Lick Obs QB 6 C2 1860 C.2 FRIEDLANDbK&SUHN BERLIN UNIVERSITY OF CAUIFOBNIA ^'1 SANTA CRUZ Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2007 with funding from IVIicrosoft Corporation ^ s^ ^^-6 ;c:a37^ z THE CAPE CATALOGUE )B 1 1 59 STARS, DEDUCED TROM OBSERVAHOKS ROYAL OBSERVATORY, CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, 1856 TO 1861, REDUCED TO THE EPOCH i860. UNDER THE SUPERIKTENDENC2 OF E. J. STONE, M.A., F.R.S., F.R.A.S., (LATE FELLOW OF QUEEN'S COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE), HER MAJESTY'S ASTRONOMER AT THE CAPE. L!CK OBSERVATORY. PUBLISHED Br ORDER OF THE BOARD OF ADMIRALTTy IN OBEDIENCE TO HER MAJESTTS COMMAND. LIBRARY OF THE UFxYERSITT of OALIFOMIA. LICK OBSERVATORY. CAPE TOWN: SAUL SOLOMON & CO., 4.9 & 50, ST. GEORGE'S-STREET. 1873. CAPE TOWN : SAUL SOLOMON AND CO., PRINTERS, 49 AND 50, ST. george's-street. INTRODUCTION Uck C2. c-2j CAPE CATALOGUE OF 11S9 STARS, FOR THE EPOCH i860. The Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, was established by an Order in Council, dated 1820, October 20. The leading idea was to establish a first class Observatory in the Southern Hemisphere, for work of a similar character to that of the Greenwich Observatory in the Northern Hemisphere. The observations were to be made with instru- ments of the same class, and the results were to be drawn up in the same form, in order that the whole might constitute two corresponding series capable of comparison in all their parts. No opportunity of making observations capable of improving the Theory of Refraction was to be neglected. The Observatory Buildings were completed ; the instruments, similar to those at that time in use at Greenwich, mounted ; and observations commenced in 1829. But the hand of death was almost upon the first Director. The Assistant, Capt. Ronald, broke down, and left in 1830 j and Fallows, after struggling on, somewhat hopelessly, as best he could with the aid of his wife, died in July, 183 1, at the early age of 43, with the expectations which had drawn him to South Africa unfulfilled. Much could not have been done under the circumstances in which Fallows was placed, and not much was done. A Catalogue of approximate places of the principal stars, south of the zenith of the Cape, made with small instruments, in Cape Town, was published in the Philosophical Transac- tions for 1824, and another Catalogue, formed from observations made at this Observatory 18 29-1 831, appears in the Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol. XIX, published in 185 1. It contains the Right Ascensions of 425 Stars : but of these only 88 have corresponding observations in North Polar Distance ; a considerable portion of these places are those of well-known Stars observed forelock error. Fallows was succeeded by Mr. Thos. Henderson, who remained at the Cape a little more than a year ; but that year must ever be a memorable one in the annals of the Cape Observatory. Henderson discovered the sensible parallax of a Centauri, and determined its amount with an accuracy which has left to his successors little more" than a ii Introduction to the Cape Catalogue verification of his result. ~He reduced and published, in 1835, the declinations of 172 Stars, and in 1844, ^" ^^^ Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society, the Right Ascensions of 1 74 of the principal Stars, the results of the observations made by him and his assistant at the Cape in 1831 and 1832. It is impossible to over-estimate the value of these papers as affording accurate places of a limited number of Stars at the epoch : but the extent of the Catalogue is small. Henderson removed all the records of his observations from the Observatory, with a view to their subsequent reduction. It is desirable that the original records should be returned for preservation at this Observatory. Mr. Henderson was succeeded by Mr. (now Sir Thomas) Maclear, who arrived at the Cape on the 5th of January, 1834. The observations made by Mr. Maclear and his Assistant in the year 1834 were published and distributed for the use of Astronomers, and some advance was made in the printing of the obser- vations made in 1835, 1836, 1837 ; but the reductions of these years were never completed, and the printing was stopped. It would appear that attention was called off from attempts to form a Star Catalogue to the measurement of an arc of meridian. The field work of this arc was finished in 1847 j but it was not until 1866 that the volumes containing the results were completely printed and published, and Sir Thos. Maclear placed in a position to receive the congratulations of his contemporaries on the completion of his work. Of the value of this work there cannot be two opinions : but it was allowed to disorganize the other work of the Observatory to such an extent that, when I assumed the Directorship in 1870, I found myself, with a very limited staff, unexpectedly confronted with the results of 36 years of miscellaneous observing in all stages of reduction, nothing completed, and nothing which could be brought forward for publication and use without a very considerable expenditure of time and skilled labour. I fear the course pursued of continuous miscellaneous observing without reduction, has not tended to the advancement of accurate Astronomy to any extent proportional to the labour expended upon the work, and still required to be expended upon it before the results can be rendered useful. Such observing is rarely conducted in a way to facilitate the subsequent reductions or to economize labour in observing. This will be apparent to any one who will count the number of observations of Stars between 67° and 117° North Polar Distance and consider that a Catalogue formed from the results of other years would contain observations of these Stars to very nearly the same relative extent. Of the large number of observations accumulated here from 1834 to 1855, with the Transit instrument and Mural Circles, the places of the Southern Stars, out of the reach of the Northern Observatories, will when reduced, still be of value for proper motions ; but the immense number of observations of well-known Stars made here with oj ii^g Stars for the epoch i860. Hi the old instruments can now, I fear, never repay the labour required for their reduction. The Right Ascensions of those Stars which have been used for clock error can do little more than reproduce the assumed tabular places em- ployed in the reductions, and the Right Ascensions of other Stars not further from the Equator than those of the usual clock-star list can never differ much from the results of the Northern Observatories. The North Polar Distances of the same well-observed Stars can now be of little value. The results are not likely to be compared with those of the Northern Observatories for a discussion of the errors of the refraction tables when results made with more powerful instruments are available. I have made these remarks, not only in justice to the present staff, and to explain the work upon which they have been employed, but because it was these considerations which led me to pass over the earlier observations, and to commence the systematic reductions with the year 1856, when the Transit Circle was first brought into regular use. I felt that these reductions could not be any longer delayed without the value of the results being greatly diminished. I had, and still have, hopes, that the data collected in the present Catalogue for corresponding observations at the Northern Observatories would be found sufficient to meet the actual requirements of Astronomers, so far as these requirements can be met by the material collected here, and that I might be relieved from the laborious and somewhat useless task of completing the reductions of the earlier observations of Stars whose positions have been fixed already with an accuracy greater than could be expected to be attained in the observations made with the, comparatively speaking, inferior instruments in use at this Observatory before the introduction of the Transit Circle. The present Catalogue has been formed from the volumes of results of observations made at this Observatory in the years 1856, 1857, ^^S^t 1859, ^"^ i860, the reductions for which have been completed and the results published since I took charge of the Observatory work in October, 1870. The observations of Stars near the South Pole observed in 1861 have also been included. The whole of the observations combined for the formation of this Catalogue were made with the Transit Circle, an instrument similar in all respects to the Greenwich instrument which has been in use since 1851. The results of the observations made at Greenwich, 1854 to i860, have been formed into a Catalogue reduced to the epoch i860. There exist two other Catalogues, of great value, reduced to the same epoch. January i, i860, has therefore been chosen as the epoch of the present Catalogue. This choice of epoch affords great facilities for a comparison between the Greenwich and Cape results, and also for the formation of a more general Catalogue, for the whole heavens, by the combination of the different Catalogues reduced to that epoch. IV Introduction to the Cape Catalogue Comparison of the Mean Right Ascensions of Clock-stars in the Green- wich Catalogue for i860, with those contained in the Cape Catalogue of 1 1 59 Stars for i860. Star's Name. a Andromedae y Pegasi , 12 Ceti /3 Ceti 5 Piscium I Piscium e Piscium e Ceti Tf Piscium TT Piscium , V Piscium Piscium /3 Arietis a Arietis 67 Ceti $»Ceti y'Ceti { Arietis a Ceti t Arietis 17 Tauri ij Tauri y' Eridani 0' Eridani { Tauri a Tauri € Leporis /3 Orionis /3 Tauri ^ Orionis Mean R. A. No. of G. Obs. Seconds of Mean R.A. Greenwich. No. of Cape Obs. Seconds of Mean R.A. Cape. DifF. G.— C. b m O* I 59 9*44 4 a 9-36 +0-08 o- 6 67 1-79 15 1*82 —0-03 0*22 42 53-64 6 53-67 —0-03 0*36 49 33*59 44 33-60 — o-oi 0*41 II 25-27 5 2527 o-oo o-ss 74 40-79 7 40-79 O'OO I' I 17 9-57 2 9-64 — 0-07 i«i7 69 i'S3 15 »*53 0-00 1-23 74 59-78 6 59-81 —0-03 1-29 12 40-83 3 40-89 —0-06 1*34 62 8-87 4 8-91 —0-04 1-38 II 0'28 I 0-36 — o-o8 1*46 52 54-72 13 54-71 +0-01 I-S9 75 17-28 13 17-26 +0.02 2'IO 40 o-io 10 o-ii — o-oi 2'20 50 43-13 6 43-19 — o'o6 2-36 56 2-95 10 2-97 — 0'02 2-SI 10 12-77 18 12-77 o-oo 2-54 57 57-83 13 57.80 ^ 0-03 y 3 51 37-74 8 37-74 o-oo 3-36 20 34- 10 5 34'" — o-oi 3-39 67 10 09 8 10-07 -f 0-02 3 51 40 29-90 13 29-95 —0-05 4' 5 10 1-96 H 2 -02 — 0-06 4 20 67 26-71 II 26-70 + 0-0I 4-27 123 53-43 26 53-41 + 0-02 4-59 23 32*10 11 32 13 —0-03 S- 7 lOI 48-63 42 48-63 0-00 5-17 68 26-67 17 26-64 +0.03 5-24 38 51-30 15 51-31 — O-OI of n^g Stars for the epoch i860. Star's Name. a Leporis £ Ononis Z, Tauri a Columbae a Ononis V Ononis ij Geminorum ... K Aurigae fi Geminorum ... y Geminorum ... c Geminorum..,. £ Canis Majoris . y Canis Majoris . 5 Geminorum ... I Geminorum ... o' Geminorum .. a Canis Minoris j3 Geminorum ... 6 Cancri 15 Navis ip' Cancri t] Cancri ....... . y Cancri f Hydras , 83 Cancri , a Hydras £ Leonis V Leonis IT Leonis ...., a Leonis y' Leonis p Leonis / Leonis c Leonis ^ Leonis Mean R. A, 5*26 5-29 5-29 5*34 5*47 5-59 6- 6 6- 6 6'i4. 6*29 6-35 6 53 6-57 7-II 7-17 7-25 7-31 7.36 7-54 8- I 8-24 8-35 8-39 9'ii 9 -20 9"37 9*5° 9 52 lO* o 10*12 I0'25 io*4i 10-53 No. of G. Obs. 'S 28 12 21 86 12 35 18 48 25 12 28 15 59 16 61 118 119 49 25 H 40 35 57 56 49 49 12 49 118 28 58 60 12 44 Seconds of Mean R.A. Greenwich. 33*36 6-6o 16-82 34*79 35'59 34*71 25-65 27-45 29-43 37'4i 19-00 7*45 25*47 45*56 1*67 39*73 58*34 44*68 54-86 34*94 0-96 36-48 10-76 21-57 9*77 42-44 53*92 41-29 48-75 54.78 14-95 26-22 53*74 29-27 47-60 No. of Seconds of Cape Mean R.A. Obs. Cape. 28 7 3 11 9 2 28 6 18 4 2 30 3 z II 2 7 2 17 3 2 13 32 6 I 16 33-36 6-55 16-78 34*8i 35*55 34-68 25-58 27-47 29-42 37*41 18 91 7*39 25*50 45*53 1-62 39-66 58*31 44-62 54*80 34*92 0-92 36*46 10-76 21-56 9*70 42-44 53*90 41-29 48-75 54*77 H*97 26-27 53*77 29 34 47 58 Diff. G.-C. O-QO + 0-05 + 0*04 — 0-02 + 0-04 + 0-03 + 0-07 — 0-02 H-o-oi o-oo +0-09 -\-o'o6 —0-03 +0-03 +0-05 +007 4-0-03 +0-06 -f 0-06 +0-02 +0-04 -{-0-02 0-00 + 0-0I +0-07 0-00 -f-O-02 0-00 0-00 + 0-01 —0-02 —0-05 —0-03 — 0-07 -fo-oz vt Introduction to the Cape Catalogue Star's Name. S Leonis S Crateris a Leonis T Leonis V Leonis /3 Leonis /3 Virginis TT Virginis £ Corvi »j Virginis /3 Corvi X Virginis 1^ Virginis S Virginis Q Virginis a Virginis 2 Virginis m Virginis 1} Boiatis T Virginis K Virginis a Bootis \ Virginis a Librae 20 Librae '■|/ Bootis /3 Libra; a Coronae Borealis a Serpentis S Scorpii /3 Scorpii.... S Ophiuchi a Scorpii a Scorpii , K Ophiuchi Mean R. A. b m II* 6 11*12 II-I3 1I'20 II '29 ii*4i "•43 "•53 12' 2 12*12 12*27 12*32 12*47 12*48 13* 2 13-17 13-27 I3'3'l- 13.48 I3'54 14* 7 14* 9 14*11 H'43 I4-5S 14-58 15* 9 15-28 »5*37 15*52 *5*57 16* 7 16-12 l6'20 16*51 No. of G. Obs 54 33 40 45 42 S3 22 44 19 55 30 21 17 80 29 223 60 10 57 50 130 15 58 15 35 63 92 86 30 40 71 11 50 62 Seconds of Mean R A. Greenwich. 39-50 2o'6l 54*98 44*20 46*84 54-98 24*13 41*89 55*79 44*64 2*34 1*39 4-51 33*16 42*23 49*27 33*70 16*03 1*13 31-42 4157 16*62 32*39 8*31 53 "oi 26*85 28*62 45*69 22*44 3*66 i8"o8 0*68 41 •00 49*70 2*56 No. of Cape Obs. 4 »5 7 6 5 4 5 I *3 5 35 z 4 X 6 23 3 Seconds of Mean R.A. Cape. 14 1 18 3 4 13 4 7 X 26 9 6 41 6 39*48 20*60 54.98 44*21 46*87 54*92 24*12 41*94 55-78 44.70 2*35 1*39 4*63 33*09 42*21 49*27 33-65 16*08 31*48 16*60 32*26 8-35 53*04 26*77 28*64 45*61 22*42 3*55 18-10 0*72 41*02 49*69 2*53 DifF. G.-C. +0-02 + 0'01 O'OO — O-Ol —0*03 +0-06 +0*01 —0-05 +0-01 —0*06 — 0*01 0*00 —0*12 +0-07 +0-02 +0-00 +0-05 —0*05 —0-06 + 0*02 +0*13 —0-04 —0-03 +0*08 — 0*02 + 0*08 + 0*02 + 0*I1 — 0-02 — 0-04 — 0*02 + 0*01 + 0-03 of 115 g Stars for the epoch i860. v%v Star's Name, a Herculis ... Oghiuchi .... d Ophiuchi ..., a Ophiuchi.... yt Herculis .... ^ Sagittarii „.. h Sagittarii ... \ Sagittarii ... a Lyrae ^ Sagittarii .... P Lyrae a Sagittarii .... Z Aquilae o) Aquila: $ Aquilae A' Sagittarii ... y Aquilae a Aquilae P Aquilae c Sagittarii .... a' Capricorni . ;8 Capricorni .. p Capricorni... ^|/ Capricorni ., 32 Vulpeculae , 9 Capricorni „ Z Cygni ( Capricorni .. /3 Aquarii y Capricorni... E Pegasi 5 Capricorni.., 16 Pegasi a Aquarii , ( Aquarii Mean R. A »> m 7- 8 7'i3 7.18 7*28 7-40 8. 5 8'12 8'i9 8-32 8*36 8-44 8-46 8-58 9-II 9-18 9*28 9*39 9'43 9-48 9*5+ 20*I0 20"I3 20'20 20-37 20*48 20*58 21* 6 2I'I4 21*24 21*32 2i'37 21*39 21*46 21*58 21*58 No. of G. Obs. 57 43 14 105 54 81 12 22 92 II 124 10 117 68 61 27 "5 159 85 50 32 23 20 17 65 41 84 48 57 16 66 26 50 70 II Seconds of Mean R.A. Greenwich. No. of Cape Obs. 15-92 24*86 25*10 26*22 58*86 23.44 i«88 19-84 11*92 54-46 54-71 34'95 58*52 14*69 26*31 11*01 36*22 57-12 26*14 2*64 17-03 8*52 52*26 48*01 35*66 4"34 58-75 26*78 11*15 19*77 18*60 18*53 41*63 35'5o 52*29 2 23 16 II 6 29 8 10 13 15 10 26 19 16 25 9 42 9 10 26 I 20 9 4 6 3 14 38 15 10 12 4 12 6 Seconds of Mean R.A. Cape. 15*91 24*84 25*04 26*22 58*77 23*45 1*86 19*83 11*85 54-52 54*73 34*95 58-55 14*89 26*34 11*04 36*15 57*10 26*17 2*66 17-05 8*39 52*30 48-03 35*67 4-35 58*67 26-76 11-15 19*78 18-60 i8*54 41*65 35*49 52*37 DifF. G.— C. •f o*oi +0*02 +o*o6 0*00 +0*09 — o*oi +0-02 + 0-0I +0*07 — o"o6 —0*02 o*oo —0*03 o-oo —0*03 —0*03 +0*07 40*02 —0*03 — 0*02 — 0*02 +0*13 —0*04 —0*02 —0-01 — o-oi +o*o8 + 0-02 0*00 —0-01 0-00 — 0*01 —0*02 +0*01 —0-08 via Introduction to the Cape Catalogue Star's Name, 9 Aquaril a Aquarii jj Aquarii Z Pegasi , X Aquarii a PIscls Ausiralis , a Pegasi y Piscium K Piscium ( Piscium S Sculptoris w Piscium , Mean R. A. No. of G. Obs. Seconds of Mean R.A. Greenwich. No. of Cape Obs. Seconds of Mean R.A. Cape. Diff. G.-C. h m 22- 9 49 26-59 15 a 26-61 — 0-02 22-23 14 14-11 6 14-06 + 0-05 22-28 54 9-65 XI 9-70 — 0-05 22*34 49 28-81 3 28-84 — 0-03 22-45 35 18-48 3 18-50 — 0-02 22-49 59 54-38 40 54-36 + 0-02 22*51 54 47 '33 3 47-30 + 0-03 23- 9 60 54 '47 II 54-47 o-oo 23-19 56 45*31 7 45-34 —0-03 23-32 69 44'99 4 45-09 — o-io 23-41 17 37'6o II 37-62 — 0-02 23-52 79 7'39 12 7-40 — 0-01 This list contains the Stars whose Right Ascensions have been em- ployed for the determination of clock error in the reduction of the observations included in the present Catalogue. The Mean Right Ascensions adopted for the determination of clock error have been those of the Greenwich Catalogue of 2022 Stars for i860, and the results have been carried back to the year of observation with the precessions, secular variations, and proper motions given in that Catalogue. No correction for epoch has been applied, and the fundamental epoch of this Catalogue should therefore be that of the Greenwich Catalogue. The differences between the Right Ascensions adopted for clock error and the resulting Right Ascensions are generally small, and the mean difference is only +0*-002. But the differences are not quite constant throughout the twenty-four hours. The following are the Mean Differences for intervals of three hours : GREENWICH R.A.— CAPE R.A. h b h b b h h h h K b b b b h h to 3 3 to 6 6 to 9 9 to 12 12 to 15 15 to 18 18 to 21 21 to 24 —0-007 +0-005 4-0-030 +0-003 — 0-007 + 0-010 — 0-006 — 0-005 The only one of these differences which is very strongly marked is that from 6'' to 9*^, but the Greenwich Right Ascensions from S^ to g"", both inclusive, are systematically greater than the corresponding Cape of ii^g Stars for the epoch i860. tx Right Ascensions, the mean difference being +o«'02i. These Stars were generally observed at the Cape during the months of December, January, and February. The changes of temperature in the evening are exceedingly rapid, the average change of temperature in January between 6'' and iz"* being 5° "4 F. I think it probable that, so far as the above diiFerences indicate errors in the Cape places, they may be attributed to the mean rate not being strictly applicable over a group of Stars extending from soon after sunset to late on in the night. The Transit Clock was not, and is not now, protected from rapid changes of temperature, and the compensation most probably lags behind in its action. The North Polar Distances have been reduced with the refractions of the Tabulae Regiomontanae to 85° Z.D. ; but below 85° Z.D., instead of introducing the break in the mean refractions recommended by Bessel, the tables have been extended by using the mean refractions from the Fundamenta multiplied by the constant required to bring up the mean refractions of the Fundamenta to those of the Tabulae Regiomontanae. The latitude of the Observatory assumed in the volumes of results has been that determined by Henderson, 33° 56' 3""2 South. In the formation of this Catalogue I have adopted, from a preliminary investigation, 33° 56' 3"*56 South latitude. The following table exhibits the corrections which this adopted quantity would still appear to require with the refraction tables in use. The weights in this table have been calculated from the probable errors at different zenith distances, given in my paper in the monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society : LATITUDE INVESTIGATION. Scar's Name. o Octantis . . , /3Hydri Lacaille 634 . y Hydri ... . , S Mensae . . . . Lacaille 1639 Lacaille 1752 A Octantis . . |3 Argus ? Octantis — No. of Obs. Weight. Above Below Pole. Pole. 19 27 22*23 IIO 92 93-88 3 5 377 27 25 24-27 7 8 7"4i 9 4 5-00 10 7 7'43 H 10 "33 9 4 3*43 17 3 3-93 Excess of N.P.D. (Below — above.) -fo'ii =2*— 169^ +o*ii =2Jf— I94jf + 0-15 =2*'-i73jr — o*68 =2*— 2i6j» +©•09 =2Af— iS^y 4-o"o6 =2*— i8qy — o'3X =:2* — 2I3> +o'38 =2*'— i72j» -fi'i5 =2;*:— 28oj» 4-i'94 =2*'— 173^ X Introduction to the Cape Catalogue Star's Name. H/i Octantis . B.A.C. 4460 K Octantis . . c Apodis . . . . Z Octantis . . B.A.C. 4883 .. p Octantis . . . . Brisbane 5607. y Apodis /3 Apodis t Apodis .... Brisbane 6058 a Octantis . . . c Pavonis .... a Pavonis.. . . B Octantis. C Octantis jS Octantis r Octantis y* Octantis No. of Obs. Above Pole. 34 6 17 4 53 5 16 4 3 3 16 45 2 4 33 22 I 39 I Below Pole. 25 2 IX I 25 3 18 6 4 4 2 9 41 5 5 31 35 5 87 5 Weight. 28-45 277 I2'8o i'3i 32-38 3-45 l8-12 8-21 3-8i 3 "47 X74 II'24 42-49 3'29 3'63 31-71 27-27 1-92 54-04 1-88 Excess of N.P.D. (Below — above.) + 0-23 -1-14 —0-76 + 1-98 — o-o8 + 1-28 4-0-03 +0-17 +0-65 +0-60 — 1-92 —0-19 —0-29 +0-78 -1-89 -f 0-41 -o"43 +0-42 —0-05 — 1-21 zzx—i6^y zzx —i-jzy zzx—ijzy zzx—i%%y zzx—ijiy zix — 179J' :2*'— i76y :2X'— 173^^ :2X'— I93J' :2a;— 197^ :2Jf— 266)' zzx—\loy zzx—\(>(jy zzx—z%-]y zzx—2jSy :2*'— 169^^ zzx—iyiy zzx—iioy zzx—ijSy zzx—ijjy In these equations it is assumed that the true refraction = Tabular (i — y). South latitude = 33° 56' 3",56 + z. From them we find, for the South latitude of the Observatory, — 33° 56' 3"-55 + 9i>- There are not a sufficient number of Stars, far removed from the pole, observed at their upper and low^er culminations in North Polar Distance to allow of any accurate determination of j' from the results of this Catalogue. The latitude of the Cape Observatory must therefore be still con- sidered as uncertain to half a second. If the value of y be determined from these equations, the results are, — z = + o"-4i6. y = + 0-0047. The following method has been employed in the formation of the Catalogue : In the first place, it must be remarked that the observations contained in the separate volumes of results are not corrected for the proper motion for the fraction of the year of observation except for the Nautical Almanac of ii^g Stars for the epoch iS6o. xi Stars, for which Stars it has been included in the Star correction. AH the observations of Stars common to this Catalogue and the Greenwich Catalogue for i860, which are not contained in the Nautical Almanac, and for which proper motions are given in the Greenwich Catalogue, were first corrected for the proper motion for the fraction of a year, and then all the Stars common to the Greenwich Catalogue brought up to the epoch i860, January i, from the different years with the precessions, secular variations, and proper motions of the Greenwich Catalogue. The places for the Stars not contained in the Greenwich Catalogue were then brought up to i860, with the precessions for the year of observation, or mean precessions, or the precessions approximately corrected for secular variations from the British Association Catalogue, and very approximate places for i860 thus found. With these places the precessions and secular variations, for i860, were computed. The results for the several years were then brought up to i860 with greater accuracy, and combined in proportion to the number of observations in each year for places which were so far uncorrected for proper motions, except for the Nautical Almanac Stars to which they were applied. A comparison was then made between these results and the places of the same Stars given in the following Catalogues : Brisbane, in N. P. D. only. Fallows, Johnson, Henderson, and an un- finished Cape Catalogue for 1840, formed from the observations made, 1834 to 1840, the reductions for which were examined and completed so far as necessary for this comparison. From these comparisons proper motions were adopted for use in the present Catalogue. These proper motions were then applied, for the Stars not in the Greenwich Catalogue or Nautical Almanac, for the interval between the mean time of observation and the epoch of the Catalogue 1860, January i. In cases where the adopted proper motions for Nautical Almanac Stars differed from those used in the Nautical Almanac the necessary corrections were applied. The whole of the results are therefore reduced with the pioper motions given in the Catalogue, and the corrections for proper motion for the fraction of the year of observation have been applied in all cases when required. The intervals between this Catalogue and those compared with it for proper motions are but small, and no extreme accuracy can therefore be expected in the resulting proper motions ; but after the experience of Baily, and some further trials of my own, it has not appeared to me desirable to trust to Lacaille's places for proper motions, and these adopted proper motions are therefore probably the best available. I believe them sufficiently accurate to bring up the places of the present Catalogue for twenty years with at least the accuracy of the earlier Catalogues. I have not thought it necessary to give the Star constants. Very approximate constants computed for the reductions will be found for the Southern Stars in the volumes of results for the several years, 1856 — 1860, xii Introduction to the Cap^ Catalogue and the constants for the Greenwich Stars are given for i860 in the Greenwich Catalogue. The secular variations have been corrected for the change of m and «, as well as for changes in place. In some cases, where southern stars have been observed in North Polar Distance but no corresponding observations in Right Ascensions have been available during the period 1856 to 1 861, I have reduced observations made in other years to fill up the gaps. These cases are clearly marked by the mean year of observation and by a note. The references to other Catalogues have been much restricted for want of room. The Greenwich Catalogue generally referred to is that for i860. When the places of a star are not contained in the Greenwich i860 Catalogue, but are contained in the Greenwich Catalogue for 1864, references are given to the latter Catalogue and distinguished by an *. Henderson's Catalogue is only referred to for stars not contained in the Greenwich Catalogues. The letter H is prefixed to Henderson's numbers. Fallows' and Johnson's Catalogues are distinguished by the letter J. being prefixed to Johnson's Catalogue. In a few cases references have been made to the Radcliffe Catalogue for i860, under the letter R. During the time this Catalogue has been in preparation the Observatory Staff, which should consist of four assistants, has consisted of but two. The first assistant, Mr. Mann, was absent from serious illness, which led to his resignation, and, very shortly afterwards, death. The third assistantship has been vacant for three years owing to deaths and delays in filling up the appointment. Under such circumstances, a very considerable portion of the mere arithmetical work has fallen directly upon me, and all of the examination. I have, however, when the computations have been made by me, re-computed the work again after an interval, and have taken all the precautions which occurred to me to insure accuracy. I hope that the errors contained in this Catalogue will be found but few, and those not important, and that the Catalogue may be found not unworthy of the Observatory. The reductions of the observations which this Catalogue contains, and the formation of the Catalogue, have occupied my chief thoughts during the three years I have been at the Cape. It may be mentioned that the present is the first Star Catalogue ever printed at the Cape, and the first of any extent yet published from materials collected at this Observatory since its foundation. The printing has been done by Messrs. Saul Solomon and Co., who, at their own instigation, ordered out a fresh fount of type for the printing of the Cape observations. My thanks are due to them and to their leading printer, Mr. S. Wiid, for the care bestowed in passing through the press a very heavy work, and one of an unusual character in their office. E. J. STONE. 1873, October 5. _ THE CAPE CATALOGUE OF 1159 STARS roK i860, DEDUCED FROM OBSERVATIONS MADE AT THE royal observatory, cape of good uofe, i856-i86k CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. Qeneral Catalogue of Stars for 1860, Jan. No. I 2 3 + 5 6 7 8 9 10 II 12 »s 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 2+ *S 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 No. in B.A.C. 4 II »9 26 35 36 64 66 71 70 94 112 127 134 143 H5 149 176 183 196 222 242 265 272 288 3»3 317 328 333 340 341 368 380 2 4 5 3-2 6 6 5 6-5 67 4-5 6 4 5 5 6-5 6 5 5 2 4*5 5-6 6 5-4 4 6 3*4 6-5 S 5 6 5*4 4*5 Star's Name. 21 Andromedae... a Phsnlcls c Octantis y' 88 Pegasi y B.F. 3310 35 Piscium Tucanae ( 41 Piscium d Octantis o Tucana; it Hydri /3 45 Piscium Phoenicis a 12 Ceti Tucanae j3' Lacaille 123 Lacaille 137 13 Ceti W.B. oi'484 Lacaille 172 Phcenicis ju 16 Ceti /3 63 Piscium t 20 Ceti Lacaille 259 Sculptoris a 71 Piscium £ 27 Ceti Plioenicis /3 80 Piscium , Tucanae t Phcenicis ^ Piazzi o'' 311 86 Piscium J' Phoenicis v Mean R.A. i860, Jan. 1. 1 9-36 2 17*66 3 36*48 6 1*82 7 45 o 7 46-29 o 12 44'83 o 13 2373 o 13 24*98 o 14 7*74 o 18 19*91 o 18 28 95 o 19 21*44 o 22 53*67 o 25 6*52 o 26 19*99 o 27 47-40 o 28 2*55 o 28 39*86 o 33 50*96 o 34 41*98 o 36 33*60 o 41 25*27 o 45 51 o 49 40*38 o 51 51*38 o 55 40*79 o 58 36 59 49*77 1 I 9*64 I I 45*15 I 2 28-98 I 2 46-30 I 6 25*16 I 8 51*63 1800 5908 59*86 56*44 59*29 60*89 6o*oo 59*18 58*13 59*74 59*63 58-93 59*67 57*08 59*75 59-85 59*82 56-55 59*66 59*74 59*93 59*12 58*47 • • 59*83 59-95 58*27 60*01 56*59 60*1 8 59*86 60*90 59-61 59*96 3 9 42 I 238 10 I 6 3 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 3*076 3*058 2*901 3*081 3*064 3*078 2*908 + 3*082 — 2*141 + 2*841 2*568 3*085 2*967 3*061 2*776 2*761 2*856 3-060 3*109 2*728 2*857 3*000 3*101 3063 2*677 3*112 3*008 2*696 3*102 2*388 2-538 3*168 3*ii8 + 2-658 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0-0181 — 0*0292 — 0-2140 + 0-0099 — 0*0032 + 0*0066 — 0*0563 + 0-0066 + 4*7690 — 0*0684 — 0*0913 + o*oo66 — 0*0229 -f- o*ooo8 — 0*0452 — 0*0446 — 0*0305 + 0*0012 -j- 0-0I02 — 0*0362 — 0*0232 — 0*0056 + 0*0078 + 0*0035 — 0*0250 — 0*0102 + 0-0086 ~ o-oooi — 0-0184 + 0-0077 — 0-0252 — o 0223 + 0-0134 4. 0-0090 — 0*0160 (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, No Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan, I. Is >* e C.2 ;2: Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. — u a i i -1 e JO'S I 1 » 61 40 5774 1800 57-98 H — 20-o6 + 0-01 1 + 0-15 7384 3 2 136 31 1178 59-73 9 20*05 + 0-013 + 0-19 9742 3 2.J1 .. 3 173 8-85 56-44 7 20*05 + 0-015 — 0-03 9756 5 j» H8 4 75 35 42-05 59-18 33 20*05 4- 0*021 + 0*02 •• II •• 10 5 100 ao 53*20 59-83 I 20*04 + 0-023 •• •• •• •• •• 6 81 57 24-46 60-89 2 20*04 -|- 0-024 + 0*05 .. .. •• 12 7 155 41 52-03 6o-oo 3 20-03 + 0-033 - 1-18 40 26 J4 • • 8 82 35 15-10 59-18 9 20*02 + 0-035 — o-oi .• .• .. »9 9 179 8 29-15 58-14 46 20-02 — 0-009 000 .• 32 J5 H2 lO 160 24 9-52 59-74 I 20-O2 + 0-035 + 0-04 53 29 •• •• II 168 2 34-67 59-37 202 19-99 + 0-039 — 0*32 74 40 5.J6 H 14 12 83 4 59"o5 58-86 8 19-99 + 0-045 + 0*07 .. .. • • 24 13 133 3 59-25 59-67 I 19-98 + 0-046 + 0*40 87 44 6.J8 H59 H 94 43 52*60 58-19 »3 19-96 + 0-053 + 001 • • .. 7 3» '5 »53 43 47-09 59-75 3 19*94 + 0-053 + 0*03 119 58 9- J 10 • • i6 153 48 9-93 59-85 I 19-92 + 0-055 — 0-03 123 61 J 12 .• 17 143 8 48-78 59-82 2 19-91 + 0*059 .. 137 67 • • •• i8 94 21 51-19 56-55 I 19-91 + 0063 + 004 .• .. • • 38 19 77 33 28-59 59-66 2 19-90 + 0-065 •• • . .. •• 40 20 150 14 29-07 59-74 2 19-84 + 0*067 - 0-54 172 81 •• •• 21 136 51 15-22 5993 I 19-83 + 0-071 + 0-I2 177 84 J '3 .. 22 108 45 20-51 58-81 122 1980 + 0-078 — 0-02 .. • • 13.J 14 50 23 83 10 39-45 5902 12 19-73 + 0-090 + 0-05 .. .. 14 59 24 9» 54 19-19 59-86 I 1966 + 0-097 + O-OI • • • • I5-J 17 62 25 143 56 59-68 59-83 I 19-59 + 0-092 + 0-09 259 121 •• •• 26 120 6 53-81 59-87 7 19-54 + 0-103 + 0-03 266 125 16.J18 69 27 82 51 52-14 59-18 34 19-47 + 0-118 0-00 .. • • •• 72 28 TOO 43 45-27 59-86 I 19-40 + 0-120 \- 0-0 X •• • • •• 133* 29 137 28 878 6o-oi 5 19-38 + o-iio + 0-04 308 145 17.J 19 •• 30 85 5 30-88 56-68 3 19-35 + 0-128 + 0-19 " •• 76 3' 152 31 26-22 60-18 2 19-33 + o-ioi — O-OI 3:6 155 .. 32 145 59 42-19 59-84 5 19-32 •f 0-108 + 02 J18 156 18.J21 • • 33 75 4 19-46 60-90 z 19*31 + 0-I33 + 0-17 .. • • •. 80 34 83 9 57-64 59-61 7 19-22 + 0-138 + 0-07 • • • • •• 82 35 136 16 49-05 59-92 9 — 1916 + 0-123 - 0-15 337 172 •• •• General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. No. No. in B.A.C. Star's Name. Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. S 2 (14 Annual Precess. in R.A, for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. In R.A. 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 S» 5i S3 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 6z 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 39* 398 420 422 426 427 431 447 448 453 461 476 477 488 507 S18 537 539 541 55° 554 7 5 5 3 5 5 5 5 3 5 4-3 4 6 6 6 I 5"4 4 6 5 5 5-6 557 6 565 3 57* 573 4*3 584 6 577 3'* 582 5 585 5 59* 6 594 6 596 4 607 6 623 3 633 6 Lalande 2312 Tucanae k Lacaille 361 45 Ceti B Lacaille 391 Lacaille 392 93 Piscium p 94 Piecium Phcenicis y 98 Piscium fi 99 Piscium ri Phcenicis loi Piscium Piazzi jh 120.... 102 Piscium tt Eridani a 106 Piscium V no Piscium o Piazzi I*" l67«.. Sculptoris Eridani q^ Hydri Octantis v 55 Ceti Z. 5 Arletis y Lacaille 634 6 Arietis (i Lacaille 559 Phcenicis ^ 8 Arietis i 56 Cetl Eridani ^ Piazzi i^ 222.... Hydri , 60 Ceti 10 8'05 11 074 12 11*56 17 i"53 17 7-28 18 2870 18 4277 19 8-35 22 16-89 22 Si"i5 23 59-81 25 25-00 28 17-56 28 20-56 29 40-89 32 29-68 34 8-91 38 0-36 38 58 39 S'*o 40 45-72 41 19-86 41 51*67 44 43 45 5i*»3 45 55*7* 46 54-71 48 174 48 33*13 49 4**58 50 6 50 30-25 51 49-80 54 *i*39 56 I 1800 60-92 59*77 60'22 59*39 60-22 59-84 59-78 59*93 59*90 5671 59-21 59-89 59*79 60-90 56-98 59-61 59*59 56-78 59-92 59-86 5645 56-42 58*73 56-54 58-92 59*89 59-86 57*73 59-82 59*78 59-91 + 3*»69 1*975 2*090 3*003 2-026 2665 3-222 3-224 2-6i8 3*"7 3*197 2-496 3'i97 3-223 3*175 2*233 3-117 3*154 3-009 2-802 + 2*282 — 0-125 — 2*124 + **9S7 + 3**73 — 4*462 + 3*29* 2*421 2-500 3-262 2-807 2-270 3*305 1-856 + 3-066 + 0-0130 — 0-0157 — 0-0181 -j- 0-0018 — 0-0149 — 0-0125 + 0-0163 + 0-0163 — 0*0127 4- 0*0094 + 0*0141 — 0*0141 4- 0*0138 + 0*0155 -f- 0*0124 — 00130 + 0-0090 ■\- o-oiio + 0-0039 — 0*0039 — 0-0109 4- 0-1722 + 0*5901 -|- 0*0021 4-0-0172 4- 1*3294 + 0-0182 — 0*0091 — 0-0083 -f 0-0163 — O 002 1 — 0-0088 + 0-0185 — 0*0025 -f 0-0072 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. No. 36 37 38 39 40 4» 42 4-3 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 SI 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Mean N P.D. i860, Jan. I. jS 29 159 37 157 8 98 54 157 7 132 13 71 33 71 29 134 a 84 34 44-39 1271 i3"io 2478 r6i 20*09 2878 1079 11*42 44-64 5 2 •^u, 1800 60*92 59 77 6o*22 59*14 6o*22 59-84 5978 59*93 59*90 5671 75 22 37-6r 59*43 139 48 4*44 59*89 76 3 20*96 59-50 73 17 3"27 60*90 78 34 33*96 57*18 147 56 56*79 58-43 85 13 20*41 59*53 81 32 54*49 57*73 96 26 6*76 59*94 115 45 12*88 59*92 144 13 33-62 59*86 169 51 13*85 56*45 173 41 12-65 56*42 101 I 40-67 56-49 71 23 35*44 58*73 175 28 30*09 56*53 69 52 4064 59-12 136 59 22*89 59*88 133 11 6*31 59*86 72 52 2*59 57*73 "3 " 43*55 59*82 142 18 24*76 59-82 69 37 23-92 59*78 152 15 7-70 59-89 90 32 53*i8 59*90 Annual Precess. N.P.D. for i860. - 19*12 19*10 19*07 1893 18-93 18-89 18-89 18-87 1878 18*76 18*72 18-68 18*59 18*59 18-54 1844 18-39 18*25 18-22 l8'21 1815 18*13 18 II 18-01 17*95 17*95 17*91 17-87 17*85 17-80 17*79 1777 17-72 17-61 17*53 Secular Variation of Precess in N.P.D. + 0-147 -j- 0*096 + 102 + 0*153 + 0-106 + 0*139 + 0*166 + 0-167 + 0-142 + 0-167 + 0*175 + 0*140 + 0-183 + 0*185 + 0*185 + 0*136 + 0*190 + 0-199 + 0*191 + 0*178 + 0*150 — 0-001 — 0-125 + 0-197 + 0-221 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. — 0-I2 — 0-01 + 0*22 + 0*03 + o-o6 — 0-06 + o-oi + 0-24 + 0*18 0-00 — 0-14 — 0-02 — 0-07 — 0*03 + 0-07 + 0-04 — 0-01 + 008 0-04 + 0*02 — o-o6 + 0-I2 + 0*11 0-283 — 0-01 0*224 + o*i68 + 0*174 + o;227 + 0*196 + 0*161 + 0*234 + 0-137 + 0-225 + 0*11 + 0-15 + 0*04 — 0-01 - 0*25 + o-ii - 0-01 + 0*02 No. for reference. 356 361 391 392 419 440 484 5" 523 55* 576 634 559 565 568 575 605 216 239 254 259 262 272 274 278 287 ^ 2 178 •• 180 .. .. 20.J 22 196 • • 199 J 23 209 22 .J 25 • • 23 24.J 26 • . 104 • • 105 • • 107 25J 27 H 36 27 112 29 117 30.J 29 3IJ 31 J 32 32.J 33 • • 33-J 36 O K 92 94 95 H58 96 H 109 123 124 125 126 128 H25 269^ General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 ; No. 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 «5 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 : 98 99 100 lOI 102 103 104. 105 No. in ■0 B.A.C. 00 632 6 634 5 648 2 659 6 663 67 682 5-6 684 4*5 688 5 704 6 707 6-5 717 4 745 5-6 747 6 756 4 760 4 763 4-5 771 6 781 5 787 6 808 6-5 820 5-6 8z8 5 825 6-5 83Z 4 837 3*4 845 4 849 5 864 6 867 6 872 4 879 S 88z S 911 6 913 6 92J 4-5 Star's Name. Piazzi i^ 243 Phcenicis % 13 Arietis a Lacaille 640 Piazzi I*" 266 17 Arietis i\ 65Ceti.... ?' Fornacis ^ 67 Ceti 22 Arietis Q Eridani ^ 24 Arietis ^ 71 Ceti Hydri h 73 Ceti 1^ Eridani k 27 Arietis 76 Ceti a Lacaille 785 32 Arietis v Horologii... r\ Lacaille 827 34 Arietis ^ Eridani 1 86 Ceti... y' 87 Ceti /i Hydri Lacaille 875 40 Arietis 41 Arietis ^.... Fornacis j3 Hydri Lacaille 937 47 Arietis......... 48 Arietis c Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. I 56 2-19 r 56 5-48 1 59 I7"26 2 I 3749 2 2 24 2 4 58-20 2 5 34-97 2 6 44-44 2 10 O'll 2 10 20*69 2 H 30"3I 2 17 I9'I2 2 17 54 2 19 i6-o8 2 20 43-19 2 21 51-10 2 23 8-84 2 25 28 a 27 375 2 30 52-37 2 32 47-29 2 34 27-69 2 34 2875 2 35 8-49 2 36 2-97 2 37 2271 2 37 26-95 2 40 16-96 2 40 41*52 2 41 44*86 2 43 13-87 2 43 24-00 2 49 18-53 2 50 4*85 z 51 12*77 1800 57*68 59*88 59*12 59-83 59-67 5678 59-86 59'5o 60-88 59-87 56-71 59-89 59-10 59-89 58-31 59-96 59"93 59-95 59*90 60-90 59-91 59-42 56*71 59*91 59-98 5926 60*60 59 93 59-91 5996 59-71 5891 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. + 3'277 2-415 3*35* 2*078 3-114 3332 3-172 2*644 2-983 3-3H 2-138 3-205 3-027 1-052 3-178 2-200 3*3" 2*847 2*229 3-392 1*969 2*280 3-366 2*358 3111 3-214 0-878 2-257 3-347 3-508 2*505 0885 1-268 3-403 + 3417 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0-0167 — 0-0075 + 0-0203 — 0*0053 + 0*0091 + 0-0188 + 0-0115 — 0-0032 + 0-0049 + 0-0179 — 0-0044 + 0-0126 + o*oo66 + 0-0294 + 0-0115 — 0-0035 + o-oi66 + 0-0024 — o 0029 + 0-0192 — 0*0001 — 0-0021 + 0-0179 — o 0021 + 0*0093 + 0-0124 + 0-0348 — 0*0016 4-00168 4. 0-0228 — 0*0008 + 00333 + o 0169 4- 00180 4- 0*0184 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Gocd Hope. No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. Is' OR d Is Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D, No. for reference. a c *n n 81 c 5 «-| Ji 6 ffi 71 / # 72 25 17*30 1800 57*68 2 « - 17-54 + 0-239 0-04 290 136 72 135 23 19-35 59-88 4 17-54 + 0-J79 + 0-02 610 291 J 37 • • 73 67 12 S'os 59-9+ 38 17-40 + 0-251 + 0*15 • • 29s • • 137 74 145 45 5*98 59-83 I 17-30 + 0*161 + o-o8 640 301 .. • • 75 86 25 56-89 59-82 I 17-26 + 0*237 •• •• •• •• •• 76 69 26 54*69 59-63 3 17*15 + 0-259 - o-oi .. .. .. 141 77 81 48 43-49 56-78 I 17-12 + 0-248 + 0-04 .. .. 34 142 78 121 22 55'22 59-86 4 17*07 + 0-2I0 - o-o8 666 315 .. .• 79 97 4 8-98 59-63 28 16-92 + 0-241 + 0*14 .. .. .. 147 80 70 44 5473 6o*88 3 16-90 + 0*268 + o-oi • • •• •• 148 81 142 9 41-37 59-88 7 1685 + 0-176 + 0-05 693 327 35.J 38 .. 82 80 I 31*12 56-71 I 16-56 + 0-271 + 0-05 • • .. 38 153 83 93 24 56*80 59-91 1 16-53 4-0-257 - 0-06 • • .. .. 324* 84 159 17 50*59 59-89 7 l6*47 + 0*095 — o-oi 747 351 39-J 41 • • 85 82 10 9-97 59-23 »3 16-39 + 0*274 + 0*02 •• •• •• 157 86 138 20 1*24 59-89 7 16-34 + 0-193 + 0-04 753 353 40.J 42 .. 87 72 55 2-13 58-31 3 16-27 -f. 0290 + 0-09 • • .. .. 159 88 105 SI 39-83 59-90 I 16*15 + 0*253 + 0*07 • « .. 42.J 43 336* 89 136 29 22-65 59*96 5 1607 + 0*202 - 0-11 785 367 • • • • 90 68 38 47*22 59*93 2 15*87 + 0*310 + 0-02 •• •• • • 168 91 143 9 1*50 59-96 3 15-76 + 0-184 + 0'02 821 378 • • .. 92 133 29 39'85 59*88 4 15-67 + 0-214 + 0-03 827 383 J 46 .. 93 70 35 13-95 60-90 I 15*67 + 0-313 + 0*05 • • .• .. 173 9+ 130 27 22*39 59-91 5 15-64 + 0*222 + 0-06 831 384 J 47 .. 95 87 21 23-06 59*26 28 15-58 + 0-292 + 0-19 •• •• •• 178 96 80 28 45-63 56*71 I 15*51 + 0-304 + 0-07 .. .. • • 181 97 158 52 3-50 59*91 6 15*51 + o-o88 + 0-00 871 398 J49 • • 98 133 25 38-49 59-98 2 15-35 + 0*219 + 0-07 875 406 .. .. 99 72 18 7*43 59-26 4 15-33 + 0-322 - 0-07 • • .. .. 185 100 63 19 9*14 6060 2 15-27 + 0-338 + 0*13 •• •• •• 187 lOI 122 59 45*26 59-93 9 15*18 + 0-245 — 0-12 888 415 J 50 .. 102 158 12 21-47 59-91 5 15-17 + 0-091 — 0-03 907 420 J 51 • . 103 153 28 58-33 59*97 4 14-83 + 0*131 - 0-14 937 434 • • .. 104 69 53 44*i8 59-71 2 14-78 + 0-342 + 0-03 •• .. .. 193 105 69 13 20-14 58-96 H - 14-71 + o*345 + 0-02 • • •• •• 194 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan, No. 106 107 108 109 no III IIZ "3 114 "5 116 "7 118 119 IZO IZI IZZ IZ3 IZ4 IZ5 iz6 IZ7 iz8 IZ9 130 131 I3Z 133 134 13s 136 «37 138 139 140 No. in B.A.C 937 949 966 98Z 986 997 999 038 034 044 043 056 070 109 IZ5 iz6 147 150 »59 158 161 166 176 197 199 zoi ZI7 zzo zzt Z30 234 257 3*4 z'3 6 5 4-5 3 "3 4'5 5 5 4-5 z 5 5 5-6 6 5 6 4 5 5 6-5 5 3 4 4 Stars' Name. Eridani 6 9Z Ceti a 53 Arietis. ....... Hydri 57 Arietis S iz Eridani 58 Arietis }^ Lacallle 1105 61 Arietis r Lacaille 1060 33 Persei a Lacaille 109Z..., Hydri I , Lacaille 1138.. Lacaille 1161 II Tauri 17 Tauri Lacaille X191 Eridani v' Z5 Eridani Z3 Tauri Z5 Tauri .«. 1] Z7 Tauri Lacaille IZ53 Lacaille XZ44.... Lalande 7114.... Eridani v' 33 Eridani t' Eridani v' 3Z Tauri Hydri y 34 Eridani y' 37 Tauri A^ Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. z 5z 57-15 z 54 57-80 z 59 33-13 3 « 59-63 3 3 3774 3 <5 7"44 3 6 51-55 3 IZ Z5-46 3 13 8-71 3 14 zo*z8 3 14 ^o'H 3 16 24-53 3 19 31*46 3 25 *-39 3 z8 56-96 3 32 4"33 3 3z Z4-88 3 36 34'" 3 36 40-8Z 3 37 3877 3 37 47 3 38 1-25 3 39 10-07 3 40 50"59 3 42 ^7'^7 3 43 a-S4 3 43 25'9o 3 43 49-39 3 44 ""95 3 47 45-41 3 48 18-87 3 48 36-04 3 49 27-07 3 51 29-95 3 56 25-4Z U1 1800 59-94 59-23 57-84 59-85 58-32 59-90 60-00 59'97 58-73 59'93 59'7i 59-95 5993 60-00 59*95 59-93 58-08 57-60 59-94 59-96 59-86 58-48 59-29 59*94 6o'93 59*94 60-9Z 59-97 59-94 59-90 57*84 59*09 59*57 59*72 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + z-z8o 3-1Z9 3*367 0-056 3-406 Z-5Z2 + 3-436 — 2-310 + 3-448 2-117 4-Z40 + 0-639 1-696 -f Z-096 2-403 z*i5z 3*568 3*547 2*384 Z-Z30 3*058 3*546 3*551 3*552 0-679 3-582 z-zo6 3-583 z'Z48 2-549 z'z8z + 3*528 - 1-034 + 2-79Z + 3*529 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — o-oooi -f. 0*0098 + o-oi6i + 0-0735 + 0-0171 + o-ooi I + 0-0177 •\ o-z8oo +• 0-0175 + 0-0017 + 0-0484 + 0-0368 + 0-I99Z + 0-0024 + o'ooiS + 0-00Z4 + 0-0189 + 0-0179 + 0-00Z3 + 0-00Z3 + 0-0078 + 0-0177 + 0-0177 + 0-0176 -f 0*0294 + 0*0178 + o-ooz6 + 0-0178 + 0-0026 + 0-003 1 + 0-0026 + o-oi6z + 0-1080 + 0-0047 + 0-0154 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. No. 1 06 107 108 109 no III 112 "3 114 "5 116 117 118 119 IZO 121 122 "3 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 »37 138 »39 140 Mean N P,D, i86o, Jan. I. 5 2 130 52 2-14 86 27 42-95 72 39 46-54 162 26 57-52 70 48 i9'S3 119 32 27-89 69 28 37-76 169 31 8-98 69 21 37-03 133 36 27-11 40 38 23-62 157 26 10-27 167 53 53-29 133 6 57-26 122 20 41-57 130 44 8-67 65 7 35-83 66 19 47-78 122 23 16-05 127 45 26-49 90 44 23-98 66 29 26-93 66 19 51-34 66 22 40-88 155 14- 53-48 65 15 47-47 128 3 o-i8 65 15 17-74 126 37 35-13 115 I 44-70 125 S 54.03 67 55 42-76 164 40 1.88 103 54 33'95 68 18 14-14 1800 59-94 59-13 57-84 59-85 58-84 59-90 59-78 59-36 58-73 59-93 59-71 5995 59-93 6o-oo 59-95 59-93 58-21 5836 59-94 59-96 59-99 59-86 58-86 59-23 59-94 60-93 59-94 60-92 59-97 59-94 59-90 57-84 59-07 59-60 59-72 OJ5 Annual Process. in N.P.D. for i860, - 14*61 14-49 14-21 14-06 13-96 13-80 13-75 13-39 13-35 13-27 13-27 13-13 12-92 12-55 12-29 12-07 12-04 11-75 11-74 11-67 11-66 11-65 11-56 11-44 11-33 11-28 11-26 11-23 11-20 10 94 10-90 10-88 10 82 10-67 10-30 Secular Variation of N.P.D + 0-234 + 0-322 + 0-353 -f- 0-012 + 0-363 |- 0-272 + 0-371 — 0-244 + 0-381 + 0-237 + 0-470 + 0-076 -0-183 + 0-243 + 0-282 + 0-256 + 0-421 + 0-424 + 0-287 + 0269 + 0-368 + 0-426 + 0-428 + 0430 + 0-087 + 0-437 + 0-271 + 0-437 + 0-277 + 0-316 + 0-284 + 0-437 0'122 + 0-349 + 0-446 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. — 0-05 + o-ii + o-oi — o-oi + 0-00 — 0-62 + 0-07 + 0-03 — 0-75 + 0-05 + 0-15 — 0-05 + 0-09 + 0-04 + 0-02 + 0-04 + 0-02 + 0-09 + 0-04 + 0-05 + 0-06 + 0-07 — 0-03 + 0-04 + 0-07 + 0-09 + 0-05 + 0-14 — 0-I2 + 0-12 + 0-09 No. for reference. 950 1000 H05 1060 1092 1131 1138 1161 1191 "53 1244 1248 1270 1275 1322 446 453 493 530 540 554 569 578 589 591 610 612 618 620 629 :=3 o 5 5» 55 J 54 J 58 ■J 59 J 62 6i,J 67 J 69 J 70 J 74 65-J 75 J 76 J 78 68,1 79 69.J 80 H67 197 204 208 Z18 249 258 262 263 265 269 494* 278 His 281 288 119. This is the nearest bright Star to the place given for B.A.C. 1088. CAP£ OBSERVATIONS, l8$0. 10 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. No. in B.A.C. u -0 3 "S bo 141 1259 5 142 1270 5 143 1271 5 144 1284 5-6 H5 1290 4*5 146 1299 5 H7 1303 5 148 131S 5 149 1326 5-6 150 1331 4 151 1333 3-4 152 1336 3 '4 153 1341 6-5 154 1348 S ^iS 1356 6 156 1358 5 157 1362 5'4 158 1367 5-4 159 1372 4 160 1383 5 161 1376 4*3 162 1413 S 163 1426 6 164 1420 I i6s 1422 4 166 H33 4*3 167 H35 5-6 168 1438 3 169 1454 5-6 170 1449 4*5 171 1458 45 172 1464 5 173 1473 5 174 1483 5-6 175 1506 5-6 Star's Name. ReticuII > i Reticuli y Reticuli 37 Eridani 38 Eridani o' Horologii t 39 Eridani A Horologii a 52 Tauri ^ Doradus y 41 Eridani v* Rericuli a 59 Tauri y} Lacaille 1424..., 64 Tauri J* Reticuli Q 65 Tauri /f' 69 Tauri w' Eridani v' Reticuli i) 74 Tauri t Ceeli Mensae t 87 Tauri a 50 Eridani w® 52 Eridani v^ 51 Eridani c Doradus a Lacaille 1639 94 Tauri r Cceli a Cceli fi Pictoris X Piazzi IV. 202 Lacaille 1626 Mean R.A, i860, Jan, I. 3 56 ^^•l^ 3 58 5i"S6 3 59 2*43 4 3 33 4 5 2*02 4 6 773 4 7 44 4 9 ii77 4 " 45'03 4 12 2I*6l 4 12 35-90 4 12 3775 4 14 4"09 4 14 50"86 4 16 1-62 4 16 6*69 4 17 I"82 4 17 56 69 4 18 4678 4 20 23"00 4 20 26*70 4 26 32-88 4 27 33*65 4 27 53"4i 4 28 I'll 4 30 660 4 30 33 4 30 58-56 4 33 32'33 4 33 5074 4 36 3*12 4 37 6-48 4 39 "'36 4 41 1 1 '66 4 45 43'09 S 2 1800 59-96 59-96 59-92 58-81 59-97 59-98 57-91 59-93 6o'oo 60-01 57-02 6o'oi 56-71 60-07 56-87 58-91 59-97 60-03 57-68 59-99 56-63 58-75 60-06 59-96 60'02 6oi6 59-89 6o'oi 59-99 60-04 60-07 6006 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. + 0-932 0-849 0-947 2-923 2-924 2'000 2-851 i'982 3-679 1-555 2-263 0-748 3-638 1-890 3-442 0-651 3-558 3-572 2*246 o-6i6 3-487 + 1-834 - 4-307 + 3-430 2-360 2-334 3-012 + 1-283 -5-653 + 3-592 1-943 2115 1-537 2-030 + 1-948 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. 4- 0-0198 + 0-0215 + 00191 + 0-0058 + 00058 + 0-0039 4- 0-0051 + 0-0041 -j- 0-0166 + 0-0076 -|- 0-0031 -f 00216 + 0-0155 -j- 0-0046 + 0-0119 + 0-0232 + 0-0137 + 0-0138 + 0*0032 + 0-0231 + 0-0121 + 0-0050 + 02777 + 0-0106 + OXW33 + 0-0033 + o-oo6o + 0*0098 + 0-3730 + 0-0122 + 0-0042 — 0-016 + 0-0036 — o-oo6 + o 0068 + 0-0039 + o 0041 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 11 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. 1. id 6 IS Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D, Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. C c "C te Greenwich or t Henderson r+i / « i5» 47 47-29 1800 59-95 * — 10-29 + 0-121 + a 0*02 1338 642 72.J 83 142 152 33 3*40 59*96 lo-ii + o-iii + 0-01 1357 653 J 84 .• H3 151 28 20*04 59-92 10-10 + 0-124 - 0-03 1355 654 •. .. 144 97 17 33'68 59-93 9-76 + 0-377 + 0-04 •• " 74 299 H5 97 12 19-40 58-98 29 9-64 + 0-378 — 0*07 •• " 75J 85 302 146 132 21 39-25 59-97 9-56 + 0-260 + 0-00 1382 668 • • .. H7 100 36 24-37 59-91 9-44 + 0-371 .. •• •• J 86 • • 148 132 38 28-92 59*97 9-31 + 0*260 + 0-23 1398 674 77.J 88 • • 149 62 59 15-63 57-91 9-13 + 0-482 + 004 •• •• •• 310 150 141 50 29-24 59-95 9-08 + 0-206 — 0-10 1417 682 J 90 •• 151 124 8 32-24 60-00 9'o6 + 0-299 + 0*01 1411 681 J 89 .. 152 152 49 29-94 60-01 9-06 + 0-101 - 0*07 1423 683 80. J 91 H 24 153 64 42 18-09 57-02 8-94 + 0-479 + 0-04 •• •• •• 312 15+ 134 36 18-44 6o-oi 8-88 + 0-251 - 0-03 1424 687 •• •• 155 72 53 i'86 56-71 8-79 + 0-455 + 0-04 •• • • •• 315 156 153 35 45'52 60-07 8-78 + 0*089 + 0*05 1443 695 J 93 .. 157 68 1 47-72 56-87 8-71 + 0-471 + 0-05 • • •• •• 316 158 67 30 26*68 58-91 12 8-64 •f 0-474 + 0-05 •• •• •• 317 159 124 20 39*36 59-97 6 8-57 + 0-300 - 0*03 I44I 699 81.J 94 .• 160 153 43 8-70 60-03 4 8-45 + 0-085 — 0*17 1473 707 84-J 95 •• 161 71 8 o*43 58-C3 19 8-44 + 0-465 + 0*03 .. • • .. 320 162 135 15 22*29 59*99 8 7-95 + 0-249 + 0*04 1512 727 85 -J 96 • ■ 163 170 32 15-09 57-12 15 7-87 - 0-574 — o-ii 1579 743 •• • • 164 73 46 32'5i 58-61 103 7-85 + 0-464 + 0-17 •• 730 87 327 165 120 3 7*05 60-06 3 7-84 + 0-320 + 0-23 1513 732 •• 328 166 120 51 5-98 59-96 1 r(>i + 0-318 + 0-02 1529 740 88.J 99 330 167 92 45 24-69 59-95 I 7-64 + 0-409 .• •• •• •• •• 168 145 20 8-47 60-02 3 7-60 + 0-176 + 0-04 1539 744 89.J 100 H 41 169 171 53 32*03 59-91 13 739 - 0-764 - 0-17 1639 764 •• •• 170 67 18 54-81 59-99 IS 736 + 0-491 + 0-02 •• •• •• 336 171 132 7 58-13 £0-05 6 7-18 + 0268 + o-ii 1556 757 90. J 103 .• 172 127 25 11-66 59-99 I 7-10 + 0292 — 0-20 1559 762 J 104 •• 173 140 44 45-66 6004 1 693 + 0-2I3 - 0-02 1585 772 •• •• 17+ 129 36 39-67 6007 3 6-76 + 0-282 — 0-04 1594 779 • • •• 175 131 33 50-62 60-06 6 — 6-39 + 0*273 — 0-10 1626 799 •• •• 12 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. No. In B.A.C. 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 18s 186 187 188 189 190 191 1 92 193 194 »9S 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 1520 1519 1528 1552 1551 IS59 1587 IS73 1574 1570 1575 1572 1579 1623 1637 1650 1659 1660 1665 1672 1681 1704 1712 17^3 1730 1739 1 741 1765 1767 1791 3 6 6-5 S-+ 5 5 4-5 5 5-6 6-5 4"3 6 6 I 6 S 5 5-6 5-6 5 2 5 5-6 5 4 3 2 3*4 4 Star's Name. 3 Aurigs.... Piazzi IV. 239.1 98 Taurl k 65 Erldani ^ 102 Tauri t 1802 2 I8I9 5-6 1 841 5-6 185s 5 I86I 4-5 Lacaille i686 Lacaille 1752 Coeli y CcelU i 106 Tauri I 2 Leporis i 103 Tauri 66 Eridani 19 Orionis j8 109 Tauri n Columbae Doradus Q 22 Orionis o 23 Orionis m Pictoris ^ 2 112 Tauri /3 Pictoris K Pictoris Q 25 Auriga x 34 Orionis S Columbae i II Leporis a 46 Orionis c 123 Tauri J Doradus j3 Columbae a Mensae y Columbae ju Lacaille 2003.... Pictoris /3 Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h m 4 47 4 47 4 49 4 54 4 54 4 56 4 59 4 59 4 59 4 59 52-80 38 35-46 39 43*92 28*27 14*60 22-33 26-35 31-46 4 59 3i-i3 4 59 34"86 4 59 50 5 7 48-63 5 »o 52-17 5 12 26-29 5 13 52-" 5 14 37-10 5 15 28 5 15 56-27 5 17 26-64 5 19 47-46 5 21 35-88 c « O 4) rt (A 5 23 37-02 5 24 51-31 5 26 14-63 5 26 33-36 5 29 6-55 5 29 16-78 5 32 24-82 5 34 34-81 5 37 27-00 5 40 47-75 ^5 42 34-69 5 43 58'i9 1800 59-02 58-81 59-02 6o-oo 59-07 6o-oo 60-06 5605 57"97 58-81 58-42 59-04 60-05 35-96 58-98 60-04 58-41 6006 40-14 58-60 57-64 60-03 60-05 56-62 59-42 60-04 57-78 60-07 60-07 60-07 60-03 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 3-896 3-077 3-662 2-906 3-575 + 2-432 — 1-796 + 2*146 2-138 3-548 2-536 3-649 2-963 2-880 3*599 + 2-155 0-067 + 3-060 3-150 1-465 3-785 i-ioo 1-358 3-900 3-063 2-126 2-644 3-042 3-582 0-513 + 2-171 — 2-445 4- 2-228 -\- 0-0146 4- 0-0058 + 0-0112 + 0-0045 + 0-0095 + 0-0033 + 0-0702 -j- 0-0034 + 0-0034 + 0-0087 -f 0-0033 -f 0-0097 + 0-0046 + 0-0040 + 0-0078 + 0-0032 + 0-0207 + 0-0043 + 0-0047 + 0-0055 + 0-0083 -j- 0-0072 + 0-0056 + 0-0081 + 0-0038 + 0-0031 + 0-0029 + 0-0036 + 0-0055 -f 0-0091 -f 0-0028 + 0-0372 -J- 0-0025 1-660 + 0-0033 + 1-418 -f 0-0038 192. The R.A. has been brought up with precession alone from 1835. 198, The R.A. has been brought up with precession alone from 1840, (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. ^3 No. 176 177 178 179 180 181 i8z 183 18+ 185 186 187 188 189 190 191 192 193 194. 19s 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. 57 3 34-43 89 45 47-07 65 10 10*23 97 3^2 56*43 68 36 49-56 ii6 28 34-58 165 9 0-51 125 40 36-71 It u o 125 54 7-i8 69 46 9-87 112 33 42-22 65 55 24-63 94 50 46-36 98 21 59-13 68 3 7-25 125 z 3-65 157 20 34-68 90 31 2685 86 35 37-60 140 45 29-20 61 30 53-49 146 16 1-24 142 26 23-60 57 54 5673 90 24 22-00 125 34 3174 107 55 31-53 91 17 40-75 68 56 48-21 152 34 54-54 124 9 3-27 166 26 17-00 1 22 21 43-60 136 39 1-52 141 7 8-30 1800 58-95 60-03 58-81 60-00 58-20 6o-oo 59-07 6o-oo 60-06 56-05 58-82 58-81 59-95 57-88 59'04 60*05 60-03 58-98 59*95 6o-o2 58-51 6o-o6 60-06 58-34 57-61 60-03 58-94 56-56 60-04 60*03 57*97 59*23 60-07 60-07 60-07 Oh OSS 14 I 2 4 5 6 17 4 4 I 26 2 I 109 2 Annual Precess. N.P.D. for i860. 3 - 6-21 6*23 6-07 5-64 5-64 5*49 526 5-24 5-24 5-23 5-23 5-23 5-20 4*53 4-27 4*13 4-01 3-95 3-87 3-83 3-70 3-50 3*34 3-17 3-06 2*94 2-92 2-69 2-68 2-41 2-22 1-97 1-68 1-52 1-40 Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. + 0-543 + 0-429 + 0-512 + 0-409 + 0-503 + 0-343 — 0-251 + 0*304 + 0-303 + 0-502 + 0-359 + 0-516 + 0-420 + 0-411 + 0-515 + 0-310 — 0-008 + 0-439 + o*453 + 0-212 + 0-544 + 0-160 + 0-197 + 0-563 + 0-443 + 0-308 + 0-383 + 0-441 + 0-519 + 0-075 + 0-316 o'354 + 0-325 + 0-242 + 0-207 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. + 0-02 + 0-06 — o-oi + 0-06 + o-io — 0-08 + 0-09 — O-IO + 0-04 + 0-07 — 0-05 + 0-04 + 0-02 — 0-03 + 0-3 i — 0-04 + 0-02 — 0-14 + 0-20 — 0-09 + 0-04 — 0-02 + 0-04 + 0-07 + o'oo + O-OI + 0*05 — o-o6 o-oo — 0-31 + 0-04 + 0-00 — 006 No. for reference. 1686 1752 1712 1713 1793 1828 1825 1853 1863 1948 1938 2027 ?2 2003 202I 846 872 858 860 89 914 922 930 932 956 962 968 970 1003 lOIO 1032 1035 1043 I05I O I. " J 108 J no J 109 99.JI16 I05.J 122 J 124 IO7.J 125 iio.J 128 109 J 131 "4-J 133 116.J 136 353 625* 364 365 369 370 372 373 383 386 391 395 407 409 413 423 425 429 24 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 211 21Z 213 Z14 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224. 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 236 237 238 239 240 No. in B.A.C. 1870 1868 1863 1878 1876 1896 1905 1922 1933 1958 1964 1971 1982 1981 2002 2001 2013 2034 2047 2051 2085 2082 2090 2096 2109 2119 241 2137 242 2145 243 2163 244 2170 245 2176 5-6 4-5 5 3 5*4 Var, 5 5 S-6 5-6 5 4 5 5"4" 5-6 6 5 6 3 '4 5"4 5-6 4-5 3 3"2 6 6-5 5*4 I 4-5 5-6 5 5-6 2-3 6 5 Star's Name. Mensx Doradus , 136 Tauri Columbae j3 54 Orionis y^ 58 Ononis c Lacallle 2052 Columbae X Lacaille 2138... 139 Tauri Doradus c Columbae ~ y Lacaille 2099.... (>•] Orionis v Lacaille 2137.. .< 3 Geminorum... Columbae 6 5 Geminorum... 7 Geminorum..,. jj 44 Aurigae k Lacaille 2201 ... Columbae k 13 Geminorum... jti I Canis Majoris.. ^ Mensae 48 Aurigae 18 Geminorum... v Argus a Lacaille 2295 Doradus jr' Puppis Z Doradus 7r' 24 Geminorum... y 54 Aurigae Lacaille 2383 Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. b m 5 44 5 44 5 44 5 46 5 46 5 47 5 47 5 48 5 48 5 49 11-88 3i'57 31-68 1-51 5-66 35*55 43'23 1-99 23-27 18-45 5 50 2'47 5 52 34*37 5 54 5172 5 59 34'68 6 o 26-68 6 1 13-85 6 2 43-60 6 2 57-10 6 6 25-58 6 6 27-47 6 7 34-26 6 II 34-32 6 14 29-42 6 14 56-39 6 16 37-44 6 19 34-07 6 20 39-08 6 20 50-54 6 22 58-80 6 23 57 6 26 22*48 6 26 39-99 6 29 37-41 $ 30 43-20 6 31 53-48 1800 73-04 60-05 57*95 60-03 60-09 57*25 59*99 60-02 73-04 58-44 60-07 6o-o6 60-05 57-81 6o-o8 60-98 60-07 59-12 59-60 58*34 6o-o8 60-08 59-26 60-06 56-21 58-60 60-09 59-81 60-09 6o-o8 56*13 57*89 57-02 60-07 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. - 3*721 + 0-105 3*769 2-109 3*564 3*245 1*354 + 2-177 — 4-976 + 3*722 — 0-065 + 2-126 1*833 3*425 1*733 3*643 2-056 3-680 3*627 3*830 ri68 2-134 3*627 + 2-302 — 15-624 + 3-859 3*565 1-329 + 2-225 - 0*563 + 1-481 - 0-501 + 3*465 3-788 + 1*324 + 0*0446 + 0-0082 + 0-0040 + 0-0026 + 0-0034 + 0-0028 + 0-0034 + 0-0026 + 0-0450 + 0-0032 + 0-0069 + 0-0025 + 0-0026 + o'ooiS + 0-0025 + 0-0015 + 0-0024 + 0-OOI2 + 0-0008 + 0-0005 + 0*0020 + 0-0021 — 0-0002 + 0-0019 — 0-3305 — o-ooi8 — 0-0008 + 0-0009 + o'ooiS — 0-0096 + 0-00 10 — 0-0104 0-0014 — 0-0033 + 0-0002 219. The large proper Motion of this Star is confirmed by the result from three Observations on, 1873, January 8, 15, and 22, The mean place for 1873, January i, given by these Observations is, R.A. 5 47 18-62. N.P.D,-i70 33 41-08, fRoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 13 No. Mean N.P.D. i860. Jan. I. 141 d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference c CO I 1 u 6 Jc 211 / a 168 53 23-01 1800 59-07 5 » - 1-37 - 0-540 008 2097 1068 2IZ ^S'i 47 I7'33 60-05 2 1-35 + o'oi6 + 0-02 2045 1060 II8.J 139 • • 213 62 25 29-37 57*55 6 1-35 + 0-549 + 0-07 .• •• 439 214 125 49 23-46 60-03 5 1-22 + 0-308 — 0-28 2029 1063 II9.J 140 441 215 69 45 11-42 6009 I 1*22 + 0-519 + o-io •• •• •• 442 216 82 37 21-20 57-08 90 1*09 + 0-47 3 o-oo .. 1064 120 444 217 142 8 31-81 59"99 I 1-07 + 0-198 + 0-07 2052 1074 • • .- 218 123 50 5'ii 60-02 I 1-05 + 0-318 — 0-09 2044 1073 •. • ♦ 219 170 34 7-97 59-07 4 1-02 - 0-724 — i-io 2138 1096 •• • • 220 64 4 2-79 58-07 2 0-94 + 0-543 + o-oi •• • • •• 446 221 156 56 9-42 60-07 I 0-87 — 0-009 - 0-06 2093 1091 J H2 .. 222 125 18 1-78 6o-o6 4 065 + 0-310 + 0-0 1 2084 1097 121.J 143 .• 223 132 49 2903 60-05 3 0-45 + 0-268 + 0-02 2099 1 107 J 144 • • 224 75 13 6-68 58-47 14 — 0-04 + 0-500 + 0-02 • • .. 457 225 13s 2 15-84 60-07 II + 0-04 + 0-253 — 0-22 2137 II3I • • •• 226 66 52 5*36 60-98 I o-ii + 0-531 + 0-05 .. II27 .. 462 227 127 14 7-50 60-07 6 0-24 + 0-300 - O-OI 2153 1 145 J 146 • • 228 65 33 10-05 59" 2 026 + 0-537 + 0-07 • • • • 465 229 67 27 22-66 59-81 II 0-56 + 0-529 + 0-02 .. II66 • • 467 230 60 27 16-29 5805 10 0-56 + 0-558 + 0-29 •• •• •• 468 231 144 56 18-91 6008 9 0-66 + 0-170 + 0-02 2201 II77 .. .. 232 125 5 4613 60-08 5 I'OI + 0-310 + 0-03 2213 II9I J 148 473 233 67 25 7-06 59^46 22 1-27 + 0-527 + 0-14 * * 1202 .. 477 234 120 13*31 60-06 10 1-31 + 0-334 — 0-02 2229 1207 I26,J 149 478 23s 17s 55 12-70 56-21 6 1-45 - 2-273 + 004 2512 1269 • • •• 236 59 25 28-06 58-59 + 1-71 + 0-560 + 0-04 .. .. .. 486 237 69 42 10- 1 8 60-09 2 i-8i + 0-517 + O-OI • • 1235 • • 488 238 142 37 13-0+ 5941 24 1-82 + 0-192 - 0-03 2291 I24I I28.J 152 H 46 239 122 29 39-77 60-09 6 2-01 + 0-322 - 0-08 2295 1247 J 153 491 240 159 54 20-73 59-07 6 2 09 — 0-082 — o-o8 2340 1259 •• •• 241 140 8 3067 60-08 3 2-30 + 0-214 — 0-02 2333 1267 .. .. 242 159 36 3372 56-13 5 2-33 - 0-074 - 0-43 2368 1275 • • .. 243 73 29 6-02 58-82 17 2-59 + 0-500 + 0-04 • • 1280 130 501 244 61 37 5-27 57-02 I 2-68 + 0-546 + 0-04 • • •• • • 507 245 142 51 45-47 6o-o6 7 + 278 + 0-190 + O-OI 2383 1302 •• •• i6 General Catalogue of Stars fof i860, Jan. 1 No. 246 247 24S 249 250 251 252 2153 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 No. in B.A.C. 2188 2194 2197 2213 2231 "33 2246 2252 2260 2259 2273 2290 2293 2295 2305 2309 2319 2327 2340 234s 23+3 2350 2355 2374 2380 2410 2414 2427 2447 2442 2458 2467 2482 2484 2485 3"+ 6 I 5 6 4 S 4 5 5 5-6 2*1 5 4 5'4 4-5 5 5"4 2 6 6 5 6 3'4 3 5 5 4 27 5 4 5 Star's Name. Argus 27 Geminorum., 28 Geminorum.. 9 Canis Majoris. o Puppis 36 Geminorum.. d 13 Canis Majoris c Lacaille 2486 Pictoris a Carinae B 18 Canis Majoris fi Mensae Z, 21 Canis Majoris c Puppis / 43 Geminorum... Z, Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I, 6 49 (4173) 6 51 37-88 6 53 7*39 6 53 17-59 6 55 (48-27) 22 Canis Majoris... 6 56 852 23 Canis Majoris y 6 57 25-50 Puppis C 6 59 36-47 46 Geminorum... T 7 2 13-61 25 Canis Majoris 672 41-90 b ni 6 33 6 35 6 35 6 38 6 42 6 43 6 44 6 45 6 46 6 46 28-60 18-91 52-95 5866 34-08 9-38 36-74 46-81 45-32 48-76 S 2 47 Geminorum 48 Geminorum Puppis A 53 Geminorum..., Puppis £ 55 Geminorum... d Argus. Puppis F Volantis 60 Geminorum... i 31 Canis Majoris t] 64 Geminorum. Argus , .... Lacaille 2834... 66 Geminorum. 7 2 41-94 7 3 55-87 7 4 8-93 7 7 12-52 7 7 37-53 7 " 45'53 7 12 11-91 7 13 46-89 7 16 53-39 7 17 1-62 7 18 33-46 7 20 36-72 7 24 47-68 7 25 16-15 7 25 39-66 1800 60-05 56-43 57-02 58-29 60-07 57-17 6o-o8 60-11 60-12 38-21 56-11 59-39 6o-i2 6o*02 58-26 60-07 6o-02 60*05 60-15 60-99 60-05 59-12 60-04 59-51 60-13 60-04 56-82 57-80 6o-i6 58-97 60-24 6o-20 60-19 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 1-835 3-696 3-807 2*68i 2-054 3'6oi 2*241 2-i8i 0*631 ^■305 + 2-750 4-852 + 2-357 2-197 3-564 2*390 2*715 1-903 3*830 2*439 3*730 3-654 2-015 3*757 1-989 3'592 2-119 + 2-047 0-006 + 3*745 2*373 3-751 1*909 2*333 + 3-856 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0-0014 — 0-0034 0-0043 + 0-00 10 + 0-0015 — 0-0038 + 0-0015 + 0-0014 — 0-0063 — 0-0012 + 0-0006 — 0-1662 + 0-0013 + 0-0014 — 0-0050 + 0-0013 + 0-0005 + o-ooo8 0-0088 + 0-0011 — 0-0077 0-0069 + o-ooii — 0*0087 + 0-00 10 — 0-0072 + 0-0011 + 0-0010 — 0*0249 — 0-0100 + 0*0011 — 0-0106 + 0-0005 + 0-0012 — 0-0132 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. — 0-004 0-000 + 0-003 — 0*035 — 0-001 + 0-007 — 0-002 — 0*001 — 0-005 o-ooo — 0-004 — O'OOl — 0-003 + 0-002 — 0-007 0-003 0-000 — 0-003 + 0-004 — 0-008 + 0-002 — o-oio o-ooo — 0-004 — 0-018 0-004 — 0-008 — 0-004 + 0-002 + 0-005 — 0-013 255. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. fkoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. ^7 Annual Secular Annual No. for reference. Mean N P.D. 3^ 0° Prccess. Variation Proper r* « No. i860, >" S Z^. in of Motion u %. Jan. I. 0" N.P.D. for i860. N.P.D. in N.P.D. C .JQ n 5 c J; u ffi / # 1800 « # r 246 133 4 30-20 60-05 10 + 2-92 + 0-264 + O'OI 2386 [310 X32.J 156 H 60 247 64 44 3-91 57-60 II 3-08 + 0-531 + 0-02 .. 13x6 .. 5" 248 60 53 33-59 57-02 I 3-13 + 0-547 + 0-03 • • .. .. 512 249 106 31 36-54 58-53 68 3-40 + 0384 + »-24 • • 1337 '33j 157 517 250 127 46 37-81 60-07 5 3-70 + 0-292 + 0-06 2455 '359 •• •• 251 68 4 40-30 57-17 I 3-76 + 0-514 + 0-02 .. .. 521 252 122 ZO 56-82 6o-o8 6 3-88 + 0-3x9 + 0-03 2474 1371 135J158 523 253 124 12 14-33 60-11 3 3-98 + 0-3x0 — 0-04 2486 1378 .. .. 254 151 47 30-16 6o-i2 I 4'o6 + 0-088 - 018 2525 1389 J x6i .. 255 143 27 36-76 6o-io I 4-07 + 0-X84 — 0-02 25IX 1388 • • •• 256 103 5« S5"83 60-01 I 4-32 + 0-390 + o-oi .. • • .. 531 257 170 39 38-00 56-11 5 4-48 — 0-69Z — 0-X2 2648 1435 .. 258 118 47 2-17 58-38 70 4-61 + o'333 + 0-02 2550 X419 138.J 164 534 259 123 55 26-91 6o-i2 4 4-62 + 0-3x0 — 0-07 2554 X421 • . .. 260 69 13 41-52 56-12 3 4-84 + 0-503 4- o-oi 1431 •• 537 261 117 44 13-24 60-02 3 4-86 + 0-336 + o-oi 2581 1437 X39.J X65 538 262 105 25 45-11 58-87 9 4-97 + 0-381 + o-oi .• 140.J 167 542 263 132 7 56-10 60-08 4 5-16 + 0-266 — o-ix 2607 1462 .• .. 264 59 31 43*49 60-02 I 5-38 + 0-536 + 0-05 • • .• .. 549 265 116 10 24-52 60-05 2 5-42 + 0-340 — o-ox 2633 1478 X43J 168 550 266 62 55 1-72 60-15 6 5-42 + 0-521 + 0-03 .. . , 898* 267 65 38 27-88 60-99 2 5-52 + 0-5x0 + o-ox .■ .. .. 552 268 129 25 58-51 60-05 I 5*54 + 0-280 + 0-05 2649 X486 J 169 .. 269 61 51 49-00 59-12 I 5-80 + 0-522 O'OO •. .• • • 556 270 130 15 50-87 60-04 2 S-83 + 0-275 + 0-05 2672 1504 •• •• 271 67 45 48-89 59-40 31 6-18 + 0-496 + 0-02 .. .. 566 272 126 50 54-18 60-13 2 6-21 + 0-291 + 0-02 2720 1536 145J 175 567 273 128 57 22-97 60-04 2 6-35 + 0280 O'OO 2739 1552 •. 274 157 42 2-97 56-82 6 660 — 0-004 0-00 2809 1586 J 176 •• 27s 61 55 39-05 57-83 12 6-62 + 0-513 + 0-09 •• •• •• 570 276 119 I 56-6J ■6o-i6 5 6-74 + 0-323 — O.OI 2777 1591 X46.J 177 R791 277 6i 35 49-os 58-97 I 691 + 0-5IX + 0-04 •• .. 574 278 133 I 14-2C > 60-24 I 7-25 + 0-257 — 0-09 2837 1631 X47.J X78 .. 279 120 40 15-04 60-20 X 7-29 + 0-3x4 — 0-04 2834 X634 .. .. 280 57 48 ZoM ^ 58-80 7 + 7-32 + 0-520 + 0-08 1 1630 •• 580 CAFE OBSERVATIONS, i860. i8 General Gatalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. z8i 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 No. in B.A.C. 2493 2522 2551 ^555 2562 2565 2569 2580 2594 2599 2602 2617 2620 Star's Name. 294 2622 295 2624 296 2629 297 2642 298 2644 299 2655 300 2660 301 2665 302 2666 303 2670 304 2672 305 2710 306 .. 307 2725 308 2728 309 2730 310 2736 3" ^7^S 312 2769 313 ■^111 314 2774 315 2778 4-5 I 4*3 1*2 5 6 7 S 5 67 4"3 S 4-5 6 6 5 5 4 6 6-5 4 5 5 5 2-3 7-8 5-6 3 6 5 69 Geminorum,., v 10 Canis Minoris a 77 Geminorum.. k 78 Geminorum.. )3 3 Puppis B.F. 1089 2 Puppis Puppis Puppis Lacaille 2990.... Mean R.A. i860, Jan. 1 . 7 Navis 5 83 Geminorum.. ^ Puppis P 9 Puppis 10 Puppis Lacaille 3035.... Lacaille 3069,... Puppis R Lacaille 3081... 27 Monocerotis. Argus B.F. 1129...., Lacaille 3105. 6 Cancri , Argus Lalande 15898...... 29 Monocerotis 15 Navis 14 Cancri 1^' lb Puppis Argus y 20 Puppis Volantis c Puppis r 17 Cancri j8 fa m 7 27 7 31 7 35 7 36 7 38 7 38 7 39 7 40 7 42 7 43 17-50 58-31 59'5o 44-62 11-32 41-28 2-69 16-05 16-08 8-74 7 43 24"28 7 44 55'5o 7 44 58-38 7 45 i7'29 7 45 52*46 7 47 i"97 7 49 8 7 49 11-40 7 52 5'33 7 52 44*52 7 53 i3"23 7 53 3573 7 54 12-91 7 54 54-80 7 58 39-85 S.2 1800 59-42 5961 59-85 59-18 6o'i6 57-21 57-24 6o-i6 6o-2i 60-14 60-27 57-85 60-18 60-09 57-21 60-21 60*17 60-17 57-23 60-25 58-70 40-11 58-73 60-23 8 1 14-94 56-95 8 I 33-51 57-24 8 1 34-92 59-68 8 2 0-92 58-19 8 2 46-86 57-21 8 5 13-14 60-21 8 6 53-91 59-21 8 7 27-60 6o-ii 8 8 12-40 6o-ii 8 8 55-22 57-24 Annual Precess. in R.A. for 6 i860. ■ 10 + 3710 30 3-192 8 3-635 3 3-730 2 2-408 Secular Variation of Precess, in R.A. 2-522 2-761 2-138 2-494 2*522 2-523 3-686 1-829 2-784 2-763 2*256 1-693 1-765 2-392 3-004 2*690 1-727 3*700 2*111 3-634 3*020 2-561 3 632 2*68o 1*850 2-759 0*232 2*264 + 3-264 — 0*0109 — 0*0041 — o*oio8 — 0*0127 + 0*0010 -j- o*ooo8 — 0*0004 + O'OOIl + 0*0009 + 0*0008 + + 0*0009 0-0130 c*oooo 0-0006 0*0004 0*0012 O'OOIl 0*0005 0*0013 0*0027 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. + 1*532 — 0-0029 -)- o-oooi — 0-0009 — 0*0147 + 0-0013 — 0-0140 — 0*003 1 + 0*0009 — 0*0141 + 0'0002 + 0*0001 — 0*0003 0*0362 -f- 0*0017 — 0-0071 • o-ooi • 0*048 ■ 0*005 0-049 0-002 0-002 O'OOO 0-004 + O'OOl — 0-004 — 0-002 — 0-003 + 0'002 — 0-019 — 0-002 + 0017 0-005 ■\- O-OOI 0000 — 0-005 — 0-004 — 0-007 o-oo6 + 0-003 + 0*002 + 0*003 — 0015 — 0*004 — 0-004 303. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. ^ No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. C.2 « Z3 d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference V c m e > 2 I. c s s-f K £ a: z8i / # 62 47 48-10 1800 59-38 8 + 7-46 + 0*499 + o-ii 581 282 84 25 IO-2I 59-11 61 7-83 + 0-425 + 1-08 • . 1666 150 585 283 65 16 11-67 59-69 7 8-16 + 0-481 + 0-05 .. .. .. 590 284 61 38 21-56 58-55 22 8-22 + 0-493 + 0-06 .. 1704 .. 592 28s 118 37 2073 6o*i6 2 8-33 + 0-316 + 0-05 2938 1717 Ji8o •• 286 114 20 23-54 57'2i 3 8-37 + 0-330 .. .. .. .. • • 287 104 20 56-50 57-24 I 8-40 + 0-362 o-oo .. .. .. 971* 288 127 37 50-46 60-16 3 850 + 0-279 o-oo 2958 1735 J 181 • • 289 "S 35 31-82 60-21 2 8-66 + 0-324 o-oo 2981 1750 .. .. 290 114 33 51-89 60-14 z 8-73 + 0-327 — 0-28 2990 1760 •• 595 291 114 30 38-39 60-27 2 8-75 + 0-328 — 0-02 2994 1763 Ji8z 597 292 6z 52 30 96 57-61 7 8-87 + 0-479 + 0-05 .. .. • • 599 293 136 I 20-27 6o-i8 2 8-87 + 0-235 o-oo 3022 1778 15Z.J 184 • • 294 103 31 46-38 60-09 I 8-89 + 0-360 + 0-33 • • • • J 183 600 29s 104 29 20-12 57-21 3 8-94 + 0-357 + 0-05 •• •• •• 985* 296 124 21 19-96 6o-2i 3 9-03 + 0*290 — 0-32 3035 1797 .. • • Z97 179 15 1*46 60-05 I 9-19 + 0-215 - 0-02 3069 1813 .. •• 298 137 44 21-03 60-17 3 9-20 + 0-225 - 0-07 3068 1812 J 187 • • 299 119 57 36-97 60-17 3 9-42 + 0-304 + O-II 3081 1825 .. 607 300 93 18 4-54 57-23 I 9-47 + 0*382 — 0-03 • • •• •• 992* 301 142 36 30-71 60-25 2 9-51 + 0-192 + 0-02 3102 1835 156.J i88 H47 302 108 I 3-14 59-07 8 9-54 + 0-341 0-00 .• .♦ • • •• 303 138 52 0-19 60-10 I 9-59 + 0-217 + o-oz 3105 1839 • • • • 304 61 48 59-11 58-83 II 9-64 + 0-469 + 0-07 .. .. .. 613 305 129 36 37-88 60-23 3 9-93 + 0-263 — 0-03 3136 1876 157.J 189 H70 306 64 2 2*91 56-95 I 10*12 + 0-454 .. • « • • .. .. 307 92 34 44-27 58-66 + 10-15 + 0-376 .• .. • • ♦ • •• 308 113 54 iro3 57-86 49 10-15 + 0-318 - 0-06 3153 1892 J 190 619 309 64 4 15-95 57-93 16 10-18 + 0-452 + 0-35 •• • • • • 6zo 310 108 50 15-20 57-21 3 XO-24 + 0-332 — 0-03 •• •• •• 6zi 311 136 55 32-81 ■ 60-19 2 10-42 + 0-226 + 0-04 3185 1917 158.J 192 H55 312 105 22 7-41 59-21 3 IO-55 + 0-338 + 0-03 .. • • J 193 6z8 313 158 12 2I-0I 60-11 I 10-59 + 0-024 — 0-06 3242 1940 J 194 " 31+ 125 28 42-03 60-11 2 10-64 + 0-275 + 0-02 3212 1938 • • " 315 80 23 9-95 57-2+ z + 10-70 + 0-398 + 0-05 •• •• •• 630 20 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 316 317 318 319 3?o 3ZI 322 323 324 32s 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 3+0 No. in B.A.C. 2785 2786 2789 2795 z8o2 2807 2823 2832 2856 2853 2863 2862 2870 2917 2918 2926 2929 ^935 2937 2947 2950 2953 2962 2849 1 4-5 341 2971 342 2976 343 2979 344 2981 345 2987 346 2990 347 2998 348 30H 349 3023 350 303s Star's Name. 45 5 .4 4 5 3*4 6 3 5 6 7 5 6 5 6 21 Puppis 18 Cancri ^ 19 Cancri X Puppis Puppis Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 22 Puppis Velorum B Argus { Octantis A Chamaeleontis.... a Volantis i) 31 Cancri Volantis j8 33 Cancri jj Chamaeleontis..,. 6 *•-' 'a Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. 39 Cancri 40 Cancri Velorum e 6 Hydrae Mali 43 Cancri y Velorum , b Argus 47 Cancri 5 Carinas a II Hydrae t Piazzi VIII. 167... Argus h Velorum a 14 Hydrae Piazzi VIII. 179 Carinae / 15 Hydrae , Chamaeleontis ij 60 Cancri , 8 10 5819 8 II 33-38 8 12 12*50 8 13 18-83 8 15 5229 8 16 i2*o6 8 18 13-15 8 19 37-93 8 20 17-23 8 22 4-85 8 23 i7'89 8 23 36-58 8 24 12*04 8 24 36*46 8 24 46*31 8 32 4-91 8 32 8-08 8 32 43*31 8 33 23'S7 8 34 37"33 8 35 10*76 8 35 58*90 8 36 17*15 8 36 43*53 8 37(3i"53) 8 39 2i'56 8 40 9*1 8 8 40 50*02 8 41 16-87 8 42 19-70 8 42 44-27 8 43 5 "07 8 44 42 ^ 45 59"o6 8 48 16-72 1800 57*21 57'io 59-12 60-24 6o*i6 57*30 6o*22 60*25 61*32 60*30 60*22 56*73 6024 58*48 58*84 60-92 58-53 6o*22 57'3o 60*20 56*69 60*28 60*24 59-54 59'5i 57*22 60*21 60*18 57*^4 57-30 60*23 60*21 58*08 13 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. Annual Proper Motion in R.A. + 2*753 3*661 3-582 2-254 2-363 2*824 1*847 + 1-243 -37*537 -1-453 — 0*462 + 3*436 0*681 + 3-485 — 1-613 + 3*466 3*465 2*109 2*849 2-346 3*492 1*990 1-723 3*422 1*334 3*197 3*047 1-656 2-034 3-020 3*412 1*556 + 2-955 — 1*829 + 3*286 — 0*0002 — o*oi6i — 0-0141 + o-ooi8 — 0-0019 — 0*0009 + 0-0002 — 0-0091 -16-1887 — 0*1452 — 0*0770 — 0*0117 — 0*0249 — 0*0130 0-1593 — 0*0132 — 0*0132 -f 0*0024 o*ooio -f 0-0027 — 0*0142 -f o*ooi8 — 0*0009 — 0-0124 — 0*0079 — 0*0071 — 0*0041 — 0*0018 -J- 0*0023 — 0*0035 — 0*0125 — 0*0034 — 0*0024 — 0*2147 — 0*0096 + 0*002 + 0*005 — 0*004 — 0*017 + 0-016 0-000 — 0-007 — 0*014 — 0*014 + 0*024 — 0*022 — 0*006 — 0*009 — 0-005 — 0-045 — 0-009 0-006 — 0'002 + 0*018 — 0*011 — o*oo6 + 0*001 — 0*002 — 0*013 — 0*005 — 0*009 — 0*001 — 0*002 — 0*013 — o*ooz 340. The R.A. nas been brought up from Johnson. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope* 21 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. 1. n u c 2 S tj <4. H Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D, Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. a5 c i i 1 »> 2 ; : -a J c 5 ffi 316 / # 105 51 1423 1800 57-21 3 + 10-85 + 0-333 o-oi 1028* 317 62 19 55-63 57"io 2 10-89 + 0-444 + 0-37 • • .. .. 632 318 65 32 24-41 59-12 2 10-94 + 0-433 + 0-04 .. • • 633 319 126 13 38-12 6024 7 11-02 + 0-270 - 0-11 3259 1968 159.J 195 • • 320 122 36 40-19 6016 5 11-21 + 0-281 + 0-08 3277 1979 •• 639 321 102 36 27-85 57-30 I 11-23 + 0-336 - 0-01 .. .. .. 1034* 322 138 2 33-08 60-20 4 11-38 + 0-217 - o-oi 3308 2003 • • • • 323 H9 3 35"32 60-25 I 11-48 + 0-142 - 0-03 3327 2012 160.J 196 H 32 3H 178 27 23-32 5775 24 11-52 — 4-486 0-00 .. 2298 .. H 5 325 166 28 33-00 60-30 I 11-65 — 0-178 - 0-12 3400 2048 J »97 •• 326 162 56 47-30 60-22 3 11-74 — 0-060 — 0-02 3396 2055 J 198 . . 327 71 26 6-72 5673 3 11-76 + 0-401 + o-o6 .. .. • • 645 328 155 40 11-07 60-24 2 ii-8i + 0-075 + 0-12 3384 2057 i62.J 199 .. 329 69 5 lOOI 58-81 27 11-83 + c-405 + 0-06 .. .. • • 646 330 167 I 52-38 58-84 6 11-84 -0195 — 0-01 3435 2073 J 200 ' •• 331 69 30 2-50 60-96 2 "•35 + 0-393 0-00 ,. .. ... , .. 332 69 32 14-46 58-53 3 12-36 + 0-393 - 0-04 .. .. • • 655 333 132 30 2-91 60-22 9 12-40 + 0-237 + 0-02 3446 2 1 14 • • • • 334 loi 58 58-64 57-30 I 12-44 + 0-320 + 0*03 • . .. •• 1070* 335 124 48 48-20 60-20 2 "-53 + 0*262 + 0-10 3462 2127 163.J 201 657 336 68 I 50-67 57-15 8 12-57 + 0-392 — O-OI .. .. .. 659 337 136 9 8-02 60-28 I 12-62 + 0-220 + 0-02 3470 2141 J 202 *. 338 142 25 33-61 60-18 2 12-64 + 0-190 - 0-02 3482 2148 J 203 .• 339 71 20 1-64 59-14 13 12*67 + 0-382 + 0-24 • • •• •• 666 340 149 15 45-20 60-12 I 1273 + 0-145 + 0-02 3504 2163 J 205 " 341 83 4 12-28 58-71 19 12-85 + 0-353 + 0-04 • • .. 671 342 91 23 11-69 57-22 2 12-90 + 0-335 .. • • .. • . • • 343 144 11 48-80 6o-2i I 12-95 + 0-179 + 0-09 3532 2194 167.J 206 H44 344 135 31 50-50 60-18 3 12-97 + 0-220 - 0-04 3526 2198 J 207 •• 345 92 55 34-30 58-23 3 13-05 + 0329 0-00 •• •• •• 1090* 346 71 28 43-16 57-30 3 13-07 + 0-372 .. .. .. .. .. 347 146 15 23-15 60-23 6 13-10 + 0-166 + 0-02 3554 2217 •• .• 348 96 39 18-02 60-24 3 13-20 + 0-318 0-00 .. •• • • 1097* 349 168 27 12-86 60-21 2 13-29 — 0-206 - 0-02 3623 2254 J 208 .. 350 77 50 2872 58-08 2 -4-13-44 + 0-350 + 0-02 •• •• 678 22 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan, 1 / No. 351 352 353 35+ 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 37» 37* 373 37+ 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 38+ 385 No. in B.A.C, 3055 3058 3065 "3073 307+ 3079 3089 3110 3111 3"5 3117 3"3 3126 3132 3136 3138 31+7 315* 3161 3163 3171 3177 3186 3187 3195 3211 3213 3223 3246 3257 3269 3279 33" + 7 6 + 7 6 + 5 5 7 5 6 3 67 5 6 6 5 6 5 10 6 I 2 5 6-5 5-6 3 2 5'+ + 5 5-6 II +•3 Star's Name. 65 Cancri a Piazzi VIII, 224.. Piazzi VIII. 227.. Carinae i' 68 Cancri Mean R,A, i860, Jan. I. 69 Cancri v Carinae i' Velorum 76 Cancri k 78 Cancri 77 Cancri % 79 Cancri Argus 81 Cancri ir' Carina: G Bradley 1299.... 82 Cancri tt' Carinae 24 Hydrae , Velorum 83 Cancri Argus Arg(is Velorum K Mali h Octantis ^ Argus K 30 Hydrae a 4 Leonis X Argfls ^ Velorum « N Chamaeleontis ( 14 Leonis o b m I 8 50 50 8 51 i6-io 8 52 10 8 53 3270 8 53 5i"99 8 54 32-80 8 55 58-03 8 59 19-47 9 o 9-69 9 I ii'ii 9 1 18-25 9 * I7'93 9 2 50-82 9 + 3776 9 + ++'9+ 9 5 37"io 9 7 29'9+ 9 8 5-75 9 9 (+9-86) 9 10 5-60 9 10 52*83 9 II 9-70 9 II 38-83 9 »3 20"+9 9 13 26-46 9 15 17-82 9 »6 16-33 9 17 +6*69 9 20 42*44 9 23 +3'59 9 25 ii*i8 9 26 57-96 9 28 40-47 9 32 2-52 9 33 +0*56 1800 57*30 60-22 57-3» 58-08 60-28 60-16 60-72 57-31 57-03 59-55 60-26 59-13 60-26 58-42 58-+7 60-25 6o'2I 56*03 58-97 58-90 60-23 60*28 60*26 56-33 6o*22 59-59 57-+5 60*16 6o*2I 56-26 56-03 60*10 < o PS Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 3-288 3*404 2-802 »-+75 3-380 3-523 1*499 2*071 3*260 3*378 3*464 3-+6i 2*205 3*330 0-216 3*++2 3-326 1-376 2*942 2-367 3-229 3-369 0-720 1-611 1-996 + 2-655 -7*139 + 1-857 2*951 3*440 2*375 + 1-825 - 1*666 + 3*168 + 3*220 — 0-0098 — 0-0x31 + 0-0002 — 0-0052 — 0-0126 — 0-0172 0-0047 + 0*0037 0-0094 — 0*0130 0-0159 — 0-0159 + 0-0045 — 0*0117 0-0605 -0*0155 0-0118 — 0-0081 0-0016 + 0-005 1 — 0-0089 — 0*0134 — 0-0345 — 0-0022 + 0-0041 + 0-0034 — 1*4857 + 0-0027 — 0-0015 — 0-0172 + 0*0064 + 0*0028 0-2845 — 0-0073 — 0*0093 fRoyal Observatory , Cape of Good Hope. as No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. 2 £ <4-i d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. -3 u c :2 s J X 351 / * 77 36 10-67 1800 60-92 2 + 13-60 + 0-3+7 + 0*04 2268 168 683 35* 71 19 21-37 57-30 I 13-63 + 0-359 .. .. • • .• .. 353 105 36 3-30 6o-i2 I 13-69 + 0-293 • • .. • • •• • • 354 148 41 23-34 60-22 II 13-78 + 0-150 - 0*04 3639 2293 169.J 210 •• 355 72 22 20-37 57*31 I 13-80 + 0*352 o-oo • • •• •• 1119* 356 64 59 55*36 58-08 2 13-84 + 0-366 + o-oi • • .. .. 687 357 148 32 56-10 60-29 7 13-93 + 0-151 - 0-24 3661 2311 170.J 211 • • 358 136 32 26-92 6o-i6 I 14-14 + 0*208 - 0-14 3677 2326 J 212 • • 359 78 46 14-62 60-72 3 14-19 + 0-330 0.00 .. .. 171 696 360 71 57 55*55 57*31 I 14*25 + 0*340 — O'OI •• •• •• 1130* 361 67 23 26-61 57*95 9 14*26 + o*349 — 0*01 .. .. .. 698 361 67 26 14-76 59*55 3 14*3^ + o*347 + 0*03 .. .. .. 699 363 132 52 8-n 60-26 3 14-36 + 0*218 0*00 3699 2346 1 72. J 214 H 63 364 74 26 30-98 59*13 I 14*47 + 0*330 — 0-28 .. 2356 .. 702 365 162 2 21*42 60-26 I 14*47 + 0*015 0*02 3736 2374 J 215 •• 366 68 8 32-88 58-42 3 H*53 + 0*340 + 0*01 .. .. • • 704 367 74 *8 48-11 58*47 3 14*64 + 0-325 - 0-02 • • 2384 .. 708 368 151 44 35*95 60-25 I 14-67 + 0-130 0-00 3753 2394 J 217 • • 369 98 9 45*33 60-18 I 14*78 + 0-284 - 0-05 • • • • .. "39* 370 127 59 18-48 6o-2i I H*79 + 0*227 + 0-08 3756 2407 •• •• 371 80 6 54-82 56-03 4 14*84 + 0*310 .. .. .. ■ • • • 372 71 42 11-64 58-68 31 14*86 + 0*324 + 0-16 • • • . .. 711 373 159 8 27-22 58-72 n 14*88 + 0*064 - 0-09 3791 2425 174J218 H 16 374 148 41 20"55 60-23 3 14*98 + 0-150 + 0-02 3792 2429 17S.J219 H 35 375 140 27 49-08 60*29 I 14*99 + 0*187 — 0-02 3786 2428 •• " 376 115 22 19-05 60-26 I 15*10 + 0*248 — O'll 3793 2436 176.J 220 7^1 377 175 5 48-85 56*33 10 15*15 — 0*689 - 0*01 3953 2491 .. " 378 144 24 49-96 60-23 6 15-24 + 0-170 - o*oi 3816 2459 177.J 221 H 43 379 98 3 13*30 58-47 67 15-40 + 0*269 - 0*03 • • 2478 178.J 222 722 380 66 25 0-28 57*36 12 15-57 + 0*310 + 0*04 •• •• •• 729 381 129 51 17-76 60*16 2 15*65 + 0*210 — 0*07 3885 2519 J 224 .. 382 146 25 4-61 60*21 2 15*75 + 0*158 + o*oi 3910 2535 J 225 • • 383 170 10 50-66 56-26 5 15*84 — 0*150 - o-ii 3981 2568 .. .. 384 83 10 46-92 56-03 5 16-02 + 0'27I .. • • .• • • .. 38s 79 28 21-41 59*77 2 16-11 + 0*273 + 0-04 •• 2586 180 747 H General Catalogue of Stars for 1860, Jan. No. 386 387 388 389 390 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 40Z 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 4^6 417 418 419 4Z0 No. in B.A.C. 3320 3321 3334 3331 391 3345 392 3353 3365 3406 3410 3415 3453 3459 3480 3493 3492 3509 3516 3523 3526 3536 3546 3550 3552 3561 3568 3575 3578 3579 3585 3589 5 6 5-6 3 7 Var. 8 5 3 5 4 5 9'io 3 "4 vz 67 5-6 S-6 6 4 4 2 5 5 5 67 5 6 4 Star's Name. Carinae m 16 Leonis i// Chamxleontis ^ 17 Leonis e Lacaille 3999 Bradley 1373.... W.B. IX. 888.. Carina; I Argus Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 27 Leonis v Argus 29 Leonis tt 30 Leonis q 32 Leonis a Chamasleontis.... y} Chamasleontis.,.. /t* 21 Sextands Velorum q Argus (0 41 Leonis -y"' Carinae q Velorum V Velorum T 24 Sextantis Velorum r 44 Leonis 42 Hydrae ji 45 Leonis Antliae a Piazzi X. 83 Carinae I Velorum P 9 35 9 36 9 37 9 37 9 39 9 40 9 40 9 4-1 9 43 948 9 50 9 51 9 52 28-24 6'2I 52"OI 53'90 22-58 1-51 51*47 23-96 36-08 20-24 41-29 57'04 4875 9 55 28-90 9 59 4171 10 5477 10 2 20-55 10 4 18-98 10 6 40-89 10 7 10 10 8 51-85 10 10 23-99 10 12 H'97 10 12 24-60 10 14 21-33 10 15 42-44 10 16 18-35 10 16 19-61 10 17 52-31 10 19 19 10 20 15-12 10 20 44-88 10 21 19-24 10 21 36-54 10 22 11-95 S 2 1800 60-25 57'o3 56-27 59-29 60-29 59-20 56-02 60-28 60-27 56-03 58-64 60-27 5981 56-02 57-15 59-33 60-23 56-33 56-37 58-76 60-28 57-03 60-32 60-31 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. + 1-667 + 3-278 - 1-479 + 3-425 2-590 3-236 3-147 1-651 1-506 3-129 3-239 2-100 3-180 3-110 3-283 3-221 + 2-687 - 1-273 - 0-882 + 2-991 2-522 1*440 3-299 1-997 2-244 2*222 3-070 2-565 3-168 2-908 3-176 2-743 3-222 1-215 + 2-223 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. o-oooo — 0-OII5 — 0-2817 — 00180 + 0-0065 — O'OlOl — 0-0069 — o-oooi — 0-0045 — 0-0062 — 0-0106 + 0-OC93 — 0-0081 — 0-0054 — 0-0131 — 0-0102 + 00080 — 0-3230 . 0-2599 — 0-0003 4 o-oii8 — 0-0070 00149 + 0-0114 + 00 142 + 0-0144 0-0031 -f 00126 — 0-0080 + 0-0039 — o 0085 + 0-0096 — O 0111 —•0*0213 + 00160 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 25 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. °2 1 Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference n c cq 1 i ." E -o t g a: 386 / • ISO 41 43-23 1800 60-25 3 + i6-2o + 0-136 o-oo 3987 2607 387 75 20 2272 57-03 I 16*23 + 0-274 + 0-02 .. .. .. 750 388 170 18 40-I9 56-26 5 16-32 — 0-132 + 0-03 4048 2648 .. .. 389 65 34 58-92 59"49 12 16-32 + 0*283 + 0-02 .. 2620 ... 751 390 122 2 18-60 60-28 3 16*40 + 0*211 • • •• •* •• •• 391 77 55 »4-49 59-20 X 16-43 + 0*264 + 0-17 .. .. 756 392 84 23 3974 56-02 4 1 6*47 + 0*255 .. .. .. • • •. 393 151 51 46-82 60-28 4 16-50 + 0*130 — 0-03 4033 2664 J 229 • • 394 XS4 25 24-33 60-27 8 i6-6i + 0116 + o-oi 4051 2682 181.J230 H21 395 85 30 28-79 5603 4 1684 + 0-241 • • •• •• •• •* 396 76 53 20-05 5877 20 16-95 + 0-245 + o-oi .. .. .. 767 397 143 54 8-67 60-27 10 17-01 + 0-155 + 001 4093 2752 J 232 •• 398 81 17 843 5975 27 17-05 + 0*237 + 0-03 .. i7S7 182 768 399 86 48 44-85 56-02 4 17*17 + 0*227 • . .. .. • • •• 4.00 72 33 22-07 56-96 7 17*36 + 0-233 o*oo •• •• •• 771 +01 77 21 0-29 58-96 88 17-41 + 0-226 - 001 .. 2838 184 775 402 120 25 5-85 60*23 2 17-47 + 0-184 • . •• .. •• •• 403 171 32 10-33 56*33 5 17-55 — 0-098 o-oo 4232 2880 •• •• 404 170 52 59-06 56-37 2 17-65 — 0-069 - 0-03 4246 2901 •• •• 405 97 17 S9'22 60-18 I 17-68 + 0-198 + 0-02 •• •• •• 1241* 406 131 25 45-47 60-25 7 17-74 + 0-163 — 0-05 4212 2904 J 234 .• 407 159 20 36-41 57-82 8 17-81 + 0-089 + o-oi 4243 2924 J^35 •• 408 69 27 6-II 58-70 20 17-88 + 0-2I0 + 0-15 •• 2929 • • 791 409 150 38 0-77 60-26 4 1789 + 0-124 - 0-02 4249 2935 J 236 •• 410 144 19 37-84 60-28 3 17-96 + 0-138 + 0*04 4263 2952 •• •• 411 145 20 21-72 60-31 2 18-01 + 0-134 + 0-05 4272 2972 J 237 .. 412 90 II 39-49 56-03 5 1 8 04 + 0-189 + 003 •• •• •• •• 413 130 56 48-n 60-19 I 18-04 + 0-156 - 0-03 4271 2974 J 238 •• 414 80 30 16-90 58-08 4 18-10 + OI9I + 0-12 .. 2984 188 802 415 106 7 22-09 6026 I 1815 + 0-173 + Oil *• •• J 239 804 416 79 31 30"62 58-76 10 18-19 + 0188 + 001 .. .. .. 808 417 120 21 21-73 60-28 3 18-21 + o-i6o + 0-05 4298 3011 J 240 809 418 74 56 33'i2 57-03 2 18-23 + 0-188 + 004 .. .. •• 811 419 163 19 10-56 60-32 I 18-24 + 0-066 000 43»9 3025 J 241 •• 420 146 55 31-67 60*30 3 -f 18-26 + 0-126 — 003 4310 3023 •• CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. 26 Qeneral Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 4*1 4.22 423 +24 425 426 ♦»7 428 4*9 430 43 « 43* 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 44* 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 45 » 45* 453 454 455 No. in B.A.C. 3594 3609 3619 3644 3«55 3660 3681 3686 3690 3695 3702 3708 37*3 37*4 3740 3755 3768 3769 3788 3793 3794 3803 383* 3834 3836 3843 3848 3859 3862 3866 3877 5 4 4 5 II 5 5 S-6 3 6 Var. 10 3 5 5*6 5 5 5-6 5 5 10 5 4-5 5 6 10 5 *'3 6 6 5 4 3-4 4 4 4 Star's Name. Carinie ..., 47 Lconls. p Carinx f Velorum /> Carinae... r' Chamaeleontis y Brisbane 3176..., Argus 37 Sextantis Argus. Argus n 53 Leonis / Chamaeleontis.... 2' Chamaeleontis,... S^ Carinas.... u Lacaille 4527.... 58 Leonis d 59 Leonis... c 63 Leonis ^ 9 Crateris. Bradley l$38 Octantis q Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 69 Leonis 68 Leonis.. i B.F. 1589 1 73 Leonis n 74 Leonis ^ 1 2 Hydrae etCrateris i 77 Leonis... a Centauri x 78 Leonis t b m O 22 o 25 o 27 o 31 o 32 o 33 33 o 37 o 37 o 38 44*82 26-27 3'io 25-37 42-15 25-88 47-36 16-62 58*08 48-20 o 39 38-20 o 39 43'*3 o 40 45-38 o 4» 5377 o 43 53"93 o 44 25-4.0 o 47 48-95 o 50 11-95 o 53 19-78 o 53 29-34 o 55 59"«3 o 57 47*58 o 58 35-44 59 10-50 1 o 10-69 I 4 0-69 I 6 3563 I 6 39-48 I 6 41-85 I 8 32-22 1 9 32-69 I 12 20-60 I 13 54-98 I 14 3802 I 16 37-35 Annual u e.2 Precess. in R.A. for S i i860. 1800 • 60-29 3 + 2-190 58-60 la 3-167 60-24 7 2-122 60-29 6 2-522 56-03 5 3-048 60-30 2 2-269 60-31 I 0-784 60*23 I 2'II5 60-31 5 2-126 60-99 I 3-130 59-84 9 2*309 56*02 4 3-040 60-28 5 *-S57 58-89 6 3-161 56-32 5 0*667 57-03 6 0*666 60*29 7 2-406 60*26 5 2-777 60-25 2 3-101 5636 I 3-118 56-03 4 3-030 58-64 16 3-1*3 60-29 6 2-895 60-30 5 + 2-897 56-35 5 — 0-126 56-03 4 + 3*030 60-26 4 3-076 6o-oi 4 3-192 58-38 2 3-088 56*21 2 3-H7 59'97 5 3-057 59-19 15 3-003 58-43 7 3104 60*27 6 2-714 56-29 3 + 3'"» Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + o-oi6o — o-oo8i + 0*0166 + 0*0170 — 0-0013 + 0*0x93 — 0*0649 + 0-0194 + 0-0197 — 0*0060 + 00214 — 0*0004 + 0*0192 — 0-0082 — 0*0894 — 0-0895 + 0-0243 + 0-0153 — 00039 — 0-0052 + o'ooi6 — 0-0057 + 0-0114 + 0-01 14 — 0-2893 + 0*0025 — 0-0014 — 0-0133 — 0*0026 — 0*0086 + 00006 + 0*0063 0-0042 + 0*0301 — 0*0066 (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. S7 No. Mean N.P.D. i860. Jan. I. -0 »J >" e e.2 °2: z Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. u a ►J a PQ ? 1 .2 g S M e u 6 X 421 > « 148 1 3r55 1800 60-29 + 18-28 * + 0-124 + t 0-03 4314 3031 +22 79 58 26-93 58-65 33 18-37 + 0-177 + 0*03 ... 3046 819 +23 150 57 57-66 60-24 18-43 + 0-114 + 0*02 4348 3072 J 242 •• 424 137 29 56-98 60-29 18-58 + 0-131 + 0-03 4378 3114 J 243 • • ^S 92 47 3764 56-03 1862 + 0-158 •• •• • • •• •• 426 148 27 16-67 6b-30 18-64 + 0-114 — o-io 4396 3>27 .. .. 4*7 167 52 56-13 60-31 18-65 + 0-034 0-00 4428 3146 J 445 •• 428 »53 44 5-*3 6023 1876 + O'lOl + 0-05 .. 3176 J 246 •• 429 »53 39 41*94 60-31 18-78 + 0*IOI + 0'02 4447 3184 1 92. J 247 H 22 430 82 53 23-89 . 60-99 18-81 + 0-150 + o'o6 • • • • »93 836 431 148 56 57*20 59*57 II 18-84 + 0-108 + 0-01 4457 3198 1 94. J 248 H 33 432 93 58 40-06 56-02 18-84 + 0-145 .. .. • • « • •• 433 138 40 53-43 60-29 18-87 + 0-II8 + o'o8 4461 3206 195J 249 H 50 434 78 42 53-86 58-98 10 18*90 + 0-146 + 0-02 » • .. .. 840 435 169 43 50-28 5632 5 18-96 + 0-023 + o*o8 4509 3243 •• •• 436 169 48 7-08 57*03 6 1898 + 0*024 + O'OI 45 »3 3247 J 251 •• 437 148 6 37-06 60-30 8 19*07 + 0*101 + 0'02 45»5 3274 J 252 • • 438 126 23 8-93 60-26 5 »9-»3 + 0-113 + 0-20 4527 3293 .. 848 439 85 37 53-38 60-25 2, 19-21 + 0-122 + 003 • • .. • • 851 440 83 8 4969 5820 9 19*22 + 0-122 + o-o6 •• .. 197 852 441 96 28 837 56-03 4 19-28 + 0-114 .. .. • • • • 442 81 54 28-56 58-78 43 1932 + 0-114 + 0-08 .. • • 199 860 443 116 32 i;9-57 6o'29 6 19*34 + 0-104 + 0*03 4583 3376 J*54 861 444 116 31 54-86 60-30 5 »9-35 + 0-103 + 0*03 4587 3382 • • 863 445 173 50 26-80 5635 5 1938 — 0*013 + o*o8 4643 3409 •• •• 446 97 29 3-05 5603 4 19-46 + 0-099 .. .. .. • • .. 447 89 18 30-19 6028 3 19-51 + 0-095 0*00 • • 3456 •• 872 448 68 42 35-40 58-72 9 19-52 + 0-099 + 0-I4 « • ■ • •• 873 449 86 58 692 58-38 2 1952 + 0-095 .. •• • • •• 874 450 75 55 44*98 56-21 2 »9-S5 + 0-094 + 0'04 •• •• •• 878 45 1 92 53 "-97 5982 5 »9-57 + 0-089 + 0*04 1 .. *• J 257 879 45a 104 I 16-82 58-53 7* 19-62 + 0-082 - o*i8 1 .. • • J 258 884 453 83 12 14-05 58-39 19 19-65 + 0-082 + 0*03 .. •• 203 885 454 143 43 27-41 60-28 8 19-66 + 0-069 + 0-03 47*7 3544 204. J 259 •• 455 78 41 59-85 56*33 4 + 19*70 + 0-077 + 0*07 •• •• •• 888 28 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. No. in B.A.C. u •0 'S +56 9"lo 457 3900 5 458 3916 5 459 39311 67 460 3922 5 461 3928 4 462 3930 6 463 .. 7 464 3941 4 465 3946 5-4 466 ,. 8 467 .. 9 468 .. lO'II 469 3982 4-5 470 3995 2 471 4002 3*4 472 4006 6 473 4015 4 474 4017 2-3 475 4048 5 476 4049 6 477 4052 4' 5 47? 4061 5-6 479 4067 56 480 4085 6 481 4087 3 482 4090 4 483 4094 6 484 4097 3 485 4120 3 486 4131 5 487 4137 6 488 4145 3-4 489 4187 I 490 4189 6 Star's Name, 84 Leonis r 87 Leonis e 17 Crateris, 1st Star 1 7 Crateris, 2nd Star Lacaille 4779.... 89 Leonis , W.B. XI. 475.. Centauri X 91 Leonis v Lalande 22032. Lalande 22038. 3 Virginis v 94 Leonis /3 5 Virginis j3 Piazzi XL 167.. Lacaille 4923 64 Ursae Majoris y Chamaeleontis.... 7 Virginis b 8 Virginis w Crucis Crucis 0* Lacaille 5029.... Mean R.A. i860, Jan. 1. Centauri i 1 Corvi a 10 Virginis 2 Corvi { Crucis ^ Chamaeleontis..., /3 13 Virginis 15 Virginis >/ Crucis a Centauri 19 1379 20 44*21 23 970 25 20'06 25 20-35 26 7-30 27 I2'08 27 50-13 29 20-46 29 46 87 30 6-71 30 20'2I 36 56-04 38 3979 41 54-92 43 24-12 43 5»'86 45 SO"64 46 27 52 4373 52 46-60 53 41*94 55 55"2i 57 8*19 2 o 50-96 2 I 7-17 2 I 11-74 2 2 30-90 2 2 55-78 2 7 4388 2 10 12-99 2 II 29-64 2 12 44*70 2 18 50-79 2 18 59-16 > c S£ 1800 56-02 5807 59-63 60-29 60-25 60-30 57-66 56-02 6o*34 58*11 60-21 60-29 56*03 5620 60-31 56-89 59-96 60-29 60-30 56-89 56-44 60-28 6o*35 60-31 40-28 60-28 57-56 59'39 60-34 56-39 60-26 57-88 60-26 57-46 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 3'030 3086 3-064 2*963 2*963 i"953 3-085 3-035 2733 3-072 3-073 3-073 3-043 3-088 3*101 3-076 3065 3-018 3-183 2-882 3*075 3-077 3*027 3*040 3-078 3-080 3-075 3-071 3-079 3-144 3*366 3-072 3-072 3281 + 3207 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. 4- 0-0047 — 0-0022 + o-ooio + 0-0149 + 0-0149 + 0-0165 — o 0019 + 0-0058 -j- 0-0442 -f 0-0002 4- o'oooi + o-oooi + 0-0069 — 0-0032 — 0-0075 — 0-0004 ■\- 0*0034 + 0*0199 — 0*0437 + 0-II90 — 0-0008 — 00023 + 0-0574 + 0*0577 + 00373 + 0-0373 + 0-0153 4" 0-0006 + 00I4I + 0-0522 + 0-1778 + 0*0026 + 0-0026 + 0-0673 + 0*0442 5i. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 2g No. 456 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. « } 58 Virginia. Octantis Piazzi XIII. 67. 65 Virginis 66 Virginis 67 Virginis a Octantis k 69 Virginis Lacaille 5569.,.. 72 Virginis /' 74 Virginis /' Lacaille 5578 75 Virginis 76 Virginis h Piazzi XIII. 126.. 79 Virginis ? 81 Virginis, 1st Star Centauri 82 Virginis m 83 Virginis , I Centauri i 85 Virginis. 86 Virginis. Centauri /i 2 Centauri g 85 Ursae Majoris ij 89 Virginis....... Centauri C 8 Bobtis 1; Apodis Q Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 3 3 2388 3 4 3675 3 5 48-51 3 9 54-68 3 10 7-29 3 14 »o-59 3 15 14-99 3 16 (3-8o) 3 17(16-17) 3 17 49"27 3 19 1-07 3 19 59*4* 3 22 56'2i 3 23 (7-69) 3 24 (41-38) 3 24 45-45 3 25 23'12 3 25 35-82 3 27 H-25 3 27 33-65 3 30 »5-23 3 31 2-21 3 34 1608 3 36 57-04 3 37 44-50 3 38 3-00 3 38 28-82 3 41 1061 3 41 11-96 3 41 2073 3 42 1-03 3 42 16-21 3 46 49*43 fS 48 I 13 51 48-88 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. 6 Annual Prccess. in R.A. for i860. 1800 60-38 3 6 + 3*408 60-33 I 3*175 60-35 2 3-971 56-11 5 3*244 59-12 5 3-142 56-47 8 8-029 56-12 2 3-112 •• •• 3-104 3-106 58-67 23 3*154 56-64 28 8-305 59-29 I 3*196 60-29 I 3*451 * • •• 3-120 3*199 60-41 2 3*338 59*53 4 3-199 58*45 9 3*153 57-42 2 3-182 58-02 3 3*071 56-12 I 3*136 60-49 I 3*752 56-37 I 3*H7 58-54 I 3*224 60-37 3 3-422 58-28 4 3*221 56-15 I 3-188 56-12 5 3*350 60-47 I 3*582 60-33 2 3*454 56-43 I 2-386 59-29 10 3*253 60-38 2 3-707 .. .. 2-862 56*46 4 + 5-608 Secular Variation of Prccess. in R.A. + 0-0373 4- 0-0138 + 0-1128 + 0-0190 -I o-oio8 + 1-3984 + 0-0086 4- 0-0080 + 0-0082 + 0*0114 + 1*4187 + -0142 + 0-0338 + 0-0091 + 0-0090 + 0-0242 + 0-0141 + 0-0112 + 0-0129 + 0-0063 + 0-0101 + 0-0586 + 0-0107 + 0-0150 + 0-0278 + 0-0148 + 0-0128 + 0-0222 + 0-0388 + 0-0293 — 0-0105 + 0-0163 + 0-0468 — 0-0007 + 0-2893 (koyal Observatory, Cape of -Good Hope. 33 No. Mean N P.D. i860, Jan. I. Mean Year and Fraction of Year, 1 d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. t + 19-29 Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. "a ►3 u c -s § M X 526 / « 132 37 1673 1800 60-38 3 1 -0-144 0-04 5422 4353 527 105 26 3170 60-33 I 19-26 -0-137 + 0-30 .. 4362 J 298 1042 528 157 9 3'47 60-35 2 19-23 — 0-172 + 0*04 5433 4369 • • .. 529 113 8 28-38 56*11 5 19-13 — 0-150 • • .. .. .. 530 99 48 267s 59"i7 6 19-13 — 0-146 + 0-04 •• •• •• 1052 531 17s 5 4876 56-47 8 19-02 — 0-380 — 0'02 5452 4410 .. .. 53^ 95 ^7 45'59 56-12 2 18-98 -0-155 + 0-32 .• .. .. 1060 533 94 11 26-64 56-21 2 18-96 — 0-156 + 0-02 .. .. .. 1061 53+ 94 25 5i'Si 56-18 6 i8*93 — 0-158 + 0-02 .. .. .. 1062 535 100 25 45*48 58-27 118 18-91 — 0161 + 0-04 •• 4457 237.J 302 1063 536 175 3 5i"49 56-64 28 18-88 — 0-411 + 0*04 5482 4445 .. .. 537 105 14 47-18 59-29 I 18-85 — 0*166 .. .. .. .. .. 538 128 40 57-71 60-29 1 18-76 — 0-185 ■f 0*04 5569 4496 J 304 .. 539 95 44 46-29 56-17 11 18-75 — 0-170 - 0-02 .. >. • • 1073 540 95 31 53-27 56-17 5 18-70 — 0-172 + 0-04 •• •• •• 1076 541 118 50 36-27 60-41 2 18*70 — 0-184 + 0-03 5578 4519 .. 1077 5+2 104 38 29-37 59-53 4 18-68 — 0-178 + o-io .. .. ■ * 1078 543 99 26 31-75 58-45 9 18-67 — 0-176 + 0-03 .. • • •• 1079 544 102 29 41-70 57-42 2 18-62 — 0-180 + 0-06 .. 4542 .. 1082 545 89 52 43-01 57-19 11 1861 -0-175 — o*o6 •• •• •• 1083 54.6 97 9 22-92 56-12 2 18-52 — 0-184 -f 0*14 .. .. -. 1087 547 142 45 8-97 6o*49 I 18-49 — 0-220 + 0-02 5618 4570 239.J 305 H 45 548 97 59 42-14 56-37 1 18-38 — 0-191 0-00 .. • • .. 1096 549 105 28 23-14 58-54 I 18-29 — 0'201 + o-o6 • • 4616 " 1099 550 122 20 2-67 60-37 3 18-26 — 0-214 + 0-22 5668 4619 J 306 1102 551 105 3 44-80 58-28 4 18-25 — 0-203 + o-ii .. 4623 .. 1103 552 loi 43 24-05 56-15 1 18-23 — 0-202 - 0-01 • • • • •• 1104 553 115 57 24-80 56-12 5 18-13 — 0-216 •• • • •• •• •• 554 131 46 26-39 60-47 1 18-13 — 0-231 - 0-02 5684 4645 J 308 •• 555 123 45 0-90 60-31 1 18-13 — 0-223 + 0-17 5688 4647 J 309 1108 556 39 59 8-77 56-44 2 18-10 — 0-158 + 0-03 .. .. 1109 557 107 26 6-6i 59-04 12 18-09 — 0213 + 0-03 • • 4653 •• 1112 558 136 35 49-21 60-38 2 17-91 — 0-251 + 0-05 5737 4683 240. J 312 H 57 559 70 53 55-96 56-55 I 17-87 -0-197 + 0-36 . .. .. •• 1121 560 166 7 4-13 56-46 4 + 17-72 -0-391 — 0-0 1 5757 4712 •• •• CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. S4 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 561 562 563 564 566 567 568 569 570 571 57^ 573 57+ 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 59+ 595 No. in B.A.C. 4668 4469 4672 4681 4686 4700 +705 4716 4712 4722 4729 +730 +7+3 4768 4784 4790 4808 4811 4831 4832 4852 4868 4876 4872 4880 4883 4895 4896 +913 4916 4923 4924 4928 5 I +•5 5 3 5-6 5 +•5 5 6 I 6 S'+ 5 6-5 67 +'3 3 + 5 6 2'3 6 5 6 2'3 6 6 5-6 6 3 3 7 Star's Name. Centaurl i;* Centauri /? 93 Virginis r Centauri.... x 5 Centauri, fi Piazzi XIII. 317 Octantis S 98 Virginis b Apodis Piazzi XIV. 22. 16 Bootis a Centauri lOQ Virginis \ Lupi 52 Hydrae Octantis Z 25 Bootis p Centauri q Centauri a' Centauri a' Lacaille 6063 5 Librae , 36 Bootis t Centauri... 56 Hydrae Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 57 Hydrse Octantis.. 9 Librae a Bradley 1895 12 Librae Lacaille 6146 Piazzi XIV. 212... Lupi j8 Centauri k. Lacaille 6198 3 53 o'+8 3 53 58-60 3 5+ 3i"+8 3 57 3076 3 58 27 4 3 I2*00 4 4 56-05 + 5 25 4 5 40-19 4 7 41-49 4 9 i6-6o + 9 37'59 4 II 32-26 4 17 lOIl 4 19 58-92 :+ ^3 +3'65 :+ 25 47 :4 26 37-82 4 30 7-06 :+ 30 7'23 '+ 35 6-36 :4 38 14-86 :+ 38 52 :+ 38 5+'o6 [4 39 34-87 + 39 +639 4 40 50-01 + +3 8-35 + +3 +5'52 4 46 12-57 4 47 9-61 + +9 1777 4 49 22-53 + 50 +'i3 + 5+ 25*83 1800 60-33 60-33 60-39 60-48 58-48 56-44 56-+3 5873 58'+5 60-33 60-57 60-42 5879 60-48 60-45 58-85 60-51 5773 57"+6 60-21 60-46 56-57 58'2i 57-27 58-+7 60-48 58-5+ 60-41 60-47 60-47 81 Annual Precess. in R.A, for i860. + 3-703 4-163 3"o+7 3-632 3-5+6 3-264 8-734 3-190 6-817 3-296 2-813 +•3+5 3-236 3-815 3-+95 21-523 2-595 3779 +-+97 +•+97 3-6+9 3-298 2-624 4-342 3-481 3-+92 9-600 3-31+ 3-3+3 3-468 3-657 3-+H 3-899 3-873 + 3-65» Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0-0440 + 0-0837 + 0-0064 + 0-0375 -f- 0-0317 4- 00156 + 0-9831 -f 0-0113 + 0-4771 -I- 0-0168 -f- 0-0003 + 0-0889 -f 0*0140 + 0-0437 4- 0-0250 + 7-+007 — o-ooi6 + 0-0388 + 0-0875 + 0-0875 + 0-0301 + 0-0152 — o-oooi -f 0-0700 -f 0-0220 + 0-0224 + 0-9115 + 0-0155 ■\- 001 64 + 0-0207 + 0-0283 + 00185 4- 0-0392 + 00378 + 0-0267 ^oyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 35 No. 561 56Z 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 57» 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 58' 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 59° 591 59* 593 59+ 595 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan, I. «34 149 87 130 125 55 2i"85 41 42-38 46 35"37 30 22*65 40 43'8z 105 38 19-11 173 I 14-70 99 37 12-94 169 27 29*67 107 32 43-29 70 5 i3'25 150 37 '4*53 102 43 28-60 134 35 8-62 118 5» 3573 177 33 54-65 59 45*41 131 3» 24-23 ISO 15 i8-68 ISO 15 I9"55 124 34 4"34 104 52 0-52 62 20 0-55 146 4 29-26 "5 29 5 3 "47 116 3 24-60 172 28 8-84 105 27 26-90 107 12 18-50 114 4 123 17 2-99 no 46 51-76 132 33 59-60 131 32 20-49 122 5 16-96 1800 6033 57'5» 59-08 60-48 60-50 58-52 56-44 5632 56-94 5873 58-80 57*46 57-09 60-51 60*42 58-68 60-37 60-48 60-45 58-56 60-51 5773 56*55 57*46 60-21 60*46 58-58 58-17 57*89 60-48 58*54 60-41 60-47 60-47 OS5 I II 6 2 I 16 5 4 5 10 37 I XI I 2 78 I I 3 160 10 I I 3 I 8 92 3 I I 2 2 3 Annual Precess. in N.P.D. + 17*67 1763 17-60 17-48 17*44 17-23 17-15 17-13 17-12 17-02 16-95 16-93 16-84 16-57 J 6*43 1624 16-13 16-09 15-91 15*91 15-64 15-46 15*43 15*43 »5'39 15*38 15*32 15*19 15-15 15-01 14*95 14*83 14-82 14*78 + H*S* Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. 0-264 • 0*297 0-221 0267 • 0-263 • 0-251 • 0-668 • 0-250 • 0-526 • 0*262 • 0*227 • o'345 • 0*264 ■ 0-320 ■ 0-299 ■ 1-849 • 0-232 • 0-336 ■ 0-406 - 0-406 ■ 0-340 ■ 0-313 - 0-251 • 0-412 - 0-332 - 0-334 - 0-910 - 0-322 - 0-326 - 0*342 - 0-362 -0-342 - 0-389 - 0*388 -o*373 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. + o-oo f 0-C5 + 0-07 — 0-02 0-64 + 0-06 + o-oi — 0-02 + 0-02 4- O-OI + 1-93 — 0-02 -f 0-09 -f- 0-04 + 0-05 — 0-14 — o-oi — 0-83 — 0-83 + 0*26 -f 0-0 1 — O-OI + 0-20 + 0-03 + 0-02 + 0-05 + 0-06 + 0-17 + 0-03 -4- 0-04 + 1*68 + 0-03 -f o-oi No. for reference. (J "(3 u n •-) c PQ 5782 4729 5784 4733 5810 4757 5820 4766 .. 4797 5802 4790 5828 4799 •• • • .. 4840 5875 •• 5928 4902 5949 4925 5823 4886 5993 4968 6014 4990 6017 499' 6063 5029 •• 5055 .. .. 6082 5057 6102 5060 6104 5061 •• 5046 6143 .• 6146 s^'^'i 6160 5129 6170 5133 6198 • • * O \. <" S o c 243J 3»5 J 316 245J 3»7 J 319 J 321 246.J 324 J 328 J 327 248.J 332 J 335 249.J 336 J 339 25»J 343 o ac J 344 J 346 H 31 1124 1126 1131 H II 1136 1139 1141 "43 1 149 H 6 1153 H 66 H 29 H 30 I163 1167 1170 1172 "73 1177 1178 1181 1183 1186 H 64 H 65 .^6 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. i ; No. 596 597 598 599 600 601 60Z 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 6n 61Z 613 614 61S 616 617 6x8 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 No. in B.A.C. 4947 4948 4950 4969 4970 4973 4986 4995 4997 5005 5028 5029 5032 5034 5037 5046 5055 5060 5089 5087 5100 5104 5103 5107 5112 5118 5121 5138 5139 5I1-3 5144 S151 5159 7 5 3 '4 4-5 7 6 5 5 5'4 7 3 5 7 4-5 Star's Name. 7 4*5 67 Piazzi XIV. 246... Lupi TT 20 Librae 43 Bootis ij/ Lacaille 6229 21 Librae v Lupi X Lupi « 24 Librae ( B.F. 2065 Trianguli Australis y Lupi n Lupi 2 Lupi 27 Libras /3 Octantis p Lupi i 28 Librae Lupi ^' 32 Libras ^ Normae. 34 Librae 2|' Piazzi XV. 91....;. Trianguli Australis t Apodis 35 Librae Z* Lupi y 36 Librae 4"5 39 Librae. Lupi 5 Coronae Borealis a Normae 40 Librae Normae Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I, 4 55 4 55 4 55 4 58 458 4 58 4 59 5 i I4'66 36-09 53*04 2677 37-60 49-32 2575 13-09 14-82 15 5 5 5372 5 8 48-55 5 8 so 5 9 19-16 5 9 28-64 5 " 37"Si 5 12 1177 5 " 5773 5 14 i3"43 5 20 21 5 20 23-70 5 20 34-75 5 22 45 5 23 4o'52 5 23 57*29 5 24 49-60 5 25 o 5 25 49-41 5 26 8-60 5 28 31-80 5 28 37-75 5 28 45-61 5 29 12-09 5 30 3*96 5 30 5869 CO 1800 58-42 60-45 5862 58-44 6056 57-00 60-37 60-47 59*53 60-48 60-36 60-46 59*24 58*77 60-47 5842 60-41 57*57 59*25 58-36 60-46 37-69 60-48 6o-i2 59*52 60-48 57*44 57*56 6o'26 57*57 13 36 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 3*356 4*049 3-500 2-583 3-668 3*337 4*007 4*140 3*408 3*396 5*491 4*137 4-138 3-631 3-225 12-488 3*9" 3-389 3-810 3-371 4-428 3-074 3*372 3*443 5*388 7*135 3*378 3*971 3-619 3*625 4-026 2-529 4-667 3-668 + 4*481 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0-0161 4-0-0451 -f 0-0209 -f o-ooii -f 0-0268 + 0-0153 -1" 0-041 8 + 0-0475 -f 0-0171 + 0-0167 + 0*1395 + 0-0452 + 0-0452 -{- 0*023 8 + o"oii8 — 0-009 + 1-3640 + 0-0340 + 0-0159 -\- 0-0296 -|- 0-0148 + 0-0554 + 0-0083 + 0-OI47 -\- 0-0165 + 01124 + 0*2725 + 0-0147 + 0-0332 + 002 II + 0-0210 + 0-0346 + 0-0024 + 0-0637 -j- 0-0221 + 0*0534 621. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 37 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. Is > « u^ '*' C C.2 CJ 4-- ^1 <*< d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference u a « Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson / # 1800 # # 596 107 4 41-67 58-42 5 + 14-47 - 0-345 + 0-09 .. .. .• I19X 597 136 29 59-63 60-45 z 14-45 — 0-416 + 0-04 6201 5166 J 348 .. 598 114 43 44-04 58-66 15 14-43 — 0-361 + 0-03 6212 5169 252.J 349 1194 599 62 30 15-51 58-44 4 14-28 — 0-271 0-00 .. .. .. 1196 600 122 21 55*19 60-56 I 14-26 — 0-382 •• 6229 • • •• •• 601 105 42 40-46 57-00 3 14-25 - 0-348 + 0-03 .. .. .. 1197 602 134 44 14-90 60-37 I 14-22 — 0-418 - 0-03 6232 5185 J 350 • • 603 138 12 6-45 60-47 2 14-04 - 0-437 + 0-06 6246 5205 J 352 •. 604 109 15 32-49 59-53 13 13-92 - 0-364 + 0-04 •• .. .. 1205 605 108 34 27-58 58-45 I 13-92 - 0-363 •• •• • • •• 1206 606 158 9 27-77 60-48 I 13-81 -0-587 + 0-03 6255 5227 253-J 353 H 18 607 137 21 23-23 58-44 2 13-63 -0-449 + 0-08 6296 5260 J 355 •• 608 137 21 37-99 56-52 I 13-62 -0-449 + 0-06 .. 5261 .. •• 609 119 37 48-78 60-46 I 13-59 - 0-394 + 0-08 6304 5266 J 356 •• 610 98 51 49-32 58-65 42 13-58 -0-352 + 0-0 1 •• 5270 254-J 357 IZ15 611 173 59 II-7I 58-80 37 13-45 - I-3S7 — 0-03 6216 5240 .. .. 6iz 130 8 12-47 60-47 I 13-41 - 0-430 - 0-03 6326 5285 J 358 • • 613 107 38 50-02 58-42 5 13-36 - 0-375 + 0-08 .. .. .. 1221 614 126 21 12-08 60-41 I 13-28 — 0-422 -f- 0-07 6349 5299 .. 1223 615 106 13 30-34 56-15 I 12-87 -0-383 f 0-05 •• • • •• 1226 616 142 53 13-49 57-57 I 12-87 - 0-499 + 0-01 6383 5345 .. ... 617 90 7 24-23 59-»S 5 12-86 -0-350 .• • • .. .. • - 618 106 7 34-04 56-51 I 12-71 - 0-385 + 0-03 .. .. .. 1744* 619 109 40 58-40 58-36 2 12-64 - 0-395 + 0-09 .. .. .. 1229 620 155 50 27-73 60-46 9 12-62 — 0-616 + 0-10 6398 5372 J 362 • . 6zi 165 36 53-96 56-52 I 12-57 — 0-816 + 0-05 6381 5368 .. ' 622 106 22 30-13 56-50 I 12-55 — 0-388 + 0-02 .. .. .. 623 130 41 32-46 60-48 3 12-50 - 0-458 + 0-02 6422 5380 255-J 363 H 68 624 117 34 19-60 60-12 I 12-48 — 0-418 + 0-09 6430 5385 .. •• 625 117 40 4-60 59-39 3 12-31 - 0-423 0-00 6445 5400 J 366 "37 626 132 6 14-77 60-48 X 12-30 — 0-469 — 0-09 6443 5399 .. .. 627 62 48 42-72 57-37 9 12-30 - 0-297 + 0-07 .. .. .• 1238 628 146 27 6-38 57-56 t 12-26 - 0-543 + 0-03 6440 5401 .. • • 629 119 18 49-99 60-26 2 I2'2I - 0-430 + o-o8 6455 5406 J 367 "39 630 H2 55 57-44 57-57 I + "-14 - 0-525 — 0-07 6451 5408 •• •• 38 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 ; No 631 632 633 63+ 63s 636 637 638 639 640 64X 642 643 644 645 646 647 64S 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 No. in B.A.C. 5165 5166 5176 5190 5196 5197 5200 5209 5^17 5224 5227 5232 5233 5251 5250 5263 5268 5269 5272 5277 5289 5292 5303 5309 5320 53*3 5329 5331 5337 5339 5347 5340 S 5-6 S .11 ,8 6 2'3 6 7 6 6 5 S 5 3 6 5 6 4-5 5'4 6 3 4-5 2'3 6 10 6 5 2 4*5 4 5-6 5 6 Star's Name. Lacaille 6464.... 42 Libra? 43 Librae k 44 Librz ij 24 Serpentis a Lalande 28670.., Normae Normae Trianguli Australis Triangull Australis »c 5 Lupi X 1 Scorpli h Trianguli Australis j3 45 Librae X 2 Scorpii -rtf* Normae I Lupi.. 4' (Lupi r j Scorpii p Norms 6 Scorpii Lupi 7 Scorpii Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h m 15 31 «5 32 15 33 15 33 15 35 IS 36 15 37 15 37 15 38 15 39 3477 078 5316 55-26 20*41 I2'2I 2 2 '42 30-21 3 '47 31-48 Bradley 203 1 . Normae Normae i 8 Scorpii /3 Lupi 6 9 Scorpii w' Apodis d' Lacaille 6702 Apodis S' 15 40 II 15 41 42-63 15 42 4-21 15 42 33-89 15 42 50-62 15 45 12-75 15 45 12-86 15 46 59-22 15 47 56-80 15 47 57*5° 15 48 14-84 15 49 604 15 50 23-41 15 50 51-08 15 5* 3*55 15 53 54 15 55 7*69 15 56 12-90 15 56 36-63 15 57 i8-io 15 57 »4'44 »5 58 37 15 59 34'34 15 59 35"82 15 59 4» 1800 60-49 58-19 59*33 5929 60-47 56-28 59-26 57'35 57'57 57*56 60-57 60-50 60-16 59-12 57*99 57*28 57*52 60-41 60-40 59*58 57*56 57*73 60-45 56-68 59*27 57*57 36-23 60-00 60-42 36-61 60-43 Annual Precess. °^ R.A. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 4*109 3*533 ru7 3*»38 yyiS 3*367 2-941 3-562 4-568 4-511 5*393 5-822 3*793 3*594 5-239 3*47« 3*589 4-303 3-816 3-816 3-689 4-598 3'6i6 3*955 3*535 2-976 3*278 4-760 4*212 3*477 3921 3*499 8-674 3*635 + 8-662 + 0-0370 + 0-0180 + 0-0157 + 0-0091 + 0-0230 + 0-0136 + 0-0062 + 0-0182 4- 0-0546 + 0-0513 + 0-0982 + 0-1249 + 0-0239 + 0-0184 + 0-0866 + 0-0152 + 0-0180 + 0-0399 + 0-0204 + 0-0204 + 0-0201 + 0-0508 + 0-0180 + 0-0270 •+-o"oi6o + 0-0064 4- o-oio8 + 0-0547 + 0-0336 + 0-0142 -\- 0-0247 + 0-0145 + 0-3424 + 0-0173 + 0-3408 Annual Proper Motion 659. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. 663. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 39 No. 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 64.1 642 643 644 64s 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 Mean N.P.D. 1 860, Jan. I, 134 II 113 21 109 13 93 3* 121 9 105 13 83 7 114 16 H3 57 142 46 3675 35-15 1777 23"66 7-i8 24-39 52'o6 19-07 28-08 29-13 154 43 26-94 158 10 47'io 123 II 49'53 115 19 19-58 15* 59 37-32 109 44 42 '45 114 54 20-13 137 44 42-46 123 33 9-00 123 33 2-00 n8 48 5-74 143 36 52-36 •03 115 42 27-;qf 127 59 33-32 112 13 11-52 85 10 41-14 100 14 18*63 145 48 22-82 134 47 20-04 109 25 8-04 126 25 0-15 no 17 11-52 168 20 3-15 115 56 52-23 168 i8 2365 1800 60-49 58-01 59'33 59-29 6047 57"36 58-24 56-93 57-57 57-56 5652 60-57 60-50 59-99 59-60 57-99 57-28 57-52 60-41 60-40 5958 57-56 5773 60-45 59-22 56-50 59-27 57-57 60-37 58-92 60-42 58-33 56-52 60-43 56-52 Annual Precess. N.P.D. for i860. + I2-IO 12-07 1194 11-94 "•83 11-77 11-69 1 1-68 n-64 11-54 11-49 11-38 11-36 11-32 11-30 11-13 1113 ii-oo 10-93 10-93 10-91 10-84 10-75 1071 10-62 10-49 10-40 10-31 10-28 10-23 10-22 10-13 10-06 |o*o6 + 10-05 Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. 0-483 0-417 0-409 0-373 0-444 0-403 0-354 • 0-427 ■ 0-547 ■ 0-543 • 0-648 • 0-704 • 0-46 1 ■0-438 • 0-636 ■ 0-426 ■ 0-440 ■ 0-530 • 0-47 » ■ 0-471 -0-456 - 0*569 - 0-450 - 0-493 - 0-442 - 0-374 -0-413 -0-599 -0-532 -0-441 - 0-496 -0-445 - 1-099 - 0-463 - 1-097 Annual Proper Motion N.P.D. No. for reference. •\- 0-24 + 0-02 4- 0-I2 -f- o-o6 — 0-05 — 0-14 — 0-07 + o-o6 -f 0-04 -f 0-06 -f- 0-02 + 0-43 -j- 0-01 -|- o-oi -f 0-01 -l- 001 — 0-02 + 0-03 -f- 006 + 0-04 + 0-05 ■\- 0-01 -l- 0-07 — 0-02 4- 0-02 -f o-o8 4- o-oi o-oo + 0-07 -t- 0-03 6464 6479 6520 6507 6518 6548 6557 6533 6574 6580 6592 5535 5416 5423 5473 5464 5465 5484 5491 5499 5497 5521 5529 O V. S3 O 6601 6589 6622 6619 6650 6664 6678 6623 6702 662S 5538 5542 5554 5560 5577 5581 559» 5584 5605 5586 J 368 J 369 .a o ^ ^ " c J; •J g O no u C u a> O DC J 370 J 373 256.J 371 J 375 J 374 J 377 J 378 J 380 258.J 381 J 382 260. J 385 J 384 J 386 1241 1243 1249 1251 1252 1256 1257 H23 1263 1264 1271 1272 1273 1279 1285 1287 1291 40 General Catalogue of Stars for i86o, Jan. i No. No. in B.A.C. -0 3 n 666 537+ 6 667 5382 4 668 5384 6 669 5395 6 670 •• 9 671 5414 3 67Z 5423 7 673 5425 5 674 5412 67 6j^ 5435 6 676 5436 7 677 5439 5 678 • • 7 679 5447 3 "4 680 •• 7-8 681 5467 5 68z .. 10 683 5485 67 684 5498 I '2 685 5508 4 686 5516 5 687 5SIO 5 688 5536 5 689 5538 5 690 5539 3'4 691 5565 .6 69Z 5579 5 693 5578 2 694 5588 67 695 •• 9'io 696 5604 3*2 697 5609 4-5 698 5616 67 699 5614 6 700 • • 9 Star's Name. Lacaille 6725 14 Scorpii v' Normas Piazzi XVI. 10 I Ophiuchi 5 Piazzi XVI. 28.. Normae y* Brisbane 5607 Lacaille 6788 Piazzi XVI. 39.... Apodis y Lacaille 6796 20 Scorpii a Lacaille 6815 4 Ophiuchi t// Arae 21 Scorpii a Normae.. a 8 Ophiuchi Apodis /3 Trian. Australis jj' Lacaille 6890 23 Scorpii r Trian. Australis q' Bradley 2 114...., Trian. Australis a Lacaille 6950...., 40 Herculis 2 Arae ij 41 Herculis 25 Scorpii Mean R.A. i860, Jan. 1. 16 2 20"57 16 3 S175 16 4 i6'97 16 5 27*04 16 6 18-83 16 7 072 16 8 48-48 16 9 22*77 16 9 40-31 16 10 41-71 16 10 56-06 16 12 6-6o 16 12 34-23 16 12 41-02 16 14 56-30 16 J 5 54-99 16 16 6-16 16 18 5 16 20 49-69 16 22 14-33 16 23 7-78 16 23 10-92 16 26 58-72 16 27 10-04 16 27 10-35 16 32 30-58 16 33 28-95 16 33 52*55 16 34 38-99 16 34 39-58 16 36 o 16 37 42-81 16 38 ID 16 38 17 16 40 15-16 1800 60-47 60-19 38-02 58-31 59-24 60-09 58-27 60-34 58-44 60-43 58-30 56-53 60-55 59-08 60-59 5826 59-25 59-63 6029 59'25 56-66 60-48 60-32 58-10 40-57 56-45 59 77 6o- ,7 59-28 59-60 59*25 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 3-719 3-477 4-912 3-523 3-357 3-141 3'497 4-474 20-372 3-774 3-502 8-970 3-844 3-635 3-847 3-502 3*425 4-962 3-667 3-905 3*429 8-446 6-115 3'93i 3-723 6-118 3*463 6-272 3-845 3-562 2-296 5*138 2932 3663 + 3-572 + 0-0188 + 0-0136 + 0-0568 + 0-0143 + 0-0114 -|- 0-0082 + 0-0135 + 0-0380 + 2-4765 + 0-0187 + 0-0133 + 0-3291 + 0-0199 + 0-0156 + 0-0196 + 0-0128 + 0-0116 + 0-0510 + 0-015 1 + 0-0195 -f o-oiio + 0-2471 + 0-0922 + 0-OI9I + 0-0152 — o-ooi + 0-0865 + 0-0105 -f 0-0920 -f 0-OI6I + 0-OII8 + 0-0033 + 0-0459 + 0-0052 + 0-0127 + 0-0II2 668. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. 691. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 41 Mean N P.D. i860, Jan. I. 1 Mean Year and Fraction of Year. d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No for reference ■ 1 No. c Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson. 666 / 119 2 3479 1800 60-47 2 + 9-85 + O'lO 6725 1 5629 667 109 5 3646 60-19 I 9-73 — 0-448 + 0-03 .. .• 262.J 391 1295 668 H7 33 3*34 56-51 I 9-70 — 0-630 + 0-15 6722 5634 .. 669 III 2 20-86 58-31 I 9-61 - 0-455 + 0-05 .. .. 1300 670 103 38 1-81 59-24 6 9-55 - 0-435 •• •• •• •• •• 671 93 19 5078 59-45 24 9-49 — 0-408 + 0-13 .. .. 263J 393 1304 (>^^ 109 45 10-45 58-27 6 9-35 - 0-455 4- 0-16 .• .. .• 1306 673 139 48 26-47 60-34 8 9-31 — 0-582 + o-o6 6764 5675 J 396 • . 674 176 4 52-81 58-44 22 929 -2-637 o-oo .. 5607 J 388 • • (>n 120 33 46-49 60-43 I 9-21 - 0-493 + 0-09 67S8 5685 1309 676 109 52 21-02 58-30 2 9-19 -0-458 + 0-I2 .. .. 1310 677 168 34 23-78 5826 8 9-10 — 1-170 + 0-07 6727 5678 J 397 • • 678 122 5^«^ 60-55 I 9-06 - 0-504 •• 6796 • • • • .. 679 115 15 11-28 59-38 14 9-05 - 0-477 — o-oi 6799 5703 J 399 1311 680 122 52 1-63 60-59 I 8-87 - 0-507 •• 6815 •• •• •• 681 109 42 21-71 58-26 4 8-80 — 0-463 + o-o6 .. .. 265.J 400 1318 682 106 22 31-64 59-26 6 8-79 -0-453 •• .. .• .. .. 683 147 26 21-21 56-52 I 8*63 — 0-657 + 0-15 6827 5728 .. .. 684 116 7 3-10 5871 139 8-41 — 0-489 + 0-03 6853 5743 267.J 404 1330 685 124 23 42-76 60-25 4 8-30 — 0-522 + 0-08 6859 5747 .1405 1336 686 106 18 14-25 59-25 7 8-23 — 0-460 + 0-03 .. .. 268.J 406 1337 687 167 12 55-37 5822 7 8-22 -1-127 + 0-31 6817 5742 • • •• 688 158 37-63 60-48 2 7-91 -0-823 o-oo 6865 5756 • • •• 689 124 57 4575 60-32 6 7-90 -0-530 + 0-03 6890 5767 J 408 •• 690 117 55 17-66 58-08 20 7-90 — 0-503 + 0-02 6897 5768 269.J 409 1343 691 157 50 8-85 56-52 2 7-48 — 0-831 — O-OI 6900 5797 .. .. 692 107 28 2-89 56-45 I 7'39 - 0-473 — O-OI • • •• 271.J413 •• 693 158 45 49-57 59-44 21 7-36 -0-854 -l- 0-06 69II 5804 270.J412 H17 694 121 50 8-64 60-47 5 7-30 — 0-526 .• 6950 •• •• 1352 69s III 29 58-16 59-28 5 7-30 - 0-487 •• •• •• •• •• 696 58 8 29-25 59-33 I 7-19 — 0-316 - 0-45 .. .. .. 1355 697 148 47 7-45 60-01 5 7-05 - 0-705 + 0-02 6956 5828 J 414 •• 698 83 38 23-78 56-52 I 7-01 — 0-404 + o-i6 • • •• •• 1356 699 115 i6 10-81 56-50 I 7-00 — 0-504 •' 6981 •• •• 700 III 41 17-76 59-26 4 -l- 6-84 - 0-493 •• •• •• •• • • CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. 42 General Catalogue of Stars for i86oj Jan. i No. No. in B.A.C 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 5632 5638 5651 5661 5683 5697 5708 5711 5713 5723 5724 5735 5760 5778 5781 5789 5794 5803 5808 5806 5809 5817 5821 5820 5826 5836 3 6 3 4-5 3 3 '4 4 3 '4 6 5 8 6 6 8-9 6 10 8 3 '4 2-3 7-8 10 6 9 S-6 5 6 67 5.6 Var. 7 7 6 7 Star's Name. 26 Scorpii { Scorpii fi^ Scorpii ^' Scorpii ^ Arae Z Arae 27 Ophiuchi K 26 Ophiuchi Arae e' 29 Ophiuchi 30 Ophiuchi Lacaille 7109 Piazzi XVI. 289... Scorpii >} 35 Ophiuchi rj Ophiuchi Lacaille 7088 Apodis ( 36 Ophiuchi A Arae Lacaille 7191 Lacaille 7202 64 Herculis a} Lacaille 7212 Lacaille 7222 Axx Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h m 6 41 6 41 6 42 6 44 6 44 6 47 6 48 6 51 6 51 6 51 6'i9 14-19 23*49 7-68 44-29 2*69 26*16 ^•53 35 58-23 6 53 10-88 6 53 (40-02) 6 53 (4o"35) 6 55 12-14 6 55 36-98 6 57 52-22 6 58 19 6 58 46-57 6 59 32*34 7 2 7-86 7 2 21 7 3 28 7 5 18-09 7 5 22-52 7 5 45'H 7 6 30-44 7 6 44-60 7 6 50-16 7 6 55-15 7 7 57*44 7 8 15-91 7 8 24-33 7 9 27-85 7 10 51-89 7 12 22-63 >* a C.2 5 s i Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. 1800 60-54 4 ■ + 3-922 59-27 6 3-570 60-48 3 4-050 60-36 I 4-216 60-25 3 4-216 60-52 5 4-938 60-49 3 4-757 59-08 6 2-856 .. .. 3-662 6o-i2 5 4-770 59-25 3 3745 .. .. 3-505 .. .. 3-162 59-26 4 3-756 60-41 I 3-936 59-27 3 3'759 3-088 59-36 4 3-756 59-50 4 3-756 60-47 16 4-281 • • •• 3-432 3-729 59-27 5 3-818 56-67 2 11-019 59-31 4 3-813 56-66 2 6-640 5686 8 3-718 57-56 I 5-284 59-36 4 3-824 60-40 5 3-902 58-44 2 2-734 59-44 4 3-824 59-43 4 3-817 57-57 I 5-152 59-37 4 + 3-871 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0'0l62 + o-oiii + 0-0182 4- 0-0207 + o-o2o6 + 0-0354 -}- 0*0307 + 0-0044 + 0-0109 + 0*0295 -f- 0*0117 + 0*0089 + 0-0060 + 0-OII5 + 0-0137 + O-OIII + 0-0054 -\- 0-0109 -f 0-0108 + 0-0170 + 0-0074 + o-oioo + 0-0106 + 0-2678 + 0-0107 + 0-0661 + 0*0094 + 0-0325 + 0-0104 + o-oiio + 0-0035 + 0-0102 + 0*0099 + 0-0275 + 0*0100 (koyal Observatory f Cape of Good Hope. 43 No. Mean N.P.D. i860. Jan. I. C 4) id ecu d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. "or reference. u a c « pa CO c > .. 2 M c .u *S " 1359 701 / » 124 2 6-25 1800 60-54 4 + ^-77 « - 0-541 + 0-33 6996 5851 272.J415 702 III 36 8-30 59-28 7 676 - 0493 .. • • •• •• 703 127 48 9-19 60-48 3 6-66 — 0-560 0-00 7006 5860 J 416 H 73 704 132 7 2631 60-36 I 6-52 — 0-586 - 0-04 7016 5873 •• • • 705 132 7 0-45 60-25 3 6-47 - 0-585 + 0-20 7025 5881 •• • • 706 14-5 45 4875 5974 5 6-28 — 0-687 + 008 7034 5892 J 419 .. 707 142 56 21*99 60-49 3 616 — 0-663 O'OO 7050 5900 J 421 • • 708 80 24 i5*io 59-07 16 5*94 — 0-400 - 0*02 •• .. •• 1371 709 114 46 15-11 57-20 I 5-90 -0-513 + o'i4 7085 • • •• 1373 710 143 I 17-41 59-67 7 5*87 - 0-668 + o'i6 7073 5921 •• •• 7H 117 43 42-99 59-25 4 5*77 — 0-526 .. .. • • • • .. 712 108 40 33-00 56-50 I 5-72 - 0*493 - o-oi •• • • •• 1917* 713 94 3i"24 60-62 I 572 _ 0-443 + o-o8 • • .. • • •• 714 118 3 9-52 59-26 4 5-60 -0-528 .. •• • • •• •• 715 123 55 17-27 60-41 I 5*56 -0-554 + 0-05 7109 5950 J 422 1379 716 "8 4 5-37 59-27 4 5*38 - 0-530 .. .. .. • • • • 717 90 41 47-67 58-56 2 5*33 - 0-436 • • •• •• •• •• 718 117 56 4-93 59*34 5 5-30 - 0-530 .. •• .. •• •• 719 117 54 49-89 59-50 4 5*23 -0-531 • • .. .. •. • • 720 133 2 58-80 60-24 17 5-01 — 0-607 + 0-26 7155 5987 J 424 H 61 721 105 32 49-86 60-62 2 4*99 - 0-487 — 0-I2 .. 276.J425 1384 722 116 51 47-80 56-52 I 4-90 - 0-529 .. 7165 •• •• •• 723 119 52 44-65 59-27 5 4*75 - 0-543 .. • • • • •• •• 724 170 43 o-i8 58-26 6 4*74 -1-563 + o-io 7088 5982 •• •• 725 119 41 24-77 59-31 4 4*71 - 0-S43 •• •• •• •• •• 726 159 58 6-04 57-61 5 4-64 -0-944 + 0-06 7156 5999 .. • • 727 116 23 33-28 56-90 9 4-62 -0-530 + I-I2 7192 • • J 426 1390 728 149 32 8-63 57*56 I 461 -0-752 + o-ii 7170 6006 . •• 729 120 2 41-08 59-36 4 4-61 - 0-545 .. 7191 •• •• 730 122 30 1-56 60-40 5 4*51 -0-556 - O-IO 7202 •• •• 1394 731 75 *6 49-41 59'2i 5 4'49 -0-391 — 0-04 .. 6026 .. 1395 732 120 17-71 59*44 4 4*48 - 0-546 .. 7212 • • " •• 733 "9 43 3*05 59*43 4 4*39 - 0-545 .. 7222 • • •• ** 73+ 147 51 49*91 57*57 I 4-27 - 0-736 - 0-05 7213 6035 • • • • 735 121 26 5-25 59*38 4 + 4*H - 0-554 • • •• • • *• •• 44 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No, No. in B.A.C. -a 3 736 7-8 737 5851 3-4 738 5850 3 739 5852 3 740 5855 6 7+1 5857 6 742 5859 5 743 .• 7-8 744 5876 5 745 5881 5 746 5877 4 747 5888 6 748 5889 7 749 .. 7-8 750 5899 3 75» 5901 3 '4 752 .. 67 753 •• 9 754 5915 3 755 5925 5-6 756 5930 6 757 5935 3 758 5937 3-2 759 5934 6 760 5941 2 761 .. 9'io 76Z 5949 4'3 763 5960 7 764 .. 7 765 5964 7 766 5936 6 767 5970 3 768 5974 6 769 5976 5*4 770 •• 8 Star's Name. 42 Ophiuchi Ara:. y Ara: jS Scorpii 43 Ophiuchi Arae 44 Ophiuchi h 45 Ophiuchi d Ara: Serpentis . Arae Arat. 34 Scorpii V Lacaille 7330.... 35 Scorpii X Scorpii Aras Scorpii 23 Draconis /3 Apodis , 55 Ophiuchi a Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 55 Serpentis | Lacaille 7382 Piazzi XVII, 167.,, Brisbane 6058 Scorpii )c Lacaille 7397 56 Serpentis 7 13 1277 7 13 24*84 7 13 37'09 7 »3 40"30 7 H 4 7 14 33"io 7 15 5'47 7 17 25-47 7 17 49'42 7 18 25*04 7 18 28-45 7 19 10 7 19 30*00 7 19 52*28 7 21 1*50 7 21 14*90 7 23 8*41 7 24 2*91 7 24 6*20 7 25 33'9i 7 26 36*58 7 27 15-81 7 27 16*31 7 27 31 7 28 26-22 7 29 24*52 7 29 34 7 30 53-86 7 3» J>3-o4 7 31 51-31 7 32 22*69 7 32 48-37 7 33 20*86 7 33 32 7 34 34-83 ■5 i: >-. >-. e c 2 « -c S 2 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. 1800 59-51 4 • + 3-872 59*64 23 3-679 60*57 3 5-031 60*38 I 4*970 •• •• 4-338 57*36 I 3-769 60*14 3 4-663 59-29 5 3-920 59-52 3 3-658 59*60 16 3-823 34-54 5 5*402 • • •• 3*361 57-54 I 5*084 59-29 6 3-923 60*23 4 4*629 60*52 5 4*072 59-32 4 3*968 59*26 4 3*972 60*35 7 4-067 58-25 2 3*914 57-54 I 4*920 59*61 2 4*302 56*49 1 1-353 • • •• 7*i8i 60*17 II 2*774 59*46 5 4*012 • • •• 3-435 6o*49 2 3-905 59*26 4 4*020 60*36 I 3*906 57*06 i(> 35'379 60*31 3 4-145 59-34 4 4*068 .. •• 3-374 59*28 4 + 4-062 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. 4- 0-0099 -\- 0-0081 + 0-0241 -j- 0*0231 + 0*0146 + 0*0087 ■\- 0*0182 + 0*0093 -f 0*0074 4- 0*0085 + 0*0273 + 0*0055 + 0*0219 + 0-0090 + 0*0154 + 0*0100 + 0*0087 + 0*0085 + 0-0092 + 0-0079 + 0-0163 -j- 0*0103 + 0-0051 -j- 0-0500 + 0*0031 + 0-0078 -j- 0*0048 + 0*0068 + 0*0074 + 0*0067 + 1*9126 ■\- 0*0078 + 0-0072 + 0-0042 -\- 0*0070 746. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 45 No. Mean N.P.D. i860. Jan. 1. -T3 U C.2 Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference u u .J u ^ 1 .a Ji s a: 736 / « 121 26 30-98 1800 59-40 16 + 4-07 -0*555 « 737 114 51 20-39 58-95 53 4-05 - 0-527 — 0*02 7254 • • J 432 1405 738 146 14 24-34 60-55 4 4*03 — 0*720 0*00 7233 6048 278.J 429 H 39 739 145 23 30-16 56-52 I 4-03 — 0*712 + 0-03 7237 6050 J 430 H 42 740 134 I 23-42 56-50 2 3-99 — 0-621 + o-io 7247 6051 •• •• 741 118 9-33 57-36 I 3*95 - 0-541 0-00 7260 6059 .. 1406 742 140 30 0-34 60*14 3 3"9i — 0-669 0-00 7253 6060 •• .. 743 122 50 10-81 59-29 5 3*71 -0*563 .. .. • • .. .• 744 114 2 33-40 59-52 3 3-67 — 0-526 + 0*12 7289 • • .. 1407 745 119 44 9-44 58-87 29 3-62 - 0*550 + o*i8 7293 •• J 435 1409 746 150 33 39-13 59*64 I 3-62 - 0-777 + 0-13 7271 6081 J 434 .. 747 102 23 5-56 56-53 I 3-55 — 0*484 • • •• • • .• .. 748 146 48 12-97 57'54 I 3*53 -0*731 • • 7281 .. •• .. 749 122 53 1-20 59-29 6 3-50 -0*565 .. .. • • •• .. 750 139 45 35-07 60*23 4 3-39 — 0*667 + o-io 7301 6094 279.J 436 H 49 751 127 10 45-78 60-52 5 3-38 -0*587 + 0-04 7313 6098 J 437 .. 752 124 10 7-81 59-30 3 3*22 -0-573 • • •• •• •• .. 753 124 16 27-18 59-26 4 3-14 -0-573 .. .. • • .• • • 754 126 59 49-01 . 60-35 7 3-13 -0*587 + 0-02 7336 6116 280.J 439 H 75 755 122 28 48-95 58-25 2 3*00 — 0*566 •• •• 6125 •• 1414 756 144 24 3-18 56-85 3 2*91 — 0*711 + 0-22 7342 6127 .. .. 757 132 54 13-23 5962 I 2*86 — 0*622 + 0-02 7351 6134 28 I.J 440 H 62 758 37 35 ■^T^l 56-49 I 2-85 -0-197 0-00 •• • • •• 1415 759 162 8 36-82 56-51 I 2-83 — 1-038 .. 7317 .. .. 760 ■]j 20 5-96 59*76 20 2-75 — 0*402 + 0-20 •• 6145 •• 1416 761 125 21 53-84 59-46 5 2*67 -0-579 .. .. .. .. .. 762 105 18 23-97 6068 I 2*66 — 0*498 + 0*04 .• .. 282.J 441 1420 763 122 7 3-03 60-49 2 2-54 — 0*566 + 0-06 7382 6156 .. 1422 764 125 33 52-00 59-26 4 2-52 — 0*581 • . •• .. •• .• 765 122 8 3-41 60-36 I 2-46 — 0*566 + 0-07 •• 6163 •• 1424 766 ^n 38 5i'45 5777 25 2-41 -5*124 + o-ii .. 6058 J 433 .. 767 128 57 10-48 59-36 4 2-37 — 0*601 + o-oi 7393 6169 J 444 H 71 768 126 52 11-37 59*34 4 2-33 — 0*590 + o*io 7397 6174 .. . 769 102 47 47-85 60-43 I 2*31 — 0*490 + 0-04 • • • • J 445 1426 770 126 42 6-70 59-28 4 + 2-23 - 0*590 •• •• -• • • •• ^1^^ 46 General Catalogue of Stars for 1860, Jan. 1 No. 771 772 773 774 775 776 m 778 779 780 No. in B.A.C. 5998 6004 6008 6010 6016 6018 6019 6021 781 ^ , 782 6049 783 • • 784 5959 785 6074 786 .. 787 .. 788 6077 789 6091 790 •• 791 6100 792 .. 793 6104 794 6105 795 6107 796 6112 797 6115 798 6127 799 6148 800 •• 801 6156 802 6167 803 6168 804 6179 805 6180 6 3*4 5 6 5-6 4 9*io 5-6 3*4 7 7 6 7-8 6 Star's Name. 5 4 4 6 3*4 5 5 8 6 6 4 5 6 Arae Scorpii 3 Sagittarii Pavonis Lacaille 7451 Lacaille 7449 Scorpii 86 Herculis /i Piazzi XVII. 265 . Octantis a Lacaille 7521.,.., Lacaille 7520., 4 Sagittarii 33 Draconis y Lacaille 7534... , Pavonis.... 69 Ophiuchi T Arae Sagittarii y' Coronae Australia.. 10 Sagittarii...... y* Piazzi XVII. 359.. Lacaille 7577 Octantis Telescopii 13 Sagittarii ^ 15 Sagittarii 16 Sagittarii Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. b m 7 36 7 37 7 38 7 39 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 40 7 41 58-33 47-67 44"97 19-46 4*95 19-63 23-42 23-87 5877 40-79 7 44 44"88 7 45 16 7 46 5 '421 7 48 7*95 7 50 5-88 7 50 35"92 7 50 47"5i 7 51 H75 7 53 21*25 7 54 4675 7 55 5*99 7 55 i9'63 7 55 27 7 55 43*92 7 56 4-64 7 56 42-60 7 56 48-95 7 59 "•91 8 2 20 8 2 32-44 8 4 3-82 8 5 20-27 8 5 23-45 8 6 51 8 653 1800 57*54 60-19 59-34 40-49 59-65 5958 59-32 35*62 60-27 59*27 59-40 59*46 58-05 59-53 59-27 5926 59-60 56-49 59*34 60-39 59*32 60-63 58-48 37*92 59*57 58-63 59*3° 56-11 57*56 59-06 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 4*996 4-191 3*773 5-986 3*893 4*076 4*093 4-191 2-369 4-104 4-136 3*328 4*139 109-007 3*851 4*163 4*179 3*661 1391 4*219 5*773 4*211 3-264 4-671 3*831 4*337 3*857 3797 5-706 4-265 10-882 5-058 3*588 3*579 + 3*570 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. + 0*0123 + 0-0068 + 0-0049 + 0-0188 + 0-0052 + 0-005 7 4- 0-0059 + 0-0062 + 0-0026 -f- 0-0056 + 0*0049 + 0-0031 + 0-0047 + 8-5420 + 0-0033 -f- 0-003 -f 0-0037 + 0-0037 4- 0-0028 ■\- 0-0031 -|- 0-0027 4" 0-0048 + 0-0026 + 0*0022 -|- 0*0028 + 0*0022 4" 0*0023 ■\- 0*0021 + 0-0017 — o-ooio -j- 0*0007 — 0*0203 0-0014 4 O-OOIO 4. 0-0008 4- 0-0008 774. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. 778. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. 796. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 47 No. 771 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. -0 I-;- c-c n u 1 Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. "or reference. "a a C nl Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson. 010 145 20 4i"03 1800 57-54 I ■j- 2-01 — 0-726 ■f # 0-06 7413 6193 772 130 4 4-51 60*19 3 1-94 — 0-610 — 0-03 7425 6198 2 84- J 447 H 69 773 117 46 23-35 59-02 9 1-86 - 0-549 + 0-02 7440 •• J 448 1431 774 155 26 22-09 56-50 I 1-80 — 0-870 + 0-05 7416 6201 •• .. 775 121 39 2*42 59-65 I 1-74 - 0-567 + 0-05 7451 •• •• •• 776 126 59 36-80 59-58 I 1-72 - 0*593 - 0-05 7449 6214 J 449 .. 777 127 28 52-83 59-3^ 5 1-72 - 0-596 •• .• .. •• .• 778 130 2 24-96 56-50 I 1-71 — 0-611 + 0-05 7447 6213 • • .. 779 62 II 41-96 60-23 8 1-66 - o*345 + 0-74 .. .. •• 1433 780 "7 45 47-54 59-27 5 i-6i - 0-598 •• •• •• •• •• 781 128 35 12-00 59-40 5 1-34 — 0-603 .. .. .. .. 782 100 51 40-91 56-52 I 1-29 -0-485 + o-i8 .. .. • • 1437 783 128 38 47-87 59-46 5 1-22 — 0-603 • • • • .. •• .. 784. 179 16 40-89 57-5^ 86 1-04 — 15-880 o-oo .• 5912 275-J 423 H 3 785 120 14 3-07 59*53 II 0-87 — 0-561 + o-o8 7521 •• J 450 1439 786 129 13 47-66 59-27 4 0-83 — 0-607 .. .. .. •' .. 787 129 39 5-42 59-26 4 081 — 0-609 .. .. • • • • .. 788 "3 47 55*95 58*57 3 0-77 - 0-5 34 + 0-04 7526 .. J 451 1440 789 38 29 26-04 56-49 I 0-58 — 0-203 + 0*04 .. 6294 286 1445 790 130 38 9-40 59-34 5 0-46 — 0-615 •• •• •• •• •• 791 153 40 2-02 60-39 2 0-43 — 0-842 + 0-19 7527 6291 .. .. 792 130 26 52-04 59-3^ 4 0-41 — 0-614 • • .. • • •• .. 793 98 10 34-59 56-5^ I c-40 - 0-476 — 0-02 • • .. J 455 145 1 79+ 140 5 42-44 60-54 3 0*37 — o-68i + 0-04 7535 6296 287.J 454 .. 795 "9 34 54-93 58-48 4 0*34 -0-559 + o-o8 7552 •• J 456 H53 796 133 ^5 37'39 56*51 I 0-29 - 0-633 + 0-13 7550 6302 .. • • 797 120 25 16-54 59-48 5 028 - 0-563 + 0-23 7557 .. J 457 1455 798 1x8 28 5-85 58-63 I + 0*07 -0-554 + o-ii 7579 .. J 458 1458 799 153 5 6-85 60-43 I — 0-20 — 0-832 + 0-05 7577 6329 •■ .. 800 131 44 28-41 59-30 4 0-22 — 0-622 •• •■ •• •• •• 801 170 17 13-29 56-n 5 0-36 -1-587 — o-oi 7525 6324 .. .. 802 146 3 39-91 57*56 I 0-47 -0-738 + 0-08 7608 6347 •• .. 803 in 5 29-02 58*79 7^ 0-47 -0-523 + O-OI .. .. 288.J 460 1464 804 no 45 57-18 56-52 I o-6o — 0-521 + 0-02 • • .. •• 1466 805 no 25 32-21 56-52 I — 0-60 — 0-520 + 0-03 •• •• •• 2013* j^8 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 806 807 808 809 810 811 81Z 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824. 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 No. in B.A.C. 6186 6209 6205 6228 6233 6240 6248 6250 6263 6275 6278 6285 6290 6291 6296 6307 6305 6312 6315 6328 6343 6352 6355 6361 lO'II 8-9 4 6 10 3*4 8 6 6 3 '2 4 6 4-5 9 6 3 7 5 8 5-6 6 6 5 6 5-6 6 4 7 6 6 5 I lO'II 10 5 Star's Name. Sagittarii j; Lacaille 7644 19 Sagittarii t Lacaille 7562, Lacaille 7680. 20 Sagittarii... Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h m 18 7 18 7 18 8 18 8 18 II 18 12 18 12 18 13 18 14 18 14 io'o6 14*21 9-18 39*87 i*6o 1-86 17-84 25*60 7"oo 5270 Telescopii. a 18 16 35*08 18 17 53*06 Telescopii , Telescopii ^' 18 18 2*69 18 18 21*40 Lacaille 7711 18 19 3*67 22 Sagittarii X Piazzi XVin. 72.. Telescopii 5' Lacaille 7746.. 60 Serpentis c Telescopii Coronae Australis 6 61 Serpentis e Lacaille 7761...., 24 Sagittarii Pavonis ^ Pavonis... Sagittarii. Lacaille 7785 3 Lyras a 2 Aquilae..,. 18 19 19*83 18 20 49*83 18 21 23*11 18 21 48*08 18 21 53*67 18 22 24 18 23 15*40 i8 23 30*05 18 24 43 18 24 46*65 18 25 20*27 18 26 39*72 18 27 59*68 18 28 41*28 18 30 o 18 31 41*56 18 32 11*85 18 32 44*57 18 33 20*67 18 34 36 S£ 1600 59-50 59-50 60*20 59'29 59*45 59-15 59*29 56-13 59-05 57-51 60*62 57-56 59*98 59-30 59*28 59*96 59*62 60*70 59-38 60*58 57-70 60*41 60*20 57*28 60*57 59*27 57*56 60*32 57-51 60*60 59-36 ^ pi Annual Precess, in R.A. for i860. + 4-297 4-286 4*072 4*289 4*319 3-839 4-317 12-452 4-369 3-987 4"455 5-173 4*613 4-370 4-356 3-707 3-941 4-451 4-388 3-939 3-120 4*836 4*287 3-097 3-939 3*667 7-050 4*426 5*886 3*652 5-911 2-013 3-877 4*457 + 3-286 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. - 0*0005 - 0-0005 - 0*0003 - 0*0009 - 0-0017 - 0*0005 - 0'0020 - 0-0900 • 0*0026 - 0*0015 - 0*0038 ■ 0*0086 ■ 0*0052 • o 0039 ■ 0*0041 ■ 0*0012 ■ 0-0024 0*0054 0-0050 0*0026 + 0*0005 — 0*0087 — 0*0049 -|- 0*0004 — 0*0032 — 0*0018 — 0*0386 — 0*0072 — 0*0231 — 0*0025 — 0*0263 + 0*0016 — 0*0042 — 0*0092 — 0*0010 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. — o*oi6 0*007 0-004 — 0*014 + 0*015 - 0*005 — 0*019 + 0*002 O*000 + 0*002 — 0*004 — 0*005 — 0'002 — 0*011 + 0-017 + 0*004 Ckoyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 49 Annual Secular Annual No. 'or reference. Mean N P.D. S^ 0'^ Precess. Variation Proper • No- i860, >" s Z^. in of Motion u I A Jan, I. c-2 N.P.D. for i860. Precess. in N.P.D. in N.P.D. U ^ c a / # 1800 « * # 806 132 30 47-97 59-51 4 — 0-62 — 0-627 .. .. .. .. .. 807 132 15 27*86 59-51 4 0*63 — 0-625 .• .. .. • . .. 808 126 47 56*62 60"20 4 071 - 0-594 + o-i8 7643 6360 J 461 .. 809 132 20 4'6o S9'29 4 0-75 — 0-625 .. .. .. .. .. 810 133 I S7'99 59-46 3 0-96 — 0-629 •• •• •• *• • • 811 119 52 59-22 58-72 29 1-05 -0-559 + 0-04 7670 6377 J 462 H73 812 132 59 35-86 59-29 4 1-07 — 0629 • • • • •• .. .. 813 171 54 7-07 56-13 5 i-i8 — 1-813 — 0-03 7562 6362 .. .. 814 134 10 28-59 59-05 7 1-23 -0635 — 0-05 7680 6386 .. • • 815 124 26 45'87 57-40 19 1-30 — 0-580 + 0-14 7689 6391 290.J 464 1480 816 136 2 25-41 60-62 I 1-45 - 647 + 0*07 7694 6397 J 465 , . 817 147 36 11-37 57-56 I 1-56 -0-751 + 0-04 7696 6399 .. .. 818 139 8 27-24 59-98 3 1-58 — 0-671 + 0-23 7702 6403 • • .. 819 134 14 40" 52 59-30 6 i-6o - 0-634 .. .. .. .. .. 820 133 55 4-3'94 59-28 4 1-66 — 0*632 •• •• •• •• •• 821 115 29 41-63 59-39 20 1-69 -0-538 + 0-24 ,7725 .. J 467 1487 822 123 8 1-90 59-63 2 1-82 -0-572 .. 7735 •• .. 1489 823 136 13-60 60-70 I 1-87 - 0-645 0-00 17729 6419 293J468 .. 824 134 41 5-52 59-38 5 1-90 — 0-636 .. • • %• .. .. 82s 123 4 38-01 60-58 I 1-91 -0-571 4- 0-12 7746 •• •• H93 826 92 4 20-11 56-51 2 1-96 - 0-451 + 0-03 .. .• .. • • 827 142 59 16-22 57-70 I 2-03 — 0-701 — o-o6 7743 6424 .. .. 828 132 24 30-47 60-42 2 2-05 — 0-621 + 0-02 7756 6427 J 471 .. 829 91 5 56-18 58-59 2 2-16 — 0-448 + 0-03 • ■ .. .. .. 830 123 6 56-76 60-20 4 2-17 -0-571 •• 7761 •• • • •• 831 114 7 56-45 57-28 I 2*21 - 0-531 0-00 7769 .. • • H97 832 161 32 23-72 6o'57 2 2-33 — I-02I + 0-13 7736 6436 295-J 472 • • 833 135 34 3942 59-27 4 2-44 — 0*640 .. .. .. .. 834 154 45 4570 57-56 I 2-50 — 0-851 + o-o8 7766 6446 .• .. 835 113 37 13-07 56-52 I 2-62 -0-527 + 0-03 7806 •• •• •• 836 154 59 44-84 60-32 5 2-77 -0853 ■\- o-io 7785 6458 J 473 .. 837 51 20 4095 57*74 16 2-81 —0-290 — 0-28 •• 6466 •• 1501 838 121 17 42-54 6060 2 2-86 —0-559 • • •• •• •• " 839 136 18 19-11 59-36 4 2-90 — 0-642 • • •• •• •• •• 840 99 10 S7'8i 60-66 3 — 3-02 I— 0-472 0-00 •* 297.J 474 1502 CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. ^0 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 ; No. 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 85 s 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 87s No. in B.A.C. 6360 6371 6379 6383 6385 6405 6414 6429 6440 6442 6443 • • 6451 6461 6489 6506 6511 6521 6523 6528 653s 6541 6548 6575 5 9 4*3 5-6 5 6 6 5 67 67 9 Var, 2'3 7-8 6 9 6 4 7 3"4 7 9 6 5 4" 3 5 3 8-9 4-5 S 4-5 10 6 Star's Name. Pavonls 27 Sagittarii 4 Aquila; Pavonis X Coronas Australis >;' Lacaille 7872...., Pavonis k Lacaille 7889.... Lacaille 7898.... Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 10 Lyrae ;8' 34 Sagittarii a Coronae Australis... Telescopil X 62 Serpentis 37 Sagittarii 5' Lacaille 7930 38 Sagittarii ^ Lacaille 7959 Sagittarii . Coronae Australis y 40 Sagittarii r Coronae Australis S 17 Aquilae ^ Coronas Australis a Coronae Australis (5 41 Sagittarii 7r 42 Sagittarii \p 8 34 51-14 8 35 54-17 8 36 54*52 8 37 46 8 39 13-88 8 39 30'38 8 42 2-37 8 42 29-59 8 43 32-86 8 43 42'35 8 44 37-67 8 44 5473 8 46 34-95 8 46 35-96 8 47 8-OI 8 47 i5'32 8 48 22-67 8 48 37 8 49 22-58 8 50 3-74 8 53 42-11 8 54 4-77 8 54 I9"i3 8 56 21-94 8 56 50-60 8 56 56-96 8 58 11-80 8 58 35-89 8 58 58-55 8 59 31-62 8 59 5665 9 o 23-61 9 I 26-10 9 4 1-56 9 6 57-22 ISOO 60-39 59-58 59-24 60-39 5770 59'30 60-27 59-31 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. bo-Ot) 59-34 2 4 57-06 10 5955 26 59-34 5 57-70 I 40- 6 1 I 59-44 5 60-50 I 59-27 4 5875 23 59-36 5 59-41 5 57-70 I 59-48 4 60-38 2 59-33 16 59-63 I 59-00 19 59-40 4 60-24 3 6o-22 3 60-72 I 59-31 5 60-46 13 + 5-935 4-475 3-748 3-028 5-586 4-326 4-470 6-230 4-502 3-858 4-518 2-214 3-724 4-5 H 4-340 4-816 4'S32 2-924 3-581 4-546 3-825 4-547 4-559 4-538 4-576 4-058 3-756 4-185 2-758 4-587 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0-0294 — 0-0102 — 0-0040 0-0000 — 0-0269 — 0-0095 — 0-0I2I — 0-0423 — 0-0130 — 0-0060 — 0-0136 -|- 0-0015 — 0-0052 — O-OI4I — 0*0119 — 0-0184 — 0-0150 — 0-000 1 — 0-0044 — 0-0157 — 0-0074 — 0-0172 — 0-0174 — 0-0176 — 0-0187 — 0-0108 — 0-0073 — 0-0130 -f- 0-0003 — 0-0198 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. — 0-007 + 0-004 + 0-005 — o-oo8 — 0-007 — 0-002 0-000 -\- 0-005 — 0-00 1 0-005 4-085 — 0-0118 — 0-0128 — 0-0057 — 0-0215 — 0-0077 4-138 3-573 4-591 + 3-683 + 0-004 0-008 + 0-002 — 0-006 + 0-007 — 0-005 0-004 856. The R.A. has been brought up with Precession alone. (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 51 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. ■Sis d 12 Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. "or reference. C .a ^ L. 2 g S-S u C I, a 841 / # 155 12 5678 1800 6039 6 < - 3-04 * - 0-855 + 0-04 7813 6467 • • 84Z 136 43 36-40 59-38 5 3-12 — 0-644 .. .. • • .• .• 843 117 7 49-52 5905 24 322 - 0-538 - o-oi 7844 6482 298.J 475 1503 844 88 4 44-60 56-51 I 3-29 - 0-434 - 0-02 .. .. .. 2054* 845 152 20 2937 60-20 4 3-42 — o'Soi + 0-04 7841 6489 J 476 • • 846 133 35 0-65 57-70 I 3-41- — 0-620 — 0-03 7859 6493 • • .. 847 136 45 15-66 59-30 5 3-65 - o'639 .. .• • • • • • • 848 157 24 7-03 6027 3 370 — 0-891 - o-io 7856 6503 • • .• 849 137 26 15-54 59*31 4 3-78 - 0-643 .. 7889 .• • • • • 850 120 53 44-97 6066 2 3-80 -0-551 • • 7898 •• •• »5i5 851 137 47 972 59*34 4 3-88 — 0-644 .. .. .. .. • • 8sz 56 47 51-01 57'o3 II 3-91 -0-315 + 0*03 • • .. • • 1518 853 116 27 59-31 59-26 40 4-05 -0-530 + o-o8 7918 6527 300.J 478 1521 854 137 45 10-85 59*34 5 4-04 - 0-643 • • .. .. • • •• 85s 134 5 30-62 57-70 I 4-10 — 0-618 + 001 7914 6530 • • • • 856 143 7 0-89 56-51 I 4-1 1 -0-686 o-oo 7910 6528 .. .. 857 138 9 1566 59'44 5 4*2 — 0-644 .. .• • • • • •• 858 83 33 24-22 56-51 I 4-22 - 0-415 + 0-06 .• .. • • 2080* 859 111 17 12-10 60-50 I 4-29 -0-508 + 0-03 .. .. J 480 1533 860 138 28 I2'9P 59-28 4 4-34 - 0-645 •• • • •• •• •• 861 120 4 33-71 5875 23 4-66 - 0-541 + 0-03 7966 .. 301. J 481 1540 862 138 36 8-78 59-36 5 4-68 — 0-643 • • • • .. .• • • 863 138 52 4-31 59-41 5 4-70 — 0-644 .. • • • . •• •• 864 138 30 22-49 57-73 I 4-88 — 0-641 + 0-05 7973 6569 •• •• 865 139 14 11-59 59-48 4 4-92 — 0-645 •• •• •• •• •• 866 127 15 35-71 60-38 2 4-93 - 0-572 + 0-29 7988 6574 J 483 .. 867 117 52 15-02 59-32 18 5-04 — 0-528 + 0-26 7994 • • 302.J 484 »544 868 130 42 32-08 59-63 1 5-07 -0589 + 0-07 7992 6578 J 485 •• 869 76 20 30-32 59-08 37 5 10 - 0-387 + 0-07 •• •• •• 1545 870 ^39 31 5o"3S 59-40 4 5-15 - 0-645 •• •• •• •• •• 871 128 7 399 60-24 3 5-19 - 0-574 + 0-11 8002 6585 J 487 .. 872 129 33 2982 6o-22 3 5-22 - 0-581 + 0-07 8007 6587 J 488 •• 873 III 14 32-46 60-73 2 5-31 — 0-500 + 0-03 •• 6594 3 04. J 489 1548 874 139 46 13-32 59-31 5 5-53 — 0-642 •• •• •• •• •• 875 115 29 38-67 6048 14 - 5-78 — 0-512 + o-oi 8052 •• •• 1550 $2 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 876 877 878 879 880 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 89s 896 897 898 899 900 901 90Z 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 No. in B.A.C. 6595 6608 6610 6619 66zz 6636 6639 6646 6649 6666 6682 6706 6708 6753 6760 6770 6772 6786 • • 6792 6802 6801 6 6 3*4 4 10 6 II 7 10 5*4 7 6 9 lO'II II 67 9 5 lo-ii 7 3 7 IO"II 7 1*2 4 Star's Name. 25 Aquilae <•> Sagittarii /3' Sagittarii ^' 44 Sagittarii p' Sagittarii., 49 Sagittarii x^ Lacaille 8107 30 Aquilae ^ Telescopii \i Piazzi XIX. 126... Lacaille 8139. 52 Sagittarii f? Octantis. Lacaille 8208. 56 Sagittarii / Lacaille 8225 50 Aquilae y Lacaille 8241. Lacaille 8243 53 Aquilae a Pavonis Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 9 II 14*69 9 12 20'9I 9 12 33'9i 9 13 5"68 9 13 32"8S 9 14 10-65 9 14 42*87 9 17 1*09 9 18 5-41 9 18 26-34 9 19 12-12 9 19 20-27 9 21 12-26 9 22 1-97 9 22 17-43 9 23 43*93 9 23 56*55 9 27 2-62 9 28 11-04 9 29 53*29 9 29 59-84 9 30 44*94 9 33 io'09 9 33 25-35 9 36 32-06 9 37 41*32 9 38 11*57 9 38 20-68 9 39 5*86 9 39 36*15 9 41 46-76 9 42 11-30 9 42 32-27 9 43 57*io 9 44 20-15 T3 ^; C.2 IS 2 1800 58*34 59*33 60-18 60-52 6065 60-02 59-40 58-69 60-26 60-02 60-03 59*33 57*74 60-72 60-56 59-40 60-61 59*56 59*95 59*44 56-11 59*50 59-46 59*47 60-01 60-70 59*85 59*35 60-62 59-46 60-54 59-38 60-58 59-16 57*13 o<* 5 II 6 25 5 5 5 5 4 9 4 7 4 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. + 2-817 4-614 4*330 4*344 3*487 4-169 4-624 3-640 3-800 3-010 4-895 4-628 3-718 3*785 3-788 4-646 3*744 4-647 3*655 4 646 11-528 4-656 4-652 4*659 3*812 3-708 3*517 4-652 3*740 2-852 3*689 4*654 3-708 2-892 + 7-068 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0-0003 — 0-0252 — 00192 — 0-0197 — 0-0061 — o 0167 — 0-0263 — 0-0085 — 001 10 — 0-0017 — 0*0352 — 0-0282 — 0-0I02 — 0-0115 — O-OII5 — 0-0303 — o-oiio — 0-0317 — o-oioi — 0-0328 -0-5149 — 0-0335 — 0-0343 — 00346 — 0-0142 — 0-0124 — 0-0091 — 0-0364 — 00133 — o-ooio — 0-0126 — 0-0382 — 0-0131 — 0*0014 \-\- 0-036 — 0-1623 -J- 0*036 (koyal Observatory f Cape of Good Hope. 53 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference. V *« u e Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson. 876 / « 78 39 15-12 1800 58-69 24 — 6-14 -0-389 — 0-02 1558 877 140 30 8'o6 59'33 4 6-22 -0-637 .. .. .. .. .. 878 13+ +3 i"S9 6o-i8 5 6-24 -0-597 + 0-02 8075 .. 306.J 492 .. 879 135 3 29-89 60-52 2 6-29 -0-598 + 0-07 8079 .. .. .. 880 108 6 25-04 60-65 I 6-33 — 0-480 — 0-03 •• •• 308.J 493 1563 881 130 52 29-25 6o-o2 2 6-38 -0-573 + 007 8087 6650 310.J494 • • 88z 140 46 45-03 59"4i 5 6-42 — 0636 .. • • • • .. .. 883 114 13 58-77 58-69 2 6-6i — 0-498 — 0-04 8103 .. .. 1567 884 120 57-91 60-26 6 670 -0-519 + 0-08 8107 • • .. .. 885 87 9 4074 59-91 36 6-73 — 0-41 1 — o-io •• •• 311 1570 886 145 23 30-07 60-24 3 6-8o — 0-669 0-00 81OI 6666 .. • • 887 141 2 51-86 59'33 4 6-80 — 0-632 .. .. .. .. • • 888 117 16 5-66 5774 3 6-96 — 0-506 + 0-13 8123 .. .. 1573 889 119 40 7-84 60-72 I 7-03 -0-514 • • .. .. .. .. 890 119 46 51-64 60-56 I 7-05 - 0-5 H • • •• •• •• •• 891 141 34 32-69 59'4i 4 7-16 — 0-630 • . .. .. .. 89Z 118 17 2-71 60-61 II 7-18 - 0-507 .. 8139 • • .. »575 893 141 44 52-69 59-56 6 7-43 — 627 .. .. • • .. 894. 115 II 19-70 59'45 46 7-53 -0-491 — 0-02 8166 •• J 497 1582 895 141 51 4572 59-46 6 7-66 — 0-623 •• •• •• •• 896 171 41 20-49 56-11 5 7-67 - i-55i — 0-04 8094 6694 .. .. 897 142 5 28-07 59-50 5 7-73 — 0-624 .. •• • • • • • • 898 142 7 52-92 59-46 5 7-93 — 0-620 .. •• .. .. • • 899 142 16 8-38 59*47 4 7-95 — 0621 .. .• •• .. •• 900 121 14 5-91 60-01 9 8-20 - 0-504 4- 0-X2 8208 •• •• 1594 901 117 36 10-80 60-70 4 8-30 — 0-488 , . .. .. .. .. 90Z no 5 38-87 59-85 7 8-33 — 0-463 + 0-07 .. 6734 •• 1598 903 142 25 4-84 59-35 4 8-34 — 0-613 •• •• •• •• •• 904. 118 49 52-93 60-62 9 8-41 -0-491 •• 8225 •• .. •• 905 79 43 30'23 59-78 12 8-44 -0-374 Q-OO •• 6742 318 1600 906 117 3 49-66 60-54 2 862 — 0-482 .. 8241 .. .. 1605 907 142 40 2-30 59-38 5 864 — 0-609 .. .. • • • • •• 908 117 49 19-71 60-58 3 8-68 — 0-484 .. 8243 .. .. 1607 909 81 29 54-71 58-74 108 879 - 0-376 — 0-38 .. 6758 320 1610 910 163 16 22-34 57-02 I 7 - 8-82 \ — 0-922 + 0-13 8219 6752 J SOI •• 34 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 911 91Z 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 9ZI 92Z 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934- 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 No. in B.A.C. 6812 6823 6832 6833 6842 6870 6859 6873 6877 6900 6906 6920 6922 6948 6971 6974 6981 6982 4-5 10 5 5 4 5 9 8-9 9 10 9*io 7 II 12 6 3"4 6-5 7 Star's Name, Sagittarii t 58 Sagittarii <•> 59 Sagittarii h 60 Aquilae /3 60 Sagittarii A 62 Sagittarii c Octantis Pavonis I Lacaille 8322.... Lacaille 8334.... Octantis Lacaille 8359 Lacaille 8364 Lacaille 8362.. .. LacaiUe 8386 4 Capricorni 6 Capricorni «* 7 Capricorni c Lacaille 8407...., Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h m 9 45 9 45 9 47 9 48 9 48 9 5° 9 50 9 50 9 52 9 53 35-60 46-04 i5"54 2I'II 26-17 25-17 42-62 53"i5 9*54 4-57 9 54 2-66 9 54 30"32 9 54 3171 9 54 57"i3 9 55 26-74 9 56 39"25 9 59 56-37 20 o 21-98 20 o 24-87 20 o 34-99 20 I 40-17 20 I 59-63 20 2 42-98 20 4 5-44 20 5 27-05 20 6 58*11 20 7 8-46 20 9 9-72 20 9 25-29 20 9 44'59 20 9 4769 20 10 17-05 20 II 18-75 20 II 22-27 20 12 22-63 1 800 59-56 59-53 60-67 58-93 59-69 60-04 59'37 59"35 58-38 56-18 59*99 6063 56-14 5963 60-44 60-63 56-20 5838 59-38 60-62 60-69 60-05 59-33 58-35 59-44 59-51 '-55 !-39 »-35 60- 58- 59- 60-63 59-88 59-34 59-48 60-52 60-65 Annual Precess. R.A. for i860. + 4-159 4-665 3-671 3-693 2-946 3-665 4-664 4-655 3-531 9-739 3-699 3-655 13-751 5-772 3-816 3-672 9-652 3-522 4-650 3-652 3-627 3-923 4-656 3-515 4-654 4-651 3-740 3-512 4-655 3-593 3"533 3-332 3-471 3-611 + 3-600 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. 0-0242 0*0400 0-0130 0-0136 0-0020 0-0133 • 0-0421 0-0418 • 0-0108 ■ 0-4341 • 0-0146 • 0-0137 • 1-0427 0-0958 ■ 0-0175 0-0143 ■ 0-4545 ■ 0-0115 ■0-0457 • 0-0144 • 0-0139 • 0-0216 • 0-0471 • 0-0117 ■ 0-0483 • 0-0488 • 0-0175 • 0*0122 ■ 0-0497 0-0141 0-0127 • 0-0084 ■ 0-0114 • 0-0148 ■ 0*0146 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 55 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. > u ^ s e.2 S M n d Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference u .J V c PQ g ® c K / # 1800 » tt * 911 132 13 54-16 59'57 7 — 8-92 -0-539 - 0-08 8255 .. J 502 • • 912 143 4 35-90 59*53 5 8-93 — 0-605 .. .. .. .. .. 913 116 40 2'o8 60-67 5 9-05 — 0-474 - o-o8 8268 .. .. 1616 914. 117 32 14-17 58-93 13 9-13 - 0-476 4- o-oi 8277 .. 321.J503 1619 915 83 56 24-19 59'9S 8 9-14 - 0-379 + 0-47 •• 6774 3" 1620 916 116 34 15-09 60-04 6 9-29 - 0-470 - o-oi 8294 .. .. 1623 917 143 21 32-48 59-37 5 9-31 - 0-599 .. .. .. • • 918 143 12 21-25 59*35 2 9-32 -0-597 • • • • .. .. .. 919 III 14 7-38 58-37 5 9-43 -0-451 .. .. .. .. • • 920 169 58 58-83 56-18 I 9-50 -1-251 •• •• •• •• •• 921 118 5 43-78 58-56 21 9-57 - 0-470 — 0-02 8315 • • 323J 505 1627 922 116 25 40-30 60-63 7 9-61 — 0-464 .. • • .. .. 923 173 43 46-36 56-14 5 9-61 -1-757 + 0-03 8202 6771 .. • • 924 156 31 57-56 59-63 5 9-64 -0-735 + I-I5 8295 6787 J 504 .. 925 122 26 43-01 60-44 2 9-68 - 0-483 + 0-09 8322 •• J 506 1629 926 117 12 20'II 60-63 5 9*77 - 0-463 • • 8334 .. .. 1631 927 170 I 7-34 56-20 5 10-02 — 1-216 - 0-02 8281 6796 .. •• 928 III 14 1-97 58-37 4 10-06 -0-441 • • .. • • .. .. 929 143 44 43'5o 59-38 4 io-o6 - 0-583 • • • • .. .. • . 930 116 37 31-30 60-62 4 10-07 - 0-456 • t 8359 •• •• 1636 931 115 41 28-14 60-69 4 10-15 - 0-452 0-00 8364 .. 1637 932 126 26 56-85 60-05 4 10-18 — 0-489 • • 8362 .. .. •• 933 144 I 11-35 59-33 5 10-23 — 0-580 .. • • •• •• •• 934 III 8 33-62 58-35 3 10-34 - 0-435 .. • • •• .. 935 144 10 39-87 59-44 5 10-43 -0-575 •• •• • • 936 144 14 32-73 59-51 4 10-55 -0-572 • • .. .. .. .• 937 120 25 44-56 60-55 2 10-57 — 0-459 • • 8386 .. • • 1645 938 III 15 43-66 58-39 3 10-72 — 0-428 • • • • .. •• •• 939 144 29 28-08 59-35 4 10-73 - 0-569 .. • • •• •• • • 94.0 114 48 0-88 60-63 6 10-76 - 0-437 •• •• •• • • • • 941 112 14 20-30 59-88 3 10-76 - 0-430 + 0-05 .. .. .. 1656 942 102 58 32-43 59-46 86 10-80 - 0-405 0-00 .. •. 326.J 509 1660 943 109 33 8-28 59-48 3 10-87 — 0-42 1 - 0-02 .• •• 327 1663 944 115 39 28-42 60-52 2 10-88 - 0-438 • • 8407 .. .. 1664 945 115 14 8-20 60-65 5 — 10-96 - 0-435 •• • • •• •• •• Sd General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. No. 946 947 9+8 949 950 951 952 953 954- 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964. 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 No. in B.A.C. 6995 7004 701 1 7012 7022 7021 7039 7040 7042 7057 7062 7077 7068 7091 7096 7106 7119 7127 7131. 7129 7165 Star's Name. Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 7 lO'II 3 7 9 II 7 7 5 8 67 5-6 lO'II 6 5-6 10 6-S 3 5 6 9'io 5 II 6-5 3 II"I2 II*I2 6-5 8-9 4*5 9 Capricorn! /3 20 13 20 13 Pavonis a, 20 14 1 ! 20 14 20 16 Lacaille 8427. Lacaille 8430.. 37 Cygni -y Lacaille 8440 Lacaille 8458 Lacaille 8459 II Capricorni p 20 19 i6*36 20 20 9*93 20 20 26-09 20 20 52'3o 20 22 6-45 20 22 21*93 20 22 45-38 20 23 8-26 Lacaille 8480 20 24 3i'86 Octantis /i' 20 24 37*42 Lacaille 8466 43 Cygni w' 20 16 20 16 20 17 20 17 20 17 8-39 22-62 32-84 40-36 6-38 11-57 35-08 12*29 21-24 22-77 20 25 31*04 46 Cygni up 20 26 59*44 Indi a Pavonis v Cygni 14 Capricorn!.... 7-* 15 Capricorni v Pavonis /3 Lacaille 8537., Pavonis a 20 27 42*21 20 29 3*36 20 30 18*49 20 30 32*49 20 31 26*41 20 31 28-52 20 32 4-62 20 32 17*63 20 33 45"6o 20 34 39-65 20 34 44*27 20 35 1*20 20 35 59'3i -0 u* 1>< t4M Annual Precess. in R.A. for 3 i i860. 1800 ( 59*83 I + 3-376 58-34 3 3-505 59*59 13 4-798 6063 5 3-601 60*46 3 3-700 60*52 2 3-619 59-36 4 4-632 6o*68 2 2-151 60-53 I 3-635 59*48 5 4-635 59-35 4 4-462 60-48 6 3-574 60-46 2 3-569 60-10 20 3-433 59-35 5 4-625 60-53 I 3-689 6o-68 2 1-826 59-40 4 4-617 59-63 7 3-585 56-31 5 7-626 59-45 4 4-613 6o-68 2 1-850 6o-i2 9 4-250 60-03 4 5-610 60-70 I 2-138 58-35 4 3-475 6010 4 3-364 59-41 5 4-614 5860 4 3-427 59*70 2 5-516 59-41 5 4-602 59-48 5 4-602 60*47 4 3-672 58-34 3 3-467 57-91 9 + 5-819 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0*0095 — 00125 — 0-0593 0-0149 — 0*0177 — 0*0156 — 0-0524 -j- 0-0019 — 0*0162 — 0*0530 • 0*0540 0*0149 • 0*0148 0*0114 o 0548 — 0-0184 + o-oooi — 0-0549 — 0-0157 0-3009 0-0558 + 0-0004 0*0398 — 0*1199 -j- 0*0023 0-0133 0-0106 0-0587 0-0I22 0-1162 0-0591 — 0-0598 — 0-0196 — 0-0136 — 0-1443 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 57 No. Mean N P.D. i860, Jan. 1. Mean Year and Fraction of Year. °'Z. 6 'Z Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference n u c .Si -|-t I i ^ 1—. .= u -g s 946 a 1 * IDS 13 13-45 1800 60-43 3 — 11-01 - 0-407 • 0-03 328.J 511 1667 947 HI 10 30-07 58-34 3 11-03 — 0-422 .. .. .. .. 948 147 10 45-22 59-50 16 II'II - 0-578 + 0-08 8416 6846 329.J 512 H 38 949 "5 i5 55*55 60-63 5 11*12 -0*432 •• .. •• .. 950 119 31 26-43 60-46 3 11-22 — 0-442 •• 8427 •• •• 1671 951 116 16 52-98 60-52 2 11*23 - 0-433 .. 8430 .. 1672 952 144 38 39-98 59-36 4 11*25 - o'554 .. • • • . .. 9iJ 50 II Z2 .. •• 11-31 - 0-254 - 0-02 .. .. R1972 954 117 28-69 60-53 I 11-31 -0-433 • • 8440 .. .. .. 955 144 45 23-70 59-48 5 11*31 - 0-553 •• •• •• •• •• 956 145 I 40-50 59-35 4 11*45 -0*551 .. .. .. • • .. 957 114 37 6-04 60-48 6 11-52 — 0*422 • • 8458 .. .. 1678 958 114 26 30-68 60*46 2 11-54 — 0-42 1 .. 8459 .. .. 1679 959 108 16 24-51 59-43 46 11*57 — 0-404 + 0-01 .. • • 331J5H 1680 960 144 59 3*13 59-35 5 1 1*65 -0*544 •• •• •• •• •• 961 119 34 40-58 60-53 I 11-67 - 0-433 .. 8466 .. • • 1683 962 41 4 46 • • •• 1 170 — 0*211 - 0-04 .. • • .. 1684 963 144 55 38-99 59-40 4 11*72 — 0*541 .. •• • • .■ .. 964 115 24 47-57 59-63 7 11-83 - 0*417 + 0*12 8480 .. .. 1687 965 i66 39 50-44 56-31 5 11-83 -0-893 + 0-14 8435 6870 •• •• 966 145 3 9-26 59-45 4 11-89 -0-537 .. .. .. .. 967 41 15 3 • • • • 12-00 — 0*210 + 0-03 .. .. • • 1691 968 137 46 32-54 60-18 II 12-05 - 0-491 - 0-09 8494 6885 335.J 516 H52 969 157 14 57-00 60*03 4 12-14 — 0-646 + 0-03 8488 6889 .I517 .. 970 48 35 35 •• •• 12-23 — 0*242 •• •• •• •• •• 971 110 49 0*94 58-34 3 12-25 -0*396 .. .. .. .. 972 105 26 34-85 60-10 4 12-31 — 0-382 + 0-03 .. • • .. 1700 973 145 36 12-08 59-41 4 12-31 — 0-526 .. .. .• .• •• 974 108 37 42-44 58-60 4 12-35 — 0-388 - 0*02 .. • • J 520 1701 975 156 42 4-40 60-04 3 12-37 — 0*628 + 006 8500 6897 338.J518 H 19 976 H5 35 49-97 59-41 5 12-46 — 0*521 .. .. • . .. 977 145 41 35'33 59-48 5 12-53 -0-519 • • .. .. .. 978 119 54 5189 60-47 4 12-54 — 0-413 .. 8537 •• -• 979 HO 43 23-07 58-34 3 12-56 -0-389 • • .. .. .. 980 159 16 5649 57-65 4 — 1262 - 0-655 — 0-03 8521 6908 •• CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. ^8 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. No. in B.A.C. 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1000 lOOI 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 lOIO lOII IOI2 IOI3 IOI4. IOI5 7I7I 7020 7177 7207 7208 7227 7228 7233 7249 7254 7256 7270 7277 7282 7292 7301 7305 7309 7314 7322 7328 7333 7331 7335 7336 7344 Star's Name, 2-1 67 4-5 4-5 5-6 4-5 4 5-6 9 6 lO'II 9 6 5-6 11"I2 9*10 6 4 6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 5-6 8-9 4 5 4 5-6 6 5-6 10 7 4'S 9 Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 50 Cygni a 20 36 39'44 Octantis B 20 37 2079 16 Capricorni.... «p 20 37 48'03 Microscopii a 20 41 12*98 Indi ( 20 41 21*54 18 Capricorni (a 20 43 27*58 Indi ^ 20 43 50*14 55 Cygni I 20 44 lo-oo ••• Uo 44 34-54 19 Capricorni 20 46 52*96 v o Cygni „... 32 Vulpeculae., 20 47 5*84 20 48 o*o8 20 48 25*12 20 48 35*67 20 48 49*15 20 49 2*5 1 20 Capricorni 20 51 38*44 58 Cygni V 20 51 57*09 21 Capricorni '20 52 58-84 Microscopii ^ 20 54 0*50 59 Cygni /' 20 55 3*84 22 Capricorni..,.. n 20 56 25*89 12 Aquarii 20 56 40 Microscopii jj 20 57 18*04 20 57 50*43 23 Capricorni 9 24 Capricorni A 62 Cygni % Pavonis 25 Capricorni..... j^ 61 Cygni, 1st Star.. Lacaille 8707 13 Aquarii v 20 58 4*35 59*71 20 58 (55-94) 20 59 50*27 21 o 8*48 21 o 32*18 21 o 37*33 21 1 22*24 21 I 41*15 21 I 57*86 21 2 19*09 1800 59-48 59*36 58*44 59*90 60*15 5678 6o*21 6o*68 59-43 59-38 59*52 59-37 6o*68 58-90 58*56 58-37 58-34 6o*68 58-56 60*27 6o*68 58*09 60*21 58-35 6o*68 56-17 57*59 60*05 58-40 60*46 6o*43 59-42 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 2*043 117*266 3-570 3767 4-382 3'597 4-751 2*042 4*564 3-405 4*564 4-564 2*092 2-555 3-441 3-436 3*420 2-233 3-390 3*862 2*037 3*429 3*179 3-931 3*420 3*378 3*526 2*178 5-769 3*448 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0*002 — 0*146 — 0*007 + 0*021 o*ooi — 0*003 — 0*008 2*334 3'4i2 3*620 5 3-270 4 +4-518 + 0*0022 — 157-5812 — 0*0168 — 0-0240 — 0*05 1 1 — 0*0184 — 0*0734 -j- 0*0022 — 0*0626 — 0*0128 — 0*0638 — 0*0643 + 0*0029 + 0*0026 — 0*0140 — 0*0138 0-0136 + o*oo6 •\- 0*0037 + 0*001 0-0128 0*000 — 00303 --o*oo8 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. + 0*0031 — 0*0143 — 0*0071 — 0*0342 — 0-0141 — 0-0128 — 0-0178 + 0*0041 — 0*1721 — 0-0153 -j- 0-0043 — 0*0141 — 0*0217 — 0*0098 — 0-0692 — 0-005 — 0-006 + o*oo6 — 0-002 + 0*004 -\- 0*002 + 0-001 + o-oio — 0*001 + 0-339 + O'OOl (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 59 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994- 995 996 997 998 999 45 179 115 124 142 117 148 44 145 108 13 4'85 28 5i"96 46 1571 17 39-63 7 31-46 26 23-59 58 41-67 24 14 59 i4'oi 27 4-09 146 14 34*53 146 19 56-47 45 io SI 62 28 23-19 no 26 26-56 no II 11-97 109 34 30-74 49 22(12-34) 108 4 28-28 >- 5 1000 129 10 29-56 lOOI 1002 1003 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1009 lOIO ion 1012 1013 1014 1015 43 i(27'i2) no 24 21-16 96 22 29-37 131 56 28-02 no 2 9-42 107 47 11-56 115 33 44-28 46 37(44-92) 160 41 31-36 III 45 12-65 51 56 13-28 109 53 48-62 120 17 9-94 loi 56 949 ^M 4 52'35 1800 59-16 58-99 57"9i 59*90 60*15 56-78 60-29 59"43 59"39 59-52 59-38 59'3i 58-48 58-36 58-34 58-56 60-27 58-09 60-54 60-21 58-36 59-51 57-36 56-17 57-59 59-05 58-40 60-46 60-43 59-42 cu Annual Precess. N.P.D. for i860. - 12*67 12-71 12-74 12-97 12-98 13-12 »3-i5 13*17 1319 13-35 13-36 13-42 13-44 13-46 13-48 13-49 13-66 1368 13-74 13-81 13-87 13-96 13-97 14-01 14-05 14-06 14-12 14-17 14-19 14-21 14-22 14-27 1429 14-30 Secular Variation of N.P.D. - 0*226 -13-254 -0-397 -0-413 - 0-481 -0-391 -0-517 - 0-220 - 0-495 - 0-365 - 0-491 - 0-489 - 0-221 - 0-271 - 0-366 - 0-365 - 0-360 - 0-232 ■ 0-354 ■ 0-403 ■ 0*209 •0-353 • 0-326 • 0-404 ■ 0*350 o*345 0359 0-219 0-589 0-349 — 0-234 -0-344 - 0-365 0-328 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. o-oo -j- o-oi + 0-17 -f- 0-15 + 0-03 + 0-03 — 001 — 0-04 — 14-32 -0-455 + 0-05 — O-OI — 0-03 -\- 0-06 -f- o-oi + 0-05 — 0-03 + o-o6 -f- 0-05 ■\- 0-02 — 0-02 — 0-05 + 0-03 3-22 -j- 0-01 No. for reference. 8553 8579 8567 8601 8584 6913 6644 6922 6921 6929 8653 8675 8668 8707 ^ o o u <2 =305 J 496 340.J 521 342J 524 344J 525 6962 6970 6976 6977 346 348.J 527 349J 528 1706 H I 1708 1711 1716 1719 1723 1727 1728 1731 1733 1735 2383* 1737 1739 1740 1741 1742 «74S 6o General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan, 1 No. No. in B.A.C. 4> 3 « 1016 8 1017 7358 6 1018 1 1 '12 1019 7368 3 1020 7371 5-6 1021 7374 6 1022 7386 5 1023 7384 6 1024 • • 10 1025 •• 10 1026 .. 7 1027 • • 7 1028 7407 4*5 1029 7409 3 1030 7423 5 1031 .. 8-9 1032 •• •• 1033 7445 4 1034 • • 10 1035 •• iffii 1036 7471 S'6 1037 7478 3 1038 .. 9 1039 .. io"n 1040 7498 5-6 1041 7506 5 "4 1042 7514 5*4 1043 .. 7 1044 75^5 4'3 1045 •• 8 1046 7538 6 1047 •• II 1048 7557 5 1049 7561 ^•3 1050 7580 3 Star's Name. Lacaille 8718 64 Cygni Z 28 Capricorni 29 Capricorni 4 Piscis Australis... Octantis Lacaille 8787 32 Capricorni t Pavonis y Indi y 34 Capricorni Z Lacaille 8833 . 22 Aquarii jS Octantis X 39 Capricorni c 23 Aquarii 4 40 Capricorni y Lacaille 8886 9 Piscis Australis. ( 8 Pegasi i 49 Capricorni.. >M i Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 4 55*48 5 9"07 6 I'2I 6 58-67 7 40 7 59 9 i6-3S 10 37*04 11 11*24 12 44*50 13 29*91 13 52*17 14 2676 14 49-07 16 14*72 18 23*84 18 26*24 18 40*03 20 53*41 23 4*90 23 13*24 24 11-15 25 6-74 28 39*86 28 59*60 29 14*17 30 17*71 30 56-52 32 19*78 33 "'87 34 5"25 35 "79 36 35*84 37 18*60 39 18-54 ~o b S 3 0, C.2 . Annual Precess. in R.A. for S u i860. 1800 8 59-42 5 + 4-504 59-98 8 4-563 58*40 3 3*402 58-63 3 2*550 •• •• 3-427 « • .. 3-329 6o-2o 6 3-655 56-17 5 10-722 59*45 5 4-479 59*47 4 4*466 60*48 3 3-580 58-35 3 3-383 59*82 14 3-350 59-98 3 5-054 59-96 3 4-336 59"4i 5 4-446 60*38 I 3*560 57-H 2 3-440 59-45 4 4-429 59-57 5 4*426 60*39 I 3*827 59*63 38 3*163 59-54 5 4*411 59-59 4 4*402 56-34 4 10-101 58*42 2 3-371 60*76 3 3-193 59-53 3 4-387 58*46 15 3*322 59"49 3 4-377 59*90 8 3'843 59-44 4 4-371 60*36 5 3-594 59-38 10 2-945 57-84 12 + 3-304 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0-0695 — 0-0736 — 0-0141 -f 0-0038 — 0-0152 — 0*0119 — 0-0244 — J-"95 -0-0715 — 0-0716 — 0*0218 — 0*0140 — 0*0130 -- 0*1208 — 0*0643 — 0*0734 — 0*0217 — 0*0167 — 0-0737 — 0*0748 — 0*0357 — 0*0072 — 0*0748 — 0*0764 -1*1378 — 0*0149 — 0*0082 — 0*0765 — 0*0131 — 0*0773 — 0*0396 — 0-0780 — 0-0261 — o-ooo6 — 0*0128 (koyal Observatory f Cape of Good Hope. 61 "2 « 1> Annual Secular Annual No. for reference. No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. OCU 6 Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Variation of Precess. in N.P.D. Proper Motion in N.P.D. u «J c CQ Fallows or Johnson. 1 Greenwich or Henderson / « 1800 « « » 1016 147 7 59-06 59-42 5 - 14-48 -0-449 • ' •• •• •• •♦ 1017 148 12 23-48 59-95 9 14-50 — o*454 + 0-02 8718 6989 .. • • 1018 109 41 32-97 58-39 4 14-55 -0-336 .• •• •• •• •• 1019 60 20 45-08 58-88 5 14-61 — 0-249 + 007 •• •• • • 1749 1020 III 13 48-32 57*36 I 14-65 -o*335 — 0-07 •• •• •• 1750 lOZI 105 +5 3'»3 60-53 2 14-67 - 0-325 — 0-01 .. • • 350.J529 1752 1022 122 45 17-25 6o'20 6 H*75 -0*355 + 0-04 8761 7002 J 530 »757 1023 173 17 9-87 56-17 5 14-82 — 1049 + 0-19 8672 6996 •• • • 1024. 147 26 19-97 59-45 5 14-85 - 0-433 .. •• •• •• • • 1025 147 23 40-75 59*47 4 H*95 — 0-428 •• •• •• •• •• 1026 119 45 26-19 60-48 3 15-00 - 0-340 .. 8787 .. • » .. 1027 109 19 36-35 58-35 3 15-02 — 0-321 • • •• .. •• •• 1028 107 25 41-90 59-29 i6 15-05 -0-317 — 0-02 .. .. J 532 1763 1029 15s 59 44*90 59-98 3 15-07 — 0-480 — 0-83 8778 7014 3S3J53I H 20 1030 145 15 43-09 60-02 5 15-15 — 0-408 — 0-04 8792 7017 J 533 • • 103 1 147 45 6-15 59-41 5 15-27 - 0-413 .. .. • • 1032 119 24 40-87 60-38 I 15-28 - 0329 .. .. .. • • .. 1033 113 55-30 57*14 z 15-29 — 0-318 — 0-02 8815 .. 356-J534 X775 1034 147 46 13-54 59*45 4 15-41 — 0-406 .. .. •• •• •• 1035 148 2-59 59*57 5 »5*53 — 0*401 •• •• •• •• 1036 131 47 38-33 60-39 I 15*54 - 0-346 + 0-20 8833 7036 .. .. 1037 96 II 5-32 5912 95 15-60 - 0-283 o-oo • • 7040 357J535 1777 1038 147 59 49'37 59*55 6 15-64 -0396 « • .. .. • • •• 1039 148 20 15-31 59*58 5 15-84 - 0*387 .. .. • • •• • • 1040 173 21 23-81 56-90 5 15-85 -0-895 + 0-10 8798 7042 •• • • I04I no 5 27-72 58-42 2 15-87 — 0-294 0-00 .. .. J 536 1787 1042 98 28 48-09 60-76 3 15*93 — 0-276 •f 0-04 • • 7055 358.J537 1788 1043 148 22 7-42 59*54 4 15-96 -0-381 .• .. • • •• •• 1044 107 17 33-05 58*43 23 16-04 — 0-284 + 0-03 •• .. 359J538 1790 104s 148 31 59-11 59*51 4 16-09 - 0-374 • • -• •• •• •• 1046 134 7 46-24 59*90 8 16-13 — 0-326 + 0-02 8886 7068 .. .. 1047 148 41 18-82 59-45 4 1618 - 0-370 .. .. •. • • .• 1048 123 39 44"3S 60-36 5 16-26 — 0-300 + o-ii 8901 7074 J 541 1801 1049 80 45 54-41 59-08 21 16-29 -0-244 0-00 .. .. .. 1804 1050 106 45 37-53 58-31 21 — 16-40 — 0-271 4- 0-28 •• •• 364.J 542 1811 62 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. No. in B.A.C. 105 1 1052 1053 1054 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071 1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1078 1079 1080 108 1 1082 1083 1084 1085 7583 7613 7618 7627 7633 7634 7657 7688 7691 7692 7713 77*5 7756 7763 7767 7771 7773 7781 7806 7808 7828 7830 7832 7840 6 5 5-6 II 3 6 4*5 10 6 10 12 6 5 12 4 II 5 3 "4 5"4 Star's Name. 10 Piscis Australis Gruis y 51 Capricorni /( 16 Pegasi Indi i Indi 12 Piscis Australis »j Lacaille 9012 i..< 34 Aquarii a 33 Aquarii t Gruis Octantis C Octantis t 22 4 4*84 Lacaille 9061 Gruis /t' Gruis fi' Tucanae a 42 Aquarii 43 Aquarii 45 Aquarii., 50 Aquarii.. Tucanae Gruis ^' Gruis 5 55 Aquarii X, 57 Aquarii M J ;an R.A. i860, an. I. h m 8 21 39 30-50 21 40 22'46 21 45 26-30 21 45 39*56 21 46 41-65 21 48 21-64 21 48 34-30 21 Si 47-07 21 56 37-80 21 58 35*49 21 58 52"37 21 59 23-49 22 29-46 22 3 34-83 22 5 29-96 22 6 4-71 22 7 10-03 22 8 0-19 22 8 46-20 22 8 52-65 22 9 17 22 9 26*61 22 9 41-01 22 II 29-71 22 12 28-75 22 16 41-02 22 16 56-93 22 17 19-70 22 18 44-62 22 20 53-10 22 21 16-43 22 21 22-77 2-2 21 37-19 22 23 14-06 1800 60-45 59-47 60-07 57-93 58-43 60-48 59-74 6o-i8 60-46 58-87 58-38 59-83 58-42 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. 3" "y 56-32 3" 5 58-42 3 59-65 I 60-25 4 57-70 I 59-52 5 59-76 2 59-71 IS 59-51 4 57-52 I 58-43 4 59-65 5 58-12 4 59-38 6 59-56 6 60-25 6 59-51 4 59-77 I 60-51 I 59-03 6 + 3-544 4-343 3-651 3-259 2-725 4-135 4-3" 3-465 3-454 3-084 3-247 3-808 3-281 14-262 7-224 3-272 3-647 3-642 3-644 4-176 4-194 3-221 3-165 4-I8I 3-224 3-252 4-128 3-220 4*354 4-116 3-617 4-089 3619 3-079 + 3-182 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. Annual Proper Motion in R.A. — 0*0240 — 0-0790 — 0-0311 — 0-0112 4- 0-0052 — o'o666 — 0-0820 — 0-0219 — 0-0219 — 0-0042 0-0113 0-0459 0-0133 3-7285 • 0-6251 0-0129 • 0-0363 • 0-0362 • 0-0365 0-0843 - 0-0862 - 0*0105 - 0*0077 - 0*0856 - 0*0107 - 0-0123 - 0-0858 - 0-0107 - 0-1129 - 0-0864 - 0-0391 - 0*0856 - 0*0394 - 0*0034 • 0*0089 + 0002 + 0-002 + 0-021 + 0-00 1 — 0-005 4- 0*009 + 0-003 — 0-003 — o-ooi -|- o-oii — 0-030 + 0-027 + 0-051 — O-OOI — 0*005 — 0-007 -|- o'oo6 4- 0-009 4- 0-004 + 0-006 — 0-007 — 0-006 4" 0-009 — 0-004 (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 63 No. 105 1 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. -0 tj Si 2£ Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. for reference u n ►J u C (« Fallows or Johnson, Greenwich or Henderson. / # 121 32 38-02 1800 60-45 4 — 16-40 — 0-290 1 0-00 8917 7082 J 543 1812 1052 148 57 0*90 S9"47 4 16-45 - 0-356 • • .. • • •• .. 1053 128 I 16-00 6o"oi 9 16-70 — 0-288 + 0-02 8951 7094 365-J 544 • • 1054 104 12 31-40 58-04 5 16-71 — 0-256 - 0-02 .. .. J 545 1822 1055 64 43 56-18 58-55 6 16-76 — 0-2 1 1 + o-oi • • •• •• 1824 1056 HS 39 I9'9i 60-48 I 16-84 — 0-321 + o-oi 8962 7100 J 546 .. 1057 149 40 38-58 5974 I 16-85 -0-334 - 0-09 8959 7101 • • .. 1058 119 7 25-03 6014 9 17-04 - 0-259 — 0-03 •• 7112 • • 1832 1059 119 6 42*23 60-54 3 17-22 — 0-251 .• 9012 .. • • .. 1060 90 59 54-23 5918 33 17-31 — 0-220 + 0-02 •• 7129 367J 550 1840 1061 104 32 49-62 58-51 II 17*32 — 0-231 + 0-07 .. .. 368.J 551 1842 1062 137 38 11-89 59*95 18 17-34 — 0-272 + 0-15 9021 7130 369.J 552 H 53 1063 107 22 19-76 58-42 3 17-38 — 0-231 .. •• •• • • • • 1064 176 40 24-79 58-46 57 17-52 — 1-004 - 0-08 8924 7119 J 549 H 7 1065 171 7 58-44 56-32 5 17-54 — 0-502 + 0-07 9010 7134 •• •• 1066 107 18 42-71 58-42 3 17-60 — 0-221 .. .. .. • • .. 1067 132 2 35-08 59-65 I 17-63 - 0-247 + 0-75 9061 7144 J 553 • • 1068 132 2 28-84 60-25 4 17-67 - 0-243 — 0-03 9069 7146 J 554 .. 1069 132 19 20-69 57-70 I 17-71 — 0-242 + Q-ll 9075 7148 .. • • 1070 150 3^ 3-57 59-52 5 17-74 — 0-276 • • •• •• •• • • 1071 150 57 18^8 59-76 2 1775 — 0-277 + 0-04 9074 7149 374J 555 H 28 1072 103 31 40-34 57-67 I 17-76 — 0-211 .. •• •• 375 .. 1073 98 28 43-66 59-67 35 17-77 — 0-206 + 0-03 •• 7151 376.J 556 i860 1074 150 48 57-05 59-51 4 17-78 - 0-274 •• •• ♦• •• •• 107s 104 15-42 57'5i I 17-85 — 0-207 — 0-05 •• • • 1863 1076 106 35 23-78 58-43 4 17-88 — 0-207 .. .. • • .. .. 1077 151 5 32-67 59-65 5 18-05 — 0-254 •• .. • • • • •• 1078 104 14 15-27 58-12 4 i8-o6 — 0-196 - 0-04 •• • • • • J873 1079 155 40 3611 59-45 8 1808 — 0-267 - 0-03 9II4 7163 J 559 • • 1080 151 17 13-93 59-58 5 18 13 - 0-249 •• •• •• •• •• 1081 134 12 33-22 60-34 5 18-21 — 0-213 + O-OI 9138 7172 J 560 .. 1082 151 13 22-93 59-51 3 18-22 — 0-241 • • •• •• •• .. 1083 134 27 50-74 59-77 I 18-23 — 0-212 + 0-07 9140 7173 J 561 .. 1084 90 44 6-93 60-51 I 18-24 -0-179 - 0-03 .. • • 381.J 562 1878 1085 loi 23 34-46 59-07 12 — 18-30 — 0-182 — 0-05 •• •• J 563 1882 64 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. 1 No. 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092 1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1 100 IIOI II02 IIO3 1 104. No. in B.A.C. 7842 784.9 7868 7884 7886 7887 7898 7904 7908 7909 7921 7925 I 105 7946 1106 1 107 1 108 1109 mo mi 1112 1113 II 14 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1120 7952 7954 7966 7970 7980 7992 8008 8016 8020 8031 8034 9'io 4-3 5 9 9 5 67 4 3 3 '4 6 6 7 3 4 6 4 7 5 '4 4 3 7-8 I'2 I"I 5 910 6 S'4 Star's Name. 1 7 Piscis Australis /3 58 Aquarii. 62 Aquarii i\ 63 Aquarii k Octantis /3 Gruis 1 8 Piscis Australis £ Gruis )8 42 Pegasi Z, 19 Piscis Australis.. 67 Aquarii.. Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. h ni 22 23 22 23 22 23 22 24 22 25 22 27 22 28 22 30 22 30 22 31 32-14 38-25 58-17 157s 45-08 29-70 9-70 30-28 58-32 16-29 Gruis 11 Gruis c 22 40 4-52 22 31 29-05 22 31 35-91 22 32 54-23 22 34 17-40 22 34 28-84 " 34 34*33 22 35 55*49 22 36 49-98 22 37 080 ^1 70 Aquarii 71 Aquarii r' 22 Piscis Australis y 73 Aquarii \ "jS Aquarii d 24 Piscis Australis a Gruis - X, 81 Aquarii., 82 Aquarii 4 Piscium /3 54 Pegasi a 22 41 8-02 22 42 10-59 22 42 58-70 22 44 44-03 22 45 18-50 22 47 12-98 22 47 59*37 22 49 54-36 22 51 19-21 22 52 35-51 2^ 54 7*03 22 54 18-04 22 55 16-35 22 56 45-16 22 57 47-30 1800 60-43 58-44 59-48 57-82 59-65 59-57 60-05 59-99 59-46 58-44 56-27 57*70 60-00 60-21 58-98 60-16 58-72 58-42 59-89 59-84 58-30 56-85 58-42 59*94 56-72 56-78 58-41 59*56 58-45 59-87 57*52 58-45 58-65 60-74 58-77 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 3-428 3-228 4-076 3-184 4-064 4-049 3-080 3-116 4-024 3-213 6-708 3-679 3-333 3-607 2-985 3*354 3-137 3-202 3-730 3-658 3*162 3-186 3-189 3*359 3*135 3*196 3*179 3*308 3-172 3-596 3-124 3-165 3-120 3-053 + 2-980 Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0-0250 — 00116 — 0-0866 — 0-0090 — 0-0869 — 0-0867 — 0-0032 — 0-0052 — 0-0872 — o-oiii — 0-6767 — 0-0494 — 0-0198 — 0-0439 -}- 0-0022 — 0-0217 — 0-0064 — 0-0108 — o 0581 — 0-0523 — 0-0082 — o-oioo — o-oioi — 0-0245 — 0-0064 — o-oiii — 0-0099 — 0-0212 — 0-0095 — 0-0537 —0-01 1 Annual Proper Motion in R.A. + 0-002 -f 0-006 + 0-003 0-007 0-034 0-007 + 0012 + o-ooi -j- 0-003 0-000 — 0-004 + 0-003 + 0-006 — 0-004 — 0-004 o-oo6 0-007 -f 0-022 0-0057 — 0-0091 — 0-0054 0-0000 + 0-0056 + 0002 -|- 0-001 4- o-ooi -)- 0-003 (koyal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 65 No. Mean N.P.D i860, Jan. I. S Is 1 i Annual Precess. in N.P.D. for i860 # — 18-31 Secular Variation of Precess. ir . N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion I in N.P.D. No. for reference. u c a •a Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson. 1086 / « 123 3 44-91 1800 60-42 2 — 0-196 + 0-07 9162 7176 J 564 1883 1087 105 56 57-26 • 58-44 4 18-30 — 0-185 •• •• • • .. .. 1088 151 32 8-91 59-41 4 18-32 - 0-234 •• • • • • • . .. 1089 loi 37 16-52 57-82 I 18-33 — o'i8i — o-oi • • • • .. 1887 1090 151 40 14-45 59-65 7 18-38 — 0-229 •• • • •• •• 1091 151 43 3S'07 59-57 5 18-44 — 0-224 .. .. .. .. .. 1092 90 50 16-57 59-82 22 18-47 — 0-168 + o-o6 .. • • 382.J 566 1892 1093 94 56 56-37 59-97 3 18-55 — 165 + o-ii .. .. 383 1894 1094 151 57 40-79 59-46 4 18-56 — 0-214 •• • • •• • • •• 1095 105 32 22-26 58-44 4 18-57 — 0-169 •- • • •• •• •• 1096 172 6 46-82 56-27 6 18-58 — 0-361 o-oo 9165 7186 J 567 H 12 1097 140 19 24-75 57-70 1 18-58 -0-194 + 0-23 9200 7188 • • " 1098 117 46 21-41 60-00 3 18-62 — 0-172 + o-o6 9206 7193 J 568 • • 1099 137 36 5471 60-2 1 7 18-67 — 0-184. + 0-04 9211 7194 384.J 569 H 54 IIOO 79 53 54-03 59-31 9 18-68 -0-151 o-oo • • • • •• 1900 IIOI 120 5 28-85 60-16 7 18-68 — 0-170 + 0-09 7197 .. 1901 II02 9741(39-71) .. .. 18-72 — 0-156 — 0-05 .• • • 38s 1903 1103 105 20 41-45 58-42 4 18-75 -0-158 .. .. .- .. • • 1 104 144 14 6-11 59-86 5 18-75 — 0-185 0-00 9223 7203 J 570 •• 1 105 142 3 6-32 59-84 13 18-85 -0-174 + o-ii 9249 7212 386.J 571 •• 1106 loi 17 36-77 58-30 3 18-88 — 0-148 — 0-04 .. .. 1907 1107 104 19 48-63 56-85 I 18-91 - 0-147 + 0-02 • • • • .• 1908 1108 104 47 55-29 58-42 4 18-93 — 0-146 .. .. • • • • .. 1109 123 37 0-89 59-94 10 18-98 — 0-150 + 0-04 9287 7218 J 572 1912 IIIO 98 19 24-22 58-11 II 19*00 — 0-138 — 0-03 •• •• 388.J 573 1913 III! 106 33 51-09 56-78 2 19-05 -0-137 0-00 .. 389.J 574 i 1917 IIIZ 104 29 8-08 58-41 3 19-07 — 0-136 • • .• • • 1 .. III3 120 21 47-28 58-99 123 19-13 -0-137 + o-i8 9314 7225 391J57S 1920 1 1 14 104 12 53-i;8 58-45 3 19-16 — 0-129 .. .. • • .. •• HIS 143 30 13-91 59-87 6 19-19 -0-144 — 0-07 9322 7229 J 576 •• III6 97 48 42-47 57-52 I 19-23 — 0-121 — 0-06 .. .. 393 1923 HI7 103 49 6-36 58-45 3 19-24 — 0-123 .. • • .. •• •• I1I8 97 19 29-38 58-65 I 19-26 — O-II9 — 0-01 .. .■ • • 1925 III9 86 55 58-62 60-74 2 19-30 — 0-113 ■\- 0-02 • • .. .. 1927 II20 75 32 49-52 59-44 7 ■ - 19-32 — o-io8 4- 0-02 i i 7239 1929 CAPE OBSERVATIONS, i860. 66 General Catalogue of Stars for i860, Jan. i No. IZI 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 H3 144 ^^S 146 148 149 150 152 153 15s No. in B.A.C. 8035 8043 8060 8067 8072 8085 8093 8105 8109 8116 8119 8157 8169 8186 8zoi 8zio 8218 8230 8233 8243 8254. 8262 8271 8275 8281 8290 8295 8312 8319 8323 8328 8331 8334 6-5 5 6 5 6 4-5 5 4 4 5*4 5 6-5 S-6 5*4 6 5 5 6 S-6 4*5 S 6 6 6 4-5 6 5 6 8-9 6 5 5 5-6 4 5 Star's Name. 83 Aquarii X\ Gruis 5 Piscium A Gruis ( Octantis r 90 Aquarii Lacaille 9412 Tucana: y 6 Piscium y 93 Aquarii i^* 95 Aquarii i|/' 96 Aquarii Lacaille 9463 8 Piscium k Lacaille 9495 Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. Sculptoris /3 Phcenicis t 16 Piscium Phffinicis Q 17 Piscium t 18 Piscium X Lacailk 9574 19 Piscium 20 Piscium Sculptoris 5 21 Piscium Octantis y' 22 Piscium Lalande 46854 26 Piscium Octantis y* Tucanae >} 27 Piscium 28 Piscium a> Tucanae c 22 57 5170 22 58 58-68 23 I 30-60 23 2 25-06 23 5 3-30 23 7 4-27 23 8 30-59 23 9 I3'82 23 9 S4'47 23 10 37-50 23 II 40-59 23 12 8-36 23 17 18-75 23 19 4S'34 23 22 59-86 23 25 27-21 23 27 31*98 23 29 14-65 23 31 56-03 23 32 45-09 23 34 54-18 23 36 30-29 23 39 14-30 23 40 44-66 23 41 37-62 23 42 17-32 23 43 45*29 23 44 4776 23 47 28-22 23 47 58-06 23 49 44*96 23 50 12-41 23 51 30-30 23 52 7-40 23 52 36-66 1800 58-83 60-01 6081 59*9» 58-52 59"»7 59-91 60-04 59-81 57-60 56-97 59-22 60*03 59*63 6o*49 60-56 60-09 6o-i2 59-92 57*97 58-66 59-88 57*75 56*70 59-76 57-83 56-40 58-58 59-68 60*05 56-44 59*85 57-64 59-48 59*93 2 9 2 6 104 2 5 3 II 4 3 3 5 7 I 3 5 3 5 4 Annual Precess. in R.A. for i860. + 3*"5 3*415 3-064 3-416 13-456 3109 3*651 3-561 3-059 3-122 3-123 3-101 3*462 3-070 3-271 3-232 3*250 3*068 3*250 3*059 3-069 3-213 3-066 3*079 3*131 3-072 3-821 3-069 3*075 3-064 3*555 3*195 3-076 3-067 + 3*171 Secular Variation of Precess, in R.A. — 0*0059 — 0-0358 — 0-0006 — 0-0380 — 7*3697 — 0-0046 — 0-0791 — 0-0650 -f- 0-0004 — o-oo6i — 0-0063 — 00038 — 0-0586 — o-oooi — 0-0310 — 0-0262 — 0*0312 + 0-0009 -0-0357 + 0-0029 + o-ooio — 0-0329 + 0-0021 — 0-0010 — 0*0162 -|- O'OOII — 0*3500 4- 0-0022 — 0*0002 -j- 0*0045 — 0*3160 — o-o68o — 0*0008 + 0-0046 — 0-0711 1 1 39. The companion was observed in i860. The Right Ascension was 0*06 greater than that of the principal Star. (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 67 No. Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. Is > e.2 2 Annual Precess. In N.P.D. for i860. Secular Variation of N.P.D. Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. No. 'or reference. 1 u "a n ►J u Fallows or Johnson. Greenwich or Henderson IIZI / # 98 26 55-18 1800 58-83 2 - 19-3* — 0-114 0-06 395 1930 1 122 134 16 31-47 60-01 9 19-35 — 0-123 + o-ii 9366 7244 J 577 -. 1123 88 38 1-57 6o-8i 2 19-41 — 0-105 - 015 .. .. •• *935 1 124 136 15-02 60-00 7 *9-43 — 0-116 + 0-02 9382 7252 397J 580 • • II2S 178 14 5573 58-25 126 19-48 - 0-458 - 0-02 9225 7241 J 578 H 4 iiz6 96 48 10-93 59-30 10 19-52 - 0-095 + 0-19 .. .. 399.J 582 1942 1127 152 45 4777 59-92 4 19-55 — 0-110 + 0-03 9412 7266 .. .. iiz8 149 9-14 60-04 3 19-57 — 0-106 - 0-04 9420 7267 400. J 583 • ■ 1129 87 28 55-42 59-61 26 19-58 — o*o88 + 0-0 1 .. 7269 • . 1947 1130 99 56 45'33 57-60 4 19-59 — 0-089 + 0-02 -• •• 401.J 584 1948 1131 100 32 31-41 56-97 3 19-61 — 0-087 — o-oi .. .. J 586 1952 1132 95 S3 18-98 59-22 3 19-62 — 0-085 + 0-0 1 .. .. 402 »953 1133 147 37 0-60 59-90 4 19-71 — 0-085 - 0-16 9463 7285 .. "34 89 30 37-55 59-51 36 19-75 — 0-070 + 0-12 .. • • 407 1962 113s 132 45 26-56 60-17 2 19-79 — 0-068 + 0-14 9495 7296 •• •• 1136 128 35 30-48 60-13 4 19-83 — 0-062 — 0-02 9513 7300 411.J589 .. 1137 133 23 18-96 60-05 6 19-85 — 0-058 - 0-03 9523 7304 J59» .. 1138 88 40 27-83 6o-i2 3 19-88 — 0*051 — o-o6 .. • • .. 1973 "39 137 24 52-28 59-98 8 19-91 — 0*049 0-00 9543 7315 J 59* • • 1 140 85 7 55-69 59-07 23 19-91 — 0*044 -r 0-45 •• •• •• 1978 1141 88 59 24-50 58-45 10 19-94 — 0*040 + 0-17 • • .. .. 1985 1 142 135 51 36-27 59-72 •• 19-95 - 0*039 .. 9574 .. • • •• "43 87 17 23-04 57-75 2 19-97 — 0*032 - 0-02 • • .. .. 1990 "44 93 32 22-09 56-70 2 19*99 — 0-029 + o-oi .• .. 416 1992 "45 118 54 15-16 59-33 16 19-99 — 0-028 + o-io 9603 7330 417J 597 1994 1 146 89 42 3-42 58-79 7 20'00 — 0*026 + 0*08 .. . . .. .1995 "47 172 47 48-32 56-40 6 20-01 — 0*031 + 0-02 9607 7334 J 598 H 10 1 148 87 50 50-03 58-58 I 20-01 — 0*021 - c-02 .. .. .. 1996 "49 92 44 28-40 59-68 I 20'02 — o*oi6 • • .. .. • . • • 1150 83 42 26-60 60-05 5 20-03 — 0*015 — 0-02 •• •• •• 1999 "SI 172 56 53-52 56:43 6 20-04 — 0*015 + 0-01 9651 7350 418.J 599 H 9 1152 155 4 3i'33 59-85 2 20-04 — 0*011 + 0-02 9661 7352 J 600 •• "53 94 19 5670 57-64 2 20-04 — 0*008 + 0-12 .• • • 419.J 601 2003 "54 83 54 42-51 59-58 ^7 20*04 — 0-007 + 0-13 .. • . • • 2004 "55 156 21 21*09 59'95 S — 20*05 — 0-006 — 0*03 9678 7360 420.J 602 •• 6B General Catalogue of Stars for i86o, Jan. i ; No. 1156 1157 1x58 "59 No. in B.A.C. 834.6 8349 8368 5-6 5 5 Star's Name. Mean R.A. i860, Jan. I. 29 Piscium '23 54 3876 30 Piscium. 33 Piscium. 23 54 4674 23 58 io'i3 23 59 10-65 e.2 Annual J) Precess. in R.A. for U 0" Is i860. 1800 s 58-02 z + 3"074 5673 3 3-076 56-70 2 3-073 60-48 I + yoji Secular Variation of Precess. in R.A. — 0-0004 — 0*0020 — o'ooi6 + 0-00II Annual Proper Motion in R.A. — 0-002 •f- 0-002 — 0-002 (Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. 6g No. 1156 "57 X158 "59 Mean N.P.D. i860, Jan. I. 93 +8 23-40 96 47 31-31 96 29 26-41 91 27 7-63 C'U 1800 58-02 5673 5673 60-48 a, Annual Precess. N.P.D. for i860. 20-05 20-05 20*06 20-06 Secular Variation of Precess. In N.P.D, — 0'002 — 0-002 4- 0-005 + 0-007 Annual Proper Motion in N.P.D. + o-oi + 0-04 — 0-03 No. for reference. 5- l-i ? O O I- " = o S 4»i.J 603 J 604 424.J 606 I ^ "" u 2008 2009 2019 ^E '^^'^eyv. cflr ■ i