University of California.
Zbc mniversiti? of Cbicago
(department of MATHEMATICS)
Zbc mnipersiti? of Cbicago
(department of MATHEMATICS)
Copyright ign By
The University of Chicago
All rights reserved
Published March igii
Composed and Printed By
The University of Chicago Press
Chicago, Ilh'nois. U.S A.
The History of the Problem
Method and Results
1. The Internal Problem
2. The Order of the Problem
3. The Elimination
4. The Parametric Fields
5. Two Special Cases .
6. Reality of the Solutions ..
7. The Elementary Theory of Equations Applied
8. Reality of the Roots for Real Angle-Bisectors
9. A Practical Method for Approximate Solutions
10. Multiple Points
1 1 . The Transformations
12. Finite Multiple Points
13. The Discriminant
14. The Monodromie Group of the Equation F (cr, a, j3) = o
15. The Equation fofthe-Sides
16. The Monodromie Group of the Equation for 'the Sides
17. The Reduction of the Equation for ^-28<^)-|-t(-io<^3+io<^^)-|- )"(>+ 1)»'
Substituting for t and writing <^-|- 1 = , t are uniquely
determined, v, z being given by
-= =o t= oo
4y— 52 — I = o 1
the line y— 22 = corresponding to the point <^ = o t= — i
the line z = o corresponding to the point <^ = o t = o
and inversely
the line <^ = o corresponding to the point y = o 2 =
the line t = o corresponding to the point y= 1=0 z= 00
the line <^— t— 1 = corresponding to the point y= 22= =0.
If instead of choosing x= i as defining the scale we take
4xy— 8z— a:J=i and write
xy—2Z=K whence x' = 4K— I
we have by elimination of x and y
[2(4-c+i) + k]»
2^(8k-i) + 2(s-c-i) + k3'
(4/C-1) (2+t)'z'
A simpler birational transformation is now available
with reversions
4(cz (4*^- i)z ,s
^ tf,
The expressions for a ft and the eliminant are the same as before, the same extraneities
This transformation is simpler but has a practical inconvenience in the determination of
X from the cubic x^ = 4k—i.
The triangles for which x — Xi, wXi, oy'x,, are not distinct in ratio of sides.
We shall use this transformation to obtain certain information but shall not discuss it
The extraneous factors <^(<^+i)^ need notice.
<^ = o leads to a' =i 7=02 =
a '■ b '■ c=i : o : o
K L '■ M= 1:0:0
which is not in general a solution.
<^= — I leads to
o : 6 : c= I : «> : <»', («>'= i) a complex triangle whose angle-bisectors (internal) all vanish and
which though a solution of the ratio problem by way of indeterminateness is not a solution of
the original problem.
Proceeding to the discussion of the equation
we note that it is a two-parameter equation of order 10 irreducible in the domain of rationality
constituted by a ^ and their rational functions. For u occurs only to the order i and any
reduction in the domain must be of the form
where M, P, Q are rational functions of /3, a- alone. Hence the terms containing a and those
free from a have a common factor — which is not the case.
The problem can be discussed in three fields:
i) a, /? may be restricted to such values as arise from the assignment of real quantities
as the lengths of the angle-bisectors. This may be called the field of real angle-bisectors;
2) a, /3 may be any real quantities;
3) 1, y3 may be any algebraic quantities.
In connection with the first field we have a part of, and in connection with the second
field the whole of, a real surface which in virtue of the fact that a is single-valued may be con-
sidered as a geographical surface and is properly represented by a set of a contour curves cover-
ing the whole y3, , t in terms of which o-, a, /3 are rationally expressed (lo) and
which are themselves rational in o-, a, j8, viz.:
<^ = 2=00 -=o
This is the limit oi a -.h : c::m : m : — 2m+i when m= oo .
The root is (7).
•5=1/5 gives a -.h : c::2 : \ \—\ : v'S— i the obtuse-angled triangle which occurs in
Euclid's construction of a regular decagon. The root is (i).
^= — 15 a : b : c:: — 2 : j s-|-i : y s+i the acute-angled triangle of the same context.
The root is (8).
The cubic factor is irreducible and has three real roots which are to be counted twice each.
Approximations are
5=1. 2098 a : 6 : c : : 1 . 947 : . 584
5= .3259 1.247 : 045
^= -2-5357 665 : .559
The triangle corresponding to (5) (6) is impossible.
-I -531 (3) (4)
- • 202 (S) (6)
- 233 (9) (10)
Returning to the general equation F{27; D(a,l3)>0
a change of sign of 17,, rj^ involves a change of sign of x and z, and so by means of 17,, rj^ the
roots are classified with respect to their connected triangles.
17, = and >;2 = o have each three real roots, one negative, for 18—27.
Considered as curves in the a-, -q plane the families for varying P have common properties
and one case may be taken as a type. The graph shows 1?,, 172 for /?= 54 and also F{4 and — if a< 4.
F=o has then at least one real positive root between E and F.
Since here x,z, and hence y i=[x'+&z+i]4x), are positive the problem has a real solution
to be interpreted as referring to three internal angle-bisectors.
The signs of x,z in the intervals — =0 to yl, .4 to 5, etc., are
A B o ti
— 2015
— 2160
The transformation is of course effected in the coeflScients of the powers and products of
a, /3, separately.
Proceeding with the determination of signs of the coefficients:
[p'"] a3 is positive in the region,
[/o'] 2a»(a+o/3— 2/3) is positive,
[p'] and [p'l vary and are reserved for later discussion.
[p'] This coefficient can be arranged as
where D is written for D{a /3) which is positive in the region.
Since a^2> and P^2j this is negative throughout the region.
[p5] can be arranged as
-ga/SD-zS'CsiSaJ- 15600^+23840- i344)-/3(iio2a3-i3i6a^) + a3(-/3»+ 330)
which is negative.
— 240/8Z)— ^(79903— 41400'+ 6192a— 2240) — y8(333oa3— 72400^) — 201503
which is negative.
[p3] is
— 320i8Z)— 18^(96003- 5ii6a»+7728o— 2240) — 18(255603— 6972a')— 26803
which is negative.
[p'] is
-24o()8+i)D-i28(a-3);8'- (4320)8-34880)0^-32003/3-331203
which is negative.
(-96/3+8o)£»+64(a-3)/3[/3(-o'+Ioa-32) + a'(-j8+2l)]
which is negative.
[p»] is
which is negative.
Returning to the eighth and seventh powers,
[p7]-4[p8] = 4[-4Z)+4o'/3(-a+3)+4o'y8'(-^+io)-87a3]
which is negative.
Hence if [p*] is negative [p'] is also.
Of the eleven signs either the first two, three, or four are positive and all others negative
throughout the region and F{p) = o has one and only one positive root.
From the last result it follows that F{cr, o, /3) = o has one root and only one root in the
intervals A • • • B,C • • • D, E • • • F and since there is one root in £ • • F which leads to a tri-
angle with positive sides and therefore internal bisectors in the given ratios and since all such roots
fall in these intervals there is one and only one solution of the original geometrical problem for every
set of real quantities assigned as the lengths of the internal angle-bisectors. Since this root is greater
than 3 and less than | ''/S or less than the greatest root of 0-3- j8l/=k— 2.
The equation in 1/' will have positive roots corresponding to roots of F=o in the intervals
— 00 to j4 and D to E. As however the least root of 772 = o is an inferior limit the interval
D • - Eis the only one in question.
In this case the labor required is not justified by the results to be expected, and it may
merely be noted that the coefficients of i/*'" and i/'' are positive while the constant term
is -i6(,8+i)ZJ.
From which at least one root results.
By writing 0= — we have positive ^'s associated with roots of F=o in the intervals
B • • C and F • • • -\-3 . 2 when /8< 40.
Hence the whole expression is less than — 1 1 2 (3 2a') .
[6^] is 384a2(— 3a/3-f 8j8— 14a) and negative.
The remaining coefficients are positive.
The signs then run in the interval
+ -± + -± + + +
The variations of [0^] and [0^] have then no effect and there may be always six roots in the
With these results the practical utility of the classical theory seems to end. The direct
evaluation of the discriminant in Bezout's form is impracticable, the elements of the ninth order
determinant involving a and /3 in polynomials of the fourth order with coefficients of six figures.
Still less ie it to be expected that a successful attack could be made on Sturm's functions.
Recourse must then be had to special methods applicable to this problem and to the power-
ful general method of following the transformations used in the elimination and interpreting
If the bisectors are real k, I, m are positive. Write t={a-\-b-{-c)abc and 3'i = y,, y' — yt
yj = — , the internal formulas become
1 — 2*
y=— 7 r- with a;=a for Ti; x=b ior y^: x=cioTyi
x{i — x)'
The curve represented by this equation has the line x=i for an asymptote with a cusp at
infinity. The x axis is also an asymptote with an inflexion at infinity, the curve approaching
with negative y. The y axis is an ordinary asymptote. The curve meets the x axis also at
\ ^
W : CX'^
1b. ; /b.
Iax ': ^3
'■■ Fig 3
Consider first t positive and therefore y positive.
For any I the lines ^i = t". ; y' — Tt' >'3 ~ ~i ^^^^ '-^^ ^^^ curve in one real point. The sum
rSt It fHt
of the abscissas is | when t= °o and is o when t = o. Since the curve monotonously approaches
the y axis as t decreases the value i is reached once and only once by a-\-b-\-c; hence there
is always one and only one solution for a positive /.
The original problem restricted to internal bisectors has a unique solution, for it is evi-
dent that a b c and t must all be positive for this interpretation. As to the possibility of the
values a 6 c we note that since the perimeter is i and each side is less than J any two must be
together greater than the third.
Considering negative t's each of the lines yi = T,! ^tc, cuts the curve in three real points.
Assuming that kf
(2, 2,3), (2,3, 2), (3, 2, 2)>2
(2,3,3)> (3, 2)3), {2„2>, 2)>f
(3, 3,3)>3
(i, I, 2), (i, 2, i), (2, I, i)/> — 00 .
Similarly (2, i, 2) and (2, 2, i) each yield at least one real root.
Of the six permutations of (123) three can be excluded, namely:
(i, 2, 3)
(i, 3, 2)
(2, 1,3)
(a, -l-62-f c,) > (c, -I-C2-I-C3) > 2
{a,^b,+c,)>{]},^-b,+b,) + {c,-b,)>2-\>i
For (2, 3, i) a2-\-bi-\-Ci = 2 for l = o; for /=—<», y= — o,-the equation
X^ — 20<^-\-x{l-]r2kt) — kt = O
has one root J and the others approach infinity with ± 1 — 2kt.
As kc,+b3+c^>c,+C:,+Ci>2
(313) : ai+b, + c,>b,+b,+b3>2
(331) requires a more detailed examination and is to be considered in connection
with (113).
(113) a,+&,+C3 = I when / = o
(331) 03+^3+^1 = 2 when / = o.
When t approaches minus infinity (113) approaches ^ —2t[ — ]/k — }^ 1+] m] while (331)
approaches the same quantity with reversed sign.
So one and only one of the two combinations gives at least one real root in the interval.
In terms of the fundamental parameters 1 ^+1 l>ym reads a<4 and in this case (113)
has the root, but if a > 4 (33 1 ) has it.
The boundary case = 4 needs special mention as in this event the first approximation
is indeterminate.
Consider the limit ( — 1/^ — 1 /+]/w)(l — 2/)
t= — 00
where k^ is such a number that \/ki-\-\ 'l—\/m = o.
We have
Limit = limit {-y'kV+x-Vl+\/M)y2
x=o yy
y = o
-J^ limit ^.
If then the path of approach be along the parabola 2x^ = k,y the limit is i. So we may consider
that (113) has a root at the limit. Or by approaching on the other side (331) has a root here.
For a = 4 the original equation has a root cr = o which leads by the chain of equations to
just such an infinite triangle as is here in question.
In every case then there are at least ten real roots for finite values of t, and as we know that
there are only ten such roots there must be one in each of the classes specified.
The arrangement of the bisectors in the triangle should be noted. For the internal case
the magnitudes of the bisectors and the sides which they meet are in reversed order.
For the case (231) the internal bisector is M since c^ is negative.
The least bisector is internal but no further statement can be made as to absolute magni-
tudes, for if / is large c, may in absolute value exceed 6,.
For (312) the medium bisector is internal, for (321) the least. So (122) has the greatest
internal, (212) the medium, and (221) the least.
The set i, i, 3 are all impossible triangles (see § 11) and the words internal, external are
without a proper meaning, but we may say, in (131) the medium bisector is associated with the
side that is unique in sign {b).
In (311) the greatest and in (113) the least is so associated. If a>4 (331) gives a possible
triangle with the least bisector internal. The want of symmetry of the arrangement by which
the least bisector is "internal" in five analytic cases out of nine and in four real cases out of
eight (or in three out of seven) is to be noticed.
Following the plan of the last section we have the three equations (21) with k, I, m given
and a particular set of three roots, say a^, b^, d whose sum is to be unity. For the sets (3, 2, i)
(2, 3, i) (3, 1, 2) (i, 2, 2) (2, 1, 2) (2, 2, i) it is easy to show that the sum decreases monoto-
nously as t increases. For the other negative sets this is not so, but the solution occurs on such
a slope which is unique. By trial we may find values of / between which the solution lies.
After the first operation the convergence is satisfactory, the curve ' sum = F{t)' being flat
in character. The result carries with it the class of triangle.
Conceivably this process could be automatically carried out by a machine.
Parallel bars set at distances proportional to k, I, m and kept parallel by a parallelogram
linkage, intersect fixed curves patterned to equation (20). A stretched string with its length
greater than the sum in question by a constant would reach a mark as the solution is
It is to be noted that this method avoids the elimination.
Considering the fundamental equations in the form:
Fa=a^ — 2a''-{-{i-{-2kt)a—kt = o , ,
Fb = o, Fc = o, a+b+c=i
li a,b , c, k, I, m, t are a consistent set of values, for neighboring values we have:
aF. , aF„, , 9F„, , .
and two similar equations. If the point is an ordinary point at which moreover none of the
dp dp dp
partial derivatives 'a" gi g- vanish, we have three equations of the form:
Sa = ASt+BBk )
U = CU+DU I (24)
hc=EU-\-P^m \
First suppose A-\-C-\-E^o and solve
o = ^a+hb+hc={A+C+E)U+Bhk+DU-\-Fhm.
This gives one value of 8/ and so one solution in the neighborhood {^k, U, &m) of {k, I, m), that
is of (a, ;8).
Secondly if
4a^ — 3a+i ^ ^'
there is a double point in the neighborhood.
Setting out the complete increment equations after elimination of k, I, m:
^^^_ (, )(, ), ^^_^ ( ).,.
4a^— 3a+i (a— i)(4a^— 30+1)
(fl-i)(4a»-3a+i) /(4a^-3a+i)
(a-i)(4a'-3aH-i) (a-i)(4a^-3a+i)
6(2g-i) ^ ,
and two similar.
When 2 ; = o we have by addition an equation of the form :
40^-30+ 1 •' ^
BZk+DU-irP^m = o
in which unless t = o or a, b,c have certain special values B, D, F are finite both ways.
If o, /8 and -7-^ are assigned the ratios k-\-^k : l-{-U : m+Bm are given.
k+Sk l+Sl m+8m
"1^ = 1^ = -^^ = ^ (^7)
^ Bk+Dl+Fm „, „ , , ,
^^Bk'+W+Fm'^^^i'^ -^^ ^^^- (^«>
For an (a P) arbitrarily near a point for which ^+C+£=o the terms of the second order
on substitution of these values for 8^ U Sm and the values given by the first approximations
for Sa Sb Sc give a quadratic for 8t.
Such points then are double points and the locus a discriminantal locus.
Naming it
4a"— 3a+i ^^'
we recognize that T must be a factor in the discriminant of F{a,k; l,m)=o and also of
^("■j ") ^) =o, F{a, k; l,m) = o being the equation for the side a in terms of k, /, w (§ 15).
A triple-point locus, that is a locus whose intersections with T = o are triple points, can be
obtained by forming the second derivatives of a, b, c with respect to t and expressing the condi-
tion that their sum vanishes.
In terms of a, b, c this is
^ _^ {a-i){2a-i){^a'-ta+2,)ai
^-^ (4a-3a-Hi)3 =° ^^o)
To express this in the y, z plane, however, requires a laborious elimination, and, owing to the
practical necessity of multiplying up the denominators the result (which aside from an infinite
value of 2 is of the fourteenth order in z) is not free from extraneities, in fact for the point
both T and 5 vanish, but the point in fact is only a double point. The finite triple points will
be determined (§ 12) by another method.
Multiple points however can occur when T does not vanish, li k = l, a^b
and in this formula interchange of (8^, 8/) in general changes this value but leaves a-^^,
/?-|-8/3, which are symmetric functions of ^+8^, l-\-U, m+8tn unchanged. Hence 8/ has two
values and the locus is discriminantal for F{a-, a, /?) =0 but not for F(a, k; l,m)=o.
The finite number of points where ^ = /, a^b, and £ = Dare given by 4c3-f-4c'-|-c— i =0 and
form an apparent exception but as they are discrete points on a continuous locus there are still
two values of 8; for points as close to them as we please.
If ^ = /, a = b, then B = D and U has only one value.
Naming the locus k = l, a^b zs, D:,=o, we see that for values of a, j3 satisfying the (a, /3)
equation of the locus the double root recurs three times.
For the first two equations of the system (2 1) are identical and if a^jU^, a, are their roots and
fli, flj, c are the sides of the triangle o,-(-a2-|-c=i and ai+a2+a3 = 2; whence a^=c-{-i and if
we write ^ = i
I — 2C (c-f-l)c" ^•^ ^
Setting aside c = o as not finite, we have a cubic in c
2c^{m—i)-\-c^{m+T,) —mc-\- 1=0.
For every m, that is for every a, /3 on the locus, there are three values of c and so three double
points. The discriminant of the cubic is
m{()m^-\-T,?>nC-]-()m-\-2i6) (33)
If m vanishes the double value of c is i and the corresponding triangle has sides in the ratios
I _ I
' 1/3 ' 1/3 '
This is an eight-point but 13 is infinite and so it is not to be listed in the finite multiple points.
For the cubic factor, which is irreducible, there are three four-points, one with a value of m
near — 5 and two complex values. These are seen later to correspond to intersections of T = o
andZ>j = o.
For the locus k = l, a — b, the locus of isosceles triangles, to be named Z), =0, proceeding as
m = Y nV-t- \77 N (34)
If c= I, then m = %, t = o, a, /8 are indeterminate. The triangle has sides as i : o : o.
There remain three values of c for every m leading to isosceles triangles given by
2im-4.)ci+{sm+8)c'-m = o (35)
The discriminant is
m(2'jm'+gm+T,2) (36)
For m = o the double value is c = o, not finite while the complex values of m lead to two complex
triangles in which a part of the isosceles solutions coincide.
These are
^ . h. . I9£i_r'5 . 19T1 -15 . 28±i - 15
a : : c : : : : .
94 94 47
The points are only double points in the general problem.
Next are to be considered the points which are singular in the individual equations of
the system.
If ^ = o the equations take the form
8^. =C8t+DU (37)
Be =E8t-\-FSm I
which give
{C+Eyk'+[2{C+E){DBl+F8m)-A']8t+[{DBl+F&my-BU] = o (38)
Since this quadratic has one root which approaches zero with Bk, Bl, Bm as a rule only an
ordinary point exists for the problem. If A ' vanishes, which happens for a = i , one of the values
in question, the point is a double point at least, but as yS is infinite not among the finite set.
If / = w, 6=t=c there is a double point as before on the locus i)j = 0.
If ^Fa/^a and ^Fb/^b both vanish and a = b,Bt is given by a quartic, three of whose roots
approach zero with 8^, 8/, Bm. This gives triple points for the triangles
n h- r-- 3+V -7 . 3 + 1 -7 . i-V -7
a.o.c. 8 • 8 • 4
and the conjugate values which are on r = o and a : 6 : c : : i : i : — i for which a = oo ,^=00 .
If both the i)artial derivatives vanish and a=t=6, 8< is given by a quartic two of whose roots
approach zero.
This applies to the triangles
: : I
: : I
( 3+r -7) . (-5-1 -7)
8 8
i3-v-y) . (-5.+V -7)
which are double points merely, though they formally satisfy T = o and 5 = 0.
Three of the partial derivatives cannot vanish together as a-\-b-{-c=i and the only
('?±l/ — 7)
permissible values are i, 3 — — .
If a partial derivative is infinite a side has the value f from which k is infinite and /8.
Finally none of the special values give finite multiple points not on one or other of the dis-
criminantal loci T = o, D2 = o.
The nature of this investigation naturally leaves a doubt as to its sufficiency and may
be regarded as a mere reconnaissance which serves the purpose of gathering material to lighten
the labor of a conclusive determination subsequently undertaken (§ 12).
Beginning with the configuration in the (a, b, c) plane, take as reference triangle an equi-
lateral triangle and as the homogeneity relation a-\-b-{-c= i. Every point in the plane repre-
sents an analytic triangle with unit perimeter. Each such triangle has a sixfold representation
corresponding to the permutations of a, b, c, the six points having a sixfold central symmetry.
The lines —a-\-b-{-c = o, a — b-\-c = o, a-\-b—c=o form a proper triangle dividing the plane
into compartments. Inside, all the triangles represented have positive sides and are possible
triangles. In the regions outside one of the lines the represented triangles are impossible.
Outside two of the lines the triangles can be constructed, one side being considered negative,
and the bisectors meeting this side being external. The sixth part of the plane shown in Fig. 5
has the regions ©, o, 00, 000, 5, 6, 7, as subdivisions of the region of impossible triangles with
real sides while the regions 1,2,3, 4, 7', 8, 9, 10, include all the real possible triangles, the region
I alone representing the real possible triangles with positive sides, that is triangles in the
ordinary sense.
In the regions 5, 6, 7, the angle-bisectors are real though the triangles are impossible, while
in ® , o, 00, 000, the bisectors are pure imaginary quantities.
Considering in detail the discriminantal curves, we have first
^^^ a(i-a)(i-2a) ^^
4a^-3a+i ^'
4y'—2oyz-\-40Z^—y-\-z = o (39)
In the y, z plane the form is
As this is an ellipse every real (y, 2) is finite and so every real (a, b, c) is finite and the curve
is closed in the {a, b, c) plane. " It touches the sides of the reference triangle at the mid-points
and passes through the vertices perpendicular to the medians.
From the summation form it has no point such that a, b, c are all positive and less than J.
By writing c=i — a—b, a-\-b=2i, a—b=2r] a sextic is obtained which contains i) only
as rf, r}* from which any number of points are easily obtained and multiplied by the sixfold
The curve is a trefoil not entering the reference triangle and crossing the compartments
o and oo in the fundamental region (Figs. 4, $).
The set of lines 'w{a—b) = o while not discriminantal are so transformed as to lie on D{a, p)
which is discriminantal.
This locus of isosceles triangles has been named Di.
The locus of equal bisectors for scalene triangles k = l, a^b has for its equation
2ab{a-\-b)- {d'+Sab-\-b'')-\-2{a-\-b)- 1 = (40)
and is to be taken with two other curves obtained by cyclic interchange to constitute the com-
plete locus
A(a, 6, c) = o (41)
Each constituent has three real asymptotes
a=h, b=i, c = \
with cusps at the infinite point, and no finite singularity. Two branches touch the sides of
the reference triangle at the vertices, and externally.
In the fundamental region (Fig. 5) the various branches separate the regions 5 and 6,
10 and 9, 8 and 9, 4 and 3, 3 and 2, 6 and 7.
Other discriminantal lines are "n"(a-)-6) = o, which leads to j8= co and 'w{a-\-b—c) = o giving
)8=o. The loci corresponding to zero and infinite values of a are too compHcated for their
utility at this stage and are added later.
In the fundamental region a-\-b = o separates 00 and 000; 4 and 9; 3 and 8; 2 and 7'.
Thelinea-|-6—c=o separates I and ®; 10 and o; 9 and 00; 4 and 000.
To the (a, b, c) plane and this collection of curves, following the process of the elimination,
is now applied the "elementary symmetric function transformation,"
a-\-b-\-c =x,
ab+bc+ca=y, I (3)
abc =z.
Passing to a rectangular system by writing x—i and transforming the various curves the con-
figuration in the y, z plane can be set out. The transformation is point for point between the
fundamental region in the (a, b, c) plane and the region within the discriminantal curve in the
(y, z) plane. This curve is
D,= (a-b){b-c)ic-a) \
in {a, b, c) and / (42)
A = 4y'—3'^—i8yz-f 272^+42 = )
in the (y, s) plane.
The region of the (y, 2) plane without this curve represents complex points in (a, b, c) the
ratios of the "sides" being of the form
a : b : c : : i : p+q]/—i : p—q\/—i.
Six such points corresponding to the six permutations of a, b, c are represented by each
point in (y, z).
We may say shortly that the transformation brings up from the complex regions those
triangles whose sides have ratios which while not real are the roots of a cubic equation with
real coefficients (Fig. 6).
The curve Di{y, s) = o is a semi-cubical parabola and can be written as
4(33'-0^+(9>'-272-2)^ = o (43)
The cusp (y=h^ = 'ii) corresponds to the point A in the {a,h,c) plane {a=h = c=^).
The tangent at the cusp is y' = 32'. The curve cuts the y axis 2^tF {y=\,z = o){a = o,b = c=\)
and has ordinary contact with it at the origin corresponding to the vertex of the reference tri-
angle in the fundamental region in (a, b, c). We locate also the points
Z ; a : 6 : c : : 2 : I : I, y= {(,, 2= 3V \
H ; a : b : c :: —1 : 1 : 1, y= — i, z= — i f
v.,.j,.,.. (3--/I7) (i+F 17) . (i + v 17) .._ (51 17-19) ■_ (5-3l/i 7)( (44)
B,a.b.c.. -^ .—- g . ^ , y- , z- ^^
C the conjugate of B.
B and C occur in the solution of the equilateral triangle case and are on both Dt = o and Z)j = o.
The locus 1)2=0 becomes in the (y, z) plane
(y-22)= (y-h22)-42(y-22)-f2 = o • (45)
This cubic has asymptotes
y— 22 — i = o with a cusp at infinity,
y+ 22-|- 1 = with the third intersection at 2 = — J.
At the origin the inflexion y^+2 = o gives a three-point contact with Z), = o. Z?, and A also
touch at B and C. They cut at H and after entering at H the real region (A >o), A remains
continuously within Di to the infinite line. The part of D^ without A is of course not repre-
sented in the real (a, b, c) plane.
The locus r=o in the (y, 2) plane is
4y'—2oyz-\-4oz'—y-\-z = o (39)
This ellipse meets Di and A at the origin and meets D, at F. It lies partly within and partly
without the real region (Z), >o). The cusp of D, the point A is within the ellipse. T=o also
touches y— 2 = at the origin.
The locus 1T(a-|-6) = o becomes y— 2 = 0. (46)
The locus ■IT(a-|-&—c) = o becomes 4y—8z— 1 = and touches Z?i at F. (47)
The locus a6c = o becomes 2 = 0. (48)
Since the transformation of the fundamental region is point for point there is no trouble in
transferring the compartment markings from the (a, b, c) plane. For new compartments we
have, introducing as dividing curves,
Fi . . 4y'-8yz+z-y = o (a = o, ^=o) (49)
Ci . . y^— 23/22 -|-3-yz—SS' — Z = (a=co) (50)
•W, : Ao
XXi : Ao, ro, r>o, y— 2zo To, T>o, 4>'-8z-io, T>o
X2 : Di'— 8z— i>o, To /(Si)
Pi : Z>,o, Ci>o, /7,o, Ci>o, Hi2o, Cio
P3' : Ao
W^i' : Z>io, ffi>o
In tracing the intersections of the curves Ci and Hi with themselves and the other curves
of the (y, z) plane we notice that Ci passes the origin with an inflexion yi—z = o and so goes
from ® to 000. Since the asymptote 4^— 82+1 = lies entirely in 000 in the third quadrant
and the curve crosses it at z= — gV ^^^ does not cross the y axis, it must remain in this com-
partment to infinity. Leaving the origin in the first quadrant the curve does not cross FZ
(431—82—1 = 0) but crossing A enters XXX. As it reaches y=2z at J (2, i) which is outside
T it must next cross T, pass through XXX', and enter XXi at / and remain in this region to
infinity. This serpentine branch of Ci cuts //, at the origin and in two other real points, one
in XXX and one in XXX'. The other branch is parabolic, approximating y'+$z = o, and lies
in the third and fourth quadrants. It crosses the z axis at z= — ^, outside A at whose cross-
ing z=— 5*7, and meets A at H y= — i, 2= — i where the curves have ordinary contact.
There is no further intersection in these quadrants.
The existence of the compartments named is thus proved.
In transforming to the (<#>, t) plane we have the birational transformation
.^(«^-T+i) ^ _ (-r)
with the reverse
(y-z) (43'-8z-i) ' (y-z) (43;-82-i)
Real (y, z)'s give real (<^, t)'s and conversely.
Complex (3/, z)'s give real (<^, t)'s only for 3'=2s; <^ = o, t= — i. The whole linear locus
31-22 = complex as well as real is thus represented at the point 4> = o, t= — i, but no other
complex points in the (y, z) plane give real points in (>, t). Other singular lines of the trans-
formation are
z = o which becomes the point ^=0, t=o but as Limit -=y the linear elements at the point
represent the various values oi y. y—z = o gives <^ and t infinite with Limit -=—42.
4y—8z—i = o also gives and t infinite but Limit - = i unless y and z are infinite when ^ — t = i .
As before noted this line <^ — t— i =0 occupies a unique position inasmuch as to every point on
it corresponds the same triangle, namely the limit of
a -.b : c::i : p : -/>+5
when p is infinite.
The line y—2z = o gives <^ = o, t= — i and has in the limit — ; — = , assigning real
T+i 42—1 " "
linear elements to real (y, 2)'s, complex to complex.
The boundary curves in the {, t) plane are ( Fig. 7) :
D,= {-ry{-4ry+{-r) (^^^+28T- S27^)+{-t) (3,^- i6t) + <^=o (52)
The asymptotes are
^ <^— T=o, intersecting also at (o, o)
—T=l, intersecting also at (VV) ■^^)'
Corresponding to the factors (<^— 47)^ is a paraboHc asymptote
At <^= — I, T = o is an inflexion <^'3= 54T' which has four-point contact with the curve /8= —
= 54 at this point. At <^ = o, t= — i is a conjugate point. The point A is represented by a
cusp at <^=i, T=-V. At B (<^= -^MillLJl) ^ ^^_ (45+in i7) \ ^^^ ^^^^^ j^^g ^.^^jj^^^,,.
with D2 and also at C the conjugate of J5 in (abc). The point .ff becomes the infinite point on
<^— 4r=o, the axis of the parabolic branch.
The locus D2 is ' •
(-T) (<^-4t) (3,^_4t)+<^^ = o (53)
Its asymptotes are
— T-j-| = o with intersection at <^=— 5, t=o
<^—4T+§ = o with intersection at <^ = ^^, t=^
3<^—4T— 2 = with intersection at<^=2, t=i
At the origin is a cusp <^^= i6t3.
The contacts of the curve with D, have been noted. At <^=2, t=i, which is an infinite
point in ia,b,c) and {y,z), D^ touches <^— t— 1 = 0, the line which also falls on D{a, fi) in
the (o, /8) plane.
The locus r= o is a hyperbola
t(6<^-i)-(6.^'-3<^+i) = o (54)
the asjanptotes being
The complete representatives of £>, and D^ are the irreducible factors above set out with
the addition of <^ = o in both cases and also >— t=o in the case of Di. These factors which
vanish with a may be properly set aside and treated with the zero and infinite values of a and
P as nonfinite discriminantal factors.
The {, t) representatives of z = o, y—z = o, 4^—83—1 = have been discussed (p. 27),
the curve Hi becomes <^+ 1 = 0. The curve Ci (a = 00 ) becomes
l6T4+T3(-40<^+l6) + T^(33<^^-28<^) + r(-IO<^+IO<^^) + «^»(<^+l)'= \ ,
The asymptotes parallel to <^— t = o are complex and the infinite point on this line is a
conjugate point. The infinite branch corresponding to (<^— 4r)2 is parabolic. As in {y, z)
the curve has two separate branches, and therefore at least a square root must be used in express-
ing the points. This is suflScient, for writing
—T=x, —^T = y
we have
y _iia;+2±l'— i44a;5+ii7x'+36a;
, 2x gx'— 2X-\- 1
The quadratic denominator is essentially positive and so y is infinite only for infinite a;'s,
that is on the parabolic branch.
From the radical, limits for the branches are obtained.
The closed branch has a cusp at the origin, i6r3+^' = o.
The open branch touches t=o and so A at P(— i, o).
The closed branch has three-point contact at the origin with Z),, and Z), is closer to the
T axis than d for points in the third quadrant near the origin. The remaining intersections
with Z>i are the infinite points on <^— t = o, and <^— 4t=o; a two-point contact at /(o,— i)
which is a conjugate point on Z?,, and a single intersection approximately at <^=— .27,
T= — . 15, which is better determined by the rational value for /3, — \'. There are also two
complex intersections.
The curve Ci (0= 00) meets Di = o at the origin, at infinity on —T=o, at infinity on
The cuts of a = 00 Vith <^-|- 1 = o, <^ = o loci for which a = o give as points where a must be
determined by the direction of approach,
/ : (0,0), J : (o, — i) for <^ = o
and the points
T=o, —.609. . , —1.245. . , —1.646. . . for<^= — I.
To complete the essential features of the diagram we notice that Z), has a closer contact
with the T axis at the origin than D,.
The line <^= — i meets D, at t= — 1.014, meets T at t=
- ■'^2,2,-
These points enable the ordering of certain compartments to be made clear.
The (<^, t) plane is covered as by a single sheet of the (y, 2) plane stretched but not folded.
Continuity is preserved except for the singular points and lines of the transformation, which
become lines and points respectively, and except that as regards the infinite values the usual
conventions of the projective plane are to be observed. It is convenient to locate some special
A : = -1, r=V- _ ^
^ 0_ (13+31/17) ^_ (45+111/17)
4 ' 16
C : conjugate to B
D : =2, T= I
£:3<^ = 4T=oo
F:4>=T='X) on <^— T=o i.e., on £>i
G:<^ = T=oo on <^=r+| = o i.e., on D,
^:<^ = 4r=oo /(S6)
/ : =T=o
J : <^ = o, T= — I
L : <^ = 3i/ 5— I, T= fK 5 and M its conjugate
^'•4'= 5, T=4 : Z, if, iV occur in the case of a=4, ^9=54
P:<^=-i, T=o a = 4, /3=S4
PF : <^=2.629 . . . r=,886... a = 4, ^=54
Z : —T= J, <^= CO on an asymptote of A.
The region (i) is within the cusp of A at A and reaches to the infinite with F and Z as
limits of the branches.
The region (4) is identified by means of H, D, and W, which are on its boundary, while
E is not.
The region (3) is bounded entirely by D2 and infinite points and reaches D, H, and E
and is then inside the branch of A in the first quadrant of (<^, t).
The region (2) is located by E and N and by its separation from (3) by A-
The regions (5), (6), (7) all reach C and (5) is bounded entirely by D, and A; (6) reaches
/ with (5), while (7) does not. (7') which in iy,z) has continuity with (7) through infinity,
has in (<^, t) continuity through the point P and joins (4) in the infinite regions in (^, t) just
as it joins (4) in {y,z) along y—z = o.
The regions (8), (9), (10) have contact of their boundaries at B, and (9), being entirely
bounded by A, is the inside region in (<^, t). (8) reaches H in (y, z) and so must belong to the
parabolic branch of D2 and be the upper one of the three regions.
Of the regions with real sides and imaginary bisectors which in (y, z) reaches F and Z
and is bounded by A and 2 = o in (<^, t) is bounded by Di and <;(> — t = o and reaches I.
o bounded in (y, 2) by A, 2= o and 43/— 82— i = o in (<^, t) lies in the first quadrant between
A and —T = o. 00 is continuous with o through A- 000 in (y, 2) joins 00 along y— 2=0
which involves <^= 00 , t= 00 with -= — 42 and 2 runs from zero to — j so in (<^, t) these regions
are continuous through infinity in the second and sixth octants. 000 reaches / by passing
through / a singular point. In (y, z) 000 is continuous with XXX' through infinity, in {, t)
through the line <^— r— 1 = 0.
The regions outside Z),, that is corresponding to complex sides, are to be identified as follows:
The line Hi = o becomes <^+i = o and the origin in (y, 2) has linear elements which cover
<^ = o, T >o hence M2 bounded also by A and reaching C is identified.
For the region W,, the asymptote oi H^ y = i reaches infinity at a point which becomes P
and as Wi reaches y = z for all positive values of z in the {, t) plane it must reach all infinite
(, r)'s which are the limits of = — 42T and so occupies the remainder of the second quad-
rant after M2 is removed. The same argument locates XXi and so XX2 by crossing T but not
<^ = o. The regions XXX and XXX' can now be reached through /, the linear boundaries
in (y, z) being replaced by the collection of linear elements at /, which is a singular point of
the transformation.
In the (<^, t) plane it is convenient to subdivide these compartments by means of the
lines Hi and Ci representing zero and infinite values of a.
Xi is identified by A , and the cusp on Dt and X2 by crossing T.
© is reached from XXX by crossing Z>i.
Ml is reached from 7' by crossing A, thence crossing C, (a= co) we arrive at P^; across
Hi (a = o) to Pj', across a= co to W,', across D2 to W2, across a= 00 to P/, across a = o to P„
across a= 00 to P2 (see Fig. 8).
It is convenient to subdivide also the regions © by <^= — i, 00 by T, 000 at / and again
by a = 00 .
In the (a, /8) plane the discriminantal loci to be traced are:
£)(a, /3) the representative of £>,, D2 and the line — T— 1 =
T(a, /3) = o, the axes and the infinite boundary (Fig. 9).
On account of the single value of a for given j8, , t) expressions for a /3 (10).
(6<^— I)
This gives
a= ('^+i)'(6<^-i>(2'»-i) \
„ («^+iW6<^-i)
Letting range over all real numbers we have a real branch. It is proper however to
inquire whether any other branch exists by which complex (<^, t)'s are represented by real
(«, /3)'s.
The general condition that such may be the case is :
If a=f() = g(a+bi) = C+Di,
B and D have a common factor other than b.
I (58)
In this case P is real if 6 = o or if
-|-[6J^-(6a^-3a+i)][-J^(24a+i7)+3(8a+i)(a+i)»] = o
The coefficient of h* is (—72^—120) and a set of terms free from b exists.
For a=i the expression becomes
— 192Z)''— 1066^+72
which does not reduce, and hence the general expression does not reduce.
F.J 8,
oL ■f\>Mte
; r
0, + +
" -4-
" i^"'"~'7
./"'^^ -4
J^-- /
— h
+ -
For a=o, &' = f , y3 is real but the corresponding expression for a is
[432&«+2886''-(-ios6"- i][4326i+4286^- 102]- [4326"+ 1646'- i8][3i26'- 15] •
when a = o, and this is not zero when h'' = \.
Hence there is no such common factor and r(a, /8) = o is a unicursal curve and <^ is a proper
It is moreover in i : i correspondence with the hyperbola in the (<;^, t) plane, and the facts
discovered there may be utilized in tracing.
The curve T meets a = 00 in one point only, for at /, which is apparently an intersection,
the linear elements differ and / is singular.
This gives a single asymptote /8= .0164 . . . approximately.
j8 is infinite for no real finite ^ but for <^=°o, a=oo, ^=00.
This gives a parabolic branch with /3=a» as parabolic asymptote.
For <^= — I, a = o, /8=o the character being given by
54 iy3a3= 2^.33. 77^2 a cusp.
At =i, tt = o, ^=0
2''.3''.;8-'-f 77.0=0 an inflexion.
Since the curve crosses D2 at the real four-point it must touch D{a, j8). This occurs at
a= — .99678. . /3=5.3542 . . approximately.
For<^ = i; a=o,y8=-V-.
For 4>=o; a=iV, /3=-i.
For /8= — I ' = o or <^ is complex. This point which corresponds to / is then a turning-
point for j8. For j8< — i all the values of are complex.
There is a maximum value for a at <^= — 33 . . , a= .66 . . , ^= — .33, and a maxi-
mum value at "^=.402 . . ; a= — i.oi . . , 18=5.45 . . , and a maximum value at
<^= — 1.58 . . ; a=— .8307 . , /8=.3oi2 . . . The curve meets D only at the origin
and the four-point.
These and the negative facts implied by omission are sufficient to establish the general
character of the curve.
In the (<^, t) plane the curves (<^-|-i)^ — /8t = o form a family of cubic parabolas with centers
at i'(— I, o) and can be easily visualized in the diagram. By so doing it is seen that the num-
bering of the regions i, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 corresponds to the order of magnitude of the
real roots of F(o-, a, j8) = o.
Since A has three-point contact with the curve /?= 54 of this family at P, and a here inde-
terminate has the limit 4 for this approach, the region 7' is seen to contain only values of yS
which are greater than 54 and to be continuously joined to (7) along a=4 in the (a, ^) plane.
This corresponds to the change of class of the root from (113) to (331) when a passes the
value 4 (§8).
Digressing to complete the comparison of the two classifications of the real roots we have
the set (122) [§8] has one negative side and as the sum of the positive sides is not greater than
2, the negative side cannot be less than — i. This identifies the set of three with (8), (9), (10).
(122) has the greatest bisector internal and opposite a, : hence j a, | is the least magnitude among
the sides and as it approaches zero the other sides approach 5, J which is the triangle repre-
sented at F. This identifies (122) and (10). (221) can approach H (i, i,— i) and is then (8) :
(212) is (9). The set (231), (312), (321) correspond to (2), (3), (4), and (2) reaches the line
a+b—c = o or has a side equal to |. This must be c^ for if Oj or bi has this value c, is infinite.
Thus (2) is (312). (4) reaches a+b = o or one side has the value i. This must be a^. So
(4) is (231) and (3) is (321).
For the set (5), (6), (7), consider the approach to (i, o, o): only ai+bi+c^ can reach this
point with a and b negative and nearly equal : (113) is (5). (131) can approach with a and c
negative and very unequal, this is then (6). (311) is then (7), while (7') having two positive
sides greater than i and a negative side less than — i is (331).
The transformation from the (<^,t) plane to the (a, j8) plane effects a 10 : i correspondence
and brings as in general complex (<^, t)'s into correspondence with real (a, /3)'s.
Beginning with the real regions of the (<^, t) plane it is necessary to determine the limiting
values of a and ^ at the points where they become indeterminate and also for the infinite values
of (<^,t) by various paths of approach.
, , . Am^im—i)
The hmit of a for <^ = ott= oo is -.-. r, .
The limit of a along (<^+i)^— /3t = o for finite )8 as <#> approaches —mT^ = o is 4.
The limit of « along m<\>^—r=o is o.
The limit of a along <^(>— t) — i = o is 4.
For finite points :
At the origin —
. ±m{m — i)
The limit of a along <^— »2t=o is ; .
The limit of a along A is 4: along A is =» .
At the point P (— I, o)—
The limit of a for all rectilinear approaches is o.
The limit of o for approach on any curve (<^+i)2— ^t=o is 4.
The limit of a for approach on w(<^+i)^— '■=0 is -, ; — r and the value infinity occurs
,. , (20W+1)
only for negative t s.
At the point 7(o, — i) —
The limit of a for approach on t— n<}>+ 1 = o is 7 ; .
^^ (3-4«)
The point J then represents all real points on the line /3+i = o.
At the point P(— i, o) —
The limit of P for approach not on a ^ curve is 00 .
Any value of j8 is reached by approach on the /8 curve (<^+i)^— /3t=o.
As a preliminary to identifying the compartments the signs of a, j8 may be marked on the
(<^, t) diagram (Fig. 8).
The discriminantal loci in the {, t) plane are A, T and the loci giving zero and infinite
values to a and /3.
In transferring the {, t) compartments to the (a, /3) plane they must be folded at the
proper discriminantal lines A and T. (Though D, falls on D[a, /J] it is not discriminantal.)
For the other loci a special inquiry must be made. For a= 00 , e.g. the points on the same
/3 curve, close to and on opposite sides of this locus, correspond toa=+»?,a=— w and in the
(a, j8) plane are near only in the projective sense : folding is then not the proper word.
If such a locus occurred with the vanishing or infinite factor entering with an even exponent,
folding would suit, but the only one of this class for finite (<^, t) has a further characteristic
which prevents the use of the concept. Namely, the locus <^+i = o contains only points f6r
which a vanishes to the second order, while /8 vanishes to the third. The whole locus is a sin-
gular line all of whose points find their representation at the origin in the (a, P) plane. It is
only possible to say that the sheets are connected at this point.
For infinite (<^, t) an example can be found. The region Wi is connected in the (<^, t) plane
with XXi by passage through the infinite line along {+iy— I3t=o for any negative /S. In
both regions, however, a is positive and as the limit of a along the ft curve is o the order of the
vanishing factor must be even and folding occurs.
In the same way for positive /8, 00, and oooi are folded on tt = o, in the fourth quadrant of
(a, /3) since a is negative in both compartments.
Starting with those regions of the (<^, t) plane which fall on the first quadrant of the
(a, /8) plane, the region (i) inside the cusp of Di falls inside the cusp of D. Since £), is not dis-
criminantal Xi is continuous with (i) over the line D up to the parabolic branch of T. Along
this curve the points are readily identified by the parametric value . Otherwise Xi reaches
—T=o, that is a = o, and X2, which is folded on X, at the curve T, reaches •r = o, that is a = 4,
^=00, while X, along {—T)—i = o reaches for infinite <#> the same point (Figs. 9 and 7
and p. 3S).
The line ^ — t— 1 = falls as a whole on D and the part in the first , r quadrant falls on
the boundaries of the "cusp" region. The point D (2, i) falls on the cusp and the lower part
of the line reaching t = o reaches a = 4, /8= «> . The upper part reaches a= 00 , /3= 00 .
The line D2 also falls on D and the hyperbolic loop in the first octant of {, r) falls on the
boundaries of the "cusp" region.
The three regions (2), (3), (4) fold alternately and form a sort of pleat. (2) is continuous
with X2 along the upper branch in (a, /3). The upper branch of Z?j in (<^,t) falls on the lower
branch of D in (a, /3) and vice versa. Next consider the region P2 which falls on the first quad-
rant of (a, yS). P2 reaches a = o, /3 = o along (j>= — i and reaches 1 = 4, fi= co along <^(<^— t) —
1 = for <^= 00 , and reaches a= 00, ^=00 along the parabolic branch of A. It reaches a=o, ft
any positive, along — T—o and ^=0, a any positive at the cut of a= c» , a = o, <^= — i.
P2 does not contain T in (<^, t) and so in (a, j8) passes continuously over the branches of
T without change. The regions (8), (9), (10) join Pi over A in (<^, t) and are pleated in (a, /3)
over the cusp region. The branch of D2 between (8) and (9) falls on the lower boundary of
the cusp region, for it is continuous through infinity with the boundary of (2), (3). B falls
on the cusp. For the region Af, a>4 and moreover a has a greater value than belongs to the
branch of Z), which separates Mi from (7')- The region M2 reaches a = 4, /3= 54 at P by approach
on the /8 curve and so joins Mi. Further M2 reaches ^ = 0, a any value between o and 4 by
approach at P along parabolas (p. 35). Mi reaches /3=o, « any value between 4 and 00 in the
same way. M2 reaches a = o, /3 any positive at the points along <^ = o. M2 embraces the
regions (5), (6), (7) which are pleated on the cusp region, C falling on the cusp, the fold of
(5) and (6) falling on the upper boundary and the fold of (6) and (7) on the lower. (7) for
which all points have a not greater than 4 is joined continuously to (7') for which all points
are not less than 4.
Since Mi and M2 do not contain T in the {, t) plane they pass over it without change in
the plane (a, yS). With the regions (5), (6), (7), and (7') which are pleated on the cusp region
they form a continuous covering of the first quadrant of the (a, /?) plane in the same manner
that P2 with the pleated regions (8), (9), (10) does.
The sheet X2 with the regions (2), (3), (4) pleated behaves in the same fashion, while the
sheet Xi containing the region (i) giving the internal solution is without fold at the boundaries
of the cusp region. There remains in the first quadrant the pair of regions XXXi and XXXi'
between a= 00 and the negative side of <^-f-i = and separated by T. These reach all positive
a's for j8=o at the indeterminate points for a (p. 29) and folding on the asymptotic branch of
T cover the space between this Hne and the a axis.
The sheets X, and X, are folded at the paraboHc branch of T where 4>>\ and the complete
account of the first quadrant of (a, /8) is: 10 real roots for the "cusp" region, 4 real roots
between this and the parabolic branch of T, 2 real roots between the two branches of T, and
4 real roots between the asymptotic branch of T and the a axis.
It is interesting to notice the persistence of the root (i) for a region of the (a, ^) plane
much more extensive than the region where it has an interpretation as a solution of the prob-
lem for real angle-bisectors.
Taking up the second quadrant of the (a, /3) plane the region W^ has a not greater than 4,
/3 any negative. Wi is continuous with Wi through P and as the /3 curves with P as origin
are Pr=ai and the curve a = 00 is 2ot = o-% all the /8 curves for /8< o fall between a= 00 and the
<^ axis. For Wi , a is not less than 4. The region is bounded by A which cuts a= 00 at a point
for which j8= — ^ , and as this value is asymptotic for Z?(a, /3) = o and A is discriminantal the
curve /3= — V touches 0= 00 at the point in question in the (<#>, t) plane. For j8> — V the
P curves leave W^' by crossing a= 00 . So PF, and W^' together form a sheet covering the second
quadrant of (a, y8) up to the line D. At this line the sheet is folded and returns from the fold
as W^- W2 reaches a= 00 for o< j8< — V, ^nd reaches a=o, /3=o along <^+i = o, and reaches
j8=oo , o, t) [inflexion of r at a=o, /8=o].
The sheets reach a = o, /3 any negative as follows:
o>)8> — I in XX2 (J represents 13— — i as a whole) and in XX i at infinite points on j8
curves. They reach /3=o, a any positive at the indeterminate points discussed above.
The region inside the hyperbolic branch of D{a, /3) is covered by 00O2' in one sheet and the
part of XXX2 between the cut of A and a= co and the origin in the other.
The third quadrant in (a, /8) has as representatives in (<^, t) :
©2 and XX X;, continuous over £>,.
00O2 and XXX/ continuous through J, and since <^— t— 1 = is crossed at J and also
between XXX/ and 000, there must be added that part of 000, for which <^+ 1 >o. This part
has o > /J > — I but joins 0002 for /8 = — i , o any negative at J.
As no discriminantal lines occur we have two separate sheets. XXX ^ is continuous over
/3=o with XXX3, and XXX/ with XXX/ over the same line.
P/ and Pi are folded on D and reach /3=o, a any negative at P and the indeterminate
point for a. At the fold o >/3> — Y (Fig. 7). These facts locate the regions in (a, /3).
The fourth quadrant has in (<^, t):
The second octant of (<^, t) having four regions d, O2, 00,, 0O2 which meet at the four-point
and are folded so as to hang together at the four-point in (a, j3). They are joined in pairs along
£>(=r=\) [j8= Y", a=o] after which they pass continuously into X, and X^ which are
folded on this parabolic branch of T in the first quadrant of (a, /8).
The fold of 00, and 0O2 passes through the origin in (a, /8) and is continuous with the fold
of the sheets away from the loop of T and reaches the first quadrant as the fold along the asymp-
totic branch of T.
The regions P, and Pj are folded on D2 for positive ;S's and reach a= 00 , /3= 00 with Z)^
and a= CO , y3 any positive on the curve a= 00 . They then cover all the fourth quadrant below
the branch of D. They are continuous with P/ and Pj' over the a axis.
The regions XXX^ and XXX^' are folded on T, reach a= 00 , /3= 00 along <^— 't=o : a= 00 ,
/3=o at <#>4-i = o but for a= 00 the greatest /3 is .0164 . . the value for the asymptote of T.
In (a, /3) then these sheets are folded on the lower branch of T and extending upward pass
continuously into ® and 000, respectively across Di and <^—t— 1 = 0, both of which fall non-
discriminantally on Z)(a, ^).
Collecting the parts of the plane which are continuously connected in (<^, t) as well as in
(a, P) we have, setting aside the region of ten real roots :
Sheet A containing X,, d •
Sheet B containing X2, O2
Sheet C containing Af,, M2, ooj, Wi, W/
Sheet D containing P2, 6,, ©2, W^, XXX^, XXX^
Sheet E containing 000,, 0002, XX^, XXX,, XXX,, XXX/, XXX/
Sheet F containing 0002', XX„ XXX,', XXX,'
Sheet G containing P,, P,'
Sheet H containing Pj, Pj'
Sheet J containing 00,
Sheet K, the tenth sheet, is not represented outside the region often real roots (Fig. 10).
The phenomena at infinity are:
i) a= CO J p any finite value.
There are ten distinct finite roots except at the asymptotic lines of T and D, any value of
o- being reached for at least two finite real values of /8.
2) /3=oo,a>4.
Eight roots are infinite in pairs. For (T'^ = mfi they are given by:
l6aw'— 40ttm3+33aOT^-|- (4— IOa)m-(- (a — 4) = o.
Two roots are <^= i, and these belong to the regions (5), (6) if /? approaches infinity from
the positive side, and to the regions XXX, and 0002' if /3 approaches on the negative side.
The four pairs of infinite roots are (i) and (lo) : (2) and (9) : (3) and (8) : (4) and (7') for
approach with positive /?, while for negative ft all approach in the complex regions.
The equation in m has no negative roots for a>4.
3) fi— 00 , a = 4. One root is zero for any ;3. This is (7) or (7').
Three roots are finite. These are easily determined from the 4>, t equation for = 4 when
/8 is infinite and finite, for then t=o.
The equation is
^[(<^-0(3<^-4'-)'+4(<^--^)(3<^-4'-)-<^] = o.
Neglecting the indeterminate solution t = o, there are three values for > : o, '-^ , ^—^ .
<^=o belongs to (5), the negative value to (6) and the positive to (4) for positive /J. For
negative /8 they fall in XXX2, W^, 000/ respectively.
The values obtained for a (or <^), however, depend on the path of approach. If /3= 00
a = 4 the roots are eight infinite and two indeterminate, while for approach along the lower
branch of D whose asymptote is a— 4 = the root (6) and the root (7) are continually equal
and attain the limit 4>=—\.
For 34 two roots
are real instead of ten. For a<4 but positive four roots are real and the finite pair are con-
tinuously connected X2 to W2 and M^ to XXX2. For negative a only two roots instead of six
are real and these are the finite pair 00O2 (continuous with oo^) and ©^ (continuous with o^).
The discontinuity at a = 4, ^8= 00 is essential, the original equation having its last three coeffi-
cients indeterminate for these values.
The region of ten real roots terminates at the cusp where (2)= (3)= (4), (s)=(6)=(7),
(8)= (9)= (10). A positive circuit of the cusp permutes the roots by the substitution (243)
(567) (8, 10, 9).
On account of the essentially incomplete and non-analytic character of the real field a thor-
oughgoing application of the devices of a Riemann surface is of course impossible, nevertheless,
as a means of presenting the complicated state of facts in a condensed form, it seems best to
make a tentative use of them.
Drawing a barrier along 4 and to end of the upper branch ol D, (i)= (2), (6)= (5), (10) =(9), (7) = (8).«'
Fora=oo,a'>- up to the end of J's parabolic branch (3)= (4), (7) = (8), (i)=(2), and
also the half-circuit.
For the last two fegions and also on the rest of the line /8= 00 , a >o a barrier is needed with
the substitution (2,6) [or (i, 5)]. For negative a the order of magnitude is reversed and a
barrier (i, 7) [or (2, 9)] is to be applied. This barrier and the (2, 6) barrier for a>o is needed
in view of the occurrence of that part of D where two complex roots become equal.
With this set of conventions a consistent plan of the sheets can be drawn. In Fig. 11
the discriminantal lines and the barriers are shown, with the equalities and conventional changes
in brackets [ ] and the pairing of complex roots in parentheses (), the first of the pair being
the root with positive imaginary part. The six-cycles at tt = o are symbolically indicated by
Taken in connection with Fig. 10 for the real roots and the identification in p. 40, it
is to be considered as a condensed expression of the various connections between the roots of
the equation for the field of real a, y8.
Fig. 10 for the real roots may serve the purposes of a model of the surface /^(ct, a, /3) = o
as far as the order of magnitude and number of the real roots for the various values of (a, /3)
is concerned.
There are, however, many questions which are proper to ask concerning the connections
of the real roots which it does not answer or answers only with difficulty. For this reason a
model is in order to complete the concise expression of the facts (§19).
The representation of the facts discovered in the field of complex a, yS is of course out of
the question. For instance there are two complex four-points, at which the loci T=o andZ)=o
intersect. These loci are, however, continua of two dimensions existing in a space of four dimen-
sions and their intersection is a point merely.
To say that this field consists of the totality of point pairs of two Neumann spheres though
a useful device for the presentation of certain general arguments is not of course a representa-
tion which enables special facts like the one mentioned to be concisely recorded.
ot=«o Cvjdei LIA, 5,6.'^.'5,9]Lb,10,7J
Infinite points of multiplicity greater than two occur at :
Thepoint£ ; a : b : c :: i : — : , 3' = z= — 4, 3<^— 4t = o<^=oo 0=4 j8=oo . Here
13 13
the sheets (2) (3) (8) (9) have a common root.
Thepointff ; a : b : c :: i : i: — i, y = z= — i, <^ = 4, t=oo, a= 00, /?= 00 where the sheets
(3)? (4)) (7'). (8) unite. The line a=o has six infinite roots. For the approach a>o, /3>o all
six are complex, and so for a'= i and b increases without limit.
ForT= — i,y=^,2; = o. This is the point F which in (<^, t) is represented as the line <^—t=o.
No other triangle in the infinite set is real except F (a = b = ^ c = o). The sheets involved
are (3), (4), (5), (7), (8), (9), (10), and (9) is only reached with t= co .
The other approaches to the origin give in some cases finite values for o- but all the triangles
are complex, as none of the sheets involved fall inside Z>, in the y, z plane.
/3=o a^ro has ten zero roots independent of a, but these can only be approached in the
k, I, m plane with complex values and give of course complex triangles.
To determine all the finite multiple points (other than double points) a start is made from
the intersections of D^ and T.
The corresponding values of are given by
2<^»— <^+i =0 for the triple points, and
S4<^— S7<)l)'4-24<^— 4 = for the four-points.
The approximate values for the real foiu--point are:
= .4144425 • • T= 529566 . . .
a = -.99678 . . ^=5.3542 . .
To find the other multiple points we write F(2 "<'■ Vi
Eliminating a in turn between each pair of equations we obtain expressions (01), (02), (12)
which must vanish for points of multiplicity three or higher.
If we then write P=— and revert to the (>, r) plane by writing o- = <^+i, (01), (02), (12)
are of order 5 in <^ and 4 in t.
(01) represents the discriminant and so T and D, in their (<^,t) form must be factors.
These forms are given in equations (53) and (54).
As a fact (01) has no other factors.
The form (12) is:
— 1920
— 240
— 2712
— 2
— I
and the form (02) is:
— I
- 3
— 462
— 102
- 18
- 6
Di can be written
i6t'' = 32T^— I appears as a thrice repeated factor and the cubic factor is repeated. The
residue is g<^^+<^— i.
These must include all triple, quadruple, etc., points on D,.
In the elimination between (12) and (02) which have the form
common solutions of ^2 = and i/'3 = o enter which need not satisfy (01):
" -Ac ^Z
There are five such common solutions finite both ways and these give rise to the factors
(2<^— 1)3 {q^-\-<\> — i) after the reduction by ZJ^. The points they denote on Z)j are not in fact
more than ordinary points on D^, that is threefold double points.
a = ~=— and a =
"A. "As
.(6^^-3'/'+i) •
in (12) and obtain a polynomial
For multiple points on r = o we write t =
of order 9 in <^, which has the factors
(54<^^-57<^'+24 being represented by the defect of this order from 18 the order of the general case.
As a = 00 is not a discriminantal locus as must occur as a factor of the discriminant of F(a; a, p)
= 0. The orders of am T, D being 4, 3 we have 4tM+3«= 13 where m, n are the exponents of
T, D in the discriminant. The only solution is w= i, « = 3.
As to the powers of j8 a count of order in the Bezout form for F{i we reach a double point at a= 1 .47 . . where s=i .4508 . .
is the double value.
Since at a= 1 the root (i) has the value i . 5 and the root (2) the value i and no double
points occur in the interval we add the transposition (12) to the elements of the group.
At a= — 1 . 27 . . is another double point. To identify the roots here we suppose that
the six-cycle at a = o is so passed as to leave (3) and (10), which are opposite in the cycle, in the
real positions — 00 and + 00 respectively, when the added element will be (3, 8).
At a=—i there are three pairs of equal roots of which (25) and (i, 10) are two. The
third pair must be opposite in the six-cycle at a = o and is then either (94) or (67). It is in
fact immaterial which is taken.
As elements of the monodromie group we have:
ata= 1.47
(23) (567) (89> 10)
at a= I
(234) (56) (89, 10)
(234) (567) (89)
(234) (567) (89, 10)
at a= I
(347. io> 96)
at a=
(i, 10) (25) (49)
at a= — 1.2;
The transposition (12) exists. By transforming it by Bi we add (13).
Transforming this by C (14) is reached.
Transforming (13) by F we reach (18).
Transforming (18) by B^ we reach (19) and (i, 10).
Multiply £ by (i, 10) and obtain (25) (49)-.
Transform (12) by this and obtain (15).
Transform (15) by 5, and obtain (16) and (17).
We have now every (i, n) from which every single transposition and the symmetric group
can be obtained.
By Jordan's theorem the group of the equation is the symmetric group.
To obtain an equation for the value of the side of a triangle with given internal angle-
bisectors we write a-\-b-\-c= 1 and use ratios. We have
„_l ^ i-2a b{b-iY
~k~a{a-iY I- 2b ,
m I — 2a c{c—iy
k a{a—iy I — 2C
Using N=—, r- as an abbreviation we obtain
Write now bc = p and note that b+c=i — a so that b, c are the roots of
u'—{i — a)u+p = o (69)
Expressing the symmetric function of b, c in terms of the coefficients of this equation
R+S = N . [-a-+a'+P(-2«-+3a-i)+4P-] ^ ^
4P+2fl— I '
4P+2a— I ^'
We now vfTite RS=p, R+S=q, and p = m—a
N'ni'im—a) _ 7V[4m'— w(2a'+5a+i)+a+i)'a]
4W— (2a+i) 4OT— (20+1)
If now -= r we have a cubic and quadratic for m.
Nm^-\-m^{— aN — i^r)-\-mr{2a^-\- ^a-\-i) — r{a-\-iya = o
4Nm'—in{N[2a'+sa-\-^]-\-Aq)+N[a{a+iy->rq{2a-\-i)] = o
Using the indicated end-term multipHers whose determinant is 4 no extraneities are intro-
duced and a second quadratic results.
If this is
A'm^-\-B'm-\-C' = o (74)
and the previous quadratic is
Am^-\-Bm-\rC = o
the second order determinants which enter the eliminant are
-m{2a^+Sa'+Sa'+^a'+a) (75)
' AB'-A'B=i(yq'-(i/^qr-\-j^NqUa'+Aa+-i)-\-N'{Aa'-\-?'ai+a'+2a+i) (76)
BC'-B'C=q'(,2a-\-iy+2Nql2a+i){a+iya-\-^qr{-4a^-T,a-i)+N^{a+xYa^ (77)
Collecting the coefficients of the powers and products of N, q, r the eliminant takes the form
Q= — ibq^ria)
-f49^'-iV(2a+i)^(a-i) .
-9W^(2a+i)(6a3-j-5a2-a-2)a ' ^' '
+griV^(20-t-i)(6a3-f-7a^+4a— i)(a— i)
and writing for N its value in terms of a, multiplying throughout by (a— i)' a^ and putting qr = p
we have the eliminant as an equation of the tenth order in a, containing two parameters p, q
among its coefficients. Arranged in powers and products of ^, 9 it is :
F(a : p,q) = q'{2a+iy(2a—iy(a—iya
— i6pq'(a— i^a^
+ 64/>^(a-i)'a3
-4pq(2a+iyi2a-i){a-i)''a , ,
-q'i2a+i){6ai+Sa'-a-2)i2a-iy{a-iya ' ^'^'
+9(6a3+a'+2a- i)(2a- i)^(a+ i)3(a- i)a
+/>(2a+ i)(2a- i)^(6a<+a3- 30^- sa+ i)(a- i)^
-{a+\y{2a-\ya^ .
The result may be checked by substituting />= i, 9= 2, i.e., k = l=m when it reduces to give
1 (3=^V 17) (i*Jl£7) (l^Jiil)
4 ' 8 ' 8
which agrees with the previous result for this case.
To obtain 6 as a rational function of a the order of eltmination must be changed. With
this order m and hence be is obtained as a rational function of a.
R 9
If we write ^=/; T;=i?> we have two cubics in b:
b>+b'{:ia- i) + 6(3a^— 2a+ 2g)c+ {ai—a'+ 2ag— g) = o,
by carrying the elimination to the penultimate step by the end-term method we have
+ [g"(2a-i)'+2/g(-6a'-i)+/'+^(2a-i)(2a3— 2a'-3a-i)+/(-6c''-3a3+3a'+2a)
(a^— i)(a'— 2a— i)a"] = o.
In this expression
IV (a-i)'g ~| mV {a-iya "1
■^~^L(-2a+i)J ^~'^ L(-2fl + i)J
making these substitutions and dividing by , ,^ we have unless a= i, 5, or o
b[— 2t'{a— lya— 4lm{a— i)''a+2W^(a— i)J(2a— i)a-|-2/^(a-|- i)^(a— i)(2a— i)a—
mk{a—i) (2a— i) {&a^+sa'—2a—i)+k^{a+i) (30+1) (2a— i)^a] \ ,„ •.
+ [l'(a-iya+2lm(a-iy(-6a'-i)a+lk{a-i){2a-i){6ai+Sa'-Sa-2)a+k^{a+i) (
(a'— 2a— i)(2a— iya-\-m'{a— i)-'(2a— iya—mk{2a— i)^(a— i){2a^— 2a^— 3a— i)] = o '
In obtaining approximate solutions substitution in this expression is more laborious
than the solution of a cubic. Hence on this ground the solution by the o- chain (11) and (3)
is preferable. In practice however the method of trial on the equations (22) is more expedi-
tious than either.
Theoretically we note that the sides involve merely an irrationality of the tenth degree
and the cubic which occurs in the o- chain is not necessary but convenient. The cubic irra-
tionality is then not accessory in the technical sense.
p{a : p, q) is of course unsymmetric m {k, I, m) and as /> = , ^ , q= — 7 — , it can be denoted
by F{a, k : l,m) and is associated with two other equations by cyclic change.
That these equations which have the same form are all irreducible can be established thus:
Suppose they reduce in {k, I, m), choose a corresponding set of factors, and from them form
the equation whose roots are o- expressed as a symmetric function of a, b, c.
The coefficients of this equation will be symmetric functions of k, I, m of order zero and
hence rational in a, /8.
kl-\-lm-\-mk klm
and writing k+l+m = P, kl+lm+mk = Q, klm = R every coefficient when the denominators
are cleared will be the sum of multiples of such terms as R^Q^P^ where on account of the homo-
geneity 3^+2);+^=w.
On dividing such terms by P" we obtain terms of the form
R^Q^ _ R^Q^
Pl-i Pii+2r\
= l3-(a-
The equation will be satisfied by the corresponding values of o- if the equations in a, b, c
are satisfied and will be of an order less than lo. But F((t, a, yS) which will be the result of
carrying out the above process on all the factors oi F {a,k : l,m), etc., does not reduce, which
contradicts the hypothesis of these equations being reducible.
The form in which the equation emerges from the elimination (79) renders the determina-
tion of critical points with the corresponding binomial approximations and cycles of the roots
We deal first with the values p='xi , q=cc . H p = kq and A is finite the common factors
of the terms of highest order in q are (a — i )%. For a=i = n,q=- the terms to be considered
are of orders «', kw^, k^u, k^.
The first three give 2 two-cycles and the last pair a stationary root at a = i , there is a single
root at a=o and four other roots dependent on A. and in general distinct.
This approach to the point p— 00, 9= <» gives then an element of the group of the type
(12) (34).
If we write ^p = q^ and then 9=- we get the same state of things at fl= i but at a = o there
is a two-cycle, the other roots are an odd one at a= 5 and a pair not forming a cycle at a= — 5.
Since on the Neumann spheres for p, q the points used are as close as we please we may iden-
tify the totality of roots at a = i in the two cases. For a real approach the two pairs of roots
at a= I are as near as we please two pairs with equal values and opposite sign and as this char-
acter is the same for all finite values of A. no discriminantal branch is crossed and the pairing
may be identified in the two approaches. By the product of the two substitutions a single
transposition is obtained.
For the approach with A.=o, or by writing q=o and then p=~ we have for a—i = n a
binomial approximation of the type «' = 5r" giving a seven-cycle, and for a near o a three-cycle.
By the continuity of the roots and the approximate equality of p, q in the cases A.=o and
X finite but small we may identify the two roots which enter the single transposition with two
of those in the three-cycle, and conclude that the seven-cycle contains the four roots which
entered the pair of two-cycles in the other approaches.
We then have as elements of the group
A : (afiySe!:r,)(eaK) and B : {Oa)
At the point q = \p=o there is a four-cycle at a= — i, a second four-cycle at a = ^, and a
two-cycle at a = o. This gives the element
C : {abcd){efgh){ij)
From combinations of A'' and B the subgroup G(,{6om^)iT^{—2^m^—2i\ni')^^-\-{gm^-\-io%ni'-\-i^2m)i^ \
+ (9OT3-|-i4w"-56m)l'>-f (-w3-38w^-95OT-72)^3+(-»M34-2W^H-57W-f84)^' (82)
+ (2w'— sw— 32)^4- (-w-f4) = o /
This must be of the form
where the coefficients are polynomials in m. We see at once that D=i. Recalling the special
a=3, /3=27, w=i
a = 4, /3=54, w=4
where the second factor is
16^34-0^- 2ol-fo
respectively, and seeing that the polynomials cannot be of higher than the first order in m we try
4mi'+o^'-(sm+8)i-im-4) (83)
which divides with quotient
[2mii+mi'- im+s)i+iY (84)
The solutions for D{a, li) = o are then
i) w> — 5 the hyperbolic branch in the second quadrant
— §>w> — 2 the branch in the third quadrant
— 2>m the parabolic branch in the fourth quadrant
The origin is w= — 2, the asymptotic points m = o, m=—\.
For oi they are i, 7, 8.
The root (i) gives an isosceles triangle with internal bisectors equal.
The root (5) gives an impossible triangle with real bisectors.
The root (10) gives a real possible isosceles triangle with equal external bisectors at the
base which is the smallest side. The larger bisector is internal.
The root (7) gives an impossible triangle, while (8) has a real isosceles triangle, the equal
bisectors being external, the smaller one internal. .
For negative m's if w> — | the point representing the real solution (which gives a complex
triangle) falls in XXX 2. In the other cases the triangle is real and impossible, f or — 2 < w < — 5
the point falls on the boundary of ©2 and XXX ^, for w< — 2 on the boundary of ©, and XXX y
3) In the case of the squared cubic factor the discriminant is
— [gw^+aSW-t-QW-f 216] (86)
For m>o there are always three real roots. The cubic factor of the discriminant has one real
root only,
w.= -4.987 . . , a=-.997 . . , /3=5.3S4 . . . (See §12.)
For mw>Wi only one. Along the latter
part of D{a,P) two pairs of complex roots become equal. The point w, is the crossing point
of T, D2 in the , r plane and a point of tangency of T and D in the a, y8 plane: the real four-
point. For oe have then for a
i) a = i giving the infinite triangle discussed in (§ 5)
2) ;t(a+i)^(2a-i)-8w(a-i)a^ = o (89)
for the three isosceles triangles, b = c = .
3) Three triangles each a double solution from
k{a+i) (2a— i)tt— w(2a+i) (a— i)" = o (90)
In the last case after finding a we have a quadratic for b and c.
/For 6+c=i— a and since h — nic; Diib, c) = o
{b + cY-2bcib + c) + 3bc-2ib + c) + I=0 (40)
from which
bc=— , - and with 6+c=i— a
a quadratic for b, c.
Hence the solution of a cubic and quadratic is sufficient.
It will now be shown that no simpler solution exists for a general value of -: .
If we discuss the corresponding factor for F(a, k : l,m) for k = l the method of elimination
(§ 19) obviously fails to distinguish a and b in any way and we get a sextic factor for the Dj
case k=l, a^b.
This factor gives all the a's and b's needed to make up the three triangles involved, the
connection of the pairs being determined by
D,{a,b) = ia+by-2ab{a+b)+sab-2{a+b) + i=o (40')
This rational relation holding for three pairs of the /oots the group of the sextic reduces.
In fact we have shown how by solving a cubic for c to find a and b by solving a quadratic. If
the sextic is irreducible, the group is transitive and cannot further reduce than is indicated by
this solution.
The sextic, obtained by a process similar to that which afforded the corresponding cubic, is
OT'[(a-i)3(8a»-4a-i)a]+OT/[(a-i)(-8ai+4a'-4a'+Sa-i)o]+/"(3a^-i)^ (91)
The other factor is
w(4a—i)(a—i)'— 4/(20— i)'a (92)
the tenth root being infinite.
The irreducibility of the sextic is easily established.
If the roots are paired as (i, 2) (3, 4) (5, 6) we may write the rational relation Diii, 2) =
shortly as (12) =0.
(The function (i 2) + (34) + (56) = is in G^i and distinct from its conjugates.)
The group is as in general in the case where a general cubic with a parameter and a quadratic
give rise to a sextic on eHmination G^g generated by the substitutions (12) : (i35)(246) : (i3)(24).
As the Galois resolvent may be taken the equation of degree 48 rational in m which has for
a, — ^,+(0(02 — 62)+«^(a3 — 63) and its conjugates.
Each root may be rationally expressed in terms of any one of these.
It is interesting to note what happens to the rational expression of b in terms of a in general
valid for the tenth-degree equation for a.
In this case k = l if we solve F{c, m : k,l) = o for c, we have a cubic for c if a=t=6.
The rational expression (80) for a becomes
[4ck-mic- 1) {c^-2c-i)]^^{2c=i=i)k+m(c+i)c'^i2c-iy
m(c-i)(3c+i) /■-, 1 -M 1 ~^,-L,^,2
= 5, a is indeterminate, the limiting valu«
m(c-i)(3c+i) (2c+i)*+ot(c+i)c» (2c-i)»
for c = 5, a is indeterminate, the limiting value leading to the infinite triangle previously discussed
For the isosceles case
whence a = b = .
For the case a^b however
k^ (c-i)(c+i)'
m 8
m (2C-I-1)
and the expression for a becomes indeterminate. The limiting value gives
a= —
SURFACE r (o-, a, 0)=o 59
, 2C' , , ' 2C'i2C' — c'+l)
(2C+l)(c-l) (2C+l)'(c-l)'
This value for ab is however inconsistent with Diia, b)=o which gives
ab =
Hence the rational expression fails as was to be foreseen from the group theory.
19. THE SURFACE Fi3 = o and the lines Z),=o and <^— t— 1=0 marked
where the discriminantal cylinder has an ordinary intersection with the surface.
The projection of the asymptotic cylinder a = 00 on the /3, o- plane is marked. The cross-
sections give a descriptive idea of the surface. (Fig. 15.)
Drawing to scale is unfortunately impossible as the small loop of the asymptotic cylinder,
only extends to ^= .016 . . and the real region commences at 18=27 where the ridge lines
have a triple tangent.
The formulas for the external bisectors being
( — nJ-h
as in the internal case we use ratios and write
k I m
}il-\-lm-\-mk klm
Expressing a, ft in terms of x, y, z elementary symmetric functions of the sides and writ-
ing it;=i we have
o. ^
Q^ -(4/ - y-32> '^^^
The cubic expression in the denominator of /3 is
the discriminant of the cubic whose roots are the sides.
We notice also that
J^ / \
4y* —y3— 6y'z + 92' — 3)'2 + z
Hence all isosceles triangles have a =4, /3= 00 .
Points on 0=4 for which /34=oo are reached only in the y 2 plane along 43)'— 32 = as limits
for y= 00 , which gives infinite sides with complex approach.
As in the case of the internal problem it is convenient to eliminate in two ways.
we obtain
4-°^ 3(4P<^+3'^+/>+i) \
y3(4-«) p(
(3>'-i)[z(6y-i)-/(43'-i)] _ . /oM
These are quadratics in z. The elimination is simplified by writing z=(4y'—y)t and
eliminating t, after division by (43^ — y) . The values y = o,y = \do not in general give solutions,
with 2 = 0.
Arranged in powers and products oi A, B the result is
F{y,A,B)= A'B'Uy-inSy-sVy
+AB' [4y-i]^[3y-i][i28/-96y+i7]3'
-gAB Uy-iVlsy-'^]
+8B' [4y-iY[3y-^]'Uy-i]y
-2yA Isy-i]''
—SB [33;-i]3[6y-i]=o
For « = 3, 18=27 • ^ = ~l> B=—g, this reduces to
giving a unique complex triangle with equal external bisectors.
Here y = \,z='h) ^^^
a \ b : c=2-\-^\/2 — ^1/4 : 2+w 3y 2 — «)^ •S] 4 : 2-\-oi' ^y. 2 — '(>'-62)-y-Sz)][4(y-4z)='-(y-52)] = o (18)
For convenience we call
4y(y-6z)-(y-sz) : T,,
4(y-42)^-(y-52) : T,.
As in the internal case the vanishing of the denominators must also be discussed.
The condition that the numerator and denominator for a should both vanish is
rj[z»(32y-z)+z(i28y3-64/-y+z)-f(-32'i+2oy3_3y^)] = o (19)
The second factor is however an extraneity as it does not also consist with o^— a^+flj'— 2 = 0.
Tj may simply be expressed by ^= — 4 or as a(a— i)+4z = o.
The latter relation multiplied by the corresponding expressions in b, c and expressed in
y, z is z^Ti-o, while if k be replaced by —4 in the equation for a (12) this becomes the square
of a(a— i)+4z=o.
T2 = ois not however a proper discriminantal factor, for the value ^= — 4 has no relation to
the homogeneous problem, and if a+b+c^ i the a equation does not become a square. More-
over the expression for 8k becomes a perfect square for ^= — 4 and we do not obtain two dis-
tinct solutions in the neighborhood.
Ti in the a, j8 plane is represented by /8(4— a) — 8a = o, in which the factor F' enters so that
the triangles given along Ti = o are in a sense associated with isosceles triangles. None are
real or possible.
(±y^ — y)
The factor T, is purely extraneous. If r,=o, ^=(—zf~\ > which is satisfied by a = §,
■■\,c=\ : y=i'6,2 = BV
For these values
Namely for T, = o
/3=co , a = 4 but |8(a — 4) = oo.
T '
64/ -5
For this set of values the equation for o- has roots o, o, — i, — i, — j, and — | and the
last named, a single root, is the value giving the triangle.
Taking up the factor z we have for 2 = 0, 5= =» , A = — . _ . if y+o, y^j. For B= 00
the equation Fiy,A,B) = o becomes (4^- i)^3;[i63'3(4.4 +3)^- 8^^(32^^4-5271 + 2i)-f-y(84^"-|-
147^-1-64)— (9/l-t-8)(yl-|-i)] = oandy= , , is a single root. Hence z = o is not discrimi-
nantal unless ^'=5 or y = o and these points occur on the other factors. The factor 2 is then
We are left with (4^— i) which is in fact a discriminantal factor and will be referred
to as T. In the A, B plane it is represented by 27^1—5 = and in the a, ji plane by
(a-4)(/?+27) + 8l = 0.
Using a similar notation to the internal case we write D2 = o as the representative of the
equal-bisector non-isosceles locus.
11 k = l, a^b, there are in the {a, b, c) plane three factors of the form
D2{a,b) = 2{a-\-by-\-i^ab{a-{-b)-s{a-\-by-2,ab-\-4r(fl+b)-i = o.
Expressing the (a, b) form in c and z = abc if a-\-b-\-c= i we have
2C''— c3-(-4C2— 2 = 0.
Reducing by c' — c'-f-yc— 2 = 0, we have c = o or
31 — 62
c——- .
Eliminating c
Z?2(3',z) = i6)'32— 4}'^+2i62'— i8o3's'+3oy'2+y'+362^— i23'z+2 = o (20)
This factor of the discriminant has of course the same representation in the a, jS plane as in
the internal case.
For D2 = o the sextic becomes a perfect square. If ^ = /= i,
£ = w»-2W-8, A = - ^ , , ', .
With these values F{y,A,B) becomes
[i6>^(w— 4)^w— 8/(m— 4)(w^— 8w— 2)-)-j'(w3— 2iw'+75W+S3)+(w'— 8w— ii)p (21)
In the reduction the factor (w+2)'' is removed from both numerator and denominator.
For m= — 2, = 0, /8=o and the affair is indeterminate. For this case however A = ^ ,B = o
with AB= 00 , AB^ finite, and the limiting values serve.
We conclude from the set of three pairs of equal roots that as in the internal case D\ is
a probable factor of the discriminant.
An expression for the discriminant in the (^,2) plane may be obtained by equating the
values of the derivatives — as given by the two equations (8) (8') and eliminating A , B. This
process gives
D{y,z) = {Ay-T)Uy^-y-2>zy{D2{y,z)] = o.
Hence as ^■f—y—2,z vanishes only for a = o, ;8=o no new factors are obtained by this
Among the factors of the discriminant of F{y,A,B) is one which relates to equaUty of the
y's only without implying equality of the 2's and hence not discriminantal for the problem.
This arises from the nature of the elimination process: the two quadratics from which z was
eliminated may become identical. There are two conditions in y,A,B from which y can be
eliminated. The result is
where P expressed in a, ^ is
P = ^'(a-4)(a-9) + 54^(a-l)(2a-9)-|-729a(a-i) (22)
When P = o, y is given by
y=[|8(a-4)(a-9)-27a(a-i)]+[l2/3(a-4)(a-3)] (23)
Since a= oo does not cause ^ or 5 to vanish the effective factors are (i — a)(a— 4)»P.
The line a= i is in fact a nodal line on the surface F{y,A,B) = o. P= o is also a nodal line
while a— 4=0 gives an infinite cuspidal edge.
The last locus is discriminantal for the problem while the others are merely so in relation
to the choice of y and the elimination method.
If A = o, r=t=o and if no other possible factor of the discriminant vanishes the only possi-
bilities are 4-points and 6-points.
The discriminant of the cubic factor to the square of which F(y,A,B) reduces for D2 = o
is to a numerical factor
(w— 4V(ot— i)*(w'+wj+7).
There should also be counted m='-i)3'-(3>'-i)(6>'-i)=o
after dividing out the pair of factors (sy—iY which belong toA=o. Further equalities occur
ioT B = o, B = co and for values of y which are roots of
288y — 288y'+ 104^— 163'+ 1 = o,
the corresponding value of B being given by
5(32/ — i6y+i) = 9.
The intersections of ^4 =0 and the locus D2 give for B the quadratic
In the field of the complex roots of this equation the quartic for y reduces and gives the
set of four y's, two for each value of B, and as D is the locus of three pairs of equal roots we
have no outstanding discriminantal points on ^ = o.
For B = cc the equation becomes
after the pair of factors belonging to .6 = 00 [(4^—1)^] and the factor y have been set aside.
The values of A for which y is a. double factor are — i, and — §. The former belongs to D2
and the latter to P, and the system of equalities is in each case what is required of such inter-
sections. The discriminant of the cubic in A is
64^^(4^+3)4U + i),
and since the term A^ is absent A = must be discussed.
For A=o one pair of equal roots occurs in keeping with the discriminantal character of A .
A= —I belongs to D, and has in all four roots —\ and two y = o. This is in accord with the
fact that D2 has normally 3 pairs and B=oo is simply discriminantal. A= —J is itself a
factor and the two pairs occurring are expected. A = x has no extra equalities for B = = 2, /= i, i = 8. The values of a and m cannot be determined since both
A and (4^4+3) are (—1).
Replacing the factors divided out in the transformation we have
A= ± 23^ • 35" . yl <■•£»• r • P" •£>» (4^+3)".
To determine a and m we give A and B simple non-discriminantal values and calculate
the residue of the Bezout determinant modulo a suitable number prime to all the factors of A.
A^i, B = i gives 4 • 7"= — 2 (mod 11)
i4 = 2, 5=1 gives 2"+' = — 2 (mod 5)
^ = 2, B = i gives 2"+'" = 1 (mod 7)
That is provided the positive sign is taken with A. The only solutions permissible on account
of the limitations of the order are a = 2, m=2. There is no permissible solution with the
negative sign for A.
On account of the connection in general between the Bezout form and the standard form
of the discriminant the result is to be divided by —6" and we have finally
-2^8 . 2^» . A' B^ -f • P' DlUA+sY
as the value of the discriminant.
The variables y and o- are connected by a birational transformation, namely
A + i+'-i)'(y-i)-9 (3y-i) and J5(8)'3-i2>^-t-3y)-9(3y-i) (25)
In a similar way for ^ =0 the o- equation has four roots equal to — i and the expression
for y is indeterminate, and that for o- fails to give the y values which must be sought from the
y equation which has distinct roots for these four places.
Similar irregularities occur for B = o, jB = 00 , and A= . They are complicated by the
fact that the connection between {A, B) and (a, fi) is also birational. These do not call, how-
ever, for any special computations.
To avoid the birational transformation from a,^ to A,B and to keep as close to the tri-
angles as possible we consider the transformations leading in a chain from the sides {a,b,c) to
the symmetric functions of the sides {x=i,y,z) and to the symmetric functions (a,/3) of the
angle-bisectors which may be taken as the data of the problem. The equation F{y,A,B) = o
will then be considered as if its coefficients were explicitly written in (a, /i).
We trace the discriminantal loci in the {a,b,c) plane. Beginning with tt = ao , the repre-
sentative is
^ab{b-cy{c-a)'ia-b+c) {-a+b+c) = o.
This is a curve of the eighth order with sixfold symmetry. It is not difficult to establish the
following features. The curve has no real infinite branches. The center of the triangle of
reference is a conjugate point. The curve has two branches at each vertex touching the sides.
It has two branches at the mid-points of the sides touching with inflexion the lines a+b—c = o,
etc. The extent to which the branches leave the sides is determined sufficiently by the points,
b= .045
c= -75
a= .46s
c= -75
a= .06
a= .21
6= — .41
C = 1.2
and the symmetric correspondents (Fig. 17).
The locus i8=oo has three representatives: (a — 6)(J— c)(c— a); abc, a.nd (a+b—c){a — b+c)
The loci a = o and /8=o are jointly represented by
ta{b-cy{b+c-a) = o.
This curve has sixfold symmetry and is closed. It may be traced by writing a = x+y, b = x—y,
c = i — 2x when it takes the form
2y*+-fii2x'—iix+2) + {i8x*-2ix'+&x'-x)=o.
As a quadratic in y" the discriminant is
— 96a;3+iosx" — 36X+4,
whose one real zero x = . 549 . . . limits the curve to a triangle slightly larger than the refer-
ence triangle.
The curve passes through the vertices parallel to the opposite sides and meets the sides
also at the midpoints touching them there. It has no singularities except a conjugate point
at the center of the reference triangle.
The discriminantal factor T is represented by 4{ab-\-bc-i-ca) — 1=0. This is the inscribed
circle of the reference triangle. The factor D, is represented by three symmetrical curves of
which Diia, b) is
2ia+by+4ab{a+b)-5ia+by-3ab+4{a+b)- 1=0 (26)
Writing a-\-b = 2x, a — b = 2y we have
(8a;'-s^+i)(3a;-i) .
^ 8x-3
y is real except for ^\' = o. This passes through theorigino,
the point F(j, o), the point A (^, ^jV) and cuts the line 4y — 8z — i =o[/3= 00 ] at F and Q(|, i\)
and has no contacts with the other curves in the real region {y, z).
Along Z?, ()8 = 00 , a = 4) is represented. 3 = represents /3 = 00 and so does /^y — 8z — i=o.
The curve D2 is
i6yH — ^y*+2i6z^-iSoyz^+Soy^z+y^+2,(>z'—i2yz+z = o (27)
This approximates the semicubical parabola 2 72^+ 2^3 = in the infinite regions, and has
an asymptote 323)— 1282 — 5 = 0, the further intersections with which are complex. There is
a conjugate point at (^, iV) on the ordinary branch, an inflexion at the origin yi+z=^o, and no
other singularity. It touches Z?, at (J, o) having 43/— 8z— i =0 as the tangent and also touches
Z), at the cusp A . From the cusp out to y=cc D^is outside Dj, otherwise inside.
T is represented by the line y = 4 .
There is no difficulty in identifying the regions (i) to (16) in the {y,z) diagram. They
Case n.U.Vcy
cover the interior of D,. The exterior is divided by the curves into twelve regions which are
marked I, II, . . XII as a basis for discussing the transformation to the (a, j3) plane.
Tke a, /3 Plane, Limits
Since the transformation from {y, 2) to (a, y8) is not everywhere point for point it is neces-
sary to investigate certain limits.
GC „ \
\ >
•T---:v<,. \
"^\v V
^ s. \ \
X. -L
^ \
3 '^- ',\ •-
■^ \
^ \
s \
)- -J ». -\\ \
-^ ^ Xa
^.fo :H
• *?. '^
" -*
"■ C-
\ ,
• ■•sO
*■ ^\ X
^ i \ ^<-..
•— %
^ \ \ X?---,^
\ " \ ^\
f^ \ • \ \ '■■
'■- \ \ ^v ' -.
•— i
'A s \vO>''
\ V •= \
\ ^^
' ~£> to
/ /
*■ I-
Limits for infinite values of y,z are:
Along z = my'
For tn=(X} : a= i, /8=o
for w = o : a = 4 but j8 = o is not reached, z = o giving /3 = oo . The point a = 4, /3 = o is attained
as nearly as we please in VIII, IX and also in (15), (14). Any positive o<4, ^ = is reached
in IV or V and IX and also in I, XI, the parabolas being eventually outside Z>,.
Along z'=my^
o -8
"~'^''^~w(27w + 4)'
= 4, )8 any negative is reached in I, XI, V, IX. At w= —^\ the curve eventually falls on £>,
but /8= — 00 so that no limitation is set on /3 in XI.
For the limits at ^(§, jV) writing y = ^+\ z = ^+p we have .
(5^-9P)' 27(5A-9p)^
" i3X»-63Xp + 8ip» '^ 3('^-3P)'+4'^''
Using the tangents to the D^ curve and the parabola representing a = o, /? = o as axes
5A.-9P = X
and approximating along semicubical parabolas Y' = mX^, we obtain
For positive w's o< /3< 54. For o>w>— g/Sis positive and the curve lies in regions (i),
(2). For »t< —i the curve is in VII, XII.
Hence VI, VIII cover 0=4 from /8=o to 54,
VII, XII cover a = 4 from /3=o to — 00 ,
(i), (2) cover a = 4 from ^8=54 to +00 .
AtAii\=pp,a = — ^^~^^^l ,, and j8=o.
'^'^' i3-63/>+8i/)'
For /> = 3, a = 4 and for /> = !, a = o.
Hence values of a between o and 4 are found paired in VII and VIII and also in XII and VI.
Limits at F(i, o) are investigated by writing y = \-\-^, z = p.
We have
I6(3P-X)' (3P-^y '
"■ = — ; P — — 7a v; •
X— 2p p(X— 2p)'
Using (X— 2p) the tangent to 0=00 and j8=oo as X axis and X— 3p the tangent to a = o, ^ =
as Y axis.
i6X» „ X^
For Y = mX' : a='^^ , /8=oo, for F=wX : a=o, /3=--r-^ r .
m m \m — \)
and we have
»i>i : j8>o the region VIII, ->3,
Here 4y — 8z — 1=0, (/3 = o) and 32 — 4^^+^ = 0, (n = o, j8 = o) cut.
If y = j+K z=A+p:'i = o, ^=i6(2A-3p)3--2i7(X-2p),
and cubical parabolas give a = o, /3 any.
/3 is positive in V, VII and negative in IV, VI.
Limits at 0(o, o).
»-=(y+3zy-^{z-y'), /3=(y+32)3H-(42-y")z
are proper approximations.
Along z=my' : o=— , /8=co .
These parabolas fall in III for w>j : /8>o, a<4 and do not fall in II but in I, which is
limited by a = 4. Hence I and III are joined at/8=oo,o4 /3?r54
and reach 0=4 at A for any /8^S4, and a= 00 , /3= 00 at F. Being divided by A they fold
on D and on a = 4 and cover the region inside D's cusp and above = 4.
The regions (7), (8) are within Z), and have ao and join on D^.
In (a, /3) they fold on D in the fourth quadrant reaching a = o, /8 = o and a= — 00 , ^= 00 .
The regions (3), (4) are separated by T in (^,2;), are within Dj and outside a= 00 . Hence
a>4, ;84, /3>o and fold on D. They reach a = 4, ^ = 54 along
Di at infinity. A is here approximately 2']z'-\-2y^. (15) reaches a = 4, P= <» along z = o, and
(16) attains the same values along I>,. The values a = 4, 54<)8< 00 are reached for various
w's along z' = wy3 whose limits are a = 4, /3= ; , — r . The A value m=—-hf being a
^ -^ w(27w+4)
turning-point for /3's denominator.
(9), (10) behave in a similar manner and also fall on the upper cusp region in (a, /3).
(11), (14) are divided by A, reach a = 4 |8= 00 but /3l, reaches a = o, o>^> — 00 at o along y^ = 4^z', reaches /3 = o, o i but is folded with IV along T.
IV reaches /3=oo, oo at Q the cubical parabolas pairing the values with IV; a = 4)
o3<54at^: o2 and 7 which goes
to the cusp and is folded with VIII along D.
VII covers the rectangle ^^> — 00 at A: a=o,
o>/3> — 00 a.tQ: /8= 00 , oo. j8=a3, o\.
The nodal curve P = o does not affect the reaUty of the roots but causes the sheets to cross.
It has asymptotes = 4 . = 9, /3=27(— 2±i 3). There are no real points for i4. The sheets involved are (i), (2), (9), (10), (15), (16).
At j8= 00 for positive approach the roots are o • j, J, , _ , , — - , _ . — .
Taking a = 6 as a typical case where P acts they are
o, i, i, -^, ±-g-.
Now (i), (2), (9) can all reach y = i but (2) is the only region reaching y>l, y8= <» . Hence
(2) has the root —r- and (i) = (9) has J. (16) reaches y = o but (15) cannot. (10) and (15)
have then the negative values. At the point a = 6 on D = o we have (i) = (2), (9) = (10), (16) =
(15) and as only one crossing occurs between this value of /3 and /8=oo it must be (10), (16)
which cross.
The cross-section of the surface has the arrangement of the diagram (Fig. 22).
Passing across /3= 00 (4) and (11) are paired by P for a>g.
Next consider the region /3o. P can only pair IX and XII since the y's must
be the same and a = o for P gives y = z-
The region /3>o, oo. IV can only reach fi=o by moving' to infinity along
z = my', while VI must reach A. The y, z diagram (Fig. 20) shows that this entails the crossing
of the projections on the y-axis.
The branches of P at the cusp join complex z's. Using the continuity of the real surface as
a guide we see that the sheets (10), (16) crossing on P for a >4 represent two roots which become
equal and infinite at 0=4 and then complex, and so the nodal line is as usual continued as a
<*. <.
oc =3
I Co n II*
it Nod^l Points
Infinite At>t^^oacltf^ 5^»jmi/oIizCii '
3. Y
Fov 3i. = o Ihercwti aw , 'h ,'Ih, '/u , '/i ,Vs
^TCclit ^OV 3 =
< g
Fiq 2 2 d sectiam of FCvj , x, (J>) t
real isolated nodal line whose a, /3 projection is the curve P and whose y values run from oo to
5 at the cusp and back to <» at the end of the asymptotic branch.
The small arch of P between the origin and a= i, )8 = o pairs IV and VI. From the origin
along the first vertical asymptotic branch (12) and (13) are paired; crossing a =00 the sheets
are (11), (14) and the nodal line is isolated in both these parts.
From 0=1, /3=o moving to /8< o the paired sheets are IX, XII until a = is crossed, when
(6), (12) take their places. Passing a=oo (4), (u) are paired. For the last two parts the
nodal line is ordinary.
In a similar way the equalities further marked in the diagram may be established. The
result though a compendious collection of information is not, as remarked in case I, a complete
and consistent statement of all the facts. In particular as special defects the representation of
the points a = 0, j8 = o : a=i,j8 = o : a = 4, j8= 00 , for which the equation becomes indeterminate,
and the surface has a line parallel to the y axis, is omitted.
A set of diagrammatic cross-sections of the surface F(y,a,^) — o is given in Fig. 22.
The side of a triangle with given bisectors is a root of a sextic equation whose coefficients
are rational and unsymmetric in the bisectors.
To determine these sides we write
a—b = \a,b—c=Ka
6 = a(i — A,), c=a(i — A.— k) (30)
The fundamental formulas for external bisectors then give
---.= (6), (7). (8)] in some order.
Transforming [(o), (7)] by the powers of this substitution we have with [(o), (9)] every
[(o), («)] and so the symmetric group.
Writing y= tan M, t= tan 0, and k=2Hi the equation (4) becomes
H'{y'+i)(,ty^+4f-6yH-4y+ty-4y'iy3-syH-sy+ty = o (6)
The coefficients are rational in {k, h, i) and y is rational in {x, i). The group is also the
symmetric group.
For every y there are two x's but ten belong to F{x, —k,h) = o. These in the real cases
correspond to values of M increased by ir, and lead to the same triangles. So for a change of
sign mp,t and y change also and the same triangles occur, and without loss of generality we may
take p, q as positive.
By differentiation and elimination of H' we obtain as a discriminantal equation
/y9-6//^- i5/y+ (/'- 2o)/+2i>'5- 2i/^y4- 2i/y+ (3/2- i2)y^-\-()y- 1=0 (7)
Treated as a quadratic in t the discriminant is
Hence real roots only occur for | y | < 6 . 02 . . .
The real discriminantal curve is then determined rationally in y and a square root of a
function of y. It may be traced by assigning to y all real values outside the critical values and
calculating I, H and so p, q. The curve has quadrantal symmetry in the {p, q) plane. The
critical values correspond to p= . 1456 . . q= . 2851 ...
From this value t= 2974. . one value of t increases monotonously to 00 and the other
decreases monotonously to zero. The p, q values tend each monotonously to (1,0) and (o, ^)
. There is a cusp at (o, 5) where < oc -,/>«: — , and q—^ «: ~ . At (i, o) the proper
approximation is a pair of parabolas.
Under [lermutiitions o\ (^,, q) are transformed to ( - , | j, the same transformation as
that effected by the interchange of two of the assigned bisectors, or say of (/, g) where
I : p : q : : ~ : - : t.
f g ft
In addition to the real branches thus traced there is a conjugate point ^= 00 ,9 = (Fig. 23).
The graph of
H = q cos - = sin 2M sin {i,M—0)-^sm {4M—O)
is of the same general character for any 0. The diagram is for 0= - (Fig. 24).
In general the zeros are : o, - , tt - tt independent of d, and — | , m=i, 2, . .0.
22 33
The infinities are — | , m=i, 2,
4 4
XV h
As p ranges from o to co , ranges from o to ir, and these values coalesce only for 6=
- when - + -=- . This corresponds to p=i and two zeros coalesce but remain real on
passing the value, (3) and (4) being interchanged.
For given H the roots are either 10 real or 8 real. The critical values can be found from
the derivative vanishing at the roots of
2 cot 2^—4 cot (43/— ^) +3 cot (3JW— ^) = o.
These values can be found without much trouble from the table of natural cotangents.
The values of the roots which are then entirely separated can be found either by Horner's
method from the equation (6) or by trial from the table of logarithmic sines, and
log H=log sin 2Af+log sin (33/— ^) — log sin {4M—O) (8)
The triangles are all real and possible il y or M is real, for in all cases A + B+C=Tr. The
values oi A,B,C are not always positive and the results are subject to an interpretation by
way of interchanging internal and external bisectors.
First take o'< I, i.e. o<0<- .
'^ 2
For the root (i)
oo, co,6>o, and c is of doubtful sign. Fot qp, a,b,c : +, +,
+ and refers to K, K L that is to the original verbal statement of the problem^ _
The roots (3), (4) are alike and have a, b, c : — , +, + and refer to K, K, L. .
For the root (5)
e , TT ,, d ,2Tt
II. The case a,b, c : -\-, - , - occurs for (3), (4), (8), (10) and (5) if q 1 and for (i).
IV. The cased, 6, c : +, +, - occurs for (7), (9).
The cases where p>i can be included by noticing the transformation (/'» t) combined
with iq, -) which entails (B,Tr—6) and if also we interchange (Af, ir—M) the original equa-
tion is unchanged.
This interchange however takes sin B to — sin B and leaves sin yl, sin C invariant. The
triangles are unchanged but the internal and external bisectors at A are interchanged. The
classes of solutions (I, III) and (II, IV) are interchanged in the pairing given.
_ The whole transformation is equivalent to an interchange of the fundamental quantities K,
K,oriiK:K:L::f:g:h to {f,g).
Under (g, h) which involves {p, q), however, a new problem arises, and so under (/, h)
which replaces * by - and o by - .
q q
Of the six permutations of (/, g, h) three sets of two lead to distinct sets of triangles.
Namely for this problem
(/, g,h) = {g,f,h) corresponds to {p,q) = (^,^ .
ih,f,g)=(f,h,e) (q,p) = (^i,t'j.
For p = q=i the equation for a:=tan — becomes
{x'+i){x*-6x^+i)-Sx'(sx^-iy = o,
which reduces to
(x^— i)(x''— i4r'-|-i)(a;''-(-4a;^-|-i) = o (9)
The first factor gives in two ways the triangle A=B = - ,C = o.
The second factor gives in four ways the triangle ^=5 = -,C= — .
The third factor gives in four ways the triangle determined by
B=2 tan-'I/(i/5-2)
or approximately when the angles are taken positively and internal,
^ = 13° 40', 5=128° 10', C = 3&° 10'.
In this case the B bisector is external, in the second case it is internal, and in the first the
words internal and external have no proper distinction. The case oi p=i,q any, has an equa-
tion containing only even powers of x. If the problem were solved in terms of the sides the
locus p=i would be discriminantal, but for this equation, although the group reduces so that
the equation may be solved by solving a quintic and quadratic, there are no equal roots, the
roots merely referring to the same five triangles in pairs. In the former cases we had the
phenomenon of a discriminantal locus in one solution corresponding to a locus of reducibility
for another; here we have it corresponding to a locus of group reduction.
If three real numbers are assigned as the lengths of any three bisectors the problem of deter-
mining the triangle is to be solved by successive application of the methods of the three cases.
The number of real solutions depends on the data, and the character of the dependence is
revealed by considering the discriminants of the three cases simultaneously.
In cases I and II any three assigned real numbers cause the (a, /3) point to fall in the region
within the cusp of D{a, fi). For a>4 I has 8 real solutions with possible triangles; II has 4.
For a<4 the numbers are 7 and o respectively.
The condition = 4 is expressed in (/>, q) as the vanishing of the product
On account of the symmetry of the discriminant of III it is only necessary to consider one
quadrant of the (/>, q) plane (Fig. 24).
Taking the first quadrant for p+q— i >o we have a<4. There are then three regions and
three classes of the general problem:
Class A : a<4 and A34 and ^i4 and A3>o
For class A, I has 7, II has o, and III has 3 permutations, each of which has 8 solutions.
The permutations of if,g,h) leave the square (0 = 4) invariant.
The total for class A is then 33 real solutions with proper triangles. For class B the per-
mutations of (/, g, h) do not carry the representative point across the discriminantal curve.
Ill has then three sets of 8 solutions, I has 8, and II has 4, the total being 36. For class C q<^
and its reciprocal occurring as a 9 under {h,f) is outside A3. The other transform is inside Aj.
For this class two sets in III have 10 real solutions and I has 8, and II 4 solutions : in
all, 40. This is the greatest number and occurs, for example, if / : g : /; : : 3 : 30 : 10 (Fig. 23).
This case has been taken for the triangles in the illustration (Figs. 25, 26, 27).
Taking the right angle as C the sides b and c are rational functions of the side a.
2a— I — 2a^-f2a— I , , ,
b = —, -s, c= -. r — , a+o+c=i
2(a— i) 2(a— i)
By interchange of (a, b) and by changing the signs of sides the fifteen pairs of the six bisec-
tors can be reduced to three cases.
Case I. Given K,L.
The ratio -^^ becomes a perfect square in (a, j 2) namely
-=;=2]/2a(a— 1)^-^(1 — 2a)^ (2)
If Z, H- 2 j/2 A" is plotted against a the same curve which occurred in the internal problem (I, § Sj
is given.
For -p>o there is then one real solution of the cubic. This gives a real triangle with all
positive sides and is the solution of the problem as stated, namely K, L are internal bisectors.
For t;i, b>i, c .
The bisectors are both external.
2) i>a>5, — <» >b>o, >c>^. The A bisector is external, the B bisector internal.
3) o>a>— 00, 5<6 against a we have the real graph (Fig. 28). At^ = o a double transposition can
be effected (1,2) (3,4) and at /»= 00 a two-cycle and a four-cycle which must separate 5, 6 which
are conjugate complex for the real approach. It may properly be denoted by (2,3) (1,5,4,6).
Approaching /)= 00 from the negative side no double point is encountered between p = o and
/)= — CO since the double points are at p = o, 00 and the four complex roots of the remaining
factor of the discriminant :
i6/)4- i52/)3-|-93/)^-f-5i2/)+32768.
The corresponding values of a being given by
6a''— 8a3+ 'ja'—4a+ 1 = 0.
Since the conjugate pairing must be kept the cycle at /»= °o must be for this approach either
(1,2) (3,5,4,6) or (3,4) (1,5,2,6) or (5,6) (1,3,2,4).
Since the complex double points are distinct and the second derivative does not vanish at
them, a single transposition occurs as an element of the monodromie group. It is then easy
to see that the monodromie group and therefore the algebraic group is the symmetric group,
however the cycle for />= — <» be named. The discriminant not being a square, adjunction
of \/p does not reduce the group.
To discuss the character of the solutions we divide into classes by /)<8 that is A'b>—-^, ca> ^, .6005 . . <6<— -, .6511, a>h ^<6c>^. A' and M are both external.
V2 ) 2
Class IVa. K6>-i .083 .., iAf, — .2Si6J>i, .65ii>c>i. Af is external, A" internal.
Class lib. K>M, ob>o, c has the value \ at each end of the range and
decreases from these values each way to a minimum 1 2— i which belongs to the right-angled
isosceles triangle.
K and M are both internal and this case is the only one solving the problem verbally
expressed for internal bisectors.
Class III6. K>M, .7600. . 6>- <» , 1323. . M, ib>i, c has the value — 00 at each end of the range
and reaches a maximum — | 2— i for the case of the isosceles triangle. K is external.
The approximate values for a are the roots of the equation for equal bisectors. For this
case only two real non-trivial solutions exist :
a : b : c :: — .2516 . . : .6005 . . : .6511 . . The angle A about 22°4o', K internal, M
a: b : c :: .7600 . . : —1.083. > '■ 1-323 • , A about 3S°4', K and M both external.
Case III. Given two bisectors at one vertex and the right angle.
The tangent of half the difference of two angles, and one angle are given, hence the prob-
lem is one for ruler and compass.
The general method of Case II leaves the construction of an isosceles triangle given an
external bisector at the base indeterminate.
Other conditions must be given.
If the base a and the external bisector L are given we have
j,_ {-a+2b)a'b
^- (b-ay •
To determine the angles write == p = -. — ^ where <^ is half the external angle at the base.
^ X sm 2)
The solution is
cos -
/>±1 (j)'+4)
The problem can be solved by ruler and compass and is an extension of Euclid's decagon
problem (/>= — i).
The sign of p does not determine any representable difference of configuration, but for
^ < I /) I < - one triangle has the bisector internal : below the lower value two solutions
V/'2 2
have external bisectors, above the higher one triangle is complex.
If the sides b = c and L be given the problem requires the solution of a cubic equation.
Namely \i-j-=K, and t = ■^,
X3+ ((C- 2)A^— 2k\-\-k=o.
The discriminant is k(4k^+ 13(0+32), and k=o there are three real roots, one negative referring to an internal bisector and
two positive referring to external bisectors. For k= i the angle ^ is — and the bisector inter-
nal, or vl is — or - and the bisector external.
7 7
I. We have = = tan
II. The length of the line joining the extremities of the two bisectors from A is r^
„ I
III. The altitude of the right triangle included by the bisectors at A and the line joining
their extremities is
K • K 9
//a= „ and as altitude of the triangle Ha= — ,
2' {K'+K') 2a
where 5' is the area of the triangle.
From this equality
a = S . UKl + K^
K-K "
while K'' s {s-a){b-cy
K^ {s-b){s-c){b+cy
By substituting for a, b, c from (7) in 2=^ a third relation is obtained.
This is for convenience expressed by writing
when it takes the form
jjk'^ {^ p)m i p-qy
K U(p+q-r)nip+qy ^^^
It is to be noticed that p : q : r : : a : b : c.
The independence of the conditions I and II is obvious. For III the set of values
satisfy I and II but not III.
In a series of papers in Phil. Mag., IV (1852), the problem of the triangle with two equal
angle-bisectors is made the text (with some other elementary problems) of a discussion as to
the necessity of the reductio ad absurdum in geometry. The chief parts were taken by Sylves-
ter and De Morgan.
De Morgan claims to see "identity in 'Every A hB and every not B is not ^"' by a pro-
cess of thought prior to syllogism; and so denies the necessity of an indirect proof in any case.
Sylvester surmised that "The reductio ad absurdum not only is of necessity to be employed,
but moreover in propositions of an affirmative character, need never be employed except when
the analytic demonstration is founded on the impossibility or inadmissibility of certain roots
due to the degree of the equation implied in the conditions of the question. If this surmise
turn out to be correct we are furnished with a universal criterion for determining when the use
of the indirect method of geometrical proof should be considered valid and admissible and when not."
It is difficult to deny De Morgan's general proposition though his immediate application
is a little unfortunate. The problem being, as stated by Sylvester, "To prove that if from the
1 > ■> 1
1 1 ^
middle of a circular arc two chords be drawn, and the remoter segments of these chords cut off
by the line joining the end of the arc be equal, the nearer segments are equal." The doubtful
word is of course "remoter." If this word means every point of which is remoter, then De
Morgan's contention that "proving that the inequality of the nearer segments makes the
inequality of the remoter ones follow, the equality of the remoter ones makes the equality of
the nearer ones follow " is a proper special case of his general argument, can be made good. This
interpretation has however a disadvantage from the geometric point of view. It is not appli-
cable to the allied problem where the analytic geometer would say the chord has complex points
of intersection with the circle. Yet for this problem an entirely analogous theorem is true and
it is desirable to so state the problem that both cases are included.
If the problem be stated: "A line of given length has one extremity on a straight line, the
other on a circle, and the line passes through a cut of the circle and the perpendicular on the
given line from the center of the circle which is not separated from the foot by the second cut;
then if the length of the line be less than the distance from foot to second cut, and in case the
foot is outside the circle greater than the mean proportional between twice the distance from
foot to second cut and the distance from foot to first cut, and greater than the mean propor-
tional between four times the diameter of the circle and the distance from foot to first cut,
four positions are possible for the line, and these have symmetry in pairs, and for each sym-
metrical pair the segments cut from the line by the circle are equal" — then it is possible that
justice has been done to the facts. However, in the general case the segments by the circle are
neither nearer nor remoter and from the inequality of the circle segments the inequality of the
circle line segments does not follow without a specification of the pairing. The syllogist's
difficulty lies in the definition of the classes, and in this special case the class is at least not
conveniently defined by equations alone.
Turning to Sylvester's view we note that the proof that equal internal bisectors implies
isoscelism falls very neatly in his scheme but the corresponding problem for external bisectors
presents a new difficulty. Sylvester with the proper mathematical instinct generalized the
problem before solving it:' namely, he said divide the internal angle in a given ratio instead of
bisect. This generalization unfortunately does not include external bisection. To compare
the two cases we write the equation
K—L c a+6-f-cr c b{a-\-b-\-2c) a
K+L b+c
[_c b{a+b+2c) a "I
a+c (a+cY b+c]
This holds from the fundamental equations for internal bisectors, and the spirit of Sylvester's
method is to say —
The right-hand side is essentially positive for a-positive non-trivial triangle, and is more-
over expressed in products and sums of products of ratios each geometrically interpretable.
If then K — L = o, b — a = o or the axiom of Archimedes fails.
In the external case, however,
K — L a+b—c c rc3—{a+b)c''+sabc—abib+ay
t ci- {a+b)c'+ sabc- abib+an
{b-c){c-ay' ' ]
b-a K+L ib-c)\
the last factor in the numerator may vanish for positive non-trivial triangles. It is in fact
Blichfeldt, Annals of Malh^., II, 4.22, gives the same generalization. His proof is valid also for non-
Euclidean space.
— Diia, b) and the curve I>2 = o actually enters the region of proper triangles in the (a, b, c) plane
(Fig. 18).
In this case, however, the non-isosceles triangles with equal external bisectors have the
bisectors oppositely directed so that further specification of the conditions of the problem
which must again presumably be by means of inequalities and not equations will permit the
proof as above by Archimedes' axiom.
It would appear that in general, though the difficulties of expression may be great, any
theorem true analytically for a properly restricted class might conceivably be thrown into a
form similar to the above and further a direct geometric proof might be given by Archimedes'
axiom and adequate restrictions based on order postulates.
Sylvester's generalization {loc. cit.) which substitutes division of the angle in a given ratio
for bisection does not include the external case as well as the internal under the same general
formulas. The same thing is true if for bisectors which meet sides in points dividing them in
the ratio of adjacent sides we substitute lines through the vertices dividing opposite sides in a
ratio compounded of the ratio of adjacent sides and the ratio of a corresponding pair of three
assigned numbers.
To Professor E. H. Moore is due a generalization embracing both the internal and external
cases in one set of formulas.
He introduces three parameters u, v, w and defines the given quantities by
,^j , , ,_{au+bv+cw){—au+bv+cw)bcvw
Ka{u,v,w; a,b,c) = ^1— r-
kI{u,v,w; a,b,c) =Ka{u,v,w; b,c,a)
Kc{u,v,w; a,b,c) =Ka{u,v,w; c,a,b)
Then for {u,v,'w)= {1,1,1) the internal formulas are given and for {u,v,w)={i, i, — i) the exter-
nal formulas.
The problem for the spherical triangle, the formulas are
,, 4 sin s sin is— a) sin b sin c
^r\^K = ^ \i,/ N , etc.
It may be noted that the dual spherical problem reduces as the sphere becomes a plane
to a ruler and compass problem. Given the angles which the medians make with the sides to
construct the triangle.
: : •••:*•
Richard Philip Baker was born February 3, 1866, at Condover, Shropshire, England, and
was educated at Clifton College, Bristol (1877-84), and at Balliol College, Oxford (1884-S7).
He graduated with the degree of B.Sc. at the University of London in 1887.
In 1888 leaving England for the United States he studied law and was admitted to the
Texas bar in 1890. In 1895 he became a graduate student of mathematics at the University-
of Chicago where he attended courses by Professors Young, Laves, Maschke, Bolza, Moore,
Dickson, and Wilczynski. After several years of teaching in secondary schools he became in
1905 instructor in mathematics at the State University of Iowa. Here he studied physics with
Professors Guthe and Stewart. In 1910 he was appointed assistant professor of mathematics
in the same university.