I I | TURKEY RAISING BY HARRY M. LAMON SENIOR POULTRYMAN, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AND ROB R. SLOCUM POULTRYMAN, BUREAU OF ANIMAL INDUSTRY, UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Authors of 'The Mating and Breeding of Poultry" ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK ORANGE JUDD PUBLISHING COMPANY LONDON KEGAN PAUL, TRENCH, TRUBNER & CO., LIMITED 1922 COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY ORANGE JUDD PUBLISHING COMPANY All Rights Reserved PRINTED IN U. S. A. DEDICATED TO THE AMERICAN TURKEY KING OF DOMESTIC FOWLS PREFACE For the past twenty years there has been a general and more or less steady decrease in turkey production. And this in spite of the fact that no other branch of livestock returns as great a profit for the money invested and the equipment required. Recently, however, there has been a considerable awakening of interest in turkey raising and a growing demand for detailed information regard- ing this industry. It has been the purpose of the authors to provide in this publication the latest and most thoroughly reliable information on the subject for the use both of the raiser of market turkeys and of the producer of breeding or exhibition stock. In presenting this information it has been the authors' aim to deal with the subject thoroughly and in great detail and at the same time to keep the work so concise, simple and clear that it is of the greatest practical value either to the beginner or to one more experienced in turkey raising. Recognizing the high value of good illustrations in emphasizing the information given in the text, all phases of this book have been thoroughly illustrated. It is the confident belief of the authors that considered either from the standpoint of the completeness with which all phases of the subject are covered or of the excellence of the illustrations themselves, no equal set of photo- graphs on the subjects treated has ever before been gathered together. vi PREFACE The authors take pleasure in acknowledging their in- debtedness to the following persons for the valuable aid which they have given in the preparation of this book Prof. J. E. Dougherty Mrs. Elia Fowler * James Glasgow John C. Kriner Charles McClave Courtland H. Smith Further and more particular acknowledgment is due Andrew S. Weiant who was formerly the turkey and guinea specialist of the Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, and upon whose work and studies, both in the form of his pub- lished Farmers' Bulletins and otherwise, the authors have drawn heavily. Special acknowledgment is likewise due J. W. Kinghorne, Junior Poultryman, Bureau of Animal Industry, United States Department of Agriculture, for the thorough and painstaking manner in which he has indexed the book. For the period of the past ten years the authors have been privileged to work together in the closest relationship for the interests of the poultry industry of the United States. It is to them a matter of deep pride that during this time their first thought has always been to render a service to the poultrymen and women of their country. And it is with this same idea of service that they offer the present book to the poultry public. HARRY M. LAMON, WASHINGTON, D. C., 1922. ROB R. SLOCUM. CONTENTS CHAPTER I PAGE HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY AND OPPORTUNITIES . I A native American The Wild turkey The Hon- duras or Ocellated turkey Origin of the name, tur- key Extent of the industry Reasons for decreased production Opportunities for turkey raising Tur- key raising as a business for the farm woman Turkeys as insect destroyers Raising turkeys in con- finement Prices Prices of breeding stock. CHAPTER II VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING 17 Size Popularity of varieties General considera- tions in making the mating Making the mating The Wild turkey The Bronze turkey The Narragan- sett turkey The White Holland turkey The Black turkey The Slate turkey The Bourbon Red turkey Preparing turkeys for the show Catching and handling turkeys Shipping show birds and breeding stock Packing and shipping hatching eggs Judging turkeys. CHAPTER III MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK 41 Making a start Selection of the breeding stock Should turkeys be inbred? Age of breeding stock Preventing injury to hens in breeding Selecting and purchasing breeders Number of hens to a male Breeding yards Feeding the breeding stock Winter shelter for the breeders The breeding and laying season Locating stolen nests Care of eggs for hatching. vii viii CONTENTS CHAPTER IV FACE INCUBATION OF TURKEY EGGS 67 Period of incubation Methods of hatching Num- ber of eggs to set Nest for sitting hen Setting the hen Management of sitting hen Dusting the sitting hen for lice Hatching with chicken hens Hatching with an incubator. CHAPTER V BROODING AND REARING THE YOUNG STOCK 78 Protection for the poults Rearing poults by arti- ficial means Feeding the poults Lice on poults Marking and pedigreeing turkeys Feathering of poults Shooting or throwing the red Distinguish- ing the sexes Management of growing turkeys. CHAPTER VI MARKETING 102 Time of marketing Size of young turkeys Princi- pal markets and market demands Fattening turkeys Caponizing Selling turkeys alive Killing and dressing Packing Turkey feathers Dressing on the farm Shipping turkeys alive Market prices. CHAPTER VII INSECT PESTS, DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS . . . 124 Lice Stick tight fleas or chiggers Diseases General disease preventive measures Blackhead Chicken pox or sore head Roup Limberneck Crop bound Worms Gapes Bumblef oot Diar- rhoea or bowel trouble Predatory animals. INDEX 147 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE FACING PAGE Frontispiece Turkey Tom Strutting. 1. Wild Turkeys 4 2. Flock of Turkeys Gleaning Shelled and Spilled Grain 5 3. Turkeys Clearing Cotton Fields of Insects and Weeds 10 4. Wild Turkey, Male n 5. Bronze Turkey, Male 24 6. Bronze Turkey, Female 25 7. Wing of Bronze Turkey Tom 26 8. Feathers from a Bronze Turkey Hen 27 9. Narragansett Turkey, Male 28 10. Wing of Narragansett Cockerel 29 n. White Holland Turkey, Male 3 12. Black Turkey, Male 3 1 13. Black Turkey, Female 3 2 14. Slate Turkey, Male 33 15. Bourbon Red Turkey, Male 34 16. Defective Feathers from a Bourbon Red Turkey . . 35 17. Wing of Bourbon Red Cockerel 3^ 1 8. Proper Method of Holding and Carrying a Turkey . 37 19. Method of Packing Turkey Eggs for Shipment . . 3& 20. Breeding Flock of Bronze Turkeys on Free Range . 39 21. Showing How the Shingle or Paddle is Attached to a Turkey to Prevent It from Flying 52 22. A Barrel Nest for Turkey Hens 53 23. Comparison of the Size of Turkey, Guinea and Hen Eggs 76 24. Enclosed Run for Turkey Poults ....... 77 x LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS FIGURE FACING PAGE 25. Turkey Hen Confined to a Coop 82 26. Turkey Shed Used to Shelter Hens and Their Broods During Rain Storms 83 27. Turkey Roost Constructed in the Trees .... 98 28. Flock of Turkeys Gone to Roost 99 29. Pens Used to Confine the Turkeys During the Morn- ing 100 30. Turkey Hens With Their Broods on Free Range . 101 31. Turkey Capon at Six Months of Age 108 32. Turkey Drive on the Way 109 33. Woman Dry Picking a Turkey no 34. Interior of Turkey Killing Establishment . . . . in 35. Dressed Turkeys Ready for the Cooling Room . . 112 36. Dressed Turkeys Packed in Barrels 113 37. Dressed Turkeys Packed in Boxes 114 38. Farmer Selling His Turkeys to the Highest Bidder . 115 39. Live Poultry Transportation Car Loaded with Turkeys 120 40. Weighing Up Live Turkeys as They are Unloaded . 121 TURKEY RAISING, CHAPTER I History, Extent of the Industry and Opportunities A Native American. With its size, its majestic ap- pearance, its marvelous beauty of plumage and the most savory character of its flesh, the turkey may justly be termed the king of domesticated fowls. Moreover, on account of its place of origin and because it is the only native fowl of this country which has taken an impor- tant place among domesticated poultry, it is a bird in which Americans can feel a special pride and pleasure. The different varieties of domesticated turkeys as they now exist in the United States are undoubtedly a de- velopment from the native wild turkey of North America. Formerly the wild turkey occurred in considerable num- bers in the wooded portions of a range extending from Maine southward to Florida and from thence Southwest across Texas, New Mexico and Arizona into Mexico. As the country became more and more settled, the number of wild turkeys grew steadily less, until at the present time they are found in the wild state only in the more remote portions of their former range. *- TURKEY RAISING The Wild Turkey The species of wild turkey which occurred in this range is divided into four varieties. These varieties consist of the common or Eastern wild turkey, the Florida wild tur- key, the Rio Grande wild turkey and the Mexican or Mer- riam's turkey. The common or Eastern wild turkey ex- tended over the eastern part of the United States from Maine to Florida and in the large swamps of the gulf states to Louisiana. The Florida wild turkey is found in southern Florida. The Rio Grande wild turkey has a range extending over southern Texas and northwestern Mexico, while the Mexican or Merriam's turkey is found in the mountains of Arizona, western New Mexico and southern Colorado, south into Mexico. The common or Eastern wild turkey, the Rio Grande wild turkey and the Florida wild turkey are all quite simi- lar in color in that they have a brilliant bronze plumage and that the tips tc the tail coverts and main tail feathers run from a yellowish to a deeper yellowish brown or cof- fee color. In the Mexican wild turkey or Merriam's tur- key, the plumage is of a much darker bronze which is shaded with black, while the tips of the main tail feathers and of the tail coverts are white instead of yellow or brown. In respect to the white tips and to the general darker cast of plumage, the Mexican wild turkey corre- sponds more closely than does the common wild turkey to our domesticated Bronze variety and gives support to HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY the belief that our domesticated varieties have arisen from the Mexican wild turkey rather than from any of the other varieties. It appears that the Spaniards on conquering Mexico found the Mexican wild turkey in more or less of a state of domestication among the Aztec inhabitants and that they sent specimens of this bird back to Spain. From that country it spread to other parts of Europe and was bred to a considerable extent so that later it was brought back by colonists to the United States and was the foundation from which our present varieties have sprung. It must be remembered, however, that infusions of the common or Eastern wild turkey blood have been made in the domestic varieties with considerable frequency. The Honduras or Ocellated Turkey. In addition to the species of wild turkey with its four varieties which has a large part of its range in the United States, there is an- other species of wild turkey known as the Honduras or Ocellated turkey, the range of which is confined to Cen- tral America, extending from Yucatan to Guatemala. This is a very beautiful and much more brilliant bird than the wild turkey of North America but has never been successfully domesticated and has played no part in the making of our domestic varieties. It is a considerably smaller bird. The neck feathers are a bronze black tipped with green, the breast feathers greenish black tipped with bronze, the back feathers bright green tipped with a bril- liant copperish bronze, the fluff blue with a black band and TURKEY RAISING tipped with a copperish red, the tail coverts bright blue with a black band and tipped with copperish bronze, the tail feathers silver gray with indistinct black penciling and with a blue eye edged with black located toward the ex- tremity of each tail feather, while the tip of the feather is copperish bronze. The feathers of the wing bow are bright green tipped with black. The wing coverts are a bright copperish red and form a beautiful band across the wing while the wing primaries and secondaries are barred with alternate dark and light bars similar to the same sections in our domesticated Bronze turkey. Origin of the Name Turkey. In view of the fact that the origin of the turkey traces clearly to North America, some may wonder how this bird obtained its present name which would suggest its origin as being Asiatic. The most logical explanation seems to be that given by E. Richardson. He suggests that the turkeys on being brought to Spain from the New World were handled and sold by the Hebrew merchants of that country. As the turkey was quite generally confused with and called pea- cock, it was natural therefore that these Hebrew traders should apply to it their name for the peacock or "tukki." More or less common use of this name followed which easily became in the English language our present name turkey. Such an explanation seems to be much more probable than that the name arose as a result of an erro- neous impression that the bird originated in or near Turkey. FIG. i. Wild turkeys. (Photograph front the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) t? I'i, M-4 a ocq Eg HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY Extent of the Industry Turkeys are now raised to a greater or less extent over practically the entire United States. The great bulk of these fowl, however, is found on the general farms throughout the Middle Western and Southern states. Formerly large numbers of turkeys were raised in New England and the northwestern part of the United States, but the turkeys coming from this section are now very greatly reduced in number. For the same reasons that the turkey production in New England has declined mark- edly so has there been a great reduction in the number of turkeys raised in the United States as a whole. The census of 1900 shows that there were in this country 6,594,695 turkeys while 10 years later, the number had been reduced to 3,688,708. The census of 1920 reports 3,627,028 turkeys or practically the same number as in 1910. But while the number has remained practically stationary, the value due to increased prices, has nearly doubled or from $6,605,818 in 1910 to $12,904,989 in 1920. As shown by the census of 1920 Texas is the leading state in the production of turkeys. Other states fol- lowed in this order : Missouri, Oklahoma, California, Kentucky and Virginia. While the country as a whole showed a slight decrease in the number of turkeys from 1910 to 1920, quite a number of individual states showed increases, particularly the mountain states, which nearly TURKEY RAISING doubled their numbers, and the Pacific states, which showed a very substantial increase. Reasons for Decreased Production The reasons for the decrease in turkey production are several. Probably the principal cause is the fact that as the population in any section of the country increases in numbers, there is a tendency for agriculture to become more intensive and the farms to become smaller. For this reason the amount of range suitable for the raising of turkeys is lessened. Then, too, where farms are close together, the ranging habits of turkeys cause them to work over the grain fields of adjacent farms and this is likely to cause ill will, for damage to the growing crops is attributed to them in a much greater measure than is deserved and no credit is given them for the beneficial effects of the insect destruction which they bring about. Many farmers have therefore given up raising turkeys rather than have this cause of trouble between themselves and their neighbors. Disease has likewise been quite a lim- iting factor in turkey raising. The mortality among the young turkeys, with the usual care which is given them on farms, runs high. Outbreaks of blackhead and of some other diseases are frequent and serious in certain sections of the country, and the losses resulting from these outbreaks have discouraged the farmers from at- tempting to raise turkeys. In some sections, also, pred- 6 HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY atory animals, such as the coyote and fox, have had a great influence in discouraging turkey raising. There is another factor, not so generally recognized, but which, nevertheless, has had a decided effect in de- creasing turkey production. It is the fact that the care of the sitting hens and of the young poults during the first few weeks of their lives is a very exacting occupa- tion. If the greatest success is to be enjoyed, the raiser must expect to be ready to give the turkeys attention at any time of day that they may require it or in other words must be thoroughly on the job. The turkeys cannot be neglected during this critical period in order to make a trip to town in the automobile. In this day of modern living when it seems to become harder and harder to subordinate pleasure to business, turkey raising by virtue of the fact that it is temporarily exacting and confining, is not increasing in popularity as an occupation. For the person who is willing to devote the necessary time and attention and who will give the welfare of the turkeys precedence over his ease or pleasure, there is an excellent opportunity to make a splendid success in raising turkeys. Opportunities for Turkey Raising With turkeys a national institution as a holiday dish, particularly for Thanksgiving and Christmas and with the constantly decreasing number produced, there is an excellent opportunity for those who are favorably situ- 7 TURKEY RAISING ated to raise turkeys for profit. In the main, turkeys are produced as a small side-line upon the general farm. Even in those sections of the country where the bulk of turkeys is grown, it is usual to find flocks of not more than 50 or 60 turkeys on any one place. In fact, the average flock is undoubtedly much smaller than this. In Texas, the banner turkey state, flocks numbering as high as 100 to 150 are more or less common. In certain parts of the Southwest and in some sections on the Pacific Coast there are a few persons engaged in turkey raising on a larger scale, as high as 1,000 or more turkeys being produced in a year. Men on horseback are employed to drive these flocks out on range and to herd them. It must be remem- bered, however, that this is in a section where there is unlimited range and in a climate which is well suited to growing the young poults and where disease does not seem to develop to so great an extent. The semi-arid or irrigated sections of the West and Southwest because of their natural advantages will undoubtedly continue in the future to be the places where turkey raising in its most specialized form will be practiced. Grain and stock farms are particularly well suited for turkey raising and it is on such farms that most of the turkeys are found at present. For greatest success in this industry plenty of range is essential, and where this can be given, the turkeys will find large quantities of insects such as grasshoppers, quantities of green vegeta- tion, berries, weed seeds, waste grain, nuts and acorns of 8 HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY various kinds which they eat readily and which makes the cost of raising them very small and the profits large. Turkey Raising as a Business for Farm Women Turkey raising is an agricultural activity especially adapted to the women of the farms. Their natural moth- erly qualities and the aptitude which they possess to at- tend to the details of caring for the young turkeys make them especially well fitted to raise the turkeys success- fully. Then, too, it is easier for them to give the turkeys the constant oversight and frequent attention which is so necessary during the brooding season, for the hens with their broods can be, and usually are, cooped near the house. For the woman who is successful in raising tur- keys, it would be difficult to find any other farm side-line which will yield a greater return. With prices as they have been during the last few years, a sufficiently large flock can be reared from 15 to 20 turkey hens to bring in $400 or $500 a year. The cost of raising turkeys is low since they pick up such a large part of their own living. About the only feed they need is that which is given them while they are young and the grain required to fatten them for the market. It is safe to say that no other kind of live stock can be raised so cheaply on the farm as a flock of turkeys nor is there any which brings a better price per pound. Even with high priced grain, turkeys given a good range can be turned off to market at a cost TURKEY RAISING not to exceed $i a head for feed consumed. The neces- sary investment for raising turkeys runs low both in the matter of breeding stock and equipment required. It is doubtful if any other kind of live stock requires as small an investment for the return yielded as do turkeys. A brisk demand will be found by any one having breed- ing stock of some pure variety for sale and this will greatly augment the possible profit. As an example of what may be accomplished it may be stated that a farm woman, a breeder of Bronze turkeys of fine quality, re- cently raised 200 turkeys in one season, and sold over $1,500 worth of stock, being compelled to refuse more than $500 worth of additional business. Most of her stock was sold for breeding purposes except 17 late hatched toms, which -were sold for slaughter on the local market early in February at 35 cents a pound, and for which she received a total of $109. A Missouri farmer and wife have sold for the past four years an average of more than $500 a year of market tur- keys. At no time did they have more than 15 breeding hens and sometimes not more than 12. Turkeys as Insect Destroyers In spite of the fact that insects, such as grasshoppers, which the turkeys pick up in ranging over the farm, form a considerable part of the diet of turkeys during the summer, the great value of these birds as insect destroyers is often overlooked. Much is said about 10 -s: a. co FIG. 4. Wild turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) HISTORY, EXTENT OF THE INDUSTRY the damage they do to growing crops and little or noth- ing about the good. As a matter of fact turkeys do little damage to crops under ordinary conditions where they can find an ample supply of the feed which they love to glean in their own way. But the loss which they prevent by the destruction of insects is often very considerable. Recently attention was called to the fact that in one farming community the only farmer who was successful in securing a yield of clover seed was one who had allowed a flock of turkeys to range in his clover field. In the same locality another farmer had his oats crop saved from grasshoppers by turning in a flock of turkeys to prey on the grasshoppers. A brood of turkeys when ranging through a field seeking their feed go about their work in a very systematic manner, often advancing in a line at distances apart just about great enough to enable them to cover all of the ground between one an- other as they advance. Not many grasshoppers get by this advancing line. Raising Turkeys in Confinement Most efforts to raise turkeys in confinement have not been very successful and it has generally been considered that to hatch and rear the turkeys artificially and to keep them under rather intensive conditions was impracticable and unprofitable largely for the following reasons : First, that exercise is essential to health and vigor. Second, that brooding the young poults artificially requires too II TURKEY RAISING much time and personal attention. Third, that with ordi- nary management it is almost impossible to keep down disease. Fourth, that an experienced feeder is required to feed turkeys in confinement successfully. It will be noted, however, that all but the first of these reasons can- not be urged against the person who has had considerable experience and who knows how to care for turkeys. In fact, enough instances are known of where turkeys are being raised by artificial methods and under restricted conditions to demonstrate that with proper care and at- tention this is possible, although it is not recommended as a general practice where greater range is available. Fur- ther details in regard to artificial methods will be found on page 85. Prices It is interesting to note the change that has taken place in the price received by producers of market turkeys for the last six years. It is also of interest to note the range in price according to the section of the country in which the birds are raised and put on the market. In a general way, the farther from the great consuming cen- ters the birds are produced, the smaller is the price re- ceived by the grower. The following table illustrates this well. Prices of Breeding Stock. As might be expected prices for breeding stock vary widely depending upon the ex- cellence of the birds themselves and upon the reputation 12 ooqqqqqqqqqqqqqqq co tx Tt* oO vO vO tx CM HHVO tx CM ON OO vO ^" ^d" "^t" CO CO CO CM CM CO 00 VO vO ^f q q qqq/qqqqqqq q q q vq q HH vo CM*CMQOONH-, co q ix to d M CM CM q q CM -* CM CM q t> q co od od CM H o o ON vd 10 10 00 to 1 -eot-tootx>dC>^t*cKoo*oo*^ > Q CQCOJ COCOCOCOCOCM01~i O 10 O fx T ^i" O vO O^ HI O co ?gi ^ Ofotxq v otxtv.qqooqo^coTj-HtCsvr> 8 uS co co co HI* oX HI* co co" od oS O HI* o co d in ^ _^_ J? HH m m HI tx. c^ ^O O ^fx r-^ujvN if? **j- IT > co d H! c* oS tx od d o od od od d od o* H! d jg C^CSC^ 2 CMC^C^C^HIKHC^^hHI-lt-IHHH-lt-ll-lt-lt-t I? O mtx'^t' v O HI q q O^OAOO mtN.vOoO inm >* HH ON oS OS CO tx Q\ 00 Tt~ VO i n in tx tn in vd in O C^H-lt-lMH-lhHh-IMI-lt-HI-lh-IMMMhHHI J? ON HH ^j* ts, 00 co OJ tx ON ON VO ^~ O ON ON CQ O > \O m in in ^~ co *n co HI cs co cs Tt* oi co co in O ^^.-.^H.HH^H.^HHKHHH I 'A' Jl.:^-^ ililJIiliililllli q oo qqqqqqqqqqqqq t>x lx 0} O vO *~* lx "^" 00 O vO O O oooooooooooooo OOioOOOOOioOOOOO oo q q q q q q q q q q q q q - tx oo vd oS oo tx oo' oo" d oo 10 co d M* oo u I i o - 5 E % & cococo HH N o r o co o o ,~ llli. ilir 3S u, C C^ 0o^ ; - ?= E ^^ H;- SyS- 2-S^ FIG. 8. Feathers from a Bronze turkey hen. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.} VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING of the wing. A tendency for the barring to run together in some cases and in other cases to be zigzag in shape, that is, not straight across the wing must be avoided. It is desirable to have the barring of one flight feather match or correspond with the barring of the next flight feather so that there will be a continuous or uniform series of bars across the flight feathers as a whole. Some- times the barring does not carry well across the narrow lower edge of the flight feathers and these sections tend to be largely white or brown. This defect is very objection- able. In some cases the tips of the flight feathers are apt to lack the white barring entirely. This is a defect which should be avoided. Sometimes, also, especially in males, one or more solid black flight feathers will occur. Avoid breeding from such birds as this is a disqualification and as they will sometimes produce a nearly black sport. The tail feathers likewise should show a good bronze bar followed by a black band and with a good wide silvery white edg- ing. A good spread of tail is also desired. There is more or less of a tendency for the bronze bar to be wanting, faulty, or scanty as the center of the tail is approached. In other words, the bronze barring may often be better on the outer tail feathers than on the center tail feathers. What is desired is bronze barring which runs even and uniform entirely across the tail. Below the bronze bar- ring the tail feathers should be barred across with brown and this brown should be arranged in as regular bars as possible so that the feathers appear to be penciled. Not infrequently the brown occurs as a more or less uniform 27 TURKEY RAISING stippling over these feathers and distinct bars are not formed. Sometimes also the main tail feathers are nearly black in color, being almost completely lacking in brown. Birds with such tail feathers should not be selected as breeders. Sometimes there occur near the base of the two center main tail feathers, and more rarely this is true of the four center feathers, white bars or penciling. These are a serious defect and birds possessing them should be avoided as breeders. In a general way it may be said that the plumage color of the male is always more brilliant than that of the female. Otherwise, the plumage color of the female is the same as that of the male except that she shows a white edging on practically all of her feathers. The more closely the brilliance of the female's plumage approaches that of the male the better. Young Bronze turkeys have legs which are quite dark in color, being nearly black but having some red in them. As the birds grow older this color tends to get brighter and to show more red. The Narragansett Turkey. In general it may be said that the Narragansett has much the same general color scheme as the Bronze turkey. Because the feathers end in a band or bar of white or gray this variety has a general color which is lighter than that of the Bronze. In this connection, however, it may be said that it is necessary to guard against birds which are washed out or too light in color. It is likewise necessary to guard against birds, especially males, which run too dark in color. Such males are likely to have solid black backs. In the wing, the pen- 28 FIG. 9. Narragansett turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. .S. Department of Agriculture.) VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING ciling or barring of the Narragansett should be just the same as in the Bronze. The wing bar, however, should be white where the bar on the Bronze turkey is bronze. This variety runs very good -with respect to the white edging of the feathers. While young birds will occasionally show creaminess in this edging, this almost invariably comes good and white in the second year. As in the Bronze variety, it is necessary to guard against solid black primary feathers which may sometimes occur. The Narragansett turkey should show metallic in its black but should have no indication of bronze barring. Sometimes Bronze birds are produced from a Narragan- sett mating, but these should never be used for breeding. When Bronze and Narragansett turkeys are crossed re- gardless of the direction of the cross, part of the offspring will be bronze in color and part Narragansett and there does not seem to be any particular blending of the two color schemes. The White Holland Turkey The White Holland should be a pure white throughout in both sexes. In this variety, however, both buff and black sometimes occur and it is necessary to guard against foreign color of any kind. Bronze and white splashed feathers sometimes occur in the fluff and back, and buff or black may occur on the body and occasionally in the primaries. Probably the greatest difficulty in plumage color is black flecking. This consists of very narrow black streaks or flecks rang- ing from very small in size to a quarter of an inch or even half an inch long, occurring especially in the feathers of 29 TURKEY RAISING the thigh, back, tail coverts and breast. This black fleck- ing corresponds to what is known as ticking in white fowls. White turkeys sometimes occur as a sport from the Bronze, and white turkeys also occur occasionally in a natural state as a sport from the wild turkey. It is undoubtedly from this sporting that the White Holland variety has arisen. As turkeys of this variety age there is a tendency for the pink leg color to fade and this color also fades in the female with laying. The Black Turkey. In this variety a plumage color is desired in both sexes which is a lustrous greenish black throughout. In other words, this should show a good clean black with a prominent green sheen. The tail coverts often shade to a brownish cast especially in the female, and this, of course, is undesirable. It is likewise necessary to guard against any bronze cast over the back. It is also necessary to guard against barred feathers or an edging to the feathers either of bronze or white. This white edging which occasionally occurs is especially likely to appear in the breast, neck and tail coverts. Not in- frequently young Black turkeys will show white tips to the small finishing feathers under the wings until they moult in as yearlings when this disappears. Young tur- keys are also quite likely to show white tips to some of the wing feathers but this disappears as the mature plu- mage is obtained. There is likewise a tendency in young birds for white feathers or bronze stripes to appear over the back, but such birds usually come out as good black birds when they get their mature plumage. When the 30 FIG. ii White Holland turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) FIG. 12. Black turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING poults hatch they are almost half white, the breast being entirely white. When the first feathers appear they will also show more or less white, but they should moult into mature plumage entirely black. The Slate Turkey. This variety has also been called the Blue or Lavender turkey. In this variety the birds of both sexes should be of a slaty or ashy blue color throughout. However, there is a decided tendency for the plumage color to be flecked, ticked or dotted with black, but the freer the plumage is from this black ticking the better the birds are for breeding. There is also a tendency for a buff edging or lacing to occur in all parts of the body plumage which may cause a rusty appearance, and this must be guarded against. It is likewise necessary to guard against solid black feathers in the primaries or tail, or black in these feathers. Frequent lacing of buff or red, over the back and tail coverts especially, must like- wise be selected against. There is also a tendency toward a general washed-out appearance and birds showing this are not desirable as breeders. There is very little ten- dency for the plumage to show any blue lacing. When two Slate turkeys are bred together the resulting offspring may show quite a wide variation in color, some of them coming blue, some black, some very much on the Bronze and occasional birds which are nearly pure white. Very occasionally also birds occur in which the plumage is a bluish red or faded or dirty red over the back and tail coverts. There are very few breeders of Slate turkeys at the present time and no one seems to have tried breed- 31 TURKEY RAISING ing the black and nearly white offspring from Slate mat- ings together to see if they would produce all blue off- spring as is the case in the Blue Andalusian chicken. While there do not seem to be many breeders of Slate tur- keys, more or less Slates will be found in practically any flock gathered together for market. It is probable, how- ever, that some of these Slates occur as the result of the general crossing and mixing of varieties which is so often practiced by market turkey growers. The Bourbon Red Turkey. In color this variety should be a good deep red with white flights and secon- daries and with white main tail feathers. It is rather difficult, however, to get good depth of red color without more or less black throughout the plumage. This black occurs most commonly as an edging or lacing at the end of the feathers. In the fluff and in the undercolor of various other sections there may also occur a dim trans- verse penciling of black or dark. More or less black fleck- ing or ticking is likely to occur throughout the plumage. As there is a tendency for the plumage color to run too light in shade it is necessary to guard against a body color which is on the buff rather than on the red. There is quite a likelihood of more or less red occurring in the sections of the wing and tail which should be white. More than one-fourth red in any of these sections con- stitutes a disqualification but it is seldom that birds are disqualified for red in any of these sections. It is com- paratively easy to keep the primaries white, a little more difficult to keep the secondaries white, and still more diffi- 32 FIG. 13. Black turkey, female. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) FIG. 14. Slate turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.} VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING cult to keep the tail white. If the bird has a good deep red body color there is a greater likelihood of more or less red or buff occurring in the white sections of the wings and tail. Red is more likely to occur in the main tail feathers at the outer sides of the tail while the center tail feathers are most likely to be clear white. i Preparing Turkeys for the Show There is not much that needs to be done in preparing turkeys for exhibition. Since birds of good size and weight are usually favored and because turkeys often shrink as much as 2 or 3 pounds during their shipment to the show it is necessary that they be in a good con- dition of flesh. This does not mean that they need to be especially fat, although turkeys are sometimes fat- tened to quite an extent in order to have their weight as high as possible when shown. Corn is as good a material as any to feed in preparing turkeys for the show so as to get them in good condition of flesh. If the birds are used to eating any good mash feed this can be used and will put them in condition quicker than corn. However, if they are not used to eating mash they will not take to it readily and will not eat it freely for some time, with the result that they will not condition as quickly. The birds should not be penned up in order to fatten them or get them in good condition of flesh. This is a mistake, as they will not eat well or do well when confined for any length of time. In preparing turkeys 33 TURKEY RAISING for the show it must be remembered that they are very loose-feathered birds and that it is very easy to pull out feathers. For this reason they should be handled as little as possible when getting them in condition. It is very desirable to coop the birds to some extent before they are sent to the show. This may be accom- plished by cooping them for several hours each day in coops of the same size as will be found in the show for a week or two before the show. It is best not to put them in the coops and keep them there continuously for any great length of time as they are almost sure to go off feed and go down in condition with such treatment. The coop in which they are confined for training should have a solid top or should have some covering laid over its top. If the top is of wire the birds will constantly jump up in an effort to get out and will worry and work until they injure their feathers. Where the top is covered or solid they will not make this effort and will more quickly become used to being cooped. About the only other treatment which the birds require is to see that their legs, feet and head are in a good clean condition. To accomplish this it is best to have one person hold the bird while another washes these parts. In the case of dark-legged birds such as Bronze turkeys, the leg color can be helped by rubbing with sweet oil or some similar substance. Vaseline can be used in place of the oil, but in this case it is particularly important that it be well rubbed in with a cloth so that it does not leave the legs sticky and in condition to gather the dirt. Scaly leg rarely occurs in turkeys, in fact prac- 34 FIG. 15. Bourbon Red turkey, male. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.} FIG. 16. Defective feathers from a Bourbon Red turkey show- ing black edging at the tips and also dark markings or pencilings across the feathers. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.) VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING tically never, unless they are hatched and raised with chicken hens or are allowed to roost with other poultry. Catching and Handling Turkeys With wild turkeys or with wild specimens of the domesticated varieties, perhaps the most satisfactory way to catch them is to use a net constructed of stout cord and of suitable diameter, so that it can be cast over the birds. Stand so that the bird to be caught has to pass between you and the side of the building or a fence. As the bird runs by place the net in its path so that it will run into the net. Let the net give before the advance of the bird rather than try to pull the net over the bird, as the latter practice is more likely to injure its feathers. When the turkey is in the net it cannot struggle to any extent. The left hand can then be inserted in the net, worked along the turkey's back until both wings can be grasped at their base or the point where they are attached to the body. The right hand can then be worked under the bird until it grasps both legs below the hocks. The left arm can then be thrown over the bird's wings and around its body in such a way as to support the bird and at the same time hold down its wings. In this position the bird can be carried under the left arm, the head facing back under the arm, the right hand grasping both shanks. In carrying the bird keep its legs straightened out as this will render it less likely to struggle. If it does try to struggle tilt its 35 TURKEY RAISING head down. In grasping the turkey about the base of the wings it is necessary to be very careful, as a rough grasp here is likely to strip off the feathers. If the birds are more or less tame they can often be worked into a corner of the house or yard and caught with the hands grasping them by the wings close to the body, then working the left arm around the body as described before. It may also be necessary to catch turkeys from the roost at night or some other time. In doing this approach them if possible from behind and grasp a leg with each hand, being sure that the hand is below the hock. If they are grasped above the hock the feathers at this point are very apt to be stripped off. As soon as the legs are grasped swing the turkey clear of the roost so that when it flaps its wings, they will not be bruised or broken. As soon as it has stopped flapping its wings, throw the left arm around the body and over the wings and carry as described before. Where turkeys are intended for market they are sometimes rendered incapable of struggling either by locking the wings over the back or by tying the legs together. Neither of these practices is advised as it is somewhat cruel. It is better to place market turkeys as soon as they are caught in the coops in which they are to be shipped. Shipping Show Birds and Breeding Stock Ship birds which are intended for the show in single coops. If two birds are shipped in the same coop and 36 ~ be ^ cx c a s I I 3 -^ if 11 VARIETIES, MATING AND SHOWING bushel baskets may be used, the method of packing and covering being the same as when a market basket is used. Judging Turkeys The turkeys should be cooped separately in the show. If two turkeys are cooped together it is almost im- possible to get them to stand naturally and to show off to as good advantage as they will if cooped by them- selves. The coops should be large enough to allow the turkey to stand erect and to move about easily. Smaller coops render it impossible to judge properly as to the bird's type or shape. In judging the birds for type, the whole class should be gone over thoroughly before any of the birds are taken out. Once they have been caught, taken out of the coop and handled, it is very difficult if not impossible to get them to stand naturally again when they are put back as they are frightened by the treatment which they have received. In catching the cooped birds, if the door of the coop is large enough to allow a man to insert his body, the best way to catch them is to throw the left arm over the body so as to hold the wings down and pre- vent the bird from struggling while the right hand is used to grasp both legs below the hock. In this position the bird can be readily drawn out of the coop without injury to its plumage. If the door of the coop is smaller it may be necessary to grasp the bird by the wings close to their point of attach- ment to the body, drawing it out of the door in this man- 39 TURKEY RAISING ner, or in some cases where the birds are especially hard to handle it may be necessary to grasp them by the shanks and pull them out in this way. This last practice should not be employed if it is possible to avoid it since the bird is sure to struggle, flap its wings and more or less injury is done to the plumage and to the wings in dragging the bird through the door. If the judge understands thoroughly how to catch and handle birds it will be better for him to insist on doing all of this work himself rather than to let some assistant do it who does not know how so well and who might do the birds damage. After the birds are taken out of the coop they should be carried to a good light where the different sections can be examined for perfection of color and markings. It is well for the judge to have an assistant or two so that he can have them hold one bird while he holds another for the purpose of comparison. Not infre- quently broken flights will be found in turkeys. Other things being equal these broken flights count against a bird considerably but they are not such a serious defect as to prevent a superior bird from winning over an in- ferior one. A missing flight feather or a missing main tail feather is a much more serious defect than is a broken flight. CHAPTER III Management of the Breeding Stock Making a Start. What is the best way to make a start in turkey raising, by the purchase of breeding stock or of eggs for hatching? As a rule, it will be found best to purchase breeding stock. Such a purchase will involve a greater outlay of capital but will allow one to begin opera- tions in earnest as soon as the laying season begins. The purchase of breeding stock will also make it possible to gain a better idea of the quality of the stock and -what may be expected of the young stock raised. If one does not wish to put as much money into the turkeys at the start, they can purchase eggs for hatching and hatch and rear them under an ordinary chicken hen. Where this is done, however, it will be a year before one can begin breeding turkeys. For the person who has had little or no experi- ence in turkey raising, one torn and from three to five hens will be enough to begin with and many persons will prefer to start with a trio, that is a torn and two hens. With good success from 7 to 10 turkeys should be raised from each hen. In buying breeding stock for a start it is better to purchase a torn which is unrelated to the hens. 41 TURKEY RAISING Selection of Breeding Stock The main considerations in selecting stock for breed- ing purposes are vigor, size, shape of body, strength of bone, early maturity and in the case of stock for exhibition, color of plumage. It is always desirable for the farmer or other turkey raiser to select pure bred stock rather than to keep ordinary or mongrel tur- keys. Not only will the pure bred stock possess greater uniformity and therefore better market quality, but be- cause they have been systematically bred for the purpose of producing suitable carcasses, they will be found to possess better fattening qualities as well. It is also true that the pure bred flocks when given good care so that they have a chance to reach their full size will develop into much larger birds than will the average flock of mongrels. Another consideration which should carry weight with the turkey raiser is the fact that there is always a brisk demand for breeding stock from pure bred flocks both in the way of turkey hens for breeding, good vigorous toms for the same purpose, and eggs for hatch- ing. Such a sale adds very materially to the income which the turkey raiser can secure from his flock of turkeys. If the farmer or turkey raiser already has a flock of hens which may be crossbred or mongrel and if he does not feel that he can go to the expense of replacing these hens with pure bred individuals, he can secure a rapid im- provement in his flock, in fact can grade them up to the point where for all practical purposes they are pure bred, 42 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK by the use in successive generations of a pure bred male, being careful to use each year a male of the same variety. In too many cases turkey raisers, in securing new blood, buy a turkey torn for breeding purposes wherever they can secure him and quite regardless of his variety or even whether he is pure bred. The result of this practice can only lead to a crossing and mixing up of the blood to such an extent that in a short time the flock becomes one of mongrels. Most turkey raisers recognize the fact that it is really poor policy to mongrelize their flock in this way, but the turkey flock is a small side-line on most farms and many owners do not take the trouble or pains to keep their flocks pure. Should Turkeys be Inbred? In a general way it may be said that it is unwise to inbreed turkeys, particularly to continue to inbreed them over any period of time. It is possible to use the same male for two successive years without inbreeding to a dangerous extent, but it is most desirable to secure from time to time absolutely unrelated .blood if possible. Where the breeding stock is yarded and more than two matings are made it is possible to use a torn for two years or more without inbreeding by mating him with the same hens with which he was originally mated ex- cluding his daughters from the pen. In the majority of cases continued inbreeding will lead to a loss of vigor and to a consequent deterioration in the flock. Instances 43 TURKEY RAISING are by no means rare, however, where inbreeding has been carried on with success over quite a period of time. It is probable that the same condition holds true here as with chickens or with other classes of live stock, namely, that while most strains or families seem to show evil re- sults from continued inbreeding, occasional strains will be found which seem to be able to stand up well under inbreeding and do not show any apparent deterioration. Where the turkey grower has stock of exceptional quality and is interested in maintaining this quality he will hesitate to purchase a torn of unrelated blood for fear that the two bloods will not nick well and the quality may be destroyed. In this case it is usual to line breed, or in other words, to use breeders of the same family or strain but not closely related. The turkey grower who is line breeding usually purchases new breeding toms from the same source where he secured his foundation stock. Noth- ing is to be gained by crossing. The increased vigor which may result from such a practice can be obtained just as well by using a male or unrelated blood of the same variety. Age of Breeding Stock In selecting the breeders, attention must be given to the age of the stock. While early hatched, well matured pullets can safely be bred, it is true that yearling hens produce eggs which are on the average larger and more uniform in size and it seems to be the general opinion 44 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK that the poults hatched from such eggs are somewhat superior to those hatched from eggs laid by pullets. Early hatched pullets will as a rule start laying earlier in the spring and will lay more eggs than yearling or older hens. Late hatched pullets should never be saved for breeders. Not only do they fail to attain as good size as the earlier hatched birds but the stock produced from them is not as satisfactory. As in the case of early hatched pullets, so early hatched well matured cockerels or young toms can be used for breeding if they show that they are good vigorous individuals. Late hatched toms, that is July or August hatched, while they should not be used for breeding the first year will often make good breeders the second year and can be retained if desired for that purpose. These late hatched toms seldom if ever attain as good a size as early hatched males. While some breeders claim that they get no bad results from breeding together well matured cockerels and well matured pullets, most breeders prefer to mate pullets with yearling or two-year-old toms and to mate cockerels with yearling or older hens. In no case should slow growing birds of either sex be saved for breeders. A plan which is often followed by turkey breeders and which works out to good advantage is to use about half yearling hens and half early hatched pullets. Old hens are not apt to be as satisfactory breeders as well matured pullets or yearling hens. As a rule these older birds are inclined to be too fat and for this reason to lay fewer eggs, eggs which are less fertile and a consider- 45 TURKEY RAISING able number of soft-shelled eggs. The large hens when used for sitting purposes are also likely to break more eggs. While it is a general practice and good practice not to retain many hens beyond their second year for breeders, if the turkey grower possesses an especially valuable hen from a breeding point of view or one which makes an exceptionally good mother, she should be re- tained as a breeder just so long as she is in good breeding condition. Older turkeys, both males and females, tend to be less fertile than younger birds, probably due to the fact that they are fatter and heavier and less active. Hens are not ordinarily profitable after they are four years old. Year- ling toms are as a rule more clumsy than cockerels, owing to their greater weight and this of course is still more true of two-year-old or older toms. For this reason they are not quite as satisfactory breeders as well matured cockerels. It is usually possible to distinguish between young turkeys and those which are yearlings or older by means of the wing feathering. In all varieties the two outer primary feathers are carried as chick feathers until the birds moult as yearlings. These chick feathers are pointed at the end and are easily distinguished from the mature feathers which are rounded. The second way to tell the age is by the wing bar which does not mature until the second year. In the mature female the wing bar is about as wide as three fingers and the feathers which form it grow out to an even length, causing its lower edge to be regular in outline. In the MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK pullet the wing bar is not more than two fingers wide and the feathers do not grow out to an even length so as to form a regular outline to its lower edge. In the mature gobblers the wing bar shows a width of about four fingers and has an even outline while in the young gobbler the wing bar is not over three fingers wide and has an uneven outline. See Figs. 7, 10 and 17. Prevent Injury to Hens in Breeding Where yearling or older toms are used they are very likely to injure the hens in mating because of their weight and their sharp spurs and toe nails. When they are used, therefore, it is necessary to cut off the spurs and clip or file down the toe nails short and blunt. Some breeders protect their hens from injury during the breeding season by fas- tening a cloth covering or sort of apron over their backs. Injury to the hens during the breeding is more likely to oc- cur where the hens are very fat as the skin of their backs rips more easily in this condition or when the torn is very much heavier than the hens. Care should be used to see that there is a definite relation between the size of the hens and the torn used. For instance, if it becomes necessary or desirable to use a torn weighing 35 to 45 pounds, no hen should be mated with him which weighs less than 25 pounds. The use of light weight small females with heavy toms is very likely to result in breaking them down. With the wild turkeys it is best to use toms which do not run more than 2 or 3 pounds heavier than the hens used. One 47 TURKEY RAISING 8 or 10 pounds heavier is sure to injure the hens in some cases so severely that they will die. When the skin of a hen's back is severely torn it may sometimes be desirable to sew up the tears, rubbing carbolated vaseline on the wound after the sewing is completed. Selecting and Purchasing Breeders The best time to select the breeders is during the fall, before the turkeys are sent to the Thanksgiving and Christmas markets. At this time the turkey grower can pick out from his young stock the best grown, most vig- orous females to save as breeders. There is entirely too great a tendency for turkey raisers to be tempted by the holiday prices to send their best grown, largest birds to market, with the result that after the Christmas mar- keting, they have left only the slow growing, small, scrubby females to retain as breeders. Such a practice must of course result in a deterioration in the stock. In case turkey hens or breeding males are to be purchased, the fall is the best time to do this as there will be a larger number of birds to select from at that time. It is also well to have the breeders selected early and placed under the conditions where they will be bred so that they will become thoroughly used to their environment before the breeding season commences. When breeding birds are purchased they should be iso- lated, when received, for a few days, in order to make sure that they are thoroughly healthy before they are allowed MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK to run with the flock. At this time it is also well to ex- amine the purchased turkeys carefully to see that they are free from lice, and if any indication of lice is found they should be thoroughly treated as described on page 125. In buying turkeys for new blood it is better to purchase a gobbler rather than to buy hens. The purchase of a male makes it possible to inject the new blood more widely in the flock by means of a single individual. Moreover, there will not be much difficulty experienced from a strange gobbler straying away as he will stay with the hens. If strange hens are purchased they are much more likely to wander away than are the turkey raiser's own hens. Very frequently turkeys are bought at a certain guaranteed weight. In this connection it must be remem- bered either in buying or selling that the shipment is hard on turkeys and they will often lose as much as 2 or 3 pounds while en route. A common practice in selling tur- keys for breeding purposes is to send sample feathers from the bird so that the prospective purchaser can form a good estimate as to the general excellence of the bird in question. Number of Hens to a Male. In the wild variety it is not desirable to mate more than eight hens with one male. In the domesticated varieties a good vigorous young torn can be safely mated to as high as 15 hens. If a flock of 25 or 30 hens is to be kept, two toms should be used. The best prac- tice is to allow one torn to run with the hens one day 49 TURKEY RAISING and the other the following day. If the two toms are allowed to run with the flock at the same time they will fight frequently and seriously and may injure each other so that they will not be in the most vigorous breeding condition or may even be killed. In addition to that, the stronger torn intimidates the weaker to such an extent that the stronger does practically all of the mating. The presence of the weaker torn then serves only as a detri- ment to the mating for he is not allowed to mate with any of the hens and he attempts to interfere with the stronger torn when mating. A torn which struts about and spreads his tail fre- quently is usually in good health while one which mopes around with his tail down is not. A glossy clean condition of the plumage is also an indication of good health. Where a flock of 40 or 50 hens is kept, three toms can be used, alternating them each day or perhaps what is better practice, each half day. Whatever may be the number of gobblers necessary in order to insure fertility from the" flock of hens kept, it is well to select and hold over an extra gobbler. This will insure against loss of time in case anything happens to one of the breeding males as it may be difficult to secure the kind of male desired on short notice during the breeding season. Breeding Yards As turkeys are usually kept with only a few hens in a flock, it is common practice to allow the breeders free 50 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK range. This is a very desirable practice if the danger of loss of the eggs is not too great and if the number of hens involved is not so many as to make the work of looking after them in the nests which they steal too burdensome. Where a larger number of hens is kept it is best to provide a roomy enclosed pen or breeding yard, and many raisers prefer to do this even with a smaller number of hens on account of the time saved in looking after the turkeys, the ease of locating the nests and the fact that all eggs laid are thus secured. Sometimes the breeding pens are comparatively small in area, but it is best to allow an acre or two of ground for this purpose even if no more than 20 or 30 hens are kept. When a small breeding pen or yard is utilized the practice should be to keep them shut up during the morn- ing and about half of the afternoon. By that time prac- tically all of the eggs will have been laid and the turkeys can then be turned out of the pen and allowed to roam at will during the rest of the day and to roost out where they wish at night. Even when large breeding yards are used this is good practice. Early in the morning they should be driven back into the pen, which will be found to be easy of accomplishment if the birds are fed in the en- closure regularly each morning. An orchard makes a very desirable breeding enclosure for the turkey hens. Such a place enclosed with a hog-tight wire fence 3 feet high will usually serve to hold the turkeys especially if no board or rail is used at the top of the fence. Where such a rail or a wooden fence is used the turkeys see a place to 51 TURKEY RAISING alight and this leads them to fly upon the fence and then over. With the wire fence they see no such handy alight- ing place and will not as a rule attempt to fly over. For the same reason steel posts in the fence offer less of an alighting place than wooden posts, and if the latter are used, the tops should be sharpened to a point. If any difficulty is experienced in the hens flying out of the enclosure provided for them, this can usually be checked by clipping the flight feathers of one wing. It is not as a rule necessary to clip the wing of a torn except in the case of wild birds for he will not leave the hens. It must be remembered that clipping the wings of hens ren- ders them somewhat helpless against the attacks of dogs or foxes and will also make it necessary to provide easy means for them to get up on the roosts high enough to be out of reach of foxes or coyotes. Clipping the wings of hens also injures their usefulness to some extent for brooding as they cannot hover as many poults to as good advantage. Occasionally, also, clipping the flight feathers may render a bird unfit for showing since the wing may not grow out in time for the show. Turkeys can be pre- vented from flying by tying a piece of light board across the back over the wings. Such boards are called paddles, or shingles. The paddle should be about 4 inches wide and may be from 8 to 15 inches long. Two holes bored over the base of each wing allow a strip of soft cloth or a soft string to be passed through there and around the wing at the base, thus securing the paddle in place. This must not be tied so tightly as to cut off the circulation. When 52 FIG. 21. Showing how the shingle or paddle is attached to a turkey to prevent it from flying. (Photograph from the Bureau of Animal Industry, U. S. Department of Agriculture.} MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK the paddle is thus tied in place across the shoulders the bird is prevented from raising and spreading its wings and cannot fly. Where hens have stolen a nest and started to lay be- fore they have been shut up in the enclosure they will make every effort for a few days to get out in order to continue laying in the nest which they have selected for themselves. In this case the eggs should be removed from the nest which they have stolen and their wings should be clipped or they should be paddled so as to prevent their flying over the fence. As a rule they will begin lay- ing in a few days in one of the nests provided in the en- closure. Where wild turkeys are kept it is necessary to clip the flight feathers of one wing in order to keep the birds from flying over the fence. Even with one wing clipped, a higher fence is necessary than is the case with the do- mesticated varieties and it is best to use a fence 8 or preferably 10 feet high. It is better to clip one wing only rather than to clip both wings, as this tends to unbalance the bird more when it tries to fly or climb. With both wings clipped the birds are able to climb over quite a high fence. In this connection, it should be stated that the wing of the wild turkey torn should never be clipped until after the breeding season is over. To do so makes it difficult for the birds to balance when treading the hens and therefore interferes with the breeding. On this ac- count it may be necessary until after the breeding season is over, to keep the wild turkeys in a run covered ovef 53 TURKEY RAISING the top with wire netting to prevent the torn from escap- ing. It is unnecessary to clip the wing of domesticated gobblers for they will stay with the hens. Feeding the Breeding Stock To be in good breeding condition the birds should come through the winter in good condition of flesh but not fat. If they are fed too much corn throughout the winter there is quite a likelihood of their being too fat when the breeding season opens. Where the birds have free range they are able to get for themselves a varied sup- ply of feed including grass, tender shoots, young leaves, insects and nuts and seeds of various kinds. This is particularly true during the breeding season in the South, and where an abundance of this kind of natural food is available one good feed daily of grain such as oats or wheat will suffice to keep the birds in good breeding condition. In the North where the winters are more severe turkey raisers generally feed the birds twice a day. A good feed for this purpose is one consisting of equal parts of oats, wheat and corn together with some vegetables such as beets, cabbages, turnips, potatoes, clover or alfalfa for a green feed. Another good feed for breeding turkeys consists of 3 or 4 parts of oats to i part of corn. Some turkey raisers also like to leave bran where the turkeys can help themselves at any time. Buckwheat is relished by turkeys when they are used to it, but should not be used exclusively as a grain feed. Some animal feed dur- 54 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK ing the winter is also necessary if the birds are to be kept in the best condition, as this takes the place of the insects which they are able to secure at other seasons. Ordinary commercial beef scrap such as is fed to hens, or beef livers or lungs or skim milk, either sweet or sour, is suitable for this purpose. Often a good laying mash such as is used for laying hens can be fed to the breeding flock just previous to the breeding season in order to start them laying. Unless turkeys are used to eating a mash, however, it may be some little time before they will eat it readily. Where the breeding stock is confined to a breeding pen it is well to sow some green crop such as grass, oats, rye, wheat, barley, clover or alfalfa. It is not desirable to feed the breeding stock on corn alone for a grain. Wheat and oats are the best grains for the purpose. The laying hens should also have access during the breeding season to grit and charcoal and also to oyster shells for the pur- pose of furnishing shell-forming material. It is especially necessary to supply grit when the soil does not contain much gravel. Charcoal is an excellent aid in keeping the birds in good condition as it is a good corrective for digestive troubles. Unless the birds have access to a stream of water, it is necessary to provide fresh water daily in a pan, pail or other receptacle which can be kept clean. Stagnant water is bad for turkeys, and they prefer to drink from a stream. Such a stream is there- fore a valuable asset on a farm where turkeys are raised. 55 TURKEY RAISING Winter Shelter for the Breeders Many turkey raisers provide no shelter whatever for their breeding stock even during the winter, allowing the birds to roost in trees or upon roosts especially pre- pared for them. This is particularly true in the more southern localities. In the North where the winters are severe some form of shelter should be available as a protection to the birds. This may not be used during most of the winter but should be available so that the birds can be driven into it during severe stormy weather especially during sleet or ice storms. Turkeys can stand a greater degree of cold than hens, but like them they are more susceptible to a damp cold than to a dry cold. During severe sleet storms the tur- keys roosting in the open sometimes have such a coat of ice frozen on them and become so stiffened that they may be blown from their roosts and injured in their fall to the ground. Any shed or barn can be utilized as a shelter for turkeys during storms. Where turkey houses or sheds are provided they usually take the form of a shed with most or all of the south front open. Such sheds may be used to shelter the breeding stock during all of the winter season, but as soon as the weather moderates in the spring the birds should be turned out of the house and made to roost outside. This they will readily do and will keep in better health as a result. Where turkey houses are used it is necessary to keep the interior of the house very clean, removing the drop- 56 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK pings regularly, and to provide plenty of litter if the health of the stock is to be maintained. Where only a few turkeys are kept they are sometimes allowed to roost in the chicken house with the chickens. It is best, how- ever, not to allow turkeys to roost with fowls as they will '! do better when they are kept separate. A satisfactory turkey house, built especially for that purpose, is one 30 feet long and 16 feet deep. The front wall is 9 feet high and the rear wall 6 feet, the roof being of the single slope or shed roof type. The foundation is concrete and the floor is board. The walls are a single thickness and may be either of matched boards, of barn boards with the cracks battened or of barn boards covered with paper. The house is tight on all sides except the front, where there is an opening 3 feet wide extending clear across the house. This opening is placed 4 feet from the floor and 2 feet from the roof. It is, of course, covered with wire netting. A wide door is provided in the middle of the front. A dropping board runs along the rear of the house 3 feet from the floor and roosts are j laced above this. The floor is covered with a thick layer of straw which is changed weekly. During the cold or stormy weather the turkeys are driven into this house each night and if the weather is particularly bad they can be kept there for a day or two, feeding them inside. Ordinarily, the turkeys are fed outside the house. A house of this size will accommodate 60 turkeys very nicely and more can be kept in it for limited periods. TURKEY RAISING Breeding and Laying Season The breeding season for turkeys usually begins in the South in the early part of February and in the North nearly a month later. Laying usually begins in a week or ten days after the turkey hen has mated for the first time. A single mating suffices to fertilize all of the eggs in a litter but usually the hen mates several times before she begins to lay. The greater proportion of the .mat- ings occurs either early in the day, soon after the birds have come down from the roosts, or later in the day, not long before they go to roost again. The number of eggs which a turkey hen lays will de- pend upon several things : First of all upon her age; sec- ondly, upon whether it is a first, second, or third litter, and, thirdly, upon the individuality of the hen herself. The hens do not all begin laying, of course, at the same time and variation in this respect may be as great as six weeks or two months from the time the first hen begins to lay until the last starts. Pullets, as a rule, begin laying slightly earlier than do yearling or older hens. The aver- age number of eggs in the first litter is about 18 but in- dividual hens may lay anywhere from 12 to 30 eggs. The number of eggs laid in the second litter is smaller, being about 12, while in the third litter the average num- ber will not be much over 10. The following table gives the individual records of lay- ing of a number of females which were kept under close observation. Attention is called to the fact that the num- 58 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK her of yearling hens, which is two, is too small to attach any great significance to their average. The same may be said of the three November-hatched pullets. It is a matter of interest that these November-hatched pullets began laying May i, 2 and 5. Spring Hatched Pullets ist litter 2nd litter 3rd litter Total 17 32 ii 35 9 39 25 19 i? 30 i? 33 25 29 35 10 November-Hatched Pullets ist litter 2nd litter 3rd litter Total No. 18 . 17 17 " 19 12 12 "20 17 17 Average 15 1/3 59 No. I 17 " 2 18 H " 3 14 10 " 4 20 10 " 5 25 " 7 19 " 8 17 " 9 18 12 " 10 17 " 12 22 II " 14 16 9 15 16 13 " 16 18 17 Average 183/13 12 TURKEY RAISING Yearling Hens ist litter 2nd litter 3rd litter Total No. 6 ....... 31 15 46 "ii ....... 21 14 35 Average ...... 26 Some turkey hens, especially if they are broken up and not required to sit, can be made to lay as many as four or five litters, but this is not a practice to be recommended for the reason that poults hatched after the first of July do not have time to develop into suitable turkeys for the market at Thanksgiving or Christmas and will not be well enough grown to make suitable breeders the following spring. Occasional hens lay throughout the summer with- out becoming broody and may lay 100 or more eggs. Most of the eggs are laid in the morning, although occa- sional eggs will be laid in the afternoon. When the laying first begins it progresses at the rate of an egg every other day until two or three eggs have been laid when the rate usually quickens to an egg each day, although days may be skipped now and then through the laying, particularly on the day before laying the last egg of the litter. When the hen first begins laying she usually leaves the nest within an hour or two after the egg has been laid. As the laying progresses, however, she stays longer and longer on the nest after laying until she is really sitting by the time the last egg is laid. This is well illustrated by the following table which shows the time at which the eggs of a clutch were laid by a turkey 60 MANAGEMENT OF THE BREEDING STOCK hen, and the length of time she remained on the nest after she had laid. A hen that begins laying in the middle of March gen- erally finishes her first litter early in April, and when broken up will finish her second litter late in April and her third late in May, although, of course, this depends to a large extent on the number of eggs she lays in each litter and upon the promptness with which she is broken up after she becomes broody. Oftentimes when hens are allowed to sit and hatch out and raise their brood of poults after they have laid their first litter of eggs they will begin to lay again in the fall and will hatch poults at that time if allowed to do so. This is not desirable, however, for poults hatched at this time are not very valuable and require entirely too much time and care to raise them during the cold weather. Fall hatched pullets will often begin laying the follow- ing spring but on account of the smaller size and un- evenness of their eggs, they do not make desirable breed- ers. It is not a difficult matter to break a turkey hen of broodiness. If she is confined to a slat bottom coop, she can usually be cured of her broodiness in two to four days. After being broken up and let out she will mate again in a short time and often begin laying in about a week. Locating Stolen Nests Where the breeders are given free range the turkey hens generally steal off and select the nesting place where 61 w 3 W H C E E il P. OH a Cu 8 8 8 8 8 8 1 N CO M- ^ VO vO H c 1 MH 03 rt 03 o3 J 03 c3 . O 8 8 8 CO 8 8 a .1 ON ON O O O tx * vo K 00 ON 2 S w ? 1 1 | 1 a P, P, P, . 8 s 03 -M Cu P o3 OH P. P. o3 p, bb 'i c 8 8 8 8 O O co co O (A Tt HH O M ""> c^ ON co JS H IH M .s c JS 1 S E E E *o i* 0, o3 03 o3 OH o3 o3 o3 8 8 O CO 8 OO^O Q $ CO H- 1 00 IH TJ- H 00 ON H M H 1 tx ON IH CO M 0< CO ^ IO 1 IM IH 03 03 a 1 P, P, P, a 2|5 >^^2 _r *S ** ^ S 'w'"' "^'.^ is^g^a 5^ o;^ ^.^-^ bc"o C*O ^ C^. 03 C "^ :i:<< u ns ? 1-:^- ^!!-IS S.^^l -^^5^ S^S^^ u '-s&i ils^ MARKETING feathers of the white variety do not mature or ripen so early. The usual procedure in a turkey killing plant is to put 15 or 20 turkeys in a cage for a picker to draw his birds from. The picker selects a bird, takes it out of the cage, hangs it up by the feet by means of a cord, then proceeds to bleed and stick. Often two cords are used for hanging up the bird, a cord being placed about each foot. Instead of cords wire shackles are also made, having a place in which each foot can be easily slipped. The use of such a shackle saves time and also holds the legs in such a posi- tion as to make picking easier. The bleeding is accom- plished by cutting the veins in the throat just at the rear edge of the skull. A cut properly made at this point will result in free bleeding. The picker then sticks the bird, that is, plunges the knife through the roof of the mouth to a point between and a little back of the eyes, or this same point may be reached by a stick from the outside starting the point of the knife just under the eye. A very good knife for this purpose is one made from a single flat piece of steel about 1/16 inch thick, with a handle 5 inches inches long and J4 inch wide. The blade should be 2^/2 inches long and J4 inch wide, ground to a point and sharpened to a straight cutting edge on the inner side. For best results this knife must be kept very sharp. When the knife reaches the brain which is the object of the stick, the picker usually turns it somewhat, which causes a con- vulsion of the muscles. If the stick is good in this re- spect the feathers will then come out easily. As soon as III TURKEY RAISING the stick is made a blood can, weighted with lead or some other heavy material, is fastened by means of a wire hook into the lower jaw of the bird to keep the bird's head down and to receive the drip of blood. Turkeys are frequently killed by bleeding only, that is to say, without following the bleeding by sticking. This manner of killing usually results in a better bled bird but does not make picking as easy. In some states the law requires that if a bird is killed by bleeding only it must first be stunned by hitting it on the back of the head with a club. Good bleeding is necessary in order to secure a carcass which looks well and which keeps well. The picker first removes the main tail feathers with one motion and next the main wing feathers. These large feathers are put in a separate bin from the body feathers. The next operation is to pick off the body feathers which is accomplished very rapidly by expert pickers. In the special turkey-dressing establishments it is common prac- tice to have the shackle, by means of which the bird is hung, mounted on a track. After the bird is stuck the shackle is wheeled over a barrel or bin in which the main tail and wing feathers are allowed to fall. It is then moved over another bin into which the body feathers are allowed to fall. This makes the separation of the two classes of feathers easy. As soon as the body feathers are removed the picker then goes over the bird carefully to remove the pin feathers. Pickers become very expert and can entirely finish a bird in a few minutes. In Texas a good many negroes and Mexicans are employed for this 112 MARKETING purpose. In other places the best pickers are white men. Women are also employed to a large extent in picking, especially for pinning or finishing up the birds. The price paid for picking runs about 4 cents apiece for hen turkeys and 5 cents for toms. After the bird is thoroughly picked, the blood is washed from the head, and the feet are also washed if very dirty, and it is laid on a rack with other dressed birds. When the rack is filled it is wheeled into a cold storage room where the temperature is a little above freezing. The turkeys are left in this room until the body heat is thoroughly out of the birds. This may take from 12 to 24 hours. When the birds are thoroughly cooled they are graded according to size and condition and are packed in suitable containers for shipping to market. Packing Turkeys are put up in two ways: either in boxes or barrels. Probably there are more barrel turkeys than box turkeys, although boxes are used very largely on the Pacific Coast markets and to a considerable extent in other markets. Both barrels and boxes are lined with clean wrapping paper or parchment paper and the heads of the turkeys are likewise wrapped with clean paper. White lumber such as cottonwood is the kind favored for making the barrels and boxes. It is said that pine will impart a flavor and odor to poultry when packed in it. Where turkeys are packed in barrels there are as a rule TURKEY RAISING six layers of hen turkeys with five hens to the layer and four or five layers of toms with four to the layer, this of course depending on the size of the birds. On the aver- age a barrel will hold about 250 pounds of turkey. There are two principal sizes of boxes used for packing turkeys, one used for hens and the other for toms. The standard dimensions for these boxes are as follows : Tur- key torn boxes, ends 24 x 12 x ^ inches ; sides 28 x 12 x % ; tops and bottoms 28 x 24^ x ^ ; turkey hen boxes, ends 20 x 1 1 x % inches ; sides 30 x 1 1 x y% inches ; tops and bottoms, 30 x 20^4 x ^ inches. The turkeys are packed in these boxes in two layers, the torn boxes holding layers of six each or 12 to the box, while the hen boxes hold layers of eight each or 16 to the box. The boxes make a much neater package than do the barrels and it is also possible to pack the turkeys in them in better shape as they do not have to be doubled up as is done when packed in barrels. It is claimed, however, that the cost of packing in boxes is about a half cent per pound more than packing in barrels. After the turkeys are packed, the box or barrel should be plainly marked with the number and kind of turkeys which it contains and with the gross, tare and net weight. After the turkeys are packed either in barrels or boxes they are put into what is called the sharp freezer, that is to say, a cold-storage room where the temperature is con- siderably below freezing. Here they are frozen solid and held until they are to be shipped. They are shipped in re- 114 o o MARKETING frigerator cars each of which will hold from 20,000 to 25,000 pounds of dressed poultry. Turkey Feathers In plucking the turkeys the wing and tail feathers are kept separate in one bin and the soft body feathers in another bin. The wing and tail feathers are referred to in the trade as quills. Various other trade names are applied to different grades of these feathers. At times, depending upon the demand, white body feathers and white quills are worth considerably more money than the dark or mixed feathers and, for this reason, the white feathers are kept separate in many establishments. Scalded feathers are not worth as much as dry picked feathers. Likewise, feathers which are freshly packed and therefore damp, not having been given a chance to dry out, are likely to arrive at their destination matted and musty or heated. Such feathers are not worth as much and are discounted according to their condition. Turkey feathers have a variety of uses, the demand for the different classes of feathers and for the various uses depending to quite an extent upon prevailing fashions. At certain times the white quills are in active demand for millinery purposes while at other times, white quills are almost a drug on the market and must be mixed with dark quills in order to sell them to concerns which manufacture feather dusters. Practically all dark quills are used in the manufacture of feather dusters, these being split and TURKEY RAISING milled by machinery. At times, especially when feather boas are in fashion, the white turkey body feathers are in considerable demand for this purpose and the price runs much higher than at other times. Dark body feathers and also white body feathers when not in special demand for other purposes are used mainly in making feather beds and pillows. The prices paid for feathers not only vary quite widely according to their kind, color and condition, but also at different times of the year and in different sections of the country due to the changes in fashion in women's dress. The quotations given herewith represent the range of prices paid at three different points during March, 1920: Dark turkey body feathers, full fleece . .20 to 55 cents a pound White turkey body feathers, full fleece 45 to 80 cents a pound Dark turkey quills 10 to 13 cents a pound White turkey quills .10 to 25 cents a pound In the case of any mixture of feathers either of class, grade or color, the feathers as a whole will bring only the price of the cheapest feathers in the mixture. All turkey feathers will heat if sacked for shipment before being thoroughly aired and dried. Even though they are apparently dry, they will become warm and damp again in a short time when sacked, unless the animal heat has been thoroughly removed. To dry them spread them 116 MARKETING out on a clean floor, such as a loft above the killing and picking room, in a layer not over 4 to 6 inches deep and turn them each day until they are dry, giving them plenty of air. Turkey quills, particularly tails, should also be thoroughly aired before packing as only dry quills bring the top price for this class of feathers. The body feath- ers should be packed in sacks for shipment. Packed in this way, the freight rate is one and a half times first class. If shipped in boxes or barrels, they take double first-class rate. Quills should be laid straight in boxes or bags for shipment. If they are stuffed carelessly in bags they are broken to some extent. If good sacks are used and care is taken to lay the quills in them as straight as possible, they can be shipped in this way fairly satisfac- torily, although they will not go through in as good shape as when packed in boxes. Like the body feathers, when shipped in barrels or boxes they take a double first-class rate, while in bags they take one and a half times first class. Dressing on the Farm For local trade, or in certain sections within easy ship- ping distance of some of the larger markets and where considerable numbers of turkeys are raised in a small area, it is common practice to dress the turkeys on the farm. This is done in sections of the New England and Middle Atlantic states where the birds are either sold direct to the consumer, to city dealers, or to buyers who come into the locality. In Heuvelton and Lisbon, N. Y., 117 TURKEY RAISING for example, there is held each year shortly before Thanksgiving, a turkey day. On the day before this event the farmers kill and dress their turkeys, using the same methods as are employed in the packing plants except that the birds are allowed to cool by hanging them out over night, provided the weather is cool enough to reduce their temperature to about 35 degrees. If the weather is not cool enough for this purpose they are put into ice water and cooled in this manner. Care must be taken in cooling turkeys by hanging them outdoors to see that the temperature is not so severe that the turkeys will freeze on the outside before the body heat has left the interior of the birds, as this will cause them to spoil rather quickly. The turkeys to be killed should not be fed on that day or the previous night, ex- cept the little that may be necessary to entice them into the barn or some other building to catch them. Feeding before slaughter causes the crop to be distended with feed and makes an unsightly carcass. On the next day the farmers bring their dressed turkeys into the town by wagon. A number of turkey buyers representing differ- ent concerns are present and they bid for and buy the tur- keys at the street curb. In a general way it may be said that it is hazardous for the farmer to attempt to dress and ship his turkeys to market, since with small lots he does not have refrigerator facilities and since he usually makes no effort to ice his turkeys. If the weather happens to turn warm or if the shipment is delayed, there is a grave chance of the birds 118 MARKETING arriving at market in bad condition. If the turkey grower desires to dress and ship turkeys it is best to pack them in a barrel, alternating each layer of turkeys with a layer of ice. In this condition the turkeys have a much better chance to come through in good shape. It is sometimes advisable for the turkey grower when taking advantage of an opportunity to retail his birds, not only to kill and pluck them, but to draw them as well. Whether or not this should be done will depend entirely upon the trade which he has and the demands which are made on him for this work. Usually the drawing which is done by the grower consists simply in cutting around the anus and in drawing the intestine out through the hole thus made until the gizzard is reached when it is broken off. It is seldom desirable to remove the other organs or to attempt to remove the crop unless the crop is filled with feed and as a result is likely to turn dark in color and spoil the appearance of the bird. Shipping Turkeys Alive Turkeys are shipped alive either in small lots by ex- press, where the distance from the farm to the market is not great, or in large lots by freight where they can be concentrated in carloads. Because of the fact that turkeys shrink a good deal when shipped any great distance alive, the turkeys are for the most part killed and dressed before shipping. However, quite a good many carloads of live turkeys are sent through. An- 119 TURKEY RAISING nually just before Thanksgiving and also before Christ- mas a train known as the Turkey Special is made up at Morristown, Tenn., and rushed direct from there to Jersey City as quickly as possible. This train usually consists of a number of cars of live poultry, most of which are turkeys, together with some cars of dressed poultry. In shipping the turkeys, both the especially con- structed live poultry transportation company cars and ordinary stock cars are utilized. The live poultry transportation cars are manufactured for the purpose of shipping live fowls. These cars con- sist of a series of cages built up on each side of the car with an aisle between and with a feed room in the center. Each car contains 128 cages. Since they are built for chickens they are about 12 inches high and do not allow the turkeys to stand erect unless the flooring between two cages is taken out and this is not a usual practice. Each cage will hold from 7 to 12 turkeys according to their size and as a rule about 1,200 live turkeys can be loaded in a car. The minimum weight for which the shipper must pay in using one of these cars is 18,000 pounds and it is difficult to load this weight of turkeys in a car. When stock cars are used, ordinary wooden shipping cages or coops are employed and are piled one on top of another. These wooden coops are usually deeper than the coops in the live poultry transportation cars with the result that not as many coops can be put in nor as many turkeys shipped in one of these cars. However, the birds 120 >- MARKETING which are so shipped are not as crowded and for that rea- son go through in a little better shape. In the live poultry transportation cars an attendant accompanies each car. It is the duty of this man to feed and water the birds, to see that the car goes through as promptly as possible, and that the birds are weighed cor- rectly when they are unloaded. The cars are provided with troughs for each coop and in this is fed a sloppy mixture of crushed corn and water. When the weather is cool, as it usually is at this time of the year, no other water is given to the turkeys. About 12 hours before the train is due to arrive at Jersey City the turkeys are given all the whole corn that they will eat with the object of cutting down the shrinkage as much as possible. How- ever, during the journey the turkeys are much disturbed and do not eat very well so that their shrinkage is high. Shrinkage on a car of live turkeys will run as a rule from 12 to i$% as compared with the shrinkage on a car of chickens under the same conditions which runs from 9 to 10%. A few of the turkeys die during the trip or are accidentally killed. However, the loss from this source is not large, probably not amounting to more than i%. The cost of shipping live turkeys from Tennessee to New York City will run better than 5 cents a pound. In addition to this cost of shipment 5% commission must be deducted for handling the turkeys on the market. When the cars of live turkeys arrive at the railroad terminal in Jersey City the turkeys are unloaded and weighed as soon as possible. The commission firm to 121 TURKEY RAISING which the turkeys are sent has a man on hand who sees to removing the birds, cooping them, and weighing them up, the attendant who came with the car checking the weights for the shipper. After weighing, the coops are ferried across the Hudson River to New York and dis- tributed by the commission firm among retailers through- out the city, who dress and sell them to the consumers. Some wholesale dealers, however, buy the turkeys them- selves, dress them and then sell to the retailer. Market Prices The following are wholesale quotations for the dif- ferent grades of turkeys on the New York market as reported by the New York Produce Review under date of November 24 and December 22, 1920: November 24, 1920. Spring, dry packed, boxes : Western, dry picked, hens and toms, selected, per lb., 54@55<; southern, 53@54P; western and southern, fair to good, 5O@52# ; old hens and toms, 50$. Spring, dry packed, barrels: Maryland, dry picked, hens and toms, selected, 6o@62#; poor to good, 45@58tf; culls, 35@4<>tf; old hens, 5O@54^; old toms, 48(0)52$; Virginia, selected, dry picked, 53@56?; scalded, 51(0)54^; poor to good, 45@5otf; culls, 35@4O^J Western, selected, 52(0)54^; poor to good, 45(0)50^; culls, 35@4otf; Kentucky and Tennessee, selected, 5i@52#; Texas, selected, 5i@ 53^; poor to good, 45@5otf; culls, 35@4otf; western and southern old toms and old hens, 47@49^. Spring, iced: Western, dry picked hens and toms, selected, 50(0)52^; poor to good, 42@48#; western, old toms and old hens, 4<5@48$ ; southern, hens and toms, selected, 48^ ; poor to good, 4i@ 47#; culls, 35@400; Ohio and Michigan, scalded, selected, 5i@53#; other western, scalded, selected, 48@5i^; Virginia, Tennessee and Kentucky, scalded, selected, 46(^48^; poor to good, 42@45#; culls 122 MARKETING December 22, 1920. Spring, dry packed, boxes : Western, dry picked, hens and toms, selected, per lb., 56@s8$ ; southern, 55@57# ; western and southern, fair to good, 50(0)54^ ; old hens, 49@50# ; old toms, 46@48tf. Spring, dry packed, barrels : Maryland, hens and small to medium toms, selected, 6i@6^ ; large toms, 6o@6itf; fair to good, 55@6otf; Maryland, old hens, S@5 2 ^'> old toms, 48(5)50^; Virginia and West Virginia, selected, 56@s8tf ; fair to good, 5O@53# ; Western, selected, 55@57#; fair to good, 5O@54#; poor, 44(0)48?; Kentucky and Tennessee, selected, 52@54^; Texas, selected, 52@S4^; fair to good, 47@5itf ; poor, 43(0)46^; culls, 3O@4O?; Western and southern, old hens, 48@5oV ; old toms, 45@48tf. Spring, iced: Western, dry picked hens and toms, selected, 5o@55^; poor to good, 44@48tf; Southern, hens and toms, selected, 4^@53^ ; poor to good, 42@46# ; culls, 123 CHAPTER VII Insect Pests, Diseases and Predatory Animals The principal difficulties experienced by turkey raisers in maturing their stock aside from those occasioned by faulty management are insect pests, diseases and pred- atory animals. Of course suitable management will also prevent or greatly reduce the losses vhich would otherwise be occasioned from these sources. Lice There are four different species of lice which occur quite commonly on turkeys in the United States. Two of these seem to be native to the turkey itself and it seems probable that they occur on turkeys in the wild state. The first is the head louse which is so extremely injurious to young poults if allowed to get a start. The second is an- other form of turkey louse which occurs through the feathers in various parts of the body. It is especially likely to be prevalent on the neck and the breast. In addi- tion to this there are two other species of lice which are not native to the turkey but which occur where the tur- keys are or haVe been associated with chickens. The first of these is the common body louse of chickens, which may occur in considerable numbers on the turkeys. Usually, 124 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS however, the body lice are not present in sufficient num- bers to cause any particularly injurious effect to the ma- ture fowls but they do cause considerable irritation and are injurious to the young turkeys. The shaft louse of chickens has also been found on turkeys but does not seem to be very prevalent. Where the young poults become badly infested with lice of any kind they usually grow weaker and weaker until they finally die. Due to lack of attention to keeping down lice this is one of the most important causes of high mortality in young turkeys. Head lice are the most serious and cause most of the trouble. If the young tur- keys are examined, head lice if present will be found on the top of the head above and in front of the eyes and under the throat where they Surrow into the skin. In addition to the head lice small white lice are frequently found in large numbers along the wing bar in the hollows or creases between the quills of the flight feathers. Some- times these places will be found to be literally alive with these lice. They are also found occasionally below the vent. The first principle to be observed in combating lice is to prevent their occurrence insofar as possible. When hen turkeys are set they should be dusted -with some good insect powder before being put on the nest and several times during the period of incubation. If this is thor- oughly done they will be freed of lice and no difficulty will be encountered with the poults on this account. If one neglects to dust the hens during the time they are sitting 125 TURKEY RAISING or if the job is not well done, the poults must be carefully examined soon after they are hatched and every few days thereafter. Examine most carefully the head and throat in the sections where the head lice are apt to occur and if any of these pests are found, the places where they occur must be carefully greased with lard or some similar grease. The lard will kill the lice but care must be taken to see that not too much is used as it might have a fatal effect on the poults themselves. Do not be content with greasing the poults once and expect to get rid of the head lice in that way but examine them several times at inter- vals of a few days so that if other lice are found they can be greased again. Greasing the wing bar of each poult is also frequently practiced where lice are found to occur at that point. Do not dust young poults freely with ordinary insect powder as it may prove harmful to them, especially in the way of causing sore eyes. Sodium fluor- ide applied according to the directions given below may be safely used. For any kind of lice which occur on turkeys, sodium fluoride will be found to be a most effective treatment. Where sodium fluoride is used on chickens it is recom- mended that it be used either in the form of a powder or else as a dip. For turkeys, however, dipping is not recom- mended. Sodium fluoride is exceedingly poisonous to all species of lice killing both the young and the adults and the young which emerge from the eggs which were pres- ent at the time of treatment. This chemical is not very well known and is not very widely kept in drug stores. 126 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS It can, however, be obtained from wholesale druggists in the larger cities and other druggists can secure it on de- mand. It comes in two forms known as the commercial sodium fluoride and as the chemically pure sodium fluor- ide. The commercial is recommended for use inasmuch as it is in a more finely powdered form, is cheaper in price and will do the work very well. Commercial sodium fluoride should be procurable from druggists at a retail price between 30 and 60 cents a pound. This material keeps very well if placed in stoppered bottles or in closely covered cans. Where the turkeys are to be dusted small amounts of the sodium fluoride should be placed around on different parts of the fowls to be treated. In treating the adult turkeys one should have an assistant to hold the bird while the sodium fluoride is applied. It is well to place the bird on a table where the assistant can hold it by the legs and wings. Place a small pinch of the sodium fluor- ide among the feathers next to the skin in the following sections : one pinch on the head, one on the neck, two on the back, one on the breast, one below the vent, one on the tail, one on either thigh and one scattered on the upper side of each wing when spread and one scattered on the under side. The action of the chemical is comparatively slow. If the turkeys are examined two or three days after they have been treated it is possible that some lice will still be found but in a few days more all of them should have disappeared. In using the material no fear need be felt that it will produce any bad effects on the 127 TURKEY RAISING turkeys as it does not seem to cause a skin irritation or to injure the feathers. Sometimes after dusting, the fowls may sneeze and breathe hard but this soon wears off. Care should be taken to see that the sodium fluoride is not left around where the fowls could get it in their food or water, as it is poisonous. Care should also be taken by the person using the sodium fluoride to prevent it from getting and staying on the hands or body for any length of time as it may have an irritating or burning effect on the skin. It is for this reason that it is better to put the fowls to be treated on a table rather than to hold them on the lap. Sodium fluoride may be used on young turkeys as well as on the mature fowls without danger of bad results. In using it on the young fowls, however, it is best that it be used in the morning instead of just before they go to roost. Where the mother turkey has been properly dusted it is unnecessary to use more than a couple of pinches on each poult, one scattered on the neck and top of the head and throat and the other on the back and wings and below the vent. In addition to sodium fluoride any good commercial in- sect powder can be used with good results. A home-made powder of this sort which is effective is composed of 3 parts gasoline, i part crude carbolic acid, into which plas- ter of paris is stirred until it blots up all the liquid and forms a dry powder. The powder should be kept in a tight can or bottle in order to preserve its strength. It is very easy for one who is not used to looking for 128 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS lice on young turkeys to overlook these pests even after what they consider careful examination. For this reason if one's turkeys are droopy and not doing well and still the owner is convinced that there are no lice on them, further examination for this purpose should be made. The following experiment may be tried on little turkeys under those conditions. Submerge the little turkey in warm water which has been heated to about body tem- perature. Hold the little bird there with just its bill sticking out so that it can breathe, until the entire plumage is thoroughly wet, then wrap it in a white cloth which has been nicely warmed and hold the bird this way for several minutes. Then take the cloth off and notice whether there are any lice on it. Usually this experiment will result in finding a large number of lice on the cloth even when the turkey was supposed to be absolutely free from them. Stick-Tight Fleas or Chiggers. In addition to the lice which trouble turkeys there is also more or less difficulty in parts of the South from the stick-tight fleas or chiggers, which affect both chickens and turkeys. These fleas breed and abound in dry sandy soil, particularly in sheltered places out of the rain under buildings. They attach themselves to the fowl especially on the uncovered head parts where they suck the blood and cause intense irrita- tion. The effort should be made to keep the turkeys as free from stick-tight fleas as possible by not allowing them to go under buildings or other sheltered places where the soil is not rained upon but is dry and sandy. Not as much difficulty is likely to be experienced with 129 TURKEY RAISING stick-tight fleas on turkeys as on fowls since the turkeys are inclined to range more and to stay away from the farm buildings to a greater extent. Where stick tight fleas are troublesome, however, various ointments sold for this purpose are effective in killing them. These oint- ments must of course be rubbed on the parts to which the fleas are attached. Ordinary salt fat such as ham fat or salt pork fat rubbed on the fleas is also effective in ridding the turkeys of them. Diseases While turkeys do not seem to be subject to a great number of diseases still, on account of their nature and habits, serious difficulty may be experienced with disease unless the fowls are given the right kind of treatment and are allowed to range almost at will. They do not seem to be able to withstand the more restricted condi- tions of domestication as can the ordinary domestic fowl. When the range is ample, however, the diseases are not so common nor do they prove particularly troublesome provided the stock from which the birds are bred is strong and vigorous and the management and care given them are correct. It may be said that while diseases, par- ticularly blackhead, have been given credit for being the reason for turkey raising declining to such an extent as it has in many portions of the country, as a matter of fact it is not the principal reason for people discontinuing the business of turkey raising. The real reason lies DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS rather in the increased population of the countryside with the result that it becomes more difficult to keep the turkeys from ranging over the neighbors' farms. But while the diseases to which turkeys are subject will not prevent their being raised successfully, it is true that the losses from disease have been serious particularly in certain sections. Diseases are most common where turkeys have been raised in considerable numbers for the longest period. Getieral Disease Preventive Measures. In raising tur- keys as in raising any other kind of domestic poultry the most important consideration insofar as disease is concerned is to use every reasonable precaution to pre- vent its occurrence. In order to do this it is necessary that the turkey grower be a close observer and that he watch his birds carefully in order to discover the least sign of sickness. Often if diseases are discovered just as they begin they are easily cured and in any case pre- vention of their spread is a much simpler matter. When- ever new stock is purchased it is well to isolate it for a few days before letting it run with the home flock. This will give an opportunity to observe the birds and see whether or not they are in a good healthy condition. The turkey flock should be kept separate insofar as possible from the chickens. It is easy for turkeys to pick up diseases from the chickens and often diseases which are not so serious with the chickens may prove to be very troublesome with the turkeys. For this reason it is well to keep the fowls ranging away from the farm buildings TURKEY RAISING as much as possible, encouraging them during the summer and fall to come home only at night to roost. If any birds become seriously sick it will not as a rule pay to attempt treatment. Not only is treatment likely to be futile but keeping a very sick bird around is a men- ace in that it may lead to a spread of the disease through the flock. Even birds which are not seriously sick and which it is desired to treat should be separated from the main flock for this purpose. With seriously sick birds it is, therefore, best to kill them as soon as discovered. The bodies of such birds should be either burned or else buried deeply so that there will be no chance of the spread of the infection from this source. Where turkeys are housed during the severe winter weather in the North, it is necessary to keep the house in a very clean sanitary condition if the turkeys are to remain in the best of health. The droppings should be kept well cleaned out and it is also desirable to spray the house occasionally with some disinfectant. During the summer also it is desirable to clean up the droppings fre- quently from under the outdoor roosting places so that a large accumulation of this material will not take place. If there are any small areas of ground near the house used by the turkeys a great deal and if there is any reason to suspect that these places may be sources of infection to the flock it is well to lime this ground and then turn it over. Precaution should be taken in feeding young turkeys to see that the feed is thrown on clean ground or on 132 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS clean board surfaces or other feeding places. Surplus feed should not be allowed to lie around where it will sour and spoil, as such material is very bad for turkeys. It is likewise desirable both in feeding young and old birds not to continue to feed on the same spot of ground indefinitely but to change occasionally to fresh places. Many turkey breeders feel that the feeding of sour milk as a drink both to the young turkeys and to the mature stock is a most valuable disease preventive. In case there are indications of any disease developing it is a good precautionary measure to place a disinfectant in the drinking water where this is provided for the birds in fountains or other receptacles. Potassium permanganate is a good disinfectant to use, putting enough in the water to give it a deep purple color. Blackhead. Undoubtedly, the prevalence of blackhead throughout the New England and Middle Atlantic states has been a great factor in reducing the number of turkeys raised there to an almost negligible quantity, although turkey raising in former years was quite an important industry. An example may be cited of the condition which oc- curred in St. Lawrence County, N. Y., a famous turkey producing section, during the late summer and early fall of 1914. At this time an epidemic of blackhead broke out here which was more serious than had ever before been experienced in that section. How serious this was is well shown by a comparison of the number of turkeys hatched and the number raised from the records of sev- 133 TURKEY RAISING eral turkey raisers in and about Heuvelton and Lisbon, N. Y. No. Turkeys Hatched No. Turkeys Raised 200 25 168 126 155 60 140 40 130 106 "5 25 loo 30 50 10 50 40 47 19 It will be seen that from all of these flocks there was an average of 41.6% of the turkeys raised out of those hatched. A careful examination of the different flock records, however, shows that in spite of this serious epi- demic of blackhead, certain turkey growers were able to raise a very much larger proportion of turkeys hatched than the average. This goes to show that with proper management turkeys can be successfully raised even though disease may be a serious bar to those who do not understand the needs and nature of the fowls. In con- nection with the epidemic cited it might be stated that most of the turkeys died when from two to three months old and showed the characteristic blackhead lesions when opened up and examined. The farmers in the section did 134 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS not know what disease caused the turkeys to die and called it various names such as cholera, white cholera, yellow cholera, scours, white diarrhea and yellow diarrhea. Of all the diseases to -which turkeys are subject, black- head is undoubtedly the most serious and has had the most detrimental effect on the turkey raising industry. It is an infectious disease which occurs most commonly and with most disastrous results through New England, the Middle Atlantic States and parts of the Middle West. It also occurs occasionally in parts of the South and on the Pacific Coast. Where turkeys are permitted by virtue of the climate and an abundance of range to have their liberty and to forage for most of their feed from the time they are hatched, this disease is far less frequent in oc- currence and disastrous in effect. In the main it affects young turkeys at any time between the ages of six weeks and four months. It occasionally affects mature turkeys as well but not often. Blackhead is an unfortunate name for the disease since it leads the turkey raiser to expect the head to turn black or dark. While this often happens it does not always do so and even where it does, the dark color of the head may be a symptom of some other ail- ment instead of blackhead. The symptoms in a general way are indicated by a steady weakening of the bird, a refusal to eat and a considerable thirst. Death ordinarily occurs anywhere from a few days up to two or three weeks after the disease is first noticed. Quite often, however, the progress of the disease is slower than this. Diarrhea accompanies the disease and the color of the 135 TURKEY RAISING droppings is often a bright yellow but may vary from white to brown. It is on opening up the body of a dead turkey that one is able to find the conditions which are characteristic of the disease. This is evidenced by one or both of the caeca or "blind guts" being enlarged and plugged full of a cheesy material. In addition, the liver is likely to be more or less enlarged and to show yellowish or yellowish green spots on its surface. There is a considerable difference of opinion as to what may be the cause of blackhead. In the opinion of some turkey raisers and others who have studied this matter it is simply the fact that the turkey is not easily adapted to domestication and that unless the greatest care is taken in selecting strong healthy breeding stock and giving the birds proper management and allowing them free range, they are likely to develop this diseased condi- tion. Another theory lays the cause of the disease to a parasitic protozoan called an amoeba which exists in the digestive tract of the bird and is discharged from the body with the excrement, in this way infecting other birds by being taken into the body with the food or drink. A third theory holds that the disease is caused by another kind of protozoan organism known as flagellates. These occur in the intestines of practically all turkeys but give rise to the trouble which is evidenced as blackhead only when the circumstances under which the turkeys live are unfavorable and lead to digestive conditions in the intes- tines such that the flagellates find conditions suitable for their multiplication. Many of them then penetrate the 136 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS lining of the caeca and from there are carried to the liver, establishing a diseased condition in both places. Regard- less of what may be the specific cause of the disease there seems to be quite a close agreement of opinion that prac- tically all turkeys in the sections where the disease is prevalent are subject to the infection and that the ques- tion of whether or not the disease develops at all or whether it reaches serious proportions is largely a matter of management. There really is no treatment for blackhead which will give definite and satisfactory results. It will scarcely ever pay to attempt to treat sick birds since they are always a menace to the rest of the flock, as they are likely to cause further spread of the disease, and if they are seriously sick it is best to take no chances but to kill them and bury them deeply or burn them. Precautions can also be taken in keeping the droppings cleaned out from the roosting place and also in spreading lime on the soil in such places as the turkeys frequent to a great extent. It is also well to use some form of disinfectant in the drink- ing water such as potassium permanganate to the extent of about as much as can be placed on a dime to each gallon of water. Overfeeding seems to predispose the birds to the dis- ease and if the beginnings of any trouble are noted it will be well to cut down the feed. Many turkey raisers feel that the feeding of sour milk or buttermilk is advantage- ous in keeping the turkeys in good condition and in re- ducing the likelihood of blackhead. Another remedy 137 TURKEY RAISING which is often used consists of sulphur 5 grains, sulphate of iron i grain; or benzonaphthol i grain, salicylate of bismuth i grain ; or sulphate of iron I grain, salicylate of soda i grain. Where either of these remedies are used they are preceded by a dose of epsom salts from 10 to 35 grains for a bird; or a dose of castor oil of from one-half to 3 teaspoonfuls, depending on the size of the bird. One- third teaspoonful of catechu to the gallon of drinking water is also said to have a beneficial effect. Another blackhead remedy advocated by a turkey grower consists of epsom salts in the drinking water in the proportion of one pint of saturated solution of the salts to five gallons of water. This is given for one day and is followed on the next day with four teaspoonfuls of muriatic acid to each gallon of drinking water. There has recently been announced, by Dr. H. M. Wegeforth, San Diego, Calif., an ipecac treatment for blackhead which is claimed to be both a preventive and curative. For sick birds, fluid extract of ipecac is ad- ministered in the amount of 10 drops three times a day for 3 days for each bird. For the next three days, the dose is 10 drops twice a day and for the next 3 days 10 drops once a day. This treatment it is claimed cured birds with well developed cases of blackhead. As a preventive treatment, the ipecac was administered in powdered form mixed with a mash feed giving one teaspoonful twice a week for each 20 turkeys, making no difference in the dosage for size or age of the birds. This 138 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS treatment it is claimed will keep the turkeys from devel- oping the disease. At the present time the ipecac treatment of turkeys for blackhead has not been sufficiently used and under sufficient conditions and sections to determine its real effectiveness. When blackhead is troublesome its use in an experimental way is advised. Chicken-pox or Sore Head. Ordinary chicken-pox or sore head, particularly in the South, not infrequently troubles turkeys just as it does fowls. It is evidenced by the same nodules or scabby eruptions about the head. Where this disease appears in the flock it is likely to spread rapidly from bird to bird. For this reason if a bird is found to be infected it should be removed from the flock and kept separate. The scabs which form may be soaked off by bathing them with warm water when the surfaces below should be washed with an antiseptic such as a 2% solution of carbolic acid or a solution of potas- sium permanganate, or the sore, after the scab is re- moved, may be touched with a tincture of iodine. A saturated solution of borax is also said to give good results in the treatment of this disease. Roup. Next to blackhead roup is probably more trou- blesome than any other disease of turkeys. It is particu- larly likely to occur when the birds are exposed to draft or to dampness. It begins like an ordinary cold but as it develops into roup there will be a swelling which occurs about the eyes, usually below, and because of which the disease is often termed "swell head." Roup seems to be 139 TURKEY RAISING highly contagious and for this reason affected birds should be isolated from the flock. If the disease is very bad the bird should be killed rather than run the risk of spread- ing the disease, but if the bird is lightly affected the nos- trils and mouth can be -washed out with some disinfectant such as a solution of potassium permanganate. Where a serious swelling is formed this should be lanced and the puss or material which it contains squeezed out, after which the sore should be washed out with an antiseptic. Limberneck. As in chickens so in turkeys limberneck sometimes occurs. It is characterized by loss of the use of the muscles of the neck, causing the head to hang down. It is commonly supposed that limberneck is a paralysis caused by intestinal poison. This may be due to eating decayed meat or unsound food of some kind or in some cases to digestive disturbances or intestinal worms. The usual treatment for this difficulty consists of giving the affected birds a tablespoon ful of castor oil. It is also well to add 10 to 15 drops of turpentine to the oil Crop-bound. In turkeys a crop-bound condition or impaction of the crop sometimes occurs. This is usually caused by the fowls eating feathers or some other indi- gestible material such as straw or stiff grasses which pre- vents the food from passing out of the crop and causes the crop to become full and hard. As a treatment give the bird a teaspoonful of sweet oil. After this has reached the crop, the contents can be worked about with the fingers until the oil is well mixed through and when 140 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS loosened up in this way the material in the crop can usu- ally be forced out through the mouth by holding the bird with its head down. In case it is not possible to clear up the difficulty in this way, the crop can be opened by cut- ting through the skin and through the wall of the crop itself. In making the incision pull the outside skin to one side so that when it is allowed to slip back to its normal position after the cut is made, the incision in the crop will be covered by the outside skin. The material can then be taken out with the handle of a spoon or some similar instrument, being sure that the obstructing sub- stance is removed. The crop is then sewed up again, pre- caution being taken to sew up the walls of the crop and the skin separately. Worms. Turkeys are quite subject to intestinal or round worms. They occur both in young poults and in the adult fowls. These are slender, white, threadlike worms which may be present at times in considerable quantities. In order to prevent trouble from this cause it is well to worm the breeding stock in the spring before the ovaries begin to function and laying starts. It should be done at this time in order not to interfere with the lay- ing. Give each turkey a dose of sweet oil to which a few drops of chenopodium or American wormseed oil has been added. Nearly a half cup of this mixture can be given as a dose for a large bird, and in this quantity there should not be over three or four drops of wormseed oil. The young turkeys as well as the adults are apt to be greatly troubled by worms. In many cases it may prove 141 TURKEY RAISING to be a valuable precaution to treat them for worms from the start. For this purpose use a mixture composed of two tablespoon fuls of turpentine to a pint of sweet oil. This can be administered to the young poults with a medicine dropper giving them three or four drops to start with and gradually increasing the dose until a whole medicine dropper is used as the poults grow larger. Gapes. Gapes are not as troublesome to turkeys as they are to chickens. This is probably largely due to the fact that the turkeys range away from the buildings to a greater degree and are not so likely to pick up the infec- tion. Occasionally, however, gapes do cause trouble and may even be so serious as to make it difficult to raise turkeys. The disease, gapes, is so called from the char- acteristic gaping action of the affected chick or turkey. The disease is due to small forked worms which attach themselves to the lining of the windpipe, causing irrita- tion, and if present in sufficient numbers may even make breathing difficult and result in the weakening and even- tual death of the young bird. Gapes are most apparent and most seriously affect young fowls between the ages of 10 days and four weeks. As a rule the larger, stronger, more vigorous youngsters are not seriously affected. The young worms or the eggs from which they come are picked up from the infested soil, and this infection will last from one year to another. The logical and self-evi- dent action to take in case gapes are troublesome is to place the turkey hens with their broods far enough away from the house so that they will be on land which has not 143 f DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS been previously ranged over to any extent by chickens. If this action is taken at the start there will be little if any trouble from gapes. In the case of birds which are affected it is often pos- sible to save them by treating the individuals. This is best done by looping a horsehair, dipping it in turpentine, and running it down the windpipe of the little turkey. Be sure that the horsehair is introduced into the windpipe and not down the throat itself. After the hair has been run down the windpipe turn it about several times and then pull it out. This action should be repeated several times and will result in loosening the hold of many of the worms which are attached to the walls of the windpipe. Some of them may be drawn out by the looped hair, but if not those which are loosened will be coughed up by the turkey. Bumblefoot. Occasionally turkeys are troubled with bumble foot, which is a swollen or corn-like condition on the bottom of the feet. It is due to an injury to the feet usually caused by the birds jumping down from their roosts or other elevations to a hard floor. It may become so bad as to cause considerable pain and lameness. The best treatment is to lance the swelling with a sharp knife, squeezing out the puss and the core which will be found. The wound should then be washed thoroughly with a dis- infectant and greased liberally with carbolated vaseline. Diarrhea or Bowel Trouble. Diarrhea is a common ailment of turkeys, both young and mature. It may be the symptom of some disease, or it may be due to over- TURKEY RAISING feeding or to faulty feeding. In young turkeys it is fre- quently due to their being chilled. When diarrhea ap- pears immediate effort should be made to ascertain its cause and of course to correct the conditions which are responsible. In the case of young turkeys, make sure that they are not being chilled and that they are not overfed or that they do not have access to sour or spoiled feed. In mature birds, likewise, make sure that they are not get- ting spoiled feed or feed which disagrees with them such as too much new corn. Boiled rice fed to young turkeys is claimed by many turkey growers to have a corrective effect in case of diarrhea. Castor oil may be given to older fowls in a dose of from one to three teaspoonfuls, depending on the size of the bird. Predatory Animals Marauding or predatory animals frequently cause seri- ous losses of turkey eggs from the nest where the hen is sitting, of young turkeys and even of mature stock. Skunks, oppossums, rats, crows and dogs are the greatest destroyers of turkey eggs. Mink, raccoons, coyotes, wolves, foxes, cats and certain large snakes are also egg eaters. The best way to prevent loss from this source is to locate all turkey nests and remove the eggs as they are laid, leaving only a nest egg or two to encourage the hen to keep on laying them. When the hen is set she should be given protection from animals by being placed under a coop so constructed as to protect her 144 DISEASES AND PREDATORY ANIMALS properly. A little strychnine dropped in an egg and left in a turkey nest over night will often serve to kill the animals which come to rob the nest. Where a turkey hen is disturbed by any of these pests she often changes her nest to some other locality. In addition to the losses from eggs being destroyed, young poults are sometimes caught and killed by hawks and by most of the animals mentioned above. Night losses can be prevented by driving the brood into a coop where they can be closed up for the night so that animals cannot get at them. This must be continued until the tur- keys are old enough to roost up out of danger. In certain sections of the country where coyotes, wolves or foxes are plentiful, mature stock may be lost from this source. About the only remedy is to attempt to free the range from the animals which cause the loss and to provide roosts which are high enough to place the birds out of the reach of these four-footed thieves. 145 INDEX PAGE Age of Breeders 44 Distinguishing 46 Alternating Males 50 American Standard of Perfection 17 Artificial Brooding 85 Incubation 75 Barrels for Packing 113 Blackhead 133 Black Turkeys 17 Breeding of 30 Blue or Lavender 31 Bourbon Red 17 Breeding of . 32 Boxes for packing turkeys 114 Breeders, Age of 44 Feeding of 54 Prices of 12 Purchasing 48 Selecting 20, 42, 106 Shipping 36 Size of 18 Breeding and Laying Season 58 Stock, Management of Turkey 41 Yards 50 Bronze Turkey 17 Breeding of 25 Brood Coop for Hen and Poults 79 Broodiness, Breaking up 61 Brooding by Artificial Means 85 Young Stock 78 Location of 80, 81 Bumblefoot 143 Caponizing 107 Catching and Handling 35 Chickenpox or Sorehead 139 Chiggers 129 147 INDEX >~. . PAGE Clipping wings ..................... e 2 Cocks, Adult ................................... V.V.* .' 17 Yearling ............................................ ...... 17 Confinement, keeping turkeys in .................. .*. .'.*. . ' ' * '. ' n Fattening in ...................................... ........ 106 Coop for Shipping ............................ * ...... ..... .37, 108 Cost of Raising ................................... ........ ' 10 Crop Bound ....................................... ......... 140 Crossing ............................................ ...... .23, 24 Curing Feathers ............................................ n6 Defects in Breeding See Variety Concerned Description See Variety Concerned Diarrhea ....................................... 84, 135, 143 Diseases of Turkeys ......................................... 130 Distinguishing Sex ................................... '.'.'.'.'.'. 96 Domestic Turkey ........................ ................... jg Dressing Turkeys ................................... * ____ '.'no, 117 Dry Picking ................................................ no Dusting for Lice ................................. .... ....... 74 Eastern Wild Turkey .................................. 2 Egg, Size of ................................................ 77 Eggs, number in litter ...................................... 8 Car re of, for hatching ...... ................................. 65 Incubation of ............................................. 67 Number to set ............................................ 69 Eggs for hatching Packing and Shipping .................... 38 Enemies of Turkeys ........................ . . . . ............ 144 Extent of Industry .......................................... 5 Fattening Turkeys .............. ............................ 104 In Confinement ........................................... 106 Feathers, Turkey ........................................... 115 Prices of ................................................. 1 16 Feathering of Poults ..... . . ....................... , .......... 94 Feed for in Transit ......................................... 37 Feeding for Market ......................................... 105 the Breeders ....................................... 54 " Sitting Hens ....................................... 73 " Poults .............................................. 87 Fences ..................................................... 51 Fleas Sticktight ...................................... L . ., ____ 129 Florida Wild Turkey ........................................ 2 Gapes ............................ .................. t.;.. ...... 142 Grading up the Flock ....................................... 42 148 INDEX PAGE Hatching Eggs, Care of 65 " Packing and Shipping 38 Methods of 68 with Chicken Hens 74 Head Lice 124, 126 Honduras or Ocellated Turkey 3 Houses 56, 57 Inbreeding 43 Incubation 67 Artificial 75 Period of 67 Injury Preventing to Hens 47 Insect Destroyers, Turkeys, as 10 Judging Turkeys ., 39 Killing and Dressing no, 117 Laying Season 58 Lice 74, 124 On Poults 92 Limberneck 140 Line Breeding 44 Location of Brood Coop 80, 81 Management of Breeders 41 Management of Growing Turkeys 98 Markets and Market Demands 103 Market Prices for Turkeys 122 Market Turkeys, Size of 102 Marketing Turkeys 102 Time of 102 Marking and Pedigreeing Turkeys 93 Mating General Considerations 20 Merriam's or Mexican Turkey 2 Mexican or Merriam's Turkey 2 Mongrels vs. Purebred 42 Narragansett Turkey 17 Breeding of 28 Natural Incubation 72 Nest for Sitting Hen 70 Nests Locating Stolen 61 Constructing >... 64 Number of Hens to Male 49 149 INDEX PAGE Ocellated or Honduras Turkey ...., 3 Opportunities for Turkey Raising 7 Origin of Turkeys I Of Name Turkey 4 Packing Dressed Turkeys 113 Paddles or Shingles 52 Pedigreeing Turkeys 93 Poults 17 Protection for 79 Preparing Turkeys for Show 33 Prices 13-15 Of Breeders 16 Production, Decrease in 6 Profit in Turkeys 9 Purchasing Breeders 41, 48 Purebred vs. Mongrels 42 Range , 87 Red Shooting the 96 Requirements for Turkey Raising 8 Rio Grand Wild Turkey ,..., 2 Roosts 98 Roup ., 139 Selecting Breeders ....,.., 20, 41, 48 Time of 48 Selling Turkeys Alive 108 Setting the Hen 72 Sex, Distinguishing , 96 Sitting Hen, Nest for 70 Management of 72 Sheds 56, 57 Shelter for Breeders 56 Shipping Market Turkeys Alive 119 Shipping Show Birds and Breeding Stock 36 Coop T 37 Shooting the Red 96 Show Preparing Turkeys for 33 Shipping to 36 Size 18 of Breeders 18, 45 of Eggs 77 of Market Turkeys 102 Slate Turkey 17 Breeding of 31 Sodium Fluoride for Lice 126 150 INDEX PAGE Sorehead r . T . ... . 139 Sports Example of 30 Standard Varieties of 17 Standard Weights of 18 Stick Tight Fleas or Chiggers 129 Stolen Nests Locating 61 Testing Eggs During Incubation 67 Throwing the Red 96 Toe Punching 93 Transportation Cars 120 Varieties of Wild Turkeys : ., 2 Of Domestic 17 Popularity of 19 Weight of Market Turkeys 102 Weight of Turkey Eggs 77 Weights Standard 18 Wild Turkey 18 White Holland 17 As Egg Producers 20 Breeding of 29 Wild Turkey ,...,. ... 2 Breeding 23 Wings Clipping of 52 Woman Turkey Raising as a Business for Farm 9 Worms 14! Yards Breeding 50 14 DAY USE TO DESK FROM WHICH BO LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. i-if /"**r% l f^ REC* U L-I-' MARA. '6b-yM ^i^^r^i 4 u-ssgjgK-* 5155 i UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY