NIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, AN DIEGO 3 1822 00211 1813 OF inne: Z 921 .B862 1881 THE READING ROOM. BRITISH MUSEUM UNIVERSITY F CAUF.pRN A SAN DIEGC 3 182200211 1813 THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY .UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA z. HAND-LIST 1881 BIBLIOGRAPHIES, CLASSIFIED CATALOGUES, AND INDEXES PLACED IN THE BEADING KOOM THE BEITISH MUSEUM FOR REFERENCE. PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE TRUSTEES. 1881. LON T DON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHAUIKG CROSS. THE following List of Bibliographical Works placed in the extra cases in the Beading Room has been drawn up, at the recommendation of the Principal Librarian, by Mr. G. W. Porter, Senior Assistant Keeper in the Depart- ment of Printed Books. GEO. BULLEN. Dec., 1880. A 2 PREFACE. THE following list has been drawn up to facilitate the use of the collection of Special Bibliographies, Classed Catalogues, and Indexes recently placed in the Beading Boom. It has been thought that such a collection might be useful to readers by indicating the works published and available for consultation in the various fields of study and research, and that it might in some degree supply the want of a classified catalogue of the Museum Library, with the further advan- tage of pointing out \\orks existing elsewhere, as well as those to be found in the Museum. In selecting the books for this purpose, it has been the aim to represent every subject, as far as space in the Beading Boom admits of it. But on many topics no satisfactory bibliographical guide exists : in other cases the works existing are much behind the literature of the present time, or have never been completed. Some books will therefore be found included which only remain until they can be replaced by more efficient works. It is proposed in a future edition to add references to bibliographies included in printed works of authority ou special subjects, and it is hoped also that the range of subjects may be considerably extended. Beaders might greatly assist this object by pointing out in the book of " Libri Desiderati," or per- sonally to the compiler, any useful special bibliography with which their studies may have made them acquainted. It will be seen that the various bibliographical works standing in other parts of the Beading Boom have been included with those in the extra cases in this list, for the Tl PREFACE. sake of systematic arrangement and as a convenience to the readers. The present list is chiefly confined to Bibliographies, but it may perhaps be as well to point out that much useful bibliographical assistance may be obtained from the extensive collection of biographies and literary histories in the Reading Boom. How numerous these are will be seen by referring to the Index of Subjects in the published " List of the Books of Reference " drawn up for the use of readers by Mr. Rye.* In arranging the bibliographies in their cases, the subjects have as far as possible been made to correspond in position with those in the Library of Reference : thus the theological bibliographies will be found opposite to Theology, and the historical opposite to History. For press-mark the extra cases are distinguished by .the letters BB. an abbreviation of the word bibliographies in combination with the distinctive letters of the tables against which they are placed : thus the press-mark BB. A, shows that the work to which it refers will be found in the bibliographical case standing at the end of the A table. G. W. PORTER. * A List of the Books of Eeforence in the Reading Eoom of the British Museum. [Compiled by W. B. Bye.] Second edition, revised. Printed by order of the Trustees. London, 1871. 8vo. CONTENTS. PAGE I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES . . . 11 II. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND CLASSIFIED CATA- LOGUES ........ 12 III. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF THE PUBLICATIONS OF PAR- TICULAR NATIONS. Europe : Denmark ...... 16 England, Scotland, and Ireland . . 16 Finland 18 France . 19 Germany . . . . . . 19 Greece ....... 21 Holland and Belgium . . . , 21 Hungary ...... 22 Iceland 22 Italy 23 Norway ...... 23 Portugal 24 Kou mania ...... 24 Kussia ....... 24 Slavonic Kaces : Bohemia . . . . . 25 Bulgaria ..... 25 Croatia ...... 25 Poland 26 Servia ...... 26 Spain ....... 26 Sweden ...... 26 Switzerland . .... 27 Vlll CONTENTS. Asia : I-AOR Oriental Bibliographies .... 27 Hebrew 28 America : United States of America ... 28 British North America .... 29 Mexico and Central America . . .29 South American States ... 29 IV. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 1 . Theology : General Bibliographies .... 30 Bibles 31 Liturgies . . . . . . 32 Fathers and Later Writers . . . 33 Doctrinal Theology .... 34 Sermons ...... 34 Roman Catholic Theology ... 34 Eeligious Orders ..... 35 Sects 36 Secret Societies : Freemasonry . . . 36 Ecclesiastical History . . . . 37 Non-Christian Religions .... 37 2. Philosophy: Metaphysics . . . . . . 37 Education ...... 38 Politics and Political Economy . . 39 Trade and Statistics .... 39 3. Jurisprudence : General Bibliographies .... 40 Law of Nations ..... 41 Roman Law ...... 41 Canon and Ecclesiastical Law ... 41 British and American Law ... 41 Foreign Law ...... 43 4. Sciences and Arts : General Bibliographies .... 44 Zoology ...... 45 Botany ....... 46 Geology and Mineralogy .... 47 Chemistry ...... 48 CONTENTS. IX PAGE Physics ... 49 Medicine ...... 49 Mathematics . . . . . . 51 Astronomy ...... 52 Military and Naval Science . . . 53 Industrial Arts ..... 53 Sports and Games . . . . . 56 5. Fine Arts . ... . .57 6. Music 58 7. Belles-Lettres : General Bibliographies . . . . 59 Languages ...... 59 Literature of ancient Greece and Kome . 62 of England . . . . 63 of France .... 66 of Germany .... 67 of Italy .... 68 of Spain 68 of Sweden .... 69 Proverbs and Ana . . . . 69 8. Geography : Voyages and Travels ... 69 9. History : General Bibliographies .... 72 Europe England, Scotland, and Ireland . . 73 France ...... 76 Germany and Austria ... 78 Holland and Belgium . . . 79 Italy . .... 80 Portugal. ..... 81 Kussia . . . . . 81 Scandinavia . . . . . 82 Spain ...... 82 Switzerland ..... 82 Asia ....... 82 Africa ....... 83 America ...... 84 Australasia ...... 86 Biography 86 Heraldry and Genealogy .... 86 Archaeology and Numismatics . . 88 CONTENTS. PACK 10. Indexes to Periodicals ..... 89 11. Index Society 92 INDEX . 93 1. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Peignot (G.) Kepertoire de Bibliographies speciales, curieuses et instnictives. Paris, 1810. 8. 2048. a. Namur (P.) Bibliographic Paleographico-Diplomatico-Biblio- logique generale, ou Bepertoire systematique, indiquant : i Tons les ouvrages relatifs a la Paleographie ; a la Diplo- matique; al'Histoire del'Imprimerie; a la Bibliographie, &c. 2 La Notice des Kecueils periodiques . . . des differents pays. 2 torn. Liege, 1838. 8. 2048. c. Guild (R. A.) The Librarian's Manual ; a Treatise on Biblio- graphy, comprising a select and descriptive list of Biblio- graphical Works ; to which are added, Sketches of Public Libraries. New York, 1858. 4. 2050. d. Petzholdt (J.) Bibliotheca Bibliographica. Kritisches Ver- zeichniss der das Gesammtgebiet der Bibliographie betref- fenden Litteratur des In- und Auslandes in systematischer Ordnung. Leipzig, 1866. 8. 2050. e. Power (J.) A Handy-Book about Books. London, 1870. 8. BB. G. Sabin (Joseph) A Bibliography of Bibliography, or a Handy Book about Books. New York, 1877. 8. BB. G. II. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND CLASSIFIED CATALOGUES. Denis (P.) Nouveau Manuel de Bibliographic universellc, par F. Denis, P. Pincon et De Martonne. Paris, 1857. 8. BB. R. Polybiblion. Revue Bibliographique universe!] e. Partie technique. Deuxieme Serie. Tom. 1-6. 1875-80. [A monthly classified list of the new publications of all countries, by G. Pawlowski.] Paris, 1875-80. 8. BB. R. In progress. Georgi (T.) Allgemeines Europaisches Biicher-Lexicon, in welchem . . . die allermeisten Autores . . . zu finden, welche . . . noch vor dem Anfange des xvi. seculi bis 1739, in dem Europaischen Theile der Welt, sonderlich aber in Teutsch- land sind geschrieben und gedrucket worden. 5 Th. and 6 Sup. Leipzig, 1742-58. fol. BB. T. Allgemeine Bibliographic. Monatliches Verzeichniss der wichtigern neuen Erscheinungen der deutschen und aus- landischen Literatur. Jahrg. 16-25. 1871-1880. Leipzig, 1871-80. 8. BB. R. In progress. Ebert (P. A.) Allgemeines bibliographisches Lexikon. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1821-30. 4. 2049. a. A General Bibliographical Dictionary, from the German [by A. Browne]. 4 vol. Oxford, i8yj. 8. 2048. c. Maittaire (M.) Annales Typographic! ab artis invent* originc ad annum 1674. 5 torn. Hagse Comitum, 1719-41. 4. 2049. a. Denis (M.) Annalium Typographicorum M. Maittaire Sup- plementum. Viennse, 1789. 4. 2049. c. Panzer (G. W.) Annales Typographic! ab artis invents origine (ad annum 1536). u vol. Norimbergse, 1793-1803. 4. 2049. c. UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 13 Hain (L.) Repertorium Bibliographicura, in quo libii omnes ab arte typographica inventa usque ad annum MD. typis express! ordine alphabetico . . . recensentur. 2 vol. Stutt- gartiae, 1826-38. 8. 2048. c. Brunet (J. C.) Manuel du Librai re. Cinquieme edition. 6vol. Paris, 1860-65. 8. 2049. b. Supplement. Par P. Deschamps et (T. Brunet. 2 vol. Paris, 1878-80. 8. 2049. b. Graesse (J. G. T.) Tresor de Livres rares et precieux ; ou, Nouveau Dictionnaire bibliographique. 7 vul. Dresde, 1859-69. 4. 2049. c. Dibdin (T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana; or a Descriptive Catalogue of the Books printed in the Fifteenth Century, and of many valuable First Editions, in the Library of George John Earl Spencer. 4 vol. London, 1814-15. 8. 2049. d. Maitland (S. R.) List of some of the Early Printed Books in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1843. 8. 2048. c. Renouard (A. A.) Aniiales de 1'Imprimerie des Estienne, ou Histoire de la Fainille des Estienne et de'ses editions. 2 pt. Paris, 1837-38. 8. 2050. b. Annales de 1'Imprimerie des Aide, ou Histoire des trois Manuce et de leurs editions. Seconde edition. Paris, 1825. 8. 2050. b. Willems (A.) Les Elzevier. Histoire et Annales Typogra- phiques. Bruxelles, 1880. 8. 2050. c. Degeorge (L.) La Maison Plantin a Anvers. Deuxieme edition, augmentee d'une liste chronologique des ouvragcs imprimes par Plantin a Anvers de 1555 a 1589. Bruxelles, 1878. 8. Index Librorum Prohibitorum SS. D. N. Pii ix. Pout. Max. jussu editus. Editio novissima in qua libri omncs ab Apostolica Sedo usque ad annum 1876 prescript! suis locis recensentur. Eomse, 1877. 8. 2048. a. Astor Library Catalogue or Alphabetical Index of the Astor Library. (Supplement with an Alphabetical Index of subjects.) 5 vol. New York, 1857-66. 8. BB. B. Bodleian Library Catalogus Librorum impressorum Biblio- thecae Bodleianaj. 4 vol. Oxonise, 1843-51. fol. 2048. g. Catalogus Dissertationum Academicarum qnibus nuper uucta est Bibliothecii JJudleiuua. 1832. Oxonise, 1834. ''"l- 2048. L'. 14 UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Bodleian Library Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by Francis Douce, Esq., to the Bodleian Library. Oxford, 1840. fol. 2048. g. Boston Athenaeum Catalogue of the Library of the Boston Athenaeum. 1807-1871. Boston, 1874, etc - 8. BB. R. In progress. Boston Public Library Index to the Catalogue of Books in the Upper Hall. 1861. (First Supplement, 1866.) Boston, 1 861-66. 8. BB. E. Dyce Collection A Catalogue of the Printed Books and Manuscripts bequeathed by the Rev. A. Dyce (to the South Kensington Museum). 2 vol. London, 1875. 8. 2050. f. East India Company A Catalogue [classified] of the Library of the Hon. East India Company. (Supplement.) 2 vol. London, 1845-51. 8. BB. B. France. Bibliotheque Nationale Catalogue alphabetique des ouvrages mis a la libre disposition des Lecteurs dans la SaUe de Travail. Pan's, 1879. 8. BB. R. Catalogue des Livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque du Roi. [By J. van Praet.] 6 vol. Paris, 1822-28. 8. 2048. a. Inventaire alphabetique des Livres imprimes sur velin de la Bibliotheque Nationale. Complement du Catalogue public par Van Praet. Pan's, 1877. 8 - 2048. a. Bibliotheca Heberiana Catalogue of the Library of Richard Heber. [With prices in MS.] 12 pts. London, 1834-36. 8. 2048. a. Huth Library A Catalogue of the Printed Books, Autograph Letters, and Engravings, collected by Henry Huth, with collations and bibliographical descriptions. [Compiled by W. C. Hazlittand F. S. Ellis.] 5 vol. London, 1880. 8. 2048. d. Lenox Library Contributions to a Catalogue of the Lenox Library. No. 1. Voyages of Hulsius. 2. The Jesuit Relations, etc. 3. The Voyages of Thevenot. 4. Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress, etc. New York, 1877-79. 4. London Institution A Catalogue of the Library of the UNIVERSAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. 15 London Institution ; systematically classed. 4 vol. London, 1835-52. 8. BB. R. London Library Catalogue of the London Library, with a classified index of subjects by E. Harrison. Fourth edition. London, 1875. 8. BB. K. Manchester Free Library Catalogue of the Books in the Eeference Department, prepared by A. Crestadoro. London, 1864. 8. BB. R. New York State Library Catalogue, 1855. (First Supple- ment, 1861. Subject Index, 1872.) Albany, 1856-72. 8. BB. R. Prince Library A Catalogue of the Collection of Books and Manuscripts which formerly belonged to the Eev. Thomas Prince, . . . and is now deposited in the Public Library of the City of Boston. Boston, 1870. 4. 2049. a. Royal Institution A new classified Catalogue of the Library of the Eoyal Institution of Great Britain, with indexes of authors and subjects. By B. Vincent. London, 1857. 8. BB. R. Appleton's Library Manual ; containing a Catalogue Raisonne of upwards of twelve thousand of the most important works in every department of knowledge in all modern languages. New York, 1847. 8. BB. R. The Best ReadingHints on the selection of Books ; on the formation of Libraries, Public and Private ; on Courses of reading, etc. With a Classified Bibliography for easy reference. [Partly by F. B. Perkins.] New York, 1875. 8. BB. R. Bohn(H. G.) [Guinea] Catalogue of Books. London, 1841. 8. 2048. b. Quaritch(B.) A gen oral Catalogue of Books. London, 1880. 8. BB. R. Willis and Sotheran A Catalogue of upwards of fifty thousand volumes of ancient and modern Books, English and Foreign, in all classes of literature and the fine urts, etc. London, 1862. 8. BB. R. III. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. EUROPE. DENMARK. Bruun (C. V.) Bibliotheca Danica. Sy sterna tisk Fortegnelse over den Danske Literatur fra 1482 til 1830, efter sam- lingerne i det store Kongelige Bibliothek i Kj0benhavn . . . udgivet ved C. V. Bruun. Bd. 1-2. Kjfibenhavn, 1877-79. 4. In progress. 2050. f. Nyerup (R.) and Kraft (J. E.) Almindeligt Litteraturlexicon for Damnark, Norge og Island ; eller Fortegnelse over Danske, Norske, og Islandske Forfattere med . . . Liste over deres Skrifter. Kj^benhavn, 1820. 4. 2038. g. Erslew (T. H.) Almindeligt Forfatter-Lexicon for Kongeriget Danmark med tilh0rande Bilande, fra 1814 til 1840. 3 vol. Supplement . . . indtil Udgangen of Aaret 1853. 3 vol. Kj0benhavn, 1843-68. 8. 2038. g. Fabricius (F.) Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1841-1858. (Sagregister.) Kjtfbenhavn, 1861. 4. 2049. a. Vahl (J.) Dansk Bogfortegnelse for aarene 1859-1868. (Sag- register.) Kjflbenhavn, 1871. 4. 2049. a. Dansk Bogfortegnelse for i869(-i879.) Aarg. 19-29. Kjfibenhavn, 1869-79. 8. In progress. 2050. a. ENGLAND, SCOTLAND, AND IRELAND. Watt (R.) Bibliotheca Britannica : a General Index to British and Foreign Literature. In two parts : Authors and Sub- jects. 4 vol. Edinburgh, 1824. 4. BB. R. Lowndes (W. T.) The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature. New edition, by H. G. Bohn. 6 vol. London, 1857-64. 8. 2050. a. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. 17 Allibone (S. A.) Dictionary of English Literature, and British and American Authors. 3 vol. Philadelphia, 1859-71. 8. 2050. f. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of my English Library. London, 1853. 8. 2050. a. Ames (J.) Typographical Antiquities; or, an Historical Ac- count of the Origin and Progress of Printing in Great Britain and Ireland : containing Memoirs of our Ancient Printers, and a Eegister of Books printed by them from the year 1471 to the year 1600. Considerably augmented ... by W. Herbert. 3 vol. London, 1785-90. 4. 2050. f. . Typographical Antiquities . . . Enlarged with copious notes by T. F. Dibdin. 4 vol. London, 1810-19. 4. 2050. f. Martin (J.) Bibliographical Catalogue of Privately Printed Books. Second edition. London, 1854. 8. 2048. b. Lemon (R.) Catalogue of a Collection of Printed Broadsides in the possession of the Society of Antiquaries of London. London, 1866. 8. 2049. c. Maitland (S. R.) An Index of such English Books, printed before the year MDC., as are now in the Archiepiscopal Library at Lambeth. London, 1845. 8. 2048. c. Maunsell (A.) The First Part of the Catalogue of English printed Bookes : which concerneth such matters of Divinitie, as have bin written in our owne tongue, or translated out of anie other language. (The Seconde parte : which con- cerneth the Sciences Mathematical!, as Arithinetick, Geo- ruetrie, Astronomic, Astrologie, Musick, the Arte of Wai-re, and Navigation : and also of Phisick and Surgerie, etc.) London, 1595. 4. 2050. f. Clavell (R.) A Catalogue of Books printed in England since the dreadful Fire of London in 1666 to the end of Michael- mas Term, 1695. Fourth edition. London, 1696. fol. 2050. f. A General Catalogue of Books in all Langunges, Arts ;uid Sciences, printed in Great Britain and published in London, from the year MDCC. to MDCCLXXXVI. classed under the sovei'al branches of Literature and alphabetically disposed under each head, etc. W. Bent, London, 1786. 8. Catalogue Desk. London Catalogue of Books, . . . corrected to August i8ir. W. Bent, London, 1 8 1 1 . 8. Catalogue Desk. B 18 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. The London Catalogue of Books, containing the books pub- lished in London, since the year 1810 to Febrnaiy 1831. Bent, London, 1831. 8. Catalogue Desk. The London Catalogue of Books. 1816101851. Hodgson, London, 1851. 8. Catalogue Desk. Classified Index to the London Catalogue, 1816 to 1851. Hodgson, London, 1853. 8. Catalogue Desk. Low (S.) The English Catalogue of books. Jan. 1835 ( Jan. 1872). 2 vol. London, 1864-73. 8. Catalogue Desk. The English Catalogue for 1872 ( 1879). With an index of subjects. 8vol. London, 1873-80. 8. Catalogue Desk. Index to the British [and English] Catalogue of books published during the years 1837 to 1857 (1856-1876). 2 vol. London, 1858-76. 8. Catalogue Desk. Reid (John) Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica : or, an account of all the books which have been published in the Gaelic Language. Glasgow, 1832. 8. 2050. d. Rowlands (W.) Cambrian Bibliography: containing an ac- count of the books printed in the Welsh Language ; or, relating to Wales from the year 1546 to the end of the eighteenth century. Llanidloes, 1869. 8. 2050. d. O'Reilly (E.) Transactions of the Iberno-Celtic Society for 1820. Containing a chronological account of nearly four hundred Irish Writers . . . carried down to the year 1750 : with a Descriptive Catalogue of such of their Works as are etill extant. Dublin, 1820. 4. 2050. f. May's British and Irish Press Guide, 1880. A classified Index to the Press of the United Kingdom. London, 1880. 8. Catalogue Desk. The Newspaper Press Directory, 1880. London, 1880. 8. Catalogue Desk. FINLAND. Pipping (P. W.) Forteckning ofver i tryck utgifna skrifter pa Finska, afvensom ofver nagra andra arbeten innehal- lande nagon uppsats pa detta sprak eller annars ledande till dess kannedom. Luettelo Suomeksi prantatyista kir- joista. Helsingfors, 1856-57. 4. 2049. a. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. 19 Vasenius (V.) Suomalainen Kirjallisuus. La Litterature fin- noise. 1544-1877. Catalogue alphabetique et systematique. Helsingissa, 1878. 8. 2049. a. Beauvois (E.) Le Mouvement litteraire en Finlande dans les dix dernieres annees. Paris, 1879. 8. 2050. b. FRANCE. Brunet (G.) La Franco litteraire an xv 6 siecle ; ou, Catalogue raisonne des ouvrages iinprimes en langue frangaise jusqu'a 1'an 1500. Paris, 1865. 8. 2048. c. Bossange (H.) Ma Bibliotheque Francaise. Pan's, 1855. 8. 2050. a. Querard (J. M.) La France Litteraire, ou Dictionnaire Biblio- graphique des Savants qui ont ecrit en frangais, plus particu- lierement pendant les xvm e et xix siecles. 1 2 vol. Paris, 1827-64. 8. 2048. b. Litterature FranQaise contemporaine (i 827-49). Continu- ation de la France Litteraire. 6vol. Paris, 1842-57. 8. 2048. b. Lorenz (O.) Catalogue de la Librairie Fran9aise. 1840-1865. (1866-1875.) 6 torn. Pans, 1867-77. 8. 2049. b. - Tables des Matieres. 1840-1875. 2 torn. Paris, 187980. 8. 2049. b. Bibliographie de la France. Journal general de I'lmprimerie et de Librairie. 1876-80. Pan's, 1876-80. 8. BB. R. In progress. Hatin (E.) Bibliographie historique et critique de la 1'resse periodique fran^aise ; ou, Catalogue systematique et rai- sonne de tous les ecrits periodiques publics en France depuis Forigine du journal jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1866. 8. BB. o. Gebe (V.) Catalogue des Journaux publics a Paris . . . accom- pugne d'uno Table systematique. Paris, 1879. 12. BB. R. Kerviler (R.) Estai d'une bibliographic 7-aisonneo do 1'Aca- demie Francaise. Paris, 1877. 8. 2048. b. GERMANY. Panzer (G. W.) Annalen der altern deutsclien Litlcratur, oder Anzeige und Beschroibung derjenigcri Biicher, wolcho von Erfindung der Buchdruckerkunst bis \ r - ) 2o( bis 1526) u 2 20 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. in deutscher Sprache gedruckt worden sind. (Zusiitze.) Niirriberg, 1788-1805. 4. 2050. f. Weller (E.) Kepertorium typographicum. Die deutsche Literatur im ersten Viertel des sechzehnten Jahrhunderts. Im Anschluss an Hains Repertorium und Panzers deutsche Annalen. (Supplement, 1874.) Nordlingen, 1864-74. 8. 2049. b. [Heyse (C. W.)J Biicherschatz der deutschen National-Littera- tur des xvi. und xvn. Jahrhunderts. Systematisch geord- netes Verzeichniss einer reichhaltigen Sammlung deutscher Bucher. Berlin, 1854. 8. 2048. a. Maltzahn (W. von) Deutscher Biicherschatz des sechs- zehnten, siebenzehnteu und achtzehnten bis um die Mitte des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Jena, 1875, etc. 8. 2048. a. Heinsius (W.) Allgemeines Biicher-Lexikon ; 1700-1815. 5 vol. Leipzig, 1812-17. 4. 2049. d. Kayser (C. G.) Index Librorum. VollstandigesBiicher-Lexicon, enthaltend alle von 1750 bis zu Ende des Jahres ( 1876) in Deutschland . . . gedruckten Bucher. 20 vol. Leipzig, 1834-77. 4. 2049. d. Hinrichs (J. C.) Verzeichniss der Bucher . . . welche in Deutschland vom Januar 1877 bis zum (December i88o)neu erschienen oder neu aufgelegt worden sind. Leipzig, 187680. 12. In progress. BB. R. Repertorium liber die nach den . . . Verzeichnissen 1871-75 erschienenen Bucher. Von E. Baldamus. Leipzig, 1877. 12. BB. R. Hoppe (H.) Katalog der wichtigeren, hervorragenden und besseren Schriften Deutscher Literatur, welche in den Jahren 1801 bis Ende 1868 erschienen sind. I. Wissenschaftliche Uebersicht. II. Autoren und Namen-Register. St. Peters- burg, 1871. 8. BB. R. Schwab (G.) and Kluepfel (K.) Wegweiser durch die Litera- tur der Deutscheu. Vierte Auflage (Erster-Dritter Nach- trag. Die Jahre von 1870-1879). Leipzig, 1874-79. 8. BB. G. Biicherschatz der Deutschen. Systematische Zusammenstel- lung der vorziiglichsten Werke der neueren und neuesten deutschen Literatur aus alien Fachern. Leipzig, 1870. 8. BB. R. Allgemeine Bucherkunde des Brandenburgisch-Preussischen Staates. Berlin, 1871. 4. BB. M. BIBLIOGEAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. 21 Deutscher Zeitsehriften-Katalog. Zweite Auflage. Ostern 1874. Leipzig, 1874. 8. BB. B. Verzeicliniss der Abhandlungen der Koniglich Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften von 1710-1870 in alpha- betischer Folge der Verfasser. Berlin, 1871. 8. 2048. b GREECE. PapadopOUloS VretOS (A.) NeoeAA^vi/o; 3>iAoAoyta, rjroi /caraAoyos TWV airo Trrwcrews TT/S BvavTiv7S auroKpaTopias /Aevpi TT;S tv EAAaSt BacriAeias rvTrtaOevraiv /JiySAiwv Trap' 2 pt. Ei/ A^vais, 1854-57. 8 . 2050. c. Sathas (K. N.) NeocAA^vt^ 4>iAoAoyia. Bioypa^tat TCOI/ ei/ rots StaAa/x.i/'avTOJi/ EAA^vwv, aTro T^S KaraAucrecos Tiys AuroKparoptas ^XP L T7 ? s EAAijvi/c^s e^veyepcrtas. 1453-1821. Ev A. Or] vans, 1868. 8. 2050. c. Coromilas (D. A.) Catalogue raisonne des livres publics en Grece depuis 1868 jusqu'en (1877). 2 pt. AtJicnes, 1873-78. 8. 2050. b. HOLLAND AND BELGIUM. Campbell (M. F. A. G.) Annales de la Typographic neerlan- daise au xv siecle. La Haye, 1874. 8. 2049. b. - I er Supplement. La Haye, 1878. 8. Abkoude (J. van) Naamregister van de bel PyccKiiMi EHiiram, npo r T,aK>in,HMCfl Bt KHIIJKHOMT> Marasimi; A. $. BaaynoBa C"B yKaaameMt 20,000 KpiiTiiiecKHxi CTaieft Kacaromiixcfl KHiirt ct 1825 ji;o 1869 ro^a. C. IIemcp6ypi7>, 1869. 8. -- ITepBoe ( lOfl) npn6aB.ieHie sa 1869 r. ( 1877 ir 1878 nwj.) C. IlemepGypM, 1870-80. 8. 2050. c. Tableau general inethodique et alphabetique des matieres contenues dans les publications de 1'Academie Imperiale des Sciences de St. Petersbourg depuis sa fondation. l re Partie. St. Petersbourg, 1872. 8. In progress. 2050. e. SLAVONIC KACES. Slovansk^ Katalog Bibliograficky za rok Catalogue Slave bibliographique pour i877( 1879). Sous la redaction de A. Michalek et I. Kloucek. Annee 13. V. Praze, 1878-80. 8. BB. B. In progress. Comprising lists of Bohemian, Polish, Little Russian, Croatian, and Servian publications. BOHEMIA. Hanus (I. J.) Quellenkunde und Bibliographic der bohmisch- slovenischen Literaturgeschiehte vom Jahre 1848-1868. Prag, 1868. 8. 2050. b. Doucha (F.) Knihopisny Slovnik cesko-slovensky aneb seznam kneh . . . vyslych v jazyku naroda cesko-slovenskeho od roku 1774 az do nejnovejsi doby. F Praze, 1865. 4. 2048. d. BULGARIA. JireCek (J. K.) Bibliographic de la litterature bulgarc modernc, 1806-1870. KiiuroiiHci,, etc. Bieua, 1872. 8. 2050. f. CROATIA. Sakcinski (J. K.) Bibliografia TIrvatska. Dio prvi Tiskano knjigc. U Zagrcbu, 1860. 8. 2048. a. 26 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. POLAND. Estreicher (C.) Bibliographic Polonaise de 120,000 itnprimes. Premiere partie. xix siecle. 5 torn. Cracow, 1870-78. 8. 2050. c. SERVIA. Novakovic (S.) CpncKa Eiidjinjorpaijmja 3a noBiijy KibuaicBHOci. 1741-1867. Y Euoipady, 1869. 8. 2050. c. SPAIN. Antonio (N.) Bibliotheca Hispana Vetus sive Hispani Scrip- tores qui ... ad annum Christi 1500 floruerunt. 2 vol. Matriti, 1788. fol. 2049. e. Bibliotheca Hispana Nova sive Hispanorum Scriptorum qui ab anno 1500 ad 1684 fioruere notitia. 2 vol. Matriti, 1783-88. fol. 2049. e. Salva y Mallen (P.) Catalogo de la Biblioteca de Salva. 2 torn. Valencia, 1872. 8. 2048. d. Gallardo (B. J.) Ensayo de una Biblioteca Espanola de libros raros y curiosos. Tom. 1,2. Madrid, 1862-66. 8. 2048. d. Hidalgo (D.) Diccionario general de Bibliografia Espanola. 6 torn. Madrid, 1862-79. 8. 2048. e. Boletin de la Libreria Ano 1-7. 1873-1880. Madrid, 1874-80. 8. In progress. BB. E. Hartzenbusch (E.) Periodicos de Madrid (1661-1 870). Tabla cronologica. Madrid, 1876. 12. BB. B. Whitney (J. L.) Catalogue of the Spanish Library, and of the Portuguese Books bequeathed by G-. Ticknor to the Boston Public Library. Together with the Collection of Spanish and Portuguese Literature in the General Library. Boston, 1879. 8. BB. G. SWEDEN. Linnstrom (H.) Svenskt Boklexicon. Aren 1830-1865. Haft 1-34. Stockholm, 1867-80. 8. In progress. 2050. f. Svensk Bog-Katalog for aren 1866-1875. (Nominela Afdel- ningen. Systematiska Afdelningen.) Stockholm, 1878. 8. 2050. f. o Arskatalog for Svenska Bokhandeln 1876-80. Stockholm, 1877- 81. 8. In progress. 2050. c. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. 27 SWITZERLAND. Pavre (G.) Notice sur les livres imprimes a Geneve dans le xv e siecle. Seconde edition. Geneve, 1855. 8. Gaullieur (E. H. A.) Etudes sur la Typographic Genevoise du xv e au xix 6 siecles, et sur les origines de 1'imprimerie en Suisse. Geneve, 1855. 8. Rausch (F.) Geschichte der Literatur des Ehato-Eomanischen Volkes. Frankfurt a, M., 1870. 8. Bibliographie und Literarische Chronik der Schweiz. Bib- liographie et Clironique litteraire de la Suisse. Annee i 10. Basel, 1871-80. 8. In progress. ASIA. ORIENTAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Zenker (J. T.) Bibliotheca Orientalis. Manuel de Bibliographie Orientale. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1846-61. 8. BB. T. Mueller (A.) Katalog der Bibliothek der Deutschen Morgen- landischen Gesellschaft. Pt. 1. Leipzig, 1880. 8. BB. T. Hermann (C. H.) Bibliotheca Orientalis et Linguistica. Verzeichniss der vom Jahre 1850 bis incl. 1868 in Deutsch- land er.>chienenen Biicher und Abhandlungen orientalischer und sprachvergleichender Literatur. Halle a/S. 1870. 8. BB. T. Bibliotheca Orientalis, oder eine vollstandige Liste der im Jahre i876(-i879) erschienenen Biicher iiber die Sprachen, Eeligionen, Antiquitaten, Literaturen, Geschichte und Geo- graphie des Ostens. Zusammengestellt von K. Friederici. Jahrg. 1-4. London [1877-80]. 8. In progress. BB. T. Catalogue of Chinese Printed Books, Manuscripts, and Drawings in the British Museum. By R. K. Douglas. London, 1877. 4. Catalogue Desk. Gildemeister (J.) Bibliothecse Sanskrit sive recensus librorum Sanskritorum hucusque typis vel lapide exscrip- torum critici specimen. Bonnce ad JRhenum, 1847. 8. BB. T. Catalogue of Sanscrit and Pali Books in the British Museum. By E. Haas. London, 1876. 4. Catalogue Desk. 28 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. HEBREW. Wolf (J. C.) Bibliotheca Hebraea. 4 vol. Hamburgi, 1715-33. 4. 2050. b. Fuerst (J.) Bibliotheca Judaica. Handbuch der gesammten Jiidischen Literatur. 3 Th. Leipzig, 1849-63. 8. BB. A. Catalogue of the Hebrew Books in the British Museum. [By J. Zedner.] London, 1867. 8. Catalogue Desk. Steinschneider (M.) Catalogus Librorum Hebrseorum in Bibliotheca Bodleiana. Berolini, 1852-60. 4. Catalogue Desk. Hebrseische Bibliographic. Blatter fur neuere und altere Literatur des Judenthums. Eedigirt von M. Steinschneider. Bd. 1-20. Berlin, 1858-80. 8. In progress. BB. T. Benjacob (I. A.) Ozar Ha-Sephariin. Thesaurus Librorum Hebraicorum tarn impressorum quam manu scriptorum. Bibliographic der gesammten Hebrseischen Literatur mit Einschluss der Handschriften (bis 1863) nach den Titeln alphabetisch geordnet. Wilna, 1880. 8. BB. T. AMERICA. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of the American Books in the Library of the British Museum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8. 2049. b. Triibner (N.) Triibner's Bibliographical Guide to American Literature. A classed list of books published in the United States of America during the last forty years. London, 1859. 8. 2050. d. Kelly (J.) The American Catalogue of Books, original and reprints, published in the United States from Jan. 1861 to (Jan. 1871). 2 vol. London, 1866-71. 8. 2050. d. Leypoldt (F.) The American Catalogue under the direction of F. Leypoldt. Vol. i. Author and Title entries of Books in print and for sale, July i, 1876. New York, 1880. 4. In progress. 2050. f. Thomas (I.) History of Printing in America, with an account BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF PARTICULAR NATIONS. 29 of Newspapers . . . Second edition, with ... a Catalogue of American Publications previous to the Revolution of 1776. 2 vol. Albamj, 1874. 8. 2050. d. Steiger (E.) The Periodical Literature of the United States of America. With index and appendices. New York, 1873. 4. BB. 0. BRITISH NORTH AMERICA. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of the Canadian and other British North American Books in the Library of the British Mu- seum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1856. 8. 2049. b. (2) Morgan (H. J.) Bibliotheca Canadensis: or, a Manual of Canadian Literature. Ottawa, 1867. 8. 2050. c. MEXICO AND CENTRAL AMERICA. Stevens (H.) Catalogue of the Mexican and other Spanish American and West Indian Books in the Library of the British Museum. Christmas, 1856. London, 1866. 8. 2049. b. (3) Bachiller y Morales (A.) Apuntes para la Historia de las Letras y de la Instruccion Publica de la Isla de Cuba. (Cuarta parte. Seccion 2 a . Catalogo de los Libros y Fol- letos publicados en Cuba desde la introcluccion de la irn- prenta hasta 1840.) 3 torn. Habana, 1861. 8. 2050. c. SOUTH AMERICAN STATES. Biblioteca del Ex-Coronel Pineda, o Colleccion de las publica- ciones de la imprenta en el Virreinato de Santafe i en las Eepublicas de Colombia i Nueva Granada, de 1774 a 1850. Bogota, 1853. 8. 2048. a. Gutierrez (J. M.) Bibliografia de la primera Imprenta de Buenos Aires desde su fundacion hasta cl ailo do 1810 inclusive 6 Catalogo de las producciones de la Imprenta de Ninos Espositos, con obscrvaciones y noticias curiosns, Precedide do una disertacion sobre el orijon del arto de imprimir en America y especialmente on el Rio do la Plata. Buenos Aires, 1866. 8. 2048. a. Briseno (R.) Estadistica Bibliografica. de la Letteratura Chilena. Santiago de Chile, 1862. 4. 2049. e. IT. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. THEOLOGY. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Hagenbach (K. R.) Encyclopadie und Methodologie der theologischen Wissenschaften. Zehnte Auflage. Heraus- gegeben von E. Kautzsch. Leipzig, 1880. 8. BB. A. Brunet (J. C.) Table methodique en forme de Catalogue raisonne. Theologie. Paris, 1865. 8. BB. A. Walch (J. G.) Bibliotheca Theologica selecta, literariis adno- tationibus instructa. 4 torn. Jense, 1757-65. 8. BB. A. Winer (G. B.) Handbuch der theologischen Literatur, haupt- sachlich der protestantischen, nebst kurzen biographischen Notizen. Dritte sehr erweiterte Auflage. (Erganzungsheft ' die Literatur bis zu Ende des Jahres 1841 fortfiihrend.) 3 vol. Leipzig, 1838-42. 8. BB. A. Zuchold (E. A.) Bibliotheca Theologica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der evangelischen Theologie nebst den fur dieselbe wichtigen wahrend der Jahre 1830-62 in Deutsch- land erschienenen Schriften. Gottingen, 1864. 8. BB. A. Bibliotheca Theologica, oder systematisch geordnete Ueber- sicht aller auf dem Gebiete der Evangelischen Theologie in Deutschland neu erschienenen Biicher. Herausgegeben von W. Muldener. 1863-80. Gottingen, 1862-80. 8. BB. A. In progress. Danz (J. T. L.) Universal-Worterbuch der theologischen, kirchen- und religionsgeschichtlichen Ijiteratur. (Sup- plementheft i.) Leipzig, 1843. 8. BB. A. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 31 Darling (J.) Cyclopaedia Bibliographica : a Library Manual of Theological and General Literature. Authors. 2 pt. London, 1854. 8. Subjects. Holy Scriptures. Vol. i. London, 1859. 8. BB. A. MacClintock (J.) and Strong (J.) Cyclopaedia of Theo- logical and Ecclesiastical Literature. Vol. 1-8. New York, 1867-79. 8. In progress. BB. A. Malcolm (H.) Theological Index : Eeferences to the principal works in every department of Eeligious Literature, em- bracing nearly 70,000 citations, alphabetically arranged under 2,000 heads. Boston, 1868. 8. BB. A. Bibliotheca Parva Theologica. A Catalogue of Books recom- mended to Students in Divinity. With a selection of the best editions of the Fathers of the Church. Oxford & London, 1851. 8. BB. A. Catalogue des Livres imprimez de la Bibliotheque du Eoy. Theologie. 3 vol. Paris, 1739-42. fol. 2049. f. Reading (W.) Bibliothecae Cleri Londinensis in Collegio Sionensi Catalogus. Pars prior exhibet libros ad proprias classes redactos. Londini, 1724. fol. 2050. g. Home (T. H.) A Catalogue of the Library of Queen's College, Cambridge. [Vol. i, containing the Theology systematically classed.] London, 1827. 8. BB. A. Catalogue of the Library of the Eev. Daniel Williams, D.D. (Supplement I. containing the additions to the end of 1877.) 3 vol. London, 1841-78. 8. BB. A. Catalogus Dissertationuni et Orationum Theologicarum clefen- sarum et habitarum ab A. 1650 ad 1850 in Academiis Neerlandise, Germanise, Sueciae, collectarum a F. Muller, curante J. C. van Slee. Amstelodami, 1868. 8. BB. A. BIBLES. Le Long (J.) Bibliotheca Sacra. 2 vol. Paris, 1723. fol. 2000. g. - Bibliotheca Sacra post J. Le Long et C. F. Boerneri iteratas curas ordine disposita, emendata, supplota, con- tinuata ab A. G. Masch. 5 vol. Haloe, 1778-90. 4. BB. A. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Home (T. H.) Manual of Biblical Bibliography. [Being Vol. 5 of Home's " Introduction," gth edition.] London, 1846. 8. BB. A. Orme (W.) Bibliotheca Biblica: A select list of books on sacred literature ; with notices, biographical, critical, and biblio- graphical. Edinburgh, 1824. 8. BB. A. Reuss (E.) Bibliotheca Novi Testament! Grseci, cujus editiones ab initio typographies ad noslram setatem impressas, quot- quot reperiii potuerunt collegit, digessit, illustravit E. Eeuss. BrunsvigcB, 1872. 8. BB. A. Spurgeon (C. H.) Commenting and Commentaries : Two lectures, with a catalogue of Biblical Commentaries and Expositions. London, 1876. 8. BB. A. Bullen (G.) Catalogue of the Library of the British and Foreign Bible Society. London, 18 57. 8. BB. A. Cotton (H.) Editions of the Bible and parts thereof in English from the year 1505 to 1850. Second edition, enlarged. Oxford, 1852. 8. BB. A. Rhemes and Doway. An attempt to shew what has been done by Roman Catholics for the diffusion of the Holy Scriptures in English. Oxford, 1855. 8. BB. e. Stevens (H.) The Bibles in the Caxton Exhibition, 1877. ^ r ' a bibliographical description of nearly one thousand repre- sentative Bibles in various languages, chronologically arranged. London, 1878. 8. BB. A. Llewelyn (T.) Historical Account of the British or Welsh Ver- sions and Editions of the Bible. London, 1768. 8. BB. A. O'Callaghan (E. B.) List of Editions of the Holy Scriptures and parts thereof, printed in America previous to 1860: with introduction and bibliographical notes. Albany, 1861. 4. BB. A. Shea (J. G.) Bibliographical Account of Catholic Bibles, Testaments, and other portions of Scripture translated from the Latin Vulgate and printed in the United States. New York, 1859. 8. BB. A. LITURGIES. Zaccaria (P. A.) Bibliotheca Ritualis, conciunatum opus a F. A. Zaccaria ac duos in tomos tributum, quorum alter de libris ipsis ritualibus, alter de illorum explariatoribus agit. 2 torn. Romce, 1776-81. 4. 2002. f. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 33 Ales (A.) Bibliotheque Liturgique. Description des Livres de liturgie imprimes au xv 6 et xvi e siecles faisant partie de la bibliotheque de S. A. R. Mgr. Charles Louis de Bourbon (Comte de Villafranca). Paris, 1878. 8. 2002. f. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Liturgies, Liturgical and Sacra- mental works, classified, with alphabetical index of authors and subjects. London. 8. BB. A. [Dickinson (F. H.)] A list of printed Service Books accord- ing to the ancient uses of the Anglican Church. London, 1850. 8. BB. A. Prere (E.) Des Livres de Liturgie des Eglises d'Angleterre (Salisbury, York, Hereford), imprimes a Rouen dans les xv e et xvi e siecles. Bouen, 1867. 8. BB. A. Miller (J.) Singers and Songs of the Church : being bio- graphical sketches of the Hymn- Writers in all the principal collections. With notes on their Psalms and Hymns. Second edition. London, 1869. 8. BB. A. FATHERS AND LATER WRITERS. Dowling (J. G.) Notitia Scriptorum SS. Patrum aliorumque veteris ecclesiaa monumentorum quae in collectionibus anec- dotorum post annum Christi MDCC in lucem editis continen- tur. Oxonii, 1839. 8. BB. A. Stewart (C. J.) Catalogue of Works in Patristic and Mediaeval Literature. London. 8. BB. A. Walch (J. G.) Bibliotheca Patristica. Editio nova auctior adornata ab J. T. L. Danzio. Jenae, 1834. 8. 2002. a. Permaneder (M.)-Bibliotheea Patristica. 2 vol. Landishuti, 1841-44. 8. 2004. e. Cave (W.) Scriptorum Ecclesiasticorum Historia literaria, a Christo nato usque ad saeculum xiv. qua . . . de vita Mo- rum, . . . de Scriptis . . . deque variis operuni editionibus agitur (Appendix ... ad annum 1517). 2 vol. Oxonii, 1740-43. fol. 2050. g. Ellies Dupin (L.) History of Ecclesiastical Writers. Third edition. 3 vol. Dublin, 1722-24. fol. 2008. g. Oudin (C.) Commontarius de Scriptoribus EcclesiaD antiquis, etc. 3 vol. Lipsi&, 1722. fol. 2008. f. (J 34 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. DOCTRINAL THEOLOGY. Bretschneider (C. G.) Systematische Entwickelung aller in dor Dogmatik vorkommenden Begriffe. Nebst, der Litera- tur, vorziiglich der neuern, iiber alle Theile der Dogmatik. Vierte Auflage. Leipzig, 1841. 8. BB. A. Busse (J. B. J.) Grundriss der Christlichen Literatur, von ikrera Ursprunge an bis zur Erfindung und Ausbreitung der Buchdruckerei. 2 Th. Miinster, 1828-29. 8. BB. A. Abbot (E.) The Literature of the doctrine of a Future Life : or, a catalogue of Works relating to the Nature, Origin, and Destiny of the Soul. New York, 1871. 8. BB. A. Cox (R.) The Literature of the Sabbath Question. 2 vol. Edinburgh, 1865. 8. BB. A. See also the works referred to in Hagenbach's " History of Christian Doc- trines" (2014. g.), and the "Literatur der Dogmatik'' in his "Encyclo- padie und Methodologie der Theologischen Wissenscliaften " (BB. A.). SERMONS. Cooke (J.) The Preacher's Assistant, containing a series of the Texts of Sermons and Discourses published by Divines of the Church of England and by the Dissenting Clergy, since the Eestoration. 2 vol. Oxford, 1783. 8. 2001. b. Pettingell (J. H.) Homiletical Index : a Handbook of Texts, Themes, and Authors. Embracing 20,000 citations of Scripture Texts, and of discourses founded thereon. New York, 1878. 8. BB. A. ROMAN CATHOLIC THEOLOGY. Perennes (P.) Dictionnaire de BibHographie Catholique. Public par M. 1' Abbe Migne. 4 vol. Paris, 1858-60. 8. BB. A. Thesaurus Librorum Rei Catholicae. Handlmch der Biicherkunde der gesarnmten Literatur des Katholicismus undzunachst der katholischen Theologie. (Ergiinzungsheft. Theologisches Fach- und Sachregister.) Wurzburg, 1848-50. 8. BB. A. Baldamus (E.) and Haupt (R.) Die literarischen Erschein- ungen der Jahre 1865-1869 (1870-1879) auf clem gebiete der Katholischen Theologie. Reudnitz, 1870-81. 8. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 35 Pinotti (J. M.) Bibliographia Catholica Americana: a list of works written by Catholic authors and published in the United States. New York, 1872. 8. BB. A. Hurter (H.) Nomenclator Literarius recentioris Theologies Catholics, Theologos exhibens qui inde a Concilio Tridentino floruerunt aetate, natione, disciplinis distinctos. Tom. 1-2. CEniponte, 1871-79. 8. In progress. BB. A. RELIGIOUS ORDERS. Ziegelbauer (M.) Historia rei literariae ordinis S. Benedict!, 4 vol. Augustas Vind. 1754. fol. 2008. g. Villiers de Saint-Etienne (C. de) Bibliotheca Carmelitana. 2 torn. Aurelianis, 1752. fol. 2008. g. Ambrogio [del Giudice] di Altamura Bibliothecae Domini- canae ab admodum R. P. M. F. Ambrosio de Altamura . . . ad annum 1600 productas . . . incrementum, ac prosecutio- Romse, 1677. fol. 2008. f. Quetif (J.) Scriptores ordinis Prsedicatorum. Opus inchoavit J. Quetif, absolvit J. Echard. 2 torn. Paris, 1719-21. fol. 2008. g. Joannes a Sancto Antonio Bibliotheca Universa Francis- cana. 3 torn. Matriti, 1732-33. fol. 2008. f. Wadding (L.) Scriptores Ordinis Minorum, quibus accedit syllabus eorum qui ex eodem ordine, pro fide Christi fortiter occubuerunt. Bomse, 1806. fol. 2008. g. Supplementurn et Castigatio ad Scriptores triuru ordinum S. Francisci a Waddingo aliisve descriptos. Opus posthumum J. H. Sbaraleae. Romse, 1 806. fol. 2008. g. Dionigi da Genova Bibliotheca Scriptorum Ordinis Mino- rum S. Francisci Capucinorum. ... In hac secunda editione accuratius coordinata et aucta. Genuse, 1691. fol. 2008. f. Backer (A. de) Bibliotheque des Ecrivains de la Compagnie de Jesus . . . Xouvelle edition refondue et considerablement augmentee. 3 torn. Liege, 1869-76. fol. 2008. g. Carayon (A.) Bibliographic histurique de la Compagnie de Jesus, ou Catalogue des ouvrages relatifs a 1'histoire des Jesuites, depuis leur origine jusqu'a nos jours. Paris, 1864. 4. BB. A. Ribadeneira (P.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Societatis Jesu. Opus iuchoatum a P. Ribadeneira . . . Recognitum et C 2 36 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. productum ad annum 1674, a N. Sotvello. Romae, 1676. fol. 2008. f. Ingold (A. M. P.) Essai de Bibliographic Oratorienne. Paris, 1880. 8. In progress. BB. A. SECTS. Dexter (H. M.) The Congregationalism of the last three hundred years, as seen in its Literature : with a Biblio- graphical Appendix. New York, 1880. 8. BB. A. Smith (Joseph) A descriptive Catalogue of Friends' books or books written by Members of the Society of Friends, commonly called Quakers. 2 vol. London, 1867. 8. BB. A. Bibliotheca Anti-Quakeriana ; or, a catalogue of books adverse to the Society of Friends. London, 1873. 8. BB. A. Osborn (G.) Outlines of Wesleyan Bibliography ; or, a record of Methodist literature from the beginning. In two parts. London, 1869. 8. BB. A. Decanver (H. C.) Catalogue of works in refutation of Metho- dism, from its origin in 1729 to the present time. Second edition. New York, 1868. 8. BB. A. Bergman (J. T.) Catalogue de la Bibliotheque Wallonne, deposee a Leide. Publie par ordre de la Reunion des l^glises Wallonnes des Pays-Bas. Leide, 1875. 8. BB. A. Morris (J. G.) Bibliotheca Lutherana ; a complete List of the Publications of all the Lutheran Ministers in the United States. Philadelphia, 1876. 8. BB. A. SECRET SOCIETIES: FREEMASONRY. Ladrague (A.) Bibliotheque Ouvaroff. Catalogue Specimen. (Bibliographie des Sciences Secretes. Theosophie, Illumi- nisme, Mysticisme. Societes secretes philosophiques et politiques. Alchimie. Sciences occultes.) Moscou, 1870. 4. BB. A. Kloss (G.) Bibliographie der Freimaurerei uud der mit ihr in Verbindunggesetzten geheimen Gesellschaften systematise!! zusammengestellt. Frankfurt-am-Main, 1844. 8. BB. A. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 37 Barthelmess (R.) Bibliographic der Freimaurerei in Amerika. (Nachtrag zu der Bibliographie des Br. Kloss.) New York, 1856. 8. BB. A. Findel (J. G.) Meine Maurerische Biichersammlung. . . . Ein Nachtrag zu G. Kloss. Bibliographie. Leipzig, 1866. 8. BB. A. Gowans (W.) A Catalogue of books on Freemasonry, and kindred subjects. New York, 1858. 8. BB. A. Hemsworth (H. W.) Catalogue of Books in the Library at Freemasons' Hall, London. Privately printed, London. BB. A. ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY. Bowling (J. G.) Introduction to the critical study of Eccle- siastical History ... in ... a short notice of the sources of the history of the Church. (Bibliographical Index.) London, 1838. 8. 2015. b. Parker Society A General Index to the Publications of the Parker Society. Compiled by H. Gough. Cambridge, 1855. 8. 2015. b. See also the lists given in Gieseler's Text Book of Church History (2003. b.), in Schaff's History of the Christian Church (2004. d. and 2214. d.), in Alzog's " Manual of Church History " (2214. d.), in Kurtz's " Text Book" (2214. a.), in Hagenbach's " Encyclopadie " (BB. A.), and in Smith's Dictionaries of Christian Biography and Antiquities (2003. c.). NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIONS. Kistner (O.) Buddha and his Doctrines. A bibliographical essay. London, 1869. 8. BB. A. PHILOSOPHY. METAPHYSICS. Ueberweg (P.) History of Philosophy. [With copious biblio- graphies of the various systems, and lists of authorities.] 2 vol. London, 1875-76. 8. 2023 c. System of Logic. [With bibliographical notes and references.] London, 1871. 8. 2023 a. 38 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Graesse (J. G. T.) Bibliotheca Psych ologica, oder Verzeich- niss der wichtigsten tiber das Wesen der Menschen- und Thierseelen und die Unsterblichkeitslehre handelnden Schriftsteller alterer und neuerer Zeit. Leipzig, 1845. 8. BB. C. Gumposch (V. P.) Die philosophische Literatur der Deutschen von 1400 bis auf unsere Tage. Regensburg, 185 1. 8. BB. C. Ersch. (J. S.) BibliographischesHandbuchder philosophischen Literatur der Deutschen von der Mitte des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts bis auf die neueste Zeit. Nach J. S. Ersch in systematischer Ordnung bearbeitet von C. A. Gieseler. Dritte Auflage. Leipzig, 1850. 8. BB. C. Hall (P.) A Contribution towards an Index to the Biblio- graphy of the Indian Philosophical Systems. Calcutta, 1859. 8. BB. C. Graesse (J. G. T.) Bibliotheca Magica et Pneunaatica, oder wissenschaftlich geordnete Bibliographic der wichtigsten in das Gebiet des Zauber-, Wunder-, Geister- und sonstigen Aberglaubens vorziiglich alterer Zeit einschlagenden Werke. Ein Beitrag zur sittengeschichtlichen Literatur. Leipzig, 1843. 8. BB. C. Bibliotheca Diabolica; being a choice selection of the most valuable books relating to the Devil ; his origin, greatness, and influence ; comprising the most important works on . . . Demons, Hell, Magic, Witchcraft, Sorcery, Divination, . . . Angels, Ghosts, etc. New York, 1874. 8. BB. C. EDUCATION. Schott (G. E.) Handbuch der Padagogischen Literatur der Gegenwart. 3 Th. Leipzig, 1869-71. 8. BB. C. Piihrer durch die Padagogische Literatur. Wien, 1879. 8. BB. c. Catalogue of the Educational Division of the South Kensington Museum. Ninth edition. London, 1876. 8. BB. C. Katalog von Werken iiber den Zeichenunterricht. Neuwied, 1876. 8. BB. C. Guyot (C.) and (R. T.) Liste Litteraire Philocophe, ou Cata- logue d'etude de ce qui a ete publie jusqu'a nos jours sur les Sourds-Muets ; sur 1'Oreille, 1'Ouie, la Voix, le Langage, la Mimique, les Aveugles, etc. Groningue, 1642. 8. BB. C. BIBLIOGKAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 39 POLITICS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. Mohl (R. von) Die Geschichte und Literatur der Staatswis- senschaften. 3 Bde. Erlangen, 1855-58. 8. BB. C. Uebersicht der gesammten staats- und rechtswissenschaftlichen Literatur des Jahres i868(-i88o). Zusammengestellt von 0. Miihlbrecht. Jahrg. 1-12. Berlin, 1869-80. 8. BB. C. In progress. Katalog der Bibliothek des Deutschen Beichstages. [Edited by A. Potthast.] Abtheil. i. Berlin, 1877. In progress. 8. BB. C. MacCulloch (J. R.) The Literature of Political Economy : a classified catalogue of select publications, etc. London, 1845. 8. BB. C. Blanqui (J. A.) Histoire de 1'Economie politique en Europe ; suivie d'une Bibliographic raisonnee des principaux ouvrages d'Economie Politique. Quatrieme edition. 2 torn. Paris, 1860. 8. 2023. C. Cossa (L.) Guide to the study of Political Economy. Trans- lated from the second Italian edition. With a preface by W. Stanley Jevons. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. See also the Bibliographies appended to the various articles in the " Dic- tionnaire de 1'Economie Politique " of Coquelin and Guillaumin (2023. d.). Ristelhueber (J. B.) Wegweiser zur Literatur der Waisen- pflege des Volks-Erziehungswesens, der Armenfiirsorge, des Bettlerwesens und der Gefiingnisskunde. 2 Bd. Coin, 1831-40. 8. BB. C. Fournel (H.) Bibliographic Saint-Simonienne. De 1802 au 31 Decembre 1832. Paris, 1833. 8 - BB - c - TRADE AND STATISTICS. Meusel (J. G.) Litteratur der Statistik. Zweite ganz umgear- beitete Ausgabe. Leipzig, 1806-07. 8. BB. C. Heuschling (P. F. X. T.) Bibliographie historique de la Statistique en Allemagne, avec une introduction generate. Bruxelles, 1845. 8. BB. C. Statistical Society. Journal of the Statistical Society of London. General Index to the first fifteen volumes. (1834-52.) London, 1854. 8. 2097. e. 40 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Statistical Society. General Index to volumes 16-25. (1853-1862.) London, 1863. 8. 2097. f. General Index to volumes 26-35. (1863-1872.) London, 1874. 8. 2097. f. Katalog der Bibliothek der Konigl. Statistischen Bureaus zu Berlin. 2 pts. Berlin, 1874-79. 4. BB. C. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliothek der Handlungswissenschaft, 1750-1845. Zweite Auflage umgearbeitet von W. Engel- mann. Leipzig, 1846. 8. BB. C. Katalog der Cornmerz-Bibliothek in Hamburg, 1864. [Clas- sified.] Hamburg, 1864. 8. BB. C. JURISPRUDENCE. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Brunet (J. C.) Table methodique en forme de Catalogue raisonne. Jurisprudence. Pan's, 1865. 8. BB. C. Catalogue des Livres imprimes de la Bibliotheque du Eoi. Jurisprudence. 2 vol. Paris, 1753. fol. 2049. f. Lipenius (M.) Bibliotheca Eealis Juridica, post F. G. Struvii et G. A. Jenichenii curas emendata et locupletata. (Sup- plementa ac emendationes collegit et digessit A. F. Schott, E. C. de Senkenberg, L. G. Madihn.) Lipsise, Vratislavise, 1757-1823. fol. BB. I. Schletter (H. T.) Handbuch der juristischen Literatur. Grimma, 1843. 4. BB. C. Wuttig (G. W.) Bibliotheca Juridica. Handbuch der ge- sammten neueren juristischen und staatswissenschaftlichen Literatur. (Zweiter Band bearbeitet von L. Eossberg.) i849(-i876.) Mit einem ausfiihrlichen Materienregister. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1867-77. 8. BB. C. Walther (A. O.) Hand-Lexicon der juristischen Literatur des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts. Weimar, 1854. 8. BB. C. Teichmann (A. F. R.) Bibliographische Uebersicht des rorn- ischen, deutschen, franzosischen und englischen Eechts. Bale, 1876. 4. BB. C. Nypels (J. S. G.) Bibliotheque choisie du Droit Criminel . . . ou Notice des ouvrages . . . publics dans les principales contrees de 1'Europe et aux Etats-Unis d'Amerique sur cetto partie de la science du Droit. Bruxelles, 1864. 8. BB. C. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 41 LAW OP NATIONS. Ompteda (D. H. L. von) Litteratur des gesammten, sowohl natiirlichen als positiven Volkerrechts. 2 Th. Regensburg, 1785. 8. BB. C. Kamptz (C. A. von) Neue Literatur des Volkerrechts seit dem Jahre 1784. Berlin, 1817. 8. BB. C. Martens (G. F. de) Precis du Droit des Gens moderne de 1' Europe . . . Suivi d'une Bibliographic raisonnee du Droit des Gens par M. C. Verge. 2 torn. Paris, 1864. 8. BB. C. Martens (C. de) Baron. Le Guide diplomatique. Accom- pagne d'une Bibliotheque Diplomatique choisie. Quatrieme edition. 2 vol. Paris, 1851. 8. 2050. b. ROMAN LAW. Vangerow (C. A. von) Lehrbuch der Pandekten. (Einleitung. Div. V. Ausgewahlte Literatur des Civilrechts.) 7' Auflage. 3 Bd. Marburg, 1875-76. 8. 2016. b. Mackeldey (F.) Compendium of Modem Civil Law. (Litera- ture of the Eoman Law.) New York, 1845. 8. 2016. b. CANON AND ECCLESIASTICAL LAW. Phillips (G.) Du Droit Ecclesiastique dans ses sources. . . . Traduit par 1'Abbe Crouzet. Suivi d'un essai do Biblio- graphie du Droit Canonique. Paris, 1852. 8. 2019. b. Schulte (J. F. von) Lehrbuch des Katholischen Kirchen- rechtes . . . und dessen Literatur Geschichto. Dritte Auflage. Giessen, 1873. 8. 2019. d. Die Geschichte der Quellen des Canonischen Eechts von Gratian bis auf die Gegenwart. 3 Bd. Stuttgart, 1875-80. 8. BRITISH AND AMERICAN LAW. Bridgman (R. W.) Short View of Legal Bibliograph}--. London, 1807. 8. BB. C. Butterworth (J.) A General Catalogue of Law-Books. Third edition. London, 1812. 12. BB. C. 42 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Clarke (J.) Clarke's Bibliotheca Legtim : or, a complete Cata- logue of the Common and Statute Law-Books. New edition. [By T. H. Home.] London, 1819. 12. BB. C. Marvin (J. G.) Legal Bibliography, or a Thesaurus of American, English, Irish, and Scotch Law Books. Together with some Continental Treatises. To which is prefixed a copious list of abbreviations. Philadelphia, 1847. 8. BB. C. Stevens (H. G.) and Haynes (R. W.) Bibliotheca Legum. A Catalogue of Law Books, including all the Eeports in the various Courts of England, Scotland, and Ireland ; with a supplement, &c. (1877.) London, 1874-78. 12. BB. C. Wallace (J. W.) The Eeporters chronologically arranged: with occasional remarks upon their respective merits. Third edition. Philadelphia, 1855. 8. BB. C. Douthwaite (W.) Catalogue of the Books in the Library of Gray's Inn : with an Index of Subjects. London, 1872. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Middle Temple . . . with an Index of Subjects. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. Spilsbury (W. H.) Catalogue of the Printed Books in the Library of the Hon. Society of Lincoln's Inn. [With Index of Subjects.] (Supplement. April 1859 to April 1862.) London, 1859-62. 8. BB. C. Ivory (W.) Catalogue of the Law Books in the Library of the Society of Writers to Her Majesty's Signet in Scotland arranged systematically, with an alphabetical index of authors and subjects. Edinburgh, 1856. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of the New York State Library, 1855. Law Library. Albany, 1856. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of the Pennsylvania State Library, Jan. i, 1878. Part i. Law Books and State Papers. Harrisburg, 1878. 8. BB. C. Clarke (R.) & Co. Digest of Law Publications: being a catalogue of American and British Law Books classified according to their titles. With an Index of Authors. Cincinnati, 1877. 8. BB. C. Law Times Reports. A General Index to the Law Times Eeports (New Series). Vol. 1-20. Sept. 1859 * Sept. 1869. London, [1860-69.] 8. BB. C. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 43 FOREIGN LAW. France. Ministers de la Justice. Bibliotheque du Comite de Legislation etrangere. Catalogue. Juillet 1879. Paris, 1879. 8. BB. C. Camus (A. G.) Bibliotheque choisie des Livres de Droit. Cinquieme edition, augmentee par M. Unpin [being vol. 2 of the "Profession d'Avocat."] Paris, 1832. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of Books on Foreign Law, founded on the Collection presented by C. Purton Cooper to the Society of Lincoln's Inn. Laws and Jurisprudence of France. London, 1849. 8. BB. C. Dramard (E.) Bibliographie raisonnee du Droit Civil, com- prenant les matieres du Code Civil et des lois posteri cures qui en forrnent le complement. Paris, 1879. 8. BB. C. Thorin (E.) Repertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence. Suivi d'une table analytique et raisonnee des matieres. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1866. 8. . BB. C. Waree (B.) Repertoire Bibliographique des ouvrages de Legislation, de Droit et de Jurisprudence, publics speciale- ment en France. Suivi d'une table analytique et raison- nee des matieres. Nouvelle edition. Paris, 1870. 8. BB. C. Bibliographie, ou Catalogue general et complet des livres de Droit et de Jurisprudence publics jusqu'au 6 Novembro 1880; classe dans 1'ordre des codes, avec table alphabetique des matieres. Paris, 1881. 8. BB. C. Picard (E.) Bibliographie generale et raisonnee du Droit Beige. 1814-1881. Bruxelles, 1880. 8. BB. C. Costa (E. H.) Bibliographie der Deutschen Eechtsgeschichte. Braunschweig, 1858. 8. BB. C. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Juridica, oder Verzeichniss aller brauchbaren, in alterer und neuerer Zeit, besonders aber vom Jahre 1750 bis 1839 in Deutschland erschienenen Werke. . . Nebst einem Materienregister. 2 te Auflago von W. Engel- mann. (Supplement- Heft, 1839-1848.) Leipzig, 1840- 49. 8. BB. C. Dubois (E.) Bibliographie Juridiquc Italiermc. Paris, 1873. 8. BB. C. 44 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Linden (J. van der) Institutes of the Laws of Holland. Translated by J. Henry. (Chapter II. On the formation of a Select Law Library.) London, 1828. 8. BB. C. Nij hoff (M .) Bibliotheca Juridica. Catalogus van alle Boeken sedert 1837 in het Koningrijk der Nederlanden verschenen. Over staatswetenschappen, Wetgeving en Eechtsgeleerd- heid. 'S. Gravenhage, 1874. 8. BB. C. Aagesen (A.) Fortegnelse over Eetssamlinger, Retsliteratur m.m. i Danmark, Norge, Sverig, og til Dels Finland. Kjfoenhavn, 1876. 8. BB, C. SCIENCES AND ARTS. GENERAL BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Brunet (J. C.) Table me'thodique en forme de Catalogue raisonne. Sciences et Arts. Paris, 1865. 8. BB. E. Catalogue of the Scientific Books in the Library of the Eoyal Society. London, 1839. 8. BB. E. Acland (H. W.) The Student's Library: a selection [of scientific works] from the Catalogue of the Radcliffe Library at the Oxford Museum. For the use of Students in the Reading Boom. Third edition. Oxford, 1877. 8. BB. E. Scudder (S. H.) Catalogue of Scientific Serials of all countries, including the transactions of learned Societies in the Natural, Physical and Mathematical Sciences. 1663-1876. Cambridge, 1879. 8. BB. E. Royal Society of London Catalogue of Scientific Papers, 1800-1863 (1864-73). 8 vol. London, 1867-79. 4. BB. o. Bibliotheca Historico - Naturalis, Physico - Chemica et Mathematica, oder systematisch geordnete Uebersicht der in Deutschland und dem Auslande auf dein Gebiete der gesaminten Naturwissenschaften und der Mathematik neu erschienenen Biicher herausgegeben von H. Guthe (A. Metzger, etc.~). Jahrg. 18-29. 1868-79. Gottingen, 1868-80. 8. In progress. BB. E. Polytechnische Bibliothek. Verzeichniss der in Deutschland und dem Auslande neu erschienenen Werke ausden Biichern der Mathematik und Astronomie,der Physik und Chemie, der Mechanik und des Maschinen-Baues, der BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 45 Baukunst und Ingenieurwissenschaft, des Berg- und Hiitten- wesens. Mit Inhaltsangabe der wichtigsten Fachzeit- schriften. Jahrg. 1-15. 1866-1880. Leipzig, 1866-80. 8. In progress. BB. E. Boelnner(G. R.) Bibliotheca Scriptorum Histories Naturalis, (Economise, aliarumque Artium et Scientiarum ad illam pertinentium realis systematica. 5 Th. Lipsice, 1785-89. 8. 2050. a. Dryander (J.) Catalogus Bibliothecae Historico-Naturalis Joseph! Banks. 5 torn. Londini, 17981800. 8. 2028. a. Priedlaender (R.) and Son. Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis et Mathematica. Lager-Catalog, etc. Berlin, 1880. 8. BB. E. Poggendorff (J. C.) Biographisch-Literarisches Handworter- buch zur Geschichte der exacten Wissenschaften, enthaltend Nachweisungen iiber Lebensverhaltnisse und Leistungen von Mathematikern, Astro nomen, Physikern, Chemikern, Mineralogen, Geologen u. s. w. aller Volker und Zeiten. Leipzig, 1863. 8. 2022. f. British Association. Index to the Eeports and Transactions of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, from 1831 to 1860 inclusive. London, 1864. 8. BB. 0. Krebel (R.) Russlands naturhistorische und medicinische Literatur. Schriften und Abhandlungen in nicht-russischer Sprache. Jena, 1847. 8. BB. E. ZOOLOGY. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Verzeich- niss der Bticher iiber Naturgeschichte welche in den Jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sind. Von W. Engelmann. Bd. i. Leipzig, 1846. 8. BB. E. Supplement-Band, enthaltend die in den period- ischen Worken aufgenommenon und die vom Jahro 1846 1860 erischienenen Schriften. Bearbeitet von J. V. Carus und W. Engelmann. 2 vol. Leipzig, 1861. 8. BB. E. Agassiz (L. J. R.) Bibliographia Zoologise et Geologia3. A general catalogue of all books, tracts, and memoirs on Zoology and Geology. Corrected, enlarged and edited by H. E. Strickland. 4 vol. Ray Society, London, 1848-54. 8. 2027. f. 46 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Zoological Record for i864(-i878). Edited by A. C. L. G. Giinther, (A. Newton and E. C. Rye). Vol. 1-14. London, 1865-80. 8. In progress. 2028. b. Giebel (C. G.) Thesaurus Ornithologiaj. Repertoriurn der gesammten Ornithologischen Literatur. [Bd. i. pp. 1-252, comprising the " Repertorium ornithologicum."] Leipzig, 1872. 8. BB. E. Ibis. Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index to the Plates in " The Ibis " (First, Second, and Third Series) 1859-76. Edited by 0. Salvin. London, 1879. 8. BB. E. Bosgoed (D. M.) Bibliotheca Ichthyologica et Piscatoria. Catalogue de livres sur 1'histoire naturelle des Poissons et des Cetaces, la Pisciculture, les Peches, etc. Haarlem, 1874. 8. BB. E. Cavanna (G.) Elementi per una Bibliografia Italian* intorno all' idrofauna agli allevamenti degli aniuiali acquatici e alia pesca. Firenze, 1880. 8. BB. E. Hagen (H. A.) Bibliotheca Entomologica. 2 Bd. Leipzig, 1862-63. 8. BB. E. BOTANY. Pritzel (G. A.) Thesaurus Literatures Botanicae. Editionem novam reformatam curavit G. A. Pritzel. Lipsise, 187 2^77. ] 4. BB. E. Iconum Botanicarum Index locupletissimus. An alpha- betical register of upwards of eighty-six thousand Repre- sentations of Phanerogamic Plants and Ferns. 2 pt. Berlin, 1855-66. 4. BB. E. Repertorium armuum Literature Botanicae periudicae curavit J. A. van Bemmelen. Tom. i. (Curarunt G. C. W. Bohnensieg et W. Burck. Tom. 2-5.) Tom. 1-5. Harlemi, 1873-79. 8. In progress. BB. E. Botanischer Jahresbericht. Systematise!! geordnetes Re- pertorium der Botanischen Literatur aller Lander. Jahrg. 4-5. Berlin, 1878-79. 8. In progress. BB. E. Colmeiro (M.) La Botanica y !<>s Botanicos de la Peninsula Hispano-Lusitana. Estudios Bibliograficos y Biograficos. Madrid,i8$8. 8. BB. E. Watson (S.) Bibliographical Index to North-American Botany ; or Ciiations of authorities for all the recorded BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 47 indigenous- and naturalized species of the Flora of North Ameiica. Washington, 1878. 8. BB. E. Symons (G. J.) and Simmonds (P. L.) [Catalogue of Works on Tropical Products and Economic Botany. Supplement to "The Colonies and India."] London, 1879. fol. BB. E. Bibliotheca CEnologica. Zusammenstellung des gesammten Weinliteratur des In- und Auslandes. Heidelberg, 1875. 8. BB. E. Bragge (W.) Bibliotheca Mootiana; a catalogue of Books about Tobacco, together with a catalogue of objects con- nected with the use of Tobacco in all its forms. Privately printed [Birmingham], 1880. 4. BB. C. GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY. White (H.) and Newton (T. W.) Catalogue of the Library of the Museum of Practical Geology and Geological Survey. London, 1878. 8. BB. E. Geological Record for i874(-i877). Edited by W. Whitaker. London, 1875-80. 8. In progress. BB. E. Ormerod (G. W.) Classified Index to the Transactions, Pro- ceedings, and Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society of London. Second edition, including all the memoirs and notices to the end of 1868. (Supplement, including all the memoirs and notices from 1869 to 1875 inclusive.) London, 1876. 8. BB. E. Katalog der Bibliothek der Koniglichen Geologisclien Landes- anstalt und Bergakademie zu Berlin. (Nac-htrag, 1875- 1879.) Berlin, 1876-80. 8. BB. E. Achiardi (A. d'). Bibliografia Mineralogica, Geologica e Paleontologica della Tuscana. Roma, 1875. 8. BB. E. Zezi (P.) Indice Bibliografico delle pubblicazioni Italiane e Straniero riguardanti la Geologia e la Palaeontologia della Provincia di Eoma . . . con una appendice per le Acquo Potabili, Tcrmali e Minerali. Eoma, 1878. 8. BB. E. Jentzsch (A.) Die geologische und mineralogische Literatur des Konigreiches Sachsen und der angrenzenden Lancler- theile von 1835 ^is I ^73> systematise!* Zusammengestellt. Leipzig, 1874. 8. BB. E. Berg (E. von). Repertorium der Literatur iiber die Minera- logie, Geologic, Palaeontologie, Berg- und Iluttenkundo 48 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Russlands bis zum Schlusse des xvm. Jahrhunderts. St. Petersburg, 1862. 8. BB. E. Maffei (E.) and Rua Figueroa (R.) (Bibliografia Mineral Hispano- Americana.) Apuntes para una Biblioteca Espanola de libros, folletos y articulos relatives al conocimiento y explotacion de las riquezas minerales. Comprenden la mineralogia y geologia en todas sus aplicaciones, la quimica analftica, docimastica y metalurgica, la legislacion y ostadistica mineras, etc. 2 torn. Madrid, 1871-72. 8. BB. E. [Reichardt (G.)] Bibliotheca rerum metallicarum. Verzeich- niss der bis Mitte 1856 ( Jan. 1864) in Deutechland iiber Bergbau, Hiitten- und Salinenkunde und verwandto Zweige erschienenen Biicher. Mit Sachregister. Eisleben, 1857-66. 12. BB. E. Folkard (H. T.) Wigan Free Public Library. Index Cata- logue of Books and Papers relating to Mining, Metallurgy, and Manufactures. Southport, 1880. 8. BB. E. CHEMISTRY. Zuchold (E. A.) Bibliotheca Chemica. Verzeichniss der auf dem Gebiete der reinen, pharmaceutischen, physiologisclien und technischen Chemie in den Jahren 1840 bis 1858 in Deutschland und im Auslande erschienenen Schriften. Mit einem ausfuhrlichen Sachregister. Gottingen, 1859. 8. BB. E. Ruprecht (R.) Bibliotheca Chemica et Pharmaceutica. Alpha- betischer Verzeichniss der ... in den Jahren 1858 bis 1870 erschienenen Schriften. Mit einem Sachregister. Gottingen, 1872. 8. BB. E. Wolff (E. T.) Quellen-Literatur der theoretisch-organischen Chemie, oder Verzeichniss der vom Anfang des letzten Viertheils des vorigen Jahrhunderts bis zum Schluss des Jahres 1 844 ausgefiihrten Untersuchungen iiber die Eigen- schaften . . . der organischen Substanzen, etc. Halle, 1845. 8. BB. E. Watts (H.) Index to the first twenty-five volumes of tie Journal of the Chemical Society, 1848-1872; and to the Memoirs and Proceedings, 1841-1847. London, 1874. 8. BB. E. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 49 PHYSICS. Young (T.) A Systematic Catalogue of works relating to Natural Philosophy and the Mechanical Arts ; with refer- ences to particular passages and occasional abstracts and remarks [being pp. 105-520 of Vol. 2 of the author's " Course of Lectures on Natural Philosophy "]. London, 1807. 4. BB. E. See also the " Additional Authorities " appended to the edition of this work issued in 1845 (2022. a.). Ronalds (Sir P.) Catalogue of Books and Papers relating to Electricity, Magnetism, the Electric Telegraph, &c., in- cluding the Eonalds Library. Edited by A. J. Frost. London, 1880. 8. BB. E. Roper (F. C. S.) Catalogue of Works on the Microscope, and of those referring to microscopical subjects. Privately printed [London], 1865. 8. BB. E. MEDICINE. Choulant (L.) Bibliotheca medico-historica, sive Catalogus librorum historicorum de re medica et scientia natural! systematicus. Lipsice, 1842. 8. BB. C. Callisen (C. P.) Medicinisches Schriftsteller-Lexicon, &c. 33 vol. Copenhagen, 1830-45. 12. 2038. a. Pauly (A.) Bibliographie des Sciences Medicales. Biblio- graphie Biographic Histoire Epidemies Topographies Endemics. Paris, 1874. 8. BB. C. Bibliotheque Imperials. Departement des Imprimes. Cata- logue des Sciences Medicales. Vol. 1-2. Paris, 1857-73. 4. In progress. 2100. b. Classed Catalogue of the Books contained in the Library of the Eoyal College of Surgeons in London. London, 1843. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of the Library of the Royal Medical and Chirurgical Society of London. (Vol. 3. Index of Subjects.) [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] 3 vol. London, 1879. 8. BB. C. Roy (C. H. a) Catalogus Bibliothecae Medicae C. H. a Roy. 5 torn. Amstelodami, 1830. 8. BB. C. Engelmann (W.) Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgioa et Ana- D 50 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. tomico-Physiologica. Alphabetisches Verzeictmiss der medicinischen . . . Biicher, welcho vom Jahre 1750 bis 1847, in Deutschlaud erschienen sind. (Supplement-Heft, 1848-1867.) Leipzig, 1848-68. 8. BB. C. Bibliotheca Medico-Chirurgiea, Pharmaceutico-Chemica et Veterinaria, oder geordnete Uebersicht aller in Deutsch- land und im Auslande neu erschienenen medicinischen . . . Biicher. Herausgegeben von C. J. F. W. Euprecht. Jahrg. 21-33. 1868-79. Gottingen, 1868-80. 8. BB. C. In progress. Ploucquet (G. G. de) Literatura Medica digesta ; sive, Repertorium Medicinae practice, Chirurgise atque Eei Obste- tricae. (Continuatio et Supplementum I.) 4 torn. Tubingce. 1808-14. 4. BB. c. Index Catalogue of the Library of the Surgeon-General's Office, United States Army. Authors and Subjects. Vol. i. Washington, 1880. 8. In progress. BB. C. Neale (R.) The Medical Digest, being a means of ready reference to the principal contributions to Medical Science during the last thirty years. London, 1877. 8. BB. C. Index Medicus. A monthly classified Record of the current medical Literature of the World, compiled under the direc- tion of Dr. J. S. Billings and Dr. R. Fletcher. Vol. 1-2. New York, 1879-80. 8. In progress. BB. C. Medical and Chirurgical Society of London General Index to the first fifty-three volumes of the Medico-Chirur- gical Transactions. [By B. R. Wheatley.] London, 1871. 8. BB. C. Pathological Society General Index to the first fifteen volumes of the Transactions ; with a List of Authors, and a classified List of Subjects. Compiled by T. Holmes. London, 1864. 8. - General Index for vols. 16 to 25. 1865-74. [Compiled by B. R. Wheatley.] London, 1875. 8. BB. C. Pharmaceutical Society Index to fifteen volumes of the Pharmaceutical Journal. London, 1857. 8. Index to twelve volumes of the Pharmaceutical Journal. Vol. XVI. Old Series (1856) to Vol. IX. Second Series (1868). London, 1869. 8. General Index to ten volumes of the Pharmaceutical Journal and Transactions. Second Series, Vols. X. and XI. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 51 Third Series, Vols. I. to VIII. July, 1868, to June, 1878. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. Catalogue of the Library of the Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. Third edition. Compiled by J. W. Knapman. London, 1880. 8. BB. C. Zeis (E.) Die Literatur und Geschichte der plastischen Chirurgie. Leipzig, 1863. 8. BB. C. Waring (E. J.) BibliothecaTherapeutica; or, Bibliography of Therapeutics, chiefly in reference to articles of the Materia Medica, with an appendix containing the bibliography of British Mineral Waters. 2 vol. New Sydenham Society, London, 1878-79. 8. BB. C. Ackermann (A.) Literarischer Wegweiser fur die offentliche Gesundheitspflege und das Wohl der Menschen. Enthaltend die Schriften und Journalartikel der letzten 20 Jahre (1854-1874). Munchen, 1874. 8. BB. C. Springer (R.) Wegweiser in der vegetarianischen Literatur. Zweite vermehrte Auflage. Nordhausen, 1880. 8. BB. C. Enslin (T. C. F.) Bibliotheca Veterinaria oder Verzeichniss der bis 1 842 in Deutschland erschienenen Biicher iiber alle Theile der Thierarzneikunde. Von neuem umgearbeitet von W. Engelmann. Leipzig, 1843. 8. BB. C. Sec also the " Select Medical Bibliography " at the end of Vol. 4. of Sir J. Forbes's " Cyclopaedia of Practical Medicine" (2025. b.), and the Biblio- graphies appended to the several articles in Copland's " Dictionary of Practical Medicine" (2025. d.) in the " Dictionnaire Encyclope'dique des Sciences Medicales" (2025. c.) in Jaccoud's " Nouveau Dictionnaire de Medecine " (2025. a.) in Todd's " Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Phy- siology " (2024. d.) and in Buck's " Treatise on Hygiene " (2024. d.). MATHEMATICS. Murhard (F. W. A.) Bibliotheca Mafhematica. Lileratur der mathernatischen Wis.serisehaffcen. 4 Bd. Lipsise, 1797- 1804. 8. BB. E. Rogg (J.) Bibliothcca Mathcmatica. ITandbuch der mathe- matischen Literatur vom Anfange der Buchdruckerkunst bis 1830. Erste Abtht- ilung, welcho die Arithmetischon und Geometrischen Wissenschafton enthiilt. Tubingen, 1830. 8. BB. E. Sohncke (L. A.) Bibliotheca Matheraatica. Catalogue of books in every branch of mathematics, which have been J) 2 52 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. published in Germany and other countries from the year 1830 to the middle of 1854. Leipsic, 1854. 8. BB. E. Erlecke (A.) Bibliotheca Mathematica. Systematisches Ver- zeichniss der bis 1870 in Deutschland auf den Gebieten der Arithmetik, Algebra, . . . Geometrie, . . . Dynamik, Statik, Mechanik, Hydrostatik und Hydraulik, Cosmologie, As- tronomic, Astrologie, mathematischen und physikalischen Geographic erschienenen Werke, Schriften und Abhand- lungen. Bd. i. Halle a. 8., 1873. 8. BB. E. De Morgan (A.) Arithmetical Books from the invention of printing to the present time. London, 1847. 8. BB. E. Riccardi (P.) Biblioteca matematica Italiana. Vol. 1-2. Modena, 1870-78. 4. In progress. BB. E. Jahrbuch iiber die Fortschritte der Mathematik in Verein mit, anderen Mathematikern herausgegeben von C. Ohrtmann, F. Miiller, A. Wangerin. Bd. 7-9. Berlin, 1877-79. 8. In progress. BB. E. ASTRONOMY. Le Pran9ois de Lalande (J. J.) Bibliographic astronomique ; avec 1'histoire de 1'astronomie depuis 1781 jusqu'a 1802. Paris, 1803. 4. BB. E. Houzeau (J. C.) and Lancaster (A.) Bibliographic generale de 1'Astronomie. Bruxelles, 1880. 8. BB. E. In progress. Struve (O.) Librorum in Bibliotheca Speculse Pulcovensis anno 1858 exeunte contentorum catalogus systematicus. Petropoli, 1860. 8. BB. E. Catalogue of the United States Naval Observatory, Washing- ton. Part I. Astronomical Bibliography. By Prof. E. S. Holden. Washington, 1879. 4. BB. E. Bruhns (C.) Catalog der Bibliothek der Astronomischen Gesellschaft. Leipzig, 1880. 8. BB. E. Royal Astronomical Society General Index to the first thirty-eight volumes of the Memoirs of the Koyal Astrono- mical Society. .London, 1871. 8. 2022. f. A General Index to the first twenty-nine volumes of the Monthly Notices of the Eoyal Astronomical Society, compri- sing the Proceedings of the Society from February 9, 1 827, to the end of the Session 1868-69. London, 1870. 8. 2021. cc. BIBLIOGRAPHIES OF SPECIAL SUBJECTS. 53 MILITARY AND NAVAL SCIENCE. Rumpf (H. P.) Allgemeine Literatur der Kriegswissen- sohaften. Litterature universelle des Sciences militaires. 2 torn. Berlin, 1824-25. 8. BB. E. Baldamus (E.) Die literarischen Erscheimmgen der letzten 20 Jahre 1845-64 (der Jahre 1865-1879) auf dem Gebiete der Kriegswissenschaft (und Pferdekunde). Prag, Eeudnitz, Leipzig, 1865-80. 8. BB. E. Witzleben (A. von). Deutschland's Militar-Literatur im letzten Jahrzehent und Uebersicht der wichtigsten Karten und Plane Central Europas. Berlin, 1850. 8. BB. E. Seelhortst (A. von). Deutschland's Militar-Literatur im letzten Jahrzehent 1850 bis 1860. Berlin, 1862. 8. BB. E. Catalogue of the Books, Maps, and Plans in the Military Library of H. E. H. the Prince Consort, Aldershot. (Ad- denda.) London, 1 860-61. 8. BB. E. Catalogue de la Bibliotheque du Depot de la Guerre. [Clas- sified.] 2 torn. Paris, 1861. 8. BB. E. Katalog der Bibliothek des Koniglich Preussischen grossen Generalstabes. [Classified.] Berlin, 1878. 4. BB. E. Ayala (M. d') Bibliografia Militare-Italiana antica e modei-na. Torino, 1854. 8. BB. E. Almirante (J.) Bibliografia Militar de Espana. Madrid, 1876. 4. BB. E. Stratico (S.) Bibliografia di Marina nelle varie lingue dell' Europa o sia Eaccolta dei titoli dei libri nelle suddette lingue i quali trattono di quest' arte. Milano, 1823. 4. BB. E. Thorburn (R.) Catalogue of the Books in the Admiralty Library. [Principally on naval subjects, seamanship, ai-d navigation.] London, 1875. 4- BB. E. INDUSTRIAL ARTS. Lacroix (E.) Bibliographic des Ingenieurs, dos Architectes, des Chefs d'usines industrielles, des Eleves des Ecoles poly- techniques et professionnelles et des Agricnlteurs. Premiere ( Troisiemo) Serie. Paris, 1864-67. 4. BB. E. 54 BIBLIOGRAPHIES OP SPECIAL SUBJECTS. Catalogue of the Library of the Institution of Civil Engineers. Second edition. Corrected to Dec. 31, 1865. (Supplement containing the additions to Oct. 31, 1870.) London, 1866-70. 8. BB. E. Institution of Civil Engineers Minutes of Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers. General Index, vols. I to 20. Sessions 1837 to 1860-61. London, 1865. 8. BB. E. General Index, vols. 21 to 30. Sessions 1861-62 to 1869-70. London, 1871. 8. BB. E. Catalogue des Livres composant la Bibliotheque de 1'Ecole des Fonts et Chaussees. [Classified.] Paris, 1872. 8. BB. E. Malberg (A.) Die Literatur des Bau- und Ingenieur-VVesens der letzten 30 Jahre (1820-1849), oder Verzeichniss der vornehmlichsten Werke in deutscher, franzbsischer, eng- lischer, u. s. w. Sprache, welche die genannten Fiicher betreffen. Berlin, 1852. 8. BB. E. Beelitz (C.) Architectur-Katalog. Verzeichniss der vorziig- lichsten Werke aus dern Gesammtgebiete des Bau- und Ingenieurwesens. Fiinfte neu bearbeitete Auflage. Berlin, 1861. 8. BB. E. Die Literatur der letzten zehn Jahre [1855-1864] (i&6 Literature of, 24. Botany, 46. History, 81. Foreign Works on, 81. Pottery, 55. Power, Handy-Book about Books, 11. Predari, Bib. Milanese, 81. Prince Library, Cat., 15. Printing in America, Hist, of, 28.] Printing, Annals of, 12, 13. , Hist, and Lit. of, 55. Prison Discipline, 39. Privately Printed Books of England, 17. Pritzel, Thesaurus Lit. Botan. 46. , Iconum Botan. Index, 46. Proclamations, Cat. of, 74. Prodigies, 38. Proverbs, 69. Prussia, Allg. Biicherkunde, 20. , History, 79. , Generalstab, Kat. der Bib., 53. Psychology, 38. QUAKERS, 36. Quaritch, General Cat., 1880, 15. Quarterly Review, Index, 90. Queen's College, Cambridge, Cat., 31. Querard, France Litte"raire, 19. Quetif, Script. Ord. Pradicat., 35. RADCLIFFE Library. Cat. of Students' Lib., 44. Railways, 54. Ramirez, B.A., Bib. Agrondmica, 55. Ramirez, J. F., Catalogue of Library of, 85 Rare books, 13. Hausch, Lit. des Rhato-Roman. Volkes, 27. Reading, Best, 15. Registrande der Gross. Generalstabes, 70. Reichardt, Bib. Rerum Metalliearum, 48. Reid, Bibliotheca Scoto-Celtica, 18. Renouard, Annales des Aide, 13. , Annales des Estienne, 13. Restif de la Bretonne, 66. Reumont, Bib. sulla storia d'ltalia, 80. Reuss, J. D., Repertorium, 89. Reuss, E., Bibliotheca N. Test. Grseci, 32. Revue des Deux Mondes, Table gencirale, 91. Rheims Bibles, 32. Rhaeto-Romansch Language, 61. Rhode Island, Bibl. of, 84. Kibadeneira, Scriptores Soc. Jesu, 35. Riccardi, Bib. matemat. Ital., 52. Rich, Bib. Amer. Nova, 84. Richou, Ouvrages sur Montaigne, 66. Rimbault, Biblioth. Madrigaliana, 59. Ristelhueber, Lit. der Waisenpflege, 39. Ritson, Bib. Anglo-Poet., 64. Rogg, Bib. Mathematica, 51. Roman Catholic Theology, 34. Roman Law, 41. Rome, Ancient, Literature and Philology, 60, 62, 63. Rome, Bibliografia Romana, 23. Ronalds, Cat. of Ronalds' Library, 49. Roper, Cat. of Works on microscope, 49. Roumania, Bib. of, 24. Rousselle, Bib. Montoise, 80. Rowlands, Cambrian Bibliography, 18. Roy, Cat. Bib. Medica, 49. Royal Academy of Arts, Cat. of Lib., 57. Royal Agricultural Society of England, Index to Journal, 91. Royal Astronomical Society, Index to Me- moirs, 52. Royal College of Surgeons, Cat., 49. Royal Geographical Society, Cat. of Lib., 70. , Index to Journal, 70. Royal Institution, Catalogue, 15. Royal Inst. of Brit. Architects, Cat. of Lib., 58. Royal Medical and Chirurg. Society, Cata- logue, 49. , Index to Transactions, 50. INDEX. 103 Royal Society, Cat. of Scientific Books, 44. , Cat. of Scientific Papers, 44. Royalists, Index of, 92. Ruelle, Bib. des Gaules, 76. Rumpf, Lit. der Kriegswiss., 53. Ruprecht, Bibliotheca Chemica, 48. , Bib. Medico-chirurgica, 50. Ruskin, J., 65. Russia Bibliography, 24, 25. Foreign Books on, 81. Geology, 47. Geography, 81. Mineralogy, 47. Medicine, 45. Natural History, 45. Statistics, 81. Topography, 81. SABBATH QUESTION, 34. Sabin, Bib. of Bibliography, 11. , Diet, of Books relating to America, 84. Sachs, Hans, 67. Sacred Harmonic Society, Cat. of Lib., 59. Saint Simonianism, 39. Sakcinski, Bibliografia Hrvatska, 25. Sales of Art Objects, 57. Salisbury Liturgies, 33. Salt- Works, 48. Salva, Cat. de la Bib. de Salva, 26. Sanscrit Literature, 27. Santa Fe de Bogota, Publications, 29. Sathas, NeoeAAT/i/i/o; &i\o\oyta, 21. Saullieur, Typographic Genevoise, 27. Saxony, Geology and Min., 47. , History, 79. Sbaralea, Sup. ad Script, trium ord., 35, Schiller, Bib. and Lit. of, 67. Schleswig-Holstein War, Lit. of, 79. Schletter, Juristische Literatur, 40. Schmid, Lit. des Schachspiels, 56. Schmit von Tavera, Bib. des oester.-Kaiser- staates, 78. Schmitz, Encyelopadie der neuer. Sprachen, 60. Schott, Padagogische Literatur, 38. Schubarth, Repertorium der tech. Lit., 89. Schulte, F., Gesch. des Canon. Rechts, 41. , Lehrbuch des Kirchenrechtes, 41. Schwab, M., Bib. de la Pc-r.-e, 83. Schwab, G., and Kluepf'el. Wegweiser, 20. Schweiger, Handb. der class. Bibl. 62. Science, 4453. Scientific Papers, Royal Soc. Cat. of, 44. Scientific Serials, Scudder's Cat. of, 44. Scudder, Cat. of Scientific Serials, 44. Sculpture, 57. Seamanship, 53. Secret Societies, 36. Seelhorst, Militar-Lit., 53. Seine and Marne, Dept. of, 77. Sermons, 34. Servia, Bib. of, 26. Service Books, 33. Shakspere, Bibliogr. and Lit., 64, 65. Shea, American Catholic Bibles, 32. Sheep-farming, 56. Shepherd, Tennysoniana, 65. , Bib. of Dickens, 65. , Bib. of Ruskin, 65. Shirley, Cat. of Lib. at Lough Fea, 74. Shorthand, 55. Sicily, Bibliografia Sicola, 23. Silva, Die. bib. Portuguez, 24. Sims, Manual for Genealogist, 87. Sinner, Bib. der Schweizer-gesch., 82. Sion College, Catalogue, 31. Slang, Bibliography of, 62. Slavonic Bibliographies, 25, 26. Slee, Cat. Dissert. Theolog., 31. Smirdin, Catalogue, 25. Smith, J., Cat. of Friends' Books, 36. , Bib. Anti-Quaker iana, 36. Smith, J. R., Bibliotheca Cantiana, 74. , List of Works on Dialects, 61. , Writers on Angling, 56. Sohncke, Bib. Mathematica, 51. Solly, Indexes of Portraits ; Index of titles of honour, 92. Sopikov, Russian Bibliography, 24. Soul, Nature of, 34, 38. South Kensington, Cat. of Educational Mus., 38. Sovereigns, English, Styles of, 92. Spain Agriculture, 55. Bibliography, 26. Botany, 46. Drama, 68. History, 82. Literature, 26, 68. Military Science, 53. Mineralogy and Mining, 48. Squier, Catalogue of library, 85. , Languages of Central America, 62. Spencer, Earl, Library of, 13. Spilsbury, Cat. of Lincoln's Inn Lib., 42. Spiritualism, 38. Sports, 56. Springer, Vegetarian Lit., 51. Spurgeon, Commenting, etc., 32. Stark, Archaologie der Kunst, 88. States of the Church, Bib. storica, dello Stato Pont., 80. Statistical Society, Index to Journal, 39. Statistics, 39, 70. Steiger, Periodicals of United States, 29. Steinschneider, Bib. fur Hebr. Sprachkunde, 62. , Cat. lib. HebEeor. in Bib. Bod., 28. , Hebraische Bibliographic, 28. Stevens, H., American Books in Brit. Mus., 28. 104 INDEX. Stevens, H., Bibles in Caxton Exhibition, 32. , Canadian Books in Brit. Mus., 29. , Historical Nuggets, 84. , Mexican Books in Brit. Mus., 29. , My English Library, 17. Stevens and Haynes, Bibliotheca Legum, 42. Stewart, Catalogue of Liturgies, 33. , Cat. of Patristic Lit., 33. Stirling Maxwell, Books on Proverbs, 69. Stratico, Bibliografia di Marina, 53. Struve, B. G., Bibliotheca Historica, 72. , 0., Cat. of Lib. of Pulkova Observa- tory, 52. Stuck, Verzeich. von Reisebeschreib., 70. Stuckenberg, Quellenanzeiger fur Geogr. Russ., 81. Superstitions, 38. Surgeon-General's Office, U. S., Index Cat., 50. Surgery, 49-51. Sussex Archaeological Society, Index to Col- lections, 88. Sussex, Books relating to, 75. Sweden Books, 1830-79, 26. Drama, 69. Law, 44. History, 82. Prehistoric Archaeology, 88. Sweden, Svensk Bog-Katalog, 26. Swimming, List of Works on, 56. Switzerland, Bib. de la Suisse, 27. , History of, 82. Symons, Cat. of Western Tropical Products, 47. TA.KTAKY, 71. Technology, 44, 53-55. Teichmann, Bib. des romischen Rechts, 40. Telegraphs, 49, 54. Tennyson, A., Bibl. of, 65. Tennysoniana, 65. Ternaux-Compans, Bib. Ame'ricaine, 84. , Bib. Asiatique et Africaine, 82. Teuffel, Hist, of Roman Lit., 63. Texts of Sermons, 34. Theology, 30-37. Theosophism, 36. Therapeutics, 51. Thesaurus librorum rei Catholicae, 34. Theux, Bib. Li^geoise, 80. Thevenot, Voyages, 14, 71. Thimm, Shakesperiana, 65. Thomas, I., Hist, of Printing in America, 28. , R., Works on Swimming, 56. Thomson, Bib. of Ohio, 84. Thorburn, Cat. of Admiralty Lib., 53. Thorin, Rep. des ouvrages de droit, 43. Ticknor, Cat. of Ticknor Library, 26. Tiele, Bib. van Nederlandsche Pamfletten, 80. , Navigateurs Nderlandais, 71. Times Newspaper, Index to, 91. Titles of Honour, Index of, 92. Tobacco, Cat. of Books on, 47. Tobler, Bib. Geograph. Palestinae, 71. Topography, British, 74. Trade, 39. Transylvania, 78. Trapani, 60. Travels, 69-71. Tric-Trac, Game of, 56. Troemel, Bib. Ame'ricaine, 84. , Lit. der Deutschen Mundarten, 61. Tropical Products, 47. Triibner, Cat. of Dictionaries, 60. , Guide to American Lit., 28. Tunis, 83. Turkestan, 83. Tuscany, History, 81. , Mineralogy of, 47. Typography, Annals of, 12-13. in Germany, 19, 20. Great Britain, 17. Iceland, 22. Netherlands, 21. Hist, and Literature of, 55. UEBERWEG, Hist, of Philosophy, 37. , System of Logic, 37. Unflad, Schiller Literatur, 67. , Goethe Literatur, 67. United States Bibles, 32. Books printed in, 28. Freemasonry in, 37. History, 84. Local Hist., 84. Laws, 40, 42. Newspapers, 28. Periodicals, 28. United States Naval Observatory Cat., 52. Universal Catalogue of art books, 57. Upcott, English Topography, 74. Uricoechea, Mapoteca Colombiana, 72. VAHL, Dansk Bogfortegnelse, 16. Valentinelli, Bib. della Dalmazia, 78. Vangerow, Lehrbuch der Pandekten, 41, Vasenius, Litte"rature Finnoise, 18. Vater, Lit. der Grammatiken, 60. Vegetarianism, 51. Vellum Books, 14. Venice, 81. Vesuvius, 88. Veterinary Science, 50, 51, 55. Vicuna Mackenna, Bib. Americana, 85. Vienna, k. k. Akad. der Bild. Kiinste, Kat., 58. Vigny, A. de, 66. Villiers de Saint Etienne, Bib. Carmelit., 35. Vinet, Bib. des Beaux Arts, 57. , Cat. de 1'Ecole des Beaux Arts, 58. INDEX. 105 Viollet-le-Duc, Bib. des Chansons, &c., 66. , Catalogue des livres, 66. Vivien de Saint Martin, l'Anne"e Geogr., 69. Vogel, E. G., Bib. biogr. Lutherana, 86. , J. N. de, Bib. German. Aust., 78. Voyages and Travels, 69-71. WADDING, Script. Ord. Minorum, 35. Walch, Bibliotheca Patristica, 33. , Bibliotheca Theologica, 30. Walker, R. C., Works on New South Wales, 86. Wallace, The Reporters, 42. Walloons, Bibl. Wallonne 4 Leide, 36. Walther, A. 0., Hand-Lex, der Jurist. Litera- tur, 40. Walther, P. A. F., Lit. Handb. fur Gesch. von Hessen, 79. , Systemat. Repert., 78. Waree, Bib. des ouvrages de legislation, 43. Waring, Bib. Therapeutica, 51. Warmholtz, Bib. Hist. Sueo-Gothica, 82. Watson, Index to American Botany, 46. Watt, R., Bibliotheca Britannica, 16. Watts, H., Index Chemical Society's Jour., 48. Weber, Lit. des deutschen Staatengesch., 78. Weigel, Cat. von Kunstbiichern, 57. Weimar, Shakespeare Gesellschaft, Kat., 65. Weinart, Lit. der Sachsisch. Gesch., 79. Weller, Annal. der Poet. Nat. Literatur, 67. , Hans Sachs, 67. , Repertorium typ., 20. Welsh Books, 18. Welsh Bible, 32. Werlhof, Griech. Numismatik, 89. Wesleyans, 36. West Indian Books in Brit. Mus., 29. Westwood, Bib. Piscatoria, 56. Wheatley, What is an Index ? 92. White and Newton, Cat. of Lib. of Museum of Practical Geology, 47. Whitmore, American Genealogist, 87. Whitney, Cat. of Ticknor Library, 26. Willems, Les Elzevier, 13. Williams, Rev. Daniel, Cat. of Library, 31. Willis and Sotheran, Catalogue, 15. Wind, Bib. der Nederland. Geschiedschrijvers, 79. Wine, Literature of, 47. Winer, Theologische Literatur, 30. Winkelmann, Bib. Livoniae Hist., 81. Winsor, Reader's Handb. of Amer. Rev., 84. Witchcraft, 38. Witzleben, Militar-Lit., 53. Wolf, Bibliotheca Hebraa, 27. Wolff, Lit. der theoret.-organ. Chemie, 48. Woodward, Norfolk Topographer, 75. Worcester College, Oxford, Cat. of Archaeol. Lib., 88. Wornum, Art Library at Marlborough House, 57. Worth, Three Towns Bibliotheca, 75. Writers to the Signet, Cat. of Law Lib., 42. Wurtemberg, Works on, 79. Wuttig, Bibliotheca Juridica, 40. YORK Liturgies, 33. Yorkshire, 75. Young, Cat. of Works on Nat. Philosophy, 49. ZACCARIA, Bibliotheca Ritualis, 32. Zambrini, Opere volgari a stampa, 23. Zapf, Lit. der Geschichte, 72. Zedner, Cat. of Hebrew Books, 27. Zeibig, Geschwindschreibkunst, 55. Zeis, Lit. der Plast. Chirurgie, 51. Zenker, Bibliotheca Orientalis, 27. Zezi, Geologia di Roma, 47. Ziegelbauer, Hist. lit. ord. S. Benedict!, 35. Zoology, 45, 46. Zoological Record, 46. Zuchold, Bibliotheca Chemica, 48. Bibliotheca Theologica, 30. H LONDON : PRINTED BY WILLIAM CLOWES AND SONS, LIMITED, STAMFORD STREET AND CHARING CROSS.