M UC-NRLF B M ESQ DME m 5W^ h .. Iniucroitu of ^alifo^Mti^^ .\o. J)jj;isix)ll ]t(f.'/ ic Received rr 6 ^^/fW^«><^ itS^;!) , ^^.:^^ ::...^^.A -^^, AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE OF MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, &c. &c. AN ELEMENTARY TREATISE MECHANICAL PHILOSOPHY, WRITTEN FOR THE USE OF THE UNDERGRADUATE STUDENTS THE UNIVERSITY OF DUBLIN BY BARTHOLOMEW LLOYD, D.D., M.R.LA., PROVOST OF TRINITY COLLEGE, DUBLIN. VOL. I. ^^^ ^-.^^ ^^ SECOND EDITION. \\ -Ld^Ortiry^ S^ Calif orBi^L DUBLIN : PRINTED AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS, FOB MILLIKEN AND SON, 104, GKAFTON-STEEET, BOOKSELLERS TO THE UNIVERSITY. M.DCCC.XXXV. .?" \> ffo R. Graisberry, Printei: to the University. TO THE UNDERGKADUATE STUDENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY, THE FOLLOWING TREATISE, INTENDED FOR THEIR USE, IS DEDICATED BY THEIR VERY SINCERE FRIEND, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. It has ever been expected of an author, that in presenting himself to the notice of the public, he should state his claims to the attention he seems to solicit, and afford the means of judging how far it is likely to be rewarded. Anticipating these reason- able expectations, he endeavours to satisfy them by a declaration of the motives which may have led to the undertaking, or influenced his judgment respect- ing any peculiarity of plan or execution, by which his work may be distinguished. By aff'ording this satisfaction to others, he also consults for his own interest or reputation ; being well aware, that it is only by a due regard to the particular ends and ob- jects of the writer, it can be ascertained whether his efforts are called for, his methods well chosen ; or, even after the perusal, whether the work itself is fairly executed. This first duty to the public and b 2 VIU PREFACE. liimself, the writer of the following Treatise shall endeavour to discharge as well as he is able. Having been called to the chair of Natural Philosophy in the University of Dublin, he naturally felt it to be peculiarly his duty, in addition to his course of public lectures, to furnish a manual for the instruction of the students in his own department ; the work long in their hands, consisting of lectures formerly delivered by Professor Helsham, being ex- tremely imperfect, even as a system of Statics, to which branch it is almost exclusively devoted. In making this remark, it is not intended to cast any imputation on the memory of that writer. His volume conveys, in the most clear and familiar style, nearly all that was known on the subject when it first appeared. But whatever may be its peculiar merits, he who is aware of the vast improvements which have been made in the establishment and de- velopment of the principles of Mechanical Philoso- phy, needs only to be informed, that the work here spoken of appeared at the beginning of the eighteenth, and was probably written before the close of the seventeenth, century; and it is presumed that he will deem it unnecessary to inquire whether it con- tains, or not, a course of elementary instruction fitted for the present age. PREFACE. IX Some attempt to supply the deficiency bad in- deed been made by the late Bishop Hamilton, author of a work on Conic Sections, fit to be placed beside the most finished productions of the ancient Geome- ters. But Natural Philosophy is chiefly of recent growth ; and Elementary Treatises are the latest which arrive at perfection. During the progress of science, the task of its cultivators is that of ex- ploring some region of vast extent : and it is not until their discoveries shall have swelled so as to approximate, that the whole can be combined into one continuous system. It is not, therefore, detract- ing from the merited reputation of that writer to as- sert, that the four supplementary lectures, first pub- lished about fifty years ago, are now only fitted to satisfy the curious as to the state of the science at that period. Such was the acknowledged character of the manuals from which the students were to be in- structed in this department of science : and the tutors, generally too much occupied in the discharge of their laborious duties to engage in a work for which some leisure was essentially requisite, con- tented themselves with supplying the deficiency of written treatises by the oral instruction of their Xll PREFACE. the author in this view, will also agree with him in supposing, that as the present attempt was not un- called for, the only charge which can lie against him must relate to the quality of the work which he pro- poses to substitute for those already in use. For this indeed he has some apologies to offer, and a large share of indulgence to solicit. Such he hopes will not be withheld, when the purposes for which the work was more particularly intended are con- sidered. Some explanation of these purposes may be requisite for the stranger to the plan of education adopted in the Dublin University. He is to be in- formed, that whilst it invites by honors to the highest attainments, and provides the most able assistance for those who may be so allured, it forbears from compelling attention to the subjects of its instruc- tions beyond very moderate limits. The sound dis- cretion manifested in this treatment of the younger members, is chiefly conspicuous in what relates to their mathematical studies. In a course of academic instruction, by which the youth of the country are to be qualified for the various professional duties of active life, and, therefore, necessarily embracing a considerable variety of subjects, it was not to be proposed that all should become profound mathe- PREFACE. XIU maticians. Neither could it be deemed expedient to interfere with the tastes of individuals, by which they may be directed into some other of the many walks of literature, perhaps equally useful, and certainly to many minds more inviting. In a society so diver- sified by tastes and objects, the number of those who do not enter on the higher branches of Mathematics must, at all times, be considerable. The qualifica- tions of such, as well as of those of higher attain- ments among the students of the University, were necessarily to be attended to in a work proposed for their general use. Accordingly, in the following Treatise, the mathematical reasoning is sparingly resorted to, and as much as possible confined to the mere elements. Writing under these restrictions, and, in a certain degree, obliged to forego the aids peculiarly adapted to the science here treated of, the writer is apprehensive that he may have af- forded to the mathematical reader some ground of complaint ; yet it is to be hoped that he will not be dissatisfied with those sections which are more par- ticularly intended for his perusal. Such were the views of the author, and such the modifications of character which he has endeavoured to give to his performance. Should it be favourably XIV PREFACE. received by the University, as a work suited to the purposes for which it was intended, he shall feel encouraged to complete what is now done by the addition of a second volume : and for the judgment whereby it is to be decided, whether he is to pro- ceed, or here to close his labours, he waits with some anxiety. After explaining his views to the reader, the next duty of an author is to offer some acknowledgments for the aids he may have derived from his predeces- sors. Yet much in this way cannot be required from the writer of an Elementary Treatise, where there is little room for any pretension to originality. Most works of merit, wherein the writer could ex- pect to find any thing connected with his subject, he has consulted j and by many of them he has profited. Among those to whom he is most largely indebted is Poinsot, whom he has followed by the adoption of his theory of couples, and his use of that doctrine for the establishment of the conditions of equilibrium. To this name must be added that of Poisson, an au- thor not less remarkable for the depth of his views than for the elegance with which he unfolds them. January, 1835. ADVERTISEMENT FOR THE SECOND EDITION. The writer of the following pages had indulged the hope of completing this work on Mechanical Philosophy by the addition of another volume, before that a second edition of the first could be demanded. That hope has been frustrated by the engrossing duties of the situation to which he has been in the mean time called. The gentlemen for whose use it was chiefly intended, being aware of the nature and extent of his other engage- ments, will readily believe that he has done as much in this way as present circumstances would permit, by re- vising the work so far as it has been already accom- plished, and which he now presents to them with seve- ral corrections, and such further improvements as were deemed compatible with the plan of the work. CONTENTS, Page. Introduction, ...... xxi STATICS. SECT. I. Of forces applied to a material point, ... 1 SECT. II. Of the composition of parallel forces, ... 24 SECT. Ill, Of equal and parallel forces acting on an invariable sys- tem towards opposite sides of a line transverse to their directions, ..... 34 SECT, IV. Conditions of equilihrium among forces applied to diffe- rent points of an invariable system, and in any di- rections, ...... 46 SECT. V. Of the conditions of equilibrivim when the body is in part restrained by fixed obstacles ; and of the pressures on the points of contact, . , , . 61 XVm CONTENTS. SECT VI. Page. Of the centre of gravity, .... 83 SECT. VII. Of the Mechanic Powers. The lever. — The balance for equal weights. — The steel yard. — The bent lever balance. — The weighing ma- chine. — The Danish balance. — The axle in the wheel. — The pully. — The inclined plane. — The wedge. — The screw, . . . . .124 SECT. VIII. The funicular polygon and catenary, . . . 183 SECT. IX. Of the equilibrium of roofs, arches, and domes, . . 197 SECT. X. Of strength and strains direct and transverse ; and of the principles of frame work, . . . . 215 SECT. XI. Of the elastic curve, ..... 238 SECT. XII. Of the fundamental principles of statics, . , 244 DYNAMICS. SECT. I. The measures of motion and force, . . . 265 CONTENTS. XIX SECT. II. Page. Of forces producing rectilinear motion, . . . 280 SECT. III. Offerees producing curvilinear motion, . . 302 SECT. IV. Of central forces, . . . . . 318 SECT. V. Of constrained motion in general, . . . 347 SECT. VI. Of motion constrained by a given curve, . . 355 SECT. VII. Of the simple pendulum, .... 364 SECT. VIII. Ofmotion constrained by a surface, . . . 384 INTRODUCTION. The systems of matter which constitute this globe are ever liable to changes, with respect to their charac- teristic properties, their figures and motions ; and it is to the observation of the influences, by which these changes are effected, that man is indebted for the foresight with which he anticipates the results of natural operations, and for the skill with which he avails himself of the va- rious capabilities of matter. The processes which are constantly before his view, or those which are casually offered to his notice, would be the foundation of his first theories ; and they would also furnish the light, for the direction of his earliest efforts, towards the improvement of his condition; for he would have only to subject the bodies at his disposal, to the same influences, in order to have the same results. But the aim of the philosopher is not the servile imitation of nature ; neither is the knowledge to which he aspires, limited to that of her most obvious proceed- ings. The actual operations of nature, are indeed the c XXll INTRODUCTION. subjects of his attentive observation ; but he finds it re- quisite, by experimental investigation, greatly to enlarge the catalogue of these operations, when he attempts to discover the laws by which they are conducted, or the powers by which they are effected. Such is the scope of his endeavours ; and having attained this point, he is enabled to anticipate the consequences of conditions, which nature had never presented ; or of those, to which he is, himself, at liberty to subject the systems of matter placed at his disposal. But the reward of his labours is not withheld, until the end of his researches is fully attained by him. Every step by which he advances leads him to more en- larged views of the power and wisdom of the Great Author and Contriver of all things, and of his provident concern for the well being of his Creation ; and for every step, he is rewarded by an enlargement of his own power, over that world, which his Creator hath put un- der his dominion. To trace his progress in this course, would be to write a history of the arts and sciences. The purpose of this introductory chapter, is to mark the subject treated of in those which follow : for the field of philo- sophical inquiry being of such vast extent, it is obviously requisite that it should be divided into separate com- partments ; and this division is the same with that of the phenomena to be considered. Of these phenomena, the changes which occur In bodies as to rest and motion, constitute one important class ; and the consideration of these changes, together INTRODUCTION. XXlil with that of their external causes, belongs to that de- partment of Science, denominated Mechanical Phi- losophy. We have spoken of these changes as being the ef- fects of the actions of certain powers external to the bodies themselves ; and without, for the present, decid- ing the question, whether there is in matter any innate tendency to rest or motion, to which such changes of condition might in certain cases be ascribed, it is obviously certain, that they are often the effects of ex- ternal influences. We know that motion is frequently produced by an act of the will ; and then as we are conscious of an effort which we designate by the name of force, so when the like effect is produced by any other external influence, it is natural to extend to that influence, the name with which we are already so fa- miliar ; and this we do, without intimating that there is any analogy whatever, between the powers exerted in the two cases. By the word force in mechanical philo- sophy, we denote, merely, the external cause of the change of condition as to rest or motion, without af- fecting to convey any notion of the more intimate nature of the energy so exerted : and happily, this acquaintance with the intimate nature of the force is not requisite for our present purpose ; for in the investiga- tion of the effects of certain powers, it is plainly unneces- sary that we should know how they come to reside in tlie bodies by which they seem to be exerted ; or even whe- ther they actually do reside in those bodies. Thus when a bar of iron is disturbed on the approach of a magnetized c2 XXIV INTRODUCTION. needle, it is possible that the efficient cause of the dis- turbance may not reside in the needle ; the presence of this latter, for aught we know, may be nothing more than a condition, according to which, something exter- nal to the needle is brought into action ; and when we speak of the energy of the needle, it is not to be su}> posed that we intimate any opinion on a subject, with which we have no concern in this branch of philosophy. Nay in our investigations, we leave out much of what is discoverable, or even already known, respecting these forces. Certain bodies, under particular excitement, are known to exert such influences on other bodies ; yet the peculiar properties of such bodies, or the methods by which these powers are called into action, are here overlooked, as not pertaining to the subject of abstract mechanics. It must not, however, be supposed, that our specu- lations, because of their abstractedness, are incapable of any useful application. We should derive but little be- nefit from the force of wind or water, did we not know how to vary, at pleasure, the magnitude and direction of the impression to be received from it : how to direct a force against an obstacle capable of sustaining it, and how to economize the effiart by which this is to be ef- fected : how to modify the motion, which is the effect of the force, to convert reciprocating into rotatory mo- tion, and vice versa ; and of the elements of motion, which are the mass and its velocity, how to augment either, at the expense of the other. But the value of mechanical philosophy is to be esti- INTRODUCTION. XXV mated, not merely by the light it affords, as to the dis- posal of the forces at our command : for by establishing the connexion between motions and forces, in all their modes of application, it enables us to ascend, from the motions observed in the celestial bodies, to the forces by which they are animated ; and showing how to dis- cover their intensities, and laws of action, to follow them in all their consequences, past, present, and future, of which, many w^ould have otherwise eluded our keenest observation. It is thus that Physical Astronomy has become a science, scarcely yielding, in evidence, to ab- stract mathematics. The planetary system is, therein, regarded as a vast machine, which exhibits to our ob- servation, the effects of the forces, by which these bo- dies are mutually influenced : and having traced up the apparent to the real motions, and these to the forces by which the whole is enlivened, we become possessed of the principle, from which we are enabled to derive, not only the motions actually observed, but all that shall occur, for ages to come, among the various bodies of this vast assemblage. To manifest the importance of the science of Theo- retic Mechanics, it is sufficient to point to the fruits it has borne in Physical Astronomy, and in Practical Me- chanics, of which, the former enlarges, so wonderfully, our conceptions of the power and wisdom of the Crea- tor ; whilst the latter extends, in a manner no less won- derful, the power of man himself over the materials of this globe, which he was given to inhabit and com- manded to cultivate. And it is manifest, that if ever XXVI INTRODUCTION. he shall attahi to the same knowledge of the forces by which the other operations of nature are conducted, and to the same skill in applying them to his uses, it is to experimental investigation, guided and illustrated by Theoretic Mechanics, that he must be indebted for this further advancement. To return from this digression ; the problems to be solved in this branch of science, are such as the follow- ing. " To determine the conditions of equilibrium among forces simultaneously applied. To ascertain the force which results from their actions when unbalanced ; i. e. the energy and direction, with which the body is effectively impelled ; or conversely, to resolve a given force, into other forces from whose combined actions it would result. To deduce the motions which would fol- low from the action of certain forces applied under cer- tain conditions; or on the contrary, to trace back cer- tain motions to the forces by which they are produced." With respect to the forces concerned in such questions as these, there are but three particulars which claim our attention, viz. : 1. The intensity of the force; 2. Its point of application ; 3. Its direction : and it is now to be shewn how these things are estimated and desig- nated. 1 . With respect to intensity, it is obvious that there are two ways of comparing forces, viz. ; by means of the motions which are the effects of their unobstructed ac- tions ; and immediately, by opposing the forces to each other. Each of these methods shall be applied in its proper place ; but it is evident that we should begin INTRODUCTION. XXVU with that which is the more simple, and such is the me- thod of immediate comparison. The other method of estimating the energy of forces proceeds on certain physical principles, which therefore are to be pre- viously established by experience. Thus ; before that motion or change of motion, can be regarded as the measure of force, it must be proved that there is in matter, no innate tendency to rest or motion ; and therefore, that every change in this respect, is to be ascribed to some external influence. Again : though the motion, and consequently the velocity acquired by a body, is the effect of the force applied, and of that exclusively, yet the same thing may be asserted of the square, the cube, or of any other func- tion of the velocity; and which of these functions is to be regarded as the measure of the force, is a question which experience alone can determine. Further : in estimating the energy of causes by their effects, all the circumstances which influence the results, should be taken into account. If then force is to be measured by the quantity of motion produced by it, we must consider what circumstances, besides the in- tensity of the force, are concerned in this effect ; and it will immediately occur, that time and space are so concerned. A force, however great, must continue to act during some portion of time, however short, and through some part of space, however small, in order to produce any motion whatever. Wherefore, in estimat- ing the energy of the force by the motion produced, it would seem necessary to take into account, the time or XXVlll INTRODUCTION. space througli which the action is continued. Whether then, for the measure of the force, are we to take the motion generated by its action through a given space, or during a given time ; and in comparing the energies of two forces, how are we to ascertain which is the cir- cumstance that fixes the parity of condition with respect to their actions ? Such questions may be further multiplied, and they must all be solved, before we attempt to measure the force by the motion produced. In the mean time, we know that two forces are equal, which by acting on the same material point, in opposite directions, are in equi- librio : and that two equal forces, acting in the same di- rection, constitute a double, three a triple force, &c. : and this is quite sufficient for our purpose, when forces only are contemplated, and until we come to treat of the motions, which they are fitted to produce. And here it is to be observed, that whatever method is taken for the measurement of force, all our estimates are comparative. This observation is applicable to -quantities of whatever kind : our notion of the mag- nitude of any quantity is merely the notion of the relation which it bears to some other of the same kind : for which reason, forces may be represented by quan- tities of any other kind, the designation being under- stood to be only of relative magnitudes. By this commutation, much is gained, when the quantities employed are more distinctly conceived, more clearly expressed, or more easily exhibited, than those for which they are substituted: and it is evident that INTRODUCTION. X,X1X numbers and lines are recommended by these advan- tages. Further; this comparative estimate is most readily carried on, by referring the quantities of each kind, to some fixed standard. Such a standard of comparison is unity among numbers : and if in the same way, we fix on some certain force as the unit of forces, then any force whatsoever, shall be expressed simply by the number, which is to unity, in the same ratio, as the force in question to the unit of forces. Li the like manner, by fixing on the linear unit, to which all other lines are to be compared, any force shall be represented simply by the line, which bears to the linear unit, the same ratio, as the force in question bears to the unit of force. It is by this substitution of the more abstract quan- tities for forces, that the latter are brought within the province of mathematics. 2. The point of application being a point of space, may be immediately exhibited to the eye, and it has its algebraical designation, by reference to three co- ordinate axes or planes, as in analytic geometry. 3. The direction of the force is the same with that of the line which the material point would be made to describe, if it were free to obey the impression. Ac- cordingly, a line will serve to exhibit the direction of a force, as well as to represent its magnitude. Now when a right line passes through a given point, its direction may be determined by means of the angles which it makes with three coordinate axes : and as this is the method most frequently adopted in the following XXX INTRODUCTION. pages, it seems proper, in this place, to offer some ex- planation of the principle, and of the manner in which it is applied. Let Aor, Ay, a^, (Fig. 1.) be three rectangular axes, meeting at A, a point in the right line whose direction is to be determined. Let this line be a??z, and let «, p, 7, denote the angles mkx, mky, mAz, which the line Am makes with these axes. Now if the angle a is given, the position of the line Am, is limited to the surface of a cone whose axis is a^t, and whose vertical angle is 2«. If |3 is given, it is in like manner, limited to another conical surface, whose axis is a^, and whose vertical angle 2|3. Wherefore, if both a, and (3 are given, the line Am is formed by the inter- section of these two surfaces. But there are two such lines of intersection lying in a plane which contains az, and making equal angles with the perpendicular plane 2/A.v, and therefore making with az, angles whose sum is 180°. The angle y, when given, determines the line to one of these intersections. Hence it is evident, that we are not at liberty to assign to these angles any magnitudes we please, and then require the position of the line from such data. In fact, the angle a being assumed, the angle (3 must be assigned between the limits 90° -fa and 90° — a; and this condition being observed, with respect to two angles, the third angle 7 is restricted to a certain angle, or its supplement. In order to perceive more clearly, the relations by which the angles «, (3, y are connected, and by which INTRODUCTION. XXXI we are, therefore, restricted in the choice of them, when from such data we proceed to ascertain the po- sition of the line ; it will be convenient to reverse the process, by regarding the line Am as given. Then if a parallelopiped is constructed, having this line for its diagonal, and for its angle, the solid angle a, made by the three axes, it is evident that the three linear sides, AB, AC, AD, are determined by the perpendiculars let fall from the point m on each of the axes, and that their magnitudes may be expressed by means of the angles as follows : AB = Am.COS.a. ACZT A?;i.C0S.p. ADZZ A7>l.C0S.y. Further ; the square of the diagonal being equal to the sum of the squares of the sides, we have Am*(ii:AB'-{-Ac'-|-AD*)=Am*(cos'.a+cos*.|3-|-cos''.y) ; giving, cos*, a-f-cos''. i3-|-cos*.y=r 1, which expresses the condition to be observed, in assign- ing the magnitudes of the angles, when the position of the line is sought from these data. With respect to the first angle «, there is no limi- tation, inasmuch as the square of the cosine of an angle cannot exceed unity ; but the angle a being assigned, (3 must be such, that cos*.a-|-cos*.|3 shall not exceed unity ; i. e. (3 must not be greater than 90°-f-«> or less than 90° — a, its supplement. When j3 is taken at either of these limits, we have cos*.a-j-cos*.(3— 1 : and therefore, cos*.y — 0, or yi= 90°. When a and |3 are both given, the value of XXXll INTRODUCTION. cos*.y, is 1 — (cos*.a-f-cos*. j3). and y is one or other of the supplemental angles, whose cosines are -f- V(l — cos*, a — cos*.|3), and — \/(l — cos*. a — cos*.j3). If the cosine of any of the three angles is negative, that angle is obtuse, and this circumstance renders the designation by cosines, peculiarly explicit, the signs prefixed, serving to identify, among the eight solid angles contained by the three coordinate planes, that which contains the line Am. Thus if cos. a is negative, the line Am. falls at the side of the plane za?/ opposite to that in which it should have been found, had the cosine of that angle been affirmative, i. e. the abscissae taken in the direction of a^, being deemed affirmative, the lines Am, ajt, in the case here supposed, lie at opposite sides of the plane zAy. The same is to be observed with respect to the cosine of the angle j3 and the plane zAx^ and of the cosine of the angle y and the plane ,vAy. If the line is in a given plane, two axes will be sufficient, by taking them in the given plane. Thus if the plane were XAy, we should have yzz90° and cos.yizO ; and then, the equation of condition, to be fulfilled in the choice of the angles, would be cos*, a -f-cos*.(3=L. If the line is parallel to a given right line as ab, the latter may be taken for an axis, and the condition of parallelism is expressed by the equation, cos*. « z=l : in which case the angle a is either cipher or 180°. If the line does not pass through a, the origin of INTRODUCTION. XXXIU the coordinates, the angles by which its direction is determined, are those which it makes with three lines drawn through any point of the same, parallel to the three axes ; and by these angles together with the coordinates of the assumed point, the position of the line is completely determined. It has been already stated, that forces may be com- pared together without recurring to the motions which they are fitted to produce. Indeed, in numberless cases, these effects do not follow, the forces being either wholly or in part counteracted : and in this latter case, the motion produced, is that due to the unbalanced force, i. e. to the force which remains, after deducting those forces or parts of forces which are in equilibrio. Thus when a body is supported by the hand^ and thereby prevented from descending towards the earth's surface, a pressure is felt, which is then the entire weight of the body. If the hand were to descend under its load, the pressure would be suitably diminished; but the hand is not entirely relieved from the pressure of the body in contact, unless it descends with the cele- rity with which the body falls, when free to obey the force of gravity. In these instances, the pressure is the part of the weight counteracted, and the mo- tion of the body downwards is the effect of the re- mainder. From this simple instance, it will appear requisite to ascertain the forces which are so counteracted, before we can properly proceed to reason about the motions produced. XXXIV INTRODUCTION. Hence tlie science of mechanics naturally resolves itself into two branches ; that which treats of forces independently of motion ; and that wherein the motions are deduced from the exciting forces, and vice versa. The one branch, relating chiefly to cases of equili- brium, is denominated Statics. The other, relating to the effects of unbalanced forces, is named Dynamics. The theory of statics naturally precedes that of dynamics because of its greater simplicity. It is alto- gether independent of the consideration of motion, and therefore of time and space ; as also of the mass of the body moved and its inertia. In this branch of mechanics, the body acted on, is regarded, merely as an assemblage of points to which certain forces are applied; and its properties are considered, no farther than as it is more or less fitted to transmit these forces from one point to another. Further : though gravity is a force by which every particle of matter is affected, it will be found convenient to establish the more general theorems without reference to this force, leaving it to be regarded as part of the system of forces concerned in the particular cases, to which these theorems are to be applied. The science of dynamics, having for its end, the establishment of the connexion between forces and mo- tions, under all the circumstances in which they can be offered to our thoughts, must rest upon a foundation of certain physical principles, denominated the laws of motion : which as they seem not to be established by an inherent necessity, are to be collected from observation and experiment. INTRODUCTION. XXXV Because of the peculiar modification of meclianical action, which belongs to the constitution of fluids, it is found convenient to separate the mechanics of fluid, from those of solid substances : and adopting a like distinction in this part of the subject, we give the name of Hydrostatics, to that which treats of the equilibrium of fluids ; and of Hydrodynamics to that which treats of their motions. Gaseous substances are distinguished from other fluids, by the properties of compressibility and elas- ticity ; and accordingly, these become the subject of another branch of mechanical philosophy, denominated Pneumatics. Tlie Reader is requested to make tke following Corrections. 207, five lines from bottom, after the word " curve" insert the words " of the intrados ;" and in the next line, in place of the word "it" insert "that of the extrados." — 349, at the beginning of the third paragraph insert the words " If the motion is uniform." 293, 296, 297, insert 7, 8, 9, the numbers of the Articles. 309, 313, 317, for 3, 4, 5, read 5, 6, 7, do. STATICS. SECTION I. OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 1. As all reasoning consists in connecting certain propo- sitions with others previously received as true, it is requisite that we should begin with those which lie nearest to first principles : and such are the propositions which immediately follow. " As forces in equilibrio destroy, each the effect of the rest ; the body, by means of which they are opposed to each other, is in the same condition, as to rest or motion, as if they had not been applied." Hence, we are warranted, in introducing, or suppressing any system of forces in equilibrio : and in the course of our demonstrations, it will frequently be found convenient to re- sort to this artifice. " If a system of forces is in equilibrio, the equilibrium shall not be disturbed, by fixing a point in the body to which they are applied." For if the forces engaged are in equilibrio, there is no tendency to motion thence resulting, and therefore no pres- sure on the fixed point, and consequently, no reaction ; i. e. B 2 STATICS. — SECT I. there is no new force introduced into the sj'stem, by fixing one or more points of the body. " Two equal forces, applied to the same material point, in opposite directions, are in equilibrio." For no reason can be assigned, why either should pre- vail: i. e. why the material point should be moved in the di- rection of one of the equal forces, rather than in that of the other. Also, " Two equal and opposite forces are in equihbrio, though they should not be immediately applied to the same point, provided, that the line connecting the points of appli- cation is of invariable magnitude." For then neither of the points can be moved in the direction of the force applied to it, without drawing the other along with it, and there is no reason, why this common motion should be in the direction of one of the forces, rather than in that of the force equal and opposite. Hence it follows, that when the system of points is in- variable, such as those of a perfectly rigid body, we are at liberty to change the point of application of a force, for any other in the line of its direction. Thus let the force /; applied at the point m, act in the di- rection BA (Fig. 2.) this force may be transferred to any other point as m' in the same line. For, if at this latter point, we apply two forces, acting in the same line, but in opposite di- rections, and each of them equal to p, this will have no effect. There are then three equal forces engaged, viz. one acting at m, in the direction of mx ; a second at w^' in the direction of m'B, and a third at the same point in the direction of ?nA. Of these, the first and second are in equilibrio, and may therefore be suppressed ; after which, there remains but the third, which is the original force p, whose point of applica- tion is transferred from m to 7n, a new point in the line of its direction. Two forces not immediately opposite in direction, cannot be in equilibrio. OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. O Let the two forces act in the directions of the different lines AB, CD, (Fig. 3.) If these forces could be supposed to be in equihbrio, that equihbrium would not be disturbed, by making the system of points invariable, or by fixing one of those points as m taken in the line ab, the direction of one of the forces : this being done, the force which acts in the direc- tion of this hne, will evidently be destroyed by the reaction of the fixed point ; wherefore, the force in the direction of cd will then remain alone, and will turn the system round the fixed point m. There is then, no equilibrium when this point is fixed ; and therefore, none when it is free. Hence it fol- lows that " If two forces are in equilibrio, they must be directly op- posed, and therefore, they must also be equal." When two or more forces not in equilibrio, are applied to the same material point, they must give to that point, a tendency to move with a certain velocity, and in a certain di- rection. The effect then, is the same, as that of some one force. This last is named the resultant of the forces actually applied, and they its components. Generally, the resultant of any forces is that force., which would produce alone the same motion which results from the combined action of the original forces : and the components of any force, are those from whose combined actions the same motion would result : wherefore, in all statical inquiries, the components may be replaced by their resultant, and vice versa. Accordingly, when a system of forces is applied to a point, and not in equihbrio, the equilibrium shall be es- tablished, by applying a new force, equal and opposite to their resultant. Conversely, if a system of forces is in equilibrio, any one of them, its direction being changed into the opposite, is the resultant of the rest. For any one of them is in equilibrio with the resultant of the rest, and therefore equal and oppa- site to that resultant. b2 4 STATICS. — SECT. I. 2. To find the resultant of two or more forces applied to the same material point, is the fundamental problem of Me- chanics. The most simple case of this problem, is that in which the forces act in the same line. If two forces p and p are applied to the same material point, and in the same direction, their resultant is equal to their sum, i. e. r =^3 -^-p • This is manifest, without looking for the measures of the forces in the motions they are fitted to produce. If two forces p and jp are applied to the same material point, but in opposite directions, their resultant is equal to their difference, and acts in the direction of the greater force, I. e. supposing p to be the greater force, we shall have n:z. p — ^'. This will be evident, by resolving the greater force ^, into two, one part equal to p', and the other to 2> — 2^'' ^^^ then we have three foi'ces, viz. p, p — p , acting in the same direction ; and^', acting in the opposite direction: of these, the first and last are in equilibrio ; and these being sup- pressed, there remains only the force ^J — p, which is there- fore the value of r. These things are equally true offerees acting in the same line, though not immediately applied to the same point ; the line being supposed to belong to an invariable system ; and they are extended to any number of forces acting according to such a line, by stating, that the general resultant of the forces is equal to the difference between two sums, viz. the sum of those which act in one direction, and the sum of those which act in the opposite direction, the direction of the re- sultant being that of the greater sum. This proposition may be announced, in a manner still more compendious, if having prefixed positive signs to the symbols of the forces acting in one direction, we mark with negative signs, those which act in the opposite direction : for then we may state, that the resultant of all the forces acting OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 5 in the same line, is equal to their sum ; using this term in the same sense as in common algebra. Thus if three forces -\-p, -\-p',-\-p" act in the same direction, and two forces — p'", — /?"" in the opposite direction, we may assert, that the general resultant is equal to their sum, paying attention to their signs; t. e. K— p -{-p -\-p —p — p . To find the resultant of two forces applied to the same material point, when their directions are oblique to each other, is a more difficult problem. We shall proceed to its solution by degrees, first ascertaining the direction of the resultant, and then its quantity. The direction of the resultant must be in the plane of the components. For, if it is supposed to be that of a line on one side of this plane ; another line may be assigned, sym- metrically situated, on the other side of the same plane ; and whatever can be supposed to determine the resultant to one of these directions, must equally serve to give it the other. But the resultant cannot take two different direc- tions ; therefore it cannot lie at either side of the plane of the components. The direction of the resultant of two forces applied to the same material point, must lie within the angle contained by their directions. Let the forces act on the point a in the directions ai/, ax. (Fig. 4.) The former would draw the point out of the line ax on the side of a?/ ; and the latter would draw it out of the line Ay on the side of ax : wherefore the effect of both con- jointly, is to give to the point a tendency to move in a di- rection intermediate between the lines Ay, ax : i. e. the di- rection of the resultant must lie within the angle yAx. If the components are equal, it can be shown, by reason- ing in the same way as in the first part of this article, that the angle made by their directions is bisected by that of the resultant. 6 STATICS. — SECT. I. If without any change in the directions of the compo- nents, one of them is increased, the other remaining un- varied ; the effect on the direction of the resuUant is to di- minish the angle which it makes with the component so in- creased. For let the forces p and p' act in the directions \x, a?/, and let a^ be the direction of their resultant r. (Fig. 5.) Then, if p becomes p -f-p, the new resultant r' is that of r and pt and must therefore lie within the angle contained by the directions of these last forces ; but the direction of 7^ is that of p or ax, wherefore the direction of r' must be a line, such as A^', lying within the angle s:\x. Knowing the direction of the resultant of two equal forces, applied to the same material point, and making with each other any angle whatsoever, we may proceed to ascertain the direction of the resultant, when one of the equal forces is multiplied by any integer number. For A, being the point at which the equal forces are ap- plied, (Fig. 6.) and Ay, ax, their directions, if two equal por- tions of these lines measured from the point a, as ae, ab, are taken to represent these forces, and the parallelogram EB is completed, its diagonal af, which bisects the angle at a, shall be the direction of the resultant. This resultant, therefore, may be transferred from a to f, at which point, if it is resolved in directions parallel to Ay, ax, it shall re- produce its components, viz. fq, fg, each equal to ae or ab. Now, if the force applied at a in the direction ax, were made ac zi 2ab, this would be adding the force ab or bc to the forces fq, fg ; and if the force fq were transferred to b, and there compounded with bc, the resultant of these two forces would take the direction of bg parallel to af ; and the point g, where it meets the direction of the force fg, would be a point in the direction of the resultant of the forces AE and ac ; a being necessarily another : wherefore the direction is that of the connecting right hne, which is OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 7 the diagonal of the parallelogram, whose sides are ae and AC. In the same manner, if at the point g, the resultant of the forces AE and 2ab, is resolved in directions parallel to ky AX, it shall reproduce these components, viz. gr — ae and Gi n 2ab : and if the former of these is transferred to the point c, and there compounded with another force equal to AB acting in the direction kx or ex, the resultant shall be parallel to af, and the point h, where it meets the line gi, shall be a second point in the direction of the resultant of the forces ae and 3ab : moreover,^ the line eh being equal to 3ef = Sab, this direction shall be that of the diagonal of a parallelogram whose sides are ae and 3ab. This method of investigation will serve for wab any multiple of the force AB. In like manner, if the resultant of the forces ae and ni.KB, is transferred to the further extremity of the paral- lelogram formed by these lines, and is there resolved in di- rections parallel to a?/, ao;, it shall reproduce these compo- nents : and if w^.ab is transferred from this point to e, and there compounded with another force ep z: ae, acting in the direction e//, it shall give a resultant parallel to the diagonal of the parallelogram whose sides are ae and m.AB: and the point where it meets the side parallel to Ay, being a second point in the direction of the resultant of 2ae and w?.ab, this direction is that of the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by these lines. Thus by treating the force w2.ab, as the force ae was treated in the former part of this investigation, the force ae may be multiplied by any integer number n, and it may be shown, that the direction of the resultant of the forces represented by w.ae and w.ab, is that of the diagonal of the parallelogram formed by these lines. From this it appears, that when two commensurable forces are applied to a material point, making with each other any angle whatsoever, the direction of their resultant is that of O STATICS. — SECT, I. the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose sides are taken in the directions of the forces, and in the same ratio. For if two forces, each equal to the common measure, were to act at the same point and in the same lines, the direction of their resultant would be that of the diagonal of a parallelogram, formed by equal portions of those lines ; and when the forces are multiplied by any integer numbers, the direction of the resultant has been found to be that of the diagonal of a pa- rallelogram, whose sides, taken in the same directions, are had from the former by the same multiplications. Finally : as the unit of force may be taken of any magni- tude, however small, the proposition may be extended to the case where the forces are incommensurable. For let two such forces applied to the point a, be represented in quan- tity and direction by the lines ab ac, and completing the parallelogram ae, (Fig. 7.) let a portion ef, be taken on the line EB, measured from the point e ; and however small this portion, it is evident that a submultiple of ab, may be found less than it ; and that this submultiple, taken repeat- edly from the line be, shall have one of its terminations at some point as o, intermediate between f and e ; then draw- ing OG parallel to ba, we have a parallelogram bg, whose sides are commensurable ; and therefore, the resultant of the forces, represented by ab, ag, shall have the direction Ao, which makes with ac, an angle less than the angle fac. But the resultant of the forces ab, ac, makes with ac, an angle less than oac, and therefore a fortiori, less than FAC. Again : taking from the point e, on the line eg, a portion eii however small, it can be shewn in the same way, that the resultant of the forces ab, ac, makes with ab, an angle less than the angle hab. This resultant therefore, falls within the angle fah, however small, which can be true of no line, but the diagonal ae. It is now proved, that when two forces of any magni- tudes, are applied to the same material point in directions OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 9 making any angle wliatsoever, the direction of their re- sultant is that of the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose sides are taken in the directions of the component forces, and proportional to them in magnitude. But further: the resultant of two such forces, is repre- sented by the same line, in magnitude also : For let the forces be represented in magnitude and direction, by the lines AB, AC ; (Fig. 8.) and let r denote the resultant whose magnitude is to be determined. Completing the parallelo- gram contained by the lines ab, ac, the direction of r is that of the diagonal ae. And as the resultant, its direction being changed into the opposite, is in equilibrio with its components, it follows, that if ea is produced beyond the point A, as to g, a force equal to r, acting in the direction AG, shall be in equilibrio with ab, ac. Again : any one of the equilibrating forces, its direction being changed into the opposite, is the resultant of the remaining forces; accord- ingly, producing ca in the direction am, a certain force acting in the direction am, is the resultant of the force ab, and of the force r acting in the direction ag. Wherefore, am coincides with the diagonal of a certain parallelogram, one of whose sides is ab, and the ether is in the direction of AG. This is sufficient to determine the parallelogram ; for if from B, a line is drawn parallel to ag, and from the point H, where it meets the diagonal, another line, m, is drawn parallel to ba, the parallelogram is completed. Now the force equal to R, and acting in the direction ag, must be represented by ai : for a force in this direction, if greater or less than ai, would not compound with ab, a force in the direction of ah, the diagonal of the parallelogram. But lA rz HB zz AE, which completes the proof that " the re- sultant of two forces, acting on a material point, in direc- tions making any angle whatsoever, is represented in quan- tity and direction by the diagonal of a parallelogram, whose 10 STATICS. — SECT. I. sides represent the component forces, in quantity and di- rection."'* 3. By substituting for one side of the parallelogram of forces, the opposite side which is equal and parallel, it will follow, that any two forces meeting at a point, and their resultant represented by the diagonal, are proportional to the sides of one of the triangles, into which the parallelo- gram is divided by this diagonal; and consequently, to the sides of any triangle, whose sides are parallel to the direc- tions of the three forces. When the triangle is used in place of the parallelogram, * If it be admitted that force is measured by the velocity which it generates in a given body, by its action during a given time, this theorem may be demonstrated in the following manner. If a body moving in the right line AC (Fig. 9.) receive an impulse in a direction mo perpendicular to that line, such an impulse does not alter the velocity with which it recedes from the line ab also perpendicular to AC. For if it did, an equal and opposite impulse mo should double the change, since they are symmetrical with respect to AC ; but they are in equilibrio, and therefore produce no joint effect. Now let the body receive, at the same moment, two impulses, which acting separately, would carry it in the same given time over the lines oc, OD, perpen- dicular one to the other. (Fig. 10.) At the end of that time, the body shall be found at E, the extremity of the diagonal of the rectangle formed by the lines oc, OD. For the impulse od perpendicular to oc, does not alter the velocity with which the body recedes from the perpendicular OD, by virtue of the impulse oc : therefore, at the end of the given time, the body shall be found at the same distance from od, i. e. somewhere in the perpendicular CE, whether od acts or not. For the same reason, by virtue of the impulse od, at the end of the given time, the body shall be found at the same distance from oc, whether the force in oc acts or not, i. e. somewhere in the perpendicular de. Wherefore, since at the same moment, it arrives at both lines CE, de, it must arrive at E, the only point common to both. Moreover, as the body after leaving the point o, is not supposed to re- ceive any other impulse, its motion from o to E must be uniform and rectilinear : accordingly in the given time, it must describe the right line oe, which therefore represents the compound force both in quantity and direction. Now when the impulses ab, ad make any other angle, (Fig. 11.) the impulse AB is resolvable into the two at right angles, ao and A??;, .*. we have two impulses, Ao, and AD-j- A>n=: AD-)-D« = A«, which, being perpendicular one to the other, compound the impulse represented by AC, the diagonal of the parallelogram on, and which is also the diagonal of the parallelogram bd. OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 11 it is to be observed, that the angle contained by the sides which represent the component forces, is the supplement of that contained by the forces themselves. And this observa- tion is to be attended to, when from the component forces and the angle contained by them, the resultant is to be de- termined, either graphically or by computation. The component forces and their resultant, being thus represented in quantity and direction, it follows, that all questions relative to the magnitudes and directions of these forces, are reducible to those which relate to the sides and angles of a triangle. Thus, the sides of a triangle, being proportional to the sines of the opposite angles, and the sine of an angle and of its supplement being the same, these analogies will subsist among the forces and the sines of the angles contained by their directions. These analogies may be thus expressed, p _ p' _ R sin. 6' ~ sin. ~ sin.{d -\-B~)' wherein, the component forces, and their resultant, are de- noted by p, p', R, and the angles contained between each of the former and r, by 6, 6' ; and, therefore, that which they make with each other by + 0'« The foregoing equations express the proportionality of the forces to the sines of the angles, each force being analo- gous to the sine of the angle contained between the direc- tions of the remaining two. From which it appears, that any two of the three forces, are reciprocally proportional to the sines of the angles which they make with the direction of the third force ; or that the products are equal, which are obtained by multiplying each of the two forces into the sine of the angle which it makes with the third force. As the perpendiculars let fall on the directions of two forces, from any one point in the direction of the third, are proportional to the sines of the angles they subtend, the same things may be expressed, by stating, that any two of 12 STATICS. — SECT. I. the three forces, are to each other, reciprocally as the per- pendiculars on their directions, let fall from any one point in the direction of the third force ; or that the products are equal, which are obtained by multiplying each of the two forces into the perpendiculars on their directions, let fall from any one point in the direction of the third force. Accordingly, the angles being given, with any one of the three forces ; or two of the forces and the angle contained between one of them and the third, the remaining force and angles are found by these analogies. The second of these cases is, however, subject to the same ambiguity, as in the solution of a triangle : for the angle is sought by its sine ; and the sine of an angle is also that of its supplement. When the components are given, together with the angle contained by them, the value of the resultant is known from the equation r2 _ p2 ^ p'2 _,„ 2pp'. cos. {d + 6'). The last term of this equation is affected with a positive sign, because the angle {6 + 0'), is the angle of the paral- lelogram at the point where the forces are applied, and this angle is the supplement of the angle of the triangle opposed to the side representing r. 4. The parallelogram of forces, serves equally for the resolution, as for the composition of forces ; but the pro- blem is indefinite, when nothing is given but the force to be resolved ; as appears from the foregoing equations, each of which, contains four quantities, and therefore determines the value of one of them, only when the three others are given. And without resorting to these equations, it is evi- dent, that any line, by which the force is represented, may be made the diagonal of numberless parallelograms ; and therefore, that any given force may be resolved into num- berless pairs of forces. The data most commonly given in the resolution of forces, is the force to be resolved, and the directions of the compo- OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATEUIAL POIN'T. 13 nents. It is often required to resolve a force into two at right angles : i. e. into one in a given line and another perpendi- cular to same. The force in the given line shall be p.cos.0; 6 being the angle made by p with that line ; and the force perpendicular to given line is p.sin.0, as may appear by completing the rectangle. 5. By applying to the same point, a third force, equal and opposite to the resultant of two forces, the system is reduced to equilibrium. Wherefore, " if to a material point, three forces are applied, proportional to the three sides of the triangle to which they are parallel, they shall be in equilibrio." In estimating the directions of the three equilibrating forces by those of the sides of the triangle, the sides must be taken consecutively, i. e. each is to be considered as di- rected from the last named point; as when they are taken in the order «6, 6c, ca, (Fig. 12.) or in the contrary order, ac, c6, ha. Such forces are in equilibrio ; for ah, and a force, equal and parallel to he, applied at the point a, give the resultant ac, to which the third force ca is equal and opposite : also ah with a force equal to ca, taken in this line produced beyond a, compound a resultant equal and oppo- site to be, considered as acting at the same point. Hence all that has been demonstrated from the proper- ties 'of a triangle, relative to two forces applied to a point and their resultant, is equally applicable to three forces in equilibrio about the same point. 6. A system of forces applied to a material point, and whose directions, measured from that point, lie all at the same side of a plane passing through the same point, must have a re- sultant : and this will be true, whatever be the number of such forces in the system. Let the forces be op, op , op", op", &c. (Fig. 13.) all directed towards the same side of the plane ah, passing through the point o. The forces op, op', have a resultant 14 STATICS. — SECT. I. which hes in the plane of these forces, within the angle contained by them, and therefore, at the same side of the plane ah. The same thing is true of their resultant r and another of the forces as op" \ of their resultant r' and another of the forces op" \ and so of any number of forces acting in this manner. If three forces act on a material point, but not all in the same plane, and are represented by three lines measured from the common point and in the same directions, the resultant shall be in the direction of the diagonal of the pa- rallelepiped having these lines for its sides, and it shall also be represented in magnitude by the same line. For let AB, AD, AF, represent the component forces, (Fig. 14.) and let abcdefgh, be the parallelopiped ; whose diagonal passing through the point a is ah. The resultant of the forces ab, ad is ac, the diagonal of the parallelogram whose sides are ab, ad ; and the resultant of ac, af, is ah, the diagonal of the parallelogram whose sides are ac, af. Conversely ; a force represented in quantity and direc- tion, by the diagonal of a parallelopiped, is resolvable into three forces, represented in quantity and direction by the sides of that parallelopiped, 7. The method of composition and resolution by means of the parallelogram of forces, may be extended to any num- ber of forces applied to the same material point, and in any given directions, whether in the same plane or not. For as any number of forces may be replaced by their resultant, it follows, that the resultant of two forces being compounded with a third, gives the resultant of the three forces, and that this resultant, being compounded with a fourth of the given forces, gives the resultant of these four ; and that the re- sultant of all but one, compounded with this one, gives the general resultant of the whole system of forces. These suc- cessive compositions may be effected by the construction of so many parallelograms. OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 15 Similarly, a given force may be resolved into any number, acting at the same point in its direction : first, by resolving it into two; then either or each of these into two others; and so on without limit. And it is evident, that each of these re- solutions may be effected in any plane containing the direc- tion of the force to be resolved. 8. The resultant of a number of forces applied to the same material point, may be found more expeditiously by a method founded on the triangular scheme. This is done, simply by describing a polygonal figure, whose sides are proportional to the forces, and parallel to their directions. This being done, the line which closes the polygon gives the general resultant in quantity and direction. Thus let op, op\ op', op", op", represent the forces apphed at the point o, (Fig. 15.) then, from ^9, drawing the line pq, equal and parallel to op \ the line qr equal and parallel to op" \ the line rs equal and parallel to op" ; the line st equal and parallel to op"" -, the general resultant of the forces shall be ot. For the force op, and the force op , to which pq is equal and parallel, shall have for their resultant the force oq : this last and op' , to which qr is equal and parallel, shall have for their resultant the force or : this and the force op" , to which rs is equal and parallel, shall have for their re- sultant the force os : and finally, this and the force op"" , to which st is equal and parallel, shall have for their resultant the force ot ; which, accordingly, is the resultant of all the forces applied at the point o. If an additional force is applied at the point o, repre- sented by to, this being equal and opposite to the resultant of the rest, the whole system of forces would be in equi- librio, and the point o would not be disturbed by them : whence it follows, that any number of forces applied to a material point are in equilibrio, when the polygon is closed, by whose sides they are exhibited in quantity and direction ; which indeed is evident, by considering, that as the general resultant is represented by the side which closes the polygon, 16 STATICS. — SECT. I. there can be no resultant when the polygon is closed by the lines representing the forces. 9. The method of graphical delineation is well fitted to assist the imagination ; but when the resultant is to be made out by computation, its quantity and the angles which deter- mine its direction should be expressed as functions of the component forces, and of the angles which determine their directions. These expressions are most conveniently ob- tained, by resolving each of the component forces according to three rectangular axes ; then adding into one sum the forces which act in the same line, and finally compounding these three sums. Thus let 2iy P) p"i p", &c. be the forces to be com- pounded; A their point of application ; (Fig. 16.) hx, Ay, az, the three rectangular axes; a, a, a", a", Sec. the angles made by the directions of the several forces with the axis ax ; (5, /3', /3", ft'", &c. the angles which they make with the axis A^^; and 7, y', y", 7'", &c. those which they make with the axis A^. Then any force ^j, resolved according to these three axes, shall give the forces/). cos. o, p.cos. ft, /J.cos.y ; the other forces are resolved in like manner. Wherefore, the sum of the forces acting according to the line ax, is p.COS.a 4-f/.COS.a'+/Acos.a"-|-y'.COS.a"', -f &C. The sum of the forces acting according to Ay, is ;?.cos./3+p'.cos.j3'+/'.cos./3"+/y".cos./3"', -f- &c. And the sum of those acting in the line a^, is J^.COS.y +2/.C0S.y' -{- p'.COS.y" -j- p"'.COS.y'", -f &C. The whole system of forces is thus reduced to three forces acting at right angles, which may be denoted by the symbols x, y, z ; and as the relations of these three forces to their resultant, are the same as those of the lines by which they are represented to the diagonal of the parallelopiped having these lines for its sides, the magnitude of the general resultant is given by the equation R-V{^' + ^' + z'). (1) OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 17 The direction of the resultant is to be known by the an- gles which it makes with each of the three axes, \x, mj, kz: these angles being denoted by a, b, r, are given by the equations cos. \zz — . cos. "B — — . COS. r ~ — . (») R R R 10. The equations of the line of direction of r, are those of its projections on the coordinate planes. Its projection on the plane of zx makes with the axis kx, an angle whose nr tangent is — . Its projection on the plane of xy, makes X with the axis ky, an angle whose tangent is — . and its pro- jection on the plane zy, makes with the axis a^, an angle whose tangent is — . Therefore, the equations of this line are the following : Z X Y %z=: — .X. X "::=. — .y. v — — . z. These are to be regarded, only as two independent equations ; inasmuch as any one of the three is derived from the other two. If the origin of the coordinates is not taken at the point to which the forces are applied, let the coordinates of this latter point be denoted by x^, y^, z^ ; and the equations of the line of direction of the resultant will be any two of the three following : z — z^=Yi^ — •^\)> or x(ar — z^), - z{x - x) x-x^-— {y — y), or y{x - x), = x(y - y) ) (3) y-y,-^{s~ z), or z(y - yj, - y{z - z) 18 STATICS. — SECT. I. 11. If the forces 2^,p',p",p"» &c. act, all in the same plane, this may be taken for one of the coordinate planes, as for example for ihe plane xy. In this case, we have z r: 0. cos. r zz 0. whereby equation (1) becomes R = V (X^ + Y^). and the direction of the resultant is determined by either of X Y the two equations cos. a •=. — . cos. b = — : or by the se- Iv R, cond of the equations (3) : and there is the same reduction when the portions of the forces which act in the direction az are in equilibrio ; for then, ipcos.y -^-p'cos.y '\-p"cos.'^" -^p"'cos.'y"' + &c. — 0: i. e. z zz: 0. If z — 0, Y iz 0, the direction of the resultant is parallel to the axis ax: and agreeably to this, equation (1) will be- come R ;z X : and equations (2) will be cos. a = 1. cos. b z: 0. COS. r z: 0. In this case, the forces p cos.jS, ^/cos.jS', ^/'cos-jS", ^/"cos,j3"', &c. must be either severally equal to cypher or else they must be in equilibrio : And the same is true of the forces 2i cos.y, ^/cos.y', ^/'cos.-y", p"co?,.y"', &c. 12. For equilibrium among the forces of the entire sys- tem, we must have RziO;2. e. V(x^+Y--fz2)rz0. And as the quantities within the parenthesis are essen- tially positive, this condition cannot be fulfilled, unless those quantities are, separately, equal to cypher. The same thing appears by referring to Articles 6 and 1. In Article 6 it was shewn that three forces meeting at a solid angle, cannot be in equilibrio ; and if one of the three components is cypher, the same thing has been proved of the two remaining forces in Art. 1. It appears then, by those OF FORCES APPLIED TO A MATERIAL POINT. 19 articles, that for r z= 0, we must have the three forces X, Y, z, severally equal to cypher, i. e. X = 0, Y := 0, z = 0. which three equations in their more expanded form are, y;.COS.a -4-73 .cos.a +2J .cos. a -f- p .COS, a + &c. iz U.>w ;^.cos./34-/.cos./3'+/'.cos.j3"+/".cos./3'"+ &c. = 0. I (4,) p.cos.7+/^'.cos.'y'+^/'.cos.7"4-i3"'.cos.7"'+ &c. =iO.J Such are the conditions of equilibrium, among a system of forces, applied to a material point, considered as being at liberty to move in any direction : and if these conditions are fulfilled, it is evident that the equation r = is also fulfilled, i. e. that the system is in equilibrio. If the point, to which the forces are applied, is confined to a surface, one of the coordinate axes, as for example, the axis A^, may be taken perpendicular to the surface at the point; and consequently, the other two axes in the tangent plane. Then p.cos.7 +2?.cos.7 +/? .C0S.7 -j-p .cos. 7 -f- «^c. shall express the perpendicular pressure on the surface ; with which pressure the reaction of the surface is in equi- librio. Denoting this reaction by ^j^, and including this among the forces acting in the line ass, the equation ^9^+^.cos. 7-|-p'.cos.7'4-i^".cos.7"+i?"'.cos.7"'+ &c. z=:0. will be necessarily fulfilled. Accordingly, in the case here considered, there will be equilibrium, whenever the two first conditions are satisfied. If the point is confined to a certain line, two of the three coordinate axes, as for example, the axes a^, mj, may be taken perpendicular to this line, i. e. perpendicular to the tangent at the point. The third axis, ax, will be then this tangent. The forces estimated according to the axes a^, \y, and consequently the resultant of these forces shall be per- c2 20 STATICS. — SECT. I. pendicular to the line to which the material point is restrict- ed, and therefore shall be destroyed by its reaction, i. e. it shall be in equilibrio with this reaction. Putting p^^ for the reaction in the line Ay and /?,, as before, for that in the line AS, the equations, p^^.-\-p.cos.^ -i-7/.cos./3'+^/'.cos.|3"+y'.cos./3"'+ &c. z=. 0. Pi' +^J-cos.7 4- ^/.cos.7' +i>"'Cos.7" +^/".cos.7'" + &c. =z 0. shall be necessarily fulfilled ; and therefore in this case there will be equilibrium whenever the remaining condition is sa- tisfied, expressed by the first of the three equations. (4) PARALLEL FORCES. 21 SECTION II. OF THE COMPOSITION OF PARALLEL FORCES. 1. When two forces act on an invariable system, in pa- rallel directions, and towards the same side of the line con- necting their points of application, the case may be regarded as included in that of forces meeting at a point ; by sup- posing this point to have receded to an infinite distance. Thus, let m, m, (Fig. 17.) be the points of application of the forces p, p', acting in the same plane, and towards the same side of the line mm-, and first, let their directions be niA, m\', inclined to each other in the angle h. Then, if without making any change in the direction of the force p, we suppose the direction of the force p' to turn round the point m in the same plane, so as to assume, successively, the positions w?'a', w'a", w'a'", &c. and finally, to coincide with m ^"" , parallel to w2A, which is the direction of the force p, it is evident, that during this revolution of the line w'a', it shall meet the line a/«, successively, at the points h, h', h", h'", &c. and that when the direction of the force p' coincides with the Hne m^"" parallel to mk, the distance at which they meet becomes infinite. During the progress of the system of forces p, p', towards this state, they had a resultant continually increasing in mag- nitude: therefore, the same forces, when parallel, have a resultant, whose magnitude and direction are those of the limit to which the resultant of the forces had been approach- ing, whilst the angle made by their directions was gradually diminished. Now, the angle of a parallelogram being dimi- nished to cypher, the diagonal passing through that angle 22 STATICS. — SECT. II. increases towards a limit, which is the sum of the sides : wherefore, the sum of the component forces is the hmit sought. Accordingly, when two parallel forces act towards the same side of a line transverse to their directions, the re- sultant is equal to the sum of the components. Again: the direction of the resultant was ever inter- mediate between the directions of the components, whilst they met at an angle ; wherefore, the direction of the resul- tant of two such parallel forces is intermediate between their directions, and, therefore, also parallel to the same. Finally : whilst the forces met at an angle, the perpen- diculars on the directions of the components, let fall from any point in that of the resultant, were reciprocally propor- tional to those forces : and when the forces become parallel, those perpendiculars lie in directum. Therefore, the per- pendicular between the directions of the parallel forces is divided by the resultant into segments, which are recipro- cally proportional to those forces ; and the same thing is consequently true of the segments, into which a line con- necting any two points in the directions of the parallel forces, is divided by the direction of their resultant. 2. But though these truths may be thus inferred, from those already established relative to forces meeting at a point, yet the great importance of the doctrine of parallel forces in the theory of mechanics, may seem to warrant, if not to re- quire, a demonstration more rigorously exact. This may be obtained in the following manner : — Let the parallel forces p, p' acting at ?n, m (Fig. 18.) and towards the same side of the right line connecting those points be represented by w?a, mV. To this system of forces let there be added two equal and op- posite forces mg^mg acting atm,m' and in the connecting line produced beyond those points. By this addition no change will be made in the result of the original system of forces. Now compounding the forces mg, m\, and also the forces mg\ m k , the resultant of the former pair will act in some PARALLEL FORCES. 23 line within the angle gniA as mo, and that of the latter pair in some line within the angle g't)iA' as mo, and these lines being no longer parallel shall meet at some point h. Trans- ferring diese partial resultants to this point, and resolving them in directions parallel to mg, mk, and mg , m'k', it is evident that they shall reproduce the original components ; viz. nd, H5 equal respectively to mg, mk, and ud', us to m'g', m'k'. Of these nd, ud', being equal and opposite, may be suppressed; and the resultant of the remaining two is their sum H* + h/, or mk + m'x' ; i. e. R = p+p'. (1) It is now proved, that " the resultant of two parallel forces, acting towards the same side of the line connecting their points of application, is parallel to their directions, and equal to their sum." To find the point c, where the line mm' is intersected by the direction of the resultant, we have, from similar tri- angles. giving mc : CH : : ns : *h, m'c : CH ca.ns mc — • mc 5H sn But cvL.ns — cii.n's, and therefore mc : 711 c : : s'n : *h : : p' : P. Shewing, that " the line which connects the points of appli- cation, is divided by the resultant into segments, which are reciprocally proportional to the forces." By compounding the last proportion, we have, mc + m'c : m'c : : P + P' ^ p« «• ^« "mm' : m'c : : r : p. and in the same way, mm' : mc : : r : p'. which analogies are succinctly expressed by the following equations : 2^ STATICS. — SECT. II. A = A = -"-. (2) mm cm cm Stating, that " any two of the forces are, one to the other, reciprocally as the distances of their lines of direction from that of the third force." 3, The resultant r, its direction being changed into the opposite, is in equilibrio with p, p'. Thus cc representing the resultant of the parallel forces mA, m'A, (Fig. 19. No. 1.) becomes the equilibrating force, when its direction is changed into the opposite, as in No. 2 ; wherefore, '' the conditions of equilibrium, among three parallel forces, are, 1. That the greatest should be equal to the sum of the other two. 2. That it should act in the contrary direction. 3. That it should divide the line connecting the points of application of the lesser forces into segments, which are reciprocally as those forces." 4. Having established the conditions of equilibrium among three parallel forces, the transition is easy, to the resultant of two forces, acting in parallel but contrary direc- tions ; for the equilibrating force, its direction being changed into the opposite, is their resultant. Thus m'A' which equi- librates the forces t?iA, cc", No. 2.., becomes their resultant when its direction is changed into the opposite, as in No. 3. Whence it follows, that " if two parallel forces act in con- trary directions, with respect to the line which joins their points of application, 1. The resultant is equal to their dif- ference. 2. Its direction is parallel to those of the compo- nents, and corresponds to that of the greater. 3. Its point of application lies beyond that of the greater force, at a dis- tance which, measured from that of the lesser force, is to the distance between those forces, as the greater to the diffe- rence : or which, measured from the point of application of the greater of the component forces, is to the distance be- tween them, as the lesser of those forces to their differ- ence." PARALLEL FORCES. 25 In fact, the three cases of parallel forces here consider- ed, differ only with respect to their names and directions ; but not as to their relative magnitudes or points of applica- tion. If p and p' act towards the same side of the line which connects their points of application, r, equal to their sum, is their resultant ; and its direction corresponds to that of the forces p and p'. If the direction of r is changed into the opposite, its magnitude and point of application remaining vmchanged, the three forces are in equihbrio ; or any one of them is in cquilibrio with the remaining two ; and finally, if the direction of either of the first pair, as p', is also changed into the opposite, its magnitude and point of application re- maining unchanged, it becomes the resultant of p and r, which are then parallel and contrary forces. Wherefore, all ques- tions, respecting the relative magnitudes and points of ap- plication of three parallel forces, whether one of them is in equilibrio with the other two, or their resultant, are to be managed by means of the same equations or analogies. ■ Equation (1) gives any one of the three forces when the other two are given : for r iz p -f- P) and therefore, p' zz R — p, p r: R — p'. The three equations (2) contain, each of them, four quantities, viz. two forces, and two distances ; and any three of those quantities being given, the fourth is immediately obtained by these equations. Thus, if two parallel forces are given, acting towards the same side of the line which joins their points of applica- tion, these points being also given ; and if it is required to find their resultant and its point of application, it is evident that the are data p, p', mm ; and that the quantities sought are r and cm, or cm. But by equation (1), r = p -f- p', and by p' equations (2), cm ■=. mm'. -,. p -f- p If it is required to resolve a given force into two parallel forces acting at given distances, the quantities given are R, cm, cm', and those sought are p, p'. But 26 STATICS. — SECT. II. cm , TZZR. r- P — R. nwi nun If two parallel and contrary forces are given, as also the points of application, and it is required to find their resul- tant and the point to which it is applied, the data are p, R, and cm : and the quantities sought are p', cm' or mm'. But p' := R — p, and P , R cm ~ cm. . 7nm zzcm.- R— P R— p p 5. Considering the equation cm'zz.cm. . it appears R — P that if whilst r remains unchanged, p increases from nothing to R, cm' shall constantly increase: and that when p = R, the P value of p', which is r — p, is then cypher, and cm' zz cm, - is then infinite. This shows, that when two parallel forces, acting in contrary directions, are equal, there is no single resultant ; or, which is the same thing, that there is no sin- gle force by which the equilibrium can be established. In fact, could we suppose a single resultant, there would be no reason why it should be nearer to one than to the other of the components ; it must, therefore, either be at an infinite distance from both, or at equal distances between them ; and if this latter case be supposed, there is no reason why it should corrrespond in direction with one, rather than with the other of the components, for all here is symmetrical. p If p still further increases, the denominator oi cm. , R — p which is the value of cm', changes its sign ; which denotes that this latter quantity is then to be measured on the transverse line, in the direction of cm : and because the absolute value of the denominator is less than p, the absolute value of cm' is greater than cm ; diminishing from infinity to this limit, as p increases from r to infinite. From the equation p' — r — p, it also appears, that in this case p' is negative ; or that its direction, which on the PARALLEL FORCES. 27 supposition of r>p, corresponded to that of R ; now, on the supposition of p>r, corresponds to that of p, all of which is but the analytical expression of the truth already stated, viz. that the resultant of two parallel and contrary forces is equal to their difference; that its point of apphcation lies beyond that of the greater of the component forces, and that it cor- responds with this force in direction, with respect to the line which connects the points of application. 6. The principles already established will direct us how to proceed in the composition of any number of parallel forces. Thus let p, p', p", &c. be any parallel forces applied at the points of an invariable system, whether in the same plane or otherwise ; and let it be required to find the general re- sultant, as also its point of application. We first compound those which act at the same side of a plane transverse to their directions : let p and p' be two such forces, we have for their resultant r := p + p' ; again, compounding r with a third of these forces p", we have the resultant of r and p", i. e. r' = r -f- p" i= p -f p'H- ?"• Thus, the resultant of all the parallel forces, which act towards the same side of the plane transverse to their directions, is the sum of all such forces. In the same way, the resultant of all the forces, which act towards the other side of the same plane, is equal to the sum of these latter forces : the general resultant of all is the difference of these two partial resultants, and corresponds in direction with the greater: i. e. it is equal to the sum of those which act towards the same side of the transverse plane, minus the sum of those which act towards the opposite side of the same plane ; and it corresponds in direction with that of the greater sum: so that regarding as positive those which are directed to- wards one side of the plane ; and as negative, those di- rected towards the opposite side of the same plane, and un- derstanding by the sign + in the formula wherein they are combined, that the forces are to be connected with their 28 STATICS.— SECT. 11. proper signs, as in common algebra, it may be stated, that the general resultant is equal to the sum of the parallel forces, or that r zz p + p'4- p" + &c. The point of application is found for the resultant by the repeated use of the rule for finding that of the resultant of two component forces. First, the point c (Fig. 20.) is had by dividing the line mm in the inverse ratio of the forces p and p'. Then conceiving the force r (z= p + O ^o ^^ applied at this point, we connect it with the point m", and we find c, the point of application of r' by dividing the line cm" in the inverse ratio of the forces R and p", i. e. of p + p' and p". Having found, in this man- ner, the point of application of the resultant of all the forces which act towards one side of the tranverse plane, we do the same for the forces which act towards the other side of the same plane, and the point of application being thus found for the resultant of each of the groups of parallel forces, we find that of the general resultant by the rules already delivered for two parallel forces acting in contrary directions. If these two partial resultants are equal in magnitude, as well as contrary in their directions, the system offerees ad- mits of no further reduction: i. e. it admits of no single ge- neral resultant, and therefore cannot be equilibrated by any single force. From the method of finding the point c, it is evident that its position in the line mm' is altogether independent of the angle kmm \ therefore, whilst the directions of the forces p and p' turn round their points of application, the intensities of these forces and the parallelism still remaining, R the mag- nitude of the resultant, and c its point of application, shall continue unchanged. The same is to be observed of r', the resultant of r and p", or of p, p', p", if these three forces, their intensities and parallelism remaining, turn round their respective points of application : and the same thing is true of all the partial resultants, and, therefore, of the general PARALLEL FORCES. ^9 resultant when there is one : so that if the directions of all the forces of the system are simultaneously changed, the pa- rallelism remaining, as also the intensity of the force applied at each point, the general resultant will continue of the same magnitude, and will have the same point of application. This point is denominated the centre of parallel forces, and may be defined to be that point of the body through which the general resultant always passes, whatever be the di- rections of the forces ; the parallelism, as well as the in- tensities of the forces applied at the several points, still re- maining. The general resultant of any number of parallel forces being equal to the sum of those which act in one sense, mi- nus the sum of those which act in the contrary sense, this sum or difference may be supposed to be applied at the cen- tre of parallel forces ; and, therefore, if a force equal to this is applied at the same point, and in the opposite direction, the whole system shall be maintained in equilibrio, whatever be the position of the body, or of the lines connecting its several points, with respect to the directions of the parallel forces. 7. As the centre of parallel forces frequently offers itself to our consideration in mechanical questions, it is of impor- tance to show how its coordinates are determined, as func- tions of those of the points of application, and of the intensi- ties of the forces there applied. This is done by computing its distance from three coordinate planes. Wherefore, beginning with one of those planes, which may be that oi xy. Let mo, mo, be the perpendiculars on this plane, from m, m , the points of application of the forces P, p': (Fig. 21.) and let cr be the perpendicular, from the point at which their resultant is applied. It is evident that o, r, o' , the projections of these points shall lie in the right line 00 . From m, let mg be drawn parallel to this line oo' , 30 STATICS. — SECT. II. meeting cr at e. Then, from similar triangles, there is ob- tained the following proportion : ce : m'g (: : mc : mm) : : p' : r, wherefore, R X ce = p' X m'g. But also, R X er rr p X mo 4- P' X go. And adding these equations, R X cr zz p X wo + P' X m'd. (a) In the same way, from m", the point of application of a third force p", letting fall the perpendicular m"o", as also from c, the point of application of r' the resultant of R and p", letting fall the perpendicular cr, we have r' X c'r'=R X cr + p" X m"o". (b) Proceeding in the same way with m'", the point of appli- cation of a fourth force p'" ; and with c", the point of appli- cation of r'', the resultant of r' and p'", we have R X e r z= R X c / - + P Xni o , (c) Then adding together the equations (a), (b), (c), we have r" X c'V'z= p X mo + p' X w/o'-f- P" X m"o"+ p'" X m"'o"' : and so for any greater number of forces. In the figure, all the forces, p, p', p", See. are represented as acting towards the plane X7/, and all the points of applica- tion, m, m , in' , &c. are placed on the same side of that plane ; but it is easily perceived, that if any of the forces act in the contrary direction, or if any of the points of application are situated on the opposite side of the plane, such forces and the distances of such points are to be marked with negative signs; and that the theorem is still true, viz. that "The sum of the products, formed by multiplying each of the com- ponent parallel forces into the distance of its point of appli- cation from any assumed plane, is equal to the single product PARALLEL FORCES. 31 of their resultant into the distance of its point of application from the same plane." So that if z denotes the distance of the general resultant r, and z, z, %" , &c. the distances of the several points m, m, m", &c. we have Rz = p.^ + pV+ pV'+ y"'z"' + &c. or, putting for r its value, and dividing, P^ + pV+ p"^"+ p' V+ &c. z =:- (3) P 4_ p'_)_ p"4-p'''+ &c. By this theorem the centre of parallel forces is limited to a plane, parallel to that of xtj, at the distance z so deter- mined. To fix it absolutely, its distance from each of the other two coordinate planes must also be determined ; which is done for them as for the plane of X7j. Let x be its dis- tance from the plane zy, and y its distance from the plane zx, the distances of the points of apphcation of the compo- nents from these planes being in like manner denoted by X, x', x", x'". Sec. ?/, y', 2/", 9/"', &c., we have _ Yx +f'x'+f"x''+ t'"x"'-\-Scc, . ^ — P + P'-f P''+ P'"+ &c. ^ ^ _ py 4- pV-i- t'Y+ v"Y'+ & c. Y - p + p'+ p"+ P'"+ &c. ^' ^ These are the values of the coordinates of the centre of parallel forces, and by them its position is completely deter- mined. And it is manifest, if the three lines, z, x, y, so ob- tained, are measured on the three axes, which are the inter- sections of the assumed planes, that the centre of parallel forces is at the remote extremity of the diagonal of the pa- rallelopiped, having the same three lines for the sides of its solid angle. If the points of application of the forces p, p', p", &c. lie in the same plane, this plane may be taken for one of the co- ordinate planes, as for example, that of xy ; and this, whe- ther the directions of the forces lie in the same plane or not. 32 STATICS. — SECT. 11. By this disposition we shall have s, z', s", &c. each equal to cypher; and, therefore, also z — 0: so that the position of the centre of parallel forces is then determined by the equa- tions (4) and (o), which give the values of x and y. If the points of application are all arranged in the same right line, this line may be regarded as the intersection of two of the coordinate planes ; as for example, of the planes xy, xz. We shall then have z, z', z", &c. each equal to cypher ; and, therefore, z — 0. Likewise, y, y', y", &c. each equal to cypher, and therefore, also, y zzQ. Wherefore, the centre of parallel forces is in the same line with their points of application, viz. the axis of a.-: and its position in this line is determined by the single equation (4), which expresses the value of x, its distance from the plane zy, perpendicular to the right line in which the points are arranged. In this case, therefore, it will be sufficient for the deter- mination of the centre of parallel forces to ascertain its dis- tance from any point, assumed in the line itself, as the origin : and this is done by means of any one of the three equations, (3), (4), (5). For example, let it be supposed that there are five points, a, b, c, d, e, arranged along the line os, (Fig. 22.) to which points parallel forces are applied, denoted by the numbers, 5, 4, 8, 10, 2. These points may be referred to any point in the line itself, or in this line produced, as the origin. Let them be referred to the point 7n, and let the distances from this point be expressed by the numbers — 3, — 1, +4, •\-G, + 7 : the distances on one side of this point being deemed affirmative, as mc, md, me-, and those on the other side ne- gative, as mb, ma. The same distinction is to be made among the forces themselves, according as they tend to one side or the other, Tif the line os. In the above scheme all the forces are supposed to act in the same sense, and therefore to be affected with the same sign. Then, for the distance of the centre of parallel forces from the point m, the forces are PARALLEL FORCES. 33 to be multiplied, severally, into the distances of their points of application from the point w?, and the sum of these pro- ducts is to be divided by the sum of the forces. In this in- stance we shall have 32_l_60-f 14— 4— 15 87 ^ = -¥j = ^="+"' Wherefore, taking three units of the line from the point m, and in the direction of the affirmative values, we have the point g, which is the centre of the parallel forces. 3i STATICS. — SECT. IIT. SECTION III. OF EQUAL AND PARALLEL FORCES ACTING ON AN INVARIABLE SYS- TEM, TOWARDS OPPOSITE SIDES OF A LINE TRANSVERSE TO THEIR DIRECTIONS, 1. When two parallel forces act towards opposite sides of a line transverse to their directions, those directions, though not immediately opposite, may be said to be con- trary. In last section, it was shown that two such forces, when equal, are incapable of being equilibrated by a single force. It is now to be shown how they are equilibrated, and how transformed. To avoid circumlocution, a pair of equal pa- rallel and contrary forces shall be simply named a pair ; and in all transformations of a pair of such forces, it is to be un- derstood that the intensity of the forces, and the perpen- dicular distance between the lines of direction, remain un- changed, unless when the contrary is expressly stated. A pair is in equilibrio with another pair, equal to the for- mer, and applied to the same points in opposite directions. This is evident, inasmuch as the forces applied at each point are in equilibrio, and the forces in equilibrio being suppressed, there remains no force to disturb the system. The equilibrium continues when the second pair is trans- ferred to any part of the same plane, in parallel directions. Let one pair consist of the forces -\-f, — p, acting in the directions a«, b6. (Fig. 23.) These are in equilibrio with the pair — p, + p, acting at the same points in the opposite directions Aa, Bb'. Let the line ax be perpendicular to those directions, and taking a'b' — ab, let the latter pair be PARALLEL FORCES, EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 35 transferred to the points a' and b', in the directions ^a, n'lf, parallel to the former. The lines ab' ba' shall be bisected, each at the same point o. The forces -\-v, 4- ?> acting at a and b', shall compound a force + 2p, acting at o ; and the forces — p, •— p, acting at b and a', shall compound a force — 2p, acting at the same point o ; and as these resultants are equal and opposite, they shall be in equilibrio. The equilibrium continues when the second pair is transferred, in parallel directions, into any parallel plane. Let the parallel planes be mn, m'n', (Fig. 24.) and let the directions of the pair, thus transferred, be Aa, b'6'. These lines being parallel to a«, b6, the perpendicular distances AB, a'b', shall be parallel, and therefore in the same plane ; and being also equal, the lines ab', ba' shall bisect each other, as at o. The two forces + p, -|- p, shall compound the force + 2p, acting at o ; and the two forces — p, — p, shall compound the force — 2p, acting at the same point ; and as these equal resultants are also directly opposed, they are in equilibrio. The equilibrium continues, though the second pair is turned round in its own plane, in an angle of any magnitude. Let the two pairs, first, act at the extremities of the same line ab, perpendicular to their directions; (Fig. 25.) and this line being bisected at o, let the second pair turn round this point in the same plane ; and let Act, ^'U be their new directions, meeting b6, aci at the points n and m. Draw- ing the line mo, the two triangles, Amo, B'mo, are right angled ; and having ao zz: b'o, and ?no common, the angles at m, as also the angles at o are equal : and the same is proved in the same way of the triangles A'no, Bno : wherefore, the angles aob', a'ob, which are vertically opposed, being bi- sected hy the lines ?no, no, these lines lie in directum. The forces -j- p, -f p, acting at m, compound a force in the direc- tion ?}w, and the forces — p, — p, acting at fi, compound a d2 36 STATICS. — SECT. III.~ force in the direction no : and these resultants, being equal and opposite, are in equilibrio. It is now proved, that " a pair is in equilibrio, not only with a pair of equal forces directly opposed, but with the same pair, when transferred, in parallel directions, to any other part of the same plane, or to a parallel plane, or when turned round in any of those planes, in any angle what- soever." If at the point which bisects the perpendicular distance between the forces of a pair, a line is raised perpendicular to their plane, this perpendicular may be named the axis of the pair : and the same things are only differently stated, when it is said, that " a pair is equilibrated, not only by a pair of equal forces directly opposed, but by the same pair, when transferred, in parallel directions, to any other point of the same axis, or to any parallel axis ; or when turned round its axis in any angle whatsoever." Moreover : after any of these changes the pair is in equilibrio with a pair of equal and opposite forces ; and as all systems of forces are equivalent which are equilibrated by the same system, it follows, that " a pair may be trans- ferred, in parallel directions, to any part of the same plane, or to any parallel plane, or be turned round in its plane, in any angle whatsoever. Or, which is the same thing, it may be transferred to any point of the same, or of a parallel axis, or be turned round any of those axes in any angle whatsoever." 2. The tendency of a pair is to give to the points of ap- plication, movements in the directions of the individual forces ; and, therefore, to the system to which those points belong, considered as invariable, a movement about some axis perpendicular to the plane of the forces. The energy of the pair to produce this effect, can depend only on the magnitudes of the forces, and the perpendicular distance between their directions. The product of one of the equal PARALLEL FORCES, EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 37 forces, into the perpendicular distance between their direc- tions, may be named the moment of the pair : and if two pairs act in the same or in parallel planes ; or, which is the same thing, on the same or on parallel axes, their moments may be said to be of the same or of contrary directions, ac- cording as they tend to turn the system in the same, or in contrary directions. A pair is in equilibrio with another pair when the mo- ments of the two pairs are equal and contrary. Let one pair consist of the forces -f- p, — p, acting in the directions Aa, Bb ; (Fig. 26.) and let their perpendicular dis- tance, AB, be bisected at o. Let the other pair be — p', + p'» which may be supposed, first, to act in the directions aV, b'6', parallel to the former, and equidistant from the same point o. Then as p X ao i= p'x b'o, the resultant of the two forces -f- p, +p', shall be + (p -\- p')> acting at the point o: and as — PXBon — p'x a'o, their resultant shall be — (p-j-p'), acting at the same point o : and these equal resultants, being dii*ectly opposed, shall be in equilibrio. Now the pair (-f-p', — p') may be transferred to any point of the same, or of a parallel axis, or be turned round any one of those axes, in any angle, and the equilibrium shall continue. Hence it follows, that all pairs are equivalent whose mo- ments are equal and of the same direction. Two pairs, whose moments are of the same direction, may be compounded into one pair, whose moment is equal to the sum of their moments, and of the same direction. • For, let one pair of forces, p, act at the distance o?; and let another pair, p', act at the distance d' : this latter pair may be transformed into another pair of forces, p'.-tj acting at the distance d. The pairs, now acting at the same dis- tance, may be made coincident ; and they are then reduced to one pair of forces, (p -f' P'-rj' whose moment is 88 STATICS. — SECT. III. (If \ p + p'. — T j d, or vd + p'c/'. In the same way it is shown, that two pairs, whose mo- ments are of contrary directions, may be compounded into a single pair, whose moment is equal to the difference of their moments, and of the same direction with that of the greater. And, in general, that " whatever be the number of pairs^ placed on the same or on parallel axes, they may be com- pounded into a single pair, whose moment is equal to the difference between the sum of the moments of one direction, and the sum of the moments of the contrary direction; the direction of the moment of the resulting pair being the same as that of the greater sum." Hence it follov/s, that " a pair may be resolved into any number of such pairs, wdiose moments, severally, are of the same direction with that of the pair to be resolved, or of the contrary direction; provided, that the sum of the former moments exceeds that of the latter, by a difference equal to the moment of the pair to be resolved." The planes of two pairs being inclined to each other in any angle, if the moments are represented by the sides of a parallelogram, whose angle is that which measures the in- clination of the planes of the pairs, those pairs may be com- pounded into a single pair, whose moment is represented by the diagonal of the parallelogram ; and whose plane divides the angle, made by the planes of the components, in the same manner as the diagonal divides the angle contained by the sides of the parallelogram. Let the two pairs consist of forces of the same magni- tude, p ; and let the forces of corresponding directions, as for example, the forces -f- p act in the Hne ba, the intersec- tion of the planes of the pairs. (Fig. 27.) Let those planes be intersected by a third plane in the lines ac, ad ; and let the forces — p act at the points of those lines m and n. The two forces — p are equivalent to one force — 2p, applied to PARALLEL FORCES, EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 39 the point o, at which the hne mn is bisected. The two pairs are then equivalent to one pair of forces 2p, parallel to the forces p, and applied on the line ao, which is the half of ar, the diagonal of the parallelogram, whose sides are am, an ; and this is equivalent to a pair of forces p, parallel to the former, and applied on the whole diagonal ar. The two pairs of forces, p, applied on the lines am, an, are then equivalent to one pair of forces p, parallel to the same, and applied on the diagonal of the parallelogram con- structed with those sides. If the forces of the two pairs are not of the same magni- tude, they may be brought to this condition, by transforming one of the pairs into another of the same moment, whose forces shall agree in magnitude with those of the other pair : and if the forces of corresponding directions do not act in the line ba, the pairs may be turned round, each in its own plane, until the directions of the forces become parallel to this line ; and then they may be transferred, each in its own plane, so as to satisfy this supposition. Were the intersecting plane perpendicular to the line ab, the directions of the forces would be perpendicular to the lines AM, AN, ar ; and the forces being all of the same mag- nitude, the moments of the pairs would be proportional to those lines. And as the angles made by the sides and dia- gonal of the parallelogram measure the inclinations of the planes of the parallel forces, it follows, that the angle made by the planes of the component pairs is divided by that of the resultant pair, in the same manner as the angle of the parallelogram by its diagonal. Since the resultant pair is equivalent to its components, it follows, conversely, that the pair of forces p, applied on the line ar, is resolvable into two pairs of forces, parallel to the same, and of the same magnitude, applied on the lines AM, AN, which are the sides of the parallelogram whose dia- gonal is AR ; and that the moment of the pair is to those of 40 STATICS. — SECT. III. the pairs into which it is resolved, as the diagonal to the sides of a parallelogram ; the diagonal making with its sides, the angles which measure the inclinations of the plane of the pair, to those of the pairs into which it is resolved. If a direct demonstration is required, such is readily sup- plied ; for the pair of forces p applied on ar, is equivalent to the pair of forces 2p, parallel to the former, and applied on Ao, the half of ar: and —2? acting at o, is equivalent to — P, — P, parallel to the same and applied, one of them at M, the other at n. The given pair is then equivalent to two pairs of forces, equal and parallel to the same, and applied on the sides of the parallelogram, of which ar is the dia- gonal. The angles formed by the planes being the same as those made by their axes, the same relations of the resultant pair to its components, as to the magnitude of their moments and position of their planes, may be expressed by stating, that "if on the axes of the component pairs, two portions are taken, which, measured from the angle, are proportional to their moments ; and if a parallelogram is constructed, . having these lines for its sides, the diagonal shall be the axis of the resulting pair ; and shall also represent the magnitude of its moment." In constructing the parallelogram, it is to be observed, that when the corresponding forces are brought to act in the same line, the sides of the parallelogram should be mea- sured from a point in this line, either both towards the di- rections of the remaining forces, or both from those direc- tions : and that the sides thus measured, if made to describe an angle of 90°, by revolving in their plane, become the sides of the corresponding parallelogram, to be constructed with the axes. By proceeding according to these methods, any number of pairs may be compounded into a single pair ; first com- pounding two pairs into one, then the resulting pair with PARALLEL FORCES^ EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 41 another pair, and each resulting pair with a new pair, until all are compounded. As two forces, whose lines of direction meet at an angle, must have a resultant, and, therefore, cannot be in equili- brio ; so two pairs, whose planes meet at an angle, must have a resulting pair, and therefore cannot be in equilibrio. When the planes of the component pairs meet at a right angle, the parallelogram becomes a rectangle ; and the mo- ments of the component pairs being denoted by x and y, and that of the resulting pair by R, we have R= V(x2-fY^). AlsOj denoting by a, the angle formed by the plane of the pair whose moment is x, with the plane of the resulting pair, we have X , Y cos. a n — . sm.a r: — . R R If the axes of three pairs are parallel to three lines meet- ing at a solid angle, and if on these lines three portions are measured from the point, to represent the moments of the several pairs, the diagonal of the parallelopiped constructed with these sides, shall represent the moment of the resulting pair, and shall be parallel to its axis. For let the axes meet at the point a, (Fig. 1^.) and the moments of the three pairs being represented by the lines ab, ad, af, taken on the axes, let the parallelopiped dg be constructed ; then, the two pairs, whose axes are ab, ad, and whose moments are repre- sented by these lines, shall compound a pair, whose axis is AC, and whose moment is represented by the same line. This resultant of the two pairs, compounded with the third pair, whose axis is af, and whose moment is represented by that line, shall give a pair, whose axis is ah, the diagonal of the parallelogram constructed with the sides AC, af, and whose moment is represented by the same line. But ah is the diagonal of the parallelopiped. 42 STATICS. — SECT. III. These axes may be now transferred, each by a parallel movement, to any distance, and the resulting pair shall not be affected, as to the magnitude or direction of its moment. Hence it follows, that three pairs, whose planes consti- tute a solid angle, must have a resultant ; and, therefore, cannot be in equilibrio. If the three planes intersect at right angles, the paral- lelopiped is rectangular ; and, in this case, the moment of the resulting pair is equal to the square root of the sum of the squares of the moments of the component pairs, i. e. put- ting R, X, y, z, for these moments, we have R = V (X^ + Y^ -f Z^). If a, /3, 7, denote the angles made by the axis of the re- sulting pair, with those of its components ; or by the diago- nal with the sides of the rectangular parallelopiped, we have X o Y z cos. a — — . cos.p — — . COS.7— — . R ' R ' R From the four last equations, any one of the seven quan- tities, R, X, Y, z, a, )3, 7, is known, if three of them are given. But among the given quantities, there must be a moment : for if the three angles, only, are given, we can determine, only, the relative magnitudes of the moments. 3. A pair may be compounded with a single force pa- rallel to its plane, into a single force, and this single resul- tant shall be equal and parallel to the single component ; the plane in which they are contained being parallel to the plane of the pair; and the distance between them depending on the moment of the pair. For let 4- p, — p be the forces of the pair ; d their dis- tance, and p' the single force. The pair may be transformed into another pair of forces -f- p', — p', of equal moment; and the distance between their directions will then be d'=: —7-. p This pair may be now transferred, so that the force — p' PARALLEL FORCES, EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 43 shall be directly opposed to the single force ; these two being in equilibrio may be suppressed ; and there will then remain the force + p', which is the force of the pair so transformed and transferred, that corresponds in direction with the sin- gle force ; or it may be regarded as the single force itself, transferred in a plane parallel to that of the pair, to a dis- „ p.c? tance a — — ,-. p Conversely ; a single force may be resolved into another equal and parallel at any distance, and a pair whose plane is parallel to the plane of translation, and whose moment is the product of that force into the distance to which it is so trans- ferred. Thus, if a force + p acts in the direction ba, (Fig. 28.) the effect w ill not be changed by applying to any point of the system, as d, two forces, each of them equal to p, and acting in the line EC parallel to ba, but in opposite directions, i. e. a force + Pj acting at d in the direction dc, and a force — F, acting at the same point, in the direction de. We have then three forces, viz. -f- p applied at d, in a direction parallel to Ba, and a pair of forces p, whose moment is F.d. ; d being the distance to which the given force is transferred. The pair, thus generated, may afterwards be transferred or trans- formed, in any of the ways already specified. A pair and a single force, not parallel to the plane of the pair, cannot be compounded into a single resultant. Let the pair consist of the forces -{-f, — p, acting in the directions a«, b6; (Fig. 29.) and let -f-p' be the single force, acting in the direction cc, not parallel to the plane of the pair. If there were a single resultant R ; a force — r, equal and opposite, would be in equilibrio with the force + p', and the pair +p, —p. This supposed equilibrating force, — r, cannot be equal, parallel, and contrary to -|-p': for then they would constitute a pair in a plane which, not being pa- rallel, intersects the plane of the pair -{-f, — p; these two 44 STATICS. — SECT. III. pairs would then have a resultant pair, (Art. 2.) and there- fore, the equilibrium would not subsist. This being ob- served, let i/be the direction of — r, and let the force + p' be transferred to o, a point in that line : by this translation, a pair will be generated ; and we shall then have two pairs, and two single forces. The pairs are + p> — -Pj acting in the lines Aa, Bb, and -|- p', — p', acting in the lines cc, og: and as the planes of these pairs intersect, it follows that they must give a resultant pair. The single forces are — r and + p'j acting in the directions og, of, and these forces, which act at the same point, not being equal and opposite forces, must give a single resultant. V/e have then a pair and a single force, which cannot equilibrate. As the force p', and the pair of forces p, cannot be equilibrated by a single force, it follows that they cannot be compounded into a single force. Hence it follows, that two forces p, p', not in the same plane, cannot have a single resultant. For, let p' be translated to a point in the direction of p, and there compounded with it into a resultant r : we have then a force R, and a pair of forces — p', -f p', generated by the translation of + p' ; and as p is inclined to the plane of this pair, R must also be inclined to the same plane ; where- fore, the force r cannot be compounded with the pair into a single resultant. Any number of forces, applied to the points of an in- variable system, may be reduced to a single force and a pair. For all the forces may be transferred to any one point of the system, and by these translations there will be generated so many pairs. All the forces so transferred may be com- pounded into a single force ; and all tlie pairs into a single pair. If the single forces applied at the same point are in equi- librio, there remains but the resulting pair : and if the pairs are in equilibrio, or if they give a resulting pair, whose plane contains the direction of the single resulting force, the whole PARALLEL FORCES, EQUAL AND CONTRARY. 45 system of forces may be compounded into a single resultant. And if the translated forces are in equilibrio, and also the pairs, generated by the translations, the whole system of forces applied to the different points of the body is in equi- librio. Conversely, if the system of forces applied to the diflferent points is in equilibrio, the equilibrium must subsist separate- ly, in the system of translated forces, and among the pairs generated by the translations, i. e, the former cannot have a resulting force, nor the latter a resulting pair: for were both to result, they could not equilibrate, and if either were to result exclusively, the system of forces from which it results could not be in equilibrio. It remains to show how these conditions of equilibrium are expressed by the magnitudes of the forces, their direc- tions, and points of application : and this is what is proposed in the following section. 46 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED SECTION IV. CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED TO DIFFE- RENT POINTS OF AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM, AND IN ANY DIREC- TIONS. 1. It has been shown in last section, that the forces ap- plied to an invariable system, whatever be their number, their intensities, their directions, or points of application, are always reducible to a single force, and a single pair: in- cluding the cases in which either or each of these resultants is equal to cypher. It was, moreover, shown that a single force and a single pair cannot equilibrate. Whence it fol- lows, that for equilibrium among the forces applied, it is re- quisite that the resulting force, and the moment of the re- sulting pair, should be separately equal to cypher ; and it is obvious, that when these conditions are fulfilled, the forces are in equilibrio. To reduce these conditions to formulae easily applied to particular cases, it would seem requisite to express these two resultants, as functions of the magnitudes of the forces, the coordinates of their points of application, and the angles by which their directions are determined : and then, to equate to cypher, each of these resultants so expressed. To make out these formulae, and then to apply them to some important cases, is the business of the present section. The process by which we arrive at these formulae is as follows. Three axes being assumed, which meet at a solid angle ; each of the forces is resolved into three, parallel to these axes ; each component is then transferred to its pa- rallel axis, and all in the same axis combined into one force, TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 47 equal to their sum. But by the translation of each compo- nent force to its parallel axis, there is generated a pair. Each of these pairs of forces is resolved into two, in the co- ordinate planes to which they are parallel : and all the pairs being thus brought into the three coordinate planes, those in each plane are combined into one pair. In this manner all the forces applied to the system are reduced to three forces, directed along the axes, and three pairs in the three coordinate planes. The three forces thus obtained are readily compounded into one force, and the three pairs into one pair. But this further step is unneces- sary for the present purpose, which is not to find the expres- sion for the resultant force or resultant pair, but the expres- sion of the conditions to be fulfilled, in order that each re- sultant should be equal to cypher. Now, the resultant of the forces directed according to the three axes cannot be equal to cypher, unless each of the three forces is, separately, equal to cypher: (Sect. I. Art. 12.) and that the same thing may be asserted of the moments of the pairs in the three co- ordinate planes, will appear in the same way from (Sect. III. Art. 2.) Wherefore, the two general conditions of equili- brium are equivalent to six ; requiring that " the sum of the forces in each of the three axes should be equal to cypher, and that the sum of the moments of the pairs in each of the coordinate planes should be equal to cypher." To illustrate this reasoning, let Aiv, a?/, a;^, be the three coordinate axes, (Fig. 30.) and let os represent one of the forces. Then if this line is made the diagonal of a paral- lelopiped, whose sides, om, on, or, are parallel to the three axes, the force os, may be resolved into three, represented in quantity and direction by these three lines. Any one of these, as or, may be. transferred to its parallel axis az, and by this translation there will be generated a pair of forces, or. Let then the line ro, produced if necessary, meet the plane yAx, at the point b ; it may be supposed to be applied 48 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED at this point ; the pair of forces — or, + or, are then apphed on the Hne Ab: and drawing the hnes bf, bg parallel to ax. Ay, this pair may be resolved into two pairs of forces equal and parallel to the former, and applied on the lines a/, a^. The force om, in the same way, produces an equal force in the axis ax, and two pairs in the planes zax, xAy : and the force on produces an equal force in the axis Ay ; and two pairs in the planes zAy, xAy. All the forces being treated in the same way, if the sum of the forces in the axis ao;, the sum in Ay, and the sum in a^, are denoted by x, y, z, and the sums of the moments in the planes %Ay, zkx, yAx, by l, M, N, we shall have for equilibrium X = 0. Y = 0. z = 0. (1) L z: 0. M = 0. N = 0. (2) These expressions are now to be developed ; and if the several forces in the axis ax, are denoted by x', x", x'", &c. ; those in the axis Ay, by y', y", y'", &c. ; those in the axis a^, by z', z", z'", &c. : the three first conditions are equivalent to the three following : x'+x"4-x"'+&c. =0. ^ y'+ y"+ y'"+ &c. =0. I (3) z'4.z"+z'"+&c. = 0. j Of these forces, such as tend, by their directions, to in- crease the ordinates of their points of application within the same plane angle, may be deemed positive, and those which act in the opposite directions, negative. The sign + with which they are connected in the formvUae, denotes that they are to be added with their proper signs. Of the three equations which relate to the moments, it is to be observed, first, that the coordinates of the points of application of each of the forces, are those of three forces into which it is immediately resolved, and that when these last are transferred to the origin, and the pairs generated by TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 49 these translations resolved in the three coordinate planes, the same coordinates are the portions of the axes on which these component pairs are applied. Thus, a^, ajT, on which the two pairs of forces, or, are applied, are two of the co- ordinates of the point o, and so of the rest. Secondly, it is to be observed, that the directions of the forces of the pairs in each of the planes, being equally inclined to the axes on which they are applied, the product of the force of each pair into the distance measured on the axis on which it is applied, may be taken for the relative measure of its moment in the same coordinate plane. Wherefore, putting x\ x", x", &c. for the coordinates of the points of application mea- sured on the axis ax; y , y", y", &c. for those measured on the axis a?/, and z, z" , z", &c. for those measured on the axis Az, the moment of the pair of forces z', in the plane zAx, is z'.x', and that of the pair of same forces in the plane zAy is z.y ; and so of the moments of all the pairs in the co- ordinate planes. Thirdly, the pairs in each of the coordi- nate planes are divided into two sets, distinguished by the axis, to which their forces are parallel. Thus, in the plane yAx there are the pairs whose moments are y'.x', Y".x"y y"'.x"\ &c., and the pairs whose momencs are x'.^, x".y", x'".y"', &c. and of these it is to be observed, that if the forces, and also the abscissse, are positive in any one of the co- ordinate planes, the moments of these different sets are of contrary directions. Accordingly, the equations l = 0. m =: 0. N = 0. are equivalent to the three following: (yV-zV) + (yV-zVO + (y"V"-z'V") + &c. = 0. ^ (z'^'-xV) -f (^l'x"- x'V) -f (z"V" - x"V") + &c. = 0. > (4) (xy-YV)-f (x'y- y".o+(x'V'- y"V") + &c. = o. J The negative sisns in these formulae denote, that the moments to which they are prefixed are to be subtracted with their proper signs. E 50 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED The formulae, as already presented, contain neither the forces immediately applied, nor the angles by which their di- rections are ascertained. But let the axes be rectangular, and let p', p", v"', &c. be the forces, making with lines pa- rallel to the axis kx, the angles a, a", a'", &c, with lines pa- rallel to the axis Ay, the angles j3', /3", /3"', &c., and with lines parallel to the axis ass, the angles 7', -y", '^'", Sec, we shall have x'z: p'.cos.c/. y'— p'.cos./3'. 7/— p'.cos.y'. and so of the other component forces. Wherefore, making these substitutions in equations (3) and (4) they are presented as follows : p'.COS.a' -\- p".COS.a"-l- p'". COS. a'" 4- &c. — 0. p'.cos.j3'4-p".cos./3"4-p"'.cos./3'"+ &c. =0. } (5) p'.cos.y' + p".cos.7"+ p'".cos.7"'4- &c. = 0. p (cos.p .:^ — cos. 7 .?/ ) + P (cos.p .^ — cos. 7 .?/ ) + p (cos.p .z — C0S.7 .;/ ) -|- &c. zz. U. P(cos.7 .a: — cos.a.^j + P (cos. 7 .x — cos. a .^ ) + p (C0S.7 .X —COS. a .z )4-&c. 1=0. / V / p(cos,a .y —cos.p .o^^j+P (cos. a .// — cos.p .x ) + p (cos. a .y —cos.p .x j-f-etc. = U. Such are the six conditions of equilibrium expressed by the magnitudes of the forces, the coordinates of their points of application, and the angles which determine their di- rections. 2. To find the geometrical magnitudes denoted by l, m, n, let the plane yAx pass through the point o, (Fig. 31.) and retaining the representations of the force p' and its compo- nents made in (Fig. 30.) let the lines mo, on, be produced to meet the axes Ay, ax, at the points c and d. We shall then have p'.COS.a',?/'— "s! .y'iz. om X ac TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 51 and T'.cos.[5'.x'—Y'.a:'zz on X Ad. Whence, p'.(cos.a'.?/'— cos.jS'.o;') = ot7i X AC — on X Ad. These products may be combined into one, by the follow- ing theorem : " If from a point in the plane of a parallelogram, per- pendiculars are let fall on the diagonal and contiguous sides, the product of the diagonal into its perpendicular distance from that point, is equal to the sum or difference of the pro- ducts, had by multiplying each of the sides into its perpen- dicular distance from the same point ; according as the point is placed without or within the angle contained by the sides." To prove this proposition, let 07}ibn (Fig. 32.) be the pa- rallelogram, and A the point from which are let fall on the diagonal and sides the perpendiculars a^, ac, Ad. Also, from the points m, b, n, let mr, hp, nq, be perpendicular to the line ao. There will then be oh X Ag-=. 2tv\axig.Aob — ao X bp. am X AC — 2 triang.Ao;« n: ao X mr. on XAd— 2triang. Aow — ao X nq. But bp — mr ± nq. Wherefore ao X bp — ao [mr ± nq) ; i. e. ob X Ag •=! om X ac ± on X Ad, the positive sign being taken when the point a is placed without the angle of the parallelogram; and the negative sign when that point is placed within. This theorem may be expressed as follows: "A line being drawn from the angle of a parallelogram and in its plane, the product of the diagonal into the sine of the angle which it makes with that line, is equal to the sum of the pro- ducts of the sides into the sines of the angles which they 52 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED make with the same Hne, when that hne falls without ; and to the difference of those products, when that line falls with- in the angle of the parallelogram." In the formulas, the moments of the pairs generated by any force are expressed as if the coordinates were both posi- tive, or both negative, i. e. as if the origin a were taken within the angle ?iO)n, or the angle vertically opposite : ac- cordingly, referring to (Fig. 3 1 .) p'.(cos.a'.,;/'— cos.jS'.o;') zz: omXAc—onXAcl ^. obXAg. The line ob is the projection of the line os on the plane i/Ax ; wherefore, the moment of the pairs generated by the force p', in the plane j/a.x, or round the axis a^', is the pro- duct of this force projected on the plane y^x, into the per- pendicular from the origin on this projection. This may be otherwise expressed, for if the lines ao, as, are drawn from the origin to the extremities of os, by Avhich the force is represented, (Fig. 3].) and if the triangle aos is projected on the plane t/acc, it may be stated that the mo- ment of the force p' in the plane yAx, or round the axis A^, is repi'esented by twice the area of the projected tri- angle. The projection of a force on a plane, is the product of that force into the cosine of its inclination to that plane, i. e, into the sine of the angle which it makes with a line perpen- dicular to that plane. Wherefore, the projection of p' on the plane zAy, is p'.sin.a': its projection on the plane zax, is p'.sin./3': and that on the plane yAx, is p'.sin.y'. Denoting the projections of p", p'", &c. in the same v.^ay, and putting 'p , p" , p" , &c. for the perpendiculars from the origin, on the forces projected on the plane zaij. Also, q , q", q'", &c. for the perpendiculars on the same forces projected on the plane ZA* ; and r, r", r", &c. for the perpendiculars on the same forces projected on the plane yhx; the equations (6) may re- ceive the following more simple forms : TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 53 f'.sm.a'.p -\-.F".sm.a".p" + v"'.sm.a"\p" + &c. = 0. ^ p'.sin./3'.g'+ P".sin.i3".9"+ p'".sm.^'".?'"+ &c. = 0. V (7) p'.sin.y'. / 4- p".sin.7". r" + p'".sin.7'". r" + &c. =0. ) In (Fig. 31.) A^ perpendicular to ob, is perpendicular to the plane of projection sob ; it is then the shortest distance between a;^ and that plane, and therefore the shortest dis- tance between the lines a^ and os; which enables us to ex- press the three last conditions, by stating that " the sum of the products of the shortest distances of the several forces from each axis, into the projections of the same forces on the plane of the two remaining axes, is cypher." 3. The equations of equilibrium are now readily found, on any particular supposition, by considering how the six general formulge would be thereby affected. Thus ; if the conditions of equilibrium were required for a system of forces meeting at a point, this point may be taken for the origin, and then the coordinates of the points of ap- plication being all cypher, the three equations (4), or the three equivalent equations, (6), would be necessarily fulfilled, and the perpendiculars from the origin on the directions of the forces being cypher, the same is true of equations (7). There remain therefore only the three first conditions, ex- pressed by the three equations (1), or the equations (3) or (5), which are equivalent. If the forces are parallel, by taking one of the axes, as az, parallel to the forces, we have X = 0. Y = 0. and therefore the two first and the last of the six general conditions are necessarily fulfilled. Accordingly, the only conditions of equilibrium required in this case are those ex- pressed by the last of the equations (1), (3), or (5), and the two first of the equations (2), (4), (6), or (7), and in this case, those equations become more simple ; the equations (4) be- comiuff 54 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED z'.y ■\-z".y" -\-7!".y"'-^ 8cc. zi 0. z,x -^-z .X -\-z ,x -j- iKC. r: 0. and the corresponding equations (6) and (7) then assuming similar forms. These conditions of equihbrium for parallel forces are expressed by saying, that " the sum of the forces should be equal to cypher, and that the sum of the moments round each of the axes in the perpendicular plane should be equal to cypher." If the directions of the forces are in the same plane, this may be taken for one of the coordinate planes, as for exam- ple, for the plane t/ax. Then z r= 0. cos. 7', &:c. zz 0, which reduces the equations (I), (3), (5) to the two first. And «', &;c. being cypher, cos. 7', &c. being cypher, and the perpen- diculars p', &c. q\ &c. being also cypher, the three equa- tions (2), (4), (6), (7), are reduced to the last. Moreover, Y, Y'i y"'> &c. being right angles, the last of the equations, (7), assumes the form, p .r + P .r +P -^ + ofc. ~ (J. Wherefore, the three conditions of equilibrium, for forces whose directions are in the same plane, are expressed by saying, that " the sums of the forces resolved in directions parallel to two axes in that plane, should be separately equal to cypher, and that the sum of the moments round the third axis should also be equal to cypher." If the directions of the forces are parallel and in the same plane, that plane may be taken for one of the coordinate planes, as for example, for the plane of the axes of a; and y; also, one of these axes, as the axis of x, may be taken pa- rallel to the directions of the forces ; and then it will appear, in the same way, that the conditions are reduced to the first and last, which require " that the sum of the forces parallel to AX, should be cypher, and the sum of the moments round the axis a^ equal to cypher." TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 55 4. When the six conditions of equilibrium are not satis- fied there must be a single resultant, or a resulting pair, or both. To have a resulting pair without a resulting force, it is requisite, first, that the partial moments l, m, n, should not all be equal to cypher: for if each of these moments is cypher, there is no resulting pair. Secondly, the partial re- sultant forces must be, each, equal to cypher, i. e. we must have X = 0. Y = 0. z = 0. otherwise these forces would have a resultant, and it has been shown, that a force and a pair cannot be compounded into a pair. To have a resulting force without a resulting pair, it might, at first view, appear requisite, that besides having some one of the quantities x, y, z, diflferent from cypher, we should have L = 0. M = 0. N = 0. But it is to be considered, that though the forces of the sys- tem are reducible to a single resulting force, yet if that re- sultant does not pass through the origin, it generates a pair when transferred to that point : and that it is in this complex form it would be at first presented by the process for com- position, above described : whence it appears, that the last equations express the conditions requisite for a single resul- tant passing through the origin ; and that, generally, the case of a single resultant does not require this condition. To find the conditions for a single resultant, it is therefore to be supposed, that the moments l, m, n, may be different from cypher; and it is to be inquired, whether by any change of the origin, they may be all reduced to cypher. By assuming any other point whose three coordinates are X, 7/, %, and taking this point for the origin, the new coordi- nates would be diminished by those quantities : whereby the 5G EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED sum of the moments of the pairs of forces y', y", y'", &c. in the plane zy, would become y'.«'+ x".z"^- y"'J"-\- &c. - (y'4- y"+ y"'+ &c.) z, that is, y'.^'H- y".^"+ y'".;^'"+ &c.-y.<^. Those of the forces z', z'', z% &c. in the same plane would become z'./+ z"./ + z"'.y"+ &c. -z.y. Making the corresponding changes in the moments in each of the other planes, the three last of the six general condi- tions of equilibrium will become L— y;^ + zy = 0. "^ M-za' + x^:r:0. \ (8) N — x?/ + Ya;:=0. j From these three equations, any two of the three indeter- minate quantities being exterminated, there results the equation XL + YM + ZN zr 0. (9) This equation expresses the relation, which should subsist, among the three partial resultant forces and the three par- tial resultant moments, in order that the forces of the system should have a single resultant. This condition may be otherwise investigated, from the principle, that the resultant of the forces transferred to the origin, can be compounded Avith the resultant moment when- ever it is parallel to the plane of that moment ; and that in no other case is it possible that they should be compounded into a single resultant. Therefore, the condition inquired after is the same as that to be fulfilled, in order that the direction of the resulting force should be parallel to the plane of the resulting moment, or, which is the same thing, perpendicular to the axis of that moment. TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 57 Let R denote the resultant of the forces transferred to the origin; a, (5, j, the angles which it makes with the axes AX, Mj, Kz, we shall have cos. a — — . cos.p ~ — . COS.7 r: — . R ' R ' R Putting G for the resulting moment, and A, ju, v, for the an- gles made by its axis with the coordinate axes hx, Ay, hz, we have . L M N cos.A rr — . cos.w n — . cos.v :r — . G '^ G G Now in order that R should be perpendicular to the axis of the moment g, the cosine of the angle contained by those lines must be cypher, i. e. cos. a cos.X + C0S.j3. COS.M + COS.7. cos.v -zi 0. which, putting for the cosines their values as above, gives the equation XL -f- YM + ZN = 0. When this condition is not fulfilled, there is a resulting force and a resulting moment : and this completes the ac- count of the conditions required ; first, for equilibrium, when there is neither resulting force nor resulting moment; se- condly, for a resulting moment ; thirdly, for a single result- ing force ; and fourthly, for both a resulting force and a re- sulting moment. The values of the resulting moment, and of the angles made by its axis with the three coordinate axes, have been already given: likewise, the value of the resultant force, and of the angles made by its direction with the same axes, when the direction passes through the origin; and these values are not changed when it is compounded with a pair to whose plane it is parallel. But by this composition, the line of di- rection is changed for another to which it is parallel, in a plane parallel to the plane of the pair ; and the distance to 58 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED which it is tranferred is — . Making the directions of the R "= forces of g parallel to that of R, the side on which r is thus transferred, is that of the force of g, which corresponds with it in direction, as compared to the force of the contrary di- rection. (Sect. III. Art. 3.) If, however, a formula is required for the point of appli- cation of the single resultant, this is readily supplied, for as the point of application of a force may be any point, taken indifferently in its line of direction, x, y, z, are the coordi- nates of any point in the direction of this resultant ; and, therefore, equations (8), which express the relations among these coordinates, are the equations of this line. These, constituting but two independent equations, do not give the absolute, but the relative values of the coordinates. This, however, is sufficient to furnish the values of two of the co- ordinates, for any supposition made with respect to the mag- nitude of the third. Thus, if it were proposed to find the intersection of the resultant with the plane of ^o--: by making 2/ zz 0, in the first and third of these equations, we have this point determined by the equations, ~ Y ' Y * And in the same way, by making ^ — 0, in the first and se- cond of those equations, we have , M z z ^ z for the intersection with the plane of t/x. It was observed of equation (9), that it expresses the condition to be satisfied, in order that the forces of the sys- tem should have a single resultant ; but it does not follow that there will be a single resultant whenever this condition is satisfied : for it must be remembered, that the condition was investigated on the supposition of the existence of r, the TO AN INVARIABLE SYSTEM. 59 resultant of the forces transferred to the origin, i. e. on the suppositon that x, y, z, were not, each of them, equal to cypher. If each of these is cypher, there will be only a re- sulting pair, and equation (9) is equally satisfied. To apply this to the cases of parallel forces, and of forces in the same plane ; if the forces are parallel, and their sum different from cypher, they have a single resultant, and by taking one of the axes, as for example, the axis A.r, parallel to their directions, we have Y = 0. z = 0. L = 0. which reduces the equations (8) to M-\-xz zzO. -ti ~x^ zzO. giving _ N _ M •^ ~ x' ~ x' both constant quantities. If the forces act in the same plane, that plane may be taken for the plane of yx ; and then z = 0. L = 0. M = 0. which reduces the equations (8) to YSS = 0. xss = 0. N ■- Xl/ -{-YX — 0. the last giving N 4- YX. y— . X If the forces are parallel and in the same plane, they may be supposed to be parallel to ax, and in the plane of x?/ ; and then Y = 0. zzzO. L- 0. M = 0. which reduces the equations (8) to x^ z= 0. N-x?/!:: 0. 1 N 3/ = + Y' 60 EQUILIBRIUM AMONG FORCES APPLIED, ETC. giving a constant quantity. To recapitulate the principal truths established in this article : When each of the six quantities, x, y, z, l, m, n, is cypher, the system of forces is in equilibrio. When each of the three quantities x, y, z, is cypher, some one or more of the quantities l, m, n, being different from cypher, the system is reducible to a pair without a sin- gle force. When each of the quantities l, m, n, is cypher, some one or more of the quantities x, y, z, being different from cypher, the system of forces is reducible to a single force passing through the origin. Some one or more of the partial resulting forces, and also, some one or more of the partial resulting moments being dif- ferent from cypher, if the condition expi'essed by equation (9) is satisfied, there is a single resulting force, which does not pass through the origin. Finally, retaining the former part of the last supposition respecting the existence of a partial resulting force, and a partial resulting moment, if the condition expressed by equa- tion (9) is not satisfied, there is a resulting pair, and also a resulting force, and the latter not being in the plane of the former, the system cannot be reduced to a single force, or to a single pair. OF EQUILIBRIUM AVHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 61 SECTION V. OF THE CONDITIONS OF EQUILIBRIUM, WHEN THE BOUV IS IN PART RESTRAINED BY FIXED OBSTACLES; AND OF THE PRESSURES ON THE POINTS OF CONTACT. 1. When a body is found not to be at liberty to move, or when its motion is not in the direction of the force im- pressed, it is plain that some new force is introduced, which in the one case, is in equilibrio with the force actually applied, and which in the other case, compounded with that force; gives a resultant in the direction of the motion produced. In the former case, the force introduced is, plainly, equal and opposite to that applied ; and in every case, it were easy to find, experimentally, the magnitude and direction of the new force: for if a third force is applied sufficient to maintain the body in a state of rest, it is evident that the three forces are in equilibrio ; and of these, two are given in magnitude and direction ; whereby the force sought is fully ascertained. But this experimental investigation is wholly unnecessary for the present purpose. If a force is applied to a fixed point, it is destroyed; or, more properly speaking, there is another force brought into action, with which it is in equilibrio. When a force is applied to a material point, whose move- ments are confined to a certain line ; if the direction of the force is perpendicular to that line, there is no reason why it should move the point along that line, in one direction, ra- ther than in the opposite direction ; whence we may con- clude that no motion will ensue. But if the force is oblique, it may be resolved into two ; of which, one is perpendicular 62 STATICS. — SECT. V. and the other parallel to the line : the former shall be wholly counteracted, but the latter shall produce its full effect. When a force is applied to a material point in contact with a plane surface ; if the force is directed in the perpen- dicular and towards the surface, it cannot move the point from the plane towards which it is directed ; neither can it move the point through the plane considered as impassable; and acting perpendicularly, there is no reason why it should move the point, on the surface of the plane, in any one di- rection rather than another. Hence it may be inferred, that the perpendicular force cannot produce any motion in the point; and, therefore, that it is effectually counteracted. But, if the direction of the force is oblique to the plane, it may be resolved into two components, one of them perpen- dicular to the plane, and the other in that plane : of these, the former is wholly counteracted, but the latter, which is not obstructed, shall produce its full effect in driving the point along the plane. The same things hold when the surface is a curve of any kind, inasmuch as the surface at the point of application may be taken for that of its tangent plane. Hence we derive the following conclusions relative to the force thus brought into action. The force thus excited, being never exerted but in op- position to some force actually applied, and never exceed- ing the measure of this force, is merely a counteracting force ; for which reason it is denominated a force of re- sistance. With respect to the direction of this force of resistance, it appears that a fixed point is capable of a resistance in any line directed from that point. That the resistance of a line is directed perpendicularly from that line ; and, therefore, that the resistance, at any point of the line, is confined to a plane perpendicular to the line at that point: and that the OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 63 resistance of a surface is directed from the surface in the perpendicular at the point of contact. In the two last cases, it is supposed, that the force is not immediately applied to a point in the line or plane, for then it would be applied to a fixed point, and would belong to the first case ; but that it is applied to a material point, whose movements are restricted by the line or plane. The magnitude of the power of resistance in such ob- stacles, i. e. the magnitude of the force of resistance which they are capable of exerting, is unlimited ; this force being always equal to that by which it is excited, «'. e. to the force applied, resolved in a direction opposite to that of the re- sistance. The force which is equilibrated by the resistance is de- nominated a pressure. To seek the conditions of equilibrium, in the case of a body restrained by fixed obstacles, is to seek the con- ditions to be satisfied, in order that the forces actually ap- plied, may be equilibrated by the resistances : and here it is evident, that as the resisting forces may be of any mag- nitudes, the inquiry is limited to the conditions to be sa- tisfied, in order that the forces immediately applied, or their resultants, should be opposed in direction to the re- sistances. In other words, the inquiry is, what forces of the system are equilibrated by the resistances? and then, the conditions are those to be satisfied, in order to insure the equilibrium of the remainder. And as it is of the nature of all resistances to produce either a total or partial equili- brium, it may be expected that the general conditions of equilibrium, when not altogether satisfied by the resistances, shall leave those to be otherwise provided for, fewer, and in form more simple than for a body altogether free. 2. If the system to which the forces are applied contains a fixed point, it is requisite and it is sufficient for equili- 6i> STATICS. — SECT. V. brium, that the forces should be reducible to a single result- ing force passing through the fixed point. But when the forces are referred to three axes meeting in a solid angle, the condition required, in order that they should have none but a single resultant passing through the origin, is that expressed by the equation g rz 0. which im- ports, that the forces should have no resulting moment rela- tive to the origin. Accordingly, " where there is a fixed point, it is requisite and it is sufficient for equilibrium, that the forces should have no resulting moment relative to that point." The condition g = 0, was shown to be equivalent to these three, L = 0. M = 0. N =: 0. Accordingly, when there is a fixed point, it is requisite for equilibrium, that *' the forces applied should have no result- ing moment round any one of three axes meeting at the fixed point in a solid angle ; and these conditions being sa- tisfied, the equilibrium is established." When the forces of the system are parallel, one of the axes, as for example, the axis of x, may be taken parallel to the directions of the forces ; and then, of necessity, the value of L is cypher, which reduces the equations of con- dition to M == 0. N iz 0. importing, that the equilibrium is established, when there is no resulting moment about either of the two axes, whose plane is perpendicular to the directions of the forces. When all the forces are directed in a plane, containing the fixed point, that plane may be taken for the plane Xf/; there is in that case no moment relative to the axis of x, or the axis of y ; i. e. of necessity, we have l ~ 0. m ~ 0. wherefore, N zz 0. OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 65 is the only condition to be provided for: i. e. when the forces act in a plane containing a fixed point, there will be equilibrium, when there is no moment about an axis perpen- dicular to that plane. The resistance made by the fixed point, being in equili- brio with the forces of the system transferred to that pomt, in parallel directions, it follows that the pressure is the re- sultant of those forces so transferred. 4. If the forces are applied to a body which contains two fixed points, the line by which those points are connected, and therefore, every point in that line is fixed. Each point of this line is capable of resisting in every direction : but it is evident, that among these forces of resistance there can be no pairs of parallel forces, except those whose planes con- tain the fixed line. To investigate the conditions of equilibrium with such resistances, let one of the fixed points be made the origin, and the connecting line the axis of ^; and let the three axes be rectangular. Then, the forces being reduced in the usual way, to three forces acting in the axes themselves, denoted by X, Y, z, and three pairs in the three coordinate planes, whose moments are denoted by l, m, n ; the forces x, y, z, being applied to a fixed point, are effectually counteracted. The planes of the moments m, n, contain the fixed line, and therefore the forces of these moments may be applied to that line; whereby those forces are also effectually resisted. It is otherwise evident, that these moments must be equili- brated by moments of resisting forces, inasmuch as by con- taining the fixed line in their planes, the motion of rotation, which each is fitted to produce in its own plane, is effectually resisted. There remains then only the moment l, and this cannot be equilibrated but by a moment whose plane is per- pendicular to the axis of x; i. e. to the fixed line. But there can be no pair of resisting forces, except in a plane which contains this line; wherefore, this n^.oment cannot be F 66 STATICS. — SECT. V. equilibrated by the resistances. Accordingly, the condition expressed by the equation l rr 0. remains to be satisfied in- dependently of the forces of resistance ; all the other condi- tions being necessarily satisfied by those forces. Where- fore, *' for equilibrium in the case of two fixed points, it is requisite and sufficient, that there should be no moment of rotation round the line by which those points are con- nected." If the body is at liberty to slide along the axis, this axis will oppose no resistances, except to the forces to whose di- rections it is perpendicular ; but such are all the forces, equilibrated by the resistances in the former case, except the force x. Therefore, to the condition l zz 0, required in the former case, there is now added the condition x =: 0, i. e. *' for equihbrium when the body is at hberty to slide along a fixed axis, it is requisite that there should be no resulting force in the direction of that axis, and no moment of rotation about it." 5. Hitherto the line, containing two fixed points, was considered generally as a fixed line ; and this was fully suf- ficient when the conditions of equilibrium were sought. But if the line becomes fixed by the securities afforded to two points of that line, it is evident that its powers of resist- ance are supplied from those securities, and that by them, the pressures on the various points of the line must be sus- tained ; and it is desirable to ascertain the pressure sustained by each ; or as the problem is usually stated, to determine the pressures on each of two fixed points. If the forces applied consist of a pair, whose plane con- tains the two fixed points, the pair may be turned round in its own plane, so that its forces shall be perpendicular to the line which connects those points. It may then be trans- formed into another, of equal moment, having the distance between the fixed points for that between the directions of its forces, and these forces may be then applied at those OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 07 points. From which it appears, that the pressure on each of the points is the moment itself, divided by the distance between the fixed points, /. e. putting g for the moment, a for the distance betw^een the fixed points, andjp for the pres- sure on either, we have G The pressures at the two points are both in the plane of the moment, and both perpendicular to the line which connects the fixed points ; but in contrary directions with respect to that line. If the line connecting the fixed points is parallel to the plane of the pair, the measure of the pressures is the same, inasmuch as the pair may be transferred to the parallel plane in which that line is contained. But if the line connecting the fixed points is inclined to the pair in the angle a, the pair being resolved in two planes, of which, one contains the line, and the other is perpen- dicular to the same line; the moments of these two compo- nents are G. cos.o. G. sin.ct. of these, the latter not being equilibrated, either in the whole or in part, by the resistances, makes no charge on the fixed points, and the pressure made on each of them by the for- mer, is G. COS. a To find the pressures resulting from any system of forces on two fixed points, is to find the pressures made by the forces X, y, z, and by the moments l, m, n. Treating the forces as before, it is evident that the pres- sure sustained at the origin, in the direction of each axis, is due to the partial resultant directed along that axis, and to r 2 68 STATICS. — SECT. V. the moments m and n ; it being already shown that the mo- ment L could not charge any point of the line to which its plane is perpendicular. The pressures made by these mo- ments, at the origin, are, M in the direction of the axis of ar, and A , a in the direction of the axis of y ; and at the other fixed point the same, but in the contrary directions. Wherefore, the pressures at the origin are expressed as follows : In the direction of the axis of z, M , x^— zar z(a — x)-\-xz z = z -I — — ^ —^ . a a a and in the direction of the axis of y, , N YX—Ky Y ia •\- x) — -Kit Y^ — Y-\ -=. — ■ -. a a a The pressures at the other fixed point are these : Parallel to the axis of z, M _ ZX — XZ a "~ a ' parallel to the axis of y, N __ xy—Yx a ~~ a ' We should arrive at the same conclusion by considering that the force z is transferred from the origin, by the mo- M ment m, to a distance — . And the force y, by the moment N N, to the distance . For the pressures made by the forces z and y, transferred to these distances, would be OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 69 Ya 4-N at the origin. And H . . a a at the other fixed point. Putting p and q for the pressures at the origin, in the di- rections of the axes of « and y ; and ^/ and q' for those at the other fixed point, in the parallel directions ; and putting p, p' for the resultants of these pressures at each point, we have FzzVip'-^q') for the pressure at the origin ; for that at the other fixed point. Moreover, putting y, for the angle made by p, with the axis of % ; and j, for that made by p', with a line parallel to the same axis, we have P ' P y/{p+q) y/{p ^q) Thus, these pressures are completely determined in magni- tude and direction. But this does not relate to the pressure made by the force x; neither is it possible to ascertain the manner in which this force is divided between the fixed points ; for as every force may be applied indifferently at any point in its line of direction, it is evident that the force x may be applied at either of the fixed points, or divided between them in any ratio whatsoever. All that we can know concerning the pressures produced by it is, that the sum of those pressures is equal to the force by which they are made, and the same thing is true of the pressures parallel to either of the other '^ STATICS. — SECT. V. axes, i. e. their sum is equal to the partial resultant of all the forces in the parallel axis, as will immediately appear by re- ferring to the values of those pressures given above. 6. When there are three fixed points in the system, and not in the same right line, the whole system becomes im- moveable, and therefore, every point in it is to be regarded as a fixed point. It is evident, therefore, that the equili- brium is, in this case, necessarily estabhshed by the resis- tances ; the forces, whatever their directions, being applied at fixed points. But as the system may be rendered immoveable, by se- curing the positions of three points not in the same right line, it is evident that the pressures, produced by the forces of the system, must be ultimately sustained by those secu- rities, and therefore it may be expected that it should be shown, how those pressures are distributed upon three such points, and how their values and directions may be ascer- tained. 7. To find the pressures made by any system of forces on three fixed points not in the same right line : let one of the fixed points, a, be taken, as before, for the origin ; (Fig. 33.) and the lines ab, ac for the axes of x and t/ ; also, the axis of ^ perpendicular to the plane xi/. Then, reducing the whole system of forces to three single forces, x, y, z, acting in the three axes, and three moments, l, m, n, in the three coordinate planes, the forces x, y, z, and the moments M, N, may be distributed between the points a and b, as be- fore, when these were the only fixed points ; observing, that the moment n, when designated by the forces and the ordi- nates of their points of application, should be multiplied into the sine of the angle bac : thus, N :3 {■S.I/ — YX) sin. ang. bac. Putting e for the line ac, the moment l produces at a the pressure -| , in the direction of the axis of ^ ; and the equal OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 7 1 and contrary pressure at the point c. In this way, we may arrive at expressions for the pressures at the several points ; but this, in general, would be useless, as it is evident that the distribution of the pressures is arbitrary : thus, the force x may be indifferently applied at a or b, or divided between them in any ratio ; and the same is manifest respecting the force Y, and the points a and c. Also, the moment n may be indifferently applied on any one of the lines ah, ac, or he. It is only when the forces x, y, and the moment n are cypher, i. e. it is only when there is no resulting force, ex- cept in the perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, and no resulting moment, whose plane is not perpendicular to the same plane, that the question, relative to their bearings on the three angular points, admits of a determinate answer. For a force is equilibrated by the resistance of a single point in its direction, and therefore, the addition of a second fixed point in that direction, renders the problem indeterminate. Also, a moment is equilibrated by the resistances of two fixed points in its plane, and therefore the problem is ren- dered indeterminate by a third fixed point in that plane. The problem being determinate only when the direction of the resulting force, or the plane of the resulting pair is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle made by joining the three fixed points, it may be proper to show how to find the pressures made on those points, by such forces or pairs. For the pressures made by a force z, whose direction is perpendicular to the plane of the triangle ahc : let o be the point where the plane is met by the direction of this force ; and from one of the three angles, as a, let the line ao be drawn, meeting the opposite side, as at d; the force z may be distributed on the points a and d: the portion sustained by the point a, being od ad 72 STATICS. SECT. V. and that by the point d, being ao zx—j. act This last may be distributed on the points b and c ; that on the point b, being ao dc ad be' and that on the point c, being ao db ad be ' If the sum of the pressures, or z, is represented by the area of the triangle abc, the portion sustained by the point a shall be represented by the area of the triangle boc: and the sum of the pressures on b and c, by the four-sided figure aboc. Moreover, this sum is distributed on those points, in the ratio of dc to db ; i. e. in the ratio of the area of the tri- angle aoc to the area of the triangle aob. Whence it follows, that if from the point of the plane where it is met by the di- rection of the force z, three lines are drawn to the angles of the triangle, the force z being represented by the area of this triangle, those at the three points shall be represented by the areas of the triangles, into which it is so divided, that at each angle, by the area of the triangle placed on the op- posite side. The same theorem will be true, though the point a should fall without the area of the triangle abc ; the pres- sure on the point d being then in a direction corresponding to that of the force z, and the pressure on a in a direction parallel but contrary. The pressures made by a pair on three fixed points are ascertained as follows : the plane of the pair being perpen- dicular to the plane of the triangle, made by joining the fixed points. OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 73 Let the pair be resolved into two pairs, whose planes shall contain two sides of the triangle. The pressures made by each component pair are had by dividing its moment by the line on which it is applied. Or thus : from one of the angles, as a, let the line ad be drawn to the opposite side, parallel to the plane of the pair. (Fig. 33.) The pressures may be supposed, in the first in- stance, to be made on a and c?; and putting g for the mo- ment of the pair, as before, the pressure at a, and also that at d, is G ad' The pressure at d is supported at i and c, and the parts sup- dc ported at those points are expressed by the fractions -j-» and 7-. Wherefore, the pressure at b will be G dc and that at c, ad be' G db ad be' If the line ad is bisected at o, and if from this point lines are drawn to the angles of the triangle, the pressures at the angles shall be proportional to the three triangular areas ; the pressure at each angle being as the triangle placed on the opposite side. For if the sum of the pressures, taken without regard to their signs, is — ^, and if this is represented in magnitude by the entire triangle ahc, its half, which is supported at a, may be represented by the area of the triangle boo, and then the four-sided figure baco, shall represent the sum of the pres- sures on the points b and c, and this is divided between 74 STATICS. — SECT. V. them in the ratio of dc to db ; i. e. of the triangle coa to the triangle boa. If the point d lies between the points b and c, it is evi- dent that the pressures at a and d shall be of contrary di- rections ; and that, in this case, the pressures at b and c cor- respond in direction with that at d. But if d falls without the triangle, the point b, or the point c, beyond which it falls, shall sustain the pressure equal and contrary to the sum of those sustained by the two remaining points. If the directions of the resultant forces, or the planes of the resulting pairs, are not perpendicular to the plane of the triangle, they may be resolved in the plane, and in the per- pendicular to the plane ; the pressures made by the forces and pairs acting in the plane are indeterminate, but those made in the perpendicular directions are fully determined. If the body touches a plane in a single point, any force of resistance which may be excited at that point, is perpen- dicular to the plane. Therefore, when the forces of the system are not in equilibrio, they may equilibrate with the resistance, provided they are reducible to a single resultant, directed perpendicularly towards the plane at the point of contact. To see how these conditions may be expressed by means of the quantities which enter into the general formulse, let the point of contact be taken for the origin, and the plane for that of xy, and the axes rectangular. Then, in order that there should be a single resultant passing through the origin, it is requisite that each of the moments l, m, n, should be cypher. And in order that this same force should be perpendicular to the plane, it is requisite that each of the partial resultants x, y, should be cypher. Wherefore, for equilibrium, it is requisite that each of the five following equations should be satisfied, X = 0. Y = 0. L = 0. M = 0. N = 0. and these being satisfied by the forces of the system, there OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 75 will be a single resultant, which passes through the origin in a line perpendicular to the plane. But besides the conditions expressed by the five equa- tions given above, it is further required, that the resulting force should be directed towards the plane. For if it is di- rected from the plane, no resisting force is excited ; and then, the six conditions are to be satisfied, as for a body per- fectly free. The pressure on the point of support is the force z ; which is the sum of the forces resolved in directions perpen- dicular to the plane, and transferred to the origin in parallel directions. When the equilibrium is established with the resistances, this is the resultant of the forces of the system. If the body touches the plane in two points, the only forces of resistance which can be excited, are two such forces, perpendicular to the plane at the points of contact : and as these are parallel forces, of corresponding directions with respect to the line which joins the points of applica- tion, they have a parallel resultant, applied at some inter- mediate point. In order, therefore, that the equilibrium may be established by means of such resistances, it is requi- site that the forces of the system should be reducible to a single resultant, directed perpendicularly towards the plane, and to some point intermediate between the points of con- tact. And when these conditions are satisfied, the forces of the system will be necessarily equilibrated by the resis- tances. To see how these conditions are expressed by means of the quantities which enter into the general formulas, let one of the points be taken for the origin, the connecting line for the axis of x, and the plane for that of xy. Then, in order that there may be a single resultant perpendicular to the plane o^ xy, it is requisite, in the first place, that each of the quantities x and y should be cypher; for if either of these 76 STATICS. — SECT. V. is different from cypher, r is oblique to the plane of xy : then, if r can be compounded with g, the general resulting moment, into a single resultant, this, which is the general resultant of the system, is parallel to R, and, therefore, oblique to the plane of xy : and if r cannot be so com- pounded with G, the forces of the system are not reducible to a single resultant. Whence it follows, that unless each of the partial resultants, x and y, is cypher, the forces of the system are not reducible to a single resultant perpendicular to the plane of xy. Accordingly, the equations X = 0. Y = 0. are to be satisfied, z is the only partial resultant force that now remains. This, being in the planes of the moments l and M, may be compounded with both of these moments into a single force, equal and parallel to z, and, therefore, per- pendicular to the plane xy. But a force parallel to z, and therefore perpendicular to the plane of n, cannot be com- pounded with this moment into a single resulting force; whence it follows, that the equation n =: 0. is also to be sa- tisfied. Further ; m may be compounded with z, and the resul- tant is a single force equal and parallel to z, in the plane of zx ; and this resultant of z and m may be compounded with the moment l into a single force, which will be also equal and parallel to z : but this resultant of z, m, and l, is not in the plane of %x ; whence it follows, that the equation l = 0. is also to be satisfied. Wherefore, the equations to be sa- tisfied, are X = 0. Y = 0. L =3 0. N r: 0. The moment of m may remain, but under certain restric- tions. For as it is requisite that the single resultant of the system should be applied to the line connecting the points of support, at a point not beyond those limits; it follows, that the moment m should not exceed the product of z into the OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 77 distance between the points of support, i. e. putting a for that distance, m should not exceed za. For m compounds with z a force equal and parallel, in the plane of zx ; and ap- plied at a point of the axis of x, whose distance from the ... M origin IS am — . Wherefore, if m exceeds za, x shall be z greater than a, i. e. the final resultant of the system shall be applied to the line connecting the points of support, at a point in that line produced beyond them. It is to be further observed of this moment, that if it is applied on the axis of a;, the force which corresponds in di- rection with z, must be that which has the greater positive or the lesser negative abscissa. For, were it the contrary, the moment m, however small, when compounded with z, would remove its point of application, out of the origin, on the side of the negative abscissae, i. e. beyond the limits pre- scribed for the point of application of the final resultant, in the case of equilibrium. The magnitude of this final resultant is z, the sum of the forces of the system resolved in directions parallel to the axis of %, i. e. perpendicular to the plane of support ; and the abscissa of its point of application on the axis of x, is given by the equation x — — . The pressures on the points of support are now imme- diately found. For putting p for the pressure at the origin, and q for that at the other point of support, we have . . z.(a~x) p : z : a—x : a. giving^ :i= — ^ -. q : z '. X '. a. giving a zz — — . a i. e. putting for x its value, za — M M 78 STATICS. — SECT. V. If the body touches the plane in more than two points ar- ranged in the same right hne, all but the extreme points are useless for the establishment of equilibrium. For, if the forces of the system have a single resultant applied between any two of the points, a fortiori, it will be applied between the extreme points. Wherefore, the question relative to the conditions of equilibrium is to be treated as if the body touched only at the two extreme points. But in the esti- mate of the pressures on the points of support, a great change is made, as it becomes impossible to ascertain any thing more than the sum of the pressures, when there are more than two points of support, and these in the same right line regarded as inflexible. For certain pressures may be removed from two points to an intermediate point ; the pres- sures so removed, being reciprocally as the distances to which they are removed. And conversely, any pressure sustained by a point may be distributed upon two other points, between which it is placed, in portions, which are re- ciprocally as the distances of the point so exonerated, from those to which the pressure is transferred. If the body touches the plane in three points not ar- ranged in the same right line, there may be so many forces of resistance excited : and the direction of each of these forces of resistance is perpendicular to the plane. These constitute a system of parallel forces of corresponding di- rections : therefore they are reducible to a single force equal to their sum. The point of application of this resultant is in the area of the triangle made by joining the points of sup- port. Hence it follows, that in order to equilibi*ate with the resistances, the forces of the system must be reducible to a single resultant perpendicular to the plane, and directed to- wards some point, not exterior to the triangle, made by joining the points of support. And when these conditions are satisfied, the equilibrium shall be necessarily established by the resistances: inasmuch as such a force can always OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODY IS IN PART RESTRAINED, 79 he distributed on the points of support, and in parallel di- rections. To see how these conditions may be expressed, by means of the quantities which enter into the general formulae, let one of the points of contact be taken for the origin ; the line connecting it with a second point for the axis of a:; the plane for that of xy\ and the axes rectangular. Then, in order that the forces of the system may have a single resultant perpendicular to the plane, it may be proved, as in the last case, that x, y, n, should be, severally, equal to cypher. There will then remain the partial resultant z, and the two moments l, m. It is not required that either of these mo- ments should be cypher, as both may be compounded with z into a force equal and parallel to z ; the effect of the mo- ment M being to remove its point of application from the origin, to a point of the axis of x, whose distance from the origin is M xzz. . z and that of the moment l, to remove it to a point in the axis of y, whose distance from the origin is L and the effect of both, conjointly, is to remove the point of application of z, to the extremity of the diagonal of a rect- angle, whose sides, measured from the origin on the axes of X and y, are M L z * z * This point must not be exterior to the area of the tri- angle made by joining the three points of support: and on this principle, the limitations by which the magnitudes of l and M are restricted, are easily found. 80 STATICS. — SECT. V. The pressures on the three pohits are known, when the point of application of the general resultant is known ; and this is given by its coordinates, viz. _ M _ L ~ z * ^ ~~ z' Let it be the point o within the area of the triangle ahc, (Fig. SS) formed by joining th§ points of support. The force applied at o, is the force z, and this is to be dis- tributed on the points a, b, c. Therefore, drawing the line ao, meeting the opposite side at d, the pressure z may be distributed on the points a and d; the parts being, re- spectively, od ao ad' 'ad' The latter of these is distributed on the points b and c, in the ratio of dc to db. Wherefore, if from o, lines are drawn to the angles of the triangle, resolving the whole area into three triangular areas ; the pressures on the three points shall be proportional to the areas of these triangles ; that on each point being represented by the area of the triangle placed on the opposite side. For if the total pressure z, is repre- sented by the area of the entire triangle abc, that on the point a, shall be represented by the area boc ; this being to the whole area, in the ratio o£ od to ad: and therefore, the pressure on d, shall be represented by the sum of the two remaining triangles boa, coa. But the pressure on d is di- vided at b and c, in the ratio of dc to db ; i. e. of the triangle coa, to the triangle boa. When the body touches the plane in more than three points, the resistances, when excited, must compound a force perpendicular to the plane, at some point within the polygon formed by joining the points of contact; omitting those points at which the angles are re-entering. Where- fore the forces of the system, to be capable of being equili- OF EQUILIBRIUM WHEN THE BODV IS IN PART RESTRAINED. 81 brated with such resistances, must have a «ingle resul- tant directed perpendicularly to the plane, at some point within the area of that polygon ; and when this condition is satisfied, the equilibrium is necessarily established by the resisting forces. For the resultant of the system may be resolved into parallel forces bearing on three or more of these points, where they will be necessarily equili- brated. In all cases, the sum of the pressures is the sum of the forces of the system resolved in directions perpendicular to the plane ; but if the points of contact are moi'e than three, the distribution of the pressures is indeterminate. This is no more than must have been expected : for the point of ap- plication of the general resultant being within the area of the polygon, it is within the area of some one of the tri- angles into which the polygon is resolvable. Accordingly, the pi'essure may be totally distributed on the angles of this triangle. The pressures thus supported, may then be variously transferred to lines drawn between the other an- gles of the polygon, and intersecting the sides of that tri- angle; and the pressures laid on each of these lines, divided on their extreme points. In general ; whatever be the nature of the surface or sur- faces in contact with the body, and whatever the number of the points of contact, the equilibrium will be established by means of the resistances, whenever the forces of the system are reducible to another system of forces, bearing perpendicularly against any number of those points, and not otherwise : and the pressure at each point will be the force directed against it, unless so far as this pressure may be dis- tributed, in the whole or in part, on any of the other points of support. This account of the pressures relates to a system in equi- librio. To estimate the strains on the several points of a G S2 STATICS. — SECT. V. system in motion, the forces required to produce those mo- tions are also to be considered. The actions of the several points are then the resultants of those forces and of the re- sistances here treated of; and the strains are equal and op- posite to these resultants. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. S3 SECTION VI. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 1. The theorems already established, relative to forces applied to a point or to a system of points, are altogether independent of the particular sources from ^vhence those forces are derived. Those theorems are, therefore, equally true, whether the forces are those supplied by animal strength, or those by which the particles of matter naturally influence each other. Of this latter kind is the force of gra- vity, and as this constantly offers itself to our notice, as one of the conditions from which the solution of mechanical ques- tions is to be derived, it becomes requisite, in an especial manner, to consider the laws of its action on terrestrial bo- dies, and the manner in which it is to be treated. It is well known of all bodies near the earth's surface, that they tend to descend, each in a direction perpendicular to the horizon of the place ; and that when this tendency is counteracted, a pressure is sustained, which is denominated the weight of the body. The descent of bodies when free to move, and the pressure when the motion is restrained, are, both of them, manifest indications of the action of a force; and this force is denominated the force of gravity. The force of gravity accelerates all bodies equally ; i. e. it generates in them equal velocities in equal times ; for it is found that in vacuo, the lightest feather and the most pon- derous substance descend together as if they were parts of the same mass. And the same thing is yet more satisfac- torily established by observations made with the pendulum, as shall be shown hereafter. This being admitted, it follows that the force of gravity acts equally on all the units of mass, g2 8-i STATICS. — SECT. VI. and in parallel directions. Thence arises a system of equal and parallel forces applied to the several units of mass of which the body consists ; and the resultant of these is equal to their sum. Wherefore, denoting the force of gravity act- ing on the unit of mass, i. e. its weight by g, and the mass of the body, i. e. the number of units in that mass, by m, and putting w for the weight of the body, there is W = M^. (1) Hence, g being the same for all bodies, " The weights of bodies are proportional to their quantities of matter." From the foregoing equation it appears that the " force of gravity" and " the weight of a body" are not expressions of the same import. By the former is meant the intensity of the power as it exists in nature, whose measure is the force with which it acts on the unit of mass; by the latter is meant the force of gravity as applied to the particular body under consideration ; and this depends not only on the in- tensity of the force as it exists in nature, but also on the number of such units in the mass of the body on which it is exerted. The quantities of matter in bodies being proportional to their weights, and the weights of bodies of the same bulk being exceedingly various, it is evident that there must exist the widest differences, with respect to the condensation of the matter of which they consist. The relation between the quantity of matter in a body and its bulk or volume, is that which is meant by its density ; and, therefore, the densities of bodies are as the quantities of matter contained in a given volume. But in comparing the densities of different sub- stances it is found convenient to refer them all to the same scale, agreeably to what has been done with respect to the quantities which enter into equation (1). This is at once ef- fected by fixing on some one substance, whose density is to be regarded as the standard of comparison, and, therefore, as the unit of the scale of densities. Various considerations or THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY, 85 concur, to render water the most eligible for this purpose. But the density of water itself is known to vary, according to the quantity of foreign matter which it may hold in solution ; and also, according to its different degrees of temperature. The uncertainty which would follow from the former source is avoided, by taking distilled water; and that from the lat- ter, by taking the water at its maximum of condensation, which corresponds to a temperature of 40° of Fahrenheit, or somewhat more than 4° of the centigrade thermometer. Therefore, putting unity for the density of distilled water of this temperature ; the densities of bodies, which in the same volume, contain twice or thrice the quantity of matter, are denoted by the numbers 2, 3, and so forth ; the quantities of matter being compared, by means of the weights to which they are proportional. When, therefore, the quantities of matter are estimated by the volumes, it is on the supposition that the densities are equal; but if these are. unequal, the numbers which express the ratio of the volumes, must be multiplied by those which denote the densities : and the quantities of matter in different bodies are proportional to these products. This is expressed by the equation M = VD (2); in which m, v, and d are numbers denoting the ratios of the quantities for which they stand to their several units of mea- sure. Thus, if a cubic inch is taken for the unit of volume, and the density of water for the unit of density, then the quantity of matter in a cubic inch of water shall be the unit of mass : and for any body whatsoever, in the last equation, V shall denote the number of cubic inches in its bulk or vo- lume, D its density with respect to that of water, and m its mass, in relation to that of a cubic inch of this fluid. Sub- stituting in equation (1) this value of m, there is '>y-y'J)'g' (3) wherein g denotes the weight of a cubic inch of water. 86 STATICS. — SECT. VI. This weight is converted into grains by putting for g in the last product 2o2.db2, the number of grains contained in that volume of water. 2. As in all positions of the body with respect to a horizon- tal plane, the same forces of gravity are applied to the same points, and in parallel directions, these forces must have a centre, i. e. in a body, considered as an invariable system of points, there is a certain point through which, in all positions of the body, the resultant of those forces passes ; and to which point it may therefore be supposed to be immediately applied. This point was generally named the centre of pa- rallel forces ; but when the forces are the gravitations of the constituent parts, it is especially designated by the name of the centre of gravity. This reduction of the weights of the several molecules of a body to a single resultant applied to an invariable point, is of great use in the solution of all questions in mechanics, wherein the weights of bodies are concerned: for instead of an indefinite number of forces and their points of application, we have only to consider a single force, which is the weight of the body, and its point of application, which is the centre of gravity ; and having added this force to the others given by the conditions of the question, we can proceed to apply the statical theorems already established relative to forces acting on a system of material points destitute of gravity. In seeking the centre of gravity of a body, it is to be ob- served, that if the density is the same throughout the mass, the eqvial forces ai'e aj^plied at equidistant points, in which case the position of the centre of gravity will depend alto- ther on the figure : and this supposition of homogeneity is always made in the investigation of the centres of gravity of geometrical figures. But if the density is not uniform, the body being supposed to be divided into particles of a given mass, the number of these contained within a given space will be various : i. e. the points to which equal forces are ap- plied will be more condensed in one part of the body than in OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 87 another ; in which case, the position of the centre of gravity shall depend, not on the figure only, but also on the way in which the matter is distributed throughout the volume, i. e. on the relative densities of the parts. This being premised, we shall proceed to illustrate the methods by which the centre of gravity of a body or system of bodies is ascertained, and then to give an account of the chief properties of this point. 3. The methods of finding the centre of gravity are the same as those given for finding the centre of parallel forces, the symbols p, p', p", &c. by which the parallel forces had been denoted, now denoting the weights or the masses to which they are proportional. According to the first of these methods, described in Sect. II. Art. 6. the distance between two elements of the system is divided in the inverse ratio of the masses or weights : the point, by which the connecting line is so di- vided, is the centre of gravity of those two elements, whose sum is then to be regarded as concentred in this point. The line connecting this point with a third element is, in like man- ner, to be divided in the inverse ratio of the weights con- nected by it. The common centre of gravity of three ele- ments being thus found, and the sum of their weights being supposed concentred in it, the same process is to be conti- nued until all the weights are united in one point, which will be the common centre of gravity of the entire system. If the masses are equal, the rule now delivered will be reduced to the following. The line connecting two of those masses is to be bisected. The line connecting this point of bisection with a third of those masses is to be divided in the ratio of 1 : 2. That connecting this point of division with a fourth of the masses is to be divided in the ratio of 1 : 3. and so-forth, i. e. one-half is to be taken from the line connecting the two first points; one-third from the line connecting the point thus found, with a third of the given points; one-fourth from the line connecting the point thus found, with a fourth OO STATICS. — SECT. VI. of the given points, and so-forth. The points thus succes- sively found are the centres of gravity of the parts so com- bined; and the last, the common centre of gravity of the whole system. If the body, whose centre of gravity is sought, is of con- siderable magnitude, the subdivision into parts, such as might be regarded as physical points, and the treatment of these, according to the method now described, might be ex- ceedingly tedious. But if the centre of gravity of any por- tion of the body is already known, the labour of computation is diminished^ by supposing the weight of that portion con- centred in its proper centre of gravity. Thus, if an indefinite number of material points of equal weight were uniformly arranged along the sides of a polygon, the centre of gravity of those in any one line is the middle point of that line: and by supposing the weights, in each line, united at the middle point of that line, the problem is reduced to that of finding the common centre of gravity of a system of weights, equal in number to the sides of the poly- gon ; the weights themselves being proportional to those sides, and applied at their middle points. If a physical surface is symmetrically divided by a certain right line, the centre of gravity is in this line : and if it is symmetrically divided by another line also, the centre of gra- vity is, at once, known to be at the intersection of the lines by which it is so divided. Also, if a solid is symmetrically divided by a certain plane, the centre of gravity is in that plane ; and if it is divided in like manner by a second plane, the centre of gravity is in both planes, and therefore, in the line of intersection : and if it is so divided by a third plane, the centre of gravity is at once determined to the single point common to the three planes. Thus the area of the triangle ABC, being divided into elementary trapezia, or physical lines parallel to any one of its sides bc, as in (Fig. ol-.) ; the centre of gravity of each physical line is at its middle point, where accordingly its weight may be supposed to be applied : and OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 89 as all such points of bisection are situated in the line drawn from the angle a to d, the middle point of the opposite side BC, it is plain that the common centre of gravity of all these elements, or the centre of gravity of the area of the triangle is in the line ad. For the same reason it is in the hue be, (Fig. 35.) drawn from another of the angles b, to e, the mid- dle point of the opposite side ac : and therefore it is at g, the point where the lines ad, be, intersect. It remains only to determine the distance of g, from any one of the angles, measured on the right line drawn from that angle to the middle point of the opposite side. Now the sides ac, bc, being bisected at e and d, the hne ed is parallel to the third side ab: wherefore, the triangles ced, cab, as likewise the triangles e^d, a^b, are similar. The latter pair give the fol- lowing proportion : Afl- : ffT) : : ab : ed. to and the former give ab : ED : : BC : DC : : 2 : 1. wherefore, A^ zz 2^D. i. e. kg zz f AD. The centre of gravity of the area of a triangle is then the same as that of three equal bodies, applied at its three angu- lar points ; since it is found by the same rule, viz. by bisect- ing one of the sides, and dividing the line drawn from the point of bisection to the third angle, in the ratio of 1 : 3. Knowing how to find the centre of gravity of a triangle, that of any right lined polygon is readily found; inasmuch as any such polygon may be resolved into triangles, whose weights, proportional to their areas, may be supposed con- centred in their respective centres of gravity. The problem is then reduced to that of finding the common centre of gra- vity of so many weights applied at these points ; which may be done by the method of successive composition already described. 90 STATICS. — SECT. VI. A triangular pyramid being resolvable into physical sur- faces parallel to any one of the triangular faces, it is evident that the centres of gravity of these surfaces are arranged in the same right line, drawn to the centre of gravity of the pa- rallel face from the opposite angle. For the like reason, it must be also in the right line drawn to the centre of gravity of any of the other triangular faces, from the angle opposed to it ; and, therefore, it must be at the intersection of two such lines. Thus, in (Fig. 36.) bisecting dc in e, and in the line be, drawn from the opposite angle of the triangle, taking Bg — I BE, the point g is the centre of gravity of the triangular face BDC ; and that of the pyramid is in the right line A^, drawn to this point from the opposite angle. In like manner, taking a^' zz | ae, and drawing b^' ; the centre of gravity of the pyramid is also in this line Bg'. Now as a^, b^"', are in the same plane, viz. that of the triangle aeb, they must in- tersect as at g" : wherefore, this point g'\ is the centre of gravity of the pyramid. All that now remains, is to ascertain the distance of the point g", from either of the angles a or b. In order to this, it is to be observed, that e^' : ea : : e^ : eb ; wherefore, the lines g'g and ab are parallel : and therefore the triangles g'gE, ABE, as also the triangles gg'g", Ag"b, are similar: ac- cordingly, Ag" : g"g : : ab : g'g : : ae : g'E : : 3 : 1. which gives AS =Z 0.£f i^ — ^AST. Showing that the centre of gravity of a triangular pyramid is in the right line, drawn from any one of the angles to the centre of gravity of the opposite face ; at a distance from the angle which is f of this line. The centre of gravity of a triangular pyramid is then the common centre of gravity of four equal bodies, applied at its OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 91 four solid angles ; those centres being found by the same rule. In both cases, the line connecting two of the angles is to be bisected : the line drawn from this point of bisection to a third angle, is to be divided in the ratio of one to two : and finally, the line connecting the last point of division with the fourth angle, is to be divided in the ratio of one to three. The rule for determining the centre of gravity of a tri- angular pyramid, may be extended to pyramids standing on polygonal bases. For any such polygon may be resolved into triangles ; and, therefore, the pyramid into triangular pyramids, having the same summit, and those triangles for their bases. The centre of gravity of each of the triangular pyramids, and, therefore, that of the entire pyramid, shall be in a plane parallel to the base, at a distance from the sum- mit equal to | of the altitude. It shall also be in a right line drawn from the summit to the centre of gravity of the base. Wherefore, it is at the point of this line where it is inter- sected by that plane, i. e. at a distance from the angle equal to I of its length. In prisms, this resolution into pyramids is unnecessary ; for the sections parallel to the bases being all similar, their centres of gravity are in the same right line; and these sec- tions being moreover equal, their common centre of gravity is evidently the middle point of the line, which joins the cen- tres of gravity of the parallel bases. What has been proved relative to the centre of gravity of a pyramid, standing on a polygonal base, is evidently appli- cable to a cone ; which may be regarded as the limit of the inscribed or circumscribed pyramids, and in which limit they end, when the sides become infinite in number. Wherefore, the centre of gravity of a cone is in the axis, at a distance from the summit equal to | of its length. In like manner, what has been shown of prisms may be extended to cylinders standing on any curvilinear bases whatever. 92 STATICS. SECT. VI. The centre of gravity of a sphere or spheroid is obviously at the centre ; as each of these figures may be divided sym- metrically by three planes, all passing through this point. 4. The method of finding the centre of gravity, by re- ference to three coordinate planes, is that explained in Sect. II. Art. 7. If the body, or system of bodies, whose centre of gravity is sought, is divided into equal masses, we shall have p = p'= p", &c. wherefore, putting n for the number of these equal masses, those theorems will become X -\- x -\-x" -\- x" 4" &c. n n z J^ z' + z" -\- z" + &c. z iz: • . n The equations may be always presented in this form, and they show that the distance of the centre of gravity from any plane, is the sum of the distances of the equal masses divided by their number: or that it is the mean distance of the weights of the several parts, and, therefore, that the centre of gravity is the centre of the mass. If the body is homogeneous, i. e. of uniform density, the equal masses, into which it is divided, will have equal vo- lumes ; and the centre of gravity will be then the centre of magnitude. From this and Art. 3. it appears, that the dis- tance of the centre of gravity of a triangle from any plane, is the mean distance of its three angles from the same. And that the distance of the centre of gravity of a trian- gular pyramid from any plane, is the mean distance of its four angles. The formula of Sect. II. Art. 7. may be presented in a more abridged form, by putting OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 93 s (p . a:), for p . o: + P • V + P "x" + &c. the character 2, denoting the sum of all quantities corres- ponding to that to which it is prefixed. In the same man- ner, 2 (p) is put for p +P'+ p"4- ^c., and the same notation being extended to the other two formulae, they are thus pre- sented : 2(P) ' S(P) ' 2(P) It is seldom that we have occasion for all these formulae : for if the centre of gravity is known to be in a certain plane, its distance from the plane being cypher, the product of this distance into the whole mass is also cypher : and therefore, also, the sum of the products uf the partial masses into their respective distances from the same plane is cypher, the sum of the products of those which lie at one side into their dis- tances from the plane, being equal to the sum of the pro- ducts, similarly made out, for those which lie at the other side of the plane, and with contrary signs. And conversely; if the sum of the products be cypher, the distance of the centre of gravity is also cypher. When any such plane is known, it may be taken for one of the coordinate planes, as for example, for the plane of xy, and we shall then have 2 (p..^) Z= 0. Z 1= 0. and the problem for finding the centre of gravity is solved by the two first equations, which give its distance from the axes of a; and ;y. Wherefore, "when the centres of gravity of the bodies of a system lie all in the same plane, the common centre of gravity is found by its distance from each of two axes in the same plane ; the distance from each axis beinff had by multiplying each body into the perpendicular dis- tance of its centre of gravity from that axis, and dividing the sum of those products by the sum of the masses," 9I< STATICS. — SECT. VI. If the centres of gravity of the bodies, or partial masses, lie in the same right line, by taking this line for the inter- section of two of the coordinate planes, as of the planes zjc, yx\ those centres being in each of these planes, the common centre of gravity shall be in both. Wherefore, z r= 0. and y zz: 0. and the third equation will suffice, which gives the distance of the common centre of gravity from a plane perpendicular to the axis of x ; i. e. from a certain point on that line itself. Wherefore, '^ when the centres of gravity of the bodies of the system, or of the partial masses, lie all in the same right line ; the common centre of gravity is on the same line, and its distance from an assumed point of that line is found, by taking the sum of the products of the several bodies or masses into their respective distances from that point, and dividing by the entire mass. Let it be proposed to find the centre of gravity of the pe- rimeter of a plane polygon bcdef, (Fig. o7.) by means of the coordinates of its angles. The centres of gravity of the several sides, being at the middle points of those sides, are all in the same plane : wherefore, drawing two axes in this plane, viz. a?/, kx, and denoting by x, y, the coordinates of the point b ; by x\ y, those of the point c ; by x", y", those of the point d, &c. and bisecting the sides bc, cd, de, &c. at the points o, o, o", &c. the coordinates of the point o, shall be X ■\- x' y 4- // T} • o ' those of the point d shall be X -\-x y ■\-y 2 ' 2 ' those of the point o" shall be X -\- X y + // OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 95 and so of the rest. Then, putting p, p', p", &c. taken pro- portional to the sides, for the weights apphed at the middle points of those sides, and making these substitutions in the general formulae, we have __ P (.^: 4- a:') + p^ (.r> x") + p" {x"+ x'") + &c. ^~ J^(p + p'+p")+&c. _ V (;/ + ?/) + y' (;/ 4- f) + ^" (/+ f) + &c. '^ ~ 2 (p + p'+ p") + &c. Showing, that each of the coordinates of the centre of gra- vity of the perimeter of a polygon is had, by multiplying each side into the sum of the corresponding ordinates of its extreme points, and dividing the sum of these products by twice the perimeter. To find the centres of gravity of curvilinear figures, the aid of the integral calculus is generally requisite. The dif- ferential of the figure is to be multiplied into each of its three coordinates ; each of these products being made a function of a single variable, by means of the equations of the figure, is to be integrated within the proposed limits : the definite integrals thus obtained, are the numerators of the values of x, y, z, the coordinates of the centre of gra- vity. Their common denominator is the magnitude of the figure obtained by integrating its differential in like manner. Thus, for a curve whose length is s, the general formulas, by which the coordinates of the centre of gravity are ex- pressed, will be s s s The differential ds being V {dx^-{-d?f-{-d%''). the product of this by its distance from the plane of x?/, i. e. sds is s!, V {dx"" + dy" + dz"). 96 STATICS. — SECT. VI. This being converted into a pure function of z, by means of the equations of the curve, and integrated, the extreme va- lues of z are to be substituted ; the difference of the result- ing quantities is the numerator in the vahie of z. Its deno- minator, s, is the definite integral of to be obtained in the same way. The values of x and y, are found by a similar process. If the curve is of single curvature, it is evident from what has been already observed, that the problem may be solved by two of the equations : and if it is situated symmetrically with respect to a certain right line, that one of those ecjua- tions will suffice. For example ; let it be proposed to find the centre of gravity of a circular arc. The arc being placed symmetrically with respect to the radius drawn to its middle point, this radius may be taken for the axis of x ; and the problem will be solved by means of the equation s in which, ds = V {dx'' -{- f/;/). The origin being taken at the centre, the equation of the curve IS which gives, 909 y — r-- x- dx^ zz. 'At. df/^. x^ -^ Substituting this value, and integrating, there is $.r. ds ■:z r . y -{- c. Let b and — b, be the values of //, at the extreme points OF THE CENTRE OF GllAVITY. 97 of the arc ; these are to be successively substituted ; and one of the resulting quantities being subtracted from the other, the definite integral is 2r.h. Wherefore, 2b. r X rz . s showing, that the distance of the centre of gravity of the arc from the centre, is a fourth proportional to the arc itself. Its chord and radius. For the semicircle, 2r • s — irr. b r= r. g^vmg x =: — . 3r and therefore, n which shows, that the radius of a circle is equal to tlie quadrantal arc of another circle, whose radius is the distance of the centre of gravity of half the periphery of the former from its centre. Let it be proposed to find the centre of gravity of a cycloidal arc. This curve is generated by the motion of a point taken in the periphery of a circle, whilst the circle revolves in its own plane, on a right line. Let AB (Fig. i38.) be the line on which the circle revolves, or the base of the cycloid ; v its vertex or middle point ; vd its axis, which is also the diameter of the generating circle. It is evident that the two branches, va, vb, are symmetrical about the axis ; and that if equal arches are measured from V, their centres of gravity shall be equidistant from the axis vd, and also from the base. Wherefore, the common centre of gravity of the two equal arcs shall be at the same distance from the base, and in the axis vd. Accordingly, taking v for the origin, and vd for the axis of cc, it will be sufficient to find the centre of gravity of an arch at either side of vd. H 98 STATICS. — SECT. VI. For any point, tn, there will be A^j zz axc^ini zz arc Dr. therefore, pv) or mr zz arc vr. and 7}iq = arc = vr -f- f'^' i. e. putting a, for vd, t/ = arc (verse sine rz x) + V {'^^~-^'}' and a dx 2~^ iJy zz ■ + -77 ^ . dx "^ sm.arcvr ^/{ox—x'') a a -^-. o^.r + —-. or. dx. that is, -y/ {ax—X')' ' -v/ («a; — .r") (a—x)dx \/{a — x) . dv zz — - = -^— H . dx. ^ V {ax—x-) ^/ X Accordingly, ds zz \J {dx^-\- dif) = V -. dx. and s—9.\J ax. Also, \ a:(/s zz a~ \x^. dx zz 2 1 A In these integrations, no constant quantities are added, as both members of each equation vanish together, for 0;= 0. X = S"^ 2 i 5 ds Q « • '^ vphich shows, that if a line is drawn through the vertex, pa- OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 99 rallel to the base, the perpendicular on that line, from the centre of gravity of an arch measured from the vertex, is one-third of the perpendicular distance of its extreme point from that same line ; and, therefore, that the centre of gra- vity of a cycloidal arc bisected at the vertex, is in the axis, at a distance from the vertex equal to one-third of the sa- gitta of the arc: and that the distance of the centre of gra- vity of the entire curve from the same point, is 77. The differential of a plane surface is ydx\ wherefore, the formulae for its centre of gravity are, $ x.y.dx 5 y^. dx ~ %y.dx ' ~ ^y.dx' If the surface is symmetrical about a certain right line, it is evident that it may be resolved into elements, whose cen- tres of gravity are in that line : and that if the same line is taken for the axis of the abscissae, the first of these equa- tions will suffice. Example. — Let it be proposed to find the centre of gra' vity of a trapezium abcd, (Fig. 39.) If the trapezium is resolved into elements by lines pa- rallel to ADj it is evident that the right line ef, which bisects the parallel sides ad, bc, shall pass through the centre of gravity of each element : wherefore, it will be convenient to make it the axis of the abscissae. Let f be the origin, EF r= a ; AD = 6 ; EC 3= Z>'; ¥m =: x ; 7nn zz y. Then, aM+{b~ b')x 2 11 zz . a If the angles at a and d are equal, y shall be perpen- dicular to the axis oi x\ and the element of the area shall be a and 11 2 100 STATICS. — SECT. VI. - [aM.x+{b-h')x'''\dx 2x.r'.dx — ^ — - — . Wherefore^ and and _^lx.y.dx _ 3aM.x + ^{h-b')x'^ 2lt/.clx ~ 6a.b'+3{b~f/)x ' In these integrations, no constant quantity was added ; because, for x zi 0. both members of each equation vanish together. If the angles at a and d are unequal ; or which is the same thing, if the line ef is oblique to the parallel sides, ad, BC, the same determination will serve ; as will appear by put- ting j3 for the angle fed, contained between the axis and the ordinates. Then, each element is 2sm.p.y.dx. and _2sm.^.lx.t/.dx _ %x.y.dx 2sin.j3. $2/.c/a7 ~ ^!/-(^^ Taking the value of x for a; z= a. it is a{b'+2b) ~ S{b'+b)' This solution may serve for a triangle or parallelogram. For the former, by making b'zz 0. in which case, 2 and for the latter, by making b'—b; in which case, OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 101 a Example. — Let it be proposed to find the centre of gravity of the segment of a circle, whose equation, taking the centre for the origin, is 2 2 2 2/ — r — X . The centre of gravity of the segment is evidently in the radius by which the arc is bisected. Wherefore, taking this for the axis of the abscissae, _2'\^x.y.dx _2^\/ {r^— x^)x.dx _ ~ area area * ~~ area Taking the integral from x zz. a io x zz-r; in which last case its value is c, the value of y being then cypher, we have X ■=. area For the centre of gravity of the area of the semicircle, o TV T making a z: ; and putting for the area, its value, —y-\ there is for this case, 4r ^ = -37- The sector cmvn, (Fig. 40.) is composed of the segment mvn, and of the triangle men. The centre of gravity of the triangle is in the same radius, by which the arc mn is bi- sected ; and at a distance from c equal to f cd. Wherefore, the distance between the centres of gravity of the triangle and circular segment is known ; and if this distance is divided in the inverse ratio of the areas, the point of division will be 102 STATICS. — SECT. VI. the centre of gravity of the sector. This process is, how- ever, unnecessary. For if with the centre c, and a radius equal to | cv, an arc is described, bounded by the hnes Ci?i, en, this arc is the locus of the centres of gravity of the indefinitely small and equal sectors into which the sector cmvn is resolvable ; those elementary sectors being regarded as right lined triangles. Moreover, these elementary sectors being equal, and their centres of gravity being uniformly arranged along this arc, their common centre of gravity, i. e. the centre of gi'avity of the entire sector, must be that of the arc: hence, it follows, that the distance of the centre of gravity of a sector, from the centre of the circle, is a fourth proportional to the arc, its chord, and f of its radius. Example. — For the centre of gravity of the segment of a parabola, whose equation is i/^ — px, the diameter being taken for the axis of the abscissae, and the vertex for the origin, we have ^y.x.dx _ 3 5 //. dx ~ 5 "^ * In these integrations, no constant quantity is added, be- cause for X zz: 0. each integral is, evidently, cypher. It is also evident from the observation already made, that the same formula will serve whether the ordinate s are perpendicular or oblique to the diameter, i. e. whether the diameter which bisects the chord of the segment is the axis or not. In figures of revolution, the axis of rotation being taken for the axis of the abscissas, it is plain that the first of the three general equations of Art. 4, will serve for the deter- mination of the centre of gravity. If it is proposed to find the centre of gravity of a surface of revolution, the element of the generating curve is ds- V {dx- + elf) ; and the element of the generated surface is Wherefore, OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 103 _%xy y/{dx'^-\-df) S y V {dx'-\-dy'^) ' in which, substituting for y, dy, their values in x, collected from the equation of the generating curve, and integrating within the proposed limits, the value of x is obtained. Example. — The surface of a truncated cone is generated by the revolution of a right line. Let CD be that hne, (Fig. 41.) and ab the axis round which it revolves. Then, putting a for AB ; b for bd ; and b' for ac, there will be a.b' + {b-byv 2/ = and Therefore, , (b — b') dx dy — ^ , a The invariable coefficient of dx, occurring in the nume- rator and denominator of the value of x, may be suppressed. Wherefore, _ ^y.x. dx But the section of the conic frustum, in which is the axis, is a trapezium, whose centre of gravity is in the axis of the cone, at a distance from the lesser base expressed as above ; whence it follows, that the centre of gravity of the sur- face of the conic frustrum is the same as that of the sec- tion of the solid, in which is the axis : and also, that the centres of gravity of the surfaces of a cone and cylinder are the same as those of the sections in which are their axes. 104 STATICS. — SECT. VI. Example. — Let it be proposed to find the centre of gra- vity of a spheric zone, generated by the revolution of the cir- cular arc mi, about the radius cv. (Fig. 40.) Making this radius the axis of the abscissae, and the cen- tre c the origin, the equation of the circle is Wherefox'e, and V{d.v'+di/^= '"'^^ V{r^-x') 1>/.V {dx-+ dif) - rx + c. \xyyj[dx^^df)^'^^c. Then, putting a for ct/ ; a for ce, and taking the integrals between these limits, there will be _ a — a _ a -\-a Which shows, that the centre of gravity of the zone is the middle point of the portion of the axis intercepted between its two circular bases. For the spheric segment there is a'=r; and in that case, r-A-a x= ' . showing, that the centre of gravity of the surface of a spheric segment is at the middle point of the sagitta. In general, the equation of the surface of any geometric ficrure being of this form dz :=p.dx + q^dy. in which p and q are the partial differences of ^, with respect to X and y, the differential of the surface is y/{\+p''+q^)dx.dy. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 105 wherefore, ~ lWil + F+q')cLv.d!/- _ ll^y/[\+p'+q')dx.dj/ The double integrals are to be taken within the proposed limits. A solid of revolution is resolved, by planes perpendicular to the axis, into cylinders or conic frusta, whose altitude is dx. The value of one of these elements is TTi/^dx. and the product of this into the abscissa is TTxy'. dx. Wherefore, __ ^y^xdx ~ S y'd^ ' in which, substituting for y its value in x, and integrating as before within the proposed limits, the definite value of x is obtained. Example. — Let it be proposed to find the centre of gra- vity of an oblong elHpsoid, terminated by two planes perpen- dicular to the greater axis. Putting a for the greater, j3 for the lesser semiaxis ; a and a , as before, denoting the distances of the planes from the centre, the equation of the generating elHpse is wherefore. s 7f-dx = -^v (^W-x — x^) -f c 106 STATICS. — SECT. VI. 5 /32 Tliese integrals taken between the limits a and a, give _6a^ {a' —a^) — 3 (a'^ — «^) This expression, being totally independent of the lesser axis of the ellipse, is applicable to the segment of a sphere. If the ellipsoid were described about the lesser axis, the expression for the distance of the centre of gravity would differ from this only in the change of a for /3. Whence it follows, that if the axis of the ellipsoid, whether oblong or oblate, is made the diameter of a sphere, the segments of these figures included between two planes perpendicular to the common axis, shall have their centres of gravity at the same point. If the section, perpendicular to the axis of revolution, passes through the centre, the distance of the centre of gra- vity of the semiellipsoid, or hemisphere, will be had from the foregoing, by making a = 0. And a = a for the oblong, or a=j3 for the oblate ellipsoid, which gives 3 x = -a for the one, and for the other. Example. — Let it be proposed to find the centre of gra- vity of a paraboloid, generated by the revolution of a para- bolic segment, whose equation is substituting this value of y^ in the formula, there is _ $ x^dx _ 2 5 xdx 3 ' * In this equation there is no constant quantity. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 107 If the segment, whose centre of gravity is sought, is in- cluded between two parallel planes, at the distances a and a , measured from the vertex ; these values of x, being succes- sively substituted in each of the integrals, the difference of the results must be taken for the numerator and the denomi- nator of the value sought ; thus, 2 cP - a" o a — a" These examples may suffice to show how the integral cal- culus is applied, to solve the problem for solids of revolution, which figures are, evidently, capable of being resolved into elements, whose centres of gravity are in a right line. The centre of gravity of the entire solid being, then, on the same line, its place is determined according to a single formula. The general method to be used when such facilities do not occur, is to resolve the solid into elements, by planes pa- rallel to each of the three coordinate planes. The expression for an element will then be dx,dy.d%. and that of the volume, \Wdx.dij,dz. and the three coordinates of the centre of gravity of the solid are found, according to the three following formulae : ^_'^^y^xAx^dyAz^ \\\,dx,dy.dz ' \\\'dx.dy.dz ' ^_ ll^.s.dx.di/xh m.dx.di/.d:2 The integral in each numerator and denominator is to be taken within the proposed limits. The centre of gravity of any one body of a given system Y = 108 STATICS. SECT. VI. is immediately found, if the centres of gravity of the remain- ing bodies, as well as the common centre of gravity of the system are known. For, having mx + mx •\- m'x" , See. = mx. the ordinate of the centre of gravity of any one of the bodies, as of m, is given by the equation MX — (mV4- w^'V, &c.) x= ^ -. m and the other two coordinates of this centre are found in the same manner. When the centre of gravity of a body, and that of any part of the same are known, that of the remaining part is also known. For in this case, the centres of gravity of the whole and of its two parts are in the same right line ; and any two of the masses multiplied into the distances of their centres of gravity from that of the third, give equal products. Thus, if m and m denote the partial masses, and d, cV the distances of their centres of gravity from the centre of gra- vity of the sum, which is their common centre of gravity, then f/'= — ;•. for the distance of the centre of gravity of the mass m , from the common centre of gravity. Generally, whatever be the point to which, as to an origin, these centres are referred, the coordinates of one of those centres are found from those of the two others, by the following equations : mx •\- (m—?7i) x'— MX. mi/ -\- (u—?n) yzz my. m% + (m — w) ^'— mz. 5. The centre of gravity was shown to a centre of parallel forces, particularized by this circumstance, that the body being resolved into equal masses, the forces applied to those masses are not only parallel, but equal. And as such a OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 109 system of forces may be compounded into one parallel force, equal to their sum, which in all positions of the body passes through the same point, denominated the centre of gravity ; so, conversely, any single force directed through this point, ■ is resolvable into a system of equal and parallel forces, dis- tributed upon the equal masses, into which the body may be supposed to be divided. Hence it follows, that there is no tendency to rotatory motion produced in a rigid body, by a force directed through its centre of gravity. The properties of this centre, usually noticed, relate to a body containing a fixed point, or incumbent on a plane sur- face. The fixed point is denominated the point of sus- pension. The weight of a body, considered as a single force, being applied at the centre of gravity, and directed in the perpen- dicular towards the horizon ; and the resistance or reaction of the fixed point being a force acting in the line by which this point is connected with the centre of gravity, it follows that these two forces cannot be directly opposed, and there- fore cannot equilibrate, unless these two lines coincide, i. e. unless the fixed point is in the vertical, passing through the centre of gravity ; and that then, as the weight of the body is directed through the fixed point, whose reaction is always equal and opposite to the action upon it, the equilibrium is necessarily established. Accordingly, when the body is suspended by the centre of gravity, the equilibrium is necessarily established, what- ever be the position of the body round this point. But if the point of suspension is different from the centre of gravity, there are but two positions of the body in which the forces are directly opposed to each other, viz. when the centre of gravity is vertically above, or vertically beneath the point of suspension : and these are the two positions of equilibrium. 110 STATICS. — SECT. VI. But equilibrium is of three kinds, viz. stable, unstable, and neutral. It is of the first kind, when the body on any slight change of position, returns to its former position : of the second kind, when the deviation increases : and it is of the third kind, when there is no tendency in the body to recede further from its original position, or to recover that position. It is evident that this last kind can exist, only when the equilibrium continues under a continued change of position ; and, therefore, that it can have no place in the case now under consideration, wherein these are but two positions of equilibrium. To distinguish between the states of equilibrium when the centre of gravity is vertically above or below the point of suspension, it is only requisite to consider the direction of the resultant of the two forces, when the centre of gravity is out of the vertical passing through the point of suspension. Let B be the body ; a the point of suspension ; o the centre of gravity ; and ov the vertical passing through this point. (Fig. 42.) The weight of the body applied at the point o, acts in the direction of the line oi\ and the resistance of the fixed point in the direction of ao ; towards the fixed point, when the weight acts as a pull, \. e. when the angle voa is obtuse, as in the figure ; and in the opposite direction, when it acts as a pressure, i. e. when that angle is acute. The re- sultant of these two forces must be directed within the angle made by those lines ; and, therefore, must tend to carry the centre of gravity downwards to the vertical passing through the point of suspension. Wherefore, when the centre of gravity is directly above the point of suspension, the equilibrium is unstable : for on the smallest departure from this line it will further descend ; and will not rest, until it shall have attained the position vertically beneath the point of suspension. In this latter position, the equilibrium is stable; because on any departure from this position, the centre of gravity will spontaneously return to it. OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. Ill From these properties of the centre of gravity, this point may be found mechanically. The property first noticed was, that the body, if sus- pended by the centre of gravity, will rest in any position indifferently. The point possessed of this property may be determined by trial. The other property was, that if the body is suspended from a point different from the centre of gravity, the body shall not rest, until that centre attains to the vertical passing through the point of suspension. Accordingly, if the body is freely suspended from two points successively, and the vertical passing through each point of suspension is traced on the body, the intersection of these two lines shall mark the place of the centre of gravity. When the centre of gravity is in the vertical passing through the point of suspension, the pressui'e or strain on this point is plainly the weight of the body. And for any position, the strain can be readily determined : for resolving the weight of the body applied to the centre of gravity into two forces : one acting in the line joining that centre with the point of suspension, and the other perpendicular to the same; the former is w.cos.a, and the latter w.sina; a being the angle made by the line drawn to the point of sus- pension and the vertical. The former of these is destroyed by the resistance of the fixed point, and produces the pres- sure thereon ; the latter is that part of the weight employed in producing motion. If the body is suspended from two points, it will not rest until the centre of gravity is brought to the vertical ph\ne which contains the two points of suspension ; and then the pressures on the two fixed points are given by Sect V. Art. 5. Wherein e being the angle between the vertical and the line which joins the fixed points, zrzw'.sin. £. x — w.cos.e. 112 STATICS. — SECT. Vr. and Y being cypher, the expressions there given are reduced to w [sin. t{a — x) -{- cos, e. si] , w{sm. z. x — cos.z.z) a ' a ' These are the pressures in lines perpendicular to that which joins the fixed points. But with respect to the pressures in the direction of that line, all that can be determined about them, on the supposition of the perfect immobility of the points of suspension, is, that the sum of those pressures is w. COS. e. If this line is horizontal, the angle e is right, and there- fore, sin. £zi 1. cos. £ = 0. and the pressures altogether vertical; which reduces the expressions for those pressures to w{a — x) w.x a ' a ' agreeably to what has been shewn, Sect. II. Art, 4. relative to the resolution of a force into two parallel forces. If the line which joins the points of suspension is vertical, there will be sin. 6^:0. cos. e z: 1. x zz w. 2 — 0. whereby the expressions for the pressures in the perpen- dicular to the line connecting the fixed points, are w.z — w.z a a and all that can be known relative to the vertical pressures, is, that their sum is w, or the weight of the body. This is the case of a door hung on two hinges, wherein a denotes the distance between the hinges ; and z the per- pendicular on that line from the centre of gravity. So that the upper hinge is drawn out, and the lower hinge pressed OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITV. 113 inwards, by a force w. - . the sum of the vertical pressures being w. For the weight acts in the vertical passing through the centre of gravity, and may therefore be supposed to be ap- plied to any point of this line. This being resolved in the directions of the lines drawn to the hinges from the point so assumed, each of the forces into which it is thus resolved, is again to be resolved in directions vertical and horizontal. The vertical forces will reproduce the weight, and the hori- zontal forces the strains in their directions. Thus the points of suspension being m and w ; and o the centre of gravity, (Fig. 43.) let the lines no, mo, be drawn, and let the latter be produced beyond the point o, as to c. Also, let ov be a vertical line directed downwards from the point o. Ihe weight which acts in the direction ov, is resolved into two forces directed in the lines oc, on ; the former drawing the upper hinge outwards ; and the latter pressing the lower hinge inwards. These three forces are as the sides of the triangle mon ; i. e. the weight being represented by the line mn, parallel to its direction, the hinge at m shall be drawn out by a force, regresented in magnitude and direction by the line mo ; and the hinge at w, pressed inwards, by a force represented in magnitude and direction by the line on. But if each of these strains is to be resolved into two, one in the vertical line mn, and the other in the perpendicular to this line ; this is done by drawing the perpendicular od. The strain mo is resolved into md, acting vertically downwards ; and the strain do acting horizontally outwards : also, the strain on into dn, acting vertically downwards ; and od acting horizontally inwards. The sum of the vertical pressures is mn, or the weight of the door ; and this may be sustained by either of the points of suspension, or divided between them in any ratio; but the point m is drawn horizontally outwards, I 114 STATICS. — SECT. VI. with the force do ; and the point n is pressed horizontally inwards, with an equal force. The same things would readily follow from the principles established in Sect. III. Art. 3. For the weight being trans- ferred to the vertical containing the hinges, there is gene- rated a pair of equal and contrary forces, whose moment is w X od, which may be turned round in the same plane, so as to become perpendicular to the line mn. But the moment w X od is equal to — . iv X mn. i. e. to the moment of the forces — .w acting at the interval mn. mn The body being placed on a horizontal plane, if the ver- tical passing through the centre of gravity meets the plane in a point within the base, the body shall rest, because the weight applied to the plane at this point, may be distributed on the angles of a triangle within which it is contained : and, by the supposition, such a triangle can be made by joining certain points of support. The weight being so distributed, the pressures are necessarily equilibrated by the resistances of the points to which they are applied. But the stability of the body will depend on the excess of the shortest line that can be drawn from the centre of gravity to the contour of the base, above the perpendicular distance of the same point from the plane. For in order to carry it over the edge of the base, the centre of gravity must be raised to an eleva- tion equal to this difference. Hence in general, the stability of a body is greater, as the distance of the centre of gravity from the plane of support is less, in relation to the extent of the base. When the base of the body is reduced to a point verti- cally beneath the centre of gravity, the smallest force, ap- plied in a different direction, should produce a disturbance. Yet even in this case, the equilibrium may be stable, un- OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 115 stable, or neutral. Thus, when an elhptic cylinder is placed on a horizontal plane, with its lesser axis in the vertical, the position is that of stable equilibrium. If the same body rests on the extremity of its greater axis, the equihbrium is un- stable. A cylinder with a circular base, placed with its side on a horizontal plane, affords an example of neutral equi- librium. The sum of the pressures made at the points of contact, is the weight of the body. If the body rests on two points of support, the vertical passing through the centre of gravity must meet the line connecting the two pohits of support at some intermediate point ; and the pressure on each point is to the weight, as the distance of the point of intersection from the alternate point, to the distance between the two points of support. If the body rests on three points, the vertical passing through the centre of gravity must meet the plane within the triangle, formed by joining the three points of support ; and then, if lines ai*e drawn to the three angles, from the point vertically beneath the centre of gravity, the pressure on each angular point is to the weiglit, as the area of the partial triangle placed on the opposite side, to the area of the whole triangle. Sect. V. Art. 7. If the body touches the plane on which it rests in more than three points, the pressures on the several points are indeterminate, on the supposition of the perfect rigidity of the body, and of the plane on which it rests ; and all that can be then determined, with respect to those pressures, is, that their sum is the weiglit of the body. When the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity falls without the base, the body must upset; because, the reaction of the plane being in a vertical line different from that in which the weight is directed, those forces cannot equilibrate. If the body is placed on an inclined plane, it must neces- sarily descend; the surfaces being perfectly smooth, i.e. 1 2 116 STATICS. — SECT. Vr. supposing no restraint arising from friction. For, if the weight of the body, which is a force apphed at the centre of gravity, is resolved into two forces, one of them perpen- dicular, and the other parallel to the plane, the latter, not being opposed to the reaction, must produce its full effect in carrying the body down the plane. If the perpendicular from the centre of gravity on the plane, falls within the base or surface of contact, the body shall descend by sliding. For if the weight of the body, which is a force applied at its centre of gravity, is resolved into two forces, of which one is parallel, and the other per- pendicular to the plane : this last being directed to a point within the base, shall be equilibrated by the resistances : and as the remaining force, viz. that parallel to the plane passes through the centre of gravity, there will be no rota- tory movement. See Art. 4. From these considerations, it would appear that a sphere, cylinder, or a regular polyhedron should descend down an inclined plane by sliding, and not by rolling or tumbling ; inasmuch as in these bodies, the perpendicular from the centre of gravity on the plane, always falls within the base, whatever be the inclination of the plane to the horizon. But in this, the force of friction is not considered. The effect of friction is to impede the motion of the parts of the body in contact with the plane. Accordingly, even though the perpendicular on the plane from the centre of gravity, should fall within the base, the body shall roll or tumble, whenever the force of friction becomes equal to that which is required to turn the body over the edge of its base. Hence, if the body is a sphere whose contact is reduced to a single point, the least imaginable friction will impart rota- tory motion: but a polyhedron will require more or less, according to the extent of the base, measured from the foot of the perpendicular from the centre of gravity on the plane, and in the direction of the slope : and the same body that OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 117 slides, when opposed by a certain force of friction, may tumble if the friction is increased. If the perpendicular on the inclined plane falls without the base, the body shall always descend by rolling or tum- bling. But this rotatory movement may be in any direction, according to the position of the foot of the perpendicular, with respect to the base of the body or surface of contact. For the weight of the body resolved in a direction perpen- dicular to the plane, and the reaction of the plane, being pa- rallel and contrary forces, must necessarily produce a rota- tory movement, whose direction shall be determined by the position of the point, in which the plane is met by the per- pendicular let fall on it from the centre of gravity. It appears then, that a body placed on an inclined plane may tumble backwards, i. e. up the slope, even though it should lean forwards with respect to the vertical. This may be exemphfied by a rod of inconsiderable thickness, when i=ts direction is within the angle made between the perpendicular to the plane, and the perpendicular to the horizon. 6. The properties of the centre of gravity hitherto de- scribed, relate to a body suspended from a fixed point, or in- cumbent on a plane. There is another property of this cerr- tre which deserves to be noticed. It is that expressed by the following theorem : " The content of a surface or solid of revolution is equal to the product of the generating line or plane, by the path described by its centre of gravity." To prove this theorem relative to a surface of revolution, let DE be the line by whose motion the surface is generated, (Fig. 44,) and bc the axis of revolution: let s denote the whole line ; ds any one of its elementary parts, and y its ordinate, or the perpendicular distance from the axis cb : also, let a denote the distance of its centre of gravity from lis STATICS. — SECT. VI. the line bc, and w the angle described by the plane cbde ; observing that w is an abstract number, viz. the quotient of the arc by its radius : so that the expression for the arc described by any point of the curve whose ordinate is y, is (i)?/. This notation being understood, it will be seen that the conical surface described by any element, ds, is (x).i/.ds. and that the surface generated by the entire line, is or, because w is the same for all the elements, it is ojl{i/.ds). But the sum of the products, had by multiplying each ele- ment into its distance from the axis bc, is equal to the single product of their sum, s, into the distance of its centre of gra- vity from the axis, ?'. e. ^^'.ds — a,s. wherefore, ix)^?/.ds zz w.a.s. which, putting s for the generated surface, is s zz o).a.s. i. e. the generated surface is equal to the product of the ge- nerating line, into the arc or path described by its centre of gravity. To prove the proposition for a solid of revolution, let CBDE be the generating plane, and cb, as before, the axis of revolution. The plane being supposed to be resolved into elementary rectangles, by ordinates perpendicular to the axis CB ; and dx, denoting the portion of the axis between any two consecutive ordinates, the expression for the ele- mentary rectangle will be //.dx. But the sum of the products had by multiplying each of OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 119 these elementary rectangles, into the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis, is equal to the single product of the area of the entire plane, into the distance of its centre of gra- vity from the same axis, i. e. putting a for the entire area CBED, and g for the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis CB, it will be ,2 S Y ^^^ - ^•^^ Therefore, The first member of this equation is the sum of the pro- ducts of y.dx. into -~. or the sum of the products had by multiplying each elementary rectangle into half the arc de- scribed by the extremity of its ordinate, i, e. the sum of the portions of the solid generated by the several rectangles : and the second member is the area of the generating plane, multiplied into the arc or path described by its centre of gravity. Wherefore, putting v for the entire volume of the generated solid, it will be V ^ A.(D.g. The whole of the surface or solid of revolution is ex- pressed by replacing w in these formulae with 2 vr, the ab- stract number, which denotes the ratio of the periphery of a circle to its radius, i. e. the quotient of the former divided by the latter. Making this substitution, the surface of re- volution is expressed by the equation s z: 2TT.a.s. and the solid of revolution by the equation V — 27r.g.A. If the revolving line or plane lies on each side of the axis, it is only the difference of the surfaces or sohds generated 1^0 STATICS. — SECT. VI. by the parts, at different sides of the axis, that is so ex- pressed : which will immediately appear by considering, that in the statement relative to the equality of the product of an entire mass into the distance of its centre of gravity from a plane, and the sum of the products had by multiplying each of the partial masses into the distance of its centre of gravity from the same plane, those distances, if at opposite sides of the plane, are to be marked with opposite signs. These equations give the magnitude of a surface or solid of revolution, when that of the generating line or plane is known, together with the distance of its centre of gravity from the axis of revolution. This method of quadrature or cubature is called the barocentric method. A few examples of its application are subjoined. Example 1. — Let it be proposed to find the surface of a truncated cone, whose side is given, together with the radii of the circular bases. This surface may be generated by the motion of the side of the cone round its axis : wherefore, putting r, / for the radii of the circular terminations, we have a zz 2 which value of a, being substituted in the general formula, there is S Z2 TT (r + *• Showing that the surface of the truncated cone is equal to the area of a circle, whose radius is a mean proportional be- tween s and r -\- 1', i. e. between the side and the sum of the radii of the circular bases. Example 2. — Let it be proposed to find the content of the solid, generated by the revolution of an isosceles triangle round a line passing through its vertex, and parallel to its base. Let CBD be the triangle, and cm its altitude, (Fig. A5.) OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 121 and putting h for this altitude, and h for the base bd, we have bh 1 _ 2 7 A = — and ^ = - h. Substituting for a and g these values in the general formula, there is y--Tr.h'^.b. o But TT.h^ is the area of the circle whose radius is k, or cm, and TT.h'^.b is the solid content of the cylinder standing on that base, and whose altitude is b, or bd. Wherefore, the solid is I of that cylinder. Example o. — Let it be proposed to find the solid content of a ring. This solid may be supposed to be generated by the move- ment of the circular section of the ring, its centre describing the periphery of another circle, to which its plane is every where perpendicular. Therefore, if r denotes the radius of the generating circle, and r that of the circle described by its centre, the area of the generating plane will be and the path described by its centre of gravity will be Accordingly, for the volume, we shall have V =: 2 TT^. r'^. r. If the axis, round which the generating circle revolves, is a tangent drawn to a point in its periphery, we shall have r'^i: r. and for the solid content, Example 4. — To find the content of the solid, generated by the revolution of a parabolic segment, round its chord. 1J22 statics. SECT. VI. Let the chord of the segment be perpendicular to the axis, and putting b for this chord, and h for the abscissa, the area of the generating plane is ^b.h. Moreover, the distance of the centre of gravity from the ver- tex was found to be ^ h 5 "" and, therefore, the distance of the same from the axis of re- volution, is Wherefore, the path described by the centre of gravity, is f.7^./^. giving for the volume or putting for h, its value, viz. 2 V {jp-^- it is If the chord is oblique to the diameter to which it is ap- plied, putting a for the angle of inclination, the area of the generating plane is § b.h. sin. a. and the path described by the centre of gravity is J. TT . /^ . sin. a. whereby the equation becomes V = -1 f . TT .p^ . ]i^ . sin^ a. The same general formulae may be applied to find the centre of gravity of the generating line or plane when the content of the generated surface or solid is known. Thus, __ s _ v OF THE CENTRE OF GRAVITY. 123 Example 5. — The solid content of a sphere is and this solid is generated by the revolution of a semicircle round the diameter, by which it is terminated, whose area is ~¥' Wherefore, substituting these values of v and a in the last equation, we have for the centre of gravity of the semi- circle, TT The same as already found by the direct method. In finding the distance of the centre of gravity of a line or surface from any assumed axis or plane, each element was multiplied into its distance from that axis or plane, and the sum of the products, thus obtained, was divided by the whole content of the figure : and in finding the content of the surface or solid generated by the revolution of that figure, the distance of the centre of gravity was multiplied into 2 TT, and into the content of the generating line or sur- face. It is evident then, that this division and subsequent multiplication, by the content of the generating figure, may be omitted ; and that when the investigation is to be con- ducted by the aid of the integral calculus, it will be enough to take the sum of the products of each element into its distance from the axis, and multiply that integral by 2 tt. 124 STATICS. — SECT. VII. SECTION VII. OF THE MECHANIC POWERS. 1. The use of mechanic instruments, as far as they are concerned in statics, is to enable us, by a force at our dis- posal, to counteract another force, to which it is not op- posed in direction, and to economize the force employed for this purpose. The latter force is called the power, and the former the resistance ; or simply the weight, when the re- sistance is a weight to be equilibrated: and it is evident, that the equilibrium shall be established, whenever the re- sultant of the power and resistance is directed against some fixed point, or immoveable obstacle : but then the equili- brium is not, properly speaking, between those forces, but between them, or their resultant, and the reaction of the fixed point or obstacle. Such being the way in which the equilibrium is estab- lished by means of mechanic instruments, it is apparent that there may be the greatest disparity between the anta- gonist forces : and it is said that there is a mechanical ad- vantage or disadvantage in the instrument, according as the resistance is greater or less than the power by which it is counteracted. The more simple elements, into which machines are resolvable, are called mechanic powers. These may be classed according to their different structures and modes of application : but the classification is in a great measure ar- bitrary ; the precise difference which constitutes a distinc- tion of class not being generally agreed on. Accordingly, by some writers, they have been distributed under six, by THE LEVER. 125 some under seven, and by others, under eiglit classes or heads. What renders the distribution of the mechanic powers still more uncertain is, that being only different means of effecting the composition or resolution of forces, the operation, in all, is reducible to the same principle. By each of them we are enabled to compound with the force to be counteracted, a new force called the power; so that the resultant of both shall be directed against the obstacle. The differences, then, of mechanic instruments, relate not to the principle of their operation, but to their structures and modes of application ; and those who wish to treat the subject in the most simple manner, will be inclined to refer to the same class, such instruments as have an obvious re- semblance in these respects. According to this rule, they may be classed under three heads, viz. the lever, the rope, the inclined plane. The first head comprising the balance, and the axle in the wheel ; and the third head the wedge and the screw. THE LEVER. 2. The lever is a bar capable of angular motion round a point called the fulcrum. To this, two forces are applied : that which is to be counteracted is named the resistance ; and the force by which it is to be equihbrated, the power. The rectilinear distances of the points of application from the fulcrum are called the arms of the lever. Thus in (Fig. 46.) F is the fulcrum, round which the lever ab is at liberty to turn ; p the power ; and w the resistance or weight to be supported ; and the right lines, fa, fb, drawn from the fulcrum to the points at which these forces are applied, the arms of the lever. It is evident that the weight of the instrument itself is a force, which, if it does not pass on the obstacle, must come in aid of one or other of the forces to be opposed to each 126 STATICS. SECT. VII. Other. But to deduce the consequences of certain condi- tions, these conditions must be contemplated apart, even from those with which they may be inseparably connected. Wherefore, in considering the relation between the forces, which are to equilibrate on a bar, with respect to angular motion, the bar is regarded as a line without flexibility or weight ; and the centre of angular motion as a fixed point. When the weight of the instrument is to be taken into ac- count, it is to be treated as a force applied at its centre of gravity in a vertical direction ; and as making part of the power or resistance, according as it conspires with one or other of those forces. 3. For equilibrium, it is requisite and it is sufficient, that the power and resistance should have a single resultant di- rected through the fulcrum or fixed point. And this condi- tion is equivalent to the three following: 1st. That the di- rections of power and resistance should be in the same plane which contains the fulcrum ; for if the power and resistance did not act in the same plane, they could not have a single resultant ; and if this plane did not contain the fulcrum, the resultant, which is always in the plane of the components, could not pass through this point. 2d. That the power and resistance should tend to turn the lever round the fulcrum in opposite directions ; for if the directions of the forces meet at an angle, that of the resultant must lie within the same ; i. e. the fulcrum must lie within this angle. And if the lines of direction are parallel, that of the resultant, and therefore also the fulcrum must lie between them or beyond them, ac- cording as the component forces are directed to the same or opposite sides of a line transverse to their directions. 3d. That the power and resistance should be reciprocally proportional to the perpendiculars let fall from the fulcrum on their lines of direction : for the components are recipro- cally proportional to the perpendiculars let fall from any point taken in the line of the resultant, and the fulcrum is in THE LEVER. 127 that line. Thus p, p' representing the power and resistance, and^, // the perpendiculars from the fulcrum on their direc- tions, this condition requires the following relation : p : ^' wp \p. or, Yp — p//. This relation may be otherwise expressed ; for I, V being the lengths of the arms, and 0, 0' the angles which they make with the directions of the forces, there is ^ = /. sin. 0, ^/= V. sin.0'. whence p . /. sin. == p'. V . sin. 0'. The product of a force into the perpendicular from the fulcrum on its direction, is called the moment of that force ; and the three conditions of equilibrium may be briefly ex- pressed, by saying, that " the moments of the forces should be equal and opposite." If the fulcrum is not a point in the lever itself, but only a point of the surface of a body on which it may rest, it will be requisite to add to the conditions of equilibrium as stated above, that the resultant of the forces should be directed to the fixed point, in a line perpendicular to the surface at the contact. 4. Regarding the power as a force to be economized, it is usual to divide the lever into three kinds, according to the position of the fulcrum with respect to the power and re- sistance. The first kind of lever is that in which the fulcrum lies between the power and the resistance or weight, as in (Fig. 47.) The second is that in which the resistance or weight is applied between the power and fulcrum, as in (Fig. 48.) And the third is that in which the power is applied be- tween the resistance and fulcrum, as in (Fig. 49.) In the first kind of lever, there is a mechanical advantage or disadvantage, according as the perpendicular from the fulcrum on the direction of the power is greater or less than that on the direction of the resistance or weight. 128 STATICS.— SECT. VII. If the lever is straight, and the directions of the forces parallel, the perpendiculars from the fulcrum on the direc- tions of the forces are proportional to the lengths of the arms. Therefore, in this case, the power acts at a me- chanical advantage or disadvantage, according as it is ap- plied to the longer or shorter arm of the lever. In the other two kinds, the arms are always unequal; and, therefore, the lever being supposed to be straight, and the forces parallel in direction, there will be always a me- chanical advantage in the second kind of lever, and a me- chanical disadvantage in the third. 5. Hitherto two forces, only, were supposed to be applied to the lever ; and in that case, it was required that they should act in the same plane ; otherwise, they could not be compounded into a single resultant. And it was further required, that the plane of the forces shovdd pass through the fulcrum ; otherwise, their resultant could not pass through the fixed point. These things were contained in the general statement that the moments should be directly opposed. But when there are more than two forces ap- plied to the lever, it is no longer requisite that the directions of the forces should be contained in the same plane : but then, it is required that the sum of the moments of those forces should be cypher, in each of the three coordinate planes passing through the fulcrum, i. e. that the three con- ditions of equilibrium should be satisfied as stated in Sect. V. Art. 2. relative to a system containing a fixed point. If the fulcrum is a cylindrical axle, which allows the lever no liberty of movement, but in a plane perpendicular to that axle, the equilibrium is provided for, when the sum of the moments of the forces, reduced to that plane, is cypher: and if the lever only rests on a fixed point, the equilibrium is established, only when the forces are reducible to a single resultant directed against that point. 6. It is sometimes requisite to consider the strain on the THE LEVER. 129 fulcrum, with a view to the safety of the instrument, or in estimating the effects of friction; and it is readily under- stood, that when the fulcrum is a fixed point, the strain on this point is the resultant of the forces applied to the arms of the lever. This resultant passes through the fulcrum, which may therefore be taken for its point of application, where it will reproduce its components. Accordingly, the strain on the fulcrum may be regarded as the resultant of the forces acting immediately at this point, in lines parallel to their proper directions. The magnitude of this resultant, or the charge on the fixed point, will depend not only on the magnitudes of the forces applied to the arms of the lever, but also on the angle contained between their lines of direc- tion; the greater limit being the sum of those forces, which is the strain, when they are applied in parallel directions to a lever of the first kind : and the lesser limit being the dif- ference of those forces, which is the strain, when they are applied in parallel directions to a lever of the second or third species. 7. All those mechanical instruments are to be regarded as levers, wherein the motion that ensues on a violation of equi- librium is circular. Thus, a hammer, when used for the purpose of drawing a nail, is a lever of the first kind ; the power being applied at the end of the handle, the resistance at the claw where it grips the nail, and the fulcrum being the heel round which the instrument turns. Crow-bars, also, are levers of this kind, when the power and resistance move in opposite directions: as when the power, apphed at one end, descends ; whilst the weight, at the other end, ascends. But when both together ascend, or together de- scend, the weight is then between the fulcrum and the point of application of the power ; and the instrument is, in this use of it, a lever of the second kind. An oar of a boat is another example of the second kind of K 130 STATICS. — SECT. VII. lever : the fulcrum being in the water, the resistance at the row-lock, and the power applied by the hand of the rower. A ladder to be raised against a wall, whilst one end re- mains on the ground, affords an example of the third kind of lever : the fulcrum being the end on the ground, round which it turns ; the weight that of the ladder acting at the centre of gravity, and in a vertical direction ; the power being applied by the hands of the labourer at some interme- diate point. It is evident that the labourer applies his force with most advantage in the perpendicular to the ladder; and that the nearer the ladder approaches to the vertical po- sition, the less is the perpendicular from the fulcrum on the direction of the weight ; and, therefore, the less the force required to overcome it. The limbs of animals, which are moved by muscular power, are also levers of the third kind : the fulcrum being at the head of the bone ; and the muscles acting between this point and the centre of gravity of the limb, where the weight of its parts may be supposed to be concentred. This mode of action might seem to require a needless ex- penditure of animal force. But it is to be considered, how much is gained by this contrivance, in the lightness of the limb and the celerity of its movements : and whether these advantages are not wisely secured by an expenditure of force, which the enormous power of the muscles, in con- tracting, may so well afford. A pole with a weight, carried by two men, may be viewed as a lever of the first kind, if the weight be regarded as the resistance of the fulcrum, and the bearers as acting against each other : or it may be viewed as a lever of the second kind, the force exerted by either of the bearers being re- garded as the reaction of the fulcrum, and that exerted by the other as the power by which the weight is supported. Whilst the forces exerted are vertical, the sum is only equal to the weight to be carried, and the portions of this sup- THE LEVER. 131 ported by the two men, are reciprocally proportional to their distances from its centre of gravity. But if the forces ex- erted by the bearers are not vertical, their directions must meet at some point of the vertical passing through the centre of gravity of the load ; and as in the parallelogram of forces, the sum of the two contiguous sides is greater than the diagonal; so the sum of the forces exerted must exceed the weight to be supported : and they are to each other reci- procally as the perpendiculars, let fall from the centre of gravity of the load upon their lines of direction. Whilst the pole is horizontal, each of the bearers would suffer from this mode of exertion. For, let the pole be ab, (Fig. 50. ) ; let the weight w be applied at the point o ; and let p, p' be the forces exerted by the bearers at a and b, in directions meet- ing the vertical passing through o, at the point c ; and let Bd be perpendicular to ac. Then, BO Bd But w and bo, being constant quantities, the force p would vary inversely as Bd; i. e. inversely as the sine of the angle CAB. And in the same way it appears, that the force p' va- ries inversely as the sine of the angle cba. But when the pole is not horizontal, as when it is carried up or down a hill, the lowermost bearer must act, partly, by pushing or shoving ; and the uppermost by pulling or drawing : and this mode of exertion being inconvenient to the latter, he will naturally be disposed to relieve himself at the expense of his fellow. To see to what extent he may diminish his burden, let ab be the pole in its inclined position, (Fig. 51.) and let Bd, Be be perpendicular to ca, co. Then, Be Bd in which Be, depending on the slope, is to be considered as a constant quantity. Wherefore, p shall vary inversely as Bd, 132 STATICS. — SECT. VII. and shall, therefore, be least when this perpendicular is greatest, i. e. when bc? coincides with ba ; or when ac is per- pendicular to ab. The force then exerted at a will be given by the equation Be p = w X — . AB which is less than would be required in the horizontal posi- tion of the pole, m the ratio of Be to bo ; i. e. in the ratio of the cosine of the angle of elevation to radius. The addi- tional exertion required of the lowermost bearer will be greater than that from which the uppermost thus relieves himself; inasmuch as, in this case, the sum of the forces ex- ceeds the weight to be supported, 8. Sevei'al levers may be combined together ; and then the action of any one of them on the next that follows, is the power by which the latter is worked. Thus, abcd (Fig. 52.) represents a combination of three levers of the first kind ; f', f", f'", being the fulcra. The manner in which the action is conveyed from one extremity to the other, is as follows : A, the extremity of the first lever, being depressed by the power, the other end of that lever is raised ; and together with it b, the end of the second lever, which presses on it. This elevation of the nearer end of the second lever produces a depression of its remoter end ; and, therefore, of c, the nearer end of the third lever, by which its remoter end, d, is raised. The mechanical advantage of this combination is readily understood. The power applied at a is to the force which it equilibrates at b, as f'b to f'a. The force at b is to that which it equilibrates at c, as f"c to f"b. And the force at c is to that which it equilibrates at d, as f'"d to f"'c. Where- fore, the power applied at a is to the weight which it will sustain at d, as f'b Xf"c Xf"'d, to f'a Xf"b Xf"'c ; i. e. as the product of the several powers to that of the several weights. THE LEVER. 1J3 which they would balance in the levers taken separately. Thus, if f'a :f'b::3:2. f"b : f"c : : 7 : 3. f"'c : f'"d : : 5 : 2. Then, f'b Xf"c Xf'"d : f'a xf"b Xf"'c ::^x3x2:3x7x5. or as 4 to 35. So that a force equivalent to a weight of four pounds at a, shall sustain a weight of thirty-five pounds at d. And if the power at a were made greater than this, the weight at d would be lifted. Such are the conditions of equilibrium in the lever, and such, in general, is the manner in which this instrument is applied. But there are certain instruments of this class, which, from some peculiarity in their uses or structure, would demand a more particular consideration. 9. The balance is a lever, applied to ascertain the weight of a body. There are five different ways in which the equilibrium may be established : and these furnish so many different in- dications of the weight of the body under examination. 1st, By adjusting the weight of the counterpoise acting at a given distance from the fulcrum or axle. 2d, By changing its distance from the fulcrum. Sd, By changing that of the body to be weighed from the same point. 4th, By shifting the fulcrum. The fifth indication is the inclination of the beam when it composes itself. Of these several indications, the first is most generally re- sorted to ; recommended, no doubt, by its more extensive application ; as also, by its superior accuracy. For this rea- son, the adjustments to be attended to in a balance con- structed on this principle, shall be more particularly con- sidered. 134 STATICS. — SECT, vir. THE BALANCE FOR EQUAL WEIGHTS. 10. In this balance the body whose weight is to be as- certained and its counterpoise are placed in dishes, or other- wise suspended from the extremities of the beam, and are therefore to be regarded as acting immediately at the points of suspension ; and the fulcrum on which the beam turns is situated between those points : the instrument is evidently a lever of the first kind, whose arms are the right lines drawn from the fulcrum to the points of suspension. Now, as the equilibrium is to be established between equal weights, it is plainly requisite that the anns should be of equal lengths ; and at first view this may appear sufficient. But as this kind of balance is frequently employed in cases where the most scrupulous accuracy is desired, it is necessary to consider more particularly the properties which are required, and the adjustments to be attended to. For the indication of the equality of the appended weights, it is necessary that the beam should compose itself in some certain position ; and the horizontal position is obviously the most convenient. Wherefore, the property first required in this balance is, that it should rest in none but the horizontal position when loaded with any equal weights, and therefore also when unloaded. The second is, that it should quickly right itself when disturbed from that position : this is called its stability. The third property required is that it should in- dicate a small difference of weights by its deviation from the horizontal position. This is called its sensibility. It now remains to be shown how these perfections are to be at- tained. 11. The balance cannot have the first of these properties unless the common centre of gravity of the beam and equal weights lies beneath the axle ; for were it at this point, the balance would rest indifferently in any position ; and were it THE BALANCE FOR EQUAL WEIGHTS. 135 above the axle, the smallest deviation from the vertical pass- ing through this point would cause the balance to upset. It is necessary then that the common centre of gravity of the beam and equal weights should lie beneath the axle ; but this is not enough. In order that the equality of the weights should be indicated by a certain position of the beam, it is necessary that the right line drawn from the fulcrum to the centre of gravity of the unloaded beam should bisect the hne connecting the points of suspension. To show this, let aob be the balance, (Fig. 53.) o its fulcrum, b the point at which the line ab is bisected. This point is the centre of gravity of the equal weights, where they may be supposed to be concentred. Let c be the centre of gravity of the unloaded beam, then the common centre of gravity of the beam and equal weights shall be in some point of the line be, as at x, dividing the line be into segments xb, ccc, which are reci- procally proportional to the masses concentred at b and c, and therefore changing its place in the line cb with every change in the magnitude of the load. Hence it appears, that if the line be does not pass through the fulcrum o, the line ox shall make different angles with the line ab ; and since the line ox is necessarily vertical when the balance is at rest, it follows that the position of ab shall change with every change in the magnitude of the load. It is plain that when the line be passes through o, the position of equilibrium for equal weights is independent of their magnitude. But it is not sufficient that the equality of the weights should be indicated by the same unvaried position of the beam, that position must be horizontal, and the former con- dition being satisfied, this last is provided for by making the arms of equal lengths. For in the last figure the line ob being vertical when the balance is at rest, if ab is horizontal the angles at b are equal, and therefore the lines oa, ob are also equal: and conversely, if these lines are equal, the 136 STATICS. — SECT. VII. angles at b must be equal, i. e. right, and therefore the line AB horizontal. If the arms are of unequal lengths, the lines oh, hh. (Fig. 54.) being respectively equal to oh. b6 as before, and oA, OB being unequal, the angles at h are unequal, and oh being vertical, ab shall be no longer horizontal, but in- clined. This suggests a ready mode of trying whether the condi- tion relative to the lengths of the arms is fulfilled. For it is requisite only to interchange the equilibrating weights ; and if the equilibrium still subsists, the arms are precisely of equal lengths. Were it otherwise, the weight which had acted by the shorter arm, being the greater weight, now that it acts by the longer arm, must necessarily prepon- derate. A balance which does not stand this test, though it may rest in the horizontal position when unloaded, is a deceitful balance: and the commodity to be dealt out, if placed at the end of the longer arm, is deficient in weight ; bearing to that of the counterpoise, the ratio of the shorter to the longer distance. If placed in the dish at the end of the shorter arm, and again counterpoised, the weight of the new coun- terpoise shall bear to that of the commodity the same ratio, as the latter to that of the first counterpoise : wherefore, the true weight is a geometrical mean between those by which it is counterpoised, when weighed in the opposite scales, and may be ascertained accordingly. Thus, putting p for the weight of the commodity ; I for the longer line bc ; and /' for the shorter ac; and when p is appended by the longer arm, let a be its counterpoise : we shall then have p./=: A./'. Again, when appended by the shorter arm, let b be its coun- terpoise, and the equation will be p.r=B./. THE BALANCE FOR EQUAL WEIGHTS. 137 To exterminate /, /', let these equations be multiplied, and we get F^ zz A.B. or p = -v/ (a . b). A still more easy way of using such a balance would be, after counterpoising the body, to take it out of the scale, and restore the equilibrium by a weight. For those weights are necessarily equal, M^iich equilibrate with the same coun- terpoise in the same circumstances. In order that the lengths of the arms should remain un- varied, in all positions of the beam, it is requisite that the bodies, weighed against each other, should not be applied to the arms in any considerable part of their surface ; other- wise the vertical, passing through the centre of gravity of the body, shall meet the arm in a point whose distance from the axle is variable with the inclination of the beam ; and the effective length of the arm shall be changed accordingly. To render the points of apphcation invariable, the ends of the arms are formed into rings, and bent over at right angles. Into these are inserted the hooks, which are to carry the dishes or weights; and the bearings being reduced to knife edges, the points of suspension are invariably the same. 12. Another of the perfections, which were said to be required in a balance, is stability. This relates to the cele- rity with which it rights itself, when disturbed from the horizontal position ; and, therefore, it depends on the force of restitution, which may be thus estimated. Let AB be the line connecting the points of suspension ; (Fig. 65.) w the weight of tlie unloaded balance ; p one of the equal weights ; g the common centre of gravity of the whole ; and o the axle. Then, putting a for og, and for the angular deviation of og from the vertical, or of ab from the horizontal position, the force of restitution will be 138 STATICS. — SECT. VIT. (2 p -f- w) a. sin. Q. i. e. if is of given magnitude, the force of restitution will be as (2 p 4- w) «• 13. The third of the perfections required in a balance is its sensibility ; which is estimated by the difference of the weights required to produce a given inclination of the beam in relation to their sum; the sensibility being the greater, as this difference is less, in relation to the entire load. In order to see on what this property depends, let iv be the additional weight thrown into the scale appended from A, (Fig. 55.) The effect of this will be, to remove the common centre of gravity of the balance and weights from g towards a, as to g\ The balance will now compose itself, so that og' shall be vertical ; and the deviation of the beam from the horizontal position is measured by the angle g'og. Now, for the relation between this angle and the quan- 2 p-l-w tity ^^^— , there is in the bent lever Aog, the weight w, at A, in equilibrio with 2 P + w, at ^. Wherefore, putting L for oA, there will be w . L . sin. ang. Aog'— {2t -\-w) a. sin. 0. But when ab passes through the axle, the angle Aog is right, and Aog' is the complement of 0, which gives „ W.I. tan. t/ ZZ rr: ; r . (2 p + w) a Though the line ab should not pass through the axle, yet the angle oab is always exceedingly small ; and, therefore, Aog nearly a right angle. So that the error will not be, in any case, considerable, if Aog' is treated as the complement of 0. Accordingly, the preceding equation will serve gene- rally for the straight beam. If then, is of given magnitude, THE BALANCE FOR EQUAL WEIGHTS. 139 O p _L. -yy L , , shall vary as -: which shews that the sensibiUty is greater, as the length of the arm is increased, and as the distance of the common centre of gravity from the axle is diminished. 14. If the centre of gravity of the unloaded beam is in the line connecting the points of suspension, and at its middle point, as required Art. 11. the length of the line a, shall be independent of the magnitude of the appended weights ; and -, which is the measure of the sensibility, will not be affected by any change of load. But if the line connecting the points of suspension does not pass through the centre of gravity of the balance itself; it is evident, that as the magnitude of the appended weights is increased or diminished, the common centre of gravity of beam and weights shall approach this line or recede from it accordingly : and that a being consequently a variable quantity, the sensibility and stability of the balance shall vary with the load in a manner easily understood. Thus, if the line connecting the points of suspension falls below the centre of gravity of the unloaded balance, the sensibility shall be diminished, and the stability increased, as the weights are increased. And if the same line falls above the centre of gravity of the unloaded beam, between it and the axle, the effect will be the contrary. And finally, if the same line falls above the axle, the balance will serve only for weights below a certain limit. This limit of 2 p de- pends on w, the weight of the balance, and on the distances of the axle from the centre of gravity of the unloaded balance, and from the line connecting the points of suspension. For let o be the axle ; g the centre of gravity of the unloaded ba- lance ; and let the line^o meet the line ab above the point o, as ate, (Fig. 56.) This point c is the centre of gravity of 2p, 140 STATICS. — SECT. Vll. and it is evident that as this weight is increased in relation to w, the common centre of gravity of the whole shall ascend from g towards c; and that when it arrives at o, the balance becomes useless. In that case we have 2 P X o = w X o^. and therefore, o Off oc At this limit the balance shall rest indifferently in any po- sition. And if the weights are further increased, the com- mon centre of gravity shall be raised above the axle ; and the balance, on receiving the smallest inclination, shall upset. If the point g lies above, and the point c below the axle, the balance will serve only for weights above a certain limit. This limit being expressed as before. The qualities of stability and sensibility are not to be combined together : and if the balance is improved in one respect, it must be injured in the other ; as will more fully appear from the theory of pendulums. Therefore, nice balances are often provided with an adjusting strew ; by which the distance of the common centre of gravity from the axle may be varied at pleasure, according to the degree of sensibility required, by the uses to which the balance is to be applied. Various contrivances have been adopted for lessening the weight of the beam without prejudice to its strength or stiff- ness. In ordinary cases, this is supposed to be sufficiently provided for by the shape and material of the beam. This is made of steel. Its thickness is far less than its depth ; and this latter decreases from the axle to the extremities. The sensibility of the balance is also affected by the friction between the axle and its supports. This is diminished, by attending to the material and polish of those parts, and by the form of the axle, which is that of a knife edge. THE STEEL YARD. 141 THE STEEL YARD. 15. The balance already examined is, perhaps of all, the most accurate. Other constructions are, however, frequently employed, recommended by their simplicity; but chiefly by the promptitude of their indications, which is often of more value than extreme precision. The steel yard is a beam with arms very unequal in length. The commodity to be weighed is suspended by a hook at the end of the shorter arm, and is counterpoised by a sliding weight, hung by a steel edge on the longer arm. This arm is graduated ; and the weight of the commodity is indicated by the division at which the counterpoise is placed, when the equilibrium is established. This, as well as the balance before described, is a lever of the first kind : and it is evident, that if at the first division, the counter- poise is in equilibrio with a certain weight, appended at the shorter arm ; it shall balance twice that weight, when re- moved to the second ; thrice when removed to the third division, and so forth. If, for example, the length of the shorter arm is two inches, and the counterpoise a weight of two pounds ; then, when placed at the distance of two inches from the axle, it shall balance a weight of two pounds, hanging from the shorter arm ; at the distance of four inches, one of four pounds ; and at six inches, one of six pounds ; every inch of the scale, in this case, correspond- ing to a pound weight. These divisions may be conveni- ently subdivided into parts of the eighth of an inch ; and then the same balance will shew a difference of two ounces. 16. It is not requisite that the beam should compose itself in the horizontal position when unloaded, and it is therefore commonly made to hang vertically, as the most convenient position, But in that case, the zero of the scale li'2 STATICS. — SECT. Vll. is not at the axle : for the moment of the beam conspires with that of the commodity or of the counterpoise, accord- ing as it is the shorter or the longer arm of the unloaded balance that preponderates : and for equilibrium, the equa- tion will not be between the moments of the commodity and counterpoise ; but between the moment of one of these, and that of the other increased by the moment of the beam. Therefore, it cannot be said that the weights of the commo- dity and counterpoise are inversely as their distances from the axle, i. e. the zero of the scale is not at this point. To find the point from which the divisions should com- mence, let p be the weight of the commodity ; ^j that of the counterpoise ; and h the point where it is to be placed to render the beam horizontal, when otherwise unloaded. (Fig. 57.) It is plain that p X uo is the moment of the beam. Therefore, when the equilibrium is established in the loaded beam, the weight p being at a, and the counter- poise at K, the equation is P X AO ZZp X HO -\-p X KO =zp X HK, Accordingly, the zero of the scale is at h ; and if from this point, the portions hb, bc, cd, &c. are measured off, each equal to ao, we shall have p z:zp, p = 2p, P =. Sp, &c. as the counterpoise is placed at b, c, d, &c. 17. There are two limitations to the use of this balance, viz. the shortness of its range, and the coarseness of its in- dications. When the counterpoise is carried to the end of the scale, it is in equilibrio with a weight greater, only, in the ratio of the longer to the shorter arm : so that if the lengths are as ten to one, and the counterpoise a weight of two pounds, the balance shall weigh only to twenty pounds. This imperfection may be remedied, in part, by chang- ing the counterpoise, according to the magnitude of the THE STEEL YARD. 143 weight to be examined. In this way, the value of each di- vision is changed with that of the counterpoise. Another method is that of furnishing the shorter arm with a second hook. If this hangs at half the distance of the former, the shorter arm is reduced to one-half its former length, and the value of each of the divisions on the longer arm is doubled. With respect to the second limitation, it is to be ob- served, that the accuracy of weighing consists in the small- ness of the difference of weights, which the balance will indicate, in relation to the load it carries. If the smallest divisions indicate ounces ; then, unity divided by the num- ber of ounces in the weight of the body examined, shall denote the degree of accuracy to which the weight is ascer- tained. This is the same fraction, as the smallest division of the scale, divided by the distance at which the counter- poise is placed to equilibrate the body weighed. So that if the counterpoise stands at fifty inches, and the smallest di- visions are -^q inch, the nicest indication will be the j^^ of the weight. This is far short of the nicety of the common balance last described. A well-made balance of that con- struction would shew a difference of the millionth part of the entire weight. So much more accurate are the ordinary methods of weighing than of measuring. The want of a minuter division of the scale may be partly supplied by a second and smaller sliding weight. If, for example, the lighter be the y^^ of the heavier ; then, the motion of the lighter through one division, produces the same change of momentum, as would the motion of the hea- vier, through Jq of a division : and this simple contrivance answers the same purpose as a division of the scale ten times as minute. In using the two counterpoises, the hea- vier should be placed at the division nearest to equilibrium, and the defect is shewn by the division to which the smaller is applied, to render the equilibrium perfect. Thus, if the 144 STATICS. — SECT. VII. divisions with the greater counterpoise denote ounces, and the weight of the body is found by it to be greater than 101b, 6oz. but less than 101b. 7oz. ; then, if the lighter be y\j of the heavier, and that the equilibrium is made perfect by advancing it to the third division, the weight of the body under examination is 101b. 6.3oz. In making a comparison of this with the ordinary ba- lance, it should be observed that the load on the fulcrum exceeds the weight of the body under examination only by the weight of the counterpoise ; which is, ordinarily, much less than it : whereas, the common balance is loaded with twice the weight of the commodity. This is a trifling ad- vantage, and it is far more than counterbalanced by the disadvantages already mentioned. However, in cases where expedition is more desirable than extreme precision, this instrument is highly valuable. THE BENT LEVER BALANCE. 18. The balance which gives the readiest indications is the bent lever balance ; such as the corn balance, or the yarn balance, represented in (Fig. 58.) We have only to place the matter to be weighed in its scale ; the balance produces its own equilibrium, and this most speedily, be- cause of its great stability : the index, without any further trouble, declares the weight. To ascertain the principles on which it should be gradu- ated, let the balance be that represented in (Fig. 58. No. 1.) the arm which carries the scale being at right angles with the index, and this index being vertical before the weight is introduced ; and, therefore, passing through the common centre of gravity of the balance with its scale and given counterpoise. Then, if a weight is placed in the scale, the common centre of gravity of the instrument and weight shall take the position vertically beneath the axle ; the index as- THE BENT LEVER BALANCE. 145 cending through a certain arc 6 ; and co.9 will become the angle, made between the arm which carries the scale and the vertical. Let / be the length of this arm ; a the distance of the centre of gravity of the instrument from the axle ; p the weight of the commodity in the scale ; and p that of the instrument. Then, we shall have .,._ JO -a <\%r5uU^ F.l.cos.u :zzp.a.sin.U. '- and therefore, p. a. ta.n.9 '=—1— But ^-^ is a given quantity ; wherefore, p varies as tan.9, i.e. as the tangent of the angle through which the index has moved. If, then, by placing in the scale a weight of one pound, the index is moved through a certain angle ; by a weight of two pounds, it shall be moved through an angle whose tangent is twice ; and by a weight of three pounds, through one whose tangent is thrice as great ; and so forth. Accordingly, to graduate the arc, beginning at the point where the index rests when the balance is un- loaded, it is only requisite to find the arc through which the index is carried by a known weight ; and putting unity for its tangent, to measure the other arcs from the same point to the several points of division, such, that their tan- gents shall be represented by the numbers 2, o, 4, &c. Thus, let OA (Fig. 59.) be the arm to which the weight is to be appended ; this being supposed to be horizontal when unloaded, and the index in the vertical ov. Then a known weight, e. g. of one pound being appended, let the arm take the position oa, and the index that of oa. In the tan- gent vs, taking ab, be, cd, Sec. each equal to va, the lines ao, bo, CO, do, &c. drawn to the centre shall mark the divi- sions on the arch. In this explanation it was supposed that the arm which L 146 STATICS. — SECT. VII. carries the dish was horizontal, and the index vertical, when the instrument was unloaded, i. e. that it passed through the centre of gravity of the unloaded instrument. These conditions are not necessary. The arm and the index may have any positions. It is enough that the zero of the scale should be at the point marked by the index when the balance is unloaded : for, being fixed to the bent lever, it shall par- take of its angular motion ; and, therefore, describe the same angle as its centre of gravity. Accordingly, the index itself is commonly made to serve for the counterpoise : but if it is desired that the weights in the scale shovdd be as the tan- gents of the arches described, it will be requisite that the arm which carries the dish, should be at right angles to the line drawn from the axle to the centre of gravity of the in- strument, i. e. that the arm should be horizontal when the scale is empty. A quadrantal arc would give an infinite range ; the tan- gent of a right angle being infinite. But as the arches, whose tangents are equidifFerent, increase by differences which rapidly diminish, and as the weight which the instru- ment would carry is limited ; it is evident, that a graduated arc, much less than a quadrant, will serve for all practical purposes. THE WEIGHING MACHINE. 19. The machine, the best that has been hitherto con- trived for weighing heavy burdens, is that called the weigh- ing machine. The scale is a platform, on which the cart or dray is driven; and the load, though of many hundreds weight, is balanced by a few pounds. The equilibrium between weights so very unequal, is produced by means of a compound lever, as shewn in (Fig. 60.) where akb is a lever, having two fulcra at a and B. Die is another lever precisely similar, having its two THE DANISH BALANCE. 147 fulcra at d and c. At e, f, g, h, are upright pins, on which the platform rests ; and by these the load on the plat- form is made to press on the levers aeb, dec. These, then, are levers of the second order : and the pins being equidis- tant from the fulcra, the weight sustained by any one of them, as by the former at e, is to the pressure produced by it at K in the ratio of ak, to ae. The pressure thus re- duced is communicated to a lever, ml of the second order, whose fulcrum is at l, and would be counteracted by a force at M, less in the ratio of lk to lm. So that if ae zz — , and LM LK = — 7 , a hundred weight on the platform would be coun- o terpoised by a weight of two pounds acting at m. To dimi- nish, yet further, the weight requisite for equilibrium, the point M is connected with the shorter arm of a balance, whereby the counterpoise is lessened in the ratio of the shorter to the longer arm. This balance may be a steel yard ; and then the load is indicated by the division to which the sliding weight is brought, in order to produce equilibrium. Or else, the longer arm may be furnished with a dish appended to its extreme point ; and then the load is ascertained by the weight in the dish. If the longer arm is only four times that of the shorter, it is evident that in the example given above, every hundred weight on the platform would be counterpoised by a weight of half a pound. THE DANISH BALANCE. 20. The most portable balance, as well as the most simple in its structure, is that in which the equilibrium is established by the movement of the fulcrum: such is the balance ab, (Fig. 61.) called the Danish balance. This is simply a rod with a knob at one end to serve as a counter- L 2 148 STATICS. — SECT. VII. poise, and a hook at the other end to carry the commodity to be weighed. The equiUbrium is established by shifting the place of the loop, by which the whole is sustained ; and the weight is indicated by the mark at which the loop is then placed. The principle of the gi'aduation is easily understood. The weight of the rod, including the fixed counterpoise a, may be supposed to be applied at c, the common centre of gravity ; and before the load is appended, the instru- ment would be supported horizontally by the loop at this point. But if a weight is hung from the hook, the equili- brium is established by shifting the loop to the common centre of gravity of the weight and balance, i. e. to a dis- tance from c towards b, depending on the magnitude of the appended weight. Therefore, the part of the rod between its centre of gravity, and the end which carries the weight, is to be graduated, so that the divisions, reckoning from the ■former point, shall correspond to weights increasing by some common difference. These divisions are of unequal magnitudes ; but they are readily calculated. For let p denote the weight of the instrument, including the hook and fixed counterpoise ; p the appended weight ; and let e be the point to which the loop is to be shifted for equilibrium. Then putting a, for cb ; x, for ce ; we have x\a — X \\ P :^>. and a; : « : : P : p '\-p. Wherefore, p X — — ; — . a. p-fi? Which, as a and^ are known quantities, gives the value of X for every assumed value of p. Thus, if p were eight ounces, and it were required to weigh to one ounce : there would be, for the first division, or the distance of the first mark from c, 1 a THE AXLE IN THE WHEEL. For the second mark, 149 For the third. For the fourth, and so forth. 2 a 3 3 4 a THE AXLE IN THE WHEEL. 21. The lever is evidently an instrument of great power in overcoming a resistance ; or even in communicating mo^ tion to large masses. But it would seem that the space through which they could be moved by it must be small ; and it might be supposed that its usefulness would be limited by this condition. There are, however, various methods of converting the reciprocating motion of the lever, into one that shall be rotatory or progressive. The most simple contrivance for applying the principle of the lever to the production of progressive motion, is that of the axle in the wheel. This is an instrument consisting of a wheel fixed on a cylinder, which turns along with it. The moving power is made to act at the circumference of the wheel by a strap or cord ; by coggs or teeth ; or some other equivalent contrivance : and the weight is, in like manner, applied at the surface of the cylinder or axle. The axle in the wheel is therefore a lever of the first kind ; the arm by which the power acts being the radius of the wheel, and that to which the weight is applied, being the radius of the axle. Moreover, as the forces act in the di- 150 STATICS. — SECT. VII. rection of the tangents to the wheel and axle, their direc- tions are perpendicular to the arms of the lever : wherefore putting R,r, for the radii, p for the power, and w for the weight, there is for equilibrium pr — wr. or — = -. But the axle in the wheel is a broken lever : the radii of the wheel and cylinder, which are the arms, being con- nected by the intervening portion of the axis, which meets them at right angles. And it may be supposed that the legitimacy of this application of the theory of the straight lever, to one thus distinguished from it, would require to be demonstrated. This may be done in several ways, of which the following is, perhaps, as simple as can be de- sired. Let the force p, acting in the direction mn, be transferred to c, the centre of the wheel, (Fig. 62.) by applying at this point two forces, each equal to p, acting in the opposite di- rections, CE, CF, parallel to mn. This, which produces no change in the system, gives a force + p, pressing on the axis of the cylinder at c ; and a pair of forces + p, — p, acting in the directions mn, of, whose moment is p.r. The force, which is the weight w, being treated in the same way, gives a force + w pressing on the axis at c, and a pair whose mo- ment is w.r. The pressures on the axis, which is a fixed line, are necessarily equilibrated by its resistance : where- fore, the only condition required for equilibrium is, that the resultant of the moments should be cypher. And as the planes of the moments are parallel, this condition requires that their sum should be cypher, (Sect. III. Art. 2.) i. e. p r P.R — W.r :^ 0. or — := - as before, w R In this statement no account has been taken of the thick- ness of the rope. If, for greater accuracy, this is to be con- sidered, the forces may be supposed to be applied at its axis ; and then, to the radius of the wheel or cylinder is to THE AXLE IN THE WHEEL. 151 be added half the thickness of the rope hy which it is enve- loped. Thus, let the thickness of the rope which passes round the wheel be 2t; and that which passes round the cylinder 2 1' ; then for equilibrium the equation will be w ~ K-\-t' 22. With respect to the pressure on each of the points of support, it is to be observed, that this can arise only from the force equilibrated by the resistance of the axis, i. e. from the forces p and w transferred to this line ; and from the weight of the engine itself, acting at its centre of gravity, which is in the same line. The pressure made by each of these forces is to be estimated as for a system secured by two fixed points: i. e. each force is to be resolved into two pa- rallel forces, acting at those points. The total pressure on each point of support is then found, by compounding the forces exerted at that point. Thus, putting a for s*, the dis- tance between the points of support ; m for cs ; the pressures produced by p, at s and s, will be a — m m p. . p. — . a a In the same manner, putting ti for os, the distance of the weight from the same point of support, the pressures made by w, at s and s, shall be a — w n w. . w. -. a a Finally, let w denote the weight of the instrument itself; d the distance of its centre of gravity from s ; the pressures made by this force at the same points, will be a — d d w. . w. -. a a Wherefore, the total pressure at s is the resultant of the „ a — m ,w{a — n)-\-iv(a—d) ^ ,., ,, „ iorces, p. , and —^ ^^ , of which, the former 152 STATICS. — SECT. VII. acts in a direction parallel to p, and the latter in the vertical. Ill And the pressure at s is the resultant of the forces p. — , a and , acting m du'ections respectively parallel to the former. If the direction of the force p is vertically downwards, the pressure at s will be a and that at s, will be F.ni + w.« 4- IV. d a The power, instead of being applied at the circumference of a wheel, is frequently applied to a lever inserted in the cylinder, as in the case of the windlass or capstan of a ship ; and then the moment of the power is the product of this force, into the radius of the circle described by the point to which it is applied. When the resistance is to be overcome by manual force, this is most commonly applied to a winch handle, which is a lever consisting of three parts, whereof two are parallel; and these are joined by another part at right angles. One of the parallel divisions is a prolongation of the axis of the cylinder, and to the other the hand is ap- plied. The leverage of the power is to be estimated by the length of the intermediate division. This is exhibited by CDEF, (Fig. 63.) The part ef, to which the hand is applied, is usually cased in a hollow cylinder which turns on it ; and by this contrivance the friction is transferred from the hand to the interior surface of the hollow cylinder. 23. If several weights are applied to the axle, the equi- librium is established, when the product of the power into the radius of the wheel is equal to the sum of the products, had by multiplying each of the weights into half the thick- THE AXLE IN THE WHEEL. 153 ness of the axle, taken at the point where it acts. If, how- ever, any of the weights acts in the same direction as the power, with respect to rotatory motion, its moment must be added to that of the power, or subducted from those of the remaining weights. Thus, if the weights are w, w', w", act- ing by the radii r, r, r" \ and if w" tends to turn the instru- ment in the same direction as the power, w, w' tending to turn it in the opposite direction, the equation for equilibrium will be p.R + w". r"-=. w.r + w'. r. or, p.R — W.r + w . r — w .r . In this way the labour is diminished, when the work to be performed consists of two opposite motions. Thus, in draw- ing up ore out of mine-shafts, two buckets are attached to the same axle or cylinder : the ropes, by which they hang, being wound in opposite directions. As the loaded bucket ascends, the empty one descends ; whereby its moment is added to that of the power, or subducted from that of the resistance to be overcome. Even when the work to be performed is of one kind only, the same principle has been applied to diminish the labour. To understand the value of the contrivance by which this is effected, it is to be observed, that the efficacy of the instru- ment is increased by enlarging the diameter of the wheel, or by diminishing that of the axle : that the former of these me- thods is limited by the size, which the engine cannot con- veniently exceed ; and the latter, by the necessity of leaving sufficient strength in the parts ; and also, by the waste of power occasioned by the rigidity of the rope, when the cur- vature which it is to receive is too quick, i. e. when the axle round which it is to be coiled is too slender. But without incurring either of these inconveniences, the power of the instrument is increased by the following contrivance. The 154 STATICS. — SECT, VII. axle consists of two parts, of different thickness; and the rope, which carries the weight, is attached by its ends to these parts, being wound round them in opposite directions ; so that whilst it coils on one of them, it winds off the other; and the weight is suspended by a ring or pvdly from the rope where it hangs double. Each part of the rope is then strained by half the weight ; and the moment of this strain is had by multiplying it into the radius of the axle to which that part of the rope is applied. The moment ef the weight is therefore the difference of these moments, or ^ w (r—r'), and the equation for equihbrium is (>— /) F.R— W — --. 2 This is evidently the same thing as if the axle were re- duced to a radius equal to half the difference of the radii of the parts, whilst the strength in those parts is that due to r and r. Thus, if the radius of the winch handle is supposed to be 20 inches ; and the radii of the axle in its two parts, 5 and 6 inches ; the power of the instrument, estimated by the ratio of the equilibrating forces, is, w — = 40. p So that an exertion of muscular strength, equal to half a hundred weight, would be put in equilibrio with a weight of one ton. To propose obtaining the same mechanical advan- tage, by reducing the diameter of a single axle or cylinder, its diameter should not exceed one inch, and a rope, suffi- cient to carry a ton, could never be coiled round such a cylinder. 24. But the usual method of increasing the mechanical effect in instruments of this kind, is by combining two or more of them in the same engine. One wheel may be made to drive another, by a band or strap passing round the axle of the driving wheel, and round the circumference of that THE AXLE IN THE WHEEL. 155 to be driven by it. But the method practised where much force is employed, is by furnishing the wheels to be driven with cogs or teeth ; and the axle by which the motion is to be communicated, with a smaller wheel, similarly indented. The smaller wheels are called pinions ; and their teeth, leaves : and as any one leaf of the pinion parts from a tooth of the wheel it drives, the next leaf of the pinion comes into contact with the next tooth of the wheel. Accordingly, the intervals between the teeth that so w^ork together, must be equal ; and the number of those in the pinion must be to the number in the wheel it drives, as their circumferences, i. e. as their radii. This combination is represented in (Fig. 64.) To estimate the advantage to be gained by such a com- bination, let r, p', p". . . . p„ be the forces applied at the several wheels ; w, iv, w". . . .Wn , the weights which they would equi- librate at their respective pinions : then the radii of the wheels and pinions, being denoted by r, r', r". . . . r„, and r, r , r\ .... r„. There are the following equations, p _ r p' _ r' v" _ r' p„ _r„ tV K IV R W R R,, Multiplying these equations together, and remarking that, in the combination, the force at the first pinion is that ap- plied to the second wheel ; the force at the second pinion is that applied to the third wheel, &;c., or ivz^ p', w'zr: p'^, .... M'«_i = Pn . there is p r. r'.r', . . . r„ li\ R . R . R . . . . R„ or, since the force acting at the last pinion is the weight, it is p r . r. r". ...?•„ w R . R . R . . . . R„ This theorem may be expressed by means of the revo- lutions performed in a given time. For the teeth which 156 STATICS. — SECT. VII. work in each other, being necessarily set at equal distances, the radius of a pinion is to that of the wheel it drives, as the number of teeth in the former to that of the teeth in the latter, i. e. as the number of revolutions performed by the wheel to that performed in the same time by the pinion. Thus, if the pinion has six leaves, and the wheel driven by it sixty teeth ; the pinion must perform ten revolutions, whilst the wheel makes only one. And universally, the number of revolutions performed in a given time by the pinion and the wheel it drives, are inversely as the number of their teeth, i. e. inversely as their radii. Wherefore put- ting V, v', v" , &c. for the number of revolutions performed by the first, second, third wheel, &;c. in the same time, we shall have Z-— — — — iL A !!^ — Jil. R' V ' r" v'' R„ Vn-\ Making these substitutions in equation (a), it becomes w Rv shewing that for equilibrium, the ratio of the power to the weight is had, by multiplying the radius of the last axle and that of the first wheel, each by the number of revolutions performed by it in a given time. So that if r = 10. r„. and V rr 40. v„. we should have w = 400. p. and a man working such an engine with a force equal to ^^ pounds, would sustain a weight of ten tons. 25. The teeth of the pinions and wheels afford the means not only of communicating motion from one to the other, but also of changing the direction of that motion ; as may be seen by figures 65 and 66. In the former of which, the pinion drives a crown wheel in a plane perpendicular to its own plane ; and in the latter, the same thing is done by bevelled work. THE PULLY. 157 In the construction of bevelled work, the particulars chiefly to be attended to, are the inclination of the axes, and the tapering form of the teeth. The angle contained by the axes is equal to that which measures the change to be made in the direction of the motion ; as may be seen by (Fig, 67.), where the pinion n drives the wheel m. The angle formed by the axes is bad : and the four-sided figure badc being right angled at b and d, the angle bad is equal to ecb, which measures the change of direction. The manner in which the teeth should taper in bevelled work, will be understood by conceiving two cones to roll on each other, whilst turning round their respective axes. These cones are exhibited in (Fig. 68.) Whilst the sur- faces are smooth, the motion cannot be communicated from one to the other, without considerable pressure ; and this would be attended with a violent strain on the axle. To prevent this inconvenience, and consequent waste of force, the surfaces are fluted as in (Fig. 69.) and it is evident, that the flutings should converge to the common vertex. More- over, as the more dehcate parts of the flutings, near the angles of the cones, are of httle use, those parts may be dis- pensed with ; and then, nothing will remain but the bevelled wheels befc, cfgd. THE PULLY. 26. If a cord is used simply as the means of acting at a distance from the point to which the force is to be applied, the service it performs is often of considerable value ; but as the cord, by its tension, acts with equal energy in oppo- site directions, it is plain that in this use of it, the power to be applied must be equal and opposite to the resistance to be encountered ; and, therefore, that no change is made either in its quantity or direction. It is otherwise, when one of those forces being applied to strain the cord in the 158 STATICS. SECT. VII. direction of its length, the other is applied transversely, to inflect it. Let the cord acb (Fig. TO.) be drawn by two forces, T, t', acting at its extreme points a and b ; and let it be inflected by the force f, acting at any intermediate point, c, in the direction ce. Then, if any line, dc, in the direc- tion of F, is taken to represent this force, and if this is made the diagonal of a parallelogram hk, whose sides are in the directions of the lines ca, cb, the forces acting in those direc- tions shall be represented by en, ck or hd, and there will be the proportions expressed by the following equations : F T T or. CD CH HD* ' sin. {6 + B') sin. 0' sin. B ' 6, 0' being the angles made by the directions of the forces T and t', with that of f. If A and B are fixed points, to which the cord is at- tached by its extremities, the reactions of these points will take the places of the forces t and t'; and the same analogy will express the relation of the inflecting force f, to the strains on those points. And in either case, the forces T and t' are the tensions of the two parts of the cord ca, CB. 27. But if the inflecting force f, instead of acting at the same invariable point of the cord, is at liberty to change its point of application ; as when it is applied to a running knot, or to a ring, through which the cord is passed, then the two parts of the string communicating freely, their ten- sions must be equal, i. e. T — t', and therefore, zz 9'. Making these substitutions in the former theorem, there is F : T : : sin. 2 6 : sin. 6::2 cos 6:1. or F n St. cos 6. If = 90". or ACB is one right line, there shall be COS. = 0, and therefore f, infinitely less than t, for equi- librium. Hence it appears, that if an inextensible cord lies in a right line between its extreme points, a transverse force, THE FULLY. 159 however small, shall overcome any force, however great, by which it is strained longitudinally : and, therefore, that by the most inconsiderable transverse force, there may be pro- duced on the fastenings, a strain which is only limited by the strength of the cord itself. But if the cord suffers ex- tension, cos. 9. is different from cypher, and therefore, f bears some assignable ratio to t. As the angle at c diminishes, COS. 0. increases ; and therefore the ratio of f to t increases. When that angle becomes 120°, or 9 2= 60°, 2 cos. 9=1, and .*. F— T. and when the angle at c vanishes, i. e. when the two parts of the cord are parallel, cos. 0—1, and .'. f — 2 t. Wherefore, if one end of a cord is fixed, and a weight or resistance is applied at the other end, and the power transversely at some intermediate point, there will be a me- chanical advantage, so long as the angle contained by the two parts of the cord exceeds 1 20° ; and this advantage will be greater, as the angle is increased ; being infinite, for an angle of 180°, i. e. when the two parts of the cord lie in directum. But if the angle made by the two parts of the cord is less than 120°, the mechanical advantage is to be gained by applying the power as a tending, and the resis- tance as an inflecting force. And as the angle farther di- minishes, the ratio of the power to the resistance diminishes, becoming that of 1 : 2 when the angle vanishes, i. e. when the two parts of the cord are parallel. 28. The loss of force which would be occasioned by the rigidity of the rope, if bent at a sharp angle, is avoided by passing it over or under a grooved wheel. And to lessen the friction, the wheel is made to turn on an axle ; or the axle on the points of support. Thus, the friction is trans- ferred from the rope and circumference of the wheel to the axle, where its leverage is so much less. Such is the pully, consisting of a grooved wheel or sheave, turning on an axle fixed in a block. The rope passing over or under the sheave, two of the three equihbrating forces 160 STATICS. — SECT. VIT. are applied at its extremities ; and the third at the block which carries the sheave. The use of this instrument is merely to lessen the effects of rigidity and friction ; so that if these were not to be con- sidered, the rope might be supposed to pass round a pin, or through a ring. Wherefore, the theorem stating the rela- tion between the power and resistance already delivered, may be immediately applied to this instrument. The power always acts at one extremity of the rope ; and as the resistance or weight may be applied either to the other extremity of the rope, or to the block in which the sheave revolves, the instrument is divided into two kinds, applicable to different purposes. These two kinds are called the. fixed and the moveable pully. 29. The fixed pully is represented by (Fig. 71.) where ABD is the wheel or sheave turning on an axle at c, and in the block ce. The rope is mabn ; to one end of which is applied the power p, and to the other, the resistance w. The block is attached to a point, either absolutely fixed, or to be so considered. From Art. 26. it appears, that for equilibrium, p must be equal to w ; and, therefore, that no mechanical advantage is gained. The only use of the fixed pully is, to change the direction of the power ; the force p, acting in the direction AM, being thereby made to equilibrate the force w, acting in the line bn. The change made in the direction of the force is measured by the angle gem. And if the two parts of the rope, AM, BN, were parallel, a power acting vertically down- wards would draw a weight vertically upwards, i. e. the change of direction would be measured by an angle of 180°. 29. If the resistance or weight is applied to the block, as in (Fig. 72.) the pully ascends or descends with the weight it supports ; and is, therefore, called the moveable pully : and for equilibrium, we have THE PULLY. IGl This relation between p and w may be expressed by means of the circle adb. For if radii are drawn to the points A and b, where the rope parts from the sheave; the lines CA, cb, ab, are perpendicular to the lines am, bn, cf, the dii'ections of the three equilibrating forces: and, therefore, the triangle cab is similar to a triangle, whose three sides are in those directions : wherefore, p: w: : ca: ab. i. e. the power shall be to the resistance, as the radius of the wheel to the chord of the arch embraced by the rope ; so that putting c for this chord, and r for the radius of the sheave, it will be p : w : : r : c. If the two parts of the rope are parallel, we shall have c zz 2r. and therefore, w Accordingly, the moveable pully is used with most advantage when the parts of the rope are parallel : the energy of the power being then doubled at the working point. SO. By combining the fixed and moveable pullies, the twofold advantage is gained, of reducing the power by which the weight is to be equilibrated ; and of changing the direc- tion in which it is to be exerted. This is represented in (Fig. 73.) where the rope, attached to a fixed point, is passed under a moveable pully, and then over a fixed pully. The power, applied to the end which hangs from the fixed pully, shall sustain a weight of twice its magnitude applied at the block which contains the moveable pully. And if the first end of the rope, instead of being secured by a fixed point, is passed over a second fixed pully, and then attached to the block which carries the weight, as in (Fig. 74.) the M 162 STATICS. — SECT. VII. power shall sustain a weight of thrice its magnitude. For the rope being at perfect hberty to move over cr under the pulhesj must be equally strained in every part. One of those strains is measured by the power, and if the ropes are verti- cal, the remainder by the weight. 31. Several moveable pullies may be combined in the same block, and as many fixed pullies in another block. In these combinations there is one rope which passes alternately over the fixed, and under the moveable pullies. The power is applied to one end of this rope, whilst the other end is fixed ; or else, attached to either block. Such are the com- binations represented in (Figures 75 and 76.) The power is to the weight as unity to the number of strains by which the weight is supported : and this number is, in one case, twice the number of moveable pullies ; and in the other case, greater by unity. Wherefore putting n for the number of moveable pullies, it will be p : w : : 1 : 2 ??. or p : w : : 1 : 2 w + 1 . according as the end of the rope is attached to a fixed point, or to the block which carries the weight. 32. Single pullies or systems of pullies, such as have been described, may become the constituent parts of other systems ; and hence arises considerable variety. Thus, to a system, such as that described in the last article, a move- able pully may be added, having a distinct rope, one end of which is attached to the block containing the system of moveable pullies. The other end may be attached to a fixed point, as in (Fig. 77.) Or it may be carried over another fixed pully, and then connected with the block of the pully which it carries, as in (Fig. 78.) The weight is appended from the block of this moveable pully; and it shall be twice as great in the one case, and in the other thrice as great, as the power would sustain, without this addition to the system. For the appended weight it equal to the sum of the strains of the parts of the last rope ; and that sustained THE PULLY. 163 by the block above it, is equivalent only to one of those strains. If to each moveable pully there is a distinct rope, one end of which is attached to the block of the next superior pully, and the other end to a fixed point, the block of the lowest pully carrying the weight, as in (Fig. 79.) ; the strain on each succeeding rope, beginning with that to which the power is applied, is twice as great as the strain of the pre- ceding rope, and the weight is equivalent to twice the strain of the last rope. Wherefore, n denoting the number of moveable pullies, the relation between the power and weight shall be p : w 1 : 1 : 2". If the end of each of these ropes, instead of being at- tached to a fixed point, is carried over a fixed pully, and then attached to the block which it carries, as in (Fig. 81.) the ratio of the power and weight will be given by the analogy. p : w : : 1 : 3«. The energy is yet greater, in either of these systems when inverted : the ends of the ropes, or the pullies which before were fixed, being now attached to the weight, as in (Figures 81 and 82.) Thus, in (Fig. 81.) the strain of the rope attached to the weight at b, is p ; that of the rope at c, is 2 p ; that of the rope at d, is 4 p ; and that of the rope E, is 8 p. Wherefore, the weight w, being equal to the sum of these strains, is p, multiplied into the sum of the terms of a geometrical series whose first term is unity, and whose ratio is 2, the number of terms being one more than the number of moveable pullies. Consequently the equilibrating n + l weight is expressed by the equation w — (2 — 1) p. In the arrangement represented in (Fig. 82.) the strain at b is 2 p; that at c is 2. 3 p ; that at d, is 2. 3. 3 p ; and that at e is 2. 3. 3. 3 p. Wherefore, the weight is p, multiplied by the M 2 164 STATICS. — SECT. VIT. sum of a geometrical series whose first term is 2, and whose ratio is 3 ; the number of terms being, as before, one more than the number of falhng pullies. Accordingly, the equi- re+l librating weight is expressed by the equation w r= (3 — 1)p. 3S. These several arrangements may be variously com- bined ; and from what has been delivered, the weight which the power will carry in each, is easily computed. This may be exemplified in the combinations known by the name of the Spanish Burtons, represented in (Fig. 83.) In the first of these, a rope, fixed at one end, passes under a moveable pully which carries the weight ; then over another pully ; and to this rope the power is applied. But the second pully, instead of being fixed, is carried by a distinct rope, which, passing over a fixed pully, is attached by its other end to the lower block. Here the strain of the second rope is double of that to which the power is applied, or 2 p: and this strain is applied in supporting the weight. Moreover, the rope to which the power is applied, being doubled about the lower pully, exerts the same force of 2 ? in sustaining the weight. Wherefore, w rz 4 p. In the second Burton, a rope applied at one end to the weight, passes over a fixed pully. The other end carries a moveable pully having a distinct rope, which, being applied to it at one end, passes under a second moveable pully, which is attached to the weight, then over the former, and the power is applied to the end of this rope. The strain of the former rope is evidently thrice that of the latter, or 3 P ; and the second carries a portion of the weight equal to 2 p. Wherefore, ^v — 5p. 34. In this account of the pully, it has been supposed that the several ropes are strained, in directions parallel to that of the weight or resistance which they support. If any THE PULLY. 165 part of a rope encompassing a moveable pvilly, is inclined to the direction of the rope it carries, the energy with which it acts against the resistance is to be estimated, by multiplying its strain into the cosine of that angle of inclination. For by resolving the oblique strain into two, one of them parallel, and the other perpendicular to the direction of the strain on the pully, the former is the energy with which it acts in sustaining that pully ; and this is the strain of the rope, multiplied into the cosine of the angle of inclination. The latter is the strain multiplied into the sine of the same angle ; and this is counteracted by the opposite strain of the other part of the same rope. If one end of the rope that carries the pully is fixed, the strain on the pully is supported by two strains of the rope, and these are inclined at equal angles. In this case it was shewn, that the strain of the rope was to that supported by the pully, as the radius of the sheave to the chord of the arch embraced by the rope. Art. 29. This affords a ready method of computing the ratio of the power and weight, in a system, consisting entirely of such pullies. Thus, in a system of fixed and moveable pullies, with a single cord fixed at one end, putting r, r, r", 8cc. for the radii of the move- able pullies, and c, c, c" , &c. for the chords of the arches embraced by the ropes, we shall have for any obliquity of the directions, p _ r, r . r" . &c. w ~ c.c . c". &c. ' S5. When the power and weight act in the same direc- tion, it is evident that the pressure on the fixed point is equal to \v -f- p ; and if the power acts in the direction op- posite to that of the weight, that this pressure is w — p. If there are several such fixed points, this strain is distributed among them, as in the system represented in (Fig. 79.) where the points b, c, d, e sustain the several pressures, p, 2 p, 4 p, 8 P, and the point a the pressure 2 p. 1G6 STATICS. — SECT. VII. THE INCLINED PLANE. 36. If a material point is urged obliquely against a plane, it may be maintained in a state of rest, by the application of another force ; provided that the resultant of the two forces is directed perpendicularly against the plane. For such a resultant would be completely counteracted by the resistance or reaction of the plane. Thus, let the plane be cd, (Fig. 84.) against which, a material point at o, is virged by the oblique force fo ; and let o// be perpendicular to the plane, at the side opposite to that on which is placed the material point: the equilibrium shall be established by any force, which, compounded with fo, gives a resultant in the direc- tion of Of/. To find the force or forces which will satisfy this con- dition, it is to be observed, that the direction of the sustain- ing force must be in the plane in which are fo, oy. Where- fore, if the line ab be the intersection of this plane with the given plane cd, it may be taken for this latter plane. If then FE be drawn perpendicular to ab, i. e. parallel to oy, the only condition is, that one of the components being re- presented in quantity and direction by Fo, the direction of the resultant must be parallel to fe, and it is plain that this condition will be satisfied by a force represented in quantity and direction by a line drawn from the point o, to any point such as M, in the perpendicular fe, produced indefinitely beyond the line ab. Hence it appears, that the sustaining force, when di- rectly opposed to FO, is equal to this force : that it is least, when directed in the plane itself, being then represented by OE : that at equal angles above and below the plane, the sustaining forces are equal ; and that no force, of what- ever magnitude, acting in the direction oy, perpendicular THE INCLINED PLANE. 167 to the plane, would suffice to sustain the material point against it. The force fo, is resolvable into the forces fe perpen- dicular to the plane, and eo in that plane ; and in like man- ner, the force om into the forces em and oe. Of these, the forces EO, oe, being equal and opposite, destroy each other, and FE, EM, being in the same line coalesce into one force FM, which is the pressure on the plane. This pressure is the sum or difference of the forces fe, em. To express these results algebraically, let p designate the force fo, and s the sustaining force om, then the sides of the triangle fom, being as the sines of the opposite angles, the forces p, s, are reciprocally proportional to the sines made by their directions with the perpendicular to the plane, i. e. to the cosines of the angles made by those lines with the plane. Wherefore, a, a, denoting those angles, there p. COS. a. z=. s. cos. a'. (1) which is the condition of equilibrium. Also, denoting the resultant or pressure on the plane by R, there is R. COS. a =. p. sin. (a + «')• (^) The force p remaining unaltered in magnitude or direc- tion, it appears from equation (1), that s. cos. a is constant, or that the sustaining force raises inversely as the cosine of the angle, which its direction makes with the plane. It is therefore least when cos. a — 1 . or a — o. The sustaining force is, therefore, most economised when directed in the plane itself, its magnitude being then s z= p. cos. a. 37. Such, in general, is the theory relative to a material point supported against a plane. But there is a particular case which deserves to be considered distinctly. It is, that wherein the plane is inclined to the horizon, and the force Avith which the point is urged is its weight : such is denomi- nated the inclined plane. 168 STATICS. — SECT. VII. The whole theory of the in dined plane flows at once from what has been thus generally established : for in this case, the force p is the weight of the body whose direction is vertical ; and therefore, the angle formed by it with the plane, is the complement of that made by the plane with the horizon. Denoting this latter angle, or the elevation of the plane by £ ; and the weight of the body by w, there will be p = w. a z: 90 — £. Also, patting 7 for the angle made by the direction of the sustaining force and plane, there will be cos. a z=: sin.f . cos. a' = cos. 7. sin. (o + a) = sin. (90° — £ + 7) = cos. (7 — e). Wherefore, substituting these values in (1) and {2), there will be sin.E COS. (7 — f) s = w . R = w. ~ — — ^. COS. 7 COS. 7 giving the values of the sustaining force and pressure. When the sustaining force acts in the direction of the plane, there is 7 = o. and therefore, s = w. sin.E. R =: w. cos.e. Or putting /, h, b for the length, height, and base of the plane, there shall be 7t b S = W. -y. R = W. -J. When the direction of the sustaining force is parallel to the base of the plane, or 7 = e. there shall be s = w. tan.E. R = COS.E or, h I S = W. -. R = W. V b b On account of the importance of this subject it may not be amiss to establish this theory by a separate investigation. Let AC be the inchned plane (Fig. 85.), bc its height, and AB its base. Then if from the right angle b, the line bo is THE INCLINED PLANE. 169 let fall perpendicular to the plane, and from the point c, the line cm is drawn parallel to the direction of the sustaining force, meeting the line bo at m, the three sides of the ti'i- angle CBin, being parallel to the directions of the three forces, shall be proportional to them in magnitude. Where- fore s, R, w denoting, as before, the sustaining force, the pressure and the weight, there shall be s : w : : 77ic : cb. R : w : : B7n : cb. When the sustaining force is parallel to the plane, ?nc coin- cides with oc. But and Therefore, oc : CB : : cb : CA : : /i : /. OB : cb : : BA : ca. b : I. h b W. -. R = W. J. mc : CB : : cb ; : BA : :h:b. mn : cb : : CA ; ; BA : : I: b. h s = \v. -. b R = I When the direction of the sustaining force is parallel to the horizon, wc is perpendicular to cb, and and These results are readily put into an analytical form, for the sides of the triangle Bmc being as the sines of the oppo- site angles, if t and y denote as before the elevation of the plane and the angle made by it with the direction of the sustaining force, and Z is put for the angle made by this same line of direction with the base, there will be mc : CB : : sin.wiBC : sin.B?«c : : sin.e : cos.y. mB : CB : : sin.wiCB : sin.Bwc : : cos.^ : cos.y. 170 STATICS. SECT. VII. sin.c cos.^ . *. S = W, . R = W. . COS.y COS.y which results agree with those ah'eady given. oS. If instead of a material point, it is a body of any definite magnitude, whose weight is to be supported on the inclined plane, certain other conditions are to be satisfied respecting the position of the body, and the direction of the force to be applied. With respect to the position of the body, it is to be ob- served, that its weight and the reaction of the plane are to be equilibrated by the sustaining force. But the forces of resistance being directed in lines perpendicular to the in- clined plane at the points of contact, the direction of their resultant is perpendicular to that plane, at some point of the surface of the polygon, formed by connecting the points of contact. Wherefore, if the plane passing through the cen- tre of gravity of the body, perpendicular to the inclined and horizontal planes, i. e. perpendicular to the intersection of those planes, does not pass through the surface of contact, the forces to be equilibrated are not in the same plane ; they have then no single resultant, (Sect. III. Art. 3.) and conse- quently, they cannot be equilibrated by a single force. Wherefore, to render the body capable of being sustained by the application of a single force, the plane passing through its centre of gravity, and perpendicular to the intersection of the inclined and horizontal planes, must pass through the surface of contact. Such is the condition relative to the position of the body. If this condition is not satisfied, it will be requisite to apply two forces, which must be such, that the resultant of the weight and two sustaining forces shall be directed towards the plane, in a perpendicular at some point of the surface of contact. The condition relative to the position of the body, being fulfilled, the body may be sustained by the application of a single force directed in the plane passing through the centre THE INCLINED PLANE. 171 of gravity, and perpendicular to the intersection of the in- clined and horizontal planes. But the force applied for this purpose is restricted by a condition relative to its point of application. To see tlie nature of this restriction, let cd be the in- clined plane, (Fig. 86.) ; gv the vertical line passing through the centre of gravity ; abc the surface of contact, intersected by the plane of the forces in the line ab. Then, if from a and b, the extremities of this line, perpendiculars are raised to the plane cd, they shall meet the vertical gv, as at d and e. And as the perpendiculars to the plane at the several points of the line ab must necessarily pass through the points of the line de, it foUow^s, that the direction of the sustaining force must pass through some point of the line de. 39. If two planes of equal heights are placed back to back, as in (Fig. 87.), and if the weights w, w' are laid on them, connected by a cord passing over a pully at the highest point, so that the parts of the cord shall be parallel to the planes ; it will be requisite for equilibrium that the cord should be drawn equally by the two weights, /'. e. that the parts of those v/eights, which act in the directions of the planes, should be equal. Wherefore, putting l, l' for the lengths of the planes, and h for the common height, the weights must be such as to satisfy the equation w. — r: H W w' w'.— ^. or — zz — ^. I. e. the weights which equilibrate in this L L Li manner, must be to each other, as the lengths of the planes on which they are placed. 40. If the body is to be supported by two planes which meet at an angle, its weight is to be equilibrated by their re- actions : accordingly, the directions of those three forces must meet at a point. And from hence are derived the con- ditions relative to the planes themselves, and to the position of the body to be supported. 172 STATICS. — SECT. VII. The plane of the forces, being perpendicular to each of the inclined planes, must be perpendicular to their inter- section. The same plane is also vertical ; inasmuch as it contains the vertical line passing through the centre of gra- vity of the body. Therefore, the intersection of the inclined planes must be perpendicular to a vertical plane, i. e. it must be horizontal. This condition, relative to the positions of the planes, being satisfied, the body is to be placed so that the plane passing through its centre of gravity, and perpen- dicular to the intersection of the inclined planes, shall pass through each of the surfaces of contact. If the body is not so placed, it will not compose itself until this condition is sa- tisfied; and then, the pressure on each of the planes shall be to the weight, as the sine of the elevation of the alternate plane, to the sine of the angle made by the planes. And these, which are the total pressures on the planes, are to be distributed on the points of contact, as already stated. THE WEDGE. 41. The wedge is a triangular prism, i.e. a solid, bounded by two equal and parallel triangular planes, and three rect- angles contained between their parallel sides. Two of these inclined faces are to be introduced between the bodies to be separated ; and the angle, made by these faces, is called the angle of the wedge. The rectangular surface, opposite to this angle, is the back of the wedge, and to this the power is applied. Of all mechanical instruments, this may appear to be the most simple : yet in accounting for its operation some variety will be found, arising from the diversity in the nature of the forces, both of those to be encountered, and of those by which they are to be surmounted. In each of the instru- ments already treated of, the force to be encountered was ever applied in the same manner. But the resistances to be THE WEDGE. 173 overcome by the wedge, may be forces applied immediately to its faces, as in separating two distinct bodies ; or to its edge, as in cutting ; or they may proceed from parts situated beyond the edge, as in splitting or cleaving. And according to the way in which these forces are applied, the several parts of the instrument will be more or less effective. Also, the power applied may be either simple pressure, or that arising from percussion. But though the force brought into action by percussion is, in general, that which is most effec- tively applied to the wedge, yet as the treatment of percus- sion belongs to Dynamics, the force employed as a power must, for the present, be regarded as a pressvu'e or weight. As the wedge is forced between the resistances, these may be supposed to slide along its faces; and if this is done without attrition, the faces will transmit only those forces which act in lines perpendicular to those surfaces. Where- fore, the resistances, when applied to the faces of the wedge, can be equilibrated by the power, only when they act in di- rections perpendicular to those faces. The same thing is to be imderstood of the faces of a cleft, into which the wedge has fully entered : these surfaces, being regarded as without friction, can receive an impression from the wedge, i. e. from the power, only in lines perpendicular. Wherefore, in all cases, the power is to be resolved in directions perpendicular to the surfaces through which the forces are to be trans- mitted ; and the resistances are supposed to act in the oppo- site directions. The resistances being applied to the faces of the wedge, let this be represented by its triangular end abc, and let df, perpendicular to the back of the wedge, represent the power, (Fig. 88.) Then if this line is made the diagonal of a paral- lelogram GE, whose sides, dg, de, are perpendicular to the faces AC, BC, it is evident that the force df will be in equili- brio with the forces of resistance represented by gd, and ed or FG. But the lines df, fg, gd, being perpendicular to ab, 174 STATICS. — SECT. VIT. BC, AC, the triangle dfg is similar to the triangle abc: wherefore, the power is to the sum of the forces which it will equilihrate, as ab to ac + bc. If the triangular end of the wedge is isosceles, as repre- sented in (Fig. 89.) the power is to the sum of the resis- tances, as half the back of the wedge to one of the sides, i. e. as the sine of half the angle of the wedge to radius. Hence it follows, that the more acute the angle of the wedge, the greater the resistance which it will overcome by the application of a given power ; and that the efficacy of the instrument, estimated in this way, is inversely as the sine of the semiangle. 42. In cleaving, the motion is along the faces of the cleft, and therefore, the power is to be resolved in directions per- pendicular to those surfaces, and the resistances act in the opposite directions. Let the angle of the cleft be adb, (Fig. 90.) ; and putting b for ab, the base of the triangular end of the wedge ; and l for bd, the depth of the cleft mea- sured from the points a or b, along its faces ; the energy with which the power acts against the resistance, is p. -. B But as the resistance yields, not in a right, but in a curved line, whose centre of curvature is at the angle of the cleft, it is evident, that to estimate the efficiency of the instrument in this use of it, we must take into account the leverage by which the forces act. Now, the resistance to be overcome is the cohesive force of the fibres, which are more and more extended from the angle d, to the point of fracture. The point D is, therefore, the fulcrum : and putting I for the dis- tance from this to the point where the strains of the fibres may be supposed to be concentred, r.^ shall be the moment P.L of the resistance : and — — , is the moment of the force to B which it is opposed. Wherefore, for equilibrium. THE WEDGE. 115 T.ir , R.l.B — R.l. or, p :z — 7—. B L- which shows in what way the efficacy of the wedge depends on the constitution of the substance to be divided, as also, on the size of the instrument. Being at present concerned in estimating the power of the wedge, we shall suppose the ma- terial to be given. In this case, r is given: also, the angle of the cleft, or -, is constant ; and, therefore, I is likewise con- L stant. Wherefore, the power to be applied varies inversely as L, i. e. inversely as b, the back of the wedge ; and the efficiency of the instrument varies directly as that quantity. Such is the advantage gained by the size of the wedge when applied to a substance that yields in this manner. When once the faces of the cleft part from those of the wedge, the accuracy of the angle of the instrument becomes of no value. And the same may be said of the magnitude of that angle after that the v^edge has fully entered the cleft. But in cutting, its efficacy mainly depends on this part. The smaller the angle at which the faces are inclined, and the more accurately they are brought to an edge, the less is the number of parts whose cohesive strength is to be encoun- tered. And if it is a soft or flexible substance that is to be divided, the effect is to be ascribed to the angle exclusively. For then, the faces of the incision, by reason of their flexibi- lity, are incapable of transmitting the forces applied to them by the power, to the part of the substance beyond the edge, which remains to be divided. Those faces being then inca- pable of acting as levers, the effect is altogether independent of the depth of the wedge. The advantage arising from the sharpness of the angle, in dividing a flexible substance, will further appeir in the next section. 176 STATICS. — SECT. VII. THE SCREW. 43. The screw is an instrument consisting of two parts: one of them is a sohd cyhnder ; the other, a hollow cylinder of the same diameter. The former of these is encompassed with a salient thread, proceeding round it in the form of a spiral : and in the latter is a spiral groove, in which it may be lodged. The solid cylinder is more especially called the screw, and the hollow cylinder the nut. It is evident that the screw cannot advance within the nut, or the nut upon the screw, hut in the direction of the spires or threads, i. e. by a motion compounded of two motions ; one of them circu- lar, the other progressive. When one of these parts is moved on the other, in this manner, it will press against any obstacle by which its further progress is impeded. To as- certain the force thus exerted by the moveable part, in rela- tion to the power applied to move it, the form of the spiral thread must be more particularly considered. Let abc be a right angled triangle, whose base he is equal to the circumference of the base of the cylinder, (Fig. 91.) Then, if the line ah is applied to one of the sides of the cylinder, and the triangle wrapped round it, the point c shall reach the point h, and the hypothenuse ac shall become one circumvolution of such a spiral. If the same thing is done wnth a right angled triangle, whose base is 2ch, and whose altitude is ^ah, its hypothenuse shall mark out two circum- volutions of the same spiral ; and if the base and altitude are och, 3ah, three circumvolutions shall be marked on the surface of the cylinder, and so forth. The spiral formed by the hypothenuse of a right angled triangle, when its surface is thus wrapped round a cylinder, is by geometricians called a helix. The base of the triangle being taken equal to the circumference of the base of the cylinder, its altitude is the interval between the spires mea- THE SCREW. 177 sured on the side of the cylinder, i. e. in a direction parallel to its axis. This may be represented in a manner somewhat different, thus : let a rectangular parallelogram be described, whose altitude is the side of the cylinder, and whose base is equal to the circumference of its circular base, as in (Fig. 92.) Let this rectangle be divided by the lines mn , rn'n", &c. parallel to the base, and at the equal distances 7m\ nn , &c. and let the transverse lines mn , mn , &c. be drawn. Then, if the side of this rectangle is applied to the side of the cylinder and the surface wrapped round it, the line mri shall become the first spire ; and the point n falling on the point m , the line inn' shall become the second spire, and the point n fall- ing on the point m\ the line m'n" shall become the third spire, and so forth : the several lines mn , mn, m"n" , m"n"\ &c. becoming one continued spiral, proceeding from one end of the cylinder to the other. 44. The thread of the screw is then an inclined plane, carried round the surface of a cylinder : for which reason, the ratio of the power to the resistance in equilibrio, is fur- nished by the theory of the inclined plane. The direction of the resisting force is plainly that of the axis of the cylin- der or height of the plane. With respect to the relative mo- tion of the parts, the moving power may be applied indiffe- rently to the screw to move it within the nut, or to the nut in the opposite direction to advance it on the screw : and the resistances equilibrated by the same power, applied in these two ways, shall be equal, but in opposite directions. Where- fore, to assimilate this to the case of an inclined plane, on which a weight is to be supported, the power may be sup- posed to be applied to the nut, to carry it up a vertical screw, against a resistance acting downwards. This power is ap- plied in a direction parallel to cb, the base of the inclined plane, (Fig. 91.) And if it were applied immediately at the surface of the cylinder, the power would be to the weight as N 178 STATICS. SECT. VII. the height of the plane to its base. Putting h for ab, and c for the circumference of the base of the cyhnder, p : w : : A : c. or, p = -. w. c But the power is usually applied to the arm of a lever inserted in the moveable part, as in (Fig. 93.) The ful- crum being at the centre of the circular motion, ^. e. at the axis of the cylinder, if r is put for the length of the arm to which the power is applied, the enei'gy of that power at the surface of the cylinder shall be p. -. giving or, R, h p. — — - w. r c PZ -h r — . w ■ R.C h — c , w. c being the circumference of circle whose radius — r. i. e. the power is to the resistance which it equilibrates by means of the screw, as the interval between the spires, to the circumference of the circle described by the power. It will be observed, that this proportion is altogether inde- pendent of r, the radius of the cylinder. The screw, therefore, as it is commonly used, combines the advantages of the lever and inclined plane. In reasoning on that part of the instrument which works on the latter principle, it has been supposed that the power and resistance are both apphed at a single point of the plane ; or, which is the same thing, that the screw and nut touch in a single point. In fact, they touch throughout the entire extent of the thread of the nut, or, at least, in many separate points. But however great the number of the points of contact, the relation be- tween p and w is the same. For the whole of the resist- ance \v may be distributed into the parts m, m\ m\ &c. en- THE SCREW. 179 countered at those points : and if the power P is, in like manner, distributed into parts n, n, n' , &c. such that //, n — -. m, c ,_h , w — -. m, c 71 — -. m . cfec. c the equilibrium shall subsist at each point ; and therefore, throughout the whole extent of the plane. And by adding, we have that is. « ■+• w' + w"+ &c. = -. (m + m-\- m + &;c.) h p = -w. c 4j. The mechanical advantage afforded by this instru- ment is increased, either by augmenting the length of the lever handle, or by diminishing the interval between the spires. But the augmentation of the length of the lever handle is an increase of bulk, which it is desirable to avoid. And to the diminution of the interval between the spires, there is a limit, arising from the necessity of leaving suffi- cient strength in the parts to endure the enormous pressure, and consequent friction, without breaking. The device of Mr. Hunter, published in the Philosophical Transactions of the year 1781, seems well fitted to give any power to the instrument, without either of these disadvantages. In this instrument, represented by (Fig. 94.) the screw which turns within the nut, is not solid as usual, but is itself the nut of a somewhat finer screw, on which it turns. To shew the power of this contrivance, let h be the in- terval between the threads of the exterior, and h' that be- tween the threads of the interior screw. Now by one revo- n2 180 STATICS. SECT. VII. lution of the exterior screw it would be carried forward through the space //, and the interior screw, if firmly at- tached to it, would be carried through the same space. But the revolution of the interior screw is prevented by a cross bar by which it is perforated, and which bears against the frame work, wherefore that screw will perform one revolu- tion relatively to the exterior screw, and in the opposite direction, and therefore shall move upwards through the space h'. The space actually described by the interior screw is the difference of these, or h — //. Thus, when hzzz-— of an inch and // = — - the progressive motion is ( — — — Jofan inch ■=. T-jTjth of an inch. It appears then, that the instrument, in this example, combines the mechanical advantage of a screw, the interval between whose threads is but the ixoth of an inch, with the strength of one whose threads are ten times as gross : and this, without increase of bulk, or any disadvantage, ex- cept what may arise from increase of friction. It would seem that this contrivance might be benefi- cially adopted in the construction of micrometer screws, and a degree of accuracy thereby given to our observations, altogether unattainable by the most delicate instruments now in use. Thus, if the exterior screw has 50, and the interior screw 51 spires to an inch, we should obtain the advantage of a screw of the ordinary construction, having 2550 spires to an inch. In general, the number of spires to an inch, in the equivalent screw of the common construc- tion, is the product of the numbers of the spires to an inch in the two members divided by their difference. 46. There is another modification of this instrument, called the endless screw : so named, because by turning, it never comes to an end. It is evident that this advantage THE SCREW. 181 can be obtained, only when the motion of one of the parts is circular. The screw, in this instrument, consists of a few spires ; and these work in the teeth of a wheel, which, therefore, serves in place of a nut; as represented by (Fig. 95.) The screw has a circular, but not a progressive motion. By the action of the spire engaged, the tooth of the wheel would proceed forward : but the wheel is limited to a circular motion round its axis ; and by this motion the tooth is soon disengaged from the spire, and then its place is supplied by another tooth, which is acted on as the former ; and this tooth is succeeded by a third in the same manner ; and so on perpetually. The mechanical effect of this combination is thus esti- mated. Let c, as before, be the circumference of the circle de- scribed by the winch handle, r its radius ; /^, the interval between the spires. Also let r' be the radius of the toothed wheel, and r that of its axle. Then p' being the force equi- librated by the screw alone, there is p = - p. c But the force p' is immediately applied at the circumference of the toothed wheel, and equilibrates the weight applied at its axle. Wherefore r p =: —7. w. r' Multiplying these equations, there is Ji r p = -. -7-. w. c r Now h, the interval between the spires of the screw, is also the interval between the teeth of the wheel : wherefore if 71 denotes the number of teeth, and c' the circumference of the wheel, there is nh zz. c, and h — — . This value of h n 182 STATICS. — SECT. VII. being substituted in the last equation, it becomes n c R' or smee it is i. e. the power is to the weight, as the radius of the axle which carries the weight, to the radius of the circle de- scribed by the winch handle, multiplied by the number of teeth in the wheel. _1 ~' n c' r c * r' c' _ r' c ' r' 1 p = -. r -. w. R THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 183 SECTION VIII. THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 1. If a system of forces is in equilibrio when applied to a body of variable form, it is evident that the equilibrium shall not be violated should the body become rigid. Hence it follows, that the conditions to be satisfied for the equili- bration of forces applied to a rigid body, should also be satisfied in the case of a body of variable form. But it is equally evident that, in this latter case, these conditions are not sufficient, i. e. that other conditions are to be fulfilled in order that the body may become capable of opposing to each other the forces of the system. These conditions relate both to the nature and the form of the body. With respect to the former, it is plainly requisite, that the body should be capable of transmitting the applied force from one point to another, and, therefore, that the parts between the points of application should be either inextensible or incompressible, at least to a degree sufficient to resist the action of those forces. If the body is simply inextensible, it shall be capable only of transmitting divellent forces, i. e, forces which tend to increase the distances between the points of application : and if it is simply incompressible, it shall serve only for the transmission of compressing forces. A flexible but inexten- sible cord affords a famihar example of a body of the former kind. Let o, o, o", o'", o"", be the points of such a cord (Fig. 96.) to which the forces p, j/, p", p",j)"", are applied; these forces must be divellent : therefore, the forces 2h p"", applied at the extreme points, must act in the directions o' o, IS'! STATICS. — SECT. VIII. d" o"", and the forces ^/, p", p", applied at the intermediate points, must be directed to the exterior side of the polygon. If the lines od, dd' , d'd", d"d"' , represent a system of rigid bars barely apposited, they will serve only for the transmis- sion of compressing forces, i. e. of forces directed towards the interior of the polygon, or contrary to the former. But if the bars are connected by hinges, the system may serve indifferently for the transmission of distending or compres- sing forces. 2. When two forces are applied at the ends of a cord, and others transversely at so many intermediate points, as described in the preceding article, the figure assumed by the cord is that denominated the funicular polygon. Let the cord be that exhibited in the figure ; and o, d, d', d", d'", the points to which are applied the forces p, p' , p" ^ p'", p"" , acting in the same or in diflferent planes. To investigate the conditions to be satisfied in order that these forces should equilibrate, we shall first suppose the equilibrium to subsist. The conditions which follow from that supposition will be necessary. Because of the flexibility of the cord, the forces can act against each other only in the lines od , dd', d'd" , d"d"' . Let these forces be represented by the lines ko, ds, d's', d"s", r'd'". and let all between the first and last be resolved, each in the directions of the branches of the cord contiguous to its point of application, as os into dm, o'k ; d's into o"w, d'ni ; d"s" into d"n, d"r. and as the forces applied at the ends of the entire cord are necessarily in the directions of the first and last branches, the whole system of forces jt?, jt?', p",p"',p"", shall be replaced by another system of forces directed along the sides of the polygon: and if the equili- brium exists among the forces of the former, it must continue to subsist among those of the latter system. But among these it cannot subsist unless each part of the THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARr. 185 cord is drawn equally in opposite directions. This condition gives ok •\-ok'zzO. o'ni'-{'o"m' = 0. o"H-\-o"'nzzO. o"'r -\-o""r' — Q. Because these forces are the tensions of the parts, they may be denoted by t, t', t" , &:c. and the system shall be t — t-\-t'—t'-^t"—t"-{-t"' — t'". whose sum is cypher. These tensions may be different for the different branches of the cord, the tension of any branch being the resultant of all the forces acting at either side of that branch : for the force ^j or t, acting at o, and in the direction of the line oo', may be sup- posed to be immediately applied at the point o', where, if compounded with the force // or f—t, the resultant shall be + i'> arid this resultant of the forces p, p , being in the direction of o'o'\ may be supposed to be immediately applied ato", where, if compounded with the force ^", or t"~t', the resultant, which is that of the three forces^, ^', />", shall be t". In like manner, beginning at the other end of the en- tire cord, the force //'" or — f may be supposed to be im- mediately applied at the point o", where, if compounded with the force/)'" or t"'—t", the resultant shall be — /". Thus it appears that the equal forces by which the branch o"d" is strained in opposite directions, are the resultants of the groups of forces acting at each side of that branch ; or that the resultants of the forces p, &c. taken from either end of the entire cord to any angle of the polygon, is in the direc- tion of the portion next ensuing, and that it constitutes its tension. Further : because the equilibrium is supposed to exist in the entire cord, it must exist among the forces acting at each angular point. But these consist of one of the forces p, ap- phed immediately at that point, and of the tensions of the adjacent branches of the cord ; and those two tensions being the resultants of the groups preceding and following, may be replaced by those forces ; whence it follows, that the whole 186 STATICS. — SECT. VIII. system of forces ^;, p' , p", p", p"", must equilibrate at the same point. Thus the lorces acting at the point o" are t\ — /"and^y, and if these three are in equiUbrio at that point, tlie equiUbrium shall continue when the forces t' and — /" are replaced by their components; but t' is the resul- tant of the forces p, p \ and —f of the forces p" ^ p"'\ Hence it follows, that any system of forces in equilibrio when acting against each other by means of a funicular polygon, would also equilibrate about any material point to which they may be transferred in parallel directions. The same thing appears by the tensions into which those forces have been resolved ; these tensions being equal and opposite in pairs. It now appears that a system of forces cannot equilibrate by means of a funicular polygon, unless the following condi- tions are satisfied. 1st, The forces must be such as would equilibrate about a material point to which they may be transferred in parallel directions. 2d, Each branch of the cord must be parallel to the direction of the resultant of the forces acting at either side of that branch. Further, it is evident, that when these conditions are satisfied by the forces applied, and the form of the polygon, the equilibrium must necessarily subsist. For the first branch being taken in the direction of the force p, that force may be supposed to have been immediately applied at the point d \ and the second branch being taken in the direction of the resultant of the forces p and p acting at d , this resultant may be supposed to be immediately applied at the point o", and so forth. In the same manner it may be shewn, that the resultant of all the remaining forces acts at the same point o" ; and the same may be shown of any other angle of the polygon. It appears, then, that when this form is given to the poly- gon, the whole system of forces acts at each angle ; and that if these forces are such as would equihbrate about a material THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 187 point, the equilibrium shall necessarily subsist at each angle of the polygon. It is now proved, that for equilibrium among forces acting against each other by means of a funicular polygon, it is requisite and sufficient that the forces should be such as would equilibrate about a material point to which they may be transferred in parallel directions, and that each branch of the polygon should be taken parallel to the direc- tion of the resultant of the group of forces from either end of the entire cord, to the nearer extremity of that branch inclusively. 3. Seeing that when the applied forces, taken from either end of the entire cord to any of its angles inclusively, are trans- ferred in parallel directions to a material point, and there com- pounded, the resultant is equal to the tension and parallel to the direction of the succeeding branch ; it follows that the tension and direction of any branch are given by the same equations which determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of a system of forces acting on a material point. Thus let there be three rectangular axes meeting at a point, and let a, a', a" a„. be the angles made by the several branches of the cord with the axis of a; ; b, h\ h" i„. those which they make with the axis of y; and e, c', c" c„. those made with the axis of^. Likewise let a, a, a! a„; b, j3, [5' b,,; c, y, y' c„, be the angles made by the directions of the forces ^;, //, p" -Pn-]-!) with the same axes. Then as the tension of any member, as t", is the resultant of the forces p, p , p" . there shall be t" .0,0%. a zi p. 0,0%. a 4-^'.cos.a +/* '-cos-a'. \ Acos.6"=:^j.cos.6+ij'-cos./3-|-p"-cos./3'. v (1) ^".cos.c"^z:^.cos.c -\- p .dQ^.y •\- p" .oo%.y' . I Or, putting x", v", z", for the second members, i. c. for 1S8 STATICS. — SECT. VIII. the sums of the forces /?, p , p" , reduced to the directions of the axes of x, y, %, the equations shall be r.cos.a"= x". \ r.cos.b"=r\ I {2) r.cos.c"=:z". j Whence by squaring and adding, there are r='v/x"^-hY"^+z'^ (3) and cos. a zz ■ ■ cos. 6 = V x"^+ y"^+z"^ V x"2+ y"H z'" z" cos.c'^:= ' . (4) Vx"^'+y"^4-z"' These equations applied to the last branch give the va- lue and direction of tn, which are already known ; yet these equations are not therefore useless, for replacing t„ with its known value, —pn + i, in equations (1), they become p. COS. a -{-p'.cos.a-^ p'\cos ex," -{-pn+i.cos.an :=■ 0. p.cos.b -\- p\cos. (5' +p". cos.fi" -|-/?„^-i.cos.6„ = 0. p.cos.c -{-p'.cos.y'-^-p'.cos.y" -\-p„^.^.cos.Cn — 0. Which express the condition to be satisfied in order that the equilibrium may be possible. If the cord is attached to a fixed point at one end, the equations give the tension and direction of the last branch ; and as in this case, the number of equations is only equal to that of the unknown quantities, the problem is not restricted by any condition, and the equilibrium is therefore always possible. If the cord is attached to fixed points at both ends, the equilibrium is possible a fortiori. In this case it is not solved by these equations, which are fewer than the number of unknown quantities, of which there are eight, viz. ji and THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 189 p„ + i. And the angles a, b, c, a„, b„, Cn. But the problem is not therefore indeterminate, for beside the three equa- tions (1) there are the two following, viz. cos.^a + cos.^b + cos.Vrz 1. cos.^a„+ cos.'^b„-{- cos.^(?„= 1. with three others arising from this, that the fixed points are given in position. For taking one of those points for the origin of the coordinates, those of the other fixed point may be expressed as functions of the quantities which enter into the other equations, and of the lengths of the several branches of the cord, which last are given. The expres- sions to which this computation would lead are exceedingly complicated ; and as their value would not reward the labour of the analyst, it seems sufficient thus briefly to point out the method by which the figure of the polygon may be com- pletely ascertained. 4. The extreme points being fixed, if the forces applied at the intermediate points are parallel, the sides of the po- lygon, and therefore, also, the directions of the forces must all be in the same plane. For the plane of any two conti- guous sides contains the direction of the force applied at the angle made by those sides, and the plain of any two succes- sive parallel forces contains the intermediate side of the polygon. Thus, the plane oo'p' is the same with the plane p'o'o" (Fig. 99.) And the forces p\ p'' being parallel, the plane p'o'o" is the same with the plane p"o"o. The same reasoning may be continued through the whole system of lines. If the forces are appended weights, their resultant acts in the vertical passing through their common centre of gravity. And as the reactions of the fixed points are in equilibrio with this resultant, it follows, that the directions of the two extreme portions of the cord shall meet at some point of the vertical passing through the common centre of gravity of the weights. And similarly, the tensions of any 190 STATICS. — SECT. VIII. two parts of the cord, regarded as divellent forces, being in equilibrio with the weights appHed at the intermediate points, those parts, if produced, shall meet at some point of the vertical passing through their common centre of gravity. Thus, oo', o""o"' produced, shall meet at the same point of the vertical passing through the common centre of gravity of the weights ]j',p", p'", and oo' , o'^'o", produced, shall meet at some point of the vertical passing through the common centre of gravity of the weights p, p". Wherefore, the theorem which expresses the relations of the three forces engaged at any one angle of the polygon may, in this case, be extended to the strains of any two parts, however remote, and the sum of the weights applied at the intermediate an- gular points, i. e. t\t"'\p' -\-p" -^p'" : : sin. c' : sin. a : sin. (a + c'). The case of a cord loaded with weights being that which offers itself most to our notice in this theory, it may not be amiss to shew how the tensions and weights may be repre- sented by a simple construction. From any point, o, let there be drawn the lines oo', oo'', oo'", &c. (Fig. 100.) respectively parallel to the sides of the polygon, and meeting the vertical line in the points o', o" , o'" , &c. then the three forces t, p', — t', which are in equi- librio about the point o', (Fig. 99.) shall be represented by the lines oo', o'o", and o"o. Likewise, the three forces /', p", and — t", in equilibrio about the point o", shall be represented by the lines oo", o"o"', and o"'o : and so of the three forces which are in equilibrio at any other angular point. Moreover, + 1' and — t', which are of the same magni- tude, being represented by the same line oo" or o"o, it fol- lows, that the sides of the triangles oo'o" , od'd" , shall serve, not only to exhibit the relations of the three forces acting at THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 191 one and the same point, d or o", but also to compare the forces acting at one of those points with those which act at the other : and the same thing being observed of all the tri- angles, it follows that there is this proportionality. t ■.p' '.t' ; '.f ; -A" :p" : t"'> &c. '.OO' : o'o" : oo" : :o'V"; ; 00'" : o"'o"" ; ; oo"", &c. Wherefore, if the directions of the sides of the polygon are known, together with any one of the appended weights, all the other forces, both weights and tensions, are absolutely determined. Drawing the horizontal line oh, it appears that the ten- sions of the several parts of the cord are to one another as the secants of the angles of their inclinations to the horizon : and that the weights appended at the several angular points are as the differences of the tangents of those angles. Also, that the horizontal strain, which in each part of the cord acts equally in opposite directions, is represented in magni- tude by oh, and is therefore the same throughout the entire system. 5. Hitherto the cord has been considered, only, as the means of conveying the actions of the forces, to points re- mote from those to which they are immediately applied ; and for this reason it was regarded as being, itself, without weight. But the cord and its minutest parts having weight, it is plain, that if it is fastened at its two ends, those points not being in the same vertical, it must be deflected from a right line by the weights of its several parts ; which, in this position of the cord, are so many forces applied transversely to its length. The number of these forces being infinite, that of the sides of the polygon must also be infinite, i. e. the figure assumed by such a cord is a curve. This curve is known by the name of the catenary; and its properties follow immediately from those of the funicular 192 STATICS. — SECT. VIII. polygon loaded with weights, merely by supposing the num- ber of those weights to be infinite. As it will be sufficient to consider one branch of this curve, its lowest point may be supposed to be fixed ; and, therefore, the other branch may be cut away. This being premised, let ov be one branch, terminating in the lowest point, V, (Fig. 101.) in which, taking any point, 7n, and draw- ing the tangent tns, and the horizontal line ?«/?, let these lines meet the vertical passing through the point v, at s and // ; then putting e for the angle hms ; w for the weight of the cord between m and v ; t for the tension at the point m ; and A for the tension at v, the relative magnitudes of t, a, w shall be represented by ms, mh, hs. Wherefore, hs , , w^ 1= A. — -, =: A. tan. e. (a) ?)ih ms A , , . T = A. — = {b) mh cos.e Showing that the weight between any point m, and the lowest point, varies as the tangent of the inclination to the horizon at the former point ; and that the tension varies in- versely as the cosine, i. e. directly as the secant of the same angle. If the cord is uniform, the curve is called the homo- geneous catenary, in which w r= X's ; s denoting the length measured to the lowest point ; and h the weight in a unit of length. Wherefore, A. tan. e z= lis. (c) From which it appears, that the two branches into which the homogeneous catenary is divided by the lowest point, are precisely similar. Taking the point v for the origin, and the horizontal line through this point, vr, for the axis of the abscissae ; and the vertical vh for the axis of the ordinates, there will be for any point of the curve, as tn, THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 193 vq ~ X, mq zz y, and tan. e zr. — . Whereby equation c becomes A.dy=.k.s.dx. {d) And as ds — \/{dy^-\- dx^), any of the three quantities, y, x,s, may be eliminated, and an equation obtained between the remaining two. - , ,_ A To render the expressions more smiple, let a _ t ; whereby equation (d) becomes A'dy — s.dx. which, being differenced, gives A'cP2jzzV{df+dx^).dx. And multiplying both sides by ■ . .^ , 2 \> i* ^^^^^ ^^ h'.dy.d'^y _ that is, a', d. V {di/-\- dx'') - dy.dx. Wherefore, by integration, a'. ^/ {dy~-\- dx^) = ydx + cdx. For the lowest point, v, there will be 'y=0. di/ = 0. which gives c r: a'. and therefore, a' V (^/ + dx"") - (a' + y) dx. {e) for the difFereniial equation of the homogeneous catenary. This being integrated, gives 2. = dy.dx. X — a', log. / A^+y+V(gAV/ + r) \ 194 STATICS. — SECT. VIII. From which it appears, that the homogeneous catenary is a transcendental curve. To find equation between y and s, let dx be eliminated between the equations A'dy zz s.dx, oxvdi. ds zz. yj {dif -\-dx^)» and we shall have ^^-^\- ds" - dy\ or {p^''J^s^)dy''-s',ds'. and s. ds . VW+7) = '■"■ And by integration, VW' + s')zzy + c. But for y = 0. there will be * = 0. Wherefore, c =: A' ; and V (a'^ ^ s-) = y + a'. so that s'' = y(2A' + y). which shews that the homogeneous catenary is a rectifiable curve ; its length from any point to the lowest, being a mean proportional between y and 2a' + y- Wherein y is the ordinate of the highest point of the portion to be rec- tified. 6. If any of the forces, as //", is applied to a ring, or loop running on the cord, its direction must bisect the angle made by the adjacent branches o"o"', o"'o"". For if the equilibrium subsists, it shall not be violated by fixing the points o", o"" : and then the ring is confined to the surface of an ellipsoid whose foci are those points, and whose major axis is equal to o"o"' + o"'d"'. On this surface the ring cannot rest unless the direction of the force is normal : i. e. unless it bisects the angle made bylines drawn from the point of apphcation to the foci. These angles being equal, the THE FUNICULAR POLYGON AND CATENARY. 195 tensions of the branches o<'o"' , o"'o"" , also must be equal : and if all the forces j) are applied at rings, the tension must be the same throughout the entire cord. This indeed is evident, inasmuch as the whole is then one cord ; and from this consideration, what has been proved relative to the directions of the transverse forces would have immediately followed : for the tensions of o"o'" and o"'o"" being equal, they must make equal angles with the direction of the force p" by which those tensions are equilibrated. This is the con- dition of a cord strained round a polygon. The transverse forces are the reactions of the angular points, the reaction at any point being equal to the tension multiplied by twice the cosine of half the angle. Thus, putting w for the angle, there i^ p — %t. cos. -. If the sides of the polygon are indefinitely small, and their number indefinitely great, the polygon becomes a curve. The tension of the cord is in every part the same, and there- fore equal to the force by which it is strained at each end ; but the transverse force acting at any point, /. e. the reac- tion of that point of the curve, and, therefore, the pressure upon it is incomparably smaller than the tension. This appears from the preceding equation, for considering the curve as a polygon, with an indefinite number of sides, the angle -. becomes a right angle whose cosine is cypher. Wherefore, in the case of a curve, the transverse force, to be comparable with the tension, must be taken, not for a mathematical point, but for some definite portion of the curve. To obtain the pressure on an element of the curve, which shall be supposed to be of single curvature, let n be the pressure made by a unit of length. This may vary from one element of the cord to another, but may be considered as unvaried in the same element ds. Now, referring this ele- o2 196 STATICS. — SECT. VIIF. ment to the axes of x and //, as the tension at any point is the resultant of all the forces applied to the cord from the beginning up to that point, it follows that the tension, re- duced to any one direction, is the sum of all the applied forces reduced to the same direction. Wherefore, a being the angle formed by the tangent at the first point of ds, any element of the cord, with the axis of x, and a being the angle made by the direction of the tangent at the beginning of the curve, with the same axis there is — ^.cos.a = ^cos.« -f- \n. sm.a.ds. and differencing, t.da. — n.J*. Now, w being the angle made between the perpendiculars to the tangents at ds, and the beginning of the curve, there is da,:=zdto. Where- ds fore, by last equation, t.dio = Nds. Butf?w — — . wherein r is the radius of curvature. Wherefore, t N Z= - . R which shows that the pressin'e on the curve is every where inversely proportional to the radius of curvature. If the cord is strained round a cylinder with a circular base, there is r = constant, and n r= constant. In this case the equation ^ds — t.dw, by integration, gives ns ~ /w -|- c. and as at the beginning of the arch there is szz o, u) = o. there is also c =: o . wherefore the equation is N* = fu). which shov/s that the pressure on any arc s, is the product of the tension into the angle of incurvation ; viz. into the angle made by two perpendiculars to the arc, raised at its two extreme points ; and that the pressure made on the cy- linder by each circumvolution of the cord, is 2Tri. viz. the tension multiplied by the number expressing the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its radius. HOOFS, MICHES, AND DOMES. 197 Library, SECTION IX. ^ — ^-- — -'•'• OF THE EQUILIBRIUM OF ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 1. To support a beam by two forces applied at its ends, the forces, if not vertical, should be directed to some point of the vertical passing through the centre of gravity of the beam: and further, the two forces and weight should be proportional to the sines of the angles contained by their directions ; each force being as the sine of the angle con- tained by the directions of the other two forces. Therefore, if the beam is given, together with the direction of one of the sustaining forces, the whole is given : for if the given line of direction is produced to meet the vertical passing through the centre of gravity of the beam, the line, drawn from the other end to this intersection, gives the direction of the other sustaining force; and each is to the weight, as the sine of the angle made by the other sustaining force and vertical, to the sine of the angle contained by the directions of the sustaining forces. The two following examples are given, as of much im- portance in practice. 2. A beam rests with one end against a wall: the pres- sures on the points of support are required. Let the beam be ab, (Fig. 102.) resting against the wall at A ; and let o be its centre of gravity. The wall being supposed to be perfectly smooth, its reaction is according to the perpendicular to its surface, at tlie point A. Let this perpendicular be ag, meeting the vertical passuig through o, at G. Now if the end b were to rest on a horizontal plane, and if this plane were also perfectly smooth, its reaction 198 STATICS. — SECT. IX. would be vertical ; and the beam could not possibly be sup- ported by these reactions. To support the beam, the force applied at b must be in the direction bg : and then, if the horizontal line, Bn, is drawn, meeting the vertical passing through o, at w, the three equilibrating forces shall be as the sides of the triangle bgw, parallel to their directions. And if the force bg is resolved into two, one of them vertical and the other horizontal, these will be no, Bit, the former equal and opposite to the weight, and the latter to the re- action of the wall, Putting F, w, T for the force eg, the weight and the horizontal thrust, we shall have BG Bn F = w. — . Tr:w. — . AD AD Moreover, making ab : ob : : a : 1. we shall have BD , BD w Bniz — and t — w. a a. AD a. tan. abd Whereby it appears, that in a given beam, the horizontal thrust varies inversely as the tangent of its inclination to the horizon ; and accordingly, that for the horizontal posi- tion, the thrust is infinite. If the span bd is given, the thrust shall vary as the weight divided by the vertical height of the point a, above the point b; i. e. if the weight of the beam is as its length, the thrust shall be inversely as the sine of the inclination to the horizon, 3. If the beam rests on a prop at the upper end, as on the edge of a wall, the reaction of the prop shall be per- pendicular to the beam. Wherefore, drawing the line AG perpendicular to ae, meeting at g the vertical on, passing through o, the centre of gravity, i^Iig. 103.) the direction of the support at b must be bg. And the line Bm being drawn parallel to ag, the three equilibrating forces shall be as the sides of the triangle GBtn, parallel to their direc- ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 199 tions ; i. e. putting p for the reaction of the prop, we shall have mn BG , Bn p = W. . F = W. . andTrrw. . Gm Gin Gill Making ab — a. ob. we shall have Gjn = a. of/i. and niB COS. ABD p — w. = w. . a. om a BW W T = W. a.om a(tan.+ cot.) ABD ' and T shall be greatest when (tan. + cot.) abd is least ; i. e. w when ABD = 45°. Its value being then, — . from which it diminishes to cypher, as the beam approaches either to the vertical or the horizontal position. If the beam is bisected by its centre of gravity, « = 2. w and at the elevation of 45°, t = -—. 4 If the span, b« = — , is given ; and if w varies as the length of the beam, the thrust shall vary as — ; i. e. as the om sine of the horizontal elevation of the beam. The case, considered in the last article, is that of a rafter abutting against another, the top or ridge being at liberty to descend in the vertical. The present article relates to a rafter loosely supported on a prop at the upper end, and at liberty to slide from it, in the direction of its length. 4. If the funicular polygon loaded with weights is in- verted, it is evident that the weights, decomposed according to the directions of the sides, shall become thrusts instead of tensions, i. e. compressing in place of divellent forces ; and that these thrusts are to be communicated from one point to another, by incompressible bars, instead of inex- tensible cords. 200 STATICS. — SECT. IX. The weights applied at the angles, when resolved in the directions of the bars, yield components depending on the angles of inclination, as in the funicular polygon : and when the equilibrium is established, the thrusts in each separate bar are equal and opposite. Wherefore, putting thrusts for tensions, the theory of the equilibration of apposited bars is the same as that of the funicular polygon loaded with weights ; and established by the same reasoning. The weights, it is true, are never placed at the angles exclu- sively: but the vertical pressure on any bar or beam, in- cluding the weight of the beam itself, may be referred to the extreme points ; i. e. to the angles of the polygon. For the portion of the weight bearing on either extremity, is to the entire weight, as the distance of the centre of gravity from the other extremity to the entire length of the beam. The vertical pressure made on the same point, by the beam which constitutes the other side of the angle, is found in the same manner ; and the sum of these is the pressure on the intermediate angular point. In a roof covered with mate- rials of uniform thickness and density, the weight on each angular point is half the sum of the weights on the contain- ing sides. Thus, let o, o', o", o'", o"" be the polygonal roof (Fig. 104.) ; P) P'> v" i p"'i P " *he weights incumbent on the angular points, or suspended from those points. Then, the weights at each angle being resolved in the directions of the rafters which meet at that point ; it is requisite and sufficient for equilibrium, that the thrusts in each bar should be equal : t, t', t", t"' being those thrusts, we have , sin. a , ,, sin.i' P' ~ — T'"T — T\ —t— P ' ' sin.(« -f a') ^ *sin.(6 + 6')' or, , sin. a „ sin. 6' sin.a.cos.ff -j-sin.a'.cos.a sin.6 .cos.i+sin.6.cos.6' that is, ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 201 P £ cos.tt'+sin.a'.cot.a cos.6 -\-^\x\.b.co\..b' Or dividing the denominators by sin. a', sin.Z>, which are equal, it will be P' _ P" cot. a + cot. a' cot.6 + cot. 6' ' and so of the rest. It is to be observed of the angles of the polygon, except that at the highest point, that the parts into which they are divided by the vertical lines, are, one of them acute and the other obtuse ; and, therefore, that the co-tangents of those parts'^ are affected with opposite signs. The theorem, therefore, agrees, as it should, with that for the funicular polygon ; where we had p' _ p tan.e — tan.e' tan.e' — tan.e -, &c. -^ — — J (= f . sin. a') is the horizontal thrust; cot.« + cot. a' whereby it appears, that the horizontal thrusts are equal throughout the system. The number of equations thus supplied, is one less than the number of angles in the polygon, i. e. n being the num- ber of rafters, it is n — 2. Putting w-, m', m", &c. for the lengths of the rafters ; s for the span ; and k for the height or pitch, we have also the equations s = in. sin.a+m'.sin.6+ Sec. h= tn.cos.a 4-???/.cos.6 + &c. the rafters, concerned in the second of these equations, being those on one side of the highest point. If the poly- gon is symmetrical, the number of distinct equations is less than that of the unknown quantities. For example, if it is proposed to construct an equilibrated roof of four equal raf- ters, m, (Fig. 105.) the structure being symmetrical about 202 STATICS. — SECT. IX. the vertical passing through the highest point o", it will be sufficient to consider one half; and for this we have, from the conditions of equilibrium, cot.a + cot.a' = 2 cot.b. but wherefore, cot.a' = — cot.b. cot.a = 3 cot. 6. Moreover, h = m{cos.a + cos.b), s = 2m{sm.a + sin. 5). The quantities here concerned are 7n, s, k, and the angles a and b ; and as there are but three equations, it is requisite that two of these five quantities should be given: one of them being a line. 5. In constructing an arch of masonry, a piece of frame work, called a centre, is first erected, whose circumference corresponds to the figure of the intended arch. On this are placed truncated wedges, called voussoirs, beginning at the piers or abutments, and finishing at the top or crown. On the voussoirs are laid other materials suitable to the particular purpose ; whether to support a road way, an aqueduct, or a building. The centering is then removed, and the whole abandoned to the mutual pressures of its parts. The vous- soir at the crown is called the key-stone ; the interior curve the intrados ; and the exterior the extrados. In treating of the equilibration of such a structure, the faces of the voussoirs are supposed to be perfectly smooth, and therefore incapable of transmitting lateral pressure, eX' cept in directions perpendicular to the joints. The tendency to descend, in each voussoir, by its weight and that of the load it carries, is to be equilibrated by the la- teral thrusts of the voussoirs on each side : or, which is the same thing, those weights, resolved in directions perpen- dicular to the joints, should yield components equal and op- posite in pairs, i. e. the weight of each voussoir, including that of its load, should be resolvable into forces, equal and ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 203 opposite to the pressures against its faces. Accordingly, the theory of the arch may be derived from that of the wedge, or of the catenary. Because of the importance of the pre- sent subject, it is proposed to consider it without reference to those theories. Let the arch be that represented in (Fig. 106.) a, b, c, d, &c. the voussoirs; ab, ab\ &c. the joints; and cd, c'd', &c. the vertical lines passing through the centres of gravity of the several voussoirs, and the weights with which they are loaded. The pressure made by the key stone, against the face of the contiguous voussoir, is the resultant of the pressures made by all the points of its face ab ; and this resultant may be applied at any point of that face. If m is that point, let mo, perpendicular to ab, be continued to meet the line c'd' at o' ; and let oW, perpendicular to a'b', meet the line c"d" at o" ; and o"m" , perpendicular to a"b" , meet the line c"'d"' at o'" ; and let o"'m"' be perpendicular to a"'b"', &c. The broken hne, ooo"o"''m"', shall be the line of pressure for one side of the arch ; and it is similarly made out for the other side. As a voussoir can support a pressure, only when di- rected perpendicularly against its face, it follows, that if the line of pressure passes above the lower voussoirs, the upper part of the arch must spread over them ; the arch descend- ing at the crown, and rising at the haunches : and that if the line of pi-essure passes below the lower voussoirs, the arch shall fail in the opposite way, i. e. by rising at the crown, and descending at the haunches. The line of pressure may vary through a space, depend- ing on the depth of the voussoirs ; and this affords the means of providing against the failure of the structure in this way. Thus let two curve lines be described perpendi- cular to the joints ; one of them passing through the upper, and the other through the lower extremity of the key stone. The condition, relative to the line of pressure, requires that 204 STATICS. — SECT. IX. every joint should be contained, in the whole or in part, be- tween those curves ; and this condition is the more easily secured, the greater the depth of the voussoirs. If this condition is not satisfied, the forces cannot be opposed to each other, and therefore the equilibrium can- not subsist; but this being satisfied, it may be established : and for this it is requisite, that the resolved forces should be equal to those by which they are to be severally sup- ported. To develope this second condition, let the line CD be vertical, and dd„, horizontal : and let the lines cd', cd'', cd'", &c. be parallel to the joints ab, a'b' , a"h", &c. Then, in order to consider one-half of the arch, let the voussoir, a, be supposed to be divided into two equal parts, by the line CD. The weight of the half voussoir, cabd, is perpendicular to dd'; and the forces into which it is resolved, are perpen- dicular to CD, cd'. Wherefore, this weight and the forces, into which it resolved, shall be represented by dd', cd, cd'. In the same way, if the weight of the voussoir b, is re- presented by d'd'', the forces into which it is resolved shall be cd', cd". And conversely, if these are the resolved forces, dd" shall be the weight of b ; and so of the rest. This statement is altogether independent of the sup- position of equilibi'ium among the several voussoirs. But for equilibrium, it is requisite that the thrusts should be equal, as well as opposite. Wherefoi'e, if the weight of half the voussoir a, is represented by dd', and accordingly the forces into which it is resolved by cd, cd', one of those into which the weight of b is resolved, must be likewise re- presented by cd' ; and, therefore, its weight, and the other of the forces into which it is resolved, by d'd" and cd". And the thrust from above, against the joint a'6', being cd", this must also represent the opposite thrust from below ; and accordingly, the weight of c, and its resolved forces shall be d"d'", cd", cd'". Thus the lines of the figure shall serve ROOFSj ARCHES, AND DOMES. 205 to compare, not only the weight of each voussoir with the forces into which it is resolved, but all the, forces promis- cuously : the weight of the half voussoir a, and those of the rest being represented by dd', d'd", d"d"', &c. and the thrusts at the several joints by the lines cd', cd", cd'", &c. Wherefore, if w\ w", w" , &c. are the weights ; and «', a\ a", the angles made by the joints with the vertical, v/e shall have 10 m w tan. a tan. a — tan. a tan. a"' — tan. a" w' + to" + iv" tan. a i: e. the weights of the several voussoirs are as the differences of the tangents of the angular inclinations of their faces to the vertical ; and the weight taken from the crown to any joint, as the tangent of the angle made by that joint with the vertical. Putting t' , t" , f, &c. for the thrusts perpendicular to the joints, these are as the secants of the same angles, i. e, t' _ t" _ t'" __ sec. a' sec. a" sec. a!" And if the weight of the arch from the crown to any joint is known, the thrust is given by the equation sm. a wherein a and t relate to any joint indifferently; and w denotes the weight of the arch, from the crown to that joint. The thrust perpendicular to a joint, multiplied by the cosine, or divided by the secant of the inchnation of that joint to the vertical, is the horizontal thrust : and as the thrusts perpendicular to the joints vary as those secants, the horizontal thrust is the same throughout the entire system ; 206 STATICS. — SECT. IX. and, therefore, equal to the thrust at the crown. Its value is given by the equation , , , COS. a IV n.t zz. f.cos.a := w. —. =z . sin. a tan. a The horizontal thrust is therefore equal to the weight of the arch, taken from the crown to the joint inclined to the vertical in an angle of 45°. All this is agreeable to what has been found relative to the funicular polygon or catenary ; the horizontal elevations of the cord, in its several parts, being the inclinations of the perpendiculars on the cord to the vertical. 6. On these principles the curve of the extrados might be assigned, when that of the intrados is given, together with the depth of the work on the crown ; and vice versa. But the application of these principles to practice is some- what precarious, owing to the general uncertainty of the real conditions of the problem to be solved. The three following are given as extreme cases, of which all others are more or less compounded. 7. Let it be proposed to find the extrados ; the voussoirs extending to this line, i. e, filling the space between the upper and lower curves. The joints may be supposed to be every where perpen- dicular to the curve of the intrados ; and the voussoirs them- selves indefinitely thin wedges ; in which case, their faces shall converge to the centres of curvature, as represented in (Fig. 107.), where o, o', are centres of curvature; the angles at those points being indefinitely small and equal. Putting w for the weight of the arch, measured from any joint to the crown, as before, and B for the angle made by the same joint with the vertical, we shall have d.w d.tan.6 „„ ,,. ■7^- = ^--^^=^^-^^^-^- ^'^ Moreover, if r is put for the radius of curvature at any point ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 207 I, of the intrados ; and I for the distance of the extrados from the centre of curvature, we shall have the sector r'^.M , ^ r-.iie OIK — — -— , and the sector ogh = —-: — . 2 2 and the vousson* ighk — ^^ — -^ — . wherefore, P - r"" = Asec.^e. omitting the multiplication by 2, as a is a constant quantity as yet to be determined. At the crown, sec. dz^l. wherefore, putting I' and r for the analogous quantities belonging to this point, we have A-P- r\ and therefore, giving P zz r^ + {P - O sec.20. (2) If ^ denotes the perpendicular from the extremity of the line I, upon the horizontal line drawn through the centre of curvature, we shall have whereby f. sec.2 = r^ + {P- i''^)sec.W. or, ^^ = ^e + ('^-'")- which, for — 90°. is 7f = P-r'\ shewing, that when the curve springs at right angles from a horizontal plane, it has an asymptote parallel to that plane, at a distance equal to Vp — r''^, below which it does not descend. If the curve of the intrados is a circle, r' = r. and equa- 5^08 STATICS. — srcT. IX. tion (2) may receive this form, /2 = r- + (r- r") tan.'-^e. In flat arciies, such as are formed of brickwork over the windows of dweUing houses, the joints all converge to a common centre ; and therefore, the differences of the tan- gents are as the breadths of the voussoirs themselves, mea- sured either on the upper or lower edges. Accordingly, the weights of the voussoirs being proportional to their breadths, the vertical heights must be equal, i. e. the upper line of the arch must be also right. The extreme joints, at the angles of the opening, are usually inclined to each other in an angle of 60° ; therefore, the distance from the angles to the centre, is equal to the v/idth of the opening; and this, for windows, is generally about five feet. Accordingly, the circle passing through the angles, and perpendicular to the joints, rises above the reveal, by a space equal to 5^.vers.sin.30°, which is some- what more than 8 inches ; and the line of pressure shall not be contained within the voussoirs, unless they are at least equal to this in depth. 8. Let the voussoirs be supposed to be of evanescent depth, i. e. let the series of wedges be reduced to a line, which is the curve of the intrados ; and let the pressure of the incumbent materials be vertical. This is the supposition on which the theory of the arch is commonly founded. It differs most widely from the cases which present themselves to the engineer : yet the conclusions, derived from this supposition, may afford him some elements for his calculations, in what relates to the pressures of the loose materials, with which the arch is fre- quently loaded. For this reason it is here briefly developed. Let s be the arch measured from any point to the crown ; ds shall be its element: and having d.B zz -^. equation (1) may be changed into ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 209 ^"-=i.sec.'9. (3) d.s r Moreover, taking the span at the abutments for the axis of Xi we shall have ds = dx. sec. Q. Wlierefore, d.iv A 3/j -7 — = -. sec.'e'. (4) d.x r If h is put for the height of the work, i. e. for the vertical distance between the intrados and extrados, we have d.io = h.dx. and h zz -. sec.'^O. r To find the value of A, we have at the crown, sec. 0=1. Wherefore, putting // for the height of the work, and r' for the radius of curvature at this point, we shall have, for the same point, h' = - . and a = h'.r'. r' Using this value of a, the equation is h'r' h = -— . sec.^'a. (5) r If the height of the extrados is required, above the hori- zontal line on which the span is measured ; putting ?/ for the ordinate of the intrados, and y for that of the extrados for the same abscissa, the equation will be h'r' Y=i/-\-h = 7/-\ . sec.''^. (6) If the intrados is a semicircle, we have r = r', and sec. = -. y whereby the value of h becomes 210 STATICS. SECT. IX. and the equation of the extrados, This curve may descend from tlie crown to a distance greater or less, depending on the vahie of W ; but it has a vertical asymptote at the extremity of the horizontal radius, in approaching which, it rises to an indefinite height. The same consequence follows from the supposition made in this article, for every arch which springs from the horizon at right angles. To find the point where the curve of the extrados cuts its horizontal tangent, we have only to make y = r -f- ^*' in the last equation ; which then becomes, '■ + ''' = 2/ + -^- and this gives the value of //, the depth of work at the crown, for any proposed extent of horizontal road way. Thus, for y — -^, i. e. for an arch of 120°, the equation gives /* = — r. ^ 14 To find the curve of the extrados, that of the intrados being a semiellipse having the lesser axis vertical. Let a be the greater, and b the lesser semiaxis. Then, The radius of curvature varies as the cube of the normal, which is y sec. 0. i. e. r: ~j- :: y^.sec^O : b^, which gives ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DOMES. 211 Substituting these values of r' and r, in equation (5,) it is h- y' Were the greater semiaxis vertical, the equation would be h- f The expressions, in both cases, being similar to that already obtained for the circular arch. 9. The depth of the voussoirs being still supposed eva- nescent, if the curve of the intrados were loaded with a fluid, the perpendicular pressures on the equal elements of the curve would be as the vertical heights of the fluid; and, therefore, the distances of the several points of the intrados below the fluid surface would be, every where, reciprocally proportional to the radii of curvature, (Sect. VIII. Art. 6.) And from this principle the intrados can be determined by two successive integrations. 10. The principle of equilibration in a dome, except in what relates to the horizontal thrusts, is contained in equa- tion (3), viz. dlG A g^ -J- — -.sec^'t/. as r To apply this principle, let yABC, (Fig. 108.) be a portion included between two planes intersecting at the axis to, at an indefinitely small angle ; and let this portion be supposed to be insulated, i. e. supported merely at the two extremities, viz. at V, by the thrust of the equal and opposite portion ; and at the lower surface abc, by the reaction of the work from which it springs. Let ahcfed be an element, whose upper and lower sur- faces are perpendicular to the interior surface of the dome. p '^ 212 STATICS. — SECT. IX. The weight of this element is proportional to its solid con- tent, i. e. to the continued product of its three linear dimen- sions. Wherefore, putting t, for hc\ ds, for af\ and x, the distance from the axis, for ah, to which it is proportional ; we shall have c c t,x.ds ■=. -. sec.'^O.ds. or, / = . sec.W. r T.x At the crown, x is cypher ; and at the base, sec. is infi- nite : wherefore, at the crown and at the base the thickness is infinite, unless r is also infinite at those points. If the dome is a segment of a sphere, r is constant ; and sec.0 is - ; ?/ being the ordinate on the horizontal diameter of the sphere. Wherefore, c.r t- 2- The thickness Ms a minimum, when x.ij^ is a maximum, i. e. when x -zz——. which corresponds to a distance from the summit of 36 degrees, nearly. 11. From the thickness required at the top, it appears that an equilibrated arch consisting of two sectors of a dome, meeting at their highest points, cannot be constructed, un- less by making the curvature at the highest point infinitely small : and it might be supposed, that the same limitations belong to a dome consisting of apposited sectors. But in a dome there are other means of security, arising from the thrusts in each horizontal course. The nature of these ho- rizontal thrusts will be understood, by conceiving the dome to be open at the top. The opening being a horizontal circle, the highest course is an arch, and the tendency of any part to fall inwards, being equable throughout, is effec- tually counteracted by the mutual pressures of the parts. Moreover, whilst the parts of each course are prevented ROOFS, ARCHES, AND DO^MES. 213 from falling inwards on the principle of the arch, the inward pressures, whilst permitted to subsist, are fitted to resist any accidental violence tending to push them outwards ; and being of the nature of compressing forces, to bind all toge- ther into one compact mass. Such is the advantage to be derived from the inward pressures in the horizontal courses. But in a dome con- sisting of equilibrated sectors, these sectors being merely apposited, do not press against each other. The pressures inward, in each horizontal course, are therefore counter- balanced by the thrusts from above and below. Accord- ingly, a dome consisting of such sectors, having no such security against any violence tending to push any part out- wards, is the weakest of all domes, which can be made to stand independently of the adventitious aid of hoops, cramps, cement, and friction. In a dome which swells outwardly beyond that composed of equilibrated arches, not only is the inward pressure in the horizontal courses removed by the thrusts directed from above and below, but there is moreover a tendency to fly outwards ; and as there remains nothing by which this is resisted, the dome must necessarily fall, by bursting outwards. But in a dome, which falls within that composed of equi- librated sectors, the tendency inward in the parts of the horizontal courses is never fully removed ; and in a structure of this kind, outwardly concave, this tendency is even in- ci'eased by the jjressures from above and below : for which reason, such domes are much stronger than those consisting of equilibrated sectors. From hence it would appear, that a convex dome may be strengthened by removing part of the crown : for the out- ward thrusts from above and below are thereby diminished ; whilst the upper course, by the tendency of its parts inward, constitutes an arch which serves as an abutment for the 214 STATICS. — SECT. IX. portions of the sectors beneath. A dome open at top may, therefore, carry a cupola or lantern ; provided that the weight of the superstructure does not exceed that by which the opening should be filled up, to render it a dome of equihbration. It is true, that the tendency to burst outwards, may be counteracted in a dome of any figure, by hooping, &c. and the horizontal thrusts, moreover, taken from the walls of the building over which it rises, by the same means. \Mien this method is not taken, the massiveness of the walls must be suited to the thrust they have to sustain : and it appears from Art. 5. that, in an equilibrated dome, this is equal to the weight of a portion of the dome, measured from the summit to the course, whose upper surface is inchned to the vertical in an angle of 45°. STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 215 SECTION X. OF STRENGTH AND STRAINS, DIRECT AND TRANSVERSE ; AND OF THE PRINCIPLES OF FRAME WORK. 1. When a soft body, of a uniform substance, is com- pressed by a force, equally applied to every part of its sur- face, it is not broken. Hence it follows, that fracture is pro- duced by a compressing force, in consequence of the in- equality of its actions, or of the forces of cohesion, by which it is resisted. Bodies are crushed by the lateral detrusion of the parts from their places : and this is variously effected, as the bo- dies are malleable or rigid, of a uniform, fibrous, or granular structure. If the body is malleable or ductile, it is easily conceived, that of the particles situated in the direction of the com- pressing force, some shall be detruded, laterally, from be- tween others, without breaking the continuity of the body : and if this operation of the compressing force were equable throughout, the length of the body would be diminished, and the breadth uniformly increased. But this is not the case ; for if the compressing force is evenly applied to the circular ends of a column of such a substance, the detrusion or swell shall be greatest where tlie resistance is least, /. e. at the ends, as is represented by the toruses of architectural columns ; the force of resistance being there least, in relation to the compressing force. If the body is rigid, and still homogeneous, it shall begin to fail, by splintering off in the same parts. To find the angle of the splinter, let ae^be a pillar of a 216 STATICS. — SECT. X. homogeneous substance, loaded with a weight w, (Fig. 109.) and let aoh be the angle of the fracture, to be now deter- mined. The cohesive force in the section ob, or od, varies as the lengths of these lines, i. e. inversely as the cosine of the angle aob, or cod, o being the middle point of the line ac. The incumbent weight, w, is a force applied in the vertical ; and, therefore, its energy in forcing the portion aob along the inclined plane ob, is proportional to the sine of the same angle : wherefore, the resistance divided by that energy, va- ries inversely as the product of the sine and cosine of the same anffle : i. e. as — : — -: — —. and as the body will fail *= sm.2aob ^ where the resistance divided by the energy of the weight is a minimum, it will fail where sin. 2aob is a maximum, i. e. at an angle ao6 = 45". Wherefore, ^0^=90°. and a pillar of iron is said to fail in this way, under enormous pressure ; the surfaces of fracture making a right angle with each other, as represented in the figure. A fibrous substance will not always follow this rule \ for if the direction of the compressing force is parallel to that of the fibres, and these slightly agglutinated, the fibres may give way by bulging in the middle rather than at the ends, where the lateral motions are resisted by enormous friction. In this case the outer fibres, having least support against the force by which they are bent, will be most detruded, whilst those nearer the axis are crippled, as is represented in (Fig. 110). This change continues until the mutual co- hesion among the fibres is broken, and then the body is crushed. A pillar of such material under a compressing force, is greatly strengthened by hooping. In a uniform substance, the strength to resist compres- sion is generally far greater than the strength to support an extending force. But in fibrous substances, it is otherwise : for the extending force, having the effect of uniting the fibres, cannot break the cohesion without overcoming their STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 217 united strength. However, in the relations of their strength to bear a load suspended or incumbent, there is the greatest diversity. Thus, a beam of oak will suspend twice as much as an equal beam of fir ; whilst it will support but one-half. The cause of this diversity is probably to be found in the curvature of the fibres of the oak, which renders it less fit to support than to suspend. 2. But the cohesive forces, which constitute the strength of a beam or rod, are more easily surmounted by a force applied transversely ; especially, if the straining force is ap- plied at a considerable distance from the point of fracture. This is plainly to be attributed to the advantage of leverage then given to the straining force ; as also, perhaps, to the circumstance that the full force of cohesion in the section of fracture is not at once encountered by it. The theory of transverse strains is not as yet well esta- blished, owing to the difficulty of ascertaining the physical conditions of the bodies subjected to those actions. Galileo was the first who attempted to bring this matter within the province of theoretic mechanics ; and little has been added to what he had delivered on the subject. Some improve- ments, however, have been made in this theory, by Mari- otte, Varignon, and Leibnitz. The operation of a transverse strain is to separate two surfaces, before in contact, by an angular motion round a cer- tain line, which then becomes an axle or fulcrum ; and it was supposed by Galileo, that this line was in that surface which is rendered concave by the action of the straining force. It was also supposed by him, that the force by which the motion round this line is resisted, is the same in all the fibres by which the divided surfaces had been connected. On this supposition, the sum of the forces of the fibres might be supposed to be applied at the centre of gravity of the trans- verse section, which is the surface of fracture ; and the le- verage of this force of resistance would, therefore, be the 218 STATICS. — SECT. X. distance of this point from the axis of rotation. According to this account, the moment of the resistances in a rectan- gular beam, would be the sum of the cohesive forces of the fibres in the section of fracture, multiplied by half the depth of the beam, i. e. f denoting the cohesive strength in a superficial unit of the transverse section ; b the breadth ; and h the depth of the beam ; the sum of the cohesive forces would hef.bJi. and its moment —^ — . Hence it appears, that the strength of a rectangular beam to resist a transverse strain, varies as the breadth multiplied by the square of the depth : for which reason, such a beam placed horizontally is stronger to resist a verti- cal strain when its narrow face is uppermost, than when it is placed with its broader surface in the same position, in the inverse ratio of these dimensions : so that if the breadth is double of the thickness, the strength in the two positions will be as two to one. The strongest rectangular beam that can be cut out of a given cylinder is that wherein b.Ji^ is a maximum. This gives 2b.h.dh + Ir.db = 0. or, 2b.dh -\- h.d.b = 0. Also, r being the radius of the cylinder, we have b'' + h^ = 4^r\ whence b.db + h,dh = 0. and db being exterminated by these two equations, we have /i' = 2b\ i. e. W — 4r2. whence we derive the following simple construction. Let AsrBo be the circular section of the cyUnder ; and AB its diameter, (Fig. HI.) Let this diameter be divided STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 219 into three equal parts by the points m and n : then erecting the perpendiculars m%, no, and drawing the lines ^a, ^b, oa, OB, we have the rectangular section required. o. The supposition relative to the equality of the forces exerted by the fibres in the section of fracture, was first contested by Leibnitz. It was properly observed by him, that as all beams v^ere more or less deflected before the instant of fracture, the fibres could not be equally strained ; and that as the forces exerted are known to be proportional to the extensions, those forces of resistance in the several fibres must be proportional to their distances from the ful- crum, or centre of angular motion. Thus, let al), ac, be two lines drawn in the two faces separated by fracture, (Fig. 112.) those lines being perpendicular to the axis of ro- tation passing through the point a ; we may then confine our attention to the strains in the triangular surface abc. The strength of a fibre to resist a longitudinal pull be- ing denoted, as before, by/, this will be the force exerted by the fibre 6c, when about to break : and that of any other fibre will be less in the ratio of its distance from a to the depth of the beam. Accordingly, the sum of the forces of resistance, exerted at the moment of fracture, wovdd be only ■PI 1 ' , instead oi f.b.h. which would have been the measure of the strength if all the fibres acted alike, according to the Galilean hypothesis. Moreover, the sum of these strains would be applied at the centre of gravity of the triangle abc. whose distance from a, the centre of motion, is f A. and ac- cordingly, the moment of the forces of resistance would be , , f.b.h'' . , ^f.b.P measured by - — ; — . mstead oi ' — - — . ■^ 3 2 It is be observed, that the conclusions obtained from the Galilean hypothesis as to the comparative strength of a rec- tangular beam, in different positions, would have equally 220 STATICS. — SECT. X. followed from this of Leibnitz ; but this agreement does not extend to all figures. Thus, if a triangular beam, with its end fixed in a wall, were to support a weight suspended from the other end ; ac- cording to the Galilean hypothesis, the weight which it would support, with its base uppermost, would be twice as great as that which it would support with its edge uppermost; the distances of the centre of gravity of the triangular section from the fulcrum being, in the one case f A, and in the other -. According to the hypothesis of Leibnitz, the beam, with o the base of the triangle uppermost, would have a force of /" 7 7 - resistance whose moment is ^^-^ — . i. e. the area of the tri- 4 angular section being -^ , the moment of the resistance would be that of the full cohesive force of all the fibres in this section, acting at the distance - from the fulcrum. Whilst the moment of resistance in the same beam having the edge uppermost, would be " ' ' -. or that of the direct cohesive strength of all the fibres in the section, acting at the distance -, from the fulcrum. So that according to this o ° hypothesis, the beam in the former position would be thrice as strong as in the latter. This diversity, in the conclusions as to the relative strength of a triangular beam, in these two positions, might seem to offer a test of the truth of the hypotheses from whence they follow. But there are other effects of inflec- tion, which are not to be overlooked. 4. James Bernouilli was the first who proposed to consi- der the compression produced in the concave surface. For, STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 221 as he remarked, the whole of the fibres m the section of fracture had not been in a state of tension during the ope- ration ; but whilst on one side they were in this state, those on the other side were compressed. 'These portions of the sections of fracture are separated by a line transverse to the length of the beam ; in which line, the fibres are neither compressed nor extended ; and this line is, therefore, to be regarded as the real axis of rotation. The moment of the forces which resist extension on one side of this line, must be equal to the moment of those which resist compression on the other ; for it is this equality of the moments which determines the position of the neutral axis. Were the mo- ment of the resistance to compression the lesser of the two, the body would yield by compression, whereby the neutral axis would be further removed from the concave side, and this motion would continue until the equality is restored : and we are to reason in the same way, if the moment of the resistances to extension were the lesser. Hence it follows, that the entire of the moment of resistance is twice that of the forces which resist extension ; and therefore, that the more compressible the body, the less the force of resistance which it is capable of opposing to a transverse strain. For the moment of this force is twice the moment of the forces which resist extension ; and this latter moment varies as the square of the distance of the convex surface from the axis of rotation, which is the neutral axis. Hence it is that a beam of soft timber is much strengthened by a cut on the side, which, by yielding, would become concave, the cut being filled with a wedge of hard wood. For the fulcrum, or axis of rotation, is thereby removed to the surface, and what is lost by the absence of the forces which resist com- pression, is more than supplied by the increased leverage given to the forces which resist extension. Thus, if the neutral axis is supposed to be in the middle of the section of fracture, and the saw-cut to be half the depth of the beam, 222 STATICS. — SECT. X. the distance of the centre of gravity of the uncut half, from the axis of rotation, becomes thrice as great, and therefore, the moment of the forces, excited by extension, is increased in the same ratio : wherefore, according to the Gahlean hypothesis of the equahty of the forces excited in the fibres, the moment of resistance would be increased in the ratio of 3:2. To see what would be the increase of strength according to the hypothesis of Leibnitz, we have only to integrate the expression y -7 a;^c?^ from a;= - to x = 7i, and this would give ft /V J^f.b.h^ for the moment of the resisting force; whereas the sum of the moments of the forces resisting extension and compression before the introduction of the wedge is -^:^f.bJi\ so that according to this hypothesis, the strength would be increased in the ratio of 3^ : 2. This is on the supposition, that the compression can be altogether prevented in this way. But, as this is only in part prevented, we are not to expect an increase of strength to the amount of what is here inferred. 5. Two important changes in the theory, as delivered by Galileo, have been already noticed ; and it does not appear that, with these emendations, the theory comprises all the physical conditions which influence the result. It has been judiciously remarked by Mr. Barlow, that the fibres do not break immediately after being strained to the utmost of their strength ; but that after this, the force of resistance still con- tinues to act, though with decreasing energy ; whilst other fibres, nearer to the axis of rotation, exert their greatest force : and, accordingly, that fracture does not occur until the aggregate of the moments of the forces of resistance shall have passed its maximum. But when this occurs, i. e. how far the exterior fibre is stretched, before that the whole begins to give way, cannot possibly be known, unless the law of the decreasing energy of a fibre, after exerting its greatest STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 223 force, were ascertained. To this may be added another ob- servation, which is a consequence of the preceding ; that af- ter the exterior fibres on either side have exerted their maxi- mum of force, whether in resisting extension or compression, the neutral axis must recede from that towards the other side, where the fibres have not as yet been strained or com- pressed to the Hmit of their strength. This motion of the neutral axis will be towards the side, to which it had been originally nearest, the weaker forces being those first over- come. But it does not follow, that the beam shall be broken by the weight which weakens the strength on one side only, for this may occur before that the fibres at the other side have arrived at the limit of the forces which they are capable of exerting. Thus a beam is often crippled at one side, by a force which will not break it. These observations have been made for the purpose of showing that it is in vain to expect a complete theory, or one that shall perfectly accord with experiment, until the mechanical process towards frac- ture is better understood. In the mean time, the theory, as far as it has been carried, suggests many useful hints to the practical mechanic. Thus it was shown, why a beam of a compressible substance is strengthened by the insertion of a hard wedge into a cut made in the concave side ; and the same theory suggests the best methods of fishing and splicing. It appears also, that the strength of a joist may be increased, whilst the material is economized, by in- creasing the depth in relation to the breadth : and that a si- milar advantage may be attained in the construction of metal pillars, by casting them hollow. For a hollow cylinder is stronger than a solid one of the same substance ; the centre of forces opposed to fracture, being further removed from the fulcrum in the hollow than in the solid cylinder, whilst the surface of fracture is the same in both. There is how- ever a limit to the extent to which this principle should be carried : for as all the parts should act together, they should 22'i STATICS. — SECT. X, ' be left sufficiently strong to resist such impressions as would otherwise cause a partial violation of figure. All this is seen exemplified in the woi'ks of nature, where lightness is not less requisite than strength ; as in the bones of most land animals, the quills of birds, the stems of reeds and grasses : and suitably to the purposes of the Allwise Contriver, we find that the substances of such bodies are of a more than ordinary degree of hardness and tenacity. On the whole, it is to be observed, that the equilibrium between the straining and resisting forces continues until the moment of fracture. For as the former is increased, the re- sisting forces are also more intensely excited until their mo- ment becomes a maximum ; and it is only when the straining force is increased beyond this limit, that the equilibrium is violated. 6. Hitherto the strength of materials to resist fracture has been considered, chiefly according to the different modes in which this strength may be supposed to be exerted: but it is no less necessary to form an estimate of the efficacy of the straining forces, according to the different modes in which they may be applied. In treating of this part of the subject, the energy of the resisting forces may be regarded as unvaried. If a beam, having one end fixed in a wall, carries a weight on the other end, the whole may be regarded as a bent lever of the first kind : the fulcrum being: at the axis of rotation, in the plane of the surface in which the beam would break when overloaded. The arms are the distances from this fulcrum to the point at which the weight is applied on the one hand, and to the centre of the resisting forces on the other. And in the case of equilibrium, these contending forces are reciprocally as the lengths of the arms by which they act; or, more properly, they are reciprocally as the perpendiculars let fall from the axis of rotation on the direc- tions of the forces. In what follows, the flexure of the beam STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 225 being supposed to be inconsiderable, the length of the arm shall be taken as the measure of leverage. Whilst the beam is secured at one end, the energy of a weight, w, to produce a strain in a transverse section at the distance x, from the weight, is w.x. For the equilibrium subsisting between the straining force, and that by which it is resisted in any section, will not be disturbed if the beam is fixed at that section : the weight will then act, by the arm of a rigid lever, against the resistances in the same section. The energy of the weight, being expressed as above, is greatest in the section which coincides with the plane of the wall : and putting I for the length of the beam, or the dis- tance of the weight from the surface of the wall; its value at that distance is iv.l. 7. If a beam, supported loosely at its two ends by props, carries a weight at any intermediate point, the strain on the section made at the part where the weight is applied, is evidently the same as if it were there placed on a wall, and loaded at each end with a weight equal to the reaction of the prop which supports that end. Therefore, to find the energy of the strain, we have only to find the pressure on each of the props, and to multiply it into the distance of that prop from the weight. Accordingly, p, p denoting the pressures on the props; a and b (Fig. 113.) d, d' their dis- tances from the weight at c, we have w.d and for the moment of the straining force, iv.d'.d I For any other point between a and c, whose distance 7/ from a is x, the moment of the straining force is ■ ' "^ ■■. This moment is, therefore, greatest in the section where the Q 226 STATICS, — SECT. X. weight is applied. And if the place of the weight is varied, it is greatest when the weight is placed at the middle point w I of the beam, its value being then -^. The reaction of the prop B has the same effect ; wherefore, -— , the energy of the weight, applied at the middle of a beam loosely sup- ported, is equal to that of the same weight applied at the end of a beam of one-half of the length, the other end being secured. Or, it is the same as that of one-half of the weight ajDplied at the end of the entire beam, the other end being fixed. Whence it follows, that a beam supported loosely on props, would carry on its middle point, twice the weight which it could support at one end, the other end being fixed : and it may, therefore, be said to be twice as strong when treated in the one way, as it would be in the other. 8. If a beam were secured at both ends, it becomes still stronger to support a weight in the middle, in the ratio of 2:1. For the weight required to produce the strain at the middle, and those at the two ends, is equal to the sum of those which would be requisite to produce them separately, i. e. it is the sum of the weight, which would produce the strain in the middle, the ends being loosely supported, and of the two weights which would produce the strains at the wall, the beam being sawn through the middle. Now if the three strains were equal, the moment of the weights which by acting on the half lengths produce those at the wall would be, each of them, equal to — ; and, therefore, to produce the triple fracture, the moment of the weight in the middle n should be - z/;^ . But the deflections at the ends near the wall are, each of them, only half of that at the middle. Wherefore, the weight supported by the sum of the re- sistances at the ends, is only equal to the weight supporteol by the resistance of the middle section. Consequently, by STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 227 fixing the ends of the beam in the wall, the weight which it will support at the middle is doubled. If equal weights are uniformly distributed over a beam fixed at one end, the strain on that end shall be half of what it would have been, had the sum of the weights been applied at the remote end. For, let div be the weight resting on dx, a portion of the length, we shall have w.dx d.w zz I and putting x for its distance from the fixed end, the energy with which it acts on that end is w.x.dx I and the sum of these moments, or w C 1 w.x^. which needs no correction. This, for x:=zl, is — . which is half the moment of the weight tv, when applied at the outer end. If the beam is supported loosely on its ends, the strain at the middle point, on the same supposition of the equal distribution of the load, is the half of what it would have been, had the sum of the weights been applied at that point. For the force on dx is — j — ; and its moment to pro- V duce fracture at o, the middle point, is had by multiplying ... . T n TT71 r • • tv.x.dx this mto X, its distance Irom o. VVhereiore, it is j — : and the sum of these from o to a, is -^ : and the same for o the weights between o and b. Accordingly, the whole mo- Q 2 228 STATICS. — SECT. X. ment at o, of the weight thus uniformly distributed is -^ : which is half the strain produced by w placed at that point. Since the energy of the uniformly distributed weights, to produce fracture, at the middle point of the beam when loosely supported, is half of that, which would belong to those weights if concentred at that point ; and since, when the beam is fixed at the ends and sawn in the middle, the energy of the same weights to produce fracture at the fixed ends, is one-half of that which would have been exerted, had they been concentred at the same point ; it follows, that the energy to produce both of these effects conjointly, must be one-half of that, with which the weights would have acted, if concentred at the middle point, i. e. if a beam is secured at both ends, and uniformly loaded, it will bear double the weight which it could have borne at its middle point. Therefore a beam, whether fixed at one end or loosely supported at both ends, or fixed at those points, is capable of bearing twice the load, uniformly distributed, that it could have borne if placed altogether at the unsupported end of the beam in the first case, or at the middle in each of the two other cases ; i. e. in all cases, the strength of the beam is doubled by the uniform distribution of the load. 9. If the force by which a beam is in danger of breaking is its own weight, the same theorems will apply. And it is worthy of note, that as the energy of the uniformly distri- buted weights varies as w.l, and that of the force of resis- tance as the breadth of the beam, multiplied by the square of its depth, i. e. as h.d^. so xiw is the limit of the weight which it will carry in this manner, it shall vary as -^ — . which, for similar beams, is as P-. i. e. the strength of STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 229 similar beams, estimated by the load which they will carry in this manner, varies as the squares of their lengths. But though the strength of a beam to support an extra- neous load, increases as the square of its linear dimensions, those dimensions being increased in the same proportion, yet its strength to support its own weight, so far from being increased, is diminished. The reason is, obviously, that its own weight increases as the cube ; and the moment of that weight, as the fourth power of its linear dimensions, and therefore, faster than its strength to support it. Thus if there are two similar beams, whose lengths are / and /', se- cured each at one end in a wall: their weights are as l^ and /'^, and the energies of those weights to produce fracture, as ^^, l'^, whereas, the energies of the forces of resistance are as h .tP : h' .d"^ , i. e. as P'.V^. If the weight is known which a beam, fixed at one end, will just carry at the other end without breaking, we may find the length of a similar beam which shall just support its own weight. For, let I be the length of the smaller beam, m its mass, and w the weight which it will just carry at the end. And designating the length and mass of the larger beam by the capitals, the energies of their loads are (1 + ..)/. and|,L. And the energies of the forces of resistance are as P^ and L^. And the former must be proportional to the latter, or m -\- 2w _ M Moreover, and therefore, M '.m:: L^-.f M = —rr 230 STATICS. — SECT. X. which value of m, being substituted in the preceding equa- tion, it becomes (m -\-2w) I— m. L. giving , 2w.l -LZZ.I -^ . m Hence it appears, that of all similar beams of the same material, and fixed in the same manner, there is but one which can barely support itself without breaking. A beam larger than that here estimated, will be broken by its own weight. And hence also it appears, that small animals are much stronger than large ones to carry their own weights ; for which reason, they are far more active. Accordingly, a fly will carry ten times its own weight, perhaps with more facility than a horse can carry a weight merely equal to his own. There is, therefore, a limit to the size of animals and plants, at which they would be oppressed by their own weight, and fall to pieces. This is a natural limit to the magnitude of trees and land animals, which is further re- duced, by the necessity of leaving them strength for other purposes, beyond what would be required for the support of their own weights. This limit is not so much straitened for sea animals, the weight of whose bodies is in a great measure supported, and whose strength to bear it much assisted by the weight and compression of the medium in which they live. Accordingly, we find that some of these are much larger than any of the inhabitants of the dry land. The same principle which limits the size of the produc- tions of nature, is equally applicable to the structures of art. Thus, what appears strong in the model, may be very de- ficient in strength when executed: and this must be allowed for by engineers and architects, who would, otherwise, make the most ruinous mistakes. STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 2Sl 10. Such are the principles on which the strength of beams is to be computed, with regard to the loads they are intended to bear. In treating of the equilibrium of struc- tures consisting of such materials, these strains were not considered. The component parts were supposed to be rigid and unbending : in which case, the loads supported by them might be supposed to be transferred to the angles : and the subject of investigation was the equilibrium of the longitudinal thrusts. When this equilibrium is secured, a great object is attained : the stability of the structure being then easily provided for. But this is not sufficient ; for the parts of the structure are strained transversely by their own weights, and by the loads they carry: and it has been shewn, that the strength of beams to support such strains is far less than to support a longitudinal pull or thrust ; the absolute force of resistance being much less in the former case, and acting ordinarily at a great mechanical disadvantage in relation to the straining force. Accordingly, after the equihbration of the component parts of a structure, the next object, especially in carpentry, is to convert the trans- verse strains into longitudinal pulls or thrusts. How this is to be accomplished may appear by one or two familiar examples. Let AB be a horizontal beam attached to an upright at B, destined to support a weight w, appended at a, (Fig. 114). Putting I for ab, the measure of the energy of w, to strain the beam at b, is iv.l : and unless the beam is very strong, and well secured at b, it will be broken by an inconsiderable weight, or forced out of its birth at b. This is prevented by changing the straining force to a thrust in the direction of AB : which is accomplished by combining with the force w, another force, such that the resultant of the two shall be directed according to ab : and this being effected, the po- sition of the beam is secured, though it should be connected with the upright only by a hinge at b. Let ai\i be a cord 232 STATICS. — SECT, X. attached to the beam at a, and to the upright at m ; if this is inextensible, and sufficiently strong, it must necessarily sup- ply the force requisite to change the vertical strain into a horizontal thrust : for the point a cannot descend without stretching or breaking the cord, and if this does not occur, the three forces acting at a must be in equilibrio. These forces are, 1st, the weight w, acting in the vertical ; 2d, the reaction of the cord in the direction am ; and 3d, the reac- tion of the upright in the direction ba. Accordingly, the two first must compound a force equal and opposite to the last, i. e. a force acting in the direction ab. In this case, the resultant in the direction of ab is a compressing force ; and the piece ab is called a strut. We have, therefore, only to connect the point a, by a tie, to a point in the upright, above b, and the lateral strain on ab shall be converted into a longitudinal compression. The quantity of the strain endured by the cord, and of the thrust against the upright at b, are compared with the weight IV, by the triangle amb, whose sides are in the direc- tions of these forces. Thus, putting s for the strain on the cord, and t for the thrust against the upright, we have T z:: sm.ang.A tan. ang. a Similarly, by a force acting in the direction am', the transverse strain may be converted into a longitudinal pull. This force may be supplied by a brace an, which, if it is incompressible, will prevent the point a from descending. The forces acting at a are then in equilibrio, i. e. the weight tv, and the reaction of the brace in the direction of nam', will be a compound force in the direction of ba, which, if the hinge or fastening at b is sufficiently strong, will be counteracted by the reaction of that point. The relative magnitudes of the three forces are determined as in the for- mer case. STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 233 In the same way a beam may be strengthened, by what, at first view, might appear to be an addition to its load. Thus, let the beam be ab, resting on supports at a and b, (Fig. 115). This shall be greatly strengthened by the piece DC, descending from its middle point, and connected by its remote end c, with the extremities of the beam ab. For the point d cannot descend without crushing the piece dc, or breaking the connexions ac, bc. Therefore, if these parts are sufficiently strong, the strain on the beam at d, where it is most dangerous, is transferred to the points A and B whei'e it is firmly supported. In this case, the con- necting pieces ac, bc, serve to thrust the piece cd against the middle of the beam : wherefore, this last is a strut, and the two former ties ; for which reason, these may be inex- tensible cords. In this manner, the transverse strains are removed by ties and struts. 11. To take away the lateral thrusts from the walls of a house, occasioned by the weights of the rafters and their in- cumbent load, the heads of the rafters are connected by a tie beam ; which, if it had no other office, needs not be gross. But, commonly, it has a ceiling to support, and perhaps a floor with all the furniture of an apartment. In this case, the tie beam, miless supported, will be apt to yield to the transverse strain, occasioned by its own weight and that of the load it carries. This support is given to it by a tie, or king post, connecting it in the middle with the summit of the rafters. But the rafters also, if long, will require support against the transverse strains, to which they are subjected. This is supplied by braces, descending from the middle of the rafters, and abutting against the lower end of the king post, on which they are joggled. In this way, the middle of each rafter is supported ; and the load and its bearing being reduced each to one-half, the strain upon the half rafter is reduced to one-fourth of that on the entire rafter supported only at the ends. All this is 234 STATICS. — SECT. X. exhibited in (Fig. 1 16.) where ab, ac are the rafters ; bc the tie beam ; ad the king post ; and ed, fd the braces. This is the most common kind of roof, and it is sufficient for all ordinary purposes. 12. But in trusses and frame work of all kinds, besides the equilibration of the longitudinal thrusts, and the re- moval of the transverse strains, it is also requisite to provide for the inviolability of the figure, against the various influ- ences to which the work may be exposed. When this is secured, all the parts shall act together as one solid mass ; each contributing to support the strains on the rest. This end is attained chiefly by resolving the whole into triangles. For in such figures, whilst the lengths of the sides continue unchanged, their relative positions must also be unchanged. This is not the case in figures consisting of any greater number of sides. For example, nothing could be worse than a trapezium roof consisting only of three rafters and a tie beam, such as that represented in (Fig. 117). For though the thrusts are taken from the walls, by the tie beam, and the points a and b thereby fixed, yet the angles being changeable, the strain on each piece from its own load, and also, the thrusts against it from the contiguous members, are, consequently, changeable. Were the middle points of the horizontal beams con- nected together by the piece mn, (Fig. 1 1 8.) those beams would be constrained to act together ; but the deflections to which they are liable being in the same direction, little is thereby gained, in proportion to the quantity of material added. Were the middle points of the rafters connected together by the piece op, the deflection in those parts would be resisted somewhat more eflTectually, for should the rafters bend, it must be in the same direction; but the strains from their loads being both inwards, i. e. in opposite directions, they would yield only by the difference of those strains. STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 235 By means of the two uprights, ce, df, the roof becomes considerably stronger : (Fig. 119.) for the angles of the tri- angles, ACE, BDF, are unchangeable as long as the distances of their angular points remain unchanged. And so are also the angles of the four-sided figure cefd, as long as the lengths of its sides, and those of the lines ac, bd, are un- changed. But the chief recommendation of this construc- tion is the space cefd, which it allows for an apartment. For the rafters ac, bd, the truss beam cd, and the tie beam ab, are all liable to deflection from the transverse strains. ■ These deflections are effectually prevented by continuing the rafters above the truss beam, so as to meet at a point ; or should this roof be deemed too high, the pitch of the raf- ters above the truss beam may be diminished, as represented in (Fig. 120). For thereby a new fixed point is gained, by means of which, the truss beam may be prevented from bending by the king post hm. This gives another fixed point, M, which may serve for abutments to the braces mn, MP, by which the stiffness of the upper rafters is secured. The triangle chd, being then a firm piece of frame work, c and d are fixed points, from which the queen posts, ce, df, may descend, to carry the tie beam ab. Two more fixed points, E and f, are thus obtained, which serve as abutments for the braces ei, fk, by which the rafters ac, bd are sup- ported. The braces eg, fl may be added to counteract the push of the queen posts, which might be occasioned by the thrusts of the braces ie, kf. They also afford addi- tional security against any change in the angles c and d ; and also, further support to the truss beam cd. A roof consisting of four rafters of this external form is called a Mansard or kirb-roof. 13. Where firmness is the main object, the frame work shoidd consist of triangles. For the angles being unchange- able whilst the lengths of the sides are unchanged, the figure cannot be violated except by the deflections of the 236 STATICS. — SECT. X. beams : and the same angles afford the means of security against these deflections, being so many fixed points, which may serve for abutments to the braces, by which the trans- verse strains are supported. But where it is particularly desirable to gain internal space, the angles of a kirb-roof may be secured by braces dividing each of the rafters into three parts. In this way the sides of the polygon are dou- bled, as represented in (Fig. 121). And by a continuance of the same method, they may be further multiplied, until the interior figure approaches to the form of a vault ; it may then be lined so as to perfect that figure. But a most ingenious method of framing a roof, without encroaching considerably on the space within, is that pi-ac- tised by the Normans, in what are called Gothic Buildings. The construction is that represented in (Fig. 122.) where BE, CF, DG, are pieces descending from the angles made by the rafters, the ends of those pieces being connected with the angles at each side. Thus each four-sided figure, as ABCE, is fixed, being resolved into two triangles by its diago- nal BE. The whole being treated in this manner, the rafter AB cannot move independently of bc; nor bc without cd; nor this last without de. All must, therefore, act together in resisting a force applied to any one part. Each of the braces, ea, ec, &c. is alternately a strut and a tie ; a strut in upholding the angle from whence it proceeds ; and a tie in holding up the piece descending from the neighbouring an- gle, by which means that angle is supported. Thus, ce, cg are struts, rising from the abutments e and g, to support the angle c; and cg, ge are ties upholding the piece gd against the angle d. The same method is extended to support the rafters also against the strains occasioned by their respective loads, and this without encroaching so much on the space within ; sim- ply by connecting the pieces be, cf, dg with the middle points of the rafters, as represented in (Fig. 123). In this STRENGTH AND STRAINS. 237 way the braces if, kf are struts abutting on f, and support- ing the rafters cb, cd at their middle points i and k. And the same pieces are ties pressing up the piece fc against the angle c. The architects who used these methods, instead of con- cealing the roof by a ceiling, frequently exposed it to view, ornamented with carved work : vain, perhaps of their skill in supporting an enormous roof by that which, to a common beholder, would seem an additional load, fitted only to hasten its ruin. 23S STATICS. — SECT. XI. SECTION XL OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. 1 . In what has been hitherto delivered relative to trans- verse strains, the forces considered were those requisite to produce or resist fracture ; but by a force less than this, a beam or rod is sensibly inflected. Sometimes this change of figure is permanent ; in which cases, the rod is said to have taken a set : but often, also, it regains its primitive figure, when released from the straining force, in which case, it is said to be elastic ; and the force, by which it is brought back to its primitive position, is called its elasticity. When an elastic plate, fixed at one end, is bent by a force applied at the other, the figure which it assumes is called the elastic curve ; and the purpose in the present section is, to point out the mode of investigating that figure. Let OB be the plate fixed at o, (Fig. 124.) and let this be bent into the curve ob', by a force p, acting at b', in the di- rection b'g. The equilibrium at any point, m, shall not be disturbed, by rendering the plate inflexible at every other point. To conceive the nature of the action of the elastic force, the curve formed by the convex surface of the plate may be regarded as a polygon with an infinite number of equal sides, mm, mm being two contiguous sides of this polygon, the tendency of the elastic force at m, is to bring the line mm to the same direction with urn by a circular movement round a certain line in the section made at m, perpendicular to the plane of the curve ; which line is, there- fore, to be regarded as the axis of circular motion. This tendency being counteracted by p, the straining force acting OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. 239 at b', it follows that these two forces are in equihbrio ; or that their moments are equal. Wherefore, putting e for the moment of the elastic force acting at m, and drawing the line M« perpendicular to b'g the direction of the inflecting force, we have EZZPXMW. (1) In deriving the equation of the curve from this funda- mental proposition, we shall confine ourselves to the case of a plate of uniform breadth and depth, in which the flexure is inconsiderable. Moreover, as the inflecting force when oblique, may always be conceived to be compounded of two forces, of which one is perpendicular to the face of the plate, and the other in the direction of its length, it will be suffi- cient to consider these two cases apart, which is what is pro- posed in the two following articles. 2. Let cIs be any element of the interior curve ; i. e. of the curve formed by the concave surface of the plate, and let ds' be the corresponding element of the exterior curve. In the plate before inflection these were equal ; but after in- flection ds' is greater than ds. Now ds', ds being regarded as similar arcs of two concentric circles, whose radii are /, r, we have the following proportion : ds' : ds : : r : r, and ds' — ds :ds:: r — r : r. giving ds —ds = . ds. But r'—r is the thickness of the plate which is supposed to be unvaried : wherefore ds' — ds which is the distention of 1 the elementary portion ds varies as -. i. e. inversely as the radius of curvature. Now e varies as t//— J* multiplied by 240 STATICS. SECT. XI. the breadth into the square of the depth, which in the case now considered are constant: it therefore varies inversely as the radius of curvature ; a fact which had been previously established by experiment. Wherefore nrzzA, a constant quantity. Accordingly, taking the point o for the origin, the right line ob, or the length of the plate before inflection, for the axis of ^, and the perpendicular oc for that of?/, and putting x' for od, equation (1) becomes v(x — x)=-. r If the flexure is small, x' may be deemed equal to ob ; which being denoted by I the equation becomes v(l—x)y — A. This is brought to an equation between x and y, simply by (dx^-\-ch/^)^ substituting for r its value, which is — ; — jg . Where- ° ax. cry fore the differential equation of the curve will be 3 But V[l—X) -^ = A. ax. ay {dx--^dy'')^ ' -'"2x1 dx.d^y dx^ whose approximate value is -^- the flexure being inconside- rable : in which case the equation becomes f{1—X)-zj- = A. or v{l—x)dx-=.\.-~-. OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. 241 And by integration, -(ai-x)=..£. which requires no correction, inasmuch as for x=0, there is ^ = 0. dx Multiplying the last equation by dx, and again integrat- ing, there is which as a^ and y simultaneously vanish, requires no correc- tion. For x:=zl, this becomes And A being constant, this equation shows that the deflec- tion at the point to which the inflecting force is applied, varies as that force multiplied by the cube of the distance of the point of application from the fixed extremity of the plate. 3. If the direction of the force p coincides with the line cormecting the two extreme points o and b, the point o needs not to be fixed ; it will suffice if the rod rests against an immoveable obstacle at that point: and the case will be the same with that of a vertical rod resting on a horizontal plane, and carrying a weight on its summit. Let BO be the elastic plate resting on the horizontal plane at o, (Fig. 125.) and bent into the figure bmo, by a weight p, applied at b. Also, mn being a perpendicular let fall from any point m, on the right line bo, the direction of the compressing force, let mnh::?/, 0N=:a:. then we shall have A 242 STATICS. — SECT. XI. in which a is constant, being the moment of the elastic force at any point muUipHed into the radius of curvature at the same point. The approximate value of r, for small inflec- tions, being -72", and (Py being negative, the equation be- comes, Multiplying both members of this equation by 2dy, and in- tegrating, we have To find the value of c, let the greatest ordinate of the curve be b, and for this ordinate we shall have -f^ziO. and there- ax fore, c=p.6^ which gives or, _^l K dy dxzz- WF\Vb'-.yy Again integrating, V A / , i/\ ■ x-=.—r-' arc sm. zz. ^ )+c. \/p \ b) But for a;z:0, there is^zzO, and therefore, arc ( sin,=r^ j — 0, Wherefore, c'=0. and accordingly the equation of the curve is Va ( • y\ I . Vp a7 = -7-. arc (sin.^T-). or, v = ^' sin.—— .a;. 'Jt^ \ bt ^ ^J ^ For « = 0B=:/, we have ^=0. and therefore. ■v/p &.sin.-V-.^=0, Va OF THE ELASTIC CURVE. 243 l/P Whence, either 6 — 0, or sin. -y-./ziO. and to satisfy this V A last equation, we must have Vp , — —. I zn mir. v/a in which m is some integer number. Accordingly, if the force p does not satisfy this last equation, we shall have 6 = 0. i.e. there can be no inflection. Hence it appears, that the least value of p, which can bend the rod or plate, \/p is that obtained by making w«i=I, in the equation-— ./=wz7r. which then is p — I' and the same is the greatest force which the plate can sus- tain without bendinsr. R^ 244 STATICS. — SECT. XII. SECTION XII. OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATICS. 1. The first who attempted to raise Mechanics to the rank of a demonstrative science, was Archimedes ; and by him it was founded on the principle of the lever, which he established in the following manner. Let AB be the lever, and c its fulcrum, (Fig. 126). Taking in this line produced, bd z: ca, af =■ cb, the whole line fd shall be bisected at c, and if fd were a cylinder, it would be supported by a prop at c. Moreover, taking AE = AF, the line ed is bisected at b. Wherefore, if the cylinder were divided into two distinct cylinders at e, the part FE would be supported by a prop at a ; and the part ED by a prop at b, i. e. a force equal to the weight of fe, acting vertically upwards at a, and a force equal to the ^veight of ED, acting vertically upwards at b, would equili- brate the cylinder as effectually as a force equal to its wdiole weight, acting vertically upwards at its middle point c. But the force, equilibrated by this last, is the entire weight acting vertically downwards at c. Whence it appears, that two forces acting vertically at a and b towards the same side of the line ab, shall equilibrate a third force acting at c in a parallel and contrary direction, provided those forces are as FE, ED, fd; or as the halves of those lines, viz. cb, ca, ab, each of the forces being as the distance between the points of application of the other two forces. Various improvements in this demonstration have been since proposed, by those who have regarded the lever as a suitable foundation of mechanical philosophy. That the OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATICS. 245 whole theory of statics may be derived from thence, shall be freely admitted ; but it must also be admitted, by those who are most favourable to this proceeding, that the me- thods of applying the principle of the lever to other matters, such as the pully, the inclined plane, the composition and resolution of forces, are forced, isolated, and circuitous. 2. The principle next applied to the same purpose, was that of the composition and resolution of forces, first intro- duced by Newton in his ' Principia Mathematica Philo- sophiae Naturalis,' which had received the imprimatur of the president of the Royal Society, early in July, 1GS6, though the merit of the improvement has been claimed for Vai-ignon. This pretension, however, does not appear to have any sup- port besides his own assertion, as his ' Nouvelle Mecanique' did not make its appearance until the year 1725, which was after his death ; and no trace of the discovery can be found in any of his other productions. It plainly appears, that it had not been made by him in 1685, the year in which he published his ' Memoire sur les poulies a moufles' in the ' Histoire de la Republique des lettres ; wherein, unques- tionably, he would have adopted this principle, had it been then known to him, as it appears that he was afterwards fully sensible of its immense importance; and as in that per- fomance, it would have afforded him peculiar facilities in calculating the efficacy of oblique strains. The principle of the composition and resolution of forces pervades the whole of the Principia Mathematica : and as it is impossible to suppose that this performance could have been the work of one or two years, it must be admitted, that it was known to Newton long before the year 1685, when unquestionably it was imknown to Varignon ; and, therefore, that Newton was the first who made the discovery, as well as the first who gave it to the public. The demonstration by which this principle was originally supported, was founded on the composition and resolution 246 STATICS. — SECT. XII. of motion. For taking the motions produced by the single forces to represent these forces in quantity and direction, the motion resuUing from the composition of those two mo- tions was taken to represent the resulting force. This mode of proof is recommended by its extreme simplicity. But it has been objected, that it introduces the subject of motion, which is different from that under consideration ; and that it assumes the proportionality of the force to the velocity pro- duced by it. That the velocity produced in a given body, by a force acting during a given time, is the just measure of that force, is a truth established by the most extensive ex- perience ; but it is only by experience that it can be esta- blished : whereas, by an independent proof of the principle of the composition and resolution of forces, the whole theory of statics is presented as a series of necessary truths, inde- pendent of experiment or observation of any kind. These objections were first urged by Daniel Bernouilli; and he was also the first who supplied a demonstration of the kind re- quired. Many others have been afterwards furnished, of which the most simple and elegant was that of Duchalya, the same which, with very little change, has been adopted in Sect. I. Art. 2. of this elementary treatise. 3. But another principle could not long escape the notice of writers on meclianics, being offered to their view in all instances of equilibrium ; and that most obviously in the several mechanic powers : this has been denominated the principle of virtual velocities ; to explain which, it is to be observed, that a force being applied to a material point, and any small motion given to that point, by which it describes the space ds in a given time, the space ds is the measure of the velocity of that point. And if this line makes with the direction of the force, the angle 6, then ds. cos. 6. is the ve- locity estimated in the direction of the force itself. Now the principle of virtual velocities is thus stated: " If any number of forces are in equilibrio, whether applied to the OF THE FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF STATICS. 247 same point, or to different points of a system, and any small movements are given to the system of points, such as their mutual connexions will admit, the sum of the products obtained by multiplying each force into the velocity of its point of application, estimated in the direction of the force, is cipher ; and conversely, when for all the small movements, which can possibly be given to the points of the system, the sum of these products is cypher, the forces shall be in equi- librio." Thus, if the points of the system are m, m, m , m'\ (Fig. 127.) connected together according to any condition ; and if by any small displacement they are carried to the points w, 71, n", n" , respectively ; then mn, m'n, m'ti', m"n" are the virtual velocities; and ns, n's, n"s", n"s" being per- pendicular to the directions of the forces, the virtual ve- locities, estimated in the directions of the forces, are tns, ms, Ill's" , m's". Now, putting p, p', p", p'" for the forces acting at those points, and jt?, p , p", p", for the lines tns, m's, m's", m"'s"', then according to the principle of virtual velocities, the system being in equilibrio, we shall have v.p + p'./-F p"./'+ v"'.p"'- 0. And conversely, if the condition expressed by this equation is fulfilled for every small movement which may be imparted to the system, the forces are in equilibrio. In announcing this principle, it is to be noticed, that the forces p, p', p", &c. are always deemed positive ; and that 2J, p', p", &c. are positive, when their directions are the same with those of p, p', p", &;c. and negative, when their directions are opposed to those of the same forces. Thus, in the figure; m's', m"s", being measured from the points m', m" , in the directions of the forces p', p", are positive ; but ms, m"s"' , which are measured from the points m, m" , in directions opposite to those of the forces p, v'", are ne- gative. 4. It has been already observed, that this principle was discovered by induction. Thus, for equilibrium in the lever, 248 STATICS. — SECT. XII. the power and weight acting in directions perpendicular to the arms I, /', we had p./r= p'. /'. But a small angular mo- tion being given to the lever, the extreme points of the arms describe the spaces ds, ds. And these being similar circu- lar arcs whose radii are /, /', we have ds : ds' ::l: I'. Wherefore, T,ds = p'. ds'. But the directions of the forces being regarded as positive, whilst they tend to turn the lever about the fulcrum in op- posite directions, one of the virtual velocities is positive, and the other negative ; wherefore, putting ds ^.p, we shall have ds zz — p'. which values being substituted in the preceding equation, it becomes P.jO + p'. p' zz 0. More generally, the angles made by the directions of the forces with the arms to which they are applied, being
'+p".i5"+&c. =0. is satisfied. Let this
equation, therefore, be supposed to subsist : from the inex-
tensibility of the cord, we have, moreover, the equation
{np-{-np -^n'p" -{- &c.) « = 0.
and by combining this with the preceding equation,
(p— ««)p+(i''— ^^'")/^'+(p""~*^"«)p"+ &c. =0.
Now, in order that this may be resolved into the equations
F~na = 0. v~n'a~^. p"— w"a=z:0. &c.
-=:-=C,&c. -a.
it is requisite that the quantities /;, p', p" , Sec. should be so
many independent variables. From whence it follows, that
to render the condition expressed by the equation p/j + ^'p'
-{-p"p"-\- 8cc. = 0. sufficient for equilibrium, this equation
must subsist for all the small movements which can possibly
be imparted to the points of the system. But it is not requi-
site that the movements ^^,^',/>", &c. should be absolutely
independent, in order that the equation pjp+p'/* -|-p''i^" + &c.
= 0. should become a test of equilibrium. So far as the
motion of any point is restrained, whether by a surface to
which it is confined, by a fixed point, or axis, round which it
may revolve, or by its connexions with other points of the
system, so far is the equilibrium of the system necessarily se-
cured ; whence it follows, that we may omit those movements
which are impossible, and pronounce that the equilibrium is
provided for, when the preceding equation is satisfied in the
case of all the small movements which can possibly be im-
parted to the points of the system, consistently with the con-
ditions by which those movements are restricted.
6. The principle of virtual velocities being thus ex-
plained, it remains to show, by a few examples, how it is
Let there be two inclined planes, whose lengths are /, /',
and whose common height is //, placed back to back : it is
required to find the conditions of equilibrium for two weights,
p, p', placed on these planes, and connected by an inexten-
sible cord which passes over the summit ; the parts of the
cord measured from the summit being respectively parallel
to the planes.
From the condition of the inextensibility of the cord, it
follows, that one of the weights cannot descend, unless the
other ascends through an equal space ; therefore, the virtual
velocities are equal and contrary. To reduce these to the
vertical direction, which is that of the weights, they must he
multiplied by the height, and divided by the lengths of the
planes. Wherefore,
p=.ds. -J. p — —CIS. J,.
whence the equation F.p -\-^'.p' = 0. becomes
F.ds. -J — f'.(Is. j,.
or dividing by ds.h, it is
which shows, that for equilibrium, the weights must be pro-
portional to the lengths of the planes on which they are
Let two weights, connected by an inextensible cord, be
placed on the surface of a horizontal cylinder; and let it be
required to find their positions for equilibrium.
From the condition of the inextensibility of the cord, it
follows, that the virtual velocities are equal and contrary;
and these are reduced to the vertical, when multiplied by the
sines of the arcs, measured from the weights to the summit.
Accordingly, puting Q, 0' for those arcs, we have
2)'=.cls.&in.0. p'=: — ds.smd'.
whereby the equation T.p-{-F\p'=:0. becomes
p.sin.0 = p'.sin.0'.
which shows that the whole arc commensurate to the cord,
is to be divided into two parts, whose sines are as the
weights; and these parts being measured from the summit,
that the greater weight is to be placed at the extremity of
the lesser, and the lesser weight at the extremity of the
greater arc.
The same thing would appear by regarding the weights
as placed on the tangent planes ; for then it appears from the
preceding problem, that the weights must be reciprocally as
the sines of the horizontal elevations, i. e. reciprocally as
the sines of the arcs measured from the bodies to the highest
If a number of connected weights are in equilibrio, the
common centre of gravity shall neither rise nor fall, in con-
sequence of any small movement which may be given to the
bodies of the system. And conversely, if such is the con-
dition of the common centre of gravity, the weights are in
For the distances of the several weights from a horizontal
plane being denoted by z, ss' , z'\ z", &c., and that of the
common centre of gravity from the same plane, by z, the
equation v.p -f p'.//-f v".p"-\- v"'.p"-\- &c. = 0. becomes
Y.d.z + v'.d.z'-{- ^".d.z"+v".d.z'" + &cc. - 0.
But by Sect. II. Art. 7. we had
P.^4.p'.^'+P".^"+P'".^'" + &C. =:
(p + p'+p"-fp'"+&c.)z.
v.d.z + v'.d.z+Y".d.z"-\-v"'.d.z"-\- &c. =
(p + p'+p"+p'"_|_&C.)(/.Z.
Wherefore, the equation vqi ■^v'.p'-\-T".p"-\~ Bcc — O. is
equivalent to
d.z - 0.
Accordingly, when the weights equihbrate, this last equation
subsists ; and conversely.
When the common centre of gravity takes the highest or
lowest position possible, we have
and therefore, the system is in equilibrio. But the converse
of this proposition, viz. that when c?.z = 0, z is a maximum
or minimum, though generally true, is liable to the usual ex-
ceptions for maxima or minima, discovered by making the
differential equal to cipher. For if, as may happen in con-
strained motions, the common centre of gravity describes a
curve of contrary flexure ; at a point of that curve where the
tangent is horizontal, the equilibrium shall subsist, although
the common centre of gravity may not be then in the highest
or lowest position it can take.
For the wedge, the power and resistances being applied
in directions perpendicular to the back and faces, it was
found that for equilibrium, the three forces should be pro-
portional to the surfaces on which they act, i. e. to the three
sides of the triangular end of the wedge, by which those
surfaces may be represented.
To derive this theorem from the principle of virtual ve-
locities, let the wedge be represented by (Fig. 130.) where
B, L, l' are the back and faces, a, /3, 7, the angles to which
they are opposed, and p, p', p" the forces acting perpendi-
cularly on B, L, \!. The three forces being supposed to be
directed to the same point, which may be taken for their
common point of application, let this point describe the line
ds, in the direction of the power p ; the line of the motion
shall then make, with the direction of the force p', an angle
equal to the angle y, and with the direction of the force p",
an angle equal to the angle /3 ; and we shall have
P- V' -P" ''
1 : cos. 7 : C0S./3.
and, therefore, by the principle of virtual velocities,
p =: p'. cos.y -f- p". C0S./3.
This equation involves the three quantities p, p', p'', and,
therefore, does not express their relative magnitudes. To
express this relation, the equation should contain but two of
those quantities. And as the direction of ds is arbitrary, it
may be supposed to be perpendicular to that of one of the
forces ; for then, the virtual velocity, estimated in the di-
rection of that force, shall be cipher ; and the correspond-
ing term shall vanish from the equation. Accordingly, let
ds be perpendicular to the direction of the force p", i. e.
parallel to the face l'; then
2)''- 0.
and therefore
p .2J = 0.
and the condition of equilibrium expressed by the principle
of virtual velocities is
p.^j 4- p'* P^ — 0'
But the line ds makes, with the direction of the force p, an
angle whose complement is /3 ; and with the direction of the
force p' an angle whose complement is a. Wherefore,
p :p' : : sin.|3 : sin. a : : L : B.
so that the proportion p : p': i^)' '-2^ is
p : p' : : B : L.
And in the same way, by taking ds in the direction of the
face L, we get
p : p" : : B : l'.
which two proportions may be stated as before,
P . p/ . p//
: : B : L : l'.
Ordinarily, the triangle by which the wedge is repre-
sented, is isosceles, i. c. l' = l, and each of the angles at
the base is the complement of 5. in which case, the relation
of the forces appears by the equation
p :=: p'. cos. 7 + p''. C0S./3.
which then becomes
p = 2p . sm.-.
To ascertain the ratio of the power and weight for the
inclined plane ; let p, p' be those forces, and let their com-
mon point of application be supposed to be carried vip the
plane through the space ds. Then, p, p' are as the cosines
of the angles made by the plane with the directions of the
forces p, p'. Wherefore, if e denote the angular elevation
of the plane, and 6 the angle made by the plane with the
direction of the power, we shall have
p'.p'w COS. 9 : sin.e.
giving for equilibrium
P.COS.0 — p'. sin.e.
If the power acts in a direction parallel to the plane,
COS. 9 = 1. and p zz p'. sin.e.
7. To show what number of equations may be obtained
from the general theorem, and in what manner they are to
be apphed, let 9, 9', 9", &c. be the angles made by the di-
rections of the forces p, p', p", &c. with the infinitesimal
lines ds, ds', ds", &c. described by their several points of
application. The equation
T.p + p'.iy+ p".y+ &c. = 0.
is equivalent to
F.ds.cos.e + p'. ds'.cos,9' + p".ds". cos.0"-f.&c.=O. («)
Now, referring the points of application to three rectan-
gular axes, let the coordinates of the point of application of
the force p be x, y, ^. Those of the point of application of
the force p', x', y\ z', &c. Also, pvitting «, j3, 7, for the an-
gles made by the direction of the force p, with the axes of
X, y, and z respectively; a', |3', 7' for those made by the
direction of the force p' with the same axTes, and so forth.
Likewise, putting ^, x> ^ for the angles made by the line
ds, with the axes ; 0', x, t//' for those made by ds' with the
same, and so forth ; we have, by a well known theorem,
008.0= cos.^.cos.a + cos.x-cos.j3 + cos.;//. cos. 7.
ds. cos.B — ds (cos.0. cos. a + cos. x. cos./B + cos.i//. cos.7) =
dx.cos.a, + (ly- C0S./3 + ^•^- cos. 7.
And similarly,
ds.cos.9' = dx'. cos.a -j- dy'. COS. [5' +dz\ cos.7'.
ds". co^.B" ■=dx".cos.a"-\-dy". cos.^"-\-dz". cos, 7".
the coefficients of all the forces being expressed in like man-
ner. Wherefore, making these substitutions, equation («)
v.cos.a.dx + p'. cos.a'.dx' •{•'p". cos. a", dx" + '£'".
p.cos.|3.(///+p'. cos./3'.f/;/+p". C0S./3". dy"-\-v"'.
C0S./3'". f//"+ &c. I -^' ^■^
T.cos.y.dz + P. COS. 7'. dz'-\- p". cos.7". dz" + ^'"•
If the points of application are unconnected, so that the
motion of one of those points shall have no influence upon
another, then are the quantities p, p', p" , p'", &c. inde-
pendent variables ; and therefore, also dx, dy, dz, dx\
dy', dz', &c. are independent variables : whereby the
last equation is resolvable into so many distinct equations,
P.COS.a=iO. p'. COS.a'rrO. p". cos.a" = 0. See.
p.cos./3 = 0. p'. cos.^' = 0. p". cos./3"=0. &c.
P.cos.yz^O. p'. cos.y'zrO. p". cos.7"=:0. &c.
But if the points of application are connected in any manner,
so that one of them cannot move unless by moving another,
according to some certain law ; then, the equations express-
ing the conditions to which the system of points is subjected,
shall serve to eliminate so many variables from equation (b),
and the coefficients of those that remain, being put equal to
cipher, shall express the conditions to be satisfied for equi-
8. If the forces are all applied to the same material point,
we have
ds = ds' = ds" = ds"', &c.
dxzzdx' -rzdx" ^=- dx'" , &c .
dy-dy'-dif-dij", &c.
dz-dz-dz"-dz'", Sec.
and equation (Z>) becomes
(p.cos.a + p'. cos.a'-j-P". cos.a" + &c.) dx
+ (p.cos.j3 + p'. cos./3' + p",cos./3" + &c.) i/y J^ = 0. {c)
-|-(p.cos.7 + p'. cos.y' + p''. cos.7"-|-&c.) dz
which, as dx, dy, dz, are independent variables, is re^
ducible to three distinct equations, agreeably to Sect. I.
Art. 11.
If the point to which the forces are applied, is confined
to a surface whose equation is l = 0, the differentials dx,
dy, dz, are no longer absolutely independent of each other.
Wherefore, equation (c) is no longer resolvable into three.
But putting this equation in the form x.dx+Y.dy + z,dz=0.
and eliminating dx between this and the differential equation
of the surface, viz.
clh J dh , c?L , „
— — . dx + -7—. dy + —;—. dz — U.
dx dy dz
we have
dh J = 0.
+(p.cos.7 + p'. COS.y'+P". C0S.7"+&C') (f^-^
P.cos.a + p'. cos.a'-j- p". cos.a" + &c. = 0.
p.cos. j3 + p'. cos.j3'+ p". cos. j3 + &c. = 0.
p.cos.-y + p'. cos.7'-|-p".cos.7''+&c. =0.
which are the three first conditions of equilibrium among
a number of forces, applied to the points of a rigid system.
Any rotatory motion which may be given to the system,
is resolvable into motions round the axes of the coordinates.
Now if the angle dO is described round the axis of z, no
change is made thereby in the magnitude of any of the lines
z, z', z", &c. which are the coordinates of the points of ap-
plication parallel to that axis, therefore
dz=dz'=:dz", &c. = 0.
jn_dx _ dy _ dx' _ __dj/ „
~ y ~ X ~ y' ~ x' '
dx—y.dd, d.x'—y'.dO, &c.
dy = —x.d.B, dy' = - x'.dB, &c.
and these values being substituted in equation (b), it be-
p (y.cos.a— A\cos./3) + p' (y. cos.oc'—x'. cos./3')+&c. = 0.
In the same manner, for a movement of rotation round the
axis of I/, we shall have
p(ir.cos.'y— ^. cos.a) + p'(a;'. COS.7' — sr'. cos.a') + &c. =rO.
And for a movement of rotation round the axis of x, the
p(.^.cos.j3— ?/.cos.7)4-P'. (^'. cos.jS — 2/'.cos.7')4-&c.=0.
which completes the six conditions of equilibrium for a sys-
tem of invariable form, agreeably to Sect, IV. Art. 1,
1. That branch of mechanical science which relates to
unbalanced forces and their effects, is called Dynamics : and
as the effect of unbalanced force is motion, it seems expe-
dient, in the first place, to treat of motion, independently of
the causes by which it is produced.
When a body changes its place, it is said to be in motion ;
and the rate of that change is called its velocity. Now ve-
locity is not itself a mathematical quantity; but if it can be
measiu'ed by quantities of this nature, it thereby falls within
the province of mathematical science.
The velocity of a body is greater or lesser, according as
the space described by it in a given time is greater or lesser.
Wherefore, the space described in a given time is the mea-
sure of the velocity : and as in comparing the velocities of
different bodies, or of the same body at different periods, by
the spaces described, the times must be equal, it becomes
necessary in every case of such comparison, to fix on some
portion of time for this purpose. This portion is denomi-
nated the unit of time. The velocity is, therefore, said to
be measured by the space described in the unit of time.
Whatever space a body describes in a unit of time, it is
evident that with the same velocity, it would describe twice
that space in two such units ; and generally, that the space
described with the same velocity, is obtained by multiplying
the space described in a unit of time, by the number of such
units contained in the time of the motion. Wherefore, v,
denoting the velocity ; t, the number of units in the time of
the motion ; and s, the space described, there is * z= vt. or
V — -. of which it is to be remarked, that whatever be the
magnitude of 5, it becomes, when divided by t, the space de-
scribed in a unit of time.
In all cases, such as this, wherein quantities of diiFerent
kinds seem to be compared together, the terms are rendered
homogeneous by regarding all, or all but one, as numbers.
Thus in the preceding equation not only v and t, but s also
may be regarded as a number ; viz. the number of units of
space contained in the space described. These units of
measure for the several quantities which are involved in the
same equation are, all but one, purely conventional. For
example, if I" is taken for the unit of time, and one foot for
the unit of space, then the unit of velocity is that of a body
which describes one foot in a second of time. So that what-
ever be the space described, or the time of describing it, the
quantity - shall be the number of feet described in a second,
or, which is the same thing, the number of units in the velo-
city of the moving body. In these estimates, the velocity is
supposed to be uniform ; i. e. it is supposed that the body
describes equal spaces in equal times during the whole con-
tinuance of the motion : and the same thing is always to be
understood, when not otherwise expressed.
For the more ready solution of questions relative to such
motions, it will be convenient to compute the time from the
moment of the passage through some one point ; and also to
denote the place of the body, at any instant, by its distance
from some point taken at pleasure in the line of its motion.
Thus, let the body move in the dh-ection ab (Fig. 131.) with
the velocity v, and let the time be measured from the moment
of its passage through d ; i. e. let d be the point for which
t — o. Then if m is the place of the body after any time t,
there shall be T>m-=vt. Futher, let c be the point from
which the distance of the body is to be measured. Putting s
for this variable distance, and a for the line cd, we shall
have s — a {zz Dm) ^ it. and s zz a -{- vt. If the point c is
taken at the other side of d, it is evident that the sign of a
must be changed.
If a second body moves uniformly in the same line with
the velocity v, let d' be the point through which it passes at
the instant from which the time is computed, i. e. at the same
instant in which the former body passes through d ; and let
/ be its distance from c, and a the distance cd'; there will be
in like manner for this body, s'= «'+ *''^- Now if it is re-
quired to find the time of the meeting of these bodies, this is
found by making s=:s' in the two last equations, which gives
/= -,. and by substituting this value of ^, in the expres-
1) — V
sions for s or /, there is s = —- When the value off,
given by the former of these two equations, is negative, it is
inferred that the meeting has occurred before the instant,
from which the time is computed, i. e. before the arrival of
the one body at d, or that of the other at d'. and when the
denominator of that value is cipher, /. e. when v=v, the
value itself is infinite: which imports that the bodies never
meet. This indeed is evident of itself; inasmuch as the bo-
dies, in that case, move in the same direction with the same
2. If the spaces successively described in equal times con-
stitute an increasing series, the motion of the body is said to
be accelerated ; and if they constitute a decreasing series,
the motion is retarded. When this occurs for portions of
time, however minute, the velocity is continually varied ; and
in such cases, it may not be so obvious how the velocity of
the body, at any one instant of time, or point of space, is to
be measured. For if the velocity is accelerated, the space
described in any portion of time, is greater than that which
would be described with the velocity at the beginning, and
less than that which would be described with the velocity at
the end of that portion of time ; and the contrary if the ve-
locity is retarded; i. e. v and v' denoting these velocities,
s s
there is v «)
From this equation we are enabled, when the law of the
force is known, or r given in function of u, to obtain by inte-
gration the relation between u and w, or the equation of the
orbit : and vice versa, when the equation of the curve de-
scribed is given, we may obtain by differentiation the ex-
pression for R, or the law of the variation of the force. The
latter of these problems is called by English mathematicians
the direct, and the former the itiverse problem of central
forces. We shall commence with its application to the
former of these questions, as more naturally connected with
our subject, reserving the latter for a subsequent part of this
6. The force being supposed to vary directly as the dis-
tance from the centre, let it be required to investigate the
equation of the orbit.
In this case r = mr= — , m being the force at the unit of
distance. Then, \ r.-^- = \ —~ = -—^, which being sub-
stituted in equation (10), we have
(S + »^)
I *^ _ 7
the differential equation of the trajectory.
Before we proceed to integrate this equation, we shall
detei'mine the arbitrary constants by means of the maximvim
and minimum values of the variable u. These values are
found by making -7- = in the differential equation, which
thus becomes ch^-\ — ^ — ^ —0- or,
C^ c
and denoting the roots of this equation by w', m", we shall
'2 I "2 '2 //2
-^■=.11 '*+ U . — 7 = M M .
Substituting now these values of the constants in the diffe-
rential equation, and multiplying by u^, we find
!f!lf^' + m4_^(^'2^ ^,/2^) ^^2^ ^/2^^,/2 _ Q^
Now, in order to integrate this equation, let us make
% being the new variable. And it becomes by this transfor-
the integral of which is
.> = -^arc.(cos.= ^^^)+a.
a being the arbitrary constant.
Now, reversing the formula, and observing that
COS. 2 (a — (o) = COS. 2 (w — a), we obtain
« = -1-(m'2_?/'2). cos. 2 (w-a).
u'zz i (m'2+ O-i {u'^-u"^). COS. 2 (w-a). (6)
the complete integral.
This equation will assume a very elegant form, if we sub-
stitute for COS. 2 (w — a) its value cos.^ (tu — a) — sin.^(w — a) ;
we shall have by this substitution,
u^— u"^. sin.^ (ti»— a) + m"^. cos.^ (w— a). (c)
When (i) — arrO, i^:=:ii"^\ and when w — a=-, u^z=.u"^.
From which it appears, that u and ?*", the maximum and
minimum values of ^/, are those which correspond to the
angles w :=--+- «> and (o=a, respectively.
Substituting for m its value -, we shall have
—7;-=. -To. sin,^(w — a) H — ^. cos.''^(w— «).
r^ a'
a and 6 being the gi'eatest and least values of r ; whence.
a^. sin.^ (w — a) -j- b'^. cos."^ (w — a)'
The equation of a central ellipse, whose semiaxes are a
and 6,
The semiaxes a and 6, may be easily expressed in terms
of the constants, m^ k, and c. For, solving equation {a),
we shall have
^,2 _ j/c+Vik'-mc' „2_ jk-Vik^-mc'
the reciprocals of which are the values of P and «^.
7. Let us now proceed to apply equation (9) to obtain
the relation between the coordinates of the curve and the
R r= mr, therefore, \Rdr =■ m.—.
which being substituted in equation (9), it becomes
at r
or multiplying by — ,
1 r^.dr^ . k ^ c^ f.
—'-^^T+r -^ + — = 0.
m at m in
The constant quantities which enter this equation have been
already determined in function of ti and u", the greatest
and least values of u ; for in the preceding article we have
c^ 1
m u u
and these values being substituted in the differential equa-
tion, it is
m dt^
To integrate this equation, let us make
and it is transformed into
4m' df'^'^ \ 2 J
and separating the variables
1 (h
dt=-— — .
t = rr-j- . arc( COS. zz —-2 — To-J + const.
Let ^=:^, when ^=|(a^— 6^), or r^ = a^; and there is,
t' zz const. Wherefore, observing that the cosine remains
the same whether the arc is positive or negative, the cor-
rected integral is
t—t'= ——— . arc ( cos. = ^7-9 wS-
% being equal to r^— K^^-f-^^J-
Reversing this formula, we have
i^=\{a^ArlP)^\{a^-})')Q,o^.2^J m{t-f).
or, substituting for q,o^.2^I m{t — i'^ its value cos.^v/;w(^—
r'' = a\cos.^Vm{t-t')+b\sm.''Vm(t-t') (/)
The relation between the angle w — a and the time is
readily found by substituting this value of r^ in the equation
of the orbit,
o'^.sin,^(a; — a) + ^''.cos."'^(w — a)
Multiplying the result by the denominator, and reducing we
tan.((o— a)= -.tan. -v/w?(^— 0- ig)
a remarkable expression for the relation between the angle
at the centre and the time.
It appears from this equation, that the tangents of the
angles w — a and \^m{t—f) vanish together, or that the an-
gles simultaneously arrive at those values which render the
tangent equal to cipher; therefore, when w— a = 27r, or the
radius vector performed an entire revolution, \/m(t—t^
— Stt; if, therefore, the time of an entire revolution be
called T, we have
This result, being altogether independent of « and b, the
elements of the orbit, shews that all ellipses described
round the same centre of force, the force varying as the
distance, are described in the same time.
8. The force being supposed to vary inversely as the
square of the distance, it is proposed to investigate the
equation of the trajectory.
Here r= — irww^. and \ r. — ^ = \ mdu — mu. Making
this substitution in equation (10), we have
the differential equation of the curve.
Proceeding as in Art. 6. let u' and u" be the roots of the
quadratic equation,
2m k
c c^
zrO. (£)
which is obtained by making -r- =0. in the differential equa-
tion ; we have
zzu'+u", —^-tiu'.
c c
and these values of the constants being substituted in the
differential equation, it becomes
In order to integrate this equation, let us make
and it becomes by this transformation
and integrating,
(i) zz — arc( cos.= -^j-, 77- J -\-a..
\ i{u'—u)J
or reversing the formula,
%zz^{u' — u"). cos.(aj — a).
tt =|(m'+m") + J(m' — e/').cos.(w - a). {k)
the equation of the curve.
This equation may be put under a form similar to that of
equation (c). Art. 6., and by precisely the same transforma-
tion. Substitute for cos. (w — a) its value cos^ —
sin^ — -TT—. and we shall have
ti = u. cos -—: h w .sm^ — :— . (I)
2 2 ^ /^
When 10 — a:z:0, u:=u' \ and when a> — a = tt, u-=.ii'. It
appears, therefore, that u and ii\ the maximum and mini-
mum values of «, are those which correspond to the angles
(I) = a, and w = tt + «• They are, therefore, in the same
right hne.
If we substitute for u, u, and u", their values-, — r, and
r r
—r, in equation (Z:), it becomes
/ It
r =
^{r" + r')-{-\{r"—r'). cos. (w-a)
And making ^{r" -{-r') = «, !(/•''—/) z: «e, there shall be
r'r"z=. a^— a^e^ ; and the equation becomes
«(l-0 , ,
1 + e.cos. (w — a)
the known equation of a conic section referred to the focus
as the origin. — {See Analytic Geometry, Kxt. 51.)
9. For the determination of the constants a and e, we
ae=i (r' — r)=: ^ , ^, \ whence e = — j,
uu" u +u
But we have had above, the equations
from which we deduce |^(m'— m")=^1 -J ; substituting
these values in the expressions for a and e, we find
m / 2
X' ^=Vl+A-.l^. (;,)
It is a problem, however, of more importance to deter-
mine the elements of the orbit a and e by means of the
initial velocity, distance, and angle of projection; or, in
other words, a body being projected from a given point, in a
given direction, and with a given velocity, to determine the
particular conic section, which it will describe. This is done
by finding the values of c and Tc in terms of the velocity, dis-
tance, and angle of projection, and substituting them in the
equations («).
If be the angle formed by the tangent with the radius
vector, sin.0 = —7—, ds being the element of the curve.
Multiplying by r, r. sin. = — — =z —7-, by equation (5).
(XS do
.*. c = -j-.r.sin.0 •=. z?.r.sin.0.
Again, by equation (7), v^zz k—2 \Rc?r rz^-f- — — , when
the force varies inversely as the square of the distance, or
R = -2". Therefore, if /o be the distance of the point from
the centre at the commencement of the motion, v the velo-
city, and £ the angle of projection, we shall have
cnv.p.sm.E, k—\^ . (0)
and substituting these values in equation (w),
a =
m „ . v>^sin.2£(v2-— j
^^=1+ ^. e_i. (p)
^!^__v^ ??j
The value of a thus found, is independent of the angle of
projection ; from which it appears, that in whatever direc-
tion the body is projected, the axis major of the section will
be the same, if the velocity remains unaltered.
The curve described shall be an ellipse, hyperbola, or
parabola, as the excentricity e is less, greater than, or equal
to unity : that is, according as
v^jo^sin.^tf v^ )
l-e- = -V
is positive, negative, or cipher. But the sign of l—e^ is
evidently the same as that of v^. Therefore, the curve
shall be an ellipse, hyperbola, or parabola, according as v^
is less, greater than, or equal to .
10, Let us now proceed to investigate the time of de-
scribing any portion of the orbit.
Since R = -2-j \Rdr= \ m.-j— . If then this value
is substituted in the equation,
and the result multiplied by r^, there is
— Jcr^ — 2mr-\- c^=0.
The values of the constants k and c^ have been already ob-
tained in function of the elements of the orbit: for from
equations (w). Art. 9, we have
If now we substitute these values in our differential equa-
tion, and multiply the result bv — , it becomes
^ " m
m dr
or, separating the variables,
dt =
In order to integrate this expression, let us make a—r
= ae.z, whence we have
r — a{\ —ez), drzz — ae.dss.
By this substitution, the equation becomes
, a^/a {\~ez)dz
(it— — ~~. • , ~»
Vm Vl— s^
the integral of which is
a\J a
t = —, — |arc.(cos.=^)— e. v^l — s^l +const.
y/ m *
If t' be the value of t, when «=1, ov rzz a{\— e), we
shall have ^'z= const. ; and the corrected integral is
t-t'-"^ |arc.(cos.=^)--eVrr^2-| , n
t' being the time elapsed when the body arrives at the lower
t—t' being the time counted from the lower apsis, the
time of a semi-revolution will be had by making r =: « (1 +e),
the higher apsidal distance, or ^ = — 1 ; which gives — - — . -w
\/ m
for the time of half a revolution. If, therefore, the time of
an entire revolution be called t, we have
T=27r.-7— . (r)
From which it appears, that the periodic times in different
orbits vary in the sesquiplicate ratio of the major axes ; this
is the third law of the planetary movements discovered by
The relation between / and x or r, given by equation (5'),
is generally exhibited under the form of two equations,
which are virtually contained in that equation, and flow from
it by introducing a new variable, namely, the arc whose co-
sine z:zz: for if this be called (j), there shall be
, a^ a , . .
^ =: cos.ri), t — t-zi — - — (0 — e. sm.ri)).
or making for conciseness ^ ^ — n, and observing that
^J m
a^J a
r — a{l—e.cos.(p), (s)
n{f-^t') zz.