90Sa UC-NRLF 111 $B 312 301 ICQ Cfje Brama Heague of America A SELECTIVE LIST OF ESSAYS AND BOOKS ABOUT THE THEATRE EXCLUSIVE OF BIOGRAPHY & OF PLAYS PRINTED IN ENGLISH PUBLISHED DURING 1912 Issued by The 'National Committee on Publications Relating to the Drama 736 Marquette Building, Cb Price 25 Cents tCdgO y This selective list of plays and books about the theatre is in- tended to include the more important volumes issued during the year IQI2 ; as well as some omissions from the more complete list of books published up to the first of January, 191 2 ; which list, containing 54.6 titles, may still be obtained from the Secretary for Twenty-five Cents. As before, no attempt has been made to collate a full list of bibliography, Shakespeariana, or of reprints of old and classic drama, these being considered as desirable subjects for separate lists, or as being already covered by available indexes. The demand for material on Pageantry and School Festival plays of one form or another, has been recognized by grouping the more important titles recently issued in this department under a separate head. Acknowledgment should be made to Mr. Frederick W . Faxon for permission to collate this list with his " Dramatic Index for Zpl2,' y an exhaustive publication issued by The Boston Book Co. The compiler will welcome any suggestions for bettering the present system of indicating the character of titles included, or criticisms as to the method of selecting the various plays, — all being problems not easy of solution. The next issue of this Selective List, which will be published as early in 191 4 as is possible, will be a reprint of the first complete list of ipu, including with it a revision of this pamphlet and the addition of the more important volumes issued in iplj. Arranged and Copyrighted, JpiJ, by FRANK CHOUTEAU BROWN Chairman of the National Committee: e<* Publications Relating to the Drama Additional copies of this list may be obtained from the office of the Drama League*, 736 Marquette Building, Chicago, at Twenty-five Cents each. A SELECTIVE LIST OF ESSAYS AND BOOKS ABOUT THE DRAMA AND THE THEATRE EXCLUSIVE OF BIOGRAPHY PUBLISHED DURING THE YEAR 1912 [The same method of indicating the character of publication as has been used for previous Selective Lists is continued for the titles that follow: (i) Technique; (2) Biography; (3) Histori- cal Treatise; (4) Criticism of Drama; (5) Critical Dramatic Records; (6) Essays; (7) Drama Study; (8) Technical ; (9) Sociological; (10) Theatre of Future.] APPLIN, ARTHUR (English) Stories of the Russian Ballet. (Plates.) Lane. 191 1. $3.50 net. ARCHER, WILLIAM (English) 1 Playmaking Small, Maynard. $2.00 net. From Ibsen's Workshop. (Introduction by) Scribner. $1.00. BARLEY, J. W. (American) 9 Morality Motive in Contemporary English Drama. Missouri Pub. Co. $.50 net. BENEDICT, R. R. (American) 6 The Mystery of Hamlet. Lippincott. $i.'oo net. BICKLEY, FRANCIS (English) 2, 3 J. M. Synge and the Irish Dramatic Movement. Houghton, Mifflin. $.75 net. BROOKE, CHARLES FREDERICK TUCKER (American) 3 The Tudor Drama. Houghton, Mifflin. 1911. $1.50 net. BROWN, CALVIN S. (American) 3 The Later English Drama. D. C. Heath & Co. $1.20 net. BULAND, MABEL (American) 3 The Presentation of Time in the Elizabethan Drama. Holt. $1.50 net. CHATER, A. G. (English) 1,7, From Ibsen's Workshop. (Introduction by Wm. Archer) Scribner. $1.00 net. CORIAT, ISADOR H. (American) 9 The Hysteria of Lady Macbeth. Moffat, Yard. $.75 net. 273599 CRAIG, GORDON (English) 10 The Art of the Theatre. Sergei. $2.00 net. CUNLIFFE, JOHN W. (English) 3 Early English Classical Tragedies. Oxford University Press. $2.00 net. DOVVDEN, PROF. EDWARD (English) 2, 4 Shakespeare: A Critical Study of His Mind and Art Dutton. #1.50 net. DRYDEN, J. (English) 6 Dramatic Essays. Dutton. $.35 net. DUKES, ASHLEY (English) 2 Modern Dramatists. Sergei. 191 1. #1.50 net. FLEMING, WILLIAM H. (American) jp 7 How to Study Shakespeare. Doubleday, Page. 4 vols., -each $1.00 net. FLITCH, J. E. CRAWFORD (English) / 8 Modern Dancing. Lippincott. $3.75 net. GALSWORTHY, JOHN (English) ^ 6 The Inn of Tranquillity. Scribner. $1.30 net. GRAU, ROBERT (American) */ 2, 5 The Stage in the Twentieth Century. (Third volume) Broad- way Pub. Co. $5.00 net. GUERBER, H. A. \/ 3 Stories of Shakespeare's EnGLisH History Plays. Dodd, Mead. $1.25 net. GUTHRIE, WM. NORMAN (American) 6 The Vital Study of Literature, and Other Essays. Sergei. $2.00 net. HASTINGS, CHARLES (English) 5 The Theatre. Lippincott. 1901. $3.00 net. HEDGCOCK, FRANK A. (English) 2 David Garrick and His French Friends. Duffield. $3.50 net. HELLER, OTTO (American) 2, 5 Henrik Ibsen : Plays and Problems. Houghton, Mifflin. $2.00 net. HELMRICK, ELSIE WINIFRED (American) 3 History of the Chorus in German Drama. Columbia University Press. $1.00 net. HENDERSON, ARCHIBALD (English) 6 Interpreters of Life and the Modern Spirit. Kennerley. 191 1 . $1.50 net. HICKS, (EDWARD) SEYMOUR (English) 2 Seymour Hicks. Lane. 191 1. $1.25 net. LANIER, SIDNEY (American) 3 Shakespeare and His Forerunners. Doubleday, Page. $1.60 net. 3 LAWRENCE, W. J. (English) 3 The Elizabethan Playhouse and Other Studies. Lippincott. $3.50 net. LEAVITT, MICHAEL BENNETT (American) 2, 3 Fifty Years in Theatrical Management. Broadway Pub. Co. #5.00 net. MACK A YE, PERCY (American) 6,9,10 The Civic Theatre. Kennerley. $1.25 net. MANTZIUS, KARL (German) 3, 5 A History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times. (Reprint. Introduction by Wm. Archer.) Lippincott. 5 volumes. Per volume, $3.50 net. McLEOD, ADDISON (English) 3, 6 Plays and Players of Modern Italy. Sergei. $2.75 net. NEILSON, WILLIAM ALLAN (American) 2, 3 The Chief Elizabethan Dramatists. Houghton, Mifflin. 191 1. $2.75 net. PARKER, JOHN (English) 2 Who's Who in the Theatre. Small, Maynard. $2.50 net. QUINLAN, M. A. (American) 6 Poetic Justice in the Drama. University Press, Notre Dame, Ind. $1.00 net. RANSOME, ARTHUR (English) 2 Oscar Wilde. Kennerley. $2.50 net. ROBERTS, RICHARD ELLIS (English) 2 Henrik Ibsen. Kennerley. $2.50 net. ROSE, HENRY (American) 6 Maeterlinck's Symbolism. Dodd, Mead. 191 1. Si. 00 net. SMITH, WINIFRED (American) 3 A Study in Italian Popular Comedy. Columbia University Press. 32.00 net. THOMAS, EDWARD (English) 2 Maurice Maeterlinck. Dodd, Mead. 1911. $ 1.60 net. VENABLE, EMERSON (American) 6 The Hamlet Problem and Its Solution. Stewart & Kidd Co. Si. 00 net. WALLACE, CHARLES WM. (English) 3 The Evolution of the English Drama up to Shakespeare. G. E. Stechert. $3.75 net. WHITE, JOHN WILLIAMS (English) 6, 8 The Verse of Greek Comedy. Macmillan. $4.00 net. WINTER, WILLIAM (American) 3 Shakespeare on the Stage. Moffat, Yard. $3.00 net. YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (Irish) 6 The Cutting of an Agate. Macmillan. $1. 50 net. A SELECTIVE LIST OF PLAYS IN ENGLISH PUBLISHED DURING 1912— EXCLUSIVE OF SHAKESPEARE AND CLASSIC DRAMA [Plays that have been professionally acted in English are indi- cated by *. The nationality of the various playwrights is given for those desiring to study the plays of certain nations. A tentative selection of plays particularly available for certain purposes is indicated by numerals set against each title : (l) Representative modern plays for technical study and reading ; (2) Plays typical of the author's methods ; (3) Representative modern plays available for younger readers ; (4) Plays possible for advanced amateur use ; (5) Simpler plays for amateur use ; (6) Notable modern plays ; (7) Notable modern poetic plays ; (8) Closet or literary dramas ; (9) Plays for children.] ANDREIEFF, LEONID (Russian) King Hunger. Poet-Lore. Badger. 1911. $1.50 net. BARING, MAURICE (English) 4 The Grey Stocking, and Other Plays. Houghton, Mifflin. $1.25 net. The Green Elephant 5 A Double Game. BECQUE, HENRY (French) 1, 6 The Crows. Sergei. $1.25 net. BENNETT, ARNOLD (English) 4 Polite Farces. Doran. $1.00 net. The Stepmother ; A Good Woman ; A Question of Sex. ^Honeymoon. Doran. $1.00 net. BENNETT, ARNOLD (English) and EDWARD KNOBLAUGH (American) 1, 3, 4 ^Milestones. Doran. $1.00 net. BINNS, HENRY BRYAN (English) The Adventure. Huebsch. $1.00 net. BJORNSON, BJORNSTJERNE (Norwegian) Mary, Queen of Scots. Specialty Syndicate Press. $1.25 net. Sigurd Slembe. Dramatic Pub. Co. $1.50 net. When the New Wine Blooms. Poet-Lore. Badger. 191 1. $1.50 net. BOUCICAULT, DION L. (Irish) 2,4 ^London Assurance. Yale University Press. $.50 net. BRENTON, MRS. ELIZABETH ALDEN (CURTIS) (American) The Norseman. Mosher Press. $2.00 net. BROADHURST, GEORGE H. (American) 4 *The Wrong Mr. Wright. French. Paper. $.50 net. 4 *Why Smith Left Home. French. Paper. $.50 net. BROWN, LEANDO (English) 4 Mrs. Raford, Humanist. L. E. Landone, Inc. $1.00 net. CAMPBELL, JOSEPH (Irish) Judgment. Maunsel & Co. is. 6d. net. CHAMBERS, C. HADDON (English) 1 *Passers-By. Duckworth. 2s. net. COWARD, EDWARD FALES (English) King Stephen. W. A. Burrows. $.50. CRAWFORD, JACK RANDALL (American) 4 Robin of Sherwood. Yale University- Press. $1.00 net. DARGAN, OLIVE TILFORD (American) 4 The Mortal Gods and Other Dramas. Scribner. #1.50 net. A Son of Hermes ; The Sword of Love. DARROW, R. P. and FLOYD JENKINS (American) The Wilderness. Broadway Pub. Co. $1.00 net. DEARMER, MABEL (WHITE) — " MRS. PERCY DEARMER." (English) Soul of the World, A Nativity Play. A. R. Mowbray. 191 1. 2s. 6d. net. DENNY, ERNEST (American) 4 All-of-a-Sudden-Peggy. French. Paper. $.50 net. DOYLE, EDWARD (American) Ginevra. Doyle & Co. $1.00 net. DUMAS, W. C. (American) Belshazzar. Badger. $1.25 net. DUSOUCHET, H. A. (American) 4 *My Friend from India. French. $.50 net. EBNER-ESCHENBACH, MARIE VON (German) A Man of the World. Poet-Lore. Badger. 1911. $1.50 net. ECHEGARAY, JOSE' (Spanish) 2 Madman or Saint. Poet-Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. E1NARSSON, INDRIDI (Icelandic) Sword and Crozier. Poet-Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. ERNST, OTTO (German) Master Flachsman. Duffield. $1.25 net. EURIPIDES (Greek) ( Trans, by Gilbert Murray. ) 2 *Hippolytus. Oxford Univ. Press. 191 1. $. 75 net. EVERETT, EDITH (American) 5 Everystudent. A. Flanagan & Co. Paper. $.25 net. FERNALD, C. B. (English) *The Married Woman. Sidgwick & Jackson. 39. 6d. net. FOULKE, WILLIAM DUDLEY (American) Maya. Cosmopolitan Press. $1.15 net. FOX, S. M. (English) The Waters of Bitterness. The Clodhopper. Duffield. Si. 00 net. FULDA, LUDWIG (German) By Ourselves. Poet-Lore. Badger. #1.50 net. GALSWORTHY, JOHN (English) *The Eldest Son. Scribner. $. 60 net. 1 *The Pigeon. Scribner. $.60 net. GARNETT, EDWARD (English) The Trial of Jeanne D'Arc. Sidgwick & Jackson. 3s. 6d. GARNETT, PORTER (American) The Green Knight. Privately printed. $ GAUTIER, JUDITH and PIERRE LOTI (French) *The Daughter of Heaven. Duffield. $1.25 net. GIBSON, WILFRID WILSON (English) Womenkind. Macmillan. $1.00 net. Daily Bread. Macmillan. $1.00 net. GILBERT, W. S. (English) Original Plays. Series IV. Chatto & Windus. 23. net. The Fairy's Dilemma ; *The Grand Duke ; *His Excellency 5 Haste to the Wedding ; Fallen Fairies j The Gentle- man in Black ; Brantinghame Hall 5 Creatures of Impulse ; Randall's Thumb ; The Fortune Hunter ; Thespis ; *The Hooligan j Trying a Dramatist. GILLETTE, WILLIAM (American) *Held by the Enemy. French. Paper. $.50 net. 1 ^Secret Service. " " $.50 " 4 *Too Much Johnson. " " $.50 " GOLDONI, CARLO (Italian) 4 Mistress of the Inn. Madison, Wis., Dramatic Society. Paper. $.50 net. GORKI, MAXIM (Russian) Trans, by Laurence Irving. 2 *The Lower Depths. Duffield. #1.00 net. GRANT, PERCY STICKNEY (American) The Return of Odysseus. Brentano. $1.50 net. GREGORY, LADY (Irish) Irish Folk-History Plays. I The Tragedies. Putnam. $1.50 net. Grania j Kincora j Dervorgilla. II The Tragic Comedies. Putnam. $1.50 net. GUTHRIE, ARTHUR (ANTHONY ROWLEY) (English) The Probationer. Gowans and Gray. 191 1. 6d. net. HAMILTON, COSMO (English) 5 Short Plays for Small Stages. Skeffington. 2s. 6d net. HASTINGS, BASIL MACDONALD (English) 6 *The New Sin. Sidgwick & Jackson. 2s. net *The Tide. Sidgwick & Jackson. 2s. net. *Love — And What Then ? Sidgwick & Jackson. 2s. net. HAUPTMANN, GERHART '(German) Dramatic Works. Vol. I. Huebsch. $1.50 net. Before Dawn j 6 *The Weavers ; The Beaver Coat ; The Conflagration. Vol. II. Huebsch. $1.50 net. 2 *Drayman Henschel 5 Rose Bernd 5 The Rats. HEALD, LUCY (American) 8 Love in Umbria. Riverside Press. $1.15 net. HEBBEL, FREDERICK (German) Herod and Mariamne. Sergei. $1.25 net. HEIJERMANS, HERMANN (Dutch) *The Good Hope. Sergei. $1.25 net. HEWLETT, MAURICE (English) 8 A Masque of Dead Florentines. T. B. Mosher. $.50 net. HOLBERG, LUDWIG (Danish) Three Comedies. Longmans, Green & Co. $1.25 net. Henry and Pernilla 5 Captain Bombastes Thunderton ; scatterbrains. HOUGHTON, STANLEY (English) 1, 6 *Hindle Wakes. Sidgwick & Jackson. is. 6d. net. 4 *The Younger Generation. Sidgwick & Jackson. 1s.6d.net. Fancy Free. French. $.50. Independent Means. French. 1911. $.50. HUGHES, ELIZABETH (English) 4 Women for Votes. Dutton. $1.00 net. JACOBS, W. W. and LOUIS PARKER (English) 4 *Beauty and the Barge. French. Paper. $.50 net. JENKINS, FLOYD and R. P. DARROW (American) The Wilderness. Broadway Pub. Co. $1.00 net. JEROME, JEROME K. (English) 4 *Fanny and the Servant Problem ; (The New Lady Bantock. ) French. Paper. $.50 net. JONES, HENRY ARTHUR (English) Dolly Reforming Herself. French. Paper. $.50. *The Silver King. French. Paper. $.50. KENNEDY, CHARLES RANN (English) 7 *The Terrible Meek. Harper & Bros. $1.00 net. KIDDER, EDWARD E. (American) 4 ^Peaceful Valley. French. Paper. $.50 net. KNOBLAUCH, EDWARD (American) 2 *Kismet. Doran. $1.00 net. KNOBLAUCH, EDWARD (American) and ARNOLD BENNETT (English) 1, 3, 4 ^Milestones. Doran. $1^00 net. LEONARD, WILLIAM ELLERY CHANNING (American) Glory of the Morning. Madison, Wis., Dramatic Society. ^Paper. $.40 net. LOTI, PIERRE and JUDITH GAUTIER (French) *The Daughter of Heaven. Duffield. $1.25 net. LUCAS, D. B. (American) Plays. Badger. $1.50 net. LUMMIS, ELIZA O'BRIEN (American) Dear Saint Elizabeth. Badger. $1.00 net. LYDSTON, GEORGE FRANK (American) 8 The Blood of the Fathers. The Riverton Press. $1.50 net. LYTTELTON, EDITH (English) Peter's Chance. Duckworth & Co. 2s. net. MACKAYE, PERCY (American) 1 To-morrow. Stokes. $1.25 net. 4 Yankee Fantasies. Duffield. $1.25 net. Chuck j Gettysburg; The Antick ; The* Cat-Boat 5 ' Sam Average. MACMILLAN, MARY (American) The Gate of Wishes. Poet-Lore. Badger. 1911. #1.50 net. MANNERS, J. HARTLEY (English) *The House Next Door. Baker. Paper. $.50 net. MARTYN, EDWARD (English) Grangecolman. Maunsel & Co. is. net. MASTERS, EDGAR LEE (American) The Bread of Idleness. The Rooks Press. 191 1. $.50. The Locket. The Rooks" Press. 19 10. $.50. MAUGHAM, W. SOMERSET (English) *Jack Straw. Sergei. $.50 net. *A Man of Honour. Sergei. $.50 net. *Mrs. Dot. Sergei. $.50 net. *Lady Frederick. Sergei. $.50 net. *The Explorer. Sergei. $.50 net. *Penelope. Sergei. $.50 net. MAXWELL, W. B. and GEORGE PASTON (English) * The Naked Truth. French. Paper. $.50. MAYNE, RUTHERFORD (English) *The Drone and Other Plays. Maunsel & Co. 3s. 6d. net. The Turn of the Road ; Red Turf ; The Troth. *The Drone. Luce. $.75 net. MAYO, MARGARET (American) *Baby Mine. Dodd, Mead. 191 1. #1.00 net. MEYER, ANNA NATHAN (American) The Dreamer. Broadway Pub. Co. $1.00 net. MOLNAR, FERENC (Hungarian) *The Devil. (Adapted by Oliver Herford.) Kennerley. $1. 00 net. MONKHOUSE, ALLAN (English) *Mary Broome. Sidgwick & Jackson. is. 6d. net. MOODY, WILLIAM VAUGHN (American) (Introduction by J. M. Manly) The Poems and Plays of W. V. Moody. Vol. I. Poetic Dramas. Houghton, Mifflin. #1.50 net. The Fire Bringer ; The Masqjje of Judgment ; The Death of Eve. Vol.11. Plays. Houghton, Mifflin $1.50 net. 1, 2 *The Great Divide ; 1,6 *The Faith Healer. MOORE, T. STURGE (English) Mariamne. Duckworth. 191 1. 2s. net. A Sicilian Idyll and Judith. Duckworth. 191 1. 2s. net. MORRIS, EDWIN BATEMAN (American) 5 College Comedies. Penn. Pub. Co. 1911. $1.00 net. MORTON, MARTHA (American) *A Bachelor's Romance French. Paper. $.50 net. Her Lord and Master. French. Paper. $.50 net. MOSES, MONTROSE J., Editor. (American) Everyman. Kennerley. $1.00 net. MURRAY, T. C. (Irish) 2 ^Maurice Harte. Maunsel & Co. is. 6d. net. MURRAY, GILBERT (English) (Translator) 2 *The Hippolytus of Euripides. Oxford University Press. 191 1 $•75 net. 2 *The OZdipus of Sophocles. Oxford University Press. 191 1. $-75 net - NARODNY, IVAN (Russian) Fortune Favors Fools. Poet-Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. OPPENHEIM, JAMES (American) The Pioneers. Huebsch. $.50 net. O'RIORDAN, CONALO'CONNELL (NORREYS CONNELL) (Irish) Shakespeare's End and Other Irish Plays. S. Swift & Co. 3s. 6d. net. The Piper ; An Imaginary Conversation. PARKER, LOUIS and W. W. JACOBS (English) 4 *Beauty and the Barge. French. $.50 net. PASTON, GEORGE and W. B. MAXWELL (English) *The Naked Truth. French. $.50 net. PATTERSON, JOSEPH MEDILL (American) 1 *Rebellion. Reilly & Britton Co. 1911. #1.25 net. PAULTON, EDWARD and HARRY (English) 2 *Niobe. French. $.50. PHILLPOTTS, EDEN (English) The Iscariot. Lane. $1.00 net. PINERO, SIR ARTHUR W. (English) *The " Mind-the-Paint " Girl. E. J. Clode. $1.25 net. PRESLAND, JOHN (English) Marcus Aurelius. Chatto & Windus. 5s. net. Mary, Queen of Scots. Chatto & Windus. 5s. net. Manin and the Defence of Venice. Chatto & Windus. 5s. net. PSHIBISHEVSKY, STANISLAV (Russian) For Happiness. Poet Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. REARDEN, ANNA (American) Partheneia. University of California Press. Paper. $.25. RICE, CALE YOUNG (American) The Immortal Lure. Doubleday, Page. 1911. $1.25 net. Giorgione ; Arduin ; O-ume's Gods. RICE, WALLACE DE GROOT CECIL (American) and THOMAS WOOD STEVENS (American) 4 The Chaplet of Pan. The Stage Guild. Paper. $.35. ROBERTS, MORLEY (English) Four Plays. Nash. 191 1. 2s. 6d. net. ROBINSON, LENNOX (Irish) 2 ^Patriots. Luce. $.75 net. Two Plays. Maunsel & Co. 191 1. 2s. 6d. net. 1, 6 *Harvest. *The Clancy Name. ROGERS, J. W. (American) Madame Surrat. Abbatt. $4.25 net. ROSMER,. ERNST (German) Twilight. Poet Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. John Herkner. " " $1.50 net. SAMUELS, MAURICE (English) The Florentines. French. Paper. $.50 net. SANBORN, ARTHUR W. (American) The Clerks of Kittery. Baker. $1.00 net. SAWARD, WILLIAM T. (English) Glastonburg. The Kingsgate Press. 2s. 6d. net. !3 SCHONHERR, KARL (German) Die Bildschnitzer (The Wood-Carver). L. Staackmann. Erde (Earth). L. Staackmann. Faith and Fatherland. Sergei. $1.25 net. SCHOONMAKER, EDWIN DAVIES (English) The Saxons. Kennerley. $1.50 net. SCHNITZLER, ARTHUR (Austrian) The Legacy. Poet Lore. Badger. $1.50 net. Light o' Love. Sergei. $1.25 net. SHERIDAN, RICHARD BRINSLEY (English) *The Critic. Yale University Press. $.50 net. SINCLAIR, UPTON (American) Plays of Protest. Kennerley. $1.50 net. The Naturewoman 5 The Machine ; The Second-Story Man ; Prince Hagen. SMITH, NORA DEL (American) The Cave 1 r. j n 1 ^. *. t, , XT , »» > Broadway Pub. Co. 191 1. S.7C net. The Woman s Masquerade J ' y * ' -> SOPHOCLES (GreeTc) (Trans, by Joseph Edward Harry) Antigone. Steward & Kidd Co. $1.00 net. SOWERBY, GITHA (English) 1, 6 *Rutherford and Son. Doran. $1.00 net. STEVENS, THOMAS WOOD and WALLACE RICE (American) 4 The Chaplet of Pan. The Stage Guild. Paper. $.35 net. STEVENS, THOMAS WOOD (American) 4 The Daimio's Head and Other Masques. The Stage Guild. Si. 00 net. Montezuma; Quetzal's Bowl. STRINDBERG, AUGUST (Swedish) 2 ^Creditors — Pariah. Scribner. $.75 net. 2 *Miss Julia — The Stronger. Scribner. $.75 net. There are Crimes and Crimes. Scribner. 3-75 net. Plays by Strindberg (trans, by Edwin Bjorkman). Scribner. $1.50 net. The Dream Play ; The Link ; The Dance of Death, Parts I and II. Plays (trans, by Edith & Warner Oland). Luce. $1.50 net. 2 The Father; 2 *Countess Julie ; The Outlaw; The Stronger. Second Volume. Luce. $1.50 net. Comrades ; Easter ; Pariah ; Facing Death. Lucky Pehr (trans by Velma Swanston Howard). Stewart & Kidd Co. $1.50 net. Easter and Stories (trans, by Velma Swanston Howard). Stewart & Kidd Co. $1.50 net. 2 *Julie. Poet Lore. Badger. 191 1. $1.50 net. 2 *Countess Julie. Brown Bros. $1.00 net. SUTRO, ALFRED (English) 4 Five Little Plays. Brentano. $1.00 net. *The War in the Flats ; *A Marriage Has Been Arranged ; *The Man in the Kerb ; The Open Door 5 *The Bracelet. The Maker of Men French. $.50 net. Salt of Life " " Ella's Apology " " Game of Chess " u Mr. Steinman's Corner " " Open Door " " Gutter of Time " " The Correct Thing " " 4 *The Firescreen " " SYNGE, JOHN M. (Irish) Works of Luce. (Set of 4 vols.) $7.50. I. 2 *In the Shadow of the Glen ; *The Well of the Saints 5 *RlDERS TO THE SeA ; *ThE Tinker's WEDDING. II. 6 *The Playboy of the Western World ; *Deirdre of the Sorrows ; Poems ; Translations. TARKINGTON, BOOTH (American) 4 Beauty and the Jacobin. Harpers. $1.00 net. TCHEKOFF, ANTON PAVLOVITCH (Russian) Plays (trans, by Marian Fell). Scribner. $1.50 net. Uncle Vanya ; Ivanhoff ; The Sea Gull ; The Swan Song. Two Plays (trans, by George Calderon). Kennerley. $1.25 net. The Seagull 5 2 The Cherry Orchard. TOLSTOI, LEO (Russian) The Light that Shines in Darkness. Dodd, Mead. $1.20 net. *The Man Who Was Dead, and the Cause of It All. Dodd, Mead.- $1.20 net. *The Living Corpse. Brown Bros. $1.00 net. TOMPKINS, EDWARD STAATS DE GROTE (American) Holy Lucre. Blanchard (privately printed). $ TREVELYAN, R. C. (English) The Bride of Dionysus. Longmans, Green Co. $1.20 net. VACHELL, HORACE ANNESLEY (English) 4 *Jelf's. Doran. $1.00 net. WATSON, WILLIAM (English) The Herald of the Dawn. Lane. $1.25 net. WEDEKIND, FRANK (German) 2 Such is Life. Brown Bros. $1.25 net. YEATS, WILLIAM BUTLER (Irish) The Green Helmet. Macmillan. $1.25 net. Plays (i vol.) " $2.00 net. 1 *The Countess Cathleen 5 4 *The Land of Heart's Desire; *The Shadowy Waters ; *On Baile's Strand ; *The King's Threshold; *Deirdre. YOUNG, STARK (American) 4 Addio, Madretta and Other Plays. Sergei. $1.25 net. The Star in the Trees ; The Twilight Saint ; The Dead Poet 5 The Seven Kings and the Wind j The Queen of Sheba. ZANGWILL, ISRAEL (English) 2 *The Next Religion. Macmillan. $1.25 net. *Thi War God. " 1911. $1.25 net. A SELECTIVE LIST OF BOOKS ON PAGEANTS, FESTIVALS AND CHILDREN'S PLAYS PUBLISHED DURING 1912 [Books about Pageantry are indicated by (i); Festivals (2); Pageant and Festival Texts (3); Children's Plays (4); Chil- dren's Plays for School Use (5).] BATES, ESTHER WILLARD (American) Introduction by Wm. Orr. 1 Pageants and Pageantry. Ginn & Co. $ 1.2 5 net. BIRD, G. E. and MAUD STARLING (American) 5 Historical Plays for Children. Macmillan. $.60 net. CHAPMAN, JOHN JAY (American) 4 Neptune's Isle and Other Plays for Children. Moffat, Yard & Co. 191 1. $1.00 net. A Family Quarrel 5 Wilfrid the Young ; Christmas Once More. CHUBB, PERCIVAL (American) 2, 5 Games and School Festivals. Harper. $2.00 net. COMSTOCK, FANNY AMANDA (American) 5 Greek Myths and Hero Tales. Ginn & Co. 191 1. $.45 net. CRAIG, ANNE A. T. (American) 2, 5 The Dramatic Festival. Putnam. $1.25 net. The Grasshoppers and the Ants. (.^Esop Fable Play.) The Greatest Gift. A Festival. (Spring or Mid- Year. ) Minka's Wedding. (A Russian Folk Play.) The Course of True Love. The Pool of Answers. (An Idyllic Play.) GARDNER, MARY (American) 5 Dramatic Reader. Educational Pub. Co. 191 1. $.40. LANGDON, WILLIAM CHAUNCY (American) 3 The Pageant of St. Johnsbury. The Caledonian Press. $.25 net. LANSING, MARION FLORENCE (American) 5 Quaint Old Stories to Read and Act. Ginn & Co. $.35 net. LASELLE, MARY AUGUSTA (American) 5 Dramatizations of School Classics. Educational Pub. Co. 1911. $.50 net. MACKAY, CONSTANCE D'ARCY (American) 3, 5 Patriotic Plays and Pageants for Young People. Holt. $1.35 net. Pageant of Patriots 5 The Hawthorne Pageant. NEEDHAM, MARY MASTER (American) 2 Folk Festivals. Huebsch. $1.25 net. SPENCER, MATTHEW LYLE (English) 1 Corpus Christi Pageants in England. Baker & Taylor. 191 1. $2.00 net. STARLING, MAUD and G. E. BIRD (American) 5 Historical Plays for Children. Macmillan. $.60 net. STEVENSON, AUGUSTA (American) 5 Children's Classics in Dramatic Form. (Book V.) Houghton, Mifflin. $.60 net. ULLMANN, MARGARET (American) 4 Pocahontas. Poet Lore Co. $1.00 net. WAGSTAFF, MRS. BLANCHE (SHOEMAKER) (American) 5 Colonial Plays for the School Room. Educational Pub. Co. $.40 net. The Columbus Story ; Colonial Virginia ; The First Thanks- giving ; A Witchcraft Story ; A Pennsylvania Incident 5 Life in New York 5 The Georgia Debtors ; An Indian Story ; Revolutionary Days j Three Compromises of the Constitution. WARNER, MRS. ELLEN E. (KENYON) (American) 5 Nonsense Dialogues for the Youngest Readers. Macmillan. $.40 net. PLAYS :: PLAYS I have the newest and most attractive, as well as the largest assortment of plays in the world. FRENCH'S STANDARD LIBRARY EDITION INCLUDES PLAYS BY Clyde Fitch William Gillette R. C. Carton Preston Gibson Alfred Sutro George Broadhurst Richard Harding Davis Martha Morton Arthur W. Pinero H. A. DuSouchet Anthony Hope Edward E. Kidder Oscar Wilde W. W. Jacobs Haddon Chambers Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Jerome K. Jerome Louis N. Parker Cosmo Gordon Lennox Madelene Lucette Ryley H. V. Esmond Henry Arthur Jones French's International Copyrighted Edition contains plays, comedies and farces of international reputation ; also recent pro- fessional successes by famous American and English authors. Send a two-cent stamp for my new catalogue describing thousands of plays SAMUEL FRENCH 28-30 W. 38th St., New York City Between jt/i and 6th Avenue^ THE DRAMATIC INDEX {Annual) Edited by Frederick W. Faxon THE DRAMATIC INDEX gives, in a book of about 250 to -300 pages each year, an index to all articles and illustrations pertaining to the drama, opera and theatre appearing in the periodical press of America and England. It also includes the books of the year, and reviews and criticisms of them. Consult it for authorship of all modern plays, criticisms and synopses of plots, for portraits of all actors and actresses, for list of plays published. A unique and long needed work. Vols. I to 4, covering 190910 1912 inclusive, now ready. (Vol. 5, covering 1913, ready early in 1914. ) Price $3.50 each, handsome red cloth, delivery 25c. each volume extra. Special price to members of the Drama League if or- dered direct, 1909 to 1911 (nearly out of printj $3.50 each; 1912 $2.80 ; delivery free on receipt of price. Sample pages on request. THE BULLETIN OF BIBLIOGRAPHY {Quarterly) ($2.00 a year) contains a quarterly continuation of the Dramatic Index. MODERN DRAMA AND OPERA ( Volume 1, ) An annotated reading list on the works of D'Annunzio, Hauptmann, Ibsen, Jones, Maeterlinck, Phillips, Pinero, Rostand, Shaw, Suder- mann, Debussy, Puccini, Richard Strauss. With a valuable section on "The Modern Drama, its traits, tendencies and techniques." A handy compilation for all students of modern drama. Cloth, octavo, 93 pages, $1.00, delivered free. (Vol. 2, covering some fifteen other authors and composers, and bringing down to date information in Vol. 1, will be issued soon.) Published by THE BOSTON BOOK CO., 91 Francis St., Boston, Mass. The Boston Book Co. has for sale numbers of Poet Lore, bound in cloth, containing Plays as follows : Delivered free on receipt of price. D'Annunzio: "Dream of a Spring Morning," $3.00; "The Dithyramb," $3.00. Maeterlinck: " Aglavaine and Selysette," $2.00; " Monna Vanna," 75c. Schnitzler : "Lady with the Dagger," 75c. Sudermann : " Three Heron's Feathers," $2.00 j " St. John's Fire," 75c. They have other Plays published in Poet Lore, in original covers. Let them know your wants and they will quote. SOME SCRIBNER PUBLICATIONS PLAYS BY AUGUST STRINDBERG Translated from the Swedish, ivitb introductions, by Edwin Bjorkman THIRD SERIES $1.50 »«. By mail #1.65 A new volume of the authorized edition of Strindberg's Plays, con- taining ' ' Advent, " " Simoon, " ' ' Swan White, ' ' " Debit and Credit, ' ' "The Spook Sonata," and "The Black Glove." Most of these plays have never before been translated into English. SECOND SERIES $1.50 net The plays of this volume — " Creditors," " Pariah," " Miss Julia," "The Stronger," "There Are Crimes and Crimes" — were origi- nally published in three separate volumes. But the great interest of the public in them and in Strindberg called for their collection together into a single volume, — a more convenient and lasting form. FIRST SERIES With portrait $1. SO net "The Dream Play"; "The Link"; "The Dance of Death " — Parts I. and II. " No one can read a play of Strindberg's without receiving an intel- lectual jolt. There comes the startling conviction that here is the transcript of a great mind. One may or may not agree that what one reads is great drama or great literature ; but there is no doubt that the big, restless, cutting, probing spirit of the man who wrote it is a stu- pendous human spectacle." — The Dial. PLAYS BY GALSWORTHY JMs •* The prolonged demand for John Galsworthy's plays has induced the collection in one volume of "Justice," "The Little Dream," and " The Eldest Son" — a cheaper and more convenient form. PLAYS BY BJORNSTJERNE BJORNSON "The New System"; "The Gauntlet"; "Beyond Our Power " Translated from the Norwegian by Edwin Bjorkman $l.$o net; by mail $1.65 These plays by the famous Norwegian suit the temper of the time, " The Gauntlet," particularly. It is a sharp challenge of the double moral standard of the sexes ; will startle a reader into vivid realization like the blow of a glove upon his cheek. But all three, though re- strained and in form almost classic, radiate the spirit of the day. PLAYS BY ANTON TCHEKOFF " Uncle Vanya"; " Ivanoff"; " The Sea-Gull "; and " The Swan Song " Translated from the Russian by Marion Fell Frontispiece. izmo. $1.50 net ; postage extra " Strong and sombre dramas. . . . Those to whom the inevitable tragedies of existence and to whom men and women, sinning, striving, repenting, and above all, suffering, seem a vital part of life, will find that in these four plays Tchekoff has given the world literature, psychol- ogy, and genuine drama." — Boston Herald. CHARLES SCRIBNER'S SONS Fifth Avenue at 48th St., NEW YORK SOME OF HENRY HOLT&CO.'S DRAMA BOOKS 34 West 33rd Street, New York GEORGE MIDDLETON'S One-Act Plays of American Life To-Day Either volume, $1.35 net; by mail, $1.43 EMBERS With The Failures, The Gargoyle, In His House, Madonna and The Man Masterful These one-act plays are perfectly practical for clever ama- teurs and especially available for club discussion and reading. TRADITION With On Bail, Mothers, Waiting, Their Wife and The Cheat of Pity A companion volume to the above. Tradition deals with the attempt of the dominant though kindly man of the family to crush the artistic ambitions of his wife and daughter through their economic dependence. Clayton Hamilton's THEORY OF THE THEATRE Discusses Audiences, Actors, Dramatists, Stage Con- ventions, Emphasis, Tragedy, Melodrama, Comedy, Farce, Modern Social Drama, Public and Dramatist, Theatre Business, The Happy Ending, The Function of the Imagination, Etc., Etc., 4th Printing. $1.50 net ; by mail, $1.62. Edward Everett Hale, Jr.'s DRAMATISTS OF TO-DAY Rostand, Hauptmann, Sundermann, Pinero, Shaw, Phillips, Maeterlinck. An informal discussion of their principal works. Seventh edition enlarged and with portraits. $1.50 net; by mail, $1.62. CHARLES H. SERGEL 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago THE DRAMATIC BOOK SHOP of The Dramatic Publishing Company is the most completely equipped establishment in the world dealing exclusively in dram- atic books. Practically everything in the way of plays and books about the drama is carried in stock, including thousands of titles not kept by any other book- shop. We can supply every book in this list, and also all other dramatic books in print. Our own catalog contains chiefly acting plays, describing more or less fully the 1 1 oo books published by us, designed for both amateur theatricals and the professional stage. This catalog will be sent free on application to THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY 542 South Dearborn Street, Chicago ImportantN eWPublications Cymbeline Edited by Horace Howard Furness, PhD., LL.D., Litt.D. Being the Eighteenth Volume of A NEW VARIORUM EDITION OF THE WORKS OF WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Royal octavo. Cloth, gilt top, uncut edges, $4.00 net. Half morocco, gilt top, $5.00 net. Carriage extra. This volume was the last work from the pen of the late Dr. Furness, who was known the world over as the greatest Shakespearean scholar of our time. In the Variorum Edition he left a monumental work unrivalled in its particular field. The continuance of it is fortunately assured under the editorship of Horace Howard Furness, Jr., whose many years' association with his father in the work has well equipped him for the task of editing the remaining plays. The value of this edition to lovers and students of Shakespeare, to the teacher and the theatrical profession, is plainly evident, but it is also a work which should grace the library of every editor, every author, and every cultured man or woman on account of its incalculable value as a work of reference and a storehouse of stories, plays, references and criticisms which any one who desires a thorough knowledge of English literature cannot be without. The Drama To-day By Charlton Andrews. Cloth back, imported paper sides, with paper label. Uncut edges. Flat 1 2mo. $1.50 net. Post- paid, $1.65. This book supplies the need of a brief compendium of the Drama To-Day as it is practised not only in England and America, but also upon the Continent. In gives in small compass accurate general in- formation as to the leaders of the modern stage and their work. The author also presents some opinions as to the prospects and tendencies of dramatic art. It is an entertaining and valuable survey. The Elizabethan Playhouse and Other Stories Second Series. By W. J. Lawrence. Illustrated. 8vo. Half cloth, with board sides, $3.50 net. This volume is uniform with the first series published in 191 2, and in it the author continues his studies of the evolution of the English theatre. He endeavors to throw additional light on the obscurity of the Elizabethan stage and to emphasize the remarkable vitality of its conventions by demonstrating how many of them contrive to wind their tendrils around the trunk of early picture-stage dramaturgy. The edition is limited to 760 copies printed from type. J. B. LIPPINCOTT COMPANY Publishers Philadelphia at McClurg's HPHE largest and most varied stock of books of interest to members of the DRAMA LEAGUE is to be found in our store. We make a point of carrying all the latest published plays. A. C. McCLURG & CO. 218-224 S. Wabash Ave. CHICAGO MESSRS. DOUBLEDAY, PAGE & COMPANY of Garden City, New York are pleased to announce that they have just made arrangements with the Drama League of America to publish THE DRAMA LEAGUE SERIES OF PLAYS a collection of modern drama ap- proved by the League and comprising the best work obtainable here and abroad. Special attention will be given to American plays. The books will be bound uniformly in brown boards and will be sent postpaid upon receipt of 75 cents WRITE TO THE PUBLISHERS FOR ANNOUNCEMENT THE TUFTS COLLEGE PRl Gaylamount Pamphlet Binder Gaylord Bros.. Inc. Stockton, Calif. T.M. Reg. U.S. Pat. Off. m 3962;