LIBRARY UNfVEHSJTY OF nivehsity of J _ / ■ / i s Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2008 with funding from Microsoft Corporation DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE OF THE ORIGINAL CHARTERS, ROYAL GRANTS, AND DONATIONS, MANY WITH THE SEALS, IN FINE PRESERVATION, OFFICIAL, MANORIAL, COURT BARON, COURT LEET, AND RENT ROLLS, REGISTERS, AND OTHER DOCUMENTS, CONSTITUTING THE MUNIMENTS OF BATTLE ABBEY, FOUNDED BY KING WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, TO PERPETUATE THE MEMORABLE BATTLE OF HASTINGS AND THE CONQUEST OF ENGLAND; COMPRISING, ALSO, A GREAT MASS OP PAPERS RELATING TO THE FAMILY OF BROWNE, ENNOBLED AS THE LORDS VISCOUNT MONTAGUE, OF SUCH EXTENT AND IMPORTANCE AS TO RENDER THEM A DESIDERATUM OF MUCH CONSEQUENCE IN THE GRAND NATIONAL DEPOSITARY; WITH VARIOUS OTHERS RELATING TO THE SIDNEYS, EARLS OF LEICESTER, AND THE WHOLE OF THE WEBSTER FAMILY EVIDENCES, Embodying many highly interesting and valuable Records of Manor Lands in Sussex, Kent, and Essex. Anno MLXVII. Rex Willielmus Conquestor Angliae Abbathiam de Bello construxit, et monachos instituit, ut pro occisis in bello ab ipsis in perpetuum hostiae salntis Deo redderentur. — Leland. IT IS PRESUMED NO COLLECTION OF MANUSCRIPTS OF EQUAL IMPORTANCE, IN A NA- TIONAL POINT OF VIEW, HAS EVER BEEN OFFERED FOR SALE. THE WHOLE BOUND IN NINETY-SEVEN VOLUMES, FOLIO, UNIFORM IN RUSSIA. PRICE TWELVE HUNDRED POUNDS. ON SALE By THOMAS THORPE, N°. 38, BEDFORD STREET, COVENT GARDEN, LONDON. MDCCCXXXV. King William bithought him alsoe Of folke that was forlorne, And slayn also thoruz him In the bataile bi-forne. And ther as the bataile was, An Abbey he lete rere Of Seint Martin, for the soules That there slayn were. And the Monks wel ynoug FefFed without fayle, That is called in Englonde Abbey of Bataile. Robert of Gloucester. LOAN STACK Printed by J. Rider, Little Britain, London. D#69C R-- PRELIMINARY MEMORANDA ABBEY OF BATTLE, or DE BELLO WITH HISTORICAL PARTICULARS OF THE ABBOTS OF BATTLE, The decisive battle of Hastings, fought Oct. 14, 1066, which deprived Harold of his life and crown, and by which William, Duke of Normandy, achieved the Conquest of England, was the grand object which the Con- queror, by the founding of this Monastery, purposed to perpetuate to after ages. The circumstances attending the invasion are matter of the Chronicles of the time, and appertain so much to the general history of the period, that it seems almost irrelevant to repeat them here. The thought of building this Monastery is said to have been first suggested, or rather, as it would seem, encouraged, by William Faber, a Monk of Marmoustier; which Monastery being dedicated to S. Martin, is said also to have been the reason why it was dedicated to the honour of the Holy Trinity and S. Martin; though Leland says, "anno dom. 1085, suaderite Remigio episcopo Dorcastrensi, qui prius fuit Monachus de Fescamp, Gul. Magnus fundavit abbatiam de Bello."* In the generality of Instruments granted to the Monastery, it is termed the Abbey of S. Martin only. It was not many miles from Hastings, which, says Bishop Tanner, was probably the reason of Thomas Rudborne's saying, that King William the Conqueror founded Ccenobium in honorem S. Martini apud Hastyng. Vid. Angl. Sacr., vol. i. p. 258. Malmesbury had, however, made the same mistake before him, " Alterum Monas- terium Hastinges aedificavit sancto Martino quod cognominatuo De Bello." * Collectanea, Ayloffe's edit. 1770, vol. ii. p. 390, as quoted in the splendid republication, with vast additions, of Dugdale's Monasticon ; the several grants, in* this collection, corroborate the particulars there given. 666 iv Preliminary Memoranda of Bailie Abbey. The high altar of the Monastery is said to have been erected on the spot where Harold and the royal standard fell. Gough, in his additions to Camden, says, " The high altar stood on the spot where Harold's body and standard were found, which is just at the eastern white gate of the yard wall : the foundations were not long since removed, the scite having served for a burying place for the Catholics."* Yet Malmesbury says only, " Altare ecclesise est in loco ubi Haroldi pro patriae charitate occisi cadaver exanime inventum est." The Charters granted to the Monks of Battle by King William the Conqueror were numerous. The privileges detailed in the largest Charter, erroneously called " Carta prima," in the Register f or Cartulary, are great. The Monastery was not only to be exempt from Episcopal jurisdiction, but was to enjoy its exemption in as ample a manner as the Metropolitan Church of Canterbury. It had the rights of free warren in all its manors, treasure trove, and even sanctuary. The circuit round the Abbey, also, called the Leuga, was freed from every kind of tax and service.^ The Manor of Wi, with its attendant royalties, in Kent; the Manors of Alsistone in Sussex, Limenesfeld in Surrey, Hov in Sussex, Craumareis in Oxfordshire, and Bristwoldinton in Berkshire, with the Churches of Radinges, Culintun, and S. Olave in Exeter, formed the chief en- dowment. Two of the Conqueror's Charters, relating to the general liberties of Battle, were each designated by the name of " Humana Mens," probably because it was declared in them that the Church of Battle should be "libera et quieta in perpetuum ab omni exactione et omnibus quaecunque mens humana cogitare potest." Another liberates the Church " ab omni Theloneo." There is one "de Corredio Abbatis." Three relate to the * Edit. 1789, vol. i. p. 204. t Bishop Tanner, in his Notitia Monastica, edit. Nasmith, 1787, speaks of this being then in the possession of Sir Whistler Webster, Bart. It is now part of these Collections ; and the writer was not aware of the erroneous appellation of Carta prima, which that Charter bears in the Register, till after the sheet was irremediably worked off at press. X Sir William Burrell, in his Manuscript Collections for Sussex, says the Parish of Battle, before the Conquest, was called the Parish of S. Mary in the Wood ; but William the Conqueror, when he built and endowed the Abbey, exempted that Parish from Episcopal jurisdiction, and made the Incumbent, afterwards called the Dean, receive institution and induction from the Abbot ; by a composition between whom, and the Bishop of Chichester, the latter was to grant the Dean a licence to enter upon the cure of souls. This, he adds, is what Dean Watson alludes to, when, in his Complete Incumbent, he speaks of the Dean of Battle. Donat. MS. Brit. Mus. 5679, p. 67. The Parish, under its prior name, is mentioned in some of the earlier Feofments ; and the Dean is noticed frequently, particularly in Instruments in which the Abbey was immediately concerned. Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. v liberties of the Leuga. One to the Market* granted to the Monastery, and one reciting the gift of the Meadow of Bodeham. The Abbey lands, as stated in the Domesday Survey, are thus par- ticularized. The Manor of Wi was rated at seven solins. The soc and sac of twenty-two hundreds appertained to it. In Sussex, the Abbey held Alsistone, which paid geld for forty-four hides in the hundred of Totenore, six hides and a half, including Bocheham, in the Abbot's own rape; and portions of land of a much smaller kind, which were let to the Earl of Ow, the Earl of Moretaine, and other tenants in Bece, Wasingate, Nirefeld, Peneherst, Hov, Pilesham, Cedesfeld, Bollinton, Croherst, Witinges, and Holintun. In Surrey, twenty-five hides at Limenesfelde. In Berkshire, the Manor of Bristol destone, which had been Harold's, in whose time it was rated at ten hides ; five " hagse," or houses in Wallingford, and the Church of Redinges, [now Reading,] with an appendage of eight hides of land. In Devonshire, the Church of Colitone, with a single hide, and the Church of S. Olave, in Exeter, with seven hides of land appended. In Oxfordshire, five hides at Craumareis ; these also had belonged to Harold. In Essex, one hide at Atahov, and one at Hersa. The Conqueror lived not to see the Monastery of his foundation com- pleted, for although Gausbertus the Abbot was appointed in 1076, the Church was not consecrated till 1094. It is evident, however, from the authorities quoted by the editors of Dugdale, that there was a temporary Church anterior to that so consecrated. King William Rufus was present at the ceremony ; and, by a Charter granted upon that occasion, added the Churches of Saforde, Exelingis, Trilaune, Middlehala, Nortune, Eilesham, Mendlesham, Bramford, and Brantham, with their several appendages, to the endowment of the Abbey. Walkeline, Bishop of Winchester; Ralph, Bishop of Chichester; Osmund, Bishop of Salisbury; John, Bishop of Bath ; William, Bishop of Durham; Roger, Bishop of Coutance, in Normandy; and Gundulf, Bishop of Rochester, were all present, wjth a numerous assemblage of temporal Barons, at the consecration. Besides this Charter of additions, and two others confirming the general liberties of Battle Abbey, Rufus granted to the Monks, first the Manor, and afterwards the Church of Bromham, in Wiltshire; a distinct Charter, confirming the liberties of Wy; a third Charter of general privilege, con- firming treasure trove, and a Charter relating to Bodeham. The Charters of Henry the First to Battle Abbey, as noticed in the enumeration of the contents of the Chartulary, were still more numerous than those of his predecessors. Exclusive of his general confirmations, the more important were the Charters "pro excambio de Radinge," and "de Curia habenda per Omnia." * The Market at Battle, till the year 1600, was always held on Sunday ; hence several of these Feofments are dated on that day of the week. Thursday is now the Market day. vi Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. Other Instruments from King Stephen, King Henry the Second, King Richard the First, and one of King John, granting the custody of the temporalities and goods of the Abbey to the Monks upon the decease of their Abbots, are extant in the Chartulary. King Henry the Third granted two Charters to this Monastery ; one, of general confirmation; and the second, 'de Justiciariis habendis,' in the year 1242. Edward the Second conferred on the Monks of Battle several Charters. He granted them a Market and Fair at Havekherst ; the Advowson of the Church of Hoton ; a Licence to acquire Lands to the value of Forty Pounds per annum ; and a remission of the Fine usually made on the confirmation of a new Abbot. Edward the Third, in the twelfth of his reign, granted the Abbot, Allan de Ketlyng, Licence to fortify and embattle his Monastery. Henry the Fourth's Charter recites and confirms the principal Grants till his time. Such are the more important of the Royal Charters to the Abbey of Battle. The Papal and Episcopal instruments which follow them, in the Chartulary,* are fewer in number, and in the earlier time were either confirmations of privileges, or grants of tythes; those of later date mostly relate to appropriations. * In the Chartulary, and various Feofments, occur frequent mention of the pos- sessions of this Monastery in Southwark. Stowe says, The Abbot of Battle's Inn, in London, was between the Bridge House and Battle-bridge, on the bank of the River Thames ; the Walks and Gardens thereunto appertaining being on the other side of the way. Before, the gate of the said house, he adds, was called the Maze, which is now an Inn called the Flower de Lys. Battle-bridge, is so called of Battle-Abbey, for that it standeth on the ground, and over a water-course flowing out of the Thames, pertaining to that Abbey, and was therefore both builded and repaired by the Abbots of that House, as being hard adjoining to the Abbot's lodgings. Survey of London, &c, edit. 1633, p. 459. Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. vii ABBOTS OF BATTLE. The Abbots of Battle were mitred, and it is almost nugatory to observe that they were regularly summoned to Parliament till the period of the dissolution of the Papal supremacy in England. To Willis's Hist, of Mitred Abbies, and the new edition of Dugdale, the writer is indebted for much of the materiel here embodied ; although the original Feofments had, previously to an inspection of the last named work, served to point out several of the erroneous positions which Willis had assumed in his notices of the Abbots. Robert Blancard, a Monk of Marmoustier, in Normandy, whom King William the Conquer had, with other Monks of that place, brought to Eng- land, was designed for the Abbacy, but he going back into Normandy, to settle some affairs before he assumed that dignity, was drowned while re- turning to England. Gausbertus, another Monk of Marmoustier, was thereupon constituted Abbot in 1076. He is frequently mentioned in the Cartulary, as " primo Abbati Gausberto." Willis, in his Mitred Abb., vol. i. p, 34, says, Gausbert died, and had Ralph for his successor, in 1089. The editors of Dugdale, on the authority of the Cotton. MS., entitled Liber de Situ Ecclesiae Belli, state bim to have died on the 6th of the kalends, or 27th of August, 1095 ; and with Ordericus Vi talis, p. 505, name Henry, as his immediate successor. He had been previously Prior of Christ Church, Canterbury, and was elected on the 11th of June, 1096. He died July 19, 1102, and was buried in the Chapter-house of his Mo- nastery. The custody of the Abbey, during the vacancy which followed this Abbot's decease, was first conferred on one of the King's Chaplains, named Vivian, and afterwards on one Geoffrey or Gausfrid, a Monk of Carileph. Willis says he was instituted as Abbot ; and after his death the Abbot of Thorney had the Monastery committed to him, until his relative, Ralph, a Monk of Caen, was confirmed in that office, in 1107. Dug- dale's editors say, Ralph had accompanied Archbishop Lanfranc to Eng- land, and was Prior of Rochester, under Bishop Gundulph. His election occurred upon the feast of S. Peter ad Vincula, or August 1, 1107; and he died on Sept. 28, 1124, at the age of eighty-four. Warner, or Warnerius, a Monk of Christ Church, Canterbury, was the next Abbot. He was installed May 25, 1124, according to the editors of Dugdale ; but this is making Warner to be Abbot before the decease of Ralph. On all hands, it is however stated, that he resigned his Abbey in 1138, and retired to the Monastery of S. Pancras, at Lewes. viii Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. Walter de Lucy, brother to Richard de Lucy, a powerful Baron of King Stephen's Court, was elected Abbot, January 8, 1 139. He main- tained his right of exemption from EpiscopaUurisdiction against Hilarius, Bishop of Chichester, in a controversy which historians have made matter of record. Walter de Lucy died July 22, 1171, and his brother, Richard de Lucy, presided in the Monastery for the ensuing four years, till Odo, Prior of Canterbury, was promoted to the Abbey, July 10, 1175. Leland notices this Odo, otherwise Woode ; and in his list of the books he saw in the library of Battle Abbey, particularises the " Glosae Odonis Abbatis de Bello super Psalterium," as also an " Expositio super Libri Regum." See his Collectanea, AylofTe's edition, 1770, vol. i. p. 68. Willis says, Odo died in 1199; the Annals of the Church of Winchester say, in the month of March, 1200. John of Dover, or De Duvra, according to the editors of Dugdale, on the authority of the Cotton. MS. Nero, D. 11, fol. 234, succeeded to the Abbacy soon after Odo's death, on the calends, or first of May, 1200. He is mentioned in a Feofment of the year 1203. Upon this Abbot's death, which Willis states to have happened July 21, 1213, after a vacancy of S9me duration, Hugh was elected, who, in 1218, was advanced to the see of Carlisle, which had been vacant thirty-two years. He adds, I do not know whether he held the Abbey in commendam with his bishopric, but this is certain, that he died on his return from Rome in 1223, at an Abbey in Burgundy, and that his successor in this Abbacy was Richard, a Monk of Battle. The Annals of Dunstaple mention the election of Richard, as Abbot of Battle, in 1218 ; so that it appears, upon the elevation to the episcopal dignity of Hugh ; Richard, the Monk, followed immediately upon that advancement. Among the Charters of the late Lord Frederic Campbell, now in the British Museum, is a " Conventio inter Ricardum Abbatem et Conventum de Bello, et Nicholaum Abbatem et Conventum de Ponto Roberti de Marisco qui jacet inter Capenesse et Fletun, an°. 1222. The Annals of Tewkesbury notice the death of Ri- chard, the Abbot, on August 30, 1235 ; when he was succeeded by Ralph de Coventry, Cellarer of Battle : the royal assent was given to his consecration, Nov. 6, 1235. Willis was unable to discover the date of his resignation or death, but he is mentioned in the Chartulary under June 1251. Reginald, Prior of Brecknock, was promoted to the Abbey Nov. 27, 1261 . The editors of Dugdale, in their list of the Priors of Brecknock, vol. iii. p. 262, on the authority of Cole's MS. in Museo, vol. xxviii, say, " Regi- nald, the second of the name, occurs in 1248." He is frequently mentioned in the Battle Abbey Grants and Feofments, and must have been far ad- vanced in years when he died. Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. ix Henry de Aylesford was invested with the temporalities of the Monas- tery, as Abbot, by letters patent, of King Edward the First, May 28, 1281. He died, according to Willis, in 1297. John de Thanet, or de Taneto, was next elected Abbot The tem- poralities were restored to him, January 30, 1298. Among these collec- tions, is a Grant by him, dated 1307, in which year, according to Willis, he resigned. John de Whatlinton, received Edward the Second's assent to his election, March 10, 1308. He died in 1311. John de Northburne was elected Abbot by royal assent, May 25, 1311. There is a Grant of his among these collections, dated 1312. Upon his resignation, in 1318, John de Pevenese was elected and invested with the temporalities, May 6, in that year. The Harl. Manuscript, 6958, p. 267, calls him Roger de Peveno. His death was notified to the King, Jan. 31, 1324, when Allan de Ketlyng was elected Abbot, to whom the temporalities were restored March 28, 1324. Willis calls him John de Ketling, and adds, " when he died I know not, but the next Abbot I meet with is Ri- chard de Bello, who was elected in 1350. I presume he was the immediate successor of Ketling, because no other Abbot occurs between them on the Patent Rolls." That writer was wrong in describing him as Richard de Bello ; upon the death of Allan, Robert de Bello was elected Abbot, and the temporalities were restored to him March 23, 1351. In the Cartulary, is a bull of Pope Innocent the Sixth's, dated June 9, 1355, commanding John Jose, Prior of Brecon,* to conduct himself conformably to the accustomed rules of submission to the Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin in Battle, who was wont time out of mind to visit the said Priory every three years, but which visitation, John the said Prior had resisted. The bull was granted on the complaint of this Robert, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, who, according to Willis, under the appellation of Richard, died in 1364. Hamo de Offynton, received benediction as Abbot from Archbishop Islip, Jan. 29, 1364; as appears by his Register. In 1375, he was ap- pointed Visitor of the Monasteries of the Benedictine Order in the dioceses of Canterbury and Rochester ; and in 1377, with great bravery and cou- rage, defended Winchelsea against the French. Walsingham, in his Hist. * The Priories of S. Nicholas in Exeter, and Brecknock in Wales, were cells to Battle Abbey. The name of John Jose was not known to the editors of Dugdale, in the list of the Priors of Brecon, vol. iii. p. 263. There being a lapse with them from 3128 to 1411. b x Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. Angl. edit. 1574, p. 198, particularises his conduct on that memorable occasion. Willis erroneously places this exploit to the year 1381. John Crane was elected Abbot, by royal assent, March 20, 1383, and had the temporalities of the Monastery restored to him on May 1, fol- lowing. Neither Willis nor Stevens, in their additions to Dugdale, men- tion this Abbot, upon whose death John Ledbury or Lydbury was elected. He received the temporalities, March 1, 1398. Willis places his decease in 1404. William Mersch obtained the royal assent as Abbot, Jan. 16, 1405, and had the temporalities restored on the first of the following month. He is mentioned in several Feofments from 1404 to 1415, as William Mer- sham, and William de Meressham. He died early in 1417, in which year, Thomas Lodelow, or Ludlowe, who had been Prior of the Monastery, was elected his successor. The appointment received the assent on May 11, and he was invested with the Temporalities May 30, 1417. Upon Ludlow's resignation, he was succeeded by William Waller, to whose election the royal assent was given, June 20, 1435, and the Temporalities restored on July 1, following. He died at the close of 1436: on the Monday preceding the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1437, Richard Dertmouthe, or Dartmouth, elected Abbot, on the Monday preceding S. Philip and S. James' day, 1437 ; and the royal assent was obtained May 3d following, and the Temporalities restored on the 15th of the same month. He is last mentioned in a Feofment of the year 1461. John Nuton,* or Newton, was elected Abbot in 1463; the temporalities were restored to him by patent on June 14. He is mentioned in Feofments in 1463. Newton died in 1490. Richard Toby, or TovY,f was, according to Willis, confirmed in the Abbacy Feb. 17, 1490[-91], and received the Temporalities March 8, fol- lowing. He died Aug. 20, 1503. * On a fly-leaf, at the commencement of the Chartulary, is an autograph of this Abbot, acknowledging the receipt of twenty shillings from William Knight, Master of the Hospital of S. Bartholomew, in Smithfield, in the suburbs of London, asheriots upon the decease of John Needham and John Wakeryng, two Masters of the said Hospital; for lands and tenement, called Dunton, in the parish ofDunton, Essex; held of the said Abbot, and of his Manor of Horton. Dated Jan. 4, [1470-71] A°. Tr. Henrici Sexte xlix°, et readepcioni, sua; regise potestatis anno primo. f An autograph acknowledgement of this Abbot, is extant, on a fly-leaf of the •Chartulary, on receiving twenty shillings of Thomas Crewkes, Master of the Hospital of S. Bartholomew, in Smithfield ; accruing to the said Abbot, for the lands and tenement of Dunton, ut supra, after the decease of William Knight, and John Barton, Masters of the said Hospital; dated May 2, 1492. Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey. xi William Westfield, made Prior of the Cell of Brecknock, May 18, 1499, was elected Abbot Sept. 25, 1503; and the Temporalities were granted to him July 3, 1504. The editors of Dugdale, vol. iii. p. 262, who quote Cole's MS. in Museo, vol. xxviii., place his transfer from Brecon to the year 1502. Laurence Campyon, or Champion, received the Temporalities as Abbot, Dec. 8, 1508. The Roll of the Abbey expences rendered at Mi- chaelmas 1509, contains the disbursements at the burial of the last Abbot, William Westfield; with the charges incident on the consecration and other formalities attendant upon Campion's assumption of that dignity. Campion is mentioned in a Feofment so late as June 1526. Willis ex- presses his ignorance how long he continued Abbot, but adds, that he had good reason to conclude his successor to have been John Hamond, whom he found noticed as Abbot in 1533. Tanner, who is followed by the editors of Dugdale, conjectured that he was elected in 1529; because, that, on the Thursday after the feast of S. Laurence in that year, a proxy from the Prior of Brecknock was present in the Chapter- House in Battle, to elect a new Abbot : if so, it was not John Hamond, for his rolls, as Sacristan of the Monastery, dated so late as 1531, are part of these Collections. The editors of that grand national work, the Mo- nasticon, are therefore in error, in the assertion that " John Hamond, the last Abbot, was elected in 1529." Abbot Hamond surrendered his Mo- nastery to the King, May 27, 1538. Browne Willis says, speaking of the Founder's Privileges, and the sup- pression of this Benedictine Monastery, " All which privileges coming with the Abbey itself into the hands of King Henry the Eighth, at the dissolution, he soon after, as I was informed when at the place, bestowed the scite of the church, with several of the lands, upon one Gilmer, who for lucre of the lead, timber, &c, in a little time pulled it down, and sold the materials ; which sacrilegious act thrived not, for it was soon after sold to Sir Anthony Browne. The posterity of this Gilmer do yet live in this place, in a mean capacity." A very ridiculous story, for the letter to Crom- well, of Sir John Gage, of Firle, in Sussex, and Richard Layton, the King's Commissioners, giving an account of the surrender and dissolu- tion of Battle Abbey, dated May 27, [1538], is extant among the Cottonian Manuscripts; and on Aug. 15 following,* a grant, under the king's sign * The editors of Dugdale, by an oversight, vol. iii. p. 266, say, " King Henry the Eighth granted the site of Battle Abbey, with the Manor, by letters patent, dated August 15th, in the 31st year of his reign, A.D. 1539, to Sir Anthony Browne." This is erroneous ; the letters patent of that grant is printed by them, subsequently, at p. 254, and correctly given under the date of the 30th of that monarch. xii Preliminary Memoranda of Battle Abbey, manual, conferred the house and scite of the late^Monastery of. Battle, in co. Sussex, on Sir Anthony Browne, his heirs and assigns for ever. Sir Anthony Browne was the son-in-law of Sir John Gage ; he married his daughter Alice. Gough, in his additions to Camden, adopts from Willis, the vague story of Sir Anthony Browne's purchase from a previous possessor ; and has been followed by the editors of Dugdale, who state it thus: " Gough says, Sir Anthony Browne bought the scite of a previous grantee. What his son, the first Lord Montague, built here, he adds, is now the most ruinous part of the Abbey ; being only the shell of a suite of rooms at the south end, with two towers at the east end, which were standing, when Buck's view was taken in 1737, but are now [1789] down." In a recess of the chancel, in the parish church of Battle, which stands just without the Abbey wall, is a monument of Sir Anthony Browne. To the Monks, until the period of the suppression, was entrusted the Conqueror's sword, and his coronation robe, as also the roll of the Nor- mans who came over with him. It was seen in the reign of Henry the Eighth, by Leland, in the first volume of whose Collectanea it is printed ; but, as Dugdale observes, all the copies are false, by the frauds of the Monks, who enrolled in it any benefactors or eminent persons. Gough intimates, " It seems to have been lost at the suppression." The possibility is, that Sir Anthony, upon building Cowdray, carried it thither, with the Conqueror's sword, and other reliques, which he is known to have done. Battle Abbey, under the Montagues, suffered at different times partial demolition. The ruins yet bear ample testimony of its former magni- ficence, and the carved roof, which, according to Gough, was of Irish oak, of the refectory or Abbey-hall, above fifty paces long, was carried to Cowdray, which mansion, with its invaluable remains of the eighth Harry's reign, was, within the last fifty years, wholly destroyed by fire, and all chance of its being in the possession of the Montague's lost CATALOGUE OF THE CHARTERS, GRANTS, AND IMMUNITIES OP BATTLE ABBEY, SUSSEX, FOUNDED BY WILLIAM THE CONQUEROR, IN COMMEMORATION OF THE BATTLE OF HASTINGS, AUD THE CONQUEST OF ENGLAND. Cartulary of the Charters, Grants, and Privileges to the Monastery of S. Martin, in Battle, from the foundation by William the Con- queror, to the time of Henry the Third ; with the several Bulls and Indulgences of the Popes, Confirmations of the Archbishops of Canterbury ; Grants of Lands by the Benefactors of this Fra- ternity, &c, on parchment, folio. The Charters embodied in this volume comprise thirteen of the Founder, William the First ; nine of his son, William Rufus ; twenty-eight of Henry the First; two of Stephen; eight of Henry the Second; one of Richard the First ; two of John, and two of Henry the Third ; followed by one of Richard, Earl of Poictou and Cornwall, of the year 1244. The date of the first Charter is nearly certified, from circumstances con- nected with the testes or witnesses, among whom are, Lanfranc, Arch- bishop of Canterbury, and Maurice, Bishop of London and Lord Chan- cellor; the latter was not elected to that see till 1086, and Lanfranc died in 1089. Among the Nobles were the famous Hugh Lupus, Earl of Chester ; William, Earl of Warwick ; and several others. Sir N. H. Nicolas, in his Synopsis of the Peerage, says, the first Earl was " Henry de Newburgh, younger son of Roger de Bellomont, Earl of Mellent, in Normandy, created Earl of Warwick, by William the Conqueror, ob. 1123." As this William must have preceded the above Henry of New- burgh,* or the name Henry is given erroneously for William ; the fact of this variation of name occurring even in the first Charter, may be advanced in advocacy of the truth of the assertion of the great utility the thousands of Testators names to these Charters must necessarily be to the ge- nealogist, as authorities for the compilation of the pedigrees of the nobility and principal families of the olden times. * Baron Maseres names also Henry, in his account of Roger de Beaumont and his family, in the note, p. 160, upon William of Poitiers, Gesta Guil- lielmi Ducis Normanuorum et Regis Anglorum, taken from William of .'umiege's History of the Normans. B 2 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. In this Chartulary the Grants will be found to have reference to the Manors belonging to Battle Abbey, namely, Alsiston, Teleton, Alurichest, and Blechyngton ; Apeldreham, Anasti, Confirmatione Comites et Co- mitesse Augi ; Bello Villa et Leuga, Terra Basoc, Bodherst, Wycham, Newenham and Echenham, Bodyham, Berherst, Bernehorne, Brychwalton, Bromham, Dengemereis, Hoton, Iltonesbath, Iklesham, Ixning, East Kyngesuode, West Kyngesuode, Lymenesfeld, CEstede, London, Rette, Sedlescumbe, La Snape, Schorham, Watlynton, Wycham, Wy, Tone, Fannescumbe, Cumbe, Bocholt, Wechyndenn, Wyk, &c. The entries by subsequent Abbots, which are continued till the period of the surrender of the Monastery to King Henry the Eighth, are very copious, and contain record of matters, of which there are no other documents extant. On the fly-leaf is a memorandum, temp. Q. Elizabeth — " Tste liber attinet Anthonie Browne, Vic. Mountague." Anthony Browne, grandson and heir of Anthony Brown and Lucy his wife, widow of Sir William Fitz- william, da. and eventually co-heir of John Nevil, last Marquis of Mon- tagu, was created Viscount Montague, Sept. 2, 1554, and died 1592. Register of all Grants, Feofments, &c, relative to Lands in the Manors of Battle, Watlyngton, Mankseye, Wylindon, Hawk- herst, Wy, Schaftysdenne, Anglyngle, Cranebrooke, &c. the Gifts to the Altar of the Virgin, in the Abbey Church of Battle; in the hand of John Waller, Sacristan of the said Monastery, 1409, pp. 270, on parchment, folio. Contains transcripts of the original Grants, from the time of Odo the Abbot, to the year 1511 ; the additions being in the Autograph of Waller's successors in the office of Sacristan. Decrees and Judgments relative to the Liberties of the Monastery of Battle, and the Manors belonging to the same, by various itinerant Justices, lime of Edward the Second. The original Record, on Parchment, with highly grotesque monkish marginal embellishments, in colours, folio. Register of Charters, Lands, Liberties, Pleadings, &c. relating to the Monastery of S. Martin, in Battle, comprising Transcripts of the Cartularies, the Decrees respecting the Liberties and Privileges of the said Monastery, temp. Edw. II., and of the original Charters, Deeds, and Feofments [formerly] in the possession of Sir Thomas Webster, Bart., in the Autograph of David Casley, King's Libra- rian, and Keeper of the Cottonian Manuscripts, 1726-7, 2 vols, folio. This Register of the Charters of Battle Abbey comprises the whole of the first volume, pp. 6*15, and pp. 227 of the second, with which is also a transcript of the, " Liber de Situ, InsUitutione, Privileges et Possessionibus earumque Limitibus, &c. Ecclesiae S. Martini de Bello, a R. Wilelmo, et ab aliis datis," extant in the Cottonian Library. Then follows " Adnotatio Ecclesiarum Dotalium Ecclesiae de Bello, a Waltero Abbate facta, primo anno Regis Henrici Junioris." Transcribed by Casley from the Cottonian MS., Tiberius, B. V. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc, 3 Excerpta ex Chronico Monasterio de Bello per Jo. Joscelinum, libro scil. praecedente, Transcripta ex Autographo in Bibl. Cotton. Vitelius, DVIL* At the end is subscribed, " has paginas 299 scribebam ego, et absolvebam Feria Pentecostes, 1726, David Casley, Bibl. Cotton. Custos."f The Liber de Situ, &c. gives the Elections and copious Notices of the Abbots of Battle from the time of Gausbertus, the first Abbot. Among them is that of the alien religious, Walter de Lucy, described as "Monacho de Lunlegio transmarino :" he was brother to Richard de Lucy, then en- nobled in England. There is also an account of this Walter's Controversy with Hilarius, Bishop of Chichester ; his Petition to the Synod of Chi- chester, and consequent Suspension from his Abbatial Dignities by King Stephen. The heads under which this Register is distributed are the following : — Libertates de Bello allocate in Itinere Cantio et in Banco Dora. Regis in presentia fratris Henrici de Rya tunc Seneschalli Abbatie de Bello. Libertates Abbatis de Bello allocate de Itinere de Wy, coram Henrico de Staunton et Sociis suis Justiciar itinerant, in Com. Cantise. Presentationes diversorum Hundredorum contra Abbatem in Itinere pre- dicto. Steph. Galiot, Jo. Colin, Sim. Colin, et Tho. Barrokshire, in misericordia pro pluribus defaltis. John of Northburn then Abbot. These and various others relate to the Abbatial Manorial Possessions. Allocatio ad Scaccarium per Libertates Ecclesie S. Martini de Bello de Tempore Regis Ricardi. Allocatio ad Scaccarium tempe Reg. Henrici predicti post adquisitionem Nove Carte per Reginald. Abbatem. _ Judicium datum in Wiltes. de Foresta. Judicium inter Abbatem de Bello et Abbatem de Ponte Roberti, com. Sussex. Fines et Amerc. coram M. de Lulebur et Sociis suis Justiciae Itin. anno RR. Hen. 47. Placita de Juramento et Assisis in com. Kent, coram Jo. de Berewyk et sociis suis Justiciis Itin. anno RR. Ed. filii Reg. Henr. 21°. Following an Inquisition made at Brychwalton, at the Feast of St. Bar- naby the Apostle, 1299, 28 Ed. I., in this Chartulary, p. 106, is given the following measure of land : — Nota : Virgata Terre et Wista idem sunt, et unum significant. Virgata seu Wista est sexta decima pars unius Feodi Miiitis. Quatuor Virgate seu Wiste faciunt unam Hydam. Quatuor Hyde faciunt unum Feodum Miiitis." This, Casley has drawn from a fly-leaf of the original Chartulary. Memorand. quod istud Breve est [instulat. in Cancellaria anno RR. Edw. 13. Casley's Note says, " de hac libertate die melius ut in fine hujus notatur infra." Carta R. Willelmi Conq. quod Abbas terras ad Feudum non donet nee Milites faciat, nisi in Veste Christi. Cartas Regum de Amerciamentis ; de Manorium de Apeldreham, Alsystone, Brychwalton, Bromham, Bernehorne, Craumereys, Houtone, * See Catal.of the Cottonian Manuscripts, p. 428. \ Among Sir Thomas Webster's memoranda of disbursements, are, June 3, 1726, paid Mr. Casley, Cotton Librarian, 5/. 15*.6tf. Again, Jan. 31, 1728, 16/. 19*. 6rf. ; and again, Nov. 22, 1734, 10/. 17*. 6c? j the three payments con- stituting 33/. 12*. 6d. : yet this would appear to form but part only of Casley's remuneration, for labours of no ordinary difficulty and extent. 4 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Lymenesfelde, et Wy; de Curia habenda, de Custodia Domus, de Cor- redio, de Ecclesiis. de Foresta, de Fugitivis, de Finibus, et de Graspeys. Carta Will. Conq. que vocatur Humana Mens. Carta 2 Henr. III. de Justiciarum Itinerantibus habendis. Quod Justiciam per se teneat Abbas in suis rebus et negotiis. Cartas de Liberatione Latronum ; de Murdre ; de Mercato ; de Nativis ; de Opere Pontium ; de Passagio ; de Quietanicis ; de Returno Brevium ; de Immunitate a Subjectione Episcoporum et quarumlibet personarum ; de Immunitate a Dominatione Episcoporum Principum et Baronum. Carta Will. Conq. quod Abbas ad Synodum ire non Summoneatur sive compellatur ; Cartas de Syris et Hundredorum et de Stallagio ; de Will. Conq. et Run quod Violatores Libertatum sunt Excommunicate. De Thesauro ; de Melonei Immunitate ; de Warrena ; de Voto Conquestoris construendi Ecclesiam S. Martini, &c. &c. Bullarum Summorum Pontificum de Privilegium et Confirmationes Generalis. Among these is one of Pope Gregory's, in Protectio Monasterii et Monachorum Generalis Special. Immunitatum concessarum a Rege Will. Conq. et aliis. Confirmationes Archiepiscoporum Cant, et aliorum Episcoporum de Ec- clesiis quas habemus in proprios usus et portionibus, et de presentationibus ad easdem factis. Comprising many most valuable documents relative to the endowments of Alsyston, Bromham, Brychwalton, Burcholt, Cycester, Eylesham, Iklesham, Ixling, Kyngesuode, Ledes, Mildehale, Norton, Sanford, Trillawe, and Westefielde. The various Charters of William the Conqueror to the Abbey of Battle. Among them is the first, entitled, " Regis Willi. Conq. Angliae, de Liber- tatibus et Dignitatibus Ecclesiae S. Martini de Bello." Abridgments of Charters, as to privileges of all kinds, with references. Abridgments of Papal Bulls. Abridgments of Confirmations of the Arch- bishops of Canterbury, and other Bishops, of Livings and Tythes, &c. to various Churches. Recitals of Royal Charters and Grants of Lands, Privileges, &c. Grants of private Persons to the Abbey of Battle. Grants of Popes of Vestments to the Abbots of Battle. Immunities granted by the Bishops of the See of Chichester. Composition between the Abbot of Battle and the Bishop and Church of Chichester, and the Profession made by the Deans of Battle, &c. Then follow Abstracts of Charters and Manorial Grants, and particulars of the Temporalities of the Abbey ; and at p. 547 commences, " Anno- tatio Cartarum de Terris et Redditibus quas habemus in London, in parochia S. Olavi, in Suthwerk. The Volume ends with Transcripts of ^nany interesting Papers relative to Monastic Discipline, its Governments, and Forms adopted on the Elec- tions of their Abbots, &c. EARLY GRANTS, FEOFMENTS, AND DEEDS, RELATIVE TO THE MANORIAL POSSESSIONS MONASTERY OF S. MARTIN, AT BATTLE, OTHERWISE BATTLE ABBEY. Many of the early documents being dateless, it has been deemed expe- dient to arrange these alphabetically, according to the surnames of the bene- factors to this monastery : and as the order of classing them by the names of the witnesses presented considerable difficulty, the attempt was abandoned, in preference for the present arrangement, which in some instances affords a genealogical continuity. The Original Grants and Charters commence with that of William the Conqueror, de Libertatibus Leuge Belli ; of which there is also a transcript in the Chartulary, No. 8. William de Amberle, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, and the Monks thereof; of all his Lands at Bodherst, and eleven acres lying near the same ; which he had acquired by purchase from Reginald the son of Reimbertus de Beche. Philip de Es- settesford, Mich, de Beche, Baldwin of Canterbury, Thomas de Bosinton, Richard de Mailing, Thomas de Kingesuod, and other witnesses. Robert de Ambuill, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of all the Lands held by him, of the fee of Walter le Boeuf, in the parishes of Battle and Westfelde. Testator, Hereb. de Burgh, then Viscount Sussex. Walter le Bozuf, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, in pure and perpetual alms, of all his Lands called Bodherst; Land, called " la Grave," &c. Testator, the said Robert de Ambuill. Mabilia, da. of Ancell de Sandlake, Feofment to Martin the Merchant, of Land in the field of Battle, lying lengthways, from the way leading down to Bodherst Wood, to the lands of William Petty ; and adjoining on the north, the lands of Peter le Cucku ; Mich, de Beche, William le Cordwainer, Nicholas Barry, and other Testators. Ashburnham, see Esburneham. 6 Battle Abbey Charter s y Grants , Deeds, fyc. Clement Atwold, Feofment to John Barbario, of a Messuage that was Peter Pistoris'. The Rent to be paid to the Abbot and Con- vent of Battle. Philip de Essettesford, Walter de London, Wil- liam de Mailing, Lambino King, Richard Mareschal, &c. Testes. Richard, son and heir of Richard Bachelor, of Battle, Feofment to Ralph Yewegod, of rent of a Messuage in the town of Battle, which Gregory le Messager held of John Bachelor, his brother. Simon de Cattesfeld, Walter de Beche, Richard de Beche, William de Gutreshole, John le Funtener, John de Giseburne, &c. Testes. John, son of Richard Bachelor, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, in a place called Attebore, in the narrow way leading to the Well at Plessett. Lord of Beche, William de Whatlington, Thomas Skyret, Rob. Berewyk, and other Testators. Symon, son of Robert Bataylle, de Fulivode, Feofment to John son of Hugh de Thubbefelde, and Matilda his Wife, of the rent of a Messuage, between the Tenements of the heirs of Reginald Forester, and Reginald de la Chambre, in the town of Battle, payable by Stephen Becce. John de Pisinge, Richard de Beche, Thomas de Haremere, and other Testators. , Robert, son of William Batchle, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of all his Lands in Brunford, from the Bridge at Brunford, to the Lands that was formerly belonging to John de Brunford. Testators, Simon de Brunesford, Thomas de Haremere, John Godmeueche, and others. Michel de Beche, Feofment to Gerald Sudheton, of the Land which the said Gerald sometime held of Robert de Sumery. William de Colinton, Ralph Frankelin, Samfridus de Sumery, John of Peplesham, and others, Testators, with Seal. Michel de Beche, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of his right and claim to Land formerly of Gerald de Sutheton ; Testes, William of Echingham, John Heruy de Lon- don, Nicholas Marshall, and others, Seal in beautiful condition. This Hervey is for the most part designated John de London. Michel de Beche; Deed of Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of one Messuage in the Town of Battle, which he bought of Geoffrey de Croherst and Ida his Wife. Among the Testators are John de London, John Godmefetch, Jo. Clerico, &c, with Seals. Michel de Beche, Feofment to Richard Marshal, of a Messuage between the Lands of John le Pessoner, and Reginald le Braseur, in the town of Battle, which Simon the son of Guy le Parmenter, held of him. Philip de Essetesford, Lamb. King, William Cord- wainer, Luca Salvagio, Anketelle de Hucham, John le Pessoner, John Godmefeche, &c, Testators. Michel de Beche, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, &;c. 7 and Convent of Battle, of Rent arising from fields beyond Bod- herst, and of a tenement, that was Guy Parmentarius', adjacent to the Messuage of John Fisher. Ralph de Greston, William de Sneylham, Hugh de Coding, Luca de Swynham, Rob. de Brom- ham, Richard de Beche, and other Testators. Michel, son of Reginald de Beche, Feofment, for the health of his soul, and of all his antecessors and successors, to the Church . and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of all his Lands at Bodeherst, which William de Amble held of him, with eleven acres lying near the said lands of Bodeherst. Philip de Essettesford, Bald- win of Canterbury, Thomas de Bosinton, Richard de Mailing, Thomas de Kingesuod, and other Testators. Richard de Beche, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, situate between the Messuage that was Gilbert Munbrey, and that in the keeping of the Almonry of Battle, in the town of Battle. Michel de Beche, Luca de Swynham, John de Ikelesham, John Godmefeche, Robert le Mazun, Adam Pycot, and other Testators. Richard de Beche, Deed of Gift of certain Rents of Tenements within the liberties of Beche, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle. William de Watlington, Thomas Scyrech [or Skirret,] John le Mone, John Forester, Laurence Pikot, Rob. de Berewych, Will. Aurifabro, Hugo de Beche, Ralph Yuegod, Jun., Waltro Torold, and other Testators. Richard son of Michael de Beche, Feofment of Land and a Meadow to the Abbey of Battle ; the witnesses, Guil. de Dene, Laur. Picot, Adam Picot, Clerico ; Gul. Aurifabro, Jo. Forester, and others. Seal in fine condition. Margaret de Beche, Feofment of Land in Hoo, to her son Robert de Beche. The witnesses are very numerous, with Seal. Release and Quit Claim from Michael Fitz Walter de Beche to the Abbey of Battle, of all his Right and Claim to the Land late of Richard Curteys, in Battle. Among the Testators are Wil- liam de Penehurst, Will, de Hodesdale, William de Ore, Regi- naldo de Beche, Stephen Pessoner, Daniele le Tailour, and others. Seal, red wax, in fine preservation. William de Bec, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent issuing out of Land in Snelham. Adam le Haye, and others, Testators ; with Seal. William de Bec, Feofment of Rent, issuing out of Land, at Sneil- ham, to Robert Foster. Testators, Bertino de Gestling, and others, with Seal. William de Bec, for the salvation of the souls of himself, &c, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, in pure Alms, to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, and the Almonry of the said Church, of Rents in 8 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Winchelsea, and Land in Snelham. Philip de Essettesford, Rob. Fostre, Simon de Brunesford, Adam le Haye, Thomas de Bosintun, Colin Mareschall, &c. Testators. Stephen Bekke, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Adam son of William Derby, of a Messuage, situate between the Messuages of Thomas Burgeus, and Walter de Loxbeche, in the Town of Battle. Lamb, le Kyng, Lucas de Swynham, William Cordwainer, John Godmefeche, Rob. Cementarius, and other Testators. Osbert, son of Godwin Blund and Ulurune, Feofment to Lambert, the son of Arnold, of all his Lands of Terne, situate between the Messuages of Reginald Cordwainer, and Drogonis the Carpenter, in Battle ; with an unusually numerous list of Witnesses. Angerius de Bodelond, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent arising from a Tenement at Breggeselle, in the occupation of Richardus le Cupere. Testators, Thomas Skiret, Will, de Dene, Ralph Yuegod, James Goldsmith, &c. Seal, green wax. Henry, Lord de Bodiham,* Feofment to Robert de Ore, by Homage and Service, of all his Lands, called Ore and Kemehethe, &c. in the Parish of Battle. Lord William de Echengeham, Lord Mat- thew of Hastings, Knights ; Nicholas Watelin, Simon de Sumery, Richard de Esburneham, Henry de Penehurst, Walter de Beche, Michael de Sandrigge, and other Witnesses. One of the conditions states, ■ et ad auxilium Vicecomitis quod dicitur Justisefyeid, tres denarios obolum et quaterente.' William de Bodiham, Deed confirming the Feofment of the Lands, which Edwardus Cuparius then held in Rette, to his brother Gil- bert. William, Chaplain of Bodiham ; Robert de Glotingham ; Adam, Parson of Yclesham ; John, Clerk de Lekintune, and others, Witnesses. Seal, with equestrian figure. William de Bodiham, son of Henry de Bodiham, for the good of his soul, and all his ancestors and successors, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of all his Possessions in the Fee of Bodiham. Jo. de Calecto, Magistro Ricardo Phisico, Henrico de Hereford, * The Manor of Bodiham was held, at a very early period, by Roger de Bodi- ham, by the service of four Knights' fees. Subsequently the Earl of Richmond granted it to Nicholas Wardewe, whose family, by an inquisition, date of 1341, held four knights' fees in Bodiham and Penshurst. Elizabeth, da of Sir Wardewe, marr. Sir Edward Dalingruge; and their son, Sir John Dalingruge, possessed it in the time of Henry IV. His sister, Margaret, marr. Sir Thomas Sackville, who died in 1432. Philippa, da. and heiress of Sir Richard Dalingrig, marr., in the reign of Henry VI., Sir Thomas Lewkenor, and the manor passed to that family. Sir Thomas Lewkenor, Knight, of Bodiham Castle, was attainted by King Richard HI., when Nicholas Rugby was appointed Constable of Bodiham Castle during life, receiving yearly for the said office 201., and for keeping of the park, the fees accustomed out of the issues of the Lordship. From the Lewkeuors it is «»aid to have been transferred to the Earl of Thanet, from whom it was purchased by the Powels, who sold it to Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 9 Ricardo de Tiresherst, Gilberto Dispensatore, Thoma filio Mag. Thome de Salehursc, and others, Testes. Seal. Margaret, da. of William de Bodiham, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Rette. Mich, de Beche, and others, Testes; with her Seal. Gilbert, brother of William de Bodiham, for the salvation of the souls of himself and of his lord and brother, William de Bodiham, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Abbey and Convent of S. Martin, at Battle, of Lands in Rette, which William, his said brother, gave to him, by his service. Geffrey de Gambo, Matheo Portatorio, Gilbert Dispensatore, Guy de S. Paul, and other Tes- tators. Stephen le Borne, for the salvation of his soul, and of those of all his antecessors and successors, Feofment to the Church of S. Mar- tin, at Battle, o^ Land lying near the Tenements of Echene, abut- ting on the Land which his predecessors had already given to the Monks, and which Gift, by this Deed, he also confirms. Roger de Sotindun, William de Echene, Stephen Marshal, Matthew Portatorio, and other witnesses. Helena, relict of Reyn. de Bredhurst, Deed of Release or Quit Claim, to the Abbey of Battle, of all Right, and that of Matilda, her da., in the Land of Bredhurst. Among the Testators are, Michel de Beche, John Godmevecche, and others ; with Seal. William, son of Anselm de Bregeselle, Deed of Gift to the Sacristary of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of certain Rents accruing annually from Lands at Bregeselle, abutting on the East, to the Lands of Lord Mathew of Hastings, then in the tenancy of Richard le Cuper. Thomas Skiret, William de Dene, Augerius de Dudilond, W r iliberto, Robert, and Aylmer de Bregeselle, Robert Long, Richard le Braseur, and other Testators. Walter de Breggeselle, Feofment to the Sacristary of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Rents arising from Lands in the tenancy of Gervase W 7 erreve, and Robert le Gardiner, of Battle; lying between Broke and Northey, in the way from Battle towards Win- chelsea, &c, in pure and perpetual Alms. Richard le Vanner, Thomas Fukes, John le Funtener, Gilbert de Rudefyn, and other Testators. Wybortus de Bregbselle, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent of Land in Bregesell. Michel de Beche, Will , de Lewes Clerico, and others, Witnesses. Seal. Reginald Brembell, and Margery, da. of Geuing, of Sandlake, his Wife, Feofment to Ralph Lord Abbot of Battle, of part of the Garden of the said Gering, the Field called Hoghelond, towards the Ditch, &c. in Sandlake, in pure and perpetual Alms, having had of the Abbot eight Acres in exchange, 'that were sometime Reginald de Sperner's. Geoffrey Elred, Lucas de C 10 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. Swynham, William de Wicham, Gilbert Pikot, and other Testators. William de Bromham, Grant in Fee-Farm, of a Messuage with the Appurtenances, in the parish of Catesfield, to Geoffrey Goldynge and Isabella his wife. The Testators were his brothers, Simon de Bromham, Geoffrey de Bromham, John atte Brokes, and others ; with Seal. William de Bromham, Feofment to Robert of Bromham, and Symon de Bromham, his brothers, of a Tenement in Bromham. Testes, Lord William de Echingham, Knight ; Simone de Eching- ham, his brother ; Jo. de Peplesham, Jo. de Smalefeld, William atte Brooke, and others. Seal, white paste. Herbert, son of Walter re Burghley, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle of certain Lands in Battle. Bald- win of Canterbury, Walter of London, Guido of Battle, Richard of Mailing, Michel de Beche, and others, Testators ; with Seal. Herbert de Burghley, for the salvation of his soul, &c, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, and the Monks of the same, of all his right in the Land called Scottesland ; the fee, by them, being to be paid to Robert Basoc. Master Richard of Battle, Walter de Burleigh, Baldwin de Canterbury, Thomas de Bosontun, Thomas de Kingesuod, and other Testators. Juliana, formerly wife of John de Caldekote, Deed of Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement in Bernehorne, which the said John sometime held of the Abbey. John de Godecumbe, William de Dene, Tho. de Watlington, and others, Testators. John, son and heir of Thomas de Camera, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent issuing from a Field called la Leghe, in the Parish of Watlington. Joshua de Feme, William de Hodesdale, Robert de la Heghe, and others, Testators. Reginald de Camera, and Alicia his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to Ralph Lord Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, of Land in Manfosse. Mich, de Beche, Robertus Cementarius, Jo. Godmefeche, and others, Testators; with both Seals, red wax. Adam, son of Reginald de Camera, and Alice de Loxbeche, Feofment to Adam Pikot, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle. Testators, Walter de Beche, Jo. de Giseburne, and others. Seal fine and perfect. Eleanor, late wife of " Geoffrey de Cameraria Pelliparum," Demise in Fee Farm to Peter Cuckoo, of Land, near the Tile Kiln, at Battle. William de Dene, John Funtener, and others, Testators ; curious Seal, green wax. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8cc. 1 1 Deed of Gift of John of Catesfeld, Parson of the Church of Whatlyngton, to the Abbot and Religious of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, of a Tenement in Middleburgh, which he had formerly purchased of William Golyon. The Testators were Stephen Pessoner, Daniel le Taylor, William Teyntener de Aurifabro, Gilbert Walet, &c. Seal fine and perfect. Robert Cementarius,* Feofment to the Church of St. Martin of Battle, and the Monks of the same, of a Messuage in Battle, in the place called ' la Bore.' The fines were to be paid at the Feast of S. Michel to Laurence Picot, Fulconus Picot, &c. John Godmefeche, John Fisher, and others, Testators. Robert Cementarius, Deed of Release and. Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent arising from Land called Caldebec, in the Town of Battle, held of him by Clementia, the widow of Alan his brother. Mich, de Beche, Luke de Swyn- ham, Richard de Beche, Joshua Cementarius, Nicholas Coke, Richard Bachelor, Richard Braciatore, and other Witnesses. Robert Cementarius, Feofment in pure and perpetual Alms to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, towards maintaining an ever burning Lamp before the Altar of the blessed Mary the Virgin, of Rent arising from Land in the Town of Battle, extending from the Plessett to the Street of the Mill, towards Robert's bridge. John le Funtener, William de Dene, Robert de Park, Ralph Yeugod, John le Forester, and other Witnesses. James, son of Alan, the Plasterer, Feofment to John de Pisinge, Aveline his wife, and Ralph their son, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle. Witnesses, Rad. de Greston, Michel de Beche, Walter his son, &c. Seal perfect. Henry Champneys, of Battle, Feofment to Lambert, son of Reginald Sperner, of Land at Ukeham. Testes, Mich, de Beche, John de London, John de Giseburne, and others. Seal perfect. William de Clivesend, son of Stephen and Hawyse de Clivesende, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin, of Battle, of Land, in Brook, between Oake and Popinton. Adam le Haye, and others, Testators. Martin, son of Martin de Cliveshende, Feofment to the Church of St. Martin, at Battle, of Three Acres of Brook, lying near the Wood of Cumfunte, of Ad. le Haye's, on the South, and the Rivulet, towards Aquilonem ; on the East, upon the Brook, that was Peter de Lideham's, and to the West, upon the Brook, that was Alexander de Farleye's, in the Parish of Gestlinge. Roger de Bromham, John Godmefeche, Gilbert de Cliveshende, and other Testators. * Robert Cementarius is frequently named as a testator to various feof- ments j in some, he is designated as Robert de Duna ; in others, as Robert de la Dune ; and in some few, as " Robert le Mazun." 12 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S?c. William de Codinge, Agreement with Samfrid de Somery, relative to Lands called Codeleham, Schiorthelte, and Dranekelande, Cay- werthe, the Felde, &c., which were the Lands of Alicia de Sumery, mother of the said Samfrid, in the Lordship of Codinge. Laurence de Mundefeld, Richard de Esburneham, Hamon Saget, Luca de Swynham, and other Testators. William de Codinge, Deed of further Assurance to Samfridus de Sumeri, and his heirs, of the Lands in Bernhorne, which the said Samfridus formerly held of Warner de Sumeri. Mich, de Beche, William de Northia, and others, Testators. William de Codinge, Deed of Release to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent issuing from Lands, held by Samfridus de Sumeri, in Bernhorne. Testators, Lord William de Sokenesse, Lord Robert Basoc, Knights ; Mich, de Beche, and others. Seal in fine state. Richard Abbot of Battle, Covenant with William de Codinge, as to the Costs and Charges of making and keeping the " Gut- taria" between the Lands of Bernehorne, at Bergham, and the Lands of the said William at Codinge. Testators Robert de Beause and Phillip de Hou, Chaplains, Osbert de Leuesham, Matheo Portatorio de Bello, SefFr. de Sumeri, Richard Marshall, Baldwin de Canterbury, Thomas de Kingesuod, and others. Alicia Cond, da. of Master Henry, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Iuychereche, of all the Lands she then held of Gilbert Rudefin ; and of Stephen Sprot, of Hastings, and Sara his Wife, in the Town of Battle ; with a Parcel of Land, near the Messuage and Croft of the said Thomas, in Sandlake. William Aurifabro, Wil- liam de la Dune, Jo. Cordwainer, and other Testators. Eustace Cook, of Battle, Feofment to the Almonry of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, for the salvation of his soul, &c, of a Croft, called Allardescroft, in the Parish of Battle, lying between the Land that was Guidonis Parmentarius, on the east ; the Land of Edmund Fisher, and Allan Sanatoris, towards the west ; the Land that was Richard de Mailing, on the north ; and the Lands of Morgan and Hugh Porri, William Petty, and Mabilia, da. of Anselm of Sandlake, on the south ; towards maintaining a per- petually burning lamp before the Altar of the blessed and glorious Virgin Mary, in the Church of S. Martin, at Battle. Philip de Essettesford, then Seneschal of Battle, Richard Marshal, John Lumbard, John Godmefeche, and other Testators. Roger Coteman, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his right in a Messuage, between that that was Lambinus King's, and the Messuage of Isabella Despenser, in the Town of Battle. Michele de Beche, Ralph de Gerston, Nicholas Marshal, and other Testators. Mabilia, relict of William le Cordwainer, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Battle. Mich, de Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 13 Beche, Robert Cementarius, John Godmefech, and others, Tes- tators ; beautiful impression of the Seal. Master Richard, Chaplain of the Chapel of S. Mary in Battle, is spoken of in this instrument. Osmond Cordwainer, son of John of Rouen, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle; among the Testators are John de London, William de Dene, John Godmefetch, and others. Seal very fine and perfect. Alice, formerly wife of Osmund Cordwainer, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of all her right to certain Tenements in Battle. William de Dene and others, Testators. Richard de Croherst, Feofment, with the assent of Alice, wife of his son Anselm, to the Abbey of Battle, of the Land near Mun- difeld, which Reimburtis de Bulande held of them. Philip de Essetteford, Thoma de Bottuner, Richard de Mailing, and others, Testes. Seal, green wax. Clementia, da. of Peter de Criel, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Monastery of Battle, of Land lying be- tween the Messuage of Alan Vannur, and a Messuage of Hele- wise de Sanlake. Among the Testators are Master Richard de Couentree, Phillippo de Escetteford, Lambino de Escetteford, Guidone de Bello, Mich, de Beche, and others ; with Seal. Ida, relict of the late Geoffrey of Croherst, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle of a Messuage in the way leading from Bromhomme to the Town of Battle. Testes Jo. Funtener, William de Dene, Ralph Yuegod, John Mone, and others. Seal perfect. Edith, formerly wife of Henry Crul, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of a Messuage in Sandlake, in the Town of Battle. Testes, Mich, de Beche, Geoffrey King, &c. Seal perfect. Bartholomew Crul, son and heir of Henry Crul, Feofment of a Messuage in Battle to John Bokelot and his wife Edith. Jo. de Giseburne, John Forester, and others, Testators. Bartholomew Cumin, Feofment to the Almonry of Battle Abbey, of all his Land in Birland; and that Part of the Meadow near the Bridge at Whatlington, called Brodewyshe. Richard de What- lington, Gilbert de Thalamo, Mathew J ani tore, Thomas de Sede- lescombe, and other Testators. Ralph atte Curie, of Battle, Feofment to John Bone, of two Parts of the Tenements, that was William Berewike's, in Middleburgh; situate between the Tenements of William Hekkelkode, and Wil- liam atte Bachuse. Adam le Mone, Stephen Pessoner, William Aurifabro, Ralph Yuegod, and other Testators. 14 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. Robert Cuparius and Eleanor his Wife, Feofment to John son of Alexander Corduvanarius ; of certain Messuages and Curtilages in Battle. Testators Ralph de Gerstun, then Seneschal of Battle, John Godmeveche, John Fisher, and others, with Henry Clerk, " qui presentem cartam composuit." Both Seals. Robert le Cupere and Helyonora his Wife, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage in Middleburg. Testators William de Dene, Richard le Porter, Fulcon. Coco, Clemente Textore, and others. Seal fine and perfect. Some of those Deeds describe the particular scite of these Houses, and are therefore especially interesting to the County Historian. The present is described as close by the House of Clementis Textoris, whose name occurs as a witness of the gift. David Curteys, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle of Land called Clerkesdoune, in the Parish of Cattesfeld, in exchange for Land, called Anseles Sterchvode, in the Parish of Battle. John de Lonesford, William de Penehurst, Reginald de Beche, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testators. " S. David Cvrtevs," green wax. Cecilia, da. of Ely de Dalintune, Feofment to Osmond, son of John de Reme, of a House in Battle. Laurentio de Mundifeud and others, Witnesses ; with Seal. Matilda, da. of Geoffrey Daniel, of Battle, to Allan the Plasterer, Deed of Release and Quit Claim of all Lands and Houses which were her Father's, to the Monastery of Battle. Robert Basoc, Thomas de Haremere, Mich, de Beche, and others, Testators. Isabella, late Wife of Gilbert Despencer, Feofment to Nicholas le Mareschall of a Messuage in Battle, a Moiety of Land in the Parish of Battle, and Fifteen Acres of Land called the Holne ; the names of the Lands to which these are annexed, are mentioned. Testators, Roberto Basoc de Sedelescumbe, Knight, John Godme- veche, and others. Seal, in fine preservation. Isabella, relict of Gilbert Despenser, Feofment to Nicholas Mareschall, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, a Moiety of Land in the Parish of Battle, and Fifteen Acres of Land, called the Holme. Release and Quit Claim of the same Isabella Despenser to the Abbot of Battle, of a Tenement in Rikelherst. The Witnesses are Michel de Beche, Hugh de Flintham, Rob. Cementarius, Jo. de London, Rengerns de Watlington, John Godmefech, Jo. Clerico, Fulcone Coco, Gilberto Hodnet, &c. Fine Seal, a flower of seven branches. " S. Isabelle Vidue Disspensatoris." Akgerus de Dudiland, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, towards the perpetual burning of a lamp in the Chapel, of. Rent arising from Land in Breggeselle, in the great Street leading to Hechelond. Roger de Benindenne, Richard de Beche, Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 15 John le Funtencr, John le Mone, Fulcon. Coke, Robert Long, and other Witnesses. Agreement between Hugh de Dun, and Alice, who was the wife of Richard his son, to abide by the Judgment and Determination of four Persons, who are named, in a Writ of Novol Deseizin between them, before the Justices at Lewes ; the Abbot of Ro- bertsbridge, and William Lord of Echingham, being Witnesses, with Seal. William de Duna, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent issuing from a Tenement in Battle. Seal in beautiful preservation. " GULIELMUS DE LA DuNA." Another Feofment, describes the Rent issuing out of the Court of Battle. Among the Testators are Ralph Yuegod, Rob. Pis- cator, &c. ; inscription on seal Wilelmi de la Dune. W t illiam de Echingham, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of an annual Rent arising from Land held of Manassah de Herst. The Witnesses are, Symon de Echingham, Simon de Sumery, Henry de Echingham, Osbert de Leuesham, Bertin de Gestling, Manas- sah de Herst, Ralph Gulet, Thomas de Saleherst, Absalom de Wadeherst, Herbert Clerk, &c. Seal, green wax, shield bearing arms. William, son and heir of William de Echyngeham, Knight, Release and Quit Claim to the Sacrist of Battle, of two Wax Tapers yearly, by reason of the Tythes of the Hope, in the Parish of Saleherst. The Witnesses are, Simon de Lonesford, Jo. de Codinge, Master Galfrido de Horlbod, William de Alsiston, Clerk, and others ; the Seal, with four shields, crosswise, fine and perfect. William, son and heir of Lord William de Echingham, Knight, for the salvation of his soul, and of his father, aforesaid, Grant to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of all his Right and Claim what- soever in the Fee of Whatlington, and in the Homage and Services of Simon, son of Reginald de Brok, &c, in pure and perpetual Alms. Symone de Lonesford, John de Codinge, Master GefFray de Holentegh, Master GefFray de Horlbod, John le Fontener, William de Greye, William de Alsiston, and other Testators. Simon de Echingham, for the health of his soul, &c, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, of the twelve Flemish Acres of Land in the Marsh, held of William de Echingham, his father, m by Simon de Godintun, and by him, in pure and perpetual Alms, given to the Monks of Battle. Attested by William de Eching- ham, his brother ; Laurence de Mundifelde, Richard de Wetlinge- tun, William de Haremere, Reginalde de Beche, Matthew Porta- torio de Bello, &c. Simon de Echingham, for the salvation of his soul, &c, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of a Coppice, &c, near Wilendun, which William, his brother, gave him. Tes- 16 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. tators, Richard, Chaplain of Echingham ; Symone de Echingham, his brother ; Symon de Sumeri, Stephen de Esburnham, Henry de Echingham, Reginald de Beche, Ogero Daneis, and others. Seal, with equestrian figure, in fine state. Wjlliam de Echingham, Knight, Deed, confirming to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, the Lands in the Fee of Whatlington, which Simon de Echingham, his father, had given them ; as also the Grant of the Advowson of the Chapel of Whatlington. Lord Mathew de Hastings, and numerous other Testators. Recites the former grants of Simon, son of Simon de Echingham, and embodies notices of a great number of names. Reginald de Hesseburneham, Grant to Aired of S. Martin's, &c, all the Lands of Dudewell in Fee, paying yearly half a Mark, &c, saving the Rights to the King, the Church, and the Earl. Wit- nesses, Walter, the Priest ; Reginald, the Deacon ; Waleran Mai- ger, Osbert de Glutinham, Geoffrey and William, Kinsmen of /Elred, &c. Stephen de Esburneham, for the salvation of his soul, &c, Feoff- ment to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, of Lands that belonged to Reginald de Esburneham, his father, called Chelelande ; Land called Denne, &c. Herbert, Dean of Echingham ; Richard de Mundifeld, Chaplain; Simon de Cattesfeld, Robert Gifford, Robert English, and others, Testators. Seal perfect. Stephen de Esburnham, Grant, confirming to the Monks of Ro- bertsbridge, the Land of Dudewell, which they held of Reginald, his father, and of him. Witnesses, Thomas de Willamescote, Constable of Hastings; Giles de S. Leger, Simon de Sumeri, William de Haremere, Reginald de Beche, Urban de Hastings, Helyas Foliot, and others. Richard de Esseburneham, Grant, confirming to the Monks of Robertsbridge the Gift that Stephen, his father, made to them, of the whole Land of Dudewell. Witnesses, Laurence de Munde- feld, William de Buericheston, Geoffrey de Rokkeleghe, Alan of Robertsbridge, Elias Folet, and others. Thomas, son of Nicholas le Ferur, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Right in a Tenement in Battle, that was sometime the said Nicholas's, on the North, by the King's high way, leading from the Bore towards the Abbey. John le Funtener, Robert de Berewik, Ad. le Mone, Walter Torold, and other Testators. Ralph Fillel, for the salvation of his soul, &c, with consent and good will of William, his son and heir, Feofment, confirming to the Church of S. Martin, and the Monks thereof, the Lands in Pevensey Marsh, which they continued to hold, by the Grants of his predecessors, with all the Tythes of his Manor or Lordship, Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 17 which Ralph, Bishop of Chichester,* had, by his Letters, granted and confirmed to Brunkino of Hastings, &c. Testators, Simon de Echingeham ; William, his brother ; William Giffard ; f Robert, his brother ; Simon de Sumeri ; Jeffrey de S. Leodegario ; Rob. de Mankesye ; Roger de Herste ; Richard Stamer, Chaplain of Wertlingham ; William of Cudenham, &c. Seal, white paste, with the original plaited thread ligature. Hugh de Flintham, Feofment to William, Chaplain of Mankesey, of the Land in Pevensy Marsh, which William Fillel gave to Hamond Sachet, for his Service, and which the said Hamond sold to Richard Marshall. Walramus de Munceus, Mathew of Has- tings, William de Beltenor, John de Godecumb, and other Tes- tators. John Fisher, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent of a Messuage in Winchelsea. Among the Tes* tators are, Michael de Beche, Fulcon Coco, &c. ; inscription on Seal, " S' John filii Willelmi." Ralph Fisher, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Church of St. Martin at Battle, and the Monks thereof, of a Meadow, &c. in Sandlake, between the Messuage of Simon Smith, on the East, and that, that was Dering's, on the West. Michel de Beche, Luca de Swynham, Ralph Gerston, John Godmefeche, Robert Cementarius, and other Testators. Ralph Fisher, son of Angerus de Bello, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Mes- suage, adjacent to that of Fulcon Coke's in Battle. Mich, de Beche, Ralph de Gerston, Hugh de Codinge, Ralph Yuegod, and other Testators. Alexander, son of Hugh de la Forde, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Altar of S. Mary, Deed of Release to the Abbey and Con- vent of Battle of all his claim in a Tenement, on the way from Whatlington towards Wynchelsea. Thomas de Haremere, Thomas de Watlington, William de Watlington, Alan de la Hay, and other Testators. Robert Foster, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, for the salvation of the souls of himself, &c. to the Almonry of the Abbey of Battle, of the third part of the Lordship of Mexefeld, with the Lands which Levota, widow of Rob. le Haye held ; and of which Ralph le Haye sold the Reversion. Will, de Meidestan, Mich, de Beche, and other Testators. * Ralph, Bishop of Chichester's Grant to Brunkino of Hastings, of the Tythes of the Lands which he held of the Church of S. Martin, in Battle, will be found in the Cottonian Manuscripts, Nero, C. III. 181. f William Giffard was doubtless related to Walter GifTard, mentioned by William of Poictiers, in his Gesta Guillelmi Ducis Norm, et Regis Anglorum, as having accompanied the Conqueror to England, and was by him created Earl of Buckinghamshire. D 18 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S?c. Robert Foster, Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Lordship of Mexfeld. Seal pendant. John le Fountener, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Right to a Messuage, situate between that of Richard Copegrey, and that, that was sometime Nicholas Coke's in Monjoye. Adam le Mone, John Forester, Rob. le Border, and other Witnesses. Ida, formerly the wife of Moses de Frethest, Feofment of the Wood and Lands of Walter her son, in Frethest, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, until the coming of her said son to claim the same. A part of the rental, as an acknowledgment, was to be paid to Geffrey her son. Stephen Wulf, Geffrey Wulf, Richard Prut, and other Testators. Lucas atte Gate, of the parish of Beckele, Feofment to the Sa- ristary of Battle, of four " deywerks" of Land in the fields called Wulneueland, in Northeya, in the way coming from Lodelegh, to the house of the said Luke. John le Fountener, Ralph Yuegod, Adam le Mone, Laurence Pykot, Clement Textoris, Walter "atte Eure, and other Witnesses. John, Abbot of Battle, Grant of Nine Acres of Land in Cattesfeud, to Solomon Gerold ; with Gerold's Seal, in fine perfect state. Agreement between John de Giseburne and ClementiaIus wife, on the one part, and Rob. de Beche, Clerk, on the other, for a Grant of all the Lands and Tenements which they had, or might have, in the town of Battle. Witnesses, William de Dene, Simon de Cattesfeud, Rob. de Bromham, Laur. Picot, Ad. Picot, and others, dated Battle, 1259. Seal perfect. Geoffrey de Glynde, Feofment, by his love of God, the Blessed Mary, and S. Martin ; and for the health of the souls of himself, wife, and heirs, his father and mother, his antecessors and succes- sors, confirming to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, the Lands in the parish of Wadeherst, which Hawisa de Baillol gave to them ; and the land they had also of Henry, Chaplain of Wade- herst, which he, Henry, held of the said Hawisa de Baillol. Randolph the Treasurer, Martin Michel, Henry, Chaplain de Wadeherst, Joseph de Newinden, Robert Saluage, Matthew Por- tatorio, and other Testators. Stephen de Godintun, son and heir of Simon de Godintun, Knight, Feofment, in confirmation of the Grant that he and his father made for the health of their souls, to the Church and Monks of the Abbey of S. Martin, of twelve Flemish Acres of Marsh Land, which Simon, his father, held of William de Echingham, father of Simon de Echingham. Simon de Echingham, William, his brother, Gilbert de Faleise, Mathew Portatorio, and other Testators. Four of these acres, it is said, were held of the said Simon de Godintun by •• Constantia femina Petri Muissun." Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 19 William, son and heir of Geoffrey Gohun, of Battle, Feofment to John de Cattesfeld, of a Messuage in Middleburgh. Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testes ; Seal, with figures of the cross, and the attributes of the crucifixion. William Goldsmith, Feofment to Ralph, son of Thomas de Hurst, of Cattefeld, of certain Lands and Tenements in Cattesfeud, as a portion with Isabella, his da., in Marriage to the said Ralph. Reginald de Hore, Robert and John, his brothers, and others, Witnesses. Seal, white paste. John de Grafherst, and Margaret his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of a Tenement, with the Appurtenances, in Grafherst, in the Parish of Ikelsham. The Testators were, Adam le Hay, Roger de Bromham, Tho. de Ychinton, and others. The Seal of Margaret de Grafherst is in fine preservation. Simon de Graveherst, Feofment of Land of the Fee of Mexfeld to his brothers, Thomas and Stephen. Among the Testators are, Vincentio de Mexfeld, and Walter, his brother ; Helis de Brom- ham ; Stephen and John, priests, &c. Seal. Stephen and Roger, sons of Agnes Grik, of Winchelsea, for the health of their souls, and of the said Agnes, their mother, Feof- ment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of two Messuages, near Cornhethe, between the Messuages of Roger de Oreford and John Rich, held of William de Farlegh, in his Lordship of Winchelsea. Walter Clerk, John Andrew, Henry Alard, and other Testators. Juliana, da. of Gilbert Grym, Feofment to William de Bernehorne, of the Messuage inherited by her, after the death of Helewyse, her mother, situate between the Messuages of Martin de Haddelee and Joshua le Seler, in the Town of Battle. William de Dene, Martin de Addelee, William le Tauerner, Adam Fisher, Clerk, John Hackewode, and other Testators. Treasurer of Battle Abbey's Disbursements for the Maintenance of the Household, temp. Rich. Hall, Cellarer : sum total for one year, 625/. 9*. \\d. In this roll, composed of several sheets, the quantities, and of whom purchased, are minutely particularized. Many articles were bought in London. It does not appear what year this was for, but there was an excess in this from the former, by 11/. 185. Id. William Hamund, for the health of his soul, and those of his an- cestors, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of a Tenement, which Richard Hauedman held of him. Stephen Mareschallo, Ogero Daneis, and other Testators ; with Seal. This deed of gift has the Abbot's notification of the times when their souls were to be prayed for, twelve days before the Feast of S. Thomas, and twelve days before the Feast of S. John Baptist. X 20 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Thomas [Tayllor] de Haremere, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of the Lands of Cornore and Bulande, lying contiguous to the Fields of Ewe, in Watlington. Testators, Richard de Sandherst, Robert [Basoc] of Sedlescombe, Osbert de Haremere, Richard Mareschall, and others. Seal fine and perfect. Thomas de Haremere, Feofment to John, son of the Chaplain of Watlington, of Land, called Hotorland, in Whatlington : the exact position minutely described. William de Whatlington, Thomas Scuyret, Geoffry de Hogstepe, and other Testators. Thomas de Haremere, Feofment of Land, called the Knelle, in the Parish of Watlington, to John Wylard, and Agnes Shereue, his wife. William, the chaplain ; Thomas and William de Watlyng- ton, Geoffrey Hokestope, and others, Testators. Seal, green wax. Thomas, son of Thomas de Haremere, Feofment, for the health of his soul, of certain Rents, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, for the maintenance of a Lamp to be perpetually burning in the Church of S. Martin, at Battle : part derivable from Land conti- guous to that lately demised to Robert de Yuherst, by Helewisa, da. of Rengerus. William de Dene, Thomas Skiret, Jo. de Gise- burne, and other Testators. John de Haremere, Feofment to Robert and Ailmer de Perlingetun, of his Lands, called Scottesland and Hundredesland, with Brook, Meadow, &c. in Sedlescumbe. William de Gestelinges, Rich, de Croherst, Thomas de Haremere, Manasseh de Herst, William de Pertlingetune, and other Witnesses. William de Hastings, Knight, Lord of Northye, Grant to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, that they may drain all their Lands, as well Upland as Marsh, through the Demesnes of the Manor of Northey, viz. from Tradebridge, between the Trade and the Demesne Lands of the said Abbot and Convent, as far as Swaneflet, and from Swaneflet, between Land of the Prior and Convent of Has- tings, close by the old Sewer of Codyng. Will, de Hastings, Knight, Lord of Northey, free Gift, for the salvation of his soul, &c, to the Abbey of Battle, of Land called Forland. Robert de Pepplesham, John de Eychingham, John de Codinge, and others, Testators. The original endorsement to this grant describes it, " de terram vocatur Holybredelond, in Berneham." Feofments from William, son and heir of Lord Matthew de Hastings, to the Abbey of Battle, of Land called Forland, Crofts of Land at Battle, &c. The Testators, Wiliam Lord of Echingham, Ric. de Esburnham, &c. Seals fine and perfect. Robert de Hastinges, for his soul's health, and those of all his Ancestors and Successors, Deed of Confirmation to the Monastery of Battle, of Lands in Bodenhers.t, la Graue, and Beche, which the Monks held, bv the Gift of Walter, son of Robert le Boeuf. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 21 Numerous Testators ; Simon de Echingham, Osb. de Haremere, Samsone de Leuelesbam, &c. Fine impression of the Seal, with equestrian figure, and inscription. Robert de Hastings, Knight, Feofments to the Abbey, of Lands in Bodeherst, the Graue, and in the Beche. There is also a Release and Quit Claim of this Robert de Hastings, Knight, of Land, sometime in controversy between him and the Abbey of Battle. Numerous Feofments by Robert Hay,* Ralph Hay, and Adam Hay, relative to the Manor and Lordship of Mexfeld, which was given by Robert Foster, Ralph le Hay, and Adam le Hay, to the Abbey of Battle ; there being a Deed of Confirmation of these Gifts, by Jeffrey de Sancto Leodegario. The Manor of Mexfeld belonged to Lenota, the mother of the Hays ; and the Roll having the Enrolment of these Feofments, Grants, and Releases, par- ticularises many Tracts of Land in Snelham, and other places contiguous to Mexfeld, some of which appear to have been in Fee to the Abbot of Fiscamp. The Abbey of Battle seems to have inherited a very extensive domain by these gifts. Adam Hay, Release and Quit Claim, as Alms to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of certain Rents arising from a Messuage held by Alicia, in Mexefeld, &c. William Geffrey, Vincentio de la Stokke, John Prat, Hilario Prat, Godefrid de Bromham, Ingelramus de Stokke, &c, and other Testators. Adam Hay, Feofment to Ralph Hay, his brother, of the House with the Curtilege, which Ralph de Mexlefeud held. Numerous Testators, and Seal. Ralph le Haye, Deed of Release to William de la Esse, of all Lands held of him, &c. Arnold, Parson of Iclesham, and others, Testators. Adam le Haye, Deed confirmatory to Richard Fostre, of* all the Land and Rent, sold by Ralph Hay, to the said Richard Fostre. Simon de Lideham, Alan de Ychintun, John de Ychintun, Stephen de Cliuesende, and other Testators. Cyrograph between Adam le Haye and the Convent of Battle, confirming the Gifts, which they have of him, and of Robert Forster, of the third part of the Lordship of Mexfeld, the Homage and Service of the Heirs of Pupynton, Land lying at the Old Mill, Land called Hugelot ; Meadow Land, then held by Vincent de Mexfeld, Land which was of Ingelram de Stocke, * Robert de Haye, by the gift of Henry the First, had the honour of Halnac, alias Halnaked, in Sussex. He had two sons, Richard and Ralph, and a daughter, Cicely, marr. to Roger de St. John. Ralph adopted the cause of Prince Henry, against his father, Henry II., and was taken prisoner by the King at Dol, in Brittany, in 1 172. Richard, who marr. Maud, da. of William de Vernun, was deceased prior to 1185, leaving three daughter?, his heirs. 22 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Land which was of William de Nol, a Messuage which Ralph de Mexfeld then held, a Croft lying nigh the House of the mother of the aforesaid Adam ; Land with a Well, called Stock well, and all the Field called Cumfunte, &c. William de Echingham, Michel de Beche, and many others, Testators. n°. 1173 is the Feofment of Ralph le Haye to Robert Foster, of the third part of the Lordship of Mexfeld. Confirmation from Adam le Haye of the Gift which Robert Forster made to the Abbey of Battle, of the Land which the said Robert Forster bought of Ingelram de Stoke, lying between the way leading from Mexefeld to Lideham, and between Comfunte and the Fee of the Abbot of Fiscamp, and the Lordship of Mexefeld, Rent in Poppinton, &c. Witnesses, Simon de Brunesford, Michel de Beche, Walter Elred, &c. Seal, white paste. Martha and Alicia, daughters of Heldiarde de Bello, con- firmation of Gift of Land to Robert, son of Walter the Plasterer, at Battle. Testators, Michel de Beche, and others. Both Seals. Martha, da. of Hildegarde, Feofment to Fulkam Fitz Pikot, of Rent of various Tenements in Battle. John de London, John Godmefetch, and others, Testators. Seal perfect. Martha, da. of Heldiarde, of Battle, Feofment to Alicia Lorimer, da. of the aforesaid Heldiarde, of a Messuage that was Geoffrey le Frere's, between the Lands of Gilbert, the son of Gilbert Picot, and Thomas Newenham. Master Robert Cementarius, Alan his brother, Martin Pistore, John Blund, and other Witnesses. Agnes, da. of Helewise, of Sandlake, widow, Deed of Gift of Land, to Ormond, son of John de Leme. Testators, Mich, de Beche, Aub. Carpentarius, and others ; with Seal. Robert de Heutun, nephew of Dom. Richard, Rector of S. Mary, at Battle, Feofment to Gilbert Hercourt, of a Croft in the way from the Wood of Bodherst to the Church of St. Mary, at Battle. Michel de Beche, Walter, his son, Thomas le Waleys, John le Mone, Laurence Picot, William Petit, and other Witnesses. Deed of Gift from Henry, the Prior, and Monks of St. Martin in the Wood, to the Abbot and Convent of St. Martin, at Battle, that they may have a water-gang, of sixteen feet, through the middle of the Marsh of the Manor of Hoo, unto the Sea. Among the Witnesses are, " Gilberto Barrier, tunc Vis. Sussexiae," with his Seal, in white paste. John, son of Hugh le Hunte, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all the Rights and Claim the said Hugh le Hunte had to Lands and Possessions within the Liberties of Battle. Adam le Mone, Stephen Pessoner, Robert de Beche, and other Testators. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 23 Simon le Hunte, and Christiana de Grafherst, his wife, Re- lease and Quit Claim of two Tenements and Lands at Grafherst, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle. Adam le Haye, Elia de Grafherst, Mich, de Beche, and others, Testators. Both Seals perfect. Thomas Fitz Gilbert Hurtant, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Messuages and Lands in the town of Battle. Testes, Will, de Dene, Jo. Fun- tener, Rob. Piscator, and others. Seal. Edelina Husewyf, late wife of Thomas Pet, Deed of Release to the Abbey of Battle, of all Right and Claim she had in a Tene- ment, which they held, of her inheritance in Battle. Michel de Beche, Henr. Mag. Scolari de Bello, and others, Witnesses. Seal, white paste, " S' Edeline Hvswif." Mathew Igelock, Feofment to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage in the town of Battle, which fell to him, on the death of Henry le Assedrumere. John le Funtener, Will, de Dene, Adam le Mone, Rob. Portatorio, Ralph Yuegod, Jun., Thomas de Yuechurch, and other Testators. James, Rector of the Church of Sedelescumbe, Feofment of a Brook called Seggesbroc, in Wickam. Robert de Grottingeham, Ro- bert [Basoc] de Sedelescumbe, Knight ; John de Pepelesham, Thomas de Haremere, Alan of Robert's-bridge, Richard of Wickam, and others, Witnesses. Seal, white paste. Joshua, the Cellarer, or Store-keeper of the Abbey of Battle, Feof- ment, in confirmation of his Gift to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage in Sandlake that was sometime Geffry Morgan's, for the use of the Sacristary. Robt. de Suthynne, Robert le Gardiner, Richard Cok, Reginald atte Velde, and other Testators. Lambinus Kyng, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Land lying in a Field near the Wind- mill, on the way from Battle to Watlington, between the Lands of Fulcon Pycot, and John, son of John de Penda. Lord William de Sokenesse, Knight ; Michele de Beche, Luca de Swynham, John Godmefetch, Robert the Plasterer, and other Testators. Geoffry, son of Lambert King, Feofment to John Pysynge, Ave- lyne his wife, and Ralph their son, of all his Right and Claim within and without the town of Battle. John of London, John Mone, and others, Witnesses. Seal, fine and perfect. Admission of William Parker to Lands called Chauncey's, on the same Terms as in the time of Dom. Tho. Kyngeswell, late Trea- surer. Manor Court : John Bokelond, Steward. John le Knyft, and Matilda Cucku, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Sacristy of the Abbot and Convent of Battle, all the 24 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S)C. Lands and Tenements which Peter Cucku sometime held ; lying on the south side of the way leading from Battle to Botehurst- wood. William Aurifaber or Goldsmith, Ralph Yuegod, Geof- fry Gulyun, Adam le Mone, John Forester, Robert Sharp, and other Witnesses. Geoffrey de Sancto Leodegario, Feofment to Snelgar de Pu- pinton, of all his Lands of Popinton, which are of his fee of Mexefelde. William, and William de Gestlinge, and de Pitte, Priests ; Gilbert de Stanlie, Roger de Baldeslawe, Philip de Ges- teling, Stephen Platte, John de Bromham, Hamone de Stocke. Feofment from Robert de Sancto Leodegario to Snelgar de Pupintun, of all his lands in Pupintun which were of the fee of Mexfelde. William de Sart, then bailiff of Wicham, Philip de Gestlinges, John de Broham, Hamon de Stoke, and other Testators. William de Sancto Leodegario, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Land, the gift of Robert de Mancksye. Testes, William Lord of Echingham, J. de Sancto Leodegario, William Lord of Sokeness, J. Pechard, Stephen Hering, &c. Seal, red wax. Alan, son of Allan de Lidenham, Feofment, confirming a former Feofment, from the said Allan the father, for the salvation of the souls of himself, &c, of certain Rents arising from Lands called Barlasse, to the Almonry of the Abbey of Battle. Adam le Hay, Roger de Hoselonde, William de Snelham, Benedict de Liden- ham, Robert de Lidenham, &c ., Testes. Peter de Lydeham, Deed of Release to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, in pure and perpetual Alms, for the health of his soul, &c, of all his Land in the Field called Barlasse, held of the fee of John de Gestlinges. Lucas de Swinham, and other Tes- tators. Ingram de Manieres, son of Reginald de Manieres, Grant, confirming to God, the blessed Mary, and the Abbots and Monks of Robert's Bridge, for the health of his soul, &c, all the Lands and Tenements of Tudiland, with the Lands of Wicham, Pokeles- herst, Todeherst, Bishopesland, Betenesse, and Hodleye, with all other Lands, &c, to the said Tenement of Tudeland belonging, which Maud, his mother, in her widowhood gave to them, re- serving the services due to the King and the Earl. Peter de Scotigniis, Simon de Sumeri, Robert de Maneriis, Laur. de Mon- defeld, and other Testators. Robert de Mankessye, for the salvation of his soul, &c, Feof- ment to the Abbey of Battle of a rood of Land in Pevensey Marsh. Testators, Phillip de Essetteford, Ingelram and Ralph, his brothers, Ralph Franklin, Warner de Sumery, and others. Seal, red wax. Robert de Mankseye, Deed of Gift to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, for the salvation of his soul, &c, of Land, near the House Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 25 that was Simon de Munceant's, in Battle. Dom. Henry, Prior of , Cumbwell ; Dom. Petro, Prior of Michilham ; Thomas de Ba- vingelehamme, Berenger Tyre], Stephen de Northya, Ralph Frankelain, Benedict de Berga, and other Testators. William, Chaplain of Mankeseye, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, of Land, in Pevensey Marsh, adjoining the Lands of the Sacristary of the said Church. Lord de Sydeny, William de Bestenoure, Ralph de Gerston, Clerk ; Alured de Chillye, Jo. de Godecumbe, Mich, de Beche, Ralph Fuke, Al- moner, and other Testators. William, Chaplain of Mancksie, Feofment of Marsh Land, con- tiguous to Pevensey Marsh, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle. William de Sydeny, William de Bestenoure, Ralph de Gerston, Clerk, Mich, de Beche, Rob. Cementarius, and others, Testators. William, Chaplain of Mankeseye, Feofment to the Church of Battle, of Land in Pevensy Marsh, for the use of the Sacristry of the said Church. John de Godecumbe, Mich, de Beche, and others, Testators. Seal, red wax. William Fitz Manser, of Herst, Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of all his or his wife Alice's Right and Claim, in the Land which belonged to Olive de Wykam. Mich, de Beche, and others, Testators. Richard Mareschall, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, in free and perpetual Alms, of the Messuage that was Michel de Beche's, situate between the Messuages of John Fisher, and that, that was Reginald le Braseur's, in the Town of Battle. William de Sokenesse, Robert Basoc, Simon de Sumery, Henry de Gevingetun, William de Bromham, and other Tes- tators. Peter, son of Stephen Marshal, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, abutting, on the North, on the Messuage that was Vilard de Cur. Michel de Beche, Luca de Swynham, John God- mefetch, and other Testators. Avelina, da. of Stephen Marshal, late wife of Henry Melker, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, with Houses, Fields, &c, in the Town of Battle, her Dower. Robert Long, John de Giseburne, Hugh de Beche, Walter Turold, and other Testators. Nicholas Marshal and Constance his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of a Tenement in Bikelherst. Among the Witnesses are Michel de Beche, Robertus Cemen- tarius, Jo. de London, Ringero de Watlyngton, Jo. Godmefeche, Fulcon Coco, and others ; with both Seals, fine and perfect. Gervase de Marsh, Feofment to William Palerne, of Land, lying E 26 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8cc. between their Messuages, held of Robert de Mankesey, of the fee of Elias le Champion. Robert de Mankesey, Symon Tyrel, Remigius de Bosco, Richard de Bestenoue, Robert de Norton, Simon de Bestenoue, Helias le Champion, Simon Palmer, and other Testators. John Martel, son of John Martel,* Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Walter atte Cone, and his heirs, to two Messuages, with Buildings, &c, lying Eastward in the way leading from the Bore towards Donyngton, in the Borough of Monjoye, which were the gift of John his father. Will, de Dene, John Funtener, Ad. le Mone, John Forrester, Laur. Pykot, John his son, Adam Derby, Adam Picot, and other Testators. Henry, Chaplain de Mayefeld, Deed of Acknowledgment to John, Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, that he rented of them, the House, which he had given to them, to inhabit therein so long as he should live. His brothers, Laurence the Chaplain, and Philip, Laurence, Matthew, and Absalon, Clerks ; Robert Murdat, Gilbert Dispensatore, Mathew Portatorio, and other Testators. William Melkre, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, of all his Lands held of the fee of Whatlington, and of Wicham. William de Echingham, Wil- liam de Sokeness, Joel de S. Germano, and Robert Basok, Knights ; Henry de Giuingetun, John de Ikelesham, and other Testators. Simon, son and heir of Richard quondam le Melkere, Feofment to Richard le Mylun, son of Geffery the Tanner, of a Tene- ment, with the Appurtenances, in the Parish of Monjoye. Among the Witnesses are William Goldsmith, William de Duna, and others. Seal, white paste, fine and perfect. " S' Simonis le Melkere." Basilia, da. of Bereman Mercator, Feofment of Land in the Town of Battle, to Fulco Picot. John Godmevecche, and others, Testators. Seal. Helewysa, da. and heiress of Hugonis Mercatoris de Bello, Feofment of Land, at Domford, to Laurence Picot. The Witnesses were, John de Ley, bailiff to the Lord Abbot of Battle ; Adam Pikot, John de Giseburne, and others ; with seal, white paste. * Charles Martel, the ancestor of these men, beld a chief command at the memorable battle of Hastings, against Harold. " The Duke [William the Norman] divided his army into three lines; the first, led by Roger de Mont- gomery, consisted of archers and light armed infantry; the second, com- manded by Charles Martel, was composed of his bravest battalions, heavy armed, and ranged in close order ; the cavalry, led on by the Duke, formed the third line. The signal of battle given, the whole army moving at once, singing the hymn of Roland, the famous peer of Charlemagne, advanced towards the English." Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, tyc. 27 Helewysa, da. of Hugo Mercatorius, late wife of Walter de Gulatoris, Feofment to John de Pysynge, Avelyne, his wife, and Ralph, their son, of Part of a Curtilage in the Town of Battle. The Testators are, John de Renne, then bailiff to the Lord Abbot of Battle; Mich, de Beche ; Robert, the Plasterer; Ad. Pykot; Laur. Pykot ; Jo. de Giseburne, and many others. Seal, fine and perfect ; inscription, " S' Helewise fil. Hvgonis Mercat." John, son of Robert le Monier, Feofment to the Abbot and Con- vent of Battle, of a Curtilage in Battle, by the Lands of Robert le Cuper. Testators, Master Benedict de Haya, Dom. Andrew, Vicar de Haya, Dom. Robert de Lammoys, Fulcone de Rakeley, John le Norreys, and others. Feofment from Mabilia, formerly wife of Lord John Mowin, to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent issuing out of Helmiggefeld and Breg- gefeld. Mabilia, widow of Lord John Mowin, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of all her Right to Rents arising in Helmiggefeld and Breggeselle, pertaining to her in the name of Dowry. Lord John Mowin, her son ; Lord Wil- liam de Hastings ; Robert, his brother ; Walter de Beche, John Fontener, and other Witnesses. Feofment from William de Munceaus* to the Abbey of Battle, of Haifa Mark of Silver, to be received yearly at Battle. Among the Testes are, Thomas de Munceaus, his uncle Galfridus de Sancto Leodegario, Lord of Wercklinge, and many others. The Seal large, of brown wax, with an equestrian figure; on his shield above, " Sigillum Willelmi Monceaus." Thomas le Neweman, Feofment to his da. Isabella, of a Messuage in Battle, between those of Gilbert Picot and Barthol. le Swan, extending to the Strata Regia. Testators, Mich, de Beche, Thomas de Haremere, John Godmeueche, Nich. Mareschall, and others. Geoffrey de Noll, Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, respecting a Tenement in the Fee of Mexfeld. Witnesses, Wil- liam de Esse, William de la Strode, Walterus de Tunstall, and others ; with Seal fine and perfect. Geffrey le Noll, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, of a Tenement near GrafFherst, in the Parish of Gesteling, held of the Fee of Mexfeld. Stephen de Esse, Will, de la Strode, Rob. de * Camden, referring to the Castle and Manor of Herstmonceaux, states that in the reign of Henry the Second it belonged to a gentleman named " Le Heist," whose son married an heiress of the family of Monceaux : that name was, in consequence, added to Heist, and thenceforward the manor had the appellation of Herstmonceaux. The castle, the oldest and most complete edifice of brick-work in the king- dom ; in the time of King Edward the Second, and for many succeeding gene- rations, belonged to the ancient family of Fynes or Fiennes. 28 Battle Abbey Charters, Giants, Deeds, &>c. Eughetun, Walter de Tunstal, Robert de Bromham, Hamond de Stocke, and other Testators. Stephen de Northya, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, for the sal- vation of his soul and those of his antecessors, to the Sacristary of Battle, of Land lying near the house of Simon Munceus, which was the Gift of Robert de Mankesey. Thomas de Bauelingeham, Gerard Bret, Ralph Frankelain, Benedict de Bergos, William Palerne, and other Testators. William de Northey, Knight, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Sacristary of the Abbey of Battle, of Land conti- guous to the Park of the said William. Roger de Beninden, Ste- phen de Bosinton, Simon de Sumery, John de Godecumbe, Robert de Bromham, John le Fontener, John de Peplesham, and other Testators. Gregory Nunnons ? Feofment to Thomas de Yuecherche, of Rent issuing from Tenements in Brembell and Monjoye. Adam Mone, William Goldsmith, John Forster, and others, Witnesses. Seal fine and perfect. Adam de Hockam and Robert de Hockam, Feofments to the Monks of Robertsbridge, of a Pool, from which the Water of Lunenels ran to the Mill of Redreland, or Retreland ; with Seals. Stephen de Ocham, Grant to the Abbey of Robertsbridge, of a Course of Water leading from his Mill at Ocham. Among the Testators are, Domino Matheo de Hastings, Domino Will , de Northya, Symon de Lunesford, and others. Seal perfect. There is also a confirmation of this Grant, n°. 1524. Seal, green wax, in beautiful preservation. Thomas Olaf, Feofment to Osmond of Rouen, of a Right of Way to his Land from the King's Highway. Rich, de Beche, Robert le Mazun, Martin Mercator, Walter de Loxbeche, William Cord- wainer, and other Testators. William de Ora, for the salvation of his soul, of the souls of his father and his mother, &c, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, and the Monks thereof, of Land, of his Fee in Cruddelond, adjoining the Meadow of the said Monks, called Cornwisse, lengthways to the King's High Way leading to the Bridge of Iltonesbath. Simon de Echinge- ham, Petro de Scoteney, William de Munceaus, Robert de Has- tings, Simon de Sumeri, and other Testators. Hugh de Ores, son of Richard de Wylendun, Feofment to Wil- liam of Echingham, of a Coppice at Wylendun, with Land on which the Grange stands, &c. Alexandre de Sorteknelle, Richard Branch, and other Testators. Hugh de Ores, son of Richard de Wilendun, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Sacristary of the Church of S. Martin, Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 2ft at Battle, and the Monks thereof, of Land in Wilendun, in the Field called Ores, lying lengthways from the Way leading to the House of the said Hugh to the Foss, called Ordyk. Simon de Echingham, William de Muncellus, Robert de Firley, Geffrey le Champeneis, Hamone Saget, Symon de Hydenye, and other Wit- nesses. Hugh des Ores, son of Richard de Wilunden, in pure and per- petual Alms, to the Sacristy of the Church of S. Martin, and for the health of his soul, &c, Feofment of Land in Wilendun, in the Field called Ores, close by the Land that Hamond Saget had in marriage with his wife Margaret, and in lengthways towards the Foss called Ordyke. Simon de Echingham, William de Muncell, Robert de Firles, Geoffrey le Champeneis, and other Witnesses. Henry de Palerne, with the assent of Henry his heir, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, and the Monks there, the Servants of God, of all the Land that he and Elias the Miller en- closed from the Sea, with all his Right to the Lands which Wil- liam Tyrell held of him. Michel the Chaplain, Henry the Chap- lain, Osbert son of Henry de Palerne, Henry his heir, Master Giles, Roger Pellipario, Hamon, son of Bertram, Ralph Vachier, Stephen Mareshall, and other Testators. Henry, son of Henry de Palerne, with the assent of his brother John, and for the good of his soul, and those of his ancestors and successors, Deed confirming the Gift of his father of certain Lands to the Abbey of Battle. Helias Molinarius, who then held these Lands, is the principal Testator : William Tirel, Stephen Marshall, Robert Buckbeard, and others, are named as Witnesses. Seal. / Robert de Palerne, son and heir of Henry de Palerne, Feofment to William de Palerne, his uncle, of a rood of Land, with Mill, &c, in the Parish ; the annual Rent to be paid to the Church of S. Martin in Battle, for the salvation of the soul of the said Robert de Palerne. Robert de Manckesye, Thomas de Beste- nore, William his son, Henry de Giuingeton, Hamone Saget, Robert de Northone, Robert de Rye, and other Testators. Eleanor, Countess of Pembroke, sister of King Henry the Third, for the good of her soul, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Houses and Lands, in the Manor of Sutton, which they have of Durand, son of Waldelin de Sutton. Dominus Ralph, her Chaplain ; Hugh de la Mare, William Blowet, and other Witnesses. John, son of John de Penda, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Field near Plasset, which Roger Cole late held- of the Abbot and Convent. Michel de Beche, Luca de Swynham, John Godmefeche, William Cord- wainer, and other Testators. 30 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Stephen Pessoner, Feofment to John, his son, of Rent arising from a Messuage in Middleburgh, adjoining that of Thomas de Had- deleghe. Robert Mortimer, Ralph de Beche, and other Testators. Indenture of Fine levied in the Manor Court of Battle, before Dom. John Breman, then Seneschal, and Ralph de Scharndenne, then Bailiff, of the Lord Abbot of Battle, between Stephen Pessoner and Isabella his wife, Plaintiffs, and John, Parson of the Church of Watlington, Deforciant, of three Messuages and seventy acres of Land, Wood and Heath, &c. in the Town of Battle. Stephen Pessoner, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin of Battle, and the Monks thereof, the servants of God, of six Tenements, in the Boroughs of Monjoye and Brambelegh, that were Simon le Coliere's, Simon Wynter's, Reginald Heradyn's, Coke Crul's, John Copyn's, and Barthol. Plomer's. Five acres of Wood, and two of Land, called Drotesland, of the Fee of Beche, lying near la Reder, [the Rother ?] Also of Rents payable by Stephen le Glover and Rob. Campyon, in Sandlake ; Peter de Beche ; Alicia de Shepaye, from a Tenement that was Dionysia Crul's ; Mathew Pessoner, &c. Robert Petit, of Battle, Feofment to Robert de Hentny, of a Croft in the Town of Battle. The Testes are Richard, Parson of Battle ; Mich, de Beche, &c. Seal perfect. Isabella, formerly the wife of Robert le Pet, of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Right and Claim in the Tenement which sometime belonged to the said Robert, her husband ; the security for the full per- formance of which, at her own instance, is named, the Lord Richard, Dean of Battle. Testes, Jo. Fontiner, and others. Seal. Richard de Pevensey and Isabella his wife, Feofment to Lord Thomas de Monte Acute,* of a Tenement near Bestenoue, in the Parish of Pevensey. Lord William de Echingham, William de Goldingeham, Robert le Poer, and William Harengot, Knights; Gervase de Besteuonere, Beringer Tyrel, Simon de Hellingcleghe, and other Testators. Gilbert Picot, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of that piece of Land which accrued to him in a Field east of the Windmill. Testators, Will, de Sokenesse, Knight ; Michel de Beche. William Cordwainer, Robert the Plasterer, &c. Seal, " Gilebert Picott." * Thomas de Montacute, seventh Earl of Salisbury, son of John de Monta- cute, Baron Montacute, &c., sixth Earl of Salisbury, and Marshal of England, attainted and beheaded in 1400, when all the honours became forfeited. Thomas de Montacute appears to have been restored so far, that, Oct. 26, 1409, he was summoned to parliament as M Thomae Comiti Sarum." He was K.G., and fully restored in blood and honours in 1421. He died in 1428, s. p. m. Alice, his only da. and heir, having man . Halph, first Earl of Westmorland ; he was,. in 1442, created the eighth Earl of Salisbury. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 31 Feofraent from Gilbert Picot, to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent is- suing out of Land, called Sherwode, in Battle. Michel de Beche and other Witnesses. Seal, beautiful impression, red wax. In this instrument Gilbert speaks of his brother, Adam. Adam Picot, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of a Field, with the Appurtenances, in Battle. Among the Testators are Michel de Beche, John Godmefetch, &c. Seal in beautiful condition. Adam Picot and Margery his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey of Battle, of nine Acres of Land in Manfosse, for twelve Acres in Birchet. Among the Testators are William Cordwainer, John Godmeveche, and others. Seal perfect. William, son of Laurence Picot, Feofment to Simon Picot, his brother, of a Croft called Opperneueland Croft, adjoining, on the West, the Land of Petronilla, sister of the said Simon, in the Town of Battle. Reginald de Beche, John le Funtener, Will, de Dene, Robert atte Park, John Forester, Ad. le Mone, and other Testators. Petronilla, da. of Laur. Pycot, Feofment of a Field called Husfekl, at Donyforde, in the Parish of Battle. Testators, John Funtener, William Goldsmith, &c. Petronilla, da. of Laurence Picot, of Battle, Feofment to Simon, her brother, of Land near Donyforde, situate between Husfeld and Nywelandcroft, in the Parish of Battle. John le Funtener, Will. de Dene, Rad. Yeugod, Jun., Ad. le Mone, and other Testators. Feofment of John of Pisinge to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent issuing out of Land in Battle. Among the Witnesses are Henry de Penehurst, William Giffard, William de Dene, &c. ; with Seal. John de Pysinges, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, to the Sacristary thereof, of all his Rents in Agmersherst, in the Parish of Esburneham, his Rents in the Parish of Burgherse, &c. Dom. Will, de Northye, Dom. John Mowyn, Knights ; Simon de Sumeri, Lord of Cattesfelde ; Walter de Beche, Walter le Dene, Robert de Bromham, John le Fontenor, John le Mone, Thomas Skyret, and other Testators. John, son of Bartholomew le Plomer, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Land called Clapmere, in the Parish of Cattesfeld, in exchange for a Messuage in the Town of Battle. Testators, Reginald de Beche, Mich, de Beche, and others. Seal, fine impression. n°. 898, probably of earlier date, is a Feofment from this John, of a piece of Land, called Clapmere, to Joshua, son of William of Watlington. This Deed has the Seal, fine and perfect. Allan, the Merchant, son of William Pollard, Feofment to John Fitz Hervie de Suwerk, of a Messuage, between that of John de 32 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. la Pende, on the East, and of Geffray Aired, on the West. The head in the way leading to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, on the South ; and, on the North, by the Garden of the Lord Abbot and Convent. William Gefray, then Seneschal of Battle ; William de Dene, Michel de Beche, Walter, his son, Richard de Beche, John de Gisburne ; and other Testators. John, son of Snelgar de Popinthone, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Peter of Blidenham, son of William de Cuokebregge, of his right in Land near the Brook of Blidenham, which was of the Land of Bartholomew of Blidenham, lying before " la Sneppe in Broco ;" formerly held by Snelgar and the said John, of Bartholomew, and afterwards of his heirs, Alicia and Cecilia his daughters. Robert de Brede, Heliseo de Hudumere, Adam le Haye, and other Testators. John de Popynton, Feofment, in perpetual Alms, to the Almonry of S. Martin at Battle, of six Acres, and seven Virgates of Brook, and two acres of Land by the said Brook, extending to the place called the Old Mill, towards Aquilonem, &c. Simon de Brunes- ford, and other Testators. Wybert, son and heir of John de Pupinton, for the salvation of his soul, and those of his antecessors and his parents, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Almonry of Battle, of all his Lands in Pupinton, which were John his father's. William de Echingham, William de Sokenesse, William Bethel, William de Pirlington, Roger de Bromham. Robert, son of John Prud, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Lord Abbot and Convent at Battle, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, situated between the Messuages of Adam Picot, on the North, and of Reginald de Camera, on the South. Michel de Beche, Luca de Swinham, Lambinus King, Robert Cementarius, Richard Bacheler, and other Testators. Alan de Pukehole, Feofment to Geoffrey, Ailred, and Wilard de Merite, children of Gilebert de Bosco, of all his Lands at Puke- hole, called Estfeld, lying between the Lands of Rikelherste and Geoffrey de Pukehole, with the Mill Stream, &c. Testators, Lord Laurence de Mundefeld, Richard de Esburneham, Symone de Cattesfeld, Michel de Beche, Richard Marshal, Thomas de Kingesuode, Richard de Mailing, &c. John le Purs, Feofment to Richard le Breumay, of the Messuage in the Street leading to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, bounded on the West by the Lands of Petronilla Textoris, and on the East by the Lands of Reginald de Camera, Adam Piscator, Vitellius Curtius, and Thomas Pellipii, and on the South by the Lands of Henry le Milkere. Mich, de Beche, Waiter his son, Thomas le Waleis, and other Testators. Walter de Rakelee, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, in pure and perpetual Alms, of a Watermill, with the Battle Abbey Charters^ Grants, Deeds, #c. 33 Land, the Scite thereof, In Rakelee, held by him of the Prior and Convent of Cumbwell ; as also of Land, called Bisshoppeshamme, held by him of the same. William de Echingham, William de Sokenesse, Michel de Beche, Thomas de Haremere, William de Hastings, Reingerus de Watlington, and other Testators. Peter, son and heir of Edward de Rette, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of all his Right in the Lands of Rette, with their Appurtenances, Tenements, &c. Michel de Beche, William de Guttershole, Luca de Swynham, Robert Cementarius, and other Testators. Vennota, relict of Thomas Russell, Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement demised to them by her husband. Witnesses, Mich, de Beche, Jo. de Aqua, Jo. de Popplesham, &c. Seal, red wax, fine impression. Luke, son of Richard Saluage, or Savage, for the health of his soul, &c, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, of an Annual Rent, to be paid by Alexander de Swinham, for his Tenement in Swinham, towards the perpetual burning of a Lamp before the Altar of S. Mary in that Church. Philip de Essette- ford, Osbert de Leuesham, Richard Marshal, Jordan de Prinkeham, and other Witnesses. Tristram, sou of Luke [Savage?] Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Renger Marsh, in my English Field called Middelfeld, towards Shutest, between the Lands of Robert atte Pudele on the South, and Walter Iraud on the East. Dom. Ralph Harengod, Knight ; Laurence his son, " tunc socio suo," Robert Gascoigne, Meynard de Cornhethe, and other Testators. Adam Samuel, Deed of Release to Agnes Gric, of a Messuage, with Buildings thereon, &c, in Winchelsea. Reginald Ruffo, and other Testators. Clement Sericlege, Feofment to Alicia, his da., of Lands in the Marshes of Codinge, called Scorthelte and Drauegelande, &c. Reingerus de Northey, Samson of Battle, Hugh de Lundres- forde, and others, Witnesses. The Alicia here noticed, marr. one of the family of Suinery ; and mention is made of the lands promised by Warner de Sumery to the Monastery of St. Bridget, London. See Sumeri, subs. John de Setelescombe, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Setelescombe, between Scoteslond and Wudelond. The Witnesses are, William de Echingham, Ralph of OIkingham, Reingarus de Watlington, and others ; with Seal. John Sharp, son of Philip of Hamme, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle of all the Land and Woods in Hamme, inherited by him from his father ; a Messuage in Battle, which John Prud formerly held, between that of Adam Pikot on the North, and that of F 34 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Reginald Camera on the South, &c. Mich, de Beche, and others, Witnesses. Seal perfect. Thomas Skyret, of Watlington, Feofment, in pure and perpetual Alms, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Lands lying in the Fields of Revelonde and Catecumbe, and the Parish of Watling- ton. Will, de Hodesdale, William de Watlington, Geffrey de Hucstepe, Robert de Park, Robert le Bordere, John le Forester, Adam le Mone, Peter Sherreve, and other Witnesses. Feofment, by which John, son of Reginald Sperner, quitted all his right to Lands near Westefelde, and about the Pool of Stonpett, held by the said Reginald Sperner of the Abbot and Convent of Battle, in exchange for all the Lands held of them by Anquetil de Vkeham, with part of the Land and Wood called Guy's Land, &c. Lord John Movvyn, Knight ; Mich, de Beche, Richard de Beche, Robert Bromham, Ralph de Swynham, John Funtener, and other Testators. Ingelramus de Stoke, Feofment to Robert Foster, of Land lying in the way from Mexfeld to Lydeham. Godfrey de Pette, Vin- centio de Mexefeld, and others, Testators. Alicia de Sumery, Feofment of two Virgates of Land, Scorhelte and Drauekelande, &c, to William de Sumery, her son. Hobert de Hastings, William de Bodiham, and others, Testators. See Sericlege, ante. Alicia de Sumeri, Feofment to Samfrid de Sumeri, her son, of Lands of her Dowry in Kayworth, which Adnoth, and Rob. de Kayworth, and Rich, de la Grene held ; and in the West part of Condele, which Simon, the son of Adnoth, held. Lord William de Monceaus, Robert de Auberville, and other Testators. Warenek de Sumeri, Confirmation of the Gift of Lands in Kay- worth and Condele, part of the Dower of Alicia his Grandmother, which she had given to Samfrid, his uncle. Lord William de Munceaeus, Peter de Scoteni, Robert de Hastings, Robert de Au- bereville, Richard de Esburneham, Robert Basoc, Roger de Baldes- lowe, Oliver de Westefield, John de Peplesham, and other Wit- nesses. Robert de Sumery, Deed confirmatory of the Gift of Lands in the Hundreds of Beausse and Ninenefeld, by Samfridus de Sumeri, his uncle, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle. William de Ech- ingham, William de S. Leodegario, and other Testators. Warner de Sumeri, for the health of his soul, Feofment of cer- tain Rents in Battle, to the Church of S. Martin, for the perpe- tual burning of a Lamp before the. Altar of S. Mary in that Church. Symon, Chaplain de Pleidemere ? Philip de Essettesford, Baldwin of Canterbury, Michael de Beche, and other Testators. Simon de Sumeri, son of Simon de Sumeri, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin at Battle, and the Monks thereof, of a Mill- Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, $c. 35 pool at Piperenges, within his Fee of Cattesfeld. Master Richard, of Battle; Ralph, Hector of the Church of Cattesfelde ; Robert de Hastings, Walter de Sumery, Simon de Sumery his son, Mathew Portatorio, Ysaac de Stamford, and other Testators. John Pycard, otherwise Somery, of the Parish of Bexle, Feofment to Robert atte Helestrete, of Land in the Field called Holdewelle. John de Codinge, John de Lydeleghe, and other Testators. Richard de Suthynne, Feofment to Robert de Suthynne, his son, of Land, with Wood and Brook adjoining, called Shortenorlangs, in the Parish of Gestlinges. John Cressy, Robert Langhurst, Wil- liam Suthynne, Simon Northinne, William Sodintonne, Richard Kinge, and other Testators. Warnerus de Sutherton, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Right in Lands in Su- thinton, in the Parish of Weange. Mich, de Beche, Robert de Sumeri, Lucas de Swynham, Reynold de Peplesham, and other Testators. Lucas de Swinham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement, with the Appurte- nances, in Bernehorne, \ concesserunt in quo adjuxta omnia in suffi- ciencia in Victualibus et aliis necessariis.' Michel de Beche, Ralph de Greston, Henry, Master of the School, and other Tes- tators. Giles Smith, son of Luke of Swinham, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement in the Parish of Hoo, for the perpetual burning of a Light before the Altar of the Blessed Virgin, in the said place. Simon de Cattesfeld, Walter de Beche, Adam Picot, John de Giseburne, and others, Testators. Tayllor, see Haremere, ante. Jo. Taylor de Wyndsore, Feofment to the Abbey of a Messuage in the town of Battle. Richard de Beche and Jo. de Giseburne are among the Testes. Seal, green wax, " S. Johiscissor P." John, son of Hugh de Tobbefield, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Rent of a Tenement, in the town of Battle, between that of Reginald de Camera on the North, and that of Thomas de Rode on the South. The Testators, Adam de Cumbe, then Bailiff of Wy ; William de Dene, and others ; with Seal. Master Thomas de Torpel, in pure Alms to the Church of Battle, and to the Monks, the servants of God there, Feofment of the Tenement called Newenham, near Balderslow, in the Rape of Hastings, that belonged to Stephen, the son of Randolph of^ New- enham, &c. William de Sokeness, Lord William de Coding, Walter de Baldeslow, Michel de Beche, John Godmeleche, and other Testators. Matthew the Dyer (Tynctoris) and Alice his wife, Feofment 36 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. to the Abbey of Battle, of a Field, with the Way thereto, and the Appurtenances, in Martdenn ; one of the Seals broken. — Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Abbey of Battle, from William Fitz Matthew, Dyer, of his Right and Claim in Lands and Tenements, which they have of the gift of the aforesaid Matthew and Alice. Seal, green wax, perfect. John le Veneur, Feofment to Osmond [Cordwainer] of Rouen, of all his Lands in the Hoke, at Battle. Roberto Cementario, Adam Pistore, Reginaldo Bedello, and others, Testators ; with Seal. Deed of Release and Quit Claim from John, son of Alatn le Ve- neur, to the Abbey of Battle, of a Messuage next Arellewelle. Master Robert, Plasterer, of Battle, John Godmefeche, and others, Witnesses. Seal, fine and perfect. Among these dateless Deeds, is also a Release and Quit Claim from Mo- nimia, formerly wife of John, son of Alan Vaneur, to the Abbey of Battle, of all Right and Claim to Tenements, which she bought of the aforesaid John, her husband. Seal, brown paste. A Release and Quit Claim from Joan, formerly the wife of Richard !e Vanor, or Veneur, of Battle, &c. Richard Venator, son of William de Wicham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Monks of the Abbey and Convent of Robert's-bridge, of all his Lands in Wicham, and Rents of Tene- ments, &c. in Wicham, in exchange for the Lands at Pokeleser- scham. Robert de Glotingeham, Osbert and Thomas de Hare- mere, Thomas de Herst, Alan of Robert's Bridge, Giles de Pesse- legh, John de Sedelescumbe, Adam de Schoiswelle, and other Testators. Joan, formerly wife of Richard le Vanur, of Battle, Feofment to Stephen Glouere, of Rents arising from Tenements of Ingeramus de Bocherstgate and Robert le Plomer, in Battie. Robert de Suthynne, Peter Gardiner, Stephen Pessoner, and other Tes- tators. Walter de Walilaunde, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Robert Basock of Sedlescombe, of his Right in a Field called Wodelond. Seal, in white paste, perfect. Fulco, son of Warin, Knight, and Claricia his wife, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle of an Acre of Land, in the Street leading to Wynchelse. Seal, white paste; equestrian figure on the one side, his arms on the other. The Seal of Clara, the wife, wanting. Oliva de Wicham, widow, Feofment, with the consent of Osbert, her son, to the Almonry of Battle, of Meadow Land, called Brode- wise. Robert, Almoner of Battle, Testator. AV alter Bubuli, and Agnes his wife, da. of the said Oliva, Feof- ment to Richard the Monk, Almoner of Battle, of Meadow Land in Trandelie. Robert Basoc, and others, Testators. Batlte Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 37 Oliva de Wickham, widow, Feofment to the Almonry of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Meadow Land in Trandelie, which was the Gift of Walter Bubulli to Agnes, my da., his wife. Michel de Beche, and other Testators. Oliva de Wicham, widow, for the health of her soul, of the souls of all her ancestors and successors, &c, Feofment to the Sacristary of the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, of Land in Wickam, lying between the Park of Gilbert Hod and the Brook of Wycham. Simon de Lunesford, and other Testators. Oliva de Wicham, for the salvation of the souls of herself, her an- tecessors and successors, Feofment to the Sacristary of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Meadow Land contiguous to the Almonry of Battle. GefFery Helred, Adam de Porta, Lambino King, Gilbert Hod, and other Testators. Walter, son and heir of Oliva of Wikeham, Feofment to John Godmefetch, of two Acres of Brook in Wicham. John of Sed- lescumbe, Richard Hunter, and others, Witnesses. Seal perfect. There are other Feofraents from this Olive de Wicham to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Frandelee, and to the said Walter, her son and heir, of Meadow Land in Battle. In some she is described as " Olive de Wicham, widow ; " in others as Olive de Wicham, da. of Ralph de Wicham. These last relate to meadow land in Wicham, called Brodewyss, and a small wood in the same place. This has her seal, and among the testators is John Godmefeche. There is also a Feofment to the Abbey of Battle from Richard the Hunter, son of William of Wicham, of all his Land in Wicham. William de Wycham, to Dom. Thomas Torpel, Clerk, Feofment of a Coppice called Vertham, in the Way leading from Baldeslow towards Wycham. Richard de Regge, Symon de Nyueham, Peter de Baldeslow, and other Testators. William de Wike, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle of a Grove, called Wikgrof, in Newenham. Among the Testes are, Michel de Beche, Thomas Russel, John de Sedlescumbe, and others. Seal of W. de Wike, line and perfect. Richard de Whatlington, son of Robert de Whatlington, for the love of God and the salvation of his soul, for the souls of his father and mother, &c, Feofment to the Church of St. Martin at Battle, and the Monks thereof, of all his Lands in Buland, which Clement Clerk held of him. Thomas, my son, Henry de Here- ford, Guy de S. Paul, Gilbert Dispensatore, Mathew Portatorio, Thomas de Sedlescumbe, Richard de Esburneham, and other Testators. Richard de Watlington, Feofment of all his Part of the Brook between Cornore, Eure, and Smayleville, to Ralph de Hukestepe. Among the Testes are, Thomas de Sedlescumbe and Gilbert his brother, Reingarius de Watlington, William, Priest of Brichling- ton, " who wrote this instrument." Seal, green wax, perfect. 38 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Rlngerius de Watlington, Feofment of the Manor of Creggelond to Andrew le King. Witnesses, John of Sedlescumbe, Roger his son, &e. Seal perfect. Joan, late wife of Rengerus de Whatlyngton, Deed of Gift to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all her Right and Interest in a Tenement in the Town of Battle, accruing to her in the name of Dower. Michel de Beche, John de Sedlescumbe, and other Testators. Thomas of Whatlingetun, son of Richard of Watlington, Feof- ment of Land in the Field of Eure to the Abbey of Battle ; with Seal. Among the Testes are, Herbert, Viscount Sussex ; Nicholas Harengot, Osbert de Leuesham, Ric. Mareschallus, Ric. Vena- tore, and many others. Thomas de Whatlington, son of Richard de Whatlington, for the salvation of his soul, &c, Feofment to the Church of S. Martin, and the Monks thereof, of all his Land in the Field of Eure, the small Wood between Smalewisse and the Waters edge, at What- lington, all his Part of Smalewisse, and the Brook, which Ralph de Huckelstepe held. Herbert, Viscount Sussex; Nicholas Ha- rengot, Osbert de Leuesham, Mathew Portatorio, Luca Swinham, and other Testators. Thomas, son and heir of Thomas de Whatlyngton, Feofment to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, with Croft adjacent, lying between the Messuages of Henry Melker and Nicholas Coke, in the Town of Battle. Robert Basock, Knight; Michel de Beche, Thomas Russel, Luca de Swinham, and other Testators. William, son of Joshua of Whatlington, Feofment to Thomas of Whatlington, his brother, of the Field called Revelond, which he had in exchange for Spluerigge, of Thomas de Haremere, his uncle. William de Hodesdale, Thomas Squiret, Geffrey de Huc- stepe, Roger le Wylde, Joshua de Finhagh, and other Testators. Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, from Thomas, son of Thomas of Watlyngton, of Land called Wickwysse, in Watlington. Testes, Michel de Beche, Jo. Piscator, Jo. Clement, and others. Seal, white paste, " S' Thome de Watlington," figure, a bird, fine and perfect. Thomas de Whatlyngton, gift to the Almonry of Battle, of cer- tain Rents payable by William, son of Joshua de Haremere, for Lands held by Alexander, son of Hugh de la Forde, in the Parish of Whatlyngton, towards maintaining the perpetual burning of a Lamp before the Altar of the Virgin, in the Church of S. Martin, at Battle. William de Whatlyngton, Ralph, his brother, John Funtener, William de Dene, Alan de la Haye, and other Tes- tators. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, &c. 39 Agreement between the Abbot and Convent of Battle and Ralph Yeuegod, Baron of Winchelsey, for letting, at fee farm, a Mes- suage, with the Appurtenances, in Winchelsey. Seal of Radulfi Ivegod, figure in centre, a fish, fine and perfect. Rental of the Manor of Battle, " redditus ad festum Natiuitatis Sci Joins Baptisti," &c, exhibits Brook Rent, Rents of Lands in Breggeselle, Sandlak, Borga de Middleburgh, Borga de Monjoye, Whatlyngton, Wykham, Westfelde, Gotherst, Felham, Hel- tongsbathe, Glasie Brooke Rente, Romescot de Vkham, Tel- ham, &c. This roll, of great length, n°. 614, was exhibited in Chancery, in the cause Sir Thomas Webster, Bart, v. Joseph and Robert Mercer, attested by the Masters in Chancery. Valuable to the historian, as giving the names of the parcels of land. GRANTS AND DEEDS, CHRONOLOGICALLY ARRANGED. Grant of the Meadow of Bodiham to the Monastery of Battle, 1109, 10 Henr. I. The principal Testators are Priests. The particulars of this Grant are transcribed into the original Char- tulary, p. cviij. rev. Henry Earl oe Ewe,* Deed of Confirmation to the Abbey of Battle, of whatsoever his men, both in England and Normandy, hath given or shall give to the said Church for the health of their souls, except the head of the Manor, and the Knight's service, which he granted for the salvation of his soul, of the souls of his father and mother, of the soul of Matilda his wife, deceased, of the souls of his kindred, and of all his parents, and ancestors. The Testators were Geraldus de Normanuilla Dapifer meus iEgelrameus Vicecomes, Anselm de Fraelvilla, Hugo Defulcar- monte ; and on the part of the Monks were iElredus Dapifer Abbatis, and others. This document is worthy of notice, from the circumstance that ten other witnesses have made each a cross, it is consequently an autograph attestation. * Henry, Earl of Eu, Ou, or Owe, for it is so written all three ways by old authors, was the son of John, Earl of Eu, who married Alice, da. of William de Albini, Earl of Arundel, and died in 1170, 17 Hen. II. Henry was living in 1 194, as he then paid 621. 10*. for levying the scutage, for the redemption of Richard Coeur de Lion, who had been taken prisoner by the Duke of Austria, on his return from the Holy Land. The Earl died temp. Rich. I., leaving issue Alice his daughter and heir, married to Ralph or Robert de Yssendon, who in her right had the Earldom of Ewe and Barony of Tickhill, which afterwards by the adherence of William his son, to the French, escheated to the crown. Henry the Third gave it to his son Prince Edward, who bestowed it afterwards on Henry of Almaine, son to Richard Earl of Cornwall. 40 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, &c. Grant confirming to the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, three Wistafs of Land, in Bernehorne ; Tithes in Bucholt, and the Gifts of all previous Benefactors. The Testators are the Viscount Ingelram, AnseJm de Fraeuilla, iElredus Dapifer Abbatis, and others. Of these Grants by Henry Earl of Ewe, there is a certificate of their being extant among the archives of the Monastery of Battle, by Richard Fitz-Neale, Bishop of London, who held that see from 1189 to 1199, and probably attested these Grants upon the death of the Earl, which is gene- rally believed to have occurred before the last named year. The other Deeds recited in the Bishop's instrument are the following: — Deed of John, Earl of Ou, confirming the Gift of Godfrey de Sancto Leodegario, of Land beyond Winchelsea, &c. Deed from Gervis de Leodegario, confirming the Gift of his father and mother to the Abbey of Battle. Another Deed confirmatory of the Grant oi Lands beyond Winchelsea ; and a Deed from Thomas de Sancto Leode- gario, confirmatory of the Gift made by his father, Gosefridus de Leo- degario. William de Sancto Leodegario, Deed of Gift to the Abbey of Battle, of all his Land which he possessed beyond Wynchelse. Deed of confirmation from Clarembaldus to the Abbey of Battle, of Land called Maries, beyond Winchelse. Anselm de Fraelvilla, Certificate of having, with the concurrence of his Lord, Henry, Earl of Ou, or Ewe, sold to Ralph, Abbot, and the Monks of the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, his Lands, called Dudilande and Bregesele, &c. ; notifying also his gift of an Acre of Meadow Land, and the Tythes of his Ville, called Glesye, to them, for the salvation of his soul, and those of his parents, living and dead ; with the concurrence of Roger, his son and heir. The Witnesses on his part, are the Viscount Ingelram, Stephen de Thorneham, Bartholomew de Cruil, William de Sumeri, Helia, his son, &c. On the part of the Abbot Ralph, and the Monks, is named their whole Chapter, Reimbertus, the Abbot's servant, iElfricus, Steward of the Monastery, and others. Agreement made between Odo,* the Abbot, and Convent of the Church of S. Martin at Battle, and Robert de Iclesham, being a Release of this said Robert's claim to Land in the Tenement of Bernhorne, with the concurrence of Ralph, his heir ; Ralph, Parson of the Church of Iclesham ; Stephen, his brother, and Matilda, their mother. The Witnesses named are, Samson de Gestling, brother to the said Robert's mother ; Henry, his father's brother ; Walter de Scoteney, Robert de Mundifeld, * The Cotton. MS. Nero, C. III., 180, has four Charters of Odo, Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, of lauds granted to William, Nicholas, and Geffery of Bromham ; and Osmund, the son of jElwic, the forester. Odo, the Abbot's Charter to Nicholas, the son of Aldwin Palmer, of lands held by him in Bromham, ib. 181. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sec. 41 Peter de Cruil, Osborne le Bland, servant of our Lord the Kino- ; Ralph de Peplesham, William Mareschal, Jo. Norreis, and others. Ralph, son of Robert de Yclesham, with the assent of his mo- ther, Sybilla, and his other parents and friends, Feofment to the Monks of the Church of St. Martin, at Battle, of Land in Bernsole. Testators, Ralph, Parson of Iclesham ; Robert English, Stephen, his uncle ; and others. Seal, with equestrian figure. Ralph de Yclesham, Feofment to the Sacristy of the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, of Lands in Efflesham. Testators, Master Thomas de Salherst ; William, Prseposito de Hastings ; Simon Mustarde, Thomas, Canon of Hastings ; William, Chaplain of Yclesham. Seal, white paste. Ralph of Yclesham, Feofment of Rent from Lands and Tene- ments in Eflesham, to the Abbey of Battle. The Witnesses are, Master Thomas de Salherst, Will . Proposito de Hasting ; Thomas, Canonico de Hasting ; Will . Cappellano de Hasting, qui hanc cartam scripsit. Seal, with equestrian figure, perfect. Nicholas Haringod, Lord of Iclesham, Deed confirmatory of the Grant made by Ralph, his father [in-law] late Lord of Iclesham, of Lands in Efflesham and Hocherenoche. This Deed recites the Grant by Ralph, who was father of Sybylla, wife of Nicholas Haringod ; with names of the Testators, names of Tenants and Holders of these lands, &c. The Testators to the present instru- ment, were Reginald, Parson of Yclesham ; Vincentio, the Chap- lain ; Gervase, Chaplain of Mailing ; Girard de Hakinton, Jo. de Gillinges, William de Gillinges, Alured de Knelle, Vincentio de Bello, and others. Seal, green wax, defective, but has still the figure of an eagle, of much excellence of art. Nicholas Harengod and Sybilla his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Abbey of Battle, of the Services of nine Tenants, who are named, in the Manor of Battle. Testators, Simon de Echingham, William de Munceaus, and others ; with both their Seals. Harengod was, at this time, Lord of the Manor of Battle ; that Manor having been the property of his wife Sybilla. Nicholas de Haringot, and Sibilla of Ikelesham, his wife, Grant, in perpetual Alms, free of Services, for the health of their souls, to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, all the Lands which were of their fee in Cotingele, and in Bremesle ; various Lands, which are separately specified, in Bernehorne, and the Duna de Pigglonde, Badlesmere, &c. Symon de Echingham, William de Munceaus, Rob. de Hastinges, Laurence de Mundifeld, Herbert de Mun- ceaux, Oliver de Westefeld, Master Richard of Battle, Richard Marshal, and other Testators. A Grant of considerable importance to the territorial possessions of the Monastery. G 42 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8?c. Nicholas Harengod, with the consent of Sibylla his wife, Feof- ment to Robert de Bocholte, by his Homage and Service, of a Virgate of Land in Coddingleia, which During held. Lord Hugh de Pupplesham, John de Pupplesham, William de Colington, Richard Frankelain de Croherst, Master William de Hastings, and others, Testators. Sibilla de Iclesham, daughter of Ralph de Iclesham, Feofment to Robert de Bocholt, of a Virgate of Land in Codingelea, which Duringus held. William de Gelling, Alfred de Cnelle, Robert Foth, Thomas de Bocholt, John de Peplesham, William de Sumeri, and other Witnesses. John, her son, is mentioned in this instrument. Sibylla de Ikelesham, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle, of Land in Mexefeld, the Gift of Walter de Langhston and Emma his wife. Mich, de Beche, Luke de Swinham, and others, Witnesses. Ralph de Isseldun, Earl of Eu, Feofment of Rents arising from Lands called Canterwerde, in the Manor of Helham, to William de Bodiham. In this Grant, the Countess Eu, and her son Henry, Earl of Eu,* are both mentioned. The Testators are, Huges de Bosco, Eimerio de Cusac, Radulpho de Sancto Leodegario, Galfrido de eodem, Radulph de Bodium, &c. Seal, with equestrian figure, and Shields with Arms on the reverse, white paste. Alicia, Countess of Ou, Deed of Confirmation, for the health of her soul, &c, to the Church and Monks of the Abbey of S. Martin at Battle, of the following Gifts, Grants, and Feofments to them, by various persons : — The Lands of Glesham, that was Gerald of Normanville's. — The Lands of Dudilande and Breggeselle, which were Anselm de Fraelville's. — Lands and Marsh, in Wmchelsea, which were William de Sancto Leodegario's, and Clarembaldus, his suc- cessor's.— '-Land at Bocstepe, the Alms of William, the son of Wilibert, by the hands of Thomas de Haremere. — Land in Hou, called Chilelande. — Land called Deane, with two Saltpits in the Marsh, belonging to the said Lands, the Gift of Reginald de Esburneham. — Land of Bodherst, the Grave, and Beche, the Gift of Walter le Bceuf. — Land in Echene, with way to the Meadow of Bodiham. — Lands of Rette, &c, the Gift of William Muncseus de Bodiham, the Gift of Stephen le Borne. — Land, the scite of the Mill of Iltunesbath, with Land called Scottesland ; part of the Meadow of Gorwisse, and Foss, with reflux of Water * Rouse, p. 112, states, that among the lands possessed by the Abbey at Robert's Bridge, founded in 1176 by Robert de S. Martin, were those given by Alured of S. Martin, in the rape of Hastings, &c. Also seventy acres granted by Alicia, Countess of Eu, and confirmed by her sou, Earl Henry. Sir N. H. Nicolas, iu his Synopsis of the Peerage, vol. i. p. 223, mentions him not ; but says her son and heir was William of Ysouden, by whom the barony was forfeited, from his adherence to the French. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 43 to the Mill-Pool of Iltunesbathe, lately the Gift of Robert Basoke. — Land in the Field of Eure. — The small Wood between Smalewysshe and the edge of the Water of Watlyngton, with some part of Smalewysshe, &c. — The Brook that Ralph de Huckelstepe held, late the Gift of Thomas of Watlington. — Land in Bulande, the Gift of Richard de Watlington.— Land of Cornore and Bulande, with certain Rents confirmed by Thomas de Haremere. — Land between Rette, and the way leading from Battle towards Mundefeld, the Gift of Richard de Crohust.— Reflux of the Waters of Peperengee, of the Fee of Cattesfield, lately granted by Simon de Sumery. — Land in Bereherst, held of Manserus de Scotegny, &c. &c, free of all services, for the salvation of my soul, and for the souls of my father and mother, and for the soul of my Lord, Ralph de Issolden, of good memory, late Earl of Ou, and for the souls of all my antecessors and successors, in free, pure, and perpetual Alms. Thomas, my Chaplain; Symon de Echingham, Andrew de Elham, my BaillifF in the Rape of Hastings, and other Testators. Alicia, Countess of Ewe,* widow, for the health of her soul, for those of her father and mother, and of her late Lord, Ralph de Issold, of good memory, late Earl of Ewe, &c, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin in Battle, of the Lands of Kaynworth, and de la Felde in Sedlescombe, &c. The Testators were, Thomas, Chaplain to the Countess ; William de Echingham, William de Muncaeus, Robert de Hastings, Roger de Sancto Amano, Hugo de Haut, Bailiff of the Countess's Lands in the Rape of Hastings, &c. Indenture of Fine between Adam Prunhill, and others, plaintiffs, and John, Abbot of Battle, William the Monk, and others, deforciants, of part of the Marsh lying between Swaynesmere and the Chene, which remained to the Abbot of Battle by an Agreement between him and the Abbot of Robert's Bridge, \203.f Richard, Abbot of Battle, Feofment relative to Land lying in the Marsh below Gadeberge, the Gift of Juliana de Ria, mother of Andrew the Monk ; which Phillip the Almoner had, with the Lord Abbot's assent, exchanged for other Land with the Monks of Robert's Bridge. Robert de Hastings, Knight, son and heir of William de Hastings, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to all the Land that was in dispute between him and Ralph, Abbot, and the Convent of Battle; described as being between the Lands of the Abbot, John of Battle, and the Lands of Robert de Hastings, &c. * Alice, only da. and heir of Henry, fifth Earl of Ewe, married Ralph de Issenden, or Yssonden, who, in her right, temp. John, had the Earldom of Ewe and Barony of Tickhill; he died 1218, 3 Hen. III., in which year, possibly, this gift was made by the Countess. f The " Chronicon Monaster ii de Bello, ab incarnatione Domini ad An. 1206," is among the Cottonian Manuscripts, in Museo. Nero, D. 11. 5. 44 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. William tie Moncell, Laurence de Mundifeld, Walter de Penehurst Richard de Esburneham, Walter de Escotegn, Simon de Sumeri Thomas de Haremere, and other Witnesses. Demise from Robert [Basoc] de Sedlescumbe, of four Acres of Meadow in Sedlescumbe, to the Abbey of Battle, an. 1238. Among the Witnesses appears, " Dno. Roberto de Hastinges." The Seal in beautiful preservation. Robert [Basoc] de Sedlescumbe, Feofment to the Lord Abbot of Battle, &c, of a Meadow near the Church of Sedlescumbe, and of three Acres of Meadow between Sedlescumbe and Wicham. Testators, Lord Robert de Hastinges, Simon de Sumeri, Mich, de Beche, Rob. de Brede, Tho. de Herst, Simon de Brunesford, Rich. Mareschall, Lambino King, Fulke Cock, and others, 1239. Fine impression of the Seal. Robert de Basoke, Feofment to John de Haremere, by his Homage, of the Hundredes Land in Sedelescumbe, called Scottesland, with the Brook, &c. Thomas de Wetlingeton, Reingerus de Wet- lingeton, Thomas de Sedelescumbe, and other Witnesses. Milesent, the wife of John de Haremere, as are also William and B., his brothers ; the latter being among the witnesses. Robert Basoc de Sedlescumbe, Feofment to the Monks of S. Mar- tin, at Battle, of Lands called Scottesland, and Hundredesland, &c. Master Richard of Battle, Walter of London, Richard of Mailing, Thomas of Kingsuode, Eustace Cock, and other Wit- nesses. Seal perfect. Robert Basoc, Feofment, for the health of his soul, &c, to the Monks of the Church of S. Martin, at Battle, of a Water-Mill, near the Bridge of Iltunesbed or Utunesbeth. Symone de Sumery, and others, Testators. Seal perfect. Robert Basoc, of Sedlescombe, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of all his Land close by the Royal Manor of Iltunesbethe, five Acres of Scottesland, and Land called W ode- land. Testators, Master Richard [Dean] of Battle, Simon de Brunesford, Will. Panetier, and others. Seal, very fine state. Robert Basoc de Sedelescombe, Feofment to the Church and Monks of S. Martin, at Battle, of all his Lands lying in the King's High Way of Utonesbethe, and five Acres of Scottesland, leading towards Enham ; and Land called Wodeland, which Land Sigarus had held of the said Robert Basoc. Master Richard of Battle, Thomas de Boyntune, Symon de Cattesfelde, Lambino King, and other Testators. Robert Basoke, of Setelescombe, Feofment to the Abbot and Con- vent of Battle of certain Rents arising out of Lands held by Josce- lin, son of Thomas de Haremere : Wercke, Bruere, Spliceregge and the Blanchelonde in Setelescombe. William de Echingbam, Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 45 Will, de Sancto Leodegario, Mathew Lord of Hastings, Bartholo- mew de Esburnham, Mich, de Beche, &c. Seal perfect. Robert de Basoke, Deed of Release to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of his Claim to the Service and Homage of Alan, the son of Sigar. Philip de Essetesford, Geffrey Alfred, Lamb. King, Robert Cementarius, Will. Cordwainer, and other Testators. Robert Basoc, of Sedlescumbe, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle of all his Lands, called Scottesland and Hundrelesland. Master Richard of Battle, William Cordwainer, and John Godmefetch, with others, Testators. Seal. Indenture of Fine, before Robert of Lexington and other Barons, between Ralph, Abbot of Battle, Plaintiff, and Oliva de Wyk- ii am, Deforciant, of fifty Acres of Land, &c. in Sedelescombe, 1241. Ralph, Abbot of Battle, Deed of Covenant with James, son of William, Lord of the Manor of Northey, relative to the Drain- age of Scuttesmarsh, by means of the said James, Drains, called Babbingflet and Swanflet ; and for Drains to be made between Bercham and La Trade ; and between Bradeteghe and Northey. William de Munceaus, Robert de Hastings, Laur. de Mundefeld, William de Codinge, Richard de Esburneham, Thomas de Haremere, and other Testators. Walter Bubulus and Agnes his wife, Feofment to the Abbey of Battle of Meadow Land in Frandalie. Testators, Rob. Basoc, Thomas de Haremere, Mich, de Beche, Luca de Swynham, Rich. Mareschall, Rob. Cementarius, Jo. Bland, and others. 10 cal. i.e. 23 May, 1241. Seal fine and perfect, white wax. See also Oliva de Wicham. Oliva de Wicham, Widow, with the consent of Walter de Wicham, her Son and Heir, Feofment of Meadow Land to brother Ray- mond, Sacrist of the Church of S. Martin at Battle, for Forty Years, to commence from the Michaelmas following the Death of the venerable Father, of good memory, Edmund, Archbishop of Canterbury [A°. 1 244]. Michel de Beche, and other Testators. Juliana, wife of the late Ralph de Nivenham, Feofment to Master Thomas de Torpel, of all her right to a Tenement in Nivenham. The Witnesses are, Master William, Rector of the Church of Westfeld ; Dno. Petro, Canpellano ejusd. loci, Richard de Regge, Ralph de Wyke, John his brother, and others ; with the Seal of this Juliana. Thomas de Torpel, feoffed to the Abbey of Battle, a Tenement called Newenham, near Baldeslow, in the Rape of Hastings, which was possibly the same as mentioned in the Feofment of Juliana de Newenham. Release and Quit Claim from Stephen, son and heir of Ralph de Nywenham, to Thomas de Torphill, to a Tenement in Nywenham, 46 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S?c. an. 1248 ; attested by Master William, Rector of the Church of Hastings, and by various Officers of the Monastery, among whom is mentioned John Textore. Seal, fine and perfect. Agnes, widow of Walter Bonerii, Feofment to the Almonry of the Abbey and Convent of Battle, in pure and perpetual Alms, of Meadow Land, in Tandele, in Wycham, a . 1276. Omva de Wycham, Feofment to the Almonry of Battle, of Meadow Land in Tandele, which Walter Bubuli, and Agnes his wife, da. of the said Oliva de Wycham, granted as Alms. Indenture of Fine levied at Lewes, before Henry of Bath, William of Wilton, William le Bretun, and others, Judges Itinerant, between William de Northeye, Plaintiff, and Ralph, Abbot of Battle, deforciant, of two Virgates of Land, &c. in Byxle ; Marsh Land, called Stuttesmersshe, &c. 1248. James de Northey, father of this William, is mentioned. Annexed is a Feofment from John de Someri, of Rent in the Manor of Bexle, to Simon, Bishop of Chichester.* The Testators are Hugh Neves, bailiff to my Lord Chichester; Robert Salvage, servant to the Countess of Sussex ; Barthol. de Hamfeud, Ralph de Hore, Hamonde de Hammes, &c. Roll, exemplifying the Customs and Services of the Tenantry of the Manor of Battle, the Possessions of the Monastery, 1251. Richard, Dean of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim in the presence of Agnes, da. of Florence, wife of John, his son and heir, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, to Nicholas de Sarcrino, which Messuage, the said John had sold to Sarcrino. Witnesses, Henr. Magistro Scolar., Oriundo de Cornubia, and others. April 1,1251. With Seal. Thomas de Torpel, Letter of Attorney to William, Rector of the Church of Westfielde, to deliver seizin of Lands in Newenham, 1252. Deed of Exchange between Ralph, the Abbot, and Convent of Battle, and Humphrey Beausir, whereby the said Humphrey released to the Abbot and Convent a Messuage which he held in the Town of Battle, in exchange for a Meadow in Sandlake, which Ralph Fisher gave to the Abbot and Convent. The Testes, Mich, de Beche, Robert the Plasterer, and others. Seal perfect. Release and Quit Claim from John Miseracone to the Abbey of Battle, of all his Suit to Tenements, the Gift of Sybilla de Yklesham and Samfrid de Somery, in Bernhorn and Codingell, 1261. There is, in the following Year, a Release from the • Simon de Welles was Bisbop of Chichester 1199 to 1209. This John Someri is therefore the first of the family on record, and who, having married Hawyse, sister and heir of Gervase Pagantl, acquired the Barony of Dudley, co. Stafford. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sec. 47 Bishop of Chichester to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Suit demandable from them for this Gift, with other dateless Documents respecting the same. The Seal to the Bishop's Re- lease has a representation of the •' Templum Justicie." Most in- teresting to the County Historian. John Clipping, Lord Bishop of Chichester, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Tenements, &c, the Gift of the Lady Isabella of Yclesham, and Samfridus de Somery, in Bernehorne and Codingele, dated Bissopston, S. Cuthbert's day, i. e. March 20, 1261. The deed is dated in the last year of the bishop's episcopal reign. It has his seal, which is very curious ; having, on the one side, his effigy, with " Johs. 11°.," being the second John, Bishop of that see. A Confirmation of the Release by John, Bishop of Chichester, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Suit demandable of them for the above Gifts, by Master Walter, Dean and Chaplain of Chichester ; dated Chichester, day of the Annunciation of the blessed Mary, i.e., March 25, 1262, with very interesting Seal, having a representation of the " Templum Justicie." Indenture of Fine between Reginald, Abbot of Battle, Plaintiff, and Richard de Tobbefeld and Helewys his wife, Deforciants, of a Messuage, Land, and Wood, in Watlington, in Easter Term, at Westminster, 1264. Indenture of Fine between Reginald, Abbot of Battle, Plaintiff, and Roger de Bekles and Thomas Skyret, Deforciants, of a Messuage and six Acres of Land, in Watlyngton, and the Advow- son of the Church of the same Town, in Trinity Term, at West- minster, 1268. The document, numbered M 1 108," appears to be another to the same effect. Reginald, the Abbot and Convent of Battle, Deed of Exchange with John, the son of Reginald Sperner, of the Land which the said Reginald held in Battle, near Westfield, and about Stonepett- pool, for the Land which Anketill of Ukeham held, and Land and Wood called Guy's Wood. The Testators are the Lord John Mowin, Knight ; Michel de Beche, Richard de Beche, Robert de Bromham, Ralph de Bingham, William de Dene, John Funtener, Thomas Skirrett, and others. This deed has the Abbey-seal ; having on the obverse a representation of the Abbey-portal, its turrets, &c. ; inscription, [Sigillum] " Sancti Martini de Bello f* and on the reverse, the figure of the Abbot ; inscrip- tion, ** Reginald. Dei Gratia;" the rest wanting, a third part being broken off. n». 994. Reginald, Lord Abbot of Battle, Covenant to let to Dionysia Palmer, widow, Land, comprising four Flemish Acres, called Ketesland, under Hicflet, &c. Will, de Dene, Thomas de Hare- mere, Simon de Bodiham, Henry, Master of the Scholars, and other Witnesses. 48 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Deed of Release and Quit Claim, by Nicholas Pessun, Knight, of a Yearly Rent, to the Abbey of Battle, 1270. Among the Witnesses are William, Lord of Echingham ; " Domino Jo. Mowyn," Galfridus de S. Leodegario, and others. Seal perfect. Indenture of Fine between Robert de Beche, Plaintiff, and John de Giseburne and Clementia his wife, Deforciants, of a Messuage and ten Acres of Land, in Battle, at Westminster, 1270. Edmund, son of Lord John de Cruell, Feofment to John de Py- singe, of Lands held of Symon, his brother, in a place called Oremaresherst, in the Parish of Esburneham, and in the Parish of Burherst. Lord Mathew de Hastings, Dom. John, Parson de Es- sedesforde ; Symon de Sumeri, Walter de Beche, Robert de Brom- ham, Richard de Esburneham, and other Testators. May, 1271. Bartholomew, son of Tristram, Feofment to the Abbot and Con- vent, of Land lying in a Close under Gadeberghe, in the Fee of Simon de Godinton. Witnesses, Walter de Beche, Rich, de Beche, Hugh de Beche, Thomas, son of Henry de Haremere, William de Whatlington, William de Dene. S. Agatha's day, i. e. Feb. 5, 1273, 1 Edward the First. Seal of Harengot, green wax. The admeasurement of land in this feofment are Flemish acres. Roll of the Halimote Court, held for the Manor of Bernehorne, 1273, containing an Account of the Lands and Tenements let at Yearly Rents, by Robert de Thrulegh, Seneschal or Steward of that Manor. John de Bredehurst, Steward of Iclesham, Roll of Receipts and Disbursements, 1273, rendering an Account of Rent of Pasture in the Broke, Horsley, Rystegh, Little Hele and Sole ; renders an Inventory of Stock, Corn, &c. Thomas Haye, Almoner of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts of Rents in Pevensee, Alciston, Mexefeld, Chaunterdoune, Northdowne, Petitesland, Rudefynescrofte, the Mill, &c, 1275. Brother Thomas, Keeper of Marie, Roll of Accounts of the Issues of that Manor, and for Lands in Wyckham Field, land in Chaun- ceys, &c, 1275. Brother Nicholas], Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts from the Pasturage of Bodiham, sale of a Horse ; his Disburse- ments, for Bread, Wine, Lampries, Mackarel, white salt, &c. &c, rendered on the Morrow of Michaelmas, 1275. Gregory le Messenger, Feofment to Henry le Messager, and Alicia his wife, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, between those of Henry Welker and Griffin le Forester. Will, de Dene, Walter Thorold, John de Giseburne, and others, Testators. Seal of said Gregory, white paste. There is also a Feofment from Thomas, the son of Henry le Messager, and Mathilda his wife, of part of a Tenement that belonged to Robert Barewyk, brother of the said Mathilda, to Robert Bone and his heirs. Adam le Mone, Danyele le Taylour, Symone Pykot, and others, Testators, 1276. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 49 Adam, son of John le Mone, Deed of Covenant to John de Pising, for securing the payment of Rent of a Tenement in Battle. Rich, de Beche, Waiter de Beche, William deDene, Ralph, son of Mich, de Beche ; Ralph Yuegod, Ralph, son of Ralph Yuegod, and other Witnesses, 1276. William de Sneylham, Henry Paulyn, Allardus de Merseham, and John Fillol, Award respecting Land called Clappermere, in Cattesfeud, in dispute between the Abbot of Battle, and Stephen de Chillye, Rector of Cattesfeud ; the same having, by agreement, been referred to them for decision, 127(3. The Seals of William de Sneylham and John Fillol yet remain ; the former red, the latter green, wax. The scribe, in this instance, has written on each slip, the name of the party whose seal was to be affixed. Roll of Disbursements to Gardeners, Labourers, Carpenters, &c, 1276 ; apparently the Abbey Treasurer's Accounts. A similar Roll, but of much greater length, for the following year, 1277. John de Wygepari, Parson of the Church of S. Mary, at Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Margaret, late wife of Gilbert Walet, of all his Right in Drotesland, in the Town of Battle. Dated Sunday before S. Gregory's Day, 1277. Seal perfect. Roger, Abbot of the Monastery of S. Mary at Roberts-Bridge, and Lord of Colingham, Indenture of Agreement with William, Lord of Echingham, to refer their Disputes to the Determination of Adam de Hokham and Thomas Alain. Dated at Robert's Bridge, S. Laurence's Day, i.e. Aug. 10, 1277. John de Peplesham, son and heir of John de Peplesham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John de Bygeneure, perpetual Vicar of Bexle, of all his Right in the body of John de Wertle- sham, his Children, and his Chattels. Testators, Simon de Someri, William de Hastings, William de Stokes, Jo. de Gode- cumbe, Robert de Bromham, and others, Oct. 1277. John de Peplesham, son and heir of John de Peplesham, Feof- ment to John de Wertlesham, son of William de Wertlesham, and Matilda his wife, of all the Lands which the said William, father of John, held of John my father, in Villanage, in the Parish of Bexle. Simon de Someri, William de Hastings, William de Bocholte, and others, Testators. Dated, Oct. 1277. Seal, white paste. Gilbert Rudefin, Feofment to Alice, da. of Henry, Master of the School at Battle, of a Croft of Land, lying near the Church of S. Mary, in Battle. Will, de Dene, John Cordwainer, John Fo- rester, John Gardiner, Robert Godesonde, and others, Testators. S. Lucia the Virgin's Day, i.e. Dec. 13, 1277, Seal. 60 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Henry Wardedu, Lord of Bodiham, Deed of Release to the Abbot and Convent of Battle and the Sacristy thereof, of all Services for Lands and Tenements in the fee of Bodiham, Pryckele Wode, and Augemerehurste. Testators, Lord Robert de Passelegh, William de Penhurst, and others. 12 kal. i.e. May 21, 1278. Seal, red wax, perfect. Brother Nicholas, Cellarer of the Monastery's Roll of Accounts, from Michaelmas, 1277, to Michaelmas, 1278; answers for the Rent received from the Meadow of Bodiham, Disbursements for the Household, &c. Stephen Sprot, of Hastings, and " Sarra" his wife, Feofment of Land to Alice, da. of Henry, Master of the School at Battle, 1279. See also, sub 1277 ; to which Land this Feofment has re- ference. Adam, son of Adam Picot, Deed of Release to Reginald, Abbot* and Convent of Battle, of nine Acres of Land and Wood in Man- fosse, called Wincestrecroft, in exchange for twelve Acres of Land and Wood near the Birechette. John le Funtener, Martin de Haddele, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, Eve of S. Mi- chael, i.e. Sept. 28, 1279. Seal, fine and perfect. Hugh de Beche, Agreement with John de Giseburne and Cle- mentia, his wife, for the Farm, Messuage, and the Houses on the North side of the Street leading from the Bore to the Market at Battle. Reginald de Beche, Ralph Yuegod, " Seniore," Ralph, his son ; William Goldsmith, Adam de Camera, Robert Berewyk, and others, Testators, 1280. Seal, fine and perfect. Adam Launde of Estburne, Deed of Release to Robert, son and heir of Peter de Cranebroke, Lord of the Lands of Heilesham, of Land, Vesture of Corn, &c, in Heylesham. John Franklyn, John le Pelet. de Burne, and other Witnesses, 1280. Richard, son of Mich, de Westbeche, Agreement to let to Adam le Mone the Land, &c. in Battle, by Comfert, which Robert le Lung sometime held of Richard de Estbeche. Walter de Beche, Richard de Beche, Reginald his son, and others, Witnesses, 1280. Nicholas de Cokefeud, Feofment to the Abbey, and Convent of Battle of a Tenement in Middleburgh, scite described. John le Forester, Daniel le Taillour, Walter Miles, Stephen Walet, Stephen Pessoner, Thomas de Hadelegh, Stephen Bosyner, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, 5 kal., i. e. April 27, 1281. William de Horwood, Deed of Gift to Adam Curur, and Petro- nilla his wife, and to Thomas Capello her brother, of a Messuage and Curtilage in Middleburgh. Witnesses, Thomas de Hadde- lege, Gilbert Galat, Walter Miles, Ralph Cock, Stephen Pessoner, and others, 1281. Adam, son of Simon Smith, Feofment to the Lord Abbot and Con- . vent of Battle, the Land, &c. called Smith's Land, lying between Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 51 the Street leading from the Town of Battle towards Winchelsea and Bedhurst Wood. Joshua Hunter, Warren de Haddelegh, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, day of the Epiphany, 1282. Seal, white paste, fine and perfect. Altcia Treyport, Feofment to William de la Dune of all her Houses, Tenements, Gardens, &c. in the Town of Battle. Adam Pessoner, Adam le Mone, Robert Arnold, Joshua Hunte, and others, Wit- nesses. Dated May 3, 1283. Seal in high preservation. John Sperner, Power of Attorney to Hamonde de Nortone, to deliver seizin of a Tenement in Battle, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle. Dated at Norton, 1283. Richard Bernehous, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Adam atte Holte, of the Land lying between his Mansion and that of the said Adam in the Borough of Monjoy, 1284. Seal, white wax, perfect. Walter Torald or Torold, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of a Tenement, then held by Thomas Edwold in the Town of Battle, in exchange for one, in the Way from Comford to Battle. John le Fontener, William de Dene, Ralph Yuegod, " Juniore," Laur. Pykot, and others, Wit- nesses. Dated S. Thomas's day, i. e. Dec. 21, 1284. Seal per- fect. Stephen Pessoner, of Battle, Feofment to John Wale and Margery his wife, of a Messuage, &c. in the Borough of Brembelegh, in the Town of Battle, which was some time Isabella de Potekin's, and enfeoffed by her to her daughter, Alicia Potekin. Nicholas de Cukefeud, John Forester, and other Testators. Thursday after S. Vincent's day, 1285. John of Exon, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts from Michelmas, 1284, to Michelmas, 1285; Disbursements for the Maintenance of the Household, sum total expended, 320/. 4*. 3d. William Brond, Reeve of the Manor of Merle or Marley, Roll of Accounts from Michelmas, 1286, to Michelmas, 1287, answers for Rents of the Farm of Bregesell, Blakelond, the Sheepclose, the Downe, Pastures at Holme and Borderestighele, Sumthest Croft and Wyckleysen Croft, Northrode, Wy chain, Chaunces, &c. Brother John, Almoner of Battle, Agreement with Henry de Bromham, for an Acquittance against the Abbot and Convent of Fischamp for all Lands, &c. held of the Fee of Fischamp. Joshua Hunter, and others, Witnesses. Dated 14 kal., i. e. July 19, 1288. Grant by the Abbot and Convent of Battle, at the Court held on the eve of the Purification of the Virgin ; brother Alan, of Retlinge, then Seneschal : of the Whitepits-croft, in the Borough of Monjoy, to Adam Goldsmith, Feb. 1, 1288. Alicia, da. and heir of John Beans, of Battle, Feofment to John Boone, son of Petronilla Forester, of Battle, of a House which was 52 Bat lie. Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8?c. her father's, in Middleburgh. Nich. de Cukefeud, and numerous Witnesses, 1289. Gilbert Wyht, of Battle, Feofment to John Crucer, and Jane his wife, of Land in Sandlake, 1289. u Walter of Wymondham, Servant for the Rectory of Iclesham, Roll of Accounts from Michaelmas, 1288, to Michaelmas, 1289; answers for Sums received for Tythes, renders Particulars of Farming Stock, &c. John de Bochurst, Agreement with John Pauyot, and Isabella his wife, respecting the Demise of Meadow Land called Weldham- wysse, in the Borough of Ocham. Alan de Bochurst, and others, Witnesses, 1291 ; with the Seals. Henry le Messager, and Alicia his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, &c. lying between the Land that was Henry Welker's, and the Messuage of Griffin le Forester. John le Funtener, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, 3 id. i.e. May 13, 1292. Seal, beau- tiful, and in high preservation. Simon, son of Matthew Dyer, of the Parish of Cranebroc, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Lands and Tenements in Cranebroc, belonging to Alicia, his late Mother. Rob. de Steperville, and others, Witnesses. 18 cal. Julii, 1292. William de Bromham, Agreement with William le Tauerner, Alicia his wife, Adam le Mone, and Joshua le Hunte, for a Lease of thirty-six years, of a Tenement in Battle, formerly held by Thomas Burgeys. William Goldsmith, and others, Wit- nesses, 1292. John le Funtener is in this instrument spoken of as Bailif of the Manor of Battle. Nicholas le Mounur, and Albreda, his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, to a Messuage that was sometime pertaining to Agnes, da. of Robert Frylend, of the Town of Battle. John Funtener, William de Whatlyngton, Thomas Skyret of Whatlyngton, William de Alsiston, Clerk, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, 8 kal. i.e. March 25, 1293. Seal, very fine and perfect. Thomas, son of Joshua of Whatlyngton, Acquittance to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, for forty pounds sterling. Dated Battle, 7 cal. i.e. 26 March, 1293. Seal. Henry, Abbot of Battle, Covenant with Henry le Messager, and Alicia his wife, respecting a Messuage in Midelleburgh, granted by the Abbot to the said Henry le Messager. John Funtener, Ralph Yeuegod, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, 3 id. i.e. May 13, 1293. Seal, green wax. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 53 William de Watlintone, Deed of Gift to John Wilard and Agnes his wife, of Meadow Land, called Watlington Downe, lying to- wards Wynchelese, Newendenne, and Aquilonem. Jocelin de Yerne, Geoffrey Hucstepe, Thomas de Watlington, and others, Testators, 1293. Peter Sherreue, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, with Garden adjacent, in the Town of Battle, which Simon Olof late held of them. John le Fountener, Thomas Foukes, Rob. de Parco, William Goldsmith, Richard Tutlemund, and others, Testators. Dated at Battle, Sept. 3, 1293. Seal, fine and perfect. Petronilla, da. of Laurence Picot, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage, &c, which formerly belonged to Adam Baret, her brother, in the Town of Battle. John Funtener, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Thursday after S. Lucia the Virgin's day, 1294. Reginald, Sacristan of Battle, Feofment to John, son of John le Rede, of Horeham, of Rent of a Messuage and Curtilage, in Monjoye, which had been held by Odonea, who was wife of John de Beche. John le Funtener, Bailiff; John de Saford, and others, Witnesses, 1295; with Seal. Peter de Beche, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Land in Sandlake, which John Sperner gave with his sister as a marriage portion. John Funtener, Peter Sherreve, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, sixth id. i. e. Jan. 8, 1295. Robert le Mareschal, of Westminster, Feofment to Walter de Walepole, of a Messuage and a hundred Acres, in Bestenoue, in the Parish of Pevensey ; the gift of Lord Thomas de Monta- cute. Adam de Scheluestrode, and numerous other Witnesses. Dated at Bestenoue, Monday before the Feast of S. Richard, 1296. Lord Thomas of Montacute, is a new name for genealogists. Ranulfus le Carpenter, of Battle, Feofment to John de Hore- ham, of Rent arising from a Tenement in the Borough of Brem- bellege, then held by Richard le Hunte. John Funtener, Rob. le Pessoner, and others, Witnesses, 1297. John de W 7 ertlesham, Feofment of all his Lands and Tenements, in the Parish of Bexle, to Robert, his son. John de Peplesham, Walter le Parker, John de Sidelegh, and others, Testators. Dated at Wertlesham, on S. Michael's day, i. e. Sept. 29, 1300. Margaret, da. and heir of John le Cordwainer, of Battle, Feofment to John de Shepey, and Alicia, his wife, of a Te- nement in Middleburgh; by that which Robert de Radynges, 54 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. held of the Abbot of Battle. Robert atte Park, and numerous Testators. Dated Sunday after the Feast of S. Lucia, the Virgin, 1300. Tho. de Iuechurche, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of a Croft of Land, in the Borough of Sandlake, con- tiguous to the Curtilage of Gilbert Rudifyn, &c. William de Bromham, and others, Testators, 1301. Stephen of Hastings, and Alicia Ayrmyng, his wife, Feofment to Simon, son of Richard of Hastings, of a third part of a Tenement and Croft, which the said Alicia inherited from Robert le Pessener, her uncle on the mother's side. William de Bromham, Daniele le Taillour, Jo. Aunger, and others, Testators, 1301. Brother John Christian, then Almoner of Battle. Seal of Alicia, white paste. See, also, n°. 712. Simon, son of Richard of Hastings, Feofment to Robert, son of Robert de Suthynne, of a third part of a Tenement in Middle- burgh, and the third part of a Croft, &c. in Monjoye, which belonged to Robert le Pessoner, and were the Gift of Alicia Ayrmyng to the said Simon. William de Bromham, and others, Testators, 1301. Seal perfect, figure, hand supporting a hawk, green wax. Robert, son of Robert de Suthynne, Deed of Free Gift for ever, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a third part of the Tene- ment and Croft, part of the Possessions of the late Robert le Pessoner, in the Town of Battle; the Gift of Simon, the son of Richard of Hastings. William de Bromham, and others, Tes- tators. Dated Sunday after the Festival of S. John Baptist, 1301. Peter Bellamy, Feofment to John Bone, of the Moiety of a Tene- ment in the Town of Battle, which belonged to William le Bor- derer. John de Scaprya, Nicholas de Chileham, Thomas atte Stene, Richard Coke, and others, Testators, 1301. John Edmund, and Hodierna Brunyng, his wife, Feofment to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of the Tenement that was Robert le Pessoner's, near the Almonry, in the Town of Battle. William de Bromham, and other Testators. John Funtenor, Clerk, " hujus carte notario." Dated Sunday next Quadragesima, 1302. Sir William de Echingeham, Knight, son and heir of William de Echingeham, Feofment, confirming the Grant of Stephen de Ockham, to the Monastery of S. Mary at Robert's Bridge, of the free use of the Stream running from the Mill at Ocbam. Testators, Lord Robert de Borghersse, Lord Robert de Pas- selegh, Lord Robert de Echingeham, brother of William ; Lord Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8?c. 55 Henry Wardew, Lord William of Hastings, Lord John Heringaud, Knights; John of Belherst, and many others, 1302. With the Seal of William of Echingham, fine and perfect, green wax. See, also, sub 1314. The original Feofment of Stephen de Ocham, conferring the Grant of the Stream, attested by Lord Matthew of Hastings, and others ; with the inspeximus of the same, witnessed by Ralph de Frennyngham, one of the Justices of our Lord the King, and others, are recited at length, in this confirmation, by William of Echingham. Agnes, da. and heir of Thomas Waleys, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, relative to the Herbage of a Meadow, by Plesset, in the Town of Battle. Adam le Mone, Stephen le Pessoner, and others, Testators, Jan. 1302. With seal, green wax. John atte Bure, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent issuing from Land in Manfosse, belonging to Rorghes atte Bure, his father. Adam le Mone, Stephen Pes- soner, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Jan. 15, 1302. Ralph, son of John de Pysinghe, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Lands and Tenements of the Gift of the said John his father, in the Parishes of Battle and Cattesfeld, in consideration of one hundred pounds sterling duly paid. John, the father, appears to have been a Testator to this Deed, with Ralph Yuegod, William the Gold- smith, and others ; John atte More, then Bailiff of Battle. Sept. 13, 1303. Ralph de Pysinge, Feofment to Adam le Mone and Robert le Border, of Battle, of all the Lands, &c, in the Town of Battle, which Agnes atte Felde, while living held, in the Street called Sledderfeud, &c. Testators, John atte More, then Bailiff of the Abbot of Battle, Reginald de Beche, and others. Sept. 1303. William Waleys, Feofment to John le Ferour, of all his Messuage in the Borough of Sandlake, extending from King's Street to the Flower Garden of the Rector of the Church of Battle, &c. Thomas Foukes, William le Thournour, Richard le Tannere, Peter le Sherreue, Richard le Gardiner, and others, Testators, 1304. Seal of William Welch, fine and perfect. n os . 872 and 1426 relate to the same. Robert de Redynges, of Battle, Feofment to John, son of Henry de la More, of Benyndenne, of a Messuage in Middle Burgh, extending from King's Street to the Park of the Abbot of Battle. John de Shepeye, Mich, de Dene, Thomas Taylor, Wil- liam Goldsmith, and other Testators. Dated at Battle, May, 1304. Seal, white paste. John, son of Henry atte More, of Benyndenne, Feofment to Michael de Dene, of the above Messuage. William Goldsmith, and others, Testators. Michaelmas, 1304. 56 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc, Indenture of Agreement between the Abbot and Convent of Battle, and John, son of William atte Doune, relative to a Messuage in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle, which pertained sometime to the aforesaid William, father of the said John. William* de Bromhamme, Reginald de Beche, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, 6 non. i e. Oct. 2, 1304. William of Hastings, Knight, Grant to the Abbot and Convent of Battle for the draining of their Marsh Lands in the Manor of Bemhorne, through the middle of his Land, called the Grade, and so through the middle of their Land as far as the Dyke called the Meneflet, and by that Dyke as far as the wall called Grenewall. Lord William of Echingham, Robert of Echingham, and Baldwin of Stowe, Knights ; John of Peplesham, John of Codinge, and others, Witnesses. Dated Northey, Friday following the Festival of S. Bartholomew, Aug. 1304. Stephen, son of Adam Pycot, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of Rents arising from Tenements in Monjoye, that was sometime Richard le Bacheler, and Thomas Gaderegod ; as also of another in Middleburgh, which was lately that of Walter le Gerdere, and Agnes his wife. William de Bromhamme, Reginald de Beche, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, the Sabbath after the Festival of S. Hilary, 1304. Seal perfect. Gilbert Rudefyn, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent issuing from a Croft in the Borough of Sandlake, called Rudefyncroft. Robert atte Parke, William le Bole, and others, Testators. Feb. 1304. Thomas Fuke, or Foukes, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent arising from Tenements which formerly belonged to Adam de Breggeselle, in the Borough of Sandlake. Robert atte Parke, Robert le Bordere, Reginald atte Felde, Elia Baterel, and others, Testators, 1304. Thomas Fuke, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of the Land and Bents described in the Feofments of his daughters Aubrea and Alicia. The Deed dated on the same day with the following. Aubrea and Alicia, daughters of Thomas Fuke, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Land in Sandlake, lying between S. Mary Croft, and the Land of Sarah Fuke ; as also the Rent of Tenements which were Adam de Breggeselle's and Jo. de Portchon's. Testators, Robert atte Parke, Robert le Border, Reginald atte Felde, and others. Dated Sabbath next after Festum Cynerum, 1305. Brother John de Eylesforde, then Almoner of Battle. Roger le Smale, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent arising from a Tenement held by Adam Smith, in Sandlake. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 57 Testators, Robert atte Parke, Robert le Bordere, and others. March, 1305. Endorsed, "Time of Brother John de Eylesforde, then Almoner of Battle." Robert le Border, Feofment to Mich, de Dene of all the Land formerly held by Agnes atte Felde. Reginald de Beche, William de Bromhamrae, and others, Testators. Michaelmas, 1305. See Sept. 1303, ante. Robert Cadel, Clerk, Agreement for the Reconveyance to William de Bromham, of Lands in the Parish of Cattesfeld, at the expira- tion of twenty Years from Michaelmas, 1308. William de Sneyl- ham, William de Hodesdale, and others, Testators. Dated Bromham, April, 1307. Seal perfect. William de Bromhamme, Feofment to Master Robert Cadel, Clerk, of a Tenement in Bromhamme, with all Rights, Privileges, &c, whatsoever. William de Sneylham, W T illiam de Hodesdale, William Garlaund, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, April, 1307; with Seal. Aubrea and Alicia, daughters of Alicia Fuke, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement in the Borough of Sandlake, which was lately Fulcon Coke's, their hereditary Right, upon the decease of the said Alicia, their mother. Robert le Bordere, Thomas Fuke, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, 1307, with both their Seals, white paste. Brother Jervase, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, from Michaelmas, 1305, 34 Edw. I., to Michaelmas, 1307, 1 Edw. II. Answers for divers Household Expenses. John of Thanet, Abbot of Battle, Grant in Fee Farm, to John de Deans, of Land in Middleburgh, which was lately held by Geoffrey Gulyun. John of Watlyngtyn, then Seneschal ; Stephen. Pessoner, John Funtener, Clerk, and others, Witnesses. 1307, 1 Edward II. Alicia, late wife of Thomas Fukes, of Battle, as a Gift of Alms, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbey and Convent of Battle, of all her Right and Claim to Tenements belonging- to her late husband. Robert le Gardiner, Rich, le Vannere, Rob. de Suthynge, Thomas le Webbe, and others, Witnesses. April, 1308. With her Seal, white paste. Petronilla, da. of Ralph Hyuegod, of Battle, Feofment to Gilbert Walat, of Battle, and Margaret his wife, of Land called Croces >■ lond, with a Wood, &c, the scite pointed out by the territorial possessions that was Robert de Beche's, &c. Gil. de Bromham, Ric. le Veneur, Steph. Pessoner, and others, Witnesses. Seal, brown paste. I 58 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. . Joshua de Bromham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to William of Wathlington, of all Right and Claim to Tenements at Brom- ham, in the Parish of Cattesfeld. William de Penehurst, William de Hoddesdale, Reginald de Beche, Michael de Beche, Joshua de Feme, Nicholas de Cokkefield, and others, Witnesses. June, 1308. With Seal. Robert de Bromham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Joshua, son of William de Whatlyngton, of all his Right and Claim to a Tenement at Bromham, formerly belonging to William de Bromham me. William de Penehurst, William de Hodesdale, Reginald de Beche, Mich, de Beche, and others, Witnesses. July, 1308. Seal, fine and perfect. Margareta, late wife of Robert de Bromham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Master Robert Cadel, Clerk, of all her Right and Claim to Lands and Tenements belonging to the said Robert, her husband, in the Parish of Cattesfield. William de Sneyleham, Jo. de Lunesforde, Simon de Bromham, Adam de Wallin, and others, Witnesses. Dated Bromham, July, 1308. Sarah, formerly the wife of Stephen Sprot, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Tenement in Sandlake, which belonged to Fulcon Coke, her father, then deceased. Robert le Bordre, Rob. de Suthynne, Thomas Fuke, Thomas le Taylleur, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, Nov. 1308. Thomas de Iuecherche, Deed of Gift to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Land called the Redeland, in the Borough of Brem- bellege. Stephen Pessoner, Gilbert Waleth, Simon Picor, John Funtener, Clerk, and others, Testators. Dec. 1308. Thomas le Cuner, Feofment to Stephen Pessoner, of a Messuage in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle. John de Luxebeche, Gil- bert Walet, Daniel le Taillour, and others, Testators. Ralph, son of Thomas de Hurst, of Sedelescombe, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of all the Lands, &c. in the Parish of Cattesfield, in the fee of Bromham, which were some time held of his father, by Alain de Renes, and to which the Abbot and Convent had succeeded. Joshua of Whatlington, Jo. of Lonesforde, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, die Beato Fidis Virginis, 1309. Seal perfect. The feofments, numbered 938 and 948, relate to the same land. Peter, son and heir of John Curteys, Feofment to Jocelin, son of William of Whatlington, of Land held under the fee of Brom- ham, in the Parish of Cattesfeld, lying upon the King's way leading from Battle to Esscheburneham, towards the North ; upon the Land of the Abbot of Battle, towards the East ; upon . the Land of David Curteys, towards the South ; and upon the Land of John Page, towards the West. William de Sneylham Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, <$r. 59 and others, Witnesses. Dated at Battle, Nov. 8, 1309. Seal perfect. Indenture of Fine between Joshua, son of William de What- lyngton, Plaintiff, and William de Bromham, Deforciant, before William de Hereford, Lambert de Trikingham, Henry de Stanton, John de Benstede, and Henry le Scrope, Lords Justices at Westminster, relative to a Messuage, sixty Acres of Land, twenty Acres of Wood, two hundred Acres of Heath, and ten Shillings Rent, in Cattesfeld. Dated morrow of S. Martin, 1309. William de Garlaunde, Feofment to Joshua, son of William of Watlington, of all Lands and Tenements of the Gift of William de Bromham, in the Parish of Cattesfeld, which the said William held of William de Garlaunde. William de Peneliurst, Mich, de Beche, Stephen le Pessoner, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Thursday following the Festival of S. Lucia the Virgin, Dec. 1309. William de Hastings, Knight, Feofment to Joshua, son of William de Whatlington, with Licence of the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all Lands and Tenements in Bromham, in the Parish of Cattes- feld, which the said Joshua had by Gift from William de Bromham, who held the same of William de Hastings by Service. Dated Battle, Thursday after the Festival of the Epiphany, Jan, 1309. Seal. William de Garlaunde, Concession to Joshua, son of William de Whatlington, that he may Grant to the Abbot and Convent of Battle the Lands he had of William de Bromham, in Bromham, in the Parish of Cattesfeld, which the said William held of Wil- liam de Garlaunde. Dated Battle, Jan. 1309. Seal. Richard Grym, Agreement to lease to Adam Curur a Messuage in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle, for thirty Years. Gilbert Walet, Thomas de Haddelegh, and others, Witnesses. Feb. 2, 1309. Seal perfect. Richard, son of John le Vannere, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbey and Convent of Battle of six Acres of Land in Sandlake, contiguous to the Land of Peter Sherreve, &c. Robert le Gar- diner, Stephen Bosener, Reginald atte Felde, Rob. Humfrey, Rob. de Suthynne, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, Sunday after the Ascension, 1310. John de Eylesford, Almoner of Battle Abbey, Covenant with Peter Curtays, relative to a Piece of Land lying near the Messuage of the said Peter, within the Manor of Battle. May, 1310. Joshua, son of William de Whatlington, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of his Tenement at Bromham, in the Parish of Cattesfeld. Lord William de Echingham, William de Hastings, and Baldwine de Stowe, Knights; William de Sneylham, William GO Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, %c. de Penehurst, Jo. de Lonesford, and others, Testators. Dated Bromhamrae, Sept. 10, 1310. Sea!, with shield bearing arms, fine and perfect. The Feofment, marked n°. 1450, dated Bromhamme, morrow of S. Mar- tin, u e. March 4, 1310, has reference to the same gift; the Seal in beau- tiful condition. Deed of Covenant, by which John, son and heir of Hugh de Co- dykges, Grants permission for the Abbot and Convent of Battle to drain the Lands of their Manor of Bernehorne through the middle of his Fosse or Dyke called Meneflete. Lord William of Hastings, Knight; Rob. de Peplesham, William de Walderne, and others, Testators. Dated at Bernehorne, Nov. 9, 1310. Seal perfect. Robert atte Parke, Deed of Gift to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of his Tenement in Monjoye, bounded by that of William of Robertsbridge towards the North ; by that of Thomas de Tone- bregge towards the South ; by the King's Highway towards the West ; and by the Meadow of Nicholas de Cokefield towards the East. Reginald de Eeche, Nicholas de Cokefield, Gilbert Walet, Rob. de Suthynne, Rich, le Vannere, and others, Testators. Dec. 8, 1310. Seal perfect. Gervase Pococke, son and heir of William Clerk, of Battle, Deed of Gift to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of Rent arising from a Tenement in Sandlake, then held by Angerius Tettor de Crow- herst. Robert Gardiner, Thomas Webbe, Reginald atte Felde, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dec. 12, 1310. Nicholas le Quence, of Battle, and Basilia his wife, Feofment to John, son of William Arnold, of Eylesford, of a Messuage in Sandlake, which the said Basilia inherited from Gilbert Rodefyn, her brother. John Bone, Robert Gardiner, Robert de Southynne, Steph. Bosoner, Stepb. Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dec. 1310. Seal, green wax. Saier de Quincy, created Earl of Winchester about 1210, was one of the famous twenty-five Barons who were appointed to enforce the observance of Magna Charta. He died in 1219 ; and on the death of Roger, his second son, in 1264, the Earldom became extinct Michel de Dene, Feofment to Gilbert Walet, and Margery his wife, of all his Lands and possessions in Westbeche, in the Parish of Battle, which he acquired of Robert le Bordere, and which Agnes atte Felde sometime held. Lord William of Echingham, Lord Robert his brother, Lord William of Hastings, Knights ; Roger Doget, Reginald de Beche, William de Broraham, and many others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, morrow of the Epiphany, 1310. Seal fine state. John-, Abbot of Battle, Covenant with Peter, son of Osmerus atte Doune, concerning the Fee-Farm of a Mill, the Waters, &c. in Battle Abbey Charters, Gra?its, Deeds, fyc. 61 the Manor of Bereherst, in the Parish of Borghersch. Lord Robert de Passelegh, Knight ; Reginald of Thyresherstham, Geoffrey de Woknoll, Walter atte Halle, Rob. de Scharndenne, Ralph de Guttreshole, William de Wytherndenne, John de Co- dynge, William de Hodesdale, and others, Testators. Dated Trinity Sunday, IS 12. John Germeyn, son of Germeyn le de Hauekeham, Feofment of Land in the Parish of Westham, near Hauekeham, to Geoffrey Germeyn, his brother. William Aleman and others, Witnesses. Dated Westhamme, xiiij kal. May, 1312. John de Eylesford, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Feofment, with the assent of the Abbot and Convent, to Peter Croul, of Feversham, relative to a Tenement in Sandlake, the Meadow of Bodiham, and the Pool of Pypingea. Dated Wednesday after the Assumption of the Virgin, Aug. 1312. Dionysia, relict of Robert atte Parke, Deed of Release and Quit Clai.ii to the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all her Right and Claim to a Croft, &c. in the Borough of Monjoye, called Smythesland. William de Bromhamme, Thomas de Haddeleghe, Gilbert Walet, and others, Testators. 1312. Richard le Vannere, of Battle, Feofment to Stephen le Glouere, of the same place, of Rent arising from a Tenement, held by Robert Plomer. Robert de Southynne, William de Tourneur, Reginald atte Felde, Clement Brembal, Thomas Webbe, and others, Testators. April 30, 1313. William, son of Robert of Bromham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle, which lately was John Yuegod's. Daniel le Taillour, John Forester, Stepb. Pessoner, Nicholas de Cokefelde, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, July 10, 1313. Robert le Bordere, of Battle, Feofment to Isabella, late wife of Robert Gardener, of a Moiety of a Grove, in Byrchetfeld. Joshua of Watlinton, Stephen Glouere, Robert de Southinne, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Witnesses. 1313. William de Bernehorne, Feofment to Adam Curur, of Battle, and Petronilla his wife, of a part of a Messuage in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle. Gilbert Walat, Thomas de Haddelegh, Walter Myles, Stephen Pessoner, and others, Witnesses, 1313. Seal, white wax. William le Whyte, Feofment to Nicholas Handen, Agnes his wife, and Juliana, sister of the said Nicholas, of Seven Acres of Land near Grenegore, in the Parish of Westham, then held by William de Lecheryche. Henry Allard, Simon Curtais, Martin Brene, William Melon, Thomas, son of Robert of Hauekeham, and others, Testators. Dated Westhamme, May 14, 1314. 62 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. Richard, called le Vannere, of Battle, Deed of Quit Claim to Stephen Glover, and Alhrede his wife, of Rent arising from a Tenement formerly held by Fulcon Cock. Daniel le Taillour, Simon Hommar, Robert de Southynne, Steph. Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dated Tuesday, morrow of S. Martin, 1314. Beatrice Cordewainer, late wife of Roger le Bunch, Release and Quit Claim to Alice, formerly wife of John le Mayun, of Schepaye, of all her Right and Interest in a Tenement, in Mid- dleburgh, between the Tenement formerly Robert Redyngey's, and that of the said Alicia. Dated Sunday following Festival of S. Ambrose, 1314. John de Dreux, Duke of Brittany, Earl of Richemunde, and Lord of the Rape of Hastings, Feofment, in confirmation of all Grants of Lands, Tenements, &c, in the Rape of Hastings*, to the Monastery of Robert's Bridge, by Wiiliam of Echingham ; as also the Water Course, of Poukheldebrook, and the Mill Stream in the Lordship of Wynhamford. Lord Robert de Hastang, Peter de Graunteson, Robert de Felton, our Knights ; John de Sty- keneye, our Seneschal ; Robert de Kersebrok, our Bailiff of the Rape of Hastings ; Mathew of St. Giles's, our Chamberlain ; Ogerus de Pogeyn, Marshal of our Household, and others, Testators. Dated London, on the Sunday following the Festival of S. Agatha the Virgin, 1314-15. The present, certainly one of the most interesting of these records of the olden time, has, in a nearly perfect state, the large gorgeous seal, with equestrian figure, &c, pendant, in a neatly constructed leather case. John de Dreux. youngest son of John de Dreux, Duke of Brittany, who married Beatrix Plantagenet, da. of King Henry the Third, was summoned to Parliament as Johanni Britannia Juniori, in the 33d Edw. I. Created Earl of Richmond, Oct. 15, 1306, in which year his father died ; and he was summoned to Parliament as Johanni de Britannia Comitis Richmond, Nov. 3, following; and agaiu in 1334, 8 Edw. III. He died in this year, s. p. Robert de Hastang, who is named among the Testators, was one of the Barons who signed the celebrated letter to the Pope, dated at Lincoln, an. 1300, 29 Edw. I. His name is there written " Robertus Hastang, Dominus de la Desiree." He was summoned to Parliament as a Peer of the realm, Dec. 19, 1311 : by another authority, he appears to have been living in 1324 j but no further particulars are known of him or his posterity. John, son of William the Goldsmith, of Battle, Feofment to Wil- liam of Ferington, son of John Bertelmevv, Clerk ; of Lands, Tenements, &c, in the Parish of Battle, his inheritance from his late father William the Goldsmith ; as also an annual Rent in the Parish of Willindon. Joshua of Watlington, Mich, de Beche, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Monday following the Festival of S. Philip and S. James, 1315. Seal perfect. John, son and heir of Anselm Tuelemunde, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to Stephen Pessoner, of Battle; of all his Right and Claim to a Messuage in Battle, which would devolve to him upon Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 63 the death of the said Anselm. Nicholas de Cukefeud, Daniel le Tailleur, and others, Witnesses, 1S16. Seal perfect, " S' Joh. Tvlemvnd." William de Bernehorne, Feofment to Master William de Hor- wood, of the Moiety of a Messuage, of which the other part was enfeofed to Adam Curur, in the Town of Battle. Nicholas de Cukefeud, Thomas de Haddeleghe, Walter Miles, Gilbert Walat, Stephen Pessoner, and other Witnesses, 1316. Agnes, da. and heir of Henry Eluered, of Brockeley, Feofment to Hugh de Hertford, of the City of London, of Land inherited from her late father, in Knightsfield, situate by the Lands of the said Hugh, on the South ; and by the Lands of Salerne, her sister, on the North ; and Land called Holtweye, between Land of her sister Salerne, on fhe East; the said Hugh on the West and South ; and of Robert Eluered, on the North, all in the Parish of Lewisham. Robert Eluered, Alex. Payne, Robert atte Forest, Senior ; Robert atte Forest, Junior ; Robert atte Hole, Simon Rocholte, Adam de Brockley, and others, Witnesses. Dated at Brockley, Sunday after Trinity Sunday, 1316. John de Sidelegh, Feofment to Reginald atte Stoke, in the Parish of Bexley, of Land, annexed to that of Clement, his brother's, and to the road called Gidelegh, towards Bexley. Robert de Wertlesham, John de Badessore, John de Rokholt, and others, Witnesses. Dated Bexley, day of the Epiphany, Jan. 6, 1316. Agnes, da. of Roger atte Boure, Feofment to Thomas de Tuynghe, and Agnes his wife, of a Messuage in the Borough of Sandlake. Nich. de Cukefeud, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday, on the eve of the Holy Trinity, 1317 ; with Seal. William Proo, of the Town of Scragheton, Feofment to John Polton of Battle, of a Messuage in the Borough of Monjoye. Adam le Mone, John de Wenbregge, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, 1317. Stephen atte Morfhich, Feofment to William atte Morfhich and Emma his wife, of Land in the Parish of Hoo. John de Uppe- tona, Geffrey de Upton, John Bole, William Adam, John de Broke, and others, Witnesses, Dated at Hoo, on Ascension Day, 1318. Werina, formerly wife of Robert le Mareschal, of Westminster, to Robert, the son of John Alard of Winchelsea, of one hundred Acres of Land, the Gift of Walter de Walepole, a Messuage, &c. in Beastnouer, in the Parish of Pevensee. Robert W T aller, Robert Peckard, and others, Witnesses, 1318. Indenture of Fine, of the above mentioned Premises, levied in the Court of Pevensey, 1318. Henry Louecok, Feofment to Richard Richer, of Land, a Garden, &c, in the Parish of Westham in the Lordship of Pevensee; (54 Battle Abbey Charters, Gra?its, Deeds, fyc. which Lands were newly acquired of Geruase atte Fouet. Elias Clerk, Simon Curtays, William atte Doune, Simon de Hideneye, and others, Witnesses. Dated, Westham, Morrow of the Con- version of St. Paul, i. e. Jan. 26, 1318. Stephen le Glover and Albreda his wife, Feofment to Alan Chesman, of Land lying towards Donyforde, in the Parish of Battle. John le Forester, Stephen Pessoner, Robert de Southynne, and others, Witnesses. Dated, Battle, on Sunday before S. John the Baptist's Nativity, June 1320. Thomas de Hastings, son and heir of William de Hastings, Feofment to Gilbert Waller, of Battle, and Margery his wife, of a Croft with the Appurtenances, &c, in Netherfield, in the Parish of Battle. William de Penhurst, William de Hodesdale, Stephen Pessoner, Adam de la Holte, John Currer, Thomas de Hadde- legh, and others, Witnesses. Dated at Northey, 1320. Nichola, formerly the wife of Baldewin de Aldham, Licence to Robert Allard, son of John Allard, of Winchelsea, to give and assign to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, a Messuage and one hundred Acres of Land in Biastenouere, in Pevensey, which were acquired of Werina, in time past, wife of William de Coluerdenne. Dated at Townige 1 Sunday following the Festival of S. Nicholas, Dec. 1322. Stephen atte Herst, and Juliana his wife, Feofment to Stephen Pessoner, at Battle, of the land that was John atte Boure's, lying between the land of said Pessoner on the West ; and called Domes- dayeland on the North ; by Lands of said Pessoner, and Robert Mortymer, viz., a Croft called Hogherode, lying on the King's Highway towards Esbournham, &c. Nicholas de Cokefeld, Rob. Mortymer, Walter Baker, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Wednesday following the Festival of S. George, 1324. Seals perfect, white wax. Stephen atte Herst, and Juliana his wife, Deed of Covenant with Stephen Pessoner, for further Assurance on an Exchange of Lands that formerly were John atte Boure's. Dated Battle. Wednesday following the Festival of S. George, 1324. Seals, white wax. John, son and heir of Simon Litelwaite, of the Parish of Heyle- sham, Feofment to James de Cralle, of Pevensey, of all the Tene- ments, Messuages, &c, of the Downe, which Isabella, the wife of the said Simon, held in right of Heritage, of the said John. Henry Paulin, Henry Alard, and numerous other Witnesses. Dated at Downe, in the Parish of Haylesham, Sunday following the Festival of S. James the Apostle, July, 1324. John de Shoeswelle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Robert le Rous, to certain Rent arising from a Tenement in the Parish of Echingham, which the said Robert had acquired of Simon atte Battle Abbey Charters, Gra?its, Deeds, ftc. 65 Strete. Lord William de Echingham, Nicholas de Bokeshulle, Geoffrey de Berewyk, John de Helde, John Frebody, John, his son ; Rich. Wodye, Hugh de Hundestowe, Reginald de Hunde- stowe, and others, Witnesses. Dated at Udymere, Monday fol- lowing the Festival of S. Matthew the Apostle, 1324. James de Cralle, of Pevensey, Feofment to John Litelwaite, son of Simon Litelwaite of the Parish of Haylesham, and Juliana, " my daughter," his wife, all my Tenement called La Doune, &c. Henry Paulin, Henry Alard, John de la Forde, Clerk, Testators. Dated at the Doune, Sunday before the Festival of S. Michael the Archangel, 1324. Seal perfect. Robert Baluard, Feofment to Simon Symere and Margaret his wife, of Land in Haukham, in the Parish of Westham, in the way from Pevensey towards Haylesham, adjacent to Lands of Geoffrey Jermayne, &c. Thomas de Haukham, Henry Oldechurch, and others, Witnesses. Dated, Westham, Sunday following the Fes- tival of the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1325. Seal, green wax. Thomas de Ferne, son of Joshua de Ferne, Feofment to the Ab- bot and Convent of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, of Rents arising in Battle and Bedeford, from Lands, &c. in the Parish of Sedlescombe, from Lands held by Brother Thomas, and by Thomas de Fynhagh in the Parish of Watlyngton. Dom. John, Rector of the Church of Watlington ; Joshua of Watlington, John atte Wode, John Yuegod, and other Witnesses. Dated, Friday after the Festival of St. Peter, 1325. Seal perfect. Thomas Tityng, Servant of the Manor of Bernhorne, Roll of Accounts, from Michaelmas, 1325, to Michaelmas, 1326; answers for the Farm of the Mill, and renders Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Nicholas de Cukefeld, Deed of Release to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of all his Right and Claim which he had in Meadow Lands, held by him, by demise from the Abbot and Convent. Stephen Pessoner, John Curer, John de Loxebeche, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Friday before Whitsunday, 1327. John, Abbot of Battle, Grant to Nicholas de Cokefeud, and Beatrice his wife, for their lives, the Tenement late of Hugh de Hunte, in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle. The Witnesses were, Jo. le Forester, Danielle le Tailleur, Giiberto Walet, Stephen Pessoner, Stephen Bosyner, and others. Seal perfect. Robert de Bernehorne, son of the late Juliana Grym, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Adam le Curour, and Petronilla his wife, to a Messuage in the Town of Battle that belonged to the said Juliana, his mother; and to a Messuage, in Middleburgh, which was Joshua le Seler's, extending from the King's High Way to the Land belonging to the Almonry of Battle Abbey. Stephen Pessoner, Gilbert Walet, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Mav 9, 1327. Seal perfect, green wax. K 66 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S?c. Roll of the Gaol Delivery for the Town of Battle, before Giles de Bryaunson, and John Fillol, Justices, Oct. 1327, 1 Edw. III. Annexed are the Names of the Prisoners, their Offences, Finding of the Jurors, Sentences, &c. A Court of Oyer and Terminer was formerly held here, and the lower part of the building, to the right of the gate-way, as shown in Rouse's plate of " the Gate-House, from Battle-Abbey Park," was appropriated to the purposes of a prison, which the new gaol has superseded, p. 69. Browne Willis, describing the Gate-house in his time, says, it " is en- tirely preserved : it is a noble pile, and in it are kept the sessions, and other meetings for this peculiar jurisdiction, which has still great privileges belonging to it." — Stevens* Additions to Dugdale, vol. i. p. 511. Beadle of Battle's Roll of Receipts and Disbursements, answering for the Rents of Assize of Whatlyngton, Iltonesbath, Wycham, Breggeselle, Dedilond, Eggelond, Bocstepe, Echingham, Body- ham, Udymere, Glesie, Farlegh, and Promhelle, Michaelmas, 1327. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Grant of Augmentation of 28s. 4d. yearly, to the Vicar of Great Samford, Essex, in con- sideration of the scantiness of the said Vicarage of Samford. Jan. 24, 1327. Edward the Third's accession is recorded by historians as January 25, 1327 ; and as the words in the grant are ' Dat. Vicesimo quarto Januarij Anno Regni E. ercij post conquest, primo/ possibly the notice of this in- strument should be a . 1328-9- Richard, son and heir of Margery Domesday, Feofment of all his Land in the Field called Domesdayland, to Stephen Pessoner, of Battle. Daniel le Tayllour, Ad. atte Holte, John de Loxebeche, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Monday following the Fes- tival of S. Matthew the Apostle, 1328. Stephen Pessoner, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, reciting his Receipts and Disbursements, rendered at Michaelmas, 1328. Deed Poll, under the Seal of Richard Grym, called Frend, of Battle, whereby the Services of Adam Corur, and Petronilla his wife, for a Messuage in the Town of Battle, are assigned to Stephen Pes- soner. Dated Monday following Ascension day, 1329. Inscrip- tion on Seal, " S' Richardi Frend." Richard Grym, called Frend, of Battle, Feofment to Stephen Pes- soner, of the Messuage and Curtilage in the Town of Battle, then held by Adam le Curour, of Battle, and Petronilla his wife, by the said Richard's Gift. Joshua of Whatlington, Luke de Bedeford, John de Loxbeche, Nicholas de Hastings, and other Witnesses. Battle, June 6, 1329. Seal perfect. Stephen Pessoner, Feofment to Adam le Curour, and Petronilla his wife, of a Messuage in Middleburgh, that belonged to Richard Grym, called Frend, situated between that of Joshua le Seler, and that of Thomas de Haddeleghe. Dom. John Wygepari, Seneschal of Battle, John de Loxbeche, and other Witnesses. Battle, 1329. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. (>7 William Gervays, of Battle, Feofment to Stephen Pessoner, of Rent arising from Land in the Town of Battle, of the Gift of Wil- liam de Whatlyngton, son of John Bartelmew, and Isabella his wife, which they inherited from Jane, da. of William the Gold- smith, of Battle. Daniel le Tayllour, Gilbert Walat, and John de Loxebeche, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday following the Na- tivity of S. John Baptist, 1329. Seal perfect. Stephen Pessoner, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Account of his Receipts and Disbursements, rendered at Michaelmas, 1329. Edward the Third's Grant of Special Grace, under his private Seal, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, to inclose the Scite of the said Abbey, of the foundation of his predecessors, Kings of England, with a Wall of Stone and Lime. Dated Lopham, June 9, 1330, Willis, in his History of Mitred Abbies, in reference to this Monastery, speaks of its magnitude, and says, " the extent of the edinces may be better measured by the compass of them, they being computed at no less than a mile about." — See Stevens' Additions to Dugdale, vol. i. p. 511. Beadle of Battle's Roll of Accounts, Michaelmas, 1330 ; similar in its returns to that described sub a°. 1327. Recognisance or Bail-Bond of William Gerueys, John de Ishame, William Polcaer, Walter Parker, Ralph de Merle, Robert de Gal- lingham, Maurisius Faber, John le Mone, Walter Selueday, Ralph Corteys, John Faber, Adam Sherreue, Henricus Corus,, William Teynturer, and William Cropier and others, for the ap- pearance of Roger de Notyngham, Lockyer, before the Bailiff of Battle, at the next Gaol Delivery ; penalty, ten pounds each. Dated Battle, Eve of S. Laurence, i. e. Aug. 9, 1330, with all their Seals. William, son and heir of Geoffrey Golion, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John of Cattesfeld, Rector of the Church of What- lyngton, to all the Tenements, &c. in Middleburgh, which the said Geoffrey held of the Abbot and Convent of Battle. Stephen Pessoner, William Teyntener, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Nov. 14, 1330. William de Ichington, of the Parish of Ikelesham, Deed of Re- lease and Quit Claim to John de la More, of Battle, of the Messuage in Middleburgh, that was Thomas le Tailleur's. Dated Battle, March 10, 1331, with Seal. Alicia [Jeffrey] de Ichington, of the Parish of Ikelesham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John atte More, of Battle, of her Right to a Messuage in Middleburgh, which was Thomas le Tailleur's, her uncle, on the mother's side. Stephen Pessoner, Gilbert Walet, Rob. Mortimer, and other Witnesses. Dated Ikelesham, March 17, 1331. Seal perfect ; inscr. "S' Alicie Geffrei." 68 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, §c. Stephen Pessoner, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John de la More, of Battle, Senior, of all his Right and Claim to the said Messuage in Middleburgh. Dated Battle, Friday, in Festival of S. Elphege, the Archbishop, i. e. April 16, 1331. Seal perfect. n°. 1011. John de la More, Senior, of Battle, Deed of Gift, in perpetual Alms, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of the above Messuage in Middleburgh, described as extending from the King's Highway to the Park of the Monastery, called New Park. Stephen Pes- soner, Clement le Tumour, and others, Witnesses. Dated - Battle, Tuesday, on the Festival of S. George the Martyr, i. e. April 23, 1331. Gilbert Walet, Feofment to Dom. John de Wygepirye, Rector of the Church of S. Mary, in Battle, of a Croft of Land lying be- tween the Road from Battle towards Beche, and adjacent to the Woods of the said Gilbert, called Redecroft. Stephen Pessoner and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Friday following the Fes- tival of S. Matthew the Apostle, Sept. 1331. Roll of the Gaol Delivery for the Town of Battle, before John de Felde, Thomas de Fauersham, and W T illiam de North-hoo, Justices, Nov. 1331. Annexed are the Names and Offences of the Prisoners. Various Assessment Rolls for the Taxation of a Fifteenth, granted to King Edward the Third, in the sixth Year of his Reign, for the Hundreds of Gestlinge, Staple, Henlist, Rape of Lewes, &c. They render the Valuation separately of Stock, deducing from each the Fifteenth. To the Historian and Political (Economist they are, therefore, worthy of observation. John Coupre, son of William atte Weter, of Bernehorne, Feof- ment to John Coupre, son of John Coupre, of Bernehorne, of Land in Bernehorne, with a House built thereon. 1332. Thomas, Parson of the Church of Watlington, Feofment to Stephen Pessoner and Isabella his wife, and to Laurence, their son and - heir, of Land that was Walter Torold's, as also a Pool, with a Croft leading to the same, situate between the Northrode; a Croft called Caldebek ; a Croft called Wynchestercroft ; and Land called Domesdayelond. John de Loxebeche and others, Witnesses. 1332. John atte Wode, of Wathlington, Feofment to Dom. John de Cat- tesfeld, Rector of the Church of Wathlington, of Rent payable by Walter le Wylde, from Land called Kyngesland, in the Parish of Wathlington. John Fletcher, John Yuegod, William of Sedeles- combe, and others, Testators. Dated at Wathlington, Thursday next Michaelmas, 1332. Seal, white paste. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 69 John, son of Gilbert Walet, of Battle, Parson of the Church of Chidendon, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Master William of Ledburi, Parson of the Church of Kingesuode, of all his Right and Claim to Land and Wood called Droteslond, in the Town of Battle. Dated Sunday following the Festival of S. Gregory, Mar. 1332. Margaret, late wife of Gilbert Walet, of Battle, Feofment to Master William of Ledburie, Parson of the Church of Kinges- uode, of all that Land and Wood called Droteslond, in the Town of Battle, adjacent to that part of Beche which is now the Lord Abbot of Battle's. Daniel le Taylleur, John de Loxebeche, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Tuesday before the Annuncia- tion of the Virgin, Mar. 1332. Seal perfect. William de Ledeburi, Parson of the Church of Kingesuode, Feof- ment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle of all the Land and Wood called Droteslond, in the Town of Battle. Stephen Pes- soner, John de Loxebeche, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Sunday preceding S. Dunstan's day, i. e. May 19, 1333. Seal. John de Cattesfeld, Parson of the Church of Whatlyngton, Feof- ment to the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery at Battle of Rent, from Walter le Wilde, of Whatlyngton, arising from a Field called Kyngeslond, lying in the Parish of Whatlyngton. John Fletcher, John Yuegod, William de Sedlescombe, Stephen Pes- soner, and other Testators. Dated at Battle, Aug. 12, 1333. Seal perfect. John of Cattefeld, Parson of the Church of Watlyngton, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, of a Tenement in Middleburgh, formerly belonging to William Gohoun. Stephen Pessoner, Daniele le Taylour, and other Witnesses. Seal. Indenture of Fine, levied in the Court of the Abbey of Battle, before John Breman, then Seneschal, between Stephen Pessoner, plaintiff, and John, Parson of the Church of Whatlyngton, deforciant, of three Messuages, sixty Acres of Land, five Acres of Wood, four Acres of Heath, and Rent in the Town of Battle. Stephen Pessoner, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, ren- dered at Michaelmas, 1333. Stephen Pessoner, Power of Attorney to John de Lexebeche, to deliver seizin in the name of the said Stephen and John his son, of Rent arising from Premises in Battle, held of the said Stephen for life, by Adam Corur and Petronilla his wife. Dated Battle, Wednesday before S. Gregory's Day, 1334. Seal. Stephen Pessoner, of Battle, Feofment to John his son, of Rent arising out of a Tenement in Battle. Ad. Pessoner, and others, Witnesses. Seal, white wax. 70 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Nich. atte Se, Reeve for the Manor of Bernehome, Roll of Accounts, answering for the Farm of the Windmill ; Account of Stock, Corn, &c, rendered at Michaelmas, 1334. Nicholas Fuller, Feofment to Walter Delueday, Alicia his wife, and John their son, of Land in the Borough of Monjoye in the Town of Battle, adjoining to the Pasturage called Plasthstret. John Loxebeche, Adam atte Hoke, John Bakere, John Gorynge, Ralph Courtays, John Delueday, Thomas Chitecombe, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Monday following S. Quintin's Day, 1335. Seal, red wax. Isabella Bartelot, of Enham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of three Wax Tapers, and of one Wax Taper from the hands of the Sacrist of Battle, on the day of the Purification of the Virgin. Robert Yuechurche, Clerk ; John his son, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sun- day before S. Gregory's Day, 1335. Seal, white paste. N°. 1414 is a release, dated on the same day, by Bartholomew Bartelot, her husband, for the same fee of wax tapers, &c. Seal, white paste. William Pessoner, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1336. Adam de Idenne, Feofment of Land in Salherst, called Berecroft, to John Meriweder, [or Merryweather.] Thomas de Bokeselle, William de Ferregge, William de Berewyke, and other Tes- tators. Dated Robert's Bridge, Sunday following Christmas Day, 1336. N°. 662 is a feofment of the same land to John Meriweder, by Rosa de Idenne, apparently the wife of Adam. Dated at Robert's Bridge in the following month. Peter de Idenne, son and heir of Adam de Idenne, Deed of Covenant with John Merriweder, that Peter should be discharged from payment of yearly Rent, for Lands, &c, in Salherst and Mundefeld, so long as the said John should hold Berecroft, lately given and granted by the said Peter to John Meriweder. Dated Robert's Bridge, Sunday after New Year's Day, 1336. Seal, green wax; inscr. " S. Dionis le Mers." Peter de Idenne, Feofment to John Meriweder and Isabella his wife, of certain Rents arising from his Lands in Salherst and Mundefeld. William de Berewyk, Jo. Curtays, Thomas de Wyuekehame, and others, Testators. Dated Salherste, Sunday following the Festival of S. Thomas the Confessor, 1336. Seal, green wax. John Meriweder, by the feofment, n°. 844, assigns Berecroft, near the town of Robert's Bridge, its scite being more particularly pointed out than hitherto, to Radulpho de Pesemarsh, and Matilda, his wife. Dated Robert's Bridge, on the eve of S. Simon and Jude's day, Oct. 28, 1338. Grant from the Abbot and Convent of Battle to Peter Scoteney, to hold for himself and his heirs for ever, a Garden in the Town Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S?c. 71 of Battle, in the way from the Abbey towards the Messuage of Gilbert White, 1337. William Long, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, from Michael- mas, 1336, to Michaelmas, 1337, answers for Rents received in Sandlake, Middleburgh, Monjoye, Ukham, Telham, Iltonesbathe, Breggeselle, Whatlyngton, Glasie, Hocstepe, Westham, and Sedelescombe. John de Saperton, Servant or Reeve of the Manor of Ikelesham, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending Mich. 1337. Answers for the Farm and Tythes of the New Marsh, let to Stephen Padyham, renders particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Richard de Ammedene, Chaplain, of kin and heir to Master Richard of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Alan, Lord Abbot, and the Convent of the Monastery of Battle, of all right or inheritance he might possess, in all Lands and Tenements in the Town of Battle, upon the decease of the said Master Richard. Gilbert de Berewyk, John de la Roche, Geffrey le Cyr, Thomas Miles, and other Witnesses. Dated S. Simon and S. Jude's day, i. e., Oct. 28, 1337. John de Pengeherst, and Helewysa Handon, his wife, Feofment to Richard Wilkyn, and Matilda his wife, of Rent arising from Land called Coteland, in the Parish of Westham, which the said Helewysa inherited from John, the son of John Handon, her brother. Alex. Wyggs, Thomas Bakere, Robert Donsy, John Pylchere, and other VVitnesses. Dated Westham, Sunday before Ascension day, 1338. Both seals perfect. Robert Mortimer, and Alicia de Sheppaye, his wife, Feofment to Isabella de Scheppaye of a Tenement in Middleburgh, between those of William Gerueys and the said Isabella on the West, that that was lately Roger Champeney's on the East, and in length extending from the King's Highway to the Park of the Abbot and Convent of Battle ; to be held also by the heirs of the said Isabella and William Gerueys, &c. Richard de Beche, Walter Deluedai, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, May 9, 1338. William Goldsmith, and Joan his wife, Grant and Demise to Henry Morys, and Rose, his wife, of Lands, called Westmarling, with the Wood adjacent; Domesday, Kilkecroft, and Dony- fordeswysh ; which the said Joan inherited upon the decease of Laurence Pessoner. Thomas Ferour, Thomas Charfull, Stephen Galington, and other Witnesses. Dated Sunday before Christmas day, 1338. Both Seals perfect. Robert Breman, Roll of Accounts for the Bedelry of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1340. Indenture of Agreement between the xAbbot and Convent of Battle* on the one part, and William de Hodesdale, whose Mill-stream had submersed the Lands belonging to the former, between Don- 72 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. nyngford and WhatHngton. Dated Battle, Monday following the Nativity of our Lady, Sept. 1341. Rental of the Manor of Bernehorne, by acknowledgement of the Tenantry, made before Lord John of Bright-Walton, and Rob. de Sharndenne, S. Quintin's day, Oct. 31, 1341. James, son and heir of Gervase Alard, of Winchelsea, Feofmentof seventeen Virgates of Land, &c. in the Parish of 8. Thomas, in the Town of Winchelsea, to Richard Mory, of Winchelsea, and Joan his wife. The land described as abutting on the North to the Messuage of Henry, the son of Richard Alard, &c. Dated Win- chelsea, Thursday after S. Hilary, Jan. 1341. Adam Goldsmith, of Battle, Lease of a Tenement, called Meyden- londe, to William, son of Richard of Wynchyngfelde, called atte Fermerie. Adam atte Hoke, John Remys, John de Beche, William Pessoner, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Monday before the Conversion of S. Paul, Jan. 1342. Seal, red wax. Adam le Goldsmith, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery of Battle, of Land lying by Caldebek, contiguous to other Lands of the Sacristy of Battle. John Remys, Robert Breman, Adam atte Hoke, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Friday before S. Stephen's day, 1343. N°. 1028 is a Deed of Release and Quit Claim of the same Land, by Adam le Goldsmith, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle. Dated Thurs- day before New Year's Day, 1343-4. Seal, white paste. Walter Colman, of Rye, and Joan, his wife, Feofment to William de Turindenne, of Battle, of a Messuage, Curtilage, &c. adjoining Crowherst, in Seynlak, which the said Joan inherited of John atte Cruche. Peter Sherreue, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Oct. 1343. W r ith both Seals. John de Hokestepe, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery at Battle, to all right and claim from them, of two Wax Tapers. Dated Battle, Jan. 25, 1343. Roll of the Gaol Delivery for the Town of Battle, before William Scot, Robert de Sharndenne, Bailiffe of the Liberties of the Abbot of Battle, in Battle, and Thomas de Betenham, or Beckenham, Justices. Easter, 1344. Annexed are the Names and Offences of the Prisoners. John, son of William de Bochurstgate, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the said William to certain Rents, from Tenements that were formerly Fulcon Coke's, in the Borough of Sandlake. Dated Battle, Wednesday after S. Matthew's day, Sept. 1344. N°. 839 is a Feofment of the above Rent by William de Brochurstgate to the Abbot and Convent of the Monastery of Battle, bearing date Thurs- day, the following day. Seal, red wax. Adam Goldsmith, Roll of Accounts and Disbursements in the Bedelry of Battle, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1S44. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 73 John Saperton, Roll of Accounts of Receipts and Disbursements in the Rectory of Ikelesham, Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1344. John Cuner, of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Stephen Pessoner? of Land in the Borough of Sandlake, that he inherited of Gilbert White. John of Loxbeche, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Sunday before S. Nicholas day, 1344. Seal, white paste. Isabella, late wife of Stephen Pessoner, of Battle, Feofment to Laurence Pessoner, her son, of all her Lands and Tenements in the Town of Battle. Richard de Beche, Adam Goldsmith, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Dec. 1, 1344. Isabella, late wife of Stephen Pessoner, and Laurence Pessoner, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to William Pessoner, of all their Right and Claim in Tenements, which are named, in the Town of Battle. John Loxbeche, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Dec. 8, 1344. Both Seals. Peter Scoteney, Grant and Demise of a Portion of a Garden and Twelve Virgates of Land, in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle, to Thomas de Waleys. Dated Battle, Feb. 1344; with Seal. Indenture of Agreement between Isabella, late wife of Stephen Pessoner, and Laurence Pessoner, her son, on the one part, and William Pessoner, on the other, respecting a division of her Dower ; a Messuage called Toroldeshouse, a Messuage called Middelhouse, another Messuage between them, a Field called Marlingbyrchette, another Field called Redyngbirchette, with the Woods, &c, another Field called Westmarlinge, Land in Dony- forde, &c. &c. Dated Battle, March, 1344. Seal fine and perfect. This legal document is wholly in French, anteriorly they have been in Latin. Isabella, late wife of Stephen Pessoner, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John Gardiner, of all her Right in a Messuage in the Town of Battle. William Pessoner, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, 1345 ; with Seal. John, son of Robert Gardiner, Feofment to Laurence, son of Ste- phen Pessoner, of a Tenement that was formerly Alicia Ferour's, in the Borough of Sandlake, and which the said John inherited of Robert Gardiner, his father. Dated Battle, 1345 ; with Seal. Bartholomew Bartelot of Enham, in the Parish of Odimere, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to three Wax Tapers, which were wont to be paid to him annually, by the Sacrist of the Mo- nastery of Battle. Dated Battle, April 2, 1345. William Seriant, or Serjeant, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, his Disbursements, &c, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1345. Robert de Sharndenne, one of the Lords Justices, and Keeper of L 74 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. the Liberties of the Monastery of Battle, Licence for the Moval of a Building erected upon Land holden of the Manor, and which, by Stephen of London, late Sacrist, had been sold by Deed, con- trary to will of the Lord, and contrary to the Custom of the Ma- nor. Dated, Thursday before S. Katherine's Day, 134.5. Roger de Ewystryde, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Wax Taper, by the hands of the Sacristan of the Monastery. Dated Battle, Dec. 3, 1345. Peter Fich, of Winchelsea, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of two Wax Tapers, wont to be rendered by the Sacrist of the Monastery, on the Day of the Purification of our Lady. Dated at Glesie, Thursday following S. Mildred's Day, 1345. Alicia Fissbourne, Feofment to Jo. atte Hoke, son of Reginald de Hoke, of a Messuage, &c, lying by Sideleghe, in the Parish of Bexle. John de Sideleghe, Richard Knelle, Reginald de Hoke, Jo. de Wertlysham, Thomas Hackelrode, and others, Testators. Dated at Bexley, Thursday before the Festival of S. Richard, 1346. Roll of the Receipts and Disbursements of William Seriant, Beadle of Battle, for tbe year ending at Michaelmas, 1346. Rent-roll of the Possessions of the Monastery of St. Martin, at Battle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1347; in an Account then rendered by Brothers Stephen de London, and Nicholas Wardedeu. An important document, as furnishing the amounts of Rent, and by whom paid, in the Manors and Lands of Bromham, Merle, Beche, Berne- horne, Mareschalles, Berehurst, Snape, Haukehurst, Alsiston, Lullington, Wachyngden, Kyngesuode, Dengemareys, Wy, Lymnisfeld, Wylegh, Depeford, Brockley, South wark, Hotone, Apeldreham, Anesty, Crow- marys, Brightwalton, Wyke, Rectory of Wy, Aylesham, Ixnyng, Semp- ford, Hempstead, Iklesham, Westfeld ; and the Pensions, for the Church of Mildenehall, Rectory of Brightwalton, Vicarage of Trylhawe, and the Rectories of Broham, Bramford, and Norton. John Danyel, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Field called Newefee, contiguous to the Lands be- longing to the Monastery, on the West. William Pessoner, Adam Goldsmith, Joshua Ferur, Robert Breman, John de Beche, and other Witnesses. Michaelmas, 1347. Seal, perfect. N°. 932 is a confirmation of this Feofment, by Master John Daniel, of Battle. The Field is here called " Nywefee," and the instrument dated March 1, 1348. William Seriaunt, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, his Re- ceipts and Disbursements for the year ending at Michajlmas, 1347. John Waley, Rector of the Church of Sedelescombe, Feofment to Thomas Waley, his brother, of Land, called Palmerslonde, adja- cent to Nedderfelde, in the Parish of Battle. Dated at Nedder- felde, Sunday after the Festival of S. Edmund the Bishop, 1347. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 75 Walter Deluedey, of Battle, Alicia his wife, and John their son, Feofment to Gerard Mareschand, otherwise Wey te, of Battle, of a Curtilage in the Borough of Monjoye. Dated Battle, Tuesday after S. Luke's Day, 1347. The three Seals, red wax, perfect. Gerard Mareschand, called Weyte, of Battle, Feofment to Walter Delueday,of Battle, Alicia his wife, and John their son, of a Mes- suage and Curtilage, in the Borough of Monjoy. John de Loxe- beche, Thomas Walet, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Tues- day following S. Luke's Day, 1347. William Pessoner, Feofment to Gerard Mareschand, otherwise Weyte, of Land lying in the Field called Bordersbyrchet, in the Parish of Battle, contiguous to the Land of John Goring on the West, &c. Joshua Ferour, Laurence Pessoner, and other Wit- nesses. Battle, 1348. Peter Schreve, or Sheriff, of Battle, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of Rent from a Cottage, formerly William de Bochurstgate's, called Jekelotteshous'. Robert de Sharendenne, Joshua Ferrour, William Pessoner, and others, Testators. Dated Battle, March 12, 1348. Seal, red wax, perfect. Robert de Mulston, Feofment of Land in Golyat, lying in the Parish of Westham, to John Gardiner, of Westham, and Margery his wife. Dated at Westham, 1349 ; with Seal. Joshua Ferour, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1349. Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, by Joshua Ferour, Beadle of Battle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1 350. John Saperton, servant of Ikelsham, Roll of Accounts, of the Rents of the Farm, the Land and Tythes in the Marsh, the Pasture of Nolesland, Brodegrove and Hofeld ; particulars of Stock, Corn, &c , for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1350. Peter, son and heir of William Carter, of Battle, Feofment of a Messuage to William, son of Matilda Goldsmith, otherwise Rabel ; which Messuage is situate between that of Stephen Don- ning, and that of the said William Rabel, in the Town of Battle. William Goldsmith, Gilbert Ellys, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, March 25, 1351. Seal, fine and perfect. Treasurer of Battle Abbey's Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Monies out of the Manors of Appeldreham, Croumarys, Bromham, Bryt- walton, Hoton, Wy, Dengemareys and Wachynden; as also from the Rectories of Samford, Ixning, Aylesham, and Iclesham, 1351. Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, by John Saperton, servant of the Rectory of Iclesham, for the year ending at Mi- chaelmas, 1351. 76 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. William de Suthinne, the younger, Feofment to Richard de Suthinne, his brother, of a Piece of Land, called Short Furlong, with a Wood and a Brook, lying in Gestlinge. Dated at Gest- linge, Jan. 2, 1351. Seal, white paste. Thomas, the brother of the said Richard de Suthinne, is also mentioned in this instrument. John Mileward, son of Thomas Mile ward, of Battle, and Matilda his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Stephen Malyn, of all Right and Interest, in Dower, in a Messuage situate between those of Alicia Kempe, and the heirs of William Toryngden, in Sandlake. Joshua le Ferour, Robert Donyng, and other Tes- tators. Battle, May 27, 1352. Stephen Donning, Feofment to Thomas le Webbe, of all his Lands and Tenements, in the Town of Battle. Robert Breman, Rob. Donnyng, Solomon Newman, William Tornour, and other Testators. June 12, 1352. John atte Doune, and Agnes his wife, Feofment to John Berk- inge, Chaplain, of a Watercourse, to the Almonry Lands at Battle, called Southdowne. Thomas Tykenerst, John Oliver, Thomas atte Forde, William Gil, and other Testators. Dated Battle, S. Margaret's day, July 20, 1352. John Vynet, and Alice his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Stephen Malyn, of a Tenement in Battle, which belonged to the said Alicia Vynet. Dated Battle, Michaelmas, 1352. Both Seals, white paste. Brother William Mundefeld, Roll of Accounts of the Bedelry of Battle, of the Office of Cellarer ; and of Rents of the several Manors and Rectories, Dec. 1352. Gerardus le Wayte, of Battle, and Alicia his wife, Feofment to Stephen Donning, of Battle, of a Piece of Land, in the Town of Battle, extending from the King's High Way to a Place called Quarrestrete. Joshua Ferour, Robert Breman, Peter Cuner, and other Witnesses. Dated at Battle, Feb. 7, 1S52. Both Seals. In other instruments, the Feoffee is designated Gerardus Mareschand, dictus Wayte de Bello. William Pontfold, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts of Rents of Assize of the Tenantry of the Manor of Battle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1353. Brother John Bordon, Roll of Accounts for the Rectory of Iclesham, the Pasturage of the Moor, and Held, particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1353. William Salman, servant for the Manor of Merley, Roll of Ac- counts of the Rents and Receipts issuable from that Manor, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1353. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, $c. 77 William Trigoles 1 and William Mot, servants for the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts for the Farm of Land called Holy- bredlond ; Land called Reedewysch ; for the Farm of the Mill ; the Tenements, called Couper's, Collier's, and Northey's; the issues of the Manor ; particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1353. John Delueday, son of Walter Delueday, of Battle, Feofment to Alicia, -late wife of Adam Goldsmith, of his Messuage, abutting on that of Gerard Marschant, [or Wayte,] on the North, in the Borough of Monjoy, and extending from the King's Highway, to the Park of the Lord Abbot, called Plasthet. Gerard le Wayte, already noticed, Rob. Breman, William Goldsmith, Richard Frend, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Feb. 22, 1353. Roll of the Gaol Delivery for the Town of Battle, before William Scot, Robert de Shamdenne, and Thomas de Beccenham, or Bettenham ? Justices. Easter, 1354. John, son and heir of William Toringdene, Feofment to Richard Smyth, of Battle, of a Messuage in the Borough of Sandlake, which was lately Gilbert Telham's. John Werne, Robert Don- ing, John Denys, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, June 29, 1354. Joshua Ferour, of Battle, Feofment to Walter de OfFynton, and Alicia, " my daughter," of all his Lands and Tenements, two Gardens, &c, in the Parish of Battle, then in the Occupation of John de Wyndere of Whatlyngton, and John Gardyner, Rector of the Church of Whatlyngton; as also of Land, called the Coumbe, then tenanted by Robert de Blakebroke. John de Ore, John Cressy, Alan Foghelyng, William Martyn, and other Tes- tators. Dated Battle, Monday following the Festival of S. Mar- garet the Virgin, 1354. Seal, red wax. John Bourdon, servant, Roll of Accounts, Rents, Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, of the Rectory of Iklesham, for the year ending at Michaelmas 1354. William Mot, Roll of Accounts, of the Rents issuable from the Manor of Bernehorne, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1354. William Salman, Roll of Accounts of the Manor of Merle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1354. Robert Umfray, Margaret, his wife, and John Walet, Pastor of the Church of Sedelescombe, Feofment to William Mordaunt, of Battle, and Joan, his wife, of a Croft of Land, in Sandlake, immediately against the Messuage of the said William. Joshua Ferour, Robert Doning, William Salman, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, S. Augustine the Bishop's day, i. e. Aug. 21, 1356. Seal, red wax. 78 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc* Thomas atte Parrok, Roll of Accounts, of Rents issuable and other matters in the Manor of Merle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1356. John Bordon, Roll of Accounts of the Rectory of Ikelesham, for the year 1356. William Jeruais, of Battle, son and heir of William Jeruais, Feofment of a Messuage called Cordwainer's, abutting on the Messuage of the said William Jeruais, the Younger, in Middle- burgh, to Roger Scharshull. Joshua Ferour, William Goldsmith, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, April 6, 1357. Seal. N°. 1033, dated the same day, is a Deed of Gift, of a portion of the Rent of the same Land, to Roger Scharshull, by the said William Jeruais. Seal red wax. Roll of Accounts of William Mott, servant of the Manor of Berne- home ; the Farm of the Mill, and Land called Holybredelonde, Account of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1357. Stephen Malyn, of Battle, Feofment to Robert Donnyng, of two Messuages in the Borough of Sandlake, which were the Gift of John Mileward and Alicia Kempe. John Denys, Stephen Don- nyng, John Berglynde, Richard Croppe, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, S. Matthew's Day, i. e., Sept. 21, 1358. Seal perfect. Brother Gilbert de Lyndesey, Rent Roll of the Abbey Posses- sions, 1358. Roll of Accounts of Thomas atte Parrok, of Rents issuable in the Manor of Merle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1358. Rent Rolls for the Manor of Merle, or Marley, from 1358, 32 Edw. III., to 1481, 21 Edw. IV. Henry Lacy, Roll of Accounts of the Rectory of Ikelesham, Par- ticulars of Stock, Corn, &c. 135S. Walter, son of Henry le Tanner, Feofment to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Croft of Land lying between the Mes- suages that was late John de Norton's, and the way leading to the Lands of Thomas Fukes ; with Rents of Tenements that were lately Adam de Breggeselle and John de Norton's, &c. Robert atte Park, Stephen Pessoner, John Forster, and other Testators. Friday before the Annunciation, 1359. Endorsed, " Time of Brother John de Eylesford, then Almoner of Battle." Robert Mortimer, Feofment to John le Fermeri, of part of a Tenement, Curtilage, &c, abutting on that of Ralph, son of Thomas de Hurst, to Land of Peter Sherreue, &c, in the Bo- rough of Sandlake. Thomas Fuke, Peter Sherreue, Thomas atte Stene, Robert Funtener, and other Witnesses. Trinity Sun- day, 1359. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 79 Thomas Clerk, Roll of Accounts for the Bedelry of Battle, Rents of Assize of Iltonesbath, Wycham, Bruggeshull, Dudilonde, Egeslond, Bodyham, Watlington, Glesie, Farleigh, Promhull, and Echenham. Michaelmas, 1359. Bernhorne Manor, Roll of Accounts, reciting, besides the issues of the Manor, Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, rendered by William Mot. Michaelmas, 1359. Henry Lacy and Robert Lee, Roll of Accounts of Receipts in the Rectory of Ikelesham, their Disbursements, Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1359. Indenture of Covenant between Walter Chapponiam and Juliana his wife, on the one part, and Gerard Marechant, otherwise Wayte, on the other, for a Grant of all the Term they had in the Messuage with Garden adjacent, in Middleburgh, that was for- merly Gilbert le Wych's. Joshua Ferour, William Goldsmith, Gilbert Olyfe, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Assump- tion of the Blessed Mary, i. e. Aug. 15, 1360. Seal, white paste. Roll of the Rental and Customs of the Town of Battle, the Divisions, Denominations of Messuages, Names of Tenantry, Amounts of Rents, time when due, &c, for the year 1360. John Monketon, Almoner of Battle's Roll of Accounts from Michael- mas, 1359, to Michaelmas, 1360, for the Manor of Mexfeld, &c. Roll of Accounts, of the Office of Cellarer, of Battle, by Brother Robert de Lyndesey ; answers for the Farm and Mill called Rette, Sharpham, and Holme. Michaelmas, 1360. Robert Loder, Roll of Accounts of the Farm of Land and Tythes in the Marsh, in the Rectory of Iclesham ; renders Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, Michaelmas, 1360. Robert Loder, Roll of Accounts, for the Rectory of Ikelesham ; answers for the Pasturage on the Moor, renders Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1361. Giles Shepherd, Feofment to Richard Menier, of a Messuage, not named where. Robert Donnyng, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Oct. 8, 1361. Robert de Southynne, of Westeneld, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Richard de Southynne, Margery his wife, and Stephen and Henry their sons, of all his Right to Lands and Woods in the Parish of Gestlynge, called Short-Furlonge, and Barlech. John de Southynne, Alan Fogelynge, and other Witnesses. Dated at Westenelde, Sunday following the Purification of our Lady, 1361. Seal. Ida Carter, widow, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to William de Rabel, of all her Life Interest in a Messuage in Sandelake. Dated Battle, 3 cal., i, e. March 13, 1361. Seal. 80 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. Almoner of Battle, Brother Nicholas Auncel, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements from Feb. 14, 1361, to the end of May, 1362. Rosa Mortimer, da. and heir of the late Richard Mortimer, of Battle, Feofment to Richard Swan, and Joan his wife, of a Mes- suage in Monjoy, contiguous to a " Messuage de Dogeride," &c. Alan More, John Curiel, Robert Blake, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Thursday following S. Matthew's Day, 1362. N°. 965 is a Feofment of the same Messuage, from Richard Swan to William Clerk, of Battle, and Agnes his wife. Dated Battle, June 29, 1368. Seal, white paste. Roll of Accounts of Ralph , for the Pasturage of the Moor, of Stock, Corn, &c, in the Rectory of Ikelesham, Michaelmas, 1362. Roll of Accounts of Rorert atte Belle, Beadle and Collector of Rents in the Manor of Wy, ; answers for an Escheat on Henwode, &c. Michaelmas, 1362. Thomas Clerk, Roll of Accounts, of the Bedlery of Battle, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1363. Robert Loder, Roll of Accounts, of the Rectory of Iklesham, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1363. Robert le Vynour, of Southwark, Feofment, in Alms for ever, to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, of a Chamber, annexed to that of the said Abbot and Convent's, called " le Stywardes Chambre," in Southwarke, on part of the Garden of the said Robert le Vy- nour. JohnMockyng, William de Molton, Philip Bailley, Thomas of Lincoln City, and Goldsmith of London ; Walter de OfTynton, and other Witnesses. Dated Southwark, S. Scholastica the Virgin's Day, i. e. Feb. 10, 1363. Seal, red wax. John, son and heir of William Thoringdene, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Clerk, of Battle, of a Messuage in Sandlake. Michael- mas, 1364. Roll of Accounts of Thomas Clerk, Beadle of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1364. Covenant between Walter Chapman and Juliana his wife, on the one part, and Stephen Donyng and Petronilla his wife, on the other, relative to the Moiety of a Messuage, as Dowry with the said Juliana, who appears to have been the da. of Stephen and Petronilla. Master'john Torkesey, then Dean of Battle; Wil- liam Goldsmith, Richard Smith, then Constable of Battle, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Easter, 1365. Seal. Revenue Roll of the Receipts in the Treasury of the Monastery of Battle, of Monies, from the Wine-yarde of the Rectory of Hawk- herst, the rents and farms in their several Manors, Rectories, &c, and Alms from various Churches, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1365. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 81 Brother Thomas Coumbe, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements ; answers for the Rents of Ickle- sham, Bernehorne, and Alstoune. Michaelmas, 1365. Roll of Accounts of Thomas Clerk, Beadle, for the Bedelry of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1567. Walter Offington, Custos or Keeper of the Rectory of Ikelesham, Roll of Accounts of Tythes in Padyham Marsh, of a Croft of Land called Soles ; particulars of Stock, Corn, &c, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1368. Thomas Clerk, Beadle, Roll of Accounts for the Bedelry of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1368. Enrolment of the Proceedings in Hilary Term, 1368, by the Lord Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, against William of Echingham, on a Claim of Services, in the Manor of Whatlyngton, to John Plantagenet, surnamed of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster. Record of the Manor Court of Wode, held Monday before S. Alphege's day, April, 1369. Phillip Gyffarth, did Service for Land in Sedelescombe, &c. Almoner of Battle, Brother Stephen de Cranebroke, Roll of Accounts for the year ending Michaelmas, 1369. William Longe, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts and Dis- bursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1369. Bernehorne Manor Roll, containing Accounts for the Farm of the Mill and Holybredelond ; Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1369. Walter Offington, Custos, Roll of Accounts of the Rectory of Ikelesham ; answers for the Farm of Tythes in Padyham Marsh, &c. Michaelmas, 1369. Stephen de Cranebrok, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1370. Cellarer of Battle, Brother Robert de Tent, Roll of Accounts, answering for the profits of the Water Mill, of Lands called Rette, Sharpham, and Holme ; Pasturage in Longrigge, &c, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1370. Total of Expences, 404/. 4s. 10c?. Bernehorne Manor Roll, rendered by Brother William de Lombeherst, Custos thereof, for the year ending Michael- mas, 1370. Roll of Accounts, Receipts, and Disbursements, of Thomas Clerk, Bedle of Battle, Michaelmas, 1371. Sum total of Receipts, 71/. 0*. lie/.— Disbursements, 38/. Is. lid. Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, rendered by Brother William Lomhirst, keeper of the same. Michaelmas, 1371. M 82 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. William de Northone, and Margery his wife, of the Parish of Battle, Feofment to John atte Wode, and Joan his wife, of all Lands, &c. by Mylestone, in the Parish of Battle, the inheritance of the said Margery, of the hereditary tenure of Vincent Fynch and John de Beche. William Frere, William Goldsmith, Thomas Ferrors, Gilbert Elis, Rich, de Beche, and other Witnesses. Battle, Thursday following the Festival of S. Martin, 1371. Thomas de Hoo, Knight, and Isabella his wife, Feofment to William Notte, of the Parish of Hurstmonceux, of a Messuage and three Acres of Land, called Nottyslond, in the Parish of Hoo. Gilbert Adam, Geoffry Palmer, John Thomas, Richard Godwyn, John Edrych, and other Witnesses. Dated at Hoo, May 6, 1372. Both Seals, bearing Arms, fine and perfect. n°. 1464. William Nott, by a Feofment dated at Hoo, Monday before the Festival of S. Martin, in Yeme, 1373, granted the same premises to Richard Picard, of the parish of Hoo, and to Matilda his wife, with succession, after their demise, to John, Isabella, and Joan, the children of the said Richard and Matilda. See n°. 867. John atte Crouche, of the Parish of Hoo, and Eva, his wife, Feof- ment of Land, called Maidysdene, lying in the Parish of Hoo, to Richard Picard of Hoo, and Matilda his wife. Numerous Witnesses. Dated at Hoo, Sunday following Michaelmas Day, 1372. Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, rendered by Brother Stephen de Craneroke, Almoner of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1372. Robert Bregge, or Bridge, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts and Disbursements for the year ending Michaelmas, 1372. Sum total of Expenditure, 389/. 16s. 5d. The first paper roll, with a date, among these archives. William Gregory, of Westham, Feofment to John My 1 ward, of the same place, and Elena his wife, of a Cottage and Land, in Haukhara. Dated Westham, 1373 ; with both Seals. Stephen de Cranebroke, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1373. Roll of Accounts for the Manor of Bernhorne, rendered by Brother William Lomherst, Keeper of the same ; answers for the Farm of Holybredelond, the Pasturage of Exfeld, &c. Michaelmas, 1373. Walter Offynton, Roll of Accounts for the Rectory of Ikelesham ; Farm of Land in Padiham Marsh, Land called the Sole, Land lying under Brodegrove, &c. Michaelmas, 1373. Roll of Accounts of Brother Robert Bregge, Cellarer of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1374. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 83 Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, rendered by Brother Wil- liam Lomherst, Keeper of the same, for the year ending Mi- chaelmas, 1374. Walter de Offynton, Roll of Accounts of the Rectory of Ikeles- ham, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1374. William de Nortone, and Margery his wife, Feofment to Robert Scharsell, of a Tenement in Monjoy, contiguous to the House of William Bahere, " Cissoris," &c. William Goldsmith, Walter Uftanton, and other Testators. Dated at Battle, Jan. 28, 1374. Seal, with arms. Almoner of Battle, Brother Thomas Coumbe, Roll of Accounts, answering for the Rents of Pevensey, Alston, and Bernehorne, Mexfeld, &c. Michaelmas, 1375. John Bodhurst, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, from Michael- mas, 1375, to Easter, 1376. John Litelwaite, son of John Litelwaite of Haylesham, Feof- ment to Mabilia, da. of the late John Elis de Berecomp, of Lands in Pevensey and Westham. Testators, William Flour, William Bartelot, Tho. Alard de Peuenese, John Litelwaite, Sen. de Pevensey, Thomas Gryselyn, de Berecomp ; John Meller, of Wellingham ; Ralph Philpot de Pefeld, Clerk ; and others. Dated Berecomp, Easter Sunday, 1376. Seal. Robert Bregge, Cellarer of Battle's Roll of Accounts, Receipts of the Rents of the Mill of Pypyring, Lands of Rette, Sharp- ham, Holme, and Forthland, &c. Michaelmas, 1376. Bernehorne Manor Roll, Recounts the Farm of the Mill, of Land called Holybredelond, a Croft called Robert's Marsh, &c, with Particulars of living and dead Stock. Michaelmas, 1376. Ikelesham Rectory, Roll of Accounts, rendered by Walter Offin- ton, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1376. Licence to John Motaye, to Demise Lands held of the Sacrist of Battle, and William Frere. Dated Manor Court of Wode, Thursday before the Festival of S. John Baptist, 1377. John Leche and Paulina, his wife, Feofment to John Bacon, of Westham, of Lands belonging to them, in Westham, near Hauk- ham. Philip Alard, then Bailiff of Pevensey ; John Lowyrs, John Gardiner, and other Testators. Dated at Westham, Monday fol- lowing the Nativity of our Lady, 1377, 1 Rich. II. N os . 1307 and 1411, relate to the same parcels of Land. William Goldsmith, Beadle of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1377. Brother Thomas Combe, Almoner of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, 84 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. answering for the Rents of Bernehorne, Alsiston, and Pevensey, and for the Rents of Snaylham and Iklesham. Michselmas 1377 and 1381. Bernehorne Manor Roll, answering for the Farm of the Mill, Land called Holybredlond, a Croft called Robert's Marsh, &c. Michael- mas, 1377. Brother Scharpp, Roll of Accounts, for the Rectory of Iklesham ; the Disbursements ; Delivery of the Profits of the Manor ; Par- ticulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1377. Feofment of Land, called Essche, by the place called Goldherd, in the Parish of Whatlyngton, to John Motay and Margery his wife, in the Manor Court of Wode, before William de Beche. Dec. 1377. Roll of Accounts, of the Profits and Disbursements of Bernehorne Manor. Michaelmas, 1378. This Roll is on paper. William Sharp, Servant, Roll of Accounts for the Rectory of Ikelesham, &c. Michaelmas, 1378. Simon Porter, of Wynchelse, Feofment to John Gardiner of West- ham, of the Tenements, which he was heir to, contingent upon the decease of Agatha Fish of Westham, and to all the Tenements in the Town of Westham, in the Borough of Pevensey, which were Roger Porter, his uncle's. William Polynge, Simon Anneys, John Scleghond, John Batelman, and other Testators. Dated West- ham, Sunday following the Purification of our Lady, 1379. Seal. Robert Dunning, of Battle, Feofment to Dom. William Baron, Vicar of Crowherst, and John Wodye, of the same, of a Mes- suage, in the Borough of Sandlake. Walter OfFynton, Richard Smyth, John Bochurst, Robert Humfray, John Lambe, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Sunday, after Ascension Day, 1379. Seal perfect. Cellarer of Battle's Roll of Accounts, as rendered by Brother Robert Bregge ; acknowledges rents received for the Mill of Pypynges, for Lands of Rette, Sharpham, Northland, and Longereche, Mi- chaelmas, 1379. Sum total of Disbursements, 345/. John Litelwaite de Pevensey, Demise to Simon Anneys of Westham, of all his Lands, &c, in the Parish of Haylesham, which he inherited from John Litelwaite, his father, deceased. Dated Haylesham, Sunday after Michaelmas, 1379. See also n°. 665. William Goldsmith, Beadle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, answer- ing for the Rents paid by the tenants of Sandlake, Middleburgh, Monjoye, Tyltonysbath, Wykham, Bouxstepe, Bodyham, Udy- mere, Wathlyng, Glesye, Farlegh, Saunfrys, Echyngham, and Promhull, for the years ending at Michaelmas, 1379, 1380, 1381, 1383, 1384, and 1385. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 85 Robert atte Grene, of Bexley, Feofment to John Gyle and Ma- tilda his wife, of all the Lands which John atte Grene inherited of Thomas Fraunceys, situated at Northbodyngham and Holin- croft, in the Parish of Bexley. Robert Bakere, William Brekles- ham, John Snow, William Hony, Thomas Ferkche, and other Wit- nesses. Dated Bexley, Sunday following Michaelmas Day, 1381. Seal. William Haylman, of the Town of Hastings, Feofment to John Wodelond, and John Bacon, of Pevensey, of his Lands, Tene- ments, &c, that were lately Robert Demsye, and Alice, his wife's, in Mankseye. John Salerne, Richard Bannok de Hastings, Wil- liam Bartelot, and other Witnesses. 1382. Seal, red wax. John Bodeherst, of Battle, Feofment to John Godgroue, the younger, of Maghuyld, and Laurentia, his wife, of a Messuage, with Gardens, &c, in Sandlake, between the Tenement of John at y e felde, on the North, and of Matilda Benuyllym on the South. Thomas Ferour, Stephen Dunning, William Tournour, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday following S. Matthew the Apostle's day, 1382. Seal. Brother Thomas Hay, Almoner of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, rendered at Michaelmas, 1382, 1383, 1384, and 1385. Brother Robert Bregge, Treasurer of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts of the Receipts of the Bedelry of Battle, the Profits of the office of Cellarer, Manorial Rents, and other dues. Michael- mas, 1382. John Baker, Roll of Accounts for the Manor of Bernehorne, ren- dered Michaelmas, 1382. The Roll for 1383 is by John Baker and Thomas Wenyll. Roll of Accounts of the Assessments and Fines of the Manor of Merle, from Michaelmas, 1381, to Michaelmas, 1382. John Fynhawe, bastard son of John Fynghawe, of Watlyngton, Feofment of a Messuage in Middleburgh, in the Town of Battle, . the Gift to him of his uncle Simon Fynhaghe, to William atte Wode, and Richard Wilde, of Mundefelde. Dated Battle, Thursday following S. Alphege the Bishop's day, 1383. Seal. Roll of the Manor Court, held at Wode, Thursday after S. Mary Magdalen's day, July 22, 1383. Chiefly relative to Lands then held by John Fynhagh of William Frere, Sacrist of Battle. Rent Roll of the Abbey of Battle, rendered by Robert Bregge, or Bridge, Michaelmas, 1383. Sum total of the Receipts, 1244/. 3s. 6d. Among the extraordinary expences mentioned in this Roll, is the tenth, which the Abbey granted to the King, of the revenues of the Church of Ixninsr. 86 Battle Abbey Charters^ Grants, Deeds, tyc. Brother Thomas, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Receipts and Dis- bursements, answering for the Rent of the Water Mill at Pipringey, &c, 1383. Sum total expended 487/. 18s. 5d. The Roll for 1385, gives the name of Brother Thomas Elham, as Cellarer; and his disbursements, in the last named year, amounted to 346/. 5*. Qd. The Antiquary will find in these Cellarers' Accounts much to gratify the curious enquirer into early monastic economy. Their eels, stock-fish, salmon, white and red, were bought in London. The last year's account mentions two pipes of wine, bought at Cant [Canterbury ?] and one at London. These but ill accord with the items of *' sackcloth, shoules and mattokkes," &c. Dom. Stephen Cranebroke, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Receipts, Disbursements, &c, answers for the Farm of Holybredelond, Robertslond, the Farm of the Wind- Mill; Account of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1384. Stephen Charsell, of Battle, Indenture of Agreement with John Fynhage, relative to an " Eysiament, or Water-Dropping," for his House in Middleburgh. William Goldsmith, Thomas Ferour, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Thursday follow- ing Epiphany, 1385. Seal. Brother Stephen Cranebroke, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements of the Manor of Bernehorne, for the years ending at Michaelmas, 1385, 1387, and 1388. Adam Grym, son of Robert Grym, of the Parish of Haylysham, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Allan atte Melle, of the Town of Battle, of a Messuage and Wood adjacent, in Middleburgh, called Turrold, and situate near by Schuteboure-lane. Dated Battle, Tuesday following S.John Baptist's day, 1386. N°. 1349 is a demise in fee-farm of the same Messuage, called Turrold, from William Goldsmith and Joan his wife, to Allan atte Melle. Dated Battle, Sunday after Martinmas day, 1386. Almoner of Battle, Brother William Brunston, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1386, 1387, 1389, and 1390. Brother Thomas Elham, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Re- ceipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1386. John Claydon, of London, was at this period their Fishmonger. The roll for 1387 gives the receipts at 235/. 7*. 6d., and the disburse- ments by the Cellarer at 265/. 14*. 6d. John Baker, son of Robert Baker, Feofment of a piece of Land lying on the West towards Henne-Street, in the Parish of Hoo, to Richard Pycard, of Hoo, and Matilda his wife. Dated at Hoo, Sunday following S. Dionysius' day, Oct. 1386. . Seal. John Elfrich, of the Parish of Hoo, Feofment to John Baker, of Bexley, of Land called Brokereslee, in the Parish of Hoo, Thurs- day in the Nativity of S. John Baptist. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 87 Adam Grym, Feofment to Henry Morris, of Battle, and Rose his wife, of his Moieties of the Fields called Westmarling, with Wood adjacent ; the Field called Domesday 5 the Field called Kelke- croft ; and the Meadow called Domfordiswisshe, inherited by the said Adam, from John Goldsmith, and lying within the liberties of the Town of Battle. Thomas Ferrours, Stephen Sharsull, Stephen Dallington, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Thurs- day, on the Eve of All Saint's day, 1387. Curious Seal, perfect. Statutes concerning Labourers and Artificers, made in 1388 and 1409. Alicia, da. and heir of William Webster, of Lokyngton, widow, Feofment to John Herynge, of Southburton, and Joan his wife, of Land, with Buildings, in Lokyngton, lying eastward from the way of Thorp ; to the Land of William Warde on the West ; on the South from the Land of the said William ; to that of Isabella, late wife of Roger Somono, towards the North. William Abell, of Lokyngton ; William Warde and Henry Taillour, of the same ; Adam, of Rygeton ; and John Baxter, of Southburton, Testators. Dated Lokyngton, Monday following Nativity of S. John Baptist, June, 1388. Alicia, da. and heir of William Webster, of Lockington, widow, Feofment to John Herynge, of Southburton, and Joan his wife, of a Place, with Buildings, &c. in Lockington, situate by the way of Thorp, towards the East, &c Witnesses, William Abell, of Lockington ; William Warde, Henry Tailleur, of the same, &c. Dated Lokyngton, Monday following the Nativity of S. John Baptist, 1388. Stephen Wylkyn, of Battle, Feofment to Richard Shepherde and Clementia his wife, of a Messuage in Sandlake, lying upon the King's Highway, towards the West. Richard Smyth, John Denys, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday following the Assumption of our Lady, Aug. 1388. Thomas Elham, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1388. Sum total of Receipts, 2331. 13s. 9c?.; and among the items of Dis- bursements is, to Geoffrey the Apothecary, of London, xxxvs. Henry Chittecombe, of Battle, Feofment to Walter Offinton and Thomas Ferrers, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle. Stephen Sharshull, Stephen Dalington, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Jan. 29, 1388. Seal. William Boneknelle, Feofment to John Bacon, and Dionysia his wife, of Land, &c. in Westham, lying in the Marsh of Haukham, contiguous, on the East, to the Lands of the Lord Duke of Lan- caster, &c. Dated Westham, May 7, 1389. William Frere, and Joan his wife, Grant to Henry Moris, and Rose his wife, of the Reversion of a Field called Westmarling, 88 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. with the Wood adjacent ; a Field called Domesday, a Field called Kelkecroft, and a Meadow called Donyfordeswysshe, &c. in the Parish of Battle, the Lands of the late William Goldsmith, whose widow was now the wife of the said William Frere. Battle, July 3, 1389. Both seals perfect. At the close of Lent, 1393, William Pesemarshe feoffed his part of the same Lands to Henry Moris, and Rose his wife. The instrument recites the previous Feofments of Adam Grym, of 1387, and of William Frere, in 1389. See n°. 884, Seal perfect. Cellarer of Battle, Thomas Elham, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1389. Receipts, 310/. 4s. 3d. ; Disbursements, 331/. 19s. 5d. Stephen de Dalington, Roll of Accounts of the Bedclry of Battle, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1389, 1390, and 1393. Walter Geffray, and Isabella his wife, Feofment to John Bacon, and Dionysia his wife, of a Messuage and Twenty Acres of Land by Haukbam, in Westham. There are other persons named, who, after the said John Bacon and his wife, were to have a life interest in the same. Dated Westham, Monday after Michaelmas day, 1389. Robert Scot, and Petronilla his wife, of Winchelsea, Feofment to John Benglesthorpe, and Godiva? his wife, of a Messuage in the Parish and Town aforesaid. Witnesses, William Skele, then Mayor; John Treuerbyn, then Bailiff; John Geffrey, and others. Dated Winchelsea, Tuesday following Michaelmas day, 1389. There are two Seals to this instrument, one of which is the Civic Seal of Winchilsea. Sarah Thorndenne, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Cheeseman, and Joan his wife, of a Messuage in Sandlake, upon the King's Highway towards Hastings. Richard Smith, Robert Umfray, John Salendyne, John Fysshere, and other Witnesses. Battle, Thursday following the Festival of S. Gregory, Pope and Con- fessor, March, 1390. Seal. Margery Dunning, relict of Robert Dunning, Feofment to Alicia Bevys of a Messuage in Sandlake. Walter Offynton, William Green, Clerk, and other Testators. Dated Battle, same day as the preceding. Dominus John Lytlyngton, Rector of the Church of Cattesfelde, Feofment to Rich. Stokke, and Will. Flemyng, of his Tenement called Styllago, extending from the King's Highway to the Park of the Lord Abbot of Battle, between the Lands of John Seman and John Penbrok. Stephen Scharsell, Alan Lonseforde, William Fraunceys, and other Witnesses. Battle, Thursday following Trinity Sunday, 1390. Thomas Elham, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc, 89 Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1390. Receipts, 302/. 13*. 2d. ; Disbursements, 305/. 12s. 9c?. William Barun, Vicar of Crowherst, and John Wodye, of Battle, Feofment to Margery Dunning, of Battle, of a Messuage in Sand- lake. Walter OfTynton, Richard Smyth, Robert Umfrey, John Lambe, and other Testators. Dated Battle, S. Innocent's day, i.e. Dec. 28, 1390. Seal. William Clerke, of the Town of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Kuyrche, and William his son, of a Messuage that was formerly Richard Swan's, in Monjoy, contiguous to the Lands of the Abbot and Convent of Battle. Richard Swan, John Felder, Robert Swan, and other Testators. Battle, Sunday following the Festival of S. Julian, the Bishop and Confessor, 1390. Seal. Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending at Michael- mas, 1391, rendered by brothers William Brunston and Thomas Haukherst. The Rolls for the years 1392, 1393, 1394, and 1395, bear the name of Thomas Haukehurst as Almoner. Richard Smyth, Feofment to Thomas atte Downe and Robert Humfrey, of a Tenement, &c. in Sandlake, extending from the King's Highway to the Land of the Deane of Battle. John Fisher, William Apuleram, John Selyndyne, Richard Dymmok, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday following the Festival of S. Bennet, the Abbat, 1392. Seal. N°. 1431 is a Feofment from Thomas atte Downe and Robert Humfrey, of the same Tenement, &c. to Alicia, the relict of Richard Smyth. Dated Sunday following S. Lucia the Virgin's day, Dec. 1392. Seal. Stephen Donning, and Petronilla his wife, to Edward Mercham, of the Town of Hastings, Feofment of a Messuage in tbe Borough of Sandlake, extending from the King's Highway to the Sacristy Lands at Battle. Richard Dymmok, Rob. Cokshell, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday following S. Bartholomew tbe Apostle's day, 1392. Both seals perfect. Cellarer of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts of this Office for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1393. Receipts, 272/. 18*. Id., and the Disbursements, 277/. 9j. lid. Rolls containing the Entries of Manor Courts held at Wode, 1393 and 1398. John Ingerham, of Neuenfelde, Feofment to John Eston, Senior, Richard Pycard, and Robert Rodynge, of a Tenement called Langfore, in the Parish of Neuenfelde, by the King's Highway towards Hoo. John Palude, Richard Palude, William Swynham, and other Witnesses. Dated Neuenfeld, Feb. 11, 1393. Robert Knight, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Robert Bor- groue,of Hastings, of all his reversionary Rights in two Messuages, N 90 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. &c. in Battle, which were Walter le Blake's, otherwise Parker, of Battle, as also of all Lands, Tenements, Rents, &c. in Westfeld, by Grosham, that belonged to Thomas le Breman, and Alicia his wife, da. and heir of John Funtener, of Westfelde. Witnesses, Alan Lunsforde, Simon Baker, Draper, Oliver Southynne, of Westfelde, and others. Dated Battle, March 8, 1393. Seal. The same Robert Borgrove, by an instrument dated on the following day, feoffed to Robert Knight, of Battle, Joan his wife, and Margery their daughter, a Messuage by the Market Place in Battle, called Schyteborglane. See n°. 874. Thomas Elham, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Years ending at Michaelmas, 1394, 1395, 1396, and 1397. Stephen Scharnfolde, and John Byrchet, the elder, of the Parish of Tycheherst, Feofment to Petronilla, late wife of Geoffry Taleho, and to Richard Taleho, her son, of a Messuage, Land, &c. called Peperynges, in the Parish of Echingham. Dated at Echingham, Sunday before the Purification of our Lady, 1394. Both seals perfect. Alice Bevys, of Battle, widow, Feofment to Walter de Offynton and Thomas Ferror, of a Messuage in Sandlake, extending from the King's Highway to the Land of the Almonry of Battle, called Rodefennescroft. Stephen Galyngton, Henry Fynhawe, Richard Dymmok, Nicholas Smyth, Richard atte Broke, and other Wit- nesses. Dated Battle, Feb. 25, 1394. Richard Stokke and William Fleming, Feofment to Thomas Smyth, of Cattesfelde, of a Messuage in Monjoye, adjacent to the Tenement of John Seman, &c, the Gift of John Lytlyngtone, Rector of the Church of Cattesfelde. Dated at Cattesfield, Sunday in Festival of S. John Baptist, 1396. Both Seals. Stephen Galington and Stephen Love, Feofment to John atte Park, and Matilda his wife, of the Parish of Salherst, of a Mes- suage in Middleburgh, between the Lands of the Lord Abbot of Battle towards the South, and the Lands of Stephen Scharsull towards the North, &c. Battle, Thursday after S. Swithin's day, 1396. Both Seals. Thomas Smyth, of Cattesfelde, Feofment to Matilda Polstede, da. of Thomas Polstede, of Boxstede, in Essex, of a Messuage in Mon- joye, extending from the King's Highway to the Park of the Lord Abbot of Battle. Stephen Charsell, Stephen Galyngton, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Tuesday after the Assumption of the Blessed Mary the Virgin, 1396. Seal. Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1396, as rendered by brothers Thomas Haukeherst and John Liddebury. William Cordelay, Roll of Accounts of the Bedelry of Battle, Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 91 Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending at Michaelmas, 1396. Stephen Love, of Battle, Feofment to John Tumor, Peter Gaw- teyr, and Margery his wife, of a Field, and Land extending from the Kind's Highway to Donnygforde, and the Mill, &c. Dated Battle, Sunday following the Festival of S. Romanus, the Bishop, 1396. John Felder, of Battle, Feofment to John Bryd, of Land, to a Messuage called M la Pshows." Stephen Sharselle, Stephen Galyngton, John Swantone, and other Witnesses. Battle, Easter, 1397. Seal. Edward Marchame, of Hastings, Feofment to Alicia, late wife to Stephen Donning, the younger, of Battle, of a Messuage in Sand- lake, lately held by Gift and Feofment of Stephen Donning, the father, and Petronilla, his wife. Stephen Schareshell and other Testators. June 23, 1397. Seal perfect. John atte Park, of Robertsbridge, and Matilda, his wife, Feof- ment to James Bole and Alicia his wife, of a Messuage in Middle- burgh, extending from the King's Highway to the Park of the Lord Abbot of Battle, which is called " the Plashet." Walter de Offynton, Thomas Ferrour, Stephen Sharselle, Thomas More, and other Testators. Battle, Michaelmas day, 1397 ; with both Seals. There are other documents relative to the same Messuage, bearing date the Monday after ; the same parties being concerned. See n os . 1045 and 1350. Brother John Liddebury, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, an- swering for certain Rents appertaining to the Almonry, his Dis- bursements, &c. Michaelmas, 1397. Stephen Sharsell, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Rents in that Bedelry, Disbursements, &c, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1397. Henry Molant, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of the Rental, &c, of the Manor of Bernehorne. Michaelmas, 1397 and 1398. Matilda Picard, of the Parish of Hoo, Feofment to William Pese- marsh and Isabella his wife, of Land in Hoo. Rich. Palude, Adam Edrich, John Palude, and other Testators. Hoo, 1398, with Seal. Stephen Sharsell, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts for that Bedelry for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1398. Richard Bery, of the Town of Battle, Feofment to Alex. Benfeld, of the same place, of a Messuage in Middleburgh, lying between the Lands of the said Richard and the Almoner of Battle, and ex- tending from King's Street to the Lands of the said Richard. Thomas Ferrors, Stephen Sharsell, Stephen Galington, and others, Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sunday, the Eve of tlie Purification of the Virgin, Feb. 1398. 92 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, §e. Stephen Scharseli, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts for that Bedelry, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1S99. Henry the Fourth's accession to the Crown was on Michaelmas Day this year, so that, properly, it is of the twenty-third of his predecessor, Richard the Second. Roll of the Manor Court of Wode, held Thursday following the Translation of S. Thomas the Martyr, 1399, 1 Hen. IV. Ri- chard Mot did Homage for Land called Peueneheuene, &c. Isabella Beche did Homage for Lands called Hame and Westfeld, then held by John Otelby, and Land called the More, held by Matilda Jeffray. William Belham, Sacristan of the Abbey of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts, of the Sacristy of that Monastery, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1399. The Sacrist answers for the Farm of Alciston, the Tythes of Enham, Saleherst, Chetilliscombe, Ore, Bekley, Wertling, Lidham, Bokholt, and Grange; the Marsh of Pevensey, a Meadow in Bodiham, the Mill of Augyngle ; Pensions issuing out of the Priory of Hastings, the Rectory of Warbelton ; the Churches of Mankesey, Haukherst, Lymenefeld, and Horton ; Rents of Agmersherst, Udymer, Swynham, Wyllyndon, Hauk- herst, Wy, Chaulton, Pythisden, Wiltyng, Anglyngeley; Meadow at Bok- holt, &c. John Westgate, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the year ending Michaelmas, 1399. John Copyn, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, of his Receipts and Disbursements, &c, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1399, 1 Hen IV. Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Rents, and Disburse- ments, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1399. John atte Crowche, Servant of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts for that Manor, Michaelmas, 1399. John Bronde ? Servant of the Rectory of Iklesham, Roll of Ac- counts, Rental, Account of Stock, &c, Michaelmas, 1399. Paper. Roll of the Halimote Court, holden for the Manor of Bernehorne, Thursday after the Epiphany, 1399. These Rolls recite the Sur- render and Admissions to Premises held of the Manor, the Cus- toms of the Manor, &c. Vincent Fynche, de Nedyrfelde, Esq., Feofment to William Wat- cumbe, of Battle, of Land in Sandlake, lying between the Abbot's Land called Longreche, and the Land of John Foxhonte, in the way leading from Battle to Hastings. Stephen Wallyngton, Laur. Chevalier, and other Witnesses. Battle, April 27, 1400. Seal. Petlr Carter, of the Parish of Alkham, in Kent, Feofment to Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 03 Peter Baldewyn, and Benedict his wife, of the Parish of Battle, of his Reversionary Interest in Lands and Tenements near the Spytle-garden, in Sandlake, upon the death of Walter Carter, his brother. Stephen Sharsell, Stephen Love, John Selyndyne, Ri- chard Bertelot, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Monday following Nativity of S. John Baptist, June, 1400. Seal. Matilda Polstede, of the Town of Battle, Feofment to John Simon and Simon Long, of her Tenement called Styllago, extending from the King's Highway, to the Park of the Lord Abbot. Stephen Sharsell, John Penbrok, and other Witnesses. Battle, Wednesday following Nativity of S. John Baptist, June, 1400. Halimote Court Roll, for the Manor of Bernehorne, held Tuesday after Michaelmas, 1400. Halimote Court Roll for the Manor of Bernehorne, held Thursday before the Festival of S. Martin in Yeme, 1401. James Bole, of Battle, and Alicia his wife, Feofment to John Ceman, Elene his wife, and Simon Long, of a Tenement, the Gift and Feofment of John atte Park, and Matilda his wife, situate between the Lands and Tenement of Stephen Sharsell, and the Land of the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle. Stephen Sharsell, Stephen Dalyngton, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Nov. 20, 1401. William Bilham, Sacristan of the Abbey of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts, Receipts of Rents in the Sacristy of Battle, Disburse- ments, &c, 1401. Brother Thomas Whitstapull, Roll of Accounts of his Office, as Cellarer of the Monastery of Battle. Michaelmas, 1401. John Copyn, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of the Rental of that Bedelry, Disbursements, &c. Michaelmas, 1401. John Croucher, servant of the Manor of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas 1401, 1402, 1403, and 1404. Stephen Parker, of Essex, Feofment to William Capoun, for Caperoun], of the Parish of Hoo, of Land, with House, &c, at Hoo, in the way leading from the Court of Hoo towards Battle. Geffrey Broker, Gilbert Lytell, and other Witnesses. Dated at Hoo, Eve of S. Mary Magdalen, July 21, 1402. Seals. N p . 967, is a Feofment of the same Land, by William Capon, or Caperon, of Hoo, and Isabella his wife, to William Pesemersh, of Hoo, dated Sunday following S. Simon and S. Jude's day, Oct. 1402. Seal. Rolls of Brother Thomas Hengesell, as Almoner of Battle, Answers for Rents receivable in the Almonry, and his Disburse- ments for the years ending Michaelmas 1402 and 1403. 94 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, %c. Brother John Offynton, Roll of Accounts, as Cellarer of the Monastery of Battle, Michaelmas, 1402. Sum total of Receipts 271/. 8s. 5d. The Disbursements, which invariably appear to have exceeded the Receipts, are in this Roll stated at 301/. 5s. 3d. Roll containing the Entries of the Halimote Courts, for the Manor of Berneholne, 1402. John Swanton, " Glasyer," of the Parish of Battle, Feofment to William Pesemersh, of Hoo, of a Tenement in the Parish of Battle. Stephen Sarcell, Richard Dymmock, and other Wit- nesses. Dated Battle, March 12, 1402. Rolls of Entries and Proceedings in the Manor Court of Wode, holden in the name of the Sacrist of the Abbey of Battle, and Thomas de Beche, Lord of the Manor, on Monday before S. Thomas the Apostle's day, 1403. Roll of the Cellarers' Accounts for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1 403, bears the names of Brothers John Offynton, and John Undardon. Margaret, relict of Peter Gawter, of Battle, Feofment to John Seman, and Ellen his wife, of a Field situate in the way to Duningeford, near the Windmill, and the Land late John Berkyngs. Stephen Dalyngton, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Feb. 2, 1404. Sacristan of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1404, rendered by Brother John Offenton. Beadle of Battle, John Copyn, Roll of Accounts, of his Receipts and Disbursements in that Bedelry for the year ending Michael- mas, 1404. John Seman, and Simon Long, of the Parish of Battle, Feofment to Matilda Polstede, of the Tenement called Stillago, in the Borough of Monjoye. John Copyn, Allan Lonsforde, William Waller, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Michaelmas, 1404. Seal. Elena Seman, of Battle, relict of John Seman, Feofment to Robert the Sacrist, William Cordelay, and John Parrok, of a Field in Middleburgh, in the way leading to Donnyngeforde. Dated Battle, Dec. 20, 1404. Seal in fine condition. Ellen Seman, Power of Attorney to Simon Long, to deliver Seizin of a Field, &c, in Middleburgh, to Robert the Sacristan, William Cordelay, and John Parrok, Witnesses. Dec. 22, 1404. Matilda atte Park, widow of John atte Park, of the Parish of Salherst, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to James Bole, of the Parish of Battle, of the Messuage in Middleburgh, situate between the Lands of Stephen Sharscll, and the Lord Abbot of Battle. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 95 Stephen Dalyngton, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Sunday following the Purification of the Virgin, Feb. 1404. Halimote Court Roll, for the Manor of Bernehorne, containing the Entries of the first Court held in the time of William Merssham, Lord Abbot of Battle, Friday before the Annunciation of the Virgin, March, 1404. Rolls of the View of Frank-Pledge and Court Baron for the Manor of Battle ; containing the Appointments of the Officers, Sur- renders and Admissions to Premises holden of the Manor, &c. Easter, 1404 ; and Michaelmas, 1405. Halimote Court Roll for the Manor of Bernehorne, held Trinity Monday, 1405. Brother John Underdowne, Roll of Accounts of his Receipts and Disbursements in the Office of Cellarer of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1405. John Copyn, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, his Receipts and Disbursements in that Bedelry, Michaelmas, 1405 and 1406. Sacrist's Rolls of Accounts, answering for the Receipts of various Rents, Tythes, and Pensions, Michaelmas, 1405 and 1407. John Crowcher, Servant of the Manor of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts for the Years ending at Michaelmas, 1405, 1406, and 1407. Roll of the View of Frank Pledge for the Manor of Battle. Mi- chaelmas, 1405. Bartholomew Marle, of the City of VVinchelsea, and Alicia his wife, Feofment to Walter Seman, of the same place, and Juliana his wife, of Land situate in the Parish of S. Thomas, which was the Gift and Feofment of Robert Scharp, of Hastings. John Helde, then Mayor of Winchelsea ; Rob. Fyschlake, Bailiff; John Gascone, Thomas Thondyrr, and other Witnesses. Dated Win- chelsea, Jan. 26, 1405. William Cordelay, of Fremfelde, Feofment to Robert Rolfe, of Battle, of a Field in Middleburgh, in the way leading to Don- nyngforde, Stephen Dalyngton, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, April 20, 1406. Seal, red wax. See ante, sub Dec. 1404. Richard Donnyng, son of Stephen Donnyng, of the Parish of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to William Crowchere, and Alice his wife, of his Right and Interest in the Messuage that was Stephen, his father's, situate between the Messuages of John Felder and Stephen Dalyngton, in Sandlake. Richard Dymmock, Robert Cokshette, and other Witnesses. 1406. Seal. Matilda Polstede, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Vowglesle, of the Parish of Salehurst, and John Menaunt, of Battle, of her 96 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Stc. Tenement in Borough Montjoye, called Styllago. Stephen Dalyngton, and other Witnesses. Battle, Monday following the Nativity of the Virgin, Sept. 1406. Seal perfect. Brother John Westgate, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1406, answers for Rents in Mount Cantor, Alcyston, Westham, and Pevensey ; Land, late Baron's Land, in Bernehorne ; the Farm of Rodefyncroft, Little Donningford, &c. Paper Roll. Roll of the Accounts of Brother William Chilham, Cellarer of the Monastery of Battle, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1406. Brother John Offynton, Sacristan of the Abbey of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1406. Brother John Copyn, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts from Michaelmas, 1406, to Easter, 1407, continued to Michaelmas in that Year, by Richard Curteys, then Bedle. The Roll for Michaelmas, 1408, is also by this Richard Curteis. Richard Londenays, of the Parish of Brede, son of Robert de Londenays, late of Winchelsea, Feofment to John Gyles, of Win- chelsea, Miller, of Land, with Mill constructed thereon, in the Parish of S. Giles, in Winchelsea. Dated Winchelsea, Thomas Thundyr, Junior, then Mayor, &c, May 1, 1407. Seal, with wax. John S wanton, of the City of Canterbury, " Glasier," Lease to Peter , of a Tenement, with Garden, &c, near the Market, at Battle. Dated Canterbury, Dec. 29, 1408. Thomas Vowglesle, of the Parish of Saleherst, and John Menaunt, of the Parish of Battle, Feofment to John Tamworth, of Win- chelsea, of the Tenement called Styllago. Stephen Dalyngton and other Witnesses. Battle, Wednesday following the Assump- tion of the Virgin, 1408. Seals, red wax. Stephen Dalyngton and Margery his wife, of Battle, Feofment to William Crowchere and Alicia his wife, of a Messuage, with Garden, &c, in the Borough of Sandlake. Richard Dymmok, John Okie, and other Witnesses. Battle, Sept. 1408. Seal. Brother John Offynton, Roll of Accounts of Sacristan of the Abbey of Battle, Michaelmas, 1408. The office of Cellarer, in 1408, appears to have been held by two of the Monks ; the Roll for that Year, ending at Michaelmas, was rendered by Brothers Thomas Russel and John Underdowne. Almoner of Battle, Brother William Chilham's Roll of Accounts for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1408. The Almoner's Roll, on the ensuing Easter, was rendered by brother John Underdowne ; and at Michaelmas by Chilham. Bernehorne Halimote Court Roll, containing the Entries of the Court holden Thursday before the Conception of the Virgin, 1408. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 97 John Crane, Rector of the Parish Church of Haukeherst, in the Diocese of Canterbury, and Nicholas Crane, his brother, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John Tamworth, of Battle, of all his Right in a Messuage called Stonehall, in the Borough of Monjoye, situated between the Messuage late John Seman's, and that of John Pembroke. Stephen Dalyngton and other Witnesses. Battle, April 31, 1409. Seals, red wax. Sacristan of Battle, Brother John Waller, Roll of Accounts, Re- ceipts of Rents, Disbursements, &c, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1409, 1411, 1412. Richard Curteis, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Rental of the Bedelry, Disbursements, &c, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1409. Richard atte Grene, Reeve of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, answering for the Rent of Land in Hoofield and Whitedoune, and a Marsh near Densex, the Farm of the Mill, Roberts-marsh, Holybredelond, &c, rendering particulars of Stock and Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1409. John Swanton, Glasier, Feofment to John Chaure, Isabella his wife, John Pycard, and Robert Redyng, of all his Right to certaine Lands, Tenements, Rents, and Services, in the Town of Battle. Nov. 12, 1409. Seal. Bond from John Chaure, of Hoo, to John Swanton, for sixty- three shillings and fourpence. Nov. 1409. Seal. Roll of the Entries of the Halimote Court, holden for the Manor of Bernehorne, Wednesday after S. Hilary's day, Jan. 1409. John Tamworth, of Wynchelsea, Feofment to Thomas Vowglesle, of Saleherst, of the Tenement called Styllago, in the Borough of Monjoye. Dated Battle, Tuesday following S. Mark the Evan- gelist's day, April 25, 1410. Seal, red wax. Roll of the Halimote Court, held for the Manor of Bernehorne, Thursday following S. Matthew the Apostle's day, Sept. 1410. The names of the ten Jurats are given in this Roll. Brother John Underdowne, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending at Michaelmas, 1410. Sum total of Receipts, 288/. 5s. 5d. ; the Cellarer's Disbursements were 2881. lis. Richard Curteys, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Rent, &c\, of the Bedelry of Battle, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1410. Brother John Dalyngton, Rolls of Accounts of his Office, as Treasurer of the Abbey of Battle, for the Years ending at Michael- mas, 1410 and 1412. Thomas Foglesle, of Battle, Feofment to John Duchman and Joan his wife, of the Tenement called Styllago, in the Borough of Mon- O 98 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc, joye. John Copyn and other Testators. Battle, Nov. 15, 1411. Seal, red wax. Brother John Dalyngton, Roll of Accounts for the office of Almoner of Battle, from S. Thomas's day, 1411, to S. Thomas's day, 1412. William, Lord Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, Demise of Land in the Parish of S. Thomas, in Winchelsea, to Alan Kynton, of Winchelsea. Dated Winchelsea, John Tonstall then Mayor, Sept. 20, 1412. Seal. Brother Thomas Lodelow, Roll of Accounts of the office of Cellarer of Battle, for the Year ending at Michaelmas, 1412. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts, and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1412. Answers for Rents in Sandlake, the Quarrycroft, late Umfrays, &c. John Ducheman, Bailiff for the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Ac- counts, Receipts of the Rental, Disbursements, &c, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1412. Henry the Fourth's Grant to John Pelham, Knight, of the Ma- nors of Croweherst, Burwash, and Benylham, together with the Rape of Hastings, parcel of the Lordship and Honour of Riche- mond. Dated Westminster, Nov. 21 [1412]. See also n°. 1522. Granted with all the honours and privileges, as held by the King's dear father, John Plantagenet, surnamed of Gaunt, late Duke of Lancaster. Halimote Court Roll for the Manor of Bernehorne, held Tuesday in the Festival ofS. Lucia the Virgin, 1412. Has the names of the eight Jurats who presided at this Court. Brother Thomas Hengcell, Custos or Keeper of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1411. Another Roll, rendering the statement of Accounts, to the Purification of the Virgin, Feb. 2, 1412. John Okle and Roger Fichet, of Battle, Feofment to John Bregge and Alice his wife, of a Messuage in the Town of Battle. Dated Battle, Jan. 19, 1413. Seals, red wax. Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements ; answers for the Profits of the Rectories of Braham and Cottes- feld ; the Meadow in Bodyham, Rent of the Farm of Forlonde ; Mill of Peperingey ; Land in Petyholmes and Sharpesham, Mi- chaelmas, 1413. Richard Curteys, Roll of Accounts ; answering for Rents in Sandlake, Monjoye, Middleburgh. Quarrycrofte late Umfray's, Iltonesbath, Wykham, Bukstipe, Bodyham, Veymere, Whatlynton, Glasye, Farlegh, Sansfers, Ocham and Promhill, within the Bedle- wic of Battle. Michaelmas, 1413. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 99 Brother Thomas Hengcell, Treasurer of Battle Abbey, Roll of Receipts, &c., Profit of the sale of Wood, with the Expences of his office. Michaelmas, 14-13. Brother John Dalyngton, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts ; answers for the Rents of Alciston, Westham, and Bernehorne ; the Farms of Little Donnyngeforde, Rodefyncroft, &c. Michael- mas, 1413 and 1414. Richard Grene, Reeve of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Ac- counts, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1413, 1414, 1415, 1416, 1417, and 1419. William Pilcher, of Hurstmonceaux, Feofment to Thomas Seint- leger, Adam Yewode, John Burton, and Geffrey Bonton, of Land in Hurstmonceaux, in the way coming from Coppedbeche to Bor- ham. Dated at Hurstmonceaux, April 7, 1414. See also n°. 1332. N°. 883 is a Feofment of the same Land, by the four above named per- sons, as Alms, to William Meresham, Lord Abbot, and the Convent of Battle. Dated same place, Aug. 9, 1414. All the Seals perfect. Rent-roll of the Possessions of the Monastery of Battle, rendered by Brother John Dalynton, Almoner of Battle, 1414. On the back of this Roll, are entries of Grants, by Edwin Godeholt, of Wymnesly, of Rent — by William de Cranebrook, of Rent out of Land, called Newlond — Release to Lands in Frechele — a Release from Robert de Ferrering of Rent of Land in Frechesle — Release from Robert de Cumdenne of Rent in Frechesle — Release from Adam Brun, of Fre- chesle, of Rent in Frechesle — Release from John Long of Rent issuing out of a Croft called Holrede — Release by Jeffrey Fitz Moyse of Rent is- suing from Land in the East Field — Release, by Maurice de Glestingle, of a Field in Mardeun — Release from William Fitz Moyse of Land in Northe- wude, &c, in Freschesle — Release from John Joiemade of Rent arising from a Field called Swanesfeld, in Frechesle — Release from Allan, Abbot of Battle, of Land in Cranebroke, to Matilda, who was the wife of John Draper, &c. Brother John Waller, Sacrist of Battle, Lease to John Rucke, of Alsiston, of all the Lands within the Parish of Alciston, pertaining to the Office of Sacrist of Battle. Dated on the Purification of the Virgin, Feb. 2, 1414. Sacristan of Battle, Rental Roll of Lands in Middleburgh, Monjoye, Sandlake, Helmingfelde, Bryggesell, Glasie ; and in Romney and Geddington, in Kent. Has a reference to the time when John Waller was Sacristan, and to the first of Henry V. William Warbulton, Lord of Warbulton, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Richard Rakle, Thomas atte Wode, John Frensh, the elder; and John Forest, the elder; to all Lands, Tene- ments, of the late John Pentherst, near Haukham, in the Parish of Westham. Dated Westham, May 2, 1415. An interesting Seal, bearing arms, red wax. Brother John Waller, Sacristan of Battle, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1415. 100 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Thomas Reynolds, of Wynchelsea, and Joan his wife, Feofment to John Coket, of the same place, and Alicia his wife, of a Messuage in the Parish of S. Thomas, situate towards the Lands of the heirs of John Burghalsherte, toward the West, &c. Dated Win- chelsea, Roger atte Gate, then Mayor, Nov. 6, 1415. William Watcumbe, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Hobil, of Land, situate between the Lord Abbot's Land called Longreche, and the Lands of John Foxhonte, in Sandlake, in the way towards Hastings. Dated Battle, April 3, 1418. Seal, red wax. Thomas atte Beche, of Wertlinge, Feofment, confirming to Adam Ywode, Simon Cheyne, William Fynche, Robert Redynge, Tho- mas atte Wode, Thomas Peplesham, William Gilderegge, and others, all the Lands and Tenements that were Thomas Thetcher or Richard Cralle's, near Coppedbeche, in Herstmonceux ; as also all the Lands called Katermannyslands, which late were Thomas atte Beige's of Wertlinge ; the Lands called Webbynges, in Wertlynge, aforesaid ; Lands called Cobbes, &c, in Herst- monceux ; Lands held of the Feofment of Thomas atte Wode, of Haylesshame; with various rents, &c. Dated Wertlinge, Monday following S. Barnabas the Apostle's Day, June, 1418. Thomas atte Beche, Letter of Attorney to Thomas atte Bergh, of Herstmonceux, to deliver Seizin to Adam Ywode, and others, of the Lands and Tenements called Coppedbeche, in Herstmonceux, Lands called Katermannyslonds, in Wertlynge, &c. Dated at Wertlynge, same day as the preceding. John Lowe, Esquire, Thomas Roc [Dean of Battle], William Gery, and Thomas Vestynden, Lease to William Harmere, of the Parish of Echingeham, of a Toft and two Crofts of Land, in a place called the Herfe, in Echingham. Robert Grabon, Ro- bert Garstrete, William Halle, John Tiersershe, and other Wit- nesses. Dated Morrow after Easter, 1419. Last Will of Thomas atte Beche, dated Tuesday before Micheel- mas, 1419, bequeathes, after the decease of Alicia his wife, his Lands called Coppedbeche, otherwise Blakeforthcrowche, a Rye- felde near the same, Land called Ketesode, Land called Crundele, in Mankseye ; Lands in Haylesham, &c. to John Hedenye ; and, in failure of Heirs by him lawfully begotten, then to the Sisters of the said John. Bequeaths other Lands to Thomas Thetcher, and Alicia his wife, sister of the said Thomas atte Beche. Brother John Waller, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1418 and 1419. Thomas atte Beche, of Wartelyng, Release and Quit Claim to Adam Ywode, Simon Cheyne, and others, of all his Right in Lands and Tenements called Coppedbeche, in Herstmonceux ; Lands called Katermanneslonds, &c. Dated Wartelynge, Oct. I, 1419. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, S^c. 101 John Frensh, of Winchelsea, Feofment to Richard Rakkele, of the Parish of Wylendon, and John Forest, of Westham, the elder, of Lands and Tenements in Sandlake, of the Gift and Feofment of John Wymark, and Joan his wife. Dated Westham, Sunday, May 13, 1419. Seal. William Joynour, de Southwark, " Bocher," i. e. Butcher, and Agnes his wife ; John Wodeman, of Watlyngton, and Joan his wife, da. of William Joyner, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Richard de Beche, of the Parish of Battle, and Agnes his wife, of thirty-six Acres of Land, called Walettesland, within the Parish of Battle, adjoining the Lands called " le Assh," towards Codinton, and to the way leading to the Nedderfelde. Dated Battle, May 24, 1419. Seal red wax. Richard Rakkele, of Deylingdon, and John Forest, the elder, of Westham, Feofment to John French, of Westham, and Isabella his wife, of all Lands and Tenements that were lately of the Gift and Feofment of John French, of Winchelsea. William Alman, and other Testators. Dated Westham, April 1, 1420. Seals, red wax. Richard Lordenays, of Brede, son of Robert Lordenays, late of Wmchelsea, Feofment to John Gyles, of Winchelsea, Miller, of J^and in S. Giles' Parish, with Mill, &c. Dated Winchelsea, Thomas Thundir, the younger, then Mayor, May 1, 1420. Seal, red wax. Richard Grene, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbur mas, 1420. and Disbursements in that Manor, for the Year ending Michael- Richard Rakkele, de Wylyndon, Thomas atte Wode, de Hayle- sham, and John French, of Westham, Feofment to Alicia More- fot, of Lands called Penkehurst, in the Parish of Westham ; as also Lands called the Seelond, Estlondes, Stokwelle, Brembyl- felde, and Coteland, &c. William Sleyhond, John Merssher, Henry Nortowne, and other Witnesses. Dated Westham, Monday following S. Andrew the Apostle's day, 1420. Seal, red wax. Thomas Rok, Dean of Battle, Adam Ywode, John Burton, Wil- liam Quinteyn, and Roger Martin, Feofment to John Tam- worth, the elder, and Richard Ryshton, of the Land called Fel- dereslond, which the above-named Thomas, Adam, &c, with John Cordelay, late Rector of the Church of Broham, held lately under the Gift and Feofment of John Foxhonte, of Canterbury. Will. Downe, Rich. Bartelot, and other Witnesses. Battle, Dec. 4, 1420. Thomas Brembell, of the Parish of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Nateley, of Battle, of all his Lands and Tenements in Sandlake, &c, his inheritance from John Brembell, his father. William atte Doune, Thomas Kingesmelle, John Staplehith, and other Tes- tators. Dated Battle, Feb. 4, 1420. Seal, red wax. 102 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Richard Rakle, Thomas atte Wode, and John Frensh, Feofment to Geoffrey Londer, Adam Ywode, William Fynch, Thomas Knolles, John Alman, William Alard, and Henry Berton, of Land called Wellondes, in Westham, lying between the Street leading from Westham towards Haylesham, and the Land called Lytebyte. Henry Baker, John Alard, and other Witnesses. Dated West- ham, May 28, 1421. William Morfote, of Winchelsea, Power of Attorney to John French, of Westham, to deliver seizin of all Lands, &c. that he the said William, and Alice his wife, late widow of John French, of Winchelsea, had within the Liberties of Pevensey, to Richard Rakkele, of Welyndon ; Thomas atte Wode, de Haylesham ; Wil- liam Skyll ; and Alexander Beuelay, de Winchelsea. May 29, 1421. Seal of the Mayoralty of Winchelsea, &c, red wax. William Sellyng, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, answering for the Rent of a Tenement formerly Wever's, for Monte Cantoris, Lands at Alciston and Westham, in Pevensey ; for the Farm of Lands at Curteys, Little Dunningford, Ruding- croft, and Land near Southdown, the Manor of Mexfeld, Lands at Snaylham, and for Corn sold from the Manors of Alcyston and Bernhorne. Michaelmas, 1421. Thomas Jaan, Servant of Thomas Hengsell, of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts for the Manor of Bernehorne. Michaelmas, 1421. John Lowe, Esquire, of Battle, and Margaret his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Thomas Rok, [Dean of Battle,] Ha- mond Offyngton, Clerks; Adam atte Wode, Richard Rishton, John Tamworth, the elder; Gilbert Germain, Roger Martin, Thomas Vestynden, and Thomas Gerueys, to all Lands and Tene- ments situate in the Parish of Saleherst, and Borough of Regge, released by him on the Monday following the Purification of the Virgin, last past. Dated Saleherst, Monday following S. Gregory's day, 1422. Seal. Thomas Rok, Thomas Vestynden, and Thomas Bery, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John Lowe, of Battle, Esquire, of all their Right and Interest in Lands in Salehurst, which were lately the Gift and Feofment of William Harmere. William Doune, and other Testators. Dated Monday following the Purification of the Virgin, Feb. 1422. Seals, red wax. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of the Rental, Disbursements, &c in that Bedlewic, Michaelmas, 1422, 1 Hen. VI. Annexed is a Paper Roll of the said Richard Curteys, praying allowance for sums not received. John Draper, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1422. Answers for the Rents of Assize at Alciston, Westerham, and Bernehorne; a Croft called Capenore; the Farm of the Manors ef Mexfeld and Snaylham, &c. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 103 Brother Richard Herst, Treasurer of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1422. Roll on Paper. Tromas Grynthe, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Rental, &c, of that Manor, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1422. Statement of Sums owing to divers Men hy William Chilham, Sacristan of Battle. Christmas, 1422. Paper Roll. Thomas, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Requisition to Thomas Pulton, Lord Bishop of Chichester, that Brother Stephen Fenesham, Monk, should attend him in his Episcopal Visitation in the Liberties of Battle, and in all places obedient to them. Dated in Chapter, at Battle, Aug. 4, 1423. Dom. John Draper, Almoner of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Rental, &c, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1423. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, his Receipts and Disbursements in that Bedlewic. Michaelmas, 1423. Annexed is a paper Roll of the names, &c, of the Tenantry that were in arrears, on the delivery of the Michaelmas Roll. Dom. Richard Herst, Sacristan of the Abbey of Battle, Roll of Receipts and Disbursements ; answers for the Rents of Alciston, &c. ; the Tythes of Emham, Glesie, Saleherst, Wartlyng, Sedles- combe, Lydeham, and Mundfeld ; Rents of Bodiham Meadow, Bocholt, Meadow of Gestling, Mill of Anglyngle, the Wood of Bokholte, Marsh of Pevensey, Farms of Morehouse, in Hawk- hurst, &c. ; the Tythes of Udymer, of the Rectories of War- bulton, Hawkhurst, Priory of Hastings, Rectory of Lymmesfelde, &c. Michaelmas, 1423. The Roll has Disbursements upon the decorations, and repairs of the Church of S. Martin. Pleadings in the Proceedings between Thomas, Abbot of Battle* and Gervase Alard, concerning a Rent issuing from Tenements in Gestling ; Sussex Assizes. Henry the Sixth, Commission directed to John Quyn and William Paston, to take an Assize of Novel Deseizin between Thomas, Abbot of Battle, and Gervase Alard, and others, of Tenements in the Parish of Gestlinge. Dated Westminster, Dec. 1 7. Seal. Enrolment of Proceedings in an Assize of Novel Deseizin between Thomas, Abbot of Battle, and Gervase Alard, concerning a Free Tenement in Gestling. Bernehorne Manor Roll, containing the Receipts and Disbursements there, rendered at Michaelmas, 1424, by Thomas Grynthe, Bailiff. The same, rendered at Michaelmas, 1425 and 1426. Merle Manor Court Roll, 1424. There are various others of the same Manor during this reign. 104 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8?c. Godyng Bongylstherst de Winchelsea, Feofment to Henry Medehurst and William Tabbe, of a Messuage in the Parish of S. Thomas. Winchelsea, adjoining on the East the Messuage of Simon Flesher, formerly John Koket's. Dated Winchelsea. Thomas Thimdyr, the Younger, then Mayor; William Catton, Bailiff, &c. April 5, 1425. Seal, red wax. Henry Medehurst and William Tebbe, of Winchelsea, Enfeoffed the same Tenement to John Godfrey and Joan his wife, April 5, 1428. William Worth, being then Mayor of Winchelsea, and William Catton, Bailiff of the said City. Seal, red wax. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle. Roll of Accounts of that Bedelry for the year ending Michaelmas, 1426. These Accounts are on two Rolls ; annexed, is a Statement of various Fines by the said Richard Curteys, on paper. John Rukke, of Alcyston, Feofment to Richard Stapelhith and Edith his wife, of a Messuage lying between the Lands of the Sacristan of Battle and of the said Richard, in Sandlake. Thomas Gerveys, Rich. Bartheloth, Richard Boner, and other Testators. Battle, May 1, 1427. Seal, red wax. Sir John Pelham, Knight, Lord of the Rape of Hastings, Grant, with Release and Quit Claim, for the salvation of his soul, and of the soul of Sir John Pelham, Knight, his father, and of the souls of all his ancestors, to Thomas, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, of all his Lands, Tenements, and Rents, within the Rape of Hastings. Dated Battle, July 24, 1427. The Grant partly illuminated, with armorial insignia in the initial letter. Adam Ywode, of Warbulton, Feofment of Lands and Tenements he held in Sussex, to William Bayle, of Maghefelde. Thomas atte Welle, of Bukstede, John Merifelde, and William Stonacre. Dated Warbulton, Michaelmas, 1427. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the years ending at Michaelmas, 1427, 1428, and 1430. William Stapelhide, of Battle, Feofment to John Bregger and Joan his wife, of a Messuage in Battle, contiguous to the Mes- suage of the said John, April, 1428. Seals, red wax. Guy Birchet, of the Parish of Tyshurst, and Richard atte Wode, of the Parish of Maghfelde, Feofment to Thomas Gibbe and John Beternersshe, of all Lands, &c. in the Parish of Echingham, that were John Beggebery's, lately deceased ; and of the Gift and Feof- ment of Richard Thale. William Bakere and other Testators. Dated Tysherst, May 10, 1428. Seals. William Samewell, Goldsmith, of Hastings, and Joan his wife, Lease to Stephen at Felde, and Agnes his wife, of Mexefelde, of Land called Schortforlunge, otherwise Barlych, towards Dolham- bregge, on the South, in the Parish of Gesseling* Dated Gest- lenge, Aug. 25, 1428. Seals, red wax. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 105 Robert of Canterbury, Almoner of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Re- ceipts and Disbursements, for the years ending at Michaelmas, 1428, 1430, 1431, and 1432. Thomas Grynthe, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, Particulars of Stock, &c. in that Manor, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1428, 1429, 1430, 1432, 1433, and 1435. Henry Chichely, Archbishop of Canterbury, definitive Sentence relative to the Tythes of a Field called Symondes Felde, belong- ing to the Manor of Netherfield, then in dispute between the Lord Abbot and Convent of Battle, and Vincent Fynche, Lord of the Manor of Netherfield. Dated Lambeth, Dec. 13, 1429. Richard Dunning, son and heir of Stephen Dunning, now de- ceased, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to John Bregger, and Alicia his wife, of a Messuage in Sandlake, that belonged to the said Stephen, his father. Richard Bartheloth, and other Testa- tors. Dated Battle, April 12, 1430. Seal. Thomas atte Wode, Richard Burgois, Henry Baker, and Wil- liam Almon, Feofment of a Messuage called Byngleyes, in the Villa of Westham, to Alice Morefote, late wife of John French, the younger. Dated Westham, Aug. 10, 1430. Seals, red wax. John Betenersshe, of the Parish of Tysehersshe, Feofment to John Roser, of Bekelee, of all the Land and Tenements that he and Thomas Gibbe, held of the Gift and Feofment of Guy Birchet, and Richard atte Wode, in the Parishes of Tyseherst and Echyng- ham. Dated Tyseherst, Nov. 25, 1431. Catherine Brembell, late wife of Thomas Brembell, of Battle, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Thomas Nateley, of all her Right and Claim to Dower, in the Lands and Tenements which the said Thomas Nateley had of the Gift and Feofment of Thomas Brembell, her late husband, in Sandlake. Thomas Gerveys, and other Testators. Dated Battle, Jan. 8, 1431. Seal, red wax. William Cooke, and Joan his wife, Feofment to Stephen atte Felde, of ten Acres of Wood, from the Water-course leading to Mexfeld, unto the Bridge of Dolham, on the West ; to the Land called Donyngford, on the North ; and to the Street leading to Seyriscrouch unto Lydham, on the East ; and to the Lands of Thomas Lydham, called Barlasse, held of the Almonry of Battle, on the South; in the Parish of Gestelyng. Oct. 18, 1432. Seals, red wax. Roll of the Halimote Court holden for the Manor of Battle, Jan. 4, 1432; comprising Surrenders and Admissions to Copyhold Pre- mises, the Names of the Parties, and the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors, Election of Officers, &c. P lOfi Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. John Tamworth, the elder, Feofment to William Arnold, and Thomas Gerveys, of Lands and Tenements, called Feldereslond, within the Parish of Battle, which, with Richard Ryshton, late deceased, he held of the Gift and Feofment of Thomas Rok, Dean of Battle, Adam Ywode, John Burton, William Quinteyn, and Roger Martyn. Thomas Nateley, and other Testators. Dated Battle, April 4, 1433. George Eyre, of Battle,* and Joan, his wife, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Richard Boder, of Cattesfeld, of all their Right and Interest in the Tenement in Monjoye, which the said Richard had of John Ducheman. John Penbroke, and other Testators. Battle, April 20, 1433. Seals, red wax. John French, of Winchelsea, son and heir of John French, late of Winchelsea, and since of Pevensey, and Alicia, his wife, da. and heir of John Bacon ; Deed of release and Quit Claim to Wil- liam Morfet, of Winchelsea, of all his Reversionary Right in the Lands and Tenements of the said John French, and Alicia, his father and mother, situate within the Liberties of Pevensey. Dated Winchelsea, John Godfrey, then Mayor ; William Pope, Bailiff.f &c. May 21, 1433. Seal, red wax. Richard Raket.e, of Willyngdon, Thomas atte Wode, ofHayle- sham, and W t illiam Skele, of Winchelsea, Release and Conces- sion to William Morfet, of Winchelsea, of Lands and Tenements, in the Parishes of Haylesham, Westham, and Mankseye, within the Liberties of Pevensey, which they, with Alex. Beale, late de- ceased, held of the Gift and Feofment of the said William Morfet, and Alicia, his wife. Dated Westham, May 31, 1433. Seals, brown wax. William Merssham, Roll of Accounts of the Rentals, &c. of the Office of Cellarer of the Monastery of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1433; displayed in a style of Monastic decoration, beyond all former precedent. An important Roll for the History of that period. John Ducheman, Feofment to Richard Border, of Cattesfelde, of Two Messuages in Monjoye. Thomas Gerveys and other Tes- tators. Battle, Jan. 12, 1433. Seal. * The Eyres came into England with William the Norman, and their pos- sessions at Battle arose questionless from gift. The first of the family was named Truelove, hut at the battle of Hastings, Oct. 14, 1066, William was flung from his horse, and his helmet beaten into his face, which Truelove ob- serving, pulled off, and horsed him again. The Duke told him, "Thou shalt hereafter from Truelove be called Air [or Eyre], because thou hast given me the air I breathe." After the battle, the Duke, on enquiry respecting him, found him sorely wounded, his leg aud thigh struck oil', ordered him the ut- most care, and on his recovery gave him lands in Derby, in reward for his services, and the leg and thigh in armour, cut off, for his crest, an honorary badge yet worn by all the Eyres iu England. t The office of Bailiff of Winchelsea was granted by Act of Parliament to William Pope, Esquire, during his life, in 1431, 9 Henry VI. i «... ,,*,*, HM * * I Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, See 107 William Gateman, of Battle, Feofment to William Stapelyth, of Battle, Tanner, and Joan his wife, of a Messuage, &c, in Sand- lake, situate between the Lands of the Sacristy of Battle, and the New Mansion of Richard Stapelyth, father of the said Wil- liam Stapelyth. William Downe, Thomas Natleghe, and other Testators, Jan. 24, 1433. Edith, the wife of Richard Stapelyth, is mentioned in this instrument. Seal, red wax. John Gyles, of Winchelsea, Miller, Feofment to John Godfrey, of Land, with Windmill thereon, in the Parish of St. Giles, in Win- chelsea. April 9, 1434. Robert Potter, of Winchelsea, Release and Quit Claim to John Godfrey, of Land, with Windmill thereon, in the Parish of S. Giles's, which he, the said John, with John Wystyng, late de- ceased, held of the Feofment of John Gyles of Winchelsea, Miller. April 10, 1434. John Hyll, Clerk, and John Downe, Feofment to William Werthe, and Isabella his wife, of the House and Land, adjoining on the South the Land of the Rectory of the Church of S. Thomas, in Winchelsea. Dated Winchelsea, William Fynch, then Mayor, Oct. 22, 1434. Seals, red wax. Roll of the Halimote Courts, held for the Manor of Battle, Jan. 20, and Feb. 9, 1434. Thomas Hobyl, of Robert's Bridge, Feofment to John Tamworth the elder, Adam Ywode, William Arnold, and Daniel Aleyn, of Land, in Sandlake, lying between the Land of the Lord Abbot of Battle, called Longreche, and the Lands late John Foxhunte's. Richard Bartheloth, Richard Curteys, and other Testators. Battle, Feb. 26, 1434. Seal, red wax. Thomas Natele, of Battle, Release and Quit Claim to William atte Downe, of all his Right and Interest to Land in Sandlake, bounded on the South by the Messuage of Richard Stapelith, and William Stapelith, Tanner ; and on the West, by the Land of the said William Stapelith, held of the Sacristan of Battle, &c. Richard Curteys, Richard Bartheloth, and other Testators. Battle, March 7, 1434. Seal, red wax. William [Waller] Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, Lease to John Lacy, of Yxnyng, of the Rectory of Yxnyng, with all Rents, Tythes, Stock, living and dead, &c, for three years, from the Nativity of S. John Baptist. The Rent, in half-yearly pay- ments of Twenty-five Pounds, to be paid at the House of the Abbot and Convent of Battle, at South wark, near London, April 12, 1435. On a separate instrument, is a Schedule, descriptive of the Stock, delivered to the said John Lacey. John Pesemershe, Esq., Power of Attorney to Adam Ywode, William Ingram, of Hoo ; John Lucas, Richard Fynche, of Battle, 108 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. William atte Croche, and Richard Shylok, of Hoo, to deliver seizin of all his Lands in Sussex, to John Chawry and John Palmer, that were of his gift and fee. July 4, 1435. Seal, with arms, red wax. Richard Derthemouthe, Sacristan of the Abbey Church of Battle, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1435. Adam Ywode, William Arnold, and Daniel Aleyn, Release and Quit Claim of their Right and Interest to John Tamworth, the elder, to Land near the Abbot's Land called Longreche, in Sand- lake, which they held of the Gift and Feofment of Thomas Hobyl. Feb. 10, 1435. Seals, red wax. John Tamworth, Deed of Covenant, conceding ingress and egress to the Abbot and Convent of Battle, into his Land called Fel- dereslond, to amend and repair the Conduit Pipe, passing through the middle of the same to the Monastery ; according to the cus- tom, time out of mind. Dated Battle, Feb. 11, 1435. John Tamworth, the elder, Feofment to Thomas Echingham, Knight, Richard Wakeherst, Adam Ywode, Roger atte Gate, John Parker, Thomas Carpenter, and Thomas Gerveys, of Lands called Feldereslonds, otherwise Foxhunteslondes ; Land in Sand- lake, near the Abbot's Land called Longreche, &c. Battle, Feb. 15, 1435. Dom. Richard "Wilsham, Almoner, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending Michaalmas, 1436. Another Roll, furnishes the Accounts under the same Almoner, from Michaelmas 1436, to Lammas day, Aug. 1, 1437. Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, within the Bedlewic, for the Years ending Michsel- mas, 1436, 1437, 1438, and 1439. John Miller, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements within that Manor, for the Year ending Michael- mas, 1436. Inquisition relative to Bechelond, in the Town of Battle, comprising sixty Acres ; and to sixty other Acres of Land in Cattesfeld, held by William, late Abbot of Battle; Hilary Term, 17 Hen. VI. From this inquisition, taken at Nedder, or Netherfield, Nov. 17, 1437, before W T illiam Otteworth, King's Escheator for the County of Sussex, it appears that William Waller, the late Abbat, died on Monday before Lady- day, 1437 ; and that the Convent elected Richard Dertemouth to the Abbacy, on the Monday preceding S. Philip and S. James* day, May 1, 1437. Dom. Hugh Tamworth, Almoner, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1438 and 1439. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, tyc. 109 Richard James, Farmer of the Manor of Marie, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1438. Richard Bordere, of Battle, Feofment to John Eston, of Cattes- felde, and Alicia his wife, of two Messuages, in the Borough of Monjoye. George Eyre and other Testators. Dated Battle, Tuesday before the Festival of S. Frideswide the Virgin, Oct. 19, 1438. Seal. John Tamworth, the Elder, Grant to Richard [Dartmouth], Lord Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, all his Lands called [Felderes- londs, otherwise] Foxhunteslonds ; with Land near Longreche, formerly Thomas Hobyl's. March 4, 1438. Beautiful Seal, red wax. The name of this benefactor to the monastery of Battle, is occasionally written Thamworth, and Thameworth. John Martin, Cellarer of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements. Michaelmas, 1439. Halimote Court Roll, for the Manor of Battle, held on Thursday , Feb. 12, 1439. William Pakwode, of Battle, and Alicia his wife, Feofment of Garden Ground adjoining the Land of William Stapelyde, the Tanner, to Thomas Fisher, of Battle. Feb. 20, 1439. Seal, red wax. John Eston, of Battle, and Alicia his wife, Feofment to Thomas Yonge, of Battle, of the Messuage in Monjoy, of the Gift and Feofment of Richard Border. April 9, 1440. Seals. Roll of the Accounts of John Martin, Cellarer of Battle Abbey, from Michaelmas, 1439, to June 24, 1440. Treasurer of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts, particularising his Receipts and Disbursements, rendered by Brother John Exeter, Michaelmas, 1440. Bernehorne Manor Roll of Rents and Disbursements, rendered Michaelmas, 1440, by William Curle, Bailiff. Joan Bery, relict of William Bery, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Rok, Rector of Brame, and Thomas Young, of Battle, of a Mes- suage in Middleburgh. Thomas Northlong and other Testators. Battle, January 21, 1440. Seal. Dom. Edward Dauntesey, Roll of Accounts from the time of the death of Richard Curteys, Bedle of Battle, to Michaelmas, 1440, and to Michaslmas, 1441. Robert of Canterbury, Roll of Accounts of the office of Cellarer, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1441. William Curle, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Rental and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1441. 110 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Roll containing the Entries of the Proceedings of the Halimote Courts, held for the Manor of Battle, Oct. 31, Nov. 21, 1441 ; and May 22, and the Monday before S. John Baptist's day, 1442. The Rolls of these Courts are continued consecutively till Jan. 1457. Hugh Tamworth, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1442. John Draper, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements within that Bedlewic. Michaelmas, 1442. Edward Dauntesey, Cellarer of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1442. BailifTof Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts of the Rental, Receipts, and Disbursements of that Manor, rendered by John Alman at Michaelmas, 1442 and 1443. Alicia Lyndrigge, of Winchelsea, Feofment to John Godfrey of a Cottage, &c. adjoining the Lands of the said John on the West, in the Parish of S. Thomas, Winchelsea. Dated Winchelsea. Thomas Sylton, then Mayor ; William Pope, Bailiff, &c. June 20, 1443. Seal, red wax. William Alman, of Westham, and John Loth, of Pevensey, Release to William Morfot, of Westham, of all their Right and Interest in Lands at Haukham, within the Parish of Westham, July 20, 1443. Seal, red wax. Alicia, late wife of Thomas Natelagh, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Brome, of Battle, William Hene worth, of Erlington, John Turner and John Field, of Maghfield, of all the Tenements, Rents, &c, called Bremblys [Brembellege] in the Town of Battle, comprising Twelve Acres ; a Messuage, with Gardens, &c, in Sandlake, adjacent to Perygardyn, &c. George Eyre, Thomas Hokstepe, and other Witnesses. Battle, Sept. 20, 1443. Almoner of Battle's Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements rendered by Hugh Tamworth, then Almoner. Michaelmas, 1443. Dom. Hugh Tamworth, Almoner of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts, his Receipts and Disbursements for the year ending Michaelmas, 1444. Bedle of Battle's Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements in that Bedlewic, rendered by John Draper. Michaelmas, 1444. Edward Daunteseye, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disburse- ments as Treasurer of Battle Abbey, irom Michaelmas, 1443, to Michaelmas, 1444. John Alman, Bailiff of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Feceipts and Dis- bursements for the year ending Michaelmas, 1445. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, &;c. II I William Bayle, and Thomas atte Welle, Release and Quit Claim to William Stonacre of all Right they had in the Lands &c. of Adam Ywode, late held by them and John Merifelde, deceased. March 5, 1445-6. William Stonacre, demise to John Assheburnham, Bartholomew Bolne, William Bayle, Thomas Welle, Walter Dolman, Robert atte Wode, and Richard Burton, Jun«, of the Lands which he held by Feofment of Adam Ywode. Dated Warbulton, March 31, 1446. Last Will of Adam Ywode, made the iiij daye of Maye, 1446 ; be- queaths an Annuity of six Marks per an., settled on the Lands heretofore described in the Will of Thomas atte Beche, sub an. 1419; to Parnall Fynche, "and the payment of this Annuyte shall be put in suspence while that here suster his wife [i. e. of John Mode] and she shall dwelle to gadyr." Bequeaths all his Lands to Joan, his wife, for her life ; and then to various persons therein named ; the reversions of the same to " be sold and dis- posed for his Soule and all Cristen." William Morfot, of Winchelsea, Feofment to John Godfrey of Winchelsea, John Tamworth, of Hastings, and Thomas Grevt, of Winchelsea, of all his Lands and Tenements within the Liberties of Winchelsea and Pevensey. Dated Winchelsea, Godard Pulham, then Mayor, and other Jurats, Witnesses. July 2, 1446. Seal. John Godfrey, John Tamworth, and Thomas Grevt, Feofment to Edmond Myller, Jo. Mychelgrove, Bartholomew Bolney, of all the Lands and Tenements in the Liberties of Winchelsea and Pe- vensey, of the Gift and Feofment of William Morfot, late of Win- chelsea. Dated at Haukham, William Hampton, then Bailiff of the Town of Pevensey, Sept. 11, 1446. Three Seals. John Eston, and Alicia his wife, Feofment to Thomas Yonge, of Battle, of a Tenement, &c, which was lately two Messuages, in the Borough of Monjoy. Richard Love, John Mille, Draper, and other Testators. Battle, Sept. 11, 1446. Seals. Dominus Hugo Thamworth, Almoner of Battle, Roll of Accounts, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1446. John Alman, Bailiff of Battle Manor, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending at Michaelmas, 1446. Hugh Tamworth, Almoner of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1447, 1449, and 1450. Edward Dauntesey, Treasurer of Battle Abbey, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1447, and 1448. John Alman, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts ; answering for the Rents of Lands called Grenelonde ; Marshland, late Neville 112 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Saundre's in Hoo-Marshe ; Robert's Marshe, Gyles-erofte, De- nys-Marshe, Holeybredlonde, &c. Michaelmas, 1448. Adam Ywode, Release and Quit Claim, to John Assheburnham, Bartholomew Bolne, and others, of all his Right in the Lands, &c., which they held by Feofment of William Stonacre. Oct. 5, 1448. John Alman, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts of Rents and Disbursements, within that Manor, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1449, 1450, 1453, and the six following years, 1459 inclusive. Articles of Accusation and Impeachment of William de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, by the Commons in Parliament assembled, 1450. An Historical Record of considerable importance. William de la Pole marr. Alice the Grand-da. of Geoffrey Chaucer, the Poet. He was Lord Chancellor and Lord High Admiral, and was, on this accusation by the Commons, attainted and beheaded, 1450. Articles of Impeachment of the Parliament of England against Wil- liam de la Pole, Duke of Suffolk, Lord Chancellor, and Lord High Admiral, &c, attainted and beheaded, 1450. John Lucas, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Dis- bursements, within the Bedlewic, for the years ending Michael- mas, 1450, 1451, 1452, 1453, and 1455. Inventory of the Stock in the Manor of Bernehorne, delivered to Richard Gomelde, now Bailif thereof, by John Funtenor, March, 1450. John Brigger, Feofment to William Stapelegh, Tanner, of all his Lands and Tenements in Battle. Testators, William Staplegh, Smith, and others. March 25th, 1451. Seal. Staplegh's name is antecedently spelt Stapelith. Richard [Dartmouth], Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, Lease to John Dudlond, of Iclesham, Tanner, of Land called Morewell, contiguous on the North to some water called " Le Ree," in the Parish of Iclesham, computed at seven Acres. Dated in Chapter, at Battle, on Easter Eve, 1451. Richard [Dartmouth], Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Lease to William Smith, of Great Sampford, of the Rectory of Great Sampford, its Rents, Tythes, Woods, &c. Dated Chapter House, at Battle, June 20, 1451. Admission of Simon Eston to a Tenement and Lands in Bernehorne, called Grenelonds, late Richard Grene's, on the surrendry of Henry Jane, and Dionysia his wife. Dated at the Halimote, March 5, 1451. William Stapley, Tanner, Feofment to John Miller, of two Mes- suages in Sandlake, adjoining the Lands of the Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, called the Quarry, on the West, &c. Dated Battle, April 1, 1452. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 1 13 Richard, Abbot of Battle, Lease to John Convers, of Winchelsea, Esq., of a Tenement, &c. in the Parish of S. Thomas the Martyr, contiguous to the Lands of Thomas Thounder, on the East, &c. Term, Twenty Years. Dated in the Chapter House of the Mo- nastery of Battle, Michaelmas, 1452. Seal, red wax. Dom. John Colsell, Almoner of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michailmas, 1452, and for the four following Years, to 1457 inclusive. John Hereford, Treasurer of the Abbey of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michael- mas, 1452. John Roos, Feofment to John Bokelond, John Draper, Robert Nuton, John Upton, Richard Love, and Vincentio atte Well, of a Messuage in Sandlake, situate between the Lands of William Staplegh, Tanner, and of the Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle. John Baker, John Kyngeswell, and other Witnesses. Battle, Apr. 10, 1455. John Lucas, and Richard Finch, of the Parish of Battle; William Ingram, William atte Crowche, of the Parish of Hoo, " Hous- bondmen," Release and Quit Claim to John Pesemarsh, Esq., of all their Right and Interest in the Lands that were of the Gift and Feofment of Robert Redyng, of the Parish of Worthyng. Wit- nesses, Richard Boydde, of Battle ; and John Chawry, of Hoo. July 29, 1455. Seals, red wax. William Staplegh, Smith, of Battle, and Stephen Adam, of Crow* herst, Feofment to William Fayrman, and Alicia his wife, of the Messuage late Thomas Smith's, in Sandlake. Battle, Nov. 11, 1455. N°. 1042, is a conditional Feofment, by way of farther assurance between the parties. Dated same day. One seal remaining. John Dordaunt, of Rye, Feofment to John Bucklond of a Messuage in Sandlake, adjoining the Lands of the Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, called the Quarry, &c. Dated Battle, Febr. 14, 1455. Seal, red wax. John Buklond, Release to John Durdaunt of a Messuage in Sand- lake, adjoining the Lands of the Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, called the Quarry, &c. Feb. 21, 1455, Seal, red wax. John Wodenton, Reeve of the Manor of Marie, Rolls of Accounts, on Paper, of the Rents, Receipts and Disbursements, within that Manor, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1456 and 1457. Richard, Lord Abbot, and the Convent of Battle, Lease to Thomas Greneway, of Clenche, in Wiltshire, husbandman, of the Manor of Clenche, near Wyke, for Fifteen Years. Dated Chapter House of the Monastery of Battle, Michaelmas, 1457. Q 114 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants , Deeds, fyc. John Draper, Bedle of the Liberties of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1457. Dom. Robert Halden, Treasurer of the Monastery, Roll of Ac- counts, answering for the receipt of the Rents of Lands at Little Ukham, the Farm called Chevelers, [Chevalier's,] Lands called Chauncez, Meadow near Petle, Lands designated as Clymmeslond, Sandpettes, and North botehurst, Pasture called Botehurst, the Farm of a Garden called Grene's, &c. Michaelmas, 1457. Indented Receipt, by John Nuton, Cellarer of Battle Abbey, for Monies had at Christmas, 1457, of John Lucas, Bedle of the Town of Battle, and the Liberties thereof. John Lucas, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Dis- bursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1458 and 1459. Robert Londenays, son and heir of Richard Londenays, formerly of Brede, Release and Quit Claim to Simon Farnecombe, of Win- chelsea, and Matilda his wife, of all his Right and Interest in Land, with Windmill, &c, in the Parish of S. Giles, Winchelsea. Nov. 3, 1458. Seal, red wax. Covenant containing Bill of Sale of Messuages, Lands, and Tene- ments, lying in F'letestrete, as well in the Parish of Saint Bryde, in the suburbes of the Citie of London, as in the Parish of Saynt Martyn, beside Ludgate, of London, the inheritance of Thomas Hyngesworth, Citizen and Wodemonger, as cosin and lineal heir of Nicholas Hyngesworth, Citizen and Peautrer [Pewterer] ; to John Gloucester, Clerk of the Pipe in the King's Exchequer, in Satisfaction and Payment of Money due by the said Thomas to the said John. Joan, the wife of the said Thomas, is mentioned. Dated Nov. 15, 1458. John Nuton, Cellarer of Battle, Acknowledgement of Monies re- ceived of John Lucas, Bedle, Dec. SI, 1458. John Lucas, Bedle, Petition for Allowance on his Roll of Accounts of Arrears of Rents unreceived by him. Michaelmas, 1459. Paper Roll. Bartholomew Bolne, Release to John Morle and Richard Leghe, of all Lands, Tenements, &c, in Westham, Haylesham, and Mankesey, which late were the possessions of William Morfott, of Winchelsea. Dated Westham, Mar. 10, 1459. Seal, red wax. Barthol. Bolne, Power of Attorney to John Rodes, to deliver seizin of Lands, &c, in Westham, Haylesham, and Mankesey, late the possessions of William Morfot, of Winchelsea ; to John Morle and Richard Leghe. March 10, 1459. Seal, red wax. Feofment to John Morle and Richard Leghe, of Lands, Tene- ments, &c, in Westham, Haylesham, and Mankeseye, which were late the possessions of William Morfot, of Winchelsea, by Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 115 Barthol. Bolne, Henry Hill, Robert Oxenbregge, and other Jurats. Westham, March 20, 1459. Seals, red wax. Several Rolls of the Hundred and Manor Courts held for the Manor of Battle, in 1460, with the Pleas and Plaints of the Applicants. Precipe, Notice of Pleadings, &c, in a Cause, John Cole and Petronilla his wife, Plaintiffs, John Bokelond and others, De- forciants, relative to a Messuage in Battle. Trinity Terra, 1460. Richard Colman, Bedle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disburse- ments, for the Year ending at Michaelmas, 1460. John Colcell, Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts, answering for Rents in Middleburgh, Monjoye, Sandlake, Briggeselle, and Helmyngfold ; Tenements near Romney, Ag- mershurst, Beche, and Popynoth, in Sedelescombe, Whatlyngton, Swyneham, Glasie, Haukhurst and Cranebroke, Willingdon, Clopham, and Charleton ; Lands called Redewisshe ; Rents of Pithyndon, in Kent ; Rents of Anglyngle ; of a Messuage called Stokkers, in Middleburgh ; and for Pensions out of the Rectories of Haukherst, Lemsfelde, and Warbilton ; for the Tythes of Boreselle, in Tysehurst ; the Farm of Tythes in Alsyston, the Farm of a Meadow, and of Lands near Bukholt ; Land in Bekle, Lands near Pevensey, the Moorhouse in Haukhurst ; Tythes in Enam, Oldcourt ; Hoope in Saleherst ; of Glasie in Bekle ; Gest- linge, Westfelde, Battle, Monfeld, Whatlyngton, and Sedlescombe ; the Profits of the Fair of Haukherst, &c. Michadmas, 1460. John Waller, late Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, is named at the commencement of this roll. John Colcell, Sacristan of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, from Michaelmas, 1460, to the Festival of S. George, April 23, 1462. Numerous Rolls of the Hundred and other Courts held for the Manor of Battle, 1461 and 1462, containing entries of Surren- ders and Admissions to Copyhold Premises, and the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors. Richard Colman, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts of Rents, Disbursements, &c. Michaelmas, 1461. John Alman, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts for the Year ending at Michaelmas, 1461, and the four consecutive Years, 1465 inclusive. Bernehorne Roll of the Halimot Court, held on the Eve of the Feast of S. Catherine, 1461. John Pesemersh, Feofment to William Ame of the Messuage in Battle, between the Mansion of John Fisher and the Land of John Bokeland, extending from the Highway to the Meadow of the Almonry of the Monastery of Battle. John Bokelond, Richard Bowley, John a Lye, and other Testators. May 12, 1462. Seal, red wax. 116 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. Robert Colman, Roll of Accounts for the Bedelry of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1462. Among the Disbursements is Fourteen Shillings to Richard Rudhale, Collector of the Pope's Pensions, &c. as his Holiness' Dues from the Bedle. Hamonis Aleyn, Farmer of the Manor of Wy, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1462. Paper Roll. John Colcell, late Sacristan, Paper Roll, petitioning for the Al- lowance of Rents unreceived on his Rental, Christmas, 1462. John Worsham, Feofment to John Kneller and John Giles, all of Bexle, of the Lands and Tenements within the Parish of Bexle, belonging to the said John Worsham. James Baker, Thomas Corvesey, and other Testators. Dated Bexle, Feb. 1, 1462. Seal, red wax. Rolls containing Entries of the Proceedings of the Hundred and Manor Courts, held for the Manor of Battle, in April, June, and July, 1463. Several Rolls of the Hundred Courts holden for the Manor of Battle, 1463 and 1464, containing Entries of the Presentments of the Tything Men ; Names of the several Persons appearing as Plain- tiffs and Defendants, their Pleas, &c. severally set forth. Richard Colman, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, in that Bedelwic, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1463, 1464, 1465, and 1466. Numerous Rolls of the Proceedings of the Hundred and Manor Court Rolls, held in the Manor of Battle, in the years 1464 and 1465. Numerous Rolls of the Hundred and other Courts, holden for the Manor of Battle, Entries of Surrenders and Admissions to Copy- hold Premises, and the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors, for 1465, and the four following years, 1469 inclusive. Dom. Peter Sprot, Cellarer of the Abbey of Battle, Rolls of Ac- counts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Michael- mas, 1465, 1466. Robert Barry, Deputy of John Bokeland, Reeve of the Manor of Wy, Rolls of Accounts, answers for the Profit of Wood felled in Kyngeswode, &c. Michaelmas, 1465, 1466, 1467. John Turnoure, of Maughfelde, Feofment to Richard Gybbe, and Thomas Relfe, of a Tenement called Fysshersplace, with Lands contiguous, comprising thirteen Acres, called Bramheld, &c. in Sandlake. Dated Maughfelde, April 15, 1466. Seal. John Alman, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, answering for Rent of Land, called Grenesland ; Land in Hoo-Marsh, and the Farm of Robyn's Marsh ; Land called Bremsle ; Land called Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 117 Dalbyscroft, Land called Holybredlond, and the Marsh called Denysmarsh, &c. Particulars of Stock, Corn, &c. Michaelmas, 1466. Barons of the Exchequer, temp. Edw. IV. Nicholas Statham,* J. Eltonhede, and W. Hervye, Letter, with their Autographs, to Bartholomew Bolne, William Cheyne, or their Deputies, Officers of my Lord Hastings, in Hastings Rape, dated London, July 4, s. a. advising them of the Abbot of Battle's legal Right to Fines and Amerciaments, in the Rape of Hastings. John Nuton [or Newton,] Lord Abbot of Battle, Lease for seven years of the Manor of Berehurst, with all the Appurtenances in Tysehurst, the Stock, living and dead, &c. to William atte Wode. Dec. 12, 1466. Petition of Richard Colman, Bedle of Battle, craving Allow- ances upon his Accounts, from the second to the fifth of Edward the Fourth, 1465-66, by reason of uninhabited houses. Thomas Fychet, and John Draper, of Battle, Feofment to John Grenell, of the Messuage in Sandlake, situate between the Land, late William Smith's, on the North ; and the Land of the Almonry of Battle, called the Spittle-garden, on the South ; and length- ways from the Highway to the Land of the Almoner of Battle, called S. Mary's Croft, on the East. Thomas Staple, Yoman, Walter Walet, and other Testators. April 1, 1467. Seals, red wax. Richard Colman, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Micheelmas, 1467, 1468, and 1469. Bernehorne Manor Roll, containing the Receipts of the Rents, Dis- bursements, Account of Stock, &c. within that Manor, rendered by John Alman, Bailiff of the same. Michaelmas, 1467. John, Lord Abbot of Battle, Lease of Land, called Hothfeld, otherwise ■ le Sede,' near Brodestrete, in Ikelesham, for forty years, to Gervase Shepard. Midsummer-day, June 24, 1468. Seal, red wax. Dom. William Coventry, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1468. John Eston, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, various Rolls of Accounts, Receipts of Rents, Disbursements, &c. Michaelmas, 1469, 1470, 1471, 1473, and 1475. * Nicholas Statham was Baron of the Exchequer during the reign of Edw. the Fourth, and author of the Abridgement of the Statutes, with Cases to the close of the reign of Henry the Sixth, printed by W. Tailleur, at Rouen, with *« per me R. Pynson," at the end of the volume. 118 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Robert Barry, Deputy of John Bokelond, Wood-ward of the Manor of Wy ; answers for the Profit of Wood felled in Kynges- wod and Helond. Michaelmas, 1469 and 1470. Roll of the Halemot for the Manor of Bernehorne, held Jan. 15, 1469. John Meller, the elder, Release to Thomas Staple, of all his Right and Reversionary Interest to Land called Capenore, in Battle, in the Borough of Telham, situate in the street leading from the Hospital of Battle, towards Telham on the South ; the Lands of the said Thomas, called Bremble [Brembellege] towards the North ; the Lands of the Almonry of Battle, towards the East ; and the Lands of Richard Bruscombe, towards the West, called Ordenwell. April 6, 1470. William Ame, Feofment of a Messuage in Middleburgh, situate between the Mansion of John Fisher and the Land of John Boke- lond, &c. to John Bokelond, John Fisher, Thomas Eston, and Stephen Igolenden. April 27, 1470. Seal. William Long, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, within that Bedelwic. Michaelmas, 1470. None of the Rolls of Accounts rendered by the Servants of the Abbey, at this date, recognise the resumption of the state and power of a king, by the deposed Henry the Sixth. Numerous Rolls for the Hundred and other Courts, held for the Manor of Battle, from Oct. 9, 1470, till the end of the year 1471. These Rolls, from the first-named date, to that of March 5th, have the year thus noted, "Anno ab inchoationis rr. Henrici Sexti xlix°. et rea- depcionis seu regiae potestatis anno primo f but all were immediately erased by the pen of the Monkish scribe, and in lieu thereof, " Anno rr. Edwardi Quarti decimo," and undecimo. That of the last of April, 1471, is the first in which the title of the re-established monarch is named as the eleventh of Edward the Fourth. Thomas Fychet, of Battle, Feofment to William Staple Smith, John Gadesman, of Hastings, John Gyles, and Richard Toby, of his Lands, Tenements, &c. in Battle. Dated Battle, Oct. 31, 1470. A feofment of some interest, from its date — " Anno ab inchoatos regni Regis Henrici Sixti quadragesimo NONoet readeptionis regie potestatis sue Anno primo" The imbecile monarch, Henry the Sixth, was restored to the kingly power by Richard Nevil, Earl of Warwick, and a parliament summoued in Henry's name Oct. 15, 1470, to meet at Westminster, on Nov. 20, following; it was, however, only of a May-fly duration, as the king died a few days after the decisive battle fought at Tewkesbury, May 4, 1471. Numerous Rolls of Entries of Proceedings in the Hundred and other Courts held for the Manor of Battle, Surrenders and Ad- missions to Copyhold Premises, Pleas and Plaints of the Suitors, appointment of Officers, &c. &c. 1471, 1472, and 1473. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc, 119 John, Abbot of Battle, Lease of a Water-mill, near Teltonesbath, in Sedelescombe, then newly rebuilt, to Richard Shephard, of Battle. Dated from the Chapter- House of the Monastery of Battle, April 3, 1471. See also n°. 1628. John Ode, of Battle, Feofment to John Horden, of the Messuage in Sandlake, situate between the Lands of William Smith and the Almoner of Battle, called the Spittle-garden, &c. June 4, 1471. Seal. Brother Thomas Russell, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts: answers for the Profit of Wood felled and sold, Disbursements for Repairs, &c. Michaelmas, 1471. John Giles, of Bexle, Feofment to Matilda, relict of John Werst- lysham, late of Bexle, of all the Lands and Tenements in the Parish of Bexle, which were John Kneller's, now deceased. Dated Bexle, Oct. 9, 1471. John a Melle, the. Younger, Thomas Neston, and Thomas By- sshop, Feoffees of Richard Bruscombe, by Precept of the said Richard, Release to Thomas Staple, Yoman, of two Parcels of Land, in Battle, called Ordenwell, and Busnerismarling, in the Borough of Telham, situate between Amener Strete, towards the South ; the Lands of the said Thomas, called Brembilislond, and Stephynlond, towards the North ; the Lands, called Pekeholes, towards the West ; and the Lands of John Boys, lately deceased. April 6, 1472. Mention is made in this release of a grant made by Richard Bruscombe, under date of Dec. 1, "Anno inchoatione regni Regis Henrici Sixti, qua- dragesimo nono, et readepcionis regiae potestatis sue anno primo." Richard Bruscombe, Release to John a Melle, the Younger, Thomas Neston, and Thomas Bysshop, of all his Claim and In- terest in the Parcels of Land called Ordenwell and Busnerismar- ling, in the Borough of Telham. April 20, 1472. Seal. William Longe, Bedle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts of the Rental of Sandlake, Middleburgh, Monjoye, Ukham, Telham, Iltonesbath, Breggeselle, Whatlyngton, Glasie, Bukstepe, and Westham. Mi- chaelmas, 1472, and three following years, 1475 inclusive. Roger Scot, Deputy of John Bokeland, Woodward of the Manor of Wy, Accounts, answering for Profit of Wood felled in Newland, Install, and Kyngeswode. Michaelmas, 1473 and 1474. Robert a Crowche, of Rye, William Staple, Smith, and John Melle r, the Elder, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Tovy, and Margaret, his wife, of a Messuage in Sandlake. Nov. 20, 1473. Seals, red wax. John Bokelond, Release and Quit Claim to John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, the Convent of the same place, &c, of all his Right and Interest in Lands in Gestlinge, called Barlich, other 120 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Litilbarliche, which are parcel of the Lands of the said Abbot and Convent, called Barliche, in Gestlynge. April 11, 1474. Seal, red wax. Matilda, late wife of Simon Farnecombe, late of Winchelsea, Feof- ment to Henry Hall, and Robert Oxenbregge, Esquires, Henry Fishe, and Thomas Martehame, Millers, of the Land, with Wind- mill, and two Houses, situate in the place called " Le Bochery," in Winchelsea, bequeathed to her in the Will of her late husband, the said Simon. Dated at W 7 inchelsea, Richard Davy, then Mayor ; John Cowpyldyk, Bailiff, and other Testators. Feb. 20, 1474. Seal. John, Lord Abbot of Battle, Lease for Ten Years of the Manor of Mexfelde, in Sussex, to Thomas Carpenter, of Ore. Dated Chapter House of the Monastery of Battle, March 1, 1474. The Seal of this Abbot, John Nuton, or Newton, is an N with the J in the centre. Barthol. Bolne, Thomas Bayan, William Allard, of Westham ; Thomas Ousty, and William Jamys, of Estborne, Release and Quit Claim to Henry Hall, and Robert Oxenbregge, Esquires ; Henry Fishe, and Thomas Martham, of Winchelsea, of all their Lands and Tenements called Haukeham, in the Parish of West- ham. Dated at Westham, March 17, 1474. Two Seals. N°. 1394 is a similar Document, also having the five Seals perfect. The Lands here named were formerly the possessions of John French and William Morfot, of Winchelsea. Excerpta, from the Roll of Amerciaments for the County of Sussex, before the Barons. Easter, 1476. Pleadings, Agreement, &c, in a Case, John, Abbot of Battle, Plain- tiff; John W'aterman and Joan his wife, Deforciants; relative to Land and Rents in Battle ; at Westminster, Trinity Term, 1476. Amerciaments levied in Sussex, of Thomas Fenys and others, in the Court of King's Bench, 1476-1482 ; extracted from the Pipe-rolls in the Exchequer. Roll of the Manor Court held at Bernehorne, June, 1477. These Rolls recite portions of similar records of earlier dates. Thomas Mayhew, Rector of the Parish Church of S. Thomas, in Winchelsea, Feofment of Land, part of the Rectory Garden, to Malyne Farnecombe, of Winchelsea, widow, and her heirs for ever. Richard Ferrers and others, Witnesses. Dated Winchel- sea, Aug. 10, 1477. William Long, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipt of Rents, Disbursements, &c, Michaelmas, 1477. Thomas Martham, Feofment to Matilda Farnecombe, widow, of Lands and Tenements called Haukeham, in the Parishes of West- ham, Haylesham, Mankesey, and Horsey, which were William Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8?c. 121 Morfot's ; and late held by Henry Hall, and Robert Oxenbrigge, and others, of the Feofment of John Morley and Richard Hegh ; and of Land, with Windmill, and two Tenements, in " the Boche- rye." Dated Winchester, Robert Basele, then Mayor; John Cowpyldyke, Bailiff, &c. William Hampton, Bailiff of Pevensey, and others, Testators. Oct. 10, 1477. Matilda Farnecombe, Power of Attorney to John Convers, of Winchelsea, to receive Seizin of Lands and Tenements called Haukeham, in the Parishes of Westham, Haylesham, Mankseye, and Horsye ; and of Land, with Windmill, and two Tenements, in Winchelsea. Dated Winchelsea, Oct. 11, 1477. Seal. Manorial and other Court Rolls, held for the Manor and Liberties of Battle, a numerous and important series, from the eighteenth to the twenty-third of King Edward the Fourth, i. e. from 1478 to April 1483. Excerpta from the Pipe-roll in the Exchequer, of the Amerciaments estreated in the Counties of Sussex, &c. Trinity Term, 1478. Richard Bowle, Feofment to Thomas Staple, the son of William Staple, the Tanner, of the Lands, Tenements, and Reversions, in Sandlake, which the said Richard, with Stephen Dogreth, then deceased ; William Staple, Smith ; and William Gateman, late held of the Gift and Feofment of John Yelding of Cattesfelde, John a Melle of Battle, William Staple, Tanner, and Joan his wife, then all deceased. Dated Battle, April 6, 1478. Among the Witnesses are Thomas Staple, Yoman ; and Thomas Staple, " bocher," i. e. butcher. Elizabeth, Queen of England, and Consort of King Edward the Fourth, Grant to Maline Farnecombe, widow, that she may give a Messuage called Haukham, and one hundred and eighty Acres of Land, in the Parish of Westham, for the perpetual main- tenance of a Chantry Priest, in the Chantry of John Godfrey, in the Chapel of the Blessed Mary in the Church of St. Thomas, in Winchelsea. Dated Westminster, Feb. 24, 1478. n°. 1072. There was a previous Licence for the founding of this Chantry, granted by King Edward the Fourth, Nov. 27, 1477, which the Queen's Grant re- cites : it is also noticed at the commencement of the following— King Edward the Fourth's Grant and Licence to Maline Farne- combe, widow, to found a perpetual Chantry, in the Chapel of the Blessed Mary, in the Church of S. Thomas, in Winchelsea ; the prayers to be for the souls of the King and his dear Consort, the Queen Elizabeth ; for the souls of the said Maline [or Ma- tilda], and of Simon Farnecombe, her late husband ; the souls of John Godfrey and Alice his wife ; and of Simon Godfrey and Joan his wife, &c. Dated Westminster, Nov. 27, 1478. Details the provisions for the same. Bernehorne Halimot Court Rolls, 1479, 19 Edw. IV., to the reign of Richard the Third ; continued to the Accession of Henry VII. R 122 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Extracts from the Pipe Roll of the Amerciaments in the County of Sussex, in the King's Bench, 'Trinity Term, 1479. John Giles, Feofment to Joan and Petronilla Worsham, daughters of Simon Worsham, deceased, of all Lands, Rents, and Services, in the Parish of Bexle, late held by him of the Feofment of the said Simon Worsham and John Kneller, deceased. Dated Bexle, April 5, 1479. Seal. Joan and Petronilla Worsham, daughters of Simon Worsham, deceased, Feofment to John Fenys, Knight ;* John Barette; Esquire, Richard Colman, William Lunsford, Richard Olyver, Simon Scott, and John Gyles, of all their Lands and Tenements in the Parish of Bexle. Dated Bexle, April 5, 1479. Seals. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Lease of the Rectory of Ailesham, called Netherhall, with all the Tythes, and other Com- modities whatsoever to the same Rectory in anywise belonging, for five years, to Robert Brampton, of Brampton. Robert Wattys, otherwise Walters, and Philip Barker, of Ailesham, Testators. Dated Sept. 12, 1479. Dom. Philip Ritlyng, Cellarer of Battle Abbey, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, 1479. The Induction of Thomas Aleyn, into the office of Cellarer, is named at the end of this Roll. Thomas Draper, of Boxbrigge, in Middlesex, Yoman, next of kin and heir of John Makebat, Yoman, late of Staines, deceased, Feofment to Thomas, Bishop of Lincoln, Chancellor of England ; John, Bishop of Ely ; Humphrey Hawardyn, Doctor of Laws ; Richard Charlton, Knight ; John Nycols, Valet of the Crown, of our Lord the King ; Richard Grotemore, Gentleman ; and Wil- liam Draper, his son and heir, of all the Lands, Tenements, &c, in the Town, Parish, and Fields of Staines, inherited by him after the decease of the said John Makebat, &c. Dec. 13, 1479. Seal. Inventory of the Cellarer's office delivered to Dom. Philip Ritling, Cellarer, by Dom. Robert Pevense, Jan. 4, 1479. Mem. of the Stores delyvered by the foresaide Dom. Philip unto Dom. Thomas Aleyn, now Cellarer. Sept. 20, 1479. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Grant to Simon Stephens of the Wardship of John Petyr, the infant son of Richard Petyr of *' the Wode" in Whatlynton, held by the said Richard in Military Service of the said Abbot and Convent of Battle. Dated Jan. 12, 1 479. Seal of Simon Stephens. * Sir John Fenys appears to have been a younger son of William Fiennes, Visoount Say and Sele, who had a grant of the office of Constable of Pevensey Castle for life, 1 Edw. IV. According to Stow, he was one of the Lords that fled with the King into Flanders, in 1470; and, on his return, landed with him at Kavenspur in Holderness, but was after, according to Holinshed, slain in the battle of Barnet. Collins does not mention this Sir John. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 123 Dame Jane, late wife of Sir John Pesemersh, Knight, Deed of Covenant with James Pesemersh, son and heir of the said Sir John, to retain during life, in the name of her dowry, Lands in Battle, called "the Five Acres, the Myddylfeld, Domysday, Horspetts, being in the Borough of Monjoye, and other parcels, the scites of which are particularized. June 30, 1480. The earliest dated legal instrument in these Collections wholly written in English. William Staple, Smith, and Richard Tovy, Feofment to Thomas Staple, Yoman, of Garden Ground in the Tything of Sandlake, within the Borough of Battle, adjoining the Land of Thomas Staple, Dyer, on the West. John Westburn, of Battle, John Horden, and other Testators. July 8, 1480. Seals. William Longe, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1480, 1481, and 1482. John Halle, of Tyseherst, Feofment to Robert Crotynden, of Tyseherst, of a Tenement and Land called Stretynges in the Parish of Echingham, and of Land, comprising forty Acres, called Baylehell in the Parish of Tyseherst, which the said John, and Agnes, now the wife of the said Robert, conjointly held under the Feofment of John Hykkyo in the Tenure of Shosewelle and Thyrserche. Dated at Tyseherst, June 21, 1481. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle and the Convent thereof, &c, Lease for six years to William Poke, of their Manor called Austye, in the Parish of Alton. Dated in the Chapter-House of the said Monastery, Aug. 12, 1482. Thomas Hoo, Esquire, Deed of Gift to John, Abbot of the Mo- nastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, of the yearly Rents of Twenty Marks, arising from Lands, Tenements, &c, in the Manor of Rowghey, in the Parish of Horsham and Rowspar ; of Lands called Malerbys, Hurstlonds, Gevelotts, and Fosters, in Rowspar, which Manor was late Walter Urrey, Esquire's ; of Land, Messuages, &c, in Horsham : a Messuage and ten Acres called Edwardes', purchased of Thomas Horde and John Cloter- wyn ; of Lands called Mastots, purchased of William Cloterwyn ; of Land called Gawtron, purchased of John Gawtron; of Lands, &c. purchased of William Waller, James Bonewike, and John Mighele ; of Land purchased of the Feoffees of John a Deane ; of Meadow Land, comprising seven Acres, called Turnoures and Aylewyns, purchased of William Miller, the elder, and William Waller, the younger ; of Lands and Tenements, near Rowghey, purchased of the Feoffees and Executors of the Will of Henry Boteler ; that is to say, the Meadow of ten Acres, called Elliotis ; twelve Acres, called Cokhuntisgrove ; Lands, Wood, &c ; forty Acres, called Hothlonds ; five Acres, called Segrymes ; a Messuage and Garden, purchased of Robert Stanys ; other 124 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Messuages and Gardens called Old Cloterwyns, purchased of Thomas Hortle ; Lands purchased of William Lower, son of Walter Lower ; Lands and Tenements, purchased of Alicia Reyner; Lands, &c, called Langherst, purchased of George Brykis ; six Acres, called Redynsmore and Brynchelersmede ; the Lands and Tenements called the Old Park and the Home Park ; Lands, Tenements, and Manors, purchased of John, Duke of Norfolk,* now held by fine in the Court of our Lord the King ; comprising, one hundred Acres called Goldstaple, eight Acres called Alkesbornefelde, near Roughey, and of the Manors of Shapwise, Egle, Compton, and Westmarden, in Sussex; Lands called Crofteslond, in the Parish of Bosegrove; Lands called Wattislonds, in the Parish of Farlegh, &c for the maintain- ing of two Monks within the Monastery of Battle, to celebrate at the obsequies, and to all future times, in the Church of the said Monastery, to pray for the salvation of the soul of Sir Thomas Hoo, Knight, late Lord of Hoo, and of Hastings, deceased ; for the good state, and the health of the souls of the donor, and of Alicia his wife, and of the souls of Walter Urrey, Esquire, father of the said Alicia, and " Willme," mother of the said Alicia, now deceased ; as also of all parents, friends, benefactors, and kin, of the said Thomas Hoo, Esquire, and Alicia his wife. Dated Sept. 21, 1480. An interesting document, immediately referring tor the Monastic History of the Abbey of Battle. It has the Autograph of the Donor, " per me Th. Hoo Armigerus," on the front and back ; and is the earliest dated instrument among the Battle Abbey muniments, in which the affirmation of the Gift is established by " Sigillum meum, una cum subscriptione propria manu et Signo Manuali apposito." James Pesemersh, son and heir of Sir John Pesemersh, Knight, Feofment to John Baret, of all the Lands and Tenements in the Hundred of Battle, which he inherited from his father, the said Sir John ; as also of the Reversion of the Lands, &c, now held by the Lady Jane, widow of Sir John, as dower. William Love, John a Melle, Nicholas Greneway, and other Witnesses. April 2, 1482. Margaret Kyngeswell, widow, Feofment to William Cressey, of a Messuage situate in the Tithing of Monjoye. William Long, Nicholas Grenehill, and other Witnesses. Battle, Jan. 31, 1482. Seal. * John, the fourth and last Duke of Norfolk, of the Mowbray family, Earl Marshal of England, who, during vita patris, in 1450, was created Earl of Warren and Surrey, but succeeded his father, John, the third Duke of Norfolk, in 1461. In 1471, he was one of the Peers who subscribed their names to the recognition then made in Parliament to Prince Edward, the King's eldest son. The Duke died in 1475, leaving issue, by Elizabeth his wife, da. of John Talbot, Earl of Shrewsbury, an only daughter "and heir, Anne, who was betrothed to Richard, second son of King Edward the Fourth, murdered by his uncle, Richard, Duke of Gloucester, afterwards King Richard the Third. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 125 Rolls of the Hundred and Manor Courts holden for the Manor of Battle, commencing with that held on the Vigil of St. Mark, April 24th, and ending with that of June 26, 1483, comprising the whole period of the reign of the ill-fated Edward the Fifth. Roger Philpot, Release and Quit Claim to Richard Leukenore and Henry Kyghle, Esquires, and Henry Asshborne, of all his right and interest in their Possessions in the Manors of Shop- wike, Ej'le, Compton, and Westmarden ; as also in Land called Croftlond, in Sussex. Aug. 20, 1483. Seal, red wax. William Longe, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michrelmas, 1483, 1 Rich. III., answers for the receipts of Rents from the Tenantry in Sandlake, Middleburgh, and Monjoye ; Land in the Market-place of Battle, in Middleburgh, Ukham, Telham, Iltonesbath, Bregge- selle, Hoppenheath ; a Garden called Collys-garden, near Iltones- bath-brugge ; a Garden called Lugfisshe ; Lands called Webb's, in the Burgh of Ukham, &c. Margaret Kingeswell, of Battle, widow, Release and Quit Claim to Richard Cresy, of all her right and interest to a Messuage, with Garden, &c, situate between the Messuages of William Longe and Adam Fayreway, in Monjoye, enfeoffed to William Cresy, late of Monfeld, Jan. 31, 1482. Dated Battle, Oct. 5, 1483. Seal, red wax. John Fisher, son of Thomas Fisher, late of Battle, Release and Quit Claim to Richard Colman, John a Melle, and William Love, of all his right and interest in two Messuages, in Battle, which belonged to John Fisher the elder, between the Mansions of Stephen Igolenden and John Goteley, and the Lands of the Almoner of Battle. John Bokelond, John Goteley, Rich. Vynagh, and other Witnesses. Battle, April 26, 1484. Seal, red wax. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, Lease for ten Years of their Manor of Mexfelde, with its Appur- tenances, &c. to Henry Hall, of Ore. Dated in the Chapter House of the said Monastery, Sept. 20, 1484. Richard Barkshyr, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1484. William Lonceford, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1484. Act of Attainder, by King Richard the Third, against Henry, late Duke of Buckingham ; John, Bishop of Ely ; William Knyvet, late of Bokenam Castle, Knight; John Rushe, late of London, Merchant ; and Thomas Nandyk, late of Cambridge, " Nigro- 126 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. . manser," for conspiring the King's Death at Brecknock, in Wales, Oct. 18, 1483. The act appears to have been drawn up in 1485, after the landing of Henry the Seventh, here described as " Henry, calling hym selfe Erie Richmond," and the publishing of his proclamations, as a means of de- nouncing as traitors his adherents, who were then joining his standard. The names are mentioned, and the Roll is several sheets in length. John Morton, Bishop of Ely, was, in 1486, 2 Hen. VII., translated from that see to the Archbishopric of Canterbury, was Cardinal, Lord Chan- cellor of England, and Chancellor of Oxford. Numerous Court Rolls of the Manor of Marley, 1485-1508, 1-24 Hen. VII. Court Rolls of the Manor of Marley, temp. Hen. VIII. Bailiff of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disburse- ments, by William Lonceford, for the Years ending at Michael- mas, 1485 and 1486. John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Presentation, addressed to James Goldwell, Bishop of Norwich, of John Bennys, the Abbot's Chaplain, to the Rectory of Braham, otherwise called Brantham, in the Diocese of Norwich, then vacant by the decease of Master John Browne. Dated Chapter House of the said Monastery, April 23, 1486. Robert Oxenbregge, Esq., Henry Hall, Esq., and John Smyth, Clerk ; Edward Bornigh, and Anne his wife, da. and heir of Sir Thomas Cobham, Knt., deceased, Feofment, in right of the said Anne, to Margaret, late wife of Sir John Elryngton, Knight, and Klizabeth, late wife of Roger Fenys, Esq., widows, daughters of Sir Thomas Echyngham, Knight, deceased, of seventy Acres of Land and Marsh, called Highfeldys, in Bexhill. Dated Bexhill, Aug. 5, 1486. Seal, red wax. John a Beche, late of Sedelescunibe, Release and Quit Claim to John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, of a Wax Taper, receivable by him from the hands of the Sacristan of Battle, at the Festival of the Purification of the Virgin. Dated Aug. 18, I486. Rent Rolls for the Manor of Bernehorne, 1486, 2 Hen. VII., &c. William Lonceford, or Lunesford, Bailiff. William a Crowciie, son of Robert a Crowche, the elder, late of Hoo, Feofment to John Gyles of all his Lands, &c. in the Parish of Bexhill, which he inherited upon the death of the said Robert. Dated Bexhill, April 20, 1487. William Lonceforde, Lord of the Manor of Westbeche, in the Parish of Battle, Feofment to John Bokelond, the elder, Richard Markham, John Gotle, and Stephen Igolenden, of all his Lands, estimated at thirty Acres, called Westfyld, Pyndwode, and Est- Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 127 merlyng, within the Parish of Battle, and contiguous to the Lands of the Lord Abbot. Aug. 25, 1487. Seal. The Feofment, n°. 1429, dated Dec. 20, 1487, has reference in confir- mation of the preceding. Seal, red wax. Robert Crotynden, of Tysherst, Feofment to William Roper, the elder, of Tysherst, of a Messuage and seven Parcels of Land, comprising thirty-eight Acres, called Stretynges, in the Parish of Echingham, adjoining the Lands called Burkham, towards the East ; the Lands of the Abbot and Convent of Begham, and John Brykinden, on the West, &c. John Ryngden, John Brykenden, and other Testators. Tyseherst, Aug. 8. 1488. Seal, red wax. n os . 723 and 903, relate to the same Feofment. William Roper, the elder, of Tyseherst, granted a Feofment of the same Lands, &c, called Stretynges, to John Bokeland, Richard Markeham, John Gotle, Edward Morant, Richard Staple, and Robert Crotynden, under date of May 12, 1491. See n°. 1319. John Myll and John Horden, Feofment to John Lucas of two Messuages in Monjoye, which they, with Thomas Eston, deceased, held of the Gift and Grant of Thomas Yonge. Battle, Aug. 31, 1488. Seals, red wax. John Lucas, Feofment to John Bullard of the Messuage, with Garden, &c, called Styllago, in the Borough of Monjoy, which was late Thomas Yonge's. John Bokeland, the elder, and other Witnesses. Dated Battle, Sept. 6, 1488. William Crouch, Bailiff of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1488, 1489, and 1490. In these Rolls the Bailiff answers for Rents of Lands, called Greenlond ; Lands in Hoo-marsh ; a Tenement called Cay- worth ; the Farm of Holybredelond ; Lands called Adderspot, Hoofield, Bramesle, Cowesers-house, Pollards-field, Robert's- marsh, Mableys- croft, Crowesers-croft, Reeves-croft, Stevens - croft, Tomkeys Redewisshe, Tottis-raarsh, the Down, &c. An- nexed are the particulars of Stock, living and dead, in the Manor. William Lonceford, of Burghersh, Gentleman, Lord of the Manor of Estbeche, Release and Quit Claim to John, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, of certain Wax Tapers, which he and his Antecessors were wont to receive at the hands of their Sacristan on the Festival of the Purification of the Virgin. John Bokeland and other Witnesses. Jan. 24, 1488. Thomas Relfe, of Maughfeld, Feofment to John Higham, William Hevet, John a Melle, and Thomas Staple, of all his Lands and Tenements in Sandlake, called the Ostrie, and Bremle, formerly the Lands of Richard Sybbes, deceased, held of the Feofment of John Turnoure, late of Hadley. John Horden and other Wit- nesses. Feb. 20, 1488. 128 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Dom. William Westfelde, Seneschal or Steward of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of his Receipts and Disbursements for the Charges and Expences of the Household, rendered on the Annunciation of the Virgin, March 25, 1489. Sum total of Expenses 438/. 5s. 8d. Dom. Robert Key, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1489.. Roll of Accounts of Dom. Richard Exetre, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Receipts of Rent for a Meadow near Petley, called " Tresoreresbutt ;" Pasturage in Boteherst, &c. Christmas, 1489. Thomas Staple, the Elder, of Battle, Release and Quit Claim to William Staple, Smith, of a Garden in Sandlake, adjoining the Tenement of Thomas Bodynden, &c. June 20, 1491. William Lonceford, Feofment to John Bokelond, John Gotley, Stephen Iglenden [Igolenden], and Edward Morant, of the Lands, Tenements, Rents, &c, in the Parish of Battle, coming to him upon the decease of John Lonceford, his father. Nov. 20, 1491. Seal, red wax. Richard Colman, John a Melle, and William Love, Release to John Beche and Marion his wife, Thomas Grove, and William Hamon, of Byrlyng, relative to two Messuages and Gardens situate between the Tenements of John Gotley and Stephen Igo- lenden, in Middleburgh. John Bokelond, "Gentleman," and other Witnesses. April 20, 1492. Seals. Stephen Igolenden, of Battle, and John, his son, Release and Quit Claim to John Beche and Marion his wife, Thomas Grove, and William Hamon, of Burlyng, of their Right and Interest in two Messuages, with Gardens, situate between the Tenements of John Gotle and the said Stephen, in Middleburgh, held of Richard Colman and others. April 30, 1492. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Lease of Land, com- prising sixteen Acres, called Monkynlonds, lying in Pevensey Marsh, towards the Land called Blibore, on the south-west, &c, for twenty Years, to William Wade, of Eastbourne. Dated in the Chapter House of the said Monastery, Oct. 20, 1492. Rolls containing the Proceedings of the Court holden for the Manor of Battle, in the Years 1493 and 1494, exhibiting the Names of the Parties, the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors, &c. Roll containing a Statement of the Expences of Dom. William Westfelde, Seneschal or Steward of the Monastery of Battle, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1493. William a Crouche, Bailiff of the Manor of Bernehorne, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1493, 1494. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, $c. 129 John Dougreth, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Staple, dyer, John Hay, Richard Staple, and John Eston, of all the Lands and Tene- ments in Battle, which were formerly John Baker's. Richard Dynagh, William Parker, John Kyngeswell, and other Witnesses. Nov. 16, 1495. Seal, red wax. Dom. Thomas Redyng, Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Receipts and Disbursements for the year beginning at the Festival of the Conception of the Virgin, i.e. Dec. 8, 1491, and ending at Christmas, 1495. The Sacristan in this Roll answers for Rents of the Tenantry in Middle- burgh, Monjoye, Sandlake, Helmyngfelde, Breggeselle, Glasye, What- lyngton, Swynehill, Agmersherst, Wyllyngton, Charlton, Clapham, Rede- wysh, Marsh near Romney ; a Tenement in Wye, Land called Hyghfeldys, next Bernehorne; a Meadow in Udymer, the Mill of Echyngham, Tene- ments in Haukherst, and Cranebroke; Pensions arising from the Priory of Hastings, the Rectories of Manksey, Hawkherst and Warbylton ; Land in Pevensey Marsh, called Monkynlond ; Land called Dudriswysshe, in Bodi- ham ; Land in Alciston ; Meadow Land near Petleywode, called Tanners- wyshe; a Meadow, called the Quarry; a Meadow, near Bokeholt; a Meadow near Wyltyng ; the Manor of Anglyngle, in Cranebroke ; Land in Morehouse ; the Farm of Estlond ; the Tythes of Oldecomb in Wartlyng, Echingham, Sedelescombe, Mondefelde, Enham in Udymer, Lydham in Gestlyng, Bekle, Holyngton, &c. &c. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and Robert Ley» Almoner of the same, Lease of a Close of Land, contiguous to the Lands called Weners and Rudfyn, within the Office of Almoner ; the Barn and Close, together with all Store, living and dead, &c, to Thomas Stephen, April 2, 149<3. William Payne, farmer of the Manor of Wye, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1496. John Ode, Richard Wodeman de Hoo, and John Fayrman, the younger, of Marley, Feofment to Edward Jonson, and Martyne his wife, of the Messuage and Garden, that was formerly John Roos\ mason; late John Bregger's, and antecedently Stephen Donyngs', in Sandlakej. June &9, 1497. Seals, red wax, Dom. Robert Key, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements by him, in his official capacity as Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1497. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, Lease for twenty years, of the scite of the Manor of Marley, as John Fayrman occupied the same; with the demesne Lands, called Chesehousefeld, Blossomfeld, Roloyfeld, Grete Ukham, Wellond Cornore, Bowlondmeadow, Velondfeld, Shepe- londs, Forstalfeld, Shepynfeld, the Old Hawe, and the Butts under Northbotcherst, with Pasturage in the Woods of Petley and Velondwode, &c, to William Penny. Dated from the Chapter- House of the said Monastery, Dec. 25, 1497. S 130 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Extracts from the Pipe-roll of Amerciaments levied in the King's Courts, and due to the Abbey of Battle, 1498. Depositions of Witnesses, from 1480 to 1495, proving the Church of Ixning to pertain to the Abbey of Battle. These depositions were advanced in a Cause instituted 1499 ; proving from evidence among the Battle Abbey Muniments, that Ixning Church was antecedently a Chantrey ; that there were then Lands in Ixning, called Chantrey Lands, of which the Priest of Newmarket received the profits. The Roll contains extracts from early records, of William Botoner's doing open penance in Ixning Chapel, for going to plough on the day of S. Martin, the patron Saint of the Abbey, &c. Particularizes the yearly procession of the Vicar of Ixning, on the Wednesday in Whitsun week, through the town of Newmarket, forth about the bounds of the Chapel precinct ; the Priest of the said Chapel was always sent to meet the Vicar of Newmarket, on his first coming into the town, with the cross and manners of the said chapel, and so conduct him into the town, &c. Court Rolls of the Hundred of Battle, exhibiting the Names of the Parties, with Particulars of the Pleadings in these Courts, 1498 and 1499. Record of a Plaint by John Goteley, Edward Morant, and Nicholas Morant, against John Toby and Joan his wife, re- specting the Liberties of the Abbot of Battle, in the Town of Battle, and allowance thereof. Easter Term, 1499. Record of a Plaint before Vincent Finch, Bailiff of Battle, by Ni- cholas Morant, against Henry Denye, and Mariam, his wile, Deforciants, respecting two Messuages, with Gardens, &c, in Battle. Richard, then Lord Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, 1499. ' Henry Alard, Collector of Rents, Roll of Accounts for the Manor of Wy, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1499. Edward Morant, Collector of Rents for the Treasurer of the Mo- nastery of Battle, Statement of his Receipts for the year ending Christmas, 1499. Paper, John Barrett, Esq., Power of Attorney to John Bokelond, Thomas Stapeler of Battle, and John Callowe, of Lambithe-mershe, to deliver seizin of all his Lands, Tenements, &c, in the Lordship of Battle, and elsewhere in the County of Sussex, to Barbara Barrett, his daughter. Dec. 14, 1499. Seal. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Feofment to John Bokelond, " our servant," of Lands called Watteliswysshe, ad- joining on the South, the Lands of Thomas a Feld, called Cookys- feld, ftc M in the Tything of Sandlake, within the Borough of Battle. Dated, Chapter House of the said Monastery, Oct. 6, 1500. Seal, red wax. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 131 Edmund Standen, of Haukherst, Release and Quit Claim to John Bokeland, Richard Markham, John Gotley, Richard Staple, and Edward Morant, of all his Interest in Land called Stretynges, comprising thirty-four Acres, &c. in the Parish of Echingham. Jan. 21, 1500. Seal. John Bokeland and Stephen Igolenden, Feofment to Richard Reygate, and John Frensh, of a Messuage, situate between that, that was John Fisher's, and that of the said John Bokeland, in Middleburgh. Battle, Feb. 18, 1500. Seal. Writ of Precipe, Nicholas Morant, John Haye, and John Par- ker, Plaintiffs, and John Brecher, and Margaret, his wife, Richard Henley, and Joan, his wife, John Primer, and Mar- garet, his wife, Deforciants, of Messuages, with Gardens, in Battle. Easter Term, 1501. Indenture of the Fines, and Enrolment of the same, on the Court Roll of the Manor Court, June 2, 1501. Temporis Richard, Lord Abbot of Battle. The Rolls of the Manor Courts, held June 2 and 22, 1501, &c. Richard Vynagh, [or Fynhawe ?] the Elder, of Battle, Edward Morant, John Eston, Nicholas Morant, Feoffees of Thomas Staple, dyer, Reconveyance to Isabella Staple, widow of the said Thomas, of all the Lands which they held of his Gift and Feof- ment in Sandlake. Battle, Aug. 3, 1501. Seals, red wax. Roll of the Receipts, by Edward Morant, Collector of the Rents of the Office of Treasurer, within the Manors of the Lord Abbot of the Monastery of Battle. Christmas, 1501. Isabella Staple, relict of Thomas Staple, Dyer, Feofment to John Wyldgose, Thomas Infeld, and John Langregge, of Lands, &c. in Sandlake. July 8, 1502. Seal, red wax. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, &c. Lease for eight years, to Thomas Assheherst and Simon Tewesnoth, of the Dairy of East-Kyngessnoth, with four- teen Cows and one Bull, pertaining to the said Dairy, with the Houses and Lands, called the Barne-croft, the Cowlese, Pyxsyde, Castylmerle, Lawdeans, Baldwyns-brokys, the Fleyden, and six- teen Acres of Meadow in Stakynmede, with Pasturage in the Frythwode, &c. Dated in the Chapter-House of the said Mo- nastery, Sept. 20, 1502. Seal. Henry Alard, Bedle of the Manor of Wy, Roll of Accounts, answer- ing for the Profits of the Manor, in the year ending Michaelmas, 1502. Richard Halk, Farmer, of the Manor of Wy, Roll, answering for the Farm of the Scite of the Manor, and for the Farm of the Lands of the Lord of the Manor in Craphill. Michaelmas, 1502. Richard, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Grant of the Lands, &c. called Gretecowlands, to William Penny, during the Minority 132 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, 8$c. and Wardship of Nicholas Hucstepe, son and heir of Thomas Hucstepe, late of Whatlyngton, deceased, who had held these Lands of the Abbey of Military Service. Dated Nov. 15, 1502. Record of the Surrendry, at the Halimote Court holden for the Manor of Battle, March 19, 1502, by Isabella Staple, relict of Thomas Staple, Dyer, into the hands of the Bedle, of all the Lands, &c. called Stephynlonds, that late were the said Thomas Staple's, lying in the Borough of Telham, for the use of John Wyldgose, and his Heirs. Dom. Edward Clement, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, his Receipts and Disbursements, from Marcli 25, 1502, to March 25, 1503. Dom. Edward Clement, Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, from Easter, 1502, to Easter, 1503. William White, of the Garden-House, of Battle, Feofment to Joan his wife, of a Messuage, with Garden, &c. in Sandlake. John Goday, Chaplain ; William Hollok, ' Portatorio Csenobii,' John Eston, and John White, Servant, &c. Testators. Dated Battle, May 12, 1504. Power of Attorney from the said William White of the ■ gardyng out- hous, of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle,* to John Eston, to deliver seizin of the above messuage, dated same day. Richard Reygate and John Frensshe, Feofment to Nicholas Mo- rant, Mathew Hardye, and Marmaduke Ode, of a Messuage, with Garden-ground, &c, in Middleburgh, between the Mansion of the late John Fisher, and the Land of the late John Bokeland. Battle, Oct. 17, 1505. Seal. Extracts from the Great Roll of the Pipe, of Debts, Fines, and Amerciaments received by the Abbot of Battle, 1498-1506. These rolls mention Henry Alard, as Bailiff of the Liberties of Battle, &c. Richard Staple, son and heir of Thcmas Staple, late of Battle, Yoman, Feofment to Nicholas Morant, William Boys, and Wil- liam Rubery, of all the Lands, in the Parish of Battle, which he inherited of the said Thomas, his late father. Dated Battle, Aug. 30, 1506. Seal, red wax. N°. 1611, is a Deed of Covenant between the said Richard Staple, on the one part, and Morant, Boys, and Rubery, on the other, for the re- conveyance of the said lands to the said Richard, dated the following day. Barbara Baret, da. and heir of John Baret, late of Lamehith- mershe, [now Lambeth-marsh,] Esquire, Release and Quit Claim to John Gotley, Thomas Ode, the Elder, Nicholas Morant, and "William Boys, of all the Lands, &c. in Battle, which she inherited of her late father, on his decease. March 12, 1506. Seal. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 133 Arnulph Barow, Collector of the Rents of the Manor of Wy, Roll, accounting for his Receipts, for the year ending Michael- mas, 1508. Another Roll, n°. 345, answers for the receipts of the same date. Richard Staple, Release and Quit Claim to Nicholas Morant, William Boys, and William Rubery, of all his Right and Interest in the Lands called Brembylls, le Reyles, &c, in Battle, which John Wodeman late held of the said Richard. Dated Jan 12, 1508. Seal. Numerous Court Rolls of the Hundred of Battle, with the Names of the Parties, and Particulars of the Pleadings in these Courts. 1509, 1 Hen. VIII. Barbara Barett, daughter and heiress of John Barett, late of Lamehetlimershe, Esquire, Feofment to Edmund Franke, John Pyx, the Elder, and others, of all her Place, with Lands, &c, in the Town of Battle, which she inherited upon the decease of her late father. Dated Battle, June 15, 1509. Seal. n°. 974. Barbara Barett, of Cambridge, " Sengylwoman," Bond to Edward Franke, John Pyx, the Elder, and others, in the Penalty of forty Pounds, conditional on the quiet possession of a House and Land, by them, in the Parish of Battle, June 15, 1509. n°. 1487. Barbara Barett, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to Edmund Franke, John Pyx, the Elder, and others, of all her Right and Claim in the above-named Possessions. Dated June 16, 1509. Seal. n°. 1341. Roll of the Accounts of the Monastery of S. Martin, at Battle, of Dom. Laurence Champyon, now Abbot, rendered on Michaelmas Eve, 1509. A most copious, curious, and interesting record, furnishing the items of the disbursements, distributions, and rewards, on the day of sepulture of William Westfelde, the late Abbot ; as also the expenses and charges at- tendant on the election, creation, confirmation, and consecration of Lau- rence, the new Abbot. Many of the entries arrest the cursory glance, and exhibit much that is valuable to the antiquary, and the enquirer into past usages and manners, particularly as respects monastical institutions. Amid numerous other outlays, elemosinary or otherwise, the charge of making of the grave, which was to entomb all that remained of the represen- tative of abbatial dignity and reverence, was only viijtf. Many of the items of the Abbot Laurence are also deserving of observation : — " for a printed book, bought at London, viijrf. ;" and, what could hardly be expected, among his gifts and rewards is mentioned, ** in reward, given to the players of my lord the King, vj*. viijrf. ; " and, " in reward, given to two players of my lord the Earl of Arundel, xxd." The Executors of Thomas Hollok, late Collector of the Rents of the Manor of Bernehorne, are stated to be in arrear in the Abbot's Accounts, rendered Michaelmas-eve, 1509. 134 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Lease, for thirty-one Years, to Richard Turke, of the Town of Wadeherst, of the Abbatial Lands, &c, called Snape, lying in the Parish of Wade- herst Nov. 9, 1509. Robert Manwood, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, from Dec. 8, 1509, to Michaelmas, 1510. Dom. Edward Clement, Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, from Christmas, 1509, to Michaelmas, 1510. Roll of the Hundred Court holden for the Manor of Battle, 1511, containing Entries of the Names of the Parties, the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors, &c. Extract from the Treasurer of the Monastery's Roll, answering for the Issues and Farms of his last Account, chiefly as regards the Manor of Marley, 1511. Scota, or Assessments, made at the Sessions of the Waterlode, in Hoo-Marsh, April 26, 1512, for the Scouring and Repairing the said Waterlode. The apportionment is by acres, on the landholders at Ashborneham, the landholders between Boreharabridge and Westlingwall, Morehall and Blackwall, Morespycheswall and Mylewall. The names are severally given : — William Ashborneham, Esq., forty acres ; the Keeper of the Church of Assheborneham, one acre ; the Abbot of Beygham, two hundred and fifty acres; the Lord of Morehall, thirty acres ; the Prebend of Hoo, twenty acres ; William Finch, Esq., fifteen acres ; Sir Thomas Fenys, four- teen acres ; Chaplain of Northey, seven acres ; the Abbot of Battle, thirty acres ; and the Lord of Hoo, several allotments. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin, in Battle, Lease, for ten Years, to John Iglenden and Richard Reygate, of the Sacristy of Battle, with all the Houses and Lands to the same belonging, without the walls of the Abbey, in the Parishes of Battle and Whatlyngton, with all the dead and live Stock, the Tythes of Sheaves coming from the Town of Battle, which the Sacrist there had been accustomed to receive, &c. Dated Chapter House of the said Monastery, Aug. 16, 1512. Dom. John Hamond, Sacristan of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1512. The roll exhibits a statement of disbursements on the repairs of the church, and new vestments for the priests. Among the purchases are two silver candlesticks, two glass lamps to hang before the altars, &c. There is also an item for the repairing of the clock, in the cubiculo of the Sacris- ty, xxd. Court Rolls of the Hundred of Battle, 1513 and 1514, with the Names of the Parties, and Particulars of the Pleadings, &c. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. 135 John White, of Battle, Feofment to John Wyldgose and Nicholas Morant, of a Messuage, with Gardens, &c, in Sandlake, adjoining the Premises of the late Edward Johnson, * Vitriatoris,' &c. Dated Battle, April 25, 1513. Thomas Stephen, son and heir of Thomas Stephen, late of Battle, deceased, Feofment to John Iglynden and John Adams, of two Messuages, with Gardens, &c, in Middleburgh ; as also another Messuage, with Garden, &c, in the same Borough ; and a Croft of Land, called Loxbeche, in the Borough of Monjoye. Dated Battle, May 16, 1513. Seal. Henry White, Cellarer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michael- mas, 1513. Answers for Rents of Tenements called " the Forde," Sharpham, Craneham, and Fordlond, Land called Rette, for Monies received in the Bedelry of Wy, &c. John Hamond, Sacristan, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disburse- ments, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1513. Rolls of the Hundred, and other Courts, holden for the Manor of Battle, containing the Appointments of Officers, Names of the Parties ; the Pleas and Plaints of the several Suitors, 1514-15. These Rolls are very numerous, and are, in continuation, a consecutive series to 1538, 29 Hen. VIII. Assessment made at a Session of Waterlode, in Hoo Marsh, June 14, 1515, for the scouring and repairing of the said Waterlode. Among the possessors of Lands between Boreham-bridge and Werthyng- wall, the Abbot of Begham was assessed at two hundred Acres. Between Morehale and Blackwall, the Lord of Morehale was assessed at thirty Acres, and the Prebend of Hoo at sixteen Acres ; between Blackwall and Mores- pychewall, Sir William Fynch, Knt. was assessed at fifteen Acres, and the Prebend of Hoo at nine Acres. Between Morespytchewall and Mylewall, Sir Thomas Fenys, Knt. was assessed at fifteen Acres, and the Lord of Hoo, five Acres ; the Chaplain of Northey, seven Acres ; and the Abbot of Battle, thirty Acres. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of St. Martin, at Battle, Lease for Twenty Years, to Thomas Wydyres, of all the Lands called Brodegrove and Hollyslond, estimated at forty Acres, lying in the Parish oflkelysham; the scite more particularly described. Dated July 3, 1516. Seal. John Hamond, Sacristan, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disburse- ments, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1516 and 1517. Roll of Accounts of the Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, com- prising several sheets of Paper, 1517. Edward a Felde, Bedle of Battle, and the Liberties thereof, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending March 25, 1519. 136 Battle Abbey Charters^ Grants, Deeds, ^c. Thomas Staple, son and heir of Thomas Staple, late of Battle, Yeoman, and Christopher Wygsell, Feofment to Stephen Cutlaff and John Iglenden,ofa Tenement, with a barn, and seven parcels of Land called the Down, formerly belonging to William Down, and computed at eighty Acres, in the Borough of Telham, in Battle. Dated Battle, April 3, 1519. Seal. John Chilton, Collector of the Rents in the Manor of Wy, Roll of Accounts of his Receipts for the year ending Michaelmas, 1519; answers for the Rents of Cotecroft ; for the Farm of Lands called the Dongeon ; Land called Wytherynden, in ErmytStrete; the Common of Snodehill, a Meadow at Wilget ; a Garden called Ballard's, Land at Wybregge, Land in Northfield, Land in Kinge- shaw, in Scottyn Strete, the Meadow called Pykemede, Land called Milborough, &c. John Hamond, Sacristan, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Dis- bursements, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1519 and 1520. Edward Felde, Bedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, his Receipts and Disbursements, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1519 and 1520. Extract from the Act of Parliament, for the regulation of Deeds of Feoffment, the Title of Feoffees, &c. Extract from the Act of Parliament, annulling, by the King's order, for ever, the oppres- sive Enactment or collecting of the ruinous Charges, Exactions, or Impositions, called Benevolences. Dom. John Benygne, Chaplain of Laurence, Lord Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, as to sums of Monies re- ceived by him, and his Expenditure thereof, from March 25, 1520, to Lady -day 1521. Laurentius, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Lease for Ten* Years, to John Trewe, of the Tile-kiln of the said Abbot, with all the Houses and Buildings pertaining thereto ; with the close called the Buttes-close ; also Lands called " Le Launds ;" Land for digging Clay and Gravel, and Pasturage for six oxen, and two horses or mares. Dated January 14, 1521. Dom. Thomas Cranebroke, Almoner of the Monastery, Roll of Ac- counts for the year ending on the Eve of the Annunciation of the Virgin, March 24, 1521. Writ of Precipe, William Boys, Luke Pilchar, and Thomas Wildgose, Plaintiffs, and Richard Henley and Joan his wife, Deforciants, relative to a Messuage in Battle; Trinity Term, 1522. Annexed is the Indenture of Fine, and Enrolment on the Court Roll. Laurence, Abbot, &c, Lease for Twenty Years, to Hamond Maye, of the Watermill, belonging to the said Abbot and Convent, in Wy, with the Meadow called Cokkesmead, and the Fishery at Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 137 the Flood-gate there, and in the stream, from the said Mill to the Lands of the said Abbot, &c., called Blikemede. Dated Chapter house of the said Monastery, July 9, 1522. Nicholaa Ode, widow, late relict of Thomas Whiterowe, Feofment to John Wylegose and Nicholas Morant, of a Messuage, with Gardens, &c, situate within the Tything of Sandlake, in Battle, abutting on the West the Land called Lydcocks, belonging to the Sacristy of Battle, Aug. 13, 1522. John Chilton, Collector of the Rents of the Manor of Wy, Rolls of Accounts, for the years ending Michaelmas, 1522, 1523. John Hamond, Sacrist of the Monastery of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the year ending Michaelmas, 1522, and five following years, 1527 inclusive. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and John Hamond, Sacristan, Lease for sixteen Years to Alan Drynker, of all the Lands called Estlonds, and Rafelond, in the Parishes of Battle and Watlyngton. Dated Oct. 4, 1522. Assessments at a Session for the Scouring of the Waterlode in Hoo Marsh, held Sept. 24, 1523, William Weneham, Collector. The landholders are severally named, between Borehambridge, Wert lyngwall, Morehale, Blackwall, Morespychewall, and the sea. The appor" tionments are the same as already stated under the years 1512 and 1515' except that in the present the Abbot of Battle is assessed at thirty-two These rolls of names are of the first consequence to the county genealogist ; the name of Kneller appears to have been indigenous here. Richard Halk, Farmer of the Manor of Wy, Roll of Accounts of his Receipts to Michaelmas, 1523; answers for the Farm of the Manor, for Lands in Cruphill, Lands upon the Hylde, and on the Mount, the Farm of the Rectory there, &c. Dom. Richard Saleherst, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending March 25, 1524; answers for Money received of John Fayreman, Bedle of Battle, and the produce of Wood and Trees sold in the Woods of Boteherst, Lands called Clerkynlond, &c. Edward Felde, Bedle of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending Michaelmas, 1524. Almoner of Battle, Dom. Thomas Cranbroke, Roll of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Year ending at the Festival of the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1525. John Gotxey, son and heir of John Gotley, late of Battle, deceased, Feofment to John Adams, William Frensh, Christopher Wygsell, and Luke Pilcher, of all the Lands and Tenements in Battle and Penherst, which the said John his father, with John Bokelond, Stephen Iglynden, and Edward Morant, now deceased, conjointly T 138 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. held of the Feofment of William Lonceford, Nov. 20, 7 Hen. VII. Henry Fynch, Edward Fynch, and other Testators. April 20, 1525. Edward Felde, Dedle of Battle, Rolls of Accounts, Receipts and Disbursements, for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1525, 1526, and 1528. John Chilton, Collector of the Rents in the Manor of Wy, Rolls of Receipts for the Years ending Michaelmas, 1525 and 1526. Dom. Richard Saleherst, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, answering for Money received for windfall Wood in Boteherst, and for Apples sold at Marie ; Disbursements in Repairs done to the Monastery, &c. in the Year ending March 25, 1526. John Iglynden, of Battle, Feofment to John Adams, William Frensh, and Robert Trollop, of a Messuage, with Barn, Gardens, &c. in Middleburgh ; a Croft of Land called Loxbeche, &c. June 10, 1526. Seal. ' Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, Godard Oxenbregge, and William Fynche, Knights, and Richard Deuenysshe, Squyer, Commissioners of our Lord the King within the Rape of Hastings, Subpoena to the Bailiff of George Hastings, Knight, Lord Hastyngs, within the Rape aforesaid, to warne Thomas Wydres, John Tokye, John Taillour, and William Daniel, of the Hundred of Gestlynge ; Thomas Andrew, of Robertsbregge; the Abbot of Robertsbregge, Robert Sneppe, bolden of the Hundred of Henherst ; Sir Roger Lewkenore, Knight, or his Farmer, Thomas Oxenbregge, Gentleman, of the Hundred of Staple ; to appear on the ninth before the said Commissioners, at Robertsbregge, " at ix e of the clocke before none," " there to do, and hear that to them, then and there, on the Kynge our Soue- raigne Lord's behalf shal be laid and objected." The Constables of the Hundred of Goldspere to bring their Bills of Presentment, &c. Dated Oct. 2, 1526. Laurence, Abbot of the Convent of Battle, and the Convent thereof, Lease for Seven Years to John a Lye, William Poys, and Richard a Lye, of all their Manor of Mareley, in Battle, with all the Stock, living and dead, excepting the Lands called Brygeselle, Wyg- bemys, and Bronds, and the Wood called Botehurst. Annexed is a separate Schedule or Inventory of the Stock so delivered. Dated in the* Chapter House of the said Monastery, Oct. 22, 1526. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of Battle, and the Convent thereof, Lease for Thirty Years to John Mores, of Bodiham, of Land called Snapyswysshe, otherwise Snapysmede, in Bodiham, estimated at Five Acres, lying near to the Meadow called Legh, parcel of Battle Meadow, towards the East and South ; to the Lands Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #e. 139 of the Abbot of Robert's Bridge on the West : and to the Stream called the Mylryve on the North. Dated Chapter House of the said Monastery, Feb. 15, 1526. Dom. Richard Saleherst, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the Year ending at the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1528; acknowledges the receipt of Monies for the sale of Woods in Boteherst, Disbursements in Repairs of the Monas- tery, &c. John Austin, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, answering for the Rent of Lands called Baronsland, in Pevensey Marsh ; of Land called Snaylham; for the Farm of the Manor of Mexfelde, Land called Chauntersdown, Land called Wevers, &c. Michaelmas, 1528. Thomas, Abbot of the Monastery of S. Mary the Virgin, of Roberts bridge, and the Convent thereof, Lease for Four Score Years to William Palmer, of the Parish of Framfylde, in Sussex, Yeoman, " one of the King's Guard," of all their Manor and Lordship, called Posyngworth, within the Parish of Waldorne, in said County, with certain reservations, paying yearly 10/. Palmer to erect a Dwelling-house on the said Manor. Dated Nov. 23, 1528. Laurence, Abbot of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, and the Convent thereof, Lease for Nine Years, to John Iden, of the Tene- ment, &c. called Estbeche, situate between the Water-course running from Westbeche towards Kelkbrege on the East ; on the South between the narrow way called Procession Lane, and the Lands held by William Love, &c. Dated in Chapter of the said Monastery, Dec. 1, 1528. Seal, a stag's face, red wax. Dom. Richard Saleherst, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts, Receipt of Monies for the Sale of Wood, &c, in Marley and Boteherst, for the year ending on the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1529. Dom. Richard Saleherst, Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Accounts for the year ending on the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1529. John Austin, Almoner's Roll of Accounts, answering for the Rent of Land called Baronsland, in Pevensey Marsh ; Land called Snayl- ham, Land at Donynford, the Farm of the Manor of Mexfelde, Chaunter's Downe ; Land in Sandlake, Lands called Wevers ; Issues of the Manor of Alciston, Tithes at Bernehorne, &c. Michaelmas, 1529. Rental of the Office of Seneschal or Steward, renewed in the time of John Benigne, Chaplain to the Abbot of Monastery, Easter, 1530. Notices under Marlye, the Lands called Daunswysshes, Tobyshote, Cokkysland, Brondys, Beneford, and the water-mill near Iltonesbath. The 1 40 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Rents of Beche, Foxhunts ; New Rents, with the Rent in the Town of Battle, &c. Roll of the Accounts and Receipts of Dom. John Benigne, Steward of the Household, within the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, rendered at Michaelmas, 1530. Laurence, Abbot of Battle; John, Prior of Lewes ; Thomas Fenys, Rich. Sakvyle, Will. Asscheberneham, John Goring, Edw. Lewkenor, Thomas Parker, and others, Certificate, as Com- missioners for the Countie of Sussex, to my Lord of Canterburye, President of the King's most Honorable Counsell, of the num- bers of able-bodied men for the Wars, as also of the number of Harness, &c, in the Rapes of Hasting, Pevensey, Lewes, and Bramber, constituting the whole Countie of Sussex ; the sick partes excepted. Annexed is also a Letter of the King's Commissioners to the Arch- bishop, entreating his kind acceptance of this, their earliest result of the purport of the Queen's Letters by them lately received, to make this muster. William of Warham appears to have beeu the Prelate addressed. Sir Richard Sackville, Chancellor of the Court of Augmentations, temp. Hen. VIII. was father of Thomas Sackville, the celebrated Statesman and Dramatist, afterwards Earl of Dorset. William Ashburnham was possibly the 'son of John Ashburnham, Sheriff of the Counties of Surrey and Sussex, in 1401. Treasurer of the Monastery of Battle, Dom. Richard Saleherst, Roll of Accounts, from the Annunciation of the Virgin, 1529, to Michaelmas, 1531 ; presenting the first instance of any Roll ex- tending beyond the year's Accounts. John Austin, Almoner of the Monastery of Battle, Roll of Ac- counts for the year ending Michaelmas, 1531. John Hamond, Sacristan of the Monastery of S. Martin at Battle, Roll of Accounts, his Receipts, &c, of the Tythe of Sheaves of Corn, of Oldcourt in Wertlyng, Tythes in Whatlyngton, Bukholt, Lydham Hill in Gestlynge, Ore, Brede, Udymer, and Sedeles- combe; the Profit of the Fair in Haukeherst, &c. Michaelmas, 1531. Roll of the Manor Court, holden for the Manor of Battle, April 13, 1536, having the following description of the King's title, " Anno regni Henrici Octaui Anglise et Franciae Regis, Fidei Defensoris, Dom. Hibern. ac in Terris sub Christo An- glicane Ecclesie Supremi Capitis, Vicesimo Septimo." Rolls of the Court Baron, holden at Battle, recite the Surrenders and Admissions of the Tenantry, the Presentments of Homage, &c. Sept. 1536. Manorial Deeds, Registers of the Courts -Leet, Courts- Ra root r Views of Frankpledge, #c, held within the Manors of Battle Abbey, after the Dissolution of the Monasteries in England. Letter, name effaced by time, to Sir Anthony Browne's Steward, respecting the retaining the services of such roughlayers as he should send for employment to Battle, as he hears those sent by Mr. Bartlette are returned home to their own country. It appears that extensive repairs and alterations were made by Sir Anthony, which was done by some builder by contract ; the writer urges the Steward, '* that ye woll se them well handelyde in their wages, yf men feell no gayne by their labors and travell hytt were as goode that they werre gone for they woll worke none theire after. As I vnderstonde the worke ys takyn in greatt by one mann and he doweth gyve small wages by cause hys ovvne gayne shulde be the morre." The writer appears to have been one of the King's officers, as he says, as soon as their pay was done, he should send a substantial man as a morter-maker. Dated July 11, no year, but possibly 1539, as Sir Anthony had the grant for the House and Scite of the late Monastery of Battle, for himself and heirs, by Patent, Aug. 15, 1538, SO Hen. VIII. Thomas Asscheburneham,* Autograph Letter to Master Parson of Cramonye, Chaplain of the Honorable Sir Anthony Browne, Knight,+ thanking him for some H pallers" the Parson let him • This Thomas Ashburnham was the son of Thomas Ashburnham, seated at Gesteling in Sussex, on whom the said Thomas, by his will dated April 12, 1523, entailed all his estates in Kent and Sussex. He mentions Elizabeth his wife, mother of this Thomas, and Ellen and Anne his daughters; but, in default of issue, made William Ashburnham, of Ashburnham, Esq., son of John Ashburnham, his brother, his heir. f Sir Anthony Browne, Master of the Horse to King Henry the Eighth, and one of the chief favourites of that monarch, died May 6, 1548, being then Master of the Horse to King Edward the Sixth. He was buried at Battle, leaving issue by Alice his wife, da. of Sir John Gage, Knt., four sons, of whom Anthony, the eldest, was his heir, and three daughters, Mary, raarr. to John Grey, second son to Thomas, Marquis of Dorset; Mabel to Gerald, Earl of Kildare ; and Lucy to Thomas Roper, of Eltham, in Kent, Esq., ancestor of the Lord Teynham subsequently noticed. Anthony, the son, was one of the forty Knights created at the Coronation of King Edward the Sixth ; and for the more honourable reception of Philip of Spain, then about to be married to Mary the First, was appointed, on April 8, 1554, Master of the Horse to that King; and on Sept. 2 following, by letters patent, advanced to the dignity of Viscount Montagu, which title he chose, by reason that the Lady Lucy, his grandmother, was one of the daughters and co- heirs to John Nevil, Marquis Montagu; and was then deputed, by order of Parliament, together with Thomas Tburlby, Bishop of Ely, to the Pope, to render the submission of these realms to an accordance and union with the Church of Rome, and to the obedience of that see. He was afterwards of the Queen's Privy Council, and consulted in most affairs during her turbulent and mischievous reign. The accession of Elizabeth diffused a gleam of brightness more consonant to the feelings of the nation ; and the Viscount, known as a staunch Romanist, was omitted in the selection of the members of the Privy Council. He, in feet, 142 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. have; and understanding that Sir Anthony, "My master and yours, hathe geven me a peace of a bukke out of Battle," proffers to fetch it, " for as the case nowe requyers, it could never come better ;" subscribes himself, " Your owne to his letell powyr." Master Parson of Cramonye, thus addressed, was, according to the custom of the time, the person hereafter noticed as Sir Richard Ambrose. Roll of the High Court holden for the Manor of Battle, 1542. King Henry the Eighth's Award and Determination between Sir Roger Lewkenore, Knight, and Dame Elizabeth his wife, on the one part, and Sir William Barantyne, Knight, and Dame Jane Pole, widow, and others, concerning the said Sir Roger's Lande ; having the Great Seal of England attached, and the Auto- graphs of King Henry the Eighth ; Sir Robert Southwell, Master of the Rolls; William Whorwood; and Sir John Baker, Knight. Dated April 24, 1542. Sir Roger Lewkenor was Sheriff of Sussex in 1 532 ; the Lewkenors served that office in the same county eight several times. The award states the Lady Jane Pole to be the widow of Sir Arthur Pole, Knight, deceased, one of the daughters of the said Sir Roger Lewkenor; and professes to determine the various disputes relative to the possessions of the said Roger, in the counties of Sussex, Middlesex, Oxford, Northampton, Leicester, Huntyngdon, and elsewhere. The Lordships and Manors named are Bodiham, Camoiscourt, Warmyngore, Dalyngrave, Iforde, and land in Roghey, called the Old Parke, &c. in Sussex. A copious and most important document to the County Historian. Roll of the Hundred Court holden for the Manor of Battle, 1544. Surrendry, by Edward Wyldegose, of certain uses in Land called the Long Garden, Land called Stephenland, a Meadow called " the Parke Medowe," &c, at the Manor Court of Battle, April 14, 1545, with his re-admission to the same. Ambrose Comporte, then Bailiff of the Liberties of the Manor. Rolls of the Manor and other Courts, holden in the Manor of Battle, 1546. in the second year of her reign, on the grand debate in Parliament for the annulling of the Pope's supremacy and restoring it to the Crown of England and its dependencies, was the only Peer, who, with the Earl of Shrewsbury, at Camden expresses it, voted from a sentiment of zeal and honour against that abolition. Notwithstanding his devotion to the Romish faith, his prudence and wisdom evinced him a loyal and dutiful subject, and he was considered, in the ensuing year, as the most acceptable person to be sent as ambassador from England to Philip the Second of Spain, to satisfy him of the just causes the Queen had to send an armed force into Scotland, and to represent that the practices of the Guises might be of as dangerous consequences to his provinces in the Nether- lands, as well as in Spain, as they were then, in effect, to England. The Viscount was one of the Peers who presided on the trial of Mary Queen of Scots, the victim of the conspiracies of the Guises; and in that, as in all other measures, displayed his attachment to the government ; services which endeared him to Elizabeth, who paid him a visit some short time before bis death, which took place at Horsley, in Surrey, Oct. 19, 1592. He was buried at Coudray, in Sussex. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 143 Westalle's Booke of Pannyngrydge, A , regni Regis Hen. VII. xxxviij . i.e. 1546. A volume thus designated, contains the Accounts of some Iron Master, and exhibits his expenditure in carrying on an extensive concern, during that year. Payments made to the wood-cutters, for "cords of wood," at three-pence per coard.* The collears were paid in coards of wood and money for coals, after the rate of twenty-two pence the load. Sums paid for carrying Coals out of Pannyngrydge, Olyvers-wood, and Asyldey, at four-pence and six-pence the load. " Moyne digged out of Pannyngrydge," refers to the iron ore mined or dug up in the neighbour- hood—" Paid unto Black Jack and others, for digging of loads of moyne, at seven-pence the load," &c. Sums ppid "to Warnet, the founder and the filler," who, from several of the entries, it appears was named Anthony. Sums paid for " carying of lodes of Sand from Pannyngrydge unto my forge at Robertsbryge, at xvjrf. the lode." Sums paid Mr. Chanceller, for the farm of his Woods at Pannyngrige; sums paid unto the Parson of Penherst, for the farm of the Phurner [Fur- nace]-pondf there ; as also for the Tythe of the Phurner there, &c. Sums paid in reparation, hewing or felling of timber ; for drawing the same tymbre to the cole-house ; for drawing of timbre to the saw-stage, &c. These accounts close with the entry of vs. and vd. paid " for a Wrytte and a Warrant for Jackson, the carpenter." At the end of the volume are Memorandums of Monies received from the sale of Apples, Pears, here written " Perris," Wheat, Corn, Malt, Oats, and Barley, the produce, possibly, of the Manor of Robertsbridge. Registries of the Minutes and Proceedings of the Baron and Manor Courts held for the Manors of Agmershurst and Bernehorne, shewing the Presentments of the Homage, Admissions and Sur- renders of the Tenantry, Appointments of Officers, and other Matters, in evidence of the Customs and hereditary holding and occupation of the Lands and Tenements in these Manors, from October, 1547, 1 Edw. VI. to the year 1728. Bound in one thick volume, folio. Indenture of a Fine, levied in the King's Court at Westminster, in the Octaves of S. Hilary, between Richard Porter, plaintiff, and Catharine Belwood, deforciant, of a Messuage, with Garden, * A coard of wood, in Sussex, is in measure fourteen feet long, three feet wide, and three feet two inches high ; the two inches in height being allowed for shrinking or settling. t Sussex has long been famous for its mines and manufacture of iron, and is said to have many pools of water, formed solely with the intention of driving the hammer-mills, constructed at various periods. The mention of Robertsbridge points out the source whence this volume came amongst the Battle Abbey Papers. The Manor of Robertsbridge was possessed, in the time of Elizabeth, by Sir Henry Sidney, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. The famous Sir Philip Sidney, his son, died seized of it, 28th of her reign : his da. and heiress, Elizabeth, married Roger, Earl of Rutland. The manor was sub- sequently possessed by the Earls of Leicester, until 1720, when John, Earl of Leicester, sold it to John Sambroke, Esq. of whom, in 1725, Sir Thomas Web- ster purchased it. Rouse quotes a document of the year 1609, which de- scribed the Manor-house, sometime called Elam, in the parish of Salehurst, as then having various buildings for the steel-makers, with eight steel forges, mill-house; the great East-gate employed as a store house for iron, &c. 144 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc, thirteen Acres of Land, ten Acres of Meadow, and an Acre of Wood, in Battle. Feb. 20, 1548. Manor of Begham Court Roll, containing the Entries of the Pro- ceedings of various Courts held there, 1553. Thomas Darell, Steward ; John Port, Bailiff. Court Rolls for the Manor of Begham, held there, the first year of the reign of Queen Mary, 1553 and 1 554. There are also several Rolls of the Hundred and other Courts holden for the Manor of Battle, during the short reign of Philip and Mary. Steward's Accounts of the Rentals of various Farms ; Memoranda of Wood to be felled ; Remembrances for the Plumber's Son, that dwelleth with Master Vaine, &c. Marked n°. 1549. Indenture between William Morgan, Esquire, and Catharine, his wife, on the one part, and Thomas Walsingham, Esquire, and Robert Eyre, Gentleman, on the other, being a Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine of the Third Part of the Manor of Bodiham, with the Appurtenances ; and of the Third Part of divers Lands and Tenements in Bodiham, Ewherst, Ikylham, Hawkehurst, Iden, Battle, Salehurst, Wartlyng, Enfelde, Cattestrete, Bexlee, Benyn- den, Westfylde, and Pleyden, co. Sussex ; with the Autographs and Seals of the said William and Catharine Morgan. Dated April 13, 1558. Endorsed on the back, "The Indenture to leade the Use for Bodiham, signed by my father, Morgan and his wife." Anthony Stapeley, Gentle- man, is here said to be seised as tenant for life in one-third part of the Manor of Bodiham, and the Appurtenances ; of which the said William Morgan and Catharine his wife, were * now seased and in possession of the freehold of the same, by the name of the third part of the Manor of Bodiham, &c, and of twenty Messuages, twenty Gardens, three hundred acres of Land, two hundred acres of Meadow, two hundred acres of Pas- ture, two hundred acres of Marsh, two hundred acres of Wood, thirteen pounds in Rent," &c. Richard Porter, the Elder, Surrendry of Premises in Long-garden, Land called Stevenlond, with the Meadow called Parke Mea- dow, holden of the Manor of Battle, to the Use of Robert Porter and his Heirs, with his re-admission to the same. April 4, 1559. There was another Surrender, April 10, 1571. See the Record, n°. 1617. Bernehorne Manor Court Roll, 1560, containing the Entries of the Proceedings of four Courts holden there. Roll of the Court Baron, holden for the Manor of Begham, 1562. Roll, containing the Entries of the Court Barons holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, for the Manor of Begham, 1569 and 1570. Rolls of the High Court and Court Baron of Anthony Viscount Montague holden for the Manor of Battle, 1572. On the Roll of the Court Baron are entered the usual Surrenders and Admis- sions, with the Presentments of the Homage. The View of Frankpledge contains the Appointment of Officers ; ,and the Court Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, $c. 145 Roll contains the Names of the several Persons, the Pleas and Plaints of the Suitors, &c. Drewe Barantyne, of Abertone, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to William Morgan, Esq. of Chilworthe, co. Surrey; Henry Bosseville, Gent, of Lincoln's Inn, and Elizabeth his wife, of all his, the said Drewe's, Right and Interest in the Manors of Body- ham and Bromham. May 12, 1576, with the Autograph of Drewe Barantyne, and other Signatures. Roll of the High Court for the Manor of Battle holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, 1577, exhibiting the Names of the Parties, and Particulars of the Pleadings in those Courts. Roll of the High Court, Court Baron, and View of Frank-pledge, holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, for the Manor of Battle, 1578. These Rolls are of great length, and form a conse- cutive series for several years. Abstracts of the Grants, Court Rolls, &c, of the Manor of Battle, from 1245, 30 Hen. III. to 1580, 22 Eliz. A volume exhibiting the material points in upwards of four thousand Documents relative to the Manorial lands in Battle ; drawn up by the Bai- liff or Steward, in 1532, and continued by the succeeding Bailiffs to 1580. At the end are most interesting memoranda of the usages peculiar to the Manor of Battle. One states — «■ It appears by the Court Roll, A . Edw. IV. Primo, that it was the custom within the Manor of Battle, that if any one seized of any Lands or Tenements, in Fee, or in Fee-tayle, the principal utensils of his house of which he was possessed at the time of his death, shall remain to his next heir, and judgment was given accordingly, March $9, 1462." By the Rolls of Elizabeth's reign, the Bailiffs or Stewards of Battle had the power of licensing the alehouses in the town of Battle. Admissions at the Court Baron for Battle held by Anthony Vis- count Montague, Oct. 16, 1582, of George Porter to the uses of the Orchard called the Long Garden, and other Lands, held of the Manor of Battle, Robert Porter, his father, oeing then de- ceased. See also n os . 1623 and 1624. Anthony Crownett? Letter to Robert Smith, "from Cowdrey, the xvith of Maye, 1583. — My Lord and Mr., to avoyde the daungers of the Statute provided for Reteyners, and of her Ma tyes Proclamation published of late in that behalfe, doth will and comaunde you to forbeare to weare his Cognizance and Badge, or to accompte yourselfe to be his Servante Reteyner, from after the last Daye of this instant Maye, 1583, &c, as ye will not incurre the Penalties of the foresayd Lawes at your uttermost perill, untill by Acte of Parliament, or other lyke and lawfull authoritye his L. may be permitted to increase his number of Reteyners agayne. In which respecte, as his L. ys muche lothe to enter this course with any of you, nor wold, sauinge that the president [precedent] of all Noble Men, and the force of the Lawes of the Realme doth U 146 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. moue him thereonto ; so will he reste nevertheless in goodwill and fryndship alwayes redye to doe you the favoure otherwise that he can." A Letter most honourable to Anthony Viscount Montague, who, as a Roman Catholic Nobleman, in this Letter, exhibits a due respect to the Laws of his Country. The Signature in flou- rishing uncertain characters, may possibly be other than the name here premised. Roll of the Court Baron holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, for the Manor of Agmondeshurst, 1584. Rolls of the Court Barons holden by Anthony Viscount Montague for the Manor of Bernehorne, 1584 and 1585. Exemplication of a Recovery by Henry Bosseville, Esq. and Thomas Colby, Attorney, versus William Morgan, Esquire, of a third part of the Manors of Bodiham, Bromham, &c. ; in the King's Bench. Hilary Term, Feb. 12, 1584. The Great Seal of Elizabeth is attached to this instrument. Court Rolls of Battle, anno Vicesimo Octauo Elizabeth Regine, 1586. 1587, and 1588. Rolls of the High Court, Court Baron, View of Frankpledge, &c, holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, for the Manor of Battle, 1587. John Roberts, of the Parish of Markinton, in Kent, Gent., younger son of Clement Roberts, of VVingham, Gent., deceased, and next of kin to William Roberts, of Battle, Gent., deceased, Feofment to Anthony Lowe, of Battle, Yeoman, of a Mansion House, with other Buildings, Gardens, Orchards, &c, in Middleburgh, inhe- rited of the said William Roberts, and held by the said John Roberts of the Manor of Battle, according to the Custom of Borough English. Autograph of John Robarts. Dated Feb. 2, 1587. Seal. Edward Glemham, Esq., of Chichester, and Constance his wife, one of the daughters and coheirs of Sir Roger Lewknor, Knight, deceased, Deed of Conveyance to John Levett, of Saleherst, Gent., with Covenant to levy a Fine of the Moiety of the Castle of Bodi- ham, and Manor of Bodiham, and Lands, &c, in the Parishes of Bodiham and Saleherst, co. Sussex, or in the Parish of Hawk- herst, co. Kent, April 16, 1588. The Autograph of Edward Glemham, and C. G., the initials of his wife, are subscribed to this Deed, with their Seals. n°. 1650. Edward Glemham, Esq. of Chichester, Bond to the said John Levett, in the penal sum of Three Thousand Pounds, conditional for the quiet enjoyment and further assurance to the said John Levett, of the above Castle of Bodiam, Lands, &c. Dated May 6, 1588. Autograph and Seal of Edward Glemham. n°. 1557. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, $c. 147 Another Bond between the parties, in the Penal sum of Four Hun- dred Pounds, conditioned for the quiet enjoyment of the Moiety of the Castle of Bodiham and Manor of Bodiham. Dated on the same day with the preceding. n°. 1562. Manor Court of Battle — William Haye, Demandant, Nicholas Carter, Tenant, and Richard White, Vouchee; Recovery of eight Acres of Land, ten Acres of Pasture, and four Acres of Wood, in Middleburgh. April 28, 1590. Rolls of the Court Baron, View of Frankpledge, &c, holden by Anthony Viscount Montague, for the Manors of Agmondes- hurst, Battle, and Bernehorne, 1591 and 1592. Lord Montagu© died Oct. 19, 1592. Rolls of the First High Court, View of Frankpledge, and Court Baron, holden by Magdalen Viscountess Montague, for the Manor of Battle, March, 1593. Magdalen Viscountess Dowager was the da. of William Lord Dacre, of Gillesland ; and second wife of Anthony, first Viscount Montague, by whom she had issue, three sons and three daughters. Sir George Browne, the eldest, settled at Wickham-Breus, in Kent; whose son, George, of Shef- ford and Wickham-Breus, raarr. Eleanor, da. of Sir Richard Blount, of Mapledurham, in Oxon, Knt. Elizabeth, the Viscount's eldest da. by Magdalen, his second wife, marr. Sir Edward Dormer, afterwards Lord Dormer. Admission of Edward Byne, son and heir of Anthony Byne, to the Moiety of a Tenement called the Harpe, at the Manor Court of Battle, held by Magdalen Viscountess Montague, April 24, 1593. Admission of Edward Byne, son and heir of Anthony Byne, to a Moiety of the Tenement called Stacey's otherwise Loxbeche, in the Manor of Battle, April 24, 1593. Byne, on the same day, had Admission to the Moiety of a Tenement called Brand's Ponde. Declaration in an Action of Assumpsit, brought by Ninian Thatcher against Abraham Thatcher, Oct. 1, 1593. Rental of the Manor of Battle, Feb. 1594; containing the Nameg of the Tenants, and the Rents they severally paid, commences with " Sandlake, beginninge at Spitlelande, and cominge to- wards the Churche," Breggeselle, Newe Rents in Battle, Sand- lake within the Borough, Teltonsbathe in Sedlescombe, What- lyngton, Monjoye, " Court-house ijJ." Middleborough, begin- ninge at the North side of the Street, next to the West end of the Church ; same, without the Borough ; Uckham, Telham, Helmingfielde, Buckstepe, Hurstmonceaux, Glasye, Westham. Sum total, lxixZ. viijs. yd. Rental of the Manor of Agmershurste, in the Parishe of Ashe- bourneham, Feb. 1594, to be gathered by the Beadle there.— Rental of the Manor of Swineham, Feb. 1594.— Rental of the 148 Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, flft Colledge of Hastings, with the Prebends and Pensions belonging" to the same, Feb. 1594. — Rents of the Prebend of Hoo, the Farm of the Manor of Hoo ; Rents of Tenements newly graunted, &c, a folio volume. There are notices from the Court Rolls of 1608, and )6S2, inserted; and a contemporary memorandum, states that the Abbatial rental of 1638, was corrected by the present. In the Rental of Hastings, are some interesting notices — " Of the heires of William Barker, for a rent going out of their lands, called Parkegate- hill, in the Parish of S. Marye, within the Castle of Hastings xijd. — Of John Tufton, Esq., for a rent going out of his lands within the Parish of Northam, called Horner xijrf. — Of William Shelley, Esq., for a yearly rent going out of the Manor of Knell, in the said Parish of Northam, viij*. This rent is not to be had, because it is in the Queene's hands." Rolls of the Court Baron, the View of Frankpledge, and High Court, holden by Magdalen Viscountess Montagu, for the Manor of Battle, 1595, 1596, and 1597; containing the Pre- sentments of the Homage, and the Names of the Parties ; the Pleadings in those Courts, Elections of Officers, 8rc. Indentures between John Levett, of Saleherst, Gent., Thomas Stylyard, of Warbleton, Gent., and Thomas Hebden, of Ber- wysshe, Gent., being a Settlement to Uses of a Moiety of the Castle of Bodiham, the Manors of Bodiham and Bromham, &c. March 10, 1595. See n°*. 1583 and 15S8. Court Roll for the Manor of Bernehorne, held by Magdalen Viscountess Montagu, 1597. Ninian Thatcher, of Battle, Shoemaker, Deed of Sale, of all his ' Messuage, Garden, Orchard, &c, in Battle, to Goddarde Forster, of Battle, Gent. March 23, 1598. Autograph and Seal of Goddard Foster. Release from Ninian Thatcher to Goddard Foster, of the said Messuage and Land. Dated same day ; with the Marke and Seal of Ninian Thatcher. Indenture between Thomas Wilford, Esquire, of Lenham, co. Kent; Thomas Barham, Esq., of Teston, co. Kent; and Francis Pordage, Gent., of S. Dunstan's in the West, London; being a Deed of Revocation, and New Appointments to Uses of the Manor of Lenham, the Rectory and Parsonage, &c. May 23, 1602. Autograph of Francis Pordage, and Seals. Indenture, being a Settlement to Uses of a Moiety of the Castle of Bodiham, and the Manors of Bodiham and Bromham ; between John Levett, the elder, of Lee^ co. Kent, Michael Weston and John Waller. June 20, 1603. Seal. n*. 1556. Deed of Revocation of Uses, of a Moiety of the Castle of Bodiham, the Manors of Bodiham, &c, in Sussex ; and Hereditaments in Battle Abbey Chatters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 149 the Parishes of Bodiham and Saleherst, in Sussex, and the Parish of Haukherst, in Kent. June 27, 1603. Seal of John Levett. A Revocation of Levett' s Deed of March 10, 1595. A Deed of Settlement to Uses of the Moiety of the Castle of Bodiam, the Manors of Bodiham, and Bromham, &c , between John Levett, the elder, of Lee, co. Kent, Esq., and Michael Weston, of Martyn, in Surrey; and John Waller, Merchant Taylor, of London. June 28, 1603. Autograph and Seal of John Levett. Decree of the Lords Bailiffs, &c. of Romney Marsh, that Sir Wil- liam Southland, William Wade, and Thomas Smithe shall have after the rate of eighteen pounds per Acre for their Land, the Inheritance thereof to remain to the Commissioners of Rom- ney Marshe. Dated Dynehurst, May. Subscribed " per me Stephen Worley, Srcr." 1605. Various Manor Court Rolls, for Battle, Bernehorne, &c, for the close of Elizabeth's Reign, and the beginning of that of King James. Those for the year 1606, appear to be the last held in the Name of Magdalen Viscountess Montagu. Court Rolls of the Manor Court holden for Battle, by Anthony Viscount Montagu, 1607-1611, inclusive. This Anthony Vis- count Montagu, was the only son of the preceding Viscount, by Jane, da. of Robert Ratcliffe, Earl of Sussex : he marr. Mary, da. of Sir William Dormer, Knt., of Ethorp, co. Bucks. Battle Manor Court, Admissions of Dorothy Porter, to Tenement and Land, called Stephenland, and Long Garden, in the Tything of Telham ; April 5, 1608. n os . 1088 and 1089. Goddard Foster, of Battle, Gent., and Nynyan Thatcher, of Battle, Feofment to Agnes Brythes, widow of Anthony Brythes, of a Messuage, Garden, Orchard, &c, in Battle. Aprils, 1609. Autographs and Seals of Foster and Thatcher. Exemplification of a Recovery of a Messuage, Garden, &c. in Battle, Capt. Robert Morgan and Richard Dodd, Demandants ; Thomas Lovell, Tenant; and Edmund Haye, Vouchee. Nov. 28, 1610. Deed to lead the Uses of Recovery of a Moiety of the Castle of Bodiham, in Sussex, and in a Moiety of Lands called the East- Lands and Castle-Lands ; a Moiety of the Messuage called the Court-Lodge, a Moiety of a Farm called the Park Farm ; Lands in Bodiam, comprising 312 Acres; between Thomas Levett, of Brankham, co. Surrey, Esq. ; Sir Guy Palmer, of Ashwell, co. Rutland, Knt. ; John Lyndley, of Middleham, co. Yorke, Esq. ; and Robert Beverley, of Gray's Inn, Esq. May 1, 1611. Autograph and Seal of Thomas Levett. Settlement of the aforesaid Lands, by Thomas Levett, in considera- tion of a Marriage already had between him and his now wife, 150 -- Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. Margaret, da. of the said John Lindley, of Middleham. Dated May 1,1611. Autograph and Seal of Thomas Levett. n*. 1091. Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine of the said Lands, dated May 1 , 1611, with the Autographs and Seals of Sir Guy Palmer, John Lindley, and Robert Beuerley. n°._ 1092. Exempli6cation of a Recovery of a Moiety of the Castle of Bodiam, Lands and Marsh in Bodiam, &c. ; Sir Guy Palmer and Robert Beuerley, Demandants ; Thomas Levett, Tenant; and Edward Howes, Vouchee. June 12, 1611. Thomas Wylford, of Lenham, in Kent, Esq., Lease to Rohert Halfnode, of the same, of a Parcel of Land lying between the Parsonage Barn and the Church-yard of Lenham. Oct. 10,1611. Autograph of Wylford. Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine, of Lands called Northlands, between Thomas Levett, of Brockham, in the Parish of East Betsworth, in Surrey, Esq., and John Evans, of London, Gent. Oct. 10, 1615. With the Counterpart of the said Deed. n 08 . 1581 and 1649. Court Roll of the Manor of Battle, holden April 21, 1612, where, among other presentments, occur the names of Robert, Earl of Dorset; Sir Moyle Finch, Bart. ; Sir John Tufton, Bart.; Sir Thomas Baker, Knt. ; James Thatcher, John Sackville, John King, Thomas Abington, and other Esquires and Gentlemen. Rolls of the Baron and Manor Courts, and View of Frank Pledge for the Manor of Battle, 1613 and 1614. Roll* of the Court Baron, with the View of Frankpledge, at the Courts holden by Robert Lord Dormer, Sir Francis Engle- field, Bart., and John Dormer, Knt., for the Manor of Battle, 1615, exhibits the Surrenders and Admissions to Copyhold Pre- mises, the Pleas and Plaints of the Suitors, &c. Exemplification of a Recovery of a Moiety of Two Hundred and Forty Acres of Meadow, and Sixty Acres of Wood, with the Appurtenances, in Bodyham, otherwise Bodiham, &c. ; John Evans, Gent., Demandant ; Thomas Levett, Esq., Tenant ; and Edward Howe, Vouchee. Nov. 21, 1615. Margaret Levett, widow of Thomas Levett, Esq., Lease to Wal- ter Hawes, of Saleherst, Gent., of the Messuage, Barn, Lands, &c. called Eastlands, and Castlelands, parcel of the Demesne apper- taining to the Manor of Bodiham; with Moiety of the Benefit of the Fair there yearly kept, originally leased by Sir Raphe Bosvile, of Bradborne, Knt. to Roger Head, &c. Autograph of Mar- garet Levett. May 11, 1619, Margaret Levett, late wife of Thomas Levett, Esq., deceased, surrender of all her interest in the Moiety of the Castle of Bodi- Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, #c. 151 liara, the Lands called Eastlands or Castle-Lands, the Messuage called the Court Lodge, the Park Farm, &c, all situate in the Parish of Bodiham, containing Three Hundred and Twenty Acres, to John Levett, of Sedelescombe, Esq. May 11, 1619. Auto- graph and Seal of Margaret Levett. Indenture between the said Margaret Levett and John Levett, assuring to her a certain Rental, the consideration of her surrendry of the said Lands. May 11, 1619. Autograph and Seal of John Levett. n°. 1566. Deed to lead the Uses of a Fine of all the Messuages, Lands, and Hereditaments of Sir Ralph Bosville, situate in Bodiham, Ew- hurst, Ikilham, Hawkhurst, Iden, Battle, Salehurst, Wartlynge, Endfield, Cattestrete, Bexlee, Beningden, Westfield, and Playden, in Sussex ; between the said Sir Ralph, of Broadbourne, Seven Oaks, Kent, Knt. ; Leonard Bosville, his son ; Thomas Ridley, Doctor of Laws, Master in the High Court of Chancery; Francis Ridley, Richard Ridley, and others. June 1st, 1619. Auto- graphs and Seals of Sir Ralph Bosville, Leonard his son, and Dr. Ridley. John Thatcher, of Battle, Yeoman, Bond to William Langham, Gent., in the penal sum of Forty Pounds, for the due performance of Covenants. April 15, 1620. John Levett, of Sedelescomb, Gent., Mortgage to Thomas Dyke, of Newfield, Sussex, of One Half of the Castle of Bodiham ; the Moiety of the Manor of Bodiham, in Sussex and Kent; of Lands called Northlands, Parklands, Eastlands, and Grovelands ; Lands and Hereditaments in Bodiham, Ewherst, Salherst, Battle, Wart- lyng, Penherst, Newfield, and Cattesfield, in Sussex ; and in Hawkherst, co. Kent, for One Thousand Pounds. June SO, 1620. Autograph and Seal of Thomas Dyke. n°. 1642. N°. 1594 is the Deed of Bargain and Sale, by John Levett, of the said Lands to Thomas Dyke. June 30, 1620. With the Counterpart. Richard Boys, of Hastings, Surrender at the Manor Court of Battle, Dec. 2, 1620, of the Copyhold Tenement, and certain Customary Landes, called Chaunceys, estimated at Eighteen Acres, to the use and behoof of William Langham, of Battle, Gent., and Constance his wife. Thomas Brigden, the elder, of Northiam, Gentleman, and Thomas Brigden, the younger, his son, Deed of Sale, for Three Hundred and Fifty-eight Pounds, of the Messuage called Pralle's Tenement, in the Parish of Ewherst, with ail Lands, &c. thereunto belonging, to Stephen Iden, of Ewherst, Yeoman. May 3, 1621. Edmund Haye, of Hartfield, Feofment to John Wenham, of Battle, and John Wenham, his grandson and heir, of a Messuage, Garden, &c. in Middleburgh. May 20, 1622. Autograph and Seal. 152i Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, fyc. Edmund Haye, Bond to John Wenham, and John Wenham his nephew [grandson] and heir, in the Penalty of Two Hundred Pounds, conditioned for the quiet possession of a Messuage, &c. * in Middleburgh, purchased by the Wenhams. Autograph and Seal. May 26, 1622. To this bond are the attesting signatures of Richard Gainsforde, Edmund Lyntott, and others. John Wenham, of Battle, Gent., and John Wenham, of London, Mercer, grandson and heir apparent of the said John Wenham, Feofment to William Jorden, of all their Messuages, &c, in Mid- dleburgh, contiguous to the demesne Lands of the Manor of Battle, called the Little Maundsey, on the West, &c. Oct. 14, 1624. Autograph and Seals of the Wenhams. John Wenham, of Battle, and John Wenham, of London, Bond to William Jorden, of Battle, in the penal sum of two Hundred Pounds, conditioned for Non-performance of Covenants. Oct. 14, 1624. Autographs and Seals. Deed of Covenant between Sir Ralph Bosville, Knt., of Brad- bourn, Kent ; John Levett, of Sedlescombe ; and Thomas Dike, of Newfield, co. Sussex; for the suing out of a Writ of Partition of the Castle and Manor of Bodiham, with the Appurtenances. Nov. 14, 1622. Autograph and Seal of Sir Ralph Bosville, Knt. William Smith, Esq., of Cressinge Temple, Essex, Lease to Walter Webbe, of Lenham, of all that parte of Ewwells, wherein the Well or spring of Water, called Ewwell, is situate, and abutting upon Lifferton Heath, in the Parish of Lenham. Sept. 10, 1623. John Levett, of Sedelescombe, Bond to Sir Nicholas Tufton, Knt., of Hothfield, in Kent, in the penalties of two Thousand Pounds, for Performance of Covenants. Nov. 13, 1623. Autograph and Seal. Another bond to the same parties, dated same day, has reference to the lands, &c, mortgaged to Thomas Dyke, of Newfield. Walter Hawes and John Levett, Assignment of a Lease of the Moiety of a Messuage and Lands called Eastlands and Castlelands, pertaining to the Manor of Bodiham, to Gregory Baker and John Sharpe. Nov. 13, 1623. Autographs and Seals. Deed of Covenant between John Bracken, late of London, Gent. ; Nath. Derdes, of London, Gent. ; Sir Nicholas Tufton, Knt. ; and John Levett, of Selscombe, otherwise Sedlescombe, respect- ing a Moiety of the Lands and Tenements, comprising three hundred and forty Acres, in the Parish of Bodiham. Nov. 15, 1623. Counterpart of the same Deed; both having the Auto- graphs and Seals of the Parties concerned. Receipts of Quit Rents, Produce of the sale of felled Wood, &c, by Edw. Bromfield, Steward of the Manors of Ewhurst and Udimer, March, 1624-1640; shewing some interesting Marjprial Customs. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, Sfc. 153 William Jorden, Agreement with Thomas Alchorne, of Battle, re- lative to Repairs of the Fences of their Premises ; the latter having purchased the Messuage which Jorden had hought of John Wen- ham. Jan. 2, 1625-6. Thomas Gilbert, of Battle, Gent., Deed of Conveyance of two Fields, called Cokesfield and Watleswysh, as also of a Barn and Croft situate in Sandlake, to George Cole, of Battle, Yeoman. May 20, 1626. Autograph and Seal. William Jorden, of Battle, Feofment to Thomas Alchorne, of his Messuage, Gardens, Orchards, &c, in Middleburgh, adjoining the demesne Lands of the Manor of Battle, called the Little Maundsey, towards the West. Jan. 2, 1626. Autograph and Seal. Drafts of Presentments by the Homage of the Manor of Agmers- hurst, 1627, &c Memorandums of Surrenders of Land, &c. 1635-1641. Agmershurst. — Minutes of the Court Baron and other Courts held for the Manor of Agmershurst, from May, 1627, to Oct. 1723. These are the original Records of these Courts, having the at- testing Autographs of the presiding Officers, and exhibit the Pre- sentments of the Homage, the Surrenders of the Copyhold Tenantry, and other Manorial Usages and Customs. The last, in the name of Anthony, Viscount Montague, is dated Oct. 7, 1719. The first in the name of Sir Thomas Webster, as Lord of the Manor, is dated Nov. 27, 1 721, when the Homage presented " the Death of William, Lord Ashborneham, and that he died seized of certain Copyhold Lands and Tenements, called Castlewood, with the Appurtenances, in Ashburneham ; that John, Lord Ashburne- ham, his brother, was his next heir to the same, but what accrued to that Lord they knew not." These evidences constitute a large volume. Licences, under the Signature of Arnold Edwards, Steward of Battle, to Dorothy Porter, widow, of Admission to a Customary Tenement, called Stevenland, and leave to lease Land called Longstraight. June 30, 1628. Roll of the Manor Court of Bernehorne, held April 7, 1631. — Roll of the Manor Court of Agmershurst, April 6, 1631. View of Franc Pledge for the Manor of Battle, holden April 14, 1631, comprising Presentments of the Grand Jury, Election of Officers, &c. Registers containing the Minutes and Proceedings of the Courts Baron, and the Manor Courts, holden for the Manor of Battle, from Sept. 1631, to 1766, bound in six very thick folio volumes. Comprise the articles of the whole custom of the Copyholders within the Lordship and Manor of Battle, as used and accustomed time out of X 154 Battle Abbey Qharters, Grants,} Deeds, &>c. mind, confirmed, satisfied, and allowed, by Anthony Viscount Mountagu, Lord of the said Manor, on Wednesday in Palm-Week, 1564. Autograph Surrenders of the Tenantry, Letters of Attorney, and various other papers, constituting the documentary evidence of these courts, and the only deposi- tary for reference by the present possessors of these lands. Thomas Brigden, of Ewhurst, Yeoman, Deed of Sale to John Snepp, of Westfield, Yeoman, of the Messuage known by the name of Pralle's Tenement, in the Parish of Ewhurst, with all Buildings, Barns, Lands, &c, whatsoever, for five hundred Pounds. July 22, 1633. Thomas Bromfield, of Ewhurst, Esq., Lease, for twenty-one Years, to Nathaniel Powell, of Ewhurst, aforesaid, of the Manor House, called the Court Lodge, of Ewhurst, with all the Gardens, Orchards, &c, appertaining to the same ; the Rights and Profits of the Fair at Ewhurst, and the Arable Lands, Meadows, Pastures, and Hereditaments, late of John Bromfield, Esq., deceased. Oct. 1, 1635. Thomas Styles, Surrendry to Robert Foster, Esq., Steward of the Manor of Agmersherst, of two Parcels of Lnnd called Walter's, otherwise Bedleland, to Anne Wenham, da. of John Wenham of Morehale, Oct. 5, 1635. Mary Wenham, spinster, and sister of the said John, had admission granted to her, March 8, 1649. Rent Roll of the Manor oC Battle for the year 1638. On the back, are the Autographs of John Collier and Thomas Frewen, Masters in Chancery, of the same having been produced in Chancery by Sir Thomas Webster. Francis, Viscount Mountagu ;* Sir Henry Compton, of Bramblety, Knt. ; Sir William Ford, of Harting, Knt., and William Yalden of Loddesworth, Gent., Lease to William Carr, of Mountfield, Clerk, of the Rectory, Advowson, and Church Impropriate, of S. Mary's, of the Castle of Hastings, with the Vicarage of the same, and all manner of Tytljes, Tenths, Glebes, Glebe-Lands, Oblations, Profits, and Emoluments of the same, so long as the said William Carr shall remain Parson of the Parish Church of S. Clements, in Hastings, Oct. 4, 1638. Edward Jones *bf Newfield, Conditional Surrender, at the Manor Court, of a Messuage, with Garden, &c, in Middleburgh, to the uses of William Foster of Battle, Oct. 9, 1639. n°. 1619. Jones made another conditional surrender of the same premises, described as in the occupation of John Jones, hj» brother, Oct. 10, 1642. n°. 10?4. Proclamation in the Manor Court of Battle, for the Heir of Robert * Francis Browne, son and heir of Anthony, grandson and heir of Anthony, first Viscount Montague, succeeded to the Viscountcy in 1629, and died in 1682. His eldest son, Francis, died, sine prole, in 1708, and was succeeded by his brother Henry, who died in 1717. Battle Abbey Charters, Grants, Deeds, by the Will of Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., deceased, in trust for his five children, Mary, Jane, W 7 histler, Elizabeth, and Godfrey. Mr. Hankey not having acted in the Trust. June, 1734. Mary dying in 1722, caused her share of 3000/. to be withdrawn, the remnant, 12,0001., Sir Thomas, by various transfers in the Funds, had so in- " treased it, that at the date of this account, June, 1734, he had almost quad- rupled it, and was answerable to his four children, of the provision given them by the grandfather, Sir Godfrey, balance in Cash, 39,989/. 13*. 2d., and in South Sea, New Annuity, and Old Annuity, Stocks, 3346/. 3*. 4c?., amounting in all to 43,355/. l6s. 6d. Sir Thomas Webster, &c, Assignment of the Lease of a House in Throckmorton Street, in the Parish of S. Bennet Finck, to John Cunningham. Dec. 21, 1734. Draft of the Conveyance, &c, by Sir Thomas Webster, Bart., and others, of Five Messuages in Lombard Street, built on ground on which stood, before the Fire in 1666, the Messuages known by the signs of the King's-head, with several Chambers adjoining ; the Sugar-loaf, and two Shops adjoining ; the Hart and Crown ; and the White-Horse— to John Stevens, for 21 7 Si. Dated Feb. 14, 1734. William Northey and Nath. Pigot, Lease for a Year, of Five Houses in Lombard Street, to John Stevens. Feb. 13, 1734. Numerous Drafts of Assignments and Deeds of Sale, of the Houses and other Possessions of Henry Whistler, grandfather of Lady Webster Family Papers, 197 Jane Webster, the produce of which, 30,548/., purchased the Manor and Lands of Robertsbridge. Various Assignments and other Deeds relative to the Transfer of the Right and Interest of Whistler Webster, Esq. in the Houses and Tenements of the late Henry Whistler, Esq., 1734. Release to Sir Henry Hankey, Knt., and Sir Thomas Webster, Bart., by Jane, Whistler, and Elizabeth Webster, children of the said Sir Thomas Webster, on the Assignment and Transfer of their Shares of 15,000/. South-Sea Stock, bequeathed to them, when they should become of age, by Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., father of Sir Thomas, dated May 8, 1735. Exhibits that Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., Citizen and Cloth worker, of London, resided at Nelme, in the Parish of Hornchurch, in Essex, that his will was dated Jan. 12, 1719, and that he died Jan. 16, 1720 ; at which date Sir Thomas's children were Abigail, marr. to William Noi they, Esq. ; Mary, who died unmarried, Dec. 26, 1722 ; Jane, Whistler, who succeeded Sir Thomas ; Elizabeth, and Godfrey, a minor, and under the age of twenty-one. The document is interesting, from the extraordinary fluctu- ations of the South-Sea stock which it affords : on Christmas-day, 1721, it rose a third, by which the 15,000 at once became 20,000. Jane and Eliza- beth, in 1735, were, it appears, then unmarried. Thomas Skipp, of Aldersgate Street, Merchant, and Robert Bar- low, Vintner, petitioning Creditors, praying for a Commission of Bankruptcy against John Fowke and Thomas Burrell, Founders, May 24, 1736. — Order, signed by Lord Chancellor Talbot, for the issuing of such Commission. — Commission of Bank- ruptcy against the said Fowke and Burrell, May 24, 1736; with great Seal attached. — Draft of Certificate to said Bankrupts, 1744. Sir Thomas Webster, Bart, and William Northey, Esq., &c. Assignment of their Lease from Dr. Snape, Provost of King's College, Cambridge, of the Scite and Messuage of the Manor of Combe, in Southampton, to John Stevens, of the parish of S. George, Bloomsbury. April 6, 1737. John Mills, Gent, of S. Paul, Covent Garden, Assignment of Judgment against John Dickins, of Church Preen, co. Salop, Esq. deceased, on Bond of 2000/., Interest, and Costs of Suits, &c. to Sir John Peachey, Bart., of West Dean, Sussex, for 667 L Oct. 3, 1741. William Johnson, of Killafeddy, co. Londonderry, Gent., Assign- ment of the Lease of half of the Town Lands of Killafeddy, in the Company of Salters' proportion of Londonderry, to Sir Thomas Webster, for forty-one Years. Nov. 30, 1742. John Mills, of St. James's, Westminster, Gent., Assignment to Sir Thomas Webster, Bart, of his Judgment against the Estate of 198 Webster Family Papers. John Dickins, late of Church Preen, co. Salop, Esq. deceased. June 14, 1744. Mills' Letter of Attorney to Sir Thomas Web- ster, Bart, for the same, dated March 20, 1744-5. Dame Jane Webster, wife of Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. Deed Poll, ordering the sum of Two Thousand Pounds, to be raised by the sale of Newberry Farm, estimated at two hundred and fifty- six Acres, to be paid, in the sums of One Thousand Pounds, to Godfrey, her youngest son, and Elizabeth Webster, her youngest daughter, within one calendar month of the death of the said Sir Thomas Webster, Bart., dated Feb. 29, 1747-8. Autograph and Seal of Lady Jane Webster. Copy of the same, on paper. On the back, an acknowledgment, date illegible, notices that Sir Thomas, and Dame Jane, his wife, were then both deceased, and that the thousand pounds, directed by the Deed Roll to Mrs. Elizabeth Webster, was on that day received of Sir Whistler Webster, by the payment of Godfrey Webster, Esq., attested by Edward Webster, and signed by the said Elizabeth Webster. Lady Jane Webster, Surrender of a Term of two hundred years, in a Messuage, Farm, Lands, &c. called Newberry's, in the Parish of Barking, co. Essex, created by a Settlement on her mar- riage with Sir Thomas Webster, Bart, to Richard Benyon, in consideration of 5790/. Dated April 13, 1749. Lady Jane Webster, of Battle Abbey, Sussex, relict of Sir Tho- mas Webster, Bart, last Will, with Instructions for her Burial in Battle Church, as privately as possible, none but servants to at- tend her to the grave, dated Nov. 13, 1753. Probate annexed, dated March 26, 1760. Lady Jane died in Jan. 1760. The joint and several Answers of Sir Edmond Thomas, Bart., and Dame Abigail, his wife, two of the Defendants to the Bill of Complaint of Sir Whistler Webster, Bart. Sir Edmond Thomas, Bart, of Wenvoe Castle, co. Glamorgan, and Dame Abigail, his Wife, Cross Bill, filed against Sir Whistler Webster, Bart, complaining of Lady Jane Webster's Will as un- equal, illusory, and fraudulent. The several Answers of Sir Whistler Webster, Bart., one of the Defendants to the Bill of Complaint of Sir Edmund Thomas, Bart, and Dame Abigail, his wife, Complainants. A Particular of the Estate of Sir Whistler Webster, in East Grinstead and Worth, co. Sussex, and in La'ighfield, co. Surrey. Numerous Letters addressed to Sir Whistler Webster, Bart, and Mr. Charles Nairne, Attorney at Law, Battle, from Mr. Elisha Biscoe, of the Inner Temple, Stephen Fuller, and others, em- ployed in the preceding Cause, 1765-68. Webster Family Papers. 199» Decree by the Lords Commissioners, in the Cause between Sir Whistler Webster, Bart., Plaintiff, and Godfrey Webster and others, by original Bill, and Bill of Reviver, Feb. 23, 1770, respecting the Validity of the Will of Lady Jane Webster, relict of Sir Thomas Webster, deceased, pp. 42, folio. Mentions an Indenture, dated Jan. 26, 1727, which recited that Sir Edward Northey, Knt., Attorney-General, was then deceased ; that of the South Sea and India Stocks, late belonging to Henry Whistler, deceased, there had been released 30,548Z. ; that Sir Thomas Webster had purchased the Robert's Bridge Estate, then of the annual value of 1, 186J., for 30,700/., which, together with a great House in St. James's Street, Westminster, for which he had given 6,000/., and expended upon the same 2,000/. more, Sir Thomas purposed to mortgage in security for the said 30,548/. for the trusts specified in the Will of Henry Whistler. The Decree contains much minutiae respecting the Webster Family. The children of Sir Thomas were all portioned by Sir Godfrey, their grandfather ; and the daughters received little or no fortune from Sir Thomas on their marriage; yet, on the death of Lady Webster, they were left only 500/. each ; and Sir Whistler's share of Henry Whistler's property, independent of what he derived from his father, Sir Thomas, was 68,000/. This excited complaints among the others, the children of Sir Thomas ; and the power of Lady Webster to dispose so unequitably the property derived from her grandfather was questioned. Her Will, however, by this judg- ment, was held valid, and the appointments therein contained ordered to be established and carried into execution. Various Attorneys' Bills, and other Papers, relative to the preceding Suit, respecting the Validity of Lady Jane Webster's Will. Godfrey Webster, the younger, of Lincoln's Inn, Esq., Deed of Sale to Sir Whistler Webster, Bart., of all that Messuage or Tenement called Gallions, situate in the Parishes of Woolwich, in Kent; and Eastham, Westham, and Barking, in Essex; estimated at One Hundred and Ninety Acres, at a Pepper- corn Rent. June 23, 1778. Godfrey Webster, Release and Conveyance to Sir Whistler Webster, Bart., being an Annuity or Rent-charge of 1001. per an. on the above Lands. June 24, 1778. Miscellaneous Documents, a Portion of the Papers of Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., Father of Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. Henry Sommers, Articles of Copartnership with John Jacob, to carry on the Trade of Dyer, in Farthing Alley, S. Olave's, Southwark. Feb. 23, 1676-7. William Nash, of London, Merchant, Deed of the thirty-second Part of, or Share in, the Ship called the Experiment, and now the Port-Royal Merchantman, of London, to Henry Summers, Felt- maker. Sept. 17, 1(383. 200 Webster- Family Papers, William Bowtell, Bill of Sale of the Ship called the Asia Minor, to Godfrey Webster, for 658/. Dated Sept. 28, 1687. Charter-party of Affreightment, agreed on between Thomas Ward, Master of the Yarmouth Ship, and Henry Summers, John Edwards, and Thomas Styles, of London, Merchants. July 7, 1692. Mary Meverell, of Chertsey, co. Surrey, Deed of Release and Quit Claim, of all her Right or Claim of Thirds, according to the Custom of London, to Godfrey Webster, Esq., and George Grove, Esq , in accordance with the Provisions of the Will of her late Husband, Samuel Meverell, of London, Merchant, deceased. Dated Aug. 25, 1696. The Release dated Jan. 11, 1696-7. James Hannott, of Great Yarmouth, Gent., and Samuel Hannott, of Stebbun-heath, otherwise Stepney, Dyer, Release to Sir God- frey Webster, for the Sum of Three Thousand Pounds, bequeathed by Henry Summers, Merchant, deceased, to his wife, Ann Sum- mers, in lieu of her Thirds, and since deceased ; the said Sir Godfrey Webster being sole Executor of the Will of the said Henry Summers. June 17, 1698. Autographs and Seals. Order for the Observance of the Lord Chancellor's Order of March 9, 1699-1700, relative to the Guardianship of Henry Summers, the restraining of the Conduct of William Summers, the elder, and others, who had acted in contempt of the Orders in Chancery, for the sending of the said Infant to Eaton School, and for holding the Courts of the Infant's Manor of Gaynes, contrary to the directions therein given. Dated Westminster, May 9, 1700. Sir Thomas Webster was Executor of the Will under which the Infant derived that property. Commissioners of Bankrupts' Assignment of Sir John Sweetaple, Mr. Hodgkin, and Mr. Harris's Goods, Plate, Jewels, Debts, and Parts of Shipping, to Godfrey Webster, Esq., Mr. Richard Parry, Mr. John Cooper, and Mr. John Tailler, in Trust, &c. April 5, 1701. Joseph Summers, of Black Notley, co. Essex, Assignment of his Legacy, derivable under the Will, dated April 18, 1698, of Henry Summers, of London, Merchant, deceased, to Mathias Hickerin- gill, of Colchester, Gent., for 120/. April 23, 1 701. Autograph and Seal. Various Assignments, Covenants, and other Papers, relative to the Distribution of the Estate of Henry Summers, of London, Mer- chant, deceased, among his Cousins, chiefly resident in Essex, Godfrey Webster, Esq. of London, being sole Executor. 1701' 1707. The whole of these papers and documents relate to the partition of the proceeds of a Bond from the Hudson's Bay Company for Five Hundred Pounds, to eleven persons of the name of Summers. Webster Family Papers. 201 Richard Wells, of RedrifF, Bill of Sale, to William Line, of London, of the Dolphin Frigate, newly built, 140 tons burthen, for 650/. Nov. 3, 1703. There are numerous other Documents relative to the ownership of the Dolphin Frigate. Susannah Levett, widow of Francis Levett, Bill of Sale to Wil- liam Love, of London, Merchant, of certain Shares in Four several Vessels, which are named. July 19, 1705. Statute of Bankruptcy against Thomas Rogers, of Shadwell, Rope- maker, with Schedule. Assignment of the several Parts of Ships, Vessel Debts, Sums of Money, and other Effects, of Thomas Rogers, of Shadwell, Rope- maker, awarded under a Statute of Bankruptcy, to Godfrey Web- ster and Joseph Martin, Jun., Merchants. Aug. 30, 1706. Commissioners of Bankrupts, acting under a Commission against William Love, of London, Merchant, Deed of Bargain and Sale, to Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., and others, of all that capital Mes- suage or Mansion-house, situate and being at Audley-End, in the Parish of Walden, co. Cambridge, with Land, &c. March 7, 1712-13. Daniel Legg, Bond to Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., and others, to bear them harmless, they having sold to the said Legg, the Manors of Brook Walden, Mendens, and Littlebury, with certain incum- brances, the property of the Bankrupt, William Love, of London, Merchant. Oct. 13, 1713. Sir Godfrey Webster, Knt., of Fenchurch Street, Release, in Trust, to Mr. Bartholomew and Mr„ Samborne, of certain Messuages, Tenements, devised by Samuel Meverell, of London, Merchant, to Sir Godfrey, to be sold and divided among the heirs of the said Samuel Meverell. March 4, 1717. Manor of Robert sbridge. Deeds and Evidences relative to the Manor of Robertsbridge, during the period it was possessed by the Sidneys, Earls of Lei- cester ; of which family it was purchased by Sir Thomas Web- ster, Bart., by the produce of the Sale of the Landed Property of Lady Webster's grandfather, Henry Whistler, Esq. Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Assignment of a Lease of the Udiham Iron House, with Land, Water, &c, at Udiham, with power to dig for Iron in any of the Earl's Lands in the Parishes of Salehurst, Ewhurst, Watlinge, and Whatlington, to John Cul- peper, and Henry English. Sept. 27, 1623. Recites this to be the remnant of a Lease, of Udiham Farms, with the 2 D 202 Webster Family Papers. woods there, by Roger, late Earl of Rutland, and Elizabeth, late Countess of Rutland, to Thomas Culpeper, for Twenty-one Years, from May SO, I6O9. After the decease of the Countess, Richard, Earl of Clanrickarde, and the Lady Frances, Countess of Clanrickarde, his wife, in right of the said Lady Frances, evicted and recovered the same against Robert, Earl of Leicester, cousin and next heir to the said Countess of Rutland, by whom, in consideration of a certain sum, another eviction and recovery was made. By these indentures, the Earl leases the said Iron House for seven years, and sells all the timber growing upon lands, parcel of the Udiham Farm, viz., Cotterell's, Calcott's, Wimblecott's, Hollow Whale Lampfield, upper part of Welland Wood, lower part of Welland Wood, Holland Wood, the Bovier's Shawes, Stock Wood, Great Morgey Wood, with the Shawes in the Field, &c. Robert Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Lease for Eleven Years, to Andrew Skynner, of Sedlescombe, of the three several parcels of Land, called the Hollow Whale, the Long Whale, and the Neck of the Whale ; and four other pieces of Land, called the Genslyns ; and two others, called Whimblecott's Croft, and Calcott's Fields, comprising thirty-three Acres, or thereabouts. Sept. 1, 1669. Autograph. The Earl was distinguished by his poetical ability, and was father of Algernon Sidney, who fell by the axe on Tower Hill, Dec. 7, 1 683 ; the victim of the fears of Charles the Second, and his brother, James Duke of York. Philip Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Lease for Nine Years, to Thomas Goreham, Yeoman, of the Messuage, with the Farm called Udi- ham Farm, in the Parish of Salehurst. Nov. 20, 1683. Philip Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Lease for Twenty-one Years* to George Brown of Robertsbridge, Yeoman, of the West Pell- Mead, in the Parish of Salehurst. Nov. 20, 1683. Philip Sidney, Earl of Leicester, died March 6, 1697-8. Robert, his son and successor, died Nov. 1 1, 1702. Elizabeth, his Countess, was the da. of John Egerton, Earl of Bridgewater. Elizabeth Sidney, Countess Dowager of Leicester, Lease for Eleven Years, to William Clark, of the Parish of Salehurst, Yeo- man, of the Messuage, Barns, Land, &c, called the Abbey- Farm, in the Parish of Salehurst aforesaid. Oct. 2, 1704. Elizabeth Sidney, Countess Dowager of Leicester, Lease for Eleven Years, to John Lulham, of Robertsbridge, in the Parish of Salehurst, Innholder, of the Messuage, with the Barns, Lands, &c, thereunto belonging, called Brown's Farm, in the Parish of Salehurst aforesaid. Nov. 8, 1 704. Elizabeth Sidney, Countess Dowager of Leicester, relict of Ro- bert Earl of Leicester, deceased ; and John Sidney, now Earl of Leicester, Lease for Eleven Years, to Thomas Snepp, of Battle, the Elder, and Thomas Snepp, his son and heir apparent, all the Furnace or Iron Works called the Robertsbridge Furnace, in the Parish of Salehurst, with the Furnace-house, Smith's Forge, and all Buildings, Lands, heretofore held with the same. July 1, 1707. Webster Family Papers. 203 John Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Lease for Three-score Years to Stephen Carey of Evvhurst, of a Tenement and Land in Ewhurst, between the Forge and Staple Cross in the Old Lane there, Oct. 3, 1711. Autograph and Seal. John Sidney, Earl of Leicester, Lease for Twenty-one Years to John Warden, of Cuckfield, Gent., of two Copyhold Tenements called Mall Adams' and Philpots, with the Lands, Wood, and Underwoods, &c. belonging thereto, estimated at one hundred and three-score Acres, in the Borough and Parish of Farleigh. Dec. 8, 1715. Papers relative to the Drayton Family , of Chart, Kent. 1539 — 1745. John Andrews, the elder, of Little Chart, co. Kent, Feofment to Thomas Andrews, of a Messuage, with Gardens, and ten parcels of Meadow, Brookland, and Woodland, in Chart aforesaid ; the Rent to be paid alternately to the three brothers of Thomas, viz., Nicholas, George, and John. Dated July 1, 1539. Margaret Drayton, widow, late the wife of Richard Drayton, deceased, late of Hackington, Yeoman, last Will and Testament, dated Oct. 26, 1558, directs her body to be buried in the Church- yard of Hackington, " nere unto the grave of my late husbande ;"' and at her burial, dirige and five masses : the same at her month's mind. Bequeaths her Household Goods, with much Silver, to John Drayton, her godson, the son of Henry Drayton; to Henry Drayton, her eldest son ; to James, Thomas, and William, her sons ; to Joan, her da., and to Thomas Swaine her husband ; to Agnes, her da., and her husband, name not mentioned ; and a domestic, named Margaret Blacamore. The residuary Legatees, Thomas and William Drayton, her sons ; and the Executors of her Will, the said James, Thomas, and William Drayton. Probate dated Jan. 23, 1559. Henry Drayton, and Thomas Drayton, one of the sons of the said Henry, of Canterbury, Merchant, Bond for the Performance of Covenants in their Release to William Drayton, of a certain Rent arising from two Messuages, with Barn, &c, and Land estimated at fourteen Acres, in Hackington, near Canterbury. Jan. 1, 1592-3. Joan, the wife of the said Henry, is also mentioned. Dorothy Drayton, widow, relict of William Drayton, of Hack- ington, Deed of Release and Quit Claim to David Drayton, of said Parish, her son, to all Lands, &c, by reason of anie Widowe Right, Dowry, or otherwise, in consideration of certain Sums, specified and directed by the last Will and Testament of the said William Drayton deceased. Dated Sept. 16, 1595. 204 Webster Family Papers. Dorothy Drayton, widow, of the Parish of Hackington, otherwise S. Stephen's, co. Kent, Release and Quit Claim to David Drayton of all Right and Interest in the two Tenements and Gardens situate at Stower-Seate, then in the occupation of Michael Pem- broke and the widow Sharpe. June 20, 1606. Dorothy was the relict of William Drayton, who, in his will, dated Oct. 24, 1504, bequeathed to her the said Tenements, so long as she re- mained unmarried, and released James Drayton, David Drayton, Richard Drayton, and Peter Drayton, four of the sons of him, the said William Drayton, from all claim of dower, right, and interest, within one month after his decease. Davjd Drayton, of the Parish of Holy Cross, Westgate, Canter- bury, Yeoman, last Will and Testament, dated March 4, 1623, bequeaths his Lands and Possessions to Johanna Drayton, his daughter, and to Francis Drayton, his son, on the express con- dition that he Prove the said Will within three months after the decease of the said David, his father, and become the Paymaster of all his Debts, &c. Probate to the said Francis, dated March 16, 1623. The construction of the bequestments is very singular. Among the be- quests are, to the poor of Holy Cross, ten dozen of bread, to be distributed on his burial day ; and twenty shillings to the said poor, to be distributed at foure of the clocke on Christmas eve next ensuing after his decease, &c. Francis Drayton, of Canterbury, Clerk, Deed of Settlement of the Tenements and Lands at or near a place called Stowerseate, in the Parish of Hackington, otherwise S. Stephen's, late the Lands, &c. of David Drayton, his father, deceased, in consideration of a Marriage between the said Francis and Mary, one of the daughters of Silas Johnson, Gent., late of Canterbury, deceased, in lieu and recompence of her Dower, &c. Dec. 16, 1633. Basil Drayton, Rector of Little Charte, Lease for Seven Years to Thomas Baker, of the Parish of Little Charte aforesaid, of a Messuage, with the Barn, Lands called the Upper Ground ; the Land called the Lower Ground ; and other parcels of Land called Wile's and Fowle's Tyes, estimated at fifty Acres, situated at or near a place called Bolcombe Forstall. Sept. 10, 1695. Drayton leased the same Lands, by Indenture, dated Dec. 15, 1701, to John Nowers, of Pluckley, Clothier, for five hundred years, for certain con- siderations therein named. A portion of the Meadow Land is here designated Fovvesley's Mead, and the place where situate is called Bal- some's Forestall. Basil Drayton, Rector of Little Charte, Deed of Sale to John Owen, of Kenardington, Yeoman, of a Tenement and Land in the Parish of Woodchurch. June 20, 1696. Robert Hatton, of Hythe, Gent., Lease for One Year to Basil Drayton, of a Messuage, with Stable and other Buildings, in Hythe, with another Messuage, Lands, estimated at ten Acres, &c, at Molash, co. Kent. July 7, 1713. Webster Family Papers, 205 Basil Drayton, Clerke, and Silas Drayton, of Little Charte, Gent., only son and heir of the said Basil Drayton - , by Jane his wife, Deed of Sale to Anne Wade, widow, of all the Messuage, Lands heretofore known as Wise's, with the thirteen great parcels of Uplands, &c., free of all Dower, or possibility of Dower, to Isabella, the present wife of the said Basil, &c. Jan. 31, 1714. William Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, Appointment of the Rev. Silas Drayton to the Curacy of Cranbrook. Seal of the Com- missary of the Lord Primate. Oct. 8, 1724. Rev. Silas Drayton, of Crundall, Clerk, Deed of Sale to James Hanson, of Canterbury, Gent., all the Messuage, with Lands, es- timated at sixty-two Acres, &c, situated in the Parish of Wood- church. May 29, 1 745. Manor of Sampford Orcas. Various Deeds and Evidences relative to this Manor, and its possessors, the Knoyles, from whom it passed to Francis Cheeke, Attorney, of Lyon's Inn, and was eventually the property of his son, Edward Cheeke, who married Mary, da. of Henry Whistler, Esq. ; and their only daughter and heir, Jane, married Sir Thomas Webster, Bart. Sampford Orcas appears to have been parcel of the Battle Abbey Lands. Henry Winter, and Mary, his wife, Lease, for ninety-nine years, to Francis, John, and Edward Hoggard, of eight Acres of Arable and Pasture Land, called Palmers-barn, in the Parish of Sampford Orcas. April 1, 1640. A document ample in its details respecting the Knoyle Family, Lords of the Manor of Sampford Orcas, who were at this date all dead, excepting a son of Thomas Knoyle, the younger, by Mary, his wife, who married, se- condly, the above Henry Winter. In Dec. 1612, William Knoyle, the father of the said Thomas Knoyle, the younger, was a ward of the King, James the First's, confided to the custody and care of Sir William Clavell, Knt. and John Clavell, Esq. Surrender of a Tenement, with Lands, called Depford, in Sampford Orcas, co. Somerset, upon the death of Edward Haggard, at the Manor Court of Henry Winter, Gent., and Mary, his wife ; ad- mission of his son to the same, &c. April 2, 1640. Autographs of Henry and Mary Winter, Lord and Lady of the Manor. John Tyringham, of Tyringham, co. Bucks, Esq., Humphrey Newton, of Oundle, co. Northampton, Esq., and William New- ton, of London, Esq., a Bond to Francis Cheeke, Attorney, of Lyon's Inn. Feb. 25, 1640-41. With their Autographs. Henry Winter, of Sampford Orcas, Mary, his wife, and Thomas Knoyle, Esq. son and heir apparent of Thomas Knoyle, of Sampford Orcas aforesaid, deceased, the late husband of the said Mary, Assignment of Lease to Walter Lambert, of Sherborne, 206 Webster Family Papers. co. Dorset, Parchment-maker, of two Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land, called Tinshill, in the Parish of Sampford Orcas, to Honora Jeanes, Dorothy Jeanes, her sister, and William Oldis, son of Richard Oldis, of Sherborne, Mercer, for an extended term of ninety-nine years. Sept. 1, 1645. William Oldis was either the father or grandfather of William Oldis, Norroy. Thomas Knoyle, of Sampford Orcas, Esq., Lease, for ninety-nine years, to Richard Yeatman, of Sampford, Yeoman, of the Close of Land, Meadow or Pasture Ground, called Knole Furlong, within the Manor of Wethergrove, co. Somerset, heretofore held by Thomas Norman and John Norman, deceased. Sept. 29, 1652. Thomas Knoyle, Lease, for ninety-nine years, of the Close of Ara- ble Land, commonly called Knowle, estimated at three Acres, to William Freeke, the Elder, of Corton Denham, Yeoman. June 7, 1656. Thomas Knoyle, of Sandford Orcas, Esq. and Christian Hellier, da. of Henry Hellier, of East Toker, Esq. deceased, Lease, for ninety-nine years, of two Closes of Meadow and Pasture Land, parcel of the Manor of Wethergrove, within the Parish of Samp- ford Orcas, to Robert Tollie, of Kympton, Margaret, his wife, William Hamon, of the same, Yeoman, and Richard Martin, his son-in-law, and Alice, born Hamon, his wife. Signatures of the Parties concerned. June 5, 1657. Thomas Knoyle, Lease, for ninety- nine years, of Pasture Land in Brook Furlong, to Richard Pitman, of Sampford Orcas, Clothier. Aug. 20, 1659. Thomas Knoyle, of Sampford Orcas, and Francis Cheeke, of Lyon's Inn, Gent., Lease, for ninety-nine years, according to the custom of the Manor, of a Tenement, with Land, in Sampford Orcas, to Richard Pitman, of Sampford aforesaid, Clothier. The Usage and Customs fully recited. Feb. 10, 1661-62. Thomas Knoyle, of Sampford Orcas, Esq., Lease, for ninety-nine years, of the Messuage heretofore held in the tenure of Grace Pople, &c, with eight Acres of Pasture Land, called Great Pitts, with the Messuage, Gardens, &c. called Hornett's, in Sampford aforesaid, to Thomas Emblen, of Kympton, Clothier, Margaret, his wife, and Margaret, their daughter. March 30, 1667. Thomas Knoyle, Lease, for ninety-nine years, to Richard Condon, of the House lately erected by the said Richard, on Land, Parcel of the Land leased to Richard Pitman, deceased, and William Pitman, his son, deceased. June 1, 1669. Thomas Knoyle, of Sampford Orcas, Esq. and Elizabeth, his wife, Lease, for ninety-nine years, of Great Gaston, containing, by estimation, fifty Acres, to Francis Cheeke, of Lyon's Inn, S. Cle- Webster Family Papers. 207 ment Danes, Gent., as a Security against the Claims of the Beaton Family to some portion of the Manor Lands of Sampford Orcas, the whole of which were now Cheeke's by purchase. Sept. 25, 1674. Florence Haggard, of Sampford Orcas, widow, and Robert Hag- gard, of the same, Tobacco-cutter, Surrender, in consideration of Thirty Pounds, to Thomas Knoyle, Esq. the Lease granted to John Haggard, deceased, and the said Florence, and Robert Haggard, of the Premises called Palmer's Barn, &c. by Henry Winter, and Mary, his wife, both deceased, disputes having since arisen respecting the amount of annual Rent. Dec. 2, 1674. With this is the surrender of the same land, April 18, 1675, by the said Thomas Knoyle, Esq. to Francis Cheeke, of Lyon's Inn, Gent., now become Lord of the Manor of Sampford Orcas. Francis Cheeke, of Lyon's Inn, Gent., Lease, for ninety-nine years, on three lives, of the Tenement called Knowle, with the Pasture Land, &c. to Michael Rayment, of Marston Magna, co. Som. Yeoman. Dec. 27, 1675. Francis Cheek, of Lyon's Inn, Gent., Lease of the Manor and Lordship of Sampford Orcas, with all Rents and Emoluments arising therefrom, to William Fisher, of Sherborne, Dorset, Gent., and Henry Martyn, of West Camell, co. Somerset, Yeoman, for seven years, to commence upon the decease of the said Francis Cheek, for the purposes of raising Monies for the payment of cer- tain Legacies herein expressed. Jan. 12, 1676-7. Among the legacies are donations to the poor of the parishes of Samp- ford Orcas and Babcary, co. Somerset. Articles of the Marriage Settlement, agreed on April 3, 1678, between Edward Cheek, Citizen and Soap-maker, of London; Gabriel Whistler, of Combe, co. Southampton, Esq. ; Henry Whistler, of London, Gent. ; and Mary Whistler, one of the daughters of the said Henry Whistler. By these articles it appears the lady's dowry was fifteen hundred pounds ; in consideration of which Cheeke was, within two years following the mar- riage, to secure to her a brick messuage or tenement, within forty miles oc London, of yearly value one hundred pounds, above reprisals, with a free- hold or copyhold inheritance, should she survive. To this instrument are the autographs and seals of all the parties. Writ of Entry, sued by Henry Whistler, Esq. against William Fisher and Edward Parsons, relative to Two Messuages in East- cheap. Mich. Term, Nov. 29, 1686. Declaration of the Fine and Recovery by Edward Cheeke, in the Court of Common Pleas, Westminster, Mich. Term, 1686, against William Fisher, Gent., and Edward Parsons, of the City of Lon- don, Tallow Chandler, of the Manor of Sampford Orcas, and other Lands, the inheritance of the said Edward Cheeke; witness- ing the same to be for the natural life of the said Edward Cheeke, 208 Webster Family Papers, or his heirs ; then to Jane his daughter, and her heirs, &c. Feb. 16, 1686-7. Autographs and Seals of the Parties. Exhibits the large possessions which Sir Thomas Webster acquired by his marriage with Jane, the only daughter and heir of Edward Cheeke. Edward Cheeke, Deed to Gabriel Whistler and Henry Whistler, affirming the uses of this Estate to the behoof of Jane Cheek, daughter of the said Edward Cheeke, and her assignes, to which Elizabeth Boylston was a subscribing Witness. May 16, 1687. Richard Pitman, Conveyance of Dwelling House, with Orchard, Garden, &c. in the Parish of Samford Orcas, co. Somerset, to Sir Thomas Webster, Bart., and Jane his wife, only da. and heir of Edward Cheeke, of London, Soapmaker, and Mary his wife, de- ceased. 1735. Draft of the Deed of Sale, by Sir Thomas Webster, of the Manor of Samford Orcas, with its Appurtenances, to Samuel Hutchings. 1739. MANOR OF ONGAR, IN ESSEX, PARCEL OF THE ABBEY OF BATTLE LANDS, AND MANY INTERESTING PAPERS RELATIVE TO THE FAMILY OF MINSHULL, OF M1NSHULL, &c. Edward the First, Mandamus directed to Roger Extraneus, Judge of his Forests beyond Trent, to make Inquiry respecting the Woods of Giles de Plaie, in Eastham and Westham, in Essex, within the bounds of the Royal Forest. Dated Westminster, May 12, 1290. Inquisition made at Hilleford, before Roger F3, p. 147 ante. 2 F 218 Webster Family Papers. ceased, he, by indenture, dated Nov. 13, 1686, was to receive 3,500/. as her portion ; part was paid down, the residue charged on the lands here released upon the payment of the same. Richard Minshull, Agreement to pay Six per Cent, for the Money borrowed of Major William Blount, with the attesting Signatures of C. Fairfax, J. Thimelby, Edward Blount, and Mary Howard. Ante-dated June 1, 1693. Sealed, with the impress of a sixpence. Richard Minshull, of Bourton, co. Bucks, Esq., Mortgage of the Hall Farm, and the Lands thereunto belonging, in Ongar Park, to Major William Blount, of S. Giles in the Fields, for five hundred pounds. July 14, 1693. See sub Nov. 19, 1686. Bond of the said Richard Minshull to Major William Blount, in the penal sum of one thousand pounds, for the due observance of Covenants. July 14, 1693. Autograph and Seal. Richard Minshull, Mortgage to George Holman, of Warkeworth, in the County of Northampton, in consideration of one thousand five hundred pounds, of Cole Hall Farm, with all the Lands belonging ; Hockley's Farm, with all the Lands, &c. ; Pryor's Farm, otherwise Chapman's, with all the Lands, &c, with other Lands which are particularized, as situate within the Parishes of High Ongar and Stanford Rivers, co. Essex. March 1, 1694-5. Assignment of the said Lands to George Holman, and reciting a previous mortgage of the same to the Hon. Ursula Cartwright, of Aynhoe, co. North, widow, and John Crosby, of London, Gent. March 1, 1694-5. With other Assignments, &c, as further se- curity to the said George Holman. Richard Minshull, of Bourton, Esq., and Catherine his wife, Sir Francis Jernegan, of Cousey Hall, Norfolk, Bart. ; Sir W alter Kirkham Blount, of Soddington, co. Worcester, Bart. ; Sir Thomas Parkyns, of Bunny, Notts. Bart., and John Howse, of Bierton in Bucks aforesaid, Deed, with Covenants, to levy a fine or fines before Easter Term, 1700, unto Edward Blount, of London, Esq., and Charles Yallop, of Beauthorpe, co. Norfolk, Esq., of all the Manors, or reputed Manors of Bourton, Skirrett, and Durrants, in Bourton, with all other Lands in Bucks, except- ing the Farm called Wadsden's Farm, being part of the Hayfield lately purchased by the said Richard Minshull, of Francis Hext, and Elizabeth his wife, heir of Thomas Wadsden, deceased, &c, for the purposes of raising eight thousand pounds, and the settle- ment of a Jointure on the said Catherine his now wife ; and for the providing of her children, if any, by the said Richard Minshull. Dec. 7, 1699. Affixed are the Autographs of Rich. Minshull, Catt. Minshull, Fra. Jernegan, W. K. Blount, John Howse, Edward Blount, and Thomas Parkyns. The latter celebrated for his ardent attachment to wrestling, and other gymnastic exercises. Webster Family Papers, 219 Richard Minshull, of Bourton, Bucks, Esq., and Mary his daughter, Lease for a year to Sir Francis Jernegan, Bart., of Cousey Hall, Norfolk ; Sir Walter Kirkham Blount, Bart., of Soddington, co. Worcester ; and Harry Tyrrell, Esq., of Thorneton, co. Bucks, of the whole of the Manor of Ongar Park, with all Farms, Lands, &c. ; in fact, a sale to these parties. Aprils, 1700. Richard Minshull, Conveyance of the aforesaid Lands to Sir Francis Jernegan, Bart., and others, for the sale of the same, for the discharge of his debts, and for provision for his da. Mary, his only child and heir. April 3, 1700. Manor of Lenham, co. Essex. Henry Wylford, of Quindon, Essex, Esquire, Lease for Twenty- one Years to Thomas Steed, of certain Arable Land in the Parish of Lenham. April 1, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quindon, Essex, Lease for Twenty-one Years to George Cuckow, of Charring, and Henry Clarke, of Lenham, Linen- Weavers, of Twenty-three Acres of Meadow-Land. April 6, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quindon, Essex, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Thomas Bartlett, of Lenham, of the Market-House, with all the Stalles, Standinges, Penthouses, &c, thereunto belonging, with the benefit of the Faires and Markets, the profit and benefit of the Pound and Poundage, with ten parcels of Meadow, Pas- ture, and Arable Land ; namely, Windmill-Bank, the Workehousc Close, with Meadow adjoining, Pasture-Fields lying near Lenden Cross, and Little Blackman's lying in Harrietisham's Lane ; the Court Lodge Close, &c, in the Town of Lenham. April 7, 1630. Henry Wilforde, of Quindon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to James Tunbridge, of Lenham, of Seven Parcels of Land, com- prising Thirty-six Acres, &c. April 10, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quindon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Austin Hennaker, of Lentham, Kent, of Seven Parcels of Land, with a Barn, &c, comprising Seventy Acres. April 10, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to John Brockwell, of Lenham, of Five Parcels of Arable Land, estimated at Sixty-eight Acres, known by the names of the Ten Acres, the Fayrefield, Windmill-hill, the Eight Acres, and the Long Dowries, in the Parish of Lenham. April 13, 1630. •220 Webster Family Papers. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Eleven Years to Gil- bert Badnor and Hugh Knowlden, of Lenliam, of the Two Pieces of Arable Land called " the Litle Dickies/' estimated at Forty Acres ; the Rent to be paid '* in or at the auntient Mansion House belonging to the above demised Lands, called and known by the name of the Court Lodge of Lenham," April 13, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to James Clark, of Lenham, of Two Parcels of Pasture Ground called Collesters, estimated at Thirty Acres, within the Parish of Lenham. April 13, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to William Attwater, of Lenham, of certain Pasture Land in Len- ham, then in his occupation. April 13, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Godfrey Stoakes, of Lenham, of Two Parcels of Arable Land and one Hemp-spott, estimated at Eight and a Half Acres. April 17, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Christopher Stedman, of certain Arable Land in Lenham, late in the occupation of John Stedman. April 17, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Robert Halsnod, of his Messuage, &c. at Lenham, with all the Outbuildings, &c. thereunto belonging ; a Parcel of Land called the Pigeon-house Close, Three Parcels of Land known by the name of Oxley-Wood, &c. in the Parish of Lenham. April 18, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Lawrence Fox, of Lenham, Clerk, of certain Land, abutting on the Orchard and Close belonging to the Vicarage of Lenham ; Rent to be paid at or in the Court Lodge or Manor House of Lenham. April 20, 1630. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Richard Kingsonwood, of Arable Land called Reede, in the Parish of Lenham. April 10, 1631. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Thomas Henman, of Lenham, of a Piece of Arable Land called Mountaindaine, estimated at Ten Acres. April 10, 1631. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to Richard Pollye, of a Dwelling-house called the Myle-house, with Two Parcels of Pasture Land, in the Parish of Lenham. April 10, 1631. Webster Family Papers. 221 Henry Wilforde, of Quendon, Esq., Lease for Twenty-one Years to Robert Halsnod, of Bredgar, Gent., of a Parcel of Pasture Land, estimated at Three Acres, in Lenham, called by the name of the Beare. Nov. 21, 1631. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty Years to John Steadman, of several Parcels of Land called Tompson's Croft; Land called the Leeses, estimated at Thirty-three Acres ; Land called Dobers, Bride Croft, &c. in the Parish of Lenham. Feb. 20, 1631. Henry Wilford, of Quendon, Lease for Twenty-one Years to John White, of Sixty-four Acres of Arable Land, within the Parish of Lenham. Nov. 6, 1635. 2G 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. RENEWALS ONLY— TEL. NO. 642-3405 This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. AUG 1 6 1968 7 8 4^ t.,.. ■. ■ JAN - 6 10GC D E C 8 1981 RECE _i & — — cnj cc 3 ax r APR 1 " tflft.? tf^'c-^rYH !-: .■RCBLJUWg 862 C CCU L JHN2 1982 AU6 7198 4 01 sc.NB27 w ym t LD 21A-38m-5,'68 (J401slO)476B General Library University of California Berkeley GENERAL LIBRARY - U.C. BERKELEY 11 BD0D8bS871