of tustorg Julius Caesar WITH ENGRAVINGS NEW YORK AND LONDON HARPER & BROTHERS PUBLISHERS 1904 Entered, according to Act of Congress, in the year one thousand eight hundred and forty-nine, by HARPER & BROTHERS, In the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District 01 New YorK. Copyright, 1877, by JACOB ABBOTT. 55? PREFACE. IT is the object of this series of histories to present a clear, distinct, and connected narra- tive of the lives of those great personages who hare in various ages of the world made them- selves celebrated as leaders among mankind, and, by the part they have taken in the public affairs of great nations, have exerted the widest influence on the history of the human race. The end which the author has had in view is twofold : first, to communicate such informa- tion in respect to the subjects of his narratives as is important for the general reader to possess ; and, secondly, to draw such moral lessons from the events described and the characters deline- ated as they may legitimately teach to the peo- ple of the present age. Though written in a direct and simple style, they are intended for, and addressed to, minds possessed of some coa- viii PREFACE. siderable degree of maturity, for such minds only can fully appreciate the character and ac- tion which exhibits itself, as nearly all that is described in these volumes does, in close com- bination with the conduct and policy of gov- ernments, and the great events of internation- al history. CONTENTS. Chpt **** I. MARIUS AND 8YLLA 13 II. CESAR'S EARLY YEARS 36 III. ADVANCEMENT TO THE CONSULSHIP 58 IT. THE CONQUEST Or SAUL 82 V. POMPEY 10? VI. CROSSING THE RUBICON 129 VII. THE BATTLE OF PHARSALIA 154 VIII. FLIGHT AND DEATH OF POMPEY 171 II. CvESAR IN EGYPT 193 X. CAESAR IMPERATOR 213 XI. THE CONSPIRACY 335> XII. THE ASSASSINATION.... - -- $45 ENGRAVINGS. THE PIRATES AT ANCHOR Frontispiece. MAP or ROME To face Title. ROMAN PLEBEIANS 18 A ROMAN FORUM 1 39 THE LANDING IN ENGLAND 103 CROSSING THE RUBICON 14ft ROMAN STANDARD-BEARERS 165 DEATH OF POMPEY 191 POMPEY'S PILLAR _ 199 CLEOPATRA'S BARGE 210 THE ELEPHANTS MADE TORCH-BEARERS 228 POMPEY'S STATUE 267 BURNING or CESAR'S BODY . 276 JULIUS CJESAtt. CHAPTER I. MARIUS AND STLLA. Th three great European nation* of antiquity. Alexander FT1HERE were three great European nations -*- in ancient days, each of which furnished history with a hero : the Greeks, the Cartha- ginians, and the Romans. Alexander was the hero of the Greeks. He was King of Macedon, a country lying north of Greece proper. He headed an army of his countrymen, and made an excursion for con- quest and glory into Asia He made himself master of all that quarter of the globe, and reigned over it in Babylon, till he brought him- self to an eany grave by the excesses into which his boundless prosperity allured him. His fame rests on his triumphant success in building up for himself so vast an empire, and the admira- tion which his career has always excited among mankind is heightened by the consideration of 14 JULIUS C^SAR. IB. HaanlbaL HI* terrible energy. Jfulim Cawar his youth, and of the noble and generous im pulses which strongly marked his character. The Carthaginian hero was Hannibal. We class the Carthaginians among the European nations of antiquity ; for, in respect to their ori- gin, their civilization, and all their commercial and political relations, they belonged to the Eu- ropean race, though it is true that their capital was on the African side of the Mediteiranean Sea. Hannibal was the great Carthaginian hero. He earned his fame by the energy and implacableness of his hate. The work of his life was to keep a vast empire in a state of con- tinual anxiety and terror for fifty years, so that his claim to greatness and glory rests on the de- termination, the perseverance, and the success with which he fulfilled his function of being, while he lived, the terror of the world. The Roman hero was Caesar. He was born just one hundred years before the Christian era. His renown does not depend, like that of Alex- ander, on foreign conquests, nor, like that of Han- nibal, on the terrible energy of his aggressions upon foreign foes, but upon his protracted and dreadful contests with, and ultimate triumphs over, his rivals and competitors at home. When he appeared upon the stage, the Roman empire 6.C. 100.] MARIUS AND SYLLA. 16 The ancient Roman empire. already included nearly all of the world that was worth possessing. There were no more conquests to be made. Caesar did, indeed, en- large, in some degree, the boundaries of the em- pire ; but the main question in his day was, who should possess the power which preceding conquerors had acquired. The Roman empire, as it existed in those days, must not be conceived of by the reader as united together under one compact and con- solidated government. It was, on the other hand, a vast congeries of nations, widely dissim- ilar in every respect from each other, speaking various languages, and having various customs and laws. They were all, however, more or less dependent upon, and connected with, the great central power. Some of these countries were provinces, and were governed by officers appointed and sent out by the authorities at Rome. These governors had to collect the tax- es of their provinces, and also to preside over and direct, in many important respects, the ad- ministration of justice. They had, according- ly, abundant opportunities to enrich themselves while thus in office, by collecting more money than they paid over to the government at home, and by taking bribes to favor the rich man's 16 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C. 100 Foreign wan. Tto Ttctoriouj geaem cause in court. Thus the more wealthy and prosperous provinces were objects of great com- petition among aspirants for office at Rome. Leading men would get these appointments, and, after remaining long enough in their prov- inces to acquire a fortune, would come back to Rome, and expend it in intrigues and maneu- vers to obtain higher offices still. Whenever thre was any foreign war to be carried on with a distant nation or tribe, there was always a great eagerness among all the military officers of the state to be appointed to the command. They each felt sure that they should conquer in the contest, and they could enrich themselves still more rapidly by the spoils of victory in war, than by extortion and bribes in the government of a province in peace. Then, besides, a victorious general coming back to Rome always found that his military renown added vastly to his influence and power in the city. He was welcomed with celebrations and triumphs ; the people flocked to see him and to shout his praise. He placed his trophies of vic- tory in the temples, and entertained the popu- lace with games and shows, and with oombata of gladiators or of wild beasts, which he had brought home with him for this purpose in th B.C.100.] MAEIVS AND SYLLA, 17 Military rirtU. Hutu tnd Sytk, train of his army. While he was thus enjoy- ing his triumph, his political enemies would be thrown into the back ground and into the shade ; unless, indeed, some one of them might himself be earning the same honors in some other field, to come back in due time, and claim his share of power and celebrity in his turn. In this case, Rome would be sometimes distracted and rent by the conflicts and contentions of military ri- vals, who had acquired powers too vast for all the civil influences of the Republic to regulate or control. There had been two such rivals just before the time of Caesar, who had filled the world with their quarrels. They were Marius and Sylla. Their very names have been, in all ages of the world, since their day, the symbols of rivalry and hate. They were the representatives re- spectively of the two great parties into which the Roman state, like every other community in which the population at large have any voice in governing, always has been, and probably al- wrays will be divided, the upper and the lower ; or, as they were called in those days, the patri- oian and the plebeian. Sylla was the patrician ; the higher and more aristocratic portions of the community were on his side. Marius was the 312 18 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C. 100. The patricians and plebeian*. Civi contests favorite of the plebeian masses. In the contests, however, which they waged with each other, ROMAN PLKBXIANS. they did not trust to the mere influence of vote* They relied much more upon the soldiers thej could gather under their respective standards, and upon their power of intimidating, by mean? of them, the Roman assemblies. There was r B.C. 100.1 MABIUS AND SYLLA. 19 Quarrel abort the command of the army. Syl l'i rlolenc* war to be waged with Mithridates, a very pow- erful Asiatic monarch, which promised great op- portunities for acquiring fame and plun ler. Sylla was appointed to the command. While he was absent, however, upon some campaign in Italy, Marius contrived to have the decision reversed, and the command transferred to him Two officers, called tribunes, were sent to Syi la's camp to inform him of the change. Sylla killed the officers for daring to bring him such a message, and began immediately to march to- ward Rome. In retaliation for the murder of the tribunes, the party of Marius in the city killed some of Sylla's prominent friends there, and a general alarm spread itself throughout the population. The Senate, which was a sort of House of Lords, embodying mainly the pow- er and influence of the patrician party, and was, of course, on Sylla's side, sent out to him, when he had arrived within a few miles of the city, urging him to come no further. He pretended to comply ; he marked out the ground for a camp ; but he did not, on that account, materi- ally delay his march. The next morning he waa in possession of the city. The friends of Mffius attempted to resist him, by throwing fe ea noon his troops from the ronfr of the 20 JULIUS CJSBAR. [B.C. 100 Defert of Mariufl. houses. Sylla ordered every house from which these symptoms of resistance appeared to be set on fire. Thus the whole population of a vast and wealthy city were thrown into a condition of extreme danger and terror, by the conflicts of two great bands of armed men, each claim- ing to be their friends. Marius was conquered in this struggle, and fled for his life. Many of the friends whom he left behind him were killed. The Senate were assembled, and, at Sylla's orders, a decree was passed declaring Marius a public enemy, and offering a reward to any one who would bring his head back to Rome. Marius fled, friendless and alone, to the south- ward, hunted every where by men who were eager to get the reward offered for his head. After various romantic adventures and narrow escapes, he succeeded in making his way across the Mediterranean Sea, and found at last a ref- uge In a hut among the ruins of Carthage. He was an old man, being now over seventy years of age. Of course, Sylla thought that his great rival and enemy was now finally disposed of, and h accordingly began to make preparations for hw Asiatic campaign. He raised his army, built B.C. iOOj MARIUS AND SYLLA. 21 Retain of Marhu. He marche* again* Rom*. and equipped a fleet, and went away. As soon as he was gone, Marius's friends in the city be- gan to come forth, and to take measures for re- instating themselves in power. Marius return- ed, too, from Africa, and soon gathered about him a large army. Being the friend, as he pre- tended, of the lower classes of society, he col- lected vast multitudes of revolted slaves, out- laws, and other desperadoes, and advanced to- ward Rome. He assumed, himself, the dress, and air, and savage demeanor of his followers. His countenance had been rendered haggard and cadaverous partly by the influence of ex- posures, hardships, and suffering upon his ad- vanced age, and partly by the stern and moody plans and determinations of revenge which hia mind was perpetually revolving. He listened to the deputations which the Roman Senate sent out to him from time to time, as he advanced toward the city, but refused to make any terms. He moved forward with all the outward delib- eration and calmness suitable to his years, while all the ferocity of a tiger was burning within. Aa soon as he had gamed possession of the eity, he began his work of destruction. He first beheaded one of the consuls, and ordered his head to be set up, as a public spectacle, in the 22 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 100. Execution* by order of Mariu*. The Tarpelan Rock, most conspicuous place in the city. This was the beginning. All the prominent friends of Sylla, men of the highest rank and station, were then killed, wherever they could be found, without sentence, without trial, without any other accusation, even, than the military decis- ion of Marius that they were his enemies, and must die. For those against whom he felt any special animosity, he contrived some special mode of execution. One, whose fate he wish- ed particularly to signalize, was thrown down from the Tarpeian Rock. The Tarpeian Rock was a precipice about fifty feet high, which is still to be seen in Rome, from which the worst of state criminals were sometimes thrown. They were taken up to the top by a stair, and were then hurled from the summit, to die miserably, writhing in agonj aft- er their fall, upon the rocks below. The Tarpeian Rock received its name from the ancient story of Tarpeia. The tale is, that Tarpeia was a Roman girl, who lived at a time in the earliest periods of the Roman history, when the city was besieged by an army from one of the neigh ooring nations. Besides their shields, the story is that the soldiers had gold- en braoelete uprn their arms They wished B.C. 100.] MARIUS AND SYLLA. 23 The rtory of Tarjx? i*. Subterranean pMMgML Tarpeia to open the gates and let them in. She promised to do so if they would give her their bracelets ; but, as she did not know the name of the shining ornaments, the language she used to designate them was, "Those things you have upon your arms." The soldiers ac- ceded to her terms ; she opened the gates, and they, instead of giving her the bracelets, threw their shields upon her as they passed, until the poor girl was crushed down with them and de- stroyed. This was near the Tarpeian Rock, which afterward took her name. The rock ia now found to be perforated by a great many subterranean passages, the remains, probably, of ancient quarries. Some of these galleries are now walled up ; others are open ; and the people who live around the spot believe, it is said, to this day, that Tarpeia herself sits, en- chanted, far in the interior of these caverns, covered with gold and jewels, but that whoev- er attempts to find her is fated by an irresisti- ble destiny to lose his way, and he never re- tarns. The last story is probably as true as the other. Marius continued his executions and massa- cres until the whole of Sylla's party had been slain or put to flight. He made every effort to 24 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 100 E*pe of ByUa'iwife. DlneM of Mario* discover Sylla's wife and child, with a view to destroying them also, but they could not be found. Some friends of Sylla, taking compas- sion on their innocence and helplessness, con- cealed them, and thus saved Marius from the commission of one intended crime. Mariua was disappointed, too, in some other oases, where men whom he had intended to kill de- stroyed themselves to baffle his vengeance. One shut himself up in a room with burning charcoal, and was suffocated with the fumes. Another bled himself to death upon a public altar, calling down the judgments of the god to whom he offered this dreadful sacrifice, upon the head of the tyrant whose .atrocious cruelty he was thus attempting to evade. By the time that Harms had got fairly es tablished in his new position, and was com- pletely master of Rome, and the city had be- gun to recover a little from the shock and con- sternation produced by his executions, he fell sick. He was attacked with an acute disease of great violence. The attack was perhaps pro- duced, and was certainly aggravated by, the great mental excitements through which he had passed during his exile, and in the entire change of fortune which had attended his re- B.C. 100.] MARIUB AND SYLLA. 25 Bylla outlawed. Marius delirioo*. turn. From being a wretched fugitive, hiding for his life among gloomy and desolate ruins, he found himself suddenly transferred to the mastery of the world. His mind was excited, too, in respect to Sylla, whom he had not yet reached or subdued, but who was still prosecu- ting his war against Mithridates. Marius had had him pronounced by the Senate an enemy to his country, and was meditating plans to reach him in his distant province, considering his tri- umph incomplete as long as his great rival was at liberty and alive. The sickness cut short these plans, but it only inflamed to double vio- lence the excitement and the agitations which attended them. As the dying tyrant tossed restlessly upon his bed, it was plain that the delirious ravings which he began soon to utter were excited by the same sentiments of insatiable ambition and ferocious hate whose calmer dictates he had obeyed when well. He imagined that he had lucceeded in supplanting Sylla in his command, and that he was himself in Asia at the head of his armies. Impressed with this idea, he stared wildly around ; he called aloud the name of Mith- riJates ; he shouted orders to imaginary troops; he struggled to break away from the restraints 26 JULIBS CJSSAR. [B.C. 100 Death of MartM. Retort of Syllj which the attendants about his bedside impos- ed, to attack the phantom foes which haunted him in his dreams. This continued for several days, and when at last nature was exhausted by the violence of these paroxysms of phrensy, the vital powers which had be \ for seventy long years spending their strength in deeds of self- ishness, cruelty, and hatred, found their work done, and sunk to revive no more. Marius left a son, of the same name with him self, who attempted to retain his father's pow- er; but Sylla, having brought his war with Mithridates to a conclusion, was now on his re- turn from Asia, and it was very evident that a terrible conflict was about to ensue. Sylla ad- vanced triumphantly through the country, while Marius the younger and his partisans concen- trated their forces about the city, and prepared for defense. The people of the city were di- vided, the aristocratic faction adhering to the cause of Sylla, while the democratic influences Ided with Marius. Political parties rise and fall, in almost all ages of the world, in alternate fluctuations, like those of the tides. The fac- tion of Marius had been for some time in the ascendency, and it was now its turn to fall. Sylla found, therefore, as he advanced, every B.C. 100.] MARIUS AND SYLLA. 27 Maritu'i Mm. Progcrlpdouj and massacre* of 8ylU thing favorable to the resixiation of his own party to power. He destroyed the armies which came out to oppose him. He shut up the young Marius in a city not far from Rome, where he had endeavored to find shelter and protection, and then advanced himself and took possession of the city. There he caused to be enacted again the horrid scenes of massacre and mur- der which Marius had perpetrated before, going, however, as much beyond the example which he followed as men usually do in the commis- sion of crime. He gave out lists of the names of men whom he wished to have destroyed, and these unhappy victims of his revenge were to be hunted out by bands of reckless soldiers, in their dwellings, or in the places of public resort in the city, and dispatched by the sword wher- ever they could be found. The scenes which these deeds created in a vast and populous city can scarcely be conceived of by those who have never witnessed the horrors produced by the massacres of civil war. Sylla himself weitf through with this work in the most cool and unconcerned manner, as if he were performing the most ordinary duties of an officer of state He called the Senate together one day, and, while ho was addressing them, the attention of 28 JULIUS CjiBAa. [B.C 100. Execution*. Extent of SylU'i prtMeripfioB* the Assembly was suddenly distracted by the noise of outcries and screams in the neighbor- ing streets from those who were suffering mili- tary execution there. The senators started with horror at the sound. Sylla, with an air of great composure and unconcern, directed the members to listen to him, and to pay no atten- tion to what was passing elsewhere. The sounds that they heard were, he said, only gome correction which was bestowed by his or- ders on certain disturbers of the public peace. Sylla's orders for the execution of those who had taken an active part against him were not confined to Rome. They went to the neigh- boring cities and to distant provinces, carrying terror and distress every where. Still, dread- ful as these evils were, it is possible for us, in the conceptions which we form, to overrate the extent of them. In reading the history of th<3 Roman empire during the civil wars of Mari- na and Sylla, one might easily imagine that the whole population of the country was organ ized into the two contending armies, and were employed wholly in the work of righting with and massacring each other. But nothing like this can be true. It is obviously but a small part, after all, of an extended community that B.C. 82.) MARIUS AND SYLLA. 29 Mac's nature. HtLsbacdmeik can be ever actively and personally engaged in these deeds of violence and blood. Man is not naturally a ferocious wild beast. On the con- trary, he loves, ordinarily, to live in peace and quietness, to till his lands and tend his flocks, and to enjoy the blessings of peace and repose. It is comparatively but a small number in any age of the world, and in any nation, whose pas- sions of ambition, hatred, or revenge become so strong as that they love bloodshed and war. But these few, when they once get weapons into their hands, trample recklessly and merci- lessly upon the rest. One ferocious human ti- ger, with a spear or a bayonet to brandish, will tyrannize as he pleases over a hundred quiet men, who are armed only with shepherds' crooks, and whose only desire is to live in peace with their wives and their children. Thus, while Marius and Sylla, with some hundred thousand armed and reckless followers, were carrying terror and dismay wherever they went, there were many millions of herdsmen and husbandmen in the Roman world who were dwelling in all the peace and quietness they could command, improving with their peaceful industry every acre where corn would ripen or grass grow. It was by taxing and plundering 30 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C.82 How tbe Roman edifices were built Standing trmlM the proceeds of this industry that the generals ind soldiers, the consuls and praetors, and pro- xmsuls and proprietors, filled their treasuries, ind fed their troops, and paid the artisans for "abricating their arms. With these avails they Quilt the magnificent edifices of Rome, and adorned its environs with sumptuous villas. As they had the power and the arms in their hands, the peaceful and the industrious had no alternative but to submit. They went on as well as they could with their labors, bearing patiently every interruption, returning again to till their fields after the desolating march of khe army had passed away, and repairing the injuries of violence, and the losses sustained by olunder, without useless repining. They look- ed upon an armed government as a necessary and inevitable affliction of humanity, and sub- mitted to its destructive violence as they would submit to an earthquake or a pestilence. The tillers of the soil manage better in this country at the present day. They have the power in their own hands, and they watch very narrow- ly to prevent the organization of such hordes of armed desperadoes as have held the peaceful inhabitants of Enrcpe in terror from the eariv> eet periods down to the present day. B.C. 82.] MAKIUB AND SYLLA. 31 Juliui CtBMr. Syll' animosity in M"* When Sylla returned to Rome, and took pos- session of the supreme power there, in looking over the lists of publio men, there was one whom he did not know at first what to do with. It was the young Julius Caesar, the subject of this history. Caesar was, by birth, patrician, having descended from a long line of noble ancestors. There had been, before his day, a great many Caesars who had held the highest offices of the state, and many of them had been celebrated in history. He naturally, therefore, belonged to Sylla's side, as Sylla was the representative of the patrician interest. But then Caesar had personally been inclined toward the party of Marius. The elder Marius had married his aunt, and, besides, Caesar himself had married the daughter of Cinna, who had been the most efficient and powerful of Marius's coadjutors and friends. Caesar was at this time a very young man, and he was of an ardent and reckless char- acter, though he had, thus far, taken no active part in public affairs. Sylla overlooked him for a time, but at length was about to put his name on the list of the proscribed. Some of the nobles, who were friends both of Sylla and of Caesar too, interceded for the voung man ; Sylla yielded to their request, or, rather, suspended 82 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 82, CKMT rafaiet to repudiate his vrife. HI* flight his decision, and sent orders to Caesar to repudi- ate his wife, the daughter of Cinna. Her name was Cornelia. Caesar absolutely refused to re- pudiate his wife. He was influenced in this decision partly by affection for Cornelia, and partly by a sort of stern and indomitable in- submissiveness, which formed, from his earliest years, a prominent trait in his character, and which led him, during all his life, to brave ever} possible danger rather than allow himself to be controlled. Caesar knew very well that, when this his refusal should be reported to Sylla, the next order would be for his destruction. He accordingly fled. Sylla deprived Lim of his titles and offices, confiscated his wife's fortune and his own patrimonial estate, and put his name upon the list of the public enemies. Thug Caesar became a fugitive and an exile. The ad- ventures which befell him in his wanderings will be described in the following chapter Sylla was now in the possession of absolute power. He was master of Rome, and of all the countries over which Rome held sway. Still he was nominally not a magistrate, but only a general returning victoriously from his Asiatic campaign, and putting to death, somewhat ir- regularly, ft is true, by a sort of martial law, B.C. 82.] MAKIUS AND SYLLA. 33 Sylla made dictator. He resigns his power. persons whom he found, as he said, disturbing the public peace. After having thus effectually disposed of the power of his enemies, he laid aside, ostensibly, the government of the sword, and submitted himself and his future measures to the control of law. He placed himself os- tensibly at the disposition of the city. They chose him dictator, which was investing him with absolute and unlimited power. He re- mained on this, the highest pinnacle of worldly ambition, a short time, and then resigned his power, and devoted the remainder of his days to literary pursuits and pleasures. Monster as he was in the cruelties which he inflicted upon his political foes, he was intellectually of a refined and cultivated mind, and felt an ardent interest in the promotion of literature and the arts. The quarrel between Marius and Sylla, in respect to every thing which can make such a contest great, stands in the estimation of man- kind as the greatest personal quarrel which the history of the world has ever recorded. Its origin was in the simple personal rivalry of two ambitions men. It involved, in its conse- quences, the peace and happiness of the world In their reckless struggles, the fierce combatants trampled on every thing that came in their way, 313 34 JULIUS C-KSAR. [B.C.Hii Opinion of mankind in regard'to Marius and Sylla, and destroyed mercilessly, each in his turn, all that opposed them. Mankind have always ex- ecrated their crimes, but have never ceased to admire the frightful and almost superhuman nergy with which they committed them BC.82.] CESAR'S EARLY YEARS. 36 CoMr*! resolution. HU person and chracto* CHAPTER II. CESAR'S EARLY YEARS. CAESAR does not seem to have been much disheartened and depressed by his misfor- tunes. He possessed in his early life more than the usual share of buoyancy and light-hearted- ness of youth, and he went away from Rome to enter, perhaps, upon years of exile and wander- ing, with a determination to face boldly and to brave the evils and dangers which surrounded him, and not to succumb to them. Sometimes they who become great in their maturer years are thoughtful, grave, and se- date when young. It was not so, however, with Csesar. He was of a very gay and lively disposition. He was tall and handsome in his person, fascinating in his manners, and fond of society, as people always are who know or who suppose that they shine in it. He had seemed, in a word, during his residence at Rome, wholly intent upon the pleasures of a gay and joyous life, and upon the personal observation which his rank, his wealth, his agreeable manners, 36 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C.82 8y lla't estimate of Ccasar. Cwsar'g frientU Intercede for him and his position in society secured for him. In fact, they who observed and studied his charac- ter in these early years, thought that, although his situation was very favorable for acquiring power and renown, he would never feel any strong degree of ambition to avail himself of its advantages. He was too much interested, thay thought, in personal pleasures ever to become great, either as a military commander or a statesman. Sylla, however, thought differently. He had penetration enough to perceive, beneath all the gayety and love of pleasure which characterized Caesar's youthful life, the germs of a sterner and more aspiring spirit, which, he was very sorry to see, was likely to expend its future energies in hostility to him. By refusing to submit to Sylla's commands, Caesar had, in ef- fect, thrown himself entirely upon the other party, and would be, of course, in future iden- tified with them. Sylla consequently looked upon him now as a confirmed and settled ene- my. Some friends of Caesar among the patri oian families interceded in his behalf with Syl- la again, after he had fled from Rome. They wished Sylla to pardon him, saying that he w% a mere boy and could do him no harm. Syili B.C.82.] CESAR'S EARLY YEARS. 37 CtBMi'i Madia*. His ambition to be an orator shook his head, saying that, young as he was. he saw in him indications of a future power which he thought was more to be dreaded than that of many Mariuses. One reason which led Sylla to form this opin- ion of Caesar was, that the young nobleman, with all his love of gayety and pleasure, had not neglected his studies, but had taken great pains to perfect himself in such intellectual pur- duits as ambitious men who looked forward to political influence and ascendency were accus- tomed to prosecute in those days He had studied the Gjeek language, and read the works of G reek historians ; and he attended lectures on philosophy and rhetoric, and was obviously interested deeply in acquiring power as a pub- lic speaker. To write and speak well gave a public man great influence in those days. Many of the measures of the government were determ- ined by the action of great assemblies of the free citizens, which action was itself, in a great measure, controlled by the harangues of orators who had such powers of voice and such quali- ties of mind as enabled them to gain the atten- tion and sway the opinions of large bodies of men. It most not be supposed, however, that this 38 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C.82 Thi Forum. Its porticoes and statue* popular power was shared by all the inhabit* ants of the city. At one time, when the popu- lation of the city was about three million? the number of free citizens was only three hundred tnousand. The rest were laborers, artisans, and slaves, who had no voice in public affairs. The free citizens held very frequent public as- semblies. There were various squares and open spaces in the city where such assemblies were convened, and where courts of justice were held. The Roman name for such a square was forum. There was one which was distinguished above all the rest, and was called emphatically The Forum. It was a magnificent square, surround- ed by splendid edifices, and ornamented by sculptures and statues without number. There were ranges of porticoes along the sides, where the people were sheltered from the weather when necessary, though it is seldom that ther is any necessity for shelter under an Italian sky In this area and under these porticoes the people held their assemblies, and here courts of justice were accustomed to sit. The Fcirum was ornamented continually with new monu- ments, temples, statues, and columns by suc- cessful generals returning in triumph from for- eign campaigns, and bv proconsuls and pi cetera B.C. 82.] CESAR'S EARLY VBARB. 41 Attraction* of the Forum. Harangue* and political diiciufioa* coming back enriched from their provinces, un- til it was fairly choked up with its architectu- ral magnificence, and it had at last to be par* tially cleared again, as one would thin out too dense a forest, in order to make room for the assemblies which it was its main function to contain. The people of Rome had, of course, no printed books, and yet they were mentally cultivated and refined, and were qualified for a very high appreciation of intellectual pursuits and pleas- ures. In the absence, therefore, of all facilities for private reading, the Forum became the great central point of attraction. The same kind of interest which, in our day, finds its gratification in reading volumes of printed history quietly at home, or in silently perusing the columns of newspapers and magazines in libraries and read- ing-rooms, where a whisper is seldom heard, in Caesar's day brought every body to the Forum, to listen to historical harangues, or political dis- cussions, or forensic arguments in the mid* t of noisy crowds. Here all tidings centered ; here all questions were discussed and all great elec- tions held. Here were waged those ceaseless conflicts of ambition and struggles of power on which the fate of nations, and sometimes the 42 JULIUS C^s A R. [B.C. 80-70 Apollooliu. Cft>sar studies under him welfare of almost half mankind depended. Of course, every ambitious man who aspired to an ascendency over his fellow-men, wished to make his voice heard in the Forum. To calm the boisterous tumult there, and to hold, as some of the Roman orators could do, the vast assem- blies in silent and breathless attention, was a power as delightful in its exercise as it was glo- rious in its fame. Caesar had felt this ambition, and had devoted himself very earnestly to the study of oratory. His teacher was Apollonius, a philosopher and rhetorician from Rhodes. Rhodes is a Grecian island, near the southwestern coast of Asia Mi- nor Apollonius was a teacher of great celeb- rity, and Caesar became a very able writer and speaker under his instructions. His time and attention were, in fact, strangely divided be- tween the highest and noblest intellectual avo- cations, and the lowest sensual pleasures of a gay and dissipated life. The coming of Sylla had, however, interrupted all ; and, after re- ceiving the dictator's command to give up his wife and abandon the Marian faction, and de- termining to disobey it, he fled suddenly from Rome, as was stated at the close of the last chapter, at midnight, and in disguise. B.C. 80-70.] CJESAR'S EARLY YEARS. 43 CBMT'I wandering*. He IB seized by a centurion. He was siok, too, at the time, with an inter mittent fever. The paroxysm returned once in three or four days, leaving him in tolerable health during the interval. He went first into the country of the Sabines, northeast of Rome, where he wandered up and down, exposed con^ tinually to great dangers from those who knew that he was an object of the great dictator's dis- pleasure, and who were sure of favor and of a reward if they could carry his head to Sylla He had to change his quarters every day, and to resort to every possible mode of concealment. He was, however, at last discovered, and seized by a centurion. A centurion was a commander of a hundred men ; his rank and his position therefore, corresponded somewhat with those of a captain in a modern army. Ceesar was not much disturbed at this accident. He offered the centurion a bribe sufficient to induce him to give up his prisoner, and so escaped. The two ancient historians, whose records contain nearly all the particulars of the early life of Caesar which are now known, give some- what contradictory accounts of the adventures which befell him during his subsequent wander- ings. They relate, in general, the same inci- dents, bnt in such different connections, that the H JULIUS C.ESAR L B.C. 80-70 C ar In Asia Minor. He joint the court of Nlcomede* precise chronological order of the events which occurred can not now be ascertained. At all events, Caesar, finding that he was no longer safe in the vicinity of Rome, moved gradually to the eastward, attended by a few followers, until he reached the sea, and there he embarked on board a ship to leave his native land altogether After various adventures ,and wanderings, he found himself at length in Asia Minor, and he made his way at last to the kingdom of Bithyn- ia, on the northern shore. The name of the king of Bithynia was Nicomedes. Csesar joined himself to Nicomedes's court, and entered into his service. In the mean time, Sylla had ceased to pursue him, and ultimately granted him a pardon, but whether before or after this time is not now to be ascertained. At all events, Caesar became interested hi the scenes and enjoyments of Nicomedes's court, and allowed the time to pass away without forming any plans for re- turning to Rome. On the opposite side of Asia Minor, that is, on the southern shore, there was a wild and mountainous region called Cilicia. The great chain of mountains called Taurus approaches hero very near to the sea, and the steep confor- mations of the land, which, in the interior, pro- B.C.80-70.] CESAR'S EARLY YEARS. 46 CWeU. Character of 1U Inhabitant*. dnoe lofty ranges and summits, and dark valleys and ravines, form, along the line of the shore, capes and promontories, bounded by precipitous sides, and with deep bays and harbors between them. The people of Cilioia were according!} half sailors, half mountaineers. They built swift galleys, and made excursions in great force over the Mediterranean Sea for conquest and plunder. They would capture single ships, and sometimes even whole fleets of merchantmen. They were even strong enough on many occa- sions to land and take possession of a harbor and a town, and hold it, often, for a considerable time, against all the efforts of the neighboring powers to dislodge them. In case, however, their enemies became at any time too strong for them, they would retreat to their harbors, which were so defended by the fortresses which guarded them, and by the desperate bravery of the garrisons, that the pursuers generally did not dare to attempt to force their way in ; and if, in any case, a town or a port was taken, the indomitable savages would continue their re- treat to the fastnesses cf the mountains, where it was utterly useless to attempt to follow them. But with all their prowess and skill as naval combatants, and their hardihood as mountain- 40 JULIIS C.ESAR. [B.C. 80-70 n CUieiuu wanting la poets and historians. Robbers and pirates eers, the Cilicians lacked one thing which is very essential in every nation to an honorable military fame. They had no poets or histori- ans of their own, so that the story of their deeds had to be told to posterity by their enemies. If they had been able to narrate their own ex- ploits, they would have figured, perhaps, upon the page of history as a small but brave and ef- ficient maritime power, pursuing for many years a glorious career of conquest, and acquir- ing imperishable renown by their enterprise and success. As it was, the Romans, their en- emies, described their deeds and gave them their designation. They called them robbers and pirates ; and robbers and pirates they must forever remain. And it is, in fact, very likely true that the Cilician commanders did not pursue their con- quests and commit their depredations on the rights and the property of others in quite so systematic and methodical a manner as some other conquering states have done. They prob- ably seized pri/ate property a little more un- ceremoniously than is customary; though all belligerent nations, even in these Christian ages of the world, feel at liberty to seize and confis- cate private property when they find it afloat B.C. 80-70.] CAESAR'S EA.ILY YEARS. 47 Depredation* of the CUlcians. Pxpedltionf tent again** them. at sea, while, by a strange inconsistency, they respect it on the land. The Cilician pirates considered themselves at war with all mankind, mnd, whatever merchandise they found passing from port to port along the shores of the Medi terranean, they considered lawful spoil. They intercepted the corn which was going from Sic- ily to Rome, and filled their own granaries with it. They got rich merchandise from the ships of Alexandria, which brought, sometimes, gold, and gems, and costly fabrics from the East; and they obtained, often, large sums of money by seizing men of distinction and wealth, whi were continually passing to and fro between It- aly and Greece, and holding them for a ransom. They were particularly pleased to get posses- sion in this way of Roman generals and officers of state, who were going out to take the com- mand of armies, or who were returning from their provinces with the wealth which they had xccumulated there. Many expeditions were fitted out and many naval commanders were commissioned to sup press and subdue these common enemies of mankind, as the Romans called them. At one time, while a distinguished general, named An- tonius, was in pursuit of them at the head 48 JULIUS CJESAR. [B.C. 80-70. Boldneu and courage of the dliclans. They capture Cesar of a fleet, a party of the pirates made a descent upon the Italian coast, south of Rome, at Ni- cenum, where the ancient patrimonial mansion of this very Antonius was situated, and took away several members of his family as captives, and so compelled him to ransom them by pay- ing a very large sum of money. The pirates grew bolder and bolder in proportion to their success. They finally almost stopped all inter- course between Italy and Greece, neither the merchants daring to expose their merchandise, nor the passengers their persons to such dangers They then approached nearer and nearer to Rome, and at last actually entered the Tiber, and surprised and carried off a Roman fleet which was anchored there. CsBsar himself fell into the hands of these pirates at some time during the period of his wanderings. The pirates captured the ship in which he was sailing near Pharmacusa, a small island in the northeastern part of the ^Egean Sea. He was not at this time in the destitute condition in which he had found himself on leaving Rome, but was traveling with attendants suitable to his rank, and in such a style and manner as at once made it evident to the pirates that he wa& a man of distinction. They accordingly held B.C. 80-70.] CJJBAR'S EARLY YEARS. 49 C0MT** ir of iiiperlority. Hit rtnaonv him for ransom, and, in the mean time, until he could take measures for raising the money, they kept him a prisoner on board the vessel which had captured him. In this situation, Caesar, though entirely in the power and at the mercy of his lawless cap- tors, assumed such an air of superiority and command in all his intercourse with them as at first awakened their astonishment, then ex- oited their admiration, and ended in almost sub- jecting them to his will. He asked them what they demanded for his ransom. They said twenty talents, which was quite a large amount, a talent itself being a considerable sum of money. Caesar laughed at this demand, and told them it was plain that they did not know who he was, He would give them fifty talents. He then sent away his attendants to the shore, with orders to proceed to certain cities where he was known, in order to procure the money, retaining only a physician and two servants for himself. While his messengers were gone, he remained on board the ship of his captors, assuming in every re- spect the air and manner of their master. When he wished to sleep, if they made a noise which disturbed him, he sent them orders to be still. He joined them in their sports and diversions 314 50 JULIUS CJESAR. [B.C. 80-70 CMAT *) Hbrty . Ha captures the piratei in hi* ton, on the deok, surpassing them in their feats, and taking the direction of every thing as if he were tneir acknowledged leader. He wrote orations and verses which he read to them, and if hia wild auditors did not appear to appreciate the literary excellence of his compositions, he told them that they were stupid fools without any taste, adding, by way of apology, that nothing better could be expected of such barbarians. The pirates asked him one day what he should do to them if he should ever, at any future time, take them prisoners. Caesar said that he would crucify every one of them. The ransom money at length arrived. Csesar paid it to the pirates, and they, faithful to their covenant, sent him in a boat to the land. He was put ashore on the coast of Asia Minor. He proceeded immediately to Miletus, the near- est port, equipped a small fleet there, and put to sea. He sailed at once to the roadstead where the pirates had been lying, and found them still at anchor there, in perfect security.* He attacked them, seized their ships, recovered His ransom money, and took the men all pris- oners. He conveyed his captives to tne land, and there fulfilled his threat that he would era- * See Frontispiece. B.C. 80-70.] CJBSAR'S EARLY YEARS. 51 CtaMur at Rhode*. He return* to Rom*. eify them by outting their throats and nailing their dead bodies to crosses which his men erected for the purpose along the shore. During his absence from Rome Caesar went to Rhodes, where his former preceptor resided, and he continued to pursue there for some time his former studies. He looked forward still to appearing one day in the Roman Forum. In fact, he began to receive messages from his friends at home that they thought it would be safe for him to return. Sylla had gradually withdrawn from power, and finally had died. The aristocratical party were indeed still in the ascendency, but the party of Marius had begun to recover a little from the total over- throw with which Sylla's return, and his terri- ble military vengeance, had overwhelmed them. Csesar himself, therefore, they thought, might, with prudent management, be safe in return ing to Rome. He returned, but not to be prudent or cau- tious; there was no element of prudence or oaution in his character. As soon as he arriv- ed, he openly espoused the popular party. His first public act was to arraign the governor of the great province of Macedonia, through which be had passed on his wav to Bithynia. It was 03 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 80-70. CKISKT tmpeccbei Dolabella. Excitement In conieqncnee. a consul whom he thus impeached, and a strong partisan of Sylla's. His name was Dolabella. The people were astonished at his daring in thus raising the standard of resistance to Sylla's pow- er, indirectly, it is true, but none the less real- ly on that account. When the trial came on, and Caesar appeared at the Forum, he gained great applause by the vigor and force of his or- atory. There was, of course, a very strong and general interest felt in the case ; the people all seeming to understand that, in this attack on Dolabella, Caesar was appearing as their cham- pion, and their hopes were revived at having at last found a leader capable of succeeding Ma- rius, and building up their cause again. Dola- bella was ably defended by orators on the oth- er side, and was, of course, acquitted, for the power of Sylla's party was still supreme. All Rome, however, was aroused and excited by the boldness of Caesar's attack, and by the extraor- linary ability which he evinced in his mode of conducting it. He became, in fact, at once one of the most conspicuous and prominent men in the city. Encouraged by his success, and lie applaus- es which he received, and feeling every day a greater and greater consciousness of power, he B.C.80-70.] CESAR'S EARLY YBAES. 6? Cecar'f lncra*ing power. Death of Marlu' wife oegan to assume more and more openly the character of the leader of the popular party. He devoted himself to public speaking in the Forum, both before popular assemblies and in the coui ts of justice, where he was employed a great deal as an advocate to defend those who were accused of political crimes. The people, considering him as their rising champion, were predisposed to regard every thing that he did with favor, and there was really a great intel- lectual power displayed in his orations and ha- rangues. He acquired, in a word, great celeb- rity by his boldness and energy, and his bold- ness and energy were themselves increased in their turn as he felt the strength of his position increase with his growing celebrity. At length the wife of Marius, who was Cse- gar's aunt, died. She had lived in obscurity since her husband's proscription and death, his party having been put down so effectually that it was dangerous to appear to be her friend Cesar, however, made preparations for a mag- nificent funpral for her. There was a place inj the Forum, a sort of pulpit, where public orators were accustomed to stand in addressing the a- embly on great occasions. This pulpit was adorned with the brazen beaks of ships which 54 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 67 Cesar's panegyric on Marina's wife. Its success had been taken by the Romans in former wars The name of such a beak was rostrum ; in the plural, rostra. The pulpit was itself, therefore, called the Rostra, that is, The Beaks ; and the people were addressed from it on great public occasions.* Caesar pronounced a splendid pan- egyric upon the wife of Marius, at this her fu- neral, from the Rostra, in the presence of a vast concourse of spectators, and he had the bold- ness to bring out and display to the people cer- tain household images of Marius, which had been concealed from view ever since his death. Producing them again on such an occasion was annulling, so far as a public orator could do it, the sentence of condemnation which Sylla and the patrician party had pronounced against him, and bringing him forward again as entitled to public admiration and applause. The patrician partisans who were present attempted to re- buke this bold maneuver with expressions of dis- approbation, but these expressions were drown- ed in the loud and long-continued bursts of ap plause with which the great mass of the assem- bled multitude hailed and sanctioned it. The experiment was very bold and very hazardous, but it was triumphantly successful. * In modern books this pulpit is sometimes called the Bo tram, using tb* w ard in the singular. B.C.67.] CJSSAR'S EARLY YEARS. 56 Ccnr'f oration on hit wife. Alarm of the patridan* A short time after this Caesar had another opportunity for delivering a funeral oration ; it 'was in the case of his own wife, the daughter of Cinna, who had been the colleague and co- adjutor of Marius during the days of his power. It was not usual to pronounce such panegyrics upon Roman ladies unless they had attained to an advanced age. Caesar, however, was dis- poser! to make the case of his own wife an ex- ception to the ordinary rule. He saw in the occasion an opportunity to give a new impulse to the popular cause, and to make further prog- ress in gaining the popular favor. The exper- iment was successful in this instance too. The people were pleased at the apparent affection which his action evinced ; and as Cornelia was the daughter of Cinna, he had opportunity, un- der pretext of praising the birth and parentage of the deceased, to laud the men whom Sylla's party had outlawed and destroyed. In a word, the patrician party saw with anxiety and dread that Ceesar was rapidly consolidating and organ- izing, and bringing back to its pristine strength and vigor, a party whose restoration to power would of course involve their own political, and oerhaps personal ruin. Caesar began soon to receive appointments tc 66 JULIUS CXESAR. [B.C 67 CMT hi ofloe. Bkowg and entertainment* public office, and thus rapidly increased his in- fluence and power. Public officers and candi- dates for office were accustomed in those days to expend great sums of money in shows and spectacles to amuse the people. Caesar went beyond all limits in these expenditures. He brought gladiators from distant provinces, and trained them at great expense, to fight in the enormous amphitheaters of the city, in the midst of vast assemblies of men. Wild beasts were procured also from the forests of Africa, and brought over in great numbers, under his direction, that the people might be entertained by their combats with captives taken in war, who were reserved for this dreadful fate. Cae- sar gave, also, splendid entertainments, of the most luxurious and costly character, and he mingled with his guests at these entertainments, and with the people at large on other occasions, in so complaisant and courteous a manner as to gain universal favor. He soon, by these means, not only exhausted aJ his own pecuniary resources, but plunged himself enormously into debt. It was not dif- ficult for such a man in those days to procure an almost unlimited credit for such purposes a* these, for every one knew that, if he finally soo- B.C. 67.] UJZSAR'S EARLY YEARS. 57 CBMT'I extnragance. Hi* embarrMUMoM. oeeded in placing himself, by means of the pop. alarity thus acquired, in stations of power, he oould soon indemnify himself and all others who had aided him. The peaceful merchants, and artisans, and husbandmen of the distant provinces over which he expected to rule, would yield the revenues necessary to fill the treasu- ries thus exhausted. Still, Caesar's expendi- tures were so lavish, and the debts he incurred were so enormous, that those who had not the nost unbounded confidence in his capacity and Lia powers believed him irretrievably ruined. The particulars, however, of these difficulties, and the manner in which Caesar contrived to extricate himself from them, will be more rally detailed in the next chapter. 58 JULIUS CAESAR. [B.C. 67 CWMT'I rlM to power. Government of Rom CHAPTER III. ADVANCEMENT TO THE CONSULSHIP. lilROM this time, which was about sixty. *- seven years before the birth of Christ, Csesar remained for nine years generally at Rome, en- gaged there in a constant struggle for power. He was successful in these efforts, rising all the time from one position of influence and honor to another, until he became altogether the most prominent and powerful man in the city. A great many incidents are recorded, as attending these contests, which illustrate in a very striking manner the strange mixture of rude violence and legal formality by vhich Rome was in those days governed. Many of the most important offices of the state depended upon the votes of the people ; and as the people had very little opportunity to become acquainted with the real merits of the case in respect to questions of government, they gave their votes very much according to the personal popularity of the candidate. Public men had very little moral principle in those B.C 67-65.] MADE CONSUL. 59 Bribery and corruption. Public mn*ement. days, and they would accordingly resort to any means whatever to procure this personal popu- larity. They who wanted office were accus- tomed to bribe influential men among the people to support them, sometimes by promising them subordinate offices, and sometimes by the direct donation of sums of money ; and they would try to please the mass of the people, who were too numerous to be paid with offices or with gold, by shows and spectacles, and entertainments of every kind which they would provide for then amusement. This practice seems to us very absurd ; and we wonder that the Roman people should toler- ate it, since it is evident that the means for de- fraying these expenses must come, ultimately, in some way or other, from them. And yet, ab- surd as it seems, this sort of policy is not wholly disused even in our day. The operas and the theaters, and other similar establishments in France, are sustained, in part, by the govern- ment; and the liberality and efficiency with which this is done, forms, in some degree, the basis of the popularity of each succeeding admin- istration. The plan is better systematized and regulated in our day, but it is, in its nature, substantially the same. 60 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 67-65 Aanuement for the people. Prorided by the goTemment In fact, furnishing amusements for the people, and also providing supplies for their wants, as wel] as affording them proteeticn, were consid- ered the legitimate objects of government in those days. It is very different at the present time, and especially in this country. The whole community are now united in the desire to confine the functions of government within the narrowest possible limits, such as to include only the preservation of public order and public safety. The people prefer to supply their own wants and to provide their own enjoyments, rather than to invest government with the power to do it for them, knowing very well that, on the latter plan, the burdens they will have to bear, though concealed for a time, must be doubled in the end. It must not be forgotten, however, that there were some reasons in the days of the Romans for providing public amusements for the people on an extended scale which do not exist now. They had very few facilities then for the private and separate enjoyments of home, so that they were much more inclined than the people of this country are now to seek pleasure abroad and in public. The climate, too, mild and genial nearly all the year, favored this. Then they B.C. 67-65.J MADE CONSUL. 61 How the people were tupported. Agrarian Uwi. were not, interested, as men are now, in the pur- suits and avocations of private industry. The people of Rome were net a community of mer- chants, manufacturers, and citizens, enriching themselves, and adding to the comforts and en- joyments of the rest of mankind by the products of their labor. They were supported, in a great measure, by the proceeds of the tribute of for- eign provinces, and by the plunder taken by the generals in the name of the state in foreign wars. From the same source, too foreign con- quest captives were brought home, to be train- ed as gladiators to amuse them with their com- bats, and statues and paintings to ornament the public buildings of the city. In the same man- ner, large quantities of corn, which had been taken in the provinces, were often distributed at Rome. And sometimes even land itself, in large tracts, which had been confiscated by the state, or otherwise taken from the original pos- n^ssors, was divided among the people. The laws enacted from time to time for this purpose were called Agrarian laws ; and the phrase after- ward passed into a sort of proverb, inasmuch as pians proposed in modern times for conciliating the favor of the populace by sharing among them property belonging to the state or to the rich, are designated by the name of A grarianism. 62 JULIUS CAESAR. [B.C 67-65 Ouremment of Roma Its foreign policy Thus Rome was a city supported, in a great measure, by the fruits of its conquests, that is, in a certain sense, by plunder. It was a vast community most efficiently and admirably or- ganized for this purpose ; and yet it would not be perfectly just to designate the people simply as a band of robbers. They rendered, in some sense, an equivalent for what they took, in establishing and enforcing a certain organiza- tion of society throughout the world, and in preserving a sort of public- order and peace. They built cities, they constructed aqueducts and roads ; they formed harbors, and protected them by piers and by castles ; they protected commerce, and cultivated the arts, and encour- aged literature, and enforced a general quiet and peace among mankind, allowing of no vio- 'enoe or war except what they themselves cre- ated. Thus they governed the world, and they felt, as all governors of mankind always do, fully entitled to supply themselves with the comforts and conveniences of life, in consideration of tho service which they thus rendered. Of course, it was to be expected that they would sometimes quarrel among themselves about the spoils. Ambitious men were always arising, eager to obtain opportunities to make B.C. 67-65.] MADE CONSUL. 63 Cmaar's policy. HU gnccew. He if made qnmtor fresh conquests, and to bring home new sup. plies, and those who were most successful in making the results of their conquests available in adding to the wealth and to the public en- joyments of the city, would, of course, be most popular with the voters. Hence extortion in the provinces, and the most profuse and lavish expenditure in the city, became the policy which every great man must pursue to rise to power. Caesar entered into this policy with his whole oul, founding all his hopes of success upon the favor of the populace. Of course, he had many rivals and opponents among the patrician ranks, and in the Senate, and they often impnded and thwarted his plans and measures for a time, though he always triumphed in the end. One of the first offices of importance to which he attained was that of qucestor, as it was call- ed, which office called him away from Rome into the province of Spain, making him the sec- ond in command there. The officer first in command in the province was, in this instance, a praetor. During his absence in Spain, Cae- sar replenished in some degree his exhausted finances, but he soon became very much dis- contented with so subordinate a position. Hia discontent was greatly increased by his corn- 64 JULIUS CJSSAR. [BC. 05 CMW iMtres Spain. HU p TO >ct ing unexpectedly, one day, at a city then called Hades the present Cadiz upon a statue of Alexander, which adorned one of the public ed- ifices there. Alexander died when he was only about thirty years of age, having before that period made himself master of the world. CBB* sar was himself now about thirty-five years of age, and it made him very sad to reflect that, though he had lived five years longer than Al- exander, he had yet accomplished so little. He was thus far only the second in a province, while he burned with an insatiable ambition to be the first in Rome. The reflection made hir so uneasy that he left his post before his time expired, and went back to Rome, forming, on the way, desperate projects for getting power there. His rivals and enemies accused him of vari- ous schemes, more or less violent and treasona- ble in their nature, but how justly it is not now possible to ascertain. They alleged that one of hi* plans was to join some of the neighboring col- onies, whose inhabitants wished to be admitted to the freedom of the city, and, making com- mon cause with them, to raise an armed force and take possession of Rome. It was said that, to prevent the accomplishment of thi design. B.C. 65-60.] MADB CONSWL. 66 an army which they had raised for the purpose of an expedition against the Cilioian pirate* was detained from its march, and that Ceeaar, seeing that the government were on their guard against him, abandoned the plan. They also charged him with having formed, after this, a plan within the city for assassina- ting the senators in the senate house, and then usurping, with his fellow-conspirators, the su- preme power. Crassus, who was a man of vast wealth and a great friend of Caesar's, was asso- ciated with him in this plot, and was to have been made dictator if it had succeeded. But, lotwithstanding the brilliant prize with which /eesar attempted to allure Crassus to the en- terprise, his courage failed him when the time for action arrived. Courage and enterprise, in fact, ought not to be expected of the rich ; they are the virtues of poverty. Though the Senate were thus jealous and suspicious of Caesar, and were charging him continually with these criminal designs, the people were on his side ; and the more he was hated by the great, the more strongly he became intrenched in the popular favor. They chose him tedile. The sedile had the charge of the public edifices of the city, and of the game*, 315 66 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C. 65-60 Gladiatorial show*. Cesar's increasing popularity spectacles, and shows which were exhibited in them. Caesar entered with great zeal into the discharge of the duties of this office. He made arrangements for the entertainment of the peo- ple on the most magnificent scale, and made great additions and improvements to the pub- lic buildings, constructing porticoes and piazzas around the areas where his gladiatorial shows and the combats with wild beasts were to be exhibited. He provided gladiators in such num- bers, and organized and arranged them in such a manner, ostensibly for their training, that his enemies among the nobility pretended to believe that he was intending to use them as an armed force against the government of the city. They accordingly made laws limiting and restricting the number of the gladiators to be employed. Caesar then exhibited his shows on the reduced scale which the new laws required, taking care that the people should understand to; whom the responsibility for this reduction in the sca'e of their pleasures belonged. They, of course, mur- mured against the Senate, and Caesar stood higher in their favor than ever. He was getting, however, by these means, very deeply involved in debt; and, in order partly to retrieve his fortunes in this respect, B.C. 65-60.] MADE CONSUL. 6*/ OB- sar thwarted. His resentment he made an attempt to have Egypt assigned to him as a province. Egypt was then an im- mensely rich and fertile country. It had, how- ever, never been a Roman province. It was an independent kingdom, in alliance with the Ro- mans, and Caesar's proposal that it should be assigned to him as a province appeared very extraordinary. His pretext was, that the peo- ple of Egypt had recently deposed and expelled their king, and that, consequently, the Romans might properly take possession of it. The Sen- ate, however, resisted, this plan, either from jealousy of Caesar or from a sense of justice to Egypt; and, after a violent contest, Caesar found himself compelled to give up the design. He felt, however, a strong degree of resent- ment against the patrician party who had thus thwarted his designs. Accordingly, in order to avenge himself upon them, he one night re- placed certain statues and trophies of Marius in the Capitol, which had been taken down by order of Sylla when he returned to power. Ma- rius, as will be recollected, had been the great champion of the popular party, and the enemy of the patricians ; and, at the time of his down- fall, all the memorials of his power and great- Uad been every where removed from Rome. 68 JULIUS CJSSAE. [B.C. 65-60 The statues of Marius restored. Rage of the patrician*. and among them these statues and trophies, which had been erected in the Capitol in corn* memoration of some former victories, and had remained there until Sylla's triumph, when they were taken down and destroyed. Csesar now ordered new ones to be made, far more magnificent than before. They were made secretly, and put up in the night. His office as sedile gave him the necessary authority. The next morning, when the people saw these splendid monuments of their great favorite re- stored, the whole city was animated with ex- citement and joy. The patricians, on the other hand, were filled with vexation and rage. "Here is a single officer," said they, " who is attempt- ing to restore, by his individual authority, what has been formally abolished by a decree of the Senate, He is trying to see how much we will bear. If he finds that we will submit to this, he will attempt bolder measures still." They accordingly commenced a movement to have the statues and trophies taken down again, but the people rallied in vast numbers in defense of them. They made the Capitol ring with their shoutsof applause; and theSenate,finding their power insufficient to cope with so great a force, gave up the point, and Caesar gained the day. BC.66-60.J MADE CONSUL. 69 Csesar had married another wife after the death of Cornelia. Her name was Pompeia. He divorced Pompeia about this time, under very extraordinary oiroumstanoes. Among the other strange religious ceremonies and celebra- tions which were observed in those days, was one called the celebration of the mysteries of the Good Goddess. This celebration was held by females alone, every thing masculine being most carefully excluded. Even the pictures of men, if there were any upon the walls of the house where the assembly was held, were covered. The persons engaged spent the night together in music and dancing and various secret cere- monies, half pleasure, half worship, according to the ideas and customs of the time. The mysteries of the Good Goddess were to be celebrated one night at Csesar's house, he himself having, of course, withdrawn. In the middle of the night, the whole company in one of the apartments were thrown into consterna- tion at finding that one of their number was a man. He had a smooth and youthful-looking face, and was very perfectly disguised in the dress of a female. He proved to be a certain Clodiua, a very base and dissolute young man, though of great wealth and high connections /O JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 65-60 Cmsear divorce* his wife. Quarrel of Clodius and MU* He had been admitted by a female slave of Pom- peia's, whom he had succeeded in bribing. It was suspected that it was with Pompeia's con- currence. At any rate, Caesar immediately di- vorced his wife. The Senate ordered an inquiry into the affair, and, after the other members of the household had given their testimony, Caesar himself was called upon, but he had nothing to say. He knew nothing about it. They asked him, then, why he had divorced Pompeia, unless he had some evidence for believing her guilty, He replied, that a wife of Caesar must not only be without crime, but without suspicion. Clodius was a very desperate and lawless character, and his subsequent history shows, in a striking point of view, the degree of violence and disorder which reigned in those times. He became involved in a bitter contention with an- other citizen whose name was Milo, and each, gaining as many adherents as he could, at length drew almost the whole city into their quarrel. Whenever they went out, they were attended with armed bands, which were con- tinually in danger of coming into collision. The collision at last came, quite a battle was fought, and Clodius was killed. This made the diffi- culty worse than it was before. Parties were B.C. 65-60.] MADE CONSUL. 71 Violence of the ti met. CoMplracy of Catiline formed, and violent disputes arose MI the ques- tion of bringing Milo to trial for Che alleged murder. He was brought to trial at last, but so great was the public excitement, that the consuls for the time surrounded and filled the whole Forum with armed meu while the trial was proceeding, to ensure the safety of the court. In fact, violence mingled itself continually, in those times, with almost all public proceed- ings, whenever any special combination of cir- cumstances occurred to awaken unusual ex- citement. At one time, when Caesar was in office, a very dangerous conspiracy was brought to light, which was headed by the notorious Catiline. It was directed chiefly against the Senate and the higher departments of the gov- ernment ; it contemplated, in fact, their utter destruction, and the establishment of an entirely new government on the ruins of the existing constitution. Caesar was himself accused of a participation in this plot. When it was dis- :vered, Catiline himself fled ; some of the other conspirators were, however, arrested, and there was a long and very excited debate in the Senate on the question of their punishment. Some were for doath. Caesar, however, very earnestly opposed this plan, recommending, in- 72 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 6^-60 Wann debate in the Saute. Cawar in danger of vlolnnfl* stead, the confiscation of the estates of the con- spirators, and their imprisonment in some of the distant cities of Italy. The dispute grew very warm, Caesar urging his point with great per- severance and determination, and with a degree of violence which threatened seriously to ob- struct the proceedings, when a body of armed men, a sort of guard of honor stationed there, gathered around him, and threatened him with their swords. Quite a scene of disorder and terror ensued. Some of the senators arose hastily and fled from the vicinity of Caesar's seat to avoid the danger. Others, more coura- geous, or more devoted in their attachment to him, gathered around him to protect him, as far as they could, by interposing their bodies be- tween his person and the weapons of his assail- ants. Csesar soon left the Senate, and for a long time would return to it no more. Although Caesar was all this time, on the whole, rising in influence and power, there were still fluctuations in his fortune, and the tide sometimes, for a short period, went strongly against him. He was at one time, when greatly involved in debt, and embarrassed in all his af- fairs, a candidate for a very high office, that of Pontifex Maximus, or sovereign pontiff. The B.C. 65-00.] MADE CONSUL. 78 CaM^i rtrml for tk* oe<> f poatlfex maxima*. Ke U depo^i office of the pontifex was originally that of build- ing and keeping custody of the bridges of the city, the name being derived from the Latin word pons, which signifies bridge. To this, however, had afterward been added the care of the temples, and finally the regulation and control of the ceremonies of religion, so that it came in the end to be an office of the highest dignity and honor. Caesar made the most des- perate efforts to secure his election, resorting to such measures, expending such sums, and in- volving himself in debt to such an extreme, that, if he failed, he would be irretrievably ruined. His mother, sympathizing with him in his anxi- ety, kissed him when he went away from the house on the morning of the election, and bade him farewell with tears. He told her that he should come home that night the pontiff, or he should never come home at all. He succeeded in gaining the election. At one time Caesar was actually deposed from a high office which he held, by a decree of the Senate. He determined to disregard this decree, and go on hi the discharge of his office as usual. But the Senate, whose ascendency was now, for some reason, once more estab- lished, prepared to prevent him by force of arms 74 JULIUS C*SAR. [B.C. 65-60 CBMT'I forbearance. He i> restored to offioa, Csesar, finding that he was not sustained, gave up the contest, put off his robes of office, and went home. Two days afterward a reaction occurred. A mass of the populace came to- gether to his house, and offered their assistance to restore his rights and vindicate his honor. Caesar, however, contrary to what every one would have expected of him, exerted his in- fluence to calm and quiet the mob, and then sent them away, remaining himself in private as before. The Senate had been alarmed at the first outbreak of the tumult, and a meeting had been suddenly convened to consider what measures to adopt in such a crisis. When, how- ever, they found that Caesar had himself inter- posed, and by his own personal influence had saved the city from the danger which threat- ened it, they were so strongly impressed with a sense of his forbearance and generosity, that they sent for him to come to the senate house, and, after formally expressing their thanks, they canceled their former vote, and restored him to his office again. This change in the action of the Senate does not, however, necessarily indi- cate so great a change of individual sentiment as one might at first imagine. There was, un- Umbtedly, a large minority who were averse B.C. 65-60.] MADE CONSUL. 75 Cetar Implicated In Catiline'* conspiracy. He arrests YettiM to his being deposed in the first instance but, being outvoted, the decree of deposition was passed. Others were, perhaps, more or less doubtful. Caesar's generous forbearance in re- fusing the offered aid of the populace carried over a number of these sufficient to shift the majority, and thus the action of the body was reversed. It is in this way that the sudden and apparently total changes in the action of delib- erative assemblies which often take place, and which would otherwise, in some cases, be al- most incredible, are to be explained. After this, Csesar became involved in another difficulty, in consequence of the appearance of some definite and positive evidence that he was connected with Catiline in his famous conspir- acy. One of the senators said that Catiline himself had informed him that Caesar was one of the accomplices of the plot. Another wit- ness, named Vettius, laid an information against Caesar before a Roman magistrate, and offered to produce .Caesar's handwriting in proof of his participation in the conspirator's designs Caesar was very much incensed, and his manner of vindicating himself from these serious charges was as singular as many of his other deeds. He a-rested Vettius, and sentenced nim to pay a 76 JULIUB CJJBAR. [B.C.60 Cwsar'g embarrsMment Spain U aMlgn*d to him. heavy fine, and to be imprisoned ; and he con- trived also to expose him, in the course of the proceedings, to the mob in the Forum, who were always ready to espouse Caesar's cause, and who, on this occasion, beat Vettius so un- mercifully, that he barely escaped with his life. The magistrate, too, was thrown into prison for having dared to take an information against a superior officer. At last Csesar became so much involved in debt, through the boundless extravagance of hi expenditures, that something must be done to replenish his exhausted finances. He had, how- ever, by this time, risen so high in official in- fluence and power, that he succeeded in having Spain assigned to him as his province, and he began to make preparations to proceed to it. Hia creditors, however, interposed, unwilling to let him go without giving them security. In this dilemma, Caesar succeeded in making an arrangement with Crassus, who has already been spoken of as a man of unbounded wealth and great ambition, but not possessed of any onsiderable degree of intellectual power. Cras- sus consented to give the necessary security, with an understanding that Caesar was to re- pay him by exerting his political influence in B.C. 60.J MADB COHSUJ.. 77 The 8wU hamlet Crnar't TiTlVHltl his favor. So soon as this arrangement was made, Caesar set off in a sudden and private manner, as if he expected that otherwise some new difficulty would intervene. He went to Spain by land, passing through Switzerland on the way. He stopped with his attendants one night at a very insignificant vil- lage of shepherds' huts among the mountains. Struck with the poverty and worthlessness of all they saw in this wretched hamlet, Caesar's friends were wondering whether the jealousy, rivalry, and ambition which reigned among men every where else in the world could find any footing there, when Caesar told them that, for his part, he should rather choose to be first in such a village as that than the second at Rome. The story has been repeated a thousand times, and told to every successive generation now for nearly twenty centuries, as an illustra- tion of the peculiar type and character of the ambition which controls such a soul as that of Caesar. Caesar was very successful in the administra- tion of his province ; that is to say, he returned In a short time with considerable military glory, and with money enough to pay all his debts, and furnish him with means for fresh electioneering 78 JULIUS CJSSA&. [B.C. 59. Manner of choosing the console. Pompey and Crasuu*. He now felt strong enough to aspire to the office of consul, which was the highest office of the Roman state. When the line of kings had been deposed, the Romans had vested the su- preme magistracy in the hands of two consuls, who were chosen annually in a general election, the formalities of which were all very carefully arranged. The current of popular opinion was, of course, in Caesar's favor, but he had many powerful rivals and enemies among the great, who, however, hated and opposed each other aa well as him. There was at that time a very bitter feud between Pompey and Crassus, each of them struggling for power against the efforts of the other. Pompey possessed great influence through his splendid abilities and his military renown. Crassus, as has already been stated, was powerful through his wealth. Caesar, who had some influence with them both, now con- ceived the bold design of reconciling them, and then of availing himself of their united aid in accomplishing his own particular ends. He succeeded perfectly well in this manage- ment. He represented to them that, by con- tending against each other, they only exhausted ' their own powers, and strengthened the arms f their common enemies. He proposed to them B.C. 59.] MiDE COKSUL. 70 The firit triumrirate. Caesar a candidate for the cotuulihty, to unite with one another and with him, and thus make common cause to promote their com- mon interest and advancement. They willingly acceded to this plan, and a triple league was ao- oordingly formed, in which they each bound themselves to promote, by every means in his power, the political elevation of the others, and not to take any public step or adopt any meas- ures without the concurrence of the three. Caesar faithfully observed the obligations of this league so long as he could use his two associ- ates to promote his own ends, and then he aban- doned it. Having, however, completed this arrange- ment, he was now prepared to push vigorously his claims to be elected consul He associated with his own name that of Lucceius, who was a man of great wealth, and who agreed to defray the expenses of the election for the sake of the honor of being consul with Caesar. Caesar's en- allies, however, knowing that they probably oanld not prevent his election, determined to concentrate their strength in the effort to pro- rent his having the colleague he desired. They made choice, therefore, of a certain Bibulus a* their candidate. Bibulus had always been a political opponent of Caesar's, and they though* 80 JULIUI CJISAR [B.C. 59. CMT MramM tto whale power. Bit tmprtMu Cita. that, by associating him with Caesar in the su- preme magistracy, the pride and ambition of their great adversary might be hftld somewhat in check. They accordingly made a contribution among themselves to enable Bibulus to expend as much money in bribery as Luooeius, and the canvass went on. It resulted in the election of Caesar and Bib- ulus. They entered upon the duties of their office ; but Caesar, almost entirely disregarding his colleague, began to assume the whole power, and proposed and carried measure after measure of the most extraordinary character, all aiming at the gratification of the populace. He was at first opposed violently both by Bibulus and by many leading members of the Senate, especially by Cato, a stern and inflexible patriot, whom neither fear of danger nor hope of reward oouU move from what he regarded his duty. But Caesar was now getting strong enough to put down the opposition which he encountered witk< out much scruple as to the means. He ordered Cato on one occasion to be arrested in the Sen- ate and sent to prison. Another influential member of the Senate rose and was goiag out with him. Caesar asked him where he we* going. He said he was going vrith C*'c. H* B.C. 09.] MADE CONSUL. bl Ubvlx njttre* to ki kotue. The year *f " Jmlhu mud C**a." would rather, he said, be with Cato in prison, than in the Senate with Caesar. Caesar treated Bibulus also with so much neglect, and assumed so entirely the whole con- trol of the consular power, to the utter exclusion of his colleague, that Bibulus at last, com- pletely discouraged and chagrined, abandoned all pretension to official authority, retired to his house, and shut himself up in perfect se- clusion, leaving Csesar to his own way. It was customary among the Romans, in their histori- cal and narrative writings, to designate the suc- cessive years, not by a numerical date as with us, but by the names of the consuls who held office in them. Thus, in the time of Caesar's consulship, the phrase would have been, " In the year of Csesar and Bibulus, consuls," according to the ordinary usage ; but the wags of the city, in order to make sport of the assumptions of Caesar and the insignificance of Bibulus, used to say, " In the year of Julius and Caesar, cen- tals." rejecting the name of Bibulus altogether, and taking the two names of Caesar to make oat the necessary duality 316 S2 JULIUS CJJAR [B.C.58 C*r aspire to boi.oldkr. HI* raeoeM nd aatobrltr CHAPTER IV. THE CONQUEST OP GAUI* I"N attaining to the consulship, Caesar had *- reached the highest point of elevation which it was possible to reach as a mere citizen of Rome. His ambition was, however, of course, not satisfied. The only way to acquire higher distinction and to rise to higher power was to enter upon a career of foreign conquest. Caesar therefore aspired now to be a soldier. He ac- cordingly obtained the command of an army, and entered upon a course of military campaigns in the heart of Europe, which he continued foi sight years. These eight years constitute one of the most important and strongly-marked pe- riods of his life. He was triumphantly suc- cessful in his military career, and he made, ac- cordingly, a vast accession to his celebrity and power, in his own day, by the results of his cam- paigns. He also wrote, himself, an account of his adventures during this period, in which the events are recorded in so lucid and in so elo- quent a manner, that the narrations have can- B.C. 6S.J CojfttVEST OF GAUL. 83 Scene* of CnMr'i exploit*. CUalpia* and TrMMklpiM Gcrix. tinned to be read by every successive genera- tion of scholars down to the present day, and they have had a great influence in extending and perpetuating his fame. The principal scenes cf the exploits wnioh Csesar performed during the period of this his first great military career, were the north of Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany, and En- gland, a great tract of country, nearly all of which he overran and conquered. A large por- tion of this territory was called Gaul in those days ; the part on the Italian side of the Alpi being named Cisalpine Gaul, while that which lay beyond was designated as Transalpine. Transalpine Gaul was substantially what if now France. There was a part of Transalpine Gaul which had been already conquered and reduced to a Roman province. It was called The Province then, and has retained the name, with a slight change in orthography, to the pro*- ent day. It is now known as Provence. The countries which Caesar went to invade were occupied by various nations and tribe* many of which were well organized and war- like, and some of them were cc nsiderably civil- ized and wealthy. They had extended tract* of cultivated land, the slopes of the bills and the 84 JVLIVI CASAR [BC. 58-50. Condition of Oanl in C*r' day Singular carmtry mountain sides being formed into green pastu- rages, which were covered with flocks of goats, and sheep, and herds of cattle, while the smooth- er and more level tracts were adorned with smiling vineyards and broadly-extended fields of waving grain. They had cities, forts, ships, and armies. Their manners and customs would be considered somewhat rude by modern na- tions, and some of their usages of war were half barbarian. For example, in one of the nations which Caesar encountered, he found, as he says in his narrative, a corps of cavalry, as a con- stituent part of the army, in which, to every horse, there were two men, one the rider, and the other a sort of foot soldier and attendant If the battle went against them, and the squad- ron were put to their speed in a retreat, thew footmen would cling to the manes of the horses, and then, half running, half flying, they would be borne along over the field, thus keeping al- ways at the side of their comrades, and escaping with them to a place of safety. But, although the Romans were inclined to consider these nations as only half civilized, still there would be great glory, as Caesar thought, in subduing them, and probably great treasure would be secured in the conquest, both by the B.C. 58-50.] CONQUEST OP GAUL. 95 ill* pretext* >londer and confiscation of governmental prop" rty, and by the tribute which would be col- lected in taxes from the people of the countries subdued. Ceesar accordingly placed himself at the head of an army of three Roman legions, which he contrived, by means of a great deal of political maneuvering and management, to have raised and placed under his command. One of these legions, which was called the tenth legion, was his favorite corps, on account of the bravery and hardihood which they often dis- played. At the head of these legions, Caesar set out for Gaul. He was at this time not far from forty years of age. Csesar had no difficulty in finding pretexts foi making war upon any of these various nations that he might desire to subdue. They were, of course, frequently at war with each other, and there were at all times standing topics of controversy and unsettled disputes among them. Caesar had, therefore, only to draw near to the scene of contention, and then to take sides with one party or the other, it mattered little with which, for the affair almost always resulted, in the end, in his making himself master of both. The manner, however, in which this sort of op- eration was performed, can best be illustrated JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C.58-30 The Jgdnan* by an example, and we will take for the pur- pose the case of Ariovistus. Ariovistus was a German king. He had been nominally a sort of ally of the Romans. He had extended his conquests across the Rhine into Gaul, and he held some nations there as his tributaries. Among these, the ^Eduans were a prominent party, and, to simplify the account, we will take their name as the repre- sentative of all who were concerned. When Caesar came into the region of the ^Eduans, h entered into some negotiations with them, in which they, as he alleges, asked his assistance to enable them to throw off the dominion of their German enemy. It is probable, in fact, that there was some proposition of this kind from them, for Csesar had abundant means of inducing them to make it, if he was disposed ; and the receiving of such a communication famished the most obvious and plausible pre- text to authorize and justify his interposition. Csesar accordingly sent a messenger acrow the Rhine to Ariovistus, saying that he wished to have an interview with him on business of importance, and asking him to name a time which would be convenient to him for the inter- view, and also to appoint some place in GanI ha wnnld tf.C. 58-50.] CONQUEST OF UAUU 87 Ceur*! aegotUtloni with Aitorfctau. HU mnMtgft, To this Ariovistus replied, that if he had, himself, any business with Caesar, he would have waited upon him to propose it; and, in the same manner, if Caesar wished to see him, he must come into his own dominions. He said that it would not be safe for him to oome into Gaul without an army, and that it was not con- venient for him to raise and equip an army for such a purpose at that time. Caesar sent again to Ariovistus to say, that since he was so unmindful of his obligations to the Roman people as to refuse an interview with him on business of common interest, he would state the particulars that he required of him. The ^Eduans, he said, were now his al- lies, and under his protection; and Ariovistus must send back the hostages which he held from them, and bind himself henceforth not to send any more troops across the Rhine, nor make war upon the ^Eduans, or injure them in any way. If he complied with these terms, all would be well. If he did not, Caesar said that he should not himself disregard the just complaints of hi* allies. Arioristus had no fear of Caesar. Caesar had, in fact, thus far, not begun to acquire the mil* itary renown to which he afterward attained 88 Junue CJSBAR. [BC.58-30 Ariovl*ti*'i ipfrtted reply to CKMLT. Preparatiazu for ww Ariovistus had, therefore, no particular causa to dread his power. He sent him back word that he did not understand why Caesar should interfere between him and his conquered prov- ince. " The jEduans," said he, " tried the for- tune of war with me, and were overcome ; and they must abide the issue. The Romans man- age their conquered provinces as they judge proper, without holding themselves accountable to any one. I shall do the same with mine. All that I can say is, that so long as the ^Edu- ans submit peaceably to my authority, and pay their tribute, I shall not molest them ; as to your threat that you shall not disregard their complaints, you must know that no one has ever made war upon me but to his own destruc- tion, and, if you wish to see how it will turn out in your case, you may make the experiment whenever you please." Both parties immediately prepared for war. Ariovistus, instead of waiting to be attacked, assembled his army, crossed the Rhine, and ad- vanced into the territories from which Caesar had undertaken to exclude him. As CaBsar, however, began to make his ar- rangements for putting his army in motion ta meet his approaching enemy, there began to cir- B.C. 58-50.] COKQUEHT ov GAWL 8i Panic In the Rnw army. Cwmr 1 * xtdrim onlate throughout the camp such extraordinary stories of the terrible strength and courage of the German soldiery as to produce a very gen- eral panic. So great, at length, became the anxiety and alarm, that even the officers were wholly dejected and discouraged ; and as for the men, they were on the very eve of mutiny. When Ceesar understood this state of things, he called an assembly of the troops, and made an address to them. He told them that he was astonished to learn to what an extent an un- worthy despondency and fear had taken pos- session of their minds, and how little confidence they reposed in him, their general. And then, after some further remarks about the duty of a soldier to be ready to go wherever his command- er leads him, and presenting also some consid- erations in respect to the German troops with which they were going to contend, in order to show them that they had no cause to fear, he ended by saying that he had not been fully de- cided as to the time of marching, but that now he had concluded to give orders for setting oat the nert morning at three o'clock, that he might learn, as soon as possible, who were too coward- ly to follow him. He would go himself, he said, if he was attended by the tenth legion alone. 90 JULIUS C^SAH [B.C.58-50 Effect of Cwsar'g addreH. Proposal* for an Lntenrtew. He was sure that they would not shrink frym any undertaking in which he led the way. The soldiers, moved partly by shame, partly by the decisive and commanding tone which their general assumed, and partly reassured by the courage and confidence which he seemed to feel, laid aside their fears, and vied with each other henceforth in energy and ardor. The ar- mies approached each other. Ariovistus sent to Caesar, saying that now, if he wished it, he was ready for an interview. Csesar acceded to the suggestion, and the arrangements for a con- ference were made, each party, as usual in such oases, taking every precaution to guard against the treachery of the other. Between the two camps there was a rising ground, in the middle of an open plain, where it was decided that the conference should be held. Ariovistus proposed that neither party should bring any foot soldiers to the place of meeting, but cavalry alone ; and that these bodies of cav- alry, brought by the respective generals, should remain at the foot of the eminence on either nide, while Caesar and Ariovistus themselves, attended each by only ten followers on horse- back, should ascend it. This plan was acceded to by Caesar, and a long conference was held in B.C.58-50.] CONQUEST OF GAUL. 91 Conference between Cesar and Ariorietu. Cawar's meMenger teized this way between the two generals, as they sat upon their horses, on the summit of the hill The two generals, in their discussion, only repeated in substance what they had said in their embassages before, and made no progress toward coming to an understanding. At length Caesar closed the conference and withdrew, Some days afterward Ariovistus sent a request to Caesar, asking that he would appoint another interview, or else that he would depute one of his officers to proceed to Ariovistus's camp and receive a communication which he wished to make to him. Caesar concluded not to grant another interview, and he did not think it pru- dent to send any one of his principal officers as an embassador, for fear that he might be treacherously seized and held as a hostage. He accordingly sent an ordinary messenger, accom- TMUiied by one or two men. These men were all seized and put in irons as soon as they reached the camp of Ariovistus, and Caesar now prepared ja earnest for giving his enemy battle. He proved himself as skillful and efficient in Arranging and managing the combat as he had oeen sagacious and adroit in the negotiations which preceded it. Several days were spent WM rUln^ fana. tion. Sylla, hearing of Pompey's danger, made great efforts to march to his rescue. Before he reacned the place, however, Pompey had met and defeated one after another of the armies of his enemies, so that, when Sylla approached, Pompey marched out to meet him with his army drawn up in magnificent array, trumpets sound- ing and banners flying, and with large bodies of disarmed troops, the prisoners that he had taken, in the rear. Sylla was struck with surprise and admiration ; and when Pompey saluted him with the title of Imperator, which was the high- est title known to the Roman constitution, and the one which Sylla's lofty rank and unbounded power might properly claim, Sylla returned the compliment by conferring this great mark of distinction on him. Pompey proceeded to Rome, and the fame of his exploits, the singular fascination of his person and manners, and the great favor with Sylla that he enjoyed, raised him to a high degree of distinction. He was not, however, elated with the pride and vanity which so young a man would be naturally expected to exhibit under such circumstances. He was, on the contrary, modest and unassuming, and he acted in all re- spects in such a manner as to gain the appro 112 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C. 83 Pompey'i modesty. An example bation and the kind regard of all who knew him, as well as to excite their applause. There was an old general at this time in Gaul for all these events took place long before the time of Caesars campaigns in that country, and, in fact, before the commencement of his successful career in Rome whose name was Metellus, and who, either on account of his advancing age, or for some other reason, was very inefficient and un- successful in his government. Sylla proposed to supersede him by sending Pompey to take his place. Pompey replied that it was not right to take the command from a man who was so much his superior in age and character, but that, if Metellus wished for his assistance in the management of his command, he would proceed to Gaul and render him every service in his power. When this answer was reported to Me- tellus, he wrote to Pompey to come. Pompey accordingly went to Gaul, where he obtained new victories, and gained new and higher honors than before. These, and various anecdotes which the an- cient historians relate, would lead us to form very favorable ideas of Pompey's character. Some other circumstances, however, which oc- curred, seem to furnish different indications B.C. 83. POMPEY. HTOTCW hi wife. He marries Sylla's daughter-to-Uw. For example, on his return to Rome, s'ome time after the events above related, Sylla, whose es- timation of Pompey's character and of the im- portance of his services seemed continually to increase, wished to connect him with his own family by marriage. He accordingly proposed that Pompey should divorce his wife Antistia, and marry ^Emilia, the daughter-in-law of Syl- la. ^Emilia was already the wife of another man, from whom she would have to be taken away to make her the wife of Pompey. This, however, does not seem to have been thought a very serious difficulty in the way of the ar- rangement. Pompey's wife was put away, and the wife of another man taken in her place. Such a deed was a gross violation not merely of revealed and written law, but of those uni- versal instincts of right and wrong which are implanted indelibly in all. human hearts. It ended, as might have been expected, most dis- astrously. Antistia was plunged, of course, into the deepest distress. Her father had re- cently lost his life on account of his supposed attachment to Pompey. Her mother killed herself in th- anguish and despair produced by the misfortunes of her family ; and ^Emilia the new wife, died suddenly, on tha occasion 318 114 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 80-70 Pompey's success in Africa. Attachment of his soldier*. of the birth of a child, a very short time after her marriage with Pompey. These domestic troubles did not, however, interpose any serious obstacle to Pompey 's prog- ress in his career of greatness and glory. Syl- la sent him on one great enterprise after anoth- er, in all of which Pompey acquitted himself in an admirable manner. Among his other campaigns, he served for some time in Africa with great success. He returned in due time from this expedition, loaded with military hon- ors. His soldiers had become so much attach- ed to him that there was almost a mutiny in the army when he was ordered home. They were determined to submit to no authority but that of Pompey. Pompey at length succeeded, by great efforts, in subduing this spirit, and bringing back the army to their duty. A false account of the affair, however, went to Rome. It was reported to Sylla that there was a revolt in the army of Africa, headed by Pompey him- self, who was determined not to resign his com mand. Sylla was at first very indignant that his authority should be despised and his power braved, as he expressed it, by " such a boy ;" for Pompey was still, at this time, very young. When, however, he learned the truth, he oon- B.C. 80-70.] POMPKY. 115 Pompey'i title of "Great" He demand* a triumph oeived a higher admiration for the young gen- eral than ever. He went out to meet him as he approached the city, and, in accosting him, he called him Pompey the Great. Pompey has continued to bear the title thus given him to the present day. Pompey began, it seems, now to experience, in some degree, the usual effects produced upon the human heart by celebrity and praise. He demanded a triumph. A triumph was a great and splendid ceremony, by which victorious gen erals, who were of advanced age and high civil or military rank, were received into the city when returning from any specially glorious cam- paign. There was a grand procession formed on these occasions, in which various emblems and insignia, and trophies of victory, and cap tives taken by the conqueror, were displayed. This great procession entered the city with bands of music accompanying it, and flags and banners flying, passing under triumphal arches erected along the way. Triumphs were usual- ly decreed by a vote of the Senate, in oases where they were deserved ; but, in this case, Sylla's power as dictator was supreme, and Pompey's demand for a triumph seems to have been addressed accordingly to him. 116 JULIUS C^SAR (RC. 80-70 SyLU reftue* Pompey triumph. But at last consent* Sylla refused it. Pompey's performances in the African campaign had been, he admitted, very creditable to him, but he had neither the age nor the rank to justify the granting him a triumph. To bestow such an honor upon one so young and in suoh a station, would only bring the honor itself, he said, into disrepute, and degrade, also, his dictatorship for suffer- ing it. To this Pompey replied, speaking, however, in an under tone to those around him in the as- sembly, that Sylla need not fear that the tri- umph would be unpopular, for people were much more disposed to worship a rising than a setting sun. Sylla did not hear this remark, but, per- ceiving by the countenances of the by-standers that Pompey had said something which seemed to please them, he asked what it was. When the remark was repeated to him, he seemed pleased himself with its justness or with it* wit, and said, " Let him have his triumph." The arrangements were accordingly made^ Pompey ordering every thing necessary to be prepared for a most magnificent procession. He learned that some persons in the city, envious at his early renown, were displeased with his triumph ; this only awakened in him a determ B.C. 80-70.] POMP BY. 117 Poropey'i triumph. HU course of conduct at Rom* [nation to make it still more splendid and im- posing. He had brought some elephants with him from Africa, and he formed a plan for hav- ing the car in which he was to ride in the pro- cession drawn by four of these huge beasts as it entered the city ; but, on measuring the gate, it was found not wide enough to admit such a team, and the plan was accordingly abandoned The conqueror's car was drawn by horses in the usual manner, and the elephants followed singly, with the other trophies, to grace the train. Pompey remained some time after this in Rome, sustaining from time to time various of- fices of dignity and honor. His services were iften called for to plead causes in the Forum, And he performed this duty, whenever he un- dertook it, with great success. He, however, seemed generally inclined to retire somewhat from intimate intercourse with the mass of the community, knowing very well that if he was engaged often in the discussion of common questions with ordinary men, he should soon descend in public estimation from the high po- sition to which his military renown had raised him. He accordingly accustomed himself to appear but little in public, and, when ho, did s JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C.67. rbe Ciliclan pirates. Their increasing depredation*. appear, he was generally accompanied by a large retinue of armed attendants, at the head of which he moved about the city in great state, more like a victorious general in a conquered province than like a peaceful citizen exercising ordinary official functions in a community gov- erned by law. This was a very sagacious course, so far as concerned the attainment of the great objects of future ambition. Pompey knew very well that occasions would probably arise in which he could act far more effectually for the promotion of his own greatness and fame than by mingling in the ordinary munic- ipal contests of the city. At length, in fact, an occasion came. In the year B.C. 67, which was about the time that Caesar commenced his successful career in rising to public office in Rome, as is described in the third chapter of this volume, the Cilician pirates, of whose desperate character and bold exploits something has already been said, had become so powerful, and were increasing so rap- idly in the extent of their depredations, that the Roman people felt compelled to adopt some very vigorous measures for suppressing them. The pirates had increased in numbers during khe wars between Marius and Sylla in a very B.C. 67.] POMPEY. 119 Ships and fortresses of the Cilicians. Their canquen*. alarming degree. They had built, equipped, and organized whole fleets. They had various fortresses, arsenals, ports, and watch-towers all along the coasts of the Mediterranean. They had also extensive warehouses, built in secure and secluded places, where they stored their plunder. Their fleets were well manned, and provided with skillful pilots, and with ample supplies of every kind ; and they were so well constructed, both for speed and safety, that no other ships could be made to surpass them. Many of them, too, were adorned and decora- ted in the most sumptuous manner, with gild- ed sterns, purple awnings, and silver-mounted oars. The number of their galleys was said to be a thousand. With this force they made themselves almost complete masters of the sea. They attacked not only separate ships, but whole fleets of merchantmen sailing under con- voy ; and they increased the difficulty and ex- pense of bringing grain to Rome so much, by intercepting the supplies, as very materially to enhance the price and to threaten a scarcity. They made themselves masters of many isl- ands and of various maritime towns along the coast, until they had four hundred ports and ties in their possession. In fact, they had 120 JOLIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 67 PUn for destroying the pirate*. IU magnitude gone so far toward forming themselves into a regular maritime power, under a systematic and legitimate government, that very respecta- ble young men from other countries began to enter their service, as one opening honorable av- enues to wealth and fame. Under these circumstances, it was obvious that something decisive must be done. A friend of Pompey's brought forward a plan for com- missioning some one, he did not say whom, but every one understood that Pompey was in- tended, to be sent forth against the pirates, with extraordinary powers, such as should be amply sufficient to enable him to bring their dominion to an end. He was to have supreme command upon the sea, and also upon the land for fifty miles from the shore. He was, more- over, to be empowered to raise as large a force, both of ships and men, as he should think re- quired, and to draw from the treasury whatev. er funds were necessary to defray the enormous expenses which so vast an undertaking would 'nvolve. If the law should pass creating this office , and a person be designated to fill it, it is plain that such a commander would be clothed with enormous powers ; but then he would in- cur, on the other hand, a vast and B.C. 67.] POMPEY. 121 Pompey appointed to the command. Fall t& the price of grate rate responsibility, as the Roman people would hold him rigidly accountable for the full and perfect accomplishment of the work he under took, after they had thus surrendered every pos sible power necessary to accomplish it so on conditionally into his hands. There was a great deal of maneuvering, man- agement, and debate on the one hand to effecl the passage of this law, and, on the other, to de- feat it. Csesar, who, though not so prominent yet as Pompey, was now rising rapidly to in- fluence and power, was in favor of the meas- ure, because, as is said, he perceived that the people were pleased with it. It was at length adopted. Pompey was then designated to fill the office which the law created. He accepted the trust, and began to prepare for the vast un- dertaking. The price of grain fell immediately in Rome, as soon as the appointment of Puin pey was made known, a the merchants, who had large supplies in the granaries there, were now eager to sell, even at a reduction, feeling confident that Pompey's measures would result in bringing in abundant supplies. The people, surprised at this sudden relaxation of the press- are of their burdens, said that the very name <>f Pompej had put an end to the war 122 JULIUS C.B8AR. [B.C. 67. Pompey's complete success. His mod* of operation. They were not mistaken in their anticipa- tion of Pompey's success. He freed the Med- iterranean from pirates in three months, by one systematic and simple operation, which af- fords one of the most striking examples of the power of united and organized effort, planned and conducted by one single mastei mind, which the history of ancient or modern times has re- corded. The manner in which this work was effected was this : Pompey raised and equipped a vast number of galleys, and divided them into separate fleets, putting each one under the command of a lieu- tenant. He then divided the Mediterranean Sea into thirteen districts, and appointed a : eutenartt and his fleet for each one of them fts a guard. After sending these detachments forth to their respective stations, he set out from the city himself to take charge of the op- erations which he was to conduct in person. The people followed him, as he went to the place where he was to embark, in great crowds, and with long and loud acclamations. Beginning at the Straits of Cribraltar, Pom* py cruised with a powerful floet toward the east, driving the pirates before him, the lieu- tenants, who were stationed along the coast B.C 67.] POM PET. 123 Pompey driTe the plratea before him. Exultation at Rome. being on the alert to prevent them from finding any places of retreat or refuge. Some of the pirates' ships were surrounded and taken. Oth- ers fled, and were followed by Pompey's ships until, they had passed beyond the coasts of Sic- ily, and the seas between the Italian and Afri- can shores. The communication was now open again to the grain-growing countries south of Rome, and large supplies of food were immedi- ately poured into the city. The whole popula- tion was, of course, filled with exultation and joy at receiving such welcome proofs that Pom- pey was successfully accomplishing the work they had assigned him. The Italian peninsula and the island of Sicily, which are, in fact, a projection from the north- ern shores of the Mediterranean, with a salient angle of the coast nearly opposite to them on the African side, form a sort of strait which di vides this great sea into two separate bodies ol water, and the pirates were now driven entire- ly out of the western division. Pompey sent his principal fleet after them, with orders to pass around the island of Sicily and the south era part of Italy to Brundusium, which was the great port on the western side of Italy. He nimself was to cross the oeninsula by land, tak 124 JULIUS CJZSAR. [B.C. HS Tile pirate* concentrate tbenuelrni. Some uf tiuaa surrender ing Rome in his way, and afterward to join the fleet at Brundusium. The pirates, in the mean time, so far as they had escaped Pompey's araisers, had retreated to the seas in the neigh- borhood of Cilieia, and were concentrating theii forces there in preparation for the final struggle. Pompey was received at Rome with the ut- most enthusiasm. The people came out in throngs to meet him as he approached the city, and welcomed him with loud acclamations. Ha did not, however, remain in the city to enjoy these honors. He procured, as soon as possible, what was necessary for the further prosecution of his work, and went on. He found his fleet at Brundusium, and, immediately embarking, he put to sea. Pompey went on to the completion of his work with the same vigor and decision which he had displayed in the commencement of it. Some of the pirates, finding themselves hemmed in within narrower and narrower limits, gave up the contest, and came and surrendered. Pom- pey, instead of punishing them severely for their crimes, treated them, and their wives and chil- dren, who fell likewise into his power, with great humanity. This induced many others to follow their example, so that the number that remained B.C. 62 I FOMPEY. 125 A fTMrt battle. DUpoul of the pirate* resisting to the end was greatly reduced. There were, however, after all these submissions, a body of stern and indomitable desperadoes left, who were incapable of yielding. These retreat- ed, with all the forces which they could retain, to their strong-holds on the Silician shores, sending their wives and children back to still securer retreats among the fastnesses of the mountains. Pompey followed them, hemming them in with the squadrons of armed galleys which he brought up around them, thus cutting off from them all possibility of escape. Here, at length, a great final battle was fought, and the domin- ion of the pirates was ended forever. Pompey destroyed their ships, dismantled their fortifica- tions, restored the harbors and towns which they had seized to their rightful owners, and sent the pirates themselves, with their wives and children, far into the interior of the country, and established them as agriculturists and herdsmen there, in a territory which he mi apart for the purpose, where they might live in peace on the fruits of their own industry, with- out the possibility of again disturbing the com- merce of the seas. Instead of returning to Rome after the*e i 126 JULIUS CJKSAR. [B.C. 50 Pompey*! conquests In Asia Minor. His magnificent triumph ploits, Pompey obtained new powers from the government of the city, and pushed his way into Asia Minor, where he remained several years, pursuing a similar career of conquest to that of Cassar in Gaul. At length he returned to Rome, his entrance into the city being sig- nalized by a most magnificent triumph. The procession for displaying the trophies, the cap- Uves, and the other emblems of victory, and for conveying the vast accumulation of treasures and spoils, was two days in passing into the city ; and enough was left after all for another triumph. Pompey was, in a word, on the very summit of human grandeur and renown. He found, however, an old enemy and rival at Rome. This was Crassus, who had been Pompey's opponent in earlier times, and who now renewed his hostility. In the contest that ensued, Pompey relied on his renown, Crassus on his wealth. Pompey attempted to please the people by combats of lions and of elephants which he had brought home from his foreign campaigns ; Crassus courted their favor by dis- tributing corn among them, and inviting them to public feasts on great occasions. He spread for them, at one time, it was said, ten thousand tables. AK Rome was filled with the feud* v B.C. 50.] POMP BY. 127 The flnt triumvirate. Pompej'i wife Julia. these great political foes. It was at this time that Caesar returned from Spain, and had the adroitness, as has already been explained, to ex- tinguish these feuds, and reconcile these appa- rently implacable foes. He united them to- gether, and joined them with himself in a triple league, which is celebrated in Roman history as the first triumvirate. The rivalry, however, of these great aspirants for power was only sup- pressed and concealed, without being at all weakened or changed. The death of Crassus soon removed him from the stage. Caesar and Pompey continued afterward, for some time, an ostensible alliance. Caesar attempted to strengthen this bond by giving Pompey his daughter Julia for his wife. Julia, though so young even her father was six years younger than Pompey was devotedly attached to her husband, and he was equally fond of her. She formed, in fact, a strong bond of union between the two great conquerors as long as she lived. One day, however, there was a riot at an elec- tion, and men were killed so near to Pompey that Ms robe was covered with blood. He changed it; the servants carried home the bloody garment which he had taken off, and Julia was so terrified at the sight, thinking that 128 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C.50 tamper and CM*T open eoemte*. Their ambition ifcer husband had been killed, that she fainted, and her constitution suffered very severely by the shock. She lived some time afterward, but finally died under circumstances which indicate that this occurrence was the cause. Pompey and Caesar now soon became open enemies. The ambitious aspirations which each of them cherished were so vast, that the world was not wide enough for them both to be satisfied. They had assisted each other up the ascent arhioh they had been so many years in climb- ing, but now they had reached very near to the summit, and the question was to be decided which of the two should have his station thorn B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 129 fhe Rubicon. It* Iniifntfloanoe M atrem CHAPTER VI. CROSSING THE RUBICON. f INHERE was a little stream in ancient times, -- in the north of Italy, which flowed west- ward into the Adriatic Sea, called the Rubicon. This stream has been immortalized by the trans- actions which we are now about to describe. The Rubicon was a very important bounda- ry, and yet it was in itself so small and insig- nificant that it is now impossible to determine which of two or three little brooks here running into the sea is entitled to its name and re- nown. In history the Rubicon i a grand, per- manent, and conspicuous stream, gazed upon with continued interest by all mankind for near- ly twenty centuries ; in nature it ia an uncer- tain rivulet, for a long time doubtful and unde- termined, and finally lost. The Rubicon originally derived its import- ance from the fact that it was the boundary be- tween all that part of the north of Italy which IB formed by the valley of the Po, one of the richest and most magnificent countries of the 319 130 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 50 Importance nf the Rubicon M a boundary. world, and the rmre southern Roman territo- ries. This country of the Po constituted what was in those days called the hither Gaul, and Was a Roman province. It belonged now to Caesar's jurisdiction, as the commander in Gaul. All south of the Rubicon was territory reserved for the immediate jurisdiction of the city. The Romans, in order to protect themselves from any danger which might threaten their own liberties from the immense armies which they raised for the conquest of foreign nations, had imposed on every side very strict limitations and restrictions in respect to the approach of these armies to the Capitol. The Rubicon was the limit on this northern side. Generals com- manding in Gaul were never to pass it. To cross the Rubicon with an army on the way to Rome was rebellion and treason. Hence the Rubicon became, as it were, the visible sign and symbol of civil restriction to military power. As Caesar found the time of his service in Gaul drawing toward a conclusion, he turned his thoughts more and more toward Rome, en- deavoring to strengthen his interest there by every means in his power, and to circumvent and thwart the designs of Pompey. He had apent* and partisans in Rome who acted for B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 131 Conr 1 ! expenditure* of money at Rome. tiia tnftwenee him and in his name. He sent immense sum* of money to these men, to be employed in such ways as would most tend to secure the favoi of the people. He ordered the Forum to be re- ouilt with great magnificence. He arranger* great celebrations, in which the people were en- tertained with an endless succession of games, spectacles, and public feasts. When his daugh- ter Julia, Pompey's wife, died, he celebrated her funeral with indescribable splendor. He distributed corn in immense quantities among the people, and he sent a great many captives home, to be trained as gladiators, to fight in the theaters for their amusement. In many cases, too, where he found men of talents and influ- ence among the populace, who had become in- volved in debt by their dissipations and extrav- agance, he paid their debts, and thus secured their influence on his side. Men were astound- ed at the magnitude of these expenditures, and, while the multitude rejoiced thoughtlessly in the pleasures thus provided for them, the more reflecting and considerate trembled at the great- ness of the power which was so rapidly rising to overshadow the land. It increased their anxiety to observe thai Pompey was gaming the same kind of inflo- 182 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 50 Pwnpsy peraonal popularity. Public thanksgiving in hit bafaatt anoe and ascendency too. He had not the ad- vantage which Caesar enjoyed in the prodig. ions wealth obtained from the rich countries over which Caesar ruled, but he possessed, in- stead of it, the advantage of being all the time at Rome, and of securing, by his character and action there, a very wide personal popularity and influence. Pompey Was, in fact, the idol of the people. At one time, when he was ab- sent from Rome, at Naples, he was taken sick. After being for some days in considerable dan- ger, the crisis passed favorably, and he recov- ered. Some of the people of Naples proposed a public thanksgiving to the gods, to celebrate his restoration to health. The plan was adopt- ed by acclamation, and the example, thus set, extended from city to city, until it had spread throughout Italy, and the whole country was filled with the processions, games, shows, and celebrations, which were instituted every where to honor of the event. And when Pompey re- turned from Naples to Rome, the towns on the way could not afford room for the crowds that oame forth to meet him. The high roads, the villages, the ports, says Plutarch, were filled with sacrifices and entertainments. Many re- ceived him with garlands on their head* and B.C.50.J CROSSING THE RUBICON. 133 Pompey'i estimate of Cmuar"t power Plan* of the Utter torches in their hands, and, as they conducted him along, strewed the way with flowers. In fact, Pompey considered himself as stand- ing far above Caesar in fame and power, and this general burst of enthusiasm and applause, educed by his recovery from sickness, confirmed him in this idea. He felt no solicitude, he said, in respect to Caesar. He should take no special precautions against any hostile designs which he might entertain on his return from GauL It was he himself, he said, that had raised Caesar up to whatever of elevation he had at- tained, and he could put him down even more easily than he had exalted him. In the mean time, the period was drawing near in which Caesar's command in the prov- inces was to expire ; and, anticipating the struggle with Pompey which was about to en- sue, he conducted several of his legions through the passes of the Alps, and advanced gradually, as he had a right to do, across the country of the Po toward the Rubicon, revolving in his ca- pacious mind, as he came, the various plans by which he might hope to gain the ascendency over the power of his mighty rival, and make aimself supreme. He concluded that it would be his wisest 134 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C.50 CBMT arrive* at Rareu*. Pompey'i demand* policy not to attempt to intimidate Pompey by great and open preparations for war, which might tend to arouse him to vigorous measures of resistance, but rather to cover and conceal his designs, and thus throw his enemy off his guard. He advanced, therefore, toward the Ru- bicon with a small force. He established his headquarters at Ravenna, a city not far from the river, and employed himself in objects of local interest there, in order to avert as much as possible the minds of the people from imagining that he was contemplating any great design. Pompey sent to him to demand the return of a certain legion which he had lent him from his own army at a time when they were friends. Caesar complied with this demand without any hesitation, and sent the legion home. He sent with this legion, also, some other troops which were properly his own, thus evincing a degrea of indifference in respect to the amount of the force retained under his command which seem- ed wholly inconsistent with the idea that he contemplated any resistance to the authority of the government at Rome. In the mean time, the struggle at Rome be- tween the partisans of Caesar and Pompey grevi more and more violent and alarming. Caesar B.C.50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 136 Csjsar demand* to be made con*uL Excitement in consequenoa through his friends in the city, demanded to b6 elected consul. The other side insisted that he must first, if that was his wish, resign the com- mand of his army, come to Rome, and present himself as a candidate in the character of a pri- vate citizen. This the constitution of the state very properly required. In answer to this req- uisition, Caesar rejoined, that, if Pompey would lay down his military commands, he would do so too ; if not, it was unjust to require it of him The services, he added, which he had performed for his country, demanded some recompense, which, moreover, they ought to be willing to award, even if, in order to do it, it were neces- sary to relax somewhat in his favor the strict- ness of ordinary rules. To a large part of the people of the city these demands of Csesar ap- peared reasonable. They were clamorous to have them allowed. The partisans of Pompey, with the stern and inflexible Cato at their head, deemed them wholly inadmissible, and contend- ed with the most determined violence against them The whole city was filled with the ex- oitement of this struggle, into which all the ac- tive and turbulent spirits of the capital plunged with the most furious zeal, while the more con- siderate and thoughtful of the population, re- 136 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 50 Debate* in the Senate. Tnmi.lt and confudwi nembering the days of Marius and Sylla, trem- bled at the impending danger. Pompey himself had no fear. He urged the Senate to resist tc the utmost all of Caesar's claims, saying, if CSB- sar should be so presumptuous as to attempt to march to Rome, he could raise troops enough by stamping with his foot to put him down. It would require a volume to contain a full account of the disputes and tumults, the ma- neuvers and debates, the votes and decrees which marked the successive stages of this quarrel Pompey himself was all the time without the city. He was in command of an army there, and no general, while in command, was allow- ed to come within the gates. At last an ex- citing debate was broken up in the Senate by one of the consuls rising to depart, saying that he would hear the subject discussed no longer The time had arrived for action, and he should send a commander, with an armed force, to de- fend the country from Caesar's threatened in- vasion. Caesar's leading friends, two tribunes of the people, disguised themselves as slaves, and fled to the north to join their master The country was filled with commotion and panic. The Commonwealth had obviously more fear of Caesar than confidence in Pompey. The B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 137 Ptaic r Rome. country was full of rumors in respect to C- sar's power, and the threatening attitude which he was assuming, while they who had insisted oil resistance seemed, after all, to have provid- ed very inadequate means with which to resist, A thousand plans were formed, and clamorously insisted upon by their respective advocates, for averting the danger. This only added to the confusion, and the city became at length per- vaded with a universal terror. While this was the state of things at Rome, Caesar was quietly established at Ravenna, thirty or forty miles from the frontier. He was erecting a building for a fencing school there and his mind seemed to be occupied very busily with the plans and models of the edifice which the architects had formed. Of course, in his intended inarch to Rome, his reliance was not to be so much on the force which he should take with him, as on the co-operation and sup- port which he expected to find there. It was his policy, therefore, to move as quietly and pri- vately as possible, and with as little display of violence, and to avoid every thing which might indicate his intended march to any spies which might be around him, or to any other persona who might be disposed to report what they ob- 138 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.O.50 Vmna 1 * Midnight march. He low* hu way served at Rome. Accordingly, on the very eve of his departure, he busied himself with his fenc- ing school, and assumed with his officers and soldiers a careless and unconcerned air, which prevented any one from suspecting his design. In the course of the day he privately sent forward some cohorts to the southward, with orders for them to encamp on the banks of the Rubicon. When night came he sat down to supper as usual, and conversed with his friends in his ordinary manner, and went with them afterward to a public entertainment. As soon as it was dark and the streets were still, he set off secretly from the city, accompanied by a very few attendants. Instead of making use of his ordinary equipage, the parading of which would have attracted attention to his move- ments, he had some mules taken from a neigh- boring bake-house, and harnessed into his chaise There were torch-bearers provided to light the way. The cavalcade drove on during the night, finding, however, the hasty preparations which had been made inadequate for the occasion. The torches went out, the guides lost their way, and the future conqueror of the world wandered abcut bewildered and lost, until, just after break of day, the party met with a peas B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 141 C*ar at the Rubicon. HI* hesitation at the rirei ant who undertook to guide them. Under his direction they made their way to the main -oad again, and advanced then without further difficulty to the banks of the river, where thej found that portion of the army which had been gent forward encamped, and awaiting their ar- rival. Csesar stood for some time upon the banks of the stream, musing upon the greatness of the undertaking in which simply passing across it would involve him. His officers stood by his flHi*. " We can retreat now" said he, " but once across that river and we must go on." He paused for some time, conscious of the vast im- portance of the decision, though he thought only, doubtless, of its consequences to himself Taking the step which was now before him would necessarily end either in his realizing the loftiest aspirations of his ambition, or in his ut ter and irreparable ruin. There were vast pub- lic interests, too, %t stake, of which, however he probably thought but little. It proved, in the end, that the history of the whole Roman world, for several centuries, was depending upon the manner in which the question new in Cw- tar's mind should turn. There was a little bridge acrojw th Rubicon 142 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 50 Story of the shepherd trumpeter. Caetar crosse* the RuMoom, at the point where Caesar was surveying it. While he was standing there, the story is, a peasant or shepherd came from the neighboring fields with a shepherd's pipe a simple musical instrument, made of a reed, and used much by the rustic musicians of those days. The sol- diers and some of the officers gathered around him to hear him play. Among the rest came some of Caesar's trumpeters, with their trumpets hi their hands. The shepherd took one of these martial instruments from the hands of its pos- sessor, laying aside his own, and began to sound a charge which is a signal for a rapid advance and to march at the same time over the bridge " An omen ! a prodigy !" said Caesar. " Let us march where we are called by such a divine intimation. The die is cast" So saying, he pressed forward over the bridge, while the officers, breaking up the encampment, put the columns in motion to follow him. It was shown abundantly, on many occasion* in the course of Caesar's life, that he had no faith hi omens. Theie are equally numerous instances to show that he was always ready to avail himself of the popular belief in themj to awaken his soldiers' ardor or to allay their fears, Whether, therefore, in respect to this B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. Cnwr tuemblei hli troop*. Hi addre to story of the shepherd trumpeter, it was an in- cident that really and accidentally occurred, or whether Caesar planned and arranged it him- self, with reference to its effect, or whether, which is, perhaps, after all, the most probable supposition, the tale was only an embellishment invented out of something or nothing by the story-tellers of those days, to give additional dramatic interest to the narrative of the cross- ing of the Rubicon, it must be left for each reader to decide. As soon as the bridge was crossed, Caesar called an assembly of his troops, and, with signs of great excitement and agitation, made an ad- dress to them on the magnitude of the crisis through which they were passing. He showed them how entirely he was in their power ; he urged them, by the most eloquent appeals, to stand by him, faithful and true, promising them the most ample rewards w'.ien he should have attained the object at which he aimed. The soldiers responded to this appeal with promises of the most unwavering fidelity. The first town on the Roman side of the Ru- bicon was Ariminum. Csesar advanced to thii town. The authorities opened its gates to hiip Tory willing, as it appeared, to receive hin> 144 JULIUS CJBSJR. [B.C. 50 Sommder of various town*. Domitius appointed to rapenede CnMr as their commander. Caesar's force was yet quite small, as he had been accompanied by only a single legion in crossing the river. He had, however, sent orders for the other legions, which had been left in Gaul, to join him with- out any delay, though any re-enforcement of his troops seemed hardly necessary, as he found no indications of opposition to his progress. He gave his soldiers the strictest injunctions to do no injury to any property, public or private, a* they advanced, and not to assume, in any re- spect, a hostile attitude toward the people of the country. The inhabitants, therefore, wel- comed him wherever he came, and all the cities and towns followed the example of Ariminum, surrendering, in fact, faster than he could take possession of them. In the confusion of the debates and votes in the Senate at Rome before Ceesar crossed the Rubicon, one decree had been passed deposing him from his command of the army, and ap- pointing a successor. The name of the general thus appointed was Domitius. The only real opposition which Caesar encountered in his prog- ress toward Rome was from him. Domitius had crossed the Apennines at the head of an army on his way northward to supersede Csesaj B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBIOOM. 140 in his command, and had reached the town of Corfinium, which was perhaps one third of the way between Rome and the Rubicon. Caesar advanced upon him here and shut him in. After a brief siege the city was taken, and Domitius and his army were made prisoners. Every body gave them up for lost, expecting that Caesar would wreak terrible vengeance upon them. Instead of this, he received the troops at once into .his own service, and let Do- mitius go free. In the mean time, the tidings of Caesar's hav- ing passed the Rubicon, and of the triumphant success which he was meeting with at the com- mencement of his march toward Rome, reach- ed the Capitol, and added greatly to the pre vailing consternation. The reports of the mag- nitude of his force and of the rapidity of his progress were greatly exaggerated. The party of Pompey and the Senate had done every thing to spread among the people the terror of Cae- sar's name, in order to arouse them to efforts for opposing his designs ; and now, when he had broken thr ragh the barriers which had been in- tended to restrain him, and was advancing to- ward the city in an unchecked and triumphant career, they were overwhelmed with dismay. 3110 146 JULIUS CAESAR. [B.C.50 Pompey'i diatreM. He learei Roma Pompey began to be terrified at the danger which was impending. The Senate held meet- ings without the city councils of war, as it were, in which they looked to Pompey in vain foi protection from the danger which he had brough* upon them. He had said that he could raise an army sufficient to cope with Caesar at any time by stamping with his foot. They told him they thought now that it was high time for him to stamp. In fact, Pompey found the current getting every where strongly against him. Some rec- ommended that commissioners should be sent to Caesar to make proposals for peace. The leading men, however, knowing that any peace made with him under such circumstances would be their own ruin, resisted and defeated the proposal. Cato abruptly left the city and pro- ceeded to Sicily, which had been assigned him as his province. Others fled in other directions. Pompey himself, uncertain what to do, and not daring to remain, called upon all his partisans to join him, and set off at night, suddenly, and with very little preparation and small supplies, to retreat across the country toward the shore* of the Adriatic Sea, His destination was Bran- dusium, the usual port of embarkation for Mao- edon and Greece. B.C.50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 147 bthtudann of Caesar's oldier*. Hi policy In releasing Domino* Csesar was all this time gradually advancing toward Rome. His soldiers were full of en- thusiasm in his caase. As his connection with the government at home was sundered the mo- ment he crossed the Rubicon, all supplies of money and of provisions were cut off in that quarter until he should arrive at the Capitol and take possession of it. The soldiers voted, how- ever, that they would serve him without pay. The officers, too, assembled together, and ten- dered him the aid of their contributions. He had always observed a very generous policy in his dealings with them, and he was now great* ly gratified at receiving their requital of it. The further he advanced, too, the more ho found the people of the country through which he passed disposed to espouse his cause. They were struck with his generosity in releasing Domitius. It is true that it was a very saga- cious policy that prompted him to release him. But then it was generosity too. In fact, there must be something of a generous spirit in the soul to enable a man even to see the policy of generous actions. Among the letters of Caesar that remain to the present day, there is one written about thin time to rne of his friends, in which he aoeakt 148 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 50 Letter of Cmmt. Ingrstitude of DomtttM. of this subject. " I am glad," says he, " that you approve of my conduct at Corfinium. I am satisfied that such a course is the best one for us to pursue, as by so doing we shall gain the good will of all parties, and thus secure a per- manent victory. Most conquerors have incur- red the hatred of mankind by their cruelties, and have all, in consequence of the enmity they have thus awakened, been prevented from long enjoying their power. Sylla was an exception ; but his example of successful cruelty I have no disposition to imitate. I will conquer after a new fashion, and fortify myself in the posses- sion of the power I acquire by generosity and mercy." Domitius had the ingratitude, after this re- lease, to take up arms again, and wage a new war against Caesar. When Caesar heard of it, he said it was all right. " I will act out the principles of my nature," said he, " and he may ot out his." Another instance of Caesar's generosity o ourred, which is even more remarkable than this. It seems that among the officers of his army there were some whom he had appointed at the recommendation of Pompey, at the time when he and Pompey were friends. These mex B.C. 50.) CROSSING THE RUBICON. 149 Ccwar 1 * generodty. Modern poliUdan*. would, of course, feel under obligations of grati- tude to Pompey, as they owed their military rank to his friendly interposition in their behalf. As soon as the war broke out, Caesar gave them all his free permission to go over to Pompey's side, if they chose to do so. Ccesar acted thus very liberally in all respects. He surpassed Pompey very much in the spirit of generosity and mercy with which he entered upon the great contest before them. Pompey ordered every citizen to join his standard, de- claring that he should consider all neutrals as his enemies. Caesar, on the other hand, gave free permission to every one to decline, if he chose, taking any part in the contest, saying that he should consider all who did not act against him as his friends. In the political con- tests of our day, it is to be observed that the combatants are much more prone to imitate the bigotry of Pompey than the generosity of Caesar, condemning, as they often do, those who choose to stand aloof from electioneering struggles, more than they cb their most determined opponents and enemies. When, at length, Caesar arrived at Brundu- sium, he found that Pompey had sent a part of his army across the Adriatic into Greece, and 160 JULIUS CAESAR [B.C.50 CWar arrive* at Brondusium. He beiiegea Pompey was waiting for the transports to return that he might go over himself with the remainder. In the mean time, he had fortified himself strongly In the city Caesar immediately laid siege to the place, and he commenced some works to block up the mouth of the harbor. He built piers on each side, extending out as far into the sea as the depth of the water would allow them to be built. He then constructed a series of rafts, which he anchored on the deep water, in a line extending from one pier to the other. He built towers upon these rafts, and garrisoned them with soldiers, in hopes by this means to prevent all egress from the fort. He thought that, when this work was completed, Pompey would be entirely shut in, beyond all possibility The transports, however, returned before the work was completed. Its progress was, oi course, slow, as the constructions were the scene of a continued conflict ; for Pompey sent out rafts and galleys against them every day, and the workmen had thus to build in the midst of con- tinual interruptions, sometimes from showers of darts, arrows, and javelins, sometimes from the conflagrations of fireships, and sometimes from the terrible concussions of great vessel* B.C. 50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 151 Pompey'i plan of eaeips. It 1* nude known to CMT of war, impelled with prodigious force against them. The transports returned, therefore, be- fore the defenses were complete, and contrived to get into the harbor. Pompey immediately formed his plan for embarking the remainder of his army. He filled the streets of the city with barri- cades and pitfalls, excepting two streets which led to the place of embarkation. The object of these obstructions was to embarrass Caesar's progress through the city in case he should force an entrance while his men were getting on board the ships. He then, in order to divert Caesar's attention from his design, doubled the guards stationed upon the walls on the evening of his intended embarkation, and ordered them to make vigorous attacks upon all Caesar's forces outside. He then, when the darkness came on, marched his troops through the two streets which had been left open, to the landing place, and got them as fast as possible on board the transports. Some of the people of the town contrived to make known to Caesar's army what was going on, by means of signals from the walls ; the army immediately brought scaling ladders in great numbers, and, mounting the walls with great ardor and impetuosity, they 152 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 50 Bneeeu of Pompey'g plan. Caesar 1 ! conduct t Roma drove all before them, and soon broke open the gates and got possession of the city. But the barricades and pitfalls, together with the dark- ness, so embarrassed their movements, that Pompey succeeded in completing his embarka- tion and sailing away. Caesar had no ships in which to follow. He returned to Rome. He met, of course, with no opposition. He re-established the government there, organized the Senate anew, and obtained supplies of corn from the public granaries, and of money from the city treasury in the Capitol. In going to the Capitoline Hill after this treasure, he found the officer who had charge of the money stationed there to defend it. He told Caesar that it was contrary to law for him to enter. Caesar said that, for men with swords in their hands, there was no law. The officer still re fused to admit him. Caesar then told him to open the doors, or he would kill him on the spot " And you must understand," he added, " that it will be easier for me to do it than it has been to say it." The officer resisted no longer, and Caesar went in. After this, Caesar spent some time in vig- orous campaigns in Italy, Spain, Sicily, and Gaul, wherever there was manifested any op B.C.50.] CROSSING THE RUBICON. 153 Cmaa- rabdnes rariou* countries. He tnnu hl thcnghtf to Pompey position to his sway. When this work was ac- complished, and all these countries were com- pletely subjected to his dominion, he began to turn his thoughts to the plan of pursuing Pom- pey across the Adriatic Sea. 154 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C.48 The gathering armies. Pompey' prepratiofM CHAPTER VII. THE BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. rilHE gathering of the armies of Caesar and -- Pompey on the opposite shores of the Adri- atic Sea was one of the grandest preparations for conflict that history has recorded, and the whole world gazed upon the spectacle at the time with an intense and eager interest, which was heightened by the awe and terror which the danger inspired. During the year while Csesar had been completing his work of subdu- ing and arranging all the western part of the empire, Pompey had been gathering from the eastern division every possible contribution to swell the military force under his command, and had been concentrating all these elements of power on the coasts of Macedon and Greece, opposite to Brundusium, where he knew that Caesar would attempt to cross the Adriatic Sea. His camps, his detachments, his troops of arch- ers and slingers, and his squadrons of horse, fill- ed the land, while every port was guarded, and tne line of the coast was environed by batteriet B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSAL.IA. 155 Cmfut at Brunduainm. HU addraM to hii mmy and castles on the rocks, and fleets of galleys on the water. Csesar advanced with his immense army to Brundusium, on the opposite shore, in December, so that, in addition to the formida- ble resistance prepared for him by his enemy n the coast, he had to encounter the wild surges of the Adriatic, rolling perpetually in the dark and gloomy commotion always raised in such wide seas by wintery storms. Caesar had no ships, for Pompey had cleared the seas of every thing which could aid him in his intended passage. By great efforts, howev- er, he succeeded at length in getting together a sufficient number of galleys to convey over a part of his army, provided he took the men alone, and left all his military stores and bag- gage behind. He gathered his army together, therefore, and made them an address, represent- ing that they were now drawing toward the end of all their dangers and toils. They were about to meet their great enemy for a final con- flict. It was not necessary to take their serv- ants, their baggage, and their stores across the sea, for they were sure of victory, and victory would furnish them with ample supplies from those whom they were about to conquer. Tha soldiers eagerly imbibed the spirit of oon- 156 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C.48. eroMe* the Adriatic. He subdue* CTCT*! town*. fidenoe and courage which Caesar himself ex- pressed. A large detachment embarked and put to sea, and, after being tossed all night upon the cold and stormy waters, they approached the shore at some distance to the northward of the place where Pompey's fleets had expected them. It was at a point where the mountains came down near to the sea, rendering the coast rugged and dangerous with shelving rocks and frowning promontories. Here Caesar succeeded in effecting a landing of the first division of his troops, and then sent back the fleet for the re- mainder. The news of his passage spread rapidly to all Pompey's stations along the coast, and the ships began to gather, and the armies to march to- ward the point where Caesar had effected his landing. The conflict and struggle commenced. One of Pompey's admirals intercepted the fleet of galleys on their return, and seized and burn- ed a large number of them, with all who were on board. This, of course, only renewed the determined desperation of the remainder. Cae- sar advanced along the coast with the troops which he had landed, driving Pompey's troops before him, and subduing town after town aa he advanced. The country was filled with tor- B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. 157 CcMur 1 * advance. DUtresa of the tradM. ror and dismay. The portion of the army which Caesar had left behind could not now cross, part- ly on account of the stormy condition of the seas, the diminished number of the ships, and the redoubled vigilance with which Pompey's forces now guarded the shores, but mainly be- cause Caesar was now no longer with them to inspire them with his reckless, though calm and quiet daring. They remained, therefore, in anxiety and distress, on the Italian shore. As Caesar, on the other hand, advanced along the Macedonian shore, and drove Pompey back into the interior, he cut off the communication be- tween Pompey's ships and the land, so that the fleet was soon reduced to great distress for want of provisions and water. The men kept them- selves from perishing with thirst by collecting the dew which fell upon the decks of their gal- leys. Caesar's army was also in distress, for Pompey's fleets cut off all supplies by water, and his troops hemmed them in on the side of the land ; and, lastly, Pompey himself, with the immense army that was under his command, began to be struck with alarm at the impend- ing danger with which they were threatened. Pampey little realized, however, how dreadful a fate was soon to overwhelm him. 158 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 48 Cmsw'g Impatience. He attempts to crosg the Adriatic The winter months rolled away, and nothing effectual was done. The forces, alternating and intermingled, as above described, kept each oth- er in a continued state of anxiety and suffering. Caesar became impatient at the delay of that portion of his army that he had left on the Ital- ian shore. The messages of encouragement and of urgency which he sent across to them did not bring them over, and at length, one dark and stormy night, when he thought that the inclemency of the skies and the heavy surging of the swell in the offing would drive his vig- ilant enemies into places of. shelter, and put them off their guard, he determined to cross the sea himself and bring his hesitating army over. He ordered a galley to be prepared, and went on board of it disguised, and with his head muffled in his mantle, intending that not even the officers or crew of the ship which was to convey him should know of his design. The galley, in obedience to orders, put off from the shore. The mariners endeavored in vain for some time to make head against the violence of the wind and the heavy concussions of the waves, and at length, terrified at the imminence of the danger to which so wild and tumultuom eea on such a ni^ht exposed them, refused t B.C. 48.] BATTLE OP PHARSALIA 159 CWMT land* the remainder of hi* army. Attempts at negotiation. proceed, and the commander gave them orders to return. Caesar then came forward, threw off his mantle, and said to them, "Friends! you have nothing to fear. You are carrying Caesar." The men were, of course, inspirited anew by this disclosure, but all was in vain. The ob- stacles to the passage proved insurmountable, and the galley, to avoid certain destruction, was compelled to return. The army, however, on the Italian side, hear- ing of Caesar's attempt to return to them, fruit- less though it was, and stimulated by the re- newed urgency of the orders which he now sent to them, made arrangements at last for an em- barkation, and, after encountering great dan- gers on the way, succeeded in landing in safety. Caesar, thus strengthened, began to plan more decided operations for the coming spring. There were some attempts at negotiation. The armies were so exasperated against each other on account of the privations and hardships which each compelled the other to suffer, that they felt too strong a mutual distrust to attempt any regular communication by commissioners or ambassadors appointed for the purpose. They came to a parley, however, in one or two in- 160 JULIUS CJJSAK. [B.C. 48 Conferoaoe*. End In riolence and disorder stances, though the interviews led to no result As the missiles used in those days were such as could only be thrown to a very short distance, hostile bodies of men could approach much nearer to each other then than is possible now, when projectiles of the most terribly destructive character can be thrown for miles. In one in- stance, some of the ships of Pompey's fleet ap- proached so near to the shore as to open a confer- ence with one or two of Caesar's lieutenants who were encamped there. In another case, two bodies of troops from the respective armies were separated only by a river, and the officers and soldiers came down to the banks on either side, and held frequent conversations, calling to each other in loud voices across the water. In this way they succeeded in so far coming to an agree- ment as to fix upon a time and place for a more formal conference, to be held by commissioners chosen on each side. This conference was thus held, but each party came to it accompanied by a considerable body of attendants, and these, as might have been anticipated, came into open collision while the discussion was pending ; thua the meeting consequently ended in violence and disorder, each party accusing the other of viola- ting the faith which both had plighted. B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. 161 Undecided warfare. Bread made of root* This slow and undecided mode of warfare be- tween the two vast armies continued for many months without any decisive results. There were skirmishes, struggles, sieges, blockades, and many brief and partial conflicts, but no general and decided battle. Now the advant- age seemed on one side, and now on the other. Pompey so hemmed in Caesar's troops at one period, and so out off his supplies, that the men were reduced to extreme distress for food. At length they found a kind of root which they dug from the ground, and, after drying and pulver- izing it, they made a sort of bread of the powder, which the soldiers were willing to eat rather than either starve or give up the contest. They told Caesar, in fact, that they would live on the bark of trees rather than abandon his cause. Pompey's soldiers, at one time, coming near to the walls of a town which they occupied, taunt- ed and jeered them on account of their wretch- ed destitution of food. Caesar's soldiers threw loaves of this bread at them in return, by way of symbol that they were abundantly supplied. A_fter some time the tide of fortune turned Ccbsar contrived, by a succession of adroit ma- neuvers and movements, to escape from his toil*, and to circumvent and surround Pompey'f 3111 162 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 48 CMar hem* Pompey to. Anxiety of the rirmls. forces so as soon to make them suffer destitution and distress in their turn. He cut off all com- munication between them and the country at large, and turned away the brooks and streams from flowing through the ground they occupied. An army of forty or fifty thousand men, with the immense number of horses and beasts of burden which accompany them, require very large supplies of water, and any destitution or even scarcity of water leads immediately to the most dreadful consequences. Pompey's troops dug wells, but they obtained only very insuffi- cient supplies. Great numbers of beasts of burden died, and their decaying bodies so taint- ed the air as to produce epidemic diseases, which destroyed many of the troops, and depressed and disheartened those whom they did not destroy. During all these operations there was no de- cisive general battle. Each one of the great ri- vals knew very well that his defeat in one gen- eral battle would be his utter and irretrievable ruin. In a war between two independent na tions, a single victory, however complete, sel- dom terminates the struggle, for the defeated party has the resources of a whole realm to fall back upon, which are sometimes called forth with renewed vigor after experiencing such r- B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. 163 Nature of the contest between Caesar and Pompey. Both hesitate verses ; and then defeat in suoh casea, even if H be final, does not necessarily involve the ruin f the unsuccessful commander. He may ne- gotiate an honorable peace, and return to his own land in safety ; and, if his misfortunes are considered by his countrymen as owing not to any dereliction from his duty as a soldier, but to the influence of adverse circumstances which no human skill or resolution could have con- trolled, he may spend the remainder of his days in prosperity and honor. The contest, how- ever, between Caesar and Pompey was not of this character. One or the other of them was a traitor and a usurper an enemy to his coun- try. The result of a battle would decide which of the two was to stand in this attitude. Vic- tory would legitimize and confirm the authori- ty of one, and make it supreme over the whole civilized world. Defeat was to annihilate the power of the other, and make him a fugitive and a vagabond, without friends , without home, without country. It was a desperate stake; and it is not at all surprising that both parties lingered and hesitated, and postponed the throw- ing of the die. At length Pompey, rendered desperate by the urgency of the destitution and distress into 164 JULIUS CJSSAR. L B.C.48 Hie armies enter Thessaly . The plain of I'harsalia which Caesar had shut him, made a series of rigorous and successful attacks upon Caesar's lines, by which he broke away in his turn from his enemy's grasp, and the two armies moved slowly back into the interior of the country, hovering in the vicinity of each other, like birds of prey contending in the air, each continually striking at the other, and moving onward at the same time to gain some position of advantage, or to circumvent the other in such a design. They passed on in this manner over plains, and across rivers, and through mountain passes, un- til at length they reached th& heart of Thes- laly. Here at last the armies came to a stand And fought the final battle. The place was known then as the plain of Pharsalia, and the greatness of the contest which was decided there has immortalized its name. Pompey's forces were far more numer- ous than those of Caesar, and the advantage in all the partial contests which had taken place for some time had been on his side ; he felt, con- tequently, sure of victory. He drew up his men in a line, one flank resting upon the bank of a river, which protected them from attack on that side. From this point, the long line of legions, drawn up in battle array, extended out upon B.C.48.] BATTLE OF PHARSAL.IA. 165 IABMB standard bearer*. Pompey draws up Us my ROMAN STANDARD EEAKEES. the plain, and was terminated at the other ex- tremity by strong squadrons of horse, and bodies of slingers and archers, so as to give the force of weapons and the activity of men as great a range as possible there, in order to prevent Cae- sar's being able to outflank and surround them There was, however, apparently very little danger of this, for Caesar, according to his own 166 JULIUS UJESAR. [BC.48 forces OB both aide*. Appearance of Pompeyi camp. story, had but about half as strong a force as Pompey. The army of the latter, he says, con- sisted of nearly fifty thousand men, while his own number was between twenty and thirty thousand. Generals, however, are prone to magnify the military grandeur of their exploits by overrating the strength with which they had to contend, and under-estimating their own. We are therefore to receive with some distrust the statements made by Caesar and his parti- sans ; and as for Pompey's story, the total and irreparable ruin in which he himself and all who adhered to him were entirely overwhelmed im- mediately after the battle, prevented its being ever told. In the rear of the plain where Pompey's lines were extended was the camp from which the army had been drawn out to prepare for the battle. The camp fires of the preceding night were moldering away, for it was a warm sum- mer morning ; the intrenchments were guard- ed, and the tents, now nearly empty, stood ex- tended in long rows within the inclosure. In the midst of them was the magnificent pavilion of the general, furnished with every imaginable article of luxury and splendor. Attendants were busy here and there, some rearranging B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. 167 Pompey*! tent His confidence of victory what had been left in disorder by the call tc anna by which the troops had been summoned from their places of rest, and others providing refreshments and food for their victorious com- rades when they should return from the battle. In Pompey's tent a magnificent entertainment was preparing. The tables were spread with every luxury, the sideboards were loaded with plate, and the whole scene was resplendent with utensils and decorations of silver and gold. Pompey and all his generals were perfectly certain of victory. In fact, the peace and har- mony of their councils in camp had been de- stroyed for many days by their contentions and disputes about the disposal of the high offices, and the places of profit and power at Rome, which were to come into their hands when Cae- sar should have been subdued. The subduing of Csesar they considered only a question of time ; and, as a question of time, it was now reduced to very narrow limits. A few days more, and they were to be masters of the whole Roman empire, and, impatient and greedy, they disputed in anticipation about the division of the spoils. To make assurance doubly sure, Pompey gave orders that his troops should not advance 168 JULIUS C2B8AR. L B.C.48 The battle of Pharaalia. Defeat of f empty. to meet the onset of Caesar's troops on the mid- dle ground between the two armies, bnt that they should wait calmly for the attack, and re- ceive the enemy at the posts whare they had themselves been arrayed. The hour at length arrived, the charge was sounded by the trumpets, and Caesar's troops began to advance with loud shouts and great impetuosity toward Pompey's lines. There was a long and terrible struggle, but the forces of Pompey began finally to give way. Notwith- standing the precautions which Pompey had ta- ken to guard and protect the wing of his army which was extended toward the land, Caesar succeeded in turning his flank upon that side by driving off the cavalry and destroying the archers and stingers, and he was thus enabled to throw a strong force upon Pompey's rear The flight then soon became general, and a scene of dreadful confusion and slaughter en- sued. The soldiers of Caesar's army, maddened with the insane rage which the progress of a battle never fails to awaken, and now excited to phrensy by the exultation of success, pressed on after the affrighted fugitives, who trampled one upon another, or fell pierced with the weap- ns of their assailants, filling the air with their B.C. 48.] BATTLE OF PHARSALIA. 169 Scene of horror. Pompt y-s %fat to the camp cries of agony and their shrieks of terror. The norrors of the scene, far from allaying, only ex- cited still more the ferocity of their bloodthirsty foes, and they pressed steadily and fiercely on, boor after hour, in their dreadful work of de- struction. It was one of those scenes of horror and woe such as those who have not witnessed them can not conceive of, and those who have witnessed can never forget. When Pompey perceived that all was lost, he fled from the field in a state of the wildest excitement and consternation. His troops were flying in all directions, some toward the camp, vainly hoping to find refuge there, and others in various other quarters, wherever they saw the readiest hope of escape from their merciless pursuers. Pompey himself fled instinctively toward the camp. As he passed the guards at the gate where he entered, he commanded them, in his agitation and terror, to defend the gate against the coming enemy, saying that he was going to the other gates to attend to the defenses there. He then hurried on, but a full sense of the helplessness and hopelessness of his condi- tion soon overwhelmed him ; he gave up all thought of defense, and, passing with a sinking heart through the scene of consternation and 170 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 48 Hi* conitonuitton and de*plr. confusion which reigned every where within the encampment, he sought his own tent, and, rushing into it, sank down, amid the luxury and splendor whioh had been arranged to do honor to his anticipated victory, in a state of litter stupefaction and despair. B.C. 48.] DBATH OP POM PET. 171 Pmott of the ranquUhed. Pompey recover* M ""f >f CHAPTER VIII. FLIGHT AND DEATH OP POMPBY. jESAR pursued the discomfited and flying bodies of Pompey's army to the oamp. They made a brief stand upon the ramparts and at the gates, in a vain and fruitless strug- gle against the uuo of victory which they SOOD perceived must fully overwhelm them. They gave way continually here and there along the lines of intrench merit, and column after column of Caesar's followers broke through into the oamp. Pompey, hearing from his tent the in- creasing noise and uproar, was at length aroused from his stupor, and began to summon his fac- ulties to the question what he was to do. At length a party of fugitives, hotly pursued by some of Caesar's soldiers, broke into his tent " What !" said Pompey, " into my tent too !" He had been for more than thirty years a vic- torious general, accustomed to all the deference and respect which boundless wealth, extended and absolute power, and the highest military rank could afford In the encampments which 172 JULIUS CjiSAR. [B.C.4& Pompey disguises himself. He escapes from the camp. he had made, and in the cities which he had occupied from time to time, he had been the supreme and unquestioned master, and his tent, arranged and furnished, as it had always been, in a style of the utmost magnificence and sphn- dor, had been sacred from all intrusion, and in- vested with such a dignity that potentates and princes were impressed when they entered, with * feeling of deference and awe. Now, rude soldiers burst wildly into it, and the air without was rilled with an uproar and confusion, draw- ing every moment nearer and nearer, and warn- ing the fallen hero that there was no longer any protection there against the approaching torrent which was coming on to overwhelm him. Pompey aroused himself from his stupor, threw off the military dress which belonged to his rank and station, and assumed a hasty dis- guise, in which he hoped he might make his es- cape from the immediate scene of his calamities. He mounted a horse and rode out of the camp at the easiest place of egress in the rear, in com- pany with bodies of troops and guards who were also flying in confusion, while Csesar and his forces on the other side were carrying the in- trenchments and forcing their way in. As soon as he had thus made his escape from the iin- B.C.4B.J DEATH OF POMPEY. 173 The Vale of Tempo. It pictniwqMMM. mediate scene of danger, he dismounted and left his horse, that he might assume more com- pletely the appearance of a common soldier, and, with a few attendants who were willing to fol- low his fallen fortunes, he went on to the east- ward, directing his weary steps toward the shores of the ^Egean Sea. The country through which he was traveling was Thessaly. Thessaly is a vast amphithea- ter, surrounded by mountains, from whose sides streams descend, which, after watering many fertile valleys and plains, combine to form one great central river that flows to the eastward, and after various meanderings, finds its way into the^Egean Sea through a romantic gap be- tween two mountains, called the Vale of Tempo a vale which has been famed in all ages for the extreme picturesqueness of its scenery, and in which, in those days, all the charms both of the most alluring beauty and of the sublimest gran- deur seemed to be combined. Pompey followed the ruads leading along the banks of this stream, weary in body, and harassed and disconsolate in mind. The news which came to him from time to time, by the flying parties which were moving through the country in all directions^ ef the ep^ire and overwhelming completeness 174 JULIIM CJBSAR. |B.C.4h Ponapcy's su ffertagi. A drink of wctor of Caesar's victory, extinguished all remains of hope, and narrowed down at last the grounds of his solicitude to the single point of his own personal safety. He was well aware that he should be pursued, and, to baffle the efforts which he knew that his enemies would make to follow his track, he avoided large towns, and pressed forward in by-ways and solitudes, bear- ing as patiently as he was able his increasing destitution and distress. He reached, at length, the Vale of Tempo, and there, exhausted with hunger, thirst, and fatigue, he sat down upon the bank of the stream to recover by a little rest strength enough for the remainder ot his weary way. He wished for a drink, but he had nothing to drink from. And so the mighty po- tentate, whose tent was full of delicious bever ages, and cups and goblets of silver and gold, extended himself down upon the sand at the margin of the river, and drank the warm watei directly from the stream. While Pompey was thus anxiously and toil- somely endeavoring to gain the sea-shore, C ear was completing his victory over the army which he had left behind him. When Csesar had carried the intrenchments of the camp, and the army found that there was no longer any DEATH OF POMPBY 175 Caesar Jn Pompey's camp. Retreat of Pompey*i rm>. safety for them there, they continued their re- treat under the guidance of such generals as re- mained. Caesar thus gained undisputed pos- session of the camp. He found every where the marks of wealth and luxury, and indica- tions of the confident expectation of victory which the discomfited army had entertained. The tents of the generals were crowned with myrtle, the beds were strewed with flowers, and tables every where were spread for feasts, with cups and bowls of wine all ready for th expected revelers. Caesar took possession ol the whole, stationed a proper guard to protect the property, and then pressed forward with his army in pursuit of the enemy. Pompey's army made their way to a neighbor- ing rising ground, where they threw up hasty in- trenchments to protect themselves for the night A rivulet ran near the hill, the access to which they endeavored to secure, in order to obtain supplies of water. Caesar and his forces follow- eJ them to this spot. The day was gone, and it was too late to attack them. Caesar's soldiers, too, were exhausted with the intense and pro- tracted excitement and exertions which had now been kept up for many hours in the battle and m the pursuit, and tnev needed repose. They 176 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 48. Surrender of Pompey's army. Pompey in the Vale of Teanpe made, however, one effort more. They seized the avenue of approach to the rivulet, and threw up a temporary intrenohment to secure it, which intrenchment they protected with a guard ; and then the army retired to rest, leav- ing their helpless victims to while away the hours of the night, tormented with thirst, and overwhelmed with anxiety and despair. This could not long be endured. They surrendered in the morning, and Caesar found himself in possession of over twenty thousand prisoners. In the mean time, Pompey passed on through the Vale of Tempo toward the sea, regardless of the beauty and splendor that surrounded him, and thinking only of his fallen fortunes, and revolving despairingly in his mind the various forms in which the final consummation of his ruin might ultimately come. At length he reached the sea-shore, and found refuge for th# night in a fisherman's cabin. A small number of attendants remained with him, some of whom were slaves. These he now dismissed, direct- ing them to return and surrender themselves to Caesar, saying that he was a generous foe, and that they had nothing to fear from him. Hi* other attendants he retained, and he made ar r angements for a boat to take him the next day B.C. 48.] DEATH OP POMPBY. 177 Pompey embark* on board YMML The ihlpia&iter'i dratm. along the coast. It was a river boat, and on* suited to the open sea, but it was all that he oonld obtain. He arose the next morning at break of day, and embarked in the little vessel, with two or three attendants, and the oarsmen began to row awa^ along the shore. They soon came in sight of a merchant ship just ready to sail. The master of this vessel, it happened, had seen Pompey, and knew his countenance, and he had dreamed, as a famous historian of the times re- lates, on the night before, that Pompey had come to him in the guise of a simple soldier and in great distress, and that he had received and rescued him. There was nothing extraor- dinary in such a dream at such a time, as the contest between Csesar and Pompey, and the approach of the final collision which was to de- stroy one or the other of them, filled the minds and occupied the conversation of the world. The shipmaster, therefore, having seen and known one of the great rivals in the approach- ing conflict, would naturally find both his wak* ing and sleeping thoughts dwelling on the sub- ject ; and his fancy, in his dreams, might eas- ily picture the scene of his rescuing and saving the fallen hero in the hour of his distress. 3112 H JULIUS CJESAR. [B.C. 48 Pompey goei on board a merchant ihip. ffl arrival at AmphipoU* However this may be, the shipmaster is said to have been relating his dream to the seamen un the deck of his vessel when the boat which was conveying Pompey came into view. Pom. pey himself, having escaped from the land, sup posed all immediate danger over, not imagining that seafaring men would recognize him in such a situation and in such a disguise. The ship- master did, however, recognize him. He waa overwhelmed with grief at seeing him in such a condition. With a countenance and with gestures expressive of earnest surprise and sor- row, he beckoned to Pompey to come on board. He ordered his own ship's boat to be immedi- ately let down to meet and receive him. Pom- pey came on board. The ship was given up to his possession, and every possible arrangement was made to supply his wants, to contribute to his comfort, and to do him honor. The vessel conveyed him to Amphipolis, a city of Macedonia near the sea, and to the north- ward and eastward of the place where he had embarked. When Pompey arrived at the port, be sent proclamations to the shore, calling upon the inhabitants to take arms and join his stand* ard. He did not, however, land, or take any other measures for carrying these arrangements B.C.48.] DEATH OF POMPEY. 179 Pompey wife Cornelia. Her beauty and accomplUhmeat*. into effect. He only waited in the river upon which Amphipolis stands long enough to re- ceive a supply of money from some of his friendn on the shore, and stores for his voyage, and then set sail again. Whether he learned that Cee- sar was advancing in that direction with a force too strong for him to encounter, or found that the people were disinclined to espouse his cause, or whether the whole movement was a feint to direct Caesar's attention to Macedon as the field of his operations, in order that he might escape more secretly and safely beyond the sea, can not now be ascertained. Pompey's wife Cornelia was on the island of Lesbos, at Mitylene, near the western coast of Asia Minor. She was a lady of distinguished beauty, and of great intellectual superiority and moral worth. She was extremely well versed in all the learning of the times, and yet wa* entirely free from those peculiarities and air* which, as her historian says, were often ob- served in learned ladies in those days. Pom- pey had married her after the death of Julia, Caesar's daughter. They were strongly devot- ed to each other. Pompey had provided for her a beautiful retreat on the island of Lesbos, where she was living in elegance and splendor. 180 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 48 arrival at Mitylene. Hk meeting with Ccnmli* beloved for her own intrinsic charms, and high- ly honored on account of the greatness and fame of her husband. Here she had received from time to time glowing accounts 'of his success all exaggerated as they came to her, through the eager desire of the narrators to give her pleasure. From this high elevation of honor and happi- ness the ill-fated Cornelia suddenly fell, on the arrival of Pompey's solitary vessel at Mitylene, bringing as it did, at the same time, both the first intelligence of her husband's fall, and him- self in person, a ruined and homeless fugitive and wanderer. The meeting was sad and sor- rowful. Cornelia was overwhelmed at the sud- denness and violence of the shock which it brought her, and Pompey lamented anew the dreadful disaster that he had sustained, at find- ing how inevitably it must involve his beloved wife as well as himself in its irreparable ruin. The pain, however, was not wholly without some mingling of pleasure. A husband find* a strange sense of protection and safety in th? presence and sympathy of an affectionate wife in the hour of his calamity. She can, perhaps. do nothing, but her mute and sorrowful con- cern and pity comfort and reassure him. Cor- B.C. 48.] DBATH OF POMPBT. 181 Pompey gather* a little fleet Be Mil* along the Mediterranean. nelia, however, was able to render her husband some essential aid. She resolved immediately to accompany him wherever he should go ; and, by their joint endeavors, a little fleet was gath- ered, and such supplies as could be hastily ob- tained, and such attendants and followers as were willing to share his fate, were taken on board. During all this time Pompey would not go on shore himself, but remained on board his ship in the harbor. Perhaps he was afraid of some treachery or surprise, or perhaps, in his fallen and hopeless condition, he was un- willing to expose himself to the gaze of those who had so often seen him in all the splendor of his former power. At length, when all was ready, he sailed away He passed eastward along the Mediterranean, touching at such ports as he supposed most likely to favor his cause. Vague and uncer- tain, but still alarming rumors that Caesar was advancing in pursuit of him met him every where, and the people of the various provinces were taking sides, some in his favor and some against him, the excitement being every where so great that the utmost caution and circum- spection were required in all his movements. Sometimes he was refused permission to land ; 182 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 48 Porapey reodreg additional rapplie*. He ttxrtt refuge In Egypt at others, his friends were too few to afford him protection ; and at others still, though the au- thorities professed friendship, he did not dare to trust them. He obtained, however, some sup* plies of money and some accessions to the num- ber of ships and men under his command, until at length he had quite a little fleet in his train. Several men of rank and influence, who had served under him in the days of his prosperity, nobly adhered to him now, and formed a sort of court or council on board his galley, where they held with their great though fallen com- mander frequent conversations on the plan which it was best to pursue. It was finally decided that it was best to seek refuge in Egypt. There seemed to be, in fact, no alternative. All the rest of the world was evidently going over to Caesar. Pompey had been the means, some years before, of restoring a certain king of Egypt to his throne, and many of his soldiers had been left in the country, and remained there still. It is true that the king tlimself had died. He had left a daughtet named Cleopatra, and also a son, who was at this time very young. The name of this youth- ful prince was Ptolemy. Ptolemy and Cleo- patra had been made by their father joint heir* B.C. 48.] DEATH OF POMPEY. 183 Ptolemy and Cleopatra. Pompcy arrirei at Peliuhun. to the throne. But Ptolemy, or, rather, the ministers and counselors who aoted for him and in his name, had expelled Cleopatra, that they might govern alone. Cleopatra had raised an army in Syria, and was on her way to the fron- tiers of Egypt to regain possession of what she deemed her rights. Ptolemy's ministers had gone forth to meet her at the head of their own troops, Ptolemy himself being also with them. They had reached Pelusium, which is the fron- tier town between Egypt and Syria on the coast of the Mediterranean. Here their armies had assembled in vast encampments upon the land, and their galleys and transports were riding at anchor along the shore of the sea. Pompey and his counselors thought that the government of Ptolemy would receive him as a friend, on ao- oount of the services he had rendered to the young prince's father, forgetting that gratitude has never a place on the list of political virtues Pompey's little squadron made its way slowly over the waters of the Mediterranean toward Pelusium and the camp of Ptolemy. As they approached the shore, both Pompey himself and Cornelia felt many anxious forebodings. A mes- senger was sent to the land to inform the young king of Pompey's approach, and to solicit hi* 184 JULIUS CjtSAR. [B.C.4a Ptoletny'* council resolre to murder Pompey. The tfni'tln Achilla* protection. .The government of Ptolemy held a council, and took the subject into consideration Various opinions were expressed, and various plan? were proposed. The counsel which was finally followed was this. It would be danger- ous to receive Pompey, since that would make Caesar their enemy. It would be dangerous to refuse to receive him, as that would make Pom- pey their enemy, and, though powerless now, he might one day be in a condition to seek venge- ance. It was wisest, therefore, to destroy him. They would invite him to the shore, and kill him when he landed. This would please Csesar; and Pompey himself, being dead, could never re- venge it. " Dead dogs," as the orator said who made this atrocious proposal, " do not bite." An Egyptian, named Achillas, was appointed to execute the assassination thus decreed. An invitation was sent to Pompey to land, accom- panied with a promise of protection ; and, when his fleet had approached near enough to the shore, Achillas took a small party in a boat, and went out to meet his galley. The men in thi boat, of course, were armed. The officers and attendants of Pompey watch- ed all these movements from the deck of his galley. They scrutinized every thing that oo- RC.48.J DE^TH OF TOMPBY. 185 upidoiu of Pompey'e friend*. EatreaHas of Cornell* curred with the closest attention and the great* eat anxiety, to see whether the indications de- ntfjed an honest friendship or intentions of treachery. The appearances were not favora- ble. Pompey's friends observed that no prepa- rations were making along the shore for receiv- ing him with the honors due, as they thought, to his rank and station. The manner, too, in which the Egyptians seemed to expect him to land was ominous of evil. Only a single insignificant boat for a potentate who recent- ly had commanded half the world ! Then, be- sides, the friends of Pompey observed that sev- eral of the principal galleys of Ptolemy's fleet were getting up their anchors, and preparing apparently to be ready to move at a sudden call. These and other indications appeared much more like preparations for seizing an enemy than welcoming a friend. Cornelia, who, with her little son, stood upon the deck of Pompey's galley, watching the scene with a peculiar in- tensity of solicitude which the hardy soldiers around her could not have felt, became soon ex- ceedingly alarm sd. She begged her husband out to go on shore. But Pompey decided that it was now too late to retreat. He could not figcape from the Egyptian galleys if they had 186 JULIUS CJSSAR, [B.C.4* Pompwy'i fortnrn ooodltion. IIP dotCKnteM to Und received orders to intercept him, nor oould he resist violence if violence were intended To do any thing like that would evince dletmst, and to appear like putting himself upon his guard would be to take at once, himself, the position of an enemy, and invite and justify the hostility of the Egyptians in return. As to flight, he could not hope to escape from the Egyptian gal- leys if they had received orders to prevent it ; and, besides, if he were determined on attempt- ing an escape, whither should he fly? The world was against him. His triumphant en- emy was on his track in full pursuit, with aL the vast powers and resources of the whole Ro- man empire at his command. There remained for Pompey only the last forlorn hope of a refuge in Egypt, or else, as the sole alternative, a com- plete and unconditional submission to Caesar. His pride would not consent to this, and he de- termined, therefore, dark as the indication! were, to place himself, without any appearance of distrust, in Ptolemy's hands, and abide the issue. The boat of Achillas approached the galley. When it touched the side, Achillas and the other officers on board of it hailed Pompey in the most respectful manner, giving him the B.C. 48.] DEATH OP POMPEY. 187 Preparation! for '-"^"f Pompey takes leare of hi* wife of Imperator, the highest title known in the Roman state. Achillas addressed Pompey in Greek. The Greek was the language of edu- cated men in all the Eastern countries in those days. He told him that the water was too shallow for his galley to approach nearer to the shore, and invited him to come on board of his boat, and he would take him to the beach, where, as he said, the king was waiting to receive him. With many anxious forebodings, that were but ill concealed, Pompey made preparations to accept the invitation. He bade his wife fare- well, who clung to him as they were about to part with a gloomy presentiment that they should never meet again. Two centurions who were to accompany Pompey, and two servants, descended into the boat. Pompey himself fol- lowed, and then the boatmen pushed off from the galley and made toward the shore. Tho decks of all the vessels in Pompey's little squad- ron, as well as those of the Egyptian fleet, were crowded with spectators, and lines of soldiery and groups of men, all intently watching the operations of the landing, were scattered along the shore. Among the men whom Achillas had provid- ed to aid him in the assassination was an oflv 188 JULIUS UJJSAH. (B.C. 48 The aiiairin* Glootnj jflonoe cer of the Rr man army who had formerly eorv- ed under Pompey. As soon as Pompoy was sealed in the boat, he recognized the counte- nance of this man, and addressed him, saying, " I think I remember you as having been in for- mer days my fellow-soldier." The man replied merely by a nod of assent. Feeling somewhat guilty and self-condemned at the thoughts of the treachery which he was about to perpetrate, he was little inclined to renew the recollection of the days when he was Pompey's friend. In fact, the whole company in the boat, filled on the one part with awe in anticipation of the ter- rible deed which they were soon to commit, and on the other with a dread suspense and alarm, were little disposed for conversation, and Pompey took out a manuscript of an ad- dress in Greek which he had prepared to make to the young king at his approaching interview with him, and occupied himself in reading it over. Thus they advanced in a gloomy and solemn silence, hearing no sound but the dip of the oars in the water, and the gentle dash of the waves along the line of the shore. At length the boat touched the sand, while Cornelia still stood on the deck of the galley, watching every movement with great solicitude B.C 48.] DEATH OF POMPEY. 189 AMMdnation of Pompey. Oor*eH* and concern. One of the two servants whom Pompey had taken with him, named Philip, his favorite personal attendant, rose to assist his master in landing. He gave Pompey his hand to aid him in rising from his seat, and at that moment the Roman officer whom Pompey had recognized as his fellow-soldier, advanced behind him and stabbed him in the back. At the same instant Achillas and the others drew their swords. Pompey saw that all was lost. He did not speak, and he uttered no cry of alarm, though Cornelia's dreadful shriek was so loud and piercing that it was heard upon the shore. From the suffering victim himself nothing was heard but an inarticulate groan extorted by his agony. He gathered his mantle over his face, and sank down and died. Of course, all was now excitement and con- fusion. As soon as the deed was done, the per- petrators of it retired from the scene, taking the head of their unhappy victim with them, to offer to Caesar as proof that his enemy was re ally no more. The officers who remained in the fleet which had brought Pompey to the coast made all haste to sail away, bearing the wretched Cornelia with them, utterly distract- ed with grief and despair, while Philip and hi? 190 JULIUS CjiSAR. [B.C. 48 n fteml pQe. f wnpey'i uhe* tent to Cornell* fellow-servant remained upon the beach, stand- ing bewildered and stupefied over the headlesi body of their beloved master. Crowds of spec- tators came in succession to look upon the hid- eous spectacle a moment in silence, and then to turn, shocked and repelled, away. At length, when the first impulse of excitement had in some measure spent its force, Philip and his comrades so far recovered their composure aa to begin to turn their thoughts to the only con- solation that was now left to them, that of per- forming the solemn duties of sepulture. They found the wreck of a fishing boat upon the strand, from which they obtained wood enough for a rude funeral pile. They burned what re- mained of the mutilated body, and, gathering up the ashes, they put them in an urn and sent them to Cornelia, who afterward burid diem at Aiba with many bitter tears. B.C. 48. CJISAR IN EGYPT. 193 CMV after the battle of PharU. CHAPTER IX. CJRSA.R IN EGYPT. t "IjESAR surveyed the field of battle aftet ^-' the victory of Pharsalia, not with the feel- ings of exultation which might have been ex- pected in a victorious general, but with compas- sion and sorrow for the fallen soldiers whose dead bodies covered the ground. After gazing upon the scene sadly and in silence for a time, he said, " They would have it so," and thus dismissed from his mind all sense of his own responsibility for the consequences which had ensued. He treated the immense body of prisoners which had fallen into his hands with great clem- ency, partly from the natural impulses of hia disposition, which were always generous and noble, and partly from policy, that he might conciliate them all, officers and soldiers, to ac- quiescence in his future rule. He then sent back a large portion of his force to Italy, and, taking a body of cavalry from the rest, in order that he might advance with the utmost possible 3113 194 JLLIUS CJESAR. [B.C.48 Cseear pursues Pompey. Treasures of die Temple of Wan* rapidity, he set off through Thessaly and Mao- edon in pursuit of his fugitive foe. He had no naval force at his command, and he accordingly kept upon the land. Besides, he wished, by moving through the country at the head of an armed force, to make a demon- stration which should put down any attempt that might be made in any quarter to rally or concentrate a force in Pompey's favor. He crossed the Hellespont, and moved down the coast of Asia Minor. There was a great tem- ple consecrated to Diana at Ephesus, which, for its wealth and magnificence, was then the wonder of the world. The authorities who had it in their charge, not aware of Caesar's ap- proach, had concluded to withdraw the treas- ures from the temple and loan them to Pompey, to be repaid when he should have regained his power. An assembly was accordingly convened to witness the delivery of the treasures, and take note of their value, which ceremony was to be performed with great formality and parade, when they learned that Caesar had crossed the Hellespont and was drawing near. The whole proceeding was thus arrested, and the treasure* were retained. ^sesar passed rapidly on through Asia Minor, B.C.48.] CAESAR IN EGYPT. 195 CMV in Asia Minor. He nails for Egypt examining and comparing, as he advanced, the vague rumors which were continually coming in in respect to Pompey's movemants. He learned at length that he had gone to Cyprus; he presumed that his destination was Egypt, and he immediately resolved to provide himself with a fleet, and follow him thither by sea. As time passed on, and the news of Pompey's de- feat and flight, and of Caesar's triumphant pur- suit of him, became generally extended and con- firmed, the various powers ruling in all that re- gion of the world abandoned one after another the hopeless cause, and began to adhere to Cae- sar. They offered him such resources and aid as he might desire. He did not, however, stop to organize a large fleet or to collect an army. He depended, like Napoleon, in all the great movements of his life, not on grandeur of prep aration, but on celerity of action. He organ- bed at Rhodes a small but very efficient fleet of ten galleys, and, embarking his best troops in them, he made sail for the coasts of Egypt. Pompey had landed at Pelusium, on the east- ern frontier, having heard that the young king and his court were there to meet and resist Cle- opatra's invasion. Csesar, however, with the characteristic boldness and energy of his char 196 JULIUS CJCSAR. [B.C. 4k C**ar at Alexandria. Tbe Roman CMOM aoter, proceeded directly to Alexandria, the cap. ital. Egypt was, in those days, an ally of the Ro* mans, as the phrase was ; that is, the country, though it preserved its independent organiza- tion and its forms of royalty, was still united to the Roman people by an intimate league, so as to form an integral part of the great empire. CsBsar, consequently, in appearing there with an armed force, would naturally be received aa a friend. He found only the garrison which Ptolemy's government had left in charge of the city. At first the officers of this garrison gave him an outwardly friendly reception, but they soon began to take offense at the air of author- ity and command which he assumed, and which seemed to them to indicate a spirit of encroach- ment on the sovereignty of their own king. Feelings of deeply-seated alienation and ani< mosity sometimes find then* outward expression in contests about things intrinsically of very little importance. It was so in this case. The Roman consuls were accustomed to use a cer- tain badge of authority called the fasces. It consisted of a bundle of rods, bound around the handle of an ax. Whenever a consul appeared B.C. 48.] C^SAK IN EGYPT. 197 The lictors. Pompey's bead sent to Caesar. in public, he was preceded by two officers called lictors, each of whom carried the fasces as a symbol of the power which was vested in the distinguished personage who followed them. The Egyptian officers and the people of the city quarreled with Caesar on account of his moving about among them in his imperial state, accompanied by a life guard, and preceded by the lictors. Contests occurred between his troops and those of the garrison, and many dis- turbances were created in the streets of the city. Although no serious collision took place, Caesar thoughtit prudent to strengthen his force, and he sent back to Europe for additional le- gions to come to Egypt and join him. The tidings of Pompey's death came to Cae- sar at Alexandria, and with them the head of the murdered man, which was sent by the gov- ernment of Ptolemy, they supposing that it would be an acceptable gift to Caesar. Instead of being pleased with it, Caesar turned from the shocking spectacle in horror. Pompey had been, for many years now gone by, Caesar's colleague and friend. He had been his son-in-law, and thus had sustained to him a very near and en- dearing relation. In the contest which had at last unfortunately arisen, Pompey had done no- 198 JULIUS U2B9AR. [B.C. 48 Cesar mourns Pompey. Pompey 1 s signet ring wrong either to Ceesar or to the government at Rome. He was the injured party, so far as there was a right and a wrong to such a quar- rel. And now, after bt.ing hunted through half the world by his triumphant enemy, he had been treacherously murdered by men pretending to receive him as a friend. The natural sense of justice, which formed originally so strong a trait in Caesar's character, was not yet wholly extin- guished. He could not but feel some remorse at the thoughts of the long course of violence and wrong which he had pursued against his old champion and friend, and which had led at last to so dreadful an end. Instead of being pleas- ed with the horrid trophy which the Egyptians sent him, he mourned the death of his great ri- val with sincere and unaffected grief, and was oiled with indignation against his murderers. Pompey had a signet ring upon his finger at the time of his assassination, which was taken off by the Egyptian officers and carried away to Ptolemy, together with the other articles of value which had been found upon his person Ptolemy sent this seal to Caesar to complete the proof that its possessor was no more. Caesar re- ceived this memorial with eager though mourn- ful pleasure, and he preserved it with great B.C. 48.] CJESAR IN EGYPT. 199 CMar*s respect for Pompey's memory. Pompeii MDar care. And in many ways, during all the re- mainder of his life, he manifested every outward indication of cherishing the highest respect for Pompey's memory There stands to the pres- ent day, among the ruins of Alexandria, a beau- tiful column, about one hundred feet high, which has been known in all modern times as POMPEY'S PILLAR. It is formed of stone, and is in three PIT.CAA 200 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C.4& Origin of Pompey a Pillar. Surrender of Pompey's officer*. parts. One stone forms the pedestal, anothei the shaft, and a third the capital. The beauty of this column, the perfection of its workman- ship, which still continues in excellent preser- vation, and its antiquity, so great that all dis- tinct record of its origin is lost, have combined to make it for many ages the wonder and ad- miration of mankind. Although no history of its origin has come down to us, a tradition has descended that Caesar built it during his resi- dence in Egypt, to commemorate the name of Pompey ; but whether it was his own victory over Pompey, or Pompey's own character and military fame which the structure was intended to signalize to mankind, can not now be known. There is even some doubt whether it was erect- ed by Caesar at all. While Caesar was in Alexandria, many of Pompey's officers, now that their master wa dead, and there was no longer any possibility of their rallying again under his guidance and sommand, came in and surrendered themselves fco him. He received them with great kindness, and, instead of visiting them with any penal- ties for having fought against him, he honored the fidelity and bravery they had evinced in the ervice of their own former master. Caesar had, B.C. 48.] CJBSAR IN EGYPT. 201 7BMT** geueiudty. HU position t Alexandria in fact, shown the same generosity to the sol- diers of Pompey's army that he had taken pris- oners at*the battle of Pharsalia. At the close of the battle, he issued orders that each one of his soldiers should have permission to save one of the enemy. Nothing could more strikingly exemplify both the generosity and the tact that marked the great conqueror's character than this incident. The hatred and revenge which had animated his victorious soldiery in the battle and in the pursuit, were changed immediately by the permission to compassion and good will. The ferocious soldiers turned at once from the pleasure of hunting their discomfited enemies to death, to that of protecting and defending them ; and the way was prepared for their being received into his service, and incorporated with the rest of his army as friends and brothers. Offisar soon found himself in so strong a po- sition at Alexandria, that he determined to ex- ercise his authority as Roman consul to settle the dispute in respect to the succession of the Egyptian crown. There was no difficulty in finding pretexts for interfering in the affairs of Egypt. In the first place, there was, as he con- tended, great anarchy and confusion at Alex- andria, people taking different sides in the con- 202 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C.48. CMMT*! interference la Egyptian affair*. Cleopatra troversy with such fierceness as to render it im- possible that good government and public order should be restored until this great question was settled. He also claimed a debt due from the Egyptian government, which Photinus, Ptole- my's minister at Alexandria, was very dilatory in paying. This led to animosities and dis- putes ; and, finally, Caesar found, or pretended to find, evidence that Photinus was forming plots against his life. At length Caesar determined on taking decided action. He sent orders both to Ptolemy and to Cleopatra to disband their forces, to repair to Alexandria, and lay their respective claims before him for his adjudication. Cleopatra complied with this summons, and returned to Egypt with a view to submitting her case to Caesar's arbitration. Ptolemy de- termined to resist. He advanced toward Egypt, but it was at the head of his army, and with a determination to drive Caesar and all his Roman followers away. When Cleopatra arrived, she found that the avenues of approach to Caesar's quarters were all in possession of her enemies, so that, in at- tempting to join him, she incurred danger of falling into their hands as a prisoner. She re- sorted to a stratagem, as the story Ls, to gain a B.C. 48, J C^SAR IN EGYPT. 203 Ciusar'i guilty passion for Cleopatra. Resistance of Itnlsjaj secret admission. They rolled her up in a sort of bale of bedding or carpeting, and she was carried in in this way on the back of a man, through the guards, who might otherwise have intercepted her. Caesar was very much pleased with this device, and with the successful result of it. Cleopatra, too, was young and beautiful, and Caesar immediately conceived a strong but guilty attachment to her, which she readily re- turned. Caesar espoused her cause, and decided that she and Ptolemy should jointly occupy the throne. Ptolemy and his partisans were determined not to submit to this award. The consequence was, a violent and protracted war. Ptolemy was not only incensed at being deprived of what he considered his just right to the realm, he was also half distracted at the thought of his sister's disgraceful connection with Caesar. His ex- citement and distress, and the exertions and ef- fcrts to which they aroused him, awakened a strong sympathy in his cause among the people, anu Caesar founc himself involved in a very se- rious contest, in which his own life was brought repeatedly into the most imminent danger, and which seriously threatened the total destruction of his power. He, however, braved all the dif- 204 JULIUS JJESAR. [B.C. 48 The Alexandrine war. The Pharo* fionlty and dangers, and recklessly persisted in the course he had taken, under the influence of the infatuation in which his attachment to Cleo- patra held him, as by a spell. The war in which Caesar was thus involved by his efforts to give Cleopatra a seat with her brother on the Egyptian throne, is called in his- tory the Alexandrine war. It was marked by many strange and romantic incidents. There was a light-house, called the Pharos, on a small island opposite the harbor of Alexandria, and it was so famed, both on account of the great mag- nificence of the edifice itself, and also on account of its position at the entrance to the greatest commercial port in the world, that it has given its name, as a generic appellation, to all other structures of the kind any light-house being now called a Pharos, just as any serious diffi- culty is called a Gordian knot. The Pharos was a lofty tower the accounts say that it was five hundred feet in height, which would be an enormous elevation for such a structure and in a lantern at the top a brilliant light was kept constantly burning, which could be seen over the water for a hundred miles. The tower was built in several successive stories, each being ornamented with balustrades, galleries, and col- B.C. 48.] CJBSAR IN EGYPT. 205 Orewtfpfendor ofthe Phut*. It to eaptnred by Came nmns, so that the splendor of the architecture by day rivaled the brilliancy of the radiation which beamed from the summit by night. Far and wide over the stormy waters of the Medi- terranean this meteor glowed, inviting and guid- ing the mariners in ; and both its welcome and its guidance were doubly prized in those ancient days, when there was neither compass nor sex- tant on which they could rely. In the course of the contest with the Egyptians, Caesar took possession of the Pharos, and of the island on which it stood ; and as the Pharos was then regarded as one of the seven wonders of the world, the fame of the exploit, though it waa probably nothing remarkable in a military point of view, spread rapidly throughout the world. And yet, though the capture of a light-house was no very extraordinary conquest, in the course of the contests on the harbor which were connected with it Caesar had a very narrow escape from death. In all such struggles he waa accustomed always to take personally his full share of the exposure and the danger. This resulted in part from the natural impetuosity and ardor of his character, which were always aroused to double intensity of action by the ex- citement of battle, and partly from the idea* 206 JULIUS C^ESAR. [B.C. 48. Situation of die Pharos. Car'i penonal danger. of the military duty of a commander which ore- vailed in those days. There was besides, in this case, an additional inducement to acquire the glory of extraordinary exploits, in Caesar's desire to be the object of Cleopatra's admira- tion, who watched all his movements, and who was doubly pleased with his prowess and brav- ery, since she saw that they were exercised for her sake and in her cause. The Pharos was built upon an island, which was connected by a pier or bridge with the main land. In the course of the attack upon this bridge, Caesar, with a party of his followers, got driven back and hemmed in by a body of the enemy that surrounded them, in such a place that the only mode of escape seemed to be by a boat, which might take them to a neighboring galley. They began, therefore, all to crowd into the boat in confusion, and so overloaded it that it was obviously in imminent danger of being upset or of sinking. The upsetting or sinking of an overloaded boat brings almost certain de- etrnotion upon most of the passengers, whether swimmers or not, as they seize each other in their terror, and go down inextricably entangled together, each held by the others in the convul- iive grasp with which drowning men aJwaya B.C. 48.] CJJSAR IN EGYPT. 207 Conor's narrow escape. The Alexandrian library cling to whatever is within their reach. Caesar, anticipating this danger, leaped over into the sea and swam to the ship. He had some papers in his hand at the time plans, perhaps, of the works which he was assailing. These he held above the water with his left hand, while he swam with the right. And to save his purple cloak or mantle, the emblem of his imperial dignity, which he supposed the enemy would eagerly seek to obtain as a trophy, he seized it by a corner between his teeth, and drew it aftel him through the water as he swam toward the galley. The boat which he thus escaped from soon after went down, with all on board. During the progress of this Alexandrine war one great disaster occurred, which has given to the contest a most melancholy celebrity in all subsequent ages : this disaster was the destruc- tion of the Alexandrian library. The Egyp- tians were celebrated for their learning, and, under the munificent patronage of some of their kings, the learned men of Alexandria had made an enormous collection of writings, which were inscribed, as was the custom in those days, on parchment rolls. The number of the rolls 01 volumes was said to be seven hundred thousand ; and when we eonside that each one wa writ* 208 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C.46 Burning of the Alexandrian library. Cnr returns to Rome ten with great care, in beautiful characters, with a pen, and at a vast expense, it is not surprising that the collection was tho admiration of the world. In fact, the whole body of ancient litera- ture was there recorded. Csesar set fire to some Egyptian galleys, which lay so near the shore that the wind blew the sparks and flames upon the buildings on the quay. The fire spread among the palaces and other magnificent edifices of that part of the city, and one of the great buildings in which the library was stored was reached and destroyed. There was no other such collection in the world ; and the consequence of this calam- ity has been, that it is only detached and insu- lated fragments of ancient literature and science that have come down to our times. The world will never cease to mourn the irreparable loss. Notwithstanding the various untoward inci- dents which attended the war in Alexandria during its progress, Csesar, as usual, conquered in the end. The young king Ptolemy was de- feated, and, in attempting to make his escape across a branch of the Nile, he was drowned. Caesar then finally settled the kingdom upon Cleopatra and a younger brother, and, after re- maining for some time longer in Egypt, he set out on his return to Rome. B.C. 48.J C^arAR IN EGYPT. 21*. fUtaififint nhmtirtii nfTltmrttrt Br yUadU bvpu The subsequent adventures of Cleopatra were M romantic as to have given her name a very vride celebrity. The lives of the virtuous pas* smothly and happily away, but the tale, when told to others, possesses but little interest or at- traction ; while those of the wicked, whose days are spent in wretchedness and despair, and are thus full of misery to the actors themselves, af- ford to the rest of mankind a high degree of pleasure, from the dramatic interest of the story. Cleopatra led a life of splendid sin, and, of course, of splendid misery. She visited Csesar in Rome after his return thither. Ceesar re- ceived her magnificently, and paid her all pos- sible honors ; but the people of Rome regarded her with strong reprobation. When her young brother, whom Caesar had made her partner on the throne, was old enough to claim his share, she poisoned him. After Caesar's death, she went from Alexandria to Syria to meet An- tony, one of Caesar's successors, in a galley or barge, which was so rich, so splendid, so mag- nificently furnished and adorned, that it was famed throughout the world as Cleopatra's barge. A great many beautiful vowels have since been called by the same name. Cleopa- tra connected herself with Antony, who became 212 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C.4K Antony and Octavin*. Death of Cleopatra infatuated with her beauty and her various charms as Caesar had been. After a great va- riety of romantic adventures, Antony was de- feated in battle by his great rival Ootavius, and, supposing that he had been betrayed by Cleo- patra, he pursued her to Egypt, intending to kill her. She hid herself in a sepuloher, spread- ing a report that she had committed suicide, and then Antony stabbed himself in a fit of remorse and despair. Before he died, he learn. ed that Cleopatra was alive, and he caused him- self to be carried into her presence and died in her arms. Cleopatra then fell into the hands of Ootavius, who intended to carry her to Rome to grace his triumph. To save herself from this humiliation, and weary with a life which, full of sin as it had been, was ti constant series of sufferings, she determined to die. A servant brought in an asp for her, concealed in a vase of flowers, at a great banquet. She laid the poisonous reptile on her naked arm, and died immediately of the bite which it inflicted B.C. 47] CJJSAR IMPERATOR. CMT apin at Rome. Combination* nate* htm. CHAPTER X. CAESAR IMPERATOR. ALTHOUGH Pompey himself had been killed, and the army under his immediate command entirely annihilated, Caesar did not find that the empire was yet completely sub- missive to his sway. As the tidings of his con- quests spread over the vast and distant regions which were under the Roman rule although the story itself of his exploits might have been exaggerated the impression produced by his power lost something of its strength, as men generally have little dread of remote danger. While he was in Egypt, there were three great concentrations of power formed against him in other quarters of the globe : in Asia Minor, in Africa, and in Spain. In putting down these three great and formidable arrays of opposi- tion, Ceesar made an exhibition to the world of that astonishing promptness and celerity of military action on which his fame as a general so much depends. He went first to Asia Minor, and fought a great and decisive battle there, in 214 JULIUS C.ESAR. [B.C. 47 Veni, Tldi, TioL Caaur made dictator. a manner so sadden and unexpected to the forces that opposed him that they found them- selves defeated almost before they suspected that their enemy was near. It was in reference to this battle that he wrote the inscription for the banner, "Fern, vtdi, vici" The words may be rendered in English, "I came, looked, and con- quered," though the peculiar force of the ex- pression, as well as the alliteration, is lost in any attempt to translate it. In the mean time, Caesar's prosperity and success had greatly strengthened his cause at Rome. Rome was supported in a great meas- ure by the contributions brought home from the provinces by the various military heroes who were sent out to govern them ; and, of course, the greater and more successful was the con- queror, the better was he qualified for stations of highest authority in the estimation of the inhabitants of the city. They made Caesar dictator even while he was away, and appointed Mark Antony his master of horse. This was the same Antony whom we have already men* tioned as having been connected with Cleopatra after Caesar's death. Rome, in fact, was filled with the fame of Caesar's exploits, and, as he crossed the Adriatic and advanced toward the B.C 47.] CJSSAR IMPERATOR. Oppodtiaa of Cato. Potapey'i con* city, he found himself the object of universal admiration and applause. But he could not yet be contented to estab- lish himself quietly at Rome. There was large force organized against him in Africa un- der Cato, a stern and indomitable man, who had long been an enemy to Caesar, and who now considered him as a usurper and an enemy of the republic, and was determined to resist him to the last extremity. There was also a large force assembled in Spain under the command of two sons of Pompey, in whose case the or- dinary political hostility of contending partisans was rendered doubly intense and bitter by their desire to avenge their father's cruel fate. Ceesar determined first to go to Africa, and then, after disposing of Cato's resistance, to cross the Medi- terranean into Spain. Before he could set out, however, on these expeditions, he was involved in very serious difficulties for a time, on account of a great dis- content which prevailed in his army, and which ended at last in open mutiny. The soldiers complained that they had not received the re- wards and honors which Caesar had promised them. Some claimed offices, others money others lands, which, as they maintained, they 216 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 47 Complaint* of the soldiers. They mutiny had been led to expect would be conferred upon them at the end of the campaign. The fact undoubtedly was, that, elated with their suc- cess, and intoxicated with the spectacle of the boundless influence and power which their gen- eral so obviously wielded at Rome, they formed expectations and hopes for themselves altogether too wild and unreasonable to be realized by sol- diers ; for soldiers, however much they may be flattered by their generals in going into battle, or praised in the mass in official dispatches, are after all but slaves, and slaves, too, of the very humblest caste and character. The famous tenth legion, Caesar's favorite corps, took the most active part in fomenting these discontents, as might naturally have been expected, since the attentions and the praises which he had bestowed upon them, though at first they tended to awaken their ambition, and to inspire them with redoubled ardor and cour- age, ended, as such favoritism always does, in making them vain, self-important, and unrea- sonable. Led on thus by the tenth legion, the whole army mutinied. They broke up the camp where they had been stationed at some distance beyond the walls of Rome, and march- ed toward the city. Soldiers in a mutiny, even tf.C.47.] CJBSAR IMPERATOR. 217 The army marches to Rome. Plan of die soldiers though headed by their subaltern officers, are very little under command ; and these Roman troops, feeling released from their usual re- straints, committed various excesses on the way, terrifying the inhabitants and spreading universal alarm. The people of the city were thrown into utter consternation at the approach of the vast horde, which was coming like a ter- rible avalanche to descend upon them. The army expected some signs of resistance at the gates, which, if offered, they were pre- pared to encounter and overcome. Their plan was, after entering the city, to seek Csesar and demand their discharge from his service. They knew that he was under the necessity of im- mediately making a campaign in Africa, and that, of course, he could not possibly, as they supposed, dispense with them. He would, con- sequently, if they asked their discharge, beg them to remain, and, to induce them to do it, would comply with all their expectations and desires. Such was their plan. To tender, however, a resignation of an office as a means of bringing an opposite party to terms, is always a very hazardous experiment. We easily overrate the estimation in which our own services are held 18 JULIUS OESAR. [B.C. 47 rha army marches Into the city. The Campni Martiu* taking what is said to us in kindness or cour- tesy by friends as the sober and deliberate judg- ment of the public ; and thus it often happens that persons who in such case offer to resign, are astonished to find their resignations readily accepted. When Caesar's mutineers arrived at the gates, they found, instead of opposition, only orders from Caesar, by which they were directed to leave all their arms except their swords, and march into the city. They obeyed. They were then directed to go to the Campus Mar- tins, a vast parade ground situated within the walls, and to await Caesar's orders there.* Caesar met them in the Campus Martius, and demanded why they had left their encamp- ment without orders and come to the city. They stated in reply, as they had previously planned to do, that they wished to be discharged from the public service. To their great aston- ishment, Caesar seemed to consider this request as nothing at all extraordinary, but promised, on the other hand, very readily to grant it. He said that they should be at once discharged, and should receive faithfully all the rewards which had been promised them at the close of the war * Bee map of the city of Rome, fronting the first page. B.C. 47.1 C.ESAR IMPERATOR. 219 Cwjar'i address to the army. Its effect!. for their long and arduous services. At the game time, he expressed his deep regret that, to obtain what he was perfectly willing and ready at any time to grant, they should have o far forgotten their duties as Romans, and violated the discipline which should always be held absolutely sacred by every soldier. He particularly regretted that the tenth legion, on which he had been long accustomed so implicit- ly to rely, should have taken a part in such trans- actions. In making this address, Caesar assumed a kind and considerate, and even respectful tone toward his men, calling them Quirites instead of soldiers an honorary mode of appellation, which recognized them as constituent members of the Roman commonwealth. The effect of the whole transaction was what might have been anticipated. A universal desire was awakened throughout the whole army to return to their duty. They sent deputations to Csesar, begging not to be taken at their word, but to be retained in the service, and allowed to accom- pany him to Africa. After much hesitation and delay, Ceesar consented to receive them again, all excepting the tenth legion, who, he , had now irrevocably lost his confidence 220 JULIUS CJ28AR. [BC.47 Attachment of Caesar's soldiers. CBMUT goe to Africa and regard. It is a striking illustration of the strength of the attachment which bound Caesar's soldiers to their commander, that the tenth le- gion would not be discharged, after all. They followed Caesar of their own accord into Africa, earnestly entreating him again and again to re- ceive them. He finally did receive them in de- tachments, which he incorporated with the rest of his army, or sent on distant service, but he would never organize them as the tenth legion again. It was now early in the winter, a stormy season for crossing the Mediterranean Sea. Caesar, however, set off from Rome immediate- ly, proceeded south to Sicily, and encamped on the sea-shore there till the fleet was ready to convey his forces to Africa. The usual fortune attended him in the African campaigns. His fleet was exposed to imminent dangers in cross- ing the sea, but, in consequence of the extreme deliberation and skill with which his arrange- ments were made, he escaped them all. He overcame one after another of the military dif- ficulties which were in his way in Africa. His army endured, hi the depth of winter, great ex- posures and fatigues, and they had to encounter a large hostile force under the charge of Cato. B.C. 47.] CJBSAR IMPERATOE 321 Cato shuts himself up in Africa. be (tab* hhrtfttf. They were, however, successful in every under- taking. Cato retreated at last to the city of Utica, where he shut himself up with the re- mains of his army ; but finding, at length, when Caesar drew near, that there was no hope or pos- sibility of making gooH his defense, and as his stern and indomitable spirit could not endure the thought of submission to one whom he cor eidered as an enemy to his country and a traito. he resolved upon a very effectual mode of es- caping from his conqueror's power. He feigned to abandon all hope of defending the city, and began to make arrangements to facilitate the escape of his soldiers over the sea. He collected the vessels in the harbor, and al- lowed all to embark who were willing to take the risks of the stormy water. He took, appa- rently, great interest in the embarkations, and, when evening came on, he sent repeatedly down to the sea-side to inquire about the state of the wind and the progress of the operations. At length he retired to his apartment, and, when all was quiet in the house, he lay down upon hia bed and stabbed himself with his sword H '-11 from the bed by the blow, or else from the effect of some convulsive motion which the penetrating steel occasioned His son and serv - JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 47. Death of Cato. Folly of hi* raldd* ants, hearing the fall, came rushing into the room, raised him from the floor, and attempted to bind up and stanch the wound. Cato would not permit them to do it. He resisted them vi- olently as soon as he was conscious of what they intended. Finding that a struggle would only aggravate the horrors of the scene, and even hasten its termination, they left the bleeding hero to his fate, and in a few minutes he died. The character of Cato, and the circumstances under which his suicide was committed, make it, on the whole, the most conspicuous act of suicide which history records ; and the events which followed show in an equally conspicuous manner the extreme folly of the deed. In re- spect to its wickedness, Cato, not having had the light of Christianity before him, is to be lenient- ly judged. As to the folly of the deed, however, he is to be held strictly accountable. If he had lived and yielded to his conqueror, as he might have done gracefully and without dishonor, since all his means of resistance were exhaust- ed, Csesar would have treated him with gen- erosity and respect, and would have taken him to Rome ; and as within a year or two of this time Caesar himself was no more, Cato's vast influence and power might have been, and uu- B.C. 47.] CAESAR IMPERATOR. 223 CMT in Spain. Defeat of Pompey'i MB* doubtedly would have been, oailed most effectu- ally into action for the benefit of his country. If any one, in defending Cato, should say he could not foresee this, we reply, he could have foreseen it ; not the precise events, indeed, which occurred, but he could have foreseen that vast changes must take place, and new aspects of affairs arise, in which his powers would be called into requisition. We can always foresee in the midst of any storm, however dark and gloomy, that clear skies will certainly sooner or later come again ; and this is just as true metaphori- cally in respect to the vicissitudes of human life, as it is literally in regard to the ordinary phenomena of the skies. From Africa Caesar returned to Rome, and from Rome he went to subdue the resistance which was offered by the sons of Pompey in Spain. He was equally successful here. The oldest son was wounded in battle, and was car- ried off from the field upon a litter faint and almost dying. He recovered in some degree, and, finding escape from the eager pursuit of Caesar's soldiers impossible, he concealed him- self in a cave, where he lingered for a little time in destitution and misery. He was dis- covered at las 4 :; his head was cut off by hi.- 224 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 47. OHM'S triumph*. The triumphal ear break* f-m. captors and sent to Caesar, as his father's had been. The younger son succeeded in escaping, but ke became a wretched fugitive and outlaw, and all manifestations of resistance to Csesar's sway disappeared from Spain. The conqueror returned to Rome the undisputed master of the article Roman world. Then came his triumphs. Triumphs were great celebrations, by which military heroes in the days of the Roman commonwealth signal- ized their victories on their return to the city Caesar's triumphs were four, one for each of his four great successful campaigns, viz., in Egypt, in Asia Minor, in Africa, and in Spain. Each was celebrated on a separate day, and there was an interval of several days between them, to magnify their importance, and swell the general interest which they excited among the vast population of the city. On one of these days, the triumphal car in which Caesar rode, which was most magnificently adorned, broke down on the way, and Caesar was nearly thrown out cf it by the shook. The immense train of cars ; horses, elephants, flags, banners, captives, an5 trophies which formed the splendid procession was all stopped by the accident, and a consider- able delay ensued. Night oame on, in fao* B.C. 47.] CJZSAR IMPERATOR. 227 Elephant torch-bearer* Trephla* and emblem* oefore the column could again be put in motion to enter the city, and then Caesar, whose genius "as never more strikingly shown than when he nad opportunity to turn a calamity to advant- age, conceived the idea of employing the forty elephants of the train as torch-bearers ; the long p ^cession accordingly advanced through the stre- ts and ascended to the Capitol, lighted by the great blazing flambeaus which the sa- gacious and docile beasts were easily taught to bear, each elephant holding one in his proboscis, and waving it above the crowd around him. In these triumphal processions, every thing was borne in exhibition which could serve as a symbol of the conquered country or a trophy of victory. Flags and banners taken from the enemy; vessels of gold and silver, and other treasures, loaded in vans; wretched captives aonveyed in open carriages or marching sor- rowfully on foot, and destined, some of them, to public execution when the ceremony of the triumph was ended ; displays of arms, and im- olements, and dresses, and all else which might serve to give the Roman crowd an idea of the customs and usages of the remote and conquered nations ; the animals they used, caparisoned in the manner in which they used them: these, JULIUS CAESAR. (B.C. 47 Banners and paintings. Public entertainment* and a thousand other trophies and emblems, were brought into the line to excite the admira* tion of the crowd, and to add to the gorgeous- ness of the spectacle. In fact, it was always a great object of solicitude and exettion with all the Roman generals, when on distant and dan- gerous expeditions, to possess themse res of every possible prize in the progress of tl 4r cam- paign which could aid in adding splenaor to the triumph which was to signalize its end. In these triumphs of Caesar, a young sister of Cleopatra was in the line of the Egyptian procession. In that devoted to Asia Minor was a great banner containing the words already re- ferred to, VENI, VIDI, Vici. There were great paintings, too, borne aloft, representing battles and other striking scenes. Of course, all Rome was in the highest state of excitement during the days of the exhibition of this pageantry. The whole surrounding country flecked to th capital to witness it, and Caesar's greatness and glory were signalized in the most conspicuous manner to all mankind After these triumphs, a series of splendid public entertainments were given, over twenty thousand tables having been spread for the pop D lace of the city Shows of every possible ohai B.C. 47.) C.ESAR IMPERATOR 229 Varloui f pectacle* and amusement*. Naval combat*, aoter and variety were exhibited. There were dramatic plays, and equestrian performances in the circus, and gladiatorial combats, and battles with wild beasts, and dances, and chariot races, and every other imaginable amusement which oould be devised and carried into effect to grat- ify a population highly cultivated in all the arts of life, but barbarous and cruel in heart and char- acter. Some of the accounts which have come down to us of the magnificence of the scale on which these entertainments were conducted are absolutely incredible. It is said, for ex- ample, that an immense basin was constructed near the Tiber, large enough to contain two fleets of galleys, which had on board two thou- sand rowers each, and one thousand fighting men. These fleets were then manned with captives, the one with Asiatics and the other with Egyptians, and when all was ready, they were compelled to fight a real battle for the amusement of the spectators which thronged the shores, until vast numbers were killed, and the waters of the lake were dyed with blood. It is also said that the whole Forum, and some of the great streets in the neighborhood where the principal gladiatorial shows were held, were covered with silken awnings to protect the vast 230 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C.47 Cawnr power. Honor* conferred upon hta* crowds of spectators from the sun, and thou- sands of tents were erected to accommodate the people from the surrounding country, whom th buildings of the city could not contain. All open opposition to Caesar's power and Mr another attempted from time to time to en- croach upon the rights or privileges of the rest. These struggles, however, ended usually in at last restoring again the equilibrium which had been disturbed. No one power could ever gain the entire ascendency ; and thus, as all monarch- ism seemed excluded from their system, they called it a republic. Caesar, however, had now concentrated in himself all the principal elements of power, and there began to be suspicions that he wished to make himself in name and openly, as well as secretly and in fact, a king. The Romans abhorred the very name of king. They had had kings in the early periods of their history, but they made themselves odious by their pride and their oppressions, and the people had deposed and expelled them. The modern nations of Europe have several times performed v he same exploit, but they have generally felt unprotected and ill at ease without a personal sovereign over them, and have accordingly, in most oases, after a few years, restored some branch of the expeLed dynasty to the throne B.C. 44.] THE CONSPIRACY. 237 FinaneM of the Romans. CMM^I ambitiocj {taw. The Romans were more persevering and firm. They had managed their empire now for five hundred years as a republic, and though they had had internal dissensions, conflicts, and quar- rels without end, had persisted so firmly and unanimously in their detestation of all regal authority, that no one of the long line of ambi- tious and powerful statesmen, generals, or con- querors by which the history of the empire had been signalized, had ever dared to aspire to the name of king. There began, however, soon to appear some indications that Caesar, who certainly now pos- sessed regal power, would like the regal name. Ambitious men, in such cases, do not directly assume themselves the titles and symbols of royalty. Others make the claim for them, while they faintly disavow it, till they have oppor- tunity to see what effect the idea produces on the public mind. The following incidents oc- curred which it was thought indicated such a design on the part of Cassar. There were in some of the public buildings certain statues of kings ; "or it must be under- stood that the Roman dislike to kings was only a dislike to having kingly authority exercised over themselves. They respected and some- 238 JULIUS CJEBAR. [B.C. 44 Regal power. American feeling times admired the kings of other countries, and honored their exploits, and made statues to com- memorate their fame. They were willing that kings should reign elsewhere, so long as there were no king of Rome. The American feeling at the present day is much the same. If the Queen of England were to make a progress through this country, she would receive, per- haps, as many and as striking marks of atten- tion and honor as would be rendered to her in her own realm. We venerate the antiquity of her royal line ; we admire the efficiency of her government and the sublime grandeur of her empire, and have as high an idea as any, of the powers and prerogatives of her crown and these feelings would show themselves most abund- antly on any proper occasion. We are willing, na) , ! h that she should continue to reign over Englishmen; and yet, after all, it would take some millions of bay< nets co place a queen se- curely upon a throne over this land. Regal power was accordingly, in the ab- stract, looked up to at Rome, as it is elsewhere, with great respect ; and it was, in fact, all the more tempting as an oojeot of ambition, from the determination felt by the people that it should not be exercised there. There were, according* B.C. 44.] THE CONSPIRACY. 23U Cear > 8 seat in the theater. PnbHe adebntiaM. ly, statues of kings at Rome. Caesar placed his own statue among them. Some approved, /thers murmured. There was a public theater in the city, where the officers of the government were accustom- ed to sit in honorable seats prepared expressly for them, those of the Senate being higher and more distinguished than the rest. Caesar had a seat prepared for himself there, sim- ilar in form to a throne, and adorned it mag- nificently with gilding and ornaments of gold, which gave it the entire pre-eminence over all the other seats. He had a similar throne placed in the senate chamber, to be occupied by himself when at- tending there, like the throne of the King of En- gland in the House of Lords. He held, moreover, a great many public cel- ebrations and triumphs in the city in commem* oration of his exploits and honors ; and, on one of these occasions, it was arranged that the Senate were to come to him at a temple in a body, and announce to him certain decrees which they had passed to his honor. Vast crowds had assembled to witness the ceremony Caesar was seated in a magnificent chair, which might have been called either a chair or a throne 240 JULIUS CJSSAR [B.C. 44 GMT receive* the Senate sitting. Consequent excitement and was surrounded by officers and attendants When the Senate approached, Caesar did not rise to receive them, but remained seated, like a monarch receiving a deputation of his sub- jects. The incident would not seem to be in itself of any great importance, but, considered as an indication of Caesar's designs, it attracted great attention, and produced a very general ex- citement. The act was adroitly managed so as to be somewhat equivocal hi its character, in order that it might be represented one way or the other on the following day, according as the indications of public sentiment might incline. Some said that Csesar was intending to rise, but was prevented, and held down by those who stood around him. Others said that an officer motioned to him to rise, but he rebuked his in- terference by a frown, and continued his seat. Thus while, in fact, he received the Roman Senate as their monarch and sovereign, his own intentions and designs in so doing were left somewhat in doubt, hi order to avoid awakening a sudden and violent opposition. Not long after this, as he was returning in public from some great festival, the streets being full of crowds, and the populace following hirr in great throngs with loud acclamations, a mac B.C.44J THK CONSPIRACY. 241 went up to his statue aa he passed it, and placed upon the head of it a laurel crown, fast- ened with a white ribbon, which was a badge of royalty. Some officers ordered the ribbon to be taken down, and sent the man to prison. Caesar was very much displeased with the offi- cers, and dismissed them from their office. He wished, he said, to have the opportunity to dis- avow, himself, such claims, and not to have others disavow them for him. Caesar's disavowals were, however, so faint, and people had so little confidence in their sin- cerity, that the cases became more and more frequent in which the titles and symbols of roy- alty were connected with his name. The people who wished to gain his favor saluted him in public with the name of Rex, the Latin vord for king. He replied that his name was Caesar, not Rex, showing, however, no other signs of displeasure. On one great occasion, a high pub- lic officer, a near relative of his, repeatedly placed a diadem upon his head, Caesar himself, as often as he did it, gently putting it off. At last he sent the diadem away to a temple that was near, saying that there was no king in Rome but Jupiter. In a word, all his conduct indicated that he wished to have it appear that 3116 242 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 44 gome wining to make Cta*ar king. Other* oppose it the people were pressing the crown upon him, when he himself was steadily refusing it. This state of things produced a very strong and universal, though suppressed excitement in the city. Parties were formed. Some began to be willing to make Caesar king ; others were determined to hazard their lives to prevent it. None dared, however, openly to utter their sen- timents on either side. They expressed them by mysterious looks and dark intimations. At the time when Caesar refused to rise to receive the Senate, many of the members withdrew in silence, and with looks of offended dignity When the crown was placed upon his statue or upon his own brow, a portion of the populace would applaud with loud acclamations; and whenever he disavowed these acts, either by words or counter-actions of his own, an equally loud acclamation would arise from the other side. On the whole, however, the idea that Caesar was gradually advancing toward the kingdom steadily gained ground. And yet Caesar himself spoke frequently witb great humility in respect to his pretensions and claims; and when he found public sentiment turning against the ambitious schemes he seems jecretly to have cherished, he wou'd present BC.44.J THK CONSPIRACY. 243 Hl asmmed humlHty. some excuse or explanation for his conduct plau- sible enough to answer the purpose of a disa- vowal. When he received the Senate, sitting like a king, on the occasion before referred to, when they read to him the decrees which they had passed in his favor, he replied to them that there was more need of diminishing the public honors which he received than of increasing them. When he found, too, how much excite- ment his conduct on that occasion had produced, he explained it by saying that he had retained his sitting posture on account of the infirmity of his health, as it made him dizzy to stand. He thought, probably, that these pretexts would tend to quiet the strong and turbulent spirits around him, from whose envy or rivalry he had most to fear, without at all interfering with the effect which the act itself would have produced upon the masses of the population. He wished, in a word, to accustom them to see him assume the position and the bearing of a sovereign, while, by his apparent humility in his inter- course with those immediately around him, b * avoided as much as possible irritating and arousing the jealous and watchful rivals who ircre next to him in power. If this were his plan, it seemed to *e advano- 244 JULIUS CABAR. [B.C. 44 ProgroM of Cesar's plan*. The Sibylline book* ing prosperously toward its accomplishment. The population of the city seemed to become more and more familiar with the idea that Csesai was about to become a king. The opposition which the idea had at first awakened appeared to subside, or, at least, the public expression of it, which daily became more and more determ- ined and dangerous, was restrained. At length the time arrived when it appeared safe to intro- duce the subject to the Roman Senate. This, of course, was a hazardous experiment. It was managed, however, in a very adroit and ingeni- ous manner. There were in Rome, and, in fact, in many other cities and countries of the world in those days, a variety of prophetic books, called the Sibylline Oracles, in which it was generally be- lieved that future events were foretold. Some of these volumes or rolls, which were very an- oiint and of great authority, were preserved in the *mples at Rome, under the charge of a board of guardians, who were to keep them with trie utmost care, and to consult them on great orxjasions, in order to discover beforehand what would be the result of public measures or great enterprises which were in contemplation. It happened that at this time the Romans were B.C. 44.] THE CONSPIRACY. 246 Declaration of the Biby lline book*. Plan for erowninj CBMT engaged in a war with the Parthians, a very wealthy and powerful nation of Asia. Caesar was making preparations for an expedition to the East to attempt to subdue this people. Ho gave orders that the Sibylline Oracles should be consulted. The proper officers, after con' suiting them with the usual solemn ceremonies, reported to the Senate that they found it re- corded in these sacred prophecies that the Par- thians could not be conquered except by a king. A senator proposed, therefore, that, to meet the emergency, Caesar should be made king during the war. There was at first no decisive action on this proposal. It was dangerous to express any opinion. People were thoughtful, serious, and silent, as on the eve of some great convul- sion. No one knew what others were meditat- ing, and thus did not dare to express his own wishes or designs. There soon, however, was a prevailing understanding that Caesar's friends were determined on executing the design of crowning him, and that the fifteenth of March, called, in their phraseology, the Ides of March) was fixed upon as the coronation day. In the mean time, Caesar's enemies, though to all outward appearance quiet and calm, had tint been inactive. Finding that his plans were 246 JULIUS CJJSAB. [B.C. 44 The conspiracy. Cudus. MarciM Bratoj now ripe for execution, and that they had no open means of resisting them, they formed a conspiracy to assassinate Csesar himself, and thus bring his ambitious schemes to an effectual and final end. The name of the original leader of this conspiracy was Cassius. Cassius had been for a long time Caesar's personal rival and enemy. He was a man of a very violent and ardent temperament, impet- uous and fearless, very fond of exercising power himself, but very restless and uneasy in having it exercised over him. He had all the Roman repugnance to being under the authority of a master, with an additional personal determina- tion of his own not to submit to Caesar. He determined to slay Csesar rather than to allow him to be made a king, and he went to work, with great caution, to bring other leading and influential men to join him in this determina- tion. Some of those to whom he applied said that they would unite with him in his plot pro- vided he would get Marcus Brutus to join them. Brutus was the praetor of the city. The prratorsbip of the city was a very high munici- pal office. The conspirators wished to have Brutus join them partly on account of his sta- tion as a magistrate, as if they supposed that B.C.44.] THB CONSPIRACY. 247 Character of Bratu. Hli IrmaaM and courage. oy having the highest public magistrate of the aity for their leader in the deed, the destruction of their victim would appear less like a murder, and would be invested, instead, in some re- spects, with the sanctions and with the dignity of an official execution. Then, again, they wished for the moral sup- port which would be afforded them in their des- perate enterprise by Brutus's extraordinary per- sonal character. He was younger than Cas- sius, but he was grave, thoughtful, taciturn, calm a man of inflexible integrity, of the cool- est determination, and, at the same time, of the most undaunted courage. The conspirators dis- trusted one another, for the resolution of im- petuous men is very apt to fail when the emer- gency arrives which puts it to the test ; but as for Brutus, they knew very well that whatever he undertook he would most certainly do. There was a great deal even in his name. It was a Brutus that five centuries before had been the main instrument of the expulsion of the Ro- man kings. He had secretly meditated the de- sign, and, the better to conceal it, had feigned idiocy, as the story was, that he might not be watched or suspected until the favorable hour for executing his design should arrive. He 248 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 44. The MKiimtt Brutu*. Hl expulsion of the king* therefore ceased to speak, and seemed to lose his reason ; he wandered about the city silent and gloomy, like a brute. His name had been Lucius Junius before. They added Brutus now, to designate his condition. When at last, however, the crisis arrived which he judged fa- vorable for the expulsion of the kings, he sud- denly reassumed his speech and his reason, called the astonished Romans to arms, and tri- umphantly accomplished his design. His name and memory had been cherished ever since that day as of a great deliverer. They, therefore, who looked upon Csesar as another king, naturally turned their thoughts to the Brutus of their day, hoping to find in him another deliverer. Brutus found, from time to time, inscriptions on his ancient namesake's statue expressing the wish that he were now alive. He also found each morning, as he came to the tribunal where he was accustomed to sit in the discharge of the duties of his office, brief writings, which had been left there during the night, in which few words expressed deep mean- ing, such as "Awake, Brutus, to thy duty;" and " Art thou indeed a Brutus ?" Still it seemed hardly probable that Brutus could be led to take a decided stand against B.C. 44.] THE CONSPIRACY. The hlrtory of Bnstn*. HI* obligation! to CMW. Caesar, for they had been warm personal friends ever since the conclusion of the civil wars. Bru- tus had, indeed, been on Pompey's side while that general lived ; he fought with him at the battle of Pharsalia, but he had been taken pris- oner there, and Caesar, instead of executing him as a traitor, as most victorious generals in a civil war would have done, spared his life, for- gave him for his hostility, received him into his own service, and afterward raised him to very high and honorable stations. He gave him the government of the richest province, and, after his return from it, loaded with wealth and hon- ors, he made him praetor of the city. In a word, it would seem that he had done every * vr ~g which it was possible to do to make him me OL his most trustworthy and devoted friends. The men, therefore, to whom Cassius first applied, perhaps thought that they were very safe in saying that they would unite in the intended conspiracy if he would get Brutus to join them. They expected Cassius himself to make the attempt to secure the co-operation of Brutus, as Cassius was on terms of intimacy with him on account of a family connection. Cassius's wife was the sister of Brutus. This had made the two men intimate associates and warm friendi 250 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 44 CtMM'f friendship for Brotu. Interrlew between Bratau and CBMI , in former years, though they had been recently omewhat estranged from each other on account of having been competitors for the same offices and honors. In these contests Caesar had de- cided in favor of Brutus. " Cassius," said he, on one such occasion, " gives the best reasons ; but I can not refuse Brutus any thing he asks for." In fact, Csesar had conceived a strong personal friendship for Brutus, and believed him to be entirely devoted to his cause. Cassius, however, sought an interview with Brutus, with a view of engaging him in his de- sign. He easily effected his own reconciliation with him, as he had himself been the offended party in their estrangement from each other. He asked Brutus whether he intended to be present in the Senate on the Ides of March, when the friends of Caesar, as was understood, were intending to present him with the crown. Brutus said he should not be there. " But sup- pose," said Cassius, "we are specially sum moned." " Then," said Brutus, " I shall go, and shall be ready to die if necessary to defend the liberty of my country." Cassius then assured Brutus that there were many other Roman citizens, of the highest rank, who wero animated by the same determination. B.O.44.] THIS CONSPIRACY. 251 Arguments of Cuwtoi Effect 00 BrMu. and that they all looked up to him to lead and direct them in the work which it was now very evident must be done. " Men look," said Cas- sius, " to other praetors to entertain them with games, spectacles, and shows, but they have very different ideas in respect to you. Your character, your name, your position, your an- cestry, and the course of conduct which you have already always pursued, inspire the whole city with the hope that you are to be their de- liverer. The citizens are all ready to aid you, and to sustain you at the hazard of their lives ; but they look to you to go forward, and to act in their name and in their behalf, in the crisis which is now approaching." Men of a very calm exterior are often sus- ceptible of the profoundest agitations within, the emotions seeming to be sometimes all the more permanent and uncontrollable from the absence of outward display. Brutus said little, but his soul was excited and fired by Cassius's words. There was a struggle in his soul be- tween his grateful sense of his political obliga- tions to Csesar and his personal attachment to him on the one hand, and, on the other, a cer- tain stern Roman conviction that every thing nhonLl be sacrificed, even friendship and grati- 252 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 44. Brutxu engages In the conspiracy. Llgnrtas tude, as well as fortune and life, to the welfare of his country. He acceded to the plan, and began forthwith to enter upon the necessary measures for putting it into execution. There was a certain general, named Ligu- rius, who had been in Pompey's army, and whose hostility to Caesar had never been really subdued. He was now sick. Brutus went to see him. He found him in his bed. The ex- citement in Rome was so intense, though the expressions of it were suppressed and restrained, that every one was expecting continually some great event, and every motion and look was in- terpreted to have some deep meaning. Ligu- rius read in the countenance of Brutus, as he approached his bedside, that he had not come on any trifling errand. " Ligurius," said Brutus, "this is not a time for you to be sick." "Bru- tus," replied Ligurius, rising at once from his couch, " if you have any enterprise in mind that is worthy of you, I am well." Brutus explained to the sick man their design, and he entered into it with ardor. The plan was divulged to one after another of such men as the conspirators supposed most worthy of confidence in such a desperate under- taking, and meetings for consultation were held B.C. 44.] THE CONSPIRACY. 253 Consultation of the conapir ators. Their bold plan. to determine what plan to adopt for finally ac- complishing their end. It was agreed that Caesar must be slain ; but the time, the place, ind the manner in which the deed should be performed were all yet undecided. Various plans were proposed in the consultations which the conspirators held ; but there was one thing peculiar to them all, which was, that *hey did not any of them contemplate or provide for any thing like secrecy in the commission of the deed. It was to be performed in the most open and public manner. With a stern and un- daunted boldness, which has always been con- sidered by mankind as truly sublime, they de- termined that, in respect to the actual execution itself of the solemn judgment which they had pronounced, there should be nothing private or concealed. They thought over the various pub- lic situations in which they might find Caesar, and where they might strike him down, only to select the one which would be m^st public of all. They kept, of course, thei/ preliminary counsels private, to prevent the adoption of measures for counteracting them ; but they were to perform the deed in such a manner as that, so soon as it was performed, they should stand out to view, exposed fully to the gsan of 254 JULIUS CJESAR. [B.C. 44, Ftaal arranfemen to. The place and the day all mankind as the authors of it. They plan- ned no retreat, no concealment, no protection whatever for themselves, seeming to feel that the deed which they were about to perform, of destroying the master and monarch of the world, was a deed in its own nature so grand and sub- lime as to raise the perpetrators of it entirely above all considerations relating to their own personal safety. Their plan, therefore, was to keep their consultations and arrangements se- cret until they were prepared to strike the blow, then to strike it in the most public and impos- ing manner possible, and calmly afterward to await the consequences. In this view of the subject, they decided that the chamber of the Roman Senate was the prop- er place, and the Ides of March, the day on which he was appointed to be crowned, was the propel time for Caesar to be slain B.C.44.J THE ASSASSINATION. 256 CMV recei Ye many warning* of his approaching fate. CHAPTER XII. THE ASSASSINATION. A CCORDING to the account given by his -^- historians, Caesar received many warn- ings of his approaching fate, which, however, he would not heed. Many of these warnings were strange portents and prodigies, which the philo- sophical writers who recorded them half believed themselves, and which they were always ready to add to their narratives even if they did not believe them, on account of the great influence which such an introduction of the supernatural and the divine had with readers in those days in enhancing the dignity and the dramatic interest of the story. These warnings were as follows : At Capua, which was a great city at some distance south of Rome, the second, in fact, in Italy, and the one which Hannibal had proposed to make his capital, some workmen were re- moving certain ancient sepulohers to make room for the foundations of a splendid edifice which, among his other plans for the embellishment of the cities of Italy, Caesar was intending to have 256 JOLIUB C^SAR [B.C. 44. The tomb and Inscription. Cear'i hone* erected there. As the excavations advanced, the workmen came at last to an ancient tomb, which proved to be that of the original founder of Capua ; and, in bringing out the sarcophagus, they found an inscription, worked upon a brass plate, and hi the Greek character, predicting that if those remains were ever disturbed, a great member of the Julian family would be assassinated by his own Mends, and his death would be followed by extended devastations throughout all Italy. The horses, too, with which Caesar had passed the Rubicon, and which had been, ever since that time, living in honorable retirement in a splendid park which Caesar had provided for them, by some mysterious instinct, or from some divine communication, had warning of the approach of their great benefactor's end. They refused their food, and walked about with melan- choly and dejected looks, mourning apparently, and in a manner almost human, some impend- ing grief. There was a class of prophets in those days called by a name which has been translated soothsayers. These soothsayers were able, as was supposed, to look somewhat into futurity dimly and doubtfully, it is true, but really, by B.C.44.J '!HE ASSASSIN ATION. 257 rhesootbgayew. The hiwfa tnd the wren means of certain appearances exhibited by the bodies of the animals offered in sacrifices These soothsayers were consulted on all im- portant occasions; and if the auspices proved unfavorable when any great enterprise was about to be undertaken, it was often, on that account, abandoned or postponed. One of these soothsayers, named Spurinna, came to Csesar one day, and informed him that he had found, by means of a public sacrifice which he had just been offering, that there was a great and mys- terious danger impending over him, which was connected in. some way with the Ides of March, and he counseled him to be particularly cautious and circumspect until that day should have The Senate were to meet on the Ides of March in a new and splendid edifice, which had been erected for their use by Pompey. Tb*re was in the interior of the building, among other decorations, a statue of Pompey. The day be- fore the Ides of March, some birds of prey from ft neighboring grove came flying into this hall, pursuing a little wren with a sprig of laurel ir its mouth. The birds toie the wren to pieces, the laurel dropping from its bill to the marble pavement of the floor below. Now, as Caesar 3117 258 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C 44 Ctttcar'i Agitation of mind. Hl dren had been always accustomed to wear a crown of laurel on great occasions, and had always evinced a particular fondness for that decoration, that plant had come to be considered his own proper badge, and the fall of the laurel, there- fore, was naturally thought to portend some great calamity to him. The night before the Ides of March Caesar could not sleep. It would not seem, however, to be necessary to supposa any thing super- natural to account for his wakefulness. He lay upon his bed restless and excited, or if he fell into a momentary slumber, his thoughts, in- stead of rinding repose, were only plunged into greater agitations, produced by strange, and, ae he thought, supernatural dreams. He imagined that he ascended into the skies, and was received there by Jupiter, the supreme divinity, as an associate and equal. While shaking hands with the great father of gods and men, the sleeper was startled by a frightful sound. He awoke, and found his wife Calpurnia groaning and struggling in her sleep. He saw her by the moonlight which was shining into the room. He spoke to her, and aroused her. After staring wildly for a moment till she had recovered her thoughts, she said that she had had a dreadfW B.C. 44.] THE ASSASSINATION. 25S Calpumia's dream. The effect of a iUtorbed mind. dream. She had dreamed that the roof of the house had fallen in, and that, at the same in- stant, the doors had been burst open, and some robber or assassin had stabbed her husband as he was lying in her arms. The philosophy of those days found in these dreams mysterious and preternatural warnings of impending dan- ger; that of ours, however, sees nothing ei- ther in the absurd sacrilegiousness of Caesar's thoughts, or his wife's incoherent and incon- sistent images of terror nothing more than the natural and proper effects, on the one hand, of the insatiable ambition of man, and, on the other, of the conjugal affection and solicitude of woman. The ancient sculptors carved out images of men, by the forms and lineaments of which we see that the physical characteristics of humanity have not changed. History seems to do the same with the affections and passions of the soul. The dreams of Caesar and his wife on the night before the Ides of March, as thus recorded, form a sort of spiritual statue, which remains from generation to generation, to show us how precisely all the inward workings of hu- man nature are from age to age the same. When the morning came Caesar and Calpur- nia arose, both restless and ill at eve. Caesar U JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 44. Ceeaftr hesitate!. Declmn* Brutn* ordered the auspices to be consulted with refer ence to the intended proceedings of the day. The soothsayers came in in due time, and re- ported that the result was unfavorable. Cal- purnia, too, earnestly entreated her husband not to go to the senate-house that day. She had a very strong presentiment that, if he did go, some great calamity would ensue. Csesar him- self hesitated. He was half inclined to yield, and postpone his coronation to another occasion. In the course of the day, while Caesar was in this state of doubt and uncertainty, one of the conspirators, named Decimns Brutus, came in. This Brutus was not a man of any extraordi- nary courage or energy, but he had been invited j>y the other conspirators to join them, en ao count of his having under his charge a large number of gladiators, who, being desperate and reckless men, would constitute a very suitable armed force for them to call in to their aid in case of any emergency arising which should re- quire it. The conspirators having thus all their plans arranged, Decimus Brutus was commissioned to call at Caesar's house when the time ap- proached for the assembling of the Senate, both to avert suspicion from Caesar's mind. and tr B.C.44.J THE ASSASSINATOR. 261 Dedmu* Brutus wait* upon Caeear. He persuades aim to go. assure himself that nothing had been discovered It was in the afternoon, the time for the meet- ing of the senators having been fixed at five o'clock. Decimus Brutus found Caesar troubled and perplexed, and uncertain what to do. After hearing what he had to say, he replied by urg ing him to go by all means to the senate-house, as he had intended. " You have formally called the Senate together," said he, " and they are now assembling. They are all prepared to con- fer upon you the rank and title of king, not only in Parthia, while you are conducting this war but every where, by sea and land, except in Italy. And now, while they are all in their places, waiting to consummate the great act, how absurd will it be for you to send them word to go home again, and come back some other day, when Calpurnia shall have had better dreams !" He urged, too, that, even if Caesar was de- termined to put off the action of the Senate to another day, he was imperiously bound to go himself and adjourn the session in person. So saying, he took the hesitating potentate by the arm, and adding to his arguments a little gen tie force, conducted him along. The conspirators supposed that all was saf 262 JULIUS CJSSAR. [B.C. 44 Artemldonu diacorers the plot He wanu Ceecw The faot was, however, that all had been dis- severed. There was a certain Greek, a teacher of oratory, named Artemidorus. He had con- trived to learn something of the plot from some of the conspirators who were his pupils. He wrote a brief statement of the leading particu- lars, and, having no other mode of access to Caesar, he determined to hand it to him on the way as he went to the senate-house. Of course, the occasion was one of great public interest, and crowds had assembled in the streets to see the great conqueror as he went along. A* usual at such times, when powerful officers of state appear in public, many people came up to present petitions to him as he passed. These he received, and handed them, without reading, to his secretary who attended him, as if to have them preserved for future examination. Ar- temidorus, who was waiting for his opportunity, when he perceived what disposition Caesar made of the papers which were given to him, began to be afraid that his own communication would not be attended to until it was too late. He accordingly pressed up near to Caesar, refusing to allow any one else to pass the paper in ; and when, at last, he obtained an opportunity, he gave it directly into Caesar's handss saying ta B.C. 44.] THE ASSASSINATION. 263 Cae*ar and Spnrlnna. CtMar wrlTM at the teaate-hoiue. him, " Read this immediately : it concerns your- self, and is of the utmost importance " Caesar took the paper and attempted to retA it, but new petitions and other interruptions constantly prevented him ; finally he gave up the attempt, and went on his way, receiving and passing to his secretary all other papers, but re- taining this paper of Artemidorus in his hand. Caesar passed Spurinna on his way to the senate-house the soothsayer who had predict- ed some great danger connected with the Idea of March. As soon as he recognized him, he accosted him with the words, " Well, Spurinna, the Ides of March have come, and I am safe." "Yes," replied Spurinna, "they have come, but they are not yet over." At length he arrived at the senate-house, with the paper of Artemidorus still unread in his hand. The senators were all convened, the leading conspirators among them. They all rose to receive Caesar as he entered. Caesar advanced to the seat provided for him, and, when he was seated, the senators themselves sat down The moment had now arrived, and the conspir- ators, with pale looks and beating hearts, felt that now or never the deed was to be done. It requires a very considerable degree of phys- 264 JULIUS C^SAR. [B.C. 44 Resolution of the Conspirator*. Cesar and Pompoy'i statue ical courage and hardihood for men to come to a calm and deliberate decision that they wiL kill one whom they hate, and, still more, actu- ally to strike the blow, even when under the immediate impulse of passion. But men who are perfectly capable of either of these often find their resolution fail them as the time comes for striking a dagger into the living flesh of their victim, when he sits at ease and unconcerned before them, unarmed and defenseless, and doing nothing to excite those feelings of irritation and anger which are generally found so necessary to nerve the human arm to such deeds. Utter de- fenselessness is accordingly, sometimes, a great- er protection than an armor of steel. Even Cassius himself, the originator and the soul of the whole enterprise, found his courage hardly adequate to the work now that the mo- ment had arrived ; and, in order to arouse the necessary excitement in his soul, he looked up to the statue ol Pompey, Caesar's ancient and most formidable enemy, and invoked its aid. It gave him its aid. It inspired him with some portion of the enmity with which the soul of its great original had burned ; and thus the sou, of the living assassin was nerved to its work bf a 8ort of sympathy with a block of stone. B.C. 44.] THE ASSASSINATION. 26 PUnoftfaeeotuplnOOTi. M Antony Foreseeing the necessity of something like a stimulus to action when the immediate moment for action should arrive, the conspirators had agreed that, as soon as Csesar was seated, they would approach him with a petition, which he would probably refuse, and then, gathering around him, they would urge him with their importunities, so as to produce, in the confusion, a sort of excitement that would make it easier for them to strike the blow. There was one person, a relative and friend of Caesar's, named Marcus Antonius, called com- monly, however, in English narratives, Maro Antony, the same who has been already men- tioned as having been subsequently connected with Cleopatra. He was a very energetic and determined man, who, they thought, might pos- sibly attempt to defend him. To prevent this, one of the conspirators had been designated to take him aside, and occupy his attention with some pretended subject of discourse, ready, at the same time, to resist and prevent his inter- ference if he should show himself inclined to offer any. Things being thus arranged, the petitioner, as had been agreed, advanced to Csesar with his petition, others coming up at the same time as 266 JULIUS CJBSAR [B.C. 44 The petition. Ctesar assaulted. He reiisti if to second the request. The object of the pe- tition was to ask for the pardon of the brother of one of the conspirators. Caesar declined granting it. The others then crowded around him, urging him to grant the request with press- ing importunities, all apparently reluctant. to strike the first blow. Caesar began to be alarm- ed, and attempted to repel them. One of them then pulled down his robe from his neck to lay it bare. Caesar arose, exclaiming, "But this is violence." At the same instant, one of the conspirators struck at him with his sword, and wounded him slightly in the neck. All was now terror, outcry, and confusion Caesar had no time to draw his sword, but fought a moment with his style, a sharp in- strument of iron with which they wrote, in those days, on waxen tablets, and which he happened then to have in his hand. With this instrument he ran one of his enemies through the arm. This resistance was just what was necessary to excite the conspirators, and give them the requisite resolution to finish their work. Cfesar soon saw the swords, accordingly, gleaming all around him, and thrusting themselves at him on every side. The senators rose in confusion B.C. 44.] THE ASSASSINATION. 267 Cesar U overcome. Pompeii itetae and dismay, perfectly thunderstruck at the scene, and not knowing what to do. Antony perceived that all resistance on his part would be unavailing, and accordingly did not attempt any. Caesar defended himself alone for a few minutes as well as he could, looking all around him in vain for help, and retreating at the same time toward the pedestal of Pompey's statue. At length, when he saw Brutus among his mur- derers, he exclaimed, " And you too, Brutus ?" and seemed from that moment to give up in despair. He drew his robe over his face, and 268 JULIUS CJJSAR. [B.C. 44 CeMT** death. Flight of thn tenaton. Great commotion soon fell under the wounds which he received. His blood ran out upon the pavement at the foot of Pompey's statue, as if his death were a sacrifice offered to appease his ancient enemy's revenge. In the midst of the scene Brutus made an attempt to address the senators, and to vindi- cate what they had done, but the confusion and excitement were so great that it was impossible that any thing could be heard. The senators were, in fact, rapidly leaving the place, going off in every direction, and spreading the tidings over the city. The event, of course, produced universal commotion. The citizens began to close their shops, and some to barricade their houses, while others hurried to and fro about the streets, anxiously inquiring for intelligence, and wondering what dreadful event was next to be expected. Antony and Lepidus, who were Caesar's two most faithful and influential friends, not knowing how extensive the conspiracy might be, nor how far the hostility to Caesar and his party might extend, fled, and, not daring to go to their own houses, lest the assassins or their confederates might pursue them there, sought concealment in the houses of friends on whom they supposed they could rely, and who were willins to receivejthentt. - B.C. 44.] THE ASSASSINATION. 269 The coaqrinton proceed to die CapitoL They glory in their deed In the mean time, the conspirators, glorying in the deed which they had perpetrated, and congratulating each other on the successful issue of their enterprise, sallied forth together from the senate-house, leaving the body of their victim weltering in its blood, and marched, with drawn swords in their hands, along the streets from the senate-house to the Capitol. Brutus went at the head of them, preceded by a liberty cap borne upon the point of a spear, and with his bloody dagger in his hand. The Capitol was the citadel, built magnificently upon the Capitoline Hill, and surrounded by temples, and other sacred and civil edifices, which made the spot the architectural wonder of the world. As Brutus and his company proceeded thither, they announced to the citizens, as they went along, the great deed of deliverance which they had wrought out for the country. Instead of seek- ing concealment, they gloried in the work which they had done, and they so far succeeded in in- spiring others with a portion of their enthusi- asm, that some men who had really taken no part in the deed joined Brutus and his company in their march, to obtain by stealth a share in the glory. The body of Caesar lay for some time mi' 270 JULIUS CJBSAR. [B.C. 44 Member of Cesar's wounds. His glares crnrey his body home. heeded where it had fallen, the attention of every one being turned to the excitement, which was extending through the city, and to the ex pectation of other great events which might sud- denly develop themselves in other quarters of Rome. There were left only three of Capsar'a slaves, who gathered around the body to look at the wounds. They counted them, and founu the number twenty-three. It shows, however, how strikingly, and with what reluctance, the actors in this tragedy came up to their work at last, that of all these twenty-three wounds only one was a mortal one. In fact, it is probable that, while all of the conspirators struck the victim in their turn, to fulfill the pledge which they had given to one another that they would every one inflict a wound, each one hoped that the fatal blow would be given, after all, by some other hand than his own. At last the slaves decided to convey the body home. They obtained a sort of chair, which was made to be borne by poles, and placed the body upon it. Then, lifting at the three handles, and allowing the fourth to hang unsupported for want of a rran, they bore the ghastly remains home to the distracted Calpnr- lia. B.C.44.J THE ASSASSINATION. 271 Addreu of the conspirators. Feelingi 01 the populace The next day Brutus and his associates called an assembly of the people in the Forum, and made an address to them, explaining the mo- tives which had led them to the commission of the deed, and vindicating the necessity and the justice of it. The people received these expla- nations in silence. They expressed neither ap- probation nor displeasure. It was not, in fact, to be expected that they would feel or evince any satisfaction at the loss of their master. He had been their champion, and, as they believed, their friend. The removal of Caesar brought no accession of power nor increase of liberty to them. It might have been a gain to ambitious senators, or powerful generals, or high officers of state, by removing a successful rival out of their way, but it seemed to promise little ad- vantage to the community at large, other than the changing of one despotism for another. Be- sides, a populace who know that they must be governed, prefer generally, if they must sub- mit to some control, to yield their submission to some one master spirit whom they can ook up to as a great and acknowledged superior. They had rather have a Caesar than a Senate to command them. The higher authorities, however, wer$,