T L UC-NRLF LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. GIFT OF ft v IkERONAUTICS OR AERIAL NAVIGATION A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 AERONAUTICS OR AERIAL NAVIGATION A List of Books and References to Periodicals in the Brooklyn Public Library Published by THE BROOKLYN PUBLIC LIBRARY Brooklyn, New York 1909 AERONAUTICS OR AERIAL NAVIGATION. This list includes the books and a selection from recent periodical literature on this subject in the Brooklyn Public Library. For the most recent developments in aeronautics, the current issues of the magazines and technical journals, especially the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN and SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN SUPPLEMENT, should be consulted by means of the Readers' guide to periodical literature. SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT. I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. II. BOOKS. (Arranged alphabetically by authors.) (a) Popular works. (b) Scientific and technical works. (c) Fiction. III. References to periodicals, 1905-08. (Arranged alphabetically by authors.) I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Adler, C. Partial bibliography relating to aerial locomotion, (fn National Geographic Mag., v. 18, p. 33-34; appendix B to Bell's " Aerial locomotion.") Arranged by authors; concludes with list of articles on aeronautics published by Smithsonian Institution, 1863-1904. Answer to Lieut. -Col. Scrivin's inquiry on aeronautics. T. Nel- son & Sons' Reseach Bureau for Special Information. Ref. 3 19G109 Brockhaus, F. A., ed. Konversations-lexicon (1898). Brief bibliography to article Luftschiffahrt, v. n. Ref.G033B86 Chatley, H. (In his Problem of flight. 1907. p. 113-114.) 533C49 ^Encyclopaedia Britannica. Brief bibliography to article Aero- nautics, v. i. ("Most important works " up to 1871.) Ref.032E56 Meyer, H. J. Grosses konversations-lexicon (1902-1909). Bib- liography to article Luftschiffahrt, v. 12. Ref.G033M6lKo Nelson's encyclopaedia. A few titles given under article Balloon. Ref.03lN43 New international encyclopaedia. Bibliography to article Aeronautics. Ref.031I6lGi New York Public Library Bulletin, v. XII., No. n, Nov., 1908. List of works relating to aeronautics, p. 628-643. Ref. Salem (Mass.) Public Library Bulletin. Reading List on aerial navigation. Nov., 1907. Ref. +"'' Turner, C. C. Aeronautical bibliography. (In his Aerial Navi- gation of to-day. 1910. p. 320-21.) 533T94 Selected list with some annotations. Turner, C. H. ( In his Astra castra.) " Books hitherto published on aerostation." p. 463 ff. Ref.533T95 "A list of books and papers on aeronautics which seems fairly complete up to the date 1864." Encyc. Brit. II. BOOKS. (a) Popular Works. Aero Club of America. Navigating the air. New York, 1907. 533A25 A collection of short articles, some popular and some scientific or technical. Alexander, J. Conquest of the air. New York, 1902. 533 A27 " In this little publication, we have in one hundred and sixty pages the whole history of the subject." (From preface by Sir H. S. Maxim.) Illus. Bacon, G. Balloons, airships and flying machines. New York and London, 1905. 533B128 A brief illustrated history of aeronautics. Record of an aeronaut. London, 1907. BB1284B Biography of Rev. J. M. Bacon, a famous English aeronaut, by his daughter. Illus. Bacon, J. M. By land and sky. London, 1901. 533B12 Ballooning experiences (day and night ascensions) and scientific experiments (meteorology and acoustics). Highly spoken of by The Nation. Dominion of the air: being the story of aerial navigation. London, n.d.; New York, 1902. 533B12D An extremely well-written history of aeronautics. Cox well, H. My life and balloon experiences. London, 1887. BC879 A "gossipy anecdotal" autobiography of a part (1819-53) of the life of a professional English aeronaut. Dyke, A. L. Airships. (In his Anatomy of the automobile. St. Louis, 1904.) 621.4D99 Chiefly devoted to accounts of Knabenshue's flights at the World's Fair, St. Louis, 1904, with illustrations. Fijnje van Salverda, J. G. W. Aerial navigation. Translated from the Dutch by G. E. Waring, Jr. New York, 1894. 533F47 "A comprehensive summary, mainly in a popular form, of the development of aerial navigation." Translator's note. Glaisher, J., and others. Travels in the air. 2d and revised edition. 125 illustrations. London, 1871. 533G54 Part I., accounts of Glaisher's ascents for scientific purposes; part II., Flammarion's accounts of his ascents; part III., aerial travels of MM. de Fonvielle and Tissandier, separately and jointly. Hall, G. B. Balloon ascension at midnight. San Francisco, 1902. 533H17 A graphic description of a night ascent at Paris. Illus. with silhouettes. Hartwig, G. Aerial world: a popular account of the phenomena and life of the atmosphere. 1875. 551H33 Has chapters on aeronautics, esp. ballooning. Hildebrandt, A. Airships past and present. Translated from the German by W. H. Story. N. Y., 1908. 533H64 Deals chiefly with balloons. Illus. Lachambre, H., and Machuron, A. A. Andre*e's balloon expedi- tion in search of the north pole. New York, 1898. 919.8L13 Contains brief biography of explorer, description of his balloon and accounts of his two expeditions to Spitzbergen. Illus. Lougheed, V. Vehicles of the air: a popular exposition of modern aeronautics with working drawings. ci9O9. 533L88 Very comprehensive; well illustrated. Marion, F. Wonderful balloon ascents, or the conquest of the skies. New York, 1870. 533M34 Interesting history of ballooning. [The library also has the French original of this, (I,es) Ballons et les voyages ariens.] Marshall, A. W., and Greenly, H. Flying machines, past, present and future. London, 1907. 533M36 Illustrated account of dirigible balloons and flying machines. Mason, M. Aeronautica, or sketches illustrative of the theory and practice of aerostation. London, 1838. 533M41 Chiefly devoted to an account of a famous aerial voyage f?-om England to Germany, and to an " analysis of the phenomena of aerostation." "A crude literary performance, but a mine of informa- tion to the historian of aeronautics." (Alexander, Conquest of the Air.) Moffett, C. Balloonist. (In his Careers of danger and daring. p. 87-129. New York, 1901.) J910M69 Balloons described and ballooning experiences related, for children. Nadar. See TOURNACHON, F. Powell, B. F. S. Baden-. Ballooning as a sport. Edinburgh & London, 1907. 533P88 Experiences of an amateur balloonist. Has a chapter on the navi- gation of the balloon. Rotch, A. L. Conquest of the air; or, The advent of aerial navi- gation. Present Day Primers series. New York, 1909. 533R84 A concise survey of the entire subject by the professor of meteor- ology in Harvard University. Santos-Dumont, A. My air-ships. New York, 1904. 533S23 Interesting account of the construction and flights of his dirigible balloons. Fully illustrated. Sazerac de Forge, A. F. H. L. (L')Homme s'envole; le passe", le present et 1'avenir de 1'aviation. Paris, 1909. F533S27 Brief popular illus. survey of aviation, in French. Tournachon, F. (Nadar, pseud.) A terre et en 1'air. Me*moires du Gant. Paris, 1864. F533T72 An exaggerated account in French of the two ascents of "Nadar," a Paris photographer, in an enormous balloon called " Le Gant." " Nadar 's ascents had not the remotest connection with science, although he claimed that they had." Encyc. Brit. Turner, C. C. Aerial navigation of to-day: a popular account of the evolution of aeronautics. London, 1910. 533T94 Compendious; 70 illustrations and diagrams; glossaries and biblio- graphy. Turner, C. H. Astra castra. Experiments and adventures in the atmosphere. London, 1865. Ref.533T95 Large, profusely illustrated book, dealing with all aspects of the subject as developed up to his time. Full bibliography. " Consists chiefly of extracts from other works and writings, and it is useful as affording data for a history rather than as a history itself." Encyc. Brit. Valentine, E. S., and Tomlinson, F. L. Travels in space. New York, 1902. 533V15 Historical account, mostly of spherical ballooning. Illus. Wise, J. System of aeronautics. Philadelphia, 1850. 533W81 " Designed as a history for the common reader and guide to the student of the art." Through the air. 1873. 533W81T An enlarged edition of the foregoing. 7 (b) Scientific and Technical Works. Several of the books listed under the preceding heading contain more or less scientific or technical matter, while some listed here are partly popular. Berget, A. Conquest of the air. Lond. & N. Y., 1909. 533B49 English edition of a work by a Paris professor. Aims to be "an introduction to the study of aeronautics." Deals comprehensively with dirigible balloons and aeroplanes. Chanute, O. Progress in flying machines, n. d. (preface, 1894.) 533C45 Critical discussion of principles and features of many machines. Chatley, H. Problem of flight; a text-book of aerial engineer- ing. 1907. 533C49 Illustrations, tables, diagrams, and bibliography. Ferber, F. (I/) Aviation. Pref. 1908. F533F34 A French artillery captain's story of his and other inventions, with theoretical discussion of problems. Many illustrations. Graffigny, R. H., Marquis de. (Les) Aeroplanes; historique, calcul et construction. Paris [1909 ?] F533G73 Chief forms of aeroplanes, etc., described and their principles, con- struction, etc., and the laws of aviation dealt with scientifically. Hearne, R. P. Aerial warfare. London & New York, 1909. 623H43 Gives technical description of various dirigible balloons and aero- planes, chiefly with reference to their use in war. Illus. Lanchester, F. W. Aerodynamics: constituting the first volume of a complete work on aerial flight. London, 1907. 533L24 This volume and the next form a comprehensive, scientific treat- ment of flight, natural and artificial, mainly on non-mathematical lines. First volume deals with theory of the support of bodies mov- ing in air and resistance of bodies in motion in a fluid; second, treats of forms of natural flight path, questions of equilibrium and stability, and "soaring." Numerous diagrams, formulae, etc. - Aerodonetics : constituting the second volume of a complete work on aerial flight. London, 1908. 533L24A See preceding volume. Hyatt, T. The dragon fly, or reactive passive locomotion. A vacuum theory of aerial navigation, etc. London, 1882. 533H99 Explanation of a theory of flight advanced by the author. Maxim, Sir H. S. Artificial and natural flight. London, 1908. 533M464 " It has been my aim ... to give a description of my own experi- mental work and explain the machinery and methods that have enabled me to arrive at certain conclusions regarding the problem of flight." 95 illustrations. May, G. Ballooning. London, 1885. 533M46 Brief historical and technical treatment of the subject. Moedebeck, H. W. L., and others. Pocket-book of aeronautics. Translated by W. M. Varley. London, 1907. 533M69 A very comprehensive, practical hand-book, treating of all phases of the subject and provided with numerous illustrations, diagrams, tables, etc. "It is without doubt the best book that has appeared on the subiect." Aeronautical Journal. Newcomb, S. Outlook for the flying machine. (In his Side- lights on astronomy. New York, 1906.) 520N53S The impossibility of constructing a practical machine by which men shall fly long distances seemed to the writer to be completely demonstrated. Pettigrew, J. B. Animal locomotion. International Scientific Series. New York, 1874. 591P51 Has a chapter treating of the flight of insects, bats and birds, and a dissertation on aeronautics dealing especially with the subject of artificial wings. V., G. (La) Navigation aerie*nne. 1908. F533V1 A French artillery captain's brief treatment of dirigible balloons, aeroplanes, etc., with diagrams. Walker, F. Aerial navigation. New York, 1902. 533W17 "A practical hand-book on the construction of dirigible balloons, aerostats, aeroplanes and aeromotors." (c] Fiction. Kipling, R. With the night mail, a story ol 2000 A.D. New York, 1909. A reprint of a story originally published in McClure^s Magazine, 1905. A characteristic account of a trip on a night postal packet airship from I/ondon to Quebec. Stifter, A. The balloon ascent. (In Zimmern, H., and Zimmern, A., ed. Half-hours with foreign novelists, v. i.) Z76H A short tale giving a graphic description of an ascent at early dawn . The author was an Austrian novelist (1806-68). Verne, Jules. Five weeks in a balloon. Translation. V531F Story of the adventures of three persons in an aerial voyage over Africa in a sort of double balloon. Hector Servadac. Translation. V531H The characters of the story escape from a comet, a fragment of the earth, in a balloon. Wells, H. G. War in the air, and particularly how Mr. Bert Smallways fared while it lasted. New York, 1908. A war carried on by means of airships becomes worldwide and causes a general collapse of civilization. New York is destroyed by a fleet of German airships, on one of which Smallways, the narrator of the story, is an unwilling prisoner. III. REFERENCES TO PERIODICALS, 1905-08. Poole's index may be consulted for earlier articles, the Readers' guide for later ones. Bell, A. G. Aerial locomotion. National Geographic Mag., v. 18: 1-34 (J an v '07)- Chiefly an account, illustrated, of the experiments of Lillienthal, Langley, and the Wrights, and of his own experiments with tetra- hedral kites. Bronson, E. B. An aerial bivouac. American Mag., v. 64: 624-33 (Oct., '07). The last survivor's story of a 26 hours' trip in the balloon "Bar- num " in 1874. Bryan, G. H. Progress in aviation. Nature, v. 78: 668-72 (Oct. 29/08). Chronicles recent achievements and summarizes the discussions of the problems connected with flight by various writers of books and periodical articles. Campello della Spina, Countess di. Ballooning by moonlight. Century Mag., v. 74: 3-9 (May, '07). Spirited illustrated account of a night trip over the Apennines. Casson, H. N. At last we can fly. American Mag., v. 63: 616-24 (April/07). Popular illustrated article on Wright brothers' achievements. Chanute, O. Aerial navigation. Smithsonian Institution Re- port, 1903: 173-81. Sketches advances in ballooning beginning with motor balloons, and recent experiments with flying machines. Clayton, H. H. Record-breaking balloon voyage. Atlantic Monthly, v. 101: 361-71 (Mar./o8). A graphic account of the voyage of the " Pornmern " from St. Louis to Asbury Park in the international balloon contest of 1907. Gilbert, B. S. Coming of the flying machine. Living Age, v. 253: 218-28 (April 27, '07); reprinted from Monthly Rev. Discusses the types of machines; the highway; war; and the wider view. Guy, G. H. Real navigation of the air. Review of Reviews, v. 38: 310-22 (Sept., '08). of aeronautics. Hersey, H. B. Experiences in the sky. Century Mag., v. 75: 643-55 (Mar., '08). Describes some of his ascents, especially those with I/ieut. Lahrn in the Paris and St. Louis international balloon races. Rowland, H. J. Sons of Daedalus. Outlook, v. 90: 153-69 (Sept. 26/08). Sketches recent developments in ballooning and describes the vari- ous flying machines. Illustrated, especially with pictures of flights. KaempfFert, W. Problem of air flight. Cosmopolitan, v. 43: 583-95 (Oct./oy). Illus. article on dirigible balloons and flying machines. Notices especially I/angley's and Bell's experiments. Lahm, F. P. Ballooning and aerial navigation. Outing, v. 51 : 34-43 (Oct./oy). Deals with the sport of ballooning, especially as practiced in France. Illus. from photographs by the author, who took part in the interna- tional balloon races at Paris and St. Louis. Langley, S. P. Experiments with the Langley aerodrome. Popular Science Monthly, v. 73: 462-74 (Nov./o8). Designed to correct misapprehensions derived from newspaper accounts. Loomis, C. B. Next craze. Century Mag., v. 74: 346-48 (July/07). Humorous portrayal of the dangerous conditions which will prevail when aerial navigation is well established. Meiklejohn, B. Conquest of the air. World's Work, v. 13' 8283-96 (Dec./o6). Finely illus. article, sketching history of aerial navigation. Moffett, C. Winning the first international balloon race. McClure's Mag., v. 29: 637-48 (Oct. ,'07). Account of Lieut. Lahm's victoiious flight of 410 miles in the bal- loon " United States," from Paris in 1906. Illus. Newcomb, S. Problem of aerial navigation. Nineteenth Cen- tury, v. 64: 430-42 (Sept./o8); Living Age, v. 259- 195-205 (Oct. 24/08). He believed that the physical difficulties in the way of aerial navi- gation's ever becoming of any practical use are insuperable. Prospect of aerial navigation. North Amer. Rev., v. 187: 337-47 (Mar., '08). Another article of the same tenor as the preceding. Palmer, F. For the honor of the balloon corps. Scribner's Mag., v. 43: 131-37 (Feb., '08). Story of a lieutenant who informs his army by a wireless message from a balloon of the position, etc., of the enemy, and is mortally wounded when descending in a parachute. Powell, B. Baden-. Advent of the flying machine. Living Age, v. 249: 629-31 (June 9/06); reprinted from National Rev. Tells of recent notable steps in aerial navigation and glimpses at the changed conditions its establishment will produce. Air-ships and M. Santos-Dumont. Fortnightly Rev., v. 83: 946-50 (May/os); Living Age, v. 245: 786-90 (June 24/05). Criticises views of Santos-Dumont as to future of motor ballooning; believes flying machine more promising. Problem of aerial navigation. Nineteenth Century, v. 64. 777-85 (Nov./o8). Reply to Newcomb. Takes " diametrically opposite view"; thinks aerial navigation will become of considerable practical use in peace and war, Rolker, A. W. Sky sailing, the new sport American Mag., v. 63: 65-72 (Nov./o6). Ballooning and its sensations described. Santos-Dumont, A. Future of air-ships. Fortnighly Rev., v. 83: 442-54 (March, '05); Living Age, v. 245: 129-38 (April 15/05). An enthusiastically sanguine view of the future of motor ballooning. Replied to by Baden-Powell. Pleasures of ballooning. Independent, v. 58: 1225- 32 (June 1/05). Describes a number of his ascensions and the different sensations of the spherical balloonist and the dirigible balloonist. Stedman, E. C. Prince of the power of the air: aerial naviga- tion a menace to British supremacy. Century Mag., v. 76: 18-26 (May/o8). The author recalls the prophecies made by him in an article, "Aerial navigation (a priori)," published in 1879, and believes them to be coming true. He thinks Great Britain to be most vitally affected by the progress in aeronautics, because of the passing of the sea power. 13 Thomas, J. P. Perils and pleasures of ballooning. Cosmo- politan, v. 42: 179-87 (Dec./o6). Experiences of an amateur aeronaut. Illus. Todd, F. Airship is here. World's Work, v. 16: 10659-80 (Sept., '08). Illustrated article describing the construction and operation of the various aeroplanes, dirigible balloons,, helicopters, etc. Man in the air. World's Work, v. 16: 10802-19 (Oct., '08). Details personal experiences of Wrights, Farman, Curtiss, Baldwin, and others; explains different kinds of aircraft; tells the Wrights' story of how they learned to fly. Illus. What war will be with flying machines. Worlds Work, v. 17: 10911-22 (Nov., '08). Military experts expect fighting methods to be revolutionized and are making plans for meeting the changed conditions. Illus. Turner, G. K. Men who learned to fly. McClure^s Mag., v. 30: 443-52 (Feb., '08). "The Wright brothers' story of their experiments, the sensations of flight, and their estimate of the future of the aeroplane." Illus. Wright, O. & W. The Wright brothers' aeroplane. Century Mag., v. 76: 641-50 (Sept., '08). Popular account of their experiments prepared by the inventors, with pictures from photographs supplied by them. Tells of manner in which results were attained. Zeppelin, Count. Practical use of airships. Independent, v. 65: 637-9 (Sept. 17/08). He believes airships will be of great use in war and in traveling over land. 14 DAY USE RETURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED S LOAN DEPT. I This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. 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