A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS NEWARK, NEW JERSEY 1919 CENTS A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS FOURTH REVISION 30th THOUSAND COMPILED BY THE NEWARK FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY NEWARK, NEW JERSEY THE BAKER PRINTING COMPANY 1919 This list has been used as here shown : 1,000 Dec., 1904, Newark, N. J., Library. 500 Dec., 1904, New Jersey Public Library Commission. 2,000 Jan., 1005, Newark, N. J., Library. 1,000 Jan., 1905, Brooklyn, N. Y., Library. 1,000 Feb., 1005, Cossitt Library, Memphis, Term. 200 Feb., 1905, Nebraska Public Library Commission. 250 Feb., 1905, Scrantom, Wetmore & Co., Rochester, N. Y. 1,000 Feb., 1005, Forbes Library, Northampton, Mass. Feb., 1905, Reprinted in the New Hampshire Bulletin of Public Libraries. 1,000 Mar., 1905, Toledo, Ohio, Library. loo Mar., 1005, Minnesota State Library Commission. 1,000 Apr., 1005, Washington, D. C, Library. 1,000 Apr., 1905, Louisville, Ky., Library. loo July, 1005, Utica, N. Y., Library. 750 Mar., 1006, Newark, N. J., Library. 3,000 (Revised) July, 1906, Newark, N. J., Library. 1,000 (Revised.) Aug., 1906, Toledo, Ohio, Library. 1,000 (Revised.) Aug., 1906, Reuben McMillan Library, Youngs- town, Ohio. 300 (Revised) Aug., 1006, St. Joseph, Mo., Library. 500 (Revised.) Aug., 1006, Braddock, Pa., Library. IOO (Revised.) Oct., 1006, Indianapolis, Ind., Library. 200 (Revised.) Nov., 1506, Rockford, 111., Library. 100 (Revised) Jan., 1907, Cincinnati, Ohio, Library. 100 (Revised.) May, 1907, Sacramento, Cal., State Library. 120 (Revised) June, 1907, East Orange, N. J., Library. 100 (Revised.-) *Sept, 1907, Bing.lja*mton, N. Y., Library. 2,000 (Second Revision) Jan.,' lA^oS," Newark, N. J., Library. 1,000 (Second Revision) Jan., 1008, Toledo, Ohio, Library. 1,000 (Second Revision)- Jan', jgu6, 'Louisville, Ky., Library. loo (Second Revision) Apr., 1908, Binghamton, N. Y., Library. 150 (Second Revision) April., 1908, Minnesota Library Com- mission. loo (Second Revision) Apr., 1908, Ann Arbor, Mich., Univ. Library. 100 (Second Revision) Aug., 1908, Southbridge, Mass., Library. 300 (Second Revision) Aug., 1908, Seattle, Wash., Library. 1,000 (Second Revision) Dec., 1908, New Britain, Conn., Institute. 1,000 (Second Revision) Dec., 1908, Newark, N. J., Library. 200 (Second Revision) Dec., 1008, Binghamton, N. Y., Library. 2,000 (Third Revision) Jan., 1914, Newark, N. J., Library. 3,000 (Fourth Revision) Jan., 1919, Newark, N. J., Library. INTRODUCTION TO FOURTH EDITION No change has been made in this list for five "years. In pre- paring this edition all books included in the last, that of 1913, were carefully considered, 174 of them were dropped and 173 were added to take their places. (Through an error the 1913 list contained 1,001 titles.) In making these changes we engaged the services of Myron R. Williams, now professor of English at Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, N. H. To him the whole project was sub- mitted, for criticism of the old list and for suggestions for the present one. His work proved most helpful in many ways, and particularly by adding the outlook of the whole field of fiction which is taken by a wide and generous reader and eager student of literature, to the views of the practising librarians, members of the Newark library staff, who were eager to make a list which shall please our own peculiar clientele. The correspond- ence with Mr. Williams was conducted for the library by Miss Marie L. Prevost, our^head cataloger. It was vigorously pressed on both sides and was keenly enjoyed by all of us who kept in touch with it. The result was the inevitable, and to us very admirable, compromise. That Mr. Williams was fairly well content to have the number of changes made as few as 173, is evidence that the old list, itself the product of many hands through several revisions, had no small merit. It should be noted, however, that Mr. Williams, as well as the librarian, and Miss Prevost, and Miss Beatrice Winser, assistant librarian and several assistants, was restrained in his freedom of choice in no small degree by the statements concerning the character of the list which are found in the preface to the first edition, 1904, here reprinted. These statements were accepted by all of us as still binding. That is to say, the list is not Mr. Williams' list ; but is a list to which he can give a fairly generous approval, in view of the limitations set by the purpose for which it is intended. Miss Prevost it should be said, not only made the first copy for the printer, including the examination of editions, publishers' prices, etc.; she also, like Mr. Williams, gave the whole field of fiction, and especially novels of the last five years, a careful review. The list owes much to her work and study. FREE PUBLIC LIBRARY, J. C. D. Newark, N. J. January, 1919. f\ f\ fl ttf f^ A INTRODUCTION TO THE FIRST EDITION Much of the best literature is fiction. Shakespeare's fancy did not burden itself with facts. His history was far less accurate that Winston Churchill's. His imagination waited on his humor, as always in the fabulist. Dogberry's original would be harder to find than David Harum's. All dramas are novels plus a playwright's stage directions. Poetry is fiction first, and then poetry. Chaucer began the great line of English story- tellers; and Hardy and Barrie, and scores of others, are their worthy followers. If printing was a happy thought and books are not a curse, then novels must be praised. They belong, with the dramas and the poems, among the good things which make our heritage ; which unite men by community of thought and feeling; which make it a joy to have the art of reading; and give us simple pleasures, strong emotions, knowledge of our fellows, and sympathy with all mankind. One may live well and be happy and read no stories; but most are wiser, happier and worth more to their fellows for the novels they have read. There is much discussion of the novel and most of it quite profitless. To no two men does life seem the same. Each, if he writes, must report that which he sees. One talks of realism, and professes to give us a transcript of life as it truly is, and for- gets that the life which truly is, for him, is a life no other ever saw or ever can see, and that his own vision set out in words of his own choosing is a part of his own self, and real to no other mind. It pleases some to write the fanciful romances. They lay the scene in fairyland, in Csesar's Rome, in Cromwell's England, or in a Kansas country town, as is to them easy and attractive. If well done they seem true to fact as one reads them. They portray men and women who seem like the men and women of our daily experience. Between this good romance and the best of realistic novels, who can draw a line of separation? And shall the novel have no purpose? May it not try to make a little history more real? To enforce a moral? To plead for some reform? To expose some abuse, gird at some folly, satirize some weakness ? To these questions the sufficient answer is the abounding fact. If trees may grow and birds may sing then A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 5 novels may be as their writers please. Moreover, supply follows demand. Many like their history, sermons, satires, psychology, and all their studies of their fellowmen set forth in fiction, and dramas, poetry and the novel are straightway produced. Why quarrel with this? And why beat the air with a vain discussion of forms, influences and rules and principles? Tom Sawyer is a good story, but its moral is not easily found. Many have found morals in King Lear, and call it also a good tale. Neither story is true. To say both are realistic makes neither better worth reading. To condemn either because it differs from the other is absurd. To read discussions of either by one less a poet than Shakespeare or less a humorist than Twain is a waste of time. And yet as some novels are surely better than others, as well as different from them, it is wise to read chiefly the better ones ; and how shall we distinguish if one does not compare? Are there not principles of literary criticism which one may learn, and then may apply and then may see fiction humbly classify itself into best, good, poor and bad before one's eyes? Because novels pass from the best to the worst by an infinite series of minute gradations are we estopped from saying of any one, this is in the upper ranks, of another, this is in the lower ranks? Within certain limits, yes. Is there no way of telling a good novel when you see one? No, there is not. Here are poems, plays and stones. Their prime purpose is to please. If that statement seems to set too high a value on pleasure and to underestimate teaching and preaching, then we can at least say that if novels do not please they are not read and fail at all points. If they please a few, they are in so far good; if they please many we may call them better. How shall we arrive at a more definite estimate? Is the best poet he who is most read? May we insist that in the rating of the poet's work the character of his readers be considered as well as their number? May a poem or a story prove its greatness by its popularity? Does it lose its greatness as its popularity wanes? Have we a supreme court of fiction? The conclusion of the whole matter is simple. We cannot make rules for pleasures, or regulate taste by laws. Tastes, feel- ings, pleasures come by nature, and they come differently to everyone. They do not come by reason and they do not change to order. A good general guide in art, in belles-lettres, in fiction, 6 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. poetry and drama is this: Those things which have pleased the most people for the longest time are the better. The better book is the one that gives the greater pleasure and those that have long given pleasure not only deserve praise for work done but deserve to be reported as likely to continue to give pleasure. Further, those persons are likely to be better judges of the pleasure-giving capacities of a book who have read many books, who take delight in reading, and so have shown themselves to be sensitive to such matters as style, plot and characterization. The old books, then, which have long been read and enjoyed are prob- ably worth reading again. And of the newer books those are more likely to be worth reading which people with experience, sensitive temperament and brains say are good. This is a preface to a list of good novels. The compilers of it have not assumed to be judges; but have selected from the old books those that seem best as judged by their more frequent use by people of taste and sense, and from the newer books those which the best current criticism points out as best worth while. Accordingly, we call it a list of a thousand of the best novels. It has been selected by the best rule we could discover, the rule of experience. * 41 * afc * * The library buys some of the new novels as issued from month to month and year to year. Most of them lose their popularity in a few months. Copies of them accumulate on the shelves, and the titles swell the catalog. As they wear out they must be replaced, if still in the catalog; and yet they are little wanted. To meet these difficulties we propose to revise the whole list, omit those little used, select good editions of the titles remaining on the list thus reduced and try to keep a good supply of them on hand. The thousand titles herewith form the foundation of such a shortened list. Not all the other 4,000 titles now on the shelves will be dropped but many of them will be gradually, some will be transferred to literature, and some will be retained and their cards kept in the catalog. This list meanwhile will be widely circulated, being offered as a sufficiently large collection for ordinary use. New novels will be purchased as issued as heretofore and the thousand titles will be reprinted in about a year, with such omissions and additions as criticism and good new books make advisable. We have omitted some of those older books which are in every A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 7 library, which no gentleman's library should be without, which everyone knows of and very few read. It seemed unnecessary to reprint their titles here. We wished to cover the whole field and have thought it proper to omit a good many titles from the long lists of such acknowl- edged masters as Scott, Balzac and Hardy and to put in books by lesser men. Thus we may have lowered the grade of the whole a little; but have, we hope, by covering a wider range of writers, made it more interesting. We have come down to date. And because we wish the list to be attractive to the average reader in the average library, we have admitted a good many recent books, whose worth is still open to question. Books for young people, not popular with the elders, we have reserved for a brief supplementary list. The same is true of fairy tales, folklore and books of humor not carrying a strong thread of story. ****** On a list of all the novels in the Newark library, about 5,000 titles, a D was placed opposite all titles found in the list of about i, 800 novels for old and young compiled by the Denver library in 1896. This Denver list was formed by selecting about half of the 3,500 titles which had been purchased by that library during the previous seven years. On the same list an S was then marked opposite all titles found in a list of novels compiled by the City Library, Springfield, Mass., in 1901. This Springfield list was formed by selecting about 1,800 novels for adults from a list of about ten thousand gathered during the previous 40 years. On the same list an A was then marked opposite all titles found in the list of novels for adults, about 800 titles, forming part of the list of 8,000 books for small libraries compiled by the Ameri- can Library Association for the St. Louis Exhibition. This was done from galley proofs, not from the final list. Then the librarian, the first assistant, and the chiefs of the reference and delivery departments and the reading room in the Newark library marked, on this same Newark list, their several initials opposite the 1,000 titles they each preferred. The Newark list was then marked in the same way for a thousand titles, by Miss Medlicott, Reference Librarian of the City Library, Springfield, Mass. 8 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. It was checked by Leypoldt and lies' list of books for girls and women and their clubs. With these several marks as a basis, and following them in most cases, the Newark library then selected about 700 titles as a first draft of the final list. To these titles were added full names, publishers and prices. Most of the marks placed as above described were gathered opposite a total of about 1,400 titles. Of these the 700 selected for a basis were only half. It has been interesting to note that the selection of the 300 titles to complete the 1,000 was much the more difficult part of the task. It seems that about 700 novels may be classed as obviously "good." We think almost any reader would put about 700 of the books in this list in a list of the thousand best which he might compile. About the other 300, opinions would widely differ. These 700 were sent, with a note of explanation, to a number of the librarians of the State, with the request that they criticize and add. On the basis of their replies a few titles were dropped from the first 700. From the titles suggested for addition few in number and from the rejected 700 of the first 1,400, 300 were finally chosen. The completed list of a thousand titles was then put in type and galley proofs were sent to all those who criticized the first proof, and to several others. A few changes were made on the basis of the criticisms returned with these proofs. JOHN COTTON DANA. Newark, N. J., Dec., 1904. A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS Adams, Andy. Log of a cowboy $1.50. Houghton Adams, S. H. The clarion $1.50. Houghton Ade, George. Artie $1.25. Duffield Aguilar, Grace. Home influence $1.00 Appleton Mother's recompense $1.00. Appleton Ainsworth, W. H. Tower of London $.70. Button Alcott, L. M. Little women $i-35- Little Aldrich, T. B. Prudence Palfrey $1.60. Houghton Queen of Sheba $1.60. Houghton Stillwater tragedy $1.60. Houghton Story of a bad boy $1.00. Houghton Alexander, Mrs., pseud, see Hector, Mrs. Annie F. (T.) Allen, J. L. Choir invisible $1.50. Macmillan Kentucky cardinal $1.00. Macmillan Mettle of the pasture $1.50. Macmillan Reign of law $1.50. Macmillan Sword of youth $1.25. Century Altsheler, A. J. Guthrie of the Times $i-35- Doubleday Andersen, H. C. Improvisatore $1.25. Houghton Only a fiddler '. $1.25. Houghton Anstey, F., pseud, see Guthrie T. A. Arblay, Mme. Frances (B.) d'. Evelina $i-75- Macmillan Arnim, Mary A. (B.) Grdfin von. Elizabeth and her German garden $i-75- Macmillan Fraulein Schmidt and Mr. Anstruther $1.50. Macmillan Solitary summer $1.50 Macmillan Atherton, Mrs. Gertrude (F.) The conqueror $1.50. Stokes Julia France and her times $1-35- Stokes Tower of ivory $1.35- Stokes Atkinson, E. H. Greyfriars Bobby $1.25. Harper Audoux, Marguerite. Marie Claire $.60. Oxford Auerbach, Berthold. On the heights $i-75- Holt Austen, Jane. Emma $1.50. Macmillan Mansfield Park $1.50. Macmillan Northanger Abbey $1.50. Macmillan Pride and prejudice $1.50. Macmillan Sense and sensibility $1.50. Macmillan 10 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Austin, Jane G. Betty Alden $i-35. Houghton Nameless nobleman $1.35- Houghton Austin, Mrs. Mary (H.) Isidro $1.50. Houghton Bacheller, I. A. D'ri and I $1.50. Harper Eben Holden , $1.50. Harper Bailey, H. C. The highwayman $1.50. Button Balzac, Honore de. Cesar Birotteau $1.50 Little The Chouans $1.50. Little Country doctor $1.50. Little Cousin Pons $1.50.. Little Eugenie Grandet $1.50. Little Magic skin $1.50. Little Pere Goriot '..... .$1.50. Little Barbusse, Henri. Under fire $1.50. Dutton Barr, Mrs. Amelia E. (H.) Bow of orange ribbon. .$1.25. Dodd Friend Olivia $1.25. Dodd Jan Vedder's wife $1.25. Dodd Maid of Maiden Lane $1.50. Dodd Barr, Robert. Sword maker $75. Grosset Tekla .$1.35. Stokes Barrie, J. M. Little minister $1.00. Burt Little white bird $1.50. Scribner Peter and Wendy $1.50. Scribner Sentimental Tommy $1.50. Scribner Tommy and Grizel. Sequel to Sentimental Tommy. $1.50. Scribner "Bartimeus," pseud, see Ricci, L. A. da C. Bartlett, F. O. Prodigal pro tern $1.50. Small Bates, Arlo. The pagans $1.25. Houghton The puritans $1.50. Houghton Bazin, Rene. Children of Alsace $1.30 Lane Nun ' $1.25. Scribner Redemption $1.25. Scribner Beach, R. E. Barrier $1.50. Harper Silver horde $1.50. Harper The spoilers $1.50. Harper Beerbohm, Max. Zuleika Dobson $.60 Boni & Liveright Bell, J. J. Whither thou goest $.50. Revell Bellamy, Edward. Duke of Stockbridge $1.50. Silver Looking backward ; 2000-1887 $1.25. Houghton Belloc, Hilaire. Green overcoat $1.20. McBride A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 11 Bennett, Arnold. Buried alive $1.25. Doran Clayhanger $1.50. Doran Great man $1.25. Doran Helen with the high hand $1.25. Doran Hilda Lessways $1.50. Doran Old wives' tale ; $1.50. Doran These twain $1.50. Doran Benson, E. F. David Blaize $i-35- Doran Image in the sand $i-35- Lippincott The Osbornes $1.20. Doubleday Benson, R. H. Loneliness $1.50. Dodd Oddsfish $1.50. Dodd Beresford, J. D. These Lynnekers $1.50. Doran Besant, Walter. All sorts and conditions of men. .$1.50. Harper Armorel of Lyonesse $1.50. Harper Children of Gibeon $1.50. Harper and Rice, James. Chaplain of the Fleet $.75. Dutton Bindloss, Harold. Sydney Carteret, rancher $1.35- Stokes Winston of the prairies $1-35- Stokes Birmingham, G. A. pseud, see Hannay, J. O. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Arne $i-35- Macmillan Fisher-maiden $i-35 Macm'llan Happy boy $1-35- Macmillan Black, William. Daughter of Heth $1.25. Harper Judith Shakespeare $1.25. Harper Kilmeny $1.25. Harper Princess of Thule $1.25. Harper Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone $1.00. Harper Perlycross $i-5o v Harper Springhaven $1.50. Harper Blackwood, Algernon. The wave $1.50. Dutton Boldrewood, Rolf, pseud, see Browne, T. A. Bordeaux, Henry. Fear of living ; $1.60. Dutton Boucicault, Dion, see Reade, Charles & Boucicault, Dion Bourget, Paul. Night cometh $1.50. Putnam Boyesen, H. H. Gunnar $i.3S- Scribner Bread-winners. Anon $i-35- Harper Bronte, Charlotte, see Nicholls, Mrs. Charlotte (B.) Brown, Alice. Bromley neighborhood $1.50. Macmillan John Winterbourne's family $1.50. Houghton The Mannerings $1.50. Houghton 12 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Margaret Warrener $1.50. Houghton The prisoner . $1.50. Macmillan Brown, W. G., ed. Gentleman of the South $1.50. Macmillap Browne, T. A. (Rolf Boldrewood) Robbery under arms $i-75- Macmillan Brush, Christine C. Colonel's opera cloak $1.50. Little Bryant, Marguerite. Christopher Hibbault, roadmaker, $1.35. Duffield Buchan, John. Greenmantle $i-35- Doran Buckrose, Mrs. J. E. Down our street $1.50. Putnam Buerstenbinder, Elizabeth (E. Werner). Saint Michael .$.60. Lippincott Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L., baron Lytton. The Caxtons. 2v. $2.50. Little Harold, the last of the Saxon kings $1.25. Little Kenelm Chillingly $1.50. Estes Last days of Pompeii $1.25. Little Last of the barons. 2v $2.50. Little My novel. 3v $375- Little Rienzi $1.25. Little Bunner, H. C. The midge $1.50. Scribner Burnett, Mrs. Frances E. (H.). Lost prince $1-35. Century Secret garden -$i-35. Stokes The shuttle $1.50. Stokes T. Tembarom $1.40. Century That lass o' Lowrie's .$1.35. Scribner Burnham, Mrs. Clara L. (R.) Dr. Latimer $1.35. Houghton Sweet clover $i-35- Houghton Butler, Samuel. Way of all flesh $1.50. Dutton Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage $i-35 Houghton Begum's daughter $i-35- Houghton Cable, G. W. Dr. Sevier $1.50. Scribner The Grandissimes. $1.50. Scribner Caine, T. H. H. The bondman $1.40. Appleton The Christian $1.40. Appleton The Manxman $1.40. Appleton Calthrop, D. C. Perpetua $1.30. Lane Cameron, Margaret. Involuntary chaperon $1.50. Harper Canfield, Dorothy, see Fisher, Mrs. D. F. (C.) Cannan, Gilbert. Three sons and a mother $1.50. Doran Carey, Rosa N. Not like other girls $1.00. Burt A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 13 Caskoden, Edwin, pseud, see Major, Charles. Castle, Mrs. Agnes S. & Castle, Egerton. Bath comedy. $1.50. Stokes Pride of Jennico $1.50. Macmillan Gather, W. S. Song of the lark $1.50. Houghton Gather wood, Mrs. Mary (H.) Lazarre $1.50. Bobbs Romance of Dollard $1.25. Century Story of Tonty $1.25. McClurg Cervantes, S. M. de. Don Quixote; retold by E. A. Parry. $1.50. Lane Chambers, R. W. Cardigan $1.50. Harper Lorraine $1.50. Harper The reckoning $1.40. Appleton Red republic $1.50. Putnam Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth (R.) Schonberg-Cotta family. $l.oo. Burt Chase, Daniel. Flood tide $1.50. Macmillan Chatrian, Alexander, see Erckmann, Ernile & Chatrian, Alexandre. Chester, G. R. Making of Bobby Burnit $1.50. Bobbs Young Wallingford $1.50. Bobbs Child, R. W. Jim Hands $1.50. Macmillan Cholmondeley, Mary. Danvers jewels, and Sir Charles Danvers. $1.25. Harper Red pottage $1.50. Harper Churchill, Winston. The crisis $1.50. Macmillan The crossing $1.50. Macmillan Far country $1.50. Macmillan The inside of the cup $1.50. Macmillan Mr. Crewe's career $1.50. Macmillan Modern chronicle $1.50. Macmillan Richard Carvel $1.50. Macmillan Clarke, M. A. H. For the term of his natural life. .$.25. Laird Clemens, S. L. (Mark Twain). Adventures of Tom Sawyer. $1.75. Harper Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court. . .$1.75. Harper Huckleberry Finn $1.75- Harper Pudd'nhead Wilson $i-75- Harper Coburn, Mrs. Eleanor H. (A). Molly Make-Believe. $1.00. Century Collins, W. W. Armadale . . .- $1.25. Harper Man and wife $1.25. Harper 14 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. The moonstone $1.25. Harper New Magdalen $1.25. Harper Woman in white . $1.25. Harper Comfort, W. L. Last ditch . '-$1.35. Doran Lot and company .$1.25. Doran Red fleece $1.25. Doran Connolly, J. B. The seiners $1.50. Scribner Connor, Ralph, pseud, see Gordon, C. W. Conrad, Joseph. Lord Jim $1.50. Doubleday Nostromo $1.50. Harper Shadow line $i-35. Doubleday Victory $1.50. Doubleday Cooke, J. E. Surry of Eagle's Nest $.75. Donohue Cooper, J. F. Leather stocking tales : The deerslayer $1.25. Putnam The pathfinder $1.25. Putnam Last of the Mohicans $1.25. Putnam The spy $1.25. Putnam Coppee, F. E. J. The rivals $.50. Harper Corelli, Marie. Romance of two worlds $1.00. Burt Thelma $1.00. Burt Cotes, Mrs. Sarah J. (D.) Those delightful Americans. $1.40. Appleton Couch, A. T. Quiller-. Foe Farrell $1.50. Macmillan Fort Amity $i-35 Scribner Lady Good-for-Nothing $1.20. Scribner Major Vigoureux $1.50. Scribner Nicky-Nan, reservist $i-35- Appleton Splendid spur $1.25. Scribner True Tilda .....' $1.50. Scribner Couperus, L. M. A. Small souls $i-35- Dodd Craddock, Charles Egbert, pseud, see Murfree, Mary N. Craigie, Mrs. Pearl (R.) (John Oliver Hobbes). Robert Orange. $1.50. Stokes Craik, Mrs. Dinah M. (M.) John Halifax, gentleman. $1.00. Harper Crane, Stephen. Red badge of courage $1.00. Appleton Crawford, F. M. Corleone, Sequel to Don Orsino. $1.50. Macmillan Don Orsino. Sequel to Sant' liario $1.50. Macmillan Mr. Isaacs $1.50. Macmillan A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 15 Paul Patoff $1.50. Macmillan Roman Singer $1.50. Macmillan Sant' Ilario. Sequel to Saracinesca $1.50. Macmillan Saracinesca $1.50. Macmillan Crockett, S. R. Lilac sunbonnet $1.40. Appleton The raiders $1.50. Macmillan Stickit minister $1.50. Macmillan Cross, Mrs. Mary A. (E.) L. (George Eliot). Adam Bede. $1.25. Little Daniel Deronda. 2v $2.50. Little Felix Holt, the radical $1.25. Little Middlemarch $1.00. Burt Mill on the Floss $1.25. Little Romola $1.25. Little Silas Marner $1.25. Little Curtis, G. W. Prue and I $1.00. Burt Curtiss, P. E. The ladder $1.50. Harper Daudet, Alphonse. Jack. 2v $2.50. Little Kings in exile $1.25. Little Davis, R. H. Soldiers of fortune $1.50. Scribner White mice $1-35- Scribner Davis, W. S., Friend of Caesar $1.50. Macmillan Dawson, Coningsby. The garden without walls $1.40. Holt The raft ..$1.40. Holt Day, H. F. King Spruce $1.50. Harper Red Lane $1.50. Harper Defoe, Daniel. Adventures of Robinson Crusoe. $1.40. Macmillan Dehan, Richard, pseud, see Graves, Clotilde. Deland, Mrs. Margaret W. (C.) Awakening of Helena Richie. $1.50. Harper Iron woman $1.50. Harper John Ward, preacher $1-35. Houghton De la Pasture, Mrs. Elizabeth (B.) Peter's mother. $1.60. Dutton DeMille, James. Dodge club $1.00. Harper Strange manuscript found in a copper cylinder. $1.25. Harper De Morgan, William. Alice-for-Short $1.75- Holt Joseph Vance $1.75- Holt Likely story $1.75- Holt Somehow good $i-75. Holt De Selincourt, Hugh. Soldier of life $1.50. Macmillan 16 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Dickens, C. J. H. Barnaby Rudge $i-7S. Macmillan David Copperfield $1-75. Macmillan Dombey and son $i-75- Macmillan Great expectations $1-75- Macmillan Martin Chuzzlewit $1-75- Macmillan Nicholas Nickleby $1.75. Macmillan Old curiosity shop $i-75- Macmillan Oliver Twist $i-75- Macmillan Our mutual friend $i-75- Macmillan Pickwick papers $i-75- Macmillan Tale of .two cities $i-75- Macmillan Dillon, Mrs. Mary C. (J.) Miss Livingston's companion. $1.30. Century Disraeli, Benjamin, earl of Beacon $1.50. Scribner Rudder Grange $1-35. Scribner Stowe, Mrs. Harriet E. (B.) Minister's wooing. $1.60. Houghton Uncle Tom's cabin $1.60. Houghton Stringer, Arthur. Door of dread $1.50. Bobbs Hand of peril $1.50. Bobbs Strunsky, Simeon. Professor Latimer's progress. . .$1.40. Holt Stuart, Ruth McE. Napoleon Jackson $1.00. Century Sonny $1.00. Century Suderman } Hermann. Dame Care $1.25. Harper Regina $.50. Lane Sue, M. J. called Eugene, Mysteries of Paris $1.25. Burt Wandering Jew ! $1.25. Burt Suttner, Frau Bertha (K.) "Ground arms" $1.25. McClurg Swinnerton, Frank. Nocturne $1.40. Doran Taffrail, pseud. Pincher Martin, A. D $1.50. Houghton Tarkington, Booth. Gentleman from Indiana $.75. Grosset Monsieur Beaucaire $1.20. Doubleday 32 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Penrod $.75. Grosset Seventeen $1.50. Harper The turmoil $1.50. Harper Tautphoeus, Jemima M. Freiherrin von. The initials. $1.00. Burt Quits $1.00. Lipp Taylor, Bayard. Story of Kennett $i.5O.Putnam Thackeray, W. M. Henry Esmond $1-75. Macmillan The Newcomes $i-75. Macmillan Pendennis j $1-75. Macmillan Vanity fair $1.75- Macmillan The Virginians $1-75. Macmillan Thanet, Octave, pseud, see French, Alice. Thompson, Maurice. Alice of old Vincennes $.75. Grosset Thurston, E. T. City of Beautiful Nonsense $2.00. Dodd Thufston, Mrs. Katherine C. The masquerader. .$1.50. Harper' Tolstoy, L. N.j count. Anna Karenina $1.50. Crowell Master and man $.70. Button Resurrection $1.50. Dodd Sebastopol $1.00. Harper War and peace. 4v. in 2 $3.00. Crowell Tooker, L. F. Under rocking skies $1.50. Century Tracy, Louis. Wings of the morning $1.50. Clode Train, Arthur. Butler's stpry $1.25. Scribner McAllister and his double $1.50. Scribner World and Thomas Kelly $1.50. Scribner Trollope, Anthony. Barchester Towers $.75. Longmans Dr. Thome $.70. Dutton Framley parsonage $.70. Dutton Last chronicle of Barset < $2.00. Dutton Orley Farm, 3v $3-75- Dodd Phineas Finn, 2v $2.50. Macmillan Small house at Allington $.70. Dutton The warden $.75. Longmans Turgenief, I. S. Fathers and children $1.00. Macmillan Rudin $1.00. Macmillan Smoke $1.00. Macmillan Virgin soil. 2v $2.00. Macmillan Tuttiett, Mary G. (Maxwell Grey). Silence of Dean Maitland. $1.00. Burt Twain, Mark, pseud, see Clemens, S. L. A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 33 Vachell, H. A. Blinds down $1.20. Doran Fishpingle $1-35- Dcran The hill $1.50. Dodd Quinney's $1.25. Doran Triumph of Tim $1.40. Doran Vance, L. J. Black bag $1.50. Bobbs Brass bowl $1.50. Bobbs Fortune hunter $1.50. Dodd Venable, E. C. Pierre Vinton $1.00. Scribner Verga, Giovanni. House by the medlar tree $1.25. Harper Verne, Jules. Around the world in eighty days $1.00. Burt From the earth to the moon $1.00. Burt Michael Strogoff $1.00. Burt Mysterious island $1.00. Burt Twenty thousand leagues under the sea $1.00. Burt Viaud, L. M. J. (Pierre Loti). Disenchanted. .$1.50. Macmillan Iceland fisherman $1.00. McClurg Madame Chrysantheme $2.00. Dutton Viele, H. K. Heartbreak Hill $1.50. Duffield Inn of the Silver Moon $1.25. Duffield Last of the Knickerbockers $1.50. Duffield Myra of the pines $1.50. Duffield Voynich, Mrs. Ethel L. (B.) The gadfly $1.25. Holt Walford, Mrs. Lucy B. (C.) Baby's grandmother. $1.00. Longmans Mr. Smith ." $1.00. Longmans Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur $1.50. Harper Fair god $1.50. Houghton Waller, Mary E. Flamsted quarries $1.50. Little Sanna $1.50. Little Wood-carver of 'Lympus $1.50. Little Walpole, Hugh. Dark forest $i-35- Doran Maradick at forty $i-35- Doran Ward, Mr s. Elizabeth S. (P.) Doctor Zay. .. .$1.35. Houghton Singular life $1-35. Houghton Story of Avis $1.50. Houghton Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, see Ward, Mrs. Mary A. (A.) Ward, Mrs. Mary A. (A.) Eleanor $1.50. Harper Fenwick's career $1.50. Harper Lady Rose's daughter $1.50. Harper Marcella $1.25. Macmillan 34 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Robert Elsmere $1.25. Macmillan Sir George Tressady $1.50. Macmillan Ware, William. Zenobia $1.50. Estes Warner, C. D. Golden house. Sequel to Little journey in the world $2.00. Harper Little journey in the world $1.50. Harper That fortune. Sequel to Golden house $1.50. Harper Warren, Samuel. Ten thousand a year $1.25. Burt Wason, R. A. Happy Hawkins $1.50. Small Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab $.50. Flanagan Watson, H. B. M. Big fish. $1.25. Little Twisted eglantine $1.20. Methuen Watson, J. M. (Ian Maclaren). Beside the bonnie brier bush. $1.50. Dodd Watts, Mary S. Boardman family $1.50. Macmillan Nathan Burke < $1.50. Macmillan Webster, H. K. The butterfly $1-35. Appleton Real adventure $i-35- Grosset Whispering man $1.40. Appleton and Merwin, Samuel. Calumet "K" $1.50. Macmillan The short line war $1.50. Macmillan Webster, Jean. Daddy-Long-Legs $1.00. Century Dear enemy $1.30. Century Wells, H. G. History of Mr. Polly. $1.50. Duffield Kipps $1.50. Scribner Marriage $1.50. Duffield Mr. Britling sees it through $1.60. Macmillan New Machiavelli .$1.50. Duffield Research magnificent $1.50. Macmillan The time machine $1.00. Holt Tono-Bungay $1.50. Duffield War of the worlds $1.50. Harper Wemyss, Mrs. M. C. E. Impossible people $1.50. Houghton Werner, E., pseud, see Buerstenbinder, Elizabeth. Westcott, E. N. David Harum $1.40. Appleton Weyman, S. J. Count Hannibal $1.50. Longmans Gentleman of France .$1.25. Longmans House of the wolf $1.25. Longmans Long night ... $1-35- Doubleday Under the red robe $1.25. Longmans Wharton, Mrs. Edith (J.). Fruit of the tree $1.50. Scribner A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. 35 House of mirth $1.50. Scribner The reef $1.40. Appleton Wherry, Edith. Red lantern $1.40. Lane Whitaker, Herman. The planter $1.40. Harper White, Eliza O. John Forsyth's aunts $1.50. Houghton White, S. E. Blazed trail ..$1.35. Doubleday Claim jumpers $i-35. Doubleday The forest $1.50. Doubleday Gold $1.35. Doubleday Gray dawn $1.35'. Doubleday Riverman * $.75. Grosset Rules of the game $1.40. Doubleday Silent places $.75. Grosset Whitechurch, V. L. Canon in residence $1.20. Baker Left in charge $1.20. Doubleday Whitlock, Brand. Happy average $1.50. Bobbs I3th district $1.50. Bobbs Turn of the balance $1.50. Bobbs Whitney, Mrs. Adeline D. (T.) Ascutney Street. $1.35. Houghton Wiggin, Mrs. Kate D. (S.) Cathedral courtship and Penelope's English experiences $1.10. Houghton Penelope's progress $1.25. Houghton Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm. $1.30. Houghton Wilkins, Mary E. Jane Field $1.25. Harper Jerome, a poor man $1.50. Harper Pembroke ^ $1.40. Harper Portion of labor $1.40. Harper Williams, F. C. J. Devlin boss $1.50. Lothrop Williams, Frederick Benton, pseud, see Hamblen, H. E. Williams, J. L. Married life of the Frederic Carrols. $1.50. Scribner Williamson, C. K. & Williamson, Mrs. Alice M. (L.) Lightning conductor $1.50. Holt My friend the chauffeur $1-35- Doubleday Willsie, Mrs. H. McC. Still Jim. : $1.35. Stokes Wilson, H. L. Ruggles of Red Gap $.75. Grosset Wister, Owen. Lady Baltimore $1.50. Macmillan Lin McLean $1.50. Harper The Virginian $1.50. Macmillan Wood, Mrs. E. P. East Lynne $1.00. Burt 36 A THOUSAND OF THE BEST NOVELS. Woolson, Constance F. Anne $!-35- Harper East Angels $i-35- Harper For the major $1-35. Harper Jupiter lights $i-35. Harper Wright, H. B. Winning of Barbara Worth. .$1.30. Book Supply Wright, Mabel (O.) Poppea of the post-office. $1.50. Macmillan Wright, Mary T. The tower $1-35- Scribner Yonge, Charlotte M. Daisy chain $i-75. Macmillan Dove in the eagle's nest $i-75- Macmillan Heir of Redclyffe $1-75- Macmillan Young, Rose E. Henderson $i-3S- Houghton Zangwill, Israel. Mantle of Elijah $1.50. Harper The master $i-75- Harper Zola, Emile. Doctor Pascal $1.50. Macmillan The downfall $1.50. Macmillan Lourdes $.87. Chatto Paris. 2v $2.00. Macmillan