THE LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LOS ANGELES i^ / /. y1 ^/^' O^^/iYAji^' J Am ^@® TO ESTABLISH BOARDS OF POLICE, &:o. Approved, ITIarcli 3, 1 833. MttaaoManrOH % \ A\ ACT TO ESTABLISH BOARDS OF FOLIC K, i AND DEFINE THEIR POWERS AND JURISDICTION, AND FOR OTFTER PURPOSES. K. NATCIIi;/: HniNTFU nV STANTON AND Iir';A\( (IN IBM. A 78 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH BOARDS OF POLICJE. A>i ACT to establish Boards of Police, and define llieir powers and jurisdiction, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be it enacted bi/ the Legislature of the State of Mississippi, "i hat there shall be established in each county in this state a board of ])olice, to consist Boards of of live members, a majority of whom siiall constitute a ^''"''.'^o e*- quorum to transact business, who shall be elected on ^^ '^*^ ' the first Monday and day following in May next, and continue in ollicc until the first Monday in Noveml)er, eighteen hundred and thirty-five, and until their succes- sors are duly qualified. Sec. 2. The said board at their first meeting, or so soon thereafter as may he convenient, shall divide their Couniy to respective counties into five districts, from each of which }'i' divided the qualified electors of the district shall elect one mem-'".^° ■ trictj ber for the term prescribed in the Constitution, under such rules anrl i-egulntions as said board may adopt. The .said districts shall be fully defined by miles and bounds, and entered of record in their minutes: Provided, That the couniy courtof each county shall meet on the second Monday in April nrxt, for the of dividing their respective counties into five districts, far the election of one member of said board from each of the said distric*.^ 56?oes 4 AN ACT TO KSTAliMSH on llic first Monday and tlic day I"oilowiull if''ci\ c ;ts follows: - V AN ACT TO ESTABLISH For every day's attendance on said board, while in ses- sion, two dollars per day; and for all other services re- quired of him by this act, he shall receive a compensa- tion of not more than fifty dollars per annum, to be al- lowed by the board, and paid out of the county treasury. The clerk of said board shall be allowed for each day's at- tendance on said board, while in session, three dollars per day; and for all other services required of him by this act, he shall receive a compensation of not more than fifty dollars per annum, to be allowed by the board and paid out of the county treasury. Sec. S. The said board shall have power, for any Board of interruption of their proceedings, or any contempt oi- imprisorifor f^red to them while in session, to imprison the offen- contempt. der or offenders, for each offence, not exceeding twenty- four hours. May fine See. 9. If any member of said board shall fail to at- members of tend any meeting authorized to be held by this act, he for^fa'Sr'^*^ shall be fined at the discretion of the board, in a sum of to attend ^^^ ^^^s than five, nor more than ten dollars, for each and their meet- every such failure to attend; and the said board shall ^"Ss, cause judgment ?zz si to be entered ; and if a good and suf- ficient excuse be not offered at the next term of the said board by the said failing member, judgment final shall be rendered, and the clerk of said board shall issue execu- tion for the recovery of said fine; and all moneys so col- lected, shall be paid into the treasury of the county. If the President of the board shall fail to attend any meet- ing thereof, it shall be the duty of the board to elect one of their body President, p7'0 tempore, who shall per- form the duties of President during said meeting, or until he shall appear and take his seat. In case the board of police shall fail to form a quorum on the first day of any regular or special term, the Sheriff may adjourn until the next succeeding day, and no longer. To divide ^^c. 10. The board of police shall have power, and public they are hereby required, to divide the public roads into roads into precincts or districts — direct what persons shall work on an!fdirect ^^^'^ road, SO that no person shall be compelled to work what per- on more than one road, nor more than six days, in any sons shall one veur: Provided, that thev ma v. at their discretion, BOABDS OF POLICE. 7 apportion the labor on said roads, having a due regard to work on their public utility. ^^'=^- Sec. 11. The board of county police shall annually gjjaiunnu- appoint overseers of roads or highways, whose duty it allyappoint shall be to give three days' previous notice, by himself °^<''^«^e''« or his Warner, by summons, in person or in writing, left ^^^ at their respective places of abode, of all free male per- sons over the age of sixteen and under fifty years of age, Duty of as well as to the owners or overseers of male slaves resi- overseers, ding within their respective precincts, except such per- sons as may be exempt from such service by law, to meet at such times and places as they may appoint, and to bring with them such tools to work with on the road as they may direct; and if any free person so summoned, shall fail to attend or send a substitute to work in his place; or if any slave so summoned, shall fail to attend Penalty for accordingly, or when attending shall neglect or refuse to fai'"''^ ^^ do and perform his or their duty therein, he oi" they ^.^^^j shall forfeit and pay a fine of one dollar and fifty cents per day, for every such failure, non-attendance or refu- sal to work, to be recovered in the manner hereinafter prescribed by this act, and paid into the county treasury. Sec. 12. When any overseer shall deem it necessary Overseer to employ teams and ploughs or scrapers on the roads, he mayemploy may agree with any person or persons in his division to persons to furnish the same, who shall be entitled to a credit, that is *"''"^*^i t PITHS f)H(l to say: For each two horse plough and team with gears piougi^g, and a hand to manage the same, three days' labor; [and for each ox plough and a team of three yoke of oxen and two hands to manage the same, five days' labor;] and for a good and sufficient iron or steel shod scraper, and two horses with a hand to manage the same, four days' labor; for every wagon and four horses, mule or ox team, fur- nished for the benefit of the road, with a liand to man- age the same, four days' labor; and each and every over- seer may, in his discretion, receive on the roads the labor of able bodied female slaves, in lieu of th'; labor of males. Sec. 13. It shall he the duty of the overseers of the roads, to make a list of all free persons and slaves by him ^''"" "'.. , , , , .'^ , , • t)ort a list summoned to work on the road, and to note thereon, spc- of persons cifyipg the names of such free persons, and also the failing to 8 AK ACT TO ESTABLISH work to a number of such slaves as may fail to atlend, without a justice of reasonable excuse, together with the names of the own- the peace ^^^ ^^ overseers of such slave or slaves as may fail to at- three days, tend and perform their duty, and rejjort the same to the nearest Justice of the Peace, within three days after such failure, whose duty it shall be to collect such fine as is ro- ProceediKg quired by this act; Provided, That no warrant shall ia- thereon. sue until ten days after the return of the said overseer; [after which time the return of the overseer] shall be final against such defaulter or defaulters, so far as relates to the costs. Sec. 14. It shall be lawful for any overseer, if requi- Overseer red by a majority of the workmen on the road assigned shall, when him, to lay offsuch road into equal divisions for the ease required, g^^^j convenience of the laborers, who shall finish his or into^divis- ^^eir parts within the time agreed on between him and ions, each free person, master, mistress or overseer; and in de- fault of any such agreeing party, the overseer is hereby authorized to cause such part to be finished by the hire of other persons to do the same, and thereon tender his account and demand payment; and on refusal, to sue for the same, and recover the money for his own use. Penalty for Sec. 15. All overseers of roads, who shaM refuse or failure todo neglect to do their duty, as is by this act directed, or who his duty, shall not keep the roads and bridges clear and in good repair, or let them remain out of repair for the space of ten days, unless hindered by extreme bad weather, or oth- er sufficient cause, to be adjudged of by the Justice of the Peace, shall forfeit, for every such offence, the sum of ten dollars, to be recovered as other fines are by this act, and paid into the county treasury. Sec. 16. It shall be the duty of every overseer of the road, immediately after his appointment, to demand Shall de- ^ li^t of every person within his district of all the hands mand a list he may have liable to work on roads; which list shall be of all the rendered on oatb, to be administered by the said overseer, tf'^f^ ','*'" which demand shall be made personal, or in writing left ' at the usual place of abode of the person applied to; and if any person shall refuse or neglect, for the space often days, to deliver a list thus required, to the said overseer, such person so refusing or neglecting shall forfeit and BOARDS OF POLICE. 9 pay the sum of six dollars for each hand liable to work so refused to be given in or returned. Sec. 1 7. It shall be the duty of all overseers of roads, Shall Tviih- xvithin six months after their appointment, to cause to be '"'' '"O'l'l^^ measured the roads of which thev have the supcrinten-"^^'*/"'^''"? 1 " 1 •/* 1 roaos una dence, if not already measured, and to erect, it not ah-ea- ,,,.(,^1 mile dy erected, a post of durable material, at the termination poita. of each mile, marking thereon, in lai'ge Roman charac- ters, the number of miles from the court house or prin- cipal town of their respective counties; and every over- seer failing herein, shall forfeit and pay the sum of five dollars, recoverable in manner hereinafter prescribed, and paid into the county treasury. Sec. IS. And every overseer of a road, who shall Penalty oa neglect to replace such post as shall have been destroyed failing. by accident or natural decay, at the regular time appoin- ted for working on said roads, shall forfeit and pay the sum of two dollars for each post thus neglected to be re- placed, to be recovered and applied as hereafter pre- scribed. Sec. 19. The overseer of roads, in their respective Shall hsTs precincts, shall, Avithinthe time before mentioned, cause posts crnc- posts to be erected where trees are not convenient, at . "' . " ', . ,. ^ ,, IT , -11 1 1 • inlersrction the intersection oi ail public roads, with boards and in- ^C pu',,iio dex hands pointing in the dii-ection of such roads, on roads, &.c. which shall be inscribed, in legible characters, the name of the town or place to which they severally lead, and the distance to the same, in computed m.iles; and any person or persons v/ho shall wilfully deface or destroy an}'' such post or index boards, shall, on conviction there- of, forfeit and pay the sum often dollars, to be recover- ed and applied as hei'einafter prescribed; and an}^ over seer of t:.e road, who shall neglect or refuse to put up and keep in complete repairs, the index boards directed in this section, shall forfeit and pay five dollars, to be re- covered and applied as hereinafter direc'cd. Sec. 20. The overseers of roads shall be authorized i\^py ^j,,, to employ a suitable person to prepare and paint the ploy ptr. signs to be j)ut up, and each mile post, and likewise index ^o'.'* . "» board=, and present his account tn the board of police for P*'"' *'^'^ allowance; who arc hereby required to order the sanic priid out of fhe funds of the county. S'lC. 21. Fjirh o\ersecr of Uio road» sli.ill, oa Ihrf boti'.ii.. 10 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH To make a fii st day of regular Spring and Fall sessions of the board true return qjj- county policc, make a true return to the board of the of road &c. ^^'^^'"'^^^^'^ "^^^ ^'^'^ road under his charge — the number of days he has worked on the same — the number of hands under his charge — the number of defaulting hands — and the amount of fines collected ; together with the ability of the hands to keep the road in good repair: and on p . failure thereof, he shall be liable to a fine not exceeding twenty dollars, to be sued for, recovered and applied as is provided for in other cases of default in this Sec. 22. In all cases in vacation of the board of po- lice, where the appointment of overseer may become to fiT va- "^'^cant, it shall be the duty of the President of the board cancyinva-to fill the Same by appointment; and every person thus catioa of appointed shall be subject to all the penalties of a de- board, faulting overseer in this act, for refusal to serve, or neglect of duty. Sec. 23. All roads shall hereafter be laid out by a Roads to be jury of disinterested freeholders or householders, to be laid out by appointed by the board of police, to consist of twelve, ^ ^* who having agreed on a verdict, shall seal up the same, and return it to the board of police. The board shall de- signate the time and place for the meeting of said jury, who being tluly sworn by the Sheriff of the county, shall proceed to lay out said road, and assess such damages aa may be just and reasonable; and the amount of damages (if any,) shall be paid out of the county treasury, by order of said board: Provided nevertheless, that any person or persons who may feel themselves aggrieved by the verdict of said jury, shall make his objection to the same before the board of police, who shall make such order as they may deem just and equitable. Sec. 24. It shall be the duty of the sheriff to give pv .p. each juror at least five days notice of the time and place Bhall give designated for their meeting; and any juror failing or notice to refusing to attend such meeting, shall be fined by the juror. board of police, at their next meeting, in a sum not ex- ceeding ten dollars: Provided always, that a reasonable excuse may be received by said board. Sec. 25. All roads now laid out and opened accord- lued public '^^% ^° ^^^ provisions of this act, shall be deemed public fpiuXir rpad^, and shall be at least ten and not more than th'rty BOARDS or POLICE. 11 feet wide. The width of the road shall be specified to the respective overseers, and when they may deem it ex- pedient to make or repair causeways over the same roads; they shall be at least sixteen feet wide, and the earth necessary to raise and cover the said causeway, [shall be taken from each side of the cuuseway,] so as to form a ditch on each side of the same. Sec. 26. The overseers of each and every road with- Q^^^^^g^ in this state, for the time being, is hereby authorized to authorized appoint one white male person liable to WLrk on the toflppointa road, by giving him notice in writing, together witli a pers"" to list of all the hands liable to work on the road, whose Iq^™^^" duty shall be to warn all hands within the overseer's road district, in the same manner, and under the same pen- alties as the several overseers are by law directed to do; and it shall be his duty to return the said list upon oath to the overseer, designating the hands warned, under the penalty of ten dollars, to be recovered before any justice of the peace, and to be accounted for and applied as other fines and penalties as directed by this act; and the person appointed by the overseer to warn the hands and doing his duty, shall be exempt from working on the road for that time. Sec. 27. When any bridge is necessary over any When stream, and the overseer with his hands cannot conven-^'^^.^'^^ '^^ ienti v make the same, the board of police shall, and thev ^° 'f^ Vr . .- , 1-11 1 - contract for arc hereby authorized and empowered, to contract ior thehuiliiing the building and keeping the same in repair; and when of bridge. it shall be necessary over any creek or river which di- vides one county from another; the board of police of each county shall join in the agreement for building, keeping and repairing the same; and the charge thereof shall be defrayed by both counties, in proportion to the number of taxaliles in each. Sec. 28. All and every contract and agreement of AW con. the board of police of any of the counties in this State, |"'"^^^'^*^"^* entered into or made for or concerning the building, i°e'^p.^i(fa! keeping or repairing of bridges, in sucli manner as to gainst them them may seem meet and j^roper, shall be good against unJ ilicir them and their successors in ollicc. eucccsBora. Sec. 29. The clerk of the board of police in each and qi^^j^ gj^^u every county in tliis state, is hereljy authorized to issue issue bi» his warrant on the county treasury of his county, for 'vyirant ok ^^ AN ACT. TO ESTABLlSEt oonntytrea- any allowance made by said board, and the treasurer •'^'''" of sa'd county is hereby authorized to pay the same out of any money in the treasury not otherwise ap- propriated. Sec. 30. The boards of county police, throuo;h whose counties run large water courses or creeks, which, from Jr"l^Z!!'''^^^^^'' rapidity and width of the stream, may be too bur- res to con- ^''cnsome to bridge and keep them in repan',by a tax on tract for f ^^ inhabitants, shall be and they are hereby authorized, the build- if they deem it necessary, to contract with builders to brfl-c3 'oJ ^"^-^ ^°^^ bridges or extensive causeways, for each of caufewajs^ wiiich the board of police are hereby authorized and re- quired to fix a certain toll on persons, horses, carriages, cattle, sheep and liogs passing over tlie some, andtlie revenue arising therefrom shal! for such a number of years as the said board of police may agree upon, be granted unto the builders of such bridgesor causeways, their heirs and assigns for the time agreed on, and it shall be the duty of the undertaker or undertakers to keep such bridges or causeways in constant repair: and in de- fault thereof for one month, at any one lime, he, she or they shall forfeit all right and title to tl;e tolS of such bridges and cau.-'evvayg as allowed b3' the board of police: Provided nevertheless, tliat the board of police may make allowance for any accident, high water or fire, as they may deem proper. IfhriJgo or See. 31. If any bridge or causeway, or any public i-auseway road be at any time so damaged by high water or other- byhl^h wa T'^^'^^ ^° ^'^"*^^^' it dangerous for travelers to go over tcr, "over- ^'^^ same, it shall be the duty of the overseer of the road «eer shall fof the district in which such bri;lge or causeway may f'^'h °d- '^^ situated, to order out tlie working hands allotted to tyr^pai'the ^''^^ ^'Strict, or SO many of them as may be necessary to tajae. repair the same immediately, although they m-ay have previously worl-'ed six days on the public highways; and if any overseer shall neglect so to do, being so com- manded by one of tlie board of police iii writing, it shall bithe duty of said member of police to employ a suffi- cient number of hands to repair such bridge or cause- way; and all j-easonable charges for such repairs, shall ba repaid by such overseer to said member of police; and i: said overseer fail to repay such sum as may be re- quirej and paid by the same member of police, to return BOARDS Oy POLICE. IS the amount to the next police board wlio shall enter judgment against such overseer. Sec. 32. If any pei-son shall fell any bush or tree in- Penulty for to any public highway, or obstruct the same in any man- obstructing; ner whatever, and shall not remove the same within ^^ "^^•''" twenty-four hours, it shall be deemed a nuisance; and every person so offending, shall forfeit and pay two dol- lars for every twenty-four hours such obstruction shall so remain. And the overseer of the district where such may be, is hereby required to remove the same, and charge the same to such oflender, and also return the number of days such obstruction so removed across said public road to the board of police, who may pass judg- ment not only for the charges paid by the overseer, but for the number of the days the offender suffered such ob- struction to remain unremoved. Sec. 33. If any person refuse to serve on any road Pcnpltr for as an overseer, agreeable to the order of the board of po- leiisin? to lice of his county, he shall for.eit and pay the sum of fif- ^'^'^'^ "*. ty dollars, ru^coverablc before any court having jurisdic- ^^^^ lion of the same; and every overseer who may refuse to serve, shall, within ten days alter tiie receipt of his ap- pointment, nolify the same to the president of the board of police of his refusal or non-acceptance, under the pen- alty ol" t .n dollars, to be colIccLcd and applied as other fines a:Kl penalties under this act; and the president of the board upon receiving sue h notice, shall be, and he is hereby auihorizeu and required to appoint a successor to serve for the residue of the term: Provided, That no person shall be comj)ellcd to serve more than one year in three. Sec. 34. The clerk of the board of county police Penalty . Vo person shuil lur.n. alter or change any No ron.n-o public road, Ulile^•5^ il be bv the order of tlic bo;ird of char.g".-*! 14 AW ACT TO ESTABLISH but by or- county police; nor shall any old road be shut up, until der ot tnej.j^g overseer shall certify to the board of police that the police. ^^^^ road is, in all respects, agreeable to the requisition of the law. Board of po Sec. 3C, The board of county police of each and lice requir- every county in this State, shall have full power and au- pel'ovvneTs ^ho^'ity? and they are hereby required to compel all per- of ferries & sons who now are, or hereafter ahall be authorized to keep toll bridges a pubUc, ferry, or who shall own a bridge I'ecciving toll to giveiiond -^yij-iiij-^ gr^jj county or counties, to give bond and securi- sec ri- ^y .^^ g^^^j^ ^^^^ ^^ ^j^^ board of police may require, to the President of the board of police and his successors in Condition office, with condition tha' he, she or they shall and will of bond constantly find, provide and keep good and sufficient boats, or other proper crafts, and keep such bridges and causeways in good repair, also the banks on each side of the water courses, a? the case may be; and always to bo well attended for travellers or other persons, to carry or pass their horses, carriages and effiscts over any river or creek, or over any such bridge or causeway; and if any person shall sustain damage by any ferry-man or keeper of a toll bridge or causeway, not having complied with the condition of his bond, the person sustaining such damage may bring an action of debt against such ferry- man or bridge keeper on such bond, in the name of such President and his successor in office, and recover for such non-performance of the said condition, so much damage as he, she or they sliall appear to have sustained, thereupon take out execution for whatever shall be re- covered, and apply the same to his, her or their use; and it shall and may, be lawful for any person detained at Damages any public ferry, by reason of such ferrymen not having may bn re- sufficient boats, and other proper crafts and hands, or by covers . neglecting his duty, to make application to some Justice of the Peace, who is hereby lequired to issue his war- rant and impose such fine on said ferrymen, not exceed- ing ten dollars, as to such justice may seem just and equi- table; Pro y^'t/e a?, that an) such recovery shall not extend Proviso. 1^0, or be deemed to bar any action for personal damages sustained by any person or persons by reason of the in- sufficiency of the said ferries, boats and bridges thereat. Proceeding Sec. 37. Be it further enacted, That whenever it aa refusal ■ , t -i ■ • r • i IS necessary to build or repair any bridge or causeway. BOARDS Off FOLICS. iS the overseer of the road upon which such bridge orofo^nerof causeway is to be erncted or rcj-inired, shall apply to the ?"^t°g'^» proprietor of the land upon which such causeway or building bridge is to be erected or repaired, for the timber ne- bridges or cessary for such bridge or causeway; and if said pro- causeway*.^ prietor shall refuse to permit said overseer to take from his land the timber necessary therefor, it shall be lawful for him to take and use so much as is necessary. Pro- vided, That he shall, within ten days after taking the same, summon seven appraisers, who shall assess the value of the timber thus taken and applied to repairs of the road; and the amount so assessed shall be paid to tlie proprietor out of the county treasury, upon the cer- tificate of the overseer taking and using the same. %^nd provided further, That the parties shall not be de- prived of the ri