. Maschka, Hdb., iii, p. 191 (good historical notes). — Legraud, La folic, p. 531. IKCEST. 431 8. Incest. (Austrian Statutes, § 132 ; Abridgment, § 189 ; German Statutes, § 174.) The preservation of the moral purity of family life is a product of civilization ; ^ and feelings of intense displeasure arise in an ethically intact man at thought of lustful feeling toward a member of the same family. Only great sensuality and defective ideas of laws and morals can lead to incest. Both conditions may, in tainted families, be operative. Drinking and a state of intoxication in men ; weak-minded- ness which does not allow the development of the feeling of shame, and which, under certain circumstances, is associated with eroticism in females, — these facilitate the occurrence of incestuous acts. External conditions which iacilitate their occurrence are due to defective separation of the sexes among the lower classes. As a decidedly pathological phenomenon, the author has found incest in states of congenital and acquired mental weak- ness, and infrequently in cases of epilepsy and paranoia. In many of the cases, probably a majority, it is not pos- sible, however, to find a pathological basis for the act which so deeply wounds not only the tie of blood, but also the feeling of a civilized people. But in many of the cases reported in litera- ture, to the honor of humanity, the presumption of a psychopathic basis is possible. In tlie Feldtniann case (Murc-Ideler, vol. i, p. 18), where a father constantly made immoral attacks on his adult daughter, and finally' killed her, the unnatural father was weak-minded and,ljesides, probably subject to periodical mental disease. In another case of incest between father and daughter {toe. ciL, p. 247), the latter, at least, was weak-minded. Lom- broso {Archiv. di Fsichiat7-ia, viii, p. 519) reports the case of a peasant, aged 42, who practiced incest with his daughters, aged, respectively, 22, 19, and 11 ; he even forced the youngest to prostitute herself, and then visited her in a brothel. The medico-legal examination showed predis- position, intellectual and moral imbecility, and alcoholism. There was no mental examination in the case reported by Schlir- meyer {Deutsche ZeitscJir. fur Staatsarzneikunde, xxii, II. 1), in Avhich a 1 Vide Westerinarck, History of Human Marriage, chap. xiv. McMillan & Co., 1891. 432 PSYCHOPATHIA SEXUALIS. mother laid her son of five and a half years on herself, and practiced abuse with him ; and in that given byLafarque {Journ. Med. de Bordeaux, 1874), where a girl, aged 17, laid her brother, aged 13, upon herself, brought about membrorum conjunctionem, and performed masturbation on him. The following cases are those of tainted individuals : Magnan {Ann. med.-psych., 1885) mentions an unmarried woman, aged 29, who, though indifferent toward other children or even men, suffered frightfully in the presence of her nephew, and could scarcely control her impulse to cohabit with him. This sexual peculiarity continued only as long as the nephew was quite young. Legrand (Ann. med.-psych., May, 1876) mentions a girl, aged 15, who seduced her brother into all manner of sexual excesses on her per- son ; and when, after two j-ears of this incestuous practice, her brother died, she attempted to murder a relative. In the same article there is the case of a married woman, aged 36, who hung her open breast out of a window, and indulged in abuse with her brother, aged 18; and also the case of a mother, aged 39, who practiced incest with her son, with whom she was madly in love, became pregnant by him, and induced abortion. Through Casper we kno^v that depraved mothers in large cities sometimes treat their little daughters in a most horrible fashion, in order to prepare them for the sexual use of de- bauchees. This crime belongs elsewhere. 9. Immoral Acts with Persons in the Care of Others ; Seduction (Austrian). (Austrian Statutes, § 131 ; Abridgment, § 188 ; German Statutes, § 173). Allied to incest, but still less repugnant to moral sensibility, are those cases in which persons seduce those entrusted to them for care or education, and who are more or less dependent upon them, to commit or suffer vicious practices. Such acts, which especially deserve legal punishment, seem only exceptionally to have psychopathic significance. INDEX. Abuse, unnatural, 404 Acts for self-humiliation, 134 ^Esthetics and sexuality, 10 Amor lesbicus, 428 Anaesthesia sexualis, acquired, 47 congenital, 42 Androgyny, 304 Areas, erogenous, 31 Attraction, sexual, 16 Baudelaire, 122 Binet, 18, 19, 21, 121 Bondage, sexual, 141 Bote, 202 Boys, whipping of (sadistic), 82 Brunn, 19 Caesars, 58 Capitals as breeding-places of sensuality, 7 Christianity, influence of, 4, 6 contrasted with Mohammedanism, 5 Cohabitation, 32 Contrary sexual instinct, 185 causes of, 188 degrees of, 187 Corpses, mutilation of, 67 Cruelty, passively endured, 89 and love, 9 and lust, 9 sources of, 86 Decadence, moral, 6 Defemination, 197 Defilement of women, 79 Delirium acutum, 54 Dementia and psychopathia sexualis, 361 paretic, and psychopathia sexualis, 363 Descartes, 162 28 Diagnosis of contrary sexuality, 319 Durga, 57 EfiFemination, 279 Ejaculation centre, 31 affections of, 3.6 Epilepsy and psychopathia sexualis, 364 Equus eroticus. 111 Erection centre, 24 affections of, 35 Esquirol, 220, 221 Eviration, 197 Exhibition, 382 Eyes, neuropathic, 21 Family life, 6 Fetichism, 17 and crime, 401 of apron, 170 of feathers, 182 of female attire, 167 of female person, 157 of foot and shoe, 123, 176 of furs, 181 of hair, 20 of hand, 158 of handkerchief, 171 of glove, 175 of material, 180 of odors, 21 of silk, 183 - of velvet, 180 of voice, 22 religious, 17 Fiction and sexual perversion, 123 Flagellation, 28, 152 and masochism, 99 differentiation of, 100 (433) 434 INDEX. Flagellation, for reflex effect, 99 heroines of, 29 Flagellum salutis, 29 Friendship and love, 19 Frigiditas uxoris, 46 Frottage, 394 Gley, 226 Griesinger, 224 Gynandry, 304 Hair, as a fetich, 20 Hair-despoilers, 162, 164, 165 Herodotus, 200 Hermaphroditism, psychical, 230 cases of, 232-255 Hippocrates, 201 Homo-sexuality, 185, 255 acquired, 188 causes of, 188 congenital, 222 degrees of, I, 191; II, 197; III, 202; IV, 216 explanation of, 227 Holder, 202 Hypersesthesia sexualis, 48 cases of, 51-55 Hypnosis, therapeutics, 322-357 Hysteria, 375 Idiocy and psychopathia sexualis, 358 Imbecility and contrary sexuality, 359 Ink, throwing of, 80 Insanity, and contrary sexuality, 358 periodical, 372 Incest, 431 Japanese women, 3 Juvenal, 31 Kiernan, 227 Kiernan's explanation of sadism, 152 Kleist, 88 Ladame's case, 344 Libido sexualis, 24-32 Love and cruelty, 9 and friendship, 19 and religion, 8 fetichism of, 19 Lesbian, 428 of man and woman compared, 15 platonic, 11, 12 true, 11 , youthful, 11 Lust and cruelty, 10, 57 and battle, 58, 60 and murder, 62, 397 and the passive endurance of cruelty, 90 and plunder, 58 Lupercal, 31 Lydston, 162, 227 Magnan, 20, 227 Mania, 373 Mantegazza, 7, 227 Marschalls Gilles de Rays, 58 Maudsley, 1 Maeoch, Sacher-, 89 Masochism, 89 and flagellation, 99 and sadism, 148 explanation of, 139 in women, 137 larvated, 123 rudimentary, 101 symbolic, 115 Melancholia, 374 Messalinas, 88 Metamorphosis sexualis paranoica, 216 transition to, 202 Modesty, origin of, 2, 15 in women, 15 , Mohammedan women, 5 Morality, progress in, 5 Morals, decadence of, and pathology, 6 Mujerados, 201 INDEX. 435 Necropliilia, 430 Nervi erigentes, 24 Neuroses, cerebral, 36 sexual, 34 spinal, 35 Nymphomania, 373 Olfactory fetichism, 21 hallucinations and sexuality, 28 sense and sexual sense, 26 Paradoxia sexualis, 37 Paresthesia sexualis, 56 Paranoia, 376 Pathological sexuality in its legal aspects, 378 Pathology, general, 34 special, 358 Pederasty, 408 cultivated, 414 false imputation of, 420 Penthesilia, 88 Perfumes as a fetich, 21, 26 Physiology, 23 Priapism, 35 Prognosis of contrary sexuality, 319 Psychology, sexual, 1 Psychopathia sexualis periodica, 371 Puberty, its psychological importance, 7 relation to poetry, 7 to religious feeling, 7 Pueblo Indians, 201 Rape, 397 Religion and sensuality, 8 Reversal of sexual feeling, 191 Robbery, 401 Rousseau, 119 Sacher-Masoch, 89 Sade, Marquis de, 57, 71 Sadism, 57, 401 and masochism, 148 Sadism, atavistic, 1*52 cases of, 62-67 in women, 87 physiological relations of, 59 symbolic, 81 with animals, 84 with other objects, 82 Satyriasis, 37-3 Schema of sexual neuroses, 34 Schopenhauer, 41 Scythians, insanity of the, 200 Schrenk-Notzing's case, 351 Senile libido, 40, 41 Sensuality, 5 religious equivalent of, 8 Servants, immoral acts of, with children 432 Sexuality, source of ethical feeling, 1 and the social feeling, 1 simple reversal of, 191 Sexual attraction, 16 bondage, 141 desire, physiology of, 28 instinct in childhood, 37 in old age, 38 promptings, first, 7 satisfaction in received cruelty and abuse, 91 selection, 2 Shoe-fetichism, 123 cases of, 124-134 Silk-fetichism, 183 Siva, 57 Sodomy, 404 Spanking, dangers of, 28 Stefanowsky, 123 Sterility, 13 Sulphuric acid, throwing of, 80 Suggestion, hypnotic, 322-357 Theft, 401 Torture of animals, 401 Therapy of contrary sexuality, 321 436 INDEX. Ulrichs, 227 Urning, memorial of one, 410 Urnings, 255 cases of, 257-279 laws concerning, 413 Vampirism, 87 Vanity, 16 Velvet-fetichism, 180 Violation of children, 402 Viraginity, 279 Virility, loss of, 12 Voice as a fetich, 22 Westermarck, 15, 16, 20 Westphal, 224 Whitechapel murderer, 64 Woman, elevation of, 3 in Old Testament and Gospels, 4 position of, 2 sexual appetite of, 15 role of, 13 Woman-haters' ball, 417 Women, defilement of, 79 injury of, 70 masochism in, 137 Zones, erogenous, 31 ^ L^^igsgs^L^iig-^-gpgigs^ ' , . T3i^£p^ April, 1893. Catalogue I OF THE Medical Publications OF THE R A. DAVIS CO. Publishers, Pliiladelpliia, Pa. MAIN OFFICE— 1914 and 1916 Cherry St. , Philadelphia. 117 'W. Forty- Second Street, New York. 20 Lakeside Building, 214-220 S. Clark Street, Chicago. 11 Adam Street, Strand, London, W. C, Eng. ORDER FROM NEAREST OFFICE FOR SALE BY ALL BOOKSELLERS. I£^ SPKCIAI. NOTICE. 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Tlie political situation is very intelli- gently handled in its various bearings. The photo-engravings are handsome and well-ex- ecuted, the book in general being gotten up in a very artistic manner. We can heartily com mend this work not only to phvsicians. but to intelligent lay readers.— /St. Louis Medical Review. (6) Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. CONSUWIPTION: nAvis How to Prevent it and How to l,ive witli it. Its Nature, Causes, Preventioin, and the Mode of Life, Climate, Exercise, Food, and Clothing Necessary for its Cure, By N. S. Davis, Jr., A.M., M.D., Professor of Principles and Practice of Medicine, Chicago Medical College; Physician to Mercy Hospital, Chicago ; Member of the American Medical Association, etc. This plain, practical treatise thoroughly discusses the prevention of Consumption, Hygiene for Consumptives, gives timely suggestions concerning the diflerent climates and the important part they play in the treatm'ent of this disease, etc., etc.,— all presented in such a succinct and intelligible style as to make the perusal of the book a pleasant pastime. 12mo. 143 pages. Handsomely bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, 75 Cents, net ; in Great Britain, 4s. ; in France, 5 fr. The questions of heredity, predisposition, prevention, and hygienic treatment of con- sumption are simply and sensibly dealt with. The chapters on how to live with tuberculosis are excellent. — Indiana Medical Journal. The author is very thorough in his dis- cussion of the subject, and the practical hints which he gives are of real worth and value. His directions are given in such a manner as to make life enjoyable to a consumptive patient, and not a burden, as is too frequently the case. — Weekly Medical Review. By the Sdtne Author Diseases of the Lungs, Heart, and Kidneys. By N. S. Davis, Jr., A.M., M.D. The Nature, Patlwlogical Anatomy, Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, and Tfeatment of the diseases of these important organs are comprehensively discussed in this conveniently arranged volume. Special and careful attention is given to Treatment, while nothing else is slighted. No. I4 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Reference Series. 12mo. 359 pages. Extra Dark-Blue Cloth. Price, in United States and Canada, post-paid, $1.25, net; Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; Pranoe, 7 fr. 75. The author evidently knows how to put "multum in parvo" vi'ithout omitting any- thing essential to a clear understanding of the subject discussed.— (St. Louis Medical Era. It requires close thought, carefiiUy and judiciously applied, to write a book as this one IS written. A systematic treatise on the Dis- eases of the Lungs, Heart, and Kidneys, and their co-ordinate relation and sympathy, pre- senting many of the main points of dependence of one upon the other. This Dr. Davis has succeeded in doing to a nice degree, handing the student a book worthy of most serious Sitxidy.— Medical Free Press. On Oxygen. DBMABQTTAY A Practical Investig^ation of tlie Clinical and Xherapeutic "Valne of tlie Gases in Medical and Surgical Practice, With Especial Reference to the Value and Availability of Oxygen, Nitrogen, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen Monoxide. By J. N. Demarquat, Surgeon to the Municipal Hospital, Paris, and of the Council of State; Member of the Imperial Society of Surgery, etc. Translated, with notes, addi- tions, and omissions, by Samuel S. Wallian, A.M., M.D., ex-President of the Medical Association of Northern New York ; Member of the New York County Medical Society, etc. Royal Octavo, 316 pages ; illustrated with 21 Wood-Cuts. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, Cloth, $2.00, net; Half- Eussia, $3.00, net. In Great Britain, Cloth, lis. 6d. ; Half-Russia, 17s. 6d. In France, Cloth, 12 fr. 40; Half-Russia, 18 fr. 60. This is a handsome voluTue of 300 pages, in large print, on good paper, and nicely illus- trated. Although nominally pleading for the use of oxygen inhalations, the author shows in a philosop.hical manner how much greater good physicians might do if they more fully appreciated the value of fresh-aii- exercise and water, especially in diseases of the lungs, kid- neys, and skin. We commend its perusal to our readers. — The Canada Medical Record. iAM A. Edavards, M.D., Instructor in Clinical Medicine and Physician to the Med- ical Dispensary in the University of Pennsylvania; Fellow of the College of Physicians; formerly Assistant Pathologist to the Philadelphia Hospital, etc. Illustrated by Photographs and VVood-Eugraviugs. About 225 pages. Octavo. Bound in Cloth. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Qreat Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 fr. 35. Drs. Kcatinfi and Edwards have produced a work that will give material aid to every doctor in his practice among children. The style of the book is graphic and pleasing, the diagnostic points are explicit and exact, and the therapeutical resources include the novel- ties of medicine as well as the old and tried agents. — Pittsburgh Med. Review. It is not a mere compilation, but a systematic treatise, and bears evidence of considerable labor and observation on the part of the authors. Two fine photographs of dissections exhibit mitral stenosis and mitral regurgita- tion; there are also a number of wood-cuts. —Cleveland Medical Gazette. i LIEBIG and BOHE Practical Electricity in Medicine ^ Surgery. By G. A. LiEBiG, Jr., Ph.D., Assistant in Electricity, Johns Hopkins University; Lecturer on Medical Electricity, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore; Member of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers, etc. ; and George H. Rome, M.D., Pro- fessor of Obstetrics and Hygiene, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore ; Visiting Physician to Bay View and City Hospitals ; Director of the Maryland Maternite ; Associate Editor " Annual of the Universal Medical Sciences," etc. Profusely illustrated by Wood-Engravings and Original Diagrams, and published in one Royal Octavo volume of 383 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $2.00, net; in Great Britain, Us. 6d. ; in France, 12 fr. iO. Any physician, especially if he be a beginner in electro-therapeutics, will be well repaid by a careful study of this work by I>iebig and Robe. For a work on a special subject the price is low, and no one can give a good ex- cuse for remaining in ignorance of so impor- tant a subiect as electricity in medicine. — Toledo Medical and Surgical Reporter. The entire work is thoroughly scientific and practical, and is really what the authors have aimed to produce, "a trustworthy guide to the apphcation of electricity in the practice of medicine and surgery."— iVew York Medical Times. In its perusal, with each succeeding page, we have been more and more impressed with the fact that here, at last, we have a treatise on electricity in medicine and surgery which amply fulfills its purpose, and which is sure of general adoption by reason of its thorough excellence and superiority to other works in- tended to cover the same ^eld.— Pharmaceu- tical Era. (12) Medical Publications of The P. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. ' MASSBY Electricity in the Diseases of Women. With Special Reference to the Application of Strong Currents. By G. Retton Masset, M.D., Pliysician to the Gynaroloffiral Department of the Howard Hospital ; hxte Electro-therapeutist to the'Philadelpliia Ortliopivdic Hospital and Infirmary for Nervous Diseases, etc. Second Edition. Revised and Enlarged. With New and Original Wood-Engravings. Handsomely hound in Dark-Blue Cloth. 240 pages. "iSnio. No. 5 in the Physicians' and Students' Ready -Refer en re Series. This work is presented to the profession as the most complete treatise yet issued on the electrical treatment of the diseases of women, and is destined to fill the increasing demand for clear and practical instruction in the handling and use of strong currents after the recent methods first advocated by Apostoli. The whole subject is treated from the present stand-point of electric science 'with new and original illustrations, the thorough studies of the author and his wide clinical experience rendering him an authority upon electricity itself and its therapeutic applications. The author has enhanced the practical value of the work by including the exact details of treatment and results in a number of cases taken from his private and hospital practice. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.50, net; in Great Britain, 8s. 6d. ; in France, 9 fr. 35. A new edition of tliis practical manual at- tests the utility of its existence and the recog- nition of its merits. The directions are simple, easy to follow and to put into practice ; the ground is well covered, and nothing is assumed, the entire book being the record of ex\>e- rience.— Journal of JVervous and Mental Diseases. It is only a few months since we noticed the first edition of this little book ; and it is only necessary to add now that we consider it the best treatise on this subject we have seen, and that the improvements introduced into this edition make it more valuable still. — Boston Medical and Surgical Journ. The style is clear, but condensed. Useless details are omitted, the reports of cases being pruned of all irrelevant material. The book is an exceedingly valuable one, and represents an amount of study and experience which is only appreciated after a careful reading.— Medical Record. Pliysicians' Interpreter. In Four Languages (English, French, German, and Italian). Specially Arranged for Diagnosis by M. von V. The object of this little work is to meet a need often keenly felt by the busy, physician, namely, the need of some quick and reliable method of com- municating intelligibly with patients of those nationalites and languages unfa- miliar to the practitioner. The plan of the book is a systematic arrangement of questions upon the various branches of Practical Medicine, and each question is so worded that the only answer required of the patient is merely Yes or No. The questions are all numbered, and a complete Index renders them always available for quick reference. The book is written by one who is well versed in English, French, German, and Italian, being an excellent teacher in all those languages, and who has also had considerable hospital experience. Bound in Full Russia Leather, for carrying in the pocket. Size, 5x2f inches. 200 pages. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.00, net; in Great Britain, 6s. ; in France, 6 fr. 20. difficulty in dealing with foreign-speaking people, who are constantly coiBing into nur city hospitals.— iN^'ew York'MedicalJournal. Many other books of the same sort, with more extensive vocabularies, have been pub- lished, but, from their size, and from their being usually devoted to equivalents in Eng- lish and one other language only, they have not had the advantage which is pr'e-emiiient in this — convenience. It is handsomely printed, and bound in flexible red leather in the form of a diary. It would scarcely make itself felt hi one's hip-pocket, and vrould insure its bearer against any ordinary conversational This little volume is oiio of the most inge- nious aids to the physician which we have seen. We heartily commend tlie book to any one who, being without a knowledge of the foreign languages, is obliged to treat those who do not know our own language. — St. Louii Courier of Medicine. (13) Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co.. Philadelphia. The Medical Bulletin Visiting-List or Physicians' Call Record. a.rranged upon an original and convenient monthly and weekly Plan for the Daily Recording of Professional Visits. Frequent Rewriting of Names Unnecessary. THIS Visiting-List is arranged so thai the names of patients need be written but ONCE a montji instead of four times a mouth, as in the old-style lists. By means of a new feature, a simple device consisting of stub or half LEAVES IN THE FORM OP INSERTS, the first Week's visits are recorded in the usual way, and the second week's visits are begun by simply turning over the half-leaf without the necessity of rewriting the patients' names. This very easily under- stood process is repeated until the mouth is ended and the i-ecord has been kept complete in every detail of visit, charge, credit, etc., and the labor and time of entering and transferring names at least three times in the month has been saved. There are no intricate rulings ; not the least amount of time can be lost iu comprehending the plan, for it is acquired at a glance. THE THREE DIFFERENT STYLES MADE. The No. 1 Style of this List provides space for the daily record of seventy diflferent names each month for a year ; for physicians who prefer a List that will accommodate a larger practice we have made a No. 2 Style, which provides space for the daily record of 105 different names each mouth for a year, and for physicians who may prefer a Pocket Record-Book of less thickness than either of these styles we have made a No. 3 Style, in which "The Blanks for the Record- ing of Visits in " have been made into removable sections. These sections are very thin, and are made up so as to answer iu full the demand of the largest practice, each section providing ample space for the daily record of 210 dif- ferent names for two months ; or 105 different names daily each month for four months; or seventy different names daily each month for six mouths. Six sets of these sections go with each copy of No. 3 Style. SPECIAL FEATURES NOT FOUND IN ANY OTHER LIST. In this No. 3 Style the printed matter, and such matter as the blank forms for Addresses of Patients, Obstetric Record, Vaccination Record, Cash Account, Birth and Death Records, etc., are fastened perma- nently in the back of the book. The addition of a remov^able section does not increase the thickness more than an eighth of an inch. This brings the book into such a small compass that no one can object to it on account of its thickness, as its bulk is very much less than that of any visiting-list ever published. Every physician will at once understand that as soon as a section is full it can be taken out, filed away, and another inserted without the les it occurs in the United States. The author lias very judiciously arr.anged the little volume, and it will offer inany pleasant attractions to the practitioner.— A' as/ii'i7k' Journal of Medicine and Surgery. While many monographs have been pub- lished which have dealt with the subject of diabetes, we know of none which so thoroughly considers its relations to the geographical conditions which exist in the United States, nor which is more complete in its summary of the symptomatology .and treatment of tliis ail'ection. A number of tables, sliowing the Iterccntageof sugar in .a very large numl>er of alcobolii! beverages, adds very considerably to the value of the work.— il/edicai News. (17) Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. History of Circumcision. From the Earliest Times to the Present. Moral and Physical Reasons for its Performance ; with a History of Eunuchism, Hermaphrodism, etc, and of the Different Opera- tions Practiced upon the Prepuce. By P. C. RemondinO; M.D. (Jefferson), Member of the American Med- ical Association ; of the American Puljlic Health Association ; Vice- President of California State Medical Society and of Southern California Medical Society, etc. In one neat 12nio volume of 346 pages. Handsomely bound in Extra Dark-Bine Cloth, and illustrated with two fine wood-engravings, showing tlie two principal modes of Circumcision in ancient times. No. 11 in the Physicians'' and Students'' Ready-Reference Series. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. A Popular Edition (unabridged), bound in Paper Covers, is also issued. Price, 50 Cents, net ; in Great Britain, 3s. ; in France, 3 fr. 60. Every physician should read this book; he will there find, in a condensed and systematized form, what there is known concerning Circumcision. The book deals with simple facts, and it is not a disserta- tion on theories. It deals, in plain, pointed language, with the relation that the prepuce bears to physical degeneracy and disease, bases all its utterances on what has occurred and on what is known. The author has here gathered from every source the material for his subject, and the deductions are unmistakable. This is a very full and readable book. To the reader wlio wishes to know all about the antiquity of the operation, with the views jyro and con "of the riglit of this appendage to exist, its advantages, dangers, etc., this is the book. — T7ie Southern Clinic. The oi^erative chapter will be particu- larly useful and interesting to physicians, as it contains a careful and impartial review of all the operative procedures, from the most simple to the most elaborate, paying particular attention to the subject of after-dressings. It is a very interesting and instructive work, and should "be read very liberally by the profes- sion. — The Med. Brief. The author's views in regard to circum- cision, its necessity, and its results, are well founded, and its performance as a prophylactic measure is well established. — Columbus Med. Journal. JBy the Same Author The IVIediterranean Shores of America. Southern California : Its Climatic, Physical, and Meteorological Conditions. By P. C. Remondino, M.D. (Jefferson), etc. Complete in one handsomel}^ printed Octavo volume of nearly 1*75 pages, with 45 appropriate illustrations and 2 finely executed maps of the region, showing altitudes, ocean currents, etc. Bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, 6s, 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. Cheaper Edition (unabridged), bound in Paper, post-paid, in United States and Canada, 75 Cents, net ; in Great Britain, 4s. ; in France, 5 fr. Italy, of the Old World, does not excel nor even approach this region in point of saluln-ity of climate and all-around healthfulness of environ- ment. This book full}' describes and discusses this wonderfully charming countr}'. The medical profession, who have long desired a trustworthy treatise of true scientific value on this celebrated region, will find in this volume a satisfactory response to this long-felt and oft-expressed wish. (18) Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Pliiiadelpkia. MOHB Text-Book of Hygiene. A Comprehensive Treatise on the Principles and Practice of Preventive Medicine from an American Stand-point. By George H. Roh6, M.D',, Professor of Obstetrics and Hygiene in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Baltimore ; Member of the American Public Health Association, etc. Eveiy Sanitarian should have Roh^'s " Text-Book of H3'giene " as a work of reference. Second Edition, thoroughly revised and largely rewritten, with many illustrations and valuable tables. In one handsome Ro^-al Octavo volume of over 400 pages, bound in Extra Cloth. Price, post-paid, in United States, $2.50, net ; Canada (duty paid), $2.75, net ; Great Britain, Hs. ; France, 16 fr. 20. One prominent feature is tliat there are no superfluous words ; every sentence is direct to tlie point sought. It is, therefore, easy reading, and conveys very much information in little space.— 27ie Pacific Record of Medi- cine and Surgery. It is unquestionably a woi"k that should be in the hands of every physician in the country, and medical students will find it a most excel- lent and valuable text-book. — The Southern Practitioner. The first edition was rapidly exhausted, and the book justly became an authority to physi- cians and sanitary officers, and a text-book very generally adopted in the colleges through- out America. The second edition is a great improvement over the first, all of the matter being thoroughly revised, much of it being rewritten, and many additions being made. The size of the l)ook is increased one hundred pages. The book has the original recommenda- tion of being a handsomely-liound, clearly- printed octavo volume, profusely illustrated with reliable references for every branch of the subject mutter.— Medical Record The wonder is how Professor Roh^ has made the book so readable and entertaining with so much matter necessarily condensed. Alto- f ether, the manual is a good exponent of ygiene and sanitary science from the present American stand-point, and will repay with pleasure and profit any time that may be given to its perusaL — University Medical Magazine. Hy the Same Author A Practical Manual of Diseases of the Skin. By George H. Rome, M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Thera- peutics, and Hygiene, and formerly Professor of Dermatology in the College of Ph3^sicians and Surgeons, Baltimore, etc., assisted b}- J. Williams Lord, A.B., M.D., Lecturer on Dermatology and Bandaging in the College of Physicians and Surgeons ; Assistant Phj'sician to the Skin Department in the Dispensary of Johns Hopkins Hospital. In one neat 12mo volume of over 300 pages, bound in Extra Dark-Blue Cloth. No. 13 in the Physicial .s^ and Students'' Beady- Reference Series. Price, post-paid, in the United States and Canada, $1.25, net; in Great Britain, 6s. 6d. ; in France, 7 fr. 75. The PRACTICAL character of this work makes it spec i all}' desirable for the use of students and general practitioners. The nearly one hundred (100) reliable and carefully prepared For- mulae at tlie end of the volume add not a little to its practical value. All the various forms of skin diseases, from Acne to Zoster (alpha- betically speaking), are succinctly j-et amply treated of, and the arrange- ment of the book, with its excellent index and unusually full table of contents, goes to make up a truly satisfactory volume for ready reference in daily practice. (19> Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. SBNN Principles of Surgery. By N. Senn, M.D., Ph.D., Professor of Practice of Surgery and Clinical Surgery in Rush Medical College, Chicago, 111. ; Professor of Surgery in the Chicago Polyclinic ; At- tending Surgeon to the Milwaukee Hospital ; Consulting Surgeon to the Milwaukee County Hospital and to the Milwaukee County Insane Asylum. This work, by one of America's greatest surgeons, is thoroughly complete ; its clearness and brevity of statement are among its conspicuous merits. The author's long, able, and conscientious researches in every direction in this important field are a guarantee, of unusual trustworthiness, that every branch of the subject is treated authoritatively, and in such a manner as to bring the greatest gain in knowledge to the practitioner and student. In one Royal Octavo volume, with 109 fine Wood-Engravings and 624 pages. Price, in Cloth, " Sheep or i-PwUssia, United States. $150, net 5.50 " Canad.-i (duty paid). $5.00, net 6.10 " Great Britaiti. Ziz. 6d. 30s. France. 27 fr. 20 33 fr. 10 Stephen Smith, M.D., Professor of Clin- ical Snrgjery Medical Department University of the City of New York, writes : " There has long been great need of a work on tlie prin- ciples of surgery which would fully illustrate the present advanced state of knowlede of the various subjects embraced in this volume. The work seems to me to meet this want admirably." Frank J. Lutz, M.D., St. Ijouis, Mo., says : " It seems incredible that those who pretend to teach have done without such a guide before, and I do not understand how our stu- dents succeeded in mastering the principles of modern surgery by attempting to read our obsolete text-books. American surgery should feel proud of the production, and the present generation of surgeons owe you a debt of gratitude." The work is systematic and compact, without a fact omitted or a sentence too much, and it not only makes instructive but fascinating reading. A conspicuous merit of Senn's work is his method, his persistent and tireless search through original investigations for additions to knowledge, and the practical character of his discoveiie.s.— 77ie Jieview of Insanity and Nervous Diseases. After perusing this work on several different occasions, we have come to the conclusion that it is a remarkable work, bv a man of unusual ability. — HVie Canada Medical Jiecord. The work is exceedingly jiractical, as the chapters on the treatment "of the various con- ditions considered are based on sound deduc- tions, are complete, and easily carried out by any painstaking surgeon. — Medical liecord. The book throughout is worthy of the highest praise. It should be adopted as a text-book in all of our schools. — University Medical Magazine. By the Same Author Tuberculosis of the Bones and Joints. By N. Senn, M.D., Ph.D. Illustrated with upwards of Que Hundred (100) Engravings and Plates, many of them colored. Royal Octavo. Over 500 pages. Price, Estra Cloth, " Sheep or ^-Russia, United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. $100, net $140, net 22s. 6i 24 fr. 60 5.00 " 5.50 " 28s. 30fr. 30 To get an idea of the scope of the work read the following titles of chapters : History. Proofs which Establish the Tubercular Nature of the So-called Strumous Disease of Bones and Joints. Bacillus Tuberculosis. Histology of Tubercle. Histogenesis of Tubercle. Casea- tion. Tubercular Abscess. Topography of Bone and Joint Tuberculosis. Bone Tuberculosis. Etiology of Bone Tuberculosis. Symptoms and Diagnosis of Tubercular Bone Affections. Prognosis of Tvibercular Disease of Bone. Treatment of Tuberculosis of Bone. Tuberculosis of Joints. Special Points in the Pathology of Synovial Tuberculosis. Etiology ; Symptoms and Diagnosis, Prognosis. Treatment of Tuberculosis of Joints. Local Treatment. Tuberculin Treatment. Treatment of Tubercidosis of Joints by Parenchymatous and Intra-articular Injections. Operative Treatment. Resection. Atypical and Typical Resection. Immediate and Remote Results of Resection. Amputation. Post-Operative Treatment. Tuberculosis of Special Bones. Tubercidosis of the Bones of the Trunk. Tuberculosis of Pelvic Bones, Scapula, Clavicle, Sternum, and Ribs. Tuberculosis of Joints of Upper Extremity. Tuber- culosis of Hip-Joint. Tuberculosis of Knee-Joiut. Tuberculosis of Ankle-Joint and Tarsus. All these subjects are handled in the author's simple, direct, and vigorous style, and always with the practical side of "the question "kept in view, and leave nothing necessary or desirable untouched. We know of no book of equal learning, thoroughness, and utility upon the common and important class of cases composed luider Tuberculosis of Bones and Joints. The illustrations are numerous and good, and the printing and other details of issuing a book have been attended to with an enterprise and ambition creditable to the publishers.— CTeveZaJid Med- ical (Gazette. (20) Medical Publications of TJie F. A. Davis Co., Philadelphia. SB:OB3IAKEIt JVIateria Medica and Therapeutics. With Especial Reference to the Clinical Application of Drugs. By John V. Shoemaker, A.M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Pharmacology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Pro- fessor of Diseases of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Phila- delphia ; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital ; Member of the American Medical Association, of the Pennsylvania and Minnesota State Medical Societies, the American Academy of Medicine, the British Med- ical Association; Fellow of the Medical Society of London, etc. Second Edition. Thoroughly revised. In two volumes. Ro^al Octavo. Nearly 1100 pages. Volume I is devoted to pharmacy, general pharmacology, and thera- peutics, and remedial agents not properly classed with drugs. Volume II is wholly taken up with the consideration of drugs, each remedy being studied from three points of view, viz. : the Preparations, or Materia Medica ; the Physiology and Toxicology, or Pliarmacology ; and, lastly, its Therapy. Each volume is thoroughly and carefully indexed with clinical and general indexes, and the second volume contains a most valuable and exhaustive table of doses extending over several double- column octavo pages. The Volumes may be Purchased Separately. VOL. 1. United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Extra Cloth, $2.50, net $2.75, net Hs. 16 fr. 20 Sheep, 3.25 " 3.60 " 18s. VOL. II. 20 fr. 20 United States. Canada (duty paid). Great Britain. France. Extra Cloth, $3.50, net $100, net 19s. 22 fr. 40 Sheep, 150 " 5.00 " 25s. 28 fr. 60 The well-known practical usefulness of this eminently st.indard work is now greatly increased by the very recent and accurate information it gives, from a clinical stand-point, concerning the new and useful drugs introduced to the medical profession since the issue of the first edition, two years ago ; so that it is thoroughly abreast of the progress of thera- peutic science, and hence really indispensable to every student and pi'actitioner. RHVIBl^S OF THE FIRST EDITION. The value of the book lies in the fact that it contains all that is authentic and trnst- woithy about the host of new remedies which have deluged us in tlie last live years. The pages are remarkably free from useless infor- mation. The author has done well in following the alphabetic;)! order. — N. Y. Med. Record. In perusing the pages devoted to the special consideration of drugs, their pharmacology, physiological action, toxic action, and therapy, one is constantly surprised at the amount of material compressed in so limited a space. The book will prove a valuable addition to the physician's library. — Occidculttl Med. Thnex. It is a meritorious work, with many unique features. It is richly ilhistrated by well-tried prescri]itions showing the practical api)lica- tion of the various drugs discussed. In sliort, this work makes a pretty complete en<^yclo- pfedia of the science of therapeutics, conve- niently arranged for handy reference.— J/cd. World. (21) J Medical Publications of The F. A. Davis Co., FhiladeljMa. SHOEMAKUB Heredity, Health, and Personal Beauty. Including the Selection of the Best Cosmetics for the Skin, Hair, Nails, and all Parts Relating to the Body. By John V. Shoemaker, A.M., M.D., Professor of Materia Medica, Phar- macology, Therapeutics, and Clinical Medicine, and Clinical Professor of Diseases of the Skin in the Medico-Chirurgical College of Philadelphia; Physician to the Medico-Chirurgical Hospital, etc., etc. The health of the skin and hair, and how to promote them, are discussed; the treatment of the nails; the subjects of ventilation, food, clothing, warmth, bathing; the circulation of the blood, digestion. Ventilation.; in fact, all that in daily life conduces to the well-being of the body and refinement is duly enlaiged upon. To these stores of popular information is added a list of the best medicated soaps and toilet soaps, and a whole chapter of the work is devoted to household remedies. The work is largely suggestive, and gives wise and timely advice as to when a physician should be consulted. This is just the book to place on the waiting-room, table of every physician, and a work that will prove usefal in the hands of your patients. Complete in one handsome Royal Octavo volume of 435 pages, beautifully and clearly printed, and bound in Extra Cloth, Beveled Edges, with side and back gilt stamps and in Half-Morocco Gilt Top. Price, in United States, post-paid, Cloth, *2.50; Half-Morocco, $3.50, net. Canada (duty paid), Cloth, $2.75; Half-Morocco, $3.90, net. Great Britain, Cloth, 14s. ; Half-Morocco, 19s. 6d. France, Cloth, 15 fr.; Half-Morocco, 22 fr. The book reads not like the fulfillment of a task, but like the researches and observations of one thoroughly in love with his subject, fully appreciating its importance, and writing for the pleasure he experiences in it. The work is very comprehensive and complete in its scope.— 3/erftcai World. The book before us is a most remarkable Eroduction and a most entertaining one. The ook is equally well adapted for the laity or the profession. It tells us how to be healthy, happy, and as beautiful as possible. We can't review this book ; it is nifferent from anything we have ever read. It runs like a novel, and will be perused until finished with pleasure and profit. Buy it, read it, and be surprised, pleased, and improved. — The Southern Clinic. This book is written primarily for the laity, but will prove of interest to the phy.sician as well. Though the author goes to some extent into technicalities,lie confines himself to the use of good, plain English, and in that respect sets a notable example to many other writers on similar subjects. Furthennorc, the book is written from a thoroughly American stand- point. — Medical Record. This is an exceedingly interesting book, both scientific and practical in character, in- temded for both professional and lay readers. 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