B ►rnia ,? ^OF-CALIFO/?^ ^OFCAllFOfy* ^ ^AHvaaiH*' ^Aavaan-^ 2 5 ,\\tf(JNIVEItf/A v^lOSANCEL/jv. o ' ,1 ^UIBRARYQc, ^OFCALIF(%, ■^HIBRARYQ< ^OJUVD-jtf^ ^F-CAUKM^ t\£> ^lOSANGEtfjV ^OFCAllFOfy^ ^OK KVSOl^ v/^3AlNn-3Wv ^Aiivaan^ >&ah\ »ARYQr ^UIBRARYfl/ Si I«i ALIFOfy^ ^OFCAllFOfy^ Rl /aaiH^ y 0AavaaiH^ or < ^E-UNIVERS/a. ^clOS- "? tm*m.Jf VO li- NIVER% f NV-SOV^ WER% ^lOSANCElfj^ ^/mainii^ t?1 ^i iicti g g 6 ^UIBRARY^ ^W ^OJITCHO^ ^KMI ^OF-CALIF(% ^cOF-C Ival iv £EYS TO THE CLASSICS. J*_\ \ o THE ODYSSEY HOMER; 7 CONSTRUED LITERALLY, AND WORD ?X>R WO&D- - \J, i. OLX-J ', ^. A By the Eev. Br GILES, ■KlQjl ? thus eppvaaro did he save erapov? his com- panions, lejjLevos rrep though bent upon it : oXovro jap for they perished a^ereprjaiv ara he on the one hand fi€T€KLa0e was going to visit AiQioiras the ODYSSEY, T. 1 ^Ethiopians eovras who live rrfkoOe at a distance — AlOlottcis ./Ethiopians, rot who BeBaiarai are divided oY^&x into two parts, ea-^aroi, remotest avSpcov of men, ol jiev the ones 0W0- /zez/oL' 'Tirepiovo^ as Hyperion [the sun] is setting, ol Be and the others aviovros as he is rising, avriocov going to partake eKaro/jifir)? of a hecatomb ravpcov re both of bulls /cat and apveiaov of young rams. EvOa there 676 he repTrero was delighting himself Trapijfjievos sitting at Bain, the feast : ol Be Br) aWoi, but the others indeed rjcrav were adpoot, assembled eve fiejapoLcnv in the halls Ztjvos 0\v/jl7tlov of Olympian Jupiter; roiat Be and to them irarrip the father avBpwv re both of men 6ecov i£ and of gods r)px e began /ivdcov [these] words — MvTjcraro yap for he bethought himself Kara Vvfiov in his soul afivf^ovo^ AcyiaOoio ol ths blameless iEgisthus toi/ pa whom it seems Aya/jLefivoviBT)? A.gamemnon's son tt)\€k\vto<; OpeaTrjs far-famed Orestes e/crave slew : rov of him oye he eTrifivrjaOe^ bethinking himself fierr]vBa spoke among aOavaroicn the immortals €7rca [these] words. 32. "ft 7ro7Toi gods ! oiopSt) vv how now indeed /3poroi do mortals acriocovrai complain of Oeovs the gods / beyond destiny acpjjo-Lt araaOaXurja-L by their own deeds of rashness -. &)? as /cat zw now also AiyiaOos iEgisthua Imep fxopov beyond destiny yrj/iev has married 8 HOMER'S a\ox ov pvrjo-riiv the wedded wife ArpetSao of the son of Atreus, ocrave Be and slew rov him vorrrrjaavra when lie returned, et8 hefnro told o/' to him, we/i^ame? sending 'Ep/xciav Hermes, Apyei^ovnjv evaKoirov the sharp- ening slayer of Argus, /^Te neither /cretveiv to slay airrov him, /-Hire nor /xvaaadat to WOO a^omi/his wife: Tiaisyap for vengeance Arpei- (,/(,, for the son of Atreua ecr^eTOt shall arise *f Opkarao from Orestes, othtots a? when vP^ari re he shall both be grown up /cat and Ifietpereu fa smitten with desire //v at?/? of his [native] land. r /2v thus e0i\roy r.wwy from hfi friends, ev vi)aat in an isle ) surrou nthni with water, 6th re and where c in it rate* inhabits Sco/iara palaces, dvyarrfp daughter ArXamo^ of Alias 0X006001/09 of Mm: fearful mind, 6? T€ who also 0*06 knows SevOea the depths ircurrjs 6a\a Ouyarrjp liis daughter Karepv/ca i\v- tains 8 vo*Tt;i>oj> the wretched [ Ulysses] otivpofievov Lamenting, aiciSe and ever peX/yetis Boothinghim XoyoMTL with words /xaXaKOiai soft «CM and r/f'/n/- Xiowtdeceitf ul, otto)? by which means «rf.Xi;©'eTai lie shall forgel IdatcT)<; IMmea : avrap but Ocw- c-eu? Ulysses, le/ievo? longing vorjaat to see KM /ttwn/oi/cvni the smoke airodpaxritovra bounding off >}? yau?? from his native land, Ifieiperai longs davcetv to die. OuSe i/u tc and not even now, OXv/jlttlc Olympic [king], o-ot Trep in thee however <^)t\oi; ?;Top thy heart ivrpeireTaL is turned ! Ou wtc O&vacrevs and did not now Ulysses yapiC^-jo please thee Traoa 7';/wrrt by the ships Apyeuov of the Greeks /WW offering tepa sacrifices, Tpoirj evevpeirj in wide Troy ? TV i/f why now ooSfo-ixo wast thou anurv roaov so greatly av XaOotfiTjv could I forget Oeioio OBvcr7]os the divine Ulysses 69 w T ho eartv is irepc fxev above SpoTcov mortals voov in mind ? irepi Be and pre- eminently eScofcev hath given [pa sacrifices 6e- oigiv aOavaroiai to the immortal gods, tol who eyovcriv occupy evpvv ovpavov wide heaven ? AXXa but noaecBaoov yair}o)(p<: earth -enclosing Neptune Ke^oXayrai bas been angered atet ever aavceXe? unceasingly Kv/cXcdtto? [on account] of the Cyclops, 6v who aXacocre became blind ocf)0a\/xov of his eye. IIoXv Bi] from that [cause] forsooth TloaeiBawv Neptune evoai^dcDV that shakes the earth ourt by no means icara/crewei slays OBvaria Ulysses, irXa^et Be but misleads him airo 7raTpiBos airjs from his father-land. AXXa but ayere come, ^et? let us oi£e who are here iravre<; all 7rept(f>pa£a)p,eda contrive vovtqv his return, 9-rw? that eXdyaiv he may ODYSSEY, I. 11 come : IloaeiBawv Be but Neptune fieOrjcrec shall' dismiss 6v %o\ov his wrath : ov fiev yap Bvvricre. rac for he will not be able re at all olos alone epiBatve^ev to strive avria in the opposite direction ae/c^Tt against the will aOavajwv Oecov of the immortal gods." 80. Tov Be but him eirena then 6ea y\av- /ca)7Ti? the blue-eyed goddess AOrjvr} Minerva r)/jLei/3ero answered : " fl nrarep rj/jierepe our father, KpoviBr) son of Saturn, virare supreme KpetovTcov of rulers, ei /iev Brj if indeed vvv now vovto this (pekov is dear puaKapeaai Oeoiai to the happy gods, OBvarja Balfypova that the wise-minded Ulysses voarrjo-cu should return ovBe BofjiovSe to his homeward, eirevra forthwith orpwofjuev we [will] stir up e Ep/xeiav [iev Hermes on the one hand BiaKropov the conductor, ApjeKpovTrjv slayer of Argus, vrjaov e? flyvycrju [to go] to the Ogygian isle, ocfrpa that Tayiara with utmost speed eiirrj he may tell vv/jl^t) evifKoKa^w to the nymph with beauteous tresses VTj/ieprea f3ov\r)v our unswerving counsel, vogtov the return OBvarjos raXacrLcppovos of the patient-minded Ulysses, &>? that ver\iai ice he may- return. Avrap but eyoov I eaeXevaoixau will go to lOaKrjv Ithaca, ocj>pa that eirorpvvoi I may stir up oi for him v lov his son fxaXKov more, kcu and #eiw may place pbevos firmness er fypeaiv oi in his breast, KaXeaavra calling Kapij/cofio- (ovras Ayaiovs the hair-crested Greeks et? ayoprjv to a meeting, aireiirejiev to speak out 7ra avOpwiroioiv among men."" 96. \f2? thus etirovaa having spoken eh-qcrara she bound vtto iroaaiv under her feet kclXcl ireh- Cka her beautiful sandals, apifipocna ambrosial, jjpvaeia golden, ra which epov used to bear fin her 7;/x6z^both efivypr)? over wet T^Se and €7r' airei- pova ryaiav over endless land afia irvotrj^; with blasts avefxoLo of wind. ElXero he and she took oXkl/xov 67^0? her valiant spear, aicayjxevov pointed o%ei va\/c<>> with sharp brass, ftpidv heavy, ^70, long, ariftapov stiff, tco with which 8afiv7] by far TrfKepLa^o^ OeoetBrjs godlike Telemachus iBe saw : rjaro her right hand kcu and eSe^aro received XaX/ceov €7%o? her brazen spear kcli and (fxovqaas addressing /xlv her 7rpocrr)vha spoke to her e7rea rrrepoevra winged words. 123. " Xaipe hail, %eive stranger-guest, i\ricreaL thou wilt be kindly received irap' apupbL among us : avrap but eirena afterwards iraacra- fievos having tasted henrvov of supper pLvOrjo-ecu thou shalt tell us orreo of what ere xpV thou hast need." 125. '/2? thus earwv having spoken rjyeiro he led the way, r) Be and she ITaWa? AOrjvrj Pallas Minerva ea-irero followed. 'Ore Be Br] pa but when indeed then oi they ecrav 'were evroaOev within Bofiov vyfrr)\oLo the lofty house, ey^o? /Ltei^ pa the spear then on the one hand (bepcov carrying ecrrrjerev he placed irpos mova uaKpr]v against a long column evroaOev within ev^oov BovpoBofcrjs the well-polished spear-stand, cvOa irep where indeed iroXka a\Xa eyyea many other spears raXaai^povo^ OBvaarjos of the stout-hearted Ulysses lararo were standing, avrrjv Be but herself aywv leading elcrev he placed et? Bpovov on a seat, u7ro ireraaaa^ having strewn beneath Xira cloths, ku\zv beautiful ODYSSEY, T. 15 Sa&akeov carved; inro he and beloT^e was Qprjvvs a foot-stool iroai for the feet, flap he and by the side avros himself 6ero placed TToacikov fcXicrfjLov a variegated couch, exrode apart dXXcov fiv^arrjpoiv from the other suitors ; fir) lest %eivo<; his guest avnjOecs annoyed opv/iayhw by the disturbance ahhijaece might be disgusted henrvw at the banquet, fiereXdcov having come amongst virepfyiaXoLcn overbearing men, r)he and iva that epoiro he might ask fiLv him irepi Tarpon about his -father airoixo- fievoco away from home. A^litoXo^ he and a handmaid fapovaa bringing yepvifta water for the hands eirexeve poured it out nrpoypwt in an ewer /coXy beautiful, ^pvaecy golden, iirep upyvpeoco \.e{3r)TOS over a silver basin, vi^acrOai to wash [in] : irapa he and by their side €ravvaaev he extended ^earr]v rpaire^av a polished table. Auhoir) he tcl/jut) and a venerable housekeeper fapovaa bringing anov food irape- diy/ce placed it by them, eiriQeuja putting on [the table] eihara iroXXa many meats, ^apilofievT] gratifying them Trapeovrcov from the things present- Aairpos Be and the carver aeipas taking up Tnvaicas chargers tcpeicov irav- toioov of all kinds of meats irapeOrj/ce placed it by them, irapa he and near riOeu he placed of Phemius, 0? /m who then 7?et8e sang avarfKr) by compulsion /xe-nx pLvrjarripcnv among the suitors. Hrot in truth 6 he opfii&v harping avejBaXkero made the prelude aetBeiv to sing /eaXoz/ a beautiful song. Avrap but TrjXe/iaxos Telemachus Trpoaety) addressed ykav/camv AOrjvnv blue- eyed Minerva uypv holding fcefaXrjv his head ayX 6 near, wa that 0* aXAot the others firj TrevOotcLTQ might not hear. 158. " Ueive ike dear guest, rj kcli vefze- cTjveai. wilt thou also be angry pot. with mc ODYSSEY, 1. 17 QT>Ti /cev at what cnrco I may say *: Tovtokti pa to these indeed ravra these things p,e\£i are a care, KiOapis harp kcli and aoihr] song; peta without dificulty, €7ret since ehovao they are eating vtjttolvov uncompensated aWorptov (Bio- rov another's livelihood, avepos of a man ov Brj of whom indeed \ev/ca oa-rea the white bones irvOe- rai are rotting opLJSpcp in the rain, Ketpbeva lying £7r' 7]7T6ipov upon the main-land, 97 or /ay-ta the wave KuXcvSeb -is rolling them ea> aXc in the salt [sea] . El if ihotaro they might see neivovye him at least voaTtjaavra returned Ida/crjvSe to Ithaca, iravres all of them aprjaaiaro ice wonld prayetvat to be e\a i> Se but now 6 fiev he indeed anrokwXev has perished &)? thus Aca/coi> yuopoi> by an evil fate, ovSe nor rt? OaXircopr) is there any consolation 77/xty to us, et- 7rep if yet Tt\ero has vanished ! AWa but aye come enre say ToSe this (jlol to me /cat and Karaket-ov relate arpeKeax; truly : Tt? who, nroOev whence et? art thou avepwv of men ? 7to#a where to* «7ro\t? is thy city T^Se and To/cye? parents ! 'Ottttol^ 8' eirt vqos and on what kind of ship afafcao didst thou arrive ? 7nu? Se and how z/ain-at did sailors^7a7ov bring ce thee et? I&a/crjv to Ithaca ? T«/e? who evyeToavrM do they boast eivai to be ? Oy uev yap olojuu Ml 18 HOMER'S for I do not think rt, at all ae that thou weaOai hast come evdaSe here iretyv by land. Kat and ayopevaov tell fioi to me roSe this errfrvpiov true, oc/>/)a that etSco I may know ev well. He either /Ae0e7rei$ dost thou visit us veov newly, 77 or /cat, also ecrcrt art thou irarpwios %eivo<; my father's guest? eirec since ttoXKol aWou avepes many other men to-ai> knew rjfierepov Sa> our house, €7rec since /cat /eewo? he also tjv was eTricTTpocpos conversant avdpcoTrcov of men/" 178. Toi> he but him ai/Te in reply 6ea y\av- «a>7T4? the blue-eyed goddess A6r)vr) Minerva irpoaeenrev addressed, " Totyap in truth then r/o) I ayopevaoi will tell tol to thee ravra these things /xaXa arpefceoos most truly. Evxpfiai I boast ewat to be Mevrr)<; Mentes u/09 son £ai- cf>povo<; Ay%ia\oio of the sage-minded Anchialus, arap but avaaarD I am king Tafyiounv over the Taphians (piXr/perfMoccrc who love rowing. JVW Se but now KarrjXvOov I have come down wSe here fiw i^£ with a ship ^Se and erapouri, com- panions, TrXecov sailing eiri oivoira ttovtov over the dark sea eir' aWoOpoovs avdpunrovs to men of other speech, e? TefjLearjv to Temese fiera XaXtcov after brass, ayco Be and I carry aiQ&va j-ihrjpov bright iron. Nrjvs 8e yLtot rjSe and this my ship ecrrrj/ce stands eir aypov at the country vq some- where epvfcavoa)o~L detain iceivov him aeicovra unwilling. Avrap but eyco I yiw now fiavrev- aofiac will foretell rot to thee, o>? as adavarot, immortals fiaWovo-t cast it ew #f/£? as oio) I think re\eeo-6ai it will be fulfilled, oure neither e&v being t* a* *11 fiawc? a prophet, oi/re nor ct&»9 knowing 20 HOMER'S cafya clearly ouovcov about omens ; ov rot €i\r)<; airo irarpiho^ 0:477? away from his dear native land, ovSe not even CLirep re if also e^rjaiv he have aiBrjpea Secrfia bonds of iron. 4pa? that verjrai tee he may return, eirei since ecrriv he is TToKvixrj^avo^ a man of many contrivances. AWa but aye come eiire tell not, to me roBe this /cat and rcaraXel-ov relate arpeicetos with truth, et if S?? indeed et? thou art roaos irais so great a son ef avroco 08v#a 7re/> rhere forsooth aXkoi others ol apia-roi the best Apyeicov of the Argives e(3av went kolXtjs ein vqvcTLV in their hollow ships. Etc rovBe from that [time] ovre neither eycov I ihov have seen O0W770; Ulysses ovre nor #e«>o? he e/ie me/' 213. jT'tip $e bat her av again TrfKetia^o^; weTTvv/ievos the prudent Telemachus tjuSo; spoke to avTiov in reply : " Tocyap in truth then eyco I ayopevaco will tell rot to thee ^aXa aTpe/ceco? very truly, fewe friend. Mrjrrjp fiev to* my mother indeed in truth $T)e\ov ought vv now efjLfxevai to be v lo? most haughtily haivvaOau to be feasting Kara Scoaa throughout the house : avrjp a man to HOMER'S vepeao-rjo-aLTO tcev would be indignant opowv seeino 1 iroXKa aia%ea their many indignities, octtls whosoever irivvro<; Se thus Oavovri irep [over him] though dead, eu if Sa//,?; he had been subdued fiera 01? erapoiat with his companions evi Brjfia) among the people Tpcocov of the Trojans, rje or ev \epaiv in the hands (pikcov of his frieubs, 67ret when ro\v7T6vaev he had wound up irokefiov the war : tco whereby Havayaioi the Panachseans [all the Greeks ]e7rot^(7ai; Kev would have made rvfifiov fiev a tomb indeed ot for him, r)8e and ^aro Kev he would have gained /ceya /cXeo? great glory /cat also u> iraihi for his son oTriaaca after him. 2Vw he but now 'Apirviai the Harpies av7}Qei^ravT0 have snatched away juz> him ODYSSEY, I. 22 arc\€LQ)<; without glory ! a>x eT0 ne i s gone aidivv6ovcn waste (mkoz; e/z,oz/ my house eSo^re? eating it up : raya Bi] speedily indeed Biappaiaovcn they will rend asunder rcai /j,e avrov myself also. 252. Tov Be but him ZlaAXa? A6 V vrj Pallas Minerva e7ra\acrT7)o-aaa being troubled irpocr- TjvBa addressed: " fl ttottol O gods! 77 Srj truly indeed Bevy thou hast need iroXXov much airoi-yoyievov OSvcttjos of Ulysses absent, 6 who c^et?; Ke might lay %eipa<$ hands fivr^arrjpGLV avaiBeaiv on the shameless suitors. El yap lor if vvv now e\6cov coming arait] he should titaiid ev TrpcDTyai Ovprjaiv at the first doors 24 HOMER'S Sofiov of his house, eyu>v having 7rr)\r)/ca his helmet, kcli and aairiha shield, kcli and Bvo Sovpe two spears, ecov being tow? such olov as 670) I evorjaa saw /-uy him Ta irpcora at the first, otKo) ex> rjfjLerepcp in our house irtvovra re ooth drinking repirofievov re and enjoying him- self, aviovza returning ef Ecpvpr}? from Ephyra [Corinth] 7ra^ IXou from Ilus Mep/xepi&ao son of Mermerus. OSvacrevs yap for Ulysses w^ero went kcli Keice thither also #077? eirt vr)o<$ in his swift ship Si&fjLevos seeking cpapfia- kov poison avhpocpovov that kills men, ocbpa that a?; it might be ol for him yjpitctQai to smear iou? his arrows ya\nr)pm<$ fitted with brass : aXka but /Liey he indeed ov Scarce did not give any ol to him, eiret pa because it seems vefJLecrt^ero he feared #eou? aet eovras the ever-living gods. ^4\/\.a but irarrjp e^o? my father hcoKe gave it ot to him ; cptKeeo-fce yap for he loved him aivcos wonderfully — 7oto? such ecov being OSvacrevs [if] Ulysses 0^1- 7\.r)o~eLe were to fall in fivrjar^pcn with the sui- tors, Travres all they yevotaro ice would become co/cvfAopot, re both swift of fate TriKpoyafioi re and ruing these nuptials. -4\Xa but tjtol indeed "avra these things KeiTai lie e^ yovvaatv on :he knees 0ea>i> of the gods, ij whether voo~7T)o~a$ naving returned airoTicreTai Kev he should take vengeance, rje icai ovkl or also he should not, olaiv evi fieyapoicri in his own halls : o~e Be but thee avcoya I bid cppa^ecrOai to contrive ottttcos Dy what means airwaeaL thou shalt drive awav ODYSSEY, I. 25 iivr]pahe speak puvOov a word irao-i to all, Oeot he and let the gods earwv be eTTLjiaprvpoi witnesses. AvwxOv command pAJ^a-nqpa^ jiev the suitors indeed a/ahvaadao to disperse themselves ern afyerepa to their own homes, firjrepa he and [as to] thy mother, ei if Oupos ol her mind ecfropfiarac is eager yapieecrdai to be married, tTa> let her go ayfr back e? [ieyapov to the house irarpo<; of her father /Lte7a hvva- fxevoio whose power is great; oi Be but they, revgovcn shall make ya/iov a marriage, /cat and apTweovat, shall prepare ee8z/a dowry gifts, iroXka fiaXa very many, ocro-a as many eoacev it is fit eireaQai should follow (f>L\r]<; ein 7raihoepa brings /cXeo? report avOpco- TToicn to men. Tlpowr- aev in the first place 26 HOMER' S e\Qs go e? Tlvkov to Pylos, kcll and eipeo ask Nearopa Blov the divine Nestor, icei6e.v Be and from thence ^irapT7]vBe to Sparta irapa %av6ov MeveXaov to the auburn-haired Menelaus ; o? yap for he 77A0e came BevTaros last -4^ajft)z; Xa7ucoxi>TG>v(ov of the brazen-cuirass' d Achaeans. El pep if on the one hand a/coveys tee thou shouldsfc hear of fiiorov the life kcll and voarov return Trarpos of thy father, rjroL in truth, rpv- ■%op,evo<> irep though wearied, rXair)? av thou mightest wait ert still eviavrov a year. El Be but if aicovcrris Ke thou shouldst hear redvqwTos of liim dead yu^Se eoz^To? and not living ert any longer, eireiTaBr) then indeed voarrrjaas return- ing cf>L\rjv e? irarpi^a jcllclv to thy dear father land, %evat re both pile up ar\\ia a monument ot for him kcil and e7rt thereon KTepel^m solemnize Kiepea funeral rites /jlclXcl 7roWa very many, ocrcra as many as eoLicev are fitting, «rat and hovvai give fir)Tepa thy mother ai/e/n to an husband. Avrap but €7^ 8?; when indeed reXevTrjerrjs re thou shalt have both completed teat and e/^? done ravra these things, eireLra Btj then indeed peva in thy breast /cat and Kara Qvyuov in thy mind, O7r7rco? by what means fcreLvys Ke thou mayst kill pLvr]her SoAa) by deceit 77 or aiifya. Bov openly : ovBe nor ^prj ae doth it behove thee tl at all o^eew to entertain v7)7TLaas child- ishnesses, €7ret since ecrcrt thou art ovkctl no onger ttjXlkos of such [childish] age. If ovh ODYSSEY, I. 27 u'ias dost thou not hear, olov icXeos what renown &0? Opearrjs the divine Orestes e\\a/3ei' has gained €7tl Travras avSpodirov*; among all men, eirei when eicravev he slew irarpocpovrja, the murderer of his father -4 vycaOov iEgisthus oo\o- /LtT/rw of deceitful plans, 6? who e/era slew ot for him it are pa kKvtov his illustrious father ? Kcu av and thou, <£t\o? friend — 6/ooa) 7a/? for 1 see ere thee fia\a nakov re both very noble /xeyau re and tall — eaao be thou dkKCfxo^ valorous, Iva that rt? any one kcli even o-frijovcov of late posterity e£7r?7 may speak of ae thee ev with honour. Avrap but €70^ I rjSr) now Karekev- aofAcu will go down 67rt ^a ^o^z^ to my swift ship 7)Se and erapow; my companions, 0/ who fiaXa aa^akooiaiv arc very vexed fievovres waiting for fie me irov somewhere : fieXerco Se but let it be a care aot. to thee, kcli and efura- £eo take note eficov fivOcov of my words. " 306. T?^ 8e but her av again T^Xe/m^o? TreTTWfjievos the prudent Telemachus 771^0. spoke to avriov in reply: " Ee^e stranger, t;to4 /ze^ in truth ayopeveis thou speak est (ppovecov devising ravra these things (j>Cka friendly ware as Trarrjp a father w 7ratSt to his son, icai and ovirore never Xrjaofiao shall I forget ai»Tcoz; them, ^4XXa but «7e vvv come now eirifieivov remain, €7reiyofievockov rjTop thy dear soul, /a?7? thou mayst go e7rt vrja to thy ship ^aw having hoypov a gift, 28 ODxSSEY, L yaipwv joying evi dv/xcp in mind, Tifirjev a eostiy [gift], fia\a koKov very beautiful, d which carat, shall be tceifufXiov an heir-loom roc to thee e£ e/xey from me : ola such as t\ot feum friendly hosts BlBovctl give gecvoicn to their guests. " 314. Toy Se but him eirei-ra then #ea yXavfccoiTLs the blue-eyed goddess AOqv-v) Minerva Tj/jueifieTo answered : " Mrj tcarepufce do not detain tie me vvv now ert any longer, XiXaLOfxevop irep as I am eager for oho to my journey. Acopov Be but the gift, ottl zee whatso- ever (piXovr/rop thy dear soul avcoyei bids BoVai to give fioi to me, Bofievat give avep^ofievw U» me returning aim? again epea6ai to bear oi/covBe to my home, /cat and e\a>i> receiving also /xa\a KaAoy a very noble one : o-ot £e but to ftaee 6gtcli it shall be a£{oy worthy a/iof/ify? of the exchange." o j 319. H pL€v apa she then indeed enrovaa having spoken co? thus aire^t) went away ykavicwiri^ Adrjvri the blue-eyed Minerva', &>? Se and as o/m? a bird avoiraia the eagle [or out of sight] SieTTTaro she fled away ; tw but to him eve dufup in his soul drjtce she implanted /xe^c? firmness /cat and Oapaos courage, vTre/xvrjaev re and reminded e him 7rarpo<; of his father era still fiaXkov more 77 than to irapoiQev before : 6 Be but he, vor)cas perceiving it fypecriv fjaiv m his feelings, Oapfirjcrev was astonished Kara Ovfiov in soul ; o'Lgoto yap for he thought etwu that it was flow a god ; laodeos Be $g>5 and ODYSSEY, I. 29 the god-like man avjiita immediately e-Ktoyero advanced to /ivTjcrTrjpas the suitors. 325. Totat Be but to them ciolBos irepiiikv- to? a far-famed minstrel aeiBe was singing, ol Be and they elaro were sitting aicoirrj in silence cLKovovre*; listening : 6 Be but he aeiBe was sing- ing Xvypov voarov the sorrowful return A%ai.cov of the Achceans, bv which IlaWas Adrjvr] Pallas Minerva evcretkaro enjoined on them etc Tpoirjs from Troy. 328. 'Tirepoilodev Be but from the upper chamber tcovpr) the daughter iKapioio of Icarius, irepLobpcov IIr)ve\o7ret,a the prudent Penelope avvOero obpeai took to heart rov Qeciriv aoiBiqv his inspired song, KarefiricraTo Be and she went down Kkifiatca vyfrrfKrjv the lofty staircase olo BofiOLo of her house, ovk oltj not alone, dfia ryye with her at least kcli also Bvo afifyirroXoi, two attendants eirovjo followed. ( H Be but she, ore Bt] when indeed ox^c/cero she reached jjLvrjo-TTjpas the suitors, &a divine yvvairccop of women, cn-77 /?a stood then irapa aradfiov by the pillar a-reyeos Trvfca woirjToio of the firm-built roof, o-ypixevt) holding avra in front irapeiawv of her cheeks Xiirapa KprjBefiva her glossy lappets: /eeSz^ 8e apa afupiwoXos and a modest attend- ant irapearr) stood by ot her eKarepOev on either side; eireira Be and then Batcpvaao-a shedding tears irpoo-rjvBa she spoke to Oeiov aoiBov the divine bard. 337. " $7]fite Phemius, oiBa? yap for thou knowest rnroWa aWa 0e\KTT)pia many other 30 HOMER'S charms fiporcov of mortals, epya deeds avSpw re both of men 6ecov re and of gods, rare which also aoihou l^instrels /cXeiovai make famous. Tcov of these aecoe sing ev ye one at least TTaprmevos sitting among 9 eOeXyaiv he as may choose. Tovrw Be but towards this [bard] ov vefxea^ there is no anger aecheLv that he should sing /ea/cci> mtcp ODYSSEY, I. 31 the evil fate Aavaoov of the Danaans [Greeks] : avOpcoTTOL yap for men /naXXov more erri/cXe^ac celebrate ttjv aoiBrjv the song, ^rt? which au to thy chamber KOfit^e attend to ra aa avrrjs epyu- thy own works, larov re both the loom rfKafca- Ti)v re and the distaff, nai and mXeve bid a/JL counsel iieXriaei shall be a care avBpeacri to men, 7racrfc to all, /xaXiara Be but especially e/zot to me : rov yap for of that eanv is Kparos my power ez/t ot/cco in the house." 360. *H fiev she indeed 6a/LLj3t]aaaa in admiration (Befirjicei went iraXiv back oucovBe to her chamber, evOero yap for she fixed #l'^ in her mind pvBov izeirvv^evov the prudent speech iratBo^ of her son, avafiaaa Be and mounting e? virepcoa to the upper rooms crk7-> a/xfpLiroXoiac yvvai^i with her attendant women, ejrecra then AcXate she wept OBvaija Ulysses pa until yXauccDTris AOriv^ the blue- eyed Minerva BaXe 82 HOMER'S shed fjhw xjttvov sweet sleep em fikefapoiow ol over her eyelids. 3G5. Mvifijrjpes he but the suitors 6fio- hrjaav muttered ava fieyapa ctaoevra through the shadowy halls : iravres he and all of them yprjcravTo prayed avaicXiO'nvai to lie irapa beside her Xe^eeaaiv in the bed. Tolctl he but to them TijXe/iaxos ireirvvnevo^; the prudent Telemachus rjp^ero began fivOcov these words. 368. " Mv7)aTripe$ suitors e/^? fir)Tpo<; ©f my mother, e^ovre<; having vfipiv insolence virepfiiov beyond measure, vvv fxev for the present indeed rep7rcofMe6a let us enjoy ourselves oaLvvfievoi feasting, pLrjhe eorco and let there not be (3o7)tv<; outcry : eirei since earcv it is xa\ov good aKovefxev to hear rohe this song jlolBov rotovce from such a minstrel, oios as She this eariv is, evakiyicios equal deous to gods avhrjv in voiee. HcoOev he but in the morning iravres let all of us kiov 69 coming ayoprjvhe to an assembly KaOefofxeada take our seats, «/a that cLTToenro) I may pronounce £/ 'to you fJivOov the word a7n]\eyeoo<; fearlessly, e^tevat to go forth fieyapcov from these courts : aXeyv- verc he and prepare a\\a9 haira? other feasts ehovres eating vfxa fcrri/iara your own pos- sessions, afieifto/jLevoi taking turns Kara oucovs from house to house. El he but if rohe this hofceei seems u/uz; to you e/xfievaL to be Xco'irepop preferable teat and afxeivov better, fiiorov that the subsistence eVo? avhpos of one man 6\ea6a-, should perish vr\iroivov uncompensated, Keipere consume it : eyco he but 1 eTrijSuaopai will oaF ODYSSEY, I. &» on cuev eovras Oeovs the everliving gods, ai # tto8i some how Zeu? Jupiter Bghtl fee may gran© e/yya iraXivrLTa that deeds of retribution 7ei>ecr- &w may arise ; eireira then o\oia6e ice ye might perish vtjttolvol unredeemed BofAow emoadev within these halls." 381. 72? thus ec/>aTo he spake ; ol Be cupa but they then Travres all (f)vvre<; oBa% growing with their teeth [planting their teeth] e^^etXeo-tv upon their lips, Oav/xa^ov admired TjjXe/jbaxov Telemachus,6 seeing that cuyopevevhe harangued Oapadkem with courage. 383. Avtivoo? Be but Antinous, vlos son EvireiOeos of Eupeithes, irpoae^rj addressed top him avre in reply : " T??\6yiia%e Telemachus, ?/ /u,aXa S77 in very truth deoi the gods avroi themselves BiBclgkovgl teach ere thee eleven re both to be v^arfoprjv haughty in tongue koI and cuyopeveiv to speak Oapaakecos audaciously. Kpovitov may the son of Saturn lit] iroirjaete not make 0-676 thee at least ^aaCKrja king ev cifupLaXa) lOaicr) in the sea-surrounded Ithaca : which eanv is iraTpcolov hereditary roi to thee 76^6?; by birth." 388. Tov Be but him av again TrfKepaxos TTeirvvnevo? the prudent Telemachus rjvBa spake to avriov in reply : "^zmvoe Antinous, 77 /ca* vefMearja-eac wilt thou also be angry ftot with me ottc Kev at whatever earco I may say ? Kai tovto even this e6e\oi/jii Kev I would wish apeadeu to take upon myself, Alos 76 BiBovros if Jupiter at least gave it me. H $77? sayest 3 3* HOMER'S thou indeed tovto that this rervxdai ib Katciarov the worst thing ev avQpwiroixjiv among men ? Ou ^ey yap for it is not kclkov Tt an evil thing Qae and irakcuoi old : tow of them TtKei for he is not like tl at all kclkcd to an ignoble man et? coira in countenance." 412. Tov Be but him av again Trjkeiiaypq 7re7rvvfjLevos the prudent Telemachus TjvBa spoke to avnop in reply : "Eypv/xa^e Euryrnachus, 77706 indeed vogtos the return warpo? efjioto of my father aircoXero has perished. Oure ow neither then ireiOopiai do I trust en any longer ayyeXirjs to tidings, enroOev if from any place e\#ot there come any, ovre nor ey^raCp^iai do T cake heed deoTrpoTrir]? of an oracle, rjvrLva which fJ>r)Tr)p my mother, KaXeaaaa calling OecDTTpoirov a prophet e? fiejapov into the house, egeperjrac may gain by enquiry. Ovto? Be but this man cotw is e/xo? tjecvo? Trarpcolo^ my paternal friend e/c Taaro spake T?;Xe/ia^o9 Tele- machus ; eyvco he but he felt (ppecnv in his breast aOavcLTrjv deov the immortal goddess : ol he but they rpeyfrafxevoi turning themselves et? opxv a " TVV T6 both t° dancing /cat and [\iepoeaaav aothrjv delightful song repirovjo rejoiced : \ievov he and they waited eairepov that evening ein eXQeiv should come on. Tolctl he and to them repirofievorai enjoying themselves fxeXas eaire- po$ dark evening eiri rf\0e come on : hr) rore then indeed KaiciceiovTes going to bed e/3av they went eKaoTo? each oucovhe to his chamber. TrjXefiaxo? he but Teiemachus, 60l wliere ireptfcaXXeos avX^ in the beautiful palace 6aXa~ p,o<; injnjXo^ his lofty chamber heh/i7)To had been built, evi X^P*? hi a place irspLaKeirra seen on all sides, ev6a there efir) went a? ew^is to bed, fiep/Mjpi&v revolving ttoXXcl many things (fipeaiv in his mind. Tco he apad/ia and' toge- ther with him then Evpv/cXeta Eurycleia, dir/dTTip daughter fliros of Ops Ueiarivopihao son of Peisenor euhvia knowing fcehva wise things (pepe bore cuOofievas haihas burning torches : ttjv her Aaep7T)$ Laertes irore formerly TrpLCLTo bought fCTearecro-iv eoiaiv with his possessions, en still eovcrav being TrpcoOvSyv in her early youth, ehoofce he and gave for her eeiKoaiftoia the value of an hundred oxen ; rie he and he honoured \iw her evi fieyapoicrw in his ODYSSEY, I. 37 house ura equally KeBvrj akoyw with a dear partner of his bed, own-ore Be but never efiixro was united to her ev vy on the couch : akeeivt Be but he feai'ed %o\ov the anger yvvaiKo<; of his wife. f H she peaiv in his mind 6Soz/ the journey tt\v which AOrjvrj Minerva irecfrpaBe advised. $8 HOMER'S BOOK II. Hiaos Be but when poBoBaicTv\o$ fi /: the rosy-fingered Morn njptyeveca early rising (pavrj had appeared, (/>t\o? v /o? the dear son OBvcc-qos of Ulysses copvvro apa rose then €% evvrjcpi from Iris couch, evaa/ievo? putting on el/juara his garments, ire.pi Be and over cofiay his shoulder 6sto he placed o£l» £k£o? his sharp sword. Tloao-i B' vtto Xnrapoiaiv and under his white feet eB^aaro he bound /caXa ireBiXa his beautiful sandals : /??? Se and he proceeded i/xev to go etc OaXafiOLo out of the chamber, eva\tyfao<; like 0e&> to a god avn7i> to the view. Ai^ra Be and immediately tceXevcrev he gave orders Kripviceaai to heralds XiyvfyOoyyoiat, with clear voices, icripvcraeiv to summon ayoprjvSe to a meeting Kapi]fcofiocovra<; A^aiov<; the hair-crested Greeks. Ot /xez> they etcqpvcrcrov summoned them, rot Be but they rpyeipovro were assembled /icaXa w/ea very quickly. Avrap but, e7ret po<; bent yrjpai with age /cat and 77877 knew p,vpia numberless things. Kcu yap for also rov cnrrj'i yXcKpvpw in his hollow cave, cbifcurcraTO Be and prepared irvfiarov Bopirov his last supper. Eaav Be but there were 01 to him Tpet? aXXoi three others : Kat, and 6 /Ltez> the one indeed o\iCKei kept company /nvrjcrrTipo-i, with the suitors, Evpv- luiX 0<; Eurymachus, Bvo Be but two atei> always eixov had in hand 7rarp(ala epya their father's works. AWa but ouSe &>? not even thus \r)6ero did he forget rov that one, oBvpofievos mourning /cat and axevcov and grieving. Tot? to them oye he Baiep-uxeodv shedding tears ayop^craro harangued kcll and pbereenre spoke among them. 25. "Ke/c\vre Br] hear then fiev from me vvv now, IOa/crjcrioL men of Ithaca, or™ what et7ro) *ej> I may say. Ovre neither Se thus rjyeipev has assem- bled us ? nva whom %peiw does need roaoif so much 1/cet, come upon, 7?e either vecov avBpwv of youthful men, 77 or 0! [of those] who eicnv are Trpoyevecrrepoo older ? He either e/cXvev has he heard -urn ayye\irivdi\\y news arparov of an army ep^ofievoio coming, ?}^ which et7rot /ce^ he might tell aa(f>a clearly i)pav To us, 61 e when ttvOolto he should have heard of it irporepos ye before us : rje or 7TL(f)av(rKeTai does he declare r)Se aud arjopevei speak of a\\o re any other thing BrjfjLtov concerning the people ? Aotcei, he seems /Ltot to me eivai to be eava Ko/uat do I declare ovtf cuyop- evco nor speak of tl aXXo any other thing Brj/.uov concerning the public, aXXa but epov avrov Xpeios it is my own need, o seeing that tcaieov evil efjuireaev has fallen oifcco /iol on my house, Sota in two ways, to /*«/ the one, cnrwXeaa J have lost irarepa ea&Xov my good father, 6? who 7rore formerly fiaaikeve was king ei> tyui/ among you roiaheorcriv who are here, f]v Se and was 777rto? gentle &>? as iraTrjp a father : iw §6 av and now again /cat also iroXv fiei^ov a much greater [evil], o St; which indeed raya soon hiappataei wilt devour ot^oi; airavTa all my house irayyy altogether, a7ro re oXeaaei and will cut off irafjuirav altogether fiiorov my live- lihood. Mvri are apiarou the chief ; ot who anrep- pvyaac pLev veea0ai shrink from going e? ot/co^ to the house Trarpos of her father Impiow 42 HOMER'S Icarius, a>? that auro? himself eeBvcocrairo might endow Ovyarpa his daughter, Bolt] Be and give her (p fee to whomsoever eOeXoc he might wi^i, /cat and e\#ot [who] should come icecap ccrfievos agreeable ol to him. 01 Be but they TrcoXevfie- yot flocking et? rj/xerepov to ours rj/iara rravra all their days, lepevovres sacrificing /3ot>? oxen /cat and oi? sheep «at and iriova<; aiyas fat goats, eikaTzivaCovGi feast, mvovai re and drink aiGonra oivov the dark wine, /xa-v/rtSico? at random, to- Se iroXka but the most part /cara- T^erat is being consumed ; ov yap eiu for there remains not to us avr\p a man, om such as Oovo-- aevs Ulysses ecr/ce was a\xvvai to ward off 0/3771/ a curse airo olkov from his house. 'H/iet? Se but we w now ou roiot are not such v* in any way afivvejiev to ward it off — 77 in truth km also eireira then eao^ieaOa we shall be XevyaXeot, re both wretched «at and ou BeBarj/core? not having learned oXktjv defence — 77T01 in truth a/uvvcufi7]v av I would fight in my own defence, ei if Bwa/jus ye power at least irapeit) fiot, were present to me. Epya yap for deeds Terevxarai have been clone ov/c en no longer a^cr^era to be borne, ovBe /az\w? nor is it creditably en any longer owro? e/xo? that my house BioXwXev has perished : vefiecrarjOTjre may ye feel indignation rcai, avroi yourselves also, acBeadrjre re and be ashamed for aXXovs avdpwirovs other men irepucriovas living round, ol who rrepwaieraovai dwell round : VKoBeuiare Be but dread /^z^ the anger Oecov ODYSSEY, ?. 43 of the gods, fir] n lest at all /jLeraaTpc^cocrt they subvert you, ayaaaapuevoi being indignant at /cafca epya these evil deeds. Aiaao^au I entreat rj/juev both Aios OXv/jlttlov for the sake of Olympic Jnpiter rjSe and 0e/ucrTO9 of Themis t)t€ who also 7]/x€v both Xuet dissolves 77S6 and K^/CCpi seats ay pas assemblies avhpaov of men. "XyeaOe hold yourselves, <£i\ot my friends, Am and eaaare suffer yite me oiov alone reipeaOai to pine TrevOei \vypqy with bitter sorrow, et /x?; unless 7rou perchance Trarrjp e/zo? my father, €cr6\o$ OSvcrcrevs the good Ulysses Bvafievewv bearing hatred epefey hath done /catca evils Ti at all ev/evrjfjLioas Ayaiovs to the well-greaved Greeks ; rcov for which things airoTLvv^evot taking ven- geance pe^ere ye do tcaica evil deeds pe to me Bvafieveovres bearing hatred to me, orpwovres urging on tovtov? these, E/jlol Be but for me eiT] Ke it would be /cep&iov better, v/j.eas for you edOe/ievac to eat Keifnjkia re both my family goods Trpofiaaiv re and mv cattle ; et Kai if also i^uet? 76 you at least (payoLre were to 9at them, raya soon av eir] there wouid be Kat wis vengeance also. Tocfrpa £tevo? angr.v> ii HOMER'S fiaXe Be and cast a/ajwrpov the sceptre won yaiy against the ground, avawprjo-as kindling Batcpv a tear ; oiktg? Be and pity eXe took possession of \aov dwavra the whole people. Ev6a then aWoL /jl€u wavres all the others ecrav were cuci)v in silence, oure nor rt? did any one er\r) dare aiAeityaaOai, to answer TrjXepbayov Teleinachus jivOoidi xaXeTTOLGL with harsh words ; Avnvoos Be but Antinous oios alone afieifto/jLevos answer- ing wpoveeiwev addressed him. 58. "TrfKe^aye yyjrayopT) proud-speaking Telemachus, aayere not to be controuled iievos in temper, woiov what [speech] eetwe? didst thou speak aio-yyvvsv shaming rjfJLas us ? e6e\oi$ Be fee and thou wouldst wish avayjrai to fasten upon [us] (Acofjiov ridicule. Mvr]aT7jpe<; Be but the suitors Ayacwv of the Achseans ovtc eiaiv are not atrioi to blame n at all aoc toward thee, aWa but (piXrj fir]T7]p thy mother rj rot who in truth irepi preeminently oiBe knows teepBea stra- tagems. H$i) yap for already eanv it is rptrov ero? the third year, Taya Be and soon reraprov a fourth eiai will be going on, e%ov from the time when are/Aftec she confounds Ovpov the mind ^4^atwz/ of the Greeks evi o~rr)6ecr<7Lv in their breasts. Havra^ fiev pa all of them e\7ret she makes to hope, teat and vwiayeTai promises avBpi efcaaTw to each man, wpolecaa putting forth ayyeXias promises ; voos Be ol but her mind fievoiva designs a\\a other things. *H Be but she fiep^pi^e meditated rovBe aXkov BoXov this other deceit evi apos a garment — mjfzara fjLot may my webs firj oXr/rac not perish /lerafMcovia fruitless ! — racprjiov funereal Aaeprrj i)p$>i for the hero Laertes, et? ore for the time when lioipa oXorj the deadly fate ravrjXeyeo? davaroto of long extended death KaSeXrjai tee may surprize fjLiv him; /ablest rt? some one A^ailaB^v of Achaean women Kara Btj/jlov throughout the people ve^earjay should be angry, ai if tcrjrai rcevlie should lie arep airetpov without a shroud Krearto-cras when he had stored up ttoXTul many things/'' 72? thus efyaro she said ; 7)ynv Be but for us OvjAos ayrjvcop our generous soul eire- 7rei6eTo acquiesced. Evda then kcli also Tjfxarir) fiev by day vfyaiveaice she wove fieyav larov the ample loom, vv/cras Be but at nights aXXveatce she undid it, eirr\v when irapadetro she placed by her Ba'iBas the torches. r J2? thus rp teres fiev for three years iudeed eXr)0e she escaped notice BoXw by stratagem, /cat and eireiOe persuaded A^acov; the Greeks : aXXa but ot€ when rerparov gto? the fourth year q\0e came, /eat and aopcu the seasons eirrfKvdov 46 HOMER'S caine on, /cat rare Br) both then indeed t*? some one yvvaifcoov of the women r) who 77877 knew aacfxi clearly, eeare told us, kcli and efevpofiev we found rrjvye her aWvovaav undoing ayXaov kjtov the splendid web. f /2? thus efereAecrae she completed to fiev it indeed, /cat although ovk edekovaa not willing, vir y avay/c7)t preeminently, eiriaiaaQai re both lo know epya works ireptKaXKea of surpassing beauty, Kai and pa /ce to whom eOeXycri she may be willing/'' 129. Tov Be but him av again T^\e/ia%o? irewvv/jLcvo? the wise Telemachus ^uSa spoke to avTiov in reply. (C Avrivoe Antinous, o\nrw$ by no menus eariv is it possible airwaai to drive away oo/xcov from the house aeicovaav her unwil- ling, 7; who erefce /xe bare me, ?} who e6pe\\re ue nursed me; irarijp & e^o? and my father aXkodi some where else 7^779 on the earth — t,Goei 676 he lives 77 or TeOvqicev is dead : Ka&ov he but it is evil fie that 1 airoTiveuv should pay back I /cap up to Icarius iroWa much property, at if avros myself Ikcdv willing a7ro Trc^frco ice should send away fMrjrepa my mother. TJiuro- fuu yap for I shall suffer tcatca evils etc tov 48 HOMER'S •jtot/do? from her father, Baifiav Be and the deity BaxreL will give me aXKa others, eirei when arjTTjp my mother aprjaerat shall pray to ortrye- pas Epivvs the hateful Furies, aTrepxofMevrj as she goes forth oikov from the house ; eaaerai Be and there will be vepecrL? indignation fwt, against me ef av6pa>iro)v from men o)9 that eyco I ov 7TOT6 never eviyfro) will speak tovtov \ivQov this word. El Be but if vfierepo? fiev 6vpLO<; avroiv your own mind ve/jLeat^erai is angry., fftre />tot go out, I pray, fieyapwv foom these halls, aXeyvvere Be and pre[)are aWas Satra? other banquets, eSoyre? eating vfia KT7]fiara your own possessions, a^ei^ofievoi changing about Kara olkovs from house to house. El Be but if roBe this Bo/ceeL seems v/ui> to you Xoh- repoi^ preferable /cat and a/ieivov better, (3iotov that the substance evos avBpos of one man o\€- e but to him Zevs Jupiter evpvoira seeing widely irpoerjue sent forth aterco two eagles ireTeaOaL to fly wjroOev from on high, e/c Kopv- <£??? from the summit opeos of the mountain; Tea Be but they two, eo>? /Ltei^ pa wlul;t indeed ODYSSEI,II. 49 &KTOVTO they flew fiera Trvoirj? with the blasts avejjLOLo of the wind, ttXtjclco near aXX7]Xoiai to one another riraivofievco stretching on their course Trrepvyeacn with their wings — aXXa but ore Btj when indeed iKea07]v they came to /ica- aXa<; on the heads iravrwv of all o(ti around, rj'igav they sped away Be£uo to the right Bca re oiKia avrcov both through their houses /ecu itoXlv and city. Ga/jifirjcrav Be but they marveled at opvi6a<; the birds, enret when tSoj/ they saw 7 them o^OaXfioiai with their eyes, wp/irjvav Be and pondered ova Ovfwv in their mind direp things which epeXXov were about reXeeaOai to be accomplished : toicti Be but to them /ecu also ?7pcu? the hero yepcov the old man 'AXtdepcrT)? Halitherses MaaroptBr]^ son of Mastor jiereeLire spake : 6 yap for he oto? alone e/ee/cacrro was accomplished beyond 6firi\iKL7]v his fellows, yvoivai to know r opvtOas birds *at and fiv07]crcw6aL to speak evcucrifia decrees of fate : 6 he eveppoveoov well-intending ayopr}- aaro harangued crept them /cat and fiereet7re spake. 161. " Nvu ch] now indeed tee/cXvre hear^eu me, I0aKf)atot ye Ithaca ns, orrt what c^ttoj ** 4 50 HOMERS I may speak Elttco Be but I speak irubaxxj- icofievos declaring raBe these things fjLV7]0"rrjpai to the suitor.: fiaXiara especially : tolctlv yap for to them fieya Trrjfia a great calamity kvXiv- Berai is revolving : OBvcro-evs yap for Ulysses ovk eaaerai will not be Brjv a long time airavevOev away &v ovov slaughter tcai and icrjpa fate roio-Beaac Travreacrc to all these, ecrrat Se and there will be icaKov evil icai aXXoiai 7roXeac to many others also [of us], ol who vefiofieaOa inhabit Idatcrjv Ithaca evBeteXov seen afar [or lying under the western sun ] : aXXa but ? that Karairavaofiev /cev we may put a stop to it : ol Be but let them tcai also avroi themselves Traveadcov cease : tcai yap for also roBe this ecrriv is a<£ap at once Xcoiov better <7<£tz> for them. Mavrevofiai, yap for I foretell ovk airecprjro^ not inexperienced, aXXa but eu eiSa)9 knowing well. Kau yap for also (jyrjfjLt I say airavra that all things TeXevT7)6r)vai have been fulfilled etceivcp to him, o>9 as ep,v6e- OfiTjv I told ot to him, ore when Apyeiou the Argives eiaavepatvov went up to I\tw Ilium, ^teTa Be acpcv and with them ejBrj went OBva- creLi? Ulysses ttoXv/jltjtls of many counsels. £771; I said, Tradovra that having suffered Ka/ra 7roXXa many ills, a7ro oXeaavra having lost iravras eraipovs all his companions, ayveoaro? unknown iravTey going oiicahe to thy home, /^?/ 7rou lest per- chance iraa^coort they suffer n rca/cov. some evil oiTiaao) hereafter ; 670) Se but I ttoXXou afietvcov am much better aeo than thou fiavreu- eadat to draw omens from ravra these things. OpvtOe? he re 7toXXol but many birds alse (fioLTOfiat, go utt' avyas beneath the rays HeXcoto of the sun, ouhe re iravres but not all also evai- yL/xoi are charged with fate : avrap but Ohuo-aevs Ulysses oXero has perished rrjXe far away, d>? as .vat gv thou too &)(/>e\e? onghtest fcarafiOtcrdcu to have been cut off crw efceivcp with him ! Ou/c op ayopeves thou wouldst not harangue Oeoirpo- irewv prophesying rocraa so many things ouhe nor avien}<$ Ke wouldst thou urge on T^Xe/na^ov Telemachus Ke%oXcofjLevov roused to anger &)8e in this manner, iroTiheyiievo^ receiving hcopov a bribe aco oikco into thy house, ai if TTopr]cn, Kev he should grant one. AXXa but ef eoeo> I will s.peak out rot to thee, to Se and it earai shall be rereXea/ubevov accom pished : at if, et8a>5 knowing iraXaca re things both ancient 7ro\\a tc and many, Trapfyapevos 52 ODYSSE?, II. talking over vecorepov avBpa a younger man iireeaai with words eirorpw-Q^; thou incite him ^aXeiraiveiv 10 be ill-tempered, aurw fiev oi to himself indeed irpwrov in the first place earac it shall be aviTjpearepov more grievous ; ^ov&e hvvr)creTCLi nor shall he be able irp^au rt to achieve any thing epbirris at all eiveica rwvhe on account of these things] : crot Se but on thee, 7epoz; old man, eiriQi-\Go\xai I will inflict 6wr\v a penalty ^ which aayaXkr\s tee thou mayst grieve evi Ovfico in mind tivcdv at paying : a\yos 8e but the pain rot to thee ecrcrerai shall be ^aXeirov severe. Tifke fiasco Se but to Tele- machus eycov I avros myself inroO^aopuit will suggest ev nraaiv among all : avoayeroo let him bid fjLrjrepa erjv his mother airoveeaOa', to go away e? Trarpos to her father's : ot£e and they rev^oven shall make ya/iova marriage, #ai and aprvveovat prepare eehva dowry gifts iroXka fiaXa very many, ocrcra as many as eoixev it is fit eireaOai should follow eiri (f)i\r]$ ttcuSos for a dear daughter. Ov yap olofiat for I do not think uta? that the sons A^clkov of the Greeks iravaeadai will cease irptv before nvriarvov apyaker) again iroTiheyp,evoL waiting for her r^uara iravra all our clays epihaivofiev contend ece/ca tt]^ aperr]? for the superiority, ovSe ep-^ofieOa and do not go fjLer aWa<; after others, a? which tarty it is sciences becoming i/caara) to each oiTvie/jLev to espouse. - " 208. Tov he but him av again Trfkefia^p^ 7rt7rvv/j,€vo<; the prudent Telemachus 77U&Z spoke to avjiov in reply : " ~Eivpvp,aye Eurymachus rjZe and /cat aWot, [ye] others also, ocrot as many as are ayavoc fivqarr^pe^ proud suitors, ravra p»ev as to these things indeed owe en no longer Xicro-ofiac do I beseech vpuea^ you, ovSe nor aynpevco address you : t)$j] yap for already 6eoi the gods kym and iravres Ayaioi all the Greeks laaai know t& those things. AWa but #76 come, Sore give fiou to me z^et Oorjv a swift ship koi and eiKocnv eracpovs twenty comrades, oi who huurpi}3cr(D#a on this side kcli and ez;#a on that side. Eiatyap for I will go e? Hiraprrju re both to Sparta /cai and e? Tlvkov y/juadoevra tc sandy Pylos, irevo-o^evo^ about to enquire about vocrrov the return irarpo^ of my father S?^ ot^o- ^z/oto long gone away, nv if rt? any one fiporoyv 54 HOMER'S of mortals enryai may tell puoi to me, rj or aKovaca I may hear oocrav an oracle etc J to? from Jupiter, rjre which also /jLaXcara (pepeimost brings /c\eo<; report avQpomoicri to men. El pev if on the one hand clkovg-cq tcev I should hear of fitorov the life Kai and vocrrov return irarpos of my father, r\roi in truth rpv^o^ievo^ irep though wearied, T\air\v av I would bear it en still eviav- rov a year : ec Se but if atcovcrco ice I should hear Te6v7)ooTo<; of him dead, p,r]he eii eovros and no longer living, eireira £77 then indeed voarriaaq returning tyCkrjv e? Trarptoa jaiav to my dear father land, x evco Te I bc-thi may pile up c-77/ua a monument oi for him, koli and e-Tn. thereon fcrepel^o) will celebrate tcrepea obsequies rroWa fid\a very many, oVcra as many as eoj*€i/ are fitting, Kai and Scog-go will give firjrepa my mother ai>eot to an husband/' 224. Htol in truth 076 he eiTcov having spoken co? thus Kai' ap' efeTO sat down then: Toiau he but to them avearTj rose up, Mevrwp Mentor, o? pa who it seems 776 was ercupo? companion O0W770? anvfiovos of the blameless Ulysses, Kai and ccov going away ez^ vr,vaiv in his ships eirerpeirev he committed airavra olkov all his house ot to him, 7ret6ea6at re both to be obedient yepovrc to the old man, /cai and <£y\- aacrcLv guard iravra all things ep-ireaa firm : he evfypovewv counseling for good ayopevaaro harangued Kai and fjiereenre spoke amongst cr<£; them. 229. pGdv ready, cvyavos mild kcli rfrnos and gentle, fiijSe nor etS&>9 knowing aiaiyua what ig righteous cppeaiv in his mind ; aWa but et^ t« let him both be %a\e7ro9 difficult #at and pefo do cuovka evil deeds. f /29 thus ovtis no one fjL6fiv7]raL remembers Oeioio OSvcttjos the divine Ulysses, Tuuov rf the nations olgiv over whom avaacrev he was king, 776 Se and was 7777-409 gentle o>9 as irar^p a father. AXka but 777-0* in truth ou t* fieyaipca I do not admire fivrja- rrjpas ayijvopa? that the haughty suitors epSeiv should do epya /3taca violent deeds KaKoppafyi- rjaL by the evil contrivances z>oo:o of their mind; Trapdefievoi yap for laying together o-cjxk; Ke- akas their heads, tcareSovcn they eat up (Suum? forcibly oitcov the house Q0W7709 of Ulysses, (f>aac Be and say top that he ovtceri never again veeaOciL will return. Nvv Be but now vepbeai- %0/mu I am angry aX\(p Brjfup with the rest of the people, olov in what manner airavre^ ye all 770-Te sit avew silent, arap but ovri ye do not at all Ka0a7TTOfjL€vot reproaching eireeaai in words /carepv/cere restrain /j,vr)peva r ± of mind. 56 HOMER'S ttoiov what a thing eevrres hast thou said, orpv* vcov encouraging him KaraTravejxev to put a stop to rjfJLeas us ! apya\eov Be but it is difficult tcac also /jLaxrjcracrOac to contend avBpaat, irXeoveaat with more numerous men irepi Bain about a feast. Eiirep v OSfo-770? of the divine Ulysses. 260. Trjkep,a-)(o<; Be but Telemachus tcuov going airavevOev apart eirt, diva to the shore OaXaaar}^ of the sea, viyjra/uievo^ having washed %etpa let alone (Bov\qv re both the counsel voov re and plan fjivrjcrTTjpcov acppaBecov of the inconsiderate suitors, e7re6 since ov n vorjfxove^ they are not at all thoughtful ovBe nor Bi/caioi just : ouSe nor ujacri tl do they at all know Oavarov death /cat and K-qpa fieXaivav dark fate ; 0? S>; which indeed tanv is o~xe8ov near o-^t to them 67r' rjfxaTi ODYSSEY. II. 59 daily iravTas that all of them oXeaOai should perish. Xot he but for thee 0S09 thy journey ovK6Ti no longer anreaaeTai shall be absent hrjpop long time, r)v which av thou /Lievocvas art eager for. T0105 yap for such rot to thee et/u eya) am I fetz/09 irarpwios thy father's friend, 0? who a-reXeco will expedite Tot for thee vrja 6or)v a swift ship kcu and ai»T09 myself eyjrofiac will follow ayua with thee. AXXa but cry /iev thou indeed fajf going 7rpo9 hco^iara to thy house ofiCkei join company ixvrjarrjpai with the suitors, ottXiggov re and prepare 774a victuals, /cat and apaov pack airavra all ayyeacp in vessels, oti^oz- wine et» aja(f)c a/MpLaXv Ldatcrj in sea-surrounded Ithaca, ^eatnew i]he iraXaiai and old : Ta&w /tei> rot of these indeed eino^ro* fiat I will inspect, rjris which apca-rr] is best. co/ca Se and immediately efyoirXiao-avTes having equipped it evr/cro/jLev we will launch it evpel ttovtw in the wide sea." 296. 72? thus i\ovr)rop in his heart; evpe 8' apa and lie then found fxvrjcnrjpa^ ayrjvopa? the proud suitors ev pLeyapoicnv in the halls, aviepuevovs cutting up aiyas goats, evovras Se and singeing gloXovs porkers ev av\r) in the court. Avtivoos re and Antinous yeXacra? laughing we went i6v<; straight [in the direction] Trfkepa^oio of Telemachus, ev re apa (f>v and he clung then x ec P L ot ' u P on his hand, ecfraro re and spake 67ro? the word, e/c r ovopLa^ev and addressed him by name. 303. tt TifXepa-^e v^rayoprj proud-speaking Telemachus, acr^ere unbearable p,evo<$ of temper, jxrjTt, aXXo let nothing else tcatcov evil epyov re both deed e7ro? re and word pteXerco be a care aoi to thee ei> arijOeadiv in thy breast : aAXa but ea-doepbev eat /not with me Kai mvepev and drink &>? as to rrapo<; irep before. A^aioi 8e but the Achaeans pbaXa by all means reXeuryaovai shall complete ravra iravra all these things to* for thee, vrja a ship /cat and efjatrovs epera? chosen oarsmen, iva that iKijat thou rtfayst arrive Oaaaov more quickly es- JJvXov 7)ya6er)i> at holy Pylos per a aKovr\v after tidings ayavov rrarpos of thy noble father.'' 309. Tov oe ay but him again T^Xe/ia^o? Treirvvpevo^ the prudent Telemachus yvha spoke to avnov in reply, "Avti we Antinous, ou7rw? bv no means eariv is it possible /*e#' vpuv among you v7r€p(pia\oi,cri overbearing men Saivvadai re both to feast axeovra silent, Kai and evepp- aiveaQai to be merrv tfetikov quiet, if ci^ ODYSSEY, H. 61 aXi? is it not enough &>room irarpos of his kthcr, ODYSSEY, II. 83 evpw wide, 66l where ^pi'a-o? gold /cat, and ^ok/cos brass etceiro lay vtjtos piled up, ea6^ re and raiment ev ^rfkotaiv in coffers, eucooe? Te ekaiov and sweet-smelling oil a\t? in sufficiency : ev Be and among them earacrav stood 7rt#ofc jars oivoio ttclXcllov of old wine v)hwroTOLo sweet to drink, e%ovre<; having evro? within them 6etcv itotov divine drink atcpyrov unmixed, apTjpore? arranged efei?;? in order iron tol%ov against the wall; eiirore if ever Ohvaaevs Ulysses voarrjaece should return oifcaBe to his home, teat fjLoyr]o~a$ even having suffered 7ro\\a aXyea many sorrows. Eireaav he and there were to it /c\r)i- raro<; is sweetest to the taste fiera tov after that 6v which av thou fyvXaaaeis takesi care of, oio/jLevr] thinking of iceivov him tov Kafijiopov the ill-fated man, et, if e\0o£ he might come rrodev from any quarter, aXvfa? having avoided 64 HOMEK'S davarov death kcli and Kripas the Fates. Ep~ jTkrjauv he but fill hwheica twelve, kcli and apaov fit aizavTa^ all Trcofiaai with lids. & Se ^euop and pour in llol for me aXcpcra meal evppacpeecro-t hopocat in well-sewn skins, eo-Tw Se and let there be eiKocrc pierpa twenty measures afcrrj*; of meal a\(f>LTov of barley pLvkrityaTov ground in the mill. Avttj he but yourself oirj alone mjQi know of it : tcl he but let those things Terv-^Oo) be made ready ttclvtcl all aOpoa collected : eyco yap for I eairepLos at evening acprja-ofiai will take them, owTTore hrj when indeed /^rjrrjp my mother avafiy Kev ascends et? xnrepwa to her rooms above, fiehrjTcu re and bethinks herself koltov of going to bed. Eifit yap for I will go taro he spoke, (j)i\rj Be rpo(f>o<; but his dear nurse EvpvfcXeui Eurycleia kwKvae shrieked, kcli pa and then oXocfrvpop^w) lam- enting irpoarjvha addressed him erred irrepoeirra these winged words. 363. "Torre he but why ever eTrXero was rovro vo7]/ia this design evi alone iiya7TTjTc^ my loved one ? o ^f ^ut hv \e7-0 has perished rvXodt d&x TrarpTjs htm^ country, ODYSSEY, U. 05 BLoyew)? OBvcrevs Jove-born Ulysses aXkcyvcoTM evu 8r)/jL(p among some other people. Oi Be but they clvtliccl immediately u7riaa(o behind eppaa- aovrai will plot /caxa evils rot for thee iovti when thou hast gone, &>? that (pdiy? tee thou mayst perish BoXcp by stratagem ; avroi Be and themselves Baaovrat, will divide among them iravra raBe all these things. AWa but fievc remain avdt here Kadripbevos reposing e-rrt (toictlv among thy own possessions : ovBe nor re creepy is there any need for thee iraayeiv to suffer «a/ca evils irovrov eiri arpvyerov over the waste sea, ovBe nor dka\r)a6ai to wander. " 371. Tip Be but her au again T^Xe/ta^o? 7re7rvufievo<; the prudent Telemachus 77U&1 spoke to avnov in reply : " Oapaec be of good cheer, fiaia my nurse : eirei, since ^8e 76 /3ov\r) this plan at least ovtol is not in truth avev 6eov without God. AWa but ofioaov swear /Lz.77 (Avdijaaadac not to tell raSe these things pLrjrpi oppLT]&€v- to? of my having set out : &>9 that /A77 #aTa Lairrrf she may not tear %/3oa fcaXov her fair skin k\cliovLTa meal evppafaeao-t hopoiacv in well-sewn skins : Trjkefia^o^ he and Telemachus taw having gone e? hco/jbara to his house, ofxiXec joined company fivrjaTrjpaL with the suitors. 382. Ez^a avre then again 0ea ykavfcwms, the blue-eyed goddess AOrjin] Minerva evo-qae conceived in her mind aXka other plans, eiKvia Be and likened T^Xe/xa^o) to Telemachus (p%ero she \Yent7razm7 everywhere Kara ittoXlv through the city, icaipa and then nrapiGTajxevi) standing by eKaarw (fxorc each man tXot my friends, (j)6po)fie6a let us bring rj'ia provisions : iravra jap for all tjSt) already adpoa are collected evi iieyapa) in the house : p-v^Vp Be ^ ol but my mother 0L»rt nreirvarai has heard nothing of it; fpjfte nor aXkai £p,coai the other maid-servants, p6ia Se but one oltj alone aKovaev heard fivdov iiie word." 513. f /2? apa thus then <$>wvr]cra<$ having spoken rjyrjcraro he took the lead : Tot Se but they ap,a eirovro followed with him : ol Be apa and they then (f>epovres bringing Travra all things KarOeaav placed them eiiaaeXpuw eiri vrjl on the well-banked vessel, &)? as )'/< i be iwm 70 and during dawn w«ipi held on iceXevdov her way. BOOK I f r. He\jO$ 8< (ml the BUS fuxj/iovor shot, up, Ai'/:',>i> having 1 fl wtpucaXKta Kifivrjv the beau- tiful lake, ovpavov *■■, woXt^aXioi' into the brazen heaven, tVa that (papewj it might shine adavaiouri i" immortal />"/ and ffporoiG Bvqr* men mortal mcn,e7n tytZwpov apovpav overthe life-giving corn-land. 0/ & and they arrived TtvXov at Pylon, tv/criftwop irrdKisBpop the well-built town NtjXqos of Neleui j 7ot u but they [the Pylians] ^{op irere performing lepa acrifici em 6m <>n the shore dcLKaacrji of 1 he pea ravpovq bull Tra^/AeXayof all black, "Eivoaiydovi lo iIm' Garth-shaker KvavovcuTfl with the dark hair. Eoro/ & and there were ci/j/ea 3$o k/nt that irvdrjai thou mightest learn by enquiry ttotdo? concerning thy Father, o7rou where yata the earth ffi/06 conceals him tfat and vvtlvli TTorpov what fate tfretnrtv he has under- gone. /4\A/ 07c but come em' now iBe go t#t>? shad | in the direct! in] Nearcooi 'nnroSauoLo of the horse-taming Nestofj euhonev [that] we may know yvrLva (JHJTtV what coined K€K£v6cv he conceals evi tmfitaitw in his breast: Xicr- azoQui Se epect but he will not speak \Jr-_ l-oos" B falsehood, eari y~o for he is /.ui\a irciri'Vfiti'o^ ver\ wise.'' 21. T>)i> oe but her an again Ty'Xe/na^c^ WtTTW/JLtVO? prudent. Tcleinachns TJvBd spoke to wrriO.v in rr ply ; w Mtvrop Mentor, 7ro)v t' apn 72 HOMER. both how then tw should I go, 7ro)? re and how irpoairrv^opai shall I salute avrov him ? Ov- Be TreireipriiJLoi but I have not had experience ri at all 7rw yet fivOoiac ttvkivoigi in wise words, aiBcos Be but there is hesitation av more- over veov avBpa that a young man egepeeaOai should question yepacrepov one who is older." 25. Sea he yXavKwiris but the blue-eyed goddess AOtjvt) Minerva avre again rrpoaeenrev addressed rovhim; "T^e/ia^ Telemachus, dk\a fj,ev some things avros thou thyself 1^0770-- et? wilt see evi fypeat, arjaiv in thy mind, a\\a Be but others kcli also Baipucov the deity vttoOt)- a-erai will suggest; ou 7ap oi'w for I do not think are that thou ov yeveaOai re wast [not] both born rpacfrepev re and wast brought up aeKr)TL without the will Oewv of the gods." 29. f /2? apa thus then (pcovrjaaaa having spoken ZTaXXa? AdrjVT) Pallas Minerva rjyrjaa- ro led the way /capTraXL/ioos speedily : 6 Be and he eireira then /Satire went per vyyia following the footsteps Oeoio of the god[dess] : i£ov Be and they came e? ayvpiv re to both the assem- bly kcli and eBpa? seats TIvKkhv avBpcov of the men of Pylos. Evd 1 apa there indeed Necrrcop Nestor t)gto was sitting ctlw vlaai with his sons, a/Lt^)t Be and round eratpoi his compa- nions; evrvvopbevot preparing Satra the feast, amrcov were cooking rcpea flesh, erreipov rt and were spitting aXXa other pieces, 'fl? Be ovv but when then 01 they ^Soi* saw geivovs the strangers, a7rai/re? all rjkQov came adpooi in a 0DY6SEY, 3. 75 crowd. r}(nra%ovTo re and greeted them %epcnv with [shaking] "hauds, /cat and avcoyov bade them eSpiaaadai seat themselves. Upwro? first TIeiaL(7Tparo<; Pisistratus Nearopihii^ son of Nestor e\6cov having come eyyvdev near e\e took x eL P a ^ ie ^ lan ^ ajucporepcov of both, /cat and I8pv and near his brother Spaa- vfirjSei Thrasymedes /cat and irarepi a> his father. Aw ice S' apa and he then gave uoipas shares aifKay^ywy of the inwards, ev 8' e^evev and poured in ot^oz/ wine xpvcreia) heiral in a golden bowl; SetSttf/co^efo? Se and greeting irpoar^vha addressed TIaXkaha Adr)vair\v Pallas Minerva Kovprjv daughter J to? aiyioypio of iegis-bearing Jove. 43. " Ev-^eo vvv pray new, co %euve oh guest, IIoaeiSacovL clvclkti to the royal Neptune : kcli yap for also r^vrrjaare ye have fallen in with rov SaLTris his feast, jjuoXovTes having come Beupo hither. Avrap but eirrjv when (nreLays re thou both shalt have made a libation /ca^ and ev^eat shalt have prayed, $ in the way that earL 6efj,L$ is right, 809 give eireura then /cat tovtg) to him also §67ra9 the goblet /-te- \t^Seo9 oti>ou of sweet wine Gireiaai to make a libation ; 67ret since olop.ai I think /cat rovrov that he also ev^eaOai prays aOavaroiat, to the immortals ; 7ravTe<; Be avdpcoirot but all men xamovaw h?ve need #ea)f of the yods. 74 HOMER. A\\a but ecrTLv he is vecorepos younger, 6{ir)~ \iKir] Be but [there is in him] equality of age €/jlol avry to myself : rovvetca on this account Scoaco I will give ^pvaetov aXeiaov the golden cup coi to thee irporepw first of the two." 51. 'fls thus eiiroav having spoken, tlOci he placed ev x e P aiv m ms bands heiras the goblet j)8eos olvov of sweet wine : AQr\vair) he but Minerva x ai P e re j 0, » ce d cuvBpi hitcaiw in the right- c&uo urian 7re7rvv/JL€pw possessed of wisdom, ovv- e/ca seeing that Sweep he gave ol to her irporepr) first xP vt\o? vios the clear son OBuarjo? of Ulysses rjparo prayed, ol Be but they eirec when coTTTrjcrav they had roasted icpea vireprepa the upper pieces of flesh teat and epvaavro had drawn them off, Baaaafievoi having distributed /jLoipa? shares Baivvvro feasted epctcvBea Batra a glorious feast. Avrap but eiret, when e£ ivro they had dismissed epov the desire ttoo-los of drinking /cat and eBrjrvo? of eating, toj5 HOME*. 72. Tov 8 av but him again Trfkeuaxos Treirvviievos the prudent Telemachus 6apo-7] av- 6p(D7roi(Tiv among men.] 79. " fl Nearop oh Nestor NrpiTfiaErj son of Neleus, fieya tcvSo? great glory A^atcov of the Achseans, eipeai thou askest oTnroOev whence eip,ev wc are, eyw $e but I Kara- Aefw «6 will relate -rot to thee. 'H/nei? we etkrjkovOjiev are come ef Idafcrj? from Ithaca 'Tnrovrjiov under Neius : irprj^i^ 8e rjSe but this business ifo?? is private ov Srjuio? not public ^ which ayopevto I am speaking abont. Merep^ofiai I am following /cXeo? evpv the wide fame Trarpos e/xou of my father, 77^ if afcovo-a) I shall hear [of him] ttov anywhere, Siov the divine TaXaaifypovos OSvarjo<; patient-minded Ulysses, ov whom $a anywhere o(p6aX/j,otac reoiai with thy eyes 77 or a/cov&as hast heard fivOov the tale a\X.oi> from another nrXa^o/xevov wandering : fJLrjrrjp yap for his mother Te/ce bore yav him 7re/>t above measure o'i&pov calamitous. Mr]Se fiei- Xiaceo and do not soften the tale tl at all ai- 8o/jl6vo<; respecting /ieme yu^Se nor eXeatpcov pitying me : aXXa but /caraXegov relate it /-tot to me ev truly, o7ro)? as -qvTrjaas thou didst meet with oircoiTrj^ the sight of it. Aiaaofxai I entreat thee, ei if 7rore ever irarrjp e//,o? my father ea6Xo<; OSvaaevs the good Ulysses, u7roo-Ta? having promised Tot to thee e^ereXecr- e/ceivo) Brj- fjLcp among that people, rj /iev whether [it be] on the one hand oaa whatever things [we endured] irXa^o^ievoi wandering i~vv vy)vgl with our ships eir rjepoeiBea ttovtov over the dark sea Kara XrjtBa in plundering birrj wherever ^4^t\\ef9 Achilles ap^eie rhould lead the way, r]he and oaa whatever battles /cat also fiapvafi- e0a we fought nrepi fieya aarv round the great city npta/jioio avaicjo^ of king Priam, — evOaBe there eireira then Kare/cradev were slain Laaoi whoever apiaroi were the bravest : evOa fiev there indeed iceirai lies Aia% 007710? the warlike Ajax, evOa he and there A%iXXeus Achilles, evOa Be and there JTaroo/cXo? Patroclus, firja- Tcop counsellor araXavros equal deocfriv to the gods : evOa Be and there 6,0,05 (jStXo? vlos my dear son, d/ia at thb same time Kparepos strong /cat and a/iv/icov blameless, AvtlXo%o<; Antilo- chus, Ta^w? p,ev fleet indeed irepi above [mea- sure] Oeieiv to run ^Se aud /xa^rrj^ a warrior — iraC'ojiev re and we suffered iroXXa aXXa /catca many other evils eiri tols in addition to these : ta? who KaTaOvrjTcov avOpWnon' of mortal men ODYSSEY, 3. 79 yA)$r}iv for them a/i<£'.9 fiev whilst indeed eyco I kcli and Sees OSva&evs divine Ulysses ev6a [were] there. dvt€ neither e^a^ofiev irore did we ever speak 6iX a dividedly uv ayopy in the assembly qvts 80 HOMER. nor evt ftovkyin the council, aWa but e-^ovre having eva Ovjjlov one mind, (f)pa&{ie6a we considered vow in thought /cat and eiri.fypovi /3ov\rj prudent counsel oVo)? how o^' apiara by far the best things yevotro might arise Apyeioicn to the Greeks. Avrap but eTret, when hieirepcrafiev we destroyed anrr)v iroXiv the lofty city TIpiafMOio of Priam, ftrjfxev 8e and went ev vrjeaaiv on board our ships, 0eo? Se and the god eKehacraev had scattered Ayaiovs the Greeks; Katrore 877 then indeed also Zeu? Jupiter fiySero devised ew cf>peaiv in his thoughts Xvypov voarov a bitter return Apyeiois for the Argives ; e7ret since ovk eaav they were not iravres all vorj/ioves thoughtful -u at all ovBe nor Bitcaiot righteous : ra> wherefore 7roAee? many acfywv of them €7reo-- 7tgv followed after kcikov otrov an evil doom, fjirjvios ef 0X0779 from the baneful wrath y\av- Ka)7ri&os of the blue-eyed goddess oftpifjLOTraT- p?7? born of a dread father, 77 re who e9r)K6 set epti/ strife Arpei^rjcn fier' a/jLcpore point, be- tween both the sons of Atreus. Tw Se but they two KaXecraafjievw having called iravras A^cuovs all the Achaeans e? ayopijv to an as- sembly, ftcrv^ at random arap but 01/ Kara kog- fjbov not orderly €? rjekiov KaraBwra until sun- set — ot Se but they vies the sons -4%at wv of the Achaeans7;A.^o^came/^6/Sa/3770Te9weigheddown 04^6) with wine — fivdecad^v told fivOov a tale, ~0t> olvetca for what ayeipav they assembled the people. Ei/#a then titoc in truth ODYSSEY, S. 81 Sf eveXaos Menelaus avcoyet, bade iravra^ Ayai- of? all the Achseans fja/nvrjcrKeadaL take thought pocttov of their return eir' evpea vcora c ver the wide surface daXaao-r]^ of the sea; ov Se krjp- Bave but it was not pleasing iraparap altogether Aya/xe/jLvovt. to Agamemnon : fiovXeio yap pa for he wished it seems epv/cafceetp to restrain \aov the people, pe^at re and to offer teoa? e/c- arofifias sacred hecatombs, a)? that egatceaaiTo he -might appease top 8etpop %o\ov that fierce anger A6r]pa:,r)$ of Minerva : prjino^ foolish, ovSe rjhrj nor did he know to the fact 6 that ovk epeXke she was not about iru- 6ea6at, to listen to him. Noo$ jap tol for the mind indeed decop aiep eoproip of the everliving gods ov rpeirerat is not turned aiyjra immediately. '/2? thus ray p.ep those two earacrap stood afj€c}3op,€P(o answering one another ^akeiroiaip eireeaal with bitter words ; ol 8e but they ev/cprj/AiSe*; A%aioL the well- greaved Greeks apopovaap uprose 77^77 Oecnre- 0-477 with awful clamour : (3ov\tj Be and coun- sel 8L%a dividedly fjpbape was pleasing cn£to-* to them. Nvtcra p,ep during the right aeaa- uep we rested opfAaiPOPres devising eppeatp in our minds ^aXeira harsh things aWrjXoiaip against one another ; Zevs yap for Jupiter 67ri ill addition rjprve was preparing irvjxa the bane Katcoto of woe. HcoOep 8e but in the morning ol fiep some of us ektcofiep drew peas our ships et? a\a hiap into the divine tea, epTiOtfieaOa t€ and put on board /enj- 6 82 ttOMEK. iwra our goods /3a6v^covov<; re yvvaitcas ana deep - waisted women : ^to-ee? o' apa \aot but half of the people eprjTvovro were detained fievovres remaining avOi there Trap Aya/jue- (jlvovl with Agamemnon ArpeiBrj son of Atreus iroifievL leader \aoov of nations : fjfiwees Be and half of us avafiavres going on board ekavvo- fiev proceeded on our way : al Be but they [the ships] eirXeov sailed fiaX co/ca very quickly, 0eo? Be and the god earopeae calmed fieyafcj]- rea 7tovtov the vast sea. E\6ovres Be but hav- ing come e? TeveBov to Tenedos epega/xev we offered Ipa sacrifices Qeoiai to the gods, Ufxevot impelled otfcaBe homewards ; Zevs Be but Jupiter ov7T(o fA7]BeTo was not yet meditating vocrov our return — cx^tXlo^ harsh, 6? pa who it seems copcrev eiri stirred up epiv /ca/crjv evil strife Bevrepov a second time avris again. Ot fiev some a/z<£t Baicppova avafcra round the prudent king OBvarja Ulysses iroiKCKo\iy]iT)v crafty in counsels eftav went cnroo-TpeyjravTes turning away vem their ships a/u,(f)ieXir\vai to show Tepaa that rayiara as quickly as possible {>7re/c (frvyocfiev we might escape out of KaKorrjra calamity, ilpyir? B' oi>|0o? but a shrill breeze copro arose arj^evat to blow ; at Se and they [the ships] puas! re«jiw» near child, a7revdri<; without learning ■ oi»o*e nor otSa r* do I know at all, ot re hci'a which newwu of ihem ^4^ato)^ the Achseans eaaa&ev were saved, c-i re and which airokovro perished. 'Occa So but whatever things 7revdo/iai 1 learn tcaOrj/jievo? sit- ting ei>t /xeyapoiaiv r)pL€T€poLciv in our halls Sarjcreat thou shalt learn, ?$ in the way that ecrx 0e/,u? is right, ov$e nor Kevaco will I conceal it <7e from thee. 188. $a(7t they say MvpfxiBova? fiev that the Myrmidons indeed eyxecnpwpovs skilled in the spear, ov? whom at8^05 wo? the glorious son fjLeyadvpiov A^tXXrjo^ of the high-soul'd Achilles aye led, e\6ep,ev came [home] ev safely : $ikoKTr}Tr)v he and Philoctetes ayXa- ov vlov TloiavTiov the glorious son of Pceas, €v safely : Iho/Jievevs he and Idomeneus 6*0-77- 7076 led KprjTrjv to Cnt3 Travras eraipovs all his companions ot who vyov escaped e/c wo\e/jLov from the war, 77-0^709 Be and the sea air- rjvpa o/took from him ovriva no one. Arpeihrjv 0€ but the son of Atreus kcli clvtoi yourselves also 601^76? though being voa(f)iv at a distance cucovere heard a>? re both how AiyiaQos ^Sgis- thus efirjo-aTO devised \vypov okeOpov his sad death : aXka but 77706 in truth *eti/o? tc art both noble /u,eyai> re and gie&t* «rcrc be. dk/afios valiant, iVa that rt? soo&c ^/H.e .-cat even oyjrvyovcov of those born htreaxtcT o' enrr) cre may speak well of thee.'* 201, Tr?A.eyCta^o? Se ireirvvfievo^i but the prudent Telemachus au again };u8a top address- ed him avTiov in answer : " fl Nearop oh Nestor NrjXrjiafy son of Neleus, /ue- 7a tffSov great pride Ayaiuav of the Greeks, xai \ir)v both severely k€lvo$ fxev did he in- deed erLaaro take vengeance, #at and A^atoi the Greeks oicrovau will bring ot to him evpv #\eo? widely extended glory, tcai even eo-crofjuevoLai for future men irvQeaOai to hear of. ^4t 7a/) for oh that Oeoi the gods nrapaOeiev e/uob would grant to me roaaijvBe BvrauLtv such great power riaaaOat to punish fjLV7] [my lot] toloutov oKftov st.cb happiness ^ol lor me TrarpiT €fx(p both for my father *&; e/u>t. and for me : vvv he but now v^t; it is my lot €^77779 altogether rcrka/isv t* put up with it." 210. Toy Se but him eTretrct then TeprtviOi hnrora the Gerenian knight Ntjjcop Nestor 9)fi€i(3eTo answered : " fl c/uXe oh friend, e-rrcL^rj since ave^vrjaas fie thou hast reminded me of kcu and eet7re? hast said ravra these tilings : qbao-t they say pLvrjarrjpa^ ttoWovs that mail*" suitors (MTj^avaaaOaL are devising K&«x> of thy own free will, y or \aoi the people eyQaipov- (jiv hate ere thee ava Brj/xov throughout the country eiriu shall avenge on tkem (3ia<; their acts of violence, 77 either 07c he ecov being pLowo? alone 77 or kcli also (TVfJLTravTes Ayaioi ail the Greeks? Et 7a/? for would that y\avrcco7ri<; Adyvrj the blue- eyed Minerva eOekoc would be willing (friXeeiv to befriend ere thee &)? so, o>9 as TrepiKrjhero she took care OSvcrarjo^ kvozXi/jlolo of the glorious Ulysses rore at that timt> SrjfMW evt> in he land Tpcocov of the Trojans, 60i where ,4y for never yet ifau have 1 seen Oeovs gods (piXevvras befriending chhc ivafyavBa so openly ?«)? as TlaWai ASrjvr; Pallas Minerva rrapiaTaro stood by newt? hire ava£ cars 9* thee Ov^icp in her mind, rqr in thai case v*7 any ?>ne xeivcov ye of them a'; teas« /^x* znXeXaBoiTo tee would also dismiss the bought yauoto of marriage/' 2^5. Toy & ©*■ hut him again Tr)Xe/j,axo$ TreTn-v'jLGvcsim prudent Telemachus rjvBa spoke to ci/Ttov in jrepij : "/2 ? so eOeXotev wished it." 229. Tov Be but him avre on the other hand 6ea y\avKco7TL<; the blue-eyed goddess AO-qirq Minerva irpoaeeunev addressed : " Trfkepba^e Telemachus, iroiov 67ro? what word fyvye ae has escaped thee kpKos [from] the row oBov- Tcov of thy teeth ? 0eo? 76 the god at least edeXcov being willing peia easily caaxrai might preserve avBpa a man /cat rrjXoOev even from a distance. Eyaye Be but I for my part 8ov\oifjL7]v av would wish, Kai even fioyrjcras having suffered aXyea iroXXa many woes, 88 HOMEB* skdepevat re both to come ocrcaBe home, tcai and cBea-dat to see voartfiov rj/map the day of my return, r} [rather] than eXdcov coming airokeaOai to perish edtSTTio? at my hearth, &>? a? Aya/jLeuvcov Agamemnon o)\ero perished vtto BaXw by the treachery Aiy&Soio of Mgis- thus kci: an«5 '5? aXitxQishis wi£?. /£X\# bnt ?; ro* in truth oi&s #soj 71-50 net ever. the gods Bvv- avrai are able a7jiXfce/j,€L' to war^ off davarov jiev death indeed 6/jlouov which is dike [for all] /cat even <£i\w avBpi for a man e«5W to them, oTTTTore Br) when indeed fioipa oKmj the per- nicious fatality ravijXeyeos davaroic ci long- 3xtended death tcadeXyai Ktv has e'ized on him." 239. Tr]\€/jLa-)(o? Be Trevrvv/jLcvos but the prudent Telemachus au again 7/L>8a spoke to rrjv her avTiov in reply : " Mevrop Mentor fifteen, no longer XeywpeOa let us speak of Tat'-- to, these things, K-qBofievoi irep though grieved ; fceivw Be but for him vo /u,ot for me eicropa* atrdat, to look upon, cl Nearop oh Nesto*' Nr]\7)iahr) so a of Neieus, cru Se do thou then eviGTre speak akijOes the truth. IToj? how ArpeL$r)<; did the son of Atreus evpvKpeicov £yap,€/jLva)v the far-ruling Agamemnon e#ai>e die ? IJov where e??z/ was Mei/eXao? Menelaus ? riva 8e oXeOpou and what death AcyiaOo? SdkoftjqrK did the deceitful Jigisthus fiycraro devise avra for him ; eirec since tcravev he slew 7toXXov apeico one much better [than himself] ? H ov/c rje was he not Apyeos Aya'iKov [in any part] of Achaean Argos, a\Xa but 7r\atero was he wandering aWy Try some- where else €7r' avdpcoirov? over mankind o Se s.no hs [.-Egisthus] dapcrqa-as taking courage jcareirefyve slew him ?'' 253. Eireura he but then Teprjvios i7T7rora the Gerenian knight Necrrcop Nestor rjfjLeifte- to answered top him : " Tovyap therefore eycc I, re/cvov child, ayopevaco will speak iravra all things a\rj6ea true rot to thee ; 7?Tot /-tei/ in truth avros thou thyself oteat zee may est think raBe these things, &)? how erv^Or) they were done. E?t if %avdos MeveXaos auburn- haired Menelaus ArpeL$r)<; son of Atreus eon* coming TpocrjOev from Troy erer^ev had found AiyiaQov iEgisthus ^(oovra alive ew fjLeyapoi(Tiv in his house, tw in that case €7T4 eyevav tee they would have neaped over ot him ovSe not even OavovTc when dead %im7i> yawp 90 HOMER. the piled up earth, aWa apa but in truth Kvves re both dogs km and ouuvoi birds fcare- Sayfrav would have tofn rovye Una, Keiyuevo^ lying ei> 7re(H&> ou the plain e#cK afar Apyeos from Argos ; onSe nor rt? *e would any one ^atlaScov of the Achaean women tckavae fxev have mourned him ; fia'ka yap for in truth ^rjaaro he devised fieya epyov a great deed. Hfieis fiev yap for we rj/xeOa sat .v^t^e there :e\eovres accomplishing 7ro\ea<; at&Xov? many labours : o Se but he evicr)\o<; at ease f^v^fc in the depth Apyeos ltttto^otoio of horse-f end- ing Argos dekyeaice was soothing aXo^ov AyafJL€fjbvovc7]v the wife of Agamemnon iroXka much €7ree<7o-« with words. r ff & but she *7Tot in truth, Bta Kkvraiixv^c-Tpa. achfy* Clytemnestra, to 7r/3ti/ /zei> before aisv^vo rejected epyov aei/ce? the unseemly des^ ; Kexprjro yap for she enjoyed (ppeotv ayadrjo-t good senses : irap 8 ap erjv and there was near her icai also aotSo? ai/?7/> a songs-man, u> to whom Arpeihris the son of Atreus /wow going Tpoirjv&e to Troy 7roAV eTrereWe gave many injunctions eipvaOai to protect anoiTiv his wife : a\Xa but ore 877 when indeed fxoipa the fate Oewv of the gods eTreo^aez; had fettered fiiv him BafirjvaL to be destroyed, Brj rore then indeed aycov leading rov pev him aochov the minstrel e? vrjaov epij/jirjv to a desert isle, (caWijrep he left him yeveaOac to become eXwp a capture /ecu and /cvpp.a a prey o«u- yoto-t for birds : tqv Be but her [Clytemnestra] ODYSSEY, 3. 91 eOeXwcap willing itccov he willing avrjyaye led away ovbe hotiovde to his own house : €ktj€ Be and burnt voXka p^pia many thighs Upois e7ri /3& /xot? on the sacred altars Oecov of the gods, avrjy^c Se and hung up iroXXa aya\~ fxara many ornaments, v^aafiara re both things woven ^pvaov re and gold, e/CTeXecras having achieved jieya epyov a mighty deed, o which ovTTore eXTrero he never hoped Oviita re. his mind. 'H/*a? fiev yap for we 7r\eo- fjLev sailed dp,a together iovt€$ going Tpoirjdev from Troy, Arpeihr)^ the son of Atreus kcli eyo) and I, etSore? CXa having friendly feel- ings aXXr}XoivXa the tribes av0pco7rci)v of men Kvftepvrjcrai to pilot W7#a there, eireiyonev- o? 7re/D though eager oSoto of his journey, o&pa that dairroi he might bury krapov his com- panion, /cat and KTepiaeiev solemnize €7n over him KTepea the solemnities; AXXa but oVe foi 92 HOMER. when then /ecu /ceivos; he also k*v §oing &n% yivoira ttovtov over the dark sea. ev njVifi yka ■ (frvprjcriv in his hollow ships £fca>*> runmne t£€s> and poured out upon him avr/jLeva the blast Xcyecov ave/jiwv of the shrill winds, av/xara -aiv«. dwelt a/u,<^ peeOpa on the streams lapouw. 01 the lardanus. E/> the water, (pepoov bearing ras irevre veas those five ODYSSEY, 3. 9S ships /cvavoirptopeiovs having azure prows eireXaaae brought them near Aiyv7rra> to Egypt. r /2? thus 6 [xev he ev6a there ayeipcov collecting nro\vv (Slotov much sustenance tcai •Xpvaov and gold, rjkaTO wandered gvv vrjvai with his ships kclt aWoOpoovs av6posirov<$ among men of another tongue : rocppa Be but mean-while AvytcrOos iEgisthus efirjaaro devi- sed olkoBl at home ravra Xvypa these sad doings, /crewa? having slain ArpetBrjv the son of Atreus : Xaos Be and the people Be- BfjLTjro was subdued vtt* atrrw under him : €7rTat'T65 Be and for seven years rjvao-aev he was king iro\vypvaoio MvfcrjvT]*; of wealthy Mycenae : tw oe oyBoarcp but in the eighth [year] rjkde came fca/cov woe oi upon him Bto? Opeov the funeral [feast] fjL7)Tpo$ T€ aTvyeprjs both of his abo- minable mother /«w and avdkiciBos Aiyio-Qoio of the unwarlike iEgisthus ; avTrjfiap Be but the same day ifkOe came oi to him Meve- Xao? Menelaiis cuyaOos good /So^y in the battle-cry, aytov bringing TroWa KTrj^ara much wealth, 6 lately eCkrfkovBev has come aXXoOev from elsewhere e/c tow avOpw- trcov from those men, 60ei> whence ov/c eX7roi- tq 76 he could not hope indeed Ovfxrp in his mind eX6ep,ev to come, ovriva whomsoever aeWat tempests 7rp(orov first arrocrdtrjXcoaL may have misled e? ireXayos iieya toiov into such a great sea: oOev re irep and whence ovhe not even oicovot the birds of)(yevai travel avroere? in the same year, 67T€t since fieya re it is both great heivov re and terrible. AXXa but t#t i>uz/ go now (7vv V7)l T€ ay with both thy ship kcli and vols erapoia-L thy companions ; ei he but if e0eXei<; thou wishest to go 7re?b? on foot Trapa tol there is present for thee hitypos tv both a chariot kcli and Ittttol horses, irap he tol and present for thee vies efioi my sons, ot who ecovrai will be 7ro/jL7rr]e<; rot, thy conductors 69 AafceBaifjLova hiav to noble Lacedsemon, otf* where %av0o$ MeveXao? is the auburn-hair' d ODYSSEY, 3. 95 Menelaiis. AiaaeaOac Be but thou mu.st beseech fiiv avrov himself, Iva that eviairy he id ay tell wyxepres the truth : ov Be epeec but he will not tell yfrevBos a lie : eari yap for he is p,aXa 7T67T- vvnevos very prudent/' 329. f /2? thus (Jxito he spake : rjeXios 8' apa and the sun then eBv set, kcu and Kve the wine, oc^pa that cnreiaavTes having made a libation UoaeiBawvL to Neptune rcai and aXXois adavaroiai the other immortals fxeBcofxeOa we may take thought koitolo of going to bed ; beneath darkness : ovBe nor eoi/cev is it fit S77&Z long OaacaepLev to sit ev Sairt at a feast 6ea? on their hands, Kovpoc Be and youths eTreo-TeyfravTo crowned /cprjTTjpas bowls itotoio with drink, voafMrjaav B' of a and they 96 HOME*. distributed iraai, to all errap^afievoi begirmin heirae5 T6 as if 77 either 7rapa rev from any man irafiirav altogether aveipovos without clothes rje or irevixpov needy, a> to whom ovre [there are] neither 'xkaivai cloaks, kcli and 7ro\\a prjyea many rugs evt, oi/cq> in his house, otrre neither avrq> for himself oure nor geivoicrc for his guests fiaXa/eaw softly ei/euSetv to sleep upon : avrap but 7rapa ^ey e/xot, with me [are] ^\a«/at cloaks icai and prjyea KaXa beautiful rugs. Ov Otjv Brj by no means then (j)i\os vlo$ shall the dear son rovBe avBpo? of this man OSvtv upon the deck 1/770? of a vessel, o(£pa m long as €7ft>7e I at least Jwa> ap am alive, i ODYSSEY, 3. 97 kjerreira Be and then 7rat8e? my children \ittcov- ptfat, may be left evi fieyapouriv in my halls y^'uvi^uv to entertain Qeivovs strangers oo-ti? te'/hosoever iKiqiai tee may arrive at epua Bco/iara p-jaj house." 356. Tov Be but him avre in reply 6ea r >y\avfcco7rL<; the blue-eyed goddess Aur/vrj y Minerva irpoj-eearev addressed ; " Ev Br) ; well indeed ecprja-Qa didst thou say raura ye a those things, yepov cf>i\e dear old man : eoixe y8e and it is fitting TrjXe/ia^ov that Telemachus ^ireideo-Oai croi should listen to thee, eirei since piroXv KdXkiov it is much better ovrco so: c aWa but ovtos \iev he indeed vvv now eyjrerav A will follow d/ia vol together with thee, ocfrpa c that evBrj Kev he may sleep aoccriv evi ixeyapoi- f ecorepoL avBpeg younger men eirovrac follow is (f>CkoTY)TL through friendship, navre? all ifMrjXiiar) the equal age pLeya6v^ov Trfke> t ia')(oio )f the high-souled Telemachus. EvOa there K.e%atp,r)v Kev I may lie down vvv now irapa cot\r) vrjl ixekaivrj beside the hollow black ship, arap but rjcoOev in the morning eip,i I irill go /xera KavKwvas fieyaOvfAovs among he magnanimous Caucones, evOa where ypem 93 HOMER. a debt ofeXXercu is owed /not to tq& 3 ourk not at all veovye recent at least, ouSe nsr oXuyov little: av Se but thou ire^ov send tovtov him, 67ra since //ccto he has come to reov Scofia thy house, aw Suppw re with both thy chariot kcu and vlel thy son, So? Se o/' and give to him ittttovs the horses, ol tol which in truth eXa^porarou are the swiftest Oeieiv to run /cat and aptaroi the best /capTos in strength." #71. r /2? apa thus then ^covrjaacra having spoken yXavicoiiTis A6i]V7] blue-eyed Minerva a7T6/5?; went away eiSo/ievr] like (pyvy to an eagle : OapLpos Se but wonder e\e took hold of Travras all iSovras who saw it. 'O Be yep- aios but the old man Oav/xa^e wondered, onco? when iSo* he saw it ocfrOaXfioicn with his eyes ; e\e Be and he grasped x eL P a * ne l ]anc ^ TrjXe- ' l**a%ov of Telemachus, ecparo re and spake ' e7ro? the word, e/c t j ovo/ma^ev and addressed ' him : " /2 $i\o? oh friend, ovk eoXira I do ' not expect ere that thou eaeadai wilt be kcucov base *m and avaXiciv unwarlike, et £?? if indeed 6eoi the gods wSe thus eirovrai rot wait ontl *t vew a youth 73-0^77776? as thy conductors. ( *-< /Ltei» yap Tt? aAAo? for no other 6oV is t 1 < eyovr&v of those who inhabit OXvfiTria Ecojllg c Olympic mansions, aXXa but Ovyarrjp daughter Jio? of Jupiter kvokjtt) Tpiroyev the most glorious Triton-born, rj who /cat a er,*^a honoured irarepa roi ea&Xov thy g< father ev Apyeioiaiv among the Argives, A> ODYSSEF, 3. 99 but IXrjOihQ thou propitious, avao-j-a oh queen, BlBcoOl Be and give fc\eo<; eadXov good renown fioi to me, avTco to myself kcli and TraiBeaat to my children kcli and a&oiy Trapa/coin to my venerable partner; eyo) Be but I av on the other hand pegw will offer ro they sat down e&tTis in order Kara KXiafAoyg re both on the seats dpovovs re and the thrones ; tqis Be and for them eXdovaiv having come 6 yepwv the old man ava Kepaacre mixed Kprjrrjpa a hwiowuu of wine 7]Bv7roroio sweet to drink, roz^ which TCLjMr) the housekeeper wtfei; opened evBeKarw tviavrw in the eleventh year km and eXuo-~ loosed a.7r0 from it Kp^euvov the bandage ; Tot of it o yepcov the old man Kepaaaaro mixed xprfTfjpa a bowl t-vvtro & and prayed 7roXXa 100 HOMER. much airocrrrev^wv making a libation AO^vp to Minerva tcovprj daughter Aios aiyioyoio of jegis-bearing Jove. 395. Avrap but e7rei when cnreicrav re they Lad both made a libation eiriov re and had drunk oaov as much as Ovfios their mind r)9e\e desired, ol fjuev they eftav went icaKiceiovTes going to bed e/cacrro? each oiKovhe to bis own house : Nearcop he but Nestor Tep-qvLo^ lirTTora Gerenian knight Koiirjcre put to bed avrov there rov him Trfkefxa-^ov Telemachus i\ov vlov dear son OSucro-7709 Oeioio of divine Ulysses, TprjTois ev Xe^eeaatv on a carved bed vir aidovcrr) epiyhovirw beneath an echoing portico : Trap h' apa and by his side IleiaLo-TpaTov Pisistratus ev/x/neXirjv skilled in the ashen spear, opyaixov leader av- hpcov of men, 0? who tjv was en still irai- hcov ol of his sons rjiOeos a youth ey fieyapoi- cnv in his halls : avros he but himself avre moreover KaOevhe slept /*v^&) in the recess BofMov vyfrr)\oLo of his lofty house ; rep- he and for him aXo^o? his wife hecnroiva the lady of the house iropavve prepared Xep^os a couch #at and evvqv bed. 404. Jf^to? he but when pohohafcrvXos Ho)9 the rosy-fingered Aurora rjpiyeveta early rising <£az/?7 appeared, Nearcop apa Nestor then TeprjvLos liriroTa the Gerenian knight copvvro arose ef evvr)(j)i from his bed, e/c 8' e\0&>i> and going out icar ap } efrro sat down then eirt, %etv to a god : aXXa but 6 fxev he indeed rjbrj already Bct/iei? subdued KTjpt, by fate PefirjfceL had gone AihosSe to Hades ; Ne<7T0)p TepwvLO? Gerenian Nestor ovpo? guard Ayaiw of the Achseans av again to re then ec/ufe sat upon it, e^wv having 070777- t^oj/ a sceptre ; 7re/)t Se and round him vies his sons rjyepeOovro were assembled aoXXees in numbers, eX0ovre<; having gone out e/c BakafjLOiv from their chambers .E%e$0Gw Eche- phron XrpaTios re and Stratius TIepaevs re and Perseus, Apr)ro<; re and Aretus, *a& and avTiOeos @paavfir]87)$ the divine Thrasymedes; 70to-t Se and to them eirwra then rjXvOe came €k:to? as sixth UeiaLGTpaTOS 970W? the hero Pisistratus : 7ra/) Se apa and by him oyovres leading elcrav they placed TrjXe/iaxov Oeoatce Xov Telemachus equal to a god : TOto-t Se and to them Teprjvios fonrora the Gerenian knight Nearcop Nestor rjp-^e began fivOoiv these words. 418. " Kpr)7)vaT€ fulfil jjlol for me KapiraXi- yLtco? quickly, reKva (fnXa dear children, eeXScop my wish, o^>pa that r/rot in truth. irpoiTtara first 0e&)z/ of the gods IXaaao/jLat I may sup- plicate AOrjvqv Minerva, rj who ^X^e came ev- apyys manifest fxoi to me e? 8a£Ta OaXeiav to 102 HOMEB* the rich banquet deov of the god. AXX* cuye but come, o {lev let the one itco go 7reBt,ovBe to the plain eiri (Bow after an heifer, ocfrpa that avrjp the man 67tl(3ovko\o<; who is the herds- man pocov of the oxen eXOrjai may come t avOefioevn \e(3r)rc in a i'lower'd bowl, ere^ Se and in his other hand eyev he had ovXas cakes ev icaveco in a basket ; 0paavp.7]Br)<; Be but Thrasymedcs /xeveirroXe^ yuo9 firm in battle rrapiararo stood by e^cov having ireXetcw of w a sharp axe ei/ x e P (Ttv * n his hands, erriKo^cov about to cut down /2ow the heifer. Ilepaevs Be but Perseus ct^ez/held ap-vLov the basin : they eireira then aveXov- re? having taken it up a7ro xOovos evpvo- &6lt]<; from the wide earth ecr^ov held it, arap but TleidicTTpaTO^ Pisistratus op^a/Ao? leader avBpcov of men acfrage slew it. ^7ret Se but when fxeXav alfxa the black blood -n?? of it e« pvrj flowed out, 6vpL0$ Be and the life Xiirev had left oared the bones, acv/ra apa hte^evav they quickly then divided ynv it, a<£ap 8e and immediately e/c ra/ivou cut off iravra firjpia all the thighs Kara \xoipav according to custom, Kara re eKaXv^rav and enveloppedthem Kviaarj in fat, iroirjcravTes having made them Bltttvx^ double, (0/j.oOsTrjaap Be and placed raw pieces ODYSSEY, 3. 105 eir clvtwp upon them. ( Be yepcov but the old man Kate burnt them eiri cr%ilfo$ upon cleft logs, €7Tt Be Xeifiev and poured over them ai6oira oivov the ruddy wine : veoi Be and young men wap' aurov beside him e^ov held •n-e/jLTrooffoXa five-pronged spits x e P aLV * n their hands. Avrap but ewec when firjpa the thighs Kara eicar\ were burnt up, kcli and eiracravTo they had tasted afkarfxya the inwards, /xtcr- tvXXov rapa they then both chopped up tcl aXXa the other parts, kcli and eireipav fixed them afi(f> ofieXoLGiv round spits, (otttcov re and roasted them, e^oFre? having ofteXov? cLKpoiropovs the spits with sharp tops ev x € P atv in their hands. 464. KaXij Be HoXv/cacrTq but the fair Polycasta, oirXorarrj Owyarrjp eldest daughter Nearopos of Nestor NrjXr)'iaBao son of Neleus, TO(f>pa mean-while Xovcre washed Trfkefiaxov Telemachus ; avrap but eiret when Xovaev re she had both washed him, Kai and expt- cev anointed him Xtrra richly eXatm with olive-oil, ftaXe Be and had thrown apLtbi \iiv around him cfiapos /caXov a fair robe rjBe X^rcova and tunic, e/c pa (Brj he then went out aaa/uiivOov from the bath 6/jloios like Be/jLa? in person adavaroiai to the immortals, icov Be and going 076 he tear ap e^ero sat down Trap Nearopt near Nestor iroi^evi leader \aa>i> of the people, 106 HOMER. 470. Eirei Be but when ol they MirTrjaav had roasted rcpea virepTepa the upper pieces of flesh /eat, and epvaavTo had drawn them off. ifyftevoi sitting downSatzwro they feasted, avBpes Be eadXot and good men 67rt opovro rose up, cvoivoxpevvTes pouring in oiz/oy wine evi ^pvcreois Beiraeaoriv in golden cups : avrap but €7ret when ef eim) they had dismissed from them epov the desire ttoctlos of drinking /cat and eBrjrvos of eating, rotcri Be to them then FepiivLos iinroTa the Gerenian knight Nearcop Nestor ijp%e began pivOcov these words ; 475. "JJatBes e/iot my sons, aYe come, 07- ovrej> appuaai baneath the chariot. Tvvr] Be but the woman rafiirj the house- keeper e0r/fce placed ev among them vitov bread kcll and ot^oy wine, otya re and meats, o/a such as j3a,(Ti\r]6 8' apa but up then T??A.e^a^o? Telemachus (Srjaaro went into irept/eaXXea hubpov the beautiful chariot : 7ra/3 8' apa and by his side NeaTopiBr]? the ODYSSEY, 8. 107 son of Nestor Ileicno-T paros Pisistratus op%a- Ato? leader avBpcov of men, avefiaive re and he went up €? Bufipov into the chariot, /cat and Xa^ere took rjvia the reins x 6 P (7LV m his hands : fjuaan^ev Be and lashed them eXaav to go on ; rco Be but they two ovk atcovre not unwilling irereaOrjv flew e? ireBiov into the plain, \t7re- t^ Be and left at7ry irroXteOpov the high town JJvXov of Pylos ; ot Se but they nravrjp.epioi all the day aeiov shook £?;yoi; the yoke eyovTe? having it a^t? on both sides. 487. HeXio? Se but the sun 6WeTO set, iracrai re ayvtai and all the streets ctkiocovto were shaded : ikovto Be and they came e? $r)pa<; to Pherse, 7T(m &w/xa to the house AlokXi^o^ of Diocles weo? son Opo-tXo^pio of Orsilochus, toz> whom AX(j>eio<; Alpheus rerce begat nraiBa as his son : e^0a Be but there aecray they rested vv/cra the night; o Be but he [Diocles] #?7/ee placed %ewia pledges of hos- pitality Trap rot? before them. 491. H/LLo$ Be but when poBoBafcrvXo? Ha)? the rosy-fingered Morn ripiyeveia rising early (fxivrj appeared, tjevyvvvro re they both yoked iTnrovs their horses ava re efiaivov and mounted apfiara iroucika their variegated chariot, [e/c 8* eXacrav and drove out irpoOvpoio from the vestibule /cat and atOovcrr)^ epiBovirov the echoing porch :] p,aar^ev Be and he lashed them eXaav to go on ; too Sg but they two ov/c dKovre not unwilling ireTeadrjv flew : 108 HOSIER. [gov Be and they came e? ireSiov to the plain ?rvp7)opov producing wheat ; ev6a Be and there eireira forthwith rjvov they fulfilled oBov their journey : toiov jap for in such wise a)/podiT7]<; of the golden Yenus. 15. [ f /2? thus ot p,ev they Sat^wro were feasting Kara fieya Bcofia through the great house u-v/repe^e? with its high roof, yeiroves neighbours rjBe and erac companions MeveXaov (cvBaXifioLo of the glorious Menelaus repiro- fievot enjoying themselves ; /xera Be aviv and among them deio? aoiBos a divine minstrel efieXirero was singing (pop/xifov playing the harp, Boko Be KvftLcmjTijpe and two turn bier? kclt avTov? among them, e^ap-^ovro^ when [the musician] struck up (JLoXirrf; the song, eoV vevov were whirling Kara fxecaovm the midst]. 20. T» Be but the)- two avre on the other 110 HOMER. hand avrco re both themselves /cat and lirizoi their horses, T^Xe^ta^o? & r)pws both the hero Telemachus kcu and ayXaos vio$ the glorious son Necrropos of Nestor, o-rrjaav stood evirpoOvpoicnv in the vestibule SofAoov of the house : 6 Se but he Kpeicov Ereoovevs the ruling Eteoneus, orpi]po<; Oepaircov the active attendant Me^eXaou kvBciXl/jloio of the glorious Menelaus, 7rpo/jLo\cov going forwards tStTo saw them: /3?7 Se and proceeded i/iev to go 8ta5o)- /ua-ra through the house ayyeXecov to tell it TToifxevi to the leader Xacoi/ of the people larajuLevos Se and standing ayypv near 7r/)o<7 ^uSa he addressed to hiin eirea irTepoevra these winged words. "TcoSe Sn there [are] here %eivco rive some, strangers, Jtorpec/>e? o> Me^eXae oh Menelaus nourished by Jupiter, avSpe Svco two men, elic- tov le but they are like yevey to the race Alo$ /leyaXoto of great J upiter. AWa but e*7re say, 6fc if KaraXvcro/iev we shall loose a«;ea? ijnrovs their swift horses, 77 or Tre/jLTTaipev send them 'ucave/iep to go to aXkov some other 6? who ? an Trafc a child, /3a£e«? thou speak est VT]7Tia foolish things. H \xev hrj in truth icoi we two IfcojieOa came Sevpo hither $ai around them ovXas xkaivas shaggy cloaks rjBe %tro)- vas and tunics, etpvro apa they sat down e? Opovovs on thrones irapa MeveXaov beside Menelaus ArpetBijv son of Atreus : a/JL(f)i7roXoro they had dismissed epov their desire iro? thus avaaaco I am lord roia- Be Kreareaaiv over these possessions ov tl yai- pcov by no means rejoicing. Kai and fieXXere ye were likely aKovefxev to hear -raoe these things irarepoiv from your fathers olrives who- ever eto-ji> vp.iv are yours : 67ret since eiraOov I have suffered fiaXa htoXXcl very many things, kcli and airwXecra have ruined oi/eoi> my house eu /^aX« vaieraovra very well situated, Ke^av- Sotci containing ttoXXcl many /rat eaOXa and good things c /2z/ of which thing o9 S77 seeing that aTro^rai he is gone fypoi/ for a long time : ovhe nor ch/jLevrc do we at all know 6e£ lives ?; or redvrjicev is dead. f O Teyepwv both the old man AaepT^ ODYSSEY, 4. 117 Laertes tcai and e^ecfrpwv JJ^veXorreia tLe prudent Penelope, TriXeiiayo^ re and Telerna- chus, ov whom eXearev he left veov yeyacora lately born evt olk(o in his house, rrov perhaps ohvpovrai vv are now lamenting avrov him." 113. f /2v thus $aro he spake, tw &' apa but in him viro wpaev he excited ifiepov the desire 700*0 of lamentation irarpos for his father, fiaXe Se but he shed Sa/epv the tear a7ro (3\e(f>ap(ov from his eyelids %a/ia$L<; to the ground, atcovaa<; hearing of irarpos his father, avaa^cop holding up y\aivav 7ropcj)vper)v his purple mantle afuporepyai xepo-t, with both hands avr ocpdaXpioiip before his two eyes, Mev- eXaos Se but Menelau porjae perceived puv him : fiep/jbrjpitje Se and pondered eireira then Kara typeva in his breast icai and Kara Ovixov in his soul, rje whether eaaecevhe should allow flip him avrop himself fiprjaBrjpai to make mention irarpos of his father rj or e^epeoiro should ask rrpcara first ireiprjaairo re and in- quire efcaara each thing. 120. f Eco? whilst 6 he wpfiaive was ponder- ing ravra these things Kara$peva in his breast acch and /caTa 6v/ulop in his soul, 'EXeprj Se Helen then rfkvOe came e.v 0aXa/Jioio dvcoSeo^ out of her fragrant chamber v-^ropocjioio with its high roof, et/o/ia like Apre^i to Diana xp V(Tr l m Xatcarw with the golden di^-aff. T7 S'apa but for her dfia at the same time ASprjarr] Ad- rasta e^/ce placed kXkjit]p evrvicrop a welL made couch: A\/a7T7n? Se and Alcippe £epe 118 HOMER. brought TaiTTjra a carpet /naKaKov epioto of soft wool ! Phylo $e- povcra bringing TrapeOrjfce placed by ol him /3e- fivcr/jbevov stuffed full vrj/JLaro? ao-fcrjroio of thread prepared : avrap but e7r' avra) upon it reravvaro was stretched rfkaicaTr) the distaff e%ovcra containing eipo? wool loBvecpas of dark violet colour. 'E&to Be but she sat ei> icXiafMp on the seat, ^ey Seand there was Oprjvw afoot- stool vtto itoggl beneath her feet ; avrifca Be and immediately rjye she epeeivev asked iroaiv her husband eKaa-ra each thing ensno-at, with tiiese words. ODYSSEY, 4. 119 I3S. " ISfj-ev Btj do we indeed know, Mev- e\ae Menelaus Aiojpefyes nurtured by Jupiter, oiTLves who avSpcov of men oiSe [are] these [who] €V)£€tocovtcu boast Ifcavefiev to be coming to fj/juerpov Sco our mansion ? Wevao- fiai shall I speak falsely y or epeco shall I speak €tv[jlov the truth ? #17x09 Se but my soul Kekerat fj,e bids me. ^tu 7ap for I say ou 7rco iSeaOat that I never yet saw riva any one 7to Tpoirjv beneath Troy eive/ca for the sake e/xeto of me kvvqotuSos dog-faced, opfiaivovTes stirring up Opaavv nrdkepLov fierce war. 147. 'EavOo^ he TleveXao? but the auburn- haired Menelaus airafAeiftofievos answering 7rpo(T6(f>7] addressed ttjv her : " Kai ey9 as o-u thou elcr/ceis conjecturest : roLoi.Se yap for such 7roSe9 are the feet iceivov of him, rocaihe re and such %eioe9 the hands, fio\at, re and the glances of i> and now r\roL in 120 HOMER. truth eyw I fiefivrjiievos making mention ap,o > OSvarjl about Ulysses fiv6eonr)v was telling oaa how many things /ceivos he oifyaa? toiling e/jioyrjcre suffered ap,^> 6/jlol on my behalf ; avrap but 6 he ei{3e shed micpov Satcpvov the bitter tear u7r' ocfrpvai, beneath his eye-lids avaa- %oov holding up xXaivav iropcpvpeijv his purple robe avr' opOaXfiouv in front of his eyes.'' 155. Tov £e but him av in reply IleLcncrrp- aro? Pisistratus NearoptSr]^ son of Nostor ^u5a spoke to clvtlov in reply: " ArpeiSrj son of Atreus Me^eXae Menelaus Aiorpefyes nurtured by Jupiter, opyap^e leader \acov of nations, bSe fievroL this in truth vto? is the son iceivov of him errjrv/iov truly &>? as ayopeveis thou eayest : aXXabut eariv he is craocppcov prudent, pe/xecrcrarac Se but he is indignant evi Ovjicp in mind, e\0wv coming &>Ss here to irpcorov first avafyaiveiv to display eTreaftokias tal- kativeness ayra ce^ey before thee, tou au£>77 with whose voice w? as #eov of a god Van we two repTTO/uLeOa are delighted. Avrap but Nearcop Nestor Tepr\vio<; lirirora the Gerenian knight Trpoerjfce fie has sent me forward e-reo-- 6ai to follow rrofirrov as a conducter a/^a tgi with him : eeXSero yap for he desired iSear- Oat to see ere thee, oc^pa that viroOrjcreat, thou mightest suggest ot to him r\ either r* 577-09 some word ?;e or n epyov some deed. I7af5 yap for the son rrarpos of a father or^o/ievoio who is gone away e^et lias iroXXa aXyea many Bufferings ei> fieyapois in his house, ^o to whom ODYSSEY, 4. 121 fj,7) ewcri there are not aWot, ao<7? as vvv now T^Ae/m^ro to Teleina- chus; 6 {lev ob^erai he is gone, ovhe nor etaiv are there ol to him aAAot others ol who a\a\/coiev fee may ward off KaKonqra calamity Kara S-q/xov among his people." 168. UavOos oe MeveXaos but the auburn- hair'd Menelaus airaiJLeiftofjLevos answering irpoae^-q .addressed rov him ; "fl ttottol oh gods ! rj fiaXa Brj truly then Itcero there has come to e/j,ov Bco my house vlo$ the son cj)i\ov avepo? of a friendly man 6? who e/407770-e toiled 7ro\ea? ae6\ov<; [in] many struggles €»>€/t e/xeto on account of me : /cat and e0?7z> 1 said (f)i\7]crefiev that I would cherish /zjf him eXOovra if he should come e^o^ou preeminent aWwv Ayamv over the other Greeks, ei if OXvfiTrios the Olympic deity evpvoira Zev$ the wide-seeing Jupiter eSeo/ce granted yeveaOac that there should be vogtov a return wwti; for us two vrjvai, Oorjcnv in our swift vessels vireip aXa over the sea ; feat and vaaaa tcev I would have placed ol for him irdXiv a city ApYet in Argos, koli and erevga would have made Ecofiara houses, ayaycov having conducted him ei; IOafcr)? from Ithaca aw /crrjfiacrt with his goods /cat, and TeiceL w his child, kcli and nraatv XaoLaiv all his people, e^akaira^a^; having sacked fiuav iroXiv one city, al [of those] which irepivaie- raovo-iv are inhabited around, avaaaovrau Be and are ruled e/xot atirp by myself. Kai, and 122 HOMER. covies being evdahe here efitxryo/ieOa fee we would have mixed together Qa\xa frequently; ovSe nor aWo would any other thing htenpive ice have separated fyikeovre re [us] two both loving Tep7rofjL€V(o re and delighting, Trpw ye before at least ore St) when indeed fxekav ^e(/>o? the black cloud Oavaroto of death a/i(f)6Ka\vyjr- ez^had envelopped us. AXKa but 0eo? the god avros himself, o? who eOyKev has made keivov him Bvarrjvov wretched oiov alone avoari^ov unreturned, fieWe was about irov it seems ayacr- ueoQai to be jealous of ra fiev such things.'' 183. c /2? thus (Jmzto she spake; tohji, &e iraai but in all of them l»7to cohere she caused to spring up l/iepov the desire 70010 of lamentation. *E\ev7) fiev Apyen) Helen of Argos on the one hand e/cyeyavia born A 40? of Jupiter ickaie wept, Trjkefiaxo? Be re and both Telemachus /cat and Me^eXao? Menelaus ArpeiBr)^ son of Atreus Kkcue went ; ol'S' apa nor in truth vlo<; did the son Nearopos of Nestor e^e keep oo-o-e bis two eyes aSarcpvTW free from tears. Mvrjaaro yap for he remembered a/uLvfiovos AvtiXo^olo the blameless AntiJochus Kara 6v/jlov in his mind, rov pa whom in truth wo? ayXaos the noble son Jfof? cj>aeLvr)<; of bright Aurora exreive slew, tou him 076 he einpbvrjaOeL^ remembering ayopeve spake e7rea Trrepoevra these winged words. 190. " ArpetBrj son of Atreus, 6 fievyepcov the old man fyaaicev used to say o-e that thou ami art Treirvvfjievov wise 7re/?t fiporcov above men, ore when einfivqcraifieOa we should make mention o-eto of thee [plciv evi fieyapoiaiv in his ODYSSEY, 4. 123 halls, tcai and epeoipuev we should question aWrfXo 1/9 one another]. Kai vvv and now, et if eaTLv it is possible t& 7roi> any how at all, ttlOolo listen p,oi to me ; eywye yap for I ow repirofxai do not take pleasure oBupo- /xevos mourning fieraBopino^ after supper : aWa but /rat also Hw? Aurora Tjptyeveca rising early eaaerat will be present: ve/j,eo-o-a>- fjiat, ye fxev ovBev I do not begrudge at all kkcueiv lamenting ftporav [any one] of men 69 who davyai ne may have died nai and eTTLGTTr) have undergone iroT\xov fate. Tovro vv this now /cat also 76/50,9 oto^ is the only honour o'CCppoHJi ftpoiouji to calamitous mor- tals, KeipaaQai re both to clip Ko\xt]v the hair, (3a\eecv re and to shed Ba/cpv the tear a7ro jrapeicov from the cheeks. Xat ^yap for also e/Ao? aSe\0eo9 my brother redwqicev is dead, ou Tfc not at all fcct/ao-ros worst Apyeiwv of the Argives : cry Se but thou peWec? art likely iBfievat, to know : eycoye yap for I 01/ /c rjvrrjo-a have not met him ouSe nor tcW seen him : ; tor- ward %«pa? their hands eir oveiara upon the viands rrpoiceiiieva lying before them eroLfjua ready. Ev6a then avre again e E} with the brass [sword] aSeXcpeov his brother 77 or 0t\oy v\ov his son ot for him nrpoirapoiOevm his presence, 6 Se and he oprpro should see it o(pdaX[j.oLcrt with his eyes. Toia fyapjxaica /jbTjnoevra such well-devised drugs Ovyarrjp the daughter Aio<; of Jupiter eyev had, eaOXa good, ra which IIoXvBa/iva Polydamna, rrapaicoirt^ partner Qoovo? of Thon, Trope furnished oi to her, AiyvTrrir] a native of JSgypt, T^for which landapovpa £et$o)po? the life-giving corn-land d>epei, bears7rXe/ y <7Ta 7ap for I shall tell you eoiKora things fitting. Eyco I ov/c av fjLvOrjcrofJLai could not tell ovBe nor ovofiijvco name rravra all things, oo-o-ot how many aaiv are aeOXou the struggles OSvacrrjos raXaatcfrpovosof thepatient-minded Ulysses ; aXXa but ow^ of what nature Kap- repo? az^p that stout man epe^e did /cat erXv and endured touto this vi SrjfUp among the people Tpwcopof the Trojans, 66u where Aya<> ot > ye Achaeans izaG^ene suffered -trr/fiara woes. ODYSSEY, 4. 12/ Aafxaacas having afflicted fiiv avrov himself irXrjyrjGiv aeiKekiyci with unseemly stripes, j3a\cov having cast onreipa kclkcl vile rags oji tofjuoKTiv around his shoulders, eoiKas like oi/crjl to a domestic, KareBv he plunged into itoKlv the city avBpcav Bva-fievecov of ene- mies evpvayvLav having wide streets : fcara- tcpvTTTcov Be and concealing avrov himself 7]'iaKev he likened himself a\\(p <£&m to an- other man, Be/cry a receiver [beggar] , 6? [he] who erjv was ovBev by no means to*o? such €irt, vrjVGLv at the ships Ayaiuv of the Greeks: i/ceXos like tw to him KareBy he plunged into irokiv the city Tpcocov of the Trojans; ol Be but they rravre? all aftafcrjo-av could not tell [who he was] ; eyco Be but I oltj alone aveyvcov distinguished fjuv him eovra being tolov such, kcli and avrjpcorcov fuv I ques- tioned him : 6? Se but he KepBoavvr, by cun- ning akeeivev avoided it. AWa but ore By when indeed e washed /uy him kcli and %/)ioy anointed him e\aup with oil, ecrcra Be and placed a^* around him el/xara garments, kcli and mpooa swore Kaprepov opKov a strong oath, /*?; /xez> 7r/Mz/ not pre- viously ava^rjvac to point out OBvaiqa Ulysses fiera Tpcoeao-iv among the Trojans, irpLv 7e before at least rov he atyaceaOaL should arrive e? i/^a? re 6oa<; both to the swift ships /cXtcrta? re and tents ; kcli rore By why then indeed KareXe^ev he told i±ol ro me Trairrz voov all the mind A^aidnvoi the Greeks: m HOMER. KTeiva? Se and having slain iroTCKov? many Tpcocov of the Trojans Tavarjicel X°^ K( 9 w * tn the long- pointed brass rjXOev he went fier Apyeiovs among the Greeks : Kara & yyayev and he brought back itoXXt)v (bpovLv much knowledge [of them]. EvOathenaXXai Tpwcu the other Trojan women €kookvov wailed Xiya shrilly : avTctp but e\xov Krjp my soul %atpe rejoiced, eTret since Kpahtrj \xoi my heart tjctj already reTpairro had been turned veeaQai to gto a-yjr back olkovSg to my home, /xerecnevov oc but I lamented ait]v the calamity fjv which A(j>po$LT7)Venus S&)A:egave me,oVewhen 7jyaye she led fie me Ketae thither in any thing, ovt ap fypevas neither in intellect ovre rt nor at all et§o? in form " 265. Tt)v Se but her %av9o<; MeveXaos the auburn-haired Menelaus cnrafieifiofievo? an- swering irpoaefyri addressed: "NaiSr) yea in- deed eei7re<; thou hast spoken ravra ye iravra all these things, vy\v thy voice aXo-^otac to the wives ttclvtow Apy- et(ov of all the Argives ; avrap but eyco I /cat, and TvBetBrj? the son of Tydeus ftai and Bios 0^i/or(7€i;?divineUlysses,'>7/^6^otsitting ev fiecr- aoMTiv in the midst aicovaafxev heard a>? as ep07]cra<; thou didst call. Nwt fxev we two a/£- (borepti) both fieve^vajxev were eager op/irjOevre starting up ?? either e^eXd eleven to go forth ?;or anfra at once viraitovaai tolistenfand answer] «v!>o0£vfrom within, a\\a but OSvtrei/s Ulysses 130 HOMER. KarepvKe checked tcai and eo-^e^e restrained ns iefJievto irep though eager. [Ev8a then aXXoo fjLev nravjes vie? all the other sons Ayamv of the Achaeans eaavweie afcrjv silent: AvtlkXos Be but Anticlus oios alone qdeXe wished afiei- -\jraa-6aito answer 0-676 theee7reeo-o-«> in words: aXXa but OBvaevs Ulysses 7rte£e pressed eirt fiao-Tdfcawpon his mouth j/wXe/^ecw? unceasing- ly yepai Kpcnep-yai with strong hands, aawae Be and saved iraviasAyaiovs all the Achaeans: e%6 Be and he held him jocppa so long o him avTtov in reply : " ArpetBrj son of Atreus MeveXae Atorpe by sweet sleep." 296. 'fls thus ecfiaro he spake ; 'EXevrj Be ApyeiT] but Argive Helen /ceXevae command- ed BfiwrjaLv her maids de/ievaL to place BejjLPia Wds U7r' aiQovor) beneath the porch, not, and tutfaXeeiv to throw over them prjyea KaXa ODYSSEY, 4. 131 beautiful rugs irop^vpea of purple, crropeaa/. re and to spread Tairrjras quilts efyvirepQev over them, evOefzevatre and to place on them ov\as 'xXaiva? woollen mantles tcaQvizepQev on the top kaaaOai to wrap themselves with. At Be but the [maids] uiav went etc fxeyapoio out of the hall e%ovacu holding Baos a torch fiera yepaiv in their hands; cropeaav Be and they spread Be/nvca the beds: etc Be and out [of the palace] tcrjpv^ an herald aye led fjeivovs the guests. 01 fiev apa they then K0ifi7]oravTO slept avToOi there ev 7rpoBo{i(o in the vestibule Bo/xov of the house, T^Xe^a^o? 0' ^/doj? both the hero Telemachus kcll and ayXaos vlos the noble son Necrroposof Nestor: ArpecBris Be but the son of Atreus tcaOevBe slept fAvxP m the interior Bo/jlov v-^njkoio of the lofty mansion, Trap Be and by his side eXe^aro lay 'EXevrj Helen Tavvireifko^; with the long robe Bia divine yvvaucav of women. 306. HfAos Be but when Hco? Aurora rjptyeveia early-rising poBo&aKTuXos with the rosy finger cpavrj appeared, MeveXaos apa Menelaus then aya0o$ good /3otjv in the battle-cry copvvro rose ef evvrjcjyt, from his bed, iaaafjLevos having put on elfiara his garments: irepi Be and round &>/xw his shoulder #6to he placed ^t^o? off his sharp sword, Trocrcrt, B' V7T0 XiirapoLcnv and beneath his white feet eBrjaaro he bound Ka\a ireBika his fair sandals, J3r] Be and went ipev to go c/c 6a- i32 HOMER. Xa/ioto out of the chamber, evaXijfaos like 6em a god avrrjv to look at, irapt^e oe and he sat beside Trfkefiaxp Telemachus, e7ro? r' e^aro and spake the word, etc t' ovo/ia^ev and ad- dressed him by name. 312. "Tcirre he but why XP eiw ^ as necessity 7)yaye ere brought thee hevpo hither, T^Xe^a^e 77pct>9 hero Telemachus, e? o^az; AaKehat/xova to divine Lacedsemon, e7r' eupea i/wia over the wide surface OaXaaaq^; of the sea? Atj/xlov a public [matter] rj or tStoz; private ? eveenre fioi. tell me Tooe this vrj/xepres truly." 315. Tov he but him au again Treirvv/Jievo^ T^Xe/m^o? prudent Telemachusriuoa spoke to avTLov in reply : "Arpeior) son of Atreus Me- j>eXaeMenelaiis A toTpec^esnurturedby Jupiter, ©PY^A 16 leader Xacoz; of nations, rfkvdov 1 have X>me, et if evicnrois thou couldst tell /xot to me nm /c\.7]7]Sova any report irarpos of my father. Olko<; /jloc myhouse eaOieTai is being eaten up, epya he iriova and my fertile works oXoSXev are lost,So/«io? he and my house irXeios isfullavopGW hvafievewv of hostile men, otVe who atet always afyatpvcnv are sacrificing /u^Aa. /not aStz/a my crowded sheep Kai and eXc/cas /3of9 my crankled oxen ecXL7roha<; with rolling gait, fivn- 72-779 the sight of it. Aiaaofiac I entreat thee, et 7rore if ever irarr^p e/xo<; my father eaOXos OSvaaevs the good Ulysses vTrocrTas having undertaken e^ereXecraev accomplished 77 either e7ro? T6 any word rje or 6/3701^ deed evi Btj/jlg) in the people Tpcocov of the Trojans, o^t where Ayaioi ye Greeks iraa^ere suffered irrjixara woes ; raw of those things vvv now fjivrjaaihe mindful /xoi to me /cat and eviaire speak /xot to me v7)/uL€pre<; truly." 332. aavOos Be MeveXao? but the auburn- hair'd Menelaus /xey o-)<6r}Ga<; sighing deeply Trpoorecbr] addressed rov him : " fl iroirot, oh gods ! tj /maXa By of a truth then rjdeXov they have wished evvr)9i]vat, to lie ev evvrj in the bed avBpos of a man Kparepcxfipovos of stout heart, eovies being avioi themselves avaXia- Be$ un warlike. f if2? Be but as Snore when eAa<£o?adeer/<:o£/x77crac-ahavingplaced to sleep ve(3pov$ yaXaOrjvovs her sucking fawns veyye- veas just born ev ^vXo^cp in the den Kparepoio XeovTos of a strong lion e^eperjai, searches 134 HOMER. KvrifAovs the thickets kcli and ay/cea Troirjevra the grassy vales (SocTKop,evr) feeding, 6 Be but he [the lion] eireira afterwards ei? so OBucrevs Ulysses ecprjcrei, will inflict aeucea wot/iov un- seemly fate Keivoiaiv on them. Au yap for [oh] if, [would that] Zev re irarep both father Jupiter Kai and Adrivairj Minerva teat and AttoXKov Apollo, eoov being toios such 0109 as 7TOT6 formerly ew Aeo-fta) evKTi/xevr} in populous Lesbos avaaras rising up e£ epcBos from strife eirakaiaev he wrestled ^t\o/jL7)\ec- By with Philomeleides, /arret Se eSaXev and cast him down xparepm stoutly, nravres Be Ayaioi and all the Greeks Keyapovro were delighted, — OoW eiros no word ouSe nor e-micevcrw will I conceal it. ODYSSEY, 4. 135 351. Beou the gods ecryov detained ctl still Aljvtttg) in Egypt /j,e me fiefiacora eager veeaOai to return Bevpo hither, eirec since ov/c epejja I did not offer acpiv to them reXrjeaaag €/caTOfjL/3as perfect hecatombs. [01 Be but they Oeot the gods am always {3ov\ovto wished piefxvrjaOai that we should be mindful €(f>€Tfj,60)v of their behests.] Earc there is eireira then vtjatvov- ro 7TOT6 did there ever appear ovpoo aXiaee? sea winds Trveiovres breathing favourably, ol pa re which also ryevparo /xe had not pitied me tcai and cracoae fie saved me, Ovyarrjp the daughter ITpcoreos ifyOifiov of the illustrious Proteus aXtoio yepovios old man of the sea, EtBoOer) Eidothea : opiva yap pa for I stirred up Ovfiov the mind fiaXtara ye most ttj in her, rj who avvTjvrero met fioi me eppovri wandering oup alone voafyiv apart eraipcov from my companions ; aXwfievoi yap for wandering 7rept vqaov round the island aiei lyOvaaaKov they were always fishing yvaixTTTois aytcKTTpoiat with curved hooks ; Xa^o? Be and famine ereipe vexed yaarrepa their belly. 'H Be but she araaa standing ayyi e/xev near me eirov suffering aXyea griefs, us Br) since mdeed.epy- Keai thou art detained BrjOa long time evi vrj- cy in an island, ovBe Bvvaaai and art not able evpefxevai to find reK/Lcwp n any remedy, 7770/3 Be but the heart eratpoov rot of thy companions fiivvOei, is decaying." 375. 72? thus ecparo she spake, avrap but eyco I ap.eiBofjievo<; answering irpoaeeiirov fiiv addressed her; "Etc puev epeco I will speak out roc to thee, i)tl<; whosoever cry irep eaat thou indeed art Oeawv of goddesses, cc; that xarepu* KOfiat, I am detained ol>ta efcoov not at all will- ODYSSEY, 4. 137 ingly, aWa but vv now /ieXXw T am likely aXtreaOai to have offended against aOavarovs the immortal gods, ol who e^ovatv hold ovpa- vov evpvv wide heaven : aXka but cry 7rep do thou indeed ears [mol tell me — 6eov 8e re but the gods also igcuji know iravra all things — ocrrt? which atfamrcoy of the immortals Trehaa fie fetters me nat and eSrjaev has restrained me KekevOov from my journey, voarovre and [tell me of] my return, &><> how ekevaoixai I shall go e.TTi 7rovTov cxOvoevra over the fishy sea." 382. '/2? thus e(f)a/jL7]v I spake : r) §e but she 67a divine Oeaw of goddesses avriKa im- mediately afieiftero answered : " Tocyap in- deed, ^et^e oh stranger, ayopevcro) I will speak rot, to thee ^a\' aTpe/ceco? very truly : yepcov Ti? a\to9 a certain old man of the sea vtj/ju- epTTjs unerring irozkeiTcu is in the habit of coming Sevpo hither, aOavaro? Ilpcorew; im- mortal Proteus Alju7ttlo<; the ^Egyptian, 6? re who also ciSe knows j3ev0ea the depths ira- 0-775 6a\acT(j7)<; of all the sea, inroSfjLcos servant IloaeiSacovo^ of Neptune : (fiacre re and they say rovSe that he e/n^evaL is irarep ejxov my father TjSe and refceadcu begot me. £t if av thou hvvaio art able 7rco? any how A.o- yriaafxevos lying in ambush Xekaftecrdai to take rovye him, 65 he enrrjen icev tol might tell thee 6Sov the way /cac and {.lerpa the measures icekevOov of thy journey, voarov re and thy return, &>5 how ekevaeai thou shalt go €7r/i 7T0V70V lyQvoevra over the fishy sea • 138 HOMER. /cat Be k* enrrjcri rot but he may also tell thee, Aiorpefyes oh thou cherished by Jupiter, at if edekycrOa Ke thou wishest, ottc what kclkqv re both bad ayadov re and good t€tvktcu has been wrought ev /Aeyapoaiv in thy halls oixo/xevoto aedev whilst thou art absent 8o\i- yr\v a long apyaXerjv re 6$ov and painful journey." 394. 72? thus Cicero she spake : arap but eyco I a/jLeiffofAevos answering irpoaeeiirov ad- dressed fnv her : " 2v do thou z/w now avrrj thyself pa%ev invent Xoxov the ambuscade Qeioio yepovTos for the divine old man, fjaj lest 7ra)? any how 7rpoiSoov /xe foreseeing me ye or 7rpoSaet? learning beforehand dkerjTai he may escape ; 0eo? re 7a/) for a god ecmv is apyakeos difficult Ba/xTjvac to be subdued fipo- to) ai;8pt by a mortal man." 398. 72? thus e^a^v I spake : rj Be but she &a. divine yvvcuKoov of women avrifca immediately afieifteTo answered; "Toiyap indeed, i~et,ve oh stranger, ayopeva-co I will speak tol to thee jiaX! arpefcecos very truly. H/xo? he but when ^eXto? the sun afM^iftefir)- tcei has compassed fjiecrov ovpavov mid heaven, tt^o? a/m then indeed yepcov a\to? the old man of the sea v7)nepT7)<; that never speaks falsely eiat, will go forth ef a\o? out of the sea, KdkvtyOeis enveloped fxeXavr) typuci with black foam vtto 7rvoLy by the blast Zei Be \xw and round him (froo/ccu veiroBes the footless calves /ca\7)<; AXoavBvr)sof fair Alosy dne evBovai sleep aOpocu crowded, e'^avaBvaai having dived up from ttoXltj? dXo? the hoary sea, airoirvetovaat breathing forth irucpov oS/irjv a briny smell aXo? 7ro\v(3ev6eo<; of the deep sea. Evda there e peacrrjaiv in midst &>? as vopevs a shepherd ircoea-iv on the fleeces ptfXav of his sheep. Etttjv Be when then irpwia first iBiqaQe you see toi/ /xey him Karevv^Oevra laid to sleep, /cat rore then also eireira forthwith Kapro<; re let both strength /^ re and force peXerco be a care tf/ouy to you, e^eti^ Be and to keep [him] avOc there pepacora though eager tccu and eo-<7i/- /^ei/oi/ 7rep though rushing on aXv^at to es- cape. Heip-qaeiat, Be but he will make the at- 140 HOMER. tempt yiyvofievos becoming iravrasll things, ocraa as many as yvyvovrat, aveeprrera creeping em yaiav over the earth, /cat and vScop water tcai and irvp fire Oeamcaes divinely burning: v/iet^Se but you e^ef-iev hold him acr renews unflinchingly 7rief6/^ Seand strain fiaWovmore [tightly]. AXXa but ore Btj when indeed avros himself aveipijrai asks ere thee eireecrao with words, ecov being TOio? such olov as ^77- o-#e *:e you saw him /carevvrjOevra when he was laid down to sleep, kcu, rore S77 then in- deed also ayeaOai re both abstain fiirjs from force Xvaa ire and loose epovara bringing Gyrce she. placed vtto p^a beneath the nostril eKaarrw for each afil3po(TL7]v ambrosia 7n/aou<7ai>breathing /iaXa rjBv very sweet, oXeaae Be and destroyed oB/jL7]v the smell /crjreos of the whale. Mevo- fxev Be but we remained iraaav T)oir)v all the morning- rerX^oTL Ovfiw with enduring mind: Be and the seals rjXOov came aoXXees thick e£ dXos out of the sea; at [iev they eirei- ra then evvaCpvTo went to sleep ef??? in due order irapa prjy/jLLVL near theshore. 'OBeyepcov but the old man evBcos at mid-day rjXOe came e£ dXos out of the sea, evpe Be and found cpco/cas &Tpecf)ea<$ his well-fed seals, e7r&)^ero S'cr/jaand then went over iraaa^ all,\e/c?-o Seand counted aptOfxov their number : Xeye Be but he counted 7/^ea? us irpcorov^ first ey KTjrecrLV among the whales, ovBe nor wiaOrj did he perceive rt at all 6vp,u> in his mind eivai that it was SoXoi^ a trick ; eireira Be but then /cat clvtos himself also Xe/cro lay down. e Hfj,ei$ Be but we ia%ov~ re? shouting eireo-avpLeOa rushed upon him, (BaXXofiev Be and cast ^etpa<; our hands afjL(f>L round him : ovBe nor 6 yepcov did the old man eTreXrjOero forget SotX?;?Te^i/7;?his deceitful art, a\k but t]tol in truth 7«>eTohe became 7rp&)- 7to-7a first of all Xecou rjvyeveios a lion with noble mane, aurap but eTreira then Bpa/coov a serpent/cat and TrapBaXcs leopard ^e and fieya^ crv? a mighty boar; yiyvero Be and he became vypov vBcop running water /cat, and BevBpeov vy}n7reT7)Xov a tree with lofty leaves. 'H/xet? ODYSSEY, 4. 143 Se but we e%0/*ei> held him ao-TCfifaco*; firmly r zrXr] or L0vfjb(p with patient mind. AWa but ore Brj pa when 6 v the old man, etSw? acquainted with oXocpooia these baneful arts, awa£e was distressed, kcli tot€ Btj then in- deed also irpoaeenre fie he addressed me aveipop.evos asking me eireea-ac with these words ; 462. " Tis vv who now Oeoov of the gods, vie son Arpeos of Atreus, crvfjL(j>paacraTo has devised in common fiovXas counsels roc with thee, o(f)pa that eXoi? thou mightest take fie me aeKovra unwilling Xo^rjaa/jievo^ having made an ambuscade ? reo of what ae yjpv) hast thou need ?" 464. "72? thus e^aro he spake; avrap but 670) I an€iftofAevo? how sXevcropLai I shall go an irovTov lyQvoevra over the fishy sea V 471. c /2? thus €(j>a/i7]v I spake : o Be but he avTLfca immediately afAeifiojievos answering irpoaeei ire fie addressed me; "AWabut woeX- Xe?thou oughtest fiaka by all means avaficuve- puev to go on board pefa? having offered iepa KoXa fair sacrifices All re both to Jupiter aX- Xotaiv re Oeouriv and to the other gods, ocppa tha f ikolo thou mightest come ray^iara most speedily arjp e? irarpiBa to thy father-land, irXewv sailing eiri oivoira ttovtov over the dark sea. Ovyap /xoipa for it is not fate tol for thee irpiv beforehand toeeiv re both to see (f>i\ovs thy friends kcli and IfcecrOaL to come oikov evK- TLjievov to thy well-built house kcli and cr?7z/ e? irarpiha ycuav to thy father-land, 7rp*i/ 76 be- fore at least [the time] ore when e\6y<; av thou shalt come avns again uSajp to the water Ai- rywTTTOio of /Egypt ttotcljxoio river Aiiirereos flowing from Jupiter, pe^?;? re and shalt offer lepc se tear op, ,3 as sacred hecatombs adavaroicri Oeoiai to the immortal gods, rot, who eyovcnv occupy ovpavov evpvv wide heaven, kcli tote and then deoi the gods haiaovai shall give Tot to thee 6Soy the journey rjv which av thou fievoivas longest for." 481. " 72? thus ecfxzTO he spake, avrap but dnXovi]rop my soul KareKXaaOrj was crushed e.uorye within me, ovveKa because avcoyev he bads jjl6 me aim? again tevai to go Al^vktov- ODYSSEY, 4. 145 Be to Egypt eir tjepoetBea irovrov over the sha- dowy sea BoXi^qv a long apyaXerjv re 6Bov and painful way ; aXXa but nai &>? even thus ay,ei~ fioixevo? answering irpo9 as crv thou KeXevets biddest. AXXa but aye €C7T€ /mot tell me roBe this #at and KaraXe^ov relate aTpe/ceax; truly, et if Travres Ayaioi all the Achaeans oi5? whom Nearcop Nestor /cat eya) and I XiTrofiev left lovres going Tpocrjdev from Troy, tjX6ov came airvpLoves unharmed <7iw y7?t>cr*, with their ships, rje or t/? any one of them coXero perished oXedpa) aBevicei by un- expected death ?$? eirt vtjos on his ship, rje or €i/ x e P aLV m ^ e hands cfriXcov of his friends, €7ra when roXv-rrevaev he had spun out [com- pleted] 7roXe/uLov the war." 491. 72? thus (-$a\i7)v I said; o Se but he avruca immediately afJLeiftopLevos answering irpoaeenre p,e addressed me ; " ArpeiBr) son of Atreus, n why Bieupeau dost thou question me of ravra these things ? ov Be ae ^prj but it does not behove thee re at all iBfievai, to know ovBe nor Barjvat to learn e\xov voov my mind : (frrjfjLL Be but I say ere that thou ov/c ecreaOat wilt not be Btivlonga/cXavTov without weeping, €7T7]v when cv ttvOtjcil thou hast well learnt iravra all things. TIoXXol p,ev yap for many Tcovye of those Bafxeu have been destroyed, voXXoi Be but many Xlttovto have been left. 146 HOMER. Avohe apX 01 but two chiefs av again Ayaiisv "XaXKoyi-Tusvaiv of the brazen-mailed Greeks fiovoi alone airokovro perished ev vocttu) on their return : /cat crv Se re but thou also Trap- 7)cr6a wast present ^lclxO at tne battle : €Li > & e but one 6ta still KarepvteeTai is detained irov somewhere fcoo? alive evpe'iirovrcp on the wide sea. Aias fiev Ajax indeed Safir, was destroyed fiera vqvai SoXt^peT/itotcrt with his long-oared ships. FLocreiSacQv Neptune irpaora first €7re- Xaacre p.iv brought him near Fvprjcn to the Gyra?, irerprjcn /xeyciXyai great rocks, /cat and (ftcracoc-e saved him 0a\aacrr)s from the sea; /cat z/y and now e/ccpvye Kev he w r ould have escaped /o?pa fate, /cat e^ofxevo^ irep even although hateful A9rjvrj to Minerva, et if /a?; eK$a\ev he had not launched forth virepfaia- \ov€7ro<; a haughty speech /cat and ixey aaa- 07j suffered greatly : r? pa he said in truth cfrvyeetv that he would escape from fieya \atT- ixa the great wave da\aaa7](; of the sea ae/crjTt, without the w T ill Oecov of the gods. Tlocreihwv he but Neptune efcXvev heard rov him avhrj- aavTos speaking fieyaXa great things : avTL/ca immediately eireira then ekwv having taken rpiaivav his trident %epcrt cmfiapycrLv in his stout hands, rfkaaev he smote Tvpairjv irer* prjv the Gyraean rock, a7ro 8' eo-^to-ez/ and cleaved off avrrjv it: kcli and to /.ley the one part fieive remained avTodc there, to Se toi/- f/>09 but the fragment epareae fell into irovTcp \l~i2 sea, Tco pa on which J. ta? Ajax to irpwTov ODYSSEY, 4. 147 at first €(pe%ofievo$ sitting fiey aacr6r) was greatly hurt: e(popei,Se but it carried top him Kara itcvtov /cv/jLatvovra along the swelling sea airetpova that has no bounds. [72? thus 6 /juev he airoXwXe perished ev6a there €7ret when Triev he had drunk vScop aXfxvpov the salt water.] ^o? Se aSekcpeos but thy brother 7rou perchance etcfyvyev has escaped 776° U7ra- Xv^eu and avoided /crjpas the fates ei> vrjvai, o-e saved him: aXXa but ore hrj when then epeXXev he was about Ti;\- acrcre 8' 676 but he kept watch e/.paaaaro devised Bo\ir)v reyyr)v a deceitful stratagem: /cpua/ievo? having chnsen eei/cocn (fxora^ twenty men apt.arovs the bravest Kara Brj/xou throughout the people eicev he placed Xoftov an ambuscade, erepcodc Be and on the other side avcoyec he bade them irevea- 6ai labour at Baira a banquet : avrap but o he /3rj went Kakecov inviting Ayap,e\xvova Aga- memnon iroifxeva shepherd Xacoj/of the people, 'nriroicn with horses kcli and oyeafyi with chariots, fxep/Mijpi^cov meditating aeiKea un- seemly [deeds]. Aeiirviaaa^ Be but having entertained roi/ him avrjyayev he led him ovk eiBoTa not knowing oXedpov to death #ra* and 'mreirefyve slew him,o>? as Tt? tc any one also ODYSSEY, 4. 149 KareKTave slays ftovv an ox eirt ^arvrj at the manger. OvSe nor Ttv akcos the old man 0/ the sea vrjfjLeprrjs unerring Trpocreenre fie a4 dressed me. 543. " Mtjkcti, no longer, vie son Arpeo% of Atreus, icXaie weep oi5to> a7rocj)da/x€vo<; having antici- pated KTeivev has slain him : 6v<; is the auburn- haired Bhadamanthus : Trprep there indeed •rreXet is $iqtv) pqZcrrr] the most easy life ay- (jpoD',7QLcri for men ; oy vwf)ero$ not snow, ot/r' ao» nor indeed y^eipbayv iro\v$ much winter, cure 7tot€ nor ever ofifipo? rain : aXXa but Jlxeavos Ocean ata always avuqcn sends forth a7)Tos breezes Xtyv irveiovTa^ shrilly blowing Zefyvooio of the West wind, avafyirxeiv tc refresh avdpco7rovs men : ovveK-a because e^ets t&ou hast 'EXevrjv Helen, /cat and earcri thou art <7<£«> to them yapb/Spos son in law Aio in which evi [evecrri] puev there is Xojto? 7ro7^v? much lotus, ev Be and in it icviretpov cypress, irvpoL re and wheat fetcu re and rye, tjoe and Kpt Xev/cov white barley, evovtyves widely- growing. Ev B } Idaicr) but in Ithaca ovr apa neither Bpo/xoc evpees are there wide courses ovre n nor at all Xec/jL(ov a meadow ; aiyijBo- to? it is goat-feeding, nai and fiaWov eirripa- to? more pleasant Itttto^otolo than horse- feeding [land]. Ou yap res for none vrjacovoi the islands, &i re which Keickiarai lie d/U on the sea, t7T7rr/XaTo? is fit for driving horses, ovhe nor evXeipbwv having good meadows ; IQaKT] Be re but Ithaca also nai rrepi Traaecvv even above all/ 5 609. '/2? thus faro he spake, MoreXnof Be but Menelaus ayado? good /3o;^ in the battle-cry fietBrjcre smiled, Karepe^e re and stroked /uuv him %apt with his hand, '67ro? t e oi/cft) in my house, Bcoo-co I will give 6 that which ear iv is KaXkiarov most beautiful /car and rifjbrjeararov most valuable. Jwcrw roi I ivili give thee Kpi)rr\pa reruyfievov a wrought ODYSSEY, 4. 155 bowl ; can Be and it is diraat&/xo? Be r)pa><; but the hero Phsedimus fiaaikevs king ^iBovioov of the Si- donians Trope gave e it, ore when eo? So/xos his house a/jLefca\vy]re sheltered fjue me voa- TTjcravTa having gone Keiae thither : e6e\w Be but I wish oTraaacu to give roBe this re'iv to thee." 620. f if2? thus o/ #«; they ayopevov dis- coursed Toiavra such things 7rpo? aXkrjXovs to one another: BacTv/jLoves Be but the feasters tcrai/ went e? Bwfiara to the house #aoi/ /3a- (TiXrjos of the godlike king : ol Be but they rjyov /xev drove indeed firfKa sheep (f>epov Be and carried evrjvopa oivov cheering wine; a\o- yoc Be and their wives KaXki/cprjBefjbvoc with beautiful fillets eirefjarov sent ctltov food &(f>i, for them. f i2? thus ot fxev they irevovjo la- boured 7rept Bearvov about the supper ez/t /ite- yapoidiv in the palace. 625. Mvr](TTvpe<; Be but the suitors 7rap- o£#ez/ in front fxejapoco of the house OBva- (7?;0? of Ulysses Tepirovro were enjoying themselves le^re? throwing Bkjkoigl with quoits /cat and aiyaveyai, with javelins, ei> tvktw BaireBo) in an area prepared, 6#t 7rep where indeed irapo^ before eyeaKov they car- ried on vfipLv their insolence. ,4zmi/oo5 Be but Antinous Ka6r}ajo sat down /cat and Evpv- 156 HOMER. Lta^o? OeoeiBrj? the godlike Eurymachus,ap^ot chiefs fjLvrjarrjpcov of the suitors, eaav Be but they were e^oya by far apicrroi the best apery in virtue. Tots Be but to them Norjfjbwv Noe- mon vio? son Qpovioio of Phronius ekOcov coming eyyvdev near, aveipofxevos questioning irpoaeearev addressed Avrivoov Antinous eire- ea-at with these words. 632. " Avrivoe Antiuous,?? pa iBfiev do we then know n at all evi fypeaiv in our minds ye Kai ovkl or also [do we] not, oinrore when Trfkefiayo^ Telemachus veorat returns etc Hv- Xov 7)ixa6oevTo$ from sandy Pylos? Qiyejai he is gone aycov taking /jlol for me vrja a ship, yiyve-rai Be but there arises XP ea) nee( l avT7)<; of it e/ie that I Biafirj/jievai, cross over €9 H\iBa evpvyopov to wide Elis, evOa where \ttitol pot, BcoBeKa I have twelve horses 6r)Xei- ai female, vrro Be and under them rjfiiovot mules raXaepyoi patient in work aBfjL7jre<; un- broken : rwv of them eXaaaa/xevo^ having driven BafiaaavfjLr)v Kev I would tame rtva some one." 638. 72? thus efyaro he spake ; ol Be but they eOafjufteov were astonished ava dv/xov in mind : etyavroyap for they had said to them- selves ovk oiyeuQai that he was not gone e? IIvXov NrjXifiov to Pylos [city] of Neleus, aXXa but irapefifjievai was present ttov in some place avrov there aypcov of the fields rj either fxrjKova-L with the sheep rje or avfiooTy with the swineherd. ODYSSEY, 4. 157 64? • Avtwoos Be but Antinous vlo<; son EvireiOeo? of Eupithes avre on the other hand •7rpoa-£(j)7) addressed tov him ; <( Eviaire fxoi tell me i^/zepre? the truth, irore when rpx €T0 he departed, nai and Ttw? fcovpoi what youths kirovro followed avro) him, e^aiperoi chosen ones I6a/cr}<; of Ithaca rj or eot his own avrov of himself ^re? re both hired servants Bficoes re and domestic servants ? Avvairo ice could he be able reXeao-ac to accomplish Kairo even that ? Kai and ayopevaov speak juot to me touto this eTrjrvfxov true, o^pa that ev ecBco I may know well, tj arrrjvpa did he take away ere from thee vrja fxeXaivav the black ship/3t?7 in spite aeKovros of thee unwilling rje or Sw- /ea? didst thou give it ktcoov willing ol to him, eirei when irpocnTrv^aTo he had saluted thee fiv6(p in speech ? 648. Tov Be but him NorjfMccv Noemon ino? son on board, Mevropa Mentor 7?« 158 HOMER. or 6eov a god. erptcet Be but he was like ra> aura to the same iravra in all respects. AXka but Oavfxata) I wonder at to this : iSoz/ I saw evBaSe. here Mevropa Biov divine Mentor %#£?- oz> yesterday vTrrjocovm the morning : roreoe but then ^/St; he embarked vrjl in the ship IIvXovBe to Pylos/' 657- '.O? apa. thus then oTtpoi? but in both of them Bvfios ayijvcop their noble soul ayaa-aaro was astonished Mvr](TT7}p€s Be but the suitors kclQigclv sat down afivSis together #at and iravaav ceased ae0\wv from their games. -4z/Ttyoo? Se but Antinous vio for the future also efi^evai to be kclkov ari evil ; aWa butZeu? may Jupiter oXecrete destroy ol for him [Telemachus] aura him- self /3i.r)v his strength, nrptv before (pvTevcrcu he plants irr]fxa calamity rj/xcv for us. AXXa but aye come Sore /-tot give me vr\a Qor\v a swift ship kcli and et/cocr' eracpovs twenty rowers o^/m that Xoyr\o-opLai I mav ne m ambush yde and avrov himself lovra as he goes ev iropOfjuco in the channel IOcucrjs re both of Ithaca ^a/xoio re TraaraXoeaar}^ and craggy Samos, &>? that vavrcXXerai av he may sail eiTLa/jLvyepm to his rue elvetca TraTpos on account of his father." 673. f i2? thus e(paro he said; ot S* apa iravres but they all eiryveov gave assent, 7?Se and eiceXevov bade him [do so] : ezren-a then avTifca immediately avajavre^ having risen eftav they went ei? 60/xoi/ to the house OBva- 970? of Ulysses." 675. HyvekoTreia B 9 apa but Penelope ov/c ??s was not ttoXvv %povov long time airvo-Tos uninformed fiv0oov of the words, ovs which Hvrjcnrjpes the suitors ^vaaoBopuevov were me- ditating ew (ppeacv in their minds. K?]pvj; Se aKouere but did ye not hear rt at all to irpoaOev before, TrcuBes eo^re? when you were children, 7rarpcov v/u,eTepoov from your fathers, 0/09 what sort of a man OBvaa-ev*; Ulysses ea/ce was jieO' vfie- repoLcn Totcevaiv among your parents, ovre neither pe%a<; doing ovre nor ecrrcov speaking tl anything e%aicriov that was unseemly two. to any one ev BrjfMw among the people ? 7) re which eanv is Blkij the right deioov ftacnXrjuyv of divine kings : exOaiprjai ae he may hate nXKov one Qporwv of men, cfriXoLT) ice and may ODYSSEY, 4. 161 love aWov another. Keivos Be but he ovn-ore never ira^irav at all eoopyei did araaOaXov a harsh [deed] avBpa to any man ; aWa but 6 /-tev v/xerepos #17x09 your disposition #at and aeucea epya your unseemly deeds (patverai are conspicuous, ouSe nor eariv is there rt? X a P~ t? any gratitude fiero77ia6e following behind evepyecov for beneficial acts." 6 l JG. MeBwv Be but Medon, etSw? knowing TreTTVvfieva prudent things, avre in reply irpoaeetirev addressed ttjv her : u Ai yap Btj for oh that indeed roBe this, ftacrCkeia oh queen, et7; were ifkeiaiov kclkov our greatest evil ! aXka but fjLvrjarr)pe^ the suitors, pa- tpvTcu are devising aXXo another 7roXu by much fiei^ov re both greater /cat and apyakeco- repov more difficult, 6 which KpovMov may the son of Saturn firj reXeaetz not accomplish. Mefiaacri they are desirous tcCLTaKrafiei/ to slay of ei" %a\K(d with the sharp brass TrjXefjLa- yov Telemachus viaaoybevov returning oikclBg home ; o Se but he eftr) is gone /xeTa afcovnv after tidings irarpos of his father e? Tlvkov rjyaOerjv to holy Pylos 770c and e? Biav AaKe* haipiova to divine Lacedeemon. V2? thus <£aro he spake ; yovvara Be tt;? but her knees icai and (j)i\ov Krjp her very heart Xvto were re- laxed : afAacnr) Be and speechlessness eirewv of words &71/ for long time \a{3e took hold of fxiv her; rcw Se ot oacre and her two eyes w\^ v to go e? UvXov to Pylos, ocftpa that irvOrjrai he might hear 7; either voaiov the return eoi> irarpo^ of hisfather 7; or ovtlvcl 7tot/jlcv what fate €7rec7- Trei/ he has met with." 715. \f2? apa thus then a clearly 8vfx(p in your mind, 6ir7rore when etce wo? he efty went kolXtji/ tin vrjd fieXaivav on board the black hollow ship. El yap for if eyco I ttvOo/jltju had learnt of opjiaivovra him meditating ravrrjv 6Bov this journey, tw in that case p,aXa assuredly rj either e/ietve tee he would have remained, teat eaavfAevos irep although eagerly desirous oBolo of the journey, rj or eXeLne K€ would have left fie me reOvTjfcviav dead evi fieyapoL- criv in my palace. AXXa but rt? let some one fcaXecreie call orprip 701/ov the child of himself kcli and OBvaarjos (ivtlOsolo of the godlike Ulysses." 742. EvpvfcXeLa Be butEuryolea ^lXtj rpo- $05 her dear nurse avre in reply irpocreeLirev addressed rrjv her : " Nvficpa cJ)lXt) dear lady, cv fiev apa do thou then KaraKtave kill yue me i^Xei ya^ K( P w ^ tne unpitying brass [sword], 7; or co leave me €v ueyapu in the ODYSSEY, 4. 165 bouse ; ov Be eTnieevato but I will not conceal fivOov the tale rot, from thee. Eyco I rjBea knew raBe Travra all these things, iropov Be and I supplied 01 to him oacra whatever things etceXevev he bade me, crirov corn tcai and /*v#v 77S1; sweet wine ; eXeio Be and he took c/iev from me fieyav optcov a great oath fin not 7rpi^ beforehand epeew to tell it gok to thee irpiv before yeveaOat it should be BcoBetcarnv ye the twelfth day, n or <7e avrrjv that thou thyself nzoBecai shouldst desire it, kcli and a/covo-ai shouldst hear aLTTokoL Se tuay but they did not know t7rvo<$ sweet sleep eirrfkvOe came over fxiv her, evBe Be and she slept avatckivOeicra lying down, a^frea Be o'i iravra and all her joints \v6ev were relaxed. 725. EvOa then avre again #ea yXavKcoTTis the blue-eyed goddess AQr\vr] Minerva evorjae thought of aWa other things. HocTjae she ODYSSEY, 4. 169 made eibcoXuv a phantom. Be/ma? Be but in body rjl'KTo it was like yuvcu/a to a woman, I$di- firj Iphthima, Kovprj daughter fjLeyaXrjropos Iicapioio of magnanimous Icarius, r-qv whom Ev/jl7}\o addressed to her fiv* 0op this speech. 804. " EuBet? sleepest thou, UriveXoireia Penelope, rernj/jbevT] grieved cf)t,Xoi/ rjrop in thy heart? 6eoi the gods foovres living peia easily ov fxev eceat do not suffer ere thee ovBe [njeither icXai.eiv to weep ovBe [n]or arcaxyo~- 6au to be sorrowful ; eireu pa since indeed 0-09 7rat? thy son eo"Tiz> is en still vocttl/jlos doomed to return ; ov \iev pcop IlrjveXoTreia prudent Penelope rj/xeifiero an- swered, KV(xio~- \eo thou didst not at all frequent [this place] 7nz/)o? ye before, eirei since vaiet,? thou inha- bitest B(i)fjbara dwellings fiaXa iroXKov very- much airoirpoOu at a distance ; xau and KeXeat thou biddest fie me nravaaaOai cease oi'^fo? from calamity rjhe and ohvvawv iroWeoovfrom many sorrows, a/ which epeOovat sting //.erne /cara cfrpeva in my feelings /cat and /caTa Qv\iov in my soul ; ?/ who irpiv juuev before airwikeaa lost ttogiv eadXovmy good husband dv/jioXeov- ia having the heart of alion,«:e/rao-^e^oz/adorn- ed iravroiys aperrjai with all kinds of virtues ev AavaoiGLv among the Greeks, [eaOXov good husband, tov of whom /c\eo? the glory eupu is wide KaO' 'EXXaBa throughout Greece kcli and /jLeaov Apyos the midst of Greece.] Nvv av now again irais ayairrjTos my beloved son e(3rj is gone tcoiXr)? eiu vr)o<; in an hollow ves- sel, v7]7uo<; foolish, ev aSa)9having good know- ledge ovre neither irovcovoi toils ovre nor ayo- pacov of assemblies. Tov S^for whom indeed eyco I ohvpofjLdi mourn /ecu fiaXXov even more 7]7T€p than eKei.vov for that one [Ulysses]: tov he but him a^cpirpofxeco I tremble about kcli and heihia fear ^t; lest 676 he iraOrjatv suffer" Ttany thing 77 cither evih-jfjucp in the peopleTwz/ of those, /j/a where oiyerai he is gone, t] or evL7rovT(d in the sea: iroXXoi yap hva/jbeveesiov manyenemies /xrjxavocovTcu are forming plots e7r' auTw against him, k^evoL eager njeivcu Co ODYSSEY, 4. 17] kill him irpiv before UeaOai he comes to ira- TpiBa yacav his father-land."" 824. EiB(o\ov Be a/mavpov but the shadow v phantom apLei(3o(ievov answering irpoae^r; addressed ttjz/ her; " Oapaet be of good cheer, firjBe BeiBiOu and do not fear' rt at nil \ir)v irayyv altogether much fiera ao$ the light r]e\LOLO of the sun, 77 or 778*7 already reOvrjtcev is dead, /cat and euv Bogota iv in the house A'iBao of Pluto." 835. ElBcoXov Be apavpov but the shadowy phantom arra/jieifto/uLevov answering irpoaefyr; addressed rnv her ; " Ov fiev ayopevaco I will not speak of iceivov ye him at least BLTivetcew 172 HOMER. completely, faec oye [whether lie aves^or red- vt)K€v is dead : tca/cov Be but it is bad fta^av to talk avepicoXia vain things." f /2? thus enrov having said, XiaaOr) it parted e? irvoia^ into the breath ave/icov of the winds irapa KXrj'iBa beside the bolt araOfjLOLo of the door-post : r, Be but she Kovptj daughter iKapioio of Icarius avopovae leaped up ef vttvov from sleep : .? since ovetpov the vision €7reaavro 01 had come upon her avepyes clear ajjuoXyy vvktos in depth of night. 842. Mvqarripes Be but the suitors avajSav T6? having embarked eireTrXeov sailed over by pa KeXevOa their watery ways, opuaivovTcs meditating evi cfypeaiv in their minds (povov aiirvv deep death Tr\Xep.ayj^ to Telemachus. Ear t Be but there is vrjaos ri<; Trerprjeaaa a certain rocky island fieaarj dXi in the middle of the sea, fieoarpfv? in the mid-space I6clkt)<; re both of Ithaca ^cl/jloio re iranraXoeaaris and craggy Samos, Aarepi<; [named] Asteris, ov fieyaXTj not very large : evi 8' avry but in it [are] vavXo^oi Xi/xeves harbours for ships a/MpcBv/jLoi having two openings : ry there Ayaioi the Achaeans Xoyowvre^ lying in am- bush fievov waited for rovye him [Telemachus]. 173 BOOK V. Ho)9 Se but Aurora copwro arose etc keymu from her bed Trap ayavov Tidoovcio from [the side of] the noble Tithonus, Iva that oco? light adavaroiat to im- mortals r}Be and (SpoTOiai to mortals : ol 8e #eot but the gods KaOi^avov were settling dteicovhe to an assembly, e^ 8' apa roco-iv and among them Zeu? Jupiter L^/fye^T??? who thunders aloft ov re Kpcnos whose might eartv is fjieyiarov greatest : toktl Be but to them Adrjvauj Minerva Xeye was telling iroWa KTjSea the many cares O6W7709 of Ulysses, fxvri* aafievT) being mindful of him : fieke yap for he was a care ol to her ewv being ev hoajxa- civ ill the house Nu/t^? of the Nymph. 7. " -^eu irarep father Jove, ^Se and a Wo; pa/capes deot ye other blessed gods aiev eov- T€9 ever living, /*?? t£? /3ao~L\ev$ let no king c-^7tto^o? bearing the sceptre cotco be ert any more 7rpo(f>pa)v kindly ayavos mild /cat 7;7T405 and gentle firfe nor etSw? knowing av- o-Lfia what things are righteous (ppeatv in his mind, aWa but ew> T€ let him both be aiet always ^aXe7T05 harsh /cat, and pefot do at<7u\a unrighteous deeds ; »? since ou Tf9 no one /u,s- 174 HOMiOL ^vi-jTai has the recollection OoWcr^o? Oeioio of the divine Ulysses, \acov of the peoples, olcnv over which avacraev he was king, vje Be and he was 777740? gentle co> as irar-qp a father. AWa bat 6 fiev he Ketrai lies ev vijcrco in an isle iraayjjsv suffering a\yea Kparepa stern woes, ev /ieyapoiat in the house vv/ncpT]^ KaXvijrovs of the nymph Calypso 77 who to-^et keeps fitv h.iin avay/ct] by force ; 6 Se but he ov Swarm is not able itceaOai to come to i)v irarpiBa yaiav his father-land. Ov yap for there are not irapa at hand ot for him vqe my child, iroiov e7ro? what word (j)vye ae has escaped thee eprcos from the fence oBovrcov of thy teeth ? Ov yap Btj e/3ov\evo~a<; for thou hast not devised rovrov p,ev voov this plan avrrj thyself, 6j? that tjtoc in truth OBvaevs Ulysses tXdcov coming airoriaerai shall take vengeance on /ceivovs them ? %v he but do thou ttc/la- ODYSSEY, 5. 175 ifrov coriauct Trfkep,a^(pv Telemachus ein? that [k^tch, ice he may come fidka by all means ao-fcrjdr)? unscathed rjv TrarpcSa yaiav to his father-land, pjv^GTiqpes he and the suitors airovecovTcu may return TraXtfAireTes back again ev vrjl in the ship/' 28. H pa he said, tcai and avriov rjvha ad- dressed in reply 'Eppueuav Hermes fyuXov viov his sou ; " Epfieia Hermes ; av yap for thou avre moreover ecrcn art ayyeXo<; a messenger ra re aXXa ir^p in other things also, eiizeiv to tell vrifjieprea {SovXtjv true counsel vvfi(f>r) eu7rXo- tcafMp to the fair-hair'd nymph, voarov the re- turn 0$uct(T7]os TaXavufypovos of the patient- minded Ulysses, &>? that veTjrat ice he may return, irofMTry by the guidance ovre neither 6e(ov of the gods ovre nor avOpcoircov OvrjTwv of mortal men : aXXa but bye he nxacjyuv suffering irrj^a- ra woes eiTL a%eht>r}s on a raft iroXyhea^ov with many fastenings Uolto ice may come r)^aTi a- Koara) on the twentieth day 4X e P lT l v epi^cdkojj to fertile Scheria e? 7ataz/ to the land §air)icwi of the Phseacians, ol who yeyaaaiv are born ayyiQeoi nearly related to the gods ; ot who rtfMTjaovarL ice will honour yiuz> him irepu above [measure] &>? as 6eov a god /C7?pt in their heart, ire^ovcn oe and will escort him ev vtj'l in a ship (piX7]p e? nra-rpiha yaiav to his dear father-land, hovre? giving a\t? in plenty %aX- /tw re both brass %pvcrov re and gold eaO^ra 7 6 and raiment, iroXXa many things, oo-o-a as 170 HOMER. many as Ohvacrevs Ulysses ovEeTrore av e^nypa- to would never have taken Tpoii]s from Troy, enrep if rjXdev hehnd gone a7rr]fj.cov unharmed, \a%(oy having obtained accrav a share airo XrjiBos from the booty. f /2v jap for thus eaTLV it is fjbotpa ol his fate uheav re both to see pa until i/cero he came to fieya cnreos a great cave, rw evt in which z^ate dwelt vuficfer) evirkoKafAO? the f air-hair' d nymph : rtjv Be and her ererfiev he found eovcrav being evBoOt within. ITt//> //.ez> fier/a a great fire /«m- ero was burning e^r* ecryapofyiv on the hearth. 0S/X77 Se and the smell /ceBpov r evicearoio both of well-cleft cedar, Ovov re and of frankincense Baio/Aevcov burning oBcoBet, smelt rrfXoOi afay ava vrjaov through the island : t) Be but she aoiBiaovcra singing evBov within oirt koXtj with sweet voice, erroi^ofjuevri running over larov the web vtfiaive was weaving ^pvcreirj KepiaoL with a golden shuttle. e TXr) Be rrjXeOowaa but a tall verdant wood ire^vtceu was growing afixjx. crweo? around the cave, KkrjOprj re both alder avyeipo? re and poplar, /ea« and evwSr)? kvttcl- picro-os fragrant cypress. EvOd Be re but there also opvtOe? rawer irrrepoi long-winged birds evvat,ovro were sleeping, ov«£)7re? re both owls Ipfj/ce? re and hawks icopoovat, re ewaXuai and 178 HOMER. sea crows ravvyXcoa-aai with long tongues tq~ aiv re to which also OaXaacna epya sea doings fieprjXev are a care. HBe and 97/uept? rjfia)- waa a youthful vine reravvaro was spread avrov there irepi aireiovs yXucfivpoio round the hollow grotto TeOrjkei Be and was verdant #v/ut> in his mind, avritc' apa immediately then rfkvOev he came et? eu/w 0-77609 to the ample grotto : KaXvyjrco Be but Calypso, Bia divine Oeawv of goddesses, ou/c rjyvoirjae was not ignorant of /z/j/ him, iBovaa looking on him avrrjv in front of her. ®eoi re yap aOavarot for the immortal gods ov ireXomai are not ayvcores unknown aXXrjXoLai to one another, ovBe not even ec if tz? any one pat- et inhabits Bcouara houses aircmpodt at a ODYSSEY, 5. 3 79 distance. Ov 6" ap 3 crerfie but he did not find Qovaarja fieyaXrjTopa the magnanimous Ulysses evSov within, aXXa but oye he /cXaie was weep- ing tcadryievos sitting ctt aicrr)^ on the shore, evBa wliere irapos irep previously, epe-^Owv wasting Ovfiov his soul Safcpvai with tears kcli and GTOvayricn, with groans kcu and aXyeai with sorrows Sep/cep/cero he used to. look ttovtov ctt' arpvyerov on the barren sea, Xeificov shed- ding $aicpva tears. KaXvyjray Be but Calypso 8ia divine deacov of goddesses, epeeivev asked 'Epfieiav Hermes, ISpvaaaa having placed him ei> Opovw cpaecvw on a shining seat aiyaXo- evri bright to look on : 87. " Torre why, 'Epfieta Hermes yjpvcop- pairL with the golden rod, eCkrfkovQas art thou come, cilSolos re both revered <£t\o? T6 and friendly ? irapos 8- p&)j/ of the men, ol who fxa-^ovro fought et- vaeres nine years 7re/3i ac-ru round the town npLajjioio of Priam, Be/carro Be and in the tenth year w^rjaa went QiKaBe home irepaav- ODYSSEY, 5. 181 re? having destroyed iroXiv the city: arap but ev vo(TT(p on their return aXnovro they sinned against AOrjvanjv Minerva, rj who €7rcopa€ (T(f>LV raised against them avefiov re KaKov both an adverse wind /ecu and kv/mlto lia/cpa Jong waves. \Ev9a then aXXoi fiev •jravres all the others daOXoi. ercupoi their brave companions cnrefyOiOov perished ; rov 8' apa but him it seems ave/xo? re both the wind ep(ov bearing /ecu kv/jlci and the wave ireXaaae drove Bevpo hither :] rov him vvv rjvcoyeo he now bids cv apart fyiXcov from his friends, a\\a but ccttiv it is 6Tt still iioipa destiny oi for him iSeeiv re both to see (ptXov? his friends /cat and Ueadai to come ot/coi^ e? vtyopofyov to his high-roof d house /cat and e»7i> e? irarpiSa yaiav to his father-land/* 116. V2? thus <£aTo he said, KaXv^rca Be but Calypso, Sta divine Oeawv of goddesses, pry^cre shuddered, /cab and (bcomjaaaa jiiv addressing nim irpocnjvSa spoke to him eirea wrepoevra these winged words : " Eare ye are cr^erXioi harsh, 6eoi ye gods, tyjXrjfLOVGi envious e^o^ov aXXwv above others ! ol re who ayaao-de are jealous #eat? towards god- desses evpa^ecrOat that they should sleep map avhpaciv by men a/jLa$Li]v declaredly, rjv if r»? t« any one Troujaaro has made for herself 182 HOMER. (f)b\ov clkoltiv a dear partner. 72? fiev thus, ore when Hco<; poBo8aKrv\o? until ayi^ Apre/uLis the chaste Diana Xpvc-oOpovo? with the golden throne e7rot^o- jievr) assailing (juv him ayavois fieXeeacri with her gentle arrows Karerre^ve slew him ej> Oprvytrj in Ortvgia. 72? Se but as oTrore when evifkoKa/jios Arnxi^rrfp fair-haired Ceres, ei^acra yielding u> Ovpuw to her passion, puiyrj was united IaaicovL with lasion <$>tXorr)ri in love «at and evvrj the bed z;e/&> ew rpLiro\rp in the thrice ploughed fallow: ovSe nor ^e was Zevs Jupiter hr\v long time him (3a\wv having smitten him apyrjn icepav- vw with his white lightning. 72? Se but thus av again, #eot ye gods vvv now ayaade are jealous jBporov avSpa that a mortal man 7rap- €ti/ /u,ez> him fteficMora going o«o^ alone 7rept rpomos upon the keel, e7T5t when Zef? Jupiter e/ceacrcrev had cleft ot for him vr,a 6or)v his swift ship apyrjn Kepavvfp with white lightning fiecrcp evi oivom rrovrrp in the midst of -the dark-faced sea. [_EvOa there aWoi, fiev rravres all the others eaff>.ot, eratpoL his good coraanions aire&BiOov per- ished, rov h' apa but him avep.o<$ re both the wind fepoiv bringing koa and kvlicl the wave ODYSSEY, 5. 183 nreXaaae drove hevpo hither:] top fxev him eyco I ovrrj<; slaver of Argus avre again irpoae- earev addressed tijv her; " Ouno vvv thus now airoirefjare send him away, eiroiTL^eo Be and regard firjvtv the wrath iho? of Jupiter, f/.v Tret)? lest any how fjueroiTLadev hereafter kot~ eaaaiievos being angry %a\e7rrj.vr) he act harsh- ly tol to thee." 184 HOMEB, I±3. */2? apa thus then (ovr] ( j.6vov sitting eir aK-rr\% upon the shore ; oaae he but his two eyes ov irore rep- (jovto were never dried ha/cpvocpiv from tears : yXvtcvs he cilgov and his sweet life KareifieTo was poured out ohvpofievw as he was mourning for voarov his return, eirei since vv/xcprj the nymph ovketi fjvhave no longer pleased him. AXka but ^706 in truth vv/cras fiev the nights tavea/cev lie reposed /cat avaytcy even by neces- sity ei^ cTTreact y\a$vpoi(JLV in the hollow grottos, ovk edeXoov unwilling irap eOeXovay by her willing ; rjfxara he and the days tcaOi^wv sitting ev irerpycriv on the rocks kcli and 7]ioveaai the shores, [epe^^co^ breaking Ovfiov his heart haicpvcri with tears /cat and GTovayrjGi with sighs /cat and aXyeai v ith sorrows,] oep/ceo-fceTO he often looked ircrrcv €7]-' arpvyerov over the barren sea, \ei t 3cov shedding ha/cpva tears, larafievrj he and stand- ing ayyov near Sia the divine Oeacov of god- desses irpoae^wveev addressed him. 160. " KafcofMope ill-fated man, /X77 ohvpeo lament not ert any longer evOale here /zot to me, /x^Se nor auov tol let thy life (pOiveTO) ODYSSEY, 5. 185 pine away ; ifii] yap for now aTroirefiyfreo ae I will send thee away fiaXa irpofypao'cya very readily : aWa but aye come, raficov having cut hovpara /xa/cpa long planks, dpfio^eo frame ^aX/co) with brass evpeiav a^ehtriv a wide raft : arap but nrri^ai fix iKpia decks err' avrr}<; on it y\|rGi> on high, o>? that fyepyai, it may bear ere thee eTr'rjepoethea ttovtov over the cloudy sea. Avrap but 670) I evdrjaco will place in it o-itoi> bread «rcu and L»8cDp water /cat, and o^oz; epvdpov red wine fievoei/cea sufficient for thy wants, a which epvKot tee may ward off Xt/Aoz/ hunger tol for thee : aix^neaco re and T will put round thee elfjuara clothes : ire/x^roi he and will send tol for thee ovpov a gale oiriaQev behind, o>? that i/crjat rce thou raayst come jiaXa by all means a her irpoo-rjvca addressed to her eirea irrepoevra these w r inged words : " Sea goddess, crv Stj thou indeed fjirjBeat, ait devising roSe this plan a\Xo tl something else ovBe tl and not at all 'tto\ltt7]v sending [me home], fj who teeXeat biddest /j,e me irepaav pass over o'X^V i Q a ra ^ f**/ 88 XaLT/ia the 18 HOMEK. great gulf OaXaaarj^ of the sea, Setvov re both dreadful apyaXeov re and difficult : to Se but it ovde not even vrjes elaac equal ships cokvtto- poi swiftly sailing eiri irepooyat pass over, ayaX- Xofievai rejoicing ovpw in the gale Aio<; of Jupiter. Eyco Be but I ovk av eTri^ai^v would not go upon cr^ec)t?7? a raft ae/cyrc with- out the will aedev of thee, et firj unless rXair)? ye thou wouldst venture, 6ea oh goddess, o^opaa-0rjf} thou hast bethought thee ayop- evacLL to speak ! Tata let Earth z/iw now tarco know roSe this kcli and Qvpavos evpvs widi Heaven virepQev above, /cat and to tcaTei(3o- fxevov vBcop the flowing water "Xrvyos of tho Styx, 09 T£ which also ireXei is pLeyiaros greatest /cat and Beivoraros op/cos most dread- Jul oath fia/capeo-cn Seoicn to the blessed gods, fXTj fiovXevcrepLev that I will not devise Xo rt 7r>7 / aa KaKov any other evil calamity ODYSSEY, 5. 187 cot avT(p for thyself. AXka but voeco I am meditating /cat and fypaao-ofiai am planning to. fiev such things, dacra which /j,r}Soi/jLrjv av I would devise efioi irep avrrj for myself, or* when XP ei( ° nee ^ togov to such an extent //rot yue might come upon me. Kai jap efioc eariv for 1 also have voos evaicnjio^ a righteous mind, ovSe nor /jlol avrrj is there in myself evt, crrrjOeaacv in my breast Ovpuos a soul crtSrjpeog made of iron aXXa but e\er)fjbwv merciful."" 192. f /2? aoa thus then (pwvqaaaa having spoken Bca the divine Oeawv of goddesses ^7- rjaaro led the way KapiraXiixw^ quickly : 6 Se and he eiretra then fiaive went yu-er' i/^a-m after the traces Oeoio of the goddess. <9eo? §e but the goddess rjBe and /cat ai^p the man also l%ov went to cr7reto? j\acj)vpov the hollow cave : *ra* pa and then 6 /j,ev he /caOe&ro sat down ez>0a there 67T4 Opovov on the seat e^ez^ whence 'Epical Hermes avearrj rose, vvfjLcpyj 8e and the nymph eTt0et placed irapa beside them iraaav €<$oo$r]v every kind of food, eaOetv to eat icai and rnvetv to drink, ofa such things as ftporot avSpes mortal men ehovaiv eat : avrrj he but herself /£s sat down avnov in front Ohvaarjos Oeioio of the divine Ulysses : hficoai 5e but the servants eOv^av placed -raoa t?7 beside her afi/3pcatr]v ambrosia /cat and ve/crap nectar. 01 Se but ihey laXkov thrust ^apa? their hands 67r' o^e^a- ra on the viands irpoKe^eva lying before them kroiaa ready ; avrap but £7ret when rapirr)- aaif they had enjoyed them^ves eSrjrvos with i&6 HOMER. meat i?Se and ttottjto? with drink, T019 apa to them then KaXwjreo Calypso, hia divine deacav of women, tjpx € began fivdcov these words . 203, " Aioyeves AaepTiaZrj Jove-born son of Laertes, OSvacrev Ulysses iro\vixr)yave of many wiles, eOeXeis 877 dost thou wish then ovtcj thus vvv now avriica immediately levcu to go utKovSe homeward (pi\r)v e? iraTptha yai- av to thy dear native land ? crv Se do thou then kcli €/jL7rr]s even nevertheless x aL P € ^ are well ! Eiye fiev if at least eiSetTi? thou knewest 0-770-4 cppeatv in thy mind, 00-0-a tcrjSea what cares cucra it is fated Tot for thee avaifXrjaai to fulfill, rcyMi/ [fceadai before coming irarpiha yaiav to thy father-land, /xevcov remaining avdi here Trap' e/ioi with me cf)vXaacrois fee thou wouldest keep roSe S&ym his house, etr;? re and wouldst be aOavaros immortal : [fieipo/j* evos irep though desirous iheaOau to see arjv a\o-)(ov thy wife, ttj? of whom aiev eeXheai thou art always desirous r^ara iravra all thy days. Ov /xev evyo^ai I do not profess drjv indeed eivai to be %€pei(ov worse fceivr}<; ye than she indeed ov Sefias neither in person ov- 8e nor (ftvrjv in stature : eirec since ovSe eoL/ce neither is it seemly ov 7rco? not by any means 6vi]ra^ that mortal women epi^eiv should con- tend aBavarrjai with immortals 8e/j.a<;m person tcai e*£o9 and in appearance." 214. Tr)v he but her Ohvaaev? Ulysses iroXv/ir/Ti^ of many devices aTra/JLeifiofievos answering irpoo-e^r] addressed ; " IIoTvia 6ea ODYSSEY, 189 august goddess, firj /jlol %weo do not be angry with me roSe [about] this : /cat ain-09 I my- self also oiZa know iravra all tilings fxa'Ka very truly, ovveica how that Ut]v eXoireia irep- uhpcov the prudent Penelope cuahvorepr) is weaker aeto than thou etSo? in form fxe*/eOo$ T€ and stature theadat to look at eiaavra over against : r\ puev jap for she ecrriv is f3poTO? even thus eOeXco I wish /cat and eeXSo- fiai hope rjpuaTa iravra all my days e\#€- ^tei>ai Te both to go oacahe home, /ecu and SeaOaL to see voanpuov 7]/xap the day of my return. El h' av but if again ta? any one Oecov of the gods .pacya-u crush me e^t olvo7ti ttovtw on the dark sea, TXrjaofiac I will en- dure it, e^wz; having 6vfiov a soul raXairevdea patient of sorrows ev arrjOeacrtv in my breast : rjBrj yap for already eiraOov I have suffered ^ta\a TroXXa very many things /cat and e/ioyrj- ca have toiled iroWa much KVfiao-iv in the waves *at and irokepbcp in war : /cac roSe let this also yeveaOco be /-teTO. rotahe among those.'' 225. '/2? thus ecparo he spake; ^eXto? 8* apa but the sun then eSv set, a«u and KvevpoLo of the hollow cave repTreadriv delighted themselves (f>i\oT7)ri in love, fievovre? remaining nap' aXXrfXoiat 190 HOMER. with one another. Hpo? Be but when Hw? poBoBaKrvkos the rosy-fingered Dawn rjpiyeveia rising in the morning cj)avr] appeared, avriKa immediately 6 puev he OBvacrevs Ulysses ev- vvto put on yXatvav re both his cloke yiTMva re and tunic ; vvfi^r) Be and the nymph avrrj herself evvvro put on fieya a\r) her head KaXvrrrprjv a veil ; kcli rore and then fi^Bero she planned iro^nrr^v dismissal OBvaar]l /jbeyaXrjTopL for the magna- nimous Ulysses. Awice fiev she gave oi to him ireXeKvv fieyav a great axe, apfievov fitted ev 7ra\a[ir) Te and there was eXarr) fir ovpavofir^T]^ stretching to heaven, rraXai long since aua seasoned TrepucqXa very dry, ra which ?r>vC»x£- e^ would sail c* for him cXacfrptos lightly : <:v- ODYSSKY, 5. 191 rwp but 6 r rr€t,or) when hei^e she had shown 6&& "vvnere hevopea fia/cpa the tall trees irefyvKei were growing, y fiev she KaXv^co Calypso, 61? divine 6ea(oi> of goddesses, e{3r) went 73750? Sa)/£<.i to her house. 243. Avrap but 6 he ra/ivero began to cut hovpa the trees, e/570^ Se ot and his work 6oco? tjvvto was quickly accomplished ; e/cfta'A.f he but he felled eucocn twenty iravra in ail, ireXeKK^cre he apa and hewed them with his axe %a\K(p with the brass, ^caae he and smoothed them eiriaTafxeva)^ cleverly /cat and t#L>ve shaped them eiru arad/xrjv to the rule : ro(j)pa Be and meanwhile Ka\vyfra> Calypso, hia divine Oeacov of goddesses, eveace brought reperpa borers, rerprjvev t apa and he then bored iravra all, icai and rjp/jLoae fitted them aWrfkoici to one another : apr^pe S' apa and he then fixed TTjvye it oi(ri with nails /cat and apfioviyai with fastenings. 'Oaaov re as great as rt? avrjp any man ei/ et§a)o? the framework v7]o Se and in it iroteb he made to-roy a mast /cat and eirucpiov a sail-yard apfxevv.v 192 HOMER fitted avTco to it : 7^0? S' apa and in addition iroi^aaro he made 7rr)SaXiov a rudder, o$pa that iOvvoi he might steer. &pa%e Se but he fenced pav it hiaysirepe^ throughout pareaaiv oiavlvrjcn with willow wicker-works, e/^e^ to be eikap a defence fcv/jLaTopa Se but meanwhile KaXvyjra) Calypso, 81a divine 0eacov of goddesses, eveace brought cf)apea cloths iroi-qaacjOaL to make larLu sails; 6 Se and he ev skillfully re^vr)- gclto framed nai ra those also ; ev oe and in it eveBrjaev he fastened virepas re both upper ropes koXovs re and cables 7roSas re and sheets, feareipvae o' apa and he then drew rrjvye it fio)(\oLaL with levers ei? aXa Stay into the divine sea. 262. Et]v it was rerparov r^iap the fourth day, Kai and a7rayTa all things rejeXearo had been finished tw by him ; tco Be a/sa 7re/i7r- T(p but on the fifth &a KaXvfyw the divine Calypso nrefiire sent him a7ro vrjcrov from the island, ap.(f)ieaacra re both having clothed him with elfiara dvcoBea sweet-smelling clothes icat and Xovaaaa having washed him. Ev Be and in it Sea the goddess e07]fce placed aa/cov a skin fieXavos oivoio of black wine rov erepov the one, erepov he and the other /ieyav a great one liBaro<; of water, /cat ^i'a 8e and provisions also ev fccopv/ccp in a bag, ez> 8e and in it nVeu she placed ol for ^inr iroXXa o-dra ma::? ODiSSEY, 5. 193 meats ixevoeucea gratifying his desires : irpo- erjfce Be and she sent forth ovpov a gale airrj- fjLova re both kindly Xcapov re and warm. A to? he OBvaaevs but the divine Ulysses 777- Ooavvos rejoicing ireraae stretched laria his sails ovpw to the gale; aurap but he cOvvero steered re^vrjevra)^ skilfully rrr^BaXiw with the helm 7?/xei/o? sitting ; ovBe nor vttvo? did sleep eirnrre fall 67T4 (3\e$apoiaiv upon the eyelids ot of him eaopcovTi looking on II\7)iaBa$ re both the Pleiades kcli and oyjre Bvovra Bocorrjv the late setting Bootes, Apicrov re and the Bear, i)v which tcaXeovai they call /cat also dfia^av the Wain erriKXTjaiv by surname, 97 re and which arpecperaL revolves avrov ill the same place /cat re Botcevei, and also watches SlpLwva Orion, oltj Be and alone eartv is afifio- po? without share Xoerpcov of the washing fliceavoio of the Ocean. Ka^v-^rco 7a/? for Calypso 3 Sta divine 0eaeoi> of goddesses azwye &7 /jllv bad him indeed irovToiropeveiievai to cross over the sea e^ovra having rip it e^ apiarepa %e*oo9 on his left hand. IlXee Se and he sailed eirra kcii Beica /iev rj/iara seven- teen days Trovrorropevcov passing over the sea ; OKTcoKaiBeKarr] Be but on the eighteenth ecpavrj appeared opea ajaoevra the shady mountains 70*779 of the land OBvaijl about Ulysses, e/ieio eovros whilst I was fier AlOioirecrGLV among the ^Ethiopians : Kai Br) and indeed cr%eBov [he is] near yai- 17? the land $airj(c(ov of the Phseacians, ev6a where aiaa ol it is his fate ereepvyeeev to escape fieya ireipap the great extremity oi- £1/0? of woe, r) which t^a^et /juv is coming upon lum : aWa but ??,cu /Ltez^ I say -indeed eXaav that I will drive /jllv him en still a&7i> sufficiently kclkottitos in calamity." 291. f O? thus ecwcov having spoken, crw ayey he drew together vefaXas the clouds, erapage Be and troubled ttovtov the sea, e\ having taken rpiaivav the trident x 6 P aiv m n ^ s hands : opoOvve Be and stirred up 7racra? aeXAa? all the blasts ttclvtoiwv ave/juov of all the winds, <7tw Se Ka\v\jrev and covered vecpeecrau with clouds yatay the earth #at and itovtov the se.i o/Aou together; i/yf Su what now yevrjrai fxoi may happen to me /jltj- Kiara at length ! BeiBco I fear firj Btj lest indeed 0ea the goddess eiirev has spoken iravra all things vT)jj,€pred true ; 77 who efyaro said /^e that I avairX-qaeiv should fulfil aXyea sorrows ev ttovtco in the sea, trpiv UeaOai before arriv- ing at irarpiBa yaiav my father-land ; raBe §?/ these things it seems vvv now iravra all reXei- Tctt are being completed. Oloiai vefyeeaai with what clouds Zevs does Jupiter Treptare- (j>6t encircle ovpavov evpvv the wide heaven, erapage Be and has troubled irovrov the sea, aeXXai Be and blasts iravroicov ave/jccov of all the winds eiriairep-^ovaiv are hastening on ! vvv now aLTTvs oXeOpo? utter destruction o-w? is safe poi for me. Mcacapes happy t/ji? three times Kai rerpaKi^ and four times Aavaoi the Greeks ot who rore then oXovro died cv evpew? Tpotfl in wide Troy epovre$ bringing x a P l * 196 HOMER. honour ArpeiByo-i to the sons of Atreus. *f2$ Brj as indeed eyayye o(j>eXov ought I Oaveeiv to have died kcu and eirLcnreiv to have en- countered iroTfjuov fate rj/iari, rco on that day ore when irXeuroi Tpcoe? many Trojans €7T€ppt\frav cast llol on me ^aXKrjpea Bovpa their brass -pointed lances irepu TlrjXeicDvt 6av- ovri over the dead son of Peleus : rw in that case eXa^ov Ke I should have been par- taker Krepewv of funeral rites, kcli and Axaioi the Greeks ijyov would have celebrated *\eo? /z€u my glory : vvv Be but now elfiapro it has been allotted fie that I aXtovai should be seized XevyaXeco Oavaro) by a miserable death." 313. f /2? apa thus then euirovra as he was 3peaking y^a KVfia a great wave eXaae smote [xiv him kcit'' a.Kpr)$ from above, eirea- avfievov rushing upon him Bewov fearfully, eXeXctje Be and whirled a^eBiriv the raft nrepi around. Avro<; Be but himself 7reae fell T7/\e far airo o-^eSt??? from the raft ; irpoerfKe Be and he let go vrjBaXLov the helm etc yepwv out of his hands : Beivr) Be OveXXa and the dreadful blast fica-yofievcov avefiwv of the blended winds eXOovaa coming eafe broke ol for him fiecrov larov the mast in the middle : aireipov Be but the sail kcli and eiriKpiov the yard-arm efiireae fell rrjXov afar ttovtu on the sea ; #?;/<:€ 8* apa and it made rov kim virofipvya under water 7roXvz> yjpovov long time, ou8e nor eBwacrOrj was he able ai-^a immediate *ux>* a* all civ- ODYSSEY, 5. i$7 cr^eQeew to recover viro opiir)? beneath the inpulse fieydkov kv/jlcltos of the mighty wave : elfjuaja yap pa for his clothes eftapvve weighed hira down ra which Bia KaXvyjroi the divine Calypso Trope gave ol to him. O^jre Be Brj pa but at last then aveBv he dived up, e^eirrvae Be and spat out ctto/iuito? from his mouth ttik- prjv aXfjirjv the bitter brine rj which ttoWtj in a large quantity tce\apv£e trickled airo /cparo<: ol from his head. AXka but ovBe &>? not even thus eireXrjOero was he forgetful a^Bir)? of the raft, Teipopuevos irep though vexed, aXXa but /uLe0opfir)6eL<; changing his position evi kv/jlcl- vp(p to the West winr* £kuk«i> to chase. 198 HOMER. 333. Tov he but him eihe saw Ovyarrjp the daughter Kah/xov of Cadmus, tca\\i? so terribly, Se thus, So^eei? Se but thou seemest /xot to me ovk aiuvvcrcreiv not to be unwise. Airohv? having put off ravra eipuara these garments KaXKare leave (rxehirjv the raft avefiois to the winds epe7r9a\fxoiai with my eyes yaiav the land, o& where (fcaro she said ewat that it was (pv^i/iov 200 HOMER. e/jLoi fated for me to escape ; aXka but fiaXa by all means ep%co I will do onBe thus, Bo/ceet, Be and it seems \xoi to me eivai to be apiorovhest : o? thus BtaaKeBaaev it scattered Bovpara puaicpa the long timbers ttj? of the [raft] : avrap but OcWo-et"? Ulysses fiawe went a//,^ ew Bovparc round one plank, eXavvoov driving it co? as KeXrjra Irnrov a riding horse : efa-rrecWe Se and he stripped off eiuara his garments, ra which Bia Ka'Kv- ODYSSEY, 5. 201 yfray divine Calypso Trope gave ol to him : av- rirca Be and immediately ravvaaev he stretch- ed fcprjBe/nvov the scarf biro arepvoio under his breast : avros Be and himself Kairireae fell Trpijvr)*; head-foremost d\c in the sea, TreTaa- o-a? stretching out x €L P e n ^ s * wo hands /^*- /iaw? eager v^efievat to swim : Kpeicov Be Evoo-l^Ouv but the ruling earth-shaker tSe saw, Kivrjo-as re and moving #0^77 his head, fivd- Tjaaro he spake irpon ov Ovfiov to his soul. 375. u Ouro) vui/ thus now iraOoav suffer- ing Ka/ca iroWa many woes aXoa) wander Kara ttovtov over the sea, ei<; b until that /xvyeLr)? fee thou be united avOpwirotcn with men Aiorp- ecf)ceo-o-L nurtured by Jupiter; a\Xa but ovB' a>? not even thus eoXira do I expect o~e that thou ovoaaeaOaL wilt find fault fcafcorrjTOs for thy suffering." f /2? apa thus then (froovrjo-a? having spoken l/nao-ev he lashed fcaXXcrpL^a^ lirirov? his beautiful-hair' d horses, l/cero Be and came et? Aiyas to iEgse, 6#£ where eaaiv are /cXvra olBco/nara his glorious palace buildings. 382. Avrap but A6r\vair) Minerva #oup; daughter Aios of Jove, evo^ae devised in her mind aXXa other things : ijtoi in truth tcar- eBrjae she fettered /ceXev0ov<; the paths tow aXXcov ave/JL(/)v of the other winds, e/ceXevae Be and bad airavra^ all iravaaaOai cease aom and evvr]07]vcu be at rest ; wpo-e £' e7rt but she rais- ed up fcpaiirvov Boperjv nimble Boreas, eafe Be and broke Kv/iara the waves 7rpo in front, &>avr)rj av has appeared aairaaio^ /3toTo? the much to be desir- ed life Trarpos of their father, o? who fceirai lies ey vovaw in disease iraaywv suffering Kpaiep aXyea severe pains, Trj/cofievos wasting Brjpop long time, Bcil/mov Be arvyepos and the hateful deity e^paei/othas touched him, deoi B' a/oa and the gods eXvaav have freed rovye him aairacriov welcome KaKonqro^ from his calami- ty; w? thus 7am the land kcu ^77 and wood eet- aaro seemed OBvarjl toUlysses, aairaarov desir- able, vrjx 6 Be and he swam eireiyofMevos hastening rroac with his feet einfirivou, to tread upon Tjwei- ODYSSEY, 5. 203 po> the mainland ; dXXa but ore when airr)v he was distant togov so far, ocrcrov re as fiorj- aa$ [a man] shouting yeycove makes himself heard, Kai Btj then also a/covcrev he heard Bov- irov the noise QaXacrar]^ of the sea irpoTi gtti- XaBeaaev against the rocks. Meya yap KV/ia for the great wave po%9ei roared epevyofievov being thrown up Beuvov terrible iron %epov againstthe dry [part] rjTrecpoio of the mainland : iravTa Be and all things elXvro were wrapped ayyr) in the foam a\os of the sea. Ou yap eaav for there were not XtjAeves harbours oypi> receptacles vrjcav of ships ovBe nor eiTLwyai roadsteads, aXXa but eaav there w r ere a/crai shores Trpo&Xrjres projecting (nrcXaBe^ re and crags irayoi re and rocks. Kai rore and then yovvara the knees Kat, (piXov rjrop and dear soul 08vaiperai there nowhere ap- pears eK@ao~i<; any egress Ovpa^e [to go] out of aXos rroXioio the hoary sea : efcrocrOev fxev yap for outside irayoi ofee? are sharp rocks, kvucl Be podiov and the raging wave (3e(3pw)(e roars aficj)i around' \iq~q-y) Be irerprj and a smooth 204 HOMEB. rock avahehpofie shoots up. Oakaaaa Se and the sea ay%i{3a6r)<; is deep close at hand, kcli and ou7rct)? eariv it is not any how possible arrj/jLevai to stand afK^orepoLai nroheaai with both feet, kcli and 6KpeaLu into his mind : eirecrav- /xevos Se and having rushed forward Xaftev he took hold afjL(f)OTeprjai x e P aL w ^ n both his hands irerpr]^ of the rock, rr)s of which e^ero he kept hold areva^oiv groaning, eiws whilst fjLeya Kv/xa the great wave iraprjXOe passed by. Kai ro fMev and that aXu^ev he avoided &>? thus p^ot the skin a7rehpvevycov fleeing from eviiras the chiding Uocr- ecBacovos of Xeptune etc rrovroio out of the sea. Ecttl fiev he is ai,Boio<; re an object of reverence kcli even aOavaroiat OeocaL to the immortal gods ores whosoever avBpcov of men iKrjraL comes aXo)/u,€vo<; wandering, &)? as /cat eyco I also vvv now t/cai/G> come to o~ov re poov both thy stream era re yovvara and thy knees, /jLoyrjo-as having toiled rrroXXa much. AWa but eXeaipe pity me, ava% oh king : evxpfiai Be but I declare myself eivai to be iKerrj^ a suppliant tcu to thee : n 451. f /2? thus <£aro he spake, 6 Se but he [the river] avriKa immediately rravcQ checked kov poov his flow, eo-^e Be and re- ODYSSEY, 5. 207 stramed tcvfia his wave : iroirjcre he ana made yaXrjvrjv a calm ol for him irpoaQe in front, ecrawcre he and saved tov him e? irpo-fcoas into the month 7roTa/j,ov of the river : 6 8e apa but he then eKa^e bent afKjxo yovvara both his knees %eipa$ re o-rifiapas and his stout hands : it e? Trorafiov into the river aXi/xvprjevra flowiug into the sea : aty he and back fieya KVjia the great wave efyepe bore it /caTa poov down the stream : anjra 8' apa and immediately then Ivco Ino SefaTo received it %epo"t (fcuXycriv in her hands : 6 Se but he XiaaOeis turning away €K iroTafxow from the river vnreKkivOri lay down beneath o-%oiz/ot)the rushes, tcvo~e he and kissed Zeihapov apovpav the food-producing ground; 0^770-0;? 8' apa and having sighed then enrtv 208 HUMEU, he spake irpo^ ov fjLeyaXrjropa flv/xov to his own great soul. 465. " jjlol eyco woe is me ! rt what rraOo) shall I suffer ? tl vv what now yevrjraL will happen (jlol to me firjiacrTCL at last ? El ixev if indeed (pvXa^co tee I shall watch BvcrKrjBea vvktcl the painful night ev Trora/ia) in the river, fir) [1 fear] lest cm/ify t€ #0/07 both the hurtful rime kcll and OtjXvs eeparj the life- giving dew a/jLvSis together Ba/jLaorrj subdue 6v/jl- ov my soul KeKacpijora worn out e£ oXLyrjireXtr]? from weakness ; avp-q Be but the breeze irve- €L blows yjrvxpv c °ld e/c Trora/JLov from the river 77co0£ 7T|0o before day-break. El Be but if avaftas having got up e? kXltvv to the slope /cat and Bclgkiov vXijv the shady wood fcara- BpaOco I sleep ey OafivoLs itvklvolctiv among the thick bushes, ei if pLyos the cold kcll fcd/ia- ro? and fatigue fieOeir) fie should leave me, yXv/cepo? Be virvos and sweet sleep eireXOrj fioL were to come upon me, BeLBco I fear /irj lest jevayfiaL I become eXa>/> a capture /cat Kvp/na and prey OypeaaL to wild beasts." 474. 72? apa thus then ot to him 4>pov- eovTL thinking Boaaaaro it seemed eivai to be /cepBiov best; #77 /5a he proceeded then L/xev to go ei? £\t7z> into the wood ; evpe Be and he found rrjv it cr^eSoz; vBaros near the water €i> irepL^aivofievw in a spot visible all round, virrfXvOe S' a^a and he went under Boiovs 6afi- kov from the same place: 6 fiev the one<£i/A,e«7? 209 [was] of a wild olive, 6 Be and the other eXcu^s of olive. Tov$ pev apa them, indeed otrrc neither fievos the might ave/xcov of the winds vypov aevroov blowing moistly Biaeu blows through, ovt6 nor ^eAto? the sun (fxxeOcov shi- ning 7T0T6 ever eftaWev has smitten a/cricri with his beams oure nor op,(3pos the rain 7rep- aaafcev has penetrated Biafjurepe^ right through ; a)? apa irvfcvoL so thick e^>uy they grew e7ra- fjLOL/3a8t<} intertwiningly aX\.7)\otcn with one another : ov? which Oowa-eu? Ulysses vtto Bvaero went under; a(/>ap Be but immediately eirafMrjaaro he scraped up evpeiav evvqv a wide bed %ep<™ (piXyai with his hands : e^y 7a/} for there was ^uoy? a shedding (frvWwv of leaves 7j\i6a 7roX\?7 very abundant, oaaov re as much as epvaOai to defend 776 Suoo either two rje or rpet? avBpas three men co/377 ^et/ze/Hfl in the winter season, et /cat even if fiaXa nrep 'XakeiraivoL it is very violent. A to? /xey OoW- o-eu? the divine Ulysses ttoKvtXcls of much endurance yrjdrjae rejoiced iBoov seeing ttjv it: Xefcro 8' apa but he lay down then ev fieo-ay in the midst, e7re%euaTo Be and shed over him- self yvaiv a shedding (j>vW