BERKELEY .URARY JNWERS1TY OF CALIFORNIA ^ EARTH SCIENCES LIBRARY EARTH SCIENCES LIFE ON THE EAKTH. KNOWN UNTO GOD ARE ALL HIS WORKS, FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE WORLD. vdvra y&p otfrrw Aios dvdpwTTOt yiyvuffKopev, dXX' tri ToXX4 8YCTSHII @y NA-RIMK UiFIE, Oc s i J M \ E G D \ z \ H 1 1 * 1 M Ce G D I z 1 }j B 1 E M Ce G D z j\ B E M Cc G D i j I ! ! ! i Z Or B M I M Ce D K ' M Ce G I D " rr Z Cr B JK| Ce <- i I "_i J Car Strata Aforwrrvy aria/ Gr. Crustacea Ce G. D LIFE' ON THE EARTH ITS' OKIGIN AND SUCCESSION. JOHN PHILLIPS, M.A. LL.D. F.K.S. LATE PRESIDENT OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, PEOFESSOE OF GEOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF OXFOED. MACMILLAN AND CO. Cambrfoge : AND 23, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN, Honfcon. I860. The right of Translation it reserved. EARTH 8C PRINTED BY C. J. CLAY, M.A. AT THE UNIVERSITY PRESS TO THE HON. AND EEV. LATIMEE NEVILLE, M.A., VICE-CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CAMBRIDGE, THIS VOLUME WHICH CONTAINS THE SUBSTANCE OF THE REDE LECTURE, DELIVERED UNDER HIS AUSPICES IN MAY, 1860, IS BY PERMISSION MOST RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED. PKEFACE. IN the following pages, the three great divisions of Strata, and the three great portions of Geological Time, are termed Palseozoic, Mesozoic, and Cseno- zoic ; these designations having fairly won their way, and being really preferable, while treating of the Succession of Life, to such titles as Primary, Se- condary, and Tertiary, which express something more than the knowledge we actually possess, and some- thing different from the idea we wish to convey. While speaking of the Lower Palseozoic Strata and the beautiful system of Life which they contain a system of the highest importance in the inquiry now on hand I find it convenient to employ the combination of Siluro-Cambrian, or Cambro-Silurian, as the occasion suggests ; and have pleasure in thus commemorating in my phrase the gigantic labours, sometimes independent, sometimes associated, but always successful, by which, first of all men, Mur- chison and Sedgwick laid open for us these deeply- buried monuments of the earliest Life on the Earth. Vlll PEEFACE. Under the title Csenozoic, I wish the reader to comprehend with me not only the Eocene, Meiocene, and Pleiocene of Lyell, but the whole series of Supra- cretaceous deposits; the latest geological age being chiefly distinguishable by the presence and activity of MAN, for whom the Book of the Strata, inscribed with the earlier Wonders of Nature, has been given to be opened with care and deciphered with reverence, by the help of comparison with the living inhabitants of the Land and Sea. OXFOBD, Oct. 1860. CONTENTS. PAGE Essential Conditions of Life 5 Influence of Climate on the Distribution of Life . .11 Influence of Depth on the Distribution of Life jn the Sea . 15 Provinces of Life 18 Types of Life Structure 25 Adaptations of Life Structure 31 System of Life Coeval with Man 45 ^Successive Systems of Life ....... 53 ^Variety of the Forms of Life in Successive Periods . . 59 Origin of Life on the Earth 67 } Earliest Systems of Life 70 - ^Successive Systems of Marine Invertebral Life ... 81 Changes of Marine Animals with Elapsed Time , . .84 Freshwater Life . . 109 Terrestrial Life 115 Antiquity of the Earth 119 Changes of Climate 142 Physical Aspects of the Earth 165 THEORIES AND OPINIONS. Formed Stones 175 Cataclysms 178 All Life derived from the Sea . 180 X CONTENTS. PAGB Germs of Life 182 Strata identified by Organic Remains 187 Development 188 Constancy of Species . . 191 Primitive Types 194 Distinction of Species 196 Natural Selection 200 General Reflections . 204 LIFE ON THE EARTH. MR VICE-CHANCELLOR, THE subject which, by your command, I have the gratification of bringing before the notice of the University of Cambridge, is not offered as new, though, in consequence of being at the present time subjected to that scrutiny which always arises on the production of new evidence, it wears a somewhat novel aspect. For certainly the history of life is a theme which can never have been absent from the mind of a contemplative naturalist. It never can have been absent, because in all the classifications, in all the systems by which we vainly task ourselves to represent the divine idea of nature, we have inva- riably looked for a beginning, a progress, and a pos- sible end. Standing by the stream of life, we have surveyed the variations in its course, and appealed to history and experience, for the data which might guide us to a right view of its incessant fluctuations, and its recurring uniformities. \Ye have thus found all nature, organic and inorganic, to be harmoniously combined in mutual dependence; the worlds of R. L. B ' LIFE ON THE EARTH. ai}ia1oT)oda . 2 4 The classes of Invertebrata are now augmented to eleven : the new classes, all Molluscous, marked by the asterisk, being very poor in species, while the pre- viously existing classes have become much more fertile. The Annelida include both Cephalobranchiate and Dorsibranchiate tribes. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 73 The Crustacea are nearly all Trilobites. Among the Brachiopoda is no Rhynchonella or Terebratula. The single Monomyarian is Ambonychia Triton, from Bird-hill, near Llandeilo, of the family Avicu- lacese. The two Dimyarians are Ctenodonta Isevis and Cucullella Anglica (of the family Arcadse). These two families stand near to one another in the methods of naturalists. Among the characters of this period is the rela- tive prevalence of Pteropod and Polyzoan species, and the absence of Echinodermata, if indeed the Haverfordwest Strata which yield Echinosphserites and Sphseronites, be rightly removed from this formation. The Carnivorous tribes are augmented by the Cephalopoda, which henceforward are found to sus- tain a very important part in the economy of the sea, and in a less degree by the Pteropoda and Hete- ropoda. A third combination may be examined in the Caradoc formation, which indeed is scarcely to be separated from the Llandeilo series, but is much richer in species. *Amorphozoa ... 2 genera 3 species. Zoophyta 11 23 ^Echinodermata.. 8 ..20 74 LIFE ON THE EARTH. Annelida 6 genera 8 species. Crustacea 28 82* Polyzoa 9 27 Brachiopoda ... 12 67 Monomyaria ... 2 ,, 7 Dimyaria 10 31 Gasteropoda ... 10 25 ,, Heteropoda 1 7 ,, Pteropoda 4 ,, 7 Cephalopoda ... 4 ,, 26 Two new classes, Amorphozoa and Echinodermata, appear among the lower groups of the Invertebrata. Crustacea ascend to a great predominance, both in number, variety, and magnitude, still belonging to the same divisions; Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda and Dimyaria grow to be numerous. Thus the aspect of the marine Fauna is greatly altered. Brachiopoda abound, and now Rhynchonella, an existing genus, appears, but without Terebratula, which is also living. Among the Dimyaria, Pleuro- rhynchus is recorded, but Arcadse and Mytilidse are the predominant races, Aviculidse still the only Mo- nomyarian group. Among the Gasteropoda Murchi- sonia prevails. Orthoceras, comparatively rare in Llandeilo rocks, is here abundant. Star-fishes appear among Echinodermata. The series of strata next above is regarded by Murchison as a transitional or intermediate group LIFE ON THE EARTH. 75 between the Caradoc and Wenlock formations, and receives from him the name of Llandoveiy Rocks. Hardly a single genus (Mdulites may perhaps be one exception), but as many as 71 out of 193 species seem to have been found exclusively in these deposits. Plants. Fucoids. Amorphozoa 2 genera 2 species. Zoophyta 14 26 Echinodermata 5 6 Annelida 2 3 ,, Crustacea 11 16 Polyzoa 3 5 Brachiopoda ... 13 69 Monomyaria ... 2 5 Dimyaria 8 13 Gasteropoda ... 13 26 Heteropoda ... 1 6 ,, Pteropoda 3 3 Cephalopoda ... 5 13 We find in the Upper Silurian Strata the system of life unequally represented in the different parts of the series, most full in the Wenlock and Ludlow groups, and reduced almost to nothing in the upper- most beds. In the Wenlock group, which contains the principal calcareous mass of the Silurian Strata, we find : Amorphozoa ... 3 genera 3 species. Zoophyta 29 66 76 LIFE ON THE EARTH. Echinodermata 20 genera 34 species. Annelida 4 6 Crustacea 16 36 Polyzoa 12 25 Brachiopoda ... 17 79 Monomyaria ... 2 12 Dimyaria 7 15 Gasteropoda ... 8 18 Heteropoda 1 3 Pteropoda 2 3 Cephalopoda ... 3 22 The prevalence of Zoophyta is connected with the great abundance of limestone in this Zone, a circumstance less favourable to Crustaceans, though these are still numerous ; all Entomostracous, mostly Trilobites. The Monomyarians are all Aviculoid, the Dimyarians mostly Arcaceee and MytilacesG. In the Ludlow Zone which follows, we have to remark a general analogy to the Caradoc deposits, both being for the most part arenaceous and muddy deposits, with only partial expansions of the calca- reous element. Hence fewer Zoophyta and Echino- dermata, more Monomyaria and Dimyaria, these bi- valves being still of the same natural families. In the uppermost layer Land-plants and Fishes appear for the first time in the History of Life. Plants probably terrestrial 1 genus 1 species. marine... 2 genera 5 Amorphozoa (none) LIFE ON THE EARTH. 77 Zoophyta 8 genera 10 species. Echinodermata ... 11 17 Annelida 6 8 Crustacea 15 39 Polyzoa 1 1 Brachiopoda 10 30 Monomyaria 2 17 Dimyaria 10 41 ,, Gasteropoda 10 27 Heteropoda 1 4 Pteropoda 3 4 Cephalopoda 5 30 ! Fishes 5 7 The decline of the whole series is very marked in the Passage-beds, which yield only the following meagre list. Plants probably terrestrial Lycopodiaceae ? Crustacea ... 5 genera 11 species. Brachiopoda... 1 1 Gasteropoda... 1 1 ! Fishes 5 7 Of the few species here noted, three Fishes, the two Mollusks, and six of the Crustacea, are also found in the upper Ludlow beds, of which indeed these are merely the capping. This decline of the Silurian species may be compared with the dawn of the series in the Lingula Zone ; the analogy of con- ditions is maintained by the Crustacea and Brachio- 78 LIFE ON THE EARTH. poda, but difference of time is marked by Gastero- poda and Fishes. From the data thus collected we may compile one general table representing the numerical preva- lence in time of each of the classes of Marine Inver- tebrata in the Lower Palaeozoic Strata as at present known. o j 4 | 3 , 4 | , | 1 s f 3 y, M "o g S 1 o ^ i 2 0* 5 1 I ! 1 | i M 1 S 1 1 1 JL ,, 1 1 Ludlow 1 10 17 18 39 i 30 17 41 27 4 4 30 Wenlock 3 66 34 6 36 25 79 12 15 18 3 3 22 Llandovery ... 2 26 6 3 16 5 69 5 13 26 6 3 13 Caradoc 3 __ 23 20 8 82 27 67 7 31 25 7 7 26 Llandeilo 4 7 34 22 18 1 2 3 2 6 4 Lingula _ -.. . V,? 2 11 1 By inspection of this table it appears that the earliest system of marine life contained a few exam- ples of five great classes; viz. Zoophyta, Annelida, Crustacea, Polyzoa, Brachiopoda. In the next period all the ordinary classes of Mollusca are added, in small numbers. In the third period, Echinodermata appear, and perhaps Amorphozoa, for this seems, to me at least, still somewhat doubtful. Thus excepting Cirripedia which up to this time LIFE ON THE EAETH. 79 have not been certainly recognized, all the important classes of Marine Invertebrata are traced into the Lower Paleozoic Strata, beginning in each case with few species and very few genera. The progress of the several classes is very unequal. Crustacea, rela- tively abundant in every stage, reach a maximum in the third period. Brachiopoda, also a very abundant group, reach the maximum in the fifth period with Zoophyta and Echinodermata, while the Monomyaria, Dimyaria, Gasteropoda, and Cephalopoda increase, though not uniformly, upwards to the sixth period. The seventh period is everywhere marked by a zone of sterility, the local extinction of most of the classes, and the introduction of a new order of sediments, brought by a new set of watery currents. Arranging the classes according to their priority of appearance, including Fishes, and giving to each in the successive strata a space proportioned to the number of species, we construct the scheme of proportionate life for the Lower Palaeozoic Strata, represented in Fig. 5. 80 LIFE ON THE EARTH. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 81 SUCCESSIVE SYSTEMS OF MARINE IN VERTEBRAL LIFE. The system of life thus constituted in the seas of the most ancient period so far resembles the system now established in modern oceans as to contain the same classes with similar functions and dependen- cies. But there are great differences in the relative proportions of the classes, and of the tribes which are included in them. And these differences are to a certain extent dependent on the elapsed time; classes at first very small have grown very large, others once predominant have been greatly dimi- nished. To make this evident it will be useful to give up the mere enumeration of species in each class, and to adopt as a basis of representation the proportions in which the classes stand to each other in each period. This can be easily done by equating the sum of the species in each period to 1000, and the number of species in each class to its proportion of the whole. Choosing for this purpose eight principal classes or assemblages, and tracing their relative proportions in successive periods, we arrive at the result represented in the parallelogram, Fig. 6. In this representation of the relative proportions of the several classes in successive geological periods, R. L. G 82 LIFE ON THE EARTH. the arrangement is purposely made to shew by the blue tint those classes which suffer diminution with time, and by the red tint those which from small beginnings grow to great preponderance, while the yellow tint is assigned to classes which scarcely ap- pear in the early period, but swell out in the middle of the scale so as to equal or overmatch either of the other classes Thus appears in a striking light the great difference between the systems of oceanic life in earlier and later periods, the nature of this difference, and something of the method of varia- tion which binds the whole into one plan, and con- nects the dawn of created life with this our breathing world. In all the great periods the numerically prevalent life among the Invertebrata of the Sea appears in the Molluscous division 1 . In the three grand periods the order of preva- lence is thus found. Caenozoic Period . . . Gasteropoda, Dimyaria, Monomyaria, Echinodermata, Zoophyta, Crustacea, Cephalopoda, Brachiopoda. Mesozoic Period ... Dimyaria, Cephalopoda, Gasteropoda, Monomyaria, Echinodermata, Brachio- poda, Zoophyta, Crustacea. 1 Only in the very earliest zone, Crustacea appear to predomi- nate over Brachiopoda. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 83 Palaeozoic Period ... Brachwpodu, Gasteropoda, Zoophyta, Dimyaria, Cephalopoda, Echinodermata, Crustacea, Monomyaria. Taken in the order of their total numerical su- periority, the classes range thus : Caenozoic. Mesozoic. Palaeozoic. Total. Gasteropoda 662+ 389 401 1452 Dimyaria 394 499+ 342 1235 Brachiopoda 8 165 632+ 805 Cephalopoda 12 396+ 336 744 Monomyaria 63 308+ 196 567 Echinodermata ... 41 245+ 225 511 Zoophyta 27 103 379+ 509 Crustacea 15 65 218+ 298 The sign + is placed to the maximum number in each class, shewing that the maximum is attained in the Caenozoic Period, by Gasteropoda. Mesozoic Period, by Dimyaria, Cephalopoda, Monomyaria, Echinodermata. Palaeozoic Period, by Brachiopoda, Zoophyta, Crustacea. These results afford but slight encouragement to the speculation of the inferiority of the earlier and superiority of the later systems, and of continual progress upward in the organization of animals. In proportion to the elapsed time the changes make progress, but these changes are not always in the sense of uninterrupted advance from inferior to superior forms. G2 84 LIFE ON THE EARTH. For example, Cephalopoda, by universal consent, stand at the head of the Molluscous kingdom of animals; but their origin is of the same date as that of the Mollusca generally : they rapidly rise to importance, but pass the maximum in the Mesozoic period, and are now but a small and scattered part of the inhabitants of the sea, enormously outnumbered by the inferior races of Gasteropoda and Dimyaria. Thus, starting from an equal basis, the superior class has lost in the 'struggle for existence.' But we must examine this subject on other occasions, after gathering additional data. CHANGES IN MARINE ANIMALS WITH ELAPSED TIME. The principal classes of marine fossil Invertebrata have now been traced from what seems to be their origin, to or beyond the epoch of their greatest prevalence. We have, in fact, taken the census of our marine inhabitants at several periods. It re- mains to examine them with reference to their structure and grade of organization in these periods ; to compare, for instance, the Crustacea and Mollusca of one period with those of another, and thus to learn the amount of variation in this respect from period to period, and what is the method of varia- tion. We may include in this inquiry Fishes, which LIFE ON THE EARTH. 85 to the extent of 736 species have been recorded in the British strata, Marine Reptiles, which are less numerous, and Cetacea, which are rare. Amorphozoa offer in this respect little for remark. Belonging to the lowest grade of animal organiza- tion by some naturalists of eminence counted among plants Sponges are nowhere very abundant except in the Cretaceous Strata, where some forms occur much like existing tribes, and similarly furnished with siliceous spicula, and in some cases with a net- work of anastomozing fibres. Foraminifera. These minute cellular structures occur perhaps in most of the limestones and clays, but at present the greater number are quoted from the Upper Mesozoic and Csenozoic Strata. In ge- neral they correspond much and even remarkably to existing kinds. Some fossil groups, extremely vari- able in form, appear quite undistinguishable from recent examples; so that by this tribe of animals there appears a continuity of some specific forms from Mesozoic through Csenozoic to recent times 1 . Zoophyta. The fossil groups are principally of the kinds which secrete the stony support known as Coral, and belong to the division of Zoantharia. With hardly an exception (Gorgonia?) the numerous 1 Carpenter, Proc. of Roy. Soc. 185560. Jones and Parker, Journal of the Geological Society of London, 1860. 86 LIFE ON THE EARTH. genera of the Palaeozoic systems belong to this divi- sion; the same is true for the Mesozoic series; and even in the Caenozoie strata Alcyonoid Zoophyta are rare. Here, then, is one great order of Zoophyta continuous through the whole series. The genera change with the successive deposits, but there is one remarkable law of structure which is characteristic of period. The radiating plates of the Coral are in a young state pretty regular in number and in the mode of division. In all the Palaeozoic Strata the primary or principal plates are four, or some multiple of four; in all the Mesozoic and Caenozoic Strata they are six, or some multiple of six. This striking generalization, due to Milne Edwards and the late Jules Haime, is thought to be subject to no more than solitary exceptions. It suggests the reflec- tion that the persistence of characters which we observe in modern living nature was quite as re- markable in ancient organizations, and throws a heavy weight into the scale against the doctrine of the later forms of life being derived from earlier types, through natural variations integrated by time. Echinodermata. Six fossil groups represent this beautiful class of animals, viz. Crinoidea, Blastoidea, Cystoidea, Ophiuroidea, Asteroidea, Echinoidea. Of these, two are only known fossil (Blastoidea and Cystoidea), and they belong to the Palaeozoic Strata. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 87 Crinoidea are very rare in a living state, Echinoidea plentiful. Now 29 species of Crinoidea occur in the Lower Palaeozoic, 15 in Middle Palaeozoic, and 105 in Upper Palaeozoic Strata. After this they grow com- paratively rare, though still 29 species occur in Me- sozoic Strata, and 5 in the Caenozoic series. One recent species ! On the other hand, Echinoidea are represented in the Palaeozoic series by 12 species, in the Mesozoic by 173, and in the Caenozoic by 25. All the Echinoidea of the Palaeozoic series belong to the regular division, with the openings of the alimentary canal opposite (E. endocyclida). The same group occurs in the Mesozoic Series, but in ad- dition we have a second equally large group with these openings not opposite (E. exocyclida), and this is continued in the modern ocean. The Echinoidea of the Palaeozoic Series have such peculiarities in the series of plates and pores as to claim to be enrolled in separate families (Pa- laechinidae and Archaeocidaridae), or even to consti- tute an order (Perischoechinoidea) equal to that of the Echinoidea. The contrasts which have thus been stated be- tween the Palaeozoic and later forms of Radiated Animals may be represented in the following tabular view; where the word Neozoic is used to include Mesozoic and Caenozoic ages. 88 LIFE ON THE EARTH. OQ -2 O* Q c P3 m EH -, ' ^ pq IS .JN O W EH w m Q a o O 5 g 3 LIFE ON THE EARTH. 89 Annelida. In the modern seas we find two great groups, Cephalobranchiate and Dorsibranchiate An- nelida. The same two orders exist in the Lower Palaeozoic Strata, sometimes containing species of very large dimensions, and they seem to have been, as now, mostly prevalent on muddy shores. Cirripedia These beautiful animals are not re- cognized in Palaeozoic Strata. Crustacea. Dividing them into two groups we find one (Entomostraca) extremely prevalent in the Palaeozoic periods; the other (Malacostraca) not yet certainly discovered therein. Among the Entomostraca the large groups of Trilobitidae and Eurypteridae are peculiar to the Palaeozoic ages. The relations to time which thus appear among the Articulata are represented in the following Table. 90 LIFE ON THE EARTH. 3 o I 11 II ^ a p-^ V2 * o -fi II Polyzoa, or Bryozoa. These abnormal, often compound mollusks, in their mode of growth and membranous or stony parts much resembling Zoo- phyta, occur in all the groups of Strata, and except- ing Reteporidse, which are almost confined to Palseo- LIFE ON THE EARTH. 91 zoic Strata, their families are pretty equally dif- fused. Tunicata, another somewhat less abnormal group, not covered by shell, is not recognized in a fossil state. Brachiopoda abound in the Strata, and are scat- tered through the modern Seas in somewhat greater numbers than was formerly supposed, when dredging at considerable depths was not practised. They are rare in the Csenozoic Strata. Of nearly forty genera and subgenera upwards of twenty appear limited to the Palaeozoic Series ; only two are mentioned among the Csenozoic fossils of Britain; but twelve at least occur in various modern oceans. The families of Spiriferidse, Orthidse, and Productidse are confined to the Palaeozoic Strata; Terebratulidse, Rhyncho- nellidse, Craniadse, Discinidse, and Lingulidse may be regarded as of all periods ; Lingula, Discina, Crania, Rhynchonella, Thecidium, Argiope, Terebratella, Waldheimia, Terebratulina, Terebratula, are both fossil and recent. Of these, Terebratula, Rhyncho- nella, Crania, Discina, Lingula, pass through all the great periods of Geology and still exist, with pecu- liarities of structure and association very like those which belonged to them in the earliest periods. For example, the Lingulse of every age always shew almost exactly equal, delicate, depressed, nearly 92 LIFE ON THE EARTH. smooth or slightly striated valves, accuminated at the beaks. The shells of Terebratulse of every age ma- nifest the beautiful punctation to which Dr Carpen- ter called attention, and are usually smooth; while, in marked contrast with its associate through the immensity of time, Rhynchonella is deficient of this punctation, and is commonly ridged in radiating folds. If we place before us a series of Lingulse accord- ing to their antiquity, and include the recent species, we remark the absence of the genus from the British Tertiaries, and the abundance of it in Palaeozoic ages, the greater comparative breadth of some of the older species (Lingula Davisii, L. granulata), the more elliptical contour of particular examples (L. elliptica from the Carboniferous rocks, L. Beanii from the Inferior Oolite), but upon the whole a uni- formity from one end of the series to the other, which suggests very strongly the idea of very narrow limits imposed on the tendency to variety in this genus of mollusks. If we take in like manner a series of Terebratulse, such as T. hastata, from the oldest known forms in Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, T. elongata of the Permian, T. punctata of the Lias, T. ornitho- cephala of the Inferior Oolite and Fullers' Earth Rocks, and T. digona of the Great Oolite, or another LIFE ON THE EARTH. 93 series such as T. sacculus of the Carboniferous, T. sufflata of the Permian, T. perovalis of the Fullers' Earth, T. intermedia of the Cornbrash, T. biplicata of the Green Sand, T. semiglobosa of the Chalk, T. grandis of the Crag, and T. vitrea of the existing ocean, illustrate each largely by examples with sinu- ated or even margins, more or less prominent beaks, greater or smaller foramina, we shall be amazed at the small amount of real diiferences which divide these species so far how very far! removed from one another in order of time. If we try on a min- gled series of Terebratulse of all ages the sharpest powers of our differentiating naturalists, the same result may happen to them as has happened to older palaeontologists, to confound species differing in age from the Devonian Limestones to the Upper Green Sand; from the Chalk to the Bath Oolite; from the Lias to the Mountain Limestone. Little difference appears between T. striata of the Chalk and T. caput serpentis of the Sea, nor is T. fimbria of the Inferior Oolite very unlike the recent T. Australis. If we choose among Rhynchonellse a series such as R. decemplicata, Silurian ; R. anisodenta, Devonian ; R. pleurodon, Carboniferous ; R. variabilis, Lias ; R. tetrae- dra, Marlstone j R. media, Fullers' Earth ; R. obsoleta, Great Oolite; R. inconstans, Kimmeridge Clay; or compare 94 LIFE ON THE EARTH. R. Wilsoni of the Silurians; R concinna of the Oolite; R. octoplicata of the Chalk ; with R. psittacea of the Nor- wegian Seas ; we shall perceive how very small is the amount of change which all the lapse of time has witnessed in the forms of what seem to be among the most varia- ble as well as the most numerous of fossil shells. Rudista are not known below the Cretaceous Series. Monomyaria. Classing these in four great fa- milies, Aviculidee, Pectinidse, Limidse, and Ostreidse, which are all found both fossil and recent, we remark in the first place the constancy of the general charac- ters of each. Thus Ostreidse shew always rudely laminated shells ; PectinidsB and limidse are nearly equivalvular, neat, and radiated; the former nearly equilateral, the latter more oblique ; but in this respect yielding to the Aviculidae, which are more frequently smooth externally, and pearly within, and have very unequal valves. No true oysters occur below the Mesozoic strata. Pecten and Lima are not known below the Carboniferous Limestone ; Avi- culidoe belong to every geological age. Dimyaria. Two great divisions constitute this large group of shells. To the Asiphonida, which ap- proach nearest to Monomyaria, and include three marine groups, Mytilidse, Arcadse, Trigoniadse, and one LIFE ON THE EARTH. 95 freshwater group, Unionidse, belong nearly all the equivalved bivalves of the Lower Palaeozoic, and the larger portion of those found in the Upper Palaeozoic formations. They are numerous in the later strata, and excepting Trigoniadae still remain so. The larger group of Siphonida begins to be plentiful in the Oolitic and Cretaceous rocks, and is much more abundant in the tertiary strata and existing oceans. Two conspicuous fossil genera, Trigonia and Pho- ladomya, are represented by one living species to each. The former is confined in a fossil state to Mesozoic Strata, and in a recent state to the Austra- lian shore ; the latter, a constant companion in Mesozoic Strata, is found also in the Eocene beds, and has been discovered living off the Island of Tortosa. The recent species is in each case judged to be distinct from the fossils. What strong affinities, however, obtain in each case between the fossil and the living races will appear by attending to the form, surface ornament, commissure of valves, hinge, um- bones, and muscular impressions. Pholadomya in every age preserves a striking con- formity of characters radiating ribs on a part of the surfaces, usually swollen at intervals by pro- minent laminae of growth, a thin tumid oblong shell, prominent beaks, gaping posterior end, ob- scure hinge-teeth. The recent species differs but 96 LIFE ON THE EARTH. slightly from fossils which might be selected from the Oolites. Trigonia exhibits more diversity of form and or- nament, but preserves the essential characters ; a thick shell, ribbed or tuberculated with beaks bend- ing toward the posterior side, which is angular, and bears a prominent ligament often preserved in the fossils. Internally the shell is nacreous, with deep muscular impressions; the hinge-teeth are strong, radiating, and transversely striated. If we place in the order of their existence the following species of Trigonia, we shall perceive at once the general affinity and the special diversity which runs through this genus. The recent species is the only one with ridges radiating from the beak over all the surface. Recent Trig, pectinata. Chalk T. sulcata. Cretaceous T. dsedalea. )T. clavellata. T. costata. T. striafca. Lias T. literata. Pteropoda. These floating mollusks are few in the stratified deposits of every age ; more frequent in the sea. Conularia, Theca, and Pterotheca, belong to the Palaeozoic Strata ; Hyalsea, Cleodora, and Cuvieria, are both recent and tertiary. LIFE OX THE EARTH. 97 Heteropoda. The symmetrically convolute Belle- rophon, and its allies Cyrtolites and Porcellia, are confined to Palaeozoic Strata. The recent Carinarise are represented by one tertiary Italian fossil. Gasteropoda. The marine kinds all breathing by gills and freely swimming in their embryonic state by help of two ciliated fins, retractile with the body into a convolute shell grow by constant laws of development into shells of various forms, usually spiral, though examples occur in which this character is insensible (e. g. Patella). The most numerous order both in the recent and fossil state receives the title of Prosobranchiata, from the anterior position of the gills. This character cannot be recognized in fossils, but the forms of the shells are always sufficient to identify the order. It may be divided into two sub- orders : Holostomata with entire aperture to the shell, Siphonostomata with the aperture notched or canaliculate. The former are for the most part feeders on vegetables, the latter, for the most part carnivorous. The late Mr Dillwyn remarked the prevalence of the siphonostomatous shells in the Ter- tiary Strata, and the extreme rarity of them in older strata. This curious generalization is found to be of much importance in general views regarding the succession of Molluscous life. No siphonostomatous shell has yet been found R. L. H 98 LIFE ON THE EARTH. in the Palaeozoic Strata. If we place the Mesozoic fossil shells, formerly called Rostellaria (now Alaria), and Cerithium, in the holostomatous division as Morris and Woodward dothere will remain but few exceptions to the rule that the Palaeozoic and Meso- zoic Gasteropoda belong to the herbivorous division. Euomphalus and Murchisonia are Palaeozoic; Alaria and Nerinsea, Mesozoic. The function of the Carnivora was in the earliest of these periods principally exer- cised by Cephalopoda ; in the later period Fishes and Reptiles were effective as allies, or opponents. Cephalopoda, among the most abundant as well as highest in organization of all the fossil mollusca, are much less numerous in the modern than they were in the older periods. If we class them by the organs usually called arms or feet, as Octopod, Deca- pod, and Polypod, we find no trace of the first in the Strata of the British Isles, though Argonauta is fossil in the Italian Tertiaries. Decapod fossil genera more or less allied to the recent Loligo, which includes a long horny pen ; to the recent Sepia, which contains a broad calcareous plate, thickly fibrous in front, con- cave behind, and ending in a solid apex ; and to the fossil Belemnite, which is of a long conical figure, concave and chambered in front, fibrous behind, and sometimes mucronated. These are all absent from the Palaeozoic Strata, and Belemnites, by far the LIFE ON THE EARTH. 99 most numerous group, are peculiar to the Oolitic and Cretaceous formations. The recent genera have an ink-bag containing black pigment; this organ is recognized in several of the fossil races, filled with the fossil ink, which retains its good colour, and has been successfully employed in drawings. The Polypod genera were (unlike all those pre- viously mentioned except Argonauta) protected by an external shell ; in these it was concamerated, the chambers formed by transverse plates which were pierced by a pipe opening to the last or outer cham- ber, into which the whole or principal part of the animal could be retracted. It is usual to rank them in three families Ortho- ceratidae, Nautilidae, Ammonitidse. Of these, the first did not pass 1 the Palaeozoic period ; Ammonitidse did not pass the Mesozoic period ; but Nautilidae, which began in the earliest ages, lived in all the subsequent seas, and still adorn, though not plentifully, the modern ocean. Among the Nautilidae, however, Cly- menia ceased before the close of the Palaeozoic age. The geological range of the Ammonitidae is still more 1 Unless in the single case of the Triassic beds of Saint Cassian, which contain what seem to be Orthoceratites, and also very pecu- liar Ammonitidse having the numerous gradually diminishing lobes of Ceratites, with the highly ramified sutures of the Oolitic Ammonites. II 2 100 LIFE ON THE EARTH. curious, for the earliest group, Goniatites, ceases with the upper Palaeozoic Strata; Ceratites occurs* in Muschelkalk, but does not enter the Lias ; Ammonites begins at some height in the Lias, and dies out before reaching the upper Chalk, being accompanied in decline by Hamites, Scaphites, Turrilites and Baculites. These distributions appear in the follow- ing Table. Ammonites sublsevis, t Ceratites nodosus. f Goniatites striatus. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 101 Recent. 102 LIFE ON THE EARTH. Having so limited a total range in time, but . including some hundreds of well-marked specific ; for, ws, a^d bejng widely diffused in geographical space, Ammonites furnish to the Palaeontologist admirable data for fixing the chronological succession of the secondary strata, in cases when these strata are not continuously traceable. Taking some well-known forms, including Ceratites, and placing them in the order of their superposition, we obtain the following series of geological epochs in the great Mesozoic Period. No Ammonites or Ceratites or Goniatites in Caenozoic Strata. f Amm.Rhotomagensis Lower Chalk. A. varians Upper Green Sand. Cretaceous Period { lu A. auritus Gault. [A. Deshaysii Lower Green Sand. UpperOolitio Age ( A ' ^ ntens Portland Oolite. \ A. biplex Kimmendge Clay. ( A. vertebralis . . . .Oxford Oolite.and below. Middle Oolitic Age I. _ .. ' . \ A. calloviensis Kelloways Rock. A. macrocephalus Cornbrash, and below. A. gracilis Great Oolite. A. Parkinsoni Inf. Oolite upper part. A. Humphreysianus ...Inf.Oolite middle part. A. Murchisonae Inf. Oolite lower part. 83 II Lower Oolitic Age P A. Jurensis Sand. {A. bifrons Upper Lias. A. Conybeari Lias Limestone. A. planorbis Lowest Lias. Triassic Period Ceratites nodosus Muschelkalk. No Ammonites or Ceratites in the Palaeozoic Strata. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 103 Fishes commencing, as already stated, in the upper Silurian Strata, become from that point highly important in geological history more important than even their numerous remains at first seem to indicate ; for though teeth, scales, and fin-rays of these animals are not scarce in the strata, these, the most conservable of the hard parts of fishes, are scattered irregularly, and, until studied after the method of Agassiz, give but slight information. Under the hands of this great naturalist and his disciples, Egerton and Enniskillen, we have seen the history of fossil fishes grow to em- brace many hundreds of distinct forms, very interesting in physiology, always very valuable in geological rea- soning. The method of Agassiz is no doubt in some degree conventional, and specially framed for the study of fossils, yet the characters derived from the dermal covering are always of high value in the classification of the vertebrata, and specially influential in fishes. Two great orders of fishes have enamelled scales e. g. Placoid and Ganoid Fishes the latter have ena- mel externally, bone internally for each scale, and the scales so closely packed as to constitute a real dermo-skeleton. These orders occur in all the strata above the Silurians, and still exist : they are the only orders which occur in the Palaeozoic rocks ; in the existing ocean and in the Tertiary Strata they are comparatively the least abundant. 104 LIFE ON THE EARTH. Two other orders have horny scales, neither bony nor enamelled viz. Cycloid and Ctenoid Fishes; and these, beginning their courses with the Mesozoic Strata, constitute by far the largest portion of the existing race of fishes. Here again we perceive the strong contrast between the Palaeozoic and Neozoic inhabitants. Existing marine Fishes have tails formed on different models, as the forked tail of the Salmon, the rounded tail of the Wrasse, the elongate pointed tail of the Conger, arid the unequally lobed tail of the Shark. The three former tails may be called regular or symmetrical, the latter unsymmetrical ; or if we please, the fishes possessing the former may be called Homocercal, while the latter may be called Hetero- cercal. In existing nature the Homocercal fishes are by far the most numerous; they are plentiful in Caenozoic and Mesozoic Strata, but they are unknown in the Palaeozoic rocks, where Heterocercal fishes alone occur. This is the more remarkable because both in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic rocks Ganoid fishes abound ; still Palaeozoic races are all hetero- cercal, Mesozoic are mostly homocercal. In all pe- riods Placoid fishes were heterocercal. The group of Placoid Fishes is the only one which has existed through all geological periods to the present day ; it includes a large range and gra- LIFE'ON THE EARTH. 105 dation of structure, so that while some races may probably be regarded as of the highest type in the class, others (if we include Myxine) can only just claim to be vertebrata. The fossil races belong gene- rally to the higher types. The skeleton being cartila- ginous or mainly so, it often happens that the verte- bral column is not preserved : indeed very frequently only a few scattered teeth and fin-rays remain to attest the existence and magnitude of these ancient mostly shark-like creatures. Singular to say, one group of these fishes, represented in a living state by one Australian species (Cestracion Philippi), has been traced through all these periods (except Cseno- zoic) by its teeth and fin-rays, abounding in Palaeozoic and Mesozoic ages; while, on the other hand, the ordinary sharks of the modern seas are represented in the Tertiary strata plentifully, in the Mesozoic sparingly, in the Palaeozoic not at all. The Cestra- ciontidee have, besides pointed teeth in front, some very large and broad behind, not pointed but suited for crushing and grinding hard and solid substances, such as shell-covered Mollusca, Crustacea, Echino- dermata, or even Ganoid fishes 1 . Reptilia according to Owen 2 may be arranged in thirteen orders, of which five, viz. i. Batrachia (Frogs), 1 Buckland, Br. Tr. PI. 41. 2 Reports of British Association, 1859. 106 LIFE ON THE EARTH. II. Chelonida (Turtles), in. Ophidia (Snakes), iv. La- certilia (Lizards), and v. Crocodilia (Crocodiles), are both recent and fossil ; and eight, viz. vi. Deinosauria, vir. Thecodontia, vm. Pterosauria, ix. Anomodontia, x. Sauropterygia, xi. Ichthyopterygia, xn. Labyrinth- odontia, xm. Ganocephala are only found in a fossil state. Among the marine tribes are some of the Chelonida, all the fossil Ichthyopterygia, Sauropte- rygia, some of the Crocodilia and Lacertilia, possi- bly the Thecodontia 1 , omitting the Chelonida. They stand in the following order of time : Mososaurus Chalk. Leiodon Chalk. Pleiosaurus Kimmeridge Clay. Cetiosaurus Great Oolite and upwards to Wealden. Teleosaurus Lias and upwards to Chalk. Ichthyosaurus Lias and upwards to Chalk. Plesiosaurus Bone Bed, Aust, and upwards to Chalk. Stagonolepis 2 Triassic Sandstone of Elgin. Thecodontosaurus. Conglomerate, Bristol. It will be seen hereafter that Terrestrial and Freshwater Reptilia appear to be of higher antiquity than the marine tribes yet discovered. Remains of Chelonida appear to be about of the same antiquity as the marine Saurians; they occur in the Red 1 The fossil Crocodilia may perhaps have visited rivers and the land ; their legs might allow of this, and their feet are not unsuitable. 2 Huxley, Geol Soc. Journal, 1859. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 107 Sandstone of Lochmaben in Dumfriesshire, with va- rious undetermined Ichnites. Cetacea appear to be totally absent from any of the deposits older than the Tertiary Strata, a cir- cumstance more remarkable since the discovery of terrestrial Mammalia in the Oolitic Strata of Pur- beck and Stonesfield, and the Bone-bed of Wiirtem- berg. The Crag of Suffolk (Pleiocene) is the oldest tertiary deposit in our Islands containing Cetacea. In no district of Europe do they reach downward even to the earliest series of Tertiary Strata. Above this D'Orbigny counts four genera in the Parisian, seven in the Falunian, five in the sub-Apennine strata fifteen, the maximum, in the modern seas. In a general point of view, the Cetacea, Great Reptiles, and Great Fishes, Csenozoic Cetacea, Mesozoic Palaeozoic Great Reptiles, Placoid and Ganoid Fishes, may be regarded as successively the dominant races of the Sea, the Cetacea taking up the functions which had been exercised by the Enaliosaurians. The earlier races of Cestraciont Fishes, with their crushing teeth, may be thought very well suited to such food as the shelly Mollusca, the strongly- walled Encrinites, and the cuirassed Crustacea of the early periods might furnish; and when their 108 LIFE ON THE EARTH. influence declined in the Tertiary Seas, the skates and rays, furnished with a suitable pavement of teeth, may be supposed to have assumed some of their duties. I ERESHWATEK LIFE. The stratified rocks on which we base the general scale of elapsed time being marine, and the occur- rence of freshwater deposits among such being ne- cessarily limited, it is not surprising that our history of freshwater life is marked by many lacunae. Rather may we be surprised that the nature of the movements of the earth in ancient times was such that marine deposits were covered by lakes, or estu- aries, at several epochs, and sometimes for long periods of time. In the following brief catalogue, suited to the British Isles, we find what may be termed Freshwater zones in all the great systems of Strata. LIFE ON THE EARTH. 109 Postglacial shelly marls, &c. Preglacial shelly marls, &c. Csenozoic Period.. Alternating freshwater and marine Strata of the Isle of Wight. Mesozoic Period . . . The deposits of the Weald of Sussex. The deposits of Whitbyand Scarborough. Palaeozoic Period ... The Coal-formation. The Upper part of the Old Bed Sand- stone of Ireland. And besides, there are several cases of the inter- mixture of land-plants and insects and sea-shells, only to be explained by the flowing of currents from the land, as at Stonesfield, Westbury Cliff, &c. The forms of life in the Fresh waters of the Earth differ from those in the Sea in all cases; but the difference can seldom be traced to any physiological necessity, arising from the difference of the fluids. Amorphozoa, Zoophyta, Mollusca, Annelida, Crustacea, Fishes, Reptiles and Mammalia, occur in both, under shapes not indeed identical, but fashioned on the same general models. The salmon migrates from one water to the other, and experiments appear to shew that by long continuance of favourable circum- stances other fishes and some Mollusca might be made to exchange elements, or to subsist for a time in brackish water, a fluid of intermediate character. But, on a large scale, the provisions of nature keep 110 LIFE ON THE EARTH. separate the denizens of lakes and rivers from those of the lagoons, bays, and currents of the sea. This fact, which is observed in all countries, is connected with another of much significance, the comparative fewness of the freshwater races, and their great affinity over large tracts of the earth. Unionidse and Cycladeo are the prevailing family of Dimyarian Mollusks ; Paludinadse and Limnseadee, reinforced by Ancylus, Melania, Neritina, &c. the most frequent of Gasteropoda. How these fresh- water genera have been so widely diffused as in fact we find them ; how some particular species have be- come common to so many rivers and lakes, are ques- tions of much interest. For as neither the animals nor their ova could pass through the salt water, and retain vitality, we must ascribe to changes in physical geography and the accidents of mixed oc- cupation of a country, the transference from one river to another, of the germs of life ; or regard the existing fresh waters, now unconnected, as formerly somehow connected; or suppose a creation of the same species or the same genera at many separate points. Rejecting this last, we may venture to prefer, as a general explanation, the transfer of the germs of life by natural events, specially by birds carrying spawn from one river to another, even as now we are transferring by experimental means the Crawfish, LIFE ON THE EARTH. Ill the Trout, and other valued creatures, to rivers which have never yet been visited by them. The results arrived at by tracing some of the successive groups of freshwater life, from the earliest date to their eventual distribution, are veiy instruc- tive in regard to what may, with reference to human ideas, be termed the Theory of Creation. Taking first the molluscous classes and remembering that Brachiopoda ahd Monomyaria are absent from fresh waters, we may fix our attention on the Dimyarian family of UnionidaB and Cycladse. They occur fossil according to the following scale: Caenozoic^-Unio, and Cyclas, not very plentiful, with Gas- teropoda and land-plants. Mesozoic Wealden Unio and Cyclas, with Cyprides and Gasteropoda and land- plants. Purbeck Unio and Cyclas, with Cyprides and Gasteropoda and land-plants (Cycadacese). Yorkshire Oolitic. Unio not common, with land- plants (Cycadacese, &c.) Palaeozoic Coal-formations. Unio, several species, common, with land-plants, Lepidoden- dron, &c. Cyprides, v, how is this beneficent personification to be sepa- rated from an ever watchful providence ; which once brought into view sheds a new light over the whole picture of causes and effects? It may be thought that, while professing to keep to the old and safe method of reasoning on known causes and ascertained effects, we deviate from this principle in regard to the origin of life, and introduce an unknown cause for phenomena not understood, by calling to our aid an act of 'creation.' Be it so, let the word stand for a con- fession of our ignorance of the way in which the governing mind has in this case acted upon matter; we are equally ignorant in every other instance which brings us face to face with the idea of forces not manifested in acts. We see the stream of life flowing onward in a determined course, in harmony with the recognized forces of nature, and yielding a great amount of enjoyment, and a wonderful di- versity of beautiful and instructive phenomena, in which MIND speaks to mind. Life through many LIFE ON THE EARTH. 217 long periods has been manifested in a countless host of varying structures, all circumscribed by one general plan, each appointed to a definite place, and limited to an appointed duration. On the whole the earth has been thus more and more covered by the associated life of plants and animals, filling all ha- bitable space with beings capable of enjoying their own existence or ministering to the enjoyment of others; till finally, after long preparation, a 'being was created capable of the wonderful power of mea- suring and weighing all the world of matter and space which surrounds him, of treasuring up the past history of all the forms of life, and of consi- dering his own relation to the whole. When he surveys this vast and co-ordinated system, and in- quires into its history and origin, can he be at a loss to decide whether it be a work of Divine thought and wisdom, or the fortunate offspring of a few atoms of matter, warmed by the anima mundi, a spark of electricity, or an accidental ray of sunshine INDEX. Acorus calamus, 20. Acrogens, 27. Actinia, 32. Agassiz on constancy of specific forms, 193. Aire, Yorkshire river, 48. Algae, 27. Alisma plantago, 20. American Flora, richness of, 13. Amiens and Abbeville, flint instru- ments found at, 48. Ammonites sublsevis, 100. distribution of, 102. Amorphozoa, 85. Animals collected in four great groups, 27. Annelida, 89. Anomia, 32. Anonaceae, 145. Anstice, Mr, discoveries at Coalbrook Dale, 116. Antiquity of the Earth, 119. Aptenodytes, propulsive organs of,35. Araceae, 27. Araucariae, 144. Aristotle's classification of Nature, 25. Articulata, 27 ; jointed feet, 33. Astacidae distinct from Palinurus, 35. Asterophyllites, 144. Atmosphere supplies gaseous ele- ments, 6; changes of, 163. Australian Life compared to the Stonesfield Fossils, 171. Axis of earth, change of, 160. B. Barrande, species of fossils detected in Bohemia, 71. Bat,affinity of the, 30 ; hooked finger, 43. Birds, Struthious, 23; fossil, 118. Boring into solid substances by ani- mals, 36. Brachiopoda, 23, 91. Bray Fossils, 70. Brodie, Fossil Insects, 117. Brongniart on carboniferous Flora, 7. Bryozoa, 29. Buffon on the germs of life, 182. Butomus umbellatus, 20. C. Cacteacea?, 144. Cambro- Silurian Life, 212214. Caradoc formation, 73. Carnivora in relation to Herbivora, 8. Carpenter's description of Terebra- tula?, 92. Cassowary, the, 24. Cataclysms, 178. Catarhine Quadrumana, 14. Jaulopteris, 144. 220 INDEX. Centre of gravity of the Earth, 160. Cephalopoda, 8, 32, 84, 98, 101. Ceratites nodosus, 100. Cetacea, 8, 12, 30. oily integument, 33. hind limbs, 43. earliest traces of, 107. Chamaeleon, toes, 41 ; tongue, 42. Cirripedia, 89. Climate and the distribution of Life, 11. changes, 142. Tables, 157, 158. Clover on the Yorkshire heaths, 22. Coal formation of Yorkshire and Derbyshire, probable age of, 132. of South Wales, 133. Coalbrook Dale, Ironstone nodules at, 115. Cockle, foot of, 36. Coleoptera membranous wing, 40. Colymbetes, propulsive organs, 35. Colymbus, propulsive organs, 35. Condor, the, 24. Coniferae, 27. Corals, 145. Crawfish, bending tail of, 34. Crinoidea, 147. Crocodilidae, 23. Crustacea, 8, 89, 90. Cryptogam ous plants, 26. Cucurbitaceaj, 145. Cuvier's classification of nature, 25. on constancy of specific form, 193. Cycadeoid Plants, 145. D. Darwin's computation of waste on Wealden coast, 130. on Natural Selection, 200. theoretical views, 206, 213. Daubeny, experiments on plants, 7. Davidson's, Mr, investigation of Bra- chiopoda, 199. Dawson, Dr, fossil tree found by, 116. De Luc's speculations concerning na- tural chronometers, 139. De Maillet's Telliamed, 180. Derwent River, 140. Deshayes on crag-shells, 169. Desmoulins on constancy of specific forms, 192. Development theory, 188, 208. Dicotyledones, 27. Dillwyn, his remarks on siphonosto- matous shells, 97. Dimyaria, 94, 212. Diving movements in animals, 35. Draco volans, the, 40. Dytiscus, propulsive organs, 35. E. Echinodermata, 29, 86. Edentata, fossil and recent, 171 . Enaliosaurians, 8. Equiseta, 145. Equisetaceae, 27. Eyes, structure of, 9, 10. F. Falconidae, steering tails, 39. Filices, 27. Fishes, earliest traces of, 103. Flabellaria, 144. Flotation of the marine races, Foraminifera, 85, 210. Forbes, Edward, JEgean researches, 15. Freshwater Life, 108. Fritillaria, 21. s,32. INDEX. 221 Frog, motion of the, 34. Fungi, 27. G. Gagea lutea, 22. Ganges, sediment annually delivere< by, 126. Gasteropoda, 8, 97. Gentiana lutea, 22. Geological Scale of Time, 51. Glacial Period, 150. Glyphia of the ancient oolites, 34. Goniatites Listen, 132. Goniatites striatus, 100. Gramineae, 27. Gymnospermous Phanerogamia, 144. H. Haime (Jules), his generalization of the Palaeozoic Corals, 86. Heat of Interior of Earth, 161. Herbivora, 8. Herodotus's estimate of time, 138. Herschel on climate, 151. Heteropoda, 97. Himalaya range, British Plants in the, 20. Hippuris vulgaris, 20. Hirundines, steering tails, 39. Histioderma found at Bray, 70. Hooker, Dr, on Himalayan Flora, 19. Hydrophilus, propulsive organs, 35. Ichthyosaurus, 10; sclerotic bones, 18 22; affinity of, 30; propulsion of, 35. Infusoria swim by aid of cilia, 33. origin of, 209. Insects, census of the fossil orders,117. (dipterous) sucker feet, 41. Invertebrata, 82. J. Jones and Parker, on Foraminifera, 85. K. Kyson clay, remains of monkeys found in, 149. L. Labiataa, 27. Lamarck's proposition on germs of life, 185. Lammergeyer, the, 24. Lancashire peat deposits, 49. Leibnitz's conception of a globe fluid with heat, 123. Lena, remains of Elephas primige- nius at, 49. Lepidodendra, 144. Lepidoptera, movements, 39. Lichenes, 27. Life, essential conditions of, 5 ; pro- vinces of, 18. ratios of abundance, 17. in water, 31. structure, adaptations, 31. - in trees, 41. on land, 42. system coeval with man, 45. successive systems of, 53. variety of forms in successive periods, 59. origin of, on the Earth, 67. earliest systems, 70. fresh-water, 108. ~ terrestrial, 115. germs, 182. 222 INDEX. Liebig's computation of carbon in plants, 133. Liliaceae, 27. Limnoria terebrans in harbours, 36. Lingula, 32, 212. Lingula Zone of Wales, 70. Linnaeus' classification of nature, 25. essays in the Amoenitates Aca- demicae, 170. on Primitive Types, 195. Lizard (Gecko), sucker-feet, 41. Llandeilo formation, 72. Llandovery Rocks, 75. Lobster, bending tail of the, 34. Ludlow zone, 76. Lutraria digging into sand, 36. Lycopodiaceae, 27, 144. Lyell, Sir C., shell in fossil tree found by, 116. on Climate, 152. on the Germs of Life, 187. M. Malvern, antiquity of land, 168. Mammalia, numerical distribution, 12. rearing their young, 30. Marine animals, changes with elapsed time, 84. -^inver tebral life, successive systems, 81. invertebrata in Lower Palaeozoic Strata, table, 78. Marsupialia fossil, 119. Medusidae, 32. Milne Edwards, his generalization of the Palaeozoic Corals, 86. Moa of New Zealand, 118. Modiolae traced in coral, 36. Mole, claws of the, 43. Mollusca, eye-spots, 10; description of, 28. Mollusca, shell-covered, 32. Monkeys, remains of, 149. Monocotyledones, 27. Monomyaria, 94. Morris, estimate of thickness of strata, 52. Movements in air by animals, 37. Murchison's Siluria, 71. Musaceae, 144. Mya digging into sand, 36. Myriophyllum verticillatum, 20. Mytilus, 32. N. Narbonne, early human remains at, 48. Natural Selection, 200, 215, 216. Nature, the expression of a Divine Idea, 3. the forces of, 5. the laws of, 5. Nautilus (Argonauta), 33. Niagara Falls, computation of time by recession of, 140. Nipadaceae, 145. Notonecta, motion of the, 34. Nova Scotia, Sigillaria (fossil tree) found in, 116. Nymphaea alba, 20. O. Oldhamia found at Bray, 70. Olenus, 71. Ostrich, the, 24. wing bones, 43. Otter, webbed feet of the, 34. P. Palinurus, flexible tail of, 35. Palissy's observations, 175, INDEX. 223 Palmacites, 144. Pandanaceae, 145. Paris basin, Eocene deposits in, 171. Patella, 32. Petaurus, the, 40. Phanerogamous plants, 13, 26. Pholades bore into chalk, 36 ; traced in coral, 37. Physalia, 33. Physeter, 23. Picidse, stiff tail prop, 39. Pinna, 32. Plants and animals, relations of, 7; geographical distribution, 11. ranked in two divisions, 26. Platyrhine monkeys, 15, 41. Pleiocene the oldest tertiary deposit in our Island, 107. Pleistocene period, 138. Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire, 176. Poisson's hypothesis of climate, 151. Polyparian Zoophyta, 10. Polyzoa, 29, 91. Postglacial period, 138. Potamogeton, 20. Prestwich on Co%lbrook Dale, 116. Primitive Types, 194. Pterodactyle, the, 30, 40. Pteromys, the, 40. Pteropoda, 96. Purbeck Oolite, Lacustrine deposits in, 171. Q. Quadrumana, opposable fingers, 41. R. Radiata, eye -spots, 10; description of, 28. Ramsay's estimate of the thickness of strata, 52. Ranunculus aquatilis, 20, 27. Remora, 32. Reptilia depend on climate for distri- bution, 23, 148. . earliest traces of, 105. Rhea, 24. Rhynchonella, 23, 93. Rosaceae, 27. Royle, Dr, on Himalayan Flora, 19. Rudista, 94. S. Sabine's observations on the Maranon, 125. Sagittaria sagittifolia, 20. Sarsaparilla, 29. Scilla, Agostino, on marine exuviae, 175. Sea's depth and the distribution of life, 15. encroachments in England, 129. all life derived from, 180. Sedgwick, Professor, 25. Discourse on University Studies, 191. Sediment derived from sea-coasts, an- nual estimate, 130. Sequoia "Wellingtonia of California, 21. Sheppey Clay, numerous fruits found in, 145. Smilaceae, 29. Smith, William, discovery of stages of strata, 187. Species, constancy of, 191. distinction of, 196. Spirula, 23. Spongiadse, 210. Sternidae, steering tails, 39. Stonesfield, intermixture of land- plants, insects, and sea-shells, 109. Oolite, lagoon of, 171. 224 INDEX. Strata identified by organic remains, 187 ; thickness of, 52. Swan, webbed feet of the, 34. Swansea, early human remains at, 48. Swimming of the marine races, 33. movements in animals, 33. T. /' Table of comparison of irVing species with fossil, 55. Table of comparison of Irving genera with fossil, 56. Table of comparison of living Mol- luscous animals and those of the ancient strata, 58. Table of Temperature on the Earth, 157. Teleosaurus, propulsion of the, 35. Temperature the limit of the ranges of life, 12. Terebratula, 23, 32, 92. Teredines destroy ships, 36 ; in drift- wood, 37. Thallogens, 27. Time, geological scale of, 51. Trichoda anas, propulsive organs, 36. Trigonia, 96, 172. Trigonocarpum, 144. Trilobite, eyes of, 10. Triton, motion of the, 34. Tunicata, 91. Turt!* paddles of the, 34. Types of life structure, 25. U. Uniformitarian hypothesis of the age of the globe's crust, 124. Unio, foot of, 36. Una, propulsive organs of, 35. f V. Velella, 33. Vertebrata, 27 ; swimming of, 33. Vespertilionidae, skin of, 40. "Vestiges of Creation," the author's hypothesis of development, 188. Volvox, 209. W. Waldheimia australis, 23. Wales, Lingula beds, 52. Wales, probable age of coal, &c., in, 134. Warmth of ancient and modern times, 147. Watson on British Plants, 13. Wealden deposits, probable age of, 128. Wenlock group, 75. Westbury Cliff, intermixture of land. plants, insects, and sea-shells, 109. Westwood, Fossil Insects, 117. Whale, fins of the, 34. pelvic bones, 43. Woodward's Natural History of the Earth, 178. on Mollusca, 23. Wiirtemburg, the Trias of, 118. Z. Zamioid Plants, 145. Zoophyta, 85. CAMBRIDGE: PRINTED AT TH UNIVERSITY PRESS. U.C. BEHWtt.e