A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MANUAL ARTS THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES ■^ stamped ' BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE MANUAL ARTS BY ARTHUR HENRY CHAMBERLAIN, PROFESSOR OF EDUCATION AND PRINCIPAL OF THE NORMAL SCHOOL OF MANUAL TRAINING, DOMESTIC ECONOMY AND ART; THROOP POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTE.; AUTHOR OF EDUCTAIVE HAND -WORK MANUALS. /2iLe>3 A. FLANAGAN COMPANY, CHICAGO. NEW YORK. Se.'jo't. ieo3 COPYRIGHTED 1902 BY A. FLANAGAN COMPANY. CONTENTS. Page. Histoiy and Philosophy 7 National Educational Association Proceedings 23 American and* Eastern Maniial Training Association Pro- ceedings. 28 Articles in Manual Training Magazine 30 Magazine Articles — General 33 Methods and Practice — Courses of Instruction 48 Home Science — Domestic Economy 66 Titles in Foreign Languages — Austria 81 Belgium 83 Denmark 85 France 85 Germany 88 Italy 96 Norway 96 Sweden 97 Switzerland 98 Periodicals Devoted Wholly or in Part to the Manual Arts 99 PREFACE. In presenting this bibliography of the Manual Arts the author realizes fully that a partial or even a complete list of titles in any subject or branch of school work has little intrinsic vakie. It is only when a bibliography becomes a reference book for work in the subject treated that it best serves its purpose The idea has been widely held by some even in manual training work, that there is scant material published on the subject. For the past five years, during whicli time the pre- paration of tliese pages lias been going forward, the writer has been convinced to the contrary. Few teachers know exactly what has appeared in print bearing upon hand work, hence there arises a demand for a bibliography of the subject. It is then partly wth the view of meeting this demand that this book is published. Much that has been written is, of course, of questionable value. Many of the earlier texts have served their purpose well, newer thought and methods coming in to meet more exactly the needs and conditions of the time. In many respects a short select list of titles would prove as valuable to the teacher of the Manual Arts as will the present volume. This more complete list, however, will meet the needs of the educator and investi- gator, and preserve in permanent form the record of that branch of education which has risen into prominence more rapidly, per- haps, than has any otlier. As this bibliography is intended for the use of the instructor in hand work not only, but for the grade teacher as well, it has been thought wise to classify the titles under several heads. The arrangement of authors in alphabetical order seemed the only practical method. At the suggestion of prominent teachers of domestic science it was thought best to give a siiecial chapter to the g3neral topic, "Home Science," no attempt having here- tofore been made to list such titles as are here given. Books or articles dealing with both theoretical and practical phases of the problem have been placed in one or another of the lists as thought best. Many of the books or articles mentioned are out of pi'int. These can only be had in private or public libraries. Some of these treatises and reports are, indeed, of the very best. One of the chief values claimed for the bibliography lies in the comments following certain of the titles, thus rendering the .selection of a book less a matter of "guess work"' than would otherwise be the case . No doubt the compiler of the volume will receive some criticism for the manner in which hs has referred to certain of the titles hsted. No comment, however, has in the case of an American publication been made on hear-say evidence. Some not^ or word of comment has been given where, in the writer's judgment, it was most deserved. Those books best treating any given topic have been given sjiecial mention. There are, pei"hai3s, some equally meritoi'ious worlis upon wliich no com- ment is made. In such cases the writer has had no opportunity of examining the books in question. While no complete bibliography of the Manual Arts has be- fore been published, the author desires to give credit to several sources for valuable assistance rendered. The following have been freely consulted: "A Bibliography of Manual Training," prepared by the Eastern Manual Training Association ; '• Bulletin No. 9 of the High School Department of the University of the State of New York, Manual Training Syllabus;" "Manual Training Made Serviceable to the School," Dr. Woldemar Gotze; "Contributions to the Bibliography of Manual Training and Industrial Education,'" by Mary Dauna Hicks, in the ReiJort on Manual Training and Industrial Education, Boston, 1893; "Eighth Annual Report of the Commis.sioner of Labor," Wash- ington, D. C, 1892; " Bibliography of Child Study," Report of the Commissioner of Education, 1897-98. Thanks are due Mrs. Grace E. Dutton, Director of the De- partment of Domestic Economy of Throop Polytechnic Institute, for suggestions on the chapter on Home Science; to Mr. Paul Boehncke, Instructor in Modern Languages, for a.ssistance on titles published in foreign languages, to Mr. Ralph Cro.ss, of the Commercial Department of the school, who has assisted in the mechanical details and to many American and European teachers for aid and advice. A. H. C. October, 1903. Throop Polytechnic Institute. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. Adler, Felix. Moral Instruction of Children. New York : Apple- ton, 1892, pp. 270. Allen, Jerome. To What Extent and How Can Manual Ti'ain- ing be Introduced into Ungraded Schools? U. S. Bureau of Education Circular of Information, No. 2:183, 1889. Bach, A. D. Report on Education in Europe. 1839. Balliet, Thos. M. Manual Training; Its Educational Value. Fifty- ninth Annual Report Board of Education, Mass , Springfield, 1896, pp. 483. One of the finest and most philosophic expositions of the value of motor activity printed. The subject is dealt with from the pathalogical and physiological sides. Bamberger, G. Industrial Training. A report. New York: Bruno, 1885, pp. 11. Banes, C. H. Manual Training and Apprenticeship Schools in 1890. Philadelphia: Buchanan, 1890. Barnard, Chas. Graphic Methods in Teaching. Published by the New York College for the Training of Teachers. Edu- cational monograph. Barnard, W. T. Report on Technical Education in Industrial Pursuits. Baltimore: Friedenwald, 1887, pp. 70. Belfield, H. H. Manual Training and the Public Schools. Edu- cational monograph. Vol. 1, No. 1. New York, 1888. Bennett, Chas. A. Constructive Work in Public Schools. Pro- ceedings Northern Illinois Teachers' Association. 1900, pp. 10. Bingham, Ma j. R. Remarks on Industrial Education. Bureau of Education Circular, No . 3 . Blair. James L. Tiie Value of Skilled Labor. Twenty-second Annual Report Bureau of Labor, Missouri, 1900, pp. 130. This report contains ten specially written articles on indus- trial education and manual training, giving the latest 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. thought in the theory of educative hand- work. In additior to the above article there are papers by Chas. A. Bradley, H. G. Brownell, Arthur H. Cliamberlain, M. V. Carroll, J. W. Darnel, R. H. Jesse, Gilbert B. Morrison, L. C. McLouth and C. M. Woodward. The report is compiled under the direction of the Commissioner of Labor Statistics and In- spection, Hon. Tlios. P. Rixey, Jefferson City, Mo. Blake, J. V. Manual Training in Education. Chicago: Kerr, 1886, pp. 83. 25c. Blontond, Lawrence. Manual Training in Paris Schools. Briggs, F. H. Boys as They Are Made. Bardeen. 25c. Briggs, F. H. Industrial Training in Reformatory Institutions, Syracuse: Bardeen, 1898, pp. 27. 25c. Brown, Geo. P. Educational Value of Manual Training. U. S. Bureau of Education Cir. of Information, 2:153, 1889. Browne, J. C. Handcraft. Educational monograph, V. 3, No. 5, 1890. Brownell, H. G. Louisville Manual Training High School. Twenty-second Annual Report Bureau of Labor, Missouri, 1900, p. 171. Butler, N. M. Argument for Manual Training New York: Kellogg, 1888. Pp. 121. Butler, N. M. Manual Training as an Element in Public Educa- tion. University Convocation, 1888. Calldns, N. A. Educational Demands of Today. New York Industrial Educational Association, 1887, pp 16. Carpenter, C. W. Cambridge Manual Training School for Boys. 1892. Cams, Paul. The Philosophy of the Tool. Open Court, 1893. Chamberlain, Arthur H. Is Manual Training Feasible and De- sirable in All of Our Public Scliools, City and Country? Twenty-second Annual Report Bureau of Labor, Missouri, 1900, p. 163. Clark, John S. Industrial Education a Necessary Part of Public Education. American Institute of Instruction. 1882. Clark, John S. Industrial Education from a Business Stand- point. Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. Boston, 1881. Clark, John S., and Woodward, C. M. Industrial Education — Manual Education. Boston, 1883. Cobb, M. E. Instructive and Productive Employmen.s; Their HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. 9 Suitability for Industrial Schools. Proceedings- Twelfth Conference of Charities and Correction. 1885. Cole, Chas. W. Progress of Manual Training at Albany, N. Y. Published by the New York College for the Training of Teachers. Educational Leaflet. 1888. Compton. H. W. How and to What Extent May Manual Train- z^" ing be Introduced into City Schools? U. S. Bureau of Education Circular of Information, 2:173, 1889. Cornist, R. H. Manual Training at Montclair, N. J. Educational Leaflet, No. 38. 1889. Curtis, Mrs. M. B. Manual Training in Public Schools. 1899. Cutler, Caroline. Primary Manual Training. Educational Pub- lishing Company. 1891. Daniel, J. W. Beneflcient Effects of Manual Training Upon the Negro Race. Twenty-second Annual Report Bureau of Labor, Missouri, 1900, p. 174. Dewey, John. The School and Society. University of Chicago Press, 1899, pp. 125. A book dealing with the problems of the actual in the development of the child mind. That "Education is Life" is a central thought, and the relation of the school to the home and to the after hfe of the individual is clearly brought out. An epoch making book. Delia Voss, Victor and Adelmann, F. ; Bouroff, S. ; Markoff, A. M. ; Mickaeloff, A. M., and Sovettin, D. K. Descriptions of Collections of Scientific Appliances Instituted for the Study of Mechanical Art in the Workshops of the Imperial School of Moscow Moscow : W . Gautier . 1876. Pp.36. Dickinson, J, W. The Province of the Public School. Bureau of Edu., Circular No. 3. Dutton, S. T. Education as a Cure of Crime. Boston: Ellis. 1890. Pp. 13. Dutton, S. T. Manual Training: In What It Consists, Its Educational Value ; Its Place in the Schools. Educational Monographs and Eductional Leaflets. New York College for Training of Teachers. Eggleston, Thomas. The Worth of Manual Training. Educa- tional Leaflet, No. 57. 1890. Elkins, S. B. American Civilization. 1888. Ely, Richard T. Economic Aspects of Manual Training. L^' 10 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. England. The Technical Instruction Act. Educational Leaflet, No. 48. 1889. Ford, J. D. How Shall Maniial Training be Introduced into the Graded Schools'? U. S 'Bureavi of Education, 1889. Cir. of Information, 2:168. French, John H. Form Studj^ and Drawing in the Common School. Edu. Mon., II, 5, 1889. Froebel, Frederick. Pedagogics of the Kindergarten. Appleton, 1895. Shows clearly the rational principles upon which the kindergarten is based and that these principles are at tlie foundatioiii of all real manual training work. Geddes, Patrick. Industrial Exhibitions and Modern Progress. Bardeen. 25c., pp. 57. Gill. Systems of Education. D. C. Heath. Gilman, D. C. Plea for the Training of the Hand. Edu. Mon., I, No. 1, 1888. Gotze, Woldemar. Hand and Eye Training. London : Newman, pp.229. $160. A straightforward exposition from a most emi- nent authority on the value of a system of education which trains the brain and motor powers alike. The work is not theoretical only, conclusions being drawn on the basis of years of experience and experiment in the German schools. Gronlund, Lawrence. Manual Training in the Public Schools. Edu. Mon., No. 25, 1888. Hailmann, W. N. Organic Relation of Studies in Human De- velopment. The aiitlior traces the forces making for the best and most complete development "of the race and shows the part the manual arts should play in education, from the kindergarten to mature years. Ham, C. H. A Sample Argument. Edu. Leaflet. No. 22, 1888. Ham, C. H. ^Manual Training in the Public Schools. Discus- sion. U. S. Bureau of Education Cir. of Information, 6:19, 1888. Ham, C. H. How and to What Extent Can Manual Training be Ingrafted on Our System of Public Schools? Discussion by A. P. Marble, N. M. Butler, H. H. Belfield, M. A. Newell. Cir. No. 6, 1888, pp 19-41. Ham, C. H. Mind and Hand: Manual Training the Chief Factor in Education. Illustrated. American Book Co , 1890, pp. 464. §1.25. Tliis is the third edition of the book originally HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. 11 published by Harper, 1886, pp. 403, $1.50, under title Manual Training the Solution of Social and Industrial Problems. This book has an introduction bj' Col. F. W. Parker. Tl.e work shows clearly the weaknesses of the old schools and dwells upon the social pliases of our existence. The author holds that in no walk or profession in life can man be truly educated vmlegs the hand, as well as the mind, has received training. Ham, C. H. Co Education of Mind and Hand. Edu. Mon., III., No. 4. $1.25. 1890. Harrison, Wm. B. Education in Its Physical Relations. Harris, Wm. T. Art Education the True Industrial Education. Bardeen, pp. 9. 15c. Harris, Wm. T. The Intellectual Value of Tool Work and tlie Educational Value of Manual Training. Bardeen, 1899. 15c, pp. 14. Harri.s, Wm. T. The Psychology of Manual Training. U. S. Bureau of Edu. Cir. of Information, 2:117. 1889. Both texts deal with the educational phases of manual training in such a way as to leave small room for doubt as to the value of the subject in mind development. Hannak, E. The Training of Teachers in Austria. Edu. Mon., II., No. 3, 1888. Hanus, Paul H. Educational Aims and Educational Values. Macmillan, 1900, pp. 211. $1.00. Shows the relation of the subjects to each other and the place of Manual training in the curriculum. Hayes, Rutherford B. Manual Training. Edu. Leaflet, No. 12, 1888. Haygoog, A. G. Hand as Well as Head and Heart Training. Holly Springs, 1885. Hebrew Technical Institute, the Work of. Edu. Leaflet, No. 19, 1888. Hervey, A. B. Manual Training. Edu. Leaflet, No. 44, 1889. Hoboken, New Jersey, Manual Training. An Exhibition by the Public Schools. May 22, 1891. Hughes, Mrs. E. P. The Economic Advantages of Introducing the Swedish Wood Sloyd into Schools. Edu. Leaflet, No. 2G, 1889. Industrial Education. Eighth Ann. Rep't of the Commissioner A-' 12 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS . of Labor. Washington, 1893, pp. 707. Compiled under the direction of Commissioner Carroll D. Wright and containing authentic statistics and matter relating to the status of Manual Training in the United States, Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Great Britain, Russia Scandanavia, Swit- zerland, etc., together with chapters on the relation of the kindergarten to manual training and on manual training in conjunction with book work. Manual training and trade instruction in reformatories is treated and an excellent bibliography is appended. Industrial Education in the United States. Bureau of Educa- "^^ tion. Special Rep't, 1883. Jacobson, Augustus. Manual Training School. B. F. Wade Co., 1885. Jacobson, Augustus. Higher Ground. Chicago: McClurg, 1888, pp. 251. A criticism on the faulty methods of tlie past and a plea for handwork in the school. Jewett, E. C. Manual Training Schools Represented at the Uni- versal Exposition, Paris, 1878. Karoly. Dilemmas of Labor and Education. Bardeen. $1.00. Kaup, W. J. Apprenticeship in America. Pratt Institute Monthly, May, 1900, p. 157. Keyes, Chas. H. Manual Training. Report of tlie Committee !/ on Technological Education. The Preparation of Manual and Industrial Training Teachers a Function of the Tech- nical School. This report dwells upon the necessity for propeidy trained teachers in manual lines and upon the necessity of maintaining training departments in technical institutions. Keyes, Chas. H. Technical Education. Keep, Robert P. Swedish Manual Training. Educational Leaf- let. No. 15. 1888. Labor Bureau Reports— States. .XJalifornia, 1887-1888 ; Colorado, 1887-1888; Iowa, 1884-1885, 1890-1891 ; Kansas, 1888; Maiy- land, 1888-1889; Massachusetts, 1886; Michigan, 1885, 1889; Minnesota, 1889-1890; Missouri, 1881,1884,1900; Nebraska, 1887-1888; New Jersey, 1883-1884; New York, 1884-1886; North CaroUna, 1888; Ohio, 1888; Pennsylvania, 1873-1874, 1885, 1888; Rhode Island, 1888; Wisconsin, 1883-1884. Larsson, Gustaf. Sloyd, Address at New Haven. Conn., Oct. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. 13 1896. Sloyd for Elementaiy Schools. Address, Chicago, 1893. Leicestershire County Council. Inauguration of the Sloyd Classes. London: Hodgson, 1893, pp. 8. Leipziger, H. M. Education of the Jews. Edu. Mon. Leland, C. G. Practical Education. London: Whitaker, 1888. $2.00, pp. 280. Leland, C. G. Technical Education. Industrial Act in School. 1882. Localization of Function. Report of Am. Physicians, I., 1888. Lord, Emily. Sloyd as a means of Teaching the Essential Ele- ments of Education. London: Cassell, 1888. L. , E. M. Technical Education in Germany. Pratt Inst. Monthly, May, 1900, p. 155. MacAUister, James. Manual Training in its Scholastic and So- cial Relations, 1887. MacAUister, James. Manual Training in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Edu. Mon., III., No. 2, 1890. MacQueary, Thos. H. Report on Parental and Reform Schools. Chicago, 1901. Magnus, Sir Philip. Education in Bavaria. Edu. Mon., I, No. 2, 1888. Magnus, Sir Pliilip. Industrial Education. London: Paul, 1888, pp. 271, $2.40. One of the best English treatises by a careful thinker. The subject is expounded in a broad way and dwells upon the necessity of a more rational educational system. Magnus, Sir Philip. Manual Training. Address before National Association of Manual Training Teachers. London: Whit- aker, 1894, pp. 21. Magnus, Sir Philip. Manual Training in English Schools. Edu. Leaflet, No. 66, 1890. Magnus, Sir Phihp. The Manual Training School. Edu. Leaflet, No. 10, 1888. McArthur, Arthiu*. Education in its Relation to Manual Indus- try. New York: Appleton, 1886, pp. 393, $1.50. Although an early work it is a good one. The educational phases may not be emphasized fully enough. Manual Training and Industrial Education. Report of a com- mittee appointed by the governor of Massacliusetts, 1803, pp. 320. Full of valuable suggestions and statistics.. 14 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Manual Training at Springfield, Mass. Edu. Leaflet, No. 4, 1888. Marble, A. P. Public Instruction in Industrial Pursuits. Cir. of Information, No. 4, 1884, p. 126. Marenholz-Biilow, Bertha Von. School Workshops. Syracuse: Bardeen, 1892. Pp. 27, 15c. Mather, Wm. Manual Training a Main Feature in National Education. Before British Association, Manchester, 1887. Mayo, A. D. Industrial Education in the South. U. S. Bureau of Education. Cir. of Information, No. 5, 1888. McLaughlin, A. C. History of Higher Education in Michigan U. S. Bureau of Education. Cir. of Information, No. 4, 1891. McLouth, L. C. Some Benefits of Manual Training. Twenty- second Ann. Rep't Bureau of Labor, Missouri, 1900, p. 183. Meath. Physical, Industrial and Technical Training. Bardeen, $2.00. Meath, Earl of (Brabazon, Lord). Editor. Prosperity or Pauper- ism. London: Longmans, 1888, pp. 342. Meath, Earl of. Some National and Board School Reforms. London: Longmans, 1887, pp. 143. Meiklejohn, J. M. D. The New Education. Bardeen 15c, pp. 35. Mitchell, G. J. and Smith, E. H. Technical Education in the Counties. What is it '/ How may it be carried out ? Lon- don: PhiHp, 1892. Montague, F. C. Technical Education. Summary of the Report of the Royal Commission. London, 1887. Morris, Anna R. Physical Education in the Public Schools. Am. Book Co. $1.00. Morrison, Gilbert B. The Manual Training High School and the Labor Problem. Twenty-second Annual Report Bureau of Labor, Mo., 1900, p. 179. Moss, J. F. Workshop Instruction in Elementary, Higher and Evening Schools. (See International Conference on Educa- tion, V. 2, pp. 34-33. London: Clowes, 1884.) Monroe, J. P. The Educational Ideal. National Association of Builders of the United States. Rept. of the 5th Ann. Con- vention, 1891. Naas Seminary for Teacliers of Manual Training. Educational Leaflet, No. 8, 1888. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. 15 New England Conference of Educational Workers. J. O. Norris, Sec'y, Melrose, Mass. Conference on Manual Training. 1891, pp. 182. 50o. CONTENTS. Adler, Felix. The Educational Value of Manual Training in the Public Schools. Bailey, H. T. Color. Boyden, A. G. "What Is Manual Training? Eaebuske, C. J. The Relation of Sloyd to Gymnastics. James, E. J. The Kindergarten and the Pul)lic School. Jones, D. AV. Manual Training as an Auxiliary in the For- mation of Intellectu.al Habits. Kilbon, G. B. Manual Training in Springfield. Larned, C. W. The Language of Form. Patten, S. N. The Value of Education Relatively to the Consumption of Wealth. Richards, C. R. Means and Methods of Manual Training Richards, R. H. Manual Training as an Inspiration to Men- tal Development. Runkle, J. D. Tha Origin of Mechanic Art Teaching: Its Introduction into this Country. Woodward, J. E. Sloyd. These reports are a most remarkable contribution to the literatvire of the subject. They givfe the best thought of the day on the topics listed, treating them in a broad way and representing a wide field of experience. New Jersey. Manual Training and Educational Statistics. Re- port of the Special Committee, 1888. New York City. Board of Education. Manual Training in the Common Schools. Report of the Committee on Course of Study and School Books, 1887. New York City. Manual Training Course of Study and Teacher's Manual. Board of Education, 1888. Nordberg, N. F. Manual Training Dept. of the Boston Farm School. N. Y. College Cir. of Information, 1892, 1893. Ordway, J. M. Industrial Education. Cir. No. 4, 1884, pp. 117-126. Palmer, Courtlandt. New Education. Manual Training an Indispensable Department. An Essay in Explanation of the Gramercy Park School and Tool House. N, Y. Gramercy Park School, 1885. pp. 24. lo BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. 1 I arker, F. W. Objections to Manual Training. Industrial EJucation Assn Monograph. r\irk3V, F. W., and Powell, W. B. Industrial Education in Our Public Schools. Cir. No. 3, 18S7, pp. 11;}-1U and 124-129. P3uib3rton, S. P. Lectures in a Work Shop. N. Y. Industrial Publication Co., 1882. Pratt Institute. Teacher's Manual of Manual Training. Nov., 1889. Proceedings of the Departments of Superintendence N. E. A., published by the Commissioner of Education as Circulars of Informaton. Report of the Commission on Industrial Education made to the Legislature of Penn.sylvania. Harrisburg: Meyers, 1891, pp. 592. Report of the Council of Education on Technical Instruction. 1870. Report of the Commission on Manual Training School. Docu- ment No 16. Boston, 1894. Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education. Fifty-ninth Annual, 1894-1895. Report on Manual Training in Massachusetts. 1896 Reports and Minutes of Evidence of the Commission on Manual and Practical Instruction in Primary Schools under the Board of National EJucation in Ireland. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1897, 7 vols. Report on the Preparation of Teachers of Manual Training. 1899, pp. 72. Report of the Special Committee of the London School Board on the Subjects and Modes of Instruction in the Board Schools. London: Hazell, 1833, pp 171. Report of the Special Committee on Manual Training. Board of Education. New Jersey, 1899, pp. 13, Report on Wood Working in the Public Grammar Schools of Philadelphia. Edward Books (Burks & McFetredge, 1893.) Report of the work of the German Society of Manual Training. Leipzig, 1888-90. Rice, A. L. The place of Correspondence Instruction in Tech- nical E luxation. Pratt Inst. Monthly, p. 159. Richards, C. R. The Function of Hand Work in the School. Teachers' College Record, I, 5. Every teacher should read HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. IT this article. Tlie subject is treated from the standpoint of modern education and of unity in the school studies. Richards, C. R., and O'Neil, H. P. Manvial Training in the Public Schools. Edu Mon., I., No. 3. New York. 1890. Richter, J. P. Levana. The Doctrine of Education. Boston, 1886. Robertson, J. W. Manual Training in Public Schools.. Ottowa: Reynolds, 1899. A plain statement of fact. Rooper, T. G. A Plea for Manual Training. London: New- mann, 3s. Roscoe. Sir Henry on Manual Training. Edu. Leaflet. No. 27, N. Y. College, 1889. Rouillion, Louis. The Economics of Manual Training. Teach- ers College Record, II., 5, 1901. Pp. 61, 20c. An excellent paper on the cost and maintenance of this branch of school work. Contains a short bibliography. Rousseau, J. Emile. The Idenl Education for a Boy. Boston, 1886. Runkle, J. D. Raport on Industrial Education. Boston: Brown. 1881. Pp 34. Runkle, J. D Manual Element in Education. Report of the Massachusetts Board of Education. 1882. Pp. 131. Russell, J. Scott. Sloyd Features. London: Philip, 1893, 3 p. Russell, J. Scott. Systematic Technical Education. London: Bradbury, Evans & Co. 1869. Salcis. G. A. Manual Training in France. EJu. Mon., Ill , No 3. 1888. Salomon, Otto. Theory of Eiucational Sloyd, Silver, 1896. Pp. 150. $1.25. This book is too well known to need ex- tended comment. It gives in detail the theory of educative manual training and the educational principles upon which the Sloyd System is based. The author dwells upon the part played by hand work in an all-round development, men- tal, moral and physical. The various kinds of sloyd in use, a history of manual work, the general method employed and the qualifications of the teacher are some of the points treated. Even for those who do not wish to use the sloyd proper, or to teach the models herein mentioned, there is no work which gives more clearly the thought of the principles which are at the base of truly educative motor activity. 18 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Salomon, Otto. Farewell Address to Students at Niiils. Edu. Leaflet, No. 29. 1889. Salomon, Otto. Tlie Progressive Steps Taken by the Swedish Sloyd lastruction. EJu. Leaflet, No. 67. 1890. Salomon, Otto. The Sloyd in the Service of the School. Indus- trial Edu. Assn. Mon. , I , No. 6. Schoenhof, Jacob. Industrial Education in France. Part L Technical E lucatioa in Europe. Washington Government Printing Office. 1888. Pp. 136. Scott, Harriet M. Organic Education. Heath $1.25. The ex- pressive side of child nature is well brouglit out. Seaver, E. P. Mechanic Arts High School. U. S. Bureau of Education. Circular, 2:160-1889. Seidel, Robert. Industrial Instruction, a Pedagogic and Social Necessity. Heath. 1887. Pp. 160. 90o. A strong argument for industrial instruction in the school, based largely upon economic and social reasons, although the purely educative element is given prominence. The author places much stress upon a proper society idea and shows how industrial training will help to bring about the desired balance of results. Shuttleworth, C. Manual of Instruction in Schools. London: Newmann. Sloyd. What is Sloyd ? Edu. Leaflet, No 36. 1889. Sluys, A. Manual Training in Elementary Schools for Boys. Edu. Mon. II , Nos. 1-2. "1889. Smedley, F. W. A Report of the Sensory and Motor Abilities of the Chicago University Primary School, Etc. Transactions 111. Society for Cliild Study, 2 :88. 1900. Smith, Robert M. Constructive Work in Public Schools. Pro- ceedings N. 111. Teachers' Assn. Pp 14. 1900. Smith, Robert M. Report on Parental and Reform Schools. Chi- cago. 1901. Special Reports on Educational Subjects. London: Eyre & Spottiswoode. 9 Vols. 1896. Board of Education, Michael E. Sadler , Director. Spring, Leverette W. Mark Hopkins — Teacher. Edu. Mon. I., No. 4. 1888. Stetson, C. B. Technical Education; What It Is and What American Public Schools Should Teacli. Osgood. 1874. HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. ID Straight, H. H. Aspects of Industrial Education. Syracuse: Bardeen. 1882. Pp. 12. loc. Talbot, H. Manual Training, Art and the Negro; an Experi- ment. Montgomery. 1894. Pp. 34. Teegan, T. H. Technical, Industrial and Commercial Education in France. London: Simpkin. 1891. Pp. 223. The Argument Against Manual Training. Edu. Mon. 1888. (See also the ' ' Teacher. " April, 1888. ) The Argument for Manual Training. Edu. Leaflet, No. 1. 1887. The Danish Sloyd. Copenhaglu ; J. Jorgensen & Co. Pp. 49. The Educational Times on Manual Training. Educational Leaf- let, No. 34. 1889. The Nails Seminary for Teachers of Manual Training. Edu. Mon. 1888. The Relation of Education to Industry and Technical Training in the American Schools. U. S Bureau of Education Cir. of Information, No. 2. 1881. The Ringe Gifts. Cambridge, Mas.s. 1891. The Technical Instrviction Act. Educational Leaflet, No. 48. 1889. Thompson, Chas. O. Technical Instruction. Review of the Report of the British Royal Commission. U. S. Bureau of Education Cir. of Information. 1885. Thompson, C. O., and White, A. D. Manual Labor and School Work Combined. 1870. Thompson, S P. Apprenticeship Schools in France. London. 1879. Thompson, S. P. Technical Education. When Should It Begin? Thornton, J. S. Manual Training in Germany. London: Laurie. 1891. Pp. 8. 2 p. Thornton, J. S. Sloyd Students at Niiils. Educational Leaflet, No. 47. 1889. Twenty-two Years' Woi'k of the Hampton Normal and Agricul- tural Institute. Hampton, Va. 1893. Twining, Thomas. Technical Education. Bardeen. $3.00. Art and Industry; Education in the Industrial and Fine Arts in the United States. Clark, I. E. 4 Vol. Washington. Contents: V. 1 — Drawing in tlie Public Schools. V. 2 — Industrial and Manual Training in the Public Schools. 1892. Pp. 1338. V. 3— Industrial and Technical Training 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. , in Voluntary Associations and Endowed Institutions. 1897. Pp. 1145. Vol. 4 — Industrial and Technical Training in Schools of Technologj^ and in U S. Land Grant Colleges. 1898. Pp. 1020. A valuable collection of volumes, contain- ing an exhaustive and manysided treatment of the various phases of constructive and graphic work. Vol. 2 contains extracts from writings and speeches of prominent exponents of manual training ; treats of different methods and systems and quotes from various reports. There is also a histoiy of the development of industrial education and papers relating to such edvication in England. Industrial Education in the United States. Washington. 1883. Pp. 319". Reports of Commissioner. Washington. 1887-1900. Aesthetic Element in Manual Training. 1895-1896. Pp. 1323-1325. Exhibit of Results of Manual Training. 1892-1893. Pp. 569-575. Fellenberg on Manual Labor Movement. 1891- 1892. Pp. 506-510. Limitations to Artistic Manual Training. 1895-1896. Pp. 1325-1326. Mamial and Industrial Training. 1887-1888, pp 825-910; 1888-1889, pp. 411-428; 1889-1890, pp. 1148; 1897-1898, pp. 2419-2440; 1899-1900, pp. 2437-2452. Manual Training (Germany). 1889-1890. Pp. 1209-1212. Relation of Manual Training to Art Education. 1895-1896. Pp. 1321-1322. Relation of Manual Training to certain Men- tal Defect.s. 1896-1897. Pp. 699-703. Rise and Progress of Manual Training. 1893-1894. Pp. 877-950. Statistics of Manual Training Schools: 1888-1889, pp 1363-1367; 1889- 1890, pp. 1351-1357; 1891-1892, pp. 1197; 1893-1894, pp. 2093- 2169; 1894-1S95, pp. 2170; 1896-1897, pp. 2279-2294. Techni- cal and Artisan Education in Russia. 1890-1891. Pp. 242- 253. Technical and Industrial Schools (Belgium). 1892-1893. Pp. 186-188. Technical and Sloyd Training 1895-1896. Pp. 989. Technical Instruction in Great Britain. 1891-1892. Pp. 105-138. Training in Sloyd. 1891-1892. Pp. 427-429. Typi- cal Institutions Offering Mamial or Industrial Training. 1895-1896. Pp. 1001-1152. Reports of Commissioner by States : V Alaska, 87:100, 1896. jQalifoi-.nia, 88:94, 1897. District of • Columbia, 84:249, 1886. Illinois, 76, 1880; 66:84-85, 1099:87-88. Indiana, 87:252, 1886. Louisiana, 88:650, 1887. Maine, 88:425, HISTORY AND PHILOSOPHY. 21 1887. Maryland, 152, 1872; 502, 1887-1888. Michigan, 430^ 1887-1888. New York, 444, 1887-1888. North Carolina, 136] 1887-1888. Pennsylvania, 140, 1887-1888. Virginia, 492, 1886- 1887. West Virginia, 155, 1887-1888. Report of the Committee on Manual Training. Boston School Document No. 4. 1901. Pp. 83. A most excellent, full and A'aluable report. Walker, F. A. A Plea for Industrial Education in tlie Public School. 1887. Boston: Cupples, pp. 34. Walker, F A. Discussions in Education. New York: Holt. 1899. Pp. 342. Ware, Fabian . The Educational Fovmdations of Trade and In- dustry. Appleton. 1902. Pp.300. $1.20. A careful trea- tise by a student of the subject. Warner, Francis. Physical Expression; Its Modes and Prin- ciples. Appleton. 1886. Warner, Francis. The Auatomy of Movement A Treastise on the Action of Nerve Centers and Modes of Growth. London: Paul. 1887. Wey, H. D. Pliysical and Industrial Training of Criminals. Edu. Mon., I., No. 3. 1888. White, E. E. Relation of Manual Training to Body and Mind. U. S. Bureau of Education Cir. of Information 2:108. 1899. Willistou, A, L. Tlie Need for Secondary Technical Education. Pratt Inst. Monthly, V. 8, No 7. P, 145. Williston, A. L. The Value of Manual Training. Pratt Inst. Monthly, V. 9, No. 8 P; 181. An excellent paper. Wood, George. Manual Instruction in Woodwork. Leeds: Ar- nold. 1892. Woodward, C M. Concerning a Few Definitions. Edu. Leaf- let, No 23. 1888. Woodward, C. M. Extent of the Manual Training Field. Edu. Mon. Woodward, C. M. Educational Value of Manual Training. Bos- ton: Heath. 1890. Pp. 100. $2.00. Woodward, C. M. Intellectual Value of Manual Training. New York: Simpson. 1889. Pp. 19. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training School. Boston: Heath. 1887. Pp. 336. §2.00. Such work as can be carried on iu O: lUBLIOGUAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. the manual training school is given in detail. An excellent book. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training in Education. New York: Scribner. 1891. Pp. WO. $1.25. A book void of extrava- gant statement, yet containing startling revelation to the student of education. Defects are shown and remedies pro- posed. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training Schools. (See Interna- tional Conference on Education. V. 3, pp. 52-6:3. London, Clowes 1884.) Woodward, C. ]\I. Meaning and Value of Manual Training. St. Louis: 1897. Pp. 25. Woodward, C. M. Rise and Progress of Manual Training. Re- port of Commissioner of Education, 1898-'94. Pp. 877-950 Best thing of its kind ever printed. The information is reliable, and the development of the arts are clearly set forth. Woodward, C. M. Relation of Manual Training to Body and Mind. U. S. Bureau of Education. Cir. of Information, 2:91. 1889. Woodward, C. M. The Necessity of Manual Training. Twenty- second Ann . Rep't Bureau of Labor. Mo. Pp. 156. Eveiy- thing from the pen of the above author is excellent. Wright, B. F. The St. Paul Report on Manual Training. Edu. Leaflet, No. 11. 1888. Year Book. Council of Supervisors of the Manual Arts. Dr. James P. Haney, Sec'y, N. Y. 1901. Pp. 80. $3 00. A most valuable contribution to the writings of the day. It contains the very best in the current thought along art and manual lines. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. 33 NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. National Educational Association — Papers. Published by the Association. 1884-1901. Ackley, W. N. The True American Idea of Labor. 1889. Pp. 238-243. Addicott, J. E. Correlation of Manual Training with other Branches of Study. 1899. Pp. 923-928. Adler, Fehx. Technical and Art Education in Public Schools. 1884. Pp. 308-319. Baker, J. H. Report on Exhibits from Manual Training Schools. 1887. Pp. 686-691. Bennett, C. A, Aesthetic Principle in Manual Training. 1896. Pp. 786-790. Bennett, C. A. Manual Training from Kindergarten to High School. 1892. Pp. 449-455. Bernard, Job. Manual Training, Its Purpose and Value. 1898. Pp. 989-995. Booth, E. R. Philosophy of Manual Training. 1895. P. 720-731. Bradley, J. E. Influence of Manual Training on Habits of Thought. 1892. Pp. 663-671. Bradley, J. E. Manual Training in Grammar Grades. 1890. Pp. 834-842. Brown, Harris, Hoose and Parr. Educational Value of Manual Training. 1887. Pp. 417-423. Buchanan, J. R. Moral Influence of Manual Training. 1883. Pp. 37-46. Calkins. N. A. Course of Manual Training in Primary Classes. 1890, Pp. 828-834. Carroll, C. F Manual Training and the Course of Study. 1896. Pp. 778-786. Carter, C. M. Manual Training Through Indu.strial Drawing. 1886. Pp. 443-457. 24 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Clute, Oscar. The Head and the Hand. 1897. Pp. 734-742. Crawford, T. O. Edncational Power of Manual Training in Our Grammar School. 1888 Pp. 570-583. Curtis, V. G. The Relation of Manual Training to Technical Education. 1901. Pp 657-665. Curtis, V. G. Woodwork in Grammar Grades. 1894. Pp. 261- 278. Edwards, W. A. Teacher in the Manual Training School. 1899. Pp. 905-910. English, G. E. Constructive Work in the Elementary School. 1899. Pp. 917-922. Fairchild, G. L. Some Limitations in Industrial Training. 1888. Pp. 549-555. Fay, L. A. Practical Methods of Instruction. 1887. Pp. 206- 211. Goss, W. F. M. Outhne of Technical Work for a Manual Train- ing School. 1885. Pp. 263-274. Hailmann, W. N. JManual Training in the Elementary School. 1890. Pp. 842-850. Hall, M. F. Value of the Hand in the Acquisition of Knowledge and the Expression of Tliought. 1898. Pp. 642-648. Ham, C. H. Educational Value of Manual Training. 1888. Pp. 259-262. Harris, W. T. Art Education, the True Industrial Education. 1889. Pp 647-655. (Bardeen. ) Han-is, W. T. The Intellectual Value of Tool Work. 1889. Pp. 92-98. Haven, C. L. Relation of the Kindergarten to Manual Training. 1892. Pp. 443-448. I Hoffman, Paul. Manual Training in New York City Schools, i 1892. Pp. 471-474. Hoyt, J. E. Manual Training in the Public Schools of the Smaller Cities. 1896. Pp. 768-777. Jacobson, Augustus. Layman's View of Manual Training. 1884. Pp. 293-308. James, H. M. Influence of Manual Training in Elementary Schools. 1890. Pp. 850-85K Johnson, A. Manual Training System of Los Angeles. 1899. Pp. 928-931. ^ Keyes, C. H. Modifications of Secondary School Courses mo.st NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. 25 Demanded by the Conditions of Today. 1895. Pp. 731-741. Kovalevsky, E. de. Manual Training in Russia. 1893. Pp. 604-605. Larkins, C. D. The Effects of Manual Training. 1895. Pp. 748-752. Larsson, Gustav. Sloyd for Elementary Schools Contrasting with the Russian System of Manual Training. 1893. Pp. 599-603. Lazenby, Wm. R. Manual Training in Horticulture. 1898. Pp. 776-778. Leipziger, H. M. Education as Affected by Manual Training. 189->. Pp. 439-443. Leipziger, H. M. Progress of Manual Training. 1894. Pp. 877- 880. Lenfest, B. A. Character, Content and Purpose of High School Courses in Manual Training. 1900. P. 495. Magoun, G. F. Manual Education from the Other Side. 1886. Pp. 484-497. Maxwell, Helen M. Artistic Handicraft in Primary and Inter- mediate Grades. 1901. Pp. 654-656 McLouth, Lewis. Some Definitions. 1891. Pp. 745-749. Miller, J. C. Drawing : Its Relation to Manual Training and the Industrial Arts. 1894. Pp. 872-876. Mitchell, Clara I. Industrial Arts as Constructive "Work in Elementary Schools. 1901. Pp. 647-654. Northrop, B. G. Industrial Education in the South. 1889. Pp. 628-633. Ordway, J. M. Handwork in the School. 1884. Pp. 319-336. Paessler, V. S. Educational Value of Metal Working. 1899. Pp. 911-916. Parker, W. D. Some Possible Relations of Normal Schools to Manual Training. 1897. Pp. 749-752. Peabody, S. H. The Value of Tool Instruction as Related to the Active Pursuits in which Pupils may Subsequently Engage. 1889. Pp. 98-103. Peabody, S. H. Pedagogical Value of the School "Workshop. 1886. Pp. 305-317. Peabody, S. H. Place Manual Training Should Occupy in a System of Pubhc Schools. 1887. Pp. 186-205. Pinney, M. A. Plea for the Systematic Extension of Industrial 26 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Training from the Kindergarten to Grammar Schools. 1895. Pp. 753-759. Powell, W. B. Manual Training between the Employments of the Kindergarten and those of the Grammar Schools. 1892. Pp. 672-681. Powell, W. B. Industrial and Manual Training in the School Course. 1893. Pp. 606-613. Pratt, R. H. Industrial Training as Applied to Indian Schools. 1895. Pp 759-764. Report on Exhibits froJii Manual Schools at the Chicago Educa- tional Exhibition. 1887. Pp 678-692. Report ujion Classification, Nomenclature and Practical Details of Manual Training. 1890. Pp. 761-785. Richards, Zalmon. Relation of Industrial to Intellectual and Moral Training in Our Public Schools. 1888. Pp. 563-569. Robbins, G. A., Chairman. Report of Committee on Hindrances and Helps to Manual Training and Industrial Education, 1898. Pp. 779-786. Robinson, A. R. Indvistrial Education a Necessity of the Times. 1895. Pp. 741-746. Rogers, F. K. The Teacliing of Trades to the Indian. 1900. Pp. 698. Runkle, J. D. Introductory Address. Congress of Industrial and Manual Instruction. 1893. Pp. 592-594. Sisson, E O. Mental Results from Manual Training. 1897. Pp. 742-747. Snyder, J. L. Education for the Industrial Classes. 1898. Pp. 758-763. Tadd, J. L. Manual Training Methods in Pliiladelphia Public Schools. 1894. Pp. 886-891. Thomp.son, S. R. Report of Progress of Industrial Education. 1885. Pp. 248-257. 1888. Pp. 556-562. Tiybom, J. H. Sloyd as an Educational Subject. 1892. Pp. 451-461. Van Sickle, J. H. Manual Training for the Ordinary High School. 1900. Pp. 501. Vincent, Geo. E. Social Science and the Curriculum 1901. Walker, F. A. Manual Training in Urban Communities. 1887. Pp. 196-205. NATIONAL EDUCATIONAL ASSOCIATION. 27 Walker, F. A. Place Manual Training Should Occupy in a Sys- tem of Public Schools. 1887. P. 196. Walters. J. D. Ways, Means and Maxims in Manual Training. 1889. Pp. 621-628. Warner, Chas. F. Education for the Trades in America. What can Technical High Schools do for it ? 1901. Pp. 665-673. Warner, Chas. F. Teaching Trades in Connection With tlie Public Schools. 1900. P. 492. Waterman, Ricliard. Function of Manual Training in the Ele- ■ mentary School. 1898. Pp. 649-655. White, F. J. Physical Effects of Sloyd. 1896. Pp. 760-766. Wi.se, H. A. Manual Training in the Primary and Grammar Schools. 1889. Pp. 104-110. Wolverton, N. Manual Training and Its Place in the Educa- tional System of Ontario. 1891. Pp. 752-757. Woodward. C. M. Discussion of the Frencli Sy.stem of Indus- trial and Manual Instruction. 1893. Pp. 597-599. Woodward, C. M. Function of an American Manual Training School. 1882. Pp. 140-157. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training. 1883. Pp. 84-99. Woodward, C. M. New Demands Upon Schools by the World's Industries. 1893. Pp. 594-597. Woodward, C. M. Organizations and Plans for Manual Training Pp. 876-877. Relation of Manual Training Schools to Tecli- 1893. Pp. 583-589. The Fimction of the Public School. 1887. Schools. 1894. Woodward, C M. nical Schools. Woodward, C. M. Pp. 212-824. Woodward, C. M. Pp. 73-91. Woodward, C. M. 752. The Results of the St. Louis School. 1889. The Teacher of Tool Work. 1891. Pp. 749- 28 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. EASTERN MANUAL TRAINING ASSOCIA- TIONS' PROCEEDINGS.* 1897-1901. Ball, F. H. The University (Chicago) Elementary School. 1899. P. 46. Bates, F. C. Manual Training in Character Building. 1898. P. 28. Benns, C. P. The Educational Value of Machine Work. 1898. P. 48. Bryant, G. H. Tlie Exercise vs. the Complete Model System of Shop-work. 1897, P. 35. Carley, I. M. The Value of the Sloyd Idea as a Basis for Educa- tional Manual Training. 1900. P. 29. Craig, Arthur U. Industrial Education at the Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute. 1900. P. 20. Crane, \Vm. I. A Plea for the Education of the Hand. 1901. P. 27. Davis, W. W. The Development of Muscular Power. 1900. P. 80 Entwisle. A. B. The Sense of Touch. 1900. P. 58. Foster, Mary L. The Means of Securing the Benefits of Manual Training. 1897. P. 18. Gilbert, C. B. Manual Training in Public Schools. 1901. P. 97. Haney, Jas. P. The Organization and Administration of Manual Training in a City School System. 1899. P. 27. Henderson, C. R. The Manual Training School as a Factor in Social Progress. 1900. P. G4. Howes, Edith M. The Need of Manual Training. 1899. P. 15. Hubbard, Elbert. Annual Address. 1901. P. 45. Hughes, Jas. L. Educational Advantages of Manual Training. 1897. P. 27. ♦Until 189S called the American Manual Training- Association. KASTERN MANUAL TRAINING ASSOCIATIONS' PROCEEDINGS. 29 Kenyon, W. J. The Art Basis of Manual Training. 1899. P. 18. Keyes, C. H. True Tests of EJucational Manual Training. 1898. P. 7. Larsson, Gustaf. The Origin and History of tlie Sloyd in Sweden and the Principles Underlying the Work of the Sloyd Train- ing School. Boston, 1899. P. 5. Muckley, H. C. Address of Welcome. 1900. P. 9. Parker, F. W. Expiession in Its Relation to Education. 1901. Pierce. F. II. Whittling for the Elementary Grades. 1898. P. 34. Pinney, Mary A. Primary Manual Training. 1899. P. 51. Richards, C. R, Address of Welcome. 1899. P. 5. Richards, C. R. Handwork in the Primary Grades. 1891. P. 54. Robbins, Geo. A. An Economic Plan for Manual Training in Small Communities. 1901. P. 71. Scripture, E. W. Manual Training and Mental Development. 1899. P. 8. Should the Manual Training High School Aim at Technical or General Education? A Discussion. Bryant, G. H. ; Mather, T. W. ; Williston, A. L ; Richards, C. R. 1899. P. 53. Smedley, F. W. Uuidexterity vs. Ambidexterity. 1901. P. 17. Tadd, J. Liberty, Art and Manual Training in Education. 1900. P 9. Tiybom, J. H. A Theory of Manual Training. 1900. P. 35. Tiybom, J. II A Three Years' Course in Paper and Cardboard Work. 1898 P 13. Tyler, J M. The Meaning of Manual Training in Education. 1899. P. 48. Upton, Daniel. Some Observations on Grammar School Courses in Manual Training, 1900. P. 46. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINE. Beebe, Grant. Creative Manual Training. Vol. 3, P. 88. Bennett, Chas. A. An Arts and Crafts Club. 1-104. Bennett, Chas. A. An Experiment in Wood Turning. 2-155. Bennett, Chas. A. Cliicago Manual Training Ass'n. 1-98. Bennett, Chas. A. Constructive Work in Elementary Schools 1-180. Bennett, Chas. A. Kept. N. 111. Teachers' Ass'n. 1-211. Bennett, Chas. A. Rept. Charleston Meeting. N. E. A. 2-45. Bennett, Chas. A. The Organisation of Manual Training in Higli Schools. 8-136. Bradley, Chas. A. Drawing in Manual Training Schools. 1-78. Bryant, Geo. H. Recognition of the Trade Idea in Manual Training Courses of High Scliool Grade. 2 200. Camp, Katherine B Household Occupations in Primary Grades 3-20. Chamberlain, Artliur H. The Manual Element in the Schools of Germany. 1-124. .^xChamberlain, Artliur H. Rept. Pacific Manual Training Teach- ers' Association. 3-106. Daniels, Joseph. Library Handicraft at Greeley, Colorado. 2-89. Dean, Arthur D. An Experiment in Teaching Trades at Public Expense. 2-143. Dewey, Jolm. Tlie Place of Manual Training in the Elementary Courses of Study. 2-193. Forbes, Geo. M. The Curriculum of the Public Schools. 1-102. Foster, Edwin W. Leaf Forms of Our Common Broad Leaved Trees. 1-107; 2-31, 100, 163, 224. Foster, Edwin W. The Evergreens (Illus.) 3-95. Gilbert, Chas. B. Manual Training in Public Schools. 3-125. Hall, James. Relation of Nature Drawing to Structural Design. 2-85. L- MANUAL TRAINING MAGAZINE. 31 Henderson, C R. Tlie Manual Training Outlook. 2 65. Henderson, C R. The Manual Training School as a Factor in Social Progress. 2-1. Hill, Frank A. The Manual Training Idea. Reminiscences of Personal Growth into its Spirit. 1-1. Holden, Wm. C. Academic Work and the Shop; Their Relation and Correlation. 2-19. Howe, Chas. B. Rept. Conn. State Teachers' Ass'n. 3-103 Irons. Foster H, A Study. Manual Training for City Children 1-187. Kenyon, W. J. Art Basis of Manual Training 1-26 Kenyon, W. J. Spirit and Purpose of Manual Training in the Elementary School. 3-80. Keyes. C. H. Outlook for Manual Training in Secondary Schools. 1-117 Kidner, T. B. Manual Training in England. 2-207. Kilbon, Geo. B Backward Boys. 1-205. Manny, Frank A. Industrial Training as a Social Factor. 2-129. Mason, John H. Wisconsin Educational Alliance. 1-100. Maxwell, Helen M. Artistic Handicraft in the Primary Grades. 3-26. Mendenhall, T. C. The Relation of the Manual Training School to the College of Engineering. 1-173 Miller, John C. An Outline of Ten Lectures on Forestry, Lum- bering and Wood. 2-96. Mitchell, Clara I. Textile Arts as Constructive Work in the Elementary School. 3-12. Moore, C. S. Unrealized Possibilities in Manual Training 2-8 L Moore, II. W. The Buffalo Exhibit. 3-47. Moore, H. W. Manual Training at the Pan-American Exposi- tion. 3-53. O'Sliea, M. V. Some Aspects of Manual Training 1-59 Reports — California State Teachers' Association. 3-168. Connecticut State Teachers' Association. 2-108. Dept. of Manual Training, N. E A 1901. 3-40. Dept of Superintendence. 2-168 Illinois School Masters' Club 3-165. New England Association of Teachers of Metal Work 3-170. N. lUinois Teachers' Association 2-236. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. University of Chicago Conference of Academies and High Schools. 3-161. Western Drawing Teachers' Association. 2-232. Ricliards Arthur W. The Thouglit Side of Manual Training. (Illustrated.) 3-61. Southern California Teachers' Association. 3-169. Richards, C. R. Handwork in the Primaiy School. (Illus- trated.) 3-1. Roberts, Wilham E. The Cost of Manual Training. 3-151 . Robinson, A. R. A Study in Industrial Education. 2-10. Rogers, Frank K. Value of Manual Training as a Preliminary to Trade Instruction to the Negro. 1-70. Russell, Lee. Manual Training in Normal Schools. 2-12. Scripture, E. W. Manual Training and Mental Development. 1-16. Stimpson, W. C. The Decorative Side of a Course in Forging. 2-2U; 3-155. Sweet, Allan K. The New England Assn. of Teachers of Metal Working. 1-06. Turner, F. W. New England Assn. of Metal Working Teachers. Turner, L. W Rept. Mass. Teachers' Association. 3-104. Van Deusen, C. S. Logging in the South . 1-93. Van Sickel, J. H. Manual Training for the Ordinary High School. 2-76. Vroom, W. F. Constructive Design in Woodwork . 1-83; 2-25. Vroom, W. F. Rept. New York Meeting A. M. T. A. 1899. 1-35. Vroom, W. F. Rept. E. M. T. A. 1900. 2-38. Vroom, W. F. Rept. E. M. T. A. 1901. 3-31. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL . '6'6 MAGAZINE ARTICLES-GENERAL. —J Articles contained in the Maniial Training JNIiagazine are not included in this list . Adler, Felix. Influence of Manual Training on Character. Ethical Review. Adler, Felix . New Exi)erinieut in Education . Princeton Review . 11-143. Adler, Felix . The Democratic Ideal in Education, with an Illus- tration from the Workingman's School and Free Kinder- garten. New York: Century, 16-937. 1889. Allen, E . A . H . Manual Training in School : the New Education . Unitarian Review. 35-454. Ai-ngrimsson, F. B. Sloyd; Its Aim, Method and Result. Ai-nold, Matliew. Common Schools Abroad. Century. 10-893. Popular Science Monthly. 36-784. Auchmuty, Richard T . The Need of Trade Schools . Century . 11-83. Austen, P. T. Manual and Sense Training tlie Great Problem in Education. Scientific American Supiilemeut. 40-16392. Authoritative Definition of Manual Training. Science. 13-9. Ball, F. H. Manual Training. (Illus.) The Elementaiy School Record. (Univ. of Chicago.) No. 7. Pp. 177. 1890. Balliet, T. M. Manual Training; Its Educational Value. Amer- ican Physical Education Review . 1-60 . BarnarJ, Chas. New Roads to a Trade. Centmy. 1-285. Barrows, I. C. Manual Training. Charities Review. 1-60. Barrows, J. H. The Toledo Manual Training Scliool. Review of Reviews. 20-579. Bass, W. H. A Course in Woodwork for High Schools. Art Education . 5-24 . Bates, R . C . Character Building at Elmira . American Journal of Sociology. 3-577. 34 BIBlJotilt.Vl-IIV ol' MAMAL ARTS. Beckwitli, M. II. Paper Cutting for Primary Schools. Kinder- garten Revie\\' . 1 1 5 Beebe, J. E. Tlie Motor and Sensory Child. Cliild Study Monthly 3:14-25. 1897. Belfield, H. H. Manual Training and Public Education . Science. 9-373. Bennett, C. A. Home Workshop . Outlook. 53-386. Bennett, C. A. How Shall a Boy be Introduced to Tools? Out- look. 58-155. Bennett, C. A. Manual Training from Kindergarten to High School. Journal of Education. 3<)-167. Bennett, C. A. Rtissian System of Manual Training. Art Edu- cation 2-75,148. Agoodpajjer. Bennett, C. A. The Workshop. Art Education . 4-10,83. Betts, L. W. A Manual Training Exhibit. Outlook. 64-171. Bradley, J. E. The Training of tlie Will. Education. 20-65. Bryan, W. L. On the Development of Motor Ability. Ameri- can Journal of Psychology . 5 :125-204 . 1 893 . Burdette, R. J. Manual Training. Southern Educational Journal. 13-46. Burk, Frederic. From Fundamental to Accessory in the Devel- opment of the Nervous System and of Movements. Peda- gogical Seminary. 6-5. The newer thought is forcibly and clearly brought out. The phrsiological and psychological phases. Burnham, W . H . Motor Ability in Children ; Development and Training. American Institute of Instruction. Sixty fourth Ann. Meeting. 137-140. 1894. Butler, N. M. Manual Training Movement. Methodist Re- view. 1889. P. 313. Butler, N. M. The Training of Teachers, with Illustrations from the New York College for the Training of Teachers , Century. 16-915. 1889. A strong article . Calder, F. L. Technical Education in Secondary Schools. Journal Soc . Arts . 45-964. Capin, S. B. Manual Training for the Schools of Boston. Edu- cation. 12:117. Carroll, C.F. Just What Should Manual Training do for Chil- dren in the Elementary Schools'? Teachers' College. Bulletin, No. 6-3. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL. 35 Carroll. C. F. Manual Training and the Course of Study. Art Education. 3-13. Carter, C. M. The Industrial Idea in Education. (Illas.) Century Magazine. 14-67'J. Shows clearly the benefits to be derived from directed exercises; relation of home to school ; articles that can be made in the home, and place of drawing and designing in education. Chamberlain, Arthur H. The Correlation of Manual Training with Academic Work . Interstate School Review. 7-34; 85. Chamberlain, Arthur H. The Manual Training Teacher. Art Education. 4-190. Chapin, T. F. Educational Value of Manual Training . Charities Review. 6-335. Chapman, Evelyn . Sloyd or Hand Training in Sweden . Science . 9-269. Chapman, Evelyn. Sloyd or Handwork as a Factor in Educa- tion. Journal of Education (Eng . ) 9-71 . Codd, M. J. Constructive Work in Schools. School Journal. 58:221; 59:142; 498. Codd, M. J. Constructive Work for Construction. Primary School. 9-150. Codd, M. J. Cardboard Work . Primary School. 9-228. Codd, M.J. Board Work. Primary School. 9-211. Codd, M. J. Work in Cardboard and Light Woods. Primary School. 9-276. Committee on Drawing and Manual Training. Manual Training in Worcester, Ma.ss. Art Education. 3-138. Compton, H. W. Manual Training in the Toledo Schools. Century. 14-154. Condon, K. A. Clay ModeUng. School Journal. 57-41. Crane, W . I . A Plea for Manual Training . Ohio Educational Monthly. 48-289. Crane, W. I. Manual Training. Philistine. March, 1900. Crawford, R. D. Benefits of Manual Training. Journal of Education. 46:6. Cremins, J. C. Constructive Work in Paper for Primary Grades. N. Y. Teachers' Magazine. 5-195; 271; 372. Cushman. L. S. Principles of Education as Applied to Art. The Elementary School Record, University of Chicago. 1-3. 30 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Dabney, C. W. The Organization of Scientific and Technical Education. University of Tenn., Record No. V2. Davenport, H. R. Technical Education in Board Scliools. Contemporaiy Review. 53-073. Davidson, Thomas. Manual Training in tlie Public Schools. Forum. 3-111. Davies, G. S. Norwegian Wood Carving. Art Journal. T) 343. Day, L. F. French Wood Carving. Magazine of Art. 23-104. Dowey, John. Psychology of Occupations. The Elementary School Record. University of Chicago. 1-83. A good psychological study . Dewey, John . The Primary Educati n Fetich . Forum . 25-31 5 . Dickinson, H. W. Manual Training in Small Scliools. Journal of Education. 40-180. Dickinson, J. W. Industrial Education in the Public Schools. Education . 7-009 . Dutton, S. T. Industrial Training in the Public Schools of New Haven . Century . 13 -485 . Dutton, S. T. The Modern Treatment of Crime. Education. September and October, 1890. Eby, Frederick. Educational Value of Manual Constructive Work. Education. 18-491. English as She is Taught . Century . 13-800 . EngUsh, G. E. Course of Study and Sug^e.^^tions for Construc- tive Work. Popular Educator. 16-58. Fisher, K, R. Suggestions for a Course in Manual Training in. Elementary Schools. Journal of Education (N. E. and Nafl.), 48:157. Fitcli, Joshua. Some Limitations to Technical Instruction Journal Soc. Arts, 45:782. Flood, T. L. Educate the Hand. Cliautauijuan, 9:313. Flower, Elliott. Manual Training and tlie Poor. North Ameri- can Review, 167:445. Oct '98 A thoughtful study in the Sociological phases of the subject. Frampton, G. Art of Wood Carving. International Stud'o,3:i;j5 Frew, H. K. Metal Work in Schools. School World, 1: 103. Gardiner, F. Utilizing Boy Waste. Cosmopolitan, 36:401. A unique idea written in original style. Gardner. J. S Iron work at Hampton Court. Magazine of Art. 23:300. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL. 3? V Gibson, C. B. History of Manual Training in Schools. Southern Educational Journal, 13:105; 209. Gilbert, C B. Some Manual Training Ideas. Education, 18:19."). Gillman, D. C. Handcraft and Redecraft. Century, 10:837. A broad, humanistic view of a many phased handcraft from the kindergarten standpoint. Goodridge, Grace. Scissors and Paste. The Plan Book, 3, No. 10. Gore, W. C. Concerning the Psychology of Constructive Work. Intelligence, 22:1. Goss, W F. M. An Ideal Cour.se of Shoi)work. Art Education, 9 Oft Gdtze, AVoldemar. Educational Manual Training for Boys in Germany. Pratt Institute Monthly, 6:204:. Granger, K. A Hint for Manual Training. Sciiool Education, 18:19. Groszmann, Maximilian. Should Boys and Girls be Given the me Kind of Work in Manual Training? Teacher's College Julletiu, No 6:10. •^ Gulick, Luther. Some Physical Aspacts of Muscular Exercise. Pojnxlar Science Monthly, 53:793. ^ Hailmann, W. N. Aphorisms on Manual Training. School Journal. 59:162; 185; 237; 288. Hall, G. Stanley. .Soma Criticisms of High School Physics and Manual Training, etc. Pedagogical Seminary, 9:3 Ham, C H. Manual Training. Harper's Magazine, 72:404. Ham, C. H. Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 29:564; 703. Hampton Institute. Review' of Reviews. April, 1900. , Hancock, J. A. A Study of Motor Ability. Pedagogical Semi- nary, 3:9. f Hancock, J. A. An Early Phase of the Manual Training Move- ment. Pedagogical Seminary. ' Hancock, J. A. Manual Labor School. Pedagogical Seminary, 5:287. Hancock, J. A. Relation of Strength to Flexibility in the Hands of Men and Children. Pedagogical Seminar}% 3:308. The student of psychology should read these articles. Haney, J. P. A Bit of a Cread. Art Education, 4:189. Haney, J. P. Tlie Hundredth Child. New York Teachers Quarterly. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Hanner, Althea. Textile ludustries. The Elementary School Record, University of Chicago, 1 :71. Harris, W. T. Tlie Study of Arrested Development in Children as Produced by Injudicious School Methods. Education, April, 1889. A good paper. Harvey, W. L. Relation of Art Education to Maniial Training. Art Education, 2:47. Harwood, W S. Sloyd ; the Swedish Manual Training; System. Outlook, 58:43. Heinemann, A. H. Manual Training vs. the Old Method of Education. Arena, 9:427. Henderson, C. H. Aim of Modern E lucation. Popular Science Monthly, 4?:485. One of the most fruitful articles ever written. Henderson, C. H. Cause and Effect in Education. Popular Science Monthly, 4.) :57. Henderson, C. H. Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 46:48; 799. Henderson, C. H. New Programme in Education Atlantic, 81 :760. A thoughtful paper from a unique standpoint. Henderson, C. H. Philosophy of Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 53:145; 322; 490; 638; 772. A series of articles that should be read V)y all teachers. Henderson, C. H. Spirit of Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 35:433. Henry, Arthur. The New Dawn in Education. Ainslee's, Octo ber, 1899. Illustrated from public schools of Washington. D. C. Henry, Arthur. The New Spirit of Education. Munsey, 23:2. An illustrated article giving glimpses of many phases of the problem. Iljtzel, H. W. Manual Training in Mental Development. Arena, July, 1900. A clear, strong argument. Hill, F. A. The Manual Training Idea. School Journal, 59:606; 017. A valuable paper, liolmas, Marion E. The Fatigue of a School Hour. Pedagogial Seminary, 3:213. A study for all teachers. Hoyt, C. O. The Motor Element in Education. School Record, 8. No. 4:1. Hoyt, C. O. The Period of Adolescence. School Record, 7, No. 93. MAGAZINE ARTICLES — GENERAL. 39 Hubbard, E. Hoodluuiisiri, Cause and Cure. New York Educa- tion, 3:201. Hughes, Oliver. Industrial School at Sonneberg. Consular Re port, 06:249 P. 228. Industrial Education Association. Science, 9:553. Inmau, L. S. Paper, Scissors and Paste in the Grades. Popular Education, 15 :365 ; 414. 16 :29 Jackman, W. S. Constructive Work in the Common Schools. Educational Review, 17:105. A splendid article. James, E. J. Manual Training in the Public Schools in its Econ omic Aspects. Andover Review, 10:369. James, G. AV. Basketry, Illustrated. Ladies' Home Journal, September, 1902. Jully, M. A. Manual Training in the Elementary Schools of Paris. Pratt Institute Monthly, 6:197. Kehr, Cyrus. Manual Training. Southern Educational Journal, 13:4; 106; 141; 184; 232; 277. Kelley, Florence. The Working BoJ^ American Journal of Sociology, 11-158. Kenr, E. B. Manual Training in the Grammar Schools of Indianapolis. Indiana School Journal, 44:406. Kenyon, W. J. Aesthetic Element in Manual Training. Art Education, 5:61. One of the best studies from the art side. Kenyon, W. J. First Years in Handicraft. Primaiy Education, 7:304; 264; 401; 460. 8; 28; 77; 126; 171; 221. (See same title under "Courses of Instruction ". ) Kenyon, W. J. Papers on Sloyd. Inter-State School Review, November, 1891. Kenyon, W. J. Shaping of a Series of Models. Journal of Education (N. E. & Nat'l.), 49:388. Kenyon, W. J. Sloyd and Motor Development. School Jour- nal, 57; 468. Kenyon, W. J. Ti-aining of Teachers for Manual Expression. New York School Journal. 64:6. Keyes, C. H. Modification of Secondary School Courses most Demanded by the Conditions of To-day. Art Education, 2:176. The views set forth are the result of thought and research and look toward an enrichment of program. Knapp. E. S. Free Weaving. Primary School, 9 :210 ; 219. ■10 BIBUOGRAPnV OK jrAXU.VL ARTS. Knapp, E. S Outline Course in Constructive Work. Prim: .y School, 9:147. Knapp, E. S. Reed Weaving. Primary Scliool, 9:377. (See book under "Courses of Instruction ". ) Kropotkin, Prince. Brain Work and Manual AVork. Nineteentli Century, 27:456. Langley, Jane. Relation of Hand Work to Head Work in School. The Normal Quarterly, Silver City, New Mexico. December, 1900. Larsson, Gustaf Origin and History of tlie Sloyd in Sweden and the Principles Underlying the Work of tlie Sloyd Train- ing School, Boston. Art Education, 4:14o. An instructive and interesting paper. Larsson, Gustaf. Shjjd SchoolJournal, 53:718. Larsson, Gustaf. Some Observation on ]Manur.l Training in Europe and America. Education, 17 :257. Leake, Albert H. The Ottawa Manual Training School. Cana- dian Magazine, April, 1901. Leland, Chas. G. Handwork in Pubhc Scliools. Century, 2:890. A plea for making industrial training a part of public school work. The artistic phases are dealt with. Lincoln, D. F. The Motor Element in Education. American Physical Education Review, 2:65. Lindley, E. H. A Preliminary Study of Motor Plienomena of Mental Effort. American Journal of Psychology, 7:491. Livingston, M. B. Constructive Work. SchoolJournal, 57:467. Loeffler, M. Wood Carving. Pratt Institute Monthly, 8:66. Lubbock, Sir John. Manual Instruction. I'ortuightly Review, 46:463. Lubbock, Sir Jolm. Same. Popvdar Sciisuce Monthly, 30:827. Lubbock, Sir John. Same. Littell's Living Age, 171:387. Macan, H. Technical Education in Secondary Schools. Journal Soc. Arts, 45:887. MacAllister, James. Industrial TraiTiiug in the Public Schools of Philadelphia. Centur}', 13:485. Mackintosh, May. Artistic Modeling Teachers' World, 10:392. Mackintosh, May. Place of Manual Training in the General Scheme of Education. Education, 7:18b. Magnus, Sir Philip. Manual Trai'nng in England. Art Edu cation. 3:1.36. MAGAZINE ARTICLES -GENERAL. 41 Magnus, Sir Philip ' Manual Training in Relation to Health. Educational Review, 3:78. Magnus, Sir Philip. Same. Contemporary Review, 50: 695. Manual Training in School Education. Popular Science Monthly, 31 :493. Manual Training. Journal of Pedagogy, 10 :.j. Manual Training Equipment. School Journal, 55:199. Manual Training for Boys in the PubUc Schools. New Englander, 43:501. Manual Training in Boston. Lend a Hand, 10:193. Manual Training in New York Schools. School Journal, V. 55. D 18, supplement. Pp 6. Manual Training Number. New York Teachers' Monographs, l;No. 1. Marble, A. P. Industrial Training in the PubHc Schools. An Adverse View. Century, 13:485. Marvel, L. H. Manual Education in Pubhc Schools. Education, 2:490. Mason, Frank H. Physical-Technical Institute of Germany. Consular Report, 54:202. P. 413. McDaniel, B. F. Moral and Educational Value of Manual Train- ing. Lend a Hand, 10:165. Mental Growth from Manual Training. (Table.) Popular Science Monthly, 35 :555. Merrill, Geo. A. Manual Training : Beginning During Infancy. The Western Journal of Education, 46:5. Good; a rational paper. Mezes, S. E. Manual Training vs. Crime. Charities Review, 7:1020. Miscellaneous. Educational Value of Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 37:138. Miscallaneous. Handwork Teaching in Swedish Schools. Pop- ular Science Monthly, 32:713. Miscellaneous Manual Training and the Brain. Popular Science Monthly. 38:425. Miscsllaueous. School of Fifty Years Ago and of Today. Pop- ular Science Monthly, 27:283. Miscellaneous. Three Grades of Handwork. Popular Science Monthly, 33:569. 42 CIBLIOOUAPUY OF MANUAL ARTS. Miller, F. Study and Practice of Wood Carving. Art Journal, 50:7. Monoghan, J. C. Teclinical and Merchant Schools. Consular Report. 56:208. P. 78. Monoglian, J. C. Technical Education in Austria. Consular Report, 55:207. P. 543. Monoghan, J. C. Teclinical Education in Cermany. Consular Report, 54:202. P. 447. My rick, Herbert. Results of Manual Training SchoolJournal 55:361. Noble, A. Need of Technical Education. Gassier, 17:153. Ortner, Evan. Manual Training in "Woodwork under the Lon- don School Board. Pratt Institute Montlily, 6 :207. Painter, J. E. Course in Elementary Slovd. Art Education, 4:13; 113. Patterson, C. S. Christianity The Conservator of Our CiviHza- tion. Century, 14: — . Peckham, L W. Busy Work. Primary Education, 7:16. Phelps, Edward. Industrial Education New Englander, 47:267. Phillips, J. Ideals of Wood Carving. Artist, 23:99. Picken, L. H. Manual Training. Western School Journal, 36:127; 143. Pickwick, E., Jr. A Course in Manual Training for Elementary Schools. Ai't Education, 3:38. Contains some sugge.stive ideas. Pickwick, E., Jr. Manual Training in the Public Schools. Art Education, 3:28; 59. Piatt, W. A. Schools of Industry. Century, 6:476. Plunkett, H. M Kindergartens and Manual Training Industrial Schools. Popular Science Monthly, 41 :375. Practical Education in Tlie Common Schools. Century, 2 :'^97. Pullar, A. Seminary at Nails for Teachers in Manual Training. Fortnightly Review, 47:315. Purdy, Carl. Poma Indian Baskets. Land of Sunsliine, 15:12. 16:1-2-3. Purpose of Manual Training. Education, 16:299. Purpose of Manual Training. (Table ) Popular Science Monthly, 33:703. Reigart, J. F. Manual Training in France Pedagogical Semi naiy, 1:276. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL. 48 Richards, C. R. Beautiful Models in Manual Training Covirses. Art Education, 2 :40. Richards, C R. Functions of Drawing and Manual Training in Education. Pratt Institute Monthly, 2:63. Richards, C. R. Manual Training for the Second Four Years of School. Teachers' College Bulletin, No. G: 31. Richards, C R. Manvial Training. Where is the Root? Pratt Institute Monthly. G:191. These articles are excellent and will prove helpful to all teachers. Richards, Zalmon, Relation of Manual or Industrial Training to the Public Schools. Education 13:623. Richel, H. R. The Place of Manual Training in Secondary Edu- cation. The Educational Review. (Eng), 1:235. Rickoff, R. D. Handwork of School Children. Popular Science Monthly, 28:812. Rickoff Mrs. Report of. (Table. ) Popular Science Monthly, 28 :843. Robbins, G. A. The Cost of Manual Training. School Board Journal, 19: No. 4: 3. Robertson, Jas. W. The MacDonald Manual Training Schools. Canadian Magazine, April, 1901. A good lii.storical sketch and an educational treatise. Rooper, T. G. Relation of Manual Occupations to other Studies. School Journal, 54 :474 ; 505. Root, E. Visit to a Brookline (Mass.) School. Journal of Edu- tion, 48:220. Russell, H. R. How the Benefits of Manual Training may be Secured. Education, 8:657. Ryder, C. J. Limitations and Possibilities of Industrial Training in the Public Schools. Education, 12:581. Salomon, Otto. Manual Training: an Address. The School- master, April 12, 1890. Salomon, Otto. Sloyd. Sloyd Bulletin, 1898. Salomon, Otto. Sloyd Instruction in Sweden. Pratt Institute Monthly, 6:194. Sawter, Geo. R. Manual Training in Germany. Consular Re- port, 63:233 P. 194. Sawter, Geo, R. Pattern Drawing and Designing in Germany, Consular Report, 53:198. P. 333. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Sawter, Geo. R. School Gardens in Sweden (Gothenberg. ) Consular Report, 66:250. P. 375. Sawter, Geo. R. School Gardens in Sweden (Stockholm). Con- sular Report, 66:250. P. 374. Scales, S E. Constructive Work. Popular Educator 16:351 17:61; 264. Scales, S. E. Paper Cutting. Popular Educatoi, 17:25. Scotter, R. Manual Training: a Pastime for Boj's. Westminster Review, 138:377. Scripture, E. W. Cross Education. Popular Science Montlily, 56:589. A close study. Seaver, E. P. Manual Training. Education, 11 :499. Seidel, Robert. Industrial Instruction. Popular Science Monthly, 33:419. Shaw, E. R. " Learning and Doing " at Uampton. Review of Reviews, April, 1900. Most interesting to the student of the development of the negro. Shaw, E. R. The Employment of tlie Motor Activities in Teach- ing. Popular Science Monthly, 56 :()(!. Sisson, E. O. Mental Results from Manual Training. Journal of Education, 46:87, The title indicates the trend of a strong argument. Skinner, Stella. Manual Training for the First Four Years of School. Teachers' College Bulletin, No. 6:13. Slingo. W. The True Basis of Technical Education. Journal Soc. Arts, 45:904. Sluys, A. Manual Training in Elementary Schools for Boys Popular Science Monthly, 34:585. Some Reasons for Manual Training. School Journal, 56 :205 . Stetson, G. R. The Necessity for Moral and Industrial Training in the Public Schools. Andover Review, October, 1886. Stoker, G. A. New Feature in Manual Training. Pedagogical Seminary, 5:282 Sweet, A. K. Machine Shop Practice at the Mechanic; Arts High School of Boston. Art Education, 4:77. Tadd, J. L. Art and Manual Training. Pa. School Journal, 4S:375. Taube, G. von. Manual or Industrial Training. Popular Science Monthly, 33:386. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL. 45 The Course oE Study. The School of Education, University of Chicago. (Good. ) The Elementary School Record, University of Chicago. 9 Nos. 1900. $1.00. The numbers devoted to Art, Textiles, Kinder- garten and Manual Training are especially useful. Tliomas, S. Industrial Training in the Public Schools of Ger- many. Science, 9:567. Thompson, C. O. Manual Labor Training in the Public Schools. Education, 4:592. Thorpe, F. N. Ethics of Manual Training. Education, 8:489. Thorpe, F. N. History and Economics in Manual Training Schools. Education, 8:351. Thorpe, F. N. Manual Training as a Factor in Modern Educa- tion, with Illustrations from the Philadelphia Manual Train- ing School. Centuiy, 10:920, lt^89. Todd, M. P. Kintergarten Occupations in the Primary Room. School Education, IG: No. 10- 19. 10: No. 11:19. Townsend, H. A. Phases of Modern Philanthrophy. Popular Science Monthly, 55:534. Triggs, Oscar L. The Work Shop and School. Craftsman, 3:1. Trybom, J. H. Motives to Effort in their Relation to the De- velopment of Power. Art Education, 2:146. Trybom, J. H. Sloyd as an Educational Subject. Popular Edu cator, November, 1892. Tucker, E F. Constructive Work in the Primary Grades. South Dakota Educator, 13:10. Unwin, M. L. H. Plastic Art in Education. Westminster Re- view, 147:446. Upham, A. A. A Short Cour.se in Manual Training. Journal of Education (N. E. and Natl.j, 48:157; 302; 370; 419. 49:54; 119; 231; 278; 310. Vallance, A. Artistic Metal Work. Magazine of Art, 22:273. Vanderburg, M. W. Manual Training from the Ethical Stand- ,point. Art Education, 5:89. Vanderburg, M. W. New Course in Manual Training in New York City. School Journal, V. 56, Jan. 15, sup. p. 5 Van Etten, Ida M . Industrial Training in the New York Catho- lic Protectory. Century, 13:486. Vroom, W. F. Manual Training as Moral Discipline. The In- dependent, 46:2383. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Vroom, W. F. Manual Training as a Moral Discipline (abridged). Art Education. 2 :77. Walker, F. A. The Place of Schools of Technology in American Education. Educational Review, 2:209. Technology Quar- terly, 14:4. Walker, F. A. What Indu.strial Influence can be Inti-oduced into Public Schools? Science, 9:219. Walker, F. A., Ham, C. H , and Love, S. G. What Industry, if any, can Profitably be Introduced into Country Schools? Science, 9:365. Walker, S. A. Manual Training in Night Schools. Independent, 48:1100. Walker, S. A. Manual Training in tlie Public Schools. Inde- pendent, 49:1004. Wallace, Mrs. Lew. The Murder of the Modern Innocents, adies' Home Journal, February, 1899. The thought is good, but the ideas are somewhat radical. Warner, Francis. Muscular Movements in Man. Journal of Mental Science, 34:23. Washington, Booker T. Work With the Hands; tlie Moral Value of Manual Training and Labor. Whitley, W. T. Metal Decoration Exhibition. Art Journal, 50 :254. Whitney, C. W. Training the Haud.s for Work. Chautauquan, 29 :271. Wicks, O. C. Manual Training for Grammar Grades. Art Edu- cation, 3:112. Wight, Jessie. Manual Training in the First Four Grades of the Workingman's School Teachers' College Bulletin, No 6:17. Williams, F. N. Manual Training Fairly Tested Kindergarten Magazine, 10:500. Winslow, Miss II. Industrial Features of the Boston Public Schools. New England Magazine. Wissler and Richardson. Diffusion of the Motor Impulse. Psychological Review, 7:29. Woodbury, C. J. II. First Manual Ti-aining School in America. Journal of Education, 46:360. Woodward, C. M. Erroneous Conceptions of Manual Training Nation, 49:350. MAGAZINE ARTICLES— GENERAL . 47 Woodward, C M. Fruits of Manual Training. Popular Science Monthly, 25 :347. Woodward, C. M. Functions of an American Manual Traininj< School Popular Science Monthly, 21 :621 . Woodward, C. M. Manual Training in General Education. Education, 5:614. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training School. Popular Science Monthly, 33:418. Woodward, C. M. Manual Training School of Washington Uni- versity. Popular Science Monthly, 23:135. Woodward, C. M. Present Status of Manual Training. Pratt Institute Monthly, 3:183. Woodward, C. M. Schools for Manual Training. Gassier, 5:478. Woodward, G. M. St. Louis Manual Training School. Pratt Institute Monthly, December, 1895. All these articles by Dr. Woodward are well worth close study. Wood worth, R S. Accuracy of Voluntary Movement. Psycho- logical Review, Monograph, No. 13, July, 1899. Pp. 114. Work, Gree T. Manual Training in the San Francisco Public Schools. Western Journal of Education, 6:5. 48 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. METHODS AND PRACTICE- COURSES OF INSTRUCTION. MODELING. Barraclough and Parkinson. Elementary Clay Modeling for Standards I., II. , III. London: Newmann. Haycock, G. S. Clay Modeling for Schools. Loudon: New- mann, 1894. Pp. 26 and 8 plates. 2s. Hildreth, E. S. Clay Modeling in the Schoolroom. Bradley, 1892. Pp. 7"). Holland, A. M. Clay Modeling for Schools. Ginn, 1899. Pp. 21 and 18 plates. 75c. Kellogg. A. M. Forty Lessons in Clay Modeling. London: Philip. Pp. 52. Nelson and Wilson. The Practical Course of Clay Modeling. London: Philip. 30 exercises. 3s. Pearce, Dora. Clay Modeling for Little Ones. London : Philip, 1894. Pp. 29 and 34 figures. Simmonds, T. C. The Art of Modeling in Clay and Wax. Lou don: Bemrose. Slater, J. W. Clay Modehng for the Standards. London : New - manu, 1895. Pp. 62. 2s Gd. Strum, Paul. The Art of Modehng iu Clay. London: New- mann, 1894. Pp. 39. Is. Unwin, M. L. H. A Manual of Clay Modeling. London: Long- mans, 1895. Pp.88. $1.00. An illustrated book for teach- ers and pupils. Natural forms, fruits, flowers, leaves and familiar objects are dealt with. A good manual. METHODS AND PRACTICE— COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 49 BASKETRY. A.nderson, A. W. Basket Making . Basketry Guild Work Sheets. Basketry Guild, Bradley Poly- technic Institute. Peoria, 111., 1903. Three sheets, illus. trated, 10c each. Brown, C. S. Art of Indian Basketry. Carpenter, H. W. How Indian Baskets are Made. Carr, J. C. Among the Basket Makers. Firth, Annie. Cane Basket Work. First Series. London : Ui^- cott-Gill. 1889. Is 8d. Pp. 88. Beautifully illustrated and clearly written. A good hand book for the teacher. James, G. W. Indian Basketry. Henry Malkan, 1901. $2.00. Pp. 238. A book of great value to the student of basketry from the historic, structural and artistic standpoints. The various weaves are clearly described and designs plainly shown in the splendid half-tones. Knapp, E. S. Raffia and Reed Weaving, also Paper and Card- board Construction. Milton Bradley, 1900. Pp. 132. 50c. For the teacher of primary forms of hand work, and for the regular grade instructor, this book is useful. The ideas given are good and the projects rational. The illustrations are not up to the standard. Little wood, W. and K. Cane and Rush Weaving on Sloyd Prin- ciples. London: Philip. 1897. Pp.29. 60c. Walker, Louisa. Varied Occupations in Weaving. (Ulus. ) Macmillan, 1895. Pp. 224. $1.00. Shows the application of weaving in the making of mats, frames, baskets, furni- ture, etc. Deals with paper, string cane and straw. White, Mary. How to Make Baskets. Double day. Page, 1902. Pp. 194. $1 00. The best book for class use obtain- able. Directions explicit and illustrations clear. PAPER AND CARDBOARD. Bartsch, F. R. Constructive Work ; A Sequence of Lessons in Paper and Cardboard. Chicago; Normal School Publishing House, 1899. Pp. 110. This book contains many good sug- 50 BIBLIOQRAFHY OF MANUAL ARTS. gestions for the wideawake teacher, but is too miscellaneous for the grade instructor. Some neat and useful articles are shown, but are hardly arranged in order of difficulty. Beckwith, Helen M. Stoiy Telling with the Scissors. (Illus.) Bradley, 1899. Pp. 62. Chamberlain, Arthur H. Educative Hand Work Manuals, Part II. Paper and Cardboard Construction. The Whitaker and Ray Co. Pp. 125. 1901. 75 cents. An attempt has been made to place before teachers something that can actually be used, rational in its character, and broad in its scope. While "system" has not been the prime thought in mind in the arrangement of the work, the 'hapliazard" idea so com- mon to manual training has been entirely excluded. Sug- gestive rather than prescribed work is aimed at. The aesthetic and utility elements are emphasized. The mate- rials needed are cheap and easily manipulated, and color blending, drawing and constructive work are interconnected. Cremins, Julia C. Constructive Work in Paper for Primary Grades. (Illus ) New York Teachers' Magazine, 2:2: 3 ; 4 Groodrige, Grace. Scissors and Paste. (Illus.) Flanagan, 1899. Pp 12 and 50 plates. Heath, F. Pattern Making by Paper Folding. Longsmans, 1895. Heaton, William. Manual of Cardboard Modeling. London: Newmann, 1894. Pp. 164. 5s 6d. Hewett, G- C. Swedish Cardboard. Halifax: King. Hudson, J. C. A Course of English Cardboard Work. Hudson and Cooke. Cardboard Modeling. London : Newmann , 1896. Pp 29 and 27 cards. 3s. Kenyon, W. J. First Years in Handicraft. Baker & Taylor Co., 1901. Pp. 124. $1.00. One of the most suggestive little books yet written on the subject. The directions are clear and the illustrations add much to the value of the work. The materials needed are cheap ; the processes comparatively simple, and the work can be done at home. Lambert, F. C. Paper Work. Dawborn & Ward. Is 6d. Nelson, W., and Sutcliffe, A. Cardboard Modeling, Course HI London: Philip. 32 plates. 75c. A course in cardboard done almost entirely with the knife. Tlie models are chieHy of three kinds — flat forms, type solids and a few useful articles. They are covered with lithograph papers. The METHODS AND PRACTICE— COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 51 rectilinear form of model is used almost exclusively, curved lines being given little place. Accuracy and judgment are necessary in the working out of the projects, but these, and the order of presentation, are not such as to best meet the pupil's needs. Well written and clear. Ricks, G. , and Vaughan, J. Modeling in Cardboard. London, Cassell. Smith, Robert M. Construction Work in Cardboard and Paper. A. Flanagan, 1900. Pp.154. 75c. The author has outlined work for grades I. to IV., inclusive; simple work in weaving ; making of geometric forms, such as the cube and the arrang- ing of them in various combin;,ttions. The book also con- tains a course in wood work for tlie fifth grade. Many sug- gestions are offered but the construction work is probably too limited in its content. Grade teachers generally will find many useful hints throughout the book . Snell, Anna. Geometrical Instruction through Hand and Eye. London, Newmann. 2s. A guide to the use of paper cut- ting and tablet laying and paper folding. Trj-bom, J. H. Cardboard Construction. Bradley, 1899. Pp. 69. $1.00. A good book for the manual training or grade teacher. Some of the forms do not prove attractive to the pupil, but they all contain elements of usefulness. The lack of artistic feeling is noticeable. Walker, Louise. Instructive and Ornamental Paper Work. Scribner, 1901. Pp. 184. Weaver, E. A. Paper and Scissors in the Schoolroom. Spring' field: Bradley, 1893. Pp.77. 25c. The suggestions are not new but are quite substantial. The illustrations add to the value of the volume. Wurst, Edward F. Construction Work. Chicago: Frederick A. Watt, 1900. Pp 107. 75c. A series of exercises of a simple nature with paper materials. The articles made have more or less intrinsic value, the exercises being made the basis for work in number chiefly, while literature, history and natural science are touched upon. (Illustrated. ) 52 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. WOOD WORK. Abbott, Frederick B. Manual Training in tlie Grades. (Illus- trated. ) The Author. Emporia, Kansas, 1900. Pp. 19. 50c. Adams, Henry. Joints in Woodwork. London: Corvell, 1894. Pp. 43. Andren, Miss. Sloyd Models. Loudon: Newmann, 1896. 48 sheets, os. Ball, Frank H . and Fowler, Geo. J. Picture Frame Making by Model Methods. Photo Beacon Co. , 1 900. Pp.30. 25c. Barran, T. W. Bamboo Work. London: Dawborn & Ward. Is6d. Barter, S. Manual Instruction; Wood Work. London: Whit- taker, 1893. Pp. 343. 6s. (Illustrated.) A series of exer- cises and models in benchwork given in detail with cuts of the various processes involved in the construction of the same. Also chapters on drawing, timber and tools, work- room, equipment, etc. Altogether rather a comprehensive book, but narrow in its scope for the needs of the American school of to-day. Barter, S. Model Joint Wall Sheets. London: Cassell. 8 sheets, each, 2s 6d. Benson, W. A. S. Elements of Hand Craft and Design. The ideas are rational and the statements clear. Berlin Course of Easy Woodwork. London: Newmann, 1895. P. 47, and 11 plates. 2s. Twigs and branches are chiefly used. Bitmead, Richard. Cabinet Maker's Guide to the Construction of Cabinet Work. London: Dawborn & Ward. 2s 6d. Bower, J. A. How tu Make Common Things. London: Society for Promotion of Christian Knowledge, 1893. $1.25. Boxall, C. W. D. Illustrated Guide in the Use of Tools. Lon- don: Newmann. Cabinet Making for Amateurs. Dawborn & Ward. 2s 6d. Carter and Roosvelt. Manual Training for Eight Years (Illus ) Denver: State Supt. of Public Instruction, 1898. Pp. 85. Compton, A. G. First Lessons in Woodworking. American Book Co., 1888. Pp. 188. 30.'. A book for beginners at the METHODS AND I'RACTICE— COURSE OF INSTRUCTION 53 bench, but somewhat narrow in its scope, The i)roblems are well thought out. Degerdon, W. E. The CI raminar of Woodwork. London: Mac - millan, 1892. Pp. 44. 60c. Contains information more valuable perhaps to the teacher than to the student. The principles of construction are given some prominence. Denning, D. Cabinet Making for Amateurs, London : Upcott Gill. 2s 9d. Denning, D. Fret Work and Manjuetry. London: Daw born & Ward. 2s fid. Denning, D. The Art and Craft of Cabinet Making. London: Whitaker. .'js. (Illus ) A practical handbook for the con- struction of cabinet furniture, dealing witli the use of tools, formation of joints, hints on designing and setting out work, veneering, etc. Well planned and written in a pleasing, simple style. Evans, T. J Notes on Carpentry and Joinery. London: Chap- man and Hall, 1897. Pp.396. '" Fronzen, J. A plea for Sloyd. 30c. Gass, G. I. M. Woodwork. Goss, W. F. M. Bench Work in Wood. (Illus.) Boston: Ginn, 1888. Pp. 161. 70c. In many respects the best manual written as a guide to tool instruction. The mechanism of tools and the manner and processes of construction are clearly illustrated. Gotze, Woldemar. Leipzig Series of Sloyd Diagrams. London : Newmann, 1892. fi.l plates. Green, A. B. Woodwork in the High School. Pratt In.stitute Monthly. 9:8. One of the best articles for manual training teachers. Basluck. P. N. The Caljinet Worker's Handy Book. London : Dawborn & Ward. Is. Hasluck, P. N. The Wood Workers Handy Book. London: Dawborn & Ward. Is. Hinckley, F. A. Woodwork in tlie Common School. Illustrated. Bradley, 1895. Pp. 126. $1.00. Hoffman, B B. The Sloyd System of Woodworking. American Book Co, 1892. Pp.242. $1.00. An exposition of the sys- tem by one who has made a study at first hand. A book to be read by all teachers and a guide in bench work instruction r>4 HIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Hudson, J C. Pestalozzi Series of Educational Woodwork. London: Newmaun. Series I., 10s r>.l. Series II.. 7s fid. Series III., 4s fid. Hudson and Cooke. Woodwork. London: Newmann, 1H96. Pp. 02, and 84 cards. Jaj' and Kidson. Exercises for Technical Instruction on Wood- working. London: Longmans, 1892. Jaliansson, Alfred. Practical Directions for Making the High School Series of Sloyd Models. London: Pliilip. Pp. .58. 80c. Kemp, Dixon. Practical Boat Building for Amateuis. London: Dawborn & Ward. 2s fid. Kilbon, (j. B. Elementarj^ Woodwork. Boston: Lee, 1^9:5. Pp. 99. 7oc. The above is a good treatise of the elementary phases of handwork. Kilbon, G. B. How to Use Wood Working Tools. The direc- tions are very concise and to the point. Kilbon, G. B. Knife Work in the School Room. Bradley, 1891. Pp. 193. i$l 00. (Illus ) Treatise on Elementary Manual Training, carried on with few tools, and in any school room. A regular progress is favored. Very good. Larsson, Gustaf. Teachers' Sloyd Manual. Boston: Miidge, 1890. Pp. 50. 50c. Larsson, Gustaf. Working Drawings in Sloyd. New York: Kellogg. $1.50. Illustrations of some verj^ practical models. Leavitt. Course in Wood Work for Grammar Schools. Boston. Leland, C. G. Fret Cutting. London : Dawborn & Ward. 6d. Leland, C. G., and Dawson. C. E. Decorated Woodwork. Lon- don: Dawborn & Ward. fid. Leland, C. G., and Lambert, F. C. Gouge Work and Indented Woodwork. London : Dawborn & Ward. fid. Lessons in Woodwork for Evening Classes. Prepared under di- rection of Hampshire County Council. London: Philip. $.00. Lishman. A Drill Book for Elementary Schools. Longmans. $2 lA). Lock, C. J., and Leland, C. G. Venetian Marquetry and Inlay ing. London: Dawborn & Ward. fid. Lucas. E A. The Elements of Woodwork: or Handwork in Wood. London: Newmann. 16 cards. Is. METHODS AND PRACTICE — COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 55 Marshall, Percival. Working Diagrams, High School Series of Sloyd Models. London: Philip, 1893. 44 plates. $1.40. Pp. 60. Miller. Training of a Craftsman. Mitchell, Chas. F. Forty Lessons in Carpentry Work Shop Practice. (Illustrated.) London: Cassell, 1891. Pp. 47. Molander, Anna. Scientific Sloyd. Bardeen, 1902. Pp. 63. The idea contained in the book is somewhat suggestive, but the work is much too mechanical and not such as to appeal to the child. Moline, Illinois, Public Schools. Course in Handcraft. Murray, W. W. A Course in Manual Training for Grammar Schools. Rochester: Atheneum and Mechanics Institute, 1897. Pp. 72. Murray, W. W. Outline of a Course for Teachers. Eochester: Atheneum and Mechanics Institute. Pp. 12. Nelson, William. Woodwork Course for Boys. London ; Philip, 1893. Pp. 60. Nelson, William. Working Diagrams, High School Series of Sloyd Models. London ; Philip. 44 plates. Pearson, J. C. Manual Instruction. Woodwork. London; Philip, 1893. Pp.11. 42 plates. §4.20. Pearson, J. C. Woodwork for Standards V., VI., VII. London; Newmann Pierce, F. H. Elementary Manual Training. Pratt Institute Monthly. 9:8. Contains excellent ideas for the teacher of elementary handwork. Ponteau, E. Cabinet Making. Ponteau, E. Elementary Carpentry. Ponteau, E. Fret Sawing and Marquetry. Ponteau, E Picture Frame Making. Ponteau, E. Wood Work. London, Is 3d. each. Practical Suggestions for IMaking Sloyd Models, London ; Philip Polytechnic Series. (London). Forty Lessons in Carpentry Work Shop Practice. 60c. Progressive Lessons in the Use of the More Common Wood Working Tools. Industrial School Association, 1887. Reichel. Some Impressions of a Course of Instruction at Niias. London: Riches, 1896. Pp. 12. Ricks, George. Hand and Eye Training. Cards for Class Work. Five Sets, each, 35c. 5(i BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Ricks, George. Manual Training. Woodwork. London : ]\Iac millan, 1898. Pp. 188. Rodhe, Eva. The Eva Rodhe Model Series in Wootlwork. Eng- lish and Swedish. Gothenburg: Baltzer, 1893. Pp. 6. 35 plates. 7s. Rodhe, Eva. Woodwork Series for Cliildren. London: Philip. §1.75. Consists mainly of flat forms of animals, leaves and various articles. Knife and fret saw used. Ross, George A. Am. Elementary Covirse in Wood Work. Flanagan, 1901. Pp. 117. $1.00. This book is illustrated by cuts of photographs and drawings and their clearness adds to the value of the work. For those who are teaching in Secondary Schools, this book may contain little tliat is new. Exercises are given prominence. Salomon, Otto. Teacher's Hand Book of Sloyd. Silver, 1892. Pp.213, $1.60. Illustrated, with a chapter on Sloyd as an Educational factor. Also chapters on wood and timber, tools and their uses, the making of .joints, etc., with direc- tions. A very complete manual. Schwartz, Everett. Sloyd or Educational Manual Training. Boston: Educational PubUshing Co. Pp.275. $100. Con- tains good ideas and well defined courses of instruction, but not adequate to the needs of many of our schools. Sickels, Ivin. Exercises in Woodworking. American Book Co. , 1889. Pp.158. $1.00. A very good book for reference and comparison, but should not be followed too closely. Simmonds, T. C. Woodwork. London: Bemrose. Pp. 70. Is. (Illus. ) Smith, R. H. Cutting Tools Worked by Hand and Machine. $1 25. St. John and Turrell. The County Council Com*se of Manual Instruction. London: Simpkins. 20 plates. Struthers, J. Report on Sloyd and Kindergarten Occupations in the Elementary School. London : Eyre & Spottiswoode. SutclilTe, J. D. Handcraft; English Exposition of Sloyd. Lon- don: Griffith, 1890. Pp. 77. §1.00. The County Council Course of Manual Instruction . London : Philip Trainor, Richard. Educational Woodwork. Manchester, Eng. : The Author, 1898. 6d. Course I., 60 cards. Course II., 40 plates. METHODS A-ND PRACTICE— COURSE OF INSTRUCTION. 57 Unwip, W. C. Exercises in Woodworking for Handicraft Classes in Elementary and Technical Schools. London; Longmans, 1887. 28 plates. §1.50. Upham, A. A. Fifty Lessons in Woodworking. Kellogg, 1892. Pp. 99. 50c. A series of lessons for the bench worker, illus- trative particularly of the joint idea. Wake,. Richard. "The New- Education." Manual Training Woodwork. London: Chapman, 1899. Pp. 360. Wheeler, C. G. Woodworking for Beginners. Putnam, 1900. Pp. 551. $3.00. This is a most valuable book. It is fudy illustrated and written in a pleasing, straightforward .style. The book is calcvdated to stimulate boys to carry on various occupations at home, and to teach them the proper methods of work. The Equipping of the shop; tools and their uses; treatise on Avood, together with suggestions for making use- ful articles, are set forth. Whittaker, Channing. How to Use Woodworking Tools. Heath, 1888. Pp. 102. 60c. A clear exposition of how to handle the principle bench tools and to execute the fundamental tool processes, with directions for making the more common joints. ,Vood, George. Manvial Instruction in Woodwork. Leeds: Arnold, 1892. Pp. 104. 5s. Woodwork in the High School. Pratt Institute Monthly, 9 :8. A splendid article. Working Diagrams of Sloyd Models. (Metric system). London: Philip. Wyatt, Chas. H. Manual of Continuation Schools and Technical Instmction, III. London: Hey wood, 1S92. Pp. 295. Young, C. S. Manual Training for the Standards. Leeds: Bean. Pp. 30. BENT IRON. Binns, Mrs. Progressive Exercises for Bent Iron Work, with Diagrams. London: Newmann. Pp. 14 Is. Day, Geo. , and Leland, C. G. Bent Iron Work. London : Daw- born & Ward. 6d. Erskine, F. J. Bent Iron Work London : Dawborn & Ward. Is. 53 BIBL10(iKAl!HY OF MANUAL ARTS. Mills, L. and V. Bent Iron Work. (Art Designs For. ) London: Newniann. 21 plates. 5s Venetian Iron Work. Metropolitan Handy Series 1:1. Pp.84. Butterick Publishing Co. 2oc An illustrated book, treat- ing the subject in a clear manner. Many attractive forms, both elementary and complex, are shown. WOOD CARVING. Ball, F. H. Wood Carving for Beginners. Photo Beacon Co., 1900. Pp. 30. 25c. This pamphlet is a revision of an Eng- lish publication an)2. Laubier et Bougueret. L3 Travail Manuel a I'Ecole de la Rue Touruefort. Paris: Hachette, 188S. Pp. 39, and 19 plates Leblanc, Renfe L'Enseignement Manuel. Paris: Larousse, Pp. 224. Lyonnet, Henri. Travail Manuel. Illustrated. Paris: Baudry, 1889. Pp. 100. Martin, P. M. Cours de Travail Manuel. Paris: Colin, 1894. 2 Vols. Pp. 206 and 286. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 87 Martin, P.M. Cours Normal De Travail Manuel. Paris: 1898. 212. Marchef, Girard, Mile. Cours D'Economie Domestique. Paris: Designed for use in advanced primary and normal schools and colleges. Poulot, Denis. Method de Enseignement Manuel, Paris: Monrocq, 1889. Pp. 425. Professions et Metiers: Guide pratique pour le choix d'une car- ri&re a I'usage des families et de la jeunesse. Paris. Tliis work is projected on a most liberal scale, constituting a complete treatise on the professions, manual, industrial and commercial. The treatise is issued under the supervision of M. Paul Jacquemart. Published in parts. Salicis, G. A. Enseignement du Travail Manuel. (In Musee Pedagogique. Memoires et Documents scolaires. Fascicule No. 33. Paris: Imprimerie Nationale, 1889.) Salicis, G. A. Enseignement Primaire et Apprentissage. Paris. 1878. Salicis, et Jost, G. Ensignement Manuel et Professionnel en Allemagne. Paris, 1887. Schefer, Mme. G. Methode de Coupe et d'Assemblage pour - Robes de Femmes, Vetements d'Enfants, etc. 1891. Used in the Paris schools. Schefer et Amis, Sophie, Travaux Manuels et Economie Do- mestique. 1889. Used as a text book in primary and normal schools. Schmitt, E. La Pedagogie du Travail Manuel. Paris: Picard. Pp. 160. Simon, Jules. Ecole, L'Paris, 1886. Socictc pour L'Enseignement Professionnel des Femmes. (Ecoles Elisa Lemonnier. ) 1891. Statistique de L'Enseignement Primaire. ^ Paris. Tolain, H. Rapport sur la Creation d'Ecoles d' Apprentissage. Pans, 1883. Trois Ecoles Nationales Professionnelles, les. Paris, 1888, Van der Corpet. Organisation des Ecoles Pratiques Profes- sionnelles en Allemagne en Suede et en Russie, etc. Paris, ■ 1886. Wirth, Mile. Ernestine, Future Menagfere, La. Paris. These are splendid lectures on domestic economy, house- hold science, hygiene, etc. , for school use. 88 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. GERMANY. Achter Jahresbericht uber die Berliner Fortbildungsschulen 1890-91. Afer, Herr. Nervasitat und Madclienerziehung in Schule und Haus. Weisbaden: J. F. Bergmann, 1891. Pp. 106. A valuable book ou one of the most perplexing of modem school problems, viz., the education of girls witliout im- pairment of health. Tlie author, wlio is connected -with the Girls' High School at Altenburg, discusses in a thor- oughly practical way the causes of nervousness, the im- portance of recognizing its early manifestations, the in- fluence of study, the eflfects of examinations, of manual training, and of housework; gives advice concerning holi- days, Sundays, private reading, piano playing, the duration of the school period, misu.se of schooling, the supervision of schools and scliool systems by joint committees of teachers and physicians, etc. Aus der Lehrerbildug.sanstalt des Deutschen Vereins f Ur Knaben- handarbeit. Leipzig. A series of practical lectm-es on man- ual exercises in metal Avork for pupils and teachers, with a report concerning the teachers' scliool wor.skshop in 1891. Barth and Niederly. Deutschen Knaben Handwerksbucli, Des ; 1879. Barth and Niederly. Kindes Erstes Beschjiftigimsbuch, Des. Leipzig, 1880. Barth and Niederly. Schulwerkstatt, Die. Leipzig, 1883. A guide for the introduction of technical exercises into the school. Illustrated. Biiumer, Prof. Bedeutung des Kunstgewerblichen Unterrichts fur Wurttemberg. Stuttgart, 1870, Bergmiister, Joseph M. Die Vorziiglichsten Beschaftigungen des Dilettanten. Miinchen, Mey urd Wedmayers. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 89 Bericht uber die Thatigkeit des Vereins fur Knabenhandarbeit zu Dantzig fur das erste Vereinsjahr, 1889-90. Blasche. Werkstiltte der Kinder. In four parts. 1882. The titles of other works of this author (translated into English) are The Industrial Education of Youth and Youth's Techno- logical Friend, 1804 New Patterns of Pasteboard Work, 1809; The Pasteboard Worker, 1811; The Paper Worker, '^19; Handbook of Children's Occupations. Brunns, Alois. Schulwerkstatte in Ihrer Verbindung mit dem Thoretischen Unterricht, Die, Vienna : Holder, 1895. P^ . 69 and 32 plates. Clavison-Kaas. Arbeitsschule Neben der Lernschtile und der Hausliche Gewerbefleiss. Berhn, 1876. Clavison-Kaas. Ueber-Arbeitsschulen und Forderung des Haus Fleisses. Bremen, 1881. Clauson-Kaas, Ueber die Verbindung der Praktischen Arbeit mit der Lernschule. Dresden, 1875. Christiani, Anna. Stellung des Handarbeitsunterrichts in der Schule, und Seine Bedeutung fur Schule und Leben. Biel- efeld, 1892. Curtmann, Herr. Reform der Volksschule, Frankfort, 1851 . Denkschrift Betreffend die Errichtung Einer Zweiten Hand- werkerschule. Berlin, 1890. Elm, Hugo. Laubsiigearbeiter, Der. Leipzig. An illustrated introduction to the practice of fi'ct-sawing. Elm, Hugo. Papparbeiter, Der. An illustrated guide for mak ing pasteboard work of all kinds, building of card boxes, doll houses, etc. Emsmann and Dammer. Deutschen Knaben Experiment Buch, Des. Leipzig, 1881. Emsmann and Dammer. Junge Techniker, Der. Leipzig, 1876. Endris, A. Erziehung zur Arbeit eine Forderung der Zeit. Leipzig, 1888. A history of tie development of modern educational ideas and methods, fncluding the relation which the demand of manual trainii.g bears to pedagogics, and what pedagogical authorities cf ancient and modern times say of this demand. Entstehung und Entwicklung der Gewerblichen Fortbildungs- schulen und Frauenarbeitssch alen in Wiirttemberg. Pub- lished by the Royal Commissic a, 1889. 9a BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Finckh, F. L. Uber Gewerbeschulen imd ihre Einrichtung in Wurttemberg. Stuttgart, 1829. Fink, F. Handwerkerschulen, dis Landesbaugervverkschulen und die Kunstgewerbeschulen im Gro.ss-Herzogthum Hessen. A history of the development of the artisan s-hools, the farm work school and the schools of industrial art in the grand duchy of Hesse from the year 1837, and their condition, 1886, Freyer, Carl. Junge Laubsilgearbeiter, Der. Leipzig. Tliis author gives in twelve sections full instructions not only for scroll-sawing, but for cai^ving, mosaic work, wood painting, etching, etc. Fi'iedrich, Karl. Erziehung zur Arbeit. (The pseudonym of Prof. K. Biedormann.) Leipzig, 1852. One of the earliest, it is still one of the best publications on tliis subject. It advocates the introduction of liaud training in schools on tlie ground of its educational usefulness, not for an industrial end. Fiillgraf, C. , und Wackeron, J. Der Kerbschnitt Lehrgang und Vorlagen fur Flachenverzierungen in Holz. Berlin, Werner und Schuman. Genauck, Carl. Gewerbliciie Erziehung durch Schulen, Lehr- werkstiltten, Museen und Vereine im Konigreich Wiirttem- berg. Reichenburg, 1882. Genauck, Carl. Gewerblicher Unterriclit inWiirttemberg, 1882. The status of industrial instruction in the Kingdom of Wiirt- temberg at the above date is fully defined in this work. Georgeus, Dr. Bilderwerkstatt. (Manual practice for youth, the scliool, the home.) 1857. Gorner, Gustav. Haudfertigkeitsunterriclit in der Blinden- schule. Gotze, Waldemar. Arbeitsunterricht in Auslande und in Deutschlani, seine Wirtschaftliche und Nationale Bedeu- tung. Leipzig, 1892. Gcitze, Waldemar. Erganzung des Schulunterrichts Durch Praktische Beschaftigung. Leipzig, 1880. Gotze, Waldemar, Handfertigkeitsvorlagen der Leijjziger Schulerwerkstatt. Leipzig. Gotze, Waldemar. Schulhandfertigkeit, Leipzig: Hinrichs, 1894. Pp. 82. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 91 Grotze, Waldemar. Verhandlungen, etc. Proceedings of the Congres.s of Manual Training and Household Industry. Gera. Gninow, TI. Gewei'bliche Fortbildungsschulen. Weimar, 1867. Handarbeit.sunterriclit an den stiidtischen Volksschulen. Stras- feurg. Hauschniann. Handarbeit in der Kaabenschule. 1876. Heller, S. Modelliereu und Zeichnen in der Blindenschule. Diiren, 1890. Hermann, Th. Deutsche Schule und Deutsches Gewerbe. Dresden, 1880. Herse. Handfertigkeitsunterricht f iir Knaben. 1882. Herzfeld. Handarbeit und Hausfleiss. Hanover, 1881. Holm. Handfertigkeits-Unterricht und die H()heren Schulen. Hory, E. Handarbeitsunterricht in den Madchenschukn Wiirt- tembergs. Stuttgart, 1872. Huyssen, A. Ueber die Errichtung einer Huttenmiinnischen Lehraastalt in Ober-Sclilesien. Breslau, 1863. lUing. Wesen und Wert der Scliulwerkstatte. Munich, 1880. Kapff, H. C. Ueber die Einrichtung von Real-und Gewerbe- schulen mit besonderer Riicksicht auf Heilbronn. Heil- bronn, 1834. Kehr, Dr. C. Geschichte der Methodik des Deutschen Volks- schulunterrichts. Gotha, 1889. Karchmann. Geschichte der Arbeit und Kultur. Leipzig, 1858. Knabenarbeitsschule zu Darmstadt, 1811. Koch, Prof. I. Kerbschnitt, Der. Carlsruhe, 1890. Thirty- five pattern sheets with explanatory text. Koristka, Carl. Hoherer Polytechnischer Unterricht in Deutsch- land, in der Schweiz, in Frankreich, Belgien und England. Gotha. Kre^enlicrg, Handfertigkeit und Schule. Frankfort. Lammers, Handbildvmg und Hausfleiss. .Berlin, 1881. Lechloituer, Fr. Kleineeisenarbeiten. Miinchen, Mey und Wedmayers. Lechleituer, Fr. Metallarbeiten. M. 2:.50. Leske, Marie lUustriertes Spielbuch f iir Madchen. Leipzig. Lessing, Julius. Kunstgewerbe als Beruf. Berlin, 1891. Liiders, Herr. Denkschriften iiber die Entwickelung der Gewerblichen Fachschulen und der Fortbildungsschulen in 92 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MANUAL ARTS. Preussen Wahrend der Jahre. 1879 bis 1890. Berlin, 1891. Pp. 318. Recites the history of 52 trade and continuation schools of Prussia. Melcliior, Carl. Gewerbeschulwesen, Das. Meyer, J. B. Fortbildungsschule in Un.serer Zeit, Die. Berlin 1873. Meyer, J. B. Geschichtliche Entwickelung des Handfertigkeits Unterrichts. Meyer, J. B. Handfertigkeitsunterricht und die Schule. Berlin, 1881. Morgenstern, Liua. Menschliche Ernahrung und die Kultur- historiche Entwicklung der Kochkun.st. Berlin, 1882. Morgenstern, Lina. Studien zur Hauswirthschaft. Berlin. Muller, H. F., und Fullgraf, C. Hobelbankarbeiten fiir Knaben und Erwachsene: ein Lehrgang fiir Schiller Werkstatten. Nagel, R. GewerbUche Fortbildungsschulen Deutschlands. Eise- nach, 1877. Nebenius, C. F. Ueber Technischelehranstalten in ihrem Zusam- menhang mit Gesamniten Unterrichtswesen. Carlsrulie, 1833. Ortleb. Masterbuch fiir Kunstarbeiten. Leipzig. Petzel, Rudolf. Handfertigkeits-Unterricht. Pietsch, T. H. Seele und Hand. Program der Koniglichen Faclischule zu Iserlohn-metal-Indus- trie. Iserlohn: J. Baedeker, 1882. P. 20. Rauscher. Handfertigkeits-Unterricht. Raydt, H Arbeit.sschulen und Hausfleissverein, 1879. Raydt, H. Ein Gesunder Geist in einem Gesunden Korper, Hanover, 1889. The importance of manual training as a means of intellectual development is ]>lainly treated. Raydt, H. Mehr Erziehung fur die Deutsche Jugend. C. Mantz, Hanover-Linden, 1890. Rebe, Maria. Haushaltungskunde in der Dorfschule und ihre Stellung zu dem Unterricht in dea Weiblichen Handar- beiten. Gotha. Reiniger. Rector Frauen Arbeitsschule in Reutlingen, Die. ReutUngen, 1881. Rissmann. Geschichte des Arbeitsunterrichtes in Dutschland. Gotha, 1882. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 93 Rockstroh. Anweisung zum Modellieren aus Papier. Weimar, 1802. Rockstrolu Belustigungen fiir die Jugend Beiderlel Gesch- lechts, Durch Selbstanfertigung Mannigfacher Technischer Kiinsteleien und Spielwerke. Berlin, 18B6. Rom, N. C. Praktisches Hausbuch, Leipzig, 1890. This is a work on wood carving. Roth, Clara. Anleitung zur Kerbs chnitzerei (Illus. ) Leipzig: E. A. Seemann, 1890. Pf . 50. Roth, Clara. Neue Kerbschnittmuster. Tatel, M 1:10. Rucklin, Fr. Volksgewerbschule. Leipzig, 1888. Salomon, Otto. Kurze Anweisung im Linearzeichnen fiir Volks- und Arbeits-Schulen. Gotebvu'g, 1876. Salzmann, Ameisenbiichlein. Salzmann, Krebsbiichlein. Salzmann, Noch etwas uber Erziehuug. Leipzig. Schallenfeld, Agnes. Handarbeitsunterricht. Frankfort,. 1861. Schallenfeld, Agnes. Praktische Anweisung zur Erteilung des Handarbeitsunterrichts nach der Methode von Agnes Schal- lenfeld. Frankfort-on-the Main. Schallenfeld, Rosalie and Agnes. Der Handarbeitsunterricht in Schulen. Frankfort, Diesterweg, 1890. Pp. 80. Schiippi, J. Reform der Volksschule. Schmiedel, Max. Junge Kerbschnitzer Der: Musterbuch fiir Kunstarbeiten im Holz. Leipzig: Otto Spamer, 1891. A back of i^atterns for advanced wood-working pupils, with explanatory text. Schwab, Erasrflus. Arbeitsschule als Organischer Bestandtheil der Volksschule. Schulze, F. G. Arbeits Frage, Die. Jena, 1849. Sormtag, T. H. Baricht Uber dea Stand und die Ausbreitung des Arbeitsunterrichts in Deutschland. Leipzig, 1889. Springer, Dr. Wilhelm. Der Knaben Handarbeits-viuterricht im Anschlusse an den Zaichen-und Raumlehreunterricht dar Schule. Breslau. Ferdinand Hirt. Statistik des Unterrichts-und Ei'ziehungswesens in KOnigreich. Wurttemberg, 1889-90. Tobisch, Ed. Kleingewerbe und der Gewerbliche Unterricht. Reichenberg, 1872. Taylor, A. Industrie und Schule. Stuttgart, 1865. 94 BIBLIOGRAPHY OF MANUAL ARTS. Urban, Josef. Die Knaben Handarbeit, inethodiscli Geordnete Vorlagen Sammelung zur Anfertigung Einfacher Holzar- beiten. Wien. Carl Graeser. Urban, May. Bauhofer and Kreibicli. Handarbeits-Unterricht fur die Mannliclie Jugend. Vervvaltungsbericht des Rathes der K5niglicheu Haupt vuid Residenzstadt Dresden fur das Jahr, 1890. Dresden, 1892. Vierter Jaliresbericht des Hauptvereins fur Knaben-Handarbeit zu Berlin, 1890-91. Vischer, L, Industrielle Entwicklung im Konigreick Wiirtteni- berg, etc. Stuttgart, 1875. von Schenckendorff, E. Arbeits-Unterricht auf dem Lande. Gorlitz, 1891. The question is treated as foUows: (1.) What do the promoters of manual training seek? (2 ) Manual instruction in the country. (3. ) A further reform of the country school. (4.) Distribution of the cost of manual instruction. To check the congestion of the cities, to stay the depopulation of the country regions and prevent this acute disease of the time, which is becoming more and more a public calamity, the author sees in manual training the cure. " Agriculture," lie says, "is the most extensive industry in the country, so highly developed and extended as to outweigh all other interests. " Hence he pleads for such schools in the country as will educate boys to become farmers. von Schenckendorff, E. Praktischer Unterricht: eine Forde- rung des Lebens an die Schule. Breslau, 1880. von Schenckendorff, E. Schulkonferenz, und die Kunftige Gestaltung des Hohereu Schulwesens vom Sozialpolitischen Standpunkt. Berlin, 1891. von Schenckendorff, E. Ueber die Ziele des Deutsclien Vereins fiir Knabenhandarbeit. Bielefeld, 1892. von Stirn, K. H. Volksschuhvesen in WUrltemberg. Gotha, 1873. VoUers, G. Anleitung zur Kerbschnitzerei. Hamburg, 1890. Wagjier, Herman. lUustriertes Spielbuch fur Knaben. Leipzig. Walleneg. Laubsagerei sowie die Einlege-und Schnitzarbeit. Wandvorlagen des Konigsberger Vereins fiir Knaben Handarbeit. Papparbeiten. Konigsberg: L H. Boris. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 95 "Wichern. Ueber Erziehung zur Arbeit, insbesondere in Ans- talten. Hamburg, 1867. Wiget. Kleine Relief- Arbeiter, Der. Zurich, 1881, Wigge, H., und Martin, P. Unnatur der Modernen Schule, Die. Berlin: Robert Oppenheim, 1889. Wilda, E. Gewerbe und Schule. Brunn, 1883. Wilda, E. Wahrnehmungen und Gedanken ueber Technisches- Gewerbliches Schulwesen. Leipzig, 1879. Wolf. Ueber Handfertigkeitsunterricht und Hausfleiss. Wiirz- burg, 1881. Zweiter Bericht uber die GesammtenUnterrichts-und Erziehungs- Anstalten im Konigreiche Sachsen, 1889. Z , M. Frauenarbeitsschuje in Reutlingen, Die. Ihre Ent- stchung und ihre Wirksamkeit. Reutlingen, 1873. 96 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MANUAL ARTS ITALY. Annali di Statistica, Fascicolo XXX., 1891. Jerv'is, G. Reale Museo Industriale Italiano. Turin, 1869. Notizie sull Istituto Aldini-Veleriani. Bulogua, 1892, Reale Scuola d'Arti e Mestieri Spezia. 1887. Stati.stica dell' Isfcruzione Sacondaria e Snperiore, 1887. Statuti Organic! della Pia Casa di Lavoro. Florence. Statute Organico della Scuola Professionale Tipografica in Mi- lano. 1888. NORWAY. o ,.' Aubert, W. Handarbeit in der Schul'^ Christiania, 1874. Smith, J. G. Haandarbejderu. Christiania. TITLES IN FOREIGN LANGUAGES. 97 SWEDEN. Goteborgs Folks Kolors Modellserie for Metallslojd. Gotebovg: Hugo Brusewitz, 1891. K-1 :oO. Pp.16. Goteborgs Folks Kolors Modellserie for Traslojd. Goteborg: Hugo Brusewitz, 1891. K-1 50. Pp.46. Modeller fran Naiis Slojdlarare Seminarium. Goteborg: Baltzer. 1897. 30plates\ Palmgren, K. E. Ecole Pratique de Travail pour I'Enfance et la Jeunesse u, Stockholm. Palmgren, K. E. Sur I'lmportance du Travail Manuel dans r Education. Stockholm. Salomon, Otto. Slojdsko^ a :h Folkskolan. 3 parts. Gote- borg, 1380. Silow, Carl, and Salmc . Kropps, Stallningar vid Svensk Pedagogisk Swickei .ojd. (Sloyd Positions.) Stockholm: Beijers. 1894. Pp. 32. Statistisk Arsbok for Finland. For the years 1889-92. BIBUOGRAPUY OF MANUAL ARTS. SWITZERLAND. Beust. Mcthode pour Enseigner la Geographie jmr I'Observa- tion des Formes de la Terre sur les Lieux Memes et leur Re- production en Relief. Zurich, 1875. Furrer, A. Volkswirthschafts-Lexikon der Schweiz. Bern, 1885-'89. Koller. Handarbeit in der Schule. Zurich, 1881. This book describes the system of instruction in vogue in the Swiss common and intermediate schools. Kummer, Dr. J. J. Fortbildungsschulwesen, Das. Zuricli, 1875, Miiller, Susanna. Elementar Unterricht in den Weiblichen Handarbeiten. Zurich. Scheidler, Lebensfrage der Europiiischen Zivilisation \md die Bedeutung der Fellenbergschen Bildungsanstalteu zu Hofwyl. Jena, 1839. AMERICAN — FOREIGN. 99 Periodicals and Magazines Devoted Wholly or in Part to the Subject of Manual Arts. AMERICAN. Art Education. J. C. Witter. New York. Monthly. (Discon- tinued.) Handicraft. Society of Arts and Crafts, 14 Somerset street, Boston, Mass. -Monthly. Vol. I, 1903. $1.00. Manual Training Magazine, The University of Chicago Press. Quarterly. $1.00. Vol. 3, No. 5, October, 1902. Pratt Institute Monthly. Pratt Institute, Brooklyn. Sloyd Bulletin. Sloyd Training School, Boston . Teachers' College Record, Teachers' College, New York. The Craftsman. The United Crafts, 207 South State street, Syracuse, N. Y. Monthly. Vol. III., 1902. §3.00. The Southern Workman. Hampton Normal and Agricultural Institute, Hampton, Va. Monthly. Vol. 81, No. 1. Jan. 1902. $1.00. FOREIGN. Blatter fUr Knaben-Handarbeit. Monthly, M3. W. Hansen, Leipzig, Germany, Vol. 16, No. 10, Oct. 1902. Blatter zur Forderung der Knabenhandarbeit in Oesterreich. Quarterly. Herr Matthaus Marschall, Vienna. Hand and Eye. Monthly. O. Newmann & Co. , London, Vol. 10, No. 103, Nov. 1901. L'Enseignement Manuel, Libraire Gedalge. Paris. (Ceased in 1899.) Practical Teachers' Art Monthly. Office of Practical Teacher^ London. Organ of M. T T. Ass'n and Educative Hand Work Union. Vol. 4, 1901. Slojdundervisningsblad. Monthly, Naas, Slojdlararesaminar- ium, Floda Station, Sweden. 100 BIBLIOGRAPHY OP MANUAL ARTS. The Australian Technical Journal. Monthly. Kealj^ and Pliilip, Sydney. 2d. Vol. 6, No. 8, Sept. 1901. Tlie Manual Training Teaclier. The organ of the Association of M. T. Teachers. Monthly. (Evan Ortner, Ed.) High Bank, Foyle Road, Westcome Park, London, S. E. 2d. 1:5 Dec. 1901. The Woodworker. Monthly. No. G Farrington avenue, London. E. C. 3d. 1:3 Dec. 1901. The Record of Teclmical and Secondary Education. Quarterly. London. Macniillan. 2s. 6d. HOME SCIENCE— DOMESTIC ECONOMY. American Kitchen Magazine. Boston, Mass. Boston Cooking School Magazine. Vol. T, 1902. Boston. Mass. Delineator. Good Housekeeping. Springfield, Mass. Ladies' Home Journal. Vol. 19, 1902. Table Talk. Vol. 17, 1902. Philadelphia. What to Eat. Book 13, No. 5, Nov. 1902. Chicago. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY Los Angeles This book is DUE on the last date stamped below. UC SOUTHERN REGIONAL LIBRARY FACILITY AA 000 485 402