Specimen Book of TYPE American Type Founders New York , / ^-^^^t ^^^58s*^^fe/^3K ^^^^rT^V'^oS^k ^^i. .5?^ irtSw^eJ^SS^ *2KSff &rm*> js^^v^'o i : mfe f v"? ^jm^iU'L? w &aH>s* rc *^?HFM!& ifefetlQJ ^8v^^^^|pvSS^^^pP> < >^ Frederick F.ThomasJr. w w 1 n I w w fYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY' Specimens of Printing types American Cype founders Company Corner Rose and Duane Streets W W w W W w OFFICE AND WAREROOMS CORNER ROSE AND DUANE STREETS NEW YORK CITY PREFACE Never since the invention of printing has a selection of Type been submitted to printers so extensive as this so unequaled in originality and effective- ness of design, ivith series so complete and so ivell manufactured. The Type Faces, Borders and Ornaments excel in design which is the chief merit of type and are cast in the justly cele- brated Copper Alloy, the most durable of type metals. A printing office com- pletely supplied >- " 74 14 " " 40 6 " " . 64 15 " " . 40 7 " ...... " . 56 16 " " . 40 8 " " . 52 18 " " . 40 Roman and German Body Type is put up in fonts of 25, 50, 100 pounds, or some multiple of these weights. Included in each 25 pounds are 5 pounds of Spaces and Quads, and same propor- tion in larger fonts. Italic and Accents will not be sent with Roman fonts unless specially ordered. Smallest font of Italic furnished weighs 5 pounds. A pair of cases holds 50 pounds of body type. Allowance for Old Type and Other Metals Old type (clean and unmixed with other metals), electrotypes, leads and brass, delivered at foundry, will be taken at current prices in exchange for new type or printing material. Customers sending in old metal are requested to mark their names on all packages, and to forward by mail a shipping receipt or bill of lading, with the net weight of each kind of material, as soon as shipment is made. Compliance with this request will aid in identifying shipments, and prevent errors. Ship as "old metal" to secure low freight rate. . SPECIAL NOTICE. Zinc plates, metal containing zinc, or type and other plates mixed with zinc plates, and stereotype plates, will not be received at any price. Type, electrotype plates, leads and brass must be packed separately, as the value of each differs. SHAVED LEADS AXD SLUGS CUT TO CUT TO ONE UNCUT MEASURE UNCUT MEASURE I PO I* nt (i2-to-Pica), per Ib. . (lo-to-Pica), " $050 $065 6 Point (Nonpareil), S 40 50 8 " (Brevier) .ugs, per IbA 4 2 ( 8-to-Pica), " ( 6-to-Pica), " . 32 40 9 ' (Bourgeois) 16 18 10 " (Long Prim.) V$o 16 $o 18 3 ( 4-to-Pica), 16 18 12 ' - (Pica) \ 4 ( 3-to-Pica), 16 18 18 " (Great Prim.) ' ; LABOR'SAVIXG LEADS AXD SLUGS 2 Point or thicker, in fonts of graduated lengths, from 48 Points and upward. 12 pound font $300 50 pound font $1250 20 " " 5 oo j 100 " " 2500 25 " " 6 25 Sorts, per pound 25 | slip METAL CCRXER QUADS These insure a better junction of mitered corners, by preventing them f ipping past each other. 6 Point, per set of four $o 20 Brass, per set of four 25 from Copper Alloy Take Slugs The only Take Slug cast in a mould in extra durable copper alloy metal. Better, cheaper and more durable than electro- typed slugs. Any number from i to 100, in this style figure only: Price, each, 15 cents Electrotyped Take Slugs With Word, Letter or Figure . . . $o 25 BRASS CURVES AND CLAMPS Fonts, containing 170 pieces, ranging from 6 Point to 48 Point, bodywise, and from 5 ems Pica to 36 ems Pica lengthwise, designed to form a great variety of curved lines, and also for setting straight lines, $8.00. METAL FURNITURE Put up in fonts containing the following sizes : 2, 3. 4 5. 6, 8 and 10 i2-Point ems wide, and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 50 i2-Point ems long. 12 pound font $3 oo 25 " 625 5 " 1250 100 " 25 oo Sort, 25 cents per pound. LABOR-SAVING QUOTATION FURNITURE This Furniture is cast in a type mould, and is finished with the strictest regard for accuracy. The pieces are 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 i2-Point ems in length, and 2, 3 and 4 i2-Poiiit ems in width, quadrat height, with suitable spaces. 20 pound font $5 oo 40 " " 10 oo Sorts to order, 25 cents per pound. ANGULAR QUADS These Quads, introduced by us, are for setting rules and lines at an angle. When there is occasion for their use they are invaluable time-savers. They are of ordinary space and quad height. Fonts, four of all sizes, $1.50. Price, per set of four : 12 Point, $o 20 48 Point, $o 30 18 20 60 " 35 24 " 20 72 " 40 36 " 25 24 Point 36 Point CIRCULAR QUADS Fonts, $3.50 Each font is put up in a wood- en box, containing four pieces each of twenty different curves. Each curve mortised as shown in examples. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Labor-Saving Brass Rules NO 161 B 1 POINT BODY Price per Tont Body No. 5 lbs. =j 2 Pt. 126 $875 $438 2 " inB 875 438 2 " 1146 875 438 3 " n8B 800 400 4 " 1198 8 oo 400 6 " 1218 7 50 3 75 1228 7 50 3 75 1268 8 oo i6iB 15 oo 7 50 $219 2 19 2I 9 NO 111 B 2 POINT BODY 2 POINT BODY NO 114 B 2 POINT BODY NO 126 B 3 POINT BODY Labor-Saving Brass Rules are cut in length to twelve- point body, unless otherwise ordered, and are graduated by ens and ems. All fonts have mitered corner pieces. Fonts of not less than i K Ibs. furnished from any Single, Double, Parallel or Triple Rule at following prices: Per Ib. Per Ib. 1 Point $3 oo 3 Point $i 60 i% " 200 4 " i 60 2 " i 75 5 " i 6 6 " and larger . . i 50 Special prices on applica- tion for Labor-Saving Orna- mental Brass Rules. SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULES Labor- Saving Brass Rules NO 137 B 6 POINT BODY NO 139 B 8 POINT BODY 6 POINT BODY NO 140 B 10 POINT BODY NO 156 B 9 POINT BODY NO 127 B 4 POINT BODY Price per Ton! Body No. 10 Ibs. 5 Ibs. Ibs. 4 Pt. 1278 $800 $400 6 1298 $15 oo 7 50 375 8 1318 15 oo 7 so 375 4 1358 800 4 oo 6 1378 1500 750 375 8 1398 15 oo 7 5 375 10 1408 15 oo 7 5 375 6 1458 15 oo 7 50 375 9 1568 15 oo 750 375 NO 135 B 4 POINT BODY AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BRASS DASH RULES Cut to single newspaper column. Prices [uoted are for is-ems column and under. No. i. No. 2. No. 3. No. 4. No. 5. No. 6. No. 7. No. 8. No. 9. No. 10. No. ii. No. 12. No. 13. No. 14. EACH. 7 cts 7 cts. 7 cts. Sets. 8 cts. Sets. Sets. 7 cts. 7 cts. 7 cts. Sets. Sets. Sets. Sets. BRASS HEAD RULES The following prices are for any Single, Double, Parallel or Triple Rule shown in this book : 4 PT. 6 PT. THICK THICK 12 in. and under, each .20 .25 14 " " .25 .30 17 " .3 -35 19 " -35 -40 22 " .40 .50 No. i. 6 PT. 7 PT. THICK THICK 3 -35 35 -4 45 -50 .50 .60 .60 .70 4 Point. No. 2. 4 Point. No. 3. 4 Point. No. 4. 4 Point. No. 5. 5 Point. No. 6. 5 Point. No. 7. 5 Point. No. 8. 5 Point. No. 9. 6 Point. No. 10. 6 Point. No. ii. 6 Point. No. 12. 6 Point. No. 13. 7 Point. No. 14. 7 Point. ADVERTISING RULES Prices quoted are for is-ems column and under. No. i. SINGLE COL. 4 cts. DOUBLE COL. 6 cts. No. 2. 4 cts. 6 cts. No. 3. 5 cts. Sets. No. 4. 5 cts. 8 cts. No. 5. 5 cts. 8 cts. No. 6. 6 cts. No. 7. 6 cts. No. 8. 6 cts. No. 9. 6 cts. No. 10. 7 cts. BRASS COLUMN RULES 10 PT. .60 .70 4 Column . . 13^ in. . . .35 .50 .55 5 . . 17% in. . . .40 .55 .60 6 . . 19^ in. . . .45 .60 .65 7 . . 21% in. . . .50 .65 .70 . . 23% in. . . .50 .65 .70 9 . . 25% in. . . .55 .70 .80 Additional inch 02 .03 Column Rules, nicked under for Combina- tion Head Rules, 10 cents extra. Notched over and under for Perfecting presses, each 25 cents extra. 8 POINT 7 POINT 8 POINT 9 POINT 10 POINT 70 .85 70 .85 80 .95 04 .05 BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS PER POUND i Point, cut to one measure ....... St.oo . 6 and thicker, cut to one measure .75 3 " in strips ........ per foot .10 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULES BRASS RULES In ordering Brass Rttle it is important to state both No. and Initial of the style wanted NO. 10B BODY 1 Point PER FOOT $0 05 No. 66B BODY PER FOOT 4 Point $0 16 11B 1% Point 6 fi7R 5 Point 2O 12B 2 Point 8 68B 6 Point 28 13B 3 Point 12 69B 7 Point 32 14B 4 Point 16 70B 8 Point 34 15B 5 Point 2O 16B 5% Point 22 71B 9 Point 38 ^_^_ 17B 6 Point 28 72B 10 Point 40 ^_^_ 18B 7 Point 11 Point 45 ^_^_ 19B 8 Point 34 ^^^ r , 4B 12 Point 50 ^nm 20B 9 Point 38 ^^^ 75B 1% Point 6 21B 10 Point 40 ^^^ 76B 2 Point 8 22B 11 Point 45 ^^^ 77B 3 Point 12 23B 12 Point 50 ^^^ 78B 4 Point 16 24B 1 Point 5 79B 5 Point 20 ^^^^ 25B 1% Point 6 SOB 6 Point 28 ^^_ 26B 2 Point 8 109 B 1 Point $0 06 27B 3 Point 12 HOB 1% Point 6 28B 4 Point 16 ^^_ 111B 2 Point 8 29B 5 Point 20 ^_ SOB 6 Point 28 m n m 112 B 2 Point 8 63B \% Point 6 113B 2 Point . 8 64B 2 Point 8 114B 2 Point 8 65B 3 Point 12 115B 2 Point 8 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY No. 116 B 2 BODY PER FOOT Point $0 08 No. 140 B BODY 10 Point PER FOOT $0 40 117B 3 Point 12 141 B 12 Point^ 50 118B 3 Point 12 119B 4 Point 16 142 B 3 Point 12 120 B 5 Point 20 143 B 4 Point 16 121 B 6 Point 28 144 B 5 Point 20 122 B 7 Point 32 145 B 6 Point 28 123 B 8 Point 34 146 B 7 Point 32 124 B 9 Point 38 147 B 8 Point 34 125 B 10 Point 40 148 B 10 Point 4O 126 B 4 Point 16 149 B 12 Point 50 127 B 4 Point 16 128 B 5 Point 20 150B 3 Point 12 129 B 6 Point 28 151 B 4 Point 16 152B 5 Point 20 130 B 7 Point 32 153 B 6 Point 28 131 B 8 Point 34 154 B 7 Point 32 132 B 1O Point 40 155 B 8 Point 34 133 B 12 Point 50 156B 9 Point 38 134 B 8 Point 12 157 B 1O Point 40 135 B 4 Point 16 158B 12 Point 50 , 136 B 5 Point 2O 137 B 6 Point 28 159B BHB 18 Point BBBBI 60 on 138 B 7 Point 32 160 B mm 24 Point mmmM 1 20 mm 139B 8 Point 34 162 B 163 B 164 B 165B 166 B 167 B 168 B 169 B 170 B 171 B 185 B 186 B 187 B 188 B 189 B 19OB 191 B 192 B 193 B SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULES No. 161 B BODY 1 Point PER FOOT $ 05 No. 196 B BODY 4 Point PER FOOT $O 16 1% Point 2 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 5% Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 9 Point 10 Point 12 Point 12 16 20 22 28 32 34 38 12 16 20 28 32 34 38 40 197 B 198 B 199 B 200 B 201 B 223 B 224 B 225 B 230 B 231 B 238 B 239 B ***SX*IMIII'l H rlS 240 B SXNXX^XX< 241 B /v^vxx. 242 B 243 B tn^m* 245 B ^.^*^^, 246 B 5 Point 6 Point 7 Point 8 Point 10 Point 6 Point 8 Point 10 Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point t~+**H**+*i~i-r*** 3 Point XNXXXNXXXX 3 Point ,X>^X>^" 2 Point 3 Point k^m^m^mOT :5 Point '.',.". -I.- 3 Point 20 28 32 34 40 28 34 40 10 10 10 1O 15 X-N^>- 15 ^>^ 10 15 L^m^- 15 15 .>>...">. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY No. BODY PER FOOT NO. BODY PER FOOT 253 B 3 Point $ o 20 306 B 1 Point $0 11 254 B 4 Point 22 3O7B 1> Point 12 272 B _**_m*^N_^V_SV^**^N_ 273 B 3 Point 4 Point 20 22 3O8B 2 Point 12 18 iiiiimiiiiniiiiiiii 309 B 3 Point IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIHIIMI 281 B 283 B 285 B 310 B 4 Point 22 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 311 B 5 Point 27 Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 12 Point 70 31 2 B 6 Point 18 Point 18 Point 75 315 B 1 Point 11 31 6 B 1% Point 12 317B 2 Point 12 318 B 3 Point 18 319 B 4 Point 22 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiilini 32OB 5 Point 27 imiiimimiiimiiiiiiimmiiimii 321 B 6 Point 32 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 322 B 8 Point 42 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll 323 B 12 Point 65 334 B 2 Point 12 299 B 4 Point 22 300 B 5 Point 25 301 B 5 Point 25 Illllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Illlllllllllllllll 302 B 2 Point 12 337 B Illllllllllllllllllll 5 Point IIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 27 Illlllllllllllllll 303 B 2 Point 12 338 B 6 Point iiiiiiiiiii 32 iniiiiiiiiiiiiiii SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULES 344 B 2 Point 12 345 B 3 Point 18 346 B 4 Point 22 347 B 5 Point 27 353 B inn mi mini 24 Point 1 25 11111111 354 B 6 Point 356 B 357 B BODY 18 Point 24 Point 370 B 18 Point PER FOOT $0 95 1 25 95 371 B 24 Point 1 ' ; ' ' 1 25 372 B 12 373 B 3 Point 18 miiiiiiiiiimiMiiiiiiiimilillilllliliiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiii 374 B 4 Point 22 Illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllillilllili 375 B 5 Point 27 376 B 6 Point illllllllMIIilllilllllllllllll 377 B 8 Point 381 B 405 B 24 Point 12 Point 1 25 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY NO. 419 B 420 B 421 B 422 B BODY 12 Point 18 Point 423 B 424 B 24 Point 36 Point 12 Point 18 Point PER FOOT $0 65 1 25 1 75 65 95 437 B 438 B 439 B 24 Point 12 Point 1 101! 1 25 1 40 65 425 B 426 B 443 B 444 B 24 Point 30 Point 1 25 1 40 2 Point 3 Point 12 18 ''///////////////////////////////////////////////////^^^ 445 B 4 Point 22 v////////////////////////^^^^^ 152 P. 24 Point 1 25 441 B 470 B 471 B 2 Point 3 Point 12 18 N^^ 6 Point 18 v 22 32 495 B 8 Point 42 SxSSxxSxX^^ 10 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY No. 5OOB BODY 2 Point PER FOOT SO 12 3 Point 501 B 502 B 4 Point 22 v///////////////////////////////^^^^ NO. 523 B BODY 2 Point 569 B 6 Point 40 12 Point 70 583 B 584 B 585 B 4 Point 8 Point 25 50 12 Point 70 570 B 18 Point 1 10 586 B 24 Point 1 25 571 B 24 Point 1 25 590 B 12 Point 70 572 B 3O Point 1 50 591 B 24 Point 1 25 573 B 592 B 36 Point 1 75 SPECIMENS AND PRICES OF BRASS RULES 11 593 B 594 B BODY 6 Point 12 Point PER FOOT $O 4O 70 r "%r "%r "%r -%r *%r -%r "W"^ , - : : .^^>, ,, ,<^^, ,<^^, , ,<^^ . ,<^.'r , ,<^^, .-XS^ 595 B 596 B 15 Point 24 Point 1 25 ^ : ^^/S/S/S/^ $.'. %^ . .^ ^^ <5; ^^ ^^ ^^^ -, ^. '' .>^\' ' X ^. 601 B 36 Point 1 75 No. 619 B 62OB BODY 6 Point 6 Point PER FOOT $0 40 40 685 A *12 Point 7O 686 A *12 Point 70 625 B 27 Point 1 40 627 B 24 Point 1 40 616 B IIIIBIMIIBIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIII 24 Point 1 25 628 B 27 Point 1 4O 61 7 B 24 Point 1 25 61 8 B 24 Point 1 25 639 B 6 Point 640 B 641 B 50 642 B 6 Point 5O - * + o ^ i * Nos. b8jA and bSbA are made /' twelve-inch strips only 12 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY No. 643 B BODY 5 Point PER FOOT $0 27 No. 477 C BODY 6 Point PER FOOT ?0 36 644 B 6 Point 32 inHiiTJiiHHMHin 484 C iniMnnnHHimimniiiH 4 Point 22 645 B 7 Point 40 485 C 8 Point 42 646 B 5 Point 27 ""T 486 C WVWWVW 12 Point wwvw 58 647 B 6 Point 32 '~~~' 491 C 7 Point 40 492 C 8 Point 42 337 A 4 Point 26 341 A 6 Point 38 493 C 10 Point 48 wvV^VV VVVWWVW 344 A 12 Point 60 494 C 12 Point 58 Perforating Rules 7008, Brass. 2 Point. Per foot, 15 cts. 7016, Brass. 3 Point. Per foot, 18 cts. 7106, Steel. 17 teeth to i in. Per foot, 50 cts. 7116, Steel. 12 teeth to i in. Per foot, 50 cts. 7128, Steel. 8% teeth to i in. Per foot, 50 cts. Brass Scoring Rules 2 Point, per foot, .08 i 4 Point, per foot, .16 3 " " .12 I 6 " " .28 Steel Cutting Rules 2 Point, regular, per foot 20 2 " bright and hard,per foot 30 3 " regular, per foot . .30 6 " " " 50 Brass Space Rule 1 Point per pound, $3.50 T-Yz " 2.75 2 " " 2.OO TYPE. See page 507 for List of Type Faces made in Brass, all shown in this book. cA special Specimen Book of Brass Type ill be sent on application. SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 13 DIE=eUT BRASS DASHES Nos. 201 to 242 and sbS to 297, any length for neius columns not exceeding 15 ems, 10 cents each : Nos. 243 to 254, /y cents each. No. 214. 10 cts. No. 218. 10 cts. No. 235. 10 cts. No. 213. 10 cts. No. 203. 10 cts. No. 236. 10 CtS. No. 212. 10 cts. No - 232 - I0 cts - No. 237. i ** - - No. 211. 10 cts. No - 229 - I0 cts - No. 238. No. 210. 10 cts. No - 204 ' Iocts ' No. 239. 10 CtS. No. 209. 10 cts. No. 230. 10 cts. , No. 240. No. 208. 10 cts. No. 202. 10 cts. No. 241. 10 CtS. No. 207. 10 cts. No. 231. 10 cts. No. 242. 10 CtS. No. 215. 10 cts. No. 216. 10 cts. No. 228. 10 CtS. > ^ No. 201. 10 cts. No. 217. 10 cts. No 227 No. 243. 15 cts. 10 CtS. No. 24W. 15 cts. * *^ 10 CtS. No. 244. 15 cts. 10 CtS. No. 250. 15 cts. 10 CtS. No. 245. 15 cts. 10 CtS. ^f.r^ ' > 10 CtS. ^No-M^iscts^ * No. 252. 15 cts. B ^ m __ No. 206. 10 CtS. Xo. 247^ 15 cts.^ No 2 ' 9 _ 10 CtS. ^ No. 253^:5 cts. ^ NQ 2 * 10 CtS. No. 248 1 j 5 cts. No 234 10 CtS. No.^54^ i^cts. No 221 10 CtS. No. 290. 10 cts. No. 275. 10 cts. No. 289. 10 cts. No. 274. 10 cts. No. 291. 10 cts. > ^ 7 ^ 1 ^' T^ I0 cts. No._27^octs. No.l 2 .' z^cts. So^TT^io^. No. 28' ,o cts. No.^JM.jocts. Xo.2s. T^cts. Xo. 278.^,0 cts. No. 286. x cts. V; 1 . -^ tS - No. '294. xocts. No.279.jc.cts. No. 285. 10 cts. No. 280. 10 cts. No. 295. 10 cts. No. 270. 10 cts. No. 284. 10 cts. No. 269. 10 cts. No. 296. jo cts. No. 281. to cts. No. 283. 10 cts. No. 292. 10 cts. No. 297. 10 cts. No. 268. 10 cts. 14 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BRASS BRHeES Xo. 32. 30 cts._ COMPLETE SET $5 60 Labor-Saving Brass Leaders 5 Point per Ib. . $1.60 7 Point per Ib. . $1.60 c.y 2 " " . 1.60 8 " . 1.60 (Hyphen or Dotted) from 12 Points to 216 Points in length 10 Point i. 60 9 Faces 10 Point body BOB it Point body . per Ib. . $1.50 . 1.40 " . 1.40 When ordering, be particular to state the style of Leader (whether Dotted or Hyphen) as well as the face of the type with which the Leaders are to be used SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 15 BRASS YftLS Ovals from No. 13 to No. 28, inclusive, are turned from Solid Seamless Brass Tubing 16 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BRASS All Brass Circles on this and the following page are turned from Solid Seamless Brass Tubing SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 17 BRASS CIRCLES 18 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Excelsior Music THE STAR-SPANGLED BANNER Voices in unison PER LB. $3 60 . Weight of smallest font, 30 Ibs. FRANCIS SCOTT KEY. 1814 -rJ h l-r m I I =?-- Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proud-ly we hail'd at the I -&r _ - - -|- N > _ ^ -IS- m -0- twilight's last gleaming, Whose stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight, O'er the ramparts we 9 I I Excelsior Music No 2 MY COUNTRY! 'TIS OF THEE SAMUEL F. SMITH PER LB. $3 60 Weight of smallest font, 30 Ibs. H. CAREY -^ . 1 = fl = 1 [- rpz E 1 . || J J J 1 My country! 'tis of thee, Sweet land of lib - er - ty, Of thee I sing; Landwheremy r fa - thers died ! Land of the Pilgrims' pride! From ev - 'ry mountainside Let_ free-dom ring ! I f r 1 I . b b Excelsior Music No 3 Novello, or English Note ISAAC WATTS PER LB. $3 60 Weight of smallest font, 30 Ibs. OLD HUNDRED / *4 ' h 1 , i_i i J ti^ F= J B ! -Mi ^ 4 ; r-; j . =d~ 3E , = < * * i * i n Be - fore Je - ho -van's aw - ml throne, Ye na - tions ! bow with sa - cred jov : ^.^4 gn r^_ =, -^ , a f , =[F = r? ^ ^ * .f f t * w 3 i -J p _H^_ -i ' .; H- ' i SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 19 Diamond Music No 1 HOME, SWEET HOME With expression PER LB. $3 20 Weight of smallest font, 60 Ibs. BISHOP -N ' ' i ^^ IS ^-i ~3C r*~~ ^ J . f N j . , j . . ~ ff^\ Ft * ^m 2 * i # * * "fm 5 J '* i i _i^ *~i ' * V- jy ^4 * * * * S 2 i 1 * 0, ? * Mid pleas-ures and pal - a - ces f +.0 .. - -.* ' -^ -m- though we may roam, Be it ev - er so ^ P'B * -0- -0- -0- -0- __ +.0 .. . 5 -* - * * f fff ' f 5 5 ^ ' -> 1 | | |^ &=& r r * n 1 IL ^ P B* S c/-fj. S J"*H ^ [^ IS V i J ^-a -4 4^P ^ 1 >T-# * m J "I J ' ^ rTT^~* *~ - ~*~~ -W-^ ^ j j S -^ n~-^ f 0,00 ( SEE I - ~ J t f f * * .-"^ J/ '* ^ \ hum - ble, there's no * r r 1 ^ 1 1 place like home ! A charm from the skies seems to hal - low us , J ./f- j.-S- -. - - -f-- *-*- rv * * * f^~~~^ m Z * m m mZ-0- 1 !x* \ \ T f * j + j r m 1* ' x r i j C3 \ - *> V X U * * y Diamond Music No 2 Tenderly ANNIE LAURIE PER LB $3 20 Weight of smallest font, 60 Ibs. SCOTCH BALLAD 20 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Diamond Music No 3 AULD LANG SYNE Slow PER LB. $3 20 Weight of smallest font, 60 Ibs. ROBERT BURNS ~j:*~2 -K- N, ^ * ' -^-#-^4- -J^ ^ " 3=*= i^ (^ 1 \N|y *T~ ! i , 1 Should auld ac-quaint-ance be for - got, And nev - e N IS p. [N IS r K ! . N 1 I S (-. brought to mind? r r ?p ^ ^ ** 1* ' 1 ] l~s4 f j... ^. _L_ .4_ U & ^ s ' * f F- i 4 I, i i n tt *-v & N N -V ^-L^ *-= ^-L^ J k. N Qta * ?R r is. r N P p N 1 1 m m J IS J i r - N N rt i 1 ffn 1 i m ^ I J K ^> SaZ L' F * P f J^ J ^ v ! ^ 1 tj " L/ "sL* i*" * ~*~ Should auld ac-quaint-ance be for - got, And days of auld lang syne? -f- *-+-+- . +- +- +- -F- -^TV | /w^\ j* ' P P r i m ^ ^ 9( <>* ] > S E &- . r-*^-t ^-^1 Diamond Music No 4 Novella, or English Note WATCH ON THE RHINE PER LB $3 20 Weight of smallest font, 60 Ibs. ^[r ' r r J ! M fc^ 1 ^S^ There swells a cry as thun - ders crash, As clash of swords and break - ers dash ; To \J N xk ( * E P* J J J . i J x ^ ^ ^ N* -d ^F-^ ^ J * : -9- ~9 r P m A fl V P-'' / * i 3 s* N* N* NJ| \-/ \ t r 4 * fl \ *\ \ *\ j ^y-t p E g g j ^ p j^- r C -^ ^ Rh ne, to Rhine, to the Ger- man Rhine, Who will pro-tect thee riv - er mine? J j L/ c '" m y ^~- i ^T ^ * m "-^ \ s if \\ <* -mm ^^- *v c*^ ^3 _ 1 \S-lv S * * * ^ ^~\ 1 - ^ ^7 ^ 3* 2* V * J | 1 ! 1 f^\ r i ri EG L ji 1 to ^ ^ J J J J | 1 ^K-^ ** ? r P * * * 1 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 21 PQ = J s J m MUSIC TYPE In addition to regular fonts of Music Type, we now put up fonts one-half the regular size, as follows : Per Ib. Excelsior $3-6o ... 15 pounds . Diamond 3-20 ... 3 Agate 2.40 ... 3 Nonpareil 2.00 ... 30 Tonic Sol-fa, 8 Point . . i.oo ... 25 Tonic Sol-fa, 10 Point . . 0.82 ... 25 Smallest font Price per lorn $54-00 96.00 72.00 60.00 25.00 20.50 fO o fl+ J J QC :k: s> fO o 2 i 20 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Diamond Music No 3 AULD LANG SYNE PER LB. $3 20 Weight of smallest font, 60 Ibs. ROBERT BURNS v ** h N N J ' P ^ F E A N S-M t8y~~4~ s ij ii tf ~i ^ ^ ^ J . i T - * 1 * 11 1 ~ ^ * n * -- v v * -- ----*- Should auld ac-quaint-ance be for - got, And nev - er P. h . fc h I s fc brought to mind? V N fs ZjjTY" 4"f *i * ' ^ ' 9 * W( 4P f- i l^y* ^ ^^ J 5 2 \^^s E r r r 1 ^ * ' /L*\ 9 V 4 fl ^ i P I ^> / * , P i >* \A \* \* X^ 1 y I ^ \-~a * 1 a E E S * ... ._ I IT -* ^^ L.^ 9 ^.^ m , E^E ^ F r ^r"^ ^r P r~^ fritz E. P-| Rhine, to Rhine, to the Ger- man Rhine, Who will pro-tect thee riv - er mine? fe -Si > ^ - J S SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 21 22 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY L' ~e <- ' 3 fe" ^ (i> a :. - 1 - 5 A s A ts t^ *~ a 65 ft] - i s- B 'i ^ t - C. ,2 5 '3 ,-pT <-S tu ? S o g- S i I -I o 5 I" 5 a S C S fc s is b a IS I ,5 a * 4h 'a fe t CQ. 2 S * ^ 1 C -I O O O K5 X 'S o a. -o s? * J 4 g * V w O o & 9 i J -o "o ^3 t* -o v ^> 2 -3 B fe ' 8 fj 1 ^ C J i 9. ^ S 1 I % I 1 ,- - r I g I "3 u- g 3- ^S 2 ^ S ?- i-i- a- * ^ s. >r d] SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES PRSN GREEK Parson Greek cast to order infants of 50 Ibs. and upwards 8 POINT JOB PONT $7 50 ToO 5 eiriyiyvofj-tvov Otpovs at /JLV ivia.tiffi.ot. ffirovoal dieX^Xvvro /x^XP' flvffiuv /cat iv TTJ ticfxeipla, oi ' A6-i}vaioi AijXiovs dvforrjffav K A^Xov, f)yr)iffi.v flvai rovro rrjs /caflapcrews, rj irporepov /u.ot deSr/XuTai (fJs dveX6vres ras O'^Ka.'i rQiv redvetaTuv 6p6(Hs evdfjuffav Troifjcrai. /cat oi fj^v A^Xtot ArpafJ.VTTiov QapvdKov 86vros aurots v rrj Affiq. (pKTjffav, oOrws ws ^/COCTTOS up/JiijTO. KX^wv 5^ ' A6~rjvaiovs irelffas ^s rot ITTI Gp^KT/s ~%tapla e^irXevcre /j.erd TTJV ^Kexeiptav, AOrjvaiuv n^v OTrX/ras e\uyas rjv Toirrw o-uyyevo/xevos 6 Kvpos r)ya.(rQr) re avrov /cat 8:'8a)criv avTaJ p.vpiov<; Supet/cou?. 6 8e Xafiutv TO 'Aei TOVS "EAA^vas- wcTTe Kat xp>7//,aTa (rwe^SaAAovTo aira) eis T^V Tpotfrrjv rStv crr/DaTtwraiv at 'EAA^cr- TTOvTta/cai TroAets e/coucrat- TOUTO 8' av O^TW Tpe<^>o//.evov eAav^avev aura) TO (TTpdr- 11 POINT JOB FONT $7 50 'Evret Se ^cray ey r^ xy&) X^P? 1 ' "EAX^ve?, oTrota TWV ^wpiwv rot? A/3i'A,atTes curyecrav /cal ovSev rjv et /A^ 5? ?; /Sou? ^ aAAo rt Krrjvos TO TrOp SiaTrefavyds. *JLv rjrpoTroXi^ avrwv et'Xecre, (frdcrKojv rr)v Trpay/xa ^vp^/ceVat /xeya i TToXXou acfiozA vvre^ero Se eipTjvrjv iroLtjo'eLv /u^re fir) pa Sov? TO, Ttjq KaOfXaiv p.TJre TO,? z^av? vrapaSov? ravra Se 22 (, AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GREEK Heavyface Greek cast to order infants 0/50 Ibs. and upwards 8 POINT OVKOVV ov8* av ls avreiiroi ws oti epi rf| TToXei KCU Aa.K8cup,oviovs dcr- 6vts etvai Kal @i]paovs TOTJTOVO-I. "Eo-ri TOVVV ev TIVI TOIOVTO> Kaipw TO, irpd.'y- fxara vvv el' TL Set rots tpT|p.vois 7ro\\aKis trap {jfiiv Xo'yois TKp.T|pa(rOai, WCTTC Oi}- Paiovs fxv 'Opxop.vov Kal 0cririwv Kal nXaraicov OLKLcrGeicrcov dcrOeveis -Yeve'crOaL, AaKtSaifxoviovs St, cl iroi^crovTai TTJV 'ApKaSiav v" lavrois K JOB FONT $7 50 KT61VW, f. KT6J'cD(I2O, I ), a. fKTClVa (I2l), pf. eKravov (109, 3) (diroKTeivw is gen- erally used), to kill. K.TT]uXaKTi Trpoorpa\T|VTa)v TWV 'A6t]vaC e^KaTaXTJ^OTi, dTToXlTTCiV aVTO excopei es TT^v iroXiv. ol 8e 'ABTjvaioi 8dvo\)(riv ot re airb TWV X6vT TT^V Topcov-qv Kal 6 ircl^os irio-ird|Jivos axrropocl Kara TO GREEK 30 A $4 80 TT A N^A *PY PAYAAIANTA JAM ieSANTAAEKATT4>TEY NeiUNKAIPUJMAIlUNYTTO^XOAENON KAIERTHNAI^OPANKIONA^GIKOe 1^9 5KOYTLQCANTADKIONAIEIKOCI KAITATMNTMNeEEDPANANTOYDEN08 ANA^ENTAKAITHNTHIKAAUAIAIBOYHI i< P^*^O Y^TEAAMBANEINKAG tf* KA||O||ONpT05ENBAAEe KA8TONBOY 4>^6 W^t\ifi COYHMEOA* SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 'o S t ," -S ^ ' 5 ,| "3 O (M : . ,t k *. ', 4 .S- 5 .* 3 f,f S t s, r * -s "- '^" ty CO ill 2 ^ '- ((C 4 S i > f 3 t -8 HI ^ m I v d ^ 'P i -p *d H ^ ll-r*aS ^^ s J- m l|| ll| *" 1 *.!!* * 1 * "S f i ^ ^ a" 1 "o> d P- M 1 lilt 1 I |1 ^ s. o g i. | " * t X - f i"-s _a ^ 'a '3 i J a * Ij J "B ? ( l * g - 5 * ,s >= " '1 'S "1 -'-< .s 1 ?" I * 111 s s ,s ^ li . Ij ^ C! * 5, [.," K fc 'e" * a ' ?~ t ' ' i '? i 6- .3 a 3 J I S ' J S .1 - 9" f" I 1 .1 .i I- "! -I - p i i !| o G '1 a | ,a- a. ' j 3 |'S 1 * i A 0. cq 9 3 2 '-* ^ ** * o ^ f J i " v o. j* a c- ** K C g St " ' 's i i -I .s 's i > "S HI g - 5 1 j p s 1 ^ ' / '! '* ,1 o t a a- O W s o *5 S 3 B ^ ^ *S V *^ 2 "* a ( * >a 3 '% 3- a. 3. 5 z |* -s 1= S 5 S <3 g" *< '> g g -1 i' f 111 ? ^ t= a * j i " r 1 ? a g t> I *!> *- " el "flkliicJ d *" b * M * , ' I sf 1 | ' 3 _. < C' * '? l| | i ! 1 k -o 1 1 I ! f 01 2 a i ? [i 1 1. 1 1 i- 1 * i= j B 5 1 !|| 1 ^ 1 a -a -S f < ca B -s M ^ " * ^ 'S "3 ' f M -;> $ S 1- " I * r { ^ S ^ f ^ 'S .3 "8 2 -P ^ & ; a -3 i * A ^ f P I i; i 3 c -J < -B ^J.1|J| :ii fa ^ b E ^ il *J * * s * ' 3 -a ; I '3 P !=- ^ ' ~8" ^ | Q_ ^ !S " .< 's ! j Hill i M *< X >o ? 1 1 j i i j i 1 i 4 1 ' If! 1 '*"! | ^ _ b g fe 4 g ** -0 "1 3 a ^ i ! * 8 * j i a . 4 a 3 c " <3- , g "8 "J" o 4 B H o C <2 ll f ^ j 1 1 ," ^ S -J | ^ 1 ^ 1 '^ i -1 "s 'T 1 '- - ."" K 1 : i-jr 4 "^ - 1 | | j 1 1 | ^ 1 Xi'fl 8 C3 f m .j ' K K s < cq K , I CO ; TO (TTOfia avTov, eoiSao'Kcv aiiTOvs, \eyV ovpaviav /xaxaptot 01 TrevffovvTfS' OTI. aii- a(captot 01 Trpaeis' OTI avTOt icAT|po>'OVT}o-owo'i TT]V yrjv fj.aKa.pioi. 6s -n)v SiKaioV ovpavtii' /aaxaptoi eo-T, OTar ovei&i(T ~< e o e a 5 v s- o fe- 5. - c ^ % S. ^ ^ * ,g. $ *8 5 1 'g , R -5 _ ^ 1 ,Sf *- - s4 - ^..-3^23 -3- 1 5 | ,| ' ^ .1 ^ t- c -1- O r< (- o 'TZ o ol oetiiuyfiEvol EVEKE fiaKapioi OT, OTOV 9 a < PH M <3 Smallest font, 10 Ibs. Tat avTou- (cat acotfa? Tc*> 7n>eu/LiaTi' OTI avTa)^ Tot 7rapa(cAi)6r)croi'Tat fj. ol nei.vJ,3AU0J>1\TO MIX A3 odji Saox 5t)xj/)odji Snox n < . 24 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Hebrew alphabet and Accents, with Scheme Numbers To avoid errors, please order by number FINAL ACCENTS SPACING LETTERS PLAIN LETTERS p f] ! D *i 7j naSrij^ ^nK > "ipVQj?DJoi53 in i?3n mn : moy - ^nn n^rip pm N3 nni iipn in ' v T T : T : ' JOB FONT $3 60 Bn^3 TI^O n^-ja n^rip "nn-n nnn ^runr nptr^M i6ot^ n^ni DTT^N :mnn a^vna^D nnn : n:pi> D^ny on DB> D-:6n nnn enn-3 pxi ntrytr sin n^y:trnoi HM^ Nin n^ntrno j 7-6 M size supplied with or without accented letters, as reqitired sn 2^5,1 b?n : n.?np I^N 2^755. r^n. : cbyiTS Tj?7p ^^3 nb-p ^31. JOB PONT $3 60 - rs c-ni c*rr?s c-rVn c^nin-^ : rmn 22? "*n2*2c Vowel accents not supplied unless specially ordered. II 'ith the exception oj 8 Point, this series is suitable only for classical work 26 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY HEBREW No 2 24 POINT JOB PONT $3 oo Dyprroa oyi B^X jycoony nyi p ^K BS "inyr nypiiiDia &n /"i2s: IDDIJ; .y ^:ix nypi-n j : nypm NH naiN nj?pTn3ia NH in lya ojn JOB PONT $2 so JOB FONT $2 50 JOB PONT $2 25 njn r 77 tsoij? JOB FONT $2 25 TIN ]J?J?T cs |jnaj?Dty iviynyn nais lyaynS^p |p INS yrSxr cSx ymisn This series is commonly used for newspapers. Net intended to be used with accents SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES RABBINie 12 POINT TID 71? .HW1P3 blDPb CPD)35 CPDCDOD oob PP rcn pb ib 33^ -jb opifr nnb if'if' ICP PER FONT $10 40 Font weighs 8 Ibs. DC -J3 obt i 1 PER PONT $1160 Font weighs 10 Ibs. Font weighs 8 Ibs. P oi"ot ^D^ niipo ''53 ]'30 ^PPI PJCP D7 1 ^f>i iu 1P3t PITSO PliflO b PER LB $1 ie Smallest font, 25 Ibs. RUSSIAN No 10 12 POINT OdmeCTBO AMepHKaHCKlIX'b CjIOBOJIHTHHKOB'b CBoii doraTbiii CKJIQRTO AmviincKHX'b, HiiMe CKiixt n EBpeficKHxt nipii^TOBt, c^'fejiaHHbixii ii3T> canaro ^yqniaro MaTepiajia. Ile^aTHbifl H dyMaro-p'feaHbiH 3 KOHCTpyKii,iii n Bcame Tiinorpa^ii^iecKie no caMbiMt ^euieBbiMt n.'feHaM'b Bopnci> FeccejiL6epr r b PER LB. $1 12 Smallest font, 25 Ibs. ^\\.iuniupuiuujlt Luiam-K^liLlili h OiUJlip /, // ^II'IIIIK! iiiiliiilinili : ^iiijliiiiliiiili \\tliit Ii [ill np n puiauuta ^bml^ niunpu/& f^p a hi p niuui 10 POINT PER LB ^ 1 30 Smallest font, 25 Ibs. */ f* fl n L. fa~ n LUU n ^ujjuiuuimu Jf*lofict-*ffimecl wCy, mritcri, nct.d rt-e <(t,iJ4 of vyoittmotttj 6&emina -fa dtatifi et-ts{^,fL'a*d.. 'V-i^ / // 'L'fa.i. 12 POINT 12 A 50a $900 8 A 30a iC'C^-t-t-e^i^. "^A C-Xr ^/*.-vr.t^-^e^.^ CT't C^i^-i J , t.'CC g^/Aq^ / i-ci n^.-0-^-t. C/ <-t.*e. c!-tt,-c C-Xi 7 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 31 GOTHAM SCRIPT 12A50a$1935 8A20a$990 -odd 12 A 50 a $12 75 8 A 20 a $6 50 12 A 50 a $9 00 8 A 30 a $6 OO ff -cist tfl- tt ft;&fisi4s-a ' ' 32 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MANUSCRIPT No 1 24 POINT u*-^ /! t, (V t/T't-Ce^i^ /"< 6 A 22 a $700 U . jUsKses 30, ff 10 A 44 a $600 rV ^ / / -'tt^ext' CL-V- t--if tt-e^ j cUj-v-o-^ ^Nt--o- No 2 6 A 20 a $7 00 &- ^ 10 A 40 a $600 23, kJ ^tL- sG/ , w-es lue^LcL 15, &j .30 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES Vertical Writing 24 POINT -24-laxM/n/t IJeA/tixxx/i/ I 7 A 22 a $600 t/YV / 8A 25a $4 75 , I |83 oA/ TVOXD-^t |X>A/ 10A 35a $4 00 32" AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Copperplate Roman ABCDKFGIIIJKLMXOPQRSTITVWXYX& ABCUEFGHIJKLMXOPQHSTUVWXYZ 12345 9?f 67890 6 POINT 30 A 60 A $8 00 PHOF. ROBERT A. HARRISON TEACHER OF LANGUAGES XOTK THE EJfGHAVKl) KKFKT.T OTHER SIZES IN PREPARATION SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 33 54 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT 3 A 9 a $12 20 44 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT zow l C7 36 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT onqnt6 cJ lit 4 A 12 a $11 25 outto J^t I t ttaanU 5 A 14 a $10 75 teattde tieet-catd, cJIOeai cJ 34 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 28 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT 6 A 18 a $8 90 C^aptuzea ino cJOatfiina (D Lonaaoznea 22 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT 7 A 22 a $7 25 (okicken and vvatezmelori? O/iieved fil v j 7 - / j (Jbttedteu ana &&uni6fiea vvitkout tke aid of (oonAtable, ^udcje, oz /Y I ^jP I GX/--' fi\ I ~\ ~\ ya^/ r and (&moke-cnoou6e6, uzchavad ana Ooitcken- y azdenA protected witk gteat caze 18 POINT FRENCH SCRIPT 8 A 24 a $6 00 of Cbnimated ] id coveted ino <^ueet~ P hi/ STo ldA Sllaqueate, w/io will explain koutly t/ie J^toce/d hi/ w/iic/i t/iei/ wete c&aggec), and telate dome Cbmiidincj oJncidentd in w/nc/i tne (DtapA of tki6 (oompamj ficfiiteJ vety prominently SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 35 14 POINT FRKNCH SCRIPT 9 A 30 a $5 00 cf&oodw inking cWSanufactttting (DO, IA (jiveK? to ail c Whom ito may (boncezno S 1 * egezdemain^> LA endicantA oz uY&illionaiteA, zabid 3)ocjA oz zunaway (SQppzenticeA, <$he can cleazly explain ail tkeiz niezitA, because kez late cftoudband, a man of much, wealth, waA enAnazed hy one of them, ^kiA Joady will call on you, about <$eptembez 28, ia46, and we aAk a faiz ttial, in cFozeAt oz ^kazloz, of the CbppazatuA Ane will pzeAent, aA we know tkey will be found vezy uAeful in evezy cF amity cFbentea on^> <$kazeA if zDeAized zDizectionA foz (jpezatincj C-<--t--e_-O-xi^ c^-*^ CMC- ^/T^~^c^u^^ 12 POINT CIRCULAR SCRIPT 10 A 50 a $7 oo ALL COMPLETE WITH FIGURES SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 37 PATENTED 36 POINT SANSOM SCRIPT 6A 30a $15 00 24 POINT SANSOM SCRIPT 10 A 50 a $12 50 ai nece$&iiie& vombei ine * _y to obaeb an afoefoment on meku f- ^ ' S/ y 40 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PATENTED 22 POINT SPENCERIAN SCRIPT 18A100a$2725 9A 50a $13 65 /ez/ S- S ^ ^y y y / itWst&rz/ /24*e/ /(& J &e4'-i4Z'')'?'; -t^^ ' /fal&i&wy/ /&/ / / td /tip' /M-tdteated /ea>e&4%e~it<1 ISA lOOa $1830 9A50a$915 f &nef'tt . ^witi/ /&wi&wcw (/ f S Ow SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 41 42 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 43 PATENTED 28 POINT SPENCERIAN SCRIPT No 2 6A 16A 60a $32 05 3A8A30a$1605 The Ornamented Capitals are suited to work with the lower-case of both series of Spencer ian Script 44 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PATENTED 22 POINT SPENCERIAN SCRIPT No 2 6A ISA lOOa $2805 3 A 9 A 50a $1405 16 POINT SPENCERIAN SCRIPT NO 2 6A 18A lOOa $20 65 3A 9A 50a $10 35 / t/' a4 , ad The Ornamented Capitals are suited to work with, the lower-case of both series of Spencerian Script SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 45 28 POINT SCRIPT NO 9 8 A 20 a $7 65 on ifoe Ji/zacbice of io JL o 22 POINT SCRIPT NO 9 o| , x/cmioi 12 A 32 a $6 70 an 18 POINT SCRIPT NO 9 Skaz'p Lzactice ulssociation ewi-Ucca&ional _Jnsttivution o| L/auialjie 12 A 32 a $4 95 12 POINT SCRIPT No 9 12 A 32 a $340 ouc Latenied xtenaton Cippatalns Uselut tn eel * writer) j rr)0:y wifrj&ss rje UP 1 @ use 8 A 20 a $5 35 e * vo. * * e. * ; ace s f^etletvepile is i s cc0rr)iT)er)d.ed. |0p irje 1 T @)-f < . d'-ft TP d (^ Initiation of Dtfle ifiai ifie }juman J^and, infettigenffy educated and sftttfutty empioyed, Has defivered 18 POINT with 30 Point Initials 3 A 6 A 30 a $6 90 ^ /^T~ eetina /or ^VQransactiw of u J VV J ^S. __ &xpnkion of ;, on ifie ~(5ifi inst. &eter ^Fiddkfaddk %>as found near ihe Castk of "Indoknce, sitting astride a fence, and there remained ^hittting a pine stic^ for a period of 12 POINT with 24 Point Initials 4A 8A 40 a $5 60 eport of lommittee on j^xtension of fy/sefulness Recommendations for future Activity Tn ifie prosecution of our CaSors ^e find many persons lying under frees expecting fruit to drop info tfieir moutfis, otfiers Baiting for sometfiing to turn up, numBers fingering around fioping to step into of tier people's sfioes, some ^fio appear anxious to sfiovef snow in 68 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PENCRAFT PATENT^ 18 POINT with 36 Point Initials 3 A 4 A 12 a $6 80 Typographical Appliances Accurately Wertised CrriritingQupes ^J \^/ w \^^ /~*J er? requirement in quality and cheapness combined in our superior stocl^ of ftjlilliner? Goods, Ostrich Plumes and SilH Kibbons 12 POINT 8 A 32 a $3 80 Keadquarters Cadies' Dress Reform (Jlub Special Circular, NO. 23,857 3n pursuance of Resolution adopted at tfye November meeting, members will Hereafter, wfyen visiting places of amusement, refrain from wearing towering bonnets and l^ats decorated witfy soaring plumage and flowers 9 POINT 10 A 35 a $345 Snforced Sale of fashionable Hats and Trimmings Sntire Sfocl^ toill be Sacrificed Owing to resolutions recently passed bi? tlie Cadies' Dress Kef orm dlub, the undersigned toill dispose of tlieir entire stock of Unique and St?lisli Headgear, consisting of Qstriclt Plumes and Bonnets. (Js no reasonable offer ttrill be refused, ladies are invited to call on us and examine this prettv and st?lisli assortment of goods September 4, 18<)6 Collins 2r S 70 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY CHAUCER PATENTED 24 POINT 6 A 14 a $6 10 Jar IQ fta^fe coitft a cargo of flufmeg^ to tfte repfefe aoitft. x^ome oj? tf\e a"6inefcjoa.Ye 12 A 32 a $4 70 montR 2<, d62 @n faljb at faAt, tKougft in a Reco yfc^. @Jore/l>l/ off arounc^ u/, Csarriec^ on <>ftore mij ftif, unc|er a forge free menc^ec^ (^fioe/ for BLACK 24 POINT 5 A 10 a $4 00 Bank of fo 6 A 14 a $3 20 12 POINT 8 A 20 a $2 55 * & * Co. )N aM * * $*o2>ua H5ofe to 5v N ' Qy -or auc rcccct promse o !$><> 6aw alter 219^ pag ^^ OI14 mont after ^ , our fO ^EOfCl & Cr(E2U0 KaMB^0 lo f rdficlt & Company OINT 10 A 28 a $2 35 Q pm ^ 12 A 32 a $2 10 af f6 lfciJ, January 6, )893, from ?lmfio 5pine<, *5in Court |>oii0e, 5011 were fecfe2> Bog Catcher f at *' &* JS"*-* * * fecsp, anJi profiiii! iif o Eiaf 3E picked , SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 71 RECHERCHE 36 POINT 5 A 12a $400 sefulness (Commands Recognition & Blatant Rhetoric [Discounted 6A 20a $3 50 nnfortunate Windy l|)eclamations a/ JV|cmifbld l^lessinqs follow judicious Industry fylatherskite Improvement -Association, J\|oN?ember l5, 1980, the subject for discussiorj Will be: jias the eloquence of rators or the activity of Workers done most good ? Loquacious Theorist, ec. 8A 30a $2 45 Kesoked to [Disband our rganizatioq I o secure time for more profitable employment We dissolve the (f)ociety which, \r\ the past, has monopolized our thoughts by day and our dreams by night gy order of the JMembers 72 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY VICTORIA 24 POINT NO 1 8 A $3 75 EXCURSIONIST 24 POINT NO 2 8 A $3 25 SEVERE STORMS 18 POINT NO 1 12 A $3 25 MIDNIGHT RAMBLE 18 POINT NO 2 12 A $2 75 SUBURBAN RESIDENCE 12 POINT NO 1 16 A $2 50 DECOROUS SPINSTERS MUTUAL ADORATION SOCIETY 12 POINT NO 2 16A $2 25 LUDICROUS AND ANNOYING SUDDEN BURSTING OF PANTALOONS 12 POINT NO 3 18 A $2 00 6 po INT No t 30A $2 50 FLOWER PLANTS ROYAL VISITORS GERANIUM ADMIRED SALUTING THE FLAGSHIP 6 POINT NO 2 30 A $2 25 6 POINT NO 3 30 A $2 00 HUMOROUS ANECDOTES ROBINSON CRUSOE OUTDONE GUARDED SECRETS OVERHEARD HISTORY OF SINBAD THE MARINER 6 POINT NO 4 36 A $200 6 POINT NO 5 36 A $2 00 HARMLESS SIMPLETONS RAMPANT CYCLONIC WINDS RACING FIERCELY VICTIMS OF CHEAP AND TRASHY NOVELS DESTRUCTIVE STORM DEMOLISHING PROPERTY 1234567890 1234567890 JL/7YIT CURATE SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES DESCRIPTION OF SELF SPACING TYPE THE common widths of book pages, mis- cellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-sav- ing measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one- ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. The following table gives the sizes of bodies, units of measure, and lengths of al- phabets. In the first column will be found the various sizes of bodies ; in the second, the number of units contained in one em Pica, and in the third the measurements of a lower case alphabet in the ems of each particular body : bodies and are interchangeable with the Roman : 1 unit Space 1 2 units Space, f i j 1 , : ; . - ' ! I J ' | 16 3 units Quad, cerstzszlj?)[*t t I! 11 - 22 4 units Quad, abdghknopquvx yfiflff$ 123456789 OABCDEFGLNOPQRT uvxY&SZ.. - ) ! J T / \ 59 5 units x ABCDEFGLNOPQ R T U V Y H K M 21 6 units Quad, mwoew^ECEflfi fH H K x & tt> p @ ... 14 y 2 % Vs % Ys % % % 27 7 units W M 2 8 units CE JB 2 12 units Quad, ga@~ -X 9 9 sizes. Roman characters 155 Italic characters 77 Number Length BODY Units to of Pica em Alphabet 51/2 Point (Agate) 12 16% 6 Point (Nonpareil)... 12 6 Point (Nonpareil)... 11 17 2 7 Point (Minion) 11 i4y 2 7 Point (Minion) 10 16 8 Point (Brevier) 11 12% 8 Point (Brevier) 10 141/s 8 Point (Brevier) 9 15V 2 9 Point (Bourgeois) .. 10 128/8 9 Point (Bourgeois) .. 9 13% 1O Point (Lg. Primer). 9 123/8 10 Point (Lg. Primer). 8 14 11 Point (Small Pica) . 8 12% 11 Point (Small Pica) . 12 Point (Pica) ... 7 7 14% Total 232 Any compositor can see that no combina- tion of units can be made that will not come within a certain number of exact units of filling a line. If a line of matter lacks, it must lack one or more exact units. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the foregoing table will be found a Nonpareil with one-twelfth of Pica as the unit of measure. This is one-sixth of the body of Nonpareil, or the six-to-em space, and preserves in this particular font the old three-to-em space and the old en and em quads. The same is true of the Brevier on one-ninth, Bourgeois on one-eighth, and Pica on one-sixth of Pica. In a complete font of the old kind of body type there are about 190 widths of bodies. Appended is a table showing the different widths of bodies of Self Spacing. It will be readily seen that there are but nine widths of bodies all told, and that the four-unit width predominates largely over any other, there being fifty-nine characters of this width. We omit the Italic characters from the table, as they go on the same widths of e , as a is lour units wine ana three, "e" and one unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty- eight of the most common lower case char- acters are of the same width, they can be substituted for one another without the change of a space. This type is of greater durability, as it is always on its feet and is therefore not worn by "pounding." In tabular work there is a great gain in speed and neatness. By the addition of a new character, viz: " | ", it is easy to set perpendicular lines of any length, line upon line. It may be repeated that the compositor has nothing to learn in Self Spacing type. There is but a single direction to be given to set that which looks like the em quad (six unit quad) with the nick out. Whoever will study the principle on which Self Spacing type is based, will readily ad- mit that it is bound to secure easy and per- fect justification, greatly increased speed and consequent enormous saving, simplicity and rapidity of proof correction, and in- creased accuracy and ease in the setting of 74 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY tables. All these points are beyond ques- tion, as certainly as the proposition that two and two make four is not open to ar- gument. No rational person can doubt them. No.l No. 2 No. 3 No. 4. No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 i|and s|mit b|rot si|tly m|an su|it; i|HX I|NK S|LY E|LS H|IE SI|SI I|DLK S|MIT B|AIT M|ine LI|ED SE|ES s|aturds is|thmui ne|ver fr Th|ursci line|forn nine|five i|MP s|NK d|LY si|LS m|IE so|IS i|dim s|mit s|rot M|tly Li|nd SE|at '|DlN S|MIT S|AIT E|RK H|AD SI|LS |no|ts|NI|X|pu]ss|incre|asi|mi|X|pA|st|BI|tsj |No|is|SA|T|No|is|comp|oz|ME|T|MA|D|SU|it| |gla|d|FO|Z|FLi|T|Repea|ti|gla|S|BiN|S|FO|x| |mit|e|OH|I|sEA|s|second|r|snil|I|sEA|I|HO|ei |still|iJ$34|!|NOT|l|beat th| |this|i|NpT|!|234|l| This piece of composition was done in a 12%-em measure stick, and set line upon line in the ordinary manner of straight reading matter, the lower part being leaded to show the method of setting. To further explain and illustrate the ease with which table work is done with Self Spacing type, we show above an example of miscellaneous justifications, which is ab- solutely impossible to accomplish with the old kind of type. In column No. 1 the first line begins with the lower case "i", two units wide, which is folio-wed by the upright dash "|", two units, and the characters "a", four units, "n", four units, "d", four units, comprising sixteen units to accurately fill the column. The second line begins with the letter "s," three units wide, which throws the space rule one unit further to the right than in the preceding line. In each succeeding line lower case characters are used to the total width of sixteen units, and such characters are chosen for the first part thereof as will admit of advancing the space rule to the right exactly one unit in each succeeding line. In the other columns the same plan is fol- lowed, the only change being the substitu- tion of caps, small caps, figures, etc., for the lower case characters, all columns coming perfectly justified inside the perpendicular lines. ACCENTS FOR SELF-SPACING TYPE aaaaaaaa e 6 e e e e mm 66666060 ti ft fl u u G n AAAAAA fififi 1 6600 fl ft $ g AAAAAA fifefif 66660 fifrl) S c &&&&&&&& 6 S 6 e e 8 ill 11} 6660666 6 60 uu o n Q A A A A A A 6 1 6 6 6 ft U N $ 6 POINT SELF SPACING NO 20H aaaaaaaa e e e e e e mm 66666060 ti a o u o o n q AAAAAA fififi 1 6660 tJCNgAAAXAA fc ft f 66660 tftttff 9 &&&&&&&& fS&eed HliiJ 6666006 tid'Onan n q AAAAAA fi 16000 0tt N Q 6 POINT SELF SPACING No 36H aaaaa&aaseeeee mm 6606566 utioiiufifiQ AAAAAA fifefi f 6060 tit) N g AAAAAA fifefi f 66660 N 5 &&&&&&&& 6$Gee8 niiil 6666666 n c a a DO a a AAAAAA fi 16000 fi G N q 6 POINT SELF SPACING NO 27 aaaaaaaa e'eee'eee fliiit 66666660 uuuiiuuu n 96 d' f s t y i AA AAAA EEEE 16600 tJUtJNgf>6stY2AAAAAA EEfif665o tfuti N 5 &aa&a. ft Seei tliiil 66606060 dflfifiufi n <; A A A A A 16660 tJ U N Q 7 POINT SELF SPACING No 23M d&aa eeee iiii 6666 fiiiuun? 6 fJO Sf g &aii Seee 6 doo ti it u u n Q AAAA 66616 fi U R 7 POINT SELF SPACING No 35 M &aaa eeee fill 6666 6 f} f? g &haa Geee fiuuii n 5 AAAA fififi I 6tJNgA 6 doo t H Q ii n q AAAA 66616 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 75 8 POINT SELF SPACING No 34 a&aaa&aa 6 e 6 e e e fiiiii 66665560 fiuuiiuun Q hr \> 1 1 1 A 11 tififi I 6000 tit! N g p AAAAiAfifcfif 6 A 6 . tfu N g a"a a & Eeeeee iiiiii 66600660 ti d ti ti u u n q A A A A A A fi 6 f 6000 8 POINT SELF SPACING No 48 H aaaaaaaa 666ee6 iiiiii 66666660 tifctltiuu n c, 111111 fi fifi 1 6000 t T t) N g A A A A I A E E E f 66660 tJCt) N g ^^4 aaAaA etGeee iiliil 66686560 UdQuwfi /7 5 A A A A A A $10000 CV ft G r 8 POINT SELF SPACING No 18^ aaaaaaaa 6eeee Iiiiii 66666650 fiftfiuilu ii 5 hr ]> lAlA 11 fififi t 6000 tJtJ KgpAAAAAi ft f 6 5 p tJUNg^a^ a&&& eeeeee iiiiii 66606660 u ii ft ii u u n q A A A A A A 6 fi f 6000 tfV N Q 8 POINT SELF SPACING No 22 aaaaaaaa eeeee iiiiii 66666660 uufiuuuu n 56 d'rsfy y z 111111 fiEEE fl 66000 tftttf N gC D R S f YZAAA AlA ffefiE f 6660 uut'Ngc D R s T y z AhaaaAaa 6 e e e e e ii iiii 66666660 uuuuuuu n gc d'rstyzAAAAAA EE&E f 6000 &U& X C? & R S f Y Z 9 POINT SELF SPACING No 28 aaaaaaaa eeeeeee iiiiii 66666660 uuuiiuuu n gc d' f s 1! y z llllll EEE:E f 6oo0trtiu N c^DRsfyz AAAAA! EEfe f 66660 tJuii N 9 aaaaaaaa eeeeee iiiiii 66600060 uuuuuu n g A A A A A A E E t 6600 tJ U N 9 POINT SELF SPACING No 32 aaaaaaaa eeeeee iiiiii 65666660 uufiiiuu n g 111 All fififi I 6000 tf'U NgAAAAAA fifefi f 6660 tJUNg aaaaaaaa eeeeee iiiiii 66606600 u u fi ii u ii n g A A A A A A 6E / 0000 tfUNQ 10 POINT SELF SPACING No 29 aaaaaaaa eeeeee iiiiii 66666660 uuuiiuu n g All E f 60 U N AAAAA! EEfi i 66660 ui) N 9 aaaaaaaa eeeeee iiiiii 66606660 u u u ii u u fi g 10 POINT SELF SPACING No 17J4 aa&aa&a&fi, eeeee iiii'lil 6666660066599 uuuuuuftnnn5brfstyyy8ehr]?33AAAAAA Efefi f 6000 dtJ N gpOiAAAAlfefii6660u u N y daaa,&aa, eeeeee iiiiii 60606000 uuuiiu u n g hr p AAjLJLAA EfiEfodoo uu ft q 76 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 10 POINT SELF SPACING No 24 aaaaaaaa eeeeeee iiii'ii 66666660 u u ti ii u u u n n 9 c d'rstyzAAAAAA EEEE I 6 O UUU N C D R S f Y Z AAAAAEEE i 66660 uuti N 9 aaaaaaaa eeeeeee iii'iii 66666660 u u u ii u u u nqcd'rstyzAAAAAA EEEE I 6000 UUU N CDRSTYZ n POINT SELF SPACING No 25 aaaaaaaaq, e e e e e e iiii'ii 66666660 tiufiiiuu nri ? c i szz AAAAAA4 EEE^f6000 UU NNC i< S ZZAAAAAAEEEi666660 utjiJN^aaaaaaaa 6 e e e e e iii'iii 66666660 u u u ti u u ngAAAAAAB E f 0000 UU N C 11 POINT SELF SPACING NO 21 aaaaaaaa, eeeeeee iiiiili 66666650 uuuu uuunnc^cd'fstyzAAAAAA fifi^E f 600 UflU N gC DRStt ZAAAAA! EEE i 666 uti N g aka a, a&aa eeeeeee 111 '111666666 60 uuuiiuuunn c c d' r 8 v z A A A A A A fi j& $ E I 6600 UU fjN(!CDRSTYZ 12 POINT SELF SPACING NO 26 aaaaaaaaaa^a eeeeeeee^ iiiiiiii 6666 66060000 iiuuuuuuuH nni^ t^ggg H k 000UUNQ AAAAAA EEE I 6660 UUN 9 aaaaaaaa eeeeeeiiiiii 66666600 uuuu uu n c AAAAAA EEE I OO00 UU N C 12 POINT SELF SPACING NO 31 M aaaaaaaa eeeeeee iiii'ii 66666660 uuuii uuu nnccd'f sfyz AAAAllEfifiElOOO 0UUU N CCDRSffZAAAAAAEEEIOOO uu N g aaaaaaaa e e e e e e $ iii'iii 6666666 0uuuuuuunngcd'rst'yzAAAAAAfififiE I 6000 U U U N ' C D R S f Y Z SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 77 SELF SPACING PIECE FRACTIONS PRICE, $2 50 PER PONT. BACH SIZE 12 POINT OLD STYLE NO 26 1211/ 32 1234567890 l/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/O/ 11 POINT OLD STYLE No 25 2417/32 1234567890 1/2/3/4,5/6/7/8/9/0, 3/ 7 4/ g 10 POINT OLD STYLE NO 24 9Q19/32 1234567890 1/2/3/4,5/6/7/8/9/0, 5/ 10 l/ g 9 POINT OLD STYLE No 28 7313/ 32 1234567890 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, %%%% 8 POINT OLD STYLE No 22 2412/32 1234567890 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, V 4 6 POINT OLD STYLE No 27 42H/32 1234567890 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, y g 2/ 3 % % % % % 7 /20 6 POINT ROMAN 2027/32 1234567800 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,0, 7 POINT ROMAN NO 23M 39 15 A6 1284567890 ^2,3,4,5^7,8,9,0, 15/ 86 7/ 8 % 9/ 10 10/ t 8 POINT ROMAN 1911/32 1234567890 9 POINT ROMAN 1234567890 1^3,4^6,7,8,9,0, 10 POINT ROMAN 7213/32 1234567890 1,2/3/^56/7/8/9/0, % 11 EOINT ROMAN No 21 H 45!%2 1234567890 l/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/O/ 12 POINT ROMAK NO 31 J* 6020/32 1234567890 1/2/3/4 5/6/7/8/9/0/ 1234567890 49 5 /16 1234567890 18 7 /16 1234567890 945/16 1234567890 257/16 1234567890 562/16 1234567890 33V 16 o 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 23 6 /16 1234567890 36%6 1234 567890 21 8 /16 1234567890 14%6 78 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Self Spacing Roman PAT. DEC. 18. 1883 5 1 A POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 19M Unit of measure of this font is 12 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems. therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one- ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e"; as "a" is four units wide and e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty-eight of the most common lower case characters are of the same width, they can be substituted for one an- other without the change of a space. This type is of greater durability as it is always on its feet and is therefore not worn by " pounding." In tabular work there is a great gain in speed and neatness. It may be repeated that the coin- ABCDEFGHI.TKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 20^ Unit of measure of this font is 12 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justifi- cation whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e"; as "a" is four units wide and "e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty-eight of the most common lower cane characters are of the same width, they can be substituted for one another without the change of a space. This type is of greater durability as it is always on its feet and is ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 Unit of measure of this font is 12 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justifica- tion whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e"; as "a" is four units wide and "e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty-eight of the most common lower case char- acters are of the same width, they can be substituted for one another without the i-hange of a space. This type is of greater durability as it is always on its feet ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 for prices, see General Price List, page z' SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 79 6 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 37H Ullit o{ '"easure of this font is n to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some ex- act multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent. in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e;" as "a" is four units wide and "e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty-eight of the most common lower case characters are of the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 38 M Unit of measure of this font is 10 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and news- paper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor- saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one- seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed de- scription is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the .same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five percent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 35 Unit of measure of this font is n to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper col- umns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly to- gether in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed de- scription is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Koman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the aver- age compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e"; as "a" is four units ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 For prices, see General Price List, page i AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 7 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 23^ Unit of measure of this font is n to Pi< THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of meas- sure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work per- fectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of meas- ure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alpha- bets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an " a " for an " e " ; as " a " ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 18H Unit of measure of this font is 10 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and news- paper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor- saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-sev- enth, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica ern, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed descrip- tion is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 34^ Unit of measure of this font is 10 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and news- paper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor- saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one- seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed de- scription is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing typesets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type A BCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 For prices, see General Price List, page i SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 81 8 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 485^ Unit of measure of this font is 9 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one- eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e;" as "a" is four units wide and "e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble is avoided in many instances. As twenty-eight of the most common lower case characters are of the same width, they cftn be substituted for one another without the change of a, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 9 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 32 H Unit of measure of this font is 9 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one- eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alphabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor gains about twenty-five per cent, in speed, with no trouble in justification whatever. In the matter of the correction of proofs the gain is enormous. Say there is an "a" for an "e"; as "a" is four units wide and "e" three, "e" and a one-unit space justify the line perfectly. Even this measure of trouble ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 for prices, see General Price List, page i 82 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 10 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 17!^ Unit of measure of this font is 8 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces Avill work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving meas- ures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one- seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A detailed description is printed in ' this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the al- phabets are the same. Repeated experiments with the new type have shown that the average compositor ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234507890 11 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 39H Unit of measure of this font is 8 U Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellaneous jobs and newspaper columns are some number of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor-saving meas- ures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one- seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or ex- tended faces. A. detailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with the ordinary Roman, where the lengths of the alpha- bets are the same. Repeated experiments with these ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 For prices, see General Price List, page i SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 11 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 21.4 I'nit of measure of this font is 7 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellane- ous jobs and newspaper columns are some num- ber of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor- saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. A de- tailed description is printed in this Specimen Book. Self Spacing type sets line for line with ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT SELF SPACING ROMAN NO 31 H l'it of measure of this font is 7 to Pica THE common widths of book pages, miscellane- ous jobs and newspaper columns are some num- ber of Pica ems, therefore the Pica em is taken as the basis for Self Spacing type. The thinnest space in all fonts is some exact fraction of a Pica, and this fraction of Pica is called the unit of measure. All characters, spaces and quads in the font are made some exact multiple of this unit in width, so that the sizes of all faces will work perfectly together in the regular labor- saving measures. This unit of measure may be one-sixth, one-seventh, one-eighth, one-ninth, etc., of a Pica em, as may be desired, to produce condensed, medium or extended faces. Repeat ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 For prices, see General Price List, page i 84 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 6 POINT SELF SPACING GERMAN NO 42 Unit of measure of this font is 12 to Pica Sluf feinem ebiete toaten bie 5 or tfd)ritte fcit wier ^afjrfjunberten fo gering tv\e in ber ^unft beg d)riftfetiens. >ie b,icr unb ba tn (Sebraud) befinblid)en VJiafd)inen finb burd)au3 unBollf ommen ; bic bei meitem grofjte iUlaffe bcr ublidjen @ct)rift ift nod) genau bet 21rt nMe t>ot uietl)unberf Jj a ') ren - SOenn J^ranElin beute roteber Oor betn &aften ftanbe, roiirbe cr nid)t*3 iCleueo 311 letnen (jaben. 2>ie anb, baft jebet tptan s"r 5Betbeffetunfl vinjeret e- fdiroinbiflteit bcs >anb=d)riftfe6ens n?ad)fen. Sieo flefd)teb,t burd) 58enton'g felbft=auofd)Hef5enbe d)tift. (Senau genommen, fann man nid)t etgentltd) won @elbft=2lue>fd)lief?en fptecfien, jcbodi biefe SItbeit ift butef) bie (Stfinbung fo einfad) unb letd)t genjotben, bafe ber 2Juc(brurf ,,@elbft=2lugfd)liefeung" ttjotjl beredjrigt fetn biirfte. S5ie SBreiten Bon 58udjfeiten, ttielen 35rurfatbeiten unb ^eitung5olumnen belaufen fid) auf eine gettJiffe Sln^ahl oon Siceto emg unb bat)er muf5 aud) ba3 Siceto em alS bie 23afis fiit bie felbft=auSfd)Hei3enbe erten fo gering mie in ber ^unft beg Sdjriftfe^eng. S)ie fjier unb ba in ebtaud) befinb= lidien 9JJajd)inen finb burdjauei unoollfommen; bie bei roettetn gro^te 9Jiaffe ber ublid)en d)rift ift nod) genau ber 2Jrt n?ie r>or t)iert)unbert ^a^ren. IBenn grantlin fjeuie nsieber bor bem .Raften ftcinbc, njiirbe er nid)ts s Jteue ^u lernen b,aben. 2)ie (Sdiriftgiefjerei ift b,inter ber tounberbaren U3erDoll= fommmmg ber ^preffen oollftanbig ^uriidtgeblieben; bie dergroRerte e= fd)roinbigeit im Sdjriftfegen berufjt nusfd)Iie^Iid) in ber 50ermet)rung ber Soften. 2IlIe SBemiiljungen, biefem llebelftanbe ab^u^elfen, gingen barauf t)inau, e^mafd)inen ^u erfinben, ftatt bie 2Irt unb SBeife beg >anbfetjen ^u toerbeffern. inS ber ^auptfjinberntffe, \ve\d)e ben e^mafd)inen im $0ege ftanb, ift bie 9Jotl)it)enbtgfeit, mit ber anb ^u ,,juftiren". 2>aran fd)eiterte l)auptfdd)Hd) bie infuljrung biefer s JJlafd)inen. (S liegt bab,er auf ber >anb, bafj jeber 5plan ^ur 50erbefferung unferer (Se^Jlet^oben in erfter Sinie bie ^uftirung ^u toereinfad)en b,at, benn ba bieg ber ^Bunft ift, um ben fid) bie ad)e bretjt.fo mufe burd) eine 33ereinfad)ung bes 2lugfd)lieBeng unb ^uftireng bie 2eid)tigfeit unb (Sefdjtuinbigfeit beg anb=d)riftfet5eng mad)= fen. Xieg gefd)iel)t burd) 58enton'g felbft=auefd)Hefeenbe Sd)rifi. enau genommen, fann man nid)t eigentlid) Don elbft=2lugfd)Iie^en fpred)en, jebod) biefe Strbeit ift burd) bie (Srfinbung fo einfad) unb leid)t geroorben, bafe ber StuSbrurf ,,elbft=2lugfd)Hef5iing" \vofyl bered)tigt fein biirfte. 3Me 33reiten t>on s J3ud)feiten,t)ielen1)rurfarbeiten unb 3eitungsf olumnen belaufen 1234567890 Far prices, see Genera! Price List, page i SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 85 9 POINT SELF SPACING GERMAN NO 41 Unit of measure of this font is 2luf feinem ebtete roaren bie $ortfd)rittc feit uier 3 a brf)nnberten fo gering loie in ber $unft beg djriftfetjeng. 2)ie fyier unb ba in (e= brand) bcfinblid)cn 9Jfafd)inen finb burdjaug unoollfommen; bie bet lueitem grb'fjte 2/iaffe ber ubltdjen d)rift ift nod) genau ber 2trt ftne Oor merfyunbert 3 a ^ rcn - SDBenn ^ranflin fyeute wieber Dor bem .Raften ftdnbe, njiirbe er nidjtg 9teueg ^u lernen fyaben. ie @d)rift= gie^erei ift t)inter ber ttmnberbaren 23ertollommnung ber ^reffett ttollftanbig gururfgeblteben; bie oergro^erte efd)tt)inbigfeit im djriftfetjen berul)t ciuSfd^liefjlid) in ber 23ermeb,rung ber .Kciiien. 2lUe 23emiif)ungen biefem Uebelftanbe ab^u^elien, gingen garauf tjinau^, e^mafdjinen gu erfinben, jtatt bie 2lrt unb SBeife be ^anbfe^en^ ^u uerbeffern. (Sing ber auptl)inberntfie, loeldjeg ben e^mafdjinen tm SGBege ftanb, ift bie yiotfyroenbigfeit, mit ber ^ganb gu ,,ju|tiren". 2)aran fdjeiterte ^auptfddjlid) bie (Sinfiih,rung biefer y/lafdjinen. @S liegt bafyer auf ber ^panb, baf? jeber ^3lan ^ur SSerbefferung unferer ej^XRetfyoben in erfter Sinie bie ^juftirung ^u uereinfadjen Ijai, benn ba bies ber 5|3unft ift, um ben fid) bie acfye brefyt, fo mnfj bnrd) eine 33ereinfad)ung bes 2Iugfd)lief}eng unb ^ u ftireng bie Seidjtigfeit unb efd)rt)inbigfeit beg ,"panb=@d)riftfei3eng luad)fen. 25ieg gefdjie^t burd) 23enton' felbft^augfdjlief^enbe d^rift. enau genommen, 1234567890 10.POINT SELF SPACING GERMAN NO 40 L'nit of measure of this font is 9 to Pic 2Iuf Eetnem ebiete ttmren bie ^ortfdjritte feit Diet ten fo gcring luie in ber ^tunft bes (Sdjriftfetjens. 2)ie I)ier unb ba in (Sebraud) befinblidjen s !T{afrf)inen finb burd)au3 unt)oll= Jommen; bie bei toeitem gro^te s JJiaffe ber iiblidjen d)rtft ift nod) genau ber 2Irt toie t>or toierfiunbert 3 a t) ren - Sitenn ^ranflin Ijeitte n^ieber uor bem .^aften ftanbe, miirbe er nid)ts> s )leue gu lernen l)aben. 'Die djrtftgtefeerei ift b,inter ber mnn- berbaren 23erDoUommnung ber s ^reffen uollftanbig guritd'ge^ blieben; bie uergro^crte efdjroinbigfeit im d)riftfe^en beru^t augfd)lief5Hd) in ber 23ermet)rung ber .^aften. SlUe 58emiib,un= gen, biefem Uebelftanbe abgutjelfen, gingen barauf i)tnau^, @e^mafd)inen gu erfinben, ftatt bie 2trt unb S^eife beg anb= fe^en gu tterbeffern. 6in ber .^aupt^inberniffe, ft>eld)e ben (2e^mafd)inen im SKege ftanb, ift bie ^otljmenbigfeit, mit ber .!panb gu ,,jufttren". 2>aran fdjeiterte l)auptfad)Iid) bie 6tu- fub/rung biefer ^Jlafdnnen. (5^ liegt batjer auf ber anb, baf? jeber ^plan gur S 43erbefferung unferer -i when he has much money; frebably because, in Dutch dollar, and about a shilling s 'Worth POINT OLD STYLE No 71 ON my arrival at Philadelphia I was in my working dress, my best clothes being to come by sea. I was covered with dirt ; my pockets were filled with shirts and stockings ; I was unacquainted with a single soul in the place, and knew not where to seek a lodging. Fatigued with walking, rowing, and having passed the night without sleep, I was extremely hungry, and all my money consisted of a Dutch dollar, and about a shilling's worth of coppers, which I gave to the boatmen for my passage As I had as- sisted them in rowing, they refused it at first ; but I insisted on their taking it. A man is sometimes more generous when he has little than o-wed Meadows Drooping Blossoms / 1234567890 104 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Ronaldson Title Slope 36 POINT 5 A 8 a $6 00 CHILD Spankers 6 A 10 a $5 25 G R V MB LING Jawtickler Curatives 8A 14a $450 TEXAN STEERS Cowboy Lassos Electrified 12 A 22 a $4 15 POCKET BATTERY Thoroughly Paralyzes Pickpockets 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $3 55 10 POINT 22 A 45 a $3 35 ELECTRIC RAPID TRANSIT Burglar Alarm Hinges Fleeting Landscape Scene For Chicken Coops Passing Glimpse 8 POINT 25 A 50 a $3 15 6 POINT 30 A 60 a $3 00 CRIME PUNISHED DYNAMO & COMPANY Appliances to Produce Torture Contrivers of Electrical Machinery Suitable to the Offense Adapted to Various Purposes 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 105 Ronaldson Clarendon PATENTED 5 A 8 a $8 35 Rubber SHOES 6 A 10 a $7 00 HONEST Merchant 8 A 16 a $6 05 STARVATION Stoppage for Luncheon 10 A 20a $5 00 SUGAR NT 14 A 28 a $4 65 WEDDINGS Maple Region Joyous Occasions 22 A 45 a $3 05 REFORMATION Honest Officials Accept Public Trusts 30 A 60 a $3 45 POI,ITICAI, PROBLEM Discovering Methods to Secure Rapid Postal Service 1334567890 25 A 50 a $3 55 EXAMINATIONS Application Blanks Mailed Gratuitously 6 POINT 36 A 70 a $3 35 EXPOSTULATING CITIZENS Freeholders and Taxpayers Combined Grand Mass Meeting 1234567890 106 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LD STYLE TITLE DYNAMO Great Proijress ^^^ 6A 9a $6 25 ELECTRIC Lighting Triumph 8 A 12 a $5 50 ASTRONOMER Heavenly Observation 12 A 22 a $5 25 MODERN WONDER Musical Selections Repeated Automatically 14 POINT ISA 30 a $5 00 STRIKING LIKENESS Instantaneous Photograph Produced Sunshine Necessary SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 107 LO STYLE TITLE 12 POINT 22 A 32 a $4 95 AIVXE-ADAMIC RESEARCH Sciolistic Theory of Human Organisms Dominance of Monkeyism 10 POINT 25 A 42 a $435 SEW-ACTIIVG TELEPHONES Instructive to the Egotistical and Self-conceited Hearing Sharpened and Made Acute Electrical Chatterbox 9 POINT 25 A 42 a $3 90 OBSERVATIONS AFTER SU3SDOWBJ Youth's Glittering Flittings or Old Hen's Experience Courtships and Merry-Making Selecting Partners 8 POINT 25 A 42 a $3 90 1 THE TRAINING-SKIRT NUISANCE Warranted Eventually to Kill every Devotee of Fashion Cheap and Inexpensive Sweepers for Cities Unsightly but Useful 7 POINT 25 A 42 a $3 85 UNIVERSAL, MODERN MARTYRS \Vasp-WaistccI Feminities and Fashion's Daily Followers Exquisite Dandies and Shoe-Pinched Damsels Higrh-heeled Promenaders 6 POINT 30 A 52 a $3 75 NOTKS OIJ THB I.A1COK QUESTION Competency Speedily Acquired toy Distributing: Futolic Property Views of the Confirmed I^oafers n< >- "Vot li i n Society Toil Reduced to a Minimum 1*34567890 108 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Ronaldson Gothic PATENTED 5 A 7 a $7 15 Pleasant DREAM 6 A 9 a $5 80 Sugar CANDY Gratis 8 A 12 a $4 95 OLDENTIME Observance 10 A 15 a $3 70 Splendid PRESENTS Displayed 18 POINT 12 A 18 a $3 15 14 POINT 18 A 28 a $3 15 OVERFLOWING Family Blessings 22 A 34 a $3 10 JQ POINT 28 A 45 a $3 10 AFTER DINNER Boisterous Enjoyment Shared by Adults 8 POINT 38 A 55 a $3 10 KRISS KRINGLE ANTICS Wriggling Down Narrow Chimneys 1234567890 MODEST MAIDENS Courteous and Polite Girls Womanhood Adored 6 POINT 40 A 60 a $3 10 WELCOME AS SPRINGTIME Opportunities to Please the Children 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 109 French Old Style No 2 6 POINT 30A 20A lOOa $400 PRECEPTS IMPARTED TO THE MASTER AS WELL AS THE APPRENTICE LECTURE ON THOROUGHNESS Thoroughness in printing offices is an accomplishment that is often neglected by those who are learning and by those who are practicing the principles contained in our high and noble calling. While it is true that much is left to the taste and judgment of the workman, and much of his success depends upon the cultivation of taste and exercise of judgment, it is also true that there are numerous important fixed rules and principles that no sensible printer will care to ignore; and if he does run counter to them he does so at his own risk, and in the end will be more harmed than benefited by his own stubbornness or ignorance. Most printers, who set themselves up as original and artistic printers, are original botches, and they con- tinue to hold their own through life, or until some accident or combination of circumstances forces them to see their weakness, when, if they are not too proud and conceited, they may, by patient industry and per- severance, hope to become workmen of ordinary ability, and spend the remainder of their days in quiet usefulness. Artistic workmen are few indeed. If a person has enough artistic ability to be able at all times to create forms of beauty and symmetry that will be the wonder of his less fortunate neighbors, he can always find employment more remunerative. "Whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well," is a maxim that few follow because many do not know how. Cheap Printing may serve a cheap man, but 7 POINT 30A 15A 90a $460 SOME ANNOYING HABITS POSSESSED BY THE SLOUGHY PRINTER COMMENT ON THE SLOUCH A number of interesting experiments are performed by compositors in the several processes of setting, correcting and distributing type, that may be justly classified outside the pale of typographic tolerance. As long as the offender is unnoticed or not discovered in his mean habits, just so long will he continue to exercise them. These practices, as we all know, are confined only to the more incompetent, or to the work- man who is intentionally slovenly. They mark his course at every turn in the office, and require little investigation to establish their rightful originator. What a source of annoyance it is to the careful man to lift a handful of matter for distribution and find it plentifully interlarded with bent spaces. This is the lazy man or slouch graphically illustrated. A bent space might accidently occur in the matter, and such a fact might happen more than once and be forgiven ; but where the premeditated reminder of so much careless and slouchy spacing comes into the hands of careful printers who use their best 8 POINT 30 A 15 A 90 a $460 THE EVILS THAT BESET THE PRINTERS WHO GET LOW PRICES LOW-PRICED JOB WORK It has been said that there is less profit in the printing business, for the amount of capital invested and the amount of energy required, than in most other lines of business. There is considerable truth in this without a doubt; though, in a great measure the fact of its possessing any truth is more attributable to the loose methods that some printers resort to, than to anything essentially necessary to and in fact forming a part of the business itself. It is due to abuses which have grown up within the business, and are tolerated by those engaged in it, that it has become unprofitable. Take, for instance, the system of daily soliciting of estimates as practiced by stationers everywhere. Many people, through convenience or friendship, give their orders for printing to their stationers. Use printers' ink applied by me, and you will never meet the sheriff with a red flag. 110 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY French Id Style No 2 10 POINT 24 A 12 A 75 a $470 A CLASS OF MEN WHO NEED ALL THE CUFFS THEY GET SCORING THE PRINTER Does the printer read up in his profession as thoroughly as he should ? I should say not. It is a deplorable fact, but nevertheless true, that, as a class, the printers of this country do not keep read up on the subject of printing to any extent. Where you find one that does, you will find a dozen that do not. In this day every office in the land is kept supplied with all manner of craft journals, speci- men sheets of late faces, and numberless circulars describing new inventions and novelties made for the use of the printer ; yet but very few avail themselves of these opportunities to extend their knowledge of the art that gains them a living. More offices than one in the country have dozens of printers in their employ not one of whom ever reads a craft publication. These men work day after day, simply following furrow after furrow, like a horse dragging a plow, with no object before them except longing for dinner-time or supper-time, or Sunday. And yet these men are to be called printers. Two small heads are better than one "big head" in the work shop. 12 POINT 20 A 10A 60a $500 MUSCULAR GENTLEMEN EXHIBIT ENDURANCE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS Health is the soul that animates all enjoyments of life, .which fade, and are tasteless, if not dead, without it. Man starves at the best and the greatest tables, makes faces at the most delicate wines, is old and impotent in seraglios of the most sparkling beauties, is poor and wretched in the midst of the greatest treasures ; with diseases, strength grows decrepit, youth loses vigor and beauty charms; music grows harsh; palaces are prisons, or of equal confinement; conversation disagreeable; riches are useless, honors and attendance are cumbersome, and crowns themselves are a burden. But if diseases are painful and violent they equal all conditions of life, make no difference between a prince and a pauper. Procrastination is the Thief of Profits. SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 111 French Id Style No 2 16 POINT 18 A 36 a $5 OO DESIGNER RESTORING STATION Rebuilding Notable Architectural Novelties Leiburgh Evening Cablegrams 18 POINT 18A 36a $500 CONSOLIDATED RAILROAD Manufacturing and Refrigerator Companies 14A 28a $5 50 MIDNIGHT PHANTOMS National Humane Society Station IDA 20a $5 75 EMBELLISHMENT White Marble Monuments 7A 12a $5 75 MANUFACTURE Everlasting Ornaments 112 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY French Id Style No 2 36 POINT 5 A 9 a $600 PUBLISHED Gigantic Elephant 4 A 7 a $8 50 BANKING Other Horses 4 A 5 a $1250 Democrats 3A 4a $1400 Advocate SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 113 ELZEVIR ITALIC 6 POINT 28A 80a $2 60 TO THE MESSIEURS ELZEWR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you imagine. The honor of Roman citizenship is even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in compar- ison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors ? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome: it is to be made fellow with the Salusts and Ciceros ! What glory it is to rightfully say, I am a member of this immortal republic; I have been received in the society of the 1234567890 8 POINT 28 A 80 a $3 00 TO 5MESSIEURS ELZEYIR 1 am indebted to vou, and more so, per- haps, than you imagine. The honor of Ttyman citizenship is eveti less than the bene- fit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors ? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome : it is to be ma 12 34 5678 28 A 80 a $3 80 TO THE [MESSIEURS ELZEl/IR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you imagine. The honor of l^oman citizenship is even less than the benefit you have con- ferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison with that of being placed in the ranks with your authors ? It is to rank with the consuls and senators of Rome ; it is to be made fellow with the Sallusts and Ciceros ? What glory it is to rightfully say, I am a mem- ber of this immortal republic: I have been received in the 1234567890 20 A 50 a $3 94 TO THE MESSIEURS ELZEI//R I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you im- agine. The honor of T{oman citizenship is even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this honor in comparison witb that of being placed in the ranks witb your authors ? It is to rank witb the consuls and senators of Rome : it is to be made fellow with the 12345678 16A 36a $3 90 TO THE [MESSIEURS ELZEl/IR I am indebted to you, and more so, perhaps, than you may imagine. The honor of T^pman citizenship u even less than the benefit you have conferred on me. For what do you think was this ho 12345618 114 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GUSHING 6 POINT NO 24 20 A 50 a $3 00 EXPERIENCE PROVES that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-work- man. Good morals and steady industry are indis- pensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLM ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP PATENTED 8 'POINT NO 24 20A 44a $3 25 EXPERIENCE PROVES that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the incli- nation of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skil- ful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master- knowledge of the trade to which he is put, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJK ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO 10 POINT NO 24 16A 40a $350 EXPERIENCE PROVES that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The up- right, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities .proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12 POINT NO 24 14A 36a $400 EXPERIENCE PROVES that the apprentice foreshadows the work- man, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclina- tion of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dis- solute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 115 eiJSHING ITALIC PATENTED 28A 80a $2 The fawn of the wind of the spring is shy, A II who are familiar with historical researches know Her light feet rustle sere and white grass, that often the discovery of a new fact, far from aid- The trees are roused as she races by, ing in the solution of a perplexing problem, only makes In the pattering rain we hear her pass; it harder to solve by involving it in deeper obscurity. And the bow unstrung we cast aside. Thus it has been in regard to the origin of printing. While we winnow the golden, hoarded maize. These facts of absolute authenticity, however, found And the earth awakes with a thrill of pride in the records of the notaries of Avignon by M. Requin To deck her beauty for festal days. and published recently in the Chron 1234567890 THE EARLIEST EUROPEAN PRINTERS 8 POINT 28 A 80 a $3 00 All who are familiar with historical researches know that often the discovery of a new fact, far from aiding in the solution of a perplexing problem, only makes it harder to solve by involving it in deeper obscurity. Thus it has been in regard to the origin of printing. These facts of absolute authenticity, however, found in the records of the notaries of Avignon by M. Requin and published recently in the Chronicle of the General Journal of Printing, show plainly that the mystery sur- rounding the early printers is being somewhat dissipated. An examination of them proves that a man named Waldfoghel, of Prague, early in the year 1 444, established a printing office at Avig- non, and there trained his apprentices "in the art of artificial writing." This 1 234567890 THE EARLIEST EUROPEAN PRINTERS 10 POINT 28 A 80 a $3 80 All who are familiar with historical researches know that often the discovery of a new fact, far from aiding in the solution of a perplexing problem, only makes it harder to solve by involving it in deeper obscurity. Thus it has been in regard to the origin of printing. These facts of absolute authenticity, however, found in the records of the notaries of Avignon by M. Requin and published recently in the Chronicle of the General Journal of Printing, show plainly that the mystery surrounding the early printers is being somewhat dissipated. An ex 12345678 THE EARLIEST EUROPEAN PRINTERS 12 POINT 20 A 50 a $3 94 All who are familiar with historical researches know that often the discovery of a new fact, far from aiding in the solution of a per- plexing problem, only makes it harder to solve by involving it in deeper obscurity. Thus it has been in regard to the origin of print- ing. These facts of absolute authenticity, however, found in the records of the notaries of Avignon by M. Requin and 12345678 EARLIEST EUROPEAN PRINTERS 116 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JENSON OLD STYLE 25 A 35 a $2 75 THE ORIGIN OF ROMAN TYPES, WITH CHANGES BEFORE AND AFTER REACHING Italian scribes of the fifteenth century were famous for their beautiful manuscripts, written 1 in a hand entirely different from the Gothic of the Germans, or the Secretary of the French and Netherlands calligraphers. It was only natural that the first Italian printers, when they set up their press at Subiaco, should form their letters upon the best model or the national scribes. The Cicero de Ora- tore of 1465 is claimed by some as the first book printed in Roman type, although the character shows that the German artists who printed it had been unable wholly to shake off the traditions of the pointed Gothic school of typography in which they had learned their craft. The type of the Lactantius, and the improved type of the works subsequently printed by Sweynheim and Pannartz at Rome, as well as those of Ulric Hahn, were, in facL Gothic- Romans ; and it was not till Nicholas Jenson, a Frenchman, in 1470, printed his Eusebii Praeparatio at V enice, that the true Ro- man appeared in Italy, -which -was destined to become the ruling character in European Typography. Fournier and others have considered that Jenson derived his Roman letter from a mixture of alphabets of various countries ; but it is only necessary to com- pare the Eusebius with the Italian manuscripts of the period, to see that no such elaborate selection of models was necessary or likely. Jensen's font is on a body corresponding to English. The font is round and clear, and differing in fashion only from its future pro- geny. The capital alphabet consists of twenty-three letters (J, U, and W not being yet in use) ; the lower case alphabet is the same except that the u is substituted for the v, and in addition there is a long f, and the diphthongs. To complete the font, there are fifteen contractions, six double letters, and three points, the . : ? making seventy-three punches in all. Jensen's Roman letter fell after his death into the hands of a firm of which Andrea Torresani was head. Aldus Manutius subsequently associated himself with Tor- resani, and, becoming his son-in-law and heir, eventually inherited his punches, matrices, and types. The Roman fonts of Aldus were eclipsed by his Italic and Greek, but he cut several fine alpha- bets. Renouard mentions eightdistinctfonts between 1494andf558. Roman type was adopted oef ore 1473 by Mentelin of Strasburg, whose beautiful letter placed him in the front rank of the German printers. Gunther Zainer, who settled at Augsburg in 1469, after printing some works in the round Gothic, also adopted, in 1472, ORNAMENT NO 4299 $2 oo SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 117 JENSOX LO STYLE 25 A 30 a $3 00 the Roman of the Venetian School, fonts of which he is said to have brought direct from Italy. The German name of Antiqua, applied to the Roman character, has generally been supposed to imply a reluctance to admit the claim of Italy to the credit of introducing this style of letter. As, however, the Italians themselves called the letter the Lettera Antiqua tonda, the imputation against Germany is un- just. The French, Dutch, and English called it Roman. ROMAN CHARACTERS THE FIRST TYPES USED IN FRANCE, IN THE YEAR | RANGE received printing and the Roman character at the same time, the first work of the Sorbonne press in J470 being in a hand- some Roman letter about Great Primer in size, with a slight suggestion of Gothic in ^JS* some of the characters. Gering, a German himself, and his associates, had learned their art at Basle, but cut, and probably designed, their own letter on the best available models. Their font is rudely cast, so that several of their words appear only half-printed in the impression, and have been finished by hand. It has been stated errone- ously, by several writers, on the authority of Chevillier, that their font was without capitals. The font is complete in that respect, and Chevillier's expression, "lettres capi- tales," as he himself explains, refers to the initial letters for which blank spaces were left to be filled in by hand. Be- sides the ordinary capital and lower-case alphabets, the font abounds in abbreviations. This letter was used in all the works of the Sorbonne press, but when Gering left the Sor- bonne and established himself at the Soleil aOr, in J473, he made use of a Gothic letter. In his later works, however, new and greatly improved fonts of the Roman appear. Jodocus Badius, who by some is erroneously supposed to have been the first who brought the Roman letters from Italy to France, did not establish his famous Prelum Ascen- sianum in Paris till about J500, when he printed in Roman types not, however, before one or two other French printers had already distinguished themselves in the intro- duction of printing from the adopted Roman characters. The French quickly recognized the opportunities of printing, but were slow in improving the shapes of the Roman letter. ORNAMENT NO 4239 $1 oo 118 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JENS0N LO STYLE ISA 30a $3 25 ROMAN WAS FIRST USED IN THE NETHERLANDS ABOUT OMAN was introduced into the Netherlands by Johannes de Westfalia, who, it is said, brought it from Italy in the year J472. He located at Louvain, and after a number of works in semi-Gothic, published in J483 an edition of Aeneas Silvius in the Italian letter. His font is elegant, and rather a lighter face than most of the early Roman fonts of other coun- tries. This printer appears to have been the only one in the Low Countries who used this type during the fifteenth century; nor was it till Plantin, in J555, established his famous press at Antwerp, that the Roman attained to any degree of excellence. But Plantin, and after him the Elzevirs, were destined to eclipse all other artists in their execution of this letter, which in their hands became a model for the typography of all civilization. It should be mentioned, however, that the Elzevirs are not supposed to have cut their own punches. The Roman types which they made famous, and which are known by their name, were cut by Christopher Van Dijk, the form of whose letter was subsequently adopted by English printers with only a few immaterial changes. ORNAMENT No 4269 $1 75 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 119 JENSON LO STYLE 15 A 25 a $3 50 WITZERLAND distinguish- ed itself by the Roman letter of Amerbach of Basle, and still more so by the beautiful fonts used by Froben of the same city, who between 1491 and 1527 printed some of the finest books then known in Europe. Christopher Froschouer of Zurich, about \ 545, made use of a peculiar and not unpicturesque form of the Roman let- ter, in which the round sorts were thickened, after the Gothic fashion, at their opposite cor- ners, instead of at their opposite sides. ^ -^ ^e FIRST INTRODUCED IN ENGLAND, HE Roman was first introduced in England in J 5 J 8 by Richard Pyn- son. This printer's Norman birth, and his close relationship with the typographers of Rouen, together with his sup- posed intimacy with the famous Basle typog- rapher Froben, make it highly probable that he procured his letter abroad, or modelled it on that of some of the celebrated foreign printers of his day. The font, though neat and bold in appearance, displays considerable irregularity in the casting, and has many contractions.^ ORNAMENT No 4243 $2 oo 120 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JENS0N LO STYLE 18POINT 12A20a $4oo JHE Roman made its way rapidly in English typography during die first half of the sixteenth century, and in the hands of such artists as Faques, Rastefl, Wyer, Berthelet, and Day, maintained an average excellence* But it rapidly degener- ated, and while other countries were dazzling Europe by the brilliancy of their impressions, the English Roman letter went from good to bad, and from bad to worse. While Claude Garamond in France was carrying into noble practice the theories of the form and proportion of letters set out by his master, Geofroy Tory; while the Estiennes at Paris, Sebastian Gryphe at Lyons, Froben at Basle, Froschouer at Zu- rich, and Christopher Plantin at Antwerp, were moulding their alphabets into models that were to become classical, English printers, manacled body and soul by their patents and monopolies and state persecutions, achieved nothing with the Roman type that was not retrograde* For a time a struggle appears to have existed be- tween the Black-letter and the Roman for the mastery of the English press, and at one period the curious spectacle was presented of mixed fonts of the two*^ ***&** SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 121 JENSON LO STYLE 24 POINT 10 A 15 a $4 50 THE FIRST ENGLISH Bible ever printed in a Roman type was issued by Bassenpyne in Edin- burgh, in \ 576* From the early days of Scotch typography a steady trade in type and labor was maintained between Holland and Scotland; and he exhibited the Dutch Romans in his specimen 6 A 10 a $5 00 ANCIENT PRINTERS Were liberal in their ideas and cut their letters with an eye to artistic beauty. But as printing ceased to be an art, and became a trade, economical considera- tions suggested a distortion.^ 122 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JEXSON LD STYLE 36 POINT 5 A 8 a $5 50 SMALL FACES The compressed Roman letters of French, Italian, and in a great number of cases the Dutch printers, were not wholly bad. 34 4A 6a $7 25 SEDAN BODY The beautiful Sedan books of Jannon gave their name to the mi- croscopic type* SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 123 JENSON LO STYLE 48 POINT 4 A 5 a $7 75 DESIGNING The date at which we quit the survey is not glorious^ & 4A 5a $10 25 ORIGINAL English founders cast Diamond as 124 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JENSOIV OLD STYLE 60 POINT ' 4 A 5 a 812 25 FOUNDERS Original model artistic faces 13 4A 5a $17 00 ROMANS Grand pieces third year 25 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 125 Initials and Embellishments NO 4265 $1 50 A large variety of Embellishments and Initials made. Specimens on application 126 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JENSON 42 POINT 4 A 6 a $725 Americans Compare COMPROMISE 4 A 8 a $5 50 ''Receive &(eu>s Quickly HEARTYJOKERS 5 A 10 a $5 00 Hunting for Reliable Persons PORTER SEEKING 6 A 15 a $4 50 Munificent Inhabitants Contributing Famine Stricken People MYSTERIOUS ISLANDS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 127 JENSON 18 POINT 10A 25a $400 The accomplished philosopher and man of let- ters, to Itohom the great names ofall/zo is the source of all life, to the lowest of his creatures, what innumerable gradations may be traced, e^ben in the ranks of excellence on our own earth, each being higher than that beneath and lower than that above ; and thus, all to all, objects at once of pride or humility, according as the comparison may be made faith the greater or faith the less. Of two minds then, possessing excellence, which is the more noble : that which, however high the excellence attained by it, has still some nobler excellence in viefa, to which it feels its own inferiority ; or thai which, having risen a few steps in the ascent of intellectual and moral glory, thinks only of PRIDE AS A CHARACTER OF SELF-COMPLACENT EXULTATION 1234567890 128 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Old Style Antique No 40 -o ruin i t A D a O UU BRIDGE Stone Arches 6 A 9 a $7 10 WAYSIDE Hunting Ground 8 A 12 a $6 00 FAVAWALE Designer of Fashions 10 A 15 a $5 00 MONUMENTS Oldentime Remembrance Perpetuated SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 129 Old Style Antique No 40 18 POINT 14 A 20 a $4 10 BUSINESS PROSPECT Increasing Confidence of Operators Profitable Undertaking 12 POINT 25 A 32 a $3 65 ICELAND WINTER SCENERY Tremendous Glaciers and Snow-Capped Mountains Skating on Miniature Lakes 10 POINT 36 A 52 a $4 05 HOSPITABLE SHORES OF CANADA Famous Suburban Paradise for Careless Young Spendthrifts Sparkling Champagne in Freezing Receptacles "OINT 36 A 70 a $3 40 HUMOROUS ROLLER-SKATING MISHAPS Intoxicating Delusions for Enticing and Astounding Country Simpletons Decidedly Fascinating Gyrations Merrymaking Combined with Healthful Athletic Exercise POINT 36 A 70 a $2 85 PRUDISH LEANPURSE'S SNOBBISH ACQUIREMENTS Dandified Apprentices Searching Diligently for Antiquated and Esthetical Habiliments Threadbare Breeches and Paste Jewelry Fashionable Bombastry by the Nincompoops of Modern Chivalry Precarious Livings Made by Swindling Humanity 1234567890 130 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gushing Old Style 4 A 6 a $7 00 BLACK Snake 36 POINT 5 A 8 a $5 50 Colorado SYENITE 8 A 12 a $4 50 MYSTERIOUS Combination 12A 16a $3 50 14 POINT 16 A 24 a $3 25 HISTORICAL Dangerous Precedent 11 POINT 22A 34a $2 90 CONGRATULATIONS Are Now Correctly in Order 9 POINT 28 A 42 a $2 75 CANDIDATE ELECTED Will Not Assume the Office Duties 7 POINT 26 A 40 a $2 50 TRUTH CRUSHED TO EARTH Will Rise Again, Through Eternal Years 1234567890 12 POINT 20A 30a $3 00 IRIDESCENT Dream Never Materialized 10 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 75 HONORABLE MENTION Made and a Premium Awarded 8 POINT 28 A 42 a $2 50 CONTRASTED CHARITIES One for Glory, the Other for Kindness 6 POINT NO 1 24 A 36 a $2 25 PASSENGER STEAMER FOUNDERED Off the High and Rocky Coast of Madagascar 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 131 Old Style Latin Condensed No 30 48 POINT 5 A 8 a $4 85 FRESCO PAINTER Beautiful Rainbow Colors 5A lOa $4 15 POPULAR TRIBUNES National Convention Rhetoric 36 POINT 8 A 12 a $380 PROFESSION REPORTER Continuous Linguistic Performance 12 A 20 a $3 65 25 A 40 a $2 45 SLANDER MEETING TENDER HEART BEATS Notorious Matrons NerYOUS Ocular Institute for Blinded Lovers 1234567890 1234567890 132 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LO STYLE No 43 40 POINT 5 A $4 60 SUPERFINE 5 A $3 80 UPHOLDING 8 A $3 60 24 POINT 10 A $3 45 FIENDS BARREN 12 A $3 05 20 POINT 12 A $2 85 L6 POINT 14 A $2 40 12 po , NT 18 A $1 95 MACHINIST PROTECTIONIST 10 A $3 60 HEMS CHIMES 14 A $3 60 16 POINT 14 A $2 40 2 POINT 18 A $180 10 POINT 25 A $1 80 PHOTOGRAPHIC MOUNTED MUSICIANS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 133 Old Style Condensed No 40 36 POINT 7 A $3 60 MISERS 10 A $385 12 A $3 50 HURTFUL SPITZ DOGS CHINESE 16 A $3 70 22 A $3 10 14 POINT TRUE WOMEN 12 POINT 30 A $2 50 SACRED MEMOIRS MANIFOLD 18 POINT 22 A $3 30 YOUNG TREES 14 POINT 22 A $2 75 SUMMER GOSSIP 10 POINT 36 A $2 35 HARVESTING JUBILEE Old Style Condensed No 42 36 POINT 8 A $3 65 10 A $3 35 PRINTER CHERRIES 12 A $2 90 22 POINT 16 A $3 10 NEW BOOKS 20 POINT 18 A $3 00 SOUND HEADS 16 POINT 22 A $2 75 HEARTY JOKERS 12 POINT 30 A $2 15 STOMACHS CRAMMED 18 A $3 00 18 POINT IMPORTANCE .8 POINT 22 A $2 90 SCHOOL BOARDS 14 POINT 22 A $2 15 BIBULOUS INFANTS 10 POINT 36 A $1 90 FORMIDABLE WAR VESSEL 134 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Condensed Old Style 60 POINT ON 48 POINT NO 32 4 A 8 a $6 80 SHORT Preamble 48 POINT NO 32 6 A 10 a $7 80 Graduation ROBES 40 POINT NO 32 4A 6a $3 65 Sordid EXOTIC Groans 36 POINT NO 32 6 A 10 a $4 50 FINEST Grain Fields 30 POINT NO 43 8 A 12 a $4 70 MUSICAL Grand Piano 24 POINT NO 32 10 A 15 a $3 65 18 POINT NO 32 15 A 25 a $3 50 OCEAN ROUTE PHONETIC Musical Sounds South African Harbor 12 POINT NO 32 25 A 40 a $2 85 10 POINT NO 32 20A 40a $2 45 FICTION HEROINES ELECTRICAL EXHIBITION Romantic Adventurous Stories Nineteenth Century Locomotive Power 1234567890 1234567890 Two styles of figures furnished "with each size except 30 Point SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 135 Old Style Condensed No 4 6 A 10 a $5 60 SECTION CYLINDER ic Registers REAL FHMD Gratitude Rewards 6A lOa $405 Huian Hearts 36 POINT 10 A 15 a $4 50 USEFUL PRECIOUS METAL Having Intrinsic and Exchange Tallies ISA 20 a $3 60 KIMBERLEY DIAMOND EXCHANGE South African Exploring and Mining Companies 20 A 30 a $3 30 CHRISTMAS PRESENT 25 A 40 a $2 40 EVERY HUMAN HEART FINDS Santa ClaUS Likes Little Ones Consolation and Inspiration in Music 1234567890 Two styles of figures furnished with all sizes 136 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY OLD STYLE BOLD 48 POINT 4 A 6 a $15 00 Dm 4A 6a $950 5 A 7 a $600 7A lOa $4 50 14A 18a $400 10 POINT 15A 20a $3 50 18 A 24 a $3 50 16 A 22 a $3 00 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 141 Old Style Antique No 42 48 POINT 3 A $5 00 MUSINGS 5 A $4 80 INQUIRER 7 A $4 50 FRENCHMEN 24 POINT 10 A $375 MAIDEN SMILES 12 A $3 15 CHARMING POETRY 14 A $2 45 FEARLESS YOUNG ROMAN 12 POINT 18 A $1 80 DELICIOUS CANVAS-BACK DUCKS 1234567890 142 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GUSHING MONOTONE 25 and 50 pounds and upwards, 46 cents per pound The poetical temperament of Columbus is discernible throughout his writ- ings, and in all his actions. It spread a golden and glorious world around him, and tinged everything with its own gorgeous colors. It betrayed him into visionary speculations, which subjected him to the sneers and cavil- lings of men of cooler and safer but more grovelling minds. Such were the opinions formed on the coast of Paria, about the form of the earth, and the situation of the terrestial paradise ; about the mines of Ophir, in His- paniola, and of the Aurea Chersonesus, in Veragua ; and such was the heroic scheme of the crusade for the recovery of the holy sepulchre. It mingled with his religion, and filled his mind with solemn and visionary meditations on mystic passages of the scriptures, and the shadowy por- tents of the prophecies. It exalted his office in his eyes, and made him conceive himself an agent sent upon a sublime and awful mission, subject to impulses and supernatural visions from the Deity ; such as the voice he imagined spoke to him in comfort, amidst the troubles of Hispaniola, and in the silence of the night, on the disastrous coast of Veragua. He was decidedly a visionary, but a visionary of an uncommon and successful CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS, A NATIVE OF GENOA 1234567890 11 POINT 25 and 50 pounds and upwards, 44 cents per pound The poetical temperament of Columbus is discernible throughout his writings, and in all his actions. It spread a golden and glorious world around him, and tinged everything with its own gorgeous colors. It betrayed him into visionary speculations, which subjected him to the sneers and cavillings of men of cooler and safer but more grovelling minds. Such were the opinions formed on the coast of Paria, about the form of the earth, and the situation of the terrestrial paradise; about the mines of Ophir, in Hispaniola, and of the Aurea Chersonesus, in Veragua ; and such was the heroic scheme of the crusade for the re- covery of the holy sepulchre. It mingled with his religion, and filled his mind with solemn and visionary meditations on mystic passages of the scriptures, and the shadowy portents of the prophecies. It exalted his office in his eyes, and made him conceive himself an agent sent upon a sublime and awful mission, subject to impulses and supernatural visions from the Deity; such as the voice he imagined spoke to him THE SUPERIOR CHARACTER OF COLUMBUS 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 143 M0NOTOXE 25 and 50 pounds and upwards, 52 cents per pound The faculty of memory, which receives and retains ideas and images, and which exhibits them again with or without the exercise of volition, early became the subject of philo- sophical research. There are very many curious phenomena connected with this power of the mind; it is sometimes as recreant to its trust, when most its service may be required, as the veriest bankrupt; at other times, when in a fit of strange caprice, it will obtrude upon us in a most unwelcome and unceremonious manner, heaping upon us thoughts and things we would willingly bury in oblivion. Yet, after all, memory is indispensable to moral economy; its aid is as much required in things mean as in things immense. With- out this mysterious private secretary, we could not enact our several parts on the arena of life; our boasted being would be reduced to a mere vegetable existence. Memory is said to be essential to every kind of action; timid animals are instigated to avoid capture, and to flee from the attacks of the very ferocious, more from the remembrance of the conse- quences of previous sufferings than from what we are accustomed to call instinct. It is re- corded that on the first discovery of the Falkland Islands, hares and foxes, as well as birds, quietly suffered themselves to be taken. If a dog, for example, is well punished for an offence, he is not likely often to repeat the act. We can only speak of the function as an attribute of mind in metaphors; such as the tablets of memory, a storehouse of ideas, and the like; but the thing is intangible and inconceivable as to its nature. Memory seems to require an increase of its retentive power over the objects derivable through the senses of sight, sound, and touch; for example, a cherished form and face, the accents of a voice we have loved, a magnificent landscape, or a superb structure, make a deep COMPARATIVE ACUTENESS OR OBTUSENESS OF ITS POWERS 1234567890 10 POINT NO 2 25 and 50 pounds and upwards, 46 cents per pound The faculty of memory, which receives and retains ideas and im- ages, and which exhibits them again with or without the exercise of volition, early became the subject of philosophical research. There are very many curious phenomena connected with this power of the mind ; it is sometimes as recreant to its trust, when most its service may be required, as the veriest bankrupt ; at other times, when in a fit of strange caprice, it will obtrude upon us in a most unwelcome and unceremonious manner, heaping upon us thoughts and things we would willingly bury in oblivion. Yet, after all, memory is in- dispensable to moral economy ; its aid is as much required in things mean as in things immense. Without this mysterious private secre- tary, we could not enact our several parts on the arena of life ; our boasted being would be reduced to a mere vegetable existence. Memory is said to be essential to every kind of action ; timid ani- mals are instigated to avoid capture, and to flee from the attacks of the very ferocious, more from the remembrance of the consequences of previous sufferings than from what we are accustomed to call in- stinct. It is recorded that on the first discovery of the Falkland MEMORY IS INDISPENSABLE TO MORAL ECONOMY 1234567890 144 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY eENTURY RGMAIV rPHE first number of The Century appeared J_ in a modernized old-style type, which was then something of a novelty. It had never been used in any similar publication, and it gave distinction to the page. It had authority in its favor, as the outgrowth of a style (shown on pages 96/-96A, of the speci- men book), introduced by WILLIAM CASLON of London about 1720, and then so pleas- ingly cut that it broke down every attempt at rivalry. For seventy years it was com- mended as incomparably the best cut of type, but it went out of fashion. At the beginning of the present century readers demanded new styles, and the type- J_ founders provided them in profusion : the Thome fat-face of prodigious blackness ; the Didot round-face, not quite as black or fat-faced; the Bodoni, with round letters and sharp hair-lines; the French poetic face, com- pressed to the extreme of tenuity; the so- called Scotch-face (devised by the late S. N. DICKINSON of Boston, who established the Dickinson Type Foundry, the Boston Branch of the American Type Founders' Company, although first cut in Edinburgh); and the skeleton light-face, with its razor-edged hair-lines and needle-like pointed stems, complained of its angularity and grayness. fashionable during the first part of century ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ $1234567890 WHEN PICKERING and WHITTINGHAM revived the CASLON Old-Style, in 1850, using the identical matrices of the old master, the connoisseurs said, " Now at last we have returned to simplicity and beauty : this is perfection." Yet it was admired by bibliophiles only ; dainty readers did not approve of its angular letters and its disproportioned capitals. Accepted for reprints of old books, it was rejected for modern work. To make it palatable to the general reader, type-founders devised a "modernized old-style," in which harsh features were modified and new features of greater delicacy were added. So changed, it became a more salable letter, but it never found marked favor with the ordinary newspaper or the book publisher. Critics said of it (too severely, we think) that the strong features of the Caslon face had been suppressed, and that the new features were no improvement ; that it had been made lighter, sharper, and broader, until its true character had been cut to pieces. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $1234567890 T)IBLIOPHILES still prefer the cut of CASLON ; with all its admitted faults, -D it is blacker, clearer, and more readable. The average reader rejects the angularities of the old and the new cut, and prefers the symmetry of types of modern fashion. In the bewildering variety of faces devised during this century, one peculiarity, the sharp hair-line (a fashion introduced by BODONI and DIDOT, in imitation of the delicate lines of the copper-plate printer), has never been changed. When printing was done upon wet paper, against an elastic blanket, the hair-line was necessarily thickened by its impress against the yielding paper, which over-lapped the sides of every line. Under this treatment the hair-line appeared thicker in print than in type, and was un- objectionable to printer or reader ; but when the new method began (as it did in 1872) of printing on dry and smooth paper against an inelastic surface ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ $1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 145 MR. THEODORE L. DEVINNE ON THE CENTURY ROMAN. (From The Century, March, 1896.) [NOTE. This series of modern Roman type was cut by the American Type Founders' Company for The Century, in accordance with the suggestions and under the supervision of Mr. THEODORE L. DEViNNE, the eminent printer of that magazine. The punches were cut on the Benton punch-cutting machine from one set of drawings. A very complete line of accents has been added to meet the requirements of high-class book and magazine work.] the narrowness of the measure com- pels an overturning and mangling of lines, a waste of space, and needless irritation to the reader. Experiment proved that a book-type moderately compressed and properly cut was as readable as round or expanded type Compressed types, first made in Hol- land in 1732, ever since have been more largely used than types of any other cut by the printers of France and southern Europe. In dictionaries and books of two or more columns to the page, the compressed face is a necessity. The slightness of the compression in this new face will be perceived at a glance in a compari- son of the alphabets of the old and of the new face as here submitted. A GREAT change has taken place in Xi. the taste of readers, who have wearied of light types and gray im- pressions. There is an unmistakable demand for bold and stronger print. American type-founders recently in- troduced several styles of bold and black letter for publishers and ad- vertisers, as well as for bibliophiles. The "Jenson," "Monotone," and the " DeVinne " are in high favor with all, not for their novelty of form, but for their greater legibility. With these evidences before them of a general preference for bolder types, the pub- lishers of The Century decided that they would swim with the tide, and have types of larger face and thicker hair-lines. According to old rules, Roman types would be bolder and more readable when made larger and wider. Experiments made with broad letters proved that increased expan- sion did not always secure increased legibility. The broad and round faces which seemed so beautiful in large- margined pages of Bodoni and Didot were not all beautiful (quite the re- verse) when printed in double columns on a page with narrow margins. To use types in which the thick strokes of each type are unduly spread apart on a page with narrow margins is an incongruity that cannot be justified. When margins are ample, and space is not pinched, types may be broad and even expanded. When the page is over-full, the types should be com- pressed to suit the changed condition. The fault of over-broad type is most noticed in books of poetry, in which abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDM THE NEW PACE. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz ABCD THE OLD FACE. The new face is as wide as the old; it has as much open space within as without each letter, and just as many letters to the line; it has the greater clearness of a thickened hair-line. It seems to be compressed only because it is taller, but this increase of height amounts to only sixty-five ten-thous- andths ( 6 %oooo) of an inch. The story of the designing of this face is too full of technical detail to interest the casual reader. Only a maker of in- struments of precision can appreciate the subservient tools, gauges, and machines that show aberrations of a ten-thousandth part of an inch ; only an expert punch cutter can understand why minute geo- 146 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 3M POINT NO 17 CARD FONT $10 00 CARD PONT $7 50 nation of the tree. The uj>- n stt-aily, skilful and capable .n, as unmistakably as the perverse, iiilm*, careless boy will ripen into lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measuraMy the maker of his own destiny; and if h fails to acquire a master -knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at bin outset deter- mine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are in- dispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him. Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller! Has he a tarn for reading? Is h under fifteen years of aget Is hi* eyesight jrood I A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the portion of reading and errand boy. He in told the hour* at which he is to come and he sort* out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the tine are pointed out to aim, and he is required to correct them himself. When the words are perlertly correct, he justifies the line tight enough to prevent it from falling itairn tektn (A* composing- stick i iliffktly inclimtd. ami get tujfieitntly ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPyRSTL'VWXYZ EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen Into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset de- termine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady In- dustry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these quali- be inquired of him. Has he had a fair common-school educa- tion? Is he a perfect speller' Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirma- tive answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He w told the hours at which he is to cume and go, and a strict punctuality w ettjained upon him. He sweep* the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position ABCDF.FGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 5 POINT NO 31 5 POINT NO 63 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the benil of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate steady, skil- lul. ami <-}'able man, as unmistakably as the per- verse, idling, careless boy will ripen Into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails tu acquire a master-knowledge ot the trade to which In- fo put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of prlntliiK. it should be in- quired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? 18 he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading? la his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345C7890 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the iiu-lination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad \vill graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of hie destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispen- sable. When a lad who possesses these quali- ties proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education'.' Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? A true affirmative anxicer to all these Queries will entitle Mm to the position of reading and errand ABCDEFGHIJKLMXOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 POINT NO 51 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at? his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education ? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself. When the words are perfectly correct, he justifies the line tight enough to prevent it from falling down when the composing-stick is slightly inclined, and yet sufficiently loose to enable him to lift it out with ease. In thus spacing out the line, the blanks between the words must be so graduated that, when the matter is printed, all the words will appear at equal distances apart. No matter how impatient he may be, to sift on, he must be drilled at this exercise till he becomes a thorough master of it. The sirand doctrine to be instilled into him at first is, to do his work well and correctly; swiftness will follow as a natural consequence. He sets a second line ; and after ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 147 POINT NO 37 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common- school education? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctu- ality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself. When the words are perfectly correct, he justifies the line tight enough to prevent it from falling down when the composing-stick is slightly inclined, and yet sufficiently loose to enable him to lift it out with ease. In thus spacing ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 5M POINT NO 314 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the -maker of his own destiny: and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common- school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them him- self. When the words are perfectly correct, he justifies the line light enough to prevent it from falling down when the composing-stick is slightly inclined, and yet sufficiently loose to enable ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to ac- quire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told lo set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 148 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 6 POINT NO 55 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obe- dient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmis- takably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the posi- tion of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, -he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT NO 57 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, disso- lute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age l A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative to go- ing to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to compo- sition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journey- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT NO 61 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the trae. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, disso- lute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of print- ing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to com- position, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 149 6 POINT NO 313 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the Inclination of the tree. The upright, obedi- ent, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as un- mistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. "When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the posi- tion of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of compos- ing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to tfte foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the Une are pointed out ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 6 POINT NO 314 EXPEEIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The up- right, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him. Has he had a fair common- school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, lie is told to set up one line and ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 150 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 7 POINT NO 55 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master- knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT No 57 EXPEKIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady in- dustry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common -school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 61 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the .workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, care- less boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common- school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age '? A true af- firmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 151 7 POINT NO 313 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and cap- able man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset deter- mine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 314 E^EKIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair, common- school education? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under .fifteen years of age ? A true affirma- tive answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 7 POINT NO 51 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful and steady man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 152 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 8 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispen- sable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a desire for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punc- tuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman oP to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTTJVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT NO 55 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the hend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are alike indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself. When the words are perfectly correct, he ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 153 8 POINT NO 57 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensa- ble. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journey- man under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT NO 61 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are in- dispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them him- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 154 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 8 POINT NO 313 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a mas- ter-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all of these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. When he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may be placed. The errors in the line are pointed out to him, and he is required to correct them himself. When the words are perfectly ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 8 POINT NO 314 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the work- man, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclina- tion of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dis- solute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education '? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learning the art of composing type. Wlien he is put to composition, he is told to set up one line and show it to the foreman or to the journeyman under whose care he may ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 155 9 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the work- man, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the incli- nation of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, disso- lute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go. and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He siveeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case, or learn ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 9 POINT NO 55 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the work- man, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the incli- nation of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dis- solute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common -school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 156 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 9 POINT NO 61 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, indus- trious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset deter- mine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and er- rand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 9 POINT No 313 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the work- man, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclina- tion of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, disso- lute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair com- mon-school education ? Is he a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the various letters in the case. A year spent in this way is an excellent preparative for going to case. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 157 9 POINT NO 314 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, indus- trious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset de- termine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age ? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to come and go, and a strict punctuality is enjoined upon him. He sweeps the room, he sorts out the pi, he learns the position of the ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT NO 51 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, in- dustrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of 1234567890 158 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 10 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as un- mistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measur- ably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school edu- cation? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand boy. He is told the hours at which he is to ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT NO 55 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, in- dustrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of read ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 159 10 POINT No 311 EXPEKIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, indus- trious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset de- termine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of reading and errand ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 10 POINT NO 314 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, indus- trious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless, boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good mor- als and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is lie a perfect speller ? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him to the position of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQBSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 160 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 11 POINT NO 52 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industri- ous lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measur- ably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school edu- cation? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for read- ing? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative answer to all these queries will entitle him ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 11 POINT NO 54 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, in- dustrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common-school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading? Is his eyesight good? Is he under fifteen years of age? A true affirmative ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 161 11 POINT NO 37 EXPEEIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig fore- tells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and ca- pable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be be- cause he did not at his outset determine to be a master workman. Good morals and steady industry are indis- pensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common- school education? Is he a perfect speller? Has he a turn for reading ? Is his eyesight good ? Is he under ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQESTUVWXYZ 1234567890 11 POINT No 314 EXPEKIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshad- ows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistak- ably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own des- tiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady in- dustry are indispensable. When a youth who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, Has he had a fair common- school education ? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 162 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 12 POINT NO 52 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foreshadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The obedient, upright, assiduous lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade te which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master- workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a lad who possesses these qualities proposes to learn the art and mystery of printing, it should be inquired of him, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQKSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 12 POINT No sio EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice foresha- dows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industrious lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the perverse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowledge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispensable. When a youth who possesses these qualities determines to learn the art and mystery of ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 163 12 POINT NO 314 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman Just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industri- ous lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the per- verse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny ; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowl- edge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset determine to be a master-workman. Good morals and steady industry are indispens- ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 14 POINT NO 34 EXPERIENCE proves that the apprentice fore- shadows the workman, just as surely as the bend of the twig foretells the inclination of the tree. The upright, obedient, industri- ous lad will graduate a steady, skilful, and capable man, as unmistakably as the per- verse, idling, careless boy will ripen into a lazy, dissolute fellow. The fact is, a boy is measurably the maker of his own destiny; and if he fails to acquire a master-knowl- edge of the trade to which he is put, it will mainly be because he did not at his outset ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUYWXYZ 1234567890 164 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 18 POINT ROMAN NO 44 25 LBS. $10 00 BEAUTY OF SIMPLICITY PLAIN TYPE is always an evidence of taste 1234567890 22 POINT ROMAN NO 44 26 A 12 A 90 a $13 80 INVESTMENT HOUSE FOR SALE on Easy Terms 28 POINT ROMAN NO 44 14A 7A 42a $12 00 SUMMER RECREATION Country Resorts 36 POINT ROMAN NO 44 14 A 42 a $16 00 STKONG Extracts 44 POINT ROMAN NO 44 8 A 20 a $14 80 Brown SUITS 60 POINT ROMAN NO 44 4 A 4 a $8 95 THE Race Italic furnished for the 18, 22, 28 and jb Point on special order SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 165 P0STER R0MaN No 42 TEMPEST SINGING Roaring Cyclones Famous Songs 12345 12345 20A 70a $12 65 ASTRONOMICAL Excursion to Starry Heaven 14 A 42 a $12 50 Fashionable RUBIES 8 A 20 a $10 15 UNCUT Diamond 7 A 14 a $11 20 Large SHEEP 7A lOa $12 10 TIN Dishes Italic furnished for any of the above faces on special order 166 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ROMAN 12 POINT NO 30 20 A 30 a $3 95 RICH MINES For Sturdy Delvers 11 POINT NO 157 20 A 30 a $2 85 ACCIDENTAL, Most Peculiar Discovery 10 POINT NO 30 20 A 30 a $3 35 9 POINT NO 157 20 A 30 a $2 60 REDUCED PRICE NATIONAL BANK Bargain Counter Hunters Deposit Suddenly Withdrawn 8 POINT NO 30 25 A 40 a $2 85 7 POINT NO 30 30 A 50 a $3 00 NOKTHEKN LIGHTS FINANCIAL MARKETS Cheer of Gloomy Polar Nights White and Yellow Money Jugglers 6 POINT NO 30 25 A 40 a $2 10 STUDY THE EXACT SCIENCES Principle* that Stand the Test of Time 5M POINT NO 15 50A 80a $4 32 HILARIOUS RANCHMEN Eastern Kentucky Cyclone Demolished HRLF--TITLE No 42 8 POINT 30 A 60 a $400 CHAPEL ASSEMBLY Undecipherable Manuscript 1234567890 6 POINT 36A 70a $3 55 COMMINGLING NATIONS Scalplock and Chopstick Fraternity 1334567890 ELEPHANT 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $3 55 l.r.OM FEATURES Tender Plantation Melodies 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 60 SCIENTIFIC RESEARCHES Develop and Perpetuate Modern Art 10 POINT 25 A 40 a $3 35 COMING EVENTS Casting; Shadows Before 7 POINT 30 A 50 a $3 50 < 01 i i:<. i s ri in > i Storing; Mind ibr Future >! 5 POINT 50 A 75 a $480 I I \ It I I I M. II I * OF TERROR Hideous Sounds and lii-r.-nltiil Apparitions SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 167 BOLDFACE ITALIC 28 POINT NO 40 10 A 14 a $7 20 Continental MEETING 22 POINT NO 40 14A 20a $5 60 SUBMARINE Ocean Cruiser 18 POINT NO 40 18A 28a $5 25 TUNNELS Gloomy Passages 10 POINT NO 30 25 A 40 a $3 35 IDLE MOMENTS Quite Novel to Susy Men 7 POINT NO 40 36 A 70 a $4 00 ARCTIC POLAR CIRCLE Perennial Life and Greensward POINT NO 27 24 A 38 a $2 25 MORNING EXCURSIONS Steamer Republic Leaving Market Street Wliarf Every Morning 12 POINT NO 30 15 A 25 a $2 95 HOME GAME Hope Among Brutes 8 POINT NO 30 30 A 50 a $2 85 LARGE RED APPLES Stveet Succulent Scarlet Fruit 6 POINT NO 30 25 A 40 a $2 10 JA' CONFUSION OF TONGUES Frittering Babble of J&rainlens Politicians 5 POINT No 1 5 24A 44a $2 70 PRACTICED RAILKOADING Washington Farmers Receiving Specialties While Visitiny the South INCLINED BOLDFACE No 30 20A 30a $345 25A 40a $3 15 HARD TIMES LOUD TALKING Never Great Results l>oes Not Mean Arguments 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 35 FINE MUSHROOMS Brief Life of the Esculent Fungi 12345G789O 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 35 KNOWLEDGE IS POWER M ental Store House of Inestimable Wealth 1234567890 168 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY TW0*LINE LETTER 48 POINT NO 35 5 A $5 50 TRIBUNES 40 POINT NO 35 5 A $4 65 SPECIMENS 36 POINT NO 35 6 A $3 80 CHIEF PROFIT 28 POINT NO 35 8A $3 10 SOME BAD NOTES 24 POINT NO 35 IDA $3 25 22 POINT NO 33 10 A $2 30 20 POINT NO 33 NEAR HERE ROMANESQUE SCIENTIFIC 18 POINT NO 35 15 A $2 50 SOLID GOLD 14 POINT NO 35 12 POINT NO 35 20 A $1 80 HONEST HEARTS 10 POINT NO 35 25 A $1 70 RULERS OF ENGLAND MARSHMALLOW 11 POINT NO 35 25 A $1 95 PRINCE PROSPERO 9 POINT NO 35 30 A $1 80 COLORED ILLUSTRATIONS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 169 LIGHTFaeE No 24 POINT 10 A $345 IMPORTED FBINGE 10 A $2 70 20 POINT 14A $3 20 16 A $2 80 16 POINT 18 A $2 95 18 A $2 80 12 POINT 25 A $2 70 BRIGHT MEN LIGHT RUNNER 10 POINT 30A $2 10 9 POINT 30A $1 85 SOUTHEKN SPKINGS PUGILISTIC STRUGGLE 1234567890 1234567890 HALF-TITLE No 40 16 POINT 14 A $2 40 GENEROUS MOUNTAINEER ISA $2 80 COLD DRINKS 11 POINT 25 A $2 35 HEMOTE PEACES 8 POINT 30 A $180 WELCOME PROOFSHEETS 1234567890 22 A $2 55 NICEST HORSE 30 A $2 15 MACHINE 6 POINT 36 A $1 60 REMARKABLE CONTINGENCIES 1334567890 170 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LIGHTFaCE No 45 8 A 14 a $7 40 INTEKESTING Guaranteed Securities IDA 20a $7 20 GREAT BOEES Tunnels through Hoosac 14 A 25 a $6 15 SLEIGH RIDING Invigorating and Exhilarating ISA 32a $5 50 GENEROUS PEOPLE Distributing Charity Unsparingly 22 A 42 a $390 ROUGH-SHOD Jumping over Streams 8 POINT 30 A 52 a $345 PARENTAL PHYSIC Spring- Woodshed Exercises 1234567890 10 POINT 30 A 52 a $3 70 COMPLIMENTARY Third Annual Excursion 6 POINT 36A 70a $320 MODERN LEGISLATION Protecting Corporation . Monopolies 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 171 CONDENSED No 34 5A 6a $11 00 LIFE Motive 5 A 6 a $7 75 Masonic BITES 44 POINT ON 48 POINT 6 A 12 a $7 70 Electors Scramble COMPRESSED No 30 8 A 12 a $5 95 10 A 15 a $5 00 LEAN Cronies 22 POINT 12 A 20 a $4 00 Excursion TRIPS 15 A 25 a $3 70 14 POINT 15 A 30 a $2 85 Back Action HINGES 12 POINT 25 A 40 a $3 30 PECULIAK PEOPLE Homelessly Koaming North 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 50 MATRONS MENDING PANTS Rent and Ripped in Juvenile Pastimes 1234567890 USUAL Political Strife 10 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 30 HABITUAL MISCREANTS Searching Fresh Fields for Plunder 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 00 LIKE LAMPS IN ETHEREAL SPACE Hang Beautiful Twinkling Stare of Mellow Splendor 1234567890 172 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Lightface (Condensed 60 POINT NO 33 5 A $680 7 A $7 00 44 POINT NO 45 7A$650 TRIBE CHIEF 40 POINT NO 45 7 A $4 25 36 POINT No 32 6A $3 15 EXERT ROMANS 28 POINT NO 32 10A $2 85 24 POINT NO 32 10A $2 90 SONGBIRD BLUE TINT 22 POINT NO 32 10 A $2 15 20 POINT NO 32 15 A $2 80 EXTENSIONS CORN BREAD 18 POINT NO 32 15 A $2 10 16 POINT NO 32 20 A $2 00 HUMANE DEED OUR HOPES LIVE 14 POINT NO 32 20 A $2 00 12 POINT NO 32 25 A $1 80 COLLEGE PRANKS SCIENTIFIC PROBLEM 10 POINT NO 32 25 A $1 25 9 POINT NO 32 25 A $1 25 NUMEROUS COMPLAINTS ALARMING TOCSIN OF STRIFE SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 173 Lightface Condensed No 47 28 POINT 14 A $375 PERSEVERING REGIMENT 24 POINT 14 A $330 22 POINT ISA $320 PERFECTING BUSY BUILDER 20 POINT ISA $2 95 13 POINT 22 A $2 85 EXPERT MINER GUITAR CONCERT 16 POINT 22 A $245 14 POINT 25 A $250 ROADSIDE HOUSES ROAMING MUSICIANS 12 POINT 36 A $2 60 10 POINT 36 A $1 85 LANDSCAPE PAINTERS ELEPHANTINE RESEARCHES Lightface Condensed No 45 28 POINT 14 A $3 60 20 POINT ISA $2 60 MENTIONINGS CONTRIBUTIONS 16POINT 18 A $190 18pQINT 22 A $2 25 COMPLETED SKETCH MEADOW COUNTRIES 12 POINT 36 A $2 30 10 POINT 36 A $1 55 PICTURESQUE MANSIONS PROVISIONS FOR THE INFANTRY 9POINT 52 A $2 05 6POINT 52 A $180 HERBACEOUS TREES AND FLOWERS SMALL BODIES WITH GIGANTIC SOULS 1234567890 1234567890 174 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ELONGATED No 30 60 POINT 4 A 6 a $5 45 (i lire rr i LIU Pronto 6 A 10 a $5 25 40 POINT 8 A 12 a $505 Fire Insurance Firm 20 A 30 a $4 05 15 A 20 a $3 85 30 A 40 a $3 25 ion Given 10 POINT 30 A 40 a $3 10 NATIONAL CIVIL SERVICE REFORM SCHOOL Private Examination Concerning Extinet Political Berths 12345(7890 MAGNIFICENT AMERICAN TRIUMPHS Perfected Economical Electrical Motive Power 8 POINT 40 A 50 a $3 50 THE GREAT ANNl'AL NATIONAL CELEBRATION Thanksgiving Dinner Exhibition of Rare China and Cut Glass 1234567890 Condensed Title No 44 28 POINT 14A 20a $6 30 Twentieth WEDDING Anniversary 14 A 28 a $460 18 POINT ISA 28 a $3 55 Annihilates GEESE Crowded STORE in Paris 12 POINT 25 A 52 a $3 65 SLANG PHRASES Verbiage for City Councilmen 8 POINT 36 A 70 a $325 HYPOCRISY AND DECEPTION Stepping Stones for the Unscrupulous 1234567890 10 POINT 36 A 70 a $3 85 SOCIAL NUISANCES Constantly Growling Neighbors 6 POINT 36A 70a $2 60 FELONIOUSLY ABSTRACTED The Only Personal Property of the Advertiser 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 175 Extra Condensed No 46 5A 6a $770 28 POINT 6A 8a $635 8 A 10 a $5 30 10 A 14 a $440 16A 20a $405 Literary Association for LECTURE EXERCISES and Amusement ISA 25 a $380 TERRIBLE NIGHT Excursion on Iron Horses to the CITY OF REPUDIATION 14 POINT 20 A 28 a $3 30 12 POINT 25 A 36 a $3 55 IMPECUNIOUS PERSONS Entertained by Turnupnose Social Circles 1234567890 PROFESSOR LONGSHANKS Addresses Intended to Promote Happiness 1234567890 176 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY HLOINE No 30 60 POINT ON 48 POINT 3 A 5 a $6 65 TIRE Makers 6A lOa $1050 Minstrel SONG 6 A 10 a $755 Fine RIPE Plums 36 POINT 8 A 12 a $7 85 28 POINT 8 A 15 a $5 50 Our GrMs Mean Traits 22 POINT 12 A 20 a $4 60 18 POINT 15 A 25 a $3 75 Ancient ROME SOME Honest Boys 14 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 65 12 POINT 15 A 25 a $2 45 FREE LANCES HORNED TOADS Gold and Silver Reign Beneath Spreading Oaks 10 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 20 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 25 HISTORIC RECORDS THOSE RARE OLD BOOKS Noble Deeds Write Their Pages Obscure Lore of Ages Past and Gone 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 10 5 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 05 WASHINGTON NEVER ATE HASH ROMANTIC MAIDENS IN SKRF.XK RKPOSK Failed to Investigate That Gastronomic Mystery indolent Flower* O r Fortune whose Papas Pay he 1234567890 1 2 3 4 5 G 7 8 9 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 177 Condensed Aldine No 30 72 POINT ON 60 POINT 4 A 8 a $6 75 Tonics 60 POINT ON 48 POINT 5 A 8 a $5 55 6 A 10 a $5 55 10 A 15 a $600 23 POINT 10 A 15 a $3 80 BAl Discount Gymnastic POINTS 15 A 20 a $3 70 18 POINT 20 A 25 a $3 00 Potomac River BRIDGE MARBLE Heart Fire Engine 20 A 30 a $2 30 OBEY HONEST MOTIVES Always Advocate Just Principles 10 POINT 30 A 40 a $2 20 WHERE SNEAKS DOMINATE Decent Men Should Assert Their Rights 8 POINT 40 A 50 a $2 40 SKILLFUL POLITICAL HIRE PULLERS Again Deceiving Voters by Meaningless Phrases 1234567890 12 POINT 30 A 40 a $2 70 GOOD MANUSCRIPT MAKES Printers Observe Chastity of Speech 9 POINT 40 A 50 a $2 40 THE STAR-SPAMLED BAMER Message of Freedom Proclaimed to Mankind 6 POINT 40 A 50 a $2 00 HARD TIMES BEGET DEEP THOUGHTS History Bears Witness as to the Veracity of Above Statement 1334567890 178 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Title Expanded No 30 36 POINT 4 A 6 a $6 80 ME1V Galore 5 A 8 a $5 25 22 POINT 8 A 12 a $4 70 Track Exploits 10 A 15 a $4 30 Unique ]>Ietlio M El R I NA/ri-tings n 10 POINT NO 1310 20 A 35 a $4 50 F^/XRKSJDE: INJatiural Sc^o^s 6 POINT NO 1306 28 A 40 a $4 00 F-ASO I IM A.-T I O IM F=rc3d igioujs IVI a g i o i a n s 123456789 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 205 Philadelphia Lining Gothic 48 POINT NO 1448 3A 5a $11 25 NO Rain 36 POINT NO 1436 5 A 7 a $9 75 Mark VAT 30 POINT NO 1430 6 A 9 a $8 25 24 POINT NO 1424 9 A 12 a $7 00 18 POINT No 1418 12 A 15 a $600 14 pQ INT No 1414 15 A 22 a $5 50 12 POINT NO 1412 16 A 26 a $5 00 10 po [NT No 1410 22 A 32 a $4 75 onost 28A45a$425 EacKajst:ecl Rt e gr i m e n -t: 1234-567 l- 206 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Lining Gothic Extended No 40 36 POINT 4A 6a $7 10 5A 7a $5 15 MON 7A lOa $4 50 HARTFORD Pleasure Steamer 10 A 14 a $4 30 FAMILY GROURS Basking in Sunbeams 12A 18a $3 50 MODERN SAYINGS Phonographs Recharged 12 POINT 14A 22 a $3 40 10 POINT 16A 2 4a $3 10 DEMANDS MONARCHS Loans Create Blunders 8 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 00 6 POINT 25 A 35 a $3 00 TEA.RQLJICK F>REDEXERIV1 1 INJ E Eager Bargain Hunters SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES JOHNSON GOTHIC 16 POINT 16A 24a $400 GENTLEMEN ESTABLISHED Automatic Millionaire Purchasing Securities German Brotherhood Government 14 POINT 14 A 36 a $3 75 STIRRING POLITICAL SPEECHES Wonderous Adventures in King Solomon's Mines Spiritualist Medium Pretenders 12 POINT 15 A 40 a $3 50 SPECIMENS FURNISHED SATURDAY Cheapest Excursion Tickets and Refreshments to Washington Harmonious Friendship and Pleasant Remembrances 10 POINT 18 A 45 a $300 PURCHASING MAGNIFICENT PLEASURE YACHT Famous Trainers Brought Wonderful Trained Animals for Performances Destroyed Childhoods Pleasant Remembrances 8 POINT 20 A 50 a $2 50 6 POINT 24 A 60 a $2 25 NUMEROUS REQUESTS COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER Beautiful Productions from Flowers Unavoidable and Laughable Adventures 1234567890 1 234567890 208 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GOTHIC No 1510 30 POINT 10 A $4 50 GOLI3EJM ROWN 12 A $3 20 6HRISTMAS L>EGEJMDS 14 A $2 80 JHUNGRY PEOPLE COMING 16A $2 50 INSOJMSISTENT F(EMAf^KS f ASCI NATIVE AND ATTRA6TIVE 16A $2 25 HARMED JVIAIDENJHOOD JVIASSjACHUSETTS SIGN /rSSOeiATION 12 POINT 20 A $2 00 10 POINT 24A $1 75 TYPOGRAPHY DILAPIDATED ROAD SCIENCE KaNOF^ANeE LOVIN 28 A $1 35 fJUMEF^OUS f EOPLE WITNESS ElsEPHAJNTS IN BATHING 36 A $1 25 GR^ND JNINETEENTH SEJNTURY PATRONIZE TJHE AGRICULTURAL EXPOSITIOJN 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES COMBINATION GOTHIC 24 POINT NO 120 6 A $2 00 HUNTER SPEAKING 24 POINT No 119 6A $2 00 DESIRABLE HUCKSTER 18 POINT NO 118 8 A $2 00 HONEST MACHINE BUILDER 18 POINT NO 117 10 A $2 00 12 POINT NO 116 12 A $1 50 NOVEL HEROES FRENCH SHADE 12 POINT No 115 14 A $1 50 12 POINT NO 114 18 A $1 50 6 POINT NO 113 32 A $1 50 BOWLERS ORGANIZED ANXIOUS PUGILISTIC TRAINING 6 POINT NO 112 32 A $1 50 SPORTINCMEN GATHERING SOUTHERN DELEGATES PRESENT 6 POINT NO 111 36 A $1 25 WASHINGTON MONUMENT SOCIETY PEOPLE BEING WISELY TAUGHT 1234567890 LINING GOTHIC 6 POINT NO 34 60 A $2 25 PROFESSIONAL TREATMENT MAY NECESSITATE SOME PAIN 6 POINT NO 110 36 A $1 25 THEATRICAL MANAGERS HUSTLING STRIKING MUSICIANS PREVENT PERFORMANCE 1 234S67890 6 POINT NO 33 60 A $2 25 HORRORS ACCUMULATE WHEN YOUTHFUL SURGEONS PROBE THE CRUEL SORE 6 POINT NO 32 60 A $2 25 PERSEVERANCE MAY NOT BRING THE REWARD YOU SEEK, BUT CONSCIENCE APPROVES THE DUTY DONE $123456 7890 6 POINT NO 31 60 A $2 25 COMPLETE SERIES (POUR FONTS') $8 oo 210 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Combination Gothic 12 POINT NO 19 14 A $1 50 MAGNIFICENT SACRED PANORAMIC EXHIBITS 12 POINT NO 18 16 A $150 12 POINT NO 17 18 A $125 BARNSTORMING ORDERING WARSHIPS BREAKING CONTRACT STRONG VETERANS MARCH 12 POINT NO 16 24 A $1 25 MERCHANTS COMPLAIN BANKING FAILURES REPORTED 6 POINT NO 15 30 A $1 50 TROUBLESOME MACHINERY MECHANICAL DISCOVERY DOUBTED 6 POINT NO 14 40 A $1 50 UNVEILING MEMORIAL STATUES THOUSANDS ATTEND SOLEMN CEREMONIES 6 POINT NO 13 40 A $1 50 WEALTHIEST AMERICAN ENTERPRISE EXPORTING VARIOUS ARTICLES MANUFACTURED 6 POINT NO 12 50 A $1 25 6 POINT NO 11 WONDERFUL AUSTRALIAN ACROBATIC PERFORMER GERMAN ASTONISHING FEAT BROUGHT FORTH THUNDERING APPLAUSE 1 23+567890 50 A $1 25 OMA COWBOY DESPERADO RELIEVING NUMEROUS PASSENGERS 1234567890 Combination Condensed Gothic 12 POINT No 166 RESIDENTS ANTICIPATING THE FORMATION OF YACHTING ORGANIZATIONS 16A $1 50 12 POINT NO 165 18 A $1 25 SERENADERS WERE GATHERING NEAR THE HOUSE WHEN THE COLONELS RESPOND 12 POINT NO 164 24 A $1 25 LECTURING UNDER DIFFICULTIES SPEAKERS HOARSE AND AUDIENCE FROZEN 6 POINT NO 163 32 A $1 50 COURAGEOUS COMPOSITOR TRAMPERS SEVERAL DELIGHTFUL MEDICAL DISCOVERIES PERFORMED 6 POINT NO 162 40 A $1 25 SCHEDULED RAILROAD TRAINS WRECKED DELAYING FOREIGN FREIGHT NEARLY TWELVE MONTHS 1234567890 6 POINT No 161 50 A $1 25 MOUNTAIN CLIMBING GREATLY ENJOYED SOUTHERN CLIMATE SOUGHT DURING SEVERE COLD WEATHER 1 234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 211 Gothic Condensed No 112 12 A 20 a $3 75 BROTHER DANCES Blackface Specialties 18 POINT 16 A 24 a $3 20 Unexpected Combination BROUGHT BRACKETS 12 POINT 24 A 36 a $308 BREAKERS LOWERING WHALING CREWS Thornton Anniversary Receptions and Operatic Entertainments 28A 44a $2 50 SELECTING SHOPLIFTER Watches and Precious Stones Taken 1234567890 8 POINT 40 A 62 a $2 70 RENOWNED LITERARY PERSON Prominent Writers Hesitate Sending Articles 1234567890 Gothic Extended 8 POINT NO 40 36 A $3 05 ARTISTIC HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTER 6 POINT NO 40 36 A $2 05 CABBAGE AND BEETS 5 POINT NO 40 36 A $2 15 ESSENCE OF EXQU ISIT ENESS I23456789O 5 POINT NO 42 36 A $2 70 NEW STREET SWEEPERS 5 POINT No 43 36A $180 MEDICAMENTUM FOR WATER-HATRED 1234-587 89O Lining Gothic 6 POINT NO 48 45 A $2 15 R^CO \_\JLC1\0 US 0V CA\\Ui \\00tt 6 POINT NO 46 45 A $1 45 CONSENT \.X BtHQVHG, BtHt^H T 6 POINT NO 47 45 A $1 85 KHQ 6 POINT NO 45 \NHUWNN 0\JtUST\C 45 A $1 30 212 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gothic Condensed No 46 10 A $4 95 FASTIDIOUS DAMSELS 28 POINT 14 A $3 45 BEWILDERED 18 POINT 25 A $2 60 IMPORTED CHAMPAGNE 10 POINT 36 A $1 50 ECONOMICAL STATE CONVENTIONS 6 POINT 52 A $1 40 HOME COMFORTS ABOLISHED AND MEALS TAKEN OUT 1234567890 22 A $2 95 SUPERIOR CHEESE 12 POINT 36 A $1 90 BENEFICIAL CONSIDERATIONS 8 POINT 45 A $1 50 CHINESE COOLIES IN DISGUISE NOT WANTED 6 POINT No 41 52 A $1 25 WOMEN'S RIGHT TO SOVEREIGNTY IN AFFECTION ABNEGATED 1234567890 GOTHIC No 47 24 POINT 10 A 14 a $530 , 18 POINT 14A 25a $3 60 Solid Coins Organized Hunters 12 POINT 25 A 42 a $3 35 CHOICE STEAKS Daintiest and Choicest Cuts 8 POINT 36 A 70 a $2 75 GEORGIANA RUBHARD First Water Operative with Soap Odoriferous 1234567890 10 POINT 36 A 70 a $3 40 ENGAGING NOTHINGS Small Talk and Trivial Associations 6 POINT 52 A 70 a $2 05 BRIDGET MACDUMPLING . Will Accepta Nice Situation in a Genteel Family 1234567890 Imprint Gothic 6 POINT NO 42 52 A $3 00 6 PQINT NO 43 52 A $300 LITERATURE CRAVES NOT RIBBONS BUT SIMPLY AN ABIDING PLACE IN THE HUMAN HEART 1234567890 I AND PERFECTLY SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 213 Gothic Extra Condensed No 110 JT m nrprminpr lUDI luL 6A 8a $6 19 6A lOa $435 10A 16a $4 41 16A 24a $3 83 8 A 12 a $4 24 Bankers DELIGHT 16 A 20 a $406 20 A 40 a $3 70 INDUSTRIOUS CHEMISTS FISHERMEN LAUGHING CreatlllE Amusement for Ewpe M Eprtatioits Larply Decrease 24 A 50 a $3 26 FRESHEST ADVERTISING NOTICES Advance Payments Demanded From Subscribers 1234567890 8 POINT 32 A 62 a $3 20 jPOLITICAL ECONOMIST PREACHING Watchmen Cleverly Demonstrate the Nighthawk Problems 1234567890 214 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gothic eondensed No 127 4 A $3 00 MADISON RECORDER 5 A $2 40 HUNTERS 56 MOUNTED 8A $2 45 DENVERS SQUARE GARDENS 10A $2 30 MATHEMATICS 16A $2 10 DENTAL 45 PARLOR 24 A $1 95 POPULATION INCREASING 10 POINT 36 A $1 40 NUMEROUS EXPERIENCED TRADESMEN REPORTED 546 SWINDLED 6 POINT 48 A $1 25 KNOWING THAT THE HUMAN HAND IF INTELLIGENTLY EDUCATED AND SKILLFULLY EMPLOYED DEMONSTRATIVE HUMANE 68 BELOVED BEAUTIFUL FLOWER GARDENS 8 POINT 42 A $1 35 BRIBERY CHARGES CONCERNING PROMINENT GOVERNMENT 45678 OFFICIALS 5 POINT ON 6 POINT 56 A $1 30 THIS INTELLIGENT COMBINATION OF REGENT IMPROVEMENTS PRESENTED FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 215 Chamfer Condensed 72 POINT 1 J 7 A $9 90 7 A $7 15 j [1 ] 7 A $6 15 10 A $4 90 10 A $3 75 28 14 A $400 THREE PRECINCTS 18 A $3 00 30 A $3 60 REMEDIES FOR CHOLERA mGHPRlCE AND POOR 12 POINT 36 A $2 60 CAREFUL HABITS AND GOOD INTENTION 45 A $2 00 1234967990 10 POINT 36 A $2 00 SMALL MEASURE AND MUCH LIGHTER WEIGHT 6 POINT 52 A $2 00 PROFESSOR HERBCMEREfl'S PROGRESSIVE SYSTEM OF EXTRACTING muimi ! and qb Point of this Series also furnished 216 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gothic Condensed No 44 7 A 10 a $1075 CHURNED Products 7 A 10 a $8 80 Trained FROG Catcher 10 A 14 a $6 70 14 A 20 a $680 PROFITS COMRADE Earned Cash Marine Gunner MUSICIANS Genteel Choristers 25 A 42 a $3 65 ECONOMISTS Portmanteau Replenishers 36A 70a $3 10 SENTIMENTAL ABSURDITY Domestic Service Made Dishonorable 1234567890 22 A 28 a $4 35 RECEPTIONS Midwinter Sponging 36 A 52 a $3 30 CHARITY ENTERPRISE Corpulent Policemen Emaciated 6 POINT 52 A 70 a $2 80 SKIMPOLE MUNDIVAGANT Devotes his Undivided Energies to the Friendless 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 217 Gothic Condensed No 45 PROGRESSIVE Regular College Education 14 A 20 a $6 70 AUTUMN FASHIONS Damsels with Beautiful Dresses ISA 28 a $5 25 COMPANIES ORGANIZED Insurance Against Trouble Guaranteed 18 POINT 22A28a$455 | 14 POINT 25 A 42 a $4 05 HOOPSKIRTS ! ELECTRIC BOOTS Shin Breaking Traps Keen Tonic for Sluggards 12 POINT 25A42a$335 10 POINT 36A52a$340 MONEY RECEIPTS YOUTHFUL DREAMS Press and Signature Plates Boyhood Imaginings Dissipated 8 POINT 36 A 70 a $3 25 6 PoINT 52A 70a $2 75 HEADBUMPER SKATING ABUNDANT HARDHEADED TRUTHS Acrobatic Tumbling and High Vaulting Borne j n Thoughtful Memories for Daily Service 1234567890 1234567890 218 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gothic Condensed No 36 72 POINT 5 A 6 a $11 80 RIFLE Stream 5 A 6 a $7 90 Crushed THUMB 6 A 10 a $7 30 10 A 12 a $7 00 BIG Mines FINE Houses 36 POINT 8 A 12 a $5 05 24 POINT 10A15a$330 MORNING BURDENSOME Golden Clouds Business Toiirists 15 A 10 A 20 a $3 80 15 A 10 A 25 a $2 95 HOME COMMERCE I MODERN VOLUNTEERS WHOLESALE Investments PATRIOTIC Arbitration Leaders 12 POINT 20 A 12 A 30 a $2 40 IMPORTANT EXPLORATION 25 A 20 A 40 a $2 55 WINTER HOME ENTERTAINMENT REGULAR Excursions to South Africa CHRISTMAS GAMES and Well-Filled Larder 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 219 Gothic (Condensed No 37 4A 6a $14 15 MEN Count 5 A 6 a $1080 Rulers HUNT 6A lOa $9 75 BIG Job 8 A 12 a $6 55 TOSSED White Seas 12 A 8 A 20 a $5 35 IMPRISONED BURNT Demented 12 POINT 20 A 12 A 30 a $3 00 DESPERATE UNREST DEVITALIZES Developments 1234567890 6 A 10 a $6 90 NO Home 10 A 15 a $5 35 WRECKED Sunk or Lost 15 A 10 A 25 a $4 20 APPROPRIATION INTRODUCES Disasters 25 A 20 A 40 a $3 15 UNGONSIDERED ASSERTIONS VOLUNTEERED Without Conditions 1234567890 220 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GOTHie No 16 4 A 5 a $1000 BAD Catch 4 A 5 a $7 75 Stolen HARP 36 POINT 4 A 5 a $5 75 GIRLS Dancing 4 A 6 a $5 80 Lobsters FRESH 6 A 10 a $4 40 2 POINT 8 A 12 a $342 RUN Slow 16 POINT 12 A 20 a $3 50 Harming BEARS STOP Breath 12 A 20 a $3 50 12 POINT 16A 24a $3 42 10 POINT 16A 32 a $2 87 STRIKE Undisturbed 7 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 90 POWERFUL MACHINES Experienced Mechanics Outdone 5M POINT 36A 62 a $3 24 LEADING HOLIDAY STYLES Great Multitudes Crowding the Stores I 234567890 Diamond FIELDS 8 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 93 DISPOSING Merchandise 6 POINT 24 A 50 a $2 60 RICHMOND VIRGINIA Delightful Southern Homesteads 5 POINT 24 A 44 a $2 70 PREACH TOUCHING SERMON Congregation Praising the Discourses I 23456789O SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 221 GOTHIC No 49 72 POINT 4 A $10 90 OFFIC 5 A $7 20 MIDNIGHT 7A $415 REASONS 325 GOTHie No 48 28 POINT 10A 14a $7 10 STUDENT Rewarding 14 A 20 a $575 Plucky Submarine EXPLOIT 18POINT 18A28a$510 12 p^ 25A42a$440 DECISION RESERVATION Annual Dividend Gold-Fever Symptoms ^ 36 A52a$350 WORTH TESTING ROCKET CORPORATION Wholesale Remonstrances Capital Invested in Fast Horses 12345678 12345678 222 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ROUND GOTHie No 40 60 POINT 5 A 8a $12 30 MINE Hunters 7A lOa $11 70 General DEPOTS 36 POINT 10 A 14 a $770 AUTUMN Amusements 12A 18a $6 70 Enlarged Harbor DREDGING 24 POINT _ 14A 20a $5 50 22 po^ 18A 24a $5 15 Theatre BURNS Practical TRADER 18 POINT 18 A 28 a $3 80 14 po INT 22 A 42 a $3 70 EARNEST Legislature PASTORAL Requirements 12 POINT 22A42a$305 11 POINT 36A 52a $3 15 Recollections of MERRIMENT Crimson Muslin and DECORATIONS 36A 52a $2 75 3 POINT 36A 70a $2 85 INVESTIGATING Committee on Finance 36 A 70 a $2 65 Empty Pocket Filled by BENEFIT ASSOCIATION 1234567890 SCAVENGER FOUND Working before Supper 6 POINT 52 A 70 a $2 70 Improved Dress Styles Sold on REASONABLE TERMS 1234567890 72 Point also furnished 223 DORIC 60 POINT 4 A 5 a $15 50 The END 4 A 5 a $10 75 DOG Carts 5A 7a $8 75 Crowd LARGE 5 A 7 a $6 50 SPECIAL Markets 24 POINT 6A10a$500 j 18 POINT 8A12a$450 Cheap VEST Money FOUND 10A 20a $425 RECOGNITION 12 A 25 a $400 HOSTILE TRIBES Entertain Nobleman Prepare Twenty Braves 8 POINT 15 A 30 a $3 75 6 POINT ISA 40 a $3 50 LECTURING COURSES AMBITIOUS AUSTRALIAN Members Securing Tickets Promises Many Business Chances 1234567890 1234507890 224 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY INCLINED GOTHIC 24 POINT 8A $300 JUBILEE SONG 12A $2 50 MUSIGAL CHILDREN 16 POINT 14 A $2 25 MASSACHUSETTS EDITORIAL ASSOCIATION 12 POINT 20A $2 00 FAMOUS STATESMEN ASSEMBLED IN CONFERENCE 10 POINT 24 A $1 75 NUMEROUS PEOPLE WITNESS THE GRAND NAVAL DISPLAY 8 POINT 26 A $1 50 EXTRAORDINARY ATTRACTION PERFORMING ELEPHANT BATHING IN RESERVOIR 6 POINT NO 7 28A $1 25 6 POINT NO 6 30A $1 25 MOUNT WASHINGTON INDEPENDENT CITIZENS VIEWED BY EXCURSIONISTS FAVORABLE TO RAPID TRANSIT SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 225 Combination Italic Gothic 48 POINT NO 150 4 A $400 DEALER WEIGH 36 POINT NO 149 PLEASING CONCEPTS 24 POINT NO 138 8 A $2 50 DISTRICT B04RD ELECTED 24 POINT NO 137 10 A $2 25 HANDLING STOLEN OVERSHOES 18 POINT NO 136 14 A $2 00 12 POINT NO 135 16 A $1 40 KNOWLEDGE STRONG ATHLETES CROUPERS BROKEN tfsocuTiOf/s JUBILANT 12 POINT NO 134 20 A $1 40 12 POINT No 133 24A $1 4O HANDSOME STRUCTURE FOREIGNERS IMPORTING BEAUTIFUL MASONIC TEMPLES AMERICAN STEAMSHIPS CONTESTED 6 POINT NO 132 30 A $1 35 6 POINT NO 131 40 A $135 CONGRESSIONAL QUESTIONS DELIGHTFUL DECEMBER SKATIflB REPRESENTING NORTHERN MEMBERSHIP BANQUET OF THE CANADIAN SNOWSHOE ASSOCIATION 1234567890 1234567890 226 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Gothic Italic Extra Condensed 42 POINT 8 A 10 a $700 COUIME Cimsfuikiris 9A 12a $6 00 Blackened Character 10 A 14 a $5 00 iEHUM mm Lml] Expert Players 12A 16a $4 25 Characteristic Charities OHRM PRIMED 20 POINT ISA 20 a $4 00 TOOTHSOME DELIUflR Devoured With Brent Rapidity 16 POINT ISA 24a $3 75 Numerous Selections From the VERY BESJ SMMS AUTHORS 12 POINT 20A30a$340 10 POINT 24A 36a $3 25 COLLECTING ANTIQUITIES PRINCELY SALAW PAID Quaint and Curious Old Specimens Superintendent Who has Responsibility 8 POINT 26 A 38 a 3 00 6 POINT 28 A 40 a $2 50 SILVER MOON RESTAURANT PECULIAR PRONUNCIATION CONDEMNED K Famous Western Hostelry in Days Gone By Plain Simple Style of Conversation Much More Preferable 1234567890 1234561890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 227 GOTHIC ITALIC 30 POINT NO 112 10 A 14 a $4 50 BUFFALO HUNTERS Relating Their Wild Adventure 20 POINT NO 112 18A 24a $3 65 CHRISTMAS ENJOYMENT Big Turkey Gobbler Stuffed with Oysters 18 POINT NO 112 18 A 25 a $2 80 NOCTURNAL MUSICAL DIVERSION Given by the Neighboring Cats, Free to All Who Listen 12 POINT No 112 22 A 38 a $2 50 MADAME TATTLER'S BOARDING SCHOOL For Young Ladies Who Delight in Talking Much and Saying Little 10 POINT NO 112 30 A 42 a $2 60 MARVELOUS MARKSMEN Shooting at the Face in the Moon 8 POINT NO 113 30 A 52 a $2 00 REQUIRE NO VINDICATION Good Morals and an Honest Upright Life 6 POINT NO 112 30 A 60 a $2 00 DAILY SPARRING EXHIBITIONS Given by Rowdies Hard Fist and Tough Knuckle 1234567890 8 POINT NO 112 36 A 52 a *2 60 PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT Skill Acquired Only by Constant Practice 6 POINT NO 113 30 A 60 a $2 40 PICTURESQUE DRIVEWAYS Scenery Along the Roads near Fort Thomas 5 POINT ON 6 POINT NO 112 30 A 60 a $2 00 GLORIOUS AND BLESSED SPRING When Fields Turn Green and the Robins Warble and Sing 1234567890 228 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Italic Gothic (Condensed No 40 20 POINT 14 A 20 a $4 40 16 POINT 18A 28a $380 CUSTOM Houses ATTENTIVE Audience 22A 32a $3 20 Despondent NEIGHBORS Boys Drinking and GAMBLING 8 POINT 36 A 52 a $3 10 6 POINT 36 A 52 a $2 45 UNPROFITABLE Railway Companies EXCURSION PARTIES Seeking Amusements 1234567890 1234567890 Gothic Slope No 20 10 A 22 a $3 50 18 POINT 14 A 32 a $3 25 QUICKSAND Wrecking Mountain 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $3 00 YOUNGEST DOMESTIC Hustling Graduates are Preparing 8 POINT 28 A 56 a $2 50 GENEROUS AMERICAN WORKMEN Honorably Discharged United States General 1234567890 TYPOGRAPHICAL Government Bombshells 10 POINT 22 A 50 a $2 75 CONVERTING RASCALITY Progressive and Healthiest Orations 6 POINT 30 A 60 a $2 25 HANDLING MORTGAGED PROPERTY Seldom Encounter California Mountain Driveways 1234567890 Gothic Italic No 32 15 A 25 a $3 70 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 50 HA PP Y SMILE FEA RLESS HONESTY GloriOUS Dreamland Pirates the Golden Zone 10 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 60 8 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 25 ARTFUL AND GUNNING MILKWHITE SNOWFLAKES Diplomats Evading Concession Ringing Out Joyful Christmas Songs 1234567890 1234561890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 229 Latin Antique No 40 3 A 4 a $745 China DISH 5 A 6 a $6 05 MILK Crackers 6 A 8 a $4 95 8 A 14 a $4 70 DAIRYMAIDS Regular Business Gowns 12 A 18 a $3 80 COMING TOURIST Jaunting Beyond the Mountains 14 A 28 a $2 95 10 POINT BURDENSOME Weighing Machines 22 A 42 a $2 05 WINTER STORMS Sweeping Hurricane Decks 1234567890 20 A 32 a $2 95 HAYSEEDERS Untutored Dunderpates 6 POINT 25 A 52 a $2 90 IMPECUNIOSITY Decidedly Small Bank Accounts 1234567890 230 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Latin Compressed No 30 48 POINT in 6A 10a $6 55 8A 12a $5 75 8 A 12 a $445 15A 20a $3 20 ENGINE COMPANIES Approved Road Management 1234567890 10 A 15 a $3 75 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 15 MODERN ARTISTIC CARICATURES 1234567890 Extended Runic No 40 18POINT 14A20a$680 12 ^ 25A32a$800 TICKLISH STEADFAST Happy Thoughts Magnetism of Hopes 10 POINT 25 A 42 a $5 45 HEADS COUNTED Economic Family Gathering 1234567890 8 POINT 36A 52a $640 ELECTRIC SUNBURST Brightness Terrifying Cracksmen 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 231 Latin (Condensed 60 POINT NO 20 5 A 6 a $7 50 48 POINT NO 20 4 A 7a $5 00 Largest TRADING Farmer 36 POINT NO 20 8 A 12 a $4 25 Country Maiden SKIRT DANCE 28 POINT NO 20 10 A 16 a $4 00 WINTER FRESHETS Disturb Farmers 24 POINT No 20 20 A 30 a $3 25 CRIMINAL PARDONED TOUGH BINDING Lonely Strange Hermit Prisoner ^ mm ^ Lunches - 10 POINT NO 10 36A50a*275 SLAUGHTERING BUTCHERS CHRISTMAS CELEBRATIONS World Renown Chicago Dressed Meats Children Were Enjoying Themselves Greatly 1234567890 1234567890 232 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MODERN HNTIQUE 72 POINT 3A 4a $11 20 New GUM 4 A 5 a $1025 EAST Ends 48 POINT 5 A 8a $1090 Bright STARS 6 A 10 a $8 90 EMBLEMS Proudly Floating 8 A 12 a $850 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 233 MODERN HNTIQUE 30 POINT 10 A 16 a $6 40 PUBLIC SCHOOL Engineering Department 12 A 20 a $4 50 WEDDING COSTUMES Beautiful Parisian Importations 16A 24a $3 90 OBSERVE THE GOLDEN RULE Paving the Pathway to Eternal Happiness 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $300 THE UNITED STATES BANK NOTES Reliable as Coin and Much More Convenient to Carry 10 POINT 24 A 50 a $3 00 A HAT IS THE DOME, THE STEEPLE TOP Where Stray Thoughts are Caught, and are Caged by Memory 8 POINT 30 A 60 a $3 00 THE ROLLING SEASONS PASS RAPIDLY AWAY Noble Deeds never Die, but Live Forever and Bloom in Lasting Spring 1234567890 6 POINT 30 A 60 a $2 50 HARD IS HIS FATE ON WHOM THE PUBLIC GAZE IS FIXED To Detract or Sparingly Praise ; Repose Denies her Requiem to his Honorable Name 1 234567890 234 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Modern Antique Wide No 110 48 POINT 3A 4a $8 90 LIST price 4 A 6 a $7 00 Marble ROCK 6 A 8 a $5 60 HEMLOCK Hard Wood Cases 10 A 16a $485 SILVER MINES Foreign Capital Invested 10A 16a $3 75 A LABOR OF LOVE Darning "Worn Out Stockings 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 65 HARBOR NOT REVENGE The Soft Answer Turneth Away Wrath 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 235 LHTIN EXTENDED 36 POINT 3 A 4 a $8 65 4A 6a $690 6A 8a $6 95 8 A 12 a $5 60 10A 14a $4 12 POINT 12 A 20 a $3 40 10 POINT REAPING ISA 24 a $3 60 HAZARDOUS Golden Grain Mountain 8 POINT 24 A 32 a $3 75 AMERICAN Original Inhabitant 12345678 6 POINT 30 A 40 a $390 PERISHABLE Safely X 1234S8T89O 236 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY French Clarendon Extra 6ond No 10 7^ JTOINT Anarchist 4 A 6 a $8 23 4A 6a $6 71 EUROPEANS Demonstrate 6 A 8 a $5 70 6 A 12 a $4 28 I I 10 A 14 a $4 92 12 A 18 a $349 sr 16 A 24 a $3 07 mam POLICEMEN Caught Notorious Burjlirs Plundering 1234567890 20 A 32 a $2 91 mm SOLDIER: RETURN terms Hardships ire Encountered Abroad 1231567590 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 237 French Clarendon No 24 48 POINT 4 A 6 a $5 50 Smashed THUMB 5 A 8 a $4 50 LEARNS Arithmetic S!A 12 a $4 00 Carpenters PRAISING Painters 11 A 16a $3 75 TEMPEST Clothing Stitcher 18 POINT 14 A 28 a $3 25 YOUNGSTOWN Blacksmith Drunkards ISA 28 a $300 IQ p OINT 24 A 36 a $2 75 CONCEALMENTS Forwarding Explanation 28 A 44 a $2 50 NESHAMINY CONCERT G-ermantown Saturday Excursion 6 POINT 34 A 52 a $2 25 ORCHESTRAL MUSICIANS CROWDING FAIEMOTOT THEATEE Providence Electric Railway Companies Delaware Eiver Yachting Associations of Philadelphia 1234567890 1234567890 238 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY French Clarendon Extended No 40 5 A 8 a $620 7 A 10 a $5 20 12 A 14 a $5 10 defarculters 10 POINT 6 POINT 22 A 32 a $405 16 A 20 a $4 70 18 A 28 a $4 55 25 A 36 a $3 75 SpeCTJ-lSttiOH E2cpai5.se of Barrenness 30 A 42 a $3 15 5 p OINT 30 A 42 a $3 35 ^ZI?HC S-CTKE: xeo^is it> DE^-TIX Seed-s of Gr-ra.tlt-u.d-e a.33.<3- ZJOTT Xjsu-te ixo-o-rs OJB.&. IDsilsr -wrorr3rin.gr SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 239 Egyptian Extended 48 POINT NO 20 3 A 4a $7 50 36 POINT NO 20 4 A 6 a $5 50 Another ROUND 24 POINT NO 20 6 A 10 a $4 25 REACHED Arguments 18 POINT NO 20 10 A 15 a $3 50 Clothing DEALERS Organized 12 POINT NO 20 14 A 20 a $3 00 RETTJH1T DOUBTFUL CHECK Maryland Revolting Against Explorers 20A 30a $2 60 8 POINT No 3Q 2QA 3Q ft $2 6Q *^T , A TvTT"i SIvIILE TIIE^LT'I^E I'^HITIES Ca.Ssil3.S L-u.ac-u.ria.n-fc En-fcer-fca.inno.en-t EGYPTIAN No 25 10 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 75 8 POINT 2 4A 36 a $2 50 HUNTING ANIMALS Persuades Southern Eoamers EUHNING STEAMERS Secretary Demanding 1 Explanation 1234567890 1234567890 240 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY DORIC No 40 48 POINT 5 A 7 a $1110 OUTCRY Infant Alarm 7 A 10 a $9 30 MORNING Sunshine Baths ECHO 10 A 14 a $4 75 SOUND Answers Instruction 16 POINT 14 A 14 a $3 95 12 POINT 18 A 20 a $3 50 REPOSE COLDNIP Quiet Homes Red Nose Painter 36 A 42 a $445 GULLIBLENESS Flowing Wells Assured 12345678 36 A 52 a $3 35 UNSUSPICIOUSNESS Sweet Jersey Ldmburger Bologna 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 240" Tuscan Antique No 10 60 POINT ON 48 POINT 4 A 5 a $10 09 ONE Pick 4 A 6 a $9 40 4 A 6 a $6 40 SPORTS English 6 A 8 a $5 41 Historical HOUSES 6 A 12 a $3 90 MARKET Speculation 8 A 16 a $3 94 Largest RANCH Problem 12 POINT 12 A 24 a $3 39 FOUND JOINT Disposing Liquors 1234567890 240* AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Nie No 30 60 POINT 4 A 6 a $11 35 ONE Stream 5 A 6 a $9 30 6A 12a $10 50 LIGHT Amusement 10 A 12 a $800 Rare PLUMED Birds 24 POINT 10 A 15 a $8 05 20 POINT 15 A 20 a $7 50 SUN Shades Midnight HOUR 18POINT 15 A 20 a $5 85 14 POINT 15 A 20 a $4 60 MEMORANDA SOUND BOATS Real Estate Broker Grand Palace Steamers 12 POINT 15 A 20 a $3 55 IQ POINT 20 A 30 a $3 25 WINTER SPORTS HONEST MERCHANTS Lexington Skating Rink Famous Gotham Landmarks 8 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 30 6 POINT 30 A 40 a $3 25 MECHANICAL OPERATIONS PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EXCURSION Metropolitan Traction Extension Annual Exhilarating Expedition to North Pole 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 240" Lightface Runic No 30 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 45 BANK Order 4 A 6 a $8 55 Seashore RACES 5 A 8 a $725 PROGRESSIVE Modern Rural Sehool 6A 10a $6 15 i 10 A 15 a $5 85 LIBERAL PLEASANT Coal Dealers Summer Sport 18 POINT 12 A 20 a $5 35 EXCEPTIONAL Athletic Exercises 14 POINT 15 A 25 a $4 75 15 A 25 a $345 INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS Rare Tools and Implements 1234567890 MODERN DESIGNS Artistic Color Printing 10 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 00 TERRESTRIAL PHENOMENA Doubtful Calculations of Geologists 1234567890 240 d AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LIGHTFaeE 48 POINT NO 150 3 A 4 a $8 50 36 POINT NO 150 4A 6a $6 25 Beaver NETS 30 POINT NO 150 5 A 7 a $5 00 LENDS Gamester 22 POINT NO 40 10A 14a $495 ENTERPRISE Making Ocean Breezes 18 POINT N3 40 14 A 20 a $455 RECONSTRUCTION Fuglemen Swearing Allegiance 12 POINT NO 40 25 A 32 a $4 30 AGONIZING Felines Nightly Song 10 POINT NO 40 25 A 42 a $3 70 INDIFFERENCE Unconcerned Spectators 8 POINT NO 40 36 A 52 a $4 20 g po INT ND 40 36A 70a $3 70 MODERN KNIGHTS KUREKA RESTAURANT Gutta Pereha Beef and Ram Chops Heart of Tender Sensibility 1234567890 123456789O SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 241 PATENTED 9 A 18 a $400 TIMID flND OBSCURE Every day sei)ds to tt|eir graves a riilnqber of obscure nqeri, vJl\o I|aVe oi)ly regained siict| because tinqidity 12 POINT 12 A 28 a $3 50 THE VAGABOND flND THE ROGUE Beware of those \v>ho are horneless by choice. Yoil have no hold on a hilrnan being ^hose affections are without a tap-root. Trie la^s recognise this truth in the privileges \\;hich they confer Upon free holders; and public opinion acKno^ledges it $239 10 POINT 14 A 32 a $3 25 MflY HMONG NEW ENGLAND HILLS I love to looK or\ tl\ese young faces, arid see tl\e firstlings of a yoUrig n\ari's beard, ar|d tl\e nqaiderily bloorr\ blusl\irig over tl\e girl's fair ct[eeK; I love to see tl^e pure eyes bearqirig \^itt| joy ar)d goodriess, to see tt\e Uricoriscioils joy of silcr^ yoUrig souls inqpatierit of restraint, . arid lodging for tt\e l)eaveri tl\at "We riere. So l\ave I seeri ir| early JVLay anqorig Neu) $1480 8 POINT 22 A 44 a $3 OO TIME IS THE CRflDLE OF HOPE It coqstaritly flies, yet overcomes all tl\irigs by flight; ar\d altt\oilgt\ it is tt\e present ally, it -will be tl\e future cor\qUerer of Deatt^. Tirqe, tt\e cradle of Hope, but tl\e grave of flrqbitior\, is tl^e sterr\ corrector of Fools, but tJ^e salutary counselor of tt\e Wise, brir\gir\g all tl)ey dread to tt\e or\e, ar\d all tl\ey desire to tl\e ottier; but, lil^e Cassar\dra, it ~warr\s us -witi\ a voice rt\at ever\ ti\e sagest discredit too lor\g, ar\d tt\e silliest believe too late. "Wisdonq -walKs before it, Opportunity \s?itl\ it, 9054 242 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ATTIC 36 POINT PATENTED 4 A 6 a $4 40 7A lOa $3 95 Forefathers ESTABLISHED Independence 18 POINT 10A 14a $2 95 Secretaries and Treasurers 16 A 25 a $2 60 PUPPY* DEPARTMENT Competent Backyard Suardiarjs* 1234567890 14 A 20 a $2 75 Disposition for Bewildering People 8 POINT 16 A 25 a $2 30 _^C gglENTIFIE * EAUDALOSY D^_ Short Tails Indexes of Beauty and Intelligence 123456T890 BIZARRE 4 A 6 a $4 15 aker 10 A 14 a $3 10 Experienced 1234587S90 PATENTED 7A lOa $325 Society for Industry 14A 20a $2 70 Cottage and ]VIan$ion Bouquets 1234567S90 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 243 PATENTED & 3 A 5 a $7 30 ^(llQicl^TQ 5 A 10 a $5 85 18 POINT 14 A 28 a $3 25 j our "Warehouses 128-9.56^890 12 A 25 a $4 15 6 POINT 16 A 30 a $2 85 BUTTERINE & SAUSAGE Furpisl?ers of Ipdijgestible Edibles 1234SG 7 8QO HANSARD PATENTED 7 A 12 a $4 45 SOUND jPLre-u.rn.eri.ts 9 A 14 a $375 12 p i NT FAR.1XES 14 A 22 a $2 90 9 POINT 16 A 25 a $2 50 6 POINT nsrsxKLUOTOK Scientific: T^ -m "hi i -en cr ISTew nXCethods of 18 A 30 a $2 10 244 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ARTISTIC 30 POINT with 36 Point Initials T 24 POINT with 30 Point Initials PATENTED 3 A 4 A 9 a $8 00 3 A 5 A 12 a $645 Regiment 18 POINT with 24 Point Initials 3A 6A 14a $5 15 10 A 25 a $2 75 12 A 28 a $2 35 BREEZE Purnisked ^^6 * Summer Porridge Pooled Reasonably Preserved * for U-KlizaHon * in Siberia Equalization of Temperature^ SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 245 CX0NIA1V PATENTEO 24 POINT 5 A 10 A $425 OLYMPIAN STAINING SCHOOLS 7 A 12 A $3 95 SPADE AND SHOVEL 18 POINT 8 A 14 A $3 70 SOGIAL USTOMS IN 12 POINT 10 A 18 A $3 05 10 POINT 10 A 20 A $2 50 SPRINGTIME ^AMBLERS SPARLING 123466Z800 GUTENBERG PATENTED 24 POINT 5 A 10 a $3 60 6A 14a $3 20 8 A 20 a $2 45 Presides Gas^ Methods fetf I^educin^ t^e WeiQty o 246 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Unique Celtic Condensed " ATENT * P 36 POINT 4 A 6 a $425 Enthusiastic HORDES 6A 8a $3 75 8 A lOa $3 25 WI/NSOME VIRGINS Humorist Banishing Melancholy 18 POINT 1 2 A 16 a $3 00 ORATORICAL REFORMERS Smockf rocked Blatherskites Gesticulating 12 POINT 18 A 30 a $2 75 10 POINT 20 A 34 a $2 50 DARING SEARCH FOREIGN VIEWS Returned Seamen Rejoicing Memorable Scenes Reproduced 6 POINT 30 A 45 a $2 00 MACHINES PERFECTED EXPEDITION TO WO/NDERLA/ND Labor-Saving Apparatus Guaranteed Language Fails to Describe this Wonderful Isle 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 247 UNIQUE GELTie PATENTED 4A 6a $620 Famous SIG/NS 6 A 8 a $5 35 B'READ Producers 24 POINT 7 A 10 a $4 05 Inconsistent *REM7VRKS 10 A 14 a $3 60 "Railroad F*REIGHT Contracts 12 A 18a $3 25 SUBLIME SHOW1/NG Annual Parisian Trimming Display 15 A 22 a $3 00 UNBIASED Decision 'Rendered 20 A 32 a $2 60 Spacious Pothouse Patrons 1234-5678 ISA 28a $2 90 SEMPE-R IDEM Sunshine after Storm 6 POINT 22 A 35 a $2 50 MINERAL "DEPOSITS Auriferous "Dumping Grounds 123A56T89O 248 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY eRUIKSHANK 36 POINT PATENTED 3 A 6 A $5 80 30 poiNT 4 A 8 A $5 15 ENTERING PROSPERITY \m 5 A 12 A $4 65 18 POINT rvjoRSL DEEDS 6 A 14 A $3 85 REFORM 12 POINT 10 A 25 A $3 30 g poINT 10A 28A $2 70 ?(ELEG?lTEt) TO OBSCURITY PROTECTION TO THE INDUSTRIOUS 1234567590 1234567590. EHSTLHKE 36 POINT H PATENTED 5 A $3 80 H 7 A $2 80 18 POINT 10 A $2 30 HBOLSTERh : ^INSTRUCTION^ 12 POINT 16 A $2 20 10 POINT 22 A $2 20 -HMCIENTf HISTORIC HlMlTEURrMlCHINISTK- 22 A $2 00 e POINT 30 A $190 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 248" GHLLIGAN 4 A $4 60 RIM NG 5 A $3 75 DISCONTENT 5 A 5 A $4 40 FINE STOPPERS 6A 6A $3 95 NORTHERN LIGHTS 10 A 10 A $3 45 RUMORS SOLAR TRIPS 10 POINT 20 A 20 A $2 75 PHILOSOPHER PLAUSIBLE THEMES 8 POINT 25 A 25 A $2 40 BERLIN MELODRAMA GRAND MODERN PERFORMANCES 1234567890 15 A 15 A $2 90 EXPLORERS PRECIOUS METAL 9 POINT 20 A 20 A $2 45 MARINE ENGINES MONSTERS OF THE DEEP 6 POINT 30A 30A $2 10 DISTINGUISHED COMPANIES FASHIONABLE TRAVELING BURLESQUE BAND 1234567890 248'' AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY N0RMHN CONDENSED 5 A 6A $4 50 H H ROMENADE 5 A 8 A $3 83 BRAVE MEXICAN HUNTERS 10A 16A $3 15 - WIERD MIDNIGHT PHANTOMS DARK APPREHENSIBLE GHOSTLY APPARITION 20 A 32 A $2 95 OFFICIAL BUSINESS MUNICIPAL INDEBTEDNESS 1234567890 10 POINT 20 A 32 A $2 93 CHRISTMAS THOUGHTS FAIR WONDERLAND PANORAMA 1234567890 MORNING GLORY Whzn \\> Assisting* Benevolent + Purposes & * Greenhorns * Enlightened * Gratuitously *- 1234567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 255 PEAKED 48POINT 7 A 10 a $10 15 4QpoINT 8 A 14 a $8 25 14 A 20 a $640 Eastern TOUB Telegraph WIRE 22 POINT ISA 24 a $4 60 J8 pQINT 22 A 28 a $3 80 MUSICAL Assemblage SSTERPBISS Triumphant 1234567890 1234567890 PATENTED 4 A 7 a $480 Va uraishing Household loods 7 A 10 a $3 60 18 POINT 8 A 12 a $2 90 ividends Heasant Winter Ivening 12345678 1234567890 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY eULOEE PATENTED RRTienKD \^) b itevwas b i m* 5 A 10 a $3 80 thousand Gpi es Printed Instructions in Qutdoor 7Vl a nners 12 POINT 8 A 16 a $325 painstaking 7Vl erc h an f Successful futu re ResideneeS^ ne I3 u ildingin Suburbs Retirement from Business 9 POINT 10 A 20 a $2 80 TVlodern JJroadgauge ^ Ancient Romanesque Commercial J^uenue and [Business Street, 7Vl ePC hantuille iopitp" s G conorn l/' s Promptness 6 POINT 12 A 25 a $2 55 -I-^uttrmnnl TVleeting of J^oreal Association )3f- Inauguration of tfSe Gl/ 10 ^ " 6 . Burrioane, gimoon, and *T rna do geason rjowel gchemes for Directing tBeir patBimctj/ 1 Upward 125J456T89O SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 257 DUERER PATENTED 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $10 00 Golden HOURS 3 A 6 a $9 00 HOUSE Burning 3A 4a $600 Prominent HCTORS 36 POINT 5 A 7 a $4 75 24 POINT 8 A 11 a $4 00 GRflJHTE CHRIST-IMS monuments Mflau FrBSBnts 11 A 16 a $3 25 12 POINT 18 A 24 a $3 00 UnPROVEiriENTS HONORED VISITORS NeatnBSS anfl DlSpatCll Elaborate Receptions Tendered 1234SB7890 1234567890 258 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MURHL 48 POINT PATENTED 4 A $5 25 MONUMENTS 42 POINT 5 A $4 75 GRAND HEIGHT 5 A $4 25 DUSTER & BRUSH 5 A $3 50 INCREASE EXERTION 8 A $3 25 BEAMS REMAIN WHITE 9 A $2 50 18 POINT 10 A $2 50 12 POINT 18 A $2 25 NUMEROUS REPORTS 8 POINT 26 A $1 75 MAGNIFICENT & EXTRAORDINARY ^12345678900 10 POINT 20 A $2 00 COMPLIMENTS REQUIRED 6 POINT 26 A $1 50 SPECIAL RATES FOR BOYS AND GIRLS <*M 2 34567890 D*> SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 259 PATENTED SO POINT REQ 5 A $6 50 MENT 54 POINT 5 A $5 50 BRflNGH ENGINE 48 POINT 5 A $4 75 MOURNINQ HOURS 6 A $4 25 36 POINT 8 A $400 DESCRIBE ! REDUCTION 9A $3 50 12 A $3 25 AMUSEMENTS 20 POINT 16 A $3 00 GENERAL RECORDS 12 PCINT 25 A $2 25 MJNUFflCTURING DEPARTMENTS CONSEQUENCES 18 A $2 75 36 A $1 75 ENORMOUS BARGAINS IN ARTISTIC FURNITURE 12'5456?590 MORNING TELEGRAMS 10 POINT 30 A $2 00 REPAIRING ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENT 6 POINT 36 A $1 50 MENAGERIES CONTAIN SOME REMARKABLE FEATURES 1234567890 260 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Facade Condensed PATENTED 72 POINT 9 A $7 25 II 12 A $6 00 14 A $4 50 16 A $3 50 24 POINT 12 A $5 25 16 A $4 00 20 A $3 00 30 A $2 50 46 A $2 00 SCIENCES UNO MODERN ETHOLOGY FOREIGN QUESTIONS 1254567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 261 Facade (Condensed No 2 72 POINT PATENTED 9 A 12 a $13 50 >^ ~ > ,A 81 * ^ ^ ^ v. i4 7 J 7 J 12 A 16 a $12 50 12 A 16 a $10 75 i 48 PO INT 12 A 16 a $9 00 14 A 18 a $8 25 16 A 20 a $7 00 16 A 20 a $6 00 24 POINT 28 A 32 a $4 75 16 POINT 20 A 24 a $5 CO 30 A 34 a $400 12 POINT 40 A 44 a $3 75 10 POINT Attention Given to Business Before Pieasore m 1234567890 1234567890 46 A 50 a $3 25 262 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ELANDKAY 18 POINT NO 29 12 A $2 00 SPECTATORS AMAZED NOVEL ELECTRICAL STATIONS 18 POINT NO 28 14 A $1 75 QORGEOUS PRODUCTIONS DELICATE AND ARTISTIC PORCELAIN 12 POINT NO 27 16 A $1 50 BEAUTIFUL FRIGATES SAILED DIRECT FROn SFAIfi TO BOSTON HARBOR 12 POINT NO 26 18 A $1 50 DASHING AND FANCY ATHLETES RUNNING GRACEFULLY OVER ASFHALT AVENUES 12 POINT NO 25 24 A $1 50 TIHBERLAND HARDVODD COMPANY MANUFACTURERS AND JQBBERS IN VGDDEN MERCHANDISE 6 POINT NO 24 30 A $1 50 6 POINT NO 23 30 A $1 50 LAUGHINQ BABBLING BRSDK PRESENT DIFFICULTY ACCEPTED SFRIflQ AND SUnnER ARE C2HING MOONLIGHT RAMBLINQS ON THE BEACH 6 POINT NO 22 40 A $1 25 6 POINT No 21 40 A $1 25 FEMS1VELY LOOKING BACKWARD COLORED SflTms ass LINEN QODDS EXALTED TH9UQHTS 5X12 WORTHY BEHAVIOR RRRIVINQ DRILY PER STEflMSHIP INTERNnTI2N/U 123*567890 1Z34567890 MMMMM SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 263 WEBSTER 3 A 6 a $5 00 ENGINEERING fllec^anical hessops 6A lOa $400 Visiting European Statesmen 8A 14a $3 25 Constructors of parlous JVtoderr? Dwellings Satisfaction Guaranteed 12 A 22 a $3 00 EbECT^IC Examinations bg the General Public Particularly Desired Exhibition at 16 A 22 a $2 75 BEAUTIFUL! HOLIDAY PF^ESE^TS Custorr^ers are Respectfully Requested to Examine these Articles 1234567890 264 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY WHITTIER 3 A 4 a $6 40 4A 6a $5 00 8 A 20 a $3 45 Orators h|nnDPEd 12345E7B 6 A 15 a $425 12 A 30 a $2 80 Lau/LjEr \A/ it hi nut ^li 1Z345B7BED CROSIER Smart 7 A 10 a $9 55 10 A 14 a $7 20 14A 20a $5 40 Delinquent MEMBERS 12345678 IDA 14a $8 70 ide REST 14 A 20 a $6 80 Pavement 14 POINT 22 A 32 a $5 00 Conservative COSMOPOLITANS 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 265 KARNAe p 4 A 5 a $4 90 4 A 8 a $490 5 A 10 a $3 75 '@hl 3 A 5 a $8 50 48 POINT 3 A 8 a $6 75 36 POINT fe 4 A 10 a $5 00 m w< 5 A 16 a $3 50 8 A 25 a $3 25 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 272 * BRHDLEY EXTENDED PATENT PENDING This series will soon be ready, when specimen sheets will be sent to all who receive this book. At the time of going to press {February 28, l8()8~\ it was impossible to quote the prices of the three sizes shown on this page. Announcement Cbree sizes of this magnificent letter are shown in advance of completion of the entire scries, made from 6 Point to 60 Point (Uill be welcomed by all who use our Bradley* ttle predict that it will be a popular letter J\ Beautiful and Useful tetter. It speaks for itself 272- f AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Old Style PATENTED 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $7 00 ROAD HOUSE 4 A 7 a $6 00 DENOTE WISDOM The Path to Success is that of Common 6 A 9 a $5 00 THRIFT AND ACTIVITY Notwithstanding all that has been said of Lucky SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 272" PATENTED Id Style 30 POINT 8 A 12 a $4 50 FONDEST HOPES DASHED Those who Fail in Life are apt to assume the tone of injured innocence, and conclude that everyone is opposed to them 12 A 18 a $4 00 PERSONS PRONE TO COMPLAIN It will generally be found that men who complain, and constantly bewail their bad luck, are only reaping the consequences of their own neglect 15 A 25 a $3 50 ADVANCEMENT IN THE BUSINESS WORLD TRICT Attention, Punctuality, Application, Method, and Dispatch, are the principal qualities for the efficient conduct of any kind of business. It is the result of every-day experience, that steady attention to matters of 48 POINT SCHCEPPER OLD STYLE INITIALS 3 A $4 oo 272'' AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Id Style PATENTED 15 POINT 18 A 30 a $3 00 WORKS OF FAMOUS AUTHORS SUNK IN OBLIVION rJlARADOXICAL as it may seem, the chief causes of SJ the oblivion of books is no longer their extinction, but the fond care with which they are preserved, and their rapid multiplication. The printing press of to- day is more than a match for the moth and worm $270 36 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 4 A $3 50 12 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 50 OLD BOOKS BURIED BY THE ACCUMULATION OF THE NEW ]HE destroyer fulfills his commission by burying books under the _ pyramid which is formed by their accumulation. It is a striking example of the impotence with which man struggles against the des- tiny which awaits him and his works. The very means he takes to insure immortality destroys it. The activity of the press, by which he seemed to have taken pledges against time and fortune, is that 24 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A $2 50 10 POINT 25 A 50 a $2 25 PERILS OF COLUMBUS ON HIS VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE WESTWARD JDICATIONS of approaching land became more certain, and excited hopes in proportion. The birds began to appear in flocks, making towards the south- west. Columbus, in imitation of Portuguese navigators who had been guided in several of their discoveries by motion of birds, altered his course from due west toward that quarter whither they pointed their flight. But, after holding on for several days in this new direction, without any better success than formerly, having seen no object during thirty days but the sea and sky, the hopes of his companions 24 POINT SCHCKFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A 42 50 8 POINT 25A 50a $2 00 SAILORS LOSE HEART AND WANT COLUMBUS TO TURN ABOUT AND SAIL FOR EUROPE [TjljESPAIR, impatience and rage appeared in every countenance. All sense of subordination ILEJI was lost, and a scene of confusion ensued. The officers who had previously concurred with Columbus in opinion, and supported his authority, took part with the private seamen, and they assembled tumultuously on the deck, expostulated with their commander, mingled threats with their expostulations, and wanted him to tack about and return to Europe, which he was loth to do. Columbus perceived that it would be of no avail to have recourse to any of his former arts, which, having been tried so often, had now lost their effect and that it was impossible to rekindle any zeal for the success of the expedition among men in whose breasts 15 POINT SCHCEFFER OLD STYLE INITIALS 6 A Si 50 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 272* Florentine Heavyface 4 SOUNDING 4 A 5 a $7 75 5 A 8 a $550 PORTSMOUTH Cruiser 53 Station 8 A 10 a $4 50 REGULAR SOLDIERS Gentlemanly 25 Characters 10A 16a $400 12 POINT AMERICAN 16A 20a $3 25 TEXAS RANGERS Type 5 Founder Marching to Quincv 5 20 A 26 a $3 00 HUMBUG OINTMENT 22 A 30a $2 75 DELIGHTFUL PAGEANTS EfflCQCiOUS 9 Medicaments Viewed from a Hundred Stands 24 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 ENDURE EASTERN HARDSHIPS Mountain Climbers $34 were Exhausted 5 POINT ON 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 BASKING IN WINTERS CHILLY WEATHER Enjoying the Lavishly-Stocked Larders 254179 272* AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MceULLRGH 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 50 HOUR Clocks 3 A 5 a $8 50 Antique BARGE 48 POINT 4 A 7 a $6 50 CHIVALROUS Mountain Climbers 5 A 8 a $6 00 UNGOVERNABLE conditions Described SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 272 MceilLLAGH 36 POINT 6 A 9 a $5 50 ROAMING AMAZONS Nomadic Habits unenvied 7A lOa $4 25 INGENIOUS MECHANICS Handsome Lakcvlcw Residence 8 A 12 a $4 00 DOCTORS EDITING JOURNALS Renowned Medical Manuals Published 10 A 14 a $3 25 DEMANDING EXORBITANT INTEREST Conventional inducement ol investment company 12 POINT 16 A 20 a $3 00 10 POINT 20 A 26 a $2 75 BENEVOLENT GOVERNMENT ENTERTAINING SOCIETY MAIDENS Wounded Combatants Pensioned Admiring Juvenile comedians Simplicity 1254567590 1234567590 272 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LACLEDE 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $12 00 Monumental 60 POINT 3 A 6 a $1000 J&rcken S)ishes 4 A 7 a $8 00 Residence 4 A 9 a $625 T 5 A 14 a $4 00 18 POINT 5 A 18 a $3 25 MuStriOUS Enchantment farmer Xandscme S)etcrattcn 7A 24a $3 00 1Q w 9A 30a $2 75 financial Speculation ftenewned European Jfegetiaters journalistic inventions Weapditan Newspapers Represented 1234567890 1*3*561890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 273 DYNHM PATENTED 48 POINT 3 A 4 a $455 PENSIONERS Tu)elve=day Service 4A 6a $3 60 MONEY LOflNING Government Pawnshops 8A lOa $3 00 RfllLROflD EXCURSION ftpoiind fh? Continent Grafiiitoiisly INDOSTRIflL 16A 25a $2 25 TELEGRflPflING Proceeds Distributed Messages Between Gallants 12345678 12345678 274 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PATENTED 7 A 10 a $600 MANNERISM Superior Deportment 8A14a $5 00 CONTENTMENT Prosperous Enoironment 10 A 18 a $425 25A40a $310 PHYSICIANS Faithful Attendance 30 A 50 a $2 90 WAGGLING BUSTLES FASHIONABLES Following the Bell-Wether i POINT 36 A 70 a $2 70 MESSIEURS ENROBE & GARNISH Useful IttlprOOementS Exhibited Manufacturers of SmocbSrochs and Castors 12321567890 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 275 BELISK PATENTED 3 A 5 a $6 50 4 A 6 a $5 7J TOMBg and Monolithg 36 POINT 5 A 7 a $515 7A lOa $3 20 10 A 14 a $2 50 I(AILpD Ramble Unique 123456 1234567890 276 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Condensed Concave 5 A $6 25 7 A $5 00 10 A $3 45 28 POINT 14 A $3 15 22 POINT 18 A $2 60 HONEST GIRLS STEADY PERSONS 25 A $160 18 POINT 22 A $2 30 12 POINT SCRUBBING POWDERS BEEFSTEAK AND CABBAGE 6 A $3 95 28 POINT 8 A $3 8O MINDS DISHES 10 A $3.50 22 POINT 12 A $310 BOUNDS GERMANS 14 A $2 50 12 POINT 18 A $1 85 SIGNATURE YOUNG DAMSELS 10 POINT 22 A $1 50 MAIDENLY SWEETNESS 1234567890 6 POINT 30 A $1 30 PHOTOGRAPHS OF ART SCENERY 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 277 OBLIQUE 24 POINT 5 A $3 60 CUVILOUSNESS 7 A $2 75 SOCIETY MEETINGS POSTHUMOUS BENEFACTORS 16 A $2 10 6 POINT 18 A $175 RIVERS 3&ND LAKES COMMITTEES OX HYGIENE 12345G789 IS3456789O PYNSGN PATENTED 24 POINT 5 A 16 a $5 65 6 A 18 a $4 50 talebearing iz 'Fosiii^el^ IProhibited 12 POINT 10 A 28 a $3 75 IPermanen* 'Employment and liberal Compensation 123456T890 278 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY RIMPLEO PATENTED 4 A 6 a $7 00 Decided CURE 5 A 8 a $5 00 URGENT Medicines 6 A 9 a $4 25 Prophylactic POWDER 8 A 12 a $3 50 CONTENTMENT Jocular Disposition Restored 12 A 18 a $3 25 12 POINT 20 A 30 a $3 OO ENJOYMENT Hopes Raised and Sadness Dispelled 10 POINT 22 A 35 a $2 75 WONDERFUL CEMENT Nature's Remedy For quickly curing Habitual Gossiping in your neighbor 1234567890 ELBOW GREASE Warranted to relieve all persons of Indisposition and Chronic Drowsiness 8 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 50 BROKEN HEART BALSAM Melancholic Lovers When suffering from Heartache should use this Soothing Balm 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 279 BLACK GAP PATENTED 48 POINT 5 A $ 4 65 PRDDUCTIDnS 7 A $3 70 sTQRms 30 POINT 9 A $315 DROUGHT DVERCDmE 12 A $2 95 SAIF1T S\A/ITHin RETIRinG FRDm BUSIHESS 16 A $2 35 BOULEVARDS SPRIRKLED URFERTILE CDURTRIES DRERCHED 8 POINT 30 A $1 60 HIIRO-SULPHUR AERIAL DETOHATIOn ARDLJSinG AQUARIUS R/vm PROVIDED n 12345B7B 280 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY WASHINGTON PAT.NT.D 60 POINT 4A 5 a $15 00 54 POINT 4A5a$1050 Dear GAJWE 48 POINT 4 A 5 a $10 00 pPIED Crabs 4A6a $725 5A8a$675 30 POINT 6A8a$525 Pan plat 8A10a$450 18 POINT 9A13a$350 Daily I^IDES HOVeii Whalers 12A18a$300 1 POINT 16A22a$275 Companion JVIidnight Tfip fldvertised 8POINT 18A24a$250 g pQ ^ 22A32a$225 EflCAJVIPlVIEflT CUISINE DEiiiGHTFUii EVeNiNG PASTIME Palatable Dainties SePVed Gratis Repairing Fishing and Gunning Equipment 1 2 3 -4 5 6 7 8 9 O 123-456789O SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 281 JEFFERSON PATENTED 4A 5a $11 00 Perils 4 A 5 a $850 Iiand POIflTEH 4A 6a $775 [ 42 POINT 4A 6a $6 25 TE^Cat Fat BOYS 5 A 7 a $5 75 30 POINT 6 A 8 a $4 75 10 A 14 a $3 25 16 A 24 a $300 10 POINT 20A 28a $2 75 CONGRESSIONAL NOTES Bright Entertaining Gentlemen 8 POINT 24 A 32 a $2 50 CHARMING AND HANDSOME MAID Exciting Football Games on the Pastime Grounds 1234567890 DELIGHTED When Land is Sighted after Six Months 6 POINT 26 A 38 a $2 25 PROPOSED HEW AMENDMENTS TO THE Constitution of United States for Emancipation of Base Ball Slaves 1234567890 282 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LRFRYETTE PAT.NT.O STRONG Drinker 4A 6a $750 (Doming SOIBBfllE 4A 6a $700 HANDSOME Butterfly 6A 8a $700 ttlatehman EXCELLENT 42POINT 6A9a$625 ^ pmm 8A lOa $5 75 DARK Wts |DDE Figures 9 A 12 a $500 10 A 14 a $4 00 liUGFative PIiAGES Favorable PASTIP 18 POINT 12A18a$325 12 POINT 20A30a$300 HVIPETUOUS Philanthropy COHHESPONDING 54 predicaments SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 283 TYP PATENTED 60 POINT 3 A 4 a $7 00 4A 6a $5 25 Universal tAUNDRIES 5 A 7 a $4 70 REMARKABLE Manuscript 6 A 9a $3 55 AMERICAN fllEIIILIf Ornamental Window-Furnishing 10 A 14 a $2 40 UNRELIABLC NORTHWESTERN Lightning Arresters Hurricane Approaching 1234567 123456789 284 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY POL, PATENTED 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 30 Demonstration HistrioniQ 4 A 6 a $7 20 5 A 10 a $5 90 Sapient Juveniles Candi(J Novices Reioicp 8A 16a $435 Kandsom^ Diplomas Distinguished Scholars Rewarded 10 A 20 a $3 55 Generous Teachers DeUghtecJ profound Thanhs Expressed by Graduates 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 285 TELEGRAPH PATENTED 72 POINT 3 A 4 a $11 25 Demonstretnr 3 A 4 a $7 50 Operas 48 POINT . 3 A 5 a $5 50 36 POINT 3 A 6 a $4 25 ic Harlequin Costume 24 POINT 5 A 12 a $3 75 fireside 6 A 15 a $3 25 12345B7H9n 286 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY JOHNS0N PATENTED 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 60 Gpond Jaunts 3 A 6 a $7 60 Qeoutiful Scenes Gopgeous 4 A 8.a $6 20 5 A 10 a $575 (Jpossing the (Dountoins 6 A 12 a $5 05 Tourists Snjoying th^ 5p pt 8A16a $4 35 (Running Op J-fiils and Down 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 287 PATENTED 3 A 5 a $10 65 OUR Guard Hold the FORT 5 A 8 a $6 30 /\ldnoeuvrboat 7 A 10 a $5 20 Dilapidated RAILROAP 10 A 15 a $4 60 DISTRACTION ai?d WorrinxQt 12 A 18 a $3 85 Workers INTERRUPTED 14 A 20 a $3 05 FASCINATING Actress EoUrtaioS Ladies 12 POINT 16 A 25 a $2 85 POblic lofornjatioo BCir^aO PAILY PATRONIZED 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 309 48 POINT 3 A 4a $600 ROUND Oranges 4 A 5 a $4 15 HANDSOME XHorses *4 Carriages** 6 A 8 a $2 85 REMUNERATION Agreeable Work $ Prompt Pay 8 A 12 a $2 45 RAILROAD. EXCURSION Summer -Tourists ^ Winter -Travelers 12 A 16 a $1 25 SPARE $ SAVE PITCH & CATCH X Household- Furnishers t* XDealers-in. Base- Ball -Supplies K 1234567 12345678 310 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ROUNDHEAD PAT.T 48 POINT 3A 4a $5 80 Despised $ {ejected 4 A 5 a $445 Recommendable Calisthenical Entertainment 8 A 10 a $3 70 Curbstone Jmusements political Parades Marching Soldiers 18 POINT 10 A 12 a $315 Fashionable Damsels Indignant manufacture and Sale of Face-powders prohibited 12 POINT 12 A 16 a $2 25 9 po INT MA 2 0a $2 00 Bulletin Dispatchers Herself the Foremost Beauty Telegraph, phone M flsSOCiates Practical Instruction for Self-Glorlficatlon .234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 311 KEYSTONE 40 POINT 5 A 7 a $8 65 Money BANK 7 A 10 a $8 85 TIGER Hunting 8A 14a $795 ^ POINT 10 A 14a $5 30 FAST GREAT Roadster Institutions 14 A 14 a $4 35 12 POINT 18 A 28 a $355 BROKEN DETECTIVES Grate Fashionable Women 123456 12345678 MONKISH PATENTED 36 POINT 5 A 7 a $3 80 Precious Gold *f Silver 7 A 10 a $2 60 10A 14 a $2 15 WIVES * Husbands MANSIONS * Labyrinths 12345678 1234567890 312 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GIRHFFE PATENTED 48 POINT 5 A $3 55 REPORTER ESEflPED 36 POINT 8 A $3 30 30 po INT JOA $2 70 DARCEROUS RECDOSTIIUCT 24 POINT 12 A $2 30 18 p OINT 18A $2 00 HOflEST DEALERS HUIIDREDS RELEASED 30 A $1 30 PDUIDEfl AnD SHDT DESTROY COLLEAGUES or THE GOLDEFI RULE I2345G7B9D 1234557390 GIRAFFE EXTENDED 36 POINT 3 A $3 75 CHARGERS 30 POINT 5 A $3 20 24 POINT 6 A $2 70 HDME NAMING 18 POINT 8 A $2 15 12 POINT 12 A $1 55 8 POINT 20 A $150 6 POINT 25 A $1 50 BOMBASTIC SOPHISTS GEWGAWS AND ORNAMENTS 1234SE7B I234567Q90 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 313 FERDINftND PATENTED 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 85 48 POINT "Frolicsome (Convulsed with 12345678 3 A 8 a $7 35 4 A 10 a $5 30 SPIRAL PATENTED 36 POINT 3 A 5 a $650 5 A 10 a $5 00 * < * 6 A 12 a $4 25 12 POINT 9 A 18 a 3 20 usiness ^ojnj>cls us fo ^acrificc our 314 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BRADLEY 48 POINT 3 A 8 a $6 75 ar1y printers were loud in their praise 4A lOa $500 Gothic went out of fashion in Europe and f ranee at the end of the i6ih century 5 A 16 a $3 50 printers of 1450 used bold Black Letters so that they could avoid detection in their many undertakings of a hazardous nature 54 POINT BRADLKY INITIALS 3 A $4 25 SINGLE LETTER 25 CENTS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 315 BRADLEY PATENTED 18 POINT 8 A 25 a $3 25 R6 pages of early books were either large or small folios, but sometimes quartos, and were therefore cumbrous and unhandy. flldus manuccio, of Uenice, was the first to introduce the 15 A 45 a $3 00 HXCOH was over sixty years of age when Che Dictes was printed, ana was noted for bis industrious habit.* fie was possessed of good sense and sound judgment; persevering, zealous, and liberal in bis devices for tbat important art wbicb be introduced into England, laboring not only as printer, but as autbor and translator.* Cbe productions of bis press amount to sixty-four 16 A 50 a $2 75 jHUSC took Schortfer into partnership, and the Bible and Psalter, and ether important works were produced.* Scheeffcr was further rewarded by the band of the grand-daughter of f aust. from this rapid summary we may conclude: i. Chat the merit of the invention of printing, however rude it may have been, belongs to Hoster of Haarlem? 2. Chat Gutenberg placed the art on a permanent foundation; and 3. Chat its economical application was insured 8 POINT ISA 52 a $2 50 Gutenberg continued printing at Strasburg until the year 1444, when, bis means being exhausted, he rejoined his uncle at Iftentz. fierc he renewed his experiments, and, as he needed financial assistance, secured an introduction to 3ohn Taust , a money-lender and capitalist, who was favorably struck 6 POINT 20 A 60 a $2 25 Che credit of inventing the art wbicb perpetuates tbe history and achievements of all the arts and sciences has been obstinately contested, several cities having advanced rival claims to the honor of the discovery, this, however, should be no matter of surprise when we consider that the inventor of any new art, unpro- tected by law, would naturally endeavor to conceal its process for his own use and advantage. Hfter due consideration, we heartily agree with Tsaiah Chomas 42 POINT BRADLEY INITIALS 3 A $3 00 SINGLE LETTER 20 CENTS 316 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PATENTED 4 A $395 14 A $1 90 10 POINT 16 A $140 M234567890* 10A$250 14 A $145 22 A $1 35 1234567890 TENDRIL PATENTED at 6A 14a $5 60 5anguinai[y 8A 20a $4 60 Rampaging 10 A 28 a $3 75 10 POINT 12 A 32 a $3 15 oc^cnflriac K EW Designs in Popple Dumplings SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 317 PATENTED 5 A 8 a $5 45 -^Political + RIJQp * Broken 7 A lOa $405 Disreputable *WirepuUers*Faorbiddiiij 12 A 18 a $2 55 * JVEOOII -t- QclZingS ^^eliqnary * and 4 Depository**- 1834567890 PATENTED 3 A 5 a $415 6 A 14 a $2 80 8 A 20 a $2 10 9 POINT 10 A 28 a $2 00 Suggestions Impedimental Association and GoUFteoUS Iindness Effectually Obstructing Jublic Business 1234567890 1234567890 318 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 30 POINT with 48 Point Initials 3 A 5 A 9 a $11 50 mithsenian (ya \^_^ 24 POINT with 36 Point Initials 3 A 6 A 12 a $900 (mbat - 18 POINT with 30 Point Initials. 3 A 8 A 15 a $7 00 r~x Business ER en bf) eman d (-<-S in^ ^toifeh * Qifi^i 123456789 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 319 PATENTED 3 A 5 a $7 95 V 4 A 6 a $6 70 42 POINT Portraying Horoestic 5 A 10 a $6 00 6 A 16 a $5 10 Pictures ^ (oldn)bian ^xposition Viewed 8 A 28 a $4 40 (elebratingtf|e landing of fol(in)btis of /Vn>erican and ^tiropean "Handicraft 1234567890 320 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY KOSTER PATENTED 24 POINT with 48 Point Initials 3 A 8 A 12 a $965 18 POINT with 36 Point Initials 4 A 10 A 15 a $7 45 RUSTIC SERVICE <^/^ \Vateivpails ai^d Goal JJter^sils 12 POINT with 24 Point Initials 6 A 14 A 22 a $5 30 SOMNOLENT & Fabricators of A ir -G as tles ai^d ]yTattresses aijd JXiil v^ <&^r 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 321 French Id Style Extended 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $1 2 50 Rescuer 4A 5a $11 75 Foremost 4 A 5 a $7 50 Enumerate 4A 8a $5 25 BONE Breakers 5 A 10 a $4 75 Heroine NUMBER 8A 16a $3 00 HERO RECORD Denounced Easily Broken 15 A 30 a $2 75 358 MINERS ISA 36a $2 75 NUMBER 246 Seriously Consider Desires Wardens Pardon 322 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ART GOTHie PATENTED 72 POINT 3 A 5 a $1000 Sefyool 4A 5a $9 20 praterpal Artists 4 A 5 a $6 50 6A 8a $5 00 8A lOa $400 Indisputable pene^-rail 12A 16a $3 00 ^lri5to(;raGy De^eperati^ ^ypoerites 12 POINT 14 A 20 a $3 00 1Q pomT ISA 28 a $2 75 (T)<^rry (T)idvi/ay plaisape^ (jirl proposed ^riai grips 12 345 6 7 8 9 12 34567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 323 PATENTED wm-nisnnB mnnnruL 8 A $2 35 TORT DHMIIK flnM.mir.nT 10 A $1 90 ^1234507000^ 324 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Columbus No 2 PATENTED 3 A 4 a $12 35 Lower Case 4 a $4 55 N Card 36 POINT WITH 60 POINT INITIALS founds 48 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 35 Lower Case 5 a S3 75 Same QAR 24 POINT WITH 48 POINT INITIALS \\/msome [ftDIES 5 A 8 a $8 00 Lower Case 8 a $3 65 GAME Record SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 325 Columbus No 2 PATENTED 10 A 15 a $705 Lower Case 15 a $3 15 MRE Homes 18 POINT WITH 36 POINT INITIALS Qu uaint 15 A 20 a $6 10 Lower Case 20 a $2 65 ANIMATED Fervent Comedian 18 A 25 a $5 00 WINTER GftMES Stormy Weather Endured 25 A 35 a $4 25 HANDSOME STEAMER Expedition Traveling Homeward 10 POINT 26 A 40 a $3 75 ELECTRIC LIGHTING Resplendent Spectacular Extravaganza 8 POINT 30 A 45 a $3 50 SPARKLING PERaTie COMEDY Burlesque Company Received Great Applause 6 POINT 35 A 50 a $3 25 FftLLTIME CLOTHING SACRIFICED Bargain Sale Advertised for Every Tuesday in March 1234567890 Cofumfiua Jnifiafe 36 POINT $2 oo 48 300 60 400 e IT JC u T FONTS CONTAIN THE ABOVE CAPITALS ONLY AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY De Yinne Extra Condensed P*TNTD 72 POINT 4 A 5 a $15 00 NOBLE Horses Brought ROCKER 5 A 7 a $800 DURABLE Flooring 5 A 8 a $7 00 Landscape IMPROVED 6A lOa $600 MODERN CUISINE Clothed in Deep Mystery SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 327 De Yinne Extra Condensed PATENTED 36 POINT 6 A 12 a $5 50 COLLEGE MONTHS Bright Maidens in Attendance 8A 12a $5 00 NUMEROUS LANDMARKS Throughout Cumberland Discovered 10A 16 a $400 INNUMERABLE REQUISITIONS Administration Upholding Monroe Doctrines 12A 20a $3 25 DISPLAY BEAUTIFUL FLORAL DESIGNS Seventh Annual International Chrysanthemum Exhibit 14 POINT 18A22a$325 12 POINT 20A26a$300 NATIONAL CONVENTION VENEZUELAN COMMISSION Mississippi Valley Metropolis Arbitration Now Becomes Necessary 1234567890 1234567890 328 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Oe Yinne Condensed PATENTED 72 POINT 4 A 5 a $15 00 RICH Print 4A 5a $1000 Sharp SHOD 4 A 5 a $7 50 4A 5a $6 00 4A 6a $5 50 DOUBLE Machine 5 A 8 a $5 00 Moustache GROWING SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 329 \ Oe Yinne (Condensed PATENTED 30 POINT 6 A 9 a $450 CRIMSON CLOUDS Moving Swiftly Northward 8 A 12 a $400 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Greatest Energetic Achievements 10A 16a $3 25 14 POINT 12 A 20 a $3 25 MERCHANTS NATIONAL FRATERNITY Grand Complimentary Summer Railroad Excursions 12 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 75 SHOCKING MODESTY EXHIBITING ARCHITECTURE Enormous Masculine Bloomers Cotton States International Exposition MATHEMATICAL CALCULATION 30 A 42 a $2 25 BRIGHT MORNING SUNLIGHT SHINES Foretells Severe Atmospheric Disturbances Contemplating Miscellaneous Telescopic Observations 1234567890 1234S67890 330 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY OE YINNE 72 POINT 4 A 5 a $1700 4 A 5 a $12 25 TIN Block 4 A 5 a $10 25 Silver ORE 4 A 5 a $7 75 4 A 6 a $7 25 Comical SONG 5 A 8 a $5 50 SPRING Bonnets SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 331 OE VINNE 30 POINT 6 A 9 a $5 00 Harvesters REAPING 8 A 10 a $4 00 flASSACHUSETTS Philanthropic Associations 10 A 16 a $3 25 14 POINT 12 A 18 a $3 25 INTERNATIONAL HOSPITALITY Receptions and Suppers to Foreign Visitors 12 POINT 16 A 20 a $3 00 10 POINT 20 A 26 a $2 75 SHARPSHOOTER DEVELOP MUSCLES Professional Marksman Healthful Gymnastic Exercise 22 A 30 a $2 50 ROMANTIC SCENERY Beautiful flountainous Landscapes 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 25 HONORABLE COMPETITION Amateur Athletes Receive Encouragement 22 A 34 a $2 50 BRAVE SAILORS SAVED Sunshine Brings Happiness to flariners 5 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 50 BARGAINS IN MACKINTOSHES People Who are Always Without Umbrellas 1234567890 1234567890 332 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY De Vinne Extended 3 A 4 a $11 50 ions 4 A 5 a $1000 FARMS 4A 6a $800 SPRING SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 333 De Vinne Extended De Vinne Extended 10 POINT ISA 24 a $3 00 HASHIOINABUE STORES OVERCROWDED EASTER ]VHUUIINERY DISPLAY We have made extraordinary preparations in head-wear for the Easter season. If you -wish a hat trimmed or untrimmed \v& can suit you 8 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 75 HONEST DESIGNERS RECEIVE INSTRUCTIONS DELICIOUS HOLIDAY SWEETMEATS The Easter candy store attracts big folks as well as children. Almost no end to the oddities. And surely no queerer egg-makers could ever be found 1234567 890 24 A 36 a $2 50 EXTRAORDINARY BARGAINS IIN HAINDSOME FHJRINITURE HIIVTS POR OEINERAL, HOUSE-PURINISHIING The English room in the Upholstery store contains a study in yellow and white. In the Moorish room are suggestions for bedroom furnishing, the color schemes being blue and white, maroon and white, green and white. Our own importation 1234567800 332" 334 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ItaliC PATENTED 72 POINT 4 A 5 a $1900 Lost RIG 4A 5a $1325 4A 5a $11 25 Read NICE 4A 5a $7 75 BEAR Skins 4A 6a $7 25 Beaver DIVES 5 A 8 a $650 GRAND Festival SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 335 De Vinne Italic PATENTED 6A 9a $5 75 BLUSTERING Destructive Cyclones 8A lOa $450 PIRING ROCKETS Distress Signals Answered IDA 16a $400 WANDERING ARABIANS Experienced Numerous Hardships 12A 18a $3 25 DELIGHTFUL HOLIDAY SEASON Society Whirlwinds Unceasingly Blowing 12 POINT 16A 20a $3 00 UNDERSTANDS Thoroughly Mechanical 8 POINT 22 A 30 a $2 50 CHICAGO WEEKLY NEWS Universally Pronounced Brilliancy 1234567890 6 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 25 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS Manufactures Superior Printing Materials 1234567890 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY De Vinne Italic Outline 48 POINT PATENTED 4 A 5 a $1700 4 A 5 a $12 25 4 A 5 a $1025 4A 5a $775 4A 6a $725 Hsiirdy Planter C/ SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 337 De Vinne Italic Outline PATENTED 5 A 8 a $6 50 'PECIM Printer. \l 6A 9a $5 75 771\ J7~^ K\AI /T~\ J\ J (O 7 ^77^ 77~7) A ^JT^TT^ DEM ONS TRA TE Conclusively 8 A 10 a $4 50 SCAREi F&rm M&Ms 12A 18a $3 25 AGRICULTURE IDA 16a $4 00 Italic Type Made Cf 11 16A 20a $300 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY De Vinne Shaded 4 A 5 a $1700 D T ish D B D TRIE 5 A 8 a $5 75 IT 10 A 16 a $3 75 1234 4 A 5 a $12 50 H 4 A 5 a $10 50 tch 4 A 5 a $7 75 4 A 6 a $7 50 1 8 A 10 a $4 50 HA: 16 A 20 a $3 25 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 339 Epitaph and Epitaph Open 3 A $6 00 3 A $6 00 MACH 5 A $4 25 5 A $4 25 LADS LE1N10 BIKE 7A $3 25 7 A $3 25 NORTH! HUNTS LEG1L 9 A $2 50 EXCHANGING PRODUCE JOINT DEBATE f FALSE TALKS 14 A $2 25 PERIODICAL CIRCULATIONS WHISTLING HURRICANES CURNING PYRAMIDS 1234567890 338 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY De Vinne Shaded D D IRQ I 5 A 8 a $5 75 L; 10 A 16 a $3 75 ACTOR Plea* 1234567 4 A 5 a $17 00 n 4 A 5 a $12 50 4 A 5 a $10 50 tclh 4 A 5 a $7 75 1 4 A 6 a $7 50 8 A 10 a $450 12 POINT 16 A 20 a $3 25 Triumphant CHARMER I 234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 339 Epitaph and Epitaph Open 3 A $6 00 3 A $6 00 MACH 5 A $4 25 5 A $4 25 LADS 7A $3 25 7 A $3 25 NORTH! HUNTS LEGIL 9 A $2 50 EXCHANGING PRODUCE JOINT DEBATE f FALSE TALKS 14 A $2 25 PERIODICAL CIRCULATIONS WHISTLING HURRICANES CURNING PYRAMIDS 1234567890 340 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Columbus Outline PATENTED 3 A 4 a $12 35 I) 36 POINT WITH 60 POINT INITIALS 3 A 5 a $9 35 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 341 Columbus Outline PATENTED 5 A 8 a $8 00 24 POINT 18 POINT 24 POINT WITH 48 POINT INITIALS 10 A 15 a $7 05 VISIT 18 POINT WITH 36 POINT INITIALS 15 A 20 a $6 10 OTEMBTEB Cofumfiua d)uttine 36 POINT $2 oo 48 300 60 400 Qj FONTS CONTAIN THE ABOVE CAPITALS ONLY 342 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY TAYLOR G0THIG 48 POINT 4 A 5 a $778 PLEASING Newest Master 5 A 8 a $5 50 EXCURSIONS Returning Delegates Butter Cakes 24 POINT 10A15a$450 18 POINT 12A20a$400 DARKEST INDUSTRIAL African Mines Workers Gathered Studying Destructions 16A 25a $3 25 10 POINT 20A 30a $3 00 YOUNG HEROES Purchase Made Christmas PRINTING MATERIAL Handsome Durable and Extensive 1234567 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 343 PATENTED 60 POINT 4A 6a $9 00 BRISK Dames 4A 7 a $6 50 Rare MUSIC Box 6A 8a $5 00 7 A lOa $425 Quaint HAMBURG Stones 10 A 15 a $3 75 URCHINS 12A 18a $3 25 ANTIQUATED Miniature Camera 22 A 35 a $3 00 EVENING PROMENADES Invigorating and Rejuvenating PARISIAN HEADREST Beautiful Result Obtained 8 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 50 AMATEUR KODAK SOCIETY UNIVERSAL ARJ Picturesque Moonbeams Reproduced Highly Complimented Marine Photography 1234567890 1234567890 28 A 40 a $2 75 35 A 52 a $2 25 344 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY aSLON CONDENSED 60 POINT 3 A 5 a $9 00 DRUGS Known 3 A 5 a $5 50 Northern HUNTERS 4A 8a $5 00 UPHOLSTERER Engraved 56 Furniture 30 POINT 5 A 10 a $4 50 NOTICES PRINTED Removed Handsome Gardens 6 A 12 a $3 50 BORDERING 43 Houses 18 POINT 8 A 16 a $3 00 DEMONSTRATIONS Remarkable Consignment SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 345 ALGONQUIN 4 A 4 a $5 70 OLIVER 1 Holmes 4 A 5 a $4 85 Elaborate SPDfif 5 5 4A 6a $4 32 ELECTRIC 1 PunistiniEnf Algonquin Ornamented 60 POINT 4A 4a $5 70 Jfe y\^*& 4 A 5 a $485 II n r 4A 6a $432 346 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY VIRILE PATENTED 60 POINT 4 A 6 a $750 OPENING Seison 6 A 8 a $6 50 Bountiful HARVEST? 6 A 10 a $6 00 SLAUGHTERED Buffiloe? 30 POINT 8 A 12 a $5 50 (Dexitti) VOLCAJ1K Eruption? 10 A 16 a $400 BENEVOLENT GATHERING* Honorable M)d 12 A 20 a $3 50 12 POINT 16 A 30 a $3 00 PLEASING PRODUCT* STRONG WIND FlOWer Odor? Designed for modern Printer; 12545678 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 347 VIRILE PEN PATENTED 60 POINT 4A 6a $7 50 6 A 8 a $650 36 POINT 1UI In) LMGHT 6A lOa $600 8 A 12 a $5 50 10A 16a $400 12 A 20 a $3 50 16 A 30 a $3 00 Plover 348 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY QtJHINT PAT * NT6D 48 POINT 4 A $4 00 QRWD-JOKCR 6 A $3 40 EVEN1NQ * JERHON 8 A $2 90 THIRD NflTIONflL - BflNK 18 POINT 10 A $2 25 JTRONQ * * * HE/IRTT * CHESTNUT * SOCIETY 14 A $1 90 REYIEWINO QRflND PflRflbE YETER/JN - /1550CWTION 10 POINT 20 A $1 90 8 POINT 24 A $1 90 QOLD * * JILVER HUflPTE * 6r ^ bUnFTE RICH bldnONb FIELDS bE/ILERS ^25 FURNISHERS * 12345678 s A 1234567830 * SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 349 QUAINT PEN 48 POINT PATENTED 4 A $400 A A 6 A $3 40 Tl HTI0NI3L 8 A $2 90 jrri :TY 10 A $2 25 HTY 14 A $1 90 10 POINT 20 A $1 90 8 POINT 24 A $1 90 ^inoifsm i^iii^n i^<^ l^E^ILEIS MS FWMISIHQS 350 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Howland and Howland Open 4 A 5 a $9 00 60 P( HOMES PATENTED 4 A 5 a $9 50 A 4 A 6 a $8 00 4A 6a $8 50 BROKEN ranted 3 5A 8a $700 5 A 8 a $7 50 YOUR BOST 6A lOa $600 6A lOa $6 50 PERIODICAL 3 Modern Idc; Tri SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 351 Howland and Howland pen PATENTED 8 A 12 a $5 00 RICHEST BAN Complicated 8 10A 16a $400 STRANGE INHERI 89 Curious Treatment 12 A 20 a $3 25 INTEREST COUNTED 1234! Regular Investments 20 A 30 a $300 12 POINT WOEFUL WITCH THEORY Early Puritan Doctrines 49 10 POINT 24 A 36 a $2 75 DELUDED RELIGIOUS CHRONIC Drives People to Distraction $260 8 POINT 28 A 40 a $2 50 POPULAR PASTIMES THROWN OVER Modern Society Shocked Festive Board and 94 Ball Discouraged 8 A 12 a $5 50 10 A 16 a $4 50 12A 20a $3 50 20 A 30 a $300 24 A 36 a $2 75 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 25 HISTORY REVEALS HARD PUNISHMENT Oaken Stocks and Cowhide Lashes Terrible Deeds Rectified by Christianity 48 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY CONTOUR No 1 in JL TTE 5 A 10 a $6 90 D 6A 12a $5 15 8A 16a $5 00 10A 20a $5 00 ifo 10A 20a $3 45 16 A 32 a $3 25 BEffl) SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 355 CONTOUR No 72 POINT TO/Q 3A 5a $11 95 3 A 5 a $945 il Gin ifli 4A 8a $6 00 I 5 A 10 a $4 90 6 A 12 a $4 00 :TE 1 356 * AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY eNT0UR No 2 48 POINT 3 A $4 70 4 A $3 30 eNTUR No 3 36 POINT 3 A $5 75 1R3T 6A $4 25 .n: 6 A $2 25 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 356 ' eNTUR No 5 J 36 POINT 3 A $5 40 4A $400 im /r^ o GRAPHIC IT- 24 POINT 22 POINT M ini 5 A $3 50 6 A $3 00 7 A $2 50 LYE PEOPLE LOST \> > 1234 CALA: 8A $2 25 IT" 356 d AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY RELIEY PATENTED 5 A $5 35 36 AND 24 POINT RELIEVO IN COMBINATION RELIEY No 2 PATENTED EiMEfpTlRslpAlL IIWAiplHiiNCS jj| ^P^^fyj!///M/v/frji/l/yM* wW/Ui/ f/$^Hf/$//y/J3lj)&iKM 18 POINT 14 A $3 70 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 357 FILIGREE 48 POINT PATENTED 3 A 5 A $10 20 5 A 10 A $6 60 EH?Illp3KMLce^ Ki>vv~-*~ j a'ssss ^~ |P? V 6 A 14 A $4 35 "OF ?IxffiKES\OF 1-2 15 H 11 13 9 10 ^ k 4 1 -SB-si 360 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY EREBUS PATENTED 60 POINT 4 A $5 75 5 A $4 50 8A $225 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 361 HADES PATENTED 4 A $5 75 362 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MINSTER PATENTED 6 A 14 a $5 75 EXCITEMENT ifteenth 8 A 20 a $4 60 and r }Burablc ^Printinq ^'Material ^) r<\&>* 10 A 28 a $3 70 12 A 32 a $3 25 |tna fjooking for guropc 1234567890 MB I GUTTIES y and .Spiritual f| 1234567890 MONASTIC SHADED 3 A 5 A $4 60 4 A 8 A $4 20 Yfi^'T* Tr T? T/TVTTrQ' ^nr,Ek|4LO > y fe 5 A 10 A $3 50 1ST0R1C) 18 POINT 6 A 14 A $3 00 IKLININQ 437 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 363 AQUATINT PATENTED 5 A 7 a $7 20 r iiVx W*T* HV/.sAil 7A lOa $5 55 edate 10A 14a $425 14 A 20 a $3 70 - ^ (178 1 M, CDMFD: 12 A $3 80 16A $3 20 10 POINT ISA $2 90 364 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MEDALLie 36 POINT PATENTED 4 A 8 a $4 60 STENCIL 6 A 14 a $3 95 7A 16a $3 00 D J38453I888 PATENTED 4A 6a $7 90 6 A 8 a $5 20 7A lOa $4 20 10 A 16a $3 30 lAISDIG SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 365 STEELPUVTE GOTHIC 36 POINT PATENTED 4 A $4 10 !|!U=?U 7 A $3 00 MORNING AMUSEMENT 8 A $2 45 12 A $2 15 TINTED PATENTED 4 A $4 60 5 A $3 85 24 POINT 7 A $3 30 8 A $2 65 Hi 12 A $2 15 366 LURHY AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY PATENTED 3 A $5 40 4A $4 30 5 A $3 35 SHADOW PATENTED 3 A $4 60 EXECUTORS 24 POINT TICK 7 A $400 PL INIE H NG 16 A $2 75 MBNDK BEATON TIBKKT 011411^ SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 367 PATENTED 4 A 6 a $740 wing; Machin 5 A 7 a $5 10 Etoaemt;^ 7 A 10 a $4 00 Flyin Guarding Public 10 A 14 a $3 55 P R Q GR E SS I V E 12 A 16 a $3 00 14 A 18 a $2 90 6 PoINT U and Sailor 18 A 20 a $2 50 LEGAL ^h.erm.om.et5 Cav Crga AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY French (Clarendon Shaded u 5 A 7 a $10 60 7 A 10 a $9 25 MUSICAL Eneaeem 7 A 10 a $7 90 10 A 14 a $7 00 Profitable Invention 14 A 20 a $5 80 1 Melodies law f K 22 A 32 a $5 25 12 POINT 25 A 32 a $4 80 10 POJNT 30 A 42 a $3 75 MOlIlIi RAMBUS BESBEfS FOE ETEEYBOBY for Wearied! FidBatriau i284SBr580 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 369 Cloister Shaded 40 POINT 5 A $610 COIM 5 A $4 75 i IQHT 28 POINT v\ 7 A $445 10 A $400 OLDE UMILIE 12 A $3 30 12 POINT ISA $320 BESEMBLIWG BES@BT 10 POINT 25 A $3 10 BOUNTIFUL P1ISE1TS 30 A $2 80 Condensed Cloister Shaded 5 A $5 00 5 A $430 7 A $3 80 i 12 A $2 75 12 POINT PBESEIHHEHT 10 A $305 18 A $2 60 BlfTQ -HU 1 o 10 POINT 25 A $2 40 DILAPIDATED IIST11IIITS 8 POINT COUHTEBFEIT 370 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GOTHIC RNRTE No 2 5 A 7 a $615 7 A 10 a $6 00 8 A 14 a $4 75 German Conn 12 POINT 14 A 20 a $3 35 PUBLIC liiTfiN 12345678 GLYPTIC SHADED PATENTED 4 A $4 40 I 7 A $3 50 10 A $3 20 14 A $2 30 16 A $2 10 1864669896 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 371 BR0HDGHUGE SHADED 1 7 A $5 10 is POINT 14 A $420 10 POINT 22 A $4 00 e POINT 123456V8 RNATE 5 A $11 30 5 A $890 5 A $6 25 10 A $5 50 18 A $4 10 25 A $3 75 5 A $7 80 5 A $5 65 22 POINT 10 A $4 80 12 POINT 7 A $4 60 14 A $3 80 372 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY STIPPLE 48 POINT PATENTED 6 A $6 90 7A $5 35 FILLET 36 POINT PATENTED 4A $4 85 7A $3 85 Space and End Ornaments furnished with fonts 9 A $3 25 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 373 Mezzotint Condensed 6A $4 50 8A $3 50 Three styles of End Ornaments furnished with each size MEZZOTINT 36 POINT 12 A $3 00 6 A $6 25 6A $4 50 Three styles of End Ornaments furnished -with each size 374 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ARBORET 8A $5 00 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 375 6A $5 50 29 30 22 21 20 19 18 24 23 31 28 8A $4 90 : UNjDEiRWEAR 1 18 26 '25 6 54312 15 10 A $3 80 WISHING ; 27 14 13 31 f ty T \5 376 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY RLJSKIN 5 A $4 05 7A $3 25 CI AMiPIOA' * GYMNASTS 10 A $2 65 ^E AKNED * ORATORY ELOCUTION ^TAUGHT ^ MONTHLY 12 A $1 75 FRESCO 48 POINT 3 A 5 A $6 30 4 A 6 A $450 5 A 10 A $3 90 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 377 ASTRAL No 2 36 POINT 4A 6a $9 15 6 A 10 a $695 cbolar Merits Ho 8 A 14 a $5 65 10 A 18 a $430 5 A $2 85 7 A $2 15 l J iy^* Lai a -1^7 I 6 A 12 a $450 jiewspapars cKr^ Ixereist liscretiiq iq Voiciqg SIGNET SHADE 36 POINT 4A 8a $7 30 QStic X" House D 6 A 12 a $5 00 2 -=2- SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 381 XF0RO No 2 3 A 6 A $6 95 Tf%1T /^\ r~^ r^ TT* lfS3 wORSE 'I M* %_ ^ML^-\ 3 A 8 A $4 55 --s? -^ --s== - -+'-**-'^--* =i 384 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY TITLE BLACK SHADED 3 A 6 a $6 10 4 A 8 a $4 45 5 A 10 a $3 40 t^Ci O 1 ei 9&*v LHDY TEXT 5 A lOa $450 cfc 346 9 751 * 6A 14a $3 90 o t!tpS wAw * 7 5 1 WITH FIGURES SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 384" Priory Text No 2 5 A 8 a $6 00 Jtortl) American Creefe 6A lOa $5 00 8 A 20 a $400 eastern JEarfcet "Ferment 8 A 24 a $3 19 international SDiffkultp Iparmonp Cfjroug Dealing an f rancigco to ?Btecofoej:i? 3!mpo^eti on American 8 A 24 a $3 64 12 A 32 a $3 08 Mtnter spmings of HBoreal Jlngtallation of tlje Cyclone, ^imoon, iligljtnmg anO IRanae Dealers 15A50a$275 fl pQINT 15A50a$225 Idonberful achievement IRailroab Gbrougb Cbina flDagnificent an^ Eibtbitton of jFireworfts on tbe cean ifront 1234567890 1234567890 390 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY HAMBURG Btgfjf Miming 5 A 12 a $4 45 24 POINT 5 A 20 a $4 35 6 A 20 a $3 50 10 A 20 a $3 70 15 A 25 a $3 30 n Hbunfain 15 A 30 a $2 85 10 POINT 15A 30a $2 50 (EsfablisIjEb 3facB QEtme in f^B Jtrf 8 POINT 20 A 40 a $2 45 in Printing 1234567890 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 35 Knurtran CgnftrprtjE J^roburss (Etierjj 3mafltnablE Bcnict for UTE Waning of labor 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 391 TITLE TEXT hilling 3 A 5 a $6 85 4 A 7 a $5 30 auttfjnl 0f| Jjytttnmn IJ'etters Jtbseirf 5 A 10 a $5 80 6 A 14 a $5 75 at 6 A 14 a $4 85 jRinninn of the Cheerful iMlcdtlinn ^t o o /I ^r 71 " T f *^ 22 POINT 8 A 20 a $4 30 18 POINT over the Warth 8 A 20 a $3 50 ^ to 392 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY TITLE BUU2K 3A 6a $6 10 4A 8a $445 public Speakers Customs 5 A 10 a $3 40 TEntertmntg ot 3Fo?k*& 7 A 16 a $3 00 I 10 PoINT Bags Hlotioitnl ODoon Hunt Cerent 8 A 20 a $2 70 and iJ alleys Bll ou u In in Summer 3nunts Cliuhin in the iJUooCis 1 2 G45G7 3 SO 8 A 20 a $2 85 (Temperate Customs (guarantees ot ICongemtg 6 POINT 10 A 28 a $2 50 lllicroscapic V! eucl.Tliaiis Vlouiinos TIirauoIi a Drop of \Uatcr (Customs of tl\c Inttabttants 1234567830 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 393 BOSTON BLACK 3 A 4 a $4 50 28 POINT 4 A 6 a $4 00 Internet 4 A 10 a $3 50 anitr 18 POINT 5 A 14 a $300 on 123456^830 5 A 18 a $2 75 394 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY MEDI^EVftL No 10 fiPHIOPflblF 4 A 6 a $5 90 4 A 8 a $3 70 5 A 10 a $3 50 footing Qrofohs fflnruffiimfpb ^i 12345 123456 CHAPEL TEXT NO 30 n Htut 4 A 10 a $7 00 5 A 12 a $5 05 6A15a$385 18 POINT mit$imt^ni Jml? 12 A 30 a $3 80 hfomm ^f prmniatiuss 1^84^567890 10A25a$490 15 A 40 a 83 95 12S4567$90 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 395 Improved Modern Black 24 POINT 5 A 12 a $3 45 6 A 15 a $2 95 8 A 25 a $1 80 1234567890 8 A 20 a $2 50 , 10 poINT 12 A 20 a $3 20 10 A 25 a $2 50 30 A 50 a $3 80 1234567890 r RKTWN 15 A 25 a $2 65 military ^eroes ID^o ^eil in Battle IDere Burteb Sorrowiudy witty HTartial Conors 10 POINT 20 A 30 a $2 85 tDfytspet ing Angels in fantastic Dreams Hecall Hotnances Sweet ftoni Cong-fcvgotten Scenes 8 POINT 25 A 40 a $2 55 Uicljes Do tlafec tDin^s Contentment Banishes JUalice 6 POINT 30 A 50 a $2 40 American states Cegislation persecution (Zannot Obliterate ul)Il)orn am blauen ^immel, unb fudjt nad) bem, nadh iBeldjcin fid) fein Jperj in ber SBruft auftrecft. Xann roirb er felbft }um ^rieftcr bicfcs 3;emet einaeioeiljt; mit bent 1234567890 6 POINT GERMAN NO 35 SJatur ! 23Mr finb Bon ifjr nmgeben unb umfrf)lunfleit uitBevmoaenb, ou tfjr unb itneBnnoaeitb, tiefer in fie ftineinsitfommen. Ungebeten unb uitfleroantt ntntmt fie uttS in ben Untlnnf i()re-3 XafleJS auf unb treibt fief) mit Utti fort, "bis mir ermitbet finb unb tfirem 2lrme entfnllen. @ie frfjafft eroig neue (Seftalten; !Ba3 ba ift. mar nod) nie; mas roar, fommt nidit roieber JebeS ift neu unb bod) immer bass 9Ute. 28ir leben mitten in ifir unb finb ib,re Sreunbe. Sie fprtcfit unanffiorlid) mtt itn unb Berrcit unS ifir efjetmnio ntdjt. SBir roir= fen beftiinbig auf fte ein unb ftaben bod) feine etnalt iiber fie. rofce unb fteilige 9?atur ! in beinen fiollen roanbelt ber TOenfcfj, unb (ernt Bon Stauben unb 8aumen; fein 9luge rufit tcie eitt 5'iioH)orn am blancn .>immel, unb fud)t narf) bent, nadi roeldiem fief) fein $erj in ber 93nt)t nujftrerft. 2)nnn roirb er felbft jum *}Jriefter biefes lemfiels eingemeilit; mtt Xfjranen 1234567890 7 POINT GERMAN NO 32 9?atur! SSStr finb tjon ifyr utngcben unb umfc^lungen unoenncgenb, au tfyr l)crau5utreten, unb uut'crmocjenb, tiefer in fte bitteituulomnten. Ungebeten unb ungetvarnt nimtut fie unl in ben Umlauf it;reS Jage auf unb treibt ftci) mit ttnl fort, bi^ n>ir ermiibet finb unb ifyrent 3lrme entfaUen. @ie fcbafft en)ig neue eftalten; n>a* ba ift, ttar noc^ ntej a^ roar, fommt nic^t roieber 3ebe ift neu unb bod) immer ba 3Ilte. s Btr leben mitten in tfyr unb finb iljre ^reunbe. ar nod) nie; tt)ag ar, fommt ntd)t wieber 3ebe3 ift neu unb bod) immer bag Stlte. 2Bir te&en mitten in i)r unb finb U)re ^eunbe. @ie f^rtd)t unauffyorltd) mit un^ unb ccrrat ung i^r el)eiinnt! nid)t. 2Bir unrfen beftanbtg auf fie ein unb Ijafccn bod) fcine 1234567890 8 POINT GERMAN NO 34 9tatur! 2Bir finb con i{)r umgeben unb umfdjlnngen unttertnogenb, aus ib,r ^erauSjutreten, unb unbermogenb, tiefer in fie Jjtneinjufommett. itnge= beten unb ungett)arnt nimmt fie un in ben tlmlauf ib,re^ Stages auf unb treibt fid) mit un fort, bi mir ermiibet finb unb intent 'ilrme entfallen. Ste fd)afft eroig neue (Seftalten; raa ba ift, roar nod) nie; n>a3 mar, fomtitt md)t roieber Sebe ift neu unb bodj immer ba S 2llte. s HUr leben mitten in tfjr unb finb t^re f?reunbe. Ste fpridjt unaufprltd) mit ung unb oerrat un ib,r @eb,eimnis nid)t. UBir niirfcn beftanbig auf fie ein unb fjaben bod) feine 1234567890 8 POINT GERMAN NO 35 SJatur! 58tr finb Don tfjr nmgeben nnb umfdjtungen itnoermbgenb, aug i^T I)eraujutreten, unb unttermbgcnb, tiefer in fie I)inein3u!ommen. llngcbeten itnb nngeir-arnt nimmt fie un3 in ben Umtauf tf)re3 Xage^ auf unb tretbt jidj mit un fort, bid nnr ermubet finb unb tfjrem 9(rme cntfatten. a ba ift, war nod) nie; ioa mar, fommt nid)t mieber ^ebeiS ift neu unb bod) immer ba 2lltc. SJtr leben mitten in i()r unb finb i()re Sreunbe. @ie fprtd)t unauf^brlid) mit un3 unb uerrtit un$ iljr GlefjcimmS nid)t. 3Bir Juirfen beftanbig auf fie ein unb fjaben bod) feine elua(t iiber fie. rofee unb fjeiHge 1234567890 POINT GERMAN NO 34 Dlatur! 25Mr finb Don itjr umgeben unb umfdjUmgen uutiermoflenb, au itjr IjerauSgutreten, unb unDermbgenb, tiefer in fie ^incin5ufom= men. Ungebeten unb ungemarnt nimmt fie un in ben Umlauf i^reS 2;aQe auf unb treibt fid) mit un fort, bi mir ermubet finb unb ttjrern s )lrme entfaKen. @ie fd)afft etoig neue eftalten; roa ba ift, war nod) nie; roa mar, fommt nirf)t mieber ^eoe ift neu unb bod) immer ba s )llte. 2Btr leben mitten in ifjr unb finb itjrc greunDe. @ie wirb 1234567890 398 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 9 POINT GERMAN NO 35 9?atur ! 28ir ftnb t>on tljr umgeben unb umfd)Iungen unuermb'genb, au it>r fyerauSsutreten, unb imcertnogenb, tiefer in fie ^tjteinjufonttnen. Un= gebeten unb ungetuarnt nitnntt fie un in ben Uintauf Hjre? age auf unb treibt fid) mit un fort, bis mir ermiibet ftnb unb if)rem Slrme entfatten. <5ie fdjafft eroig neue eftalten ; nia ba ift, roar nod) nie ; itm toar, fommt nid)t nrieber QebcS ift neu unb bod) intnter ba Sllte. 28 tr leben mitten in il)r unb ftnb iljre greunbe. @ie fpridjt unoufljorlid) ntit un unb uerrat 1234567890 10 POINT GERMAN No 32 9?atur! 2Bir ftnb oon ifjr umgeben unb umfd)Iungen genb, au t^r ^eraugjutreten, unb un&ermbgenb, ttefer in fie f)inetn= pfommen. Ungebeten unb ungewornt nhnmt fie un in ben Umlouf i^re^ 2age auf unb tretbt fid) mit un^ fort, big loir ermiibet finb unb i^rem Strtne entf alien, te fd)afft enn'g neue eftalten; tt)a ba ift, ttar nod) nie; ma^ war, fommt nid)t tuieber ^ebe^ ift neu 1234567890 10 POINT GERMAN No 33 9?atur! 3Bir finb Don ib,v umgeben unb umfdjlungen unbermogenb, au^ ib,r b,erau3Utreten, unb untiermogenb, tiefer in fie fyinein^ufonts men. Ungebeten unb ungeroarnt nimmt fie ung in ben Umlauf tb,reg JogeS auf unb tretbt fid) mit itn$ fort, big im'r ermiibet finb unb ifn-em Irme entf alien. Sie fdjafft elm'g neue eftalten; nw ba ift, roar nod) nie; U)a8 tuar, fommt nid)t nneber 3ebe ift neu uub bod) 1234567890 10 POINT GERMAN NO 34 9?atttr! 2Bir finb Don if)r umgeben unb umfd)Iungen unber= mb'genb, au il)r ^erausjutreten, unb unbermogenb, tiefer in fie fyineinpfommen. Ungebeten unb ungeroarnt nimmt fie un in ben llmlauf if)re 2age auf unb treibt fid) mit un fort, bi mtr ermiibet finb unb iljrem ?Irme entfaflen. @ie fdjafft etm'g neue eftalten; roa ba ift, roar nod) nie; roa roar, fommt nid)t roieber 1234567890 10 POINT GERMAN NO 35 9?atur ! 28ir fiub bon if)r umgeben unb umfd^Iungen uubcrmb'= genb, au iljr ^erau^jutreteu, unb unoermogcub, ttefer in fie f)in= etnjufommen. Ungebeten uub ungclnarnt nimmt fie un in ben Umlauf i()re Stage auf uub treibt fid) mit un fort, bi roir crmubet finb uub ifyrem 'JMrme eutf alien. <2ie fd^afft ettrig neue eftalten; tna ba ift, roar nod) uie; roa3 roar, fommt uid)t roieber 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 399 11 POINT GERMAN No 35 9?atur! 28ir finb Don i()r umgcbcn unb umfctjluugen mtuer* mogenb, au3 i()r f)erau3utrctcn, unb nniicrmdgenb, tiefer in fie I)incin ( }u!ommen. llngcbetcn nnb ungctoarnt nimmt fie un> in ben llmlauf iljreS Staged auf unb treibt fief) mit un> fort, bi<8 ttrir ermiibet [tub unb ifjrem 9(rme cntfallen. @ie fcfyafft eluig neuc eftalten; luasg ba ift, irar noct) nie; \va$ luar, 1234567890 12 POINT GERMAN No 32 9?atttr! 28ir ftnb don tfyr umgeben unb umfi^Iungen itnucrntogenb, au3 i^r ^erau^^utreten, unb unnermogenb, ttefer in fie fjtnein^ufommen. Ungebeten unb ungeftmrat nintntt fie un in ben llmtauf i^re 5tage auf unb treibt fic^ mit fort, bi it)ir ermitbet ftnb unb ityrent Virtue entfaden. 1234567890 12 POINT GERMAN No 35 28ir ftnb t)on tljr umgebcn unb umfdjluugeu unbermogenb, an i^r ^etau^utreten, nnb nnier^ mogenb, ttefer in fie In'netnpfommen. Ungebeten unb nngeniarnt ntmtnt fie un in ben Unttauf t^re Xage anf unb treibt fid) mit un fort, bt unr ermiibet finb 1234567890 14 POINT GERMAN No 35 3Stt ftnb t)Dn t^r utngeben imb urn- f^Iungen unt)etmogenb f cm3 i^r ^etaitg^iitteten unb iint>etmogenb f ttefer in fte ^tnetn5ttlomnten. Uncjetieten unb nngetoarnt ntntrnt fte nn in ben 1234567890 16 POINT GERMAN NO 31 Sftatur! 2Bir ftnb son t^r umfc^lungen unb geben unt>ermogenb, au^ t^r ijerausptreten, unb unt>ermogenb, ttefer in fte ^tnetnp!ommen llnge= kten unb ungeftarnt nimmt fte un^ in ben llmlauf 1234567890 400 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 18 POINT GERMAN No 31 3?atur! SBir finb $on ifyr umgeben unb umfcfylungen mwrmogenb, au$ ifyr fyerau^ treten, unb unsermogenb, tiefer in fie fnnetn^ jufommem Ungekten unb ungetoarnt nintmt fie un$ in ben Untfauf i^re^ staged auf unb German Poster Series 18 POINT GERMAN NO 32 Smallest font 25 Ihs PRICE 52 CTS PER LB Stotur ! 2Ktr ftnt) ton if)r umgcOen unb nmf^lnngen untoermdgent), aiai iljv f)ei 4 = anjntreten f nnt) nnDcnni}genb f tiefer in fie f)ineinjntommen. Ungebetennnbunge= nimmt fie nn3 in ben Umlanf if)re^ auf unb trctot fic^ mit un^ fo:1 f fii 1234567890 20 POINT GERMAN NO 31 Smallest font 25 Ibs PRICE 52 CTS PER LB tr ftnb t)on il)r au^ittreteu, unb unbermogenb, tiefer in fie Jnneinjulomnten. llngeteten unb un^ getoarnt nimmt fte un^ in ben Umlauf 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 401 22 POINT GERMAN NO 32 Smallest font 25 Ibs PRICE 50 GTS PKR LB ir fini) Don t()t urn* gepen utt umfdjfongen wiDei> mogeno, an il)i* r)etau^utreten, imt) unDermiJgenb, ttefer in fie [jtneinpfommen. UngeOeten ift 1234567890 24 POINT GERMAN NO 31 Smallest font 25 Ibs PRICE 50 CTS PER LB S 3tatur! SBtr fmb toon i^r urn- trnb umfc^tungen itnoer- , au3 i^r ^erau^ptreten, unoerm^enb, tiefer in fie 1234567890 28 POINT G3RMAN No 32 Smallest font 25 Ibs PRICE 50 CTS PER LB 9latitr! 28ir ftnt) t^r Ijercmgptreten 1234567890 402 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 60 POINT GERMAN No 30 25 LB FONT $13 00 cfjime Mfcer tlemob 40 POINT GERMAN NO 32 25 LB FONT $13 50 SSerf e far Mt er 48 POINT GERMAN No 31 25 LB FONT $13 50 irf tticfrt 40 POINT GERMAN No 31 25 LB FONT $13 50 bcine SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 403 IHLBNSURG 3 A 8 a $735 (Hinder Gutenberg 36 POINT 4 A 10 a $5 40 Stammt au$ dem febr alien 5 A 16 a $380 Riwrlicben Gefcbkcbt der 0cn$f kifcb , wn wclcbem un$ nod) Okie 8 A 25 a $3 55 Hacbricbtcn iiberkommen |ind.lm "jabre 1332 [land fein Urgro^ater Trielo 6ensf Icifcb, datnals Ratbsberr, bcim flufftande der Ziinf te gegen den 15 A 45 a $3 25 .16A 50a $300 JIdcl der mactiti^en main? an der $pit?e der Patricier, Seine wei Schne, Peter und Claus, von weld)en ienerBiirgertneirter 8 POINT 18 A 52 a $2 70 Ulurdc und die Rauptlinic dcs Gefd)led)t$ fortfct?tc, wabrcnd dicier eine Scitcnlinic ftittctc, dcrcn Hbkommcn in dem labrc 1432 den Hcinamcn Sorqcnlocb Oder Selgen- lod> annahmen. Der Sobn Peters, Trielo, qrundctc in der fjauptlinic cbcntalls eine Scitcnlinic wclter durd) die Erfindung der Bud)druev X8SIbcr ten fcet ^terncntHCtt aie gebengabern fcer ^elfeer unb CucUcw 1234567890 123456789O SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 405 GERMAN TITLE 3 A 6 a $10 35 4A lOa $10 15 <*ine ante 3albe 4 A 10 a $6 70 22 POINT 7 A 20 a, $5 20 iV Stofceti 8 A 25 a $3 00 Qfoftcitc 9 A 30 a $2 35 Jlli* tin- llrfncbm pft 9 POINT 15 A 50 a $3 05 cr ivrtiilc fldgt ?lrbcit ift bic SBiirgc 7 POINT ISA 50 a $2 25 TVii golbcncn ,viidnVn finb Seine Xraubcn rocbcr ^u bod) nod) ?u faucr 1234567890 4 A 10 a $4 10 Saute 7 A 20 a $3 70 Zcbtocu* 12 POINT 9 A 30 a $300 3 dm It? uttfc Waller 12 A 40 a $3 00 n 15 A 50 a $3 35 er 3< SScrcinc cnttdufcfotcr iJii 6 POINT 15 A 50 a $2 25 .H'di Hin,u bad i'ii-P I'L'in brawn Wnmi iT'er aud) VantpfFcl: X^ranncn Xro$ bictcn Faun 1234567890 406 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY German Title (Condensed 3 A 6 a $855 Sinber rat 4 A 10 a $9 20 4A lOa $640 cm 5 A 15 a $650 Somifdje Sieber imb Kttate 7 A 20 a $6 05 22 POINT 8 A 25 a $4 50 @urf en 9 A 30 a $3 90 SSatfcre 3INT 12 A 40 a $3 65 Oljne 2ftitl)e fcitt $rete unb Miirett 15 A 50 a $3 60 10 PoINT 15A 50 a $2 70 teine s JJofe ofjne Cornell llnfere IHtf^ unb 8rf)atten=3citen (SljrUdje Arbeit f^mtbet nt i^ unb tobauer fu^rcn pm 3i 15 A 50 a $2 50 tijJ tft bc3 ^tltcr^ 9Jiad)t flltt Derftdjert btCWetl C^ fradjt 1234567890 15 A 50 a $2 00 sgj^c g reu nbf*aft tft em foftbore? gurnet, Seffen Sefie unf^o^bor unb SBcrluft unctfeeft* tft 1234567890 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 407 HEINTZEMANN 30 POINT 6 A 20 a $7 10 3 8icb bcr mode (Stttger Sompf urn ^reiljeit 24 POINT 8 A 25 a $5 80 Semen td)t ift bie Gutter ber 10 A 30 a $4 95 SltBett ift be SBitr in e^rentiotter Wame tmb ptet svvjitttf 0i** rttfffii* vlillllvlv l3/vHlvi 12 A 40 a $4 80 12 POINT 12 A 40 a $3 35 fcin tfe tlltb ^OlttttOt ^rofec SOleifter fd)imer 12 A 40 a $2 85 9 POINT 12 A 50 a $2 60 ncucr it nadt ber * f Iff' *tt V If* II V TW^lV f C CL (l : in ,lin Ilil i ill Her .Kinill mill lillnilil nil * / 10 A 25 a $4 25 10 POINT 15 A 40 a $4 00 in 2aftlJMvf0nRlll WuiiDerooire Verlielferuiujen Uernoffllanlliijun!) her Drucfemardjinen Boldface Borussian 36 POINT 4 A 10 a $6 35 chufen fiir felirfamc Madcftcn 8 A 20 a $5 60 14 POINT 10 A 30 a &4 75 fieiligc fci 80 ., o. D D ffi^irgc dcr fioffnuncj choncr Ilirdicnpla^ 1234567890 60MP0SITE 28 POINT 5 A 12 a $4 00 10 A 25 a $3 60 10 POINT 15 A 40 a $2 55 tVr lltlh tTTplll Iinroo()ner5n{jr uon Stabten ll L III1.U IA/UUI. ff.< -n ri f e v -v 'r ^ -^ lc 33encf)te uei-|cf)tcbener ftet flnreijenbc JTlomente 1234507890 412 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY TEUTONIC No 1 28 POINT 5 A 12 a $9 85 in ^ronfmtb bet $fabf te ^anbefefrage in gttncjerjalhne mitnfere wtb 6 A 15 a $820 8 A 20 a $7 00 10 A 25 a $6 45 tt Uttb tert bie gmtje 12 A 30 a $6 40 I 12 POINT fine 12 A 30 a $4 85 tti$e bcine ^frcunbe lie fdi aft 141* nic^t bic Sfdnbc 20 A 50 a $4 80 15 A 40 a $4 30 fin ftfarer ^opf uttb it ttO<8 ma<$ttg Wtrficn 1234567890 20 A 50 a $3 75 ^a^rfaflcrinncn unb HarffnfAfafler pie JuRunff ent^ufff unb 2tof^ in affen Stt(^?n 1234567890 f.PEC'MENS OF MOD'RN PRINTING TYPES 413 MODERN TEXT No 2 60 POINT 3 A 6 a $12 00 4 A 12 a $1400 - (t>efd)tift 4 A 12 a $840 wf cStgal/futujeti ait 4 A 12 a $5 95 8 A 20 a $6 20 Jntmoriflifclje lifber fur Jlinbcr 10 A 25 a $475 urn Me Rafter itnb Jidnber 15 A 40 a $4 25 fur uub ^djfiff fdjuljfaufcr 1234567890 10 A 25 a $6 60 |n)ifd)en jwei ^iraf en 10 A 30 a $4 50 n 8 POINT 15 A 40 a $4 00 'lleue un6 (jerjfolc 1234567890 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY GERMAN TEXT No 2 3 A 6 a $4 35 4 A 10 a $3 85 B^tterne ^ 5 A 15 a $3 95 18 POINT 7 A 20 a $3 50 f fcfetr 8 A 25 a $3 45 TEUTONIC EXTENDED t M<$ f tfbt 9 A 30 a $3 00 afjr fitr 1234567890 5 A 12 a $5 40 6 A 15 a $4 95 14 POINT 8 A 20 a $3 90 unb SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 415 GERMftNIA 36 POINT 3 A 6 a $4 50 Copier = 4 A 10 a $4 85 5 A 15 a $395 j 18 POINT 7 A 20 a $3 75 8A25a$340 12 POINT 9A30a$300 tCcfi un6 12 A 40 a $3 30 15 A 40 a $3 00 1234567890 MODERN BLHeK No 2 1234567890 6 A 15 a $2 95 14 POINT 12 A 20 a $3 20 12 POINT 8 A 20 a $2 50 10 POINT 12 A 40 a $3 00 tn unb in 10 A 25 a $2 50 fur 20 A 50 a $3 00 1234567890 glie $0rtret?uttg hetr 1334567890 416 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Black Condensed No 6 72 POINT 3 A 6 a $13 45 (filter tonk 4 A 6 a $8 45 ilten f rug (Jknf 44 ON 48 POINT 4 A 10 a $1080 ler^ierte (Qtornitur 8 A 20 a $6 90 10 A 25 a $5 50 |I0ffS fiiup lorn ter WiHker Stfirke ! STUTTGART 8 A 30 a $2 95 2luf feinem <5ebiete feit breif^ig 3al^r^unberten traren fcie ^ottfc^ritte fo unt>oUftan^tg wie in 12 A 40 a $3 05 2lrt une 3afjren. XX^cnn v t?ov cinem Kaften 15 A 50 a $3 40 Der Kimft un^ llvt bc fetjcns. Die liter in <5efcraud} befinMid^en lUafc^inen finfc atte um?tn^i3feit itn 5cfjrift?ct?en berubt au5fd)licf?lid? tn ^er I'crmcb.runa J>cr Kaften. UUc y SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 417 TEUTON BUU2K 28 POINT 6 A 15 a $6 30 JttiimuT ljtt 8 A 20 a $5 25 iwbfdjciH 18 POINT 10 A 25 a $4 40 14 POINT 12 A 30 a $3 65 U* nut ntit 12 A 30 a $305 15 A 40 a $3 35 5 iraucn |tatttrf0vrdi*r0 an0 Utrxiho 1234567890 MODERN BLfteK 12 POINT 12 A 30 a $2 50 kemem QBebtete tuarett bte fo gering rate ht ^djrtftfe^ens. 3Dte Ijter rinb ba beftnbltdjen jHafftjmen fmb alie 8 POINT 20 A 50 a $2 50 llnuoUkoTran.en ; fcte bet roettenr grii(jte ^HalTe ber iiblidjen Sdjrift tft norij gcnau ber Art rote uor ter Ijunbert latiren. IDenn .franklin h,eute roieber ror Binem tiaften ftiinbe, inurbe r n'trijts times jtt lernen Ijaben. IDte $djrtft-0Me||em tft 1234567890 15 A 40 a $2 70 for ^D^rooilknmmnung ber t gcmj priirkgeblteben; bte tm ,Sd|rtftfeijen beruljt ftdj nur in ber Mermeljnmg ber ^aften. Me Cemitljmtgen, 6 POINT 20 A 50 a $2 00 Dtefent Itebelftanbe abmljelfen, gingett baranf l)tn, S'eijntafdjtncn ju erftttben, ftatt bte 3k,rt rmb dDeife bee ^anbre^ena jit nerbclTern. ffitne ber Qanpt- IjtnberntlTe, roeldjes bett Setjntardjtnen tm Wege ftjnb, ift bte Wotljroenbigfeett, ntit ber fjanb ju jufttren. Daran fdjeiterte bte mfntjcnng btefer it. ffis liegt baljer anf ber 1234567890 418 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Text Ornamented 4 A 10 a $900 2 8 POINT German Gothisch f 4 A 10 a $6 55 liinif 6 A 15 a $400 HFIO 8 A 25 a $3 00 f arrrn sagrn iiir tKalptt in f |0F iat rin frail 0|nr f ngsf 3A 6a $5 15 6A 15a $8 15 4A lOa $8 65 t f 7 A 20 a $3 40 Waff ianljto ialjfiafl f FraiiF iaf lias Sirl lirs linndl isP rinr Srrlr in jttri li SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 419 United States Signal Flags 36 POINT PER SET $1 25 1234 24 POINT PER SET $1 00 567 Five-Pointed Stars 6 POINT STARS ************* Nos. 301 to 304, 15 cents per set of four each ; Nos. 305, 306, 5 cents each ; Nos. 307, 308, 3^ *f- 312, 313, 314, 10 cents each ; Nos. 309, 310, 315, 316, 15 cents each ; Nos. 311, 317, 20 cents each. J^- -fr^f-jr '^^^f'^f Q 312 313 314 315 316 317 *h "^ ^ "^ ^ " * - 3 pound fonts, containing both light and dark stars, with spaces and quads, $3.25. 304 303 302 301 Maltese Grosses 309 308 307 306 305 304 303 302 301 Nos. 301 to 304, 15 cents per set of four each ; No. 305, 5 cents ; Nos. 306, 307, 316, 317, 10 cents each ; Nos. 308, 309, 314, 315, 15 cents each ; Nos. 310, 313, 20 cents each ; Nos. 311, 312, 25 cents each. AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Ornamental Gast Initials SERIES NO 1148 B n PER SET $3 50 EACH 30 CENTS FOR Two COLORS PER SET $7 oo EACH eo CENTS SERIES No 1147 PER SET $2 25 FOR Two COLORS $4 50 SERIES No 441 B 4 SINGLE LETTER WITH PENDANTS 40 CENTS WITH PENDANTS AND SPACES PER SET $7 00 48 POINT ART INITIALS PER SET WITH ORNAMENTS $3 oo SERIES No 440 B 4 SINGLE LETTER WITH PENDANTS 40 CENTS PER SET WITH PENDANTS $5 00 72 POINT ART INITIALS PER SET WITH ORNAMENTS $4 00 SERIES No 1133 BH PER SET $3 50 SINGLE LETTER 40 CENTS SERIES No 1155 un PER SET $3 50 SINGLE LETTER 40 CENTS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 421 Ornamental Cast Initials SERIES NO 321 ORNAMENTED ea SERIES No 321 .PLAIN PER S3T $7 50 SINGLE LETTER 50 CENTS PER SET $6 00 SINGLE LETTER 50 CENTS i SERIES No 320 PLAIN PER SET $3 50 SINGLE LETTER 35 CENTS ACM FD SERIES No 320 ORNAMENTED PER SET $5 oo SINGLE LETTER 35 CENTS Series No. 320 and No. 321 are designed to work together in colors SERIES No 1143 BH PER SET $3 50 SERIES No 1 142 BH PER SET $2 oo SERIES NO 1 132 nn PER SET $3 50 SINGLE LETTER 40 CENTS SERIES NO 1 136 PER SET $2 oo 48 POINT MORTISED NO 2 3 A $6 00 422 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Electrotyped Initials SPHINX SERIES INDEX INITIALS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 423 Electrotyped Initials MORRIS SERIES No 76 SERIES No 1 158 si SERIES No 442 04 SERIES NO 1159 B Each in three pieces 424 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY INDEX CUTS No. 3218A. 60 cts. For Larger Fists, see Cut Book No. 3220A. 60 cts. No. 558. No. 556. No. 554. No. 552. No. 550. No. 549. No. 551. No. 553. No. 555. No. 557 No. 547. 5 cts. No. 545. 5 cts. BLACK FISTS Font containing two of each, Nos. 543 to 558, Price, $f.2S No. 546. 5 cts. No. 548. 5 cts. SPECIMENS OF ELECTROTYPED CUTS 425 INDEX CORNERS COPYRIGHTED Nos. 39860 to 39930, set of eight, $1.75 Single Corner, 25 Nos. 40370 to 40440, set of eight, 2.50 Single Corner, 35 Nos. 40450 to 40520, set of eight, 3.50 Single Corner, 50 No. 40530, 50 426 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Chessmen and Checkers 24 POINT CHESSMEN PER FONT WITH RULES $4 BO 6 10 11 12 14 15 19 20 21 IB 17 18 22 23 24 m 16 PT CHECKERS PER PONT WITH RULES $3 40 20 PT CHECKERS PER PONT WITH RULES $3 40 27 26 29 28 24 PT CHECKERS PER PONT WITH RULES $3 40 29 28 25 27 26 16 PT CHESSMEN PER PONT WITH RULES $4 80 19 20 21 25 wM m - a i r r mm wm JUt mm w//, 1 1 POINT CHECKERS @ O 1 I () PER FONT WITH RULES $2 oo SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 427 CARD PIPS 32 POINT SERIES i PER FONT 52 PIECES $5 00 and 312, 15 cts. each; Nos. 313, 314 and 315, 10 cts. each ; No. 316, 5 cts. LOCUS SIGILLI B. 15 cts. C. 25 cts. D. 30 cts. F. 25 cts. E. 25 cts. ARROWS WHIST MARKERS 6 POINT 15 CTS. PER SET 18 POINT $1 00 PER POUND CARD INDICATORS 24 PT PER FONT $ 1 75 fl*J* 6 POINT PER PONT $5 50 12345 12 PT PER PONT $ i oo 1234567890 3 * A * 4 * * 4 6 J K AO 7 9 2 Q <9 9 >10 5 100 * 2 4- A * 3 * 7 <9 2 * J * Q * K (? 3 V 6 V A <3 4 2 4 4 5 K 5 5 * 4 6 7 8 6 * 9 * S OS OS 00 00 OS 00 OS OS X ll 's'S d z bo ;> *- Q. J5 C >^ i_ a> S i ? | S C5 O rH p^ iO O' O CM GO 'O ^ '' ^ Nj 5 1- CM CO M "M ^ ~ v^-3 If ~ O '2 4) !v 5 S> |l a 'INT No 65 IN COMBINA DTYPES No 42 AND 1C Swallowsw O > S cc W cc ^ oo o o fc ORNCOB S ? fi fe pq g PP c O s W "S M ]3 C o <=< |j II 2 O 1 o ill! 1 Q 1 j| S e .- H z O s s> S3 S 53 S3 S s 1^ x| ~ ^ Q das JUIAI flnp few 08Q , IOO 8Up UEP &l lf^ S K ^ =3 C-J S3 ^3 ^ ^ cr> c < s 1 (0 T < TYPE >OINT No 55 IN COMBINATION WITh GOTYPES No 41 AND 10 POINT Cl SQUABTOW 1 1 1 4) 02 'So .3 Management Molly Maguire HUNGRY HI! Tarn O Slmiiter Cholera Morbus agbag Association li i^ S N* " V, " H u< UOH A3U >O SJIAI SSIW JQ : ,^ 5^ a tfl rH CO to OO C75 CT3 LO LO LO ^ x S : ** 'S. O5 CO C7> OS co L>- en CTi cn 3 * 3 S - * LJJ g 5 g | 2j UJ I S -$ S rt I CO f 1 CO CO CD CO CO *^ 1 CO CsJ 1 1 CO ,c J ^ 5 O z s CD G 'w txo c V '^ s| a. < Q. a? (H ^ > '* OJ 03 CD 13 a 5 ^ H > II Q CD c P PQ m -^ 1 * r^ e o CD i ^ ||j *- rc -1 s '** ^ Es 1 5 ' < *-H H [>- C O CD ^5 1W f~* (-1 C o PMP-, t3C-*3 *ZZ: "y i: t, S ^J pi cO CO < 03 3 G CD do S S ** & (S 1-3 ~z; S - CO - ! 03 CD G Q s. B%* (A CvJ CD r-H < to E3 r-t S -S Og i I 1 co * r 1 1 1 +J - ^ K ^ " f^ *L 0) f^^ S s 33 f-( Q c^ ^?^ ^ "5! S v. t?' 1 S G CD C DOE D H PH O CO CC . ^q CD PMCD DO CD 6-1 8 L ^3 ^ G ^>H G C O 03 p*"} CD r^" t G CD Oj ^ s"S^ H - 1 rH C D o Q "^ Q EH W 2: ^1 " l^ 'aj W 03 M pq i-Q P DO-< Cl-l HH on "S ^ ^^^ ^1 25 3 I-H ?? G EC CO ^ ^ ^ "^ v 1 , CD G 33 ." -rH *a3 ^: ^i^ ^ ^jj Z3 3= ^ ^, *'* pq G f& ^t.^ 5 >* ^ o CO J-l 03 -r-l 03 ^ ^ 5 S * CD CD PH f-< h ^ ^ u-2 r-> ^3 O P-i a k y C E-H "D co a-. co 5, S-S^ 1 i I0 ~ no H 2 bag i xog Si au A,.)[ CXI 1 CO AOJJ in CO CO o O JIM K = to dag H * H g o g g O 9ny i-i_l 0, ~3 3n o i l"f unf SSIK B.I IV % fvjfi H89 s \d\ m o 0) o J 08O AON 100 das 3nv Xlnp xog JO SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 429 Time-Table Figures 8 POINT WHITEFACE FIGURES NO 151 PER LB. $1 60 6 POINT WHITEFACE FIGURES No 152 PER LB. $3 00 l.OC 4.5C 5.3E "6.0E 6.17 ^!4C 6.5C 7.02 7.14 7.2C 7.31 7.46 8.0c J Lv CHICAGO Av EKE 10-16 10-22 9-49 9-37 9-22 9-12 9-02 8-49 8-33 8-29 8-22 8-12 7-25 7-32 7-43 7-5S 8-07 8.14 8.17 8.22 8-30 8.36 8-40 8.55 11,59 Lv LOUISVILLE Ar 74 Huntington 80 Ferdinand 85 Dale 88 Lincoln 123i 47 41 37 33i 29 26( 22! 17 1 8 ! ! K [I j ] T ' Ar Galesburg .Lv iLv Galesburg Ar St. Augustine 91 Gentry ville 93 Pigeon 96 - Tenneson 201 De Gonia Avon Prairie City Bushnell 105 Boonville 114 Dawson 118 Stevenson 122 Evansville Bardolph Macomb '>, Colchester 6 POINT NO 31 6 POINT NO 32 LIGHTFACE PER LB. $1 16 HEAVYFACE Tennessee \ Colmar . . Plymouth . . 8 07 8 27 8 39 8 47 9 00 9"06 9 13 9 20 9 31 9 40 9 52 10 00 Lv LOUISVILLE Ar 6 New Albany 12 Edwardsville 15 Georgetown 21 Crandall 22 Mott 23 Cory don Junction 26 Ramseys 31 DePauw 273 5 267 5 261 5 258 4 252 4 251 .. 249 4 246 4 243 4 239! 4 235 4 238 4 227 3 % 07 59 47 43 20 11 C2 55 9 POINT NO 31 8 POINT NO 32 LIGHTFACE PER LB. 90 CTS. HEAVYFACE 11 48 12 15 Lv ST. Louis Ar 345 3 10 245 1 15 1255 12 12 10 49 10 12 9 49 9 36 9 24 9 12 8 46 8 22 Alton .Texas Junction 38 Marengo 42 Temple 45 English 2 12 232 3 15 3 55 442 45 5 12 5 25 5 35 5 46 6 31 Clarksville Louisiana Ar Hannibal. Lv 5^ POINT NO 31 5M POINT NO 32 LIGHTFACE PER LB. $1 44 HEAVYFACE Lv Hannibal Ar Palmyra Ely Monroe Hunnewell 830 852 10 40 1046 11 10 11 20 11 25 11 35 11 52 12 03 Lv PLEASANT HILL Ar 10 Harrison ville 133 5 50 123 5 25 110 4 57 104 4 43 94 4 22 85 Lakenan 39 Butler 48 ". Ovid 50 RichHill 56 Arthur 83 3 55 77 3 50 04 3 42 64 3 36 62 3 15 56 3 10 51 3 05 46 2 55 39 2 38 7 POINT No 31 7 POINT No 32 LIGHTFACE PER LB. $1 oo HEAVYFACE 59 .. . Horton 69 Nevada 75 . . Milo . 82 Sheldon 87 Irwiii 5 35 8 53 9 35 9 55 10 05 10 15 10 45 10 55 11 10 11 20 11 47 12 01 12 12 1 10 1 34 2 10 220 Lv ST. Louis Ar 520 500 4 14 355 343 333 305 2 53 2 39 2 27 2 01 1 49 1 34 1 07 1246 12 12 11 43 94 Lamar East St. Louis Upper Alton 5 POINT NO 31 5 POINT NO 32 LIGHTFACE PER LB. $1 so HEAVYFACE Brighton Piasa Medora Greenfield 10 10 10 17 10 30 10 38 10 45 11 00 11 10 11 19 11 25 11 42 11 54 11 59 1208 1225 12 42 1 00 Lv KANSAS CITY A 1 Grand Avenue 6 '.Kansas City June 8 Centropolis r 760 5 759 5 754 ! 752 ! 749 5 742 4 739 < 735 4 732 4 726 < 721 < 717 ! 714 i 706 ! 699 3 694 2 45 38 25 47 02 53 47 27 09 50 Wrights Whitehall West Roodhouse 18 Dodson 21 Red Bridge Winchester Riggston 28 Newington 34 Stillwell 39 Bucyrus 43 Chiles 46 1 Wagstaff 54 Paola 61 Osawatomie 66 O'Brien Chapin Beardstown % . . Browning Vermont Tahle Grove These Figures are cast on en set 430 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Accents are cast to o rder. Complete sets of acce ntsfo r va ri- ous languages are shown below as a guide when ordering REGULAR ROMAN ACCENTS AAEEEN9AOAElOtJ AEIOU AEEENylOAElO U A E I 6 U aeiouaeiouaeioiiaeio un9a6aei6uaei6ii REGULAR ITALIC ACCENTS AAEEENQAdAEI 6 U A E I U deiouaeibuaelQIJuaeio unqdoaeiouaelou BOHEMIAN ACCENTS ACDEEINORSfUUYZ TUU YZ ddd'eginorSfuuyz DANISH AND NORWEGIAN ACCENTS 00000 FRENCH ACCENTS A A E E E 9 aeioueioaeiouaeiou A A E E E 9 A A E E E Q d e i 6 u a e\ o u a ei 6 ue'iin GERMAN ACCENTS AOUaoiiAOu^' 6 U a 6 a HUNGARIAN ACCENTS AEIOUOtiOIJaeiououou A E 1 6 U 6 UOdeiouO il ITALIAN ACCENTS AEIOUaeiouAEiou A E I 6 U a e I o u POLISH ACCENTS EACZZSOIja^czzsoi AECZZSOL PORTUGUESE ACCENTS AEIOUNgtiiO AEIOUNQUAd deiouflfiidd SPANISH ACCENTS A E I 6 U U N aeiouiinAEiouuN A E 1 6 U U N d e i 6 u u n SWEDISH ACCENTS Piece Accents 12 POINT NO 6 $1 50 $1 50 6 POINT X V > 6 POINT 4 POINT $1 00 ^ OB $075 $1 10 2 POINT $050 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 431 SIGNS 8 CENTS EACH 12 POINT NO 1 123456 8 CENTS EACH $5 45 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 12 POINT NO 2 $3 35 4* %' 4B tt -it 10 11 12 oo U 16 POINT Series No 1 6 CENTS EACH Series No 2 10 POINT No i $3 50 123456789 10 11 To* n^Slnjj^T^/VJ^^ 12 13 14 15 16 33 17 18 19 20 21 K590e^^bW 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 D O O & * 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 $ 2cfi|hWWOC 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 . 33 34 35 36 514 POINT $3 05 1234567 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 432 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Algebraic Signs 4H POINT 12345 6789 10 11 4- X. + = * D A > 1' 12 13 14 15 f JL. : :: 6 POINT $2 40 12 3 4 5 6789 + v - o D 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 A < v ? *_ : :: 8 POINT NO 1 $1 45 123456 + - X + = 4f 78 9 X/ V ! / ^ -- . 5 POINT $2 05 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 POINT NO 1 $1 55 12345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 POINT NO 2 $1 80 12345 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 n A < i/ f 13 14 15 16 9 POINT NO 2 12 $1 55 10 POINT NO 1 $1 80 Prices given are for fonts 5 1 A POINT $170 123456789 + -x-f-=~na 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 POINT NO 2 $1 75 12345678 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 POINT NO 1 $1 55 1 23456 + - X -T- = * 7 8 9 10 11 a A \/ & i 12 13 14 $150 10 POINT NO 2 3 - X -5- 7 8 9 10 n A < 11 POINT No 2 $1 35 123456 7 8 9 10 11 12 n A < i/ r 13 14 16 17 Medical Signs H X -* 4f -*- 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 D A < > V \/ 16 17 18 + - X H- = -rr 7 8 9 10 11 12 a A < v v 13 14 15 16 12 POINT 1 2 3 $150 7 8 9 10 11 n a A > 12 13 14 18 19 14 POINT $1 25 12345 + - X -4- = 67 8 9 10 ^ d= a a A 11 12 13 14 18 19 > V i 4 1 4 POINT 50 CTS. 5 POINT 40 CTS. 5^ POINT 35 CTS. 6 POINT 35 CTS. 22 23 24 25 22 23 24 25 33 34 35 36 58 59 60 61 5 3 'a H 5 3 B H 3391* 353^ 7 POINT NO 1 35 CTS. 15 16 17 18 7 POINT NO 2 35 CTS. 23 24 25 26 8 POINT NO 1 35 CTS. 11 12 13 14 8 POINT NO 2 35 Crs 23 24 25 26 3 3 R 3 3 9 * 3 3 9 i 9 POINT NO 1 35 CTS 15 16 17 18 9 POINT No 2 35 CTS. 23 24 25 26 10 POINT NO 1 35 CTS. 24 25 26 27 10 POINT NO 2 35 CTS. 23 24 25 26 3 3 9 R 3 3 9 # 3 5 9 R 11 POINT NO 2 35 CTS. 24 25 26 27 12 POINT 35 CTS. 32 33 34 35 12 POINT NO 2 35 CTS. 1234 14 POINT 35 CTS. 32 33 34 35 359^ 5 3 3 B? 5 5 $ Jfc Miscellaneous , Signs 4!4 POINT 5 POINT 5^ POINT $1 10 6 POINT $1 00 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 16 y 18 19 20 21 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 37 52 53 54 55 56 57 62 64 V @ % * f ft V iM 9 % + f 1* v fli (0) 5S * ft 1^ 'fi @ j ^^tt > ' ( f 8 POINT NO 2 $1 25 7 POINT No 2 65 CTS. 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 28 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 9 POINT No 2 so CTS. 17 18 19 20 21 22 27 10 POINT NO 1 35 CTS. 28 29 30 ?tt f Ol + T^ ^lo 1 12 POINT 75 CTS. 14 POINT 65 CTS. 10 POINT NO 2 95 CTS. 11 POINT NO 2 75 CT3. 26 27 28 29 30 31 26 27 28 29 30 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 %} Co) ^ **/ & ft ^ (() /Q /C P 27 28 29 30 64 23 28 29 30 36 37 38 39 40 31 36 37 it* 7 # t ~\J LT^ 4- j- ,|, ft> T ^ SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 433 Miscellaneous Signs 51 52 53 3 3 ft 6 POINT 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 D A Z L_L<~3;II^-H-J~ 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 =L OO O 8 ' " ....... * " w ** x 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 -- _ ^ ' _ A = - 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 * D $ 8 c5CMtR33 7 POINT 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 ^^^^^YE 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 8 POINT 188 189 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 + + + xX^-^f = =~ 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 : : : v/ D n A Z L y ii 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 : SK ^ j-- oo o 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 # * ^ \ / 9 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 / 7 <& * + 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 _' y w CD H # 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 _ 4^ ^ M . "* 4r *H 4s 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 ^e^Tb'K^^lftoj 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 / /& ^X$d*?^ 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 fi2J-titdc?*6i)3 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 293 14 POINT 294 295 296 297 298 17 I? r^v T> ~\/r 3 3 B J* y Cast to Order. For Signs in fonts, see pages 431 and 4.32 10 POINT 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 X x = - vr : ; ; v V 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 ZZ7- Z < J" * JL A _ 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 D + + O 6 J/ % x 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 oo oo wh ggl Q tj^f fJQjf $$ 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 ^jnc^'yoo 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 3^Tv;n;fltiiijp 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 X9J^W333 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 & if t' g 5.9 jt*-x* 11 POINT 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 . -f X - = ,-H 4* ; > D 390 . 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 v ^ a ^^__ c A H 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 (C ^ // A.,, X f 3 3 # tf 12 POINT 409 410 411 412 413 4H 415 416 417 : :: X ^ *- * = ' " 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 > > A L L L 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 c^^ ^ m @ ^ ^ 459 460 461 462 463 464 . 465 466 467 D 3 i 2027/32 1284567890 7 POINT ROMAN NO 23H 1284567890 1O Al ^8 8 POINT ROMAN NO 18M 1911/32 1234567890 9 POINT ROMAN NO 32H 1234567890 7 Ao %0 10 /20 10 POINT ROMAN 7213/32 1234567890 1^^6/7/8^ % % 11 POINT ROMAN No 21 451%2 1234567890 1/2/3^6/7/8^ 12 POINT ROMAN No 31 M 6Q20/32 1234567890 1/2/3^6/7/8/9^ 1234567890 1234567890 945/i 6 1234567890 257/16 // 8 / 90 123456789 o 56% 6 %%%%%%%% %%%5 44i444%W 1234567890 33^6 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 1234567890 57%6 1234567890 36%6 1234567890 21%8 1234567890 14%8 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 435 Piece Fractions Superior and Inferior Letters 12 POINT PER FONT $3 00 Prices quoted are per font of either 1234567890 i TQ 3"6 T8" TUT 1000 12 POINT PER FONT $3 20 abcdefghjjklmnopqrstuvw abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 1 1 POINT PER FONT $3 oo 11 POINT 1234567 PKR FONT $3 30 890 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwx 235 4 35 3^ T "9 T5" T6~ T3"U" 2"T51T 10 POINT PER FONT $2 95 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 10 POINT 1234567 PER FONT $3 50 890 9 POINT PER FONT $2 90 abcdefghijkimnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 23 413 9 ~5 T6~ TT TUTT -1A -^^TT 1^17 1 07TT 8 POINT PER FONT $2 90 9 POINT PER FONT $3 60 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 T^t 12 4 5 13 12 17 33 F ^^TT TO~0~TT 7 POINT PER FONT $3 15 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abedef g h y k i mnop /A ^Q x'o 18 POINT i LB. FONT eo CTS. i/ v ^ v- fy ^ ^2 ^ ^B ^3 12 POINT i LB. FONT 66 CTS. < % ^t 438 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Copper Alloy Fine*Dot Leaders 6 POINT PER POUND $0 64 8 POINT PER POUND .... $0 52 ' 11 POINT PER POUND 7 POINT PER POUND 56 9 POINT PER POUND 48 12 POINT PER POUND . . 42 10 POINT PER POUND 46 These are used as a substitute for Dotted Brass Rule, and save the time spent in justification. : requii [uired. Name : Post office : : County State We, the undersigned, of the City of. , and State of. , engaged in the business of.. , at No. Street, in said City, do hereby acknowledge our total inability to manu- facture which will not give satisfaction. Copper ftlloy Imprints New Metal Braces 100 OF ANY ONE KIND FOR $8 00 NET PRICE 5 CENTS EACH 50 OF ANY ONE KIND FOR $5 oo NET -to Cast in one piece, any of the faces here shown, at the above prices : 1 7 JOHN POLHEMUS PRINTING CO JAMES A. ROGERS 2 5 / A v , A v J. d. LITTLE & CO. PRINTERS. PETER DE BAUN & CO. 44 56 6 8 J. W. PRATT & SON. WM. J. BRODERICK. On 6 Point bodv - Cast in an y lengths as per specimens, from 24 Point to 72 Point. 4 3 E. PARKE COBY & CO. THEO. L.DEVINNE* CO., NEW YORK. 6 Point Braces and Dashes " imprints are wanted longer than i % J^Q 2 in. in length, they will have to be made in two or more pieces, and $3.00 per too extra will be charged for each extra piece. INTELLIGENCER PRINT, WHEELING. WM. P. BENNETT, PRINT. PITTSBURGH. Nos. 8 to 12 are complete ; Nos. i to 7 are for piecing. ALBERT B.KINQ, 89 WILLIAM ST., N. Y. ^ I'Olnt A 1 C t tl I tSraCCS PRESS OF STYLES & CASH, NEW YORK. [COPYRIGHTED] PRICE PER PONT $1 0< SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 439 Twinklers Printers' Nic Nacs PER PONT $1 00 Cast on 6, 12, iS, 24 and j6 Point bodies * PER PONT $1 oo All on 6 Point body * A 123 4567 8 A 9 10 11 12 Pin, Xail and Screw Heads wiNKLE,* LITTLE/ PER PONT 75 CENTS 12 15 18 17 19 16 13 O O * O 25 4 11 14 10 6 3 1 20 21 22 23 24 25 Pointers PRICE PER PONT $1 25 Shaded Pointers PRICE PER PONT $1 25 Contour Pointers PRICE PER PONT $1 25 440 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Palmetto Ornaments PRICE PER FONT $100 Shaded Palmetto Ornaments PRICE PER PONT $1 00 2 1 Contour Palmetto Ornaments PRICE PER PONT $1 00 Central Ornaments No 1 Central Ornaments No 2 PRICE PER PONT $1 00 PRICE PER FONT $1 00 Central Ornaments No 3 PRICE PER FONT $1 00 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 441 CENTRAL ORNAMENTS Series No 4 PER PONT $2 oo Series No 5 PER FONT $2 00 Series No 6 PER PONT $2 oo 442 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BORDER PRICE PER PONT $2 50 BORDERS 18 POINT NO 240 12 POINT NO 239 10 POINT NO 238 6 POINT NO 237 6 POINT NO 236 30 INCHES $1 50 fr ^ 36 INCHES $1 50 40 INCHES $1 50 54 INCHES $1 50 54 INCHES $1 50 r SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 443 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY LAUREL BORDERS These Borders register for Colors is POINT PER PONT $2 oo 18 POINT NO 2 PER FONT $2 oo measures ?6 inches Font measures ?6 inches ^^^ \ "^* "^* ^* "^* ^^* 6 POINT NO 2 PER PONT si 75 23 20 18 22 Font measures 42 inches \jjt Font measures 42 inches Fjnt measures 36 inches SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 445 Apple Blossom Ornaments PRICE PER PONT $3 00 Electric Ornaments The font contains 140 pieces, i and 2, twelve each ; 3, eight ; 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, n, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 23, four each ; 5, thirty-six [six inches] ; 12, 13, 19, 20, 24, two each ; 14, 15, five each Scroll Corner Ornaments PRICE PER PONT $3 00 446 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY COLLINS FLORETS GROUP M Single character, 8 cents 87 88 100 98 92 93 102 95 103 107 1114 96 121 127 GROUP Single character, 1 126 117 GROUP O Single character, 10 cents 136 138 139 140 141 GROUP P Each character put up in sets of FOUR, at 35 cents per set Single character, 10 cents 267 270 GROUP V Single character, 8 cents 271 274 GROUP X Single character, 10 cents 243 240 242 237 251 248 245 246 247 250 v^ _ J 2 GROUP W Single character, 10 cents 253 255 252 25(i 54 259 264 258 GROUP Y Each character put up in sets of FOUR, at 35 cents per set Single character, 10 cents 231 235 GROUP R Each character put up in sets of FOUR, at 50 cents per set 180 176 179 GROUP Q Each character put up in sets of FOUR, at 40 cents per set 165 171 167 Single character, 15 cents 175 Single character, 12 cents 166 168 170 & SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 447 COLLINS FLORETS GROUP B-2 Each character 30 cents 207 206 205 GROUP S Each character 30 cents 187 188 186 IIP! COLLINS BORDERS 24 POINT NO 195 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT No 223 24 POINT NO 196 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT No 171 18 POINT NO 199 so INCHES $1 50 36 POINT NO 172 30 INCHES $1 50 18 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT No 173 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 200 so INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 36 POINT NO 197 18 INCHES $1 50 30 POINT NO 203 448 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY eLlllNS BANDS 12 POINT NO 175 36 INCHES $1 50 > 12 POINT NO 174 12 POINT No 202' 18 POINT NO 216 18 POINT No 182 18 POINT No 218 24 POINT NO 188 18 POINT NO 214 24 POINT NO 209 30 POINT NO 192 42 POINT NO 204 36 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 176 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 so INCHES $1 50 18 POINT N0 181 n 30 INCHES $1 so o o o o o o o o 18 POINT NO 220 30 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 178 30 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 189 y/, 30 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT No 185 20 INCHES $1 50 :-N< O- 20 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 20 INCHES $1 50 12 INCHES $1 50 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 449 Elzevir Borders and Bands 6 POINT NO 100 20 POINT NO no 54 INCHES $1 50 14 POINT NO 104 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 14 POINT NO 106 24 INCHES $1 50 20 POINT NO 108 *S 28 POINT NO 118 28 POINT NO 120 so INCHES $1 50 18 INCHES $1 50 18 INCHES $1 50 Elzevir Florets GROUP A PER PONT $1 50 45 1 2 34 5 GROUP B PER PONT $2 oo 10 11 GROUP D GROUP C PER PONT $2 oo 23 24 m PER FONT $2 oo 450 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY L RENTINE BORDERS 6 POINT NO 224 54 INCHES $1 50 1*.! ,^>b-~:^~l<~^^- t<^^^l> -^b. t^m 8 POINT NO 170 5O INCHES $1 50 i i r i 6 POINT NO 169 54 INCHES $1 50 a POINT NO 226 50 INCHES $1 50 r * IM M "i 6 POINT NO 225 ^-i 6 POINT NO 165 i 8 POINT NO 161 8 POINT NO 227 12 POINT NO 146 8 POINT No 160 12 POINT NO 159 16 POINT NO 158 m 12 POINT NO 164 54 INCHES $1 50 "-"*"-" "^ 54 INCHES $1 50 T e 50 INCHES $1 50 s 50 INCHES $1 50 & 36 INCHES $1 50 visfzmmm 50 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT No 168 50 INCHES $1 50 8 POINT NO 166 50 INCHES $1 50 *^3000s=5>00(l'Sri 6 POINT NO 167 (?"= =" I 8 POINT NO 156 m 8 POINT NO 152 50 INCHES $1 50 * 50 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT No 155 16 POINT NO 154 36 INCHES $1 50 m so INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 149 18 POINT NO 148 12 POINT NO 140 36 INCHES $1 50 30 INCHES $1 50 36 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 139 30 INCHES $1 50 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 451 NEWSPAPER BORDERS 6 POINT NO 84 48 INCHES $1 25 6 POINT NO 77 48 INCHES $1 25 6 POINT NO 72 48 INCHES $1 25 0O0 A 6 POINT No 78 48 INCHES $1 25 A O^XXKKXKXXHXXXXXXXXKKXK>0 6 POINT NO 71 48 INCHES $1 25 i I 6 POINT No 81 48 INCHES $1 25 452 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY NEWSPHPER BORDERS 12 POINT NO 69 24 INCHES 75 CENTS SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 453 NEWSPAPER BORDERS 12 POINT NO 83 24 INCHES 75 CENTS W' J 12 POINT NO 76 24 INCHES 75 CENTS 12 POINT No 61 24 INCHES 75 CENTS 18 POINT No 18 24 INCHES $100 12 POINT NO 84 24 INCHES 75 CENTS <*> <+> 454 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY NEWSPAPER BORDERS 18 POINT No 24 24 INCHES $1 oo 24 POINT NO 4 24 INCHES $1 50 *.' :.; w _ 24 INCHES $1 50 ".** 24 POINT NO 2 24 INCHES $1 50 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 455 NEWSPAPER BORDERS xoxoxoxoxoxoxo OXGXGXGXGXOXQXQ is POINT No 4 24 INCHES $1 oo V^il Eighteen Point Borders PER FONT, $3 oo PER FOOT, 50 CENTS NO 1805 456 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Twelve Point Borders PER PONT $2 50 PER FOOT 40 CENTS Twenty-Four Point Borders PER PONT $3 50 PER FOOT 60 CENTS P^ ^!!^ ^p tkzS fT^T^ ^- ^ 1 ^! ^4 ^ &4 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 456" BARTH BORDERS />/,////// 30 POINT NO 243 20 INCHES $1 50 30 POINT NO 251 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 241 30 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 250 TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 24 POINT NO 242 20 INCHES $1 so ^MA^fe 24 POINT NO 281 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 248 30 INCHES $1 50 g American 18 POINT NO 246 30 INCHES $1 50 & founders ), g Kempanit m 12 POINT NO 282 36 INCHES $1 50 36 POINT NO 287 18 INCHES $1 50 36 POINT NO 288 18 INCHES $1 50 456' AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Contour Bands and Borders 24 POINT NO 260 20 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 259 20 INCHES $1 50 18 POINT NO 275 36 INCHES $1 50 12 POINT NO 274 <%S>&?^-99999 6 POINT NO 272 54 INCHES $1 50 10 POINT N0 273 40 INCHES $1 50 Fonts of Borders Nos. 272, 273, 27^ and 273 include two styles of corners 18 POINT NO 258 30 INCHES $1 50 The Borders on this page and on page j.$b C register for colors with the following solid Borders : PACIE , r- UiE Contour Border No. 268 with Florentine Border No. 162 our Bor derN 0.260 w 259 266 296 275 274 th Collins Border No. 195 196 Florentine Border No. 23 Collins Band No. 193 . Caxton Border No. 240 239 447 447 448 442 442 442 442 i 273 258 265 " 238 " 237 Collins Band No. 221 . Florentine Border No. 23 ^Mfc4 s> LAUREL ^ ORNAMENTS $ to work separately and with the Laurel Borders, shown on page 444. The wreaths may be enlarged symmetri- cally by using the single piece. These Ornaments are cast in a cored type mould, with as little shoulder as possible on the inside of the wreaths, so that type lines may be set close up. A great variety of designs may be quickly and easily produced with these inexpensive ornaments. CHARACTERS OP 18 POINT LAUREL ORNAMENTS The characters of b Point and 12 Point are nearly alike SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 456" Combination Ornaments Series K CHARACTERS PRICE PER FONT $4 50 456* AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY KLONDIKE BORDERS 12 POINT, 36 INCHES 18 POINT. 36 INCHES 36 POINT. 48 INCHES SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 457 FLAME BORDERS Rack size is furnished with round and square corners 458 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ART BORDERS 12 POINT NO 3 TINT 60 INCHES $1 60 18 POINT NO 3 TINT 60 INCHES $2 00 <^ ** %4t4*4*if**f&i$&3t These Borders are made to register for two colors 12 POINT NO 3 OPEN 60 INCHES $1 60 24 POINT NO 3 TINT 36 INCHES $1 65 * #12 POINT NO 4 TINT JL 60 INCHES $1 60 ^f ^^ 18 POINT NO 4 TINT ^^ *fc 60 INCHES $2 00 ^^ 44444444 24 POINT NO 3 OPEN 36 INCHES $1 65 .} * 4 4 12 POINT NO 8 TINT | eg- 12 POINT No 8 OPEN 60 INCHES $1 60 * 4 60 INCHES $1 60 4l ! 4 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 459 ART BORDERS SSSSSS3SSS3K 12 POINT No 5 OPEN JU( 60 INCHES $1 60 These Borders are made to register for two colors BSSXSXSXSXSX 12 POINT NO 7 OPEN 60 INCHES $1 60 18 POINT NO 7 OPEN m m 4 12 POINT NO 5 TINT 60 INCHES $1 60 V ^ 9 18 POINT NO 5 TINT 60 INCHES $2 oo 12 POINT No 7 TINT 60 INCHES $1 60 18 POINT NO 7 TINT 60 INCHES $2 oo 24 POINT NO 7 TINT 36 INCHES $1 65 460 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY BORDERS Art Borders Nos. 6, 9 and 10, all sizes, are made to register for two colors > 12 POINT NO 9 60 INCHES $1 60 k ft ((Ill 24 POINT N0 9 ((111 V^y 36 INCHES $1 65 viv^ 12 POINT NO 1 60 INCHES $1 60 xiKxiK5x5ix*iKxixxiKxixxixxx>MJ(X!X SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 461 ART BORDERS POINT NO 8 TINT 60 INCHES $1 50 24 POINT NO 15 36 INCHES $1 65 18 POINT NO 17 eo INCHES $2 oo 24 POINT NO 20 36 INCHES $1 65 24 POINT NO 19 36 INCHES $1 65 18 POINT NO 18 60 INCHES 24 POINT NO 18 36 INCHES $1 65 462 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY RRT BORDERS Hmerican founders Company 36 POINT NO 25 12 INCHES $1 10 *< f 24 POINT NO 16 36 INCHES $1 65 >* V* * 24 POINT NO 23 36 INCHES $1 65 SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 463 Half Nonpareil Borders COMPLETE PONT $2 25 10 FEET LONG ajimiiiiiiMiiimiiiHMiiiMiiiiimiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIMIIIH smiimmi IIIIIIIIMIIIH 1 NO 22 NO 33 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II NO 28 "1 1: Ill I II IIIJIIIIIE NO 21 X Ill I I I I III I I I 1 1 I I IT r NO 45 Jffij - i 3 464 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Nonpareil Borders COMPLETE PONT $2 eo 10 FEET LONG IS = = NO 209 = = viiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirp 3 NO 211 C r! l >>W%/^VW*i> q C NO 212 S 5 P DTJ-Lr TJ-LTD C. ^ mjT/nnjTJiJinjTJTj-Ln.irLm ' NO 221 N 213 fjF^lliF Jiignt Jiigiini|j|ii[-Jinij|iii.- 'apii: j^ ^i 4 Nl NO 214 j (5/ig//l^W@^//l//i/'? ) r @; NO 223 (g) 1/p -/S> ^ NO 206 H NO 207 | p Ifi ^ EIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIM |j p NO 208 ^ ^ I Ulllll Illlllil | NllllllllllllllllllllllllllllI ^ SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 465 Nonpareil Borders COMPLETE PONT $2 60 10 FEET LONG s NO 253 s m a p j j NO 245 J s s > iLAy^gwE^ 4Jll ill lIlllMlllllllMlllllllMlllllllnllllll iL. j {L NO 244 ^_ |_ NO 251 \ fe '&. fe i 1C 1 si NO 249 BEE r M M H M M jj N( 1 ^ \l [fil NO 229 [H S IB J t L^ jrssssrang^rr II NO 247 II 8rr as :ssgsgs^T3T NO 228 IB JK 1 li k p p l K 1 HESHHHHHSIEHS^ nj NO 227 Ln III E 466 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Nonpareil and One-Half Borders COMPLETE FONT $3 oo 10 FEET LONG 444444444 4 Pica Borders COMPLETE FONT $3 oo 10 FEET LONG ^IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHirrF. SPECIMENS OF MODERN PRINTING TYPES 467 Pica Borders COMPLETE FONT $3 oo 10 FEET LONG ri kJ NO 209 r.i L. J . r J<^'^I^I^I^M<^ ^ M ^ >; NO 218 ) > H L. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^w ^ ^ 468 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 1-Line Nonpareil, 2 and .1-Line Pica Borders 4 HHHHHHHHH lii! X ;B; ': 18 POINT No 4 10 FEET LONG $4 95 5 ^ HHHHHHHHH f< 18 POINT No i 10 FEET LONG $4 95 18 POINT NO 6 10 FEET LONG $4 95 18 POINT NO 7 10 FEET LONG $4 95 ,: f?'.'i W i.rilll|l|l|.rl'|M|l'.-i"IMlliiiilA\\ll/////,, * BIB. ice. 82B. isc. 83B. 150. 84B. isc. 85B. ic. S6B. ijc. 87B. iec. 98B 93B. 2 $c. 94B. 25C. 95B 102B. isc. 103B. ice. 104B. ice. 105B. 2 sc. A Larger Variety <2/" Cast Cuts is shown in our Specimen Book s^ ^i*.* n ^ '