AT; l* VL r- I/ University of California- Berkeley JOSEPH M.BRANSTEN COFFEE & TEA COLLECTION Acquired in memory of JOSEPH M. BRANSTEN HAND-BOOK OF TAMIL FOR THE USE OF COFFEE REV. WILLIAM CLARK, TAMIL COOLY MISSION, CEYLON. J&afcras: GANTZ BROTHERS, ADELPHI PRESS, 7 & 8, MOUNT KOAD. 1876, PREFACE. THE following little work is intended for the use of those who have not time to study the Tamil Lan- guage fully. It makes no pretensions to merit ; nor is it quite original. A pamphlet by Mr. B. "Whetton, of a similar kind, first suggested the plan of it. The style of Tamil adopted in it is grammatical, but not high. It will be intelligible to any cooly Some words which have been employed to express hitherto unknown objects will of course be unintel- ligible to many ; but all other words are in common use. The first part contains a brief explanation of the Elements of Tamil Grammar, which will probably be sufficient for the purpose for which this book is intended. The second part contains most of the names that will be required by Planters, as well as a vocabulary of fully 1,800 other words of various kinds, which are in general use. The third part contains a large number of sen- tences, which a learner may commit to memory with great advantage. Any one familiar with these sen- tences will find but little difficulty in expressing himself on the subj ects they refer to intelligibly. Many other words and sentences, which would have been useful, might have been added. But had they been, the price of the book would have been increased, and the book itself have been made too cumbersome. 11 Some of the sentences have not been translated literally, but such a rendering has been given as would come most nearly to the way in which a Tamil would express himself. At the same time there are other ways in which the same direction might have been given, or the same thought expressed. But Planters should learn the native character, and read in it, and, if possible, study the language fully. This would give them greater facility in the manage- ment of their coolies, and would help to smoothen down many difficulties. WILLIAM CLARK, CONTENTS. PART FIRST ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. Page. Letters 1 Roman Equivalents ... 2 Pronunciation 6 Verbs, Positive 11 Negative 16 Causal 18 Passive 19 Variations 19 Nouns 20 Pronouns 24 Adjectives 31 Adverbs 32 Prepositions ... ... ... ... ,.. ... ... ... 32 Conjunctions 33 Interjections .., 34 Interrogation 34 PART SECOND VOCABULARY. Coffee ... 35 Coffee Estate 36 Pertainings to Estate 37 Soil 39 Grass 40 Hill 40 Bock 40 River 41 Bridge 41 Tank 42 Drain 42 Road 42 Lines ... 44 Cherry Loft .. ... 44 IV Pag*. Pulping House ... "... 7.. 44 Store 46 Bungalow 47 Furniture 54 Persons connected with Estate 62 Occupations ., 63 Tools 61 Animals 68 Birds 69 Conveyances ... ... ... ... ... ... 70 Waggon^(Arnerican) 71 Cart 72 Harness ., .,. ... 73 Buildings 75 Building Materials , 76 Man r 77 Relationship ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 78 Domestic condition 81 Marriage 81 Members of Body 82 Five Senses , 84 Articles of Food 84 Articles of Clothing ... ... 89 Diseases 90 Mind and its Faculties 91 Virtues and Vices 91 Titles of Kespect 92 Police Court and other Terms 92 Eevenue Department 96 Other Terms ... 97 Numbers ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 97 Measure of Length 99 Land Measure ... 99 Measure of Capacity 99 Weights 99 Money 99 Time 100 Days of Week 101 Seasons 102 Weather 102 Earth, &c 103 Page, Heavenly Bodies < 104 Religion 104 OTHER USEFUL WORDS 105-158 PART THIRD SENTENCES. Engagement of Coolies 159 Morning Muster ... ... ... ... ... ' ... 162 Evening Muster .,, 166 Giving out Medicine ... ., 168 Giving out Rice 172 Blankets and Coats 174 Coolies' Lines ... ... ... ... ... ... f .. 175 Advance for Coolies.. 177 Coast Advances Form of Agreement .,, ., 179 Felling 183 Burning , ]85 Building Bungalow 186 Do. Bridge 193 Tracing Road 196 Surveying 197 Road Making 199 Draining in Coffee 201 Nursery 203 Lining 206 Holing 210 Filling 213 Planting 214 Supplying 217 Staking 219 Topping 220 Handling 220 Pruning 221 Weeding ... 225 Hand Weeding 227 Weeding with Scraper ... ... ... ... ,,, ... 228 Weeding with Mamoty 228 Manuring 230 Cattle Manure ... 231 Vegetable Compost ,. 232 Bones and Poonac .., . t , ... ... ,,. 233 Peruvian Guano and Bones 235 VI Page. Wood, Ash and Bones 235 Picking . ... 236 Measuring Cherry , 241 Pulping ... . .. ... ... 243 Washing ..." 247 Drying (Curing) ,.. 249 Despatch.. 252 Carrying Kice 257 Cattle 259 Directions to Appoo , 263 Do, Cook 269 Do. Horse-keeper , 270 HAND-BOOK OF TAMIL. ELEMENTS OF TAMIL GRAMMAR. LETTERS. TAMIL. 1. The Tamil Alphabet contains thirty letters, of which twelve are vowels and eighteen are consonants. 2. The vowels have two forms, one initial, the other syl- labic. 3. The following paradigm exhibits both these forms. The first line across contains the initial forms of the vowels. The first column contains all the consonants. The rest of the paradigm contains the syllabic combina- tions of the vowels and consonants. Two Sanscrit letters used in this book are added. ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. TAMIL LETTERS. e? El ffi not in use. ffir is u in ir eo 6U eir P Gff L-IT BIT LOT ujir Jin 6UIT erriT or 8 L9 US. GS5T tS crrl JP G5 fii. @ ^ & mi? SANSCRIT LETTERS. eru EOMAN EQUIVALENTS. In fixing the equivalents of Tamil letters in Roman characters, all long vowels have heen marked with a dash over them, as a ; all hard, rough, and strongly pronounced letters > with a dot under them, d ; all dentals with a comma under LETTERS. TAMIL LETTERS. er . 8 9 ep&r Q* (2s mm O&K (J*/r Ossrr Of 8* Of * 0r Offetr QL- GW 6t* fe- ttl Sfssr DjC 60X5 Qff Ofsir U> &wr (?^)/r OLC&IT OlLJ GUJ GSILU OtLtfT Giuir OuJ&r Off Gff CBff OfffT QUIT Offer Q Geo to Osvir Gsvir QffCerr Qeu Gsu oa, QeuiT Qmiir Qa/srr Q&r Gerr far Qmir G&rrrr Ot-psfr Qp Oar Gp Gear &3T i G (y i Q fQ cfr SANSCRIT LETTERS. ^ Gap en-op, Q^ ^ 0^ them, as t ; the guttural with a dash under it, as h ; and the cerebral (#>) with a double dot under it, as 1. 2. The following paradigm shews the equivalents of all the Tamil and Sanscrit letters and syllables contained in the above paradigm. ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. a a i I u u a k ka ka ki ki ku ku s h ha ha hi hi hu hu & g ga ga gi g ! g u g u m ng nga not in use. * s sa sa si si sit su. f j ja ja jl jl jii & cb cba cba cbi cbi cbu cbu e n used only as a final. < ny nya nya nyi nyi nyu nyu tL d da da di m ma ma mi mi mu rnii UJ y ya ya yi yi y u y fi ff r ra ra ri ri ru ru G) i la la li n lu lu eu V va va vi Tl vu vu P 1 la fa li ll lu lu sir 1 la la li 11 iu lu P r ra ra ri 11 ru ru P t ta ta ti tl tu tu P d da da di di du du ear n na na ni ni nu nu ep, sb sba sba sbi sb! sbu sbu em s sa sa si Bi su SU LETTERS. e e ei ou ke ke kei ko ko kou he be hei Ijo bo h.ou g* g g gei g g" gou se se sei so so sou. J Q che je che J ei ^ehei jo cho jo cho jou chou nye de nye de nyei del nyo do nyo do- nyou dou te te tei (o to tou rie rie nei TlO rio 110U to te tei to to tou the the thei tho tho N* thou ne ne nei no no nou pe be pe be pel bei po bo PO bo pou bou me me mei mo mo mou y e ye yei yo yo you re re rei ro ro rou le le lei lo lo lou ve ve vei vo vo vou le le lei .! lo lou le le lei TO io lou re re rei ro ro rou te te tei to to tou de de dei do do dou ne ne nei no no nou she she shei sho sho Bhou se se sei so so sou ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. PRONUNCIATION. 1. Learners should give much attention to pronunciation. The meaning of a word frequently depends on what appears to be only a minute difference of sound. Thus s&o, kalei, is a male antelope, #%rr, kalei, is a weed ; S&&LP, kalei, is a bamboo. 2. In learning, great attention should be paid to the pronunciation of the people themselves. But the pronun- ciation of coolies is commonly so bad, that, if possible, only educated Tamils should be imitated. 3. Attention should also be given to the position of the organs in the pronunciation of each letter. Without this it will be impossible to make such a distinction between the different letters as will enable a hearer to perceive what word is spoken. The Is produced by placing the tip of the tongue near the teeth, on the palate, and towards the throat, respec- tively, will be very different from each other, and will convey very different meanings. The examples given above will illustrate this. The difference of meaning in those words is determined solely by the difference in the sound of the 1. 4. It is nearly impossible to convey in writing an accurate idea of the sound of each letter ; but as this is usually at- tempted, and not altogether without success, I will endeavour to do so. 5. To illustrate the explanations given, a scheme of vowels is added below, the examples in which will be used to shew the proper sound of the Tamil vowels. PRONUNCIATION. i VOWELS. SHORT. LONG. i as in bit I like i in machine e do bet e do a in bare a do bat a do a in band (lengthened) u do but a do i in bird *a do bark a do a in bar o do not o do aw in crawl o do political o do o in pore u do pull u do oo in pool. DIPHTHONGS. The following are the diphthongs which occur in Tamil, ai (g>) like i in like. ei (g>) like ey in they, pronounced quickly, au (jysy) like the German au, and compounded of u in but and u in pull, ou (sjerr) compounded of o in political and u in pull. G. a O). Before hard and rough letters, also before ng (), assembly ; sattam (fiLt-) 9 frame, law. Before some letters it has a sound more like that of a in bat; as, arisi (jy.fl), r i ce - 7. a (<$). This letter is usually like a in bar ; as par (u/r/f), look. But sometimes it is changed into its corres- ponding semi-vowel ; as, kattu pandi (&iri-Lusvrfl) } a wild pig. See scheme of vowels above. 8. i (). This is exactly like i in bit ; as pinbu (L^L/) after. But when it occurs before hard letters, it is com- ::is " a" is not very noticeable in English words, though it frequently occurs. It is often changed into the corresponding long vowel. But it is easily observable ia Tamil, as ia the^vord Msdu Matfcu. All the other vowels are well known and common. 8 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. monly pronounced like e in bet ; as idam (edam) (@-u>) place, 9. i (/F). This letter has two sounds, dependent on the following consonant. Before most it is like I in machine ; as ti (j?) fire. Before d (L_), n (gaw), r (p), it draws the sound of u after it ; as, vidu (d?) house, vin (eftorar) vain, siru (@j} hiss. These three consonants, being hard, cannot be cor- rectly pronounced without such a change in the vowel. 10. u (e-). This is exactly like u in full ; as, rnul thorn. 11. (esa:). This is like oo in pool; as, nul thread. 12. e (er). This is like e in bet; as mettei cushion. 13. e (z). This letter has two sounds, dependent on the consonants following it. It is commonly incorrectly pro nounced, by learners, like a in nay, but the English a is really a diphthong, the Tamil e, a simple vowel. Its proper sound is like that of a in bare ; as, ner (G/s/r), straightness. When it precedes d (L_), n (aw), r (/), it takes a sound which is compounded of e and a ; as ineadu (^Lo(9},hill ; veapdani (QajGnTttTLD'), do not want; seam (Gfjgu), mud; but it is often pronounced like i in bird ; as, rnedu. These consonants, being hard, cannot be properly pronounced without this change. o 14. ei (g). This letter (go) is a diphthong composed of short e (er) and short i (@), and usually has a sound like that of ey in they, pronounced quickly ; as, athei (j|f*/ff), that. But at the beginning of words, and in words of one syllable, it is pronounced like ai, as if compounded of short a (^) and short i () ; as aikkiain fes@ojo), agreement ;mai (w/>), ink. PRONUNCIATION. 9 15. 0(9). This vowel is like o in political; as, pottei, (Ou/r^ao^), hillock. It is never pronounced like o in pot. That sound is expressed in Tamil by a (455). A Tamil would say pattu, not pottu. 16. 6 ($). This has the sound of 6 in port ; as, por (Quirt) , war. Care must be taken not to pronounce it like o in pole, which has a sound of u in it. 17. ou (pw). This, as usually pronounced, is really com- pounded of short a (^) and short u (a.), but is represented both in English and Tamil by ou ; as soukkiyam (QfeiraQtuus), health. But sometimes the Tamils substitute avu (jyj) for it ; as, savukkiyam (^O/S^UJLO), health. 18. k (). A dental pronounced with the tip of the tongue between the teeth ; as, intha (^), this. 26. p (u). Like the English p ; as, pambu (UITLDLJ^ a snake. b (u). Like b in bad ; as, pambu (U/T^L/), a snake. 27. m (u>). Like m in man; as, mudi (g/>^0, a cover. 28. y (tu). tike y in you ; as, yar (tuinr), who ? 29. r (tr). A soft r pronounced with the tongue for- wards ; as, avar (jya^/r), he. 30. 1 (cv>). A soft letter pronounced with the tongue forwards ; as, kal (*^>), a stone. 31. v (a/). Like v in every ; as, aval (jyeij&r), she, It is not pronounced so strongly as v in English usually is at the beginning of words. 32. 1 (/p). A very peculiar letter, which is seldom pro- . nounced correctly, even by the natives. It is really a cere- bral r, but as it is usually changed into 1, that has been adopt- ed as the corresponding letter in English. In pronouncing it the learner should turn his tongue back as far as possible VERBS. 11 and then attempt to express r or 1 without bringing the tongue forwards; as malei (u>es>Lp), rain. But hard 1 is ge- nerally substituted for it. 33. 1 (TT). A hard letter pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned up to the palate ; as, mul (GP^), a thorn. 34. r (p). A hard r pronounced with the tongue drawn back, and raised towards the roof of the mouth ; as, eoru (Gffirjp), boiled rice. t 0). Like t in at ; as, pattu O-VDJ), seize. d (p). Like d in and ; as indu ($&*&}, to-day. 35. n (OTT). Like n in near ; as, tan (?&*}, his, he, its. 36. In order that the learner may speak Tamil correctly, he must be careful to pronounce the first of double conso- nants distinctly. It is never elided, as in English. Even the most uneducated observe this rule. With a view to this, the first consonant which will always be the final of a previous syllable, must be prolonged a little. Thus we must say pattu (up&), not patu, ten ; irukkirathu (@(5,0.0, not irukirathu, it is. VERBS. The following conjugation will illustrate the usual forms of Tamil verbs. The parts marked * are those most commonly used. I. POSITIVE VERB. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Singular. * Vecltugirea, I am digging. * Vedtugiray, Thou art digging, * Vedtugiran, He is digging. * Vedt.ugiral, She is digging. * Vedtugirathu, It is digging. 12 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. * VecUugirom, * Vedtugirir, * Yedtugirlrhal, * Vecltugirarhaj, Vedtuhindana, Plural. We are digging. You are digging, do. They are digging, do (neuter.) Past Tense. Singular. * Yedtinen, I dug. * Yedtinay, Thou duggest. * Yedtinan, He dug. * Yedtinal, She dug. * Yedtinathu, It dug. Plural. * Yedtin5m, We dug. * Yedtimr, You dug. * Yedtimrhal, You dug. * Yedtinarhal, They dug. * Yecltina, They (neuter) dug. Vedtiyirukkeren, Vedtiyirukkiray, Vedtiyirukkirarn, Vedtiyirukkiral, Yedtiyirukkirathu, Yedtiyirukkirom, Vedtiyirukkirir, Vedtiy irukkirirhal , Vedtiy irukkirarhal , Vedtiyirukkindana, Vedtiyirunthen, Veddyirunthay, % Vedtiyirunthan, Yedtiyirunthal, Yedtiyirunthathu, Perfect Tense. Singular. I have dug. Thou hast dug. He has dug. She has dug. It has dug. Plural. We have dug. You have dug. You have dug. They have dug. They (neuter) do, Pluperfect Tense. Singular. I had dug. Thou hadst dug. He had dug. She had dug. It had dug, VERBS. Plural. Vechiyirunthom, We had dug. Yedtiyirunthir, You had dug. Yedtiyirunthlrhal, You had dug. Yedtiyiruntharhal, They had dug. Yedtiyirunthana., They (neuter^ do, Future Tense. Singular. Plural. * Vedtuven, I will dig. * Yedtuvom, We will dig. * Yedtuvay, Thou wilt dig. * Yedtuvir, You will dig. * Vedtuvan, He will dig. * Yedtuvirhal, You will dig. * Yedtuval, She will dig. * Yedtuvarhal, They will dig. * Vedtum, It will dig. * Yedtum, They (neu.) do. N. B.This tense is frequently used for the Present Tense, to denote what is customary : as, vedtuven, I dig. It is also used for the Past Tense. Future Perfect Tense, Singular. Vedtiyiruppen, I shall have dug. Vedtiyiruppay, Thou wilt have dug. Yedtiyiruppan, He will have dug. Vedtiyiruppal, She will have dug. Vedtiyirukkum, It will have dug. Plural. Vedtiyiruppona, We shall have dug. Vedtiyiruppir, You will have dug. Vedtiyiruppirhal, do. Vedtiyirupparhal, They will have dug. Yedtiyirukkum, They (neuter) do. SUBJUNCTIVE MOOD, Present Tense. * Vedtinal, If I, thou, he, #c. dig. Yedtil, do. 4 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. * Vedtinalum, Though I, thou,&c. dig (denoting uncertainty). Vedtiyum, do. (denoting fact). Perfect Tense. * Vedfiyirunthal, If I, &o, have dug (denoting uncertainty). Vedtiyirunthum, Though I did dig (denoting fact). * Vedtiyirunthalum, Though I should have dug (denoting uncertainty). ANOTHER FORM NOT COMMON. Present Tense. Singular. Vedtugiren anal (or ahil) &c. If I dig, &c. Yedtugiren analum, &c. Though I dig, &c. Plural. Vedtugirom anal (or ahil,) &c. If we dig, &c. Vedtugirom analum, &c. Though we dig, &e. Thus through all the other tenses, numbers and persons. POTENTIAL MOOD. ALL TENSES. Singular and Plural. * Vedtakudum, I, &c. can dig, * Vedtalam, I, &c. may dig. IMPERATIVE MOOD. Singular. Plural. * Vedtu, Dig thou. * Vedtungal, Dig ye. * Yedtum, Dig thou (hon.) ANOTHER FORM. This is compounded of the infinitive of the principal verb, and of the third person singular, future, of the verb venclu f(?c/w), to beg, to want, to need, and is used to express command, need, or entreaty, as : * YecUavendum, J, thou, &c. must dig; or, It is needful that I, &o. should dig ; or, I entreat you to dig. VERBS. 1 5 ANOTHER FORM. Vedtattum, Let dig. Vedtuha, Dig, 1 pray. OPTATIVE MOOD. Vedtakadaven, &c. May I dig, i. e. I must dig, &c. Yedtuvenaha, &c. May I dig, i. e. I ought to dig, &c. INFINITIVE MOOD. * Present Tense. Vedta, To dig. * Perfect Tense. Vedtiyirukka, To have dug. PARTICIPLES. VERBAL. * Pant Tense. Vedti, Having dug (or digging.) * Perfect Tense. Vedtiyirunthu, Having dug. RELATIVE. * Present Tense. Yedtugira, That digs, or that another digs. * Past Tense. Yedtina, That dug, or that another dug. * Future Tense. Vedtum, That will dig, or that ano- ther will dig. VERBAL NOUNS. RADICAL. Yedtuhei, A digging. Vedtal, A digging. Yedtuthal, A digging. PARTICIPIAL, REFERRING TO ACT. * Present Tense. Vedtugirathu, A digging. * Past Tense. Vedtinathu, A having dug. * Future Tense. Vedtubavathu, A digging. PARTICIPIAL, REFERRING TO ACTOR. Singular. / Vedtugiravan, He who digs. * Present Tense. < Vedtugiraval, She who digs. \ Vedtugirathu, It that digs. Plural. f Vedtugiravarhal, They who dig. \ Vedtugiraveihal, do. (neuter) do. 16 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. f Vedtinavan, He who dug. * Past Tense. < Vedtinaval, She who dug. r Vedtinathu, It that dug. * Perfect Tense. Vedtiyirukkiravan, He who has dug. Pluperfect Tense. Vedtiyirunthavan, He who had dug. Future Tense. Vedtubavan, He who will dig. Do. Vedtuvon, do. Future PerfectTense. Vedtiyiruppavan, He who will have dug. Do. Vedtiyiruppon, do. II. NEGATIVE VERB. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. Singular. Plural. Vedten, I do not dig. Vedtom, We do not dig. &c. &o. IMPERATIVE MOOD- * Vedtathe, Dig not thou. * Vedtatheyungal, Dig not ye. ANOTHER FORM DENOTING COMMAND OR ENTREATY. Vedtavendam, Do not dig; or I, &c. must not dig ; or I entreat you not to dig, &c. ; or I, &c. need not dig. PARTICIPLES. VERBAL. * Vedtamal, Not digging. Vedtathu, do. RELATIVE. * Vedtatha, That does not dig. Vedta do. VERBAL NOUNS. RADICAL. * VedUamei, A not digging. VERBS. 17 RELATIVE. * Vedtathavau, He who did not dig. * Vedtathaval, She do * Vedtathathu, That which do * Vedtathavarhal, Those do * Vedtathaveiha], Those (neuter) which do ANOTHER FORM OF THE NEGATIVE VERB. In this form the verb " to be" (a)(9) is added to the ne- gative yerbal participles of the principal verb as an auxili- ary, and is conjugated in all its various moods, tenses and persons. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. * Vedtathirukkiren, I am not digging. * Vedtamalirukkiren, do. ANOTHER FORM OF THE NEGATIVE VERB. In this form the imperfect negative verb illei (g)>&)) is added to the principal verb, which retains its positive form. It is usually added to the infinitive mood and verbal nouns only. INDICATIVE MOOD. Present Tense. * Yedtugirathillei, I, &o. am not digging. Past Tense. * Vedtinathillei, I, &o. did not dig. More commonly. * Vedtavillei, I, &o. did not dig. Future Tense. * Yedtuvathillei, I, &o. shall or will not dig. Sometimes illei is added to the finite verb. This is ap- parently allowable, but not usual. Present Tense. Yedtugiren illei, I am digging. IS ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. ANOTHER FORM OF THE NEGATIVE VERB. To express refusal or inability in the future tense, the de- fective verb mattu (u>irLL(B), can or will, in its negative form, is added to the infinitive mood of the principal verb. INDICATIVE MOOD. Future Tense. Singular. Plural. Yedtamatf.en, I will not dig. Vedfcamattom, We will not dig. &o. &c. PARTICIPLES. Verbal. Vedtamattamal, Not digging ('hereafter.) Not being able to dig, Vedtamattathu, Not digging. Not being able to dig. Relative. Vedtamattatha, That will not dig. That cannot dig. Vedtamatta, That will not dig. That cannot dig. VERBAL NOUNS. Vedtamattainei, A not digging. A not being able to dig. III. CAUSAL VERB. 3 . When verbs take the middle particle giru (&&) in the present tense, vi (cfl) is added to the root, and g changed into kk (or doubled), to make a causal verb ; as, Vedtugiren, I dig. Vedtuvikkiren, I cause to dig. 2. When verbs take kkiru (*&&), ppi (ud) is added to the root ; as, Nadakkiren, I walk. Nadappikkiren, I cause to walk. 3. There are other causal forms ; as, Nadattugiren, I walk (actively), conduct, manage, VERBS. 19 Verbs of this form are to be found in the dictionary, and therefore need not be explained more particularly. All causal verbs are conjugated in the same way as other verbs. IV. PASSIVE VERBS. Verbs Passive are formed by adding the verb padu (u), in its different parts, to the infinitive mood of the principal verb ; as vedta + padugirathu, It is being cut. Occasion- ally it is formed by adding padu (u) to the root of the verb; as, areipadum, it will be ground. Frequently it is formed by adding u$ to a noun ; as, adipattan, He was beaten. Sometimes the verb un (JLSOT) to eat, in its different parts, is added to the root of a verb to form a passive ; as, kolei -f- irnrian, he was killed. But this form, though known to all, and sometimes used, is not common. The use of the passive voice is avoided as much as possible by Tamils, VARIATIONS IN VERBS. There are slight variations in many verbs from the forms given above, in the middle particle of the different tenses ; but any one who knows these forms will find no difficulty in understanding the variations. The personal terminations, with the exception of that of the third person singular number neuter gender of the past tense, are the same in all. The following list contains all the variations. From the particles shown in it all the different parts of any verb may be formed. It will be seen that with respect to these middle particles there are nine classes of verbs. All verbs fall under one or other of these classes. These particles are added to the root, and the personal terminations are subjoined to them. In joining the personal terminations to the middle particle tho u of the latter is dropped, 20 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. Present. Past. Future. 1. (.#0 giru (uSesr) in (a/) v Yedtugiren, I dig. Vedtinen, I dug. Vedtuven, I will dig. 2. (l) giru (<-) d (a>) v Padugiren, I suffer. Patten, I suffered. Paduven, I shall suffer. 3. (Qjp) kiru Zedkiren, I ask. 4. (j) giru Arigiren, I know. 5. (Qjpi) him Seyhiren, I do. 6. (j) giru (*-H (") p Kedten, I asked. Zedpen, I will ask. (/F^) nth (a/) v Arinthen, I knew. A riven, I shall know, (&) th (a;) v Seytheu, I did. Seyven, I will do. (p) d fa/) v Sellugiren, I go, pass. Senden, I went, passed. Selluven, I will go, pass. (JD) d (u)b Eaden, I said. GM) tt Partten, I looked. (is?) nth Irunthen, I was. 7. (J) giru Engiren, I say. 8. (* Parkkiren, I look. 9. (*Qjp) kkiru Irukkiren, I am. Enben, I will say. (uu) pp Parppen, I will look. (uu) pp Iruppen, I shall be. In the vocabulary of house, viduhal, houses ; maram, tree, marangal, trees. NOUNS. 21 Note. m (u>) is changed into ng () change m into tt (&p) before the signs of the cases ; as, maram (U>JTU>), wood, marattal, of wood. 3. Nouns ending in du () change d into tt ; as, vMu, house, vittil, in a house. 4. Nouns ending in ru (JP) change r into tt ; as soru, rice, sottukkaha (G&pgvs&frs), for rice. 5. The noun ellam (er^gtf/r^), all, changes m into alt, v being inserted to prevent the hiatus that would occur between a and a, and um (a.o>) added to make the sense universal ; as, ellavatteium, all, Ace. ellavattukkum, to all. Dat. 6. Nouns of one short syllable ending in a consonant usually double that consonant before the casal signs ; as, ma7i (UJOTS-) earth, marmal, with earth. 7. Nouns precede their verbs ; as, kuthirei odittu, tho horse ran. 22 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. 8. The following example will suffice to shew the way in which nouns are usually declined* The casal endings are MANITHAN, SINGULAR. Nom. * Manithan, Man. Ace. * Manithanei, Man. Gen. * Manithanufleia, Of man it * Manithanin, do. s Manithanidatt'i, do. Manithanathu, do, * Manithan (Nom. for. Gen.) do. Dat. of giving * Manithanukku, To man. Do. motion to * Manithanidattirku, To man. Do. final cause * Manithanukkaha, For man. Abl. of instrument * Manithanal, ) With, by, of or material * Manithaninal, 3 man Do. of society * Manithanodu, odu, With man. Do. locality * Manithanil, In man. * Manithanidattil, ) In, with, at * Manithanidattu, 3 man. Do. motion from * Manithanilirunthu, From man. * Manithaninindu, do. * Manithanidattilirunthu, do. Yoc. * Manithane, o, a, man ! Those forms marked * NOUNS. 2o the same in all. A MAN, THE MAN, MAN. PLURAL. Nom. * Manitharhal, Men. Ace. * Manitharhalei, Men. Gen. * Manitharhaludeia, Of Men. * Manitharhalm, do. Manitharhal idattu, do. Manitharhal athu, do. * Manitharhal (Nom. for Gen.) do. Dat. of giving. * Manitharhalukku. To men. Do. motion to * Manitharhalidafctirku, To men. Do. final cause * Manitharhalukkaha For men. Abl. instrument * Manitharhalal, -j By, with, of or material Manitharhalinal, / men. Do. society * Manitharhalodu, odu, With men. Do. locality * Manitharhalil, In men. * Manitharhalidafctil, ^ In, with, at Manitharhalidafctu, 3 men. Do. motion from * Manitharhaliliruntha, From men: - ~ Manitharhalinindu, do. Manitharhalidatiilirunthu, do. Voc: * Manitharhale, o, a, Oh, men ! are most used. ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. M, --- .--- $3 tO 50 feC fee &D bfi &p fee fco &0 a acaa pq pqw^s I' -*! ~. s " . m 1 'I'i'i'l 'I "I to g 1 PH Singular I- fl'f5 3.-S-3 ; i ai'si ^ 'I I '.If SraSa .SS' o s s 1 o Ill I CQ g a CD PRONOUNS. 25 =3 I I'll - ' 80 | a I ' ' >; ,'sssaasaa a laj aaaaaag p^ppppg BQ I * * , ^Dpppppp p pppppp^ o o ^ o o * '8 a o ^3 S S a S su 2G ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. ? f.i ?1 .-.'g-'S -*4-*l -3 O> 3 *g 3 .x d >cS - ^3 r^4 rr- * . P Ss' TJ- '-> I* *?H - K8 Ip' ^'^ ? 'ii >>^>>>>> > CO w oc d ' c rt ^ -Jfl^ p '3 d 'd SJ3 pq : 3 .2 '-S "3 43 > S d^ 'So sg-a * ft S~ d " !>-fe*-H d cd .= ^ -EP-S Vl-9 I ) qcd -S^^ 'o 'o "s i ' PRONOUNS. 27 la d !.=.! 1 Sf xi X! $ OQ > * "B O fc O S-g-S -58 1111 - --- ppq '"3 o d 51 d -2 o. o o o ^ a o o p p I I s o X 1 .2 28 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. |o . CO 25 & O 525 O \ a W CO 6 *. , Q3 fl "0 ss .^- E .S S' '- S o 'is" 1 ll GOO .a Ulifli; Uliif (^ ^ Q ___ M (/} +5 O O o P T3 I PRONOUNS. 29 CO O eg 05 sz; o OQ CO 4) ^ o> .. pOJ . ,c3 W) H "TJ r c- r2 T2 i TO * c "c- .^ 3 .^ 3 103 D .^4 H3i 175 "- 1 .r-i ioj tD 5^jO fcJO t0 tJO bD tiD c6 ^ bJO &0 fcJO saaa d . - '* ' aa 1 ^ . a a a aaaaaa ctf w TO cS eo so 3 H H >H ,H >H H >H - -a.- * T-. -03 g d eg !8 H j EH f C ^ .M ^ a .2 s- ? tl . 1 ii * ' " - - 1 ^ o ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. I CO .2 p p p p Cu p p p p p p p p r-f] ryi |V| r-fj r-H 2 ^ _ 'p ^ *p "3 p p p p p p p p p p ^ pq pq P^ jvj CO l,f M4I "S * <% r || |f| ,. ||1| sis -3 3' -3 -3 ^P a % S .5 ? g OQ o > g o 00 < a a I o o Q ft . > ADJECTIVES. 31 OBSERVATIONS ON THE FOREGOING. (1) The nominative singular, tan, may be joined to any noun or pronoun in any person, number, or case for emphasis- Tan is used reflexively in all its cases with any noun or pronoun in the third person singular number. (2.) The nominative tarn is used in kindness or conde scansion for nir. It is also used after mr and nlngal for emphasis. Tarn is used reflexively in all its cases with pronouns in the honorific form. (3.) The nominative, tangal, is used in the second per- son singular honorifically. Tangal is used reflexively in all its cases with pronouns in the third person plural. (4.) Intha, antha, are demonstratives, entha an interro- gative, and are used, without change of form, with nouns in any case. (5.) This ennaisan Interrogative Adjective Pronoun, and is joined, without change, to nouns in the singular or plural number, and in any case. (6.) This enna is an Interrogative Personal Pronoun, and admits of change of case. ADJECTIVES. 1. Some adjectives are what may be called natural ; as, pala (USD), many ; sila (&v>), some. 2. Most are formed from nouns. By adding ana (4^) ; as, nalam, goodness ; nalamana, good. By adding ulla (&.srerr) ; as, vellei, whiteness ; vejjeiyulla, white. By dropping the last letter ; as, maram, tree ; mara koppu tree-branch ; pad am, a lesson : pada pufctaham, a lesson book. By changing ru into ttu ; as, aru, a river ; attu mm, river fish. 32 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. By changing the final du into ttu ; as, adu, a sheep ; attu- nianthei, a flock ; madu, ox ; mattu patti, a cattle-shed. By changing mbu into ppu ; as, sembu, copper ; seppu kudam, a copper (brass) water pot. By doubling t (&) ; as, eruthu, a bullock ; eruttu purei a bullock-shed. 3. Sometimes a noun is used as in English, as an adjective ; as, man suvar, a mud wall. 4. Adjectives are not declined. 5. Adjectives precede their nouns. ADVERBS. 1. Some adverbs are natural ; as, inge (g)(?), here. 2. Some are formed from verbs. Infinitives are used as adverbs ; as uyara ponan, he went up ; literally, he went to rise. 3. Some adverbs are formed from nouns. By adding ay to the noun ; as, nandu -f- ay = nanday pesugiran, he speaks well. By adding aha ; as, vereivu + aha vereivaha odinan, he ran swiftly. Sometimes by adding e (57) : as, nere po, go straight. Adverbs precede verbs. PREPOSITIONS. 1. Particles supply the place of prepositions in most in- stances, as, avanukku ; to him. 2. Sometimes infinitives of verbs are used as preposi- tions ; as, avanodu kfida pouan, he went with him ; liter- ally, to join with him. 3. Some nouns also are so used ; as, mel, (Gust) heaven or the space above, athin mel, on it. %>, space below, the lower world, meseiyin kil, under the table, CONJUNCTIONS. 33 4. Prepositions follow the nouns they govern. 5. For prepositions see vocabulary of " Other Useful "Words." CONJUNCTIONS. i. In good Tamil conjunctions are seldom used. Their place is supplied by the subjunctive forms of the verb ; as a van vedtinal. If Jie dig. ii. Those used are either particles or derivatives from verbs. 1. Particle, um, and, even. . Um is added to each noun conjoined ; as, Kanganium alum vantharhal (sepsrsirGtyfliLfLD ^r^ui Gjpirtr&&T.') The Kan- gany and the man came. Um, when it occurs with only one noun or pronoun, signi- fies also, or, even ; as, avanum vanthan, he also came, or, even he came. But when the latter sense is intended kuda is sometimes added; as, avanum kuda- vanthan, even he came. When um occurs singly with a negative verb, it signifies not even; as oruvanum vara villei, not (even) one came. When it occurs more than once with a negative verb, ifc signifies neither, nor ; ivanum avanum velei seyya vellei, neither this man nor that worked. 2. Derivatives from ahirathu, (gj<0^). To be, become. Anal, ahil. If. Analum, ahilum, ayinum. Though. If repeated they take the meaning of either or. Aheial, aheiyinal, ahoiyil. Because, therefore," where- fore. Anapadial, anapadiyinal, anapadiyinale. Because, therefore. Avathu. At least. When repeated, it signifies either or. 5 34 ELEMENTS OF GRAMMAR. 3. Derivatives from engirathu, (OTCT^). To say. Endu, ena. That. Endal, enil, with a verb, mean if; with en, (why ?) ep- padi, (bow ?) enna, (what ?) ethu, (which ?) they mean for. Endalum. Yet, repeated, either or. With a negative neither nor. Engilum. Though yet. Endameial. Therefore. INTERJECTIONS. The following are those commonly used. A ! Expressive of admiration. Aha ! do. do. Ehe ! do. do. O ! 6 ! do. do. Oh5 ! do. P^y. Amma ! do. admiration or surprise. Sichi ! do. disgust and contempt. Che ! do. do. Eiyo ! eiyeiyo ! do pity. Kuhu ! do. do. Ada! do. grief, anger, disgust, Appa ! do. astonishment and ridicule, Ketti ! ketti ! Clever ! clever ! INTERROGATION. 1. A question is usually asked by adding a (,#) to the word respecting which enquiry is made ; as Avata vanthan ? Did he come ? Avan vanthana ? Did he come ? 2. When interrogative pronouns are used the interroga- tive particle is not added ; as, Evan vanthan ? Which man came ? 3. Sometimes o is used instead of a ; but o generally implies doubt. VOCABULARY COFFEE, 35 PART SECOND. VOCABULARY. Seed, Seedling, Coffeebush, Boot, Tap root Side do. Feeder, Stock, Bark, Bud, Sprout, Sucker, Branch, Primary branch, Secondary do. Tertiary do. Grormandiser, Leaf, Young leaf Leaf stalk, Blossom, Unseasonable do. Eaiiy do. Late do. Young berry, SSSTJJl rr COFFEE ESTATE. , Koppi tottam. , tureimar tottam. turei tottam. , suthesihal tottam. Tamilan tottam, -o, Singalavan tottam, Sonahan tottam. ,compini tottam. sontha tottam. vafctei tottam. kuttahei tottam. ueysrsssruuu. syehei panriappatta GpniLL-LDj tottam. GpfftLi-.u> 9 pan tottam. iru.iu) t palanulla tottam. u&te&pp (SpiriLiLiby palanatta tottam. GpfnL gelippulla tottam. Barren estate, PEllTAINIXGS TO ESTATE. 37 pirLL selippillatha tottam lU), Young do. Old do. Bearing do. Estate in bearing, Clean estate, Weedy do. Scattered do. Compact do. Steep do. Sloping do. Undulating do. Level estate, Rocky do. Large do. Small do. Upper do. Middle do. Lower do. North do. East do. South do. West do. l ilang koppi tottain u*>y>uj ^inLL-u, paleiya tottam. G?^/TLI<_LC, kaykkira tottam. (2,j/ri__u>,kayppulla tottam. ppuravana tottam. , kalei piditta tottam. tundu tundana t5t- *# w ** tarn jadakkamana tottam. >* sarivana tottam. say vana tortam. meclupallamana tot- tarn. LLiu), samatharei tottam. periya tottam. sinna tottam. mel tottam. nadu tottam. ** v* paniya tottam. kila tottam. varlakku tottam. kilakku tottam. terku tottam. merku tottam. Division, PERTAININGS TO ESTATE. rr, Tottattin pahuthihal pahuthi. 38 Upper part, Middle part, Lower do. Front do. Back do. End, Field, Coffee land, New coffee, Old do. New clearing, Abandoned coffee, Grass land, (see grass Forest, Jungle, /j, Swamp, Grove. Hill (see hill.) Knowl, Hollow, Valley, VOCABULARY. CLOSO tottattu niel pnhutbi. L-LLC, uerrenu), niel to [tarn, tottattu nadupahu- thi. nadu tottam. paniya tottam. tottafctu inun puram- L9o8TL//Do! } tottattu pin puram. pin tottam. tottattu mudivu. malei, \elei tajam, malei tottam koppi kadu. putbu koppi. paleiya koppi. putbu kaHu. tallupadiyaua kdppi. pullu malei. perung kadu, venam. kadu, siru kadu, nirsuneippana idam. iralippn. solei, toppu. malei, pottei. kundu. pal lam. tavupallam. pallattakku. SOIL, GRASS, HILL, ROCK. Bavine, G^o suxresr usrrsrrp nerukkamana pal- pir&fsjy lattakku. Bock, (see rock.) uirenp, sevutrenp, parei, kalparei. Precipice, Qun-flajir&sruiZsi), Q&m porivana malei, sen- .^^j gUttll. Biver, (see river.) ^jv, left, iaru, nathi. Bridge, (see bridge) u/rv>Lo, palara. Brook, ^/D^jy, sittaru. Water course, ^*-, odei. Pool, esa:/r0jafl, PL-IT&LD, urant, tadajiam. Tank, (see tank.) @etru3, kulani. Drain, (see drain.) sireor, sirs*, kan, kal. Culvert, L06WL., madei. Boad, ^/reru^fl', utrsn r 3, o;i^,irasta, pathei, vali, vulg. GirffLL, rottu. Boundary, GGVSQS, &Mu>rtri*i elhei, elleimanam. Hedge, GeusQ, veli. Stile, a/LlL-, kavattei. Gate, a//r^ffo vulg. CJ tl vasal, ket vasal. Store, (see store.) eivpG(yir, istor. Pulping house, (see Qnns&p <, rothei vl:lu. P . h.) Receiving do. u/p^CTT-sS^aSL.^, palara alakkiraidam. Lines, (see Hues.) ffttuesr, layan. Cattle shed, Lc/n_Lu ULlqi, mattu patti. Stable, (ftes>nff{>iruju>, kuthirei lay am. Bungalow, u/nssnrr, bangala. SOIL, >, Man,Nilam. Earth, LOWT, iSsvu), man, nilam. Clay, 0rf?Loror, kalimari. Loam, u&3einjceair } pasalei mail, Black soil, &($*&), karusal. 40 VOCABULARY. Red soil, Gravel I} 7 soil, Man a grass, Guinea grass, Arugu do. Korei do. Toof-, Sede, Ridge, Top, Rise, Slope, Granite, Gneiss, Limestone, Quartz, Gravel, Hard rock, Soft do. Slab do. Boulders, Broken rocks, &trrr L/SV) sevval, gemma?. saral kalantha man, GRASS. Pul, Pullu. mana pullu. simei pul, kini pul. aruham pullu, korei pullu. HILL. , Malei, Pottei. , maleiyadi, adivaram, malei pakkam. muthuhu medu. utchi, siharam. ettam. ffiriuuLj, irakkam, sayppu. ROCK. fffferr, Q SB C. tf cu IT em ar eo ,Karpar, Parei. karung kal. karung kal. , sukkan kal. vengitchang kal. saral. karung kal. kettiyanakal. kaclinamana kal ma kal. lesana kal. padarntha parei. urundoi kaL, tundu kal. RIVER, BRIDGE. 41 Source, Mouth, Bank, Bottom, Surface, Deep place, Shallow, ' Ford, Bathing place, 1 Washerman's do. Waterfall, Iron bridge, Stone do. Brick do. Wooden do. Wire do. Arched do. jrame do. Suspension do, Abutment, Wing, Pilo, Pier, QLD/D RIVER. ^, Aru, Nathi. uttu. -D, kalimuham. karei. adi tarei. mel tarmlr. * tannerinmel. alamana id am. kalam, nir kalam. kadakkira turei. kulikkira turei. vannan turei. aruvi. jpetnp, BRIDGE. Palam. LDJTU UlTffDU) UITffi)U) ) iruppu palam. kal kattu palam. sengal palam. mara palam. kambi palam. kaman palam. sattang kattina pa- lam. tongal palam, sangili palam. karei tQn muhappu tun vila chuvar, chuvar. palam tangi. tun. pakka 42 VOCABULARY. Arch, Opening of arch- way, Intrados of bridge, sLorrear Extrados do. Key stone do. "Water way, Dug tank, Built do. Bund, Culvert, Surplus water drain, Natural drain, Cut do. Built do. Side do. Cross do. Covered do. TANK. Kularn. LCS)L< kaman. kanvay. kaman ulvay. kaman puravay. utchi kal. sala tarei. vettukulam. teppa kulam. karei. madei. kalingal. DRAIN. stresr, srr&t, Kan, Kal. siren-, srresr, sirssr, tanayirukkira kan, vettu kan. katf.u kan. pakka kan. kurukku kan. mudu kan, madei. Cart Bridle Foot path Upper Lower , QfftTLL road, do. do. do, do. (?/r/n_L, ROAD. , Irasta, Eottu, Pathei. karattei rottu vandi pathei. kuthirei pathei. ottadi pathei. uncap, mel pathei. uirenp, kil pathei. ROAD, 43 Principal road, Qutfttu Govenment do. Public Private Metaled Side Zigzag Mountain Jungle \ Village Street Steep Level Good do. do. do. Unmetaled do. Cabook do. do. do. do. to&ou u do. sinL(S)u do. road, do. do. Bad do. 1 Dangerous do. Safe do. Long do. Short do. Circuitous do. Near do. Wide do. Narrow do. Hill side of do. f Lower side of do. Retaining wall, Bandy track, Cutting, Metal, utrenp, &6UIT, periya pathei. peruna pathei, sarkkar pathei. pothu pathei. tanathu pathei. kalp6t,ta pathei. man pathei, semniakki potta pa- thei. pakka vali, kurukku marukkana pathei. malei pathei. kattu pathei. ur pathei. vlthi, teru. v porivana pathei, samanana pathei. nalla pathei. * ketta pathei. mosamana pathei. suhamaha pathei. nedum pathei. s+ kifctina pathei. suttu pathei. kurukku pathei. ahala pathei. idukkamana pathei. malei pakkam. kll pakkam. man tangu suvar. vandi tadam. v* vettu vay. rottu kal. VOCABULARY. LINES. or, Lay an New lines, L\& Old do. ues)Lpuj Upper do. LoW9r do. &p etiuear, Thatched do. Iron roofed do. Shingled do, u>ir tutor, Verandah do. Double do. Single do. Eoof pole, Support of roof, Bushel, Trap-board Water wheel. Do. bucket, Shaft (driving), Wheel, Pully wheel, Coupling do. Cog do. puthu layan. paleiya layan. mel layan. kil layan. , pullu mey ntha layan iruppu tahadumudi- ya layan. mara odu potta la- yan. virantha layan. irattei layan. ottei layan. mallu. kal. CHEBEY LOFT. Palam alakkira vidu. busal. pala chippu. PULPING HOUSE. , Palpana vidu tannir rothei. rothei petti. Quifliu jyev alavangu,periya ala- vangu. r5thei. , euirirGinr patti rothei, var ro- thei. kappiling rothei pallu rothei. PULPING HOUSE, zjv>uL/trear Weak do. BASEMENT, | FLOOR, Ground floor, Upper do. Brick do. Plaster do. Wood, do. Binding joist, Joist, Floor boarding, \ WALL, Enclosure wall, pens vanam. astivaram. kal astivaram. sengal astivaram. kalappi astivaram. , alamaua astivaram. , alang kureintha asti- varam. a^alamana astiva. ram. iT nerukkamana asti- N * ** varam. belamana astivaram. iv@ belavinamana astiva- ram. Tala mattam. Talam, Tala varisei. adi talam. mel talam. sengal paviya talam. sunnambu talam. mara talam. tala ufctiram. tala kattei. tala varisei palahei. Suvar, suttu chuyar, 48 VOCABULARY. House wall, eil.()& 6i;/f, vittu chuvar. Main do. iSin^ircsr tr&r, Kaman. See Bridge. CEILING, ^o^pQu^n)SLLL^. ) Arei mel katti. Ceiling cloth, ^^D^QW^SLL^ & 2so t arei mel katti chilei, HoOF, <>ff } Kurei. S. evaiTfftr. wahala. Terrace roof, ^irflsrs <^L65)^r, tarisu kurei. S. &piRiuir(5*iairar , lathiri yaru wahala. Gable do. (Lp&u~.& &.G&F, muhattu kurei. S. ^L-eusirefr, adawahaja. 1 Wall plate, fLLt-ib, chafctam (or sattam.) Q !L&> eStlL-Lo, mel vittam. beam, S. ^Bsnjirerr&S, anabalkka. Ridge pole, &LL&IEJlLILLl-($, muthung yattall. Principal, tSiTjSirsar &DS, pirathana kei. S. airuQu&&(& ) etr ) kappekakula. Purlin, enspirtaS, kei thangi. S. jytlt-ey/r^rr, attavalei. 1 Common rafter, mm, kei. S. uffirerr, parala. ! Corner do. Lprt&6S)&, mulei kei. S. ^^uuffirerr, mulapparala. Verandah do. euirffGGDS, vara kei. S. ^eW^/TLJL/ffl/L iu istoppuva parala. /r/reirr, Verandah plate, eSffyispir &-p$ffU) t virantha ufctiram. s.aA<*fi*uLt UJLL istoppuva yattall. Lath, m***-t*u* 9 varitchu, rlppar. - S. fuu t rippa. | Tile, ^> odu. S. e-(^, ulu. Square tile, #^/r g5, sathura odu. S. 0/^/r>/z9 a-^p, petti ulu. Pan do. /F/roR gj>, nali odu, S. Gu/r^(5 BL, "bokku ulu. '7 50 Glass tile, Spout, VOCABULARY. S. S. Support of spout, iSsQ pir/is, S, iSujev&uj&si Drain, liireijL^iLjd} fie, S. iSujeveo, Eidge, & vulg. S. f Eve, S. palingu odu. vitharu ulu. plli. pihalla. plli thangi. pihalla yakkada. mr vadiyum plli. \* pihalla. muhadu, modu. muthuna. talvaram. aguva. VERANDAH, S. Virantha. istoppuva. Verandah steps, e$(y/s@rru uup., virantha padi. S. {jjm)G<$iruL]uLiL$uj, istoppu padiya. I Pillar, ! Base of pillar, Shaft of pillar, Capital of pillar, Verandah rail, Trellis work, DOOR, I Glass door, S. S. S. S. S. S. Qpirjr, s S, tun. kuluna. adi tun, kuluna atibarama. nadu tun. kuluna. tun taleippu. \> * V* kulunu oluva. virantha kirathi. karathi vetta. pun ehedi kirathi. kathavu. dor a. kannadi kathavu. vithuru dora. DOOR. S. petti / Venetian door, @&>s,s6y, S. S8<* I Swing do. Folding do. 1 Double do. Sliding do. Ledge do. Trap do. Screen do. Wicket, 1 Frame, 1 Sill, Lintel, \ Post, f Stile, Mounting, Top rail, S. QjSITff, S. 0* S. eQfffsr Qpirir, S. &GVtTLDSS,U S. LC S. S. m. S. S. S. E.U. &L-L-LD, S. 51 ilei kathavu. jallis dora. ottei kathavu. tani dora . madippu kathavu. afctarapiyan dora. irattei kathavu. teppiyan dora. tallu vasal (kathavu.) lisana dora. kambei kathavu. kalambei dora. nilavarei kathavu. bingey dora. inareippu kathavu. reti vetta. titti vasal, kadulla. kathavu nilei. uluvasa. kil nilei. elippatta. mel nilei. uda padiya. nilei. uluvakkanu. sattam. tigaregal. ul chattam. medaregal. mcl chattam. udaregal. 52 Bottom rail, & Lock do. ^ S. , Freize do. ^ S. . Panel, jysa S. i Beading, An S. Lock, LL S. Latch, *p S. Button, Pdi S. Bar, & S. Bolt, sir S. f Key, fflT S. Keyhole, fff S. Key plate, fir s } Handle, Ki/ > S. 1 Hinge, S. Staple, 0^ s, VOCABULARY. &L-L-LQ Listens Quirenefr, k!l chattam. yattaregal. kurukku chattam. aras vittam. kurukku mel chat- tam. fy a_j_diklt_ii>,aras udavittam. adei palaliei. penal, pirarnbu. poradama. puttu. yafctura. kathavu matti. kokka. tiruhu talpal kurulla. kurukku tappal. polla. talpal, tirangu. tarange. savi. yatfcura muthiruva. savi tuvaram. yatturukatta. , savi tuvara tahadu. munatahaduva* kathavu pidi, keippudiya. kll. saruneru, kondi. kokka. WINDOW. ! WINDOW, MflTMj Sannal. jannala. Glass window, S 60V (GOT) Lq.& feSfffi srsb, kannadi ohannal. I Venetian do. fe. 0^(75 ggswearg , vitharu jannala. ilei channal. i S. sttrfeitf &ms urefl, jallis jannala. [ Frame, fSOTSf&i) l&<2o\) f sannal nilei. o ajffi, jannal uluvasa. | Post, *, nilei. S. SL^GlJf, uluvasa. Lintel, Guxh Ate, mel nilei. S. *.i-uui}iu, udappadiya. Sill, ff^p /^>, kil nilei. S. UJL-L^UUL^lU, , yattappadiya. f Top rail, Gu>pet-ii, mel chattam. S. SLL-Gff&ffO, udaregal. Bottom rail, QipsF fiLt-u>, kil chattam. S. tUL-L-Gffe& 9 yattaregal. Middle do. /Effi fLLl-l*, nadu chattam. S. Qu>fsGff*&, metharegal. Stile, JfLLlLD, sattam. S. @sGffsa>, tigaregal. ' Sash or lattice, SjSGj, kathavu. S LSuJirffUTy piyana. Sashbars, S GSSf @S8)Lf.& ffiGVgi v ^Ll.kannadi chillu chat- -li, tam. S. 6S^7(75 (J*@, uLl^, makku, patti. S. ULlf, patti. Shutter, ^a-T^ @0ZE7 < s^ay, sannal mudung ka- thavu. VOCABULARY, BOOM Dining room, Drawing do. Bed do. Dressing do. Closet, Office, Bath room, Store do. Appoo's do. Kitchen, Kitchen oven, Sink, Out-house (go- down) FIREPLACE, Hearth, Fireplace, Chimney, Stove, Grate, Flue, Arei. y ffiruuiril. tini arei, sappat DINING BOOM, FURNITURE, Dining table, Chair, L?.ffiruS/E] tp/r/, arei. diraying rum arei. padukkei arei. udukkira arei. ullarei, sittarei. apisu. kulikkira arei. istor kidangu. appuvin arei. kusini. (?Lj/rbekkar aduppu, po- rani aduppu. salaham. kidangu. Aduppang arei. aduppu,aduppume- dei. aduppu. puhei kundu. irumbu aduppu, istov. neruppu kirathi. puhei kulay. FUBNITURE. sir, Saman, Tattu muttuhal. iu Sappat areikuriy a. samanga I . tini mesei. narkali, DINING ROOM FURNITURE. Sideboard, Cupboard, Shelf, Lamp, Standing lamp, Hanging do. Oil do. Paraphine do. Hand do. Night do. Bedroom do. Lampstand, Candle, Candlestick, Decanter, Bottle, Tumbler, Wine glass, Soup tureen, Soup ladle, Sauce tureen, Sauce ladle, Dish, Plate, Hotwater plate, Dessert Cheese do. do. Knife, Carving knife, Steel, Fork, <2u/r/fil, u(?u/r, .gar .5(5 Guirppet, sayid pord. kappodu. tattu. v vilakku. kuttu vilakku. tukku vilakku. ennei vilakku. parapin vilakku. kei vilakku. vidi vilakku. padukkei arei lakku. vilakku tandu. meluhu vatti. * /senr, meluhu vatti tandu, dikkandar. pottal, putti. tambalar. vayin kilas, sup turin. sQp ladil. sas turin. eas ladil. dis. pingan. gGssressFiru fits sudu tannir pingan. arei pingan. r, @o EJ kal pingan, sis pin- gan, katti. p%x>Gu>es>ffB talei mesei katti. tittugira aram. mullu. VOCABULARY. Carving fork, Silver do. Plated do. Steel do. Spoon, Large spoon, Dessert do. Tea do. Mustard do. Salt do. Salt cellar, Mustard pot, Vinegar cruet, Pepper do. Oil cruet, Cruet stand, Finger glass, Napkin, Teapot, Coffee pot, Cup, Saucer, Milk jug, Sugar basin, Butter dish, Toast rack, Mug, Table mat, Tray, affemup., Quifioj GiremrLq.) eru firffir, Litre* QeuemfQemiu un UlTiU talei mesei mullu. velli mullu. kild mujlu. irumbu mullu, karandi. periya karandi. arei karandi. tey karandi. mustad karandi. uppu karandi. uppu kudu. mustad putti. kaduhu kuppi. kadi putti. kadi kuppi. milahu putti. 0, milaliu kuppi. tp, ereffsr onnei putti, ennei , kuppi. I kuppi tattu. kurut istarid. pingar kilas. kei tuvalei. N* te potchu. koppei potchu. koppei. piris, sasar. pal jakku. Bini pattiram. ^ii,vennei pattiram. tostu rekku. kuvalei. mesei pay, tattu. DRAWING ROOM & BED ROOM FURNITURE. DRAWING ROOM FURNITURE, Clock, Bound table, Teapoy, Work table, "Work box, Easy chair, Arm chair, Footstool, Couch, Sofa, Sofa cushion, Book shelf, Picture, Painting, Print, Piano, Harmonium, Carpet, BED KOOM NITURE, Bedstead, Headboard, Footboard, Post, Frame, Top, Diraying rum arei chamangal. oralosi. vatta mesei. sinna mesei. teiyal mesei* teiyal petti, saymana narkali. keiyulla narkali. kal manei. kavutchu. sopa. sopa mettei. pustaha tattu, pusta- ha alumaru. sittira padam. 9^ varunam pusina sittira padam. ui- atchitta sifctira pa- dam. Qu tanthi kinnara petti. arumonyam. samukkalam. &srr, sired, f ffinoir Padukkei arei cha- manga]. kattii. kattil taleimadu. kattil kalmadu. kattil kal. kattil chattam. tdmtira. 8 58 VOCABULARY. Curtain, Bed clothes, Mattress, Counterpane, Blanket, Sheet, Pillow. Pillow case, Chest of Almira, Chest, Box, Portmanteau Carpet bag, Window blind, Window blind ler, Curtain, DRESSING BOOM FURNITURE, 1 Dressing Table, / Drawer, ! Table cloth, Looking glass, Pin, Pin cushion, Watchstand, Brush, Hair brush, ' Clothes do. Stiuefl Qurfltu es>u, - ffer ear es tomtira challa. v* \* kattil pudaveihal. mettei. (kattilil virikkum) m el pudavei. kambali. tuppatti. taleiyariei. taleiyanei urei. latchi petti, alum aru. periya petti, petti, tol petti. samukkala pei. sannal mudum chi- lei. sannal mudum chi- lei kambu. sannal mOdum tirei. Udukkira arei cha- man. uduppu mesei. latchi. mesei tuppatti. kanriadi, kundOsi. kuridiisi mefetei. kadikaram taugi. purus. mayir elvum purus. uduppu tudeikkum purus. BATH ROOM & KITCHEN FURNITURE. Nail brush, Tooth do. Comb, Small tooth Hair oil, Hair oil bottle, Wash-hand stand, Wash-hand basin, Water jug, Do. decanter, Do. glass, Soap dish, Lid, Brush dish, Sponge, Do. dish, Clothes horse, Do. peg, Soap, Towel, BATHROOM NITURE, Water butt, Tub, ULJ, s-ireir, Kusini chaman. ammi. amini kulavi. ural. VOCABULARY. Pestle, Bucket, Baking chatty, Curry do. Bice do. Waterpot, Brass waterpot, Saucepan, Kettle, Gridiron, Sieve, Ladle, Do. Rack, Cocoanut scraper, Rice strainer, Paste board, Paste roller, Chopping board, Shelf, Lime squeezer, Cake mould, Broom, Hand broom, Brush, Tin can, OFFICE FURNI- TURE. Desk, Pigeon hole, euireffi, GILS*, <$tf., , Guiressft, Gu&w, ulakkei. porani. kari chatti. panei, sottupanei. kudam. seppu kudam. sasu panei. kettal. kiril, sulahu, muram. ahappei. ahappei tukku. tengay tiruvi, tatfcu kudei, ma mesei. rol tadi. ireitchikofctumkattei. tattu palahei, selpu. tesikay idukki. \ kek atchu. tumbu kattei. tudeippam. purus tudeippam. pohani, poni, kuva- lei. Apisu ohaman. desku, desk arei. penei. OFFICE FURNITURE. 61 Steel pen, 1 Penknife, Pen wiper, Lead pencil Colored do. Slate do. Paper, Foolscap paper, Letter do. Note do. Blotting do. Envelope, Paper knife, Ink, f Inkbottle, ; Inkstand, Wax, Gum, Wafer, Wafer crusher, Seal, India rubber, Scissors, Paper weight, Paper clip, Letter scale, / Euler, I Twine, ; Letter, Postage stamps, Receipts, Q0il Ousar^a), euiressru Qusorffia i/f Guuuir, GtBinL Guuuir, Guuuir 0S)LDU <2, r, vulg, urukku penei. penei katti. pen tudeippam. led pensil. varrrn pensil. siled pensil. kaduthasi, kahitham. pulskap kaduthasi. lettar peppar. nod peppar. pilatting peppar. kaduthasiiirei kudu, kaduthasi vetti. mei, tinthei. mei putti. mei kudu, arakku. pisin. vebar. vebar amukki. mufctirei, mufctirei kol. *u. rappar, ottei tol. kafctari kol. kaduthasi amukki. kahitham idukki. kaduthasi tirasu, rul kambu. podi kayiru. kahitham, kadu- thasi. tabal muttirei. iraelthu. VOCABULARY. Memoranda, Memorandum book^tutrg Account book, Map, Plan, /-SsYT/naJr,/#tJL/, Cash box, Money chest, Do. bag, uemu onu yathastu. yathastu pustaham. kanakku puttaham. tesa padam, pilan kurippu. tallu kayitha kudei. kasu petti, pana petti, pana pei. Owner, Agent, Visiting Agent, PERSONS CONNECTED WITH ESTATE. rr, T5ttattei chernthavarhal. N* ^ Qffiir/f,& muthalali sonthak. karan. ejendu. visifcting ejendu turei. turei, peria turei. v. s* sinna turei. kandattar, kandak- ku." peria karigani. kangarti. Superintendent, Assistant, Conductor, Head Cangany, Cangany, Writer or Clerk, Accountant, Store-keeper, Mason, Watchman, Bandyman, Cat tie -keeper. Cooly, , QutfitugiGnir, reittar. kanakka pillei. ist5r karigani. mesan. kavalkaran. varjclikaran. roattukaran. kulial, kulikaran. OCCUPATIONS. Contractor, Contract cooly, Appoo, Cook, Kitchen cooly, Horsekeeper, Gardener, Provision cooly, Post cooly, Qsirs, conthirattukaran. conthira&u al. N appu. kokki. kusini metti. kuthireikaran. tottakaran. V* ratti pettikaran. tapalkaran. 1 Doctor. Carpenter, Blacksmith, Goldsmith, Washerman, Barber, Sawyer, Woodcutter, Shingle-maker, Farmer, Farrier, Bazaarman, Hawker, Chetty, Tailor, Shoemaker, Labourer, Porter, OCCUPATIONS. w, Tolilhal. eurr6rrssirffesr 9 veittian. tatchan, odavi. kollan. tattan. vannan. , uifttumfl, navithan, pariari. valkaran. wilif, kadu vetfi. QftuSpeussr, mara odu seyhira- van. sarnusari. ladakaran. kacleikaran. pottariikaran. setti. teialkaran. Bemman. kulial. sumeikaran. VOCABULARY. TOOLS, &c. /Et&eir, Ayuthangal. COOLIES' TOOLS, &c., Mattock, Weed mattock, Weed scraper, Pruning knife, Sack, Small sack, Basket, Coffee rake, Scoop, Bushel, Large mortar, Pestle, Winnow (sieve), Hammer, Sledge-hammer, Ramrod, Scraper, & new up. Pickaxe, Crowbar, Rammer, .QLtirm&rrsyr, Powder, Fuze, Hatchet, Long-handled do. /rtl t-ifteuirtir Axe, Hand-axe, Bill-hook, Kulikararukkuriya ayuthangal. manvetti. pulvetti. suraiidi, karandi. kavattu katti. sakku. kutti chakku. kudei. kindu palahei. iskoppei. pushal, busal. kunthani. ulakkei. sulahu, muram. suttial. siles amar. ramrod, karandi. pikkasu, pikkan. kadapparei, ala- vangu. mongan. vedi marunthu. marunthu tiri. kei kodali. kattarival. k5dali. kei kodali. vettu katti, kei katti. CARPENTER'S TOOLS. Sickle, jy.t/a//rwr, arival. Bake, QjTS(5, rekku. Picket peg, GQ%W, Vulg. &*- 6D&, mulei, kuni. Do. (small) o*, kutchi. CARPENTER'S pff&ir ^iLj^isia ICTT, Tatchar ayuthangal TOOLS, Adze, eared, vatchi. Singalese Ceoi uy leya. Saw, euirerr, val. S. tsujpp, klatta. Hand-saw, GS>& QJlTsk, kei val. S. vpQiupp, atklatta. Bow-saw, mem euirw, nan val. S. JPjSp!S@tUp p y tunukkiafcta. Cross-cut saw, gyasfisiJirvr, kurukarival. S. ^tTireK^iu^ p t araskiatta. Saw set, eutrerru uetip ^(5^^, vai pal tirufcti. S. ppfecurQat. , tattanduva. Jack plane, &>pCjLjeti, ileippuli. S. Q&LLL-lLJ/Si &, gettayattu. Smoothing plane, @e>je&, Bivuli. S. LLl.U.UJ^& i, mattayattu. Plough plane, !L0fr&@e>]Gfl, ula chivuli. S. L]6(F > &@UJ i 5} f, pulukkiatta. Beading plane, LffU)L-l& @e*l<5& J, pirambu chivuli. Spokeshave, @(ZaDffl/*/SI0, iluvei uli. S. tfujirujp?, piyayatta. Bench vice, U>ffU> @l&@, maram idukki. S. ^/r^0 ^ wra/, taridu anduva. Cramp, jy^e, allu. S. QfflTlMU), kiramma. Mallet, QsinLi-fruLj iJ), kottapuli. S. jifpp&Q&i r<5e/, attakoluva. * 9 VOCABULARY. Flat chicel, Chisel for cutting iron, S. iStueor, Mortice chisel, &f> S. Bound chisel, mi S., Brace bit ^6 S. Centre bit, ec, S. Drill, &D Drill cord, &D Q S. , Gouge, tf^ S.. Auger, pu S. , Gimlet, jg?/j S. Screw driver, Ol>(2 S. Pincers, @5 S. Gauge, eua S. Hasp, U>ff S. takattuli. v niyana. vettirumbu. S. iu&&t&&u ueors yakkadakka pana *!, kattu. sittuli ununiyana. vatta uli. roun niyana. burumei. burumei. usi. kattuva, turappanam turappana. or turappana kayaru, or Til, turappana lanu, kamanuli. pokkuniyana. tamarusi. alakkara. turappanam. buruma. skuru mudukki. , ekuruppu niyana. idukki. anduva. vareikol. varaikothu. mara aram. raskuTa. Eule, BLACKSMITH'S & MASON'S TOOLS, &c. 67 s mulakol, adikol. S. Gsir&ajy kothuva. Compass, &suff[rffu> t kavarasam. S. SGUSSL-G), kavakattu. Line, &re9, nul. S. BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS, &c., Forge, Furnace, Bellows, Anvil, Sledge-hammer, Tongs, Vice, Rasp, File, Kollar ayuthangal, ulei kudam. ulei. turutti. adei kal. sammatti, kudam. kuradu. pidittiravi. padiaram. aram. MASON'S TOOLS, Trowel, Pointing trowel, @opmr& Tracing trowel, Plummet, Smoothing rule, Level, Square, Polishing board, Polishing stone, USIL-.U3 Mesan ayuthangal, karandi, kollaru, kustara karandi. pu karai.idi. tukku. matta palaheL nlr mattam. mulei mattam. maniasi palahei. manias! kal. 63 VOCABULARY. ANIMALS. rr, Miruhangal. DOMESTIC ANI- <$LL d^stis^, Yittu miruhangal. MALS, Horse, (gj^Gnir, kuthirei. Mare, QULL&X-& s t pettei kaluthei. Jb Oal, <2>(T 68)^45 O^-^-j kaluthei kutti. Mule, Q&irQsiJ^il S(~LD punei. Kitten, tltf, kutti. Hare, (*/>-?*>, musal. Habbit, @i$ (Lpfsv, kuli musal. WILD ANIMALS, sirtLL8@s/Ei&&r t Kattu miruhangal Elephant, luir&ar, yanei. Cheeta, usQ, puli. Wolf, eprsiriu, onay. Jackal, /sift, nari. Bear, ^tf, karadi. Wild Pig, aiTLLQu umfl, katcu pandi.- Sanibar, u> stiff, marei. Spotted Deer, Ljsrr&ft Loiresr, pulli man. Monkey, (5^-, kurangu. Black Monkey, UHB&, manthi. Porcupine? (jt/jsrcyrio usisr/Q, mull am pandi. Mongoose, @if)u LS/gyrSsrr, kiri pillei. Bandycoot, QuQ&ffirefR, perutchali. Rat, OT$, eli. Musk Eat, QptgjQffieQ, mQnjeli. Mouse, srem Q^_^, sundeli. Squirrel, jysra^eo, anil. BIRDS. rr, @(n)sSls6rr 9 Patchihal, Kuruvihal. DOMESTIC FOWL, <&LLuuLL@s&r, Yittu patchihal, &c. Turkey, ew/r^r Gairtfl, van koli. 70 Goose, Duck, Guinea Fowl, Cock, Hen. Chicken, Pigeon, WILD BIRDS, Wild Duck. Snipe, Sparrow, Swallow, Crow, Kite, Jungle Fowl, Pea Fowl, Parrot, Mina, Dove, VOCABULARY QuQ/sgirffir, utiSet, Qefi, perum tara, kus vattu. vattu. kinni koli. seval, saval. pettei koli. koli kunju. pura. Kattu patchihal. kulattu vattu. ullan. adeikkalan. taheivillan. kakkei. parunthu. kattu koli. mayil, kili. naganavay. kattu pura. CONVEYANCES. Horse Bandy, Carriage, Palanquin C a r - riage, Waggon, Dog Cart, QL-ITS Bullock Cart, Hackery, Lo/rzJL Vahanangal. kuthirei vandi. socli karafctei. pallakku varidi, vekkan. dokkarattei. irandu rothei varidi. mattu vandi. ottei mattu WAGGON. WAGGON (Ameri- can) Front seat, Back do. Flap, Cushion, Side, Rail, Box, Foot board, Splash board, Wing, Step, Tent, Standard, Standard iron, Blind, Blind strap, Knob, Hook, Ring, Buckle, Reins bar, Reins holder, Apron, Apron strap, Whip rest, Lamp iron, Front iron, Circle, Cross tree, (year Qsira, Vegan. rnun iruppidam. pin iruppidam. tongal chllei. mettei. pakkam. rel kambi, pakkattu kambi. pakkis petti, mithi palahei. rnun seru tangi. mun tirappu, jStriEiS, Qffdsns, seru tangi, rekkei. padi. mel katti, mel tappu. mel katti, kal. mel katti thangi. mareippu. mareippu var. kumil matti. kokki. valeiyam. pakkils, varputtu. rens tangi. rens pidi. malei tangi. malei tangi var. savukkurei. vilakku pidi. vandi mun tangi. sakkaram. sakkaram tangi. sakkarafetin atchu. GUITIT eutrir VOCABULARY. Linch bolt, Crank iron, Trace Jiook, Shaft, vulg. sakkarattu atchani. allu, pattirumbu. Breeching holder, @sQfEJBirtnLi$. Catch, Spring, Crawl iron, Grasshopper springg) Block, Bracket, Axle, Wheel, Nave, Nave ring, Bush, Cap, Spoke, Felloe, Tier, CART, Frame, Side, Front, Back, Pole, Pole rest, Yoke, Yoke pin, Yoke rope, tires maiti. arir-ssirev, GUIT/B&UILJ, erkkal, ponkambu. U3&1J), sikkinthiras matd. erkkal pakkils matti. villu. vil pidi. irattei vil. kattei. vil kattei irukki. atchu. rothei, urulei, sil. kudam. kuda pun. kudattu ul pun. atchu kuppi, koppu, areikal. alahu. ilsro^., Girir urulei pattei, rothei pattei, pattam. Vandi, karattei. sattam. pakkam, mun pakkam. pin pakkam. erkal. muttu kal. nubattadi, nokkal. kadei kutchu, kadei put tang kayiru. HARNESS. 73 Seat, Axle, Axle tree, Linch bolt, Linch pin Linch pin ring, Wheel, Top, Stretchers, Supports, Mat, Drag, (to check Q&(reir@ Breeching holder, seru kadi, kadivala. changili. r, Gffevreh, kadivala var, rens. berens. berens valeiyam. tirantha kallar. puttu kallar. ems kallar. ems var. ems mel var. ems pakkils. tiresu. sini, senam. sini kattei. sini rekkei. sanguttiruhi. berens matti. tumbitchu var. muthuhu var. tangu. ,erkkal, pukkils var. sikkiu thiras. sikkin thiras var. v* sikkin thiras matti. eulrir, BIDING HARNESS, sr Saddle, Stirrup, Do. strap, Bridle, Snaffle, Martingale, Bridle rein, ea>ff , ifl&SITU, er kuthirei uduppu. senam, sini. angapadi, rikkap. rikkap var. muha patta. sinna lahan. sinna kadivalam. matting kallar. r, cu/rey, kadivala var, vavu, BUILDINGS. Girth, Girth strap, Knee cap, Spur, Shoe, Kug, Waterbit, Halter, Picket peg, Picketrope(front), Do. do. ( Gram bag, Bucket, Brush, Curry comb, Comb, a/ir/f (Lpsrr, sntr, tangu. tangu var. puts. kuthi mul. laclam. sul. tanmr lahan. payudar kayiru. mulei. kaluttu katti. atchadi kayiru. topra. vali purus. kara. sippu. Fortress, Citadel, Palace, Mansion, Hall, Church, Mosque, Temple, Devil temple, College, School, Houso, Hut ; BUILDINGS. Kattidangal. kottei. ueireft eu/r^sb, aran. aran manei. malihei. salei. D, kovil, tevalayam, palli vasal. D, kovil, tevalayam. pey kovil. kalvi chalei. palli kudam. vidu. kudisei. VOCABULARY. BUILDING MATERIALS. Kattumanafctukkuria talavadangal. Stone, set, kal. Rough stone, V-nu>, maram. Margosa, (?a/^L/, vembu. Tulip tree, ^ysunsr, puvarasu. Almilla, jqetLSecev, almilla. Dool, &re*, tul. v Ora, gj>/r, ora. Keena, @ar, kina. Hoolanhick, $_etssr %$&, ulan hik. Davatta, ^a/zlL., * tavatta. y+ Peembia, i3t^i^ujfr > pimbiya. Kubuk, ^H s r kubuha. Kaduberia, Gurfiuj. kadu peria. Jackwood, uetir U^ITLD, pala rnaram. Wild do. M@iftu UGW, asini pala. MAN. Mango, LD IT LD IT LJD * ma maram. Iron wood, (zp^6^ muthurei. Sandal wood, &iSj5emu>iru), santhana maram. Cocoanut, Q^ewevr u>nu) 9 tenna maram. Palmyra, u$sor t&jrii, panei maram. Kittool. Qp^pffb iLiiL) t kifetul maram. Arecanut, &0ps LDtru), kamuha maram. Dhoom, ^/ro'Ly, tambu. Bamboo, gBv), mungil. Teak, Gps& LDiru>, tekka maram. Ebony, GQ^sireSI u>ffu) t karungali maram. Chambaca, Of emus u>ffu>, chenpaha maram. Jambo, &LDLJ rstTeu&j sambu naval. Jungle tamarind, >* s6Q@tuu>u&rir } kalasiyam pala, kal affituLjefl, pull. Vattadumba, c/Lli-^iiu/r, vatta tumba. Milla, iSfftiffv, milla. Bomby, GuirtiiS, p5mbi. Koombiya, ($u)t3ujir } kumbiya. MAN. u>G$-563r, Manithan. MAN, LDofipesr, LDepGp.&r, manithan, manu- shan. Woman, u>gas$, QusiOT-L9errSsrr, manushi, penpillei. Old man, Qipeuevr, kilavan. Old woman, QpeSI, kilavi. Young man, cw/r^Sucsr, valiban. Young woman, euireQuu Qua*, valiba pen. Boy, cnuuj&ir, peiyan. Girl, Qjpi QLJCOTT, siru pen. Male child, ^eyar LSefrSsrr, an pillei. Female child, Quern LSskfar, pen pillei. 78 VOCABULARY. Male infant, Female infant, Quessr Infant-in-arms, Sucking child, Elder (man), Elder (woman), Younger (man) Younger (woman), Adult man, Do. women, Child (boy), Do. (girl)) Tall man, Short do. Stout do. Thin do. Ouifiuj Quifiiu an kulanthei. pen kulanthei. kei kulanthei. pal kulanthei. muttavan. mufct aval. ileiyavan. ileiyaval. periya al. periya pen pillei, periya al. sitta], podiyan. sittal, siru pillei. nettei al. kuttei al. pushdiyulla al, pa- ruttaal. olliyal. Great grandfather. Do. grandmother. Grandfather, Grandmother, Grandson, Granddaughter, Father, Mother, Son, Daughter, Elder paternal uncle. RELATIONSHIP. <2/>ao/z?, Uravu murei. pufctan. putti. pattan, peran. patti. peran. petti. tahappan, appan. tay, amma. mahan. mahal. periy appan. Guff ear, LD&6YT, RELATI ONSHIP. 79 Younger paternal uncle, Elder paternal aunt, Younger paternal aunt, Elder maternal uncle, Younger maternal uncle, Elder maternal aunt, Younger maternal aunt, Nephew, Niece, Brother, Sister, Elder brother, Younger brother, Elder sister, Younger sister, Elder sister's hus husband, Younger sister's husband, Elder brother's wife, Younger brother's wife, Husband, Wife, First wife, Second do. Elder do. QuiRiu &>&<$ V(LI u($u>3esr, #G&irptR, sittappan. periya ayi. sinnayi. mufcta amman. ileiya amman. mutta afctei. ileiya attei. maru mahan. maru mahal. sahotharan. sahothari. annan. tambi. akkal. tangatchi. matchan, afctan. Qs/r^^cjr^matchinan, kolun than. mathini, anni. kolunthi. purushan. penchathi, maneivi. muthal taram. irandam taram. mutia kudiyal. 80 VOCABULARY, j if OJ/TOTT, Younger wife, Joint do. Father-in-law, Mother-in-law, Son-in-law, Daughter-in-law, Husband's elder brother, Husband's elder sister, Husband's y brother, Husband's younger /s/r^^gp/f, sister, Wife's elder bro- u>&iTeor 9 ther, Wife's elder sister, Wife's younger brother, Wife's younger sister, Wife's sister's bus- band, Wife's brother's ^satire*, P/EJ&&&, wife, Husband's sister's husband, Husband's brother's wife, Brother's son (to brother), Brother's son (to sister), Brother's daughter (to brother), ileiya kudiyal. sakkalatti. maman. mami. maru mahnn. maru inahal. afctan. nafctina. kolunthan. nafctiuar, sambanthi. matchan, afctan. mathani. meittunan. meittuni. sahalan. akkal, tangatchi. aTinan, tambi akkal, tangatchi. mahan. maru mahan. inaha). DOMESTIC CONDITION. 81 Brother's daughter u>(g (to sister), Sister's Sou (to bro- ther), Sister's son (to sis ter), Sister's daughter (to brother), Sister's daughter u>aeir, (to sister,) maru mahal. maru ma^an. maru mahal. mal^al. DOMESTIC CONDITION. , Illara nileimei. Married man, Do. woman, eu Unmarried man, Do. woman, Widower, Widow, Orphan, samusarakkaran.<>ir t valkkei pattaval. ondikkaran. kanni, kumari. taram ilanthavan, keimpen. tr pettar illatha pillei. Friendless child, jt/sir, pal. FFJP, iru. /sirs, nakku. annam. tondei. kannam. mo vay, nadi. MEMBERS OF THE BODY. 83 Neck, &(]&) kaluMu. Nape, i3trft, pidari. Back, G^g*, muthuhu. Backbone, QP& erg&tiLf, muthuhu elumbu. Shoulder, G^irerr, tol. Arm, t-fuju), puyam. Right arm, euffbgi LJIULD, valathu puyam. Left arm, L -^i LJUJLD, idathu puyam. Armpitj <&&gUD 9 &QAS3n,(B ) kakkam,kamukkudu. Elbow, Qpipisa ens. mulang kei. Wrist, LAGH&&&LL, mani kattu. Pulse, yF/rtf, nadi. Hand, e5r, kei. Back of hand, Lfp/a soar, purang kei. Palm Oi hand. SLsyrcrrffiJ &D3>. ullang kei. Knuckles, e5/^eo Gio/r^, viral moli. Finger, ff^c<>, viral. Thumb, Gu(5 eS0-v>, peru viral. Nail, /FSJLD, naham. Chest, G/F(g5^, nenju. Breast, LDITITI-J, marpu, Female breast, QP%V, mulei. Stomach, euuSjp, ^emffumu , vayiru, ireipei. Waist, ^D^, arei. Hip, , g)^H> iduppu. Belly, euiu&t, vayiru. Seat, @)($uLSiLb, iruppidam. Thigh, Qj$rren, todei. Knee, G^^^ sir ^ mulang kal. Calf, ^J fSenf, adu tasei. Ankle, sggas /rev>, kanu kal. Anklebone, @Bf, kanu. ' Foot, U/TaFLo, jy/o patham, adi. 84- VOCABULARY. Instep, Sole, Toe, Great toe, Skin, Flesh, Vein, Artery, Blood, Muscle, Bone, Joint, Rib, Brain, Lungs, Heart, Liver, Bowels, Bile, Sight, Hearing, Feeling, Taste, Smell, MEAT, Beef, Mutton, Pork, > eft/rev, OutfilLI ffg pnrang kal. ullang kal. kal viral, kal peru viral, tol. sathei, mamsam. ira&a narambu. , periyairattanarambu. irattam. tasei narambu. elumbu. kartu, kuleitchu. vila elumbu. mii lei. iral kulei. irutbayam. kal Ural. kudal. pifctam. FIVE SENSES. n, Eimporihal. Q&eveSl, parvei. kelvi. ilru. rusi. niopparrr ARTICLES OF FOOD. u p irir $ prats sir, Poscna patharttangal, Ireitchi. mattireitchi. attireitchi. pandi ireitchi. usvr FISir, FOWL, CEREALS. 85 FISH, i(xr, Min. Fresh fish, U&GOF tSsar, patchei mm. Seer fish, &eoir iJr, sila mm. Ghee fish, Qtstu <&, ney mm.. Sole, tsirsfaj tEeisr, nakku mm. Dry fish, a^eutr, karuvadu. IVIaldive fish, LO/T^, masL Shrimp, &., kuniral. Prawn, D(2^, iral. Lobster ^siSlffirs^^ singiral. Crab, ,si_6\> is ess, kadal nandu. FOWL, uiL& e/oo*, Patchi vahei. Turkey, eurrar QgirL$, van koli. Goose, QUQJJG pfrfffT) ^.ru perun tara, kusvattu. Duck, fiy/r^^r, ^irnir y vattu, tara. Fowl, Q sir if, koli. Chicken, QSITL^S @^, koli kunju. Wild duck, liff/s f &irffir, nlr tara. Teal, 8?8, sirahi. Snipe QmffLLiffevr, kortan. CEREALS, fireduj evens, Taniya vaiei. Rice, Qiseo, jfif)&, nel, arisi. Boiled rice, Gfirjy, Boru. Pearl barley, uirirsS #//?$, barli arisi. Sago, &Gueutfl&>, savvarisi. Kurakan, raggy, @^&&n f C?^/rsolam, makka chd- etTLD, lam. 86 PULSES, Gram, Bengal gram, Green gram, Thasel bean, FLOUR, &c., Wheat flour, Corn do." Tapioca, Arrowroot, BREAD, &c., White bread, Brown do. Toast, Cake, Biscuit, Hopper, Puttu, Idiappam, Sinakki, Tothal, Slvaria, BUTTER, &c., Ghee, Sugar, Jam, Jelly, Honey, Milk, Cream, VOCABULARY. UILJJ0I6UGD3, LJILJJP) LDSgffi Q&ITGtT tLIT QeuestffQtsmiu UlT&Dy Payaru vaheL kaii am. kadalei. pasi pay am. ulunthu. Ma vahei. kothumei ma. makka chola ma. kan pilavar. elilei kilangu ma., kuva ma. Rotti vahei. vellei rotti. karuppu rotti. vattu rotti. kekku. visukofctii. appam. pittu. irliappam. sinakki. tothal. siveria. Yermey muthaliya- vei. ney. sini, sakkarei. jam. jelli. ten. pal. paladei. VEGETABLES, CURRY STUFF. 87 VEGETABLES, @&>tr Q^m^ &&>& Kirei kilangu vahei- sstr, utujv &inu Potato, Yam, Cabbage, Nolkol, Bean, Pea, Carrot, Cucumber, Serpent cucumber, Melon, Ash-colored melon, &ITLDUG Pumpkin, Brinjall, Long brinjall, Vendikay, Drumstick, Bottle gourd, Furrowed do. Smooth do. Small fringed gourd, Avarei bean, Do. do. Bmaller,Gujr(Gff GITIU, Small avarei bean, Ash-coloured tain, s>nti y urulei kilangu. yams kilangu, kovis. nokkol. pins. pattani payaru. karattu kilangu. vellari. pudalang kay. simei pusani kay. sambal pusani kay- peria pusani kay. kattari kay. valuthalang kay. vendei kay. murungei kay. surei kay. pirkkang kay. [kay, i/ GiriLt, meiuhu pirkkang kappiri ponji kay. avarei kay. ponji kay, koli avarei. ajrrGDLps&rruj, sambal valei kay. sirtu, srriu, SITUJ, CURRY STUFF, Pepper, Chilly, Masalei, /566V) iBetr(, milahu,nallamilahu. , 0/r patcheimilakay,kot- chi kay. S3 Dry chilly, Coriander. Saffron, Mustard, Onion, Garlic, Fenugreek, Dark margosa leaves, Tamarind, Cocoanut, Cumin, Large cumin, Black cumin, Anise seed, Cinnamon, Cloves, Cardamom, JNutmeg, Mace, Lime, FHUIT, Mango, Plantain, Custard apple, Jack, Bread fruit, Bullock's heart, Pine apple, VOCABULARY. L/P, tfff&LC, 7500), LDI1U) ffiru>& LJLE>U>, vattal kot- chi kay. kotta malli. maujal. kaduim. vengayam. ira ven gay am. vellei vengayam. venthayam. karu veppilei. puli tengay. Biraham. perum chiraham. karum chiraham. sombu. karuva putfei. kirambu. elam. sathi kay. sathi patjiri. elumitchani palam. tesik kay. Pala vahei. mam palam. valei palam. sifcta palam. pala palam. Ira pala kay. rania chitta palam. annasi palam. ARTICLES OF CLOTHING. SO Orange, Gruava, D, pan! totf am palam, naranju. koyya. Hat, Cap, Coat, Over coat, Rain coat, Bug, Jacket, Waist coat, Trousers, Necktie, Wrapper, Collar, Shirt, Woollen shirt, Banyan, Drawers, Stockings, Socks, Boots, Shoes, Shoe lace, Slipper, Glove, Pocket, Purse, Native man's coat, f^Lem-., Native man's jacket,, ARTICLES OF CLOTHING, evens, TJduppu vahei. toppi. siru toppi. kottu. Qu>, vayittottam. vayittu kalitchaL vayittaleitchal. kaytchal, juram. kulirum kaytchalum 3iriu&&ffi> 9 murei kaytchal. vida kaytchal. kadung kaytohal. veppu. pitta kaytchal. sanni. jl@ffeatru> t &JIHLJU semij'amei. vayu porumal. pura mehanir kiranthi. timir vatham. kushda rokam. peittiam. vatha kal. iratta kalitchaL sori karappan. sirangu. VIRTUES AND VICES. 91 Cold, Cough, Sore eyes, Worms. Head-ache, Belly-ache, Tooth-ache, Ear-ache, Boil, Wound, eueQ, Mind, Spirit, Soul, Perception, Memory, Judgment, Conscience, Innocence, Guilt, Honesty, Dishonesty, Truth, Falsehood, Industry, Idleness, ffinuu> ) tadiman,jalatosham. irumal. karmovu. kirumi, pulu. talei novu. vayittu vali. pallu vali. cathu vali. pnrappadu, kaUu. kayam. paru, MIND AND ITS FACULTIES. a, Manathum athin tattuvarigaluni. manam. avi. attuma. terintharithal. nyabahani, yathu. bufcit. mana chatchi, mana satchi. finL @DI> VIRTUES AND VICES. Sarkunangalum, turkunangalum. kuttam illamei. kuttam. unmei, nermei. tiruttutfcanam. mey. poy. surusuruppu. sombal. QLDIU, Quinu, VOCABULARY. Obedience, Disobedience, Patience, Impatience, Mercy, Cruelty, Forgiveness, Revenge, Kindness, Unkindness, Chastity, Lewdness, Contentment, Envy, Q U IT V 6S>L>,$ kilpadithal. kil padiyamei. porumei. porumei taltchi. irakkam. kururam. niannippu. pali vanguthal. tayavu, dayavu, kadinam. karpu. turttam. raanarammiam. porainei. TITLES OF RESPECT. u)ifituir6s>,$L) Gun-gerr, Mariyatheiperhal. Gentleman, Lady, Sir, Madam, g\u>u>ir, turei. tureisani. jt eiya. amma, ammal. POLICE, COURT, AND OTHER TERMS. /8iutruje3firff2sof68)ujuSffirffiir, muthalam nithirasa. Senior Puisne Jus- ^nemrtirLD /^tf9/r/r^/r,irar)dam nithi rasa. tice, , @)ff supriang kodu iran- ?af/rOTr, dam rasa. POLICE, Junior Justice, Fiscal, Advocate, Proctor, Jury, Secretary, Clerk, Interpreter, Plaintiff, Complainant, Deponent, Defendant, Accused, Witness, Prisoner, Bench, Dock, Jail, COURT, AFD OTHER TERMS. 93 fiiflfftr&ir, mundam nithi rasa, is G&n (jpssr supriang k5du mun- f, /5a;/r, eussr <3 , vulg. dam mthi rasa. piscal turei. jyu attuvakafctu, appu- kattu. perukkuth5r, veikel. yurimar, panjayatiar naduvar. r, sakkirathar, sakra- thar. irayason. kilark, gumasta. tolanga pesugiravan. tupasi, tolukku mu- thaliar. , valakkali, vathi. a IT near, mureipattukaran. Q&ir sattia kaduthasi ko- dufctavan. @, ethirali,pirathi vathi. ethirali. ULL kuttangsattapattavan, satchikaran. mariarkaran. niyayasanam,nithia- sanam. marial kudu, marial vidu. 94 Charge list, Civil case, Criminal case, VOCABULARY. L-ITULJ, mureipaUu dappu, sarch list. slvil valakku. athaneifctei pattia valakku. Summons, Subpoena, Warrant, Search Warrant, Writ, kiriminal valakku, adipidi valakku. sifctasi. satchi sifctasi. viranthu, varantliu. G&, alei pidikka viran- tbu. sothanei viranthu. , e/ sathanam, kattalei, oppam. Do. of Execution, ren;S 3r uupfslffu), eskisupatjiram, Qaj6$tutr,5&, veliattu. Do. of Sequesta-^t-iv>iJu ( ff^/7'a>, tadangal patjiram. tion, a, nadu katium patji- Notice, Libel, Answer. Eeplication, Joinder, Eejoinder, l, vilarn- baram, notis. , todarchi kaduthasi. , marumoli kaduthasi. maruttaram, pirithi- uttaram. viyatchia kalappu. viyatchia serpu. Lcu/5<3Lc, vijatchia samban- tham. jp& Q&@ pirathi u&aratiukku ethir uttaram. POLICE, COURT, AND OTHER TERMS. 95 DISTRICT COURT, tf6iu^/ev&, 41*, CTLL 0) tDff onnu. iraridu. mundu, muriu. nalu, nangu. einthu, anju. aru. elu. ettu. onbathu. pafctu. pathinondu. pannirandu. pathinmundu. pathinangu. pathinemthu. V. 13 VOCABULARY. Sixteen, Seventeen, Eighteen, Nineteen, Twenty, Twenty-one, Thirty, Forty, Fifty, Sixty, Seventy, Eighty, Ninety, Hundred, Two hundred, Three hundred, Four hundred, Five hundred, Six hundred, Seven hundred, Eight hundred, Nine hundred, Thousand, Ten thousand, Huudr< Million, First, Second, Third, pathinaru. pathinelu. pathinettu. pafctonhathu. irupathu. irupattondu. muppathu. narpathu. eimpathu. arupathu. 67iD elupathu. <{& enpathu. s&% S^^, LdpgMr&2>^ ana, panam. Pie, Gouffir, fffve, peisaj salli. Cent, &BiJD t sathain. TIME. sj/rs^Lo, Kalam. Year, fla/^ffl^Lo, varusham. Month, tLirpLD) L&IT&U), matham, masam. Week, iLpea>i,> } GuttffLD, kilamei, varam. Day, iBST&r 9 nal Hour, LAemR) L>GOBflG>/5ffi t mani, mariineram. Minute, ifietffLL, /L5e^iz>, minittu, nimisham. Second, Q/siTLs.y nodi. MONTH,* tirffu> t Masam. January, 6^, tei. February, ILIT, masi. March, utEi@G$ y panguni. April, ffi-sfisBir, sittirei. May, eroffly^ff^, veihasi. June, ^oft, ani. July, ^LJI, adi. August, ^ojeoBfl, avani. September, L//rdL/r% purattasi. October, eguu, eippasi. November, sfrirpjUens, karfctihei. December, L&mrstJ)! markali. * Note. The Tamil months do not commence on the same day with the English months, but are generally about twelve days GSL&SIDLD, DAYS OF THE WEEK,. &C. 101 DAYSOFTHEWEEK,sUp6a>i.ssrr Kilameijial. Sunday? @niSu>, nyayittu kilamei, nyayiru. tingal kilamei. sevvay kilamei. puthan kilamei. viyala kilamei, viya- lam. velli kilamei. sani kilamei. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, DIVISIONS OF DAY,*/reri?i Day, us&>, ^igH Qirir 9 Morning, @LPSBU>, Nairn pirivuhal. pahal. ira. i>, kalei, vidiyarkalam. Early morning, jffffSx Q&ehQeiresr, athikalei, vellena. Evening, LC/T^D, firujfE^fftij malei, sayantharam. Midday, u>p@ujirGau>, matiiyanam. Midnight, IE ffirfgstB, nadu rattiri. Matta nalkal. iiidu, indeikku. nettu. naleikku, nalei. muntha naj . nalei kalittu. >* * *-, indu rattiri. nettu rattiri. nalei rattiri. OTHER DAYS, u>& u>es)Lp va- meham. mantharam. pulukkam. ,kattattam, kulirtchi 5 sudu, kangei, vek- kei. kulir. nip malei illamei, ratchi. malei. malei. tQttal. lesana malei. kanafcta malei. vida malei, malei. idi, idi mulakkam. adei Lightning, Mist, Fog, Rainbow, Dew, Frost, Hail, Wind, Gentle wind, Strong wind, Storm of wind, Whirlwind, North wind, East wind, South wind, West wind, World, Sea, Land, Continent, Island? Country, Kingdom, Province, District, City, Town, Village, Hamlet, EARTH, &c. LSesrevrsV, e/> eurrssr ued, 6UIT6S3I 103 minnal. masi. mudu pani. vana vil. pani. kulirtchial nir urei- thal. kal rnalei. kattu. " ilang kattu. perung kattu. pusal kattu. suravali. vadei. kil kattu. tendal. mel kattu. .<*< EAUTH, &c. (wfeSajoDaj, Pumi muthaliyavei. ulaham. kadal. tarei. kandam. tivu. tesam. ratchiyam. nadu. seharam, pahuthi. KmBLD, rssiBy utlt- naharam, GSSTUJ, pattanam, ULlLfjriz), esi/f, pattinam, Qr. BBLIT, Q(yLou>, ur, kiramam. GAjra; sittur. /BIT 104 VOCABULARY. HEAVENLY BODIES. Sun, Moon, Planet, Star, Comet, Morning star, Evening star, Moonlight, Christianity, Protestantism, QffSLD, GjfTffi) Qeusrrefi, *r, Yana chothihal. euriyan. santhiran, nila. kiraham. natchattiram. val velli. vidi velli. velli. % nila velitcham, san- thirihei. Qeuofil&fU), RELIGION. r&sLD, Markkam. LLfffT&U), Mohamedanism, Budhism, Hindooism, Idolatry, Devil worship, Quih Devil offering and ceremony, Cathirasan, Muniandi, Kali, Priest, Devil dancer, Andy (religious beggar), Ljpgi u>irira&u>, kiristu markkam. prottesttantu mark. kam. roman markkam. islam markkam. bufctu markkam. inthu markkam. vikkiraha arathanei, pey kumbiduthal. pey kodei. kathiresan. muniyandi. kali. pusari. peyadi, andi, pandaram. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 105 OTHER USEFUL WORDS. The numbers placed after the verbs refer to the rules for the formation of the tenses given in page 20. Able, a. About? pre. About, pre. Above, pre. Absent, a. Absent, v. Abuse, s. Abuse, v. Accept, v. Accident, .9. Accommodation, s. Accompany, v. According, pre. Account, s. Accumulate, v. Accuracy, s. Accuse, v. Accustomed, a. Ache, s. Acknowledge, v. Acrid, a. Act, . Active, a. Acute, a. Address, s, def, 1, 8, 2. 68)^03 U/TS3T tiraniyulla. kurittu, sula. erakkureiya. mele. illatha. illei. tushanam. tittu esu. ettukol. vikkinam. vasathi. kudapo. padi. kaiiakku. ser, knttu. tittam. kuttam chattu. palahina. vali, novu. ottukol. ureippana. seykei, kiriyei. sakkiratheiyana. kilrmeiyana. mel vilasam. 106 VOCABULARY. Advance, 5. Advance, v. Affair, s. Afoot, adv. Afore, adv. After, pre. Again, adv. Against, pre. Age, 6. Age, s. Aged, a. Agitation, s. Agriculture, s. Aid, s. Alarm, s, All, a. Allow, v. Almost, adv. Alms, s. Alone, adv. Along, pre. Aloud, adv. Already, adv. Also, adv. Alter, v. Alternately, adv. Always, adv. Amid, pre. Amiss, adv. Among, pre. Amount, s. An, art. arrrfiiuu), G(TSd /SGML-l 1$ SSI I-}, L$)6W<6B)?6fl, ^(T^LDLD, Q -Sirens, . atcharam,murpaimm muntbi po. kariyam. kal nadeiyay. munname. pinbu, pinnale. marupadiyum. tirumpavum. virotbamay. vayathu. kalam, vayathu senda. kalakkam. vibasayam. ottasei. tiheippu. ellam, ellarum. idang kodu. koDjang kureiya. taruman. taniye. kuda, neduha. sattamay. munname. um, kuda. mattu, mari mari. eppoluthum. naduve. tappithamay. ulle. tohei. oru. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 107 And, con. -^>, urn . Anew, adv. LJ@&ITIU, puthithay. Angry, a. QstrufytoirsTr, kobamulla. Annual, a. a/^Q^T/E^/r. varushanthara. Another, a. ^swQ,^)^, innoru. Answer, 5. L^^QLCITI^, maru moli. Ant, S. GT^LALj, erumbu. Ant, (white), s. s&opujtrsor, kareiyan. Anticipate, v. emreyuiriT, 8 varavupar. Any, a. .. luaQ^ir^^^sr, yathoruvan. Apart, adv. Qeu&jQsu&cu, vevveray. Appear, v. G.jirssrjy, 1 tondu. Appetite, s. u*d, pasi. Appoint, v. ifituiB, 8 uiyanii. Around, pre. &p{8, @^p, sutti, sula. Arrack, s. firniruju^, sarayarn. Arrive, v. GuiriLi&Qfirj 4 poytcher. As, adv. QUIT sv>, utf, LJLjia. HTSQ, pol, padi, padiyal Ascend, v. qjpi, 1, 7(z^, 4 e r u, elu. Aside, ac?y. 9(5 u&.?$so, oru pakkattil. Ask, v. (?6yr, 3 kei; Aslant, ctt?^. 9(5 firiuuufuj^ oru sayppay. Asleep, atZv. iS^^simrujiruj., nifctireiyay. Assemble, v. S^.LLL-/EJ^, ) 1 kuttang kudu. Assent, s. Qenf, isei. Assist, v. sL&eSQ&tL, 5 Tathavi sey. Asunder, adv. (jftnesirittuj, iranday. At, pre. , 0, il, ku. Attend, t ? . ^LL_L/QU/T, 1 ^ay^ a^, 8 kildappo, kavani Attention, *. seuesiL> 9 kavanam. Authority, s. ^znnw, athikaram. Average, s. & HIT* (ft, sarasari. 108 VOCABULAllY. Avert, v. /#@, 1, aS?tfo^@, 1 nikku, vilakku. Away, v. &rn t efiril, tfira, vittu. B. Back, adv. tSearGssr. ^Qiiu, pinne, tirumba. v Bag, s. emu, piei . Balance, s. es)iSl($uL{ 9 keiyiruppu. Band, s. , kuttarn. Bandage, s. sil, kattu. Bar, s. ^CTOL-, tadei. Be, v. D<3, 9 iru. Bear, v. pitmtQi 1 , 9 tangu, surna. Beat, v. c^, 8 adi. Because, con. uL$.iLUTffi> } padiyal. Beckon, v. &i3&6s> siTLi, 1 samikkei kattu. Become, v. *j%3, 1 aku. Before, pre. Qpssr, (LDovrQegr, mun, munne. Beg, v. !.$!&&& Q&err, 3 pitchei kel. Begin, v. &eu&&, I tuvakku. Behind, pre. LSe^-G'^r, LSp&itQsv, pinne, pirahale. Bell, s. LDGwft, mani. Belong, v. Gfir, 4- ser. Below, adv. @Gp t uesvfluj, kile, pai.iiya. Bench, s. 6uirtEj(&) ) uioVo&s, vangu, palahei. Bend, v. o/Ssrr, 4, 8 valei. Besides, adu. ji/tyGs us &}&>, aruhe, pakkafctil. Besides, adv. ^e$ir, tavira. Betel, s. Qeujbfl&v, vettilei. Between, pre. fitSGeij, mz.(cL-, naduve, fide. Beyond, pre. &UUIT0V, jfULfjDjffdffdj appal, appurattil Bid, v. eSISfa) Qsffrr, 3 vilei kel. Big, a. Ouiflujj u(nj^p, periya, parutta. Bill s. &.emLq.uj uu.Ly. } uridiyal, patti. Bind, v. fftl, 1 kattu. Bird ; s, @(5 afl, uiL& 9 kuruvi, patchi. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 109 Birth, s. Bite, v. Bitter, a. Black, a. Blade, s. Blame, 8. Bleed, v. Blind, a. Block, s. Blow, v. Blue, a. Bluntness, s. Boil, v. Bond, s. Borrow, v. Bottom, s. Bow, s. Bran, s. Brand, v. Brass, s. Break, v. Breath, s. Breed, s. Breeze, s. Bribe, s. Bright, a. Bring, v. Brink, s. Broad, a. Brooch, s. Build, v. Bundle, s. Burn, v. Burst, v. LAQglEJSSti, Qeirg, 8, jyefi, 4, 4, <2o/r, 2 ,'s, , 1, *,2,6T Ofl/if, 8 4, 8, pirappu. kadi. kasantha,kasappana. karufcta, karuppana. alahu, pidangu. kuttam. irattam vadi. kurudana. kattei. uthu. nilamana. malungal. kothi, avi, kaytchu; kadan slttu. [gu. iravtil, (kadan) vau- kil pakkam, adi. vil'. tavidu, sudu podu. pi fitalei. 8 muri, udei. suvasam, ruutchu. sathi, varukkam. kattu. keikkuli. pirahasamana. konduva. vilimbu, dram. ahalamana. marbusi. kattu. muttei, kattu. 4 sudu, eri ; ve. vedi. 110 VOCABULARY. Burst, v. &.6s>z_, 4, 8 uclei. Bury, v. Lyero^, 4, 8, <%i&&Lc puthei, adakkam uemejvU) 1 pan nu. Bush, s. Q^FLJJ., L/^/T, chedi, puthar. Business, s. jyjjji'ffl/ffo, aluval. But, con. ^6ii6VBr 9 1 vaugu, vendu. By, pre. ^a), Qaj/rsror, al, kondu. C. Cage, s. *-, kudu. Call, v. .SLULS, 2, /&!, 8 kuppidu, alei. Camphor, s. &wu^ffu> ) karppuram. Cancer, s. L9girss)a/ ; pilavei. Cane, s. iStnii-l, pirambu. Cannot, v. s^.Lfrga, def. erso/r^r, kiidathu, elathu. Capital, s. 68)5(^^-60, keimuthal. Card, s. ^^-1, sir.tu. Care, s. /fl,,&$, nadu, mafcti. Ceremony, s. ^/_/E7(^, sadangu. Certain, a. /S&fftuLAir&r, nitchayamana. Chain, s. &iE2@u)L{ ) shimei churmambu Charge, v. 6$&u Q fired, vilei sol. Charge, v. } naham. Clean, a. ffr^^SLoiresTj suttamana. Clear, a. G^erfi/F^, telintha. Cleft, s. iSsnuLj, pilappu. Clever, a. Q&il.Ly.ujiTe3r f kettiyana. Climb, v. -,#/, 1 eru. Cling, v. upfluiSlLf., 8 pattipidi. Clip, v. appiR, 8 katiari. Close, acZv. &IL-tT<5$tutTuj t adarttiyay. Close, v. g/), ^(szoi , 8 mudu, adei. Clot, s. 5/-tfL, katti. Clothe, v. a.,^.^, uduttu. Coarse, a, (LpffL-iran, muradana. Coin, s. [EirsonuuD, nanayam. Cold, a. (& > s$ } 2 Confusion, s. Congy, s. Connection, s. Connive, v. Consign, v. Constipation, s. Lt&>&&&(9j, Consult, v. ^[Ssir& 9 8 Contentment, s. Contiguous, a. Continually, adv. Contract, s. Contradict, v. u&i, 8 Correct, a. Correct v. &($&, 1, Cost, s. Cottage, 6-. Cotton, s. Could, v. <&L.LD } def. Count, V. eresNgvj, Couple, s. Gen. Court, s. /&du^0otbj Cover, v. 50, 1 Cowdung, s. vasathiyana. pothuvana. kalakkam. kuttali. ofctupar. arei. mureiyidu. nileimei. nadakkei. jjr } Inarlattu, tuneipo. arikkeiyidu. kulappam. kanji. sambantham. \ , 9 karisadeiyayiru. oppukodu. malatchikku. alosi. manarammiyam. adutta. adikkadi. poruttam. maru. , 1 tittamana. tirufctu, tittamayiru. kireiyani. kudisei. pauju. kudum. emiu. sodu. nlthistalam. mudu. sani eru. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 113 Cripple, s. fuurressft, sappani. Crooked, a. GsfressreviTesr, konalana. Crowd, s. feerssn.LLiiJDf sanakuttam. Cry, v. fppLDGuir, 2, $y(T, 5 sattampodu, alu. Cultivate, v. uujifl, 2 payiridu. Cunning, a. p fB$ UIL IT ear, tantiramana. Cup, s. uir^jslffu), pafcjiram. Cure, v. G-suuGlpgi, suhappadufctu. Current, s. QLLiu), otfcam. Curse, v. eiS, 8 sabi. Custom, s. ei/i&&LD ) valakkam. Cut, v. ^yj2/, 8, QeuLL, 1 aru, vettu. D. Daily, adv. /F/TofrC^/r^yLo, nal torum. Damage, s. G&&U), setham. Damp, s. FFjru> 9 iram. Date, s. GfP, tethi. Deaf, a. QffeSiirar, sevidana. Dear, a. cSl&viLfeirefr) vileiyulla. Dear, a. tSltfiujQpsrrGrr, piriy annul la. Debt, s. at-**, kadan. Decay, v. Lof&luGuir, I matchipo. Deceit, s. eij(gj&2sor, vanjanei. Decide, v. fiir, 8, jUrLQireS, 8 tir, tlrmani. Decrease, v. (genp, 4, 8, (9)$, 8 tamathi. Deliver, v. GpuLjsS, 8, fftLQ, 8 oppuvi, ratchi. Demon, s, Quiu > L8fir&, pey ; pisasu. VOCABULARY. Dense, a. jqL-iT(5p } adarntha; Deny, v. Lojpi, 8 maru. Depart, v. (outriuGSI, 2 poyvidu, Descend, v. $)ptEJ(<9j, 1 irangu. Desire, v. eS^ui-i, 1 virumbu. Detain, v. $&>,&, 1 niruttu. Devour, v. uti&, 8, 6$<7fi7(35, 1 patchi, vilungu. Dibble, v. Qeaeru}. $00^, 1 kindi vitliei. Die, v. fir, 1, Q&p&uGuir, 1 sa, settupo. Diet, s. uffiiLiLD, pattiyam. Difference, s. eSpfdtuirfw, vittiyasam. Dig, v. Gpirem, 1 tondu. Digest, v. QffdSI) 8 semi. Dike, s. sirear, kan. Diligently, adv. &r)i Grgnuuinu, surusuruppay. Dimness, s. iLia&Gd, mangal. Dip, v. Q&tiiu 4, 8 ^o~y. Direct, v. iBL-pgi t 1, eui$Q*i alukku* Disgust, s. QeuQULj, veruppu. Dismiss, v. ^errgrffeS?, 2 tallividu. Displease, v. eff^saruu^^, I visanapaduttu. Disregard, v. ^y^LleaoL- Q&iu t 5 asattei sey. Dissolve, v. &mffis-& QUIT, 1 kareinthu pb". Distance, s.- &frffu>, Qpa'BsOy turam, tolei. Distemper, s. Gfsirujy noy. Distinctly, adv. Qpejfleuiriu, telivay. Distress, s. cStujir(9 > ffvLi ) ^ssruu), vij 7 ahulam, tunbana* Distribute, v. u/EfS, 2 pangidu. Distrust, s. ^6ui5L,tSI&Lp Off iLtj 5 tavaru, pilei sey. Error? s. iSise>Lp ) pilei. Escape, v. puiSuGuir, 1 tappipo. Estimate, v. LD@, 8 mathi. Estimate, s. ^^uq, mathippu. Evaporate, v. ^eStiutiQiuQguiLj, aviyayelumbu. Even, con. &-m SLL_, un kuda. Even, CL. ff-LD^esfj samanana. Event, s. f/Ejs^ t sangathi. Every, cc. ^ei/Qay/r^, ovvoru. Evidence, s. &ITLL, satchi. Evident, a. Qpefiajiregr, telivana. Evil, a. Q&LL.L-, kefcta. Exact, ct. ^t-lt-Lo/rCTr, tittamana. Example, s. Lcirffiifi, mathiri. Excavate, v. @aDi_, 4 kudei. Except, pre. peSir, GP$UJ, tavira, oliya. Excite, v. 5reS(siS/, 2 evi vidu. Exclude, v. i&Q eS, 2 nlkki vidu. Excuse, S. Gurrs, fir&(Bj, pokku, sakku. Expect, v. ^LDL/, 1 nambu. Expense, s. Q^eoey, selavu. Experience, s. syuL9aj/r?^, appiyasam. Experiment, s. u/flLlat^, paritchei. Expert, a. ffnu^w^^ujQ^^iKi JIT, samarfctiyamulla. Extend, v. iiu/rar, purambana. F. Fact, s. Qi&iu, &IEJ&J&, niey, sangathi. Fade, v. euirLf-uQuir, 1 [@, 1 vadipo. Fail, v. GfiriT/EgjQuir, 1, iSI^ sornthupo, pisahu. Fall, v. e(2, ^ vilu. False, a. Quiriuujir&r, poyyana. Family, s. (gO^Lj^o, kudumbam. Fan, s. fiww^, visiri. Fast, a. eSss)ffeuiT6sr 3 vireivana. Fasten, v. <-!, 1 pufctu. Fat, 8. 0/T(T^UL/, koluppU. Fat, a. L/9^pLyrr, pushdiyulla. Fatigue, s. @SsrrtJL/, ileippu. Fault, . (aj^r/DLo, kuttam. Favour, s. ^ojey, tayavu. Fear, s. ^UJLO, payam. Feast, s. ^CHJFi virunthu. Feather, s. P&> irahu. Fee, s. ^^, pisu. Feed, v. ^car, 7 (?^tt>, 4 tin, mey. Feel, v., 4 unar. Ferrule, s. ^6w-, pun. Fetch, v. QuiriLidQsiTemQeiiir, 4 poykoiidu va. Field, s. fiwtL'ev, eS/Ssrr, vayal, vilei. Fight, v. ffsesr&oi QffiLt, 5 sandei sey. Figure, s. fiu^KSj/, ^)0065/2), vadivu, ilakkam. Fill, v. $nuL\ t 1, /8ffu>Lj I nirappu, nirambu. Filthy, a. s@L r $, manthei. Flood, S. QaisveiTLc, vellam. Flow, v, g&, 1 odu. Fly, s. i. Fly, v. tj^, 9 para. Fold, v. tot?., 8 madi. Fold, s. u>ijy.uL{ 9 madippu. Follow, v. LSl^r Qff&, 6 pin sel. Food, s. ^/r/Ju/r, .6zorsy, sappadu, uriavu. Fool, S. LDSSiU. IU6ST, madeiyan. For, co?l. ^^, uL$.iuirrw^ innam. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 119 G. Gain, s. ^pa-tut*, athayam. Gait, 8. /*>*><_, nadei. Gang, s. . 3srr, mulei. Give, i/. Qtf/r, 8 kodu. Glad, a. F/E^^/rep.^/rcw, santhoshamanai Gnaw, v. jy^, 8, jy/fl, 4 ara, ari. Go, v. Cou/r, 1 po. God, 5. G^eueor, <5-a//rt$, tevan, suvami. Gold, s. Gu/rdr, pon. Good, a. /sstieVj nalla. Goods, 8. fffLDtresr, &ff&(&), eaman, sarakku. Grace, s. @@ss>u, kirubei. Gradually, adv. UL$.U UL^IUITUJ, padi padiyay. Grain, s, , kanam. Grand, a. i Quifiiu, periya. Grant, v. Qir t nilam, tarei. Grow,"v. fi/cw/f, 4 valar. Guard, v. sr, 8 ka.' Guide, t>, e/$ fi/ri-L, 1 vali kattu. Guilt, S. gj/D/DLD, kuttam. Gum, s.' i-S^sw-, pisin. Gun, s. Qeuuf-f G>jir&(&i 9 vedi tokku. Gunpowder, s. Qeut-p. L(nj/5gr r vedi marunthu. H. Habit, S. Ulp&&LD) e/i, palakkam,valakkam Hack, v. ^jeysfL^L^ 8 ; a? tt 3 (<9y , 1 tundi narukku. Hang, v. (neui.) O^/r@, 1 tongu. Hang, v. (aci.) ^ar(5, 1 tukku. Happen, v. C/s/fl, 2, Btl, 1 neridu, nada. Happy, a. uir&QuJLtrrGir, pakkiyamana. Hard, C. au^evrLniresr, kadinamana. Harm, s. fse^tti, G&, nashdarn, kedu. Haste, s. &ifipu>, turitham. Have, v. <5, 9, e.r, 1 iru, ul. He, p?'0. .gya/ear, avan. Heal, v. &auu. suham. Heap, s. (SjeSujffv, kuviyal. Hear, i-. (?, naraham. Help, S. epp-gireiDf) &.>$, ottasei, uthavi. Hemp, s. ffessrffi), ffL-LDLfi sanal sadambu. Hence, adv. ^C^a9(25/j^s7, inge irunthu, OTHEIt USEFUL WORDS. 121 Henceforth, adv. Herb, s. Herd, s. Here, adv. Hereabout, adv. Hereafter, adv. Hereby, adv. Hew, v. Hide, v. High, a. Hold, v. Hollow, a. Home, s. Honest, a. Horn, s. Hot, a. How, adv. Hunger, s. Hurt, v. Husk, s. LC/Tll LDGnjD, 8 . S-tUffLDirssr, t%, 8, Qs/r^, 2 US, ithu mutual, pundu, kirei. mattu manthei. inge. ingganam. inimel. ithinal. vetti podu. inarei. uyaramana, pidi, ko|. uerr&mcirssr, kulalana, pajlamana. Vidu. nermeiyulja. kombu. sudan a, karamana. eppadi. pasi. novupaduttu, setha- padufctu. umi, kathambei. 1 I, I, pro. Idleness, s. If, con. Ill, a. Imitate, v. Imperfect, a. Improper, a. Improve, v. Impudent, a, In, pre. Guir0i>& j, 5 nan. sombal. al, anal. viyathiyulla. pol chey. kureivana. tahatha. X* sirthirunthu, tudukkana. il, ul. 16 122 VOCABULARY. Inattention, s. Incessant, , Incorrect, ct. Increase, v. Indebted, a. Indecent, a. Index, 6 1 , Infusion, s. Inhabit, v. Innumerable, a. Inquire, v. Insane, . Insect, s. Insensible, a. Insert, s. Instead, adv. Instruct, v. Instrument, .9. Insubordinate, a. Insufficient, a. Insult, s. Intention, s. Invite, v. Inward, adv. Iron, s. Irrigate, v. &6usvr.iri&& J , 8, 5, 9 >/&. eSftrffl 8, Qsstr, 3 Qsrmmii, Havana talohi. oyatha. pileiyulla. athihari, peruhu, kadanpatta. ketta. attavaiiei. kashayam, kudinlr. kudiyiru. ermirantha. yisari, kel. payittiyamulla. puchi. unarchi illatha. idei3'ile ser. bathilaha. , 8, UL$ uiS ) 8 pothi, padippL ayutham, karuvi. kilpadiyatha. pothatha. avamanam, ninthei. nokkam. virunthukkalei, ullana. irumbu. paychu. Gear, 8 Jail, s. Jar, s. Jewel, s. Join, v. Joint, s. Joy, s. 8, marly al. jadi. nahei, aparanam, V* inei, poruttu. poruttu. kalippu. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 123 Judge, .Q. ji$u<, $ SUIT ear, mthipatlri, mtbav Justice, ,?. jifi, Sojinuu), nlthi, niyayam. K. Keep, v. air, 8, 6a/, 8 ka, vei. Kernel, .9. u0uL/, paruppu. Kick, v. &.&)<, 8 uthei. Kill, v. Q$fT$so QffiLt, 5 kolei sey. Qsrresrjpi Quir(S } 2 kondupodu. Kiln, s. (gjSsrr, Sillei. Kindness, ,9. ptuey, uLLffil), tayavu, patcliam. Kindle, v. {JEULjjbpc&eu, S tT patta vei. Kindle, v. cr/0, 8 evi. King, s. fjyirirfir, irasa. Kingdom, s. $)C(i ffiduju), irachiyani. Knob, s. L^ip, kumil. Knock, v. ^L!, 1 tattu. Knot, s. QpLp.ff&, mudichu. Know, v. ^/z9, 4 ari. Knowledge, s. ^y^ay, arivu. L, Labour, s. (Ja/Siu, iSffiuirfLc, velei, pirayasam. Lade, v. ^'STT(g5 allu. Lake, s. er^, eri. Lameness, s. QP<-u> f mudam. Language, s. u/rDQ., pasbei. Lantern, s, 60/5^/r, lanthar. Lap, s. LoLji, madi. Lap, v. /5^@, 1 nakku. Lard, ,9. ustrfls Qsn-QguLf, pandi koluppu. Large, a. Quifiiu, uqspp, periya, parufcta. Lasb, s. ffeysg) euirir, savukku var. Last, s. &sa>c-8ujirevr t & 9 kadeisiyanathu, Last, v. i8fa>, 8 nilei. VOCABULARY, Late, a. t$[/?r, pinthina. Late, adv. L$/^, pinthi. Laugh, v. $/fl, 8 ; /5sa>#, 8 giri, naheL Law, s. ^ilL-Lo, sattam. Lay, v. GQSU , V61. Lead, s. FFUJL&I [jfi> 1 lyam. Lead, v. (Lp/sfiuQuir, 1, /?L_^ munthippo nadattUr Leak, s. sp^^^, olukku. Leanness, s. Loe^iay, melivu. Leap, t. LJ/TUJ, 4, @^, 8 pay, kuthi. Learn, v. ut^s., 8 padi. Leave, v. e$ LL u(3 u IT } 1 vittu po. Leech, s. ^L!J)L_, attei. Left, . t&, idathu. Leisure, s. ffireusrrffu), savakasam. Lend, ?;. /ffeu&> GSR, 8 iraval kodu. Length, s. &6rru) 9 nllam. Leprosy, s. ^a^t_(?^"/rJ) J kushda rdkam. Lest, ciTffjr 9 nudpanmna. Mire, s. #8$, sahathi. Mirror, s. ir$ifl, mathiri. Modesty, s. /sir oar ti, &IL-&&M, nf^riam, adakkam. Moisture, s. FFJLD, iram. Money, s. LJtMiru), pariam. Moorman, s. Q&irsor&ssr, sonahau. Morality, s. ffesrLciriT&su), sanmarkkam. More, a. *@ S 9 ttTGXL, athiha, innam. Mortgage, s. typfl, otti. Mosque, s. Ljerreffiauir&sv, pallivasal. Moss, s. uuS) t pasi. Moth, 6'. &* t puchi. Motion, s. cSysro^Q/, aseiviL Mould, s. #(, karu. Mould, s. LfrQp.evvLD, pushanam. Mount, v. orjv, 1 eru. Mourn, v. j&L>Qsirt:y8TL-iT(fj), I tukkam korida/Iu. Move, v. jys3)^, 4, 8, , 1 asei, adu. Mow, v. LD&8LL, umeikkatiu, Murmur, <'. OLD/TJJ/QLO/TJI', 8 morumoru. Music, s. esiSffLb) sangltham. 128 VOCABULARY. Must, s. Myself, pro. Nakedness, s, Name, s. Narrowness, s. Native, s. Nature, s. Nearness, s. Nearly, adv. Necessity, s. Need, s. Needle, s. Neglect, s. Neigh, v. Neighbour, 5. Net, s. Never, adv. Newness, s. News, s: Next, a. Nibble, v. Niceness, s. Nip, v. No, adv. Nod, v. Noise, s. Nonsense, s. Noose, s. Nor, con. Not, adv. Notch, .s. Note, s. Note, v. N QUIT, , 8 , 4, , 8 eo) a/ 8 vemlum. nane, nanthan. niruvanatn, .per. idukkam. suthesi. iyalbu. samibam. konjangkureiya. avasiyam. ievei. Osi. kavaleiylnam. kanei. ayalan. valei. orukalum illei. nu than am. seythi. adutta. ari. rusi, nefcti, nudpam. killu/ illei. talei aseifctalei. safetara, ireichal. buttiymam. surukku. avathu. illei, alia. vettu. kiirippu. kurifcturei. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 129 Nothing, s. Notice, s. Notice, v. Notion, s. Nourish, v. Now, adv. Nowadays, adv. Noway, adv. Nowhere, adv. Numbness, s, Number, s. Number, v. Nut, ,9. Obedience, s. Object, s. Object, v. Objection, s. Obstacle, s. Obstinacy, s. Obstruction, s. Obtain, v. Occasion,*^ Odour, s. Of, pre. Off, adv. Offend, v. Office, s. Often, adv, Oil, s. Old, a. Omit, v. On, pre, On, adv. , 8, urrir, 8, 0, , 8, ., 4, fiDL., 8 eurr&ckor, tBtl. cmdum. illei. vilambaram>. kavani, par. enriam. paramari. ippothu. innadkalil. evvitha&ilum iileL oridattilum illei, vireippu. ilakkam. nnu. kottei. kilpadithaL nokkarn. tadu, adchebi. adchebam, tadeL %* tadei. murattattam. adeippu. adei, kidei. velei, karanani. vasanei, mariam. udeiya, al, il. tura. >* visanapaduttu. uttiyoham. adikadi. onnei. palaya. vittu vidu, niele. munne. 17 ISO VOCABULARY. Once, aJi>. Only, adv. Only, a. Open, v. Oppress, v. Order, s. Order, v. Orifice, s. Ornament, .9. Orphan, s. Ought, v. Out, adv. Outward, a. Oval, s. Over, prc. Over, adv. Overcharge, v. OverfloVv, v. Overlook, v. Overseer, s. Overtake, v. Owl, s. Owe, v. Own, a. Own, v. Owner, s. Pace, s. Pack, s. Pack, f. Package, s. Packbullock, s. , 9 ), def. Ljpiiuirear, orutharam, oruvisei. mattiram. eha. tira. odukku. varisei, olungu. karpi. tuvaram, vay. alangarara. illatha pillei. vendum, purambe. purnmbaua. mutf.ei vadivu. mel. mele, mitchamay. athiha vilei podu. karei puraridodu, tathumbu. paramal vidu. ', 8, GLDGV kangani, mel visari. 8 , 8 todarnthu pidi. anthei. 6/&> QUIT, 2 1 ', 2 , t 9 P. kadan pattiru. sontha, sonthamana. urittayiru. udeiyavan. nadei. pothi. adukku. kattu. pothi madu. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 131 Pains, 5. iSlffujtrfu>, pirayasani. Paint, s. euirsarii, varnam. Paint, i'. c/ff6B0,8, euire^TL o L^<5?, 1 varni, varnam pusu. Pair, s. G&IT, sodu, Pale, s. Sfftr^ssili-jj kirathikambu. Paleness, s. Ga/^uLy, veluppu. Pan, s. fLLup. urrSssr) satti panel. Pandal, s. u&^ev, panthal. Parcel, s. tl, katfu. Parch, v. eajgt t 8 varu. Pardon, s. t^ms^ui^, mannippu. Pare, v. cy, 1 S1VU. Part, s. u/s?^, [<2 'U"", 1 pangu. Part, v. uffiS, 2, tS/fl/j ?^7 pangidu, pirinthupo. Partiality, 5. uiuruLLeiD, barapatcham. Party, s. <^.Llt_Lo, ULL& > gtrir, kuttam, patchattrir. Pass, v. stfB&Guir, 1 kadanthup5. Passenger, s. &'LluQuir&svr y valipokkan. Pastry, s. LLiruuev&rtu! mapaiidam. Pasture, s, Guiuffst, meychal. Pat, v. ^^1, 1 tattu. Pave, f. spuira/, 1 karpavu. Paw, S. &iT6$ t 0ns , kal, kei. Pay, v. Qs/r, 8 kodu. Peace, s. ^LO/T^/TSWLO, samathanarn. Pearl, s. Qf>P&3 9 mufctu. T) 1 VI JL ebble, S. 3n.erririni <5sv?, kulang kal. Pick, v. Qsirpgi, 1 kottu. Peculiar, d. e-ifl t & GULP&& da* uritjana, valakkam Gtirp, illatha. Peel, v. a/0, 8 uri. Peep, i>. 6TLLLp.uuirir, 1 C&L! .i$u ettipar, ottipar. u/r/f, 1 Pendant, a. tongalana. 132 Perceive, v. Perfection, s. Perforate^. Period, s. Perish, v. Perjury, s. Perseverance, s, Person, s. Persuade, v. Pervade, v. Petition, s. Phial, s, Pick, v\ Pickle, s. Piece, s. Pierce* v. Pile, s. Pill, s. Pinch, s. Pipe, s. Pistol, s. Pit, s. Pitch, s. Pith, s. Pity, s. Place, s. Place, v. Plainness, s. Plant, 5. Plant, v. Plaster, s. Plaster, s. Plaster, v. \ r OCABULA.RY J ', 3, * A 4 8 ) } 4, yr, (Ju/f, , 9 , I, , 8, (?LJ/T, 2 , 1, ; 1, kanu, an. pu rail am. uruva toIeL kalam. , 4 ali, nasapaduttu, poyyanei. vida muyarchi. al, per. inakkapaduttu, [nu. , 1 sammathikkapan- paraviyiru. vinnappam. 8 kuppi. 5 pidungu, terinthedn, iiruhay. tundu. kuttu. kuviyal. mattirei. killu. pili, kulaL kei vedi, kuli, kidangiu kii! soru. parithabam. idam. vei, podu. telivu. N. 8edi, pundu. nattu, undu, pattu, servei. santhu, putchu; pusu^tittu. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 133 Plate, S. ^, fsemewu!, tahadu, kirmam. Platform, s. Gu>san- t medei. Play, v. eti3s(fuj!T, 1 vileiyadu. Plead, a. suips&rr, 1, uiB/s^ 9 valakkadu, parinthu , inbam. Plenty, 6'. y^A /^ac/rey, purfcti, nireivu, Plough, S. rSStiUODU, SJ/f, kalappei, er. Plough, s. s_(T, 5 ulu. Pluck, v. L9(5, 1 pidungu. Plumb, s. &?&(&, tukku. Pod, s. Q/5/r>.gy, ffmr, nettu, saridu. Poetry, 5. Q iclam. Positive, a. &-jp>lslujirGvr, ^KSSL 3/r uruthiyana, tirkka- en, mana. Post, s. .^yrsOTr, /ri), tan, kal. Post, s. jSurrffi) saQprir, tapal kanthor. >* ** Post, v. jSuireQih QUIT, 2 tapalil podu. Postpone, v. ^suckisr QUIT, 2 tavanei podu, si-^, 1 kadattu: Pot, S. LJflcfafT, G>S{rU66)U panei, koppei; Potter, S. @ t tanmei, gunam. Quantity, s. jvewfiy, alavu. Quarrel, s. mif*(tuffpu> t vakkuvatham, ff6sorcnL-, sandei. Quarter, s. ff/reb, siTffdeuir, kal, kalvasi. Queen, s. Qfffffffpfi, irasatti. Quick, a. @&&ffiLire8r, sikkiramana. Quickly, adv. (p&Qau), &ud&rrtLt, slkkiram, surukkay Quietness, s. jyszDz^^, ameithi. Quill, 8. p>(9)i irahu. Quite, adv. Opp/flgiu), muttiium. R. Race, s. @SOLO, g^cli-Lo, kulam, otfcain. Rag> s. a(568>p y kanthei. Raise, v. ^r@, 1, cr, 8 tukku, edu. Rake, s. euir if) 9 vari. Ram, v. Q&LLL$.pgiu Quit, 2 kettittu podu. Rank, s. eutflenff, jy/F^gfu^r, varisei, anthastu. Rap, v: piL, 1 tattu. Rapid, a. cSlevirajiresr, vireivana. Rarity, s. jy(5D^, jyLfrirGULri, arumei, apurvam, Rasp, 3. jy/ru), aram. Rasp, v. jy^/r/, 1 aravu. Rate, s. , vitham. Rather, adv. ^jj/j g)jfifLo ; sattu, iluni. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 137 Raw. a. Ljffeaffujtretr, patcheiyaua. Razor, s. fsuff&s^tis), savarakatti. Reach, v. &L-, I ef,lu. Read, v. euir& 9 8 vasi. Readiness, s. iij ILJ IT sa , ulla-, meyyaua. Reap, ?;. Jf^ 11 , 8, jfifi, 4 aru, ari. Rear, v. eusirir, 8 valar. Rear, i 1 . /SaS/f^^, 1 iiimirttu. N* Reason, s. fu^s^, t-jp.&t yutti, butti. Reason, 8. Q^atsffft 3 niuhanthiram. Rebuke, y. a oar if , 8 kaildi Recede, v. L$SVT eu/TOT^, 1 pin vangu. Receipt, s. u P&I&& LL } nQgi, pattuchlttu, raslthu; Receive, v. 67/r5J/650<55/r?yr, 2 ettukol. Reckon, v. oT6ffsrsj} } 1 ennu. Relieve, v. tfirdj, 4 say. Recognize, v. j ( /z9, 4 ari. Recover, v. .frSLJu, 2 suhapadu. Recover, v. ^Qf,ubu jijSSiL , 4 [^,1 tirumba adei. Rectify, v. 0tfluu(B.3 t g! ) 1, ^(5^ saripafluttu, tiruttu. Red, a. Bajuuircffr, sivappana. Reduce, v. @ss)^D ) 8 kurei. Reed, s. Giremrsv, naual. Reform, v. Lj&uiS, 8, V68>c_, 4 puthuppi, siradei. Refresh, v. QtaiLjuffjbjp) 1 ileippattu. Refuse, v. ^SYT^, 1 tallu. Register, s. iiruL], dappu. Regret, s. LAssreivjSiruu), inanastabam. Regular, a. ^(^)S7<55/Tw, olungaua. Reject, v. f srr(e^, 1 tallu. Relate, v. Q&irsosy, 1, $u/fl, 1 sollu, vibari. Relax, v. {jysrr^, 1 ilahll. Release, v. G&QcSj 8 viduvi. .IS 13S VOCABULARY, Relieve, v. Relish, v. Reluctant, a. Remain, v. Remainder, s. Remains, s. Remedy, s. Remember, ?;. Remove, v. Renew, v. Rent,'*. Rent, v. Repair, v. Repent, v. Report, v. Repress, v. Require, v. Resign, v. Resin, s. Resolve, v. Respect, v. Respiration, s. Rest, s. Rest, v. Restore, v. Restrain, f. Result, s. Retain, v. Retard, v. Retire, v. Return, v. QUIT 8 8 8 unir, 8 u Cu/r, 2 , 8, , 8, uthavu. piriyamayira, manam illatha. tangu. initchara. nntlii. nivirtti. nineivu hur. eduttu podu, per. puthuppi. vadahei. vadaheikku edit, paluthti par. rnauastaba padu. 8 arivi, terivi. adakki podu. r,7 vcndum, kel. tl oppukodu, vittu vidu. kungiliyyam. iirniani. , 1 mathi, ganampanriu, mutchu viduthal. mutchu vangnthal. ileipparuthal. 4, ileipparu, 6y. tirumb kodu. adakku, tadu. palan, mudivu. veittukol. tadu, niruttu. 2 vilahu, pinnidu. tirunibu, OTHER USEFUL WORDS. Reveal, v. Revenge, s. Reward, s. Rheumatism, s. Riches, s. Ride, v. Ridicule, s. Right, s. Right, a. Rigid, a. Rine, a. Rise, v. Rivet, v, Roar, v. Rob, v. Rod, s. Roll, s. Roll, y. Round, s. Round, pre. Rouse, v. Row, s. Row, s. Rub, v. Rude, a. Ruffian, s. Rule, s. Rule, v. Ruminate, v. Run, v. Rush, v. Rust, s. I velipaduttu. pali. vehumathi. vatham. tiraviyam, asti. kuthirei eri po. (0*6^ ninthanei, keli. ^, pa my am, nithi. fffflujirsvr, niyayamana, saii- yaua. madangatha. pal u fct a. 1 elumbti. 1 kadavu. 1, (Lpt 57(5, 1 kerchi, mulaugu. kalavu sey. kol, kambu. surul. puralu, urulu. vattam, urundei. 1 sutti, sula. 1, eluppu, tundu, evu. nirei, varisoi. V* kukkural, saiidei. tudei. tey. tadittanamulla. tush tan. olungu, satfcam. u, 5 athiharam sey. j Qun ) 2 asei podu. 1 odu. , 4 pay. turu. Ly 2, , 1, 140 VOCABULARY;, S, Sackcloth, s. Sacred, a. Sacrifice, s. Sadness, s. Safe, a. Sale, 8. Saleable, u. Salary, s. Salt, a. Salvation, s. Same, a. Sanction, s. Sap, s. Satisfaction, Save, v. Say, v. Scab, s. Scale, s. Scanty, a. Sear, s. Scarcity, s. Scarlet, s. Scatter, v. Scheme, s, School, 6'. Scold, v. Scoop, v. Scorched, a. Scorn, *,*. Scorpion, s. Scour, v. UBT , e_a//r, &ITIJLC, 5, 8 ,1, 1, , 8 8, 4, iratfu. tivviya, tiru, pali, tukkam, viyahulam. pattiramana, suha- iiiaiia. virpanei. virka takka. sambalam. uppar.a, uvar. iratohippu. ore, an tli a. \* sammathi, uj^aravu. saram. tirupti. iratchi. sol, en. sori. tirasu. konja, arpa. talumbu. kureichal. iiattambaram. sitharu, sitharadL vahei, ubayam. palli kucjara. kobi, kandi. kudei, a] lipodu. tlynthu pona. kureivay ennu. tfil. y teyttu kaluvu. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. Scrape, v. *<, 1 surandu. Screw, s. jsQ^sirsssft, [, kaudu. Seem, v. Q^n jbpuu, '2 tofctapadu. Seize, v. L^, 8, L/^, .8 pidi, pari. Seldom, cult/. ^jv^oi/SaT unrpfioui. silavelei mattiram. Select, v. QjiR.tejS, 8 terinthedu. Self, p; -e. pirsir. pirGsar, tan, taiie. Sell, -V. effsv), 9 vil. Send, tj. jy ggu u LJ } 1 anuppu. Sense, 6-. H<&&, butti. Senseless, c(. L^^^U^SOS^IT^J ^.SSSIIT butti illatha, unar eijibp, vatta. Sensible, a. Lj^^iLjsrr&r, pufctiyulla. Sentence, i r . euirsStLiu), vakkiyam. Sentence, s. fifuLf, tirppu. Separate, ((. ^ ^s&^jS) Qaya/^a;,^?^ JT, tanifcta, vevverana. Separate, v., 8 piri. Series, s. O^/rL_/f^^, todarclii. Sermon, s. i$tj#E}3u> ) pirasangam. Servant, s. Cav^u-a-s/r^rsar, veleikaran. Set, v, uj irssT , kurmeiyana* Shatter, v. gjffssriff& s_sroi_, 8 tundaha udei. Shave, v. &SIJIILD ussw^3 t 1 savarani painui. She, pro, ^eu^, aval. Shed, v. ^l.'s^j, I sinthu. Shell, ,9. &UL3, g5, 9sa^ sippi, odu, sangu. Shelter, s. gp^7-p@, ^(^^LO, othukku, tan jam. Shew, v. 5/r/_L$, 1 kattu. Ship, 8. suuffo, k appal. Shop, s. <5isroL_, kadei. Short, a. @Ll3)i_(L//rsz(r, kutteiyana. Shout, v. fjspu> COLJ/T, 2, g{*fu sattam podu, ar- /-//^ 3 8 pari. Shrink, v. ^(ff ) /Ej(^ ) 1 surungu. Shut, v. ^sro^-, 8, ffrr^^i, 1 adei, safctu. Sick, a. eS!ujir$5)iLj6iTfffr 9 viyathiyulla. Sickness, s. e$ujn$, GIB trey, viyathi, novu. Side, s. Ljffi^ii, .eSffoir, pakkam, vila. Sift, v. 0,3^(6$, 1, ^e^?, 8 tellu, sali. Sign, v. easQiLJiTuuLc GVHSU, 8 keiyoppam vei. Sign, s. ^sKL-ujiTemliy adeiyalam. Silk, s. utl@, pattu. Silver, s. Qaiisnefl, velli. Simple, a. QupGnLDiuvm, pethameiyana. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 143 Sin, s. Since, adi'. Sincere, a. Sing, v. Single, a. Sink, v. 8it, v. Site, s. Slab, s. Slacken, v. Slate, *. Slave, s. Sleep, s. Sleep, v. Slice, s. Slide, v. Slim, a. Slink, v. Slip, v. Slit, -y. Slow, a. Slowly, adv. Smash, v. Smell, v. Smoke, s. Smoke, v. Smoothness, s. Snake, s. Snap, v. Snare, s. Snatch, v. Sneeze, v. Snuff, s. LJ/T, 1 N-^LU. &iM, .**< @t_/, ?, 4, 8 Gutr, 1 pa vain. athu muthal, atharku pinbu. unmeiyulla. pad u. ondiyana, ottei. 1 amil, aniiltu. udkaru. idarn. kal tahadu, ^ nehilf.u. karpalahei. adimei. 5 tukkain, iiittirei. 6 tungu, iiittirei sey. slva. sari. mellisana. olittu po. tavaru. klru. tamathaniaua. metlmvay. G/5/z9, 8, Oisir^vs^j ] neri, norukku. urrir, 8 monthu par. puh*, silanthi. Spill, r. #.7, 1 sinthu. Spin, r. ./STTSV), 7 nul. Spirits, s. fffTniriuLD, sarayam. Split, r. ^, 9 pila. Spoil, p. 0, 2, jjr^, S kedu, ali. Spot, S. Lyswert}, pulli. Spread, . (eu.) LJBLL\-\, 1, fl 8, jS&Rir, 8 mulei, talir. Square, s. ^^^LO, sathuram. Squeeze, r. ^9^9, 1 pili. Stain, v. &e6>iruu(Bj& t 1 kareipadufctu. Stake, 6\ siLGippfl, ^.jiif, 7, /^^, 7 nillu, nil. Start, v. L/^UU, 2 purapadu. State, ?'. Of/lev, 1, eSuifl^jia'p sol, vibarittu sol. Station, s. fSeteaLD, t_t/>, nilamei, id am, e.,4p(2^/r^, uttiyoham. Stay, t?. P'HtS), 1 tangu. Steal, t\ sffrr&i Qffiu, 5 kalavu sey. Steam, s. ffire8 t niravi. Steel, 6 1 . s-O'^ urukku. 19 146 VOCABULAUY. GUtLj, Stem, s. Stick, s. Stiff, a. Stillness, s. Sting, &'. Stink, s. Stir, v. Stone, s, Stoop, -v. Stop, v. Stop, r. Story, s.' (talc) Story., s. (oja house)$LL Stout, a. Straight, a, Strain, i\ Strange, a. Stray, v. Stretch, v. Stretch, v. Strict, a. Strife, s. Strike, r. String, s. Strip, s. Strip, t'. Strip, v. Strong, a. Struggle, r. Sturdy, a. Subdue, r. } 1, 1 QUIT, 1, /* * ^ (adifcta. arlakkui OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 147 Submit, r. ^'i_(3, 1 adangu. Subside, v. pesoft, 4, jyaou> } 4 tani, amei. Substance, s. Qcj/r0srr, Qfir^^j, porul, sottu. Substract, f. #:$, 3 kali. Succeed, v. Sl^fiujtr, 1 sittiyahu. Sucb, . ^uuLpuUiLL-, appadipatta. Suck, v. uirsv o^f, S pal kudi. Suddenly, adv. ff@iuirdj, sadutbiyay. Suffer, v. un u, 2, fS y 8 padu padu, sahi. Sugar-cane, s. 0i/>L/, karumbu. Suitable, a. g&jsiajtT&fr, tahutbiyana. Sum, s- QjSirens, tohei. Sunrise, s. JMtf+^ptuu), arunotbayam. Sunset, s. j|fcw^LorLo, astatnanam. Superior, a. (7toaJjrr, melana. Superior, s. Qu)^ IT ear eusisr, melanavan. Supple, a. ggjofr&sLcirsyr, ilakkamana. Support, s. piraa@ t ^^ff], ^angi, atbaravu. Support, v. sir/nig, 1, ^-^//?, 8 tangu, atbari. Sure, a. /8ffftuLDiTS3r i nitcbayamana. Survey, v. /^tfo/i jycrr, 9 nilam ala. Suspect, v. eiiQf&uu, 2 santbehapadu. Swallow, v. e&ZLftEJlvj, 1 vilungu. Swarm, s. $ffeir } Gn.iLLu), tiral, kuttam. Swarm, v. QiDinu, 8 nioy. Swear, v. ^^aaraS, 2, fp@uju> arieiyiclu, sattiyam uszw-cp, I panriu. Swear, v. &r $&$, 8, fluj, tittippana, iniya. Swell, v. , Thread, 5. jarco, Threat, v. ^'^(^PJJ'^F^?, 1 Thrive, v. Throb, v. &i+ t 8, jyip, 8 Through, adv. egrri_, Throughout, adv. erniQib, oppantha vibarangal . tarisu. bay a paduttu. sothanei, paritchei. satchi. ilum, parkkiluin. endu, ena. a, athu, antha. kalavu, tiruttu. appothu. [muthal. , athilirunthu, athu- ff, ange, avvidattil. aheial. kanatta, adarntha, kattiyana. kajavali, tirudan. mellia. ninei. taham. var. mill. buraria, tlrntha. nanday, muttilum. iii. nineivu, sinthanei. kalam. nul. bayamurutu. , 9, seli, semamayiru, 5,1, selippayuridahu. tudi, adi. :le, uruva, al. 150 VOCABULARY. Throw, v. sy9, 4 eri. Thrust, v. <&(&$, 1, /g, tallu, nikku, Thrust, v. ($fi&, 1; utnL&&, 1 kufciu, paytehu. Thus, adv. $uutf. t g)s#aic0:t$9d ) ippadi, iuthavaheyil. Thyself, pro. jgpirGeor, EI taue. Ticket, s. &1, Bifru. Tie, v. ail, 1, (zp^f , 8 kattu, mudi. Tiger, s. &&jifiii, 4*^1 kacluvay, pull. Tight, a. $)lear, iruhina. Till, a, niaram. Tin, s. &a>DLL y tahararu. Tire, v. g)Sar^^u(Ju y f n uutriu inr ottam, nir pay- ^, u, 2 nambikkei. nambu. v* pirayasapadu, sothi. kulal. padi, soruhu. kudumbi, kondeik- katteij mudi. kattu, paru. iraham. taleipa. irandu tharam, irandu visei, santhi velitoham. irattei pillei. tiri, murukku. irandu madaugay. atohu. pasu madu. avalatcliariamana. iranam, pilavei. kudatha. iyalatha. asuttam. viseshamana, apur- vamana. edu. kile. padu. pumikku kilana. antharangamulla, kabadamujla. ari vilangu, tori. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 153 Undertake, v. Underwood, s. Undo, i\ Undress, v. Unequal, a. Uneven, a. Unfair, a. Unfit, a. Unfold, v. Unfortunate, a. Unfruitful, a. Ungrateful, a. Unhurt> a. Uniform, a. Union, s. Unite, v. (act.) Unite, v. (neut. Universal, a. Unjust, a. Unknown, a. Unlawful, a. Unlike, a. Unnatural, a. Unpack, v. Unroll, v. Unsaddle, y. Unsafe, a. Unscrew, v. Unsold, ., 6T, SIT, , 1, , 1 LOIT6BT , 8 , erpadu, ettukol. edu. siru kadu. avil. uduppu kalattu. vifctiyasamana. karadu muradana. nniyayamana. elatha, tahatlia. viri. sitti peratha, kani kodatha. nandi ketta. j setbam illatha, se- thapadatha. betham illatha. eikkiyam. , S poruttu, isei. porunthu. engumulla. anithiulla, aria padatha. sattafctukku virotLa- mana. , ottiratha- [mana. iyalbukku virotha- gjcSltjpp tiranthedu, aviltte- " clu, viri. , 8 senam kalattu. , RLZU pattiramillatha,nam ba idam illatha. tirukarii kalattu. , villathn/vileiyahath ^ 20 154 VOCABULARY. Unusual, a. Up, adv. Upon, pre. QioQe\) Upper, a. Upside, s. Upside down, adv. Upward, adv. Urge, v. Usage, s. Use, v. Useful, a. Utmost, a. Utmost, s. Utter, v. Utterly, adv. ITS Qfirsv, 1 valakkam illatha. uyara* mele, mele. melana. mel pakkam. kilathu rnelathalia. uyara, mele. evu. valakkam. ), 1 valanguj keiyadu. pirayosanamulla. , kadeisij'ana, athiha. iyanda mattum. sol. muttilum. Vacancy, s. Vaccinate, v. Vagabond, s. Vain, a. Vanish, v t Vapour, s, Vast, a. Vehicle, s. Veil, ,9. Venom, s. Verdure, s. Verse, s. Vertebra, s. Very, adv. Vessel, s. Vex, v. V. eo6i/(^'f? (gi^^j LDQDJD, 4 U QuifilLI, 3 } suuev, ideiveli, kali. veisiiri kuttu. pokkiri. vinana. vilei, kirayam. marei. kanaL athiba periya. vahanam. mukkadu. visham. pasumei, pasum pul, vakkiyam, kavi. muthuhelumbu. mihavum, metta. pattiram, kappal. visanapaduttu. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. Vice, s. Vice, s. View, s. Vile, a. Violence, s. Virtue, s. Visit, v. Vivid, a. Voice, s. Vow, s. Wade, v. Wages, s. Wait, v. Wake, v. (neut.) Wake, v. (act.) Walk, v. Want, v. War, s. Warm, a. Warm, v. Wash, v. Wasp, s. Waste, v. Watch, 5. Watch, v. Water, s. Water, v. Wave, s. Wax, 5. pollangu, timmark- kam. pidittiravi. tdttam, katchi. pollatha. [mei. ', balavantharn, kodu- sarkunam. santhi. [na. , athiha, pirahasama- sattam, kural. poru&anei, netti. w. rsL-, 9 tannlrukkul nada. killi, sambalam. kattiru. elumbu. eluppu, nada. , 9, (?a/ teveiyay iru, ven- >, (def.) GffUJ&ffr, 1 iru, dum. sandei, yuttam. analulla; kaytchu. kaluvu. kulavi. Yinay chelavali. kadiyaram. kaval ka. ta^nlr, jalam. nir paytchu, alei. meluhu. 156 Weak, a, Wealth, s, Wear, v. Weave, v. Wedge, s. Weep, v. Weigh, v. Weight, *. Welcome, v t Well, adv. Wellnigh, adv. Wet, a. What, pro. When, adv. Whence, adv. Whenever, adv. Where, adv. Whereas, adv. Whereby, adv. Wherefore, con. Wherefore, adv. Wherever, adv. Which, pro. While, adv. Whirl, v. Whisper, v. White, a. Who, pro. Whoever, pro. Whole, a. Wholly, adv. Wicked, a. VOCABULARY. QUIT, 2, Gptu, 4 (L/, 5 4Wi OTffl/SW , 6, IUIT/T belavina, belavina- mana. asti. podu, tey, ney. appu. 8 karmir vidu, alu. niru, nirei, barani. ettu kol. nanday. konjam kureiya. Iramana, naueintha. enna, ethuvo. eppothu. engirunthu. eppoluthanalum. , enge, evvidattil. pndiyal. ethinal, athinal. aheial, athalal. ennattukkaha. engeyahilum. ethu, even, eval. poluthu. sulalu, suttu. 1 kathukkul sollu. , vellei, veljeiyana. yar, ar. yaranalum. ellam, mulu. muluthuniay, mutti- lum. pollatha. OTHER USEFUL WORDS. 157 Wide, a. jf s es LL IT ear } 6$&nev alialamaiia, visala- Lonevr, [BT, mana. [na. Wild, a. /Til@, gaopt, r#. ^sv, Q&irem, &>.L- y al, kondu, kuda, e_L>3r, |B ; udan, odu. Within, pre. e-ehGffrr, ulle. Without, pre. iffVG$tru.6$, allamal. Witness, s. &IJLL&, satchi. Witness, v. &ITLL Q^/r^j^j 1 satehi sollu. Witness, v. u/r/f, 8 par. Word, s. euiriTf6S)^, varttei* Work, s. Quu3sv 9 velei. Work, v. (?&&> Q< 1, SL?& } I suttu, udufctu, por. (?uff/f, 8 Wring, v. (y2i/@, 1, ^(rj^, 1 murukku, tiruhu. Write, v. GQg&t 1 eluthu. Wrong, a. ^ujJ^Lo/r^ar, QZL!L-, tappithamana, ketta. Y. Yard, s. (Lp>bjDu> t rauttam. Yawn, v. Q&iTL-L-nfS! flS?, '2 kottavi idiu Yellow, s. tL{g&sfr } manjal. Yet, adv. @3rcwu). innaru. 153 VOCABULARY. Yet, con. 4K@)"> analum. Yield, v. Qs/r, 8, gDararffi/o, 1 kodu, inangu. Yon, a. W@PP) angutta. Yonder, adv. jfcjcStjfcn, avvidattil. You, pro. /f, fimssir, DI, inngal. Young, s. O^^f, @^<9?, seysrjp, kutti, kunju> kandu. Young, a. Z Zeal, s. GuuSfftT3i&uju>, vayirakkiyam. Zigzag, cc. Gsirzvsrffi), (os/rssweo/rsBr, koiial, konalana. tutta nahara. ENGAGEMENT OF COOLIES. 159 s 5 I C-i ^ fc o s 1GO SENTENCES. ^ IO d !03 a :^rt 4 44 g tJJ .S g ^ S 44 ^ "3 44 4J 10) g P" ice rf f^ be ice ^ 44 ci d c3 T?- 0) g 00 10 1 4? > p i J? 13 44 CV. 1l 2. la c3 irt g "d , Cv>. 1 44 d '1 g P*.tr tJO d d 3 -2 &!, konduvar 3 43! Is IO inamay irv 9 sappattukk O> rf n J o3 C j i ( ^' 431 iC6* Cv>. P*j CN" ic3 !C8 S r 1 10? ic8 i i p^ d ic3 II' i t*. ^"i ^* t o o> s CO o 'o d j 'f 0, pfe -*-> Ir 1 i ^3 Pi o3 c3 O2 oa ^8 3 3 3 a (if c s tn ^i. -^ B fe g CD s a a - 1 \\ O CV. t I 3S Cv. 0) a O s ^d o ^ & a 3 w 5 S 3 Qb j 44 o 1 CV. ~i-3 ca ^ ^" ^3 2 w _d H 6 *8 ? fc 5 fc -3 1 T!^ ^s C3 i i G 5> Qi IQJ a -^ c3 .|? ^3 fcC 3 s o 0> > o & 5 3 '^i K^ L C/J i J 5 :! O *J O . O >~> 2 O CD w w 3 |5 H ENGAGEMENT OF COOLIES. 161 1 a I '3 "Si ex. S p S , a o -j r I- ,_ 44 h! 5. C ic8 p < \j3i ** '^. |.-. 05 ^ P- " 3 d| g-^ S? f| 1 IJ ^ 2 ^ rj IO ^ ^ > ^ S >r p -5. ^ s g f &, S' Ph S c co M '. e-3 3 "Silica 4 11 & -3 S ex. f -4-^ 3 u an r 10 .1 -I *3 % * J I dfc ? ll y I *8 1 2 ic3 p- id t" cS fl 5=1 O> ^ -a a ic3 ic3 ^> ^> 'S '25 i-p > !>! H . t , ) ^r; ^ c3 io> ID .^ g p. 'I 3 fr P O T3 02 d TJ- O b N |J? & S |||f| i s "i'l i 8 I ' 5 I' I II * ' _* & ^8 '- 1 " -a 1 ^ & e li-H I(H 03 P > H> P. 1 *8 \9 W k. ?*.*1 a CSi * " 9 .? ^L 'I p* S J i ^ *J ex. , f S 2 i i i el % 1 i o I ala ida S- TS- 3 c3 I fl o P-i 3 b ' Qfl tfi 3 D . ^ O ^ r-3 -3 - m ^ *? -e 3 GS 1 1 g 8 1 C o CD It o5 ^* n ex. CD bcj2 p ^ "&i O a -3 ^ g, r< ^j *r3 P g I 1 ] a SL E O o S'"-8|:'l >-i h-i CC C^ 2 ^ "'S o> ^ I ^ 02 t S ^ ri4 a ^ o s- p^ 21 162 SENTENCES. u perattu vei. pidu. vihil uthu. ratlu. manikku lei kuppi adi. bu Othu, u uthu. u adi. leipe aru lkal am ombu ngu ottu alk ma ko san kot <>,. ic3 1 1 53 "3* ^i IS. leihaleiyum : i fe 10) f c3 rS 1 'o 'E. \ r (. 1 O E3 ice "p* c- ^ 'S s f* c3 . .-S'^' . & t pq J3 '3, & bo CJ ^ . ""3 * i a s f-i ' ~t-3 o5 QQ 8. pesugirathu ar ? sirikkirathu ar ? nan pesamalirukka oruvanum pesa kud CD PH c3 J3 -4-> i-T fl i^ 60 p J ^ r^3 O 03 r^ |^. 'c ' i- >* 'i ^d "3 ^ !S 'o 2 ' c > IFH fl 9 anpil leihaleiyum, p^ .^* 'CD IS' j| 'o 1; anpilleihal, penpil vevveraha nillun > tS! 51 1 4 ^ 9 a 613 a o I ^ o r^ J73 60. -2 .2 M CQ CT CQ .'/~i rn r 1 ^ f"^ i P^ ^-. r^ .'S P ,-^4 oa ^ CD ,ja tw ^>__j -4-3 ^ " s 'S 03 CD O a >;- s S I 1 O 60 g O ^ ^ Q II TS a CJ S ^ S3 tf ,- x $ *? 1 i 2 o o T* CJ "*-* % S 8 *. If-1 H r/l MORNING MUSTER, 163 J '0 , 10 IC8 a si ff d a cv 10) to d g~ ^ s !C3 c3 T^. CQ C- 'TO fcfl cv g 'S d g d> 5 ^ 03 !3 la. '| d a? fl ^1 ^S 1 & rt ^ j> c3 I ^ 2 '<. 03 *: 53 -^1 3 03 d d ^ ^ 11 rf a '1 f-< o3 > I0> ^ M . Gb vi ^r I I o e3 ~S ^ 02 02 P o> a o o o P 73 .9 ^3 rQ ^ rt 2 C3 > t; ^ ^ 'I I ^5 -3 I i -a i ;J 3 S '1 6 -S fc a! TJ _ oT S ^ b" % 2 ^ O ^^ ^ f^ :&: 1 .4:5 ; 5-J B r-l ^ CT< p p p o o a 13. 1 ^ C^- w i ? p ~ l OQ QJ 2 ^ ^ o3 2 3 3 1 o I, 1:1 irj rf *o a -a S SENTENCES. MORNING MUSTER, 165 16C SENTENCES. 3 -H- A CO O EH. 44 13 o3 fco 9 j- -4 p ie8 CV-. S> GQ 3 IOJ > ^ P- nan sonnathei nineivu ni bangalavukku va. ' ic6 1? 1 .03 44 44 ^ .b > K" vukku kuttikondu v I ettanei mam irukkum kiilikkararei kuppidu. j 5. o> s: o g S:& |.|: ^44 i* S ^ 1 (. p c3 c3 44 *& 3 ^5 ' fc; g Tos a *-3 t 3 1 18 ^ S 3 iT J 9\ a H; ^ * :r o< O a. S ^;5 pq EVENING MUSTER. 167 c3 r^l 5 A\ fl - i 3 a > cc ^ a a -a a '2 .a . Hi -I*. I ,9 'S- a a ^~ OS M ice P-I 2 Jg *^ 2 js &* II ^5' 'S it i ^ ^4 r*4 I" * T3 b 3 r ( I .a c5 351 < . 123. ^ *T' c3 r^ JS-3 8 " : & G 10 0> r Sh CV. .j 1 1 fc= ) I . *J ei 2 *.? * * '2 d* *S .5 I li d S o ^oa c3 ^ a rrt *3 "-> S a. g b ^ l-a P^ o3 to -" 1 *. * I 4 "" 'rf 1 * fl ^ ^ S^ ^ "S c & 'S c3 S g fl Q 1^1, i ic3 T?' -^ ' "- > 10 .M JH O* ,0 .,4 ^ ' I0 pj g Ig tf rf ta 0> it i E ** M J -3 ^ "S r-i O r 1 'o ' ' i^ .2' 'fl , O S 2 75 1 6 SO 6 o !? i i t= w CO c o . a 2 o ^ "S $ O r-l 1 I rH TS' -|. C; '5 i o CO O fi a II *" i ,2,1 i l n rTj ' H H 163 SENTENCES. P 10 P* * -s 5 3 e$ o c fco -o ' CM. c3 ^ . 44 pi cv. r-l CD > ukkirath 3 KQ .b p> c3 g SI CD r4 5: Cv. ice ns- ' Co. ic3 43 "H o3 1. 1' 44 P P CD c3 &i .& 1 1 1 r-l* pdi p! 1 ' 44 a p P 43 -t-> ie8 .b p> 1 431 iftj P! be *=l P ^ S 44 44 -3 1 | S ^ Cv. t= < * I I o 3 w 3 o p I I O S5: J =i fe -1 1 * S 'a M 02 C5 M g es n M GIVING OUT MEDICINE. 169 170 SENTENCES. 3 d rt < ^!3 S o .ea ^ S fr'S >c3 -j j -^ & CD 44 Il' j icS 3 2 " '& ^d f d CD ^ 5-" >~j 103 ."^ 85. S.fll asa-.,.jg.." 2|.tl'|^.l ^J3 " "^ li I , rj j C? C' ^44 > s '.2 d ' 5 A ng' S ,-d Id) -*j i f ' I c. 44 44 d iqj c* -. -4 ^ ^3 44 d T3- d 3 rH ,(_> ^ O. d rjw. Jf! al-l^ll 4* IQJ IT-*** rH* * O Q * pH ^ 'a 1 ^ " .S S^-i f- 1 " SI ^ ' ^H '- =3 S g -I -J3 ^ d -^ J ,S 41 10 PH ^ .a 1 ' fi '5- g J J' 5 c3 ^d 1 J (5 t= 1 I 2 1 1 3 " 1 3 ^ SM g T g o g 45 o -^ 05 ^ C3 i? j .ss'a ~^J > r-l S-l d d 3 2.1 OT 05 03 dicine ? d o a d o >^ d CD & O ^ ^ g 1 f.,0* 3 4 ^ K o^: J -J ^ d fe ., s O <:v ' S -o ^ * g' s O CD a a O P t ^^ n^j d ? S fcc _S S * "o &. 44 a I Cj O L_J H O M 3 .1 I f-i "^ i ' o> O .S 3 &0 O d. P t= -? L a -L * J .u 10 T * ^i d ' -J 5 -; 3 t O O O o ^ d I".-! ^^fj >^j -S "cS 2 o f^, fl o 0> E vT o> " o ? : .(5 fe a > M (S GIVING OUT MEDICINE. 171 172 SENTENCES. (JIVING OUT RICE. 373 ^ ^ ^ -? !- de *^ "3 JH- A S ^ I: o P4 t 1 | 'S cu ftfl d a d 1 t> 03 GC d g aattavarha- u tirumba i i J a "8. c$ "C- icS *?H c3 .1-4 O "5l H 5 d r*4 *S i ? ovvoru ali edupparhal I SI o3 ^ !3 d d ^rt ^ a 1 !i 'I 1 | S " id ^4 e3 ^. ra vendum. ic3 f .4 >i-i i J4 o-. ,s'2 ngammar 'co i < T^. i-l J 1 1 fi d. oS ^ | 11 iy ay am f a ^ T5- ^ d- ^ ICU 03 p- M 1 > d ^j >v d r ( o3 > d T3- C- ^ i d ^i- id ^ -*j oa ie d (-* |pH ic3 OQ l-H pi4 > d R fi > * > fe CV. 48 e ., O I o 8 j .JJj .s O O2 IV* SENTENCES. II F-J I I I 8) -S a 3-1-3 c, P r* ' ^4 42 43. P- .etf ^- ' 2 c3 4^ ^ d '-. -M dl *s 2" a 3 ^ 'S ^ . : :g .- s, d a - rt - ' 0> .2* C3 > iC3 g-5^4^ S f d >> ^ S fi a i" -z- > j 'I '^' *""^ f^ ^Zi t> /-^ ^ fj C3 rt ."H- j ^ -s* EJ g *o 44 . ^- p |: ^ ^.^ -g,.; s i : ^! A-'P g | i 'g -g, . ^ ^ -s i 1 g I f j i i :S 'i .? a 1 ' 's -^ n I . . a s r .'S -S. a ^ -"S ? 3 S u-' c5 io >^ J ^ g n:. H s - o "S g >:. 'g 1 , 'I -i I 1 -^ f -;^l i ;l. : l '- a '- I I - 'S S g -ce - ^ ^ to ^ .s | 1- 3^ f 8 8 II 5 ^ g .5 P> 44 3f .'S *. SJ 3 S 3.-3I 1-a" s -a M ^ . a - f I ' 1 'I | 3 ' ^ J 'I- o i '. ^. 8 J ^ ^ 1 1 it 4 } lii f i ( a , ^ 3- -fe -^ fe | i *. -J * ? ^ ci -Ki I (a I a '-3 * ^ ' ^ ^ 'I p ' ^ % "4 ^ 9 ^ j 'L ^ P (o p ^ 3 ~ '1 ^^ i *? -'^fa'q, ^^^'f^cg^l Co ^ ri -fe" H * *' C) -'8 '^L .q 8 *8 3 ^l 9 ^i *| ? < ^ ^- 3 ^ @|. S ' J . O O. o (K O 5 * e 0^5^ Ig'** 18 g. &> O Q^ ^^ ^fe^ala'C^(^(^ feooo^; j?; 4?o 4TO a> w r^ 44 ^ 3 o 4^ > ^ If - ^ , '^ ^ 3 - : J I ? I I" 1 ^ &! | 1 S ^ g l'\ 1- |\|.; ^ /- ^ .1 ^ ^^i4 S .S'^'orf^^^^^S.S (T,0 r 3 ^ ^p, ^^Po'^'^ Or> ^^-l^^^^^*"^ 00 fcc^ ^^3-^_5or2^^ ^ " ~ < * -ir r^ h^ EH ^HHP^HHH LINKS. 175 -i c3 1 13 P-. J. '0) S3 3 > ill fl _^ ^ s i fr -5 -3i C CD c5 ~ S 5 'CD ^ .2" i- ' " CD ~' - ^ g ^4 PH od tc p > ^ C5 ,c "9 g 'g^ ^ ^ : 'j 3 'Si O S g I a C 5 S D a TT* c C- fcO CD <3 -s - - S 2 s *> Ill II ^, S j "8 -> 02 a I 1 cu W ft ft '- S co a co oa CD CD o ^d ft H O I J .5 '* \r*) 3- j> s j I " ' J -*-' * ^^ III! H H 176 SENTENCES. IO p4 3 ic3 i" 44 5. A a S Ci o ft .1 I- 10 * 3. >c3 *^ Cj Cw It Qri JO* laj .? s l I o 3 la) 3 -I . I * **&* g ^ S a j"-5*1 1 1 viyat a PS 3 G i JS 'S, ka 'j |i i<^3 ^i >^ -^ "> ci l( ^ ^ 2 .S * 'h r m. 44 e3 44 'J3 11 ii! n s- g , 'g 5 *P. ^ "- ice c8 fcO I 1 *! * P^ g 44 "3 .!5 5 a d OL. ,a i D 1 ta 3 o ^ . 9 o *-' CO CM* a J p a "I nd c3 o a o es ll d ^ rH ^C3 02 ' d o CD be fcO ^ 1 ^ O d sl ^ J o c a & s e3 Q] o 1 ** *43 a .9 a a m P4 r-J O o o 1 J ADVANCES FOK COOLIES. .177 fr, 1 C3 thukondu i 1 a' 5 3", cS r"{| d , d Ti- ^a CSi. <*-. 10 3 t^ -M vendum inge S 'j-i d <3 t> 1 d > kuttikonclu p irukkirathu ? ibi. .53 i i JSI 1 g um karuvattei ^ U P^ d d 3 pohavittal ir Ida matten. unakkenna .2 10 to d (D 'S > r-l l| d g a 8-.1 5 42 'S: :3 ;> d : s-' 3 ^9 avanei vele ni veleikku > C3 ri4 4d ^ . b= S J .^ f C9 8 (S J cv ^^ ^y * | VJ% 18 @ @l Is \ s 1 C9 -ft i t: ^ J 3 .3 rg i) *g a | 8L *| 'i fc S ^ | tf) O d - a I o- 05 O O CO r^ g|^ O O "^^ rd CD g " ^ 1 1 -a J, -a ^ ^ d a s @i J 9 3 d ! I'l -a 1 a ^o P^o" a: d^ * 4J; UM-j-3"^' 33 Ifl^a I s -a ondu A ICfl c3 - 1 J-i OQ 0> ,9 'I a "1 O ADVANCES FOR COO povay PS ^ ^ ,53 ^. i d , J=M c8 d g 103 .S EH- d ^ " l a := r^ ,? P" J *S g <<3 3 3 O) > & ,4 a d cl (i S a '& un s evva ey .^- vio ^ H -fe -1 6 d te - 'g O3 y_j 1 'g * S. o o ^4 O a ~s .2 S 23 ^ fco ,2 M 178 SENTENCES, w O H ADVANCE 2 ^ ^4 o,. d ^ g ig perukku melvilasam duthasi ureihal intha. kanganikkum vendam, re eluthu, ka u ^ 'I e fco ^ o ^, CU ^ U > ^. fc. -3 3 .a a H lift I f 1 2 * ic! 23 a 1 e> 'o a 1 1 1 . l-g fto 2 f 2 *H M ^2^5 g 3 2 >S cu.3 ^ ^ n IS g 8 a H he of d 1 t 1 3 3 'S -3 o o a -g * g a M ff H H c3 4-l ^ tf o ^ O 4 3 fe ^3 00 s "o i-T ^ O s-> H .3 ptS ^ fcb n .g 180 SENTENCES. I- Jl EH .3 k; w o s CQ 1 & H a O W M ^* P5 'oj "s O rt ^C- rf cj' c3 50 P a 'T 4 1 a -4- cs' rzi fl "H a-; O b S- ^ as 5> r ~r~( ^j -2 o p 5 g o 8 I .1 'a T3 IO CD CO M a f nc- M J c * ^ a t: c? *^ 1 C Q CD fco 3 - 'L 5 J S3 6* a" ^ rj r~t ^3 ^3 M fl M ^ J ^ t3 '(D ^ c3 Ci< T5 fl -^ T3 O .9 3 OQ O O 3 a -5 MU w SENTENCES. i- i a. r^< o r-I 'gj s' .5 ^4 r-l * 1 'w %'$ d c3 f-< VH H ^ ^ :o d lo -^ a I0> . .0 ^ ' 1^ .& vidungal. sayntha marangalil vettina siru kattei t ovvoru koppeiyum j i 3 & B 5 I OB O BURNING. 185 CD . 1 2 3 I ** |; 1 S |^ ? ^*> * is 'S rg ~C3 I'M d > tari mpa P4 d OH P. Q .. QJ 53 d d^ f-H QJ Q^ |0 BK I- '5 CD * *g & G d ^ ^ 3 I I > ^ 2 g" ,S > S, S,--g I ro n d ^ -iS J2 : < ^' ,3 a ^ 3> ^ "I a , d ' 10 J 1 a a > li S ^ s " I a 3 J -2 --3 o ^ fl s CQ rf r-( J 1 02 a O O * ^r ^g f |o M J- a (55 Wj' fcp * -1 ks *8 O n "^ I O B a T -3 2 * 8 1 o .-2 g * ^ o v> PQ M -' e? 9s ^ '2 3 C5 <3 ' 8 8 -*- a tc a t> o -s -S CD CD CD CD CD 02 OQ OQ C/2 OQ OQ T 3 I CD in " '- 2 .2 prl r o 3 ^ to c3 CD d 1 u> 186 SENTENCES. BUILDING A BUNGALOW. 187 s- & s a 3 g P4 1^ '2 a rf _M S 3 fr a ^ P- ^ H d ^ - 5. c3 a ^ ,,~* o to fi 5. 3 r io* -3- 1 3 : ic3 Z ^ +* a 2 ^ 2 H 3 d ^ ^ .b 5 U 'P- tl-fl i es c3 OS p a .'5- .s 3 S a~| .9 18 'J i N^ PJ .3 *=. GS ^ 5 -a i 2 - iliil 1^3 I _ Ice : 103 ~ CO ". J4 1* " if. % e 5 03 t> r ^ o r O O. cj -^ S3 VAU i) S- q * ^ ^ 3 -is -Q fe ' i sh- J Q -j_y o .S jj 'U 03 i I 0> M 1 a SB* -M -tj ^j jj C > fe S o f ( O i i 02 o , r-t ^ 1C? t- 'S 1 p>^ S 03 fcD c fl ^4 rf &4 5 r^ c- t r> ."H .c? pu, .& fl 9 -' r^ 3 SI 'J "cl C, C3 ^ r^4 rSl * Ti- 03 tf" 1 ? --> , fl t,. fl ^4 s ^' ^ } prf a O4 fl 1 r-l a & i "rt S 2 3 ^ a 3 ^4 3 > a fl TJ' C- r4 samar 3 >> irt a g d r-H- 1 ce Cd o CU P- S' ^fl -* > "3' > t> io> ? ^ ~ "+2 > p <-i r-l 13 - fl a "s. I & c3 ic t> &i B.J ' ~ * 5 g. > f 'I' P J r^ ^ & tf fr 1 3 I i j havathu | M i a I O ^- r* 1 * U ^OW VJ fl III liill 1 S -8 g o * ^ M5'S H B H 190 SENTKNCES. 3 3 d _r^ 1-1 ""^ ^ d -id "c3 PH rd "S -J_) to P-i 44 i-t "i d ^ "13 c3 > 3 ^ ^ -4-> d ' a a 02 c3 cS 10 d cS Ti' d 1= 44 1 burmambil hunnambil JB> iS* J a f >^ ic3 ^ r-3 ^ | GQ O-. ic3 -d P^ r ri* o o ic3 r * o ,& | d- r-^ 1o c3 _T3 -3 *3 >-M P* > 3 .' 15 1 d *? "1 jsi mattamay i rS '!2 1 CG i d -i. "d> ^ r-t ^ 1 J tbavatbu. ia maram ^. IOJ cS d g c3 a . d > P-t d ic5 P>> 10 d > p d OQ s CQ 3 > d -s ,-d -+-> "3" r^l |JH Li- i-H K^ !s *c8 d i cc maram 44 44 IS 10 ^ 1 rt a BUILDING A BUNGALOW. 101 192 SENTENCES. ?H """' C3 ^ d d rs- IC3 -I IO P- -J-J ^d 10 I 1 ic3 r a i 1 1 | -g J j (^ | -| I* -"i 1 * '^ I O 'S d o o fco ^ o ^r -M : a SI d ^d o J * ^ a : H rd CQ M H ^ niha mara odu irukkirathu. 1! 3 ^. 3 Ct r-J i _5 rt a 10 o -' - d g, 05 *- -. -> -3 2 | ^'1 fr I' CS ;_, c3 T-. IQ) o c3 d > P- 'l-J ndu *j- rs j ^^l O 1 o S d d S - o S 'IJ d, O ?L fe J^:^ I k t1* | ^ ) ^ 3 .b -1 3 eg 30 | O 3 a 5 3 . O too narrow 2 ^U - w o -^ 9 ^ ^ * fcfl tw 2 o o r^ 13 P^ ^ to O rt ^ a d 'I eu e ^ . tf 1 S " 10 ^- r ~j' ^ C- 2, e3 c3 10. ^' r^ j ^ *S P > c3 eS 1 ^ 3 18 >1 8 ^ .3 | ^ 1 ~5 9^ a *? bs eq o> ^ ^ fl'a/i "H H CD S , a rt O C3 fcO H BUILDING A BRIDGE. 193 194 SENTENCES. I a 1,1 ic3 > 103 " .% | a C3 fe 2. 4S, &* 1- # c5 ^ ej * ^ 1 1 > c- IO io3 3 1- -a' ^ r^ 1 a '>> i H c cS i- "S- 1 vendum. thu semmeiyayum pal tapada vendiyathu. ruthiyana talafctukku turn astiparafctukku t t ^S- > & ^A ^4 '$ l attatuvangum munna ondu pol akkikol. rS ^ S-i. i 1 r^4 fl c3 5. T^* 12 S J ^ s S & .9 QJ C > 5 > f^s parungal. ntha kal tahuthryanat allei orumittu tukkuuj ntha kallei kadapparei thei udeikka vendum. P4 03 p PH ^ > S a r-4 03 a BUILDING A BEIDGE. 195 3 1 3 1 - mayum d 10 i t. b ft 'i Q. IOJ 3 '3 d; 1 S: d d 5 Pf .^1 a -2 s IO 10 ^ "si 1 53 |. . "sil d ', I 1 '2 a d r^4 11 s 1 P4 CQ ;-i Cf c* 1 f, O 10 ' t> '2 a a i > r t ^2 .^^ a 5' C3 j4 & d 13 P-I S o f> >-> 1/2 .1-4 a 0> I !_ a c3 1, d c3 53 1'*' I. 4-3 10) fcc 1 o r-4 g ^ d 02 ^- .^ 10 o ^a r IO> d > 'S ^ ri4 i suvarei nera kattungal. , siru karkalei C3* ,) *O r4 "^' 1 ' ,3 a s i 7 1 c3 1' 4-3 c3 i ehurmambu ss santhei sariya r*-i . iO I 1 , a Is* ^ f-l. : ' s, " 196 SENTENCES. 'r3: O 10 f 1 M & ^4 <>' f k,j &C S g a d - p. . 103 IO> . -i => w a > * f S 04 00 r o i-r CV-. d "3 2 tf j s: p o 60 ?-< ^ __ g O O CD ~ m ^ ^ ^ M dam a K6 * a -3 ^ S'c. U 1 i il- I '1 *' *- 3 ri c3 lcp , d ^ > PI S3 C5 c3 CV. s> *L O-. CD CD "^ d ^ -*a -i . -^ < . r-1 i f ! II I j i l^il ! IH .75 -o. ;Z, -2 ^ Ja H M cd j^Q oS 2 *^| c3 r^ S ^ r- <2 i "S 'S 'PH 5 ^ - -^, I0 .^ -2 B S 3 & -S' 1 ^ 'o _ ^ 2 ii J-n a 8: * : y-_--i P, 2 M ' .^ - S O t^ =j eg ^ -51 J. ^' ! ^ ^ a -^r-i OJ 0> H"" 1 *? ' ''^f-* c3 'i o3 r^4 2 .IH is- o c3 ~t$,' ^ wo M 3 K8 * 9 ^ i-r'. fl" tt* j i ^ *-' r-i. .^. g. ^fl g r^ ^3 ice f5 10) ^ ^ ^5 ,ja O ia) ^^fl^rf 10^ ^r^fl^r^>^Efl^^P^ fcJD rj rJ ij M IC3 o3 ico f. > t> Jj ico c3 Ira 3,^9 op^ .S'p-^acs rf Jff 3 _td^ J a. kanathu. a 3 rC|l C3 fl ^4 i rt SI g fl T3 In undakku. 1 13 rfll fl C3 "*^' a fl ic3 fl ^ 1 M tvj rX *!4 fl i -! ^ S 1 s ^ cJ 10 ^ 3 1' f~- fl S. ' JM c3 "^^j C3 M 5 -g fl ; o PH ^ a! "icS rt - ^fl fl -4-J ice fl riij C3 kanatha. i < 'Si c3 rs* *> 5 vendum. tavupallatti | fc; ^ u es 3 ! L e^ * .1 ** a t= ^- <* j s i .. I 1 j * J J ! r a *^L ^ 3 tt*|fe x u wr\ ^^Pq J (eft O t^ Sr a ^ ^ % *! -w * I 1 1 1 2 '3 1 11^1 -?| % I *J \, * 5 '1'' il =t'*' 3 -^-i'l|a C.9 fc= * X S, 'tSfc'^ "^ fc= fe'^fcs *^ @ e> -3 es^ (siatssr ^ ^te^D ^ ~0 ^2 ^fl ^^-TP^CD O r^cQ t | I 1| Iff! si? l| i J I |1 I 1 !! l^.a J , .8 o g 'p , 11 '^ rr\ %- -%*i s - j: s" : a 3 !? 1 'g-U i -I I 2 ^ 2 . 1 ^| .-S-^- - 9 ^ * * - . I -5' 3 .2 -=3"* ; '^ 5 ".-SSo'r2 o S -^ ^ > & P flr^o^Pic-^^cs^^^cs ^^o ^ Q N P Hl>< H^E-iH 3 f^PH02 o ~ DR VISING IN COFFEE. 201 d -2 O ; 5. a ^4 r ^ t*4 '; S C3 g ^ a > .5* a 5. 5 -S. CD' CD' .2 ,s ^ -d rd d ^ 1 'S | 5. i* 3' I *'J..3^ , & ^ u nilamu P-l r-<| 103 O I ~ M ^4 ^ S! is! d fl i=5 d "-I r I CQ ir^ -a -g .: d o "3 "I 3 ss a .M P4 c- io3 w =5 a J3' tf d -g: a ^ 1 'I fl ^ ^ d a a s 2 d a a ^ * * ' '.i, os a i- - g- s- s S s > 1^ c >> 103 ,c3 I I ^ rdl V|* 111 f5 ? d T?. .^' ^ ^ ?.. & ^ ^ ^. c3 3 ^3 O . fcG S3 ' . ;_, ht r-t 'O d ^4 r* p-l o> c3 P 3" ~rf' r S l ^ --J ICT3 > ^1 "S > c3 *l-l r ^- .udintha P ."S" V S3 o d > S3 io3 ^ S3 bO ,i S Id) 15- r-t -5. > 10 . ic3 c3 gg P-i ^d ? ? d "S d Ml s > S- ^ a 4 ^!l *> p, ,g - * rt S3 .^ S ^ ^ ^s|:l||;|r| S *-< ^ "~* IS * 'Ti i . d d ^_ 'S3 IS3 C3 NURSERY. 203 204 SENTENCES. CJ to PS- JO, ICT3 "3 1 3 "S- & 8, s JS. .b* * *qj ,}( -U r-J 1 I .S ^ ? n ? ' .* > 02 tS (5 * ^ 3 3" G3t 11 b i ^ o S .,-, Jd r- -s : 2, ^ ^ c3 SI 'H ^ S ^3 \^* S;< s .?S : t S !>.&. ^> F^ ^j* * '^ "S p O^ G t> c3 ' & ' ' ^ -S a s ' 10 .S ' CD' !s: ? |1 * 3 *^ 3" -SL (^ J 6 -3 *3 ^" IP\ 3* ^ ^ 5 8 -9 *: | 4 J a-fi s o $ 18 "* ~ % M ^ -I 5 5- c '5 3 t - J 3 * o c 3 % a > 5a*. PH Ti- '^. c3 ._ C- -fl - '^ r^ ^ 03 fl > rf J1 ... f II l| t , * ** ^ ^ *\ 9 M44 ^ L 'So 1 1 ? ? 4 L l a -s 3 s .&* ft ft s o rt 3 i 7-1 O rH OJ O 03 O O H s-^ S-M & M > .5 ? fl S ."2 o o fco bn fep p t ^ S 5 S S EH NURSERY. 205 fee p ^ , . SI __; fi- l ~. S. H > Z lrJ _^ r ^ , .2 > M c3 ^1 10 ^. ^3 2 C- C el PH 10 fee I |C8 iC8 "C- i*H SCI >O >J4 ftj* & I ! C >^) ii) *^| *^| jg| .5 =3 g ^ 10 p, p^ JH. 'g ft . r-l r-l ^ ""^ ._. ' /c3 J ^d ^ PJ- id 02 II. rSl 7^ harku lak ha 5 S 206 SENTENCES. LINING. 207 b ^ c EH a! a H o o CD ^3 H EH 208 SENTENCES. .3 "* i cx, 3 a ' 5i CBL ca -^ -.1 J '& a a J & rH C3 . P>> O c3 ^3; ia s 1 1 .; =-i i i - !. J- 1 * * i 5 p^3 E g J! PH a " PW ic8 si ^ ir^ ~o' ,s? a| pakkafct SI a 72- I a. PH c3 fl 03 > irukkirathu fr 60 P a r-H si * sf ? .b to' s- g Sh ' a i II '>> S S = 11 samlba f I a p- a to '3 cs f ? ^s 1 p., PH 02 a ^ -3 2 ^ 'PJ . 3 1 'd 1 3 2 II 1 i .J I *L .s E, ^ fl S CD CD -*^ ^ -^ _o^ "o a "* rH ID a PH S 03^0" a ^. * ^ 2 to O r^ "- g ^ g ^ bo ^ ^ ^ S pd^^ps* s 5g"a H H fi OQ P-i a c3 E PH M a c5 c3 . 3 '2. 1 10) a .S, 54 '3 2i i *"o3 *~" & g. * a fl-i 2'^ g -M p ^ P 5 ft. .3 ,3? J2 * *3 * O* -;3 .5 M ^ 3- e8 *-d. ic3 _2 7j ^ "S" fcb -^ a ^ -5 g &'? I ss. **' - tS" r^l 'S ? 'gJ 3 : .|? ^ ^ 5. '$5 ^ .^t P^ O jj il ' ^ "S' "irt" ^^^ lili g -^ a 2 03 C3 i C3 1,- r II '^ b a J ^ es i > t i e? ri % o '2 *b O J ^ e o P s ^ rt * ^ g ^ a P , a ^ 2 js (i <^H O O -3 _ 03 ^ ,0 -*- O 8 .-a ft O 05 ^4 j - o H 6 - feD *fcD &0 to P i; a ^ I * M H FILLING, 213 .-5' Id .*_> c3 J* rX S. IC" d> e? ^. =3 fc= 3 fc! > I w 3~ 3 a 1 -B 5 ^ 5 j^. "=3 2 ' * T' r^ - *- -+-> d ,- *CD .rH " 4 ~ > C3 CQ a -g d r=-J _4J r-J -fcJ '- - I0> d ^, ^y* I *1 :4 f a^ 2 .-5 ^ -. 3' ) .rt 1 =j CB -e- l 3 'OS rj 'O 10' 3' ^3 a cJ ^ a - S Kfl a ^ id CQ '3 I 5 ^ a S |{ ^ ic3 -t- 3 cb 10 S > ^ C3 r^ r S s- SI m 5 % 1. 1 19 "5 2 a d ^ A O r-l o fc bo 1 >> M g ^ -I ^r 2 " ^ o> 5 .2 .2 o o CD jd Afterwards pu fee -s o 60 1 s 9 .2 a a 5 d j3 rH C3 r I 3 o ^ S3 r H '^ Jd S- o I I" I 1 ^ ; I *-* r^l w ^^' a I- 1 1- p- ^ i J 3 2 53 : a g,.^ a ? s. a 'tis" c3 S f r-< & & M i -J c3 P irf Ti- 5 SI rg. KD 5 rH P^ rt PH OQ 3 TJ- ic3 IO *"CJ* CL, 10 J s a 13 pi =3 .S ^ =2 S 10 ,24 p> ,_, '0 'rt r- .^ S' : C3 ICO a CQ a J ' PH I CD - J > I ^ CD ^ "Jo ^ g^"o "O 3 CD a s2 03 -M O s > a o o ,J3 t? 0? 2 na fe 5 'S O , B0 . rt - 1 ** , a ^ a o zn g "^ *3 8V^ o S J " to I-*H ^3 s | ,3 a ^ 8 * ^ S -j-J CD -7? I-H CD c3 j CD s a PLANTING Iff a -8 -8 e I) 8 "I 3- ri i " g a a a CD fl EH _T O ^ ^ l?i ui 1 o CD O Jj Jd -4J _g! _rl n cd -^ o ^. ^3 a g o ^ il PLANTING. 215 a d_ "S" r*4 ru kanduha thumana rithum edu. I I, a ka , S.J3 - 4*a*1 p rd T: r>s 2 o d !f ukk > : -7t ice w ay potta mann kuli tondu. 0> M o 3 P, 11 e "^ 2. a 9 e J -a- g -^ a .&> 5 -^ 3 ?.f|2:f f|.|:l|- -*-> ri g a .S ^ 216 SENTENCES. 9 . a o -3 *'? ~ 1 5 'g ^ if ~ * * 3 .* s. ' -a J3 tdl ^"^ * d "*^* r . 331 . r-i ^ jj .-j rj "-i ic3 .j' . ) t '"5* ~rf il M ^ 'o 3 S* * j - '&- a i & d -2 &* * i', * 3 ^ : ;_ ^w. fl ' '^, ^ p > JS B^ ^ >> r^lCtf *- | VW ,^q itu ^ f. ^. 4 d ^^ K^ a _d ^ "^ * ^ ^* "-< -* J ' * rt FH "03 ^ P> 'i^ '-< ' 03 . 103 _( =| 'I, g 'I" ~> - ^ S '2 '2* -2 S PH i.-| : g| ; i ; f | I*-!?. 'S ^ ^ ^ ,^ -g 43 J c3 lo rr* ^ > ^"^ H ' d S - - ^ ,_ a 44 d -P r-i cJ. sji.^:zj3 '5 , s d- &i 5 i S S , i* & > s * 1 -. 2' JS *i -g Q tf) t ^x A. * S - a *^i/ J ^ 3 / ; . J? *. % ; T . J ' . S -1 1 ^L ^^ Q^ ^ *^L ^1 *3 -li *i T r 5" 5 ' i ( fB -J ^ ^ . ^ ^3 ^y ^i ** 4- 5 ^ ^ = e 3 -5 <| ? * ^ ! -fe ^ e9 ^ i * -3 3 7 o fe ra c* .o .S yr\ =3 t "J ... fc= fcj J Cjx ?1! 3 ?UI i sfl5 flit r.i i|||l | |>ij |" p l|lili^lii| lii.f s| ^*S : ^-J''" J gc3 r o'| J _, ^^JS" j , O !:i a i Jili :il-:^-trl CD 03 c rj(O05^j ? -j rf^? ^ Pj .r-l j^ -^ < _jj |~~| Q QJ f) t **- ^ ^j 7^5 > , f | t*^ *"* ^^o^ d^^^'2 ^43'~ l "d'H4 r . ^'rt 1ls?>| i l~jJJ|li^g.s-l.j |J H H!Z;PHPH ftMH HK SUPPLYING. 217 a j3 -3 1 a ;& .9 '3, & 'Si a a 2 < .j . * s .3 * .,a a ^-' d o 3s .^ - ' M -^ pV'8 -g gj'-c IS g-l 4 . 1'S ^ 2 .^ S 1 2 S >n a a ^ a ^* i i' ^ ^ - ci Pi -^ ft to p o -c- p* 10 jj - ^ to ic ^ p ^r to -3 P P-H. rj o3 ^ cj _N ^ d d o3 a a ^ 1 f 3 *3 3 J f * - i. J ., , c* $ <3 3^ K3 ^ * a SKi ' ^L -a -i ^ j *J ei @ . ts O **L | 5 * a ^ d o .S S3 TJ r - g 'S i * tO N'l g'i.l M H I I Q) rj 73 ^g ."tJ 8 * 2 -H o> 'S ^=3

CU P-. d p 3 .5P cS p 218 SENTENCES. STAKING. 219 .0 !$ ^ > S ID ~v> 'S >^ ^f.&l .a 1 ! '^^ fclu kattuthal. a i^ M g 02 220 SENTENCES. J -S ^ & M *T3 t -S- , *s a (55 d fc: C5 5 6 ^ L" ^Q "i ^l 1 1 ^ | Y 3 8 ? o i ^2 5 3 f~. la o g o 3 > .- P4 H "S fee * c3 SI r-( " O r3 -4_! a ' a . 'o ' ri4 P" ifl I I M 5 r <^ I 5 I w r ! a s unthuhalei e -- o a ice i i " S - V_J a 3 IS i 5 1 a IC3 Ti- f' i g) i 1 %i 3 ^ Sh fe 3 ^ o ^ o es oru kolunthum iruk ni atho oru kolunthe ** N* 3 eg . fc n a 3 O is f a S\ W

fl : es ,5 ; P^ o * c3 : B< es 'I 18 I g" if I* e -s J M PRUNING. ' *" "* ' ::: 2-21 S - -S a | 1 4 '.,. :> ^ .3-1 1 |tt - 3 i i I 1. 1. 'I i ; *' I If j;ir*Sl: JYS t ' s>s I -a * a l. ^ ,. ^ _ - ^ a ICS fl r. s - 6 +3 10 CD J_. *"* 'g ^ "3 a!: !tif|f|l,l,1. l.llil t-' ir-r^f.-ff 3 mi "S cT ^ cT i i "9 >9 5, -8 1 H 3 , 5 5 4 ? . *J -3 J i v3 s i r ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^i ' ^ 5 - 3 ^ i 5 ! o ^ -I- fe -3 3 ^ 2b5 ^ * -i ^. n P " * $ * & I 1 1 s 1 ^ f t f ^ 5te^^5te 5L^ fe ^^^ i i *S^^'!>^ J ^%^^ ^ i^ss 8 "iO -S- '* -fe O el -| 'j 5 ^ @> H '1 1 o d^cs^ GO esaOoi S "S S - S 'S ?g gf g i ^^^^Jfl -tjS'^^ CD* '* & s? .2 -^ "3 ^ & 1 5p ^ oT , fl fl CD O O g TO o m ^3 3 S fco ~ g .3 - -SSJj.-^r. - o p i * iJ-j *r~ ye t-^-i *\ o 3 ^co l ^-4' ( - | '^3-4Jo ^P & -g S I o ^ J ^ I S .2 s 1 j I el- 8 I | M| ! I iiUl^ g lli^l ri 2 flft-Tr-^CDCDQTStj-MOflfe r/>^4 g g ^ 5 ^ -^ J . S g, : l^^^px 'g^^iG'C r fl r ig3 * ^' a cs a ^ " ^ S3 S3 c8 *^ > jd tr- leu ^ ' * .' B I , ;. to) * H 4 TJ- a * 10) 08* P. *CD "S .1 S3 i? 1 f- -jj '3 c3 CD rM d ' r-^ C3 331 SI 5 d a 2 d c rH r^ S3 c3 a 1 1= i i-d S3 r ^ t> ~S3 :2 d S3 i Q * t-i. 331 -3 a (03 ^ , P^ ^3 g. 3 c3 ^ j 1 S3 s- .t . " IrH cS 9 *8 cf e? 1 2 S 1 .S *C "^ rS O > ^ *; -a 1 ' J g* ^ ^ d IT** OQ a CD ' ^ a ^ .d d '5 I fill -*- g t-4 +-> eC CQ . VS) *& I 1 I f o "a (s* ..;? sr a c? o M r 1 1 1 s 3 S DO ) i j "to "* CD * d 1 O Ti, OO ,M F- i r ~3 c^ ^ tl rd "S ^5 t= O ei c3 m r S3 -"S ^ g CD -s the tree wh W g 11 d o CD rd 60 d S -S 3- S S3 n^ Q^ PRUNING, 223 _ - * Kfl |, a ' -g s- -a- ~. .5 a -3 ' ,3 2. ^ ,g> g. , w SI *o> rS j3 t^ 10 >. J5 : 2 ^ , ^ : 2 t^-5 ' ic3 io3 ^' Jdl ^ ft "** ' ..-i r^J. "j* f:&3: 1 1 I ^ f A I ^ . I ra I * &'A a i |, a _ |.b| |.'E, | '-i-i ivy i *a J3 "3 . -tJ jo rt ,?~, ^ , c3 irt fl a? 01 >,, 03 SLrS : .tS : _2. S. '9 W C3 en f ^* ? 2 3 i "S &a M^-fr-J 2. ^ g -3- &_* - is i-- ^ -g 4 -g, ^ .- S: 3 .-a 1 a a ^i ? .a a -g O Q! 8 c5 a d 3 ,24a)P-ftft ^ C> I -m "J 9^. /-^; ^ *8 i fi! ~i * J Jj cs Ri .10 J ^* J Pa ^ -^J @cS ?n9 ^C9^ cw . i _ * K ra C9 j^j ~ J Q J i w v^7ifq 5~3 5^C SI*J t <5 .^i 1 * U| 1 j ; c OcS fl fl Ja M S w W O CJ^^^J " r ~" J o<;3-^3 d Wo3 r "f3 III. '(i til ^'r4l ^' a l ,! ^ I- '|^^.S^ ^^Sd^^^^^^SSg g * S g a a 1 sr Ji ? |^8.2 - I =s I J 5 5 ^ ^ g g^-S^-^^s.^^g^.s^-S ga ^ ^H c3 IC^ ic3 , ^j ^ 5 5 > "^' a rw. c- IO> p> ^ 2 1 ^ f!4 3 i *j 03 "C- 10 P4 . fc a ic3 i-t r-l d ic3 Ti- i3 ^4 03 44 t i . j.^ ,j II a -5* , O c3' r^l "S > c3 5 "o 1l 1 i CQ | T3 rt o 3 03 JSI f Jv> ic3 S ^a t> f, 3 T* ^ 2 J ic3 p>. ^1 T?- c* -s rt 1 es ^ i ^ ^ nrf a .i S a^ j CQ S H C3 t! -j-T ^ ^ a" CQ 8 S o a r-H ^ t/3 T3 r-l & P3 | he secondar wnwards, he secondary -4-> 02 O ^ -j CQ 73 y secondaries *j g ^ 5^ a 5H 0) ^ ~U M /^ 50 o -)J +? ^ o n3 | +-> 5K o O -M | -*J 1 ^ o -a S J3 1 J 03 & j ID -^ 5 H H H H O WEEDING. 225 . ^2 a "C- 10 gl I & 3 "S' a l1,1- fill a S -a ,-. f-fi C3 S -' ^ c, f - - - S so? ? lc3 5 i> a* ^* a a ns 5 1 ** I 4 1 : a ? j; *. a 3. ' " 03 > ;=! XI .M O) 3 <2 .,H X 03 1f Sa.s S3 " 5-t.l a^'g, 111 ^ ' 3 'I .J ^ O 6 O X 8 , and c3 (N IQJ 3 9^ 3 g. ^ 02 ? 1 I* X H ^ ^ ill! I 1 1 * 73 ^ C3 H O 3 8. es OB fe '18 J $ to o 3 3 es C9 j a e3 O CD w^ P ^ Jv ** o o IP _s a S H I- C3 ^ ^ o PI -J -^ CJ P P O a a ^ o 226 SENTENCES. HS- I >- 1 1 ! (5 9 ,& 3 fco I- 3 Iff rS- fafi r "rt* o si ' ^ ^"^" ^ ^ P, r-j p I: ^ 10 d" s"f s- s : > ii be J J JK d *Si I, 1 r o 5 S' q -5- fl ' ^ 3 a a __;. | __;. * Q) i I rw. g. ll 1 Jv^ I 10 -= > eL *||^ I | ] ' | 1 ^ & 3 -s 'I i i i J -j O ^?. .S a 2 'd, d O ' I O 'J 18 1 DO *ts j 2 o g i s 1 PH ! * a rs 8 a * j S ~ "S o & ^ r ^ J - r c? OQ . r-l fl * r^ 03 1 .a *s .3 03 J i i H .9 44 ^ d -2 j i HAND WEEDING. 227 ) g 10 I rfll *: '& .^ i-H ! llH .3 T3 >> fl, a'SJS 2 g .* : | -= .0 'S , I .- * ^' J! I

"C- CJ .j-i T # 3 ^ S >:] 'i 4 r 5 * 1 d d ^ a o a " fl . i 1 . rf . . , \z+ o * t*~ cT ts .. fcc o TJ JS .JEJ 3 > o ^ ^ S S ^ o ^ .2 - 8 rt ri4 M C >6 i o 3 S "^ H n tC -M 5 .S rs* jS iS PH f- a 53 o5 ri4 I 1 ^ 5 55 CO leg C ri4 d % 1 s .. c3 fcid loJ d ^3 ^ &' gun itheudu t d .PH 'S 5>C O ^ fl ^ ^1^.1 i O s-s- I- 3 -^ 'S-JS.^. Jl 3 1 18 * . "51 * *8 3. I S 3 es o , * o PH O i": QQ 5 r S g g.^Ji.Sp.! ft Q P4 ft 228 SENTENCES. P4 e> .^ 10 i^ CD 2* 2. a ^ ^d ^2 "3 -a ri "cl" V > J3 OQ T3 fl 13 ^j s nz' ss" OJ *CD IS" i nalondukk v* marattirku 1 a ^ ^ 11 s c3 O (CD , M d "S 1 ireikkujium vidathe. M fl r^ a p^ -8" 1 fc L pa r\ GS < % 8L 3 3 1 C3 K. > , J 13 S3 ' o" It--! if: ^ 44 'S ^L a 5 es 3 es . a , s es 3 08 o ejg 1 CD J T3 CD CD nit % p 60 1 -j OQ I.'S 2^2 t, & -1-i CQ ^,0 s i o o p p O r^J O fl S=| fl O * O P h a s, 5. .^i ^: ^cji "S -V3 'rH *g ICD *Q ^- g ^ -a- ^ -a- WEEDING WITH A MOM AT Y. 229 P =3 IO .-i ^ cT g -fl I- f 1 1 1 * ^> > 2 > .^ .^ 'g^ -5" g | I . r ^ j *~* C I -s- : B i -*J ' _!4 d > p> .^ ^ f 1 1 2. C3 10 f f 2. S d os d S rS* ^ ^ 'CD rS 1 ,0 I | '3 > '-^ " rd s s: d 0) CD CD CD ^ "eg" ^3" rq C3 q ico c3 10 c- p4 CS "So 3 d -43 03 CO \.*i tM qj r <-? r ^ 'S 'S '3 'CD 'S *S c . g. ?''& .S "3" ^ "3" "3* "3"3' S i ^ o "3 > 2 5- a a 2 s o3 |! 2 3 O ^~ *^L S. . b e3 o '3 ^o 1 1 J a 5- * j * 3 & s a > es ~ 19 s * ol e\ (a / ^* 1 J 1 1 s g ^ 5 .2 "** 2 r^^_i rj ^5 ELCS * .3 3 3 a 3 '2 '2 3 S O 7t^ - Q 3 J 3 1 i j If O ^ ^ O ^ -s fc* s - a d c3 . 'B a 5 "d d d ~g O O C3 -4-' ;j '^ C3 ^ Q} C5 ^-( a -I - 1 . ^ Sp-f a. rf |i a - s 1 1 1 o r 0) ? ^ .9 1 ^ ^ 4J c3 ,3 3 ^ CD o p_i jrl ( "i PQ to ^* "o o3 1 s o 5H 1 fH ss 230 SENTENCES. CATTLE MANURE. 231 T^T ice a CJ d a: ' a H r-i 1 a ^ 1. t a 1 1 a "a &X) a ii OB I 1 a- a a a a tr- c- ICD <3 5 a T?- a o3 4 a FH O ce .^* * ^_. t>^ vetta tudangum : 5. "eg" r^l a 5 .S ' "aT t> * r ~ l 3 : avilfctu vidunga] a a "H V 3 I a 3 s 1 3 ^ a o' c :. 'a ' "CD" a l a~ a mum, pannirar mumay vettungs marattukku mele kuli vettungal. marattinudeiya pe] veil dam. mannei turafctil err -3 a, 44 a a - a 10 i ip ice f- te I 1 'I 5) ! a j a o fco fee ^ "CJ J sh J -J e f 1 o J o ^ ,0 CD I u J I ' -s 1 1 *a a ^ CEJ P 3 . a < Str 3 5 ? 3 & X t> -t o 72 S ' 232 SENTENCES. .'3 1 SI IO PH 1. ~tJ C3 c3 J-4 PH 41 10 "- PH o3 kevalamana S .S- >c 3 4 rH T-l sL C- -S- * g ' S 3 a tu vangiko arei per mafct -ta 9 3 e? e? a a '3 a -e- S-a u _ fl ~ "- P! J2 . T? s3 PH g. a . Ifl *S * pi ,* 2* ic 43. ! s * 3 s. fl > -rt. d H CD ri4 3 , M ^d 44 CD . e ^ . g: i : -- : 1 kampo | I 3 Pi ^ t 108 ? 44 '3 ( -( c5 ri - 3. II a 3 r-H- ice r^ll IC Jf- ca' ri4 PH ? a 6$ LL ireor iru> QU I 1 .2 o> d i JS ea> 00 ^ I a S 1 I 3 111 2 2 CD .^3 C3 CD , 9 a f i ' 1:3 " . 9 - i & _^_p 1 >* &JO 2 i a 2 o '3 ^ rj bO g O PH I o 3 W i f Q_) DO t> Pi * y t J (a i 3 9 gU PH fl P 5 ?s . (-1 BOXES AND POONAC; , i ^ c3 a . "3 s ^ ovvoru si io* Pi a cS rdl J a" i -3 1 ** -^ ri4 g g | *& d d '? .kkattum. J3 fi *1 I 1 1, 3 irvoru vali tanmrukkum * % rangei navatcbara kant JQJ "& >+ '> d r^ \> ^4 c3 " ^ +- veiyungal. " S 2| ^= ^. -g ^* g 1-a ^| S^ la Q-i I lo a ~s 1 "^ - a ediyuppum appacli tan. C3 r ti' 15 | a i iO 0^ 1 d TJ- IO ! s r-l rtf- 13 44 d ^1 o elumbum serfctu podu. I I 1 a r \>f 1? ' ^ d 5. S o t> r 1 > "I 1 1 O & * "^ r-t i OS 18 L s ^ 18 G is '3 G if) ' 1 *\ 3 1 if a Hi " 3 ^) 18 3 3 i (8 ? a GS ^ e? 234 SENTENCES. T* J5 & **' 2 S ? .?3 c3 H 5 0: r3 S 2 : a 13 -u > p c3 adi 2 i' r^ >r C!l n a r- (03 E. icfl B g s I ' i i-^ o3 rM -H- -g S ' a> | . S 'i- I S ht ^ 5t- PERUVIAN GUANO AND BONES. 235 a i o 1 M oi * I II . to I a i PERUVIAN GUANO 23C SENTENCES. I 3 c3 r^3 1 10 10 M & 10 I I .! CD I I - U " & a a & P J. P i g p 3 T?- ^ s- * 60 | | P< ; * > J3 3 a 3 c3 P* * , CJ , S. .& .& ' ? ' Id) 10) 10) 3- .-s- P- PH CD CD S S "S > "S 3 II fl, flj s p r-. rH 1 if a ^ o M n , 5?; PH > e ,q ^ i I o ^ ^- II! es G-l O r^T a 1 & 8 51 s~ -i ^it ^^ 3 r^ i O .rt O -I O "-H o ^ s o p N S Q (5 -3 Q ^I;> 3 -a 3 $ *Q) K\ \a :> - *l 5 - - ^ ** o ^ * J -S e rrt i-d ^ ^ 6 S a _T^ D2 i 7j rH ^ J : ^ S PH PH PH c3 .y EH AH > J3 d *b J O rQ s CD .9 PICKING. 237 10 ft fS s ^3 | 1 . pi4 Js4 Js *C i ?_i I: *-a J 10 a -4-2 ) r F> fr3 P a j ? 3 03 -ri c8 '?. a m n~l ^ 03 wo 00 bC uu _. ^j -a ^ o^^^ P p r2 ."f O *r^ CC P ' -4^ O> r^H O g ^ ^ - g -S M . S P fr . s PH F4 S M PICKING. 239 > 240 SENTENCES. 2. "c3* rSl f 1 iuvara 1 g^ d c3 c- p , -*-> ic3 1 -*j P : > o 13' rdl M 3 03 . r-i o' 1 f, IH inimel pattiramay iru. vathuhalei odikkathe. t* g -d -j : P4 3 a 50 p id) . S' piclikka ve~ndarn. T-- I 1 P! 1 1c8 I C- o 4l ^ ICO poda matten. indeikku irandu pushal k vendum. ubariyay kondu vanthavar keiyil kasu kideikkum. 13' M 1'^ 72 a ^ cS *. r4 , M o M f^ 63 ^ r^-il ^ ^3 ^ deikkum. O> 1 1 i 1 a konduvanthu alavungal. I o o o ^ 'd ta i g a. -v s S I J a c3 ^ m G 3 J 51 Sh j 3 es. 202 || fl. ^ O ki 3 rO ^ O f,- O @ C5 .3 50 .9 C9 .fe 5 .2 ^ 50 bo oT .a a 50 P t 9 '18 O 5- *^8 **fl fc: P3 3 M J .a 50 I g lj & r O es % 3 l.a O O ^3 CD f> >~s f-i -i c3 ^C^ O ^ r^ g ^ 5 S 03 rj oT P 50 O ^ s- - I:-?- * o cj rt P O 50 P O MEASURING CHERRY. 241 242 SENTENCES. * p A a 1 ' P Ti- es & c3 'S- 3 'S. ^J ^ r^4 -__-.- rl4 IO rc3 a g' p. 23 c3 P< ^Q TJ- a P IO p-l r* ^ P4 ^ 03^ H cS "I 108 SI '. ~c8* 5 *03 i*3 > ri4 & r 1 C3 PH r-l r4 | P : a 1-- |. "3 > "3 2 ^ K^ .^S 1 "55 103 3 a <3 *"c3 U : f^ .5 -g '' PH ^ '3> P r-l 3* tf b ^ < 3 J . -^ % 3. j * J Ifl f9 OS fc: 1 a 18 3 J I k= \ Fa 3 3 *3 T ^3 b J 1 3 e.9 *r fco o p ,1 ci o $~ CQ .M 03 o 8* I PULPING. 5 >> <-C' ice 2 > A ic3 & ice -a 33 rS" *03 13 S * c3 s : s" a . J^ A * 3 .0 ^ 3 *IQ 9*j 'fc 3 g f E -a >-? ^ U 53 - s -a 1 liliti ill J-i_MCL.,' a4 ^ --t^'-r. I ' I >.^J j r^ P4 ^4 d a ,s 1 s a 1 s s- f .! -s JS J3 g 'S .^-^ ^ jg| ' 2 *o3 '^ '2g 1 SI f ^i PJ c- > - Ig *'.s ^. ^ p- ^ 3 . s s ice ca .5' 'S p P,^ H ' -* '5 O s -a si si Tw |J ~' rl "~^ pa _s S "" tf . ^ : ^ | -g ." .'^ ^ ^ B g -f ^"^ P*' -^ "I.i.1'1 -3 ^4 ^> c3 cJ g. S g .& .? 6 at f ! 2^ I! "1 cs t) -8 1 ^1 1 1 3 -^ ^ 5 e ts *. . IJ I-J r.'i * < -\ *..: a .0" fi'J 2 :| J 'S 1 1 a a o o d$ 1 .2 . d "* ^ o ^ ""* fc) - Q ^H 1-jiljJ- - SENTENCES. tie iyan S* a ,& rs* r3 a palaro S B |~* - CD A r-* I i| a 5 .! fl' c3 io3 "JT 1 ic3 ^ d_ o Jf3 *S ^S * 12 T5- c3 -4J . s -s ^ * -^^ J- J-4 ^| ^| CS W } 1: 'I'l I' I 03 . c3 c3 c3 ^3 P PULPING. 243 4 S ID ' T* I a 1 r3 :^ 2 | sr.fl s. S r c3' IB .f$ -PJ = 11:1 cl c3 10 u n p N S r^ ^i .b G3 CD I'l i- : !'1 athu. ice ,JS -4-J PJ ri4 r* 1- ^ ^4 CD r3 rr- 1 . " ^ 3 M 9 jj ^ - ^4 .^ 1: or. sappu nerung P 73" s *- > S X >s O Ij o> S ^ : 'o ah Tohokili irrukku I 'r3l .5 r^i Ii ii r^ P- 1 * ** er 3 a I 3 a -g t= o O O g -g 2 : i ' .a I 3 3 5 i 1 5 i *& $9 3 - 3* C5 ^ ?L 18 a '3 O ill! Is ^ |l>4 O -Q I ^*> 3 (B , 1 ^ '3 '1 J -J ^ J 8 O I fcc a !*3 CD o a> to a 8 * - - _ - DQ "^ 0> ** n R *! r-H CD M o 246 SENTENCES. 1 I 3 3 tt a CD U fl pi .2 .2 ^ -a CD <*" O nil 1 WASHIKG, i SI ? 'g S.-s d 5 i 10 * 'cS : PH . a a a *" .1-1 p- c3 t" M k>~j d *3 rotheikkul d 2 . 44 I'-* I "S a * | : a s : . '2 1 . i : , s. -a tJ '^> a ri C- r-H 44 44 c- 44 a r-* ^ I ^' r* 3 t 8L 3 (S ej I ^ (3 1; 2d a O ^_> Oi -a t 1 -*J o, O I . 2 3 ^ ^ ^ 5 P- 5 'S .H & ^ .-a 02 i o 3 MO o S '? E i 02 5 ^ * ^ -J t i o 2 "H 'CD 3 +~> C3 'S ?3 ri4 s : r^l JS c3 .S --i. "S" rS" i= : 12. -4~> c3 r3 -M 1- t> P-H. c3 P" "^ a 9 M P-H. c3 S 1 ial CD g.b c3 O^ 10 a c3 icS run gal. fl > .s- r^ P5 d 10 k iH CD ^ 1 penpilleih io' ss e.'^ S J g, 2 fr' a r^ penpilleih a ?s 3 : pja 1 M Pi cS * 10 t c3 I JS o (CD 5 ic3 CV. t> & rC3 ~& ^-> o> ^3 44 s. >CD tie pS r5 ri4 a CD 10* r*3 2 I-l rH P, cu -J-J J 03 r e8 > s f> c8 10 JX 2 -4-9 c8 a i-4 CD r^3 T > *x "3 3 ^ -4 ' ta CD PH C3 t 9 a B O ^ 8 r3 ^ CD ~|J *a "- .a r^3 "^ s * CD DESPATCH. 253 l 3 _ '^ . "J ^ 44 5, IO ^ a ^4 "4?. 02 ^ , IO P^ 53 a >>v 49 ^ ' 5 j. ^ < r^l 3 44 n? -4-J '3 -4-J > 41 : .s *GQ 44 3 r^4 ic5 02 s r5 "3 "o 3 s ^4 44 ^ 10 44 1 03 10) ?-! IO> > j5 c3 fl> % fl n 254* SENTENCES, DESPATCH. 255 256 SENTENCES, HH M CARRYING KICE. 257 1 ! TS- 1 *c3 = -^ a ^: 111 o3 CL, j ^ .^- a i. s J JLi c3 - 1 ' ' 4J mis o ic8 C*-. 5 3.8 ^ P^ IO c '^ 9" -5 9 'b I 3 iO 43. B r-j SI ^, r-l SI 'a J 's- S : g ,- s g i 'I j 1.3 . P4 1-3 a '-:' tt 13 o 1 a 8k 5 | rf 2 o > S jj F O wif^a ^ F3 O OJ 02 jl 1! ^ o 2=3 BC o r3 3 ?^ *1 J delivered e Chetty ' o 3 3 -- S 1 m & o 2-1 f *-Ji 5 b 18 O fl o a *.? a a rS ^ M M 260 SENTENCES. J3 T?' 03 PH -- 10 na- a p-^ O ,-d cv. r-4 . S. 1 1' =J SI c3 1, ' S S O .S fe -^ > 2 s. a P^, 0> io3 f> rqi o3 a ' S d S' c3 *r c3 s-j * F ""j * J : Sii : si-r io3 %>H ^ 5"&*1I CJ ICO , 03 rt PI ' P< icS ic3 r n Sj PH ttane alavu fl o 1 t> pa > S3 O II O "ei -^ cT '* S 'a I (Do I 1 D 3 -J i t -S f-? cf I b j I- -S I'J f f o S3 il a f fc 0* S "^ 05 &JO S3 "S r a o 03 PH JH- -< ^ fl "S ' T?. 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"cs' r^l P-. o- > ic3 EJ > :-4 v =: 5 O ^ ies > > to ^ to 18 a id) g a 5 "' S' ^ *s 2 .1-1 >} r5 f, ^ ' ji. ^ 1-4 ^3 CD ' f~t s l>i^ g>^ s ~tj j ^ -*0 ^ c3 o , P 3 i O"* J " a ~'QS

,-j 5 5^ fee PQ PQ .^ O ef e .s g g * j WH SH ^ ^3 .2 > ^ - 3 o ^ S3 I ill 266 SENTENCES. 1 J. ^ ictf Z 5 *3rs a C3 p r-J I-S ~3'^| J i j a'? |;| * Jt-I'^l 1 4 i a t 8 iii >iH r-4 r s PH -i-l 1 1 . 1C ^G a s ,-id c3 ^ S a i Ti- o c3 rd " PH ^ bo SI 13 ^ ^. 2-J2 -J, bo '^, p g "S J, ,a - - >a ^- CO ^ C g.A:9 g ,S s ^S "53 >r<- P ' > ' c3 "< P. > a 3 S3 < s 3 ^8 J s ' 'a B? II . |j* Q J . Q fo J O l o (5 '3 M J .g 1 a G & - i cS ji ii o bo 5.2 bo j g a a fS^li 1 g l O c3 a ^ o o 02 t- 61 ? ; -i:4-| * fe ^ ^ -s K bo ' _ , I | .S I i W W O H H o 5 -s g W ^ ^ O M fa.. QJ O .O -T? CO bo O) J w 'S r5 jr w 03 O r-l "^ 03 CO 2 ^ O QJ "^ - a -S C? Q CQ O bo 2 rS P 5 c3 Pn ^ Qfil 3 PH o 1 t-l 02 ess a PH 2 * DIRECTIONS TO SERVANTS, 267 o o "3* ^ > a S S : I 53 c PI r. ^j 1 ? fir ^' i : 1 ,^. 10 3 il 11 rM 03 turcim um tm i mesei tuvaleih varum ndu v ndu siinikk velle mesei uko a ^H O 3 <3 O S EJ M JA isi "S '* A! ._, c3 ' ^ : 53 1 =3 ^'. ^4 -* p-l . a sappatte II 1 g 3 A : ^ ec si TT- O fl & 3 I"' 1- I ^'J S g 'g'^'S' i|5^ H 'pi- ' ,^ 5* a M > p4 f^ ^4 1 3> I C ' cS O s '3 -3 -J '-^ * a o fcfl o p GS *"* ? =2^ g^ 3 s^lf S-g il! O ^J ri4 SH c3 3 9 S I =3 -*- 3 L>^ T =3 ^^ PH hH a I o CB J I -a p c3 ^3 o 11 a .& ^ *s ~s Pn P Pk M 1 I 'I o i? g> s o r^j <^ -o ^ 5 ft o fc/3 I i 263 SENTENCES. ICQ TJ IO & .11 o- 3i e3 3 44 5 "p d 1C P- ic8 > r5 d pW. s f-i a >" d M PJ d 3 d- '3. lO ^-( Q pinganei mattu. antha disile periya kari o f 1 c3 cS ' mull urn kodu. antha tureisanikku 44 > 8 c io M) . a a d T?- d -I'D d ^ ,03 g| 111 C* -J- 3 S '3 2 t4 *-~^ '^3 .? i-^j '3 TJ' diraying rumhii vilakl d ^a to a '1 a .&'? -2 d " : P, g a 02 10 1 % 'tc'S g $ j a neruppu konduva. rCl OS J-i- 'P d c _i0 1 g CD d. j kathavei safctu. sannalei puttu. kathavukku talpal po kathavei puttu. COOK. 269 i O a J5 I'li'il- ' * ' ' p-- 1 -j 1 * ? -_ M 27.0 SENTENCES. in -72.0-548