:^;!U- .^m.'^^"^^^ :SSS* COUNTY GOVERNMENT INCLUDING COUNTY PUBLICATIONS REFERENCES TO MATERIAL IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY Digitized by the IfUyiliyi Archive ■r in 2008 with funding from I IVIicrosoft Corporation THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 COUNTY GOVERNMENT INCLUDING COUNTY PUBLICATIONS REFERENCES TO MATERIAL IN THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY » » THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY 1915 \\ z' Reprinted June 1915 FROM THE Bulletin of The New York Public Library OF May 1915 torm p-n (ri-s-ic im] A LIST OF WORKS ON COUNTY GOVERNMENT INCLUDING COUNTY PUBLICATIONS References to Material in The New York Public Library Compiled by Rollin A. Sawyer, Jr. ORDER OF ARRANGEMENT Bibliography. County Administration. General Works. County Administration, continued. Individual States. County Offices. County Publications. Powell, F. W. fice of coroner. BIBLIOGRAPHY Bibliography of the of- 6 p. To be published in the National municipal re- view, probably in the July, 1915 issue. The Library has it in galley proof form. United States. — Library of Congress. List of references on county government. cWashington, 1914.] 8 1. 4°. Typewritten copy. COUNTY ADMINISTRATION General Works American .A.cademy of Political and So- cial Science. County government. Phila- delphia, 1913. 326 p. 8°. (Annals, v. 47.) SA American Political Science Associa- tion. — City-County Committee. Report. (American Political Science Association. Proceedings, 1913/14. Baltimore, 1914. 4°. p. 281-291.) SEA I. Rural county, ii. Federated county, iii. Coun- ty city. Ashley, Roscoe Lewis. [County govern- ment.] (In his: American federal state. New York, 1908. 8°. p. 394-402.) IBZ Bailey, William L. The county com- munity and its government. (American .\cademy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 14-25.) SA Beard, Charles Austin. The county. (In his: American government and poli- tics. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 639-648.) IBZ Belcher, Robert W. The merit system and the county civil service. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8". v. 47, p. 101-111.) SA Bemis, Edward Webster, and others. Local government in the south and the southwest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press, 1893. 94 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science, v. 11, no. 11-12.) SB Boyle, James E. County budgets: economy and efficiency in expenditures. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8". V. 47, p. 199-212.) SA Brindley, John E. State supervision of county assessment and taxation. (Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 213-226.) SA Buck, George S. Organization of county government. (Academy of Political Sci- ence. Proceedings. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 5, p. 80-92.) SEA Cartwright, Otho Grandford. Efficiency in county government. (American Acad- emy of Political and Social Science. An- nals. Philadelphia, 1912. 8°. v. 41, p. 193- 203.) SA Chamberlain, Lawrence. County bonds. (In his: Principles of bond investment. New York, 1911. 8°. p. 159-179.) TG Channing, Edward. Town and county government in the English colonies of North America... Baltimore: Johns Hop- kins University, 1884. 57 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science, v. 2, no. 10.) SB [3 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. General Works, continued. Childs, Richard S. Present status of county reform. (In: Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. Proceedings. 1913. 8°. p. 3-6.) Clipping File A theoretically perfect county. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 274-278.) SA Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. Proceedings. 1913- 14. New York: N. Y. Short Ballot Or- ganization, n. d. 8°. Clipping File Counties. (In: American and English encyclopaedia of law. Northport, L. I., 1888. 8°. V. 4, p. 343-373.) *R-XAB Fairlie, John Archibald. Local govern- ment in counties, towns and villages. New York: Century Co., 1906. 4 p.l., v-xii, 3-289 p. 12°. (American state series.) SER Bibliography, p. 273-279. Gilbertson, H. S. County government. (Academy of Political Science. Proceed- ings. New York, 1915. 8°. v. 5, p. 87-92.) Sea The discovery of the county prob- lem. (American review of reviews. New York, 1912. S". v. 46, p. 604-608.) * DA Elements of the county problem. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 3-13.) SA Harrin, Frank H. County administra- tion of school affairs in its relation to the state department. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8". v. 47, p. 153-165.) SA Howard, George Elliott. An introduc- tion to the local constitutional history of the United States, v. 1. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1889. xv, 526 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in his- tory and political science. Extra v. 4.) SB Bibliography, p. 475-498. Jones, Chester Lloyd. The county in politics. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 85-100.) SA Ketcham, Dorothy. Reorganization of county government in 1913 and 1914. (American political science review. Balti- more, 1915. r. V. 9, p. 111-114.) SEA Matthews, Shailer, editor. County gov- ernment. (In: The woman citizen's li- brary. Chicago [1913j. 8°. v. 4, p. 961- 985.) SEE Monahan, A. C. County unit organiza- tion for the administration of rural schools. Washington: Gov. Print. Off., 1914. 56 p. 8°. (United States. Education Bureau. Bulletin, no. 44, 1914.) Gates, W. H. The county jail. (Nation- al Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. Fort Wayne, 1914. 8°. v. 41, p. 38-45.) SHH Paul, Winston. The county employee. (American Academy of Political and So- cial Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 81-84.) SA Reed, Alfred Zantzinger. The county. (In his: The territorial basis of govern- ment under the state constitutions. New York, 1911. 8". 47-72 p. (Columbia Uni- versity studies in history, economics, and public law. V. 40, no. 3.) TB Sparling, Samuel E. Responsibility in county government. (Political science quarterly. New York, 1901. 8°. v. 16, p. 437-449.) SEA Taylor, Graham. The county — a chal- lenge to humanized politics and volunteer co-operation. (National Conference of Charities and Correction. Proceedings. Fort Wayne, 1914. 8\ v. 41, p. 1-14.) SHH President's address. United States. — Census Bureau. Coun- ty and municipal indebtedness, 1913, 1902. and 1890 and sinking fund assets, 1913. Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1915. 228 p. 4°. Updyke, Frank A. County government in New England. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 26-38.) SA County legislation. (American po- litical science review. Baltimore, 1913. 4°. V. 7, p. 234-237.) SEA Individual States Alabama Alabama. Archives and History Department Alabama official and statistical register. 1903, 1907, 1911, 1913. Montgomery: Brown Print. Co., 1903-13. 8". * SAM Contains list of county officers and statistics of counties. Governor County convicts. (In his: 1915. Montgomery, 1915. 8°. [County schools.) (In his: 1915. Montgomery, 1915. 8\ Message, p. 44-47.) ♦SBK Message, p. 55-64.) ♦SBK COUNTY GOVERNMENT County Administration, continued. Individual States — Alabama, continued. State Department Alabama official directory. 1902-03. 1905, 1909. (Montgomery. 1902-09.1 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. State and county officers of Alabama. 1899-1900. Montgomery, 1899-tl901]. S". *SAM Cowan, James G. Jefferson county. Re- port on the books and accounts of the court of county commissioners. Filed in the office of the governor on Friday, Janu- ary 20, 1899. Montgomery: Brown Prtg. Co.. 1899. 55 p. 8°. TIF p.v.79, no.4 McBain, Howard Lee. How the coun- ties are governed. (In his: How we are governed in Alabama. Richmond, Va., 1908. 12°. p. 132-138.) ITN California Alameda County Tax Association. Re- ports. Oakland: the association, 1913-14. B". SERA no. 9. The Alameda county plan. 1913. 23 p. no. 10 A. Cost of elections, Alameda county. 1913. 19 p. no. 10 B. 1912 elections in Alameda county. 1913. 23 p. no. 12. Efficiency in municipal and county government. 1914. IS p. California. Legislature Report on the bill to divide the county of Los Angeles and create the new county of Anaheim. 4 p. 8°. (Appendix, Sen. & Ass. journal, 18th sess., v. 3, no. 71.) *SBK State Department California blue book or state roster. 1891, 1893, 1895, 1899, 1903, 1907, 1909. [Sac- ramento, 1891-1909.] 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officials and county statistics. Freeholders* charters for counties. A synopsis of the new charter of Los Angeles county, the first county charter adopted in California. (Pacific municipali- ties. San Francisco, 1913. A", v. 27, p. 347-351.) . SERA Goodwin, Cardinal. Counties. (In his: Establishment of state government in Cali- fornia. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 292-297.) IXG Guinn, J. M. History of the movements for the divisiort of Los Angeles county. (Historical Society of Southern California. Annual publication. Los Angeles: Frank Cobler, 1889. 8^ 1888/9, p. 25-29.) lAA Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on county debt. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of California. Washing- ton, 1908. 4". p. 80-81.) Doc. Div. List of references on county fi- nance. (In her: Index to documents of the state of California. Washington, 1908, 4°. p. 104.) Doc. Div. List of references on county taxa- tion. (In her: Index to documents of the state of California. Washington, 1908. 4°. p. 289.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of California. Washington, 1908. 4°. p. 181.) Doc. Div. Long, Percy V. Consolidated city and county government of San Francisco. (American Political Science Association. Proceedings, 1911. Concord, 1912. 8°. V. 8, p. 109-121.) SEA Los Angeles county. — Charter. Pro- posed charter for Los Angeles county, California. To be voted upon November 5,1912... [Los Angeles, 1912.] 20 p. 8°. *SYA Miller, E. J. A new departure in county government: California's experiment with home rule charters. (American political science review. Baltimore, 1913. 4°. v. 7, p. 411-419.) SEA [National Short Ballot Organization.) The first short ballot county [Los An- geles]. n. t-p. 15 p. 8°. SER p.v.39, no.lO Contains tfce Los Angeles county charter. Requa, M. L. The government of Alameda county, California. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 237-247.) SA Stanislaus county. — Citizens. Petition ...requesting the passage of an act to legalize the claims of Thomas E. Hughes, against said county (for work done by him under order of the Board of Supervisors of the county]. (Sacramento: D. W. Gel- wicks, 1870.) 4 p. 8°. (Appendix, Sen. & Ass. journals, 18 sess., v. 3, doc. (36.)) ♦SBK Sutton, John Richard. County govern- ment. (In his: Civil government in Cali- fornia. New York (Cop. 1914). 12°. p. 66-111.) IXG Works, Lewis R. County home rule in California: the Los Angeles county char- ter. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8\ v. 47, p. 229-236.) SA Colorado Hatch, Dorus R. The county. (In his: Civil government of Colorado. Denver (Cop. 1901). 8". p. 35-40.) IWP THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. Individual States — Colorado, continued. Snook, James E. The county. (In his: Colorado history and government. Den- ver [Cop. 1904]. 8°. p. 53-56.) IWP Connecticut Connecticut. — State Department. Reg- ister and manual. 1848-64. 1866-70, 1872- 1913. Hartford, tl848]-1913. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Green's Connecticut register. 1804-48. V. p. tl804?]-1848. 24°. * SAM Contains the names of county court officers. Delaware Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on county debt. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of Delaware. Washing- ton, 1910. 4°. p. 43-44.) Doc. Div. List of references on county fi- nance. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Delaware. Washington, 1910. 4°. p. 68-70.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Delaware. Washington, 1910. 4°. p. 99-100.) Doc. Div. Messersmith, George S. County govern- ment. (In his: Government of Delaware. New York [Cop. 1908]. 12°. p. 55-76.) ISE Florida Yocum, Wilbur Fiske. Counties. (In his: Civil government in Florida. De- Land, Fla., 1904. 12°. p. 44-46, 122-128.) ITL Illinois Bramhall, F. D. Cook county and Chi- cago. (American Political Science Associ- ation. Proceedings, 1911. Concord, 1912. 8°. V. 8, p. 89-96.) SEA Childs, Mary Louise. Cook county. (In her: Actual government in Illinois. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 68-87.) IVE County government in Illinois. (In her: Actual government in Illinois. New York, 1914. 8°. p. 65-67.) IVE Fairlie, John Archibald. County and town government in Illinois. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 62-78.) SA Greene, Evarts Boutell. County govern- ment. (In his: Government of Illinois. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 95-99.) IVE Local governments of Cook county. (In his: Government of Illinois. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 108-120.) IVE Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on county debt. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of Illinois. Washington, 1909. 4°. p. 162-163.) Doc. Div. List of references on county taxa- tion. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Illinois. Washington, 1909. 4°. p. 382-383.) Doc. Div. -; — List of references on fees of county officers. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Illinois. Washington, 1909. 4°. p. 195-196.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Illinois. Wash- ington, 1909. 4°. p. 268-269.) Doc. Div. List of references on salaries of county officers. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of Illinois. Washing- ton, 1909. 4°. p. 368-369.) Doc. Div. Illinois. — State Department. Blue book of the state of Illinois. 1903. 1905. 1907, 1909, 1911, 1913/4. V. p., 1903-14. 8°. *SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. List of state officers. . .and county officers. 1898-99, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1911. Springfield, 1898-1911. 8°. * SAM Official list of state officers. . .and county officers. 1913-14. (Danville, 1913- 14.] nar. 24°. * SAM Illinois State Association of Supervisors, County Commissioners and County Clerks. Proceedings of annual convention. 1901- 02, 1908-14. [V. p., 1901-14.] 8°. SERA Shaw, Albert. Local government in Illinois. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Uni- versity, 1883. 19 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science, v. 1, no. 3.) SB Trowbridge, Oliver R. County govern- ment. (In his: Illinois and the nation. Chicago ccop. 1899j. 12°. p. 55-65.) IVE Indiana Davison, Walter B. County govern- ment. (In his: Government in Indiana. New York [Cop. 1912j. 12°. p. 11-20.) IVC Indiana. Accounts Board Information concerning the business in county and township offices during fiscal year ending December 31, 1911. n. p., n. d. 352 p., 1 1. 4°. t TIB COUNTY GOVERNMENT County Administration, continued. Individual States — Indiana, continued. State Librarian Legislative and state manual. 1900, 1903, 1905, 1907, 1909, 1913. Indianapolis. 1899- 1913. 8°. ♦ SAM Contains list of county officers. Lapp. John A. Checks on county gov- ernment in Indiana. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 248-254.) SA Moore's Hoosier cyclopedia... Com- plete directories of state, county, township and judicial officers. Connersville [Cop. 1905). 304 p. 8°. Rawles, William A. The county. (In his: Government of the people of the state of Indiana. New York jcop. 1906]. 12°. p. 75-89.) IVC loWA Chandler, George. County government. (In his: Iowa and the nation. Chicago, 1901. 12°. p. 39-60.) IVN (Annals of Iowa. series 3, v. 6. p. lAA County judge system Des Moines, 1905. 8°. 144-148.) Crosby, James O. The county judge system. (Annals of Iowa. Des Moines, 1912. 8°. series 3, v. 10, p. 42-48.) lAA Garver, Frank Harmon. Boundary his- tory of the counties of Iowa. (Iowa jour- nal of history and politics. Iowa City, 1909. 4°. V. 7, p. 3-131.) lAA Critical study of county boundaries. (Iowa journal of history and politics. Iowa City, 1909. 4°. V. 7, p. 402-443.) lAA History of the establishment of counties in Iowa. (Iowa journal of his- tory and politics. Iowa City, 1908. 4°. v. 6, p. 375-456.) lAA Iowa. — State Department. Iowa offi- cial register. 1887-88, 1892-1906, 1907/8, 1909/10, 1913/14. iDes Moines, 1887,-1913. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Manual of the state of Iowa. . . Des Moines: State Journal Print. & Pub. House, 1882. iv, 6-194 p. 24°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Louis, John J. Shelby county. A so- ciological study. (Iowa journal of history and politics. Iowa City, 1904. 4°. v. 2, p. 83-101, 218-255.) lAA Macy, Jesse. The county. (In his: Gov- ernment of Iowa. Boston (Cop. 1905j. 12°. p. 63-80.) IVN Seerley, H. H. County government. (In his: History and civil government of Iowa. Chicago tcop. 1897]. 12°. p. 166-178.) IVN Kansas Gill, Helen G. Establishment of coun- ties in Kansas. (Kansas State Historical Society. Transactions, 1904. Topeka, 1904. 8°. v. 8, p. 449-472.) lAA Kansas. — State Department. Blue book ...1893. cTopeka: Hamilton Prtg. Co.. 1893.) 3 p.l., 102 p. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Kentucky Kentucky. — State Librarian. Official manual of Kentucky. 1894, 1898, 1902, 1904, 1908, 1910, 1912. V. p., 1894-il912,. 16°. *SAM Contains list of county officers. Louisiana Scroogs, William O. Parish government in Louisiana. (American Academy of Po- litical and Social Science. Annals. Phila- delphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 39-47.) SA Maine MacDonald, William. The county. (In his: Government of Maine. New York, 1902. 12°. p. 67-72.) IQA Maine. Executive Department Register. 1874, 1882, 1884, 1886, 1906, 1908, 1912. V. p., 1874-1911. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. State Department Maine register, state year book and leg- islative manual. 1821-29, 1831-32, 1834, 1837, 1841, 1843, 1852, 1855-57, 1867, 1871- 1910. V. p., [1821i-1909. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Stetson, W. W. The county. (In his: History and civil government of Maine. Chicago icop. 1898j. 12°. p. 169-174.) IQA Maryland Maryland. — State Department. Mary- land manual. 1896, 1899-1902, 1904-07. 1910/11, 1912/13. v. p., 1896-[1912?,. 8°. ♦SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. Individual States — Maryland, continued. Morse, H. N. An educational survey of a suburban and rural county. Mont- gomery county, Md.. . Washington: Gov. Prtg. Off., 1913. 68 p. 8°. (United States. Education Bureau. Bulletin, no. 32, 1913.) STF Wilhelm, Lewis Webb. The county. (In his: Local institutions of Maryland. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1885. 8°. p. 64-96. Johns Hopkins Uni- versity studies in history and political sci- ence. V. 3, no. 5-7.) SB Massachusetts Boutwell, George Sewall. Argument on the petitions for the division of Middlesex and Worcester counties, before the legis- lative committee, March 25, 1855. (Bos- ton: J. S. Potter & Co., 1855 ?j 12 p. 8'. IQG p. box Choate, Rufus. Argument for the divi- sion of Worcester county, on the petition of O. L. Huntley and others, before legis- lative committee, April, 1854. Boston: W. White, 1854. 67 p. 8°. IQH Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on county administration of justice. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Massachusetts. Washington, 1908. 4°. p. 18.) Doc. Div. — ^ List of references on county fi- nance. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Massachusetts. Washington, 1908. 4°. p. 89-91.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Massachusetts. Washington, 1908. 4". p. 165-166.) Doc. Div. Hormell, Orren C. Boston's county problems. (American Academy of Poli- tical and Social Science. Annals. Phila- delphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 134-152.) SA The city and county in Massa- chusetts. (American Political Science As- sociation. Proceedings, 1911. Concord, 1912. 8°. V. 8, p. 61-72.) SEA Mason, Joseph. Argument against the petition of Nathaniel Wood and others, for the establishment of courts and a half shire at Fitchburg, for the county of Worcester, before a joint special committee of the Massachusetts legislature, session 1852... Worcester: H. J. Howland (1852]. 36 p. 8°. XMZ p.v.6, no.l Massachusetts. — General Court. Man- ual for the use of the General Court. 1851, 1853-59, 1861-1914. Boston, 1851-1914. 16°. *SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Michigan Betnis, Edward Webster. Local gov- ernrnent in Michigan and the northwest. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1883. 25 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity studies in history and political science. V. 1, no. 5.) SB Cook, Webster. iThe county.) (In his: Michigan: its history and government. New York, 1905. 12°. p. 173-177.) IVG Michigan. — State Department. Michi- gan legislative manual and official direc- tory. 1837, 1839, 1845, 1857, 1861, 1863. 1865, 1867, 1870-74, 1878-1913. v. p.. 1837- 1913. 8°. *SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Minnesota McVey, Frank L. The county. (In his: The government of Minnesota. New York, 1901. 12°. p. 61-69.) IVL Minnesota. — State Department. Legis- lative manual. 1874. 1879, 1883-87, 1891- 1911. v.p., 1874-[1911j. 8°. ♦SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. State and county government. (Directory.) 1897, 1909, 1913. n. p., n. d. 8°. ♦ SAM Niles. Sanford, The county. (In his: History and civil government of Minneso- ta. Chicago [Cop. 1897]. 12°. p. 124-129.) IVL Mississippi Mississippi. — Archives and History De- partment. Official and statistical regis- ter. 1904, 1908. Nashville, Tenn.: Brandon Prtg. Co., 1904-08. 8°. ♦SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Missouri Barnard, J. U. The county. (In his: History and ciVil government of Missouri. Chicago tcop. 1896). 12°. p. 48-58.) IVP Ellwood, Charles Abram. A bulletin on the condition of the county almshouses of Missouri, n. p., 1904. 31 p. 8°. SON p. box Published by the department of sociology, Uni- versity of Missouri. Fogg, Thomas J. C. The Pike county circuit court. (Missouri historical re- view. Columbia, 1907. 8°. v. 1, p. 191- 197.) lAA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 9 County Administration, continued. Individual States — Missouri, continued. Loeb, Isidor. County government in Missouri. (American Academy of Politi- cal and Social Science. Annals. Phila- delphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 48-61.) SA Missouri. — State Department. Official manual. 1894-1912. Jefferson City, 1893- il912?i. 8°. *SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Roster of state and county officers. 1903. Jefferson City: Tribune Prtg. Co., 1903. 50 p. 8°. * SAM State almanac and official directory. 1879. St. Louis: J. J. Daly & Co., n. d. 176 p.. 1 1. 12^ *SAM Reavis, L. U. History of the court house. (In his: Saint Louis: the future great city of the world. St. Louis, 1876. 4°. p. 72-74.) IVQ Young, Truman Port. The scheme of separation of city and county governments in Saint Louis — its history and purpose. (American Political Science Association. Proceedings, 1911. Concord, 1912. 8°. V. 8, p. 97-108.) SEA New Hampshire Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of New Hampshire. Washington, 1907. 4°. p. 38.) DocDiv. New Hampshire. Pauper Insane Commission Report of the Pauper Insane Commis- sion, appointed to examine into the condi- tion of the insane in the county almshouses in New Hampshire. Concord: Parsons B. Cogswell, 1883. 33 p. 8°. WPS p.v.4 State Department Manual for the General Court. 1889, 1891, 1893, 1895, 1897, 1899. v. p., 1889-99. 8". * SAM Contains list of county officers. New Jersey Gordon, Thomas F. A gazetteer of the state of New Jersey. Comprehending... a topographical and statistical account of its counties, towns. . .&c. . .accompanied by a map. Ti'enton: Daniel Fenton, 1834. iv, 266 p. 8°. ISA Jersey City. — Free Public Library. A brief outline of the government of Hudson county. Jersey City, 1914. 12 p. 8°. Nelson, Williain. Passaic county roads. [By William Nelson.] n. t.-p. 69 p., 1 1. 4°. ISB Letter inserted. New Jersey. — General Assembly. Man- ual. 1876-79, 1883-97, 1899-1907, 1909-15. Trenton, 1876-1914. 16°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Paul, Winston. County management in New Jersey. (In: Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. Proceedings, 1914. 8°. p. 3-7.) The movement for county reor- ganization in New Jersey. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 255-257.) SA Paul, Winston, and H. S. Gilbertson. Counties of the first class in New Jersey. (American Political Science Association. Proceedings, 1913-14. [Baltimore,] 1914. 4°. p. 292-300.) SEA Supplement to the American political science re- view, V. 8, no. 1. New Mexico New Mexico. Governor County salaries. (In his: Message, 1915. Sante Fe, 1915. 8°. p. 17-20.) * SBK State Department Legislative manual. 1909, 1911. Santa Fe, 1909-11. 8°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. New York Binkerd, Robert S. A plan for city and county consolidation in Greater New York. (In: Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. Proceed- ings, 1913. New York, n. d. 8°. p. 12- 14.) A Burritt, Bailey B. County management of charities and special institutions in our own state fNew York]. (In: Conference for the Study and Reform of County Gov- ernment. Proceedings, 1914. New York, n.d. 8°. p. 7-11.) V Cartwright, Otho Grandford. County government in New York state. (Ameri- can Academy of Political and Social Sci- ence. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 258-270.) SA Results of examination of collec- tion of taxes in Westchester county. (State Conference on Taxation, New York, 1911-12. tAlbany,] 1912. 8°. p. 477-488.) TIA 10 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. Individual States — New York, continued. Some needs to be considered in reconstructing county government. (Con- ference for Better County Government. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n. d. 8°. p. 8-21.) What we have unearthed in West- chester. (Conference for the Study and Reform of County Government. Proceed- ings, 1913. NewYork, n. d. 8°. p. 6-11.) Citizens' Association of New York. The new county court house, n. t.-p. 11 p. 8°. IRGN p.v.6, no.15 Citizens' Union of New York. Analysis of the proposed tax levy for the city and county of New York for the year 1866. n. p., 1866. 37 p. 8°. IRGN p. box Committee of Seventy. Appeal to the people of the state of New York, adopted by the executive committee of citizens and taxpayers for the financial reform of the city and county of New York. New York: "Free Press" Association, 1871. 16 p. 8°. IRGN p.v.6, no.21 Conference for Better County Govern- ment in New York State. Proceedings. 1914. n. p., n. d. 75 p. 8°. Cookinham, Henry J. Taxation and county government in New York state. (In: Conference for Better County Gov- ernment. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n.d. 8°. p. 29-38.) Coon, Henry C. County [government). (In his: Manual of civil government, de- signed especially for use in the schools of New York state. New York rcop. 1897i. 12°. p. 75-87.) *^ IR County Government Association of New York State. [Proposed] by-laws. Revised draft. [1915.] 4°. 2 typewritten leaves. Dutchess county senatorial election cases. Transcript of record, including pro- ceedings on application to punish Storm Emans for contempt. Printed by order of the special committee of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York, ap- pointed March 8, 1892, to inquire into the action of Hon. Isaac H. Maynard. (New York: Livingston Middleditch & Co.,] n. d. 228 p. 4". SEH Eighteenth Ward Citizens' Association. ...County finances. The 18th Ward Citi- zens' Association and the Board of Super- visors, n. t-p. [New York, 1864.] 20 p., 1 1. 8°. IRGN p. box Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references on county administration of justice. (In her: Index to documents of the state of New York. Washington, 1907. 4". p. 21.) Doc.Div. List of references on county build- ings and grounds. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of New York. Wash- ington, 1907. 4°. p. 447.) Doc. Div. List of references on county fi- nance. (In her: Index to documents of the state of New York. Washington, 1907. 4". p. 226-227.) Doc. Div. List of references on county taxa- (In her: Index to documents of the of New York. Washington, 1907. .509-512.) Doc. Div. List of references on fees of county officers. (In her: Index to documents of the state of New York. Washington, 1907. 4°. p. 222-223.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of New York. Washington, 1907. 4°. p. 358-364.) Doc. Div. Hatmaker, Benedict, Schenectady's city- county plan. (In: Conference for Better County Government. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n. d. 8°. p. 73-74.) Hoffman, Murray. A digest of the char- ters, statutes and ordinances of, and relat- ing to, the corporation of the city of New York, the organization of the county, and to other bodies or officers connected with the government of such city or county... New York: Edmund Jones & Co., 1865, V. 1. 8°. *SYA A digest of statutes and decisions relating to the Board of Supervisors of the county of New York. New York: N. Y. Prtg. Co., 1866. vi, 8-368 p. 8°, * SYA An impartial statement of the contro- versy respecting the decision of the late committee of canvassers [in regard to the Otsego county votesj. Containing the opinions of Edmund Randolph. . .and other eminent law characters. New York: T. Greenleaf, 1792. 46 p. 4°. Reserve An appendix to the Impartial state- ment. New York: Childs & Swaine, 1792. 22 p. 4°. Reserve Ludington, Arthur. The relation of county to city government in New York. (American Political Science Association. Proceedings, 1911. Concord, 1912. 8". v. 8, p. 73-88.) SEA Macy, V. Everit. Administration of county charities. (In: Conference for Better County Government. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n. d. 8". p. 22-26.) New York City. Board of Police Election districts of the several assem- bly districts of the city and county of New York... as established by the Board of Police, July 16th. 1872. New York: J. L. Hastie, 1872. 101 p. 8°. IRGN p.v.7, no.5 COUNTY GOVERNMENT 11 County Administration, continued. ■ Individual States — New York, continued. Commissioners of Accounts Statement of the bonded debt of the city and county of New York, December 31, 1886... New York: M. B. Brown, 1887. 28 p., 2 tables, i". TIB Estimate Committee Proceedings of the officers. . .in making and agreeing upon the estimates of the various sums of money required to defray the expenses for conducting the city and county governments for the year 1873... New York: John P. Prall, 1873. 43 p. 8°. TIB Investigation and Statistics Bureau Analysis of departmental estimates for 1907 of register of Kings county, n. p., n. d. 21 p. 8°. t TIF p.v.42, no.l Analysis of department estimate for 1907 of sheriff, Kings county. September 25, 1906. n. p., n. d. 9 p. 8°. t TIF p.v.42, no.l7 Analysis of departmental estimate for 1907 of sheriff. Queens county. October 17, 1906. iNew York: M. B. Brown, n. d.] 11 p. 8°. t TIF p.v.42, no.6 Analysis of departmental estimate for 1907 of sheriff, Richmond county. Octo- ber 10, 1906. [New York: M. B. Brown, n. d.] 7 p. 8°. t TIF p.v.42, no.4 Police Department Election districts of the several assem- bly districts of the city and county of New York... as established by the Board of Police, July 22d, 1879. New York: Mar- tin B. Brown, 1879. 116 p., 24 maps. 8°. IRGN p.box New York State. Attorney General Opinions of the attorney general, Ira Harris and J. C. Spencer on the constitu- tionality of the bill to erect the new county of Schuyler, n. t-p. [Albany, 1854.) 5 p. 8°. IAGp.v.6 Charitable Institutions Committee Report of select committee appointed to visit charitable institutions supported by the state and city and county poor and work houses and jails. Transmitted to the legislature January 9, 1857. Albany: Van Benthuysen, 1857. 266 p. 8°. SGG p.box 2 Engineer and Surveyor County maps showing state and county system of highways, n. t-p. 57 maps. f°. Jerome Investigating Committee Report to Governor Hughes by Hon. Richard L. Hand, commissioner appointed to take testimony and report his findings upon charges filed against William Travers Jerome, district attorney of New York county. [Advance sheets.) [New York? 1908.] 68 f. nar. 8". AN Secretary of State Report giving an abstract of returns of the superintendents of the poor in the several counties. Made to the Legislature, January 11, 1833. Albany: Croswell, Van Benthuysen and Burt, 1833. 39 p. 8". SOG p.boxl Senate Report of committee appointed to inves- tigate the several departments of the gov- ernment in the city and county of New York. n. p.: Jerome B. Parmenter, 1876. 1027, iv p. 8°. (N. Y. Senate. 99th sess. Doc. no. 79.) IRGN State Department Manual for the use of the Legislature. 1831-32, 1834-45, 1847-98. 1900-14. Albany, 1831-1914. 24° and 16°. * SAM Contains list of county officers. Statutes Election and registry law of the city and county of New York. 1871-74, 1876-79, 1881-82, 1884. New York [1871,-1884. 8°. SEH Laws of the state affecting the city and county of New York. 1827, 1833, 1845. 1849. 1855-62. 1864, 1866, 1869-90. New York, 1827-1890. 8°. * SYA 1845 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1845/6, no. 2, 4. 1849 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1849, no. 52-53, 57-59. 1856 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1856, no. 21. 1858 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1858. no. 12. 1859 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1859. no. 20. 1861 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1861, no. 10. 1864 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1864, no. 15. 1866 in Board of Aldermen. Documents, 1866, no. 5. Reasons, in support of an opinion of- fered to the public, respecting the votes of Otsego county... 7th of June. 1792. New York: T. & J. Swords, 1792. 30 p. 4°. Reserve Spafford, Horatio Gates. A gazetteer of the state of New York. . .comprising.. . an ample general view of each county... 12 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. Individual States — New York, continued. with topographical and statistical tables ... Albany: H. C. South wick, 1813. 334, ii p., 1 map, 2 pi. 8°. IR Albany: B. D. Packard, 1824. 620 p., 1 map. 8°. IR Westchester County Research Bureau. Brief report on the organization, activi- ties, and achievements of the Westchester County Research Bureau. 1910-1913... White Plains: the bureau [1913?]. 15 p. 8°. County budget. White Plains: the bureau, 1912. 15 p. 8°. (Efficiency se- ries. Bulletin no. 1.) County printing txpenses . . . White Plains: the bureau, 1914. 23 p. 8°. Making the county budget. White Plains: the bureau, 1912. 20 p. 8". (Ef- ficiency series. Bulletin no. 2.) Method and cost of collecting taxes in Westchester county. White Plains: the bureau, 1911. 71 p. 8°. SER Purchase of county supplies and the audit of county claims. Report made to the Board of Supervisors of Westchester county, concerning the wastefulness of the present system. White Plains: the bureau, 1912. 16 p. 8°. SER School reports in Westchester county. A study of local school conditions by A. J. Tnglis. White Plains: the bureau, 1912. 22 p. 8°. (Efficiency series. Bul- letin no. 3.) North Carolina North Carolina. — Public Instruction Department. Community service week in North Carolina. Compiled for the use of men, women and children in the advance- ment of every community in the state. December 3, 4, 5, 1914... Raleigh: Ed- wards & Broughton, 1914. 86 p. illus. 8°. Hasse, Adelaide R. List ot references on county administration of justice. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Ohio. Washington, 1912. 4°. p. 89.) Doc. Div. List of references on county debt. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Ohio. Washington, 1912. 4°. p. 479.) Doc. Div. List of references on county fi- nance. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Ohio. Washington, 1912. 4". p. 579-581.) Doc. Div. List of references on fees of county officers. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Ohio. Washington, 1912. 4". p. 575-576.) Doc. Div. List of references on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Ohio. Washing- ton, 1912. 4°. p. 792-796.) Doc. Div. List of references on salaries of county officers. (In her: Index to docu- ments of the state of Ohio. Washington, 1912. 4°. p. 1035.) Doc. Div Hinsdale, B. A. The county. (In his: History and civil government of Ohio. Chicago [Cop. 1896i. 12°. p. 148-160.) IVA Knight, George Wells. The county. (In his: Government of the people of the state of Ohio. Philadelphia, 1903. 12°. p. 49- 62.) IVA Oberlin College Civic Club. Candidates seeking nomination and election in Lorain county, n. p. [1912.] 16 p. 16°. Non-partisan information concern- ing candidates seeking office in Lorain county, primaries. August 11, 1914, elec- tions, November 3, 1914. n. p., n. d. 15 p. 12°. Ohio. — State Department. Ohio. The federal, state and county officers. 1891-95, 1898-99, 1904-06, 1908-10. v. p., 1891-1910. 8°. * SAM Siebert, Wilbur H. County government. (In his: Government of Ohio. New York, 1904. 12°. p. 91-99.) IVA North Dakota Boyle, James E. County, township and village. (In his: Beginner's civics for North Dakota. New York [COp. 191 Ij. 12°. p. 235-245.) IBZ North Dakota. — Governor. County ac- counting. (In his: Message. Fargo (1915]. 8°. p. 7.) * SBK Ohio Coker, F. W. Administration of local taxation in Ohio. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 182-198.) SA Oklahoma Barrett, S. M. Counties. (In his: Gov- ernment in Oklahoma. Oklahoma City, 1913. 8°. p. 22-25.) ITT Oregon Holman, Frederick V. Oregon coun- ties. Their creation and the origin of their names. (Oregon Historical Society. Quar- terly. Portland, 1911. 8°. v. 11. p. 1-81.) lAA Oregon. — Statutes. Laws classified to show fees, appropriations and expenditures COUNTY GOVERNMENT 13 County Administration, continued. Individual States — Oregon, continued. for the aid of state institutions and officials in accounting to the state and the counties. Compiled by J. W. Ferguson. Salem: State Printing Department, 1914. 410 p. 8°. U'Ren, W. S. State and county govern- ment in Oregon and proposed changes. (American Academy of Political and So- cial Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 271-273.) SA Pennsylvania Gould, Elgin Ralston Lovell. Local government in Pennsylvania. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1883. 20-37 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins University studies in history and political science, v. 1, no. 3.) SB Harris, Ella F. Charity functions of the Pennsylvania county. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. v. 47, p. 166-181.) SA Hinsdale, B. A. The county. (In his: History and government of Pennsylvania. Chicago [Cop. 1899j. 12°. p. 153-163.) ISC Montgomery, Morton L. Political hand- book of Berks county, Pennsylvania. 1752-1883. Reading: B. F. Owen, 1883. 104 p. %\ ISD Pennsylvania. General Assembly Legislative handbook. 1869-79, 1881, 1883, 1885, 1887-1914. Harrisburg, 1869- tl914,. 8°. *SAM Contains list of county officers and county Statutes Acts of assembly relating to the County Court of Allegheny county and rules of court. January 1st, 1914. tPittsburgh: Smith Bros. Co., 1914.] 42 p. 8°. Shimmell, Lewis S. The county. (In his: Government of Pennsylvania. New York, 1908. 12^ p. 90-107.) ISC South Carolina Ramage, Burr James. Local govern- ment and free schools in South Carolina. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1883. 40 p. 8"*. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity studies in history and political science. V. 1, no. 12.) SB Thomas, John P., the younger. The formation of judicial and political subdi- visions in South Carolina. An essay read before the South Carolina Bar Association, December 12, 1889. Columbia: Bryan Prtg. Co., 1890. 26 p., 2 maps. 8°. ITG South Dakota Ross, J. A. The county. (In his: Civjl government of the United States and South Dakota. Mitchell, S. D. (Cop. 1913.j 8°. p. 273-291.) IBZ Smith, George M. County government. (In his: History and government of South Dakota. Chicago [Cop. 1898]. 12°, p. 155- 162.) IWE Vermont Hasse, Adelaide R. List of references, on maintenance of county institutions. (In her: Index to documents of the state of Vermont. Washington, 1907. 4°. p. 46.) Doc. Div. Virginia Ingle, Edward. County government iii colonial Virginia. (In his: Local insti- tutions of Virginia. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1885. 8°. p. 75-97. Johns Hopkins University studies in his- tory and political science, v. 3, no. 2-3.) SB Virginia. — Auditor. Annual report. 1901-04, 1906-13. Richmond, 1901-13. 8°. TIB Contains statement of county receipts and ex- penditures. Washington Ailing, Horatio. "County government. (In his: Why we vote. Olympia, 1900. 12°. p. 24-76.) IBR Statement of the facts pertaining to the proclamation of martial law over Pierce county, W. T., by Gov. Isaac I. Stevens and the proceedings of the court martial in the attempt to try citizens for treason, containing the governor's vindication and the trial and discharge of the citizens. Steilacoom, 1856. 18 p. 8°. IXO Wisconsin Association of Trustees and Superinten- dents of County Asylums for the Insane of Wisconsin. Proceedings. 1910, 1912-13. Madison: Democrat Print. Co., 1911-14. 8°. WPA Proceedings for 1913 imperfect. 14 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Administration, continued. Individual States — IVisconsin, continued. Hunt, John Warren. Wisconsin gaz- etteer, containing the names, location, and advantages of the counties, cities... [etc.] Madison: Beriah Brown, 1853. 255 p., 1 map. 8°. IVI Spencer, David E. Local government in Wisconsin. (Wisconsin State Historical Society. Collections. Madison, 1888. 8°. V. 11, p. 502-511.) lAA Local government in Wisconsin. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University, 1890. 15 p. 8°. (Johns Hopkins Univer- sity studies in history and political science. V. 8, no. 3.) SB Wisconsin. Labor and Industrial Statistics Bureau Blue book. 1905-13. Madison, 1905- 13. 8°. 'SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Continued from Wisconsin. — State Department. State Department [Blue book., 1853, 1859, 1862, 1879-1901. Madison, 1853-(1901i. 8". ♦ SAM Contains list of county officers and county statistics. Continued as Wisconsin. — Labor and Industrial Statistics Bureau. COUNTY OFFICES Assessor Brindley, John E. The county assessor and tax commission system. (National Tax Association. Proceedings, 1912. Madi- son, 1913. 8°. p. 407-418.) TIA County Assessors Association of Cali- fornia. Proceedings of convention. 1909, 1911-14. (In: California. — ^Equalization Board. Biennial report. 1910-14.) TIB Proceedings, 1911 in TIE p. v. 4, no. 4. Dunlop, James. Assessors. (In his: Treatise on the duties of county and town- ship officers of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, 1843. 8°. p. 166-223.) SER Fairlie, John Archibald. Assessors. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 119-122.) SER Parish, Thomas A. Assessors and as- sessments. [King Co., Wash.) (National Tax Association. Proceedings, 1909. Co- lumbus, 1910. 8^ p. 333-344.) TIA Auditor Buck, George S. The county auditor. (In: Conference for Better County Gov- ernment. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n.d. 8". p. 38-44.) Fairlie, John Archibald. Auditors. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 125-127.) SER Clerk Fairlie, John Archibald. Clerks. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 115-118.) SER McGinnies, Joseph B. Duties of clerks of boards of supervisors under the tax law. (In: State Conference on Taxation, New York, 1912. [Albany,) 1912. 8°. p. 301- 308.) TIA Commissioner CommissioneTs. (In: American and English encyclopaedia of law. Northport. L. I., 1888. 8°. V. 4, p. 373-402.) ♦ R-XAB Dunlop, James. County commissioners. (In his: Treatise on the duties of county and township officers of Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, 1843. 8°. p. 5-165.) SER Coroner Coroner. (In: American and English encyclopaedia of law. Northport, L. I.. 1888. 8°. V. 4, p. 171-183.) ♦ R-XAB Crocker, J. G. Duties of sheriffs, coro- ners and constables. With practical forms. Albany: Gould, Banks & Co., 1855. viii, 670 p. 8°. ♦ R-XH DuVivier, Joseph. The abolishment of the coroner's office. (In: Conference for the Study and Reform of County Govern- ment. Proceedings, 1914. New York, n. d. 8°. p. 11-16.) Fairlie, John Archibald. Coroners. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 112-115.) SER Powell, F. W. Bibliography of the of- fice of coroner. 6 p. To be published in the National municipal re- view, probably in the July, 191S, issue. The Library has it in galley proof form. Schultz, Oscar T. The coroner's office. (American Academy of Political and So- cial Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8°. V. 47, p. 112-119.) SA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 15 County Offices, continued. Courts Crawford, Nelson Antrim, the younger. The county judge system of Iowa with special reference to its workings in Potta- wattamie county. (Iowa journal of his- tory and politics. Iowa City, 1910. 4°. V. 8. p. 478-521.) lAA Harley, Herbert. The county judiciary. (In: Conference for Better County Gov- ernment. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n. d. 8°. p. 46-58.) A model county court. (California law review. Berkeley, 1914. 4". v. 3, p. 1-13.) Register of Deeds Fairlie, John Archibald. Registers of deeds. (In his: Local government in coun- ties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 127-132. SER Hassam, John Tyler. Registers of deeds for the county of Suffolk, Massachusetts. 1735-1900. Cambridge: John Wilson, 1900. 75 p. 8°. IQH Register of Probate Hassam, John Tyler. Registers of pro- bate for the county of Suffolk, Massa- chusetts. 1639-1799. Cambridge: John Wil- son, 1902. 106 p. 8°. IQH Manager Childs, Richard S. The county manager plan. (In: Conference for Better County Government. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n. d. 8°. p. 65-73.) Gilbertson, H. S. A proposed bill for simplified form of county government. (In: Conference for the Study and Re- form of Countv Government. Proceed- ing, 1913. New'York, n. d. S". p. 14-22.) County manager plan. Public Defender Los Angeles county. — Public Defender. jThe office of public defender. Letters from Walton J. Wood, public defender, to bar associations of New York & Milwau- kee... n. p., 1914. 1 p.l., 30 p. 2. ed. 8°. Place of the public defender in the administration of justice. Address by W. J. Wood, public defender of Los Angeles county, before the California Bar Associa- tion. (San Francisco: Rincon Publishing Co.,1 n. d. 32 p. 8°. Public Prosecutor District attorney. (In: American and English encyclopaedia of law. Northport. L. L, 1888. 8°. v. 5, p. 713-721.) * R-XAB Fairlie, John Archibald. Prosecuting at- torneys. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 100-106.) SER Gans, Howard S. The public prosecu- tor: his powers, temptations and limita- tions. (American Academy of Political and Social Science. Annals. Philadelphia, 1913. 8". v. 47, p. 120-133.) SA Sheriff CawcToft, Ernest. The sheriff and a state constabulary. (In: Conference for Better County Government. Proceedings, 1914. n. p., n.d. 8°. p. 58-65.) Crocker, J. G. Duties of sheriffs, coro- ners and constables. With practical forms. Albany: Gould, Banks & Co., 1855. yiii, 670 p. 8°. * R-XH Fairlie, John Archibald. The sheriff. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 106-112.) SER Sheriffs. (In: American and English encyclopaedia of law. Northport, L. I., 1893. 8°. V. 22, p. 525-569.) * R-XAB Supervisor Goss, Ephraim. Supervisor's book: con- taining an abstract of all laws now in force relating to the powers and duties of super- visors of the several towns and counties of the state of New York... Rochester: D. M. Dewey, 1849. 212 p. 8°. SER Hoffman, Murray. A digest of statutes and decisions relating to the Board of Supervisors of the county of New York. New York: N. Y. Prtg. Co., 1866. vi, 8-368 p. 8°. *SYA Morehouse, George Crane. The super- visors' manual. A practical treatise on the law applicable to the duties of super- visors... Albany: Parsons, 1889. ix, 894 p. 8°. SER New York county. — Board of Super- visors. Historical sketch of the Board of Supervisors of the county of New York, with the names of its members from its creation to the present time... New York: W. L. S. Harrson, 1862. 39 p. 8°. IRHp.v. l,no.5 16 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Offices, continued. Supervisor, continued. New York State. Attorney General Communication in answer to a resolu- tion of the senate, relative to the Board of Supervisors in the city of New York. 3 p. 8°. (N. Y. Senate document no. 37, 1860.) * SBK Statutes Special laws relating to the powers and duties of supervisors of the county of Kings. Brooklyn: Eagle Print, 1874. 32 p. 8°. *SYA Thompson, Isaac Grant. The supervi- sor's manual. Containing the laws relating to the powers and duties of supervisors, both in their individual and collective ca- pacities... Albany: John D. Parsons, Jr.. 1869. viii, 292 p. 2. ed. 8°. SER Albany: John D. Parsons, Jr.. 1870. viii, 292, 10 p. 3. ed. 8°. SER Tax Collector Dunlop, James. Collector of taxes. (In his: Treatise on the duties of county and township officers of Pennsylvania. Pitts- burgh, 1843. 8°. . p. 224-245.) SER Treasurer Fairlie, John Archibald. Treasurers. (In his: Local government in counties, towns and villages. New York, 1906. 12°. p. 122-123.) SER COUNTY PUBLICATIONS Alabama Marengo county. — Treasurer. Report to commissioners court, Jan. 20, 1913 to Aug. 31, 1913. (In: Democrat-Reporter, Linden, Ala., Sept. 18, 1913.) Arizona Graham county. — Board of Supervisors. Report of the clerk... 1913. [Safford: Guardian Print, n. d.] nar. 8°. * SYA Maricopa county. — Board of Super- visors. Report. 1899-1900, 1902, 1904/06, 1908/12. Phoenix, 1900-13. 8°. * SYA Yuma county. — Board of Supervisors. Report. 1910-12. Yuma, 1911-tl913i. 8°. *SYA California Alameda county. General Exposition Commissioners Alameda county. Its industries and en- virons. [Oakland: R. S. Kitchener, 1909.] 24 p. 8°. KXG p. box Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commissioners Alameda county, California. [Oakland: Oakland Enquirer Pub. Co.,] n. d. 8 1. ob. 12°. KXG p. box Fresno county. Board of Supervisors Resolutions passed by the Board of Su- pervisors of Fresno county and presented to the Assembly, March 16, 1870. 2 1. 8°. (Appendix, Sen. & Ass. journal, 18. sess., v. 3, no. 48.) * SBK Ordinances Ordinances of the county of Fresno... Compiled by J. B. Johnson. Selma: Sel- ma Irrigator Print. 1898. 34 p. 8°. * SYA Humboldt county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Annual report. 1910/11-1913/14. [Eureka, 1911-14.] 8°. * SYA Los Angeles county. Auditor Semi-annual report. June, 1894 - Dec. 1894; June, 1899 -Dec, 1899; Jan., 1901- June, 1904; Jan., 1905 -Dec, 1906; Jan., 1908 -June, 1908. [Los Angeles, 1895- 1908., 16°. * SYA Board of Engineers Provisional report, June 3, 1914. n. t-p. (24 p.) illus. 4°. Board of Supervisors Annual report for the year ending De- cember 31, 1902. n. p., n. d. 40 p. 16°. *SYA Highway Commission Semi-annual report for the period end- ing December 31, 1910. [Los Angeles: Pauly Co., 1911.] 88 p., 4 diagr., 1 map. 25 pi., 8 tables. 8°. VDGB Orange county. — .\naheim Irrigation District. Anaheim irrigation district. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 17 County Publications, continued. California, continued. Orange county, Cal. Its physical & en- gineering problems & business prospects. [Anaheim?: FuUerton Book & Job Print, i 1892. 38 p., 2 maps. 8°. Oakland Free Library. — Alameda Coun- ty Department. Annual report. 1911-13. (In: Oakland Free Library. Annual re- port. 1911-13.) *HND Placer county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1912-13. n. p., n. d. 8". *SYA Riverside county. Auditor Annual financial statement. 1906-14. Riverside, Cal., n. d. 8°. * SYA Board of Supervisors Riverside county, California. [River- side: Mission Print Shop,] n. d. [30 p.] 8°. KXG p. box County Library [Bibliography of] county free libraries in California and elsewhere. Riverside, 1914. 12 p. 12°. (Bulletin 103.) Sacramento county. Auditor Annual financial statement. [Sacramento, 1904-14.] 16°. Board of Supervisors Sacramento county in the heart of Cali- fornia, by Emmett Phillips. Sacramento: Press of News Pub. Co. [1914., 63(1) p. illus. 8°. San Diego county. — Auditor. Annual financial statement. 1908-14. [San Diego. 1908-1914.1 16°. * SYA Tax rates of San Diego county, and useful information for taxpayers. San Diego: Frye & Smith, 1913. unpaged, nar. 12°. Santa Barbara county. Auditor Annual financial report. 1905-13. (Santa Barbara, 1905-13., 8°. * SYA Louisiana Purchase Exposition Commissioners The county of Santa Barbara. California. Santa Barbara: C. L. Donohue. n. d. 49 p. illus. 8°. KXG p. box Santa Clara county. Board of Education Revised list of library books... San Jose: McNeil Bros., 1896. 29 p. 8°. * GW Board of Supervisors Report of Chairman A. Greeninger to the Board of Supervisors, Santa Clara county. California, January 4, 1897. San Jose, Cal: McNeil Bros., 1897. 12 p. 8°. ♦SYA Santa Cruz county. — Auditor. Statis- tical report. 1912-13. n. p. [1912-13.] 8°. *SYA Solano county. — Board of Supervisors. Solano county, California. The land of fruit, grain, and money... (Vallejo: Val- lejo Evening Chronicle,] n. d. 60 p. illus. 8°. KXG p. box Sonoma county. — Board of Supervisors. Financial statement for the year 1897. Santa Rosa: Republican Printing House, n. d. 18 p. 8°. * SYA Ventura county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1907-13. n. p. 1907-13.] 8°. * SYA Colorado Arapahoe county. Assessor 1904-14. *SYA Report. 1894, 1898. Denver, 8°. 1894-99. *SYA Clerk Semi-annual report. Jan. -June, 1892; July-Dec, 1894. Denver, 1892-95. 8°. *SYA School District No. 1 Annual report. 1883, 1885. 1891. 1894- 95, 1897, 1899-1902. Denver, 1883-[1902,. 8°. STF Continued as Denver county. — School District No. 1. Denver county. — School District No. 1. Annual report. 1904-11. [Denver? 1904-11.] 8°. STF Continued from Arapahoe county. — School Dib- trict No. 1. Dolores county. — Treasurer. Semi- annual statement of the financial condition of Dolores county, Colorado, for the six months ending June 30, A. D. 1913. Rico. Col., 1913. *SYA Newspaper clipping. Lake countv. — School District No. 2. Leadville public schools. Annual report of the board of directors for the year end- 18 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Colorado, continued. ing June 30, 1910. Leadville: Leadville Publishing & Printing Co., 1910. 7-47 p.. 1 table. 8°. * SYA Pueblo county. — School District No. 1. Annual report. 1908/9, 1912/13. rPueblo. 1909-13.] 12°. STF San Miguel county. — County Clerk. Semi-annual statement of the financial condition of San Miguel county, Colo, for the year ending December 31, 1895. (Tel- luride: Press of Telluride Journal, 1896.i 15 p. 8°. *SYA Teller county. — Clerk. Report of the county clerk of Teller county, Colorado. For the year ending December 31, 1901. Cripple Creek: Daily Press Print (1902,. 1 p.l.. 14 p., 1 1., 3 tables. 4°. * SYA Connecticut Hartford County Teachers Association. Public schools and public libraries. 1894. 12 p. 8°. (Connecticut school document, 1894, no. 9.) STF Delaware New Castle county. Auditor Report. 1909-14. Wilmington, n. d. 8°. *SYA Committee., .to Examine. . .Books, Vouchers and Accounts Report. 1901-04, 1906. Wilmington, 1902-il906?]. 8°. *SYA Workhouse Biennial report. 1913-14. Wilmington: C. L. Story Print, n. d. 43 p. 8°. Florida Polk county. — Commissioners. Polk county. Florida. [Descriptive handbook.) New York: South Pub. Co. [1887.] 36 p. 12°. ITM Georgia DeKalb county. Condition of public funds, DeKalb county, Georgia, Janu- ary 1st, 1913. Accompanied by a report of the Audit Company of the South on their examination of the books & accounts of the county. [Atlanta: Telegram Pub. Co., 1913.] 16 p. 8°. Idaho Cassia county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. . .for the fiscal year ending on the 31st day of March, A. D. 1913. n. p., n. d. 8 p. 8°. TIB Custer county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1912-14. n. p. [1912-14.) 8°. TIB Fremont county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1913-14. n p., n. d. 8°. Idaho county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1911-13. (Grangeville. 1911-13.) 8°. TIB Kootenai county. — Auditor. Annual financial statement. 1912/13-1913/14. n. p., 1913-il914?). 8°. Owyhee county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1913-14. (Silver City. 1913-14?) 12°. Shoshone county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1907-13. n. p. [1907-13.) 8°. TIB Illinois Cook county. Cook county appropriation bill, 1913. [Chicago? 1913.) 3 p.l., 32 p., 2 1. 4°. * SYA Same, 1914. (In: Cook county. — Comptroller. Report, 1913. p. 157-192.) Agent Annual report for the year ending Dec. 1, 1873. 27-43 p. 8°. (In: Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, 1872/3.) ♦SYA Civil Service Commission Annual report. 1907-08. (In: Cook county. — Commissioners. Charity service reports, 1907-08.) SHG Commissioners Annual message of the president. 1907- 08. (In: Cook county. — Commissioners. Charity service reports, 1907-08.) SHG Annual message of the president to the Board of Commissioners. 1903, 1909. [Chi- cago, 1903-09.) 4°. ♦SYA Charity service reports. 1907-08. (Chi- cago, 1908-09.) 8°. SHG Includes Annual message of president, Depart- ment of Poor Relief, Dunning Institutions, County Hospital, Juvenile Court report, and Civil Service Commission report. Farewell address of Daniel D. Healy, president. Board of Commissioners of Cook county. . .December 3, 1894... De- cember 3, 1898. Chicago, 1898. 32 p. 4°. ♦SYA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 19 County Publications, continued. Illinois — Cook county, continued. Official messages to Board of Cook County Commissioners, 1894-1898; with an introduction, 1886-1894, by D. D. Healy. Chicago: Jones Stationery & Printing Co., 1898. 206 p., 1 1. 8°. * SYA Proceedings. Dec. 6, 1869-Nov. 24, 1871; Dec. 4, 1871-Feb. 13, 1872; March 4-June 1, 1872; Dec. 2. 1872-Nov. 28, 1873; Dec. 4, 1899-Dec. 4. 1908; Dec. 4, 1911-Nov. 11, 1912; Dec. 2, 1912-Nov. 24, 1913; Feb. 2- May 4. Sept. 3-Oct. 19, 1914. [Chicago, 1869-1914., 4" and 8°. * SYA File incomplete: 1900-01 lacks p. 35-56; 1901-02 lacks p. 507-512, 563-564; 1903-05 lacks p. 263-270; 1906-07 lacks p. 861-870; 1911-12 lacks p. 157-162, 695-736, 1288-1337; 1912-13 lacks p. 266-426, 469- 542. 919-958. 1187-1240, 1476-1518, 1629-1650, 1757- 1834; 1913-14 lacks p. 1-318, 439-484, 892-1502. Comptroller Financial statement for period begin- ning Monday, December 4th, 1911 to and including March 31st, 1912. n. p. [1912.] 12 p. nar. 4°. TIB Report. 1912-13. [Chicago, 1913-14., 4°. *.SYA Report for 1913 includes the appropriation bill for 1914. Cook County Normal and Training School Catalogue. 1876/7-1877/8. Chicago, 1877- 78. 8°. SSGC Catalogue for 1876/7 printed with circular for 1877/8. Circular. 1877/8-1878/9. Chicago, 1877- 78. 8°. SSGC Circular for 1878/9 printed with the Catalogue for 1877/8. Cook County Normal School envelope. V. 3, no. 3, 5 (Oct., Dec, 1895). [Chicago. 1895., 8°. SSGC (Prospectus., Summer normal school at Englewood, a delightful suburb of Chi- cago. [Chicago, 1893., ob. 24°. SSGC Supplemental report of Chas. S. Thorn- ton to the Cook County Board of Educa- tion upon the condition of the Cook Coun- ty Normal School. [Chicago, 189-?, ob. 24°. SSGC Coroner Biennial report. 1912/13. Chicago, 1915. 157 p. 12°. Bimonthly safety bulletin. Jan. 15, 1915- date. [Chicago,, 1915-date. "Crowner's quest." Three annual re- ports of Emil Dietzsch. . . [1875-77., Chi- cago: Legal News Co., 1878. ix, 13-64 p. 8°. SDN p. box Finance Department Classification of expense accounts. Al- phabetically listed and classified to con- form with standard appropriation ac- counts. February, 1914. n. p. [1914., 43 p. 8°. Insane Asylum Physician's report for the year ending Nov. 30, 1873. 26 p. 8°. (In: Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, 1872-73.) *SYA Juvenile Court Annual report. 1907-08. (In: Cook county. — Commissioners. Charity service reports, 1907-08.) SHG • Annual report. 1910-13. n. p., n. d. 8°. SHG Includes reports of the Juvenile Detention Home. Juvenile Detention Home Annual report. 1910-13. SHG Included in Cook county. — Juvenile Court. An- nual report. 1910-13. Physician Annual report for the year ending Dec. 1, 1873. 45-47 p. 8°. (In: Proceedings of the Board of Commissioners, 1872-73.) *SYA Poor Relief Department Annual report. 1907-08. (In: Cook coun- ty. — Commissioners. Charity service re- ports. 1907-08.) SHG Same, separate. 1908. Chicago: H. O. Shepard Co., 1909. 51 p. 8°. SHG Public Instruction Department Annual report of the county superinten- dent of schools. 1872, 1875, 1879. n. p., 1872-79. 8°. STFp.box Recorder's Office Official lists of abstracts of title to Cook county real estate on the records of, and contained in letter press books in the re- corder's office, of Cook county. Chicago: Clark & Edwards, 1877. 616 p., 3 1. 8°. IVF South Park Commissioners Annual report. 1872/3-1875/6, 1877/8- 1908/9, 1911/12-1913/14. [Chicago, 1873- 1914., 8°. MSP Charter, ordinances and resolutions of the South park commissioners... [Chi- cago,, 1887. 96 p. 8°. MSW p.v.2, no.l2 20 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Illinois, continued. DeKalb county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings, April 14, June 8, Sept. 8, 1914. Newspaper clipping from the Sycamore Tribune. County Clerk Official vote of DeKalb county, Nov. 5, 1912; primary election, Sept. 9, 1914; Nov. 3, 1914. 3 1. i°. Year book. 1910/11-1914. Sycamore [1911-14?]. nar. 16°. ♦ SYA DuPage county. — Board of Supervi- sors. History of DuPage county, Illinois. Compiled [by C. W. Richmond) under the direction and supervision of the Board of Supervisors, 1876. Aurora. 111.: Knicker- bocker & Hodder, 1877. viii, (1)10-250 p., 1 port. 12°. IVF Edgar county. — Superintendent of Schools. Annual. Edgar county public schools, 1913-14. Paris: Gazette Print, n. d. 164 p. illus. 8°. STF Knox county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. July, 1881-Dec., 1910. [Gales- burg, 1881-1911.) 8°. *SYA Livingston county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. June, 1910-Feb., 1914. [Pontiac, 1911-14.) 8°. * SYA Peoria county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1897, 1899-1914. [Peoria, 1897-1914.) 8°. * SYA Warren County Library. Annual state- ment. 1873-74. * GW Clippings inserted in Catalogue, 1874. Catalogue of books. . .November 1, 1874. Monmouth: Jno. S. Clark & Son [1874). 51 p. 8°. *GW Annual statements for 1873-74 inserted. [History and general description.) 1868-1902. [Monmouth, 1902?, 7 p. 8°. *GW Library bulletin, v. 1, no. 2-4; v. 2, no. 2-3; v. 3; v. 4, no. 2-3; v. 5, no. 1-3; v. 6, no. 1, 3-4; v. 7, no. 1, 3-4; v. 8, no. 1-2; v. 9, no. 1-2; V. 10, no. 1, 3-4; v. 11, no. 1-5; v. 12, no. 1-3; v. 13, no. 1-v. 15, no. 3; v. 16; V. 17, no. 2, 4. Monmouth, 1889-1908. 8°. *GW Winnebago county. — Superintendent of Schools. Winnebago county schools an- nual. 1905, 1911. n. p., n. d. 4°. STF Hamilton county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1896,1904. (Noblesville?) n. d. 32° and 24°. ♦ SYA Report for 1904 called "Annual exhibit of re- ceipts and expenditures." Howard county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1913. Kokomo [1914?]. 12 p., I table. 8°. * SYA Huntington county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1893, 1896. Huntington [1893-96). 12°. * SYA Jay county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1893-94, 1903-05. n. p. ,1893-1906.) 12° and 8°. * SYA Kosciusko county. — Auditor. Com- missioners' exhibit of the receipts and ex- penditures of county revenue and accounts of Kosciusko county, Ind., for year end- ing Dec. 31, 1912. [Warsaw: Reub. Wil- liams & Sons, 1913.) 6 p., 1 1. 8°. TIB Laporte county. — Auditor. Auditor's fourth annual report and official directory, Laporte county, state of Indiana, 1906. n. p. [1907.) 7 1. 8°. Marion county. Juvenile Court Report of the Juvenile Court of Marion county, Indianapolis, Indiana, March 23, 1903-April 1, 1905. [Plainfield: Indiana Boys' School Printing Department,) n. d. 80 p. 8°. SLL Juvenile and Domestic Relations Court Biennial report of the Juvenile & Do- mestic Relations Court of Marion county, Indiana. [Jeffersonville: Indiana Refor- matory Press, 1913.) 3 p.l., 47 p. 2. ed. 8°. Montgomery county. — Commissioners. Annual exhibit of the receipts and expendi- tures, Montgomery county, Indiana, year ending December 31, 1913. [Crawfords- ville:) Crawfordsville Review [1914). nar. 12°. Tippecanoe county. — Auditor. Report. 1891/2, 1893/4-1895/6, 1898/9-1899/1900. 1901. Lafayette, 1892-[1902). 8°. ♦SYA Wabash county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1912-13. Wabash, 1913-14. nar. 16°. Wajme county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1894-96, 1899-1900. n. p., 1894- [1901). 8°. *SYA Wells county. — Auditor. Financial ex- hibit of Wells county. 1899-1900, 1902. 1905. n.p., 1899-[1906). 8°. * SYA Indiana Daviess county. — Auditor. Annual re- port of the auditor and treasurer. 1894, 1897. (Washington, 1894-97.] 12°. * SYA Iowa Allamakee county. — Auditor. Finan- cial report. 1909-12. n. p. [1910-13., 8°. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 21 County Publications, continued, loiva, continued. Buchanan county. Financial report. 1902-03. 1905-07, 1909-12. Independence, 1903-il913,. 8°. *SYA Buena Vista county. — Auditor. Finan- cial report. 1905-06. n. p. (1906?-07.] S". * SYA Calhoun county. — Auditor. Financial report. 1910, 1912-13. [Rockwell City, 1911-14?, 8". Fayette county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial report. 1902-13. n. p., 1903-[1914,. 8». * SYA Franklin county. Franklin county tax levies. 1912-14. n. p., n. d. i°. Franklin county. — Auditor. Financial report. 1909. 1912-13. Hampton, 1910-14. 12°. TIB How to avoid liability for obstruct- ing county ditches. Hampton, n. d. 2 1. 12°. Statement of the mileage and tax- able value of railroads, express, telegraph and telephone companies... [Hampton, 1907?-14?j nar. 16°. TIB Fremont county. — Superintendent of Schools. Names of school officers. . .1879, with P. O. addresses, n. p. [1879?] 3 p. 8°. STF p. box Harrison county. — Auditor. Financial report. 1904-05. Logan, 1905-06. 12°. *SYA Jasper county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1912-13. n. p., n. d. 8°. Lee county. — Auditor. Annual finan- cial report. 1903-06. Fort Madison. 1903- [1907?,. 8°. *SYA Monroe county. — Auditor. Official di- rectory and financial report. 1912-13. Al- bia, n. d. 8°. Page county. — Auditor. Financial re- port of Page county, Iowa, for the year 1912... With reports of county officers, and reports of committee to appraise at county home. [Clarinda, 1913.] 32 p., 1 table. 8°. Palo Alto county. — Auditor. Financial report of Palo Alto county for 1912. n. p. (1913., 65 p. 8°. Pottawattamie county. — Auditor. An- nual financial report. 1912-13. Avoca, n.d. 8°. Scott county. — Auditor. Financial re- port. 1912-14. [Davenport,] n.d. 8°. Sioux county. — Auditor. Financial re- port. 1910-13. [Orange City?] n.d. nar. 12°. Union county. — Auditor. Annual fi- nancial report. 1904, 1912-13. [Creston., n.d. 8°. *SYA Wapello county. — Auditor. Financial report of Wapello county, Iowa, for 1902. With reports of county officers, valuation of taxable property, levies, etc. Ottumwa: Democrat Print, 1903. 41(1) p., 1 1., 1 pU 1 table. 8°. *SYA Woodbury county. — Auditor. Official directory and financial report... issued January, 1897... Sioux City: Sioux City Stamp Works, 1897. 66 p., 3 tables. 8^ *SYA Kansas Clay county. — Hierh School. Ninth an- nual catalogue of the Clay County High School at Clay Center, Kansas, for the year 1909-1910; with announcements for 1910-1911... [Clay Center? 1910., 56 p. illus. 8°. STOP Crawford county. — High School. An- nual catalogue. . .for the year nineteen hundred nine and ten... n. p. |1910., 1 p.l., 11-37 p., 3 pi. 8°. STF Montgomery county. — Clerk. Annual report of the financial condition of Mont- gomery county, Kansas, 1893... Inde- pendence: Tribune Steam Printing House, 1893. 25 1., 1 port, illus. 16°. * SYA Sumner county. — High School. Four- teenth annual catalogue of the Sumner County High School for the year 1910-11, with bulletin for year of 1911-12. Welling- ton: [Monitor Press,, 1911. 59(1) p., 18 pi. 8°. STOP Wyandotte county. — Auditor. County budget. 1913/4. 12 p. f°. Typewritten. Kentucky Shelby county. — Clerk of County Court. Statement of the revenue and debt of Shel- by county, Kentucky, for the fiscal year be- ginning May, 1891. n. p.: Sentinel Pub. Co. [1891.] 6 p. 8°. * SYA Louisiana Saint Landry parish. — Ordinances. An ordinance organizing and establishing pa- trols for the police of slaves in the parish of Saint Landry. Opelousas: Opelousas Patriot, 1863. 29 p. 8°. SEKK p.v.30, no.ll Text in English and French. Maine Androscoggin county. Statement of the financial condition of Androscoggin coun- ty for the year ending December 31, 1906. So. Lewiston: Knowles Printing Co.. 1907. 15(1) p., 2 1., 1 pi. 8°. ♦SYA 22 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Maine, continued. Aroostook county. Financial statement, v.p. [1903-15?] 8°. 1902-07, 1912-14. *SYA Clerk of Courts Court directory. July, 1913. n. p. tl913.i nar. 16°. Court directory and county officers. 1913/4, 1915/6. n. p. [1914?-15?i nar. 16°. Deputy sheriffs, nar. 16°. 1913/4. n. p. [1914?, Town and plantation clerks. Municipal year 1913/4. n. p. [1914?] nar. 16°. Franklin county. — Treasurer. State- ment of the financial condition of the county of Franklin. 1910-14. Farmington. 1910-15. 8°. *SYA Knox county. — Auditor. Statement of the financial condition of the county of Knox. 1910-12. Rockland. 1911-13. 8°. Lincoln county. — Probate Court. Pro- bate records of Lincoln county, Maine. 1760-1800. Compiled... by W. D. Patter- son. Portland, 1895. v. p. 8°. APR Waldo county. — Treasurer. Statement of the financial condition of the county of Waldo. 1913. Belfast, 1914. [15 p.] 8°. Washington county. — Commissioners. Statement of the financial condition of the county of Washington. 1896, 1900-01, 1903-04, 1906. Machias, 1896-1907. 8°. TIB York county. — Commissioners. Finan- cial statement. 1900-14. Biddeford, 1901- 15. 8°. Maryland Caroline county. — Auditors. Annual report. 1901-13. n. p., 1901-[1913i. 8°. *SYA Cecil county. — Commissioners. Annual statement. 1900/1, 1905/6-1906/7. Elkton, 1901-07. 4° and 8°. * SYA Frederick county. — Board of School Commissioners. Public school directory for Frederick county, Maryland. 1911 and 1912. [Frederick, 1912., 4 1. 12°. Hartford county. — County Court. Opin- ion of Hartford County Court, with the reasons assigned for it by Judges Charles W. Hanson & Wm. H. Ward, in the case of the state of Maryland against James A. Buchanan, James McCulloh and George Williams. This is an indictment for a conspiracy to defraud the Bank of the United States... n. t.-p. (Baltimore? 1823?] 19 p. 8°. XVp.v.4,no.9 Opinion of the Hartford County Court, with the reasons assigned for it, by Judges Charles W. Hansen and William H. Ward, in the case of the state of Mary- land against James A. Buchanan, James W. McCulloh, and George Williams... This is an indictment to defraud the Bank of the United States... (In: Bank of the United States. .\n exhibit of the losses sustained at the office of discount and deposit, Baltimore... Baltimore, 1823. 8°. Appendix 1, p. 1-38.) THN Massachusetts Barnstable county. Commissioners Report. 1905-07, 1911-14. (In: Barn- stable county. — Treasurer. Report. 1905- 07, 1911-14.) *SYA Treasurer Report. 1905-07, 1911-14. Hyannis, 1906- 15. 8°. ♦SYA Berkshire county. Commissioners Report. 1897-1908, 1910-13. (In: Berk- shire county. — Treasurer. Report. 1897- 1914.) ♦ SYA Treasurer Annual statement of receipts and ex- penditures of the county or Berkshire. 1856, 1860-64, 1866-67, 1869-72, 1874-77, 1879-80, 1882-1908, 1910-14. Pittsfield. [1857?,-1915. 8°. ♦SYA Bristol county. Commissioners Report. 1898-1906, 1911-13. (In: Bris- tol county. — Treasurer. Annual state- ment. 1898-1906, 1911-13.) ♦SYA Treasurer Annual statement of the receipts and expenditures. 1891-92, 1894. 1896, 1898- 1906. 1911-14. Taunton, 1892-1915. 8°. ♦SYA Essex county. Commissioners Report. 1897-1914. (In: Essex county. — Treasurer. Report. 1897-1914.) ♦SYA County Court Essex county court records. Communi- cated by A. C. Goodell. (Essex Institute.- Historical collections. Salem, 1865-68. 8°. V. 7, p. 17-19, 87-90, 129-132, 185-192, 233- 240. 273-280; v. 8, p. 63-72, 123-128, 189- 192.) lAA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 23 County Publications, continued. Massachusetts — Essex county, continued. Engineer Report. 1912-13. iSalem, 1913-14., 8\ VDDA Probate Court Probate records, part 1. Boston: Re- search Pub. Co., 1903. 46 p. 8°. APR Treasurer Report. 1890-95, 1897-1914. (Salem, 1891-1915.] 8°. *SYA Franklin county. Commissioners Report. 1900-03, 1905. (In: Franklin county. — Treasurer. Report. 1900-03. 1905.) * SYA Treasurer Report. 1894, 1900-03, 1905. [Greenfield, 1895-1906.J 8°. *SYA Probate Court Index to the probate records of the coun- ty of Middlesex, Massachusetts. First se- ries from 1648 to 1871. Prepared under the supervision of Samuel H. Folsom and Wil- liam E. Rogers successively. Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1914. (4), 552 p. 4°. Index to the probate records of the county of Middlesex, Massachusetts from December 31, 1870, to January 1, 1910. Second series... Prepared under the su- pervision of William E. Rogers. Cam- bridge, Massachusetts, 1912. v. 1, A to K. 4°. Treasurer Statement of receipts and expenditures. 1864-66, 1868-69, 1883-85. 1887-90, 1892-1906. 1908-14. n.p., 1865-cl915j. 8°. * SYA Norfolk county. The court house investigation. Com- ments of the county commissioners and portions of the arguments of Messrs. T. E. Grover and R. M. Morse; with the re- port of the accountant, W. H. Herrick. Dedham: Transcript Steam Job Print. 1896. 85 p. 8°. IQH p.v.lO Hampden county. Commissioners Report. 1899-1913. (In: Hampden coun- ty. — Treasurer. Report. 1899-1913.) *SYA Treasurer Report. 1890, 1894-97, 1899-1913. Spring- field, 1891-1914. 8\ *SYA Hampshire county. Commissioners Report. 1898-1900, 1902-06, 1912-14. (In: Hampshire county. — Treasurer, Report. 1898-1900, 1902-06, 1912-14.) * SYA Treasurer Report. 1898-1900, 1902-06, 1912-14. Northampton. 1899-1915. 8°. * SYA Middlesex county. Middlesex county manual. Lowell: hallow Print. Co., 1878. 144 p. 8°. Pen- IQH Commissioners Report. 1897-1906, 1908-14. (In: Mid- dlesex county. — Treasurer. Report. 1897- 1906, 1908-14.) * SYA Commissioners Report. 1897-1913. (In: Norfolk coun- ty. — Treasurer. Report. 1897-1913.) *SYA Souvenir of the dedicatory exercises at the new Norfolk county court house at Dedham, Mass., June 20, 1895. Together with an historical and descriptive sketch of the several court houses, and biographi- cal sketches of the leading participants. Boston: Press of Carl H. Heintzmann. 1896. 3 p.l., 60 p., 16 pi. ob. 8°. IQH Probate Court Probate index. . .1793-1900. Dedham: Transcript Press, 1910. 2 v. 4°. APR Treasurer Report. 1897-1913. Dedham, 1898-1914. *SYA Plymouth county. Commissioners Report. 1901, 1903, 1906-10, 1912-13. (In: Plymouth county. — Treasurer. Report. 1901, 1903, 1906-10, 1912-13.) * SYA Treasurer Report. 1893, 1901. 1903, 1906-10, 1912- 13. Plymouth, 1894-[1914?i. 8°. * SYA 24 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Massachusetts, continued. Suffolk county. Central Probation Division Annual report, ton, 1881-88. 8°. 1880-81, 1886-87. Bos- SLR Oakland county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Board of supervisors proceedings. [Pontiac, 1913., 16 p. f^ ♦ SYA From the Pontiac Press Gazette, Pontiac, Mich., Dec. 31, 1913. Wayne county. — Road Commissioners. Annual report. 1910/11-1913/4. (Detroit. 1911-14.J 8°. VDGB House of Correction Catalogue of books... Boston: Press of Rockwell & Churchill, 1897. 64 p. 16°. *GS Supreme Judicial Court Catalogue of records and files in the office of the clerk... Revised 1896. Bos- ton: Addison C. Getchell, 1897. vi p., 1 1., 181 p. 8°. IQH Minnesota Blue Report. E^rth county. — Commissioners. 1914. * SYA Newspaper clipping from Daily Review, Man- kato, Minn., Feb. 1, 1915. Cass county. — Auditor. Financial state- ment. 1008-12. [Pine River?) 1909-[1913|. 8°. TIB Chippewa county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1910-12. n. p., n. d. 8°. * SYA Worcester county. Commissioners Report. 1899-1906,1911-14. (In: Worces- ter county. — Treasurer. Report. 1899- 1906,1911-14.) *SYA Annual report. 1899-1914. 8°. Law Library 1899-1914. Worcester, *HND Treasurer Report of receipts and expenditures. 1878-79, 1884, 1894, 1899-1906, 1911-14. [Worcester? 1879-1915.] 8°. * SYA Michigan Alpena county. — Board of Supervisors. Official proceedings. 1911/12-1912/13, 1913 (Oct. sess.). Alpena, 1912-13. 8°. * SYA Branch county. — Board of Supervisors. Journal. 1909/10-1912/13. Coldwater, n.d. 8°. * SYA Calhoun county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1912-13. Battle Creek, n.d. 8°. *SYA Dickinson county. — Inspector of Mines. Annual report. 1893/4, 1895/6-1897/8, 1900/1-1913/14. Iron Mountain, 1894-1914. 8°. Kent county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1894-96. n. t.-p. n. p., n. d. 8°. ♦ SYA Manistee county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings, fall sessions, 1913. [Manistee, 1914.] 2 p. i\ * SYA From the Manistee Times, Manistee, Mich., Jan. 27, 1914. Crow Wing county. Auditor Financial statement. 1912-13. [Brainerd, 1913-14.] i\ Clippings from the Brainerd Journal Press and the Brainerd Daily Dispatch, Jan., 1913, 1914. Mines Inspector 24' Annual report. 1914. (Brainerd, 1914.] VHCA Dakota county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1897. Farmington, 1898. 14 p. 8°. TIB Hennepin county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1891-94. 1896-98, 1900-09. 1911- 13. n. p., 1892-il914]. 8°. * SYA Kandiyohi county. — Auditor. State- ment. 1907-14. tWillmar, 1908-1915., 8°. *SYA Kittson county. Auditor Financial statement. 1909-13. (Hallock.) n.d. 8°. 'SYA Commissioners Kittson county, Minnesota, the banner county of the Red River valley, being a brief description of one of the most pros- perous agricultural counties in the state. [By C. J. Estlund.] (Minneapolis: Cootey Co., 1911., 24 p. illus. 8°. Lac Qui Parle county. — Auditor. Fi- nancial statement. 1912. n. p., 1913. 2 p. f°. Clipping from the Western Guard, Jan. 31, 1913. Lake county. — Auditor. Financial state- ment. 1895, 1901, 1903-04. n. p., n. d. 8°. ♦SYA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 25 County Publications, continued. Minnesota, continued. Lincoln county. Auditor Delinquent tax list, ton, 1913.) 1913. [Lake Ben- ♦SYA Clipping from the Lake Benton News, Lake Ben- ton, Feb. 19, 1913. Financial statement. Newspaper clippings. 1913-14. r. ttt*SYA Commissioners Official proceedings. 1. r. January, 1915. 1 *SYA Supplement to the Hendricks Pioneer, Jan. 14, 1915. Martin county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1912-13. n. p., n. d. f°. * SYA Newspaper clippings. Otter Tail county. — Auditor. Delin- quent tax list. A list of real property, for the county of Otter Tail, Minn., on which taxes remained delinquent on the first Monday in January, 1913. n. p. f°. Newspaper clipping. Financial statement. 1912-14. [Fergus Falls, 1913-15.1 i". Newspaper clippings. Ramsey county. Auditor Financial statement. 1884-86. 1890-95, 1898, 1901-05. 1907, 1909-14. Saint Paul, 1885-[1915]. 8°. *SYA Board of Control Annual report of the Board of Control of St. Paul and Ramsey countv. Minn. 1905. St. Paul: Minnesota Typographic Co., 1906. 120 p. 8°. SGN p. box Includes the report of the city and county physi- cian. County Physician Annual report. 1889, 1905. (In: St. Paul. — Board of Control. Annual report. 1889- 1905.) SGN p. box Renville county. — Auditor. Financial statement. . .for the fiscal year ending on the 31st day of December, 1903. n. p., n. d. 25 p. 8°. *SYA Saint Louis county. — Auditor. Annual financial statement. 1889-90. Duluth. 1890- ,1891). 8°. *SYA Steams county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1897-1900, 1902-03. 1905, 1908- 14. [St. Cloud?) 1898-il915). 8°. TIB Stevens county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1911-12. [Morris, 1912-13.) 8°. ♦SYA Todd county. — Auditor. Financial state- ment. 1894, 1896, 1910-13. Long Prairie, 1895-1914. 8°. *SYA Statement for 1912 an excerpt from Long Prairie Leader, Jan. 8?, 1913. Washington county. — Auditor. Delin- quent tax list. 1912-13. [Stillwater, 1913- 14.) f°. Clippings from the Stillwater Messenger, Feb. 15, 1913 and Feb. 14, 1914. Financial statement. 1892, 1912. Stillwater, 1893-1913. 8°. TIF Statement for 1912 clipped from Washington County Journal, Stillwater, Minn., Feb. 14, 1913. Watonwan county. — Auditor. Finan- cial statement for the year 1895. n. p., n. d. 1 1., 7 p., 1 1. 8°. TIF Yellow Medicine county. — Auditor. An- nual financial statement. 1904-12. 8°. *SYA Mississippi Washington county. — Drainage Com- missioners. Bogue Phalia drainage dis- trict. Washington and Sunflower coun- ties, Mississippi. Advertisement for let- ting contract... March, 1914. [Memphis: S. C Toof & Co., 1914.) 33(1) p. S". Missouri Cape Girardeau county. — Clerk. De- tailed financial statement. 1906. Cape Girardeau: Weekly Republican [1906). 43 p. 12°. * SYA Lawrence county. — Clerk of County Court. Annual financial statement... 1904. Mt. Vernon: Fountain and Journal Print [1905]. 40 p. 8°. * SYA Macon county. — Clerk. Financial state- ment... 1912. Macon [1913]. 88 p. B". TIB New Madrid county. — County Court. Drainage district no. 1. New Madrid coun- ty, Missouri. Certified abstract of the rec- ord. New Madrid: Record Press [1899). 1 p.l., 30 p. 8°. VDPp.v.l3,no.l3 St. Louis county. Probate Court Rules of the Probate Court of St. Louis county, in force June 1, 1874; together with directions and forms for the transaction of probate business. St. Louis: J. J. Daly & Co., 1874. 34 p. 16°. XMZ p.v.4, no.l4 26 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Missouri — St. Louis county, continued. Jail Committee Report of committee appointed to ex- amine the new Saint Louis jail. n. t.-p. [Saint Louis,) 1842. 7 p. 8°. SLT p.v.14, no.29 Montana Broadwater county. — Clerk. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1912-14. n. p., n. d. f. Cascade county. — School District No. 1. Legal papers in connection with the issue of $90,000.00 bonds of school district no. one. Cascade county, Montana. (Great Falls.) Dated March 1st, 1895. 6 per cent semi-annually. Payable in gold coin. Ma- turing March 1st, 1915. Redeemable after March 1, 1905... [Great Falls,, 1895. 15 p. 8°. SSD p,v.36, no.4 Custer county. — Clerk. Annual state- ment. 1910-12, 1914. n. p., n. d. f°. TIB Fergus county. — Clerk. Financial state- ment. 1912-13. n. p., n. d. i". Jefferson county. — Clerk. Annual fi- nancial statement. 1913. Boulder, n. d. 15 p. 8°. TIB Silver Bow county. — Clerk. Annual statement. 1911-14. Butte [1912-1915]. f°. TIB Nebraska Buffalo county. — Treasurer. Report of the county treasurer to the Board of County Supervisors of Buffalo county, Neb. from January 3, 1884, to January 1, 1891. Kearney: Hub Printing Co., 1891. 39 p., 1 table. 8°. Douglas county. — Clerk. Annual re- port. 1896, 1912. Omaha, 1896-[1913,. 8^ *SYA Loup county. History of the organiza- tion of the Newton irrigation district and of the bonds for said district. Ord: W. W. Haskell, 1897. 1 p.l., 33 p. 8°. VPE p.v.43, no.l4 Nevada Lyon county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1914. Yerington: Times Print [1915?]. 16 p. 8°. New Hampshire Belknap county. — Commissioners. An- nual report. 1879-1912. Laconia, 1879- Carroll county. — Commissioners. An- nual report. 1897, 1900-01. North Con- way, 1897-1902. 8". * SYA Cheshire county. — Commissioners. Re- port. 1877, 1881, 1885-88, 1894, 1907. Keene, 1877-1908. 8°. * SYA Coos county. — Commissioners. Annual report. 1876-79, 1884, 1889-95, 1897-98. 1900-01, 1903-07. n. p., 1876-1908. 8". ♦SYA Grafton county. — Commissioners. An- nual report. 1870, 1872, 1874-75, 1877-84, 1886, 1888-89, 1898. n. p., 1870-99. 8°. ♦SYA Hillsborough county. Commissioners Annual report. 1870, 1872-73, 1877, 1879- 89, 1892, 1894-96, 1898, 1900-01, 1909. n. p.. 1871-1910. 8°. ♦SYA Treasurer Annual report of the expense of support- ing the county paupers of the county of Hillsborough, for the year ending Decem- ber 5, 1859. Manchester: Goodale & Farnsworth, 1860. 10 p. 8°. SGG p. box 1 Merrimack county. — Commissioners. Annual report. 1872-73, 1876-85, 1887, 1889- 91, 1893, 1895, 1901-13. n. p., 1872-[1914,. 8°. ♦ SYA Rockingham county. — Commissioners. Annual report. 1871-74, 1876, 1878-96. 1898-1905, 1909, 1911, 1913. n. p., 1871-1914. 8°. ♦ SYA Strafford county. — Poor Commissioner. Report in relation to support of county paupers for the year ending March 1, 1869. n. t.-p. 3 p. 12°. SGGp.boxS Sullivan county. — Commissioners. Re- port. 1882. 1884/5, 1891/3, 1894. 1896, 1898. [Newport and Claremont, 1882-99.) 8°. ♦SYA Reports of all the county officers are included. New Jersey Essex county. Board of Freeholders 1891-93. 1899, 1901-02. n.p., 1891-[1913]. 8°. ♦SYA Proceedings. 1904-10, 1912-13. Committee on County Hospitals 1913. 8*" ♦SYA Annual 1887-1902. report. 8". 1887, 1902. Newark. WPW COUNTY GOVERNMENT 27 County Publications, continued. New Jersey — Essex county, continued. Park Commission The Essex County Park Commission. A sketch. By Alonzo Church, n. p. [1913.] 24 p. 8". Report of the board of commissioners. 1895-97, 1899-1913. Newark, 1895-il914,. 8°. MSP Probation Officer Annual report. 1904-09, 1911-14. (1904-1914.] 8°. n. p. SLD Hudson county. Blank proposal and advertisement... park bonds... May 19, 1904. n. p., n. d. 2 1. 8^ TIF p.v.55, no.8 Same; Oct. 24, 1904. n.p., n. d. 2 1. 8°. TIF p.v.55, no.9 Report of receipts and disbursements. 1850, 1870, 1873, 1876-77, 1881, 1883-1913. n.p., 1850-il913]. 8°. * SYA Citizens Federation Bulletin, no. 1-2, 4, 23-25. Jersey City,] 1912-15. 24° and 8°. SERA County Avenues Commissioners Reports of the commissioners & engi- neer on the proposed county avenues in Hudson county. New Jersey... Jersey City: John H. Lyon, 1869. 48 p., 1 map. S°. VDG p.v.5, no.lO Health and Vital Statistics Board Monthly statement of vital statistics. April, 1888-Dec., 1891, Jan.-April, June- Nov., 1897, Jan., March-Aug., Oct.-Dec, 1898, Jan., 1899-Oct., 1904. n. t.-p. n.p. rl888-1904.] ob. 8°. SDN Report. 1877-79, 1881-82, 1884-87. n. p.. 1878-88. 8°. SDN Revision of the sanitary code... June 6, 1888. Jersey City: Albert Datz, 1888. 70 p., 1 1., [14] p. 8". SPM p. box 5 Sanitary code., .adopted May 30th, 1874. Hoboken: L. H. Kendrick, 1874. 36 p. sq. 32°. SPI p.v.8, no.l Mosquito Extermination Commission Annual report. 1913. Jersey City, 1913. 32 p., 1 map. illus. 8". Same, 1909-13. (Included in: Hud- son county. Report of receipts and dis- bursements. 1909-13.) * SYA Report. June 23, 1903-June 23, 1908. [Jersey City: Jersey City Printing Co., 1908.] 92 p., 2 plans, 14 pi. 8°. MSP Sinking Fund Commissioners Report. 1890. Hoboken: Evening News Print, 1891. 20 p. 8°. * SYA Same, 1897-1913. (Included in: Hudson county. Report of receipts and disbursements. 1897-1913.) * SYA Superintendent of Schools Directory of public schools. . .for the year commencing September 1st. 1878... Jersey City, 1878. 34 p. 8°. STF p. box Middlesex county. — Board of Free- holders. Finances of Middlesex county. New Jersey, for the fiscal year 1881-82... New Brunswick: Home News Book & Job Print, 1882. 244 p. 8°. TIF Morris county. — County Clerk. List of the court, county, township and muni- cipal officers. . .July, 1904. [Madison: Eagle Press, 1904.] [51 p.] 16°. * SAM Passaic county. Law Library Catalogue ... 1896. Paterson: Call Print- 102 p. 16°. XA ing and Publishing Co., 1896. Lunacy Committee Report on the cost of supporting luna- tics in state and county asylums. . . Pater- son: Chiswell & Wurts, 1877. 18 p. 8°. WPS p.v.4 Strafford county. — Commissioners. Re- port. 1873-83, 1886-89, 1891. 1893-94, 1896- 1905,1910-13. n. p., 1873-1914. 8°. * SYA Sussex county. — Board of Chosen Free- holders. Annual card. 1913. List of county officials, expiration of their terms of office ...tax rates, 1912, date of freeholders' meetings, appropriations, etc. Newton: Herald Press, 1913. unpaged. 32°. Union county. Collector Annual report. 1891, 1894, 1898-1905. 1907. Rahway: Advocate Pub. Co., 1891- 1908. 8°. *SYA Park Commission Financial report. . .July 6, 1903-Nov. 30, 1908. [Jersey City: Jersey City Printing Co., 1908.] 64 p. 8°. MSP Mosquito Extermination Commission Memorandum of report. (Municipal v. 35, p. journal 324.) report. New York, 1913. 4' 28 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. New Jersey — Union county, continued. Superintendent of Schools School data for Union county, New Jer- sey. September 1, 1892. August 31. 1893. . . Elizabeth: Cook & Hall, 1892. 16 p. 12°. STF p. box Warren county. Collector Financial statement. 1914. 1 1. f. ♦SYA Supplement, Warren Journal, Belvidere, N. J., Feb. 5, 1915. Taxation Board Abstract of ratables and exemptions in the county of Warren for the year 1914. n. p., n. d. 1 1. ob. 8°. New York Albany county. Almshouse Report. 114. 8°. 1900, 1902-13. Albany, 1900- SGN Board of Supervisors Journal. 1877-81, 1884-85, 1898. Albany, 1877-99. 8°. *SYA Schedule of accounts audited and al- lowed by Board of Supervisors at regular sessions beginning Nov. 10, 1909. Albany, 1910. f°. TIF Supplement to Albany Evening Journal, March 18, 1910. Surrogate's Court Index to wills and to letters of adminis- tration. Index to wills from 1780 to Dec. 1, 1895. Index to administrations from 1794 to Dec. 1, 1895. Prepared by direc- tion of Martin D. Conway... Albany: J. B. Lyon, 1895. 240 p. 8°. APR Allegany county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1879, 1885-1912. n. p., 1880-1912. 8°. *SYA Bronx county. — District Attorney. An- nual report of the chief clerk. 1914. [New York: M. B. Brown Printing and Binding Co., 1915?] 12 p. 8°. SLN Broome county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1875, 1877-82, 1887, 1894, 1896, 1898-99, 1901-02. n. p., 1875-1902. 8°. *SYA Poorhouse First report of the local visiting com- mittee, together with reports of auxiliary societies . . . 1886. Binghamton : Republican Job Room Print, 1887. 15 p. 12°. SGM p.box Cattaraugus county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1874-83, 1885-1912. n. p., 1874-1912. 8°. ♦ SYA Cayuga county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1872-73, 1877-80, 1882, 1885, 1890, 1894-1910. v. p., 1872-1910. 8°. ♦SYA Chautauqua county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1873, 1877-81, 1883- 84, 1886-87, 1892, 1895, 1897, 1901, 1903-09, 1912-14. v. p., 1873-il914?i. 8°. * SYA Chemung county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1892. 1897, 1902-07, 1909-12. Elmira, 1877-(1912?,. 8°. *SYA Chenango county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-80. 1883. 1891, 1893-94, 1896-1912. n. p., 1877-[1913,. 8°. *SYA Clinton county. Memorial to the legislature of the state of New York, praying for an act, authoriz- ing a survey of the route of a canal, to connect Lakes Ontario and Champlain, commencing at the foot of sloop naviga- tion of the river St. Lawrence. January 27, 1824. n. p. tl824.i 27 p. 8°. * C p.v. 1016 Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882, 1884-1901, 1903-04. n. p., 1878-1905. 8°. * SYA Columbia county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1863. 1866-67, 1871, 1873-74, 1877-85, 1888-1903, 1905-10. 1912- 13. n.p., 1863-[1913?i. 8°. ♦SYA Cortland county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-1912. n. p.. 1878- tl913?,. 8°. ♦SYA Delaware county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1876-81. 1887. 1890- 1905. n. p., 1877-cl906?,. 8°. ♦ SYA Dutchess county. Book of the supervisors of Dutchess county, N. Y., A. D. 1718-1722. Pough- keepsie: Vassar Brothers Institute (1908). 4 p.l., 6-72 p., 1 1. 4°. IRM Old miscellaneous records of Dutchess county. (The second book of the super- visors and assessors.) Poughkeepsie: Vas- sar Brothers Institute, 1909. [196 p.j 4°. IRM COUNTY GOVERNMENT 29 County Publications, continued. New York State — Dutchess county, cont'd. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1875, 1877-82, 1890, 1892, 1897-98. 1903-13. n. p., 1875-[1913?,. 8°. ♦SYA Clerk Dutchess county indices. Plan of the general indices to the records of deeds, mortgages, &c., in the clerk's office of the county of Dutchess, 1831. Poughkeepsie: KiUey & Low, n. d. 7 p. 8°. * C p.v.940 Erie county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1870, 1875, 1890. 1893, 1895. 1898. 1904, 1906, 1910-12. Buffalo, 1871- rl913?,. 8°. *SYA Penitentiary Annual report. 1860, 1865. 1868. 1870, 1891, 1898-1905, 1909, 1911-12 1860-1913. 8°. Buffalo, SLV Essex county. List of registered voters for Essex county. 1912. Keeseville: Essex County Republican Co. [1912.] 225 p. 24°. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-82, 1887-1912. n. p. tl877?-1913?) 8°. *SYA Treasurer Report. . .year ending Nov. 1, 1912... [Elizabethtown: Post Print, 1912.] 12°. Franklin county. Memorial to the legislature of the state of New York, praying for an act authoriz- ing a survey of the route of a canal to connect Lakes Ontario and Champlain, commencing at the foot of sloop naviga- tion of the river St. Lawrence, January 27, 1824. n. p. [1824.1 27 p. 8°. * C p.v.l016 Board of Supervisors Journal of proceedings. 1877-80, 1890, 1897-98, 1901-11. n.p., 1878-il911?i. 8°. *SYA Title changed to Proceedings of the Board, 1909- 10. Fulton county. — Board of Supervisors. Journal of proceedings. 1877-80. 1882, 1885, 1889-1905, 1910. n.p., 1878-1911. 8°. ♦SYA Genesee county. — Board of Supervisors. List of committees. 1897. (Batavia, 1897.] r3 p.] 24°. TIB Proceedings. 1854, 1871, 1873, 1877-82, 1884-1911. Batavia, 1854-1912. 8°. * SYA Issue for 1854 in * C p.v.l019. no.24. Greene county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1886, 1888-1913. n.p., 1877-[1913?). 8°. ♦SYA Hamilton county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882, 1904. 1906. n. p., 1878-1907. 8°. ♦ SYA Herkimer county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1892, 1898. 1901. 1903-04. 1910-14. n.p., 1877-[1914?i. 8°. *SYA Jefferson county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-80, 1890. 1897, 1899, 1902-06. n.p., 1877-il906?i. 8°. ♦ SYA Kings county. Board of Supervisors Documents. 1857-58. Brooklyn, 1857- 58. S". ♦SYA Instructions to inspectors of registry and of elections, with duties, time of meet- ings, general provisions, etc. Brooklyn: Standard Press, 1869. 88 p. 8°. SEH p.v.22, no.7 Minutes. 1860-71, 1877-82, 1891. n.p.. 1860-91. 8°. ♦SYA Report of the committee of investigation in the matter of alleged abuses of the lunatic asylum together with the evidence taken by the committee. Presented April 19th, 1877. New York: C. M. Cornwell. 1877. 180 p. 8°. WPW Report of a special committee of the Board of Supervisors of Kings co., in mat- ter of bonded indebtedness of the city of Brooklyn and county of Queens. Present- ed in Board of Supervisors, Kings co.. April 21. 1868. Brooklyn: Daily Eagle Print. 1868. 25 p. 8°. ♦ SYA Report of a special committee of the Board of Supervisors of Kings co.. in re- lation to the assessment of real estate in the county of Kings, in comparison with other portions of the state. Presented in Board of Supervisors Sept. 24. 1872. Brooklyn: Eagle Print. 1872. 36 p. 8°. ♦SYA Brooklyn: Eagle ♦SAM Rules and orders Print. 1874. [8 p., 8° Special laws relating to the powers and duties of supervisors of the county of Kings... Brooklyn: Eagle Print, 1874. 32 p 8°. * SYA Bounty Committee Report of the special committee of the Board of Supervisors. . .having in charge the payment of the county bounty, during 30 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. New York State — Kings county, continued. the year 1864, and a portion of the year 1863. Presented Dec. 30, 1864. Brooklyn: Daily Eagle Print, 1865. 26 p. 8°. IKF p.v.5 Building Committee Report in matter of erecting and fur- nishing county court house. Brooklyn: Union Steam Presses, 1866. 39 p., 2 pi. 8°. IRM Charities Commissioners Annual report. 1871-73, 1877, 1882, 1888. n.p., 1871-[1888,. 8°. SHI District Attorney Annual report of the chief clerk. 1912- 13. n.p., n. d. 4°. Laws Committee The registry laws and maps of district divisions, existing Oct. 1, 1869. Showing the several election districts as arranged to that date. Brooklyn: The Standard Press, 1869. 164 p., 28 maps. 8°. IRGN p.v.7, no.4 Lunatic Asylum Annual report of the resident physician. 1859-60. 1862, 1864-65, 1867, 1869-73. Brook- lyn, 1859-73. 8°. WPW Pay Roll Committee Report of special committee on county pay roll and other county expenses... September 19, 1878. [Brooklyn, 1878., 12 p. 8°. TIF p.v.34, no.15 Records Commissioner Report. 1910. (New York: M. B. Brown Printing & Binding Co., 1910.) 131 p. 4". IRM .Superintendents of the Poor Annual report. 1852. 1857. 1860, 1863, 1866. n.p., 1852-66. 8°. SGGp.boxZ Report of the committee on accounts of the superintendents of the poor made to the Board of Supervisors of Kings county, October 8, 1856... Brooklyn: I. Van An- den, 1856. 15 p. 8°. SCO p. box 1 Rules and regulations of the superinten- dents of the poor of Kings county, and of the institutions under their charge. Adopted April 29, 1857, to take effect May 12, 1857. Brooklyn: I. Van Anden, 1857. 35 p. 8°. SGG p. box 1 Town Survey Commission Report. . .submitted Oct. 31, 1874. Brook- lyn: Rome Bros., 1874. 28 p. 8°. IRGV p.v.l, no.4 Treasurer Report. 1888, 1890-91. n. p., n. d. 8°. ♦SYA Lewis county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882, 1897. 1901- 03, 1906-07, 1912-13. n.p., 1877-il913,. 8°. ♦SYA Treasurer $16,000 county of Lewis, N. Y. 4 per cent, bonds. July 3d, 1902. 1 1. 4". TIF p.v.47, no.72 Livingston county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1850, 1852-54. 1877-80, 1882, 1888, 1895-1906. n.p. [1850,-1906. 8°. ♦ SYA 1850, 1852-54 in * C p.v. 1019. High School An address pronounced August 15, 1828, at the close of the second term of the Liv- ingston County High School... By C. C Felton. Cambridge: Hilliard, Metcalf. and Company, 1828. 24 p. 8°. STGP Prospectus of the Livingston County High .School for boys, to be opened the first of October, 1827, on Temple hill, Geneseo, N. Y. n. t-p. 8 p. 8°. STG p.v.4, no.25 View of the Livingston County High School, on Temple hill. Geneseo... To which are subjoined. Brief remarks on some of the leading topics of popular edu- cation. Geneseo: J. Percival, 1828. 28 p. 8°. STGP Madison county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1870-71, 1877-1912. n. p.. 1871-1912. 8°. Monroe county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1821-50. 1853-57, 1860-75, 1877-1912. Rochester, 1854-1912. %\ ♦SYA 1853 is in • C p.v. 1019. Work House Annual reports of the inspectors and superintendent. 1855, 1857. Rochester, 1856-58. 8°. SGNp.box Issue for 1857 bound with: Monroe county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings, 1857. * SYA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 31 County Publications, continued. New York State, continued. Montgomery county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882. 1897- 1903. n. p., 1877-1903. 8^ ♦ SYA Nassau county. Blank proposal and circular... School bonds of union free school district no. 9. . . March 4. 1902. 2 1. 8°. TIF p.v.53, no.l9 Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1899, 1903-12. n.p., n. d. 8». * SYA New York county. Board of County Canvassers Complete statement of the official can- vass in detail; Nov., 1862; Nov. and Dec, 1863; March and Nov., 1864; Nov. and Dec, 1864; 1865, 1866, 1867; Nov. and Dec. 1868; Nov. and Dec, 1869; May, 1870. New York, 1862-70. 8°. IRGN Statement. . .in relation to votes given to members of assembly. . .1880. [New York, 1880.] 111. i". IRp.box Statement in relation to votes given for mayor... 1890. n. t.-p. 6 f. i". IRGN p.box Board of Supervisors "The Board of Supervisors of the city and county of New York was created in 1787, by the act passed March 21. The board was composed of the mayor, recorder and aldermen, and its functions were large- ly the supervision of taxes. The act of March 21, 1787, continued in force until the passage of the act of April 9, 1813, by which the supervisors of New York county were vested with the same general powers as the supervisors of other counties; amended by acts of April 23, 1823, April 6, 182S, April 20, 1830, and 1833. By the act of April 15, 1857, the mayor and recorder ceased to be members of the Board of Supervisors. The board by this act was reduced to twelve members elected by popular vote; amended by act of April 17, 1858. "By act of April 30, 1874, the powers and duties of the Board of Supervisors were transferred to the Board of Aldermen. The duty to estimate and ap- portion taxes was by the laws of 1873 (sec. 112) vested in the Board of Estimate and Apportionment. "From 1858 to 1863 the Documents of the Board of Supervisors were printed in one volume together with the Proceedings." — Bulletin, New York Pub- lic Library, Jan., 1901, p. 19. The series of Documents and Proceedings came to an end in 1873 and 1874 respectively. Annual report of the clerk. 1864-66, 1873. New York, 1865-74. 8". ♦SYA 1864 in Board of Supervisors. Documents. 1864, V. 2, no. 16. 1865 in Board of Supervisors. Documents. 1865, no. 1 6. 1866 in Board of Supervisors. Documents. 1866, V. 3, no. 19. Annual report of the comptroller, exhi- biting the receipts and expenditures of the county government. 1859-67. New York, 1860-68. 8°. TIB "By the act passed April 15, 1857, entitled An act relating to the Board of Supervisors of the county of New York, provision was made for an entire separation of the fiscal affairs of the county from those of the city. It does not appear, however, that any effort was made to carry the law into effect until 1859. Prior to 1859 all the accounts and fi- nancial affairs of the county were kept in the same books that were used for*the accounts of the cor- E oration of the city." — Bulletin, New York Public .ibrary, Feb., 1901, p. 51. Communication from the comptroller, transmitting the financial estimates, or budget for the year 1869. Document no. 1, Board of Supervisors, January 7th, 1869. New York: N. Y. Printing Co., 1869. 114 p. 8». TIB Communication from the comptroller transmitting the quarterly report of claims against the county. Dec 31, 1859; March 31, June 30, Oct. 9, 1860; Jan. 16. April 16. July 9, Oct. 8. Dec. 31, 1861; Sept. 30, 1872. New York, 1860-72. 8°. TIB Detailed statement of unpaid personal taxes, for the years 1844 to 1854, inclusive ... New York: McSpedon & Baker, 1855. 427 p. 8°. TIB Documents. 1864-66. rNew York, 1864- 67.) 6 v. 8°. * SYA 1864, V. 1. no. 1. Quarterly report of comptroller to Dec. 31, 1863. no. 2. Annual report of county treasurer. 1863. no. 3. Annual report of superintendent ot buildings. 1863. no. 4. Report of special committee on volun- teering. no. 5. Annual report of comptroller. 1863. no. 6. Keport of special committee on volun- teering. no. 7. Quarterly report of comptroller to March 31, 1864. no. 8. Report of special committee on volun- teering. no. 9. Communication from comptroller with estimates for 1864. no. 10. Quarterly report of comptroller to June 30. 1864. 1864, V. 2. no. 11. Report of special committee on volun- teering. no. 12. Quarterly report of comptroller to September 30, 1864. no. 13. Expenses of police department. no. 14. Communication from comptroller with statement of riot claims. no. 15. Financial estimates for 1865. no. 16. Annual report of clerk of board. 1865. no. 1. Quarterly report of comptroller to De- cember 31, 1864. no. 2. Annual report of superintendent of buildings. no. 3. Proceedings of public market commis- sioners. no. 4. Annual report of the chamberlain. no. 5. Quarterly report of comptroller to March 31. 1865. no. 6. Annual report of the comptroller. no. 7. Communication from comptroller with estimates for 1865. 32 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. New York State — New York county, cont'd. no. 8. Report of the special committee on vol- unteering. no. 9. Quarterly report of comptroller to June 30, 1865. no. 10. Expenses of the police department. no. 11. Communication from comptroller in re- lation to banking institutions. no. 12. Report of committee on annual taxes. no. 13. Registry and election law. no. 14. Quarterly report of comptroller to Sept. 30, 1865. no. 15. Reports of special committee on volun- teering. no. 16. Annual report of clerk of the Board of Supervisors. 1866, V. 1. no. 1. Comptroller's financial estimate for 1866. no. 2. Annual report of chamberlain to Jan. 1, 1866. no. 3. Annual report of superintendent ol buildings. 1865. no. 4. Quarterly report of comptroller to Dec. 31. 1865. no. 5. Laws affecting the city and county of New York passed in 1866. no. 6. Quarterly report of comptroller to March 31, 1866. no. 7. Comptroller's annual county report for 1865. no. 8. Report of special committee on dividing the city into assembly districts, no. 9. Report of special committee on inves- tigation of contracts on new court house, no. 10. Communication from comptroller with estimates for 1866. no. 11. Quarterly report of comptroller to June 30, 1866. 1866, V. 2. no. 12. Report of special committee on volun- teering. 1866, V. 3. no. 13. Statistics of population of county of New York as shown by state census of 1865. no. 14. Maps of senate and assembly districts, no. 15. Delinquent ununiformed militiamen who failed to parade in 1866. no. 16. Expenses of police department, 1867. no. 17. Quarterly report of comptroller to Sept. 30, 1866. no. 18. Comptroller's financial estimates for 1867. no. 19. Annua! report of clerk of board of supervisors, 1866. Financial documents. 1873-74. New York: Martin B. Brown, 1875. 8°. * SYA Historical sketch of the Board of Super- visors of the county of New York, with the names of its members from its crea- tion to the present time. To which is added, an opinion by... Greene C. Bron- son... New York: W. L. S. Harrison. 1862. 39 p. 8". IRH p.v.l, no.5 Memorial praying for the passage of the accompanying act, to revise and amend the existing laws relative to the assessment of taxes in the city of New York, and to re- duce them into one act. New York: Mc- Spedon & Baker, 1850. 92 p. 4°. TIN p.v.50, no.9 Message from the mayor, defining the election district divisions and boundaries, pursuant to law. New York: N. Y. Prtg. Co., 1870. 77 p., 42 maps. 8°. (Board of Supervisors. Document no. 10, 1870.) IRGN p.v.7, no.3 Proceedings. 1809-50, 1852-55, 1857-70. 1872-74. New York, 1865-75. 8°. * SYA Reimbursement of banks and insurance companies, for taxes of 1863-4, collected or paid on securities of the United States exempt from taxation... New York: N. Y. Prtg. Co., 1868. 1564 p. 8°. TIB Report of the committee on annual taxes and finance on the College of the City of New York. New York, 1873. 53 p. 8°. (Board of Supervisors. Document no. 5, 1873.) STGp. box Report of the special committee ap- pointed to inquire into the propriety of re- building the old Fordham bridge; also on the importance of the navigation of the Harlem river. . .April 16, 1855. [New York, 1855.) 28 p. 8°. VEK p.v.3, no.2 Correction Department Catalogue of books in the library of the New York County Penitentiary. (Black- wells Island: Bureau of Printing,) 1899. 84 p. 12°. * GW Court House Board Competition for the New York court house, 1913. Edited by authority of the Court House Board. New York: Archi- tectural Book Pub. Co., 1913. 1 p.l.. vi p., 43 plans, 45 pi. i". MQWO Programme of the final competition for the selection of an architect for the court house in the city of New York. n. p. (1912.) 18, 14 p. 4". iNew York, 1913.) 1 p.l., 14 p. 4°. District Attorney Annual report of the chief clerk. 1904- 13. New York, 1905-14. 4". SLD The answer of the., .district attorney of the county of New York to a communica- tion from the governor., .dated November 18, 1899 trelative to charges of alleged mis- feasance, malfeasance, and neglect of duty). New York [W. P. Mitchell & Sons. 1899,. 61 p. 8°. IRH p. box Report, with statistics of crime in this city for twelve years past. Jan. 17, 1842. New York: Bryant & Boggs [1842). p. 409- 417. 8°. (Board of Aldermen. Docu- ments, V. 8, no. 57.) * SYA COUNTY GOVERNMENT 33 County Publications, continued. New York State — New York county, cont'd. Report on work of usury bureau. (No- vember, 1912o 2 p.l., 39 f., 1 1., 6 f. tt THT Typewritten copy. Report is made by Franklin Brooks and covers the work of the bureau from the time of its estab- lishment in July, 1912. Second 6 f. is Statements regarding civil cases tried by attorneys co-operating with the district attorney. Elections Practical directions for the use of in- spectors of elections. 1842, 1845, 1852-53, 1860-62. 1864, 1868-69, 1872-92. New York, il842,-1892. 24" and 8°. SEH Records Commissioners Indices to certificates of sheriffs' sales, filed in the office of the clerk of the city and county of New York, from 1820 to December 31, 1855... New York: Bowne & Hasbrouck, 1857. 59 p. f °. ft TLX Bound with: New York county; — Records Com- missioners. Indices of insolvent assignments. New York, 1857. f. Indices of insolvent assignments, filed in the office of the clerk of the city and county of New York, to December 31st, 1855... New York: Bowne & Hasbrouck, 1857. 125 p. f°. ttTLX Indices to notices of suits in equity filed in the office of the clerk of the city and county of New York, from 1823 to Decem- ber 31, 1855. . . New York: Bowne & Has- brouck, 1857. 8 V. i°. ttXMZ Substitutes and Relief Committee Report [On substitutes for citizens draft- ed to serve in the union army, accepted Oct. 26, 1863). New York: W. L. S. Har- rison, 1863. 91 p. 8°. (Board of Super- visors. Document no. 11, 1863.) IKF Binder's title: Reports of county volunteer com- mittee. 1863-1864. Supreme Court Col. Edward C. James. Resolutions adopted at special term, part 7, of the Su- preme Court, county of New York, with remarks by members of the bar. March ...1901. tNew York, 1901., 11 p. 8°. AN p.v.130, no.l2 Surrogate Abstract of wills on file in the surro- gate's office. City of New York. New York, 1893-1909. 8°. (New York Histori- cal Society. Collections. Publication fund series.) lAA V. 1. 1665-1707. Publications, v. 25. V. 2. 1708-1728. Publications, v. 26. V. 3. 1730-1744. v. 4. 1744-1753. v. 5. 1754-1760. v. 6. 1760-1766. V. 7. 1766-1771. V. 8. 1771-1776. V. 9. 1777-1783. V. 10. 1780-1782. V. 11. Unrecorded tions. V. V. 12. 1782-1784. V. 13. 1784-1786. V. 14. 1786-1796. V. 15. 1796-1801. V. 16. Corrections, V. 17. Corrections, Publications, v. 27. Publications, v. 28. Publications, v. 29. Publications, v. 30. Publications, v. 31. Publications, v. 32. Publications, v. 33. Publications, v. 34. wills prior to 1790. 35. Publications, v. 36. Publications, v. 37. Publications, v. 38. Publications, v. 39. v. 1. Publications. v. 2. Publications. Publica- 40. 41. Volunteering Committee Report., .being a complete statement of operations. . .in filling the quota of New York county, under the president's call for 500.000 men. New York: W. L. S. Harri- son, 1864. 340 p. 8°. (Board of Super- visors. Document no. 6, 1864.) IKF Bound with : New York county. — Substitutes and Relief Committee. Report, 1863. Report. . .being a complete statement of operations. . .in filling the quota of New York county, under the president's call for 200.000 men, and with former reports com- prising a complete list of all volunteers furnished the army and navy from August 1, 1863, to May 31, 1864. New York: W. L. S. Harrison, 1864. 8°. (Board of Su- pervisors. Document no. 8, 1864.) IKF Bound with : New York county. — Substitutes and Relief Committee. Report, 1863. Report of the special committee on county volunteers of the Board of Super- visors, with accompanying documents. New York: W. L. S. Harrison, 1864. 8°. (Board of Supervisors. Document no. 4. 1864.) IKF Bound with : New York county. — Substitutes and Relief Committee. Report, 1863. Report of special committee on volun- teering embracing a complete statement of operations in filling the quota of the coun- ty of New York under the call of the presi- dent, dated July 18, 1864, for 500,000 men. New York: W. L. S. Harrison, 1864. 962 p. 8°, (Board of Supervisors. Document no. 11, 1864.) IKF Report of the special committee on vol- unteering of the county of New York, of operations in filling the quota, under the call of December 19, 1864, for 300,000 men. New York: N. Y. Prtg. Co., 1866. 2 v. 8°. (Board of Supervisors. Document no. 12, 1866.) IKF Reports of the special committee on vol- unteering of the county of New York, relative to operations under call dated De- cember 19, 1864. 1864-1865-1866... New York: N. Y. Printing Co., 1866. 258 p. 8". 34 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. New York State, continued. Niagara county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1876-82, 1890, 1892, 1897- 1912. Lockport, 1876-1912. 8°. * SYA Oneida county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1850, 1852, 1859, 1873, 1877- 82. 1888, 1890, 1892-1905, 1908-12. n. p., 1850-il912,. 8". *SYA 1850 is in ' C p.v. 1036; 1852 in • C p.v. 1017. Treasurer Blank proposal and advertisement... New court house bonds... June 5th, 1902. 2 1. S". TIF p.v.63, no.6 Onondaga county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-88, 1890-1908. 1911- 12. Syracuse, 1878-1913. 8°. * SYA Clerk Onondaga county records. (New York genealogical and biographical record. New York, 1899-1904. 4°. v. 30, p. 237-242; v. 31, p. 36-38, 79-82, 170-174, 242-247; v. 32, p. 25-30, 108-111, 156-160, 204-206; v. 33, p. 17-21, 76-79, 156-160, 242-246; v. 34, p. 44- 47, 93-97, 206-210, 263-267; v. 35, p. 17-19.) * R - Room 328 Orphan Asylum Charter, constitution and by-laws... Compiled June 1, 1863. Syracuse: Truair, Smith & Miles, 1863. 43 p. 8°. SHS Ontario county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1878-83, 1886-1904. n.p., 1878-tl905]. 8°. *SYA Orange county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1861-72, 1877-81, 1886, 1893- 94,1896-99,1901-13. n. p., 1861-il913?i. 8°. ♦SYA Superintendent of the Poor Annual report. 1877, 1881, 1891. Goshen, 1877-91. 8°. SON p. box Orleans county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1873, 1877-80, 1882, 1890. 1892, 1894, 1897-98. 1900-03, 1905-10. Al- bion, 1873-1910. 8". *SYA Oswego county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1854, 1877-82, 1889-90, 1892, 1897-98. 1901. 1904, 1907, 1911-1914. n.p., 1854-il914?,. 8". * SYA 1854 is in • C p.v. 1019. Otsego county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-83, 1892, 1894, 1896, 1898, 1900-12. n.p. il877-1913., 8°. * SYA Putnam county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882, 1897-99. 1901. 1904. n. p., 1878-1905. 8°. • SYA Queens county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1858, 1877, 1883, 1887. n. p. 1858-88. 8°. *SYA Surrogate Queens county. Long Island, New York. Surrogate records at Jamaica. New York; indices and abstracts of wills. 1787 per 1835, copied 1905 by W. A. Eardeley... Accurately compared with the original records in May, 1913, and found to be cor- rect. Brooklyn, 1913. 105 f. 4°. f APR Typewritten. Rensselaer county. Blank proposal and advertisement. Cou- pon refunding bonds... May 2, 1905. iTroy, 1905.) 2 1. 8°. TIF p.v.62, no.l4 Blank proposal and advertisement... Registered highway improvement bonds . . . May 2, 1905. [Troy, 1905., 2 1. 8°. TIFp.v.59,no.ll Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-82. Troy, 1877-83. 8°. ♦SYA Journal. 1897-98, 1901, 1903. Troy, 1897- tl903,. 8'. ♦SYA Richmond county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1863, 1877-82, 1897. n. p., 1864-98. 8°. ♦ SYA Rockland county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-1913. n. p.. 1878- tl913?,. 8°. ♦SYA St. Lawrence county. Memorial to the legislature of the state of New York, praying for an act, authoriz- ing a survey of the route of a canal, to connect Lakes Ontario and Champlain, commencing at the foot of sloop naviga- tion of the river St. Lawrence, January 27, 1824. n. p. (1824.1 27 p. 8°. ♦ C p.v. 1016 Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1854, 1877-80, 1882-86. 1888. 1891, 1893-99, 1901-12. n. p., 1855-1912. 8^ ♦SYA 1854 is in * C p.v. 1019. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 35 County Publications, continued. New York State, continued. Saratoga county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1877-92, 1894, 1901. 1903- 12. n.p., 1878-1912. 8'. * SYA Treasurer Report. 1890. 1894. n. t.-p. 8°. * SYA Schenectady county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1884, 1887- 1912. Schenectady, 1878-1913. 8°. * SYA Schoharie county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1878-80, 1890, 1892, 1898-99, 1901, 1903-04. n.p., 1879-1904. 8°. *SYA Schuyler county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1885. 1890-92, 1897-98, 1903-06, 1910-13. n. p., 1878-[1913,. S". * SYA Seneca county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1884-1914. n.p., 1878-il914]. 8°. *SYA Steuben county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1858. 1870. 1877-82, 1886-88, 1890-1912. n.p. (1858-1912.] S". * SYA Suffolk county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1876-82, 1895, 1897-1909, 1911. n.p., 1877-[1911,. 8^ * SYA Sullivan county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-80. 1890, 1899-1901, 1903-06. n.p., 1877-[1906]. 8°. * SYA Tioga county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1872. 1877-81, 1890. 1897-98, 1901, 1904-05. n. p., 1872-il905,. 8°. * SYA Tompkins county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1876-83, 1885-87. 1889- 1906. Ithaca. 1876-1906. 8°. * SYA Ulster county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877, 1879-82, 1890, 1892. 1897, 1899, 1901-12. Kingston, 1878-1912. 8°. * SYA Warren county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1892, 1897-98. 1901- 02. 1906. 1908-09. 1911-13. n.p., 1878-1914. 8°. * SYA Washington county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1877-82, 1884-1914. n.p., 1878-fl914?]. 8°. * SYA Wa3me county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1877-80, 1882, 189^99, 1901- 12. n.p., 1877-[1912?j 8°. * SYA Westchester county. Blank proposal and advertisement... Registered bonds... February 15th, 1904. 2 1. 8°. TIF p.v.43, no.42 Board of Supervisors Proceedings. Nov. 18, 1836 to Nov. 13, 1840. (In: Westchester county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings, 1879. White Plains, 1879. 8'. p. 607-654.) * SYA Proceedings. 1840-1843. (In: West- chester county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings, 1880. New York, 1880. S\ p. 531-580.) * SYA Proceedings. 1871, 1873, 1877-82, 1890, 1894, 1898-1913. v. p. [1872-1913.] 8°. ♦SYA Wyoming county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. 1870, 1875-1905, 1909- 10, 1912. n.p. il870-]1912. 8°. ♦SYA Yates county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1854, 1868, 1877-82, 1890, 1897, 1901-05. n.p. [1854?]-1906. 8°. ♦SYA 1854 is in » C p.v. 1019. North Carolina Guilford county. — Highway Commis- sion. Blank proposal and circular. $50,- 000. Five per cent highway improvement bonds... Oct. 5, 1903. 2 1. 8°. TIF Ohio Franklin county. — Commissioners. Sealed proposals for bridge emergency bonds... March 28, 1901. n. p. il902., 8 1. i\ tt TIF p.v.47, no.l Hamilton county. Auditor Report of estimates and estimates of levies for the year 1904... Cincinnati: S. Rosenthal & Co., 1903. 37 p., 1 table. 8°. TIB Commissioners Report to the Court of Common Pleas. 1868, 1870, 1878. Cincinnati, 1868-79. 8°. •SYA Oregon Multnomah county. — Auditor. Semi- annual exhibit of the finances of Multno- mah county... for the six months. . .end- ing December 31st, 1901. Portland: Glass & Prudhomme, 1902. 23 p. 8°. ♦ SYA Pennsylvania Allegheny county. Return of taxables. . .1791. (In: Penn- sylvania archives. Harrisburg, 1897. 8°. series 3, v. 22, p. 643-697.) lAA 36 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Pennsylvania — Allegheny county, continued. Controller Annual report. 1896, 1899-1913. n.p., 1897-il914i. S". *SYA County Court Annual statement. 1913. n. t.-p. 8 p. 8°. Superintendent of Schools Report. 1898, 1902. Pittsburgh, 1898- [1902). 8°. STF Workhouse and Inebriate Asylum Annual report. 1901-03. 1905-08, 1910-12, 1914. [Pittsburgh, 1901 ?-14.] 8°. SGN Berks county. — Controller. Report. 1913. n. p., n. d. 24 p. 8°. Centre county. — Auditor. Statement of the receipts & expenditures. 1913. 1 1. P. Chester county. — Commissioners and Directors of the Poor. Annual statement. 1891, 1899, 1903, 1905. West Chester, 1891- 1905. 8°. *SYA Crawford county. - 1910, 1912-13. n.t.-p. Auditor. Report. n.p. [1910-13.] 8°. ♦SYA Dauphin county. — Commissioners. Cen- tennial. The settlement, formation and progress of Dauphin county, Pennsyl- vania, from 1785 to 1876. Prepared under the direction of the commissioners of said county by G. H. Morgan. [Publication superintended by the Dauphin County His- torical Society.] Harrisburg, Pa.: Tele- graph Steam Book and Job Printing House, 1877. 239 p. 8°. ISD Delaware county. — Prison. Annual re- port of the inspectors. 1888, Media: Dela- ware County Record Print tl889]. [8 p.] 8°. SLV Lackawanna county. Commissioners Annual statement. 1898. n. p., n. d. 1 p.l., 5 p., 2 tables. 8°. * SYA Controller Annual report. 1907-08, 1910, 1912, 1914. n.t.-p. n.p. [1908 ?-15?] f°. Luzerne county. — Controller. Annual report. 1912-14. n. p., n. d, 8". * SYA Montgomery county. Controller Report 1911-13. tNorristown,j n. d. 8°. *SYA Prison Annual report of the board of inspectors 1889. Norristown: Register Steam Book and Job Print, 1889. 11 p. 8°. SLV Northumberland county. — Committee of Safety. Minutes of the Committee of Safety of Northumberland county, Penn- sylvania, from Feb. 8, 1776, to April 17, 1/77. From the original ms... (Histori- cal Society of Pennsylvania. Bulletin. Philadelphia, 1848. 8°. v. 1, p. 74-79.) lAA Philadelphia county. Auditor Report of the accounts of the Blockley alms-house. 1844, 1846-48, 1850. Philadel- phia, 1844-51. 8°. SGN p. box Commissioners Memorial of the commissioners of the county of Philadelphia to the legislature upon the subject of the laws exempting certain property from taxation. Together with a schedule of exempt property... Philadelphia, 1851. 51 p. 8°. TlVp.v.ll.no.l Inspectors of Prisons Annual report. 1847. 1850. 1854, 1856- [Philadelphia.i SLV 58. 1862, 1866, 1869, 1872. 1848-72. 8°. Westmoreland county. — Controller. Annual report. 1912. iGreensburg.i n. d. 30 p. 8". * SYA South Carolina Barnwell district. — Commissioners of Roads, Public Buildings, Poor and Free Schools. Report. 1859. 1 1. i". South Dakota Brown county. — Commissioners. Bids wanted for $65,00.00 court house bonds, to be issued by the county of Brown. . . Bids will be received by the Board of County Commissioners at Aberdeen. S. D. until April 2, 1902... n.p. [1902., 1 1. f°. tt TIF Lawrence county. — .\uditor. Annual financial statement of Lawrence county. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 37 County Publications, continued. South Dakota, continued. South Dakota for the year ending June 30, 1903. Deadwood: Pioneer-Times Pub. Co. (1903., 24 p. nar. 16°. * SYA Spink county. — Auditor. List of war- rants paid and warrants issued during the fiscal year ending June 30th, 1913. Red- field, S. D., 1913. 2 typewritten leaves. f». * SYA Halifax county. — Board of Supervisors. 1907. Halifax county, Virginia. A hand- book prepared under the direction of the Board of Supervisors by Alfred J. Morri- son. Richmond: Everett Waddy Co., 1907. 93 p., 1 1., 1 map. 8°. KTC p. box Mecklenbtirg county. — County Clerk. Mecklenburg county, Virginia. Its history, resources and advantages, n.p., 1907. 16 p. nar. 8°. Tennessee Knox county. — County Judge. Finan- cial report, Knox county, July 1, 1913. [Knoxville, 1913.i 4 1. 8°. Texas Bexar county. — County Commissioners' Court. Bexar county good roads. [San Antonio: Maverick-Clarke Litho. Co., 1911.) unpaged, illus. ob. 24°. Utah Carbon county. Financial report of Car- bon county, Utah, for the year ending June 30, 1914. n.p.: Carbon County News Print, 1914. 2 1. 8°. Salt Lake county. — Auditor. Financial statement. 1905, 1911-13. [Salt Lake City, 1906-14., 8°. *SYA Virginia Alexandria county. — Board of Supervi- sion. A brief history of Alexandria coun- ty, Virginia. Its wealth and resources, great and growing industries, educational and social advantages, future outlook promising. Falls Church: Newell Print- ing Co. [1907?) 2 p.l., 56 p., 1 map, 1 pi. 8". Augusta county. — Treasurer. County treasurer's report for the year ending July 31st, 1913. (Staunton, 1913., Newspaper clipping from Staunton Daily Leader, Oct. 1st, 1913. Caroline county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Handbook of Caroline county, Vir- ginia. 1888. Bowling Green: Caroline Sentinel Print, 1888. 6 1., 1 map. 8°. KTC p. box Essex county. — Board of Supervisors. Financial statement. 1911-12. n. t.-p. f. Fairfax county. — Board of Supervisors. . . .Industrial and historical sketch of Fair- fax county, Virginia... (Falls Church?, Newell Printing Co., 1907. 95 p. illus. 8°. Washington Adams county. — Auditor. Annual ex- hibit of the finances. 1901, 1907. (Ritz- ville?) n. d. 24° and 4°. * SYA Asotin county. — Auditor. Auditor's an- nual report for the year ending December 31, 1912. n. t.-p. Asotin (1913]. 14 p. 8°. ♦SYA Chehalis county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1901 (Jan.-June), 1905-06, 1911-12. n. t.-p. [Aberdeen and Montesano, n. d.) 16° and 8°. * SYA Chelan county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1906,1911-13. Wenatchee, n. d. 8°. *SYA Clallam county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1901, 1905, 1908-12, 1914. n. p., n. d. 12° and 8°. * SYA Clarke county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1906, 1913. n. p., n. d. 8°. * SYA Cowlitz county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905-08. [Kalama and Kelso,, n. d. 24° and 16°. * SYA Douglas county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1912. VVaterville [1913i. 16 p. 8°. *SYA Ferry county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905-07. Republic, 1905-07. 16° & 12°. * SYA Franklin county. — Auditor. Annual exhibit. 1905, 1908. (Connell and Pasco,, n.d. 12°. *SYA Garfield county. — Auditor. Financial exhibit. 1904, 1908. n. t.-p. n.p., n.d. 16°. and 8°. * SYA Island county. — Auditor. Annual ex- hibit of the finances. 1905, 1908. n. t.-p. [Coupeville,, n.d. 12°. * SYA Jefferson county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1896, 1905, 1912-13. n.p. (1896- 1914?, 12° and 8°. * SYA King county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1898-1901, 1903-06, 1908-13. (Seattle, 1898- 1914?, 8°. *SYA Kitsap county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905, 1909-12. n.p. [1905-13?, 12° and 8°. * SYA 38 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Washington, continued. Kittitas county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1899, 1901, 1905-07, 1911-13. tEUens- burg and Cle-Elum, 1899-1914?] 12° and 8°. * SYA Title varies. Klickitat county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905-06, 1908-13. iGoldendale,i n. d. 16° and 8°. * SYA Title varies. Lewis county. — Auditor. Annual ex- hibit. 1896, 1901, 1906-07. iChehalis and Centralia, 1896-1907?] S" and 12°. * SYA Lincoln county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905-06, 1913. v.p., 1905-|1914,. 8°. *SYA Mason county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1909-14. Shelton [1910?-14?,. 12° and 8°. * SYA Okanogan county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1906, 1912-13. [Conconully, 1906- 14.] 8°. *SYA Pacific county. — Board of County Com- missioners. Pacific county and its re- sources, n. p., n. d. unpaged, illus. ob. Pierce county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1899, 1901, 1906, 1911-13. Tacoma [1900-14?]. 8°. *SYA Skagit county. . — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1904-05, 1910-13. V. p. [1904-14?, 16°, 12° and 8°. * SYA Skamania county. — Auditor, Annual report. 1905. Stevenson: Pioneer Print [1905?]. 7 p. nar. 24°. * SYA Snohomish county. — Auditor. Annual exhibit of the finances. 1905, 1908, 1912- 13. [Everett,] n. d. 8°. * SYA Spokane county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1892, 1896, 1903, 1905-14. [Spo- kane, 1892-1915.) 8°. *SYA Stevens county. — Auditor. Annual ex- hibit of the finances. 1905. Colville: Statesman-Index [1905]. 15 p. nar. 24°. ♦SYA Thurston county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1899, 1905. 1907, 1909-13. [Olym- pia, 1899-1914.1 12° and 8°. * SYA Title varies. Walla Walla county. — Auditor. Annu- al statement of the finances. 1897. 1905. n. p. [1897-1905.1 12°. * SYA Whatcom county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1905-13. n. p. [1905-14?) 8°. *SYA Whitman county. — Auditor. Annual report. 1896-97, 1899-1914. v.p. (1896- 1915?] 8°. *SYA Title varies. Yakima county. — Auditor. Annual re- port. 1905-06, 1908-14. n. p. [1905-15?]. 8°. ♦ SYA Wisconsin Chippewa county. — Board of Supervi- sors. Proceedings. March, Nov., 1911; March, May, Nov., 1912; March, May, Nov., 1913; Nov., 1914. n. p. [1911-14.) 8°. * SYA Door county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1893, 1896, 1898, 1901-03, 1905-06. [Sturgeon Bay,, 1894-[1906,. 8°. ♦SYA Douglas county. Asylum, Home and Sanitarium Trustees Annual report. 1912-14. [Superior, 1912- 14.1 16° and 8°. SON Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1897, 1899-1914. n. p. [1897- 1914.) 8°. ♦SYA Rules of the Board of Supervisors of Douglas county, Wisconsin. Adopted at a special meeting held November 7, 1895. 16 p. ob. 32°. County Clerk. For sale. $100,000.00 in bonds of Doug- las county, Wisconsin. 4 per cent, semi- annual interest. Dated July 2, 1906. . . n. p. [1906.] 3 p. 8°. For sale. $75,000.00 in bonds of Doug- las county, Wisconsin. 4J^ per cent semi- annual interest. Dated July 1, 1908... [Superior, 1908.) 2 1. 8°. Official directory. 1900-04, 1909-11, 1913- 15. Superior, 1900-15. 24° and 16°. ♦ SAM Proposed water route between the head of Lake Superior and the Mississippi river. Superior, 1912. 1 1. f°. Statement of expenditures for roads and bridges in Douglas county for the years 1910, 1911, 1912, 1913, as compiled by the county clerk. [Superior,] 1913. 7 1. nar. 24°. ♦SYA Highway Commissioner Douglas county, Wisconsin, 1912. [Map) showing all main traveled highways, rail- roads, boundaries of towns, city limits, locations of schoolhouses and R. R. sta- tions. Scale 1 inch to mile. n. p. |1912.j 47x36 in. Blue print. COUNTY GOVERNMENT 39 County Publications, continued. Wisconsin — Douglas county, continued. Superintendent of Schools Annual report of county superintendent of schools of Douglas county, Wisconsin, for 1912. [Superior: Telegram, 1912?] 4 p. 8°. School annual, Douglas county, Wiscon- sin, 1913-1914. [Superior: Telegram Job Print,) n. d. 15 1. illus. 8°. Supervisor of Assessments • Annual report. 1906, 1908, 1913. Su- perior [1906-13?j. 8°. Dunn county. — School of Agriculture and Domestic Economy. Bulletin, v. 1, no. 3. Menomonie, 1903. 8°. VPG Kenosha county. Assessor of Incomes Statistical report of assessor of incomes. 1912. Kenosha: Volksfreund Print [1913,. 11 p. 8°. *SYA Board of Supervisors Proceedings of the County Board of Su- pervisors of Kenosha county, Wisconsin. Special session, March 20, 1912. Special session. May 15th, 1912. Annual session, November, 1912 and January, 1913. Keno- sha: Telegraph-Courier Print [1913). 2 p.l., 96 p., 1 table. 8°. * SYA County Clerk Directory of public officials of Kenosha county, Wisconsin, by Russell H. Jones. Kenosha, 1913. 8 p. 32°. * SAM La Crosse county. — School of Agricul- ture and Domestic Economy. Annual catalog. 1912/13-1914/15. n. p., n. d. 8°. VPG Manitowoc county. — Board of Super- visors. Proceedings. 1899-1906. n. p. [1899?- 1906?, 8°. *SYA Marathon county. — School of Agricul- ture and Domestic Economy. Bulletin. V. 9, no. 2-8; v. 10, no. 1-5, 8. Wausau, 1911-date. 8°. VPG Current numbers in Document Room. Catalog and prospectus of the Marathon County School of Agriculture and Domes- tic Economy. 1914/15. [Wausau, 1914.i 1 p.l., 33 (1) p. illus. S". Marinette county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1911-14. Marinette [1911- 14j. 8". *SYA County Clerk Official directory of public officials of Marinette county, Wisconsin. . .1914-1915. Compiled by H. B. Pederson. (Marinette,) 1914. 24 p. nar. 24°. Pierce county. Assessor of Incomes Statistical report. 1912-14. River Falls, n. d. 8°. *SYA Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1900, 1902, 1904-13. n. p., n.d. 8°. *SYA Supervisor of Assessment Statistical report. 1910. River Falls: Journal Job Print, n. d. [22) p. 8°. * SYA Polk county. Statistics of Polk county, Wisconsin, 1906, 1910, 1912-14. n. p., 1906-[1914]. 8'. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1904, 1906, 1910-13. n. p. tl906?-13?] 8°. *SYA Supervisor of Assessments Annual report. 1906, 1911. Osceola, n.d. 8°. *SYA Portage county. — Board of Supervisors. Proceedings. 1891, 1900-01, 1903, 1905-06. [Stevens Point?) 1892-[1906?). 8°. * SYA Price county. Assessor of Incomes Statistical report. 1912-13. n. p., n. d. 8°. ♦ SYA Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1910-13. [Phillips, 1910- 13.1 8". ♦SYA Richland county. Assessor of Incomes Statistical report. 1912-14. n. p., n. d. 16°. * SYA Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1912-14. [Richland Cen- ter? 1912?]-1914. 8°. *SYA 40 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY County Publications, continued. Wisconsin — Richland county, continued. Trustees of Asylum and Commissioners of Poor Richland county institutions, insane asy- lum, almshouse and farm. Annual report. 1912-14. Richland Center: Democrat Press tl912-14j. 8". SGN Sauk county. Assessor of Incomes Report. 1913-14. n. p., n. d. 8°. * SYA Trempeleau county. Assessor of Incomes Annual report. 1912-14. n. p. 14?] 8°. [1912- ♦SYA Board of Supervisors Proceedings. May, 1913, Nov., 1913. [Independence: News-Wave Print,) n. d. 89 p. 8°. ♦ SYA Insane Asylum Annual report. 1900, 1905-07, 1909, 1911- 12. n. p., n. d. 8^ WPW Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1912/13-1913/14. n. p. [1913- 14.] 8°. ♦SYA Supervisor of Assessment Annual report. 1905-11. n. p. [1905-11.] 8°. * SYA Continued as Assessor of incomes. Annual report. County Clerk Official directory. 1913-14. n. p., n. d. 24°. * SAM County Farm and Asylum Annual report. 1912-14. n. p. [1912-14.] 8\ SGN Superintendent of Schools Annual [report]. 1914. Sauk county schools, n. p. [1914.] 57(1) p., 1 1., 1 map, 2 pi. 8°. Sawyer county. — Board of Supervisors. Record Pub. Co. [1913.] 50 p. 8". * SYA Walworth county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1900-12. [Elkhorn? 1901- 12.] 8". *SYA Supervisor of Assessments Annual report. 1907-10. n. p. [1907- 10.] 8". *SYA Bound with: Walworth county. — Board of Su- pervisors. Proceedings. Winnebago county. Board of Supervisors Proceedings. 1897-1913. n. p. 1913. 8". 1898- ♦SYA m THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OF 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 50 CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.00 ON THE SEVENTH DAY | OVERDUE. MAR 20 1935 MAR 211935 ^^TUfs^ 9 mv !9?ig39 ^Tinc'^^^y UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY