GIFT OF Bureau of rail'.vay economics L I Q H T LOCOMOTIVES. H. K. PORTER & CO PITTSBURGH, PA. SIXTH EDITION. 1889. BUFFALO, N. Y. [ATTHEWS, NORTHRUP & CO., ART-PRINTING WORKS, Office of the "Buffalo Morning Express." H. K. PORTER & CO., BUILDERS OF LIGHT LOCOMOTIVES. PITTSBURGH, PA. OFFICE, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets, in Monongahela House Building. WORKS, On Allegheny Valley R. R., 49th to 50th Streets. BUSINESS ESTABLISHED 1866. SMITH & PORTER 1866-1871 PORTER, BELL & CO 1871-1878 H. K. PORTER & CO. 1878 FOR INDEX SEE LAST PAGE. LIGHT LOCOMOTIVES. Our EXCLUSIVE SPECIALTY is the manufacture of Light Locomotives in every variety of size and style, and for any practicable gauge of track, to meet the requirements of many kinds of service for which ordinary locomotives are not practical or are not economical. Our LOCATION in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa., affords us unusual advantages in obtaining supplies and shipping locomotives. Our shops were built by us, and stocked with tools especially adapted to our busi- ness. Our designs and methods of construction are not mere copies on a reduced scale from heavy locomotives, but are the results of our experience in this specialty for many years. Natural gas is used for forging and case-hardening. We use only the best materials. Our shop force is well drilled, most of the workmen having been educated in our employ, and all of them take pride in the good reputation of the shop. OUR DUPLICATE SYSTEM is a most valuable feature, to which we invite special attention. By means of original and duplicate drawings and records, and of standard gauges and templets, and of special tools and machines, each locomotive is made interchangeable with all others of the same size and class. This reduces the cost of repairs of our locomo- tives to the minimum and saves their owners from any expense for patterns or shops. A good engineer is competent to attach duplicate parts and usually without losing a trip. We furnish with every locomo- tive a LIST OF NAMES OF PARTS, to save mistakes in ordering* supplies. Our duplicate system differs in one important item from that of other shops. We ahcays keep on hand, independent and ahead of orders, a full stock of fitted duplicate parts for our standard designs and sizes,' so that orders for repairs are filled immediately upon receipt. This prac- tically insures our locomotives against loss of time, although customers in foreign countries or at a great distance may find it desirable to order with their locomotives a few extra parts most liable to wear or injury. Our records show that 90 per cent of orders for supplies are filled from fitted stock on hand, 63 per cent being shipped on the day of receipt of order, and 27 per cent on the next day, because orders were received too near ihe close of business hours. Of the remainder, 5 per cent were shipped two days and 5 per cent more than two days after the receipt of order. This includes all shipments of supplies except departures from standard designs made by customers' instructions, and some parts differ- ing with gauge of track which are not kept on hand for unusual gauges. QUICK DELIVERY OF LOCOMOTIVES and prompt completion on cr before contract time is secured by our system of construction. We can usually fill orders for locomotives inside of 60 or 90 days and occasion- ally in 30 days. We request correspondents not to ask for earlier delivery than necessary, as we have only limited facilities for storing engines. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY OF LOCOMOTIVES is not often to be expected. But for a number of years we have endeavored to keep on hand com- pleted locomotives of several sizes for wide and for narrow gauge, suitable for contractor's use, steel works, logging roads, suburban roads, etc. When any of these stock locomotives are sold, whether before or after completion, another one is at once put under construction. We do not buy or sell second hand locomotives. A 1705 4 S. K. PORTER & CO. OUR GUARANTY. "We guarantee all our locomotives to be according to specifications ; to be of best work and material, accurately constructed to our duplicate system ; to be efficient in service and to come up to their hauling capacity as given and explained in this catalogue. We offer the very best work, of designs adapted to special require- ments, accurate, interchangeable, and durable, at short notice and reasonable prices. Our locomotives are in operation in nearly every State and Territory of United States, and in Canada, in the West Indies and Mexico, indifferent parts of South America, and in Japan, and we consider them our best advertisement, and their owners as our best references. On an average over half our orders are from old customers, and most of the rest are given from information received or from personal knowledge of the efficiency of our engines at work. PRICES OF LOCOMOTIVES. It is not practicable to name prices in this catalogue. On application of customers we will make propositions, with photographs and specifica- tions for locomotives guaranteed to do the required work. Such applica- tions should state 1. The gauge of track, length of road, kind of fuel, weight of rail, and radius of sharpest curve. 2. The steepest grade, with its length, for loaded cars to go up (also the same for empty cars if they return empty). 3. The number of cars to be hauled in each train and the weight of each car and of its load. 4. The total amount of freight to be carried one way daily. When customers have previously determined on the size and style of locomotives they require, we would still request the above information, as we may be able to suggest some less expensive and more satisfactory design ; and also because we wish in all cases to be convinced ourselves that locomotives furnished by us are of such power and design as are best adapted to perform the work, and so will be of credit to us, and of the utmost benefit to their owners. With orders for locomotives it is desirable that the following informa- tion be given promptly : 1. The gauge of track (exact space in the clear between rails); 2. The kind of fuel ; 3. The height of the centre of the car couplings above the rail ; 4. (At later convenience) the lettering for cab and tank. PITTSBURGH, PSNNA. THE STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS of our LIGHT LOCOMOTIVES include axles, tires, guides, crank-pins, rods, links and springs of steel ; valve gear and other working joints, links and blocks of case-hardened steel with extra long bearings, with hardened steel pins and thimbles ; iron frames solidly forged ; cylinders and all cast-iron wearing surfaces of close, hard charcoal mixture of metal ; wearing brasses ingot copper and as large a proportion of tin as can be worked ; all moveable nuts and bolts case-hardened ; all parts drilled, planed, turned and fitted to gauges and templets, and interchangeable ; all bolts of U. S. standard thread ; all cocks to standard gas-taps ; all material and workmanship of the very best ; painting and finish neat and suited to the service throughout. Boiler of homogeneous cast steel plates ; lap-welded flues, set with copper ferrules at the fire-box ends ; all caulking done with a blunt tool on bevelled edges by the patent concave process ; rivets hand riveted by the latest and best patent method ; boiler tested before lagging to 180 Ibs. hydraulic pressure, and engine fired up and worked by its own steam on friction rollers before shipment. Tank of steel plates. Special attention is given to secure for all of our locomotives thorough fitness in all details for the service required ; also compactness and acces- sibility of machinery, and convenience and perfect control of all work- ing levers, gauges, etc., by the engineer. Our locomotives are furnished with pump and injector (or two injectors and no pump), with seamless copper pipe connections ; sand- box ; bell (except mine locomotives, motors and some special styles) ; safety and relief valves, steam gauge, cab-lamp, cylinder oilers, blow-off, heater, blower, gauge, pet, sprinkling, and other cocks ; tool-box and cushion ; tools, including two screw-jacks, tallow and oil cans, spanner and flat wrenches to fit all bolts and nuts ; monkey-wrench, steel and copper hammers ; chisels, pinch-bar, poker, scraper, and torch. Headlights, driver or power-brakes, syphon pumps, etc., are extra. Unless otherwise agreed, our delivery is free on board cars at our shops. We can obtain advantageous freight rates to all accessible points. For foreign shipments we are prepared to include in our propositions the taking apart of locomotives, protecting from rust, boxing, and prepay- ing freight and lighterage charges to the vessel's dock. The illustrations and descriptions herein presented comprise only our leading styles and sizes ; we have many modifications of these, besides other special patterns and designs, and are also ready to prepare other designs for peculiar cases, or to build to required specifications. H. K. PORTER & CO., EIGHT-WHEEL PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE, ( diameter 11 inches. 16 inches. 12 inches. 16 inches. 12 inches. 18 inches. 13 inches. 18 inches. Cylinders < ( stroke Diameter of driving wheels 40 inches. 40 to 44 in. 44 to 48 in. 44 to 48 in. Diameter of truck wheels 20 inches. 18 to 20 in. 20 to 22 in. 20 to 22 in. Rigid wheel-base of engine Total wheel-base of engine 6 ft. in. 15 ft. 6 in. 32 ft. 4 in. 6 ft. 6 in 16 ft. 4 in. 34 ft. 3 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 16ft.lOin. 34 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 17 ft. 7 in. 37 ft. 5 in. Wheel-base of engine and tender Length over all of engine and tender 39 ft. 9 in. 42 ft. 5 in. 42 ft. 11 in. 46 ft. 2 in. Weight of engine in working order 34,000 Ib. 23,000 Ib. 11,000 Ib. 37,000 Ib. 25,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 39,000 Ib. 26,000 Ib. 13,000 Ib. 44,000 Ib. 29,500 Ib. 14,500 Ib. Weight on driving wheels Weight on four-wheel truck Water capacity of tender tank 1,050 gals. 1,200 gals. 1,200 gals. 1,400 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 35 Ib. Haulingr capacity on a level, in tons of 2 OOO Ib 600 tons. 650 tons. 700 tons. 800 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. The " Eight-wheel " or "American " pattern of locomotive is deservedly a favorite for general use on broad-gauge roads throughout the United States, and hence has been very largely adopted by narrow-gauge roads. We believe, however, that a narrow-gauge engine, or a light engine for wide gauge, should be something more than a miniature copy of a full size standard-gauge engine, and that the construction necessary on a large engine should be simplified on a small engine where it can be done advantageously. We regard the "Eight-wheel "pattern, especially the smaller sizes, as less desirable than some other designs in the following particulars : The weight is not distributed to secure the maximum of power, the proportion of dead to useful weight being necessarily very large. The truck wheels are necessarily of smaller diameter than is advisable for high speeds ; or to secure larger truck wheels the boiler is set higher, and the centre of weight raised more than is desirable for fast running. While we recommend the design illustrated on page 6 in preference to the " Eight-wheel " pattern, we wish to meet the views of all customers, and are prepared to furnish this style of sizes as specified. NOTE. Refer to page 46for explanation of hauling- capacity; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances see WORKING REPORTS on pages 90 and 91. H. K. PORTER & CO., SIX-WHEEL PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE. i diameter .... 11 inches. 12 inches. 12 inches. 13 inches. Cylinders-^ i stroke 16 inches. 16 inches. 18 inches. 18 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 40 inches. 40 to 44 in. 44 to 48 in. 44 to 48 in. Diameter of truck wheels 26 inches. 26 to 30 in. 30 inches. 30 inches. Rigid wheel-base of engine 6 ft. in. 6 ft. 6 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 6 ft. 9 in. Total wheel-base of engine 16 ft. 2 in. 16ft.lOin. 17 ft. 4 in. 18 ft. 1 in. Wheel-base of engine and tender 32 ft. 6 in. 34 ft. 10 in. 35 ft. 4 in. 37ft.llin. Length over all of engine and tender 39 ft. in. 43 ft. 5 in. 43ft.llin. 46 ft. 6 in. Weight of engine in working order 33,000 Ib. 36,000 Ib. 38,000 Ib. 43,000 Ib. Weight on driving wheels 25,000 Ib. 27,000 Ib. 28,500 Ib. 32,500 Ib. Weight on two- wheel radial-bar truck 8,000 Ib. 9,000 Ib. 9,500 Ib. 10,500 Ib. Water capacity of tender tank . . . 1,050 gals. 1,200 gals. 1,200 gals. 1,400 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 35 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, In tons of 2.OOO Ib. . 650 tons. 700 tons. 750 tons. 850 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. The pattern of locomotive illustrated on the opposite page was de- signed by us for fast passenger service and long runs on narrow gauge, and also for light work on standard gauge, and has proved extremely powerful and fast. The special advantages of this pattern over others for such service are : Economical distribution of weight, securing the greatest proportion of useful weight, and consequently the greatest power, as well as ease on track. The centre of weight is extremely low, securing unusual stability; and the pony truck wheels are of large diameter, rendering the engine capable of very high speed with perfect safety. The unusually long flexible wheel-base secures great ease of motion, even on a rough track ; and the short rigid wheel-base and superior curving qualities of the truck permit passing sharp curves even at a high speed. The truck axle and machinery are proportioned to the load to be upheld, and better able to endure severe shocks than the smaller axles and lighter machinery of the four-wheel truck. At the same time simplicity is attained and useless gear avoided. Curves of a 150 feet radius, speed of 40 to 60 miles per hour, and runs of 150 to 200 miles per day are practicable. The same general style, "with smaller drivers, and of sufficient weight to utilize them, is very efficient for freight or for mixed traffic, or for passenger service on heavy grades, and is by many preferred to the "Mogul" style (page 16). NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 89 to 91. H. K. PORTER & CO., MEDIUM PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE. These engines are designed for passenger or mixed service, for shorter runs and slower speed than the patterns shown on pages 4 and 6. They will readily pass curves of 125 feet radius, and a speed of 30 to 40 miles per hour is attainable under favorable conditions. The very large proportion of weight on the driving wheels adapts these locomotives for steep grades, for heavy loads and for quick stopping and starting of trains. In most cases they are practically as efficient as the next larger sizes of the styles on pages 4 and 6. diameter 10 inches 11 inches Diameter of driving wheels 16 inches. 36 to 40 in 16 inches. 40 to 44 in Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base of engine * 24 to 26 in. 6 ft 6 in 26 to 28 in. 6 ft 6 in Total wheel-base of engine Wheel-bass of engine and tender 13 ft. 3 in. 29 ft 6 in 14 ft. 3 in. 33 ft 9 in Length over all of engine and tender Weight of engine in working order 36 ft. 6 in. 280001b 40 ft. in. 32 000 Ib Weight on driving wheels Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck 24,000 Ib. 40001b 26,000 Ib. 6,000 Ib Water capacity of tender tank Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 800 gals. 30 Ib 1,050 gals. 30 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons o1 2 OOO Ib r 625 tons 700 tons To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 87, 88, 89 and 144. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. FOUR-WHEEL-CONNECTED SADDLE-TANK LOCOMOTIVE, WITH FRONT TRUCK, These engines are well adapted for suburban roads where the grades and loads are heavy, and where the run is not long enough to require a tender tank. As the weight of the water is used for traction, and there is no tender, these engines can haul larger trains than those shown on the opposite page. The relative advantage increases with the grade. In most cases the " Back-Truck," design described on page 19 or page 21 is preferable, as it admits more fuel space and more cab room. The engines may be run without turning, and are adapted to either wide or narrow gauge. /T_I- j f diameter 10 inches 11 inches Cylinders -J stroke 16 inches. 16 inches Diameter of driving wheels 33 to 40 in 36 to 40 in Diameter of truck wheels 22 to 26 in. Rigid wheel-base 6 ft 6 in 24 to 26 in. 6 ft 6 in Total wheel-base 13 ft. 3 in. Length over all 26 ft. 9 in. 14 ft, 3 in. 28 ft. in Weight in working order 33.000 Ib. Weight on driving wheels 27 000 Ib 37,000 Ib. 30 000 Ib Weight on two- wheel radial-bar truck 6,000 Ib. Water capacity of saddle tank 500 gals 7,000 Ib. 600 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 30 Ib 35 Ib Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib. 675 tons 800 tons To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I, page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. 10 H. K. PORTEE & CO., LIGHT PASSENGER LOCOMOTIVE, These engines are designed for light work on light rails. They will pass curves of 75 feet radius ; and are capable of a speed of 25 to 35 miles per hour. We are prepared to build smaller engines of this style. r^,-\ ' j 1 diameter . . . 8 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 18 inches. 5 ft. in. 9 ft. in. 23 ft. in. 30 ft. in. 16,000 Ib. 13,500 Ib. 2,500 Ib. 500 gals. 20 Ib. 9 inches. 14 inches. 36 inches. 22 inches. 5 ft. 9 in. 10 ft. 9 in. 25 ft. 6 in. 32 ft. 6 in. 20,000 Ib. 17,000 Ib. 3,COO Ib. 500 gals. 25 Ib. Cylinders | gtrok | ; Diameter of driving wheels Diameter of truck wheels ... Rigid whe^l-base of engine Total wheel-base of engine Wheel-base of engine and tender Length over all of engine and tender Weight of engine in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck Water capacity of tender tank Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib 350 tons. 475 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS, on pages 86, 87 , 138 and 140. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 11 LIGHT FOUR-WHEEL-CONNECTED SADDLE-TANK LOCOMOTIVE, WITH FRONT TRUCK. These engines are adapted for light suburban traffic and other service where a greater speed is needed than is easily attainable by four-wheel- connected tank locomotives, and where the run is not long enough to require a tender. As the weight of the water is used for traction, and there is no tender, these engines can haul heavier trains than those shown on the opposite page. This relative advantage increases with the grade. In most cases the "Back-Truck" design, described on pages 19, 20 or 21 is preferable, as it admits more fuel space and more cab room. These engines may be run without turning, and are adapted to either wide or narrow gauge. n~i- ^ 1 diameter. . . 1 8 inches 9 inches Cylinders ^ trok j Diameter of driving wheels 30 inches 33 inches Diameter of truck wheels ... 18 inches. 22 inches Rigid wheel-base 5ft hi 5 ft 9 hi Total wheel-base 8 ft 7 in 10 ft 9 in Length over all 17 ft 6 in 19 ft 9 in Weight in working order 21,500 Ib. 25,000 Ib Weight on driving wheels 170001b 21 000 Ib Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck Water capacity of saddle tank 3.500 Ib. 275 gals 4.000 Ib. 325 gals Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 20 Ib. 25 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,000 Ib 425 tons. 550 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. 12 H. K. PORTER & CO., SIX-WHEEL-CONNECTED LOCOMOTIVE, WITH TENDER. ( diameter 10 inches. 11 inches 12 inches. 12 inches 13 inches Cylinders^ ( stroke 16 inches. 16 inches. 16 inches. 18 inches. 18 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 33 inches. 33 inches. 36 inches. 36 inches. 40 inches. Wheel-base of engine 7 ft. 8 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 8 ft. 1 in. 9 ft. in. 10 ft. in. Wheel-base of engine and tender. 28 ft. in. 28 ft. in. 29 ft, in. 29 ft. 6 in. 30 ft. in. Length over all of engine and tender 35 ft in 39 ft in 40 ft in 41 ft in 41 ft 6 in Weight of engine in working or- der (all on drivers) 28,000 Ib. 30,000 Ib. 33,000 Ib. 36,000 Ib. 41,000 Ib. Water capacity of tender tank . . 800 gals. 1,050 gals. 1,050 gals. 1,050 gals. 1,200 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 25 Ib 30 Ib 30 Ib 30 Ib 35 Ib Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib 750 tons 800 tons 975 tons 1 100 tons To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. For SADDLE-TANK LOCOMOTIVES of this class, see page 23. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 13 These engines are equalized between rear and centre drivers ; they also have a cross equalizer at front drivers. The centre drivers are without flanges. The engines are easy on the track, and curve well up to a speed of 15 to 20 miles per hour. Having all their weight on drivers, and having a short wheel base, they are specially adapted to hauling heavy loads on steep grades and short curves, and in many cases are preferable to the " Mogul " described on page 16. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 98, 100, 101, 146 and 147. 14 H. K. PORTER & CO., LIGHT SIX-WHEEL-CONNECTED LOCOMOTIVE, WITH TENDER. {diameter 8 inches. 9 inches. W> in **/% *** stroke 14 inches. 14 inches. 14 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 26 inches. 28 inches. 33 inches. Wheel-base of engine 5 ft. 5 in. 5 ft. 10 in. 7 ft. 3 in. Wheel-base of engine and tender 20 ft. in. 21 ft. in. 22 ft. in. Length over all of engine and tender 27 ft. in. 28 ft. in. 30 ft. in. Weight of engine in working order (all on drivers) 16,000 Ib. 18,500 Ib. 22,000 Ib. Water capacity of tender tank 300 gals. 500 gals. 800 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised. . 16 Ib. 20 Ib. 25 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib 400 tons. 500 tons. 600 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. NOTE. The 8x14 cylinders locomotive has four-wheeled tender. For SADDLE TANK LOCOMOTIVES of this class, see page 22. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 15 These engines are designed for local freight or mixed trains on light equipped roads narrow or standard gauge ; also for construction, and for special service where the run is longer than is expedient for saddle-tank engines. Curves of less than 100 feet radius are admissible. The centre drivers are without flanges. The weight on drivers is equalized in the same manner as the engines on page 12. We would advise that the run- ning time should not exceed 15 miles per hour, although on easy grades and curves this style has run 30 miles per hour. We are prepared to build smaller sizes of this style, and also to add a two- wheel pony truck (like page 16) ; but in most cases some other style would be preferable. NOTE. Refer to page 4-6 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 96, 97, 142 and 143. 16 H. K. PORTER & GO. MOGUL LOCOMOTIVE. {diameter. 11 inches. 12 inches. 12 inches. 13 inches. 14 inches. stroke 16 inches. 16 inches. 18 inches. 18 inches. 20 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 36 inches. 36 inches. 40 inches. 40 inches. 44 inches. Diameter of truck wheels 24 inches. 24 inches. 26 inches. 26 inches. 28 inches. Rigid wheel-base of engine 9 ft. in. 9 ft. in. 9 ft. 3 in. 11 ft. 5 in. 12 ft. 2 in. Total wheel-base of engine 14 ft. 6 in. 14 ft. 6 in. 15 ft. in. 17 ft. 6 in. 18 ft. 2 in. Wheel-base of engine and tender 33 ft. in. 33 ft. 6 in. 35 ft. 2 in. 37 ft. 2 in. 38 ft. in. Length over all of engine and tender 40 ft. 6 in. 41 ft. 2 in. 42 ft. 8 in. 45 ft. in. 45 ft. 8 in. Weight of engine in working order 32,000 Ib. 35,000 Ib. 38,000 Ib. 44,000 Ib. 51,000 Ib. Weight on driving wheels 27,500 Ib. 30,500 Ib. 33,000 Ib. 38,000 Ib. 43,000 Ib. Weight on two- wheel radial-bar truck 4,500 Ib. 4,500 Ib. 5,000 Ib. 6,000 Ib. 8,000 Ib. Water capacity of tender tank. . 1,050 gals. 1,050 gals. 1,200 gals. 1,400 gals. 1,600 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 30 Ib. 35 Ib. 40 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib. . 700 tons. 800 tons. 900 tons. 1.000 tons. 1,150 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 17 These engines are specially adapted for hauling freight on long roads where considerable speed is desired. They are also useful in hauling mixed trains or passenger trains on heavy grades. Curves of 150 feet radius, a speed of 25 miles per hour, and daily mileage of 150 or more miles are practicable. The rear and centre pairs of drivers, also the front drivers and the truck, are equalized together. The centre drivers are without flanges. Our ' ' Mogul " locomotives, by reason of their short rigid wheel-base and superior design of truck, are able to pass very sharp curves with ease. Their centre of weight is very low, which gives unusual stability and safety at high speed. We are prepared to build smaller sizes of "Mogul" locomotives than are described on the opposite page. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 97 to 101, and 141 to 147. 18 H. K. PORTER & CO., "DOUBLE-ENDER" LOCOMOTIVE. This style is especially adapted for suburban passenger roads of wide or narrow gauge, where a compact, fast engine is desired, which, by running equally well forward or back, requires no turn-table or Y. Sharp curves are admissible. On easy grades and straight track these engines are capable of a speed of 30 to 40 miles per hour. These engines are not intended for very heavy loads or excessive grades. Their motion is very easy, as both pairs of driving wheels are equalized and the weight is well distributed. This style is adaped to narrow or wide gauges, and we are prepared to build several other sizes in addition to those given below. The styles illustrated on pages 19, 20, 21, 86, and 37 maybe preferable where heavy grades are to be overcome, or heavy trains are to be hauled. w'-HSSE??::" Diameter of driving wheels Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base Total wheel-base 8 inches 14 inches. 30 to 33 in. 16tol8in. 5 ft. in. 15 ft. in. 22 ft. in. 23,000 Ib. 15,000 Ib. 8.000 Ib. 250 gals. 20 Ib. 9 inches. 14 inches. 33 to 36 in. 18 to 20 in. 5 ft. 9 in. 15 ft. 9 in. 24 ft. in. 29,000 Ib. 19,000 Ib. 10,000 Ib. 325 gals. 25 Ib. 10 inches 16 inches. 40 to 44 in. 22 to 24 in. 6 ft. 6 in. 18 ft. 6 in. 30 ft. in. 39,000 Ib. 27,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 500 gals. 30 Ib. 12 inches. 18 inches. 44 to 48 in. 21 to 26 in. 6 ft. 9 in. 20 ft. in. 32 ft. 6 in. 49,000 Ib. 33,000 Ib. J 6,000 Ib. 750 gals. 35 Ib. 14 inches. 20 inches. 48 inches. 26 inches. 7 ft. in. 21 ft. in. 35 ft. in. 58,000 Ib. 40,000 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 900 gals. 40 Ib. Length over all Weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two trucks Capacity of saddle tank Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised Hauling capacity on a level, In tons of 2.OOO Ib 350 tons. 475 tons. 650 tons. 850 tons. 1,000 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. The 8x 14 and 9 x 14 cylinders are placed slightly inclined. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half ortwo-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 86, 87 and 91. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 19 "BACK TRUCK" LOCOMOTIVE. (AS ADAPTED TO LOCAL PASSENGER SERVICE.) This style is advisable for suburban roads, for passenger or mixed service, for either narrow or wide gauge, where considerable power com- bined with fast speed is required. No turn-table is needed, and the motion is easy both when running with the truck ahead or following. Very sharp curves are practicable. Speeds of 15 to 25 miles per hour on curves and grades, and 30 to 40 miles per hour under favorable circum- stances may be attained. The driving wheels are equalized, the weight is well distributed ; and as a much larger proportion of the weight is used for traction, this style is usually preferable to the "double ender" style described on the opposite page. We are prepared to build this general style of the smaller sizes described on page 20, but these are only suitable for very light work. diameter . . ; 9 inches. '( stroke i 14 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 33 to 36 in. Diam. of truck wheels. 20 to 22 in. Rigid wheel-base 4 ft. 6 in. Total wheel-base 12 ft. 4 in. Length over all, includ- ing pilots 28 ft. in. Weight in working or- der 28,000 Ib. Weight on driving wheels 21,000 Ib. Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck 7,000 Ib. Water capacity of sad- dle-tank 375 gals. Weight per yard of lightest steel rail ad- vised. . . 25 Ib. 9^ inches 10 inchps. 13 inches. 14 inches. 14 inches. 14 inches. 16 inches. -18 inches. !20 inches 24 inches. 33 to 36 in. 36 inches. J40 inches. |44 inches. >44 inches. 20 to 22 in. 22 inches. 21 inches. 26 inches. 26 inches. 4 ft. 6 in 5 ft. 3 in.) 5 ft. 9 in. 1 6 ft. 3 in. 1 7 ft. in. 12 ft. 6 in 13 ft. 4 in. 29 ft. in. 30 ft. in. 31,000 Ib. 35,000 Ib. 44,000 Ib. 14 ft. in. 15 ft. in. 15 ft. 9 in. 31 ft. in. 32 ft. in. 34 ft. in. 54,000 Ib. 59,000 Ib. 1 34,000 Ib. 27,500 Ib. 35,500 Ib. 145,000 Ib. | 7,000 Ib. 7,500 Ib. 8,500 Ib. ' 9,000 Ib. | 400 gals. 500 gals. 750 gals. 900 gals. 25 Ib 30 Ib. 35 Ib. 45 Ib. 50,000 Ib. 9,000 Ib. 1,000 gals. 50 Ib. Hauling capac- ity on a level, in tons of 2.OOO Ib 525tous. 623 tons. 725 tons. 925 tons. 1150 tons. 1300 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. The 9x14 and 9^x14 cylinders are placed slightly inclined. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity, or at a less proportion for fast speeds. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 88, 90, 91, 96 and 99. H. K, PORTER & CO., LIGHT "BACK-TRUCK" LOCOMOTIVE. (FOR LOGGING RAILROADS AND SIMILAR SERVICE.) The style of locomotives illustrated and described below and on the opposite page is adapted to a great variety of service, including logging roads and plantation roads, where the track is uneven and the speed slow ; for switching and shifting where heavy loads are to be stopped and started promptly; and for local passenger traffic where the speed is fast and frequent stops are made. For logging railroads and for plantations an open sheet-iron canopy is often used instead of a wooden cab, as shown on page 39. These locomotives to a great extent combine the advantages and avoid the dis- advantages of the "Double Ender" style on page 18, and of the " Four- Wheel- Connected " style on pages 24 and 26. The driving wheels are equalized, and a very large (Continued on opposite page) This cat shows cab with side sliding doors and banker in rear part of cab (filled from outside if for coal) for cold climate. This cat shows cab with open entrances at sides and separal rear fuel bunker for coal or wood, for warm climate. <*ifc inches. 7 inches. 10 inches. 12 inches. 24 inches. 28 inches. 14 inches. 16 inches. ! 4 ft. in.; 4ft. Sin. ! 9 ft. in. 10 ft. in. 14 ft. 6 in. 17 ft. in. : 14,500 Ib. Weight on driving wheels i 9,000 Ib. Weight on two-wheel radial-bar; truck Capacity of tank. . Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 5,500 Ib. 125 gals. 12 Ib. 18.000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 6,000 Ib. 175 gals. 16 Ib. 8 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 18 inches. 5 ft. in. 10 ft. 6 in. 17 ft. 9 in. 21,500 Ib. 14,500 Ib. 9 inches. 9^2 inches 14 inches. 14 inches. 33 inches. 36 inches. 20 inches. 22 inches. ; 4ft. Gin. 4ft. 6 in. 13 ft. 4 in. 13 ft. 10 in. 21 ft. in. 22 ft. in. 26,000 Ib. 29,000 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 20,000 Ib. 70001b. ' 8,000 Ib. 9,000 Ib. 250 gals. 300 gals. 350 gals. 20 Ib. 25 Ib. 25 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO 200 tons. 300 tons. 375 tons. 450 tons. 525 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table 1 1., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 111, 116, 118 and 119. 36 H. K. PORTER & CO., FORNEY LOCOMOTIVE. This design was invented and patented by Mr. M. N. Forney. It is advisable, instead of the style shown on page 37, for locomotives of such size that the water and fuel cannot be carried on a two-wheel truck. It may often be used in the place of the locomotives on pages 8, 10, 12, and 14, and is essentially the type shown on pages 25 and 27, modified by connecting the engine and tender in one rigid frame. It is a very simple and efficient design, and capable of a wide range of work, being power- ful enough for freight and fast enough for passenger work. If run with the truck ahead, it is, so far as ease of motion and speed are concerned, like the familiar eight-wheel passenger engine (page 4). The driving whet Is are equalized, and, except for roads with no sharp curves, the truck is fitted with swinging links. It is adapted to all gauges, and this style, and those with the two-wheel truck, are almost the only ones prac- ticable, unless for very small locomotives, for the 24 inches and other extremely narrow gauges. We are prepared to modify this design by adding a two-wheel front truck, but do not recommend it, as it makes too long an engine with too little power. (diameter... 9 inches. 9J^ inches 10 inches. 12 inches. 14 inches. j stroke 14 inches. 14 inches. 16 inches. 18 inches. 20 inches. Diameter of driving wheels 33 to 36 in. 36 to 40 in. 40to44in. 44 to 48 in. 48 inches. Diameter of truck wheels 18 to 20 in. 20 to 22 in. 22 inches. 24 inches. 24 inches. Rigid wheel-base. 4 ft 6 in 4 ft 6 in 5 f r 3 in 5 ft 9 in 7 ft in Total wheel-base 16 ft. 3 in. 17 ft. in. 17ft.lOin. 18 ft. 2 in. 19ft. 6 in. Length over all, including pilot. . 28 ft. in. 29 ft. 6 in. 30 ft. 6 in. 32 ft. in. 34 ft. in. Weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on four- \vheel rear truck. Water capacity of tank 30,000 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 400 gals 33,000 Ib. 20,500 Ib. 12,500 Ib. 450 gals 38,000 Ib. 25,000 Ib. 13,000 Ib. 500 gals 48,000 Ib. 33,000 Ib. 15.000 Ib. 700 gals 58,000 Ib. 40,000 Ib. 18,000 Ib. 900 gals Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised 25 Ib 25 Ib 30 Ib 35 Ib 45 Ib Hauling capacity on a ' level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib. 55 tons 675 tons 850 tons 1 050 tons To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II , page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. NOTE. The 9 x 14 and 9^ x 14 cylinders are placed slightly inclined. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 87, 89, 96, 97 and 143. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 37 BACK TRUCK PLANTATION LOCOMOTIVE, WITH WOODEN CAB. This design is the same as the Back Truck Plantation Locomotive described on page 35, with the exception of a wooden cab. For these small sizes the two-wheel radial truck is preferable to the four wheel, as it admits ample fuel and water capacity, and is simpler and can pass sharper curves. For very long roads, or where the water supply is lim- ited, an additional tank may be carried on the boiler, but this is advis- able only in exceptional cases. These locomotives are desirable for plan- tation roads, or other roads with light or portable track, where the open canopy is not preferable, and where the saddle-tank style is not desired. For light passenger service, if extra speed is needed, larger driving wheels may be used. The weight is well distributed, the motion very easy, and sharp curves admissible. o-H3S^::: Diameter of driving wheels Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base 6 inches. 10 inches. 24 inches. 14 inches. 4 ft. in. 9 ft. in. 16 ft. 6 in. 15,000 lb. 9,000 lb. 6,000 lb. 125 gals. 16 lb. 7 inches. 12 inches. 23 inches. 16 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 10 ft. in. 19 ft. in. 18,500 lb. 12,000 lb. 6,500 lb. 175 gals. 16 lb. 8 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 18 inches. 5 ft. in. 10 ft. 6 in. 19 ft. 9 in. 21,500 lb. 14,500 lb. 7,000 lb. 250 gals. 20 lb. 9 inches. 14 inches. 33 inches. 20 inches. 4 ft. 6 in. 13 ft. 4 in. 20 ft. in. 26,000 lb. 18,000 lb. 8,000 lb. 300 gals. 25 lb. 9^ inches 14 inches. 36 inches. 22 inches. 4 ft. 6 in. 13 ft. 10 in. 21 ft. in. 29,000 lb. 20,000 lb. 9,000 lb. 350 gals. 25 lb. Total wheel-base Length over all Weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck Capacity of tank Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advisable Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO lb 200 tons. 300 tons. 375 tons. 450 tons. 525 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table II., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 86, 115, 119 and 136. 38 H. K. PORTER & CO., LIGHT FOUR-WHEEL-CONNECTED TANK LOCOMOTIVE, WITH OPEN CANOPY. This design h identical with that on page 26, with the exception of the open sheet-iron canopy, and is also identical with that on page 34, with the exception of the position of the water tank. The open canopy is cheaper than a wooden cab, and generally preferable for hot climates ; the saddle tank, except for very light ra>ls, is pre f erable to rear tank, as it has more capacity and inci eases the total weight. For the three smallest, sizes solid chilled iron wheels may be used, and are cheaper than stt el tires. These locomotives are well balanced and the greatest ease of motion possible for a four wheel locomotive is secim-d by a cross equalizer at the front springs. They are adapted to sharp curves and steep grades. The proper speed with load is 6 to 10 miles per hour. Smaller than 7 x 12 cylinders of this style is rarely advisable for wide gauge. This style may also be built with separate tender, like page 27. w*{r!:::: Diameter of driving wheels Wheel-base Length over all 5 inches. 10 inches. 23 inches. 4 ft. in. 10 ft. in. 6 inches. 10 inches. 23 inches. 4 ft. in. 11 ft. in 7 inches. 12 inches. 24 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 12 ft. 7 in 8 inches. 14 inches. 2"> inches. 5 ft. in. 14 ft in 9 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 5 ft. 3 in. 15 ft 1 in Weight in working order (all on drivers ) 85001b 12 000 Ib 15000 Ib 18 000 Ib 22 000 Ib Capacity of saddle tank 125 gals. 150 gals 200 gals 250 gals 325 gals Weight per yard of lightest stetl rail advised 12 Ib. 16 Ib 16 to 20 Ib 25 Ib 30 Ib Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib 275 tons 350 tons 450 tons 550 tons To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 110 to 125, and 133. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. LIGHT BACK TRUCK LOCOMOTIVE WITH OPEN CANOPY. (FOR LOGGING AND PLANTATION ROADS AND SIMILAR SERVICE.) This design is the same as that on pages 20 and 21, with the exception of the open sheet iron canopy, which is cheaper than the wooden cab and better adapted for hot climates. We are prepared to build larger sizes with canopy. For the smaller sizes solid chilled wheels may be used instead of steel tire, and are cheaper. The driving wheels are equalized and the motion easy, even on rough track, while the large proportion of weight on the driving wheels secures power. The truck is centre bearing, with swing motion and radial bar. Sharp curves, light rails, steep grades, and heavy loads, and, when needful, fast speeds are practicable. These locomotives are specially adapted to logging roads, plantation roads, and other service where there are objections to the four-wheel locomotive. Diameter of driving wheels Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base Total wheel-base Length over all Weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two-wheel radial-bar truck Capacity of saddle-tank Weight per yard of lightest steel rail advised. . . 6 inches. 10 inches. 24 inches. 16 inches. 4 ft. in. 8 ft. 6 in. 14 ft. in. 14,000 Ib. 10,500 Ib. 7 inches. 12 inches. 28 inches. 16 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 9 ft. 1 in. 16 ft. 4 in. 18,000 Ib. 13,500 Ib. 8 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 18 inches. I 5 ft. in. ^9 ft. 10 in. !l6 ft. 9 in. J22.000 Ib. il7,000 Ib. 9 inches. 9^ inches 14 inches. 14 inches. 33 inches. 36 inches. 20 inches.:, 2 inches. 4ft. 6 in J 4ft. 6 in. 12 ft. 4 in. 12 ft. 6 in. 20 ft. in. 21 ft. in. 27,000 Ib. 30,000 Ib. 20,000 Ib. 23,000 Ib. 3.500 Ib. 4,500 Ib. 150 gals. ; 200 gals. 16 Ib. 16 Ib. 5,000 Ib. 7,000 Ib. 7,000 Ib. 250 gals. 375 gals. < 400 gals. 20 Ib. ! 25 Ib. 25 Ib. Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib. .. 225 tons. 325 tons. 425 tons. 500 tons. 575 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. NOTE. The proportions of the 9 x 14 and 9^ x 14 locomotives differ slightly from the illustration above. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 133, 135, 136 and 137. 40 H. K. PORTEE & CO., MILL LOCOMOTIVES. This design is the same as that described on pages 34, 38 and 41, modified for use inside of mills. These locomotives are used for moving hot ingots and blooms to the rolls, and no cab is required when the locomotive runs wholly inside the mill. When the locomotive is used about a Bessemer converter, for hauling fluid metal or taking ingots from the pit, or for moving cinder from the blast furnace, a sheet iron cab is desirable as shown on the opposite page. The 5 x 10 and 6 x 10 locomo- tives are used at the rolls, and the larger sizes are generally advisable for cinder and ingot work. For the larger sizes steel tired wheels are desir- able, but for the smaller sizes solid chilled wheels may be preferable. Usuallv no bell is needed. MEMORANDUM. The water may be carried in a saddle tank like the cut " Bloom," or in two-connected rear tanks like the "Ingot. 1 " The weight and power of the saddle tank design is slightly the greater. The rear tank design gives a slightly better outlook for the engineer. Cylinders^ %$* 5 inches. 10 inches. 22 inches. 4 ft. in. 10 ft, in. 7,500 Ib. 100 gals. (') inches. 10 inches. 22 inches. 4 ft. in. 11 ft. in. 10,000 Ib. 125 gals. 7 inches. 12 inches. 24 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 12 ft. 7 in. 14,000 Ib. 150 gals. 8 inches. 14 inches. 28 inches. 5 ft. in. 13 ft. in. 17,000 Ib. 200 gals. 9 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 5 ft. 3 in. 15 ft 1 in. 21,000 Ib. 250 gals. Diameter of driving wheels Wheel-base Length over all Weight in working order, with two rear tanks (all on drivers) . Capacity of two tanks placed at rear . . Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2,OOO Ib 150 tons. 250 tons. 350 tons. 450 tons. 550 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I. , page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 4-6 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 110 to 125. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 41 STEEL WORKS AND COKE OVEN LOCOMOTIVES. This design is like pages 26 and 38, with the details arranged to suit the special requirements. Very little wood-work is used, and the cab is made* of sheet steel and shaped so as to clear any obstructions, and also to protect the engineer from heat. For Bessemer converters the cab is usually closed except at one side ; for cinder and ingot work the cab may be opened at the sides and closed at the front and back ; for miscellaneous work about mills and furnaces an open canopy like pages 38 and 34 may be preferable ; for coke ovens, where the locomotives haul the larries on a track placed between two rows of ovens, the cab is usually closed at the front, partly closed at the sides and open at the back. ( diameter Cylinders - ( stroke Diameter of driving wheels Wheel-base Length over all Weight in working order (all on drivers) 5 inches. 10 inches. 22 inches. 4 ft. in. 10 ft. in. 8,500 Ib. 125 gals. 6 inches. 10 inches. 22 inches. 4 ft. in. 11 ft. Oin. 12,000 Ib. 150 gals. 7 inches. 12 inches. 24 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 12 ft. 7 in. 15,000 Ib. 200 gals. 8 inches. 14 inches. 23 inches. 5 ft. in. 13 ft. in. 1 8,000 Ib. 250 gals. 9 inches. 14 inches. 30 inches. 5 ft. 3 in. 15 ft. 1 in. 22,000 Ib. 325 gals. Capacity of saddle tank Hauling capacity on a level, in tons of 2.OOO Ib. 175 tons. 275 tons. 350 tons. 450 tons. 550 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. Refer to page 46 for explanation of hauling capac- ity ; for regular work locomotives should be used at one-half or two-thirds of their full capacity. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 110 to 125. 42 H. K. PORTER & CO., LIGHT BACK TRUCK MOTOR. (WITH SADDLE TANK.) This design may be built with pilots or with dash-boards or without either ; and with or without side-flaps, as preferred. For a more complete description of construction and details, and for practical hints for operating our motors, see pages 61 to 66. ( WITH DASH-BOARDS Cylinder, {J;;; 7 inches. 12 inches. 8 inches. 14 inches. inches. 14 inches. 10 inches. 14 inches. Diameter of driving wheels Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base Total wheel-base ^8 inches. 16 inches. 4 ft. 8 in. 8 ft. 3 in. 30 inches. 18 inches. 5 ft. in. 8 ft. 9 in. 33 inches. 20 inches. 4 ft. 6 in. 9 ft. 3 in. 33 inches. 20 inches 4 ft. 6 in. 9 ft. 3 in. Length over all Height over all Total weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two -wheel radial -bar truck Capacity of saddle tank Weight per yard of lightest steel T rail advised 15 ft. 6 in. 9 ft. 5 in. 19,000 Ib. 14,000 Ib. 5,000 Ib. 200 gals. 16 to 20 Ib 16 ft. in. 9 ft. 9 in. 23,000 Ib. 17,000 Ib. 60001b. 2.!,0 gals. 23 Ib 17 ft. 6 in. 10 ft. in. 28,000 Ib. 2L500 Ib. 6.500 Ib. 325 gals 30 Ib 17 ft 6 in. 10 ft. in. 3l,5001b. 24,000 Ib. 7,500 Ib. 400 gals. 30 Ib Hauling capacity on a lev- el, in tons of 2,OOO Ib... 350 tons. 425 tons. 525 tons. 625 tons. To compute the hauling capacity on any practicable grade, refer to Table I., page 47. NOTE. -Refer to page 4-6 for explanation of hauling capac- ity; for regular work motors should be used at one-half to two-thirds of their full capacity, and the lesser proportion is advised. For actual performances, see WORKING REPORTS on pages 92 to 94. PITTSBUEGH, PENNA. 43 BACK-TRUCK MOTOR. (WITH SADDLE TANK.) This design may be built with pilots, or with dash-boards, or without either ; and with or without side-flaps, as preferred. For a more complete description of construction and details, and for practical hints for operating our motors, see pages 61 to 66. (WITH PILOTS, WITHOUT SIDE-FLAPS.) ( diameter 10 inches. 16 inches. 36 inches. 22 inches. 5 ft. 3 in. 11 ft. 3 in. 19 ft. in. 10 ft. 3 in. SoOOOlb. 28.000 Ib. 7,000 Ib. 500 gals. 30 Ib. 12 inches. 18 inches. 40 inches. 24 inches 5 ft. 9 in. 11 ft. 9 in. 19 ft. 6 in. 11 ft Oin. 43,000 Ib. 35,000 Ib. 8,000 Ib. 750 gals. 35 Ib. 14 inches. 20 inches. 44 inches. 26 inches. 6 ft. 3 in. 13 ft. in. 21 ft. in. 11 ft. 3 in. 54.000 Ib. 44,000 Ib. 10,000 Ib. 900 gals. 40 Ib. Cylinders ] JJJJJe Diameter of driving wheels. Diameter of truck wheels Rigid wheel-base Total wheel-base Length over all Total weight in working order Weight on driving wheels Weight on two-wheel radial-bai Capacity of saddle tank r truck 4 275 300 316ft 3-45 350 375 400 450 500 n 88 78 69 64 54 47 42 40 . .. 37 33 . 30 25 24 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13^ 18 12 11 10% 10 TABLE II. FOR LOCOMOTIVES WITH TENDER. GRADES. PERCENTAGES. On a level the hauling capacity is 100 per cent. 1 foot per mile 94 2 feet " 90 3 " " Sfi ' 5 " " 8 " " 78 69 i M (I M 10 " 15 " ' 20 ' 25 l 4 26ft ' ' .. 30 l 35 ' " 64 54 46 41 39 36 32 40 ' 45 ' " 27 50 ' l 52ft ' 55 ' * 60 ' l . 25 24 23 21 65 ' 70 " 20 18 75 " 80 " 85 " 90 " 95 " 100 " " 105ft " " . . 110 u " 120 " 130 " ' 132 " l 140 M 150 " 158ft u * 160 " ' . . 170 " " 180 || || 190 " .1 200 " 211ft" " 17 16 15 14 13 12 .'' ;..'.'." 10 9 7^ ...'.'.'.'.'. 5 225 ' " 250 ' " 264 l " 275 * 3 300 g | || 2 350 " " 375 " 400 " 48 H. K. PORTER & CO., DIRECTIONS FOR USING THE PRECEDING TABLES. I. To compute how many tons a locomotive can haul up a grade. With the description and illustration of each locomotive, pages 4 to 45, is given, in tons of 2,000 Ibs., its hauling capacity on a level with a refer- ence to Table I. for saddle-tank locomotives, or to Table II, for locomo- tives with tender. Referring to the proper table, find the grade, and note the percentage given for it. This percentage of the hauling capacity on a level will be the number of tons which the locomotive can haul up the grade. EXAMPLE I. What is the hauling capacity up a grade of 300 feet per mile of the 9x 14 cylinders locomotive, page 26 ? Page 26 gives the hauling capacity on a level for this locomotive 550 tons. Table I. gives 4 as the percentage for a 300 feet grade. Four and one-half per cent, of 550 gives (disregarding fractions) 25 tons as the hauling capacity of this locomotive on a 300 feet grade. EXAMPLE II. How much can the 12x16 cylinders locomotive, page 16, pull up a grade at 50 feet per mile ? Page 16 states the hauling capacity on a level at 800 tons. Table II. gives 25 as the percentage for a 50 feet grade, and 25 per cent of 800 is 200 tons, the hauling capac- ity on a 50 feet grade. II. To select a locomotive of suitable power for any required work. Add 50 or 100 per cent, to the regular work to be done, according to the margin of surplus power desired and for allowance for imperfections of track, cars, etc. (See explanation on page 46.) Refer to Table I. or Table II., as the case might be, for the percentage for the given grade. The regular work to be done, as above increased, will then be this per- centage of the locomotive's hauling capacity on a level ; and the capacity on a level is found by multiplying by 100, and dividing by the rate of percentage. The locomotive may then be selected frojn the catalogue according to the nature of the service and the hauling capacity on a level given for each locomotive. EXAMPLE. It is desired to haul a load of 150 tons of cars and lading regularly up a grade of 50 feet per mile. What is the smallest saddle-tank locomotive advisable ? Adding 50 to 100 per cent, to 150 tons gives 225 to 300 tons. Table I. states 26 as the percentage for a 50 feet grade ; 225 multiplied by 100 and divided by 26 gives 866 tons, or 300 multiplied by 100 and divided by 26 gives 1,154 tons. A locomo- PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 49 tive of 866 to 1,154 tons capacity on a level is thus indicated, and the catalogue gives a choice between page 24, 12 x 18 cylinders ; page 23, 12x18 cylinders ; and page 21, 12 x 18 cylinders ; and it might also be noted that if the load or grade could be slightly reduced, or if the grade were so situated that it could be to a consider- able extent overcome by the impetus of the train, a 10x16 cylinders locomotive would be available. MEMORANDA. These tables may also be used, when the hauling capacity of a locomotive on a given grade is known, to compute its hauling capacity on greater or less grades. Also when a locomotive's capacity on a given grade or on a level is known, to com- pute the steepest grade up which it can haul any desired practicable load. When an elevation is to be overcome it is often possi- LOCATING bte to secure the greatest economy of operation by GRADES. retaining an easy gradient as long as possible and then introducing a steep grade, which may be over- come by the momentum of the train ; or the train may be divided on the grade, or an extra locomotive may be used as a pusher. On very steep grades, say over 300 feet per mile, EXCESSIVE a we t or slippery rail, or very hard running cars, or GRADES. other difficulty, may reduce the load an engine can haul in greater proportion than on less grades. It is possible to haul light loads up 600 feet per mile grade with our locomo- tives ; but, from the above reasons, and also on account of the difficulty of controling the engine and train coming down, about 450 feet is about as steep for long grades as is usually practicable. For very heavy grades, engines should be specially designed. Attention is also called to the Table on page 50 which will show at a glance without requiring any calcula- NEXT PAGE. ti n the power of locomotives of different weights on all practicable grades. This table, although not abso- lutely exact, is very nearly correct and very convenient. 50 H. K. PORTER & CO., - qi ooo'os qiooo'6* qi ooo w qiooo'i qi OOO'OF qi ooo'ge qi 000'98 qi ooo'ra qi ooo'ss qi ooo'os qi ooo'ss qi ooo'gs g qi ooo'ts qi ooo'ss qi ooo'os qi ooo'si qi ooo'gi qi ooo'si qi ooo'oi *qt ooo'8 qiooo'9 S POUNDS WEIGHT WHEE H faX) - ^1 Cl< PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 51 SPECIAL CAUTION. In using the opposite Table it must be borne in mind that locomotives ought not to be worked regularly at over one-half to three-fourths of their full power according to circumstances ; also that for saddle-tank locomotives it is safest to reckon the driving weight with the tank about half full ; also tender must be counted as a part of the train, and to be exact in case of engines with trucks the weight on the truck should be deducted (on this basis some designs could not ascend the steepest grades even without any train). The weight of train is given in tons of 2,000 Ibs. , and includes the weight of cars and their loads. The friction of cars is not to exceed 8 pounds per ton ; the cylinder power and size of driving wheels are supposed to be properly proportioned to the weight on driving wheels ; the track is to be straight and in good order, and the speed no faster than the engine can haul its heaviest loads. The weight on driving wheels is the total on all driving wheels, and the Table applies to 4 or 6 driver locomotives. PRACTICAL ILLUSTRATIONS OF USE OF THE OPPOSITE TABLE. Weights on driving wheels are noted at the top of the table, and grades from level to 11 per cent, at the left hand. EXAMPLE I. How much can a locomotive with 20,000 Ibs. on drivers haul up grades of 4 per 100 * At the intersection of the 20,000 Ib. column and the 4 per cent, grade line is the figure 35, which is the weight in tons of 2,000 Ibs. (including cars and loads both) that the locomotive can haul up the grade, and say 18 to 27 tons would be right for daily work, or less for a locomotive with separate tender. EXAMPLE II. How much weight on the driving wheels must a locomotive have to haul a train of 40 tons up a grade of 5 per cent ? The number of tons on the 5 per cent, line nearest to 40 is 41 tons, which calls for 32,000 Ibs. on the driving wheels ; and for constant work on a long grade, working the engine at about two-thirds to three-fourths of its full power, there should be, say, 40,000 to 46,000 Ibs. on the driving wheels. EXAMPLE HI. If it is desired to haul 50 tons, with a locomotive having 12,000 Ibs. on its driving wheels, how steep a grade is possible ? The Table gives the answer, If per cent., or 92^ feet per mile, the 50 tons being found at the intersection of the If per cent, grade line with the 12,000 Ibs. column. But for regular work a long grade of about 1 per cent, would be the steepest usually advisable. 52 H. K. PORTER & CO., DIFFERENT METHODS OF DESIGNATING THE SAME GRADES. Engineer's Method. Y in 100 or J4 of 1 per cent. J^ in 100 or ^ of 1 " % in 100 or % of 1 " 1 in 100 or 1 iy% in 100 or 1^ " 2 in 100 or 2 2^ in 100 or 2y 2 " 3 in 100 or 3 334 in 100 or &A " 4 in 100 or 4 41^ in 100 or 4J " 5 in 100 or 5 , " 5^ in 100 or 5^ " 6 in 10D or 6 " 6^ in 100 or 6J^ " 7 in 100 or 7 71^ in 100 or 7^ " 8 in 100 or 8 8*4 in 100 or 8^ " 9 in 100 or 9 9J4 in 100 or 91^ " 10 in 100 or 10 English Method. 1 in 400 1 in 200 1 in 150 1 in 100 1 in 66g 1 in 50 1 in 40 1 in 33i 1 in 28* 1 in 25 1 in 22| 1 in 20 1 in 18 T 2 i 1 in 16 1 in 15ft 14? American R. R. Method. 13ft feet per mile 39ft 52ft 79ft 105ft 132 12* = 1 in 1 in 1 in 1 in 11^ 1 in lli 1 in lOftj = 1 in 10 184ft 211ft 237ft 264 290ft 316ft 343ft 369ft 396 422ft 448ft 475ft 501ft 528 To reduce grades stated in per cent, (or feet rise per 100 feet of length) to feet per mile, multiply by 52 T ^. EXAMPLE. 3 per 100 (or 3#) is equivalent to 3x52ft=158 r % feet per mile. To reduce grades stated in the English method (or one foot rise in a certain number of feet in length), divide 5,280 by the given number. EXAMPLE. A grade of 1 in 20 is equivalent to 5,280 divided by 20=264 feet per mile. To reduce grades irregularly stated, as for instance, a rise of so many inches in a number of yards or rods or feet to a grade stated in feet per mile, multiply the rise in inches by 5,280, and divide this amount by the length of the grade in inches. EXAMPLE. A grade of 5 inches in 1 rods, multiply 5,280 by 5=26,400 ; divide by 297 (the number of inches in 1* rods)=88ft feet per mile. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 53 EASY METHOD OF MEASURING HEAVY GRADES. Of course, the proper way of determining grades is by surveyor's instruments. But where the grade varies many times in a distance of a few hundred feet, it is quite as important to know the maximum as the average grade. In such cases it is sufficiently accurate to use a straight edge 100 inches long, and levelling it with an ordinary spirit level, to measure in inches from bottom of straight edge to top of rail. This gives the grade in per cent., which can be reduced to feet per mile by multiplying by 52.8. A few trials in different places will readily deter- mine the ruling grades. On very low grades this method is not practi- cable, but it is useful on most of the roads where our special service engines are running, the grades varying from 1 to 10 per 100. CURVES. THE RESISTANCE OF CUKVES is very considerable. The less the radius of the curve, and the greater the length of the curved track occupied by the train, the greater the resistance. The length of wheel-bases of engine and cars, the condition of rolling stock and of the track, and the rate of speed, all influence the resistance, and there is no formula that will apply to all cases. R E DUCTI ON In practice, many engineers compensate for curves OF GRADES on grades at the rate of two one hundredth* of a foot ON CURVED in each hundred feet for each degree of curvature, TRACK. the grade being stated in feet per hundred. EXAMPLE. If a 20-degree curve comes on a grade of five feet per hundred the grade is reduced 20xdhj=& of one foot, which, subtracted from the original grade of 5 feet per 100, leaves 4& feet per 100 as the compensated grade on the curve ; or, in other words, a grade of 6 feet in the hundred coming on a straight track offers the same resistance as a grade of 4 T 6 5 feet in the hundred coming on a 20-degree curve. Where the grade is stated in feet per mile the equivalent reduction for each degree of curvature is l T (j- inches, or 200 feet 1*4 inches, which is the radius of the curve. The formula is thus stated, A B 2 + B D 2 BD =R Or applied to the above example, 120 2X =2,401^ in. =200 ft. DEGREES OF CURVATURE. The simplest way of designating railroad curves is by giving the length of the radius (distance from centre to outside of circle) in feet. Civil engineers designate curves by degrees, a one degree (1) curve having a radius of 5,730 feet, a 2 curve a radius one half as much, a 3 curve one third, and other degrees a proportionate fraction of 5,730 feet, as shown by the following table : Degrees. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Feet Radius. Degrees. 5,730 18 2,865 j 19 1,910 20 1,432 21 1,146 22 955 23 818 24 716 I 25 636 26 573 27 521 28 477 29 441 30 409 382 31 32 358 337 33 Feet Radius. 318 301 286 273 260 212 206 197 191 185 179 174 169 Degrees. Feet Radius. 163 159 155 150 147 143 139 136 133 130 127 125 122 119 117 114 56 H. K. POETER & CO., ELEVATION OF OUTER RAIL ON CURVES. No rule can be given that will apply to all cases for elevating the out- side rail on curves. The gauge of track and kind of traffic, and design of locomotives and cars, all need to be taken into consideration, as well as the rate of speed. On many standard gauge roads good results have been attained by elevating the outer rail one quarter inch for each degree of curvature. The corresponding elevation for 36 inches gauge would be about one eighth of an inch for each degree of curvature. For the comparatively slow speed at which most of our special service and freight locomotives are generally run, and especially on the extremely sharp curves com- monly used, a very much less elevation of the outer rail will be sufficient, and an elevation of 4 to 7 inches for standard gauge, or of 2 to 5 inches for narrow gauge, is probably about the extreme limit needed even on curves of 30 to 80 degrees (or say 200 to 75 feet radius). RAILS. We would generally advise for our light locomotives the ordinary ~[ section of steel rail. The lightest weight of steel rails advisable for the VE RY LIGHT \)Qst economy for each size and style of our locomo- RAILS NOT tives is given in the descriptive text with the illustra- tions. The same weight of iron rails can be used, but ECONOMICAL. nQt IQ gQ ^ QQ ^ ^vantage, an( j stee i ra j] s ^y tne j r greater durability and reduced price have driven iron rails out of the market. It is possible to use lighter rails than we have advised for our locomotives, but it is the best economy to use a rail heavier than is abso- lutely necessary. Light rails should be made with broad heads as possible, as a very narrow head wears grooves in the driving-wheel tires, We do not advise strap rails, as they require more expensive track, cost nearly the same as J rails of the same capacity, and are hard to keep in order, and dangerous on account of snake-heads. We have known of light T rails being laid on stringers, and successfully used, instead of heavier T rails on cross-ties. Reversed point spikes are required, and the stringers should be tied across at their top faces by cross pieces let in to ,prevent rolling or spreading of gauge. STREET For city streets, when T rails are not permitted, RAILS. probably the best rail is the Johnson rail made with a deep flange. WOODEN RAILS. We have built a number of locomotives to run on wood rails, for various gauges from 30 inches to 60 inches, for lumber-mills and other private operations, and also for narrow gauge railroads. We have thus had considerable experience with wooden rails of different patterns and of different kinds of wood. The best wood is maple, laid with the heart up ; PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 57 SIZE OF hard pine is used in the South. The simplest form of WOOD RAILS, wooden rails is a stringer cut in 16 to 20 feet lengths, and of such cross section as the kind of wood or weight of engine requires. Five inches square is the size rail we would gen- erally advise, although 5 inches face by 7 inches depth is better. Four inches face by 6 inches depth will answer for our smaller engines, if the wood is good ; for large rails 4 feet between centers of cross ties will answer, and for lighter rails 2 to 3 feet between centres. When worn out on top the rail may be reversed, and when again worn out may be used for ties. The ties are easiest fitted and laid if made uniform, and of about the same size lumber as the rails ; 6 inches square TIES FOR i s heavy enough. Any cheap lumber not especially WOOD RAILS, liable to decay will do. Ordinary hewn ties may be used, but not being uniform are less convenient for cutting out recesses for rails. They should be at least 3 feet longer than the width of the track between rails. The ties must be cut out accu- rately and uniformly to receive the rails. The recesses should be about 3 inches deep, and be at the top face of the tie one inch, and at the bottom of the recess 1| inch wider than the rail. The inner faces of the recesses are perpendicular, and the distance between them is the gauge of the track. The bottom of the recess should be level, and ties laid welt to afford proper bearing for the stringer. WEDGES. Wedges made of any cheap wood, or better, of ends of stuff left from rails, are driven on the outside of rails. They are made of right shape to fit the space left ; the reason for making this space wider at the bottom than at the top is to keep the wedges from working up, so that the rail may be held securely in place. Although our locomotives, especially the designs on pages 20, 39, 35 and 37, are well adapted to wooden rails, we advise steel rails as more desirable and cheaper except in first cost. Wooden DISADVA : ra -j g waste p 0weT> are very slippery in wet or freezing TAGES weather, require constant repairs, and necessitate very OF WOODEN slow speed. BAILS. I D some cases it may be best to use them until they earn enough to pay for steel rails, and in the Southern lumber districts where the grades and loads are light and the tracks shifted frequently, it may be well enough to use wooden rails. A light logging locomotive is a very great improvement over animal power whether on steel or wooden rails. Pole roads are, in our opinion, unfit for operating POLE ROADS by steam. Our experience has been that any one UNFIT FOR having enough business to justify the use of a locomo- STEAM tive cannot afford to cripple his whole plant for the LOGGING sake of saving the cost of a track, and that anyone who decides to use a pole road will want a locomo- tive too cheap to be worth having. 58 H. K. PORTER & CO., GAUGE OF TRACK, THE GAUGES WE BUILD FOR. The gauge of a railroad is tlie distance in the clear between the rails. Our locomotives are built to suit the gauge of track allowing the proper amount of side-play between the wheel-flanges and the rails. A " three foot gauge locomotive" is one adapted to a track with rails just 36 inches apart, and the wheels measure 35)^ inches between flanges. (For the necessity of widening the track on sharp curves see page 54.) We build our locomotives for all gauges of track within reasonable limits, and have built for over 50 different gauges varying from 20 to 72 inches. While we are just as well prepared to build for wide as for narrow gauges, we do not build any but Light Locomo- tives and our largest cylinders are 14 inches diameter. We have built locomotives with 9^ inches diameter cylinders for 20 inches gauge, 12 inches cylinders for 30 inches gauge, and 7 inches cylinders for 72 inches gauge. Correspondents frequently request "prices for both narrow and wide gauge engines," and sometimes for 24, 30, 36, 48 and 56^ inches gauge, under the impression that the narrower the gauge, the cheaper the locomotive. A very wide gauge is undesirable for a very small locomotive, and an extremely nairow gauge involves modifications in design which increase the cost of all but our smallest sizes ;_ but except for such extreme cases there is no difference in pi*ice between a wide gauge and a narrow gauge locomotive of the same design and same size of cylinders. The metre gauge (39% inches) is common in foreign countries. There are a number of roads at home and abroad of 42 inches gauge. Plantation tramways in Spanish countries and steel mill tracks in this country are often 30 inches gauge. For copper, silver and other mines 20 to 30 inches gauge is often adapted to save cost in under-ground work, and similarly narrow gauges are often desirable throughout the yards and buildings of manu- factories. Many operators of bituminous coal mines prefer a gauge of 40 to 44 inches, because it admits a desirable shape and capacity of mine cars. Street railways are quite commonly 60 or 62^ inches gauge and no change of gauge is needed when animal power is abandoned for our Steam Motors. Odd gauges of track are frequent for private and local roads, because some whim or trivial reason determined the gauge at the COST OF NARROW GAUGE AND OF WIDE GAUGE LOCOMOTIVES SPECIAL GAUGES USED FOR SPECIAL PURPOSES. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 59 start. In some instances the saving of a few dollars in buying second- hand equipment of odd gauge has resulted in an extensive system of odd gauge railway and a very great subsequent outlay to change the gauge. The "narrower gauge" of 24 inches has been recom- mended as the best gauge for short roads for freight and passenger traffic and is entirely practicable. But except for some mill or mine tracks the 24 inches gauge has no advantages and has some disadvantages as compared with the 36 inches gauge. Theie is no SYSTEMS saving in cost of construction or operation, no gain in efficiency, and the power and the variety of design practicable for locomotives are limited by very narrow gauges. There are also various "no-gauge," "peg leg," "saddle- bag " and similar systems requiring si ill greater modifications and without any recommendations that we know of unless their novelty will induce curious people to invest in them. While our locomotives for all gauges of track are ODD GAUGES thoroughly efficient, and we have overcome all mechani- U N D ES I R- ca l difficulties in adapting them to very narrow gauges, very wide gauges, and all odd intermediate gauges, we ABLE believe, unless there are exceptional reasons to the contrary, that our customers in planning new roads will serve their own interests best by adopting either the regular narrow gauge of 36 inches or the standard wide gauge of 56% or 57 inches. Equipments of odd gauge cannot be obtained or disposed of promptly. COMPARATIVE MERITS OF NARROW AND OF WIDE GAUGE. The principal advantages claimed for narrow gauges are adaptation for sharp curves and steep grades, lighter rails and equipment, and cheap- ness in cost of construction, also better proportion of paying load, less wear on rolling stock, and cheapness of operating. Two surveys are often made for a proposed road, EFFECT OF one f or an expensive wide gauge with heavy rails and GAUGE ON rolling stock over easy grades and curves, and the CURVES AND other for a cheap narrow gauge with light rails and GRADES. rolling stock over steep grades and sharp curves. Over very mountainous country with heavy cuts ami fills, and especially with a great amount of hill-side work, the excess of cost of grading due to the diiferencein gauge of track may be an import- ant item. But over ordinary country the same grades and curves, and rails and equipment of the same weight may be used for the wide gauge. Our estimates of cost per mile of track on pages 83 and 84 apply to either gauge. The narrow gauge admits sharper curves, because the wider the gauge 60 H. K. PORTER & CO., the greater the amount of slipping of wheels in passing curves ; but prac- tically this is too small to consider unless on curves too sharp to be desirable on either gauge for ordinary purposes. Sharper curves are commoner on narrow gauge because smaller locomotives are generally used. The resistance of gravity and the power of a locomotive on grades are just the same, no matter what the gauge of track maybe, but some features of usual practice make a slight difference. The wide gauge in- creases the weight enough to be appreciable in the case of very small locomotives ; short wheel-bases on wide gauge have more tendency to crowd against the rail ; a train made up of a few large wide gauge cars has less friction and may be easier to haul than a narrow gauge train of the same weight made up of a larger number of lighter cars, but the narrow gauge train is easier to start by taking up the slack. Our figures of hauling capacity apply equally well to all gauges, and other condi- tions than gauge of track will determine in each case the most convenient loads for daily work. When the narrow gauge system was first agitated it GAUGE OF was ar g uec i that wide gauge cars could not be built as TRACK AND light as narrow gauge and carry the same load. Wide PAYING gauge cars have since been re-modeled so that in actual LOADS practice there is no marked difference between the two gauges in the proportion of dead to paying weight. The principal objections urged against narrow gauge are : top-heavy rolling stock with limited speed and power ; and transfer of freight and passengers. Our narrow-gauge locomotives, both with tender and GAUGE AND with g^ie-tank, are not in the least top-heavy, and SPEED AND have frequently attained speeds of 30, 40, and even POWER nearly 60 miles per hour. If more power is needed than about 18 inches diameter of cylinder, the wide gauge is preferable, though not necessary. Transfer of freight and passengers may in some cases be unobjectionable, and may be desirable even BREAKING when not made necessary by difference in gauge. GAUGE. There are a number of successful systems for transfer of freight without breaking bulk. But the need of interchange of cars, and the advantage of a uniform gauge, have led to the widening of many narrow-gauge roads, both " feeder " lines and competing lines, even where the traffic was easily within the capacity of the narrow gauge. The question of gauge of track is of much less practical importance than the question of PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 61 LIGHT RAILROADS, Our locomotive* are the best motive power for a very great variety of roads where a heavy expensive road would be impracticable, mechanic- ally or financially, and where reliable service is desired at a moderate cost of construction and operation. When the work to be done is within the limits of a 16 to 25-lb. rail the narrow gauge may often be preferable, as in the case of many contractor's tracks ; plantation, coal and ore roads ; and some logging roads and light motor lines. When anything heavier than a 30-lb. rail is needed, as may often be the case with con- tractor's, logging, suburban and motor roads, the standard gauge is usually more desirable. For a very large proportion of roads for which our light locomotives are used, there is but little choice between narrow and wide gauge except as special conditions may exist in each case. All the advantages of the narrow gauge system are also secured by light railroads of standard gauge, but when connection is made with trunk lines a 30-lb. rail is necessary to carry the cars, and usually nothing smaller than a 10 by 16 cylinders locomotive is advisable. STREET RAILWAYS, AND RAPID TRANSIT AND "DUMMY" MOTOR LINES. We offer our noiseless Steam Motors, described on pages 32, 33, 42, 43, 44 and 45, as affording, in great variety of size and design, the least ex- pensive and most desirable motive power, both as a substitute for animal power on city streets and for many local passenger purposes for which animal power is wholly inadequate. Our motors are simple and durable in construction, and without objec- tionable or complicated devices. The general design and quality of work and material are in no respect inferior to the best locomotive prac- DETAILS OF ^ ce> no CO S S > gears, upright boilers, or gas pipes for conveying steam being used. The patent noiseless CONSTRUC- exhaust used is effective and durable and placed where TION OF OUR it is not in the way or liable to be injured or get out of order ; it converts the usual intermittent noisy action of the steam into a continuous, quiet flow, without back pressure. The expensive, cumbersome condensing arrangement used on foreign " tram way's engines " is found unnecessary in our own more practical country, as with the patent exhaust, no steam is notice- able under ordinary working conditions. Smoke is avoided by the use of anthracite coal or coke fuel. About 8 to 12 pounds of anthracite coal per mile is usually sufficient, although in some cases with heavy loads and steep grades, 15 to 20 pounds per mile is used, and very much de- pends on the engineer. Crude petroleum fuel can be used with special appliances, but in addition to mechanical difficulties it is too expensive. The machinery of our motors is enclosed in a cab so that they resemble horse-cars or railway-cars so nearly that no difference is detected at the 62 H K. PORTER & CO., first glance. The motor cabs are substantially built and handsomely finished, and roomy and conveniently designed ; glass sash is arranged to drop all around, and at the front end reaches to the floor ; hinged trap doors in the cab floor give opportunity for oiling the machinery in motion ; and the fuel bunker is of ample capacity and handily placed. In all our motors the engineer has a good look out and full control of all valves and levers so that the motor can be stopped or started instantly. The motors without pony trucks, described on pages BEST DE- 32 and 33, are best adapted to slow speed, as is usual SIGNS FOR where the road is wholly on city streets. The smaller CITY STREETS sizes, say 7 x 12 and 8x 14 cylinders, are ample for haul- AND SLOW ing on ordinary grades one to four cars : and the larger SPEED AND sizes are desirable for hauling a number of cars up STEEP steep grades. The rear-tank design described on page GRADE. 32 has the dome, engineer's seat, valves, levers, etc., placed centrally and gives the most perfect outlook in all directions. The saddle-tank design, page 33, more nearly resem- bles a street-car, and permits the shortest possible length over all, and the position of the tank over the boiler does not interfere to any objectionable extent with the engineer's outlook, except for the largest sizes for which a fireman would generally be required. The motors with back- truck, described on pages 42, BEST DE- 43 and 44, are best adapted to work requiring a com- SIGNS FOR bination of speed and power. The small sizes are POWER AND useful for hauling a limited number of street-cars SPEED where, for part of the way at least, there is an oppor- COMBINED tunity for considerable speed, and the larger sizes are desirable for suburban roads, hauling longer trains and heavier cars. The designs described on pages 42 and 43 carry the water in a saddle-tank over the driving wheels, and thus have the great- est power that can be secured in combination with the easy motion and speed afforded by the pony truck. This position of the tank is not ob- jectionable in the smaller sizes, but interferes with the engineer's outlook for the larger sizes enough to make a fireman desirable. The design described on page 44 gives a perft ct outlook in all directions, with a dome, engineer's seat, levers and valves placed centrally, with a very roomy, conveniently arranged cab, and is the most popular style. It is not quite so powerful and on extremely steep grades not so desirable as a saddle-tank motor. The motor described on page 45 has a pony truck at each end which makes a saddle-tank necessary to get sufficient weight on the driving wheels. It is not the best design for very heavy loads and very steep grades, but is the fastest possible motor, and very well liked by roads using it. For all of our motors with pony trucks we use a SHARP special patented truck which enables them to pass CURVES curves very easily, and to work constantly on curves that most railroad engineers would pronounce imprac- PITTSBURGH, PENNA. ticable. Our 12 x 18 cylinders motors with backtrack are at work on' quarter circles of considerably less than 50 feet radius. Our Motors are constructed to run equally well in either direction, and with entire control and good outlook by the engineer running forward or backward. The best rail for our motors is a steel T rail of suitable weight, as this allows the usual depth of wheel flange and width of BEST RAIL. wheel tread, and dirt and stones cannot rest upon it. When city ordinances forbid a T rail the best rail is the Johnson street-rail, and the deeper patterns are preferable. We make the tires of our motors to suit any special rail that may be used. Various "combined" motors and cars, in which the car and engine is contained in tLe same machine, have been tried but COMBINED have proved deficient, and are now almost out of date, M OTO RS. an d superseded by the separate motor. The combined car and motor has the merit of taking up the least pos- sible room. But this arrangement cramps the machinery, compels the objectionable vertical boiler and a wheel base too long for ordinary street curves, makes the car too rough to ride in or else too shaky for the machinery, and annoys passengers with the vibratory motion of the engine, and the heat of the boiler and the smell of oil. Thus the car and engine are both spoiled, and, in addition, any repairs to either lays both up. Various machines operated by compressed air, or by COMPRESSED amm onia and other volatile chemicals; also steam AIR, SODA. motors, condensing and using the steam over again, or FIRELESS arranged for charging with fresh steam, or for renew- AND OTHER m S tne steam by hot soda reservoirs; also coiled MOTORS spring motors, thermo-motors, and many other in- genious contrivances have been invented, and an- nounced as the coming motor about to revolutionize railroads, and then have been abandoned as failures. Thus far only two adaptations of mechanical power for street railroads have any real claim to be consid- ered rivals of steam motors, viz., electric systems and cable systems. The latest and, perhaps, the most popular substitute ELECTRIC f or di rec t steam power is electricity. There are a MOTORS. great many systems of electric railroads with overhead "trollies" and dangling wires, or with "conduits" for underground wires ; also storage batteries carried on the motor. These roads have proved the mechanical possibility of hauling street cars up very steep grades and around sharp curves, and at a good rate of speed by electricity, but have at the same time made evident the great and, perhaps, insurmountable difficulties of satisfactory and economical continuous operation. The storage battery seems to be the most desir- able electric system, because it avoids obstructions in the streets and dan- gerous naked wires ; but even when enough battery power is used to make the weight undesirable the power is limited, except at the risk of its speedy destruction. Until some absolutely new discovery, the expense 64 H. K. PORTER & CO., ' of the storage battery makes it only an interesting experiment without any commercial or practical utility. Except in a few cases where water power is utilized, electricity for street use must cost more than the direct application of steam. The reasons for this are the excessive cost of maintenance and of inter- est on the permanent plant, and also the immense waste inseparable from every conversion of power into electricity and back again into power; because, whatever else electricity may be, it is not power, but only a means of transmission of power. Financial reasons are in our opinion decisive against electricity, but, in addition, is the more important matter of danger to life and property. Almost every American street is already encumbered with a network of wires for telegraph, telephone, fire-alarm, or police-patrol purposes, and for electric lighting. The naked wires used for every practicable electric motor system may at any moment, by mere contact with any other wire or conductor, divert a current fatal to life and destructive to property. On account of frequent groundings and other mishaps peculiar to electricity, travel by electric motors is liable to indefinite stoppage at any time without notice, and there is already some demand for steam motors as a reliable reserve power for electric- roads. Unless apparent impossibilities are accomplished, we believe that electric motors, which, because of the popular demand for novelty and readiness to believe anything not understood, are often easy to introduce, will, by calling attention to the need of some cheap and reliable power, increase the sale of steam motors. The cable road is the only system which in any considerable number of cases is preferable to steam motors. Its positive application of power saves the room needed by any separate motor depend- CABLE ing on rail adhesion, and also is adequate for a very ROADS. heavy business, and inclines impracticable for other systems can be ascended at fast speed, and any extra rush of travel can be accommodated promptly by merely attaching more cars to the "grip" car. If the business is large enough and the distance not too long, these advantages may overbalance the immense cost of the cable system, the astonishing waste of power, the rapid wear of the cable, the danger of accidents, the damage to the streets by slot-rails and man- holes, and the stoppage of the whole line inevitable in case of accidents or. repairs for any part of the line. Our steam motors are valuable to cable roads for use on extensions and also as a reserve ready to use in case of need. The separate steam motor is not only the least ob- DECISIVE jectionable, most serviceable and least expensive system ADVANTAGES for street railroads, but in one most important respect OF STEAM it differs from all other systems and is preferable to MOTORS them. There is no outlay for any battery of station- ary boilers, engines, power house, dynamos, compres- sors, overhead poles, wires, underground conduits, cables, man-holes, slot rails, torn-up streets, and no interference with telephone, electric PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 65 light, and telegraph wires, sewers, gas and water pipes, etc. The steam motor only needs to be fired up and run, and this can be done without interrupting horse-car service. The "experiment" only involves the difference between the cost price of one motor and what it can be sold for as a second-hand machine, instead of many thousands or hundreds of thousands of dollars. The principal obstacle, and in many cases a suffi- cient one to the use of the steam motor on city streets, is one which applies in greater measure to other appli- cations of mechanical power. Where horse power in crowded streets is fast enough the greater speed of steam cannot be used ; and when horse-power is able to haul any loads to be hauled the greater power of steam is of no advantage. In such cases, although the steam motor is more economical and the outlay but little greater, conservatism will ad- here to old and well-tried methods and be slow to abandon horse-power. As compared with other systems the steam motor makes no more noise than most horse cars, cable roads or electric motors, and in general appearance is no more liable to objection. The principal obstacle to be overcome is popular prejudice, and the best way to overcome this is to run a steam motor a short time. PRINCIPAL OBJECTION TO STEAM MOTORS. SUBURBAN RAILWAYS AND MOTOR LINES; HOTEL AND EXCURSION ROADS. The movement of city populations toward their suburbs is in an in- creasing ratio every year. Horse-power is too tedious, fails to meet the requirements, and is too expensive. Any advantages that cable or electric roads are sup- posed to have for short runs disappear as the length of the road is increased. The utility of the steam motor is on the contrary more evident as the run grows longer. When city ordinances and ignorance prevent the use of steam motors on the city streets we advise their use for the out-of-town part of the run. Our motors are useful and money-making on extensions of electric or cable roads where the great expense of these systems and the amount of business offered would not justify these systems. Land companies may, by building a "rapid transit " line at a moderate cost, put their property on the market at great profit, and have, besides, a good paying investment in the road. Proprietors of sum- mer resorts, watering-places, hotels, excursion and picnic grounds, often find their business limited by the difficulty of transporting any large number of people in a short time. STEAM MOTORS WITHOUT COMPETI- TION FOR SUBURBAN SERVICE. MOTOR LINES AND REAL ESTATE. 66 3. K. PORTER & CO., This difficulty can be solved satisfactorily by a light-equipped " dummy " line. In most cases where the season is short or the business irregular, sometimes very light and sometimes very great, Ihe best economy is to lay a rather light rail, and not to use motors excessively large but of medium power, and to have one or two motors and a proportionate num- ber of cars in reserve for special occasions. Roads of this character are not only profitable to the owners, but are also a great public benefit. Suburban roads need not cost, exclusive of franchise, land and buildings, over $3,000.00 to $6,000.00 per mile, and will earn as much as the suburban trains of existing main lines which have cost five or ten times as much. Even if suburban roads made no profits, they would often be worth their cost by securing rates and facilities independent of foreign or hostile managements. The gauge of track may be 36 or 56^ inches as circumstances may make the more desirable. For a great number of purposes unenclosed motors are more desirable than enclosed motors, and we are prepared to substitute cabs similar to those of ordinary locomo- tives, and at a considerable reduction in price. Motor roads are often built by men who are not personally familiar with the details of railroad machinery and management, but who can see that such roads are paying investments. We wish to urge upon capitalists and organizers of new motor lines the necessity of having not only good motors, good cars and good track, but also of having some competent, experienced railroad man, who will know how to keep everything in running order. The lack of such a man may mean failure and is sure to involve a loss of more money than his salary \\ ould amount to. On small roads running but one or two motors he may also serve as engineer. On motor roads the service is always severe ; mud, dust, sharp curves, uneven grades and constant stopping and starting demand good care of machinery ; small engines on short runs with frequent stops are expected to make a greater mileage than is made by large locomotives on long roads. It is very short-sighted policy for a motor road, after demanding and getting the very hand- somest and most efficient machinery with all the latest improved appli- ances, to let their motors and cars lie out in the weather without protec- tion or care. It is a very costly economy to hire the cheapest engineers, or to let the track get out of line and sunk into the mud or to jump trains over rails at crossings. SPECIAL SERVICE. Iron furnaces are usually so located that fuel, limestone and ore, FURNACE or meta * or cinder, must be moved to and from dif- AND CINDER ferent P arts of tn e works. Here the cost of wagon LOCOMOTIVES naunn g on dirt roads is so excessive, that a rail track, either wide or narrow gauge, as may be most convenient, is essential to economy and successful competition. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 67 the work is more than three animals and drivers can do (see pages 77 and 78), a special service locomotive (see pages 26, 34, 38, 22, 40 and 41) is required, and will very soon pay for itself. At Bessemer steel works these special service locomotives are used for hauling hot ingots from the converter, and have proved so useful that This cut shows one of our 9x 14 cylinders locomotives on the cinder bank of the Chestnut Hill Iron Ore Co., Columbia, Pa., and unloading cinder cars by the patent steam attachment of Mr. Jerome L. Boyer, Reading, Pa. (See page 125 for work- ing report and description.) they are now an established part of the plant. It is also practicable to haul molten metal a distance of several miles from blast furnaces to the converting-house, instead of casting and re-melting STEEL-WORKS the pig iron. Our smaller special service locomotives LOCOMOTIVES. are a ^ so useful in hauling hot blooms to the rolls in rail-mills and other large steel-mills. For hauling ingots, hot metal, cinder, etc.. the locomotive cabs and other parts usually of wood are made of iron to endure the exposure to the intense heat. When the locomotive works inside of the mill under cover the cab may be omitted and a long coupling bar used. (See pages 40 and 41). It is well to select a larger locomotive than absolutely necessar}' for hauling hot loads, as the cars are heavy and clumsy, and the oil often burned off of the car journals. Our locomotives are used for handling fluid metal, ingots, blooms, etc., through the following large steel works : North Chicago Rolling Mill, Union Iron and Steel Co., Joliet Steel Co., St. Louis Ore and Steel Co., Pennsylvania Steel Co., Scranton Steel Co., North Branch Steel Co., H. K. PORTER & CO., Midvale Steel Works, Otis Steel Works, The Edgar Thomson Works, and Homestead Works of Messrs. Carnegie, Phipps & Co., Ltd., Linden Steel Co., Jones & Laughlins, Ltd., Pittsburgh Steel Casting Co., Messrs. Miller, Metcalf & Parkin, Messrs. Oliver Brothers & Phillips, and at over fifty iron-mills and blast furnaces. Many large manufacturing establishments have found it the best economy to use our special service locomotives for moving raw and fin- ished material through their works. When a track of 24 to 36 inches gauge is used for connecting the different departments, our smaller sizes of special service locomotives described on pages 26, 38, and 34 are often- est used. When a standard gauge track is adopted, and usual freight cars moved, larger locomotives are desirable, either the larger sizes of pages 26, 38 and 34 or some of the sizes on page 24. These locomotives are used at copper and silver smelting works, iron, gold, silver, copper, fire-clay and phos- phate mines ; cement, lime and building-stone quarries ; at brick -yards, and at manufactories of cars, car-wheels, tires, plate-glass, sewing-machine?, mowing and reaping machines, threshing machines, wooden ware, etc., and are adapted to many other purposes, of which no detailed account can be given. GREAT VARIETJLP.F MANUFACTUR- ERS USING OUR LOCOMOTIVES. RAILROAD SHIFTING. Engines unnecessarily heavy are often used for shifting where our larger sizes, described on pages 24, 21, or 23, would do the work as well, and at less cost. These engines are very compact and powerful, start their trains quickly, and work on steeper grades and sharper curves than ordinary railroad shifting engines. The process of shifting cars by animals, or by a gang of men with pinch bars, is a most inconvenient extrav- agance, as is -also any dependence on railroad com- panies for occasional use of shifting engines. In such cases, without counting the gain in time, comfort and convenience, it does not take long for our locomotives to save their cost. ECONOMYOF OUR SHIFT- ING ENGINES. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. CONTRACTOR'S WORK, Contractors who have any considerable quantity of rock, mud, or earth to move, can do it most economically by our special service loco- motives, such as are described on pages 20 to 26 and 34 and 38. The gauge of track for contractor's tram-ways may be narrow or wide as most convenient. Narrow gauge is best where the plant needs to be shifted often, nnd some contractors prefer 30 or even 24 inches gauge for this reason, and use very small locomotives and cars. Usually there is no advantage in anything narrower than 36 inches gauge. When stand- ard gauge cars belonging to the railroad can be used for grading to good advantage, 10x16 cylinders is usually the smallest size locomotive desir- able. Otten when narrow gauge is used, the heavy rails intended for the finished railroad may be used instead of lighter rails. ECONOMY OF Qur contractor > s locomotives, or two if the CONTRACTOR'S haul is long or grades steep, will keep a steam shovel LOCOMOTIVES busy. ^ P avs lo use a locomotive even for hauls as 1 short as 500 or 1000 feet. Compared with animal power, our locomotives save their cost many times over ; compared with other locomotives, they are efficient and durable and will stand hard usage 24 hours per day constant use six days per "week with reasonable care. In case of accidents our locomotives are only laid up, if at all, long enough for a telegram to reach our shops and supplies expressed to reach destination. Our contractor's locomotives have proved useful in the construction of the following large works : The United States Government Works at Muscle Shoals, Yaquina Bay, Columbia River Cascade Locks, and the Mississippi Rapids near Keokuk ; The Panama Canal ; the Hoosac, Musconetcong, Pittsburgh Junction, Hoboken, Baltimore and other tun- nels ; the Northern Pacific Railroad, both in the laying of the first track and in the completion of the Cascade Tunnel ; the Montclair Railway ; Canada Southern R. R. ; West Shore R. R. ; South Pennsylvania R. R.; Illinois Central New Line ; the improvement of the Pennsylvania, Balti- more & Ohio, and Shore Line railroads ; the deepening (and subsequently the filling) of the Providence Cove, the filling of the South Boston Flats and of the Potomac Flats ; the Hiland Reservoir at Pittsburgh, the new Reservoir at Washington, and the Croton Aqueduct. Reports of the workings of some of these locomotives may be found on pages 110 to 125. 70 H. K. PORTER & CO., COAL ROADS. When coal is sent to market by water it is generally best to run the mine cars to the water, and sort and ship the coal in one operation. Where coal is shipped by rail it is usually cheaper to extend the mine *road than to build a branch of the wide-gauge road several miles to the mine. The excess of the cost of the wide gauge over the narrow gauge, on which the mine cars are hauled by a light locomotive, like those shown on pages 22 or 26, would often be enough to pay for the entire rolling- This cut shows the Tipple for shipping bituminous coal by river. The coal is hauled from the foot of the incline or from the mine by a locomotive and is dumped into flat boats. The nut coal and lump coal are separated by screens and loaded and weighed into different boats. When coal is shipped by rail the flat cars are loaded by a similar arrangement. stock of the latter. The best results are obtained when loaded cars go down and empty cars go up grade. When the locomotive has brought its loaded train to the tipple or breaker, it should find an empty train ready, and when this empty train has been brought back to the mine it should be exchanged for another loaded train without delay. At each terminus there should be two tracks, one for empty and one for loaded trains, and the grade should be so adjusted that the cars may be handled by gravity. The exercise of a little foresight in the location and details of such a road, with reference to economy of handling and shipping, may, with little or no addition to the outlay, save a large amount every year. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 71 COAL MINES. In adapting our locomotives to inside use in mines difficulties were encountered and overcome. The grades and curves are usually exces- sive, and the rails light and often wet ; considerable power is required in a very contracted space ; dry steam must be obtained with low steam- room ; even where the head-room is not enough for a man to stand upright, the locomotive must be provided with a comfortable place for the engineer, with everything placed conveniently within his reach and control. The dimensions of openings and weights of rail required for different sizes and styles of mine locomotives are given, with the illustrations and descriptive text on pages 28, and 30. We advise the larger openings as giving the best and most economical results. In hauling under ground, as in outside hauling, animals cannot com- pete with locomotives in economy and efficiency. The table of compara- tive cost is given on page 77. The principal objection against mine locomotives is, that the smoke is injurious to the miners. Its best answer is an actual test properly made. Experience makes mine locomotives popular with miners, since, if annoyance is felt from the smoke, the ventilation of the mine is shown to be defective, and the mine operator, to secure to himself the advantages and saving obtained by the use of the locomotive, must secure to the miners a proper supply of pure air. Thus the locomotive not only has done no harm, but has pointed out an existing danger, which was the more hurtful because imperceptible. Bituminous coal is better than anthracite, and coke is worse than either. Even where mines are badly ventilated a mine locomotive does good, rather than harm, since by its passage through the entry, a draught is made, which expels the foul air and smoke together. It is only necessary to supply the mine rooms with fresh air independently of the main entry, which is the best and simplest method of ventilation, whether a locomotive is used or not. As no two mines are exactly alike the arrangements of details of ventilation will vary ; but the one thing essential is to use the entry where the locomotive works 72 H. K. PORTER & CO., for the out-current of air and not for the in-current. A furnace or a fan may be used as may be most convenient. For tunnels open at each end natural ventilation is usually sufficient. Our mine locomotives are in use in the anthracite and the bituminous regions of Pennsylvania, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Georgia, Tennessee, Illinois, Iowa and Washington Territory. Some of them have been in constant use for ten years two and a half miles underground and very seldom coming out into daylight. Reports of some of our mine locomotives are given on pages 126 to 131, and the different sizes and designs are described on pages 28, 30, and 81. COKE OVENS. The manufacture of coke from bituminous coal for use in blast furnaces, iron and steel mills, and also in the form of crushed coke for use in dwellings, has developed so that the ovens can no longer be charged in the old-fashioned way by cars drawn by mules. Our light locomotives described on page 41 are especially constructed for this work, having sheet-iron cabs for protecting the engineer, and they haul one to five larries at a trip, charging 100 to 300 ovens per day, according to the size of the locomotive and the grades and distance. The gauge of track is usually 56% inches, and very sharp curves are often necessary. The double-row system of ovens is the most convenient, with the track laid between the ovens and with larries with a spout on each side ; but the old system with the track over the centre of the ovens can be used. It is cheapest to use a heavy rail of 50 to 60 pounds per yard, bearing on pillars, and not to have the weight of the locomotive and larries rest on the ovens. When heavy rails are used the driving wheels of the locomotive may be solid chilled iron, which are cheaper than steel- tired wheels, and do not require turning down, and for these reasons may be preferable. A locomotive with 7x12 cylinders is generally amply powerful for coke-oven service, and often a 6 x 10 cylinders locomotive is sufficient. The locomotive may also be utilized for shifting the usual railroad cars for loading. In some cases it may be desirable to use the same gauge of track on the ovens as for the mine cars and haul the mine cars as well as the larries. A few reports of coke-oven locomotives are given on pages 110 to 125. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 73 LOGGING RAILROADS, Steam railroads with proper locomotive and cars, furnish the cheapest and most reliable plan for moving logs from a timber track to the water. They are equally desirable in many cases for hauling logs to the mill or to a main line of railroad. The best gauge for most logging roads is 56^ inches, because wide gauge cars can have extra long bolsters and be loaded heavily without piling the logs high. For light logging roads with rails of 16 to 20 Ibs. per yard, the narrow gauge of 36 inches may be preferable. Odd gauges are to be avoided, as their rolling-stock cannot be bought or disposed of to as good advantage as for regular gauges. This cut represents a 7 by 12 cylinders locomotive hauling 17,650 feet of logs on 10 cars, 8 miles in 33 minutes, on a 20 Ib. per yard iron rail. The best rail is steel, of 16 to 40 pounds per yard weight, according to the work to be done. Instead of earthwork fills or trestles, imperfect and unmarketable logs may be built into cribwork for crossing swamps and other depressions. The rails are then laid on stringers, and reverse point spikes are used ; the stringers are tied across at their top faces to prevent their rolling, as explained on page 56. Our experience with wooden rails is also given on pages 56 and 57. A logging road should be equipped with enough cars for two trains, one to be loading while the other is on the road, so that the locomotive need not wait for cars to be loaded. The unloading can be done so quickly as to cause no delay. 74 H. K. PORTER & CO. Our locomotives are well adapted to this service. Those described on pages 26, 34, and 38 are often used, as they are the simplest and least expensive. The back-truck styles on pages 20, 21 and 39 are generally most desirable as they can make the greatest number of trips and also haul heavy loads. Pages 22 and 23 are preferable for excessively steep grades where power rather than speed is required. Pages 8, 12, 16 and 36 are desirable for extra long niEs. Logging railroads are generally so built that the service is very severe, and there are few places where it is so poor economy to use cheaply- con- structed locomotives. A large force of men and an expensive invest- ment may be rendered useless by the attempt to save a few hundred dollars in motive-power. Good mules are preferable to poor steam machines. The cost of hauling logs by our locomotives, includ- ing interest and depreciation, and all expenses, varies from about 30 cents to 60 cents per 1,000 feet, accord- ing to the length and general condition of the road, and the amount of business. The cost of hauling by horses with sleds over snow, or iced tracks, is usually $1 to $2.50 per 1,000 feet, allowing two to three trips per day. A lumberman dependent on sledding is liable to have his operations entirely suspended by a mild winter, and his money locked up for a HAULING LOGS. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 75 year at least. Meantime, his logs are depreciating in value, and are unsal- able when prices are the highest and the demand greatest. By building and operating a logging railroad, however, he may still reach the season's market, and afterwards carry logs all the year round. When prices are high the output can be doubled, without additional investment, by run- ning 24 hours per day ; or, on the other hand, when prices are low, and operations therefore suspended, all expenses are stopped. When timber has been injured by fire or windfall, it may be brought to market before it can be destroyed by decay or boring worms by building a logging railroad. The entire outlay for a steam logging road with steel rails is about 50 cents or $1 for each 1,000 feet of lumber readily reached by it. When the tract is cut off, the road may be moved to another tract at slight expense Under reasonably favorable conditions a logging rail- road more than pays for itself inside of a year. The investment is a paying one, even if the timber reached is cut off, and the road moved to open up another tract every year. Tracts, before considered of little value and inaccessible, may be utilized and worked to make even more profitable returns in proportion to the investment than lands held at a higher figure because more favorably located. Logging railroads solve the problem also of the economical and profitable production of lumber, where otherwise the cost of moving, as it increases with the length of the haul, leaves after each year's cut a diminishing margin of profit. This low cost of transportation enables "culled" or poorer grades of logs which by any other method of logging would be left to rot in the woods to be marketed with profit, and logs can be sold with a handsome margin at what are cost figures to operators hauling by animals. The advantages and economy of logging locomotives are by no means confined to immense operations. While our larger locomotives can put in 1,000,000 feet per week on a haul of 5 to 10 miles, our smaller locomotives are just as economical and almost as indispensable for any mill cutting say 15,000 to 20,000 feet daily and hauling logs or lumber over a half mile. Our locomotives are hauling logs in Pennsylvania, the Southern Atlantic and Gulf States, the Northern Lake States, and on the Pacific coast. The total extent of territory annually denuded of timber hauled by locomotives built by us is about 350 square miles. Our locomotives are also used for sorting and piling lumber in lumber yards, and for hauling sawdust and waste from the mill to a refuse burner. WORKING REPORTS are given on pages 132 to 147. 76 H. K. PORTER & CO., PLANTATION RAILROADS. In the West Indies, Mexico, Sandwich Islands, South America, and in our own Southern States, our light locomotives are used on plantations for carrying sugar-cane from the fields to the crushing-mill, and for shipping sugar and molasses, and for receiving fuel and other supplies. The gauge of track is usually 30 or 36 inches, and the metre gauge is sometimes used. The service is peculiarly difficult in several respects, and demands locomotives well adapted to the requirements. The soil is usually very soft, and in the rainy season the rails are sometimes hidden by the mud ; a light or portable track is often used for convenience in moving the road in the fields ; the road follows the contour of the surface of the country, and the curves and grades are frequently excessive ; the climate is very hot and moist, and good engineers are not alway obtainable. The Plantation Loco- motives on pages 34, 35, 37 and 14 meet all these conflicting conditions, as they are light, compact and powerful, and with their weight well dis- tributed ; the different parts are strongly made to stand rough usage, and the cabs are open to secure the comfort of the engineer. If desired, greater power may be gained by carrying the water over the boiler (as shown on pages 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 38 and 39), but plantation owners generally prefer the rear tanks. Wood, coal, gas-house coke, or the refuse dry-pressed cane, may be used as fuel. Plantation locomotives are applicable to any large farming operations, and, with such modifications as the climate and the conditions of the service may require, are just as capable of saving time and money in the great wheat-fields of the Northwest as in the plantations of the tropics. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 77 COMPARATIVE COST OF OPERATING ANIMALS AND LIGHT LOCOMOTIVES. The following calculations demonstrate that on an average where three animals and three drivers, or animals and drivers in different proportion, but at about the same daily expense, are used, it is cheaper to operate a light locomotive. From $5 to $6 per day, or $1,500 to $1,800 per year, is a reasonable allowance for the cost of operating a light locomotive, to take the place of 10 to 30 animals. It is not unusual for an engine to save its cost in less than a year. When, through strikes or dulness of trade, an engine is idle, it saves money as well as when it is busy ; only a few cents of white lead and tallow are needed for it, while mules, whether idle or not, must be fed. Cost per year of operating 3 mules and 3 drivers. Where Feed and Labor are at Low Prices. Average Prices. High Prices. 3 mules 1 feed, harness, shoeing, care, etc., for 365 days, each per day ... @33^c. =$365.00 @75c. = 675.00 = 36.00 @ 60c.= $657.00 @ $1.25=1 ,125.00 = 36.00 @$1.00=$1,095.00 @ 1.75= 1,575.00 = 36.00 3 drivers 1 wages, 300 days, each per day 8 per cent, interest, mules worth $150 each. Total $1,076.00 $1,818.00 $2,706.00 Cost per year of operating one of our light locomotives, capable of doing the work of 1 O to 3O mules or horses. Where Fuel and Labor are at Low Prices. Average Prices. High Prices. Fuel, 400 to 1,000 pounds coal, or ^ to % cord wood. Costs almost nothing at coal-mines, lumber mills, etc., per day . . Engineer's wages, 300 days, per day $30.00 @ 20c.= 60.00 $1 50 450 00 $100.00 @, $1.00= 300.00 @ 2 25 675 00 $200.00 @ $3.00= 900.00 @ 275= 82500 Boy to switch, couple, etc Interest, 8 per cent., say 60c.=180.00 250.00 @ 1.00= 300.00 250.00 @ 1.50= 450.00 250.00 Total $97000 $1,625.00 $2,625.00 There are a number of items which must be considered in a fair com- parison of animals with locomotives, which vary too much with each individual case to be noted in the table given above. A locomotive makes so much quicker time than animals, that fewer cars are required to carry a greater daily total of tonnage. This effects a reduction in original investment that may nearly amount to the cost of the locomotive, and also reduces materially the running expenses, 78 H. K. PORTER & CO., This reduction in the number of caj;s the engine, with quick trips, replacing a number of teams making slow trips reduces the number of turnouts needed. In one case one of our engines was mostly paid for by the sale of rails from extra track that was no longer of any use. The keeping up of a path between the rails for animals to work on, the renewing of ties worn out by constant tramping over them, is a vexatious expense avoided by the use of a locomotive. This item often amounts to one man's continuous time, or $1 to $2 per day. Even where a large sum is spent in keeping up a footway, the chance of accident and wear and tear of animals is greater, and the average useful life is less than that of a locomotive. The relative economy increases rapidly with the length of the road. On a track of a quarter of a mile or less in length, the locomotive, although much preferable, would not have so much advantage as on a road half a mile long. While it is almost impracticable to haul with mults much over half a dozen miles, freight can be hauled ten miles by the locomotive cheaper than by mules two or three miles. These incidental savings, which are not included in the table, will usually cover the additional cost if heavier rails are required, and also of any changes of grades, curves, mine headings, etc. , as may be advisable for the most economical use of the locomotive. We recommend that an engineer be also enough of a mechanic to do all light repairs and keep the locomotive in good order. With such a man, the item of repairs, unless the engine is over, worked, should not average for, say 20 years, over $50 to $100 per year. The amount of fuel used is also considerably dependent on the engineer. We believe a liberal salary to a good, competent engineer the best policy. Our system of standard templets enables us to express duplicate parts on telegraphic orders. (See page 1.) We believe that if parties who are doing hauling on tramways by animals will calculate for themselves the cost of operating, their own figures will show, more than ours, the advantages and economy of sub- stituting light locomotives. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 79 WEIGHTS OF LOGS AND LUMBER. WEIGHT OF GREEN LOGS TO SCALE 1,000 FEET, BOARD MEASURE, Yellow Pine (Southern) :. .8,000 to 10,000 Ib. Norway Pine (Michigan) 7,000to 8,000 Ib. i off of stump 6,000 to 7,000 Ib. White Pine (Michigan) i outofwftter 7>oooto ^ m ^. White Pine (Pennsylvania), bark off 5,000 to 6,000 Ib. Hemlock (Pennsylvania), bark off 6,000 to 7,000 Ib. Four acres of water are required to store 1,000,000 feet of logs. WEIGHT OF 1,000 FEET OF LUMBER, BOARD MEASURE, Yellow or Norway Pine Dry, 3,000 Ib. ; Green, 5,000 Ib. White Pine Dry, 5,500 Ib. ; Green, 4,000 Ib. WEIGHT OF ONE CORD OF SEASONED WOOD, 128 CUBIC FEET PER CORD, Hickory or Sugar Maple 4,500 Ib. WhiteOak 3,850 Ib. Beech, Red Oak, or Black Oak 3,250 Ib. Poplar, Chestnut, or Elm 2,350 Ib. Pine (White or Norway) 2,000 Ib. Hemlock Bark, Dry (1 cord bark got from 1,500 feet logs) 2,200 Ib. MEMORANDUM. When wood is cut in 4 ft. lengths, a pile 4 ft. high and 8 ft. long con- tains one full cord of 128 cubic feet. Wood for locomotive fuel is cut in 2 feet lengths and a pile of 4 ft. high and 8 ft. long is reckoned as a locomotive cord. For our small locomotives wood should be cut about 18 inches long. The fuel reports of our wood-burning locomotives are given in locomotive cords of 64 cubic feet. TO FIND THE SIZE OF RAIL NEEDED FOR A LOCOMOTIVE. Multiply the number of tons (of 2,000 Ib.) on one driving wheel by ten, and the result is the number of pounds per yard of the lightest rail advisable. This rule is only approximate, and is subject to modification in practice. (NOTE. If, as is often the case with four-wheel-connected locomotives, the weight on front and back driving wheels is not the same, the heavier weight must be taken.) TO FIND THE NUMBER OF TONS OF RAIL PER MILE OF ROAD. Multiply weight of rail per yard by 11, and divide by 7. This does not include sidings, and a ton is reckoned at 2,240 pounds. EXAMPLE. The number of tons of 28 pounds per yard rail required for one mile is 11 x 28=308 ; divided by 7=44 tons. The number of tons of 2,000 pounds required per mile is very nearly 1% times the weight per yard. EXAMPLE. 1% time gives 28 times 49 tons per mile required of 28 pounds rail. Rails are regularly sold by the ton of 2,240 pounds. 80 H. K. PORTER & CO., TABLE OF TONS PER MILE REQUIRED OF RAILS OF FOLLOWING WEIGHTS PER YARD. Weight Tons of 2,240 Ib. Weight Tons of 2,240 Ib. per yard. per mile. per yard. per mile. 16 Ib. 25 tons, 320 Ib. 35 Ib. 55 tons, Ib. 20 " 31 " 960 " 40 " 62 " 1,920 " 25 " 39 " 640 " 45 " 70 " 1,600 " 28 " 44 " " 56 " 88 " " 30 " 47 " 320 " 60 " 94 " 640 " RAILROAD SPIKES, MADE BY DILWORTH, PORTER & CO., (LIMITED), PITTSBURGH, PENNA. Size measured under head. Average number, per keg of 200 Ib. Ties 2 ft. between centres, 4 spikes per tie, makes per mile. Rail used, weight per yard. 5^x T B 360 5,870 Ib. = 29^ kegs. 45 to 70 5 X -$5 400 5,170 " = 26 40 to 56 5 x ^ 450 4,660 " = 23^ " a5 to 40 4J^x % 530 3,960 " = 20 28 to 35 A y L 600 3,520 " =17% " 24 to 35 4L^ X T ? ff 680 3,110 " = 15)4 " 4 x& 720 2,940 " 14% " [ 20 to 30 3^3 x / B 900 2,350 " = 11% " j 4 x% 1,000 2,090 " 10^ ll J- 16 to 25 3J4 x % 1,190 1,780 " = 9 3 x % 1,240 1,710 " = 8J4 " j- 16 to 20 ^ X% 1,342 1,575 " = 7% " 12 to 16 CROSS-TIES PER MILE, SPLICE JOINTS PER MILE, Centre to centre. Ties. 2 bars and 4 bolts and nuts to each joint. \Y% feet. 3520 Rails 20 feet long. 528 joints. 1% " 3017 " 24 " 440 2 " 2640 " 26 " " 406 2J4 " 2348 " 28 " " 378 2^ " 2113 " 30 " " 352 The length of rails as usually sold is 90 per cent. 30 feet long, and 10 per cent. 24 to 28 feet long, requiring 357 splice joints per mile. Weights of splice joints vary according to their length, and also the size of bolts. The general shape of rails, as well as their weight per yard, also controls the weight of splice joints. Splice joints are sold both by the piece and by weight. The average weight of splice joints (complete with 2 bars and 4 bolts and nuts) is as follows : For rails of 16 to 20 Ib. per yard, each joint weighs 5 to 6 Ib. " 24 to 28 " " " " 6 to 8 " " " 30 to 35 " " 10 to 12 " " " 40 to 50 " " 12 to 16 " " 56 to 60 " " " " 18 to 24 " PITTSBURGH, PENNA. xi WEIGHTS AND CAPACITIES OF CARS. * NARROW GAUGE. WIDE GAUGE. Weight of Weight of car. load. Weight of car. Weight of load. 8-wheel flat cars 8,500 Ib. 20,000 Ib. 16,000 to 18 000 Ib. 24,000 Ib. 8,500 Ib. i 30,000 Ib. 17,000 to 19,000 Ib. 28,000 Ib. 18,000 to 20,000 Ib. 30,000 Ib. 19,000 to 21,000 Ib. 40,000 Ib. 20,000 to 23,000 Ib. 50,000 Ib. 23,000 to 25,000 Ib. 60,000 Ib. 8 wheel box cars 10,000 Ib. 20,000 Ib 19,000 to 20.000 Ib 24,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 30,000 Ib. 19,000 to 21, 000 Ib. 30,000 Ib. 20,000 to 24,000 Ib. 40,000 Ib. 26,000 to 28,000 Ib. 50,000 Ib. 28,000 to 30,000 Ib. 60,000 Ib. 4- wheel coal and ore cars. . . 4,000 Ib. 10 000 Ib. 7,000 Ib. 16,000 Ib. 6,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 9,000 Ib. 20,000 Ib. 8-wheel logging cars 4,900 Ib. 12.000 Ib. 5,600 Ib. 20.000 Ib. (1,500 ft. of (2,500ft of loss.) logs.) 4-wheel logging cars 2,500 to 3,000 Ib. 10,000 Ib. 12,000 Ib. 5,000 Ib. 6,000 Ib. 1 6,000 Ib. 20,000 Ib. Passenger coaches 20,000 to 1 46 to 22..000 Ib. 64 passsngers. 35,000 to 44,000 Ib. 50 to 56 passengers. Coaches for motor lines, suburban railroads, etc. . . 9,000 ro 38 to 10,000 to 40 to 10,000 Ib. 40 passengers 14,000 Ib. 50 passengers seated; seated; 75 to 75 to lOOpassengers crowded. 125passengers crowded. Open excursion coaches 9,700 Ib. 70 passengers. 9,700 Ib. 70 passengers. 18,000 Ib. 90 passengers. One-horse car (16 ft long) 3,200 Ib. 4,500 Ib. 9,500 Ib. 16 passengers. 22 passengers. 40 passengers. Two-horse car (23 ft. long). . 8-wheel street car The average weight of a passenger is 133 Ibs., or 15 passengers per ton of 2,000 Ib. 82 H. K. PORTER & CO., MISCELLANEOUS, A bushel of bituminous coal weighs 76 pounds, and contains 2,688 cubic inches. A bushel of coke weighs 40 pounds. One acre of bituminous coal contains 1,600 tons of 2,240 pounds per foot of thickness of coal worked. Fifteen to 25 per cent, must be deducted for waste in mining. A cubic yard of loose earth weighs 2,200 to 2,600 pounds. A cubic yard of wet sand weighs 3,000 to 3,500 pounds. A cubic yard of broken rock weighs 2,600 to 3,000 pounds. Water weighs about 8% pounds per gallon, and one gallon contains 231 cubic inches. One cubic foot contains almost exactly 7^ gallons. Cast iron weighs about 1 pound per 4 cubic inches. Wrought iron weighs about one pound per 3^ cubic inches. The circumference of a circle is about 3 times its diameter. One acre contains 43,560 square feet. A square of 208^ feet contains one acre = 43,560 square feet. A square of 147ff feet contains % acre = 21,780 square feet. A square of 104ff feet contains ^ acre = 10,890 square feet. One square mile contains 640 acres. To find the number of gallons in a circular tank multiply the diameter in feet by itself, then multiply by the depth in feet, then by 6, and from this sum deduct 2 per cent. EXAMPLE. A tank 14 feet diameter and 9 feet deep. 14x14 196x9 = 1764x6= 10584 less 2# (= 210)= 10374 gallons. (This is very nearly exact.) PITTSBURGH, PENNA. ESTIMATES OF COST OF ONE MILE OF RAILROAD TRACK. Laid with steel rails weighing 16, 20, 25, 30, and 35 pounds per yard. The following estimates are for the track ready for rolling stock, not including survey, right of way, buildings, tunnels, bridges, sidings, etc. They are intended merely to give a basis for more exact calculations, and will require modification to conform to variations in prices of material, freight charges, etc. The item of grading is very variable, and the lowest figures for this are for easy country, or where steep grades and curves are used to avoid expense in grading. I. Cost of one mile of track with 1 6 Ib. steel rails. Rails at $32 per ton. Rails at $37 per ton. Rails at $42 per ton. 25/^nr tons of 16 Ib. steel rails At $32 - $804.57; At $37 = $930.29 " 2j^ c . = 44.50! " 2% c. = 48.95 " 18 " = 64.26 "20 " = 71.40 " 10 " = 264.00 " 15 " = 396.00 400.00: = 600.00 At $42 = $1,056.00 " 3c. = 53.40 " 22 " = 78.54 " 20 " = 528.00 = 900.00 1,780 Ib. of 3^ x$6 spikes 357 splice joints 2 040 cross ties Grading and laying track Total per mile $1,577.33 $2,046.64 $2,615.94 MEMO. Each $1 per ton variation in the price of 16 Ib. rails will make a difference of $25.14 per ton. II. Cost of one mile of track with 2O Ib. steel rails. Rails at $30 per ton. Rails at $35 per ton. Rails at $40 per ton. 31 A 6 A tons of 20 Ib. steel rails At $30 = $943.29 "2Mc.= 66.15 " 20 " = 71.40 " 10 " = 264.00 400.00 At $35 = $1,100.00 "2%c.= 69.83 "22 " = 78.54 " 15 " = 396.00 = 600.00 At $40 =$1,257.14 "2%c.= 77.18 "24 " = 85.68 "20 " == 528.00 = 900.00 2,940 Ib. of 4x/ B spikes. 357 splice joints 2,640 cross ties Grading and laying track Total per mile. . . $1,744.84 $2,244.37 $2,848.00 MEMO. Each $1 per ton variation in the price of 20 Ib. rails will make a difference of $31.43 per mile. 84 H. K. PORTER & CO., III. -Cost of one mile of track with 25 Ib. steel rails. Rails at $29 per ton. Rails at $34 per ton. Rails at $39 per ton. 39sWo tons of 25 Ib. steel rails At $29 -$1,139.29 " 2c. = 70.40 " 22 " = 78.54 " 10 " 264.00 500.00 At $34 =-$1,335.71 " 2J4c. = 79.20 " 24 " - 85.68 " 20 " = 528.00 800.00 At $39 $1,532.14 " 2}^c. = 88.00 " 26 " = 92.82 " 30 " 792.00 = 1,100.00 3,520 Ib. of 4xJ^ spikes. . 357 splice joints 2,640 cross ties Grading and laying track Total per mile $2,052.23 $2,828.59 $3,604.90 MEMO. Each $1 per ton variation in the price of 25 Ib. rails will make a difference of $39.28 per mile. IV.-Cost of one mile of track with SO Ib. steel rails. Rails at $28 per ton. Rails at $33 per ton. Rails at $38 per ton. 47irWtf tons of 30 Ib. steel rails 3,960 Ib. of 4J4x^ spikes. 357 splice joints 2,640 cross ties Grading and laying track At $28 - $1,320.00 " 2c. - 79.20 " 24 " -= 85.68 " 10 " - 264.00 500.00 At $33 -$1,555.72 " 2^c.= ' 89.10 " 26 " = 92.82 44 20 " - 528.CO - 900.00 At $38 =$1,791.43 " 2J^ c. = 99 00 " 28 " = 99.96 '30 " = 792.00 - 1,200.00 &O O-fG QQ <&ft 1 RA dtQ OQ.1 Oft MEMO. Each $1 per ton variation in the price of 30 Ib. rails will make a difference of $47.14 per mile. V. Cost of one mile of track with 35 Ib. steel rails. Rails at $27 per ton. Rails at $32 per ton. Rails at $37 per ton. 55 tons of 35 Ib. steel rails At $27 =$1,485.00 " 2c. - 79.20 " 26 " = 92.82 " 10 ' = 264.00 = 600.00 At $32 = $1,760.00 " 2^4 c.= 89.10 "28 " = 99.96 "25 " = 660.00 = 1,000.00 At $37 = $2,035.00 " 2^c. = 99.00 "30 " = 107.10 " 40 " = 1,064.00 == 1,200.00 3,960 Ib. of 4^xJ^ spikes 357 splice joints . . 2,640 cross ties Grading and laying track Total oer mile... $2.521.02 $3.609.06 $4.505.10 MEMO. Each $1 per ton variation in the price of 35 Ib. rails will make a difference of $55 per mile. PITTSBURGH, PENNA. 85 WORKING REPORTS. The following record of work done by our locomotives is taken from reports furnished by their owners, excepting a few cases where our traveling agent has made tests. We take this opportunity of acknowledg- ing our indebtedness to our customers who have taken so much trouble iu furnishing us with this valuable and unique information. These reports are not intended as a list of our locomotives in use, as a large proportion of our customers have never had a survey made and are unable to give the information. Many of these reports were made ten to fifteen years ago, and the conditions of service have been changed often meanwhile. In a few cases the same locomotive appears in the reports of different owners. The average performance, and usually the best work done in regular service, is given, and this is generally considerably within the full capacity of the locomotive. The regular work is in some reports very much in excess of the estimated capacity, and in these cases there may be extra favorable conditions for overcoming grades by momentum, or the locomotive may be worked harder than usually advisable. In no case where a special test has been made with track and cars in good order, has any locomotive failed to come up to the estimated capacity. These reports are not given as testimonials or recommendations, although we have an abundance of these, but our intention in presenting them is to give practical information, based on actual facts, instead of on theoretical calculations, as to the power, speed, daily mileage, and con- sumption of fuel and water of our locomotives ; and as to the grades and curves, the gauges of track, weights of rail and efficiency of different classes of roads on which light locomotives can be used advantageously. We have placed these reports in tabular form, grouping together similar locomotives, arranged according to the sizes of cylinders and the steepness of the grades. By this arrangement a comparison can be made at a glance of the work done under various conditions. While these reports are necessarily unscientific, we know of no other record of locomotive performances that can be compared with them for practical use. qi OOO'S jo suo^ ui mtui jo m*iaM. spunod ui .reo qo9 no puo-i spunod ui J-BO jo ,0. ef 9Iira J9d (J99J UI 9P13J0 '^99J UI 9AJUO ^S9djeqs jo snipea S9IIUI UI pBOJ JO q^SU91 J9d spunod ui nui jo ?q3|9Al seqoui SuiMOqs gS^j II it 11 vf d d fc s d d 9 d d 8 I 1 1 1 ta to n 1 1 2 S .s a 3 S_ 55 %3 II % HI H . II M H 00 00 H H 2., Sg s a-g !li( fW 3$ f liii if!! K! It rfsas M ^c2 -ag w ^ 3P4 o ^ 5 O B o ,^ 3 ^> ^> 7 95 05 S ri' sl ut qi ooo's spunod ui JBO qoBa uo p'-eoq of spunod ui JBO qoBa jo p'o" 55 oj auip auo ye pajn^q SJBO anui jad ^aaj ui apj) ^aaj ui a^ano (jssdj'Bqs saitui ui puoj pnsA" aad spunod ui IIBJ jo ?q3taAl saqoui ui ^O-BJ^ g g S Q PH Port Huds Clinton, La. ^ > M fi ^5fe ^^ n Haven R. R. . . . Muskegon, Mich So 2 1 t>^ 5-te 1^ S * gS : Sjj i^ "Srf ^1 ^ I an sfi 38 .9 ^^at*' 3^ii^ -w oo fa ajA^s SuiAvoqs aSuj sjapuijA'o jo azig M H 2 o i'SgSf'SS.a 5i*gi 5 *.S = *~ . .G *i Or-' .3 - H c 2 g.S gfc|se3*g -' 43 ^5 xj ^5 JO JO i i S S g 8 s a .2 a a a g g g rt^ CO i > : 5 5 PJ (4 pi s ri J :J ^ is. es CD 00 00 00 00 CO co co co s CO CO M H M H M H o 's Has hauled 4 p rying 520 p hauls freight. miles, burnin fuel, and u water per da Grade 1 mile in 12 months. d fastest 25 miles ] 84 to 168 miles, burnir engine wood per day o when running 168 mil s, 4 tanks of water, 2, al fuel daily. uled 35 cars=392 to 1,200 feet long, with . Usual s 30. *"! S- S* i . as in 9 ly. 3, inilea trai reve * > 3? J '3fl-2 M^mi bsiiF- lilsSfii S^&fe^-3 qi ooo's ?o SUCK, 12, hou cor hou 100 m Ibs. Has Gra =s3~ 88|FS Bllg^-SSlSl Usu 6 l ut 140 mi ex || ti N? 1 ? *^ 1 gl s spunod m JBO qoB8 ao PBO-I a a * spunod m a^o qoi?9 jo ^q^i 9iui^ 9uo ye papiBq SJBO jo agquin^j aad ^aej S 8 UI 9AJUO S ui PBOJ jo qjSugi S a a 03 03 03 a a a QO 00 i-l J9d spunod m trea jo ^qSpAi S9qoui ui JIOBJ^ jo 93nB) .a .a ^ "^ Q 1 * ai ,a I |Sfi S -e SI OD s ^" ^ s *"^ V ^^^ C3 s ""' I^S?! J'SS3t;iS's2S CSQ.-'S , , S $ rf^j? rt o2ol'2 < !=t sT af rf d d fe .s .s 5 - 2 ^ o S o W 1 " s 8 c l ' ^ "& ' 1 = co oc co s * S CO S S oo oo CO CO flg X M H H H K H N S S 0* 0* c* 0* o - "S " qi OOO'S jo suoi UI UIBJ^ JO spunod ui JBO qous no pOT spunod ui .TOO qow jo mi*RAl 111 I ci O W 1-1 1 I f .Q ^2 ^ S" 2" " 00" auii^ suo ys pamBq O -o I o -o I o oo fe oo,i3 QO 3 S llil fuel the Ill 111 *2 I* S|; x-J |18 rly. fee p Is , M "2.2 SO ~ 5 888 o< 8 ~> Ot Ot Ot Ot Ot Ot Ot X X X XXX X X t- i- r t- i> t- oo oo *}1W! 11 8 - 8 ftggggaH ^-go "PS. S,3$s W( T .rf^iis *ai pii 1^1 i: 8P8|*S - St s u ^ afSoi ^- !li.l a P in 1 Ji ^ ^-a^cssp^ 1 ^ 'S3 5..-^ ->.i 2 .Is^ass-irBwl-^^ qi ooo's jo suo + spunod ui j^o qo-ea uo p'BO'i spunod ui JBO qo^a jo ^qSi ami? auo > taiif!; |P*. S 1S I5KTO o~3 J s 3 . a "laaHpi ttMS* and down 5^ miles. ht car 45. irips ir:> de 26 trips o wice rs half y n. ec^ S Jill I ifii^C5 as 'qi OOO'g jo suoi ui urea:} jo 3q3.i9.Al c CO ^ cc. o o o I spunod ui j'BO qoB9 uo peoT; a" ;s" 1 spunod m JBO qo^a jo iqSp.Ai ^ ,jD ,O pO 9iuq 9no () papraq SJBO jo aaqran^ ^ -^Y~' gr; M J8d }89J UI 9pBJ) 49 4A 4A 43 M M H 53 QO O Q \fi S * w ^ '^99J UI 9AJUO (jS9davqs jo snip'ea CO OO O5 O ^ s Is sennz _M 5 W 03 aad spunod saqoui ' 1 Q tf as H < I I It 1 sl sSara sa- 19^1 H^I i-5& ss-: lai^ l^l JJ, ?- t. = ^ 5 = i > 2 isll a|g 1 8 !1 s K a m f I s ! e 3, Ibs. de. 44 ar fuel, 3 s tank on tanks day. S 1- ilflii I&S J5M8 B i'll!! a S*i|l als 1-11" 6 S W hauled 8 25 mi iles pe 8 b h 2 150 I f X * sS 81 OD *; "S --" w 5^ j- II 25 Ql OOO'S ,?o suoi spunod ui JBO qOB9 UO pBO-l I spunod m -S 8 8 JWO qoT?9 jo iqiteAY j> f TH ct -rti oo of 11 i o" 9tnn ano ^B pa^nnq * 1 o 1 1 S.TBO jojgqranjsi 01 8 2 gpui d d d e d H aad ^99j ui 9pea) ifi (>J CO C$ M lO g 8 S d s e d 4J 4-1 6 ^eda^qsjosmp^ 111 s O s 1 05 W CO w 4 1 sen m a a a a a at p^oa jo q;3a9T; o co eo CO 8 paraA" aad spunod ,0 ,0 jQ > ,c 45 ut irej jo ^q8i9M o n< cc i cS cS S9qom m Jiom; jo 83nu) H' ca d g i _g i _g i < g S , ^ w^ 8 1 Sf M^ g c3 ,-v a | L ^ ^ ^ Q _ ^ oo O 5_ o d o "M 2 00 OQ 00 ^-^ o o ^i 3 O CQ W CO 81^8 SuiAvoqs 92 m UIBJJ spunod m JBO qorca no p^oi I !!i! ! s-g o If Hi!! I i 3^ a-S* lassa-E 1 rikS 3& tf 23 II 'IS . m * saapui^o jo aztg m I ~ l~f o SSI 1 s ! 3^3 3 = u s p water, hours. uled spee per 3 "3 P u~ 383 i fiiilsi m siiia i i K R o B ff 03 * 00 09 09 00 DO 00 | I I 1 1 a X i 1 1 s s __ .0 jQ ^3 J3 >>2 A? _ ^ S s o 2 2 0> tf 53 S S S || 1 1 J { i 1 1 ft 8 o" o" 8 t-o* i 1 i i i "" 8 00 10 T< 8 d d d d d d d d i 1 1 R 1 1 d d d d d 1 1 1 i 1 S M a -9 9 4 09 S s s 1 s s S g iS 10 s ^ 00 00 i I i 8 .a .a o *s i c a a g C a a fl g yg W x ^ s s ' ^J aatch & Jordan R. Salt Lake, Utah. 75) rican Fork R. R. . . Salt Lake, Utah. 74) : !- ijf 11= |l 2 5 ville & New River I Danville, Va. (84) 1 a 2| |Q r 1 1 eRockR. R Rockland, Me. Bgj S2SSS S S3 CO X S CO H X X 00 x H X X o* 2 2 00 oo ^ 3 S 13 s2! 3 8 lie s .!*>> l *** H S1& 13 a S B ^ tlli ^ ^ |sll S K qi OOO'S jo suocj ui 5 S spunod ui JBO qo'ea uo p'uoi spunod ui J'BD jo sa^o jo J8quinjs[ aad ^88 j ui SP'BJO UT 8AJUO ui p'Boa 42 42 a a ad spunod ui IIBJ jo ^qSta^Y ssqoui .a .a 2 a It moor Iron C Wilmington, 1 o3 a -2 S^ja^ i i i s "i a s-S 3| Si 1 g 1 = rence Ore Co. ( Wampum, P 3uiAvoqs eS^j jo szig ad, ro y shift tSSkl*a B >> o 5 ^-s * M&Pli 11 .2"S i*l m s lo 5l|si S2 kg | o S 3 o >o 53 n ^ * S oa rs . 27 to out 800 hau y =2 S a b^ - 3 ia ls 6 cars"~55 miles daily mi 1 I . McFadden (cont Downingtowtl, Pa 8) rry Pa. arq New 5 S 2 8 & New River bbins, Tenn. ba. Sr. af *i |i ill qi ooo's jo suoj spunod ui JBO qo^a no p'-BOi i iitiBf ifitf!fljl|If spunod ui JBO qo-ea jo ;qS I I aad -jaaj ui ap^jQ g 2 laaj ut aAjno ^ d e' 43 ^sadJBqs jo snippy; 1 8 | 1 sanin 5 O3 a 1 1 11 a ui pt?OJ jo q^SuaT 3 f ^* ^ ^ TH O o pa^.C jad spunod X) ri J3 J3 XJ ,0 ui n^j jo iq^iaAi W TO S 8-8 S saqom ui 2{0'Bj^ jo aSnB) .S .9 i i .9 .S .S a o tl &. 5 '-2 ' oj : . a[^as 3uiM.oqs aS^j s.iapu[i^o jo azig CD 11 * * G, j- ' w i 1 i empty , excep rry ual iles per h ars. 66 mi uel, 2 tank plies, etc., are coming down ca slate each. U miles. with 2 s w aily. 1 w as hauled 60 tons. Usual 15, and best 30 miles per 66 to 138 miles, 1,500 Ibs. fuel daily. 16 cars. Usual 75 miles per da and 1 tank wat rip. 45, Ib 15- s I s .- i! > stf II O It i! "3 TO .5 3 gSS 1, "HIS! i ^8rfg> 1 zs s r, H-, o 53 2J.M2o g hi 2 i 'sqt 030'S jo suo + tl ; ui urea* jo +q2i9M O ! J r 1 I i spuuod ilii m iiii Ill ffi o to co w III. OS GO 00 'spunod UT JBO qcme jo ^q^pM s a a 00 s a s s "3 ^^ ^ Id CO e e 43 S "S 5g < ^ 4J 4. CM cw ct- J9d ^99j ui gp^ao ^ g .5? ^ % 00? tf TH T-l 0? M tf T-H J- CD cr 4 89J UI 9AJRO ()S9da'Bqs jo snippy; 8 B 8 43 1-1 T-( i-H T- S9qoui ui JiyBJ} jo 9'an^Q .a .s .a i X .2 \^ vs \ ^ ss s 8 S S o C8 a a ^ bo c o ' s M ' ^ 5 o E 0) ^ i g Q J O n 1 esne Coal Co. ... Pittsburgh, Pa. 5) >onlron Co 3) Michigan. DastleR.R.&Mim New Castle, Pa. 9) ont Nail Works. . Wheeling, W. Vt 6) >urgh Steel Castii 8) Dodge Coal Co. . . Fort Dodge, la. 8) on different trac s Bros Pottsville, Pa. 6) ^n rUfTAr^nt trnr> |3 I a a tic, 1 s a a E fi "-5 ^ CQ PH fo x5 **^3 cr ^^SuiMoqseS^j % a SI SI ^ s s CO o 50 SJ9pUIT^O JO 9ZI M M M M M S 5 ** OS o o . -- - - 1 I 3 = ll ~},S ?i III 1 If ills- Illi*?il!&l f I % | III I 411 ill i s use :ff I! J. re J O S. ? si ! 81 | Is: Uog'iSg^iri ^ CTJ a u 2 c 2 o - "08 o StJ|ll2S^o = . 3 ^1 i ^ g il KKZ* ll- 5 !!^ 3|gg- g| i -S-g |lal|& s lgih 3jsl g^ s | s SSK&S^ jllllS s o o a & w S 8 1 1 = = s" s 55 o ^r d d 8 5 s s a a I =5 5 !' |l i ^ ;3 in * k !l SI - i 15 =3? If -3 ICQ gS J.2 , c 5 ss M f to 2. o? h Pw 5"b 88 3 1 o 8S 388 I C 1 ^1 S S X M H S S S -5! a i 'Ql OOO'S JO suo^ si mil rflH iD'd cc Pl|* of 11 III!! f! s a _0 _0 S ^ el do 3 - o3 .a-d spunod ui J-BO qoB9 uo P^OI spunod ui J-BO qoB8 jo aqSi o SJBO jo jaquin^ * I faD -atira -S jad ^99J UI 9pBJf) S' s" " co oo g ce ~ ~ eg eg O O O O CO 50 CO CO S 2 rH CO saqoui i JIO'BJ^ jo 9Sr;-o .S .S . .2 . fc S .2' .9 i 5 SB f 1 g fe * |8 cs 1 :P jo 9zig p*~** ifp S2f8u .as* a *o a =!ii! i^2 e * i 11 5 si s 51 J ff "3 ^ y ?2?J' I ^ i Si ! 03 ? ^a 5 11*1 s * !i| ? & IP I i |2sl * s *1 ltf| t ^ *i 1= 1 S u : -s 1-1 4) 32 1 2^ o K*1 ^ -^ -C w* '.ll !!l! 58 II -V? 5>^o~- ; S- 00 * 3 3; 33 3^0 J- xi !**! s | . r . qi ooo's jo suo5 spunod m JBO qoB9 no p'wi ft spanod m of 8iup5 suo ys paineq SJBO jo aaquin^ 8JIUI aad ?98 j in fe 8 '598J UI 8AJHO a isadaijqs jo smp^H S8ITU1 jad spunod ui HBJ jo 5q3[8jW saqom .S ^ cS ll Q tf i * :a :s w 3 J*>s il Stf ^s 73 :g^ ^^,g Pi . PPi il St l M l Wo elphi g-oO si2 m . g 3 1 H a l ai^s 3uf,woqs a3e j s s M M c ^ ^ d d d d c 1 i 2 8 1 1 = to a S a 1 1 a' 1 1 S * 00 w H CO ^ ? | i i i CO | 1 CO S 1 d = d d a a 3 * f 8 % 8 i | : 6 1 f c nii-ril Coiba South America. 7) J, I -i _ r '- Phosphate mines. Charleston, S. C. 8) a & Mad River R. Arcata, Cal. 2) Pinckney, Jr Phosphate mines. Charleston, S. C. 9) ron & Steel Co. ... Cleveland, O. 8) Krosigk&Co Sugar Plantation. San Domingo. 8) ta Mining & M'f 'g Iron mines. Tyrone, Pa. 4) ow Bros Sugar Plantation, to Plata, San Dom 4) \ I 6 g d i 5 d j 3 I fg 1 8 J l* c _a ^ << o | J * | 3 S 8 8 3 S S S 1 c o o o o ^ X X M x H H x CO S 5 CO co Ql OOO'S jo suo; I |: |ijfi j|j. --B ^ ^1 r^ & ,CO O S O 'S, "t> SV^ V ft 03 ^3 2> H,q of ? ^ ^ ^ ^Sw'O IT "09 5 8 a 5Dbc.SS ^5i-S-3 ? q q-lpoo^ ** ai . P fe Sn-( U.'"*rg Q i w I a 3 3 spunod ui JBO qoB9 uo p^oq .c ,0 I I I spunod ui S co" of 9101^ 9uo ye pgni^q saso jo jgquinjs J9d ?99J S9IIUI ui PBOJ jo q^SuaT; paeA' J9d spunod ut ipja jo ^qS{9^V O.Q co etta o 1-1 T-l rl iS ggqoui ?! WNER AND L AND DATE REPORT Don J. Latimer. plantation. to Rico. Plantation Domingo. S* S^ M " ^O dl2 fl^lllif iriJI, S 5 - .rTS ^v at M**. ^5 ^^4J H l S 0) a S Pl an = s i: r A zl-C*s SI liili! 3 "25 O SJ .""* * : S .o oos-^ '<> *2|2 ria-cS^g S -,^^3bCoO iUs ,-3 Kfll* g 5i^ ~ ii 2x* < *3ti72 = =2 D jb 9 -K - s o - 3 'S H^S !r!i! 5 !! c!*sll :<&llJ[al ii if mi 5 SOQWO oS ! 1 \M 'gs* t- CO CO vg 00 8 1 8 8 S" S ' ' ^ JS a 8 o 1 j S 9 S 5 S" > t>r S" *o 1 1 n | I I i i o* o eo ct o i! es"" 1 2 1 11 ills B S i S S : 3 S : :* : i i 5 .D .0 jQ 5 i i 1 i 1 a .2 d .s .a Co.(Ltd.) Works, ^a. | 8 II s ill u ^5 "-^~ 6*r a" ||| | | |i| C0"a5^3 ^ 3 ^i O fill ^ 33g fS|l^ =j S ~K "^4 6 I flT3 -^ ii j Sill -* and r mi st f er a ** -.g* lea da 4 t he ld >$ ! be :i iP^ m:1! fi*f 4*1 ifS *? s s ;j gl |l:| | s|| ^g .s=o-a! ^ ??:: tj.s-a-;? a 73 ^^fe^ ^lllt ] 8 e " s "!ll 1i !> W i^ W c3 C^2 g inc w = S_.0 gSQ w &' S=' 1 s5 !? ! 5 lii2a Ji ^SSss ^ss.b-is 33 111 |S 111 all ! l1 sqi OOO'S ?o suo^ ui urea} jo cjqSpAi spunod m o ec 'spuno ui JBO qoB8 jo ^qS auii^ euo ye pam'eq sa^o jo J9qranj>i J UI 9AJHO S9IIUI pa^if J9d spunod S9qoui o 1 1 g .S 1 "!. 9l^s SaiMoqs 93j; g jo 9zig Ji ^jp^ j?=a 5 "I 2 1] $& BIS'S sfe -5300 2% f!% J-So|fl 03 i. M q S2^ * r gfi^lirJl . a : I||l^:ilJlSlilii [J3^>3ess5 < g 5jS5rf4,eJS btc ^ KgJB.C'^f -o a w T1 K eo ?H co 1-1 ^ S a JD ^ K S S O i 00" ~" 5 .0 .0 .d .a ^5 s 1 i Ji i ^ 00 o8acT o" g i i i i i i I s 05 a* 2 o 03 d d d d d +3 d d 15 9 3 S S 2 g 12 d d ; d d 1 S 1 1 J3 S i a s i f * 53! tO &? ^ 1 to S ?l i i 5 .0 i ' a 5v ^ d c 1 .S d i a 1 - Fairmont Coal & Iron Co Coal mines. Fairmount City, Pa. (1884) Brown & Cochran Coke works. Broadford, Pa. (1888) St. Mary's Coal Co....'... St. Mary's, Pa. (1884) Julian Fishburue Phosphate mines, S. C (1884) Mount Carbon Co. (Ltd.) Coke works. Powellton, W. Va. (1888) Rose Mining & M'f 'g Co. Phosphate mines. Charleston, S. C. i $ rf g II iizf 3 c Eliza Furnace Pittsburgh, Pa. (1881) i l 1 = | S 5 3 JV 5! fe | ?* <3* O* ex t- t- t- i~ t* t- II r/r-3 if 11 S-->? a, ^ e C ti as o3 *<*3 S-0 l=! = 1 Is Si 5 all sll HI is g s QT OOO'S jo suoi spunod ui JBD qO'B9 UO p'wi spunod ui auin 9iio ^B S.IBD jo a^quinM 9IIUI 9I UI 8 ui pBOJ J9d spunod S S S S9qout UI 3[OBU(} JO 9SnB) 9t^s SutAvoqs gS'Bj ^ ^M pj ; W-2 S'^'g osiS " g-g^ JJ^^S^^ -c ( (2 ^ . ^ " W 6 >jl af II ;s t s *fiM IP! 4 iiPi I IK - g-5-g L5^"3 S a o^a* | s^"' 83 ' ^ o' I & =: 32 Q*- 3* 5 a a 3 - ^ > a 3 S d r _ p. is a SS 3 Sa s ?! S d d i 5 eral ruac ,.fc 0--a *S i** i^ lit |l njt 9?O **S |I1 "S 1 5 SJ! K 1|S 6 C S 5 tati Te llfl SB ?l! 5 2^ 5 1 SI *3^| S ^s 2^fl W e 3 s ^ 2 3 v~> ^ as 55 i^C ' o* 9> X X nailM $ o I ~ES 1 Ql OOO'S jo suo; m urea? jo iq2i9Al 353 spunod ui spunod ui auo qoB9 jo iq2i9A grail QUO ye pamraq J9d 43 43 43 -ta Tf "* O O CJ99J UI 9AJRO ui p^oa jo q^Suei J9d spunod ui ire a jo iqSia^Y S9qom 1 I g. P * tf 03 03 M a a a NJt CO \ s a' a' 2 i- *S II tation Cuba. '91^8 3uiAVOqS 92^ J 5 -ss fgssfg-is! x ^S-s^lSiS =' 2 a * 1,1*1*1 i si ? i!ii! PI s I U i fpljiJ] (| 8 ! i! ChHift li -' ; i!M It l! if*! Ilil J! ?as I s1 5 "" 1 |s S iSSa 8 ! e3 3|-. 1 i i 1 1 i * i $ s QD 4,000 !*>>. 1 s 2 i I i | A 4 s S g .0 1 8 || " ~ 9 1 i S i i l s OS o " d d d d d d d N s 8 8 S 1 i d d d d i g 8 1 I a * rf 00 s s s s S g s & S i * S 05 M i i .D i i ?i ,a i i d a .s d d d .2 5 8 g s g ^ A 6 S 1 ; g a ; r" % ^a 03 O "S"M k II III S ^ M 9^ I.: ti ja $ || 1 & Iron Co ore mines. nok, Va 1*3 P| ^s ^ ^ ill E d ^ u 11 o5~cl 2 S 2 |6 1 7> -1 c S r. C OH CO H N i O s s S5 S s s s *j X M TH X H 3O 00 SP 00 S? 00 00 qi ooo'? jo stun Ul UJBJ^ spunod ui JBO qoB9 no p^oi fl S- 1 s IE ^ ! 1! S ' 3 - 1 r^ 1 ft i c. s spunod ui JBO qoraa jo iq2i9A\ ; grarj. auo ys pain'Bq SJBO jo aaquinK 9ym aad ^99j ui apBJO '399J UI 9A4RO ^S9da-Bqs jo smpi?g fe JS 2 8 g g 8 OS CO CO O S9IIUI ui p-BOJ jo q^Suaq; a a CO TH pjBi" J9d spunod saqout 8 JS 91 ^s SuiAvoqs eSBj 1^ !^ S* :s rt 0> O S Is f! I^JL *P s'l if 4 3 3^ aS> 1 i| o^ ^g 2g o| 4.c3_ a?J/-vfl _ jj Q sM *~ P| C o ^S W la g ork, switching. Has 33 tons up same grade. i=-- . &^j -~i^ m cu itM II I s Ijjjlf !s-P ll iillfi ilj lll-S 1 1 JS4 iS Iff ;! (1 irf. 5 '3 *O T3 . jilili |i les 51 SSI t rf e d o *o QO OO = B S rfvj 4 BIS 1 ~~ ^ 8 I ' 3 ' &a z.'-'r. 2f 111 |3 |a ^|^ 5' >, -gfe P^tf: 2 S Se i ^ 2 "-'a il G S S w w 8 T -r - T* - * Tf CS ^ x y. M X X H ^ f oo oo X X op i 5? i? * 3 f t I i f II . jo spunod m reo qoBQ uo P'BOI spunod ui JBO qot?8 jo iq3i <*f d" .0 .0.0 J3 I gl I awn ano cju pom^q | g SJ'BO ~" 8IIUI 88 | || cjsed.i'Bqs ui p^oa spunod j 5 uf tl^a jo aq JO 8Sni3) ATE ORT. L s *% M. min dal oneC. Co Meye 5) ons. Mining Copper min Ducktown, Te ^ S3 ^S cc uo "5 &z i ft o ! B O ^ O H O . fl - 0'3Q O '^fl ^9 & ^So a A t2 )fl ^^ i* l.o Peterson New Washi III ^1 ?W fc i Iffl i "w a^s SaiAvoqs aSej % % % 5 S $ -pa.,,0,0^ s X 00 CO M CO T(l X X Tt* 91 * H CO M QO S'g^ *-3 fiSgS * ^ w si : 1-llf ^ lo1' l Wi! P 3 ^.^3 O _ S gfr rs weighing 20 2,000 Ibs. coal ter daily. Full Ml II ^STSS o= i *<-. . gSol I fi 3 fgSg, go - 81-52 ^ "5 5rjj fe i:l E SIRS Jf *i|I Cl l^i ' E 1?2^ ll l.lfl-3 1 ng Hi ll li 1 !^ IfCi re s a 03 a w5 t 5^ O ti O c3! tJC ^3 x> oo C 1-1 8 ^j 6 x> 2 a a i ~ | i i ! 1 8 CO ^ 2 ** 2 i C S i i i a I o *" 7-1 o s s - eo in * d d d d d i d ^ d 2 I | 1 i SI O w^ s s 1 d 4i 4 * i i 3 j :: 4 A . 3 s S s ; i i$ " i i o" c! 5 I 7 a - .2 a a a c a c a S - | 8 * i * ^ r 1 o a i c ; >J 1 s Fairmount Coal & Iron C Coal mines. Fairmouut City, Pa. (1884) b t |c ! f 1 Iron mines. (1874) Michigan Frank Williams & Co.... Buffalo, N. Y. (1888) Fairchance Furnace Iron ore and limestone Fairchance, Pa. (1881) Pittsburgh & Wheel. Coa Bridgeport, O. (1884) Kittle & Co.. contractors Keokuk, la. (1874) W niiii-no-n Nnllinp- Mill f a : c ! * ?1 i~ ly *3 1* ; I E I Franklin Iron Works, N. (1884) Contractors for Reser Water Works. Pittsburgh, Pa. (1875) I i 8 s 8 8 S 8 S S M 1 3 cc "** co -* tO Ti < ;o r to * x > 1 X X X X > 1 X > X 1 > o oo O5 OO O =p a SP REMARKS. J2 > ^"3 o out 150 miles per day of 22 ours. Moved 4,280 cubic yards xcavated material y% mile rom steam shovel to dump, eturning vip grade of 7 per ent., 500 feet long, with empty ars in one day and night of 2 hours. Seven other locomo- ives doing similar work. s hauled 4 cars=42 tons. }rade 300 feet long. 50 miles, urning500 Ibs. coal, and using tanks of water daily. es the work of 7 mules in about alf the time easily. Steepest rade 100 feet long. Rises 642 t. in 2 miles. O 5 ffl ^ 09 03 03 CO qi 000'? jo smxj I 1 I ui ufBJ^ jo ^q^taA\. 5D ^^ w spunod ui 1 & ft | "ft JBO qoua uo pwi s" so 1 spunod ui JBO ,0 1 1 ,0 qoi3a jo !*q3iaA\. o GO S re 1-1 araii aao ITS pamuq 1 1 O 1 1 SIBO jo aaqran^; CO GO CO -* aniu i 1 II jad ^aaj ui aptuo ^sej ui 9Ajno PS ; = 1!?1 i^J ge b Hill Coal onado, W t Coal Co mond City Hiii! *ff IS I'tfi g o u tic o =3 jr. B Has hauled 38 <-ars f grade of 44 feet pe to (JO miles, burnin coal fuel, and using water, getting out tons coal per day of Curve comes on 105 I Has hauled 62 car Gets out 400 tons coi ti 1 Can get out 500 ton tanks water daily, coal fuel per week. Curve at foot of gi hauled 10 cars-=23 t 40 trips, getting out tons coal daily. Generally hauls less ; more. | ! 1 1 o I t t t g S X 8 2 2 ^ * B (D a a 5 5 S J2 S 10 s -' 1 ! S i I i 1 1 i CO o S 8 S 8 *J jj llj d 4J S S g ; ~ i d ; : d 1 - i g : 8 3 JS . g = 2 S S S 1-1 e*o * N3 NP3 j .0 > & a ; a a GO 2 S 2 ': S 8 g C o d .2 3 S S S 3 9 o Coal & Mining Co ... Excello, Mo. ) tHall St. Marys, Pa. ) aunt Coal & Iron Co. . . lirmount City, Pa. ) Kanawha Colliery Co.. ml Valley, W. Va. ce Colliery Pottsville, Pa. ) :man, Jr., & Co Latrobe, Pa. ) Brooks & Son Nelsonville, Ohio. ) I I S 88888 S O) (M g 33 S s M X M x . M M M * *- t. i- S- s- * S x . iill E bfi S S p3 -3 rrj qi ooo's jo suoi jo iq3i9.A\. spunod m also qo^9 uo P'UOT; fe spunod ui JBO qou9 jo arai; QUO ^ patn'Bu; aad (J38j UI 9AJHO S91IIU spunod saqour 9lAs SuiAvoqs gS^,! jo 9zis to 72 miles daily. LS 1 muled 23 cars=~34U tons. (I to 40 mil j s, burning 800 Ibs. oal fuel, and using 4 tanks of vater per day of 9hours. feet curve comes on 150 feet Tftde, 200 feet grade is 3,000 eet long. Has hauled 60 cars. 3ars come down loaded with ,400 Ibs. each. 21 lo:W mil.-s. ,000 Ibs. coal fuel, l,20u gallons vater daily, getting out 450 ons of coal. is hauled 25 cars, or 4G tons. 15 to 40 miles, 500 Ibs. coal fuel, [ tanks water per day. Does he work of 20 mules and 10 Irivers, and could do the work )f 30 mules and 15 drivers. 30 hauls 40 loaded cars HO ons up a 78 feet grade. Usual vork less. ad all underground. 50 miles, ,000 Ibs. coal fuel daily. If GO si II to 65 miles daily. Ran 18 noiiilis withou' losing a trip. I 8 n 35 W 5 K (S 73 ' 'S a oo a a a> s 2 3 o 2 - 2 s 5 3 X S CJ S " s & xi Sh x> J3 JD g I g t a a co G t~ g g CO rf 8 a* 5 * 1-1 N j3 3 .0 JD ,0 J3 ,0 X ! 1 i 1 i 1 ! 1 i SJ e 1 I 36 cars 30 cars i g +i g g g - 8 1 i % 1 1 * s 1 e ! ii d -' g S i 00 00 99 B g s s s 5 - c c X X :s ^ ? 51 ? i i ,0 8 i 5 X s a a a .2 a a" - a c S s S g g g 8 i \ tr f. 2 3 . c : - ^ s" si c . a I o > si if Co inwa, Iowa 6^ If o 1 o| 3 O c bfl , or locatii fi 11 55 an li| He 3 s| o ^2 V z - r ;p ii _ r X . ^' f x 'r ', | S s c M 3 ~ H > ^ 6 '1 !l ~ '^~ i a 8 8 s 9 I X 5 H X X X s. ~ X X GO oo 2P 30 oc X :3 CSiO'BJ(j jo g'Sn'Bf) 6^ 14 3 I& * o . S-- 6s 2^ *S g-a o| P^ f !l 5 $ tf t ! S olidat Moun quehan Wilk 875) 91^8 SaiMoqs gS'Bj: i sjgpuji^o jo 9zig 1 s S S ITS': 2 3^ - Eialg It jlP; SI *3*-2 eS K T"O e- it ii \ Ss Js I M AJ I as ax P, I -z fl ^ o| 6 5P 3 a i I fill 1 1 1 1 Ci tj- Oi ao 88 8 S S? " of of cc a) 1 1 s I i Tf Of a a a a a fi X! a a 1 111 8 | ~ ~ of of of ^ C> O CD CO 55 Oi rt TH s ! s 5 d d d d d d d d d s S S s 8 8 S i i d d d i d d S g | : 8 a 1 111 "a g 1 N^ ( TH 1-1 i 3? XJ X! XJ X! J3 5 5 SO O s 2 ; S 3 S S 5 5 9 9 d d i 5 3 11 6 .[: \ 3 8 : 6 ^ a lifi '- -a 2 S'S J ^ B la S l JlS i^S- J3 * T CO gl'SiB IIS^ I^Ii "ill s-la PvS M ^-2 , fsllo S o -S 5 ^ ?S1 =oK g- 8 1 Ifl ""wS^ 1 O^'C co > S^-a-a^ 88-S ^11 H S^ 1 s .a|^ t|f| o bc'H } as ^ * S= & i 3 l|i&l . llltl! 1^1 !i;i fiii- T< 43 S ^00 "3 P< CS fill? sSlll a tc .2 05 03 05 W M E

'588J Ul 8AJUO S8 T ira i 1 1 1 1 ui PBOJ jo q^uarE CJ * CO I> 1C -kp paB^f aad spunod ,0 1"* ,0 S _ ui TIBJ jo ^q^i8AV s 1-3 CD s s o saqoai CO .2 CO .9 .2 0* CO V UI ^OBJ^ JO 8 UB) eo a" o -o 6 _^ g 03 id e8 Memoranda of \ ! ? g Q "** i ^ mpton & Miller.. Edgerly, La 884) W. Taylor Summerville, S 881) jfi g>l O oo odg *> 2S if I f, eg C- w <4 ~ s 1 ' 1" 8[^s SuiAvoqs 83BJ 55 S s s s o o cc. E o he fl ofc-q. a > 11 _ l - b |||lllSll ft o ^rl-j-SwS^rf*;; ^1 OOO'S JO snoj m urea? jo iqSi9Al spunod ui JBO qOB9 UO pBO 1 } spanod ui .reo qou9 jo iqSpM. 9rap 9uo IB p9inBq SJBO 'IJ99J UI 9AjnO qsgdaBqs jo smpBH be 'S9pui m pBOa jo qi2u9q J9d spunod ui IIBJ jo iq#i9Al 'S9qoui a si 51 %&t o i i o ~~' '3 j 1 9 |q 1 O ertB^iMoqBoau S S So a OJ , x.5s._s ^ .- ~ s 8'5S I* , auled un 1 m 153 . H of lo night I H*i8=si!fld; *|f *1 *i 2*o*% o3 s ^Ia. = ilslsloll^ll aai s sa c.^^-s -5-s^pS a; a X a g O 3 2 33^ 3 1 o ol j "e. . S 1 1 I 1 ,0 s o" of o" a i i 0^ ' s a a 1 1 w" 1 ' oo" a v i i 1 i i I 1 11 Ot -0 cc i ^ d d C t *^ S a 5 s 3 3 | ^ 1O 1 53 a S 1 5 1 t- g = S O "CS S 00 1 i 5 5 s 5 i a i a G _c .5 .2 ja ofi I : o * III I ill!? i r, g ily. ain. r. Illil K r-s^j^^O^ cS Si ga'sslp, o h pine ial t metime %. cord On spec 2% min coach. t 1 ~s QI OOO'S jo sao; ui urea^j jo ^qSpAl c co o ca. CD cc g in 1 "e5 DC .E CO .> "o E o _ i spunod ui j'BO qo^a no PBOI 20,000 Ib. | i ,0 oo" spunod ut JBO qo9 jo fqdfdAi o~ I i w- 'Sg.T^Tr to 1 o * I J9d ^98J UI 8pBJ) 8 d 8 a ^aaj ui OA.ino (jsadaBqs jo snipua *i 8 d S8[IUI a i 2 03 1 a pjB^C aad spunod ui \V83. jo ^q^pM s i |1 ,0 saqoui 8 a _fl 8 i _Q CP c O o OJ ^ ^3 li ^ ! fc* jo 9z;s 8 $ a a a a a 00 O V t-" O" S 2 S 8 00 O d d d d d d d d d 3 s * I I 3 I 11 d : d : d s i i i 05 OB 42 42 42 42 42 s a s s S S S S S s a t- 10 * CO -* * to .0 .0 X ^2 ^3 ^ 5 S S s s 11 3 a a a a aj" 5 .S 5 .3 . fNg ^ 8 f^j * N N 9 S iC T ; 8 : g bb .1 i-S 6* cS -8-2 ?rf a s. ss ^s si s! cM nf .., 8 J 6 ^ <*s s Ijf I j i : i,- 1 jL 53 ; i i i i ^S o-g ^08 p *f l! 11=^=!^ rig i i .2 B PT& - JjH ^ 2 2cq 13 -2 s 2J S ^^ Ufiri'i a fev < > ^s : . 72 |H! U fe'g'eS S3 a-^ littA ?! m e s. utt lo 20 ft-g 1e C43 2 |l e run 40 minu 8 feet. Grad tould haul mor rt S e 8|3|f I^gT^M ,Q Q sf - 5,000 Ib. 5,000 Ib. ! to | 8 50 ! u? i i i i i s ll 05 : : d e i i ~ B a 1 03 s g CO S(UI {;[ 1 i i i i i i i d i i i _a i a i i 7 :| : O Pi hi X IH -* 7 . 00 OJ O Buffalo Lumber Co. . . Bayard, W. Va. (1888) Wilson. Kistler&Co... (18H8) Rolfe, Pa. Thompson & Tucker Lum.Co. Trinity, Tex. (1888) 11 !i QJ State Lumber Co ... ( Id cher. Mich. 0888) S I a g a s S S 3 j I X - **< ' 05 X cr. X X X * qi ooo's jo suoi ui urea? jo iq3t9AY spunod ui J130 qOB9 UO pWj of spunod ui SJBO jo jgqrantf J9d UI 9ptU) !J99 J UI 9AjnO ^S9d.reqs jo smp^y; S9IJUI ui puoj jo 3 a a OJ -iJ *J 8 8 S 8 5 1 4. 4 s s I bl ' 2* Pi! --< = S r. ijji ^i?? c -f. a c aT 2cfe v-' a - I , itney Ed 881) : s 3* & 1 5 > tpflT e8^ ft -2 '-"11 SS i! .i ~ ^H OD IS, to * ~ z: Sr^S 1 ' i^C< C* CCC*W 7- ^7- CO IP JO S to ' -z. ' C5 * c; ? * 3 $ o c^t^p-v I11rolf!f!tfl wl ,0-2 3 2^ s 3 vv3uf M ssB 3.8^.8 .sal QI OOO'S jo sno; m UIBJ? jo iqSia^Y i m spunod ui ^2 i JBO qoea uo P'BOT; o Q- o" ef co" of S OJ DC 5 S x5 x> ,Q ^ spunod ui o o o <: ao qo^a jo ^qSpAi. icT o" r in 1 S 2 2 2 arai(j auo ^ pain'eq 1 cj O o3 2 SJBO jo jaquin^i O )C TO ^ o "t sanui a a a a a o ui ptjoj. 40 q'4^uy^J_ O i>- ^ 1 _ < j E 1-1 ^ Oi o 3 pJB^C jad spunod ui itBJ jo ^qSpAY ,0 ^B S 1 i ,0 & _i t_ =3 gaqout 1 ' i g a O >s, .Q 55' 1 =' : ' 2 T3 <-f- o fe o I 1 ^ a M 05 Z 1 il ;S ^ : a" : s Ij || r Lumber Co Cadillac, Mich. mon Lumber Co [eredith, Mich. i 1 S J3 oo? g i I b- 00 e e *- fi 5 S i 5 i s a a 9 S .S .5 -S 5 a a w s |; L \ 4 1 5 is SI j! iS * li ll !3 a d r- ~- '-53 '^ ft Iff 1 01 ei fi H*t Q S ^'fc2 ^"^ -* 8g2s2 ao S .S -t> o,a a^ J.&CC 3 if ! l is : r 1PJ =1 "l a o fl 511 tt g be . |o^ M s >> 1=1 ESI bfjP \S(O "3 S : Jo'S^ bCsof > : w - 02g S '^ t>. Q "^ O fi 6 * K *< !i 11 o :J |!j ^ fe - a : a - S sSg gl sl^ 5*Jj^