UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA AT LOS ANGELES CATALOGUE OF THE SCIENTIFIC BOOKS THE LIBRARY OF THE, ROYAL SOCIETY. LONDON: PRINTED AND SOLD BY RICHARD AND JOHN E. TAYLOR, KED LION COURT, FLEET STREET. MDCCCXXXIX. CONTENTS. Page MATHEMATICS 1 ASTRONOMY 101 MECHANICS, HYDROSTATICS, HYDRAULICS, AND ACOUSTICS .... 211 OPTICS 249 TABLES ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS 267 CHEMISTRY, PNEUMATICS, AND METEOROLOGY 291 ELECTRICITY, GALVANISM AND MAGNETISM 331 NATURAL PHILOSOPHY, (GENERAL WORKS ON) 34-6 GEOLOGY AND MINERALOGY 355 BOTANY AND AGRICULTURE 387 ZOOLOGY '. 4-27 ANATOMY, PHYSIOLOGY, AND MEDICINE 459 NATURAL HISTORY, (GENERAL WORKS ON) 581 TRANSACTIONS 589 REPORTS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS 605 JOURNALS 629 VOYAGES 649 MISCELLANEOUS . 679 431283 CATALOGUE. MATHEMATICS, ALGEBRA, GEOMETRY, PROBABILITIES, AND ENGINEERING. A. A BALPHATUS Asphahanensis. See Apollonius Pergaeus. Conicorum <*- lib. v, vi, vn. f'ol. 1661. ABBATI (PIETRO.) Riflessioiy intorno al metodo di L. Lagrange per la soluzione delle equazioni numeriche. 4 Modena, 1804-. ABRAHAMUS Ecchellensis. See Apollonius Pergseus. Conicorum lib. v, vi, vn. fol. 1661. ACADEMIES, &c. ACADEMIE DE BERLIN. Jugement de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles-Lettres sur une lettre pretendue de Leibnitz [preceded by an expose written by Euler]. 8 Berlin, 1752. ACADEMIE DES SCIENCES. An account of the measure of a degree of a great circle of the Earth. See Academies, &c. Acad. des Sciences de Paris. Memoirs for a natural history of animals, &c. fol. 1788. ( Transactions.) ANALYTICAL SOCIETY. * Memoirs of the Analytical Society, 1813. 4 Cambridge, 1813. COMMISSIONS DEI PESI E MISURE. Prospetto delle operazioni fatte in Roma perlo stabilimento del nuovo sistema metrico negli Stati Romani. 8 Roma, 1811. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. Report of the Managers of the Franklin Insti- tute of the state of Pennsylvania for the promotion of the mechanic arts in relation to weights and measures. 8 Philadelphia, 1834. ADAMS (GEORGE). Geometrical and graphical essays, containing a general description of the mathematical instruments used in geometry, surveying, levelling, and perspective ; 2nd edit, enlarged by W. Jones. 8 London, 1797. Plates. 8 London, 1797. ADAMS (JOHN QUINCY). Reports upon measures. See Adams (J. Q.). Reports upon weights, &c. 8 1821. (Mechanics.) AGNESI (MARIA GAETANA). Instituzioni analitiche, ad uso delUi gio- ventu. 2 pts. 4 Mitano, 1748. 2 MATHEMATICS. AGNESI (MARIA GAETANA). Analytical institutions, translated by Colson, and published by Hellins, [with an introduction and an addition by the translator.] 2 vols. 4 London, 1801. AILLY de CHAULNES (MICHEL-FERDINAND ^'ALBERT d'). See Chaulnes (M. F. d'Albert d'Ailly de). ALBERT d'AILLY de CHAULNES (MICHEL-FERDINAND Eloge de Mr. Leonard Euler ; avec un liste complete des ouvrages deMr.E. 4 St. Petersbourg, 1783. G. GAETA (ROBERTO). See Moivre (A.). La dottrina degli azzardi. 8 1776. GAEVERBERG (ERICUS). Dissertatio de extractione radicum surda- rum, prseside F. Mallet. 4 Upsalice, [1776.] GALBRAITH (WILLIAM). Mathematical and astronomical tables for the use of students, practical astronomers, surveyors, engineers, and navigators ; with an introduction, illustrated by problems and examples. 8 Edinburgh, 1827. GALILEI (GALILEO). Tractatus de proportionum instrumento ex Italica lingua, adiectis notis. 4 Argentorati, 1635. GARCAO STOCKLER (FRANCISCO de BORJA). See Borja-Garcao- Stockler (F.). GARDINER (W.). Tables de logarithmes des nombres depuis 1 jusqu'a 102,100, et des sinus et des tangentes de 10 en 10 secondes pour chaque degre du quart du cercle ; nouv. edit, augmentee des logarithmes des sinus et tangentes, pour chaque seconde des quatre premiers degres. 4 Avignon, 1770. GARNIER (J. G.). See Azeman (L. P. V. M.). Trisectiou de 1'angle, &c. 8 1809. . See Clairaut (A. C.). Elemens d'algebre. 8 1801. . See Euler (L.). Elemens d'algebre. 8 1807. . Analyse algebrique faisant suite a la premiere section de 1'algebre. 8 Paris, 1814. Discussion des racines des equations determinees du premier degre a plusieurs inconnues ; et elimination entre deux equations de degres quelconques a deux inconnues. 8 Paris, 1813. * No more lias been published. 42 MATHEMATICS. GARNIER (J. G.). Elemens d'algebre a 1'usage des aspirants a 1'Ecole Polytechnique. 8 Paris, 1811. . Elemens de geome'trie ; comprenant les deux trigonometries, une in- troduction a la geometric descriptive, les elemens de la polygonometrie, et quelques notions sur le leve" des plans. 8 Paris, 1813. . Geometric analytique, ou application de 1'algebre a la geometric. 8 Paris, 1813. Le9ons de calcul differentiel. 8 Paris, 1811. Le9ons de calcul integral. 8 Paris, 1812. Traite" d'arithme~tique a 1'usage d'eleves de tout age. 8 Paris, 1808. GARRARD (WILLIAM). Copious trigonometrical tables showing the results in all cases of plane trigonometry by inspection ; intended to complete the requisite tables to the Nautical Almanack, and as a neces- sary companion to the theodolite. 8 London, 1789. GATTEY (F.). Elements du nouveau systeme metrique, suivis des tables de rapports des anciennes mesures agraires avec les nouvelles. 8 Paris, an x. (1801.) GAUSS (Cn. FR.). Table des logarithmes. See Lalande (J. de). Tables des logarithmes. 8 1832. See Weidenbach (V.). Tafel, &c. 24 1829. . Disquisitiones arithmetical. 8 Lipsice, 1801. . Recherches arithme'tiques, traduites par A.-C.-M. Poullet-Delisle. 4 Paris, 1807. Theoria residuorum biquadricorum ; commentatio secunda. 4 Gottinga, 1832. GEBAUER ( J. C. H.). Auflosungsmethode biquadratischer Gleichungen. See Lohse (J.). Ikonograph. 8 {Miscellaneous.} GELLIBRAND (HENRICUS). See Briggius (H.) et Gellibrand (H.). Trigonometria Britannica, fol. 1633. . See Newton ( J.). Trigonometria Britannica, or the doctrine of tri- angles, fol. 1658. GEMMA (RAINERIUS} Frisius. See Frisius (G. R.). GENSSANNE ( de). Geometric souterraine, ou traite de geometrie- pratique, appliquee a 1'usage des travaux des mines. 8 Montpellier, 1776. GENTY (L.). L'influence de Fermat sur son siecle relativement aux progres de la haute geometrie et du calcul. 8 Paris, 1784. GERGONNE (J. D.). See Journals, &c. Annales de mathematiques. 4 1810, &c. GHERLI (ODOARDO). Gli elementi teorico-pratici delle matematiche pure resi pubblici da D. Pollera; 7 vols. 8 Modena, 1770-1777. GHETALDUS (MARINUS). See Anderson (A.). AiTioXoyia. 4 1615. . See Vieta (F.) and Ghetaldus (M.). . Apollonius redivivus, seu restituta Apollonii Pergaei inclinationum geometria. 4 Venetiis, 1607. . Apollonius redivivus, sive restitutae Apollonii Pergsei de inclinationi- bus geometriae liber secundus. 4 Venetiis, 1613. . De resolutione et compositione mathematica libri quinque. fol. RomcB, 1640. . Nonnullae propositiones de parabola. 4 Roma:, 1603. . Supplementum Apollonii Galli [Vietse], seu resuscitata Apollonii Pergaai tactionum geometriae pars reliqua. 4 Venetiis, 1607. Variorum problematum collectio. 4 Venetiis, 1607- MATHEMATICS. 43 GIANNATTASIO (FELICE). Delle sezioni coniche libri cinque. 4 Napoli, 1828. GINET (N.). Manuel de 1'arpenteur. 8 Paris, 1770. . Nouveau manuel de 1'arpenteur ; suivi de 1'usage d'un nouveau compas de proportion a quatre branches ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 Paris, 1782. GIRARD (ALBERT). SeeStevin (S.). Les oeuvres mathematiques. fol. 1634. . Invention nouvelle en 1'algebre, tant pour la solution des Equations, que pour recognoistre le nombre des solutions qu'elles re^oivent. 4 Amsterdam, 1629. GIRARD (P. S.). Memoire sur les mesures agraires des anciens Egyp- tiens. fol. Paris, 1816. GIRAULT de KEROUDOU ( ). See Anonymous. Memoire conte- nant quatre problemes sur les suites. 8 1770. . Le9ons analytiques du calcul des fluxions et des fluentes, ou calcul differentiel et integral. 8 Paris, 1777. GIROD (J.). Dictionnaire special et classique des monnaies, poids, me- sures, divisions du temps, chez les Grecs, les Remains, les Juifs, et les Egyptiens ; suivi d'un tableau comparatif des monnaies, poids, &c. des anciens, avec notre systeme decimal. 8 Paris, 1827. GIROUD (HENRI) et LESBROS ( ). Tables de sinus naturels pour la levee des plans de mines, et pour faciliter quelques operations de trigonometric calcul eesjusqu'a 100 metres. 8 Grenoble, 1829. GLENIE (JAMES). A demonstration of Dr. M. Stewart's 42nd propo- sition, or 39th theorem. 4 London, 1812. . Of the circle, and the infinite incommensurability of its area to the square of the diameter, or of its circumference to the diameter ; together with rapid geometrical approximations for both. 4 London, 1812. . The antecedental calculus, or a geometrical method of reasoning, without any considerations of motion or velocity, applicable to every purpose to which fluxions have been or can be applied, with the geome- trical principles of increments, &c., and some problems respecting solid geometry. 4 London, 1793. The doctrine of universal comparison, or general proportion. 4 London, 1789. GLORIOSUS (Jo. CAMILLUS). Ad theorema geometricum a nobilissimo viro propositum responsio ; subnectitur solutio prop. 1 9. lib. 2. Arith- meticorum Diophanti Alexandrini, ex unica tantum facta hypostasi. 4 Venetiis, 1613. . Exercitationum mathematicarum decas prima (secunda et tertia). 4 Neapoli, 1627-1639. . Responsio ad vindicias B. Soveri ; item responsio eiusdem ad scho- lium F. Liceti. 4 Neapoli, 1630. GOMPERTZ (BENJAMIN). Principles and application of imaginary quantities ; book i (and n) ; to which are added, some observations on porisms; 2 vols. 4 London, 1818. GONNELLA (TITO). Nuovo metodo di dividere gl' istrumenti di ma- tematica. See Gonnella (T.). Nuovo metodo, &c. 8 1816. (Me- GOODWYN (HENRY). See Anonymous. Table (a) of the circles aris- ing from the division of a unit. 8 1823. See Anonymous. Tabular (a) series of decimal quotients. 8 1823. Centenary of tables. 4 London, 1816. 44 MATHEMATICS. GOODWYN (HENRY). Introduction to a synoptical table of English and French lineal measures. 4; [followed by] A synoptical table of an- cient and modern English and French lineal measures ; s. sh. fol. [Lon- don, 1821.] . The first centenary of a series of tables of all the complete decimal quotients which can arise from dividing a unit, or any whole number less than each divisor by all integers from 1 to 1024 ; to which is added, a tabular series of complete decimal quotients for all the proper vulgar fractions of which, Avhen in their lowest terms, neither the numerator nor the denominator is greater than 100; with the equivalent vulgar fractions prefixed; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 London, 1818. (Two copies.) GORDON (WILLIAM). The universal accountant and complete merchant ; 2 vols. 8 Edinb. 1770. GOSSELIN (GUILLAUME). See Tartaglia (N.). L'arithmetique, &c. 8 1613. . De arte magna, seu de occulta parte numerorum, quae et algebra et almucabala vulgo dicitur, libri quatuor. 8 Parisiis, 1577. GOUBARD (D.). See Lansbergius (P.). Verklaeringhe van het ghe- bruyck des geometrischen quadrants. 4 1633. (Astronomy.') GOUDIN (M. B.). CEuvres ; contenant un traite sur les proprietes communes a toutes les courbes ; un memoire sur les eclipses du Soleil et un sur les usages de 1'ellipse dans la trigonometric spherique. 4 Paris, 1803. GRAAF (ABRAHAM de). Ontleding van de bril voor de Amsterdanze Belachelijke Geometristen. 4 Amsteldam, 1663. GRAFF ( ). La galerie des combinateurs. 8 Paris, 1773. GRANDI or GRANDUS (Guioo). Epistola geometrica ad T. Cevam. See Hugenius (C.). Opera reliqua. 4 1728. (Miscellaneous.) . Flores geometric! ex Rhodonearum et Clceliarum curvarum descrip- tione resultantes. 4 FlorenticB, 1728. . Geometrica demonstratio Vivianeorum problematum quae anno 1692 cum sola demonstratione prodierant circa formationem ac dimensionem cuiusvis regularis architectorum fornicis, exactumque tetragonismum infinitarum partium curvae superficiei turn sphericae novi admirandi for- nicis veliformis Florentini, turn cylindricae antiqui scaphiformis llomani, cum Latina omnium versione Italico textui adiuncta, variis notis et scholiis locupletata ; addita appendice de geometrica quadratura infini- tarum partium curvae superficiei conicae variorumque fornicum ex iis compositorum. 4 Florentine, 1699. . Prostasis ad exceptiones cl.Varignonii in libro de infinitis infinitorum ordinibus oppositas circa magnitudinum plusquam infinitarum Vallisii defensionem, et anguli contactus, cum infinite parvo ad centrum oscu- lantis circuli constitute, comparationem. 4' Pisis, 1713. . Quadratura circuli, et hyperbolae geometrice exhibita et demon- strata. 4 Pisis, 1710. . Risposta apologetica alle opposizioni fattegli dal Sig. Dott. A. M. [Alessandro Marchetti] nella sua lettera all' Eccellenza del Sig. B. T. [Bernardo Trevisano] ; si difendono il Galileo ed il Viviani, e s' illu- strano molte dottrine circa la resistenza de' corpi duri e circa la forza dell' infinite. 4 Lucca, 1712. GRANGE (JOSEPH Louis de la). See Lagrange (J. L. de). GR AUNT (JOHN). Natural and political observations on the bills of mor- tality. See Collections. Collection (a) of the Yearly bills of mortality, &c. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.) MATHEMATICS. 45 GRAVES (J. T.). Abstract of a memoir on the theory of exponential functions. 8 London. [No date.~\ GRAVESANDE (GULIELMUS JACOBUS). Matheseos universalis ele- menta, quibus accedunt specimen commentarii in arithmeticam univer- salem Newtoni, ut et de determinanda forma seriei infinites adsumtae re- gula nova. 8 Lugduni Batavorum, 1727. . Mathematical elements of natural philosophy confirmed by experi- ments ; or an introduction to Sir I. Newton's philosophy, translated by J. T. Desaguliers; 2 vols. 8 London, 1720 & 1721. . The new mathematician's guide, containing the elements of universal mathematics, and demonstrating Sir I. Newton's method of finding di- visors ; with rules for extracting the root of a binominal, and for deter- mining the form of an assumed infinite series. 8 London, 1749. GREEN (GEORGE). An essay on the application of mathematical ana- lysis to the theories of electricity and magnetism. 4 Nottingham, 1828. GREGORY (DAVID). A treatise of practical geometry : translated from the Latin, with additions, by C. Maclaurin. 8 Edinburgh, 1780. GREGORY (JAMES). See Collins (J.). Commercium epistolicum. 4 1712. . . . 8 1722. Exercitationes geometricae ; [with] N. Mercatoris quadratura hy- perbolae geometrice demonstrata. 4 Londini, 1668. (Two copies.) . Geometriae pars universalis, inserviens quantitatum curvarum trans- mutationi et mensurae. 4 Patavii, 1668. . Vera circuli et hyperbolae quadratura in propria sua proportionis specie inventa et demonstrata. 4 Patavii. GREGORY (OLINTHUS). See Hutton (C.). A course of mathematics. 8 1827. GRISIO (SALVATORE). Antanalisi a' quesiti stampati nell' analisi di B. Maghetti, opera algebraica. 4 Roma, 1695. GRIVE (J. de la). See Delagrive (J.). GRttSON (JOHANN PHILIPP). See Centnerschwer (J. J.). Neu erfun- clene Multiplikations- und Quadrat-Tafeln. 8 1825. . Bequeme logarithmische, trigonometrische, und andere nutzliche Tafeln. 8 Berlin, 1832. . Grosses Eimnaleins von Eins bis Hunderttausend ; erstes heft von 1 bis 10,000. fol. Berlin, 1799. Memoire sur le calcul d'exposition. 4 Berlin, 1802. . Pinacotheque, ou collection de tables pour multiplier et diviser; avec une table de tous les facteurs simples de 1 a 10,500. 8 Berlin, 1798. GRYN7EUS (SIMON). See Euclides. Elementorum lib. xv. fol. 1533. GUA de MALVES (JEAN-PAUL de). Usages de 1'analyse de Descartes pour decouvrir, sans le secours du calcul differentiel, les proprietes ou affections principales des lignes geometriques de tous les ordres. 12 Paris, 1740. GUARINI (GUARINO). Modo di misurare le fabriche. 8 Turino, 1624. GUGLIELMINI (G. B.). Risoluzione generate delle numeriche equa- zioni per approssimazione. 8 Bologna, 1811. GUISNEE ( ). Application de 1'algebre a la geometrie, ou methode de demontrer par I'algebre les thcoremes de geometrie et d'en resoudre 46 MATHEMATICS. et construire tons les problemes ; Ton y a joint une introduction qui contient les regies du calcul algebrique. 4 Paris, 1733. GUNTER (EDMUND). The works of; containing the description and use of the sector, cross-staff, bow, quadrant ; a canon of artificial sines and tangents to a radius of 10,00000 parts, and the logarithms from an unite to 10000 ; some questions of navigation by H. Bond ; the de- scription and use of another sector and quadrant by S. Foster; and divers things added throughout the work by W. Leybourn. 4 Lon- don, 1680. . De sectore et radio ; the description and use of the sector in three bookes ; the description and use of the crosse-staffe in other three bookes. 4 London, 1623. GUYOT ( ). Nouvelles recreations mathematiques. See Guyot ( ). Nouvelles recreations physiques, &c. 8 Paris, 1799, &c. (Miscella- H. HACHETTE (J. NIC. P.). El&nens de geometric a trois dimensions ; partie synthetique, theorie des lignes et des surfaces courbes ; partie algebrique, traite des surfaces du second degre ; 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1817. . Geometrie descriptive ; nouvelles considerations geometriques sur 1'epure de la voute d'arete en tour ronde; (extrait du journal CArchi- tecte, t. 3. cah. de Fev. 1833.) 8 Paris. (Two copies.) . Traite de geometric descriptive, comprenant les applications de cette geometric aux ombres, a la perspective, et a la stereotomie. 4 Paris, 1828. . Supplement. See Monge (G.). Geometrie descriptive. 4 1811. . Second supplement de la geometric descriptive ; suivi de 1'analyse geometrique de Mr. J. Leslie. 4 Paris, 1818. ( T^vo copies.) . Traite des surfaces du second degre. 8 Paris, 1813. HAHN (E. M.). Vollstandiges Lehrbuch des Stereometric, Projections- lehre und spharischen Trigonometric ; zum gebrauche f iir Schulen. 8 Leipzig, 1828. HALES (GUILIELMUS). Analysis sequationum. 4 Dublinii, 1784. HALLEY (EDMUND). Halleiana aequationum radices arithmetice inve- niendi methodus. See Anonymous. Arithmetica universalis, sive de compositione et resolutione. Arithmetica. 8 1707. . See Apollonius Pergaeus. Conicorum libri octo, &c. fol. 1710. . De sectione spatii. See Apollonius Pergseus. De sectione rationis, &c. 8 1706. . See Briggs (H.), Wallis, &c. Mathematical tables. 4 1705. . Table de mortalite. See Fatio (A.). Tables d'interets simples et composes, fol. 1778. . See Sherwin (H.). Mathematical tables. 4 1717. HALMA (NICOLAS B.). See Deprasse (M.). Tables logarithmiques, &c. 18 1814. HAMILTON (H. P.). An analytical system of conic sections, designed for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1828. . 8 Cambridge, 1830. . The principles of analytical geometry, designed for the use of stu- dents. 8 Cambridge, 1826. HAMILTON (HUGO). De sectionibus conicis. 4 Londini, 1758. HAMILTON (WILLIAM R.). On a general method of expressing the paths of light and of the planets by the coefficients of a character- MATHEMATICS. 47 istic function ; (from the Dublin Review for October.) 8 Dublin, 1833. HAMILTON (WILLIAM R.). On differences and differentials of func- tions of zero ; (from the seventeenth vol. of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) 4 Dublin, 1834. . On the error of a received principle of analysis, respecting func- tions which vanish with their variables ; published in the 1 6th vol. of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy. 4 Dublin, 1830. . Theory of conjugate functions or algebraic couples. 4 Dublin,l835. HANOVIUS (MICHAEL CHKISTOPH.). Impossibilitas quadrature circuli a priori adserta. 4 Gedani, [1741.] HANTSCHL (JOSEPH). Logarithmisch-trigonometrisches Handbuch, welches die gemeinen Logarithrnen der naturlichen Zahlen von 1000 bis 10,000, so wie auch die Logarithmen der trigonometrischen Functionen durch den ganzen Quadranten von 10 zu 10 Secunden, auf 6 Decimal- stellen und endlich noch viele andere, zum Gebrauche der mathematick engerichtete Tafeln und Formeln enthalt. 4 Wien, 1827. HARDY (CLAUDE)'. See Anonymous. Examen de la duplication du cube. 4 1630. . See Euclides. Data. 4 1625. HAROS ( ). See Delagrive (J.). Manuel de trigonometric. 8 1806. HARRIOTUS (THOMAS). Artis analyticee praxis ad aequationes alge- braicas resolvendas, tractatus. fol. Londini, 1631. HARRIS (JOHN). A new short treatise of algebra, with the geometrical construction of equations as far as the fourth power or dimension, toge- ther with a specimen of the nature and algorithm of fluxions. 8 Lon- don, 1714. HARSDORFFERN (GEORGE PHILIP). Delitise mathematics, &c. See Harsdorffern (G. P.). Delitiaj philosophies, &c. 4 1653. (Mis- cellaneous.) HARTIG (GEORGE LUDWIG). Kubik-Tabellen f iir geschnittene, beschle- gene und runde hb'lzer, nebst Geld-Tabellen nach Thalern und Gulden berechnet und Potenz-Tabellen zun Erleichterung der Zinsberechnung. 8 Berlin $ Stettin, 1829. HASSLER (FERD. ROD.). Comparison of weights and measures of length and capacity, reported to the Senate of the United States. 8 Washington, 1832. . Elements of analytic trigonometry, plane and spherical. 8 New York, 1826. . Elements of geometry of planes and solids. 8 Richmond [ U. S.~\, 1828. . Papers on various subjects connected with the survey of the coast of the United States ; extracted from the American Transactions, vol. n, new series. 4 Philadelphia, 1824. . Logarithmic and trigonometric tables to seven places of decimals. 12 New York, 1830. . Logarithmische und trigonometrische Tafeln, zu sieben Dezimal Stellen. 12 New York, 1830. . Tablas logaritmicas y trigonometricas para las sietes decimales. 8 Nueva-York, 1830. . Tables logarithmiques et trigonometriques a sept decimales. 12 Nouvelle-York, 1830. Tabulae logarithmicse et trigonometricae notis septem decimalibus expresses. 12 Novi-Eboraci, 1830. 48 MATHEMATICS. HAUGHTON (ARTIIURUS). See Oughtred (W.). Trigonometria. 4 1657. HA0Y (RENE-JUST). See Anonymous. Instruction sur les mesures de- duites de la grandeur de la terre. 8 1794. HEBERDEN (WILLIAM). See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mortality. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.} HEDENIUS (PETRUS). Dissertatio gradualis de usu geometriae in trigonometria sphaerica ; praeside F. Mallet. 4 Upsalice, [1779.] HEDR^EUS (BENEDICTUS). Nova ac accurata astrolabii geometric! structura nee non quadrantis astronomici azimuthalis, una cum utriusque usu ; [and tables.] 12 Lugduni Batavorum, 1643. HEILBRONNER (Jo. CIIRISTOPH.). Historia matheseos universes a mundo condito ad sec. p. C. n. xvi ; accedit recensio elementorum, com- pendiorum et operum mathematicorum, atque historia arithmetices ad nostra tempora. 4 Lipsia, 1742. HELLINS (JOHN). Mathematical essays on several subjects ; containing new improvements and discoveries in the mathematics. 4 London, 1788, HELSING1US (GUSTAVUS). Exercitium academicum historian! litera- riam algebrae sistens ; prseside S. Klingerstierna. 4 Upsalice, [1737.] HENDRICKSZON (CLAES). Den Amsterdamschen Beluchelijcken Geo- metrischen Brit-maker Cornells van Leeuwen. 4 Amstelredam, 1663.* HENNERT (Jon. FRED.). Dissertations... mathematiques. See Hennert (J. F.). Dissertations physiques, &c. 8 1778. (Miscellaneous.} . Cursus mathematici ; Elementorum matheseos puree arithmeticam, geometriam etutramque trigonometriam, vol. l m ; vol. 2 m , analysin fini- torum et sectiones conicas ; vol. 3 m , analysin infinitorum complectens ; 3 vols. 8 Trajecti ad Rhenum, 1766-1768. . Cursus matheseos adplicatse [viz.] ; elementa mechanices, quae sta- ticam, phoronomiam, dynamicam, ac motus mechanicam complectuntur ; hydrostaticae et hydraulices, optices, perspectives, catoptrices, dioptrices et phaometrise ; universae astronomiae, cui accedunt ars nautica, ele- menta architecturae navalis, artis gubernandi naves, pyrotechnicaa et acustices. 6 vols. 8 Trajecti ad RJienum, 1768-1775. HENRION (D.). Reponse apologetique pour les traducteurs et inter- pretes des el6mens geometriques d'Euclide a un quidam qui, sous le nom de P. le Mardele, a mis en lumiere une pretendue traduction d'iceux elemens. 8 Paris, 1623. HERIGONE (PIERRE). Cursus mathematicus ; elementa Euclidis, arith- meticam practicam, computum ecclesiasticam et algebram, constructionem tabularum sinuum et logarithmorum, geometriam practicam, avtem mu- niendi, militiam et mechanicas ; sphserae mundi doctrinam, geographiam et histiodromiam ; opticam, catoptricam, dioptricam, perspectivam, sphaa- ricorum trigonometriam, theoricas planetarum, gnomonicam et musicam complectens; Lat. % Fr. 5 vols. 8 Paris, 1634-1637. Cursus mathematicus. Lat. % Fr. 6 vols. 8 Paris, 1644. HERODIANUS. De numeris. See Theodorus [Gaza]. Introductivse grammatices. fol. 1495. (Astronomy.") HERON Alexandrinus. Liber de geodaesia. See Heron Alex. Liber de machinis, &c. 4 1572. (Mechanics.} HERSCHEL (Sir J. F. W.). See Lacroix (S.F.). An elementary trea- tise on the differential and integral calculus. 8 1816. * The author is designated as C. H. Gictermalcer. MATHEMATICS. 49 HERSCHEL (Sir J. F. W.). A collection of examples of the applications of the calculus of finite differences. 8 Cam bridge, 1820. HESSE (PAUL FRIEDRICH). Neuerfundene mathematische Rechen- schule, in welcher eine wahre Cirkelquadratur grundlich bewiesen wird; nebst hinzugefiigten Universalregeln und Anmerkungen, auch einer Erklarung der Regula de Tri und des Kettensatzes und einer Nutzanwen- dung zur Universalmathesis ; pt. 1st. 4 Berlin, 1776. HESTERMANN (J. L.). Trigonometric sphaericae leges et formulae absque omni constructionum adjumento methodo mere analytica demon- stratae. 4 Vindobonce, 1820. HEY (RICHARD). Propositions containing some properties of tangents to circles, and of trapeziums inscribed in circles and non-inscribed ; to- gether with propositions on the elliptic representation of circles, upon a plain surface by perspective; (from the Phil. Trans, for 1814, pp. 348-396.) 4 London, 1814. HIERTA (CAROLUS DIETERICUS). Dissertatio integrationem formulas a d'Alembertio propositae sistens ; pneside F. Mallet. 4 Upsalice, [1786.] HIGMAN (JOHN PHILIP). See Anonymous. Syllabus (a) of the dif- ferential and integral calculus. 8 1825. HILARIUS(GEORGius). Progymnasmatum mathematicorum enchiridion, continens, primi elementi Euclidei apospasmation Graece et Latine ; praecepta sphaerica ; globi ccelestis et terrestris explicationem et usum ; geographiae rudimenta ; computi ecclesiastici epitome ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 12 HafnifE, 1656. HIND (JOHN). A digested series of examples in the applications of the principles of the differential calculus ; for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1832. The elements of algebra ; designed for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1830. . The elements of plane and spherical trigonometry ; for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1828. . The principles of the differential calculus, with its application to curves and curve surfaces ; designed for the use of students. 8 Cam- bridge, 1831. HINDENBURG (CARL FRIEDRICH). tlber combinatorische Analysis und Derivations-Calcul einige Fragmente. 8 Leipzig, 1803. HIRE (PH. de la). See Lahire (P. de). HIRSCH (MEIER). Sammlung von Beispielen, &c. See Sachs (S.) Auflosungen, &c. 8 1829. . Sammlung von Aufgaben aus der Theorie der algebraischen Gleich- ungen; pt. i. 8 Berlin, 1809. . Integraltafeln, oder Sammlung von Integralformeln. 4 Berlin, 1810. . Integral tables, or a collection of integral formulas ; translated from the German. 8 London, 1823. (Two Copies.) . Sammlung von Beispielen, Formoln und Aufgaben aus der Buchsta- benrechnung und Algebra. 8 Berlin, 1832. HOBBES (THOMAS). See Anonymous. Lux mathematica excussa col- lisionibus Wallisii et Hobbesii. "4 1672. . De duplicatione cubi et dimensione circuli. See Hobbes (T.). Pro- blemata physica. 12 1662. (Miscellaneous.) . Examinatio et omendatio mathematics hodiernae, qualis fxplicatur in libris J. Wallisii. 4 J.ondini, 1660. E 50 MATHEMATICS. HOBBES (THOMAS). Rosetum geometricum ; sive propositiones aliquot t'rustra antehac tentatee ; cum censura brevi doctrinse Wallisianae de motu; 4- pts. in 1 vol. 4 Londini, 1671. HUBERT (JEAN-PHILIPPE), et IDELER (L.). Nouvelles tables trigo- nometriques calculees pour la division decimale du quart de cercle. 8 Berlin, 1799. HODDER (JAMES). Decimal arithmetick ; also tables of interest upon interest and of rebate. 12 London, 1668. HODGSON (JAMES). A system of the mathematics ; containing the Euclidean geometry, trigonometry, the projection of the sphere, as- tronomy, the use of the globes and navigation ; the manner of computing the appulses of the Moon; new solar tables; the construction of the me- ridional parts, logarithms, sines, tangents and secants, with an account of cycles, periods, epochs, parts, kalendars, &c.; also a table of meridional parts for every degree and minute of latitude to the 10,000th place in decimals, together with a table of the latitudes and longitudes of places ; 2 vols. 4 London, 1723. . The doctrine of fluxions founded on Sir I. Newton's method. 4- London, 1736. HOENE WRONSKI ( ). See Wronski ( H. de). HOLDRED (THEOPHILUS). A new method of solving equations by which the true value of the unknown quantity is found without previous reduction ; with a supplement containing two other methods of solving equations derived from the same principle. 4- London, 1820. (Two copies.) HOLMES (JOHN). A short narrative of the genius, life and works of J. Smeaton. 12 London, 1793. HOOD (THOMAS). The making and use of the geometricall instrument called a sector, made by Charles Whitvvell. 4 London, [1598.] HOPITAL (GUILL. FRAN. ANT. de V). See Hospital (G. F. A. de 1'). HOPPUS (E.). Tables for measuring; or practical measuring made easy by a new set of tables. 12 London, 1823. HOPTON (ARTHUR). Baciilum geodfBticum, sive viaticum ; or the geo- deticall staff'. 4 London, 1610. . Speculum topographicum ; or the topographicall glasse ; containing the use of the topographicall glasse ; theodelitus ; plaine table and cir- cumferentor ; with many rules of geometry, astronomy, topography, perspective and hydrography. 4 London, 1611. HORCHER (PIIILIPPUS). Libri tres ; in quibus constructio circini pro- portionum edocetur, utilitas illustratur. 4 Mogunlice, 1605. HORNER (FRANCIS). Memoir of the life of Euler. See Euler (L.). Elements of algebra, &c. 8 1828. HORREBOWIUS (PETRUS). Elementa matheseos. See Horrebowius (P.). Operum mathematico-physicorum torn. i. 4 1740. (Astronomy.) HORSLEY (SAMUEL), Episcopus Asaphensis, postea Rophensis. Sphoe- ricorum liber singularis. See Euclides. Datorum liber cum additamento. 8 1803. . See Euclides. Elementorum libri xn priores. 8 1802. . Apollonii Pergsei inclinationum libri duo. 4 Oxonii, 1770. . Elementary treatises on the fundamental principles of practical mathematics for the use of students. 8 Oxford, 1801. HORTENSIUS (MARTINUS). Problematum geodaeticorum et sphaeri- corum tractatus. See Snelliu? a Royen CW.). Doctrinae triangulorum libri quatuor. 8 1627- MATHEMATICS. 51 HOSPITAL (GuiLL AUME-FR AN90IS-ANTOINE de /'.) Analyse des infini- ment petits, 'pour 1'intelligence des lignes courbes. 4 Paris, 1716. ( Two copies.) . Traite analytique des sections coniques et de leur usage pour la resolution des equations. 4 Paris, 1776. HOURC ASTREME (P.). See Anonymous. Dissertation sur les causes, &c. 8 1791. HUBERUS (DANIEL). Nova theoria de parallelarum rectarum propric- tatibus. 8 Basilece, 1823. HUDDART (JOSEPH). Eau Brink New River, or Cut : Deed poll stating the opinion ( the nature of an award) of J. H. in pursuance of the reference made to him. 4 London, 1804. HUGENIUS (CHRISTIANUS). Demonstratio theorematum Hugeniano- rum circa logisticam, seu logarithmicam curvam. See Hugenius (C.). Opera reliqua. 4 1728. (Miscellaneous.) . Tractatus de ratiociniis in aleae ludo. See Schooten (F.). Exerci- tationum mathematicarum libri quinque. 4 1657. HUILIER (SIMON F). See Lhuilier (S.). HULBE (ADAM EHREGOTT LEBERECHT). Analytische Entdeckungen in der Verwandiungs und Auflosungs-Kunst der hohern Gleichungen. 8 Berlin und Stralsund, 1794. HUME (JACQUES). Algebre de Viete d'une methode nouvelle, claire et facile. 8 Paris, 1636. . Traite de la trigonometric pour resoudre tous triangles rectilignes et spheriques ; avec les demonstrations des deux celebres propositions du Baron de Merchiston non encore demonstrees. 8 Paris, 1636. HUNTINGTONUS (ROBERTUS), Episc. Rapotensis. Epistolaa et vete- rum mathematicorum, Graecorum, Latinorum et Arabum synopsis ; col- lectore E. Bernardo ; praemittuntur D. Huritingtoni et D. Bernardi vitas, scriptore T. Smithio. 8 London, 1704. HUTTON (CHARLES). A treatise on mensuration, both in theory and practice. 4 Newcastk-upon-Tyne, 1770. . A course of mathematics composed for the use of the R. Academy, with corrections and improvements by O. Gregory; 3 vols. 8 London, 1827. . Elements of conic sections, with select exercises in various branches of mathematics and philosophy, for the use of the R. Military Academy at Woolwich. 8 London, 1787. . Mathematical tables ; containing logarithms ; also sines, tangents, secants and versed sines both natural and logarithmic ; to which is pre- fixed a history of the discoveries and writings relating to those subjects. 8 London, 1785. . Tables of the products and powers of numbers; namely, 1 st , the products of all numbers to 1000 by 100; 2 ntl , the square of all numbers to 25,400 ; 3 rJ , the cubes of all numbers to 10,000. The first ten powers of all numbers to 100 ; tables for reducing money, weights, and measures from one denomination to another, fol. London, 1781. . Tracts, mathematical (on infinite series, &c.) and philosophical (new experiments on artillery) ; vol. i. 4 London, 1 786.* . Tracts on mathematical and philosophical subjects, comprising, among numerous articles, the theory of bridges ; also the results of ex- periments on the force of gunpowder, with application to the modern practice of artillery; 3 vols. 8 London, 1812. * It seems that this edition was discontinued. K2 52 MATHEMATICS. HUYN (P. N.). La theorie desjeux de hasard. 8 [Pm,] 1788. HYLLES (THOMAS). The arte of vulgar arithmeticke, both in integers and fractions, deuided into two bookes, whereof the 1 st is called nomo- didactus numerorum, and the 2 nd , portus proportionum ; where- unto is added a 3 rd book entituled musa mercatorum, comprehending all rules used in the trade of merchandise. 4 London, 1600. HYMERS (JOHN). A treatise on analytical geometry of three dimen- sions, containing the theory of curve surfaces, and of curves of double curvature, designed for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1830. A treatise on the integral calculus ; part i, containing the integra- tion of explicit functions of one variable, together with the theory of de- finite integrals and of elliptic functions. 8 Cambridge, 1831. HYPSICLES Alexandrinus. See Euclides. Les elemens de la geometric. 4 1610. . Le premier (et second) livre des cinq corps. See Euclides. Les ceuvres. 4 1814, &c. I. ACOBI (ANDREAS). De undecimo Euclidis axiomate iudicium, cui ac- -1 cedunt pauca de trisectione anguli. 4 Jence, 1824. . Fundamenta nova theorise functionum ellipticarum. 4 Regiomonti, 1829. IDELER (LUDWIG). See Centnerschwer (J. J.). Neu erfundene mul- tiplikations- und quadrat- Tafeln. 8 1825. See Robert (J. P.) et Ideler (L.). Nouvelles tables, &c. 8 1799. ILEY (MATTHEW). The new practical gager, containing the theory and practice of the art of gaging. 8 London, 1820. INGHIRAMI (GIOVANNI). Di una base trigonometrica misurata in To- scana nelT autunno 1817. 8 Firenze, 1818. INGPEN (WILLIAM). The secrets of numbers. 4 London, 1624. INMAN (JAMES). An introduction to arithmetic, algebra, and geome- try. 8 Portsea, 1829. . An introduction to plane and spherical trigonometry. 8 Portsea, 1826. IPSICLES Alexandrinus. See Hypsicles Alex. IRSENGARTH (H. F.). Gemeinnutziges Compendium von Quadrat- flachen-Tabellen. 8 Hannover, 1810. ISASCA ( a"). See Anonymous. Operations geodesiques, &c. 4 1825, &c. J. TACK (RICHARD). Mathematical principles of theology; or, the exist- ** ence of God geometrically demonstrated. 8 London, 1747. JACQUIER (FRANCESCO). Elementi di perspettiva con aggiunte spettanti alia geometria. See Jacquier (F.). Elementi, &c. 8 1755. (Optics.) See Leseur (T.) and Jacquier (F.). Elemens du calcul integral. 4 1768. . See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophise naturalis principia, 4 1739, &c. (Mechanics.) . 4 1760. (Mechanics.) JAMIESON (ALEXANDER). A treatise on the. construction of maps, &c. See Jamieson (A.). A treatise, &c. 8 1814. (Miscellaneous.) JARRETT (THOMAS). An essay on algebraic development; containing MATHEMATICS. 53 the principal expansions in common algebra, in the differential and integral calculus, and in the calculus of finite differences. 8 Cam- bridge, 1831. ( Two copies.) JEPHSON (Tuos.). The fluxional calculus, .an elementary treatise, de- signed for the use of students; 2 vols. 8 London, 1826 & 1830. JOACHIMUS (GEORGIUS) Rheticus. See Rheticus (G. J.). JOHNSON (G. H. S.). Optical investigations. See Johnson (G. H. S.). Optical investigations. 8 1835. (Optics.) JOMARD (EDME-FR.). Description d'un etalon me"trique orne" d'hie"- roglyphes decouvert dans les ruines de Memphis par les soins de Dro- vetti. 4 Paris, [1822.] . Memoire sur le systeme metrique des anciens Egyptiens ; contenant des recherches sur leurs connoissances geometriques et sur les mesures des autres peuples de 1'antiquite. fol. Paris, 1817. JONCOURT (E. de). De natura et praeclaro usu simplicissimae speciei numerorum trigonalium. 4 Hagce Comitum, 1762. JONES (JOHN). A geometrical tract containing new theorems in angular sections ; to which are annexed an original analytical formula for the universal section of arcs or angles, and a method of constructing poly- gons upon one general geometrical principle. 8 Sunderland, 1828. JONES (WILLIAM). See Adams (G.). Geometrical and graphical essays. 8 1797. JONES (WILLIAM). Synopsis palmariorum matheseos ; or a new intro- duction to the mathematics, containing the principles of arithmetic and geometry, demonstrated in a short and easie method, designed for be- ginners. 8 London, 1706. JOPLING (JOSEPH). The septenary system of generating curves by continued motion. 8 London, 1823. JORDANUS. Planispheerium. See Ptolenueus (C.). Planisphaerium, 4 1558. JOSSEAUME de Saint-Malo ( ). Arithmetique universelle, ou le cal- cul developpe par 1'arithmetique. 8 Paris, 1754. JOURNALS, &c. BULLETIN des sciences mathematiques. See Journals, &c. Bulletin general. 8 1823, &c. (Journals.) ANNALES de mathematiques pures et appliquees ; recueil periodique redige par J. D. Gergonne et J. E. Thomas-Lavernede [and by Ger- gonne alone after the publication of vol. n] ; vols. i-xxi, and Nos. 1-11 of vol. xxii. 4 Nismes, 1810-1831. ZEITSCHRIFT fur mathematik. See Journals, &c. Zeitschrift, &c. 8 1826, &c. (Journals.) JUAN y S ANT ACILIA (JORGE). Relacion del viage hecho para medir alcunos grados de meridiano terrestre. See Juan y Santacilia (J.) and Ulloa (A.). Relacion, &c. 4 1748. ( Voyages.) JUNGIUS (JOACHIMUS). Geometria empirica. 4.* K. KAEMTZ (LUDOVICUS FRIDERICUS). Dissertatio mathematico-phy- sica de legibus repulsionum electricarum mathematicis. 8 Halte, [1823.] (Three copies.) KASTNER (Aim. GOTTHELF). ./Equationum speciosarum resolutio Newtoniaan per series. 4 Lipsicc, 1743. * Wants title. 54 MATHEMATICS. KASTNER (ABR. GOTTHELF). Cautionem in quantitatum infinite par- varum neglectu observandam exemplis quibusdam illustrat. 4 Lipsice, [1746.] . Demonstratio theorejmatis binomialis. 4 Lipsice, 1745. . Demonstratio theorematis Harrioti. 4 Lipsice, 1745. . De resolutione asquationum differentialium per series ad Newtoni meth. flux. prob. n meditata. 4 Lipsice, 1745. . Geschichte der Mathematik seit der Wiederherstellung der Wis- senschaften bis das Ende des achtzehnten Jahrhunderts ; vols. in and i v. 8 Gottingen, 1796-1800. KASTNER (ABR. GOTTHELF) et FUCHSIUS (T. G.). Theoria radicum in asquationibus. 4 Lipsite, 1739. KAPANAINOS (IQANNO2). Qewptipara Trept TroXvywro/xerpias avy- ypa&evra. 8 Kepcvpa, 1826. KARTSCHER (M.). See Lubbe (S.-R). Traite de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. 8 1832. KATER (HENRY). An account of the construction and verification of certain standards of linear measures for the Russian government. 4 London, 1832. KAUFFMAN (Nic. MERCATOR). See Mercator (N.). KEATINGE (M.). Eidometria, or optic mensuration and (corollary) perspective, obi. 4 London, 1812. KEILL (JOHANNES). Trigonometria, &c. See Keill (J.). Introductio ad veram physicam, &c. 4 1742. . An introduction to natural philosophy, to which are added the demonstrations of Huygens' theorems concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. 8 London, 1733. . Introductio ad veram physicam et astronomiam (Huygeni theore- mata de vicentrifuga) quibus accedunt trigonometria ; de viribus centra - libus, de legibus attractionis. 4 Mediolani, 1742. KEILLIUS (J.). De natura logarithmorum. See Euclides. Datorum liber cum additamento. 8 1803. KELLY (P.). Metrology ; or an exposition of weights and measures, chiefly those of Great Britain and France, comprising tables of compa- rison. 8 London, 1816. . The elements of book-keeping ; with appendix on exchange, bank- ing and other commercial subjects. 8 London, 1821. . The universal cambist and commercial instructor, being a full trea- tise on the exchanges, monies, weights, and measures of all trading na- tions ; with two supplements for 1827 and 1835; 2 vols, 4 London, 1821. KEPLERUS (JOANNES). Chilias logarithmorum ; praemissa demonstra- tione legitima ortus logarithmorum eorumque usus. 4 Marpurgi, 1624. . Supplementum chiliadis logarithmorum, continens praacepta de eorum usu. 4 Marpurgi, 1625. . Nova stereometria doliorum vinariorum, in primis Austriaci, figure omnium aptissimae ; et usus in eo virgae cubicse ; accessit stereometries Archimedeaa supplementum. fol. Lincii, 1615. KEROUDROU ( GIRAULT de). See Girault de Keroudrou ( ). KERSEY (JOHN). See Wingate (E.). Arithmetick, &c. 12 1658. . The elements of that mathematical art, commonly called algebra. fol. London, 1673. KERSSEBOOM (W.). Eenige aamnerkingen op de gissingen over den staat van het menschelyk geslagt uitreekening van de lyfrenten en 't MATHEMATICS. 55 aanhangsel op beide, begreepen in het boek, genaamt Inleiding tot de algemeene geographie door Nicolaas Struyck. 4 's Gravenhage, 1740. KERSSEBOOM (W.). Eerste verhandeling tot een proeve om te weten de probable meenigte des volks in de provintie van Hollandt en West- vrieslandt waar by gevoegd is een tafel van de waardye van lyfrente in proportie van losrente, op alle gevallen van ouderdom, by vyf janaren door malkander. 4 's Gravenhage, 1742. . Twede verhandeling bevestigende de proeve om te weten de pro- bable meenigte des volks in de provintie van Hollandt en Westvfries- landt ; beneevens een grondslag tot het fundeeren van een proeve om te ontdekken de probable leeftyt der weduwen. 4 '* Graverihage, 1742. . Derde verhandeling over de probable meenigte des volks in de provintie van Hollandt en Westvrieslandt bevattende, eerstelyk een vertoog over de proportie der meenigte des volks tegens het getal der geboorene ; en ter tweeden de waardye van lyfrente in proportie van losrente. 4 '* Gravenhage, 1742. KINCKHUYSEN (GERARD). De Grondt der Meet-Konst. 4 Haer- lem, 1660. KIRBY (JOHN). The doctrine of ultimators, or a discovery of the true and genuine foundation of what has hitherto mistakenly prevailed under the improper names of Fluxions and Differential Calculus. 4 London, 1748. KIRBY (JOSHUA). Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy. See Kirby (J.). Dr. Brook Taylor's, &c. 4 1754. (Optics.) KLEIN (JEAN-GEORGES). La quadrature du cercle, resolue par douze demonstrations. 8 Strasbourg, 1804. KLINGENSTIERNA (SAMUEL). See Helsingius (G.). Exercitium aca- demicum historiam literariam algebrae sistens. 4 [1737-] See Kullin (L. J.). Dissertatio de usu algebrae. 4 [1743.] . See Sb'dergren (O.). Exercitium de ingeniorum per geometriam cultura. 4 [1745.] . See Wjkstrom (A.). Methodus geometrica determinandi orbitas, &c. 4 1749. KLOSTERMANN (J.). Recherches sur le degre du meridien entre Paris et Amiens, et sur la jonction de 1'Observatoire de Greenwich a celui de Paris. 4 Petersbourg, 1789. . Le quarre d'une quantite negative est negatif et non positif. 8 \_St. Petersbourg, ~\ 1804. (Two copies.) KOBURGK (SIMON JACOB von). Reckenbuch. 12 Franckfurt, 1613. KGHLER (HEN. GOTTLIEB). See Lalande (J. de). Tables de loga- rithmes, &c. 8 1832. KONISBERG (JOHAN MULLER von). See Regiomontanus (J. M.). KRAFFT (GEORGIUS WOLFFANGUS). Institutiones geometriae subli- mioris conscriptae in usus academicos. 4 Tubingce, 1753. KRAYENHOFF (CORN. ROD. THEOD.). Precis historique des opera- tions geodesiques et astronomiques faites en Hollande pour servir de base a la topographic de cet Etat. 4 La Haye, 1815. KREIL (CARL). Sammlung der nothwendigsten mathematischen For- meln aus der Algebra, Trigonometric, Geometrie, Astronomic, und Me- chanik ; mit einer Vorrede von J. J. Littrow. 8 Wien, 1831. KRIJGER (JOHANN GOTTLOB). Gcdanokon von der Algebra nebst. den Primzahlen von 1 bis 1000000. 12 Halle in Magdeburg, 1746. 56 MATHEMATICS. KULLIN (LAUR. JUL.). Dissertatio academica, de usu algebrae ; prae- side S. Klingenstierna. 4 Upsalice, [1743.] KUPFFER (ADOLPH THEODOR). Preisschrift uber genaue Messung der Winkel an Krystallen. 4 Berlin, 1825. LACAILLE (NICOLAS Louis de). Lectiones elementares mathematicae, seu elementa algebrae et geometriae ; in Latinum traductae a C. S. e S. J. 4 Vienna, Pragce, t$ Tergesti, [1762.] LACHAPELLE ( de). Institutions de geometric ; enrichies de notes critiques et phylosophiques sur la nature et les developpmens de 1'esprit humain; 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1765. LACONDAMINE (Cn. MAUR.). Mesure de trois premiers degres du meridien dans I'hemisphere austral, tiree des observations de MM. de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences envoyes par le Roi sous 1'equateur. 4 Paris, 1751. LACROIX (SiLVESTRE-FRAN90is). Elemens d'algebre a 1'usage de 1'ecole centrale des quatre nations. 8 Paris, 1825. . Elemens de geometrie a 1'usage de 1'ecole centrale des quatre na- tions. 8 Paris, 1830. . Essais de geometrie sur les plans et les surfaces courbes. 8 Paris, 1795. . Essais sur 1'enseignement en general, et sur celui des mathematiques en particulier. 8 Paris, 1828. . Traite du calcul differentiel et du calcul integral. 4 Paris, 1797- ; 3 vols. 4 Paris, 1810-1819. . Traite elementaire de calcul differentiel et de calcul integral. 8 Paris, 1828. . An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus, with an appendix and notes by G. Peacock and J. F. W. Herschel. 8 Cam- bridge, 1816. . Traite elementaire de trigonometric rectiligne et spherique, et de 1'application de 1'algebre a la geometrie. 8 Paris, 1827. . Traite elementaire du calcul des probabilites. 8 Paris, 1822. LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN PAPILLON de). See Papillon de La- ferte (D. P. J.). LAGNY (THOMAS FANTET de}. Analyse generate, ou methodes nou- velles pour resoudre les problemes de tous les genres et de tous les de- gres a 1'infini par les soins de M. Richer. 4 Paris, 1733. LAGRANGE (JosEPii-Louis de). See Anonymous. Le9ons sur le cal- cul des fonctions. 8 1806. . See Euler (L.). Elements of algebra. 8 1810. 8 1828. . Theorie des fonctions analytiques ; contenant les principes du calcul differentiel, degages de toute consideration d'infiniment petits ou d'eva- nouissans, de limites ou de fluxions, et reduits a 1'analyse algebrique des quahtites finies. 4 Paris, an v. [1797.] . . 4 Paris, 1813. . Traite de la resolution des equations numeriques de tous les degres, avec des notes sur plusieurs points de la theorie des equations alge- briques ; 3 C edit, precedee d'une analyse de 1'ouvrage par Poinsot. 4 Paris, 1826. LAGRIVE (J. de). Seo Delagrive (J.). LAHIRE (PniLirrE de). De cycloide. i- [Pm, 1676.] MATHEMATICS. 57 LAHIRE (PHILIPPE de). Nouveaux elemens des sections coniques, les lieux geometriques, la construction ou effection des equations. 12 Paris, 1679. . Nouvelle methode en geometrie pour les sections de superficies co- niques et cylindriques, qui ont pour bases des cercles, ou des paraboles, des elipses, et des hyperboles. 4 Paris, 1673. . Sectiones conicae in novem libros distributee ; accesserunt sectiones pyramidum super basibus parabolicis, ellipticis et hyperbolicis, una cum sectionibus cylindrorum, quibus substernuntur circuli ; adjecta expositio propositionum septem librorum conicorum Apollonii Pergaei quae cum superius demonstratis conferuntur. fol. Parisiis, 1685. LALANDE (Jos. JEROME LE FRANCOIS de). See Montucla (J. E.). Histoire des mathematiques. 4- (1799,) &c. . Tables des logarithmes. See Reynaud (A. A. L.). Trigonometric rectiligne et spherique. 12 1818. . Tables de logarithmes etendues a sept decimales par Marie ; prece- dees d'une introduction, dans laquelle on fait connaitre les limites des erreurs qui peuvent 'resulter de 1'emploi des logarithmes des nombres et des lignes trigonometriques, par Reynaud. 12 Bruxelles, 1829. . Tables de logarithmes pour les nombres et pour les sinus; aug- mentees de la table de logarithmes de Gauss ; edition revue et augmen- tee par H. G. Kohler ; Ger.fy Fr. 8 Leipsig, 1832. LALOVERA (ANTONIUS). Veterum geometria promota in septem de cycloide libris, et in duabus [tribus] adjectis appendicibus. 4 Tolosa, 1660. LAMBERT (J. H.). Beytriige zum Gebrauche der Mathematik und deren Anwendung; 3 vols. 8 Berlin, 1765-72. . Zusatze zu den logarithmischen und trigonometrischen Tabellen. 8 Berlin, 1770. . Supplementa tabularum logarithmicarum et trigonometricarum cum versione introductionis Germanicae in Latinum sermonem ; curante A. Felkel. 4 Olisipone, 1798. LAMY (BERNARD). Les elemens de la geometrie. 8 Paris, 1685. 12 Paris, 1758. LAMY (J. F.). Manuel metrique du departement du Pas-de-Calais, con- tenant des tables comparatives des anciennes mesures du departement avec celles qui les remplacent dans le nouveau systeme et 25 tables generates pour celles les plus usitees en France. 8 Arras, 1803. LANDE (Jos. JER6ME LE FRANCOIS de la). See Lalande (J. J. Le F. de). LANDEN (JOHN). A discourse concerning the residual analysis. 4? London, 1758. . The residual analysis a new branch of the algebraic art ; book i. 4 London, 1764. . Mathematical lucubrations, containing new improvements in various branches of tHe mathematics. 4 London, 1755. . Mathematical memoirs respecting a variety of subjects ; with an ap- pendix containing tables of theorems for the calculation of fluents ; 3 pts. in 2 vols. 4 London, 1780-1789. (Two copies.J . Observations on converging series ; occasioned by Mr. Clarke's translation of Lorgna's treatise on the same subject. 4 London, 1781. ( Two copies.) . An appendix to the observations on converging series. 4 [London.~] LANGIUS (WILHELMUS). Epistola ; accessit M. Meibomii responsio. fol. Hafni(c. 58 MATHEMATICS. LANSBERGIUS (PHILIPPUS). See Anderson (A.). Vindiciae Archi- medis. 4 1616. . Verklaeringhe van het ghebruyck des geometrischen quadrants. See Lansbergius (P.). Verklaeringhe, c. 4 1633. (Astronomy.} . Cyclometriae novae libri duo. 4 Middelburgi, 1616. . Triangulorum geometries libri quatuor. 4 Amstcelodami, 1631. LANTZ (JOANNES). Institutionum arithmeticarum libri quatuor cum appendice fractionum astronomicarum ; in gratiam studiosae juventutis. 8 Colonice Agrippince, 1630. , LAPLACE (P. SIMON de}. Eloge. See Fourier (J. B. J.). Eloge hi- storique, &c. 4 1829. . Essai philosophique sur les probabilites. 4 Paris, 1814. 8 Paris, 1816. (Three copies.} Theorie analytique des probabilites. 4 Paris, 1812. . 4 Paris, 1814. . 4 Paris, 1820. . See Anonymous. Supplement a la theorie analytique des probabi- lites. 4 ( Two copies.} See Anonymous. Deuxieme supplement a la theorie analytique des probabilites. 4 1818. (Two copies.} . See Anonymous. Troisieme supplement a la theorie analytique des probabilites. 4 LARDNER (DIONYSIUS). An analytical treatise on plane and spherical trigonometry? a"nd the analysis of angular sections. 8 London, 1826. . An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus. 8 London, 1825. . A system of algebraic geometry ; vol. i, containing the geometry of plane curves. 8 London, 1823. LARKIN (N. J.). An introduction to solid geometry, and to the study of crystallography, containing an investigation of some of the properties belonging to the Platonic bodies independent of the sphere. 8 Lon- don, 1820. LAROCHE VILLEFRANCHE (ESTIENNE le Deel : Geeft aenley ding om verscheyde Werckstucken te maecken, al van Snijding, Raecking, Deeling, Perspective en Sonnewijsers. 4- Am- sterdam, 1672. MOIVRE (ABRAHAM de). Vie. See Maty (M.). Memoire sur la vie et les ecrits de, &c. 12 [1755.] The doctrine of chances, or a method of calculating the probabili- ties of events in play. 4 London, 1756. La dottrina degli azzardi applicata ai problemi della probabilita della vita, &c., trasportata dall' Inglese, arricchita di note e aggiunte da R. Gaeta, sotto 1'assistenza di G. Fontana. 8 Milano, 1776. MOLIERES (JOSEPH PRIVAT de). See Privat de Molieres (J.). MOLTHERUS (JOHANNES). Problema deliacum de cubi duplicatione ; ubi historia problematis praemittitur, et simul nonnulla de anguli trisec- tione, heptagoni fabrica, circuli quadratura, &c., inseruntur. 4 Fran- cofurti, 1619. MONANTHOLIUS (HENRICUS). Ludus iatromathematicus. See Mon- antholius (H.). Ludus. 8 1597. (Anatomy.} MONCONYS (BALTHASAR de). Traite d'algebre. See Monconys (B. de). Journal des voyages, &c. 4 1677. (Voyages.) MONFORTE (ANTONIO). See Anonymous. Dimostrazione del luogo, &c. 4 1715. MONGE (GASPARD). See Dupin (C.). Essai historique sur les ser- vices, &c., de G. M. 4 1819. . Geometrie descriptive ; avec un supplement par Hachette ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Paris, 1811. MONTALBANUS (OviDius). Speculum Euclidianum, totam Euclidis planemetriam repraesentans. 4 Bononice, 1629. MONTANARI (GEMINIANO). Modo di misurare una distanza incognita con una sola stazione guardando nel canocchiale. See Montanari (G.). La livella diottrica, &c. 4 1674. (Optics.) MONTEREGIO (JOANNES MULLER de). See Regiomonte (J. M. de). MONTESSON ( DUPAIN de). See Dupain de Montesson ( ). MONTMORT (PIERRE-REMOND de). See Anonymous. Essay d'ana- lyse, &c. 4 1713. MONTUCLA (JEAN-ETIENNE). Vie. See Leblond (A. S.). Notice hi- storique, &c. 8 [1800.] . Histoire des mathematiques ; les torn. 3 et 4 acheves et publics par J. de Lalande; 4 vols. 4 Paris, an vn.(l799) an x.(1802). Histoire des recherches sur la quadrature du cercle ; avec un addi- tion concernant les problemes de la duplication du cube et de la trisec- tion de Tangle. 8 Paris, 1831. MATHEMATICS. 69 MOORE (Sir JONAS). A new systeme of mathematicks. See Moore (SirJ.). A new systeme, &c. 4 1681. {Miscellaneous.) . A mathematical compendium, or useful practices in arithmetick, geometry and astronomy, geography and navigation, embatteling and quartering of armies, fortification and gunnery, gauging and dyalling, explaining the logarithms, Nepair rods, the application of pendulum, the projection of the sphere for an universal dyal, &c., collected by N. Ste- phenson. 12 London, 1674. Arithmetic in two books ; the first treating of the vulgar arithmetick, the second of algebra : to which are added, a new contemplation geome- trical upon the ellipsis, and the two first books of Mydorgius his conical sections analized by W. Oughtred ; [followed by] A canon of the squares and cubes of all numbers under 1000, of the squared squares under 300, and of the square cubes and cubed cubes under 200 ; 5 pts. in 1 vol. 8 London, 1660. MORGAN ( ). Dissertations on the cycloid, the parabola, &c. See Morgan ( ). -Six philosophical dissertations, &c. 4 1770. (Mis- cellaneous.) MORGAN (ARTHUR). Tables showing the total number of persons as- sured in the Equitable Society ; to which are added, tables of the probabilities and expectations of the duration of human life, deduced from these documents, &c. fol. London, 1834. MORGAN (WILLIAM). See Price (R.). Observations on reversionary payments. 8 1792. Memoirs of the life of R. Price. 8 London, 1815. . The doctrine of annuities and assurances of lives and survivorships, stated and explained ; also an essay on the present state of population in England and Wales, by Dr. Price. 8 London, 1779. . The principles and doctrine of assurances, annuities on lives and contingent reversions, stated and explained. 8 London, 1821." MORLAND (Sir SAMUEL). The description and use of two arithmetick instruments ; together with a short treatise of arithmetick, as likewise a perpetual almanack; and several tables; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 12 London, 1673. MORRIS (CORBYN). Observations on the past growth and present state of the city of London. See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mortality. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.) MORTON (PIERCE). See Anonymous. Geometry ; plane, solid, and spherical. 8 1830. MOUNTAINS (WILLIAM). A description of the lines drawn on Gun- ter's scale, as improved by J. Robertson ; with their use and application to practice exemplified in astronomy and navigation. 8 London, 1788 [read 1778]. MOUTON (GABRIEL). Nova mensurarum geometricarum idea. See Mouton (G.). Observationes diametrorum Solis, &c. 4 1670. (Astro- nomy.) MUDGE (WILLIAM) and DALBY (J.). An account of the operations carried on for accomplishing a trigonometrical survey of England and Wales from 1784 to 1796 ; 2 vols. 4 London, 1799-1811. MUDGE (WILLIAM) and COLBY (T.). An account of the trigono- metrical survey carried on by order of the master general of His Majesty's ordnance, in the years 1 800-1 809. 4 London, 1811. MULLER (JOANNES) de Regiomonte. See Regiomonte (J. M. de). MULLER (JOHN). A mathematical treatise, containing a system of 70 MATHEMATICS. conic sections ; with the doctrine of fluxions and fluents, applied to va- rious subjects; viz. to the finding the maximums and minimums of quantities, radii of evolution, refraction, reflection ; superficial and solid contents of curvilinear figures ; rectification of curve-lines, centers of gravity, oscillation and percussion. 4 London, 1736. MURDOCK (PATRICK). See Maclaurin (C.). An account of Sir I. Newton's discoveries. 8 1750. {Astronomy.) . Newtoni genesis curvarum per umbras exemplis coni sectionum et linearum tertii ordinis illustrata. See Murdoch (P.). Newtoni ge- nesis curvarum, &c. 8 1746. (Optics.) MURHARD (FRID. GUIL. AUG.). Bibliotheca mathematica ; 5 vols. 8 Lipsice, 1797-1805. MYDORGIUS (CLAUDIUS). Conical sections. See Moore (J.). Arith- metick, &c. 8 1660. . Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques et de ses pro- blemes en geometric, mechanique, optique et captoptrique. 8 Paris, 1639. MYERS (CHARLES JOHN). An elementary treatise on the differential calculus. 8 Cambridge, 1827. N. NAGY CAROLY. Arithmetika szamiras kiilonos jegyekkel. 8 Sees, 1835. NAPIER (JOHN), Lord Merchiston. Life. See Stewart (D.), Earl of Buchan, and Minto (W.). An account of the life, writings, and in- ventions of, &c. 4 1787. . Deux celebres propositions. See Hume (J.). Traite de la trigo- nometrie. 8 1636. . Mirifici logarithmorum canonis descriptio ej usque usus, in utraque trigonometria, ut etiam in omni logistica mathematica. 4 Edinburgi, 1614. . Logarithmorum canonis descriptio ; seu arithmeticarum supputa- tionum mirabilis abbreviatio. 4 Lugduni, 1620. NASSAU (MAURICE), Prince d'Aurenge. Memoires mathematiques. See Stevin (S.). Les ceuvres mathematiques. fol. 1634. NEGRI (PROSPERO). Osservazioni alia nota xin ; equations numeriques par Lagrange. 4 Milano, 1820. NEMORARIUS (JORDANUS). In hoc opere contenta. Arithmetica (Jordani Nemorarii cum demonstrationibus Jacob! Fabri) decem libris demonstrata ; musica ( J. Fabri) libris demonstrata quatuor ; epitome (J. Fabri^ in libros arithmeticos divi S. Boetii ; rithmimachie ludus (J. Fabri) qui et pugna numerorum appellatur. fol. Parisiis, 1514. NEPER (JOHN). See Napier (J.). NEWMAN (S.) A collection of mercantile tables. 8 London, 1804. NEWTON (I.). Appendix to Euclid's elements; containing original pro- positions in geometry, designed for the young students. 8 Wisbech, NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). See Anonymous. Arithmetica universalis. 8 1707. . Enumeratio linearum tertii ordinis. Tractatus de quadratura cur- varum. See Anonymous. Optick, or a treatise of... light, &c. 4 1704. (Optics.) See Chastellet (G. E. Le T. de B. du). Princines mathematiques, &c. 4 1756. MATHEMATICS. 71 NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). See Clarke (J.). A demonstration of some sec- tions of Sir I. N.'s Principles, &c. 8 1730. (Mechanics.) . See Decore (G. A.). Arithmetica universalis, &c. 8 1761. . Excerpta...e Principiis. See Newton (Sir I.). Excerpta quaedam e...Principiis, &c. 4 1765. (Mechanics.) . Lectiones opticae. See Newton (Sir I.). Lectiones, &c. 4 1729. (Optics.) . De speciebus et magnitudine figurarum curvilinearum. See Newton (Sir I.). Optice, &c. 4 1706. (Optics.) . Opuscula mathematica. See Newton (Sir I.). Opuscula, &c. 4 1744. (Miscellaneous.) . Principia. See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophize naturalis principia. 4 1687. (Mechanics.) . . 4 1713> (Mechanics.) . 4 1714. (Mechanics.) . fol. 1726. (Mechanics.) . . . 4 ,1739. (Mechanics.) . 4 1760. (Mechanics.) . The mathematical principles of natural philosophy. See Newton (Sir I.). The mathematical principles, &c. 8 1729. (Mechanics.) . . 4 1802. (Mechanics.) . 8 1803. (Mechanics.) . The first three sections of Newton's Principia. See Newton (Sir I.). The first three sections, &c. 8 1826. (Mechanics.) . Enumeratio linearum tertii ordinis. See Stirling ( J.). Isaaci New- toni enumeratio, &c. 8 1797- . Principia. See Wright (J. M. F.). A commentary, &c. 8 1828. (Mechanics.) . Opera quae extant omnia ; commentariis illustrabat S. Horsley ; 5 vols. 4 London, 1779-1785. (Two copies.) . Analysis per quantitatum series, fluxiones, ac differentias ; cum enu- meratione linearum tertii ordinis. 4 Londini, 1711. . The method of fluxions and infinite series, with its application to the geometry of curve-lines ; to which is subjoined a perpetual comment by J. Colson. 4 London, 1736. La methode des fluxions et des suites infinies. 4 Paris, 1740. . Arithmetica universalis, cum comment. J. Castillionei ; 2 vols. 4 Amstelccdami, 1761. . Arithmetique universelle de Newton, traduite avec des notes par N. Beaudeux ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1802. . Two treatises of the quadrature of curves and analysis by equations of an infinite number of termes explained, translated into English with a large commentary, and the whole accommodated to the capacity of be- ginners, by J. Stewart. 4 London, 1745. NEWTON (JOHN). Geometry. See Newton (J.). Cosmographia, &c. 8 1679. (Astronomy.) . A help to calculation on two tables, the one of decimal numbers, and the other of their logarithmes for the ready converting of sexagenary tables into decimal : as also tables of declination, right and oblique ascensions, ascensional difference and other tables of the primum mobile. 4 London, 1657. . Institutio mathematica, or a mathematical institution, shewing the construction and use of sines, tangents, and secants in decimal numbers, and also of the table of logarithms ; with their application in astronomic, 72 MATHEMATICS. dialling and navigation ; [to which are added] Tabulce mathematics, or tables, &c.; 2 vols. 12 London, 1654. NEWTON (JOHN). Mathematical elements, in three parts; the first being a discourse of practical geometry ; the second a description and use of the globes ; the third the delineation of the globe upon the plain of any great circle. 4 London, 1660. . Trigonometria Britannica, or the doctrine of triangles, in two books ; the first of which sheweth the construction of the naturall and artificiall sines, tangents and secants, and tables of logarithms ; the other the use of the canon of artificiall sines, &c., in the resolution of all tri- angles ; the one composed, the other translated from the Latin copie written by H. Gellibrand ; a table of logarithms to 100,000 thereto an- nexed, with the artificiall sines and tangents to the hundredth part of every degree, and the three first degrees to a thousand parts, fol. Lon- don, 1658. NICHOLSON (P.). Essay on involution and evolution ; together with an appendix shewing the use of figurate numbers and arithmetical equivalents in the extraction of roots; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 London, 1820. . Essays on the combinatorial analysis, shewing its application to some of the most useful and interesting problems of algebra, such as the expansion of a multinomial, according to any given exponent, the re- version and conversion of series, the theory of indeterminate equations, &c., and clearly indicating the law of expansion. 8 London, 1818. . The rudiments of algebra for the use of schools. 1 2 London, 1819. NICOLAS (PETRUS). De conchoidibus et cissoidibus exercitationes geometric*. 4 Tolosce, 1697. . De lineis logarithmicis et spiralibus hyperbolicis, exercitationes geo- metricse. 4 Tolosce, 1696. NICOLAUS (JOANNES BAPTISTA). Nova analyseos elementa; vol. r, pt. 1. 4 Patavii, 1786. NICOLI-CRISTIANI (FRIDERICUS). Tetragonismus sive circuli qua- dratic geometrice obtenta atque demonstrata. 4 Brixice, 1821. (Two copies.) NICOLLET ( ). See Brousseaud ( ) et Nicollet ( ). Memoire sur la mesure d'un arc du parallele moyen, &c. 8 1823. (Astronomy.} . Lettre sur les assurances qui ont pour base les probabilites de la duree de la vie humaine. 8 Paris, 1818. NIEUPORT (C. F. de). Melanges mathematiques, ou memoires sur differens sujets de mathematiques tant pures qu'appliquees ; 2 vols. 4 Bruxelks, 1794-1799. . Memoire sur 1'integrabilite mediate des equations differentielles. 4 Bruxelks an x.=1802. NOBLE (EDWARD). Elements of geometry. See Noble (E.). The ele- ments of linear perspective. 8 1771. (Optics.) NOEL (J.N.). Algebre elementaire raisonnee et appliquee. 8 Metz,l820. . Traite de geometrie elementaire, contenant les geometries plaine et solide, les trigonometries rectiligne et spherique, et 1'application de 1'al- gebre a la geometrie elementaire. 8 Luxembourg, 1830. NORDEN (JOHN). The Surveiors dialogue, very profitable for all men that have occasion to buy or sell lands, the ready and perfect surveying of them, &c. ; also the use of the manuring of some grounds ; and a familiar conference between a purchaser and a surveyor of lands. 4 London, 1618, MATHEMATICS. 73 NORDMARCK (ZACHARIAS). Dissertatio de sectione simili linearum rectarum ; praeside F. Mallet. 4 Upsalice, [1776.] NORDWALL (ADOLPHUS). Dissertatio sistens theoremata stereome- trica; praeside F. Mallet. 4 Upsalite, [1779.] NORWOOD (RICHARD). Epitomy; being the application of the doc- trine of triangles, in certain problems, concerning the use of the plain sea chart, and Mercator's chart [N. Kauffman] ; with a table of artifi- cial sines, tangents, and the complements arithmetical of sines, to radius 10,00000, and to every degree and minute of the quadrant; also the logarithms from unit to 1000; as also an universal almanack; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 12 London, 1669. NUNEZ (PEDRO). Libro de algebra en arithmetica y geometria. 8 Anvers, 1567- O. OHM (MARTIN). Versuch eines vollkommen consequenten Systems der Mathematik ; l..Th. Arithmetik und Algebra; 2 er Th. Algebra und Analysis des Endlichen ; 3 er Th. Differenzial-Rechnung ; 4 er Th. Diffe- renzial- und Integral-Rechnung ; 5 er & 6 er Th. Fortsezung der Differ.- und Integ.-Rechn. ; 6 vols. 8 Berlin, 1828-32. OLDENBURG (HENRY). See Collins (J.). Commercium epistolicum. 4 1712. . 8 1722. OLIVERIUS (THOMAS). De rectarum linearum parallelismo. De cir- culi quadratura. See Oliverius (T.). De sophismatum praestigiis ca- vendis, &c. 4 1604. (Miscellaneous.) OPPEL (FREDERICUS GUILIELMUS de). Analysis triangulorum. fol. Dresdce et Lipsice, 1746. ORANGE, Prince cT. See Nassau (M.), Prince d'Aurenge. ORIANI (BARNABA). Misura dell' arco del meridiano. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1827. 8 (Astronomy.) Continuazione degli esempi di calcolo nella trigonometria sferoidica. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1828. 8 (Astronomy.) . Continuazione e fine degli esempi di calcolo nella trigonometria sfero- idica. See Cesaris ( A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1829. 8 (Astronomy.) . De usu fractionum continuarum, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c. an. 1786. 8 (Astronomy.) . Elementi di trigonometria sferoidica inseriti nel primo tomo delle memorie di fisica e matematica dell' Istituto nazionale Italiano. 4 Bologna, 1806. OSTERWALD (SAMUEL-FREDERIC). Cours abr%e d'arithmetique et des changes. 4 Neuchdtel, 1794. OTHO (L. VALENTINUS). See Rheticus (G.J.). Opus palatinum de triangulis. fol. 1596. OUGHTRED (WILL.). Two rulers for calculation. See Forster (W.). The circles of proportion and the horizontal instrument. 4 1632. . Mydorgius' conical sections. See Moore (J.).Arithmetick,&c. 8 1660. . Clavis mathematica denuo limata, sive potius fabricata. 8 Oxonifc, 1652. . Key of the mathematicks, newly translated with notes, in which some problems left unanswer'd by the author are resolv'd ; recommended by E. Halley. 8 London, 1702. . Elementi decimi Euclidis declaratio ; nee non de solidis rcgularibus tractatus. 8 Oxonite, 1652. 74 MATHEMATICS. OUGHTRED (WiLL.). The circles of proportion and the horizontall instrument ; both invented, and the uses of both written in Latine by Mr.W. O.; translated into English and set forth for the publique benefit by W. Forster. 4 London, 1632- . Theorematum in libris Archimedis de sphaera et cylindro declaratio. 8 Oxonia, 1652. . Trigonometria ; hoc est, modus computandi triangulorum latera et angulos, e canone mathematico traditus et demonstratus ; collectus per R. Stokesium et A. Haughton ; una cum tabulis sinuum, tangentium et secantium, &c. 4 Londini, 1657- {Two copies.) OYON ( ). Tables de multiplication; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1824 & 1825. OZANAM (JACQUES). Arithmetique et geometric. See Ozanam (J.). Recreations mathematiques, &c. 8 1790. (Miscellaneous.) . See Vlacq (A.). La trigonometric rectiligne et spherique, &c. 8 1720. . Dictionnaire de mathematique, ou idee generale des mathematiques. 4 Paris, 1691. Methode de lever les plans et les cartes de terre et de mer, avec toutes sortes d'instrumens et sans instrumens. 12 Paris, 1750. P. PAETUS (LucAs). De mensuris et ponderibus Romanis et Grsecis. See Paetus (L.). De mensuris et ponderibus, &c. 4 1573. (Miscella- neous.') PALMER (JOHN). A brief description of the cros-staf. See Palmer (J.). The catholique planisphser, &c. 4 1658. (Astronomy.) PAMAN (ROGER). The harmony of the ancient and modern geometry asserted. 4 London, 1745. PAOLI (PIETRO). Element! di algebra; 2 vols. 4 Pisa, 1803. . Supplemento agli elementi d'algebra. 4 Pisa, 1804. PAPILLON de LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN). See Anonymous. Lecons elementaries de mathematiques. 8 1784. PAPPUS Alexandrinus. See Apollonius Pergaeus. De tactionibus. 8 1795. Lemmata, &c. See Apollonius Pergaeus. Conicorum libri octo. fol. 1710. . Praefatio ad septimum collectionis mathematicae, cum lemmatibus, &c. See Apollonius Pergaeus. De sectione rationis, &c. 4 1706. . Secundi libri mathematics collectionis fragmentum. See Aristar- chus Samius. De magnitudinibus, &c. 8 1688. (Astronomy.) See Wallis ( J.). Opera mathematica; vol. in. fol. 1695,&c. Mathematical collectiones a F. Comnmndino in Latinum conversse, et commentariis illustratae. 4 Pisauri, 1588. . . fol. Bononicc, 1660. PARDIES (IGNACE-GASTON). Siemens de geometric. 12 Paris, 1671. 12 Lyon, 1683. PARISOT (SEBASTIEN-ANT.). L'art de conjecturer a la Loterie. 8 Paris, an x. (1801.) Traite du calcul conjectural, ou 1'art de raisonner sur les choses futures et inconnues. 4 Paris, 1810. PARKER (JAMES). See Anonymous. Arithmetic and Algebra. 8 1828, &c. PASCAL (AUGUSTE-JOSEPH-ETIENNE). Traite pratique du jaugeage. 8 Avignon, 1818. MATHEMATICS. 75 PASCAL (BLAISE). Eloge. See Condorcet (M. J. A. N. Caritat de). Eloges des Academiciens, &c. 12 1799. (Miscellaneous,) PASI (BARTOLOMEO dt). TarifFa dei pesi e misure quasi per tutte le parti dil mondo. 8 Vinegia, 1557. PASLEY (C. W.). A complete course of practical geometry, including conic sections, and plan drawing. 8 London, 1822. Course of instruction originally composed for the use of the Royal Engineer Department; 3 vols. 8 London, 1814. . . Observations on the expediency and practicability of simplifying and improving the measures, weights and money used in this country, without materially altering the present standards. 8 London, 1834. PASQUISCH (JOANNES). Tabulae logarithmico-trigonometricae con- tractae cum novis accessionibus ; Lat. $ Germ. 8 Lipsice, 1817. PAUCKER (GEORGE). Inhalts Ubersicht desWerkes UberMaass,Gewicht und Munze des Russischen Reichs und seiner Deutschen Ostseelander. 8 St. Petersburg, 1832. PAUCTON (ALEXIS-JEAN-PIERRE.). Metrologie, ou traite des mesures, poids et monnayes des anciens peuples et des modernes. 4 Paris, 1780. PAYNE (JOHN). Tables for valuing labor and stores, by weight or by number. 4 London, 1811. PEACOCK (D. M.). A system of conic sections, adapted to the study of natural philosophy. 8 London, 1817. PEACOCK (GEORGE). SeeLacroix (S. F.). An elementary treatise on the differential and integral calculus. 8 1816. A collection of examples of the applications of the differential and integral calculus. 8 London, 1820. A comparative view of the principles of the fluxional and differential calculus. 8 Cambridge, 1819. . A treatise on algebra. 8 Cambridge, 1830. On the nature, construction and uses of logarithms ; with some pre- liminary observations on the import of the term Ratio, and the doctrine of proportionality in particular reference to the 5th book of Euclid's elements. 8 Cambridge, 1812. PELETARIUS or PELETIER (JACOBUS). See Frisius (G. R.). Arithmeticae practicae methodus facilis. 8 1581. De occulta parte numerorum, quam algebram vocant, libri duo. 4 Parisiis, 1560. . In Euclidis elementa geometrica demonstrationum libri sex; se- cunda editio, cui et textus Euclidis Graecus additus est. 4 [Lugduni,~\ 1610. PELLIZER (JOSEPH-EMANUEL). Correction des poids et mesures. See Pellizer (J. E.). Denonciation faite a 1'Assemblee Nationale, &c. 8 1790. (Astronomy.) PEREIRA (JosE MARIA DANTAS). Taboas que contem os logarithmos dos numeros naturaes desde 1 ate 43200 calculados ate a setima casa decimal; publicados de ordem da R. Academia das Sciencias. 8 Lis- boa, 1804. PEREZ (FRANCESCO). Lettera enciclica a tutti gl' illustrissimi matema- tici, accadernici e letterati dell' Italia, nella quale si fa palese 1' usurpa- zione, o sia ladroneccio del suo strumento goniometrico triplindice fattogli dal R. P. Eliseo Delia Concezione. 4 Bologna, 1786. . Tri-lichanon Goni-arith-metron; idest Tripl-index angulo-numerans et mensurans, instrument] geometric! mostrantis gradus, minuta et se- cunda oainia nova inventio. 4 Florentia>, 1781. 76 MATHEMATICS. PETRI (NICOLAUS). Practicque omte Leeren Rekenen, Cypheren ende Boeckhouwen, met die Reghel coss, ende Geometrie, seer profijtelijcken voor allan coopluyden. 12 [Amstelredam,~] 1596. PETTY (Sir WILLIAM). Another essay in political arithmetic. See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mortality. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.) The discourse made before the Royal Society the 26th of Nov. 1674 concerning duplicate proportion ; together with a new hypothesis of elastique motions. 12 London, 1674. PEYRARD (F.). See Archimedes. CEuvres, &c. 4 1807. See Euclides. Les (Euvres en Grec, en Latin et en Fran9ais. 4 1814, &c. PHILLIPPES or PHILLIPS (HENRY). A mathematical manual ; con- taining tables of logarithmes, for numbers, sines and tangents. 12 London, 1669. . The purchaser's pattern, much enlarged ; shewing the value of land or houses, the measuring of lands, board, timber, &c. ; also the art of gauging ; with tables. 12 London, 1667. PHILLIPPS (Sir THOMAS). An improved numeration table, to facili- tate and extend astronomical calculations. 12 London, 1829. PICARD (JEAN). Traite du nivellement, avec un abrege de la mesure de la terre du meme auteur, mis en lumiere par Mr. de la Hire. 12 Paris, 1684. PIGRI (GIUSEPPE). Nuove tavole degli elementi del numeri dall' 1 al 10000. 8 Pisa, 1758. PINDEMONTE (IPPOLITO). Elogio di Giuseppe Torelli. 4 Ve- rona. PITISCUS (BARTOLOM^EUS). Trigonometries sive de dimensione trian- gulorum libri quinque, problematum variorum nempe geodseticorum, altimetricorum, geographicorum, gnomonicorum et astronomicorum libri decem ; accessit problematum architectonicorum liber unus. 4 Francofurti, 1612. PIZZATI (GIUSEPPE). Dissertazione sulla trisezione dell' angolo, ossia dell' arco, colla piana geometria, ossia col compasso e colla retta. 4 Venezia, 1795. PLANA (GIOVANNI). See Anonymous. Operations geodesiques, &c. 4 1825. - . Memoire sur les integrates definies. 4 [ Turing - . Methode elementaire pour decouvrir et demontrer la possibilite des nouveaux theoremes sur la theorie des transcendentes elliptiques publics par Mr.Jacobi dans le journal allemand Astronomische Nachrichten ; 4f - . Memoire sur 1'integration de 1'equation lineaire dans le cas particulier ou le polynome Z = z+A n - l z-> + A n _ 2 *- 2 ... + A.Z+ A renferme un nombre quelconque de racines egales. 4 [Turin, 1826.] J PLAUSOL ( ). See Delagrive (J.). Manuel de trigonometric. 8 1806. From the 2nd vol. of the Memorie di matematica efinca delta Societa Italiana. f From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 33, p. 333. $ From the 31st vol. of the Memorie rlclltt It. Accadcmia (Idle Scienze. MATHEMATICS. 77 PLAYFORD (JOHN). The reduction of weights and measures ; the ready casting up of numbers, the interest of money, &c. See Playford (J.). Vade inecum, &c. 12 1679. (Miscellaneous.) PLCENNIES (ERICUS PHILIPPUS). In rebus mathematicis bene versatis geometris, c. solutionem problematis peripheriae circuli accuratam rectificationem et circuli quadraturam universalem communicat. 4 Berleburgi, 1724. PL0CKER (JuL.). Analytisch-geometrische Entwicklungen ; 2 vols. 4 Essen, 1828-31. POINSOT (L.). Analyse du traite de la resolution des equations nu- meriques. See Lagvange (J. L. de). Traite de la resolution, &c. 4 1826. . Memoire sur 1'application de 1'algebre a la theorie des nombres. 4 Paris, 1819. . Recherches sur 1'analyse des sections angulaires. 4 Paris, 1825. POISSENET (J. G.). Metrologie forestiere, ou tables de la cubature des bois de construction marine et chauffage, suivant le systeme decimal uniforme des poids et mesures ; precedees d'une instruction 616mentaire du calcul decimal relative a cette branche du systeme, &c. 8 Paris, an vi. [1798.] POISSON(S.D.). Memoires sur 1'integration des equations aux diffe- rences partielles, et sur la distribution de la chaleur dans les corps solides. 4 [Paris, 1821.]* Theorie mathematique de la chaleur. 4 Paris, 1835. (See CJiemistry.) . Memoire sur la distribution de la chaleur dans les corps solides. 4 Paris, 1821-f POLENUS (JOANNES). De mathesis in rebus physicis utilitate, praelectio. 4 Patavii, 1720. . De physices in rebus mathematicis utilitate, praelectio. 4 Patavii, 1716. , POMMIES ( ). Manuel de 1'ingenieur du cadastre; precede d'un traite de trigonometric rectiligne par A. A. L. Reynaud. 4 Paris, 1808. PONCELET (J. V.). Traite des proprietes projectives des figures [preceded bv the Rapport de flnstitut by Cauchy.] 4 Paris, 1822. POPPE (JOHANN HEINRICH MORITZ). Geschichte der Mathematik. 8 Tubingen, 1828. PORRINO ( ). See Anonymous. Operations geodesiques, &c. 4rder of the commissioners of longitude, 1767-1838; [for 1767-1810, by N. Maskelyne; for 1811-1833, by J. Pond; and for 1834-1838 by Lieut. Stratford, R.N.] 8 London, 1766-1835. . Supplement to the nautical almanac for the year 1828. 8 London. . for the year 1829. 8 London. ALMANAQUE NAUTICO. See Sanchez Cerquero (J.). ALMANSOR Astrologus. Judicia seu propositiones, &c. See Albuba- ther Alchasili. (Liber nativitatum, &c.) fol. 1501. . Propositiones ad Saracenorum regem. See Firmicus (J. M.). Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551. . Centum quinquaginta propositiones. See Ptolomaeus (C.). Liber quadripartiti, &c. fol. 1493. ALMEIDA (THEODORO de). Descripcao do novo planetario universal. 8 Lisboa, 1797. (Two copies.) ALPHONSO el Sabio. See Alfonsus X. Rex Castelhe. ALPHONSUS de Corduba. See Alfonsus de Corduba. ANDRE (Noel). See Chrysologue de Gy. ANDREAS Episc. Cretensis. Computus. Methodus investigandi cycli Solaris et Lunaris, nee non Paschatis. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630. ANDREW (JAMES). Astronomical and nautical tables, with precepts for finding the longitude and latitude of places. 8 London, 1 805. ANGELI (JOANNES). Astrolabium planum in tabulis ascendens conti- nens qualibet hora atque minuto equationes domorum celi ; moram nati in utero matris, cum quodam tractatu de nativitatum; nee non horas inequa- les pro quolibet climate mundi. 4 Augustas. Vindelicorum, 1488. ANGELI or ANGELIS (STEFANO degli or STEPH ANUS de). Considera zioni sopra la forza di alcune ragioni addotte da Riccioli... contra il sistema Copernicano. See Angeli (S. degli). Considerazioni, &c. 4 1667. (Mathematics.) . Seconde considerazioni sopra la forza dell' argomento fisicomatte- matico di G. B. Riccioli conti'O il moto diurno della terra spiegato dal S r M. Manfredi nelle sue risposte e riflessioni sopra le prime conside- razioni. 4 Padova, 1668. ANICH (PETRUS). Elogium. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1767. 8 ANONYMOUS. ADDITION (an) unto the use of the... circles of proportion, for the working of nauticall questions, &c. See Anonymous. Addition (an) unto the use of the... circles, c. 4 1633. (Mathematics.) V^EQUATORIUM astronomicum. fol. Babenberge, 1521. ALMANACK royal, pour 1'an 1826. 8 Paris, 1826. . et national pour 1'an 1832. 8 Paris, 1832. AMERICAN (the) almanac. See Anonymous. American (the) almanac, &c. 12 (Miscellaneous.) ANAXAGORAS. Theory of the sun's orbit. 4 London, 1834. ANNUAIRE de 1'Academie Royale des Sciences et Belles Lettres de Bruxelles, deuxieme annee. 18 Bruxelles, 1836. ASTRONOMY. 105 ANONYMOUS, continued. ASTROLABII quo primi mobilis motus deprehenduntur canones; [to which is added] De mensurationibus rerum tractatulus incipit. 4* ASTRONOMIE des marins par 1'auteur des memoire de mathematique et de physique rediges a 1'Observatoire de Marseilles, [E. Pezenas; also] Tables astronomiques. 8 Avignon, 1766. ASTRONOMISCHE Tafeln der mittlern geraden Aufsteigungen der Sonne in Zeit und ihrer mittlern Bewegungen fiir Monate und Tage zur Ver- wandlung der Sternzeit in mittlere Sonnenzeit und umgekehrt. 8 Gotha, 1804. ASTRONOMY [by Sir B. Malkin]. (Library of Useful Knowledge.) Nos. i-iu. 8 London, 1830-1831. AUSLEGUNG (die) und Bedeiitung der siben grossen Coniunctionen oder zusamen fugung der dreyer hochsten Planeten. 4 AUXILIARY tables for Mr. Bessel's method of clearing the distances [of the Sun and Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn from the Moon ; by H. C. Schumacher]. 8 [Copenhagen, 1835.]f BREF om Cometen. 12 Stockholm, 1774. BRIEF (a) account of the chronometer. See Anonymous. Brief (a) account, &c. 8 (Mechanics.) CATALOGUE de 1'ascension droite et de la declinaison de 5505 etoiles d'apres les observations de Piazzi, et de 372 nebuleuses et d'amas d' etoiles d'apres les observations de plusieurs astronomes pour le 1 Janv. 1800, [by J. E. Bode;] Fr. fy Germ. 4 [Berlin, 1805.] CONJECTURES sur la reunion de la Lune a la Terre et des satellites en general a leur planete principale ; a 1'aide desquelles on essaie d'expli- quer la cause et les effets du deluge, la disparition totale d'anciennes especes vivantes et organiques, et la formation soudaine ou apparition d'autres especes nouvelles, et de 1'homme lui-meme ; par un ancien officier de marine [de Montlivault] . 8 Paris, 1821. (Two copies.) CORFU lighthouses. 8 London. [_No date.~\ DESCRIPTION (the) and use of the carpenter's rule. which is added, the use of a geometrical sun-dial, &c. See Anonymous. Description, &c. 12 1656. (Mathematics.) DESCRIPTION of a method of taking the differences of right ascension and declination, with the Reticule Rhomboide of Dr. Bradley, without placing the instrument in the plane of the equator, by H. E. [Sir H. Englefield]. 4 Bath. DIRECTIONS for the North Sea from the Strait of Dover to the Hoek of Holland. 8 London, 1832. DISCOURSES on the Hebrew and Julian year ; on the Sabbatical year, and years of the Jubilee. 12 London, 1773. EASTER not mis-timed; a letter written out of the countrey [by J. Pell] to a friend in London concerning Easter day. 4 London, 1664. ELEMENS du systeme general du monde. 12 Amsterdam, 1771. ELEMENTARY illustrations of the celestial mechanics of Laplace. See Anonymous. Elementary illustrations, &c. 8 1821. (Mechanics.) ELOGI storici di C. Colombo [by Durazzo], e di A. D'Oria [by Cat- taneo]. 4 Parma, 1781. * No date : probably printed about HDOby Ratdolt at Augsburg, f From Schumacher's work Distances of the Sun, Tauri sub discum Lunae 27 Sept. 1777; observatio maculae Solaris an. 1777; observationes meteorologicae ab an. 1763 ad finem an. 1777 peractae in specula astronomica Mediolanensi.) AN. 1780. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (de maxima phasi annuli Saturni exeunte anno 1780, F. Reggio ; obser- vationes macularum Solis, B. Oriani ; supputatio observationum eclipsis Solis 24 Jun. 1778, F. Reggio ; observatio eclipsis Solis 24 Junii 1778 cum tabulis Mayerianis et Eulerianis comparata, B. Oriani ; observa- tiones tres Lunse et cum tabulis Mayerianis et Eulerianis comparator B. Oriani ; commentarius de eedificio et machinis speculae Mediola- nensis, A. de Cesaris.) AN. 1781. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (obser- vationes occultationum siderum sub discum Lunae, c. F. Reggio ; de reductione loci medii stellarum ad verum, et veri ad apparentem, B. Oriani ; tabulae motus horarii Lunae ad normam tabularum Lunarium Euleri, B. Oriani ; observationes satellitum Jovis habitae, et cum re- spondentibus, et cum tabulis comparatae, F. Reggio et A. de Cesaris ; observationes Veneris circa maximam ejus a Sole digressionem habitae mensibus Martio et Aprili, &c., A. de Cesaris ; observationes Jovis circa ejus cum Sole oppositionem, &c., F. Rcggio; obeervationed cometae ASTRONOMY. 127 qui apparuit mensibus Martio, Aprili, &o. s 1779, A. de Cesaris et F. Reggio ; observationes meteorologicae F. Reggio.) AN. 1782. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (ele- menta orbita cometae observati Mediolani an. 1779 supputata a F. Reg- gio ; observationes cometae qui apparuit an. 1779 ex B. Oriani t de machinis speculae astronomicae Mediolanensis, commentarius alter F. Reggio ; de motu duorum horologiorura pendulis efFectum caloris per se corrigentibus instructorum ex B. Oriani ; de occultatione fixarum sub discum Lunas observatse a B. Oriani ; observatio occultationis i i Librae post discum Lunae peracta a C. Allodio ; de cometa an. 1781 A. de Cesaris ; observationes cometae qui apparuit mensibus Octobris et Novembris anni 1780 peractae Parisiis a Messier; observationes meteorologicae anno 1 779 habitae in specula astronomica Mediolanensi a F. Reggio.) AN. 1783. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (de lati- tudine speculae astronomicae Mediolanensis, commentarius F. Reggio ; tie media praecessione aequinoctiorum ex veterum astronomorum ob- servationibus collecta a B. Oriani; observationes Mercurii annis 1778 et 1779 institutae a B. Oriani ; observatio oppositionis Jovis cum Sole an. 1780 peracta a Reggio; observatio oppositionis Saturni cum Sole an. 1780 peracta a Reggio ; observationes Veneris prope maximam ejus digressionem a Sole anni 1780 peracta a Reggio; observatio opposi- tionis Saturni cum Sole an. 1781 peracta a Reggio ; observatio oppo- sitionis Jovis mense Maji 1781 a C. Allodio ; oppositio Martis anni 1781 determinata a de Cesaris : oppositio Saturni anni 1781 determi- nata a B. Oriani ; observationes Mercurii circa ejus maximam digres- sionem a Sole an. 1781 peractae a Reggio ; observationes Veneris antea et post ejus conjunctionem superiorem cum Sole an. 1781 insti- tutae a C. Allodio; observationes cometae mense Martii an. 1781 de- tecti et adhuc apparentis habitae a B. Oriani ; observatio eclip. Solis diei 16 Oct. 1781 habita a B. Oriani; observationes satellitum Jovis habitae a Reggio et de Cesaris, comparatae cum praecipuis correspon- dentibus et cum tabulis a Wargentin ; observationes satellitum Jovis habitae a B. Oriani ; observationes meteorologicae an. 1780 habitae in specula astronomica Mediolanensi a Reggio.) AN. 1784 Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (obser- vationes Solis habitae Mediolani ab an. 1773 ad finem 1782 ab A. de Cesaris et F. Reggio ; observationes Mercurii annis 1780 et 1781 a B. Oriani ; oppositio Jovis an. 1782 observationibus et calculo definita a C. Allodio ; observationes novi planetse habitae a F. Reggio ; cppo- sitio Saturni an. 1782 ex observ. determ. a B. Oriani ; observationes macularum Jovis a B. Oriani ; occultatio Veneris observata ab A. de Cesaris ; occultationes fixarum sub discum Lunae a B. Oriani ; obser- vationes meteorologicae anni 1781 a F. Reggio.) AN. 1785. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis; (sup- putatio obliquitatis eclipticae ex observationibus a F. Reggio ; oppo- sitio Saturni an. 1783 determinata a B. Oriani; oppositio Jovis an. 1783 peracta a C. Allodio ; de altitudine media baronietri et thermometri, opusculum F. Reggio; observatio et tabulae novi planetae ex B. Oriani; occultationes fixarum observatae et supputatae ab A. de Cesaris ; ob- servationes meteorologies: anni 1782 a F. Reggio.) AN. 1786. Accedit appendix, &c. (asquinoctia verna Mediolani obser- vata ab an. 1773 ad an. 1783 opusculum F. Reggio ; de usu fractionuni continuarum ad invcniendos cycles calendarii novi et veteris B. Oriani ; 128 ASTRONOMY. de refractione media astronomica pro altitudine poli 45 27' 57" F. Reggio ; de horologio Solari Italico B. Oriani ; positiones Mercurii observatae A. de Cesaris ; oppositio Martis an. 1783 A. de Cesaris; observationes satellitum Jovis B. Oriani ; observationes selectae habitae Mannhemii et Massiliae ; observationes meteorologicae an. 1783 F. Reggio.) AN. 1 787. Accedit appendix cum observationibus et opusculis ; (de motu medio Saturui et Jovis, F. Reggio ; de motu horologiorum B. Oriani ; oppositio novi planetae an. 1783 F. Reggio ; oppositio Saturni an. 1784 F. Reggio ; observationes Mercurii an. 1784 F. Reggio ; observationes novi planetae B. Oriani ; oppositio Saturni 1 785 F. Reggio ; de com- parandis observationibus novi planetae cum tabulis B. Oriani ; occul- tatio

gio di Giuseppe Piazzi. 8 Napoli, 1826 FIN^EUS or FINED or FINE (ORONCE). Cosmografia, e oriuoli. Set Fineo (O.). Opere, &c. 4 1587. (Mathematics.) . De invenienda longitudinis locorum differentia, &c. See Fineus (O.). Quadratura circuli, &c. fol. 1544. (Mathematics.) FIRMICUS (JULIUS MATERNUS). Astronomicorum libri octo integri et emendati [by Pescennius Franciscus Niger] ex Schythicis oris ad nos nuper allati. Marci Manilii astronomicorum libri quinque. Arati phe- nomena, Germanico Cesare interpr. cum commentariis et imaginibus Arati ejusdem phenomenon fragmentum, Marco T. C. interprete. Arati ejusdem phenomena Ruffb Festo Avieno paraphraste. Arati ejusdem phenomena grece. Theonis commentaria copiosissima in Arati pheno- mena, graece ; [also Aeorrtou p.rjyaviKov KuraaKevrjs Aparems o-^a/pas.] Procli Diadochi sphera grece. Procli ejusdem sphera, Thoma Linacro, Britanno interprete. fol. Venetiis, 1499. Ad Mavortium Lollianum astronomicwn libri vin, por Nicolauin ASTRONOMY. 145 Prucknerum astrologum nuper ab innumeris inendis vindicati ; his ac- oesserunt : Claudii Ptolemaei quadripai titum ; de inerrantium stellarum significationibus ; centiloquium eiusdera ; Hermetis centum aphcni.*mi ; Bethem centiloquium ; ejusdem de horis planetarum ; Almanzoris propo- sitiones ad Saracenoruni regem ; Zahelis de electionibus ; Messahalaii de ratione circuli et stellarum, et qualiter in hoc seculo operentur ; Omar de nativitatibus ; Marci Manilii astronomicwn lib. v; O. Brunfelsii de defini- tionibus et tenuinis astrologiae libellus isagogicus. fol. Basilece, 1551. FISHER (GEORGE). On the atmospherical refraction. See Parry (Sir W.E.). Appendix, &c. 4 1825. (Voyages.) FLAMSTEED (JOHN). Historia ccelestis. See Herschel (C.). Cata- logue of stars, &c. fol. 1798. . De temporis sequatione. See Horroccius (J.). Opera posthuma. 4 1673. Tables. See Whiston (W.). Astronomical lectures. 8 1728. . Atlas coelestis, Engl.\ [edited by Marg. Flamsteed and J.Hodgson.] fol. London, 1729., . Representation des astres sur xxiv planches ; corrigee, avec un instruction sur la maniere de s'en servir, et un catalogue d'etoiles par J. E. Bode. obi. fol. Berlin & Stralsund, 1782. Flamsteed's name is spelt ' Flamseed' in the title-page. . Historiae crelestis libri duo, quorum prior exhibet catalogum stellarum fixarum, una cum earundem planetarumque observationibus ; posterior transitus syderum per planum arcus meridionalis et distantiis eorum a vertice complectitur ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Londini, 1712. . 3 vols. fol. Londini, 1725. . Life, c. See Baily (F.). An account of the Rev. John Flamsteed, &c. 4 London, 1835. FLEURIEU (Cn.P.d'EvEux de). De la decouverte des longitudes en mer par le secours des horloges marines; extrait de 1'introduction de 1'ouvrage qui a pour titre: Voyage en 1 768 et 1769 a differentes parties dumonde pour eprouver en mer les horloges marines deMr. Berthoud. 4 [Paris, 1773.] . Voyage fait en 1768 et 1769 a differentes parties du monde pour eprouver en mer les horloges marines inventees par Berthoud. See Fleurieu (C.P.d'Eveux de). Voyage, &c. 4 1773. (Voyages.) FONTAINE DES CRUTES [i.e. P.C. LEMONNIER]. Traite complet sur 1'aberration des etoiles fixes, avec un histoire generale de 1'astronomie, une introduction au systeme du monde, un abrege de la sphere, et une methode pour determiner les differences en longitudes des villes et des ports de mer. 8 Paris, 1744. FONTENELLE (BERNARD le BOUYER de). Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes, precedes de 1'astronomie des dames par J. de Lalande. 8 Paris, 1826. FORLI (PAOLO oft MIDDLEBURG, Vescovo di). See Middleburg (P. de), Foros. Episcop. FORMAN ( ). A new theory of the tides. 8 London, 1822. (Two copies.) FORSTER (J.). Observations sur 1'influence des cometes, adressecs a M. Arago. 8 Aix la Chapelle, 1836. FORSTER (WILLIAM). See Anonymous. Addition (an) unto the use of the circles of proportion, &c. 4 1633. (Mathematics.) FORTUNATUS [MAJONI] a Brixia. De ccelo et astris. See Fovtuna- tus [Majoni] a Brixia. Philosophia sensuum mcchanica, &c. 4 1756. ( Natural philosophy, General works on.) 146 ASTRONOMY. FOSTER (SAMUEL). See Collins (J.). Geometricall Dyalling. 4 1659. . The description of a quadrant. See Gunter (E.). The works, &c. 4 1680. (Mathematics.) Elliptical or azimuthal (circular, and rectilineal or diametrical) horo- iphy, comprehending severall wayes of describing dials. 4 ion, 1654. . The description and use of the nocturnal ; with the addition of a ruler shewing the measures of inches and other parts of most countries, compared with our English ones. 4 . The art of dialling, shewing how to describe the hour lines ; also to find the hour of the day and the azimuth of the Sun ; with a supplement performing all the instrumental work of the quadrant by calculation, by the help of the canons of sines and tangents. 4 London, 1675. FOURIER ( J. B. Jos.). Analyse des travaux de 1' Academic des sciences pendant 1828. See Fourier (J. B. J.). Analyse, &c. 4 [1829.] (Ma- thematics.) FOURNIER (GEORGES). Hydrographie, contenant la theorie et la pra- tique de toutes les parties de la navigation, fol. Paris, 1667. FRANCCEUR (L. B.). Astronomie pratique ; usage et composition de la connaissance des terns. 8 Paris, 1830. . Uranographie, ou traite elementaire d'astronomie, a 1'usage des per- sonnes peu versees dans les mathematiques. 8 Paris, 1828. FRANKLIN (BENJAMIN). See Pownall (T.). Hydraulic and nautical ob- servations, &c. 4 1787- FREYCINET (Louis de). Voyage autour du monde execute sur les corvettes VUranie et \aPhysicienne pendant 1817-1820; navigation et hydrographie ; 1 vol. in 2 pts. 4 Paris, 1826. * FRISI (PAOLO). See Frisius (P.). FRISIANI (PAOLO). See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ann. 1825, 1826, 1828, 1830. 8 FRISIUS (GEMMA RAINERIUS). See Apianus (P.) et Frisius (G.). Cos- mographia, &c. 4 1584. . De fractionibus astronomicis, &c. See Frisius (G. R.). Arithmeticae practicae methodus, &c. 8 1581. (Mathematics.) FRISIUS (PAULUS). De insequalitatibus motus planetarum. See Fri- sius (P.). Dissertationum variarum tomus secundus, &c. 4 1761. (Mis- cellaneous.) . Cosmographia. See Frisius (P.). Operum tomus in, &c. 4 1782, &c. (Mathematics.) . De uniformitate diurni telluris motus. See Hennert (J. F.), et Frisius (P.). Dissertationes de uniformitate, &c. 4 . Cosmographies physicaeet mathematics pars prior. 4 Mediolani, 1774. Wants the second part. FROLIN (ANDREAS). Dissertatio astronomica de Mercurio in Sole ob- servato Lundae die vi Maji 1753 ; praes. N. Schenmark. 4 Londini Gothorum, [1754.] FROMMIUS (GEORGIUS). Dissertatio astronomica de mediis quibusdan ad astronomiam restituendam necessariis. 4 Hafnicc, 1642. . Responsio ad J. B. Morini defensionem astronomise restitutae. 4 Hafnicc, 1645. FRYTSCHIUS (MARCUS.) Meteororum, hoc est, impressionum aerearum loci. See Frytschius(M.). Meteororum, c. 8 1563. (Chemistry. FULIGATTI (GiuLio). DC gli horiuoli a Sole. 1 Ferrara,l61f. ASTRONOMY. 147 G. GABRIEL a Dullendio. See Dullendio (G. a). GADBURY (JOHN). revetfXiaXoym ; or the doctrine of nativities, containing the whole art of directions and annual revolutions ; whereby any man may be enabled to discover the accidents of his life ; also tables for calculating the planets' places ; together with the doctrine of horarie questions; 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. London, 1658. . Obsequium rationabile ; or a reasonable service performed for the coelestial sign Scorpio against the attempts of that grand imposter W. Lilly. 12 London, 1675. . The just and pious Scorpionist ; or the nativity of that thrice excel- lent man Sir Matthew Hales, who was born in the year of our Lord 1609, on Wednesday, Nov. i, 7h.8' mane, under the ccelestial Scorpion, astrologically consider'd. 4 London, 1677. GADROYS (CLAUDE). Le systeme du monde selon les trois hypotheses, oil conformement aux loix de la mechanique Ton explique, dans la supposition dumouvement de laTerre,les apparences des astres,lafabrique du monde, la formation des planetes, la lumiere, la pesanteur, &c. 12 Paris, 1675. GALBRAITH (WILLIAM). Astronomical tables. See Galbraith (W.). Mathematical and astronomical tables, &c. 8 1827. (Mathematics.) GALIANO (DioNisio ALCALA). See Alcala Galiano (D.). GALILEI (GALILEO). Epistola de iis quae post editionem Nuncii Siderei ope perspicilli in coelo deprehensa sunt. See Keplerus (J.). Diop- trice. 4 1611. (Optics.) . Dialogo sopra i due massimi sistemi del mondo, Tolemaico e Coper- nicano. 4 Fiorenza, 1632. (Two copies.) . Nov-antiqua SS. patrum et theologorum doctrina de sacrae scripturae testimoniis in conclusionibus mere naturalibus, Italico idiomate conscripta, nuncvero juris publici facta cum Latina versione Italico textui simul ad- juncta ; [with an appendix containing] Excerptum ex D. a Stunica co- mentariis in Job c. 9. v. 6. 4 Augusta; Treboc, 1636. . Sidereus nuncius, magna spectacula pandens, quae, perspicilli bene- ficio, sunt observata in Lunae facie, fixis innumeris, lacteo circulo, stellis nebulosis ; apprime vero in quatuor planetis circa Jovis stellam, quos author Medicea Sidera nuncupandos decrevit. 4 Venetiis, 1610. GALLET (Jo. CAR.). Mercurius sub Sole visus Avenione die 7 a Nov. 1677. 4 Avenione, [1677.] GAMACHES (ETIENNE-SIMON de). Astronomie physique, ou principes generaux de la nature appliques au mecanisme astronomique, et com- pares. aux principes de la philosophic de M. Newton. 4 Paris, 1740. GAMBART ( ). See Collections. Observations astronomiques, &c. fol. 1825. GANIVETUS (JOHANNES). Amicus medicorum. See Toledo (G.). Epistola astrologiae defensiva. 4 1508. GARIBI (JOANNES). De phaenomenis ostentis, anno 1641 ad 1650 ; opusculum cum interpretationibus L. Busseri, C. Lamberti, S. de Huerta, C. Brahae. 4 Venetiis, 1651. GASSENDUS (PETRUS). Institutio astronomica juxta hypotheses tarn veterum quam Copernici et Tychonis ; accedunt ejusdem varii tractatus astronomici. 4 Hagcc Comitum, 1656. GASSENDUS (PETRUS). The vanity of judiciary astrology. 8 Lon- don, 1659. Imperfect. L 2 148 ASTRONOMY. GASSENDUS (PETRUS). Tychonis Braliei vita; accessit N. Copernici, G. Peurbachii, et J. Regiomontani, vita. 4 Hagai Comitum, 1655. GAUBIL (ANTOINE). Histoire de 1'astronomie Chinoise ; traite de 1'astronomie Chinoise. See Souciet (E.). Observations mathematiques, &c. 4 1729. (Miscellaneous.) GAULD (GEORGE). Observations on the Florida kays, reef, and gulf; with directions for sailing along the kays from Jamaica by the Grand Cayman and the west end of Cuba ; also a description of the coast of West Florida between Spiritu Santo and Cape Sable [and] of East Florida, between Cape Florida and Cape Canaveral. 4 London, 1796. GAULLE (J. B. de). See De Gaulle (J. B.). GAURICUS (LUCAS). See Ptolomseus (C.). Omnia opera, geographica excepta. fol. 1541. GAUSS (FEDERICO). Soluzione di un problema d' astronomia sferica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1810. 8 . Determinatio attractionis quam in punctum quodvis positionis datce exerceret planeta, si eius massa per totam orbitam, ratione temporis, quo singulas partes describuntur, uniformiter esset dispertita. 4 Gottinya:, 1818. . Theoria motus corporum coelestium in sectionibus conicis Solem am- bientium. 4 Hamburgi, 1809. GAUTIER (ALFRED). Essai historique sur le probleme des trois corps, ou dissertation sur la theorie des mouvementsde la Luneet desplanetes, abstraction faite de leur figure. 4 Paris, 1817. GAZA or GAZIS (THEODORUS). See Theodorus Gaza. GELPKE (AUGUST HEINRICH CHRISTIAN). Allgemeine Darstellung der oberflachender Weltkorper unseres Sonnengebietes besonders der Erde, des Mondes, des Venus, und des Merkur's, zur Vergleichung ihrer wundervollen Na turban e und merkwiirdigen Naturkrafte. 4 Leipzig 1811. GEMINUS RJiodius. Isagoge [or] elementa astronomiee. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630. . Introduction aux phenomenes celestes. See Ptolemseus (C.), et Theon Alex. Table chronologique. 4 1819. GEMMA (RAINERIUS) Prisms. See Frisius (G. R.). GENEBRARDUS (GILBERTUS). Chronographia in duos libros distincta. fol. Paris, 1567. GENEVOIS (J. A.). Some new inquiries tending to the improvement of navigation. 8 London, 1760. GERLACH (FRIEDR. WILH.). Die Bestimmung der Gestalt und Grosse der Erde, wie auch der Vorritckung der nachtgleichen Schwankung der Erdaxe, Verhaltniss der Massen von Sonn, Erd, und Mond, &c. 8 Wien, 1782. GERMANICUS (CAESAR). See Aratus Solensis. Phasnomena. 8 1793.' . See Aratus Solensis et Germanicus (C.). Les phenomenes. 4 1821. GIROLAMI (Gio. BATTISTA de'). Manifesto intorno alia realmente fattibile scoperta della longitudine. 4 [ Venezia, 1794.] GLANDEVA (UGOLINO MARTELLI, Vescovo di). See Martelli (U.) Ves. di Gl. GOAD (J.). Aphorisms and discourses of the bodies coelestial, their natures and influences, fol. London, 1686. GODIN (Louis). Connoissancp. des temps pour 1731-1734. Licutaud (,].). Connoissuncc des temps, &c. 12 rorlriea ; epitomes liber quartus, quo physioa coelestis, 162 ASTRONOMY. sive principia doctrinse theoricae demonstrantur ; libri v, vi, vn, quibu* doctrina theorica comprehenditur. 8 Francofurti, 1635. KEPLER (JOHN). Somnium, seu opus posthumum de astrononaia lunari, divulgatum a Lud. Kepplero filio. 4 Sagani Silesiorum $ Franco- furti, 1634. . Tabula? Rudolphinae. fol. Ulmce, 1627. KIESELBACH (JOHANNES). Calendarium Julianum cum tabula prae- cipuorum festorum mobilium ad LX annos extensa ; cui praefixa est doc- trina isagogica de legitima forma annorum Julianorum et serae Christiana? ; in fine vero adiecta dissertatio chronologica de vero anno passionisChristi. 4 Stetini, 1641. KING (PHILIP PARKER). Sailing directions for the coasts of Eastern and Western Patagonia from Port St. Elena on the east side, to Cape Tres Montes on the west side, including the Strait of Magalhaens and the sea coast of Tierra del Fuego. 8 London, 1832. KIRBY (THOMAS). See Bowditch (N.). The improved practical navi- gator. 8 1809. KIRCHERUS (ATIIANASIUS). Iter extaticum cceleste praelusionibus et scholiis illustratum a G. Shotto ; accessit iter exstaticum terrestre, et synopsis mundi subterranei. 4 fferbipoli, 1660. KLINGENSTIERNA (SAMUEL). See Duneus (S.). Dissertatio de aberratione stellarum fixarum. 4 [1742.] . See Wjkstrom (A.). Methodus geometrica determinandi orbitas, &c. 4 1749. (Mathematics.) KLOSTERMANN (J.). Recherches sur le d%r du meridien entre Paris et Amiens, &c. See Klostermann (J.). Recherches, &c. 4 1799. (Mathematics.) KLUBER (Jon. LUDW.). Die Sternwarte zu Mannheim beschrieben. 4 Mannheim, 1811. KNIGHT (JOHN). Sailing directions for the road of Leghorn. 4 London, 1797. KONIGSBERG (JOHAN MULLER von). See Regiomontanus (J. M.). KOSTERMANN (J.). [On the measure of a degree of the Earth by Musschenbrock.] Fr. 12 [1788.] KRAFFT (WOLFFANGUS LUDOVICUS). See Eulerus (L.). Theoria mo- tuum Lunse. 4 1772. KRAMP (CHRETIEN). Analyse de refractions astronomiques et terre- stres. 4 Strasbourg, 1798. (Optics.) KRAYENHOFF (CORN. ROD. TEOD.). Precis historique des operations astronomiques faites en Hollande, &c. See Krayenhoff (C. R. T.). Precis des operations geodesiques, &c. 4 1815. (Mathematics.) KREIL (CARLO). See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1833. 8 . Sammlung der Formeln aus der Astronomic. See Kreil ( C.). Sammlung der nothwendigsten mathematischen Formeln, &c. 8 1831. (Mathematics.) KUNISPERGER (JOANNES MULLER). See Regiomontanus (J. M.). L. LAC AILLE (NICOLAS Louis de). See Desplaces (P.), Lacaille (N. L. de), et Lalande (J. J. Le F. de). Ephemerides. 4 1716, &c. . Tabulae solares. See Eulerus (L.). Novae Tabulae lunares. 8 1772. . Tabulae solares. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1764. 8 . Astronomiae fundamenta novissimis Solis et stellarum observation!- ASTRONOMY. 163 bus stabilita, Lutetiae et ad Caput Bonae Spei peractis. 4 Parisiis, 1757. LACAILLE (NICOLAS Louis de). Coelum Australe stelliferum, sen ob- servationes ad construendum stellarum Australium catalogum institutes in Africa ad Caput Bonae Spei. 4 Parisiis, 1763. . Observations faites au Cap de Bonne Esperance pour servir a de- terminer le parallaxe de la Lune, de Mars et de Venus, 4 1752.] . The elements of astronomy deduced from observations, and demon- strated upon the mathematical principles of Newtonian philosophy: with practical rules, whereby the principal phenomena are determined ; to which is annexed a treatise of projection in general ; translated by J. Robertson. 8 London, 1750. LA CONDAMINE (Cn. MAR. de). Mesure des trois premiers degres du meridien, &c. See La Condamine (C.M.). Mesure, &c. 4 1751. (Ma- thematics.} . Reponse de M * * * a la lettre de Bouguer sur divers points d'astronomie pratique. 4 [Paris, 1754,] LACOUDRAYE DELOYNES ( de). Theorie des vents. 8 Fon- tenay, 1786. ~V . Theorie des vents et des ondes. 8" Copenhague, 1796. . 8 Paris, an x. (1802.) LACY (JOHN). The universal system ; or mechanical cause of all the appearances and mouvements of the visible heavens ; with a dissertation on comets. 8 London, 1779. LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN PAPILLON de). See Papillon de La- ferte (D. P. J.) LAGRANGE (JOSEPH-LOUIS). See Academies, &c. Acad. des Sciences de Prusse. Recueil de tables astronomiques. 8 1776. LAHIRE (GABRIEL PHILIPPUS de). Regiae Scientiarum academiae ephemerides juxta observationes ad meridianum Parisiensem ad annum 1701. 4 Paris, 1700. . Tabulae astronomicae in quibus Solis, Lunae reliquorumque planeta- rum motus traduntur, habenturque prsecipuarum fixarum in nostro ho- rizonte conspicuarum positiones; ineundi calculi method us cum geo- metrica ratione computandarum eclipsium exponitur. 4 Parisiis, 1727. LALANDE (JOS.-JEROME LE FRANCOIS de). See Anonymous. Tables astronomiques, &c. 4 1792. See Desplaces (P.), Lacaille (N. L. de), et Lalande (J. J. Le F. do)- Ephemerides. 4 1716, &c. . See Encyclopedic methodique. Mathematiques. 1784, &c. (Miscel- laneous.) . Astronomic des dames. See Fontenelle (P.). Entretiens sur la pluralite des mondes. 8 1826. See Halley (E.). Tables astronomiques. 8 1754, &c. . Tabulae lunares et solares, &c. See Hell (M). Ephemerides, an. 1764. 8 . Tabula? perturbationum, aberrationum et nutationum, &c. See Hell (M.), Ephemerides, an. 1765. 8 Connoissance des temps, pour 1760-1775 ; 1796-1806. See Lieu- taud (J.). Connoissance des temps. 12 and 8 1702, &c. . Abrege d'astronomie. 8 Paris, 1795. . Astronomie ; 3 vols. 4 Paris, 1792. . Bibliographic astronomiqne; avec 1'histoire de Tastronomie depuis M 2 164 ASTRONOMY. 1781-1802 ; [to which is added] Table des matieres par Cotte. 4 Paris, 1803. LALANDE (JOS.-JEROME LE FRANCOIS de). Exposition du calcul as- tronomique. 8 Paris, 1762. . Histoire celeste Francaise, contenant des observations faites pai plusieurs astronomes Francais ; vol. i. 4 Paris, 1801. . Histoire de 1'astronomie pour 1805. (Extrait du ' Magasin Ency- clopedique,' numero de Mars 1806.) 8 . Memoire sur le passage de Venus observe le 3 Juin, 1 769, pour ser- vir de suite a 1'explication de la carte publiee en 1764. 4 Paris, 1772. . Reflexions sur les cometes qui peuvent approcher de la Terre. 8 Paris, 111?.. (Two copies.) Traite du flux et du reflux de la mer d'apres la theorie et les obser- vations. 4 Paris, 1781. LAMBERT (JEAN-HENRI). See Academies, &c. Acad. des Sciences de Prusse. Recueil de tables astronomiques. 8 1776. , Description d'une table ecliptique formant un tableau vrai de toutes les eclipses tant de la Lune que de la Terre. 12 Berlin, 1765. . Insigniores orbitae cometarum proprietates. 8 Augustce Vindeli- corum, 1761. LAMBERT (WILLIAM). Message from the President of the United States [J. Monroe], transmitting a report of W. Lambert, on the sub- ject of the longitude of the Capitol of the United States. 8 Washing- ton, 1822. LAMBERTUS (CLAUDIUS). See Garibi (J.). De phaenomenis ostentis an. 1641, &c. 4 1651. LANDE (JOSEPH-JEROME LE FRANCOIS de la). See Lalande (J. J. L. F.). LANDEN (JOHN). Animadversions on Dr. Stewart's computation of the Sun's distance from the Earth. 4 London, 1771. LANE (MICHAEL). Directions for navigating part of the coast of La- brador, from Cape Charles to Sandwich Bay. 8 London, 1810. . Directions for navigating part of the coast of Newfoundland, from Point Lance to Cape Spear. 4 London, 1810. . Directions for navigating part of the coast of Newfoundland, from Cape Spear to Cape Bonavista. 8 London, 1810. . Directions for navigating the Bay of Placentia from Cape Chapeau Rouge to Cape St. Mary on the south coast of Newfoundland. 8 London, 1810. LANSBERGIUS (PHILIPPUS). Commentationes in Motum Terra? di- urnum et annuum, et in verum adspectabilis Cceli typum; in Latinum versae a M. Hortensio una cum ipsius praefatione. 4 Middelburgi, 1630. . Progymnasmatum astronomiae restitutse ; liber i, de motu Solis. 4 Middelburgi, 1619. . Tabulae motuum ccelestium perpetuae; item novae et genuinse mo- tuum coelestium theoricae, et astronomicarum observationum thesaurus ; 3 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Middelburgi & Lugduni Batavorum, 1632. -> Uranometrise libri tres. 4 Middelburgi, 1631. . Verklaeringhe van het ghebruyck des Astronomischen ende Geo- metrischen Quadrants ; van nieus oversien ende vermeerdert met het maecken van den astronomischen ende geometrischen Quadrant door D. Goubard. 4 Middelburch, 1633. LANTZ (JOANNES). Appendix fractionum astronomicarum. See Lantz (J.). Institutionum arithmetioarum libri iv. 8 1630. (Mathematics.) ASTRONOMY. 165 LAPLACE (PiERRE-SiMON de). /Equationes pro supputationeinaequali- tatuin Saturni, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1789. 8 . Mecanique celeste by Bowditch. See Laplace (P. S. de). Me- canique celeste, &c. 4 1829. (MecJianics.) . Traite de mecanique celeste. See Laplace (P. S. de). Traite, &c. 4 1799, &c. (Mechanics.) . . ; V ol. v. 4 1823. (Mechanics.) . Theorie de 1'action capillaire. 4 1806. (Mechanics.) . . Supplement a la theorie, &c. 4 (Mechanics.) . . Supplement au dixieme livre du traite, &c. 4 (Mechanics.) . Exposition du systeme du monde ; 2 vols. 8 Paris, an iv. [1796-3 . . 4 Paris, an vn. (1799.) . . 4.0 paris^ 1813 . . . 4 Paris, 1824. . Precis de 1'histoire de 1'astronomie. 8 Paris, 1821. . Theorie du mouvement et de la figure elliptique des planetes. 4 Paris, 1784. LA PRISE (R. GERVAIS de). Methode nouvelle et generate pour tracer les cadrans solaires ; principes et usage du comput de 1'art de verifier les dates. 8 Caen, 1781. LAX (W.). Tables to be used with the nautical almanac, for finding the latitude and longitude at sea. 8 London, 1821. LEADBETTER (CHARLES). Astronomy of the satellites of the Earth, Jupiter, and Saturn ; also new tables of the motions of the satellites of Jupiter and Saturn ; to which is added a problem to find the latitude of the place by the altitude of the Sun, Moon, or star, upon any azimuth. 8 London, 1729. LE BALLEUR (). See Balleur ( le). LE BOYER (J.). See Boyer (J. le). LEFEVRE d'ETAPLES (JACQUES). See Faber (J.) Stapulensis. LEGENDRE (Aon. MARIE). Expose des operations faites en 1787 pour la jonction de 1'Observatoire de Paris et de Greenwich. See Cassini (J. D.). Expose, &c. 4 1790. (Mathematics.) . Methode pour determiner la longueur du quart de meridien. See De- lambre (J. B. J.). Methodes analytiques, &c. 4 1799. (Mathematics.) . Nouvelles methodes pour la determination des orbites des cometes, avec un supplement contenant divers perfectionnemens de ces methodes et leur application aux deux cometes de 1805. 4 Paris, 1806. . Second supplement. 4 [Paris, 1820.] LEGENTIL de la GALAISIERE (GUILL. HYAC. Jos.). Voyage a 1'occasion du passage de Venus sur le disque du Soleil, &c. See Legentil de la Galaisiere (G. H. J.). Voyage dans les mers de 1'Inde, &c. 4 1781. (Voyages.) LELYVELD ( de). Essai sur les moyen* de diminuer les dangers de la mer, par Feffusion de 1'huile, du goudron, &c. 8 Amsterdam, 1776. LEMMENS or LEMNIUS (LEVINUS). De astrologia. See Lemmens (L.). Similitudinum ac parabolarum, &c. 12 1591. (Botany.) LEMONNIER (PIERRE-CHARLES). Description et usage des principaux instrumens d'astronomie. See Academies, &c. Academic des Sciences de Paris. Description des arts, &c. fol. 1761. (Miscellaneotts.) See Anonymous. Exposition des moyens, &c. 8 1 772. . See Anonymous. Institutions astronomiques, &c. 4 1746. See Fontaine des Crutes. . Histoire celeste, ou recueil de toutcs les observations astronomiques, 166 ASTRONOMY. faites par ordre du roi; avec un discours prclimiuaire sur les progres dc I'astronomie. 4 Paris, 1741. LEMONNIER (PIERRE CHARLES). La theorie des cometes ou 1'on traite du progres de cette partie de I'astronomie ; avec des tables pour calculer les mouvements des cometes, du Soleil et des principales etoiles fixes. 8 Paris, 1743. . Observations de la Lune, du Soleil et des etoiles fixes, ou Ton donne le mouvement de la Lune en ascension droite, determine independamment de la parallaxe, et les nouvelles recherches pour constater 1'inclinaison de 1'orbite lunaire au plan de 1'ecliptique ; (avec un discours sur les eclipses du Soleil ; 1'on examine les erreurs principales du quart de cercle mural destine aux observations de la declinaison des astres ; suivies de nouvelles recherches sur les refractions astronomiques, et principalement sur les refractions horizontales ;) 4 vols. fol. Paris, 1751-1773. LEONTIUS Mechanicus. See Aratus Solensis. Qmvopera, &c. 4 1559. . De sphaera Aratea. See Aratus Solensis. Phenomena. 8 1793, &c. . La sphere. See Aratus Solensis et Germanicus (C.). Les pheno- menes. 4 1821. . KaruffKevfjs'ApaTeias atyaipas. See Firmicus (J.). Astronomicorum libri octo. fol. 1499. LEOVITIUS or LEOWITZ (CYPRIANUS). Tabula positionum pro ele- vatione poli 49 gr. SO min. ad nativitatum directiones necessario perti- nens. See Bartschius (J.). Planisphaerium stellatum, &c. 4 . Methodus procedendi in directionibus, &c. See Regiomontanus ( J. M.). Tabulae directionum et profectionum. 4 1.551, &c. . Eclipsium omnium ab a, 1554 usque ad 1606, accurata descriptio ac pictura ad meridianum Augustanum ita supputata, ut quibusvis aliis facilime accommodari possit. fol. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1556. . Ephemeridum novum atque insigne opus ab an. 1 556 usque in 1 606 supputatum ; accesserunt ; 1 , eclipsium typi elegantissimi ; 2, expedita ratio constituendi coelestis thematis, cum tabulis e quibus motus plane- tarum haberi possunt ; 3, brevis ratio geneses indicandi ; 4, loca stel- larum fixarum ab a. 1 349 usque in 2029 ; 5, themata quatuor anni tem- porum ; 2 vols. fol. Augusta Vindelicorum, 1 557- . Tabulae positionum pro variis ac diversis poli elevationibus ad di- rectiones necessario pertinentes ; summa cura supputatae. 4 Au- gusta Vindelicorum, 1551. LE PRINCE (H. S.). Essai d'interpretation du zodiaque circulaire de Denderah. 8 Paris, 1829. LEROND rf'ALEMBERT (JEAN). See Alembert (J. L. d'). LEROY (PIERRE). Expose succinct des travaux de MM. Harrison et Leroy, &c. See Leroy (P.). Expose, &c. 4 1768. (Miscellaneous.) . Precis des recherches pour la determination les longitudes. See Leroy (P.). Precis, &c. 4 1773. (Miscellaneous.) . Suite du precis sur les montres marines, &c. See Leroy (P.). Suite, &c. 4 1774. (Miscellaneous.) . A memoir on the best method of measuring time at sea. 8 Lon- don, 1766. LESAGE (G. L.). Lucrece Newtonien. SeeLesage(G.L-) Lucrece, &c. 4 (Mechanics.) LESCALLIER (DANIEL). Du greement des vaisseaux. See Lescallier (D.).^Traite pratique, &c. 4 1791. (Miscellaneous.) Vocabulaire des termes de marine Anglais et Francais 3 pts. 1 Paris, an vi. (1798.) ASTRONOMY. F67 LESEUR (THOMAS). See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophise naturalis prin- cipia, &c. 4 1739, &c. (Mechanics.) 40 1760> (Mechanics.) LETELLIER (FRANCOIS-CESAR COURTANVAUX). See Courtanvaux (F. C. Le T.). LEUPOLDUS Austria. Compilatio de astrorum scientia, decem conti- nens tractatus. 4 Augusta Vindelicorum, 1489. LEVEQUE (P.). Tables generates de la hauteur et de la longitude du nonagesime, calculees pour toutes les latitudes terrestres. 2 vols. 8 Avignon, 1776. . See Juan y Santacilia (J.). Examen maritime, &c. 4 1783. (Me- chanics.) LEXELL (JOHANNES ANDREAS). See Eulerus (L.). Theona motuum Lunae. 4 1772. Recherches sur la nouvelle planete decouverte par M. Herschel et nommee Georgium Sidus. 4 St. Petersbourg, [1783.] LEYBOURN (WILLIAM). See Gunter (E.). The works of. 4 1680. (Ma- thematics.) . The description and use of Gunter's quadrant ; to which is added the use of Nepiar's bones in multiplication, division, and extrac- tion of roots ; with the addition of Gunter's quadrant in taking the de- clination of a plain, by C. Leadbetter. 8 London, 1731. LIBAVIUS (ANDREAS). Deelamatio de cometa anni 1604, et G. Voetii exercitatio de prognosticis cometarum. 4 Amstelodami, 1665. LiCETUS (FORTUNIUS). De Lunse subobscura luce prope conjunctiones, et in eclipsibus observata. 4 Utini, 1642. LIEDBECK (LARS). See Austrin (O.). linea meridiana. 4 1751.] . See Berggrund (J.). Dissertatio mathematica de horologiis meri- dianis. 4 [1751.] . See Ekmark (P.). Dissertatio... de parallaxi Lunge. 4 [1740.] . See Fagraeus (J. T.). Dissertatio astronomica magnitudines corpo- rum coelestium sistens. 4 [1751.] . See Wastrin ( A.). Dissertatio... de mensura temporis. 4 [1751.] LIESGANIG (JOSEPH us). Dimensio graduum meridian! Viennensis et Hungarici. 4 Vindobonce, 1770. (Two copies.) LIEUTAUD (JACQUES). Connoissance des temps; pour 1702 1729 [wanting two vols. for 1720 & 1728], 26 vols. 12& 8 [continued from 1731, 1730 being wanting, to 1734 by Godin, 4 vols. 12; from 1735- 1759 by Maraldi, 25 vols. 12 & 8; from 1760-1775 by Lalande, 16 vols. 8; from 1776-1787 by Jeaurat, 12 vols. 8; from 1788-1794 by Mechain, 7 vols. 8; from 1796, the vol. for 1795 being anonymous, to 1806 by Lalande, whose name however does not appear in the title of the work, 11 vols. 8; the vols. for 1807 & 1808 are wanting; and those for 1809-1838 are anonymous, 30 vol-. 8: altogether] 135 vols. 12 & 8 Paris, 1702-1835. This work was begtin in 1679 by Picard ; in 1760 Lalande was appointed by the academy to superintend its publication. Two indexes have been compiled lo render the collection more generally useful from this year to 1822. The first index from 1760 to 1805, is by L. Cotte, and is inserted at the end of the vo- lume for the year of the French Republic xiv; that for 18OG-1822, by Mathieu, is inserted at the end of the volume for the year 1822. The work was edited under the direction of the Acadcniie dcs Sciences from 1679 to 1791, and since then under that of the Hurenu dcs Longitudes. The title from 1762-1767 was Connoissance des mouvcmens celestes. 168 ASTRONOMY. LIMPO (MANGEL Do ESPIRITO SANTO). Principios de tactica navaL 8 Lisboa, 1797. LINDENAU (BERNARDUS). Investigatio nova orbitae a Mercuric cir- ca Solem descriptae ; accedunt tabulae planetae ex elementis recens re- pertis et theoria gravitatis illustr. de Laplace constructs. 4 Gothce, 1813. . Tabulae Martis novae et correctas ex theoria gravitatis clarissimi de Laplace et ex observationibus recentissimis erutse. 4 Eisenbergce, 1811. Tabulae Veneris novae et correctae ex theoria gravitatis cl. de Laplace, et ex observationibus recentissimis in specula astronomica Seebergensi habitis erutae. 4 Gothce, 1810. LINDENAU (BERNHARD von) und BOHNENBERGER (J. G. F.). Zeit- schrift fur Astronomie ; vols. i-iv. 8 Tubingen, 1816-1818. LINDENBROGIUS (HENRICUS). See Censorinus Grammaticus. De die natali. 8 1695. LINTON (ANTHONY). Newes of the complement of the art of navigation and of tae mightie empire of Cathaia, together with the straits of Anian. 4 London, 1609. LISLE (JOSEPH-NICOLAS de). See Delisle ( J. N.). LITTROW (J. J.). Annalen der K.K. Sternwarte in Wien ; vols. in, VH-XI; fol. Wien, 1823; 1827-1831. . Theoretische und practische Astronomie; 3 vols. 8 Wien, 1821- 1827.. . Cber den gefiircheten Kometen des gegenwartigen Jahres 1832 und uber Kometen iiberhaupt. 8 Wien, 1832. LOCHER (Jo. GEO). Disquisitiones mathematical, de controversiis et novitatibus astronomicis, sub praesidio C. Scheiner. 4 Ingolstadii, 1614. (Two copies.) LONG (ROGER). Astronomy ; 2 vols. 4 Cambridge, 1742-1764. LONGOMONTANUS (CHRISTIANUS SEVERNIUS). Astronomica Danica; cum appendice de stellis novis et cometis ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Awste- lodami, 1640. LOSSIUS (LucAs). Cisio Janus; hoc est Kalendarium syllabicum ; item indices seu tabellas insigniorum historiarum mundi et ecclesiae. 4 VittcbergcB, 1551. LOVENORN (P. de). Directions for the Kattegat, &c. See Dessiou (J. F.). Directions for navigating in... the North Sea. 8 1816. LOW (JoiiN CHRISTOPHER). Dissertatio philosophica inauguralis de iis quse veteres philosophi de magnitudine telluris memoriae prodiderunt. 4 Ltigduni JKatavorum, 1808. LOYS de CHESEAUX (JEAN PHILIPPE). Memoires posthumes sur di- vers sujets d'astronomie et de inathematiques, avec de nouvelles tables des moyens mouvemens du Soleil et de la Lune. 4 Lausanne, 1754. . Traite dc la comete qui a paru en Decembre 1743, et en Janvier, Fevrier et Mars 1744; contenant, outre les observations de 1'auteur, celles qui ont etc faites a Paris par M. Cassini, et a Geneve par M. Calandrini. 8 Lausanne 2$ Geneve, 1 744. LUBBOCK (JOHN WILLIAM). See Anonymous. Six maps of the stars, &c. fol. 1830. . Account of the ' Traite sur le flux et reflux dc la mrr' of D, Bernoulli: and a treatise on the attraction of ellipsoids. 8 London, 1830. ASTRONOMY. 169 LUBBOCK (JOHN WILLIAM). An elementary treatise on the compu- tation of eclipses and occultations. 8 London, 1835. (Two copies.) . On the determination of the orbit of a comet ; (from the Memoirs of the Astronomical /Society.) 4 London, 1829. . On the determination of the distance of a comet from the Earth, and the elements of its orbit. 8 London, 1832. (Two copies.) . On the. theory of the Moon and on the perturbations of the planets ; [with a table showing the arguments, which, by their combination with other arguments, by addition and subtraction, produce given arguments;] 2 pts. 8 London, 1833. ; [with a table showing the arguments, which, by their com- bination with other arguments, by addition and subtraction, produce other arguments ; and an appendix containing expressions of Plana in the notation, and with the arguments in the order hitherto employed ; from the Theorie du mouvement de la Lune ;~\ 2 pts. 8 London, 1834. . On the theory of the moon and the perturbations of the planets ; pt. ii. 8 London, 1836. LUBIENIETZ (STANISLAUS de). Theatri Cometici pars prior, commu- nicationes de cometis 1664 et 1665 cum viris per Europam cl. habitas, continens ; pars posterior, historia cometarum a diluvio ad a. 1665 histo- riae universalis synopsin quandam continens ; et theatri cometici exitus, de significatione cometarum; 3 pts. in 2 vols. fol. Amstelodami, 1666- 1668. LUCCIO ( VIXCENZIO di). Treatise on the currents in the Gulf of Venice from Comacchio to Otranto, and all the way over to within 10 miles of the Albanian and Morlachian shores. 8 London, 1806. LUDLAM (W.). Astronomical observations made in St. John's College Cambridge, in the years 1767 and 1768, with an account of several astronomical instruments. 4 Cambridge, 1769. . An introduction and notes on Mr. Bird's method of dividing astro- nomical instruments ; to which is added a vocabulary of English and French technical terms. 4 London, 1786. LYDIAT (THOMAS). Canones chronologici, nee non series summorum magistratuum et triumphorum Romanorum ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 Oxonia, 1675. LYNN (THOMAS). Nautical and astronomical tables comprising several particularly adapted for the mean atmospherical refractions in the East and West Indies, as well as in temperate and frigid zones. 8 London, 1825. . Solar tables for working the longitude by chronometer, or for finding the latitude by double altitudes of the sun or stars calculated to six places of figures for every second of 6 hours of half elapsed and middle time, and to 9 hours of rising. 8 London, 1822. . Star Tables, Number II. for the year 1823 for more readily ascer- taining the latitude and longitude at sea during the night, &c. 8 Lon- don, 1822. . Table; containing the latitudes of places with their longitudes from Greenwich, alphabetically arranged ; also the variation of the compass, the time of high water, and the number of feet it rises. 8 London, 1824. 1/0 ASTRONOMY. M. "1%/T ACCLESFIELD (GEORGE PARKER), Earl of. Remarks upon the lYl Solar and the Lunar years, the cycle of 19 years, commonly called the Golden Number, the Epact, and a method of finding the time of Easter. 4 London, 1750. . Speech in the House of Peers, 18th March, 1750, at the second reading of the bill for regulating the commencement of the year, &c. 4 London, 1751. MACHA-ALLAH. See Messahalah. M ACHIN (JOHN). The laws of the Moon's motion. See Newton (Sir I.). The mathematical principles translated by Motte. 8 1729. (Mechanics.) . . . 8 1803. (Mechanics.) MACKAY (ANDREW). The theory and practice of finding the longitude at sea or land ; to which are added various methods of determining the latitude of a place, and variation of the compass, with new tables ; 2 vols. 8 London, 1793. MACKENZIE (MURDOCH). A treatise on marine surveying ; with a supplement by J. Horsburgh. 8 London, 1819. (Two copies.) MACLAURIN (COLIN). Newton's philosophical discoveries. See Mac- laurin (C.). An account of Sir I. Newton's, &c. 4 1748. (Meclta- nics.) . 8 1750. (Mechanics.) MADDY (W.). The elements of the theory of plane astronomy. 8 Cambridge, 1826. MAGELLAN (JEAN-HYACINTHE). Collection de differens traites sur des instrumens d'astronomie, physique, &c. en 2 parties, dont la l re con- tient; un memoire sur la nouvelle construction des octans et sextans a reflexion ; la description des octans et sextans Anglois ; un appendix sur un double sextant : la 2 e partie contient ; la description des nou- veaux instrumens circulaires a reflexion ; des quadrans astronomiques mobiles ; des nouveaux barometres portables ; un essai sur la chaleur ; sur les collections d'instrumens ordonnees par la Cour d'Espagne ; sur le nouveau remede de Mr. Mudge pour la toux ; 2 vols. 4 Paris et Londres, 1775-1780. * . Description des nouveaux instrumens circulaires a reflection pour observer avec plus de precision des distances angulaires sur mer, et du changement fait aux sextans ordinaires pour obtenir une partie des memes avantages. 4 Londres, 1779. Description des octants et sextants Anglois, ou quarts de cercle a reflection, avec la maniere de se servir de ces instrumens pour prendre toutes sortes de distances angulaires. 4 Paris, 1775. MAGINUS (JOANNES ANTONIUS). Novae coelestium orbium theoricae congruentes, cum observationibus N. Copernici. 4 Venetiis, 1589. MAHOMETUS ALBATENIUS or ALBATEGNIUS. De scientia stella- rum liber cum aliquot additionibus J. Regiomontani. 4 Bononice, 1645. MAIGNAN (EMANUEL). Perspectiva horaria, sive de horographia gno- monica libri quatuor ; in quibus praecipuam admirationem habet thau- mantias catoptrica atque dioptrica ; lux quoque suas ibi habet par- tes, ubi ratio redditur reflexionum ac refractionum ; consequitur metho- dus telescopium efficiendi. fol. Romee, 1648. (Two copies.) MAIRE (CHRISTOPHOR.) et BOSCOVICH (R. J.). De literaria expedi- tione ad dimetiendos duos meridiani gradus. Sec Mairc (C.) et ASTRONOMY. IJl Boseovich (R. J.). De literaria expeditione, &c. 4 1755. {Mathema- tics.) MAIUS (ANGELUS). See Eusebius (P.). Chronicorum canonum libri duo. 4 1818. . See Samuel Aniensis. Temporum usque ad suam aetatem ratio. 4 1818. MAJONI (FORTUNATO). See Fortunatus [Majoni] a Brixia. MAJOR (J.-F.). Abrege de la sphere, suivi de la description de sa sphere mouvante. 8 Paris, 1823. MALKIN (Sir BENJAMIN). See Anonymous. Astronomy. 8 1830, &c. MALLEMANS or MALLEMENT de MESSANGES (CLAUDE). Nou- veau systeme du monde. 4 [Paris, 1679.] MALLET (FREDRICK). Allmann eller Mathematisk Beskrifning om Jordklotet, met Cosmographiska sallskapets bifall forfattad. 8 Upsala, 1772. MANFREDI (EUSTACHIO). Parere sopra il manoscritto dell' opera pasquale. See Bettazzi (J.). Epitome operis paschalis. 4 1733. . See Blanchinus (F.). Astronomies ac geographicae observationes. fol. 1737. . De annuis inerrantium stellarum aberrationibus. 4 Bononite, 1729. . Ephemerides motuum coelestium ex anno 1715 in annum 1725 e Cassinianis tabulis ad meridianum Bononiae supputatae ; 2 vols. 4 Bo- nonia;, 1715. Instituzioni astronomiche. 4 Bologna, 1749. Introductio in ephemerides cum opportunis tabulis ; editio altera in qua exempla, quae sub praeceptis proponuntur ad ephemerides ex an. 1751 in an. 1762 supputatas, accommodata sunt, 4 Sonoma, 1701. . Novissimae ephemerides motuum coelestium e Cassinianis tabulis ad Meridianum Bononiae supputatae ex anno 1741 in annum 1750. 4 Bononice, 1739. M ANILIUS (MARCUS). Astronomicorum Libri v. See Firmicus (J. M.). Astronomicorum Libri vin. fol. 1499. . . Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551. Astronomicon libri quinque. 4 Wanting the titlc-p ge. . J. Scaliger recensuit ; ejusdem commentarius in eosdem li- bros ; lectiones cum notis F. Junii Biturigis ; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 8 Ba- sika, 1590. . ; interpretatione et notis ac figuris illustravit M. Fayus ; ac- cesserunt P. D. Huetii animadversiones, et Scaligeri notae ; 2 pts. in vol. 4 Parisiis, 1679. ; accessere M. T. Ciceronis Arataea, cum interpretatione Gallica et notis ; edente A. G. Pingre; 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1786. MARALDI (JEAN-DOMINIQUE). Connoissance des temps pour 1735- 1759. See Lieutaud (J.). Connoissance des temps, &c. 12 and 8 1702, &c. MARCOZ (J. B. P.). Astronomie solaire d'Hipparque, soumise a une critique rigoureuse, et ensuite rendue a sa veritS primordiale. 8 Paris, 1828. .,_ . Astronomic solaire simplified, fondee sur los observations tant an- cienncs quc du moyen agp, ot prouvant IVxcIus-ion dos variations sueu- 172 ASTRONOMY. laires theoriques introduites dans les calculs dcs lieux du Soleil. 8 J'aris, 1832. MARCOZ (J. B. P.). Erreur des astronomes et des geometres d'avoir adniis 1'acceleration seculaire de la Lune, en prenant pour des observa- tions reelles les recits d' eclipses de 1'Almageste, tandis qu'ils ne sont que drs ealculs faits par Ptolemee avec ses tables. 8 Paris, 1833. M ARECHAL (GUILLAUME-ANTOINE). Quelques idees nouvelles sur le systeme de 1'univers. 8 Paris, 1810. MARINONIUS (JOANNES JACOBUS). De astronomica specula domes- tica et organico apparatu astronomico libri duo. fol. Viennce Aus- tria-, 1745. MARIVETZ (ETIENNE-CLAUDE de). See Anonymous. Observations sur quelques objets d'utilite publique, &c. 8 1786. MARIVETZ (ETIENNE-CLAUDE de) et GOUSSIER (L. J.). Tableau de ciel; theorie des planetes. See Marivetz (E. C. de) et Goussier (L. J.). Physique du monde, &c. vols. n and in. 4 1780, &c. (Miscellaneous.) . Tables des planetes. 4. (Two copies.) MARTELLI (HUGOLINO), Vescovodi Glandeva. La chiave del calendaro Gregoriano. 8 Lione, 1583. MARTIN (BENJAMIN). Principles of navigation. See Martin (B.). A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institutions. 8 1759, &c. (Mathematics.) . The theory of comets illustrated. 4 London, 1 757. MARTINI (GEORG HEINRICH). Abhandlung von den Sonncnuhren der Alten. 8 Leipzig, 1777. MASCHA-ALLAH. See Messahalah. MASKELYNE (NEVIL). Vie. See Delambre (J. B. J.). Notice sur la vie de, &c. 4 1813. . See Almanacks. Nautical (the) Almanac [for 1767-1 8 10]. 8 1766, &c. . Resultat des observations sur la montre de Mr. Harrison. See Harrison (J. and W.). Principes, &c. 4 1767- (Miscellaneous.) . Micrometrum prismaticum, sive novum instrumentum angulos par- vos metiendi. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1780. 8 1756, &c. An account of the going of Mr. J. Harrison's watch, at the Royal Observatory, from May the 6th, 1766, to March 4-th, 1767 ; together with the original observations and calculations of the same ; [to which are addedj Comparisons of Mr. Harrison's watch with the mean time calculated from observed transits of the Sun over the meridian; an appendix containing observations of equal altitudes of the Sun taken at Portsmouth, Jamaica, and Barbadoes, according to Mr. Harrison's watch, upon the two voyages made to the West Indies for the trial of the same ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 London, 1 767. . An answer to a pamphlet entitled a ' Narrative of FacteJ lately pub- lished byT.Mudge,jun., relating to some time-keepers constructed by his father T. Mudge ; [with appendix;] 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 London, 1792. . Astronomical observations made at Greenwich ; vol. 1, observ. from 1765 to 1774, observed dist. of the fixed stars and planets from the zenith, tables for computing the apparent places of the fixed stars and reducing observations of the planets, 3 pts. ; vol. 2, observ. from 1775 to 1786, observed distances from the fixed stars and planets from the zenith, observations taken with the zenith sector, 3 pts.; vol.3, observ. from 1786 to 1788, observed distances from the fixed stars and planets from the zenith. 2 pts. ; vol. 1, observ. from L789 to 1810, observed ASTRONOMY. 1/& distances of the fixed stars and planets from the zenith, 2 pts. ; 4- vols. ibl. London, 1776-1811. (Two copies.) MASKELYNE (NEVIL). Concise rules for computing the effects of re- fraction and parallax in varying the apparent distance of the Moon from the Sun or a star ; also an easy rule of approximation for computing the distance of the Moon from a star, the longitudes and latitudes of botli being given. 4 London, 1765. . Instructions on the ensuing transit of Venus over the Sun's disc on the 3rd of June, 1769. 8 London, 1768. (Two copies.) . Tables for computing the apparent places of the fixt stars and re- ducing observations of the planets, fol. London, 1774. . Tables requisite to be used with the nautical ephemeris. 8 Lon* don, 1781. . Tables requisite to be used with the nautical ephemeris for finding the latitude and longitude at sea ; [followed by] the explanation and use of the Tables ; 3rd edition ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 London, 1802. . Appendix to the 3rd edition of the requisite tables, being new tables of natural sines, natural versed sines, and logarithms of numbers. 8 London. *. . The British mariner's guide, containing instructions for the disco- very of the longitude at sea and land, within a degree, to which are added an appendix containing rules tending to the improvement of practical navigation, and a set of correct astronomical tables. 4 Lon- don, 1763. MASON (CHARLES). See Mayer (T. T.). Lunar tables improved. 4 1787. MASSIERE ( ). Reflexions critiques sur le systeme de 1'attraction, avec une nouvelle idee sur la precession des equinoxes, sur le terns, et sur la pesanteur. 12 Nice, 1759. MATHIEU (CLAUDE-LOUIS). See Collections, &c. Observations astro- nomiques, &c. fol. 1825. . Table alphabetique des matieres et des tables contenues dans les volumes de la Connoissance des terns depuis 1806 jusqu'en 1822 inclu- sivement. See Lieutaud (A.). Connoissance des temps, &c. ; an 1822. 8 1702, &c. MAUPERTUIS (PiERRE-Louis MOREAU de). See Anonymous. Ex- amen desinteresse des differens ouvrages qui ont etc faits pour deter- miner la figure de la terre. 8 1741. . Astronomic nautique, ou elemens d'astronomie tant pour un obser- vatoire fixe, que pour un observatoire mobile. 8 Paris, 1743. . Discours sur les differentes figures des astres, d'ou Ton tire des conjectures sur les toiles qui paroissent changer de grandeur, et sur 1'anneau de Saturne. 8 Paris, 1732. . La figure de la Terre determinee par les observations de Mauper- tuis, Clairaut, Camus, Lemonnier et Outhier, accompagnes de M. Cel- sius, au Cercle Polaire. 8 Paris, 1738. . Jordens Figur vid Norra Pol-Cirkelen, giorda Observationen. 12 Stockholm, 1738. MAURI (ALIMBERTO). Consideration! sopra alcuni luoghi del Discorso di L. delle Colombe intorno alia stella apparita 1604. 4 Firenze, 1606. MAURO Fiorentino. See Sacro-bosco (.1. de). Annotation! sopra la let- tione della spera, &c. 4 1550. MAUROLYCUS (FRANCISCUS). See Autolycus. De sphera quae inove- tur, &c. 4 1587. (Mathematics.) 174 ASTRONOMY. MAUROLYCUS (FRAXCISCUS). Opuscula mathematica ; de sphaera liber unus ; computus ecclesiasticus ; tractatus instrumentorum astrono- micorum ; tractatus de lineis horariis ; Euclidis propositiones, elemen- torum libri xm, solidorum tertii, regularium corporum primi; musicas traditiones; de lineis horariis libri tres. 4 Venetiis, 1575. (Two copies.) Wanting a 2nd pt., 'Arithmeticorum libri duo '; for which see Mathematics* MAXIMUS Monachus. Computus ecclesiasticus. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630. MAYER (CHRISTIANUS). See Ehlen (J. P. E.). Altitude poll Speculae ...quae est Schwetzingae. 4 [1766.] Basis Palatina. See Mayer (C.). Basis, &c. 4 1763. (Mathema- tics.) See Mezger (J.). Tabulae aberrationis, &c. 8 1778. . Directio Meridiani Palatini per speculam Electoralem arcis aestivae Schwetzingensis ducti, observationibus et calculis definita. 4 Heidel- bergce. Imperfect. Expositio de transitu Veneris ante discum Solis die 23 maii 1769. 4 Petropoli, 1769. . Solis et Lunae eclipseos observatio astronomica facta Schwetzingae anno 1764, diebus 17 martii et 1 aprilis comparata pluribus Europae celebrioribus observationibus. 4 Mannheimii, 1765. MAYER (JOANNES TOBIAS). De refractionibus astronomicis commen- tatio. 4 Norimbergce, 1781. MAYER (TOBIAS). Catalogue of stars. See Baily (F.). Mayer's catalogue of stars corrected, fol. 1830. Opera inedita; vol. i, commentationes Societati Regiae Scientiarum oblatas, quae integrae supersunt, cum Tabula Selenographica, complec- tens : edidit et observationum appendicem adjecit G. C. Lichtenberg. 4 GottingcB, 1775. . Tabulae motuum mediorum Lunae. See Eulerus (L.). Novae ta- bulae lunares. 8 1772. Tabulae lunares. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1764. 8 Tabulae perturbationum, aberrationum et nutationum, &c. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1765. 8 . Tabulae lunares. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1772. 8 Astronomical observations made at Gottingen from 1756 to 1761, [pt. 1, observations for the year 1756;] pt. 2 containing observations for the years 1757-1761 ; Lot. 2 vols. fol. London, 1826. (Two co- pies.) Bericht von den Mondskugeln. 4 [Niimberg,'] 1750. Tabulae motuum Solis et Lunae novae et correctae; quibus accedit methoduslongitudinumpromota: editae jussu praefectorum rei longitudi- narisa [by N. Maskelyne], Lot. fy Eng. 4 Londini, 1770. Lunar tables, improved by C. Mason. 4 London, 1787. Theoria Lunae juxta Systema Newtonianum. 4 Londini, 1767. MAYERUS (ANDREAS). Observations Veneris Gryphiswaldenses ; qui- bus adiecta est M. L. H. Rohlii observationis de transitu Veneris per Solem expositio. 4 Gryphiswaldice, 1762. MAYR (ANTONIUS). See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1777 & 1778. 8 MAZURE DUHAMEL ( ). Memoire sur 1'astronomie nautique dans lequel on discute plusieurs methodes pour avoir 1'heure et la latitude, &c. 4 Paris, 1822. ASTRONOMY. 175 MECHAIN (PIERRE-FRANCOIS-ANDRE). Expose des operations faites en 178? pour la ionction de 1'Observatoire de Paris et de Greenwich. See Cassini (J. D.). Expose, &c. 4 (Mathematics.) . Mesure de 1'arc du meridien compris entres les paralleles de Dun- kerque et de Barcelone. See Delambre (J. B. J.). Base du systeme metrique, &c. 4- 1806, &c. (Mathematics.) . Connoissance des terns, pour 1788-94. See Lieutaud (J.) Con- noissance des temps, &c. 12 & 8 1702, &c. MEDINA (PEDRO de). Arte de navegar, en que se contienen todas las reglas y avisos que a la buena navegacion son necessarios. fol. Valla- dolid, 1545. . L' arte del navegar, tradotta de lingua Spagnola in volgar Italiano. 4 Vinetia, 1554 & 1555. MEGERLINUS (PETRUS). Systema mundi Copernicanum, arguments invictis demonstratum et conciliatum theologise. 12 Amstelodami, 1682. MELANCTHONor MELANTHON (PHILIPPUS). Pnefatio, &c. See Sa- crobosco( Libellus de sphaera. 8 1563. MELANDERHJELM (DANIEL). Astronomic forfattad och til Trycket befordrad af Kongl. Vetenskaps Academien i Stockholm ; 2 vols. 8 Stockholm, 1795. MENDOZA y RIOS (JOSEF de). A complete collection of tables for navigation and nautical astronomy. 4 London, 1805. . Tables for facilitating the calculations of nautical astronomy, and particularly of the latitude of a ship at sea and that of the longitude, containing the natural versed-sines to every 10 seconds, and the loga- rithmic sines, double sines, versed sines, &c., to every minute from to 180 degrees. 4 London, 1801. . Tratado de navegacion ; 2 vols. 8 Madrid, 1787. MENGOLI (PIETRO). Refrattioni e parallasse solare. 4 Bologna, 1670. MENTELLE (EDME). Cosmographie elementaire, divisee en parties astronomique et geographique. 8 Paris, 1781. MERCATOR (NICOLAS KAUFFMAN). Chart. See Norwood (R.). Epitomy, &c. 12 1669. (Mathematics.) Institutionum astronomicarum libri duo, cum tabulis Tychonianis Solaribus, Lunaribus, Lunae-Solaribus, et Rudolphinis Solis, fixarum, et quinque errantium ; accedit appendix de iis quae novissimis temporibus ccelitus innotuerunt ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 Londini, 1676. MERCIER (LOUIS-SEBASTIEN). De 1'impossibilite du systeme astrono- mique de Copernic et de Newton. 8 Paris, 1806. MESSAHALAH, or MESSAHALLACH, or MESEHELLA, or MES- SUHALAH. See Collections. Liber novem judicum, &c. 4 1509. . De ratione circuli et stellarum, et qualiter in hoc seculo operentur. See Firmicus (J. M.). Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551. De receptionibus planetarum, &c. See Ptolomaeus (C.). Liber quadripartiti, &c. fol. 1493. . De scientia motus orbis. 4 Nurmberg, 1504. MESSANGES (CLAUDE MALLEMENT de). See Mallement de Mes- sanges (C.). MESSIER (CAROLUS). Observationes cometae qui apparuit an. 1780. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1782. 8 METIUS (ADRIANUS). Opera omnia astronomica, editio instrumentis 176 ASTRONOMY. mathematicis aueta a Guil. Blaeu ; Primum Mobile explicatum in sphasra, plaiiisphserio, triangulis sphaerieis, tabulis astronomicis [] loxodro- micis, lineamentis geometricis ; de theoria et motu Solis ; canon sinuum tangentium et secantium ad radium 10,000,000 ; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4- Amstelodami, 1632 & 1633. MEZGER (JOANNES). Tabulae aberrationis et nutationis in ascensionem rectam et declinationem insigniarum CCCLII stellarum ; cum aliis ta- bulis eo spectantibus ; cum praefatione C. Mayer. 8 Mannhemii, 1778. MICHAEL Hesronita. Kalendarium juxta S. Nicaenum I. Concilium, Gregorianamque ad ejusdem concilii praescriptum emendationem, nee non et antiquum orientalium computum ; Syriac, 4 Rom(B,\62>1. MICHELOT (HENRY). Le portulan de la Mer Mediterranee, ou le vrai guide des pilotes costiers. 4 Amsterdam, 1709. M1DDLEBURG (PAULUS de), Episcopus Forosemproniemis. Paulina de recta Paschae celebratione et de die Passionis Jesu Christi. fol. Forosempronii, 1513. MIDDLETON (CHRISTOPH.). A reply to the remarks of Arthur Dobbs on Capt. Middleton's vindication of his conduct on board His Ma- jesty's ship the Furnace, when sent in search of a North-West passage, by Hudson's Bay, to the Western American Ocean. 8 London, 1744. . Forgery detected ; by which is evinced how groundless are all the calumnies cast upon the editor, in a pamphlet published under the name of A. Dobbs, Esq. 8 London, 1745. . A reply to Mr. Dobbs's answer to a pamphlet, entitled, Forgery de- tected. 8 London, 1745. . A rejoinder to Mr. Dobbs's reply ; in which is exposed his ignorance of tides, &c. 8 London, 1745. MILLIET DECHALES (CLAUDIUS FRANCISCUS). Navigatio astrolabia, gnomonica, astronomica, &c. See Milliet Dechales (C. F.). Cursus seu mundus mathematicus. fol. 1674. (Miscellaneous.) . fol. 1690. (Miscellaneous.} MIVERIUS (DANIEL). Apologia pro Ph. Lansbergio ad Jac. Christ- mannum, in qua prop. 16. lib. iv. Triangulorum Lansbergii itemq. Regio- montani, Copernici ac aliorum doctrina defenditur ; multa quoque de observationibus, refractionibus, parallaxi ac similibus disseruntur ; adiici- tur ephemeris motus Solaris a. 1603. 8 Mittelburgi, 1602. The date is ClD VC II ; which has been believed to mean 1597 by supposing it to want D, thus making CIODVCII, and taking VC to mean V from C, as XC means ninety. But VC probably means five [hundred] and one hundred, that is, six hun- dred. The dedication, dated iv id. Augusti CID.VC.II, begins: < Emisit ante annos decem .... Phil. Lansbergius suam triangulorum geometriam,' &c. The ' Geometria triangulorum' was published in 1591 ; that is, full ten years before 1602. MIZALDUS (ANT.). Cometographia. 4 Parisiis, 1549. . Harmonia superioris naturae mundi et inferioris quibus annectuntur paradoxa doctrinae coelesti accomodata. 8 Parisiis, 1577. MOEBIUS (AUGUSTUS FERDINANDUS). De computandis occultationibus fixarum per planetas, dissertatio astronomica. 4 Lipsiae, 1815. . De minima variatione azimuth i stellarum circulos parallelos uni formiter describentium commentatio. 4 Lipsice, [1816.] MOHAMMED-BEN-DJABIR-BEN-SENAN, AL-BATTANY, AL- HARRANY. See Mahometus Albatenius. MOHAMMED TARAGHI or TIZINUS. Tabula? declinationum et ASTRONOMY. 1/7 rectarum ascousionum. See Ulugh Beigh ( M. M. T.). Tabulae long. ac latit. stellarum, &c. 4 1665. MOLL (CAROLUS ERENBERT de). Calendarium anni 141 1, ex laminis ligneis perantiquis, arte lithographiae descriptum. 4 Monachii, 181 4-. MOLL (GERARD). Oratiode vitanda in astronomiae studio fingendi teme- ritate, et coeli observatione quam diligentissime instituenda. 8 Trnjccti ad Rhenum, 1819. MOLLET (JOSEPH). Etude du ciel, ou connaissance des phenomenes astronorniques, mise a la portee de tout le moride. 8 Li/on, 1803. MOLYNEUX (WILLIAM). Sciothericum tekscopiciim, or a contrivance of adapting a telescope to an horizontal dial for observing the moment of time by day or night ; with proper tables requisite thereto. 4 Dub- lin, 1686. MONNIER (P.). Description nautique des cotes fie la Martinique, pre- cedee d'un mthnoire sur les operations hydrographiques et g6odesiques exe"cutees dans cette ile en 1824 et 1825.' 8' Paris, 1828. MONNIER (PIERRE CH. le). See Lemonnier (P. C.). MONROE (JAMES). Message, &c. See Lambert (W.). Message from the President of the U. S., &c. 8 1822. MONTANARI (GE'MINIANO). Copia di lettera scritta al Magliabeeohi intorno alia nuova cometa apparsa quest' anno 1682 sotto i piedi dell' Orsa Maggiore. 4 Padova, 1682. MONTEIRO DA ROCHA (J.). Memoires sur 1'astronomie pratique. 4 Paris, 1808. MONTEREGIO (JOANNES MCLLER de). See Regiomontanus (J. M.). MONTLIVAULT (E. de). See Anonymous. Conjectures sur la reunion de la Lune a la Terre, &c. 8 1821. Essai de cosmologie, ou inemoire sur la cause et la nature des mouv( - mens celestes; sur la cause et la nature de la lumiere. 4 Pans, 1826. . Lettres cosmologiques, 1 -8 ; 2 pts. 4 Paris 1 828, and Tours 1835. . Lettre addresse a Sir J. Herschel sur la cause de 1'aberration de la lumiere et sur celles du retard et d'avance dans les eclipses des satellites de Jupiter. 4 Tours, 1835. MOORE (Sir JONAS). Cosmography ; navigation ; the doctrine of the sphere. See Moore (Sir J.). A new systeme of the mathematicks. 4 1681. ( Miscellaneous. ) Ichnographia Speculae Regiae Grenovici exquisite facta. 4 \_Lon- dini,~] 1676. MORINUS (JOANNES BAPTISTA). Astronomia jam a fundamentis in- tegre et exacte restituta complectens ix paries scientiae longitudinum, qua cujusvis astri visi et cujus vis Terrse loci in quo fit statio, longitudo et latitude detegi queunt. 4 Parisiis, 1640. (Two copies.) . Coronis astronomiae jam a fundamentis restitutae quarespondetur ad introductionem in theatrum astronomicnm C. Longomontani. 4 Pa- risiis, 1641. (Two copies.) MORLAND (Sir SAMUEL). A perpetual almanack. See Morland (Sir S.). The description and use of two arithmetick instruments, &c. 12 1673. (Mathematics.) MORRIS (GAEL). See Anonymous. Tabulae. 4 [1763.] MORRISON (JOHN ROBERT). The Anglo-Chinese kalendar and register lor 1832, corresponding with the 29th year of the Chinese cycle of 60 years, \\hieh 29th year corn me noes on the 2nd of February, 1832. 8 Macao, 178 ASTRONOMY. MOSSOTTI (OTTAVIANO FABRIZIO). Nuova analisi del problema di determinar le orbite de' corpi celesti ; pte. l ma . See Cesaris (A. de). Ef- femeridi, &c. ; an. 1817. 8 Nuova analisi, &c.; pte. 2 da . See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1818. 8 . Supplemento alia nuova analisi, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effeme- ridi, &c. ; an. 1819. 8 -^ Formole per determinare gli assi del Sole. See Cesaris (A. de): Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1820. 8 Sulla rotazione del Sole. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1821. 8 . Opposizione di Giove nel 1820. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1822. 8 MOUNTAINE (WILLIAM). A description of the lines drawn on Gun- ter's scale with their use exemplified in astronomy. See Moun- taine (W.). A description, &c. 8 1778. (Mathematics.) MOUTON (GABRIEL). Observationes diametrorum Solis et Lunae appa- rentium, meridianarumque aliquot, altitudinum Solis, et paucarum fixa- rum, cum tabula declinationum Solis constructa ad singula graduum Eclipticae scrupula prima ; adjecta est brevis dissertatio de dierum natu- ralium insequalitate, et de temporis aequatione ; una cum nova mensu- rarum geometricarum idea. 4 Litgduni, 1670. MUDGE (W.). Sailing directions for Dublin bay, and the coast from thence to Strangford. 8 London. MULERIUS (NICOLAUS). See Copernicus (N.). Astronomia instaurata. 4 1617. Tabulae Frisicae Lunae-Solares quadruplices e fontibus C. Ptolemaei, Regis Alfonsi, N. Copernici, et T. Brahe ; quibus accessere Solis tabulae totidem. 4 Alcmarice, 1611. MtlLLER (JOANNES), Regiomontanus. See Regiomontanus (J. M.). MtlLLER (W.). On the use of a knowledge of astronomy and geogra- phy. 8 London, [1829.] MUNSTERUS (SEBASTIANUS). Kalendarium Hebraicum. 4 JBasilece, 1527. MURDOCH (PATRICK). Nouvelles tables loxodromiques, ou applica- tion de la theorie de la veritable figure de la Terre, a la construction des cartes marines reduites; traduit par M. de Bremond. 8 Paris, 1742. MURPHY (P.). The anatomy of the seasons. See Murphy (P.) The anatomy, &c. 8 1834. (Chemistry.) . Rudiments of the primary forces of gravity, magnetism, and elec- tricity, in their agency on the heavenly bodies. 8 London, 1830. MURRAY (MuNGo). The rudiments of navigation, with the construction of the table of logarithms, the lines on the plain and Gunter's scales, the tables of sines, of meridional parts, of difference of latitude, &c. 8 London, 1760. MYERS (THOMAS). See Rossel ( de). A practical treatise of finding latitude, &c. 8 1815. N. NAUTICAL ALMANAC. See Almanacks. Nautical (the) almanac, &c. NEANDER (ANDREAS HAQUINI). Character chronologicus Newtonia- nus ; praeside A. Celsio. 4 Upsalice, [1743.] NENZELIUS (NICOLAUS). Dissertatio astronomica de situ locorum geo- ASTRONOMY. 179 graphico ex Soils eclipsi determinando ; praeside N. Schenmark. 4- Londini Gothorwn, [1755.] NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). Excerpta e principiis. See Newton (Sir I.). Excerpta quaedam e principiis, &c. 4 1765. (Mechanics.) . See Clarke ( J.). A demonstration of some sections of Sir I. New- ton's principles, &c. 8 1730. (Mechanics.) . Principia. See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophise naturalis principia. 4- 1687. (MecJianics.) . 4 1713. (Mechanics.) . 4 1714. (Mechanics.) . . . fol. 1726. (Mechanics.) . 4 1739, &c. (Mechanics.) . . 4. 1760. (Mechanics.) . The mathematical principles of natural philosophy. See Newton (Sir I.). The mathematical principles, &c. 8 1729. (Mechanics.) . . . 8 1803. (Mechanics.) Principia. See Wright (J. M. F.). A commentary, &c. 8 1828. (Mechanics.) . The chronology of ancient kingdoms amended ; to which is prefixed a short chronicle from the first memory of things in Europe to the con- quest of Persia by Alexander the Great. 4 London, 1728. . Opera quae extant omnia ; commentariis illustrabat S. Horsley ; 5 vols. 4 London, 1779-1785. ( Two copies.) NEWTON (JOHN). Primum mobile, or tables shewing the declinations, right ascensions, &c. of the Sun and other planets. See Newton (J.). A help to calculation. 4 1657. (Mathematics.) . A description and use of the globes. See Newton (J.). Mathema- tical elements. 4 1660. (Mathematics.) . Astronomia Britannica ; exhibiting the doctrine of the sphere, and theory of the planets, decimally, by trigonometry, and by tables ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 London, 1657. . Cosmographia, or a view of the terrestrial and coelestial globes, in a brief explanation of the principles of plain and solid geometry applied to surveying and gauging of casks ; the doctrine of the primum mobile, with an account of the Giulian and Gregorian calendars ; to which is added an introduction unto geography. 8 London, 1679. NICEPHORUS CALISTUS. De astrolabio. See Nicephorus Calistus. Logica, &c. fol. 1498. (Miscellaneous.) NICOLLET ( ). See Brousseaud ( ) et Nicollet ( ). Memoire sur la mesure d'un arc du parallele. 8 1825. . See Collections. Observations astronomiques, &c. fol. 1825. NIETO (DAVID). Pascalogia, overo discorso della Pasca. 12 Colonia, 1702. (Two copies.) NOBLE (S.). The astronomical doctrine of a plurality of worlds irrecon- cilable with the popular systems of theology, but in perfect harmony with the true Christian religion ; with additional strictures on Dr. Chal- mers. 8 London, 1828. NOEL (FRANCISCUS). Observationes mathematics et physicae in India et China factae ab anno 1684 ad 1708. 4 Praga, 1710. NOLAN (FREDERICK). Deposition made, under oath, by an ecclesiastic, to attest the spoliation of a learned foreigner [Wronski] by the British Board of Longitude. 8 London, 1822. NORIE (J. W.). A complete set of nautical tables, containing all that are requisite, with the nautical almanac, in keeping a ship's reckoning 180 ASTRONOMY. at sea, and in ascertaining the latitude and the longitude by celestial observations. 8 London, 1818. NORIE (J. W.). A set of linear tables for correcting the apparent di- stance of the Moon from the Sun or a fixed star for the effect of refrac- tion ; to which are added tables for parallax, and rules for computing the true distance. 8 London, 1820. . A new and complete epitome of practical navigation ; with instruc- tions for keeping a strict reckoning ; with the most approved methods of ascertaining the latitude and the longitude, including a journal of a voyage from London to Madeira ; to which is added, a new and correct set of tables ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 London, 1822. NORWOOD (RICHARD). An universal almanack. See Norwood (R.). Epitomy, &c. 12 1669. (Mathematics,} NOVIOMAGUS (JOHANNES). See Beda, Presbyter. Opuscula com- plura de temporum ratione. fol. 1537. NUNNESIUS(P.J.). JS(P. J.). SeeCensorinusGrammaticus. De die natali. 8 1695. NYEVELT ( de ZUYLEN de). See Zuylen de Nyevelt ( de). O. O'HIER de GRANDPRE (L. M. J.). See GrandprS (L. M. J. O'Hier de). OLBERS (WILHELM). Abhandlung iiber die leichteste und bequemeste Methode die Balm eines Cometen aus einigen Beobachtungen zu berech- nen mit Tafeln. 8 Weimar, 1 797. OLHOFFIUS (JOANNES ERICUS). Excerpta ex literis illust. et clariss. virorum ad J. Hevelium perscriptis, judicia de rebus astronomicis, ejus- demque scriptis exhibentia. 4 Gedani, 1683. OLIVER (ANDREW). An essay on comets. 8 Salem, 1772. OMAR. De nativitabus. See Firmicus ( J. M.). Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551. ORIANI (BARNABA). De interpolatione longitudinum et latitudinum lunae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1778. 8 Observatio eclipsis Solis 24 Jun. 1778, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1780. 8 . Observationes macularum Solis. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1780. 8 . Observationes tres Lunae, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1780. 8 . De reductione loci medii stellarum, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c. ; an. 1781. 8 . Tabulae motus horarii Lunae, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1781. 8 . De rnotu duorum horologiorum, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c. ; an. 1782. 8 . De occultatione fixarum, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1782. 8 . Observationes cometae 1779. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, (Src. ; an. 1782. 8 . De media praecessione sequinoctiorum &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1783. 8 . Observatio eclipsis Solis 1781 , &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1783. 8 . Observationes cometae an. 1781, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c. ; an. 178". 8 ASTRONOMY. 181 OR1ANI (BARN ABA). Observations Mereurii aim. 1778 & 1779, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1783. 8 Observationes satellitum Jovis. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, c.; an. 1783. 8 Oppositio Saturni, &c. ; 1781. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1 783. 8 -. Observationes macularum Jovis. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1784. . Observationes Mereurii ann. 1780 & 1781.' See Cesaris (A, de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1784. 8 Occultationes fixarum, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1784. 8 Oppositio Saturni an. 1782. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1784. 8 Observatio et tabulae novi planetae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1785. 8 Oppositio Saturni, an. 1783. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1785. 8 . De horologio .solari Italico. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1786. 8 . Observationes satellitum Jovis. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1786. 8 . De comparandis observationibus novi planetae, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1787- 8 De motu horologiorum. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1787. 8 Observationes novi planetae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1787. 8 Oppositio Martis an. 1783. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1787. 8 . Oppositio Saturni ann. 1784 & 1785. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c.; an. 1787. 8 .. De refractionibus astronomicis. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1788. 8 . ^Equationes traditae a Laplace pro supputatione inaequalitatum Saturni, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1789. 8 . De motu chronometri, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1789. 8 . Investigatio eorrectionum tabularum Urani. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridis, &c. ; an. 1789. 8 . Oppositio Saturni, &c., 1787. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1789. 8 . Oppositio Jovis cum Sole, 1791. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1793. 8 Tabulae Urani. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi &c.; an. 1793. 8 Formole analitiche dclla perturbazione dei pianeti. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1803. 8 . Formole per determinare gli errori dello stromento de' passaggi. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1803. 8 . Ineguaglianze nel movimento del nuovo pianeta Cerere, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1803. 8 Osscrva/ioni del nuovo pianeta Cerere, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1803. 8 182 ASTRONOMY. ORIANI (BARNABA). Osservazioni del nuovo pianeta Pallade. Sec Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1803. 8 . Opposizione del pianeta Cerere col Sole, an. 1804. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1806. 8 . Osservazioni di Giunone. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1806. 8 . Formole per calcolare la latitudine e la longitudine, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi &c. ; an. 1807. 8 . Opposizione di Saturno, an. 1809. See Cesaris (A. de). Effeme- ridi, &c. ; an. 1810. 8 . Soluzione di un problema d'astronomia sferica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1810. 8 . Distanze dallo zenit del Sole, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1812. 8 Occultazioni delle stelle dietro la Luna, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1814 8 . Opposizione di Marte, 1811. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1814. 8 . Opposizione di Urano, 1811. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, c.; an. 1814. 8 . Opposizione di Vesta, 1811. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1814. 8 . Opposizione di Vesta, 1812. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1814. 8 . Osservazioni della cometa del 1812. See Cesaris (A. de). Effeme- ridi, &c.; an. 1814. 8 . Osservazioni della prima cometa del 1811. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1814. 8 . Osservazioni della 2 da cometa, 1811. See Cesaris (A. de). Effeme- ridi, &c. ; an. 1814. 8 . Latitudine diBrera. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 181 5. 8 . Opposizione di Marte, 1813. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1815. 8 . Obliquita dell' Eclittica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1816. 8 . Rifrazione, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1816. 8 . Declinazioni di 40 stelle, &c. See Cesaris (A de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1817. 8 . Sulla direzione del meridiano della Specola, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1820. 8 Obliquita dell' eclittica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1821. 8 . Nota sull' equazione del centro, c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effeme- ridi, &c. ; an. 1822. 8 . Posizione geografica d' alcuni monti, c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1823. 8 . Posizione geografica di alcuni monti, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1824. 8 . Posizione geografica di alcune citta, &c. See Cesaris, (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1825. 8 . . Obliquita dell' eclittica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1826. 8 . Esempi di calcolo, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1827. 8 ASTRONOMY. 183 ORIANI (BARNABA). Misura dell' arco del meridiano, &c. See Ce- saris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1827- 8 . Nota sull' interpolation dei luoghi della Luna. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1830. 8 . Obliquita dell' eclittica. See Cesaris (A. de). Eflfemeridi, &c. ; an. 1830. 8 . Distanze dello zenit del Sole. See Cesaris ( Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1831. 8 . Opuscoli astronomici. 8 Milano, 1806. OUGHTRED (WILLIAM). The description and use of the double hori- zontall dyall, &c. See Etten (H. van). Mathematicall recreations, &c. 8 1653. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) OWEN (RICHARD). An essay on the management and use of chronome- ters. See Owen (W.F.W.). Tables of latitudes, &c. in Africa. 4 1827. OWEN (W. F. W.). Tables of latitudes and longitudes by chronometer, of places in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans, principally in the west and east coasts of Africa, the coasts of Arabia, Madagascar, &c. ; to which is prefixed an essay on the management and use of chronometers by R. Owen. 4 London, 1827. OZANAM (JACQUES). L'astronomie le Calendrier, la navigation. See Ozanam (J.). Recreations mathematiques. 8 1790. (Miscella- neous.) P. PADUANIUS (JOANNES). De compositione et usu multiformium ho- rologiorum solarium ; addiectse sunt methodi ad dignoscenda stella- rum loca et supputandas quascunque tabulas. 4 Venetiis, 1582. . Della computazione de' tempi. 4 Verona, 1590. PAGAN (BLAISE-FRANCOIS de). Le theorie des planetes. 4 Paris, 1657. PALMER (JOHN). The catholique planisphaer ; hereunto is added a brief description of the cros-staf, and a catalogue of eclipses. 4 Lon- don, 1658. . The planetary instrument ; or description and use of the theories of the planets drawn in true proportion by W. Hayes, being excellent schemes to help the conceptions of young astronomers. 4 PALMER (ROGER), Earl of Castlemaine. See Castlemaine (R. P.), Earl of. PAPILLON de LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN.) See Anonymous. Lecons elementaires de mathematiques, &c. 8 1784. (Mathematics.) PAPPUS Alexandrinus. See Aristarchus Samius. De magnitudinibus Solis et Lunae. 4 1572. PARAVEY ( de). Essai sur quelques zodiaques apportes des Indes ; extrait du numero 42 (Decembre 1833) des Annales de Philosophic Chretienne. 8 Paris. . Astronomic ancienne et Egyptienne, et astronomic chez les Japo- nais et les Chinois. 8 \_Paris.~\ PARKER (GEORGE), Earl of Maccksfield. See Macclesfield (G. P.), Earl of. PATOUN (ARCHIBALD). A complete treatise of practical navigation, with all the necessary tables ; to which are added theorems of mensu- ration, surveying and gauging, with their application to practice. 8 London, 1751. PAULUS de Middleburg Epis. Forosempron. See Middleburg (P. de). PEARSON (WILLIAM). An introduction to practical astronomy; vol. i 184 ASTRONOMY. containing tables recently computed for facilitating the reduction of celestial observations ; vol. n containing descriptions of the various in- struments that have been usefully employed in determining the places of the heavenly bodies ; 2 vols. 4 London, 1824-1829. PELL (JOHN). See Anonymous. Easter not mis-timed. 4 1664. PELLIZER (JOSEPH-EMANUEL). Denonciation faite a I'Assemblee Na- tionale de la mauvaise Connoissance des Temps, avec la correction de 1'Almanach actuel ; on y a joint la correction des poids et mesures, ou une maniere fixe de les etablir avec une egalite parfaite dans toute la Terre. 8 Paris, 1790. Memoir for the correction of time, shewing a new system of the universe. 8 [London.~\ . Prospectus, or primordial astronomical instruction; atlas of time and celestial motions in a new system of the world ; almanac of past time and that to come. 8 \_London.~\ The elements of the universal chronology, taken from the Holy Bible ; applied for the first time to the astronomical calculation of the cycles for the correction of the almanack. 8 London, 1 798. The petition of J. E. P. 8 {^London,'} 1794. PEREIRA (JosE MARIA DANTAS). See Dantas Pereira (J. M.). PERELLUS (JOANNES). Commentariolus de ratione Lunae, epactarum, et mensis intercalarii. See Theodorus Gaza. Liber de mensibus Atticis, &c. 8 1536. PERLACHIUS (ANDREAS). Ephemerides pro anno 1528. 8 Vienna Austria, [1527.] PETAVIUS (DIONYSIUS). Rationarium temporum libri xm. 2 vols. 12 Parisiis, 1663. . Uranologion ; sive systema variorum auctorum qui de sphaera ac sideribus Grace commentati sunt ; sunt autem : Gemini [&] Achilles Tatii Isagoge ad Arati phaenomena ; Hipparchi libri in ad Aratum ; Ptolemaei de apparentiis ; Theodori Gazae de mensibus ; Maximi, Isaaci Argyri, Andreas Cretensis computi ; [and also] Ptolemaei inerrantium significationes ; Calendarium vetus Romanum a Petavio. Calen. Rom. ab J. G. Hervuart editum ; Tatii fragmenta Graeca ; Tatii ad Arati phae- nomena, qui liber falso Eratostheni tribuitur ; Arati genus et vita : frag- mentum Grascum de Paschate ; fragmentum TEtii de significationibus stellarum, Gr. fy Lat. ; accesserunt dissertationum libri octo. 2 pts. in 1 vol. fol. Parisiis, 1630. PETIT ( ). Traite de 1'univers materiel, ou astronomic physique; vols. i and in. 12 Paris, 1729-1730. PETIT or PETITUS (PETRUS). Obsc-rvationes, &c. See Duhamel (J. B.). Astronoinia physica. 4 1660. . Dissertation sur la nature des cometes, avec un discours sur les pro- gnostiques des eclipses. 4 Paris, 1665. PEURBACHIUS (GEORGIUS). Vita. See Gassendus (P.). Tychonis Brahei vita. 4 1655. . Theoricae novae planetarum. See Anonymous. Sphera mundi cum tribus commentis. fol. 1499. . See Regiomontanus ( J. M.). Epitome in C. Ptolomaei mag. composi- tionem. fol. 1543. . In motus planetarum theoricae. See Sacrobusto (J. de). Sphera mundi una cum additionibus nonnullis. 4 1490. Tabulae eclypsium ; Tabula2 Primi Mobilis Joannis de Monteregio. fol. Vienna, 1514. ASTRONOMY. 185 PEZELIUS (CHRISTOPHORUS). Praecepta doctrine genethliacaa. See Camerarius (J. R.). Horarum natalium cerituria. 4- 1607. PEZENAS (ESPKIT). See Anonymous. Astronomie des manns. 8 1766. PFAFF (JOANNES FRIDERICUS). Commentatio de ortibus et occasibus siderum apud auctores elassicos commemoratis. 4 GottingtB, [1786.] PFLAUM (JACOBUS). See Stoefflerinus (J.) & Pflaum (J.). Almanach nova, &c. 4 1513. PHOCYLIDES (JOANNES HOLWARDA). UaweXriros fK\eurriKti Siawya- ovoa. ; idest, dissertatio astronomica quae occasione ultimi lunaris anni 1 638 deliquii manuductio sit at cognoscendum ; i, statum astronomiae, praesertim Lansbergianae ; u, novorum phsenomenwn exortum et interi- tum. 12 Fmnekercc, 1640. . Epitome astronomiae refonnatae generalis. 12 Franekeree, 1642. PIAZZI (GIUSEPPE). Elogio. See Filipponi (A.). Elogio di, &c. 8 1826. . Lettera (correzioni al catalogo delle stelle, &c.). See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1814. 8 Delia cometa del 1811 osservata nella Specola di Palermo dai 9 set- teinbre ai 11 gennaro 1812. 4 Palermo, [1812.] .-. Dell' obliquita dell' eclittica, memoria inserita nel torn, xi della So- cietd Itnliana delle Scienze. 4 Modena, 1804. Della scoperta del nuovo pianeta Cerere Ferdinandea ottavo tra i primieri del nostro sistema solare. 4 Palermo, 1802. . Della specola astronomica di Palermo libri quattro (quinto & sesto), 3 vols. fol. Palermo, 1792- [1806.] The title of this sixth book, forming the 3rd vol., is : Del Reale Osservatorio di Pa- lermo libra sesto. The first two vols. are duplicate. The work was continued by Cacciatore, who wrote books vn-ix. . Pnecipuarum stellarum inerrantium positiones mediae ineunte saeculo xix, ex observationibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab a. 1792 ad a. 1802. fol. Panormi, 1803. . Praecipuarum stellarum innerrantium positiones mediae ineunte saeculo xix, ex observationibus habitis in specula Panormitana ab anno 1792 ad 1813. 4 Panormi, 1814. . Ricerche su la parallasse annua di alcune delle principal! fisse, in- serite nel torn, xn della Societd Italiana delle Scienze. 4 Modena, 1805. PICCOLOM1NI (ALESSANDRO). Delle stelle fisse libro uno. 4 Ve- nelia, 1579. (Two copies.} La sfera del mondo. 4 Vinegia, 1579. (Two copies.) PICUS (JOANNES). Disputationes adversus astrologiam divinatricem quibus penitus subnervata corruit. fol. Bononite, 1495. P1GHIUS (ALBERTUS). Adversus prognosticatorum vulgus, qui annuas pnedictiones edunt et se astrologos mentiuntur, astrologiae defensio. 4 Paris, 1518. PILGRAM (ANTONIUS). See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, ann. 1769-1773. 8 Tabulae pro lunationibus faeili calculo eruendis excerptae ; ex calen- dars chronologico, inedii potissimum aevi monumentis accornmodato. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1782. 8 . Tabulae pro deductione ascensioriis rectae et declinationis planetarum of fixarum dpclinationem 34 graduum non excedentiurn ad eorum longi- tudinem et latitudinem. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1783. 8 186 ASTRONOMY. PILGRAM (ANTONIUS). Tabulae aberrationum et nutationum pro 500 fixis ; 2 pts. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, ann. 1784 & 1785. 8 PINALI ( ). Occultazione, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1822. 8 . Osservazioni astronomiche. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ann. 1 24-1 827- 8 PINGRE (ALEXANDRE GUI). See Manilius (M.). Astronomicon lib. v. 8 1786. Chronologic des eclipses visibles en Europe, en Asie, et dans la partie de 1'Afrique connu des Remains, fol. Paris, 1766. ' Cette chronologie est tiree de la nouvelle edition de 1'Art de verifier les dates.' This manuscript note is under the half-title with which the book begins. It has no title-page. . Cometographie, ou traite historique et theorique des cometes. 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1783 & 1784. . Memoire sur le choix et 1'etat des lieux ou le passage de Venus du 3 Juin 1769 pourra etre observe avec le plus d'avantage, et principale- ment sur la position geographique des isles de la mer du sud. 4 Paris, 1767. . Observations astronomiques pour la determination de la parallaxe du Soleil faites en 1'isle Rodrigue. 4 From the Memoires de VAcademie des Sciences de Paris, 1761. p. 413. PINI (VALENTINO). Fabrica degli horologi solari. fol. Venetia, 1598. PITISCUS (BARTHOLOMJEUS). Problematum variorum gnomonico- rum et astronomicorum libri decem. See Pitiscus (B.). Trigonometries libri quinque. 4 1612. (Mathematics.) PITMAN (ROBERT BIRKS). A succinct view and analysis of authentic information on the practicability of joining the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, by a ship canal across the isthmus of America. 8 London, 1825. PLACE (PIERRE SIMON de la). See Laplace (P. S. de). PLANA (GIOVANNI). See Anonymous. Operations geodesiques, &c. 4 1825. (Mathematics.) Metodo analitico per determinare la figura apparente dell' anello di Saturno, &c. See Cesaris (A. de.) Effemeridi, &c. an. 1819. 8 Osservazioni del fuochi sul monte di Fenera. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. an. 1826. 8 Recherches analytiques sur la theorie des refractions astrono- miques. See Plana (G.). Recherches analytiques, &c. 4 (Chemi- stry.) . Memoire sur la latitude et la longitude de 1'Observatoire de 1' Aca- demic de Turin. 4 Turin, 1814. . Memoire sur la partie du coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne, qui depend du carre de la force perturbatrice. 4 Turin, 1828. . Note relative au 5 me article du memoire ; sur la partie du coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne qui depend du carre de la force perturbatrice ; 24 Decem. 1828. 4 [ Turin.] . Memoire sur le developpement des terms du cinquieme ordre qui font partie du coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne. 4 Turin, 1832. . Note sur le calcul de la partie du coefficient de la grande inegalite de Jupiter et Saturne, qui depend du carre de la force perturbatrice. 4 I Turin, 1829.] ASTRONOMY. 187 PLANA (GIOVANNI). Note sur un memoire de M. de Laplace, ayant pour titre, ' Sur les deux grandes inegalites de Jupiter el Saturne; im- prime dans le volume de la Connaissance des terns pour 1'annee 1829; [to which are added] Remarque sur les formules relatives au mouve- ment de 1'orbite du dernier satellite de Saturne, obtenues par M. de La- place dans la page 13 de son memoire Sur divers points de mecanique celeste imprime dans la Connaissance des terns pour 1829; Remarque sur 1'inegalite de Mercure a longue peri ode. 4 [Turin, 1826.] ( Two copies.) . Addition relative a la premiere partie de 1'ecrit intitule Note sur un memoire, &c. 4 Turin, 1827. From the 31st vol. of the Memorie della R. Accademw di Torino. Observations astronomiques faites a 1'Observatoire de 1' Academic Royale des Sciences. 4 [Turin, 1817.] . Observations astronomiques faites en 1822-1825, en 1'Observatoire Royal de Turin; precedees d'un memoire sur les refractions astrono- miques. 4 Turin, 1828. Theorie du mouvement de la Lune ; 3 vols. 4 Turin, 1832. PL AYFORD (JOHN). Sir S. Morland's perpetual almanack, the compu- putation of years, &c. See Play ford (J.). Vade mecum, fyc. 12 1679. (Miscellaneous.) POCZOBUT ( ). Cahiers des observations astronomiques faites a 1'Ob- servatoire royal de Vilna en 1773. fol. Vilna, 1777. . Essai sur 1'epoque de 1'antiquite" du Zodiaque de Denderah. 4 Vilna, [1803.] POIREE ( ). See Bajot ( ) et Poiree ( ). Annales maritimes, &c. 8 1816. (Miscellaneous.) POISSON (DENIS-SIMEON). Memoire sur le mouvement de la Terre autour de son centre de gravite. 4 \_Paris, 1827.] POLENUS (JOANNES). Observatio Solaris eclipsis habita Patavii v. nonas maias 1715 ; accessere epistolae duae de quodam phaenomeno in eadem eclipsi observato. 4 Patavii, (1715.) POND (JOHN). See Almanacks. Nautical (the) almanac [for 1811- 1833]. 8 1766, &c. Astronomical observations, made at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich [from 1811 to 1822], published by the Royal Society at the public expense ; 4 vols. fol. London, 1815-1824. On the declinations of some of the principal fixed stars, with a descrip- tion of an astronomical circle, and remarks on the construction of circu- lar instruments; (from the Philosophical Transactions.) 4 London, 1806., PONTECOULANT ( Theorie analytique du systeme du monde. 3 vols. 8 Paris, 1829-34. PORRINO( ). See Anonymous. Operations geodesiques, &c. 4 1825. (Mathematics.) POSTELLUS (GUILLELMUS). De universitate libri duo, in quibus astronomiae doctrinae coelestis compendium (exponitur). 12 Lugduni Batavorum, 1635. POWNALL (THOMAS). Hydraulic and nautical observations on the currents in the Atlantic Ocean ; to which are annexed some notes by Franklin. 4 London, 1787. PREUSS (E.W.). Astronomische Beobachtungen auf des Herrn Capt O. v. Kotzebue zweiten Reise urn die Welt in der Landungsplatzen angestellt ; herausgegeben von W. Struve. 4 Dorpat, 1830. 188 ASTRONOMY. PRISE (R. GERVAIS dt la). See La Prise (R. G. de). PRITCHARD (CHARLES). A simple method of investigating the ellip- tieity of the Earth, &c. See Pritchard (C.). A treatise on the theory of couples. 8 1831. (Mechanics.) PROCLUS. Sphaera. See Firmicus (J.). Astronomicorum lib. vm. fol. 1499. De sphaera. See Hyginus (J.). Fabulse, &c. 8 1578. De astrolabio. See Nicephorus Calistus. Logica, &c. fol. 14-98. ( Miscellaneous.) . Hypotyposes, &c. See Ptolomaeus (C.). Omnia opera, geografica excepta. fol. 1541. . See Ptolemoeus (C.) et Proclus. Hypotheses et epoques des planetes. 4 1820. De sphaera liber ; Cleomedis de mundo, libri duo ; Arati Solensis phenomena ; Dionysii Afri descriptio orbis habitabilis ; omnia Greece et Latine. 8 Antverpite, ] 553. La sphera tradotta da E. Danti ; con le annotationi e con 1'uso della sfera del medesimo; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Fiorenza, 1573. PRONY (GASPAR-CLAiR-FRANcois-MARiERieHEefe). Instruction ele- mentaire et pratique sur 1'usage des tables des logarithmes. 12 Paris, 1834. . Notice sur les grandes tables logarithmiques et trigonometriques calculees au Bureau du Cadastre ; avec le rapport sur ces tables par Lagrange, Laplace, et Delambre. 4 Paris, an ix. [1801.] PSELLUS (MICHAEL). Astronomia. See Psellus (M.). Compendium mathematicum. 12 1647. (Miscellaneous.) PTOLEMLEUS (CLAUDIUS). Fructus. See Bonatus (G.). De astro- nomia tractatus, &c. fol. 1550. . See Collections. Liber novem judicum. 4 1509. . Quadripartitum ; de inerrantium stellarum significationibus ; cen- tiloquium. See Firmicus (J. M.). Ad Mavortium Lollianum, &c. fol. 1551. . De apparentiis. De inerrantium significatione. See Petavius (D.). Uranologion. fol. 1630. . Planisphaerium. See Ptolomseus (C.). Planispheerium, &c. 4 1558. (Mathematics.) . Della sfera. See Ptolemaeus (C.). Trattato della descrizione della sfera, &c. 4 1572. (Mathematics) . De analemmate. See Ptolemaeus (C.). Liber de analemmate. 4 1562. (Mathematics.) Almagestum. See Regiomontanus (J. M.). Epitome, &c. fol. 1496. See Regiomontanus (J. M.) et Purbachius (G.). Epitome, Ac. fol. 1543. . See Theon Alexandrinus. Commentaire sur... la composition ma- thematique, &c. 4 1821. . . Commentaire sur les tables manuelles, &c. 4 1822. . Omnia quae extant opera, geographica excepta ; Almagesti opus a G. Trapezuntio tralatum, lib. xni; de judiciis astrologicis lib. iv, quorum priores duo a I. Camerario; centum sententiae a I. Pontano versae; iner- rantium stellarum significationes per N. Leonicum traductae ; Procli Diadochi hypotyposes G. Valla interprete ; L. Gaurici annotationes. fol. Basilece, 1541." . Almagestum Cl. Ptolemeii Phrludiensis Alexandrini a.-5tronomorum ASTRONOMY. 189 principis ; opus ingens ac nobile omnes coelorum motus continens. fol. Venetiis, 1515. PTOLEM/EUS (CLAUDIUS). "Kicfteo-ts k-aiovt/o) rwv cforcyMtfp? 8 From the third vol. of Hudson's Gengraphi veteres, . Liber quadripartiti Ptholemei ; centiloquium ejusdem. Centiloquium Hermetis ; ejusdem de stellis beibeniis. Centiloquium Bethem et de horis planetarum ; ejusdem de significatione triplicitatum ortus. Cen- tum quinquaginta propositiones Almansoris. Zahel de interrogationibus : ejusdem de electionibus; ejusdem de temporum significationibus in judi- ciis. Messahallach de receptionibus planetarum ; ejusdem de interroga- tionibus ; epistola ejusdem curn duodecim capitulis ; ejusdem de revolu^ tionibus annorum mundi. fol. Venetiis, 1493. . Magnae constructionis, id est perfectaa coelestium motuum pertracta- tionis, lib. xni. Theonis Alexandrini in eosdem commentariorum lib. xr. Gr. fol. Basikce, 1538. . Mathematicse constructionis liber primus [et secundus], additae ex- plicationes aliquot locorum; ab E. Rheinholt; 2 vols. 8 Lutetice,\55G. . Composition mathematique, traduite du Grec en Francois sur les MSS. originaux de la Bibliotheque imperiale de Paris par M. Halma, et suivie des notes de M. Delambre. Gr. fy Fr. ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1813. . Sacratissime astronomic liber diversarii rerum : Quern scripsit ad Heristonem filium suu. 4 Venetiis, 1509. PTOLEM^EUS (CLAUDIUS) et PROCLUS. Hypotheses et epoques des planetes de Ptolemee, et hypotyposes de Proclus, traduites du Grec en Fran^ais, Gr. & Fr. ; suivies de trois memoires de M. Ideler sur les connoissance astroriomiques desChaldeens, sur le cycle de Meton, et sur 1'ere Persique; et precedees d'un discours preliminaire, et de deux dissertations sur les mois Macedoniens et sur le calendrier Ju- daique par Halma; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Paris, 1820. PTOLEM^EUS (CLAUDIUS), THEON Alex., &c. Table chronologique des regnes; apparitions des fixes ; et introduction de Geminus aux phe- nomenes celestes ; suivies des recherches historiques sur les observations astronomiques des anciens traduites de 1'Allemand de Mr. Ideler, et pre- cedees d'un discours preliminaire et de deux dissertations sur la re- duction des annees et des mois des anciens a la forme des notres par Halma ; 8 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Paris, 1819. . . Tables manuelles astronomiques traduites par Halma; Gr. 8$ Fr. n partie. 4 Paris, 1823. PURBACH (G.). See Peurbachius (G.). PURDY (JOHN). Tables of the positions, or of the latitudes and longi- tudes, of places, composed to accompany the ' Oriental navigator,' or sailing directions for the East Indies, China, Australia, &c. 4 London, 1816. PYE (SAMUEL). The Mosaic theory of the Solar, or planetary system 4 tendon, 1766. Q. QUENSEL (COXRADUS). Brevis manuductio ad usum globorum tarn coelestis quam terrestris. 12 Londini Gothorum, 1732. QUETELET (A.). Notes extraites d'un voyage scientifique fait en Alle- magne. See Quetelet (A.). Notes, &c. 8 1830. (Voyages.) Arinuaire de 1'Observatoire de Bruxelles pour 1'aii 1834 & 1836. 12 Bruxelks, 1834. 190 ASTRONOMY. QUETELET (A.). Astronomie elementaire. 12 Paris, 1826. . Astronomie populaire. 18 Bruxelles, 1832. . Lettre sur la construction de 1'Observatoire de Bruxelles. (Extrait de la Correspondance mathematique et physique de I'observatoire de Bruxelles, n livrais. tome vn. an 1831.) 8 [Bruxel1es.~] . Memoire sur quelques constructions graphiques des orbites planc- taires. 4 \_Bruxelks, 1825.] From the Me moires of the Academy of Bruxelles, torn. HI. R. RACINE (AMEDEE). Tables pour calculer la latitude d'un lieu par des observations de la polaire, faites sur un point quelconque de son parallele, construites sur les formules de M. Littrow. 4 [Paris,~] 1824. RAIN (IGNATIUS de}. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides, an. 1776. 8 RAPER (H.). Rules for finding distances at sea. 8 London, I SSI. RAYMARUS (NICOLAUS). Fundamentum astronomicum, id est nova doctrina sinuum...cui adiunctse sunt hypotheses motuum corporum mundanorum, &c. See Raymarus (N.). Fundamentum, &c. 4 1588. (Mathematics.) . De astronomicis hypothesibus, seu systemate mundano, tractatus astronomicus et cosmographicus. 4 JPragte, 1597. REBOUL ( ). Tables nouvelles de Venus d'apres la theorie de M. de Laplace, et d'apres les elemens de M. de Lindenau. 4 Marseille, 1811. RECORDS (ROBERTE). The castle of knowledge, fol. London, 1556. REGGIO (FRANCESCO). Dell' anello di Saturno e delle sue ditFerenti apparenze, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c. ; an. 1775. 8 . . . De veris Solis et Lunae diametris, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFe- meridi, &c.; an. 1776. 8 . Oppositio Saturni, an. 1775. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1776. 8 Determinate oppositions Jovis, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFeme- ridi, &c.; an. 1777. 8 De eclipsi solari totali 24 Junii 1778, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1778. 8 De occultatione 1 S Tauri, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c. ; an. 1779. 8 . De maxima phasi anuli Saturni exeunte an. 1780. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c.; an. 1780. 8 . Supputatio observationum eclipsis Solis 24 Jun. 1778. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c.; an. 1780. 8 . Observationes cometas, 1779. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, & P.; an. 1781. 8 . Observationes Jovis, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c.; an. 1781. 8 . Observationes occultationum siderum sub discum Lunae, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c.; an. 1781. 8 . Observationes satellitum Jovis, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFeme- ridi, &c.; an. 1781. 8 . De machinis speculoe astronomieae Mediolanensi, commentarius alter. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c.; an. 1782. 8 The first commeiitarlus on this subject is by Cesarius, and forms part of the appendix to the Ephemeris for 1780. ASTRONOMY. 191 R EGG IO (FRANCESCO). Elementa orbitae cometae 1779. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1782. 8 . De latitudine Specula Mediolanensis. See Cesaris ( Effe- meridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 . Observatio oppositionis Saturn i cum Sole an. 1780. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 Observatio oppositionis Saturni, an. 1781. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 Observations Mercurii, an. 1781, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 . Observations satellitum Jovis, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 . Observations Veneris, an. 1780. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1783. 8 . Observationes novi planetae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; 1784. 8 . Observationes Solis ab an. 1773 ad finem 1782. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1784. 8 . Supputatio obliquitatis eclipticae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1785. 8 . ^Equinoctia verna Mediolani observata ab an. 1773 ad 1783. See Cesaris (A de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1786. De refractione media astronomica, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c.; an. 1786. 8 . De motu medio Saturni & Jovis. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1787. 8 . Obliquitas eclipticae observata ann. 1783-1785. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1787. 8 Observationes Mercurii an. 1784. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1787. 8 Occultatio

) TOV r/s &c. See Thevenot (M.), Boivin (J.), et Lahire (P.). Veterum ma- thematicorum opera, fol. 1693. . Liber de machinis bellicis ; nee non liber de geodaesia a F. Barocio latinitate donati ac scholiis illustrati. 4 Venetiis, 1572. HIRE (PHILIPPE de la). See Lahire (P. de). HOBBES (THOMAS). De gravitate de motuum speciebus. See Hobbes (T.). Problemata physica. 12 1662. (Miscellaneous.) . Censura doctrinag Wallisianae de motu. See Hobbes (T.). Rose- turn geometricum, &c. 4 1671. (Mathematics.) HOENE de WRONSKI ( ). See Wronski ( H. de). HOLDER (WILLIAM). A treatise on the natural grounds and principles of harmony. 8 London, 1694. HOOD (THOMAS). The making of the sector. See Hood (T.). The making and use of the geometricall instrument, &c. 4 [1598.] (Mathematics.) HOOKE (ROBERT). Mechanical lectures. See Hooke (R.). Lectiones Cutleriance. 4 1679. (Miscellaneous.) . An hypothesis of the cause of gravity or gravitation. See Hooke (R.). The posthumous works of, &c. fol. 1705. (Miscellaneous.) HORNER (J. C.). Tables hypsometriques pour le barometre divise en pouces et lignes du pied Fran^ais, et le thermometre octogesimal. 8 Zuric, 1827. HORREBOWIUS (PETRUS). In continuam proportionem harmonicam, mathemata. See Horrebowius (P.). Operum mathematicorum torn. i. 4 1740. (Astronomy.) HORSLEY (SAMUEL), Bishop of St. David's, afterwards of Rochester. Remarks on the observations made in the late voyage towards the North Pole for determining the acceleration of the pendulum in lat. 79 50'. 4 London, 1774. HOUSE OF COMMONS. Report from the select committee of steam- navigation, together with the minutes of evidence, an appendix and in- dex, fol. London, 1831. fol. London, 1834. This is not the same report as the preceding, but has the same title, which is distinguished from the foregoing only by the date. HUET (J. M.). Les lois de la nature, les causes materielles de 1'attrac- tion devoilees. 8 Londres, 1801. (Two copies.) . Theoremata de vi centrifuga, &c. See Keill (J.). Introductio ad veram physicam. 4 1742. (Miscellaneous.) HUGENIUS or HUYGENS van ZUYLICHEM (CHRISTIANUS). De motu et vi centrifuga. See Hugenius (C.). Opuscula posthuma. 4 1728. (Miscellaneous.) Theorems concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. See Keill (J.). An introduction to natural philosophy. 8 1733. (Na- tural philosophy, General works on.) . Horologium oscillatorium, sive de motu pendulorum ad horologia aptato demonstrationes geometricae. fol. Parisiis, 1673. HUTTON (CHARLES). New experiments on artillery. See Hutton (C.). Tracts, mathematical, c. 4 1786. (Mathematics.) HUTTON (JAMES). On the laws of matter and motion ; the law of gravitation. See Hutton (J.). Dissertations on different subjects. 4 1792. (Miscellaneous.) MECHANICS. 231 I. INMAN (JAMES). An introduction to naval gunnery. 8 Portsea, 1828. INNES (ROBERT). On the cause of gravity. See Innes (R.). Miscel- laneous letters on several subjects. 4 1732. (Miscellaneous.) J. JACQUIER (FRANCISCUS). See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophise natu- ralis principia mathematica. 4 1739, &c. . . 4 1760. JAHN (G. A.). Tafeln zur Vergleichung der Barometer-Scalen. See Jahn (G. A.). Tafeln, &c. 8 1830. (Chemistry.) JAMARD ( ). Recherces sur la theorie de la musique. 8 Paris, 1769. JANVIER (ANTIDE). Essai sur les horloges publiques, &c. See Jan- vier (A.). Essai, &c. 8 1811. (Miscellaneous.) . Des revolutions des corps celestes par le mecanisme des rouages. 4 Paris, 1812. , JESSOP (FRANCISCUS), Propositions hydrostatics; ad illustrandum Aristarchi Samii systema destinatae. 4 Londini, 1687- JUAN y SANTACILIA (JORGE). Examen maritimo theorico practico 6 tratado de mechanica aplicado a la construction, conocimiento y ma- nejo de los navios ; 2 vols. 4 Madrid, 1771. . Examen maritime, &c. traduit de 1'Espagnol avec des additions par Leveque ; 2 vols. 4 Nantes, 1783. JULIUS AFRICANUS (SEXTUS). Kec. See Thevenot (M.), Boivin (J.), et Lahire (P.). Veterum mathematicorum opera, fol. 1693. JURINUS (JACOBUS). Dissertations de motu aquarum fluentium, contra Michel otti animadversiones, defensio ; accedit ejusdem Michelotti ad A. de Comitibus epistola in qua Jurinianae defensioni respondetur. 4 Venetiis, 1724. . Dissertationes physico-mathematicae. 8 Londini, 1732. K. KALLSTENIUS (G. S.). See Lagerhjelm (P.). Forselles, och Kallste- nius. Hydrauliska Forsok. 8 1818, &c. KATER (HENRY). Instructions for the adjustments and use of the in- struments intended for the northern expedition. 8 London, 1818. KATER (HENRY) and LARDNER (D.). A treatise on mechanics. 12 London, 1830. KEILL (JOHN). Demonstrations of Huygens' theorems concerning the centrifugal force and circular motion. See Keill (J.). An introduc- tion to natural philosophy, c. 8 1733. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) Introductio ad veram physicam accedunt, de viribus centrali- bus, de legibus attractionis. See Keill (J.). Introductio, &c. 4 1742. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) KEROUDOU ( GIRAULT de). See Girault de Keroudou ( ). KLINGENSTIERNA (SAMUEL). See Forssell (B.G.). Dissertatio phy- sica de barometro. 4 1747. KNIGHT (THOMAS). See Anonymous. Examination (an) of Mr. La- . place's theory, &c. 8 1809. KOLLMANN (Auc. FRED. CHRIST.). A new theory of musical har- 232 MECHANICS. niony, according to a complete and natural system of that science, fol. London, 1806. KRAFTIUS (JENSENIUS). Mechanica, Latine reddita et aucta a J. N. Tetens. 4 Buezzovii fy Wismaricc, 1773. KRATZENSTEIN (GOTTLIEB). L'art de naviguer dans 1'air. 12 Co- penhague, 1784. Theorie de 1'elevation des vapeurs et des exhalations demontree mathematiquement. 4 Bordeaux, 1743. KREIL (CARL). Sammlung der Formeln aus der Mechanik. See Kreil (C.). Sammlung der nb'thwendigsten mathematischen For- meln, &c. 8 1831. (Mathematics.) LACAILLE (N. G. de). Lemons elementaires de mecanique, ou traite abrege du mouvement et de 1'equilibre. 8 Paris, 1764-. LACOUDRAYE DELOYNES ( de). Theorie des vents. See La- coudraye Deloynes ( de). Theorie, &c. 8 1786. (Astronomy.) . Theorie des vents et des ondes. See Lacoudraye Deloynes ( de). Theorie, &c. 8 1796. (Astronomy.} . . 8 1802. (Astronomy.) LACROIX ( de). Extrait du mechanisme des mouvemens des corps flottans. 12 Paris, 1735. (Two copies.) . Eclaircissemens sur 1'extrait du mechanisme des mouvemens des corps flottans. 12 Paris, 1736. (Two copies.) LAFAILLE (JOHANNES de). See Faille (J. de la). LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN PAPILLON de). See Papillon de La- ferte (D. P. J.). L AGERHJELM (P.). Fdrsokatt bestamma volsadt och smidt stiingjerns, tothet, jemnhet, spanstighet, smidbarhet och styrka ; 2 vols. 8 Stock- holm, 1827. LAGERHJELM (P.); FORSELLES, och KALLSTENIUS. Hydrauliska Fo'rsok anstallda vid fahlu grufva aren 1811-1815; 2 vols. 8 Stock- holm, 1818-1 822. ( Two copies.) LAGRANGE (JOSEPH-LOUIS de). Mecanique analytique ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1811-1815. LAHIRE (PHILIPPE de). See Thevenot (M.), Boivin (S.), and Lahire (P.). Veterum mathematicorum opera, fol. 1693. . Traite de mecanique. 4 Paris, 1729. LAMY (BERNARD). Traitez de mechanique de 1'equilibre des solides et des liqueurs. 12 Paris, 1679. LANDRIANI (MARSILIO). See Moscati (P.) e Landriani (M.). Ri~ cherche ed osservazioni sociali, &c. 4- Description d'une machine propre a clever 1'eau par la rotation d'une corde verticale. 8 Geneve, 1782. LANZ ( ) et BETANCOURT (D. T.). Essai sur la composition des machines. 4- Paris, 1819. LAPLACE (PIERRE SIMON de). Traite de mecanique celeste ; 5 vols. 4- Paris, 1799-1825. . Traite de la mecanique celeste; vol. v. 4 Paris, 1823. . Theorie de 1'action capillaire ; (supplement a la mechanique ce- leste.) 4 Paris, 1806. . Supplement a la theorie de 1'action capillaire. 4 [_Paris.^\ . Supplement an dixieme livre du traite de la mecanique celeste (sur 1'attraction capillaire). -1 MECHANICS. 233 LAPLACE (PIERRE SIMON de). Mecanique celeste; translated, with a commentary, by N. Bowditch; vol. i, u, and in. 4 Boston ( U. S.), 1829-1834. LARDNER (DIONYSIUS). Mechanics. See Anonymous. Natural phi- losophy; vol. I. 8 1829. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) . See Kater (H.) and Lardner (D.). A treatise on mechanics. 12 1830. . A treatise on hydrostatics and pneumatics. 12 London, 1831. LEGRIS (L.). La mecanique des gens du monde. 8 Paris, 1824. . La nouvelle mecanique agricole ; ou 1'art de rendre 1'agriculture vine fois plus productive avec moins de travaux de la part des homines. 8 Paris, 1825. . La nouvelle mecanique militaire, ou 1'art de faire la guerre avec peu de troupes. 8 Paris, 1825. LEIBNITZ (GULIELMUS GOTHOFREDUS). See Anonymous. Hypothesis physica nova. 12 Londini, 1671. (Miscellaneous.) LEMOINE (LEONOR). Description de nouvelles machines hydrauliques et de nouveaux leviers balanciers. 8 Paris. LENNIG (ERASMUS). Verbesserung der Luftschiffahrt durch die vor- gelegte Wahrscheinlichkeit dem Luftschiffe eine Seitenrichtung nach Wohlgefallen zu geben. 8 Mainz, 1818. LEPAUTE (J. A.). Traite d'horlogerie, contenant tout ce qui est neces- saire pour bien connaitre et pour regler les pendules et les montres ; augmente de la description d'une nouvelle pendule policameratique. 4 Paris, 1767. LE PRIOL (C. J.). Introduction a la physique, et particulierement a la mScanique. 8 Strasbourg, 1806. LEROND d'ALEMBERT (JEAN). See Alembert (J. L. d'). LEROY ( ). Rapport fait a 1'Academie des Sciences sur la machine aerostatique inventee par MM. Montgolfier; [signed by Le Roy, who wrote it, Tillet, Brisson, Cadet, Lavoisier, Bossut, Condorcet, et Des- marest] 4 Paris, 1784. LESAGE (GEORGE-LOUIS). Essai de chimie mechanique. See Anony- mous. Essai, &c. 4 (Chemistry.) See Prevost (P.). Deux traites de physique mechanique. 8 1818. . Lucrece Newtonien. (Detache des memoires de 1'Academie royale de Berlin pour 1782, publies en 1784.) 4 LESEUR (THOMAS). See Newton (Sir I.). Philosophise naturalis prin- cipia. 4 1739, &c. . . 4 1760. LESLIE (Sir JOHN). Elements of natural philosophy ; vol. i, including mechanics and hydrostatics. 8 Edinburgh, 1829. LEVEQUE (P.). " See Juan y Santacilia ( J.). Examen maritime, &c. 4 1783. LHUILLIER (A.). Quelques idees nouvelles sur 1'art d'employer 1'eau comme moteur des roues hydrauliques. 8 Paris, 1823. LINDENAU (BERNARD de). Tables barometriques pour faciliter le calcul des nivellemens et des mesures des hauteurs par le barometre ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Gotha, 1809. (Two copies.) LIPPI (CARLO). Principj pratici di meccanica applicati all' utilita pub- blica ; ossia esposizione delle macchine le piu necessarie ai bisogni so- ciali, colla maniera di calcolare le varie specie di potenze che alle me- dpsime, perche sian mosse in moto, si possono applicare, c gli effctti che debbono risultaruc. 8 Napoli, 1811. 234 MECHANICS. LOHMEIERUS (PHILIPPUS). See Frescheur(F. D.). Exercitatio phy- sica de artificio navigandi per aerem. 4 1676. . SeeFrescheur(F.D-). Die Lohmeierische Dissertation, &c. 4 1784. LORGNA (ANTON-MARIO). Delia rettificazione de' barometri. See Lorgna ( A. M.). Delia graduazione de' termometri, &c. 4 1765. (Cfie- mistry.) . Discorso intorno al riparare dalle inondazioni dell' Adige la citta di Verona. 4 Verona, 1768. . Dissertazione sopra il quesito ; Essendo le pressioni dell' acque stagnant! in ragione delle altezze, cercasi se lo sieno egualmente passando 1'acqua dalla quiete al moto in quella quantita di fluido che, in dato tempo, esce da un foro di un vase sotto diverse altezze, onde possa sus- sistere la dimostrazione del Varignon delle veloeita in ragione dimediata. 4 Mantova, 1769. . Ricerche intorno alia distribuzione delle veloeita nelle sezioni de' fiumi. 4 Verona, 1771. LUNARDI (VINCENT). An account of five aerial voyages in Scotland. 8 London, 1786. M. MACDONALD (JOHN). A treatise on the harmonic system arising from the vibrations of the aliquot divisions of strings, fol. Lon- don, 1822. . A treatise explanatory of the principles constituting the practice and theory of the violoncello, and of a systematic method of fingering, fol. London, 1811. MACLAURIN (COLIN). An account of Sir I. Newton's philosophical discoveries. 4 London, 1748. . 8 London, 1750. MACNEILL (JOHN). Canal navigation ; on the resistance of water to the passage of boats upon canals and other bodies of water. 4 Lon- don, 1833. MAGELLAN (JEAN HYACINTHE). Collection de differens traites sur des instrumens d'astronomie, &c des nouveaux barometres por- tables, &c. See Magellan (J. H.). Collection, &c. 4 1775, &c. (Astro- nomy.) MAJONI (FORTUNATO). See Fortunatus [Majoni] a Brixia. MANFREDI (EUSTACHIO). See Guglielmini (D.). Delia natura de' fiumi. 8 1821. MARCHETTI (ALEXANDER). De resistentia solidorum. 4 Florentia, 1669. . Exercitationes mechanicae. 4 Pisis, 1669. MARCUS (JOANNES). Index horarius quo construendorum horologio- rum praecepta demonstrantur ; adjuncta ratio mensurandi agros. 8 Londini, 1662. MARECHAL (G. A.). Objections contre 1'attraction. 8 Paris, 1814. ( Three copies.) MARESTIER ( ). Memoire sur les bateaux a vapeur des Etats-Unis d'Amerique ; avec un appendice sur diverses machines relatives a la marine ; precede du rapport fait a 1'Institut sur ce memoire par MM. Sane, Biot, Poisson, et C. Dupin. 4 Paris, 1824. MARI (GIOSEFFO). L' idraulica pratica ragionata proposta a' suoi di- scepoli; 2 vols. 4 Guastalla, 1784-1786. MARIE (JOSEPH-FRANCOIS). Traite de mechanique. 4 Paris, 1774. MECHANICS. 235 MARIOTTE (EDMUND). Traite de la percussion ou chocq des corps, dans lequel les regies contraires a celles que Mr. Descartes et autres ont voulu establir, sont demonstrees. 12 Paris, 1673. . Traite du mouvement des eaux, et des autres corps fluides ; mis en lumiere par les soins de Mr. de la Hire. 12 Paris, 1686. . The motion of water and other fluids, being a treatise of hydrosta- tics, translated together with a little treatise of the same author giving practical rules for fountains or jets d'eau, by J. T. Desaguliers, by whom are added annotations. 8 London, 1718. MARTIN (BENJAMIN). Principles of physico-mechanical mathesis, &c. See Martin (B.). A new and comprehensive system of mathematical institutions, &c. 8 1759, &c. (Mathematics.) MARTINI (GIAMBATISTA). Storia della musica ; vol. i. foL Bologna, 1757. MASSIERE ( ). Reflexions critiques sur le systeme de 1'attraction ; avec une nouvelle idee sur la pesanteur. See Massiere ( ). Re- flexions critiques, &c. 12 1759. (Astronomy.) MAUROLYCUS (FRANCISCUS). Musicse traditiones. See Maurolycus (F.). Opuscula mathematica. 4 1575. (Astronomy.) MAYNIEL ( ). Traite experimental, analytique et pratique de la poussee des terres, et des murs de revetement ; suivi d'un appendice sur le frottement des vannes dans leurs coulisses. 4 Paris, 1808. MAZURIER ( le). Discours sur 1'horlogerie et exposition d'une nou- velle mechanique de pendule. 12 Paris, 1756. MEIBOMIUS (MARCUS). Antiquae musicse auctores septem [viz. Ari- stoxenus, Euclides, Nicomachus, Alypius, Gaudentius, Bacchius, Ari- stides Quintilianus, and Capella(M.M. F.)] ; Gr.& Lot. notis explicati; 2 vols. 4 Amstelodami, 1652. MELANCHTHON or MELANCTHON (PIIILIPPUS). De ponderibus. See Alciatus(A.). Libellus de ponderibus, c. 8 1530. (Miscellaneous.) MERSENNUS (MARINUS). Ballistica et acontismologia. 4 Parisiis, 1644. . Cogitata physico-mathematica. 4 Parisiis, 1644. . Tractatus mechanicus theoricus et practicus. 4 Parisiis, 1644. MEUSNIER (J. B. MARIE). Memoire sur 1'equilibre des machines aerostatiques. 4 Paris, 1784. MEYER (CoRNEMo). L' arte di restituire a Roma la navigatione del suo Tevere. fol. Roma, 1685. MICHELINI (FAMINIANO). Trattato della direzione de' fiumi. 4 Firenze, 1664. MICHELOTTI (FRANCESCO DOMENICO). Sperimenti idraulici princi- palmente diretti a confermare la teorica e facilitare la practica del misu- rare le acque correnti ; le risposte dell' autore ad alcuni matematici, e due esercitazioni, nella prima delle quali si dimostra una nuova teoria delle progression! e proporzioni geometriche, e nella 2 a un esame delle oquazioni, dette irreducibili, di terzo grade; 2 vols. 4 Torino, 1767- 1771. MICHELOTTI (PBTRUS AXTOXIUS). Ad A. de Comitibus epistola, &c. See.Iurinus (J.). Dissertationis de motu aquarum fluentium defen- sio. 4 1724. MILLER (PHILIP). Accounts of the nature and use of barometers, &c. See Miller (P.). The gardener's dictionary, fol. 1731. (Botany.} MILLER (W. H.). The elements of hydrostatics and hydrodynamics. 8 Cambridge, 1831. 236 MECHANICS. MILLIET DECHALES (CLAUDIUS FRANCISCUS). Mechanica, statics, hydrostatica, &c. musica. See Milliet Dechales (C. F.). Cursus sen mundus matheraaticus. fol. 1674. (Miscellaneous.') . . fol. 1690. (Miscellaneous.) . Traitte du mouvement local et du ressort, dans lequel leur nature et leurs causes sont recherchees et les loix qu'ils observent dans 1'ac- celeration et les 'pendules, et encore dans la percussion et la reflexion des corps sont solidement establies. 8 Lyon, 1682. MILLINGTON( ). Hydraulics. See Anonymous. Natural philosophy ; vol. I. 8 1829. (Natural philosophy, General icorks on.) MINGARELLI (Gio. M. ATENODORO). Construzione degli aerostati. 8 Bologna, 1821. MISSERY ( SUREMAIN de). See Suremain de Missery ( ). MOLLET (JOSEPH). Hydraulique physique, ou connaissance des pheno- menes que presentent les fluides, soit dans 1'etat du repos, soit dans celui de mouvement; ouvrage elementaire renfermant 1'hydrostatique etl'hy- drodynamique. 8 Paris, 1810. . Mecanique physique, ou traite experimental du mouvement et de 1'equilibre considered dans les corps solides. 8 Avignon, 1818. MOMIGNY (JEROME-JOSEPH de). See Encyclopedic methodique. Mu- sique. 1791, &c. (Miscellaneous.) MONGE (GASPARD). Traite elementaire de statique, a 1'usage des ecoles de la marine. 8 Paris, 1826. MONTANARI (GEMINIANO). See Rossetti (D.). Lettera al Sig. D r C. Fracassati. 4 1668. Lezione academica sopra le controversie litterarie passate fra il dot- tissimo Signore N. N. [Donato Rossetti] e lui. 4 Torino, 1678. . Manualetto de' bombisti overo ristretto delle avvertenze piu neces- sarie per ben maneggiare i mortari aggiontovi le tavole della inclina- zioni di essi mortari per fare i tiri giusti ; [to which is added] Copia di lettera sopra le dottrine geometriche con cui e dimostrato che la linea descritta dalle bombe, &c. sia al senso linea parabolica. 8 Venetia, 1680. . Manualetto de' bombisti aggiontovi le tavole delle inclinazioni per fare i tiri giusti. 12 Verona, 1682. . Pensieri fisico-matematici sopra alcune esperienze fatte in Bologna nell' Accademia Filosofica da C. A. Sampieri intorno diversi efFetti dc liquidi in cannuccie di vetro et altri vasi. 4 Bologna, 1667. (Two copies.) Speculazioni fisiche sopra gli efFetti di que' vetri temprati che, rotti in una parte, si risolvono tutti in polvere. 4 Bologna, 1671. MONTGOLFIER (JOSEPH-MICHEL de). Discours sur 1'aerostate. 8 Paris, 1784. MONTI or MONTES (GUIDUBALDUS). In duos Archimedis sequc- ponderantium paraphrasis. See Archimedes. Guidubaldi, &c. fol. 1588. . De Cochlea, libri quatuor. fol. Venetiis, 1615. . Mechanicorum liber, fol. Pisauri, 1577. MONTIGNAC(J. BAPTIST A de). (Theses mechanic.) 4 Parisiis,1774-. MOREAU (P. J.) Principes fondamentaux de 1'equilibre, et du mouve- ment dea corps flottans dans deux milieux resistans, a 1'usage des eleves de 1'Ecole royale du genie maritime. 4 Brest, 1830. MORGAN ( ). Dissertations on the mechanical powers; elastic bodies ; falling bodies. See Morgan ( ). Six philosophical dissertations, ftc. 4- 1770. (Miscellaneous.) MECHANICS. 237 MORHOFIUS (DANIEL GEORGIUS). De scypho vitreo per certum humanae vocis sonum rupto. 4- Kilonii, 1672. MORLAND (Sir SAMUEL). Tuba stentoro-phonica ; an instrument of excellent use, as well at sea as at land. fol. London, 1671. MOSCATI (PIETRO) e LANDRIANI (M.). Ricerche ed osservazioni sociali fatte per perfezionare il barometro. 4 From the 1st vol. of Memorie della Societd Italiana. MOTTE (ANDREW). A treatise of the mechanical powers, wherein the laws of motion are explained. 8 London, 1733. MOUSNERIUS (PETRUS). Tractatus physicus de motu locali ; cuncta excerpta ex praelectionibus H. Fabry. 4 Lugduni, 1646. MOXON (JOSEPH). Mechanick exercises ; or the doctrine of handy works; 14 Nos. 4 London, 1677-1680. MOZZI (GiuLio). Discorso matematico sopra il rotamento momentaneo dei corpi. 8 Napoli, 1763. MULLER (HIERONYMUS). De clepsidrarum turn vulgatioribus, turn ra- rioribus quibusdam, itemque nonnullis aliis horum similibus, phaenomenis et effectibus, horumque omnium genuinis causis, exercitatio physica ; sub praesidio J. C. Sturmii. 4 Altdorfii, [1674.] MURAZ ( ). Nouveaux principes de mechanique. 8 Paris, an. vnr. [1800.] MYDORGE (CLAUDE). Problemes en. ..mechanique. See Mydorge (C.). Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques, &c. 8 1639. (Mathematics.} N. NAVIER ( ). Resume des Ie9ons donnees a 1'Ecole des ponts et chaus- sees, sur 1'application de la mecanique a 1'etablissement des construc- tions et des machines ; p re partie contenant les lecons sur la resistance des materiaux, et sur 1'etablissement des constructions en terre, en ma- ^onnerie et en charpente. 8 Paris, 1833. NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). Philosophies naturalis principia mathematica. 4 Londini, 1687. 4 Cantabrigice, 1713. . 4 Amstelodami, 1714. . fol. Londini, 1726. . ; perpetuis commentariis illustrate, communi studio T. Le Seur et F. Jacquier ; 4 vols. 4 Geneva, 1739-1742. ; ; 3 vols. 4 Colonia Allobrogorum, 1760. . The mathematical principles of natural philosophy, translated by A. Motte ; to which are added the laws of the Moon's motion, according to gravity, by J. Machin ; 2 vols. 8 London, 1729. . The mathematical principles of natural philosophy, translated by A. Motte ; to which are added Newton's system of the world, a short comment on the Principia, by W. Emerson, with the laws of the Moon's motion according to gravity, by J. Machin ; 3 vols. 8 London, 1803. . Mathematical principles of natural philosophy ; book the first ; trans- lated and illustrated with a commentary by R. Thorp. 4 London, 1 802. No more has been published. Excerpta quaedam e Neutoni principiis philosophiae naturalis, cum notis variorum. 4 Cantabrigice, 1765. (Two copies.) With manuscript notes by G.Wakefield. The first three sections of Principia, witli notes and illustrations, 238 MECHANICS. deductions and problems ; designed for the use students by J. Carr. 8 London, 1826. NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). See Clarke (J.). A demonstration of some sec- tions of Sir I. Newton's principles, &c. 8 1730. . Principia. See Whewell (W.). An introduction to dynamics. 8 1832. Principia. See Wright (J. M. F.). A commentary, &c. 8 1828. . A view of his philosophy, by Henry Pemberton. See Pemberton (Henry). A view, &c. 4 London, 1728. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) . Opera quae extant omnia ; commentariis illustrabat S. Horsley ; 5 vols. 4 London, 1779-1785. (Ttvo copies.) NICOLAI (NICOLA MARIA). De' bonificamenti delle terre Pontine. See Nicolai (N. M.). De' bonificamenti, &c. fol. 1800. (Miscellaneous.) NICOMACHUS Gerassenus. Harmonices manuale. See Meibomius (M.). Antiquse musicae auctores. 4 1652. NORTON (ROBERT). See Digges (T.). Of the art of great artillery. 4 1624. NYEVELT ( de ZUYLEN de). See Zuylen de Nyevelt ( de). O. OLIVARI (NICOLAUS). Tractatus de corporis nostri motu. See Olivari (N.). Tractatus, &c. 8 1777. (Anatomy.) OLTMANNS (JABBO). Hypsometrische Tafeln oder Tafeln zur Bestim- mung der Hohen vermittelst des Barometers nach Laplace's Formel. 8 Stuttgart fy Tubingen, 1830. OZANAM (JACQUES). Mechanique...acoustique; musique. See Ozanam (J.). Recreations mathematiques. 8 1790. (Miscellaneous.) P. S (LucAs). De mensuris et ponderibus Romanis et Glacis. See Pastus (L.). De mensuris, &c. 4 1573. (Miscellaneous.) PAGANI (M. G.). Memoire sur le principe des vitesses virtuelles. 4 From tlie 3rd vol. of the Memoires de F Acadende Rni/ale de Bruxelles, 182.5. PAISLEY (JAMES). See Anonymous. Treatise (a) on harmony. 4 1731. PAIXHANS (H. J.). Nouvelle force maritime, et application de cette force a quelques parties du service de 1'armee de terre ; ou essai sur une espece nouvelle d'artillerie de mer ; sur la construction de navires a voile et a vapeur de grandeur moderee, armes de cette artillerie ; et sur la force que le systeme de bouches-a-feu propose offrirait a terre pour les batteries. 4 Paris, ,1822. PAPILLON de LAFERTE (DENIS-PIERRE-JEAN). See Anonymous. Lecons elementaires de mathematiques. 8 1784. PAPIN (DIONYSIUS). De novis quibusdam machinis. See Papin (D.). Fasciculus dissertationum de novis, &c. 12 1695. (Miscellaneous.) * . Pieces touchant quelques nouvelles machines. See Papin (D.). Recueil de diverses pieces, &c. 8 1695. (Miscellaneous.) PARCIEUX (ANTOINE de) Junior. Dissertation sur les globes aero- statiques. 8 Paris, 1783. PARDIES (IGNACE). La statique, ou la science des forces mouvantes. 12 Paris, 1673. PARKINSON (T.). A system of mechanics and hydrostatics ; 2 vols. 4 Cambridge, 1785-1789. MECHANICS. 239 PASLEY (C. W.). Observations on the expediency and practicability of simplify ing... weights. See Pasley (C. W.). Observations, &c. 8 1834. (Mathematics.) PAUCTON (ALEXIS-JEAN-PIERRE). Theorie des loix de la nature, suivie d'une dissertation sur les pyramides d'Egypte. 8 Paris, 1781. PEREGRINUS (PETRUS). De magnete, seu rota perpetui motus, &c. See Peregrinus (P.). De magnete, &c. 4 1558. (Electricity.) PEKING (RICHARD). A treatise on the anchor... with a table of dimen- sions from 1 to 35 cwt. and a schedule of proportionate weights of anchors ...also some observations on the chain cable, showing the proportion it bears to that of hemp, and to the weight of the anchor. 8 Plymouth, 1819. PETIT (A. T.). These de mecanique; (theorie mathematique de Faction capillaire.) 4 Paris, 1812. PETTY (Sir WILLIAM). A new hypothesis of elastique motions. See Petty (Sir W.). The discourse made before the Royal Society concern- ing duplicate proportion, &c. 12 1674. (Mathematics.) PEYRARD (F.). See Archimedes. CEuvres, &c. 4 1807- (Mathema- tics.) PHILLIPS (Sir RICHARD). Essays on the proximate mechanical causes of the general phenomena of the universe. 8 London, 1818. PHILO Byzantinus. Lib. iv et v de telorum constructione. See Theve- not (M.), Boivin (J.) et Lahire (P.). Veterum mathematicorum... opera, fol. 1693. PILATRE de ROZIER (JEAN-FRANCOIS). Premiere experience de la Montgolfiere. 4 Paris, 1784. PINGERON (JEAN-CLAUDE). L'art de faire soi-meme les ballons aerostatiques conformes a ceux de M. de Montgolfier. 8 Amsterdam, 1784. PIOLA (GAB RIO). Sulla teoria del pendolo. See Cesaris (A. de). Effe- meridi, &c.; an. 1831. 8 (Astronomy.) Supplemento alia memoria sulla teorica del pendolo. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1832. 8 (Astronomy.) PIZZATI (GIUSEPPE). La scienza de' suoni e dell' armonia. 4 Venezia, 1782. PLANA (GIOVANNI). Me"moire sur les oscillations des lames elastiques. 4 Paris, 1814. From the Journal de I'Ecole Poly technique, torn. x. pp. 349-395. PLANA (JEAN). Memoire sur le mouvement d'un pendule dans un mi- lieu resistant. 4, Turin, 1835. POINSOT (L.). Elemens de statique, suivis de deux memoires sur la theorie des momens et des aires, et sur 1'application de cette theorie au systeme du monde. 8 Paris, 1830. POISSON (S. D.). Memoire sur la propagation du mouvement dans les milieux elastiques. 4 [Paris, 1830.] Memoire sur 1'equilibre des fluides. 4 [Paris, 1829.] . Memoire sur 1'equilibre et le mouvement des corps elastiques; [to which is added] Note sur le probleme des ondes. [4 Paris.'] Memoire sur le mouvement de deux fluides elastiques superposees. 4 \_Paris.~] . Nouvelle theorie de 1'action capillaire. 4 Paris, 1831. . Traite de mecanique ; 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1811. . 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1833. POLENUS (JOANNES). De castellis per qua? dorivantur fluviorum aquae 240 MECHANICS. habentibus latera convergentia liber, quo etiam continentur nova expe- rimenta ad aquas fluentes et ad percussionis vires pertinentia. 4 Patavii, 1718. POLENUS (JOANNES). De motu aquae mixto libri duo, in quibus multa pertinentia ad aestuaria, portus atque flumina continentur. 4 Patavii, 1717. (Two copies.) PONCELET ( ). Memoire sur les roues hydrauliques a aubes courbes mues par dessous ; suivi d'experiences sur les effets mecaniques de ces roues ; suivi d'un second memoire sur des experiences en grand rela- tives a la nouvelle roue, contenant une instruction pratique sur la ma- niere de proceder a son etablissement. 4 Metz, 1827. PORPHYRIUS. In harmonica Ptolemaei commentarius ; Gr. Lat. SeeWallis (J.). Opera mathematica ; vol. HI. fol. 1695, &c. (Mathe- matics.) PREVOST (PIERRE). Deux traites de physique mecanique; publics par P. P. comme simple editeur du premier [by G. L. Le Sage] et comme auteur du second. 8 Geneve, 1818. PRINGLE (Sir JOHN). A discourse on the attraction of mountains, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1775. 4 London, 1775. A discourse on the theory of gunnery, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1778. 4 London, HIS. PRINSEP (G. A.). An account of steam vessels, and of proceedings connected with steam navigation in British India. 4 Calcutta, 1830. PRIOL (C. J. le). See Le Priol (C. J.). PRITCHARD (CHARLES). A treatise on the theory of couples ; to which is added a simple method of investigating the ellipticity of the Earth, considered as a heterogeneous spheroid. 8 Cambridge, 1831. PROCLUS. De motu disputatio ; Gr. 8 Basilea;, 1531. PRONY (GASPARD-CLAIR-FRA^OIS-MARIE RicHE de). See Dulong, Prony, Arago, et Girard. Expose des recherches...pour determiner les forces elastiques de la vapeur, &c. 4 1830. . Description hydrographique et historique des Marais Pontins. See Prony (G. C. F. M. R. de). Description, &c. 4 1822. (Miscellaneous.) . Analyse detaillee de differentes questions qui se rapportent au mouvement d'un corps sollicite par des puissances quelconques. 4 Paris, an 9. [1801.] Essai experimental et analytique sur les lois de la dilatabilite des fluides elastiques, et sur celles de la force expansive de la vapeur de 1'eau et de la vapeur de 1'alkool a differentes temperatures. 4 Paris. Instruction elementaire sur les moyens de calculer les intervalles musicaux ; formules analytiques pour calculer le logarithme acou- stique d'un nombre donne, &c. 4 Paris, 1832. ( Two copies.) Leons de mecanique analytique; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1810. . ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1815. . Mecanique philosophique, ou analyse raisonnee des diverses parties de la science de 1'equilibre et du mouvement. 4 Paris, an viir. [1800.] . Memoire sur le jaugeage des eaux courantes. 4 Paris, an x. [1802.] . Memoire sur les variations de la pente totale de la Seine dans la traversee de Paris, et determination de la valeur absolue de cette pente pour chaque jours des annees 1788, 1789, et 1790, avec le rapport fait a 1' Academic des Sciences le 29 Janv. 1791 par MM. Lavoisier, La- MECHANICS. 241 place et Coulomb, et une note sur l'6tiage de la Seine. 4 Paris, 1791. PRONY (GASPARD-CLAIRE-FRANCOIS-MARIE RICHE de). Note sur les inflexions qu'avaient subies, apres un laps de 20 annees, les lignes droites tracees sur le plan des tetes de 1'arche du milieu du pont Louis XVI. avant son decintrement ; consequences relatives a la resistance des cimens comprimes ; formules et table pour le calcul des changemens que le tassement fait eprouver a une voute en arc de cercle. 8 Paris, 1832. Note sur les intervalles musicaux; (extrait du Bulletin Universel des Sciences et de V Industrie; v sect. Juill. et Aout 1825.) 8 [Pom.] . Note sur un moyen de mesurer 1'effet dynamique des machines de rotation. 4 Paris. Note sur un nouveau moyen de regler la duree des oscillations des pendules. 4 Paris. . Nouvelle architecture hydraulique, contenant 1'art d'elever 1'eau, de construire dans ce fluide, &c. ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1790 T 1796. . Plan raisonne de la partie de 1'enseignement de 1'Ecole Polytech- nique qui a pour objet 1'equilibre et le mouvement des corps. 4 Paris, an ix. [1801.] Rapport [and note] faitle 17 Avril 1815 aux l re et 4 me classes de 1'Institut de France sur une nouvelle harpe de 1'invention de Sebas- tien Erard. fol. Paris, 1834. PSELLUS (MICHAEL). Musica. See Psellus (M.). Compendium ma- thematicum. 12 1647- {Miscellaneous.) PTOLE1VOEUS (CLAUDIUS). Harmonicorum libri, Gr. fy Lat. Soe Wallis (J.). Opera mathematica; vol. in. fol. 1695, &c. (Mathematics.) . Harmonicorum libri tres, Gr. ; J. Wallis edidit, versione et notis illustravit. 4 Oxonii, 1682. PUGH (S.). Observations sur la pesanteur de 1'atmosphere et sur les causes de ses differents changements ; avec quelques remarques sur les baroinetres. 4 Rouen, 1800. R. AMEAU (JEAN PHILIPPE). Demonstration du principe de 1'har- monie. 8 Paris, 1750. . Generation harmonique, ou traite de musique, thSorique et pra- tique. 8 Paris, 1737. (Two copies.) RAMOND (L.). Memoires sur la formule barometrique de la Meca- nique Celeste et les dispositions de 1'atmosphere qui en modifient les proprietes; augmented d'une instruction destinee a servir de guide dans 1'application du barometre a la mesure des hauteurs. 4 Cler- mont-Ferrard, 1811. RAMSDEN (JESSE). An account of experiments to determine the spe- cific gravity of fluids, thereby to obtain the strength of spirituous liquors. 4 London, 1792. REES (RICIIARDUS van). Dissertatio physico-mathematica inauguralis de celeritate soni per fluida elastica propagati. 4 Trajccti ad Khcnum, 1819. REGGIO (FRANCISCUS). De altitudine media barometri, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effenieridi, &c. ; an. 1785. 8 (Astronomy.) REISELIUS (SALOMON). Sipho Wurtembergicus, sive sipho inversus cruribus oequialtis fluens et refluons hactenus inauditus. 4 Stutfyar- dice, 1684. R 242 MECHANICS. IlENNIE (GEORGE). Report on the progress and present state of our knowledge of hydraulics as a branch of engineering ; pt. n ; (from the Fourth Report of the British Association for Hie, Advancement of Science.} 8 London, 1835. RENWICK (JAMES). Treatise on the steam-engine. 8 Neiv York, 1 830. REUSS (J. D.). Repertorium commentationum, &c. Mechanica, hy- drostatica, c musica See Reuss (J. D.). Repertorium, &c. ; (torn, vn et ix.) 4 1801, &c. (Miscellaneous.) RICCATI (GIORDANO). Delle corde ovvero fibre elastiche schediasmi fisico-matematici. 4 Bologna, 1767- RICCATI (VINCENTIUS). Opuscula ad res physicas et mathematical per- tinentia. See Riccati (V.). Opuscula, &c. 4 1757, &c. (Mathematics.) Dialogo dove ne' congress! di piu giornate delle forze vive e dell' azioni delle forze morte si tien discorso. 4 Bologna, 1749. RICHE de PRONY (GASPARD-CLAIR-FRANCOIS-MARIE). See Prony (G. C. F. M. R. de). RIVERA (CARLO AFAN de). Considerazioni sul progetto di prosciu- gare il lago Fucino e di congiungere il mar Tirreno all' Adriatico. 4 Napoli, 1823. RIZZETTI (Luioi). Riforma de' carri di quattro ruote. 8 Trevigi, 1785. ROBERT (FRANCOIS). Memoire presente a 1' Academic de Lyon sur la maniere de diriger les machines aerostatiques. 12 Dijon, 1784. . Memoire sur les experiences aerostatiques. 4 Paris, 1784. ROBINS (BENJAMIN). New principles of gunnery. See Robins (B.). Mathematical tracts. 8 1761, &c. (Mathematics.) . New principles of gunnery; containing the determination of the force of gunpowder, and an investigation of the difference in the resist- ing power of the air to swift and slow motions. 8 London, 1 742. ROBISON (JOHN). A system of mechanical philosophy; with notes by D. Brewster ; 4 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1822. ROCHESTER (SAMUEL HORSLEY), Bishop of. See Horsley (S.), Bi- shop of St. David's, &c. ROCHON (ALEXIS MARIE de). Memoires sur la mecanique. See Ro- chon (A. M. de). Recueil de memoires sur la mecanique, &c. 8 1743. (Miscellaneous.) ROMANO (ANTONIO LUIGI de). Prospetto delle conseguenze derivate alle lagune di Venezia, ai porti, e alle limitrofe provincie dopo la di- versione de' fiumi ; analisi e sviluppo della dottrina, coll' applicazione al porto di Malamocco e al caso speciale dell' emissario del Sile ; 2 vols. 8 Venezia, 1815. ROMME (CH.). Tableaux des vents, &c. See Romme (C.). Tableaux, &c. 8 1806. (Astronomy.) RONDELET (S.). See Frontinus (S. J.). Commentaire. 4 1820. ROQUEFORT ( ). See Encyclopedic methodique. Musique. 1791, &c. (Miscellaneous.) ROSSETTI (DONATO). Composizione e passioni de' vetri, overo dimo- strazioni fisico-matematiche delle gocciole e de' fili del vetro, che, rotto in qualsisia parte, tutto quanto si stritola. 4 Livorno, 1671. . Dimostrazione fisico-matem,atica delle sette proposizioni che pro- messe a Cosimo III. 4 Firenze, 1668. . Insegnamenti fisico-matematici, dati ad O. Finetti scolare del D r G. Montanari sopra la prostasi che quegli stampo per questi. 4 Livorno, 1669. MECHANICS. 243 ROSSETTI (DONATO). Lettera al Sig. Dot Carlo Fracassati. (G.Mon- tanari lettera [to Fracassati]. Risposta del Rossetti alle opposizioni del Montanari da lui scritte nell' antecedente lettera). 4 Firenze, 1668. (Two copies.) ROULAND ( ). See Sigaud de Lafond (J. R.). Description et usage d'un cabinet de physique, &c. 8 1784. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) RUEB (ADOLPHUS STEPHANUS). Specimen inaugurale de motu gyra- torio corporis rigidi nulla vi acceleratrice sollicitati. 4 Trajecti ad Rhenum, [1834.] RUGGIERI (CLAUDE F.). Pyrotechnic militaire, ou traite complet des feux de guerre et des bouches a feu. 8 Paris, 1812. RUSH (JAMES). The philosophy of the human voice. See Rush ( J.). The philosophy, &c. 8 Philadelphia, 1833. (Anatomy.) S. SABINE (EDWARD). An account of experiments to determine the figure of the Earth, by means of the pendulum vibrating seconds, &c. See Sabine (E.). An account, &c. 4 1825. (Miscellaneous.) SAGE (GEORGE Louis le). See Lesage (G. L.). SAINT AUBAN ( ). [Collection des differens ouvrages de M. de S. Auban sur 1'artillerie] ; 2 vols. 8 These two vols. consist of several separate parts, and, as it seems, published at dif- ferent times. There is no general title-page ; but an averlissement de Pediteur at the beginning of the first volume informs the reader generally of what the collection consists, and from it were taken the words of the title. The first volume contains Jive pieces, and the secondjburteen ; but it is impossible to say whether these volumes are complete. SAINT DAVID'S (SAMUEL HORSLEY, Bishop of). See Horsley (S.), Bishop of St. David's, &c. SALLE ( ). Moyen de diriger 1'aerostat. 8 Paris, 1784. SALUCE de MENUSIGLIO (JOSEPH-ANGE). Reflexions pour servir de suite aux memoires sur le fluide el^tique de la poudre a canon. 4 From the 2nd vol. of the Melanges de la Societe Roy. de Turin pour 1760-1761, 4, Turin, pp. 94-142. It is imperfect. SAVART (FELIX). Memoire sur la construction des instrumens a cordes et a arches, &c. See Savart (F.). Memoire, &c. 8 1819. (Miscella- neous.) SCIABAN ( ). II bombardiero Veneto essaminato dal suo generate. 4 Venetia, 1631. SEGNERUS (JOANNES ANDREAS). Dissertationem inauguralem G. T. Aschii indicit ; theoriam machines cuj usdam hydraulics praemittit. 4 Gottina(B, [1750.] Pressiones quas fila corporibus certis circumducta et utrinque a viri- bus sequalibus tracta in ea corpora exercent, et lineas in eorum cor- porum superficiebus describendas quibus imposita eo modo fila quie- scunt universaliter considerat. 4 Gottingce, 1735. . Specimen theorise turbinum. 4 \_Halce, 1755.] SEUR (THOMAS le). See Leseur (T.). SHIELD (WILLIAM). An introduction to harmony. 4 London, 1800. SIGAUD de LAFOND (JEAN-RENE). Description d'un cabinet de physique. See Sigaud de Lafond (J. R.). Description et usage, &c. 8 1784. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) SIMPSON (THOMAS). Essays on several subjects in [mechanics]. See R 2 244 MECHANICS. Sfrnpson (T.). Essays on several curious and useful subjects in mathe- matics. 4 1744). (Mathematics.) SIMPSON (THOMAS). A general investigation of the attraction at the surfaces of bodies nearly spherical. See Simpson (T.). Mathematical dissertations, &c. 4 174-3. (Mathematics.) . The theory of gunnery. See Simpson (T.). Select exercises for young proficients, &c. 8 1752. (Mathematics.) . Miscellaneous tracts on some subjects in mechanics, physical astro- nomy, and speculative mathematics, wherein the precession of the equi- nox, the nutation of the Earth's axis, and the motion of the Moon in her orbit, are determined. 4 London, 1757. SMITH (ROBERT). See Cotes (R.). Hydrostatical and pneumatical lec- tures. 8 1738. . Harmonics, or the philosophy of musical sounds. 8 Cambridge, 1749. . 8 London, 1759. . A postscript to Dr. Smith's harmonics, upon the changeable harp- sicord. 8 London, 1762. SOMERVILLE (MARY). Mechanism of the heavens. 8 London, 1831. SOUTHERN (JOHN). A treatise upon aerostatic machines, with direc- tions for making inflammable air. 8 Birmingham, 1785. SPALLANZANI (LAZARUS). De lapidibus ab aqua resilientibus disser- tatio. 4 SPEER (WILLIAM). An enquiry into the causes of the errors and irre- gularities which take place in ascertaining the strength of spirituous li- quors by the hydrometer. 8 London, 1802. STEENSTRA (PYBO). De pulveris pyrii theoria. See Steenstra (P.). Dissertatio physico-mathematica, &c. 4 1763. (Chemistry.) STEVIN (SIMON). Statique. See Stevin (S.). Les ceuvres mathema- tiques, &c. fol. 1634. (Mathematics.) STEWART (ROBERT). An essay for a machine of perpetual motion. 4 Edinburgh, 1709. STISSERUS (JOHANNES ANDREAS). De machinis fumiductoriis, &c. See Stisserus (J. A.). De machinis, &c. 4 1686. (Anatomy.) STUBNER (FRIDER. VILELMUS). Demonstratio verse mensurae virium motricium vivarum e legitimis principiis dynamices luculentius expositis petite. 4 \_Lipsia:,~\ 1734. STURMIUS (Jon. CHRISTOPH.). See Archimedes. Unvergleichen A. Kunst-Bucher. fol. 1670. (Mathematics.) . De clepsidrarum phaenomenis et effectibus. 4 [1674.] SUARD (JEAN-BAPTISTE-ANTOINE). See Encyclopedic Methodique. Musique. 1791, &c. (Miscellaneous?) SUREMAIN de MISSERY ( ). Meprises d'un geometre de 1'Institut, manifestoes par un provincial ; ou observations critiques sur le traite dc physique experimentale de M. Biot, en ce qui concerne certains points d'acoustique et de musique. 8 Paris, 1816. SWITZER (STEPHEN). An introduction to a general system of hydro- statics and hydraulicks, philosophical and practical ; 2 vols. 4 Lon- don, 1729. MECHANICS. 245 T. TADINI (ANTONIO). Del movimento e della misura dellc acque oor- renti. 4 Milano, 1816. TAGLINI (CAROLUS). DC barometro. See Buccaferrcus (C. A.). DC barometro, &c. 4 [1724.] TARTAGLIA (NiccoLo). See Archimedes. De insidentibus aquae liber secundus. 4 1565. . La nova scientia. See Tartaglia (N.). La nova scientia, &c. 4 1550. (Mathematics.) . Regola generale da sulevare con ragione e misura non eolamente ogni affbndata nave, ma una torre solida di metallo, intitolata la Trava- gliata Inventione ; insieme con un artificioso modo di poter andare e stare per longo tempo sotto acqua ; giontovi anchor un trattato di segni delle mutationi dell' aria, &c. 4 [ Venezia, 1551.] -. Ragionamenti sopra la sua Travagliata Inventione, nelli quali se de- chiara volgarmente quel libro de Archimede intitolato ' De insidentibus aquae'. 4 [ Venezia, 1551.] TEMPELMAN (OLAUS SAM.). Dissertatio physico-mechanica, de fric- tione corporum super piano horizontale motorum ; sub praesidio S. Du- rcei. 4 Upsalia, [1770.] TERZI (GIUSEPPE). See Anonymous. Nuovo systema del suono. 8 TETENS (JOANNES NICOLA us). See Kraftius (J.). Mechanica. 4 1773. THEON Smyrnaus. Eorum quae in mathematicis ad Platonis lecti- onem utilia sunt, &c. See Theon Smyrnaeus. Eorum, &c. 4 (Mathe- matics.} THEVENOT (MELCH.), BOIVIN (J.) et LAHIIIE (P.). Veterum mathc- maticorum, Athenaei, Apollodori, Philonis, Heronis et aliorum (Julii African! ct anonymi "OTTWS \pn TOV r}$ TroXtop/touyitevijs TroAews arpurriyoy [by Hero junior?] opera); Gr. 8$ Lat.; [together with] Quatuor theoremata adjuncta spiritualibus Heronis per J. B. Aleottum, B. Baldi in Heronis Belopoeeca notD3, variae lectiones et notae ad Julii Africani librum cestorum, opera J. Boivin. fol. Parisiis, 1693. THORP (ROBERT). See Newton (Sir I.). Mathematical principles of na- tural philosophy, &c. 4 1802. TIGRINI (ORATIO). II compendio della musica. 4 Venetia, 1588. TIMAURO Antiate [i.e. C. Dati]. Delia famosissima esperienza dell' argento vivo. See Timauro Antiate. Lettera a'Filaleti, &c. 4 1663. (Mat/tematics.) TOALDUS (JOSEPHUS). Novee tabulae barometri aestusque maris. 4 Patavii, 1773. TRABAUD ( ). Principcs sur le mouvement et 1'equilibre. 8 Paris, 1743. TSCHIFFELY (R.). Der heutigen physik Widerlegung durch Folgerung aus Sinneswahrnehmungen ; in Bozug auf Luftdruck, Eleinentarkruftc', und Bewogung. 12 Aachen, 1835. U. T TNTERBERGER (LEOPOLD). Die Mechanick, Hydrostatik, Aero- ^-^ metric und I lydraulik. See Unterberger (L.). Aufangsgriiude der Mathcuiatik. 8 1780, &c. (Mathematics.) 246 MECHANICS. V. VALERIUS (LUCAS). De centre gravitatis solidorum ; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Roma, 1604. VALLA (GEORGIUS). De musica. See Valla (G.). De expetendis et fugiendis rebus opus. fol. 1501. (Miscellaneous.) VANDERMONDE ( ). Systeme d'harmonie applicable a 1'etat actuel de la niusique. 4 . Seconde memoire sur un nouveau systeme d'harmonie. 4 VARIGNON (PIERRE). Projetd'une nouvelle mechanique, avec un exa- men de 1'opinion de M. Borelli, sur les proprietez des poids suspen- dus par des cordes. 4 Paris, 1687. . Nouvelle mechanique ou statique ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1 725. VENTURI (J. B.). Recherches experimentales sur le principe de la communication laterale du mouvement dans les fluides, applique a 1'ex- plication de differens phenomenes hydrauliques. 8 Paris, 1797- . Experimental inquiries concerning the principle of the lateral com- munication of motion in fluids, applied to the explanation of various hydraulic phenomena. 8 London, 1799. VENTUROLI (GIUSEPPE). Elementi di meccanicae d'idraulica; 2 vols. 8 Milano, 1817 # 1818. . Elements of practical mechanics ; to which is added, a treatise upon the principle of virtual velocities ; translated by D. Cresswell. 8 Cam- bridge, 1823. Elements of the theory of mechanics, translated by D. Cresswell ; to which is added a selection of problems in mechanics. 8 Cambridge, 1822. VIAL du CLAIRBOIS (HONORE-SEBASTIEN). Traite Elementaire de la construction des vaisseaux, a 1'usage des eleves de la marine ; 2 vols. 4 Paris, 1787 & 1805. The title of the 2nd volume is slightly altered : TraUJ elementaire de la construc- tion des bdlemens de mer, a 1'usage c/es eleves du genie maritime, fyc. VINCE (S.). The principles of hydrostatics ; for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1812. VOLTAIRE (FRANCIS AROUET de). See Chastellet (G. E. Le T. de B. du). Principes mathematiques, &c. 4 1756. VOSSIUS (ISAACUS). De motu marium et ventorum. See Vossius (J.). De motu, &c. 4 1663. {Miscellaneous.) W. 'IIIT'ALKER (ROBERT). The elements of the theory of mechanics. 8 * * Oxford, 1830. WALLIS (JOHANNES). Mechanica ; de gravitate et gravitatione. See Wallis (J.). Opera mathematica; vols. T& n. fol. 1695, &c. (Mathe- matics.) WALLIS (JOHN). A Discourse of gravity and gravitation, grounded on experimental observations. 4 London, 1675. . Mechanica, sive de motu tractatus geometricus. 4 Londini, 1670. WEBER (ERNST HEINRICH und WILHELM). Wellenlehre auf Experi- mente gegriindet, oder iiber die Wellen tropf barer Flussigkeiten ; mit Amvendung auf die Schall- und Lichtwellen. 8 Lcipsig, 1825. WEISSE (MAX.). Tafeln zur Reduction der bey verschiedenen Wiir- megraden beobachteten Baromcterstande auf jede beliebige normal-tem- po ratur. 8 Wien, 1827. MECHANICS. 247 WEISSE (MAX.). Tables pour calculer les differences de niveau d'apres los observations barometriques. 4 Vienne, 1831. WENCKEBACH (GULIELMUS). Disputatio mathematica de pontium lapideorum forma et mensuris ex sequilibrii doctrina determinandis. 4 Amstelcedami, 1830. WERNEBURG (F. FRIEDERICH CHRISTIAN). Ueber die zeitherige Bestimmung der Dauer eines Pendelschlags und der Fallhohe in einer Sekunde. 4 Eisenach, 1817- WHEWELL (WILLIAM). A treatise on dynamics, containing a consi- derable collection of mechanical problems. 8 Cambridge, 1823. . An elementary treatise on mechanics, designed for the use of stu- dents. 8 Cambridge, 1824. . 8 Cambridge, 1833. . An introduction to dynamics, containing the laws of motion and the first three sections of the Principia. 8 Cambridge, 1832. . Analytical statics ; a supplement to the fourth edition of an elemen- tary treatise of mechanics. 8 Cambridge, 1833. . On the free motion of points, and on universal gravitation, including the principal propositions of books i and in of the Principia; the 1st part of a treatise of dynamics. 8 Cambridge, 1832. WILKINS (JOHN) Bishop of Chester. Mathematicall magick ; or the wonders that may be performed by mechanicall geometry ; in two books concerning mechanicall powers [and] motions. 12 London, 164-8. WILLIAMS (THOMAS). A method for fixing an universal standard for weights. See Williams (T.). Method to discover the difference of the Earth's diameters, &c. 8 1786. (Astronomy.) . . 8 1788. (Astronomy.) WINCKLER (CARL LUDWIG GOTTLOB). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Hohen aus beobachteten Baro- und Thermometer Stiinden. See Winck- ler (C. L. G.). Tafeln, &c. 8 1826. (Miscellaneous.) . Tafeln um Barometerstiinde die bei verschiedenen warme-graden beo- bachtet worder sind auf jede beliebige normal-Temperature zu reduciren. 4 Halle, 1820. WOLFIUS (CHRISTIANUS). Mechanica, hydrostatica, &c. See Wol- fius (C.). Elementa matheseos universae, &c. 4 1732, &c. (Miscella- neous. J WOLLICUS (NICOLAUS). Enchiridion musices, omnibus cantu oblec- tantibus perutile et necessarium. 4 Parisiis. Imperfect. WOOD (JAMES). The principles of mechanics ; designed for the use of students. 8 Cambridge, 1799. This is part 1 of vol. in of his Principles of Mathematics , &c. WOODFORD (T.). See Anonymous. Treatise (a) containing the de- scription and use of a new and curious quadrant. 4 1 756. W T OOLHOUSE (W. S. B.). Essay on musical intervals, harmonics, and the temperament of the musical scale. 12 London, 1835. WRIGHT (J. M. F.). A commentary on Newton's Principia ; with a supplementary volume designed for the use of students ; 2 vols. 8 London, 1828. WRONSKI ( HOENE de). Upon the new celestial mechanics. See Wronski (H. de). Address to the British Board of Longitude, &c. 8 1820. (Astronomy.) 248 MECHANICS. X. ~V" IMENES (LEONARDO). Teoria e pratica delle resistenze de' solidi -J-*- ne' loro attriti ; 2 vols. 4 Pisa, 1782. Y. YOUATT ( ). See Anonymous. Horse (the) with a treatise on draught 8 1831. (Zoology.) YOUNG (J. R.). The elements of mechanics, comprehending statics and dynamics ; with a copious collection of mechanical problems ; for the use of students. 12 London, 1832. YOUNG (THOMAS). See Anonymous. Elementary illustrations of the celestial mechanics of Laplace. 8 1821. . Resume complet de mecanique et de la science des machines, precede d'une introduction historique de la mecanique et de 1'hydrau- lique, et suivi d'une biographic, d'une bibliographic et d'un vocabulaire ; avec un appendice sur 1'ecoulement des liquides, et une notice histo- rique sur les machines a vapeur ; par Hachette. 32 Paris, 1829. Z. ZACH (FRANCOIS de). L'attraction dee montagnes et ses effets sur les fils a plomb ou sur le niveau des instrumens d'astronomie, constates et determines par des observations faites en 1810 pres de Marseilles ; suivis de la description geometrique de la ville de Marseilles et de son territoire; 2 vols. 8 Avignon, 1814. ZARLINO (GIOSEFFO). Le istitutioni harmoniche. fol. Venelia, 1562. ZKNDRINI (ANGELO). Sulla inutilita della questione intorno alia misura delle forze vive e sulla impossibilita di definire questa disputa per mezzo di alcuno esperimento. 8 Venezia, 1804. ZERILLI (DIEGO). Confermazione d' una sentenza del Signor Q. A. Borelli, contradetta da S. degli Angcli. 4 Napoli, 1668. (Two copies.) ZIMMERMANN (E. A. G.). Traite de 1'elasticite de 1'eau et d'autres iluides. 8 Amsterdam, 1780. ZUCCHIUS (NICOLAUS). Nova de machinis philosophia, in qua expli- cantur machinarum vires unico principio ; accessit exclusio vacui contra nova experimenta, contra vires machinarum ; promotio philosophise magneticse. 4 Romce, 1649. ZULIANI (PIETRO). Nuovi sperimenti sopra 1' effetto della caduta de' gravi nelle materie cedevoli, co' quali si mostra la vera misura delle forze vive, e si scuopre 1' errore che si contiene nella celebre esperienza del Po- leni. 4 Padova, 1798. (Two copies.) ZUYLEN de NYEVELT ( de). Theorie du mouvement. See Zuylen de Nyevelt ( de). L'attractiou detruite, &c. 8 1819. (Astro- nomy.) ZUYLICHEM (CHRISTIAN HUYGENS van). Sec Hugenius or Huygens van Zuylichem (C.). 249 OPTICS, INCLUDING CATOPTRICS, DIOPTRICS, LIGHT, COLOURS. A. ABOU-ALY-AL-HACAN-BEN-ALHACAN. See Alhazenus. ADAMS (GEORGE). Essays containing a...... description of instruments used in perspective. See Adams (G.). Geometrical and graphical essays, &c. 8 1797. (Mathematics.) An essay on vision, briefly explaining the fabric of the eye and the nature of vision. 8 London, 1789. . Essays on the microscope ; a general history of insects ; an account of the hydrae and vorticellce ; a description of 383 animalcula ; a view of the organization of timber and the configuration of salts when under the microscope; with additions by F.Kanmacker. 4 London, 1798. AGUILONIUS (FRANCISCUS). Opticorum libri sex. fol. Antverpite, 1613. AILLY de CHAULNES (MICHEL-FERDINAND Tvffts -xpoayeveais de optice errores Isaaci Newtoni demonstrans. 8 Londini, 1750. . Nouveau systeme de 1'univers, sous le titre de Chroa-Genesie, ou critique des pretendues decouvertes de Newton [with a supplement] ; 3 pts. in 2 vols. 12 Paris, 1750 & 1751. GIRARD (ALBERT). Optique. See Stevin (S.). Les O3uvres mathe- matiques. fol. 1634. (Mathematics.) GODFREY (BOYLE). A search into the nature of colours. See God- frey (B.). Miscellanea vere utilia, or miscellaneous experiments. 8 1737. (Miscellaneous.} GORING (C. R.). Memoirs on the verification of microscopic pheno- mena. See Pritchard (A.). The microscopic cabinet. 8 1832. GORING (C. R.). and PRITCHARD (A.). Microscopic illustrations of a few new, popular, and diverting living objects ; with their natural history, c. with accurate descriptions of the latest improvements in the new microscopes. 8 London, 1830. [another edit.] 8 1830. GOULD (C.). The companion to the microscope ; with full directions for preparing the vegetable infusions to produce animalcules. 12 London, 1828. . 12 London, 1832. GOUSSIER (Louis JACQUES). See Marivetz (E. C. de) et Goussier (L. J.). Theorie de la lumiere, &c. 4 1780, &c. GRAVESANDE (G. J.). Essai de perspective ; [to which is added] 258 OPTICS. Usage de la chambre obscure pour le dessein ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 12 GREGORIUS or GREGORY (DAVID). Catoptrics et dioptrics sphaericse elementa. 8 Oxonii, 1695. GREGORIUS or GREGORY (JACOBUS). Optica promota, seu abdita radiorum reflexorum et refractorum mysteria, geometrice cnucleata; cui subnectitur appendix subtilissimorum astronomiae problematwn re- solutionem exhibcns. 4 London, 1663. GRIMALDUS (FRANCISCUS MARIA). Physico-mathcsis do, lumine, co- loribus, et iride, qua occasione de luminis diffusione ; de reflexionis, re- fractionis ac diffractionis modo et causa, deque speciebus intentionalibus visibilium et audibilium, ac de substantial! magnetis effluvio omnia cor- pora pervadente, non pauca scitu digna proferuntur. 4 Bononice, 1665. GUINAND ( ). Some account [of him]. See Anonymous. Some account of the late Mr. G., &c. 8 1825. (Miscellaneous.} GWILT (JOSEPH). Sciography ; or examples of shadows ; with rules for their projection ; for the use of artists. 8 London, 1824. H. HACHETTE (J. NIC. P.). Traite de geometrie descriptive, &c. See Hachette (J. N. P.). Traite, &c. 4 1828. (Mathematics.} HAMILTON (JOHN). Stereography, or a compleat body of perspective. 2 vols. fol. London, 1738. HAMILTON (JosEFiius). De reflexione lucis ejusque refractione. 4 Erfurti, [1792.] HAMILTON (WILLIAM R.). On a general method of expressing the paths of light, &c. See Hamilton (W. R.). On a general method, &c. 8 1833. (Mathematics.} - . The first part of an essay on the theory of systems of rays ; (from vol. xv of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.} 4 Dublin, 1828. - . Supplement to an essay on the theory of systems of rays ; (from vol. xvi of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.} 4 Dublin, 1830. - . Second supplement to an essay on the theory of systems of rays ; (published in vol. xvi of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.} 4 Dublin, 1830. - . Third supplement on the theory of systems of rays ; (from vol, xvn of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.} 4 Dublin, 1833. HARRINGTON (ROBERT). Observations on Dr. Herschel's paper on light. See Harrington (R.). Experiments and observations on Volta's, &c. 8 1801. (Miscellaneous.} HARRIS (JOSEPH). A treatise of optics ; containing elements of the science. 4 London, 1775. H ARTMANNUS (GEORGIUS). Perspectiva communis idco sic dicta quod contineat elementa n;s OTTTIK^S ; in hac enim doctrina inchoatac disputa- tiones philosophorum 'de natura et proiectione radiorum visus, luminum, colorum et formarum absolvuntur. 4 Norimberga?, 1542. HARTSOEKER (NICOLAS). Essai de dioptrique. 4 Paris, 1694. HAUKSBEE (FRANCIS). A course of optical experiments. Hoe Hauksbee (Fr.). A course of mechanical ...... experiments. 4 (Mecha- nics.} OPTICS. 259 HAUKSBEE (FRANCIS). Phenomena touching light. See Hauksbee (F.). Physico-mcchanical experiments on various subjects. 4 1709. (Mechanics.} . Fenomeni intorno la luce. See Hauksbee (F.). Esperienze fisico- mecaniche. 4 1716. (Mechanics.) HAUTEFEUILLE (JEAN de). Invention nouvelle pour se servir fa- cilemcnt des plus longues lunetes d'aproche ; et quelques autres moyens de les perfectionner. 4 Paris, 1683. (Two copies.) . Lettre contenant quelques nouvelles inventions sur les lunetes et sur le niveau. 4 [Paris, 1679.] . Moyen de diminuer la longueur des lunetes d'aproche sans diminuer leur efet. 4 Paris, 1697. HEINRICH (PLACIDUS). See Anonymous. Natur (von der) und der Eigenschaften des Lichtes. 4 [1808.] HELIODORUS Larissoeus. De opticis libri n. Gr. fy Lat. animadver- sionibus illustrati ab E. Bartholino. 4 Parisiis, 1657. . Capita opticorum, Latine vertit et illustravit A. Matani ; Gr. fy Lat. 8 Pistorii, 1758. HENNERT (Jon. FREDERICKS). Elementa optices. See Hennert (J. F.). Cursus matheseos. 8 1768, &c. (Mathematics.) HERIGONE (PIERRE.) Optica, &c. See Herigone (P.) Cursus nm- thematicus, &c. 8 1634, &c. (Mathematics.) HERSCHEL (Sir J. F.W.). Light. 4 [London, 1827.] From the Encydvpadia Metropolitans. . Traite de la lumiere traduit de 1'Anglais avec des notes par P. F. Verhulst et A. Quetelet. 2 vols. 8 Paris, 1829 # 1833. . On the absorption of light by coloured media ; and on the colours of the prismatic spectrum exhibited by certain flames ; with an account of a ready mode of determining the absolute dispersive power of any medium by direct experiment ; (from the Transactions of the Royal So- ciety of Edinburgh.) 4 Edinburgh, 1823. . On the absorption of light by coloured media viewed in connection with the undulatory theory ; (from the London and Edinburgh Philo- sophical Magazine and Journal of Science, Decem. 1833.) 8 HIGGINS (W. M.). An introductory treatise on the nature and pro- perties of light and on optical instruments. 8 London, 1829. HIGHMORE (JOSEPH). The practice of perspective on the principles of Dr. B. Taylor. 4 London, 1763. HOBBES (THOMAS). De Luce. See Hobbes (T.). Problemata phy- sica. 12 1662. (Miscellaneous.) HOOKE(RoBERT). See Anonymous. Micrographia restaurata,ortl\e cop- per-plates of Dr.Hooke's wonderful discoveries, &c. explained, fol. 1745. . The posthumous works of in which the nature, motion and effects of light are treated of. See Hooke (R.). The posthumous works of, &c. fol. 1705. (Miscellaneous.) . Micrographia; or some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses ; with observations and inquiries thereupon, fol. London, 1665. HUGENIUS or HUYGENS van ZUYLICHEM (CHRISTIAN). See Anonymous. Traite de la lumiere. 4 1690. . De lumine. See Hugenius (C.). Opera reliqua. 4 1728. (Miscel- laneous.) . Dioptrica; de coronis et parheliis. Sec Hugenius (C.). Opus- cula posthuma. 4 1728. (Miscellaneous.) 260 OPTICS. J. JACQUIER (FRANCESCO). Elementi di perspettiva secondo li principii di B. Taylor, con varie aggiunte spettanti all' ottica e alia geometria. 8 Roma, 1755. JAMITZER (WENTZEL). Perspectiva corporum regularium, das ist ein fleyssige Fiirweysung wie die funfF regulirten Co'rper darvon Plato inn Timaeo, annd Euclides inn sein Elementis schreibt, &c. durch einen sonderlichen weg gar Kiinstlich inn die Perspectiua gebracht. fol. Nurmberg, 1568. JEAURAT (EDME-SEBAST.). Memoire sur les lunettes diplantidiennes ou a double image, et sur les objectifs et les oculaires achromatiques. 4 Paris, 1779. JOBLOT (L.) Description et usages de plusieurs nouveaux microscopes ; avec des nouvelles observations faites sur une multitude d'insectes qui naissent dans des liqueurs preparees, et dans celles qui ne le sont point; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Paris, 1718. JOHNSON (G. H. S.). Optical investigations. 8 Oxford, 1835. JOURDAN (G. W.) See Anonymous. Observations (the) of Newton concerning the inflections of light, &c. 8 1799. . New observations concerning the colours. 8 1800. . . Account (an) of the irides or coronae, &c. 8 1799. K. KANMACKER (FREDERICK). See Adams (G.). Essays on the mi- croscope. 4 1798. KEATINGE (M.). Perspective. See Keatinge (M.). Eiclometria, &c. 4 1812. (Mathematics.} KELLY (JOHN). The life of John Dollond, inventor of the achromatic telescope. 4 London, 1808. KEPLERUS (JOHANNES). Ad Vitellionem paralipomena, quibus astro- nomiae pars optica traditur. 4 Francofurti, 1604. . Dioptrice ; praemissa epistola Galilaei de iis quae post editionem Nuncii siderii ope perspicilli deprehensa sunt in ccelo ; item examen praefationis J. Penae in optica Euclidis, de usu optices in philosophia. 4 Augusta Vindalicorum, 1611. KIRBY (JOSHUA). Dr. Brook Taylor's method of perspective made easy, both in theory and practice ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Ipswich, 1 754. KIRCHER (ATHANASIUS). Ars magna lucis et umbrae in x libros di- gesta. fol. Amstelcedami, 1671- KIRCHMAJERUS (GEORG. CASP.). De natura lucis. See Kirch- majerus (G. C.). De phosphoris, &c. 4 1680. (Chemistry.) KITCHINER (WILLIAM). Practical observations on telescopes, opera- glasses, and spectacles. 8 London, 1818. KLINGENSTIERNA (SAMUEL). See Amnelius (O.). Dissertations physicae partem posteriorem de reflexione luminis ventilandam sistit 4 [1749.] . See Wibelius (W.). Dissertatio de modo visionis. 4 [1742.] . Tentamen de definiendis et corrigendis aberrationibus radiorum lu- minis in lentibus spaericis refracti, et de perficiendo telescopic dioptrico. 4 Petropoli, 1 762. ( Tivo copies.) KLUGEL (GEORG SIMON). Analytische Dioptrik in zwey theilen ; der l* le Enthalt die allgemeine Theorie der optischen Werkxeuge ; der 2 tes OPTICS. 261 die besondere Theorie und Einrichtung aller Gattungen von Fernrohren Spiegel-Teleskopen und Mikroskopen. 4 Leipsig, 1778. KRAMP (CHRETIEN). Analyse de refractions astronomiques et terre- stres. 4 Strasbourg, 1798. L. LACAILLE (N. G.). Traite d'optique et de perspective; revu et aug- mente de la mesure de la refraction, de son explication physique, de la marche des images dans les instrumens d'optique, des lunettes achro- matique, de 1'iris, &c. 8 Paris, 1810. LAMBERT (J. H.). Les propriet6s remarquables de la route de la lumiere par les airs et en general par plusieurs milieux refringens spheriques et concentriques. 8 La Haye, 1758. . Merkwiirdigste Eigenschaften der Bahn des Lichts durch der Luft, und uberhaupt durch verschiedene spharische und concentrische Mittel ; aus dem Franzosischen uberseszt. 8 Berlin, 1773. . Photometria, sive de mensura etgradibus luminis, colorum et umbrae. 8 Leipsig, 1760. LANGSDORF (KA.RL CHRISTIAN). Grundlehren der Photometrie, oder der optischen Wissenschaften ; 2 vols. 8 Erlangen, 1803-1805. LARDNER (DIONYSIUS). Newton's optics. See Anonymous. Natural philosophy, vol. n. 8 1832. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) ( Two copies.) LEPRINCE (H. S.). Nouvelle chroagenesie, ou refutation du traite d'optique de Newton ; l re partie. 8 Paris, 1819. LEROND rf'ALEMBERT (JEAN). See Alembert (J. L. d'). LLOYD (HUMPHRY). A treatise on light and vision. 8 London, 1831. . On a new case of interference of the rays of light ; (from the 1 7th vol. of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) 4 Dublin, 1834. . On the phenomena presented by light in its passage along the axes of biaxal crystals ; (from the 1 7th vol. of the Transactions of the Royal Irish Academy.) 4 Dublin, 1833. . Report on the progress and present state of physical optics ; (from the Third Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science for 1834.) 8 London, 1835. LOMONOSOW (MICHAEL). Oratio de origine lucis ; ex Rossica in Latinam linguam conversa a G. Kositzki. 4 Petropoli, [1756.] M. MAGINI (Gio. ANTONIO). Breve instruttione sopra 1'apparenze et mirabili effetti dello specchio concavo sferico. 4 Bologna, 1628. MAIGNAN (EMANUEL). Perspectiva horaria in quibus praecipuam admirationem habet et thaumantias catoptrica, &c. SeeMaignan (E.). Perspectiva horaria, sive de horographia, &c. fol. 1648. (Astronomy.) MALUS (E. L.). Theorie de la double refraction de la lumiere dans les substances christallisees. 4 Paris, 1810. (Two copies.) MARAT (JEAK-PAUL). Memoires academiques, ou nouvelles decou- vertes sur la lumiere, relatives aux points les plus importans de 1'op- tique. 8 Paris, 1788. MARIOTTE (EDME). See Perrault (C.) et Mariotte (E.) Lettres ecrites sur le sujet d vine decouverte touchant la veue. 4 1682. MARIVETZ (ETIENNE-CLAUDE de) et GOUSSIER (L. J.) Theorie de 262 OPTICS. la lumierc, de la vision ct cles couleurs. See Marivetz (E. C. de), et Goussier (L. J.). Physique du monde, &c. vols.m and iv. 4 1780, &c. ( Miscellaneous.) MARTIN (BENJAMIN). Principles of optics, &c. See Martin (B.). A new and comprehensive system of mathematics, &c. 8 1759. {Mathematics.) . Micrographia nova ; or a new treatise on the microscope and mi- croscopic objects. 4 Heading, 1742. . New elements of optics, or the theory of the aberrations, dissipation and colours of the refractive powers and densities of mediums ; the pro- perties of lenses ; and the construction and use of telescopes and mi- croscopes. 8 London, 1759. MASERES (F.). Scriptores optici, or a collection of tracts relating to optics ; [edited by C. Babbage.] 4 London, 1823. MASKELYNE (NEVIL). Micrometrum prismaticum, sive novum instru- mentum angulos parvos metiendi. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides an. 1780. 8 (Astronomy.) MATANI (ANTONIUS). See Heliodorus Larissaeus. Capita opticorum. 8 1758. MAURICE (GEORGE). Dissertation sur les premiers elemens de la th6o- rie de la vision. 8 Geneve, 1823. MAUROLYCUS (FRANCISCUS). Theoremata de lumine et umbra, ad perspectivam et radiorum incidentiam facientia ; diaphanorum libri tres, in quorum primo de perspicuis corporibus, in secundo de iride, in ter- tio dc organi visualis structura et conspiciliorum formis, agitur. 4 Lugduni, 1617. MAYER (JOANNES TOBIAS). De refractionibus astronomicis. See Mayer (J. T.). De refractionibus, &c. 4 1781. (Astronomy.) MERSENNE or MERSENNUS (MARINUS). Bini refractionum clemou- stratarum tractatus. See Mersennus (M.). Universae geometric synopsis. 4 1644. (Mathematics.) L'optique et la catoptrique. See Niceron (J. F.). La perspective curieuse. fol. 1663. MIGON (ESTIENNE). La perspective speculative et pratique ensemble la maniere de la pratiquer de 1'invention du Sieur Aleaume. 4 Paris, 1643. MILLIET DECHALES (CLAUDIUS FRANCISCUS). Optica, &c. See Milliet Dechales (C. F.). Cursus sen mundus mathematicus. fol. 1674. (Miscellaneous.) . . fol. 1690. (Miscellaneous.) MINASI (ANTONIO). Dissertazioni sopra diversi fatti meno ovvii della storia naturale. 8 Roma, 1773. MOLYNEUX (WILLIAM). Dioptrica nova ; a treatise of dioptricks, wherein the various effects of spherick glasses, together with their use- fulness are explained. 4 London, 1692. MONTANARI (GEMINIANO). La livella diottrica ; nuova invenzione per livellare col cannocchiale ; aggiuntovi il modo di misurare una di- stanza incognita con una sola stazione guardando nel cannocchiale, e un nuovo e facile modo di misurare mediante la livella medesima il vero circuito della Terra. 4 Bologna, 1674. MORGAN ( ). Dissertation... on the rainbow. See Morgan ( ). Six philosophical dissertations, &c. 4 1770. (Miscellaneous^ MURDOCH (PATIUCIUS). Neutoni genesis curvarum per umbras, sivc perspectives universalis elemcnta, exemplis coni bcctionum et lincarum tertii ordinis illustrata. 8 Londini, 1746. OPTICS. 263 MYDORGE (CLAUDE). Problemes en optique ct captoptrique. Sec Mydorge (C.). Examen du livre des recreations mathematiques. 8 1639. (Mathematics.) . Prodromi catoptricorum et dioptricorum, sive conicorum operis libri quatuor priores. fol. Paris, 1641. N. NAPOLI (CARLO di). Nuove inventioni di tubi ottici, dimostrate nell'Accademiafisico-matematicaRomanar anno 1686. 4- Roma, 1686. NEEDHAM (TUIIBERVILL). Description et usage du microscope. See Needham (T.). Nouvelles observations, &c. 12 1750. (Anatomy.) NEWTON (Sir ISAAC). See Anonymous. Observations (the) of New- ton concerning the inflections of light, &c. 8 1799. . See Anonymous. Opticks ; or a treatise of the reflections, refrac- tions, &c. 4 1704. . Lcctiones opticae. 4 Londini, 1729. . Optice, sive de reflexionibus, refractionibus, inflexionibus et colori- bus lucis ; Latine reddidit S. Clarke ; accedunt tractatus duo ejusdem authoris de speciebus et magnitudine figurarum curvilinearum Latine script! ; 3 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Londini, 1706. NICERON (JEAN-FRA^OIS). La perspective curieuse ; avec 1'optique et la catoptrique du R. P. Mersenne ; 2 vols. fol. Paris, 1663 & 1651. NOBLE (EDWARD). The elements of linear perspective demonstrated by geometrical principles, with an introduction containing so much of the elements of geometry, as will render the whole rationale of perspective intelligible without any other previous mathematical knowledge. 8 London, 1771. O. ORIANI (BARNABA). De refractionibus. See Cesaris (A. de). Efte- meridi, &c. ; an. 1788. 8 (Astronomy.) . Rifrazione, &c. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1816. 8 (Astronomy.) ORLEANS (CHERUBIN d'). See Cherubin d'Orleans. OZANAM (JACQUES). Optique. See Ozanam (J.). Recreations ma- thematiques. 8 1790. (Miscellaneous.) P. PERRAULT (CLAUDE) et MARIOTTE (E.). Lettres ecrites sur le sujet d'une nouvelle decouverte touchant la veue, faite par M. Ma- riotte. 4 Paris, 1682. PIERE (DANIEL de). Designatio instrumentorum et artificiorum opti- corum, tarn vulgarium et veterum, quam rariorum et novorum, quae apud ipsuiu haberi et aequo pretio comparari possunt. 4 Augusta Vindelicorum, 1 674. PIOLA (GABRIO). Sulla teorica dei cannocchiali. See Cesaris (A. de). EfFemeridi, &c. ; an. 1822. 8 (Astronomy.) PLANA (GIOVANNI). Recherches analytiques sur la theorie des re- fractions astronomiques. See Plana (G.). Recherches analytiques. 4 (Chemistry.) PORTA (JOANNES BAPTISTA). De refractione. 4 Neapoli, 1593. PORTERFIELD (WILLIAM). A treatise on the eye, the manner and phenomena of vision ; 2 vols. 8 Edinburgh, 1759. 2(>4 OPTICS. POTT (JEAN-HENRI). Dissertation sur la lumiere. See Pott (J. H.). Lithogeognosie, ou examen chymique des pierres. 12 1753. (Che- mistry^.) POUGET ( ). See Anonymous. Observations sur l'arc-en-ciel. 8 1788. POWELL (BADEN). A short elementary treatise of experimental and mathematical optics ; for the use of students. 8 Oxford, 1833. PRIESTLEY (JOSEPH). The history and present state of discoveries relating to vision, light and colours. 4 London, 1772. PRINGLE (Sir JOHN). A discourse on the invention and improvements of the reflecting telescope, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Royal Society, Nov. 30, 1777. 4 London, 1778. PRITCHARD (ANDREW). Description of optical instruments. See Anonymous. Natural philosophy; vol. n. 8 1832. (Natural philosophy, General works on.) ( Two copies.) . See Goring (C. E.) and Pritchard (A.). Microscopic illustrations, &c. 8 1830. . The microscopic cabinet of select animated objects ; to which are subjoined memoirs on the verification of microscopic phenomena, and the exact method of appreciating the quality of microscopes and engi- scopes, by C. R. Goring. 8 London, 1832. PUGH (S.). Observations sur la lumiere. See Pugh (S.). Obser- vations sur le calorique, &c. 8 1826. (Chemistry.) Q. QUETELET (A.). See Herschel (Sir J. F. W.). Traite de la lumiere. 8 1829, &c. . Memoire sur une nouvelle maniere de considerer les caustiques, produites, soit par reflexion, soit par refraction. 4? [Bruxelles, 1825-3 From the Memoires of the Academy of Bruxelles, torn. 3. . Resume d'une nouvelle theorie des caustiques, suivi de diflferentes applications a la theorie des projections stereographiques. 4 [Brux- elles.l R. RAMUS (PETRUS). Opticse lib. iv. See Risner (R). Optica?, &c. 4 1606. REDI (FRANCESCO). Lettera intorno all' invenzione degli occhiali scritta al S r P. Falconieri. 4 Firenze, 1678. RHODIUS (AMBROSIUS). Optica ; cui additus est tractatus de crepus- culis ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 12 Witebergice, 1611. RISNER (FRIDERICUS). Opticae libri quatuor ex voto P. Rami olim conscripti, nunc in lucem producti. 4 Cassellis, 1606. RIZZETTIUS (JOHANNES). De luminis afFectionibus specimen physico- mathematicum. 8 Tarvisii, 1727. ROCHON (ALEXIS-MARIE). An essay on the degree of warmth of co- loured rays. See Evans (T. S.). Historical memoranda, c. 8 1815. ( Chemistry.) RONALDS (FRANCIS.) Mechanical perspective ; or description and uses of an instrument for sketching from nature every kind of object ; and of a machine for drawing in perspective. 8 London, 1 828. ROUCHER-DERATTE (CLAUDE). Traite sur la luminologie, ou sur la lumiere relativement a ses diverges branches. 8 Montpellier, 1809. ROUX (JACOB). Die Farben ; vol. in. 8 Heidelberg, 1829. OPTICS. 265 S. CCHEINER (CHRISTOPHORXJS). Oculus ; hoc est, fundamentum opti- ^ cum in quo ex accurata oculi anatome &c. radius visualis eruitur, &c. 4 CEniponti, 1619. . . 4 Londini, 1652. . Pantographice, seu ars delineandi res quaslibet per parallelogram- mum lineare seu cavum, mechanicum, mobile, libellis duobus explicata ; quorum prior epipedographicen seu planorum, posterior stereographicen seu solidorum aspectabilium imitationem atque projectionem edocet. 4 Roma, 1631. . Refractiones ccelestes, sive Solis elliptici phaenomenon illustratum. 4 Ingolstadii, 1617. SCHERFFER (CAROLUS). Institutionum opticarum partes quatuor con- scriptae in usum tironum. 4 vols. 4 Vindobonce, 1775. SCHWERD (F. M.). Die Beugungserscheinungen aus den Fundamen- talgesetzen der Undulationstheorie analytisch entwickelt. 4 Mann- heim, 1835. SIMPSON (THOMAS)I A new theory of astronomical refractions. See Simpson (T.). Mathematical dissertations, &c. 4 1743. (Mathematics.} SIRTURUS (HIERONYMUS). Telescopium: sive ars perficiendi novum illud Galilaei visorium instrumentum ad sydera. 4 Francofurli, 1618. SMITH (ROBERT). A compleat system of opticks ; to which are added remarks upon the whole ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Cambridge, 1738. SOWERBY (JAMES). A new elucidation of colours, original, prismatic and material ; showing their concordance in three primitives, yellow, red and blue ; and the means of producing, measuring and mixing them ; with observations on the accuracy of Sir I. Newton. 4 Lon- don, 1809. SPALATENSIS (MAR. ANT. de DOMINIS) Archiepiscopus. See Do- minis (M. A. de), Arch. Spal. STEVIN (SIMON). Optique. See Stevin (S.). Les oeuvres mathema- tiques. fol. 1634. (Mathematics.} STORER (W.). Syllabus to a course of optical experiments on the Syl- lepsis optica, or the new optical principles of the royal delineator ana- lysed. 4 (No date.} T. TACQUET (ANDREAS). Opticae libri tres, &c. See Tacquet (A.). Opera mathematica. fol. 1669. (Mathematics.} TAYLOR (BROOK). Element! di perspettiva, &c. See Jacquier (F.). Elementi, &c. 8 1755. See Kirby (J.). Dr. B. T.'s method of perspective made easy. 4 1754. . Linear perspective ; or a new method of representing justly all manner of objects as they appear to the eye in all situations. 8 Lon- don, 1715. . New principles of linear perspective. 8 London, 1719. THOMIN ( ). Traite d'optique mechanique dans lequel on donne les re- gies pour faire toutes sortes de lunettes, microscopes, &c. 8 Paris, 1769. TORELLUS (JOSEPHUS). Elementorum prospectivae libri n ; rccensuit et edidit J. B. Bertolini. 4 Verona, 1788. TRABAUD ( ). Le mouvement de la lumiere ; ou premiers principcs d'optique. 8 Paris, 1753. 266 OPTICS. V. ~\T ALLEE (L. L.). Trait6 de la science du dessin, contenant la the'orie generale des ombres, la perspective lineaire, la theorie generate des images d'optique, et la perspective aerienne appliquee au lavis. 4 Paris, 1821. . Planches. 4 Paris, 1821. VERHULST (P. R). Sec Herschel (Sir J. F. W.). Traite de la lumiere. 8 1829, &c. VIAL ( ). See Anonymous. Analyse de la lumiere, &c. 8 1826. VIGNOLA (JACOMO BAROZZI da). See Barozzi (J.). VITELLIO or VITELLO. Opticse libri decem. See Alhazenus. Op- ticae thesaurus, fol. 1572. VOSSIUS (ISAACUS). De lucis natura et proprietate. 4 Amstelodami, 1662. . Responsum ad objecta Joh. de Bruyn, Prof. Trajectini, et P. Petiti, Med. Parisiensis. 4 Hagce Comitum, 1663. ( Two copies.) VREDEMAN (JEAN). L'art de perspective et de I'architecture demon- stree en figures. Obi. fol. La Haye, 1604. W. WEBER (ERNST HEINRICH und WILHELM). Wellenlehre mit Anwendung auf die Schall- und Lichtwellen. See Weber (E. H. undW.). Wellenlehre auf Experimente gegriindct. 8 1825. (Mecha- nics.) WELLS (JOHN). See Anonymous. Sciographia, or the art of shadowes, &c. 8 1635. (Mathematics.) WELLS (WILLIAM CHARLES). An essay upon single vision with two eyes ; together with experiments and observations on several other sub- jects in optics. 8 London, 1792. WERNEBERG (J. FRIEDRICH CHRISTIAN). Merkwurdige Phanomene an und durch verschiedene Prismen. 4 Niirnberg, 1817. WIBELIUS (NicoLAus). Dissertatio academica, de modo visionis ; pros- side S. Klingenstierna. 4 Upsalicc, [1742.] WOLFIUS (CHRISTIANUS). Optica, perspective, &c. See Wolfius (C.). Elementa matheseos universae, &c. 4 1732, &c. (Miscellaneous.) WOOD (JAMES). The elements of optics, designed for the use of stu- dents. 8 Cambridge, 1828. Y. YOUNG (THOMAS). A reply to the animadversions of the Edin- burgh reviewers on some papers published in the Philosophical Transactions. 8 London, 1804. Z. ZAHN (JOANNES). Oculis artificialis teledioptricus ; sive telescopium stabilitum; 3 vols. fol. Hcrbipoli, 1685 & 1686. ZUCCHIUS (NICOLAUS). Optica philosophia experimentis et ratione a fundamentis constituta; 2 vols. 4 Li/ffduni, 1652-1656. ZUYLICHEM (CHRISTIAN HUYGENS dc). See Hugcnius de Zuylichem (C.). 267 TABLES ON VARIOUS SUBJECTS. A. ABOU ALY JAHYN IBN DJAZLAH. Sec Buhahylyha Byn- gezla. ACADEMIES, &c. ACADEMIE DE BERLIN. Recueil de tables astronomiques. See Aca- demies, &c. Ber. Recueil, &c. 8 1776. (Astronomy.) . . Germ. 8 1776. (Astronomy.) BUREAU DES LONGITUDES DE FRANCE. Tables astronomiques ; prdin. part. See Academies, &c. Bureau, &c. Tables, &c. 4 1806. (Astro- nomy.) ALKATEL. See Buhahylyha Byngezla. ALFONSO or ALPHONSO el Sabio, or ALPHONSUS X. Rex Ca- stellce. Tabulae, &c. See Alphonsus, Rex Castellae. Tabula;, &c. 4 1492. (Astronomy.) ALPHONSUS de Cordula. Tabulse, &c. See Alphonsus de Corduba. Tabulae, &c. 4 1503. (Astronomy.) ANDREW (JAMES). Astronomical and nautical tables. See Andrew (J.). Astronomical and nautical tables. 8 1805. (Astronomy.) ANGELI (JOANNES). Astrolabium planum in tabulis. See Angeli (J.). Astrolabium, &c. 4 1488. (Astronomy.) ANONYMOUS. ARITHMETICAL tables. See Anonymous. Arithmetical, &c. fol. (Ma- ASTRONOMISCHE Tafeln, &c. See Anonymous. Astronomischc Tafeln, &c. 8 1804. (Astronomy.) AUXILIARY tables for Mr. Bessel's method, &c. See Anonymous. Auxiliary tables, &c. 8 (Astronomy.) CANON logarithmorum. See Anonymous. Canon, &c. 6 tab, (Mat/ic- mutics.) CANON (a) of the squares and cubes of all numbers under 1000, of the squared squares under 300, and of the square cubes and cubed cubes under 200. See Moore (Sir J.). Arithmetick, &c. 8 1660. (Ma- thematics.) COMPARATIVE (a) view of the diseases and ages, and a table of the probabilities of life. See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mortality. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.) GENERAL tables of the Moon's distances from the Sun and ton princi- pal fixt stars. See Anonymous. General tables, c. foh 1787. (Astro- nomy.) 268 TABLES. ANONYMOUS, continued. LOGARITHMEN von vier Decimal-stellen. See Anonymous. Logarith- men, &c. 8 1828. {Mathematics.} NOUVELLES tables de navigation. See Anonymous. Nouvelles tables, &c. 8 1789. (Astronomy.} SOLAR and Lunar tables. See Anonymous. Treatise (a) on the pa- rallactic angle, &c. 4 1766. (Astronomy.) TABLE de la force des boissons. See Anonymous. Table, &c. 8 1827. ( Chemistry.) TABLE de multiplication, &c. See Anonymous. Table de multiplica- tion depuis unjusqu'a cent mille, &c. 8 [1799.] (Mathematics.) TABLE de multiplication, &c. See Anonymous. Table de multipli- cation, suivie d'une table donnant la circonference et la surface des corps circulaires (it spheriques, &c. 8 1825. (Mathematics.) TABLE des sinus verses et de leurs logarithmes. See Anonymous. Exposition des moyens les plus faciles, &c. 8 1772. (Astronomy.) TABLE (a) of redemption, &c. See Anonymous. Table (a) of redemp- tion, &c. fol. 1717. (MatJiematics.) TABLE of segments of circles. See Anonymous. Geometry improv'd, &c. 4 1717. (Mathematics.) TABLE (a) of the circles arising from the division of a unit, &c. See Anonymous. Table (a) of the circles, . Tables for facilitating the calculation of nautical astronomy. See Mendoza y Rios (J. de). Tables, &c. 4 1801. {Astronomy.) MERCATOR (NICOLAUS KAUFFMAN). Tabula- Solares et Lunares Tychonianae. See Mercator (N. K.). Institutionum astronomicarum libri duo. 8 1676. {Astronomy.) MERCHISTON (JOHN NEPER) Baron. See Neperus (J.) Baro Mer- chistonii. METIUS (ADRIANUS). Canon sinuum, tangentium et secantium ad radium 10,000,000. See Metius (A.). Opera omnia astronomica. 4 1632, &c. {Astronomy.) MEZGER (JOANNES). Tabulae aberrationis et nutationis in ascensionem rectam "et declinationem 352 stellarum. See Mezger ( J.). Tabulae, &c. 8 1778. {Astronomy.) MILNE (JOSHUA). Tables, &c. See Milne (J.). A treatise on the va- luation of annuities, &c. 8 1815. (Mat/iematics.) MOHAMMED TARAGHY. See Ulugh Beigh (M. M. T.). MOHAMMED TIZINUS. Tabulae declinationum, &c. See Ulugh Beigh (M. M.T.). Tabula?, &c. 4 1665. (Astronomy.) MOLYNEUX (WILLIAM). Tables of the right ascension in time to every ten minutes of the ecliptick. See Molyneux (W.). Sciothericum tele- scopicum. 4 1686. (Astronomy.) MONTANARI (GEMINIANO). Tavole delle inclinazioni de' mortari per fare i tin giusti, &c. See Montanari (G.). Manualetto de' bombisti, 8 1680. (Mechanics.) . . 12 1682. (Mechanics.) MONTEREGIO (JOANNES de). See Regiomontanus (J.). MONTLIVAULT (E. de). Sur la cause et la nature de la lumiere. See Montlivault ( Essai de cosmologie. 4 1826. (Astronomy.) MOORE (Sir JONAS). Astronomical tables, with tables of logarithms, &c. See Moore ( Sir J.). A new systeme of the mathematicks. 4 1681. ( Miscellaneous.) TABLES. 283 MORGAN (ARTHUR). Tables showing the number of persons assured in the Equitable Society, &c. See Morgan (A.). Tables, &c. fol. 1834. (Mathematics.} MORRIS (CORBYN). Observations on London with a continuation of the tables. See Collections. Collection (a) of the yearly bills of mor- tality. 4 1759. (Miscellaneous.) MORRIS (GAEL). Tabulae. See Anonymous. Tabulae. 4 [1763.] (Astronomy.) MOUTON (GABRIEL). Tabula declinationum Solis, &c. See Mouton (G.). Observationes diametrorum Solis, &c. 1670. (Astronomy.) MULERIUS (NICOLAUS). Tabulae Frisicae Lunae-solares. See Mulerius (N.). Tabulae, &c. 4 1611. (Astronomy.) [ULLF MULLER (JOHAN). See Regiomontanus (J.). MURDOCH (PATRICK). Nouvelles tables loxodromiques. See Murdoch (P.). Nouvelles tables, &c. 8 1742. (Astronomy.) MURRAY (MUNGO). Tables of logarithms ; of sines ; of meridional parts ; of difference of latitudes, c. See Murray (M.). The rudiments of navigation. 8 1760. (Astronomy.) MYERS (THOMAS). Tables, &c. See Rossel ( de). A practical treatise on finding the latitude and longitude at sea ; with tables, &c. 8 1815. (Astronomy.) N. "VTAPIER or NEPERUS (JOANNES) Baro Merchistonii. Tabulae loga- -*-^ rithmorum. See Napier (J.), Lord Merchiston. Mirifici logarith- morum canonis description, &c. 4 1614. (Mathematics.) . Logarithmorum canonis descriptio. See Napier (J.), Lord Mer- chiston. Logarithmorum, &c. 4 1620. (Mathematics.) NEWMAN (S.) Tables. See Newman (S.). A collection of tables. 4 1804. (Mathematics.) NEWTON (JOHN). Two tables, the one of decimal numbers and the other of their logarithmes, &c. See Newton ( J.). A help to calculation. 4 1657. (Mathematics.) . Tables. See Newton (J.). Astronomia Britannica, exhibiting the doctrine of the sphere, &c. 4 1657. (Astronomy.) . Tables for measuring of timber and the gauging of casks. < See Newton (J.). Cosmographia, &c. 8 1679. (Astronomy.) Tabulae mathematicae ; or tables of the naturall sines, tangents and secants, and the logarithms of the sines and tangents to every degree and hundred part of a degree in the quadrant, their common radius being 10,000,000; with a table of logarithms of all absolute numbers increas- ing by naturall succession from an unite to 10,000. See Newton (J.). Institutio mathematica, &c. 12 1654. (Mathematics.) A table of logarithms, &c. See Newton (J.). Trigonometria Bri- tannica, &c. fol. 1658. (Mathematics.) NORIE (J. W.) A complete set of nautical tables. See Norie (J. W.). A complete set of, &c. 8 1818. (Astronomy.) . Linear tables for correcting the apparent distance of the Moon from the Sun or a fixed star, &c. See Norie (J. W.). A set of linear tables, &c. 8 1820. (Astronomy.) Tables. See Norie ( J. W.). A new and complete epitome of prac- tical navigation, &c. 8 1822. (Astronomy.) NORWOOD (RICHARD). A table of artificial sines, &c. See Norwood (R.). Epitomy, &c. 12 1669. (Mathematics.) 284 TABLES. O. OLBERS (WILHELM). Abhandlung uber die leichteste Methode die Bahn eines Cometen zu berechnen mit Tafeln. See Olbers(W.). Abhandlung, &c. 8 1797. (Astronomy.) OLTMANNS (JABBO). Hypsometrische Tafeln, oder Tafeln zur Bestim- mung der Hdhen vermittels des Barometers, &c. See Oltmanns (J.). Hypsometrische Tafeln, &c. 8 1830. (Mechanics.) ORIANI (BARN ABA). Tabulae motus horarii Lunae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi ; an. 1781. 8 (Astronomy.) . Tabulae novi planetae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi; an. 1785. 8 (Astronomy.) . Tabulae Urani ad meridianum Mediolani supputatae. See Cesaris (A. de). Effemeridi; an. 1793. 8 (Astronomy.) OTHO (L. VALENTINUS). See Rheticus (G. J.). Opus palatinum de tri- angulis. fol. 1596. (Mathematics.) OUGHTRED (WILLIAM). Canones sinuum, tangentium et secantium ; et logarithmorum pro sinubus et tangentibus. See Oughtred (W.). Trigonometria. 4 1657. (Mathematics.) OWEN (W.F. W.) Tables of latitudes and longitudes by chronometers. See Owen (W.F.W.) Tables, &c. 4 1827. (Astronomy.) OYON ( ). Tables. See Oyon ( ). Tables de multiplication. 4 1824. (Mathematics.) OZANAM (JACQUES). See Vlacq (A.) La trigonometric ou il est traite de la construction des tables des sinus, &c et tables calculees sur un rayon de 10000000. 8 1720. (Mathematics.) P. PASCAL (AuGUSTE-JosEpn-ExiENNE). Tables pour jauger toutes sortes de vaisseaux. See Pascal (A. J. E.). Traite pratique du jaugeage. 8 1818. (Mathematics.) PAST (BARTOLOMEO di). Tariffa dei pesi e misure, &c. See Pasi (B. di). Tariffa, &c. 8 1557. (Mat/iematics.) PASQUISCH (JOANNES). Tabulae. See Pasquisch (J.). Tabulae loga- rithmicae, &c. 8 1817. (Mathematics.) PATOUN (ARCHIBALD). Tables. See Patoun (A.). A complete trea- tise of practical navigation. 8 1751. (Astronomy.) PAYNE (JOHN). Tables for valuing labor, &c. See Payne (J.). Tables, &c. 4 1811. (Mathematics.) PEARSON(GEORGE). SeeGuyton-Morveau(L.B.)rcrfo^mr. Atransla- tion of the table of chemical nomenclature, &c. 4 1794. (Chemistry.) . Tables of single elective attraction, &c. See Guyton-Morveau (L. B.). A translation of the table of chemical nomenclature, &c. 4 1799. (Chemistry.) PEARSON (WILLIAM). Tables recently computed for facilitating the reduction of celestial observations. See Pearson (W.). An introduc- tion to practical astronomy. 4 1824, &c. (Astronomy.) PEREIRA (JOSE MARIA DANTAS). Taboas que contem os logarithmos dos numeros naturaes desde 1 ate 43200. See Pereira (J. M. D.). Taboas, &c. 8 1804. (Mathematics.) PERING (RICHARD). A table of dimensions for anchors. See Pering (R.). A treatise on the anchor, &c. 8 1819. (Mechanics.) PEURBACHIUS (GEORGIUS). Tabula- oclypsium. See Peurbachius (G.). Tabulae, &c. fol. 1514. (Astronomy.) TABLES. 285 PEZENAS (ESPRIT). Tables astronomiques. See Anonymous. Astro- nomie des niarins, c. 8 1766. (Astronomy.} PFLAUM (JACOBUS). Tabula proportionum, c. See Stoefflerinus (J.) et Pflaum (J.). Almanach nova, &c. 4 1513. (Astronomy.} PHILLIPPES or PHILLIPS (HENRY). Tables of logarithmes, &c. See Phillippes (H.). A mathematical manual, &c. 12 1669. (Mathematics.) . Tables, &c. See Phillippes (H.). The purchaser's pattern, &c. 12 1667. (Mathematics.) PHILLIPPS (Sir THOMAS). An improved numeration table, &c. See Phillipps (Sir T.). An improved, &c. 12 1829. (Mathematics.) PIGRI (GIUSEPPE). Nuove tavole degli element! del numeri dall' 1 al 10000. See Pigri (G.). Nuove tavole, &c. 8 1758. (Mathematics.) PILGRAM (ANTONIUS). Tabulae pro delineandis occultantis Lunce phaenomenis. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides;an. 1769. 8 (Astronomy.) Tabulae pro observationibus culminantium planetarum. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1770. 8 (Astronomy.) . Tabulae pro lunationibus facili calculo eruendis excerptae, &c. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1782. 8 (Astronomy.) Tabulae reductionis ascensionis rectae et declinationis planetarum, &c. See Hell (M.): Ephemerides; an. 1783. 8 (Astronomy.) Tabulae aberrationum et nutationum pro 500 fixis. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1784 & 1785. 8 (Astronomy.) PLAUSOL ( ). Tables, &c. See Delagrive (J.). Manuel de trigono- metric. 8 1806. (Mathematics.) PLAYFORD (JOHN). Tables. See Playford (J.). Vade mecum, &c. 12 1679. (Miscellaneous.) POISSENET (J. G.). Tables de la cubature des bois de construction, &c. SeePoissenet(J.G-). Metrologie forestiere. 8 [1798.] (Mathematics.) POUCHET (Louis-E.). Tables des nouveaux poids, mesures, et mon- noies de France. See Pouchet (L. E.). Metrologie terrestre, &c. 8 (1797.) (Mathematics.) PRASSE ( de). See Deprasse ( ). PRICE (RICHARD). A complete set of tables ; particularly four new tables shewing the probabilities of life, &c. See Price (R.). Observa- tions on reversionary payments, &c. 8 1771. (Mathematics.) . Tables, &c. See Price (R.). Observations on reversionary pay- ments, &c. 8 1772. (Mathematics.) . 8 1773. (Mathematics.) . . . 8 1792. (Mathematics.) PRONY (GASPARD-CLAiR-FRAN90is-MARiE-RicHE de). Methodes de calcul pour la cubature des bois. See Encyclopedic methodique. Fo- rets et bois, &c. 4 1791, &c. (Miscellaneous.) . Tables de logarithmes hyperboliques, calculees de 100 e en 100 e d'unite. See Prony (G. C. F. M. R. de). Formules pour calculer 1'effet d'une machine a vapeur, &c. fol. lithog. (Mathematics.) . Table pour le calcul des changemens que le tassement fait eprou- ver a une voute, &c. See Prony (G. C. F. M. R. de). Note sur les inflexions, &c. 8 1832. (Mechanics.) PURBACH (GEORG). See Peurbachius (G.). PURDY (JOHN). Tables to accompany the 'Oriental navigator.' See Purdy (J.). Tables of the positions of places, &c. 4 1816. (Astronomy?) 286 TABLES. R. RACINE (AMEDEE). Tables pour calculer la latitude d'un lieu. See Racine (A.). Tables, &c. 4 1824. (Astronomy.) RAMATUELLE ( AUDIBERT). See Audibert-Ramatuelle ( ). RAZOUX (JEAN). Tables nosologiques et meteorologiques tres etendues dressees a 1'Hotel-Dieu de Nimes depuis le l r Juin 1757, jusqu'au l er Jan. 1762; [to which are added] Lettres, memoires et observations sur divers sujets de medecine. 4 Basle, 1767. REBOUL ( ). Tables nouvelles de Venus. See R6boul ( ). Tables, &c. 4 1811. (Astronomy.) REGGIO (FRANCISCUS). Tabula correctionis adhibendae ob difFerentiam refractionis observationibus habitis sectore aequatoriali Tabula obli- quitatis eclipticae observatse Mediolani ab an. 1772 ad an. 1792. See Cesaris (A. de.) Effemeridi, &c.; an. 1793. 8 (Astronomy.) REGIOMONTANUS (JOANNES). Tabulaa primi mobilis. See Peurba- chius (G.). Tabulae eclypsium. fol. 1514. (Astronomy.) . Tabulae directionum, &c. See Regiomontanus (J.). Tabulae, &c. 4 1551, &c. (Astronomy.) . Tabulae directionum una cum tabella sinus recti. See Regio- montanus (J.). Tabulae, &c. 4 1504. (Astronomy.) REISHAMMER (FELIX). Table de logarithmes depuis 1 jusqu'a 10400. See Reishammer (F.). Manuel general pour les arbitrages, &c. 8 1800. (Mathematics^ REISSIG ( ). Tafeln. See Reissig ( ), Tenner ( ) und Reutzel ( ). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Coordinaten ohne Logarithmen. 4 1830. (Mathematics.) REUTZEL ( ). Tafeln. See Reissig ( ), Tenner ( ) und Reutzel ( ). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Coordinaten ohne Logarithmen. 4 1830. (Mathematics.) REYNAUD (A. A. L.) Tables. See Delagrive (J.). Manuel de trigo- nometrie. 8 1806. (Mathematics.) RHETICUS (GEORGIUS JOACHIMUS). Meteoroscopium numerorum; magnus canon doctrinae triangulorum, &c. See Rheticus (G. J.). Opus palatinum de triangulis. fol. 1596. (MatJiematics.) RICHE ( k). See Leriche ( ). RICHE de PRONY (GASPARD-CLAIR-FRANCOIS-MARIE). See Prony (G. C. F. M. R. de). RIDDLE (EDWARD). Tables requisite in nautical computation. See Riddle (E.). A treatise on navigation, &c. 8 1824. (Astronomy, fyc.) RILEY (G.). Arithmetical tables. See Riley (G.). Arithmetical tables, &c. 8 1775. (Mathematics.) RIVARD (DOMINIQUE FRANCOIS). Tables de gnomonique. See Rivard (D. F.). La gnomonique, &c. 8 1 757. (Astronomy.) Tables. See Rivard (D. F.). Trigonometric rectiligne, &c. 8 1757. (Mathematics.) ROE (NATHANIEL). Two tables of logarithmes. See Roe (N.). Tabulae logarithmicae, or two tables, &c. 8 1633. (Mathematics.) ROME de L'ISLE (JEAN-BAPTISTE-LOUIS). Tables pourservir a 1'intel- ligence des poids et mesures des Anciens. See Rome de Lisle ( J. B. L.). Metrologie, ou tables, &c. 4 1789. (Mathematics.) ROSSEL ( de). Tables to facilitate the calculations (for finding the latitude and longitude at sea). See Rossel ( de). A practical treatise, &c. 1815. (Astronomy.) TABLES. 287 ROUSE (WILLIAM). Tables on chance. See Rouse (W.). The doctrine of chances, &c. 8 (Mathematics.) ROYEN (WILLEBRORD). See Snellius aRoyen (W.). S. 288 TABLES. SMART (JOHN). Tables of interest, &c. See Smart (J.). Tables, &c. 4 1780. (Mathematics.) SMITH (JOHN). Tables, &c. See Smith (J.). Stereometric, &c. 8 1673. ( Mathematics.) SNELLIUS a ROYEN (WILLEBRORDUS). Canon triangulorum, &c. See Snellius a Roy en (W.). Doctrines triangulorum libri quatuor. 8 1627. (Mathematics^) SPEIDELL (JOHN). New logarithmes. See Speidell (J.). New loga- rithmes. 4 1623. (Mathematics.) STAMBUCCHI (ROBERTO). Tavole pel calcolo dell' anomalia vera delle comete. See Cesaris ( Effemeridi, &c. ; an. 1832. 8 (Astronomy.) STOEFFLERINUS (JOHANNES) et PFLAUM (J.). Tabula proportio- num celi domibus erigendis commoda. See Stoefflerinus ( J.) et Pflaum (J.). Almanach nova, &c. 4 1513. (Astronomy.) STOKESIUS (RICHARDUS). Canones sinuum, &c. See Oughtred (W.). Trigonometria. 4 1657- (Mathematics.) STREET or STREETE (THOMAS). Tables for the calculation of eclipses. See Street (T.). Astronomia Carolina, &c. 4 1716. (Astronomy.) Tables...... for the calculation of eclipses. See Streete (T.). Astro- nomia Carolina; a new theorie, &c. 4 1661. (Astronomy.) . Tables. See Whiston (W.). Astronomical lectures. 8 1728. (Astronomy.) T. TAYLOR (MICHAEL). Tables. See Taylor (M.). A sexagesimal table, &c. 4 1780. (Mathematics.) . Tables of logarithms, &c. See Taylor (M.). Tables, &c. 4 1792. ( Mathematics.) TENNER ( ). Tafeln. See Reissig ( ), Tenner ( ) und Reutzel ( ). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Coordinaten ohne Logarithmen. 4 1830. (Mathematics.) THOMAS (PASCOE). A table of longitudes and latitudes. See Thomas (P.) A true and impartial journal of a voyage, &c. 8 1745. (Voyages.) TOALDO (GIUSEPPE). Tavole trigonometriche, &c. See Toaldo (G.). Tavole, &c. 4 1794. (Mathematics.) . Novae tabulae barometri, &c. See Toaldus (J.). Novae tabulae, &c. 4 1773. (Mechanics.) TOORN (A. van der). See Anonymous. Table de la force des boissons, &c. 8 1827. (Chemistry.) Tableau de la temperature de 1'ebullition de 1'eau pure, &c. See Toorn (A. van der). Tableau, &c. obi. 4 1834. (Chemistry.) TRIESNECKER (FRANCISCUS de PAULA). Tabulae Mercurii novissimse ad meridianum Parisinum ex elementis T. Majer constructae. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1788. 8 (Astronomy.) . Novae Martis tabulae ex elementis propriis constructae. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1789. 8 (Astronomy.) . Novae Veneris tabulae e propriis elementis constructae ad meridianum Parisinum. See Hell (M.). Ephemerides; an. 1790. 8 (Astronomy.) U. ULACQ (ADRIEN). See Vlacq (A.). ULUGH BEIGH (MIRZA -MOHAMMED TARAGHY). Tabula* long, et lat. stellarum fixarum. See Ulugh Beigh (M. M. T.). Tabulae, &c. 4 1665. (Astronomy.) TABLES. 289 I T H SI NUS (GEORGIUS FREDERICUS). Logarithm!, &c. See Ursinus (G. F.). Logarithm! vi decimaliuin, &c. 8 1827. (MatJiematics.) V. VAN DER TOORN (A.). See Toorn (A. van der). VEGA (GEORG). Tafeln und Formeln. See Vega (G.). Loga- rithniische-trigonoinetrische Tafeln, &c. 8 1783. {Mathematics.) . Tabulae logarithmico-trigonometricae, &c. See Vega (G.). Tabulae, &c. 4 1812. (Mathematics.) . Thesaurus logarithmorum. See Vega (G.). Thesaurus, &c. fol. 1 794. ( Mathematics.) VERNON ( ). Bareme des marchands de bois. SeeVernon( ). Ba- reme, &c. 8 1822. (Mathematics.) VLACQ (ADIUANUS). See Brigge (H.). Arithmetica logarithmica. fol. 1628. (Mathematics.) . Arithmetica logarithmica. See Vega (G.). Thesaurus logarithmo- rum. fol. 179-4. (Mathematics.) . Tables. See Vlacq (A.). Tables des sinus, tangentes et secantes, &c. 8 1699. (Mathematics.) . Trigonometria artificialis. See Vlacq (A.). Trigonometria, &c. fol. 1633. (Mathematics.) Tables (des sinus, &c.) calculees sur un rayon de 10000000. See Vlacq (A.). La trigonometrie rectiligne, &c. 8 1720. (Mathematics.) W. WADDINGTON (ROBERT). Tables of the time the Moon passes the meridian of London and her declination for 1763 and 1764. See Waddington (R.) A practical method for finding the longitude, &c. 4 1763. (Astronomy.) . Tables of the declination of the Sun, &c. See Waddington (R.). A supplement to the treatise for finding the longitude. 4 1764. (Astronomy.) WALES (WILLIAM). Tables of equations to equal altitudes. See Wales (W.). The method of finding the longitude, &c. 4 1794. (Astronomy.) WALLACE (JOHN). Tables. See Brown (J.). Mathematical tables. 8 1815. ( Mathematics. ) WALLIS (JOHN). Mathematical tables. See Briggs (H.), Wallis, &c. Mathematical tables, &c. 4 1705. (Mathematics.) Tables. See Sherwin (H.). Mathematical tables. 4 1717. (Ma- thematics.) WATKINS (THOMAS). Table (a) of redemption. See Anonymous. Table (a) of redemption, &c. fol. 1717. (Mathematics.) WEBSTER (WILLIAM). Tables. See Webster (W.). Tables for simple [and] compound interest. 8 1629. (Mathematics.) WEIDENBACH ( ). Tafel urn den Logarithms von ^ - zu finden,&c. See Weidenbach ( ). Tafel, &c. 24 1829. (Mathematics.) W r EIDLER (JOHANNES FRIDERICUS). Tabula; perpendiculorum efc basium trianguli rectanguli. See W'eidler (J, F.). Institutiones geo- metriae subterraneae. 4 1751. (Mathematics.) WEISSE (MAX.). Tables pour calculcr les differences de niveau, &c. See Weisse (M.). Tables, &c. 4 1831. (Mechanics.) . Tafeln zur Reduction der Barometerstande. See Weisse (M.). Tafeln, &c. 8 1827. (Mechanics.) 290 TABLES. WESTPHAL ( ). Logarithmische Tafeln. See Westphal ( ). Loga- rithmische Tafeln. fol. 1821. (Mathematics.) WH1TTELL (THOMAS) and BUNCOMBE (J.). Tables of solid measure, for finding by inspection the quantity of timber in any tree. See Whittell (T.) and Buncombe (J.). A treatise upon the dendrometer, &c. 8 1768. (Mathematics.) WILLIAMS (THOMAS). Tables. See Williams (T.). An entire new work to discover the variation of the Earth's diameters. 4 1786. (Astronomy.) . Method to discover the diiference of the Earth's diameters, &c. 8 1788. (Astronomy.) WTNCKLER (CARL LUDWIG GOTTLOB). Tafel um Hygrometerstande. See Winckler (C. L. G.). Tafel, &c. 4 1826. (Chemistry.) . Tafeln um Barometerstande, &c. See Winckler (C. L. G.). Ta- feln, &c. 4 1820. (Mechanics.) Tafeln zur Berechnung der Hohen, &c. See Winckler (C. L. G.). Tafeln, &c. 8 1826. (Miscellaneous.) WLACQ (ADRIEN). See Vlacq (A.). WOLFIUS (CHRISTIANUS). Tabulae sinuum atque tangentium, &c. See Wolfius (C.). Tabulae, &c. 8 1728. (Mathematics.) WOLFRAM1US ( ). Tabula logarithmorum naturalium. See Vega (G.). Thesaurus logarithmorum. fol. 1794. (Mathematics.) WOLLASTON (FRANCIS). Tables, &c. See Wollaston (F.). Fasci- culus astronomicus, containing observations on the Northern circum- polar regions, &c. 4 1800. (Astronomy.) WRIGHT (ROBERT). New and correct tables of the Lunar motions. See Wright (R.). New and correct tables, &c. 4 1732. (Astronomy.) WRONSKY (HOENE ). See Anonymous. Canon logarithmorum ; 6 tab. (Mathematics.) WUCHERER (W. F.). Tafeln, &c. See Wucherer (W. F.). Beytrage zum allgemeinern Gebrauch der Becimal-Briiche, &c. 8 1796. (Mathe- matics.) WYNNE (HENRY). Table of the latitudes of the principal places in every shire in England and Wales. See Wynne (II.). The descrip- tion and uses of the general horological ring. 12 1682. (Astronomy.) Z. ZACH (FRANCOIS de). Nouvelles tables d'aberration et de nutation, &c. See Zach ( Nouvelles tables. 8 1812. (Astronomy.) Supplement aux nouvelles tables d'aberration et de nutation pour 1404etoiles. SeeZach( Supplement, &c. 8 1813. (Astronomy.) . Tables de la Lune. See Zach (F. de). Tables abregees et por- tatives de la Lune. 8 1809. (Astronomy.) . Tabulae motuum Solis. See Zach (F. de). Tabulae, &c. 4 1792. (Astronomy.) Tabular motuum Solis novae et iterum correctse. See Zach (F. de). Tabulae, &c. 4 1804. (Astronomy.) Tabulae speciales aberrationis et nutationis, &c. See Zach (F. de). Tabulae, &c. 4 1806, &c. (Astronomy.) 291 CHEMISTRY, INCLUDING PNEUMATICS, METEOROLOGY, AND ALCHEMY. A. ABOU MOUSSAH DJAFAR AL SOFI. See Geber. ACADEMIES, c. SOUTH AFRICAN LITERARY AND PHILOSOPHICAL INSTITUTION. In- structions for making and registering meteorological observations. 8 Cape Toivn. METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Laws and regulations. 8 London, 1824. SOCIETAS METEOROLOGICA PALATINA. Ephemerides ann. 1781-1792; 12 vols. 4 Manhemii, 1783-1795. . Monitum ad observatores. 4 [Manheim, 1780.] ACCUM (FREDERICK). Practical treatise on gas-light. 8 London, 1815. ^EPINUS (FRANC. ULR. THEOD.). Cogitationes de distributione caloris per tellurem. See ^Epinus (F. U. T.). Cogitationes, &c. 4 1761. ( Geology.) AIKIN (A. and C. R.). A dictionary of chemistry and mineralogy, with an account of the process employed in many of the most important che- mical manufactures ; to which are added a description of chemical ap- paratus, and various useful tables of weights and measures, chemical instruments, &c. 4 London, 1807. AILLY (M. I. L. d' ALBERT de CHAULNES). See Chaulnes (M. I. L. d' Albert d'Ailly). AJASSON de GRANDSAGNE (J. B. F. STEPH.) etFoucHE (I.M.L.). Nouveau manuel complet de physique et de mteorologie. 12 Paris, 1829. ALBERT d' AILLY (M. I. L. de CHAULNES). See Chaulnes (M. I. L. d' Albert d'Ailly de). ALCENDI or ALCHINDUS (JACOBUS). See Alkindus (J.). ALDINI (GIOVANNI). Prodrome di richerche sperimentali sul gas illu- minante applicato a vari oggetti. 8 Milano, 1818. ALEMBERT (JEAN LEROND , &c. 8 1674. (Mechanics?) ESSAI de chimie mechanique [by G. L. Lesage]. 4- This essni was never published, and this copy has neither printed title-page nor preface. It contains many manuscript notes, with a manuscript title and samnuiire by the author, who promises to print a title, &c. when certain other dissertations, which he was then writing, should be published together with this. Th is essai seems to have been printed at Geneva about 1758. ESSAI sur 1'art d' ...... extraire le sucre, &c. See Anonymous. Essai sur 1'art de cultiver la canne, &c. 8 1781. (Botany.) FIRST (the) part of a dictionary of chemistry; by J. K. [Keir]. 4 London, 1789. Is it impossible to free the atmosphere of London from the smoke with which it is hourly impregnated ? 8 London. LAPIDE (de) philosophorum tractatus duodecim ; author sum qui Divi Leschi genus amo [M. Sendivogius.] 12 Francofurti, 1611. Divi Leschi genus amo, seu Michaelis Sendiuogij, ut hoc anagrammatismo patet, et quia Leschum, seu genus divi Leschi, amat, id est Polonos, apud quos colitur sanctus ille, qui eorum rex olim fuit. Borellii Bibl. Cliimica. LECONS elementaires de mathematiques, contenant les principes ...... des meteores, &c. See Anonymous. Lec.ons elementaires, &c. 8 1784. (Mathematics.) NOTICE sornmaire d'un baro-thermometre nouvellement invente a Lon- dres en 1764, et rendu public 1'annee suivante sous le nom de aero- stathmion, ou vraye balance de I 'atmosphere. 4 OBSERVATIONS sur l'arc-en-ciel. See Anonymous. Observations, &c. 8 1788. (Optics.) R EPOUT on the instruments employed in, and on the plan of a journal CHEMISTRY. 293 ANONYMOUS, continued. of, meteorological observations kept in the garden of the Horticul- tural Society at Chiswick ; (from the Horticultural Transactions.) 4 London, 1827. SCEPTICAL (the) chymist; or chymico-physical doubts and paradoxes touching the experiments whereby vulgar spagirists endeavour to evince their salt, sulphur and mercury to be the true principles of things ; to which are subjoyn'd divers experiments and notes about the producibleness of chymical principles; [by R. Boyle.] 2 pts. in 1 vol. 8 Oxford, 1680. TABLE de la force des boissons distill ees ; [by A. van der Toorn.] 8 La Haye, 1827. TABLES barometriques servant a ramener a une temperature donnee les hauteurs du barometre. See Anonymous. Tables, &c. 8 1822. (Mechanics?) THOUGHTS on the properties and formation of the different kinds of air ; with remarks on vegetation, pyrophori, heat, caustic salts, mercury, and on the different theories upon air ; [by R. Harrington.] 8 London, 1785. TRAITTEZ des barometres, thermometres, et notiometres, ou hygro- metres; par M. D*** [Dalence]. 12 Amsterdam, 1688. VERSUCH einer Franzbsisch, Lateinisch, Italienisch, Teutschen Nomen- klatur der neuern Chemie. 8 Leipzig, 1792. WISDOM reputed folly; or the composition and reality of the philoso- pher's stone. 8 London. ARAGO (D. R). See Biot (J. B.) et Arago (D. F.). Memoire sur les affinites des corps pour la lumiere. 4 1806. (Optics.) . See Journals, &c. Annales de chimie, &c. 8 1830. (Journals.) ARATUS (J.) Pronostici tradotti da A. L. Bricci. See Toaldo (G.). Delia vera influenza degli astri, delle stagioni, &c. 4 1770. ARISTOTELES. Meteorologia eleganti J. Fabri paraphrasi explanata commentarioque J. Coclsei declarata. 4 Norinbergce, 1512. ASHMOLE (ELIAS). Theatrum chemicum Britannicum ; containing se- verall poeticall pieces of our famous English philosophers who have written the Hermetique mysteries in their owne ancient language ; i pt. 4 London, 1652. ASSIER-PERRICAT ( ). Nouveau traite sur la construction et inven- tion des nouveaux barometres, thermometres, hygrometres, areometres, &c. ; suivi des observations meteorologiques faites sur les montagnes. 8 Paris, an x = 1802. ASSMANN (FRIDEIIICUS GUILIELMUS). See Brandes (E. G.). Disser- tatio physica de repentinis variationibus atmospherae. 4 [1826.] (Me- chanics.) ATKINS and Co. An essay on the relation between the specific gravi- ties and the strength of spirituous liquors. See Atkins and Co. An essay, c. 4 1803. (Mechanics.) AUGUST (C. F.). Tafeln zur Berechnung der Hohen nach Barometer- Beobachtungen. See August (C. F.). Tafeln, &c. fol. (Mechanics.) AVICENNA & GEBER. Artis chemicas principes A. & G. hoc volu- mine continentur. 8 Basiled:, 1572. AVOGADRO (AMEDEE). Memoire sur le maniere de ramener les com- poses organiques aux lois ordinaires des proportions determinees. 4- From the Mcmorie delta R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 26. p. 44O. I Nouvelles considerations sur la theorie des proportions determinees 294 CHEMISTRY. dans les combinaisons, et sur la determination des masses des molecules des corps. 4 From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Turino, torn. 26. AVOGADRO (AMEDEE). Premier memoire sur 1'affinite des corps pour le calorique, et sur les rapports d'affinite qui en resultent eutre eux. 4 From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 28. . Deuxieme memoire sur 1'affinite des corps pour le calorique, &c. 4. From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 29. . Nuove considerazioni sulle affinita de' corpi pel calorico calcolate per mezzo de' loro calori specifici e de' loro poteri refringenti allo stato gazoso, inserite nel tomo xix degli Atti della Societa Italiana delle scienze. 4 Modena, 1822. . Remarques sur la loi de la force 61astique de 1'air par rapport a sa densite dans le cas de compression sans perte de calorique, et sur celle de la chaleur specifique de 1'air par rapport a la temperature et a la pression. 4 From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 33. . Sur la densite des corps solides et liquides comparee avec la grosseur de leurs molecules, et avec leurs nombres affinitaires ; l er memoire. 4 From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 30. . Sur la densite des corps solides et liquides, &c. ; 2 me memoire. 4 From the Memorie della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino, torn. 31. B. BACKMAN (JOHAN). Om Barometra och Thermometra. 12 Stock- holm, 1716. BACON (ROGERUS). Speculum alchemise. See Collections. Hoc (in) volumine de alchemia continentur haec, &c. 4 1541. BAILLY de MERLIEUX (C.). Resume complet de meteorologie, contenant, apres des notions generates sur 1 'atmosphere, 1'explication des meteores aeriens, aqueux, ignes, electricques, magnetiques, &c. suivie de notions sur les instrumens meteorologiques ; precede d'une introduc- tion historique, et accompagne d'une biographic, d'une bibliographic,* et d'un vocabulaire. 32 Paris, 1830. BAKER (HENRY). An examination of salts, their configurations anc crystals. See Baker (H.). Employment for the microscope. 8 1753 (Optics.) BANCROFT (EDWARD). Experimental researches concerning co lours and the best means of producing them. See Bancroft (E.). Ex perimental researches, &c. 8 1794. (Miscellaneous.) BANGE (GEORGIUS J.). Dissertatio physica de mensura graduum ca loris ; prseside S. Klingenstierna. 4 Upsalice, [1741.] ( 1 'wo copies.) BARBA (ANTONIO). Memoria sulla decomposizione dell' acqua. Se Brugnatelli (L.). Elementi di chimica. 8 1812. BARTOLI (DANIELLO). Del ghiaccio e della coagulatione. 4 Bolo grna, 1682. BASILIUS VALENTINUS. See Valentinus (B.). BECCARIA (GIAMBATTISTA). Delia elettricita terrestre, &c. See Beccaria (G<). Della elettricita, &c. 4 [1775.] (Electricity.) BECC ARIUS (JAC. BARTII.). De quamplurimie phosphoris nunc primuu detectis, oornmentarius. 4 JBononiae, 1744. BECKE (DAVID von dcr). Experimenta et meditationes circa naturalium CHEMISTRY. 295 rerum principia; quibus quae circa fixi et alcalisati salis ante calcina- tionem in mixto praeexistentiam, ac causas volatilisationis, obscura esse poterant, clare solvuntur. 12 Hamburgi, 1674. BEDDOES (THOMAS). See Scheele (C. G.). The chemical essays. 8 1786. BELLA (JoAo ANTONIO della). Mcmorias sopra o modo de aper- feicoar a manufactura do azeite. See Bella (J. A. della). Memorias, &c. 4 1784. (Botany.) BEXOIT (P. M. N.). Theorie generate des pese-liqueurs. See Benoit (P. M. N.). Theorie, &c. 8 1821. (Mechanics.) BENT (W.). A meteorological journal of the year 1785 [1786-1792] ; 8 vols. 4 [London."] . A series of meteorological journals, and extracts from journals kept in London near St. Paul, from 1785 to 1808, with several tables and remarks; 16 vols. 8 London, 1809. BENVENUTI (GIUSEPPE). Del sale delle acque termali di Lucca. See Benvenuti (G.). Del sale, &c. 8 1758. (Geology.) . De Lucensium thermarum sale, &c. See Benvenutus (J.). De Lucensium thermarum sale, &c. 8 1758. (Geology.) BERAUT (LAURENT). Dissertation sur la cause de 1'augmentation de poids que certaines matieres acquierent dans leur calcination. 4 Bor- deaux, 1747. BERGMANN (TORBERN). See Scheele (C. G.). Traite chimique de 1'air et du feu. 12 1781. . See Scheele (C. G.). Chemical observations translated by Forster. 8 1780. Commentationes chemicse e secundo novorum Societatis Reg. Scient. Ups. actorum tomo excerptse ; \_viz.~] de acido aereo ; de attrac- tionibus electivis. 4 Upsalicc, 1775. BERGMAN (TORBERN) et G. SUEDELIUS. Disquisitio chemica de con- fectione aluminis. 4 Upsalice, [1767.] BERNARD (JOANNES BAPTISTA). See Desmarescaux (L. F. J.). In- stitutiones chimicae, &c. 4 [1761.] BERNOULLI (JOANNES) Senior. De eflfervescentia et fermentatione. See Bernoulli (J.). De motu musculorum, &c. 4 1721. (Anatomy.) . See Nebel (W. B.). De mercurio lucente in vacuo. 4 [1719.] BERTHOLET or BERTHOLLET (C. L.). See Brugnatelli (L.). Ele- menti di chimica. 8 1812. . See Guyton-Morveau, Lavoisier, Bertholet et Fourcroy. A trans- lation of the table, &c. 4 1794. . See Guyton de Morveau (L. B.). A translation of chemical nomen- clature, &c. 4 1799. . See Kirwan (R.). Essai sur le phlogistique. 8 1788. . Essai de statique chimique ; 2 vols. 8 Paris, an xi-1803. . Recherches sur les lois de 1'affinite. 4 Paris. BERZELIUS (J. JACOB). Chimie du fer ; traduit par Herve. 8 Paris, 1826. De 1'analyse des corps organises. 8 Paris, 1827. De 1'emploi du chalumeau dans les analyses chimiques et les deter- minations mineralogiques. 8 Paris, 1821. . On the use of the blowpipe in chemical analysis and in the examination of minerals ; translated from the French of M. Fresnel, by .). G. Children ; with notes and additions by the translator. 8 Lon- don, 1822. 293 CHEMISTRY. BERZELIUS (J. JACOB). Lehrbuch der Chemie, ubersetzt von F. Woliler; 4 vols. in 8 pts. 8 Dresden, 1825-1831. . Traite cle chimie traduit par A. J. L. Jourdan [as to the 1st vol. the others by M. Esslinger] ; 8 vols. 8 Paris, 1829-1833. BIGOT de MOROGUES (P. M. S.). Memoire historique et physique sur la chute des pierres tombees sur la surface de la Terre a diverses epoques. 8 Orleans, 1812. BIOT (J. B.). Sur la polarisation circulaire et sur ses applications a la chimie organique. See Biot (J. B.). Memoire sur la polarisation, &c. 4 (Optics.) BIOT (J. B.) et ARAGO (D. F.). Sur les affinites des corps pour la lumiere. See Biot (J. B.) et Arago (D. F.). Memoire sur les affinites, &c. 4 1806. (Optics.) BIOT (J. B.) et PERSOZ ( ). Memoire sur les modifications que la fecule et la gomme subissent sous 1'influence des acides ; [with a note suppUmentaire by Biot, to which is added a MS. note by the same.] 4 \_Paris.~] BLACK (JOSEPH). Lectures on the elements of chemistry; published by J. Robson ; 2 vols. 4 Edinburgh, 1803. BLAGDEN (CHARLES). Report on the best method of proportioning the excise upon spirituous liquors. See Blagden (C.). Report, &c. 4 (Mechanics?) BOCKMAN (CARL WILHELM). Versuche iiber die Erwiirmung verschiedener Korper durch die Sonnenstrahlen. 12 Carlsruhe y 1811. . Versuche iiber die Warmeleitung verschiedener Korper. 8 Carls- ruJte, 1812. BOERHAAVE (HERMANNUS). Elementa chemiae quas anniversario labore docuit, in publicis privatisque scholis ; 2 vols. 4 Lugduni Ba- tavorum, 1732. BOHN (JOANNES). Dissertationes chymico-physicae, chymiae finem, instrumenta et operationes frequentiores explicantes; quibus accessit ejusdem tractatus, de aeris in sublunaria influxu. 4 Lipsite, 1685. . Dissertationum chymico-physicarum prima (et secunda), respondens J. W. Pauli (& E. G. Heyseus) de corporum dissolutione (et concre- tione) ; 2 pts. in 1 vol. 4 Lipsicc, [1679 & 1680.] BOHUN (R.). A discourse concerning the origin and properties of wind ; with an historical account of hurricanes, and other tempestuous winds. 8 Oxford, 1674. BOMPASS (CHARLES CARPENTER). On the nature of heat, light and electricity. 8 London, 1817. BOMPOIS (J. B.). See Mojon (J.). Cours de chimie traduit, avec notes. 8 1807. BOOTH (WILLIAM BEATTIE). Journal of meteorological observations made at Chiswick during 1826 ; (from the Horticultural Transactions.) 4 London, 1827. . , &c. for 1827; (from the Horticultural Transactions.) 4 London, 1829. BOTTOM (DOMINICUS). est de igne, &c. See Bottoni (D.). Pyrologia topographica, &c. 4 1721. (Miscellaneous.) BOUILLON LAGRANGE (E. J. B.). See Klaproth (M. H.) et Wolff (F.). Diotiommire de chimie.