IC-NRLF MANUAL OF RULES AND RATES MANUAL OF COMPENSATION AND LIABILITY INSURANCE RULES AND RATES Issued by Workmen's Compensation Service Bureau New York JNDEX TO GENERAL RULES, ELEVATOR RULES AND RATES, OWNERS', LANDLORDS' AND TENANTS' PUBLIC LIABILITY, TEAMS' AND THEATRE RULES. Page Additional Interests 21 Additional Interests Elevators 25 Additional Interests O., L. and T. Public Liability 30,31 Additional Interests Theatres 44 Additions to, Alterations and Repairs 11 Area O., L. and T. Public Liability 30 Automobile Insurance 22 Blasting , 10 Boarding and Furnished Room Houses 32 Buildings occupied as stores, with dwellings above 32 Buildings containing theatres, concert halls, etc., in conjunction with hotels, stores, apartments, etc 32 Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs' Helpers 9 Classifications which are Designated by (a) or (b) in P. L. column.. .13,51 Classifications prefixed by \ 15 Clerical Office Employees 8 Contractors engaged in setting boilers or engines under contract 49 Contractors' Protective Insurance 48,49 Draughtsmen 9 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers 9 Elevators 23-27 Estimated Wages 6 Executive Officers 8 Frontage O., L. and T. Public Liability 29,30 General Instructions 4 General Notice 3 Hired Teams 42 Landlords 1 Protective Liability Elevators 26 Landlords' Protective Liability O., L. and T. Public Liability 31 landlords' Protective Liability Theatres 44,45 Limit Tables 19,20 Long Term Policies 14 Long Term Policies Elevators 25 Long Term Policies O., L. and T. Public Liability 30 Long Term Policies Theatres 44 Medical Aid 13 Minimum Premiums general 15,16 Minimum Premiums special : Baths (not otherwise classified) 61 Blasting ." 62 Cotton Ginning and Pressing 80 Cottonseed Oil Mfg 80 Electric Light and Power Companies 84 Firemen 88 Five and Ten Cent Stores 137 Gasoline and Oil Supply Stations. 93 INDEX CONTINUED Page Policemen 117 Telegraph and Telephone Companies operation 140 Vessels 146,148 Not Available for Division of Payroll 8 Owners', Landlords' and Tenants' Public Liability. 29-32 Owners' or Contractors' Protective Liability 47-49 Owners' or Contractors' Protective Liability Percentage Contracts. . 47 Payroll Rules for Compensation Policies 7-11 Payroll Rules for Public Liability Policies 12 Policy Forms 5 Policy Limits 17,19 Railroad Hazard 10 Rates 13 Removal Permits 50 Residence and Farm Insurance 33-89 Salesmen (outside) Collectors and Messengers 9 Specific Instructions to Agents Governing use of Manual 51 Stamping 10 Teams' Property Damage Insurance Rules and Rates 43 Teams' Public Liability 40-43 Teams' Risks not assignable to Manual classifications 41 Theatre Public Liability including Moving Picture Shows 44 Theatre Rates . 46 Issued June 1, 1916. Revised November 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SYMBOLS FOE COMP. RATES AND THEIR VALUES. AA .04 BG .63 CO . .. 2.27 DV... ..8.68 AB .. . .05 BH .. .66 CP. 2.39 DW. ..9.09 AC .07 BJ . .69 CO. 2.51 DX . 9.54 AD 08 BK .72 CR 2 63 DY 9.98 AE .10 BL (x) . .75 CS. . 2.74 DZ . 10.45 AF .11 BM . .77 CT .2.89 EA... .10.95 AG 13 BO . .80 CV 3.01 EB 11.45 AH - .14: BP . .83 cw. 3.16 EC(x) 11.98 A J .16 BO.. . .86 ex 3.30 ED... .12.56 AK .17 BR . .92 CY .3.45 EE... .13.15 AL 19 BS . .95 CZ ... 3.63 EF .. 13.77 AM .20 BT .... 1.01 DA . . . . .3.80 EG... .14.42 AO .22 BV 1.04 DB .3.98 EH... .15.09 AP .23 BW. ... 1.10 DC . 4.16 EJ.. . 15.80 AQ.. .25 BX (xx) 1.16 DD.(x) .4.36 EK .. .16.56 AR 26 BY 1.22 DE 457 EL 1733 AS 27 BZ 1.27 DF 4.77 EM 18 15 AT .29 CA 1.33 DG (x) 5.01 EO 19.00 AY...... .30 CB 1.39 DH... 5.24 EP... .19.91 AW 33 CC 1.45 DJ 548 EO 2085 AX .36 CD .. 1.51 DK 5.74 ER 21.82 AY .39 CE ....: 1.60 Dl .6.01 ES . . .22.85 AZ .42 CF 1.66 DM . 6.30 ET 2394 BA .45 CG 1.74 DO 6.60 EV... .25.09 BB .48 CH .. 1.80 DP 689 EW 26.26 BC .51 CJ 1.89 DO. 7.21 EX 27.50 BD .54 CK 1.98 DR .(x) 7.57 EY... .28.79 BE .. .57 CL 2.10 DS .. 7.92 EZ .. .30.15 BF... .60 CM 2.19 DT 830 (x) Means printed rate is subject to exceptions, for which see rate sheet " Exceptions Comp." (xx) Means refer to rate sheet entitled "Classifications in Basic Manual not available in this State." i Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. HO 2*'^ EXCEPTIONS-GENERAL RULES. iJil C Payroll Rules for Compensation Policies. Amend the first paragraph, page 7 of the Manual to read: The Compensation rates in this Manual shall be applicable to the re- muneration of all employees of the assured without exception, and also to the entire remuneration of employees of sub-contractors, which re- muneration may be divided into classifications where specifically per- mitted or directed by these rules, but not otherwise (if the assured cannot furnish the remuneration of employees of sub-contractors, one- third of the contract price of the sub-contracted work shall be considered as the remuneration of employees of sub-contractors). No premium charge, however, shall be made on the remuneration of the employees of any sub-contractor, if the assured shall furnish the Company with a certificate showing conclusively that such sub-contractors have main- tained compensation insurance covering their entire liability for com- pensation during the period that the compensation policy of the assured was in force. Under no circumstances shall a compensation policy be written on any part of a plant leaving another part of the plant un- insured. The following specific rules shall govern the treatment of pay- roll as the basis of premium for compensation policies. Division of Payroll. Amend paragraph "1" page 7 of the Manual, to read: The operative procedure within a given plant shall not be subject to division into several manual classifications where the employees are engaged, or the different operations are conducted in such a manner that they are all brought together, the employees being commonly ex- posed to the general hazard of the enterprise which is best represented by its governing classification. Under such circumstances, the place of the work of the employees is such that they are subjected to the common hazard whether or not the employees are interchangeable and the gov- erning classification must apply to all without sub-division. If, however, there are distinct enterprises, conducted in a given plant by the same employer and the entire work in each enterprise is conducted either in a separate building or on a separate floor or floors of a building, or on the same floor in separate departments divided by partitions without interchange of labor, the employer con- ducting each of such enterprises as a separate undertaking with separate records of payroll, then such separate undertakings shall each be classified according to the Manual and the proper premium rate applied to each. Any operation, normally prevailing in the business covered by the governing classification as defined, cannot be treated as a separate enterprise within the meaning of the rule. CALIFORNIA Issued June 1, 1916. Exceptions General Rules (Continued.) Estimated Wages. Amend the rule page 6 of the Manual, under the above heading, by adding the following paragraph: There shall be incorporated in every compensation policy a provision for the inclusion of minimum amounts in computing wages to represent the value of board or lodging furnished by the employer, said amounts to be not less than the following: Where board only is furnished $12.50 per month. Where lodging only is furnished 3.50 per month. Where both board and lodging are furnished . . . 16.00 per month. Executive Officers. Amend the second paragraph of section 3, page 8 of the Manual to read: 1. The inclusion or exclusion of any executive officer or officers or members of a co-partnership or individual employers from the coverage of the policy shall be optional with the carrier, but such inclusion or exclusion must be plainly stated in the policy. 2. If included in the coverage of the policy the premium basis for such executive officer or officers, members of a co-partnership or indi- vidual employers must be stated in the payroll; but not in excess of $1,666.66 each. 3. The rate to be charged for such executive officer or officers, mem- bers of a co-partnership or individual employers shall be the rate of the governing classification in the event that such individuals are exposed to the operative hazard of the business. If not so exposed the rate shall be as expressed in the Manual for clerical office employees. Add additional paragraph No. 13, to " Payroll Rules for Compensation policies," page 11 of the Manual: Section 30 of the California Workmen's Compensation Law provides that the general or principal contractors shall be responsible for compensation to employees of sub-contractors. In view of this the compensation rates in this Manual shall be applicable to the entire re- muneration of employees of sub-contractors, except that no premium charge shall be made on the remuneration of the employees of any sub- contractor, if the general or principal contractor shall furnish the Company with a certificate showing conclusively that such sub- contractors have maintained compensation insurance covering their entire liability for compensation during the period that the compensation policy of the principal or general contractor was in force. If the principal or general contractor cannot furnish the remuneration of employees of CALIFORNIA Issued June 1, 1916. Exceptions General Rules (Continued.) sub-contractors, one-third of the contract price of the sub-contracted work shall be considered as the remuneration of employees of sub- contractors. The above rule shall not apply to contracts for piecework in manu- facturing plants. In manufacturing plants the entire amount paid for such piecework shall be included as payroll. Medical Aid. Insert the following after the first paragraph, page 13 of the Manual : It is permissible for the insurance carrier to enter into an agreement with any assured having permanent and properly equipped hospital and medical service to pay to such assured for furnishing medical and hospital treatment and service, as is required under the California Act, including transportation charges, an amount not exceeding 10% for classifications applying to construction work and the operation, main- tenance and extension of electric light and power and telegraph and telephone lines, and 15% in all other classifications, of the total premium earned by the carrier under the assured's policy at full Manual rates. Minimum Premiums. Amend page 15 of the Manual under the above heading by the addition of the following: Minimum Premiums Clerical Office Work Only $5 .00 Mining and Milling 25.00 Schools.. 5.00 Issued June 1, 1916. Revised October 19, 1916. CALIFORNIA. EXCEPTIONS COMP. Comp. Symbol Rate Bean Sorting and Handling BL 2,27 Clay or Shale Mining with shafts, tunnels or drifts DR Coal Mining Copper Mining ^ DR Feldspar Mining .' DR Firemen for rate for this class of risk, refer to H. - Gold Mining DR Gold Mining by hydraulic process D6 Graphite Mining DR Gypsum Mining DR Iron Mining with shafts, tunnels or drifts EC Iron Mining surface no shafts, tunnels or drifts DR Lead Mining DR Lead and Zinc Mining milling, prospecting and shaft sinking, including installation of ma- chinery, and erection, construction and repair of premises and plant DR Manganese Mining DR Mica Mining DR Nickel Mining DR Ore Crushing DD Ore Mining not otherwise classified surface no shafts, tunnels or drifts DR Ore Mining not otherwise classified with shafts, tunnels or drifts EC Ores concentration and amalgamation DD Phosphate Mining DR Policemen for rate for this class of risk, refer toH. 0. Quartz Mills DD Rock Salt Mining 4 DR Silica Mining DR Silver Mining DR Sulphur Pyrites Mining DR Talc Mining DR ..qmoD p ilv^ "to B; 4 U? Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SYMBOLS FOR P. L. KATES AND THEIR VALUES. Z 02 ZM....1.00 ZA 03 ZO-... 1.25 ZB 05 If.... 1.50 ZC 07 ZQ.-.. 2.00 ZD 10 ZR.... 2.25 II 15 ZS-... 2.50 ZF 20 ZT.... 3.00 Z6 25 ZU..-. 4.00 ZH 30 ZV--.. 5.00 Zl 40 ZW... 5.50 ZJ 50 ZX-..- 6.00 ZK 60 ZY-... 7.50 ZL 75 ZZ-... 12.50 Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SYMBOLS FOE P. L. BATES WHICH APPLY TO AEEA AND FRONTAGE AND THEIR VALUES. Area Frontage Area Frontage YA .05 Y6 15 07 1 /2 YB .10 YH 25 07'/2 YG .02 1 /2 .07'/2 Yl 30 .07'/2 YD 05 07'/2 YK 50 .07'/2 YE 07 1 /2 07'/2 YX 25 .10 YF 10 07'/2 YZ 1.25 .10 SYMBOLS FOB ELEVATOR BATES AMD THEIR VALUES. XA 1.00 XH 25.00 XB 1.50 XI 35.00 XD 7.50 XJ 40.00 XD 12.50 XK 50.00 XE 15.00 XL 60.00 XF 18.00 XM 75.00 XG 20.00 XN 250.00 Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SYMBOLS FOR RESIDENCE AND FARM RATES AND THEIR VALUES, Comp. VA Compensation 1 5,00 VB Compensation 6,00 VC Compensation Two Inservants or less 4,00 Each additional Inservant 2,50 RATES FARMS The rules and rates appearing on pages 35, 36 and including the first paragraph on page 37 under "Rates Farms*' do not apply in this State, the following being substituted therefor : For compensation or employers' liability written either separately or in connection with public liability, the following premium charges for each $100 of actual wages shall be made : No. Symbol For all employees of whatever nature engaged upon or in connection with such farm, in- cluding chauffeurs, outservants, inservants, occasional servants, also managers, super- intendents and foremen, if engaged wholly or partly in field work 0006 CF For clerical office force (if any) 8810 AE The above rates are based upon actual moneys paid as wages, and also the value of board and lodging (see "Estimated Wages" "Exceptions General Rules/') Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SYMBOLS FOR TEAMS' RATES AND THEIR VALUES. Symbol K $50.00 KA 50.00 KB 50.00 KC 50.00 L . 40.00 LA 40.00 M . . . 20.00 MA 20.00 MB 20.00 MC 20.00 N 16.50 NA 16.50 . . 12.50 OA 12.50 OB 12.50 OC 12.50 OD 12.50 OE 12.50 P 10.00 PA 10.00 PB 10.00 PC 10.00 Q 9.00 QA 9.00 QB 9.00 QC 9.00 R 7.25 RA 7.25 RB 7.25 RC 7.25 RD 7.25 S 6.50 SA 6.50 SB 6.50 SC 6.50 T 5.00 TA.... 4 .. 5.00 U 2.50 UA 5.00 The above rates are for Public Liability only. To cover private pleasure vehicles, for combined E. Iv. and P. L., excluding compensation, increase the rates by $1.00. 9 Issued June 1, 1916. CALIFORNIA. SPECIAL CLASSIFICATIONS NOT IN BASIC MANUAL. No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Chimneysweeps 9710 5.24 1.00 R 5 Fruit Picking excluding box manufactur- ing 0160 1.00 .10 R 5 Gold Dredging including exploration oper- ations, maintenance and repair of dredges. 6230 3.98 .50 R 5 Irrigation Pipe laying of for distributing water for irrigation purposes through laterals 6330 3.63 .25 R 5 Irrigation Works construction, including extension of laterals 6229 3.63 .25 R 5 Irrigation Works operation only 0251 1.04 .40 R 4/1 Olive Handling, Sorting, Curing and Packing 2106 1.00 .03 R 5 Reclaiming Swamp Lands rate applies to all employees engaged in any capacity in connection with the work 6047 3.98 .50 R 5 Rolling Chairs operating 9720 .50 P. L. y* of 1% of gross receipts. Trees fumigating only (no pruning, spray- ing, repairing or trimming.) Not avail- able for division of payroll. In towns and cities 0102 2.50 .50 R 5 Outside towns and cities 0103 2.50 .25 R 5 Wood Chopping, Tie Making and Bark Peeling no mill hazard 2 703 4. 7 7 .10 R 5 10 a. * 9, 8 .:Jt\* fa <* A 1 * MINIMUM PREMIUMS. A minimum premium is an expression of the lowest pre- mium amount for which a single risk can be written and carried for a period of one year. Where the actual premium computed at the rates is less than the minimum premium, the minimum shall be the controlling premium for the policy, but where the actual premium computed at the rates is more than the mini- mum, the actual premium shall control. In the event of the cancellation of any policy of insurance where the minimum premium is the controlling premium, if cancelled by the com- pany such cancellation shall be upon the basis of a pro rata amount of the minimum premium for the time the policy was in force. If cancelled by the assured the company shall retain the minimum premium expressed in the policy. The minimum premium for all Compensation policies shall be $10.00 except for contractors' policies (contractors' classi- fications being prefixed by f) for which the minimum premium shall be $20.00. These minimum premiums shall control as to all classifications unless in connection with any given classi- fication a special minimum for that classification is provided in this Manual, in which event the special minimum shall control. Every Compensation policy in which blasting operations are separately rated shall provide a separate and entirely additional minimum for that item of $25.00. The minimum premium for an Owners' or Contractors' Protective Liability policy shall be $20.00. The minimum premium for Public Liability policies shall be $5.00 except in classifications for which this Manual provides a special minimum. In these classifications the special minimum shall control. The minimum premium for an Owners', Landlords' and Tenants' Public Liability policy on risks other than residences and farms excluding any payroll element and any elevator, shall be $6.00 per building per annum, except as otherwise provided. For minimum premiums for residence and farm risks, see "Residence and Farm Rules." (15) The minimum premium for a Theatre Public Liability Policy shall be $50.00 per theatre in towns of less than 40,000 population; elsewhere, $100.00 per theatre. These minimums shall also apply to Moving Picture Theatres. For minimum premiums for Teams' Property Damage, see "Teams' Property Damage Insurance." The minimum premium for a Teams' Public Liability policy shall be the annual premium for the highest rated team insured under the policy. The minimum premium for an Automobile Public Liability policy shall be as provided in the Automobile Manual. If a public liability policy of any form is written for limits greater than "standard limits" the minimum premium shall be increased in the same proportion as the basis rate. Where the rules in this Manual provide for a charge for additional interests, the minimum premium for the form of policy used shall be increased in the same proportion. POLICY LIMITS. The compensation rates in this Manual provide for insurance without limit as to amount. All other rates in this Manual provide for insurance for " standard limits " (so-called), which limits are $5,000 for any one person injured and, subject to that amount for each person, a total limit of $10,000 for any number of persons injured in the same accident. No policy shall be written for limits below standard limits. The standard limits may be increased by increasing the Manual rate as provided in the following tables of limits. In these tables the Manual rate is 100 per cent and the increases thereon are indicated by the additional percentages. These percentages are expressed in three tables marked respectively "A","B"and"C." Classes of risks to which table "A" applies: Amusement Parks. Ball Parks. Blasting. Billiard and Bowling Halls. Cartridge Mfg. Elevators all classes whether written on an "0., L. and T" form or written separately on an Elevator Public Liability form. Expositions or Exhibitions. Fireworks Mfg. Fuse Mfg. Gas Works laying of mains and connections (no tunnel- ing or blasting) including gas explosion, inhalation or asphyxiation. Gas Works operating of gas house, maintenance of exist- ing works and mains, and making of house connections, including gas explosion, in- halation or asphyxiation. Gasoline and Oil Supply Sta- tions (for supplying automo- biles and motor boats). Halls for Lodge Meetings, Ban- quets and Balls. Horse Shows. Moving Picture Shows. Theatres. Vessels all classes. Wrecking (not marine). (17) Classes of risks to which table "B" applies: Advertising Signs maintenance and operation all classes. Apartment Hotels and Hotel Apartments. Asylums. Autogenous Cutting and Weld- ing (oxy-acetylene process) including shop. Baths. Building Moving. Building raising and shoring. Cement Mfg., including quarry- ing. Concrete Work buildings (not grain elevators) reinforced concrete construction, with self-bearing floors or other horizontal surfaces or parts, constructed by means of rein- forced concrete. Concrete Work Grain Eleva- tors. Department Stores. Dry Goods Stores retail. Electric Light and Power line construction work exclusively, with erection of poles (not available for division of pay- roll). Electric Light and Power Com- panies operation, mainte- nance, extension of lines and making of service connec- tions. Hospitals. Hotels. Iron Work erecting and repair- ing balconies, fire escapes, railings, staircases, coal chutes, iron shutters (out- side of buildings). Iron Work erecting steel and iron frame structures. Iron Work placing iron and steel store fronts as altera- tions of existing buildings. Lime Mfg. including quarry- ing. Motion Pictures production of, in studios and outside in- cluding all operations up to the development of negatives. Oxy-Acetylene Cutting and Welding (autogenous), in- cluding shop. Quarries all classes. Railroad Construction electric rail joint welding in street by molten metal or elec- tricity. Restaurants. Riding Academies. Sales Stables incuding exhi- bition and delivery of horses. Sewer Building all classes. Slag excavation and loading on cars, with or without blasting. Stone Crushing including quarrying. Subways Construction all classes. Teams all classes. Tunneling including all work to completion. Turkish Baths. (18) For all other classifications of every description, except automobiles, table " C" shall apply. For Automobiles, SEE AUTOMOBILE MANUAL. TABLE "A" Lower Limits 5. 7.5 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. Upper Limits 10 100. 107. 110. 15 112. 120. 123. 128. 20 120. 128. 132. 137. 139. 25 126. 135. 139. 144. 146. 147. 30 130. 139. 143. 148. 151. 152. 153. 35 133. 142. 146. 152. 154. 156. 157. 40 135. 145. 149. 154. 157. 158. 160. 162. 45 137. 147. 151. 157. 159. 161. 162. 164. 50 139. 149. 153. 159. 161. 163. 164. 166. 167. 60 141. 151. 155. 161. 164. 165. 167. 169. 170. 70 143. 153. 157. 163. 166. 167. 169. 171. 172. 80 144. 154. 158. 164. 167. 168. 170. 172. 173. 90 145. 155. 159. 165. 168. 170. 171. 173. 174. 100 146. 156. 161. 166. 169. 171. 172. 174. 175. 125 148. 158. 163. 169. 172. 173. 175. 177. 178. 150 150. 160. 165. 171. 174. 175. 177. 179. 180. 175 152. 163. 167. 173. 176. 178. 179. 182. 183. 200 154. 165. 169. 176. 179. 180. 182. 184. 185. 225 156. 167. 172. 178. 181. 182. 184. 186. 187. 250 158. 169. 174. 180. 183. 185. 186. 189. 190. 300 160. 171. 176. 182. 186. 187. 189. 191. 192. TABLE "B" Lower Limits 5. 7.5 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. Upper Limits 10 100. 106. 108. 15 110. 117. 120. 123. 20 117. 124. 127. 131. 133. 25 122. 130. 133. 137. 139. 140. 30 125. 133. 136. 141. 143. 144. 145. 35 128. 136. 139. 144. 146. 147. 148. 40 130. 138. 142. 146. 149. 150. 151. 152. 45 132. 140. 144. 148. 151. 152. 153. 155. 50 133. 141. 145. 150. 152. 153. 154. 156. 157. 60 135. 144. 147. 152. 154. 156. 157. 158. 159. 70 136. 145. 149. 153. 156. 157. 158. 160. 161. 80 137. 146. 150. 155. 157. 158. 159. 161. 162. 90 138. 147, 151. 155. 158. 159. 160. 162. 163. 100 139. 148. 151. 156. 159. 160. 161. 163. 164. 125 141. 150. 153. 158. 161. 162. 163. 165. 166. 150 142. 151. 155. 160. 163. 164. 165. 167. 168. 175 144. 153. 157. 162. 165. 166. 167. 169. 170. 200 146. 155. 159. 164. 167. 168. 169. 171. 172. 225 148. 157. 161. 166. 169. 170. 171. 173. 174. 250 149. 159. 163. 168. 171. 172. 173. 175. 176. 300 151. 160. 165. 170. 173. 174. 175. 177. 178. (19) TABLE "C" Lower Limits 5. 7.5 10. 15. 20. 25. 30. 40. 50. Upper Limits 10 100. 104. 106. 15 107. 112. 114. 117. 20 112. 117. 119. 122. 123. 25 116. 121. 123. 126. 127. 128. 30 118. 123. 126. 129. 130. 131. 132. 35 120. 125. 128 131. 132. 133. 134. 40 121. 127. 129. 133. 134. 135. 136. 137. 45 122. 128. 131. 134. 135. 136. 137. 138. 50 123. 129. 132. 135. 137. 138. 139. 140 141. 60 125. 131. 133. 137. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 70 126. 132. 134. 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 80 126. 132. 135. 138. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 90 127. 133. 136. 139. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 100 128. 134. 136. 140. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 125 129. 135. 138. 141. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 150 130. 136. 139. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 175 131. 138. 140. 144. 146. 147. 148. 149. 150. 200 132. 139. 142. 145. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 225 134. 140. 143. 147. 148. 149. 150. 152. 153. 250 135. 141. 144. 148. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 300 136. 143. 146. 149. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155 (20) ADDITIONAL INTERESTS. Two or more employers, engaged in a common enterprise Involving a common payroll and subject to pay compensa- tion, may obtain a compensation policy without additional charge because of the additional interests involved, it being understood that there is but one obligation for compensation, or the employers* liability for damages. As to all other lines covered by this Manual, no policy shall be written to cover more .than one insurable interest, except under and in accordance with rules contained in this Manual. The following general rule shall apply to all classes of risks except such as are insured under the following forms of policy : Automobile Public Liability Policy Elevator Public Liability Policy Owners', Landlords', and Tenants' Public Liability Policy Theatre Public Liability Policy for which classes of risks see specific rules applicable to each class. Liability policies issued to cover more than one person, firm, corporation, or estate shall be considered as written to cover an additional interest, except as follows: (a) Policies issued to cover the estate of a deceased person, where an executor or administrator is named, although so expressed as to cover the individual interest of such executor or administrator, involve but one insurable interest. (6) Co-owners or partners in the subject matter of the insurance may be covered under one policy as one in- terest, without additional charge, although the policy is so written as to cover the individual interest of each owner or partner. Under all other conditions the following percentage shall be added to the Manual "rate, or any increase of that rate for increased limits: For one additional interest, 25% For two additional interests, 35% For three or more additional interests, 45% (21) AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE. The rules and rates of the Company for Automobile Public Liability insurance, also Property Damage and Collision in connection therewith, are not included in this Manual. Refer- ence is made to a separate Manual for these lines. (22) ELEVATOR PUBLIC LIABILITY. An " Elevator " in the sense of this Manual is any plat- form hoist, operated by muscular or mechanical power, and intended or used for the conveyance of persons or goods, or both. This definition is not intended to include dumbwaiters. The general elevator classification and rates shall apply to all elevators used for conveying passengers, freight or both (combination) except as modified by the following special classifications. The following definitions of terms used in special elevator classifications are intended for instruction and guidance in the application of the rates and must be strictly observed. A " Sidewalk Elevator " is an elevator maintained and operated outside the walls of the building, the platform of which does not rise above the ground or sidewalk level. A "One-story Elevator" is an elevator maintained and operated within the walls of the building, having a total rise of not more than twenty feet, and having not more than two landings above the bottom of the shaft. If an elevator, having landings in cellar and at ground floor but no landing above ground floor, also has a landing in a sub-cellar, the total rise of the elevator from sub-cellar to ground floor being not more than twenty feet, such elevator shall be classed and rated as a " One-Story Elevator." A " Private House Elevator " is an elevator maintained and used in a building occupied by one family only and ex- clusively as a dwelling. A "Factory Elevator" is an elevator maintained and used in and for the purposes of manufacturing plants ex- clusively, by one interest (individual, estate, firm or corpora- tion) for manufacturing or storage purposes. . * The following designs of elevators shall be classed and rated as " Factory Elevators " wherever found: (23) " Jumper Elevators," being counterweighted platform (with- out power) serving but two floors. "Man-Hoists," being of similar design but serving more than two floors. Man elevating devices (power operated) by means of con- tinuous belt or chain provided with stirrups or small plat- forms. A " Hand Hoist " is a lifting appliance operated through hatchways and without a platform, operation being by means of hand power, with rope or chain. Hand hoists opening upon the sidewalk shall take the sidewalk elevator rate. A " Wool Whip/' is a hoisting device outside of buildings used for hoisting bales of wool or rags. A "Storage Warehouse Elevator" is an elevator main- tained and used in buildings where merchandise is stored, but this term shall not include elevators in furniture storage warehouses or any buildings occupied wholly or in part for wholesale or retail sales purposes which are subject to the general elevator rates. " Lowerators," being a trade name for a gravity lowering device with hatchway, shall be rated and classed as elevators under the existing classifications dependent upon location and use. A " Dumb-waiter " is an elevating device operated by hand, designed for conveying limited loads of merchandise or sup- plies, and so constructed as to make it impossible to carry persons upon it. No premium charge shall be made for a dumb-waiter which fairly falls within this definition. Elevators with platforms on the outside of buildings, whether operated by mechanical or hand power, shall be classed and rated in accordance with existing elevator schedule dependent upon location and use. Elevating devices in connection with Blast Furnaces or Ice Harvesting Plants shall not be classed or rated as elevators no charge being made therefor. (24) COVERAGE. The elevator rates in this Manual provide in- surance for public liability only. Under no circumstances can compensation insurance be written in or endorsed upon an Elevator Public Liability policy. JONG TERM POLICIES. Policies written to cover the public liability upon elevators either under the Elevator Public Liability form, or the O., L. and T. Public Liability form but not otherwise, may be written for a term of three years, and the rates given in this schedule may be discounted 10%, provided the entire three-year premium is paid in advance, or that 50% of such entire three-year premium shall be paid in advance, 30% thereof at the end of the first year and 20% thereof at the end of the second year. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS. Elevators insured as such under the rates given in this schedule must not be written to cover more than one insurable interest, except for an additional premium charge of 40% of the premium rate stated in this schedule for one additional interest, 60% for two additional interests, and 75% for three or more additional interests. Such interests may be those of an individual, estate, firm, or corporation, but co-owners may be covered under one policy without additional charge. Policies issued to cover the estate of a deceased person, where an executor or ad- ministrator is named, although so expressed as to cover the individual interest of such executor or administrator, involve but one insurable interest. Where an elevator is insured at the full rate given in this schedule, other policies on the same elevator and for the same limits, but not otherwise, may be issued to other per- sons in interest for a premium of 50% of the rates given in this schedule, such policy, however, to cover but one in- terest unless subjected to the rule respecting additional interests; always provided, however, that the company issuing the second policy at reduced rates has previously or concurrently issued a policy upon the same elevator at the full rate required in this schedule. Any such addi- tional policy so written must be made to expire at the same fSSY time with the principal policy, the premium being adjusted pro rata for short terms. If the principal policy provides for greater than standard limits, the second policy may, nevertheless, be written for standard limits, or may be written for the same increased limits as the principal policy, upon the same additional pro rata premium charge, but the second policy cannot be written for limits greater than the principal policy. A tenant of a part of a building using an elevator in common with other tenants who has no control of the elevator whatever, and. who does not operate such elevator, may be covered as respects public liability only for 50% of the rate named in this schedule as applicable to such elevator. The rule contained in the preceding paragraph shall not be available in connection with any risk which is written at reduced rates under the rule for " Landlords' Protective Liability," as contained in the rule immediately following. LANDLORDS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY. If the owner or gen- eral lessee of a building or buildings containing one or more elevators, has leased the same entire to another, herein called the tenant, which tenant controls the elevators, operates them exclusively, furnishes power, and has entire charge and control thereof, an Elevator Public Liability policy may be written to cover such owner or general lessee not in possession at 50% of the Manual rate applicable thereto. For the purposes of this rule the 50% reduction herein referred to shall apply, in the case of Factory Elevators, to the symbol "XG". Upon all policies written at the reduced rates provided by this rule the following endorsement shall be attached: The policy to which this endorsement is attached is issued and accepted at a reduced premium upon the following warranties made by the assured: (1) The entire premises are leased by the assured to another herein called the " Tenant." (2) The said tenant under such lease has entire charge and control of the premises including elevators and boilers. (26) (3) The assured is in no way responsible for maintenance of the premises and the making of repairs, the responsi- bility therefor resting upon the tenant under the terms of the lease. (4) The assured has no employees on or about such premises. (5) The conditions herein described will continue during the term of this policy. GENERAL. The rates in this schedule for factory or storage warehouse elevators or for hand hoists, power hoists, freight escalators, conveyors and others rated as such are available for writing business only when there is issued concurrently, in the same company, with the Elevator Public Liability policy, a compensation policy and also a general Public Liability policy. Where no concurrent "Comp." or "P.L." is carried, the Factory Elevator rate shall be "XG." ELEVATOR RATES. Passenger, Freight or Combination Elevators. When elevator has not more than ten landings. No. Symb * Apartment Hotels 0801 XJ * Department Stores 0803 XL *Hotels 0805 XJ fNot Otherwise Classified 0807 XI If elevator has more than ten landings: *For each additional landing over ten XB fFor each additional landing over ten 0808 XA Freight Escalators and Freight Conveyors, entirely within buildings (excluding baggage conveyors) : One-Story 0809 XD Exceeding One-Story 0810 XH Storage Warehouse Hoists, hand or power, without platforms and operated through hatchways, and located in buildings not occupied for furniture storage nor for wholesale or retail purposes 0811 XC Factory Elevators : When concurrent "Comp."and "P.L."are carried in the same company 0812 XD Without concurrent "Comp." and "P. L." 0824 X6 Hoists Hand or Power, within buildings, no platform 0813 XD Wool Whips 0814 XD Storage Warehouse Elevators 081 5 XE One-Story Elevators 0816 XF Private House Elevators 0817 X6 Sidewalk Elevators 0818 XH Stable Elevators (all kinds) 0819 XI Automobile Salesroom and Garage Elevators, used for raising or lowering automobiles 0820 XK Service Escalators in Hotels and Restaurants (for use of employees only) 0821 XK Automatic or Push-button Elevators not Private House Elevators 0822 XM Escalators or Moving Stairways for passengers or baggage 0823 XN (28) OWNERS', LANDLORDS', AND TENANTS' PUBLIC LIABILITY. This title will be expressed by the abbreviation " O., L. and T." Public Liability. 0., L. and T. {Public Liability policies cannot be written or endorsed to include compensation coverage. 0., L. and T. Public Liability forms and rates may be used to write risks under Manual classifications, the first letter of the symbol in the P. L. column being Y or the P. L. rate designated by (b) but not otherwise. If, in connection with an 0., L. and T. Public Liability policy, compensation coverage, is desired, a separate Com- pensation policy in accordance with the rules and rates in this Manual shall be written concurrently with the 0., L. and T. Public Liability policy. The rates for 0., L. and T. Public Liability insurance except as otherwise definitely expressed, are based upon each lineal foot of frontage and each 100 square feet of area, and these rates are in lieu of any other charge for the public liability hazard involved, except as respects elevators. Elevators must be included at the Manual rates for Elevator Public Liability, or specifically excluded from the policy. FRONTAGE. Rate is applicable to each lineal foot of street frontage. Rear buildings having frontage only on alley or court must be written for same frontage rates as if upon street. When an assured not otherwise paying frontage charge on same building occupies a basement, store, or shop, the charge for frontage shall be only on the portion of the entire frontage of the building which he occupies. The frontage charge shall apply to all street frontages, excluding the rear or sides of any building or portion thereof which abuts upon an alley not more than 15 feet wide, from building line to building line. When the assured, not the owner or general lessee, occupies premises above the first floor, no charge shall be made for frontage. When writing sanitoriums, hospitals, schools, colleges, public libraries, public museums or public picture galleries, if the buildings abut upon the street, the charge shall be made upon the entire frontage of the premises, but if tney stand back from the street line, the frontage charge shall be made X29) upon the number of lineal feet in the front of each build- ing in which there is an entrance from the street, except cottages. AREA. Rate is applicable to each 100 square feet of the total area. " The total area of a building shall be the sum of the areas of each of its floors including any basement floors to which the public is admitted for general trade or business purposes. The area of each floor shall be the number of square feet in that floor computed upon the horizontal dimensions of the building outside its outer walls, no de- duction being made for courts if entirely enclosed within the walls of the building, nor in any event for any light, air or elevator shafts. The area shall not include courts which open upon the street or to the rear of the lot upon which the premises are located. Cottages on the same grounds with hospitals, sanitoriums, asylums, schools, and colleges shall be rated as private dwellings. LONG TERM POLICIES. 0., L. and T. Public Liability policies may be written for a term of three years, with a discount of 10% upon the frontage, area and elevator rates. All the foregoing is with the provision that the entire three- year premium be paid in advance, or that 50% of such entire three-year premium be paid in advance, 30% thereof at the end of the first year and 20% thereof at the end of the second year. Private residence policies shall be written at the full three-year term rate expressed in [this Manual upon payment of the entire term premium in advance. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS. An O., L. and T. Public Liability policy cannot be written to include more than one insurable interest, except with an additional premium charge of 40% on all elements of the risk for one additional interest, 60% for two additional interests and 75% for three or more additional interests. Such additional insurable interests may be those of an individual, estate, firm, or corporation, but co-owners may be covered under one policy without additional charge. Policies issued to cover the estate of a deceased person, where an executor or administrator is '(30) named, although so expressed as to cover the individual interest of such executor or administrator, involve but one insurable interest. Where a risk is insured at the full rate given in this Manual, other policies on the same risk and for the same limits, but not otherwise, may be issued to other per- sons in interest for a premium of 50% of the rates given in this Manual, such policy, however, to cover but one in- terest unless subjected to the rule respecting additional interests; always provided, however, that the company issuing the second policy at reduced rates has previously or concurrently issued a policy upon the same risk at the full rate required in this Manual. Any such addi- tional policy so written must be made to expire at the same time with the principal policy, the premium being adjusted pro rata for short terms. If the principal policy provides for greater than standard limits, the second policy may, nevertheless, be written for standard limits, or may be written for the same increased limits as the principal policy, upon the same additional pro rata premium charge, but the second policy cannot be written for limits greater than the principal policy. LANDLORDS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY. If the owner or general lessee of a building or buildings has leased the same entire to another, herein called " the tenant," and the tenant controls the elevators and operates the same exclusively, furnishes power, and has entire charge and control of the premises, an 0., L. and T. Public Liability policy may be written to cover such owner or general lessee not in posses- sion at 50% of the rates chargeable for the elements of hazard in such risk, as provided in this Manual, which per- centage shall also apply to the minimum premium. Upon all policies written at the reduced rates provided by this rule the following endorsement shall be attached: The policy to which this endorsement is attached is issued and accepted at a reduced premium upon the following warranties made by the assured: (1) The entire premises are leased by the assured to another herein Called the "Tenant". (2) The said tenant under such lease has entire charge and control of the premises including elevators and boilers. (31) Reprinted Page October 28, 1916. (3) The assured is in no way responsible for maintenance of the elevator and the making of repairs, the responsi-^ bility therefor resting upon the tenant under the terms of the lease. (4) The assured has no employees on or about such premises. (5) The conditions herein described will continue during the term of this policy. The rule contained in the preceding paragraph shall not be available in connection with any risk which is written at reduced rates under the rule for "Landlords' Protective Liability," as contained in the rule immediately following, nor to private residences. Agents and owners having care, custody, control and operation of buildings are insurable only as owners at the rates and under the rules governing owners, but if a policy be issued to cover both owner and agent, such policy shall be written under the rules governing "Additional Interests". GENERAL. Where buildings are occupied in part as stores, with dwellings above, if the assured occupies the stores or any of them, the rate for stores must apply to the store portion, and the rate for apartments or tenements to the balance. In the case of an assured who is sole tenant of a building occupying same partly for residence purposes and partly for office, mercantile or manufacturing purposes, the risk may be rated : (a) that part of the premises occupied for residence purposes by the assured at the rate for Apart- ments tenant's risk only, (b) The remainder of the prem- ises occupied for office, mercantile or manufacturing pur- poses, at the proper rate for such occupancy. If a policy be written to cover a building in which a theatre, concert hall, or other place of public amusement is contained, but there are in the building such occupancies as hotels, stores, offices, or apartments, the theatre, concert hall or place of amusement must be written in accordance with the theatre rule and the balance of the risk at the proper rates as given in this Manual. The classification on page 83 of the Manual reading "Dwellings of every description when occupied by three or more families, and buildings occupied partly for residence purposes by one or more families and partly for store, office or mercantile purposes" shall include all buildings occupied as boarding or furnished room houses. (32) RESIDENCE AND FARM INSURANCE. PRIVATE RESIDENCE. For the purposes of this Manual a private residence is defined as : (a) A single building designed for and occupied as a residence by not more than two families, together with the land upon which it is situated if not in excess of five acres, also including barns, stables, garages and customary outbuildings so far as they are used for household purposes but not for business purposes; (b) A tenement, flat or apartment definitely described as a part of any building if occupied as a residence by not more than one family. The private residence of a physician, surgeon or dentist in which there is maintained office quarters for professional purposes, no other portion of the residence except such office being used for professional purposes, shall be classified and rated as a private residence under these rules. In the event of such occupancy, however, a policy covering public liability shall exclude injuries to patients directly or indirectly due to such professional occupancy. FARM. A tract of land of more than five acres, cultivated in whole or in part for fanning purposes, and with or without a private residence. This term shall also include general and special purpose farms and private estates. PRIVATE CHAUFFEUR. Any person employed as a chauffeur whose duties include the operation, maintenance or repair of any private automobile. This definition shall exclude all employment upon public or commercial automobiles. OUTSERVANT. Any person employed for household, domestic or farm service exclusively, whose principal duties are performed outside the residence. Chauffeurs not included. (33) INSERVANT. All employees in household, domestic or farm service, not otherwise defined, whose principal duties are performed inside the residence. This term shall include cooks, laundresses, maids, butlers, seamstresses, nurses, companions, governesses and all other employees performing duties of a domestic character principally within the residence of the employer, by whatever name or term they may be designated. OCCASIONAL SERVANTS. Shall include those employed either as "Outservants" or "Inservants" (not chauffeurs) whose employment is not continuous, but whose duties are a regular and continuing part of customary household, domestic or farm duties. This term may be illustrated by, but is not limited to, such employments as a laundress for certain days in the week, or a choreman who takes care of the furnace, removes ashes, shovels snow in season, cuts the lawn in season, and does other work of this character, using as much time and at as frequent in- tervals as the requirements of the work make necessary. COMPENSATION. For the purposes of these rules this term shall mean the obligation imposed by law upon the employer for compensation or damages for personal injuries to an employe arising out of and in the course of his employment. It shall also mean the obligation assumed by an employer to pay to injured employes or their dependents the benefits provided under the Workmen's Compensation law. EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY. For the purposes of these rules shall mean the liability imposed upon an employer for injuries sustained by employees by reason of the negligence of the employer and which injuries are not compensatable under any Workmen's Compensation law. PUBLIC LIABILITY. The obligation of the assured for dam- ages for personal injuries sustained upon the insured premises or adjoining public ways by any person or per- sons not employed by the assured. (34) RULES. The compensation obligation shall include all persons in the service of the assured, employed in connection with a private residence or farm. Policies may be issued to cover both husband and wife as assured without additional charge. If interests other than that of husband and wife be joined in the policy, the rules expressed elsewhere in this Manual as regards "Additional Interests" shall apply. The policies shall cover the maintenance, operation, use and occupancy of the premises, including ordinary re- pairs and alterations, but not new construction work of any kind, nor the demolition of existing structures. Such construction work and demolition shall be separately covered upon notice to the Company, at the proper premium charge, and in accordance with the Manual rules and rates. Policies involving per capita charges will be issued to cover the servants employed at the time of issue. If during the period of the policy, added outservants or inservants are employed, or those previously employed are dismissed and not replaced, statements shall be made to the Company at the end of the period, and pro rata premium payment made for each such added servant, or allowed for each such dismissed servant, to the end that the premium upon adjustment shall represent a premium charge as in the policy provided for each servant employed according to the term of such em- ployment. Pro rata premium charge shall not be less than twenty-five (25) per cent of the annual per capita charge for each servant. In the case of chauffeurs who have been in assured's em- ploy for a period less than the entire policy term, charge shall be computed on a short rate basis upon the annual per capita premium, but in no case shall such charge be less than 50% of the annual premium for each chauffeur so employed. Servants need not be named, and the substitution of one servant for another in the same line gf duties requires no notice to the Company and no change in the policy. (35) RATES PRIVATE RESIDENCES. In compensation states in which the compensation law definitely excludes domestic servants, and where the em- ployer does not desire to provide voluntary compensation, a general liability policy may be issued to cover private resi- dences and provide protection against both employers and public liability, but expressly excluding all obligation for compensation* The premium charge for public liability only, exclusive of either employers' liability or compensation, shall be $3.00 per residence, per annum, or $7.50 for three years. The premium charge for employers' and public liability combined, shall be $4.00 per residence, per annum or $10.00 for three years. Under all other conditions a private residence policy shall be issued which covers the compensation obligation of the employer as herein defined only, or which covers both such compensation obligation and the public liability of such em- ployer, or which covers the public liability of such employer only, each form of coverage being governed by the premium rates as applicable thereto. For "Compensation" either written separately or in con- nection with public liability, the following annual premium charges per capita shall be made: No . Symbol Private Chauffeurs, each 0911 VA Outservants, each 0912 VB Inservants, each 0913 VC Occasional Servants. If a fair average estimate of the time during which an occasional servant is employed shall be one-half or less of the customary full time, then the pre- mium charge shall be half of the annual per capita charge for an Inservant or an Outservant dependent upon the na- ture of employment of the Occasional Servant. If a fair (36) and reasonable estimate of the amount of time devoted by an Occasional Servant shows that more than one-half the customary full time is so engaged, then the premium rate for such Occasional Servant shall be the full rate for an Inservant or Outservant dependent upon the nature of the employment of the Occasional Servant. RATESFARMS. In compensation states in which the compensation law definitely excludes farm labor, and the employer does not desire to provide voluntary compensation, an employer's liability policy may be written to cover a farm as herein described, provided all the labor employed upon that farm is strictly within [the statutory exclusion, and there is no law or requirement in the state making the issuance of a policy excluding compensation illegal or improper. Such policies, when issued, shall by endorsement or in some other manner, and in definite terms, exclude all obligations for com- pensation. If any part of the labor upon any farm is not excluded from the compensation act, payroll cannot be di- vided, but a compensation policy must be issued to cover all employees. For employers' liability (standard limits of 5/10,000) written either with or without concurrent public liability, the follow- ing premium charges for each $100 of actual wages determined as hereinafter provided shall be made: Symbol For all employees of whatever nature, exclud- ing only clerical office force CA For clerical office force (if any) AE Under all other conditions a farm policy shall be issued which covers the compensation obligation of the employer as herein defined only, or which covers both such compensa- tion obligation, and the public liability of such employer, or which covers the public liability of such employer only, each form of coverage being governed by the premium rates here- inafter contained as applicable thereto. (37) For " Compensation" either written separately, or in con- nection with public liability, upon risks in which the esti- mated annual payroll is not in excess of $5,000, the follow- ing annual premium charges per capita shall be made: No. Symbol Private Chauffeurs, each 0901 VA Outservants, each 0902 VB Inservants, each 0903 VC If occasional Inservants or Outservants, as herein defined, (not chauffeurs) are employed upon the farm at any time during the term of the policy, the premium rate for such oc- casional servants shall be based upon the actual earnings of such occasional servants during the term of their employ- ment, in lieu of the per capita charge hereinbefore provided. The assured shall be required to keep an actual account of the wages paid to such occasional servants. These wages shall include, in addition to the actual cash wages, the real value of any other consideration, such as board, lodging, store certificates, etc., which is a substitute for cash wages. When the wage agreement with an occasional servant in- cludes board, lodgings or both, the actual wages shall be determined by adding to the cash wages one-third of the amount thereof, and the actual wages thus determined shall be the basis for the premium charge. Wherever any other valuable substitute for wages is used, the true value of such substitute so far as it can be ascertained shall be added to the cash wages to produce the actual wages. The premium rate for occasional servants for each $100.00 of actual wages shall be GF, For "Compensation" either written separately or in con- nection with public liability on risks in which the estimated annual payroll is $5,000 or more, the following premium charges for each $100.00 of actual wages determined as pro- vided by the preceding rule shall be made: For all employees of whatever nature engaged upon or in connection with such farm, including Chauffeurs, Outservants, Inservants, Occasional Servants, also Managers, Superintendents and N O . symbd Foremen if engaged wholly or partly in field work 0006 OF For clerical office force (if any) 8810 AE (38) The assignment of a risk to one of the two methods of rating above provided for shall depend entirely upon the estimated annual payroll upon which advance premium is paid, but if the actual annual payroll, determined by audit at the end of the policy period, shall show that the risk should have been rated in the other class, the policy then expired shall not be changed, but a renewal can only be issued upon the form of rating to which the risk is en- titled by reason of its actual payroll for the preceding year. This actual payroll shall become the estimate for the renewal. The premium charge for Public Liability only, exclusive of either employers' liability or compensation, shall be as follows: For each residence, whether occupied by the assured or by employees or tenants of the assured with a tract of land not exceeding five acres with each residence, $3.00 for each residence per annum, or $7.50 for three years, in addition to which there shall be a further public liability charge of five cents per acre, per annum, up to and including 1,000 acres, and a charge of two cents per acre, per annum, in excess of 1,000 acres, for all land in excess of the five acres allowed for each residence. MINIMUM PREMIUMS. The minimum premium for a compensation policy, either upon a private residence or farm, if no concurrent public liability policy is issued, shall be $6.00 per annum. If con- current public liability is issued, and the compensation policy is based in whole or in part upon per capita charges, the mini- mum annual premium shall be computed as follows : for the compensation portion as represented by per capita charge, the lowest annual per capita charge used in the policy, but if such lowest per capita charge is the charge for one or two inservants, the total per capita charge for two shall be the minimum. If a policy is issued upon a farm, and there is a premium charge made upon the payroll for occasional servants, there shall be entered as a further minimum beyond the per capita charge, the amount which would be produced by applying the rate to a minimum payroll of $200.00. In all policies there shall be added also, as a part of the minimum premium for public liability, the sum of $3.00. The minimum premium for an employers' liability policy on a farm shall be $10.00. (39) TEAMS' PUBLIC LIABILITY. The Teams' rates provided in this Manual cover Public Liability only for the maintenance, use and operation of teams, and include the loading and unloading hazard. No discount shall be allowed for the elimination of this hazard. No Teams' Public Liability policy shall be written to include accidents to the driver or to any other employees engaged in connection with teams. If compensation insurance on drivers and other persons employed upon teams is written, the payroll of such employees must be included at the rate for "Drivers and Drivers' Helpers" provided in this Manual, except for those classifica- tions which by their phraseology require the inclusion of drivers and drivers' helpers at the compensation rate for the classification. If the assured has no employees other than drivers and helpers, then a separate compensation policy shall be issued covering such employees. For those classifications, the phraseology of which requires the inclusion of drivers and drivers' helpers, it is not permissible to issue Teams' Public Liability policies without concurrent Public Liability coverage. Where teams including drivers are employed under a con- tract with the owner of such teams for a consideration, only a portion of which is the actual payroll of the drivers, one- third of the actual amount paid for such teams under the contract with the owner shall be considered as the payroll of the drivers and included in the payroll to which the compensation rate is applicable. Opposite certain classifications in this Manual there appears in the Teams' rate column a dash ( ) indicating that no teams are used or that if teams are used the symbol R will apply. For certain other classifications in the Teams' rate column more than one symbol appears. For explanation of the pur- pose of such symbols, see page 51. (40) There are certain classes of Teams' risks which cannot be assigned to Manual classifications. A list of such risks with rate symbols follows : NO. Symbol Ambulances 7250 LA Baggage Transfer 7251 MC Bicycle Delivery Vehicles 7252 T Furniture Moving Vans or Trucks 7253 P Hand Trucks not peddlers' trucks 7254 U Hired Teams see rule below 7255 Ice Cream Dealers 7256 NA Mail Wagons 7257 KG Newspaper Delivery 7258 KB Omnibus Lines operating in cities and towns exclusively, passenger risk included 7259 KA For excluding passenger risk, a discount of 25% may be allowed. For Stage lines which may operate partly or entirely outside of cities and towns, the rate ex- cluding passenger risk shall be the same as for "Omnibus Lines " as above indicated. If passen- ger hazard is to be covered, the sum of $100.00 must be added to the rate for each team regardless of location. Physicians' Vehicles for one horse 7260 RD Physicians' Vehicles for each additional horse 7261 U A Piano Movers 7262 P Private Vehicles for one horse 7263 TA Private Vehicles for each additional horse. . 7264 U Public Service Vehicles all classes 7280 MA A discount of 20 % will be allowed from public service vehicle rates for the elimination of the passenger hazard. Push Carts 7265 U Railway Iron 7266 P Saddle Horses For each saddle horse whether ridden by employees of assured or rented to or ridden by others 7267 DA Street Sprinklers 7268 R Structural Iron and Steel 7269 P Truckmen 7208 OE Undertakers' Hearses and Coffin Wagons 7270 R (41) HIRED TEAMS. Persons hiring teams from other parties shall pay full Teams' rate, in accordance with the classi- fication provided therefor, except when the owner of such team is already carrying insurance thereon, in which event, the persons hiring the team may be insured at 26% of the full Teams' rate, provided the assured war- rants that insurance will be maintained by the owner on the same teams at full Manual rates, and further pro- vided, that the assured's name does not appear upon the vehicle. If the assured's name does appear upon the vehicle, he may be insured at 25% of the full Teams' rate, provided the owner of such team is already carrying insurance at full rates with this Company. In rating general truckmen's risks, the Manual rate for this classification must be strictly adhered to, except under the following conditions: If a truckman is engaged wholly in trucking for one concern, and the interest of that concern is included as an additional assured at the proper additional premium charge, the basic rate will be the rate applicable to the business in which the user of the team is engaged. If a truckman carts for more than one concern and the interest of each of the users is included as an additional assured, and provided the number of teams used for each concern can be definitely established, the rule expressed in the foregoing paragraph would prevail. If a portion of a truckman's equipment, the number of which can be definitely established, is used wholly by certain concerns and the number of teams used by each concern is definitely established, and the interests of the concerns, for whom the trucking is done, included as additional assureds, the rate applying to the business in which the users are engaged would apply to such teams, and the remainder of the truckman's equipment must be written at the rate for truckmen. The additional interests must always be endorsed to expire concurrently with the Teams' policy. Where the additional interest or interests of users of teams is not covered, the Manual rate for truckmen must apply in all cases, whether or not assured trucks entirely for one or more concerns. (42) SPECIAL Horses owned by assured but rented out to others, with vehicles attached, may be covered, while such horses and vehicles are not in charge of the assured or any of his employees, at a rate of $5.00 per horse per annum. Horses (not saddle horses nor horses rented with vehicles) which assured hires or furnishes to others, may be covered while not in charge of the assured or any of his employees at $2.00 per horse per annum. TEAMS' PROPERTY DAMAGE INSURANCE RULES AND RATES. This is a term adopted to designate insurance to provide against loss arising from the liability of the assured for damages by reason of injury to or destruction of property of any or every description (not, however, the property of the assured or the property of others when in the care of the assured or any of his employees, nor carried in, upon or by the vehicles covered) due to the ownership, use or maintenance of the teams. This form of insurance can only be written concurrently with a Teams' policy. The rate for covering such property damage up to a limit of $1,000.00, shall be 20% of the premium charged for the team so covered with a minimum premium for this feature of $5.00 per team, per annum in cities having a population as shown by the census of 1910, of 250,000 or over, and of $3.00 per team, per annum elsewhere. Such property damage may be written upon bicycle delivery vehicles (not motor cycles) for the same limits, for a minimum of $2.00 per bicycle regardless of the location in which the coverage is provided. Insurance in excess of a limit of $1,000.00 may be written for an additional ium, equal to 3% of the premium charged for such $1,000.00 imit for each $100.00 in excess of $1,000.00 and not in excess I $2,000.00. For each $100.00 in excess of $2,000.00 there all be a further premium charge equal to 1^% of the ium charge for the first limit of $1,000.00. (43) THEATRE PUBLIC LIABILITY INCLUDING MOVING PICTURE SHOWS. Theatre Public Liability policies cannot be written or en- dorsed to include compensation coverage. If in connection with a Theatre Public Liability policy, compensation cover- age is desired, a separate policy in accordance with the rules and rates in this Manual shall be written concurrently with the Theatre Public Liability policy. The rates for Theatre Public Liability risks, including moving picture shows, are based upon the seating capacity, These rates are in lieu of any other charge for the public liability hazards involved, except elevators. Elevators must be included at the Manual rate for elevator public liability 01 specifically excluded from the policy. LONG TERM POLICIES. Theatre Public Liability policies may be written for a term of three years with a discount of 10% upon the seating capacity and elevator rates. All the fore- going is with the provision that the entire three-year pre- mium be paid in advance, or that 50% of such entire three year premium be paid in advance, 30% at the end of the first year, and 20% at the end of the second year. ADDITIONAL INTERESTS. A Theatre Public Liability policy cannot be written to cover more than one insurable interest except with an additional premium charge of 40% on all elements of the risk for one additional interest, 60% for two additional interests, and 75% for three or more addi- tional interests. Such additional insurable interests may be those of an individual, estate, firm or corporation, but co-owners may be covered under one policy without addi- tional charge. Policies issued to cover the estate of a de- ceased person, where an executor or administrator is named, although so expressed as to cover the individual interest of such executor or administrator, involve but one insurable interest. LANDLORDS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY. If the owner or general lessee of a theatre has leased the same entire to another, herein called the "Tenant" and the tenant (44) controls the elevators and operates the same exclusively, furnishes power and has entire charge and control of the premises, a Theatre Public Liability policy may be written to cover such owner or general lessee not in possession at 50% of the rates chargeable for the elements of hazard in such risk as provided in this Manual, which percentage shall also apply to the minimum premium. Upon all policies so written an endorsement shall be attached stating the existence of the conditions above described and that such conditions will continue during the term of the policy; also that the assured has no employees on or about the premises and is in no way responsible for the maintenance of the premises and the making of repairs. Agents and owners having care, custody, control and operation of theatres, are insurable only as owners at the rates and under the rules governing owners but if a policy be issued to cover both owner and agent, such policy shall be written under the rules governing "Additional Interests/' jENBRAL. If the building in which a theatre, concert hall or other place of public amusement is maintained, is occu- pied in part by hotels, stores, offices or apartments, the theatre, concert hall or place of amusement must be written in accordance with the Theatre Public Liability rule and the balance of the risk in accordance with the rules govern- ing the writing of "0., L. and T." insurance. (45) THEATRE RATES. It is recognized that there are many conditions surround- ing a theatre which influence the rate to be charged for Theatre Public Liability insurance. The rates contained in this Manual are basis rates and policies must be issued at such rates. The rates are subject to adjustment in accordance with the Universal Analytic Schedule Theatre Form. MOVING PICTURE SHOWS Public Liability rate per seat, per annum 20 THEATRES, OPERA HOUSES OR HALLS Public Liability rate per seat, per annum 10 NOTE. The premium shall be based upon each seat on the main floor and in each gallery irrespective of the number of entertainments given. (46) OWNERS' OR CONTRACTORS' PROTECTIVE LIABILITY. COVERAGE. An Owners' or Contractors' Protective Lia- bility policy cannot be issued to cover operations performed by direct employees of the assured and shall exclude any obligation for workmen's compensation. PERCENTAGE CONTRACTS. If an owner employs a con- tractor, or a contractor employs a sub-contractor on the "Percentage Basis" so-called, it is probable that the relations will be those of principal and agent and that the employees of the contracting agent may under some circumstances at least be held to be the employees of the principal. It is necessary that this condition be provided for by com- pensation and public liability insurance issued jointly to the contracting parties, and such joint insurance shall be con- sidered as covering only one interest and requiring but one premium charge. Therefore, where the percentage arrange- ment exists, the obligations of the owner or contractor who Is in the position of principal must be included with the obliga- tions of the contractor who is in the position of an agent, and for insurance purposes only, these parties shall be con- sidered joint employers with but one insurable interest in- volved. If any of the work is sub-let by the principal or contracting agent, a Protective Liability policy may be issued as respects such work so sub-let as hereinafter provided. All protective premium rates herein provided are to be applied to the total cost of all work let or sublet, includ- ing all labor, material, and equipment used or delivered for use in the execution of such work, whether furnished by the owner, the contractor, or the sub-contractor, also all allowances, bonuses, or commissions made, paid or due. 1. Owners' protective insurance not available to contractors and covering all work provided for under contract or contracts with the owner, but not on a percentage basis. (a). Where the owner furnishes no material, tools, or equip- ment, rate for each $100.00 of the total cost of the work let or sublet, 10 cents. (47) (b). If the owner furnishes any portion of the material or equipment, for each $100.00 of the total cost of the work let or sublet, 20 cents. This rule shall not apply if the material furnished is exclusively intended and used for interior trim or finish, or if the material furnished is for interior decoration or ornamentation, or if the material furnished consists of interior fixtures, appliances or conveniences, or if the material furnished consists of builders' hardware. This rule shall apply, however, if materials other than those enumerated are also furnished, which materials go into the structural portions of the building, in which event the rate provided in this rule shall apply to the total cost of all work sublet. Under no circumstances shall a Protective Liability policy carry more than one premium rate. If the conditions with these modi- fications do not permit the writing of the entire risk under sub- division (a) foregoing, then the entire risk shall be written under this paragraph and at the rate herein provided. (c). If the owner employs any superintendent, watchman or laborers on the premises, these employees must be covered by means of compensation and public liability insurance according to the rules and rates contained in this Manual. (d). If the owner of land makes a long term lease to another, the lessee to erect a building upon the land, the owner of the land having no relation to or connection with the work of con- struction, a protective policy to cover such lessor during the construction of the building may be written at a rate of 2 cents for each $100.00 of the total cost of the building as here- inbefore provided. The policy, however shall be endorsed to express these existing conditions. 2. Contractors' protective insurance covering work to be performed under sub-contract or sub-contracts except upon the percentage basis, for which see previous rule. (a). If the contractor does not furnish any material, tools, or equipment for the use of any sub-contractor, charge, for each $100.00 of the total cost of the work sublet, 12J cents. (48) (b). Where the contractor furnishes any portion of the material, tools, or equipment for use of any sub-contractor, charge, for each $100.00 of the total cost of work sublet, 25 cents. This rule shall not apply if the material furnished is exclusively intended and used for interior trim or finish, or if the material furnished is for interior decoration or ornamenta- tion, or if the material furnished consists of interior fixtures, appliances or conveniences, or if the material furnished con- sists of builders' hardware. This rule shall apply, however, if materials other than those enumerated are also furnished, which materials go into the structural portions of the build- ing, in which event the rate provided in this rale shall apply to the total cost of all work sublet. Under no circumstances shall a Protective Liability policy carry more than one premium rate. If the conditions with these modifications do not permit the writing of the entire risk under sub- division (a) foregoing, then the entire risk shall be written under this paragraph and at the rate herein provided. (c). If the contractor employs any superintendent, watch- men or laborers upon the premises, or undertakes the actual performance of any portion of the work, such employees and such work must be covered by means of compensation and public liability insurance under the rules and rates given in this Manual. 3. Contractors engaged in setting boilers or engines under contract with manufacturers or purchasers, rate to be applied to the entire cost of the contract work exclusive of the cost of boilers, engines or appliances thereof furnished by the manufacturer protective liability rate, covering the manu- facturer or owner, but not the contractor, $1.50. (49) REMOVAL PERMITS. Permits for the removal of mercantile establishments to new locations may be attached to 0., L. and T. Public Liability policies under the following conditions: 1st. The policy or policies shall cover old and new locations during the period of removal. 2d. There shall be a flat premium charge for the hazards of removal not herein excluded, of $15.00 for a term of not exceeding three days. An additional premium of $3.00 per day shall be charged for every day or portion of day in excess of three. These permits shall exclude the hazards of transportation between the old and the new locations, which shall be covered only by a Teams' Public Liability policy at the proper rate. (50) SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS TO AGENTS GOVERNING USE OF MANUAL. In the preparation of this Manual the schedule arrangement of classifications has been superseded by an alphabetical arrangement. In the rate columns will be found symbols representing the rates applicable to each classification for Compensation, Public Liability, Teams' Public Liability and Automobile Public Liability. At the back of the Manual will be found rate sheets indicating the values for said symbols except Automobile Public Liability for which refer to the Automobile Manual. It will be observed that certain symbols on the rate sheets are marked with an (x), and in the note reference is made to rate sheets entitled " Exceptions ' ' . These exceptions are classifica- tions which have been given individual treatment in the case of the particular state to which the rate sheet applies. The rates for such classifications will be found on the "Exceptions' ' rate sheets. Certain classifications are more or less peculiar to individual states and these special classifications, if any, will be found on a separate rate sheet. Certain classifications are designated in the rate columns by (a) or (b). (a) means "refer to Home Office" and agents must understand that they are not permitted to make quota- tions for risks falling under such classes without reference to the Home Office, (b) means "refer to pages 52 and 53 of the Manual" where will be found specific instructions as to the rate treatment to be accorded classifications so designated. In the "Teams" and "Auto" columns there will be found opposite certain classifications hyphenated symbols. These symbols indicate that there may be two classes of teams or automobiles used in connection with the risk. In such cases it is required that the teams or automobiles be classified and the proper Manual rate applied to each class. . In the rating of teams' risks, special attention is called to the list of teams with their symbols enumerated on page 39. If the agent has any doubt as to the proper classification of a teams' or automobile risk, the risk with full particulars should be referred to the Home Office. The column designated "No." is for Home Office use and has no relation to the rating of risks. (51) CLASSIFICATIONS WHICH ARE DESIGNATED BY (b) IN P. L. COLUMN SHALL BE RATED AS FOLLOWS : Advertising Signs. Electrical Signs including maintenance and opera- tion, per hundred sq. ft $2 . 00 Roof Signs other than electrical signs, per hundred sq. ft 2.00 Signs fastened on walls of buildings, per hundred sq. ft. 1 . 00 Street or Highway Signs or Bulletins, per hundred sq. feet 25 Signs in fields and vacant lots, per hundred sq. ft 10 Minimum premium, $6.00 per policy. Automatic Slot or Vending Machines, operation of (ex- cluding installation in place, repair and taking down) per machine, per annum 10 Baseball Clubs and Parks. Basis of premium computation per $100 of gate receipts 50 Minimum premium per season or year in cities with population of 100,000 or over, $250.00 per park. Elsewhere, $100.00 per park. Bath Houses and Bathing Pavilions Beach. Basis of premium computation per $100 of gross receipts 50 The minimum premium per season or year shall not be less than an amount equivalent to 10 centa for each dressing room. Churches. Flat premium charge per annum : In cities with population of 100,000 or over 50.00 Elsewhere 25.00 Dance Halls, Including dance floors, galleries and in- struction rooms. Basis of premium computation per 100 of admis- sion receipts : When alcoholic liquors are served on the prem- ises, minimum annual premium, $50.00, rate 2.00 When no alcoholic liquors are served on the prem- ises, minimum annual premium, $25.00, rate 1.00 (52) Reprinted Page revised May 11, 19JG. Dog Shows. Rate as " Horse Shows." Exhibitions -- Agricultural, Horticultural or Indus- trial, in halls, theatres or auditoriums: Basis of premium computation per $100 of gate receipts 50 Minimum premium for term of policy, which term shall include but one continuous exhibition in cities with popu- lation of 100,000 or over, $125.00. Elsewhere, $50.00. These minimum premiums are not subject to short rate or pro rata adjustment. Golfers. A Public Liability policy may be issued to an indi- vidual golfer insuring him against loss by reason of his liability for accidents suffered by any person, including his caddy, club members, club employees, fellow players and general public, for limits of $5,000 for one person injured and $10,000 for any one accident in which more than one person is injured. Premium for one-year policy 3 . 00 Premium for three-year policy 7. 00 Horse Shows in halls, theatres or auditoriums ex- clusively. Basis of premium computation per $100 of gate receipts 1 . 00 Minimum premium for term of policy, which term shall include but one continuous exhibition, in cities with popu- lation of 100,000 or over, $125; elsewhere, $50. These minimum premiums are not subject to short rate or pro rata adjustment. Lunch Wagons, including hauling to and from the place of business, rate for each, per annum 10 . 00 Skating Rinks Ice or Roller. Basis of premium computation per $100 of admission receipts, including receipts from the hiring of skates. . 50 Minimum premium per season or year, $125 for each rink in cities with population of 100,000 or over; elsewhere, $50. These minimum premiums are not subject to short rate or pro rata adjustment. (53) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto, Absorbent Cotton Mfg 4690 BF Z R 5 Acetic Acid Mfg : 4536 CM ZB R 5 Acetylene Gas Machine Mfg 3522 CM ZB R 5 JAcetylene Gas Machines instal- lation 3722 CQ ZJ R 5 Acetylene Gas Tank Charging Sta- tions operation 4636 E6 ZT R 5 Acid Mfg. (not otherwise classified). 4510 CT ZB R 5 Adding Machine Mfg 3567 BA ZA R 5 Additions to, alterations and repairs of assured's existing buildings or plants (not maintenance of equip- ment covered as manufacturing operations) excluding the erection or demolition of structural steel or of any fabricated iron or steel prod- uct or structure, or the construc- tion of sewers, tunnels, shafts, or subways 5602 GS ZJ 5 This classification is not available to contractors. Advertising Novelties Mfg. not ex- clusively wood, metal or celluloid . 4950 CG ZA R 5 This classification applicable to con- cerns engaged exclusively in the manu- facture of a miscellaneous line of Advertising Novelties. Advertising Signs Mfg. celluloid . . 4454 CD ZB R 5 Advertising Signs Mfg. glass 4132 BL ZA R 5 Advertising Signs Mfg. metal 3064 CJ ZB R 5 {Advertising Signs-^-erection and re- pair only (excluding sign painting on buildings) 9540 CZ ZM R 5 Public Liability policies shall cover only during the actual performance of the work. {Advertising Signs maintenance and operation of 9542 DJ (b) R 5 Aerated Water Mfg 2160 CZ ZG PA 3 Aeroplane Mfg., including over- hauling and repair in shop and outside, excluding operation and demonstration 3830 BR ZD R 5 For coverage of operation and demonstration refer to Home Office. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (55) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Agate and Enamel Ware Mfg. 3224 CV ZB R 5 AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY MFG. Road or Street Making Machinery Mfg 3521 CT ZC P 5 Threshing or Husking Machine Mfg 3504 CT ZC P 5 Traction Engine or Power Plow Mfg 3505 CT ZC P 5 Wagon Mfg 3868 CJ ZA R 5 If the business of the assured is completely described by one of the foregoing classifications, the risk must be assigned to such classification. If the business of the assured is not completely described by one of the foregoing classifications, the risk must be classified and rated as follows : Machine Shop no foundry, If the following operations are included each must be separately classified and rated : Foundries iron 3081 CE ZC R 5 Foundries malleable iron 3086 CJ ZB R 5 Woodworking 2825 CM ZA R 5 Agricultural Tools Mfg. (hand) (shovels, spades, scoops, pitch- forks, rakes, hoes and gardening tools) 3137 BW ZB R 5 Alcohol Mfg 4535 CM ZB R 5 Aluminum Smelting 1434 CP ZG R 5 Aluminum Ware Mfg., from sheet aluminum no rolling mill or smelt- ing operations 3227 CR ZB R 5 Ammonia Mfg 4521 CM ZB R 5 Amusement Parks (rate as "Exhibi- tions.") Analytical Chemists, including shop work and work performed away from shop 4511 CM ZD R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (56) Reprinted Page July 3, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Anchor Mfg 3108 CQ ZG P 5 Aniline and Alizarine Mfg 4553 CM ZB R 5 Apartment Hotels and Hotel Apart- ments (excluding power laundry) . 9005 BH YE MA/R 2 ^ Laundries in connection with apart- ment hotels and hotel apartments oper- ating no machinery, doing hand work exclusively, to be covered under the ,j governing classification. Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." Apartment Houses. 9004 BY YE MA/R 2 Apartment House one apartment (tenant's risk) see page 33. {Appliances installing and erecting copper and other sheet metal wholly inside buildings not in course of construction (not other- wise classified) 5114 CL ZJ R 5 Appraising of Buildings, their Con- tents and Machinery 8721 BF ZD S 5 ^Architects supervising 5603 CM ZL S 5 Arms Mfg. heavy ordnance (not charging shells) 3527 CT ZC P 5 Arms Mfg. small arms (not charg- ing shells) 3200 BL ZA R 5 Arsenic Mfg 4532 CM ZB R 5 Art Novelties finishing and assem- bling only (not otherwise classi- fied) no stamping (not avail- able for division of payroll) 4951 BL Z R 5 JArtesian Well Drilling 6201 CT ZJ R 5 Artificial Feather and Flower Mfg. 2534 A V Z R 5 Artificial Limb Mfg 4970 CC ZA R 5 Asbestos Goods Mfg 1852 CT ZA R 5 {Asphalt Laying street or sidewalk (including shop and yard) 5503 06 ZL R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (57) Reprinted Page July 3, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Asphalt Works (shop and yard only) 4745 GQ ZD R 5 Assaying 1410 GT ZB R 5 Asylums : Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professional Employees 8830 AS All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and em- ployees in power laundries 9040 BH YD MA/R 5 Laundries in connection with asylums operating no machinery, doing hand v/ork exclusively, to be covered at the J rate for "All other employees," etc. Power laundries to be classified se- parately as "Laundries not otherwise classified." Public Liability for asylums ex- cludes injuries to patients due to the rendering of any professional ser- vices, or the omission thereof, by any doctor, nurse or other attendant. For Public Liability rate for cottages attached to asylums, see rule, page 30. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (OTA) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Asylums for the Insane (a) (a) MA/R 5 Public Liability for asylums excludes injuries to patients due to the render- ing of any professional services, or the . omission thereof, by any doctor, nurse or other attendant. For Public Liability for cottages attached to asylums, see rule, page 30. Athletic Clubs 9065 BH YF MA/R 5 Public Liability for gymnasium, $10.00 additional ; for swimming tank, $5.00 additional ; for bowling alleys, $5.00 additional per alley. Auctioneers to cover wherever goods are auctioned (not live stock sales stables) 8090 BD ZJ B 3 Auditors, Accountants and System- atizers: Clerical office employees, travel- ing auditors, accountants and office systematizers 8803 AE Z S 5 Factory Cost Systematizers 8722 BX ZC S 5 Autogenous Cutting and Welding (oxy-acetylene process) (rate as "Oxy- Acetylene Cutting and Welding.") Automatic Slot or Vending Machines, Mfg. (including installation in place, repairs and taking down).. . 3560 EX ZE R 5 Automatic Slot or Vending Machines operation of 8743 (b) P 3 5 Automatic Sprinkler Mfg 3583 BX ZA R S JAutomatic Sprinkler installation.. 5188 CM ZG R 5 t Automatic Stoker installation . . 373^ GQ ZJ P 2 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (58) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Au'o. Automobile, Carriage and Wagon Body Mfg. metal or wood (not available for division of payroll) . . 3802 BY ZA R 5 Automobile Dealers with or without garage, and auto garages. Entire remuneration of all em- ployees, not excepting clerical (in- cluding executive officers whose duties expose them to any opera- tive hazard of the business) must be included without division. The actual remuneration of such ex- ecutive officers and salesmen must be included in the payroll but not in excess of $1,500 per annum, per officer or salesman 8380 BT Automobile Engine Mfg 3805 BR ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (58 A) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Automobile Frame Mfg. (not chassis) (not available for division of payroll) 3800 CJ ZB R 5 Automobile Garage^ private (when not on same premises with private dwellings). Public Liability $4.00 per annum or $10.00 for three years. Automobile Lamp and Lantern Mfg (not available for division of payroll) 3801 CM ZB R 5 Automobile Livery, Garages and Taxicab Stations: Employees of garage excluding Chauffeurs and Clerical Office Employees * 8380 BT Chauffeurs 7382 06 Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Automobile Mfg. assembling of manufactured parts only (not available for division of payroll).. 3809 BP Z R 5 Automobile Mfg 3808 BR Z R 5 This classification applies only to concerns turning out automobiles as finished products, including the manufacture of such parts as they may themselves manufacture, with assembling and finishing of automo- biles, and is not applicable to con- cerns engaged in the manufacture of specific parts, such as motors, bodies, castings and the like. Automobile Radiator Mfg. (not available for division of payroll) . . 3807 BY ZA R 5 Automobile Salesrooms (no garage or repair shop; no movement of cars except by hand) entire com- pensation of salesmen and clerical force to be included 8109 BD ZD Automobile Tops Mfg. excluding the manufacture of metal or wooden parts (not available for division of payroll in "Automobile Mfg".) 3804 BL ZA R 5 For the manufacture of metal or wooden parts of automobile or carriage tops rate as " Hardware Mfg. auto- mobile of carriage ". See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (59) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Automobile Wind Shield Mfg 3806 BR ZA R 5 Awning and Tent Fabric Mfg. (shop only) no manufacturing of wooden pegs or iron frames 2246 BW Z R 5 Awning and Tent Mfg. shop only 2574 BL ZA R 5 J Awning and Tent erection 9543 CZ ZL R 5 Axe Mfg 3115 CF ZB R 5 Axle Grease Mfg 4742 CA ZA R 5 Axle Mfg. wood 3862 CM ZA R 5 Babbitt Metal Mfg 3335 BZ ZB R 5 Baby Carriage Mfg 3865 BT Z R 5 Badge Mfg. cloth 2389 AW Z R 5 Badge Mfg. metal (no stamping) . . 3135 BL ZA R 5 Bag Mfg. burlap, sacking (sewing only) 2575 BF Z R 5 Bag Mfg. paper only no paper making 4273 BQ Z R 5 Bag Mfg. traveling, portmanteau and valise... 2683 BL Z R 5 Bakeries; 2000 BZ ZB RA 4/5 Baking Powder Mfg. no can mfg. 4500 BL ZA R 5 Ball Bearing Mfg 3638 BS ZA R 5 Barber Shops 9580 BL YF R 5 Public Liability excludes injuries to customers due to the rendering of any professional services, or the omission thereof, by any barber, chir- opodist, manicure or other attendant. Barbers' Supplies Mfg. (including furniture) 2872 CB ZA R 5 Bark Mills 2716 DD ZD R 5 Bark Peeling 2701 DF ZD R 5 Barrel Mfg. making heads, hoops and staves, and assembling 2742 CY ZA R 5 Barrel Mfg. not making heads, hoops and staves, assembling only. 2745 GR ZA R 5 Barrel Mfg. wood veneer (no veneer mfg.) 2906 CY ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (60) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Barytes Mfg. no quarrying 1 740 OH ZC R 5 Baseball Clubs and Parks: All players on salary list of as- sured, whether regularly played or not including umpires 9181 CV (b) MA/R 5 All employees engaged in care, maintenance and operation of grounds and care of teams, in- cluding ticket sellers and col- lectors, trainers, managers (not playing managers) bat boys and special officers 9182 BY (b) R 5 Baseball Mfg 2690 BL Z R 5 Basket Mfg. willow ware 2903 BX ZA R 5 Basket Mfg. wood veneer (no veneer mfg.) 2907 GY ZA R 5 Bath Houses and Bathing Pavilions Beach 9183 CC (b) R 5 Baths (not otherwise classified) .... 9064 CC Yl R 5 Public Liability for baths excludes injuries to customers due to the ren- dering of any professional services, or the omission thereof. Public Liability minimum pre- mium, $50.00. Battery Mfg. storage (manufac- tured from lead plates) 3640 CR ZG R 5 Battery Mfg. storage (manufac- tured from iron and nickel plates). 3641 GH ZC R 5 Bean Sorting and Handling 2054 BL ZA R 5 Bedstead Mfg. metal 3302 BY ZB R 5 Bedsteads Mfg. metal assembling manufactured parts only (not avail- able for division of payroll) 3304 BV ZA R 5 Beet Sugar Mfg 2030 CM ZF 5 JBells (tower bells) installation.. . 9532 DC ZJ P 5 Bent Wood Mfg 2879 CB ZA R 5 Bicycle and Bicycle Parts Mfg. (including the assembling of bicycles) 3840 BR Z R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (61) Classification No. Comp. P.L.. Teams' Auto. | Bill Posting no erection or repair of signs 9545 DJ ZJ R 5 Billiard and Bowling Halls : *No alcoholic drinks served on the premises 9084 BQ YF R 5 *When alcoholic drinks are served on the premises 9085 BQ YH R 5 ^Additional charge for P. L. of $5.00 per alley. Billiard Halls no bowling alleys: No alcoholic drinks served on the premises 9086 AX YF R 5 When alcoholic drinks are served on the premises 9087 AX YH R 5 Billiard Table Mfg. including set- ting up and taking down at place of delivery 2870 CB ZA R 5 Black Lead Mfg 1749 CH ZA R 5 Blacking Mfg. shoe nocanmfg.. 4590 GC ZA R 5 Blacksmithing not shoeing (not available for division of payroll) . . 31 07 CJ ZC R 5 Blacksmithing shoeing 9590 CV ZD R 5 If employees lead or drive animals of customers to and from shop, P. L. rate. ZJ JBlast Furnaces erection, repair and re-lining 5002 DY ZJ R 5 Blast Furnaces operation 1421 DO ZG P 5 Blasting payroll to include the whole remuneration of all em- ployees engaged in the storage, handling, or use of explosives including loading, capping, con- necting and firing; with an ad- ditional minimum premium of $25.00 (see rule relative to divi- sion of payroll entitled "Blasting"). 6280 ER ZY R 5 Bleacheries 2414 BX Z R 5 Bleaching Powder Mfg 4527 CH ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (62) Reprinted Page June 20, 191G. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Boat Building constructing canal boats, scows, and barges (not available for division of payroll) . . 6803 CZ ZS R 5 Boat Building constructing or re- pairing motor boats wood or metal not exceeding 75 feet over all (including shop and yard work) (not available for division of pay- roll) 6823 CQ Z6 R 5 i Boat Building constructing or re- pairing small yachts, sailboats or rowboats wood or metal not exceeding 40 feet over all (includ- ing shop and yard work) (not avail- able for division of payroll) 6821 CQ Z6 R 5 Boat Building constructing or repairing small yachts, sailboats or rowboats wood or metal not exceeding 150 feet over all (includ- ing shop and yard work) (not avail- able for division of payroll) 6820 CV ZG R 5 Boat Building iron or steel, where staging or scaffolding is used, not otherwise classified (including shop and yard work) 6840 CZ ZG R 2 Boat Building wood, where staging or scaffolding is used, not other- wise classified (including shop and yard work) 6801 CZ Z6 R 5 Bobbin and Spool Mfg. wood 2781 CM ZA R 5 Boilermaking 3620 CT ZC P 2 Boiler Inspecting 8731 CZ ZJ S 5 {Boiler Scaling 8732 CZ ZJ R 5 J Boilers (steam) installation and re- pair including construction of neces- sary concrete or masonry founda- tions. Payroll for "Comp." cov- erage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers 3726 DE ZJ P 2 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (63) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Bolt and Nut Mfg. excluding steel mfg; excluding rolling mill operations ..................... 3132 BY ZA R 5 Bond Paper Mfg .................. 4232 CB ZB R 5 Bone and Ivory Turning .......... 4481 66 ZA R 5 Bonnet Frame Mfg. no wire mfg. 2533 AV Z R 5 Bookbinding ..................... 4307 BL R 5 Boot and Shoe Machinery Mfg. .. 3558 BQ ZA P 5 Boot and Shoe Mfg ............... 2660 AX Z R 5 Boot and Shoe Pattern Mfg. {not available for division of payroll) . . 2792 BF ZA R 5 Borax Mfg.. .................... 4529 CH ZA R 5 Bottle Dealers (second hand) ...... 8212 6H ZD 8 5 Bottle Mfg. no automatic blowing machines (not available for divi- sion of payroll) ................ 4111 B6 ZA R 5 Bottle Mfg. not otherwise classified 4114 BT ZA R 5 Bottling under pressure .......... 2161 GZ Z6 PA 3 Bottling not under pressure (not available for division of payroll). . 2165 CM ZB PA 3 Bowling Halls: *No alcoholic drinks served on the premises ..................... 9082 06 YF R 5 *When alcoholic drinks are served on the premises .............. 9083 66 YH R 5 *Additional charge for P. L. of $5. 00 per alley. Box Mfg. cigar ................. 2766 CM ZA R 5 Box Mfg. folding paper boxes no paper or paper board mfg ...... 4241 BZ ZB R 5 Box Mfg. solid paper boxes no paper or paper board mfg ........ 4240 BZ ZB R 5 Box Mfg. wood assembling only 2767 CM ZA R 5 Box Mfg. wood mfg. shooks and assembling ..................... 2760 CX ZC R 5 Box Mfg. wood (wire bound) no box shooks mfg. (not available for division of payroll) ............. 2765 CM ZA R 5 Box Shooks Mfg .................. 2717 DD ZC R 5 Braid and Fringe Mfg ............ 2387 BA Z R 5 Brass Goods Mfg ................. 3311 CB ZA R 5 Breakfast Food Mfg. prepared foods excluding Oatmeal and Corn Milling ....................... 2016 GG ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (64) Reprinted Page August 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Breweries with or without bottling, excluding drivers and drivers' help- ers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 7 2121 CM ZA OB 2 Drivers and drivers' helpers 7215 CK ZA OB 2 1 Chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 7388 CG ZA OB 2 ^ |Brewery Vats metal and wood installation 3728 CQ ZJ R 5 Brick Mfg. including construction and reconstruction of sheds and kilns if done by assured's employees, also including underground mining. 4010 GS ZC RB 5 Brick Mfg. including construction and reconstruction of sheds and kilns if done by assured's em- ployees, also including clay dig- ging and quarrying (no under- ground mining) 4029 CF ZC RB 5 t Bridge Building masonry other than concrete (no blasting) 5021 DP ZP RB 5 {Bridge Building metal (no blast- ing) 5067 EG ZU P 2 t Bridge Building wood (no blasting). 5407 DQ ZM R 5 Bristol Board Mfg. : No pulp mill 4233 CR ZB R 5 With pulp mill (rate as "Paper and Pulp Mfg.") Broom Mfg. assembling of manu- factured parts only (not available for division of payroll) 2833 BF ZA R 5 Broom Mfg. with saw mill or wood- working machinery 2830 CM ZA R 5 Brush Mfg. assembling , only, ex- cluding sawing, moulding and turn- ing of backs and handles 2832 BF ZA R 5 Not available for division of payroll when located on same or adjoining prem- ises where other brush mfg. operations are carried on. Brush Mfg. including assembling and sawing, moulding and turning of backs and handles 2831 CH .ZA R 5 Brush Mfg. sawing, moulding and turning of backs and handles only- excluding assembling 2834 CQ ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (65) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Buffing Wheel Mfg. cloth or leather only 4980 BV Z R 5 Building Mfg. portable, metal (shop only) 3079 CD ZD R 5 Building Mfg. portable, wood (shop only) 2814 GQ ZD R 5 Building Material Dealers (yard work only no second hand ma- terials or lumber yard) 8205 GE ZG RB 5 Building Material Dealers (yard work only secondhand materials). Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 8204 CT Z6 RB 5 {Building Moving. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 5703 DV ZQ R 5 Building Paper or Building Felt Mfg. no paper or felt making. . . 4283 GO ZB R 5 t Building Raising shoring buildings, removing walls and foundations, columns and piers, and rebuilding same 5702 DZ ZQ R 5 J Buildings Office or Mercantile. Contractors for janitor work, including cleaning and caretaking, also the operation of elevators, heating, lighting, and power apparatus on the premises (not available for division of payroll) . . 9001 BY ZJ R 5 This classification does not apply to contractors whose sole or principal business is window cleaning. {Buildings, Portable erection of sec- tional buildings 5405 CM ZJ R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (66) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. J Buildings Private Residences or Private Estates. Contractors for janitor work, including cleaning and caretaking, care of lawns, side- walks and furnaces and all other work incidental to the care, cus- tody and maintenance of the prop- erty, excluding extraordinary ad- ditions, alterations or repairs 9002 BY ZJ R 5 This classification does not apply to the owner or tenant hiring labor direct. Bunting Mfg 2283 B6 Z R 5 Burlap and Sack Mfg. weaving. .. 2345 CD Z R 5 Butchering including handling of livestock 2081 DD ZD RB 5 i This classification must include all payroll involved in the handling of live stock and carcasses to and including loading of dressed beef, pork, sheep or ^ calves on cars for shipment, but does not include the treatment of the viscera or by-products after removal of the carcass. Butchers' Supplies Mfg 4910 CH ZB R 5 Butter Mfg 2067 BV ZA R 5 Butterine Mfg 4717 BV ZA R 5 Button Mfg. celluloid 4453 CD ZB R 5 Button Mfg. pearl and shell 4480 BX ZA R 5 Button Mfg. vegetable ivory 4482 BF ZA R 5 Button Mfg, nototherwiseclassified 3131 BY ZA R 5 Cab Companies (horse) including all payroll except clerical office employees 7202 CK Z6 MA- For rate to cover accidents to pub- lic caused by horses and vehicles out- side the stable walls, see Teams' rate. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (67) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams" Auto. Cabinet Works no power driven woodworking machinery (not avail- able for division of payroll) 2813 BM ZA R 5 Cabinet Works with power driven -machinery 2812 (a) (a) R 5 Cable Mfg. wire 3240 CZ ZB R 5 % Cable (electric) placing of same in conduits or subways 7536 GH ZJ R 4 Cables insulation no wire drawing 4470 GR ZA R 5 I Caisson Work bridges and other subaqueous work; payroll to in- clude that of all employees work- ing under air pressure, and all others engaged in or upon the caissons or the apparatus connected therewith 6250 EE ZM R See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (67A) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. {Caisson Work building founda- tions; payroll to include that of all employees working under air pressure and all others engaged in or upon the caissons or the ap- paratus connected therewith 6253 DY ZP R 5 Camphor Mfg 4530 CA ZB R 5 Can Mfg 3220 DA ZB R 5 J Canal Construction (excluding barge canal construction) all opera- tions in connection therewith, except railroad operations, bridge building, caisson work and wrecking 6361 DK ZJ R 5 The above excepted classifications to take full Manual rates. For contracts involving the per- formance of dredging work only no rock work, no blasting and no other operations of any nature whatsoever apply the rate for the classification "Dredging by floating dredges." Candle Mfg , 4710 CA ZA R 5 Candy Mfg 2041 BM ZA R 5 Cane Mfg 2952 BY ZA R 5 Canneries no can mfg. (not other- wise classified) 2111 CE ZA R 5 Canoe Building 6822 CH ZA R 5 Canvas Belting Mfg 2245 BW ZA R 5 Canvas Mfg 2247 BW Z R 5 Cap and Hat Mfg. cloth 2535 AV Z R 5 Capsule Mfg. gelatine 4657 BF Z R 5 Car Mfg. railroad (all kinds) 3881 CV ZD R 5 Car Wheel Mfg. cast iron or steel not pressed steel 3880 CV ZG R 5 Car Wheel Mfg. pressed steel wheels 3882 CV ZC R 5 Carbide of Calcium Mfg 4533 CM ZD R 5 Carbon Mfg. (not electro-chemical process) 1465 CH ZA R 5 Carbon Paper Mfg. no paper making 4275 BF ZA R 5 Carbonic Acid Gas Mfg 4633 CZ ZC R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (68) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Carborundum or other Abrasive Material Mfg. by electro-chemi- cal process 1880 CP ZC R 5 Carbureter Mfg 3581 BA ZA R 5 Cardboard Mfg : No pulp mill 4233 CR ZB R 5 With pulp mill (rate as 'Taper and Pulp Mfg.") Card Clothing Mfg 3510 BA ZA R 5 Carding and Fulling Mills (not available for division of payroll) .. 2221 BO Z R 5 t Carpentry not otherwise classified 5401 DE ZJ R S Carpentry work in connection with wooden bridges to take rate for ' 'Bridge Building wood." I Carpentry installation of interior trim such as builders' finish and cabinetwork, 5437 BX ZJ R 5 Carpentry shop only 2803 CO ZC R 5 Carpet Cleaning or Beating 9640 CG ZC R 4 Carpet Mfg 2400 BE ZA R 5 Carnage and Wagon Mfg. assem- bling of manufactured parts only (not available for division of payroll) 3866 BP ZA R 5 Carriage and Wagon Mfg 3864 GJ ZA R 5 Carriage Mfg. no wagon 3867 BY ZA R 5 Carriage Dashes and Tops Mfg. ex- cluding the manufacture of metal or wooden parts and leather enam- eling (not available for division of payroll in the following classifica- tions: "Carriage and Wagon Mfg." "Carriage Mfg. no wagon")-.,- 3863 BL ZA R 5 For the manufacture of metal or wooden parts, rate as "Hardware Mfg. auto- mobile or carriage." Carriage Repositories and Sales- rooms 8108 BD YF R 5 J Carrier Systems installation and repair inside of mercantile build- ings only (gravity, pneumatic or power) 5143 BX Zl R 5 Installation of freight carrier systems to take the "Millwright" rate. Sec Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (69) Reprinted Page Auyuxt 28, 1910. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Cartridge Mfg. charging and loading - all operations involving the handling of explosives, including the manufacture of fulminate 4766 EL ZQ R 5 Cartridge Mfg. for small arms, in- cluding insertion of percussion caps excl uding the manufacture of fulminate, loading, charging or handling of explosives 3636 GB ZA R 5 Cash Register Mfg 3569 BA ZA R 5 Cast Iron Pipe Mfg 3089 DD ZC P 5 Castor Oil Mfg 4681 GT ZA R 5 Catering including services away from store 9069 BL ZG R 4 Cathedral and Art Glass Window Mfg. with or without glass making 4133 BF ZA R 5 Cattle Dealers (not operating stock yards not live stock shipping) (not available for division of payroll) .. 8282 CZ ZJ R 5 Cattle and Stock Food Mfg 2009 CO ZG R 5 Ceiling and Wall Covering Mfg. metal 3063 CM ZB R 5 t Cellar Excavation (no caisson or sub- aqueous work), including digging holes and filling them with concrete for foundations for buildings 6220 DQ ZM R 5 t Cellar Excavation (no caisson or sub- aqueous work, and no blasting) maximum depth of excavation, 12 feet (not available for division of payroll) 6227 DD ZM R 5 Celluloid Goods Mfg. from celluloid and from composition in the manu- facture of which celluloid has been used no celluloid mfg 4452 CD ZB R 5 Celluloid Mfg. (pyroxylin plastics) . 4440 DV ZD R 5 Cement Mfg. including quarrying with or without blasting. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 1651 DK ZE 5 *i Cement Mfg. no quarrying 1701, GZ ZC R 5 Cemetery Companies all employees except clerical office no blasting. 9220 CD YA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (70) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. t Cesspool Digging, including inci- dental concrete lining no blasting 6304 DT ZM R 5 Chain Mfg. not otherwise classified 3103 CJ ZB R 5 Chain Mfg. automatic process or hand forging (not available for division of payroll) 3109 CB ZA R 5 CHAIR MFG.: Chair Stock Mfg. no assembling. 2734 CQ ZB R 5 Chair Mfg. including assembling of manufactured parts and fin- ishing 2880 CB ZA R 5 Chair Mfg. assembling of manu- factured parts and finishing only (not available for division of pa3 T roll when located on same or aH pining premises where other chair mfg. operations are carried on) 2885 BM ZA R 5 Chair Mfg. upholstering 9524 BF ZA R 5 Chandelier Mfg 3182 BL ZA R 5 Charcoal Dealers (no furnaces) 8214 BX ZD R 3 Charcoal Mfg 1481 M ZD R 3 Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs' Helpers commercial (not otherwise clas- sified) 7380 G6 This rate is not applicable to those classifications which specifically pro- vide for inclusion of payroll of chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers at the rate for such classifications. Check Mfg. metal (no stamping). . 3140 BL ZA R 5 Check Mfg. not metal 4286 BF Z R 5 Check Protectors Mfg 3573 BA Z R 5 Cheese Mfg 2061 BV ZA R 5 Chemical Mfg. not otherwise classi- fied 4524 CM ZB R 5 Chewing Gum Mfg 2045 BM ZA R 5 t Chimney Construction stone, brick or concrete, not structural iron or steel 5000 E6 ZM R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (71) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. China Decorating, including firing no manufacturing 4050 AZ Z R 5 ChinaMfg 4051 AZ Z R 5 Chocolate Mfg 2042 BA ZA R 5 Churches: Rector and assistants, organist and members of choir 8840 AE All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including elevator attendants, excluding extraor- dinary additions, alterations or repairs 9104 BY (b) R 5 Cider Mfg 2141 CE ZA R 5 Cigar or Cigarette Mfg. hand made (not available for division of pay- roll) 2171 AV Z R 5 Cigar or Cigarette Mfg. machine made 2170 AX Z R 5 Cigarette Paper Mfg. (rate as "Paper and Pulp Mfg.") 4235 Circular Loom Mfg. flexible piping for electric wires 4472 BR ZA R 5 Clay Digging (no canal, sewer or cellar excavation, or underground mining) (no blasting) 4001 DD ZJ R 5 Cleaning and Dyeing 2583 OR ZC R 4 J Cleaning and renovating outside surfaces of buildings 5469 EC ZM R 5 J Clearing land, removing stumps and grading for agricultural pur- poses exclusively. Payroll for " Comp" coverage to includedrivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 6040 CZ ZJ R 5 Clerical Office Employees (not other- wise classified)- 8810 AE Z R 5 CloakMfg 2501 AQ Z R 5 Clock Mfg 3382 BL ZA R 5 Cloth Printing 2417 BT ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (72) Reprinted Page July 3, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Cloth Sponging (not available for division of payroll) 2415 BK ZA R 5 Clothing Mfg 2501 AQ Z R 5 Club Houses (not athletic, country, or yacht) 9072 BH YD R 5 Public Liability for gymnasium, $10 additional ; for swimming tank, $5 additional ; for bowling alleys, $5 additional per alley. Coal Billet and Briquette Mfg 1463 CM ZD QA 3 COAL MERCHANTS : Coal Merchants receiving or ship- ping by water or by land and water, including stevedoring operations when performed by the assured by means of power machinery 8220 DJ ZH QA 3 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers.. . 7212 GX Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs' Helpers 7385 CX This classification not available to concerns engaged exclusively in stevedoring. . Coal Merchants receiving or ship- ping by land but not by water where power machinery is used either for loading or unloading or spotting cars 8221 CX ZH QA 3 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers. . . 7213 CX Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs' Helpers 7386 CX * Coal Merchants receiving or ship- . ping by land or water where no power machinery is used for load- ing or unloading or spotting cars 8222 CO Z6 QA 3 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers. . 7214 CQ Chauffeurs and Chauffeurs' Helpers 7387 CQ * Cocoa Mfg 2042 BA ZA R 5 Cocoanut Shredding and Drying (not available for division of pay- roll) 2043 CE Z R 5 *Payroll must be included in the public liability policy. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (73) Reprinted Page August 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Cod Liver Oil Mfg 4660 CT ZA R 5 Coffee Cleaning, Roasting and Grinding 2050 BL Z R 5 COFFIN AND CASKET MFG : Coffin and Casket (wood) mfg. and assembling 2804 CM ZA R 5 Coffin and Casket (metal) mfg. and assembling 3074 CH ZA R 5 Coffin and Casket (concrete) mfg. and assembling 4035 CA ZA R 5 Upholstery Work and Mfg. Burial Garments 9525 AQ Z R 5 Coke Burning 1480 CC ZD QA 3 Cold Storage Warehouses operation 8291 CR Z6 R 5 Collar and Cuff Mfg. including laundry 2520 AY Z R 5 ^ COLLEGES AND SCHOOLS : Agricultural . Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8860 AJ All other employees 9101 BY YD MA/R 5 For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see rule, page 30. Domestic Science . Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8861 AE All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and employees in power laundries 9101 BH YD MA/R 5 Laundries, in connection with colleges and schools, operating no machinery doing hand work exclusively, to be covered at the rate for ' ' All other employees," etc. Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see rule, page 30. Bee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Manual Training. Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8862 il All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and employees in power laundries 9101 BH (a) HA/R 5 ^ Laundries, in connection with colleges and schools, operating no machinery doing hand work exclusively, to be covered at the rate for "all other employees, " etc. lk Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see , rule, page 30. Military . Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8863 AE All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and employees in power laundries.... 9101 BH YD MA/R 5 * Laundries, in connection with colleges and schools, operating no machinery doing hand work exclusively, to be covered at the rate for "all other ^ employees," etc. Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see rule, page 30. Veterinary. Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8864 AJ All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and employees in power laundries 9101 BH YD MA/R 5 * Laundries, in connection with colleges and schools, operating no machinery se Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (75) Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto, doing hand work exclusively, to be covered at the rate for "all other employees," etc. Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see rule, page 30. Not otherwise classified . Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Professors and Teachers 8865 AE All other employees except drivers and drivers' helpers, chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers and employees in power laundries 9101 BH YD MA/R 5 Laundries, in connection with colleges and schools, operating no machinery doing hand work exclusively, to be covered at the rate for "all other employees," etc. ' Power Laundries to be classified separately as "Laundries not other- wise classified." For Public Liability for cottages attached to Colleges and Schools see rule, page 30. Color Mfg. dry| 4554 CM ZB R 5 Commissary Work cooks, waiters and other employees engaged in furnishing board for employees hi connection with manufacturing, lumbering or contracting risks (not exposed to mechanical hazard of SUCh risks). 9078 BZ ZD classincation Composition Goods Mfg. contain- ing celluloid (no celluloid mfg. or use of celluloid) 4450 CD ZB R 5 Compressed Food Mfg. tablet form only (not available for division of payroll) 2104 BL Z R 5 {Concrete erection unit system construction of concrete columns, beams, roofs, walls, and floors in sections, including subsequent erec- tion and placing of same 5200 DZ ZP R 5 Concrete Block Mfg 4034 CA ZF R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (75A) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. {Concrete Mixers (mechanical) operation of (not available for division of payroll) 5205 DM ZM R 5 {Concrete Work bridge building payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing apparatus (no blasting) 5203 DP ZL R S {Concrete Work buildings (not grain elevators), concrete construction, without reinforcement, either monolithic in form or by means of blocks, in which floors, beams and horizontal bearing surfaces are not of reinforced or self-bearing con- crete. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distribu- ting apparatus (no blasting) 5208 DK ZM R 5 t Concrete Work buildings (not grain elevators), reinforced concrete con- struction, with self-bearing floors or other horizontal surfaces or parts, constructed by means of reinforced concrete. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing apparatus (no blasting) 52Q4 DM ZM R 5 {Concrete Work dams. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing apparatus (no blasting) 52Q7 DM ZJ R 5 { Concrete Work floors or pavements of artificial stone or concrete, not reinforced or self-bearing 5502 C6 ZL R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (76) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. {Concrete Work foundations for buildings. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and talcing down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distribu- ting apparatus, excluding all work in tunnels, subways, or caissons for which use proper classifica- tions and rates 5299 DB ZM R 5 {Concrete Work grain elevators. Payroll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and takingdown frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing apparatus. .. 5206 DM ZM R 5 {Concrete Work piers, or abutments for bridges (not concrete bridges), retaining walls, water conduits (no tunneling) and other structures (no buildings, bridges, or dams). Pay- roll to include those engaged in making, setting up, and taking down frames, scaffolds, false work and concrete distributing appara- tus, excluding all work in tunnels, subways or caissons, for which use proper classifications and rates. .. 5210 DB ZL R 5 Condensed Milk Mfg. (no can mfg). 2062 BY ZA R 5 { Conduits placing electrical cable or wire therein no conduit con- struction 7536 GH ZJ R 4 {Conduits for electric wires con- struction work (no blasting) 6325 CS ZL R 5 Confectioners' Machinery Mfg 3559 BQ ZA R 5 Confectionery Mfg 2041 BM ZA R 5 Contractors building private resi- dences, flats or apartments, with or without stores, one-story stores and stores with offices above, pri- vate stables and private gara- ges, and buildings not mercantile or factory, all not exceeding three stories and basement in See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (77) Reprinted Payc August 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. height, including jobbing work connected therewith (no blasting) excluding the erection of churches, theatres, railroad stations, round houses, court houses, city halls and capitol buildings {Masonry or Concrete Work 5642 CQ ZL R 5 {Carpentry Work including in- terior trim and cabinet work. . . 5643 CJ ZJ R 5 {Cellar Excavating ' 5644 CQ ZL R 5 Any other operations incident to the construction of the class of buildings (described under the foregoing classi- fication, such as structural iron work, painting, plumbing, roofing and plaster- ing, must take the regular Manual rate for such operations. Contractors General. Where all work is sub-contract- ed, or where contractor performs work involving more than one manual classification: {For watchmen, timekeepers and cleaners only 5604 CZ ZL R 5 i {For superintendents only 5605 CM ZL R 5 i {For officers, superintendents and other employees supervising the entire work 5606 CM ZL R 5 i {Conveyors coal and ash instal- lation inside of buildings (in con- nection with power and manufac- turing plants) 3721) CQ ZM P 5 {Conveyors and Hoisting Apparatus coal, ash and ore (erection outside of buildings) 3701 DY ZQ P 5 Cooperage Stock Mfg. heads, hoops and staves 2741 DD ZC R 5 Cooperage making heads, hoops and staves, including assembling. . 2742 CY ZA R 5 Cooperage not making heads, hoops and staves, assembling only 2745 CR ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (78) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Cop Tube Mfg 3517 BA ZA R 5 Copper Goods Mfg 3312 GB ZA R 5 Copper Refining no ore reduction. 1440 CP ZC R 5 Copper Smelting 1441 CQ ZC R 5 | Coppersmithing away from shop . 5111 DK ZM R 5 tCoppersmi thing installing and erecting appliances, copper and other sheet metals, wholly inside buildings not in course of con- struction .. 5105 CL ZJ R 5 Coppersmithing shop only 3075 CD ZC R 5 Cord and Binder Twine Mfg. not cordage 2342 BY ZB R 5 Cordage Mfg 2340 CH ZB R 5 Cork Cutting Works 2788 CM ZA R 5 Cork Paper Mfg. no paper manu- facturing 4277 BQ ZA R 5 CornMills 2010 CO ZC R 5 J Cornices and Skylights erection and repair 5540 DK ZM R 5 Cornices and Skylightsshop only.. 3072 CD ZC R 5 J Corrugated Iron Buildings erect- ing, or covering buildings already constructed (no structural steel work) 5086 DH ZM R 5 Corrugated Paper Mfg. no paper making 4284 BQ ZA R 5 Corset Mfg 2554 AQ Z R 5 Cotton Batting Mfg. from cull cotton only (not available for divi- sion of payroll) 2211 CE Z R 5 Cotton Batting Mfg. from cull cotton and new rags (not available for division of payroll) 221 2 CY Z R 5 Cotton Batting Mfg. from cotton waste and new rags (not available for division of payroll) 2213 DH ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (79) AS AS Ttc' <} r i Btf 10 Ote i>a m MI xa ft re Y8 fi S. 0* fl AS MS 881? 2 fl AI 08 . H M ' ' lltfD ! Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Jotton Compressing 0400 CM ZD R 5 Jotton Ginning and Pressing (no compressing) 0401 DS ZE R 5 Minimum premium per gin, Comp. $25.00. Jotton Gin Machinery Mfg 3503 BR ZB P 5 Jotton Spinning and Weaving 2222 BO Z R 5 "otton and Woolen Clippings Dealers new goods only (including baling) not rag and paper stock dealers 8211 CC ZC R 5 Cottonseed Oil Mfg. with or with- out refining 4670 DX ZE R 5 Minimum premium per mill. Comp. $25.00. Cottonseed Oil Refining (no manu- facturing or expressing of oil) 4671 CT ZB R 5 Jounter, Heel and Sole Cutting.... 2650 BY ZA R 5 Country Clubs 9066 BH YD MA/R 5 For Public Liability for cottages attached see rule, page 30. For Public Liability for gymnasium, $10 additional; for swimming tank, $5 additional ; for bowling alleys, $5 additional per alley. For grounds owned or used charge 50 cents per acre if policy includes Public Liability of club for games or sports conducted thereon ; or charge 25 cents per acre if policy ex- cludes Public Liability of club for this hazard. Not available to parks or other grounds where admission is charged. Jracker Mfg 2001 BZ ZA R 5 Jrane and Derrick Mfg 3528 CT ZG P 5 Cranes and Derricks installation. 3700 ED ZM P 2 Jrayon Mfg 2941 BA ZA R 5 Jreameries and Dairies not hand- ling stock or farming (not avail- able for division of payroll when on same premises with farm) 2063 BV ZB R 5 1 /reamery and Dairy Supplies Mfg. 4911 GH ZB R 5 Crematories operation 9650 CD ZG R 5 Creosote Mfg 4528 CH ZB R 5 Crib Work 6006 DG ZJ R 5 ee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (80) . Q oraj * no ID Classification No. Comp. P JL. Teams* Auto. (Diamond Drilling 6200 GL ZJ R 5 Disinfectant Mfg. not otherwise classified 4523 CM ZA R 5 Distilling 2130 CM ZC P 3 [Ditch Digging no sewer or canal building or excavation for water or gas mains no blasting 6225 CZ ZG R 5 Dog Shows rate as "Horse Shows." Doll Mfg. bisque or china 4056 AW Z R 5 [Door, Window Frame, or Sash- erection and repair metal or metal covered 5103 GT ZJ R 5 Draughtsmen (engaged exclusively in that profession) office duties only 8811 AE - R 5 t Dredging by floating dredges (all operations except rock drilling and blasting) 6223 DB ZJ R 5 Drilling and blasting 6231 ER ZY R 5 {Dredging excavation by means of suction dredges only, including loading and unloading 6224 CZ ZJ R 5 Dress Pattern Mfg. paper only including designers, draughtsmen, cutters, and all clerical force no paper making 4282 AV Z R 5 This classification shall not in- clude publication of magazines for which rate as "Publishing. " Dressmaking 2503 AQ Z R 5 J Drilling Work (not diamond drill- ing) prospecting for ore (no shaft sinking, no blasting) 6203 CT ZJ R 5 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers (not otherwise classified) 7205 GK This rate is not applicable to those classifications which specifically pro- vide for inclusion of payroll of drivers and drivers' helpers at the rate for such classifications. Drop Forging Works not hard- ware (no steam forging) 3104 GJ ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (82) . pa oras Classification No. Gimp. P JL. Teams' Auto. t Diamond Drilling 6200 CL ZJ R 5 Disinfectant Mfg. not otherwise classified 4523 CM ZA R 5 Distilling 2130 CM ZC P 3 t Ditch Digging no sewer or canal building or excavation for water or gas mains no blasting 6225 CZ ZG R 5 Dog Shows rate as "Horse Shows." Doll Mfg. bisque or china 4056 AW Z R 5 tDoor, Window Frame, or Sash- erection and repair metal or metal covered 5103 CT ZJ R 5 Draughtsmen (engaged exclusively in that profession) office duties only 8811 AE R 5 J Dredging by floating dredges (all operations except rock drilling and blasting) 6223 DB ZJ R 5 Drilling and blasting 6231 ER ZY R 5 t Dredging excavation by means of suction dredges only, including loading and unloading 6224 CZ ZJ R 5 Dress Pattern Mfg. paper only including designers, draughtsmen, cutters, and all clerical force no paper making 4282 AV Z R 5 This classification shall not in- clude publication of magazines for which rate as " Publishing. " Dressmaking 2503 AQ Z R 5 J Drilling Work (not diamond drill- ing) prospecting for ore (no shaft sinking, no blasting) 6203 CT ZJ R 5 Drivers and Drivers' Helpers (not otherwise classified) 7205 CK This rate is not applicable to those classifications which specifically pro- vide for inclusion of payroll of drivers and drivers' helpers at the rate for such classifications. Drop Forging Works not hard- ware (no steam forging) 3104 CJ ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (82) WA Eor< Reprinted Page October 23, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Drug Mfg. not otherwise classified. 4601 BF Z R 5 Dry Battery Mfg 3642 BZ ZA R 5 t Dry Docks construction (no blasting) 6008 06 ZJ R 5 JDry Docks (floating) construction. 6802 DH ZJ R 5 Dry Docks operating docks and repairing vessels only, including shipwright work (no construction of docks) 6860 DR ZG R 5 Duck Cloth Mfg 2240 BW Z R 5 Dwellings occupied by not more than two families (for rate see page 36). This classification does not include dwellings located in buildings occupied partly for office, mercantile or manu- facturing purposes. One apartment in an apartment house (tenant's risk only) (for rate, see page 36). Dwellings of every description when occupied by three or more families, and buildings occupied partly for residence purposes by one or more families and partly for store, office or mercantile purposes: All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of premises, including elevator attend- ants, excluding extraordinary ad- ditions, alterations or repairs 9003 BY YE R 5 Dyeing and Cleaning 2583 CR ZC R 4 1 Dyeing of Textiles new goods (not "Dyeing and Cleaning") 241 3 BT ZA R 5 Earthenware Mfg. household uten- sils and art objects 4052 AZ Z R 5 Earthenware Mfg. tiling, gas re- torts, sewer pipe and drain pipe, (including underground mining). 4013 GP ZC R 5 Earthenware Mfg. tiling, gas re- torts, sewer pipe, and drain pipe (no underground mining) 4030 CD ZC R 5 Electric Apparatus Mfg 3643 BR ZA R 5 Electric Cutting and Welding including shop 5083 DK ZP R 5 Electric and Gas Fixtures Mfg 31 80 BL ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (83) f f)2|K . a is an -if I HO SC I M 8383 5 W8 G; , a 3Y va ^ a ax ao Jo fi AI ia srw sro* 2 R AS -8 M qqAon e R ,S )lu 802 8 R AS J8 08 ) r 9 fl q . ; o noUtvJQ Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. J Electric Light and Power line con- struction work exclusively on transmission lines not intended for local distribution 7530 DE ZP MA/R 4/1 {Electric Light and Power line con- struction workexcluding trans- mission lines not intended for local distribution (not available for di- vision of payroll) 7534 DE ZU MA/R 4/1 {Electric Light and Power Companies- operation, maintenance, extension of lines, and making of service connections (see notes below.) . . . 7531 DE ZW MA/R 4/1 Public Liability minimum premium. $100.00. {Electric Light and Power Companies- operation, maintenance, and ex- tension of transmission lines (notf or local distribution) (see notes below) 7532 DE (a) MA/R 4/1 Public Liability minimum premium, $100.00. The two preceding classifications re- quire that all payroll including that expended for line construction shall be subject to the rate of the classification, unless the assured maintains an en- tirely separate department for instal- ling electrical equipment which is operated by a separate set of em- ployees who are at no time engaged in connection with the operation of the power plant in any capacity. In such cases the payroll of such employees shall be separately stated at the Manual rates for the kind of instal- lation work performed. Under no circumstances shall this rule be interpreted to mean that the payroll of the linemen may take any rate other than the operative rate of the plant Manufacturing or mercantile plants engaged in generating electricity and supplying the same or any part thereof to other plants or buildings 7537 If manufacturing or mercantile plants, insured at the manufactur- ing or mercantile rates applicable See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (84) Reprinted Page September 25, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. thereto, are engaged in the generat- ing of electricity and supplying the same or any part thereof to other plants or buildings, the manufactur- ing or mercantile rate applicable to the plant or location covered shall be applied to all payroll in that plant including the payroll engaged in the generation and distribution of the electric current, and, in addi- tion thereto, there shall be charged as an extra rate upon that portion of the payroll actually engaged in the generation and distribution of the electric current, including the maintenance of the equipment, a rate equal to 50% of the rates for the two preceding classifications ; Public Liability minimum premium, $3. This rule shall not apply to public service or public utilities plants, nor to any plant having for its sole or principal purpose the generation and distribution of electric current, t Electrical Apparatus erection and repair work only, including the making of service connections and the installation of equipment in power plants, excluding erection of poles and stringing wires 7535 CH ZJ R 5 J Electrical Equipment installation and repairs within buildings and on buildings incidental to such inside work including the making of service connections for such work, excluding the installation of equip- ment in power plants 5190 BX ZG R 5 Electroplating 3372 BR ZA R 5 Electrotyping 4350 AX ZA R 5 * t Elevator erection passenger or freight 5160 CQ ZO R 5 Elevator Inspecting 8730 GZ ZJ R 5 Elevator Mfg 3042 CE ZB R 5 J Elevators repairs only passenger or freight 5161 GE ZJ R 5 Embroidery Mfg 2388 AW Z R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (85) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Emery or other Abrasive Wheel Mfg. 1748 GH ZC R 5 Emery Cloth Mfg 1857 8V ZA R 5 Emery Works crushing and grinding (no quarrying) 1 741 CH ZC R 5 Enamel and Agate Ware Mfg... 3224 GV ZB R 5 Enamelling no metal working (not available for division of payroll). . 3376 CD ZB R 5 Engine Mfg. no foundry not otherwise classified 3608 GB ZB P 5 Engine Mfg. with foundry not otherwise classified 3607 GE ZB P 5 } Engines installation. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include driv- ers and drivers' helpers, also chauf- feurs and chauffeurs' helpers 3727 GQ ZJ P 5 Engraving not otherwise classified 4352 AX ZA B 5 ^ Envelope Mfg 4252 BL Z B 5 Escalator Mfg 3042 CE ZB R 5 Essential Oils Mfg. including dis- tillation 4620 BR Z R S t Excavation bridge foundations, re- taining walls, and bases of dams no caisson work or cellar excava- tion, (no blasting) 6221 DQ ZM R 5 Excavation cellar (rate as "Cellar Excavation") . Excelsior Mfg 2712 DD ZC R 5 Exhibitions not otherwise classified: Employees engaged in care, cus- tody and maintenance of premises, including elevator attendants, ex- cluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs 9102 BY (b) R 5 Employees engaged in care, operation and maintenance of mer- ry-go-rounds, swings, roller-coast- ers and other amusement devices. Must include all employees con- nected with such amusement de- vices, including ticket sellers and ticket collectors 9180 DY (a) R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (86) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Express Companies urban or subur- banincluding the hazard of rail- road transportation. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 7361 CK ZJ MB 1 The Public Liability is restricted to places where the goods are re- ceived only, excluding accidents by railroads, horses and vehicles. Extract Mfg. dyewood 4624 CM ZB R 5 Extract Mfg. tanning 4625 CM ZB R 5 Eyeglass and Spectacle Mfg 41 52 BF Z R 5 Eyelet Mfg 3270 BE ZA R 5 Factory Cost Systematizers 8722 BX ZC SB 5 Farm Labor (no blasting) (seepages 33-38). JFarm Machinery erection, repair, and demonstration (away from shop) 0051 DC ZJ P 2 Feather and Flower Mfg. artificial. 2534 AV Z R 5 Feather Pillow Mfg 2572 BA Z R 5 Felting Mfg 2288 CM Z R 5 J Fence Construction wood, stone, metal, or concrete 6400 CM ZJ R 5 Fertilizer Mfg. not phosphate com- panies 4580 DD ZD R 5 Fibre Goods Mfg. no fibre pulp mfg. 4263 CR ZA R 5 Fibre Pulp Mfg 4267 CH ZA R 5 Fiberloid Mfg 4441 DV ZD R 5 File Mfg 3117 BO ZA R 5 Film Exchanges (rate as "Motion Pictures") 4362 Finishing of Textiles new goods (not available for division of payroll) 241 3 BT ZA R 5 |Fire Alarms Systems municipal construction 7602 CV ZQ R 5 Fire Brick Mfg. (rate as "Brick Mfg.") See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (87) m u 91 flS M3 2J8* ?m AS 38 X8 me IS OQ reoo VA K85 A8 fves 'i * *jc M3 88K M3 1O lQ DS Vvl AS B3 3* AS HD ra?^ 8S VQ t^w AS 08 fff > Uwf fl AS T8 EfW fl PS V3 08T Ot T 3QS< Reprinted Page October 2, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Fire Clay Products Mfg. not other- wise classified (no underground mining no fire brick mfg.) 4028 CD ZC R 5 Fire Clay Products Mfg. not other- wise classified (including under- ground mining no fire brick mfg.) 401 1 CP ZC R 5 Fire Engine Mfg 3604 CJ ZB R 5 tFire Escapes erection and repair. 5081 DR ZQ P 5 Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps not salvage operations 7700 DR (a) KA s P ecla| Firemen. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 7701 DR (a) Minimum premium for this classifi- cation to be $10.00 per man, per annum. In the case of "volunteer firemen," the above minimum of $10.00 shall be ,J applied per man to the average attend- ance at fires for the policy year. {Fireproof Construction by means of wire lathing and concreting, ex- cluding roofs, floors, and hori- zontal surfaces 5212 DH ZL R 5 t Fireproof Construction reinforced or suspended concrete floors 5201 DM ZM R 5 Fireproof Door and Shutter Mfg. wood covered with sheet metal. 3060 CH ZB R 5 Fireproof Equipment Mfg., includ- ing herring-bone, and expanded metal products, metal furniture, filingequipment and wood working. 3076 CM ZB R 5 {Fireproof Shutters erection and repair 5082 DR ZQ R 5 {Fireproofing tile construction and repair 5343 DH ZO R 5 Fireworks Mfg. no exhibition work. 4761 EL ZQ M 5 Fish Curing and Packing no vessel hazard or ice harvesting (no can mfg.) (not available for division of payroll) 2101 CH ZE R 5 Fishing Rod Mfg 4901 AX Z R 5 Fishing Tackle Mfg. not other- wise classified 4900 AX Z R 5 Flavoring Extract Mfg 4621 BR Z R 5 Flax Spinning and Weaving 2320 CD ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (88) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Flint and Spar Grinding no quarry- ing 1742 CH ZC R 5 {Floor Surfacing by machines oper- ated by electricity 5346 BX ZG R 5 Florists cultivating and gardening. 0004 BA ZC R 5 Florists including service away from store not cultivating and gardening 8001 AL ZE S 4 Flour Dealers (no milling) 821 7 BX ZC R 5 Flour Mills 2011 CO ZC R 5 Fly Paper Mfg. no paper making (not available for division of payroll) 4278 BQ ZA R 5 Forging Works 3100 CV ZC R 5 Forging Works hand work only no machinery (not available for division of payroll in the preceding classification) 3106 BV ZB R 5 Forwarding, Agents packing, hand- ling and shipping merchandise on docks or railroad platforms no stevedore work (not available for division of payroll.) 7360 GK Zl OA 3 FOUNDRIES: Aluminum 3087 CB ZB R 5 Bell 3084 CB ZB R 5 Brass 3085 66 ZB R 5 Iron 3081 CE ZB R 5 Malleable Iron 3086 CJ ZB R 5 Steel Castings 3082 CV ZB R 5 Not otherwise classified 3083 CE ZB R 5 Fountain Pen Mfg 4432 B6 Z R 5 Freight Handlers not otherwise classified (not loading or unloading vessels not railroad employees 7363 CK Zl OA 3 Fringe and Braid Mfg. 2387 BA Z R 5 Fruit Evaporating excluding box mfg 2102 BL ZA R 5 Fruit Packing (no canning) no evap- orating or preserving, excluding box mfg 2105 BF ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (89) . e 8 ex xa 9*88 * 2 31 JA r008 ax xa use ai oa a fl AS 0B a H vo oore i si va 90 re oflecrnouBiq )| 9 6 \ } ^ G( l ^ o noiarvib R as ao w fl 8S 80 Mr fi ai ad esoe B! 30 F80B 8! 13 8808 -8S VD 80 81 33 88 fl S 88 JEM 8 AO IS SKT S A8 T8ES l b a AX is sors: [ f 0* ^ 85 r- Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Fruit Preserving (not canneries) .. 2116 BX ZA R 5 FUEL AND MATERIAL DEALERS: When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combina- tion of the following products, but no others, viz : Goal, Ice, Kindling or Fire Wood 8224 CQ ZS Q 3 When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combina- tion of the following products and any others, viz: "Coal, Kindling or Fire Wood, Lumber, Building Materials, Hay, Grain and Feed 8225 CJ ZH Q 3 *If the handling of coal involves stevedoring operations performed by the assured by means of power ma- chinery or the use of power machinery either for loading or unloading or spot- ting of cars, these classifications are not available and the risk should be rated as "Coal Merchants." When the risk involves handling of and dealing in any combination of the following products, but no others, viz: Building Materials, Lumber, Hay, Grain and Feed, Agricultural Implements, Grain Elevator, Seed. 8226 CE ZH R 5 Payroll for "Comp." coverage in each of the above classifications (8224-8225-8226) must include drivers ^ and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers. Exception Where the combination consists of Agricultural Imple- ment Dealers and Seed Mer- chants only,rate as "Agricultural Implement Dealers." See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (90) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. {Fumigation of Buildings 9210 CC ZJ R 5 Fur Goods Mfg. -not preparing skins. 2502 AQ ZA R 5 Fur Mfg. preparing skins 2600 GO ZA R 5 Furnace Mfg. house heaters 3173 BY ZA R 5 J Furnaces (heaters or stoves) in- stallation 5181 CD Z6 R 5 Furnishing Goods Mfg. wearing apparel, not otherwise classified (not available for division of payroll) 2553 AQ Z R 5 This classification is available only in case no manual classification or classifi- cations specifically describe the risk, or if more than one classification, and payroll division in accordance with the rules in respect thereto is not possible. FURNITURE MANUFACTURING: Furniture Stock Mfg. no assem- bling 2735 GQ ZB R 5 Furniture Mfg. including assem- bling of manufactured parts and finishing... 2883 GB ZA R 5 Furniture Mfg. assembling of manufactured parts and finish- ing only (not available for divi- sion of payroll when located on same or ad joining premises where other furniture mfg. operations are carried on) 2881 BM ZA R 5 Furniture Mfg. upholstering 9523 fiF ZA R 5 Furniture Mfg. metal 3077 CM ZB R 5 Fuse Mfg 4760 EL ZQ M 5 t Galvanized Iron and Sheet Iron Work erection and repair (no tank erection) 5541 DK ZM R 5 t Galvanized Iron Tanks(complete) installation of, for Irrigation or for agricultural purposes with earth or masonry foundations; no tank building 3735 DE ZJ P 2 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (91) U OD OfM 1 8 AX pA 0;; e a A! 03 ooa? 2 fl AX Y8 ETfE 8 R as oa rare .. S A E8 e R as oa esu g fi AX 80 E88 - a AI MS r88S AX ? 5 fl 8X M3 TTOE S M iil J3 03TI 8 H MX n t^aa ts 3B asve Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Galvanized Iron Work] (shop) 3066 CD ZG R 5 Galvanizing or Tinning Sheet Metal (not manufacturing sheet metal or metal goods) (not avail- able for division of payroll) 3373 GH ZB R 5 Garages (rate as "Automobile Dealers"). Garbage Collecting refuse and ashes (excluding garbage reduction or fertilizer plants). Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers. 9403 GK Z6 R 5 Garbage Works (reduction or incin- eration of garbage or offal) 7590 DO ZD R 5 Gas and Electric Fixture Mfg 3180 BL ZA R 5 JGas Benches and Retorts installa- tion of (not available for division of payroll). Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 5026 GQ ZJ P 2 Gas Engine Ignition Apparatus Mfg. (not available for division of pay- roll) 3644 BR ZA R 5 Gas or Gasoline Engine Mfg. with foundry 3605 CE ZB R 5 Gas or Gasoline Engine Mfg. with- out foundry 3606 CB ZB R 5 Gas Holder Mfg 3622 CT ZC P 5 JGas Holders metal erecting 5047 EG ZQ P 5 Gas Machine Mfg. acetylene 3522 CM ZB R 5 JGas Machines, acetylene installa- tion 3722 GQ ZJ R 5 Gas Meter Mfg 3578 BW ZA R 5 J Gas, Steam, and Hot Water Appara- tus Fitting including installation of ventilating plants (shop and outside). Must include shop pay- roll if any 5182 CD Z6 R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (92) os oo eao 8 si m m a a 81 13 80*8 a oi on oeev e a AS ja os re s i ix OQ a I! AX m 5 fl 8! 33 308E 6 H 8! 80 3Q3 31 TO t?3 ; 9S 83 IWJe ....sni 6. 8 8X M3 K8 -..tfM * .^o n IX 00 T e a AS wa STSE -SIM fl 31 Q3 Reprinted Page August 28 ', 19 1C. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Gas, Steam and Hot Water Appa- ratus Supplies Dealers no mfg. (shop only) 8112 BY ZB R 5 This classification is not applicable to concerns engaged in the manufacture of Gas, Steam or Hot Water Appa- ratus. Gas Works including operation of gas house, maintenance of existing works and mains, making of house connections and installation, in- spection and repair of equipment on consumer's premises 7500 CJ ZP P/R 4/1 Rates include gas explosion, in- halation or asphyxiation. If these hazards are excluded from Public Liability policy, P. L. rate ZM JGas Works laying of mains and connections (no tunneling or blasting) 6324 CZ ZP P 4/1 Gasoline Mfg. from casing head gas 4743 DV ZQ R 3 Gasoline and Oil Supply Stations- operation (for supplying auto- mobiles and motor boats) 8390 GG ZQ QB 5 Minimum premium per location, Comp. $10.00, Public, $15.00. Gear Grinding and Mfg 3635 BX ZA R 5 Gelatine Mfg 4654 GG ZA R 5 Gilding and Electroplating. 3372 BR ZA R 5 Glass Eye Mfg 4153 AW ZA R 5 Glass Mfg. cut 4113 BG ZA R 5 Glass Mfg no plate or sheet glass mfg 4110 BG ZA R 5 Glass Mfg, (plate) no quarrying or excavating 4101 CH ZB RG 5 Glass Mfg. sheet (not plate) - no quarrying or encavating 4102 BL ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (03) Iff* Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Glass Merchants including opera- tions of bending, grinding, bevel- ling and silvering plate glass 4130 BL ZF RG 5 Glass Sign Mfg. no glass making... 4132 BL ZA R 5 } Glaziers, (away from shop) 5462 CZ ZJ RC 5 Glove Mfg. leather 2670 AX Z R 5 Gloveand Mitten Mfg. (cloth)sewed 2561 AQ Z R 5 Glove and Mitten Mfg. (silk, woolen or thread) knit 2552 AQ Z R 5 Glucose Mfg. dry process 4705 DJ ZD R 5 Glucose Mfg. wet process 4702 CV ZC R 5 Glue Mfg 4653 CC ZA R 5 Glycerine Mfg 4711 CA ZA R 5 Gold Leaf Mfg 3386 BA ZA R 5 Gold Plating 3372 BR ZA R 5 Gold Refining no ore reduction 1412 CC ZC R 5 Gold Smelting 1400 D6 ZC R 5 Golf Clubs Mfg 2950 BY ZA R 5 Golfers 9670 (b) t Grading Land no canal or cellar excavation, excluding railroad con- struction and road or street mak- ing, no quarrying or blasting. Pay- roll for "Comp" coverage to in- clude drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 6041 CM ZL R 5 Grain Elevators (floating) operation only 8300 DC ZH R 5 Grain Elevators (line or terminal) operation 8301 CO ZG R 4 Graphite Mfg. not mfg. artificial graphite 1750 CH ZA R 5 Graphite and Pure Carbon Mfg. artificial 1462 CP ZC R 5 {Gravity Chutes erection 5145 DE ZM P 5 Grease Mfg 4712 CA ZA R 5 Grindstone Mfg. no quarrying. .. 1781 CJ ZC R 5 Grist Mills 2012 CO ZC R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (94) e OR H jg os?* AS J8 IE ft I Tgf3 88Bl 08 IS SO we oissK XA /I ovol 0* raes .1 bflfi 9VOJ 8 OS E r rfi 10 nsloow OS VO 9200UJ AS 00 eea* ^ 901 AS AO tt?t> 8\M s.r AS asee AS D8 TE WA OS IIU 00 4k 5 VV 8 OS 80 OOM AS Y8 oeec -(d) OT36 .aialfo ) 10 I&O&) on bnjStl, $oibfii :>,6oi[ieT VJBOX9 -JjBm ^991^8 10 bsoi baf: -Y^ .Sfl^86Wi08nrnj 10 e a os pfl 03E -bleW has Z fl SS 0fl MD8 qpifa-fflc S 8 QI S3 MM ...eeeacTi biifpil .glM flsgOT : aagy I B 81 HO 3E8* ^ a 8S 00 ^ rr Qi Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Packing Houses curing hams, bacons and meat products, including pack- ing in jars or cans no handling of live stock, no slaughtering, no handling of carcasses and no other operations incidental to packing house operations (not available for division of payroll) 2093 BL ZB RB 5 Packing House Producte-^-distribu- ting stations (not available for division of payroll when located on or adjoining same premises where "Packing House" operations are carried on) 8021 BR ZD RB 5 PACKING HOUSES: Lard Refining 4716 GA ZA RB 5 Butchering including handling of live st9ck 2081 DD ZD RB 5 i This classification must include all payroll involved in the handling of live stock and carcasses to and including loading of dressed beef, pork, sheep or * calves on cars for shipment but does not include the treatment of the viscera or by-products after removal of the carcass. Butterine Mfg 4717 BV ZA RB 5 Fertilizer Mfg. not phosphate companies 4580 DD ZD RB 5 Sausage Case Mfg 2091 CA ZB R 5 1 Sausage Mfg 2092 CA ZB R 5 1 Soap Mfg 4720 CA ZA RB 5 All other operations incidental to packing houses 2090 CA ZB RB 5 Paint Mfg. no lead mfg 4558 CM ZA R 5 Painting automobile and carriage bodies only (not available for division of payroll) 9505 BQ ZG R 5 Painting shop only (not available for division of payroll in mfg. plants) 9501 BQ ZC R 5 JPainting steel structures and bridges 5041 EG ZP R 5 {Painting and Decorating away from shop (not interior work) exclud- ing painting steel structures and bridges 5461 DJ ZJ R 5 JPainting and Decorating interior work away from shop 5490 BZ ZF R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (112) os as AS A3 ifl AS V8 f I IB OS 00 01 fl 8S "H S 81 AO 01 8 AS M0 81 Reprinted Page July 3, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Paper Board Mfg.: No pulp mill 4233 OR ZB R 5 With pulp mill (rate as " Pulp and Paper Mfg.") Paper Coating and Finishing (not available for division of payroll) .. 4250 BR ZA R 5 Paper Goods Mfg. no paper making (not otherwise classified) 4279 BF ZA R 5 {Paper Hanging 5491 BZ ZF R 5 Paper and Pulp Mfg. (all kinds except writing paper and card- board) : Saw and Barking Mills 421 1 DD ZC R 5 Pulp Mfg. sulphite (no saw or barking mills) 4205 DC ZC R 5 Pulp Mfg. soda (no saw or barking mills) 4203 CT ZG R 5 Pulp Mfg. ground wood (no saw or barking mills) 4206 CR ZB R 5 Paper Mfg. (no pulp mfg., no saw or barking mills) 4234 CR ZB R 5 Paper Stock Dealers handling new paper waste or new cloth clippings (no handling of junk, old rags, or old paper) 8208 CG ZH R 5 Paper Stock and Rag Dealers 8200 DK ZH R 2 Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers. Papier Mache* Goods Mfg. no paper or pulp making (no car wheels) 4266 CR ZA R 5 t Parquet Floor Laying 5436 BX ZG R 5 Parquet Flooring Mfg. shop only .. 281 CM ZA R 5 Parks or buildings (not otherwise classified) used for exhibition, con- vention or show purposes (owner's risk only) : All employees engaged in care, custody and maintenance of prem- ises, including elevator attend- ants, excluding extraordinary ad- ditions, alterations or repairs 9102 BY (a) R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (113) Reprinted Page November 8, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Paste Mfg 4655 BQ ZA R 5 Patent Medicine Mfg 4605 BF Z R 5 Patent Metal Mfg . rolling of metal into thin sheets for wrapping 3333 BZ ZA R 5 Pattern and Model Mfg. wood (not available for division of payroll).. 2790 CC ZA R 5 J Paving not otherwise classified (including yards) (not available for division of payroll in connec- tion with State or Municipal Road or Street Making) 5500 C6 ZL R 5 Peg and Skewer Mfg. wood 2789 CH ZA R 5 Pen Mfg... 3273 BE ZA R 5 Perfumery and Flavoring Essence Mfg 4823 BR Z R 5 Pharmaceutical and Surgical Goods Mfg. not otherwise classified... 4693 BF Z R 5 Pharmaceutists 4607 BF R 4 Phonograph Mfg 2928 B6 ZA R 5 Phonograph Record Mfg. 4431 B6 ZA R 5 Phosphate Works no mining 4581 DD ZG R 5 Photo-engraving 4351 AX ZA R 5 Photography outside work (not producing moving pictures) 8746 BX Z6 R 5 Photograph Studios (not produc- ing moving pictures) 4361 AV YB R 5 Photographic Sensitive Films and Dry' Plates manufacturing and development of negatives only ... 4921 BL Z R 5 Photographic Supplies Mfg 4923 BL Z R 5 Piano Action Mfg 2924 B6 Z R 5 Piano Forte Case Mfg 2925 B6 Z R 5 Piano Keys Mfg 2926 B6 Z , R 5 Piano Mfg 2923 B6 Z 'P/R 3/5 Piano Players Mfg 2927 B6 Z P/R 3/5 Piano and Piano Players Mfg. assembling of manufactured parts and finishing only (not available for division of payroll) 2929 B6 Z P/R 5 ^ Piano Tuning away from shop 8744 AS ZB SB - Pickle Mfg 2110 CE ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (114) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Picric Acid Mfg 4514 EL ZQ R 5 Picture Frame, including Picture Frame Moulding Mfg 2732 CA ZC R 5 Picture Frame Mfg. no power machinery (not available for division of payroll) 2850 BF ZA R 5 Picture Frame Mfg. (not operating moulding mill or manufacturing mouldings) 2848 BX ZA R 5 Picture Frame Moulding Mfg 2733 CQ ZC R 5 [Pile Driving building foundations only 6222 D6 ZO R 5 [Pile Driving Including timber wharf building 6003 D6 ZJ R 5 PinMfg 3271 BE ZA R 5 Pipe Mfg. cast iron 3089 DD ZG P 5 Pipe Mfg. clay (tobacco) 4057 AW Z R 5 Pipe Mfg. wood (tobacco) 2791 BX Z R 5 Piping Mfg. flexible (not metal) for interior work in buildings to carry electric wires 4471 BR ZA R 5 Pistol Mfg. (not charging shells) 3200 BL ZA R 5 Planing and Moulding Mills 2731 GQ ZD RB 5 [Plaster Block Partitions erection inside of buildings (not fire- proof tile) 5347 CK ZH R 5 t Plaster Board erection away from shop 5481 CK ZH R 5 Plaster Board and Plaster Block Mfg. no quarrying and no crush- ing or grinding 4036 CA ZC R 5 Plaster Mills no quarrying 1703 GZ ZG R 5 Plaster or Staff Mixing no crush- ing or grinding (not available for division of payroll) 4037 GA ZC R 5 Plaster Statuary and Ornaments Mfg 4038 BL ZA R 5 [Plastering (not otherwise classified) 5480 CK ZH R 5 Jee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (115) 18 OcSl ir AS xe .am 3S 00 SET? as so ' xa fm 8fi US 93 \l\. *.S J8 SEGJ* Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto, J Plastering on outside of buildings (not otherwise classified) 5473 DH ZM R 5 Playing Cards Mfg. no paper or cardboard mfg 4306 BL Z R 5 t Plumbing including house con- nections. Must include shop pay- roll if any 5183 CD Z6 R 5 Plumbers Supplies Dealers no mfg. (shop only) (not available for division of payroll) 8111 BY YF R 5 PLUMBERS' SUPPLIES MFG. : Enamelled Iron Ware Mfg 3091 CE ZA R 5 Porcelain Ware Mfg 4051 AZ ZA R 5 PipeMfg.-lead 3331 CR ZB R 5 " " cast iron 3089 DD ZG P 5 " " wrought iron 3020 CZ ZB R 5 Tanks, Seats and Cabinets (wood) 2824 CB ZB R 5 Valves and Gauges 3584 BQ ZB R 5 Rubber Goods (not otherwise classified) 4410 GG ZA R 5 If the business of the Assured is completely described by one of the foregoing classifications, the risk must be assigned to such classification. Plumbers' Supplies Mfg. (not otherwise classified) 3188 BL ZB R 5 Plush and Velvet Goods Mfg 2300 AS Z R 5 Pneumatic Tube Companies opera- tion 7620 BQ ZD R 5 J Pneumatic Tubes installation, in- cluding construction, care and maintenance of conduits and man- holes (no blasting) 6331 CZ ZP R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (116) c fl MI Hfl t,\H I J8 31 6 fl SI 00 ERf -VJ 8 Tf Y8 fff8 e u AS 3a 8 H- AS SA r ss ao 8 1 31 00 808 j 8 as sa OJOE g s as aa *8 8 8 aS pa ^888 g fl AS sa orw g fl SS J8 88f8 g fi S 2A 8 8 OS 08 053T xa Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Pocketbook Mfg. (not available for division of payroll) 2687 BF ZA R 5 Policemen 7720 DB (a) Minimum Premium, $10.00 per man per annum. Porcelain Ware Mfg 4051 AZ ZA R 5 IPortable Bakers' Ovens instal- lation or removal 3721 CQ ZJ P 5 JPortable Buildings erection 5405 CM ZJ R 5 Potteries flower pots, art and household utensils only (no sewer or drain pipe, no mining or exca- vating) 4053 AZ Z R 5 Potteries tiling, gas retorts, sewer and drain pipes (including under- ground mining) 4014 CP ZC R 5 Potteries tiling, gas retorts, sewer and drain pipes (no underground mining) 4031 CD ZC R 5 Poultry Food Mfg 2015 CO ZC R 5 Powder Mfg 4770 EL ZQ R 5 Precious Stones setting and making mountings therefor (not available for division of payroll) 3384 BA Z R 5 Printing 4300 BL Z R 5 Payroll of artists, designers, proof- readers, editors, reporters, advertis- ing and circulation solicitors and clerical office employees takes the "Clerical Office Employees' " rate. Printing and Bookbinding Machinery Mfg 3548 BQ ZA P 5 Printers' Rollers Mfg 4460 CC ZA R 5 Printing Press Mfg 3557 BQ ZA P 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (117) U A '*!* J )V1 10! efdafk a 8 AS 18 T83S - <*) 80 Om c. a AS SA b q * ni Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification , No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. JRailroad Construction steam no blasting, tunneling or bridge build- ing, including incidental culverts not more than 10-foot span. No steam shovel. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers (not avail- able for division of payroll) 6103 (a) (a) 5 Railroad Hazard in connection with Mfrs.'and Contractors' risks (see rule, pages 10 and 11) 7102 ED (a) RAILROAD OPERATION: Elevated Railroads <>peration, in- cludes ordinary maintenance and repair of roadbed. Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Shop Employees 7141 CE All other employees 7140 CP (a) Steam Railroads operation, in- cludes ordinary maintenance and repair of roadbed. Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Shop Employees 7103 CM All other employees 7101 EG (a) Street Railroads cable opera- tion, includes ordinary mainten- ance and repair of roadbed. Clerical office employees 8810 AE Shop Employees 7124 CE All other employees 7121 GP (a) Street Railroads electric, all sys- temsoperation, includes ordi- nary maintenance and repair of roadbed. Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE * Shop Employees 7127 CE * All other employees 7128 CP (a) -A See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (121) 3A Of 88 3A OIB1 M3 EOfT Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Railroad Permanent Way Materials Mfg. frogs, switches and crossings 3088 CV ZC R 5 % Railroad Signals erection or instal- lation (not including operation ofrailroad) 6101 DW ZK R 5 Rattan Goods Mfg 2904 CB ZA R 5 Razor Mfg. not safety 3121 BY ZA R 5 Razor Mfg.-safety 3120 BY ZA R 5 Real Estate Agencies employees engaged outside of office, including collectors no construction work. 8741 AJ ZB SB 5 J Refrigerating Companies excava- tion and laying and repair of pipe lines (no blasting) 6322 CZ ZP R 5 {Refrigerating Machinery installa- tion 3723 CQ ZJ P 5 {Refrigerator Cars loading and un- loading, and caring for freight In cars during transit 7340 DD ZG R 5 The Public Liability is restricted to places where the goods are re- ceived only, excluding accidents by railroad, horses, vehicles or loading or unloading. t Refrigerator Erection, Installation and Repair 5440 CH ZJ R 5 Refrigerator Mfg. shop only 2871 CB ZA R 5 Restaurants 9071 BL Yl R 5 Ribbon Mfg.... 2301 AS Z R 5 RiceMilling 2017 CO ZC R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (122) H 4i aa H 1 IS 83 B DtW 8 AS 80 fTSS I Reprinted Page July 17, 191C, Classification No. Comp. P.L.. Teams' Auto. Riding Academies, Clubs and Schools: Porters, waiters, grooms, stablemen and all other employees engaged in the care, custody and main- tenance of stables and animals, excluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs 7207 CK (a) Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE (a) Rifle and Shotgun Mfg. (not charg- ing shells) (rate as "Arms Mfg. small arms not charging shells") 3200 Rifle Ranges or Gun Clubs 9051 (a) (a) MA/R 5 For Public Liability for cottages attached, see rule, page 30. For grounds owned or used charge 50 cents per acre if policy includes Public Liability of club for games or sports conducted thereon ; or charge 25 cents per acre if policy excludes Public Lia- bility of club for this hazard. Not available to parks or other grounds where admission is charged. Rigging ship or boat (not available for division of payroll) 6864 DJ ZJ R 5 t Rigging not ship or boat. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 9530 EG ZU P 3 Road or Street Making Machinery Mfg 3521 CT ZG P 5 Road or Street Making (rate as "State or Municipal Road or Street Making.") Roofing Paper or Roofing Felt Mfg. no paper or felt making 4285 GO ZB R 5 t Roof ing (not otherwise classified). 5545 OK ZL R 5 {Roofing slate 5548 DK ZL R 5 Rolling Mills rolling of brass, copper and other soft metals no iron or steel rolling work, no bar manu- facturing, no blast furnace, con- verter or casting of steel 3014 CJ ZB R 5 Rolling Mills iron or steel. See " Steel Works." Rope Mfg 2341 CH ZB R 5 Rubber Belting Mfg 4413 CG ZA R 5 Rubber Boot and Shoe Mfg 4417 BA ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (123) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Rubber Cement Mfg 441 1 CG ZA R 5 Rubber Garments Mfg. including rubber miU 14409 BA ZA R 5 Rubber Garments Mfg. no rubber mill 4416 AQ Z R 5 Rubber Goods Mfg. not otherwise classified 4410 GG Z R 5 Rubber Reclaiming 4400 DK ZG R 5 Rubber Reclaiming not using benzine, naphtha or gasoline (not available for division of payroll) .. 4401 CT ZA R 5 Rubber Stamp and Pad Mfg 441 8 CG ZA R S Rubber Stock Dealers receiving, handling, baling and shipping old rubber stock (not available for division of payroll) 8210 GG ZE R 5 Rubber Tire Dealers sale, repair and vulcanizing, including adjust- ment of tire to vehicles away from premises of assured 8382 BT ZE R S Rubber Tire Mfg 4420 BX Z R 5 Rug Mfg. cotton, woolen or silk. . 2401 BE ZA R 5 Rug and Matting Mfg. fibre 2346 BY ZA R 5 Safe Mfg. and Repairing shop only, including all processes to completion 3280 GQ ZB P 3 tSafe Moving 9531 E6 ZQ P 3 Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers. t Safety Treads installation 5109 GL Z6 R 5 Sail Making 2573 BL ZA R 5 Sales Stables including exhibition and delivery of horses 8280 DQ ZT R See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (124) %n jrisO i'. e s AX AS sow e 8 S 9A 8fW .jlM ebcx x ao orw e a ax M oow . AX TO roM i 8 AX 00 bl" isddm i fi 3i oo ores . ' i fl 3X T8 888 maas k X X8 Kl* ; :M9iiTieddu J 8 AX 38 fOK . .jllia loneloow 8 fi AX Y8 3*6 IB s qoda- - ; )H b I 1 8X PO 08 e i px as reee od bnn enuslliiedo oa a ax jo eora 6 a AX J8 ET2S .-.' 8 T\ 90 081'8 Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Salesmen (outside), collectors and messengers (excluding salesmen, collectors and messengers who use automobiles owned by the em- ployer or themselves 8742 JU Z SB This classification does not include as salesmen, collectors and messengers, any employees who as a part of their duty deliver the goods or merchandise handled, treatedor sold. If the employees who deliver goods use teams for solicita- tion, collection and delivery, they shall be rated as drivers. If such employees use motorcycles, they shall be rated as chauffeurs commercial. If such em- ployees use bicycles not motorcycles publicmeansof transportation, or walk, they shall be rated at the governing classification of the risk in which their employment occurs. Salesmen (outside), collectors and messengers using automobiles own- ed by the employer or themselves 8747 BT Z The actual remuneration of these em- ployees to be included in the payroll but not in excess of $1,500 per annum, per salesman, collector or messenger. This classification does not include as salesmen, collectors or messengers, any employees who as a part of their duty deliver the goods or merchandise, handled, treated or sold. If employees who deliver goods use automobiles for solicitation, delivery and collection, they shall be rated as chauffeurs commercial. Where salesmen, collectors and mes- sengers are employed in connection with risks written on 0. , L. & T. forms and it is desired to cover the P. L. risk of such salesmen, collectors and messen- gers while away from the premises of the assured, the payroll for such em- S'oyees shall be separately stated in the ., L. & T. policy and the premium rate for public liability as shown fo* the above classifications applied thereto. Salt Mfg. not mining or sinking wells 4534 CM ZC R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive, (125) tt SMS ;fifo fiirfT -sin. . Jeixx)^-: 3 I'ftlK'l &d aa-fv -m riDU ; ; i &AS *45 v m jfgi-f S T8 W8 * e H os M3 we* Il9W Reprinted Page July 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L Teams' Auto. Saltpetre Mfg 4525 CH ZB R 5 Salvage Corps and Fire Patrol rate as "Fire Patrol and Salvage Corps". 7700 JSalvage Operations all operations in damaged buildings or elsewhere incidental to the sorting, removing, storing, reconditioning and dis- tributing of merchandise from buildings previously damaged by fire. No wrecking, shoring or other structural operations 5705 DD ZS R 5 J Salvage Operations- all operations incidental to wrecking, shoring or other structural work in buildings previously damaged by fire, in- cluding the handling of machinery 5704 6 ZS P 5 JSand and Gravel Digging no canal, sewer, or cellar excavation or grad- ing (no blasting) 4000 DD ZJ R 5 Sand Paper Mfg. no paper making. 1856 BV ZA R 5 Sanitoriums rate as "Hospitals". Sash, Door and Blind Mfg. includ- ing outside employees soliciting and measuring ... 273C CQ ZD RB 5 Sausage Case Mfg 2091 CA ZB R 5 1 Sausage Mfg 2092 CA ZB R 5 1 Saw Mfg 3118 BO ZA R 5 Saw Mills 2710 DD ZG RB5 Sawdust Dealers 8223 BX ZE Q 4 {Scaffolds installation, operation and removal 5406 DQ ZY R 5 This classification is available only to concerns engaged in installing and leasing scaffolds to contractors. In- cludes the operation and removal of same when work has been completed. Scale Mfg 3582 BQ ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (126) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Scavengers 9403 GK Z6 R 5 Payroll for " Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers. School Supplies Mfg 2876 CB ZA R 5 Schools (rate as "Colleges and Schools"). Scrap-iron and Junk Dealers shop and outside (no wrecking of build- ings) (no blasting.) 8260 DV ZP N 2 Payroll for " Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers. Scrap-iron and Junk Dealers shop and yard only (no blasting) 8261 DV ZP OC 2 Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers. ScreenMfg. metal no wire drawing 3250 BX ZB R 5 Screen Mfg. -wood 2821 CM ZA R 5 Screw Mfg 3145 BS ZA R 5 Sculptors statuary and ornamental work in bronze, including mould- ing and casting 3090 CD ZB R 5 Sealing Wax Mfg 4656 CC ZA R 5 Seed Merchants including the operation of seed sorting ma- chinery 8102 AV ZA R 5 Serum (hog) Mfg. not operating packing houses (not available for division of payroll) ... .... 4609 GL ZB R 5 Serum (hog) Mfg. including pack- ing house operations 2083 CZ ZC RB 5 Sewage Disposal Plants care and maintenance, excluding construc- tion work 7580 CT ZJ R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (127) GvM M A! 80 8T8 . * VQ oac8 .. ~8T9s9 f fl 00 C VQ f9f8 ...... (sawaaW-. > ".qro ? ilons^ ravhb ebi/1* -luiirf^ bnjs rujslli/srfo ofih: J 8 8X X8 02 JE . AS MO rm boo?/- 2 8 AS Z8 2^f .slMww fB^fiddifiino bos Y"* o^qfi* -b!i- e 8 8! 03 0808 fl AS D3 333* add gflibabol -am gn 33 lo noitoeqo 8 B AS VA SG?8 fl 81 JO 603* 6 8H 3S S3 E80 InaH a 8 is is osev Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. t Sewage Disposal Plants construc- tion for private houses, insti- tutions, or hotels, and not con- nected with public sewers (no blasting) 6226 DJ ZJ R 5 J Sewage Disposal Plants construc- tionpublic no sewer construc- tion or blasting 5020 DP ZJ R 5 t Sewer Building maximum depth of excavation 7 feet at any point (not available for division of pay- roll.) , 6302 DK ZP R 5 This classification not available to any sewer contract, the maximum depth of which exceeds 7 feet at any point. J Sewer Building no limit of depth. 6300 DT ZQ R 5 Public Liability rate for sewer building not on public highway ex- cept at crossings, $1.00. Masonry work in connection with sewers must take the rate for "Sewer Building." Sewer contracts, involving sections less than seven feet in depth and sec- tions more than seven feet in depth shall be submitted to the home office for rating. {Sewer Cleaning 9407 DK ZJ R 5 Sewer Pipe Mfg. reinforced con- crete, including all employees on ground engaged in manufactur- ingno pipe laying 4040 CD ZD R 5 Sewing Machine Mfg 3561 BO ZA R 5 Shade Cloth Mfg 2241 BW ZA R 5 Shade Roller Mfg 2851 BR ZA R 5 Shaft Shiking 6252 EC ZJ R 5 Sheet Iron Stoves Mfg. (no stamp- ing) 3170 CO ZB R 5 Sheet Metal Work shop only 3066 CD ZB R 5 Shingle Mfg 2715 DD ZC RB 5 Ship or Boat Building (rate as "Boat Building"). See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. -COD tea bcus al93od 10 on) eiswsa Dffdi/q diiw b 8 8 IS Id 3K8 (sn .sW LeaoqaiQ 9 t (I IS OM2 Ji lo riiqsb mumizam g jnio flfi fi teal T a f. IS 10 03 . e 8 OS TO 003 8 IS M TOM ni bas^B^ bnuoi: 6 8 OS 00 OW* ...gniTBi sqlq r g 8 AS 08 tSee SlMeaiffoisMs e i AS ws rws ...SIM&OID- a a AS 88 tees S*M ^iioa 9 e a is 03 g3 .soWflfa ^dj -qmaiaofl) .g!M esvcxtB noil 6 8 81 m OTfE 2 fl 8S 03 3306 W W^M g aa as oa ens ..... ^Msi; quf5 8B stei flu eo 10 It e. printed Page August 28, 191(>. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. SHIPWRIGHT WORK: {Repairing Vessels, or the machinery therein, while afloat, no operations of dry dock or on dry dock 6861 DJ ZJ R 5 Shop Employees 6865 CE ZD R' 5 Repairing vessels or the machinery therein, including work in dry docks 6866 DR ZG R 5 Shop Employees 6865 CE ZD R 5 Shirt Mfg. including laundry 2521 AV Z R 5 ^l Shoddy Mfg. cotton 2214 ' DH ZA R 5 Shoddy Mfg.-wool 2215 DH ZA R 5 Shoe Findings Mfg. tongues, linings and facings (not available for division of payroll) 2654 BS ZA R 5 Shoe and Harness Blacking Mfg. no can mfg 4590 CC ZA R 5 Shoe Stock Mfg 2651 BY ZA R 5 Shoe String Mfg 2385 BA Z B 5 Shooting Galleries not rifle ranges. 9088 CW (a) R 5 Shot Works 3332 OR ZB R 5 Showcase Mfg 2877 GB ZA R 5 {Showcases erection and installation 5435 BX ZJ R 5 Shuttle Mfg 3518 BA ZA R 5 {Sidewalk Calking 5504 CO ZL R 5 Sign (advertising) erection (rate as "Advertising Signs erection and repair only ") . Sign Painting (shop only) 9500 BQ ZC R 5 Sign Painting or Lettering, in build- ings or structures 5483 BQ ZC R 5 {Sign Painting or Lettering on build- ings or structures 9541 DJ ZJ R 5 Silica Grinding no quarrying 1 743 CH ZG R 5 Silk Mfg 2303 AS Z R 5 Silk Thread Mfg 2302 AS Z R 5 Silo Building wood (shop only) . . . 2750 CY ZC R 5 { Silo Erection brick, hollow tile,con- crete blocks and concrete staves . . 5025 DH ZL R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (129) Reprinted Page July 17, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. JSilo Erectionconcrete 5202 DM ZL R 5 JSilo Erection metal 5063 DK ZL P 5 t Silo Erection wood 5400 DE ZL R 5 Silver Plating 3370 BR ZA R 5 Silver Refining no ore reduction. .. 1411 CC ZC R 5 Silver Smelting 1401 D6 ZC R 5 Silverware Mfg 3381 BF Z R 5 Size Mfg 4650 CG ZA R 5 Skate Mfg 3149 BL ZB R 5 Skating Rinki ice or roller 9081 CG (b) R 5 Slag Excavation including loading on cars, with or without blasting.. 1420 DR ZJ R 5 Slate Mfg. no quarrying 1 802 GJ ZC R 5 Slate Pencil Mfg 1850 BL ZB R 5 JSlate roofing 5546 DK ZL R 5 Slaughtering rate as "Butchering". Slipper Mfg 2661 AX Z R 5 Smelting by electric process 1439 CP ZC R 5 Smelting not otherwise classified... 1438 DO ZC R 5 {Smokestacks and Chimneys lining 5001 EG ZM R 5 j Smokestacks and Chimneys (metal) erection (no blasting) 5042 EG ZQ P 2 t Snow and Ice Removal no blasting 9400 DD ZM R 5 Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' help- ers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers. JSoap Dispensers installation and inspection 5180 CD ZG R 5 Soap Mfg 4720 CA ZA R 5 Soap Powder Mfg 4721 CA ZA R 5 Soda Water Fountain and Apparatus Mfg 4940 GR ZB R 5 t Soda Water Fountains installation and repair 5342 BX ZG R 5 Soda-Bicarbonate Mfg 4502 BL ZA R 5 Spar and Mast Mfg. shop only... 2800 GT ZC RB 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (130) w Reprinted Page August 38, 19 W. Classification * No Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Speedometer and Taximeter Mfg. with or without odometer, includ- ing installation 3580 BA ZA R 5 Spice Mills 2053 BL ZA R 5 Spool Mfg. wood 2784 CM ZA R 5 Sporting Goods Mfg. not otherwise classified. 4902 BL ZA R 5 Spring Bed Mfg 3300 CA ZB R 5 Spring Mfg. not railroad car springs 3303 CD ZB R 5 Sprinkler Mfg. automatic 3583 BX ZA R 5 Stablemen (not livery, boarding or sales stables)- excluding accidents to public caused by horses and vehicles outside the stable walls 7200 CK ZB Stables private when not on same premises with private dwellings. Public Liability rate $4.00 per annum or $10.00 for three years. t Staff Work erecting buildings or structures 5471 DH ZM R 5 Stained Glass Mfg 4133 BF ZA R 5 JStairbuilding (wooden) erection (notavailable for divisionof payroll) 5431 CH ZJ RB 5 Stamping metal 3210 EL ZB R 5 Starch Mfg. dry process 4706 DJ ZD R 5 Starch Mfg. wet process 4703 CV ZG R 5 State or Municipal Road or Street Making, including culverts not exceeding 10 ft. span : JA11 operations except quarrying and blasting 6042 CT ZJ 5 Quarrying 1621 DK ZG 5 ' Blasting (see rule page 10) 6280 ER ZY 5 The first classification above in- cludes the setting up and taking down of road making equipment and appliances at the place of work, and the operation of road making ma- chinery or vehicles, with or without horses, or other draft animals, also the operation of trucks, traction en- gines, and steam rollers or other vehicles in connection with the work of transporting material, merchandise See Division of Payro!! Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (131) R AX AS 0858 fl AS J8 60 H AX MO a AS ja fi as A3 OOEE fl 8X 09 EOEE xs mt g a MS HO rrw e a AS is 88 IS HQ H as J3 a QS ilr IS TO SM3 as xo Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto, and equipment to and from the place of work. For compensation coverage, the wages of all drivers and helpers, chauffeurs and their helpers and others engaged in connection there- with to be included in the payroll and subjected to the rates. If teams are hired by contract including drivers, then 50 per cent, of the contract price of the teams shall be accepted in lieu of drivers' wages, and if automobile trucks are hired by contract including chauf- feurs, then 25 per cent of the contract price of the automobile trucks shall be accepted in lieu of chauffeurs' wages. The Public Liability includes the Teams' Public Liability but excludes the Automobile Public Liability hazard. Stationary Engine Mfg. with foundry 3609 CE ZB P 5 Stationary Engine Mfg. without foundry 3610 CB ZB P i Stationery Mfg. (not available for division of payroll in plants manu- facturing paper of any kind) 4251 BL ZA R 5 JStatuary, in connection with mau- soleums, monuments or mortuary work erection only 5322 GV ZJ R 5 Stave Mfg 2740 DO ZC R 5 Steam and Air Pressure Gauge Mfg. 3571 BQ ZA R 5 JSteam Heating laying of mains and surface or house connections (no tunneling or blasting). 6320 CZ ZP P 5 Steam Heating or Power Companies (not electric) operation of plant only, no construction work 7570 CH ZJ R 5 Steam Packing Mfg. metallic 3339 BZ ZB R 5 Steam Packing Mfg. not metal . . . 4982 BQ ZA R 5 JSteam Pipes or Boilers applying cork, asbestos, and other non-con- ducting materials to same 5184 CD ZG R 5 Steam Shovels, Dredges, and Bal- last Unloader Mfg 3526 CT ZC P 5 Steamship Agencies wharf employ- ees (clerks and tallymen only when stevedoring work is done by assured) 8703 AY Zl R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (132) C 1 81 33 B08E iti3 i i BS 80 orae ' 8 8 J8 is V3 me oc owr 8 fl AS P8 rTSE S3 0E8 ' fi 8S S8 i, 3 f) AS 98 i!8^ e K si co Mfg < 3X TO 9f Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Steamship Agencies wharf em- ployees (clerks and tallymen only when all stevedore work is let out by contract) 8704 AY ZE R 5 Steamship Agencies wharf em- ployees (stevedores and freight handlers) 7302 DV Zl R 5 Steel Works: Steel Works open hearth, besse- mer, and crucible, or open hearth and bessemer, casting in- gots, and puddling or blooming mill operations 3000 DE ZC P/R 5 Steel Works crucible, casting in- gots, and puddling or blooming mill operations (not available for division of payroll) 3001 GZ ZC P/R 5 Rolling Mills operated in connec- tion with steel works, rolling products of every description, including rod mill 301 1 CZ ZC P/R 5 Rolling Mills operated in connec- tion with steel works, rolling products of every description * S?^JSP' ,;: 3012 CV ZC P/R 5 Rolling Mills rolling of rods only no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel (not available for division of payroll when loca- ted in the same building or build- ings which are contiguous to or connected with buildings in which other rolling mill opera- tions are carried on) 3010 DE ZC R 5 Rolling Mills rolling of metal plates and sheets only, including dipping for galvanizing purposes no blast furnace, converter or casting of steel (not available for division of payroll when loca- ted in the same building or build- ings which are contiguous to or connected with buildings in which other rolling mill opera- tions are carried on) 3013 CV ZC R 5 ee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (133) e 8 3s YA Mrs is vo 8 8YI 0S 38 CMS 1 31 S3 rOOE 2 n\i 3i w rroE 1 3S V8 I 8 S M ill 31 Vf> Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Rolling Mills rolling of bars only no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel (not available for division of payroll when loca- ted In the same building or build- ings which are contiguous to or connected with buildings in which other rolling mill opera- tions are carried on) 301 5 GQ ZC R 5 Tin and Terne plate rolling from tin plate bars, including dipping no tin plate bar manufacturing and no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel 3016 CJ ZB R 5 Iron and Steel Works shop, fab- ricating and assembling struc- tural iron and steel no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel, or rolling mill 3030 DH ZC P/R 2 Iron and Steel Works shop, fab- ricating, assembling, and manu- facturing railings, balconies, fire escapes, staircases, iron shut- ters, and other iron work (not structural iron or steel), and ornamental brass, bronze, and iron work no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel or rolling mill 3040 DB ZC R 5 Iron and Steel Works shop, man- ufacturing ornamental brass, bronze, and iron work exclusive- ly no blast furnace, converter, or casting of steel or rolling mill (not available for division of payroll) 3041 CL ZB R 5 Stencil Mfg. no stamping 3138 BL ZA R 5 STEVEDORING: Stevedoring handling coal, grain, salt and other merchandise from lighters to steamships by means of mechanical conveyors only (not available for division of payroll) 7303 CZ Z! P 3 Stevedoring handling fruit, not general freight (not available for division of payroll) ... 7305 CM Zl R 3 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (134) ' H as pa eioE .maim ,19.1 a R si ID BIOS / \1 0! HO OBOE 8 8 DX 80 AS J8 8EfE 1 IS 10 EOf Reprinted Page Jitlji 31, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Stevedoring handling general freight, seagoing and lake vessels. 7300 DV Zl P 3 Stevedoring handling coal exclu- sively 7306 DQ Zl QA 3 Stevedoring handling ore exclu- sively . 7307 DQ Zl P 3 Stevedoring river and sound steamers 7304 CV Zl P 3 Stevedoring tallymen and check- ing clerks engaged in connection with stevedore work 8703 AY Zl B 5 Stock Farms (see page 33) 0200 CF B 5 Stock Yards with or without rail- road entry, with or without slaughtering 8285 DO ZM RB 5 Stone China Mfg 4052 AZ Z R 5 Stone Crushing (no quarrying) (not available for division of payroll.) Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' help- ers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helpers 1710 DK Z6 B 5 When quarrying and stone crushing are carried on ,at the same location, rate as "Stone Crushing including quarrying, with or without blasting." Stone Crushing including quarry- ing, with or without blasting. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' help- ers, also chauffeurs and chauf- feurs' helper^ 1620 DK Z6 B 5 Stone Cutting and Polishing yard work only... 1803 CJ ZC R 5 "For public insurance on a risk falling under above classification See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (135) Reprinted Page July 31, WIG. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. where the plant is occupied in part by tenants also engaged in similar work, there shall be in all cases, in addition to the public liability rate charged on payroll, a charge of $1.00 for each tenant or employee of a tenant subject to a minimum charge for this item of $3.00 per policy." Stone Yards (no quarrying) including stone fitters sent out from yard to fit cut stones on job (no setting of stone) 1804 CJ ZC R 5 If employees sent out from stone yards to fit cut stones on job, also set the stones, the entire payroll of such fitters arid setters shall be in- cluded under and rated the same as "Marble and Stone Setting." See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (13 j A) Reprinted Page July 31, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P. L. Teams' Auto. This classification is available only when employees engaged in the yard are not exposed to the quarry hi tazard. If the stone yard employees are so situated as to be exposed to the quarry hazard, such employees shall take the quarry rate. For public insurance on a risk falling under above classification where the plant is occupied in part by tenants also engaged in similar work, there shall be in all cases, in addition to the public liability rate charged on payroll, a charge of $1.00 for each tenant or employee of a tenant subject to a minimum charge for this item of $3.00 per policy. Storage baled cotton (no compress- ing or ginning)! 8290 CO Z6 R 5 Storage cold 8291 CR Z6 R 5 Storagefurniture 8293 GC ZG P 3 Storage general merchandise (not otherwise classified) 8292 , CR ZG P 3 STORES: Agricultural Implement Stores... 8104 BD YF R 5 Butchers meat or provision stores (no manufacturing, slaughtering or rendering, not " Packing Houses distributing stations") 8003 BR YF OC 4 Cigar Stores retail 8020 AL YF S 5 Clothing Store retail no manufacturing 8008 AL YF R 5 If any manufacturing of clothing is conducted on the premises it must be separately classified and rated at the Manual rate for such work. Department Stores 8000 BA YX OD 3 This classification shall apply to risks in which the following conditions obtain : 1. The mercantile payroll is at least $25,000 per annum. 2. The store occupies at least two (2) floors exclusive of base- ment. 3. The floor area occupied, exclusive of basement, is at least 30,000 square feet. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (136) A8 01 Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. 4. Not less than four of the following classes of merchandise are sold: Dry Goods Clothing Furnishings Furniture Musical Instruments Groceries Kitchen Utensils Hardware Department Stores where the pre- ceding conditions do not obtain, rate as "Store Risks retail, exclusively (not otherwise classified) . " Dry Goods Stores (no manufac- turing) 8007 AL Y6 PB 3/5 This classification shall apply to risks in which the following con- ditions obtain : 1. The mercantile payroll is at least $25,000 per annum. 2 . The store occupies at least two (2) floors exclusive of base- ment. 3. The floor area occupied, exclusive of basement, is at least 30,000 square feet. Dry Goods Stores where the condi- tions outlined above do not obtain, rate as "Store Risks retail, exclu- sively (not otherwise classified) ." Five and Ten Cent Stores or stores advertising merchandise at a maximum or minimum price 8050 BA YZ OD 4 Minimum Premium for Public Liability per store, $50.00 per annum. Furniture Dealers (store only)... 8015 BR YF R 4 Grocers retail 8006 BA YF RB Hardware Stores 8010 AV YF R 5 Hide and Leather Dealers (not otherwise classified) 8105 BD YD R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (137) S8li 3 BQIi . He oeos m 2t08 0i QY 08 50^8 Reprinted Page July 31, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Hide and Leather Dealers goat and sheep skins 81 00 BD YD R 5 Iron Merchants (not junk or scrap iron or hardware dealers) 8106 CA YF P 5 Jewelry Stores wholesale or retail 801 3 AL YD S 5 Machinery Dealers store only.. 8107 BD YF P 2 Marketmen including meat and provision store (no manufactur- ing, slaughtering or rendering, not "Packing Houses distribu- ting stations") 8003 BR YF QC 4 Piano or Organ Dealers store only 8022 BD YD R Poultry Dealers wholesale and retail with or without killing of poultry 8004 BR YF RB 4/5 Ship Chandler Stores (no manu- facturing) 8101 BD YF R 5 Store Risks retail, exclusively (not otherwise classified) 8017 AV YF R Store Risks wholesale (not otherwise classified) 8016 BD YD R Store Risks wholesale exclusively where the following com- modities and no others are hand- led or sold: Wearing apparel or piece goods made of cotton, silk or wool 8009 AV YD R 5 i Store Risks wholesale and retail, (not otherwise classified) 8018 AV YE R Tailor Store retail (no manu- facturing) 8008 AL YF R 5 If any manufacturing of clothing (except cutting) is conducted on the premises it must be separately classified and rated. Warehouse private mercantile used exclusively for storing surplus stock of assured in buildings which are entirely separated from the store or other sales place 8294 YD For Compensation coverage, Teams Public Liability and Automobile Li- ability, charge the rates applicable to the risk with which the ware- house is connected. Wine and Spirit Merchants retail 8002 BK YK P 3 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (138) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Wine and Spirit Merchants no bar on premises liquor sold in packages only 8012 BA YF P 3 Wine and Spirit Merchants wholesale 8011 BK YF P 3 Stove Mfg. not sheet iron 3172 BY ZA R 5 Stove Mfg. sheet iron no stamping 3170 CD ZB R 5 Stove Polish Mfg 4592 CC ZA R 5 Straw Board Mfg. (rate as "Paper and Pulp Mfg/') Straw Hat Mfg 2531 AV Z R 5 tStreetCleaning. Payroll for "Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 9402 DO ZM R 5 Street or Road Making (rate as " State or Municipal Road or Street Making"). fStuccoWork on outside of buildings 5472 DH ZM R 5 (Subway Construction for passenger and freight traffic open cut or cut and cover (no tunneling) 6255 (a) (a) R 4 [Subway Construction for passenger and freight traffic, tunneling only . 6254 (a) (a) R 4 Sugar Refining not Beet Sugar Mfg. 2021 OF ZB 5 Sulphur Refining 4512 CT ZB R 5 Surveying and Inspecting Engineer Work, including sharpening of stakes and other shopwork inci- dent to surveying and inspection of construction operations (no actual construction operations of any description, and no supervising or superintending of construction operations) (not available for di- vision of payroll) 6030 CD ZG R 5 Suspender Mfg 2556 B6 ZA R 5 Suspender Mfg. no buckle, webbing or leather parts mfg. (not available for division of payroll) 2550 AQ Z R 5 Syphons and Mineral Water Bot- tlesrate for "P.L.", 25c per 1000 fillings. >ee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (139) W A8 iv K rros fl A 8 K oeei Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Tack Mfg 3274 BE ZA R 5 Tag, Check and Label Mfg. metal (no stamping) 3140 BL ZA R 5 Tag, Check and Label Mfg. not metal 4286 BF Z R 5 Talc Mills no quarrying 1 744 CH ZC R 5 Tallow Chandlers 4715 CA ZA R 5 Tank Building metal (shop only) . . 3621 GT ZG P 5 Tank Building wood (shop only)... 2751 GY ZA R 5 JTank Building metal erecting within buildings exclusively 5112 DK ZJ P 5 {Tanks metal erecting (no blast- ing) (not otherwise classified) . . . 5048 EC ZM P 5 tTank Erecting wood 5404 DE ZL R 5 Tanning 2623 CA ZA R 5 Tar Mfg.-ycoal tar manufacturing and refining coal tar and its by-products, including saturating of paper and felt with tar no felt or paper making no coke oven operations 4741 (a) ZA R 5 Tartaric Acid Mfg 4522 CM ZB R 5 Taxidermists 9600 BY ZA R 5 Telegraph and Telephone Apparatus Mfg 3681 BA ZA R 5 Telegraph and Telephone Companies office and exchange employees only 8901 AE ZB R 5 {Telegraph and Telephone Companies operation, maintenance, exten- sion of lines, and making of service connections 7600 CV ZP MA/R 4/1 Public Liability minimum premium, $100.00. tTelegraph or Telephone Construc- tion 7601 CV ZPMA/R4/1 Telescope Mfg 3684 BF ZA R 5 Tenements 9008 BY YE R 5 Terra Cotta Mfg. art terra cotta for decorative purposes no mining or excavating 4054 AZ ZA R 5 This classification does not include the manufacture of terra cotta for structural use, whether decorative or otherwise. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (140) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Terra Cotta Mfg including under- ground mining 4015 CP ZC R 5 Terra Cotta Mfg. no underground mining 4032 CD ZC R 5 Textiles dyeing, finishing and print- ing new goods (not " Dyeing and Cleaning") 2413 BT ZA R 5 Textile Machinery Mfg 351 5 BR ZA R 5 Theatre Companies. Rate applicable to players or entertainers only: For operas, dramas, and comedies 9153 AS (a) R 5 For vaudeville, burlesque, farce and continuous performance 9151 BF (a) R 5 The above classification does not apply to vaudeville, burlesque, farce and continuous performance where motion pictures are exhibited more than once during any one performance. Motion Picture Theatres Rate to apply to all employees of the theatre 9152 BV t R 5 Any theatre showing moving pictures throughout its entire performance or more than once during any performance, regardless of admission fee charged, shall be classed and rated as a motion picture theatre. Premium Computation Basis. The actual remuneration of players or en- tertainers must be used unless the amount exceeds $100 per week, in which event that sum shall be used as repre- senting the actual weekly remuneration of each player or entertainer provided that, subject to the above limitation, the payroll basis for vaudeville, bur- lesque, farce and continuous perform- ance players shall be the amounts paid by the theatres for each act. Theatre employees, including man- agers (not stage managers) box office employees, ushers, and others not employed upon the stage, but excluding care, custody and main- tenance of premises 91 54 AS t R 5 tlf public coverage is required, Theatre Public Liability policy must be issued. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (141) <1 ??fiA fi AS 18 n va i Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Theatre employees with stage duties or engaged in care, custody or maintenance of premises, excluding extraordinary additions, alterations or repairs 9150 BY t B 5 {Theatre Stage Rigging setting up ornamental, architectural and theatre iron work, and all mechani- cal effects over stages of theatres, including hanging of signs, setting stairways, iron beams and lintels, all included in the operations of stagerigging 5108 DK ZM R 5 Theatrical Scenery Mfg. excluding painting 2823 CQ ZC R 5 Theatrical Scenery Painting no woodworking 9506 BQ ZC R 5 Thermometer Mfg 3683 BF ZA R 5 Thermostat Mfg 3680 BA ZA R 5 {Thermostats installation 5186 CD Z6 R 5 Thread Mfg. cotton or linen 2224 BA Z R 5 Thread Mfg.-sllk 2302 AS Z R 5 {Threshing Machines and Corn Shred- ders, Ensilage Cutters and Harvest- ing Machines operation. Payroll for " Comp." coverage to include drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 0050 DP ZJ R 5 The above classification applies to farm machinery operated under con- tract. When m achinery of this character is operated not under contract but by an employer as an incident to the general operation of his own farm, the rate applicable therefor is the rate for Farm Labor. JTile Installationinterior 5344 BX Z6 R 5 Tile Mfg. for decorative purposes (no mining or excavating) 4055 AZ ZA R 5 Tile Mfg. roof and drainage (in- cluding underground mining) 401 2 CP ZC R 5 tlf public coverage is required, Theatre Public Liability policy must be issued. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (142) e B .t Y8 eefe jj t*Y Mf. c n Mi J>u oufc H OS pO a fl as pa aoee AS H E88E 8 8 AS A8 08 : a 8 85 63 3; s AB m- I 2A i as xs *<- eaw Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Tile Mfg. roof and drainage (no underground mining) 4033 CD ZC R 5 TinCanMfg 3220 DA ZB R 5 TinFoilMfg 3334 BZ ZA R 5 TinPlateMfg. (rate as "Steel Works' ') Tin Plate Rolling and Dipping (rate as "Steel Works' ') 3016 tTinsmithing away from shop . . . 5543 DK ZM R 5 Tinsmith Shop not otherwise clas- sified 3065 CD ZB R 5 TOBACCO MFG.: Cigar or Cigarette Mfg. hand made (not available for division ofpayroll) 2171 AV Z R 5 Cigar or Cigarette Mfg. machine made 2170 AX Z R 5 Tobacco Mfg. (not otherwise clas- sified) 2173 BB Z R 5 Tobacco Mfg. snuff 2175 AV Z R 5 Tobacco Rehandling and Warehous- ing 2174 BF ZD R 5 Tool Mfg. not otherwise classified (not mfg. machinery) 3116 BO ZA R 5 Tortoise Shell Goods Mfg. manu- factured from real and imitation v tortoise shell 4451 CD ZA R 5 TOWEL AND TOILET SUPPLY COMPANIES: If no laundry operations are con- ducted: all employees except clerical office employees, drivers and drivers' helpers, also chauf- feurs and chauffeurs' helpers ... 2584 AQ ZG SO 4 If laundry operations are conducted, rate all inside employees except clerical office employees as "Laundries." Toy Mfg.-metal 3221 GY [ZB R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (143) fi OX QO 880 : bnuo- - .' ' fl .\ 8 MI m W . 88 ETW . 8 OS '18 MfC H AX aa arre yj Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Toy Mfg,-wood 2785 CM ZA R 5 Trees pruning, spraying, repairing, trimming and fumigating : tin towns and cities 01 01 DK ZJ B 5 iOutside towns and cities 0100 DK Z6 R 5 Truckmen drivers, helpers and stablemen only, excluding black- smiths, repairmen, rigging and the trucking of boilers, building ma- terials, coal, ice, junk and scrap iron, machinery, railway iron, safe moving, structural iron and steel (not available for division of payroll) 7211 CK OE - Truckmen general trucking (not otherwise classified) 7208 CQ Z6 OE 3 Payroll for both compensation and public liability to include all such employees as drivers, drivers' helpers, chauffeurs, chauffeurs' helpers, stablemen, blacksmiths, re- pairmen and riggers, excluding only clerical office employees and stor- age warehouse employees which must take the proper Manual rates applicable therefor. This classi- fication shall not be available for truckmen engaged exclusively in any of the operations where the classification specifically includes the payroll of drivers and drivers' helpers, such as the handling of boilers, building materials, coal, garbage, refuse and ashes, ice, junk and scrap iron, machinery, railway iron, safe moving, struc- tural iron and steel. The rate herein provided for P. L. shall be available only when concurrent teams' insurance is carried in the same company. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (144) m\ Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Trunk Mfg. excluding metal frames and fittings 2763 CM ZA R 5 The manufacturing of metal frames and fittings must be classified and rated as "Metal Goods Mfg. not otherwise classified." Tube Mfg. brazed tubes 3021 CW ZC R 5 ^ Tube Mfg. other than iron and steel, no brazing 3022 CJ ZB R 5 i Tube Mfg. metal 3021 CW ZC R 5 JTuck Pointing (not available for division of payroll) 5470 DQ ZM R 5 t Tunnel Lining masonry or concrete (for previously driven tunnels otherwise completed by other contractors) 5023 DH ZJ R 5 This classification not available if lining is done by contractors construct- ing tunnel. {Tunneling including all work to completion 6251 EC ZJ R 5 Turpentine and Resin Mfg. exclud- ing pulling and cutting stumps. 0301 DM ZG R 3 Turpentine and Resin Mfg. includ- ing pulling and cutting stumps. 0302 CZ Zl R 5 Twine and Cord Mfg. binder (not cordage) 2342 BY ZB R 5 Type Foundry 3336 BA ZA R 5 Typewriter Mfg 3565 BA ZA R 5 Typewriter Ribbon Mfg. 2383 BF ZA R 5 Umbrella Mfg. not manufacturing frames and handles 2560 AQ Z R 5 The manufacturing of umbrella handles must be classified and rated as "Cane Mfg." The manufacturing of umbrella frames and hardware must be classified and rated as "Wire Goods Mfg. no wire drawing (not otherwise classified"). Undertakers 9620 BY ZA MA/R Upholstering away from shop 9520 BF Z6 R 5 Upholstery Fabric Mfg 2281 B6 Z R 5 Upholstering 9522 BF ZA R 5 This classification is not available for division of payroll except m the follow- ing classifications: Furniture Mfg., Chair Mfg., Coffin and Casket Mfg. Upholstery Trimmings Mfg. . . 2382 BA Z R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (145) 00 HO ecoe MO toso 1 IS IQ 080 3S Y8 tt AI AS aesE AS A8 eaas AS IS 68 x DA, o; Reprinted Page October 2S, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Vacant Land 9201 YA This classification shall apply to property within city limits ; risks involving suburban development maybe referred ^ to the Home Office for individual rate. Vacuum Cleaner Mfg 3563 BQ ZB R 5 JVacuum Cleaning Systems instal- lation 5185 CD ZG R 5 JVacuum Cleaning by means of portable air suction cleaning ma- chines. Payroll for "Comp." cov- erage to include drivers and driv- ers' helpers, also chauffeurs and chauffeurs' helpers 9010 C6 ZM R 5 Valve Mfg 3634 BQ ZB R 5 Varnish Mfg 4561 BQ ZA R 5 J Vaults fire and burglar proof con- struction and installation 5065 DK ZM P 5 {Vaults prison vaults and cells erection 5060 DK ZM P 5 Veneer Mfg 2714 DO ZC R 5 Veneer Package Mfg. no barrel mfg. (no veneer mfg.) 2908 06 ZA R 5 Veneer Seat Mfg. (no veneer mfg.) 2909 C6 ZA R 5 Ventilator Mfg 3073 CD ZB R 5 VESSELS For vessel coverage when more than one state is involved, the compensation policy may be issued and endorsed for additional states and a rate charged on the entire payroll which shall not be less than the highest compensation rate for any state covered. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (146) Reprinted Page October 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto, VESSELS (Continued. ) Minimum Premiums Comp. A minimum premium of $100.00 shall be charged for each vessel except as otherwise noted : Barges and Lighters, $15. per vessel. Boat Livery sail or power boats, $25. per vessel. Canal Boats and Scows, $15. per vessel. Ferries, $50. per vessel. Fishing Vessels pound fishing only, $50. per policy. Fishing Vessels motorboats and tugs only, $50. per vessel (seagoing and not seagoing.) Fisheries river only, $25. per policy. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (146A) Reprinted Page October 2, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams* Auto. Inland Lake Vessels, $25. per vessel. Oystermen, $50. per policy. Supply Boats, $50. per vessel. Yachts, $50. per vessel. Minimum Premiums P. L. The minimum premium for Public Liability shall be $5.00 per vessel. Vessel rates include the collision hazard, but exclude the passenger hazard. If coverage for passenger hazard is desired, refer to Home Office. Barges and Lighters Contingent Risk (the assured not furnishing any of the employees operating such vessels and having no oper- ating control over same) mini- mum charge, $12.50per vessel per annum, excluding the passenger hazard. Barges and Lighters not other- wise classified operation 7060 DD ZL R 5 Barges and Lighters ocean going or Great Lakes operation 7061 D6 ZL R 5 Boat Livery, sail or power boats, limited to boats under 15 tons, including laying up of boats and putting in commission, used for fishing and pleasure purposes ... 7063 CZ (a) R 5 Vessels of 15 tons and over should be written at regular rates for steamers and sailing vessels. Canal Boats and Scows operation 7065 DD ZL R 5 Ferries 7006 CZ (a). R 5 Fisheries river only, including work on floats and on shore in- cluding, if any, curing and pack- ing fish and repairing nets and boats 7071 CQ ZD R 5 Fishing Vessels not otherwise classified 7072 EG ZG R 5 Premium Computation Basis a fixed sum of $600.00 shall represent the annual remuneration of each em- ployee on the vessel. See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (147) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Fishing Vessels pound fishing only, including work on shore of packing, curing and shipping fish, and repairing nets and boats 7066 DG ZG R 5 Fishing Vessels motorboats and tugs only not seagoing en- gaged in net fishing and lobster hauling 7067 DO Z6 R 5 Fishing Vessels motorboats and tugs only seagoing engaged in net fishing and lobster hauling 7068 DO ZG R 5 Great Lakes Sailing Vessels 7041 DX ZL R 5 Great Lakes Steamers 7000 DO ZJ R 5 Great Lakes Tugboats 7001 DO ZJ R 5 Inland Lake Vessels excluding vessels on the Great Lakes 7007 D6 ZJ R 5 Ocean and Coastwise Sailing Vessels 7042 DS ZM R 5 Ocean and Coastwise Steamers. . . 7004 D6 ZJ R 5 Ocean and Coastwise Tugboats . . . 7005 DG ZL R 5 Oystermen planting and harvest- ing, and operation of boats. Payroll to include entire remun- eration of all employees 7073 CZ ZG R 5 Oystermen sorting, shucking, washing, packing (shore and dock work only) (not available for division of payroll in canneries) 2114 BL ZB R 5 River and Sound Steamers 7003 DG ZL R 5 River and Sound Tugboats 7008 DG ZL R 5 Supply Boats supplying water or gasoline for shipping 7002 DG ZL R 5 Yachts private (either sail or power) 7059 DD ZI R 5 r inegar Mfg 2140 CE ZA R 5 r iscoloid Mfg 4442 DV ZD R 5 r itriol Mfg 4513 CT ZB R 5 r oting Machine Mfg 3562 BQ ZB R 5 ee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (148) t R as !>T 2(1 MT MOT IS 80 800T fl JS 8fl BOOT H js ea r. is aa e> Reprinted Page June 1, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Vulcanized Rubber Mfg. (not avail- able for division of payroll) 4430 C6 Z R 5 Wadding and Waste Mfg 2210 DK ZA R 5 ^ Wagon Mfg 3868 GJ ZA R 5 Wall Board installation (no plaster board) 5444 BX ZJ R 5 Wall Paper Mfg. designing, print- ing and finishingno paper making 4301 BL ZA R 5 Warehousing general merchandise (not otherwise classified) 8292 OR Z6 P 3 Washboard Mfg 2846 CM ZA R 5 Washing Machine and Clothes Wringer Mfg. (for household use) (not otherwise classified) 2853 CM ZA R 5 Washing Machine and Clothes Wringer Mfg. (for household use) metal 3637 GB ZA R 5 Watch Case Mfg 3380 BR ZA R 5 Watch Mfg 3385 BA ZA R 5 Water Meter Mfg 3579 BW ZA R 5 Water Tower Mfg. shop only 3623 GT ZC R 5 Y/ater Wheel Mfg. metal 3524 CM ZB R 5 {Waterproofing cellars and founda- tions 5467 GK Z6 R 5 Waterproofing Cloth not rubber... 2411 BT ZA R 5 Waterproofing Cloth rubber 241 CD ZA R 5 {Waterproofing in or on structures by means of felt, paper, burlap, or pitch (no roofing and no suba- queous work) (not available for division of payroll) 5466 CK Z6 R 5 {Waterworks construction of pump- ing station, dams and reservoirs. 6010 D6 ZI R 5 {Waterworks erection of standpipes and water towers (no blasting) . . 5043 EC ZM P 2 {Waterworks-laying of mains and sur- face or house connections (no tun- neling or blasting) 6321 CZ ZP P 4/1 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (149) Reprinted Page October 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P. L. Teams' Auto. Waterworks operation only (no construction work) 7520 BY Zl R 4/1 Wax Mfg. not sealing wax 4744 BV ZA R 5 } Weather Strips installation 5434 BX ZG R 5 Weather Strip Mfg. metal 3078 BS ZA R 5 Weather Strip Mfg. wood 2822 BV ZA R 5 Webbing Mfg. elastic or non-elastic 2380 BA Z R 5 Weighers and Samplers of Merchan- dise, on vessels and docks and at railway stations and warehouses, including mending and repacking of damaged containers, if any no operation of warehouses no steve- doring 8705 CG ZB R 5 Weighers on Docks when no steve- doring is done by assured 8702 AY ZE R 5 Wharf and Water Front Property: 1. Property owned but not occu- pied by the assured, being under lease to others Y6 -i 2. Property occupied by the assured for freight purposes exclusively YK i 3. Property occupied by the assured for both freight and passenger purposes YZ i Wheel Mfg. metal automobile... 3803 BR ZB R 5 Wheel Mfg. wood 3861 CM ZB R 5 Wheelbarrow Mfg. metal 3062 CQ ZB R 5 Wheelbarrow Mfg. wood 2809 CM ZA R 5 WhipMfg 4903 AX ZA R 5 Whiting Mfg 4560 CM ZA R 5 WickingMfg 2381 BA Z R 5 Willow Ware Mfg 2905 CB ZA R 5 JWindmills erection 5085 OR ZJ R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (150) Reprinted Page October 28, 1916. Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Windmill Mfg. metal 3523 CJ ZB R 5 Windmill Mfg. wood (shop only) . . 2808 CM ZA R 5 {Window Cleaning.. 9170 DZ ZL R 5 Window Curtain Roller Mfg 2847 BR ZA R 5 {Window Frames (metal) installa- tion 5104 CT ZJ R 5 {Window Opening Devices installa- tion 5141 BX Z6 R 5 {Window Screens installation 5442 BX ZG R 5 Window Shade Mfg. making and mounting (assembling only, not manufacturing cloth or roller) 2852 BF ZA R 5 Wine Mfg 2142 BF ZA P 5 Wire Cloth Mfg. no wire drawing. 3255 BX ZA R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 Inclusive. (150A) Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Wire Drawing 3241 CZ ZB R 5 Wire Fence Mfg. no wiredrawing. 3256 CF ZB R 5 Wire Goods Mfg. no wire drawing (not otherwise classified) 3257 BX ZB R 5 Wire Insulation no wire drawing. 4470 CR ZA R 5 Wire Mfg. piano no wire draw- ing 3253 BX ZA R 5 Wire Mfg. picture no wire draw- ing 3254 BX ZA R 5 WireNailMfg 3152 BS ZA R 5 WireRopeMfg 3240 CZ ZB R 5 t Wire Work interior erection only, excluding ornamental brass, bronze or iron work 5110 CC ZG R 5 Wood Heel Mfg 2793 CH ZA R 5 Wood Preservative Mfg. not other- wise classified 4526 GH ZB R 5 Wood Preserving and Fireproofing. . 2960 GX ZD R 5 Wood Turning 2786 CM ZA R 5 Wood Yardshandling wood exclu- sively (commercial yards only no mill hazard) 8206 CJ ZG RB 5 Wooden ware Mfg. not otherwise classified 2841 CM ZA R 5 Wool Combing 2260 GJ ZA R 5 Wool Extract Mfg. lanolin 4664 BX ZA R 5 Wool Separating chemical sep- aration of wool from cotton 2269 DK ZA R 5 Wool Merchants including ware- house 8103 BD ZD R 5 Wool Pulling 2264 BX ZB R 5 Wool Scouring (not available for division of payroll) 2263 BX ZB R 5 Wool Spinning and Weaving exclud- ing shoddy mfg 2286 BG Z R 5 I Wrecking marine (including sal- vage operations) (no blasting) 6890 DS ZJ R 5 Wrecldng not marine (no blasting) 5701 EG ZT R 5 Writing Paper Mfg 4232 CB ZB R 5 ee Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (151) re c R AX HO OTW oa orre il AX H2 ! I as 05 XD : 7 AS MO 3H 2 8B 31 10 ad8 2 H AS 10 Oc * AS XB ^831^ as am . a R IS EO 0688 33 ffi" as a;- Classification No. Comp. P.L. Teams' Auto. Wrought Iron Pipe Mfg 3020 CZ ZB R 5 Yacht Clubs 9067 BH YD R 5 For Public Liability for cottages attached see rule, page 30. Public Liability for gymnasium, $10.00 additional; for swimming tank, $5.00 additional; for bowling alleys, $5.00 additional per alley; for each dock or float used in lieu thereof, owned or controlled by the club, $5.00 additional. If club main- tains separate bath-houses, $5.00 additional, regardless of number. If policy is to cover Public Liability of club on account of use of club launches, charge $25.00 additional per launch. Yarn Finishing including dyeing, no manufacturing of yarn (not available for division of payroll) . 241 6 BT ZA R 5 Yarn Mfg. (not available for division of payroll) 2220 BO Z R 5 Yeast Mfg. no can mfg 4501 BL ZA R 5 Y.M.C.A. and Y.W.C.A. Institu- tions: Clerical Office Employees 8810 AE Teachers and Preachers 8866 AE All other employees 9062 BH YD R 5 Public Liability for gymnasium, $10.00 additional; for swimming tank, $5.00 additional; for bowling alleys, $5.00 additional per alley. Public Liability rate excludes haz- ards of manual training schools and automobile schools. If manual train- ing schools or automobile schools are connected therewith, for Public Lia- bility (a) Zinc-Oxide Mfg 4562 CM ZB R 5 Zinc Smelting 1435 CH ZC R 5 See Division of Payroll Rules, pages 7 to 11 inclusive. (152) RETURN IO LOAN PERIO ALL BOOKS MAY BE RECALLED AFTER 7 DAYS DUE AS STAMPED BELOW DUENRLF IT 2 5 1985 A*'^ ^< npp o ~. inoji L/C. u l/ J I JoO iMOULA i iUN DEP r ^UTO. DISO. HECOfi W CIRHUIAT SENT ON ILL ccp n g 1995 J tr w V II r. BPRKELEY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DDO, 5m, 12/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720