LD UC-NRLif $B 71 OftD GIFT OF W- Volume XVII Number 4 Baylor Bulletin THE ALUNNI DIRECTORY 1854-1914 founded in 1845 at independence Under the Republic op Texas AUGUST. 1914 Published Bi-monthly at Baylor University, Waco, Texas Entered at the Postoffice at Waco, Texas, as Second-Class Matter 1^ Table of Contents Alumni Officers 5 Historical Chart 6 Historical Sketch 7 Charter of Baylor University at Independence, Texas 9 Charter of Waco University at Waco, Texas 12 Charter of Baylor University at Waco, Texas 14 Honorary Degrees 16 Master Degrees 22 Liberal Arts Graduates 24 Department of Medicine 61 Department of Pharmacy 67 Graduates in Fine Arts 70 Necrology , 82 Index of Graduates 89 * ^ ,1^^'i Historical Chart CRUCIAL EVENTS 1845 ...Baylor University for men founded at Independence. 1850 ...Woman's Department organized. 1851 ...Dr. Horace Clark made Principal of Woman's Department. Rev. G. W. Baines, Sr. .. 1861 PRESIDENTS Rev. H. L. Graves, D. D.. LL. D Rev. R. C. Burleson D. D., LL. D. Rev.Wm.Carey Crane . 1862 D. D. LL. D. I 1866 —Womans Department organized under sepa- rate cliarter as Baylor Female College, Pro- fessor B. S. Fitzgerald, President, 1866-67. 1861 ...Waco University, co- educational, founded by President Rufus C. Burleson. Rev.Reddin Andrews, . 1885 D. D. Rev. R. C. Burleson, D. D., LL. D. 1868 - Baptist General Asso- ciation organized. Baylor University at Waco placed under the control of the consol- idated Baptist Gener- al Convention of Tex. J. C. Lattimore, M. S., Chairman of... 1897 Faculty. Oscar H. Cooper, LL. D. 1899 Samuel Palmer Brooks, A. M.,LL. D. . . 1902 1903 ...Medical Department added. 1905 ...Theological Seminary added. 1907 ...Theological Seminary separated from the University on recommen- dation of the Board of Trustees and by vote of the Baptist General Con- vention. 1910 ...Theological Seminary removed to Fort Worth. Texas. Historical Sketch Baylor University, chartered under the laws of the Republic of Texas, owes its foundation to a movement begun by the Texas Union Baptist As-" sociation which in 1842 resolved to found in Texas a Baptist University. Among the leaders of this movement were Rev. Wm. M. Tryon, Rev. James Huckins, and Hon. R. E. B. Baylor, who, together with others, organized themselves into a body known as the Texas Baptist Education Society. Baylor University at Independence. — The charter of the University was obtained from the Republic of Texas February 1, 1845; the preparatory de- partment, with Prof. Henry F. Gillette as principal, was opened the same year at the town of Independence; and in 1847, Rev. Henry L. Graves, D. D., LL. D., was elected President of the then flourishing school. In 1848 the institution was placed under the control of the Baptist State Convention, which was organized during that year, and Dr. Graves was re- tained as President. In 1851 Dr. Graves was succeeded in the presidency by Rev. Rufus C. Burleson, D. D., LL. D., and the University entered upon a sea- son of prosperity, adding in that year a Department of Law, a large number of whose graduates became distinguished in legal affairs of state. It is regretted that this department was abandoned after a few years. Baylor has not now a Law Department. In 1861, Dr. Burleson having resigned. Rev. Geo. W. Baines, Sr., served as president for one year, and was succeeded by Rev. Wm. Carey Crane, D. D., LL. D. In 1885, Dr. Crane was succeeded by Rev. Reddin Andrews, D. D. Section 8 of the original charter granted in 1845 provided for a Female Department. This was organized some time prior to June 13, 1850. In June 1851, it was recommended by the Board of Trustees "that Elder Horace Clark and his lady and Miss Harriet Davis be requested to take charge of the Female Department of Baylor University." September 28, 1866, this De- partment was organized into a separate school, chartered under the name of Baylor Female College, and in 1886 removed to Belton, Texas. Waco University Meantime in the same year of his resignation as President of Baylor University at Independence, President Burleson, having removed to Waco, established Waco University, under the direction of Trin- ity River Association. In 1868, this Association having been merged into the Baptist General Association, Waco University passed under the control of this new organization. Baylor University at Waco. — In 1886, the situation with regard to Bap- tist education in Texas was as follows: Waco University, under the direc- Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Director]) tion of the Baptist General Association, was in a flourishing condition; while Baylor University at Independence, under the direction of the Baptist State Ck)nvention, was in a state of decline. The result was that Baylor University at Independence and Waco University were united under the name of "Bay- lor University at Waco," and the two general organizations of the denomina- tion having been consolidated under the name of "The Baptist General Con- vention of Texas," Baylor University was placed, and has since remained, under the control of this body. The Charter of Bai^lor University at Independence , Texas, founded in 1845 Section 1. Be it enacted by the Sen- ate and House of Representatives of the Republic of Texas in Congress assembled. That an institution of learning be, and the same is hereby established at such place in the Republic aforesaid, as the Trustees hereinafter named, may designate, to be denominated the Baylor University. Section 2. Be it further enacted, That there shall be fifteen trustees, who are hereby authorized to take charge of said university, and a majority of the whole number shall constitute a quorum to do business. Section 3. Be it further enacted, That the following persons have been duly chosen Trustees of said University, and recognized as such, to-wit: R. E. B. Baylor, L G. Thomas, Albert G. Horton, Edward Taylor, James S. Les- ter, R. B. Jarman, James Huckins, Nelson Kavanaugh, 0. Drake, Eli Mercer, Aaron Shannon, James Farquhar, Albert Hayes, Robert S. Armstead, and William M. Tryon. Section 4. Be it further enacted, That the Trustees aforesaid be and they are hereby constituted a body politic and corporate, in deed and in law, by the name of the President and Trustees of the Baylor University, and by that name, they and their successors shall and may have succession, and be able and capable inlaw, to have and receive, and enjoy to them and their suc- cessors, lands, tenements hereditaments of any kind, in fee or for life, or for years, and personal property of any kind whatsoever; and also, all sums of money which may be given, granted or bequeathed to them, for the purpose of promoting the interest of said University; Provided, the amount of property owned by said corporation, shall not at any time exceed one thousand dol- lars, over and above the buildings, library and apparatus necessary to the institution. Section 5. Be it further enacted, That there shall be a stated meeting of the Board of Trustees in each year, at the time of conferring of degrees, and that the President of said Board shall have full power to call an occasion- al meeting of the Board, whenever it shall appear to him necessary. Section 6. Be it further enacted. That the Trustees of said University shall and may have a common seal for the business of themselves and their 10 Baylor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory successors, with liberty to change and alter the same from time to time, as they shall think proper, and that in their aforesaid name, they and their suc- cessors, shall and may be able to sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, answer and be answered; defend and be defended in all courts of law or equity in this Republic, and to grant, bargain, sell or assign, any lands, ten- ements, goods, or chattels that may belong to said University, to construct all necessary buildings for the said institution, to establish a Preparatory De- partment, and a Female Department, and such other dependent institutions as they shall deem necessary, — to have management of the finances, the privi- leges of electing their own officers, of appointing all necessary committees, and to act and do all things whatsoever for the benefit of said institution, in as ample a manner as any person or body politic or corporate can or may do by law. Section 7. Be it further enacted. That the said Trustees shall have the power of prescribing the course of studies to be pursued by the students, and of framing and enacting all such ordinances and by-laws as shall appear to them necessary for the good government of said University, and of their own proceedings; Provided, the same be not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this Republic. Section 8. Be it further enacted. That the head of this University shall be styled the President; the male instructors thereof, Professors; and the head of the female department. Principal of said department; and the President and Professors, or a majority of them, the Faculty of the Baylor University, which faculty shall have the power of enforcing the ordinances and by-laws adopted by the Trustees for the government of the students, by rewarding or censuring them, and finally suspending such of them as after repeated ad- monitions, shall continue disobedient or refractory, until a determination of a quorum of Trustees shall be had; but it shall be only in the power of a quo- rum of the Trustees, at their stated meetings, to expel any student or stu- dents from said University. Section 9. Be it further enacted, That the Trustees shall have full power, by the President, or Professors of said University, to grant or confer such degree or degrees in the arts or sciences, to any of the students of said Uni- versity, or person by them thought worthy, as are usually granted or con - ferred in other Universities, and to give diplomas or certificates thereof, signed by them, and sealed with the common seal of the Trustees of said University, to authenticate and perpetuate the memory of such graduations. Section 10. Be it further enacted. That whenever any vacancy shall occur, either by death, resignation, or otherwise, in the Board of Trustees, such vacancy shall be filled by the Executive Committee of the Texas Bap- tist Education Society. Section 11. Be it further enacted, That all necessary officers of said institution, shall be appointed by a majority of the Board of Trustees. Section 12. Be it further enacted. That whenever a vacancy shall occur Charter of Baylor University at Independence 11 in the Presidency or any of the Professorships of the University, the Board of Trustees shall have power to fill such vacancy, Section 13. Be it further enacted, That the Trustees shall have the power of fixing the salaries of all the officers connected with the University, and of removing them for negligence or misconduct in office, a majority of the whole number concurring in said removal. Section 14. Be it further enacted. That the lands, public buildings, and other property belonging to the said University, are hereby declared to be free from any kind of public tax. Section 15. Be it further enacted. That no misnomer of the said Uni- versity shall defeat or annul any gift, grant, devise, or bequest to the same. Section 16. Be it further enacted, That the Professors of said University, shall not be eligible to act as Trustee for the same, and in case either or any of the Trustees may hereafter be employed to discharge any of the duties in or about said University, he or they shall resign their situation of Trustee or Trustees, before entering upon the discharge of duties assigned him or them. Section 17. Be it further enacted. That when any law, rule, or resolution may be passed by the Board of Trustees at a regular or stated meeting of said Board it shall not be competent for a called meeting of said Board to repeal or rescind such law, rule, or resolution, unless there be a full Board present. Section 18. Be it further enacted, That this Act shall remain in force fifty years, subject to renewal of Congress. Section 19. Be it further enacted. That this Act shall be deemed a pub- lic one, and judicially taken notice of, without special pleadings. Section 20. Be it further enacted, That nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to allow banking privileges, or any other privileges not contem- plated by this charter, and a non-compliance with the provisions of this Act, or a branch of the same, shall work a forfeiture of this Act or Charter. Approved, February 1, 1845. THE STATE OF TEXAS Department of State I, 0. K. SHANNON, Secretary of the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of an Act entitled "An Act to Incorporate Baylor University," passed by the Ninth Congress of the Republic of Texas, approved February 1, 1845, as the same appears of record on pages 84, 85, 86, and 87, Laws of the Ninth Congress of the Republic of Texas, now on file in this Department. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereto signed my name officially, and have caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of the State at my (SEAL)office in the City of Austin, Texas, this the 20th day of December A. D. 1905. O. K. SHANNON, Secretary of State. The Charter of Waco University at Waco, Texas Founded in 1861 DEPARTMENT OF STATE State of Texas AN ACT to amend the Charter of the "Waco Classical School." Section 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS, That the Act approved February 2nd, 1860, incorporating the Trustees of the Waco Classical School, be amended, so that the said corporation be hereafter known and designated as, Waco Uni- versity. Section 2. That in addition to the individuals now composing the Board of Trustees of said corporation, the following named persons are here- by consituted and declared to be members thereof, to-wit : Thomas P. Ay- cock, H. M. Watkins, Wm. Hogue, W. A. Milner, J. P. Cole, W. P. Rogers, Paul Mackershan, E. D. Towns, J. M. Perry, and C. R. Breedlove; and, the afore- said persons, together with the present Board, as aforesaid, shall, by the style and title of Waco University, have and hold personal and real estate, to any amount not exceeding fifty thousand dollars, exclusive of gifts and be- quests; and by said style and title shall succeed to, and enjoy all the rights, privileges, and immunities granted by the Act to which this is an amend- ment. Section 3. That the said Board of Trustees are hereby authorized, upon the recommendation of the Faculty of said University, to confer upon any pupil of said University, or upon any other person, any of the degrees usually conferred by similar institutions in any of the departments or branches of Literature, Arts, Science, Theology, Law or Medicine; and to grant Diplomas for the same; and in all other respects to exercise the functions of the most favored literary institutions in the State of Texas. Section 4. That said Board of Trustees shall appoint the times of their annual and semi-annual meetings; and at such meetings only shall rules and regulations of a permanent nature be made or amended, or any general policy of the University be adopted or altered. But the said Board may appoint, of their own number, an Executive Committee of four of whom the President of the Board, shall be ex-ofpcio chairman, whose duty it shall be, in the inter- Charter of Waco Universiti) at Waco 13 im, to make all needful temporary regulations, and to supervise the financial and other interests of the University, subject, however, to the said Board, and under such rules as it may, from time to time, prescribe. Section 5. That said Board of Trustees may appoint, from time to time, a Board of Visitors, or Curators, whose duty it shall be to visit the annual and semi-annual commencements of said University, examine the text and other books used, inquire concerning the course of study, exercise a general advisory care over the interests of the University, subject, however, to such restrictions as may be imposed by the said Board of Trustees. Section 6. That the third section of the Act, to which this is an amend- ment, be and the same is hereby repealed; and that this Act take effect and be in force from and after its passage. Approved, December 24th, 1861. THE STATE OF TEXAS Department of State I, W. B. Townsend, Secretary of the State of Texas, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is a true and correct copy of Chapter XXX of Special Laws passed by the Ninth Legislature of the State of Texas, entitled "An Act to amend the Charter of the Waco Classical School," as the same appears of record on pages 15 and 16 of the printed Statute Book of "Special Laws of the Ninth Legislature of the State of Texas," published by authority of the State of Texas, and deposited in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of Texas; and I further certify that I am the keeper and custodian of said Statute Book. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto signed my name officially and caused to be impressed hereon the Seal of State, at my office in (seal) the City of Austin, Texas, on this the 25th day of January, A. D., 1910. W. B. TOWNSEND, Secretary of State. The Charter of Bailor Universiti; at Waco, Texas Founded in 1886 (Baglofs Legal AuthoritD for Present Existence) First. Whereas the Baptist General Convention of Texas at its late session in the City of Waco, held on June 29, 1886, appointed thirteen persons hereinafter named to secure a charter for the afore- said University: Therefore, we, James E. Parker, John L. Dyer, W. H. Jenkins, all citizens of the State of Texas, by this our act of volun- tary association had in conformity with Title XX of the Revised Statutes of the State of Texas, and the Acts of the Legislature of said State amendatory thereof, do hereby create a private corporation to be known, called, and named Baylor University, at Waco, Texas. Second. The purposes for which. said corporation is created are hereby declared to be educational and for the encouragement, support, maintenance, and promotion of education in all branches. Third. Said corporation shall have its domicil and place of business at Waco, in McLennan County, Texas, and the educational institution for the support of which this association is organized shall be established at the City of Waco aforesaid. Fourth. Said corporation shall have corporate existence for fifty years. Fifth. Said corporation shall have thirteen Trustees and the following are the names and residences of the trustees of said corporation, appointed for the first year, viz: B. H. Carroll, of McLennan County, Texas; John L. Dyer, of McLennan County, Texas; John S. Allen, of McLennan County, Texas; F. L. Carroll, of McLennan County, Texas; W. H. Jenkins, of McLen- nan County, Texas; W. B. Denson, of Galveston County, Texas; W. H. Prather, of Dallas County, Texas; John H. Bonner, of Smith County, Texas; G. W. Slaughter, of Palo Pinto County, Texas; A. W. Dunn, of Mitchell County, Texas; R. J. Sledge, of Hays County, Texas; James E. Parker, of McLennan County, Texas. Sixth. Said corporation shall have such rights, powers, and duties as ap- pertain to corporations under and pursuant of the General Laws of this State The Charter of Bailor University at Waco 15 or which may adhere in it by reason of its corporate capacity and existence. And said corporation shall have the power through its Board of Trustees and upon the recommendation of its faculty to confer upon any pupil of said Uni- versity or upon any other person any of the degrees usually conferred by similar institutions in any of the departments or branches of literature, art, science, theology, law, or medicine, and to grant diplomas for the same, and in all other respects to exercise the functions of the most favored of literary institutions. Seventh. Said Corporation being for educational and literary purposes has no capital stock, but the estimated value of the goods, chattels, lands, rights, and credits owned by it, aside from its contemplated endowment, amounts to say One Hundred Thousand Dollars. Eighth. Said corporation shall be under the patronage and general di- rection of the Baptist Denomination of the State of Texas as represented by the Baptist General Convention of Texas. And said Baptist General Conven- tion may retire not more than four of the Trustees of said Baylor University each year and shall fill the vacancies so caused with citizens of this State. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF we, the undersigned, all citizens of Waco, State of Texas, do hereby subscribe this charter with acknowledgment made as required by law on this day of July, A. D. 1886. JAMES E. PARKER JOHN L. DYER W. H. JENKINS THE STATE OF TEXAS County of McLennan Before me, E. A. McKenney, Notary Public of McLennan County, Texas, on this day personally appeared James E. Parker, John L. Dyer, and W. H. Jenkins, as corporators of Baylor University, each known to me to be the person whose name is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and each ac- knowledged to me that he executed the same for the purposes and consider- ation therein expressed. Given under my hand and seal of office this 6th day of August, A. D. 1886. E. A. McKENNEY, (seal) Notary Public, McLennan County, Texas. (Endorsed) Charter of Baylor University Filed in Department of State, August 6th, A. D. 1886. JAMES W. BAINES, Secretary of State. DR. R. C. BURLESON, Waco, Texas. Honorary Degrees ^Anderson. S. J., D. D., 1884; Dallas, Texas. •Arnold. James Marshall. A. M.. 1866; (A. B.. 1859), Houston. Texas. Bagby, William Buck, A. M., 1888; D. D., 1897; (A. B., 1875); Missionary, Sao Paulo, Brazil. ♦Bailey. W. 0., D. D., 1880. Baines, Geo. W., D. D., 1900; (A. M. 1875); teacher of Bible, San Marcos Baptist Academy, San Marcos. Texas. Barton, Arthur James, D. D., 1903; Corresponding Secretary Education Board of Baptist General Convention of Texas, 421 Peerless Bldg., Waco, Texas. Baylor, James Bo wen, LL. D., 1903; officer in charge of United States Coast Geodetic Survey, Washington, D. C, Newmarket Plantation. Mil- ford, Caroline County, Va. ♦Bester, Daniel P., D. D., 1867. Bowers, Robert Graves, D. D., 1910; Pastor First Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ark. Brown, Thomas Jefferson, LL. D., 1903; (LL. B., 1858); Chief Justice Supreme Court, Austin, Texas. Bruce, WiUiam Herschel, A. M., 1866; President North Texas State Normal, Denton, Texas. ♦Buck. William Cahnen. D. D., 1871; Waco, Texas. tBuckley, S. B., M. Ph., 1872. ♦Buckner. H. F.. A. M.. 1867; D. D.. 1869; Eufaula. Okla. Buckner, R. C, LL. D., 1903; President Baptist General Convention of Texas, Director of Buckner Orphans' Home, Dallas, Texas. ♦Burleson, Richard B., LL. D., 1875; Waco, Texas. Burroughs, Prince E.. D. D.. 1908; (A. B., 1891); Educational Secretary South- ern Baptist Sunday School Board, 1901 Belmont Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Cantwell, James William, A. M., 1903; (A. B., 1893); Superintendent Public Schools, 2215 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. ♦Caperton, A. C, D. D., 1871; Louisville, Ky. Carroll, Benajah Harvey, A. M., 1871; President and Professor of English Bible, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Carroll, James Milton, D. D., 1903; (A. B., 1877); President Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas. Carver, William Charles, A. M.. 1909; Minister, and Professor of Bible and Pedagogy, Decatur Baptist College, Decatur, Texas. ^Deceased, flnformation desired. Honorary Degrees 17 tChambliss, A. W., D. D.. 1869. ♦Chaplin, C. C, D. D., 1878; Brenham, Texas. Chapman, Edward M., Ph. D., 1887; Rabbi, Box 39, York, Pa. *Clark, Horace, LL. D., 1873; Principal and President of Baylor Female Depart- ment at Independence from 1851 to 1871; Houston, Texas. Clark, James Gregory, LL. D., 1880; Professor of Mathematics, Emeritus, and Secretary of Faculty, William Jewell College, Liberty, Mo. *Clemons, A. E., D. D., 1873; Marshall, Texas. *Cook, Joshua Flood, LL. D., 1871; President La Grange College, La Grange, Mo. Cooper, Oscar Henry, LL. D., 1914; Headmaster Cooper School for Boys, Abi- lene, Texas. *Corey, Charles Henry, LL. D., 1881; Richmond, Va. *Crane, William Carey, LL. D., 1873; President of Baylor University at Inde- pendence from 1862 to 1885; Independence, Texas. Crane, William Carey Jr., A .M., 1867; (A. B., 1864); 1314 McKinney Avenue., Houston, Texas. Dargan, Edwin Charles, LL. D., 1904; Pastor First Baptist Church, 112 Wash- ington Ave., Macon, Ga. *Davis, Noah Knowles, LL. D., 1872; Author, and Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1873-1906, Charlottesville, Va. DeMent, Byron Hoover, D. D., 1906; Professor of Sunday School Pedagogy, and Associate in Theology and Hebrew, Southern Baptist Theolog- ical Seminary, Norton Hall, Louisville, Ky. Dobbs, C. E. W., D.D., 1878; Pastor Eaton Street Baptist Church, Key West, Fla. Duncan, John T., A. M., 1903; (Ph. B. 1877); Attorney-at-Law, La Grange, Texas. Dutton, Samuel Train, LL. D., 1912; Professor of School Administration and Superintendent of Schools, Teachers' College, Columbia University, New York City. Eaton, Charles Aubrey, D. D., 1900; Pastor Madison Avenue Baptist Church, New York City; Watchung, N. J. Eberle, Eugene Gustavo, A. M., 1910; Dean of Pharmacy Department Baylor University; Editor Southern Pharmaceutical Journal, 1804 Jackson St., Dallas, Texas. Faunce, William Herbert Perry, LL. D., 1904; President Brown University, Providence, R. I. *Fawcett, A. J., D. D., 1889; Hamburg, Ark. tFontaine, W. W., A. M. 1878; President Baylor Female College at Inde- pendence, 1872-1875. Frost, James Marion, LL. D., 1912; Corresponding Secretary Southern Baptist Sunday School Board, 710 Church St., Nashville, Tenn. Gambrell, James Bruton, LL. D., 1903; Professor of Ecclesiology and Denom- inational Polity, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary; Edi- tor Texas Baptist Standard; 303 Worth St., Dallas, Texas. 18 Baj^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directorj) ♦Garrison, George Pierce, LL. D., 1910; Author, and Professor of American History 1897-1909, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. tGoodwin, S. A., D. D., 1879. Gross, Joseph Leonard, D.D., 1912; Pastor First Baptist Church, 1511 Crawford St., Houston, Texas. Grove, James Harvey, A. M., 1903; Merchant, Brownwood, Texas. Harper, Henry Winston, LL. D., 1914; Professor of Chemistry and Dean of Graduate Department, University of Texas, 2216 Rio Grande St., Austin, Texas. ♦Harper, William Rainey, LL. D., 1903; President of the University of Chi- cago, 1891-1906, Chicago, 111. ♦Harris, Pinckney, A. M., 1886; Harwood, Texas, Harris, W.D., A .M. 1903; Attorney-at-Law, 1020 S. Jeninngs Ave., Ft. Worth, Tex. Harris. W. M., D. D., 1900; Minister, ThomasviUe, Ga. ♦Harris, W. W., A. M., 1871; W^aco, Texas. Hayden, Samuel Augustus, D. D., 1880; Minister, 609 North Ewing Ave., Sta- tion A., Dallas, Texas. ♦Henderson, John N., A. M., 1880; (LL. B., 1866); Judge Court of Criminal Appeals, Bryan, Texas. ♦Hillyer, J. F., LL. D., 1873. Holt. A. J., D. D., 1888; Pastor First Baptist Church, Kissimmee, Fla. ♦Howard, William, D. D., 1869; Galveston, Texas. Hyer, Robert Stewart, LL. D. 1910; President Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. ♦Jenkins, J. Cicero, A. M., 1866; (A. B., 1857; LL. B., 1859); Waco, Texas. Jones, Carter Helm, D. D., 1909; Pastor First Baptist Church, Seattle, Wash- ington. ♦Kiefer, Frank, D. D., 1884; Abilene, Texas. ♦Kimball, Justin A., D. D., 1880; Shiloh, La. King, Eustace Eugene, D. D., 1890; Pastor First Baptist Church, 304 West La. St., McKinney, Texas. King, Samuel A., D. D., 1881; Professor of Theology, Presbyterian Theologi- cal Seminary, Austin, Texas. ♦Knapp, Seaman Asahel, LL, D., 1908; Agricultural Educator, Washington, D.C. ♦Lanham, Samuel Willis Tucker. LL, D,, 1905; Governor of Texas 1903-1905, Weatherford. Texas. Lanneau. John Francis, A. M., 1869; Professor of Applied Mathematics and Astronomy, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. Lattimore. W. C, D. D.. 1895; Dallas. Texas. ♦Law, F. M., D. D., 1882; Bryan. Texas. ♦Leland. Oscar Hopestill, A. M., 1866; (A. B., 1856); McLennan County Judge; Postmaster at Waco; and Farmer, McGregor, Texas. Lockett, Osborne Levi, A. M., 1878; District Judge, 808 Prairie Ave., Cle- burne, Texas. Honorary Degrees 19 Lofton, George Augustus, D. D., 1880; Pastor Central Baptist Church, 602 South Fifth Ave., Nashville, Tenn. ♦Long, John Cralle, LL. D., 1880; Professor of Church History, Crozer Theolog- ical Seminary, Chester, Pa.; Charlottesville, Va. •Long, William Henry, A. M., 1866; (A. B. 1859); Jacksonville, Texas. Love, James Franklin, D. D., 1911; Home Secretary Foreign Mission Board Southern Baptist Convention, Richmond, Va. *Lubbock, Francis Richard, LL. D. 1903; Ex-Governor of Texas, Austin, Texas. *McIntire, Daniel, A. M., 1872; (A. B., 1869); Brenham, Texas. Mabie, Henry Clay, LL. D., 1912; Clergyman, and Special Lecturer to Colleges and Theological Seminaries on Missions; 387 Hyde Park Ave., Bos- ton, Mass. Maple, J. C, D. D., 1881; Minister, 344 North Ellis St., Cape Girardeau, Mo. Martin, Lillie Louise, A. M., 1909; Professor of Primary Methods, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Mims, Lee Johnston, D. D., 1914; (A. B., 1904; A.M., 1905); Pastor First Bap- tist Church, Brown wood, Texas. Mitchell, Samuel Chiles, LL. D., 1913; President Medical College of Virginia; 2001 West Grace St., Richmond, Va. fMitchell, W. J., A. M., 1884. Mullins, Edgar Young, LL. D., 1903; President and Joseph-Emerson-Brown Professor of Theology, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1705 New Broadway, Louisville, Ky. +Murphy, J. D., D. D., 1878. *Northen, William Jonathan, LL. D., 1900; Governor of Georgia 1890-94; Atlanta, Ga. Orr, A. W., A. M., 1887; Superintendent Smith County Schools, Tyler, Texas. ♦Owen, A. E., D. D., 1884: Portsmouth, Va. Parks, William Henry, A. M., 1875; (A. B., 1856; LL. B., 1858); Minister. Cleburne, Texas. (Oldest living graduate.) ♦Pickett, G. W., D. D., 1882; Richmond, Texas. ♦Pointer, Phil A., A. M., 1878; Russellville, Ky. Pool, Wade Hill, A. M., 1907; (A. B., 1887); Headmaster Baylor Academy, 1001 Speight St., Waco, Texas. ♦Pope, 0. C, D. D., 1880; Abilene, Texas. Porter, Samuel Judson, D. D., 1914; Pastor First Baptist Church, 417 Oakland St., San Antonio, Texas. Poteat, Edwin M., LL. D., 1908; President Furman University, Greenville, S. C. Poteat, William Louis, LL. D., 1905; President and Professor, Wake Forest College, Wake Forest, N. C. Provence, Samuel Moore, D. D., 1912; Minister, 2118 Ethel Ave., Waco, Texas. 20 Bailor Universitg Bulletin — Alumni Directory Ray, Jefferson Davis, D. D., 1903; (Ph. B., 1882); Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Duties, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995. Fort Worth, Texas. *Reagan, John Henninger, LL. D., 1903; United States Senator; Palestine, Texas. Reid, Samuel Joseph, D. D., 1912; Minister, 83 Belmont Church Road, Belfast, Ireland. Riley, Benjamin Franklin, D.D., 1903; Minister and Author, Birmingham, Ala. tRippetoe, A. Paul, D. D., 1869. ♦Rogers, G. W., D. D., 1877; Sherman, Texas. Sallee, John Milton, D. D., 1914; Pastor First Baptist Church, Beeville, Texas. •Sample. W. A., D. D., 1889; Fort Smith, Ark. Scarborough, Lee Rutland, D. D., 1908; (A. B., 1892); Assistant to the Presi- dent and Professor of Evangelism, Southwestern Baptist Theologi- cal Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. tShelton, William, D. D., 1867. Skinner. Sidney P., A. M., 1903; (A. B., 1884); Attorney-at-Law, President Citizens Bank and Trust Co., San Antonio, Texas. Smith, Forrest, D. D., 1913; Pastor First Baptist Church, Sherman, Texas. tSmith. H. H., LL. D., 1880; Huntsville, Texas. ♦Smith, Martin V., D. D., 1888; Belton, Texas. Smyth, Daniel Isaac, D. D., 1913; Pastor First Baptist Church, Grand view, Texas. ♦Stribling, James H., A. M., 1860; D. D., 1871; Rockdale, Texas. Strother, Joseph T., A. M.. 1875; Retired teacher. 1820 Franklin St.. Waco. Texas. tTaylor, J. B.. D. D., 1882; Wilmington, N. C. Taylor, Zachary C, A. M., 1888; D. D., 1906; (Ph. B., 1879); Missionary on leave, Bahia, Brazil. Townes, John Charles, LL. D., 1898; Professor of Law, and Dean of Law De- partment, University of Texas; 2800 Rio Grande St., Austin, Texas. Trueblood, Benjamin Franklin, LL. D., 1908; General Secretary American Peace Society since 1892; The Colorado Bldg., Washington, D. C. Truett, George W., D. D., 1900; (A. B., 1897); Pastor First Baptist Church, 5105 Live Oak Ave., Dallas, Texas. tVernor, W. H., D. D., 1882. ♦Waggener, Leslie, LL. D., 1874; Austin, Texas. ♦Wallace, David R., LL. D., 1878; Physician, Waco, Texas. Ward, J. L., A. M., 1903; President Decatur Baptist College, Decatur, Texas. ♦Webb, Charles S., M. Ph., 1870. ♦Wells, J. Morgan, D. D., 1886; Fort Worth, Texas. White, John Ellington, D. D., 1912; Pastor Second Baptist Church. Atlanta. Ga. Honorary Degrees 21 Wilkinson, William Cleaver, LL. D., 1904; Professor of Poetry and Criticism, University of Chicago; 5630 Woodlawn Ave., Chicago, 111. Wilson, John, D. D., 1907; Baptist Minister, Woolwich Tabernacle; Montague House, Charlton, London, S. E. tWinkler, E. T., D. D., 1881. •Zealy, J. T., LL. D., 1874; Houston, Texas. Master Degrees Alldredge, Eugene Perry, A. M., 1901; (A. B., 1900; Th.B. 1903); Pastor Im- manuel Baptist Church, 1004 Bishop St., Little Rock, Ark. Baines, George W., A. M., 1875; (D. D., 1900); Bible Teacher, San Marcos Bap- tist Academy, San Marcos, Texas. Boswell, William D., Th. M., 1908; Pastor First Baptist Church, Graham, Texas. Clark, Van Barnes, Th. M., 1908; (Expression, 1906); President Cuban-Ameri- can College, Havana, Cuba. Clegg, Hettie Johnson (Mrs. Jessie T. Renfro), M.S.. 1906 (B.S.,1905); Trinity, Texas. Conner, Walter Thomas, A. M., 1908; (A. B., 1906); Professor of Systematic Theology, Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Courtney, Luther Weeks, A. M., 1913; Instructor in English. Furman Uni- versity, Greenville, S. C. Duncan, Ellen, Mrs. R. R. H., M.L.. 1900; (B.L., 1897); Mrs. Robert Ritchie Har- well, 1913-1914 Student in Marburg University, Marburg, Germany; 912 Cleveland St., Sherman, Texas. Earle, Hallie, M. S., 1902; (B. S., 1901; M. D. 1907); Pathologist and Gynecol- ogist, Torbett Sanatorium, Marlin, Texas. Edge, Samuel Walter, A. M., 1914; (A. B., 1913); Burleson Fellow 1913-1914; Minister, Bryan, Texas. Fulbright,Rufus Clarence, M. Ph., 1905; (Ph. B., 1902); Attorney-at-Law, 12th Floor Union National Bank Bldg., Houston. Texas. Gibson* Simeon Blake, A. M., 1911; Principal of Pike County High School, Brundidge, Ala. Gooch, Wilby T., M. S., 1908; (B. S., 1906); 1913-1914 Student University of Chicago; Professor of Chemistry Baylor University, 808 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Harris, George Winfield, M. L., 1897; A. M., 1910; (B. L., 1894); Superintend- ent Public Schools, Gatesville, Texas. Held, John Adolphus. A. M., 1905; (A. B., 1896); Pastor First Baptist Church, San Marcos, Texas. Horsley, Robert Green, A. M., 1878; (A. B., 1873); Agency work, and teach- ing, 3907 Henderson St., Greenville, Texas. Ivy, Henry Alston, A. M., 1886; (A. B., 1884); President Sherman Business College, Sherman, Texas. Jenkins, Annie (Mrs. W. Eugene Sallee), M. S., 1899; (B. S., 1897); Missionary, Kaifeng, Honan, China. Master Degrees 23 Jent. John William, Th. M., 1908; (B. L., 1910); Pastor First Baptist Church, Henrietta, Texas. Kimball, Justin F., A. M., 1900; Superintendent Public Schools, Dallas, Texas. Lattimore, John Compere, M. S., 1896; (B. S., 1895); Superintendent Public Schools, 1124 South Fifth Street, Waco, Texas. Lumpkins, James Claude, Ph. M., 1902: (B. L., 1897); Ellis County Judge, Waxahachie, Texas. Mason. William Eugene, A. M., 1905; (A. B., 1904); Baptist Minister, 314 East Mulberry St., Fort Collins, Colo. Mims, Lee Johnston, A. M., 1905; (A. B.. 1904; D. D., 1914); Pastor First Bap- tist Church, Brownwood, Texas. Neff, Pat M., A. M., 1899; (A. B., 1894); Attorney-at-Law, President Board of Trustees Baylor University, 2110 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas. Odom, Isaac Newton, M. S., 1910; Principal Brook Avenue School, 1901 South Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Page, George W., A. M., 1905; Superintendent Public Schools, Victoria, Texas. Rogers, Fred Terry, A. M., 1914; (A. B., 1911); Instructor in Zoology and Physiology Baylor University; (1914-1915 Student in Universi- ty of Chicago); Waco, Texas. Scarborough, Dorothy, A. M., 1899; (A. B., 1896); Instructor in English, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Scarborough, Martha Douglass (Mrs. Geo. W. McDaniel), A. M., 1894; (A. B., 1892); West Grace St., Richmond, Va. Selvidge, George Pendleton, A. M., 1897; (A. B., 1894); President Selvidge Business College, Ardmore, Okla. Talkington, Thomas Walton, Th. M., 1908; (Th. B., 1907; A. B., 1909); Pas- tor Park Street Baptist Church, 999 Cartwright Ave., Beaumont, Texas. Taylor, Charles Ross, A. M., 1909; Pastor First Baptist Church, Stamford, Texas. Tidwell, Josiah Blake, A. M., 1903; Professor of English Bible Baylor Uni- versity, 1309 South Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Tidwell, Minnie Hayes (Mrs. J. B. Tidwell), A. M., 1912; (B. L., 1910); 1309 South Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Warren, Benjamin Harry, A. M., 1905; (A. B., 1904); Teacher and Minister, Goodnight, Texas. Warren, David Cassius, A. M., 1902; (B. S., 1894); Farm Demonstrator, U. S. Agricultural Department, Midland, Texas. Wedemeyer, Charles Henry, A. M., 1880; (A. B., 1878); President Wedemeyer Academy, Temple, Texas. Youngblood, Virgil Vanburen, Th. M., 1907; Missionary of Western Branch Association, Lexington, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates CLASS OF 1856 (8) 2 Mooney, Caroline Jane (Mrs. Leonidas Willis), 1174 Luddington Court, Port- land, Ore. Parks, William Henry, A. B., (LL. B., 1858; A. M., 1875), Baptist Minister, Cleburne, Texas. CLASS OF 1858 (30) 8 Barry, Rachel (Mrs. Charles Stewart), 111 Stratford St., Houston, Texas. Brown, Thomas Jefferson, LL. B., (LL. D., 1903), Chief Justice Supreme Court, Austin, Texas. Carter, Bettie (Mrs. B. B. Davis), 901 McGowan Ave., Houston, Texas. tHardin, B. C, LL. B. McKellar, Mary Louise (Mrs. W. S. Herndon), 229 Vine St., Houston, Texas. Parks, Willam Henry, LL. B., (A. B., 1856; A. M., 1875), Baptist Minister, Cleburne, Texas. Pettus, Dora (Mrs. Hobby), 1201 Ervay St., Dallas, Texas. Rogers, Fannie (Mrs. George Harris), San Saba, Texas. CLASS OF 1859 (23) 5 Atkinson, Lucy (Mrs. John Collins), Crockett, Texas. tDodson, Jasper N., LL. B. t Edwards, J. M., LL. B. Hightower, Levi B., LL. B., District Judge Southeast Texas, Cleveland, Texas. tHogue, Gertrude (Mrs. Billingsby). CLASS OF 1860 (10) 2 Dickie, James Alpheus, Ph. B. Retired Farmer, Gatesville, Texas. Eddins, Jessie Shivers, Ph. B., Physician, San Marcos, Texas. CLASS OF 1861 (9) 2 Eldridge, Bowling, Ph. B., Brenham, Texas. tKelton, Mark Anthony, Ph. B. (Waco). CLASS OF 1862 (4) 1 Cleveland, Virginia Ann (Mrs. N. B. Rowe), Austin, Texas. CLASS 1863 (6) 4 Curry, Sallie A. (Mrs. W. C. Joynes), 301 Barnes St., McKinney, Texas. Johnson, Mary (Mrs. Milton Parker), Bryan, Texas. Pettus, Laura (Mrs. Chas. E. Bass), San Marcos, Texas. tSmith, Clemantine. Liberal Arts Graduates 25 CLASS OF 1864 (7) 2 Crane, William Carey Jr., A. B., (A. M. 1867); 1314 McKinney Ave., Houston, Texas. Newsome, Sallie (Mrs. T. T. Goodwin), Rosprim, Texas. CLASS OF 1865 (3) 1 Morris, Fannie (Mrs. Arthur N. Poteet), 1519 Faraon St., St. Joseph, Mo. CLASS OF 1866 (12) 4 tCrosby, MoUie (Mrs. D. S. Ross). Davis, Florence (Mrs. Joseph Bledsoe), Sherman, Texas. Goodwin, Winnie (Mrs. M. W. McCraw), 529 E. Guenther St., San Antonio, Texas. Harris, Julia E. (Mrs. A. W. Mclver), Caldwell, Texas. CLASS OF 1868 (3) 3 Cobb, Sue (Mrs. Wm. Davis), M. A. (Waco), 905 South Third Sreet. Waco, Texas. tPotts, Joseph E., A. B. Speight, Jessie (Mrs. W. H. Jenkins), M. A. (Waco), 1906 South Fifth Street. Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1869 (5) 3 Adams, Francis M., A. B. (Waco), 205 W. Tenth Street, Austin, Texas. Burleson. Leigh, A. B. (Waco), Lawyer and Ranchman, San Saba, Texas. Crane, Charles Judson, A. B., Colonel 9th Infantry U. S. Army, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. CLASS OF 1870 (10) 4 Burleson, Segur (Mrs. James Moore), M. A. (Waco), Bastrop, Texas, Corley, Josephine (Mrs. A. J. Burleson), M. A. (Waco), Kosse, Texas. tLancaster, Kitty (Mrs. A. Hutchins), M. A. (Waco). Polk, Edwin, A. B., 2101 Durango St., San Antonio, Texas. CLASS OF 1871 (12) 8 Andrews, Reddin Jr., A. B., Texas Socialist Leader (President of Baylor University at Independence 1885), West Dobbs St., Tyler, Texas. Cunningham, Virgil Gilbert, A. B. (Waco), Baptist Minister, Davidson, Oklahoma. Elgin. John Edward, Ph. B. (Waco), Attorney-at-Law, 322 Martinez St., San Antonio, Texas. Jenkins, Young Sterling, A. B. (Waco), Retired Druggist, 1030 Topeka Street, Pasadena, Calif. 26 Bai^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Director]) Linton, Sallie (Mrs. J. E. McComb), M. A. (Waco), Van Alstyne, Texas. Lipscomb, Jessie S., A. A. (Waco), Physician, Haskell, Texas. McComb, John Edmund, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Van Alstyne, Tex. Speight, Sallie (Mrs. W. W. Kendall), M. A. (Waco), 621 Speight St., Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1872 (4) 3 Johnston, Lula (Mrs. Woodson T. White), M. A. (Waco), Apartado 650. Havana, Cuba. McKnight, Arthur, Ph. B., Livery and Sales Stables, 1619 Polk St., Amarillo, Texas. Ferry, Mozelle (Mrs. John Kirksey), M. Ph. (Waco), 4705 Lake Ave., Chicago, lU. CLASS OF 1873 (11) 8 Gaines, Lillian (Mrs. M. L. Westbrook), M. Ph. (Waco), Route No. 2, Waco, Texas. Gerald, Florence Margaret (Mrs. Clarke), M. A. (Waco), 312 West 46th St., New York. Horsley, Robert Green, A. B. (Waco), (A. M. 1878), 3907 Henderson St., Greenville, Texas. Milner, Frances Inez (Mrs. H. C. Cook), M. A. (Waco), 5302 Reiger Ave. Dallas, Texas. Patton, Mary Celeste (Mrs. J. W. Edmondson), M. A. (Waco), Brookshire, Texas. Polk, Daniel, A. B., D'Hanis, Medina Co., Texas. Polk, Louis, A. B., Civil Engineer, 1716 Durango St.: San Antonio, Texas. Rogers, Margaret Houston (Mrs. H. G. Damon), M. A, (Waco), Corsicana, CLASS OF 1874 (7) 5 Brown, Louise (Mrs. J. W. Baker), M. A. (Waco), Jack-Bill-Lou, Waco, Tex. Cannon, Mittie (Mrs. Robt. B. Horton), M. A. (Waco), 4303 Ross Ave., Dal- las, Texas. Cole, Mamie E. (Mrs. J. P. Boone), M. A. (Waco), Arlington, Texas. Greer, VadB (Mrs. McGregor), M. A. (Waco), R. F. D., Berkeley, Calif. Henderson, Ada, M. A. (Waco), Primary Teacher, Cameron, Texas. CLASS OF 1875 (12) 7 Bagby, William Buck. A. B. (Waco), (A. M., 1888; D. D., 1897), Missionary, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Carter, Frances Thornton (Mrs. F. H. Wagner), M. Ph. (Waco), 205 West Fourteenth St., Austin, Texas. Lane. Mary Ida (Mrs. A. H. Scott), M. Ph. (Waco), Bokoshe, Okla. Maddox, Veanis (Mrs. Joe W. Warreck), M. Ph. (Waco), Kansas City, Mo. Liberal Arts Graduates 27 Morrill, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. William Lightfoot), M. Ph. (Waco), 1109 S.. Adams St., Fort Worth, Texas. Robinson, Clement S., A. B., Attorney at Law, 214 Carson St., San Antonio Texas. Townsend, Frances Emaline (Mrs. A. A. Dunham), M. A., (Waco), 3209 Odin Ave., Houston, Texas. CLASS OF 1876 (12) 9 Bell, James Austin, A. B., Baptist Minister, Madison, Ga. tEwell, Virginia, (Mrs. Chas. Weis). M. A. (Waco). Frazier, Ella (Mrs. B. A. Little), M. A. (Waco), Primary Supervisor, Temple, Texas. Frazier, Jacob Moore, A. B. (Waco), Physician, and Professor of Biology Baylor College, Belton, Texas. Freeman, John D., A. B. (Waco), Real Estate and Abstracts, 211 W. Sixth St., McGregor, Texas. Goldstein. Isaac A., A. B. (Waco), Department Store, 1225 Washington St., Waco, Texas. Horn, James R., A. B., Farmer, R 3, Madisonville, Texas. Morrill, Emma (Mrs. John Johnson), M. Ph. (Waco), R 3, Waco, Texas. Wallace, Sue (Mrs. G. W. Tyler), M. A. (Waco), 702 N. Penelope St., Belton, Texas. CLASS OF 1877 (23) 20 Allen, Ella Cordelia (Mrs. W. B. Carpenter), M. A. (Waco), Mart, Texas. Allen, John Edward, Ph. B. (Waco), Ranchman, Albany, Texas. t Anderson, Thomas W., A. B. (Waco). Battle, Edgar, Ph. B. (Waco). Postmaster, Seattle, Wash. Bryan, Lewis Randolph, B. S., Attorney at Law, 802 Dennis Ave., Houston, Texas. Carroll, James Milton, A. B., (D. D. 1903), President Howard Payne College. Brown wood, Texas. Carter, Hallie Pearl (Mrs. J. Meyenburg), M. A. (Waco), La Grange, Texas. Crane, Balfour D., A. B., Wholesale Grocer, 301 N. Eighth St., Fort Smith, Ark. Cunningham, Benjamin W., A. B., Railway Mail Clerk, 905 Harrington St., Houston, Texas. Duncan, John T., Ph. B., (A. M. 1903), Attorney at Law, La Grange, Texas. Duncan, Jones Franklin, A. B. (Waco), Physician, Bonham, Texas. tDupree, John Crosby, Ph. B. (Waco). Goodlet, Samuel H., Ph. B., Attorney at Law, Capitol Station, Austin, Texas. Henderson, Thomas Stalworth, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Cameron, Texas. 28 Baplor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Howard, William, Ph. B., Mgr. Cotton Dept Gordon Sewells Co., 310 Delmer St., Houston, Texas. Humphreys, Emma Jane (Mrs. Emma Humphreys), M. A. (Waco), Art Teacher, 903 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Linton, Ella Blackburn, M. A. (Waco), Teacher, Montgomery, Texas. McCrary, Eula Gabrilla (Mrs. S. S. Durland), M. A., (Waco), 500 W. Wood- ward St., Denison, Texas. O'Bryan, William Cary, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Richmond, Texas. Sessions, Lizzie Brown (Mrs. W. E. Bonner), M. A. (Waco), Mexia, Texas. CLASS 1878 (24) 16 Allen, Pyrena Wayne, M. A. (Waco), 1623 Vermont St., Waco, Texas. Bean, James Monroe, A. B., Physician, R 1, Banks, Ala. Dixon, Samuel Houston, A. B., Author and Editor, Member Legislature Harris County, 610 Highland St., Houston Texas. Dodson, Tilman J., A. B., Baptist Minister, 505 Hammond Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Farr, Kate C. (Mrs. J. S. Sherrill), M. A. (Waco). 3411 West Henry St., Greenville, Texas. Harrison, Hallie Earle (Mrs. B. H. Carroll), M. A. (Waco), Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Herring, Laura Belle (Mrs. W. H. Bagby), M. A. (Waco), Taylor, Texas. Lipscomb, Abner G., Ph. B., Attorney at Law, Hempstead, Texas. Park, M. C. Houston, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, 1110 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Peck, Felicia (Mrs. Rufus C. Hardy), M. A. (Waco), Corsicana, Texas. Powell, Grace E. (Mrs. Thos. Jeff. Tingle), M. A. (Waco), 3095 Mont Clair Ave., Dallas, Texas. Reese, Carrie Janette (Mrs. Walter W. Deen), M. A. (Waco), 1410 Congress Ave., Austin, Texas. Roberts, Jennie L. (Mrs. S. E. Blake), M. A. (Waco), Mexia, Texas. Rountree, Felix S., A. B., Minister, Abilene, Texas. Spencer, J. W., Ph. B., Attorney at Law, Lubbock, Texas. Wedemeyer, Charles Henry, A. B., (A. M. 1880), President Wedemeyer Academy, Temple, Texas. CLASS OF 1879 (20) 13 Allen, Francis Marion, A. B. (Waco), Registrar Baylor University, 1301 N. Thirteenth St., Waco, Texas. Anderson, Lula M. (Mrs. R. J. Kimbrough), M. A. (Waco), R. F. D., Colton, Cal. Battle, Alfred, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Ballinger, Battle & Halburt, Seattle, Wash. Beddoe, Albert Ferdinand, A. B. (Waco), Physician, Chief of Clinic and Librarian Baylor Medical Dept., Dallas, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 29 Cavin, Ernest D., Ph. B., Attorney at Law, 3318 Avenue N. Galveston. Texas. Dodd, W. W., A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Beeville, Texas. Frazier, John R., A. B. (Waco), Physician, 20th & N. MainSts., Fort Worth, Texas. Mus e, Eugene B., Ph. B., Attorney and District Judge, Dallas, Texas. Scofield, Archie Phelps, A. B. (Waco), Minister, Little Rock, Ark. Taylor, Zachary C, Ph. B. (A. M. 1888; D. D. 1906), Missionary on leav e. Bahia, Brazil. Wallace, Estelle J. (Mrs. R. B. Dupree), M. A. (Waco), The Kyle, Waco, Texas. Westbrook. Lorena (Mrs. S. C. Robertson), M. A. (Waco), 610 W. Elmira St., San Antonio, Texas. Willingham, Charles H., Ph. B., Attorney at Law, and Farmer, Ballinger> Texas. CLASS OF 1880 (12) 4 Garrett, William M., A. B. (Waco), Physician, Crandall, Texas. Kelly, George G., A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Wharton, Texas. Rose, W. Seymour, Ph. B., Farmer, Salado, Bell Co., Texas. Stroud, Leonidas Ruffin, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Kaufman, Texas. CLASS OF 1881 (12) 10 Battle, Annie P. (Mrs. W. H. Wood), M. A. (Waco), 726 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Brown, Eoline (Mrs. L. T. Moore), M. A. (Waco), Rusk, Texas. Brown, Minnie (Mrs. J. H. Poythress), M. A. (Waco), 2414 N. Haskell Ave., Dallas, Texas. Burleson, Albert Sidney, A. B. (Waco), Postmaster General, Washington, D. C. Culberson, Emma S., M. A. (Waco), Primary Teacher, 919 S. Sixth St., Waco, Texas. Dockery, Lillie S. (Mrs. H. J. Bolton), M. A. (Waco), Wharton, Texas. Hair, Lottie (Mrs. L. E. Haynie), M. A. (Waco), Lampasas, Texas. Johnson, Johnie (Mrs. S. B. Hamlett), M. A. (Waco), 2303 Ethel Ave., Waco, Texas. Smith, William Sumner, A. B., Farmer and Teacher, Route 4, Belleville, Texas. fVines, C. H., Ph. B. (Waco). CLASS OF 1882 (17) 12 Allen, Robert Lee, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, 908 N. Fifteenth St., Waco, Texas. Burleson, Imogene (Mrs. W. L. Radney), M. A. (Waco), Roswell, N. Mex. 30 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Director g Chambers, Emma (Mrs. J. P. Matthews), M. Ph. (Waco), Santa Anna, Texas. Chambers, Luella J., M. Ph. (Waco), Santa Anna, Texas. Cobb, John Howell, A. B., Attorney at Law, Juneau, Alaska. Garrett, William B., Ph. B., Attorney for Southern Pacific, Austin, Texas. Heisig, Theodore, A. B., Capitalist, Beaumont, Texas. Mclnture, John Arthur, A. B., Retired Teacher, Box 204, Stockdale, Texas. Moffett, James William, A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Box 358, Abilene, Texas. Ray, Jefferson Davis, Ph. B. (Waco), (D. D. 1903), Professor of Homiletics and Pastoral Duties. S. W. Bapt. Theol. Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. South, Lida (Mrs. C. E. Hull), M. Ph. (Waco), 1411 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas. Voss, Herman C, Ph. B., Traveling Salesman, 401 Baker St., Houston, Texas. CLASS OF 1883 (10) 6 Burleson, Hallie Byrd (Mrs. S. L. Morris), M. A. (Waco), Beecher Street, Atlanta, Ga. Cochran, Exer (Mrs. W. S. George), M. Ph. (Waco), Walnut Springs, Texas. Force, Kenneth Kite, A. B. (Waco), Attorney, District Judge, Dallas, Texas. tGordon, Florence (Mrs. A. Moore), M. Ph. (Waco). Lednum, Lula Lee, M. A. (Waco), Venus, Texas. Still, Jessie L. (Mrs. Mason), M. A. (Waco), 1215 Baker St., Houston, Texas. CLASS OF 1884 (13) 11 tBittell, W. Stephen, A. B. Buchanan, Albert Jefferson, A. B. (Waco), Editor Bryan Eagle, Bryan, Tex. Byrd. Thomas E., A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, 2313 O'Neal St., Green- ville, Texas. Crane, Royston C, Ph. B., Attorney at Law, and Postmaster, Sweetwater, Texas. Ivy, Henry Alston, A. B. (Waco), (A. M. 1886), President Sherman Business College, Sherman, Texas. Johnson, Rosa (Mrs. W. W. Evans), M. Ph. (Waco), Waco, Texas. Kendrick, Maggie Lee (Mrs. J. L Kendrick), M. Ph. (Waco), 1110 Harrison St., Amarillo, Texas. Long, Ella (Mrs. V. B. Harris), M. A. (Waco), Quitman, Texas. Morrison, Stephen H., A. B. (Waco), Attorney at Law, Big Springs, Texas. Newbrough, John Wesley, A. B., (Waco), Missionary. (Temporary address, 627 Gold St.. El Paso, Texas). Skinner, Sidney P., A. B. (Waco), (A. M. 1903), Attorney at Law, President Citizens Bank & Trust Co., 117 W. Craig Place, San Antonio, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 31 CLASS OF 1885 (23) 21 Allen, Stella (Mrs. A. J. Buchanan). M. A. (Waco), Bryan, Texas. tBoyd, Lillie, M. Ph. (Waco). Brigman, Lula, M. A. (Waco), Teacher. Roanoke, Texas. Brooks, Lula (Mrs. W. A. Garrett), M. Ph. (Waco), 1908 Decatur St., Houston, Texas. Buck, Ermine Field (Mrs. 0. S. Lattimore, Sr.), M. Ph. (Waco). 2277 Lips- comb St., Fort Worth, Texas. Cox, Lina (Mrs. Si Youngkin), M. Ph. (Waco), Yoakum, Texas. Daniel, Charles Davis, A. B. (Waco), Supt. Mexican Baptist Missions in Texas, 1504 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Eldridge, Carrie, M. Ph. (Waco), 217 N. Mont Clair Ave., Dallas, Texas. Holmsley, Lou (Mrs. J. W. Johnson). M. A. (Waco), San Angelo, Texas. Jameson, Nina (Mrs. W. A. Wood), M. A. (Waco), Hubbard, Texas. McCulloch, C. C, A. B. (Waco), Lieutenant Colonel U. S. Army, Army and Navy Club, Washington, D. C. McCutcheon, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. W. T. McCampbell), M. A. (Waco), 423 Oakland St., San Antonio, Texas. Martin, J. H., B. S. (Waco), Pastor Baptist Church, Garland, Texas. Newman, Francis Marion, Ph. B., Attorney at Law, Brady, Texas. (Last graduate of Baylor University at Independence, Texas.) Osburn, Mattie (Mrs. Baker), M. Ph. (Waco), Rockdale, Texas. Riley, Belle (Mrs. T. R. Yantis), M. Ph. (Waco), Canton, Texas. Shelton, Fannie (Mrs. J. R. Veazey), M. Ph. (Waco),. 528 N. Eleventh St., Waco, Texas. Staton, Ida (Mrs. Gus EUard), M. Ph. (Waco), Birmingham, Ala. Titus, Neva (Mrs. A. J. Hughes), M. Ph. (Waco), Roby, Texas. tWise, Jennie, M. Ph. (Waco). Wood, William Allen, A. B. (Waco), Physician, Hubbard, Texas. CLASS OF 1886 (20) 17 Buck, Miriam, Ph. B., Instructor in English, Baylor University, 1824 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Davenport, Robert E., Attorney at Law, Chickasha, Okla. Everett, Lelia (Mrs. J. M. Martin), M. Ph., Route 5, Tyler, Texas. Goddard, Mary (Mrs. J. W. Bonner), M. Ph., Wortham, Texas. Harrison, James Anderson, A. B., Attorney at Law, 2225 Calder Avenue, Beaumont, Texas. McJunkin, Rossie (Mrs. W. R. Johnston), M. Ph., Sherwood, Irion Co., Texas. Martin, W. C, A. B., County Supt. Fisher County, Roby, Texas. Morrill, Laura (Mrs. J. W. Speers), M. Ph., Chicota, Texas. Puryear, Laura (Mrs. W. H. Pool), M. Ph., 1001 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Ramsey, Lula (Mrs. W. B. McGee), M. Ph., South Royal St., Jackson, Tenn. 32 Bailor Unviersiti) Bulletin— Alumni Directory Ray, Jennie (Mrs. H. F. Kaufman), M. Ph., 201 E. Laurel St., San Antonio, Texas. Storey, Lillie (Mrs. J. W. Saunders), M. Ph., 927 Washington St., Waco, Tex. Taylor, John G., A. B., R. R. Construction Co., Lock & Dam No. 7, Rosser, Texas. Trice, Beulah (Mrs. Tom Brown), M. Ph., Austin, Texas. Watson, May (Mrs. John W. David), M. A., Corsicana, Texas. Wood, Dixie, M. A., Primary Teacher Sanger Avenue School, 1803 Franklin St., Waco, Texas. Yerby, Florence (Mrs. R. J. Bellamy), M. Ph., Capitol Hts., Montgomery, Ala. CLASS OF 1887 (16) 12 Bell, MoUie (Mrs. H. C. Barnett), M. Ph., Wichita FaUs, Texas. Burleson, Florence (Mrs. Andrew Phillips), M. Ph., San Augustine, Texas. Clonts, Mary (Mrs. Wm. H. Alexander), M. Ph., 1963 E. 82nd St., Cleveland, Ohio. Darby, W. W., A. B., Teacher Metropolitan Business College, Dallas, Texas. Fitzhugh, D. K., A. B., 1605 West Ave., Waco, Texas. Garrett, WiUiam A., B. S., (Expression 1887), Physician, 1809 Decatur St., Houston, Texas. Lattimore, Offa Shivers, A. B, Attorney at Law, State Senator, 2277 Lips- comb Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. McKown, Fannie (Mrs. W. E. Pearson), M. Ph., Box 234, Smithville, Texas. Pool, Wade Hill, A. B., (A. M. 1909), Headmaster Baylor Academy, 1001 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Smith, Fannie (Mrs. W. T. Noblett), M. Ph., Cookville, Texas. Sparks, Frances Latham (Mrs. J. W. Downs), M. A., 1129 S. Third St., Waco, Texas. Stanton, John Thaddeus, B. S., Pastor Baptist Church, Lexington, Texas. CLASS OF 1888 (17) 13 Allen, Mary Rebecca, M. Ph., Clerk Herrick Hdw. Co., 1623 Vermont St., Waco, Texas. Barnwell, Judie, M. Ph., Gilmer, Texas. Carter, Mattie Ross (Mrs. W. W. Franklin), M. Ph., Mgr. Private Home for Children, 2132 N. Harwood St., Dallas, Texas. Davis, Lena, M. Ph., 905 S. Third St., Waco, Texas. Fitzhugh, James S., B. L., Attorney at Law, 304 Belden and Axtel Sts., Clovis, N. Mex. Hawkins, Ida Pinckney (Mrs. S. P. Smith), M. Ph., (Expression 1888). Comanche, Texas. King, Rosa (Mrs. D. K. Fitzhugh), M. Ph., 1906 West Ave., Waco, Texas. Kyger, John C. F., A. B., Traveling Salesman, 715 Speight St.. Waco, Texas. Long, WiUiam Henry, A. B., Forest Pathology, Dept. of Agriculture, Wash- ington, D. C. Liberal Arts Graduates 33 Napier, Lena (Mrs. Wm. Walling), M. Ph., Etowah, McMinn Co.. Tenn, Reed, Nettie (Mrs. Nelson J. Kavanaugh), M. Ph., Eastwood and Harrisburg Road, Houston, Texas. Standefer, Estelle (Mrs. Lee B. Smyth), M. Ph., 828 N. Seventeenth St, Waco, Texas. tTucker, Forest, (Mrs. Bagwell), M. A. CLASS OF 1889 (4) 4 Hardin, Hennie (Mrs. J. R. Davis), M. Ph., 1727 FrankUn St., Waco, Texas. Moore, Mae (Mrs. Loraine Rogers), M. Ph., 1512 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Scofield, Anna (Mrs. Ernest Parker), M. A., 1230 Grainger St., Fort Worth, Texas. Williams, Madge (Mrs. Roy Hearn), M. Ph., 238 W. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, Texas. CLASS OF 1890 (19) 16 Adams, Cynthia (Mrs. B. W. D. Hill), M. Ph., Dawson, Texas. Allen, Lula Emily, M. Ph., Stenographer Brazelton-Pryor Lumber Co., 1623 Vermont St., Waco, Texas. Burleson, Richard A., A. B., Real Estate, 1406 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Carrington, Pauline, M. Ph., Primary Teacher Sul Ross School, 702 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Carter, Vannie (Mrs. W. M. Carroll), M. Ph., 725 Park St., Beaumont, Texas. Collier, Jabez P., A. B., Ranchman, Adrian, Texas. Cunningham, Berta (Mrs. K. S. Beckett), M. Ph., Raton, N. Mex. Eastland, Isabel, M. Ph., Teacher, 118 N. Broadway St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Eastland, Mamie, M. Ph., 118 N. Broadway St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Gleiss, H. C, B. S., Cor. Sec'y Pittsburg Baptist Ass'n., 1726 Concord Ave., Mt. Oliver Station, Pittsburg, Pa. Goddard, Ellen (Mrs. J. E. Robinson), M. A., Sandia, Texas. Jenkins, Josephine (Mrs. G. W. Truett), M. Ph., 5105 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Johnson, Nora (Mrs. E. C. Standefer), M. Ph., 2114 Columbus St., Waco, Texas, Miller, Janie, M. Ph., 6233 Jackson Park, Chicago, 111. tMinor, Myrtle (Mrs. R. A. Lang), M. Ph., Berkeley, Calif. Thompson, Lizzie (Mrs. Thos. C. Rowe), A. B., (Piano 1892), 3402 Travis St. Houston, Texas. CLASS OF 1891 (17) 15 Bloodworth, Ida (Mrs. R. A. Burleson), B. L., 1406 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Brown, Jessie (Mrs. J. B. Johnson), M. A., 1724 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Burroughs, Arthur Clifton, A. B., Baptist Minister, Mineral Wells, Texas. 34 Bailor UnviersitD Bulletin— Alumni Directory Burroughs, Prince E., A. B., (D, D. 1908), Educational Sec'y Southern Bap- tist Sunday School Board, 1901 Belmont Ave., Nashville, Tenn. Darwin, Georgia (Mrs. A. B. Stanford), B. L., Lorena, Texas. Davidson, Maggie (Mrs. R. J. Putney), B. L., Eagle Lake, Texas. Goldsby, Dettye (Mrs. Pickens), Madden and Co., Ardmore, Okla. Hearn, Roy, A. B., Cotton Merchant, Colonel State Militia, 238 W. Woodlawn Ave., San Antonio, Texas. Johnson, Jesse Breland, A. B., Professor of Mathematics Baylor University, 1724 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Kendrick, Minnie, B. L. (A. B. 1914), Teacher Sanger Avenue School, 27th & Morrow Sts., Waco, Texas. Lively, Hiram F., A. B., Attorney at Law, 5105 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. McGown, Sallie (Mrs. Joe Harlan), B. L., Route 3, Calvert Texas. Simpson, Sallie B. (Mrs. 0. C. Pouns), M. Ph., (Piano 1891), Daingerfield. Texas. Standefer, Sue (Mrs. F. D. Bradley), B. L., 3718 Prospect Ave., Kansas City, Mo. Woods, A., A. B. Teacher, Carlton, Texas. CLASS OF 1892 (13) 13 Ball, Jennie L. (Mrs. C. L. Cyrus), B. S., 702 Featherstone St., Cleburne, Texas. Ball, William P., B. S., Physician and Surgeon, Cleburne, Texas. Bourland, Joseph Wilbur, A. B., Physician, Professor of Obstetrics and Gyn- ecology, Southern Methodist Univ., Dallas, Texas. Cocke. J. Walter, A. B., Attorney at Law, 617 Columbus St., Waco, Texas. Dyer, Lucile (Mrs. Robt. R. Patterson), B. L., Gunter Hotel, San Antonio, Texas. Forrester, William H., A. B., Attorney at Law, 2115 Barnard St., Waco, Texas. tHutchinson, Lola, B. L. Johnson, Ruby (Mrs. R. T. Cannon), B. L., Lufkin, Texas. Mims, Louis B., B. S., Fuel and Timber Agent Sunset Central Lines, 1417 Rusk Ave., Houston, Texas. Scarborough, Lee Rutland, A. B., (D. D. 1908), Assistant to the President, Professor of Evangelism Southwestern Baptist Theological Semi- nary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Scarborough, Martha Douglass (Mrs. Geo. W. McDaniel), A. B., (A. M. 1894). West Grace St., Richmond, Va. Scale, Annie (Mrs. W. A. Harris), M. A., Richmond College, Richmond, Va. Woodward, Eva (Mrs. Long), B. L., Denton, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 35 CLASS OF 1893 (17) 13 Adams, Alma (Mrs. A. K. Stone), A. B., Jasper, Texas. Blair, Hettie (Mrs. Geo. C. Baker, Jr.), B. S., Music Teacher, Richmond, Texas. Brian, William T., A. B., Yoakum National Bank, Yoakum, Texas. Brooks, Samuel Palmer, A. B., President Baylor University, 1024 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Cantwell, James William, A. B., (A. M. 1903), Superintendent City Schools, 2215 Alston Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Edmondson, Mozelle (Mrs. J. W. Avery), A. B., Brookshire, Texas. Gaines, Bettie (Mrs. W. G. Sears), B. S., 1803 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas. Griffeth, Ladye Kathleen (Mrs. C. T. Bailey), A. B., 1032 Price Ave.. Colum- bia, S. C. Looney, Ruby D., Teacher Hemphill School, West End, Birmingham, Ala; 1620 Jefferson Ave., Ensley, Ala. McClelland, William Henry, A. B., County Judge Upshur County, Gilmer, Texas. Powell. John Rush, A. B., Principal Soldan High School, 5467 Maple Ave., St. Louis, Mo. Ralston, Eulalia (Mrs. J. K. Marrs), A. B., Abilene, Texas. Townsend, Ernest Gale, A. B., Dean and Professor of Bible, Baylor College. Belton, Texas. CLASS OF 1894 (7) 7 Harris. George Winfield, B. L., (M. L. 1897; A. M. 1910), Supt. Public Schools, Gatesville, Texas. Magee, W. E., A. B., Stock Farmer, R. F. D., Bruceville, Texas. Nabors, W. A., A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Commission Merchant, Winnsboro, Texas. Neff. Pat M., A. B., (A. M. 1899), Attorney-at-Law, President Board of Trustees Baylor University. 2110 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas. Pyle, Jay C, B. L., Superintendent City Schools, Sherman, Texas. Selvidge, George Pendleton, A. B., (A. M. 1897), President Selvidge Business College, Ardmore, Okla. Warren. David Cassius, B. S., (A. M. 1902), Farm Demonstrator U. S. Agri- cultural Dept., Midland, Texas. CLASS OF 1895 (17) 16 Brian, Edna (Mrs. H. P. Gamble), A. B., 1009 Webster St., New Orleans. La. Bryan, James Wesley, A. B., Member U. S. Congress, Frye Hotel, Seattle, Wash. Bryan, Lyman, B. L., Asst. Mgr. Packard Motor Car Co., 3612 Duvall Ave., Walbrook, Baltimore, Md. Carter, Jacob Wolfe, A. B., Supt. of Public Instruction La Salle Parish, Jena, La. 36 Bailor Universiti; Bulletin — Alumni Directory Claypool, Thaddeus Hugh, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics Baylor Academy, Burleson Hall, Waco, Texas. Darling, Grace, B. L., Teacher Jones School, 903 Walker Ave., Houston, Texas. Denison, Edward Everett, A. B., B. L., Attorney-at-Law, Marion, 111. Graves, Daniel Elbert, A. B., Banker, Gatesville, Texas. Johnson, Finis Ewing, B. L., Attorney-at-Law, Cleburne, Texas. Lattimore, John Compere, B. S., (M. S. 1899), Superintendent City Schools, 1124 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Steed, Dayton Burleson, B. L., County Judge Grayson County, 1703 S. Wal- nut St., Sherman, Texas. Suits, Thomas J., A. B., Post Office Clerk, 2124 Lasker Ave., Waco, Texas. Warren, Cora V. (Mrs. Eugene Wood), B. L., 508 Mulberry St., Abilene, Texas. Warren, Gustavus Ericson, A. B., Real Estate, Corpus Christi, Texas. Wood, Eugene Bernal. A. B., Real Estate, 508 Mulberry St., Abilene, Texas. CLASS OF 1896 (23) 23 Adams, James Frank, A. B., Hale, Halsell Grocery Co., Durant, Okla. Battle, Waddey Wingfield, A. B., Principal High School, Lampasas, Texas. Brown, Terry Wiley, A. B„ Farmer, Normangee, Texas. Bryan, Lera Lavinia, B. L., Stenographer, 1406 Dallas, Ave., Houston, Texas. Carroll, Francis Edgar, B. S., Rice Irrigation, 684 Park St., Beaumont, Texas. Cole, Abram Thornton, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Clarendon, Texas. Connally, Thomas Terry, A. B. (Expression 1896), Attorney-at-Law, Marlin, Texas. Davis, Emma Leslie (Mrs. Louis A. Miller), B. L., Teacher, Weatherford, Okla. Early, Alice Faye (Mrs. W. A. Hamlett), B. L., Austin, Texas. Goerner, Henry Louis, A. B., Head Department of Mathematics, Oak Cliff High School, 213 S. Ewing St., DaUas, Texas. Hamlett, William Alexander, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Austin, Texas. Hanrick, Nannie Leslie (Mrs. H. M. Coleman), B. L., Mineral Wells, Texas. Held, John Adolphus. A. B. (A. M. 1905). Pastor First Baptist Church, San Marcos, Texas. James. Clarke, B. L. (Expression 1896), Treasurer Province of Bohol Tagbil- aran, Bohol, P. I. Johnson, Virgie Graham, B. S., Teacher, Lancaster, Texas. Nance, Nell (Mrs. Lewis H. Davenport), A. B.. 3650 Eleventh St., N. W., Washington, D. C. Pierson, Alice (Mrs. D. R. Couch), B. L., Aspermont, Texas. Pierson, William, B. L. (Expression 1896), District Judge, Greenville, Texas. Scarborough, Dorothy, A. B. (A. M. 1899), Instructor in English, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 37 Walne, Belle, B. L., Teacher, Live Oak and Carroll Sts., Dallas, Texas. White, Maude Trigg (Mrs. Earl Rawlins), B. L., Lancaster, Texas. Wofford, Sallie John (Mrs. Chas. H. Coleman), B. L., A. B., Athens, Texas. Worley, Lillie (Mrs. I. G. McGee), A. B. (Piano 1895; Voice 1896), Anson, Texas. CLASS OF 1897 (19) 19 Cowan, Willis Carroll, A. B., Teacher, Prairie Lea, Texas. Cunningham, Mamie (Mrs. J. L. H. Hawkins), B. S., Clinton, Okla. Duncan, Ellen (Mrs. R. R. Harwell), B. L. (M. L. 1900), 912 Cleveland Ave., Sherman, Texas. Eastland, James Hiram, B. L., Physician, 404 North Wichita St., Mineral Wells, Texas. Hearne, William Franklin, B. L., County Clerk, Mangum, Okla. Jenkins, Annie (Mrs. W. E. Sallee), B. S., (M. S. 1899), Missionary, Kaifeng, Honan, China. Jones, David Merritt, B. S., Farmer, Paducah, Texas. Lattimore, Bertha Woodfin (Mrs. G. C. Butte). A. B. (Piano, Voice 1897), Austin, Texas. Lurapkins, James Claude, B. L., (Ph. M. 1902), County Judge Ellis County, Waxahachie, Texas. McDonald, Carrie Lee (Mrs. W. H. Prince), B. S., Box 139, Oakland, Calif. McDonald, Julius Flake, A. B., Professor of History and Political Science, Simmons College, Abilene, Texas. McGee, Irwin Green, A. B., Superintendent of Schools, Anson, Texas. Smith, Harvey Carroll, A. B., Pastor Memorial Baptist Church, Temple, Texas. Smith, Simpson Wilson, A. B., Baptist Minister, Plainview, Texas. Staten, Adolphus Burleson, B. S., Physician, 917 Montana St., El Paso, Texas. Steele, Ella Orlena (Mrs. D. M. Jones), A. B. Paducah, Texas. Truett, George W., A. B., (D. D. 1900), Pastor First Baptist Church, 5105 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Tunnell. Maude (Mrs. M. E. Chambers), A. B., (Voice 1896; Piano 1897), Marlin, Texas. Willis, Louise Edrington, A. B., Cashier Baylor University, 1020 S. Fifth St.. Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1898 (20) 19 Bizzell, William Bennett, B. S., (Ph. B. 1900), President College of Industrial Arts, Denton, Texas. Busby, Oliver F.. A. B., 1420 Belmont Ave., N. W., Washington, D. C. Carroll, Charles Chauncey, B. L., (Expression 1897), Pastor Baptist Church, Winchester, Ky. 38 Baglor University Bulletin — Alumni Directoiv Cox, Benjamin Lafayette, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1435 N. Fifth St, Abilene, Texas. Davis, Wilbur Claudius, A. B., District Attorney, Bryan, Texas. Edmondson, Bessie Estelle (Mrs. C. R. Taylor), B. S., Stamford, Texas. Griffith, Kate, A. B., Assistant Professor of German Baylor University, 1422 S. Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Hargrove, Pinckney Settle. A. B., (Expression 1897), Principal Preparatory School. 110 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Jones, William Moses, A. B. (Expression 1898), Attorney-at-Law, Lecturer Medical Jurisprudence, Baylor Medical Dept., 4304 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Kendrick, Edwin Ish, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1806 Decatur St., Houston, Texas. Kimkall, lone Ethel, B. L., Belton, Texas. Lovelace, Carl, B. S., Physician, 420 Speight St., Waco, Texas. McDaniel, George White, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Richmond, Va. Murphree, Martha Jane (Mrs. W. C. Kingley), A. B., Garland, Texas. Murphree, Robert David, B. S., Bookkeeper Garland State Bank, Garland, Texas. Porter, Samuel Graham, A. B., Irrigation Engineer, Department of Interior, Calgary, Canada. Ray, John Arthur, A. B., American Consul, Sheffield, England. Robbins, Claudia Irene (Mrs. T. H. Claypool), A. B., Superintendent Burleson and Brooks Halls, Baylor Univ., Waco, Texas. Rodes, Mary Red (Mrs. G. W. Carr), B. L., Navasota, Texas. CLASS OF 1899 (21) 20 Boggess, Albert, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1715 Columbus St., Waco, Texas. Bowen, William Daniel, A. B., Baptist Minister, Aransas Pass, Texas. Compere, Edward Lyon, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, 424 N. Market St., Shawnee, Okla. Cranfill, Leona Mabel, A. B., (Piano 1897), 5215 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Texas. Crouch, Austin, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Murphreesboro, Tenn. Duncan, Marcus Homer, A. B., Superintendent of Schools, Pauls Valley, Okla. Elder, Janie (Mrs. M. L. Moore), A. B., (Expression 1897), 1412 Fifth Ave., Los Angles, Calif. Farmer, Robert Elijah Lee, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Hereford, Texas. Hamilton, Robert Houston, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Port Lavaca, Texas. Hillsman, Walter Thomas, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Kaufman, Texas. Kendall, Margaret Lucretia, B. L., (Piano 1897), Pianoforte Instructor Bay- lor University, 1328 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. McKamey, John William, A. B.. Farmer and Merchant, Port Lavaca, Texas. McKamey, Myrtle Eliza (Mrs. R. H. Hamilton), A. B., Port Lavaca, Texas. Mainer, Thomas Nelms, A. B., Baptist Minister, Lovelady, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 39 Malone, Abiram Leland, A. B., Colporter at large for Baptist General Con- vention of Texas, Carthage, Texas. Martin, Charles Love, B. L, Farmer, Westover, Texas. Pace, Annie, B. L., Literary Adviser and Editor, G. W. Dillingham Pub. Co., 12 East 22nd St., New York. Rawlins, Alma (Mrs. W. H. Lamar), B. L., 1316 N. Carroll Ave., Dallas, Texas. Thomas, Charles Graham, A. B., Lumberman, Lewisville, Texas. White, Lula Pearl (Mrs. A. D. Hardin), B. L., 5220 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1900 (18) 18 AUdredjie, Eugene Perry, A. B., (A. M., 1901; Th.B., 1903), Pastor Immanuel Baptist Church, 1004 Bishop St., Little Rock, Ark. Bizzell, William Bennett, Ph. B., (B. S. 1898), President 0)llege of Indus- trial Arts, Denton, Texas. Cross, Willie Lelia (Mrs. J. E. Newman), B. L., 2409 High St., Little Rock, Ark. Davis, Francis Clark, B, S., Stock Farmer, Frisco, Texas. Dow. Rosalind May (Mrs. R. A. Kee), B. L., (Piano 1899), R. F. D. 1, De Leon, Texas. Edwards, Eldo Eugene, Ph. B., Sec'y Good Roads Department, Sec'y Texas, State Automobile Assn., Chamber of Commerce, Fort Worth, Texas. Greer, Margaret Foster (Mrs. Nat Harris), B. S., Waco, Texas. Harris, Nathaniel, A. B., Attorney at Law, Waco, Texas. Hill, Mim, B. S., Superintendent City Schools, Duncan, Okla. Kendall, Lela Estelle, B. S., Kendall Dry Goods Co., Clovis, N. Mex. Lott, Mark Eugene, B. S., B. L., Physician, and Professor of Therapeutics, Baylor Medical Dept.; 910-911 S. W. Life Bldg., Dallas, Texas. McLendon, Edgar, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Graham, Texas. Martin, Dock K., B. S., Life Insurance, Itasca, Texas. Moore, Minor Lee, B. L., Attomey-at-Law, 1412 Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Roberts, Fred B. L., (Ph. B. 1904), Real Estate, Agua Dulce, Texas. Smith, Daniel Edward, Ph. B., B. L., Attomey-at-Law, Arkadelphia, Ark. White, Byrd Earl, A. B., Attomey-at-Law, Lancaster, Texas. White, William Tumey, A. B., Physician, 1526 Hughes Circle, Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1901 (18) 17 Bell, Robert Emmett, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Bowie, Texas. Carroll, Benajah Harvey Jr., A. B., American Consul, Venice, Italy. Crouch, Eugene Woodward, Ph. B., Wholesale Grain and Mill Business, Mc- Gregor, Texas. 40 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Director]) Earle, Hallie, B. S. (M. S. 1902; M. D. 1907), Pathologist and Gynecologist, Torbett Sanitorium, Marlin, Texas. Gaddy, LiUian Clay (Mrs. J. F. Norris), Ph. B.. Fort Worth, Texas. Glass, Wiley B., A. B. Missionary, and Professor of Old Testament Bush Theological Seminary, Hwanghien, Shantung, China. Hornor, Vara Edmondson, B. S., Teacher in Grammar School, Waco, Texas. Jack, Alta Ella, A. B., Instructor in Baylor Academy, 1422 S. Eighth St.. Waco, Texas. Maxwell, John, A. B., City Attorney, 1506 Amicable Bldg., Waco, Texas. Nash, Joseph Mitchell, B. S., Merchant, 819 N. Seventeeth St., Waco, Texas. Simonds, James Persons, A. B., Associate Professor of Pathology in North- western University Medical School, 5052 Blackstone Ave., Chicago, 111. Talley, Joseph Barto, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 203 E. French Ave., Temple, Texas. Walne, Walter Hillman, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, No. 3 Burlington Apart- ments, Houston, Texas. Weddington, Arthuisa, Ph. B., High School Latin, Bryan, Texas. Wells, Dollie (Mrs. C. F. Winn), B. S., 108 E. University St., Waxahachie, Texas. Winn, Clyde Fleetwood, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, Waxahachie, Texas. Wood, Josh, B. S., Citizens National Bank, Abilene, Texas. CLASS OF 1902 (24) 23 Battle, May Belle (Mrs. C. Edwin McCool), B. L., (Piano 1900), Alpine, Texas. Batson, Joseph Thomas, A. B., Merchant, Marlin, Texas. Brittain, William Elbert, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Ennis, Texas. Dancer, Benjamin Franklin, A. B., Real Estate and Loans, 1420 S. Eleventh St.. Waco, Texas. Edwards, Lena Lee, A. B., High School History and English, McGregor, Texas. Fisher, Ck)rinne, B. L., (Piano 1900), Waelder, Texas. Fulbright, Rufus Clarence, Ph. B., (Ph. M. 1905), Attomey-at-Law, 1510 Missouri Ave., Houston, Texas. Green, John Hamilton, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 3146 W. 38th Ave., Denver, Colo. Hartfield, Zuma Rice (Mrs. S. C. Hohnes), Ph. B., Alpine, Texas. Jones, Joseph Marion, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Britton, Okla. Jones, Lizzie Carroll (Mrs. Joseph Pearce), Ph. B., Westminster, Texas. Kendall, Sara Rose (Mrs. B. B. McReynolds), B. L. (Voice 1901), Teacher, 1328 South Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Lattimore, Samuel Harrison, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 219 N. Eleventh St., Muskogee, Okla. Lindsey, Margaret May, Ph. B., Teacher, Gatesville, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 41 McCarty, Milburn, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, San Angelo, Texas. Miller, James Jackson, B. S., 4305 Sycamore St., Dallas, Texas. Payne, Oscar C, A. B., Assistant Editor Farm and Ranch, 3617 Travis St., Dallas, Texas. Pearce, Joseph, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Westminster, Texas. Pool, Jessie Burgess, Ph. B., Merchant, Grand Saline, Texas. Richey, Harvey Mac, B. L., Attorney-at-Law, 224 N. Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Scofield, Houston, Ph. B., Farmer, 404 E. Second St., Hillsboro, Texas. Slaughter, C. C. Jr., Ph. B., C. C. Slaughter Cattle Co., 3509 Worth St., Dallas, Texas. Weatherby, Oscar Morris, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 600 N. Nineteenth St., Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1903 (26) 26 AUdredge, Eugene Perry, Th. B. (A. B. 1900; A. M. 1901), Pastor Immanuel Baptist Church, 1004 Bishop St., Little Rock, Ark. Boggess, Annie Lou (Mrs. J. F. Kimball), A. B. (Piano 1901), Dallas, Texas. Brooks, Thomas Dudley, A. B., Superintendent City Public Schools, 416 E. Walnut St., Hillsboro, Texas. Buck, Nellie Faulkner, Ph. B., Teacher, 1824 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Carpenter, Anise Lovenia (Mrs. C. J. Green), Ph. B., Mart, Texas. Carroll, William Gilbert, B. L., Electrical Contractor, 1918 Bennett Ave., Dal- las, Texas. Clegg, Jessie (Mrs. J. B. Gibson), B. L. (Piano 1901; Violin 1903), Trinity, Texas. Crouch, Arthur Buford, Ph. B., Wholesale Grain Dealer, Temple, Texas. French, Eleanor Irene (Mrs. J. L. Foosher), Ph. B., 3920 Houston St., Green- ville, Texas. Gates, Isaac Edgar, Ph. B., President Wayland College, Plainview, Texas. Grant, Pet (Mrs. B. W. Vining), Ph. B., Mexia, Texas. Halbert, Ada Ben (Mrs. L. S. Graham), B. S., 402 Westmoreland, Houston, Texas. Halbert, Olive May, Ph. B., Teacher Sul Ross School, 1201 Jefferson ' St., Waco, Texas. Head, James Lloyd, Ph. B., High School Science, Temple, Texas. Jeter, Alfa (Mrs. J. H. Eastland), Ph. B., Mineral Wells, Texas. Lockett, Basil Lee, A. B., Medical Missionary, Oyo, Southern Nigeria, via Lagos, West Africa. McDonald, George Washington, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Nor- mangee, Texas. Matthews, Gertrude (Mrs. C. S. Motisher), Ph. B., 1113 State St., Albany, N. Y. Maxwell, Otis Allen, B. S., Superintendent Agencies Texas Fidelity and Bonding Company, 1106 N. Sixteenth St., Waco, Texas. 42 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Director}) Morris, Thomas Margermon, Ph. B., Physician, Hubbard, Texas. Nash, Elihu Reuel, Jr., B. S., Lumberman, 1625 Morrow St., Waco, Texas. Reynolds. John Pitts, A. B., Baptist Field Work, Canadian, Texas. Shimmins, Eloise J. (Mrs. J. W. Newbrough), A. B., (Temporarily at 627 Gold St., El Paso, Texas. Vining, Ben Wallace, Ph. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Mexia, Texas. Wayman, James William, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 415 City National Bank Bldg., Galveston, Texas. Wemyss, Ruby Adelle (Mrs. G. M. Sims), B. L., (Voice 1902), Port Arthur, Texas. CLASS OF 1904 (34) 32 Barron, John Hiram, A. B., Ass't Cashier First National Bank, 925 N. Thir- teenth St., Waco, Texas. Barron, Ollie Belle (Mrs. B. H. Warren), A. B.. Goodnight, Texas. Batson, Clifford Lee, A. B., Principal South Waco School, 1821 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Batson. Lida Jane (Mrs. J. G. Toland), Ph. B., Woodsboro, Texas. Bennett, Mary Evelyn (Mrs. Richard McDonald), Ph. B., Normangee, Texas. Benson, James Horatio, A. B., Missionary, Irapuato, Mexico. Casey. Lucy Love (Mrs. C. E. Patterson), A. B., (Expression 1904), Celeste. Texas. Cater, Douglas James, Ph. B., Attomey-at-Law, Kampmann Bldg.. San An- tonio. Texas. Clay. Charles Louis, B. S., Merchant, Moody. Texas. Dawson. Joseph Martin. A. B.. Pastor First Baptist Church, Temple, Texas. Fitzhugh, Mary (Mrs. Arthur Wakefield Slaten), B. L., Fellow University of Chicago, 2614 West 110th Place, Morgan Park, Chicago, 111, Harrison, Olin C, Ph, B., Editor, Seymour, Texas. Hawkins, Lita Rausaline, B. L., (Piano 1901), (Student of Voice and Piano, Leipzig, Germany); Seymour, Texas. Hawkins. Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. L. L. Dantzler), B. L., (Piano 1901), Contral- to, Concertizing, 124 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky. Henderson, Boyce Hicks (Mrs. Horace Wimberly), Ph. B., Yoakum, Texas. Hill, Vernon, Ph. B., Teacher, Midland, Texas. Holt, Judd Brooks, A. B., Minister, and Merchant, Lympia, Texas. Jones, Robert D., B. S., Lumberman, 5316 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. McDonald, Richard, A. B., Lumberman, Normangee, Texas. Mason, William Eugene, A. B.. (A. M. 1905), Pastor Baptist Chnrch, 314 E. Mulberry St., Fort Collins, Colo. Mims, Lee Johnson, A. B., (A. M. 1905; D. D. 1914), Pastor First Baptist Church, Brownwood, Texas. Muirhead, Harvey Harold, A. B., Missionary, Pernambuco, Brazil. Norris, John Franklin, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Fort Worth, Texas. Roberts, Fred. Ph. B., (B. L. 1900). Real Estate, Agua Dulce. Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 43 Shimmins, Celestia Mabel (Mrs. B. A. Reuter), A. B., Aragon, N. Mex. Simmonds, Daisy Lee (Mrs. Nim Hill), B. S., Duncan, Okla. Sims, George Madison, B. S., Superintendent City Schools, Port Arthur, Texas. Smith, Libbie (Mrs. W. L. Alexander), Ph. B., 64 Randolph Place. N. W., Washington, D. C. Surratt. Odo (Mrs. A. K. Moilliett), Ph. B,, Teziutland, Pueblo, Mexico. Walker, Carrie Estelle, Ph. B., Clerk American Baptist Publication Society, 612 N. Grand Ave., St. Louis. Mo. Warren, Benjamin Harry, A. B., (A. M., 1905). Teacher and Minister, Good- night. Texas. Willis, Joe Selman, Ph. B., (First Marston Scholar to Brown University, 1904- 1905); Wholesale Druggist, 617 S. Fourth St., Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1905 (29) 27 Ahrens, Joachim Wilhelm Edward, A. B., Minister, San Antonio, Texas. Anderson, Park Harris, A. B., Missionary, and President Baptist Theological Seminary, Canton, China. Barron, Fred Carlton, Ph. B., Ass't Cashier First National Bank, 1210 Tenth St., Wichita Falls, Texas. Boone, Joseph Prince Jr., A. B., Texas Sec'y for Judson Centennial, Foreign Mission Board, 4030 Junius St.. Dallas. Texas. Brown. Louis Bell Jr., Ph. B., Fakes Furniture Co., 1809 Henderson St., Fort Worth, Texas. Burke, Martha Rebecca (Mrs. W. B. Brown). B. S., (Ph. B. 1907), 2000 Ethel Ave., Waco. Texas. Carroll. Hulen Rufus. A. B.. (Th. B. 1907). Pastor First Baptist Church, Nav- asota, Texas. Clegg. Hettie Johnson (Mrs. J. T. Renfro).B. S.. (M. S. 1906), Trinity, Texas. Cornelius, Eugene Stanley, Th. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Killeen, Texas. Dotson, Pauline Beatrice (Mrs. J. B. Moore), B. L., 876 Pennsylvania Ave., Beaumont, Texas. Guynes, Sara Alyne (Mrs. H. H. Muirhead), A. B., (Piano 1903), Missionary, Pernambuco. Brazil. Harrington, Genoa (Mrs. A. D. Brinkerhoff), B. L., Dallas, Texas. Johnson, Elmore, B. S., Teacher, 159 Arlington St., Jackson, Tenn. Johnson, Eva Maurine (Mrs. R. A. Heffner). Ph. B., Ardmore, Okla. McDonald, John Francis, A. B., Physician, Meridian, Texas. Malone, Gertrude, A. B., High School English, Denton, Texas; 437 S. Twelfth St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Martin, Nora Graves (Mrs. Alexander), B. L., Itasca, Texas. Milam, Louretta, B. L., (Piano 1905), High School English and Latin, Cle- burne, Texas. Morrow, William Samuel, A. B., Bookkeeper Brazelton, Pryor Co., 1905 Mitchell St., Waco, Texas. 44 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Riley, Jessica Trotter (Mrs. Mordis Falkner), Ph. B., Kellum Road, Waco, Texas. Sanders, Minnie (Mrs. E. W. Curling), A. B., Bartlett, Texas. Sewell, William Henry, A. B., (Marston Scholar, Brown University, 1905- 1906), Attorney-at-Law, Higgins, Texas. Slaughter, Alexander Averill, Ph. B., Slaughter-Mayfield Tailoring Ck)., 3515 Worth St., Dallas, Texas. Smith, Isaac Henry, Ph. B., (M. D. 1912), Physician, New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York. Walters, John Thomas, Th. B., Baptist Minister, Judsonia, Ark. Wise, William Porter, A. B., Mgr. Editor County Tribune, Snohomish, Wash. Wynn. William Henry, Th. B., (A. B. 1906), Pastor Baptist Church, Terrell Texas. CLASS OF 1906 (47) 45 Baugh, James Harvey, A. B., (Marston Scholar, 1906-1907), Attomey-at- Law, Brownwood, Texas. Bennett, Mac Leon, Ph. B., County Attorney Leon County, Normangee, Texas. Conner, Walter Thomas, A. B., (A. M. 1908), Professor of Systematic Theol- ogy, S. W. Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Cross, Charles Preston, B. S., Farmer, Magnolia, Ark. Curtis, Mattie J., A. B., Field Secretary of W. B. M. S., 1506 W. 26th St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Davis, Walter Tips, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Rusk, Texas, Donoho, William Stanton, A. B., Professor of English, Decatur Baptist Col- lege, Decatur, Texas. Dunn, Mark M., A. B., High School, Heavener, Okla. Dyess, Arthur Delma, Ph. B.. County Attorney Bell Ck)unty, Temple, Texas. Eastland, Doyle Lee, B. S., Physician, 1226 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Edwards, Francis Marion, Th. B., (Expression 1906), Missionary, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Fisher, John B., A. B., B. S., Real Estate, 910 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Fulbright, George Smith, A. B. (Expression 1906; Student, Boston School of Expression); Port Lavaca, Texas. Garnett, Henry Milton, Th. B„ (Expression 1906), Missionary, San Saba, Texas. Garrett, Sallie Lou (Mrs. C. L. Batson), B. L., (Piano 1903), 1821 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Gk)och, Wilbur T., B. S., (M. S. 1908), Professor of Chemistry Baylor Univer- sity, 808 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Graham, Minnie Belle, A. B., Principal of School, Silver Valley, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 45 Gulledge, Edna Earl (Mrs. D. C. Johnson), B. L., B. M., (Piano 1904), San Marcos, Texas. Higginbotham, Louise Harris (Mrs. E. R. Nash Jr.), B. L., 1625 Morrow St., Waco, Texas. Higginbotham, Nina Belle (Mrs. Offa Boggess), B. L., 5208 Gaston Ave., Dal- las, Texas. Home, Blanche Ethel (Mrs. W.T. (Conner), A. B., Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Isbill, Lola May (Mrs. W. H. Sewell), Ph. B., Higgins, Texas. Keith, Benjamin F., Ph. B., High School Principal, Belton, Texas. Kendrick, Hester, Ph. B., Route No. 5, Waco, Texas. King, Eustace Eugene Jr., Ph. B., Real Estate, F. & M. National Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. Lester, Commodore Dunlap, B. S., Banker, Lubbock, Texas. Lockett, William Bate, B. S., Orchardist, 1010 N. Broadway, Santa Ana, Calif. McDonald, Charles Andrew, A. B,, Druggist and Jeweler, Stephenville, Texas. McDowell, Marion Leon, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Gatesville, Texas. Moody, Clara, B. L., Teacher Royse City, Texas; Bentonville, Ark. Mosteller, Edna Elizabeth, A. B., Teacher of History and Civics, Burleson College, 2622 College St., Greenville, Texas. Provence, Pearl Hazel (Mrs. G. W. Mullins), Ph. B., Columbia University, New York. Robb, Samuel Tom, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 910 Scanlan Bldg., Houston, Texas. Seale, Ernest Talmage, A. B., Court Stenographer, Jasper, Texas. Splawn, W. M. Walter, A. B., Professor of History and Political Science Bay- lor College, Belton, Texas. Surratt, John Edward, Ph. B., Statistician, Chamber of Commerce, Dallas, Texas. Surratt, Marguerite (Mrs. 0. C. Harrison), B. L., Seymour, Texas. Thompson, Paul Gladstone, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Greenville, Texas. Todd, Robert Carroll, B. S., City Tax Assessor and Collector, Waxahachie, Texas. Wilcox, James Meredith, B. S., Retail Lumberman, Box 1623, Dallas, Texas. Williams, May (Mrs. G. P. Herndon), Ph. B., Dublin, Texas. tWilliamson, Jerry Sisson, A. B. Willis, James Davis, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1515 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas. Wofford, Chancey Shepard, Ph. B., Stock Farmer, 210 N. West Line St., Cuero, Texas. Wynn, William Henry, A. B. (Th. B. 1905), Pastor Baptist Church, Terrell, Texas. 46 Bai)lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory CLASS OF 1907 (41) 40 Bagby, Taylor Crawford, A. B., Baptist Minister, Kilmarnock, Va. Barron, Cecil Thornton, B. S., Cashier Southern Implement Supply Co., Dal- las, Texas. Bolton, Gussie Annie (Mrs. Potter Kemper), B. L., 823 S. Fourth St., Waco, Texas. Bradley, Nora Virina, Ph. B., Teacher Bailey School, El Paso, Texas. Buck, Sudie, B. S., High School Teacher, Temple, Texas. Burke, Martha Rebecca (Mrs. W. B. Brown), Ph. B. (B. S. 1905), 2000 Ethel Ave., Waco. Texas. Burkhalter, Frank Eli, Ph. B., Managing Editor Waco Morning News, 614 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Carpenter, William Allen, B. S., Real Estate, 903 Amicable Bldg.. Waco, Texas. Carroll, Hulen Rufus, Th. B. (A. B. 1905), Pastor First Baptist Church, Nav- asota, Texas. Clement, Dora Geneva (Mrs. T. W. Talkington), Ph. B., 999 Cartwright Ave., Beaumont, Texas. Dalton, Crate. A. B., Real Estate, Stocks and Bonds, 2022 Parrott St., Waco, Texas. Dodson, John Slack, Ph. B., Banker, Box 505, Imperial, Calif. Dupree, Lucy Virginia (Mrs. W. S. Hays), B. L., Mt. Pleasant, Texas. Gooch, Aubrey Lytton, B. S., Stone Contractor, 1100 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas. Harrell, Jefferson Whitfield, Ph. B., Instructor in Mathematics, Manager Houston-Cowden Halls, Baylor University, 531 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Harrington, Jessie (Mrs. P. S. Durham), B. L., (Art 1906; Piano 1907), 1313 S. Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Hawkins, Joseph Elmer, B. S., Assistant Professor of German, Baylor Uni- versity, Waco, Texas. Herrin, John Quintin, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Clayton, N. Mexico. Higginbotham, Joseph Martin, B. S., Boren-Stewart Grocery Co., 5120 Crutch- er St., Dallas, Texas. Humphries, Louis Kyle, B. L., Teacher, 715 S. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Latham, Madge (Mrs. Banton Moore). Ph. B., 617 W. 138th St., New York. Legett, Jewell (Mrs. J. C. Daniel), A. B., Missionary, Lai Yang, Shantung, China. Legett, Lander Labatt, Ph. B., Real Estate, Corpus Christi, Texas. Lofland, William Thomas, B. S., Principal High School, Hillsboro, Texas. McMinn, Frankie Lillian, B. S., High School History, Weatherford; 719 Vine St., Tyler, Texas. Marshall, James Bennett, A. B., Teacher of History and Science, Palacios, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 47 Massingill, Martin Luther, B. L., Attomey-at-Law, 917 Penn St., Fort Worth, Texas. Meroney, William Penn, A. B., Minister, 1125 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Nelson, William Jackson, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1907-1908), Pastor Baptist Church, Rock Hill, S. C. Parker, Wylie Apton, B. S., First National Bank, Hillsboro, Texas. Smyth, Soula John, B. S., Teller City National Bank, Dallas, Texas. Spencer, Fay Holt (Mrs. J. N. Tucker), B. L., 221 S. Madison St., Enid, Okla. Suhler, Miriam, A. B., High School English, 900 Brazos Place, Waco, Texas. Talkington, Thomas Walton, Th. B. (Th. M. 1908; A. B. 1909), Pastor Park Street Baptist Church, 999 Cartwright Ave., Beaumont, Texas. Taylor, Thomas Hendricks, A. B., Professor of History and Economics, How- ard Payne College, Box 343, Brownwood, Texas. Tirey, Frank Burton, B. L., Attorney-at-Law, 1504-5 Amicable Bldg., Waco, Texas. Vance, John Thomas, A. B., (Expression 1906), Attorney-at-Law, Edna, Texas. Varnell, May (Mrs. P. F. Walton), B. L., 1825 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Wilkirson, Cad Temple, A. B., Assistant Cashier Farmers and Merchants National Bank, Grandview, Texas. Wootters, Leon Blum, B. S., Assistant Traveling Auditor and Bank Examiner, Santa Fe, N. Mex. CLASS OF 1908 (55) 51 Ammons, Evander, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, 237 W. Twentieth St., Houston Heights, Texas. Barron, Elizabeth (Mrs. J. J. McCasland), Ph. B., Josephine, Texas. Benge, Mamie, Ph. B. (Piano 1908), Teacher, Walter, Okla. Bryan, Alva, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1000 N. Nineteenth St., Waco, Texas. Collier, Robert Bailey, Ph. B., Merchant and Farmer, Hearne, Texas. Cotten, Scott, Th. B., Missionary Teacher, El Cristo, Ote, Cuba. Couch, Florence Alice, Ph. B., Bookkeeper, Haskell, Texas. Cross, George Truman, B. S., Sec'y Angelina County Progressive League, Lufkin, Texas. Fonts, Elwood, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1511 Missouri St., Houston, Texas. Freedman, Abe, Attorney-at-Law, 40 Wall St., New York. Garrett, Dora Alberta (Mrs. A. K. Sims), B. L., (Expression 1905), 1811 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Grove. Roxy Harriette, A. B., (Piano 1907), Teacher of Pianoforte and Pipe Organ, Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas. Gulledge, Ola Lee, B. Music. (Piano 1906; Voice 1908), McGregor, Texas. Holt, Georgella (Mrs. Robt. Leazer), A. B., Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Home, William Cecil, A. B., Editor, 701 N. Grandbury St., Cleburne, Texas. Button, Hattie (Mrs. Preston Hunt), Ph. B., B. M. (Piano 1906), 1204 Wood St., Texarkana, Ark. 48 Bailor Unviersit^ Bulletin-^Alumni Directory Kellogg, Clara Louise, Ph. B., Teacher Virginia Intermont College. Bristol, Tenn; Hewitt, Texas. Kendrick, Blanche, B. L. (Expression 1908), Teacher Sanger Avenue School, Route 5, Waco, Texas. King, Walter Blackburn, B. S., Taylor-Hanna- James Grocery Co., 705 Speight St., Waco, Texas. McCasland, John Jackson, B. S., Superintendent Public Schools, Josephine, Texas. McCauley, Mary W. (Mrs. F. 0. Maxwell), Ph. B., 200 East 26th St., Austin, Texas. Mainer, Ella, B. L., Lovelady, Texas. Martin, Emma, B. L., Itasca, Texas. tMartin, Mae, Ph. B. Mason, George Jefiferson, A. B., Superintenent City Schools, Vernon, Texas* Masters, Basil Earl, A. B., Principal High School, Greenville, Texas. Matthews, Harlan Julius, Th. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Decatur. Texas. Meadows, Leon Renfro, Ph. B., Professor of English State Normal, Greenville, N. C. Mendenhall, J. Stanley, B. S., Superintendent Public Schools, Royse City, Texas. Milton, John William, Ph. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Cameron, Texas. Moody, Clyde Rothwell, A. B., (Marston Scholar 1908-1909), Attorney-at-Law, Hemet, Calif. Newbrough, Myrle Almira (Mrs. J. K. Griffith), B. L. (Piano 1908), 627 Gold St., El Paso, Texas. Newman, George Owen, Ph. B., Land Dealer, C!orpus Christi, Texas. Newton, Silas May, Ph. B., Insurance, Fort Worth, Texas. Pace, Julian Harrison, B. L., Pastor First Baptist Church, Dublin, Texas. Payne, William Nathan, A. B., Voice Instructor, Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas. Peterson, Richard, Th. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Broken Arrow, Okla. i Ray, Harvey Carroll, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 211 Fort Worth National Bank Bldg., Fort Worth, Texas. Saunders, William Russell, B. S., Attorney-at-Law, 1506 Amicable Building, Waco, Texas. Sherrod, William Thomas, Th. B., Pastor Baptist Church, 2203 Chadburn St., San Angelo, Texas. Spencer, Mabel (Mrs. J. M. Higginbotham), B. S., 5120 Crutcher Ave., Dallas, Texas. Stapp, Charles Franklin, A. B., Missionary, Caixa 184, Bahia, Brazil. Stone, Arthur Dayton, Ph. B. (Expression 1908), Alpine, Texas. Strother, John Houston, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, 2711 Frederick St., Shreveport, La. Taggart, William Clifton, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Marfa, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 49 Tirey, Everett Homer, A. B. (Expression 1910), Pastor Baptist Church, Teague, Texas. Todd, William Basil, B. S., Attorney-at-Law, 710 Houston St., Fort Worthy Texas. Vance, Claude Morton, Ph. B., Professor of Mathematics and Science, Baylor College, Belton, Texas. Watkins, Marcellus, Ph. B., Ministerial Student, Nevada, Texas. Wilie, Charles Lee, Real Estate and Loans, 922 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Williams, Lillie Alice (Mrs. Lillie Duncan), A. B., Primary Teacher, Celeste, Texas. CLASS OF 1909 (43) 43 Alexander, Mary Charlotte. B. S. (Piano 1908), Student Training School, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Baines, Janet (Mrs. E. D. Brockett), B. S., Itasca, Texas. Bishop, Horace Cleveland, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 1210 Commonwealth Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Bondurant, Stella Mae (Mrs. 0. N. McBride), B. S. (Expression 1909), Teach- er El Paso Schools, Altura, Texas. Brazelton, AUiene Marie, B. L., 306 E. Sixth St., Amarillo, Texas. Carter, Roger Mills, A. B., High School Mathematics, Sherman, Texas. Clegg, Elizabeth Harris (Mrs. Paul Kayser), B. L., 602 Pacific Ave., Houston, Texas. Cotten, Ford, A. B., Assistant Pastor Sherman Street Church. 221 Sherman St., Denver, Colo. Daniel, Annie Lenora, A. B. (Piano 1906), Music Teacher, 1504 S. Ninth St. Waco, Texas. Davis, Florence Alice, B. S., Portland, Texas. Davison, Florence Belle, B. S., Reagan, Texas. Griffith, Muda (Mrs. P. L. Stone), Ph. B., Troy, Texas. Gunn, Margaret Elizabeth (Mrs. J. M. Grain), A. B., Goodnight, Texas. Harrison, Hubert Moulton, A. B. (Expression 1908), City Reporter Dallas News and Evening Journal, 5632 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. Hickman, Fay (Mrs. R. A. Smith), Ph. B., 1515 W. Fifth St., Fort Worth. Johnson, Leslie Leonidas, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Whitesboro, Texas. Jones, Albert Lester, B. S., Student Western Reserve Medical School, 1780 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, Ohio. Jones, Sullivan Ross, Ph. B. (Expression 1906), Interne Providence Sanitarium, Waco, Texas. Kayser, Paul, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 602 Pacific Ave., Houston, Texas. Kyser, Emma Anders (Mrs. G. E. Phillips), B. L., Marlin, Texas. Latham, James Caswell, Ph. B., Ass't Cashier, Dublin, Texas. McElhannon, Joseph Cooper, Ph. B„ High School English, Dallas, Texas. Mallory, Warren Albert, B. S., Cashier Wm. Cameron & Co., 1824 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. 50 Bailor Universitg Bulletin — Alumni Directory Martin, Theodocia, B. L., Teacher in High School, Itasca, Texas. Peek, Clellie Mae, B. S., Teacher, Sul Ross School, Waco; Abilene, Texas. Pierce, Charles Scoggin, A. B., Pastor University Baptist Church, Austin. Texas. Pharr, Lota. B. L., Teacher Columbus Street School, 726 S. Fourth St., Waco, Texas. Potter, Rosa Belle. Ph. B., 1917 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Pulliam, Harriet Gladys. B. L.. Uvalde. Texas. Pulliam, Lenore (Mrs. F. J. Homer), B. L., Uvalde, Texas. Rouse, Elenor (Mrs. Hayden Moore), B. S., Midlothian, Texas. Smith, Jesse Guy, Ph. B., Teacher High School, Corsicana, Texas. Smith, Walker, B. S., Attorney-at-Law. Farmers Bank and Trust Co. Bldg., Magnolia, Ark. Snow, Howard Sylvanus. B. L., Pastor Baptist Church, Oenaville, Texas. St. Clair, James Watson, B. S., Teacher Bryant School for Boys. Fort Worth, Texas. Swindell. Alvin, A. B.. (Marston Scholar 1909-1910), Pastor Baptist Church, Frost, Texas, Talkington, Thomas Walton, A. B., (Th. B. 1907; Th. M. 1908), Pastor Park Avenue Baptist Church, 999 Cartwright Ave.. Beaumont, Texas. Tucker, Moses Tillman, Ph. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Snyder, Texas. Vance, Thames Lovelace. A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Hamilton, Texas. Vamado, Hattie Alma (Mrs. E. G. Garrett), Ph. B., Route No. 1, Reagan, Texas. Walker, Mary Elizabeth, A. B., 701 Center Ave., Brown wood, Texas. Wilkirson, Roy Lee, B. S., Wilkirson & Satterfield Lumber Co., Hillsboro, Texas. Yantis, John Thomas, B. S., Assistant Cashier Brownwood National Bank, Brownwood, Texas. CLASS OF 1910 (53) 53 Ashbum, George Luther, B. S.. High School Mathematics. 5122 Reiger Ave., Dallas. Texas. Balch, James Robert, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Matador, Texas. Baxter, Ivan Elijah, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1910-1911), Farmer, Route No. 2, Virginia, 111. Belew, David Owen, B. S. (Expression 1910), Midlothian, Texas. Boyd, James Cleveland, Ph. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Winters, Texas. Calloway, Charles Otto, Ph. B., High School Mathematics, 824 Speight St, Waco, Texas. Coleman, Albert Thomas, A. B.. Pastor Baptist Church. Looxahoma, Miss. Compere, Wesley Eugene, A. B., Manager Compere Motor Co., Waco, Texas. Dow, Dora Willie (Mrs. D. H. Sullivan), Ph. B., Anson, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 51 Fickett, Harold Lord, B. S., Civil Engineer, Belle Ellen, Bibbs Co., Ala. Fielder, Wilson, A. B., Missionary, Kaifeng, Honan, China. Finch, Princess Emma (Mrs. L. N. Markham), A. B., Longview, Texas. Freeman, Jane (Mrs. Clem Corley), B. L., Winnsboro, Texas. Gantt, Charles Arthur, B. S., Instructor in Mathematics Baylor Academy, Business Manager Baylor Athletic Association, Waco, Texas. Gooch, Joseph Harold, B. S., Architecture, Box 55, Austin, Texas. Halbert, Lillian Katherine, B. S., Architecture, 1201 Jefferson St, Waco, Texas. Harvey, Lela May, Ph. B., Teacher, Valley Mills, Texas. Hayes, Minnie Lee (Mrs. J. B. Tidwell), B. L. (A. M. 1912). 1309 South Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Higginbotham, Lucy Alice (Mrs. W. J. Lang), B. L. (Piano 1909; Voice 1910), 4803 Swiss Ave.. Dallas, Texas. Howard, Cyrus Green, A. B., Pastor First Baptist Church, Marlin, Texas. Hutton, Jessie Etta, B. S., Teacher, Ballinger, Texas. Ingram, Edgar Allen, A. B., Professor of English, San Marcos Baptist Acad- emy, San Marcos, Texas. Isbell, Una Belle (Mrs. W. C. Hauk), B. L. (Piano 1910), McGregor, Texas. Isenhower, Edgar James, A. B. (Expression 1910), Pastor Lee Avenue Bap- tist Church, 2709 Lee St., Houston, Texas. Jent, John William, B. L. (Th. M. 1908), Pastor Baptist Church, Henrietta, Texas. Kellogg, Emily Chapin, Ph. B., Teacher, Hewitt. Texas. Lay. Zola Isabelle (Mrs. Walter Splawn), A. B.. Belton. Texas. Lowry, Leila Lucile (Mrs. S. A. Dunn), B. L.. Normangee. Texas. McDonald. Charles Sanford. Ph. B.. Western Indemnity Insurance C!o., 605 Wilson Bldg.. Dallas. Texas. Mallory, Helen Elizabeth, B. L., Teacher, Pittsburg, Texas. Marks, Rosa, B. L., Crawford. Texas. Martin. George Lee. B. S., Accountant Street Railway Co.. 4846 Swiss Ave., Dallas. Texas. Mersereau. Edward Burkhart. Ph. B., Instructor in German. Wayland Acad- emy, Beaver Dam, Wise; 1047 N. Bois d'Arc St., Tyler, Texas. Moffett, William Charles, A. B. (Expression 1910), Ministerial Student, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Moore, Hayden, B. S., Member of Legislature Ellis County, Midlothian, Texas. Moseley, Cubelle Cornelia, Ph. B., High School History, Paris, Texas. Murphree, Gary William, A. B., Professor of Greek and History, Decatur Bap- tist College, Decatur, Texas. Newton, Mitylene, B. L., 616 N. Peak St., Dallas, Texas. Palmer, Garrett Earl, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law. Comanche, Texas. Peters, Oscar William, Ph. B., Merchant, Blum, Texas. Potts, John Orren, Ph. B. (Expression 1909), Teacher, Bowie, Texas. Punchard, Otis William, Ph. B., Stock Farmer, Mart, Texas. 52 Bailor Universitp Bulletin— Alumni Directory Robertson, Bessie Lea, Ph. B., High School Teacher, Alice, Texas. Rogers, John Clinton, Ph. B., Assistant Cashier First State Bank, Mart, Texas. Sallee, Hannah Fair, A. B., Missionary, 179 N. Szechuen Road, Shanghai, China. Smith, Spurgeon, B. S., Teacher Southwest Texas Normal, San Marcos, Texas. Spencer, Harry Lee, B. L. (Piano 1909) Lumberman, 2425 Colcord, Ave., Waco, Texas. Splawn, Jennie Lillian, Ph. B., Instructor in English and German, Burleson College, Greenville, Texas. Stribling, Davis Gurley, Ph. B., Insurance, 2326 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Tarrant, Murtel Denise (Mrs. C. R. Dancer), Ph. B., 2506 Chartres St., Hous- ton, Texas. Tirey, Thomas Henry, Ph. B. (Expression 1910), Attomey-at-Law, Maypearl Texas. Wallace, Frank, A. B., Editor, Bridgeport, Texas. Watkins, Laura Ellen (Mrs. E. A. Huguley), Ph. B. Richardson, Texas. CLASS OF 1911 (64) 64 Adams, Ernest Tolbert, A. B. (Rhodes Scholar, Oxford, England, 1911-1914), Attorney-at-Law, Glenrose, Texas. Alexander, Fannie Laura, A. B., Teacher in High School, San Marcos, Texas. Anderson, Mary, B. M. (Piano 1909; Voice 1911; Pipe Organ 1912), Music Teacher, 2020 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Arbuckle, Agnes, A. B., High School Librarian, 714 N. Twelfth St., Waco, Texas. Barron, Oran James, B. L., Wholesale Grain Dealer, Athens, Texas. Bell, Marvin DeWitt, A. B., Student Baylor Medical Dept, Route 2, Dublin, Texas. Brindley, Hanby Sparkman, A. B., Farmer, Maypearl, Texas. Bunkley, Thelbert Forney, A. B., Student State Medical College, Seymour, Texas. Cade, Kathleen, B. L., Caldwell, Texas. Carroll, Charles Mixon, A. B., Salesman Magnolia Petroleum Ck)., 942 Park St., Beaumont, Texas. Clegg, Erma Fay. A. B., Teacher, Trinity, Texas. Couch, Quest Ck)mpere, B. L. (Expression 1909), Clerk First State Bank and Trust Co., Abilene, Texas. Crowder, Joseph Wade, A. B., Ass't Professor of English Bible, Southwest- em Theological Baptist Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Daniel, Zonetta Almand, A. B., High School Latin, Ladonia, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 53 Daniel, Zou Steele, B. L. (Expression 1907), Teacher Central Grammar School, 1504 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Dillard, Maud (Mrs. John Simmons), A. B. (Expression 1907), Midlothian, Texas. Drennan, Harriet Brown, A. B., High School Latin, Marlin, Texas. Dromgoole, Willie Belle, A. B., Teacher, 1901 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Eastland, Noema Euphemia, B. L., 1226 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Edmondson, Bob Wood, A. B., Teacher Cleburne High School, Brookshire, Texas. Flook, Hattie May, A. B., Garland, Texas. Fonts, John Martin, A. B., Waco, Texas. Fulbright, Alfred Haywood, A. B., Principal Palestine High School; Port Lavaca, Texas. Gallagher, John Sears, A. B. (Student Massachusetts Institute of Technol- ogy), 2024 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas. Hale, Thomas N., A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Bearden, Tenn. Hardin, Mavit (Mrs. 0. J. Barron), A. B., Athens, Texas. Harris, Bertie Victoria (Mrs. H. L. Spencer), A. B., 2425 Colcord Ave., Waco, Texas. Head, John Howard, Ph. B., Principal High School, Taylor, Texas. Hefley, Riley Lon, A. B., U. F. Co., Colorado; S. Honduras, Central America. Henry, Dero L., A. B., Inspector Sears Roebuck Co.; Y. M. C. A., Dallas, Texas. Hitchcock, Buna, A. B., High School Teacher, Comanche, Texas. Isbill, Henry Grady, A. B., Farmer, McGregor, Texas. Jenkins, James R., A. B., Law Student, 1906 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Keeling, Annie Katherine, A. B., Teacher, Stamford, Texas. McCall, John Dean, A. B., Law Student University of Texas, Willis, Texas. Mcllroy, Lily Amanda, A. B., Instructor in English, Baylor Academy, Waco, Texas. Mclver, John Archie, A. B. (Expression 1911), Lexington, Texas. Miller, Adolphus Bennett, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, 621 N. Clements St., Gainesville, Texas. Moffett, Rosa E., A. B., High School English, Abilene, Texas. Morris, Clinton Pope, A. B., Missionary, Yinktak, China. Neely, Alma, A. B., Comanche, Texas. Newman, Bertha May (Mrs. C. H. Shaller), B. L. (Expression 1910), Cana- dian, Texas. Phillips, Effie, A. B., Teacher South Waco School, 1816 S. Eighth St.. Waco, Texas. Price, John Milburn, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1911-1912), Field Secretary Eastern Kentucky, Baptist State Board of Missions, 205 E. Chest- nut St., Louisville, Ky. Robinson, Thomas Payne, A. B. (Expression 1911), Eldora, Texas. 54 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Rogers, Fred Terry, A. B. (A. M. 1914), Instructor in Zoology and Physiology Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Rosser, Lonnie Ector, A. B., Professor of Latin and German, Decatur Baptist College, Decatur, Texas. Rowland, Ben, A. B., Missionary, Yingtak, via Canton, China. Russell. William Luther, A. B., High School Mathematics, 3001 Travis Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Sandlin, Walter Algie, A. B., Asssistant Cashier First National Bank, Glen Rose, Texas. Scarborough, William Terry, B. L. (Expression 1911), Attomey-at-Law, Kingsville, Texas. Slaughter, Virgil Boyd, A. B., Bank Cashier, Anna, Texas. Smith, Julia Campbell, A. B., Paris, Texas. Smyth, Earl Brooks, A. B., Assistant Cashier First National Bank, Mart, Texas. Smyth, Texie Milam, A. B., High School History, Clarksville, Texas. Spencer, Samuel Riley, A. B., Instructor in Chemistry and Physics, Manager University Girls' Home, 516 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Strickland, Alexander Con well, A. B., High School Science, Cameron, Texas. Strickland, Lula Culpepper, A. B., Teacher Brook Avenue School, 1900 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Sturdivant, Leslie W., A. B., Insurance, McCrorey, Ark. Ward, Bess, A. B., Teacher Brook Avenue School, Waco, Texas. Wayland, Mabel Clare, A. B. (Voice 1911), Instructor in History, Wayland College, Plainview, Texas. Webb, Lillian Annie, B. L., Bellevue, Texas. Wiebusch, George Hermann Jr., A. B., Cashier M. K. & T. Freight Office, 1201 Austin Ave., Waco, Texas. Williams, Effie, A. B., Teacher, Del Rio, Texas. CLASS OF 1912 (68) 68 Allen, William Sims, A. B. (Student Columbia University), Hico, Texas. Anderson, William Henry, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Daingerfield, Texas- Austin, Louella, A. B., High School History, Cleburne, Texas. Betts, Otsie Vernona, A. B., Teacher, 2009 Ross Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Blair. Martin Stone, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Bartlett, Texas. Brown, Lilybel, A. B., High School English and History, Rockwall, Texas. Bunkley, Foster Hoga, A. B., Merchant, Abilene, Texas. Compere, Thomas Hechigee, A. B., Medical Student, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tenn. Cooke, Emmet Marion, A. B., Georgetown, Texas. Craus, Moxie, A. B., Student Pulitzer School of Journalism, Columbia Uni- versity, New York. Cross, Denzil D., A. B., Merchant, Wellington, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 55 Crosson, Grace, B. L., Teacher, Fort Stockton, Texas. Dickson, Emily, B. L., Primary Teacher, Kings ville, Texas. Dowell, Thomas Carroll. A. B., Bookkeeper Dallas Gas Co., 4112 Bryan St., Dallas, Texas. Dyess, Elma Earl, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Troy, Texas. Farrington, Evan Stanley, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Grapevine, Texas. Freeman, Lucy, A. B., Lovelady, Texas. Frost, Cleo, A. B., Mineral Wells, Texas. Fry, Murdock D., A. B., High School Science, McKinney, Texas. Getty s, Albert C, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Crowell, Texas. Harrell, Oscar Martin, A. B., F. & M. National Bank, Grand view, Texas. Harris, Mattie Mae, A. B., High School English, 1026 Jennings Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Harrison, Will Walworth, A. B., Real Estate and Loans, Greenville, Texas. Hassler, Simeon Oliver, A. B., Abstractor, 3121 Parrott St., Waco, Texas. Henry, Claude M., A. B., Department Manager Sears Roebuck & Co.; Y. M. C. A., Dallas, Texas. Hicks, Rummel Newton, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Throckmorton, Texas. Hill, Lucile, A. B., 1525 Washington St., Waco, Texas. Hudson, William Ernest, A. B., El Campo, Texas. Hutto, Spurgeon R., A. B., Insurance, Gadsden, Ala. Jennings, Homer Origen, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Marlin, Texas. Kyser, Rosalind, A. B., Marlin, Texas. Latham, Alice May, B. L., Dublin, Texas. Lattimore, Halbert S., A. B., Law Student University of Texas, Austin, Texas. Lattimore. John Edens, A. B. (Expression 1911), Student State Medical School, Galveston, Texas. Leazer, Robert William, A. B., Student Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Light, Jesse Warren, A. B., Employee Phillipine Government, Balinag, Bul- acan, P. L Little, William Arthur, A. B., Cashier Mart Lumber Co., Mart, Texas. Long, Frank Edison, A. B., 1410 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. McBride, Warren Martin, A. B., Advertising Manager McBride's Store, Green- ville, Texas. McCall, Daniel Hugh, A. B. (Expression 1910), Instructor Toby's Business College. 1120 Speight St.. Waco. Texas. McClatchy. Wright, A. B., Assistant Cashier Beckham National Bank, Gra- ham, Texas. McGowan, Eva Frances, A. B. (Expression 1910), Rhome, Texas. McNeill, Hattie Virginia, A. B., Valley Mills, Texas. Marrs, Autie Maud, B. L., Teacher High School, Mansfield, Texas. 56 Baglor Unviersi t^ Bulletin—Alumni Directory Mathis, Jacob Ck)lumbus. B. L. (Voice 1912), High School Teacher, Temple, Texas. Moffett, Jesse Franklin, A. B., Merchant, Dilley, Texas. Mosley. Oscar Buford, A. B.. Principal High School, Cisco, Texas. Neel, Bernice Ruth, A. B., Brownwood, Texas. Paxton, Mary, A. B., 240 Hickory St., Abilene, Texas. Percefull, Sabin C, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1912-1913), Teacher. Lawton. Okla. Phillips, Marion Anderson, A. B., Student Southern Baptist Theological Sem- inary, 601 E. St. Catherine St., Louisville, Ky. Powell, Nora, A. B., High School Teacher, Farmers ville, Texas. Sallee, Annie Lee (Mrs. A. E. Brown), Beeville, Texas. Sanderford, Ghent, A. B., Teacher, Grovetown, Texas. Simpson, Natalie Moody, A. B., High School English, Houston Heights, Texas. Skinner, H. L. B., A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Palacios, Texas. Smith, Pauline Loraine, A. B., Teacher, Floydada, Texas. Standefer, Jeannette, A. B., Teacher Sul Ross School, 1421 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Terry, Margaret (Mrs. J. W. Harrell), A. B., Matron Boys' Dormitories, Bay- lor University. 531 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Thompson, Mabel, B. L., Teacher, Rusk, Texas. Waggoner, Huel Elijah, A. B., Minister and Teacher, Center, Texas. Watkins, Clyde Howard, A. B., Principal High School, Dublin, Texas. Whitehead, Bess Loraine, A. B., Teacher. Brady. Texas. Wilson. Maple. A. B.. Law Student. Plain view, Texas. Winfrey, Emma (Mrs. J. C. Mathis), A. B., Temple, Texas. Wolf, Montrose Madison, A. B., Minister, and President Palacios Baptist Academy, Palacios, Texas. Wood, Nina Lynn (Mrs. C. E. Friley), B. L., B. M. (Piano 1910), College Station, Bryan, Texas. Yantis, Manon Catharine, A. B., Brownwood, Texas. CLASS OF 1913 (80) 80 Adams, Ben Hyll, A. B., Proprietor Baylor Taylor and Barber Shop, 504 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Askew, Lucia (Mrs. R. F. Ormsby), B. L. (Expression 1908), Kress, Texas. Atwood, Cletus Pitman. A. B., Bookkeeper Cameron Lumber Co.. Box 106, Paducah, Texas. Baines, Annie, A. B., High School History and English, Gatesville, Texas. Bass, Hardie Cain, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Milford, Texas. Beaumont, Beatrice Christelle (Mrs. J. P. Boyer), A. B., Denver, Colo. Best, Ora, B. L., 1400 S. Fifth St., Waco. Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 57 Bettis, Birdie Fannie (Mrs. J. H. McClain), B. L. (Piano 1912), Student Training School, S. W. Baptist Theol. Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth. Texas. Bracken, William Dowden, A. B., Teacher, Jasper, Texas. Burton, Harley True, A. B., Principal Scranton Academy, Scranton, Texas. Burton, Lenoard Taylor, A. B., High School Mathematics, Lockhart, Texas. Christian, Ela Anna, A. B., Antelope, Texas. Cobb, Thomas Ponton, A. B., High School, Jacksonville, Texas. Comer, Anasue, B. L., Carthage, Texas. Compere, Jessie Lynn, A. B., Teacher, 508 Mulberry St., Abilene, Texas. Dudley, Roy Elliot, A. B. (Expression 1911), Farmer, Valley View, Texas. Easter, Jessie, A. B., High School, Itasca, Texas. Edge, Samuel Walter, A. B. (A. M. 1914), Minister, Bryan, Texas. Evans, Perry Farmer, A. B., Student S. W. Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Fagan, Willoughby Dawson, A. B., Waco Morning News, 1400 N. Thirteenth St., Waco, Texas. Fisher, Frank P., B. L., Traveling Salesman, 1817 Jennings Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Frasher, Wilmoth B., B. L. (Voice 1913), Gainesville, Texas. Germany, Edna, A.B., Teacher, Pecos, Texas; 3403 Lee St., Greenville, Texas. Golden, Martha Rosalie, A. B., Instructor in Spanish Baylor University, 1901 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Graves, Leonard Mercer, A. B., High School, Clarksville, Texas. Grdnlund, Jonas E., A. B., Graduate Student University of Chicago, 6831 S. May St., Chicago, 111. Harrell, William M., Route No. 3, Jonesboro, Ark. Hayes, Ruth (Mrs. F. T. Rogers), A. B., Waco, Texas. Heath, Fannie Vesta, B. L. (Voice 1913), Instructor in Voice, Decatur Bap- tist College, Decatur, Texas. Herring, Edwin Kyser, A. B., Mt. Calm, Texas. Hill, Angle, A. B., High School English, Ck)lumbus, Texas. Hudson, Charles Adolf, A. B., Mineral Wells, Texas. Hudson, Dunker, A. B., General Hardware, Mart, Texas. Hunt, Jaob Napoleon, A. B., Minister and Teacher, Burleson, Texas. Jackson, Bessie, A. B., High School, Honey Grove, Texas. Jackson, Joshua Milton, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1913-1914), High School History, Houston, Texas. Jenkins, Mamie King, B. L., Caldwell, Texas. Johnston, Joseph E. Jr., A. B., Assistant Manager Joe. E. Johnston Co., 2527 McKinney Ave, Dallas, Texas. King, Lina Leota (Mrs. Sidney Putnam), R. F. D., Melrose, N. Mex. McClain, Annie Lida, A. B., Teacher, Claude, Texas. McClain, James Henry, A. B., Ministerial Student Southwest Baptist Theo- logical Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. 58 Bai)lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Mainer, Lucile (Mrs. R. J. McMurrey), B. L., Houston, Texas. Marshall. Louisville, A. B., 1801 S. Eleventh St.. Waco, Texas. Minatra, Clarence Odie, A. B. (Expression 1911). Superintendent Public Schools, Dawson, Texas. Mosley, Charles P., A. B., Director of Athletics. Baylor University, 1410 S. Fifth St., Waco. Texas. Neel, AUie Stephens, A. B., Brownwood, Texas. Nowlin, Watsie Lea, A. B., High School Latin and German, Edna, Texas. Orrick, Andrew W.. A. B., Minister and Teacher, Nopal, Texas. Orrick, Charles Walter, A. B., Student Southwestern Baptist Theological Sem- inary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Paris, Olin E., A. B., Superintendent Public Schools. Wylie, Texas. Pool, Carrie Virginia (Mrs. A. P. Hickson), B. L. (Piano 1910), Waco, Texas. Porter, Mrs. Price Hagan, A. B., Primary Teacher, Hughes Springs, Texas. Porter, William, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Hughes Springs, Texas. Power, Robert Hardin, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1913-1914-1915), Teacher. 152 Congdon St., Providence, R. I. Rathff, Robert Jefferson, A. B., High School Latin, 502 S. Fannie Ave., Tyler, Texas. Ray, Ruth Bodine, A. B., Student Baylor University; Teacher, Bells Hill School, Waco, Texas. Reid, Isla Lillian, A. B., High School Latin and English, Rockdale, Texas. Rogers, Gerome Bryan, A, B., Law Student, S. A. E. Fraternity. Austin. Texas. Routh, Leila Irene, A. B., Instructor in English, Goodnight Baptist Academy. Goodnight, Texas. Rutledge, Charles Herman, A. B.. High School Science, 1118 S. Broadway St., Tyler, Texas. Sherrill, James Winn, A. B., Medical Student Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md. Speed, Bert Weaver. A. B.. Teacher. Gustine, Texas. Spencer, Annie Hazelwood. B. L., 1324 Columbus St., Waco, Texas. St Clair, Clara, A. B.. High School. Decatur. Texas. Sturdivant. Mabel. B. L., Brownwood, Texas. Summerhill, John Thomas, A. B.. Teacher. Itasca. Texas. Swanson. James Austin, A. B., Student S. W. Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Taylor, John Sanford, A. B., Pastor Baptist Church, Greenville, Texas. Thompson. Grace E.. A. B., Greenville. Texas. Tidwell, Sallye Ann, B. L. (Expression 1911), Primary Teacher, Marfa, Texas. Turbyfill, Daniel Theodore. A. B., Teacher. Edna. Texas. Walker Annie Laura, A. B., High School Latin, Hearne, Texas. Liberal Arts Graduates 59 Watson, Dora Ella, A. B., High School Spanish, Cisco, Texas. Wilkirson, Edith, B. L. (Piano 1914), Grandview, Texas. Wilkirson, Zula, B. L. (Piano 1914), Grandview, Texas. Williamson, Pearl, A. B. (Piano 1913), Music Teacher, Dawson, Texas. Wilson, Earl Wallace, A. B., Ranchman, Hereford, Texas Wolf, John Eaton, A. B., Ass't Cashier Citizens National Bank, Rockdale, Texas. Wyatt, Perla Hudson, A. B., Abilene, Texas. Yates, Alonzo Grady, A. B., Cashier General Office Southern Traction Co., 1316 Commercial St., Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1914 (46) 46 Armstrong, Mary Maxwell (Mrs. A. J. Armstrong), A. B., 1406 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Autry, Mahan Blair, A. B., Principal High School, Wellborn, Texas. Barcus, John M., A. B., High School Science and History, Stephenville, Texas. Baten, William Dowell, A. B., Mathematics Teacher and Coach, West High School, West Texas; Greenville, Texas. Belew, George H., A. B., Student Columbia University; Midlothian, Texas. Blount, William Oscar, A. B., Student Columbia Univ., New York. Bodenhamer, Osee Lee, A. B., Instructor San Marcos Baptist Academy, San Marcos, Texas. Boggess, Robert Woodfin, A. B., Higginbotham, Bailey, Logan Co., Dallas, Texas. Buck, Georgia, A. B., High School History, Henderson, Texas. Champion, Sallie A., A. B., Teacher East Waco School, Waco, Texas. Clark, Fred, A. B., General Missionary Falls County, Marlin, Texas. Clay, Eaden Bass, A. B., Instructor Mcllhany Private Academy, Stephen- ville, Texas. Coleman, L. W. Jr., A. B., R. F. D. 3, Dallas, Texas. Cook, James Monroe, A. B., Dean of Faculty, Instructor in History, Bryan Baptist Academy, Bryan, Texas. Edwards, William 0., A. B., Oglesby, Texas. Etter, George, A. B., Route 3, Waco, Texas. Gay, Robert Neil, A. B., 2713 Washington St., Waco, Texas. Gettys, Embry Martin, A. B., Superintendent Public Schools, Chilton, Texas. Griffis, Abbie Conger, A. B., Teacher, McGregor, Texas. Grinstead, William Carter, A. B., Student University of Texas, 3910 Garrott St., Houston, Texas. Hill, Asa Edwin, A. B., Instructor in Mathematics and Bookkeeping, Bryan Baptist Academy, Bryan, Texas. Jack, Eunice, A. B., Burleson, Texas. 60 Bai)lor Unviersitg Bulletin— Alumni Directory Jackson, William Albert, A. B., High School Principal, Meridian, Texas. Kelly. Lois Elaine, Teacher, Venus, Texas. Kendrick, Minnie, A. B., Teacher West Avenue Grammar School, 2715 Mor- row St., Waco, Texas. Kidd, James Arthur, A. B., Student S. W. Baptist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Mansell, Alice, A. B., High School Mathematics, Trinity, Texas. Parkhill, Elizabeth Clifford (Mrs. Jack Smith), A. B., Llano, Texas. Reed, Delila Evaline, A. B., Instructor in Science, Baylor Academy, Waco, Texas. Richardson, Caroline Belle, A. B., Instructor in English, Meridian Methodist College, Meridian, Texas. Rider, Stephen Hendrix, A. B. (Marston Scholar 1914-1915), Graham, Texas. Robinson, Una Lane, A. B., Teacher, Waco, Texas. Rumfelt, Arthur E., A. B., Traveling Salesman, Mel L. Webster Co., Waco, Texas. Shell, Clara Frances, A. B., High School, Grand view, Texas. Smith, Augustus Lewis, A. B., Hillsboro, Texas. Smith, Frederick Adair, A. B., High School Science, Seymour, Texas. Smith, Ira Elmer, A. B., 2325 Washington St., Waco, Texas. Smith, Lenore, A. B., Burleson Fellow Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Sparkman, Ellis H., A. B., Endowment Collector, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Stewart, Charles Richard, A. B., Student S. W. Baptist Theological Semi- nary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Threet, Eva Gertrude, B. L, Route 5, McGregor, Texas. Travis, Eldon Judson, A. B., Real Estate, CoUegeport, Texas. Ward, Byron Lawrence, A. B., Clerk First State Bank, Springtown, Texas. Willett, Roy Carroll, A. B., Clerk Central Texas Exchange Nat'l Bank, Waco, Texas. Williams, Leslie Dunn, A. B., Teacher, San Augustine, Texas. Winston, Alexander Frazer, A. B., Medical Student Colorado University, Boulder, Colo. Bailor University Department of Medicine Dallas, Texas CLASS OF 1901 (14) 14 Bassett, T. R. Bassinger, W. I. Cockrell, E. E. Cockrell, L. L. Eustace, Texas. Gray, A. N. High, William C, Medicine and Surgery, Rexall Store, Maysville, Oklahoma. Hodge, S. R. Huckaby, C. R. Jeter, Thomas M., Fort Worth, Texas. McFerrand, R. W., Childress, Texas. Roberts, L. Robertson, W. H., Frost, Texas. Schoolar, T. M. Spurgin, A. Maurice, Dentist and Oral Surgeon, 404 Flateau Bldg., Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1902 (19) 17 Blackburn, R. Lee, CarroUton, Texas. Boothe, J. E. Dawson, W. D. Du Bose, J. B. Hall, Robert Lee, Physician and Surgeon, Italy, Texas. Hightower, A. T. Logan, W. H. Lowe, John W., Holdenville, Oklahoma. Maddux, Ella M. Martin, A. E. Martin, Simeon S., Georgetown, Texas. Parks, A. Jackson. Ross, Samuel P., Aldrich Building, Ada, Oklahoma. Smartt, M. Polk. Smith, Carl Lee, Obstetrics and Diseases of Children, 506 East Rio Grande St., El Paso, Texas. Thomas, Edward E., Frosa, Texas. Winstead, Leonard A., Loving, Texas. 62 Bai)lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory CLASS OF 1903 (3) 3 Bell, R. B., 1027 Herring Avenue, Waco, Texas. Creagan, Martin V., 1230 Hurley Avenue, Fort Worth, Texas, Lincecum, Addison L., Surgeon, Lincecum Infirmary, El Campo, Texas. CLASS OF 1904 (12) 11 Beatty, George S. Boswell, Andrew H., Spanish Fort, Texas. Gillespie, L. D. Hays, Sterling 0., La Rue, Texas. Hooper, Isaac Wayne, Insurance, Davis, Oklahoma. Hooper, J. L., Denton, Texas. Levine, J. Mackay, Alexander. Moody, T. L. Price, Don, Wilmer, Texas. Wrightsman, E. G. CLASS OF 1905 (35) 34 Austin, John Lewis, Physician and Surgeon, 623 N. Second St., Durant, Okla. Austin, William Gaines, Box 8, Silo, Okla. Beeson, Leigh Chalmers. Brown, John David. Brown, Robert Albert, Prague, Okla. Brown, Robert Lucian. Collins, James Thomas. Davidson, Morris, S. S. Vandyck, Lamport and Holt Line, Pier 8, Brooklyn, New York. Duke, Elijah Whitman, Sipe Springs, Texas. Evans, C. W. Flowers, James Harrell. Howard, W. C. Huffman. J. W. Jones, A. G., Olney, Okla. Lusk, Hamilton Neal, Toyah, Texas. McGowan, William Jefferson, Leonard, Texas. McKissick, Joseph Frank, Arlington, Texas. Parrish, William S. Powell, William Harrison, Palmer, Okla. Roach, Thomas Nelson, Route No. 1, Bettie, Texas. Robinson, Thena. Salter, Jesse M., Hamlin, Texas. Sengstak, Earnest Paul Emil, Hobe Sound, Fla. Smartt, George Pendleton, Manor, Texas. Smith, Cornelius Franklin, Brookeland, Texas. Department of Medicine 63 Smith, G. W. Stephens, L, B. Stewart, Claudius William, Gillsburg, Miss. Sturdivan, Ella, Cave Springs, Ark. Warren, Claude Dearborn, Physician and Surgeon, Kiam Bldg., Houston, Texas. Williams, A. W. WiUiams, T. S. Wyatt, Slater B. Yeary, Walter David. CLASS OF 1906 (8) 7 Bettison, David Lemuel, Physician, and Associate in Ear, Eye, Nose and Throat, Baylor Medical Department, 5020 Junius St., Dallas, Texas, Hanchey, Richard H. Kelly, Joel, Rusk, Texas. Kuehne, Henry F., Walburg, Texas. Stephens, Thomas B. Tsukahara, Kinya, 1308 Main St., Dallas, Texas. Yater, Robert Lee, 101 E. Henderson. St., Cleburne, Texas. CLASS OF 1907 (6) 5 Chapman, John Joseph. Clark, Vester Varden, Estelline, Texas. Earle, Hallie (B. S. 1901; M. S. 1902), Pathologist and Gynechologist, Torbett Sanatorium, Marlin, Texas. Freeman, Robert Murphy, 3915 Bryan St., Dallas, Texas. Sloan, Martin Francis, Superintendent Endowood Sanatorium, Towson, Md. CLASS OF 1908 (11) 11 Bishop, T. v., Medill, Texas. Brinson, Marcus W., Physician and Surgeon, Bennington, Okla. Evans, Donnie L. Fuller, M. Luther, Box 172, Broadshaw, Texas. Homan, David Connor, Oglesby, Texas. McAdon, Lewellyn E. Montgomery, Jason E., Rising Star, Texas. Penrod, Lucian. Rootan, Shelly. Scale, J. J., Teague, Texas. Trimble, William Marshall CLASS OF 1909 (16) 16 Baugh, Verner lona. Beddoe, Robert Earl, Medical Missionary, Yingtak, via Canton, China. Block, Cecil, 318 Wilson Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Cash, W. Auda Vee, 1937 Clinton Ave., Abilene, Texas. Clay, Henry, Physician and Surgeon, 640 Third Ave., Dallas. 64 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directorg C!ompere, Dolphus Edward, Eye, Ear, and Throat Specialist, 508 Wilson Building, Dallas, Texas. De Walt, D. Cessna, Physician Texas State Penitentiary, Otey, Brazoria Co., Texas. Hardin, Abell D., 411 S. W. Life Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Huff, Oscar, Castell, Texas. Liddell, George McAlpin, Route No. 2, Purdon, Texas. McLendon, T. P., Wortham, Texas. Moore, John D. Newsom, Henry Grover, 1710 Allen St., Dallas, Texas. Parish, Irving. Parrish, Eugene Mack, Gainesville, Texas. Shortal, William White, Physician, and Professor of Applied Anatomy, Bay- lor Medical School, 714 Linz Building, Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1910 (9) 9 Barfield, Arthur Zaccheus, Westhoff, Texas. Brandon, Ben Bernard, Edgewood, Texas. Davis, Robert Roe, Goliad, Texas. Gambrell, James Halbert, Physician and Surgeon, and Associate in Opera- tive Surgery, Baylor Medical Department, 714 Linz Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Jarmon, Thomas Marion, Physician and Surgeon, Terrell, Texas. Nance, Lee Maxwell, Physician, and Associate in Gynecology, Baylor Medi- cal Department, 303-305 S. W. Life Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Spivey, Charles Edward. Stricklin, Mark Leonidas, Physician and Surgeon, Gustine, Texas. Whiddon, Rufus Carroll, Box 532, Gainesville, Texas. CLASS OF 1911 (17) 17 Davidson, Jethro D. Davidson, Noah A., Buffalo, Texas. Dozier, Joseph, Vincent, Menard, Texas. Dyson, Thomas N., 302 Wilson Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Ford, Thomas D. Gilbert, J. Lewis, House Physician El Paso County Hospital, 203 Caples Bldg., El Paso, Texas. Green, Francis Collin. Haney, James Henry, Hansford, Texas. Howard, George W., Kingsville, Texas. Jeter, Oliver Ranee. Meadows, William Matcom, Physician and Surgeon, Route 1, Como, Texas. Miller, Erastus L., San Benito, Texas. Patillo, Albert Dickson, Physician and Surgeon, Box 417, Electra, Texas. Robbins, E. Freeman, Jr., 820 Union National Bank Bldg., Houston, Texas. Department of Medicine 65 Rockett, Frederick W. B. Rushing, John G., Center, Texas. Smith, J. Trannie. CLASS OF 1912 (20) 20 Ashcraft, E. Jeff, Kingsville, Texas. Birt, John Bunyan, Harper, Texas. Dorman, Joseph Harold (Ph. G. 1910), Physician and Surgeon, and Associ- ate in Pathology, Baylor Medical Department, 414-418 Linz Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Egbert, Orville Evan. Ellis, Lucius M. Estes, Ivan Albert, 5314 East Side Ave., Dallas, Texas. Fain, Charles H. Farrell, Neely E., Edgewood, Texas. Finley, Hulon. Funderburk, William 0., Box 109, Palestine, Texas. Gandy, Orren Pressley, Physician and Surgeon, Centralia, Texas. Gowen, Charles R. Grimes, Robert Irwin, Sylvester, Texas. Popplewell, Archie L., Richardson, Texas. Randolph, Boyette, Como, Texas. Robbins, Virgil E., Box 137, Quitman, Texas. Russell, I. David, Petrolia, Texas. Shelton, Albert Monroe, Golden, Texas. Smith, Isaac Henry (Ph. B. 1905), New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York. Womack, James Henry, 1603 West Ave., Waco, Texas. CLASS OF 1913 (21) 21 Allen, Clarence Graves, Campbell, Texas. Brannon, E. C. Cooley, William Henry, Lewisburg, Tenn. Covington, C. M. Day, Clem Harmon, Thackerville, Okla. Dawson, Jesse Louis, Valley View, Texas. Deal, John Berry, Physician and Surgeon, Nacogdoches, Texas. Denmon, Lin wood H., Lufkin, Texas. Hollis, Lawrence William, Jr., Rooms 16-17, Sayles Bldg., Abilene, Texas. Jones, G. L. Kellam, A. J. Kuser, L. W. Moran, Carl P., Portland Sanitarium E. 60th and Belmont Sts., Portland, Ore. Moses, Alice, 618 Grant Bldg., Atlanta, Ga. 66 Baj^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory) Nitsche, Ernest Jr., Ass't Virchovsr Kranken Haus. Berlin, Germany; 2717 Grand Ave., Dallas, Texas. Ross, Osan W., Leona, Texas. Seeger, Eugene. Seely, Marcus Stewart (Ph. G. 1910), House Doctor, Baptist Memorial Sani- tarium, Dallas, Texas. Shaw, C. A. Teague, Cora Eva, 220 Center St., Dallas, Texas. Whitaker, Harry LoweU, 602 S. W. Life Bldg.. Dallas, Texas. CLASS OF 1914 (18) 18 Clark, Courtney Bloomfield, Troup, Texas. Deason, Giles Arthur, Interne Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, Dallas, Texas. Glass, Roy James, McLean, Texas. Goode, Emmette Preston, Quinlan, Texas. Hall, Jack Homer, Woodsdale, N. C. Handley, James Jefferson, Greenville, Texas. Harris, Robert Arnold, 223 N. Carroll Ave., Dallas, Texas. Hestand, David Mai, Sherman, Texas. Johnson, Roscoe Felix, Interne Emergency Hospital. Dallas, Texas. Kieke, August William, Interne Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, Dallas, Texas. Knight, James Bertram, 3113 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Padgett, William Owen, Interne Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, Dallas, Texas. Sappington, Thomas Burnett. Trenton, Tenn. Sloane, Perry Abbott, Interne Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, Houston, Texas. Stricklin, Calvin Guy, Physician and Surgeon, Gustine, Texas. Swafford, James Andrew Jr., Sherman, Texas. Swan, Henry Arthur, Abilene, Texas. Yater, Astyanax Douglas, 418 N. Main St., Cleburne, Texas. Baj^lor Universiti; Department ofPharmacg Dallas, Texas CLASS OF 1904 (2) 2 Anthony, B. C, Manager Peoples Drug Store, 2859 Rio Grande St., El Paso, Texas. Cooper, Oscar H., Pharmacist, Big Springs, Texas. CLASS OF 1905 (4) 4 Camp, Walter Samuel, Camp-Riley Drug Co., Monroe, Wash. Miller, Mark Elias, Pharmacist, 189 N. Weatherbee St., Stamford, Texas. McCarty, John William, Floydada, Texas. Rudd, Lonzo Hawkins, Burleson, Texas. CLASS OF 1906 (5) 4 Bentley, John Emmitte, Pharmacist, Midland, Texas. Crawford, Claude Marcelle. Ellis, John Wesley, M. D., Physician, Lampasas, Texas. Lindley. J. H., Druggist, 1825 S. Harwood St., Dallas. Texas. CLASS OF 1908 (3) 3 Ball, James Winston, Kirby Drug Co., Dallas, Texas. Homan, Arthur James, Druggist, Oglesby, Texas. Willis, Roland, Merriman, Pharmacist, Celina, Texas. CLASS OF 1909 (8) 7 Camp, Birt Calvin, 3514 Oak Grove, Dallas, Texas. Christian, Curtis Austin, Stanley Drug Co., Tyler, Texas. Crofts, Howard A., Druggist, Terrell, Texas. Morrison, Ollige. Powers, Ernest D. Seely, Roger Quails, Seely Drug Co., Wortham, Texas. Williams, Charles Thomas, Pharmacist, Soper, Okla. CLASS OF 1910 (12) 12 Atkinson, J. Ridley. Butler, William M. Cock, Ewing R. Cox, Silas Elam, Druggist, Martins Mill, Texas. Dorman, Joseph Harold (M. D. 1912), Physician, Surgeon, and Assistant in Pathology, Baylor Medical Department, 414-418 Linz Bldg., Dallas. Texas. Guy, Daniel G., Pharmacist, 609 S. Akard St., Dallas, Texas. 68 Bai^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Director]) Hielscher, Hennan E., Druggist, Giddings, Texas. Johsnon, Robert Edmond, Johnson & Schubert, Giddings, Texas. Landrum, Horace Wesley. McNutt, John A., Royse City, Texas. Seely, Marcus Stuart (M. D. 1913), Interne Baptist Memorial Sanitarium, Dallas, Texas. Wood, Edgar I. CLASS OF 1911 (15) 15 Allen, Charlie A., Phannacist, Rice, Texas. Blaine, Dayton B., Marshall & Blaine, Dallas, Texas. Carroll, Paul Douglas, Druggist. Waldo, Ark. Cnimpler, Prentice P. Davidson, Jack Y., Druggist, East Bernard, Texas. Dennis, John A., Peak & Bryan, Dallas, Texas. Frazier, Claude M. Kerley, William M. Miles, Louis A., Pharmacist, Atlanta, Texas. Murphrey, Lonnie. Reed, Milton E. Robertson, Jesse A. Roemer, Preston 0. Young, Clint D. Zacha, Martin L. CLASS OF 1912 (7) 7 Dodd, Ennis F., Pharmacist, 3816 Junius St., Dallas, Texas. Featherston, W. B. Jr., Pharmacist, Cleburne, Texas. Lee, Lawrence A., Boulevard Drug Store, Box 444, El Paso, Texas. Michel, Beth Angeline, Medical Student, and Professor of Botany and Phar- macognosy, Baylor Department of Pharmacy, 3411 Swiss Ave., Dal- las, Texas. Morris, Reginald H., Bookkeeper, Morris Ranch, Texas. Richburg, Earnest W., Pharmacist, Winnsboro, Texas. Taylor, Walter B., Pharmacist, Scott, White & Co., Box 444, El Paso, Texas. CLASS OF 1913 (9) 9 Beck, Joseph W. Pharmacist, Winfield, Texas. Blaine, M. H., Red Cross Pharmacy, Oak Cliff, Dallas, Texas. Brown, B. B. Carson, Roger L., Druggist, Eagle Pass, Texas. Davis, J. E. Featherston, C. H., Pharmacist, Cleburne, Texas. Finley, H. S. Skelton, L. C, Pharmacist, Waxahachie, Texas. Yantis, George W., Pharmacist, Randall Drug Co., 1406 Van Buren St., Ama- rillo, Texas. Department of Pharmacy 69 CLASS OF 1914 (10) 9 Bniton, Olin, Mesquite, Texas. 'Chambless, Frank M., Normangee, Texas. Colquitt, Paul P., Rio Vista, Texas. Deathe, Harry, Druggist, Old Town Drug Store, Palestine. Texas. Fletcher, J. Morgan, Pharmacist City Drug Store, Cooper, Texas. Haffner, Valentine G., Belleville, 111. Hodnett, Hillard J., 4626 Harry Ave., Dallas, Texas. Rush, Phillip A., Pharmacist, Marlin, Texas. Wall, Henry Franklin, Clarsksville, Texas. White, Lois P., 406 N. Anglin St., Cleburne, Texas. Graduates in Fine Arts (325) 317 Adams, Morton Keep (Mrs. W. D. Marshall), Piano 1897, Instructor in Music and English, Helen Dunlap Memorial School, Winslow, Ark. Alexander, Mary Charlotte, Piano 1908 (B. S. 1909), Student Mission Train- ing School, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Ky. Allen, Bertha Lee, Art 1911, Albany, Texas. Ammons, Mrs. Annie Lee, Piano 1908, 237 W. Twentieth St.. Houston Heights, Texas. Anderson, Mary. Piano 1909, Voice 1911, Pipe Organ 1912 (B. M. 1911), Music Teacher, 2020 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Andrews, Frank Lee (Mrs. J. G. Harris), Expression 1908, Box 601, Abilene, Texas. Askew, Lucia (Mrs. R. F. Ormsby), Expression 1908 (B. L. 1913), Kress, Texas. Atkinson, Elizabeth, Expression 1909, Dalhart, Texas. Autry, Nettie Cruger, Voice 1903, 724 N. Fourteenth St., Waco, Texas. Baade, Rosa Lena, Piano 1910, Music Teacher, 503 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Badger, Fannie (Mrs. E. B. Bailey), Piano 1907, 4108 Speedway, Austin, Texas. BaUew, Maude, Piano 1897, 224 E. Twelfth St., DaUas, Texas. Barnett, Ethel (Mrs. Wm. Bass), Expression 1906, Waco, Texas. Barnett, Kate (Mrs. W. M. Simmons), Piano 1898, Lone Oak, Texas. Battle, May BeUe (Mrs. C. E. McCool). Piano 1900 (B. L. 1902), Alpine, Texas. Beckwith, Marjorie, Voice 1909, Edinburg, Texas. Belew. David Owen, Expression 1910 (B. S. 1910), Midlothian, Texas. Belk, Andy Finnic, Expression 1911, Sanderson, Texas. Bell, Alice (Mrs. F. E. Carroll), Expression 1895, 684 Park St., Beaumont. Texas. Bell, Paul Carlyle, Expression 1911, Baptist Minister, Bastrop, Texas. Benge, Mamie, Piano 1908 (Ph. B. 1908), Teacher, Walter, Okla. Bettis, Birdie Fannie (Mrs. J. H. McClain), Piano 1912 (B. L. 1913), Student Mission Training School, S. W. Baprist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Bishop, Mrs. Eva Duncan (Mrs. T. M. Bishop), Voice 1910, 312 Clay St., Waco, Texas. Blailock. Clara (Mrs. H. F. Connally), Piano 1901, 1728 Franklin St., Waco, Texas. Boggess, Annie Lou (Mrs. J. F. Kimball), Piano 1901 (A. B. 1903), Dallas, Texas. Graduates in Fine Arts 71 Bondurant, Stella Mae (Mrs. 0. N. McBride), Expression 1909 (B. S. 1909), Teacher El Paso Schools; Altura, Texas. Boren, Ruth, Piano 1896, Ennis, Texas. Brian, Maude (Mrs. K. H. Aynesworth), Piano 1896, 315 N. Twelfth St., Waco, Texas. Brightwell, Willie Belle (Mrs. J. W. Sanders), Piano and Voice 1901, Music Teacher, Canadian, Texas. Brooks, Flora Elizabeth, Piano 1913, Music Teacher, Kosse, Texas. Bryan, Lallie (Mrs. C. W. Atkins), Piano 1897, Voice 1899, Stamford, Texas. Burt, Robbie May (Mrs. W. R. Alexander), Expression 1909, 504 McGowan Ave., Houston, Texas. Byars, Mirvine (Mrs. Ed. Garrett). Piano 1903, 506 N. Fourteenth St., Waco, Texas. Byrd. Mary Elizabeth, Piano 1910, 2204 Brazos St., Houston, Texas. Campbell, Mabel Clair (Mrs. F. H. Nowlin), Art 1908, 1108 N. Walnut St., Oklahoma City, Okla. Carpenter, Mary Louise (Mrs. J. L. Spencer), Piano 1905, Mart, Texas. Carroll, Charles Chauncey, Expression 1897 (B. L. 1898), Pastor First Bap- tist Church, Winchester, Ky. Carroll, Martha Katherine (Mrs. E. 0. Temple Piers), Art 1903, No. 1 Marti- niano de Carvalho, Sao Paulo, Espados de Sao Paulo, Brazil. Carter, Jessie (Mrs. Judson Taylor), Voice 1902, 2310 Main St., Houston, Texas. Case, Annie Gertrude, Piano 1903, Music Teacher, Corpus Christi, Texas. Casey, Lucy Love (Mrs. C. E. Patterson), Expression 1904 (A. B. 1904), Celeste, Texas. Casseday, Pattie, Piano 1905, Director Public School Music, Corsicana, Texas. Charlton, Julia Graham, Piano 1896, 1736 Bennett Ave., Dallas, Texas. Chase, Josie (Mrs. T. C. Primm), Piano 1896, Meridian, Texas. Chernosky, Annie Belle, Piano 1910, Music Teacher, Rosebud, Texas. Chesnut, Alberta (Mrs. R. A. Owen), Piano 1896, Route 2, Burleson, Texas. Clark, Van Barnes, Expression 1906 (Th. M. 1908), President Cuban-Ameri- can College, Havana, Cuba. Clegg, Jessie (Mrs. J. B. Gibson), Piano 1901, Violin 1903 (B. L. 1903), Trin- ity, Texas. Cobb, Sammie Athene, Violin 1912, Concertizing, Corsicana, Texas. Cole, Lena Eunice, Expression 1908, Killeen, Texas. Collier, Ada Clyde (Mrs. Homer Wells Jr.), Expression 1907, Clint, El Paso County, Texas. Collier. MoUie Cole (Mrs. Henry Trantham), Art 1908, 1730 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Collings, Dora (Mrs. Sam Means), Piano and Voice 1905, Valentine, Texas. Connally, Thomas Terry, Expression 1896 (A. B. 1896), Attorney-at-Law, Marlin, Texas. 72 Bai^lor UnviersitD Bulletin— Alumni Directorj; Connell, Elma (Mrs. J. H. Reese), Piano 1900, Henderson, Texas. CJonner, Mamie Evelyn, Expression 1909, Canyon, Texas. Cook, Osee Tom (Mrs. W. M. Jones), Piano 1902, 4304 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Couch, Quest Compere, Expression 1909 (B. L. 1911), Clerk First State Bank and Trust Co., Abilene, Texas. Court, Vara Mohl (Mrs. A. L. Ward), Plana 1907, Hagerman, Texas. Cowan, Beatrice (Mrs. S. I. Darden), Piano 1911, Lott, Texas. Cowden, Grace (Mrs. R. P. Henry Jr.), Expression 1907, Lancaster, Texas. Cowden, Lillie May (Mrs. A. B. Staten), Piano 1902, 917 Montana St., El Paso, Texas. Cowden, Ruth Mae (Mrs. Clarence Scarborough), Art 1904, Midland, Texas. Cozby, Martha Mildred, Expression 1910, Teacher, Rosebud, Texas. Crain, Edith Glenn, Art 1914, Instructor in Art, Bryan Baptist Academy, Bryan, Texas. Cranfill, Leona Mabel, Piano 1897 (A. B. 1899), 5215 Swiss Ave.. Dallas, Texas. Craus, Moxie Albert, Expression 1910 (A. B. 1912), Student Pulitzer School of Journalism, Columbia University, New York. Crawford, Lillian (Mrs. W. F. Martin), Piano 1899, Mountainair, N. Mex. Crippen, Bessie (Mrs. W. G. Godwin), Piano 1906, 520 Dallas St., Waco, Texas. Culbertson, Willie James (Mrs. R. L. Spann), Piano, 1895, 302-304 Trust Bldg., Dallas, Texas. Cummins, Kate, Piano 1902, Teague, Texas. tDale, Kate (Mrs. Thomas R. June), Expression 1902. Daniel, Annie Lenora, Piano 1906 (A. B. 1909), Music Teacher, 1504 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Daniel, Zou Steele, Expression 1907 (B. L. 1911), Teacher Central Grammar School, 1504 S. Ninth St., Waco, Texas. Darling, Mary Lou (Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, Voice 1895, Alpine, Texas. Davison, Verna, Piano, 1899, Reagan, Texas. tDay, Roy Lee, Expression 1911, Minister. Dean, Lelon Effie, Expression 1906, Music Teacher, Kosse, Texas. deSteiguer, JuUa ames (Mrs. J. W. Gantt), Art 1902, Violin 1903, San Marcos, Texas. Dillard, Maud (Mrs. John Simmons), Expression 1907 (A. B. 1911), Midloth- ian, Texas. Dow, Rosalind May (Mrs. R. A. Kee), Piano 1899 (B. L. 1900), Route No. 1, De Leon, Texas. Doyle, Pearla May, Art 1910, 4303 Bryan St., Dallas, Texas. Drake, Preble, Piano 1898, Box 258, Santa Ana, Calif. Du Bois, Nell (Mrs. E. C. Stevene), Piano 1901, Box 1300, Phoenix, Ariz. Dudley, Roy Elliott, Expression 1911 (A. B. 1913), Farmer, Valley View, Texas. Graduates in Fine Arts 73 Durham, Effie Rule (Mrs. M. H. Bivins), Art 1908, Longview, Texas. Dyer, Grace, Expression 1902, 543 Herring Ave., Waco, Texas. Eastland, Emma Belle, Art 1908, 1226 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Edmondson, Jack Earl, Expression 1908, Attorney-at-Law, Bellville, Texas. Edwards, Francis Marion, Expression 1906 (Th. B. 1906), Missionary, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Edwards, Jessie (Mrs. John Dressing), Expression 1906, Newport, Wash. Elder, Janie (Mrs. M. L. Moore), Expression 1897 (A. B. 1899), 1412 Fifth Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Estes, Mary Patton, Voice 1911, Waxahachie, Texas. Evans, Joseph Montgomery, Piano 1909, Instructor in Pianoforte, Baylor Uni- versity, Waco, Texas. Falkner, Shirley (Mrs. M. A. Hartnett), Piano 1898, Voice 1903, 5308 Monte Vista Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Farrington, Willie Douglas, Piano 1913, Lewisville, Texas. Fennelle, Maggie (Mrs. B. F. Dancer), Piano 1900, 1420 South Eleventh St., Waco, Texas. Fisher, Corinne. Piano 1900 (B. L. 1902), Waelder, Texas. Flournoy, Roger Q., Expression 1910, Real Estate, 402 Amicable Bldg., Waco, Texas. Forrester, Esse Permelia, Art 1913. 2115 Barnard St., Waco, Texas. Frasher, Wilmoth B., Voice 1913 (B. L. 1913), Gainesville, Texas. Fulbright, George Smith, Expression 1906 (A. B. 1908), Student Boston School of Expression, Boston, Mass. Gaines, Bertha Lee (Mrs. R. H. Allison), Art 1908, 3410 Yoakum Boulevard, Houston, Texas. Gantt, John Walter, Piano 1902, Farmer, San Marcos, Texas. Garnett, Henry Milton, Expression 1906 (Th. B. 1906), Missionary, San Saba, Texas. Garrett, Dora Alberta (Mrs. A. K. Sims), Expression 1905 (B. L. 1908), 1811 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Garrett, Sallie Lou (Mrs. C. L. Batson), Piano 1903 (B. L. 1906) 1821 S. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Garrett, William A., Expression 1887 (B. S. 1887), Physician, 1809 Decatur St., Houston, Texas. Garrott, Lillian Margaret (Mrs. R. B. Collier), Voice 1907, Hearne, Texas. George, Louise (Mrs. F. W. Ferguson), Expression 1908, 101 Warwick Boule- vard, San Antonio, Texas. Gillis, Pearl Olive, Piano 1913, 706 N. Thirteenth St., Waco, Texas. Gist, Ruth Elizabeth (Mrs. W. A. Palmer), Expression 1908, Canadian, Texas. Godley, Emma, Piano 1902, 436 Gaston Ave., Dallas, Texas. Green, Zelie de Serin (Mrs. Elwood Fonts), Art 1910, 1511 Missouri St., Houston, Texas. 74 Bailor Universiti) Bulletin — Alumni Directory Grove, Roxy Harriette, Piano, 1907 (A. B. 1908), Instructor in Piano and Pipe Organ, Howard Payne College, Brownwood, Texas. GuUedge, Edna Earl (Mrs. D. C. Johnson), Piano 1904 (B. L. and B. M. 1906), San Marcos, Texas. Gulledge, Ola Lee, Piano 1906, Voice 1908 (B. M. 1908), McGregor. Texas. Guynes, Sara Alyne (Mrs. H. H. Muirhead), Piano 1903 (A. B. 1905), Bap- tist Missionary, Pemambuco, Brazil. Halbert. Ermine Slater (Mrs. T. H. Ray), Violin 1913, 612 N. Twelfth St., Waco, Texas. Hall, Margaret (Mrs. W. T. Clifton), Piano 1902, 608 N. 22nd St., Waco, Texas. Harder, Emma (Mrs. Geo. Hutchings), Expression 1909, Plainview, Texas. Hardin, Ellen Jane, Piano 1911. 1518 N. Fifth St., Waco. Texas. Hargrove, Pinckney Settle, Expression 1897 (A. B. 1898), Principal of Pre- paratory school, 110 Wall St., New Haven, Conn. Harper, Lola Reed (Mrs. W. M. Stewart), Expression 1901, 507 Jefferson Ave., Houston, Texas. Harrington, Jesse (Mrs. P. S. Durham), Art 1906, Piano 1907 (B. L. 1907), 1313 S. Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Harris, Lora Lee (Mrs. L. A. Blackaller), Piano 1901, Frio Town, Texas. Harris, Merton Leonard, Expression 1909, County Attorney Comanche County, Comanche, Texas. Harrison, Hubert Moulton, Expression 1908 (A. B. 1909), City Reporter Dallas News and Evening Journal, 5632 Reiger Ave., Dallas, Texas. Hawkins, Lita Rausaline, Piano 1901 (B. L. 1904), Student Voice and Piano, Leipzig, Germany; Seymour, Texas. Hawkins, Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. L. L. Dantzler), Piano 1901 (B. L. 1904), Contralto, Concertizing, 124 E. Maxwell St., Lexington, Ky. Hayes, Irmine, Piano 1914, Lott, Texas. Head, Annie Selma (Mrs. J.L. Naylor), Expression 1908, 1815 S. Eighth St., Waco, Texas. Heath, Fannie Vesta, Voice 1913 (B.L. 1913), Instructor in Voice. Decatur Baptist College, Decatur, Texas. Hemphill, Homa (Mrs. J. R. Mainer), Piano 1900, Lovelady, Texas. Henry, Willie May, Art 1914, Rising Star, Texas. Higginbotham, Lucy Alice (Mrs. W. J. Lang), Piano 1909, Voice 1910 (B. L, 1910), 4803 Swiss Ave., Dallas, Texas. Hill, Joicy Elizabeth (Mrs. S. J. Munroe), Expression 1901, Moody, Texas. Honeycut, Leone, Art 1909, Gatesville, Texas. Honeycut, Young Jenkins, Expression 1906, Druggist, Gatesville, Texas. Howell, Sallie Walthall, Piano 1908, Music Teacher, Plainview, Texas. Hubbard, Searcy (Mrs. A. T. Hardy), Expression 1897, 3515 McKinney Ave., Dallas, Texas. Huey, Bettie C, Piano 1900, Ruston, La. Graduates in Fine Arts 75 Huff, Erin (Mrs. M. A. Howie), Piano 1901, Waxahachie, Texas. Hunt, Mrs. Nora Edna (Mrs. J. N. Hunt), Expression 1905, Expression Teacher, Burleson, Texas. Hutton, Hattie (Mrs. Preston Hunt), Piano 1906 (Ph. B. and B. M. 1908), 1204 Wood St., Texarkana, Ark. Isbill, Una Belle (Mrs. W. C. Hauk), Piano 1910 (B. L. 1910), McGregor, Texas. Isenhower, Edgar James, Expression 1910 (A. B. 1910), Pastor Lee Avenue Baptist Church, 2709 Lee St., Houston, Texas. James, Clark, Expression 1896 (B. L. 1896), Treasurer Province of Bohol, Tagbilaran Bohol, P. L Johnson, B. Frank, Expression 1908, Sec'y Chamber of Commerce, Box 396, Gainesville, Texas. Jones, Ela Virginia, Expression 1907, 4304 Stuart St., Greenville, Texas. Jones, John William, Expression 1906, General Agent Missouri State Life Insurance Co., 920 Merchants Nat'l Bank Bldg., San Francisco, Calif. Jones, Sullivan Ross, Expression 1906 (Ph. B. 1909), Interne Provident Sani- tarium, Waco, Texas. Jones, William Moses, Expression 1898 (A. B. 1898), Attorney-at-Law, and Lecturer on Medical Jurisprudence, Baylor Medical Department, 4304 Live Oak St., Dallas, Texas. Kellogg, Eva (Mrs. S. E. Brantley), Piano 1910, Port Lavaca, Texas. Kellogg, Marie, Voice 1904, Music Student New York City; Hewitt, Texas, Kendall, Margaret Lucretia, Piano 1897 (B. L. 1899), Instructor in Pianoforte, Baylor University, 1328 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Kendall, Sara Rose (Mrs. B. B. McReynolds), Voice 1901 (B. L. 1902). Teacher, 1328 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Kendrick, Blanche, Expression 1908 (B. L. 1908), Teacher, Route 5, Waco, Texas. Kilpatrick, Myra, Piaoo 1914, 2323 Avenue 0, Galveston, Texas. Kinnaman, Ida (Mrs, C. G. Howard), Piano 1900, Marlin, Texas. Kirkland. Mattie (Mrs. H. E. Barrett), Expression 1902, 525 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Lake, Fannie (Mrs. Holman Taylor), Piano 1895, 622 W. Second St., Fort Worth, Texas. Lattimore, Bertha Woodfin (Mrs.G. C. Butte), Piano and Voice 1897 (A. B. 1897), Austin, Texas. Lattimore, John Edens, Expression 1911 (A. B. 1912), Student State Medi- cal School, Galveston, Texas. Lawless, Kate (Mrs. A. N. Green), Piano 1897, Cameron, Texas. Lawrence, Stella (Mrs. Ray), Art 1906, Les Moine, Mexico. Lockett, Maggie (Mrs. W. P. Ball), Voice and Expression 1902, 314 N. Caddo St., Cleburne, Texas. Lowery, Mabel Irene, Art 1908, Perris, Riverside Co., Calif. 76 Bailor Unviersitg Bulletin-^ Alumni Director]; Lowery, Minnie Gray, Expression 1906, Piano 1907, Director Public School Music, Perris, Riverside Co., Calif. Lowry, Grace May, Expression 1907, Mart, Texas. McBride, Jennie Mozelle (Mrs. Richard Hay), Expression 1909, Physical Culture School, Edinboro, Pa. McCall, Clara Lee, Expression 1910, Student Baylor University, 1120 Speight St., Waco, Texas. McCall, Daniel Hugh, Expression 1910 (A. B. 1912), Instructor Toby's Busi- ness College, 1120 Speight St., Waco, Texas. McCalla, Margaret (Mrs. R. E. Shortell), Piano 1902, 6511 Grand Central Terminal, New York. McGee, May (Mrs. J. H. Watson), Piano 1898,518 Ashbum St., Waco, Texas. McGowan, Eva Frances (Mrs. B.R. Cook), Expression 1910 (A. B. 1912), Atoka, Okla. Mclver, John Archie, Expression 1911 (A. B. 1911), Lexington, Texas. McKenney, Bianca S., Voice 1902, 2506 Homan Ave., Waco. Texas. tMcKinney, Lila, Piano Certificate 1891. Manning, Lily (Mrs. G. R. Lay), Piano 1907, 723 N. Twelfth St., Waco. Texas. Marshall, Monta (Mrs. T. R. Glenn), Expression 1911, 625 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Maskey, Ernestine (Mrs. Ernestine Tyler), Piano 1903, Music Teacher, Lore- na, Texas. Mathis, Jacob Columbus, Voice 1912 (B. L. 1912), High School, Temple, Texas. Matthews, Florence, Piano 1908, 1723 Barnard, St., Waco, Texas. May, Martha, Art 1913, 1824 Sanger Ave., Waco, Texas. Means, Barbara Ann (Mrs. W. H. Browning), Piano 1907, Pecos, Texas. Milam, Louretta, Piano 1905 (B. L. 1905), High School English and Latin. Cleburne, Texas. Miller, Liska (Mrs. J. J. Thornton), Piano 1902, Teague, Texas. Minatra, Clarence Odie, Expression 1911 (A. B. 1913), Superintendent Pub- lic Schools, Dawson, Texas. Mitchell, Willa (Mrs. A. L. Gooch), Voice 1908, 1100 Guadalupe St., Austin, Texas. Moffett, William Charles, Expression 1908 (A. B. 1910), Student S. W. Bap- tist Theological Seminary, Box 995, Fort Worth, Texas. Moores, Anna, Expression 1908, Memphis, Texas. Morris, Mozelle, Piano 1910, Hubbard, Texas. Morrison, Ella (Mrs. W. P. Bryan), Expression 1907, Walnut Springs, Texas. Morrison, Sudie Elizabeth (Mrs. W. F. Hood), Piano 1911, Music Teacher, Cooledge, Texas. Morrow, Dora (Mrs. A. H. Melugin), Art 1902, Sabinal, Texas. Morrow, Elizabeth Rose, Expression 1911, 1608 Vincent St., Brown wood, Texas. Graduates in Fine Arts Tl Morrow, Louise (Mrs. N. H. Smith), Piano 1906, 2100 Parrott St., Waco, Texas. Muirhead, Delia (Mrs. R. A. Burger), Expression 1905, 1334 E. First St., Tul- sa, Okla. Muse, Anabel (Mrs. Fisher), Piano 1896, Music Teacher, 403 W. Wilson St., Cleburne, Texas. Muse, Artie Burton (Mrs. W. T. Gooch), Art 1906, 808 Speight St., Waco, Texas. Nance, Martha Washington, Piano 1913, Music Teacher, Kyle, Texas. Neel, Mary Levina (Mrs. E. M. Morris), Expression 1895, Rhome, Wise Co., Texas. Nelms, Gertrude, Piano 1900, Lovelady, Texas. Newbrough, Myrtle Almira (Mrs. J. K. Griffith), Piano 1908 (B. L. 1908), 627 Gold St., El Paso, Texas. Newman, Bertha May (Mrs. C. H. Shaller), Expression 1910 (B. L. 1911), Canadian, Texas. Nichols, Elsie Ruth (Mrs. Virgil Gates), Piano 1908, 106 West Page Ave., Dallas, Texas. Noble, Kitty, Piano 1902, Lampasas, Texas. Noble, Lois, Voice 1912, Corsicana, Texas. O'Brien, Florence, Piano 1902, 1920 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Oliver, Ouida, Art 1910, 1200 N. Fifth St., Waco, Texas. Ouzts, Mamie A., Piano 1899, 1305 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Park, Ada (Mrs. Paul Montgomery), Piano Certificate 1891, Monte Christo, Texas. Park, Jane Anita, Expression and Piano 1906, Bryan, Texas. Parker, Emile Noema, Voice 1903, Music Teacher, Studio No. 5, Bush Tem- ple Conservatory, Dallas, Texas. Patton, Katherine, Piano, 1901, Violin 1902, Music Teacher, Sulphur, Okla. Payne, Lotta May (Mrs. B. L. King), Piano 1906, Palmer, Texas. Pegues, lone. Art 1909, Longview, Texas. Pettus, Gretelle, Piano 1904, Music Teacher, Room 29, Nebraska Bldg., Tulsa, Okla. Pickett, Sallie (Mrs. P. O'Keeffe), Piano 1898, Music Teacher, Karnes City, Texas. Pierson, Bessie (Mrs. C. H. Jett Jr.), Piano 1902, Wickes, Polk Co., Ark. Pierson, George, Expression 1895, Attorney-at-Law, Dallas, Texas. Pierson, William, Expression 1896 (B. L. 1896), District Judge, Greenville, Texas. Pool, Carrie Virginia (Mrs. A. P. Hickson), Piano 1910 (B. L. 1913), 1621 S. Tenth St., Waco, Texas. Potts, John Orren, Expression 1909 (Ph. B. 1910), Teacher, Bowie, Texas. Powell, Wilma Jean, Art 1906, instructor in Art, San Marcos Baptist Acad- emy, Sah Marcos. Texas. Pressley, Roselyn Belle, Piano 1912, Music Teacher, Cleburne, Texas. 78 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Price, Emma Cordie, Piano 1904, 536 N. Thirteenth St., Muskogee, Okla. Randal, Frances Leona (Mrs. J. P. Boone Jr.), Voice and Piano 1896, 4030 Junius St., Dallas, Texas. Ray, Cora Uretta. Piano 1895, Music Teacher, 2001 C St., Bellingham, Wash. Reeso, Cresidus (Mrs. R. H. Mays), Voice 1910, Kerens, Texas. Reese, Neina Adelia, Expression 1912. Teacher, Lott, Texas. Reynolds, Mabel (Mrs. B. D. Milburn), Piano 1907, Godley, Texas. Rhoads, Bertha Frances (Mrs. A. Q. Mustain), Piano 1910, Pilot Point, Texas. Rich, Reba, Piano and Voice 1913, Lovelady, Texas. Riggles, Rebecca (Mrs. Robert Jackson), Art 1902, 4718 Reiger Ave.. Dallas. Texas. Robey, Susannah Victoria, Expression 1910, Coleman. Texas. Robinson, Thomas Payne, Expression 1911 (A. B. 1911), Eldorado, Texas. Rodes, Alice, Piano 1900, Navasota, Texas. Royall Bess (Mrs. Hampson Gary), Voice 1896, Tyler, Texas. Scales, Ruth Gentry, Art 1914, 2612 N. Seventeenth St., Waco, Texas. Scarborough, William Terry, Expression 1911 (B. L. 1911), Attomey-at-Law, Kingsville, Texas. Schaper, Etta, Piano 1908, Music Teacher, 1325 Alexander Ave., Waco, Texas. Scott, Lena, Expression 1906, Frost, Texas. Scott, Sarah (Mrs. C. P. Haygood), Piano 1910, Franklin, Texas. Selman, Rose, Piano 1898, 1020 N. Sixteenth St.. Waco, Texas. Sessions, Ruby Anna, Art 1911. Teacher, 500 E. Franklin St.. Hillsboro, Texas. tSewell, Ethel, Piano 1898. Shimmins, Thomas Waite, Expression 1906, Superintendent Cameron Park Grounds, Waco, Texas. Simpson, Sallie B. (Mrs. 0. C. Pouns), Piano Certificate 1891 (M. Ph. 1891), Daingerfield, Texas. Smathers, Velma, Piano 1914, Music Teacher, Waco, Texas. Smith, Juanita Hazel, Voice 1914, Student Baylor Uuiversity, Burleson Hall, Waco, Texas. Smith, Lizzie Vandalia (Mrs. G. W. SchUtzkus), Expression 1906, R 1, Waco, Texas. Smith, Mamie (Mrs. T. J. Herron), Piano 1906, Las Animas, Colo. Smith, Willye Mae (Mrs. J. A. Ulan), Expression 1908, 768 Seventeenth St., San Diego, Calif. Sorrells, Ell'Louise (Mrs. K. F. Blair), Piano 1901, Music Teacher, Royse City, Texas. Spencer, Clara Belle, Piano 1910, Ass't Piano Instructor and Preceptress Girls' Industrial Home, Simmons College, Abilene, Texas. Spencer, Harry Lee, Piano 1909 (B. L. 1910), Lumberman, 2425 Colcord Ave., Waco, Texas, Graduates in Fine Arts 79 Spencer, Mary E., Piano 1908, Music Teacher, Mart, Texas. Standefer, Ethel, Piano 1905, Instructor in Pianoforte, Collegio Progressio Braziliero, Caixa 272, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Stanford, Annie Eldora, Voice 1913, Voice Student New York City, 549 Riv- erside Drive. St. Clair, Jessie Stanley, Piano 1911, Music Student, Chicago, 111; San Benito, Texas. Stephen, John Ernest, Expression 1911, Rosenburg, Texas. Stephenson, Mary lone (Mrs. W. M. Pendergraft), Piano 1901, Kosse, Texas. St. John, Maggie (Mrs. J. W. Odom), Piano 1898, Music Teacher, Ozena, Texas. Stone, Arthur Dayton, Expression 1908 (Ph. B. 1908), Alpine, Texas. Strain, Eula Nelwyn, Piano 1901, Director Public School Music, Mineral Wells, Texas. Stubblefield, Ella (Mrs. Earl Lovelace), Piano 1907, Teacher, 1309 S. Seventh St., Waco, Texas. Taylor, Eschol, Piano 1911, Instructor in Pianoforte, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. Thomas, John William, Expression 1911, Student Baylor University and Ass't Instructor Baylor Academy, Box 780, Waco, Texas. Thompson, Lizzie (Mrs. T. C. Rowe), Piano Certificate 1891, Piano 1892 (A. B. 1890), 3402 Travis St., Houston, Texas. (First Diploma granted by Baylor for Graduation in Piano). Thompson, Percy Elizabeth (Mrs. 0. E. Parris), Expression 1912, Wylie, Texas. Tidwell, Sallye Ann, Expression 1911 (B. L. 1913), Primary Teacher, Marfa, Texas. Tirey, Everett Homer, Expression 1910 (A. B. 1908), Pastor Baptist Church, Teague, Texas. Tirey, Thomas Henry, Expression 1910 (Ph. B. 1910), Attorney-at-Law, Maypearl, Texas. Tunnell, Maud (Mrs. M. E. Chambers), Voice 1896, Piano 1897 (A. B. 1897), Marlin, Texas. Turner, Katie Lee, Expression 1905, Poplarville, Miss. Turner, Nellie Beatrice, Expression 1909, Dalhart, Texas. Vance, John Thomas, Expression 1906 (A. B. 1907), Attorney-at-Law, Edna, Texas. Walker, Hallie Ann, Art 1914. R 3, Dallas, Texas. tWallace, Mrs. Delha W., Piano 1896. Wallis, Robbie (Mrs. W. S. Arms), Expression 1906, Rockdale, Texas. Ward, Nena Belle (Mrs. H. E. Martin), Piano 1904, 685 Park St., Beaumont, Texas. 30 Bailor University Bulletin— Alumni Directori) Ware, Olive Lord (Mrs. Lee Barrows), Expression 1908, 2245 Washington Ave., Fort Worth, Texas. Warn, Ruth (Mrs. S. E. Weldon), Piano Certificate 1891, 106 Avondale Ave.. Houston, Texas. Watson, Mary Naomi, Expression 1911, Student Baylor University; Richard- son, Texas. Wayland, Mable Clare, Voice 1911 (A. B. 1911), Instructor in History, Way- land College, Plainview, Texas. Weathered, Rosa (Mrs. T. 0. Glover), Piano 1897, 1825 Gorman St., Waco, Texas. Weaver, Marguerite Jane (Mrs. W. H. Williams), Art 1910, De Leon, Texas. Welborn, Pearl (Mrs. C. F. Barnhill), Piano 1897, Silsbee, Texas. Wemyss, Carrie, Expression 1913, Reader and Story Teller, 518 N. Eleventh St., Waco, Texas. Wemyss, Ruby Adelle (Mrs. G. M. Sims), Voice 1902 (B. L. 1903), Port Ar- thur, Texas. Westbrook, Lizzie (Mrs. Chas. Baker), Piano 1897, R 3, Chilton, Texas. Wier, Sudie, Piano 1918, Music Teacher, Grandview, Texas. Wilkerson, Eula (Mrs. Lawson Coulson), Expression 1906, Corsicana, Texas. Wilkirson, Susie (Mrs. S. J. Brewer), Expression 1906, Crestwood, Ky. Wilkes, Nettie May (Mrs. Leslie Gardner), Piano 1908, 515 N. Eighteenth St., Waco, Texas. Wilkirson, Edith, Piano, 1914 (B. L. 1913), Grandview, Texas. Wilkirson, Zula, Piano 1913 (B. L. 1913), Grandview, Texas. Williams, Dora Belle (Mrs. W. S. Campbell), Expression 1907, Spur, Texas. Williams, Grace (Mrs. M. S. Karmany), Expression 1906, Corsicana, Texas. Williams, Nettie (Mrs. C. C. Carroll), Piano 1897, Winchester, Ky. Williamson, E. Ethel. Piano 1906, Music Teacher, 3024 Warren Ave., Chica- go, 111. Williamson, Pearl, Piano 1913 (A. B. 1913), Music Teacher, Dawson, Texas. Willis, Mrs. Mattie D., Piano 1913 (A. B. 1913), Music Teacher, 617 S. Fourth St., Waco, Texas. Wilson, Mattie Lee (Mrs. C. H. Haddix), Expression 1900, 730 Commercial St., Astoria, Oregon. Winfrey, Mattie, Expression 1909, Charlie, Clay Co., Texas. Winston, Ernestine, Expression 1906, Morgan, Texas. Witt, Velma Gertrude (Mrs. E. P. Blanchard), Expression 1911, Moody, Texas. Witty, Vera Annette (Mrs. P. J. McDonald), Expression 1906, 100 Trinity St., Austin, Texas. Wood, Inez Freeman (Mrs. F. R. CoUord), Expression 1909, Piano 1910, Mumford, Texas. Wood, Ludie (Mrs. T. Brooks Pearson), Art 1903, Nineteenth and Mitchell Sts., Waco, Texas. Graduates in Fine Arts 81 Wood, Nina Lynn (Mrs. C. E. Friley), Piano 1910 (B. L. and B. M. 1912), Bryan, Texas. Woods, Irene Gertrude, Piano 1912, Kirbyville, Texas. Worley, Lillie (Mrs. I. G. McGee), Piano 1895, Voice 1896 (A. B. 1896), An- son, Texas. Yinger, lone (Mrs. R. M. Killough), Piano 1907, 1105 Austin Ave., Waco. Texas. Younger, Edith, Expression 1911, Whitesboro, Texas. Necrologi^ 1854 Stephen Decatur Rowe, A. B., Galveston, Texas. 1855 Mary Gentry Kavanaugh (Mrs. Pressler), Wichita Falls, Texas. 1856 Madison Milton Callaway, A. B. Zilphia Guthrie Fuller (Mrs. Chew). Thomas Jefferson Goree, A. B. (LL. B. 1858), Galveston, Texas. Charles Thomas Kavanaugh, A. B., Brenham, Texas. Oscar Hopestill Leland, A. B. (A. M. 1866), County Judge McLennan County, Waco Postmaster, Farmer, McGregor, Texas. Curtis Hudson Oliphant, A. B., Huntsville, Texas. 1857 George Eaves Davis, A. B., El Paso, Texas. William Baldwin Denson, A. B., Alta Loma, Texas. Joseph Peter Jackson, A. B., Brenham, Texas. J. Cicero Jenkins, A. B. (LL. B. 1859; A. M. 1866), Attorney-at-Law, Waco, Texas. Ophelia Jenkins (Mrs. Horn), Waco, Texas. John Franklin Smith, Ph. B., Austin, Texas. 1858 John A. Alexander, LL. B., Caldwell, Texas. Emeline AUcom (Mrs. Gee), Brenham, Texas. Mary Allcorn (Mrs. Gee), Brenham, Texas. Charles Richard Breedlove, A. B., LL. B., Kansas City, Mo. Sallie Chambers (Mrs. C. T. Kavanaugh), Waco, Texas. Kate Clark (Mrs. Ethridge), Brown wood, Texas. James Thomas Daniel, A. B., Marlin, Texas. Mary Eddins (Mrs. Breedlove), Fisher, Texas. E. F. Ewing, LL. B., Brenham, Texas. Thomas B. Haynes, LL. B., Independence, Texas. James Jeffries, LL. B., Shreveport, La. Sallie McNeill. John W. Metcalf, LL. B., Independence, Texas. Arthur Edward Morriss, LL. B., Houston, Texas. Julia A. Robertson (Mrs. Nott), Goliad, Texas. Rebecca Skelton, Sherman, Texas. James L. Smith, A. B. (A. M. 1860), Salado, Texas. James Brooke Thomas, Ph. B., Bryan, Texas. John G. Walker, LL. B., Lynchburg, Texas. Leonard W. Waller, LL. B., San Phillipe, Texas. Mary F. Whiteside. 1859 James Marshall Arnold, A. B. (A. M. 1866), Physician, Houston, Texas. Decimus U. Barziza, LL. B., Richmond, Va. Necrology 83 Isaiah M. Bookman, LL. B., Roan Prairie, Texas. Daniel Abner Bradshaw, A. B., LL. B., Glen Rose, Texas. Lucius Henry Brown, A. B., San Marcos, Texas. George Lewis Chandler, A. B., Athens, Texas. John W. Chandler, LL. B., Gatesville, Texas. George W. Davis, LL. B., Dallas, Texas. Joseph Emory Deupree, Ph. B. A. Sidney Gregory, LL. B., Fayettville, Texas. William Henry Long, A. B. (A. M. 1866), Jacksonville, Texas. William L. Moore, LL. B., Crockett, Texas. L M. Onins, LL. B., Brenham, Texas. V. E. Petty, LL. B., Brenham, Texas. Stephen D. Read, LL. B., Judge Fifteenth Judicial District of Louisiana 1880-1900, Lake Charles, La. Abner L. Reed, LL. B., County Judge Panola County, Carthage, Texas. Charles E. Travis, LL. B., Chappell Hill, Texas. Wythe Walker Wheeler, A. B., Galveston, Texas. 1860 Thomas Jefferson Cleveland, A. B.. Independence, Texas. Maria H. Davis (Mrs. Smith). Timothy C. Dunklin, A. B., Waco, Texas. Junius William Graves, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Hubbard, Texas. Pinckney Harris, A. B. (A. M. 1866), Harwood, Texas. Catherine McDowell (Mrs. Garrett). James H. Stribling, A. M. (D. D. 1871), Rockdale, Texas. Sarah P. Traynham (Mrs. Onins). Benjamin H. Thompson, Ph. B., Austin, Texas. 1861 Eugenia Barnes (Mrs. Quinney), Houston, Texas. James Lawson Bowers, Ph. B. (Waco), Brenham, Texas. Willis Burns Darby, A. B. (Waco), Cold Springs, Texas. Annie Montgomery (Mrs. Metcalf). Henry Frederick Pahl, A. B. (Waco), Physician, Brenham, Texas. Michael Moses Vanderhurst, A. B. (Waco), Belton, Texas. A. John Champ Watson, A. B. (Waco), Fairfield, Texas. 1862 Ella Chase (Mrs. Park). Anna Goodwin. Adelaid Haynes. 1863 Hattie B. Grace, Atlanta, Ga. Claude Graves. 1864 Adeline AUcom (Mrs. Gee). Mary Anderson. Judith Atkinson (Mrs. Taylor). Emma Blanton (Mrs. Tucker), Sewanee, Tenn. Mollie Cushney (Mrs. Burleson), Los Angeles, Calif. 1865 Annie Muckelroy (Mrs. Campbell J, Columbus, Texas. LiicV ^yiitfdr, GklVe'stttoi Teixias. 84 Bailor University Bulletin— Alumni Directory 1866 Daniel F. Bledsoe, LL. B. Annie Crane (Mrs. Bondies), Independence, Texas. Mattie C. Dial (Mrs. Carrington), M. A. (Waco), Dallas, Texas. Mattie Garrett (Mrs. Price), Lampasas, Texas. Julia L. Graves (Mrs. Cooper). John N. Henderson, LL. B. (A. M. 1880), Judge Court Criminal Ap- peals, Bryan, Texas. Ella Holland (Mrs. D. Call), Beaumont, Texas. Anna Humphreys. 1867 Daniel P. Bester, D. D., Columbus, Miss. Buckner, H. F., A. M. (D. D. 1869), Eufaula, Okla. 1869 Buck, Silas C, Ph. B. (Waco), Stephenville, Texas. William Howard, D. D., Galveston, Texas. Daniel Mclntire, A. B. (A. M. 1872). Brenham, Texas. 1870 Jesse R. Duvall, A. B. (Waco). W. M. Gough. A. B. (Waco), San Antonio, Texas. W. A. H. Miller, A. B. (Waco), Attorney-at-Law, Asherton, Texas. MoUie Morrison (Mrs. T. Green), M. A. (Waco), Whitney, Texas. A. G. G. Perkins, A. B. (Waco), Minister, Columbus, Texas. Georgia Townsend (Mrs. D. A. Kelly), M. A. (Waco), Waco, Texas. Charies S. Webb, M. Ph. 1871 Laura Alexander (Mrs. S. H. Lumpkin), M. A. (Waco), Meridian, Texas. William Calmen Buck, D. D., Waco, Texas. A. C. Caperton, D. D., Louisville, Ky. Joshua Flood Cook, LL. D., President La Grange College, La Grange, Mo. Ella May Harian (Mrs. J. H, TroUinger), M. A. (Waco), Calvert, Texas. W. W. Harris, A. M., Waco, Texas. Gertrude Lipscomb (Mrs. Murchison), M. A. (Waco), Crockett, Texas. Joel A. Lipscomb, Ph. B., Brenham, Texas. 1872 Noah Knowles Davis, LL. D., Author, and Professor of Philosophy, University of Virginia, 1873-1906, Charlottesville, Va. Henry Judson Trollinger, A. B. (Waco), Physician, San Antonio, Texas. 1873 Horace Clark, LL. D., President of Baylor Female College at Independ- ence 1851-1871, Houston, Texas. A. E. aemons, D. D., Marshall, Texas. William Carey Crane, LL. D., President of Baylor University at Inde- pendence 1862-1885, Independence, Texas. Oliver Isaac Halbert, A. B. (Waco), Physician, Waco, Texas. J. F. Hillyer, LL. D. Ep'sey Georgia McCrary (Mrs. McSpadden), M. A. (Waco), Clifton, Texlas. Necrology 85 Mary Abigail Moore (Mrs. P. J. Gill), M. A. (Waco). Hills Prairie, Texas. 1874 Ada Eastland (Mrs. Caperton), M. A. (Waco), Waco, Texas. James Veasy Everett, A. B. (Waco), Weatherford, Texas. Leslie Waggener, LL. D., Austin, Texas. J. T. Zealy, LL. D., Houston, Tekas. 1875 Waller Sanders Baker, A. B. (Waco), Attomey-at-Law, Waco, Texas. Richard B. Burleson, LL. D., Waco, Texas. Thomas Judson Chandler, A. B., Gatesville, Texas. Margaret Lenoir, M. Ph. (Waco), Marlin, Texas. William Perry McComb, A. B. (Waco), Conroe, Texas. Martha Ellen Watson (Mrs. Lillard), M. A. (Waco), Fairfield, Texas. 1876 Lula Risher (Mrs. 0. I. Halbert), M. A. (Waco), Waco, Texas. J. C. Robertson, A. B. (Waco), Grand view, Texas. King B. Scale, A. B. (Waco), Jasper, Texas. 1877 John Tyler Randolph, Ph. B., Attomey-at-Law, Madisonville, Texas. Joseph F. Randolph, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, Madisonville, Texas. John H. Reid, Ph. B., Calvert, Texas. G. W. Rogers, D. D., Sherman, Texas. 1878 Nathaniel Baker, A. B. (Waco), Denver, Colo. C. C. Chaplin, D. D., Brenham, Texas. James Thomas Crane, Ph. B., Bank Cashier, Eufaula, Okla. John De F. Flint, A. B. (Waco), Waco, Texas. Temple Houston, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, State Senator, Woodward, Okla. MoUie P. O'Bryan (Mrs. Gillespie), M. A. (Waco), AUeyton, Texas. Lafayette Licureus Peck, A. B. (Waco), Fairfield, Texas. Phil. A. Pointer, A. M., Russellville, Ky. T. Wright Styles, Ph. B., Physician, De Leon, Texas. Lillie M. Trollinger (Mrs. Buchanan), M. A. (Waco), Whitesboro, Texas. David R. Wallace, LL. D., Physician, Waco, Texas. 1879 Maria Battle (Mrs. Woodward), M. A. (Waco), Waco, Texas. Carrie Chandler (Mrs. E. F. Tillman), M. A. (Waco), Brownwood, Texas. William T. Compere, A. B. (Waco), Minister, Oak Cliff, Texas. Frank C. Cross, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, 0)rsicana, Texas. Edward P. Curry, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, Ck)unty Judge, Brenham, Texas. Lafayette Kirk, Ph. B., Attomey-at-Law, District Judge, Brenham, Texas. Jennie Reeves (Mrs. Collins), M. Ph. (Waco), Caldwell, Texas. 1880 W. 0. Bailey. D. D. William C. Breedlove, Ph. 5., Surveyor, Roby, Texas. Percival Burleson, A. B. (Waco). Waco, Texas. 86 Baj^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory Gordon S. Crane, Ph. B., Insurance, Checota, Okla. William P. Ewing, Ph. B., Attomey-at-Law, Brenham, Texas. Hosea L. Garrett, A. B., Brenham, Texas. John T. Harrison, A. B. (Waco), Attorney-at-Law, Amarillo, Texas. Justin A. Kimball, D. D., Shiloh, La. John Cralle Long, LL. D., Professor of Church History, Crozer Theologi- cal Seminary, Chester, Pa. O. C. Pope, D. D., Abilene, Texas. W. N. Prater, Ph. B. (Waco), Hallettsville. Texas. Fannie H. Reeves (Mrs. W. T. Carrington), M. A. (Waco). 1881 Charles Henry Corey, LL. D., Richmond, Va. Eugenia Green wod, M. A. (Waco), Luling, Texas. Mary Timmons (Mrs. Torrens), M. A. (Waco), McGregor, Texas. 1882 John Henry Beaver, A. B. (Waco). Dallas, Texas. William Goodman Beaver, A. 6. (Waco), Teacher, Mertens, Texas. Nellie Eastland (Mrs. Eugene Kellner), M. Ph. (Waco), Waco, Texas. Annie E. Goddard (Mrs. J. M. Hickman), M. A. (Waco), Waco, Texas. F. M. Law. D. D., Bryan, Teaxs. G. W. Pickett, D. D., Richmond, Texas. Thomas Jefferson Witt, Ph. B. (Waco), (A. M. 1897), Devine, Texas. 1883 Emma A. Campbell, M. A. (Waco), Alto, Texas. Lela Cochran (Mrs. J. W. McMinn), M. Ph. (Waco), Walnut Springs, Texas. Mollie S. Daniel (Mrs. Davis), M. Ph. (Waco), Alvord, Texas. Isham Pitman Skinner, A. B. (Waco), Teacher, Athens, Texas. 1884 S. J. Anderson, D. D., Dallas, Texas. Frank Keifer, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Roby, Texas. Frank Kiefer, D. D., Abilene, Texas. A. E. Owen, D. D., Portsmouth, Va. J. H. Stribling, A. B., Attorney-at-Law, Rockdale. Texas. 1885 J. W. Crayton, A. B. (Waco), Editor, Abilene. Texas. S. M. Foster, A. B, (Waco), Attorney-at-Law, Wichita Falls, Texas. 1886 Minnie Bradley (Mrs. Johnson), M. Ph., Corsicana, Texas. Mollie Brown, M. Ph., Fort Worth, Texas. R. E. Chandler, A. B., Attomey-at-Law, Abilene, Texas. J. Morgan Wells. D. D., Fort Worth, Texas. 1887 F. J. Bell, A. B., Attomey-at-Law, Dallas, Texas. Minnie Cole (Mrs. Geo. Wylie), M. Ph., Mt. Cahn, Texas. W. P. Harris, B. S., Attomey-at-Law, Gonzales, Texas. Pearl Johnson (Mrs. Wilson), M. Ph., Mt. Vernon, Texas. 1888 B. F. Muller, B. S., Missionary. Toluca, Mexico. Claudia Robinson (Mrs. G. P. Smith), M. Ph., Pasadena, Calif. Irene Shannon (Mrs. Henderson), M. Ph., Curtis, Texas. Martin V. Smith, D. D., Belton, Texas. John H. Woodi B. S., Physician, Hubbard^ Texas. NecrologD 87 A. J. Fawcett, D. D., Hamburg, Ark. W. A. Sample, D. D., Fort Smith, Ark. 1890 Mary David Barton (Mrs. J. S. Tanner), M. Ph. (Piano Certificate 1891; Piano 1905), Bahia, Brazil. Lida Hines (Mrs. J. S. Tanner), M. A., Waco, Texas. John Stephenson Tanner, A. B. (A. M. 1893), Professor of New Testa- ment Greek and Hebrew, Baylor University, Waco, Texas. 1891 Anna Dean (Mrs. John Sears), B. L., Waco, Texas. Emma Foster (Mrs. J. A. Loughridge), B. L., Waco, Teaas. 1893 Stella Clark (Mrs. G. P. Selvidge), A. B., Ardmore, Okla. W. W. Dobbs, B. S., Edna, Texas. R. F. Gilliam, B. S., Ozona, Texas. Kittie Green (Mrs. H. F., Lively), B. S., Dallas, Texas. 1895 William Clark Matthews, A. B., Waco, Texas. 1898 Lola Blake, Piano, Odessa, Texas. William Macklin Grimmett, A. B., Dallas, Texas. 1899 George Clinton Schuchardt, A. B., Sour Lake, Texas. 1900 William Jonathan Northen, LL. D., Governor of Georgia 1890-1894, At- lanta, Ga. 1901 Mattie Boyles, Piano, Reagan, Texas. Eunice Irene Taylor (Mrs. W. B. Glass), A. B., Missionary, Hwanghien, Shantung, China. 1902 A. S. Buckley, M. D. J. W. Haydon, M. D. AUine Oram (Mrs. Jim Waller), Piano, San Angelo, Texas. John Henry Tedford, A. B., Mt. Vernon, Texas. 1903 William Rainey Harper, LL. D., Author, and President of University of Chicago 1891-1906, Chicago, 111. Francis Richard Lubbock, LL. D., Ex-Governor of Texas, Austin, Texas John Henninger Reagan, LL. D., United States Senator, Palestine, Texas. 1904 Fred W. Bates, M. D., Dallas, Texas. Josie LeGrand Still (Mrs. B. L. Lockett), B. L. (Piano 1901), Abeokuta, West Africa. Lillie Estelle Wood, A. B., Primary Teacher, Greenville, Texas. 1905 Andrew Jackson Bradley, M. D., Albany, Okla. Louis Dupree Clinkscales, A. B., Vinita, Okla. Evelyn Kyger, Piano, Waco, Texas. Samuel Willis Tucker Lanham, LL. D., Governor of Texas 1903-1905, Weatherford, Texas. Ellen Porter, A. B., Waco, Texas. 1906 Fred Albert Gentry, A. B., Missionary, Havana, Cuba. Genevieve Greer (Mrs. Byron Cheney), Voice, Corsicana, Texas. William Christopher Groner Jr., Ph. G., Dallas, Texas. Susie Ida Horner (Mrs. H. W. Pace), Expression, Waco, Texas. 88 Bailor University Bulletin— Alumni Directory John Graham Paschall, M. D. (Ph. G. 1907), Dallas, Texas. Carey Oliver Womble, B. S., Caldwell, Texas. 1907 Archibald Nicholson, M. D., Dallas, Texas. Joseph Gary Daniel, A. B., Missionary, Shantung, China. 1908 Nan Allene Anderson, Ph. B., Rockwall, Texas. Frank Hatton, Ph. B., Attorney-at-Law, Daingerfield, Texas. Seaman Asahel Knapp, LL. D., Agricultural Educator, Washington, D. C. Oswald Norbert McBride, A. B., El Paso, Texas. Bessie Pearl Ward (Mrs. R. C. Fulbright), A. B., Houston, Texas. 1909 Warren Stone Williams, Ph. G., Kaufman, Texas. 1910 George Pierce Garrison, LL. D., Author, and Professor of American History, University of Texas 1897-1910, Austin, Texas. Index of Graduates 1893 Adams, Alma *1861 Barnes, Eugenia 1912 Blair, M. S. 1813 Adams, B. H. 1906 Barnett, Ethel f ♦1898 Blake, Lola f 1890 Adams, Cynthia 1898 Barnett, Kate f *1864 Blanton, Emma 1911 Adams, E. T. 1888 Barnwell, Judie ♦1866 Bledsoe, D. F. 1869 Adams, F. M. 1907 Barron, C. T. 1909 Block, C, M. D. 1896 Adams, J. F. 1908 Barron, Elizabeth 1891 Bloodworth, Ida 1897 Adams, Morton f 1905 Barron, F. C. 1914 Blount, W. O. 1905 Ahrens, E. 1904 Barron, J, H. 1914 Bodenhamer, O. L. 1911 Alexander, Fannie 1911 Barron, 0. J. 1899 Boggess, Albert ♦1858 Alexander, J. A. 1904 Barron, Ollie 1903 Boggess, Annie Lou *1871 Alexander, Laura 1858 Barry, Rachel 1914 Boggess, R. W. 1909 Alexander, Mary 1903 Barton, A. J. h 1907 Bolton, Gussie ♦1864 AUcorn, Adeline *1890 Barton, Mary D. 1909 Bondurant, Stella *1858 AUcorn, Emeline *1859 Barziza, D. W. ♦1859 Bookman, I. M. *1858 Allcorn, Mary 1913 Bass, H. C. 1905 Boone, J. P., Jr. 1900 AUdredge, E. P. 1901 Bassett, T. R., M. D. 1902 Boothe, J. E., M. D. 1911 Allen, Bertha f 1901 Bassinger, W. I., M.D. 1896 Boren, Ruth f 1911 Allen, C. A., Ph. G. 1914 Baten, W. D. 1904 Boswell, A. H., M. D. 1913 Allen, C. G., M. D. *1904 Bates, F. W.. M. D. 1908 Boswell, W. D. m 1877 Allen, Ella C. 1904 Batson, C. L. 1892 Bourland. J. W. 1879 Allen, F. M. 1904 Batson, Lida 1899 Bowen, W. D. 1877 Allen, J. E. 1902 Batson, J. T. *1861 Bowers, J. L. 1890 Allen, Lula 1879 Battle, Alfred 1910 Bowers, R. G. h 1888 Allen, Mary 1881 Battle, Annie 1910 Boyd, J. C. 1878 Allen, Pyrena 1877 Battle, Edgar 1885 Boyd, Lillie 1882 Allen, R. L. ♦1879 Battle, Maria ♦1901 Boyles, Mattie f 1885 Allen, Stella 1902 Battle, May Belle *1905 Bradley, A. J., M. D. 1912 Allen, W. S. 1896 Battle, W. W. 1913 Bracken, W. D. 1908 Ammons, Mrs. A. f 1906 Baugh. J. H. *1886 Bradley, Minnie 1908 Ammons, E. 1909 Baugh, V. L. M. D. 1906 Bradley, Nora *1908 Anderson, AUene 1910 Baxter, L E. ♦1859 Bradshaw, D. A. 1879 Anderson, Lula 1903 Baylor, J. B. h 1910 Brandon, B. B., M. D. *1864 Anderson, Mary 1878 Bean, J. M. 1913 Brannon, E. C, M. D. 1911 Anderson, Mary 1904 Beatty, G. S., M. D. 1909 Brazelton, Alliene 1905 Anderson, P. H. 1913 Beaumont, Beatrice *1858 Breedlove, C. R. ♦1884 Anderson, S. J. h *1882 Beaver, J. H. ♦1880 Breedlove, W. C. 1877 Anderson, T. W. ♦1882 Beaver. W. G. 1895 Brian, Edna 1912 Anderson, W. H. 1913 Beck, J. W., Ph. G. 1896 Brian, Maude f 1908 Andrews, Frank f 1909 Beckwith, Marjorie f 1893 Brian, W. T. 1871 Andrews, Reddin, Jr. 1879 Beddoe, A. F. 1901 Brightwell, Willie f 1904 Anthony, B. C, Ph. G. 1909 Beddoe, R. E., M. D. 1885 Brigman, Lula 1911 Arbuckle, Agnes 1905 Beeson, L. C, M. D. 1911 Brindley, H. S. 1914 Armstrong, Mrs. M. 1910 Belew, D. 0. 1908 Brinson, M. W., M. D. *1859 Arnold, J. M. 1914 Belew, G. H. 1902 Brittain, W. E. 1910 Ashburn, G. L. 1911 Belk, Andy f 1913 Brooks, Flora f 1912 Ashcraft, E. J., M. D. 1895 Bell, Alice f 1885 Brooks, Lula 1913 Askew, Lucia *1887 Bell, F. J. 1893 Brooks, S. P. 1909 Atkinson, Elizabeth f 1876 Bell, J. A. 1903 Brooks, T. D. 1859 Atkinson, Lucy 1911 Bell, M. D. 1913 Brown, B. B., Ph. G. 1910 Atkinson, J. R. Ph.G. 1887 Bell, Mollie 1881 Brown, Eoline *1864 Atkinson, Judith 1911 Bell, P. C. f 1905 Brown, J. D., M. D. 1913 Atwood, C. P. 1903 Bell, R. B., M. D. 1891 Brown, Jessie 1905 Austin, J. L., M. D. 1901 Bell, R. E. 1905 Brown, L. B., Jr. 1912 Austin, LouElla 1908 Benge, Mamie *1859 Brown, L. H. 1905 Austin, W. G., M. D. 1904 Bennett, Mary 1912 Brown, Lilybel 1914 Autry, M. B. 1906 Bennett, M. L. 1874 Brown, Louise 1903 Autry, Nettie f 1904 Benson, J. H. 1881 Brown, Minnie 1910 Baade, Rosa f 1906 Bentley, J. E., Ph. G. *1886 Brown, Mollie 1907 Badger, Fannie f 1913 Best, Ora 1905 Brown, R. A., M. D. 1907 Bagby, T. C. *1867 Bester, D. P. h 1905 Brown, R. L., M. D. 1875 Bagby, W. B. 1913 Bettis, Birdie 1858 Brown, T. J. *1880 Bailey, W. O. h 1906 Bettison, D. L., M. D. 1896 Brown, T. W. 1913 Baines, Annie 1912 Betts, Otsie 1886 Bruce, W. H. h 1875 Baines, G. W. m 1912 Birt, J. B., M. D. 1914 Bruton, 0., Ph. G. 1909 Baines, Janet 1910 Bishop, Mrs. Eva f 1908 Bryan, Alva ♦1878 Baker, Nat 1909 Bishop, H. C. 1895 Bryan, J. W. ♦1875 Baker, W. S. 1908 Bishop, T. v., M. D. 1897 Bryan, Lallie f 1910 Balch, J. R. 1884 Bittell, W. S. 1896 Bryan, Lera 1892 Ball, Jennie 1898 Bizzell, W. B. 1877 Bryan, L. R. 1908 Ball, J. W., Ph. G. 1902 Blackburn, R. L., M.D. 1895 Bryan, Lyman 1892 Ball, William P. 1901 Blailock, Clara f 1884 Buchanan, A. J. 1897 Ballew, Maude f 1911 Blaine, D. B., Ph. G. 1885 Buck, Ermine 1914 Barcus, J. M. 1913 Blaine, M. H., Ph. G. 1914 Buck, Georgia 1910 Barfield, A. Z., M, D. 1893 Blair, Hettie 1886 Buck, Miriam 90 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory 1903 Buck, Nellie 1914 Champion, Sallie 1904 Cooper, O. H., Ph. G. ♦1869 Buck, S. C. •1879 Chandler, Carrie 1914 Cooper, O. H. h 1907 Buck, Sudie ♦1859 Chandler, G. L. •1881 Corey, C. H. h ♦1871 Buck, W. C. h •1859 Chandler, J. W. 1870 Corley, Josephine •1902 Buckley, A. S., M. D. ♦1886 Chandler, R. E. 1905 Cornelius, E. S. 1872 Buckley, S. B. h ♦1875 Chandler, T. J. 1909 Gotten, Ford *1867 Buckner, H. F. h •1878 Chaplin, C. C. h 1908 Gotten, Scott 1903 Buckner, R. C. h 1887 Chapman, E. M. h 1908 Couch. Florence 1912 Bunkley, F. H. 1907 Chapman. J. J.. M. D. 1911 Couch, Q. C. 1911 Bunkley, T. F. 1896 Charlton, Julia f 1907 Court. Vara f 1905 Burke. Martha •1862 Chase, Ella 1913 Courtney. L. W. m 1907 Burkhalter, F. E. 1896 Chase, Josie f 1913 Covington, C. M.. 1881 Burleson. A. S. 1910 Chernosky, Annie f M. D. 1887 Burleson, Florence 1896 Chestnutt, Alberta f 1911 Cowan, Beatrice f 1883 Burleson, Hallie 1909 Christian, C. A., Ph.G. 1897 Cowan, W. C. 1882 Burleson, Imogene 1913 Christian, Ela 1907 Cowden. Grace f 1869 Burleson, Leigh 1914 Clark, C. B., M. D. 1902 Cowden. Lillie f •1880 Burleson, Percival 1914 Clark, Fred 1904 Cowden. Ruth f 1890 Burleson, R. A. 1873 Clark, Horace h 1898 Cox, B. L. •1875 Burleson, R. B. h 1880 Clark, J. G. h 1885 Cox, Lina 1870 Burleson, Segur •1858 Clark, Kate 1910 Cox, S. E.. Ph. G. 1891 Burroughs, A. C. ♦1893 Clark, Stella 1910 Cozby, Martha f 1891 Burroughs, P. E. 1908 Clark, V. B. 1914 Grain, Edith f 1901 Burt, Robbie f 1907 Clark, V. v., M. D. •1866 Crane, Annie 1913 Burton, H. T. 1904 Clay, C. L. 1877 Crane, B. D. 1913 Burton, L. T. 1914 Clay, E. B. 1869 Crane, C. J. 1898 Busby, 0. F. 1909 Clay, Henry, M. D. •1880 Crane, G. S. 1910 Butler, W. M., Ph. G. 1895 Claypool. T. H. •1878 Crane, J. T. 1903 Byars, Mirvine f 1909 Clegg, Elizabeth 1884 Crane. R. C. 1910 Byrd, Mary f 1911 Clegg, Erma •1873 Crane, W. C. h 1884 Byrd. T. E. 1905 Clegg, Hettie 1864 Crane, W. C, Jr. 1911 Cade, Kathleen 1903 Clegg, Jessie 1899 CranfiU, Mabel •1856 Callaway, M. M. •1873 demons, A. E. h 1912 Craus, M. A. 1910 Calloway, C. 0. •I860 Cleveland, T. J. 1906 Crawford, C. M.,Ph.G. 1909 Camp, B. C, Ph. G. 1862 Cleveland. Virginia 1899 Crawford, Lillian f 1905 Camp, W. S.. Ph. G. 1907 Clement, Dora •1885 Crayton, J. W. •1883 Campbell, Emma •1905 Clinkscales, L. D. 1903 Creagan, M. V., M. D. 1908 Campbell, Mabel f 1887 Clonts, Mary 1906 Crippen, Bessie f 1874 Cannon, Mittie 1882 Cobb, J. H. 1909 Crofts, H. A., Ph. G. 1893 Cantwell, J. W. 1912 Cobb, Sammie f 1866 Crosby, Mollie •1871 Caperton, A. C. h 1868 Cobb, Sue 1906 Cross, C. P. 1903 Carpenter, Anise 1913 Cobb, T. P. 1912 Cross, D. D. 1905 Carpenter, Louise f 1883 Cochran, Exer •1879 Cross, F. C. 1907 Carpenter. W. A. •1883 Cochran, Lela 1908 Cross, G. T. 1890 Carrington, Pauline 1910 Cock, E. R., Ph. G. 1900 Cross. Willie 1871 Carroll, B. H. h 1892 Cocke, J. W. 1912 Crosson, Grace 1901 Carroll, B. H., Jr. 1901 Cockrell. D. L.. M. D. 1903 Crouch, A. B. 1898 Carroll, C. C. 1901 Cockrell, E. E., M. D. 1899 Crouch, Austin 1911 Carroll, C. M. 1896 Cole, A. T. 1901 Crouch, E. W. 1896 Carroll, F. E. 1908 Cole, Lena f 1911 Crowder, J. W. 1905 Carroll. H. R. 1874 Cole. Mamie 1911 Grumpier, P. P., Ph.G. 1877 Carroll, J. M. •1887 Cole. Minnie 1881 Culbertson, Emma 1903 Carroll. Kate f 1910 Coleman. A. T. 1895 Culbertson, Willie f 1911 Carroll, P. D.. Ph. G. 1914 Coleman, L. W., Jr. 1902 Cummins. Kate f 1903 Carroll, W. G. 1907 Collier. Clyde f 1890 Cunningham, Berta 1913 Carson, R. L., Ph. G. 1890 Collier. J. P. 1877 Cunningham. B. W. 1858 Carter, Bettie 1908 Collier, Mollie f 1897 Cunningham. Mamie 1875 Carter, Frances 1908 Collier, R. B. 1871 Cunningham, V. G. 1877 Carter, Hallie 1905 Collings, Dora f •1879 Curry, E. P. 1902 Carter, Jessie f 1905 Collins. J. T.. M. D. 1863 Curry, Sallie 1895 Carter, J. W. 1914 Colquitt, P. P., Ph. G. 1906 Curtis, Mattie 1888 Carter, Mattie 1913 Comer, Anasue •1864 Cushney, Mollie 1909 Carter, R. M. 1909 Compere, D. E., M. D. 1902 Dale, Katie f 1890 Carter, Vannie 1899 Compere, E. L. 1907 Dalton, Crate 1909 Carver, W. C. h 1913 Compere, Jessie 1902 Dancer, B. F. 1903 Case, Gertrude f 1912 Compere, T. H. 1909 Daniel, Annie 1904 Casey, Lucy 1910 Compere. W, E. 1885 Daniel, C. D. 1909 Cash, W. A., M. D. •1879 Compere. W. T. 1907 Daniel, J. C. 1905 Casseday, Pattie f 1896 Connally, T. T. •1858 Daniel, J. T. 1904 Cater, D. J. 1900 Connell, Elma f •1883 Daniel, Mollie 1879 Cavin, E. D. 1909 Conner, Mamie f 1911 Daniel, Zonetta 1882 Chambers. Emma 1906 Conner, W. T. 1911 Daniel, Zou Steele 1882 Chambers, Luella •1871 Cook, J. F. h •1861 Darby, W. B. •1858 Chambers. Sallie 1914 Cook, J. M. 1887 Darby, W. W. 1914 Chambless. F. M.. 1902 Cook. Osee Tom f 1904 Dargan. E. C. h Ph. G. 1912 Cooke. E. M. 1895 Darling, Grace 1869 Chambliss, A. W. h 1913 Cooley. W. H., M. D. 1895 Darling, Lou f Index of Graduates 91 1891 Darwin, Georgia 1912 Dutton, S. T. h 1904 Fitzhugh, Mary 1886 Davenport, R. E. •1870 Duvall, J. R. 1914 Fletcher, J. M., Ph.G. 1911 Davidson, J. D., M. D. 1902 Dyer, Grace f •1878 Flint, J. D. 1911 Davidson, J, Y., Ph.G. 1892 Dyer, Lucile 1911 Flook, Hattie 1905 Davidson, M„ M. D. 1906 Dyess, A. D. 1910 Flournoy, R. Q. f 1891 Davidson, Maggie 1912 Dyess, E. E. 1905 Flowers, J. H., M. D. 1911 Davidson, N. A., M.D. 1911 Dyson, T. N., M. D. 1878 Fontaine, W. W. h 1896 Davis, Emma 1901 Earle, Hallie 1911 Ford, T. D., M. D. 1900 Davis, F. C. 1896 Early, Faye 1883 Foree, K. K. 1866 Davis, Florence 1913 Easter, Jessie 1913 Forrester, Esse f 1909 Davis, Florence •1874 Eastland, Ada 1892 Forrester, W. H. ♦1857 Davis, G. E. 1906 Eastland, D. L. •1891 Foster, Emma •1859 Davis, G. W. 1908 Eastland, Emma f •1885 Foster, S. M. 1913 Davis, J. E., Ph. G. 1890 Eastland, Isabel 1908 Fouts, Elwood 1888 Davis, Lena 1897 Eastland, J. H. 1911 Fouts, J. M. ♦I860 Davis, Maria H. 1890 Eastland, Mamie 1913 Frasher, Wilmoth •1872 Davis, N. K. h •1882 Eastland, Nellie 1911 Frazier. C. M., Ph. G. 1910 Davis, R. R., M. D. 1911 Eastland, Noema 1876 Frazier, Ella 1898 Davis, W. C. 1900 Eaton, C. A. h 1876 Frazier, J. M. 1906 Davis, W. T. 1910 Eberle, E. G. h 1879 Frazier, J. R. 1909 Davison, Florence 1860 Eddins, J. S. 1908 Freedman, Abe 1899 Davison, Verna f •1858 Eddins, Mary 1910 Freeman, Jane 1913 Dawson, J. L., M. D. 1913 Edge, S. W. 1876 Freeman, J. D. 1904 Dawson, J, M. 1911 Edmondson, Bob Wood 1912 Freeman, Lucy 1902 Dawson, W. D.. M. D. 1898 Edmondson, Estelle 1907 Freeman, R. M., M.D. 1913 Day, C. H., M. D. 1908 Edmondson, J. E. f 1903 French, Eleanor 1911 Day, R. L. f 1893 Edmondson, Mozelle 1912 Frost, Cleo 1913 Deal, J. B., M. D. 1900 Edwards, E. E. 1912 Frost, J. M. h •1891 Dean, Anna 1906 Edwards, F, M. 1912 Fry, M. D. 1906 Dean, Effie f 1906 Edwards, Jpssie f 1911 Fulbright, A. H. 1914 Deason, G. A., M. D. 1859 Edwards, J. M. 1906 Fulbright, G. S. 1914 Deathe, Harry, Ph. G. 1902 Edwards, Lena 1902 Fulbright, R. C. 1906 DeMent, B. H. h 1914 Edwards, W. O. 1908 Fuller, M. L., M. D. 1895 Denison, E. E. 1912 Egbert, 0. E., M. D. •1856 Fuller, Zilphia 1913 Denmon, L. H., M. D. 1861 Eldridge, Bowling 1912 Funderburk, W. O., 1911 Dennis, J. A., Ph. G. 1885 Eldridge, Carrie M.D. •1857 Denson, W. B. 1899 Elder, Janie 1901 Gaddy, Lillian 1902 deSteiguer, Julia f 1871 Elgin, J. E. 1908 Gaines, Bertha f •1859 Deupree, J. E. 1906 Ellis, J. W., Ph. G. 1893 Gaines, Bettie 1909 DeWalt, D. C., M. D. 1912 Ellis, L. M., M. D. 1873 Gaines, Lillian •1866 Dial, Mattie 1912 Estes, I. A., M. D. 1911 Gallagher, J. S. 1860 Dickie, J. A. 1911 Estes, Patti f 1903 Gambrell, J. B. h 1912 Dickson, Emily 1914 Etter, George 1910 Gambrell. J. H., M.D. 1911 DiUard, Maud •1874 Everett, J. V. 1912 Gandy, O. P., M. D. 1878 Dixon, S. H. 1886 Everett, Lelia 1910 Gantt, C. A. 1878 Dobbs, C. E. W. h 1905 Evans, C. W.. M. D. 1902 Gantt, J. W. f •1893 Dobbs, W. W. 1908 Evans, D. L., M. D. 1906 Garnett, H. M. 1881 Dockery, Lillie 1909 Evans, J. M. f 1908 Garrett, Dora 1912 Dodd, E. F., Ph. G. 1913 Evans, P. F. •1880 Garrett, H. L. 1879 Dodd, W. W. 1876 Ewell, Virginia •1866 Garrett, Mattie 1879 Dodson, J. N. •1858 Ewing, E. F. 1906 Garrett, Sallie 1907 Dodson, J. S. •1880 Ewing, W. P. 1887 Garrett, W. A. 1877 Dodson, T. J. 1913 Fagan, W. D. 1882 Garrett, W. B. 1906 Donoho, W. S. 1912 Fain, C. H., M. D. 1880 Garrett. W. M. 1910 Dorman, J. H., Ph. G. 1898 Falkner, Shirley f •1910 Garrison, G. P. h 1905 Dotson, Pauline 1899 Farmer, R. E. L. 1907 Garrott, Lillian f 1900 Dow, May 1878 Farr, Kate 1903 Gates, I. E. 1910 Dow, Willie 1912 Farrell, N. E., M. D. 1914 Gay, R. N. 1912 Dowell, T. C. 1912 Farrington, E. S. •1906 Gentry, F. A. 1910 Doyle, Pearla f 1913 Farrington, Willie f 1908 George, Louise f . 1911 Dozier, J. V., M. D. 1904 Faunce, W. H. P. h 1873 Gerald, Florence 1898 Drake, Preble f •1889 Fawcett, A. J. h 1913 Germany, Edna 1911 Drennan, Harriet 191S Featherston, C. H. 1912 Gettys, A. C. 1911 Dromgoole, Willie Ph. G. 1914 Gettys, E. M. 1901 DuBois, Nell f 1912 Featherston, W. B..Jr. 1911 Gibson, S. B. m 1902 DuBose, J. B.. M D. Ph. G. 1911 Gilbert, J. L., M. D. 1918 Dudley, R. E. 1900 Fennelle, Maggie f 1904 Gillespie, L. D., M. D. 1905 Duke, E. W., M. D. 1910 Fickett, H. L. •1893 Gilliam, R. F. 1897 Duncan, Ellen 1910 Fielder, Wilson 1913 Gillis. Pearl f 1899 Duncan, M. H. 1910 Finch, Princess 1908 Gist, Ruth f 1877 Duncan, J. F. 1912 Finley, H.. M. D. 1914 Glass, R. J., M. D. 1877 Duncan, J. T. 1913 Finley, H. S., Ph. G. 1901 Glass, W. B. •I860 Dunklin. T. C. 1902 Fisher, Corinne 1890 Gleiss. H. C. 1906 Dunn, M. M. 1913 Fisher, F. P. •1882 Goddard, Annie 1877 Dupree, J. C. 1906 Fisher, J. B. 1890 Goddard, Ellen 19.07 Dupree, Lucy 1887 Fitzhugh, D. K. 1886 Gtoddard, Mary 1908 Durham, Effie f 1888 Fitzhugh, J. S. 10tT2 Go'dley, Emma f 92 Bai^lor University Bulletin — Alumni Directory 1896 Goerner, H. L. 1901 1913 Golden, Rosalie 1914 1891 Goldsby, Dettye ♦1903 1876 Goldstein, I. A. 1907 1907 Gooch, A. L. 1912 1910 Gooch, J. H. 1913 1906 Gooch, W. T. 1905 1914 Goode, E. P., M. D. 1907 1877 Goodlett, S. H. 1911 *1862 Goodwin, Anna 1894 1879 Goodwin, S. A. h 1866 1866 Goodwin. Winnie 1901 1883 Gordon, Florence 1912 •1856 Goree, T. J. 1909 ♦1870 Gough, W. M. 1900 1912 Gowen, C. R., M. D. ♦1860 ♦1863 Grace, Hattie 1914 1906 Graham, Minnie 1903 1903 Grant, Pet 1900 ♦1863 Graves, Claude ♦1887 1895 Graves, D. E. ♦1871 ♦1866 Graves, Julia 1878 ♦I860 Graves, J. W. 1909 1913 Graves, L. M. 1887 1901 Gray, A. N., M. D. ♦1880 1911 Green, F. C., M. D. 1904 1902 Green, J. H. 1912 ♦1893 Green, Kittie 1902 1910 Green, Zelie f 1910 ♦1881 Greenwood, Eugenia 1912 ♦1906 Greer, Genevieve f ♦1908 1900 Greer, Margaret 1888 1874 Greer, Vada 1907 ♦1859 Gregory, A. S. 1904 1893 Griffeth, Ladye 1904 1914 Griffis, Abbie 1880 1898 Griffith, Kate ♦1902 1909 Griffith, Muda 1914 1912 Grimes, R. I., M. D. 1910 ♦1898 Grimmett, W. M. 1913 1914 Grinstead, W. C. ♦1862 ♦1906 Groner, W. C, Jr., ♦1858 Ph. G. 1904 1913 Gronlund, J. E. 1911 1912 Gross, J. L. h 1903 1903 Grove, J. H. h 1908 1908 Grove, Roxy 1891 1906 GuUedge, Edna 1897 1908 GuUedge, Ola 1913 1909 Gunn, Margaret 1911 1910 Guy, D. G., Ph. G. 1882 1905 Guynes, Alyne 1896 1914 Haffner, V. G., Ph.G. 1900 1881 Hair, Lottie 1874 1903 Halbert, Ada 1904 1913 Halbert, Ermine f ♦1866 1910 Halbert, Lilian 1877 ♦1873 Halbert, 0. L 1912 1903 Halbert, Olive 1911 1911 Hale, T. N. 1914 1914 Hall, J. H., M. D. 1907 1902 Hall, Margaret f 1913 1902 Hall, R. L., M. D. 1878 1899 Hamilton, R. H. 1914 1896 Hamlett, W. A. 1909 1906 Hanchey, R. H., M.D. 1912 1914 Handley, J. J., M.D. 1910 1911 Haney, J. H.. M. D. 1910 1896 Hanrick, Nannie 1907 1909 Harder, Emma f 1906 1909 Hardin, A. D., M. D. 1906 1858 Hardin, B. C. 1901 1911 Hardin, Ellen f 1902 1889 Hardin, Hennie 1859 1911 Hardin, Mavit 1914 1898 Hargrove, P. S. 1913 ♦1871 Harlan, Ella 1910 Harper, Lola f 1912 Harper. H. W. h 1900 Harper, W. R. h 1904 Harrell, J. W. 1899 Harrell. O. M. ♦I 87 3 Harrell, W. M. ^1890 Harrington, Genoa 1911 Harrington. Jessie 1914 Harris. Bertie 1901 Harris, G. W. 1859 Harris, Julia ^1866 Harris, Lora f 1913 Harris, Mattie 1885 Harris. M. L. f 1888 Harris. Nat 1908 Harris. Pinckney 1904 Harris, R. A., M. D. 1908 Harris, W. D. h 1908 Harris, W. M. h 1909 Harris. W. P. 1906 Harris. W. W. h 1904 Harrison. Hallie 1904 Harrison, H. M. 1876 Harrison, J. A. 1906 Harrison, J. T. 1908 Harrison, O. C. ^1906 Harrison, W. W. 1901 Hartfield. Zuma 1873 Harvey, Lela ^1878 Hassler. S. O. 1910 Hatton, Frank 1911 Hawkins, Ida 1905 Hawkins, J. E. ^1869 Hawkins. Lita 1877 Hawkins, Mary 1908 Hayden. S. A. f 1897 Haydon. J. W.. M. D. 1901 Hayes. Irmine f 1913 Hayes. Minnie 1913 Hayes. Ruth 1912 Haynes, Adelaid 1900 Haynes. T. B. 1901 Hays, S. O., M. D. 1909 Head, J. H. 1905 Head. J. L. ^1866 Head, Selma f 1877 Hearn, Roy 1907 Hearne. W. F. 1913 Heath. Vesta 1905 Hefley, R. L. 1892 Heisig. Theodore 1912 Held. J. A. 1910 Hemphill, Homa f 1908 Henderson. Ada 1910 Henderson. Boyce 1910 Henderson. J. N. 1911 Hendei-son. T. S. 1906 Henry, C. M. 1910 Henry, D. L. 1910 Henry, Willie f 1884 Herrin, J. Q. 1901 Herring. E. K. 1914 Herring. Laura 1913 Hestand. D. M.. M.D. 1913 Hickman. Fay +1857 Hicks. R. N. 1914 Hielscher. H. E.. Ph.G. 1896 Higginbotham, Alice 1885 Higginbotham, J. M. 1910 Higginbotham. Louise *1858 Higginbotham, Nina 1897 High. W. C. M, D. ^1857 Hightower, A. T.,MD. 1890 Hightower, L. B. 1911 Hill, A. E. 1913 Hill. Angie ♦1857 Hill. Elizabeth f 1871 Hill, Lucile Hill. Nim Hill, Vernon Hillsman, W. T. Hillyer, J. F. h Hines. Lida Hitchcock, Buna Hodnett. H. J., Ph. G. Hodge. S. R.. M. D. Hogue, Gertrude Holland. Ella Hollis. L. W.. M. D. Holms ley. Lou Holt, A. J. h Holt, Georgella Holt. J. B. Homan. A. J.. Ph. G. Homan, D. €.. M. D. Honeycut, Leone f Honeycut, Y. J. f Hooper, I. W., M. D. Hooper, J. L., M. D. Horn, J. R. Home. Blanche Home, W. C. Hornor. Susie f Hornor, Vara Horsley. R. G. Houston. Temple Howard, C. Cf. Howard, G. W., M. D. Howard, W. €., M. D. Howard. William h Howard. William Howell, Sallie f Hubbard. Searcy f Huckaby, C. R., M.D. Hudson, C. A. Hudson, Dunker Hudson, W. E. Huey, Bettie f Huff, Erin f Huff. Oscar, M. D. Huffman, J. W., M.D. Humphreys, Anna Humphreys, Emma Humphries, L. K. Hunt, J. N. Hunt, Mrs. Nora f Hutchinson, Lola Hutto. S. R. Hutton, Etta Hutton, Hattie Hyer. R. S. h Ingram. E. A. Isbill, H. G. Isbill. Lola Isbill, Una Isenhower, E. J. Ivy, H. A. Jack, Alta Jack. Eunice Jackson. Bessie Jackson, J. M. Jackson, J. P. Jackson, W. A. James, C. Jameson, Nina Jarmon, T. M., M. D. Jeffries, James Jenkins, Annie Jenkins, J. C. Jenkins, Josephine Jenkins, J. R. Jenkins, Mamie Jenkins, Ophelia Jenkins, Y. S. Index of Graduates 93 1912 Jennings, H. 0. *1905 Kyger, Evelyn f 1911 1908 Jent, J. W. m 1888 Kyger, J. C. F. 1902 1903 Jeter, Alfa 1909 Kyser, Emma 1905 1911 Jeter, 0. R.. M. D. 1912 Kyser, Rosalind 1902 1901 Jeter, T. M., M. D. 1895 Lake, Fannie f 1908 1905 Jones, A. G., M. D. 1870 Lancaster, Kitty 1908 1909 Jones, A. L, 1910 Landrum, H. W., 1913 1909 Jones, C. H. h Ph. G. 1913 1897 Jones, D. M. 1875 Lane, Mary 1912 1907 Jones, Ela f *1905 Lanham, S. W. T. h 1893 1913 Jones, G. L., M. D. 1869 Lanneau, J. F. h 1871 1902 Jones, J. M. 1912 Latham, Alice *1875 1906 Jones, J. W. f 1909 Latham, J. C. ♦1873 1902 Jones, Lizzie 1907 Latham, Madge 1877 1905 Jones, R. D. 1897 Lattimore, Bertha 1885 1909 Jones, Ross 1912 Lattimore, H. S. 1885 1898 Jones, W. M. 1895 Lattimore, J. C. 1898 1908 Johnson, B. F. f 1912 Lattimore, J. E. 1906 1905 Johnson, Elmore 1887 Lattimore, 0. S. 1897 1905 Johnson, Eva 1902 Lattimore, S. H. 1910 1895 Johnson, F. E. 1895 Lattimore, W. C. h 1903 1891 Johnson, J. B. ♦1882 Law, F. M. h 1905 1881 Johnson, Johnnie 1897 Lawless, Kate f 1897 1909 Johnson, L. L. 1906 Lawrence, Stella f 1904 1863 Johnson, Mary 1910 Lay, Zola *1860 1890 Johnson, Nora 1912 Leazer. R. W. 1906 *1887 Johnson, Pearl 1883 Lednum, Lula 1909 1910 Johnson, R. E., Ph.G. 1912 Lee, L. A., Ph. G. 1901 1914 Johnson, R, F., M. D. 1907 Legett, Jewell 1884 Johnson, Rosa 1907 Legett, L. L. 1897 1892 Johnson, Ruby *1856 Leland, O. H. 1898 1896 Johnson, Virgie *1875 Lenoir, Margaret 1912 1913 Johnston, J. E., Jr. 1906 Lester, C. D. 1905 1872 Johnston, Lula 1904 Levine, J., M. D. 1891 *1856 Kavanaugh, C. T. 1909 Liddell, G. M., M. D. 1911 *1855 Kavanaugh, Gentry 1912 Light, J. W. ♦1872 1909 Kayser, Paul 1903 Lincecum, A. L.,M.D. 1882 1911 Keeling, Katherine 1906 Lindley, J. H., Ph. G. 1911 *1884 Keifer, Frank 1902 Lindsey, Margaret 1886 1906 Keith, B. F. 1877 Linton, Ella 1899 1913 Kellam, A. J., M. D. 1871 Linton, Sallie 1899 1908 Kellogg, Clara 1878 Lipscomb, A. G. 1858 1910 Kellogg, Emily *1871 Lipscomb, Gertrude 1902 1910 Kellogg, Eva f 1871 Lipscomb, J. S. 1891 1904 Kellogg, Marie f *1871 Lipscomb, Joel A. 1905 1880 Kelly, G. G. 1912 Little, W. A. 1872 1906 Kelly, Joel, M. D. 1891 Lively, H. F. 1887 1914 Kelly, Lois 1903 Lockett, B. L. 1900 1861 Kelton, M. A. 1902 Lockett, Maggie f 1909 1900 Kendall, Lela 1878 Lockett, 0. L. h 1907 1899 Kendall, Margaret 1906 Lockett, W. B. 1912 1902 Kendall, Sara 1907 Lofland, W. T. *1858 1908 Kendrick, Blanche 1880 Lofton, G. A. h 1910 1898 Kendrick, E. I. 1902 Logan, W. H., M. D. 1912 1906 Kendrick, Hester 1884 Long, Ella 1904 1884 Kendrick, Maggie 1912 Long, F. E, 1902 1891 Kendrick, Minnie ♦1880 Long, J. C. h 1894 1911 Kerley, W. M., Ph.G. *1866 Long, W. H. h 1908 1914 Kidd, J. A. 1888 Long, W. H., Jr. 1913 *1884 Kiefer, F. h 1893 Looney, Ruby 1899 1914 Kieke, A. W., M. D. 1900 Lott, M. E. 1910 1914 Kilpatrick, Myra f 1911 Love, J. F. h 1909 1898 Kimball, lone 1898 Lovelace, Carl 1899 *1880 Kimball, J. A. h 1902 Lowe, J. W., M. D. 1905 1900 Kimball, J. F. m 1908 Lowery, Mabel f 1907 1890 King. E. E. h 1906 Lowery, Minnie f 1914 1906 King, E. E., Jr. 1907 Lowry, Grace f 1881 1913 King, Lina 1910 Lowry, Leila 1910 1888 King, Rosa *1903 Lubbock, F. R. h 1912 1881 King, S. A. h 1897 Lumpkins, J. C. 1907 1908 King, W. B. 1905 Lusk, H. N., M. D. 1913 *1879 Kirk, L. 1908 McAdon. L. E., M. D. 1911 1902 Kirkland, Mattie f 1909 McBride, Jennie f 1902 *1908 Knapp, S. A. h *1908 McBride, 0. N. 1899 1914 Knight, J. B.. M. D. 1912 McBride, W. M. 1900 1906 Kuehne, H. F., M. D. 1910 McCall. Clara f 1908 1913 Kueer, L. W., M. D. 1912 McCall, D. H. 1910 McCall, J. D. McCalla, Margaret f McCarty, J. W., Ph.G. McCarty, Milburn McCasland, J. J. McCauley, Mary McClain, Annie McClain, J. H. McClatchy, Wright McClelland, W. H. McComb, J. E. McComb, William P. McCrary, Epsey McCrary, Eula McCuUoch, C. C. McCutchfion, Mary McDaniel, G. W. McDonald, C. A. McDonald, Carrie McDonald, C. S. McDonald, G. W. McDonald, J. F. McDonald, J. F. McDonald, R. McDowell, Catherine McDowell, M. L. McElhannon, J. C. McFerrand, R. W., M. D. McGee, I. G. McGhee, May f McGowan, Eva McGowan, W. J., M.D. McGown, Sallie Mcllroy, Lily Mclntire, D. h Mclntire, J. A. Mclver, J. A. McJunkin, Rossie McKamey, J. W. McKamey, Myrtle McKellar, Mary McKenney, Bianca f McKinney, Lila f McKissick, J. F., M.D. McKnight, Arthur McKown, Fannie McLendon, Edgar McLendon, T. P.,M.D. McMinn, Frankie McNeill, Hattie McNeill, Sallie McNutt, J. A., Ph. G. Mabie, H. C. h Mackay, Alex., M. D. Maddux, Ella, M. D. Magee, W. E. Mainer, Ella Mainer, Lucile Mainer, T. N. Mallory, Helen Mallory, W. A. Malone, A. L. Malone, Gertrude Manning, Lily f Mansell, Alice Maple, J. C. h Marks, Rosa MarTs, Autie Marshall, J. B. Marshall, Louisville Marshall, Monta f Martin, A. E., M. D. Martin, C. L. Martin, D. K. Martin, Emma Martin, G. L. 94 Bailor University Bulletin — Alumni Directoiv 1885 Martin, J. H. 1911 Morrison, Sudie f 1878 Park, M. C. H. 1909 Martin, Lillie h •1858 Morriss, A. E. 1903 Parker, Noema f 1908 Martin, Mae 1902 Morrow, Dora f 1907 Parker, W. A. 1905 Martin, Nora 1911 Morrow, Elizabeth f 1914 Parkhill, Bess 1902 Martin, S. S„ M. D. 1906 Morrow, Louise f 1902 Parks, A. J., M. D. 1909 Martin, Theodocia 1905 Morrow, W. S. 1856 Parks. W. H. 1886 Martin. W. C. 1913 Moses, Alice, M. D. 1913 Parris, 0. E. 1903 Maskey, Ernestine f 1913 Mosley. C. P. 1909 Parrish, E. M., M. D. 1908 Mason, G. J. 1910 Mosley. Cubelle 1905 Parrish, W. S., M. D. 1904 Mason, W. E, 1912 Mosley, 0. B. •1906 Paschall, J. G.. M. D. 1907 Massingill, M. L. 1906 Mosteller. Edna 1911 Pattillo, A. D., M. D. 1908 Masters, B. E. •1865 Muckelroy. Annie 1901 Patton. Katharine f 1912 Mathis, J. C. 1905 Muirhead, Delia f 1873 Patton. Mary 1908 Matthews, Florence f 1904 Muirhead. H. H. 1912 Paxton. Mary 1903 Matthews, Gertrude •1888 Muller, B. F. 1906 Payne, Lotta f 1908 Matthews, H. J. 1903 Mullins, E. Y. h 1902 Payne, 0. C. *1895 Matthews, W. C. 1910 Murphree, C. W. 1908 Payne, W. N. 1901 Maxwell, John 1898 Murphree, Martha 1902 Pearce, Jos. 1903 Maxwell, 0. A. 1898 Murphree, R. D. 1878 Peck, Felicia 1913 May, Martha f 1911 Murphrey, L.. Ph. G. •1878 Peck, L. L. 1908 Meadows, L. R. 1878 Murphy. J. D. h 1909 Peek. Clellia 1911 Meadows, W. M., M.D. 1896 Muse, Anabel f 1909 Pegues. lone f 1907 Means, Barbara f 1906 Muse, Artie f 1908 Penrod, Lucian M.D. 1908 Mendenhall, J. S. 1879 Muse, E. B. 1912 Percefull. S. C. 1907 Meroney, W. P. 1894 Nabors, W. A. •1870 Perkins, A. G. G. 1910 Mersereau, E. B. 1910 Nance, L. M., M. D. 1872 Perry, Mozelle *1858 Metcalf, J. W. 1913 Nance, Martha f 1910 Peters, 0. W. 1912 Michel, Beth, Ph. G. 1896 Nance, Nell 1908 Peterson. R. 1905 Milam, Louretta 1888 Napier, Lena 1858 Pettus. Dora 1911 Miles, L. A., Ph. G. 1903 Nash, E. R., Jr. 1904 Pettus. Gretelle £ 1911 Miller, A. B. 1901 Nash, J. M. 1863 Pettus. Laura 1911 Miller, E. L., M. D. 1913 Neel, Allie •1859 Petty. V. E. 1890 Miller, Janie 1912 Neel, Bernice 1909 Pharr, Lota 1902 Miller, J. J. 1895 Neel, Mary f 1911 Phillips. Effie 1902 Miller, Liska f 1911 Neely, Alma 1912 Phillips, M. A. 1905 Miller, M. K, Ph. G. 1894 Neff, Pat •1882 Pickett, G. W. h ♦1870 Miller, W. A. H. 1900 Nelms, Gertrude f 1898 Pickett, Sallie f 1873 Milner, Frances 1907 Nelson. W. J. 1909 Pierce, C. S. 1908 Milton, J. W. 1884 Newbrough. J. W. 1896 Pierson, Alice 1892 Mims, Lewis 1908 Newbrough, Myrtle 1902 Pierson. Bessie f 1904 Mims, L. J. 1911 Newman, Bertha 1895 Pierson. Geo. f 1913 Minatra, C. 0. 1885 Newman, F. M. 1896 Pierson. Wm. 1890 Minor, Myrtle 1908 Newman, G. 0. •1878 Pointer, Phil. A. h 1913 Mitchell. S. C. h 1909 Newsom, H. G., M. D. 1873 Polk. Daniel 1908 Mitchell, Willa f 1864 Newsome, Sallie 1870 Polk. Edwin 1884 Mitchell, W. J. h 1910 Newton. Mittie 1873 Polk, Louis 1912 Moffett, J. F. 1908 Newton. S. M. 1913 Pool. Carrie 1882 Moffett, J. W. 1908 Nichols, Ruth f 1902 Pool. J. B. 1911 Moffett, Rosa •1907 Nicholson, A., M. D. 1887 Pool, W. H. 1910 Moffett, W. C. 1913 Nitsche, Ernest, M. D. •1880 Pope. 0. C. h *1861 Montgomery, Annie 1902 Noble, Kitty f 1912 Popplewell, A.L.,M.D. 1908 Montgomery, J. E., 1912 Noble, Lois f •1905 Porter, Ellen M.D. 1904 Norris, J. F. 1898 Porter. S. G. 1906 Moody, Clara •1900 Northen, W. J. h 1914 Porter, S. J. h 1908 Moody, C. R. 1913 Nowlin, Watsie 1913 Porter, Wm. 1904 Moody, T. L., M. D. 1902 O'Brien, Florence f 1913 Porter. Mrs. Wm. 1856 Mooney, Carrie •1878 O'Bryan. Mollie 1908 Poteat, E. M. h 1910 Moore, Hayden 1877 O'Bryan, W. C. 1905 Poteat, W. L. h 1909 Moore, J. D., M. D. 1910 Odom, I. N. m 1909 Potter. Rosa 1889 Moore, Mae •1856 Oliphant, C. H. 1868 Potts. J. E. •1873 Moore, Mary 1910 Oliver, Ouida f 1910 Potts, J. 0. 1900 Moore, M. L. •1859 Onins, I. M. 1878 Powell, Grace ♦1859 Moore. W. L. •1902 Oram. Alline f 1893 Powell. J. R. 1908 Moores, Anna f 1887 Orr, A. W. h 1912 Powell, Nora 1913 Moran, K. P.. M. D. 1913 Orrick, A. W. 1905 Powell, W. H.. M. D. 1876 Morrill, Emma 1913 Orrick, C. W. 1906 Powell, Wilma f 1886 Morrill, Laura 1885 Osborn, Mattie 1913 Power. R. H. 1875 Morrill, Mary 1899 Ouzts, Mamie f 1909 Powers, E. D., Ph. G. 1911 Morris, C. P. •1884 Owen, A. E. h •1880 Prater. W. N. 1865 Morris, Fannie 1899 Pace. Annie 1912 Pressley, Belle f 1910 Morris, Mozelle f 1908 Pace. J. H. 1904 Price, Don. M. D. 1912 Morris, R., Ph. G. 1914 Padgett, W. O.. M. D. 1904 Price. Emma f 1903 Morris, T. M. 1905 Page, G. W. m 1911 Price, J. M. 1907 Morrison, Ella f •1861 Pahl, H. F. 1906 Provence. Pearl ♦1870 Morrison, Mollie 1910 Palmer, G. E. 1912 Provence, S. M. h 1984 Murriaon, S. H. 1909 Parish, Irving, M. D. 1910 Punchard, O, W. i0«g MWnidti'nt, Ollige, 18^91 Park, Ada f 1909 Pulliam, Gladys Ph. G. isftJe Pai*, Anita f imd Fulliam, LenDfe Index of Graduates 95 1886 Puryear, Laura 1913 Routh, Leila 1863 Smith, Clemantine 1894 Pyle, J. C. ♦1854 Rowe. S. D. 1900 Smith, D. E. 1893 Ralston, Eulalia 1911 Rowland, Ben 1914 Smith, F. A. 1886 Ramsey, Lula 1896 Royall, Bess f 1887 Smith, Fannie 1896 Randal, Leona f 1905 Rudd, L. H., Ph.G. 1913 Smith, Forrest h 1912 Randolph, B., M. D. 1914 Rumfelt, A. E. 1905 Smith. G. W., M. D. *1877 Randolph, J. F. 1914 Rush, P. A., Ph.G. 1897 Smith. H. C. *1877 Randolph, J. T. 1911 Rushing, J. G.. M.D. 1880 Smith. H. H. h 1913 Ratcliff, R. J. 1912 Russell. I. D., M. D. 1914 Smith, I. E. 1899 Rawlins, Alma 1911 Russell, W. L. 1905 Smith, L H. 1895 Ray, Cora f 1913 Rutledge, C. H. 1909 Smith, J. G. 1908 Ray, H. C. 1912 Sallee, Annie Lee •1857 Smith, J. F. 1898 Ray. J. A. 1910 Sallee. Hannah •1858 Smith, J. L. 1882 Ray, J. D . 1914 Sallee. J. M. h 1911 Smith, J. T., M. D. 1886 Ray, Jennie 1905 Salter. J. M., M. D. 1914 Smith, Juanita f 1913 Ray, Ruth ♦1889 Sample, W. A. h 1911 Smith, Julia •1859 Read. S. D. 1912 Sanderford, Ghent 1914 Smith, Lenore *1903 Reagan, J, H. h 1905 Sanders, Minnie 1904 Smith. Libbie ♦1859 Reed, A. L. 1911 Sandlin, W. A. 1906 Smith, Lizzie f 1913 Reed, Delila 1914 Sappington. T.B.M.D. 1906 Smith, Mamie f 1911 Reed, M. E., Ph.G. 1908 Saunders. W. R. •1888 Smith, M. V. h 1888 Reed, Nettie 1914 Scales. Ruth f 1912 Smith, Pauline 1878 Reese, Carrie 1896 Scarborough, Dorothy 1910 Smith, Spurgeon 1910 Reese, Cresidus f 1892 Scarborough. Douglass 1897 Smith, S. W. 1912 Reese, Neina f 1892 Scarborough, L. R. 1909 Smith, Walker ♦1880 Reeves, Fannie 1911 Scarborough, W. T. 1908 Smith, Willye Mae f *1879 Reeves. Jennie 1908 Schaper, Etta f 1881 Smith, W. S. 1913 Reid. Isla 1889 Scofield, Anna 1911 Smyth, E. B. ♦1877 Reid, J. H. 1879 Scofield, A. P. 1913 Smyth, D. I. h 1912 Reid. S. J. h 1902 Scofield, Houston 1907 Smyth, S. J. 1907 Reynolds. Mabel f 1901 Schoolar, T.M., M.D. 1911 Smyth, Texie 1903 Reynolds. J. P, 1906 Scott, Lena f 1909 Snow, H. S. 1910 Rhoads. Bertha f 1910 Scott, Sarah f 1901 Sorrells, EU'Louise f 1913 Rich. Reba f ♦1899 Schuchardt, G. C. 1882 South, Lida 1895 Richards. L. J. 1892 Scale, Annie 1914 Sparkman, E. H. 1914 Richardson. Caroline 1906 Seale, E. T. 1887 Sparks, Frances 1912 Richburg. E.W.,Ph.G. 1908 Seale, J. J., M. D. 1913 Speed, B. W. 1902 Richey, H. M. •1876 Seale. K. B. 1868 Speight, Jesse 1914 Rider, S. H. 1913 Seeger. Eugene. M.D. 1871 Speight, Sallie 1902 Riggles, Rebecca f 1910 Seely. M. S.. Ph.G. 1910 Spencer, Clara f 1885 Riley, Belle 1909 Seely. R. Q.. Ph.G. 1907 Spencer, Fay 1903 Riley, B. F. h 1898 Selman. Rose f 1913 Spencer, Hazel 1905 Riley, Jessica 1894 Selvidge. G. P. 1910 Spencer, H. L. 1869 Ripeton, A. P. h 1905 Sengstak. E.P.E.M.D. 1878 Spencer, J. W. ♦1876 Risher, Lula 1911 Sessions. Ruby f 1908 Spencer, Mabel 1905 Roach, T. N., M. D. 1877 Sessions, Lizzie 1908 Spencer, Mary f 1906 Robb. S. T. 1898 Sewell, Ethel f 1911 Spencer, S. R. 1898 Robbins. Claudia 1905 Sewell, W. H. 1910 Spivey, C. E.. M. D. 1911 Robbins, E.F,Jr..M.D. •1888 Shannon, Irene 1910 Splawn, Jennie 1912 Robbins. V. E.. M.D. 1913 Shaw. C. A., M. D. 1906 Splawn, W. M. W. 1900 Roberts. Fred 1914 Shell. Clara 1901 Spurgin, A.M., M.D. 1878 Roberts. Jennie 1912 Shelton, A. M., M. D. 1888 Standefer, Estelle 1901 Roberts. L. M. D. 1885 Shelton. Fannie 1905 Standefer. Ethel f 1910 Robertson, Bessie 1867 Shelton, Wm. h 1912 Standefer, Jeannette 1911 Robertson, J.A.,Ph.G. 1913 Skelton, L. C, Ph.G. 1891 Standefer, Sue ♦1876 Robertson, J. C. •1858 Skelton, Rebecca 1913 Stanford, Eldora f ♦1858 Robertson, Julia 1913 Sherrill, J. W. 1887 Stanton. J. T. 1901 Robertson. W.H.,M.D. 1908 Sherrod. W. T. 1908 Stapp. C. F. 1910 Robey. Susannah f 1904 Shimmins. Celestia 1897 Staten, A. B. ♦1888 Robinson. Claudia 1903 Shimmins. Eloise 1885 Staton. Ida 1875 Robinson. C. S. 1906 Shimmins, T. W. f 1913 St. Clair. Clara 1905 Robinson. Thena.M.D, 1909 Shortal. W. W.. M.D. 1911 St. Clair, Jessie f 1911 Robinson. T. P. 1904 Simmonds. Daisy 1909 St. Clair, J. W. 1910 Rogers. J. C. 1901 Simonds, J. P. 1895 Steed, D. B. 1873 Rogers, Margaret H. 1912 Simpson. Natalie 1897 Steele. Orlena 1908 Rootan. Shelly. M.D. 1891 Simpson. Sallie 1911 Stephen. J. E. f 1880 Rose, W. S. 1904 Sims. G. M. 1905 Stephens. L. B.. M.D. 1913 Ross, O. W.. M. D. 1912 Skinner, H. L. B. 1906 Stephens. T. B..M.D. 1902 Ross. S. P., M. D. •1883 Skinner, I. P. 1901 Stephenson. lone f 1914 Robinson. Una 1884 Skinner, S. P. 1914 Steward. C. R. 1911 Rockett, F.W.B.,M.D. 1905 Slaughter, A. A. 1905 Stewart, C. W., M.D. 1900 Rodes, Alice f 1902 Slaughter, C. C. Jr. 1883 Still, Jessie 1898 Rodes. Mary 1911 Slaughter. V. B. •1904 Still, Josie 1911 Roemer. P. O.. Ph.G. 1907 Sloan. M. F., M. D. 1898 St. John. Maggie f 1858 Rogers, Fannie 1914 Sloane. P. A.. M. D. 1908 Stone, A. D. 1911 Rogers, F. T. 1905 Smartt, G. P., M. D. 1886 Storey, Lillie 1913 Rogers, G. B. 1902 Smartt, M. P., M. D. 1901 Strain, Eula f ♦1877 Rogers, G. W. h 1914 Smathers. Velma f 1910 Stribling, D. G. 1911 Rosser, L. E. 1914 Smith. A. L. •1884 Stribling, J. H. 1878 Rountree, F. S. 1905 Smith. C. F.. M. D. •I860 Stribling, J. H. h 1909 Rouse, Eleanor 1902 Smith, C. L., M. D. 1911 Strickland, A. C. Bailor ^UnviersitD Bulletin— Alumni Directori^ 1911 Strickland, Lulu •1861 1914 Stricklin, C. G., M.D. 1909 1910 Stricklln, M. L., M.D. 1907 1908 Strother, J. H. 1882 1875 Strother, J. T. h 1881 1880 Stroud, L, R. 1903 1907 Stubblefield, Ella f 1882 1905 Sturdivan, Ella, M. D. •1874 1911 Sturdivant, L. W. 1912 1913 Sturdivant, Mabel 1914 *1878 Styles, T. W. 1904 1907 Suhler, Miriam 1914 1895 Suits, T. J. •1858 1913 Summerhill, J. T. 1913 1906 Surratt, J. E. 1909 1906 Surratt, Marguerite 1896 1914 Surratt, Odo •1878 1914 Swafford, J. A., M.D. 1879 1914 Swan, H. A., M. D. 1910 1913 Swanson, J. A. 1876 1909 Swindell, A. •1858 *1865 Sydnor, Lucy 1906 1908 Taggart, W. C. 1896 1907 Talkington, T. W. 1901 1901 Talley, J. B. 1905 •1890 Tanner, J. S. 1911 1910 Tarrant, Murtel 1914 1909 Taylor, C. R. m 1903 1911 Taylor, Eschol f 1904 ♦1901 Taylor, Eunice •1908 1882 Taylor, J. B. h 1908 1886 Taylor, J. G. 1891 1913 Taylor, J. S. 1904 1907 Taylor, T. H. 1905 1912 Taylor, W. B., Ph.G. 1895 1879 Taylor, Z. C. 1894 1913 Teague, Cora, M. D. 1895 *1902 Tedford, J. H. 1912 1912 Terry, Margaret 1910 1899 Thomas, C. G. 1908 1902 Thomas, E. E., M. D. •1861 ♦1858 Thomas, J. B. 1913 1911 Thomas. J. W. f •1875 *1860 Thompson, B. H. 1886 1913 Thompson, Grace 1911 1890 Thompson, Lizzie 1911 1912 Thompson, Mabel 1903 1912 Thompson, Percy f 1902 1906 Thompson, P. G. 1897 1914 Threet, Eva 1910 1903 Tidwell, J. B. m 1911 1913 Tidwell, Sallye •1870 *1881 Timmons, Mary 1901 1908 Tirey, E. H. 1878 1907 Tirey, F. B. 1897 1910 Tirey, T. H. 1901 1885 TitTis, Neva •1886 1906 Todd, R. C. 1913 1908 Todd, W. B. 1903 1898 Townes, J. C. h 1897 1893 Townsend, E. G. 1897 1875 Townsend, Frances •1859 •1870 Townsend, Georgia 1910 •1859 Travis, C. E. 1913 1914 Travis, E. J. 1900 •1860 Traynham, Sarah 1912 1886 Trice, Beulah 1914 1908 Trimble, W. M., M.D. 1896 •1872 Trollinger, H. J. 1899 •1878 Trollinger, LiUie 1900 1908 Trueblood, B, F. h 1912 1897 Truett, G. W. •1858 1906 Tsukahara, K., M. D. 1911 1888 Tucker, Forest 1913 1909 Tucker, M. T. 1906 1897 Tunnell, Maude 1908 1913 Turbyfill, D. T. 1904 1905 Turner, Katie f 1906 1909 Turner, Nellie f 1906 1908 Vance, C. M. 1908 1907 Vance, J. T. 1907 1909 Vance, T. L. 1913 Vanderhurst, M. M. Varnado, Alma Varnell, May Vernor, W. H. h Vines, C. H. Vining, B. W. Voss, H. C. Waggener, Leslie h Waggoner, H. E. Wall, H. F., Ph.G. Walker, Carrie Walker, Hallie f Walker, J. G. Walker, Laura Walker, Mary Wallace, Mrs. Delha f Wallace, D. R. h Wallace, Estelle Wallace, Frank Wallace, Sue Waller, L. W. Wallis, Robbie f Walne, Belle Walne, W. H. Walters, J. T. Ward, Bess Ward, B. L. Ward, J. L. h Ward, Nena f Ward, Pearl Ware, Olive f Warn, Ruth f Warren, B. H. Warren, C. D., M. D. Warren, Cora Warren, D. C. Warren, G. E. Watkins, C. H. Watkins, Laura Watkins, Marcellus Watson, A. J. C. Watson, Dora Watson, Martha Watson, May Watson, Naomi f Wayland, Mabel Wayman, J. W. Weatherby, O. M. Weathered, Rosa f Weaver, Marguerite f Webb, Annie Webb, C. S. h Wedington, Arthuisa Wedemeyer, C. H. Wellborn, Pearl f Wells, Dollie Wells, J. M. h Wemyss, Carrie f Wemyss, Ruby Westbrook, Lizzie f Westbrook, Lorena Wheeler, W. W. Whiddon, R. C, M.D. Whitaker, H. L..M.D. White, B. E. White, J. E. h White, Lois, Ph.G. White, Maude White, Pearl White, W. T. Whitehead, Bess Whiteside, Mary Wiebusch, Geo. H. Wier, Sudie f Wilcox, J. M. Wilie, C. L. Wilkinson, W. C. h Wilkerson, Eula f Wilkerson, Susie f Wilkes, Nettie f Wilkirson, C. T. Wilkirson, Edith 1909 Wilkirson, R. L. 1913 Wilkirson, Zula 1914 Willett, R. C. 1905 Williams, A. W.,M.D. 1909 Williams, C. T.,Ph.G. 1907 Williams, Dora f 1911 Williams, Eflfie 1906 Williams, Grace f 1914 Williams, L. D. 1908 Williams, Lillie 1889 Williams, Madge 1906 Williams, May 1897 Williams, Nettie f 1905 Williams, T. S., M.D. •1909 Williams, W. S.,Ph.G. 1906 Williamson, Ethel f 1906 Williamson, J. S. 1913 Williamson, Pearl 1879 Willingham, C. H. 1906 Willis, J. D. 1904 Willis, J. S. 1897 Willis, Louise 1904 Willis, Mrs.Mattie D. f 1908 Willis, R. M., Ph.G. 1913 Wilson, E. W. 1907 Wilson, John h 1912 Wilson, Maple 1900 Wilson, Mattie f 1912 Winfrey, Emma 1909 Winfrey, Mattie f 1881 Winkler, E. T. h 1901 Winn, C. F. 1902 Winstead, L. A., M.D. 1914 Winston, A. F. 1906 Winston, Ernestine f 1885 Wise, Jennie 1905 Wise, W. P. •1882 Witt, T. J. 1911 Witt, Velma f 1906 Witty, Vera f 1906 Wofford, C. S. 1896 Wofford, Sallie 1913 Wolf, J. E. 1912 Wolf, M. M. 1912 Womack, J. H •1906 Womble, C. O. 1886 Wood, Dixie 1910 Wood. E. I., Ph.G. 1895 Wood, Eugene 1909 Wood, Inez f •1888 Wood, J. H. 1901 Wood, Josh •1904 Wood, Lillie 1912 Wood, Lynn 1903 Wood, Ludie f 1885 Wood, W. A. 1891 Woods, A. 1912 Woods, Irene f 1892 Woodward, Eva 1907 Wootters, L. B. 1896 Worley, Lillie 1904 Wrightsman, E.G,M.D 1904 Wrightsman, E. G., M. D. 1913 Wyatt, Perla 1905 Wyatt, S. B., M. D. 1905 Wynn, W. H. 1913 Yantis, G. W., Ph.G. 1909 Yantis, J. T. 1912 Yantis, Manon 1914 Yater, A. D., M. D. 1906 Yater, R. E. L., M.D. 1913 Yates, A, G. 1905 Yeary, W. D., M. D. 1886 Yerby, Florence 1907 Yinger, lone f 1911 Young, C. D., Ph.G 1907 Youngblood, V. V. 1911 Younger, Edith f 1911 Zacha, M. L., Ph.G. 1874 Zealy, J. T. h M.D. D. J '305193 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY ^