BERKELEY LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA , - - -- I Library of Qtorge B. McFarland EXHIBITS OF JtET!L!g AND OF PREPARED BY ORDER OF HIS MAJESTY' 1HE K1KG OF SUM \ EXHIBITED BY MONSIEUR A BE GREHAN HIS SIAMESE MAJESTY'S CONSUL PARIS. P R E S S O F D. I). BRADLEY BANGKOK SIAM 1877 SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 1 HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE No. 1 Silver gilt Tray having ' 2 Comb for the hair 3 Hair cutting Shears This set is worth 69 Ticala. No- 4 Tray containing Toilet set 5 Box for perfumed Powder " Kachaa 71 6 do do do 7 do do do " Pang Ram " 8 do do do " Pang Nooan " 9 Gold-capped box for powder ,,10 do do for black Wax ,,11 do do for Pomade 12 Gold Perfume Bottle. This set is worth 280 Ticals. No. 13 Tray containing Set for Betel nut. 14 Cup for Betel nut. 15 do do , } 16 Gold capped Tobacco box 17 do do ,,18 Gold-tipped box for wax ,,19 Large holder for Ceri leaf This Set is worth 100 Ticals. No. 20 Tray with set for Betel nut, the set consisting of 21 Cup for Betel nut 22-23 Two Tobacco boxes 24 Box for Wax ;> 25 Holder for Ceri leaf This Set is worth 60 Ticals. No. 26 Gilt silver Salver with Toilet set, consisting of ,,27 Shell for sacred water, tipped with gold, on a small tray ,,28 Small basin and tray The Set worth 335f Ticals. No. 29 Silver basin on tray, and having small cup. Set worth 164 Ticals. No. 30 Silver Spittoon having broad mouth, worth 160 Ticals. No. 31 Pair of Candlesticks, silver-plated, worth 12 Ticals. No. 32 Towel rack worth 52 Ticals. No. 33 Silver Tea tray, oval shape, with gold-tipped Teapot and set of Cups. The Set worth 65 Ticals. 34 Bedstead having carved feet, four posts with covering above, closed on three sides and having two serenes and hangings. The bed is carved and gilt on three sides, and is worth 260 Ticals. No. 35 Two round Pdllows 36 One pair side Pillows 37 Pillows for the feet 38 Folding Mattress These are worth 26 Ticals No. 39 Triangular Pillow worth 6 Ticals, 40 Square worth 6 41 Folding leather Cushion worth 6 42 Two square Salvers with carved feet and gilt on three sides. worth 26 Ticals No. 43 Frame for looking glass, carved and gilt worth 24 Tical$. 876 Page 2 SIAMESE EXHIBITS No. 44 Cupboard, having curved feet, glass front, carved and gilt on three sides, worth 48 Ticals. Samples of the household furniture mentioned above have been sent,. SETS USED BY THE WEALTHY when going from place to place No. 45 Teapot and Tray both of solid silver, gilt, worth 124 Ticals. ., 46 Water pot for cold water with Tray, gilt silver, worth 130 Ticals. 47 Salver for Betel set, of silver and gilt worth 52 Ticals. 48 Small Spittoon worth 40 Ticals. 49 Tobacco pipe made of wood from the province of u Lakon " tue bowl and mouthpiece are made of silver and gilt, worth 5J Ticals. 50 Silver Tobacco box, gold plated worth 12 f Ticals. Samples of the above mentioned articles have been sent. COURT DRESS No. 51 Silk " Panung " embroidered with gold worth 100 Ticals. 52 White silk " Panung " with embroidered edge worth 48 Ticals. ,, 53 Flowered silk do worth 14 Ticals. 54 Silk under jacket embroidered with gold worth 120 Ticals. 55 Silk Coat embroidered throughout with silk and gold worth 280 Ticals. Samples of the above mentioned articles a;e sent. Court Dress formerly presented by the King to Officers of Rank. No. 56 Silk "Panung" embroidered with silk and gold for 1st Rank. worth 32 Ticals Xo. 57 Silk " Panung " embroidered with silk and gold for 2nd Rank. worth 20 Ticala No 58 Silk " Panung " for 3rd rank worth 20 Ticals. 59 Silk " Panung " for 4th rank worth 20 Ticals. 60 Silk " Panung " for 5th rank worth 20 Ticals. 61 Silk " Panung " for 6th rank worth 16 Ticals. Samples of these Silks have been sent. CLOTHING FOR SIAMESE MEN No. 62 Flowered Silk of Siamese manufacture worth 1 2 Ticals. 63 Cochin-chinese manufacture worth 12 Ticals. 64 Dark Red Silk of Siamese manufacture worth 9 Ticals. 65 Purple worth 1\ Ticals. CLOTHING FOR WOMEN No. 66 Flowered cloth " Panung " Siamese manufacture worbh 3 Ticals. 67 " Panung " worth 3 Ticals. 68 (< Panung " with square flowers worth 2j Ticals. Samples of clothing for Men and Women are sent. "sassr 3M!s) WHIPS S^H^IEILII Fhe following is one process used iii dyeing red. Take 60 Ticals' weight of Sticklac and pulverize it and put it in a basin. Pour boiling water over the Sticklac until it is covered, With a piece of wood used for the purpose press SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 3 and stir the Sticklac so that the red coloring matter becomes dissolved in the water, this procesa is continued until the water has cooled and is just warm. The water is then drawn off. More boiling water is poured over the Sticklac and the same stirring and pressing renewed until no color issues from the Sticklac. 720 Ticals' weight of this solution is then weighed out and 8 Ticals' weight of raw Tamarind is stirred in until all the pulp is washed from the Tamarind. Then the stems and seeds of the Tamarind are removed, 40 Ticals weight of the juice of the lime fruit is next mixed with th* liquid and the whole is then strained. The liquid thus obtained is then divided into three parts. In one part a piece of silk fabric to be dyed is dipped until it is thoroughly wet, then the silk ia boiled with the liquid, and occasionally stirred for two hours, then the water in which it was boiled is removed. The piece of silk is successively boiled in each of the three parts into which the liquid was divided. The color des'rad is ob- t lined after the third boiling. Before commencing the process enough water to cover the cloth is put in a basin, and 2 Ticals' weight of alum dissolved in it. Then silk fabric waighing 5 Ticals washed thoroughly in water and wrung out, is soaked in the solution of alum over night. After this preparation, the pro- cess before mentioned is effected. No. 69 Silk fabric dyed Red worth 3 Ticals. When a purple color is desired, silk fabric previously having beea dyed red m a solution of Sticklac in the manner before mentioned, is dipped in the prepar- ation before mentioned for coloring indigo -blue. If a light purple is desired the silk is dipped but once or twice, and if a darker color is desired, it must be repeatedly dipped until the desired color is obtained. Silk fabric dyed purple and th? size of t'.ie accompanying sample is valued at 3 Ticals. A Sample ia sent of No. 70 Silk fabric tyed purple. If it is desired to dye a pink color a substance made from the corolla of a certain flower and ca'led in Siamese Dauk Kara Foi is used. 12 Ticals by weight of this is soaked in water for an hour, then the water is strained and thrown away and the Dauk Kam soaked again, this is repeated three times After "being thus soaked three times it is then put into 2 Ticala* weight of lye and a smafl amount of water is also put in and it is lightly stirred. Afterwards it is again strained and the liquid thrown away. Then the Dauk Kam is put into 10 %Ticals' weight of lye and with the hands the coloring matter is stirred and jessed from this substance. Then 240 Ticals' weight of water is mixed in an^ the liquid sirained. The fluid thus obtained consitues the First solution. Again Lye weighing 6 Ticals is put in with the D. Kam, and again it is stirred as before and mixed with 240 Tls. of water and then strained, this time the liquid constituting the Second solution. 4 Ticals' weight of lye is then put in and the* same process repeated and the liquid strained off constitutes the Third, and last solution that is made from the same Dauk Kam. In dyeing, the Third solution is used first. Lime juice weighing 8 Ticals is mixed thoroughly with this liquid, cloth weighing 10 Ticals having been rinsed in water and wrung out is then put in the basin used in dyeing, the liquid prepared for dyeing is then dipped out and poured over the cloth until it is covered and the cloth quickly washed in this preparation and the fluid after being thus used is thrown away. Then more of the liquid is poured over the cloth and the same process is repeated until the pre- pared liquid is exhausted. The Second solution is next used 20 Ticals* weight of lime juice is mixed with it and it is employed as the Third solution was until it is likewise exh msted. 28 Ticals' weight of lima juice is lastly mixed with the Page 4 SIAMESE EXHIBITS First solution and the same process as in the two previous instances is repeated. At the end of the last process the cloth is of a pink color. Silk the size and color of the sample sent is worth 3 Ticals. A sample is sent of No. 7 1 Pink colored Silk In dyeing green a wood called Kalaa is used. 80 Ticals' weight of the wood is cut in fine pieces and boiled in a pot with 600 Ticals' weight of water until all but 400 Ticals' weight of the water has been evaporated. Ti e water is then put in a basin and f Ticals' weight of pulverized alum is dissolved in it. Cloth which has previously been dyed blue in Indigo and weighing 20 Ticals is then dipped into the fluid. If the cloth be of a dark blue before, it will become a dark green by this process, but if of a light blue, it will become a light green. Silk the size and color of the sample send is worth 3 Ticals. A sample is sent of No. 72 Green colored silk. 20 Ticals' weight of raw Tumeric is pulverized and mixed with 14 Ticals 7 weight of lime juice and 80 Ticals' weight of water and the fluid strained. Enough of the fluid to saturate the cloth is then taken, and a piece of cloth previously rinsed and wrung out, is dipped in the fluid until it is saturated. The cloth is then wrung out and again immersed in a new protion of the fluid, this being repeat- ed until all the fluid is spent, when a yellow color is obtained. Silk the size and color of the sample sent is worth 3 Ticuls. A sample is sent of. No. 73 Silk dyed Yellow. When dyeing in this color is to be done, 2000 Ticals' weight, of indigo ia put in a tub The tub measures 40 inches in diameter and 40 in. in depth, and is in shape the same as the tub used in the manufacture of indigo, but there are no holes bored in the sides. The tub with indigo is then nearly filled with water and 600 Ticals by weight of Kaw Mak (fermented rice) is mixed in, also 280 Ticals' weight or lye. The whole is then stirred and then left standing 20 days before it can be used for dyeing. When a light blue is desired the cloth to be dyed is dipped but twice or thrice. If a dark blue color is desired the cloth must be dipped many times until the color desired is obtained. Silk the color and size of the sample sent brings in the market a price of 3 Ticals. No. 74 Blue Silk KAW MAK In the manufacture of fermented rice 200 Ticals' weight of white glutinous rice is soaked for about 12 hours in water. It is then washed and put in a steam- er and steamed, when cooked it is taken out and left to cool and then washed until tlie gluten is washed out. Then yeast powder such as is commonly used in fer- menting liquor weighing one Tical is pulverized and mixed in with the rice. It ia then put into jars and covered so that the air ia excluded a id left to stand. At the end of three days it is ready for use. LYE To make Lye, wood fro'.ii the tree called Sainaa is burned to ashes. Then one measure of the ashes and two of water are mixed and left standing for three days. The water is then tasted and if quite salt it is ready to be used. The longer it is left standing however the better, There are two kinds of Indigo, and hi dyeing the quality must be tested. For SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 5 this object a small amount of indigo is dissolved in water and with a cup some of the solution dipped out. If the indigo is of a good quality the color will be spread evenly over the inside surface, if of a poor quality the color will be spread unevenly over the surface. The quality of indigo depends entirely on the man- ufacturer. It is not possible to make indigo from any other plant or combination of plants. In dyeing black the fruit of the Ebony tree is used. The green fruit is pul- verized and a quantity of water is mixed with it. The cloth to be dyed is dip- ped in this liquid repeatedly until it has a black color. In the first dippings the water should be in greater porportion to the Ebony fruit than in the subsequent dippings. After alternately dipping and drying for two or three day? the cloth is rinsed in water and the dipping continued until the proper color is obtained. If there is a bright sun the cloth becomes black soon, otherwise the process takes a longer time. Silk the size and color of the sample sent is worth 3 Tieals. Samples are sent of No. 76 Sticklac. " 77 Piece of wood for pressing the Sticklac. 78 Bottle of Tamarind. "79 " Lime juice. 11 80 " " fruit. " 81 Strainer. " 82 Bottle " Dauk Karn Foi. >r " 83 Box of Kalaa wood. " 84 Bottle Alum. 85 Tumeric. 86 Tub used in Indigo dyeing. " 87 Bottle of good Indigo. " 88 Fermenting Powder. " 89 Piece of " Samaa" wood used in making lye, " 90 Bottle lye. " 91 " Ebony fruit. Samples of seven kinds of Silk have been sent with the above-. Silk " Panungs " of different colors for Men and Women. No. 92 Light green " Panung " worth 2 Tieals 32 ats. 11 93 Dark " Panung " worth 2 1? do 94 Changeable "Panung" 2 " do " 95 Light blue ' Panung " worth 2 " do Samples of the above are sent. Cloths worn by eh? Common peo-ple around their bodies. No. 96 Che3kered si'k with embroidered edge worth 5 Tieals. . " 97 Checkered Cloth worth 2 Tieals. 98 Silk from the province of Lakon. Samples of these are sent. Cloth Manufactured in the provice of Koraf. No. 99 One Colered silk " Panung" for man worth 10 Tieals. A sample of this is sent. Silk embroidered with gold from the Malay provinces for Men or Women* No. 100 Cloth for the head worth 12 Tieals. " 101 Silk Shawl worth 32 r Page 6 SIAMESE EXHIBITS No. 102 Silk "Pammg" worth 32 Ticals. Samples of these are sent. Cloth manufactured in the provinces of the Untattooed Laos. No. 103 Silk " Panung" for man worth 6 Ticals. 104 Skirt for Laos Woman " 5 " " 105 Shawl for man or woman " 12 Samples of these are sent. Cloth manufactured in the provinces of the Tattooed Laos. No. 106 Silk " Panung " for man worth 16 Ticals. " 1 07 Skirt for Woman with edge embroidered with silver and silk, worth 22 Ticals. Samples of the these are sent. Clothing manufactured by the Karens. No. 108 " Panung" for man worth 5 Ticals, " 109 Skirt for woman " 4 " " 110 Coat worn by man or woman worth 4 Ticals. Samples of these are sent. FARM INPL1MENTS. No. Ill One Plow worth 4 Ticals. 112 Long Knife for cutti g grass " 1 " 32 ats, " 113 Sickle for reaping " 1 " " 114 Hoe for digging trenches " 40 ats. " 115 Harrow " 2 Ticals. 116 Instrument for irrigating the fields worth 24 Ticals. Samples of these are sent. GARDENTING INPLIMENTS. No. 117 Hoe worth 40 ats. " 118 Small spade " 16 " " 119 Cutting knife " 24 " " 120 Wooden shovel " 32 " 121 Basket for gathering fruit 32 " 122 Knife hook for cutting Banana leave 32 " 123 Dipper for watering trees " 1 6 " 124 Spade for digging holes " 2 Ticals. 125 Bow for shooting animals destructive to fruit, worth 16 ats. Samples of all these are sent. FISHING APPARATUS. No. 126 Casting net worth 6 Ticals. <*" 127 Deep water net. " 7 " 128 Drag net 230 feet lomg 29 1 29 Large Scoop-net " 2 130 Small 32 ats, 131 Long fish line with hook and lead 24 132 Fishing-red and limj 8 " 133 " and line for Prawas " 8 134 Three-pronged fish spear 32 135 Straight spear for fish among the grass 32 136 Many-pronged spear ased along the margin of swamps worth 32 ats. 137 Standing basket trap for fish in deep water 32 S1 138 " " ' " shallow " 32 " SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 7 No. 1 39 Reclining basket trap for worth 48 ats. " 140 " '* " " " 32 " " 141 Basket used in catching fish " 16 " " 1 42 Dip net used in running water, worth 1 Tical 32 ats. 99 143 Spear for Eels, used along inud flats 3J " When striking the spear into the mud, there is a jarring sensation ex- perienced if an eel is struck. Samples of these are sent. WEAVING APPARATUS. No. 144 Loom. " 145 Cloth Beam. " 146 Reed. " 147 Batten. " 148 Frame for Batten, " 149 2Treadels. " 150 Heddle. " 151 Rods. " 152 Thread Beam. 11 153 Rod to which tho warp is fastened. " 1 54 Support for thread beam. " 155 Brace for thread beam, " 156 Shuttle. " 157 Quill. 11 158 Support for Batten. The loom is worth 24 Ticals. A Sample of this apparatus is sent. Blacksmiths Tools. No. 159 Bellows worth 6 Ticals. 160 Anvil " 5 " 161 Polishing Hammer 1 " 32 ats. 162 Anvil used in beating iron into cylindrical s v ape worth 32 ats. 163 Sledgehammer worth 3 Ticals. 164 Tongs 16 ats. 165 Bench used in scraping iron 16 166 Scraping iron 32 167 Rasp 24 168 Large flat Rasp 24 169 Rat tail files 24 ,, 170 Triangular files 24 171 Cold Chisel 2 Ticals. Samples of these are sent. Gold and Silver -smith's tools. No. 172 Bellows worth 3 Ticals. 173 Anvil 5 174 Sledge Hammer 2 1? 175 Small Hammer 1 n 176 Finishing Hammer 48 ats. 177 Angular Anvil 32 178 Spherical Anvil 32 Page 8 SIAMESE EXHIBITS No. 179 Anvil curved upward 1 80 Straight Cylindrical anvil 181 Tongs ] 82 Tongs for holding the crucible 183 heated metal 184 Shears for cutting gold 185 Draw-plate for wire 186 Cone for enlarging rings 187 Metalic bowl for blowpipe lamp 188 Lamp stand 189 Blowpipe 190 Holder for gold to be engraved 8 191 Stand for Holder 192 31 Different kinds of Engraving chisels worth 6 Ticals. 193 Light mallet 6 Samples of these have boen sent. CARPENTERS TOOLS. worth 32 ate. 32 16 32 ,, 48 - 48 3 Ticals. worth 48 ats. 32 *> 16- 24 No. 194 Hatchet worth 48 ats. ) 165 Small plane pj 16 1 1 u 196 Groove plane jj 16 }i 11 197 Molding 16 it 198 Finishing > 16 11 199 Gouge 9) 16 j , 11 200 Panneling n 1 Tical 48 h 11 201 Groove 1 11 32 > >< 202 Mortising Chisel 16 M 11 203 Broad ti 16 > j 11 204 Adz ) 2 Ticals. i) 11 205 206 Square Ink Line ); 48 32 i> j> 11 207 Drill n 32 ?> 11 208 Bow Drill > 32 i 11 209 Small Adz 11 1 Tical 32 >y 210 Large ,, 1 11 M 211 Sash Saw ) 1 ii Jl 212 Auger i 32 ? 213 Hand Saw H 1 n 16 ? 214 Cubit Measure > 8 jj )' 215 Water Level ) 1 >i Samples are sent of these tools. CHINESE SUGAR MILL. No. 216 The building is 40 ft. wide, 8 ft 4in. to the eaves. The Mill has two Cylinders 3 ft. 2 in. in diameter, 3 ft. 4 in. high and these have cogs which fit i?*to each other, the Cylinders are of wood and the teeth or cogs are 3 in. apart and are 2 inches broad. The Mill is stationed in the center of the building. A plank 3 ft. 4 in. wide and 5 in. thick is put under the mill. A plank is also placed above attaching the to cylinders together. The axils of both cylinders are passed through the plank above and the plank below. A large beam nine inches in circumference is attached to the axil of one of the cylinders above and to the other end of the beam buffaloes are yoked when the buffaloes walk around the cylinders, revolve crucliing the cane between them. The cylinders are some- times smaller and sumetimes larger. The cost of the Model mill is 6 Ticals. A sample of this is sent. SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page MES&SJSMfctSE No. 217 One Elephant's tusk weighing 12 catties 50 Ticals worth 63 Tls. 1 6 at? 4 ?> 218 One Elephant's tusk weighing 12 catties 70 64 32 219 ,, Rhinoceros horn 22 50 220 62J' 66 >$ 221 Pair deer's horns attached weighing, 1 catty 40 Tls. worth 6 ^ 222 not 70 1 M ,, 223 Tiger's teeth 48ats k jj 224 Bear's 1 16 225 Crocodile's gauls 2 jj 226 Wild Bull's horns weighing 56 Ticals !! 32 , 227 White Buffalo horns 3 catties 60 Ticals 1 ;, ^o 228 Black 3 60 1 229 Armadillo Skin 3 ?) 230 4 Ray skins 3 M 231 Black Pepper weighing 1 catty 4 Ticals ., ,; 24 j> 232 Hulled Black Pepper weighing 1 catty 48 Ticals 1 32 233 Pungtalai seed 3 qts. 1 M 234 Manglak ,, 3 qts. It ^ 5) >f 235 Two Peacock's tails 1 ., 48 M 236 " Wah " bird's feathers from two birds 7 - r 7/ J? 237 10 Kingfisher's feathers weighing 40 Ticals 2 :; 32 M 238 Turtle Shell weighing 40 Ticals 10 239 Best bird's neats ,, 40 ,> 40 jj 240 Gamboge 1 Catty 22 Ticals 1 32ats. } , 241 Cardamum seed 1 16 ,, jr 242 Bastard seed weighing 36 Ticals 1 M 243 Sticklac 1 catty ., 1 J j, 244 Rest quality of Gum Benjamin weighing 64 Ticals 4 J? 245 Aguilla wood tt 1 catty 20 Tls. 3 f) M 246 Cinnamon 40 3 ^ 247 Bees wax 64 2 j M 248 Khorat Silk 1 catty 5 tf w 249 White Rice Na Suan 1 Box 6 Pints 12ats. 250 Na Muang 6 12 , M 251 from the north 6 11 >( 252 Petchaburee 6 12 253 Black glutinous rice 6 16 ii 254 White 6 16 }> v 255 1 Box Paddy 36 24 '-' 256 Birdseed 6 24 y 257 Sago 6 , 16 " 258 " Dui " seed 6 16 259 Corn 18 Ears worth $ Ear , 4 ** 260 Pea nuts 6 8 261 Long Beans 6 1 )> " ' ,, 262 Green 6 12 ,, 263 Golden 6 16 ., >J 264 Krang ,, 6 16 1> 265 White 6 16 ^ 266 , Chinese Black beans 6 16 ^ 267 , Peas 6 2 Ticals. 268 , Black Siamese 6 16 269 , Raa 6 12 270 , Tobacco from Petchaboon 1 32 Page 10 SIAMESE EXHIBITS 271 Cotton in the pod weighing 1 catty worth 16 ats. 272 Hemp weighing ,, 1 16 ats. > 273 1 4 ats. 274 1 Box Leather beans 6 Pints 16 , T 275 200 Cigarctts 8 276 One Peice Teak timber 25 inches long 1 8 277 do Takean do 16 ,,278 do Yang do 4 279 do Plong do 16 280 do Heang do M 281 do Maka do j 16 282 do Padoo do 1 Ticals >) V 283 do Taback do 284 do Rose wood do 1 Tical 285 do Teng do 16 ats. 286 do Rang do I'? 287 do Ka Pee Kao Quai do 1 Tical 288 do Marit do 1 289 do Moke Man do 16 ats. 290 do Ching Chan do 1 291 do Ebony do 1 292 do Sama san do 32 293 4 Peices Sapan wood do 24,, Samples of these articles of merchandise have been sent. PAPER AND STATIONARY No. 294 Two books, 30 leaves, white paper worth 32 ats. 295 30 Black 32 296 10 Sheets paper 16 297 100 Black pencils 8 298 40 White 16 ,, 299 Bark of the Koi tree used in the manufacture of paper worth 4 ats. Samples of these are sent. BRASS UTENSILS No. 300 Brass bathing Basin, stone polished, with salver worth 1 Tical 32 ats. 301 Basin with cover and cup 9 32 ats, 302 Large for Rice with handles and brass ladle the sot worth 4 J Tls. 303 Box for food worth 3 Ticals 32 ats. 304 Sweet meats 3 305 Tea pot 1 /*' 306 Cold water pot 2 307 Tea Kettle 56 ats. > 308 Ironfireplace 1 32 309 Brass Lamp 2 310 Tray for food, with cover 5 | 311 Sweetmeats 4 16 ,, 312 Wooden tray on which is a brass tray for Betel set, 313 Brass cup for red lime. 314 Tobacco box. 315 Brass tray for Betel. 316 Nut cutter. 'JThe whole set is worth 3 Ticals. 317 Brass spittoon with broad mouth worth 2 Ticals. 318 Small brass spittoon with broad mouth worth Samples o these have been senfe. SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 11 No, BASKET WORK. 319 Deep basket, painted black, with cover worth 2 Ticals, 320 Shallow basket for Ceri leaf I Tical. 321 Round carried by women ,, 1 32 ata 322 Market basket 48 323 Baskets for dipping water and poll for carrying them 48 324 from Lakon, marked, 30 varities and each worth 1 Tical, 30 TIs. No. 325 Black baskets same as above worth 1 Ticals each 326 Basket Sieve for sifting medicines worth 1 Tical. 327 ,, Rice 328 Rice basket 329 Shallow basket for cleaning Rice 330 Waste basket , 1 Tical 331 Flower 2 332 Basket for Betel with 5 articles 4 333 Straw hat 4 334 Teapot covered with basket work ,,6 ,, 335 Large hats 4 varieties worth - Tical each 2 Ticals. Samples of these have been sent. COOKING UTENSILS 336 Earthen water jar worth 337 larger ^ 338 tray for coals used in burning fragrant spices. 45 16 ats. 24 16 ,, 32 pot for making currj 339 Large earthen rice pot 340 Medium 341 Small 342 Large 343 Medium 344 Small 345 Earthen basin used in cooking 346 steamer 347 pot used with steamer 348 . fire-place 349 Griddle for cakes 350 Earthen mortar 351 Iron caldron, large 352 inedimn 353 small 354 Large iron kettle 355 Medium 356 Small Samples of of the above are sent. worth 11 11 1 1 11 11 tl 11 1J 11 11 91 11 11 11 >1 11 16 16 4 8 4 2 8 4 2 4 8 4 8 8 4 ats. Ticals. 40 8 40 No. 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 11 364 365 366 367 368 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. " Ranat " best quality, inlaid with mother of pearl worth 36 Tls, One pair of mallets used with " Ranat " Loud " R;mat " One pair of mallets used with the same Small drum " Tapone n Male (Large) Female Pair sticks Two sets frames for supporting drum String of gongs Pair of mallets for same Small drum " Pong mang " I 12 12 40 40 2 1 64 3 48 ats 48 32 ,. Page 12 SIAMESE EXHIBITS No. 369 One pair Cymbals worth 1 Tical. 370 do Small Cymbals 2 371 Clarinet > 4 " Mahoree " instruments No. 372 Flute worth 1 Tical. ,, 373 Bunch of sticks for keeping time 3 374 Small fiddle " Saw Dooang " >> 11 375 Large " Saw Oo lf 6 11 3V 6 Guitar 11 18 377 " Aligator " kind of guitar ., 28 378 Drum " Tone " > 1* 11 379 "Ramana" 11 8 " Klongkak " instruments No. 380 Clarinet worth 4 Ticals. 381 Male Drum 11 16 382 Female Drum 16 Samples are sent of the above. INSTRUMENTS USED IN SACRED RITES. No. 383 Conch Shell worth 12 Ticals. 384 Horn 12 4 , 385 Small Drum with handle 8 386 Gong, gilt frame on which to hang the same, and a stick f or stri eking it worth 40 Ticals. Samples of these are sent. MASKS AND HEAD DRESSES 387 Crown for performer personating king worth 9 Ticals. ,,388 actress personating a queen ,, 8 389 Head band for actress 4 390 Forehead piece for personating a child 3 ,, 391 Mask for wild man 4 392 for male personating genii 10 393 do monkey 4 394 do M 10 395 - do M ,, 4 306 do best kind 10 Samples of these are sent. FENCING WEAPONS No. 397 1 Pair wooden swords worth 32 ats. v 398 1 n clubs , 1 Tical. 3D9 4 swords 2 400 1 long handled swords 1 401 1 shields 6 M 402 1 small 6 Sample of the above are sent. MATS AND CARPETS No. 403 Long strip of matting worth 2 Tica's, 404 Short f> 24 ats. 405 Mat made of bark 1 ,,32 406 11 n 11 palm leaf 16 407 Matting made of grass ,, ' 1 19 408 Mat^ ., Rushes ' 24 Samples o t^uese have been sent. SIAMESE EXHIBITS Page 13 RICE MILL No. 409 Stone Mill with handle worth 3 Ticals 32 ats, ,, 410 Wooden Mortar for cleaning rice 2 ,,411 Pestel 16 412 Fanning Mill 14 Samples of these are sent. HORSE GEAR No. 413 Saddle, wooden and gilt before and behind worth 12 Ticals. 414 Cushion to be used under the saddle 32 ats. 415 Bridle wound and worked with silk ,, 6 ,, 416 Head band 5 417 Crupper with 4 tassels 8 418 Pair Stirrups silver plated 4 419 Side flaps gilt and marked with flowers 20 420 Cloth to cover the Saddle 6 421 Girth 32 ats. 422 Cushion Saddle 6 423 Bridle covered with red flannel 2 32 ,, 424 Bridle reins 2 , 425 Girth 32 Samples of these have been sent. ELEPHANT GEAR No. 426 Howdah, without cover, painted black, and with gilt flowers, painted green underneath worth 28 Ticals. ,, 427 Back Stay wound with red flannel having brass rings 3 428 Breast band covered with red flannel for keeping howdah in place worth 3 Ticals 429 Crupper, of brass, having hooks and cord, covered with red flannel, for keeping howdah in place worth 16 Ticals. 430 Hook with wooden handle to be used by the driver worth 8 Ticals. ,, 431 Covered Howdah, lined with cloth, and the ceiling painted red worth 20 Ticals. Samples of the above are sent. SEDAN CHAIRS No. 432 Carved and gilt Sedan chair, for prince, with pair polls painted red and having cross polls for carriers worth 48 Ticals. 433 Chair for Nobleman, frame made of wood, rattan bottom, having pair of polls and cross polls for carriers worth 20 Ticals.. Samples of these are sent. ARTICLES USED BY A HIGH PRIEST No. 434 Silk robe worth 40 Ticals. ,, 435 Pot for receiving food " Bhat " 3 436 Silk Case for " Bhat " having shoulder strap 8 437 Cover for " Bhat " inlaid with mother-of-pearl 10 438 Stand for ., 4 , 439 Silk Satchel " 4 " 440 Priest's fan of silk 2 441 Salver and cover inlaid with mother-of-pearl for food worth 35 Ticals, " ff 2 " * " " " sweets, 27 f AAA v , i5 n ,, 444 Box for Betel f/ f 445 Tray n with five articles 10 Page 14 SIAMESE EXHIBITS 446 Long box for books inlaid with mother-of-pearl 28 Ticals. 447 Goblet for water 1 448 Tray Goblet ,, 8 449 Large Spittoon 12 ,, 450 Small 8 ,, 451 White handkerchief . 16 ats. 452 Napkin 32 w Samples are sent of the above. ARTICLES INLAID WITH MOTHER-OF-PEARL Used by priests and others No. 453 Large tray without cover worth 15 Ticals 32 ats. 454 Small 13 32 Samples of these are sent. ROYAL BARGES No. 455 Royall Barge " Kara" 102 ft. 6 in long, 7 ft. 9 in. wide, 2 ft. 9 in deep, propelled by 48 men with paddles. The barge is furnished with ar- ticles of which samples have been sent. These articles and the model sent are worth 140 Ticals. No. 456 Royal Barge " Chakrapat Perom " 106 ft. 10 J in. long, 7 ft. 6 in. wide, 24 in. deep, propelled by 47 men with paddles. The Barge- is fur- nished with articles similar to the samples sent and these with the model barge are worth 140 Ticals. No. 457 Royal Barge " Rangsee Tihparat" 107 ft. 6 in. long,*7 ft. 4 in. wide, 1 ft. 11 in. deep. Propelled by 51 men with paddles. The barge is furnished as the proceeding and the model barge and the articles for furnishing it are worth 1 40 Ticals . Samples as above mentioned are sent. DWELLING HOUSE Of wood and with tiled roof No. 458 Tie beam 13 ft. 4 in. the building 31 ft. 8 in. long, from the ground to the floor 8 ft. l in. from floor to tiebeam 13 ft. 4 in. king post 10 ft. 2 in. veranda on one side 6 ft. 8 in. wide. The building worth 100 Ticals. A model of this is sent. PRESER VED FLO WERS. No. 459 On bottle " Champa " kind of magnolia, worth 48 ats. " 460 " " "Champee" " " 48 " 461 " " " Ramdooaa" " " 463 " " "ChawMooang" 48 " 464 " " Sai Yoot " 48 " 465 " " " Tean King " white 48 " 466 " " " " red 48 " 467 " " "Prayong" 48 " 468 " " " Klooi Mai " orchids 48 M 469 " " " Kern " white 48 " 470 " " " Red , 48 * The above specimens are sent. 8 Ats make 4 Peis 2 Fuangs 4 Sailings 4 Bats 20 Tamlunga 50 Changs 100 Hap 1$jjir The standard of weight being the coin of the country, weights are designated by the same terms. A Tical weighs 236 grains Troy. The Siamese standard of weight is just double that of the Chinese ; and goods a re bought and sold in Bangkok more by the Chinese than the Siamese standard. Fu,< = i Salunpr Bat or Tical " Ttunlung Chang Hap Tara $ 0.075 0.075 0.150 2.400 48.000 2400.000 240000.000 Translated and Printed by D. B. Bradley. Bangkok. RETURN CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT TQ.L. 202 Main Librar LOAN PERIOD I HOME USE All BOOKS MAY BE RKALIED AFTER 7 DAYS " m on,h loans may be o Circulation Desk AS STAMPED BELOW __ 198V BET& HOV10 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY FORM NO. DD6, 60m, 1 2/80 BERKELEY, CA 94720 ^ Library of Qaorge B. McFa^land