GIFT OF THOMAS RUTHERFORD CLASSICAL POEMS BY WILLIAM ENTRIKEN BAILY. Hoc est Vivere bis, vita posse priore frtii. MARTIAL PRESS OF ROBERT CLARKE & CO. CINCINNATI, O 1892. Copyright, 1891. by WILLIAM ENTRIKEN BAILV. PREFACE. IT may be well to refer to some of the conditions by which the essential number of the poems in this book has been produced. Though they are not all classical in subjects, yet those that are not are often classical in spirit, as well as lyrical. They owe their or igin first, to temperamental characteristics ; secondly, to the animus of a great deal of what constitutes orthodox English poetry, as found in the pages of SHAKESPEARE, MILTON, COLLINS, KEATS, WORDS WORTH and TENNYSON, with, perhaps, influences at work from SHELLEY and his school. The undercurrent of meaning of the poems, in many cases, is didactic, as much so (if not more) as cer tain passages in SPENSER S " Fairy Queen." It has been shown by eminent critics on both sides of the Atlantic that this is a false principle in the art of verse ; on the contrary, it has been shown by other eminent critics that it is a true one. If a reader of an epic feels that its strain, its intellectual tenor, its grouping of noble characters for instructive effects, its subtile agreements with the finer elements of civilization perpetually in play (that have been taught the author by the philosophers, moralists and theologians of his time), and the occasional free display of them in the course of the story, are of the didactic kind, his feelings must certainly be a judge to himself in the matter, but not to others. His emo tions naturally appropriate to themselves what supports the nature of their instincts, this nature having perhaps an entirely different bias in another reader, and thus the two are unable to feel and see in a like manner, not only in the perusal of an epic, but also of a drama at its best. Two able readers, of unlike bent in appreci ation, may write in combination a critique on an epic, and do it justice; but it often takes four to write one on a drama with the same result, because the elements in it are of a more complex order. (in) 267898 iv PREFACE. It inclines, even in its tragic form, to the pleasurable in a more obvious way. Notwithstanding that SHAKESPEARE represents the spirit of the troubadour in his plays plays most especially ad dressed to the courtiers, the pedants, the pleasure-seekers and the men-about-town of his day the didactic, mingled with the real and the ideal, is frequently presenting itself; notably in his apho risms, in his numerous outlines suggesting the moral artist, in his use of what is called .poetic justice, in his ethical tendencies as a whole (above those of other dramatists of his time), and in his sense of responsibility to the higher consciousness of humanity. In JOHN MILTON we find the spirit of the Puritan a spirit that easily adjusted itself to what is harsh and doctrinal in life and religion, for the scholastic spirit to take up and form into a long narrative poem of undoubted didactic type. He was too much of a scholar and a man of genius not to know the value of art in clothing his doctrines as a mere thinker of common experience ; and he was too much of a scholar and a man of fine instincts not to know the value of SHAKESPEARE to other mere thinkers of the doctrinal class would they but see him through the eye of scholarship. His lines to the great dramatist are in this respect very significant. We thus see in SPENSER the didactic is a controlling principle ; in SHAKES PEARE it is an occasional, but still a manifest principle ; and in JOHN MILTON it is, as with SPENSER, a controlling principle. Com ing down to WORDSWORTH, we find it a settled principle with him, his name alone suggesting virtue, honor, reverence, duty, love, hu mility, honest poverty, time and fate, abstract qualities holding an ever varying relation through his muse to the strictest rules of didactics in prosaic life. If a philosophical sect were now formed after the manner of some of those of the ancients, having in view the mere teaching of moral laws, it would without a doubt derive much help, not only from WORDSWORTH, but also from many of hjs poetical contemporaries and successors in point of time who have the beautiful before them, yet who show, unconsciously, a presence a main idea or a stray idea in their poems akin to the inculcation of a precept or precepts. The love of certain higher attributes in man leads to an idealization of them in statuary and painting; and to say that poetry of the beautiful should ignore such attributes, is to say that it is inferior in its mission to stat uary and painting is to ascribe to it an inherent tone of weak ness is to charge it with inability to embody with itself the fact that this age is pre-eminently didactic in its drift. As for the suc cessful expression of the beautiful, with its impalpable essence, no other century, not excepting the Elizabethan era, equals the pres ent one in its list of poems. Such writers as KEATS, SHELLEY and TENNYSON have given to the English-speaking world examples in this respect very difficult to surpass. The poet-laureate, in par ticular, has an influence over his readers through a mastered craft that sublimates whatever it touches, and that tends to add to their perceptions of the noble and to broaden their existence in a wise way. In this regard, and in others, he takes a decided superiority over either SHELLEY or KEATS, and holds strong connections with WORDSWORTH and MILTON, also with SPENSER in an esthetic way. It thus can be seen the system of poetry has for one of its prime resources the didactic, infusing into its work, as it does, elements of usefulness, reality and strength. A moral meaning may be pre sented so as to impress its purpose too emphatically; then it tends not to high art it tends to utility for utility s sake to the ground where prose wears the mask of rhyme. IP a true poem, some essential fact of life, the soul of the piece, reveals itself in an unity of details, the fact losing itself apparently in the details at times, but in its impression as a whole it is effective in inducing a frame of mind in the reader more favorable to its cause than in a single rigorous disclosure of itself. In this case the charm and the lesson go hand-in-hand, and the Powers that rule over the destiny of poetry are generally satisfied. In offering these explanations, it is with no desire to make cer tain ideas in a matter of art obtrusive, but with a desire to supply information that in its absence might make the poems herein printed seem to be without a key, holding as they do relations to English literature of a kind indicated. W. E. B. INDEX TO POEMS. I AGE. Prelude 9 The Queen of Dreamland y u The Hero and the Wife 20 Horace 28 The Choice of Alcides 34 The City in Ruins 42 Down Amid the Shadows. 46 The Plato of the Town 49 The Recluse 53 The Insistence of Nature 56 Tempus Fugit 59 Steppi ng-Stones 63 Sleep ... 70 Old Age 72 Beauty 74 Aurora 76 Adversity 79 Fate and Prophecy 80 May 80 The Sybarite 81 The Birth of Venus 83 Pomona 85 My Lady 87 At Sea 89 The Caged Bird 91 The Royal Road 93 The Appian Way 95 The Statue 97 The Island 101 Before and After the Voyage 107 PRELUDE. WHAT blissfulness twould be Apollo s lyre To hear at June s bright dawn, by night s star-fire, As come and go life s vagaries ! Replete With sounds that charm would be the matchless feat To form web-works of tone ! The high-born choir, Who sing through time, whose harmonies inspire Fancy s ardency, aspiration meet, Courage, nobleness, sympathies concrete, How they seem demi-gods ! Them modify Hope s own art ever breathing in control, She through them speaking; for each death-dull eye She wakes, bids lips partake from her strange bowl, Emboldens hands to strive, man s strength to ply To gain the power that was Apollo s soul. (ix) *********************************** *********************************** *********************************** V************* 318 ****************** *********************************** SSICAIi POEMS. THE QUEEN OF DREAMLAND. I. T DREAMED. Venus approached with languid air. More near she seemed as one full meet to dwell In ideal realms encrowned with honors rare Mong Fancy s spirits deemed ineffable ; Yet made her footsteps prints upon the sand; They proved a being true of Day s Dreamland. II. A palace stood anear; it was a pile That covered acres with majestic weight; Its marble art was of a simple style; On roofs were domes, each with an ancient trait, As gleaming roses swayed in urns anear, And odored well the summer atmosphere. in. Had outlooks wide high windows here and there Upon green dales and distant mountain points ; Portals the facade graced with arches rare, Their brazen hinges shining in the joints; Long porticos there stood that mildly shed Their column-shades on steps that upward spread. 12 "CLASSICAL POEMS. IV. Venus moved on with head inclining low, Nearing a portal dark. She was alone; She mused, and feared awhile within to go ; The deep, dim hall with kind and welcome tone No entrance bade t was as a dismal dell Repulsed her with a strange, foreboding spell. v. She onward moves ere long; stops in amaze; Harkens as if she saw with startled ken ; Observes the pictured walls, great clouds ablaze With Jove s stern darts hurled from his thund rous den; But soon she drops her maiden veil of fears, And bears a courage of a matron s years. VI. Anon she treads a stairway, thence to pass Into a hall before. Herein salutes The eye a bright display of central glass On ceiling broad a dome. Sol mildly shoots Enkindling gleams through panes, with emblems spread, That show what might to vesper orbs is wed. VII. Ceilings of cedar wood adorn the place (Contrived with skill to show the artist s dye), Whereon true genius has depicted grace In figures formed Jove s dreams to glorify. Floating bubbles are borne from cherubs fair, As others range with self-oblivious air. THE QUEEN OF DREAMLAND. 13 Below are pendent apples o er a stream Upon a tree all silver-wet with dew; And from bent boughs fall to the current s gleam, The heaviest the cherubs by to woo; These see the fruitage swimming in the tide, And vie to gather up the best espied. IX. She marks about the statue-figures spread Upon the floor. Anon her breath is slow ; She feels as if she from herself has fled And soul-fit mysteries upon her flow ; It is so rare to gaze and be unknown Among such shapes endowed with subtile tone. x. Ere long she leaves behind the spell-like hall, And gains a distant aisle, egress to make ; Her silent footsteps move beside a wall Massive with stones too firm for Time to shake; A winding passage guides toward a court, Where fowls tame-bred and mortal forms consort. A tranquil court it is wherein a bird Might lull itself to sleep at warm mid-day ; Where marble brims reflecting baths engird Under cool canopies ; where alcoves gay Hold forth soft seats on which young drowsy Thought Can range in Dreamland with old romance fraught. I4 CLASSICAL POEMS. About the open space irregular Rise roof-crowned walls, whose shades unite with shades; Nor do below they noontide gleams debar From touching marble steps to long arcades ; A just degree of light and shade controls, And with mild means the atmosphere consoles. Above is seen a row of galleries, Where curtains white, wind-blown, exhibit faces And hands embroidering; deep balconies, With tiers of shelves on which are Grecian vases, Whose plant o er plant have colors fresh and gay, Like pageantry of Fairyland s display. XIV. The turtle-dove about the court is seen To hover here and there with wings broadspread ; A peacock bright expands his plumage green, Admiration to gain from folks ahead; And mong all those he meets reclining by No scorn upon a brow he can descry. xv. Venus three doves beholds. They near her oft Fly with capricious yet regardful ways; As prudent bees around June s bushes soft Dally before they settle on their sprays, So one by one the birds steal down to rest And breathe a welcome on the stranger-guest. THE QUEEN OF DREAMLAND. 15 XVI. The folks first see her by a pillar s shade; Murmurs besiege her ear; from doorways nigh Come comrade-forms with those from some areade About her gather all ; part to apply Numerous queries, handing back her words To outer heads whose eagerness engirds. XVII. She not reluctant leads them to inquire About a realm afar, with civic din Of man disturbed ; about a monarch s ire Whose laws unjust stand much opposed. To win Their sympathy, she meekly then alludes Unto herself, and o er a sorrow broods. The monarch with a strange and mad uproar Had made her breast of late to dolor prone ; Had scowled and grudged her rights; and now no more She cares to dwell at home until had flown A time of pilgrimage, when smoothly laid Might be his rage with reason s sober aid. XIX. Her guileless story has a mellow power To place deep confidence in every heart ; Each excellence of mind becomes her dower Viewed through the glamor of befriending art; And all her hearers to warm fancies yield, That hint of much in her heart s depth concealed. 1 6 CLASSICAL POEMS. XX. At last the folks disperse ; with ling ring throb They muse; and as slow-rolling drops of dew Unite (and from themselves their forms do rob) With fellow-ones upon a violet blue, So emotions unite, with zeal o errun, And swell to bounds from various bosoms won. Unto meek Venus they with tongues serene Due homage pay. Anon expressions flow To favor her with prestige of a queen, On her a gentle weight of glory throw ; They feel she is a ruler to maintain The honors of a future golden reign. XXII. Before to them she was a mere surmise ; To life most real she is committed now Transfigured all ! a being claiming ties With ideal worlds, thus gifted to endow A multitude of souls in Day s Dreamland, Busy with deeds, with inner guidance grand. XXIII. At last at twilight hour courtiers reveal To her their purpose, saying that awaits For her a sceptered right to rule their weal, Abating from themselves superior traits \Vith urbane art in order to make less Seem to herself her own unworthiness. THE QUEEN OF DREAMLAND. l^ A bard steps forth, his visage grave and old ; Long locks of white upon his shoulders roll ; His minstrel-hand is oft inspired to hold The harp to notes concordant with the soul His voice ascending o er the swaying heads Softly entreats and warm impressions spreads. xxv. Venus confused with much ado demurs ; Resorts to argument to help her cause ; Unto her budding youth she next refers ; This failing, she aloof alone withdraws : Some follow her; she tries with words to foil; But their deep love she doth with sense entoil. They urge with courteous tact; some call her cold, Augment their accents low with fertile fears ; Their melancholy shades increase two-fold ; Feelings acute express themselves in tears; All move engirdled by a magic spell, On whose sweet cause they fondly, strangely dwell. They tell her of a prophet who had told That she would come at last to be their queen ; That Truth in league with Beauty, as of old, Was moving still toward a future scene, To triumph o er the world s debarring years, Ties to divulge tween this and higher spheres. 1 8 CLASSICAL POEMS. XXVIII. Venus in time, with motive half aware Of self, consents. Assuming honors new With chiding doubt, bemasks a pallor rare The roses of her cheek. She trembles through As tongues the tidings bear. Now won the cause, The court resounds with clamor and applause. XXIX. What happiness betrays each eager face ! Sweet flutes play on ! Ye instruments more gay, Breathe all your harmony about the place ! Meek Venus now retires and fades away To wait to-morrow s ceremonial grand ; Therefore, glad tones, your utmost skill expand ! XXX. To-morrow comes. In dome-crowned hall appear A noble throng beside a purple throne ; A semi-circle vast of people near ; Behind them maidens rare, all sweetly known (As blushes on their cheeks most softly charm) To youths hard by, with badges on each arm. XXXI. Some boys confront Venus upon the throne ; Each holds a silver harp of fervent strings, Revealing limitations of its tone, That bears itself abroad on waning wings ; And sweet succession ! they a hymn well chant, Those minstrel-boys in robes, so jubilant ! THE QUEEN OE DREAMLAND. 19 XXXII. A score of matrons come in vestments white Adown an aisle with grace ; each duly shows A homage fit the ceremonial rite ; They onward move to honored seats in rows ; Ascends forthwith the hymn s assuaging chant From minstrel-boys in robes, so jubilant! XXXIII. Come next a score of elder-men, arrayed In cloaks of black ; a leader bears a wreath (That soon before the throne is lowly laid) ; They turn to seats the glowing dome beneath; Ascends forthwith the hymn s assuaging chant From minstrel-boys in robes, so jubilant! Some gleaner-girls in singing then proceed To glorify their task with duteous voice, Addressed to pow rs above their aid to plead, As all their shining faces well rejoice ; Full gratified they rest like sea-shell low, Who s found its pearl within dark surges flow. XXXV. Venus they then approach; upon her head A simple laurel-crown bestows a hand, And throngs on throngs a speechless blessing shed Upon the maiden Queen of Day s Dreamland, Pleading that she with them may long abide To rule their weal until Death s eventide. 20 CLASSICAL POEMS. Then vows by mortal breasts ascending go; Adopt they aims for their alloted days Befit true hearts, subjecting flesh full low To serve a spirit high, that Truth may raise A guardian o er each golden life that. far Its worth may shine a clear, enduring star. XXXVII. Ere long a show r falls on the outer court, But passes soon away ; and mildly then A rainbow gay with omen comes athwart, Copious seasons foretelling to the ken ; And all to future years their faces turn, An epoch rich and Beauty there discern. THE HERO AND THE WIFE. TITE was a Roman of superior form. The moment now was come wherein to choose This way or that. Distrust prevailed in him, Disturbing homebred sentiments, like hawks In orchard causing happy birds of song Anxiety. Habit restrained him, too, In such a course as now therefrom to break Was hard. Yet with an introspective eye He saw his tone of self had epic warmth, By which it would inspire heroic zeal To be a conqueror with trophied trains. THE HERO AND THE WIFE. 21 The discordance that was within himself (As to and fro he swayed among armed men) Could not endure annoyance from the hums About, when- it would have a tranquil hour Or so to calm and veer from doubt to hope. But as the sun forth shone tween clouds, from it Influence came, instilling him with aught Obscure, profound, transferring by degrees Him from that which he scorned to that which he Aspired, as through himself emotions moved Assured. Referring to ideals of life, Long cherished by his memory, he found An essence in them all sustaining them With beauty and its pow r and mystery Too deep for man . Anon he spoke : "The gods Demand my services, my country asks For them upon the tented field, and comes An inspiration moving me to go Rewards to have. For earthly dignity And crown celestial yearn I tacitly ; If victor in the battle s cause, the first Is mine, whilst living to enjoy ; if slain, The gods approving, faith doth prophesy The second s mine. Here linger I and pine And older grow, the days fulfilling not What me should gratify. Fortune hath led Unto satiety in zigzag paths ; She made no sacrifice to Happiness ; 22 CLASSICAL POEMS. To follow her is sacrilege. My joys Domestic joys my wife and I, espoused Like April odors fresh to April hues Are faded now. They blossomed forth, then bore Sweet fruit, which, tasting o er and o er, soon cloyed Desire, yet left me hungry for the meat That does not come. Tis starving nature roused That would its stay go seek. Nuptial ties Appear entangling by the charm that comes From action in a freer life abroad. In changes we attain another self. With will consenting, then impelling us, Tis we subserve the ends of destiny, In concord with the mighty ones of yore, Who strove along, conquering with an aim That found a -life through war which few lives know, And fame historic afterwards." Anon Calling for what the leader of a host Would need, he strode among assembling men, Breast-plated, ready warfare soon to face. They felt that he, their haughty chief, kept step With a pulsation true of what was brave, Stern in an experience with the world. His wife came slowly forth; surveying him She stood, impressing not as she was wont W r ith beauty and emotions that disarm Men of their wills ; but as a woman sees THE HERO AND THE WIFE. 23 A woman with an eye that dreads and hates, Ashamed to own that it not trusts and loves So he saw her. Embarrassment o ercame Her by degrees, in her arousing doubts Foreboding vaguely, then inspiring her With energy to chide her lord, sullen, Acting as if a stranger to herself. She was to him the being of his choice, Beside her proud; away, his sweeter part Much missed. Chosen ardently, despite Himself, nature propelling him to woo With modesty, he now first since their day Of wedlock vows, withstood her otherwise. She plead to him with eloquence. He heard As if to yield to what she asked, in brief Disdain of what he felt before, but made No answer. She then tried to win with gifts The heart pays to the mind; but soon her voice Prattled, not reasoned, and aroused his mien Of cynicism, beholding her so void As not to know him strong, but as him weak- Shaming his lofty self with truthfulness. Yet he to her was strength. A purpose frail In her, a purpose resolute in him, Were two, supporting and supported, yet Were one in common sympathy that worked In married harmony. For a brief while She felt the tie was strained and he the cause, 24 CLASSICAL POEMS. And was to snap asunder soon. Then she With other words with pensive thoughts thus spoke : "Oh, list, my lord! remain with me. What s life With thee away? Let others to the war, Less worthy living, dying worthy more ; Thy worth maintains itself where er it is ; But theirs not so. _Departing hence, thy gain Is naught, thy loss domestic bliss. Then cease Thy warfare with thyself; it makes me feel Thy peril with a woman s fear, not man s, And be a husband to thy wife again." He looked askance. Silence prevailed, and ere Its power waned, he moved in coldness wrapped, Seeing with mental eye some inner thing That him absorbed. The moments passing by Kept her in trembles of suspense; each was So intermingled with mistrust it seemed An hour of punishment. At last he turned And said: "Why waitest thou?" She bowed and wept, Such visions playing in her mind as fear Provokes in frailty. Yet it was a grief Tempered; controlling moods unsettled much, It made her prudent in her selfishness Her source of tears. Looking at him ere long, The semblance of her husband in a form Made bold appeared, who still retaining her THE HERO AND THE WIFE. 25 As his heart s paragon none else for him A nobler self revealed, as slowly came A spell that to her intuition showed The solemn tenor of true thought in life Inspiring him. A conscious rapture spread Throughout her pulse in thinking such a one Was closest to her bosom s rare desire, And changed her nature higher likes to know. Turning he said: " Thou smilest through thy tears! But late thy head did hang, lack-lustre was Thy glance, and diffident thy manners were ! Yet presto! a change! thy woe wept tears, But now thy joy weeps tears. Perplexes me Thy fickleness ; it breaks the link that should Unite my comprehension to thyself. But let such matters go ! To comfort thee, My wife, the hero s motive ill consorts With what the husband s tenderness would say ; Therefore, me understand, not by that which I seem, but by that which I am, no words Asking for than from me now comes." Futile His speech; for she anticipating him, Did feel what he wished her to feel through love, A knowledge of himself with lofty pow rs Tn visible relief. His traits more coarse, O ertopping hers, knew not the part she was 26 CLASSICAL POEMS. Unto his flesh, her flesh, in that her mind Was subtile, his was dull. "Lately 1 would Have said, Oh, hard thee to relinquish ! Now, Thy purpose moves in me, and makes me say Thy choice of duty reason cheers, and makes Me apt in sacrifice thy absence hence To bear with a stout will," thus uttered she, Deriving added strength from her good lord. Working upon his feelings with a fresh Congenial mien with woman s artless skill Expressing estimation for himself, And love behind it stood they face to face, The hero still supreme, yet softened some, Slowly descending to the husband s plane, Her patience helping him. Now free to use Her will, his nature through with hers refined Instilled she with sagacious joyousness, Such as to feel a philosopher turns. He pressed her to his lips, then backwards stood, Observing her as if with reverence, Unapt to vent what he would say. At last He spoke : Before we part, I to the Avar, Thou to the loom, to wishes list in thy Behalf: I would have thee forever live In simple happiness, to household things THE HERO AND THE WIFE. 27 Attending, leaving duties that were mine To manly hands ; I would have thee, if low I fall, remember me more in thy heart Than in thy mind; I would have ever fresh Thy dews of life in glory of the dawn; Thy flow rs of hope to grow with hues perfumed, Thee bidding them ; the fruit of our two loves To bear the seed with aught, as ages pass, Endowing fame on the parental stock, Transplanted then to regions god-ruled o er." He ceased, and not a murmur rose from throa s Of men hard by, his followers silence Impressive reigned an interval, that he Alone broke with a sigh. Then he, erect, With chieftan airs, assumed command of them, Now forming into ranks, and off all moved, They seeming cold as statues, hills anon Obscuring them, and distance hushing sounds Of trumpet more and more until they died. Meanwhile the wife gazed into prospects far Whither he had gone, feeling many things That woman only knows. Yet with a heart Encouraged she consoled a matron s mind, Thinking no more of him as one far gone, Mayhaps a captive chained a galley slave A corse and stretched among the chariots wreck; But as a patriot faithful to a cause; A conqueror severe, yet merciful ; 28 CLASSICAL POEMS. A hero coming from ovations fresh, Loaded with spoils and emblems gained, the hum Of heralds him before to tell the tale- Fulfillment honored had endeavors brave. Twas thus to war he went on Roman soil, And striving won, not by denying self Examples to the mind of what was great, But by a timely use of them. HORACE. TTORACE, thou scribe of yore ! what wisdom taught Thy methods slow ! how well at times indeed Couldst thou passions console unduly fraught With yearnings false for fickle Fortune s meed ! Although of pagan creed, yet was thy mind Accordant with the truth as then defined. n. Among thy Sabine fields, where beat Time s heart As even now, imparting to the frame Of things a warmth occult which made them start Into outlines that reached ere blight their aim, How breathed thy harp those sounds that not as yet Have reached an end to pay a mortal debt ! HORACE. 29 III. They breathe content, attended by a charm, Impressing bosoms with a happy thrill. No sudden woes within can do much harm If minds forlorn yield to thy Orphean skill. What was to thee thy life s most humble share ? What was to thee the daunt in Fortune s air? IV. Exemplar thou, O schoolman in the dark ! Thy praise of Poverty, her wholesome store, Was worthy of thy philosophic ark, That on a flood of years a species bore To live consigning to an English soil The true origins of thy midnight oil. v. Now these origins, much increased, are here, \Vhere English ships once fixed their standards bold, But not tis feared at times with atmosphere Most proper for their vogue ; they, deemed too old, Are left to lie about the bookworm s room, Fit subjects for the negligence of gloom. VI. A volume worn, transcribed by scribe adept, The eye observed one day within a chest, That a sea-captain had in storage kept For years and years as he on ocean s breast Had voyaged to and fro ; perhaps at times To pause and read the book s engaging rhymes. 30 CLASSICAL POEMS. VII. Page after page was turned to read of eagerness Peculiar to thy youth ; how thee imbued With tact thy sire ; of thy apparent meagreness Of will when facing Maecenas ; how sued Thy city friends for news; of that bore slow, At last from whom thee rescued Apollo. VIII. A rural picture soon with faithful hue Itself revealed ; it caused in turn desire To mingle with the represented view, Evoking well attention to admire, An oaken woods upon old Roman ground, Where depths beguiled to depths in silence bound. IX. Ere long the pages spread another scene, Holding the mind bewitched a happy date. A Summer hour moved by ; it was serene Like river that no bowlders agitate. A-something in the mood a vision bore The Shadow-Land of Calm was near before. x. Absorbed, the thoughts were roused at last to see A place where man is classic heritor Of ideas pure a place wherein to be A spirit comes a joy to minister : A royal road, full easy to pursue, Led forth a world within a world to view. HORACE. 31 About its entrance paused a guardian-hand, Aright to urge ; its nearer presence filled With strange surmises vain a period spanned With mystery; it mildly then instilled A honey-comfort for the soul s own hive, In barren months to keep its strength alive. XII. Shade shaded shade. It was a land of peace. Roamed scores therein turned from the paltry aims Of markets of the world, wherein increase The restless throngs as Mammon bold declaims A land of laurels partly to seclude Great potent minds who dream in solitude. XIII. Light chastened light. A scene irregular About was. Mingled comrades, low and high, In widespread groves; talked they in groups afar In sympathy conducing to affy. A sage imparted wisdom to a class That circling sat upon the matted grass. XIV. Socrates was a god above the rest. The soul s the mind s mind he foretells to all. They with mild queries by and by request That he explain man s dim eventual Fall What scenes succeed its frosty dearth of days ; They dread some doom, but he this dread allays. 32 CLASSICAL POEMS. xv. Plato, with parchment in his hand, stood by; His brow sagacious turned to thoughts akin To excellence ; a-something in his eye An inner vigor marked ; he seemed a twin Of marble statue dowered with a grace That shows a spirit depth upon its face. Goethe thus spoke in brief: Man often yearns For peace that comes from dwelling in a state Of sweetness, truth and beauty ; he discerns, Through worldly mists, the means that hold this fate;- A growth within attains, but it defied Defies the means that make life s outlook wide. XVII. Richter serene, reclining in a shade, Spoke fitting words unto a humble few; His melancholy voice gave earnest aid, Adjuring one, whose youth attention drew, Not to dethrone his strength to be in age A slave, his passions master strife to wage. XVIII. Others were there whose deep philosophy Is found in prose, who lowly labored yet To raise responsive manhood up to see A breadth the globe gives not. There, too, were met Those bards whose virtues rare and fife-like grace Still soothe the captains of our marching race. HORACE, 33 XIX. Virgil went slowly down a silent way, Now in a shade, now in a flood of gleam, As if not prone his presence to betray, Perhaps beguiled by some part spectral dream: Bent on seclusion, he retired anon To write his tablet on of Acheron. xx. Dante sedate, on rough and devious route, Moved on behind as if he upward saw A vision in the air. His lips gave out Vague mutterings. He seemed a priest to awe; But there was that within his solemn mien That courted sympathy from bosoms keen. Shakespeare, to whom a poet-throng deferred, Stood by; his fellowship kind favors gave With triple pow r of look, of grasp, of word In gifts a king, in modesty a slave. His central presence soon strolled off ahead, Remained impressions courting all instead. XXII. Enrobed in cloth of Puritanic hue, Milton was gravest mong the grave ; before Him Wordsworth stood, exchanging view for view, As if to catch the fullness of his lore ; This, rich in eloquence, combined to cause His eager hearer on and on to pause. 34 CLASSICAL POEMS. XXIII. Others presided on a knoll, a heap With roses strewed, a bank where melody Of brooklets babbled by, or in the deep Of distance all endowed most righteously To give repose and growth and moral store Within the Shadow-Land of Calm before. THE CHOICE OF ALCIDES.* A LCIDES, once of Greece, to manhood grown, Still felt arouse the passions of his youth.. Hence he beheld first painted life with hues Of brilliance false ; then sober life with hues Of reality or pleasure s road before, With virtue s nigh. Which to pursue a doubt Left him no ready choice; and thus perplexed He moved as one half-lost, solace to seek Among shade-trees deep in a silent vale. As thought suggested thought, his mind went through A fruitless course. At last fatigued he gaxed About the area of the vale. It was A day when Nature fills the atmosphere With odors of her blooms enclosed in depths, #The suggestion for this poem was found in a translation from Prodi- cus, a Greek poet, by Robert Lowth, an English author of distinction of the i8th Century. THE CHOICE OF ALCIDES. 35 Making the footsteps for their beauty search. On such a quest, emotions to distract From what they bore to what they wished to bear, He saw approaching near two figures robed In vestures feminine. The one had grace With gravity ; the other comeliness With merriment. With stately mien the first Impressed as having that within herself Better than that of show without ; that moved Less admiration than respect, and more Content than fancy s fervency. The next, Not modest like her mate, came forth with step Affected by the movements of her thoughts, Unguided by true woman s tact, or depth Of will, or finer feelings proud of what They do aright, ashamed of what they do Amiss. As if the other to outdo In forwardness, she Alcides addressed. "Alcides," uttered she, "thy dolesomeness Cast off as thou wouldst a cloak of black Ill-fitting thee, and come with me to lead. What s foreign to thy nature, Oh, dislike! Know pleasure is emotion s realm; a king Can have no more. Joy in the senses dwells; Encourage it to roam at liberty In paradise of youth s desire with youth Brimful of wine, mid festal company, And shouts and laughter and Apollo s strains. Doubt comes from thought, perturbation from 36 CLASSICAL POEMS. Cavil attends him who endeavors well ; Merit is honored most when having least; Climb not that road of thorns and stones renown : A life in warfare waged hath wounds and death. Followest thou that way or this ? this way, My way, proceeding to tranquility, Amid profusion proffering every sweet ? There fragrance woos as incense of the dawn ; There turtle-doves will tamely visit thee ; There fruit in falling kiss the orchard flow rs. Thy bed will be adorned with silks fresh-weaved , Thy feasts will prove thee loved by maidens kind. Secluded from the world that deeds do work Contrary to their maker s will, the gods Will bless suchwise as feeling once, all else Will seem to have a void. Followest thou My way? Alcides, come!" An answer made His looks he was subdued, and was as one Confined within the circle of a charm. She would have spoken more, as if to thwart Her who was closely by composed in mien. Standing apart since her arrival near Within the shadow of an oak, she now Stepped forth, the sun attending her with glimpse By glimpse. A dignity was hers, increased In pow r by manners mild subserving it. With artless aim becalmed she him perplexed, Who would have turned from her in bashfulness. THE CHOICE OF A I. C WES. 37 She touched him on the arm, next held his hand, Causing attention fixed from him to her Due earnestness to pay. "List, Alcides," she said, "To that which language has not means to show; So subtile is its truthfulness, it fills And animates that which is vanity With qualities its opposite to thought Gives tone, to fancy will, to purpose sense; It rouses aims related to the soul, Reaching their fulfillment through weakness shunned. Those of the flesh, not venial to the gods, Are counter to true welfare, giving gifts, Then taking forfeits. Know thou then there are Powers of manly virtues that the gods Confer on him who bids necessity, With worth, approach them to receive. Zeus Beholds thy state, and would have thee among The favored. But disdain not means to ends : Men foster confidence by able deeds. Thy body s health demands strength s excellence; Thy parent s traits in thee development ; Thy friends need counsels freely from thy lips ; The poor thy gold, the wronged thy arm to aid ; Thy country asks allegiance to her cause ; Thy race in battle use heroic feats ; The gods devotion and simplicity ; These means to ends remotely win the prize Tis proof secures the choice of sacred place. 38 CLASSICAL POEMS. Then bid the tempter who would thee mislead A vaunt her who would lead thee to a course Contrary to existence s wiser goal." Alcides stepped aback from her a pace Or so ; as came conversion unto him With sweet enlightenment, he bowed to her As slave to mistress. Saw the tempter this Askance. Attempting to conceal chagrin In winning features, she drew near and paused. Her sway o er him then trying to redeem (For knew she youth is caught by captious strains). She spoke again : "Thou hast those hopes aroused, Alcides, which forsake, like birds, fruit-trees On which they feed ; for when a danger comes They fly, and would much rather starving die Than living live in fear. Experience shows That failure hath a score, success hath one ; This one, perhaps, for failure s number fit, Yet thrives, but in his thriving hath the voice Of envy sounding in his ears. Then know Thy hazard in assuming what may lead Not to the front, but to the rear. T is well Before ascending to reflect that height In pow r, in goodness, in renown, is depth Of shame and gloom to him who falls. Observe THE CHOICE OF A LCI DBS. 39 With toil and trouble men purchase bright days, Thinking them diamonds ; but, alack ! they fade Like dewdrops. Then with ease, enjoyment s arts And love awaiting thee, why tread the path Not suited to thy youth, its hopefulness, Its eagerness, its ecstacies ? For know Thy nature is of too refined a mould To change itself by leaving joys behind And meeting woes before. Then come with me, Alcides ! Hark! tis music s instruments Lulling the air afar. Let s thither go. Come ! come ! be generous to thyself, and come To blissfulness." She paused. With finger fair And glitt ring with a ring she pointed out Her way, then stood queen-wise, an actress through And through. Alcides turned aloof, and moved Athwart the grass, avoiding her with looks As if she absent were. His reason saw Her now; his folly when she came at first. A false tie to the real her actions held, Forbidding what her words desired of him, And causing doubt to lessen confidence. Anon the one of modesty who had Abashed retired, came forth, appearing now As if she felt her cause was gained with aid Of aught diviner than herself. Twas thus She spoke: "Alcides, thy perception is 40 CLASSICAL POEMS. To thee a monitor that knows the tongue Of evil. Praise to it! Then cherish it Over thy parts immortal to control, And to instil a sympathy for what Makes mortals brave and great ; for fare thou must Like a hero of the antecedent times, Bearing hardships before the guerdon came Unto the palm, the bay unto the brow. Life seeks its law; it otherwise is vain. Selfishness drinks joy s wine until it cloys, Causing a melancholy to succeed, That to relieve itself must sport amiss. To find, a brief while on, delusion s charms Exhausting are. Then learn, the serious brow, The temp rate want, the nourished truth on truth, The feeling warmed and beautified by hope, The trait on trait endowing patient strength, The attributes that quiet triumph know, The sense combining all in character Its own example of compacted worth- Rejoicings have peculiar to themselves, Deep, deep, within the province of the soul. Furthermore, what thou art may be the root To show a growth which haply may produce The fruit, celestial in its taste, relished By gods the most. Then take the path thy mind Foretells befitting is; directing thee Twill be conjunctive to thy own repose (When to pale ashes turns thy form) within The regions of the blessed." THE CHOICE OF ALCIDES. 41 Thus ended she A goddess from the skies. As such revealed, She wielded double potency that stirred Bowed Alcides. He breathed as one who had A second nature gained, inspiring more Than that the first, prophetic of a meed Awaiting him in years to be. He said: " Thou art unto my thinking part that which My speaking part can not expression find, O goddess! to make known. A something near To gratitude, but which hath more than it Of love and faith, a. strange possession has, Making me sadly glad. But let in time My actions be on path that thou hast shown What will thy satisfaction pay as meet From me to thee, and be, approved by thee, To me a consolation and a guide." Thus long ago he spoke to her, and was From youthhood turned aright. Unfolding forth The oaken quality of heroic strength, He dropped upon the earth of human growth The seeds of greatness. Hence when destiny Its final shadow o er his figure drew, Mankind his loss perceived, and evermore Him knew as Hercules the mighty one In sphere devoted to the gods, himself Empowered, co-ruling upon a throne. 42 CLASSICAL POEMS. THE CITY IN RUINS. C\? yore a city by Time s river stood. Holding commerce with silent, distant worlds, Rich argosies came stealing from the gloom As if from the Unknown, and bore such fruits As mortals tasting once, love more than well With sober hunger s yearning. There they dwelt A people favored by a righteousness; By qualities of mind not of a race, But of mankind more large, commensurate With those of fabled deities ; by types Of beauty, all unconscious of their charm, With virtue s spirit e er sustaining them ; By manly tone deep in affinity With wisdom s valor, happy in the skill Of choosing hopes that met ambition s aim With sweet reality. But to a close An era came, like Day that sees the sun Go down, and is in gloom. A heavy cloud Above the city hung, and pensive was The brow where joy had been, as oracles A grievous time foretold. Life s modes had changed. Succeeding on the heels of vanity, Freedom s discord licensed oppression s ills. Some warning voices rose and spoke of things As once they were, and to the present turned With scornful fingers. But, alack ! men s ears CHE CITY IN RUINS. 43 Were deaf, or whene er otherwise not prone So to adapt their acts unto the means That would reform their plight. Anon there came One who did mutter words from depths of that Strange fervency which works within the breast Of him who has just found fresh inner might Accruing to the virtue of himself. A sharpness of mild sense was his to cope With life s sure obstacles, o ercoming much With kindly effort when his will arose And bade him courage use. Often he stood Above a crowd, as separate from it As Nestor from a soldier-throng, resolved And still resolving on accomplishment Of duteous service. Speaking, men he tried To move with new impulses, next new faiths, To give a tenor to their lives that would A reason for itself have in deep thoughts, And form a project for creating well Out of old themes, old laws, old usages A period better for humanity. Once in the forum uttered he: "These days Affect the blood and make it feverish, Unsettling us from habits regular. Our actions false give false results. We know The present is a destiny wherein Man moves forever and forever on. Yet hope ne er glorifies each day s events With what it would have pass ; it more observes 44 CLASSICAL POEMS. In what s to come than in what is, because It sees a future measureless, that keeps It restless by a false comparison. Contentment, wise and charitable, invests E en poverty with noble sentiments, Making lowliness good despite itself; Giving a certain calm, apprehended By those who are in sympathy with what Unfolds in secret silence truth by truth. Some conscious of this calm, do reach for it ; They blindly grope within, their store of pow rs Among, but find it not, in turn to feel Emotion s ignorance is life not born Into the freedom of a thinking world. Thus in endeavor lost they strive. It seems A shadow shadows them, although they are Within the light that warms. The years both come And go to multiply seed over seed, Growth over growth, fruit over fruit. Nature Produces these, but barren they. Their lives Unfortunate in that they feel not long The higher arts of mind which would transcend In some forthcoming destiny have sight Beyond the present in perfection s cause, Become adhesive in its earnestness, And find in mental limitations they Are passengers unto some distant point Of double capability. Therein Ambition finds its pay in noble aims, And honor in fulfillment ; for therein THE CITY IN RUINS. 45 Fortune is less and less ; therein the weeds Of vanity fade more and more ; therein Content increases, shining after nights Of trouble on days of quiescence, men To clothe with Nature s robe, they claiming her, She claiming them; thus hand-in-hand to go Adown the vista of successive years, Endowed above the world s environment." He ceased. His speech was vague to auditors, Deeming he spoke of men remote, and not To men anear : his tact too fine for them ! A part had called him false and turned aloof; Others had lingered by to hear, but their Emotions cold rose not to warmth of faith ; And others still, a few, his words had heard With meaning foiled, their hearts intolerant. The heavy cloud still o er the city hung. Appeals were vain. Gave succor not the gods; Disdained, the trivial was worshipped more Than they. Soon hopes, like fires unfed, died out And spread their ashes o er men s path. The cloud Still hung and hung; at morn twas there, at eve T was there the sun obscured, the moon obscured. Twas like a portent in the sky, there placed To make hearts pause and fear. For guidance men Looked into life s abyss no ray was seen. Some turned to crime, and others to despair. A misrule came by which the strong despoiled 46 CLASSICAL POEMS. The weak. Old placid times were never more To be ! Then suddenly, as if by awe Inspired to flee from plague, great throngs their beds And houseliold gods upgathered, leaving day By day through archways of the town, And left its shrines, its walls, its palaces, Its theatres to slow decay To solitude made grim by Ruin s hand. DOWN AMID THE SHADOWS. on a time at night the musings turned To mystery the soul s dark covering- Oblivious sleep freedom from cares to have From struggles vain with Fate s dull malady. The hours moved off, their missions all fulfilled, Unto the depths of past s eternity. At last a dream, with symbols of an art Presenting truth, unfolded these events: It was the frontage of a grove whose winds The foliaged haunt of sweet-mossed earth foretold. A pathway ran through it to distance far ; On either side were vistas touched with charm, As clouds o erchanging seemed adown to send From their own hues a tranquilizing haze. Upon the pathway moved anon a throng- Of youths, with maidens dressed in white or red, DOWN AMID THE SHADOW S. 47 Who soon an open gate approached, and went Within the Garden of Gay Sciences. Therein the throng themselves dispersed under The shady silence of an oak-tree old ; Among retreats knee-deep with verdure s growth ; Under fresh bow rs, each bearing clustered grapes In purple plenty; by a grotto rude, Where festal things were spread ; by crystal pools, Reflecting boughs above with sprays thereon. The lotus and the asphodel combined, Though opposite, to lure, each in its way, To places proffering much of speciousness. Thought seemed espoused to some quiescent realm Of tempting deities, dream-webs to spin, Enmessing self in Epicurean ease, Believing it true life, not its sure doom. Pleasure instilled forgetfulness : in vain Shone down the calm religion of the sky ; The beaming hours within revolving time Sped on unnoted through the arch of day, Faith s ministry unfelt. In mild disdain, There Wrong appeared to cry: "Away with creeds, And all the jargon of the holy church, That would restrain with Puritanic bounds, That bids that done which doing thwarts man s pride." When came a twilight shadow o er the world, As if Nature, supine, was doomed to die Amid her plenitude, half lost in dark The garden seemed. How transitory oft 4 8 CLASSICAL POEMS. Within contented minds the sunny hour! As clouds above with self-mysterious pow r Just stirred, obscuring stars, compunction caused A melancholy numbness of the thought ; And down a vale of doubt the footsteps moved, Leaving the garden to deep shades of night. Anon was seen, approaching slowly near, A man in hermit s garb. He held aloft A lantern, choosing with its ray a path That led from place to place. A cup he bore That quivered in his aged hand. In time He was hard by, and bid with Stoic glance The lips partake what was within the cup A gall from fruitage squeezed once left to grow Within the garden of the mind. Alas, The draught most bitter was ! Then thus he spoke "Conscience am I to guide to fate below." The mystic scroll of good he then explained ; Then with stern quality of voice defined, With counsels meet, the changes that befall Man s growing nature, that, by Time impelled Towards ills fronting, unavoidable, Subdues them all, he proselyting self To virtue from probation s course of years. He ceased, as sighs of wind about were heard. Then with a cold and silent dignity He led a devious way, until a bound Was reached, wherein a cavern s stony depth Afforded downward aid to parts remote THE PLATO OF THE TOIVX. 49 Downward through aisles by sounding grottoes chill With subterranean airs through chambers wide, Where long stalactic shapes were pendent o er. At last, where daylight s red and purple orb Ne er peered, the goal was shown. Therein Chaos most old (Nature s ancestor grim) Was clothed in formless solitude to reign. Toward him went as if an innate force Them urged a spirit-throng (and lo ! it was The self-same throng of youths with maidens that Within the garden moved) to surrender Themselves (each unabsolved) thereto and shades Yea, everlasting shades within the goal. As when faint sounds of discord in a dream Alarm, appearing thus so real, so seemed A voice to rouse the soul at waking dawn The verity of things to understand, As Time stood to redeem, upholding means And crown of beauty, asking but the will To rise and earn the treasures in his hand. THE PLATO OF THE TOWN. S intellectual being stood out large And bold a giant form on the hill-top O er carnal lowliness, above his kind, And men preferred it so. A season of his years 50 CLASSICAL POEMS. Had come wherein he saw abundant crops Rewarding sacrifices of labor prior ; But hopes forespent among the ills of time At last met disappointment more and more. He had seen men with cynic s eye. Whilst thus, His instinct to select mistook its way ; It chose a field perplexing in extent Perplexing still ; in searching for few facts, His theories to color with belief, A contradiction came in cognate facts, Making his purpose feel its feebleness Before his reason. Next impatience moved Moved him, the man of flesh, long-haired, rough-browed., With ribs and thews of rare development, As thinking wrought a spell, and cast behind Sensations crude. Then with a sigh he looked Upon humanity with urbane eye, And felt at peace with it and with himself. In course of time, his disposition changed, He saw rare things wherefrom he formed an aim, Having both fervor and stern confidence. Profoundly measuring much good by good, And finding charm in each, resolved he what He chose into a model fit, ideal, Austere, whereby himself to mould. Awhile Aloof in solitude abided he, Acquainted with the things of moral weal, Unfolding joy in concord with the days That consecrated were. To him it seemed THE PLATO OF THE TOWN. 5 More virtues than he had could be near brought Through thought they in salvation were afar Glorious in perfection ! Thus he would, Whilst still pervaded by earth s atmosphere, Remotely haunt eternal Consciousness, It deify, and to it kneel as to A shrine. The present was a stepping-stone Unto the height he saw before ; the past Absorbed him not, for yesterday was but The edge receding of oblivious years. With that warm trustfulness which mothers feel For traits marked in their offspring, so sincere He upon doctrines nursed relied, and felt Them meet to go abroad to honor win Through services, and bless their cause with pride At their effect. But lo ! as to and fro Went crowds, in body much, in spirit scant, Finding, then missing ways unto their weal, His voice was strange, its meaning mute to ears Adverse. He taught things counter to the world s. No sin did he excuse, with passion s touch In tone, suggesting egotism was moved To countenance another s fault for sake Of self-agreement in supporting what Bestows authority for breaking laws And exculpation for the consequence. Man s greatest sin, he showed, is vanity ; And it would rather cheat to gain esteem, Than undeceive to lose praise false ; than be, 52 CLASSICAL POEMS. Would rather seem a long life through. It turns To hug the false with zeal, because it serves Expediency with a pow r to thrive More certain in uncertainty. Hence such A wrong in Paul excites no self-reproof, Perceiving that it gives him liberty To take from others to himself: his pride Connives at it, his habit sanctions it, His conscience favors it with sophistry. But such a wrong in Job arouses what In Paul is hateful selfishness, and makes Him loudly censure his own sin in him More fortunate, in order not to lose His own advantage through means of falsity. Thus is the world confounded in its aims ; Too prone to choose the wrong and not the right, It sows Talse seed, and harvests bitter grain. His words were laws to some, they greeting him With deference ; but others blind, who knew No honor save that honored by the eye, Not by the mind, would flatter him. He met These with a mild disdain ; for flattery To him was satire hid, him showing frail Deceived by it; for worth is full, he knew; Content within itself, inviting none To put a value false upon its traits With spurious means. His censor conscience just, In love with humbleness, at peace with all THE RECLUSE. 53 His mind bore fruit sustaining him, and had A Summer in its wintery rigidness. But on the whole, his firm endeavors failed Larger to make men s sight with his. He shrank From where his neighbors gathered oft to talk, As disappointments slowly bowed his head. Within a tenor of a life of shade With shade, of depth with depth, he settled down, And faced conditions with philosophy, Then Death himself at a mature old age With animated confidence ; and men Preferred it so. T was thus he died, and dead, They knew him as the Plato of the town. THE RECLUSE. Amicus humani generis the vales he dwelt. He knew the stars As seamen know them, watching through the hours ; He knew the winds, and whence their odors came, Feeling their spectral spell ; he knew the sounds Of morn, each with a missive to his ear .Of thought and pleasure grave ; he knew the world, Judging with senses keen himself and men At large. Acquainted with both life and death, The latter was to him a birth, himself 54 CLASSICAL POEMS. In womb of Time, awaiting for death-life, With Fate, the second nurse, expectant close. He thus relations held unto a state Of rarer being, doubly living high And low, exchanging thought for thought ; and hence His sympathies enriched themselves with what Proud apathy deemed valueless. He knew Doubts nourish troubles more and more, and faiih Protects itself by shielding joy in hope. Him moved convictions good and manifold, He fearlessly upholding them. He loved The common tenor of a common way. His modesty not of the borrowed sort- It fit him like a coat most aptly made Touching the hearts of men, caused them to view His nature with approving eye. Indeed, He moved humanity with what him moved, Leading his followers toward the lore Revealing life s ulterior ends. He showed That men do worship what they need : Dives Repast is Hunger s gospel ; calves of gold Are honored for the metal, not the form Expressive of a moral fact; and that Reason s purpose is folly s servant oft, Yet seldom weaving from its discontent The home-spun comfort of contentment. Yet doth the soul gift them with inner light, That once to see seems unaccountable, Still that they know is, feeling that they are Somehow moved by the self-same light from worse THE RECLUSE. To better. But to follow flesh man finds A sacrifice hath been his pilgrimage : Bearing with heavy mind increasing loads Of knowledge false, to nature blind, he sees Vague depths, and follows failure as a torch To dismal loss; or by ambition urged, He fronts the sun of fame ; his shadow falls Behind to represent him to the world Disfigured on the stepping-stones by which He would by slow degrees ascend. Nowise With truth, he deems himself with knowledge rich ; Deems what appears is equal to what is ; Deems Nature s emblem is a thing to wear, Fruitless, the lapel on of vanity, Whilst Nature s self to conscience sighs and speaks Of thwarted usefulness. Hence Nature casts His shadow on the stepping-stones to show The world his own disfigurement that is Within himself to Truth with truth she shows. She leads the mind to choose earth s sentiments The good from bad the wheat from chaff and gives Unto emotions bounds a sweet extent, Having the possible in chrysalis, Enabling them to see right means, right ends; See flesh as dust, and soul as life see their Own triumph after death unfolding still Their pow rs in an eternal secrecy, In recognition of the truth of Truth ! 55 56 CLASSICAL POEMS. Suchwise he taught unto adherents few With systematic patience of a mind Endowed to minister from deep belief And bosom purified. A friend or two Felt favors on them thrust with solemn force, Upraising from unworthiness, yet saw Themselves unripe in his maturity, Meeting his presence with a seriousness As if it were a medium sure to depths Of Providence in visionary realms. THE INSISTENCE OF NATURE. Nature the vicar of the Almightie Lord." Chaucer. "VTTHAT independent life among the fields ! The spirit of the month assuages it With nameless calm. Withal, the air cloth hold A solemn virtue known to him who thinks Profoundly of his being s attitude Toward the mystery of that which is Of that which near in privacy of Time Instils emotions with a sympathy For day and all its hues,, for night and all Its orbs. The fields, the hills, the vales, the woods, Clothed in a tranquilizing green, hath each A potency, embodied not, yet speaks Of hidden excellence of something rare Behind their folds. Approaching the ideal THE INSISTENCE OF NATURE. 57 Of what is better than the best within Itself, the mind is moved. Here faith trusts life To come, as murmurs cast a spell; deep, deep They sink, and the imagination move, Conducive to faith s end of happiness Through visions seen. Within a pleasure comes Anon to stay ; it shows that Nature is Unto the hope a language and a law, Inspiring and directing it with dreams Musically attuned. Thereby the sense Is amplified with pow r, not from within, But from without, and with perception clear Compares the/r<? and con of man. It sees His dwelling place is darkness. Yet his night Is neighbor to his day ; his self at worst Is neighbor to his self at best ; his fate Is neighbor to his choice; his woe to joy; His falsity to truth ; his life to time Eternal. Death s sorceries perplexes him ; He ponders, still no sweet assurance has ; No depth in him reveals unravelment; The offspring of experience come and die ; His energies work not in noble use; He shifts his efforts here and there, and deems Fortune, not Justice, will a favor grant ; In quest of Wisdom, spurns he pearls before His feet, and gathers Folly s flow rs. Alas ! Forsaking his divinity, he aches and mourns, Then toils and climbs, yet scorns that altitude Of thought which parts him from the ways of earth 58 CLASSICAL POEMS. And human interests involving him. Nature at hand with scene, breeze, leaf, bloom, brook, Bird, bee and sound, has aught for him to claim Association fit! but tis his whim to live Within himself as in a spell adverse To her as in a mould imperfect made, And not in unison with heart sincere And mind exact. Indeed, his flesh and blood Both foster self in selfishness. Hollow, With Nature he endeavors to brave out Some cause amiss shows what he is, he is Unknown to himself. Tis she that knows Him all, and for his discipline debars Him from the grace of that intelligence Of self until the time appropriate For qualities abstruse ; meanwhile to him, A common man, tis she that is a pow r Both when he sleeps, and when he wakes ; when he Mistakes, when he succeeds; when he obeys, When he commands, and in uncertainty Of change by change most certain is. Amiss He reads transitions past from child to man ; He feels not they attain a destiny Remotely placed. When he relinquished states Of former growth in other ones to dwell, Despite himself, he felt not gain from means Awaiting his advent, nor anticipates Those yet reserved. Still silent Nature near Insisting, with her myriad pow rs, unites Him to herself, influencing him through years, TEMP US FUG IT. 59 Until perfections raise themselves above His blemishes, and calmly honor him With virtue s thought with virtue s soul to guide. TEMPUS FUGIT. flies! we fade! although we breathe in joy, Heart-fruitful in a cause of truth, in hope The future will answer each fond desire With palmy fullness. Winter near, we say That harvest comes with it : with Nature s laws At variance, faith is over-strong, and makes A zone adapted to its purposes, Ignoring aught besides. Tis thus we dwell In joy, in hope, in faith. The past is seen, Where wandered as the butterfly the sense Ideal, it haunting us from year to year, Making us dream. Somehow this feeling old Prevails in spite of what hath been, and gives A second soul devoted to an aim, Not of this world, but of that world to which As phantoms travel we with silent feet From point to point. Still drowse too oft We on the wayside banks, avoiding then The background deep of sober thought, purblind To that which only can accomplished be Through aspiration active to its end; j4-nd our purblindness would embody things 60 CLASSICAL POEMS. Not worthy of the true unfolding depth Of life. Then melancholy comes anon, Playing with touches strange upon the mood, As we in it behold reflected traits Of what ours are. With Time associate, The subtleties of nature show what we Could be, and urge the disposition s zeal With greater effort to fulfill a work Befitting, as a mould, the figure of ourselves. Though often deaf to them, they speak to us, Like oracles, as with authority, As rise. we by slow heed from levels that Depress the will s free sensibility, To elevations that sustain and soothe, Enriching with those means which to the sage Reflecting deep, feels best, sees best, keeps best, And reads the history of the human mind With vision comprehending more and more. Still we exist in what v/e feel ; see things That never were, nor will they be ; in vain We look for them, conjuring with ourselves In spite of learning, time, eternity, Wonders to do play heroes to a glass ; See much in little, fail to mark what s great ; Teaching the puppet-self an aping trade, We think each day a stage whereon to act, And acting think the game of life is won. The truth that animates sincerity The heart possesses not. Our frailty seeks Excuses for itself in fancied gifts r EM res Frcrr. 61 Of strength that fail in exercise. Sense pines for what it hungers, leaving pass The hour of grace for mid-day s dubious boon, As comes a palsy-touch upon the flesh, Making us grow old. Sentiments intense That flowers are with aroma, that need The warmth of happy circumstance, die ere The fade-time ; and we altered are from what Is warm to what is cold. In coldness lost, Too much we claim, too little others give ; Our grafted pow rs bear other fruit than ours ; What folly feels we worship as a shrine : The reason sees not with a lordly eye ; We solve one problem, then for thousands ask, Them answer not, yet stand we by the one, Deeming our insight to a greatness grown ; But, lo! our pride is great, ourselves are small. We find us idols to upraise, that move Those passions secret which men aggravate, Making them mad, misleading them from Truth From Truth who mirrors in themselves that fate Which shows at last results, with something fraught Having a choral symphony for soul To hear in vagueness of its faculties, And see unfolding scenes of finer joy, And feel incentives to endeavors great, And know reward in new experience sweet : Yea, bliss they never breathe, within a sphere They never reach, is there deep, deep within That fate. Still Time flies. Still we eat, and drink, 62 CLASSICAL POEMS. And sleep, and soon forget both kin and friends The victims of the tomb and turn to meet Another morrow with another face. Still purposeless, our faith s without a heart; Our wants mere vapor to evaporate ; Our transient mood in fellowship with scorn; Our peace mere ashes burned out coals Of former action. Still we bubbles court, Then find them gone ; or hunger for the fruit Ere days of blossom ; or esteem a charm Locked in futility. What gives to mind A fibre firm, and gives to brows brows not Their own, and hues to hues, and life to life The everlasting light of destiny We know not. What s nobler than ascending change ! Duty is e er a path whereon dew-gleams Invite before to Time s upraising grade, Transforming life to death, and death to life In peaceful unity with heaven s own change. But still Time flies ! Returning not with us Again, another throng will take our place In other seasons and with other scenes. Tis even now encroaching changes end Must soon. We fade like cold November leaves; Yet falter ere we fall, as Fate below What Fate ? the one of prophets true who tell Of beauty and its righteousness remote ? Awaits to gather to the shade of shades. STEPPING-STONES. 63 STEPPING-STONES. A YOUTH pursues a butterfly anear Upon a road that seems to lead to groves; He deems a guider true the winged gaud ; He deems a journey brief toward its goal. Anon the guider s gone, the road is lost Within a labyrinth of forest trees ; Then sober Eve comes on to show his thought That life s ideal is merged within the real. n. A youth that plays with toys by Fancy made Dream-wise within a garden green of Spring, Foretells where tends the footstep of the mind To gain a manly bourne in time before : What country it will reach to claim a tie, What soil approach with favor to possess, What seeds implant within the fallow ground, What sheaves bind in the fertile harvest month, What fruitage gather from the branch s hold, What measures of the bounties once acquired Others will give to help their journey on. in. A youth, though in a narrow limit born, Though knowing naught of trade and far affairs, Can with his mere imagination form 6 4 CLASSICAL POEMS. A vast domain where he alone is lord. True laws of government he may ordain, Rare public virtues show for models just, Wise intercourses hold with neighbor-realms ; May build, o erthrow with alternate design Work to surpass before with work ere long. IV. A distant goal is open to be gained, Wherein are laurel wreaths to crown success. As ancient champions eager to outdo, Proud youths devote themselves their will to train To reach a prospect of bestowing years. They turn from specious spheres wherein abound No heights to beck them upward to exalt- Wherein are souls that know not their great loss. v. The tendency of faithful Love first touched With early gleams of its awaking light Is to retire from ways of turmoil-trade, To rove alone in brighter atmosphere, To purify the mood with clearer thought, Like a cioud that leaves the dismal folds of storm, Seeking some tranquil sky afar to turn Its aspect dark into a snowy one. VI. The alchemy of Love transmutes within Dull dross to gold : a man in fortune thrives STEPPING-STONES. 65 Among his friends ; he gains abundant land In neighborhood of towns; keeps wolves at bay, That haunt about a poor man s meagre means As if in scorn of cabined poverty ; Enlarges all his views, that see afar Life s Unities awaiting to assist Him year by year in adding to his worth. Tis Love that aids the bud of knighthood out Under the warmth of sympathetic skies, To tinge the petals with a color known To eyes adept in reading mystic, lore In seeing depths under a surface lie. Anon a bloom with symbols o er it spread Unto an idle, wond ring world it shows, Throngs to a centre of repose to woo, Them with a lotus-touch of calm to charm, That they may turn to dwell its sphere within. VIII. A woman s soul a star of guidance is! Purblind the man her roses of delight, Her invitations to a peaceful bower, Her harp to hear inspired by sympathy, Refuses, deeming them with snares replete. She spreads around her glamour, which conceals The bosom of her worth ; it serves t6 woo Unto those traits of hers that fruitful are That multiply themselve-s in men that move 66 CLASSICAL POEMS. Hearts masculine, unconscious of the cause, In sweet effects to act a lifetime out. Let higher self desire in time to claim A heritage from Nature fraught with traits, To scatter them as seeds within Life s field, The growths virtues, the fruits thick pendent o er. Some evils show upon the branch s form, Others virtues in prime s copious season; Some have the marks of folly on the rind, Others the juice of wisdom at the core. To live awhile with things of silent Time That are in sky, in air, on earth, in sea To hold communion with them all, to feel A strange beatitude in turn arouse A beatitude to haunt in day, in night; A pow r without to rule a pow r within To draw life s forces forth is to conform The manhood to a way of rectitude Essential to the progress of its state. The cold may come with Winter in the front; The stars retire behind the sable clouds ; The storm assail the tree-tops on the heights, Ruling god-like in bold obscurity ; Still round the citadel of manhood stern STEPPING-STONES. 67 Let feet move on to utter timely cry When danger near approaches to besiege Let thoughts thoughts sentinel to see That all their duty do until the morn, That virtues housed within may be secure, That evils may be held at proper bay. Tis nobleness of thought that well inspires Toward high purposes; these once achieved, Prove false the fear of those that them conceive A sacrifice to gain. A largess great They give to all. Who turns a reason loath Upon them shows a disposition crude A thing amiss, astray from its true path Nature within distracted from its aim Himself a germ devoid of helpful soil. A heart of charity a servant is. It traces truth unto its secret haunts, Discerns that periods are at service good: The days come forth their labor to perform, The nights have weary vigils to maintain, The months support their burdens to the front, The season^serf-like push through heat or cold, The years at work are sternly moving on. Then why should man disdain to be confined, As things of Nature are, in service-tasks, That truth may well reward him in the end? 68 CLASSICAL POEMS. XIV. To worship day-dreams is a tendency Of those who love their fellow-beings well To cherish passing schemes the race to raise Above normal unto supernal good. Hence they oft labor in a fond belief That an event encounters to oppose. The path of progress blocked, in turn it seems Charity s aim is doomed. Those elements Promote that with small gain small gain improves An object little makes, but large in worth. Then worship not day-dreams with their false views, Ye charitable, but lowly labor on. A man of wisdom sees rare things before, Mystic at first, yet at a future hour Clearer they show themselves; they footsteps lead, As indexes, to golden eventide That eventide of time where Age at ease Sits down among his sundry records old To read his past the fortunate release From days once tangled in a web of years The new-come freedom happiness restored The spirit mounting o er the flesh to find Its sum of troubles but a brief ado. XVI. A vista clear before of thought profound Presents a goodly prospect all the year STEPPING-STONES. 69 No Winter rash pours down with Boreal breath A frigid fury on the fleeing South. True effort means a journey to its bounds A task confined \vithin a course of time, That self-adjusts unto forthcoming ties, It knowing they bestow due recompense. XVII. The pow r to bear a judgment firm on self, To prove its faults, and censure so the same That they repeated cause to conscience pain ; To prove its merits, raise them to a place That they become reminders, each a form, By which to aid the spirit-faculties ; Is oft denied to those that callous are ; Absorbed in specious things spread out before, They see within not their own dormant gifts. A life of mere cold years wherein to move As one confined upon an island lone, To eat, to clothe, to sleep no more is dross Surrounding gold a seed within a rock The Real opposing the Ideal, that needs Warm years, a hemisphere of space, the looks Of love, the social sympathies of homes, And temples which contribute mysteries Imagination to arouse. 70 CLASSICAL POEMS. XIX. The voice of inner truth holds converse with A world of shade, of light : the one has death, The other life. Life has a force to go, If no defects retard, through far degrees Of light, growth to assist in endless space. Then carry self from flesh to criticise, As in a glass, the flaws upon the soul That it may to due remedies apply. xx. In existence there is a bounty rare Greater than Himalaya s bulky range, Whereby the heathen swart in fancy sees Of grandeur tier on tier to uplands high A bounty that beyond succeeds itself In settlements most firm of rising ridge O er ridge, until the outline of a peak Stands forth, a crown of white upon its brow. SLEEP. harvest-field of dreams is poppied o er; Within deep sleep we reach the highest peace ; The warmth of Summer gives a bounteous rest, With calm s enchantment in its atmosphere ; Then let us turn to slumber, turn to dreams And their vague spell. Now is our harvest storeds SLEEP. 7 ] How sweet the song of labor done and past ! Yet mortals need a self-forgetfulness. Change comes by law, and not by chance, and gives Something better for something worse. Follows Attainment after toil, life after birth, Death after life. Involved in change, we have Our longings, and would with the birds rejoice, That sing in happiness unconsciously ; Seeking it not, it comes to them at will ; With us tis otherwise. Our seeking foils The search, or finding cloys the sympathy, And leaves amiss what would appropriate be, With disappointment ever in the fore. Then slumber we, and dream, forgetting ties Of earth, cobwebbed awhile in gloom of glooms, Akin to blessedness of night, and warm Like Lethe s stream, assuaging in its sound Upon the pebbles ; dead to thought and strife, To heart s triumph, to mind s environment On some Parnassian height of laurels won. With plain food by we hunger for a feast ; With feelings moved we see with erring eyes ; With common gifts we would transcend the gods Yea, dead to these, ambition s heritage, Let s lie in slumber, deep within ourselves, Whilst to our spirit comes, on mission sent, The starlight s spirit from the twinkling gloom, Making us placid evermore in years Placid and wise like silver gray of age. 72 CLASSICAL POEMS. OLD AGE. /^JLD AGE ! what are to thee the airs of youth ? The roses on the cheek of joyousness? The supple gait in concord with a will Of inward animation ? Health and bliss Bestow their charms, then leave behind a taste That profits by their loss, inspiring thought With precepts fitted to the mind s fond wont Made grave by years. Thy melancholy s cold Hath then a heat engendering growth of fruit, Hanging between the branches of thy gnarled And crooked strength, with flavor that Commends itself. Yet men sit at thy feet, As at an altar, fearing thee too prone. Thy Roman look hath awe compelling them To shrink. They hear thy wiser words as words, With inner meaning e er devoid ; thy board, With viands set, mixed simple needs, are scraps (The penalties of begging poverty) To them ; thy actions are construed to fit The understanding that doth censure thee Amiss in cold dislike, or serve a jest To subjects that dilate themselves in terms Hilarious about the tavern door, That mimic heedless of the consequence. Yet thou, too, wert as they thy scoffing time ! Then thou hadst fancies wild just as have they! And love unsettling thee, and frolics oft OLD AGE. 73 Within the town ! Strange crotchets, too, thou hadst In aims, a score by score, which never found An issue in fruition ! Then quaint ideas (That opposition taught thee how to guard With words of prejudice, withal sincere) Of spheres remote from thee, whose habitants Were paragons for men of politics, Where justice law forestalled (in theory!) Where life a tenor oped to vistas rare Of intellectual fields of wisdom s life The form, of patience s life the soul. It thus Appears a spirit in thee worked to show To where all tend, and made thee dwell at times In spheres befitting to the use of what Within thee is, and by comparison Of good with bad led thee from change to change From worst to best in semblance. Life s rare worth Lies in obscurity. It crowns hairs gray. Tis thus a royalty becoming thee Favors thy state proud privilege above Thy kind ! From the beginning to the end Thou seest men distinguished from the paths Wherein they follow leaderships unseen To fancied points unseen with pity s eye Thou seest. Thus Xerxes saw the movement vast Of multitudes in whom survival s check, He knew, too well, was the green turf on which They trod the earth that bore them would reclaim Them dead. Where then the music of their tones? Where then each beauty and its sorcery? 74 CLASSICAL POEMS. Where then pre-eminence with honors cloyed, Yet, selfish, reaching out for more ? But ere The leveling time doth come, unto thyself Austere, who speaketh little, thinketh more, Prevaileth thou like a magician skilled, Discreet, in weaving into thy strange web Of destiny such colors of thyself As make it strong and beautiful : and in The furrows of thy years the seed is cast, To garner when the month of harvest comes Sheaves of thy pow rs, ere Autumn seals with cold ;- And thou art blessed, Old Age ! BEAUTY. nniS Beauty that makes music to the march Of life, and makes men feel as victors ere A victory s won. She doth inspire that which We know not of, but which emotions mould Into an apprehension rare, and make It strong and confident; and of that which Doth harmonize with peace, until it makes The territory of our happiness Extend so far it heaven seems to meet In horizontal calm. Inhabits she The sky, the earth, the sea, the breast of man, BEAUTY. 75 With aught attuned to poesy in all Her moods, profound yet simple in her means Well used, as fleeting as the rainbow s tints ; As tranquil as the trees of tropic woods; As changeful as the billows of deep seas ; As lasting as immortal spirit, where Purposes flourish, bearing seed and fruit. Turning melancholy to hopefulness, Her presence s ever felt but never seen. Her own salvation is enduring truth ; Infusing it into choice Nature s works, Unfolds she them into a vital form, Its color virtue, and its odor soul, And gives new glory to old worldly things. In meadow s haze upon a warm June day Of themes romantic to artistic minds She speaks, as if behind a golden veil, With language deep from her intuition keen. Ling ring by the shore of idleness, Praying that Triton may, as once of yore, Blow his shell-trumpet, giving earnestness Unto our frames that we may go abroad To vanquish in accordance with that which Holds beau-ideals of what heroic is, We think of Beauty, Aphrodite s birth, And thinking, dream with double pleasure even-ore. 76 CLASSICAL POEMS. AURORA. A URORA, thou with man must sympathize; I deem that love is in thy light ; it comes Adown the East on slopes dew-spangled o er, As if a dove from heaven s lofty haunt. If so for otherwise how could it be? A certain knowledge of the truth would give Fresh life, fresh faith, fresh aims unto my mind Of maiden thoughts. Sojourning here below Awhile, birth comes but once, we pause a term, Then wander through the gloom to thee. Tis thus On Roman soil I breathe and hear the flow Of Tiber ever in my ear, and so My feelings flow within the channel small Of present sense, and wish for bounds more wide. Meanwhile, I consecrate myself to thee, To live, to hope, to have secluded joys And blithely to attune my inner self To tranquility. When the woods are green, The fields adorned with blooms as red as wine. The brooklets sprightliest with Summer sounds, Then seems a special benediction comes From thee to me. There s alchemy within Thy presence, turning dross to gold. The Earth Feels it \vith buoyancy ; for lo ! she knows Thou comest to bestow that which makes rich Her o er and o er yea, richer far than all We know of Elysium, she dowered is, Making the gods with envy look at her. AURORA. 77 Then, too, beholding upward at an hour When clouds besprinkle rain upon the hill, They glow, approaching thee, as if they sent Strange incense from a shrine to thee supreme; And when the rainbow steals athwart, it is Thy glory; and it is felicity To deem /Eolus lulls his winds awhile To murmur music to thy ear. No less Is fancy moved (for fancy doth create What it loves best) to deem, when harvest days Come with their Southern warmth, Ceres uplifts Her features potent with expressiveness, Observing for awhile with kindling eyes, As if with rapture mute, next turns to praise Thee for thy silver store inspiring that To grow which is her cherishment. Then, too, Pomona mild, among thy gifts the flow rs, Listening serenely to the chirp that comes From near some aerial nest by branches borne, As if a lucid spirit spoke to her Of innocence. Slowly she treads, nor heeds The thorns that would her peplus tear ; busy, As is her wont, she finds repose in toil, And dreams in harmony with mellow hours That woo her grapes to ripen. Flushed her cheek ; With intuitions years have amplified She Nature reads, discerning what instils The mind with traits not native to itself, But are adapted from the sphere of spheres. Hence she through Nature feels the motherhood 78 CLASSICAL POEMS. Of light, of warmth, of life with super-sense (That in our language human lacks the means Of speech divine), and on thee, Aurora, looks With a reverential concern. If meet For both a goddess and a nymph to see Thee thus, how well in beings less to pay Oblation from the temple of themselves, That would amend and elevate ideas From earth to heaven, there to find thee still, E er ceaseless in thy blissfulness, and feel Impressions high rewarding moral pains ! Ah, me ! thy blissfulness supernal, e er In youthfulness! Ah, me! there s mysticism Confronting with its outlines ominous, And backs would rather faces be, and scan Past s light than future s dark uncertainty To come, the which to meet, we creatures frail Excite belief with a false faith to keep Life s purpose roused. Withal, pure consciousness Ennobles our desires. Turning to thee, A sweetness and a patience in thyself Assure somehow of favors yet to come From thee not echoes of mere joys, but joys Themselves unto the mood enamoring And soothes contentment anxiety o er fate. Thy spell Tithonus felt; requesting life Of thee, he dwelt within a change by law, Yet not exempted from the change himself, He reached age old, with it decline. Then long He moaned, as one in darkness cast and he , i, ADVERSITY. 79 Unto the distant light of fabled isles, Bearing decrepid limbs with wrinkles bound, His woe not youth perpetual. He witnessed In dawn s streaked gray bewildering to child s eyes, Thy sunny locks and smiling countenance, Thy beauty and alacrity, whilst pouring dew And spreading flow rs as emblems of thyself Unchanged in peerless radiance (but, Oh ! Him seeing, and deploring him !) thou wert The type of what he wished to be, but, ah ! Was not ! Still it appears thy heart s own fires, Celestial-kindled at the hearth of Time, Must have in far reserves for him and us (Immortals proving with due worth) that which Inspires in part with what thou art thyself. ADVERSITY. T)O fragile blooms, o ercome by midnight storm, Retire to grieve when rains assail their form ? Does Spring grow pale when checked by Time to know She cannot beauteous Summer s path down go ? Ah, no ! the blooms the cruel drops perfume, And Spring robes Time from her adorning loom. Why is it, man, that thou art false and frail When Fate debars or daunts thy days assail? 8o CLASSICAL POEMS. FATE AND PROPHECY. hoar.y Autumn spreads upon the mould Loose leaves of russet mixed with streaks of gold, Grim Boreas, god-like, blows South a cloud, As trees in sudden pangs do moan aloud. Will words of omen waive the course of things- Deny that Summer warm, on zephry wings, Will give calm joy to counterpoise this bale? Ah, Fate will prove those words an aimless tale. MAY. a hall are placed a rare display Of prints of nymphs and graces known of old; Some with thought strive, others with fancy play; One by a niche impresses once beheld, Showing a Queen s bygone pastoral throne, As broken roses are about her strown. n. A woman s beauty is upon her face; The spirit s dignity still lingers there; Three lambs beside her one another chase Each moment s happiness surcharged to share, THE SYBARITE. 81 As rests a shepherd on a mossy mound, Breathing quaint harmony s Arcadian sound. in. Beside him near some meadow blooms invite Admiration with dewy splendor mute ; Under them close, within a leaf-wrought night, Are belle-formed buds, each robed within a suit Of finery, all breathing Lydian air, That would have him Pan-like to linger there. IV. His life not vexed by dull or dolesome cares; His peace perpetual, free from battle-harm ; His friendship s sympathies not knowing snares; His bosom s depth afire with love s warm charm ! Oh, could his notes be heard, thus honor May, Who from her Southern zone comes forth to-day! THE SYBARITE. ~1~ ET him in a mountain home List to mid-day-buzzing, List to water rushing, Breathe the airs that mildly, mildly roam, Scented with the gathered flowery treasure From the golden glens of ideal pleasure. 82 CLASSICAL POEMS. Let calm Summer after Spring Rule this sphere of green With a queenly mien, Hygeia by her side well-stored to bring Scarlet colors to the cheek, akin To a peacefulness ensouled within. in. Let the frontage of a villa View in prospects wide Beauty glorified Dales and fields of bobbing clover gay, As the tinkling bells of kine emerge 1 From the distant hill-top s beck ning verge. IV. Let beguiling butterflies (Each with color bright Like a spangled sprite) Ramble mong non-seeming entities; And the lords of maiden roses, bees, Lull their loves to sleep with more than human ease. v. Let him in a bow r outspread, Crowned with clustered shapes Of empurpled grapes, Feel the coming South, unheralded, Breathe on thicket-buds her path before, Them unfolding hanging frailly o er. THE BIRTH OF VENUS. 83 VI. Let him hearken to a song, With a tone endowed Rare of music loud (Such as Echo s voice could ne er prolong), And a flow of fragile-throated words From a choir of tropic-plumed birds. Let him hie, O goal, to thee Far from civic-sound, Hie to grandeur round There to dwell awhile, nor fail to see Things of hope that well the fancies please, Like a dream-born realm o er dream-born seas. THE BIRTH OF VENUS. TJEHOLD the sea! a distant shape appears Within a cloudlet fading from the view, As if to seek the morn s exalted spheres To clothe itself with their cerulean hue ; Ere long with outlines fixed, in mist seen through, The shape becomes distinct, and overhead ^Eolus tunes his harp and symphonies are spread. 84 CLASSICAL POEMS. II. Behold again! It is a mermaid queen Just slowly leaving her secluded home Of coral walls, submerged with drowsy green, As by it sea-blooms grow. At will to roam, She moves upon the free, unstable foam (As by her feet dolphins and nereids swim), After a night, perhaps, of spectral dreamings dim. in. Her movements on the deep induce surprises; Gladly would knowledge learn the mystery That round her throws a glamour of surmises; Full strange as aught that in fore-ages be Appears this form emerging from the sea, Decked with red dulse, to flutter to and fro, To stand with human weight, yet not sink downward low. IV. Ah, no! not human she! What impulse high Upon her brow pours an affluent parlr" Like vesper orb! What pow rs occult apply Their sorcery, so pregnant with a heart, To rule her countenance! O peerless Art, Couldst thou on canvas large, in colors bold, Once let the pond ring mind her being true behold! v. Observe! a goddess now appears she there. The surges o er where maketh sun-sheen tender A chaster glow, she rises up in air, POMONA. 85 Impearled about and robed in humid splendor What graceful movements wields her figure slender! Once more observe she fades in height away. Alack ! what speculation could her bourn portray ? POMONA. i. pOMONA known of old Among the citron groves, the purple swell Of grapes, the wholesome olives manifold, Hast thou denied coy-like thy wondrous spell This our fair Western World of freedom s hold Ah, no! thou art anear. Nor Greece nor Rome with its climatic might Could well compare with what thy fruitage-year Pours down before Nature s admiring sight Upon the landscapes of this hemisphere. Forthwith behold around : What ranged profusion! What resplendent sway! The tree crowned hills triumphant o er the ground Where valley verdure shows a like display O myriad treasures that in buds abound ! IV. She with discerning hand Has caused each growth its blossoms to unfold 86 CLASSICAL POEMS. The brimming sap well upward to expand To reach betime the coming apples gold Rich clustered globes within a pendent land ! v. What wealth to her foreseen Will be in August days of honey-bees, Hived by the blooms in drowsy orchards green, W T here she in umbrage may command a breeze Offspring odors from their warm mothers wean ! VI. O happy birds, indeed ! Among gay blossoms on surrounding trees, Craving ere formed on cherries lush to feed! O happy birds so careless in your ease ! Melodious prophets of your Summer need! VII. Be ye but mouths to chant To her some sober phrases from each heart; Her magnify with fancy jubilant ; Next let her dwell before, like work of art In ideal musings, e er in dreams extant. Tis well for you to deem That she is mystic, like Queen Mab of yore; That she prevails within each silent scheme Of ancient mystery that hues fruit-store .For you, divulging gloss o er streaks of gleam. MY LADY. 87 MY LADY. Lady rules supreme. Her golden reign Is where mild Summer haunts from year to year ; Indeed, it is a half-seraphic sphere. There birds sing joy s immaculate refrain Her lattice by her daily heed to gain ; There bees, on tribute bent, in hives anear Store comb by comb of honey fresh and clear; There Nature (loyal subject she) pours grain From harvest fields into her granary In fact, all wealth is hers that Fortune holds. But this is dross placed by her sympathy, Imbued with woman s classic potency, That oft men s moods with sternest thoughts embolds. Therefore, tis meet to cry, "Long live, Your Majesty!" My lady plays a lute within a bower. What strange excelling harmony hereby That moves throughout the garden ! Not to sigh Inclines with weary drooping form each flower, But stands as if inspired by some warm shower. Two turtle-doves their flying wings apply About her person, eager to espy Her seated mong green leaves a queen of power. Thou harmony bear forth thy spirit life ! Thy tones are fraught with meaning to impress 88 CLASSICAL POEMS. With truer traits of courage than are rife When feast-hummed music breathes at night excess ; Yet they her well denote above heart-strife - A thing of peace enthroned in loveliness. in. My Lady lives within a scene of bliss : A Paradise within a Southern zone; A simple bow r established for her throne Among rare roses that each other kiss ; Where all things seem endowed with that and this To tinge deep senses with a dreamy tone ; Where calm eternal is with force unknown To aid grim Time in his ancient service. My Lady has a pow r somewhat akin To that of Time among her roses rare ; Though less her might, yet her meek features win Bold breasts of men to find a secret there, That makes a Paradise themselves within, They gaining from this source life s golden share. IV. My Lady is a being crowned among Transcendent things within an Aidenn goal, And to them she s at times a guardian soul (Like Flora of the grove), with mystic tongue To minister to wants of blossoms young. Their life s her life, so subtile to control Their virtures till they form a part, then whole Of her enchantment all about her sprung. But she the hearts of strong-limbed men doth sway AT SEA. 89 With art as fine. They feel her touch, and know The source whence she s inspired ; they to her pay A homage with their manhood all aglow, And on her shrine a wreath of laurel lay, Nor care from her in worldly ways to go. v. The pow r that animates My Lady s face, Madonna-like, contains a-something rare Preferable to arts of courteous care, Which oft denote a false or borrowed grace. When she is on her throne above our race Her words are pregnant with deep wisdom s share, Leading each hearer calmly unaware Up step by step to Life s Platonic place. Hence hope conceives a final blessedness From thought of her. She law creates within That are as ties to make the heart akin To her pure soul. O heart ! move on no less That earth s dark roads are crooked to excess, By her high Life s Platonic place to win. AT SEA. COMRADES, upon the deep, not shoreward now; It is a port where Life and Death e er meet ; Oh, let our vessel veer with idle prow ! Let worms feed there the harvest is replete. 90 CLASSICAL POEMS. n. Things time-worn have their exit over-soon ; Then why should we aflush with labor doom Ouselves to shore ere prime of afternoon ? Let naught of youthful zeal our day consume. Heed not the tide that becks toward the shore ; It shines like rolling shields of silver hue; Tis a decoy, the fancy vexed to store With images destructive to pursue. IV. Rather stay here and drowse upon the flow, Where move the demon dangers round in stealth, Where hungry sharks now seek in depths below The drowned man s bones among his rock-wrecked wealth. v. Let us pause long. There s virtue borne by men That mocks at haste. Let some supernal boon, As off our days retire and come again, Thought s movements to a pleasure slow attune. Or let our pilot there, with pagan heart, The Present make a god, to be beguiled To follow luck where er it may impart Rare harmony from some ^Eolian wild. THE CAGED BIRD. 91 VII. With petrel wings we ll pass the haunting storm, We ll breathe equator air, know tropic calms, We ll anchor by the coral islet s form, We ll feel the joy of wondrous Southern calms. No struggles weary-wise that may give bane ; Life s systems fall below their models rare ; Why seek the depths or heights with turmoils vain ? Why seek the night when day is everywhere ? THE CAGED BIRD. yearnings vain and emulative fire Thy tones express ! Thou wouldst gain mountain heights with pure desire The pilgrim s soul in valley of distress To bathe with flood of sound of warmest tenderness ; Or maiden lone, love lurking in her eyes, Busy with dreams, Whose spell supreme conducts romantic-wise To realms remote, where life s commingling streams, In currents deep and clear, have wondrous gleams o er gleams ; 92 CLASSICAL POEMS. III. Or youth within his thought s broad solitude, To broodings prone, Yet with ambition s longings stern imbued, Renown to reach, hill-dwelling and alone, Who beckons him to climb with loud triumphant tone. IV. Poor foolish bird ! thou dupe to wretched fancies ! If thou wert free Thy cherishings would die as do June s pansies Too soon thy fervid music broken be, Like mermaid melody in a chaotic sea. v. Then let repining cease, voluble bird ! More bitter seem Thy thoughts than draughts from quassia-cup they curd The outward flow of flattery to deem Thee without full desert prevents a full esteem. VI. Lightly arise to sing of happy things > Life s charities. With harmony s impulse well know the springs Of vital force and of effective ease, But e er, like Apollo s lute, have a tone please. vn. Let not thy spirit s false forebodings see Fate that alarms ; THE ROYAL ROAD. 93 Though a prisoner, yet king-thoughted be, Thy realm To-morrow, free from gorgon-harms, Full to the brilliant verge of Time s selected charms THE ROYAL ROAD. A WINDING road conducts down to a glen, About whose sides some cavern depths allure With hall-like passages, wherein the ken Beholds a smoothness for the footsteps sure ; Conducts by vines and shrubs with vivid dyes, To fields that fill the mind with strange surmise. II. Here soil s rare plants in true succession reign ; Here damask-roses court the roaming breeze; Here rock-formed hollows show a mineral vein ; Here spread profusion tempts the hand to seize ; Onward lead paths, paved with a pebbly mass, To growths of shade as fresh as April grass. in. Seat of enjoyment, of serenity ! You hold the few who shepherd-like adore The guidance of supernal mystery ; Who know so well what pathway to explore; Who lead their flocks, on wholesome pasture bent, To hilly heights where naught is imminent, 94 CLASSICAL POEMS. IV. You hold the few who seek the Summer reign Of warmth and growth ; you well extend an aid To mortals prone to seek superior gain, Which elevates above the haunting shade Of brick-and-mortar towns; no busy days Impose their troubles in their divers ways. v. Here Virtue is demure ; there s Health, whose hair Sports round enduring blushes ; near is Hope, With secret presence in her wizard air ; Patience reclines upon a mossy slope, And now she reads absorbed, and now she dozes; Some are beguiled as humor them disposes. VI. Here Youth, imbrowned with tan, moves quickly by Enters Manhood Wisdom s secluded cell; Energy near is ready forth to hie ; Courage before leads to a rugged dell ; And patriarchal Age, his dame beside, Goes to and fro contentment typified! VII. Possesses each a vista clear before ; Each knows to use those boons by Time bestowed Each summons up his courage to explore The broad Beyond upon the Royal Road Of earth, with purposes which generate A love of calm, of truth, of final fate. THE A P PI AN IV A Y. 95 THE APPIAN WAY. HPHE Way eternal is; though some remote Consider it not so! in every sphere It is, combining with itself the note Of song above with sense of what is here, To help thought up to noblest altitude, To find that peopled deemed a solitude. ii. The Way leads forward through an arbored aisle Of bearing vines, whose stems are decked with fruit Worthy a king s choice flasket ; where to while Their hours oft vintagers resort when hoot Grave owls ; when Night, shade-mantled, comes to mourn About the hills with mellow-noted horn. in. The Dawn beholds a few who tread the Way, Their heed engaged upon a point on high They ve heard of oft, and certain to display Outlines at last consoling to the eye. So on they push, hardships to undergo, Their end to gain, as summits o er them glow. IV. Index-boards here and there, with festoons wrought Into arising verdant coils, up guide ; As hill-born brooklets, with their sparkles fraught, 96 CLASSICAL POEMS. Spread forth mild flowage that down channels glide A high flamingo flies, in scarlet furled, As if emerging from dim Afric s world. v. Still upward leads the Way. The airy hall Of Morn no equal has for such a life ! From concord-breathing glens issues a call And tells of sylvan bounds with shepherds rife ; Next sounds commingle far, and mildly roll Like spirit-joys proceeding to a goal. VI. Delay not near that hillock green and trim Briefly to recognize those buds serene ; They to much worth espoused conceive a whim To shy from sight and be as things unseen ; But yonder push to that excelling seat With other hours than man s from yore replete. There s calm about within an area vast To make the bosom with reflections glow Most fit to form impressions to outlast Mere musings of a moment s come and go; A calm to plant those sterling traits within That rise until to stable strength akin. VIII. There are events combined with sober day In solitude among deep forest boughs, THE STATUE. 97 Where spirits seem to hover and delay, To murmur of a now that Time endows ; To bid ambition forthwith know repose Body and soul their opposition close. IX. There wayfarers remain ; averse they feel Unto experience prior, most prone to press Them from those earnest studies that reveal The latitude of higher consciousness A succor pleasing, seen of that without Which them contrived to keep in years of doubt. THE STATUE. i. TTPON a worldly highway was a stone Of marble smooth that long forgotten lay , The Winter frigid claimed it for its own, Impressing blots for Time to wash away; The Summer torrid, with a fickle sway, Blew rain or dust upon it noon by noon Until it seemed a corse denied a burial boon. n. Great throngs of people journeyed to and fro : Philosophers with wisdom in their mien ; Merchants, some scowling, others all aglow ; 98 CLASSICAL POEMS. Soldiers off duty, easy and serene ; Heroes, statesmen, each with ambition keen ; Lawyers, artists, scholars ; beggars beside Bankers and nobles spurring horses eager-eyed. in. In all this multitude not one down cast A look of sympathy upon the stone; It was a relic from a distant past Endowed with form, although but slightly shown (Like a body with a soul to beauty prone), For Art to shape unto a semblance new That would suggest to man an ideal meaning true. IV. A youth demure of penetrative strain Beheld the marble pariah. His breast, Exalted by ambition s wise disdain Of hours misused, long felt its plight unblest; Next schemes and dreams disturbed his nights of rest; He strived for strength to wrestle from its doom A monitory form a mission to assume. v. At last, surrounded by a doubting tribe, He wrought with chisel-chippings on the stone ; Advisements held he often to imbibe From purest elements of self a tone To mark the image with a seeming own Of goodness, beauty, united to a charm, To woo a busy world from evil s mighty harm. THE STATUE. 99 VI. Time aftor time he labored at his task; Denied himself the pleasures of the throng, As some, perhaps with gibes, would stop to ask Pointless questions, next smile and deem him wrong; His earnest will was adequately strong, Nor swerved a day most like a growing oak That firmly stood when stormy mock ries o er it broke. VII. Behold ! a shape at last was there in view; A figure formed from strokes of firmest will ; It seemed a being noble through and through A something rare to waken and to thrill With face benign, and fitted to instil Deep tongueless thoughts with dialect of art Well known to those who speak the language of the heart. Anon a square pedestal he contrived; Beside its base minutest germs were strown, That grew to buds and next as flowers thrived ; And then the form he heaved with brawny skill Up to its place superior on a hill ; Around the whole a guardian hedge was thrown, Watchful to prick with thorns the reckless finger-bone. IX. He next upon the smooth pedestal cut, "Una ! " that all the people might behold Through it one whom they had to slavery put : 100 CLASSICAL POEMS. A maid unworthy of their ways of gold A doe within a boa s devouring fold A head downcast a voice to utter wee A door unhinged to creak, world-winds assailed it so. x. The statue, standing by the highway wide, With right extended arm directed feet Toward a narrow road diverging, spied Afar connected with a cool retreat, Where laurels rose about a temple s seat ; Where deep recesses near denoted life, Secure from din, with wholesome fruitage rife. XI. There day by day to point pale Una stood, As on her gleams descended from the blue ; There night by night, dimmed by vicissitude (For thunder-storms hid stars and off withdrew), The flow of life she sought with effort true To move from gloom a sunshine to attain To roll in channels right to seek truth s main. XII. The multitude, oft mingling to and fro, With curious ken the noble figure viewed ; With steps indifferent some faltered, though They with its meaning failed to be imbued; The mass went to a city murky-hued; Yet none, alas ! unto the temple near, Its green repose amid an Eden atmosphere. THE ISLAND. " . XIII. From a wilderness afar a demon came, By Una grinned a dismal hour or more, Until she seemed to tremble through her frame, Hence to his goal his awkward aspect bore. In turn an angel from the azure o er Came meekly down, and in her shadow shed A tear of condolence before she homeward sped. XIV. The youth, now grown to manhood prime, retired To spend his days within the temple nigh, To dedicate himself to moods inspired ; Leaving the statue in neglect, to lie A cumbrous ruin stretched the highway by Its pieces vain confusedly at large, An easy prey for Age of burial means in charge. THE ISLAND, i. A PART from worldly schemes that often mar, Or give ambition but a passing shade ; Apart from plights that noble aims debar, And leave self low self higher to degrade : O er such supreme the Fancy, prone to roam, Now leads to limits formed for souls who turn from home. " I b 2 * " " : : ; * CLASSICS L POEMS. An isle it is within a foreign sphere, Enriched by Truth ; where Goodness has all day, Where Evil has no night. To deem it near Tis ease, and strange beguilement to portray This air-born picture coming slowly to instil, With sheen touched o er not native to art s human skill. There is a meadow with a river by ; Cygnets and water-fowls move to and fro ; Barges and barks with silken sails supply Beguiling rides as odored breezes blow, As vestal Echo to the ear affords, From rocky bourns remote, her sylvan-sounding words. There are smooth paths of shade beside the stream ; These scholars screen who turn to banks to muse ; Or converse hold in groups on some apt theme ; Or to light ways inclined a number choose To watch the cygnets on the current slow Kissing the eddies clear that to their bosoms flow. in. There is a grove whose verdure low and high Shelters the feathered nest from noontide glows. The many hymns of birds address the sky ; How happy-throated the harmony flows ! The Day ensouled the inspiration feels, And throbs as does a nun when she to prayer steals. THE ISLAND. 103 Here flowers wild in bushy settlement Regal affairs conduct in courtly state ; But some with eyes idolatrous upbent Implore a shade above, as if of late A juggling god within a cloud of gold Had rained down magic hues their petals to unfold. IV. Thickets of palm excel with smooth retreats ; Near orange groves their golden fruitage drop ; Hedges of figs unmask their seeded sweets ; Stand trees in rows, each has a burdened prop, O er which hang blossoms white, and fall below Into the lap of earth, like flakes of Autumn snow. Vineyards abound where grapes from coverts peep Each cluster rare immures the coming wine ; It yearns to break the purple walls, to leap Into bright bowls, and gayly to combine Itself with noise, joyance and festal song, To charm the palate with its spirit keen and strong. v. A road leads here and there. The distant ways Are broadly spread. The bees their sweets imbibe Within the girdle of a valley s maze, Where butterflies, a Gypsy, careless tribe, Range in the circle of an aerial calm, Free from urchin ardor pursuing to impalm. 104 CLASSICAL POEMS. A field within the vale bears bearded corn ; Another oaks, where plays with music true A brook about a bank, on which adorn The azure cups of buds bedecked with dew, Or blooms most bright, there dropped by hand unseen Of warm-breathed South when once she faltered o er the scene. VI. Beyond are forest-trees aflush with life ; The sun appears them calmly to observe. Within their shades what subtile airs are rife i An indescribable, unique reserve A mysterious instinct of earth that clothes Itself in robes of green encrowned with heaven s glows. It is a forest huge a choice supreme, In which a Diana might hap to ride At noon upon a steed out-breathing steam; Or blow her horn ; or deem that were beside The hamadryads deem that they her viewing Would pallid turn forthwith, their envy her pursuing. VII. Another spot is gained. See hedges old Where osiers bear their heavy burdens well; Hear torrent-murmurs far, all downward rolled, That mingle with the tinkles of a bell; Mark offspring mounts, evoking sweet surprise, Some seen with humble huts arranged companion-wise. THE ISLAND. 105 The smoke arises from those moss-roofed haunts. There dwell those who in routines rural go; They breathe and wonder, knowing not the daunts Of spendthrift hopes that men impov rish so; On homebred things they daily place their mind, And bid to civil arts their eyes be half-purblind. VIII. Anon is seen a youth hard by a tree; He wields a pipe; within his meadow-sphere He pours a tone of happy harmony. By him five lambs are subjects of his cheer ; They move aloof, their strength to exercise, But backward come ere long his sounds to idolize. Hard by a garden choice of mixed perfumes Invites a maiden form to move around Its labyrinths; she gleans rare crimson blooms And weaves them into wreaths. Something profound Upon her brow depicts pure thoughts within, And speaks of her as one to tender things akin. IX. Beside a road well sheltered from the heat, By rows of ancient oaks, with passive air, A marble lion is; between its feet A lamb reposes lo ! a happy pair! A chiseled figure crowned with heaven s rays, Whereon the hand of Age no Vandal mark displays. 106 CLASSICAL POEMS. A fane not far is by thick laurel shades; There Priestess Peace imparts her truth to guide; A composure demure within her aids To hold each one a student at her side; Her speech as potent is; both join to give A store of thoughts that eke, once eked show how to live. x. A group stands where the fane its shadow throws; Their features grave are with expressions fraught; They talk of wealth, of Time s most true repose, Of worldly goods with wasted efforts bought, Of specious hopes that urge aspiring man His life s allotted date with restless years to span. Yet hold they that a pow r, although not known, Upward from birth deep minds to aid surround, Infusing day by day a dreamy tone, That moves each one to something vague, profound, Whereby he may sojourn in castles rare, In foreign regions true, yet naught material there. XI. Nestling within a glen ascending back To mountain roads and wild and lofty seats, A little town is by a shoreward track ; Here house near house confronts three broad-laid streets, Where sailors dwell, a stern and humble class, Who half their rugged years upon the ocean pass. BEFORE AND AFTER THE VOYAGE. 107 Sea-fowls contend with wind and water, prone To bathe their feathers in a briny bay; Agile and reckless, pleasure is their own, Nor do they it abuse with vain delay, But homeward hie betime among cliffs bare, Where climbing vines alone approach their refuge rare. XII. Throw forth the gaze afar above the wave, Where mullets gay and golden fishes roam ; Where sea-nympths once upswelled ( tis said) to lave Their hair s redundance in the hoary foam ; An eager fleet now comes, with gathered might From balmy winds, to reach this island of delight. Between small isles, on which are cypress spires, They come, emerging from a current wide, From a great world of dearth and foiled desires, That strips men bare of all aspiring pride ; Where motley throngs of anxious people go Confusedly around a huge, delusive show. BEFORE AND AFTER THE VOYAGE, i. ~Y/~Y argosy, go seek strange Fortune s main ; There in far voyage hail an island shore; There let thy crew the island depths explore, In earth s deep mine dislodge bright golden grain io8 CLASSICAL POEMS. Wherewith to forge a pure, encircling chain ; Oh, bring me furthermore a floral store (Such as Pomona meek might half adore), Nice silks, quaint gauds and fruits of hybrid strain. Well would each largess charm Olivia dear. My argosy, hence of fresh sails make sure ; Prepare repelling dangers to endure Surges uproar at daybreak lacking cheer. But what are daunts by treasures to procure With which to grace her form without a peer ? ii. My argosy s come home. What freight of ore ! What silks produced with craftsman s choicest skill ! What tropic blooms impressing with a thrill ! What fruits out-blushing fabled ones of yore ! Olivia fair, the sail these homeward bore That thou mightst turn their service to thy will, Yet be to all a sceptred presence still, Ruling with grace thy kingdom spreading more. But after all, this wealth seems not designed To give meet setting to thy woman s worth ; And, too, appears at times the motive blind That would deck thee with what by thee is dearth: For so endowed thy beauty and thy mind They simply move the world t was so from birth. 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