'♦H FIRST LESSONS % G E O M E T R Y. UC-NRLF $B SS7 fibb f J \ THOMAS HTIL. V. (7 J-Vj^JTS BfP'^"'' REASONING (•1 '.'^' i i^; BOSTON: .!.) HIOKLING, SWAN, AND BROWN. \:k !'!•' GIFT OF Marston Campbe.ll, Jri ^ ^s/, ^O' Digitized by the Internet Arciiive in 2008 witii funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation littp://www.arcliive.org/details/firstlessonsingeOOIiilJricli FIEST LESSONS GEOMETRY. BY THOMAS HILL. FACTS BEFORE REASONING. BOSTON: UICKLING, SWAN, AND BROWN. 1855. "^^^ V GIFTO0' Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1S55, by THOMAS HILL, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the District of Massachusetts. S tereotyped by HOBART & ROBBINS, NEW ENGLAND TYPE AND 8TERE0TTPE F0UUDK7, B S T Q N . PREFACE. I HAVE long been seeking a Geometry for beginners, suited to my taste, and to my convictions of what is a proper foundation for scientific education. Finding that Mr. Josiaii Holbrook agreed most cordially with me, in my estimate of this study, I had hoped that his treatise would satisfy me ; but, although the best I had seen, it did not meet my views. Meanwhile, my own children w^ere in most urgent need of a text-book, and the sense of their want has driven me to take the time neces- sary for writing these pages. Two children, one of five, the other of seven and a half, were before my mind's eye all the time of my writing ; and it will he found that children of this age are quicker at comprehending first lessons in Geometry than those of fifteen. Many parts of this book will, however, be found adapted, not only to children, but to pupils of adult age. The truths are sublime. I have tried to present them in a simple and attractive dress. I have addressed the child's imagination, rather than his reason, because I wished to teach him J;q conceive of forms. 8S2^16v' IV PREFACE. The child's powers of sensation are developed before his powers of conception, and these before his reasoning powers. This is, therefore, the true order of education ; and a powerful logi- cal drill, like Colburn's admirable first lessons of Arithmetic, is sadly out of place in the hands of a child whose powers of observation and conception have, as yet, received no training whatever. I have, therefore, avoided reasoning, and simply given interesting geometrical facts, fitted, I hope, to arouse a child to the observation of phenomena, and to the perception of forms as real entities. In the pronunciation of words at the foot of the page the notation of Dr. Worcester's Dictionaries has been followed. Waltham, Mass., JVbv. 1854. CONTENTS. CHAPTER. PAGS I. What is this Book about? 7 II. Points, Lines, and Planes, 9 III. About Straight Lines and Curves, .... 11 IV. About Angles, 13 V. Parallel Lines, 16 VI. About Triangles, 19 VII. More about Triangles, 21 Vni. Right Triangles, 24 IX. Similarity and Isoperimetry, ...*.. 26 X. The Size of Triangles, 30 XI. Different Kinds of Triangles, 33 XII. Quadrangles, 36 XIII. Parallelograms, 40 XIV. Rectangles and Squaresj 43 XV. Triangles and Rectangles, 46 XVI. Circles, 52 XVII. More about Circles, 55 XVni. Measuring Angles, 59 1* VI CONTENTS. XIX. Chords, 62 XX. Chords and Tangents, 66 XXI. More about Chords and Tangents, . . . G9 XXII. Inscribed Polygons, 73 XXIII. More about Inscribed Polygons, .... 77 XXIV. How MUCH further round a Hoop than^ across it? 81 XXV. How to Measure Circles and their Parts, 85 XXVI. About Curvature, 89 XXVII. About a Wheel Rolling, 92 XXVIII. More about the Rolling Wheel, .... 95 XXIX. Wheels Rolling round a Wheel, .... 98 XXX. Wheel Rolling in a Hoop, 101 XXXI. Hanging Chain, 105 XXXII. Path of a Stone in the Air, 109 XXXIII. The Shadow of a Ball, 112 XXXIV. The Shadow of a Reel, ...115 XXXV. The Cow's Foot in a Cup of Milk, ... 120 XXXVI. Cubes 125 XXXVII. About Cones, 129 XXXVin. The Sphere, 132 CHAPTER I. WHAT THIS BOOK IS ABOUT. 1. I HAVE written a little book for you about Geometry. You will find a great many new words in it; but I have taken pains to explain them all, and I think you will understand them all, if you will only begin at the beginning, and read each chapter very carefully before you go to another. And if you find any place in the book that you cannot understand, I think you will do well to turn back, and read the whole over again, from the second chapter. When you come again to the place which you did not understand before, I think you will find it has grown easier for you. 2. I hope you will find the book interesting. It tells about straight lines, and circles, and many different curves, and a few solid bodies. It will tell you curious things about the shadows of mar- bles, and the rolling of hoops, and about tossing a ball, and other plays for children. But, if some 8 INTRODUCTION. parts of the book do not seem interesting, you should study those parts all the more carefully ; for they maj,. perliaps, be the most useful parts. 3. Geometry is the most useful of all the sci- 'ir.cGs." To' undt3J:3tand Geometry, will be a great help in learning all the other sciences; and no other science can be learned unless you know something of Geometry. To study it, will make your eye quicker in seeing things, and your hand steadier in doing things. You can draw better, write better; cut out clothes, make boots and shoes, work at any mechanical trade, or learn any art, the better for understanding Geometry. And, if you w^ant to understand about plants and ani- mals, and the wonderful way in which the All- wise Creator has made them, you must learn a little Geometry, for that explains the shapes of all things. 4. In this book I can teach you but little. I hope, however, that it will be enough to make you want to knoYf more. I shall tell you only the easiest and most interesting things now ; but when you are older you may study what is more diffi- cult. ' Many of the things that I shall tell you will be very curious, and you will, perhaps, vfonder how men can find out such things. But when you are older I hope that you will be able to find out such things yourselves. GEOMETRY. 9 CHAPTEE II. POINTSj LINES, AND PLANES. 1. A POINT is a place without any size. When I make a dot to mark the place of a point, that is, to show where the point is, yon must not think that the point is so big as the dot. The point has no size at all, but is only a place without any size. If I put my dot in the right place, the point will be exactly in the middle of the dot. In common talking, we sometimes call anything that is very small a point ; and so w^e talk of the point of a needle, or of the point of a lead-pencil. But in Geometry a point is a place so small that it has no size at all ; neither width, nor length, nor depth. 2. A line is a place that is r-^ long without having any breadth A ^\^^.,^ or thickness. When I make a ^ long, fine stroke with a pen or pencil, or with a piece of chalk, you must not think that the stroke of pencil, or ink, or chalk-mark, is itself the line. I only make it to show where the line is, or to help you imagine a line ; but the line itself is the mid- dle of the stroke ; you cannot see it any more than How large is a point ? How can you mark the position of a point ? In what part of the dot is the point supposed to be ? What is the difference between the word point in common talk and in Geometry ? How wide is a line ? How shall we mark a line ? In what part of the stroke should the line be ? What 10 GEOMETRY. you can see a point, for it is only a. place ; and, although it has length, it has no breadth nor thickness. 3. The ends of a line are points. You may fancy a line to be the middle of a very fine wire, and then you will easily see that the ends of it are points. j^ 4. When the point of my pen or pencil I moves along on paper, a fine stroke of ink or of pencil-mark is left behind it. And that may help you fancy a real point mov- ing along and leaving a real line behind it. It will, you know, be only fancy ; because a real point is only a place, and a place cannot move. But it is a good way to fancy a line as marked out by the track of B a moving point ; that is, by the very centre of the end of a pencil. It will help you very much in understanding Geometry, if you fancy Cj line as the track of a moving point. 5. A plane is a flat surface, like the floor, or the top of the table, or like your slate. I need not tell you any more exactly what a surface is, and what a flat surface means : because I am going to is the end of a line ? How can you fancy this so as to make it like a needle-point ? If a point could move and leave a track behind it, what would that track be ? How may all that is described in the first thirty-five chapters of the book be drawn ? GEOMETRY. 11 be confined to one plane for a long while. I mean that for a good many chapters I shall tell you only about such lines as can be drawn upon your slate, or upon the blackboard. 6. Now you have studied enough for one lesson. If you understand this well, you have made a very good beginning in Geometry. CHAPTER III. ABOUT STRAiaUT LINES AND CURVES. 1. A LINE that is not bent in any part of it is called a straight line. If we fancy a point moving in a straight line, we shall see it moving always in the same direction. A straight line is the shortest path that can be made from one point to another. So, when vre wish to tell the distance from one place to another, we measure how long the straight line is that joins the two places. If a thread is stretched tight across a table, it marks a straight line across the table. This is the way that car- penters mark a straight line, by rubbing the thread first with chalk; and gardeners lay out garden- paths and beds by stretching a line. What is a straight line ? What is the direction in which a point moves when moving in a straight line ? What is the shortest path from one place to another ? How does a car- 12 GEOMETRY. 2. A curve line bends in every part, but has no sharp corners in it. And, if we fancy a point moving in a curve, we shall see it all the time changing its direction, but ^ never taking sudden turns. Perhaps it will help you understand the difference between a straight line and a curve, if I draw two lines at the side of the page. I think you will under- stand, from what I have said, which is the straight line, and which is the curve. 3. Now I want ^"^^^-^^ _ _, you to see that B D__^ ^^^"""^^^c;;^ two straight lines can ^"^^^ g never cut across each other in more than one place. If you draw only two lines on your slate, and each line is straight, they cannot cross each other in two places. But you cannot draw a curved line that you cannot ^^ — -\ cut, at least, in two places. /^^ — — - — b\ Try to draw, on your slate, Sb ^ ^ I penter mark a straight line ? How does a gardener make his paths straight? What is a curve line? How does a point move in a curve ? In how many places can one straight line cross another ? Can a straight line always cut a curve in more than one place ? In how many places can a straight line always cut a curve ? Let the teacher draw a curve upon the GEOMETRY. 13 curve that cannot be cut in two places by one straight line. 4. There is one thing more that I want you to learn at this lesson. Whenever a straight line joins two points of a curve, there is always some point on the curve between the two points at which the curve goes in the ^^ -v,^ same direction as the straight /^_^^ — """M^ line. So in my figure you see ^^ I that the curve at c goes in the same direction as the straight line A B. Draw on your slate figures of curves, and cut them by straight lines, and you will find it always so. This seems like a very simple thing, and yet it is a very useful truth. CHAPTER IV. ABOUT ANGLES. 1. When two straight lines go in different direc- tions, the difference of their directions is called an blackboard, cross i^ by a straight line, and then, moving the chalk along the curve, require the scholars to say "now," whenever the chalk is moving in the same direction as the straight line. What is an angle ? On what does the size of an angle de- pend ? Let the teacher draw angles on the blackboard, and 2 14 GEOMETRY. B angle. The size of the angle depends, then, on the difference of the directions of the lines, and not on their length. So that the angle which I havt^ marked b, is larger than that which I have marked A, because there is more difference in the direction of the two lines at b, than of the two lines at A. 2. The point where two straight lines meet, or where they would meet if we fancied them drawn long enough, is called the vertex of the angle. The vertex of the a,ngles a and b is not marked down ; but you may draw two straight lines meet- ing, and the point where they meet will be the vertex of the angle between them. 3. When two straight lines cross each other, they make four angles. So, in the figure in the margin, we have two straight lines making the four angles, A E c, A E D, B E C, BED. But when we say they the angle A E c, we have to fancy the make ask which is the larger, which the smaller, etc., being careful to make some of the angles without vertices. What is the ver- tex of an angle ? Let the teacher call the scholar to the board to point out the vertices of the angles he has drawn. When two straight lines cross each other, what is always true about GEOMETRY. ^ 15 straight line D c going in exactly the opposite direction to that in which it goes to make the angle A e D. 4. If we fancy that the line A b, in the next fig- ure, points from A to B, while the line c D points from, c to Dj the two lines will make the angle E. But if the line A B points from B to A, they wall -^ make the angle F. When these two angles are ^ ^X^ equal, each is called a ^ ri^^^ht ano;le. 5. When two straight lines cross each other, the opposite angles are of the same size. I mean that in this figure the angle A E c is just A> as large as the angle DEB, and the angle A E D just as large as the angle c E b. 6. When two straight lines crossing each other, make four equal angles, each angle is called a the angles they make ? What is a right angle ? What ex- amples can you give of a right angle ? What is the common name for the vertex of a right angle ? The teacher must be very careful not to let the child confound the measure of an angle with either the length of the sides, or area of the opening between them ; but illustrate and explain it only by differ- 16 . GEOMETRY. right angle. Draw two lines on your slate at right angles to each other. The side of your slate is at right angles to the bottom. The top of a sheet of letter-paper makes a right angle with the side. The sides of every square corner are at right angles to each other. The vertex of a right angle is called a square corner. When two square corners are put together, the outside edges will form a straight line. CHAPTER V. PARALLEL LINES. 1. When two straight lines make no angle with each other, or when they make an angle equal to two right angles with each other, they are called parallel. That is y/^ to say, parallel /g ^ lines are straight c ^^^ D lines that point 'y^ ■ in the same di- rection, or in ex- ences of directions ; such as points of compass, arrows, turn- ing your face about, etc. When two square corners are put too'ether, how do the outsides run ? GEOMETRY. 17 actly opposite directions. Try whether you can draw such upon your slate. 2. When two straight lines are parallel, they are just as far apart in one place as in another. They could not come nearer and then go further apart without bending ; but a straight line does not bend in any part. And, if they kept coming nearer until they met, they would make an angle with each other, and the point where they met would be the vertex of the angle. But parallel lines make no angle with each other. 3. If two straight lines are just as far apart in one place as in another, they are parallel ; they run in the same direction. Try whether the sides of your slate are parallel, by measuring whether they are just as far apart at the top of the slate as at the bottom. 4. When two curves are everywhere at the same distance apart, they are called concentric curves. Sometimes they are called par- allel curves ; but this is not so good a name for them as con- centric curves. Look about the room, or out of the window, and tell me what straight lines you can see. Do you see any curve lines ? Any lines that make angles with each other ? Can you show me any parallel lines? Any concentric curves? What are parallel lines ? What can you say about the distance apart of 2# . ^ 18 GEOMETRY. 5. When a straight line crosses two parallel lineSj it makes the same angles with the one as with the other. The direction of parallel lines is c -y^ D alike, and so the "^ ' . diiFerence of their directions from that of the straight line must be alike. 6. If a straight line is parallel to one of two parallel lines, it is parallel to the other. Draw now two parallel lines on your slate. Draw a third line parallel to one of your first pair, and it will be parallel to the other. All three of the lines will point in the same direction. paraUel lines ? When a straight line crosses two parallel lines, what can you say about the angles ? (Let the teacher beware of forcing a child to repeat the reasoning of sections two and five. To the teacher the reasoning is easier than the concep- tions ; to the child it is just the reverse.) How can you tell whether two lines are parallel ? GEOMETRY. 19 CHAPTER VI. A LITTLE ABOUT TRIANGLES. 1. A TRIANGLE is a figure bounded by three straight lines. They are very sim- ple-looking things ; and yet there are many curious things known about them already. And those that know most about Geometry tell us that no one has yet found out all that can be known about them. 2. The three angles of a triangle taken togeth- er will make two right angles. You can try it, if you like, by cutting a triangle out of paper, with a pair of scissors. Be very careful to make the edges straight. Now cut ofi* two of the corners by a waving line, and lay the three corners of the triangle carefully together. The outer edges will make one straight line, just as if you had put two square corners together. You may make the triangle of any shape or size, and, if the edges are straight, you will Draw triangles, and ask '' What is the name of these fig- ures?" What is a triangle? Draw a right triangle, and, 20 GEOMETRY. always find that the three corners put together make a straight line with their outer edges, just as two square corners would do. And this is what we mean by saying that the three angles of a tri- angle taken together, will make two right angles. 3. A triangle cannot have more than one angle as large as a right angle. 4. If one angle in a triangle is a right angle, the other two, put together, will, of course, just be equal to a right angle. You can try this by cut- ting paper triangles with one square corner, and then cutting off the other corners by a waving line, and putting them together. 5. If one side of a triangle is longer than another side, the angle opposite the longer side is larger than that opposite the shorter side. Now look at the fig- ure. The side a is opposite the angle A, and the side h opposite the angle b. The side h is longer than the side a ; and from this we may know that the angle b is larger than the angle A. 6. Now, on the other hand, when one angle in pointing to the square corner, ask, "What angle is this ? ' ' How i^iany square corners can a triangle ever have ? Hovr much do the three angles of a triangle put together make ? If one angle is a right angle, how much do the other two put to- GEOMETRY. 21 a triangle is larger than another, the side opposite the larger angle is longer than the side opposite the smaller angle. So, if we know ^ that B is larger ^ than c, we may know that b is larger than c. CHAPTER VII. MORE ABOUT TRIANGLES. 1. Suppose that we found two sides of a tri- angle to be just equal to each other, what should we know about the angles ? We should know that the angle opposite one side was just as large as the angle opposite the other side. If the side a is just as long as the side c, the angle A is just as large as the angle c. getlier make. If one side of a triangle is longer than another, wliat do you know about the angles ? If one angle is larger than another, what do you know about the sides ? When we know that two sides of a triangle are equal, what do we know of the angles ? When we know that all the sides of a triangle are of the same size, what do we know about the angles? When we know that two angles are equal, what do 22 GEOMETRY. 2. But if, on the other hand, we know that the two angles are equal, we shall know from that that the two sides are equal. If the angle A is just as large as the angle c, then the side a must be just as long as the side c. Such a triangle is called isosceles, which means equal-legged. 3. Now if the three sides of a triangle are each equal to each other, then the angles are equal to each other ; and if, on the other hand, the three angles are equal to each other, then the sides are equal to each other. Such a triangle is called equiangular, or equi- lateral. Perhaps this drawing will help you to imagine an equilateral triangle. 4. If a line be drawn through a triangle paral- lel to one side of the triangle, it divides the other two sides in the same proportion. I mean that, if in such a triangle as A b c we draw I) E parallel to A B, then c D will be the same part of c A that c e is of c b. If c D is two thirds of c A, then c e will be two thirds of c b. 5. Besides what I have al- ready told you about the last figure,-^ that is, we know about the sides? When we know that the three angles are equal ? What is an equiangular triangle ? What is an equilateral triangle? Every equiangular triangle is also ? And every equilateral triangle is also ? Let the GEOMETRY. 23 about any triangle that is cut in two by a line parallel to one side, — there are two other curious things for you to learn. In the first place, A b will be in the same proportion to D c that b e is to E c ; and in the second place, C D will be in the same proportion to c E as a c is to B c, and A D will also be in the same proportion to e b. If b c is three quarters of A c, then c E will be three quarters of c D, and E b will be three quarters of A D. 6. If we divide one side of a triangle into equal parts, and then draw lines through the points where we have divided the side, making these lines parallel to another side of E the triangle, the third side will be divided into equal parts. Thus, if the side A b is divided into equal parts, the side B c is also thus divided. 7. I am afraid this lesson will be difficult to understand ; but in the next I will try to tell you something that will be easier, teacher now copy the figure of section tour upon the blackboard, and ask 'what lines are in the same proportion as c d and c a ? What in the same as c d to c e ? What in the same as a d to DC? Let the teacher, also, draw parallel lines at equal dis- tances apart, like a staff of music, and then, stretching a string across them, show the scholars that the lines divide the string equally in whatever direction it is held. 24 GEOMETRY. CHAPTER VIII. RIGHT TRIANGLES. 1. If you do not remember what a right angle is, you must turn back and read chapter iv., sec- tion 6, and then you will be ready to go on with this chapter. When a triangle has a right angle for one of its angles, it is called a right triangle. The angle a b c is a right angle, and the triangle ABC a right triangle. 2. Any triangle may be divided into two right triangles, by drawing a line through the vertex of the largest angle in such a way as to make right angles with the longest side. Thus, if b is the Q largest angle in the tri- angle A b c, we can draw B D in such a way as to make the angles at D right angles ; and this will divide the triangle into two right triangles, abb and c D B. Now draw any triangles you please, upon your What is a right angle ? What is the cominon name for the vertex of a right angle ? What is a right triangle ? How can you divide any triangle into two right triangles ? The teacher GEOMETRY. 25 slate, and trj whether you cannot always divide them, in this way, into two right triangles. 3. If the largest angle in a triangle is larger than a right angle, Ave can always fancy a right triangle added to it in such a vfay as to make the whole figure a right triangle. If B be larger than a right angle, we can ^ make A b longer, and ^.,^^'^^"^^'' draw c D down in ^^^^^--^"'^^ / \ such a way as to^ ^--^""""^^ ^^ ip make D a right angle. Then the added triangle b c D is a right triangle, and the whole figure A D c is also a right triangle. And, by taking away b D c from ADC, we shall have ABC left. So that any triangle with one angle larger than a right angle, like ABC, may be fancied as the difference between two right tri- angles, like ADC and b D c. 4. If we divide a right triangle into two right triangles, as I have told you how to do in the sec- ond section of this chapter, the two little triangles will be of exactly the same shape as the whole large triangle. may call the class to the blackboard, and allow them to draw triangles and divide them in this way. To what kind of tri- angle can you add a right triangle so as to make the whole figure a right triangle ? Let the pupils show this by drawing them on the blackboard. "What kind of triangle can be fancied 26 GEOMETRY. Thus, if B is a right angle, and the angles at D are both right angles, then the three triangles, A B c, A B D and B D c, are all of exactly the same shape. CHAPTER IX. SIMILARITY AND ISOPERIMETRY. 1. There are two very hard-looking words at the head of this chapter ; but they are not hard to understand. Similarity means likeness ; and in Geometry it means the having the same shape. Isoperimetry ^-^ means the being of the same size round about. 2. When two bodies, or two geometrical figures, are of exactly the same shape, we call them sim- ilar. When two figures are similar, that is, of exactly the same shape, the angles of one figure are exactly equal to the angles of the other figure, as the difference between two right triangles ? If we divide a right triangle into two right triangles, what do you know about them? What is the meaning of " similar " figures ? What is true cf the angles of similar figures ? Let the teacher draw two * Isoperim'etry. GEOMETRY. 27 and all the sides of the first figure are in the same proportion to the corresponding sides of the other figure. I told you that A D B and c D B are of .the same shape. So that the angle at A is just as large as the angle d B c, the angle at c just as large as D B A, and the two angles at D are equal. And c B is the same part of A B that c D is of D B, or that d b is of A D. All this is meant by saying that the triangle c D B is of the same shape as A D B. 3. If we find that the three angles of one tri- angle are just equal to the three angles of another triangle, we may know that the three sides of the first triangle are in the same proportion to the corresponding sides of the second triangle, and that the triangles are similar. That is to say, that if the three angles of one tri- angle are equal to the three angles of another tri- angle, the sides opposite to the equal angles are in the same proportion to each other. 4. It is also true that when two figures are similar quadrilaterals on the board, make a little circle, star, cross and accent, in the four angles of one, and bid a member of the class come and put corresponding marks in the angles of the other figure, thus : ** Who will mark in that figure the 28 GEOMETRY. similar, any two sides of the one are in the same proportion to each other that the corresponding sides of the other are in to each other. Thus, c d is the same part of c b that B D is of B A. And D B is the same part of D A that D c is of D B. 5. All the nice calculations of engineers, and machinists, and ship-builders, and navigators, and astronomers, are made by help of similarity of triangles. I will try to explain to you one single instance in Avhich you can use similarity of triangles. Sup- pose that a house stands on level ground, and you wish to find out how high it is. Put a stake up- right in the ground, any- where that you think best, say at b. Then lay your head close to the ground, and move it until you can just see the top of the house over the top of the stake. Then measure how far your eye is from the bottom of the stake, and how far from the bottom of the house. Then, as you will see by the figure, you angle which is equal to this that I marked with a cross ? Who will mark the one equal to this one marked with a circle? " etc., etc. Then let the teacher make a cross through two sides of one quadrilateral, and say, ** Who will mark the two GEOMETRY. 29 will have two triangles of the same shape, and the height of the house will be the same part of the distance A c, that the height of the stake is of the distance A b. If the height of the stake is equal to the distance of your eye from the bottom of it, then the height of the house is just equal to the distance of your eye from the foundation of the house. Another way of finding similar triangles to measure a house, or tree, on level land, is by using shadows. The shadow of the stake B, Avhen the sun shone, would be a triangle. The stake would be one side, the shadow on the ground another, and the third side would be the edge of the shadow in the air, going from the top of the stake to the end of the shadow on the ground. A similar triangle would, at the same time, be made by the shadow of the tree or house. So that, if you should measure at any time the length of the shadow of the stake, and the length of the shadow of the house, you could tell the height of the house ; because the height of the house would be the same part of the length of its shadow that the stake was of its shadow. 6. When it is just as far round one figure as it sides in the other figure that are in the same proportion as these ?'' Next let him draw a figure of a liberty-pole, and a stake, and ask the child to explain in what way he can meas- 30 GEOMETRY. is round another, the two figures are called iso- perimetrical,^ which means equal round about. If one triangle measures, on its sides, two feet, and five feet, and six feet, its perimeter,! that is, the distance round it, will be thirteen feet ; because two and five and six make thirteen. And if another triangle meas- ures on its sides, three feet, and six feet, and four feet, its perimeter will also be thirteen feet ; be- cause three and six and four make thirteen. So, these two triangles will be isoperimetrical ; but they will not be similar, that is, they will be of difierent shapes. 7. Similar figures are those of the same shape ; isoperimetrical figures are those which measure equally round about. CHAPTER X. THE SIZE OF TRIANGLES. 1. If one side of a triangle can grow longer or shorter, while the opposite angle opens and shuts, ure tlie height of the liberty-pole by means of the stake. When are two figures called isoperimetrical ? * isoperimefricail. t Perim'eter. GEOMETRY. 31 as though its vertex were a hinge, the triangle vail be largest when that angle is a right angle. Thus, if A B and B c can- not be changed in length, but if A c is like an India- rubber cord, and can be made longer or shorter by altering the angle at B, then the tri- angle ABC will be largest when the angle at B is a right angle. 2. You can show this very prettily in this way. Take two little straight sticks and hold them to- gether at one end with your thumb and finger, while you spread the other two ends against the edge of the table. The triangle made by the two sticks and the table-edge will be largest when the sticks make a right angle with each other. 3. If one side of a triangle cannot change in length, and if the other two can only change ia such a way as to keep the triangle isoperimetrical If two sticks lean their tops togetlier, how must they b^ placed to make the space between them and the ground larg- est ? It* two boards be nailed together to make a pig-trough, what angle must they make so as to have the trough hold AAA i;^^^ 32 GEOMETRY. the triangle will be largest when these two sides are of equal length. Thus, if b c cannot grow either longer or shorter, and if A B grows shorter exactly as fast as A c grows longer, or grows ^ longer exactly as fast as A c grows shorter, the triangle will be largest when A B is equal to A c. 4. You may show this in a very pretty way by tying the ends of a string to the ends of a straight stick a good deal shorter than the string. Then take the stick in one hand, and, putting one finger of the other inside the string, pull it tight. The triangle \ formed between the string and / F^ ff\ / ^\>^ the stick will be largest when your finger is in the middle of the string. But when you move your finger the triangle remains isoperimetrical, if the string does not stretch. 5. If _we suppose that all three sides of a tri- angle can change their length, but only in such a way as to keep the triangle isoperimetrical, then the triangle will be largest when the three sides are equilateral. That is to say, that an equilat- most ? If a tent is inEOMETBy. 85 CHAPTER XXV. HOW TO MEASURE THE SIZE OF A CIRCLE. 1. I HAVE told you that men measure surfaces by squares. They find out, if they can, how many squares it would take to cover the surfaces, if the side of each square was just one inch, or one foot, or one yard. I have told you, also, that we can easily find out how many such squares it takes to cover a large square ; that is, we can find the measure of a square by multiplying the number of inches, feet or yards, on a side, by itself; that is, by the same number. 2. Now, if you draw a square with its sides tangent to a circle, the sides of this square will be each equal to the diameter of the circle. The measure of such a square is found, then, by multi- plying the length of the diame- ter by itself And the measure of the circle can be found by multiplying the measure of the square by one quarter of tc. If the class have not studied any arithmetic, this chapter must be omitted until a review. How do men measure surfaces ? How do you find the meas- ure of a square ? How do you measure a circle ? Let the 8 86 GEOMETRY. 3. Since n is a little more than three, the circle is a little more than three quarters of the square. If, for example, the diameter of a circle is six inches, the square that will just enclose it contains six times six, or thirty-six square inches ; and the circle contains a little more than three quarters of this. Three quarters of thirty-six is twenty-seven ; and, adding a little more, would make it about twenty-eight inches. 4. If you wish to be more exact, you must mul- tiply the thirty-six square inches by one quarter of twenty-two sevenths : that is, by eleven four- teenths. Or, in other words, we must multiply thirty-six by eleven, and divide by fourteen, w^hich w'ill give us about twenty-eight and one half square inches for the size of a circle six inches in diameter. 5. And, to be very exact in finding the size of a circle, you must multiply the diameter by itself, and then by the decimal '7854, which is one quarter of 3*1416. 6. Circles are larger or smaller in the same proportion as the squares built on their diameters. teacher draw a square, and ask, What figure is this ? In- scribe a circle, and ask. What figure is this ? How large a part of the square does it enclose? (|). More exactly? (JLi) Still more exactly? (-7854.) By what part of n OBOMETRY. 87 And something like this is true of all sorts of surfaces. Two similar surfaces are always in pro- portion to the squares of similar lines in those surfaces. If we have two polygons of the same shape, they are of a size proportioned to the squares on their corresponding sides or diagonals. If a side in one is twice as long as a corresponding side in the other, then one polygon is four times the size of the other, because twice two are four. If one side were three times as long as the corre- sponding side in the other polygon, one polygon would be nine times as large as the other, because three times three are nine. 7. I am so anxious that you should remember this, that I will tell it to you again in other words. All similar surfaces are in proportion to the squares of corresponding lines ; so that we may find the proportion between the surfaces by multi- plying the number that expresses the proportion between the lines by itself. Suppose two dogs were of exactly the same shape, but that one was twice as high as the other. Then its tail would be twice as long as the other's, must you multiply the square in order to find the measure of the circle ? How many square inches in a circle five inches in diameter. Suppose a little man, just one foot high, and a man six teet high, how much more cloth will it take to clothe 88 OEOMETK^. its ears would be twice as long, its eyes twice as wide apart : and whatever line you chose to meas- ure in one, it would be twice as long as the same line in the other. But its skin would be four times as large, the surfa,ce of its eye would be four times as large, it would take four times as much leather to make boots for it, or four times as much lather to shave it ; that is, whatever surface you measured on the one dog, you would find it four times as large as the same surface on the other. Suppose that we had a foot-ball ten inches in diam- eter, and a little batting- ball two inches in diameter. The diameter of the foot-ball would be five times as much as that of the batting-ball, and it would take twenty-five times as much leather to cover it, because five times five is twenty-five. one than the other? How much more yam to knit his stock- ings? GEOMETRY. 89 CHAPTER XXVI. ABOUT CURVATURE. 1. Suppose that our boy, wheeling his barrow over the light fallen snow, went winding about the field, making a curved track, ^--n,^ which curved in some places /\ ^v,_?y more than in others. Let us V , suppose that he began as though he were going to make a large circle, but kept turning shorter and shorter, and ended when he was turning, as though he would make a very little circle. Then we should say that his track had, at first, a large radius of curvature, but at the end had a small radius of curvature. 2. Let us suppose that the boy was tied, by a long rope, to the trunk of a large tree ; and that, as he went round and round the tree, the rope wound up upon the tree-trunk, shorter and shorter, and drew the boy nearer and nearer to the tree. Then the rope would be the radius of curvature of the boy's path. 3. Hold a spool of thread still, on your slate, and let it be the trunk of the tree. Then tie "What is the name of a curve that bends equally in every part? How would you draw such a curve upon the black- board? If I unwrap a thread from a spool, holding the spool 8* 90 GEOMETRY. the end of your slate-pencil to the end of the thread, and, by keeping the thread tight as you unwind it, you may draw a track like that of the boy's wheelbarrow. The thread that is unwound will be the radius of curvature of this mark. The radius of curvature will be very short where the pencil is close to the spool, and grow longer as you unwrap the thread. It will be different for every point in the curve ; because you can- not move the pencil without either winding, or else unwinding, the thread. 4. We call this thread the radius of curvature, because it is to the curve like a radius to the cir- cle. We call it the radius of curvature^ because it shows us how much a curve curves or bends. When the radius of curvalrure is short, the curve bends very much ; and when the radius of curva- ture is long, the curve bends less; and so the radius of curvature measures the bending or curv- ature of the curve. 5. If we draw a circle, with its centre at the point where the thread is just leaving the spool. still, and keeping the thread tight, what sort of a curve shaU I draw? What relation will the circumference of the spool have to this curve ? What shall we call the straight part of GEOMETRY. • 91 that is, where the thread is tangent to the spool, and make the radius of the circle just equal to the thread that has been unwound, that is, equal to the radius of curvature, then that circle will ex- actly fit the curve at the point which the slate- pencil is then marking. So that the radius of curvature, at any point of a curve, is the radius of the circle that will exactly fit the curve at that point. 6. Every curve can be imagined as made in a similar way, by unwrapping a string off from some other curve ; and this other curve is called the evolute of the first curve. 7. But the evolute of a circle is a point ; be- cause the string that makes a circumference must neither wind up nor unwind. 8. The evolute of the boy's track is the circum- ference of the trunk of the tree ; and the evolute of the pencil-mark is the circumference of the spool. 9. You may drive a row of pins into a soft pine board, making the row curved. Then tie one end the thread which runs between my hand and the spool ? What does the radius of curvature measure ? To what circle is the radius of curvature a radius ? How do we imagine all curves drawn ? What is the evolute of a circle ? Let the teacher provide the board and pins to -show the illustration of sec- tion nine. 92 GEOMETRY. of a thread to the foot of the last pin, and the other end of the thread to a lead-pencil near its point. By keeping the string stretched, and sweep- ing it round so as to wrap up and unwrap upon the fence of pins, you may draw a curve whose evolute will be the row of pins. This pencil-mark, you will easily see, is made of little arcs of cir- cles, whose centres are the pins, and the length of thread from a pin to its little arc is the radius of curvature at that place. CHAPTER XXVII. ABOUT A WHEEL ROLLING. 1. When a wagon is going upon a straight and level road, look at the head of a spike in the tire of one of the w^heels, and you will see that it moves in beautiful curves, making a row of arches that is called a cycloid. Let the teacher take a tin cup, a ribbon-block, or something of the kind, and roll it carefully along the bottom of the black- board, watching and marking with chalk the path of a spot GEOMETRY. 93 2. That is to say, a cycloid is the path of a point in the circumference of a circle rolling on a straight line. You can draw part of a cycloid by putting the point of your pencil into a little notch in the edge of a spool, and tying it fast, so that the point of the pencil shall be kept just at the edge of the spool ; and then rolling the spool care- fully and slowly against the inside of the frame of the slate, 3. You will see, I think, that each arch in the cycloid must be just as high from c to D as the diameter of the circle that makes it ; and just as wide at the bottom, from A to B, as the whole cir- cumference of the circle. 4. But you will have to study Geometry a good while, before you can prove the other interesting things which I am going to tell you. You can easily understand what I am going to tell you ; but you cannot understand how I know it, as you can what I told you in the last section. 5. The length of the curve, A d b, in each arch on the side. Then ask, What is the name of this curve ? What is the height of the arch, compared with the cup^ with which I drew it ? What is the breadth of the arch at the bottom ? What is the length of the curve of the arch ? What is the space inclosed between the arch and the bottom of the board ? (still comparing with the cup.) Let the teacher inscribe a circle, of the size of the cup, and ask, Are these horns larger 94 GEOMETRY. of a cycloid, is just four times the height of the arch ; that is, four times the diameter of the circle that made the cycloid. 6. The whole space that is enclosed between the arch of the cycloid and the straight line on which it stands, is just three times as large as the cir- cle that made the cycloid. So, when a circle is in- scribed between the arch and the line, the curious three-cornered figures on each side of the circle are each exactly as large as the circle itself. 7. Now, if you have studied Arithmetic, you will understand that, if a wheel is three feet in diameter, the head of a spike in the tire travels just twelve feet from where it leaves the ground until it touches the ground again. The spots where it touches the earth will be nine feet and three sev- enths of a foot apart. And the space between its or smaller than the circle ? Suppose that your hoop has a spot on one side of it, in what curve will the spot move when the hoop is rolling straight forward ? How high will it go from the ground ? (Diameter of hoop.) How far apart will the places be where it comes to the ground ? How far will the I GEOMETRY. 95 path and the ground will be three times eleven fourteenths of nine square feet ; that is, twenty- one square feet and three fourteenths of a square foot. CHAPTER XXVIII. MORE ABOUT A ROLLING WHEEL. 1. The head of a spike in the tire of a rolling wheel is moving, at each instant, at right angles to a line joining it to the bottom of the wheel. 2. That is to say, if a straight line is drawn from the bottom of the rolling wheel to the head of the spike, and if a tangent to the cycloid is drawn through the head of the spike, this straight line will be at right angles to this tangent. 3. And this straight line is exactly half of the radius of curva- ture of that point in .the cycloid. So that, at the top of an arch of the cy- cloid the radius of curvature will spot travel in going from one place to the next ? (Four times diameter of hoop.) Which of you can tell me what a cycloid is ? If you draw a line at right angles to a cycloid, where will it pass ? (Through 96 aEOMETRY. be twice the diameter of the circle, and as you go down the arch the radius of curvature will be shorter and shorter, until just at the foot of the arch the radius of curvature will be of no length at all. 4. The evolute of a cycloid is a cycloid of ex- actly the same size. That is to say, if we should fasten a string in the point between two arches of a cycloid, just long enough to wrap on the curve up to the middle of the arches, its end, as it wrapped and unwrapped, would move in a cycloid exactly like that to which it was fastened. 5. If a cycloid be turned upside down, and we fancy the inside of it to be very exceedingly slippery, then there are two curious things about it. the point where the circle making the cycloid touched the line on which it rolled when making that place in the cycloid.) The radius of curvature is at right angles to a curve — what part of the radius of a cycloid is cut off by a straight line joining the feet of the arch ? (One half) How long is the radius of the cycloid at the top of the arch ? How long at the bottom ? What is the evolute of a cycloid ? Explain what you mean by this ? I GEOMETRY. 97 If I want to slide anything from A down to B, there is no curve, nor straight line, down which a thing would slide so quickly as down the cycloid. If a hill was hollowed out in that shape, sleds would run down it faster than they could down any other shaped hill of the same height and the same breadth at the bottom. 6. The second curious thing about • sliding on the inside of a cycloid is, that it takes always exactly the same time to slide to the bottom, how- ever high up or low down you start. If A, in the last figure, is the top of such a hill, and c the lowest point, it will take a sled exactly as long to go from B to c, as to go from A to c. But this, you must remember, is only when we imagine the hill and the runners of the sleds to be, both of them, perfectly slippery ; so that there shall be no rubbing. In that case, if the road from A to c was two miles long, it would only take a sled twenty-eight seconds to come down the whole length. And, if it starts from any other place on Suppose tAvo wires going from the north-east corner of the ceiling to the south-west corner of the floor, one wire straight, the other a part of a cycloid, down which wire would anything slide the more quickly? Suppose one wire went from the north-east corner of the ceiling to the south-west corner of the ceiling, hanging down in the formof a whole arch of a cycloid, how mucli longer would it take anything to slide from the ceil-^ 9 98 aEOMETRY. the road, say from b, it Avill still take twenty- eight seconds to get to c. 7. If the road from a to c is half a mile long, a sled will come down in fourteen seconds. 8. If a board is sawed out in the form of a cycloid, and a little gutter made on the inside of the curve, you can try this by holding two mar- bles, say one at A and the other at d, and letting go of them at the same instant. . They will meet exactly at c, one coming the whole way A c, while the other is coming the short distance D c. CHAPTER XXIX. WHEELS ROLLING ROUND A WHEEL. 1. When one circle rolls around another, instead of rolling on a straight line, any point iii the cir- cumference of the rolling circle travels in a curve called an epicy- cloid.^ You can draw an epicycloid ing to the lowest part of the wire, than it would take for it to slide from a place one foot from the middle? (No longer.) The teacher should endeaTor to obtain (from the prudential -committee) the board described in section eight. * EpisS'clold. GEOMETRY. ^ by rolling carefully the spool (with a pencil tied to it) around some round thing held still on your slate. 2. Set a lamp on a table in one corner of the room, and, in the farthest corner of the room, on a table of nearly the same height, set a bright tin cup, or a glass tumbler, nearly full of milk. On a^ surface of the milk you will see a bright curve shaped like the inner line in this ^.--^ figure. It is an epicycloid ; such as would be made by a circle of one quarter the diameter of the cup rolling on a circle half the size of the cup. You can make it by daylight, by setting the cup of milk in the sunshine, early in the morning or late in the after- noon. 3. Epicycloids will be of different shapes, accord- ing to the proportion which the two circles bear to each other. The smaller the rolling circle is in proportion to the other, the more nearly will an arch of the epicycloid be like an arch of the cycloid. What is an epicycloid ? How does it differ from a cycloid ? Let the teacher draw an epicycloid as directed in section one, and teach the children to do so. Have any of you seen the cow's foot in a cup of milk ? What is the geometrical name of this curve ? What must be the proportion between the cix- 100 GEOMETRY. 4. The evolute of an epicycloid is a smaller epicycloid of the same shape : and the evolute of that evolute must be a still smaller epicycloid. So that we may fancy epicycloids packed one within another like pill-boxes. 5. The epicycloid of section second is sometimes called by children the cow's foot in a cup of milk. The figure in the margin reprog- sents this epicycloid with its nest of evolutes packed one within the other. If a string is fast- ened at the point where the arches of the epicycloid come together, and is just long enough to wrap round to the middle of the arch, then, as it unwraps, the end will move in a larger epicycloid of exactly the same shape. 6. When the circles are of the same size, the epicycloid will have but one arch. The ends of the arch will come together at the same point. The figure in the margin will show the shape of this epicycloid and its evolutes. cles to make this epicycloid ? What is the evolute of any epi- cycloid ? When the circles are of the same size, "what will be the shape of the epicycloid ? GEOMETRY. 101 CHAPTER XXX* OF A WHEEL ROLLINa ON THE INSIDE OF A HOOP. 1. When a circle rolls on the inside of another circle, instead of on the outside, the curve is called a hypocycloid.^ 2. Suppose your slate-pencil* were ; s^x flight, ^o that it would lie flat on .the slate, aiicl make' a 'mark as broad as the pencil is long' Then suppose, you were to put your pencil across one corner of your slate like a hypotenuse, and slide first one end up to the corner, and then the other, keeping both ends all the time touching the slate- ■ frame. You would make a white mark in the corner, of a curved three- cornered shape, like this figure. The curve inside would be a hypocycloid. 3. If you take the corner of your slate for a What is a hypocycloid ? Suppose I were to draw a hundred right angles, putting the vertices of the right angles together, one exactly on another, making the hypotenuses of equal length, but having no two of them make the same angle with the legs, to what kind of a hypocycloid would all these hypote- * Hiposi'cloid. 9=^ 102 GEOMETRY- centre, and the length of your pencil for a radius, and draw a quarter of a circle, as I have done in the last figure ; if you then roll on the inside of this arc a circle whose diameter is one half the length of the pencil, it will make the same hypo- cycloid. I have also drawn this circle in the figure. 4. You can draw a hypocycloid by rolling the spool and the pencil on the inside of any little . hoop hold firnily on the slate. The rim of the ci^vef of a. large wooden pill-box will make a nice^ little hoop for this purpose. 5. The evolute of a hypocycloid is a larger hy- pocycloid of the same shape on the outside of it ; and the hypocycloid itself may be fancied as the evolute of a smaller hypocycloid within it ; so that hypocycloids, like epicycloids, are packed one within the other, like nests of tubs or boxes. 6. The hypocycloid that is made when the diameter of the rolling circle is one quarter of the diameter of the circle that it rolls in, can be made by sliding the hypotenuse back- nuses be tangent ? — that is, what is the proportion between the radii of the two circles ? Suppose a man draws the foot of a ladder away from the side of a house, letting the ladder slip down the side of the house, to what curve in the air will GEOMETRY. 103 wards and forwards on the legs of a riglit triangle. The hypotenuse must be kept of the same length, and it will always be a tangent to the hypocycloid. 7. This hypocycloid may be called a hypocycloid of four arches; be- cause, as you may see in the figure, both it and its evolutes have each four arches. 8. If the diameter of the spool is nearly half that of the hoop, the pencil will move across the hoop in a very flat curve, almost like a diameter of the hoop : and the evolute at the end^ of the curve will be almost like two parallel straight lines at right angles to the end of the diameter ; so that the string unwrapping from the evolute will be very long. When the diameter of the spool is exactly half that of the hoop, the hypocycloid is a straight line ; and the evolute of it, if you can fancy that there is any the ladder be all the time a tangent ? If the diameter of the rolling circle is one fifth that of the other circle, how many arches will the hypocycloid have? If one fourth? If one third? But what does the hypocycloid become when the diameter of the rolling circle is one half that of the other ? 104 GEOMETRY. evolute, is* two parallel straight lines at right angles to its ends. 9. If the diameter of the spool is more than half that of the hoop, it will make a hypocycloid like that made by a smaller spool. If you have two spools, one of them as much wider than the radius of the hoop as the other is smaller, so that the hoop w^ill just let the two spools stand in it side by side, then one spool will make exactly the same hypocycloid as the other. 10. These two spools cannot, of course, be both rolling in the hoop at the same time ; but we can easily imagine two circles of the same size as the spools rolling in a circle as large as the hoop. Start the circles from the posi- tion in which I have drawn them to rolling in opposite di- rections, and if you roll the little circle faster than the large one, so as to make them get round the hoop in the same time, the points in the two circles which are now touching will keep together all the time, making the same hypocy- cloid. How do the evolutes of a hypocycloid differ from those of an epicycloid ? In what respect are they like them ? What must be the size of two spools that they may make the same hypo- cycloid in the same hoop ? GEOMETRY. 105 CHAPTER XXXI. ABOUT A HANGING CHAIN. 1. When a chain hangs from two points not directly under each other, it makes a beau- tiful curve called a catenary.^ You must' remember that, in order to have a perfect catenary, we must take a very fine chain, and then take only the middle line in it. 2. Suppose we had four straight sticks joined together by the ends, so as to have a sort of chain of four links. Suppose the middle two were equal in length, and also that the end ones were equal to each other. Hang them by two pins on a level, as you see them in the • figure, and notice exactly in what shape they hang. Now turn them upside down, keeping them in the same shape, as you see them in the next fig- ure. They will exactly balance and stand like the What is the geometrical name of the curve made by a hang- ing chain ? If the vertices of a polygon were perfectly limber hinges, but the sides stiff, how should we place them to make * Cat'^n^iry. 106 GEOMETRY. rafters of a double-pitched roof. If you set the sides more nearly perpendicular, the top will fall in ; crowding the sides apart until the point of the top gets lower than the top of the sides, and then pulling the sides together again till they touch at the top, and the two top pieces hang straight down in the middle. But if, on the other hand, you lean the sides together more than they should be, they will fall together, crowding the top up, until the ends of the sides meet, and the top pieces stand straight up, or fall to one side together. The four sticks, hinged together at the ends, will not stand, like an arch, unless they make the same angles with each other as they did when they were hanging like a chain. 3. And if we had a chain made of a great many short, stiff pieces of wood or metal, hinged together by rivets, like the little chain inside a them stand as an arch? Did you ever see a gambrel roof? Did you like the looks of it ? What shape do you think a gambrel roof should have to look well ? (That in which the GEOMETRY. 1«T watch, we could make it stand up like an arch, if we could put it exactly in the same form as it hung; that is, in a catenary upside down. If we arch it up too steep and pointed, the sides will fall in ; if we arch it too flat, the top will fall in. But arch it exactly as it hung, and it will stand. 4. If we fasten one end of a chain to a post, and hang the other end by a thread from the top of a higher post, the weight of the chain will pull the thread inward, as in this figure. But suppose another thread, tied to the end of the chain, should pass over a little wheel, on a level with the end of a chain, as at c, having a piece of the same kind of chain hung to it at b. Then you can easily see that the weight of b would pull A out flatter, and make the thread hang more nearly straight down by the side of the post ; rafters would hang if inverted. ) If I draw a catenary on the blackboard, and tell you how long the radius is at the bottom, can you show me how to find the radius at any other part of lOS GEOMETRY. or, if B were long enough, and thus heavy enough, it would even draw the thread outward toward c. 5. If the piece of chain marked b is just long enough to pull the end of A exactly under the top of the higher post, so as to make the thread hang exactly straight down, then b will be just as long as the radius of curvature of the catenary A at its lowest point. 6. Let A, in the next figure, be the lowest point of any catenary, and c any other point in it you please. Draw a horizontal line, E d, making the distance A E equal to the radius of curvature at A. Now draw c B at right angles to the catenary at the point c, and c D will be exactly the same length as the radius of curvature at c. Draw A F parallel to c D, and the straight line E F will be just as long as the piece of chain A c. the chain? Can you show me how to find a straight line equal to any part of the catenary ? GEOMETRY. 109 CHAPTER XXXII. THE PATH OF A STONE IN THE AIR. 1. When a boy tosses up his ball in the air, the centre of the ball moves in a curve called a parabola. If you toss up the ball on the west side of the house when the sun is setting, the shadow against the side of the house will also move in a parabola. 2. If you hold a round ball in such a position that its upper edge is just as high above the table as the blaze of a lamp is, then the edge of the shadow on the table will be a parabola. A dinner- plate will also make a parabola in the same manner. 3. But remember that, to be an exact parabola, the ball must be perfectly it)und, as no ball can What is the geometrical name of the curve in which a ball moves when tossed in the air ? Which would make a more perfect parabola, a ball of lead or a ball of cork ? (Of lead, because least impeded by the air.) How must I hold a plate 10 110 GEOMETRY. really be ; the table perfectly flat, as no table can really be ; the blaze of the lamp a single bright point, as no blaze of a lamp can be. It is easy to imagine exact figures, but they can never be made. No line can be dra^yn so fine and true that a microscope would not find a breadth to it, or waving irregularities in it. 4. The parabola is a very useful curve ; but it would be difficult to explain to children how it is used. I shall tell you of one use, before the end of this book. 5. On a smooth board draw a straight line, such as B c. Near the middle of the line, as at a. drive a small pin. Put one edge of the sqiiare card against the pin, and one corner on the line B c, and draw a pencil-line along the edge of the card, beginning at the corner on b c, and going at so that the edge of its shadow shall be a parabola ? How can I draw a parabola with a straight edge and square ? What is the vertex of a parabola ? How near the vertex does the GEOMETRY. Ill right angles to the edge that is against the pin A. Do this with the card in a great many different positions, only keeping the edge against the pin and the corner on b c, and you will make a place on the board nearly black with pencil-marks, with a curved edge on the inside, around A, and the curve is a parabola. 6. The point A, in the last figure, is called the focus of the parabola. The point in the parabola nearest the focus is called the vertex of the para- bola. The line b c is a tangent at the vertex. 7. Let c M be a parabola, and let A be its focus. Draw D E paral- • lei to the tangent at the vertex, and as far from the vertex as the ver- tex is from the focus. This line D E is called the directrix of the parobola. 8. Any point in the parabola is just as far from the focus as from the directrix. That is to say, that, if we take any point, as M, and draw a line directrix pass ? In what direction does the directrix of a par- abola lie ? (Parallel to tangent at the vertex.) How can you describe a parabola with reference to its focus and directrix ? Let the teacher copy the figure, and, drawing a tangent at the 112 GEOMETRY. M ? at right angles to the directrix, and also a line M A, the two lines M p and N A will be of exactly equal length. 9. A parabola may, therefore, be described as a curve, every part of which is equally distant from a point called the focus, and from a straight line called the directrix. 10. The parabola at the point M makes exactly the same angle with the line M P that it does w^ith the line ma. 11. If H c is the radius of curvature at the point c, and c F is in the same straight line with II c, then c F is just half as long as H c. That is to say, that a straight line drawn at right angles to any point in a parabola, and ending in the direc- trix, is just half as long as the radius of curvature * at that point. ' CHAPTER XXXIII. THE SHADOW OF A BALL. 1. Any curve that runs round into itself again encloses an oval. The word oval really means point M, ask, How does this tangent divide the angle amp? How can you tell the length of the radius of curvature at any point of a parabola ? What is an oval ? What is an ellipse ? How can you draw GEOMETRY. 113 egg-shaped ; but, in geometry, we ^.-^ use it for any figure bounded by f ^^"^^^^ one curve line, without any sharp \^^^ J corner. 2. The shadow of a round ball falling on a flat surface, when all the shadow can be seen, is either a circle or a particular kind of oval called an ellipse. The shadow of a round plate is also an ellipse, whenever the whole shadow can be seen on one flat surface. 3. You can draw an ellipse by driving two pins into a board, as at A and B in the figure, and tying a string, as A M B, one end to each pin, then putting a pencil-point, as at M, inside the string, and stretch- ing it out, and moving it round. 4. The points where the pins are placed are called the foci of the ellipse. Lines to the foci from any point in the ellipse, as at M, make equal angles v/ith the tangent at that point. 5. The nearer the foci are together, using the same string, A M B, the more nearly a circle does an ellipse with a string and two pins ? What is the name of the points where the pins are ? What angles do the two parts of the string make with that part of the ellipse where your pencil is? (Equal angles.) What other curve is the end of 10* 114 GEOMETRY. the ellipse become ; so that if the foci came to- gether, the ellipse would become a circle. 6. The further apart the foci are the longer and narrower is the ellipse. When an ellipse is very long, and very narrow in proportion to its length, each end of the ellipse becomes very much like a parabola. 7. When an ellipse is very exceedingly long, the ends are so much like a parabola that even geometers call them parabolas. We call the path of a ball tossed in the air a parabola, although in reality it is one end of a very long ellipse, nearly four thousand miles long, with one focus at the centre of the earth. But a real parabola is an dlipse so long that it has no other end at all : it only has one end and one focus. 8. The moon goes round tte earth in an ellipse ; the earth goes round the sun in an ellipse. And, if you were to cut the earth, or sun, or moon, in two, with a straight cut, the cut surface would be either an ellipse or a circle, according to the direc- tion in which you cut it. If the earth is cut in two from east to west, the section is a circle ; if a very long ellipse like ? When the two foci of an ellipse are brought near together, what curve does the ellipse become like ? Can j^ou explain how a carpenter draws an ellipse by a ** trammel and slots " ? Did you ever notice an elbow in a aEOMETRY. in any other direction, an ellipse ; for the earth is not perfectly round. 9. Carpenters sometimes draw ellipses by means of a board with two narrow slits in it at right angles to each other. They have a ruler with two pins in it, as at A and B, and a pencil in the end, as at c ; and, by moving / one pin in one slit, and / the other pin in the other \ slit, the pencil c will move in an ellipse. 10. If you cut a round stick off slanting with a sharp knife, at one cut, the cut end will be an ellipse. CHAPTER XXXIV, THE SHADOW OF A REEL. 1. If a reel for winding thread, such as is represented in the fig- ure, be held steadily in such a position that its shadow from a lamp stove-pipe ? What is the shape of the seam around the elbow of the stove-pipe ? Did you ever see' a ** swift" for winding yarn? Did you 116 GEOMETRY. will fall on a flat wall, and then set to revolving, the sides of the shadow will be curved, and the curve is called an hyperbola. 2. Suppose we have strings tied, at various places, on a horizontal wire, A B, and all drawn straight through one point, c. Cut them all off on a line parallel to A b. Let the strings, after being thus trimmed, hang straight down, and the ends will hang in a curve, as shown in this figure, and q ]sr that curve will be an hyperbola. This will also be true if the strings are cut off exactly at the point c. 3. If a rope is tied to a fixed point, say the hook A, and passes over a fixed pulley, as B, not ever see it standing steady on a table, and spinning round very fast? Did j^ou notice that the sides looked curved? What curve was it ? Suppose a row of palings set in a straight line, the middle one the shortest, and the others just long enough to reach the top of the middle one, if they were leaned GEOMETRY. 117 on a level with A, then a weight on a mova- ble pulley, c, will move, as you raise it by pulling the rope over B, in an hyper- bola. 4. If we draw a circle round a centre, B, marking, also, some point outside the circle, as at A, and then make a dot at every point which we can find situated, like M, as far from the point A as from the circumfer- \ ence of the circle round b, these dots Avill all be in an hyperbola. against it with their bottoms standing where they now do ; what curve would the top of such a row of palings make ? (Section two.) In what curve does a movable pulley move, wlien the fixed pulley is not on a level with the fixed end of 118 GEOMETRY. 5. You see, theiij that an hyperbola can be fancied as a parabola with a circumference, instead of a straight line, for a directrix. 6. In the last figure the points A and b are called the foci of the hyperbola. The curve is, at each point, as far from one focus as from the direc- trix circle drawn round the other. That is, M p is of the same length as M A. 7. If we hang light threads to each link of a hanging chain, Q isr such as Q N, and cut their lower ends off on a level line, and then stretch the chain out perfectly level, the lower ends of the thread will arch up into an hyperbola. 8. If a round ball hangs exactly under a lamp, over a level table, its shadow on the table will be a circle. But if the ball is moved to one side, the the rope ? How do a parabola and an hyperbola compare with each other ? How many foci has a parabola ? An hyperbola ? Can you tell how to make an hyperbola by a chain and threads ? Can you describe how the shadow of a ball, or I. GBOMETRY. 119 ow becomes an ellipse. Now raise the ball slowly, and the shadow will begin to move away from the lamp. But one edge will move away much faster than the o*her, so that the ellipse will grow longer and longer. And if we imagine the table to be so large that we cannot see the edges of it, then, when the upper edge of the ball is just on a level with the lamp, the ellipse will be so long that it will have no other end, and the end nearest the lamp will be a parabola. If we raise the ball higher, the parabola becomes an hyper- bola. And when the ball is raised so high that its under side is as high as the lamp, the shadow will not touch the table at all. The parabola and hyperbola are made by the shadow of the lower side of the ball. 9. If you take a plate instead of a ball, you can make all the shadows, circle, ellipse, parabola, and hyperbola, by a little pains-taking to hold the plate at the proper angle with the table for the circle and ellipse. For the parabola and hyper- bola less care is required ; only that tbx a parabola the upper edge of the plate must be just as high as the light ; and for an hyperbola the plate must be plate, may be made to grow from a circle into an hyperbola ? What other two curves does it become before becoming an hyperbola ? 120 GEOMETRY. higher. The shadow of the lower edge of the plate makes the parabola or hyperbola. CHAPTER XXXV. THE cow's FOOT IN A CUP OF MILK. 1. I HAVE already told you how to make the bright curve called by children the cow's foot in a cup of milk. I have also told you how to draw a parabola by drawing lines tangent to it until all the paper outside, the parabola is blackened by pencil-marks. I have also told you how to draw a hypocycloidj by putting a short ruler across one corner of your slate, keeping one end against the frame at the bottom, and the other end against the frame at the side, and drawing pencil-marks the whole length of the ruler on the side next the cor- ner. The corner will become, by making the marks at a great many different angles with the frame, whitened with pencil-marks, all tangent to an arch of a hypocycloid. These three curves are, in one respect, alike: they are made by drawing tangents to them. For How are curves drawn by drawing only straight lines? "What is the geometrical name for all curves made by reflected GEOMETRY. 121 the cow's foot is made by bright straight lines of reflected light, all tangent to an epicycloid. 2. And whenever light is reflected from the inside of a polished curve, the reflected light makes a bright curve of some kmd, just as the light reflected from the inside of a circle makes an epicycloid. 3. Curves made by reflected light arc called caustics. The cow's foot in a cup is a caustic made by a circle. The caustic made by a circle is an epicycloid. 4. Suppose you had a table so arranged that the setting sun should shine over its surface. If on this table we should set narrow strips of tin on their edges, they would reflect the sun-light and make bright curves or caustics on the table. 5. If the tin were bent into a half of a circle, the caustic made by it would be, as you already know, an epicycloid such as would be made by one circle rolling on another of twice its diam- eter. 6. If another strip were bent into the form of a liglit ? What is the caustic made by a circle ? What is the child's name for it ? How could we arrange a table and make caustics with the curves ? What is there peculiar about the caustic of a parabola ? Of a cycloid ? Do you remember wliat parallel lines are? Concentric curves? What is the 11 122 GEOMETRY. parabola, and turned in such a direction that the sun-light fell at right angles to the directrix of the parabola, then the caustic, instead of being a curve, would be a single bright point at the focus of the parabola. 7. If you bend another strip into an arch of a cycloid, and turn the straight line which joins the ends of the arch at right angles to the sun- light, the caustic will be two arches of a cy- cloid of just half the size, as shown in the figure. 8. If the cycloid be turned round at right angles to its last position, so that the straight line joining the ends of the arch shall be parallel to the sun-light, the caustic will not be a cycloid, but will be curve con- centric with a cy- cloid of half the size. -a 'In the figure, A b represents the strip of tin in the form of a cycloid ; c is the point of the caustic, and D is one arch of the half-size cycloid with which the caustic is concentric. caustic of a cycloid turned endwise to the light ? What caus- tic is always formed when the light falls perpendicular to any part of a curve ? When the light falls parallel to it ? Let I GEOMETRY. 123 9. Whatever curved form the tin may be bent into, the caustic will have some curious properties, which I will now tell you. Wherever the light falls at right angles to the curved tin, as at M. the caustic will be at the mid- dle of the radius of curvature, and the radius of curvature will be tan- gent to the caustic, as the radius M D is tangent to the caustic c, just half way from M to D. And the radius of curvature of the caustic at this place, c, will be just one ^\M quarter of the radius of curvature of the evolute of the tin at M. If E is the radius of curvature of the evolute, then R, the radius of curvature of the caustic, will be parallel to E, and be one quar- ter as long as E. And both R and E will be at right angles to the radius M D. But wherever the sun-light falls as a tangent to the inside of the curved strip of tin, the caustic will also be a curve tangent to the inside of the tin, and '^//^ its. radius of curvature will be exactly three quarters ^ji the radius of curvature of the teacher copy the figures, and go over all the peculiar points of section nine. What would be the caustic formed by a lamp 124 GEOMETRY. the tin curve. Thus, if M N is a curve on the inside of vfhich the sun-light falls parallel to the curve at M, then M o will be the caustic, and its radius, M Q, will be exactly three quarters of M p, the radius of M N. 10. All through this chapter on caustics I have spoken only of those that are made when the light is at a great distance from the polished tin. If we bring a lamp near the polished curve, the caustics made by this lamp-light w^ill be very different. 11. A lamp placed in the centre of a circle would not make a curved caustic, but all the light would be thrown back to one point, in the centre, where the lamp itself stood. 12. A lamp placed in focus of an ellipse would not make a curved caustic, but all the light would be thrown to one point, the other focus of the ellipse. 13. A lamp placed in the focus of a parabola would not make a curved caustic ; but all the light would be thrown straight out in parallel lines perpendicular to the directrix of the parab- ola. For this reason men have polished reflect- ors in the shape of a paraboloid to place behind in the centre of a circle ? In the focus of an ellipse ? In the focus of a parabola ? Did you ever notice the reflector in front of a locomotive engine ? What is it for ? la] m GEOMETRY. 125 lamps when they want to throw out the light in ►ne direction. They use such mirrors in light- ouseSj to throw the light out over the ocean ; and ey use them in front of locomotive engines, to throw light straight forward on the track by night. CHAPTER XXXVI. SOLID GEOMETRY. 1. All the figures which I have told you about are such as could be drawn on a flat sheet of paper. Before I finish my book I will tell you a little about a few solid bodies. 2. Cut out of a stifi" piece of paper six equal squares, as I have drawn them here ; and then fold the paper, at each line where the squares join each other, to a right angle. You will thus make the six equal squares shut up a space like a box. 3. This solid figure, bounded by six equal squares, is called a cube. What is the name of a solid bounded by six equal squares ? What is the difference between a yard of tape, a yard of oil- cloth, and a yard of earth ? — I mean between the three mean- IP 126 GEOMETRY. 4. A cube is taken as the measure of all solids and fluids. A gallon, for instance, is two hundred and thirty-one cubic inches ; that is to say, by a gallon of water we mean water enough to fill two hundred and thirty-one little cubes, whose faces are square inches. Or, for another instance, a cord of wood is one hundred and twenty-eight cubic feet ; that is, wood enough to make a pile as large as one hundred and twenty boxes, whose sides are each a square foot. 5. You remember that the measure of a square is found by multiplying the length of a side by itself The measure of a cube is found by multi- plying the length of a side twice by itself If I build a cube with a side of three inches, one face will have nine square inches in it, and the cube will be made up of three layers, each with nine cubic inches in it. So that the cube of three inches is three times three times three inches ; that is, twenty-seven inches. A cube of four inches would have sixteen square inches on a side, and consist of four layers of sixteen cubic inches each ; that is, the cube of four inches is sixty-four inches. 1 ings of the word yard in those phrases ? Do you know how long a yard is ? Did you ever see a man two yards high ? Build an earthen pyramid as tall as such a man's head, and GEOMETRY. 127 6. Similar surfaces, you remember, are in proportion to the cubes on corresponding lines. Similar solids are in proportion to the cubes on corresponding lines. 7. And as you can find the proportion between tAYO similar surfaces by multiplying the number that expresses the proportion between the lines by itself, so you can find the proportion between the solids by multiplying the number that ex- presses the proportion between the lines twice by itself. 8. Let us suppose, for instance, a heap of earth six feet high, built in the shape of the great pyra- mid in Egypt, which is six hundred feet high. The pyramid would be one hundred times as high as the heap of earth ; and, being of the same shape, would also be one hundred times as wide at the bottom. But the pyramid would cover a hun- dred hundred, that is, ten thousand times as much land as the heap of earth : and it would be a liun- dred times ten thousand, that is to say, one million times, as large as the heap of earth. how much higher -would the great pyramid of Egypt be ? How much hirger ? AYhat is the highest hill in this neighborhood? How high is it ? How many such hills set one on top the other would it take to be as high as the White Hills ? Suppose Mount Washington were of the same shape as hill, how many 128 GEOMETRY. 9. The highest mountains in the United States, east of the Mississippi river, are about ten times as high as the great pyramid ; and if one of them, one of the White Hills, for example, were cut into the same shape as the great pyramid, it would cover one hundred times as much land, and have one thousand times as much stone in it, as one of the pyramids. 10. The highest mountains of Thibet are nearly five times as high as the White Hills of New Hampshire. If one of the highest mountains of Thibet were of the same shape as one of the White Hills, it would have twenty-five times as much land on its sides, and would cover twenty-five times as much space. And it would take one hundred and twenty-five mountains like the White Hills to make one of the Himalaya mountains. 11. I wish you to remember very carefully that when two things are of the same shape, all cor- responding lines are in the same proportion to each other ; all corresponding surfaces are in pro- portion to the squares on those lines ; and all cor- responding solids in proportion to the cubes on those lines. such hills would it take to build Mount Washington ? Sup- pose Gulliver to be twelve times as high as the Lilliputs, but shaped just, like them, how many times larger would his nose GEOMETRY. 129 12. I wish you also to remember that, if the number expressing the proportion between the lines of two similar solids be multiplied by itself, the product will express the proportion between the cor- responding surfaces ; and, if it be again multiplied by itself, the product will express the proportion between the corresponding solidities. If the diam- eter of a foot-ball be five times that of a batting- ball, the surface of the foot-ball will be twenty- five times as much, and the size of the foot-ball will be one hundred and twenty-five times as much, as that of the other ball. CHAPTER XXXVII. CONIC SECTIONS. • 1. You will very often hear or read about conic sections ; men began to study them more than two thousand years ago, and have not yet learned all the useful things that can be known about them. By conic sections, we mean the circle, the ellipse, the parabola, and the hyperbola. I have told you a little about these curves ; enough, I hope, to make be than theirs ? How many times larger would his. thumb- nail be ? How many times larger would his finger be than theirs ? 130 aEOMETKY. you want to learn more ; and I will^ in this chap- ter, tell you why they are called conic sections. 2. Cut out of pasteboard a figure bounded by an arc and two radii, such as A B c. Curve \^ it up equally, and join the edge A c to the enclose (on all sides but one) a space; and the figure thus formed is called a right cone. 3. Set a right cone up upon a plane, and the arc A B will become a circle, such as d e in the figure. If we fancy a post standing straight up in the centre of a cir- cle, and a longer straight pole tied by one end XJB to the top of the post, while the other end just reaches the circumference of the circle ; if we then fancy this lower end car- ried around the circumference, the pole will mark out in the air the surface of a right cone. 4. Cut a right cone in two by a plane parallel If a right triangle could spin round on one leg, the other leg will describe a circle, and the hypothenuse will go round a solid body in the air ; now what is its geometi^cal name ? How shall I cut a right cone so as to make the cut surface a I GEOMETRY. 131 AJB to the plane on which it sits, and the cut surface will be a circle. 5. Cut a right cone in two by a plane in- clined to the plane on which it stands, and the cut surface will be an ellipse. ^^ Section" means a cut surface, and ^^ conic" means belonging to a cone ; so that you can now understand why these curves are called ^' conic sections " ; it is because they can be made by cut- ting a cone. 6. Cut the cone by a plane parallel to one side of the cone, and the cut surface will be a A-B parabola. 7. Cut the cone by a plane making a smaller angle with the centre-post than the sides do, and the cut surface will be an hy- perbola. 8. Now, if you will turn back and read chap- ter XXXIV., section eight, again carefully, you AB circle ? An ellipse ? A parabola ? An hyperbola ? How can you make part of a cone in the air with a lamp and ball ? 132 GEOMETRY. will see that the shadow of a ball is part of a cone in the air, with the vertex or point of the cone in the blaze of the lamp, and that the flat table is a plane that makes conic sections of the shadow. 9. If you were to bend the pasteboard cone, so as to make d e some other shape than a cir- cle, the cone would no longer bo a right cone. A right cone has a circle for its base, and the vertex of the cone is directly over the centre of the base. A3 CHAPTER XXXVIII. THE SPHERE. 1. If a circle should spin round on one of its diameters, the circumference would enclose a space called a sphere. 2. Solid bodies in the shape of a sphere are called balls or globes. The marbles with which How can you show sections of such a cone ? What is a right cone ? What is the geometrical name for a perfectly round solid ? What do we call a solid body that has the form of the georaet- GEOMETRY. 133 boys play, are usually very perfect globes. A soap- bubble blown thin, and free from any hanging drop of suds, floating in still air, is a very perfect sphere. 3. Cut a sphere by any plane, and the cut surface will be a circle. 4. When the plane goes directly through the centre of the sphere, the circle thus made is called a great circle of the sphere. All great circles in a sphere are of the same size as the circle which we imagined spinning to create the sphere. 5. The diameter of the great circle is called the diameter of the sphere, and the radius of the great circle is called the radius of the sphere. 6. The surface of the sphere is exactly four times the surface of a great circle. A ball three inches in diameter would take as much leather to cover it as would make four circles, each three inches in diameter; or one circle six inches in diameter. rical solid ? What examples of balls or globes can you give me ? How must a circle move to have it describe a sphere ? What shape is the section of a sphere by a plane ? What is a great circle on a sphere ? How large is the surface of a sphere ? 12 134 GEOMETRY. 7. You remember that the measure of a circle is found by multiplying the square of its diameter by one quarter of n. As the surface of the sphere is four times as great, it is found by multiplying the square of its diameter by re itself. The surface of a ball three inches in diameter, for instance, will be nine square inches multiplied by 7t, 8. The solid measure of a sphere is found by multiplying the cube of the diameter by one sixth of TT. The cube of the diameter will just enclose the sphere, and each of the six sides of the cube will be a tangent plane to the sphere. 9. For roughly judging of circles and spheres we call n about three. That is to say, a circum- ference is a little more than three times the diam- eter ; a circle is a little more than three fourths of the square on the diameter ; and a sphere is a little more than half the cube on the diameter. 10. To be more exact, we call ti twenty- two sevenths. That is to say, a circumference is twenty-two sevenths of the diameter ; a circle, eleven fourteenths of the square on the diameter ; and a sphere, eleven twenty-firsts of the cube on the diameter. How large is the solidity of a sphere ? What is the largest body of all having the same surface ? Into what shape must I pack anything to make it expose least surface ? If you have studied any arithmetic, you may now tell me how to calculate GEOMETRY. 135 11. To be still more exact, we call tt^ 8-1416. That is to say, to find the circumference, multiply a diameter by 3*1416 ; to find the size of the cir- cle, multiply the diameter by itself, and then by •7854 ; and to find the contents of a sphere, multi- ply the diameter twice by itself, and then by •5236. 12. As the circle is the largest of isoperimetri- cal figures, so the sphere is the largest of all bodies having the same amount of surface. If you roll a piece of putty into a round ball, it will haTe less surface than it could have in any other form. 13. But I think I have made my book long enough. I hope you have liked it, and I hope that at some time you will study more Geometry, and learn how to prove the truth of all I have told you. You will then find that there is a great deal to be learned about what men already know of Geometry, and that there is a great deal that is ' not known, at least by any man. Of course, the great Creator, who has made all things in number, w^eight and measure, knows everything. And the more we know, the more clearly we shall see how greiit is His knowledge, how wonderful his wisdom, roughly the circumference, the surface of a circle, the surface of a sphere, and the solidity of a sphere, when you know the diameter. How shall we calculate the same more exactly? How still more exactly? Is there anymore Geometry to be 186 GEOMETEY. and how beautiful the mannei" in which he has used what we call Geometry in the forms he has given to all things on the earth or in the sky. learned than what is taught in this book ? Are there any new things yet to be discovered in Geometry ? Should you like to learn more about it when you grow older ? THE END. PRACTICAL QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS FOR REVIEW BY THE OLDER SCHOLARS. The chapters referred to may not always furnish a direct answer or solution ; but they will always suggest the true solution, which is not always to be reasoned out, but is to be seen by the mind's eye. Similar questions can be multiplied indefinitely by a skilful teacher. Chapter hi. — What is the best way of making a garden- path straight ? How does a carpenter mark a long straight line? How will you make a short straight line on paper? The railroad from my house to Boston is about nine miles long, the carriage-road about eight ; which is more nearly straight? In travelling the carriage-road to Boston I cross the Fitchburg railroad only once. I am on the north side of it at starting ; when I get into Boston , on which side of me must I look for the depot? But I cross the Worcester railroad twice ; on which side of me shall I look for the depot of that road ? If Boston lies exactly east of my house, how can I manage to drive my horse there without having his head once turned exactly to the east ? Can I do it without having either head or tail turned to the east ? 12^ 138 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. Chaptee IV. — Suppose a straight stick is made to turn upon a pin thrust through the middle of it, which end will move the faster ? (Neither.) Which end will alter its direc- tion most rapidly ? If the pin is thrust into a straight line that will not move, such as a crack in the floor, which end of the stick will make the larger angle with the crack ? Chapter v. — If I hang tw6 plumb-lines from the ceiling, from nails that are just one foot apart, how far apart will the lines be six feet below the ceiling ? Chapter vi. — In a triangle whose sides are three, four and five inches, which is the largest and which the smallest angle ? If a leaning pole makes an angle equal to one third of a right angle, with a plumb-line, what angle does it make with a level line passing through the foot of the pole and under the bob hung from its summit? What angle will it make with any other level line passing through its foot ? What angle will the pole make with a level line passing through its foot, at right angles to one passing from the foot under the bob ? Chapters vii., viii., ix. — Suppose that I set a stake seven feet high in a level piece of ground, and measure its shadow and the shadow of other things on level ground as follows : When the shadow of the stake was ten feet, that of the house was thirty feet ; when that of the stake was nine feet, that of my poplar-tree was forty-one ; when that of the stake was eight, that of my cherry-tree was twenty-six ; when that of the stake was six, that of the church-steeple was one hundred and twenty-one. What is the height of the steeple, poplar- tree, cherry-tree, and house ? Chapter x. — I have one post and two rails to make a QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 139 fence to keep the cattle from a young tree that has sprung up by the fence in my pasture ; how shall I make the largest pen for it ? Another tree stands in the middle of the field ; my only materials, for making a defence around it, are three posts, one raU, and a piece of rope longer than the rail. In what is the largest triangle I can make ? Chapter xi. — How large is each angle in an isosceles right triangle ? How many such triangles will it take to make a square ? What does a carpenter mean by a mitre-joint ? Do you know how a carpenter makes a mitre-joint ? Chapter xii. — If, in a field with four straight sides, we find all the sides of the same length, what may we know about the angles ? If, in such a field, we find the sides all equal, and two of the adjacent angles equal, how large is each angle in the field ? and what do you call the shape of the field ? I have seen braces that were of no use. What is the proper way to make them ? There is another use of three points not exactly like this. Why is a three-footed table sure to stand steady ? Chapters xiii. and xiv. — How many yards of painting on the side of a house forty-two feet long and twenty-one feet high ? How many square inches in a pane of seven by nine ? How many in a pane of eight by ten ? How many feet of land in a lot with two sides of eighty feet each and two of thirty-nine feet each, if the angles are such that the eighty feet sides are only thirty-five feet apart ? How do you know that this lot is a parallelogram ? Chapter xv. — How many feet of land in a triangle whose sides are thirty, forty and fifty feet ? How many in a triang]|! whose sides are twelve, five and thirteen feet ? How do you 140 QUESTIONS 'and PROBLEMS. know that these triangles are right triangles ? Suppose that a quadrangle has sides of three, four, twelve and thirteen feet, and that the sides of three and four feet join in a square cor- ner, how many feet of land does it include ? How do you know that this quadrangle can be divided into two right triangles ? Chapters xvi. to xxi. — If I have a piece of the felloes of a wheel and want to find out how large the whole wheel is, what shall I do ? How would you lay out a garden-path in a circle ? How would you make two paths at right angles to each other ? How will you make a circle on the blackboard ? How will you make two paths run at an angle of sixty degrees with each other ? If a steamboat's tiller is lashed fast in any position, in what curve will the boat run ? How will you make the circle larger ? If there is a circle drawn on the blackboard, how can I draw a tangent to it at any particular spot in the circumference ? There are four ways, one from xx. 7, one from XX. 8, one from xxi. 5, and one from xix. 7. These ways have their special advantages and disadvantages. Point them out. Chapters xxii. and xxiii. — How shall I find a point at an equal distance from three given points ? How can you find the place that is equally distant from three of the corners of this room ? How can you find a spot equally distant from the east side, the south side, and the diagonal of the room that runs south-west ? What three kinds of polygons with equal sides and equal angles can be laid together like bricks in a pavement, and fill up all the space ? Chapters xxiv. and xxv. — Suppose the earth to be eight thousand miles in diameter, what is its circumference ? "What QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 141 is the length, of an arc of seventy degrees in a circle of one foot radius ? Which weighs most, a square sheet of tin eleven inches on a side, or a round piece of the same thickness thir- teen inches in diameter ? If a sheet of tin four inches square weighs an ounce, what will a sheet a foot square weigh ? What will a circle ten inches in diameter weigh ? What is the differ- ence between a piece of land four rods square, and a piece of four square rods ? What is the difference between a foot square and a square foot? If a church-spire is one hundred and twenty feet high, how much more paint will it take to paint the church than to paint a model of it, with a spire twelve inches high ? Is a square foot of sheet-lead necessarily in a square form ? What proportion in the cloth required to clothe a man five feet high, a man five feet ten inches, and a man six feet, supposing the three men to be of the same form, and dressed in the same fashion ? Chapters xxvi., xxvii., xxviii. — How far does the head of a spike in the tire of a wheel four feet in diameter, travel while the wagon goes four miles on a level road ? What is the radius of curvature of its path when it is at the top of the wheel ? When it is two feet from the ground ? When it is one foot from the ground ? A pendulum-bob swings in an arc of a circle ; how, from xxviii. 4, can you devise a plan to make it swing in the arc of a cycloid ? What is the shortest path from one point to another ? Is the shortest path always quick- est ? When is it not, for whom or what is it not, and why not? Chapters xxix. and xxx. — In a machine called a photom- eter, a bead is placed on the rim of a wheel rolling inside of a 142 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. hoop of just double the diameter ; in what path does the bead move ? In a railroad curve the cars cannot turn if the radius is too small ; what objection to joining two straight tracks which are at right angles to each other by a curved track marked out by drawing many lines of equal length across the corner ? Chapter xxxi. — If a rope weighs one pound for each yard, and I tie one end of it to a staple in the wall, how hard must I -pull horizontally in order to make the radius of curva- ture ten feet at the lowest point of the rope ? How hard to make the radius of curvature twenty-one feet? One hundred and eight feet ? What is the radius of curvature of a straight line ? How hard must I pull horizontally to make the rope straight ? If a chain, weighing two pounds to the yard, hangs between two posts of the same height, and the curvature of the chain in the middle has a radius of five feet, with what force does it draw in each post ? What if the radius is thirty feet ? If a piece of thread weighs at the rate of an ounce to a thousand feet, what horizontal force is required to make the radius of curvature a mile long ? But what to draw the thread straight ? In answering any of these questions on chapter XXXI., does it make any difference how long, or how short the rope, chain or thread, is ? Chapters xxxii., xxxiii., xxxi v. — What is the path of a rifle-ball in the air ? Can it then ever go straight to its mark ? Can you fancy the shape of the evolute of an ellipse ? If a hypocycloid of four arches be used as an evolute, but the string is taken on two opposite sides long enough to wrap round the whole arch, and on the other sides of no length. QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. 143 what sort of a curve would it produce ? (An oval, but not an ellipse. ) Chapter xxxv. — What shape must a mirror be to act as a burning mirror by bringing the sun-light to a point ? If a piece of a hollow sphere is used, at what distance from it will the imperfect point of light be formed ? If you stand in the centre of a field bounded by a circular fence, where will the echo of your voice sound loudest ? If the walls of a room are in the form of an ellinse, and a man stands in one focus and speaks, where will the echo sound loudest ? If a paraboloid reflector were placed behind the whistle of a locomotive, what effect would it have on the sound ? Chapter xxxvi. — A man is said to have borrowed a heap of peat-mud, which was stacked in a cubical form, four feet on a side, and to have returned two heaps, each a cube of three feet on a side. Did he make a just return ? What is the pro- portion between the length of a hogshead holding one hundred and twenty-five gallons, and a keg holding one gallon, if they are of the same shape ? If the smallest of the three men mentioned on page 141, weighs one hundred and fifty pounds, what do the others weigh ? If a man five and a half feet high weighs one hundred and sixty pounds, and a man three inches taller weighs one hundred and eighty, which is stouter in pro- portion to their height ? C APTER XXXVII. — Suppose a pole fastened at the end of a horizontal revolving arm. If the pole lies horizontal, it keeps in a horizontal plane ; if it is vertical, it describes the surface of a vertical cylinder. But if it inclines towards the centre- post about wliich the arm revolves ? If it inclines, but not 144 QUESTIONS AND PROBLEMS. directly toward the centre-post? Cut such a hyperboloid surface by a horizontal j)lane, and what will the section be ? Cut it by a vertical plane, what will the section be ? What chang'^. as you move the vertical plane to and from the centre of the figure ? Chapter xxxviii. — How many cubic feet of gas will fill a round balloon seven yards in diameter ? How many yards of silk three quarters of a yard wide will it take to make such a balk on ? If the earth were eight thousand miles in diameter, and a perfect sphere, what would be the number of square miles of its surface ? Of solid miles in its contents ? To how many balls thirteen inches in diameter would it be equivalent ? How many tons would it weigh, if it were all water, one thousand ounces to a cubic foot ? How much if three and one half times that weight ? ^o^ U.C. BERKELEY LlBRftRIES 8327(57 THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA UBRARY * ls>mi BGJKS PUSL'SHED BY HICKLIN8, SWAN U BROWIN,| ^ Worcester's Dictionarief^-. x ^ A COMPREHENSIVE PRONOUNCING AND EXPLANATORY X y DICTiONAKY of the English Language, for Common Schools and y y Academies, and for general reference. By J., E. Worcester. LL. 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